{"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Need religious correspondent to remove line on possible cathedral location (7)","output":"### Answer: PAUCITY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Need\n \"Paul\"(religious correspondent\/writer of the Epistles\/Letters of Paul, some of the books in the New Testament of the Bible) **minus**(to remove) \"l\"(abbrev. for \"line\") **plus**(on) CITY(a town created a city by charter, and usually containing a cathedral\/a possible cathedral location).\nDefn: \u2026\/a lack of."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Family man failing to finish off poisoner is set free (7)","output":"### Answer: UNCLASP \n ### Explanation: Definition: set free\n \"uncle\"(a family man\/a blood relation) **minus ****its last letter**(failing to finish off) + ASP(a poisoner\/a poisonous creature, specifically, this variety of snake)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Novice losing footing in alpine region (4)","output":"### Answer: TYRO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Novice\n \"Tyrol\"(an alpine region, specifically, in West Austria and North Italy) **minus ****its last letter **(losing footing \u2026, in a down clue)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mirror supplies base to support Independent publication (5)","output":"### Answer: IMAGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Mirror\n E(in maths, an abstract number that is the base for natural logarithms) **placed below**(to support, in a down clue) [ I(abbrev. for \"Independent\", a non-member of any political party) + MAG(short for \"magazine\", a periodical publication) ].\nDefn: \u2026\/a thing regarded as an accurate representation of something else, as in \"the eyes are the mirror of the soul\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dependants damn individual short of capital (7-2)","output":"### Answer: HANGERS-ON \n ### Explanation: Definition: Dependants\n HANG!(like \"damn!\", an expression of anger or frustration at someone or something) + \"person\"(an individual\/someone) **minus ****its 1st letter**(short of capital)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Artfully rig agendas to create unjustly favourable impression (10)","output":"### Answer: AGGRANDISE \n ### Explanation: Definition: to create unjustly favourable impression\n **Anagram of**(Artfully) RIG AGENDAS."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Following a particular plan could become mechanistic without sources of novel ideas (9)","output":"### Answer: SCHEMATIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: Following a particular plan\n **Anagram of**(could become) [ \"mechanistic\" **minus ****1st letters, respectively, of**(without sources of) \"novel ideas\" ]."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Undertake surprise audit to identify arrangement of men on board (4-5)","output":"### Answer: SPOT-CHECK \n ### Explanation: Definition: Undertake surprise audit\n SPOT(to identify\/to recognise) CHECK(an arrangement of pieces\/men on a chessboard where a player has placed his\/her opponent's king under direct attack).\nOr does \"check\" refer to the black and white squares on which the pieces are placed?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Prison implicated in a peculiar secret (7)","output":"### Answer: ARCANUM \n ### Explanation: Definition: secret\n CAN(slang for \"prison\") **contained in**(implicated in) [A + RUM(peculiar\/odd) ]."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unions associated with Attlee and Freud (not the Liberal)? (7)","output":"### Answer: CEMENTS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Unions\n \"Clements\"(plural of \"Clement\", the first names of Attlee, former British PM, and Freud, British Liberal MP and broadcaster) **minus**(not the) \"L\"(abbrev. for \"Liberal\", a member of the Liberal Party).\nDefn: I'm not sure about this. \"cement\" and \"union\" as nouns are not synonymous \u2013 the former achieves the latter; and unlike \"cement\", \"union\" cannot be a verb."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old Norse character finds god at bottom of mountain (5)","output":"### Answer: THORN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Old Norse character\n THOR(the hammer-wielding god in Scandinavian mythology) **plus**(at) **last letter of**(bottom of, in a down clue) \"mountain\".\nDefn: \u2026\/letter in the Old Norse alphabet."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Money expressed in pounds sterling more often than not (5)","output":"### Answer: LOLLY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Money\n Cryptic defn: L(or \u00a3\/symbol for pounds sterling\/English money unit) appears in the solution more often than the other letters (3 out of 5).\nDefn: Slang for \u2026"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Elevated element of Scandinavian idolatry (4)","output":"### Answer: ODIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Elevated element of Scandinavian idolatry\n **Hidden in**(element of) **reversal of**(Elevated \u2026) \"Scandinavian idolatry\".\nDefn: A widely revered god\/elevated element in Scandinavian idolatry\/mythology."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Register egg being eaten by tragic figure, along with large bap (9,4)","output":"### Answer: ELECTORAL ROLL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Register\n O(a circle, a rounded object resembling an egg) **contained in**(being eaten by) ELECTRA(the mythological main character in Greek tragedies by Sophocles, Euripides and others) **plus**(along with) L(abbrev. for \"large\") + ROLL(bap\/a large round flattish bread roll).\nDefn: \u2026 of eligible voters in a district or constituency."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Obstacle to getting off home? One moans terribly (8)","output":"### Answer: INSOMNIA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Obstacle to getting off\n IN(home\/not out of the house, as in \"I'm home\") + **anagram of**(\u2026 terribly) [ I(Roman numeral for \"one\" + MOANS].\nDefn: \u2026\/falling asleep."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Memorable words of Tramp and Anto to put out (6)","output":"### Answer: SLOGAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Memorable words\n SLOG(to tramp\/to walk with difficulty or effort) **plus**(and) \"Anto\" **minus**(\u2026 put out) \"to\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Obtain energy, conserving energy (6)","output":"### Answer: DERIVE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Obtain\n DRIVE(energy\/determination to achieve) **containing**(conserving) E(symbol for \"energy\" in physics)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Visibly, it's where drinkers are left in charge (2,6)","output":"### Answer: IN PUBLIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: Visibly\n [IN PUB](in a place where you will find drinkers) + L(abbrev. for \"left\") + IC(abbrev. for \"in charge\")."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Intended name removed from fund \u2026 (6)","output":"### Answer: FIANCE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Intended\n \"n\"(abbrev. for \"name\") **deleted from**(removed from) \"finance\"(to fund\/to provide with money for a purpose).\nDefn: The \u2026\/the someone, in this case, a male, to whom one is engaged to be married."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: denied profits and funding (8)","output":"### Answer: GAINSAID \n ### Explanation: Definition: denied\n GAINS(profits\/amount earned over and above amount spent) **plus**(and) AID(support of a practical nature, including funding).\nDefn: \u2026\/contradicted."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Capers in mains, oddly, yours truly fed to cook (8)","output":"### Answer: MISCHIEF \n ### Explanation: Definition: Capers\n **1st, 3rd and 5th letters of**(\u2026, oddly) \"mains\" + [ I(yours truly, the setter using the self-referential pronoun) **contained in**(fed to) CHEF(a professional cook) ]."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Setter about to eat \u00a325 Caesar salad, perhaps (6)","output":"### Answer: EPONYM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Caesar salad, perhaps\n **Reversal of**(\u2026 about) ME(the setter, using the self-referential pronoun) **containing**(to eat) PONY(slang for the sum of \u00a325).\nDefn: A thing named after someone, an example being\/perhaps \"Caesar salad\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Picturegoer gutted about some current spoiler? (8)","output":"### Answer: PAMPERER \n ### Explanation: Definition: spoiler\n \"Picturegoer\" **minus all its innder letters**(gutted) **containing**(about) AMPERE(a unit of\/some electrical current).\nDefn: \u2026\/one who spoils\/indulges somebody."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Nuanced translation of dialogue ignores it (6)","output":"### Answer: SUBTLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Nuanced\n \"subtitle\"(captions displayed on a cinema or TV screen that translate the on-going dialogue) **minus**(ignores) \"it\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Order rubbish with a little butter to get sent back (6)","output":"### Answer: DIKTAT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Order\n **Reversal of**(\u2026 to get sent back) [ TAT(rubbish\/shoddy items clothes, say) **plus**(with a) KID(a young goat\/a little butter\/thing that butts) ]."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mingle in club owned by Jagger, we hear (8)","output":"### Answer: INTERMIX \n ### Explanation: Definition: Mingle\n INTER(short for Inter Milan, professional football team in the Italian league) + **homophone of**(\u2026, we hear) \"Mick's\"(owned by\/belonging to Mick, in this case Jagger of the Rolling Stones)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dance with great skill where oil's found (9,4)","output":"### Answer: DISCOVERY WELL \n ### Explanation: Definition: where oil's found\n DISCO(dance to disco music) [VERY WELL](with great skill\/expertise).\nDefn: \u2026, specifically the first well to produce in a new oilfield."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wise bird swallows start to irritate (5)","output":"### Answer: ERNIE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Wise\n ERNE(bird, in this case the sea eagle) **containing**(swallows) **1st letter of**(start to) \"irritate\".\nDefn: First name of half of the comedic duo Morecambe and Wise."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Love trendy coats Oscar's wearing (7)","output":"### Answer: EROSION \n ### Explanation: Definition: wearing\n EROS(sexual love\/desire, originating from the Greek god of love) + IN(trendy\/in fashion) **containing**(coats) O(letter represented by \"Oscar\" in the phonetic alphabet).\nDefn: \u2026\/the process of being worn by friction."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What may be perfect figure with statue's outline (5)","output":"### Answer: TENSE \n ### Explanation: Definition: What may be perfect\n TEN(the figure 10) **plus**(with) **1st and last letters of**(\u2026's outline) \"statue\".\nDefn: \u2026, in grammar."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Row in boxing arena because of matches where severe blow is likely (7,7)","output":"### Answer: ROARING FORTIES \n ### Explanation: Definition: where severe blow is likely\n OAR(to row with, well, oars) **contained in**(in) RING(boxing arena \u2013 a square ring) + FOR(because of, as in \"he failed for lack of experience\") + TIES(sporting matches between two sides).\nDefn: The ocean tracts between latitudes 40 and 50 degrees south which experience very severe winds\/blows."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What you must pay great pianist heard on piano with lyricist (4,5)","output":"### Answer: LIST PRICE \n ### Explanation: Definition: What you must pay\n **Homophone of**(\u2026 heard) \"Liszt\"(Franz, great Hungarian pianist) **placed above**(on, in a down clue) P(abbrev. for \"piano\", musical direction to play softly) **plus**(with) RICE(Tim, English lyricist, best known for collaborating with Andrew Lloyd Webber).\nDefn: \u2026 to purchase a product (except when the seller gives a discount off it)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Diamond edging for rich decoration on vehicle (7)","output":"### Answer: RHOMBUS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Diamond\n **1st and last letters of**(edging for) \"rich\" + OM(abbrev. for the Order of Merit, an honour\/decoration given by the monarch of the Commonwealth) + BUS(a large vehicle for people transport).\n\u2026 a pattern made up of rhombi."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pounds given to one with potential for debt (9)","output":"### Answer: LIABILITY \n ### Explanation: Definition: debt\n L(or \u00a3, symbol for the British monetary unit, the pound sterling) **plus**(given to) I(Roman numeral for \"one\") + ABILITY(potential\/skill that you possess to be able to do something)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Echoing musical with two notes raised (9)","output":"### Answer: IMITATIVE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Echoing\n **Reversal of**(\u2026 raised, in a down clue) [ EVITA(musical with music by Andrew Lloyd Webber and lyrics by Tim Rice) **plus**(with) MI,TI(or \"me\" and \"te\", respectively, 2 notes in the sol-fa music scale) ]."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Entering eg Qatar, granddaughter went abroad (9)","output":"### Answer: EMIGRATED \n ### Explanation: Definition: went abroad\n [ EMIRATE(a nation reigned by an emir, an example of which\/eg. is Qatar) **containing**(Entering \u2026) G(abbrev. for \"grand\"\/\u00a31000) ] + D(abbrev. for \"daughter\")."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Better country with 20% less stock (7)","output":"### Answer: CAPITAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: stock\n CAP(to better\/to surpass) + \"Italy\"(European country) **minus the last out of 5 letters**(with 20% less).\nDefn: Money raised by a company through the issue and subscription of shares."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: English playmaker Jack heading for nightclub in drag (7)","output":"### Answer: OSBORNE \n ### Explanation: Definition: English playmaker\n OS(abbrev. for \"ordinary seaman\", a sailor\/Jack) + [ **1st letter of**(heading for) \"nightclub\" **contained in**(in) BORE(a drag\/a tiresome situation or activity) ].\nAnswer: \u2026, John, English playwright\/playmaker, if you like, best known for his play \"Look Back In Anger\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Scrap the second group picked up (3-2)","output":"### Answer: SET-TO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Scrap\n **Homophone of**(group picked up) \"set two\"(the second\/number 2 set\/group).\nDefn: \u2026\/a fight."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: New Labourite losing head, with yen to be flashy (5)","output":"### Answer: LAIRY \n ### Explanation: Definition: flashy\n \"Blair\"(Tony, British Labour Party leader who was a key figure in the New Labour, the brand used to signify a newly reformed party) **minus its 1st letter**(losing head) + Y(abbrev. for \"yen\", the Japanese currency unit).\nDefn: \u2026\/ostentatious."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Place for a constitutional Liberal and a sleep? (9)","output":"### Answer: ESPLANADE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Place for a constitutional\n **Anagram of**(Liberal) AND A SLEEP.\nDefn: \u2026, a walk by the sea for good health."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Temperance society conceals unopened wine vessel (5)","output":"### Answer: AORTA \n ### Explanation: Definition: vessel\n AA(abbrev. for \"Alcoholics Anonymous\", a mutual aid society helping members recover from alcoholism by practising temperance\/abstinence from alcohol) **containing**(conceals) \"port\"(a fortified wine) **minus its 1st letter**(unopened \u2026).\nDefn: A blood \u2026 in your body."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Couples found in bed, most regularly after sex (5)","output":"### Answer: ITEMS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Couples\n **2nd, 4th and 6th letters of**(\u2026 regularly) \"bed, most\" **placed after**(after) IT(slang for \"sex\").\nDefn: \u2026 involved in a romantic or sexual relationship. Therefore the whole clue could be the definition."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wants the grass conditioned and nothing planted (9)","output":"### Answer: SHORTAGES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Wants\n **Anagram of**(\u2026 conditioned) THE GRASS **containing**(and \u2026 planted) O(letter representing 0\/nothing)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Gets criminal stashing smuggled rum (7)","output":"### Answer: STRANGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: rum\n **Anagram of**(\u2026 criminal) GETS **containing**(stashing) RAN(smuggled\/brought goods illegally and secretly into a country).\nDefn: \u2026\/odd."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A list published in Whitehall startles (3-4)","output":"### Answer: ALL-STAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: A list\n **Hidden in**(published in) \"Whitehall startles\".\nDefn: \u2026, specifically, of A-list\/outstanding performers, as in \"the film features an A-list cast\". Or it could be a missing hyphen in the clue."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Suffer ruin, recklessly taking cocaine (5)","output":"### Answer: INCUR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Suffer\n **Anagram of**(\u2026, recklessly) RUIN **containing**(taking) C(abbrev. for \"cocaine\").\nDefn: As in \"to \u2026 losses\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Buttonhole flower people leaving taxi? (3)","output":"### Answer: CAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: taxi?\n \"carnation\"(a flower that you wear in the buttonhole or pinned to the lapel of your coat or dress) **minus**(\u2026 leaving) \"nation\"(a large body of people inhabiting a particular country or territory).\nDefn: That which could be\/? used as a taxi."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Religious rule could anger non-believers over Nature's origins (5)","output":"### Answer: CANON \n ### Explanation: Definition: Religious rule\n **1st letters, respectively, of**(\u2026's origins) \"could anger non-believers over Nature\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Appeal to rent cycles before lunch? (7)","output":"### Answer: ENTREAT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Appeal\n \"RENT\" ***with its 1st letter moved to the end***(cycles) **plus**(before) EAT(to lunch)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A prospective partner lands government contract (7)","output":"### Answer: ABRIDGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: contract\n A + BRIDE(a prospective partner\/a wife-to-be) **containing**(lands) G(abbrev. for \"government\").\nDefn: \u2026\/to condense."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sorry husband entertained by jolly people carrier (9)","output":"### Answer: TROOPSHIP \n ### Explanation: Definition: people carrier\n [ OOPS!(\"sorry!\"\/an expression acknowledging an error) + H(abbrev. for \"husband\") ] **contained in**(entertained by) TRIP(a jolly\/a trip made for pleasure by public official\/s at public expense).\nDefn: \u2026, specifically people in the armed forces."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old lady hosting company event is hot stuff (5)","output":"### Answer: MAGMA \n ### Explanation: Definition: hot stuff\n MA(informal term for one's mother, one's old lady) **containing**(hosting) AGM(abbrev. for \"annual general meeting\" of the shareholders of a company).\nDefn: \u2026 below or within the earth's crust."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rule breaking, i.e. rebelliously holds back (5)","output":"### Answer: REIGN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Rule\n **Hidden in**(\u2026 holds) **reversal of**(\u2026 back) \"breaking, i.e. rebelliously\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stacks fruit vehicles (9)","output":"### Answer: RICKSHAWS \n ### Explanation: Definition: vehicles\n RICKS(stacks of hay, corn, or similar material) + HAWS(the red fruit of the hawthorn tree)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Record set in Kane's first international cap (4)","output":"### Answer: KEPI \n ### Explanation: Definition: cap\n EP(abbrev. for \"extended play\"\/a disc of recorded audio material) **contained in**(set in) [ **1st letter of**(\u2026's first) \"Kane\" + I(abbrev. for \"international\") ].\nAnd, in football, Harry Kane has many times been capped an England international."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Surface active bum paper (6)","output":"### Answer: APPEAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Surface\n A(abbrev. for \"active\") + **anagram of**(bum) PAPER.\nDefn: To \u2026, from being hidden under or behind a, well, surface."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dorset men ploughed over a plum location (6,4)","output":"### Answer: DAMSON TREE \n ### Explanation: Definition: plum location\n **Anagram of**(\u2026 ploughed) DORSET MEN **containing**(over) A.\nDefn: On which you might find a fruit similar to the plum."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Analyse East Persian dialect (6)","output":"### Answer: PARSEE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Persian dialect\n PARSE(to analyse\/to resolve a sentence into its component parts) + E(abbrev. for \"East\")."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Elegant young lady making first appearance broadcasting live (8)","output":"### Answer: DEBONAIR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Elegant\n DEB(short for \"debutante\", a young lady making her first formal appearance in fashionable society) + [ON AIR](broadcasting live on the radio or TV)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rush of air from wide behind (4)","output":"### Answer: WAFT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Rush of air\n W(abbrev. for \"wide\") + AFT(behind\/at the stern)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Good French harbours appropriate for seaside resort (8)","output":"### Answer: BRIGHTON \n ### Explanation: Definition: seaside resort\n BON(French for \"good\") **containing**(harbours ) RIGHT(acceptable\/appropriate).\nDefn: \u2026 on the south coast of England."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bolts lawyers' entrance to Strangeways (4)","output":"### Answer: BARS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Bolts\n BAR(lawyers\/barristers, collectively) + **1st letter of**(entrance to) \"Strangeways\".\nAnd Strangeways is a prison, where lawyers might visit some of their clients.\nDefn: \u2026\/fastens a door or window with sliding bar that fits into a socket."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ill-feeling shown by rejection of on-line advice? (5)","output":"### Answer: SPITE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Ill-feeling\n **Reversal of**(rejection of) [ E-(prefix denoting something available on-line\/on the Internet) + TIPS(a piece of useful advice) ]."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tearing up racy Holmes novel (10)","output":"### Answer: LACHRYMOSE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Tearing up\n **Anagram of**(\u2026 novel) RACY HOLMES.\nDefn: \u2026\/weeping."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Classify mountains (5)","output":"### Answer: RANGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Classify,mountains\n Double defn: 1st: \u2026\/to put into a specific category, as in \"they ranged themselves with the far right movement\"; and 2nd: \u2026 in a chain forming a single system."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stop tailless pet's sign of affection outside comprehensive (8)","output":"### Answer: CATHOLIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: comprehensive\n HO(or whoa!, signalling a horse to stop) **contained in**(\u2026 outside) \"cat lick\"(a sign of affection by your pet cat) **minus ****its last letter**(tailless \u2026).\nDefn: \u2026\/all-embracing."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Spooner's announcement to close Justice Centre is finished early (3,5)","output":"### Answer: CUT SHORT \n ### Explanation: Definition: finished early\n Spoonerism of(Spooner's announcement) [ \"shut\"(to close) + \"court\"(a Justice Centre\/where justice is dispensed) ]."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Face mask uncovered and kissed \u2013 I say! (6)","output":"### Answer: ASPECT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Face\n \"mask\" **minus its ****1st and last letters**(uncovered) **plus**(and) **homophone of**(\u2026 \u2013 I say) \"pecked\"(kissed lightly)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Page turned down party clothes (3-3)","output":"### Answer: DOG-EAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Page turned down\n DO(party\/a social gathering) + GEAR(clothes\/outfits).\nDefn: \u2026, in a book, say."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Loud stag gathering upset the horse-racing world (4)","output":"### Answer: TURF \n ### Explanation: Definition: horse-racing world\n **Reversal of**(\u2026 upset, in a down clue) [ F(abbrev. for \"forte\", a musical direction to play loudly) + RUT(a stag gathering, or more precisely, the time of year when stags gather to fight each other to decide who mates with whom) ].\nDefn: A general term for horse-racing and what goes with it."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rolled up joint we're told is undersized (4)","output":"### Answer: PUNY \n ### Explanation: Definition: undersized\n **Reversal of**(Rolled) UP + **homophone of**(\u2026 we're told) \"knee\"(a joint in the leg)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Miss the start of Fall recess (4)","output":"### Answer: APSE \n ### Explanation: Definition: recess\n **1st letter ****deleted from**(Miss the start of) \"lapse\"(a fall\/a decline from previously high standards).\nDefn: A large \u2026 in a church."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Proceeds with instruction to enter after part exchange (6)","output":"### Answer: INCOME \n ### Explanation: Definition: Proceeds\n [\"COME IN\"](instruction to enter\/come through) **with the last 2 letters exchanging position with the first 4** (after part exchange)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Gather with capacity to contain returning chaos (8)","output":"### Answer: ASSEMBLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Gather\n ABLE(with capacity\/with the ability or power to do) **containing**(to contain) **reversal of**(returning) MESS(chaos\/mayhem)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stress from 'sexercise' (6)","output":"### Answer: STRAIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Stress\n 'S + TRAIN(to exercise'\/to work out)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Five he-men stripped into skimpy underwear by the roadside? (8)","output":"### Answer: PAVEMENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: roadside\n [ V(Roman numeral for \"five\") + \"he-men\" **minus its 1st and last letters**(stripped) ] **contained in**(into) \"pants\"(underwear, specifically underpants or knickers) ***minus its last letter***(skimpy \u2026).\nDefn: A \u2026 that has been raised and paved for pedestrians."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Changes suitable to feature in publicity (6)","output":"### Answer: ADAPTS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Changes\n APT(suitable\/appropriate) **contained in**(to feature in) ADS(short for advertisements\/publicity material)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unique ruling as ordered (8)","output":"### Answer: SINGULAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Unique\n **Anagram of**(\u2026 ordered) RULING AS."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Providing assurance on the way to protect northern tree (10)","output":"### Answer: CONFIRMING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Providing assurance\n COMING(on the way\/approaching) **containing**(to protect) [ N(abbrev. for \"northern\") + FIR(a coniferous tree) ].\nDefn: \u2026 that something is correct or true."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Letters from interesting people (10)","output":"### Answer: CHARACTERS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Letters,interesting people\n Double defn: 1st: Written or printed \u2026; and 2nd: \u2026\/unusual or amusing persons."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Everything you say is never wrong (8)","output":"### Answer: UNIVERSE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Everything\n **Homophone of**(\u2026 say) \"you\" + **anagram of**(\u2026 wrong) IS NEVER."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Remember finally offer the public the lot (6)","output":"### Answer: RECALL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Remember\n **Last letters, respectively, of**(finally) \"offer the public\" + ALL(the lot\/everything)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Most absurd to get poorly during a short nap (8)","output":"### Answer: SILLIEST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Most absurd\n ILL(poorly\/feeling unwell) **contained in**(during) \"siesta\"(an afternoon nap) **minus ****its last letter**(short \u2026)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Swimmer's hairstyle (6)","output":"### Answer: MULLET \n ### Explanation: Definition: Swimmer,hairstyle\n Double defn. 1: A food fish:\n; and 2:"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Height and distance from the equator after a tweak (8)","output":"### Answer: ALTITUDE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Height\n LATITUDE(the angular distance of a place north or south of the equator) **with its 1st 2 letters exchanging positions**(after a tweak).\nDefn: \u2026 of an object above sea or ground level."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Kind offer (6)","output":"### Answer: TENDER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Kind,offer\n Double defn: 1: \u2026\/soft-hearted; and 2: \u2026\/to present."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Home position, for example (8)","output":"### Answer: INSTANCE \n ### Explanation: Definition: example\n IN(home, as in \"I'm home tonight) + STANCE(a position\/a posture or viewpoint).\nDefn: An \u2026\/a case in point."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Window dressing all over? (8)","output":"### Answer: CURTAINS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Window dressing,all over\n Double defn: 2nd: Slang for \"ending in death or ruin\"\/all over, as in \"if that becomes public, it will be curtains for us\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Care for chief isn't commonly included (8)","output":"### Answer: MAINTAIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Care for\n MAIN(chief\/principal) **containing**(\u2026 included) AIN'T(a non-standard\/in coarse language\/a commonly used contraction of \"is not\"\/\"isn't\")."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Static on the radio provides material for writers (10)","output":"### Answer: STATIONERY \n ### Explanation: Definition: material for writers\n **Homophone of**(\u2026 on the radio) \"stationary\"(static\/unmoving)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Turn green with envy in the end \u2014 that's life! (6)","output":"### Answer: ENERGY \n ### Explanation: Definition: life\n **Anagram of**(Turn) GREEN **plus**(with) **last letter of**(\u2026 in the end) \"envy\".\nDefn: \u2026\/vitality."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Volkswagen buzzer let loose (6)","output":"### Answer: BEETLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Volkswagen\n BEE(a buzzer\/a buzzing creature) + **anagram of**(\u2026 loose) LET.\nDefn: Nickname for the iconic \u2026 model."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Blackmail previously upset communist (6)","output":"### Answer: EXTORT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Blackmail\n EX-(prefix signifying \"previously\"\/formerly) + **reversal of**(upset) TROT(short for \"Trotskyite\", a supporter of the communist politics of Leon Trotsky)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stressed editor after cooking pies and mash (10)","output":"### Answer: EMPHASISED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Stressed\n ED(abbrev. for \"editor\") **placed below**(after, in a down clue) **anagram of**(cooking) [PIES **plus**(and) MASH].\nDefn: \u2026\/gave special importance to something in speech or text."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Timetable for school 50% escape to head north (8)","output":"### Answer: SCHEDULE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Timetable\n **1st 3 letters of**(\u2026: 50%) \"school\" + **reversal of**(\u2026 to head north, in a down clue) ELUDE(to escape from or to avoid)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Elaborate hindquarters indeed (8)","output":"### Answer: DETAILED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Elaborate\n TAIL(hindquarters\/the rear) **contained in**(in) DEED."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Switch to sailor mode (8)","output":"### Answer: ISOLATOR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Switch\n **Anagram of**(\u2026 mode\/a way in which something is expressed or done) TO SAILOR.\nDefn: A type of electrical \u2026"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Aggressor starts to raid Ukraine, still stuck in action (6)","output":"### Answer: RUSSIA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Aggressor starts to raid Ukraine\n **1st letters, respectively, of**(starts to) \"raid Ukraine, still stuck in action\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Flower arranging \u2014 love it! (6)","output":"### Answer: VIOLET \n ### Explanation: Definition: Flower\n **Anagram of**(arranging) LOVE IT."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Male or female first' \u2014 person showing prejudice? (6)","output":"### Answer: SEXIST \n ### Explanation: Definition: person showing prejudice\n SEX(gender, ie. male or female) + IST(1st\/first with the Roman numeral substitution).\nDefn: \u2026 based on gender."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Retiring nurses fighting authority, provider of shoddy work (6)","output":"### Answer: COWBOY \n ### Explanation: Definition: provider of shoddy work\n COY(retiring\/shy or pretending to be shy) **containing**(nurses) WBO(abbrev. for the World Boxing Organisation, one of the authorities sanctioning professional boxing fights).\nDefn: A service provider who is dishonest, careless, or unqualified, producing shoddy work."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: I walk back on to cold Arctic mass (3,3)","output":"### Answer: ICE CAP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Arctic mass\n I + **reversal of**(\u2026 back) [ PACE(to walk at a steady speed) **plus**(on to) C(abbrev. for \"cold\") ]."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mistake caging Irish animal (7)","output":"### Answer: GIRAFFE \n ### Explanation: Definition: animal\n GAFFE(a mistake\/a blunder) **containing**(caging) IR(abbrev. for \"Irish\")."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Circulation of air in primitive dwelling a rare treat? (7)","output":"### Answer: CAVIARE \n ### Explanation: Definition: a rare treat\n **Anagram of**(Circulation of) AIR **contained in**(in) CAVE(the dwelling of primitive cavemen)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Jam vessel, brass (10)","output":"### Answer: BOTTLENECK \n ### Explanation: Definition: Jam\n BOTTLE(a vessel\/a glass or plastic container with a narrow neck) + NECK(brass\/impudence).\nAnd, incidentally, \"bottle\", \"neck\" and \"brass\" are synonymous."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A London group who play as well (4)","output":"### Answer: ALSO \n ### Explanation: Definition: as well\n A + LSO(abbrev. for the London Symphony Orchestra, a group of players\/musicians based in London)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Still in ecstasy, Ethiopians (2,3)","output":"### Answer: AS YET \n ### Explanation: Definition: Still\n **Hidden in**(in) \"ecstasy, Ethiopians\".\nDefn: \u2026\/up to the present or the time mentioned, as in \"he is as yet not house-trained\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Worshipper, one addicted to felines? (8)","output":"### Answer: CATHOLIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: Worshipper\n -HOLIC(suffix indicating one with an addiction to something, as in \"shopaholic\"; in this case to \"cats\"\/felines).\nAnswer: A worshipper of the Roman Catholic faith."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Clean surface originally without pans? (8)","output":"### Answer: SPOTLESS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Clean\n **1st letter of**(\u2026 originally) \"surface\" + POTLESS(without pans\/pots)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Operation hurt (5)","output":"### Answer: STING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Operation,hurt\n Double defn: 1st: A carefully planned \u2026 to deceive; and 2nd: To \u2026\/wound with a sting."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ring circular, as like loop, first of all (4)","output":"### Answer: CALL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Ring\n **1st letters, respectively, of**(\u2026, first of all) \"circular, as like loop\".\nDefn: \u2026, on the phone, say."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: No room to manoeuvre in apartment, as furniture may have arrived? (4-6)","output":"### Answer: FLAT-PACKED \n ### Explanation: Definition: as furniture may have arrived\n FLAT(an apartment consisting of a set of rooms)-PACKED(filled to capacity\/with no room to manoeuvre)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Character beginning sentence, type of punishment (7)","output":"### Answer: CAPITAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Character beginning sentence,type of punishment\n Double defn: 1st: An upper-case character\/letter that begins each sentence in text; and 2nd: \u2026 that is the legally authorised killing of someone who has committed a crime."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Clear film, thin covering (7)","output":"### Answer: BLANKET \n ### Explanation: Definition: thin covering\n BLANK(clear\/bare) + ET(the film\/movie, named \"E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial\" in full).\nPresumably, in addition to the usual thick coverings, there are other types of blanket that are thin."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Endless joy in swallow, little bird (6)","output":"### Answer: EAGLET \n ### Explanation: Definition: little bird\n \"glee\"(joy\/delight) **minus ****its last letter**(Endless \u2026) **contained in**(in) EAT(to swallow, usually, food)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cryptic setter's boulevard (6)","output":"### Answer: STREET \n ### Explanation: Definition: boulevard\n **Anagram of**(Cryptic) SETTER."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cotton sock on foot of commando (5)","output":"### Answer: CHINO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Cotton\n CHIN(to sock\/to punch someone on the chin) **placed above**(on, in a down clue) **last letter of**(foot of, in a down clue) \"commando\".\nDefn: Fabric made of cotton."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Loaded question about late manoeuvring (7)","output":"### Answer: WEALTHY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Loaded\n WHY?(a short question) **containing**(about) **anagram of**(\u2026 manoeuvring) LATE.\nDefn: \u2026\/having loads of money."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Crooked ref often moved to net header for Chelsea (3-6)","output":"### Answer: OFF-CENTRE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Crooked\n **Anagram of**(\u2026 moved) REF OFTEN **containing**(to net) **1st letter of**(header for) \"Chelsea\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Handle oddball (5)","output":"### Answer: CRANK \n ### Explanation: Definition: Handle,oddball\n Double defn: 1st: \u2026 used to start an engine or motor; and 2nd: \u2026\/an eccentric or odd person."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fine journey south of a US city (7)","output":"### Answer: CHICAGO \n ### Explanation: Definition: US city\n CHIC(fine\/elegantly fashionable) + [ GO(to journey\/to take a trip) **placed below**(south of, in a down clue) A ]."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Moribund and bitter (9)","output":"### Answer: PERISHING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Moribund,bitter\n 1st: \u2026\/dying; and 2nd: Extremely cold\/bitter, when referring to the wind or weather."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: German diet fatty, male scoffing last of torte (9)","output":"### Answer: REICHSTAG \n ### Explanation: Definition: German diet\n [ RICH(fatty\/containing a large amount of fat, when referring to food) + STAG(a male deer) ] **containing**(scoffing) **last letter of**(last of) \"torte\".\nDefn: \u2026\/legislative assembly."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Past peak, supporting amateur actor, bitter leading man (5,4)","output":"### Answer: ALPHA MALE \n ### Explanation: Definition: leading man\n [ ALP(a peak\/a high mountain) **placed above**(Past \u2026, in a down clue) + HAM(an amateur, and hence bad, actor) **placed above**(supporting \u2026, in a down clue) ] ALE(a bitter beer).\nMy best shot at explaining \"past\" and \"supporting\".\nDefn: \u2026\/the dominant male in a particular group."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Challenge one in bed \u2013 early riser? (4,5)","output":"### Answer: TEST PILOT \n ### Explanation: Definition: early riser\n TEST(to challenge\/to check the characteristics of something) + [ I(Roman numeral for \"one\") **contained in**(in) PLOT(a bed\/an area of ground) ].\nDefn: The first, or one of the first, to fly\/rise above in a new aircraft, cryptically described as an \u2026"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Decisive action of snitch? (7)","output":"### Answer: TELLING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Decisive,action of snitch\n Double defn: 1st: \u2026\/has an definite effect or influence on something; and 2nd: \u2026, one who informs on someone else, to the authorities, say."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Scent anger (7)","output":"### Answer: INCENSE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Scent,anger\n Double defn: 1st: To \u2026 using incense\/a substance burned to produce a sweet smell; and 2nd: To make very angry."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fifty musical boxes for sweetheart (5)","output":"### Answer: FLAME \n ### Explanation: Definition: sweetheart\n L(Roman numeral for \"fifty\") **contained in**(\u2026 boxes) FAME(the stage musical based on the musical film of the same name).\nDefn: \u2026\/a lover."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: English opener in competition (5)","output":"### Answer: EVENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: competition\n E(abbrev. for \"English\") + VENT(an opener, or opening, through which or gas or liquid may flow out."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Country India commended? (8)","output":"### Answer: DOMINICA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Country\n **Anagram of**(-mended \/repaired) INDIA COM-.\nDefn: \u2026, officially the Commonwealth of Dominica, an island in the Caribbean."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Booty I see lying back in bath (3,3)","output":"### Answer: HOT TUB \n ### Explanation: Definition: bath\n **Reversal of**(\u2026 lying back) [ BUTT(one's buttocks\/booty in slang) + OH!(like \"I see\", an expression acknowledging understanding of what someone has just said) ].\n\u2026 what the clue says."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hounds gone to the dogs \u2014 with bare paws? (6)","output":"### Answer: UNSHOD \n ### Explanation: Definition: with bare paws\n **Anagram of**(\u2026 gone to the dogs) HOUNDS.\nDefn: \u2026\/not wearing shoes and thus having bare feet."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Spare item cut (4)","output":"### Answer: THIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Spare\n \"thing\"(an item\/object) **minus ****its last letter**(cut).\nDefn: \u2026\/with no excess fat."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fifth in Crufts, I'm amazed obedient dog moped, say (3-7)","output":"### Answer: TWO-WHEELER \n ### Explanation: Definition: moped, say\n **5th letter of**(Fifth in) \"Crufts\" + WOW!(an expression of amazement\/I'm amazed!) + HEELER(one, usually an obedient dog, that responds to the command, \"Heel!\").\nDefn: An example of which\/say, is the moped.\nAnd Crufts, of course, is the largest dog show."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Put out present in elevated position (2,5)","output":"### Answer: UP THERE \n ### Explanation: Definition: in elevated position\n **Anagram of**(\u2026 out) PUT + HERE!(used to indicate that one is present at a roll-call)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: African animal, howler gobbling bird with wings pulled off (7)","output":"### Answer: GIRAFFE \n ### Explanation: Definition: African animal\n GAFFE(a howler\/a blunder) **containing**(gobbling) \"bird\" **minus ****its 1st and last letters**(with wings pulled off)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Material popped up three books with real worth initially condemned (6,4)","output":"### Answer: BUBBLE WRAP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Material popped\n **Anagram of**(\u2026 condemned) [UP + BBB(3 x abbrev. for \"book\") **plus**(with) REAL + **1st letter of**(\u2026 initially) \"worth\" ].\nDefn: Packaging material of plastic with air bubbles that can be popped\/burst."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ladies and gentlemen relaxed briefly (4)","output":"### Answer: LOOS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Ladies and gentlemen\n \"loose\"(relaxed\/physically slack) **minus its last letter**(briefly).\nDefn: \u2026\/the toilets."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: You smooth figure! (8)","output":"### Answer: THOUSAND \n ### Explanation: Definition: figure\n THOU(an archaic form of \"you\") + SAND(to smooth with sandpaper or a mechanical sander).\nDefn: \u2026\/a number."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hot first of all in equatorial region, opposite then is cold (6)","output":"### Answer: EROTIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: Hot\n **1st letters, respectively, of**(first of all in) \"equatorial region, opposite then is cold\".\nDefn: \u2026\/arousing sexually."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Swear, finding head of pigeon on shelf (6)","output":"### Answer: PLEDGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Swear\n **1st letter of**(head of) \"pigeon\" **plus**(on) LEDGE(a shelf\/a narrow horizontal projecting surface).\nDefn: \u2026\/to make a solemn promise."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Holding swallow tail in fist, pluck bird (5,3)","output":"### Answer: GREAT TIT \n ### Explanation: Definition: bird\n [ EAT(to swallow, usually food) + **last letter of**(tail in) \"fist\" ] **contained in**(Holding \u2026) GRIT(pluck\/courage).\n\u2026 that great tit."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Help out when gold potty lost in bathroom? (4,3,8)","output":"### Answer: DOWN THE PLUGHOLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: lost in bathroom\n **Anagram of**(\u2026 potty) HELP OUT WHEN GOLD.\nAnswer: Figuratively, describing something that has been lost; and literally, how you might lose something small in the bathroom."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Where might one find each, so at least possible? (6,3,6,2,6)","output":"### Answer: WITHIN THE BOUNDS OF REASON \n ### Explanation: Definition: so at least possible\n Cryptic defn:. \"ea\"(abbrev. for \"each) **may be found within the 1st and last letters of**(**WITHIN THE BOUNDS OF**) \"**REASON**\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Small flat dish slip in fruit (4-1-5)","output":"### Answer: PIED-A-TERRE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Small flat\n PIE(a dish\/a baked food item) + [ ERR(to slip\/to make an error) **contained in**(in) DATE(the fruit of the date palm) ].\nDefn: \u2026\/apartment kept for occasional use."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Author taking month to pen a novel that's half-hearted (7)","output":"### Answer: NABOKOV \n ### Explanation: Definition: Author\n NOV(abbrev. for the month of November) **containing**(to pen) [ A + \"book\"(possibly a novel) **minus one of its inner letters**(that's half-hearted) ].\nAnswer: Vladimir, author of \"Lolita\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Short table for fish (4)","output":"### Answer: CHAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: fish\n \"chart\"(a table of specific information) ***minus its last letter***(Short \u2026)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What one might say about sweet jar that seems sensible to some people (2,5,3,5)","output":"### Answer: IT TAKES ALL SORTS \n ### Explanation: Definition: that seems sensible to some people\n Cryptic defn: A sweet jar may take\/it may contain all-sorts, a mixture of liquorice sweets.\nAnswer: There are different kinds of people in this world with their different concepts of what is or is not sensible \u2013 I think."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Drop a brick on toe sit up if not broken (3,4,4,2,2)","output":"### Answer: PUT ONE\u2019S FOOT IN IT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Drop a brick\n **Anagram of**(\u2026 broken) ON TOE: SIT UP IF NOT.\nDefn: \u2026\/make an indiscreet or embarrassing remark."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Musical compositions, those going over some people's heads? (10)","output":"### Answer: HAIRPIECES \n ### Explanation: Definition: those going over some people's heads\n HAIR(a rock musical that opened in Broadway in 1968) + PIECES(compositions\/pieces of creative work, of music or poetry, say).\nDefn: \u2026\/patches of false hair to augment a person's natural hair"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Genius running oxygen tunnel into nose (7)","output":"### Answer: PRODIGY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Genius\n [ O(symbol for chemical element, oxygen) + DIG(to tunnel\/to break and remove earth, making a hole in the ground) ] **contained in**(into) PRY(to nose\/to enquire too closely in one's personal affairs)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: War god somewhat miserable after uprising (4)","output":"### Answer: ARES \n ### Explanation: Hidden in**(somewhat) **reversal of**(\u2026 after uprising) \"miserable\".\nDefn: \u2026 in Greek mythology."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mary Jane left to spruce up clothes (6)","output":"### Answer: SPLIFF \n ### Explanation: Definition: Mary Jane\n L(abbrev. for \"left\") **contained in**(\u2026 clothes) SPIFF(to spruce up\/make stylish and attractive).\nDefn: Cannabis\/marijuana, or, in slang, Mary Jane"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bugs British character \u2014 and the rest \u2014 American sent back (8)","output":"### Answer: BACTERIA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Bugs\n B(abbrev. for \"British\") + **reversal of**(\u2026 sent back)[AIR(character\/an impression of quality) **plus**(and) ETC(abbrev. for \"et cetera\"\/the rest) + A(abbrev. for \"American\") ]."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dry egg mixed with suet for pig (6,4)","output":"### Answer: GREEDY GUTS \n ### Explanation: Definition: pig\n **Anagram of**(\u2026 mixed) [DRY EGG **plus**(with) SUET].\nDefn: \u2026 as applied to a human."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fox conserving energy having paws thus endowed? (4)","output":"### Answer: TOED \n ### Explanation: Definition: paws thus endowed\n TOD(a fox) **containing**(conserving) E(symbol for \"energy\" in physics)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Naughty child brings sin into prominence (6)","output":"### Answer: TERROR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Naughty child\n ERR(to sin\/to go astray) **contained in**(into) TOR(a prominence\/a hill)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Still revolutionary keeps a role for US right-wingers (3,5)","output":"### Answer: TEA PARTY \n ### Explanation: Definition: US right-wingers\n **Reversal of**(\u2026 revolutionary) YET(still\/up to present or a specified time, as in \"more problems are still to come\") **containing**(keeps) [A + PART(a role\/a character, in a play or movie, say).\nDefn: The political movement of conservatives\/right-wingers within the US Republican Party."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Large horn from Bath area (4)","output":"### Answer: TUBA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Large horn\n TUB(a bath\/bathtub) + A(abbrev. for \"area\")."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Welshwoman about to be circled by daring moggy (7,3)","output":"### Answer: PERSIAN CAT \n ### Explanation: Definition: moggy\n [ SIAN(a feminine Welsh name) + CA(abbrev. for \"circa\"\/about when refering to years or dates) ] **contained in**(to be circled by) PERT(daring\/cheeky)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Director shows great intellect capturing scene after evacuation (10)","output":"### Answer: EISENSTEIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Director\n EINSTEIN(Albert, a great intellect\/a genius) **containing**(capturing) \"scene\" **minus ****its inner letters**(after evacuation).\nAnswer: Sergie, Soviet film director."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bush with sharp spines son lost much blood? (4)","output":"### Answer: GORE \n ### Explanation: Definition: much blood\n \"gorse\"(a bush\/shrub with sharp spines) **minus**(\u2026 lost) \"s\"(abbrev. for \"son\")."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Honcho regarded as not seeing straight (4-4)","output":"### Answer: BOSS-EYED \n ### Explanation: Definition: not seeing straight\n BOSS(honcho\/the person in charge) + EYED(regarded\/seen as)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Smartest copper brought to trial (6)","output":"### Answer: CUTEST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Smartest\n CU(symbol for the element, copper) **plus**(brought to) TEST(a trial\/an examination of the qualities\/characteristics of something or someone).\nDefn: \u2026\/most stylish and attractive."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Roman historian left with climber (4)","output":"### Answer: LIVY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Roman historian\n L(abbrev. for \"left\") **plus**(with) IVY(a climbing plant).\nDefn: English name for Titus Livius, \u2026"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Explosion in House as GOP offers way food's pushed down (10)","output":"### Answer: OESOPHAGUS \n ### Explanation: Definition: way food's pushed down\n **Anagram of**(Explosion in) HOUSE AS GOP.\nDefn: The channel\/\u2026 in one's body."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Voracious woman in shock at emergency room (3-5)","output":"### Answer: MAN-EATER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Voracious woman\n MANE(a shock of hair) + AT + ER(abbrev. for \"emergency room\" in a hospital).\nDefn: \u2026, one who figuratively eats male sexual partners."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: An artist embodies attendant spirit in city (6)","output":"### Answer: ANKARA \n ### Explanation: Definition: city\n [AN + RA(abbrev. for \"Member of the Royal Academy of Arts, an artist) ] **containing**(embodies) KA(an attendant spirit\/the supposed spiritual part of a human being).\nDefn: \u2026 in Turkey."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Insane rave-up to involve northern arriviste (7)","output":"### Answer: PARVENU \n ### Explanation: Definition: arriviste\n **Anagram of**(Insane) RAVE-UP **containing** N(abbrev. for \"northern\").\nDefn: \u2026.\/one who has recently gained power, success, wealth, etc. and is regarded as an upstart."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Upstanding character, anti-beer, having slipped? (9)","output":"### Answer: INEBRIATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Upstanding character, anti-beer, having slipped\n I(an upstanding\/erect character\/letter in the alphabet) + **anagram of**(\u2026, having slipped ANTI-BEER) .\nDefn: A drunkard, who, in this case, has slipped\/lapsed from being one against drinking\/an upstanding anti-beer character."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Entrance for bringing in antique article? (5)","output":"### Answer: FOYER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Entrance\n FOR **containing**(bringing in) YE(a pseudo-antique form of \"the\", an article in grammar).\nDefn: \u2026 hall in a building, say, a theatre."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bishop Sheen in Montana perhaps seeing Crow (7)","output":"### Answer: BLUSTER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Crow\n B(abbrev. for \"bishop\", in chess notation) + LUSTER(how they in Montana, America spell \"lustre\"\/sheen\/glow).\nDefn: \u2026\/to brag."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tax case with Conservative going for suspension (9)","output":"### Answer: CESSATION \n ### Explanation: Definition: suspension\n CESS(a tax\/levy) + \"action\"(a case in a law court) **minus**(with \u2026 going) \"C\"(abbrev. for a member of the Conservative Party)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: More paintings by Emin initially put up (5)","output":"### Answer: EXTRA \n ### Explanation: Definition: More \n **Reversal of**(\u2026 put up, in a down clue) [ ART(of which paintings are an example) + X(symbol for mathematical multiplication\/by, as in \"2 by 2 = 4\") + **1st letter of**(\u2026 initially) \"Emin\" ].\nAnd Tracey Emin is a British artist."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Finer arts bias essentially causing stagnation? (7)","output":"### Answer: INERTIA \n ### Explanation: Definition: stagnation\n **Internal letters, respectively, of**(\u2026 essentially) \"Finer arts bias\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Does it move 14 Across to hedge? (9)","output":"### Answer: PUSSYFOOT \n ### Explanation: Definition: to hedge\n A PUSSY FOOT, that with which a cat moves\/answer to 14 across.\nDefn: \u2026\/to act in a non-committal way."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Man mentioned belligerent and dark lover (9)","output":"### Answer: NIGHTHAWK \n ### Explanation: Definition: dark lover\n **Homophone of**(\u2026 mentioned) \"knight\"(a man\/piece on a chessboard) + HAWK(one who is belligerent\/aggressive).\nDefn: One who is wakeful\/active in the night."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: James in Iowa recreated Japanese island (3,4)","output":"### Answer: IWO JIMA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Japanese island\n JIM(another form of the name \"James\") **contained in**(in) **anagram of**(\u2026 recreated) IOWA."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rudeness \u2026 upset consumer (3,4)","output":"### Answer: END USER \n ### Explanation: Definition: consumer\n **Anagram of**(almost upset) [\"Rudeness\" **minus ****its last letter**(almost)]."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Spider perhaps too short \u2014 snooker player one to save? (7)","output":"### Answer: RESCUER \n ### Explanation: Definition: one to save\n \"rest\"(an example of which\/perhaps is the \"spider\", a long-legged support for a cue in snooker) **minus ****its last letter**(too short) + CUER(one who uses a cue\/a snooker player)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Observer's complaint about Liberal showing elegance (5)","output":"### Answer: STYLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: elegance\n STYE(a complaint, viz. a swelling on the skin over an eye\/observer) **containing**(about) L(abbrev. for a member of the Liberal Party)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Drink scrumpy occasionally with secretary (5)","output":"### Answer: CUPPA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Drink\n **2nd, 4th and 6th letters of**(\u2026 occasionally) \"scrumpy\" **plus**(with) PA(abbrev. for \"personal assistant\"\/a secretary).\nDefn: Informal term for a cup of tea."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hesitant, using gestural and verbal forms of communication (8)","output":"### Answer: WAVERING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Hesitant\n WAVE(a gesture as a form of communication) + RING(to call and then talk on the phone, a verbal form of communication)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Name of girl I see misrepresented in contents of blog? Just the opposite (6)","output":"### Answer: ELOISE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Name of girl\n **Anagram of**(\u2026 misrepresented) I SEE **containing**(in \u2026? Just the opposite\/outside) **inner letters of**(contents of) \"blog\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Point, or points, one repeated (4)","output":"### Answer: NESS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Point\n N,E,S(abbrev. for 3 compass points) + S(one compass point repeated).\nDefn: \u2026 on the coastline\/a cape."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The money ran out, eliminating a former Middle East country (5,5)","output":"### Answer: NORTH YEMEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: former Middle East country\n **Anagram of**(\u2026 out) \"The money ran\" **minus**(eliminating) \"a\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Used to lack experience, but following advice to young man? Capital! (6)","output":"### Answer: WARSAW \n ### Explanation: Definition: Capital\n **Reversal of**(in an across clue, \u2026 following advice to young man, from the phrase \"Go west, young man\", about America's expansion westward) [ WAS(used to be\/applicable previously) RAW(to lack experience\/green) ].\nDefn: \u2026 city."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Heavy work, including some art, is laborious (8)","output":"### Answer: TOILSOME \n ### Explanation: Definition: laborious\n TOME(a heavy\/thick book\/literary work) **containing**(including) OILS(oil paintings, a form of\/some art)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Shown how tense it can be in hearing (6)","output":"### Answer: TAUGHT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Shown how\n **Homophone of**(\u2026 it can be in hearing) \"taut\"(tense\/not relaxed)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Get worked on, using pliers and saw (6)","output":"### Answer: BEHELD \n ### Explanation: Definition: saw\n [BE HELD](describing something that is being manipulated\/worked on with a pair of pliers, a tool for gripping\/holding.\nDefn: \u2026\/past tense of \"see\"\/\"behold\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fuel was spread over grate, haphazardly (5,3)","output":"### Answer: WATER GAS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fuel\n WAS **containing**(spread over) **anagram of**(\u2026, haphazardly) GRATE.\nDefn: \u2026 gas of mainly carbon monoxide and hydrogen."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Exploit source of inspiration when lives lost (6)","output":"### Answer: MISUSE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Exploit\n MUSE(source of inspiration for a creative artist) = **MISUSE ****minus**(when \u2026 lost) \"is\"(lives\/exists)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Keep quiet about escape before spring, heading for sunshine? (10)","output":"### Answer: SOUTHBOUND \n ### Explanation: Definition: heading for sunshine?\n SH!(exclamation for someone to keep quiet) **containing**(about) OUT(a way of escaping from, a problem, say, as in \"there is an out from your problem\") **plus**(before) BOUND(to spring\/leap)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Leaves from Asia \u2014 temperature in that part of world has shifted (4)","output":"### Answer: TEAS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Leaves from Asia\n EAST(that part of the world where the Asian continent is) **with** \"t\"(abbrev. for \"temperature\") **moved to the beginning of the word**(has shifted)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Odd character that is moved around in anagram of word (6)","output":"### Answer: WEIRDO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Odd character\n **Reversal of**(\u2026 moved around) IE(abbrev. for \"id est\"\/that is) **contained in**(in) **anagram of **WORD."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Clear area in emergency, initially \u2014 very critical (8)","output":"### Answer: EVACUATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Clear\n A(abbrev. for \"area\") **contained in**(in) [ **1st letter of**(\u2026, initially) \"emergency\" + V(abbrev. for \"very\") + ACUTE(critical\/at a point near a severe or disastrous outcome) ].\nDefn: \u2026\/to empty."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ambush European soldier heading north, such as Cyrano de Bergerac (4,4)","output":"### Answer: NAME PART \n ### Explanation: Definition: such as Cyrano de Bergerac\n **Reversal of**(\u2026 heading north, in a down clue) [ TRAP(to ambush\/to lie in wait to spring a surprise attack) + E(abbrev. for \"European\") + MAN(a soldier\/a member of the armed forces) ].\nDefn: The character part\/role after whom the drama is named, an example being\/such as \"Cyrano de Bergerac\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Intelligence shown by bidders giving their opponents hiding (4)","output":"### Answer: NEWS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Intelligence\n N,S(one or the partnerships in bridge, the card game involving bids) **containing**(giving \u2026 hiding \/covering) E,W(the opposing partners of N,S)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Gain nothing in this quarter? Be selective (6)","output":"### Answer: WINNOW \n ### Explanation: Definition: Be selective\n WIN(to gain\/to acquire as a result of a contest) + [ O(letter representing 0\/nothing) **contained in**(in) NW(abbrev. for \"northwest\", the top left quarter of the grid in which this answer is) ].\nDefn: \u2026\/pick out from a group of things, those you desire and rejecting the rest."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mineral's in there, mixed with phosphorus (8)","output":"### Answer: NEPHRITE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Mineral\n **Anagram of**(\u2026, mixed \u2026) [IN THERE **plus**(with) P(symbol for the chemical element, phosphorus) ].\nDefn: A form of jade."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Negative response about flowers in strong winds (10)","output":"### Answer: NOR\u2019EASTERS \n ### Explanation: Definition: strong winds\n NO(negative response\/nay) + RE(with reference to\/about) + ASTERS(flowers of the aster, a genus of plants).\nDefn: \u2026 blowing from the northeast."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Enters the exam, exhausted, to get prize (6)","output":"### Answer: ESTEEM \n ### Explanation: Definition: prize\n **Middle letters deleted, respectively, from**(\u2026exhausted) \"Enters the exam\".\nDefn: \u2026\/to value highly."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Three quarters of strategy rearranged in turn (6)","output":"### Answer: GYRATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: turn\n **Anagram of**(\u2026 rearranged) **6 of 8 letters of**(Three quarters of) \"strategy\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Opposite of 5 hats (10)","output":"### Answer: SOU\u2019WESTERS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Opposite of 5,hats\n Double defn: 1st: Winds from the opposite direction of nor'easters\/answer to 5 down; and 2nd:"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Intellectual heard greeting bishop on street (8)","output":"### Answer: HIGHBROW \n ### Explanation: Definition: Intellectual\n **Homophone of**(heard) \"Hi!\"(a friendly greeting) + B(abbrev. for \"bishop\" in chess notation) **placed above**(on, in a down clue) ROW(a street with a continuous line of houses along one or both sides)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dislike neighbourhood being restricted, with east in disarray (8)","output":"### Answer: DISTASTE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Dislike\n \"district\"(a neighbourhood in a town or city) **minus ****its last 4 letters**(being restricted) **plus**(with) **anagram of**(\u2026 in disarray) EAST."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Appropriate, as birds turning up from the south (6)","output":"### Answer: ASSUME \n ### Explanation: Definition: Appropriate\n AS + **reversal of**(\u2026 turning up from the south, in a down clue) EMUS(flightless birds from Australia).\nDefn: \u2026\/to seize or take, especially without the owner's permission."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Treasures commercial products of mine (6)","output":"### Answer: ADORES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Treasures\n AD(abbrev. for \"advertisement\"\/a commercial) + ORES(natural material with valuable components excavated from the ground\/products of mines)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Crazy artists recalled city in Asia (6)","output":"### Answer: MADRAS \n ### Explanation: Definition: recalled city in Asia\n MAD(crazy\/insane) + RAS(plural of RA, abbrev. for \"Royal Academician\", an artist who is a member of the Royal Academy of the Arts).\nDefn: City in Asia, specifically, India, and now re-named\/re-called Chennai."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Middle East abandoned by major power? So it is (4)","output":"### Answer: THUS \n ### Explanation: Definition: So it is\n *\"E\", m***iddle letter**(Middle East) **deleted from**(abandoned by) \"the US\"(the USA, in full, a major power)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Factory worker ready to supply remote control device (7)","output":"### Answer: HANDSET \n ### Explanation: Definition: remote control device\n HAND(a factory worker\/one engaged in manual labour) + SET(ready\/in a state of preparedness)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A cop is excited about southern artist (7)","output":"### Answer: PICASSO \n ### Explanation: Definition: artist\n **Anagram of**(\u2026 excited) A COP IS **containing**(about) S(abbrev. for \"southern\")."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One river after another in the countryside (5)","output":"### Answer: RURAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: in the countryside\n URAL(a river flowing through Russia and Kazakhstan into the Caspian Sea) **placed after**(after) **another** R(abbrev. for \"river\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Counter with publication, clear source of attraction? (3,6)","output":"### Answer: BAR MAGNET \n ### Explanation: Definition: source of attraction\n BAR(a counter such as one in a bar over which drinks are served) **plus**(with) MAG(short for \"magazine\", a publication) + NET(to clear\/to gain after all deductions have been made, as in \"net earnings\")."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unreliable type made bankrupt by necessity? About right (6,4)","output":"### Answer: BROKEN REED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Unreliable type\n BROKE(bankrupt\/unable to pay one's debts) **plus**(by) NEED(a necessity\/a requirement) **containing**(About) R(abbrev. for \"right\").\nAnswer: \u2026\/one you cannot rely on for support."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Asian language proves draw by the sound of it (4)","output":"### Answer: THAI \n ### Explanation: Definition: Asian language\n **Homophone of**(\u2026 by the sound of it) \"tie\"(a draw\/a match result where teams' scores are level)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Two that stir in a haphazard way, initially (2,5,4)","output":"### Answer: TO START WITH \n ### Explanation: Definition: initially\n **Anagram of**(\u2026 in a haphazard way) TWO THAT STIR."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One agent had to be redeployed, requiring attention (2,3,6)","output":"### Answer: ON THE AGENDA \n ### Explanation: Definition: requiring attention\n **Anagram of**(\u2026 to be redeployed) ONE AGENT HAD."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: English archdeacon of a smooth nature (4)","output":"### Answer: EVEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: of a smooth nature\n E(abbrev. for \"English\") + VEN(abbrev. for \"Venerable\", title given to an archdeacon in the Church of England)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Varied stars rejected food around old city (10)","output":"### Answer: STRASBOURG \n ### Explanation: Definition: city\n **Anagram of**(Varied) STARS + **reversal of**(rejected) GRUB(an informal term for \"food\") **containing**(around) O(abbrev. for \"old\").\nDefn: \u2026 in France."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Male in Spanish city starts to prefer exquisite entr\u00e9es, loving covering of fruit (5,4)","output":"### Answer: LEMON PEEL \n ### Explanation: Definition: covering of fruit\n M(abbrev. for \"male\") **contained in**(in) LE\u00d3N(city in northwest Spain) + **1st letters, respectively, of**(starts to) \"prefer exquisite entr\u00e9es, loving\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Captain's area on ship missing first raised strip of land (5)","output":"### Answer: RIDGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: raised strip of land\n \"bridge\"(the area on a ship from which the captain commands) **minus its 1st letter**(missing first)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Man's best friend gets to slip in part of a stand (7)","output":"### Answer: TERRIER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Man's best friend\n ERR(to slip\/to make a mistake) **contained in**(in) TIER(part of a stand, a raised structure with a series of levels on which spectators stand or sit).\nDefn: A breed of \u2026"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Irregular method followed by section of a hospital (7)","output":"### Answer: WAYWARD \n ### Explanation: Definition: Irregular\n WAY(a method of doing things) **placed before**(followed by) WARD(a section, specifically a room or rooms, in a hospital with beds for patients)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Something that might be blown in the presence of English writer (6)","output":"### Answer: HORNBY \n ### Explanation: Definition: English writer\n HORN(something that might be blown to produce sound) + BY(in the presence of\/beside a physical object).\nAnswer: Nick \u2026"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: New item required for archery is restricted (6)","output":"### Answer: NARROW \n ### Explanation: Definition: restricted\n N(abbrev. for \"new\") + ARROW(an item required for archery)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Regard for number one? (4-6)","output":"### Answer: SELF-ESTEEM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Regard for number one\n Cryptic defn: \u2026, number one being one's own self."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Knob in brass instrument mentioned (5)","output":"### Answer: TUBER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Knob\n **Homophone of**(\u2026 mentioned) \"tuba\"(a brass musical instrument).\nDefn: \u2026\/a swelling or protuberance."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fine type of pottery is evident around sides of older church (9)","output":"### Answer: PORCELAIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fine type of pottery\n PLAIN(is evident\/easily seen) **containing**(around) [ **1st and last letters of**(sides of) \"older\" + CE(abbrev. for the Church of England) ]."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Companion has a time for casual conversation (4)","output":"### Answer: CHAT \n ### Explanation: Definition: casual conversation\n CH(abbrev. for a \"Companion of Honour\", an award for outstanding achievements) **plus**(has) A + T(abbrev. for \"time\")."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Songwriter is honed after working on first of musicals (8)","output":"### Answer: SONDHEIM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Songwriter\n **Anagram of**(\u2026 after working) IS HONED **placed above**(on, in a down clue) **1st letter of**(first of) \"musicals\".\nAnswer: \u2026, Stephen, composer, songwriter and lyricist who was a leading figure in musical theatre."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Utter slogan of a leftist? (8)","output":"### Answer: OUTRIGHT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Utter\n \"OUT, RIGHT\"(maybe\/? the slogan of a leftist\/socialist calling for the ouster of right-wing\/conservatives from positions of authority, to be replaced by the left-wing).\nDefn: \u2026\/absolute."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pinkish-red growths turn up on Chuck, maybe (10)","output":"### Answer: STRAWBERRY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Pinkish-red\n **Reversal of**(\u2026 turn up, in a down clue) WARTS(small, hard growths on the skin) **placed above**(on, in a down clue) BERRY(Chuck, rock and roll musician)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Location, we're told, upset Welshman, a tourist (9)","output":"### Answer: SIGHTSEER \n ### Explanation: Definition: a tourist\n **Homophone of**(\u2026, we're told) \"site\"(location\/place where something is put or constructed) + **reversal of**(upset, in a down clue) REES(a Welsh surname)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Insurance policy on rental property, which is found on bed (8)","output":"### Answer: COVERLET \n ### Explanation: Definition: which is found on bed\n COVER(protection against loss provided by an insurance policy) **placed above**(on, in a down clue) LET(a property that is leased\/rented out).\nDefn: That \u2026, on top of the bedsheets and blankets."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Flag shown by old seagoing vessel carrying queen (8)","output":"### Answer: STREAMER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Flag\n STEAMER(an old seagoing vessel, powered by a steam engine, now outdated) **containing**(carrying) R(abbrev. for \"Regina\"\/Queen)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Doctor is enthralled by fish in Arctic feature (6)","output":"### Answer: TUNDRA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Arctic feature\n DR(abbrev. for \"doctor\") **contained in**(is enthralled by) TUNA(a food fish)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: American with avarice is of the same mind (6)","output":"### Answer: AGREED \n ### Explanation: Definition: of the same mind\n A(abbrev. for \"American\") **plus**(with) GREED(avarice\/strong desire for money and possessions)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A learner having little vitality gets permit (5)","output":"### Answer: ALLOW \n ### Explanation: Definition: permit\n A + L(letter displayed by a learner driver) + LOW(having little vitality\/lacking in vigour\/despondent)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One opposing some Italian timekeeping (4)","output":"### Answer: ANTI \n ### Explanation: Definition: One opposing\n **Hidden in**(some) \"Italian timekeeping\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Secure nice position with multinational (6)","output":"### Answer: NESTLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Secure nice position,multinational\n Double defn: 1st: Settle against something comfortable; and 2nd: A \u2026 food and drink processing company based in Switzerland.\nThe second defn. is written \"Nestl\u00e9\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Admirer of marriage vow? Not yet (8)","output":"### Answer: IDOLATER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Admirer\n \"I DO\"(said at the end of marriage vows, to affirm one intends to keep those vows) + LATER(not yet\/at a future time)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The right footwear for a drug dealer? (5)","output":"### Answer: BOOTS \n ### Explanation: Definition: footwear,a drug dealer?\n Double defn: 2nd: \u2026, cryptically.\n\u2026 a chain of drug dealers, in fact."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: SIS signal decoded \u2013 it clarifies things (9)","output":"### Answer: ISINGLASS \n ### Explanation: Definition: it clarifies things\n **Anagram of**(\u2026 decoded) SIS SIGNAL.\nDefn: A kind of gelatin from fish, used in the clarification\/fining of wine and beer."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: See red, finding E on former copper (7)","output":"### Answer: EXPLODE \n ### Explanation: Definition: See red\n E **placed after**(finding \u2026 on) [ EX-(prefix signifying \"former\"\/once, as in \"ex-wife\") + PLOD(an informal term for a police officer\/copper) ].\nDefn: \u2026\/go into a sudden rage."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pained expression of famous cricketer one's caught (7)","output":"### Answer: GRIMACE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Pained expression\n GRACE(W.G., famous English cricketer) **containing**(\u2026 caught) I'M(contraction of \"I am\"\/one's\/one is, with \"one\" used as a substitute pronoun for \"I\")."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: American teacher is lying (4)","output":"### Answer: ABED \n ### Explanation: Definition: lying\n A(abbrev. for \"American\") + BED(abbrev. for \"Bachelor of Education\", a teacher with such a qualification)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Byzantine pope not welcoming northern rival (8)","output":"### Answer: OPPONENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: rival\n **Anagram of**(Byzantine) POPE NOT **containing**(welcoming) N(abbrev. for \"northern\")."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Top Gear produced by serious men from the east (8)","output":"### Answer: SOMBRERO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Top Gear\n SOMBRE(serious\/solemn) + **reversal of**(\u2026 from the east, in an across clue) OR(abbrev. for \"other ranks\"\/men in the military who are non-commissioned).\nDefn: An article of clothing\/gear for one's head\/top."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The Speaker's successors resign (4)","output":"### Answer: CEDE \n ### Explanation: Definition: resign\n **Homophone of**(The Speaker's) \"seed\"(archaic term for a person's descendants\/successors).\nDefn: \u2026\/to give up."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Break down on crack (7)","output":"### Answer: RESOLVE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Break down,crack\n RE(on\/with reference to, a specific matter) + CRACK(to solve\/to find a solution to a problem).\nDefn: \u2026\/to dissect a subject into its components."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Traveller revealing fault in German article (7)","output":"### Answer: DRIFTER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Traveller\n RIFT(a fault\/a long break in a rock formation) **contained in**(in) DER(German for \"the\", an article in grammar)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The result of eating too much grouse? (9)","output":"### Answer: BELLYACHE \n ### Explanation: Definition: The result of eating too much,grouse\n Double defn: 2nd: \u2026\/to complain noisily."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Son went to get some dope (5)","output":"### Answer: SPEED \n ### Explanation: Definition: some dope\n S(abbrev. for \"son\") + PEED(went\/passed urine).\nDefn: Slang for methamphetamine\/\"meth\", a recreational drug\/\u2026"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Love song composed about Bill (8)","output":"### Answer: SERENADE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Love song\n SERENE(composed\/calm) **containing**(about) AD(short for \"advertisement\"\/a flyer\/a bill."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: During day, social worker sought by police (6)","output":"### Answer: WANTED \n ### Explanation: Definition: sought by police\n WED(abbrev. for \"Wednesday\") **containing**(During \u2026, \u2026) ANT(a social insect who might be one of the worker caste)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: He perhaps begs loan uneasily (5,3)","output":"### Answer: NOBLE GAS \n ### Explanation: Definition: He perhaps\n **Anagram of**(\u2026 uneasily) BEGS LOAN.\nDefn: Of which, \"Helium\", a chemical element with symbol \"He\", is an example\/perhaps."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Way to clamp down on breaking news (4,5)","output":"### Answer: STOP PRESS \n ### Explanation: Definition: breaking news\n ST(abbrev. for \"street\"\/a thoroughfare\/a way) + OPPRESS(to clamp down\/to subject to hardship).\nDefn: News in a newspaper entered at the last moment just before printing began, or after printing has begun.\nThe clue could also be read literally since stopping the printing press(es) could be a method of stopping news from breaking\/being sent out."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Boxer, champion with heart of stone (6)","output":"### Answer: LISTON \n ### Explanation: Definition: Boxer\n LION(a champion\/a hero) **containing**(with heart of) ST(abbrev. for \"stone\", the former British unit of weight).\nAnswer: \"Sonny\" \u2026, former heavyweight boxing champion."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Making breakfast in prison? (5,8)","output":"### Answer: DOING PORRIDGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: in prison\n DOING(making\/cooking) PORRIDGE(a dish of oatmeal or other cereal boiled in water or milk, often for breakfast).\nDefn: Slang for serving time \u2026, from when porridge used to be served in prisons."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Coal left to burn (7)","output":"### Answer: LIGNITE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Coal\n L(abbrev. for \"left\") + IGNITE(to burn\/to burst into flames).\nDefn: A soft brownish \u2026."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: I'm going to secure island crown (5)","output":"### Answer: TIARA \n ### Explanation: Definition: crown\n \"TA-RA!\"(\"Goodbye!\"\/\"I'm going!\") **containing**(to secure) I(abbrev. for \"island\")."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Disappointed Charlie leaving in emergency (6)","output":"### Answer: RUSHED \n ### Explanation: Definition: leaving in emergency\n \"crushed\"(disappointed\/felt let down) **minus**(\u2026 leaving) \"C\"(letter in the phonetic alphabet represented by \"Charlie\").\nDefn: Describing someone or something leaving in an emergency, as in \"a rushed journey to the hospital after the accident\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Reporter's local suffered, being naive (13)","output":"### Answer: INEXPERIENCED \n ### Explanation: Definition: naive\n **Homophone of**(Reporter's) \"inn\"(a local\/a pub near one's home or office that one frequents) + EXPERIENCED(suffered\/lived through)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Handling of matter botched by hospital department (9)","output":"### Answer: TREATMENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Handling\n **Anagram of**(\u2026 botched) matter **plus**(by) ENT(abbrev. for the Ear, Nose and Throat Department of a hospital)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Humiliated, given low mark for all to hear (8)","output":"### Answer: DEGRADED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Humiliated\n **Homophone of**(\u2026 for all to hear) \"D-graded\"(given a D grade\/a low mark, in a test, say)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Staff welcoming a deposit from Kuala Lumpur? (7)","output":"### Answer: MALAYAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: from Kuala Lumpur\n MAN(to staff\/to fill the positions in an organisation) **containing**(welcoming) [A + LAY(to deposit\/to set down).\nDefn: Descriptive of someone or something \u2026, formerly the capital city of the States of Malaya, and now the capital city of Malaysia. Thus, the answer is something of an anachronism."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Setter's second puzzle? It's hell (6)","output":"### Answer: EREBUS \n ### Explanation: Definition: hell\n **2nd letter of**(\u2026's second) \"Setter\" + REBUS(a puzzle in which words are represented by pictures and letters).\nDefn: \u2026\/the darkness below the earth\/the underworld."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Susie's taking a little nap (6)","output":"### Answer: SIESTA \n ### Explanation: Definition: nap\n **Hidden in**(\u2026 a little) \"Susie's taking\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Notes on origin of recession from the Sun (5)","output":"### Answer: SOLAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: from the Sun\n SO,LA(syllables representing two notes in the sol-fa musical scale) **placed above**(on, in a down clue) **1st letter of**(origin of) \"recession\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Was lout letting loose criminals? (7)","output":"### Answer: OUTLAWS \n ### Explanation: Definition: criminals\n **Anagram of**(\u2026 letting loose) WAS LOUT."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: American leader's pretty perceptive (5)","output":"### Answer: ACUTE \n ### Explanation: Definition: perceptive\n **1st letter of**(\u2026 leader) \"American\" + CUTE(pretty\/endearing)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: You must tuck into fish spread (4)","output":"### Answer: DAUB \n ### Explanation: Definition: spread\n U(\"you\" in texting) **contained in**(must tuck into) DAB(a North Atlantic flatfish).\nDefn: \u2026 a sticky substance on a surface."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Conservative Party socialist toyed with? (10)","output":"### Answer: CONSIDERED \n ### Explanation: Definition: toyed with\n CON(abbrev. for a member of the Conservative Party\") + SIDE(party, as in a lawsuit between plaintiff and defendant) + RED(a socialist\/a leftist)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A deed men of a wild nature belittled (8)","output":"### Answer: DEMEANED \n ### Explanation: Definition: belittled\n **Anagram of**(\u2026 of a wild nature)A DEED MEN."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What workers might go out for? A nice drink! (6)","output":"### Answer: NECTAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: What workers might go out for,A nice drink\n Double defn: 1st: \u2026, worker bees collecting from flowers, that is; and 2nd: A delicious drink."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pure class to be straddling horse (6)","output":"### Answer: CHASTE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Pure\n CASTE(one of the classes in a society divided into distinct levels of social position) **containing**(to be straddling) H(abbrev. for \"heroin\", also called \"horse\")."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Churlish OAP mostly associated with Pike? (6)","output":"### Answer: OAFISH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Churlish\n **2 out of 3 letters of**(\u2026 mostly) \"OAP\" **plus**(associated with) FISH(an example of which is the pike)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Member of sect found in delicatessen, eating (6)","output":"### Answer: ESSENE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Member of sect\n **Hidden in**(found in \u2026) \"delicatessen eating\".\nDefn: \u2026 found in ancient Palestine."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A poor worker holding in hand sandpaper? (8)","output":"### Answer: ABRADANT \n ### Explanation: Definition: sandpaper?\n [A + BAD(poor\/of a low standard) + ANT(a social insect, one who could belong to the worker caste) ] **containing**(holding in) R(abbrev. for \"right\"\/the hand opposed to the left, as with \"a boxer's right\").\nDefn: Of which sandpaper is an example\/?."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Criminal given grief online is restrained (10)","output":"### Answer: CONTROLLED \n ### Explanation: Definition: restrained\n CON(short for \"convict\", a criminal) + TROLLED(given grief\/problems by a troll, an online poster who intentionally antagonises others)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: River one's to cross outside of Shanghai (4)","output":"### Answer: ISIS \n ### Explanation: Definition: River\n I(Roman numeral for \"one\")'S **containing**(to cross) **1st and last letters of**(outside of) \"Shanghai\".\nDefn: Another name for part of the River Thames."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Counterfeit gun impounded by agent abroad (5)","output":"### Answer: FAKED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Counterfeit\n AK(or Kalashnikov, short for the AK-47 automatic rifle, one of the AK family of rifles) **contained in**(impounded by) FED(short for an agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, one abroad if you're not from the US)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Penny gets baby toy fluffy rabbit, perhaps (7)","output":"### Answer: PRATTLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: fluffy rabbit, perhaps\n P(abbrev. for \"penny\", the unit of currency) **plus**(gets) RATTLE(a baby toy).\nDefn: Fluffy\/frivolous rabbit\/conversation."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: To me, Serpent's one male best at puzzles (10)","output":"### Answer: STABLEMATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: To me, Serpent's one\n **Anagram of**(\u2026 puzzles) MALE BEST AT.\nDefn: What Serpent, a crossword setter for The Independent, is to me, the setter of this crossword using the self-referential pronoun."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Is it possible that prison will provide dance? (6)","output":"### Answer: CANCAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: dance\n CAN?(\"is it possible that?\", as in \"Is it possible that you do this?\") CAN(slang for prison)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Criminal had a nice ranch on the Costa Del Sol (8)","output":"### Answer: HACIENDA \n ### Explanation: Definition: ranch on the Costa Del\n **Anagram of**(Criminal) HAD A NICE.\nDefn: A ranch or estate, in the language of the Costa Del Sol, Spain."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Song fan sent up, debut of Europe (4)","output":"### Answer: TUNE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Song\n **Reversal of**(\u2026 sent up, in a down clue) NUT(a fan\/a fanatic about a specific thing) + **1st letter of**(debut of) \"Europe\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Speak of love that comes with cost? (5)","output":"### Answer: ORATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Speak \n O(letter representing 0\/love in tennis scores) **plus**(that comes with) RATE(a fixed price\/cost charged for something)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Religious councils' chance of doing wrong in hearing? (6)","output":"### Answer: SYNODS \n ### Explanation: Definition: igious councils\n **Homophone of**(\u2026 in hearing) \"sin odds\"(whimsically, the chance\/odds of doing wrong\/sinning)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Look at tree stuffed with bit of wet rubbish (7)","output":"### Answer: EYEWASH \n ### Explanation: Definition: rubbish\n [ EYE(to look at) + ASH(a tree) ] **containing**(stuffed with) **1st letter of**(bit of) \"wet\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Kid's bunk possibly picked up for delivery? (10)","output":"### Answer: CHILDBIRTH \n ### Explanation: Definition: delivery\n KID(a child) + **homophone of**(\u2026 picked up) \"berth\"(a bunk\/a narrow shelf-like bed arranged on top of another, in possibly a ship or train).\nDefn: \u2026 of a baby, in a hospital, say."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Group of players on holiday get ready to go sailing (4,3)","output":"### Answer: CAST OFF \n ### Explanation: Definition: get ready to go sailing\n CAST(a group of players\/actors in a play or movie) + OFF(on holiday\/away from work)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: House doctor about to enter dodgy hostel (3,5)","output":"### Answer: THE LORDS \n ### Explanation: Definition: House\n **Reversal of**(\u2026 about) DR(abbrev. for \"doctor\") **contained in**(to enter) **anagram of**(dodgy) HOSTEL.\nDefn: \u2026 in the UK Parliament."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Buzz everyone gets in football tourney (4,2)","output":"### Answer: CALL UP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Buzz\n ALL(everyone) **contained in**(gets in) CUP(a football tourney, where the winner gets a trophy in the form of a cup).\nDefn: \u2026\/contact someone by phone."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Basketball icon is bloke who goes fishing (6)","output":"### Answer: RODMAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Basketball icon\n [ ROD MAN ](whimsically, a bloke\/man who goes fishing with a rod\/fishing rod).\nAnswer: \u2026, Dennis, American basketball star\/icon."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One settling bill for racket (5)","output":"### Answer: NOISE \n ### Explanation: Definition: racket\n I(Roman numeral for \"one\") **contained in**(settling in) NOSE(the beak of some birds\/bill)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Photograph bear (4)","output":"### Answer: TAKE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Photograph,bear\n Double defn: 1st: \u2026\/to capture a scene with a camera; and 2nd: \u2026\/to tolerate."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Excessive exploitation very nearly blocks river (7)","output":"### Answer: OVERUSE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Excessive exploitation\n \"very\" **minus ****its last letter**(nearly) **contained in**(blocks) OUSE(river in Yorkshire, England)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: More costly Father Ted given modern look (7)","output":"### Answer: UPDATED \n ### Explanation: Definition: given modern look\n UP(higher in price\/more costly) + DA(father, in the vocabulary in Ireland, Scotland and North England) + TED."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Worry about cutting paper (4)","output":"### Answer: FRET \n ### Explanation: Definition: Worry\n RE(with reference to\/about) **contained in**(cutting) FT(the Financial Times daily newspaper)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Padding over where arm's held close to body (10)","output":"### Answer: UPHOLSTERY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Padding\n UP(over, as in \"time's up!\") + HOLSTER(the accessory worn on the body, in which\/where a handgun\/firearm is held) + **last letter of**(close to) \"body\".\nDefn: \u2026 covering and fixed to furniture items."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: McIlroy's first club covered constant tiny distance (6)","output":"### Answer: MICRON \n ### Explanation: Definition: tiny distance\n **1st letter of**(\u2026's first) \"McIlroy\" + IRON(a club, as may be used by Rory McIlroy, professional golfer) **containing**(covered) C(mathematical symbol for a value that is constant).\nDefn: \u2026 equal to one-millionth of a metre."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Refreshed squaddies slept outside (8)","output":"### Answer: RESTORED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Refreshed\n OR(abbrev. for \"other ranks\"\/non-commissioned military personnel\/squaddies) **contained in**(\u2026 outside) RESTED(ceased activity and slept)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Trim fruits in different heaps (9)","output":"### Answer: SHIPSHAPE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Trim\n HIPS(fruit of a rose) **contained in**(in) **anagram of**(different) HEAPS."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fit ground inside city? That's clever (5)","output":"### Answer: NIFTY \n ### Explanation: Definition: clever\n **Anagram of**(\u2026 ground) FIT **contained in**(inside) NY(abbrev. for New York City, USA)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Do without extra small prune left over (5)","output":"### Answer: SPARE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Do without extra,left over\n S(abbrev. for \"small') + PARE(to prune\/trim\/remove unwanted parts).\nDouble defn: 1st: \u2026, say, mass or fat\/thin; and 2 \u2026 and above what's in use. Or could it be a triple defn?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Former coach's conscientious commitment (9)","output":"### Answer: DILIGENCE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Former coach,conscientious commitment\n Double defn: 1st: Historically, a public stagecoach."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Designs using fine wood particles (8)","output":"### Answer: FASHIONS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Designs\n F(abbrev. for \"fine\") + ASH(wood from the ash tree, of course) + IONS(tiny particles\/atoms or molecules that have gained or lost an electron)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Case section of canal Egypt added (6)","output":"### Answer: LOCKET \n ### Explanation: Definition: Case\n LOCK(section of a canal, where boats are raised or lowered) **plus**(\u2026 added) ET(International Vehicle Registration code for Egypt).\nDefn: Ornamental \u2026."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Drills maybe two poles or rocks (5,5)","output":"### Answer: POWER TOOLS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Drills maybe\n **Anagram of**(\u2026 rocks) TWO POLES OR.\nDefn: Examples of which\/maybe are electric drills."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Make up time lost in first class (1-3)","output":"### Answer: A-ONE \n ### Explanation: Definition: first class\n \"atone\"(to make up\/to make amends for) **minus**(\u2026 lost) \"t\"(abbrev. for \"time\").\nDefn: \u2026\/the best."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wheels shy tourist now and then (7)","output":"### Answer: CASTORS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Wheels\n CAST(shy\/to fling or throw at a target) + **2nd, 4th and 6th letters of**(\u2026 now and then) \"tourist\".\nHeavy-duty ones:"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Modified an obsolete piano brought in (7)","output":"### Answer: ADAPTED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Modified\n A(like \"an\", an article for a single object) + DATED(obsolete\/out of date) **containing**(\u2026 brought in) P(abbrev. for \"piano\", the musical direction)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Japan referee lives in new hotel (7)","output":"### Answer: VARNISH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Japan\n VAR(abbrev. for \"Video Assistant Referee\", in sports, an official who helps with the main referee's decision-making by reviewing the play on video recording) + IS(lives\/exists) **contained in**(in) [ N(abbrev. for \"new\") + H(letter in the phonetic alphabet represented by \"hotel\") ].\nDefn: Of which japan, a hard dark lacquer, is an example."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: It goes round and round most of North Island city (5)","output":"### Answer: ROTOR \n ### Explanation: Definition: It goes round and round\n **5 letters out of 7 of**(most of) \"Rotorua\"(a city in the North Island, New Zealand)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One of five arrivals in small church a supporter there (7)","output":"### Answer: SQUINCH \n ### Explanation: Definition: a supporter there\n QUIN(short for \"quintuplet\", one of five babies born\/arrivals at one birth) **contained in**(in) [ S(abbrev. for \"small\") + CH(abbrev. for \"church\") ].\nDefn: An arched structure supporting, say, a dome as may be found in a church\/\"there\" in the clue."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: European sophistication (6)","output":"### Answer: POLISH \n ### Explanation: Definition: European,sophistication\n Double defn: 2nd: \u2026\/elegance in a person or thing."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sanction unit in renovated art house (9)","output":"### Answer: AUTHORISE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Sanction\n I(Roman numeral for \"one\", a single unit) **contained in**(in) **anagram of**(renovated) ART HOUSE."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Heading across France occasionally to find grave (7)","output":"### Answer: EARNEST \n ### Explanation: Definition: grave\n EAST(a heading\/a direction) **containing**(across) **2nd, 4th and 6th letters of**(\u2026 occasionally) \"France\".\nDefn: \u2026\/serious."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fixing TV show could make others happier (3,6,4)","output":"### Answer: THE REPAIR SHOP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fixing TV show\n **Anagram of**(could make) OTHERS HAPPIER.\nDefn: British TV show in which experts restore\/fix family heirlooms, which make the owners happier, no doubt."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: When out of cash, workers split wrapping paper (9)","output":"### Answer: PARCHMENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: paper\n [ \"as\"(when\/at the time specified, as in \"please close the door when you leave\") **deleted from**(out of) \"cash\" + MEN(workers\/labourers) ] **contained in**(\u2026 wrapping) PART(to split\/to divide)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Architect left one instrument (7)","output":"### Answer: PIANOLA \n ### Explanation: Definition: instrument\n PIANO(Renzo, Italian architect whose work includes The Shard in London) + L(abbrev. for \"left\") + A(one\/article for a single item)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Badly sullied? (3-4)","output":"### Answer: ILL-USED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Badly sullied\n **Anagram of**(Badly) SULLIED.\nDefn: What would result in something being \u2026"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sanitise lists Anglicans put outside (7)","output":"### Answer: CLEANSE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Sanitise\n LEANS(lists\/tilts to one side) **contained in**(\u2026 put outside) CE(abbrev. for the Church of England, whose members are \"Anglicans\")."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Harry a competitor in the Crucible (6)","output":"### Answer: POTTER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Harry,a competitor in the Crucible\n Double defn: 1st: \u2026, in J.K. Rowling's fantasy novels; and 2nd: What you might call a player who pots balls, and would be a competitor in The Crucible (Theatre), the venue in Sheffield, England, where the World Snooker Championships are held.\nIs our setter a snooker player, too?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Vice perhaps affected inspiring student (5)","output":"### Answer: CLAMP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Vice perhaps\n CAMP(affected\/deliberately exaggerated and theatrical) **containing**(inspiring) L(letter displayed by a student driver).\nDefn: A device for fastening something in place, an example of which\/perhaps, is a vice."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Constant criticism curtailed at parting (6)","output":"### Answer: STATIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: Constant \n \"stick\"(severe criticism\/condemnation) **minus ****its last letter**(curtailed) **containing**(\u2026 parting) AT.\nDefn: \u2026\/without change."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Very hot yet was composed (6)","output":"### Answer: SWEATY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Very hot \n **Anagram of**(\u2026 composed) YET WAS."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Strange going back inside Tangier office (7)","output":"### Answer: FOREIGN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Strange \n **Hidden in**(inside) **reversal of**(going back \u2026) \"Tangier office\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dad swamps kir cocktail with spice (7)","output":"### Answer: PAPRIKA \n ### Explanation: Definition: spice \n PAPA(like \"Dad\", an informal term for one's father) **containing**(swamps) **anagram of**(\u2026 cocktail) KIR."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Really disappointed in ugly car parks at oasis (2,4,2,1,6)","output":"### Answer: AS SICK AS A PARROT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Really disappointed \n **Anagram of**(ugly) CAR PARKS AT OASIS.\n\u2026. literally."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Squander money in buffet (4)","output":"### Answer: BLOW \n ### Explanation: Definition: Squander money ,buffet \n Double defn: 1st: \u2026\/spend recklessly; and 2nd: \u2026\/a punch."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Perhaps Galileo's maestro or Newton, possibly (10)","output":"### Answer: ASTRONOMER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Perhaps Galileo\n **Anagram of**(\u2026, possibly) [MAESTRO OR + N(abbrev. for \"Newton\", symbol in physics for a unit of force) ].\nDefn: Of which Galileo Galilei is an example\/perhaps.\nThe man's instrument:"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Deteriorating swimming resort's losing special quality (10)","output":"### Answer: RETROGRADE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Deteriorating\n **Anagram of**(swimming) [ \"resort\" **minus**(\u2026's losing) \"s\"(abbrev. for \"special\") ] + GRADE(a measure of quality\/condition, as in \"high-grade investments\")."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Region in Italy certainly covered by motoring organisation (4)","output":"### Answer: ASIA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Region\n SI(\"certainly\"\/agreed! in the language of Italy) **contained in**(covered by) AA(abbrev. for \"Automobile Association\", the motoring organisation in many countries).\nDefn: Geographical \u2026."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Winning fellow in duel chose to turn early (5,2,8)","output":"### Answer: AHEAD OF SCHEDULE \n ### Explanation: Definition: early\n AHEAD(winning\/leading at a particular point in a contest) + **anagram of**(\u2026 to turn) [ F(abbrev. for \"fellow\") **contained in**(in) DUEL CHOSE]."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Heat-retaining articles worn by soldier left behind (7)","output":"### Answer: THERMAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Heat-retaining\n THE,A(two articles in grammar) **containing**(worn by) RM(post-nominals for an officer\/soldier in the Royal Marines unit of the military) **plus**(\u2026 behind) L(abbrev. for \"left\").\nDefn: \u2026, as with clothing designed to keep one warm, such clothes being called \"thermals\".\n.. or as with hot springs and pools:"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lamp's laboriously cleaned out with a soft touch (7)","output":"### Answer: LIGHTLY \n ### Explanation: Definition: with a soft touch\n LIGHT(a lamp\/a source of light) + \"laboriously\" **minus all its inner letters**(cleaned out)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Verse has singular beat unknown by leading academic (6)","output":"### Answer: STANZA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Verse\n S(abbrev. for \"singular\") + TAN(to beat physically as punishment) + Z(symbol for an unknown quantity in mathematics) **plus**(by) **1st letter of**(leading) \"academic\".\nDefn: \u2026 in a poem."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Compulsion to put on nursing uniform (6)","output":"### Answer: DURESS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Compulsion\n DRESS(to put, say, clothes, on) **containing**(nursing) U(abbrev. for \"uniform\").\nDefn: \u2026\/coercion."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: HRT treatment remains open to debate (6,3)","output":"### Answer: THRASH OUT \n ### Explanation: Definition: debate\n **Anagram of**(\u2026 treatment) HRT + ASH(remains after burning) + OUT(open\/not hidden)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Outwit champion concealing sudden move (6)","output":"### Answer: TWITCH \n ### Explanation: Definition: sudden move\n **Hidden in**(\u2026 concealing) \"Outwit champion\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Political activist is able very shortly to take in fool (9)","output":"### Answer: CANVASSER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Political activist\n CAN(is able to\/capable of) + \"very\" **minus its last letter**(shortly) **containing**(to take in) ASS(a fool\/a stupid person)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Back copies one acquired are a brownish colour (5)","output":"### Answer: SEPIA \n ### Explanation: Definition: a brownish colour\n **Reversal of**(Back) APES(copies\/imitates) **containing**(\u2026 acquired) I(Roman numeral for \"one\")."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Former lover's not embellished son's excuses (8)","output":"### Answer: EXPLAINS \n ### Explanation: Definition: excuses\n EX(one's former lover) **plus**('s\/has) PLAIN(not embellished\/undecorated) + S(abbrev. for \"son\").\nDefn: Gives a reason to justify\/excuses an action or event."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Someone attempting to start off unloading goods (5)","output":"### Answer: TRIER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Someone attempting\n \"trigger\"(to start off\/to set into motion a sequence of events) **minus**(unloading) G,G(twice abbrev. for \"good\")."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fatberg sat about causing alarm (11)","output":"### Answer: FLABBERGAST \n ### Explanation: Definition: causing alarm\n FLAB(fat\/soft loose flesh on one's body) + BERG + **anagram of**(\u2026 about) SAT.\nDefn: \u2026\/to startle."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Every other change neatly arranged (11)","output":"### Answer: ALTERNATELY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Every other\n ALTER(to change\/to amend) + **anagram of**(\u2026 arranged) NEATLY."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Laughed at reading 1 down \u2014 setter had put in funny clue (9)","output":"### Answer: RIDICULED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Laughed at \n R(abbrev. for \"reading\", from the \"three Rs of children's education\") + I(Roman numeral for \"one\") + D(abbrev. for \"down\", as with, say, crossword clues) + I'D(\"I had\"\/setter had, using the self-referential pronoun) **containing**(put in) **anagram of**(funny) CLUE."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Engineer questions exchanging money for new false reports (9)","output":"### Answer: MISQUOTES \n ### Explanation: Definition: false reports \n **Anagram of**(Engineer) [ \"questions\" **with** \"m\"(abbrev. for \"money\") **replacing**(exchanging \u2026 for) \"n\"(abbrev. for \"new\") ]."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Continue protecting cupola, a positive sign for the future (4,4)","output":"### Answer: GOOD OMEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: a positive sign for the future \n [GO ON](continue\/proceed) **containing**(protecting) DOME(cupola\/a rounded roof or part of a roof)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Accounts book's advantage in long run (6)","output":"### Answer: LEDGER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Accounts book\n EDGE(an advantage one contestant has over the others) **contained in**(in) [ L(abbrev. for \"long\") + R(abbrev. for \"run\" in cricket scores) ]."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: In France I set up English court in exile (5)","output":"### Answer: EJECT \n ### Explanation: Definition: exile\n **Reversal of**(\u2026 set up, in a down clue) JE(the pronoun \"I\", in the language of France) + E(abbrev. for \"English\") + CT(abbrev. for \"court\").\nDefn: To compel someone to leave a place."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stumbled over a slang word for man (5)","output":"### Answer: FELLA \n ### Explanation: Definition: slang word for man\n FELL(stumbled\/tripped while walking or running) **placed above**(over, in a down clue) A."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Submarine that's German and Irish and American (8)","output":"### Answer: UNDERSEA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Submarine\n UND(German for \"and\") + ERSE(the Irish Gaelic language) **plus**(and) A(abbrev. for \"American\").\nDefn: \u2026\/underwater."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fine being sore after exercise class (6)","output":"### Answer: PEACHY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fine\n ACHY(sore\/suffering from continuous dull pain, as you might be after exercising) **placed after**(after) PE(abbrev. for \"physical education\"\/exercise class in school).\nDefn: \u2026, in North American slang."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Say, borstal pupil's denial retracted after pressure? (6)","output":"### Answer: PRISON \n ### Explanation: Definition: Say, borstal\n **Reversal of**(\u2026 retracted) [ NO, SIR ](a pupils' denial as said to a teacher) **placed after**(after) P(symbol for \"pressure\" in physics).\nDefn: An example of which\/say, is the borstal, a custodial institution for young offenders."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Structure on a pitch Rooney's inside, most likely (3,2,3)","output":"### Answer: TEN TO ONE \n ### Explanation: Definition: most likely\n TENT(a structure on a pitch\/a cloth shelter that you pitch\/set up) + **inner letters of**(\u2026's inside) \"Rooney\".\nDefn: The odds for something most likely to happen."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Censor government report (4)","output":"### Answer: BANG \n ### Explanation: Definition: report\n BAN(to censor\/to forbid) + G(abbrev. for \"government\").\nDefn: A \u2026\/sudden loud noise."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Exhibitor fashioned arty base for nude figure (6,4)","output":"### Answer: SHOWER TRAY \n ### Explanation: Definition: base for nude figure\n SHOWER(an exhibitor\/one who shows) + **anagram of**(fashioned) ARTY.\nDefn: A base\/something to stand on for a nude figure\/person, in this case one taking a shower."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Friend shortly runs single rounder after children (8)","output":"### Answer: MATRONLY \n ### Explanation: Definition: rounder after children\n \"mate\"(a friend\/companion) **minus ****its last letter**(shortly) + R(abbrev. for \"runs\" in cricket scores) + ONLY(single\/solitary).\nDefn: The unflattering description of one who is rounder\/of heavier build after having children. Or is it the description of one who rounds up\/tends to children in an institution? \u2013 but, if that were so, the clue gives no indication that the solution should be an adjective."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One egg put on for the whole family (4)","output":"### Answer: UNIT \n ### Explanation: Definition: One\n NIT(egg of a louse) **plus**(put on) U(abbrev. for \"universal\", the classification of film certified as suitable for viewing by everyone, including the whole family)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hill-dweller taken aback by English mountain (4)","output":"### Answer: ETNA \n ### Explanation: Definition: mountain\n **Reversal of**(\u2026 taken aback) ANT(a dweller of an anthill) **placed after**(by) E(abbrev. for \"English\").\nDefn: \u2026 in Sicily."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mark round glass left by sediment from Spooner's wine? (8)","output":"### Answer: RIESLING \n ### Explanation: Definition: wine\n Spoonerism of(\u2026 from Spooner) [ \"lees\"(sediment from wine) that has left a \"ring\"(a mark round a glass, a wineglass, say) ].\nDefn: A dry white \u2026 from Germany."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Prince Charles collects amateur and dreadful china for fun (10)","output":"### Answer: PLAYFELLOW \n ### Explanation: Definition: china for fun\n POW(abbrev. for the Prince of Wales, currently Prince Charles) **containing**(collects) [ LAY(amateur\/not professionally qualified) + FELL(dreadful\/terrible) ].\nDefn: A mate\/china to play with\/for fun."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tree-trunk Jack climbs for acorns, say (4)","output":"### Answer: MAST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Tree-trunk Jack climbs,acorns, say\n Double defn: 1. That formerly constructed from a tree-trunk, which a Jack\/a seaman might climb on board a ship; and 2nd: Animal feed which could\/say be made from, or including, acorns."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A few good-looking bananas dropped off (4)","output":"### Answer: SOME \n ### Explanation: Definition: A few\n \"handsome\"(good-looking\/physically attractive) **minus**(\u2026 dropped off) \"hand\"(a bundle or cluster of bananas)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Open up a Conservative party \u2013 leadership of Boris is revoked (10)","output":"### Answer: ACCELERATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Open up\n A + C(abbrev. for the Conservative Party or a member of it) + \"celebrate\"(to acknowledge by holding a party, as was done by Boris in Downing Street) **minus ****1st letter of**(leadership of \u2026 is revoked) \"Boris\".\nDefn: \u2026\/to widen the engine throttle of a motor vehicle, and thus, picking up speed."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Induct a couple of trainees at the end of this month (7)","output":"### Answer: INSTALL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Induct\n [ A + L,L(a couple of the letter displayed by a trainee driver) ] **placed after**(at the end of) INST.(abbrev. for \"instante mense\"\/Latin for \"this month\")."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: In retrospect, rehearse for Phantom (7)","output":"### Answer: SPECTRE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Phantom\n **Hidden in**(In) \"retrospect, rehearse\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Daft to adopt city plan (7)","output":"### Answer: DIAGRAM \n ### Explanation: Definition: plan\n DIM(daft\/not clever) **containing**(to adopt) AGRA(Indian city, site of the Taj Mahal)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Got rid of Times journalist (6)","output":"### Answer: ERASED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Got rid of\n ERAS(long periods of time) + ED(abbrev. for \"editor\", a journalist)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Watches bridge opponents struggle at first (5)","output":"### Answer: VIEWS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Watches\n W,S(abbrev. for \"West\" and \"South\" respectively, representing players in opposing partnerships in the card game, bridge) **placed after**(\u2026 at first) VIE(to struggle\/to fight for)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Glorified newspaper editor entertains drunken ladies (9)","output":"### Answer: IDEALISED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Glorified\n [ I(in lower case, the British national morning paper) + ED(abbrev. for \"editor\") ] **containing**(entertains) **anagram of**(drunken) LADIES."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Get back together having never once fallen out (9)","output":"### Answer: RECONVENE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Get back together\n **Anagram of**(\u2026 fallen out) NEVER ONCE."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Freight container originally placed on old ship (5)","output":"### Answer: CARGO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Freight\n **1st letter of**(\u2026 originally) \"container\" **plus**(placed on) ARGO(in Greek mythology, the ship in which Jason and company sailed)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Foundation student abandons drunken Frenchman (6)","output":"### Answer: BOTTOM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Foundation\n \"L\"(letter displayed by a student driver) **deleted from**(abandons) [ \"blotto\"(extremely drunk) + M(abbrev. for \"Monsieur\", a form of address for a Frenchman) ]."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Question some emoticons ultimately (7)","output":"### Answer: CONSULT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Question\n **Hidden in** some () \"emoticons ultimately\".\nDefn: \u2026\/seek knowledge or advice from someone."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A uniform's required to sit these? (1,6)","output":"### Answer: A LEVELS \n ### Explanation: Definition: sit these\n A + LEVEL(uniform\/with a even surface)'S.\nDefn: \u2026\/exams that one sits to obtain the Advanced Level Certificate in the UK."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unproductive tiler working in Kent? (7)","output":"### Answer: STERILE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Unproductive\n **Anagram of**(\u2026 working TILER) **contained in**(in) SE(abbrev. for \"South East\", in this case, the region of England that includes Kent)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Academic Derby winner? (10)","output":"### Answer: CLASSICIST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Academic,Derby winner\n Double defn: 1st: \u2026\/one who studies, in this case, the Classics, the ancient Greek and Roman cultures; and 2nd: What you might call the winner of The Derby, one of the British Classics horse races."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Audibly taunt supporters (4)","output":"### Answer: TEES \n ### Explanation: Definition: supporters\n **Homophone of**(Audibly) \"tease\"(taunt\/to make fun of).\nDefn: \u2026\/small pegs on which golf balls are placed when driving off from the tee box."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Film various people swimming under water (4-6)","output":"### Answer: SKIN-DIVERS \n ### Explanation: Definition: people swimming under water\n SKIN(film\/a thin outer layer) + DIVERS(various\/of several types).\nDefn: \u2026 without using breathing apparatus.\nSkin-diving for pearls:"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Motorway hazard mix-up (7)","output":"### Answer: MISTAKE \n ### Explanation: Definition: mix-up\n MI(M1, the major motorway in England, with the Roman numeral substitution) + STAKE(to hazard\/to risk something of value by gambling with it)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Flux discovered in pool plant (9)","output":"### Answer: COLUMBINE \n ### Explanation: Definition: plant\n **Middle 2 letters of**(\u2026 discovered) \"Flux\" **contained in**(in) COMBINE(to pool\/to merge into a single unit).\nJust 2 of the many varieties:"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Follow relations leaving bathroom (5)","output":"### Answer: ENSUE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Follow\n \"en suite\"(a bathroom that immediately adjoins a bedroom) **minus**(\u2026 leaving) \"it\"(slang for sexual intercourse\/sexual relations)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Looker seen at Suffolk town dance (7)","output":"### Answer: EYEBALL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Looker\n EYE(Suffolk market town) + BALL(a dance\/a social function that includes dancing)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Put key in a lock for film star? (7)","output":"### Answer: ACTRESS \n ### Explanation: Definition: film star\n C(the key of C is a major scale in music) **contained in**(Put \u2026 in) [A + TRESS(a long lock of a woman's hair) ]."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Drawn game of rugby with both wings sent off (4)","output":"### Answer: EVEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Drawn\n \"sevens\"(a game of seven-a-side rugby) **minus its 1st and last letters**(with both wings sent off).\nDefn: \u2026\/describing a match with tied scores."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Graduate doctor regularly eats curry (6)","output":"### Answer: MADRAS \n ### Explanation: Definition: curry\n MA(abbrev. for \"Master of Arts\", a graduate with that degree) + DR(abbrev. for \"Doctor\") + **2nd and 4th letters of**(regularly) \"eats\".\nDefn: A \u2026\/a dish of meat, fish or vegetables in hot curry sauce."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Changing into a dress shows finesse (10)","output":"### Answer: ADROITNESS \n ### Explanation: Definition: finesse\n **Anagram of**(Changing) INTO A DRESS."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Uses taxes to protect the queen (9)","output":"### Answer: EXERCISES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Uses\n EXCISES(taxes levied on certain goods and commodities) **containing**(to protect) ER(abbrev. for \"Elizabeth Regina\", Queen Elizabeth)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Reportedly catch a disease (7)","output":"### Answer: CHOLERA \n ### Explanation: Definition: disease\n **Homophone of**(Reportedly) \"collar\"(to catch\/to arrest, a criminal, say) + A."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Problems initially advanced at talks (7)","output":"### Answer: NATTERS \n ### Explanation: Definition: talks\n \"matters\"(problems\/troubles, as used in, in the singular, \"Is there something the matter with \u2026?\") **with its 1st letter moved one position forward in the alphabet**(initially advanced)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Enforce endless changes to debate (6)","output":"### Answer: CONFER \n ### Explanation: Definition: debate\n **Anagram of**(\u2026 endless) [ \"Enforce\" **minus ****its last letter**(endless) ]."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Way to describe batting performance (7)","output":"### Answer: ROUTINE \n ### Explanation: Definition: performance\n ROUTE(a way\/a course to go from start to destination) **containing**(to describe) IN(in cricket, describing the team that is batting, as in \"which side is in?\").\nDefn: A set sequence making up a performance, a dance or comedy act, say."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Add up one hundred notes (5)","output":"### Answer: MUSIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: notes\n **Reversal of**(\u2026 up, in a down clue) SUM(to add up\/to total) + I(Roman numeral for \"one\") + C(Roman numeral for \"hundred\").\nDefn: A beautiful combination of \u2026 equating to vocal or instrumental sounds."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Runner-up gets brandy (4)","output":"### Answer: MARC \n ### Explanation: Definition: brandy\n **Reversal of**(\u2026-up) CRAM(Steve, a British middle distance runner, prominent in the 1980s).\nDefn: \u2026 distilled from marc, the refuse of grapes after being pressed in making wine."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Exercise you must do to get higher with lift (5,2)","output":"### Answer: PRESS UP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Exercise\n Cryptic defn: You must press the \"UP\" button in a lift in a multi-storeyed building to get to the higher floors."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Composer in debt took on too much (7)","output":"### Answer: OVERDID \n ### Explanation: Definition: took on too much\n VERDI(Giuseppe, Italian composer) **contained in**(in) OD(abbrev. for \"overdrawn\", the state you're in, ie. in debt when your draw out from your bank account more than your credit balance)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Antelopes put back in container, when picked up (7)","output":"### Answer: REEBOKS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Antelopes\n **Homophone of**(\u2026, when picked up\/when heard) \"re-box\"(to put back in a box, an example of a container)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Declare old partner's demand for alimony (7)","output":"### Answer: EXCLAIM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Declare\n EX(old partner, say, a divorced spouse)'s CLAIM(a demand for what's rightfully the latter's, in this case, alimony)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Try twice to swallow vitamin for painful condition (9)","output":"### Answer: HEARTBURN \n ### Explanation: Definition: painful condition\n [ HEAR(to try in court),TURN(a try\/an attempt at something taken in rotation with other persons) ](Try twice) **containing**(to swallow) B(a class of water-soluble vitamins)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Complete fool when forgetting name (5)","output":"### Answer: UTTER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Complete\n \"nutter\"(a fool\/a person who behaves strangely) **minus**(when forgetting) \"n\"(abbrev. for \"name\")."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Chaucer's first poems, which need deciphering (5)","output":"### Answer: CODES \n ### Explanation: Definition: which need deciphering\n **1st letter of**(\u2026's first) \"Chaucer\" + ODES(poems addressed to a particular subject).\nDefn: That \u2026."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Master in a hurry becoming new resident of hospital (2-7)","output":"### Answer: IN-PATIENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: resident of hospital\n \"m\" in \"impatient\"(in a hurry\/unwilling to wait) **replaced by**(becoming) \"n\"(abbrev. for \"new\").\nStrictly, 2 \"ins\" are required in the clue."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Financier on cocaine makes a chilly impression (4,5)","output":"### Answer: SNOW ANGEL \n ### Explanation: Definition: a chilly impression\n ANGEL(a financier\/an investor in a business venture, say, a theatrical production) **placed after**(on) SNOW(slang for the drug, cocaine)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Teacher turning to take on very loud musical pieces (5)","output":"### Answer: RIFFS \n ### Explanation: Definition: musical pieces\n **Reversal of**(\u2026 turning) SIR(form of address for a male teacher) **containing**(to take on) FF(abbrev. for \"fortissimo\", a musical direction to play very loudly).\nDefn: Short repeated phrases in popular music or jazz."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ordered apprentice inside to make a sword (5)","output":"### Answer: BLADE \n ### Explanation: Definition: a sword\n BADE(ordered\/commanded to do something) **containing**(\u2026 inside) L(letter displayed by a learner driver, an apprentice, you might say).\nThe character and the sword:"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Put a leper through treatment that's going on for ever (9)","output":"### Answer: PERPETUAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: going on for ever\n **Anagram of**(\u2026 through treatment) PUT A LEPER."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Awkward suitor bearing ring is causing trouble (7)","output":"### Answer: RIOTOUS \n ### Explanation: Definition: causing trouble\n **Anagram of**(Awkward) SUITOR **containing**(bearing) O(letter representing a ring or ring-shaped object)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Quiet by perimeter \u2014 until one shows up! (7)","output":"### Answer: SHOUTER \n ### Explanation: Definition: until one shows up\n SH!(exclamation to tell someone to keep quiet) + OUTER(further away from the centre\/by the perimeter\/edge,).\nDefn: \u2026\/one who ends the quiet."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Confederate arresting work unit causes a reaction (7)","output":"### Answer: ALLERGY \n ### Explanation: Definition: a reaction\n ALLY(a confederate\/an accomplice) **containing**(arresting) ERG(in physics, the unit of work)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Contract makes cheat switch son for daughter (7)","output":"### Answer: DWINDLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Contract\n \"swindle\"(to cheat\/to defraud) **with** \"s\"(abbrev. for \"son\") **replaced by**(switch \u2026 for) \"d\"(abbrev. for \"daughter\")."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Chirpy redhead devastated by such a victory, perhaps (7)","output":"### Answer: PYRRHIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: such a victory, perhaps\n **Anagram of**(\u2026 devastated) [CHIRPY + **1st letter of**(\u2026head) \"red\" ].\nDefn: Describing a kind of\/perhaps, a victory that is won at a greater cost than is worthwhile for the victor."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stone delivered from them by cockney messenger (7)","output":"### Answer: EMERALD \n ### Explanation: Definition: Stone\n 'EM(short for \"them\", informally) **plus**(by) 'ERALD(herald\/a messenger, as pronounced in the cockney dialect)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Informer provides material for insider trading (5)","output":"### Answer: SNOUT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Informer,material for insider trading\n Double defn: 1st: Slang for an \u2026 to the police; and 2nd: Slang for a cigarette, something\/material that can be used to trade for favours by insiders, those inside prisons, you might say."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Not quite top drawer coder is showing off (9)","output":"### Answer: POSTURING \n ### Explanation: Definition: showing off\n **Last letter deleted from**(Not quite) \"posh\"(top drawer\/upper class) + TURING(Alan, an English computer scientist, a discipline that includes the use of code, though his accomplishments were much more than that.)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: OECD chief explodes at national leaders as this rises? (5)","output":"### Answer: OCEAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: as this rises\n **1st letters, respectively, of**(\u2026 leaders) \"OECD chief explodes at national\".\nDefn: \"this\" in the defn.\n(And, the OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) assresses, among other things, climate change, an effect of which is the rise in sea level as a result of global warming.)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Meet with French chap upset about matter he ingested (9)","output":"### Answer: ENCOUNTER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Meet\n **Reversal of**(\u2026 upset, in a down clue) RENE(an archetypal name for a French chap) **containing**(about \u2026 he ingested) COUNT(to matter\/to be effective)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One forced to join up \u2014 that sounds chilling (7)","output":"### Answer: DRAFTEE \n ### Explanation: Homophone of**(that sounds) \"draughty\"(chilling\/allowing in currents of cold air).\nDefn: \u2026 into the military, say."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Black mark put me into same boring old spin (7)","output":"### Answer: DEMERIT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Black mark\n ME **contained in**(put \u2026 into) **reversal of**(\u2026 spin) TIRED(describing that which is the same old boring thing)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Erect foundations to accommodate old actors' entrance (5,4)","output":"### Answer: STAGE DOOR \n ### Explanation: Definition: actors' entrance\n **Reversal of**(Erect, in a down clue) ROOTS(foundations\/origins) **containing**(to accommodate) AGED(old\/advanced in years)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Loser paid for breaking into two camps (9)","output":"### Answer: POLARISED \n ### Explanation: Definition: into two camps\n **Anagram of**(\u2026 for breaking) LOSER PAID."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Colder than Coventry for those sent into isolation? (7)","output":"### Answer: SIBERIA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Colder than Coventry for those sent into isolation\n Cryptic defn: If one is \"sent to Coventry\", one would be treated coldly\/ostracised. Being \"sent to Siberia\", is to be banished\/to be sent into isolation, from when Russian criminals were literally sent into Siberia, a much colder and more remote region than Coventry, as their punishment."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Where Frankfurter might be found doing well? (2,1,4)","output":"### Answer: ON A ROLL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Where Frankfurter might be found,doing well\n Double defn: 1st: A frankfurter sausage might be found on a roll\/a small loaf of bread, as a food item; and 2nd: \u2026\/on a winning streak."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Turfed out when retaining information that's productive (7)","output":"### Answer: FRUITED \n ### Explanation: Definition: productive\n **Anagram of**(\u2026 out)TURFED **containing**(when retaining) I(abbrev. for \"information\", as \"IT\").\nDefn: \u2026\/producing fruit."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rangers are part of what leads press to reveal overspending (7)","output":"### Answer: SPLURGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: overspending\n SPL(abbrev. for the Scottish Premier League, of which the Rangers Football Club from Glasgow are a part) **plus**(what leads) URGE(to press\/to encourage)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Share rating at upper limit? That's annoying (5)","output":"### Answer: PESKY \n ### Explanation: Definition: annoying\n P\/E(abbrev. for \"price-earnings ratio\", a measure\/rating of a commercial company's shares) **plus**(at) SKY(the upper limit\/the highest level of achievement you can possibly attain)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pathogen that turns up regularly in gill pouches (1,4)","output":"### Answer: E COLI \n ### Explanation: Definition: Pathogen\n **2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th and 10th letters of**(regularly in) **reversal of**(that turns up, in a down clue) \"gill pouches\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Compostable items left in rubbish? (6)","output":"### Answer: PLANTS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Compostable items\n L(abbrev. for \"left\") **contained in**(in) PANTS(informal term for rubbish\/nonsense)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The French blunder? Go wild (3,3)","output":"### Answer: LET RIP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Go wild\n LE(French for \"the\") + TRIP(to blunder\/to stumble).."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One-time group of performers (6)","output":"### Answer: FORMER \n ### Explanation: Definition: One-time\n **Hidden in**(group of) \"performers\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: An editor out of control should be restricted (8)","output":"### Answer: RATIONED \n ### Explanation: Definition: restricted\n **Anagram of**(\u2026 out of control) AN EDITOR."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Certainly not the best policy! (10)","output":"### Answer: DISHONESTY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Certainly not the best policy\n Cryptic defn: From the proverb \"Honesty is the best policy\". Am I missing something here?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Singer and friend outside university with academic attire on? (4,7)","output":"### Answer: PAUL ROBESON \n ### Explanation: Definition: Singer\n PAL(friend) **containing**(outside) U(abbrev. for \"university\") **plus**(with) ROBES(attire worn during ceremonial occasions, in this case by academics) ON."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Agent suffering setback (and cut off) kept going (10)","output":"### Answer: PERSEVERED \n ### Explanation: Definition: kept going\n **Reversal of**(\u2026 suffering setback) REP(abbrev. for \"representative\", an agent eg. one in sales) **plus**(and) SEVERED(cut\/sliced off)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: You are part of the crew, reportedly making money (4)","output":"### Answer: EURO \n ### Explanation: Definition: money\n **Homophone of**(\u2026, reportedly) \"you row\"(denoting you are part of the crew of a rowboat)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Scottish island's so typical of a long-ago time (8)","output":"### Answer: JURASSIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: typical of a long-ago time\n JURA(a Scottish island)'S + SIC(so\/thus\/repeated exactly as it is)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Prison block needing the ultimate in security (6)","output":"### Answer: CHOKEY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Prison\n CHOKE(to block\/to prevent free flow) **plus**(needing) **last letter of**(the ultimate in) \"security\".\nDefn: Slang for \u2026"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Money deposited by the German road joining an autobahn? (6)","output":"### Answer: FEEDER \n ### Explanation: Definition: road joining an autobahn\n FEE(money paid, in this case, deposited for the services of a professional) **plus**(by) DER(German for \"the\").\nDefn: A road for traffic to join a highway, an example of which\/? is the German autobahn."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Comfort in abstaining from alcohol \u2014 what's on the table? (3,3)","output":"### Answer: TEA SET \n ### Explanation: Definition: what's on the table\n EASE(comfort\/absence of difficulty) **contained in**(in) TT(abbrev. for \"teetotal\"\/abstaining from alcohol)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Island has job getting rid of king \u2014 madness ensues (8)","output":"### Answer: TASMANIA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Island\n \"task\"(a job\/a piece of work) **minus**(getting rid of) \"k\"(abbrev. for \"king\" in chess notation) **placed above**(\u2026 ensues, in a down clue) MANIA(madness\/mental illness).\nDefn: \u2026 in Australia."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Some items to redeem, not on public display? (6)","output":"### Answer: STORED \n ### Explanation: Definition: not on public display\n **Hidden in**(Some) \"items to redeem\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Went across street, we hear, ahead of all others in front (8)","output":"### Answer: BESTRODE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Went across\n **Homophone of**(\u2026, we hear) \"road\"(street\/thoroughfare) **placed under**(\u2026 in front, in a down clue) BEST(ahead of all others\/unsurpassed).\nDefn: \u2026\/straddled."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Small wooden area with duck in narrow channel (6)","output":"### Answer: GROOVE \n ### Explanation: Definition: narrow channel\n GROVE(a small piece of ground with trees growing on it\/a small wooded area \u2013 \"wooden\" being used loosely?) **containing**(with \u2026 in) O(letter representing 0\/duck in cricket scores)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Make nothing of repeated dirty stuff (3-3)","output":"### Answer: POO-POO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Make nothing of\n **Twice**(repeated) POO(slang for excrement\/dirty stuff)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lots missing a penalty, sadly (6)","output":"### Answer: PLENTY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Lots\n **Anagram of**(\u2026, sadly) \"penalty\" **minus**(missing) \"a\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Actor is out with naughty nobs (11)","output":"### Answer: ARISTOCRACY \n ### Explanation: Definition: nobs\n **Anagram of**(\u2026 out) ACTOR IS **plus**(with) RACY(naughty\/risqu\u00e9).\nDefn: Persons of high social position\/nobs, in slang."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: John, one wanting office outside, maybe spent to much? (8)","output":"### Answer: LAVISHED \n ### Explanation: Definition: spent to much\n LAV(short for \"lavatory\"\/john in slang) + I(Roman numeral for \"one\") **plus**(wanting) SHED(an outhouse\/an outdoor\/outside toilet\/office, euphemistically\/maybe)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Insignificant place that could be nowhere? Not so (3-5,4)","output":"### Answer: ONE-HORSE TOWN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Insignificant place\n **Anagram of**(could be) NOWHERE? NOT SO."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Polish again getting snub? (6)","output":"### Answer: REBUFF \n ### Explanation: Definition: snub\n RE-BUFF(re-polish\/polish again)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Game held up with fellow needing immediate attention (6)","output":"### Answer: URGENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: needing immediate attention\n **Reversal of**(\u2026 held up, in a down clue) RU(abbrev. for the game \"rugby union\") **plus**(with) GENT(a fellow\/a chap)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hiding in bush, a very young lad (6)","output":"### Answer: SHAVER \n ### Explanation: Definition: young lad\n **Hidden in**(Hiding in) \"bush, a very\".\nDefn: Informal term for \u2026"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Taken off, as a ship needing repair? (6)","output":"### Answer: DOCKED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Taken off,as a ship needing repair\nDefn: 1st: \u2026\/cut short, an animal's tail, say; and 2nd: Put a ship needing repair into, well, a dock\/shipyard."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Audition viably arranged, characteristic of a certain event (14)","output":"### Answer: UNAVOIDABILITY \n ### Explanation: Definition: characteristic of a certain event\n **Anagram of**(\u2026 arranged) AUDITION VIABLY.\nDefn: \u2026\/of an inevitable event."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Horizontal surface in which line meets side (5)","output":"### Answer: LEDGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Horizontal surface\n L(abbrev. for \"line\") **plus**(meets) EDGE(the side\/the border, say, of a square)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ridicule resolution to replace Conservative by monarch (8)","output":"### Answer: DERISION \n ### Explanation: Definition: Ridicule\n \"decision\"(resolution\/a decisive end to a pending issue, say) **with** \"c\"(abbrev. for a member of the Conservative Party) **replaced by**(to replace \u2026 by) R(abbrev. for \"Rex\" or \"Regina\"\/king or queen respectively\/a monarch)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Designs in place of words repeatedly found in mathematics (7)","output":"### Answer: FORMATS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Designs\n FOR(in place of\/as a substitute for, as in \"the understudy for the leading actor\") + MATS(2 x \"mat\", a word hidden twice in \"mathematics\")."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Using modified ten iron, his pitch changes little (7)","output":"### Answer: INTONER \n ### Explanation: Definition: his pitch changes little\n **Anagram of**(Using modified) TEN IRON.\nDefn: \u2026 when speaking or singing, say.\nAs to the surface, a golfer would use a pitching wedge, a club giving a higher loft than a 9 iron, used to make a pitch shot."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Measure of interest in group of islands, or one (5)","output":"### Answer: CAPRI \n ### Explanation: Definition: one \n APR(abbrev. for \"annual percentage rate\", the amount\/measure of interest generated by a sum of money, paid by a borrower to a lender) **contained in**(in) CI(abbrev. for the Channel Islands, a group of islands in the English Channel).\nDefn: \u2026 island."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Activity at club following being swamped in 8-0 disaster (9)","output":"### Answer: NIGHTLIFE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Activity at club \n F(abbrev. for \"following\") **contained in**(being swamped in) **anagram of**(\u2026 disaster) [ EIGHT(8) + NIL(0) ]."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Like woeful number produced by adding constant to one third, oddly (9)","output":"### Answer: THRENODIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: Like woeful number \n C(abbrev. for an unspecified number that remains constant\/invariable, in maths, say) **placed after**(adding \u2026 to) **anagram of**(\u2026, oddly) [ ONE THIRD ].\nDefn: \u2026\/a threnody\/a lament."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: For this cube, what's subtracted from vertical measurement when it's minimised? (5)","output":"### Answer: EIGHT \n ### Explanation: Definition: this cube\n \"height\"(the vertical measurement of a standing object) **minus**(what's subtracted from \u2026) \"h\"(abbrev. for\/when minimising \"height\").\nDefn: \u2026 , specifically the cube of 2."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Marine creature's head swallowed by old fish (7)","output":"### Answer: OCTOPOD \n ### Explanation: Definition: Marine creature\n TOP(the head\/the highest) **contained in**(swallowed by) [ O(abbrev. for \"old\") + COD(a type of edible fish) ]."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Writer of nonsensical verse both sides repeated in song (7)","output":"### Answer: CARROLL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Writer of nonsensical verse\n R,L(abbrev. for \"right\" and \"left\", respectively\/both sides) **repeated in **CAROL(a song)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Reordered mini, alternating with sailor, to drive (8)","output":"### Answer: AMBITION \n ### Explanation: Definition: drive\n **Anagram of**(Reordered) MINI **with each letter separately inserted after every other letter of**(alternating with) [ AB(abbrev. for \"able-bodied seaman\"\/a sailor) + TO]."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Numbers around end of score (for bigger numbers under score) (5)","output":"### Answer: TEENS \n ### Explanation: Definition: bigger numbers under score\n TENS(10s\/numbers) **containing**(around) **last letter of**(end of) \"score\".\nDefn: Numbers bigger than 10 but less\/under 20\/a score, viz. numbers 13 to 19."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: They can handle distraction as well as 25, 1 down, and 9, according to 23 (14)","output":"### Answer: ARITHMETICIANS \n ### Explanation: Definition: They can handle distraction as well as 25, 1 down, and 9, according to 23\n Cryptic defn: Reference to Lewis Carroll(answer to 23 across)'s \"Alice in Wonderland\" in which the Mock Turtle says \"'Reeling and Writhing, of course, to begin with, and then the different branches of Arithmetic \u2014 Ambition, Distraction, Uglification, and Derision.\" Therefore the practitioners of Arithmetic can handle Distraction, Ambition(answer to 25 across), Uglification(answer to 1 down) and Derision(answer to 9 across)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Things look bad after this fruit lies around area (12)","output":"### Answer: UGLIFICATION \n ### Explanation: Definition: Things look bad after this\n UGLI(a citrus fruit of the Caribbean) + FICTION(lies\/non-facts) **containing**(around) A(abbrev. for \"area\")."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Calculating type found in snakes and ladders? (5)","output":"### Answer: ADDER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Calculating type\n **Word hidden**(found in) in \"adders\"(snakes) and \"ladders\".\nDefn: \u2026\/that used to calculate, specifically, to do additions."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Possibility, over time, for job in theatre (9)","output":"### Answer: OPERATION \n ### Explanation: Definition: job in theatre\n OPTION(a possibility\/an alternative choice) **containing**(over) ERA(a long period of time).\nDefn: \u2026, an operating theatre, that is."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Oxford mathematician is evasive about subtracting transcendental number (7)","output":"### Answer: DODGSON \n ### Explanation: Definition: Oxford mathematician\n \"dodges\"(is evasive\/avoids) + ON(about\/with reference to) **minus**(subtracting) \"e\"(a transcendental number, that which cannot be understood by ordinary reasoning, in this case the number that is used as the base of natural logarithms in mathematics).\nDefn: \u2026, whose pen name was Lewis Carroll."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Save man on board threatened by mate that's crazy (7)","output":"### Answer: BARKING \n ### Explanation: Definition: crazy\n BAR(save\/except for) + KING(a piece\/man on a chessboard, which is threatened\/put at risk of losing by a checkmate in a chess game)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Learner isn't turning one letter around for composer (5)","output":"### Answer: LISZT \n ### Explanation: Definition: composer\n L(letter displayed by a learner driver) + \"isn't\" **with upper-case** \"n\"(one of its letters) **rotated by 90 degrees**(turning \u2026 around) to form \"Z\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Decisive defeat in ring \u2014 count out (9)","output":"### Answer: TROUNCING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Decisive defeat\n **Anagram of**(\u2026 out) RING \u2014 COUNT."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Circle and lines artist arranged for some language experts (12)","output":"### Answer: ORIENTALISTS \n ### Explanation: Definition: some language experts\n O(letter representing a circle) **plus**(and) **anagram of**(\u2026 arranged) LINES ARTIST.\nDefn: \u2026, who, in this case, study the cultures, including the languages, of the Orient."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Send carriage that's turned up for one not fully engaged (4-5)","output":"### Answer: PART-TIMER \n ### Explanation: Definition: one not fully engaged\n **Reversal of**(\u2026 that's turned up, in a down clue) [ REMIT(to send\/to forward) + TRAP(a light two-wheeled carriage pulled by a horse or pony) ]."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Article concerning appetite heartlessly impractical (9)","output":"### Answer: THEORETIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: impractical\n THE(an article in grammar) + \"orectic\"(concerning\/relating to appetite\/desire) **minus ****its middle letter**(heartlessly)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Revolutionary movement putting barrier around platform (7)","output":"### Answer: DADAISM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Revolutionary movement\n DAM(a barrier to hold back water, say) **containing**(putting \u2026 around) DAIS(a low raised platform, stood on by a speaker, say).\nDefn: \u2026 in art."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fair target after company falsified count (7)","output":"### Answer: COCONUT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fair target\n CO(abbrev. for \"company\"\/a commercial concern) **placed above**(after \u2026, in a down clue) **anagram of**(falsified) COUNT."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Use digit or what may be between digits (5)","output":"### Answer: POINT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Use digit,what may be between digits\n Double defn: 1st: \u2026\/finger to indicate; and 2nd: The dot placed between digits\/numerals to indicate fractions of a unit."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Nothing tops excellent end of series (5)","output":"### Answer: OMEGA \n ### Explanation: Definition: end of series\n O(letter representing 0\/nothing) **placed above**(tops, in a down clue) MEGA(informal term for \"excellent\"\/epic).\nDefn: \u2026, from the last letter in the Greek alphabet."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Remains in a hot place forgetting number for drinks (6)","output":"### Answer: CIDERS \n ### Explanation: Definition: drinks\n \"cinders\"(remains in a hot place\/pieces of unburnt coal or wood in a fireplace, say) **minus**(forgetting) \"n\"(abbrev. for \"number\")."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Start to tease female with gold among a lot dressed excessively (2,1,5)","output":"### Answer: TO A FAULT \n ### Explanation: Definition: excessively\n **1st letter of**(Start to) \"tease\" + { [ F(abbrev. for \"female\") **plus**(with) AU(symbol for the chemical element, gold) ] **contained in**(among) **anagram of**(\u2026 dressed) A LOT }."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A British metropolis has part for money? That's sudden (6)","output":"### Answer: ABRUPT \n ### Explanation: Definition: sudden\n A + \"Brum\"(informal name for Birmingham, a British metropolis) **with** PT(abbrev. for \"part\") **replacing** \"m\"(abbrev. for \"money\")."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A Tamil disorientated in Germany and Austria or in Croatia (8)","output":"### Answer: DALMATIA \n ### Explanation: Definition: in Croatia\n **Anagram of**(\u2026 disorientated) A TAMIL **contained in**(in) [G and A(International Vehicle Registration codes for Germany and Austria, respectively)].\nDefn: Coastal region \u2026"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Chairman working round estate, maybe, gets biscuit (8)","output":"### Answer: MACAROON \n ### Explanation: Definition: biscuit\n [ MAO(Zedong or Tse-tung aka Chairman Mao of China) + ON(working\/functioning) ] **containing**(round) CAR(an example of which\/maybe, is the estate, a vehicle with a large boot accessed by a door at the rear)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One with a request might use this place with facility (6)","output":"### Answer: PLEASE \n ### Explanation: Definition: One with a request might use this\n PL(abbrev. for \"place\") **plus**(with) EASE(facility\/absence of difficulty or effort).\nDefn: \u2026 word (if he\/she were polite), when making the request."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tennis players do not welcome this rule, it's said (4)","output":"### Answer: RAIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Tennis players do not welcome this\n **Homophone of**(\u2026, it's said) \"reign\"(rule by a monarch).\nDefn: Outdoor sports participants, like \u2026"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One detail misplaced about good group of representatives (10)","output":"### Answer: DELEGATION \n ### Explanation: Definition: group of representatives\n **Anagram of**(\u2026 misplaced) ONE DETAIL **containing**(about) G(abbrev. for \"good\")."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Consider overlooking lake in uncontaminated part of Japan? (10)","output":"### Answer: PREFECTURE \n ### Explanation: Definition: part of Japan\n \"reflect\"(to consider\/to think about) **minus**(overlooking) \"l\"(abbrev. for \"lake\") **contained in**(in) PURE(uncontaminated\/clean).\nDefn: One of the main administrative sub-regions\/\u2026"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Aimless, wandering girl (7)","output":"### Answer: MELISSA \n ### Explanation: Definition: girl\n **Anagram of**(\u2026, wandering) AIMLESS."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Superficial cut in in former Murdoch organisation (7)","output":"### Answer: SKETCHY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Superficial\n ETCH(to cut\/carve on a surface) **contained in**(in) SKY(media organisation formerly owned by Rupert Murdoch."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Don's turned over in bed (3,2)","output":"### Answer: PUT ON \n ### Explanation: Definition: Don\n **Reversal of**(turned over) [NOT UP](not up and about but still in bed)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wide-ranging terror grips soldiers by unwalled camp (9)","output":"### Answer: PANORAMIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: Wide-ranging\n PANIC(terror\/uncontrollable fear) **containing**(grips) [ OR(abbrev. for \"other ranks\", non-commissioned soldiers in the military) **plus**(by) **1st and last letters deleted from**(unwalled) \"camp\" ]."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Redeveloped area until left by one side (10)","output":"### Answer: UNILATERAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: by one side\n **Anagram of**(Redeveloped) [AREA UNTIL + L(abbrev. for \"left\") ].\nDefn: Descriptive of action performed \u2026 without the agreement of the other side(s) involved."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Part of deck sees action (4)","output":"### Answer: SUIT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Part of deck,action\n Double defn: 1st: One of four\/\u2026 of playing cards; and 2nd: \u2026 in a court of law."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Like the Sphinx, reportedly, if accepted (11)","output":"### Answer: WEATHERWORN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Like the Sphinx\n **Homophone of**(reportedly) \"whether\"(\"if\", as in \"I couldn't tell whether he was right or wrong\") + WORN(past tense of \"wear\", informal term for \"accept\"\/\"tolerate\", as in \"I wanted to try a new approach, but my boss wouldn't wear it\").\n: Note the weatherworn face."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Brazen stripping after dance causes annoyance (11)","output":"### Answer: DISCOMMODES \n ### Explanation: Definition: causes annoyance\n \"immodest\"(brazen\/unashamed) **minus its 1st and last letters**(stripping) **placed after**(after) DISCO(a dance, specifically, an event at which people dance to disco music)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Space age turned on first of Apollos (4)","output":"### Answer: AREA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Space\n **Reversal of**(\u2026 turned) ERA(a long period of time\/an age) **plus**(on) **1st letter of**(first of) \"Apollos\".\nAnd the Apollos were a series of spacecraft during the space age."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Swimmer shockingly flashing around pier \u2013 not very good (10)","output":"### Answer: ANGLERFISH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Swimmer\n **Anagram of**(shockingly) FLASHING **containing**(around) \"pier\" **minus**(not) \"pi\"(short for \"pious\"\/very good).\nThat \"light bulb\" at the top of its head is its bait used to fish for other fish:"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unpackaged setters' fags \u2013 nice, laid back smoke (9)","output":"### Answer: CIGARETTE \n ### Explanation: Definition: smoke\n **1st and last letters, respectively, ****deleted from**(Unpackaged) **reversal of**(\u2026, laid back) \"setters' fags \u2013 nice\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Being led, struggling to win (2,3)","output":"### Answer: IN TOW \n ### Explanation: Definition: Being led\n **Anagram of**(struggling) TO WIN."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Prevents editor spinning the likes of Saddam (7)","output":"### Answer: DESPOTS \n ### Explanation: Definition: the likes of Saddam\n **Reversal of**(\u2026 spinning) [STOPS(prevents\/causes to cease) + ED(abbrev. for \"editor\")]."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rona Lee harassed another girl (7)","output":"### Answer: ELEANOR \n ### Explanation: Definition: another girl \n **Anagram of**(\u2026 harassed) RONA LEE.\nDefn: \u2026, referring to \"Rona Lee\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rising corporation poaching American banker's design (3,3)","output":"### Answer: MAP OUT \n ### Explanation: Definition: design \n **Reversal of**(Rising, in a down clue) TUM(short for \"tummy\"\/stomach\/corporation\/paunch) **containing**(poaching) [ A(abbrev. for \"American\") + PO(an Italian river, something with banks\/a banker) ]."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Country that's ravaged vital area (6)","output":"### Answer: LATVIA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Country \n **Anagram of**(ravaged) VITAL + A(abbrev. for \"area\")."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Aluminium driver taken below bunker, possibly, or tree (10)","output":"### Answer: SANDALWOOD \n ### Explanation: Definition: tree \n [ AL(symbol for the chemical element, aluminium) + WOOD(a golf club, in this case a No. 1 wood\/driver, mainly used for teeing off) ] **placed below**(taken below, in a down clue) SAND(term representing\/possibly, a bunker, an obstacle in a golf course consisting of a sand-filled hollow).\nTo complete the golfing surface: Driver heads can be made from aluminium or aluminium alloys, and there are large trees on a golf course."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Phone company's partial withdrawal of help package (5)","output":"### Answer: APPLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Phone company\n **Hidden in**(partial) **reversal of**(withdrawal of) \"help package\".\nDefn: \u2026, maker of the i-Phone."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Basked in a French club, having cast off clothing (9)","output":"### Answer: SUNBATHED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Basked\n [ UN(French for the article, \"a\") + BAT(a club\/an implement for hitting a ball, say) ] **contained in**(having \u2026 clothing) SHED(cast off\/took off, say, clothing).\n\u2026 in the French Club Med:"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Finally serve ace, then service finding net (4)","output":"### Answer: EARN \n ### Explanation: Definition: net\n **Last letter of**(Finally) \"serve\" + A(abbrev. for \"ace\", as in the playing card) **plus**(then) RN(abbrev. for the Royal Navy, one of the Services in the British military).\nDefn: \u2026\/to gain as clear profit, after all deductions have been made."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rise to attend one brief encounter (4,4)","output":"### Answer: COME UPON \n ### Explanation: Definition: encounter\n [COME UP](to rise\/to reach a higher level) **plus**(to attend) \"one\" **minus ****its last letter**(brief)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ellen MacArthur's craft headed up island on blowy night (8)","output":"### Answer: YACHTING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Ellen MacArthur's craft\n **Reversal of**(headed up, in a down clue) CAY(or key\/a small low island made of sand and coral fragments) **placed above**(on, in a down clue) **anagram of**(blowy) NIGHT.\nDefn: Ellen MacArthur, the solo yachtswoman's skill\/craft in handling an ocean-going craft."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Writer to yearn for goddess (10)","output":"### Answer: PROSERPINE \n ### Explanation: Definition: goddess\n PROSER(a writer\/one who composes prose, hence, a proser) + PINE(to yearn\/to long for).\nDefn: An ancient Roman \u2026."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ancient sea-creatures with shells, say, paladins picked up (9)","output":"### Answer: AMMONITES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Ancient sea-creatures\n AMMO(short for \"ammunition\", which includes\/say, \"shells\"\/explosive projectiles or bombs) + **homophone of**(\u2026 picked) \"knights\"(paladins\/heroic champions of noble causes).\n\u2026 and the inside of one:"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Late for Lent? (8)","output":"### Answer: ADVANCED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Late,Lent\n Double defn: 1st: \u2026\/far ahead in development; and 2nd: \u2026, a sum of money, say."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sprinklers keep initially-trimmed grass high (8)","output":"### Answer: ASPERGES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Sprinklers\n **Anagram of**(\u2026 high) [ \"keep\" **minus its 1st letter**(initially-trimmed) + GRASS].\nDefn: Implements to sprinkle holy water."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Future queen, perhaps (6)","output":"### Answer: KITTEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Future queen, perhaps\n Cryptic defn: That which may\/perhaps grow in future to be a queen\/an adult female cat that has not been sterilised."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rain ensues when Her Majesty attends event (6)","output":"### Answer: SHOWER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Rain\n ER(abbrev. for \"Elizabeth Regina\", Her Majesty the Queen of the UK) **placed below**(attends, in a down clue) SHOW(an event or competition with an exhibition of animals or plants, eg. the Chelsea Flower Show)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cutters with ship going round Ross Island cape capsized (8)","output":"### Answer: SCISSORS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Cutters\n SS(abbrev. for \"steamship\" in ships' names) **containing**(going round) **reversal of**(\u2026 capsized) [Ross + I(abbrev. for \"island\") + C(abbrev. for \"cape\" as in names of such geographical features in maps) ]."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Toxic shock after ecstasy is unusual (6)","output":"### Answer: EXOTIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: unusual\n **Anagram of**(\u2026 shock) TOXIC **placed after**(after) E(abbrev. for the drug, ecstasy)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: United holding lead in Championship previously (4)","output":"### Answer: ONCE \n ### Explanation: Definition: previously\n ONE(united\/as a whole) **containing**(holding) **1st letter of**(lead in) \"Championship\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Patronise lecture by Spooner's municipal party? (4,4,2)","output":"### Answer: TALK DOWN TO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Patronise\n TALK(an informal lecture\/speech) **plus**(by) **Spoonerism of**(Spooner's) [\"town\"(municipal\/relating to a town) \"do\"(a party\/a social function) ]."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Heading off unwell during test is crafty (6)","output":"### Answer: TRICKY \n ### Explanation: Definition: crafty\n **1st letter deleted from**(Heading off) \"sick\"(unwell\/ill) **contained in**(during) TRY(to test\/to subject to an ordeal)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pudding seems not to be cooked (4,4)","output":"### Answer: ETON MESS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Pudding\n **Anagram of**(\u2026 to be cooked) SEEMS NOT.\nDefn: \u2026\/a dessert.\n\u2026 aka \u2026"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Little girl's dog carrying lead, oddly comical (7)","output":"### Answer: JOCULAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: comical \n JO(a short form of\/little \"Josephine\", a girl's name) + CUR(an aggressive or scruffy dog, such as a mongrel) **containing**(carrying) **1st and 3rd letters of**(\u2026, oddly) \"lead\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Opposed to profit in a way (7)","output":"### Answer: AGAINST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Opposed to \n GAIN(to profit\/to obtain a financial benefit) **contained in**(in) [A + ST(abbrev. for \"street\"\/a way\/a thoroughfare) ]."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hit on perfect comeback to sweet-talk (6,2)","output":"### Answer: BUTTER UP \n ### Explanation: Definition: to sweet-talk \n BUTT(to hit\/strike against with the head) **plus**(on) **reversal of**(\u2026 comeback) PURE(perfect\/unspoiled).\nDefn: \u2026\/to flatter or praise someone to get his\/her help."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tackle occasional roguery with severity (6)","output":"### Answer: RIGOUR \n ### Explanation: Definition: severity \n RIG(tackle\/equipment for a specific purpose) + **2nd, 4th and 6th letters of**(occasional) \"roguery\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fine nights at sea with angling gear (7,3)","output":"### Answer: FISHING NET \n ### Explanation: Definition: angling gear \n **Anagram of**(\u2026 at sea) FINE NIGHTS."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lift's free key (4)","output":"### Answer: RIDE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Lift\n RID(to free\/to strip off an unwanted thing) **plus**(with) E(one of the major keys in music).\nDefn: \u2026, as in \"he's giving me a ride home\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A last letter has girl and English boy describing love in summerhouse (6)","output":"### Answer: GAZEBO \n ### Explanation: Definition: summerhouse\n [A + Z(last letter in the English alphabet) ] **contained in**(has \u2026 describing) G,E,B(abbrevs., respectively, for \"girl\" ***plus***(**and**) \"English boy\") + O(letter representing 0\/love in tennis scores).\nI take \"G\" and \"B\" as abbreviations in texting (unless a 1st letter indicator is missing?)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Development happens here when ship enters dead space (4,4)","output":"### Answer: DARK ROOM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Development happens here\n ARK(a ship or boat, such as Noah's Ark) **contained in**(enters) [ D(abbrev. for \"dead\") + ROOM(space\/an unoccupied area).\nDefn: \u2026, ie. development of photographic film \u2026 and perhaps more:"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sequence of possible events with cranes moving satellite (8)","output":"### Answer: SCENARIO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Sequence of possible events\n **Anagram of**(\u2026 moving) CRANES + IO(a satellite\/moon of Jupiter).\nDefn: \u2026, as in a novel, play or film."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Land in the water when one's left suspended in the middle (4)","output":"### Answer: ISLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Land in the water\n I(Roman numeral for \"one\")'S + L(abbrev. for \"left\") + **middle letter of**(\u2026 in the middle) \"suspended\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Throw out unknown dignitary (6)","output":"### Answer: WORTHY \n ### Explanation: Definition: dignitary\n **Anagram of**(\u2026 out) Throw + Y(symbol for an unknown quantity, in maths)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rashly, leader has point inserted in official record (8)","output":"### Answer: HEADLONG \n ### Explanation: Definition: Rashly\n HEAD(the leader\/chief) **plus**(has) [ N(abbrev. for \"north\", a compass point) **contained in**(inserted in) LOG(an official record\/journal) ]."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Leaving to collect small women's group, not even mums, to take a dip (2,8)","output":"### Answer: GO SWIMMING \n ### Explanation: Definition: to take a dip\n GOING(leaving\/departing from) **containing**(to collect) [ S(abbrev. for \"small\") + WI(abbrev. for the Women's Institute, a group\/organisation of women) + **2nd and 4th letters deleted from**(not even) \"mums\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Opening ground, authorise ore to be extracted (6)","output":"### Answer: HIATUS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Opening\n **Anagram of**(ground) [ \"authorise\" **minus**(\u2026 to be extracted) \"ore\" ].\nDefn: A natural \u2026\/cleft in anatomy."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Vicar's upset collecting one pound in coins (6)","output":"### Answer: SILVER \n ### Explanation: Definition: coins\n **Reversal of**(\u2026's upset, in a down clue) REV(form of address for a vicar)'S **containing**(collecting) [ I(Roman numeral for \"one\") + L(or \u00a3, symbol for pound sterling) ].\nDefn: \u2026, collectively, made of, or looking like they're made of, silver."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Try to get to sleep in nobleman's pile, we hear (5,5)","output":"### Answer: COUNT SHEEP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Try to get to sleep\n COUNT(a nobleman, specifically a European one equivalent to an earl)'S + **homophone of**(\u2026, we hear) \"heap\"(a pile\/collection of objects stacked on top of each other)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: New matador runs around, haphazardly (2,6)","output":"### Answer: AT RANDOM \n ### Explanation: Definition: haphazardly\n **Anagram of**(\u2026 runs around) [ N(abbrev. for \"new\") + MATADOR ]."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Military unit is one of four in southern front that's shelled (8)","output":"### Answer: SQUADRON \n ### Explanation: Definition: Military unit\n QUAD(short for \"quadruplet\", one of four children from the same mother in the same delivery) **contained in**(in) [ S(abbrev. for \"southern\") + \"front\" **minus its 1st and last letters**(that's shelled) ]."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unlocked desperate need to pursue work (6)","output":"### Answer: OPENED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Unlocked\n **Anagram of**(desperate) NEED **placed after**(to pursue) OP(abbrev. for \"opus\"\/a musical composition\/work)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Chauffeur in a limousine's shown place to go (6)","output":"### Answer: URINAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: place to go\n **Hidden in**(\u2026's shown) \"Chauffeur in a limousine\".\nDefn: \u2026\/to urinate into."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Frightful rotter makes angry reply (6)","output":"### Answer: RETORT \n ### Explanation: Definition: angry reply\n **Anagram of**(Frightful) ROTTER."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Exceptional acceleration in luxury car with electric starter (4)","output":"### Answer: RARE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Exceptional\n A(symbol for \"acceleration\", in physics) **contained in**(in) RR(abbrev. for \"Rolls-Royce\", a luxury car) **plus**(with) **1st letter of**(\u2026 starter) \"electric\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sign made by soldier at Agincourt? (6)","output":"### Answer: ARCHER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Sign,soldier at Agincourt\n Double defn: 1st: The zodiacal \u2026, Sagittarius the Archer; and 2nd: One of the soldiers with longbows predominant in the victorious English side at the Battle of Agincourt."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Delay supplying tree \u2014 new date needed for planting (4,4)","output":"### Answer: LEAD TIME \n ### Explanation: Definition: Delay supplying\n LIME(the evergreen tree producing the citrus fruit, the lime) **containing**(\u2026 needed for planting) **anagram of**(new) DATE.\nDefn: \u2026\/the time delay between order and delivery\/supply, of a product, say."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Showing off is fair (8)","output":"### Answer: SPORTING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Showing off,fair\n Double defn: 1st: \u2026\/wearing ostentatiously; and 2nd: \u2026 and generous in one's treatment of others, especially towards one's opponents."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Saw a knight after travail (6)","output":"### Answer: SLOGAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Saw\n [A + N(abbrev. for \"knight\" in chess notation) ] **placed after**(after) SLOG(travail\/painful or laborious effort).\nDefn: \u2026\/a motto."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Refuse stuff tossed back (4)","output":"### Answer: MARC \n ### Explanation: Definition: Refuse\n **Reversal of**(\u2026 tossed back) CRAM(to stuff\/to completely fill, say, a container to overflowing).\nDefn: \u2026 of grapes or other fruit that have been pressed for winemaking.\nFrom: to this:"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Not the first mistake made by fielder? (6,4)","output":"### Answer: SECOND SLIP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Not the first mistake,fielder\n Double defn: 1st: What you might call error\/mistake number 2; and 2nd: A \u2026 in the cricket side that is fielding."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Member of group to project sounds (6)","output":"### Answer: BEATLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Member of group\n **Homophone of**(\u2026 sounds) \"beetle\"(to project\/overhang, as in \"beetle-browed\").\nDefn: \u2026, aka the Fab Four."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Left always needs time to gain influence (8)","output":"### Answer: LEVERAGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: influence\n L(abbrev. for \"left\") + EVER(always\/at all times) **plus**(needs) AGE(a long period of time)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Story that could be seen as a clue to Times? (4,4)","output":"### Answer: NEWS ITEM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Story\n Reverse clue. The answer to the clue: **Anagram of**(**NEW**) **SITEM** is \"Times\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Head of fish, with first bit cut off (6)","output":"### Answer: NAPPER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Head\n \"snapper\"(a seawater food fish) **minus its 1st letter**(with first bit cut off).\nDefn: Slang for one's \u2026."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Entertainment as pretties become naughty \u2026 (10)","output":"### Answer: STRIPTEASE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Entertainment as pretties become naughty\n **Anagram of**(\u2026 become naughty) AS PRETTIES.\nDefn: Pretties (as a noun) doing naughty stuff.\nAn &lit."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: inducing this in fluster? (4)","output":"### Answer: LUST \n ### Explanation: Definition: inducing this\n **Hidden in**(in) \"fluster\".\nDefn: Entertainment in 21 across(\u2026) might induce this."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Book that's turned up on radio (6)","output":"### Answer: VOLUME \n ### Explanation: Definition: Book,that's turned up on radio\n Double defn: 2nd: That which can be controlled up (or down) on a radio."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Study about indifferent male farmers (8)","output":"### Answer: DAIRYMEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: farmers\n DEN(a study\/a room where when can be private) **containing**(about) [ AIRY(indifferent\/treating something casually) + M(abbrev. for \"male\") ]."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What makes hedges ultimately neater? (8)","output":"### Answer: STRIMMER \n ### Explanation: Definition: What makes hedges ultimately neater\n **Last letter of**(\u2026 ultimately) \"hedges\" + TRIMMER(neater\/more orderly).\nAnother &lit."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Green maybe inclined to talk too much about beginning of revolution (6)","output":"### Answer: GRASSY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Green maybe\n GASSY(inclined to talk too much about trivial matters) **containing**(about) **1st letter of**(beginning of) \"revolution\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Percent lost came to be worked out in insurer's estimate (11,4)","output":"### Answer: REPLACEMENT COST \n ### Explanation: Definition: insurer's estimate\n **Anagram of**(\u2026 to be worked) PERCENT LOST CAME.\nDefn: \u2026 of the amount that can be awarded under an insurance claim."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hard cheese? No thanks, when eating a vegetable! (7)","output":"### Answer: HARICOT \n ### Explanation: Definition: vegetable\n H(abbrev. for \"hard\", as with lead pencils) + \"ricotta\"(a soft Italian cheese) **minus**(No) \"ta!\"(thanks\/thank you) **containing**(when eating) A."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Antwerp is unfortunately suffering from stormy weather (9)","output":"### Answer: RAIN SWEPT \n ### Explanation: Definition: suffering from stormy weather\n **Anagram of**(\u2026 unfortunately) ANTWERP IS."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sound of soldier in pub (7)","output":"### Answer: LOGICAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Sound\n GI(initials describing an American soldier) **contained in**(in) LOCAL(a pub\/watering hole near one's office or home that one frequents).\nDefn: \u2026 in reasoning."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Crime of minister initially denied (5)","output":"### Answer: ARSON \n ### Explanation: Definition: Crime\n \"parson\"(a minister in the clergy) **minus ****its 1st letter**(initially denied)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Novice? One missing out with exploitative type in pocket (7)","output":"### Answer: TROUSER \n ### Explanation: Definition: pocket\n \"tiro\"(or \"tyro\"\/a novice or beginner) **minus**(\u2026 missing out) \"I\"(Roman numeral for \"one\") **plus**(with) USER(an exploitative type\/one taking advantage of others).\nDefn: Slang for \u2026\/to take or receive dishonestly."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sense single man's suffering from futility (15)","output":"### Answer: MEANINGLESSNESS \n ### Explanation: Definition: futility\n **Anagram of**(\u2026 suffering) SENSE SINGLE MAN'S."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Putting a coat on, eg never shivering outside home (9)","output":"### Answer: VENEERING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Putting a coat on\n **Anagram of**(\u2026 shivering) EG NEVER **containing**(outside) IN(home, as in \"I'll be home tonight\").\nDefn: \u2026, that is, a coat of paint or varnish, say, on a surface."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Must I lie around without energy? Drugs could be the answer (7)","output":"### Answer: STIMULI \n ### Explanation: Definition: Must I lie around without energy? Drugs could be the answer\n **Anagram of**(\u2026 around) \"Must I lie\" **minus**(without) \"e\"(symbol for \"energy\" in physics).\nDefn: How you could describe drugs such as uppers, that give you energy to be up and about.\nAnother &lit."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Person with needle and cotton maybe securing a thread? (7)","output":"### Answer: MEANDER \n ### Explanation: Definition: thread\n MENDER(one with needle and cotton could\/maybe be mending something torn) **containing**(securing) A.\nDefn: To wind\/weave your way, such as when threading your way through a series of obstacles."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old city flourishing with distinguished artist (7)","output":"### Answer: PALMYRA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Old city\n PALMY(flourishing\/prosperous) **plus**(with) RA(post-nominals for a member of the Royal Academy of Arts, a distinguished\/honoured artist).\nDefn: An ancient city in present-day Syria."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Article placed on top of room unit (5)","output":"### Answer: THERM \n ### Explanation: Definition: unit\n THE(an article in English grammar) **placed above**(placed on top of, in a down clue) RM(abbrev. for \"room\").\nDefn: \u2026 of heat."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Appetite returns in middle of jiu-jitsu lesson (4)","output":"### Answer: LUST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Appetite\n **Hidden in**(in middle) **reversal of**(returns) \"of jiu-jitsu lesson\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Turns out partner is worried about society (10)","output":"### Answer: TRANSPIRES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Turns out\n **Anagram of**(\u2026 worried) PARTNER IS **containing**(about) S(abbrev. for \"Society\")."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Arab members of militia ignoring old instructor, initially (6)","output":"### Answer: YEMENI \n ### Explanation: Definition: Arab\n \"yeomen\"(historically, members of the volunteer militia force raised from the civilian yeomanry\/men who held small landed estates) **minus**(ignoring) \"o\"(abbrev. for \"old\") + **1st letter of**(\u2026, initially) \"instructor\".\nDefn: \u2026, specifically from Yemen."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Warning about ringing university hospital is rot (8)","output":"### Answer: LANGUISH \n ### Explanation: Definition: rot\n **Reversal of**(\u2026 about) SIGNAL(a warning\/an indication of, perhaps, danger in a situation) **containing**(ringing) U(abbrev. for \"university\") + H(abbrev. for \"hospital\").\nDefn: \u2026\/to decay, as a result of neglect."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: River estuaries separated by grand locks (8)","output":"### Answer: RINGLETS \n ### Explanation: Definition: locks\n R(abbrev. for \"river\") + INLETS(estuaries\/narrows strips of water from the sea or a lake into the land) **containing**(separated by) G(abbrev. for \"grand\"\/a thousand dollars or pounds).\nDefn: \u2026 of hair."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sculpture of extremely beautiful charging horse (6)","output":"### Answer: MARBLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Sculpture\n **1st and last letters of**(extremely) \"beautiful\" **containing**(charging) MARE(a female horse).\nDefn: A \u2026 made from, well, marble."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Barbarian swine retreating across central plateau (4)","output":"### Answer: GOTH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Barbarian\n **Reversal of**(\u2026 retreating) HOG(a swine\/pig, that's been domesticated) **containing**(across) **middle letter of**(central) \"plateau\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tree evolves hollow shoots (5)","output":"### Answer: FIRES \n ### Explanation: Definition: shoots\n FIR(an evergreen coniferous tree) + \"evolves\" **minus all its middle letters**(hollow)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: That woman's written about a judge (4)","output":"### Answer: HEAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: judge\n HER(that woman's\/third-party possessive pronoun for a female) **containing**(written about) A.\nDefn: \u2026 in a court of law."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: More convinced by upper-class extortionist (6)","output":"### Answer: USURER \n ### Explanation: Definition: extortionist\n SURER(more convinced\/certain) **placed after**(by) U(having the characteristics of the upper-class).\nDefn: \u2026, eg. a moneylender who charges obscene\/extortionate interest rates."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Note put pressure on teacher (8)","output":"### Answer: MISTRESS \n ### Explanation: Definition: teacher\n MI(a note in the sol-fa music scale) + STRESS(to put pressure\/force on a material object).\nDefn: A (female) \u2026 who teaches a particular subject."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cut power after city church is besieged by angry mob (4,4)","output":"### Answer: LAMB CHOP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Cut\n P(symbol for \"power\" in physics) **placed after**(after) { LA(abbrev. for Los Angeles, the American city) + [ CH(abbrev. for \"church\") **contained in**(is besieged by) **anagram of**(angry) MOB] }.\nDefn: A thick \u2026 of meat of lamb, around and often including a rib."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A state government department takes on women arbitrarily (6)","output":"### Answer: ANYHOW \n ### Explanation: Definition: arbitrarily\n A + NY(abbrev. for New York State in the USA) + HO(abbrev. for \"Home Office\", a government department in the UK) **plus**(takes on) W(abbrev. for \"women\")."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Blessed types rejecting first electronic implants (10)","output":"### Answer: PACEMAKERS \n ### Explanation: Definition: implants\n \"peacemakers\"(blessed types who negotiate peace between conflicting parties) **minus**(rejecting) **1st letter of**(first) \"electronic\".\nDefn: \u2026 into the body to regulate the heartbeat."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Born and died in penury (4)","output":"### Answer: NEED \n ### Explanation: Definition: penury\n NEE(born, used in reference to a married woman's maiden name) **plus**(and) D(abbrev. for \"died\").\nDefn: \u2026\/state of being poor\/lacking in things."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Journalists ride bus to abandoned capital of Sumer (10)","output":"### Answer: SUBEDITORS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Journalists\n **Anagram of**(\u2026 abandoned) RIDE BUS TO + **1st letter of**(capital of) \"Sumer\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Might run into nasty gents on outskirts of Teignmouth (8)","output":"### Answer: STRENGTH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Might\n R(abbrev. for \"run\", in cricket scores) **contained in**(into) **anagram of**(nasty) GENTS **placed above**(on, in a down clue) **1st and last letters of**(outskirts of) \"Teignmouth\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unrest starts to spread to common (6)","output":"### Answer: STRIFE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Unrest\n **1st letters, respectively, of**(starts to) \"spread to\" + RIFE(common\/widespread)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Everyone is depressed by Bachelor Party (4)","output":"### Answer: BALL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Party\n ALL(everyone) **placed below**(is depressed by, in a down clue) B(abbrev. for \"Bachelor\")."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Joint paper on British novelist making waves (8)","output":"### Answer: TSUNAMIS \n ### Explanation: Definition: waves\n T(a right-angled joint, in wood, say, shaped like the letter \"T\") + SUN(a British tabloid newspaper) **placed above**(on, in a down clue) AMIS(Kingsley or Martin, father and son British novelists).\nDefn: Giant \u2026."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Large island where Latin quarter essentially provides alcohol (6)","output":"### Answer: LIQUOR \n ### Explanation: Definition: alcohol\n L(abbrev. for \"large\") + I(abbrev. for \"island\") + QUO(Latin for \"where\") + **middle letter of**(\u2026 essentially) \"quarter\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Picking up standard membership fees for religious group (4)","output":"### Answer: JEWS \n ### Explanation: Definition: religious group\n **Homophone of**(Picking up) \"dues\"(standard membership fees, such as \"union dues\").\nI suppose you might hear some people pronounce the \"d\" as \"dj\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Melee of lowlifes surrounding queen (5)","output":"### Answer: SCRUM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Melee\n SCUM(lowlifes\/worthless or contemptible persons) **containing**(surrounding) \"R\"(abbrev. for \"Regina\"\/Queen).\nDefn: \u2026\/a struggle or scuffle involving a crowd."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Attractive objects oldest son scattered around area (10)","output":"### Answer: LOADSTONES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Attractive objects\n **Anagram of**(\u2026 scattered) OLDEST SON **containing**(around) A(abbrev. for \"area\").\nAnswer: \u2026 or lodestones\/pieces of a mineral that is naturally magnetised\/attractive to other magnetic material."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Feature supporting European summit (8)","output":"### Answer: FOREHEAD \n ### Explanation: Definition: Feature\n FOR(supporting\/seconding) + E(abbrev. for \"European\") + HEAD(summit\/the upper end).\nDefn: \u2026 on one's face."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Racing suspended around deserted runway in Rhode Island (8)","output":"### Answer: HURRYING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Racing\n HUNG(suspended\/attached to a higher point) **containing**(around) [ **all inner letters deleted from**(deserted) \"runway\" **contained in**(in) RI(abbrev. for Rhode Island) ]."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Polish that is put on small stones (6)","output":"### Answer: RUBIES \n ### Explanation: Definition: stones\n RUB(to polish by rubbing\/moving, say, a cloth against a surface) + IE(abbrev. for \"id est\"\/that is) **placed above**(put on, in a down clue) S(abbrev. for \"small\").\nThe raw material:"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Infrequent fights over drug (6)","output":"### Answer: SPARSE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Infrequent\n SPARS(fights\/boxes as a form of training) **placed above**\n(over, in a down clue) E(abbrev. for \"Ecstasy\", the drug)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ace airmen circling at a distance (4)","output":"### Answer: AFAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: at a distance\n A(abbrev. for \"ace\", as in the playing card) + **reversal of**(\u2026 circling) RAF(abbrev. for the Royal Air Force, partly consisting of airmen\/pilots)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Target of utter devotion, reportedly (4)","output":"### Answer: PREY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Target\n **Homophone of**(\u2026, reportedly) \"pray\"(to utter\/say prayers as a form of devotion to a deity)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: High-altitude bases offering exceptional aspect from Alps (5,9)","output":"### Answer: SPACE PLATFORMS \n ### Explanation: Definition: High-altitude bases\n **Anagram of**(exceptional) ASPECT FROM ALPS."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Chap stopping fool in afternoon meal getting some water (6,3)","output":"### Answer: TASMAN SEA \n ### Explanation: Definition: some water\n [ MAN(chap\/a fellow) **contained in**(stopping) ASS(a fool\/donkey) ] **contained in**(in) TEA(afternoon meal).\nDefn: \u2026\/sea between Australia and New Zealand."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bird regrettably chokes (5)","output":"### Answer: EGRET \n ### Explanation: Definition: Bird\n **Hidden in**(\u2026 chokes) \"regrettably\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: English easy about rubbish (5)","output":"### Answer: BILGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: rubbish\n **Reversal of**(\u2026 about) [ E(abbrev. for \"English\") + GLIB(describing the words or a speaker who is fluent and implying that something is easy, when it is not) ]."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bitterness shown by Turkey abandoning Mediterranean port in campaign (9)","output":"### Answer: GALLIPOLI \n ### Explanation: Definition: campaign\n GALL(bitterness\/resentment) **plus**(shown by) [ \"TR\"(International Standardised Code for the country, Turkey) **deleted from**(abandoning) \"Tripoli\"(Mediterranean port in Lebanon or Libya, take your pick) ].\nDefn: \u2026\/a series of military operations in the First World War, specifically in Turkey."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ruin, perhaps as a march crushes Left (8)","output":"### Answer: DEMOLISH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Ruin\n DEMO-ISH(in the manner of \"devil\/devilish\", as\/like a protest march\/demonstration) **containing**(crushes) L(abbrev. for \"left\")."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Border gradually moving (6)","output":"### Answer: EDGING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Border,gradually moving\n Double defn."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Idyllic spot in Sudan axed following setback (6)","output":"### Answer: XANADU \n ### Explanation: Definition: Idyllic spot\n **Hidden in**(in) **reversal of**(\u2026 following setback) \"Sudan axed\".\nDefn: An idealised \u2026, as portrayed in Coleridge's poem, Kubla Khan.\nSite of Shangdu (from whence, Xanadu), once the capital city of Kublai Khan's empire:"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Moderate team primarily needing a goal to equalise? (4,4)","output":"### Answer: TONE DOWN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Moderate\n **1st letter of**(\u2026 primarily) \"team\" + [ONE DOWN](in a, say, football match, losing by a goal and therefore needing a goal to equalise the score)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: For example, a toothbrush might initially get rid of persistent pain (9)","output":"### Answer: MOUSTACHE \n ### Explanation: Definition: For example, a toothbrush\n **1st letter of**(\u2026 initially) \"might\" + OUST(to get rid of\/to depose from a position) + ACHE(persistent pain)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old bandmaster provided by America (5)","output":"### Answer: SOUSA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Old bandmaster\n SO(an archaic form of \"provided that\" as given by Collins \u2013 does anyone have any example of such a use?) **plus**(by) USA(abbrev. for the United States of America).\nAnswer: \u2026, John Philip, bandmaster and composer of military marches in the Romantic era."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Large old ship that's broad and slow (5)","output":"### Answer: LARGO \n ### Explanation: Definition: broad and slow\n L(abbrev. for \"large\") + ARGO(the legendary ship of Jason in search for the Golden Fleece).\nDefn: In music, a direction to play \u2026\/at a slow, strong and stately tempo."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Turkey with plain dressing served around northern resort (9)","output":"### Answer: LLANDUDNO \n ### Explanation: Definition: resort\n DUD(a turkey\/a failure) **contained in**(with \u2026 dressing) LLANO(a South American treeless grassy plain) **containing**(served around) N(abbrev. for \"northern\").\nDefn: \u2026 in NW Wales."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Beneath loose pants, grip is inferior (14)","output":"### Answer: UNDERSTRAPPING \n ### Explanation: Definition: inferior\n UNDER(beneath\/below a specified position) + **anagram of**(loose) PANTS, GRIP."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: European tax-based changes more than sufficient to encourage antisocial behaviour (3,1,3,7)","output":"### Answer: SET A BAD EXAMPLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: to encourage antisocial behaviour\n **Anagram of**(\u2026 changes) [ E(abbrev. for \"European\") + TAX-BASED ] + AMPLE(more than sufficient\/aplenty)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Son of David rating peace for Israel \u2014 that's not hard (7)","output":"### Answer: ABSALOM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Son of David\n AB(abbrev. for \"able-bodied seaman\"\/a seaman or naval rating) + \"shalom!\"(\"Peace!\", as a greeting among the Jewish people of Israel) **minus**(that's not) \"h\"(abbrev. for \"hard\").\nDefn: \u2026 in the Bible."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ignoring poll, shouted about celebrity with a glossy exterior (9)","output":"### Answer: ENAMELLED \n ### Explanation: Definition: with a glossy exterior\n **Its 1st letter**(\u2026 poll \/the head) **deleted from**(Ignoring) \"yelled\"(shouted loudly) **containing**(about) NAME(a celebrity\/a well-known personality)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Final flag hoisted above ship's stern, done in desperation at the eleventh hour (4-4)","output":"### Answer: LAST GASP \n ### Explanation: Definition: done in desperation at the eleventh hour\n LAST(final\/the one coming at the end) + **reversal of**(\u2026 hoisted, in down clue) SAG(to flag\/to weaken) **placed above**(above, in a down clue) **last letter of**(\u2026's stern) \"ship\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Corridor covered with it \u2014 rising fungus and lichen, say (6)","output":"### Answer: THALLI \n ### Explanation: Definition: fungus and lichen, say\n HALL(a corridor\/a passageway just inside the entrance of a house) **contained in**(covered with) **reversal of**(\u2026 \u2014 rising, in a down clue) IT.\nDefn: Plant bodies that show no distinct parts such as stems, leaves and roots, examples of which\/say, are fungus and lichen."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: In seconds, forget about people slain with daggers (5)","output":"### Answer: OBELI \n ### Explanation: Definition: daggers\n **2nd letters, respectively, of**(In seconds) \"forget about people slain with\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Refuse working with international telecom pioneer (7)","output":"### Answer: MARCONI \n ### Explanation: Definition: telecom pioneer\n MARC(the refuse from grapes that have been pressed in wine-making) + ON(working\/operating, such as an electrical appliance) **plus**(with) I(abbrev. for \"international\").\nAnswer: \u2026, Guglielmo, Italian inventor of a practical radiotelegraphy system, a pioneering telecommunications technology."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Deceiving band in double-cross that's been planned throughout (9,5)","output":"### Answer: STRINGING ALONG \n ### Explanation: Definition: Deceiving\n RING(a circular band) **contained in**(in) STING(a double-cross\/a deception that has been planned) + ALONG(moving in a constant direction\/through\/throughout?, as in \"we walked along\/through the passageway\", whereas \"we walked all along\/throughout the given route\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Embellished by dodgy press dude (7,2)","output":"### Answer: DRESSED UP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Embellished\n **Anagram of**(dodgy) PRESS DUDE."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Negative duo that won't bond on record is entering retreat (4,4)","output":"### Answer: LONE PAIR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Negative duo that won't bond\n [ON + EP(abbrev. for an \"extended play record\", a musical recording with more tracks than a single) ] **contained in**(is entering) LAIR(an animal's den\/a retreat).\nDefn: In chemistry, a \u2026\/a pair of (negatively charged) electrons in an atom in a molecule that are not shared by other atoms in that molecule, ie. are not in a chemical bond."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Heartless upstart right to cut gas for which there's no charge (7)","output":"### Answer: NEUTRON \n ### Explanation: Definition: for which there's no charge\n [ **All inner letters deleted from**(Heartless) \"upstart\" + R(abbrev. for \"right\") ] **contained in**(to cut) NEON(an inert gas).\nDefn: A subatomic particle without an electric charge."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pseudo switched, heading for interdisciplinary church organisation (4,3)","output":"### Answer: OPUS DEI \n ### Explanation: Definition: church organisation\n **Anagram of**(\u2026 switched) PSEUDO + **1st letter of**(heading for) \"interdisciplinary\".\nDefn: \u2026, specifically in the Roman Catholic church."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Explains about constant contributors to immune response (1-5)","output":"### Answer: T-CELLS \n ### Explanation: Definition: contributors to immune response\n TELLS(explains\/communicates information) **containing**(about) C(in maths, the symbol for any constant\/non-variable; and in physics, the symbol for the speed of light in a vacuum)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Steak essentially rubbery in quality (1-4)","output":"### Answer: T-BONE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Steak\n ***Middle letter of***(essentially) \"rubbery\" **contained in**(in) TONE(the quality\/the feel about something, such as a place)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Corrupt villain beginning to ebb into depression (8)","output":"### Answer: DECADENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Corrupt\n [ CAD(villain\/rogue) + **1st letter of**(beginning to) \"ebb\" ] **contained in**(into) DENT(a depression\/a slight hollow in an even surface)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Set off stuck in reverse, disheartened (6)","output":"### Answer: DEPART \n ### Explanation: Definition: Set off\n **Reversal of**(\u2026 in reverse) TRAPPED(stuck\/being unable to extricate oneself) **minus ****its middle letter**(disheartened).\nDefn: \u2026 on a journey, say."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Let in or on (8)","output":"### Answer: ADMITTED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Let in,on\n Double defn: 2nd: Let on\/disclosed\/acknowledged that something is true."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Verbally compare fungus with algae (6)","output":"### Answer: LICHEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: fungus with algae\n **Homophone of**(Verbally) \"liken\"(to compare\/to point out the similarities between one thing and another).\nDefn: A composite organism of algae living amongst fungi, symbiotically."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Amply recover after eruption of bile (9)","output":"### Answer: LIBERALLY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Amply\n RALLY(to recover\/to get better after, say, a sickness) **placed after**(after) **anagram of**(eruption of) BILE."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Seconds involving extremely rude customs (5)","output":"### Answer: MORES \n ### Explanation: Definition: customs\n MOS(plural of \"mo\", short for \"moment\"\/a second, as in \"wait a second\/a mo\") **containing**(involving) **1st and last letters of**(extremely) \"rude\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Guns, and where one might find them (4)","output":"### Answer: ARMS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Guns,where one might find them\n Double defn: 1st: Firearms; and 2nd: Where guns may be found when in use."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Authorise adjustment \u2013 it lengthens trousers (7)","output":"### Answer: ENTITLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Authorise\n **Hidden in**(\u2026 trousers\/takes\/pockets) \"adjustment \u2013 it lengthens\".\nDefn: \u2026\/give someone a legal right to do something."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rainbow iridescence originally seen in various types of mineral (7)","output":"### Answer: PYRITES \n ### Explanation: Definition: mineral\n **1st letters, respectively, of**(\u2026 originally) \"Rainbow iridescence\" **contained in**(seen in) **anagram of**(various) TYPES.\nDefn: \u2026 containing iron and sulphur.\nAka fool's gold:"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rifle fire (4)","output":"### Answer: SACK \n ### Explanation: Definition: Rifle,fire\n Double defn: 1st: To steal\/plunder; and 2nd: To dismiss from employment."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Minor role advanced by job centre (5)","output":"### Answer: CAMEO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Minor role\n CAME(advanced\/moved towards a place) **plus**(by) **middle letter of**(\u2026 centre) \"job\".\nDefn: \u2026 in a play or film, played by a distinguished actor or celebrity.\nMadonna cameo-ing in Die Another Day:"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Still tense about election's initial turn out (9)","output":"### Answer: EVENTUATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: turn out\n EVEN(still\/to a greater degree, as in \"it's still better to be open about it\") + **reversal of**(\u2026 about) TAUT(tense\/without any slack) **containing**(about) **1st letter of**(\u2026's initial) \"election\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Graduate managed to drink last drop of rum \u2013 he's often seen in the pub (6)","output":"### Answer: BARMAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: he's often seen in the pub\n BA(abbrev. for \"Bachelor of Arts\", a graduate) + RAN(managed\/controlled an organisation, say) **containing**(to drink) **last letter of**(last drop of) \"rum\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Maintaining locks in rich area that's been redeveloped (8)","output":"### Answer: HAIRCARE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Maintaining locks\n **Anagram of**(\u2026 that's been redeveloped) RICH AREA."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Setter's note rejected (6)","output":"### Answer: RENNET \n ### Explanation: Definition: Setter\n **Reversal of**(\u2026 rejected) TENNER(a ten-pound banknote\/piece of paper money in the UK).\nDefn: Substance from calves' stomachs used to curdle\/set milk in cheese-making."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mail a newspaperman returned, at first showing indifference (8)","output":"### Answer: DEADNESS \n ### Explanation: Definition: indifference\n **Reversal of**(\u2026 returned) [ SEND(to mail\/to forward to) + A + ED(abbrev. for \"editor\", a newspaperman\/one of the newspaper staff) ] ***plus***(at) ***1st letter of***(first) \"showing\".\nDefn: \u2026\/unresponsiveness."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Twice one's substituted for United? That's realistic (6)","output":"### Answer: DOABLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: realistic\n \"double\"(twice\/twofold) **with** \"a\"(in grammar, an article denoting one in quantity) **replacing**(\u2026's substituted for) \"u\"(abbrev. for \"united\").\nDefn: \u2026\/achievable."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Get instruction to sheepdog (4,2)","output":"### Answer: COME BY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Get\n Not sure about this: \"come-bye\"(an instruction for a sheepdog to go clockwise round the sheep) has no alternative spelling that I can find. Is \"get\" doing double duty as definition and homophone indicator?\nDefn: \u2026\/to acquire, as in \"how did you come by that thing\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Does taking time prevent\u2026 (5)","output":"### Answer: DETER \n ### Explanation: Definition: prevent\n DEER(the females of which are does) **containing**(taking) T(abbrev. for \"time\")."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: a lot of unnecessary drug paraphernalia? (7)","output":"### Answer: NEEDLES \n ### Explanation: Definition: drug paraphernalia\n **All but last letter of**(a lot of) \"needless\"(unnecessary\/not needed)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Imagine fringes of tunic getting altered \u2013 it's inexplicable (9)","output":"### Answer: ENIGMATIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: inexplicable\n **Anagram of**(\u2026 getting altered) [IMAGINE + **1st and last letters of**(fringes of) \"tunic\" ]."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Observe commotion about woman's poetry, essentially (6,2)","output":"### Answer: ADHERE TO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Observe\n ADO(commotion\/a state of fuss) **containing**(about) [ HER(woman's\/belonging to a woman) + **middle 2 letters of**(\u2026, essentially) \"poetry\" ].\nDefn: \u2026\/to comply with."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Heavy metal \u2013 it could be symbolised by the introduction of Whitesnake (8)","output":"### Answer: TUNGSTEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Heavy metal\n Cryptic defn: Chemical element whose symbol is\/symbolised by the **1st letter of**(introduction of) \"Whitesnake\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sort to use 17, amongst others (4)","output":"### Answer: TYPE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Sort,to use 17, amongst others\n Double defn: 1st: \u2026\/kind; and 2nd: To use the space bar\/answer to 17 down, and other keys on a keyboard to produce text."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Reason to restrict supply of booze (9)","output":"### Answer: RATIONALE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Reason\n RATION(to restrict the supply of\/to allow only a fixed amount for each person, of a good or service) ALE(beer, an example of booze\/alcoholic drinks).\nDefn: \u2026\/logic behind a course of action or belief."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Key location to get a drink that's out of this world (5,3)","output":"### Answer: SPACE BAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Key\n SPACE(outer space\/out of this world, as an adjective to \u2026) BAR(a location to get a drink).\nDefn: \u2026 on a computer keyboard, say."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Boat to dock beside Irish islands (8)","output":"### Answer: TRIMARAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Boat\n TRIM(to dock\/to reduce) **plus**(beside) ARAN(group of islands off western Ireland).\nStar Wars-inspired:"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fat creator of Adrian M (4)","output":"### Answer: SUET \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fat\n [SUE T]( Sue Townsend, the name of the author and creator of the character, Adrian Mole, similarly shortened as the latter is to Adrian M).\nDefn: Hard white \u2026 from the kidneys and loins of cattle and sheep."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Spot with attendant exudation (7)","output":"### Answer: SEEPAGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: exudation\n SEE(to spot\/to notice) **plus**(with) PAGE(a personal attendant to a person of rank, or to a bride at a wedding)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Price, say, a lunatic raised (6)","output":"### Answer: DAMAGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Price\n **Reversal of**(\u2026 raised) [ EG(abbrev. for \"exempli gratia\"\/for example\/say) + A + MAD(lunatic\/insane) ].\nDefn: An informal term for the price\/expense to be paid, as in \"what's the damage for this lunch?\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Some use elementary uprising for fights (6)","output":"### Answer: MELEES \n ### Explanation: Definition: fights\n **Hidden in**(Some) **reversal of**(\u2026 uprising) \"use elementary\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bound to eat last bit of cracker that's stale (5)","output":"### Answer: TIRED \n ### Explanation: Definition: stale\n TIED(bound\/restrained) **containing**(to eat) **last letter of**(last bit of) \"cracker\".\nDefn: \u2026\/no longer fresh, interesting or exciting."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mark crossing United States to find bear (7)","output":"### Answer: SUSTAIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: bear\n STAIN(a mark\/a blemish) **containing**(crossing) US(abbrev. for the United States of America).\nDefn: \u2026\/to support without breaking or falling."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Grass in Foreign Office getting money for liberty (7)","output":"### Answer: FREEDOM \n ### Explanation: Definition: liberty\n REED(a plant of the grass family) **contained in**(in) FO(abbrev. for the Foreign Office) **plus**(getting) M(abbrev. for \"money\")."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ring around one twisted tree (5)","output":"### Answer: LILAC \n ### Explanation: Definition: tree\n **Reversal of**(\u2026 twisted) [ CALL(to ring on the phone) **containing**(around) I(Roman numeral for \"one\") ]."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Star having drug and drink (9)","output":"### Answer: SUNDOWNER \n ### Explanation: Definition: drink\n SUN(the star in our solar system) **plus**(having) DOWNER(a depressant\/a tranquilising drug).\nDefn: An alcoholic \u2026 taken at sundown."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pleasing adage about female model making a comeback (10)","output":"### Answer: SATISFYING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Pleasing\n SAYING(an adage\/proverb) **containing**(about) **reversal of**(\u2026 making a comeback) [ F(abbrev. for \"female\") + SIT(to model\/to pose for a painter, say) ]."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Label bit of tarnished silver (3)","output":"### Answer: TAG \n ### Explanation: Definition: Label\n **1st letter of**(bit of) \"tarnished\" + AG(symbol for the chemical element, silver)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Metal bird covering angle on front of building that offers no privacy (8,4)","output":"### Answer: GOLDFISH BOWL \n ### Explanation: Definition: that offers no privacy\n [ GOLD(metallic element) + OWL(a nocturnal bird) ] **containing**(covering) [ FISH(to angle\/to catch fish with a rod and line) **plus**(on) **1st letter of**(front of) \"building\" ].\nDefn: Describing say, a house, \u2026.\/that is open to full view, like a goldfish bowl, literally."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rashly teeter around consultants' place (6,6)","output":"### Answer: HARLEY STREET \n ### Explanation: Definition: consultants' place\n **Anagram of**(\u2026 around) RASHLY TEETER.\nDefn: \u2026, specifically, a street in Central London where a large number of private medical specialists have their clinics and hospitals."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Champ regularly lost hat (3)","output":"### Answer: CAP \n ### Explanation: Definition: hat\n \"Champ\" **minus ****its 2nd and 4th letters**(regularly lost)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: In favour of invitation that's sinister (10)","output":"### Answer: FORBIDDING \n ### Explanation: Definition: sinister\n FOR(in favour of, as against \"con\" in \"pros and cons\") + BIDDING(an invitation\/a request for someone to do something)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Intimacy of quiet road by a loch (9)","output":"### Answer: CLOSENESS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Intimacy\n CLOSE(a quiet road\/a residential street that's not so busy as it has no through access) **plus**(by) NESS(specifically Loch Ness, a lake in Scotland)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Trouble on Royal Navy deck (5)","output":"### Answer: ADORN \n ### Explanation: Definition: deck\n ADO(trouble\/a commotion) **plus**(on) RN(abbrev. for the Royal Navy)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tough and mean boxing king (7)","output":"### Answer: STRINGY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Tough\n STINGY(mean\/miserly) **containing**(boxing) R(abbrev. for \"Rex\"\/king).\nDefn: \u2026, as applied to food containing tough fibres and so hard to eat."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Conservative's leader Liberal prematurely? Obviously! (7)","output":"### Answer: CLEARLY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Obviously\n **1st letter of**(\u2026's leader) \"Conservative\" + L(abbrev. for a Liberal, a member of the Liberal Party) + EARLY(prematurely\/before the time due)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Publicise place in band (6)","output":"### Answer: SPLASH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Publicise\n PL(abbrev. for \"Place\") **contained in**(in) SASH(a band\/a long loop of cloth)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Greet cook crossing line (6)","output":"### Answer: SALUTE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Greet\n SAUTE(to cook\/to fry quickly in a little hot fat) **containing**(crossing) L(abbrev. for \"line\")."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Usual charge covering male director (10)","output":"### Answer: ACCUSTOMED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Usual\n ACCUSE(to charge\/to claim that someone is guilty a wrongdoing) **containing**(covering) TOM(male of various animals such as a cat \u2013 and not the other feminine meaning) + D(abbrev. for \"director\")."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unpleasant article written about pen (5)","output":"### Answer: NASTY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Unpleasant\n **Reversal of**(\u2026 written about) AN(an article in grammar) + STY(a pen\/an enclosure for pigs)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Moneyman in more elaborate clothes (9)","output":"### Answer: FINANCIER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Moneyman\n IN **contained in**(\u2026 clothes) FANCIER(more elaborate\/ornate)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: God is grievously upset (4)","output":"### Answer: EROS \n ### Explanation: Definition: God\n **Reversal of**(\u2026 upset, in a down clue) SORE(in archaic usage, grievously\/severely).\nDefn: The Greek \u2026 of erotic love."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Gift from party to country (8)","output":"### Answer: DONATION \n ### Explanation: Definition: Gift\n DO(a party\/a social function) **plus**(to) NATION(a country\/a sovereign state)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Spoil setter's yellow flower (8)","output":"### Answer: MARIGOLD \n ### Explanation: Definition: flower\n MAR(to spoil\/to damage) + I(the setter of this crossword, self-referentially) + GOLD(the colour, yellow)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Shabby commercial block held by small number (10)","output":"### Answer: THREADBARE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Shabby\n [ AD(short for \"advertisement\"\/promotional material for commercial purposes) + BAR(to block\/to prevent) ] **contained in**(held by) THREE(a comparatively small number)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Record past Yankee breakthrough (9)","output":"### Answer: DISCOVERY \n ### Explanation: Definition: breakthrough\n DISC(a musical record, in the shape of, well, a disc) + OVER(past\/finished) + Y(letter represented by \"Yankee\" in the phonetic alphabet)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Selection includes cold small desserts (4,4)","output":"### Answer: CHOC ICES \n ### Explanation: Definition: desserts\n CHOICE(selection\/pick) **containing**(includes) C(abbrev. for \"cold\") + S(abbrev. for \"small\")."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Review cross section making exit from stage (8)","output":"### Answer: TRAPDOOR \n ### Explanation: Definition: exit from stage\n **Reversal of**(Review) [ ROOD(cross\/a crucifix) + PART(section\/piece of a whole) ].\nDefn: \u2026, used by actors, and also used by magicians for their disappearing tricks."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Energy displayed in Spanish port and ancient city (6)","output":"### Answer: VIGOUR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Energy\n VIGO(port in north-western Spain) **plus**(and) UR(city in ancient Mesopotamia)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Period caught in New York office (6)","output":"### Answer: AGENCY \n ### Explanation: Definition: office\n AGE(a distinct time period in history) + [ C(abbrev. for \"caught\" in cricket scores) **contained in**(in) NY(abbrev. for New York) ]."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Part of revolutionary rubric is absolutely fundamental (5)","output":"### Answer: BASIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: fundamental\n **Hidden in**(Part of) **reversal of**(revolutionary) \"rubric is absolutely\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Runner perhaps started to lose heart (4)","output":"### Answer: BEAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Runner perhaps\n \"began\"(started\/initiated) **minus ****its middle letter**(to lose heart).\nDefn: A family of plants, an example of which\/perhaps is the runner bean. Also, a runner is a twining plant, an example of which is the bean plant.\nThe plant, pods and beans:"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Coat barrel stuffed with rolled leaves (7)","output":"### Answer: CASSOCK \n ### Explanation: Definition: Coat\n CASK(a barrel\/cylindrical container bulging out in the middle) **containing**(stuffed with) **reversal of**(rolled) COS(leaves, specifically of a variety of lettuce)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Warn of something in harbour part of town? (7)","output":"### Answer: PORTEND \n ### Explanation: Definition: Warn of something\n [ PORT END ](that end\/part of town where its harbour\/port is located)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Painter back exactly between 8 and midday (5)","output":"### Answer: MANET \n ### Explanation: Definition: Painter\n **Reversal of**(back) [ TEN A.M. ](time of day exactly between 8 a.m. and noon\/midday).\nAnswer: Edouard, French painter."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Object about island starting to make drone (9)","output":"### Answer: THRUMMING \n ### Explanation: Definition: drone\n THING(an object that one cannot or does not wish to give a specific name to) **containing**(about) [ RUM(an island in the Inner Hebrides, Scotland) + **1st letter of**(starting to) \"make\" ].\nDefn: \u2026\/a continuous low humming sound."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Actor touches rear briefly by statue (3,6)","output":"### Answer: THE SPHINX \n ### Explanation: Definition: statue\n THESP(informal term for \"thespian\", an actor) **plus**(touches) \"hind\"(the rear\/posterior, of a, say, a person) **minus ****its last letter**(briefly) + X(symbol for the multiplication process\/by as in \"2 by 2 =4\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Verse typified by poet know it? (5)","output":"### Answer: RHYME \n ### Explanation: Definition: Verse\n A relationship between words or phrases, an example of which is\/typified by the words \"poet\" and \"know it\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Chatterers in shoe shop maybe full of cold (14)","output":"### Answer: SCANDALMONGERS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Chatterers\n SANDALMONGER'S(maybe\/what you might call a shoe shop selling sandals) **containing**(full of) C(abbrev. for \"cold\")."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Start to party with new hot tub at house? (4,3,4,3)","output":"### Answer: PUSH THE BOAT OUT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Start to party\n **1st letter of**(Start to) \"party\" **plus**(with) **anagram of**(new) HOT TUB AT HOUSE.\nDefn: To throw a party at extravagant expense to celebrate an event \u2013 installation of a new hot tub, perhaps)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One who rebukes husband leaving drink (5)","output":"### Answer: CIDER \n ### Explanation: Definition: drink\n \"chider\"(one who rebukes\/chides) **minus**(\u2026 leaving) \"h\"(abbrev. for \"husband\")."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Idle talk outside of tower with old school class member (9)","output":"### Answer: GASTROPOD \n ### Explanation: Definition: class member\n GAS(idle talk\/hot air) + **1st and last letters of**(outside of) \"tower\" **plus**(with) O(abbrev. for \"old\") + POD(collective noun for a herd\/school of marine animals, say, whales).\nDefn: A member of the class of invertebrate organisms, the Gastropoda, that includes snails, slugs and marine shellfish."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A fun adult game dressed as big animals (9)","output":"### Answer: MEGAFAUNA \n ### Explanation: Definition: big animals\n **Anagram of**(\u2026 dressed) [A FUN + A(abbrev. for \"adult\") + GAME]."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: City nearly finished Guide for Walkers (5)","output":"### Answer: CAIRN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Guide for Walkers\n \"Cairns\"(city in Queensland, Australia) **minus ****its last letter**(nearly finished).\nDefn: A mound\/stack of rough stones built as a landmark, serving as a \u2026 in the countryside."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Relentless bridging across Avignon's to pause (7)","output":"### Answer: NONSTOP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Relentless\n **Hidden in**(bridging across) \"Avignon's to pause\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Seducer twice taking time to see ruler (7)","output":"### Answer: EMPRESS \n ### Explanation: Definition: ruler\n \"temptress\"(a female seducer) **minus**(\u2026 taking \u2026) **2x**(twice) \"t\"(abbrev. for \"time\")."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Shy around German with good manners (6)","output":"### Answer: COMITY \n ### Explanation: Definition: good manners\n COY(shy\/bashful) **containing**(around) MIT(German for \"with\").\nDefn: \u2026 and considerate behaviour towards others."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Criminals having posted for female convicts (9)","output":"### Answer: SENTENCES \n ### Explanation: Definition: convicts\n \"fences\"(criminals who deal in stolen goods) **with** SENT(posted\/sent to addressees) **replacing**(having \u2026 for) \"f\"(abbrev. for \"female\").\nDefn: \u2026\/declares someone is guilty and states the punishment he\/she is to undergo, in a court of law."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Endlessly recorded and always available (2,3)","output":"### Answer: ON TAP \n ### Explanation: Definition: always available\n **Last letter deleted from**(Endlessly) \"on tape\"(recorded on audio or video tape for playing back)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bird event most birds would avoid, I'd say (9)","output":"### Answer: KITTIWAKE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Bird\n , **Homophone of**(\u2026, I'd say) \"kitty wake\"(whimsically the vigil\/wake by other cats for a cat\/kitty that has died, and which most birds would avoid because of the presence of their predators)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Glassware on inside of host's vessel (5)","output":"### Answer: PYREX \n ### Explanation: Definition: Glassware\n RE(on\/about, as in \"re your letter of \u2026\") **contained in**(inside of) PYX(the container\/vessel used in Christian Churches to carry the host\/Sacramental bread used in the Holy Communion)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mark overwhelmed by silly term \"artist\" (9)","output":"### Answer: REMBRANDT \n ### Explanation: Definition: artist\n BRAND(an identifying mark burned on livestock) **contained in**(overwhelmed by) **anagram of**(silly) TERM."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Instruct headless knights over vacuous foolery (5)","output":"### Answer: EDIFY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Instruct\n **1st letter deleted from**(headless) \"Jedi\"(members of the knightly order in the Star Wars films) **placed above**(over, in a down clue) **1st and last letters deleted from**(vacuous) \"foolery\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Clear dirty bits off extremely dire film (8)","output":"### Answer: DEGREASE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Clear dirty bits off\n **1st and last letters of**(extremely) \"dire\" + GREASE(1978 film starring John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Return of trawlerman perhaps before match (3,6)","output":"### Answer: NET PROFIT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Return\n [ NET PRO ](what one might call\/perhaps a trawlerman, an expert\/professional at using trawl nets to fish) **placed above**(before, in a down clue) FIT(to match\/to suit the requirements)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Scene on satellite shows bottom part of coast (9)","output":"### Answer: MOONSCAPE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Scene on satellite\n MOONS(shows\/flashes one's bare bottom\/rear end) + CAPE(part of coast, specifically, a headland)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Balance supply of issues periodically (9)","output":"### Answer: EQUIPOISE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Balance\n EQUIP(to supply with equipment\/kit) + **1st, 3rd, 5th and 7th letters of**(\u2026 periodically) \"of issues\".\nDefn: \u2026 of forces."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Buzz for one who witnessed a 15 (8)","output":"### Answer: SPACEMAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Buzz for one who witnessed a 15\n Cryptic defn: Reference to Buzz Aldrin, one the two American astronauts who first landed on the moon and witnessed the moonscape\/answer to 15 across."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Eye candy gyrating on dais (6)","output":"### Answer: ADONIS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Eye candy\n **Anagram of**(gyrating) ON DAIS.\nDefn: Masculine \u2026"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Prepare to resist chef's exhortation (3,2)","output":"### Answer: DIG IN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Prepare to resist,chef's exhortation\n Double defn: 1st: \u2026, as in the phrase \"dig in your heels\"; and 2nd: \u2026 to start eating\/dig into your food, metaphorically."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bad-tempered person finally taking seat (5)","output":"### Answer: GRUMP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Bad-tempered person\n **Last letter of**(finally) \"taking\" + RUMP(seat\/the hind part of a mammal's body)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Summary of climbing athlete to follow (5)","output":"### Answer: RECAP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Summary\n **Reversal of**(climbing, in a down clue) PACER(an athlete who sets a fast pace and whom others follow at the start of a race, to help them achieve a very fast time)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Occasionally, cell buddies escape (5)","output":"### Answer: ELUDE \n ### Explanation: Definition: escape\n **2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th and 10th letters of**(Occasionally) \"cell buddies\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Meet nurse to consider medical TV show (9)","output":"### Answer: ENCOUNTER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Meet\n EN(abbrev. for \"Enrolled Nurse\", a grade of qualified nurses) + COUNT(to consider\/to take into account) + ER(the medical TV show, centred around a hospital's Emergency Room\/Accidents and Emergencies Department)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Understand queen's wearing crown lined with fine fabric (9)","output":"### Answer: PENETRATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Understand\n [ ER(abbrev. for \"Elizabeth Regina\"\/Queen Elizabeth) **contained in**(\u2026's wearing) PATE(crown\/one's head) ] **containing**(lined with) NET(fine fabric, consisting of yarn joined together with open spaces inbetween).\nDefn: \u2026\/to gain insight into something complex or mysterious."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: In rehab I treated addiction (5)","output":"### Answer: HABIT \n ### Explanation: Definition: addiction\n **Hidden in**(In) \"rehab I treated\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Simple crash involving vehicles blocking bridge (7)","output":"### Answer: SPARTAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Simple\n RTA(abbrev. for \"road traffic accident\"\/a crash involving vehicles in traffic) **contained in**(blocking) SPAN(to extend from one side to another\/to bridge)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tools cutting right into driers (7)","output":"### Answer: TROWELS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Tools\n R(abbrev. for \"right\") **contained in**(into) TOWELS(pieces of absorbent material to dry wet surfaces\/driers)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lobby in favour of fencing Yorkshire's border (5)","output":"### Answer: FOYER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Lobby\n FOR(in favour of\/in support of) **containing**(fencing) **1st and last letters of**(\u2026's border) \"Yorkshire\".\nDefn: \u2026\/entrance hall in a building.\nThe sight as you walk in:"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Excellent soldier leaves coat (3)","output":"### Answer: MAC \n ### Explanation: Definition: coat\n \"magic\"(excellent\/wonderful and exciting) **minus**(\u2026 leaves) \"GI\"(a solder in the US military).\nDefn: A full-length waterproof coat\/a mackintosh, called a \u2026 in short-form."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fanta's first, then open Sprite (5)","output":"### Answer: FAIRY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Sprite\n **1st letter of**(\u2026's first) \"Fanta\" **plus**(then) AIRY(open\/spacious and well ventilated).\nDefn: \u2026\/an imaginary spirit, in folklore."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Runs with crazy idea, using rap sheets principally to identify looters (7)","output":"### Answer: RAIDERS \n ### Explanation: Definition: looters\n R(abbrev. for \"runs\", in cricket scores) **plus**(with) **anagram of**(crazy) IDEA **plus**(using) **1st letters, respectively, of**(\u2026 principally) \"rap sheets\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Frightful person drinking vermouth before five brought back dizziness (7)","output":"### Answer: VERTIGO \n ### Explanation: Definition: dizziness\n **Reversal of**(\u2026 brought back) [ OGRE(a frightful person\/a monster) **containing**(drinking) IT(informal term for Italian vermouth) **plus**(before) V(Roman numeral for \"five\") ].\nDefn: \u2026\/the sensation of being off-balance."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stayed in middle of Colditz with English officer (5)","output":"### Answer: DWELT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Stayed\n **Middle letter of**(middle of Colditz) + W(abbrev. for \"with\") + E(abbrev. for \"English\") + LT(abbrev. for \"lieutenant\", an officer in the armed forces and in other services)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Long-lasting stain finally covered by rug \u2014 it's coloured (9)","output":"### Answer: CHROMATIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: coloured\n \"chronic\"(long-lasting\/persisting for a long time) + **last letter of**(\u2026 finally) \"stain\" **replaced by**(covered by) MAT(a rug\/a piece of material placed on a floor)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Put together project, securing vote with an attitude (9)","output":"### Answer: JUXTAPOSE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Put together\n JUT(to project\/to extend beyond the main body of something) **containing**(securing) X(symbol used in a vote) **plus**(with) [A POSE](an attitude\/a way of sitting or standing for a painting or photograph).\nDefn: \u2026\/place close together."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Start chess, ultimately, with pawn (5)","output":"### Answer: SHOCK \n ### Explanation: Definition: Start\n **Last letter of**(\u2026, ultimately) \"chess\" **plus**(with) HOCK(to pawn\/to deposit a valuable with a pawnbroker as collateral for a loan).\nDefn: \u2026\/a sudden surprised movement."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Intense as, say, Jack Palance's debut (4)","output":"### Answer: DEEP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Intense\n DEE(an example\/say someone with that surname is Jack Dee, English comedian, entertainer and writer) + **1st letter of**(\u2026's debut) \"Palance\".\nAnd Jack Palance is an American actor, of an older vintage."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Q & A about uniform on railway creates a dilemma (8)","output":"### Answer: QUANDARY \n ### Explanation: Definition: dilemma\n Q AND(represented by the & symbol) A **containing**(about) U(abbrev. for \"uniform\") **placed above**(on, in a down clue) RY(abbrev. for \"railway\")."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Jazz age was best, conclusively, for enthusiasm (4)","output":"### Answer: ZEST \n ### Explanation: Definition: enthusiasm\n **Last letters, respectively, of**(\u2026, conclusively) \"Jazz age was best\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Woman visiting South American country with Mike every year (3,5)","output":"### Answer: PER ANNUM \n ### Explanation: Definition: every year\n ANN(a woman's name) **contained in**(visiting) PERU(South American country) **plus**(with) M(letter represented by \"Mike\", in the phonetic alphabet)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tolerate mushroom in a cassoulet on vacation (6)","output":"### Answer: ACCEPT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Tolerate\n CEP(an edible European mushroom) **contained in**(in) [A + **1st and last letters of**(\u2026 on vacation) \"cassoulet\" ]."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Put Up, Up and Away under film, raising tempo initially, and cause a violent reaction (4,3,3)","output":"### Answer: PUSH TOO FAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: cause a violent reaction\n **Reversal of**(Put Up, in a down clue) UP **plus**(and) [ FAR(away\/separated by distance) **placed below**(under, in a down clue) SHOOT(to film\/record with a camera) **with ****1st letter of**(\u2026 initially) \"tempo\" **moved up**(raising \u2026, in a down clue) ]."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Attempt French for the firm (6)","output":"### Answer: STABLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: firm\n STAB(an attempt\/a go at) + LE(French for \"the\")."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Summons determination, making good whiskey (4)","output":"### Answer: WRIT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Summons\n \"grit\"(determination\/courage and resolve) **with** \"g\"(abbrev. for \"good\") **replaced by**(making \u2026) W(letter represented by \"whiskey\", in the phonetic alphabet).\nDefn: A legal \u2026"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Less risky returning in the role of whistle-blower after retirement (5)","output":"### Answer: SAFER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Less risky\n **Reversal of**(returning) AS(in the role of\/being or acting) + **reversal of**(\u2026 after retirement) REF(short for \"referee\", literally the whistle-blower in a match, say, of football)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rotten liar's awful driving (10)","output":"### Answer: TORRENTIAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: driving\n **Anagram of**(\u2026's awful) ROTTEN LIAR.\nDefn: Describing rain falling rapidly and with great force."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Military unit capturing last of enemy with zero authority (3-2)","output":"### Answer: SAY-SO \n ### Explanation: Definition: authority\n SAS(abbrev. for the Special Air Service, a special unit in the British Army) **containing**(capturing) **last letter of**(last of) \"enemy\" **plus**(with) 0(letter representing 0\/zero).\nDefn; \u2026\/the go-ahead."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Made merry, when Eddy's almost taken in by rogue (8)","output":"### Answer: CAVORTED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Made merry\n \"vortex\"(an eddy\/a whirling mass of gas or liquid) **minus ****its last letter**(\u2026's almost) **contained in**(taken in by) CAD(a rogue\/a rascal)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: TV and papers ousting leader of party before fight (5,3)","output":"### Answer: IDIOT BOX \n ### Explanation: Definition: TV\n ID(short for identity papers) + \"riot\"(a party, specifically an occasion of boisterous merry-making) **minus ****its 1st letter**(ousting leader of \u2026) **plus**(before) BOX(to fight with one's fists).\nDefn: Informal term for a \u2026"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cool chopper that could help to get one up a mountain (3,3)","output":"### Answer: ICE AXE \n ### Explanation: Definition: that could help to get one up a mountain\n ICE(to cool with ice, such as to mix a drink with ice) + AXE(a chopper\/a tool for chopping wood).\nThis chopper: \u2026 and not this cool chopper:"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Field men to support cult (6)","output":"### Answer: SECTOR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Field\n OR(abbrev. for \"other ranks\", men in the military who are not commissioned officers) **placed below**(to support, in a down clue) SECT(a cult\/a group with a system of beliefs not widely accepted)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What the tabloids call Boris Johnson when Germany replaces British combat training site (4)","output":"### Answer: DOJO \n ### Explanation: Definition: combat training site\n \"Bojo\"(what tabloids call Boris Johnson) **with** \"D\"(international code for Germany) **replacing**(when \u2026 replaces) B(abbrev. for \"British\").\nDefn: \u2026\/a room or hall for training exponents of judo and other martial arts."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Failed in audition for film (4)","output":"### Answer: MIST \n ### Explanation: Definition: film\n **Homophone of**(\u2026 in audition) \"missed\"(failed\/was unable to take advantage of an opportunity).\nDefn: \u2026\/layer of fine liquid droplets."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Drug that's acceptable in church? (4)","output":"### Answer: COKE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Drug\n OK(okay\/that's acceptable) **contained in**(in) CE(abbrev. for the Church of England).\nDefn: Slang for the \u2026, cocaine."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hurry up and get big diaper on son (4,2,6)","output":"### Answer: MAKE IT SNAPPY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Hurry up\n [MAKE IT](to get\/to become big\/successful and famous) + [ NAPPY(diaper\/napkin of soft absorbent material to absorb a baby's excrement) **placed after**(on) S(abbrev. for \"son\") ]."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A reservation about rogue in galleries? (7)","output":"### Answer: ARCADES \n ### Explanation: Definition: galleries\n A + RES(abbrev. for \"reservation\"\/a booking, say, for hotel accommodation) **containing**(about) CAD(a rogue\/a scoundrel)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Soldier cried briefly, having necked rare port (7)","output":"### Answer: ANTWERP \n ### Explanation: Definition: port\n ANT(a social animal, one of whose castes is the soldier) + \"wept\"(cried\/shed tears) **minus ****its last letter**(briefly) **containing**(having necked) R(abbrev. for \"rare\").\nDefn: \u2026 in Belgium."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Drunks drinking drop of Caledonian? (5)","output":"### Answer: SCOTS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Caledonian\n SOTS(drunks\/habitual drunkards) **containing**(drinking) **1st letter of**(drop of) \"Caledonian\".\nDefn: Another term for \"Scottish\"\/relating to Scotland and things from there\/\u2026."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Architectural feature on Odeon I'm converting (5,4)","output":"### Answer: ONION DOME \n ### Explanation: Definition: Architectural feature\n **Anagram of**(\u2026 converting) ON ODEON I'M."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One having three lines listened to stoned fancy (5)","output":"### Answer: HAIKU \n ### Explanation: Definition: One having three lines\n **Homophone of**(listened to) [ \"high\"(stoned\/under the influence of drugs) + \"coo!\"(like \"fancy!\", an exclamation expressing surprise\") ].\nDefn: A Japanese poem in three lines."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: People often found in The Den ogling wingers? (9)","output":"### Answer: TWITCHERS \n ### Explanation: Definition: People often found in The Den ogling wingers?\n Cryptic defn: Those to be found in a blind\/hideout\/den ogling\/watching wingers\/birds."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Turning red if Celia throws a paddy (9)","output":"### Answer: RICEFIELD \n ### Explanation: Definition: paddy\n **Anagram of**(Turning) [RED IF + \"Celia\" **minus**(throws) \"a\" ]."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One in Red Dwarf perhaps getting a step up? (5)","output":"### Answer: STAIR \n ### Explanation: Definition: a step up\n I(Roman numeral for \"one\") **contained in**(in) STAR(an example of which\/perhaps is a red dwarf\/a small, old and relatively cool ball of burning gas in space)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Haughty Hoskins is dangerous, but not ultimately evil (9)","output":"### Answer: IMPERIOUS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Haughty\n I'M(\"I am\"\/ this setter, Hoskins is, self-referentially) + \"perilous\"(dangerous\/risky) **minus ****last letter of**(but not ultimately) \"evil\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A setter enthralling foremost of newspapers? (5)","output":"### Answer: ANGEL \n ### Explanation: Definition: A setter\n A + GEL(setter\/a liquid substance that sets\/turns into a semi-solid state) **contained in**(enthralling) **1st letter of**(foremost of) \"newspapers\".\nDefn: Name of \u2026 of crosswords in The Independent (which some might say is the foremost of newspapers)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: With smells around, smell trainers? (7)","output":"### Answer: REEBOKS \n ### Explanation: Definition: trainers\n REEKS(smells strongly and unpleasantly\/stinks) **containing**(With \u2026 around) BO(abbrev. for \"body odour\", unpleasant sweaty body smell).\nDefn: Footwear, including trainers, produced by Reebok International Limited."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Joints engineers knocked back in Sandbanks (7)","output":"### Answer: REEFERS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Joints\n **Reversal of**(\u2026 knocked back) RE(abbrev. for the Royal Engineers, a unit in the British military) **contained in**(in) REEFS(sandbanks\/ridges of sand just above or below the sea surface).\nDefn: \u2026\/cannabis cigarettes."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Might you say American as Barack Obama? (12)","output":"### Answer: STATESPERSON \n ### Explanation: Definition: Might you say American,Barack Obama?\n Double defn: 1st: Whom you might call\/say is call a person from the United States\/an American; and 2nd: A politician who is a leader in national or international affairs, an accolade you might give President Barack Obama."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Butch old lady sits on church official's head (5)","output":"### Answer: MACHO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Butch\n MA(like \"old lady\", a familiar term for one's mother) **placed above**(sits on, in a down clue) CH(abbrev. for \"church\") + **1st letter of**(\u2026's head) \"official\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Immature beasts ruin child's play (4,5)","output":"### Answer: KIDS\u2019 STUFF \n ### Explanation: Definition: child's play\n KIDS(immature beasts, specifically young goats) + STUFF(informal term for alcohol or drugs \u2013 which could be one's ruin\/something that ruins one's life, as in the old days when \"gin was mother's ruin\" \u2013 I guess)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Where liquor-drinking drunk might find solace briefly (2,5)","output":"### Answer: IN SHORT \n ### Explanation: Definition: briefly\n Where a drunk might find solace, viz. in a short\/a drink of liquor in small measure."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Language so wantonly awful hussar is left incensed at front (7)","output":"### Answer: SWAHILI \n ### Explanation: Definition: Language\n **1st letters, respectively, of**(\u2026 at front) \"so wantonly awful hussar is left incensed\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A criminal casing back of flat in London district (5)","output":"### Answer: ACTON \n ### Explanation: Definition: London district\n A + CON(short for \"convict\", a criminal) **containing**(casing) **last letter of**(back of) \"flat\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Remarkable events men phone up about at summit (9)","output":"### Answer: PHENOMENA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Remarkable events\n **Anagram of**(\u2026 up about) MEN PHONE + **1st letter of**(\u2026 summit, in a down clue) \"at\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Predatory flapper is cruel bride, Spooner said (5,7)","output":"### Answer: MARSH HARRIER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Predatory flapper\n **Spoonerism of**(Spooner said) [ \"harsh\"(cruel\/pitiless) \"marrier\"(a bride\/one who is about to marry)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Don't give so many orgasms? That's no fun! (12)","output":"### Answer: PLEASURELESS \n ### Explanation: Definition: no fun\n [PLEASURE LESS](to give less pleasure to your partner in terms of the number of orgasms, ie. fewer\/not so many orgasms)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Just starting nice pint (I must get trashed) (9)","output":"### Answer: INCIPIENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Just starting\n **Anagram of**(\u2026 must get trashed) NICE PINT (I."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Actors like being around ten flipping clappers (9)","output":"### Answer: CASTANETS \n ### Explanation: Definition: clappers\n CAST(the set of actors in a play or film) + AS(like\/similar to, as in similes) **containing**(around) **reversal of**(\u2026 flipping) TEN.\nDefn: \u2026 clicked by the fingers:"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Say love is nursing street people with swollen heads (7)","output":"### Answer: EGOISTS \n ### Explanation: Definition: people with swollen heads\n EG(abbrev. for \"exempli gratia\"\/for example\/say) + O(letter representing 0\/\"love\" in tennis scores) + IS **containing**(nursing) ST(abbrev. for \"street\")."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Merit editor's upset and be a man! (7)","output":"### Answer: DESERVE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Merit\n **Reversal of**( , in a down clue) ED(abbrev. for \"editor\") **plus**(and) SERVE(to be a man\/manservant and serve\/attend to your employer)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Search hard around south for a place to sleep (5)","output":"### Answer: ROOST \n ### Explanation: Definition: a place to sleep\n ROOT(to search hard\/to rummage) **containing**(around) S(abbrev. for \"south)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Emerald, perhaps one with a hole in it? (5)","output":"### Answer: GREEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Emerald, perhaps,one with a hole in it\n Double defn: 1st: \u2026 is a shade\/perhaps of this colour; and 2nd: \u2026, out of eighteen in a regulation golf course."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Heed secretary initially desiring thing for scribbling (7)","output":"### Answer: NOTEPAD \n ### Explanation: Definition: thing for scribbling\n NOTE(to heed\/to pay attention to) + PA(abbrev. for \"personal assistant\", aka \"secretary\") + **1st letter of**\n(initially) \"desiring\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cop, say, getting agitated about last part of controversial Caribbean song (7)","output":"### Answer: CALYPSO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Caribbean song\n **Anagram of**(\u2026, getting) COP, SAY **containing**(about) **last letter of**(last part of) \"controversial\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Chapter by English poet is easy to understand (5)","output":"### Answer: CLEAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: easy to understand\n C(abbrev. for \"chapter\") **plus**(by) LEAR(Edward, English poet known for his literary nonsense)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Leaden cop messed up a means of controlling crime (5,4)","output":"### Answer: PENAL CODE \n ### Explanation: Definition: a means of controlling crime\n **Anagram of**(\u2026 messed up) LEADEN COP."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Retired group touring Paris, perhaps as a climax (2,3,2,3)","output":"### Answer: TO CAP IT ALL \n ### Explanation: Definition: as a climax\n **Reversal of**(Retired) LOT(a group of similar items) **containing**(touring) CAPITAL(the city that is the seat of government of a nation, such as\/perhaps Paris is)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Part of formal inspectorate in here in Africa (4)","output":"### Answer: MALI \n ### Explanation: Definition: here in Africa\n **Hidden in**(Part of) \"formal inspectorate\".\nDefn: \u2026, ie. an African country."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Artist much appreciated struggle by the French to defend refined dish of theirs (11)","output":"### Answer: RATATOUILLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: dish of theirs\n RA(abbrev. for for an artist who is a member of the Royal Academy of Arts) + TA!(short for \"Thank you!\"\/\"Much appreciated!\") + TOIL(a struggle\/a hardship) **plus**(by) LE(French for the article \"the\") **containing**(to defend) U(letter denoting things refined\/upper class).\nDefn: \u2026\/of the French, perhaps prepared by a rodent chef of the same name:"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Go with person, say, after work to find cheap cafe (6,5)","output":"### Answer: GREASY SPOON \n ### Explanation: Definition: cheap cafe\n **Anagram of**(\u2026, after work) [GO **plus**(with) PERSON, SAY]."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Right-winger in Barking breaking valuable material is monstrous type (4)","output":"### Answer: OGRE \n ### Explanation: Definition: monstrous type\n **Last letter of**(Right-winger in, in an across clue) \"Barking\" **contained in**(breaking) ORE(valuable material from which even more valuable substances are extracted).\nAn atypical monstrous type:"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Foot expert is pictured at work (10)","output":"### Answer: PEDICURIST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Foot expert\n **Anagram of**(\u2026 at work) IS PICTURED."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Description of second person's past military command? (2,3,4)","output":"### Answer: AS YOU WERE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Description of second person's past,military command\n Double defn: 1st: Describing the state of you(the second person pronoun) in the past; and 2nd: \u2026 to soldiers to return to their previous position."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Small drink obtained before a litre as full amount (5)","output":"### Answer: TOTAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: full amount\n TOT(a small alcoholic drink) **plus**(obtained before) A + L(abbrev. for \"litre\")."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One trailing first to last conversationalists (7)","output":"### Answer: TALKERS \n ### Explanation: Definition: conversationalists\n STALKER(one trailing\/shadowing stealthily) **with its 1st letter moved to the last position**(first to last)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Now idle, adjusted to a spell in retirement? (3-4)","output":"### Answer: LIE-DOWN \n ### Explanation: Definition: a spell in retirement\n **Anagram of**(\u2026, adjusted) NOW IDLE."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Subtle detail in French city today at the margins (6)","output":"### Answer: NICETY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Subtle detail\n NICE(French city) + **1st and last letters of**(\u2026 at the margins) \"today\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Swimmer skirts river channel? (6)","output":"### Answer: TRENCH \n ### Explanation: Definition: channel\n TENCH(a swimmer, specifically a European freshwater fish) **containing**(skirts) R(abbrev. for \"river\")."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: In other words, soldier over period accepting a right (10)","output":"### Answer: PARAPHRASE \n ### Explanation: Definition: In other words\n PARA(short for \"paratrooper\", a soldier trained to parachute into operations) **placed above**(over, in a down clue) PHASE(a distinct period in a series of events) **containing**(accepting a) R(abbrev. for \"right\")."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dorothy hoards old record in storage site (5)","output":"### Answer: DEPOT \n ### Explanation: Definition: storage site\n DOT(a diminutive for the name Dorothy) **containing**(hoards) EP(abbrev. for an extended play record, an old form of music recording)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Preserve a form of service in honour of noted artist (9)","output":"### Answer: CANALETTO \n ### Explanation: Definition: noted artist\n CAN(to preserve food in, well, a can) + LET(a form\/sort of a tennis player's serve\/service which is nullified and has to be retaken) + TO(in honour of, as in \"the award was given to\/in honour of \u2026\").\nThe Grand Canal by Canal\u2026:"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lieutenant, appearing about middle of film, has a pleasing accent (4)","output":"### Answer: LILT \n ### Explanation: Definition: a pleasing accent\n LT(abbrev. for \"lieutenant\") **containing**(appearing about) **inner letters of**(middle of) \"film\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: No amateur, Welsh footballer pockets first of bonuses? That's likely (8)","output":"### Answer: PROBABLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: likely\n PRO(short for \"professional\", an expert and not an amateur) BALE(Gareth, Welsh football player) **containing**(pockets) **1st letter of**(first of) \"bonuses\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Telephone connection in US city on reflection is a joke! (3-5)","output":"### Answer: ONE-LINER \n ### Explanation: Definition: a joke\n LINE(a telephone connection, as in \"the line went dead in the middle of our conversation\") **contained in**(in) **reversal of**(\u2026 on reflection) RENO(city in Nevada State, USA)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Flip over comic performer given large reptile (4,6)","output":"### Answer: TURN TURTLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Flip over\n TURN(one who performs a short act as part of a variety show, say, a comedian) **plus**(given) TURTLE(a large reptile).\nLiterally \u2026"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Crude lies about unorthodox set beginning to suffer (9)","output":"### Answer: TASTELESS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Crude\n [ TALES(lies\/untruths) **containing**(about) **anagram of**(unorthodox) SET ] + **1st letter of**(beginning to) \"suffer\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pointer initially ignored by soldiers and worker? That's ill-mannered (8)","output":"### Answer: IGNORANT \n ### Explanation: Definition: ill-mannered\n \"sign\"(a pointer\/an indicator) **minus its 1st letter**(initially ignored) **plus**(by) OR(abbrev. for \"other ranks\", non-commissioned soldiers) **plus**(and) ANT(an example of which is the worker\/one in the worker caste)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Something that might be laid on two men in short showing bad faith (8)","output":"### Answer: BETRAYAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: bad faith\n BET(something that might be laid\/placed, as in \"Lay your bets please ..\" at a casino table) **placed above**(on, in a down clue) RAY,AL(short forms for the two masculine names, Raymond and Alan, respectively)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: British trio's refurbished inexpensive eatery (6)","output":"### Answer: BISTRO \n ### Explanation: Definition: inexpensive eatery\n **Anagram of**(\u2026 refurbished) [ B(abbrev. for \"British\") + TRIO'S]."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Soviet leader left in sign of disgrace (6)","output":"### Answer: STALIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Soviet leader\n L(abbrev. for \"left\") **contained in**(in) STAIN(a sign of disgrace\/a blot on someone's reputation)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Perfect introduction by a croupier? (5)","output":"### Answer: IDEAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Perfect\n \"I DEAL\"(a croupier\/one in charge of a gambling table who pays and collects money bets, might say this when introducing himself\/herself)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Attractive cruet set seen every now and again (4)","output":"### Answer: CUTE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Attractive\n **1st, 3rd, 5th and 7th letters of**(\u2026 every now and again) \"cruet set\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Murder is detective's province (8)","output":"### Answer: DISPATCH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Murder\n DI(abbrev. for \"detective inspector\")'S + PATCH(province\/an area of one's interest or responsibility)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sailor has uniform tucked in and eyes front to show respect (6)","output":"### Answer: SALUTE \n ### Explanation: Definition: show respect\n SALT(an informal term for a sailor) **containing**(has \u2026 tucked in) U(abbrev. for \"uniform\") **plus**(and) **1st letter of**(\u2026 front) \"eyes\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stops lads eating junk and fries essentially (8)","output":"### Answer: STATIONS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Stops\n SONS(form of address for \"lads\"\/boys) **containing**(eating) TAT(junk\/worthless items) **plus**(and) **middle letter of**(\u2026 essentially) \"fries\".\nDefn: \u2026 along a railway line, say."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Miss fellow cutting head in fall (6)","output":"### Answer: FUMBLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Miss\n F(abbrev. for \"fellow\") **replacing**(cutting) **1st letter of**(head in) \"tumble\"(fall\/trip)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Put down sandwich container and brewed tea (9)","output":"### Answer: SUBJUGATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Put down\n SUB(short for the North American \"submarine sandwich\"\/one made of a long roll with filling) + JUG(a cylindrical container with a handle and a lip) **plus**(and) **anagram of**(brewed) TEA.\nDefn: \u2026\/to dominate or control."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Holy woman's heartily rejoicing, bearing suffering without complaint (5)","output":"### Answer: STOIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: bearing suffering without complaint\n ST(abbrev. for \"saint\", a holy woman or man) + **middle 3 letters of**(heartily) \"rejoicing\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Talk with bowler perhaps, following century (4)","output":"### Answer: CHAT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Talk\n HAT(an example of which is\/perhaps a \"bowler\") **placed after**(following) C(abbrev. for \"century\")."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One's cross, drawn into horseplay with practical jokers (7)","output":"### Answer: HOAXERS \n ### Explanation: Definition: practical jokers\n [ A(one\/single) + X(letter representing a cross\/crucifix] **contained in**(drawn into) **anagram of**(\u2026play) HORSE."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Not knowing French, article's a struggle to penetrate (7)","output":"### Answer: UNAWARE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Not knowing\n UNE(an article in French grammar) **containing**(\u2026 to penetrate) [A + WAR(a struggle\/a conflict) ]."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sketched Doctor with bridge partners (4)","output":"### Answer: DREW \n ### Explanation: Definition: Sketched\n DR(abbrev. for \"doctor\") **plus**(with) E,W(abbrev. for \"East\" and \"West\", respectively, representing partners in a bridge game)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Get quietly drunk after parents finally divorce (5)","output":"### Answer: SPLIT \n ### Explanation: Definition: divorce\n [ P(abbrev. for \"piano\", a musical direction to play softly\/quietly) + LIT(drunk\/intoxicated) ] **placed after**(after) **last letter of**(\u2026 finally) \"parents\".\nDefn: \u2026\/to go separate ways."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Photocopy amendment to procedure (9)","output":"### Answer: REPRODUCE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Photocopy\n **Anagram of**(amendment to) PROCEDURE.\nDefn: \u2026\/to use a photocopier."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Collision has traffic, initially better on motorway, turned back (6)","output":"### Answer: IMPACT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Collision\n **Reversal of**(\u2026, turned back) [ **1st letter of**(traffic, initially) \"\" + CAP(to better\/to outdo) **plus**(on) MI(the English motorway, M1 with the Roman numeral substitution) ]."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Boot gang off sledge (8)","output":"### Answer: TOBOGGAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: sledge\n **Anagram of**(\u2026 off) BOOT GANG."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Agreed to recycle odds and ends sons left out (6)","output":"### Answer: NODDED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Agreed to\n **Anagram of**(recycle) [ \"odds\" **plus**(and) \"ends\" **minus**(\u2026 left out) **2 x** \"s\"(plural of abbrev. of \"son\") ]."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Intellectual from CERN abridged book, cutting real analysis (8)","output":"### Answer: CEREBRAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Intellectual\n \"CERN\" **minus ****its last letter**(abridged) + [ B(abbrev. for \"book\") **contained in**(cutting) **anagram of**(\u2026 analysis) REAL]."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stop taking sides, recklessly heading for trouble (6)","output":"### Answer: DESIST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Stop\n **Anagram of**(\u2026, recklessly) SIDES + **1st letter of**(heading for) \"trouble\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Embarrassed sailor boy coming aboard scruffy (6)","output":"### Answer: SHABBY \n ### Explanation: Definition: scruffy\n SHY(embarrassed\/self-conscious) **containing**(\u2026 coming aboard) [ AB(abbrev. for \"able-bodied seaman\", a sailor) + B(abbrev. for \"boy\" \u2013 as in combinations like \"bf\") ]."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: See you in France \u2013 you said to follow crazy idea! (5)","output":"### Answer: ADIEU \n ### Explanation: Definition: See you\n **Homophone of**(\u2026 said) \"you\" **placed below**(to follow, in a down clue) **anagram of**(crazy) IDEA."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Approach prisoner with discretion (7)","output":"### Answer: CONTACT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Approach\n CON(short for \"convict\"\/a prisoner) **plus**(with) TACT(discretion\/sensitivity dealing with matters).\nDefn: \u2026\/to initiate communication with."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Something only a fool would do, like admitting fix over match (1,4,4)","output":"### Answer: A MUG\u2019S GAME \n ### Explanation: Definition: Something only a fool would do\n [ AS(like\/highlighting similarity) **containing**(admitting) **reversal of**(\u2026 over) GUM(to fix\/to attach with glue) ] + GAME(a competitive match)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Entire organisation's bankrupt by November (8)","output":"### Answer: UNBROKEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Entire\n UN(abbrev. for the United Nations Organisation) + BROKE(bankrupt\/having completely run out of money) **plus**(by) N(letter represented by \"November\" in the phonetic alphabet)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Use drill (8)","output":"### Answer: EXERCISE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Use,drill\n Double defn: 1st: \u2026, as in to \"to exercise your authority\"; and 2nd: Say, a military drill or training manoeuvre."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Knit up edge round top of sweater (4)","output":"### Answer: MESH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Knit\n **Reversal of**(up, in a down clue) HEM(an edge\/a rim) **containing**(round) **1st letter of**(top of) \"sweater\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Try and teach relaxation for pain (9)","output":"### Answer: HEARTACHE \n ### Explanation: Definition: pain\n HEAR(to try in a court of law) **plus**(and) **anagram of**(\u2026 relaxation) TEACH."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Problem with mission no-one raised (8)","output":"### Answer: QUESTION \n ### Explanation: Definition: Problem\n QUEST(a mission\/a search for) + **reversal of**(\u2026 raised, in a down clue) [NO + I(Roman numeral for \"one\") ].\nDefn: \u2026\/a matter requiring resolution\/an issue."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dashed good work everyone put in on education (8)","output":"### Answer: GALLOPED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Dashed\n [ G(abbrev. for \"good\") + [OP(abbrev. for \"opus\", a major piece of literary or musical work) ] **containing**(\u2026 put in) ALL(everyone) **placed above**(on, in a down clue) ED(abbrev. for \"education\")."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Regret turning up with zero cash abroad (4)","output":"### Answer: EURO \n ### Explanation: Definition: cash abroad\n **Reversal of**(\u2026 turning up) RUE(to regret\/to feel sorry about) **plus**(with) O(letter representing 0\/zero).\nDefn: \u2026 if you're outside the eurozone."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Record in old collection has soldiers' lament (7)","output":"### Answer: DEPLORE \n ### Explanation: Definition: lament\n EP(abbrev. for \"extended play\", a form of music recording formerly, as opposed to the single or the longplay) **contained in**(in) **anagram of**(\u2026 collection) OLD **plus**(has) RE(abbrev. for the Royal Engineers, a unit of soldiers in the British military).\nDefn: \u2026\/to express extreme disappointment or disapproval about something."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old Queen caught posh gal acting common (6)","output":"### Answer: VULGAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: common\n VR(abbrev. for \"Victoria Regina\", a former\/old Queen of the UK) **containing**(caught) [ U(letter denoting posh\/upper class) + **anagram of**(\u2026 acting) GAL]."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Vegetable from marsh eaten primarily in the Netherlands (6)","output":"### Answer: FENNEL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Vegetable\n FEN(a marsh\/a low-lying area, often flooded) + [ **1st letter of**(\u2026 primarily) \"eaten\" **contained in**(in) NL(ISO code for the Netherlands) ].\nThe bulb: \u2026 and the flowers:"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old quarter has a bit of atmosphere (5)","output":"### Answer: OZONE \n ### Explanation: Definition: a bit of atmosphere\n O(abbrev. for \"old\") + ZONE(a quarter\/a region).\nDefn: \u2026\/in very small concentration, a constituent of the earth's atmosphere."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rabbi's love for one prepared to learn (6)","output":"### Answer: ABSORB \n ### Explanation: Definition: learn\n **Anagram of**(\u2026 prepared) [ \"Rabbi's\" **with** O(letter representing 0\/\"love\" in tennis scores) **replacing**(for) \"I\"(Roman numeral for \"one\") ].\nDefn: \u2026\/to take in and understand."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Can drinking whiskey after French garlic ultimately yield gust from behind? (8)","output":"### Answer: TAILWIND \n ### Explanation: Definition: gust from behind\n TIN(a metal can\/cylindrical container) **containing**(drinking) [ W(letter represented by \"whiskey\" in the phonetic alphabet) **placed after**(after) AIL(French for \"garlic\") ] + **last letter of**(ultimately) \"yield\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: City traveller must circumnavigate to get back (7)","output":"### Answer: RECOVER \n ### Explanation: Definition: get back\n EC(the London postcode area which includes almost all of the City of London) **contained in**(\u2026 must circumnavigate) ROVER(a traveller\/a wanderer)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A gold plate conducting current with variable physical property (7)","output":"### Answer: AGILITY \n ### Explanation: Definition: physical property\n A + GILT(a gold plating\/gold paint applied in a thin layer to a surface) **containing**(conducting) I(symbol for electric current in physics) **plus**(with) Y(in mathematics, a symbol for a quantity which can vary).\nDefn: \u2026, specifically the ability to physically move quickly and easily."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Death's edge about to slice one looking stunned (4,6)","output":"### Answer: GRIM REAPER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Death\n [ RIM(an edge\/boundary) + RE(with reference to\/about) ] **contained in**(to slice) GAPER(one who is gaping\/looking stunned, staring with mouth open wide in shock)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Inappropriate looking dance, in retrospect (4)","output":"### Answer: LEER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Inappropriate looking\n **Reversal of**(\u2026, in retrospect) REEL(a lively Scottish or Irish folk dance)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hotel program reader's to receive hot drink now at a discount (5,4)","output":"### Answer: HAPPY HOUR \n ### Explanation: Definition: drink now at a discount\n H(letter represented by \"hotel\" in the phonetic alphabet) + APP(an application\/a program or piece of software designed for a specific purpose) + YOUR(in grammar, the second person possessive pronoun\/reader's, with the reader as the second person, and the setter being the first person) **containing**(to receive) H(abbrev. for \"hot\").\nDefn: A period in the day when one can drink at discounted prices in a bar, say. And happy hour can last more than 60 minutes."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Run boat's propeller and make a din (4)","output":"### Answer: ROAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: din\n R(abbrev. for \"run\" in cricket scores) + OAR(boat's propeller\/a pole used to propel a rowboat)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hide in Magaluf with Eco novel (10)","output":"### Answer: CAMOUFLAGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Hide\n **Anagram of**(\u2026 novel) [ MAGALUF **plus**(with) ECO].\nDefn: To \u2026 by blending in with one's environment.\n\u2026 hidden in plain sight."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Newton with true confusion concerning particle (7)","output":"### Answer: NEUTRON \n ### Explanation: Definition: particle\n N(abbrev. for the Newton, the unit of force in physics) **plus**(with) **anagram of**(\u2026 confusion) TRUE + ON(concerning\/about).\nDefn: \u2026, part of an atom."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Plain, quiet, less stuffy royal brought to the fore (7)","output":"### Answer: PRAIRIE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Plain\n P(abbrev. for \"piano\", the musical direction to play softly\/quietly) + [ AIRIER(less stuffy\/with more air circulating) **with** \"R\"(abbrev. for \"Royal\") **moved from last to first position in the word**(brought to the fore) ]."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fearless journalist to trade leaders show restraint (4,4)","output":"### Answer: HOLD BACK \n ### Explanation: Definition: show restraint\n BOLD(fearless\/brave) + HACK(a journalist producing dull, unoriginal work) **with ****1st letters, respectively, changing places**(to trade leaders).\nAka a Spoonerism."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Briefly put off by court notice (6)","output":"### Answer: DETECT \n ### Explanation: \"deter\"(to put off\/discourage) **minus ****its last letter**(Briefly \u2026) **plus**(by) CT(abbrev. for \"court\")."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Shower naked, holding cloth (7)","output":"### Answer: BARRAGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Shower\n BARE(naked\/without covering) **containing**(holding) RAG(a piece of old cloth)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mental image interrupted by extremely sexy companion (7)","output":"### Answer: PSYCHIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: Mental\n PIC(short for \"picture\"\/an image) **containing**(interrupted by) [ **1st and last letters of**(extremely) \"sexy\" + CH(abbrev. for Companion of Honour, a British Commonwealth honour) ].\nDefn: \u2026\/relating to the mind."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Article about unknown American soldiers by the cut-off Israeli city (8)","output":"### Answer: NAZARETH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Israeli city\n **Reversal of**(\u2026 about) AN(an article in English grammar) + Z(in mathematics, an unknown variable) + A(abbrev. for \"American\") + RE(abbrev. for the Royal Engineers, a unit of soldiers in the British Army) **plus**(by) \"the\" **minus its last letter**(cut-off)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hit at random, unfortunately I fall (5)","output":"### Answer: FLAIL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Hit at random\n **Anagram of**(unfortunately) I FALL."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Minister starts to embarrass Rishi Sunak with a large U-turn? (8)","output":"### Answer: REVERSAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: U-turn\n REV(short for \"Reverend\", title for a minister\/a member of the clergy) + **1st letters, respectively, of**(starts to) \"embarrass Rishi Sunak\" **plus**(with) A + L(abbrev. for \"large\").\nA comment on current British politics?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Writer's covering President endlessly, as before (6)","output":"### Answer: IBIDEM \n ### Explanation: Definition: as before\n I'M(\"I am\"\/contraction of \"writer is\", with the writer self-referentially using the first person pronoun) **containing**(covering) \"Biden\"(currently President of the USA) ***minus its last letter***(endlessly).\nDefn: \u2026\/in the same place, in Latin."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Appliances from Q's successor in antithesis of Bond film? (6)","output":"### Answer: DRYERS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Appliances\n R(Q's successor\/letter after Q in the English alphabet) **contained in**(in) DR. YES(what you may term as an antithesis of \"Dr. No\", a James Bond film).\nAnd, of course, Q was the code name of the character that supplied hi-tech appliances to James Bond."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Manure always contains organic compound (4)","output":"### Answer: UREA \n ### Explanation: Definition: organic compound\n **Hidden in**(\u2026 contains) \"Manure always\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Allow doing away with European era voting rights (8)","output":"### Answer: SUFFRAGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: voting rights\n \"suffer\"(to allow\/to tolerate) **minus**(doing away with) \"e\"(abbrev. for \"European\") + AGE(an era\/a distinctive long period of time).\n\u2026 suffering for suffrage."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Don't be cruel talking about flavourless dessert (4,4)","output":"### Answer: PLAY NICE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Don't be cruel\n **Homophone of**(talking about) \"plain\"(flavourless\/bland) \"ice\"(short for \"ice cream\", a dessert)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Noisily eat cold late morning meal without starter (6)","output":"### Answer: CRUNCH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Noisily eat\n C(abbrev. for \"cold\") + \"brunch\"(late morning meal, between the usual breakfast and lunch times) **minus ****its 1st letter**(without starter)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Muse vaguely about a liberal prophet (6)","output":"### Answer: SAMUEL \n ### Explanation: Definition: prophet\n **Anagram of**(\u2026 vaguely) MUSE **containing**(about) A + L(abbrev. for a Liberal, a member of the Liberal Party)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Obstacle arranged to block coffin bearer (7)","output":"### Answer: BARRIER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Obstacle\n ARR(abbrev. for \"arranged\") **contained in**(to block) BIER(a moveable frame on which a coffin is placed prior burial or cremation)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Nothing to support idea propagated by books and film (7)","output":"### Answer: MEMENTO \n ### Explanation: Definition: film\n O(letter representing 0\/nothing) **placed below**(to support, in a down clue) [ MEME(an idea that spreads within a culture by imitation) **plus**(by) NT(abbrev. for the New Testament, a collection of books in the Bible) ].\nDefn: A 2000 mystery thriller \u2026."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Performing twice in Tosca is stimulating for a soloist? (9)","output":"### Answer: ONANISTIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: stimulating for a soloist\n **Anagram of**(Performing) [ **2 x**(twice) IN + TOSCA ].\nAs Woody Allen said, \"\u2026 It's having sex with someone I love.\" And maybe also: \"Having sex is like bridge. If you don't have a good partner, you'd better have a good hand.\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Refurbished loo contains very old moulding (5)","output":"### Answer: OVOLO \n ### Explanation: Definition: moulding\n **Anagram of**(Refurbished) LOO **containing**(contains) [ V(abbrev. for \"very\") + O(abbrev. for \"old\") ]."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Demanding person from Oldham needing a break? (7)","output":"### Answer: EXACTOR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Demanding person\n **Separating** \"Oldham\" **into 2**(needing a break): EX-(abbrev. for \"old\") ACTOR(\"ham\" being one who acts badly and exaggeratedly)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: African fish's name maybe grasped by sailors (7)","output":"### Answer: RWANDAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: African\n WANDA(\"fish's name maybe\", as in \"A Fish Called Wanda\", a 1988 film) **contained in**(grasped by) RN(abbrev. for the Royal Navy, the British military branch consisting of sailors).\nDefn: \u2026 from Rwanda."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Conservative going kind of pink, concerned with speech (4)","output":"### Answer: ORAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: concerned with speech\n C(abbrev. for a member of the Conservative Party) **deleted from**(going) \"coral\"(a shade\/kind of pink colour)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Person grilling odd sandwiches is not out to lunch (10)","output":"### Answer: QUESTIONER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Person grilling\n QUEER(odd\/strange) **containing**(sandwiches) **anagram of**(out to lunch \/not in command of one's mental faculties) IS NOT.\nDefn: \u2026, ie. one who interrogates."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What reprobates do after some tobacco's in pocket (5,2)","output":"### Answer: QUIDS IN \n ### Explanation: Definition: in pocket\n SIN(be immoral\/what reprobates do) **placed after**(after) QUID(a lump of\/some chewing tobacco).\nDefn: \u2026\/having money to spare, or more than one expected."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Boxing a long time, clobber despicable people (7)","output":"### Answer: TOERAGS \n ### Explanation: Definition: despicable people\n ERA(a long time period) **contained in**(Boxing a \u2026,\u2026) TOGS(clothes\/clobber)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Establishing distance from two directions before time rambling (10)","output":"### Answer: ESTRANGING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Establishing distance from\n E,S(abbrev. for two directions, east and south respectively) **plus**(before) T(abbrev. \"time\") + RANGING(rambling\/spreading in different directions).\nDefn: \u2026\/causing to be no longer be friendly terms\/to be distant."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cash returns for Jack, say (4)","output":"### Answer: TOOL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Jack, say\n **Reversal of**(\u2026 returns) LOOT(slang for cash\/money).\nDefn: An example of which\/say, is what you use to jack up\/lift heavy articles, eg. your car."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Invest and invest, investing reserve (5-2)","output":"### Answer: STAND-IN \n ### Explanation: Definition: reserve\n **Hidden in**(\u2026, investing) \"Invest and invest\".\nDefn: \u2026\/a substitute."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Liking less parking in transport (7)","output":"### Answer: ENCHANT \n ### Explanation: Definition: transport\n \"penchant\"(a liking\/an inclination to) **minus**(less) \"p\"(abbrev. for \"parking\").\nDefn: \u2026\/to enrapture."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Plain Welsh seaside resort, no dud (5)","output":"### Answer: LLANO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Plain\n \"Llandudno\"(a seaside resort in Wales) **minus**(no) \"dud\".\nThere's one \"n\" too many in the wordplay.\nDefn: \u2026 in South America. And \"llanno\" is not an alternative spelling."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Screen star in a period of abstention cutting alcohol (9)","output":"### Answer: VALENTINO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Screen star\n [A + LENT(a period of abstention for Christians) ] **contained in**(cutting) VINO(alcohol, specifically, wine).\nAnswer: Rudolph, the screen star in silent films.\nThe Latin Lover:"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Passion dominates game, we hear, in pointless tennis position (4,8,3)","output":"### Answer: LOVE CONQUERS ALL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Passion dominates\n [ LOVE ALL](the score\/position in a tennis match when neither side has scored a point\/is pointless) **containing**(\u2026, in \u2026) **homophone of**(\u2026, we hear) \"conkers\"(a children's game played with conkers, nuts of the horse chestnut tree)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Spy Indian princess rejecting article without thanks (4,4)","output":"### Answer: MATA HARI \n ### Explanation: Definition: Spy\n \"maharani\"(an Indian ruling princess) **minus**(rejecting) \"an\"(article in grammar) **containing**(without) TA(short for thank you\/thanks).\nDefn: Dutch exotic dancer who was also a spy for Germany during World War I."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One showing Mary pastry case from trattoria (5)","output":"### Answer: PIETA \n ### Explanation: Definition: One showing Mary\n PIE(pastry\/a dish with a base of pastry) + **1st and last letters of**(case from) \"trattoria\".\nDefn: \u2026, viz. an Italian Renaissance sculpture."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Opener gets run out in captivating draw (4,4)","output":"### Answer: STAR TURN \n ### Explanation: Definition: captivating draw\n START(the opener\/the first of a series) **plus**(gets) **anagram of**(\u2026 out) RUN.\nDefn: \u2026\/one who is interesting and brings in\/draws the crowd to a performance."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Many runs perhaps in Twenty20? (6)","output":"### Answer: SCORES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Many runs perhaps\n SCORES(Twenty and 20), Twenty20 being a format of cricket, in which, of course, runs are scored."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Shrewder retaining ball, male player (9)","output":"### Answer: WOMANISER \n ### Explanation: Definition: player\n WISER(shrewder\/smarter) **containing**(retaining) [ O(letter shaped like a ball) + MAN(a male) ].\nDefn: \u2026\/a male who plays the field and has many sexual partners."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Thoroughly soppy git by place of retreat (6)","output":"### Answer: SODDEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Thoroughly soppy\n SOD(a git\/a unpleasant man) **plus**(by) DEN(a place of retreat\/a room to relax in).\nDefn: \u2026\/saturated with too much liquid."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Blunt answer's received about legislative measure (5,10)","output":"### Answer: JOINT RESOLUTION \n ### Explanation: Definition: legislative measure\n [ JOINT(slang for a cannabis cigarette, like a blunt which is an amount of cannabis rolled with cigar wrapping) + SOLUTION(answer to a problem) ] **containing**(received) RE(with reference to\/about).\nDefn: \u2026 in the US Congress."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Take in various keys, say, and polish roughly (6-3)","output":"### Answer: ISLAND-HOP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Take in various keys, say\n A0(\u2026 roughly) AND POLISH.\nDefn: To take in\/to tour, going from one key\/a low-lying island to another."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Gaudy little skirts are popular with consumers (8)","output":"### Answer: TINSELLY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Gaudy\n TINY(little in size) containing(skirts) SELL(describing items that are popular with consumers\/customers, as in \"iPhones sell\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One nameless dreamer with a bouquet (8)","output":"### Answer: AROMATIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: with a bouquet\n A(one\/a single) + \"romantic\"(a dreamer\/one with idealised views of reality) **minus**(\u2026less) \"n\"(abbrev. for \"name\").\nDefn: \u2026\/having the characteristic scent\/aroma of wine or perfume."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Revolutionary Communist wears brown, without exception (2,1,3)","output":"### Answer: TO A MAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: without exception\n **Reversal of**(Revolutionary) MAO(Zedong, Chinese Communist) **contained in**(wears) TAN(a brownish colour)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Banking centre, say, raised what's held in Russian banks (6)","output":"### Answer: GENEVA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Banking centre\n **Reversal of**(\u2026, raised, in a down clue) EG(abbrev. for \"exempli gratia\"\/for example\/say) + NEVA(a river in Russia\/what is held within river banks in Russia).\nDefn: \u2026\/a financial centre in Switzerland."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Son has ice cream or small cake (5)","output":"### Answer: SCONE \n ### Explanation: Definition: small cake\n S(abbrev. for \"son\") **plus**(has) CONE(short for an ice cone)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mike and Heather enthralled by an advanced style of country music? (9)","output":"### Answer: AMERICANA \n ### Explanation: Definition: style of country music\n [ M(letter represented by \"Mike\" in the phonetic alphabet) **plus**(and) ERICA(the genus of shrubs, including heather) ] **contained in**(enthralled by) [AN + A(abbrev. for \"advanced\") ].\nDefn: \u2026, aka American roots music, combining styles such as country and western, roots-rock, folk, bluegrass, R&B and blues."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fast vehicle ditched by Shell? (5)","output":"### Answer: APACE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fast\n \"car\"(a motorised vehicle) **deleted from**(ditched by) \"carapace\"(the hard upper shell of, say, a tortoise)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Knitter knitted knick-knack (7)","output":"### Answer: TRINKET \n ### Explanation: Definition: knick-knack\n **Anagram of**(\u2026 knitted) KNITTER."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Excel is almost certain to change (7)","output":"### Answer: SURPASS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Excel\n **Last letter deleted from**(almost) \"sure\"(certain\/doubtless) + PASS(to change from one state to another, as in \"he can pass from being docile to being disobedient in a moment\")."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Force trainee to execute 'duck and cover', primarily when retreating (5)","output":"### Answer: CADET \n ### Explanation: Definition: Force trainee\n **Reversal of**(\u2026 when retreating) **1st letters, respectively, of**(\u2026, primarily) \"to execute 'duck and cover'\".\nDefn: Trainee in a force, such as the army."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old New Zealand admiral on manoeuvres (9)","output":"### Answer: MAORILAND \n ### Explanation: Definition: Old New Zealand\n **Anagram of**(\u2026 manoeuvres) ADMIRAL ON.\nDefn: An obsolete\/old name for New Zealand."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Literary adventurer disturbed lingerer grabbing tool for opening letter (9,6)","output":"### Answer: PEREGRINE PICKLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Literary adventurer\n [ **Anagram of**(disturbed) LINGERER **containing**(grabbing) PICK(a tool for breaking up ground or stone) ] **contained in**(for opening) PEE(the letter \"P\").\nDefn: \u2026, protagonist in \"The Adventures of Peregrine Pickle\", first published in mid-18th C."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Condition may seem poor around edges of pitch (9)","output":"### Answer: EMPHYSEMA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Condition\n **Anagram of**(\u2026 poor) MAY SEEM **containing**(around) **1st and last letters of**(edges of) \"pitch\".\nDefn: \u2026, specifically an irreversible disease affecting the lungs."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Nine divine females married pursuers off and on (5)","output":"### Answer: MUSES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Nine divine females\n M(abbrev. for \"married\") + **2nd, 4th, 6th and 8th letters of**(\u2026 off and on) \"pursuers\".\nDefn: \u2026, viz. the nine sister goddesses in Greek and Roman mythology each of whom oversee a different branch of the arts and sciences."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Notice call to work (5-2)","output":"### Answer: HEAVE-HO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Notice,call to work\n Double defn: 1st: \u2026\/a dismissal from, say, employment, as in \"he was given the heave-ho after his major screw-up\"; and 2nd: An expression calling for exertion\/a call to work, as when sailors are manually raising an anchor."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Handcuff a salt arrested by setter (7)","output":"### Answer: MANACLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Handcuff\n [ A + NACL(the symbol for the chemical compound, sodium chloride, a salt formed from sodium hydroxide and hydrochloric acid) ] **contained in**(arrested by) ME(self-referential pronoun for the setter of this crossword)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wrestler returned inside box-like zone (5)","output":"### Answer: OZEKI \n ### Explanation: Definition: Wrestler\n **Hidden in**(inside) **reversal of**(returned) \"box-like zone\".\nDefn: \u2026\/a sumo wrestling champion."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mobile meters, say \u2014 one way to repay debt (4,5)","output":"### Answer: EASY TERMS \n ### Explanation: Definition: one way to repay debt\n **Anagram of**(Mobile) METERS, SAY.\nDefn: A way of paying money owed\/repaying a debt, viz. in multiple instalments instead of one lumpsum."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tiny piece about centrally stripped grammatical form (10)","output":"### Answer: PARTICIPLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: grammatical form\n PARTICLE(a tiny piece\/a very small portion of matter) **containing**(about) **middle 2 letters of**(centrally) \"stripped\".\nDefn: \u2026, specifically a word formed from a verb that can function as a verb as well as an adjective."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Confuse order to let one's hair down? (8)","output":"### Answer: BEWILDER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Confuse\n [\"BE WILDER!\"](an order\/exhortation to be less restrained and more excited\/let one's hair down)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mostly wonderful, tense batter's innings (6)","output":"### Answer: WICKET \n ### Explanation: Definition: batter's innings\n **Last letter ****deleted from**(Mostly) \"wicked\"(informal term for \"wonderful!\"\/excellent!) + T(abbrev. for \"tense\").\nDefn: \u2026\/in cricket, the time during which a batsman\/batter is at bat, and that represents his innings."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Engineer, eh? So it's said (4)","output":"### Answer: WATT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Engineer\n **Homophone of**(\u2026 So it's said) \"what?\"(like \"eh?\" an expression asking for clarification of what was said, as \"Eh?\"\/\"What (did you just say)?\".\nDefn: Scottish mechanical \u2026, after whom the unit of power was named."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Character in Othello reported noble group of stars (10)","output":"### Answer: CASSIOPEIA \n ### Explanation: Definition: group of stars\n CASSIO(a character in the Shakespearean tragedy, \"Othello\") + **homophone of**(reported) \"peer\"(a nobleman)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Damn shower beginning to irritate Gulf national (8)","output":"### Answer: BAHRAINI \n ### Explanation: Definition: Gulf national\n BAH!(like \"damn!\", an expression of annoyance) + RAIN(a shower\/a large quantity of things that fall or descend) + **1st letter of**(beginning to) \"irritate\".\nDefn: \u2026, specifically from the Gulf State of Bahrain."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Covering of slate on a dam (6)","output":"### Answer: PANAMA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Covering\n PAN(to slate\/to criticise severely) **placed above**(on, in a down clue) A + MA(a familiar term for \"mother\"\/a female parent\/a dam, in reference to an animal).\nDefn: \u2026 for one's head."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Extremely fickle twin sons own up (4)","output":"### Answer: FESS \n ### Explanation: Definition: own up\n **1st and last letters of**(Extremely) \"fickle\" + **2x**(twin) S(abbrev. for \"son\").\nDefn: Short for \"confess\"\/to \u2026."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Spell in which nobody gets the runs (6,4)","output":"### Answer: MAIDEN OVER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Spell in which nobody gets the runs\n Cryptic defn: In cricket, an over\/a spell or period of six consecutive correctly bowled balls in which no runs are scored."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Style doctor introducing several points (5,5)","output":"### Answer: DRESS SENSE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Style\n DR(abbrev. for \"doctor\") + **1st letters, retrospectively, of**(introducing) \"east, south, south, south, east, north, south, east\"(several compass points)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Alcohol clergy bottled at home (8)","output":"### Answer: GLYCERIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Alcohol\n **Anagram of**(\u2026 bottled\/hit, as with a bottle?) CLERGY + IN(at home\/not outdoors).\nAnswer: \u2026 or glycerine or glycerol, one of the class of chemical compounds called the alcohols."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lock web address after X linked to copyright (4-4)","output":"### Answer: KISS CURL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Lock\n URL(abbrev. for \"Uniform Resource Locator\", the address of a webpage on the Internet) **placed below**(after, in a down clue) [ KISS(in written form, represented by \"X\") **plus**(linked to) C(abbrev. for \"copyright\", as in \u00a9) ].\nDefn: \u2026 of hair \u2026 sported by both sexes:"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Beggar's right to stop one who'll cough up (6)","output":"### Answer: PRAYER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Beggar\n R(abbrev. for \"right\") **contained in**(to stop) PAYER(one who'll cough up\/pay the bill).\nDefn: One who prays\/begs would be a \"beg-ger\", or ungrammatically, a \"beg-gar\".\nThe clue could have done with a homophone indicator."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tiny setter's amphibian is caught (6)","output":"### Answer: MINUTE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Tiny\n **Homophone of**(\u2026 is caught\/overheard) [ \"my\"(self-referential possessive pronoun for the setter of this crossword\/setter's) + \"newt\"(a lizard-like amphibious creature) ]."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Catch punch (4)","output":"### Answer: HOOK \n ### Explanation: Definition: Catch,punch\n Double defn: 1st: \u2026 with, well, a hook; and 2nd: A short swinging blow\/\u2026 made with the elbow bent."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bible book briefly picked up before end of religious service (4)","output":"### Answer: MASS \n ### Explanation: Definition: service\n **Reversal of**(\u2026 picked up, in a down clue) SAM(abbrev. for \/briefly \"Samuel\", a book in the Hebrew Bible) **plus**(before) **last letter of**(end of) \"religious\".\nDefn: A religious \u2026."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Clubs worker's sacked, caught breaking bottle opener (9)","output":"### Answer: CORKSCREW \n ### Explanation: Definition: bottle opener \n C(abbrev. for \"clubs\", one of the 4 suits in a deck of playing cards) + **anagram of**(\u2026 sacked) WORKER'S **containing**(\u2026 breaking) C(abbrev. for \"caught\" in cricket scores).\nZany (or screwy) ones:"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Natural gemstones not right for rings (5)","output":"### Answer: PEALS \n ### Explanation: Definition: rings \n \"pearls\"(natural gemstones formed within the shell of the oyster) **minus**(not) \"r\"(abbrev. for \"right\").\nDefn: \u2026\/makes a sound that bells make or like that of bells ringing."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Detective managed to retire without getting to rock bottom (5)","output":"### Answer: NADIR \n ### Explanation: Definition: rock bottom \n DI(abbrev. for \"detective inspector\") **contained in**(\u2026 without) **reversal of**(\u2026 to retire) RAN(managed, say, an organisation)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Carpeting tripped tot heading off toddling inside (7-2)","output":"### Answer: TALKING-TO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Carpeting \n **Anagram of**(tripped) TOT **containing**(\u2026 inside) **1st letter deleted from**(heading off) \"walking\"(\"toddling\", describing a young child\/tot learning to walk with unsteady steps).\nDefn: \u2026\/a scolding face to face."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dislikes trapping poor mouse for co-residents (10)","output":"### Answer: HOUSEMATES \n ### Explanation: Definition: co-residents \n HATES(dislikes\/loathes) **containing**(trapping) **anagram of**(poor) MOUSE."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wally's quick rejoinder partly backfired (4)","output":"### Answer: JERK \n ### Explanation: Definition: Wally\n **Hidden in**(\u2026 partly) **reversal of**(\u2026 backfired) \"quick rejoinder\".\nDefn: \u2026\/a silly person."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Large number of British having trouble at home with nothing coming in (7)","output":"### Answer: BILLION \n ### Explanation: Definition: Large number\n B(abbrev. for \"British\") **plus**(having) ILL(trouble\/misfortune) + IN(at home\/not outdoors) **containing**(with \u2026 coming in) O(letter shaped like 0\/nothing)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: So distant up to now (4,3)","output":"### Answer: THUS FAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: up to now\n THUS(so\/in this way) + FAR(distant\/being some distance away)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Let's go travelling, tour's beginning on your bike (3,4)","output":"### Answer: GET LOST \n ### Explanation: Definition: on your bike\n **Anagram of**(\u2026 travelling) LET'S GO + **1st letter of**(\u2026's beginning) \"tour\".\nDefn: \u2026!\/\"Shoo!\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Almost everything eaten by sea creature's foul! (7)","output":"### Answer: SQUALID \n ### Explanation: Definition: foul\n **Last letter deleted from**(Almost) \"all\"(everything) **contained in**(eaten by) SQUID(sea creature with an elongated body and many tentacles).\nDefn: \u2026\/filthy."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Thin line moving between English and American style (4)","output":"### Answer: ELAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: style\n LEAN(thin\/spare) **with** \"L\"(abbrev. for \"line\") **moving to between ****the** E(abbrev. for \"English\") **and the** \"A\"(abbrev. for \"American\") **in the word**."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Team weakens, stuffed with southern hotel's extra food (4,6)","output":"### Answer: SIDE DISHES \n ### Explanation: Definition: extra food\n SIDE(team in a competitive match) + DIES(weakens\/fades) **containing**(stuffed with) S(abbrev. for \"southern\") + H(letter represented by \"hotel\" in the phonetic alphabet)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One with no hope of French act winning (9)","output":"### Answer: DEFEATIST \n ### Explanation: Definition: One with no hope\n DE(French for \"of\") + FEAT(a very brave or difficult act\/deed) + IST(\"1st\"\/first\/winning, with the Roman numeral substitution).\nDefn: \u2026\/one who has given up hope and is ready to accept failure."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Letter from Greece is first of hundreds in Tate collection (5)","output":"### Answer: THETA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Letter from Greece\n **1st letter of**(first of) \"hundreds\" **contained in**(in) **anagram of**(\u2026 collection) TATE.\nDefn: Letter in the Greek alphabet."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hang around with dopehead's mate (5)","output":"### Answer: DALLY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Hang around\n **1st letter of**(\u2026head) \"dope\" **plus**(\u2026's\/indicating possession) ALLY(mate\/one you can depend on)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Endure, long after date that's absolutely final (4-5)","output":"### Answer: LAST-DITCH \n ### Explanation: Definition: absolutely final\n LAST(to endure\/survive) + [ ITCH(to long for\/to feel a strong desire) **placed after**(after) D(abbrev. for \"date\") ]."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Church gathering incorporated piece of cake (5)","output":"### Answer: CINCH \n ### Explanation: Definition: piece of cake\n CH(abbrev. for \"church\") **containing**(gathering) INC(abbrev. for \"Incorporated\", as used in a business corporation's name).\nDefn: \u2026\/something that is easily done."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Redo short haircut for swimmer (3,6)","output":"### Answer: RED MULLET \n ### Explanation: Definition: swimmer\n \"Redo\" **minus ****its last letter**(short) + MULLET(a particular haircut\/hairstyle).\nA non-swimming red mullet:"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Film star rocks party, wearing nothing (6,4)","output":"### Answer: SCREEN IDOL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Film star\n SCREE(rocks\/a mass of loose stones covering a mountain slope) + [ DO(a party\/a social function) **contained in**(wearing) NIL(0\/nothing) ].\n\u2026 not exactly nothing."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Teach new skills online (7)","output":"### Answer: RETRAIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Teach new skills\n RE(with reference to\/\"on\") + TRAIN(\"line\"\/a group of vehicles moving in a line\/column)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Most desolate quarter has listed building (7)","output":"### Answer: WILDEST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Most desolate\n W(abbrev. for \"west\", one of the four main compass points\/quarter) **plus**(has) **anagram of**(\u2026 building) LISTED."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Brace for party leader broadcast (4)","output":"### Answer: PAIR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Brace\n **1st letter of**(\u2026 leader) \"party\" + AIR(to broadcast over the radio or TV)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Regular guest is host for debate (5)","output":"### Answer: ARGUE \n ### Explanation: Definition: debate\n **Hidden in**(\u2026 is host) \"Regular guest\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Day before American artist's retrospective, it's blocked (9)","output":"### Answer: SNOOKERED \n ### Explanation: Definition: blocked\n **Reversal of**(\u2026's retrospective) [ D(abbrev. for \"day\") + ERE(before in time) + KOONS(Jeff, American artist) ].\nDefn: \u2026\/thwarted."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Indulged by wearing uniforms I'd later bother keeping (10)","output":"### Answer: LUXURIATED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Indulged\n [ X(symbol for multiplication\/by) **contained in**(wearing) U,U(twice abbrev. for \"uniform\") ] **contained in**(\u2026 keeping) **anagram of**(\u2026 bother) I'D LATER."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Falsely superior large loaf has seeds occasionally (9)","output":"### Answer: BIGHEADED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Falsely superior\n BIG(large) + HEAD(in slang, \"loaf\"\/a person's head) **plus**(has) **2nd and 4th letters of**(\u2026 occasionally) \"seeds\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The lift is out of order, being most dirty (9)","output":"### Answer: FILTHIEST \n ### Explanation: Definition: most dirty\n **Anagram of**(\u2026 out of order) THE LIFT IS."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Time opponent's taken over me is not significant (7)","output":"### Answer: TRIVIAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: not significant\n T(abbrev. for \"time\") + RIVAL(one's opponent\/competitor) **containing**(\u2026's taken over) I(me, with the setter using the self-referential pronoun)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Detectives in violent tussle seizing drug (7)","output":"### Answer: SLEUTHS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Detectives\n **Anagram of**(violent) TUSSLE **containing**(seizing) H(abbrev. for the drug, heroin)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Terrible fellow you reportedly left after a week (5)","output":"### Answer: AWFUL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Terrible\n [ F(abbrev. for \"fellow\") + **homophone of**(\u2026 reportedly) \"you\" + L(abbrev. for \"left\") ] **placed after**(after) [ A + W(abbrev. for \"week\") ]."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mum's quiet after son in car accident (5)","output":"### Answer: SMASH \n ### Explanation: Definition: car accident\n [ MA(mum\/one's mother) + SH!(exclamation demanding \"silence!\"\/quiet!) ] **placed after**(after) S(abbrev. for \"son\")."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rejected new street map that's variable and eccentric (4)","output":"### Answer: ZANY \n ### Explanation: Definition: eccentric\n **Reversal of**(Rejected) [ N(abbrev. for \"new\") + AZ(\"A-Z\", any of a range of street maps of a particular area published by the Geographers' A\u2013Z Map Company, UK) ] **plus**(that's) Y(symbol for a variable quantity in mathematics)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Got made well again by non-amateur (8)","output":"### Answer: PROCURED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Got\n CURED(made well again\/healed) **placed after**(by) PRO(short for \"professional\"\/non-amateur); alternatively \"healed by a professional\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dad handles fruit (6)","output":"### Answer: PAPAWS \n ### Explanation: Definition: fruit\n PA(like \"dad\", an informal term for one's father) + PAWS(handles\/touches clumsily with one's paws\/hands).\nThe North American fruit:\n\u2026 and the tropical \"papaya\" for which \"pawpaw\" is another name:"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sailors from Dover region having the last word (6)","output":"### Answer: SEAMEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Sailors\n SE(abbrev. for \"South-east\", the region of England in which Dover is located) + AMEN(the last word in a prayer or hymn)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lewdness unfortunately returning to conurbation (8)","output":"### Answer: SALACITY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Lewdness\n **Reversal of**(\u2026 returning) ALAS!(unfortunately\/\"sad to say\") **plus**(to) CITY(a conurbation\/an extended urban area)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Small room to dispose of commercially, we hear (4)","output":"### Answer: CELL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Small room\n **Homophone of**(\u2026, we hear) \"sell\"(to dispose of commercially\/to hand over in exchange for money)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Aggressive types in row at odds with Germans (10)","output":"### Answer: WARMONGERS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Aggressive types\n **Anagram of**(\u2026 at odds \u2026) [ROW **plus**(with) GERMANS]."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cold plant location providing stuff for meal (8)","output":"### Answer: CROCKERY \n ### Explanation: Definition: stuff for meal\n C(abbrev. for \"cold\") + ROCKERY(plant location, viz. part of a garden with soil and small plants growing between rocks).\nDefn: \u2026\/utensils for eating with."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cleaner sort of drama? (4)","output":"### Answer: SOAP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Cleaner,sort of drama\n Double defn: 1st: Substance for washing and cleaning; and 2nd: Short for \"soap opera\", a continuing serial about the lives of the same group of characters."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: An objection from neighbour? (4)","output":"### Answer: ABUT \n ### Explanation: Definition: neighbour\n A(like \"an\", an article in grammar) + BUT(an objection\/an argument against something, as in \"no ifs and buts about it\".\nDefn: \u2026\/to be situated next to."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: No jolly fighters needing friendly help in the usual way of things (8)","output":"### Answer: NORMALLY \n ### Explanation: Definition: in the usual way of things\n NO + RM(abbrev. for the Royal Marines, a fighting unit consisting of sailors\/jollies, informally) **plus**(needing) ALLY(a friendly help\/one that supports)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bird handler endlessly excited Pope (10)","output":"### Answer: HILDEBRAND \n ### Explanation: Definition: Pope\n **Anagram of**(\u2026 excited) [BIRD + \"handler\" **minus ****its last letter**(endlessly) ].\nDefn: Birth name of Pope Gregory VII."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: This writer's joining holy warriors (4)","output":"### Answer: IMPI \n ### Explanation: Definition: warriors\n I'M(\"I am\"\/the setter is, using the self-referential first person pronoun) **plus**(joining) PI(short for \"pious\"\/holy, in a sanctimonious way)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: King that is wanting alcoholic drink, a type of wine (8)","output":"### Answer: RIESLING \n ### Explanation: Definition: a type of wine\n R(abbrev. for \"Rex\"\/King) + IE(abbrev. for \"id est\"\/that is) **plus**(wanting) SLING(an alcoholic drink, viz. a cocktail of spirits with water and sweetened).\nDefn: \u2026, viz. a dry white wine from a grape variety grown in Germany, Austria and elsewhere."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Talk about knight being decorated! (6)","output":"### Answer: ORNATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: decorated\n ORATE(to talk\/to make a speech) **containing**(about) N(abbrev. for \"knight\", in chess notation).\nDefn: \u2026\/adorned."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Startled ruler meeting saint (6)","output":"### Answer: AGHAST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Startled\n AGHA(or \"aga\", a ruler, or, an honorific title from the Turkish for \"master\") **plus**(meeting) ST(abbrev. for \"Saint\")."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Policy by US magazine \u2014 a help for survival (8)","output":"### Answer: LIFELINE \n ### Explanation: Definition: a help for survival\n LINE(a policy\/an agreed approach towards doing or thinking something, as in \"the official line on privatisation\" **placed after**(by) LIFE(a US magazine); alternatively, \"a policy of LIFE magazine\")."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Female bird always soaring round middle of lea (5)","output":"### Answer: REEVE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Female bird\n **Reversal of**(\u2026 soaring, in a down clue) EVER(always\/at all times) **containing**(round) **middle letter of**(middle of) \"lea\".\nDefn: A female ruff.\nTwo ruffed ruffs ready to court reeves:"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Agreed to cooperate, keeping puss inside \u2014 not that easy? (11)","output":"### Answer: COMPLICATED \n ### Explanation: Definition: not that easy\n COMPLIED(agreed to cooperate\/acted in accordance with) **containing**(keeping \u2026 inside) CAT(a feline\/pussycat, or, puss in short)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cut in money to be paid had to be acknowledged (8)","output":"### Answer: RENOWNED \n ### Explanation: Definition: acknowledged \n **Last letter deleted from**(Cut in) \"rent\"(money to be paid by the tenant to the landlord) + OWNED(had\/possessed)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Something poisonous \u2014 oily danger gents dispersed (10,5)","output":"### Answer: DESTROYING ANGEL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Something poisonous \n **Anagram of**(\u2026 dispersed) OILY DANGER GENTS."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Prisoner, sick inside, getting support (6)","output":"### Answer: PILLOW \n ### Explanation: Definition: support \n POW(abbrev. for \"prisoner of war\") **containing**(\u2026 inside) ILL(sick\/unwell).\nDefn: \u2026 for one's head when lying down or sleeping.\nOne you might lose sleep over if it gets lost:"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Illustration put up in municipality (3)","output":"### Answer: PIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: Illustration \n **Hidden in**(in) **reversal of**(put up \u2026) \"municipality\".\nDefn: Short for \"picture\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cascade after breaking into barrier (9)","output":"### Answer: WATERFALL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Cascade \n **Anagram of**(\u2026 breaking) AFTER **contained in**(into) WALL(a barrier\/a restriction)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Gale blowing round railway establishment in waiting period (11)","output":"### Answer: GESTATIONAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: in waiting period\n **Anagram of**(\u2026 blowing) GALE **containing**(round) STATION(a railway establishment\/a passenger stop along a railway line).\nDefn: \u2026\/during the period between conception and birth inside the mother's womb."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Teacher smart, doing away with initial chattering (9)","output":"### Answer: RABBITING \n ### Explanation: Definition: chattering\n RABBI(a teacher of Judaism) + \"sting\"(to smart\/to feel a sharp or burning pain) **minus ****its 1st letter**(doing away with initial)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Business not going well \u2014 compromise? (5-3)","output":"### Answer: TRADE-OFF \n ### Explanation: Definition: compromise\n TRADE(business\/buy and sell transactions) OFF(not going well\/doing poorly).\nDefn: \u2026\/to give and take."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old boy given 'eave up \u2014 one going from bar to bar? (6)","output":"### Answer: OBOIST \n ### Explanation: Definition: one going from bar to bar\n OB(abbrev. for \"old boy\" of, say, a school or university) **plus**(given) 'OIST(\"hoist\"\/to haul up** minus its 1st letter, similar to** \"heave\"\/to haul up **minus its 1st letter**).\nDefn: One playing\/going from bar to bar, a bar being one of the sections into which a piece of music is divided."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Plate is plain, slightly chipped (5)","output":"### Answer: PATEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Plate\n \"patent\"(plain\/glaringly obvious) **minus ****its last letter**(slightly chipped)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Music request, the first to be put down (3)","output":"### Answer: SKA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Music\n ASK(to request\/make a plea for something or for something to be done) **with its 1st letter**(the first) **moved down to the bottom**(to be put down, in a down clue).\nDefn: \u2026 originating in Jamaica in the 60s."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Nice here in secretive island (6)","output":"### Answer: SICILY \n ### Explanation: Definition: island\n ICI(\"here\" in the language of Nice, France) **contained in**(in) SLY(secretive\/sneaky).\nDefn: \u2026 in Italy."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Exciting to return 50% of wealth (8)","output":"### Answer: ELECTRIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: Exciting\n ELECT(to return a candidate in an election) + **1st 3 out of 6 letters of**(50% of) \"riches\"(wealth\/valuables)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bridge odds on two queens (7)","output":"### Answer: SPANNER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Bridge\n SP(abbrev. for \"starting prices\", indicating the odds of winning in a horse race) **plus**(on) [ ANNE(English queen once) + R(abbrev. for \"Regina\"\/Queen) ](two queens).\nDefn: A structure that bridges\/spans across, say, a river, valley, gorge:\n\u2026 or canal even:"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dawn insures building (7)","output":"### Answer: SUNRISE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Dawn\n **Anagram of**(\u2026 building) INSURES."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Consumes escalope after turtle soup for starters (4)","output":"### Answer: EATS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Consumes\n **1st letters, respectively, of**(\u2026 for starters) \"escalope after turtle soup\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Let bloke from Bow attach architectural feature (10)","output":"### Answer: IMPEDIMENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Let\n 'IM(\"him\"\/that bloke\/man, as spoken by one from Bow in the London East End) **plus**(attach) PEDIMENT(an architectural feature, viz. the triangular upper part of a classical building).\nDefn: \u2026\/a hindrance."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lower River Test cutting (6)","output":"### Answer: DEMOTE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Lower\n DEE(a river in N Wales and NW England) **containing**(\u2026 cutting) MOT(in the UK, an annual test for motor vehicles' roadworthiness, from the abbreviation for the Ministry of Transport)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Extends contract and steps down (7)","output":"### Answer: RESIGNS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Extends contract,steps down\n Double defn: 1st: Signs another contract on expiry of the previous one; and 2nd: \u2026 from a post\/job position."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Friends in bars discussed people behind bars (7)","output":"### Answer: INMATES \n ### Explanation: Definition: people behind bars\n **Homophone of**(\u2026 discussed) \"inn mates\"(how one might describe friend\/mates in various inns\/bars).\nDefn: \u2026, prison bars, that is."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Green bananas the beginning of your vitality (6)","output":"### Answer: ENERGY \n ### Explanation: Definition: vitality\n **Anagram of**(\u2026 bananas) GREEN + **1st letter of**(the beginning of) \"your\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Top wine collection mentioned in book? (4,6)","output":"### Answer: BEST SELLER \n ### Explanation: Definition: book?\n BEST(top\/unbeaten) + **homophone of**(\u2026 mentioned) \"cellar\"(s stock\/collection of wine, often to be found in a, well, cellar).\nDefn: Possibly\/? a best-selling \u2026."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Split taps work (4)","output":"### Answer: CHOP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Split\n CH(abbrev. for \"cold\" and \"hot\" respectively, as found on water taps) + OP(abbrev. for \"opus\", a major musical or literary work)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Joy of endless intimacy (7)","output":"### Answer: ELATION \n ### Explanation: Definition: Joy\n **1st and last letters deleted from**(endless) \"relations\"(sexual or otherwise intimacy\/intercourse)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Impact of Tory diplomacy (7)","output":"### Answer: CONTACT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Impact\n CON(abbrev. for a Conservative Party member\/a Tory) + TACT(diplomacy\/discreetness).\nDefn: \u2026\/action of coming together, forcibly)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Beach borders start of terribly unproductive land (3-5)","output":"### Answer: SET-ASIDE \n ### Explanation: Definition: unproductive land\n SEASIDE(the beach\/coastline) **containing**(borders) **1st letter of**(start of) \"terribly\".\nDefn: \u2026\/land that is taken out of production to reduce crop surpluses."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Schumann's opening surprisingly lofty for piano (6)","output":"### Answer: SOFTLY \n ### Explanation: Definition: piano\n **1st letter of**(\u2026's opening) \"Schumann\" + **anagram of**(surprisingly) LOFTY.\nDefn: \u2026, the musical direction of play softly.\nAnd, of course, Robert Schumann was a composer and pianist."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Grounds to invest in South America (8)","output":"### Answer: SUSPENDS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Grounds\n SPEND(to invest\/to employ, say, time or effort, doing something for a cause) **contained in**(in) [ S(abbrev. for \"south\") + US(abbrev. for the United States of America) ].\nDefn: Prevents an activity from happening, such as the social activities of child who is being punished."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Female replaces husband in conglomeration of merchants and artisans (9)","output":"### Answer: CRAFTSMEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: artisans\n F(abbrev. for \"female\") **replacing**(replaces \u2026 in) \"h\"(abbrev. for \"husband\" in) **anagram of**(conglomeration of) \"merchants\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fast or slow having nothing to lose (4)","output":"### Answer: LENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fast\n \"lento\"(musical direction to play slowly) **minus**(having \u2026 to lose) \"o\"(letter representing 0\/nothing).\nDefn: The \u2026 undertaken by Christians in the period before Easter."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Former magazine auditor (8)","output":"### Answer: LISTENER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Former magazine,auditor\n Double defn: 1st: \u2026 published weekly by the BBC."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Demands trains (10)","output":"### Answer: CONDITIONS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Demands,trains\n Double defn: 1st: Requirements that must be met before something else can or be allowed to happen; and 2nd: To mould behaviour in a certain way, as Pavlov did with his dogs."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Suggest upgrade to rear lift (5)","output":"### Answer: RAISE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Suggest,upgrade,to rear,lift\n Multiple defns: 1st: \u2026\/bring ups, say, an issue for discussion; 2nd: \u2026\/to promote, say, from one class to another above; 3rd: \u2026\/to nurture babies or children to adulthood; and 4th: \u2026\/to physically or metaphorically bring from a lower to a higher position."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Reacts badly in icy run (6)","output":"### Answer: CRESTA \n ### Explanation: Definition: icy run\n **Anagram of**(\u2026 badly) REACTS.\nDefn: The act of travelling swiftly on a toboggan down a passage of compacted snow and ice."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: It doesn't pay to upset America endlessly (5)","output":"### Answer: CRIME \n ### Explanation: Definition: It doesn't pay\n **Anagram of**(to upset) [ \"America\" **minus ****its 1st and last letters**(endlessly) ].\nDefn: From the saying that tells you why not to commit a criminal act."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cooks joints in vessels (10)","output":"### Answer: STEAMSHIPS \n ### Explanation: Definition: vessels\n STEAMS(cooks food by heating it in steam) + HIPS(joints between the torso and legs in primates or hind legs in quadrupeds)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tricky opponents on Tyneside? (5-4)","output":"### Answer: NORTH-EAST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Tyneside\n NORTH,EAST(representing players in opposing 2-person teams in the card game of bridge, where tricks are won).\nDefn: \u2026, located in the North East region of England."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rested, having marked out playing field earlier (8)","output":"### Answer: RECLINED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Rested\n LINED(marked out with lines, obviously) **placed after**(\u2026 earlier) REC(informal term for a recreational ground\/a playing field)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Understanding myth pays off (8)","output":"### Answer: SYMPATHY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Understanding\n **Anagram of**(\u2026 off) MYTH PAYS."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Kisses Boris bottling up torment (6)","output":"### Answer: OBSESS \n ### Explanation: Definition: torment\n **Hidden in**(\u2026 bottling) **reversal of**(\u2026 up, in a down clue) \"Kisses Boris\".\nDefn: To fill one's mind continually with troubling\/tormenting thoughts."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Remarkably cheap fruit (5)","output":"### Answer: PEACH \n ### Explanation: Definition: fruit\n **Anagram of**(Remarkably) CHEAP."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Elegant form of transport on the rise (5)","output":"### Answer: SMART \n ### Explanation: Definition: Elegant\n **Reversal of**(\u2026 on the rise, in a down clue) TRAMS(a form of public transport, viz. vehicles powered by electricity from overhead cables and running on rails)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cancel a French party (4)","output":"### Answer: UNDO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Cancel\n UN(French for \"a\") + DO(a party\/a social function)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Journo to broadcast on cultism (9)","output":"### Answer: COLUMNIST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Journo\n **Anagram of**(to broadcast) ON CULTISM.\nDefn: \u2026\/journalist."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Celebrity of revolutionary traitors (4)","output":"### Answer: STAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Celebrity\n **Reversal of**(revolutionary) RATS(traitors\/betrayers)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Salvo exploded into rounded shapes (5)","output":"### Answer: OVALS \n ### Explanation: Definition: rounded shapes\n **Anagram of**(\u2026 exploded) SALVO."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Former partner pinches trains (9)","output":"### Answer: EXPRESSES \n ### Explanation: Definition: trains\n EX(one's former partner\/ex-wife or ex-lover) + PRESSSES(pinches\/puts pressure on, as in \"my new shoes are pinching on my feet\").\nDefn: \u2026 moving at express speeds and making few intermediate stops."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Play area has smooth hollow (7)","output":"### Answer: SANDPIT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Play area\n SAND(to smooth with, say, sandpaper) + PIT(a hollow\/a hole dug out in the ground)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Person enjoying liberty heartlessly imprisoning one who rescues cats? (7)","output":"### Answer: FIREMAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: who rescues cats?\n \"freeman\"(person enjoying liberty\/one who is not a slave or in bondage) **minus ****its middle letter**(heartlessly) **containing**(imprisoning) I(Roman numeral for \"one\").\nDefn: Answer to the question: \"\u2026?\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Something that produces red pickle (13)","output":"### Answer: EMBARRASSMENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Something that produces red pickle\n Cryptic defn: A pickle\/a difficult situation one finds oneself in, causing one's complexion to go red."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Temporary miss, perhaps (6,7)","output":"### Answer: SUPPLY TEACHER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Temporary miss, perhaps\n Cryptic defn: A relief\/temporary teacher, whom pupils might\/perhaps address as \"Miss\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old changes to organs (7)","output":"### Answer: OVARIES \n ### Explanation: Definition: organs\n O(abbrev. for \"old\") + VARIES(changes\/alterations)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A god of love originally one can produce a cloud (7)","output":"### Answer: AEROSOL \n ### Explanation: Definition: one can produce a cloud\n A + EROS(the Greek god of love) + **1st letters, respectively, of**(\u2026 originally) \"of love\".\nDefn: \u2026\/a fine spray of, say, deodorant."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lost shirt fabricated (from which a final selection can be made) (9)","output":"### Answer: SHORTLIST \n ### Explanation: Definition: from which a final selection can be made\n **Anagram of**(\u2026 fabricated) LOST SHIRT."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Surprise opening of games was irritating (5)","output":"### Answer: STUNG \n ### Explanation: Definition: was irritating\n STUN(to surprise\/to shock) + **1st letter of**(opening of) \"games\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Shot guide (4)","output":"### Answer: LEAD \n ### Explanation: Definition: Shot,guide\n Double defn: 1st: Informal term for a bullet\/a shot, so-called from the metal that some of them are made of."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wise woman collecting hot drink, ignoring the first contraction (9)","output":"### Answer: SHRINKAGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: contraction\n SAGE(a wise woman, or man) **containing**(collecting) [ H(abbrev. for \"hot\") + \"drink\" **minus ****its 1st letter**(ignoring the first) ]."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: At first Charles loiters around a courtyard (8)","output":"### Answer: CLOISTER \n ### Explanation: Definition: a courtyard \n **1st letter of**(At first) \"Charles\" + **anagram of**(\u2026 around) LOITERS."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Discover tragic king has end in prison (5)","output":"### Answer: LEARN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Discover \n LEAR(King, in Shakespeare's tragedy) **plus**(has) **last letter of**(end in) \"prison\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rob's pronouncement of a woman who's suitable? (14)","output":"### Answer: MISAPPROPRIATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Rob\n **Homophone of**(pronouncement of) \"Miss\"(an unmarried woman) APPROPRIATE(suitable\/fitting), in the style of the title given to a beauty contest winner."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: I retain strange apathy (7)","output":"### Answer: INERTIA \n ### Explanation: Definition: apathy\n **Anagram of**(\u2026 strange) I RETAIN.\nDefn: Tendency to remain unchanged or unmoved resulting from a lack of interest\/\u2026."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rich people assume current power; that's confidential information! (3-4)","output":"### Answer: TIP-OFFS \n ### Explanation: Definition: confidential information\n TOFFS(unkind term for rich people) **containing**(assume) [ I(symbol for \"electric current\", in physics) + P(symbol for \"power\", in physics) ]."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Evaluate light for game (4,5)","output":"### Answer: TEST MATCH \n ### Explanation: Definition: game\n TEST(to evaluate\/assess) + MATCH(a light\/a device that produces a flame, as in \"have you got a light?\").\nDefn: \u2026 of cricket or rugby between teams representing two different countries."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Feel bitter, then dispatched again (6)","output":"### Answer: RESENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Feel bitter,dispatched again\n Double defn: 2nd: Sent again."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lead guitarist to go rehearsing or dancing \u2026 (6,8)","output":"### Answer: GEORGE HARRISON \n ### Explanation: Definition: Lead guitarist\n **Anagram of**(\u2026 dancing) GO REHEARSING OR.\nDefn: \u2026 of the pop group, the Beatles."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: \u2026 this perhaps, showing head's a 6 (5,4)","output":"### Answer: BOSSA NOVA \n ### Explanation: Definition: \u2026 this perhaps\n BOSS(head\/chief) **plus**(\u2026's \/has) A + NOVA(a star\/answer to 6 across, that, for a while, becomes brighter and then fades back)\nDefn: Continuing from the previous clue, \"dancing this, perhaps\", ie. an example of a dance, from Brazil, in this case.\nChanneling Austin Powers:"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Introduction for endless eulogy, appalling (8)","output":"### Answer: PROLOGUE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Introduction \n PRO(for\/in favour of) + **anagram of**(\u2026, appalling) \"eulogy\" **minus ****its last letters**(endless \u2026).\nDefn: \u2026\/introductory section in a literary, dramatic or musical work."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fool blocking inventions made for girls (7)","output":"### Answer: LASSIES \n ### Explanation: Definition: girls \n ASS(a fool\/an idiot) **contained in**(blocking) LIES(inventions\/fabrications)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Judas's men kept under property (7)","output":"### Answer: TRAITOR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Judas\n OR(abbrev. for \"other ranks\", as opposed to commissioned officers\/men in the military) **placed below**(kept under, in a down clue) TRAIT(a property\/a characteristic)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Diplomat to seek advice shortly (6)","output":"### Answer: CONSUL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Diplomat \n \"consult\"(to seek advice from an expert\/consultant) **minus ****its last letter**(shortly)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bath's South African accompanies one in Spain (5)","output":"### Answer: SAUNA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Bath\n SA(abbrev. for \"South African\") **plus**(accompanies) UNA(the article \"one\" applied to feminine nouns in the language of Spain).\nDefn: Steam \u2026."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Clubs brawl \u2014 it could be afters (7)","output":"### Answer: CRUMBLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: it could be afters\n C(symbol for the suit, clubs, in a deck of playing cards) + RUMBLE(a brawl\/a street fight between gangs, as between the Jets and the Sharks in West Side Story).\nDefn: An example of dessert\/afters viz. one made of fruit cooked with a flour topping."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Is Panama here, say, following winding path? (6)","output":"### Answer: HATPEG \n ### Explanation: Definition: Is Panama here\n EG(abbrev. for \"exempli gratia\"\/for example\/say) **placed after**(following) **anagram of**(winding) PATH.\nDefn: Object from which one might find a Panama hat hanging."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Caught in wind, setter's defective hearing (8)","output":"### Answer: MISTRIAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: defective hearing\n MISTRAL(a strong, cold wind that blows through the Rhone valley) **containing**(Caught in \u2026) I(the setter using the self-referential pronoun).\nDefn: A defective\/invalid trial\/hearing in a court of law."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: National kings, say, in finery that's oddly cut back (6)","output":"### Answer: YEMENI \n ### Explanation: Definition: National\n MEN(pieces in a chess game, that include\/say, kings) **contained in**(in) [**reversal of**(\u2026 back) \"finery\" **minus its 1st, 3rd and 5th letters**(\u2026 that's oddly cut)].\nDefn: A \u2026 of the Yemen Republic."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Writer's opera lacking spirit and suffering (6,6)","output":"### Answer: EUGENE O\u2019NEILL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Writer\n \"Eugene Onegin\"(an opera by Tchaikovsky) **minus**(lacking) \"gin\"(a strong distilled alcoholic drink\/spirit) **plus**(and) ILL(suffering\/unwell)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Currently in silver, far from crazy dresses (3,3,4)","output":"### Answer: ALL THE RAGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Currently in\n AG(symbol for the chemical element, silver) **contained in**(\u2026 dresses) [ALL THERE](far from crazy\/possessing all of one's mental faculties).\nDefn: \u2026\/in fashion right now."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Take in husband evicted in period of arousal (3)","output":"### Answer: EAT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Take in\n \"h\"(abbrev. for \"husband\") **deleted from**(evicted in) \"heat\"(a period of arousal\/intense excitement)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A major, maybe extremely kamikaze, back in army (3)","output":"### Answer: KEY \n ### Explanation: Definition: A major\n **1st and last letters of**(extremely) \"kamikaze\" + **last letter of**(back in) \"army\".\nDefn: What \u2026 is in music."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: J. Ben-Hur once grabs American with both hands in dance (10)","output":"### Answer: CHARLESTON \n ### Explanation: Definition: dance\n C. HESTON(or Charlton Heston, actor who once played the character Judah Ben-Hur or J. Ben-Hur) **containing**(grabs) [ A(abbrev. for \"American\") + R,L(abbrev. of, respectively, both right and left hands) ]."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bill's outing in street through evergreen Berkshire town (5,7)","output":"### Answer: FIRST READING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Bill's outing\n ST(abbrev. for \"street\") **contained in**(through) [ FIR(an evergreen coniferous tree) + READING(a town in Berkshire) ].\nDefn: \u2026, ie. the first presentation to parliament for discussion of a draft of a proposed law."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Out of neutral voguish clothes (2,4)","output":"### Answer: IN GEAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Out of neutral\n IN(voguish\/in fashion) + GEAR(clothes\/attire).\nDefn: \u2026 gear\/when the gears of an engine are engaged and ready to transfer power, as in, say, a motor vehicle."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What wit might do with small camping equipment (8)","output":"### Answer: BEDROLLS \n ### Explanation: Definition: camping equipment\n [BE DROLL](what a wit\/a humorous person might do to provoke dry, low-key amusement) **plus**(with) S(abbrev. for \"small\")."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sober English teacher circles something hard to miss (6)","output":"### Answer: SITTER \n ### Explanation: Definition: something hard to miss\n [ TT(abbrev. for \"tee-total\"\/sober by abstaining from alcohol) + E(abbrev. for \"English\") ] **contained in**(\u2026 circles) SIR(what schoolboys might call their male teacher).\nDefn: \u2026, such as an easy goal in football or an easy catch in cricket."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bread made by student, eaten by grandparent, perhaps (7)","output":"### Answer: BLOOMER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Bread\n L(letter displayed by a learner driver) **contained in**(eaten by) BOOMER(short for a baby boomer, one who might\/perhaps, have become a grandparent by now)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tease band releasing second disc (4)","output":"### Answer: COMB \n ### Explanation: Definition: Tease\n \"combo\"(a small band of jazz, rock or pop musicians) **minus**(releasing) **its second** \"o\"(letter representing a disc\/a thing circular object).\nDefn: \u2026\/use a comb to separate, say, tangled hair into individual strands.."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: College administrator skinned bear (4)","output":"### Answer: URSA \n ### Explanation: Definition: bear\n \"bursar\"(a college administrator, in this case, one who manages the college's financial affairs) **minus ****its 1st and last letters**(skinned).\nDefn: \u2026 in Latin, as used in the name of Ursa Major, aka the Bear, a conspicuous constellation of stars."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stink over hooligans in urban areas (8)","output":"### Answer: BOROUGHS \n ### Explanation: Definition: urban areas\n BO(abbrev. for \"body odour\"\/an unpleasant body smell\/stink) **placed above**(over, in a down clue) ROUGHS(hooligans\/thugs)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Duck in English Channel heading north (5)","output":"### Answer: EVADE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Duck\n **Reversal of**(\u2026 heading north, in a down clue) [ E(abbrev. for \"English\") + DAVE(a television channel in the UK) ]."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A redhead with higher energy going grey? (6)","output":"### Answer: AGEING \n ### Explanation: Definition: going grey\n A + GINGE(or \"ginger\", a term for a red-haired person\/a redhead) **with its** E(symbol for \"energy\" in physics) **moved up**(with higher \u2026, in a down clue)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bushes, perhaps, in dense strip in need of cultivation (10)","output":"### Answer: PRESIDENTS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Bushes, perhaps\n **Anagram of**(\u2026 in need of cultivation) IN DENSE STRIP.\nDefn: What, in this instance\/perhaps, father and son, George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush of the USA, were.\n(And you might say that \"dense\" and \"in need of cultivation\" might be an apt description for one of them.)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Group inch aboard craft, an old chopper (10)","output":"### Answer: GUILLOTINE \n ### Explanation: Definition: an old chopper\n [ LOT(a group of similar items) + IN(abbrev. for \"inch\", the unit of length) ] **contained in**(aboard) GUILE(craft\/cunning).\nDefn: \u2026, in this instance, used to chop off people's heads, famously used during the French Revolution."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Recipient of handouts has urge to stop saving (6)","output":"### Answer: BEGGAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Recipient of handouts\n EGG(to urge\/to encourage one to do something) **contained in**(\u2026 saving) BAR(to stop\/to prohibit someone from doing or going)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Spooner's pastry shortage? This isn't to be trusted (4,2,4)","output":"### Answer: PACK OF LIES \n ### Explanation: Definition: This isn't to be trusted\n **Spoonerism of** \"LACK OF PIES\"(a shortage\/lack of pies\/pastry)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Coward, say, awfully wary, in dire straits (10)","output":"### Answer: PLAYWRIGHT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Coward, say\n **Anagram of**(awfully) WARY **contained in**(in) PLIGHT(dire straits\/a difficult situation).\nDefn: Description of, in this instance\/say, Sir Noel Coward."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fix eg Oxford house's exterior with flipping unpleasant look about it (6)","output":"### Answer: REHEEL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fix eg Oxford\n **1st and last letters of**(\u2026's exterior) \"house\" **contained in**(with \u2026 about it) **reversal of**(flipping, in a down clue) LEER(an unpleasant, suggestive look).\nDefn: \u2026\/to replace a specific worn-out part of a shoe, an example of which\/eg. is an Oxford."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Working hard in Bermondsey, engaged by sign painter (8)","output":"### Answer: LEONARDO \n ### Explanation: Definition: painter\n [ ON(working\/in operation, such as an electrical appliance) + 'ARD(\"hard\" as pronounced by one from Bermondsey, London) ] **contained in**(engaged by) LEO(an astrological sign).\nDefn: First name of a famous Italian \u2026."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Gas \u2014 more than enough but not all of it (6)","output":"### Answer: ETHANE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Gas\n **Hidden in**(\u2026 but not all of it) \"more than enough\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: In America, a slight girl coming out clutching the Guardian (5)","output":"### Answer: DWEEB \n ### Explanation: Definition: In America, a slight\n DEB(short for \"debutante\", a girl coming out\/being introduced to fashionable society) **containing**(clutching) WE(the presenter of this crossword, the Guardian using the plural self-referential pronoun).\nDefn: \u2026\/an insult by calling someone a socially inept person."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Poor area in endless recession (4)","output":"### Answer: SLUM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Poor area\n \"slump\"(a recession\/an economic downturn) **minus ****its last letter**(endless \u2026)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ruler after revolution dreads possessor confiscating article (4)","output":"### Answer: TSAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Ruler\n **Reversal of**(after revolution \u2026) [\"Rasta\"(short for a Rastafarian who has\/possesses dreads\/dreadlocks) **minus**(confiscating) \"a\"(an article in grammar)].\nDefn: \u2026\/emperor of Russia, formerly."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bombshell hasn't the head for drink (4)","output":"### Answer: HOCK \n ### Explanation: Definition: drink\n \"shock\"(a bombshell\/a surprise) **minus ****its 1st letter**(hasn't the head)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: It's forbidden to strike rebounding balls (5)","output":"### Answer: TABOO \n ### Explanation: Definition: It's forbidden\n **Reversal of**(\u2026 rebounding) BAT(to strike\/hit) + OO(2 x letter representing a ball\/round object)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fascination with drug to lose lustre (4)","output":"### Answer: FADE \n ### Explanation: Definition: to lose lustre\n FAD(a fascination with\/an enthusiasm for something) **plus**(with) E(abbrev. for Ecstasy, the drug)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: I make a point by removing dead wood (6,9)","output":"### Answer: PENCIL SHARPENER \n ### Explanation: Definition: I make a point by removing dead wood\n Cryptic defn: The tool used on the writing instrument to remove dead wood, wood that serves no purpose when the lead it surrounds has become blunt."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Plane figures in Spooner's order to attack East Sussex town (6)","output":"### Answer: RHOMBI \n ### Explanation: Definition: Plane figures\n **Spoonerism of** [ \"bomb\"(an order to attack, with bombs) \"Rye\"(a town in East Sussex, England).\nDefn: 2-dimensional\/\u2026."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dog Day Afternoon impresses one note Pacino's in the lead (8)","output":"### Answer: ALSATIAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Dog\n { SAT(abbrev. for \"Saturday\") + A(abbrev. for \"afternoon\") **contained in**(impresses) [ I(Roman numeral for \"one\") + N(abbrev. for \"note\") ] } **placed after**(\u2026's in the lead) AL(Pacino, American actor).\nDefn: .. aka the German Shepherd."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Something nasty by way of incomplete knowledge (8)","output":"### Answer: PATHOGEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Something nasty\n PATH(a way\/a track) + \"of\" **minus ****its last letter**(incomplete) + GEN(knowledge\/information)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Features of Barnet clearly detailed by Eliot's precursors? (6)","output":"### Answer: PLAITS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Features of Barnet\n \"plain\"(clearly\/without any ambiguity) **minus ****its last letter**(detailed) + T.S.(the letters before\/precursors to \"Eliot\", the last name of a major poet).\nDefn: \u2026, the latter being rhyming slang for \"hair\", from \"Barnet Fair\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Slow NY lawyer put in charge of exchange (6)","output":"### Answer: ADAGIO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Slow\n DA(abbrev. for \"District Attorney\", a lawyer in, say, NY\/New York, USA, in the role of chief prosecutor) **contained in**(put in) AGIO(a charge\/fee paid on the exchange of one currency to another).\nDefn: A musical direction to play in \u2026 time."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Witty comments about terms at St Andrews? (8)","output":"### Answer: REPARTEE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Witty comments\n RE(with reference to\/about) + [ PAR(the standard score for a hole in golf) +TEE(the area from where one starts playing a hole in golf) ](both terms that one comes across at the Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St. Andrews)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Entirely pointlessly in June, unfortunately, I just abandoned physical activity (3-5)","output":"### Answer: JIU-JITSU \n ### Explanation: Definition: physical activity\n **Anagram of**(\u2026, unfortunately) \"in June\" **minus**(Entirely pointlessly \u2026) \"n,n,e\"(abbrev. for 2 x \"north\" and \"east\" respectively, compass points) + **anagram of**(\u2026 abandoned) I JUST."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wandering bombastic speech by former church leader (6)","output":"### Answer: ERRANT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Wandering\n RANT(bombastic\/blustery speech) **placed after**(by) ER(abbrev. for \"Elizabeth Regina\", Queen Elizabeth, formerly leader\/Supreme Governor of the Church of England).\nDefn: \u2026\/straying from the straight and narrow."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Inept couple both misinterpreted welcoming notice on door? (4,2,3,6)","output":"### Answer: OPEN TO THE PUBLIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: welcoming notice on door\n **Anagram of**(\u2026 misinterpreted) INEPT COUPLE BOTH."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fancies spending a day in Rome (4)","output":"### Answer: IDES \n ### Explanation: Definition: day in Rome\n \"ideas\"(fancies\/notions) **minus**(spending) \"a\".\nDefn: A day in the ancient Roman calendar."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Go to special sweetheart at last? (5)","output":"### Answer: TRYST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Go to special sweetheart\n TRY(a go\/an attempt at) + S(abbrev. for \"special\") + **last letter of**(\u2026 at last) \"sweetheart\".\nDefn: \u2026\/have a private and romantic date with one's lover."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Image brides hold in their hearts? (4)","output":"### Answer: IDOL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Image\n ** Middle 2 letters, respectively, of**(\u2026 in their hearts) \"brides hold\".\nDefn: \u2026\/representation of a god as an object of worship."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sight defect produced by excessive work starts to impair academic (9)","output":"### Answer: HYPEROPIA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Sight defect\n HYPER-(prefix indicating \"excessive\"\/above normal) + OP(abbrev. for \"opus\", a musical or literary piece of work) + **1st letters, respectively, of**(starts to) \"impair academic\".\nDefn: \u2026, specifically, farsightedness."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Prepare to swindle officer cadet on vacation (7)","output":"### Answer: CONCOCT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Prepare\n CON(to swindle\/trick) + CO(abbrev. for \"Commanding Office\") + \"cadet\" **minus its inner letters**(on vacation).\nDefn: \u2026\/make by combining different ingredients, as with a cocktail, say."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Man interrupting singer after Tosca's entrance gets tongue-lashing (7-2)","output":"### Answer: TALKING-TO \n ### Explanation: Definition: tongue-lashing\n [ KING(man\/a piece in chess) **contained in**(interrupting) ALTO(a person with the highest adult male singing voice, or with the lowest female singing voice) ] **placed below**(after, in a down clue) **1st letter of**(\u2026's entrance) \"Tosca\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Scrooge's take on weather in Islamic state? (7)","output":"### Answer: BAHRAIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Islamic state\n BAH!(an expression of disgust, as in \"Bah! Humbug!\", Ebenezer Scrooge's take on Christmas) + RAIN(wet weather)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Plants depicted by fine artists (5)","output":"### Answer: OKRAS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Plants\n OK(\"okay\"\/fine) + RA(abbrev. for a member of the Royal Academy of Arts, an artist)S .\n\u2026 aka ladies fingers."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: This sort of channel could create a riot (4- 2-3)","output":"### Answer: FREE-TO-AIR \n ### Explanation: Definition: This sort of channel\n Reverse clue: **Anagram of**(**FREE**) **TO-AIR ****gives**(could create) \"a riot\".\nDefn: \u2026 on TV."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Players must support director that's to shape The Crucible's lead (3-4)","output":"### Answer: DIE-CAST \n ### Explanation: Definition: to shape The Crucible's lead\n CAST(group of plays acting in a play or film) **placed below**(must support, in a down clue) [ D(abbrev. for \"director\") + IE(abbrev. for \"id est\"\/that is\/that's) ].\nDefn: To shape a quantity of molten lead, the metal, by pouring it into a mould, after it has been melted in a crucible\/a ceramic or metallic pot able to withstand high temperature."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Eminent judge goes into decline after losing face for rowdy behaviour (4,5)","output":"### Answer: HIGH JINKS \n ### Explanation: Definition: rowdy behaviour\n HIGH(eminent\/top-level) + J(abbrev. for \"Judge\") + \"sinks\"(goes into decline\/drops downwards) **minus**\n**its 1st letter**(after losing face)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Leading theatre school not right to withdraw course for West Indians (6,3)","output":"### Answer: PEPPER POT \n ### Explanation: Definition: course for West Indians\n **Reversal of**(\u2026 to withdraw) [ TOP(leading\/first) + REP(short for \"repertory\"\/theatre, the collective noun for plays, operas or ballets) + \"prep\"(short for \"prep\/preparatory school\", a private school for children up to about 13 years old) **minus**(not) \"r\"(abbrev. for \"right\") ].\nDefn: A dish served in various Caribbean islands\/West Indies."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Doubtful about wearing infected animal's skin (9)","output":"### Answer: SCEPTICAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Doubtful\n C(abbrev. for \"circa\", about when referring to specific years) **contained in**(wearing) SEPTIC(infected\/festering with micro-organisms) + **1st and last letters of**(\u2026's skin) \"animal\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Trickled through dehydrated casing very softly (7)","output":"### Answer: DRIPPED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Trickled through\n DRIED(dehydrated\/having had the water removed, as with preserved food) **containing**(casing) PP(abbrev. for \"pianissimo\", musical direct to play very softly)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Not completely? For Americans, though, being ahead would make it so (7)","output":"### Answer: ROUGHLY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Not completely\n Reverse clue: **ROUGHLY ****placed after**(\u2026, being ahead) \"tho\"(For Americans, though) **gives**(would make it) \"thoroughly\"(so\/in this instance \"completely\")."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Advertised piece of cobalt rail edging (7)","output":"### Answer: TRAILED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Advertised\n **Hidden in**(piece of) \"cobalt rail edging\".\nDefn: \u2026\/gave advance publicity to, say, a film."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Swimmer needs time to cover most of course (5)","output":"### Answer: TROUT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Swimmer\n T(abbrev. for \"time\") **placed above**(to cover, in a down clue) \"route\"\"(a course\/a path that is followed) **minus ****its last letter**(most of \u2026)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Everyone is wearing blue around American city (6)","output":"### Answer: DALLAS \n ### Explanation: Definition: American city\n ALL(everyone) **contained in **(is wearing) **reversal of**(\u2026 around) SAD(blue\/feeling down)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Enterprise possibly shown by trendy celebrities previously (8)","output":"### Answer: STARSHIP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Enterprise possibly\n HIP(trendy\/cool) **placed after**(\u2026 previously) STARS(celebrities\/famous people).\nDefn: Possibly\/could be refering to the USS Enterprise, a fictional spacecraft in the Star Trek TV and film series.\nThe first in the line of NCC-1701s:"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pollute river that will carry scum miles away (6)","output":"### Answer: DEFILE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Pollute\n DEE(a river in the British Isles \u2013 more than one with the same name) **containing**(that will carry) \"film\"(a thin layer over a surface, in this case of dirt or froth on a liquid\/scum) **minus**(\u2026 away) \"m\"(abbrev. for \"miles\")."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Kidnapper is muscular type (8)","output":"### Answer: ABDUCTOR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Kidnapper,muscular type\n Double defn: 1st: One who takes someone away by force or deception; and 2nd: A type of muscle that draws a limb away from the central line of the body."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Place to go surfing and then have lunch? (9)","output":"### Answer: CYBERCAFE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Place to go surfing and then have lunch\n Cryptic defn: A commercial establishment where access to the Internet is available for you to surf, on your computer or ones provided there, and to have food and drinks."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Money in stupidity female's withdrawn for student (5)","output":"### Answer: LOLLY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Money\n \"folly\"(stupidity\/foolishness) **with** \"f\"(abbrev. for \"female\") **replaced by**(\u2026's withdrawn for) \"l\"(letter displayed by a learner driver).\nDefn: Informal term for \u2026."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Almost entitle Chinese to run country? (13)","output":"### Answer: LIECHTENSTEIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: country\n **Anagram of**(\u2026 to run) [ \"entitle\" **minus ****its last letter**(Almost \u2026) + CHINESE]."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Engineer said soft mortar between bricks is inadequate (13)","output":"### Answer: DISAPPOINTING \n ### Explanation: Definition: inadequate\n **Anagram of**(Engineer) SAID + P(abbrev. for \"piano\", a musical direction to play softly) + POINTING(the mortar used to fill the joints between bricks in brickwork)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old man sacked by competent guy? (5)","output":"### Answer: CABLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: guy\n \"pa\"(like \"old man\", an informal term for one's father) **deleted from**(sacked by) \"capable\"(competent\/having the ability to do something successfully).\nDefn: \u2026\/a rope or line fixed to the ground to secure a tent or other structure."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rudeness from oddball seen with Colin (9)","output":"### Answer: INSOLENCE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Rudeness\n **Anagram of**(oddball) [SEEN **plus**(with) COLIN]."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Source of protein to feed country creature (8)","output":"### Answer: TERRAPIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: creature\n **1st letter of**(Source of) \"protein\" **contained in**(to feed) TERRAIN(country\/a stretch of land and its physical features).\nThese have red ears:"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Elderly drinking wine endlessly? It's okay (6)","output":"### Answer: AGREED \n ### Explanation: Definition: okay\n AGED(elderly\/old) **containing**(drinking) \"red\"(short for \"red wine\") **minus ****its last letter**(endlessly)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Move from Hell? (8)","output":"### Answer: DISPLACE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Move from\n [DIS(the Roman god of the underworld) PLACE(where one resides\/home)](Hell)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Meaty waffles hypermarket stocks (6)","output":"### Answer: FLESHY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Meaty\n **Hidden in**(\u2026 stocks) \"waffles hypermarket\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Gather moderate Democrat will oust Republican (6)","output":"### Answer: DEDUCE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Gather\n \"reduce\"(to moderate\/to make smaller in degree or size, away from an extreme) with \"D\"(abbrev. for a member of the Democratic Party) **replacing**(will oust) \"R\"(abbrev. for a member of the Republican Party).\nDefn: \u2026\/to conclude."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: They could help rescue career hit hard by recession essentially (4,5)","output":"### Answer: LIFE BELTS \n ### Explanation: Definition: They could help rescue\n LIFE(one's way of life, in this case, one's occupation or profession) + BELT(to hit with heavy blows) + **middle letter of**(\u2026 essentially) \"recession\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: In general worried about US city risking being evacuated (2,5)","output":"### Answer: AT LARGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: In general\n ATE(worried\/bothered) **containing**(about) [ LA(abbrev. for \"Los Angeles\", US city) + \"risking\" **minus its inner letters**(being evacuated) ]."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Number wrong to be upset following board game (5,6)","output":"### Answer: TABLE TENNIS \n ### Explanation: Definition: game\n [ TEN(number 10) + **reversal of**(\u2026 to be upset, in a down clue) SIN(a wrong\/an offence) ] **placed after**(following) TABLE(board\/the food that is provided).\nRemember ping-pong diplomacy?:"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Problems heading off getting ready for Moscow trip? (7)","output":"### Answer: ROUBLES \n ### Explanation: Definition: ready for Moscow trip\n \"troubles\"(problems\/difficulties) **minus ****its 1st letter**(heading off).\nDefn: Ready\/money to be used in Moscow, Russia."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Holidaymakers' initial destination perhaps in Lesotho not so awful? (5)","output":"### Answer: HOTEL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Holidaymakers' initial destination perhaps\n **Anagram of**(\u2026 awful) [ \"Lesotho\" **minus**(not) \"so\" ].\nDefn: \u2026. Also word representing the **1st letter of**(\u2026 initial) \"Holidaymakers\" in the phonetic alphabet."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Having fun at celebration, saying goodbye hugging unknown character (8)","output":"### Answer: PARTYING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Having fun at celebration\n PARTING(goodbye\/act of leaving) **containing**(hugging) Y(symbol\/character for an unknown quantity in maths.)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Erotic chap dancing round pole, Tim's rival occasionally (11)","output":"### Answer: APHRODISIAC \n ### Explanation: Definition: Erotic\n **Anagram of**(\u2026 dancing) CHAP **containing**(round) [ ROD(a pole\/a staff) + **2nd, 4th, 6th and 8th letters of**(\u2026 occasionally) \"Tim's rival\" ]."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Provokes female perhaps to divide English and Poles (9)","output":"### Answer: ENGENDERS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Provokes\n GENDER(an example\/perhaps of which in grammar is \"female\") **contained in**(to divide) [ E(abbrev. for \"English\") + N,S(abbrev. for \"North\" and \"South\" Poles, respectively) ]."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dead cute criminal is well-read (8)","output":"### Answer: EDUCATED \n ### Explanation: Definition: well-read\n **Anagram of**(cute criminal) DEAD CUTE."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Heard maybe description of nun's childhood to be accepted (7)","output":"### Answer: PREVAIL \n ### Explanation: Definition: accepted\n **Homophone of**(Heard maybe) \"pre-veil\"(a whimsical description of the childhood of one before\/pre becoming a nun\/taking the veil).\nDefn: \u2026\/be predominant."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Crooked European visits sick former prisoner in retirement (7)","output":"### Answer: ILLEGAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Crooked\n E(abbrev. for \"European\") **placed after**(visits) ILL(sick\/unwell) + **reversal of**(\u2026 in retirement) LAG(a former prisoner\/an ex-convict)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Prime US prosecutor occupies two years going after ambassador (6)","output":"### Answer: HEYDAY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Prime\n [ DA(abbrev. for \"District Attorney\", public prosecutor in the US) **contained in**(occupies) Y,Y(2 x abbrev. \"year\") ] **placed below**(going after, in a down clue) HE(abbrev. for \"His\/Her Excellency\", form of address for an ambassador).\nDefn: \u2026\/period of someone's or something's greatest success\/at one's peak."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Poet feels terribly hot (5)","output":"### Answer: BURNS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Poet,feels terribly hot\n Double defn: 1st: Robert, Scottish poet."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The last to get a shift shows furtive manner (7)","output":"### Answer: STEALTH \n ### Explanation: Definition: furtive manner\n **Anagram of**(\u2026 to get a shift) THE LAST."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Idiot has to stop detaining fine all-female group (7)","output":"### Answer: HALFWIT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Idiot\n HALT(to stop moving or doing) **containing**(detaining) [ F(abbrev. for \"fine\") + WI(abbrev. for the Women's Institute, an all-female group\/community organisation) ]."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pulse starts to trouble husband resting on bed (5)","output":"### Answer: THROB \n ### Explanation: Definition: Pulse\n **1st letters, respectively, of**(starts to) \"trouble husband resting on bed\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stock fare prepared for working party (4,5)","output":"### Answer: TASK FORCE \n ### Explanation: Definition: working party\n **Anagram of**(\u2026 prepared) STOCK FARE."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Grey Geneva, maybe, lacking a leader? It's a Swiss hallmark (10)","output":"### Answer: NEUTRALITY \n ### Explanation: Definition: It's a Swiss hallmark\n NEUTRAL(of a pale grey colour, as in \"walls of a neutral shade\") + \"city\"(an example of which\/maybe is Geneva, Switzerland) **minus ****its 1st letter**(lacking a leader).\nDefn: \u2026, one of not taking sides in a conflict."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stadium lacking in new locality (4)","output":"### Answer: AREA \n ### Explanation: Definition: locality\n \"arena\"(a stadium\/a place where contests are held) **minus**(lacking in) \"n\"(a.\"new\")."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stop at an early stage trouble behind input (3,2,3,3)","output":"### Answer: NIP IN THE BUD \n ### Explanation: Definition: Stop at an early stage\n **Anagram of**(trouble) BEHIND INPUT."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Suggestion to conceal display device (5,6)","output":"### Answer: TOUCH SCREEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: display device\n TOUCH(a suggestion\/a hint of as in \"a touch of meanness in his actions\") + SCREEN(to conceal\/to hide something behind something else)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Liberal Scottish musician provides attraction (4)","output":"### Answer: LURE \n ### Explanation: Definition: attraction\n L(abbrev. for a member of the Liberal Party) + URE(Midge, a phonetic reversal of Jim, Scottish musician)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Knowledgeable solicitor, say, on a roll finally with a great score in golf (5,5)","output":"### Answer: LEGAL EAGLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Knowledgeable solicitor, say\n LEG(in cricket, the on side\/that half of the field facing away from the batsman's feet when standing to receive the ball) **plus**(on) A + **last letter of**(\u2026 finally) \"roll\" **plus**(with) EAGLE(in golf, a score at a hole that is 2 strokes below par, considered a great\/impressive achievement).\nDefn: What you might call\/say, a smart\/knowledgeable solicitor."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ban dire criminal entering international court (9)","output":"### Answer: INTERDICT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Ban\n **Anagram of**(\u2026 criminal) DIRE **contained in**(entering) [ INT(abbrev. for \"international\") + CT(abbrev. for \"court\") ]."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: This writer's mature portrayal (5)","output":"### Answer: IMAGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: portrayal\n I'M(\"I am\/this writer is\", with the writer using the self-referential pronoun) + AGE(to mature\/get older)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bread in store for later needs? (4,3)","output":"### Answer: NEST EGG \n ### Explanation: Definition: Bread in store for later needs\n Cryptic defn: \"bread\" as a slang for money."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Conservator has short form essentially about introduction to antiquities (7)","output":"### Answer: CURATOR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Conservator\n [ CURT(short\/terse in speech) + **middle 2 letters of**(\u2026 essentially) \"form\" ] **containing**(about) **1st letter of**(introduction to) \"antiquities\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Revolutionary is leading element close to workers' protests (3-3)","output":"### Answer: SIT-INS \n ### Explanation: Definition: protests\n **Reversal of**(Revolutionary) IS **placed above**(leading, in a down clue) TIN(a chemical element) + **last letter of**(close to) \"workers'\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fighter breaking a rule badly gets long reprimand (6)","output":"### Answer: EARFUL \n ### Explanation: Definition: long reprimand\n F(abbrev. for \"fighter\", as used in the designations of fighter planes) **contained in**(breaking) **anagram of**(\u2026 badly) A RULE.\nA good clue surface."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Scientific site over year favoured this when shorn of international networks (10)","output":"### Answer: LABYRINTHS \n ### Explanation: Definition: networks\n LAB(short for \"laboratory\", a scientific site) **placed above**(over, in a down clue) YR(abbrev. for \"year\") + IN(favoured\/popular, as in \"the in thing\") + \"this\" **minus**(when shorn of) \"i\"(abbrev. for \"international\")."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sweltering Celt taking off jacket in tourist accommodation (5)","output":"### Answer: HOTEL \n ### Explanation: Definition: tourist accommodation\n HOT(sweltering\/uncomfortably humid) + \"Celt\" **minus its 1st and last letters**(taking off jacket)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ambassador with attitude about India is dithering (9)","output":"### Answer: HESITANCE \n ### Explanation: Definition: dithering\n HE(abbrev. for \"His\/Her Excellency\", term of address for an ambassador) **plus**(with) STANCE(an attitude\/a position taken, literally or figuratively) **containing**(about) I(abbrev. for \"India\")."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: See paper in elevated room (4)","output":"### Answer: LOFT \n ### Explanation: Definition: elevated room\n LO(see, as in \"lo and behold\") + FT(abbrev. for the daily newspaper, the Financial Times)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Drive shown by old boy in Hertfordshire town producing theatrical costumes (8)","output":"### Answer: WARDROBE \n ### Explanation: Definition: theatrical costumes\n [ DR(abbrev. for \"Drive\", as in home addresses) **plus**(shown by) OB(abbrev. for \"old boy\", formerly from a school or university) ] **contained in**(in) WARE(a town in Hertfordshire, England)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old comic afterwards trimmed and in fine fettle (3,5)","output":"### Answer: THE DANDY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Old comic\n \"then\"(afterwards\/later in time) **minus ****its last letter**(trimmed) **plus**(and) DANDY(in fine fettle\/perfect)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Suspect cleaner hid hanging feature? (10)","output":"### Answer: CHANDELIER \n ### Explanation: Definition: hanging feature\n **Anagram of**(Suspect) CLEANER HID."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Activity of those out to deter others? (9)","output":"### Answer: PICKETING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Activity of those out to deter others\n Cryptic defn: Reference to workers on strike\/out detering others who are not on strike from working."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Obstruct one riding horse (8)","output":"### Answer: STALLION \n ### Explanation: Definition: horse\n STALL(to obstruct\/to stop progress being made) + I(Roman numeral for \"one\") + ON(riding\/travelling in, as in \"on the bus\")."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Problem in turn with tiros cooking Mexican food (8)","output":"### Answer: BURRITOS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Mexican food\n **Reversal of**(\u2026 in turn) RUB(a problem\/a hitch) **plus**(with) **anagram of**(\u2026 cooking) TIROS."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Appalled by Henry, when getting into a sports car (6)","output":"### Answer: AGHAST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Appalled\n [ H(symbol for the henry, a unit of electrical inductance) + AS(when\/at the time that something happens, as in \"as you enter \u2026\") ] **contained in**(getting into) [A + GT(abbrev. for \"gran turismo\", a high-performance sports car) ]."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Decorative covering never altered around front of exhibits (6)","output":"### Answer: VENEER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Decorative covering\n **Anagram of**(\u2026 altered) NEVER **containing**(around) **1st letter of**(front of) \"exhibits\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Prank by one opposing Conservative (5)","output":"### Answer: ANTIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: Prank\n ANTI(one opposing\/an opponent of a particular policy, activity or idea) + C(abbrev. for a member of the Conservative Party)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Some superior feed for pond fish (4)","output":"### Answer: ORFE \n ### Explanation: Definition: pond fish\n **Hidden in**(Some) \"superior feed\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Leading members in favour of rest, we're told (8)","output":"### Answer: FOREPAWS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Leading members\n **Homophone of**(\u2026, we're told) [ \"for\"(in favour of, as opposed to \"against\") + \"pause\"(to rest\/to stop an activity, perhaps to resume later on) ].\nDefn: \u2026\/limbs of four-legged animals."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Put on stone in one's declining years (6)","output":"### Answer: STAGED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Put on\n ST(abbrev. for \"stone\", a unit of weight in the Imperial System of units) + AGED(in one's declining years, towards the end).\nDefn: \u2026 the theatre stage, say."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Occupants of flat in a tenement of classical style (8)","output":"### Answer: LATINATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: of classical style\n **Hidden in**(Occupants of) \"flat in a tenement\".\nDefn: Descriptive of writing, vocabulary, etc. derived from Latin."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tory squeezing social worker creates political division (6)","output":"### Answer: CANTON \n ### Explanation: Definition: political division\n CON(a Tory\/a member of the Conservative Party) **containing**(squeezing) ANT(a social animal, one of whose castes is the worker).\nDefn: \u2026 of a country."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Scotsman's following motor route to reach mountains (11)","output":"### Answer: CARPATHIANS \n ### Explanation: Definition: mountains\n IAN(a name for a Scotsman) 'S **placed after**(following) [ CAR(a motor\/a motorised vehicle) + PATH(a route\/a course that one travels on) ].\nDefn: \u2026\/a mountain range in Central Europe."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Collect Charlie carrying Matilda's case (5)","output":"### Answer: AMASS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Collect\n ASS(a Charlie\/an idiot) **containing**(carrying) **1st and last letters of**(\u2026's case) \"Matilda\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tale from a bishop in local (9)","output":"### Answer: NARRATIVE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Tale\n [ A + RR(abbrev. for \"Right Reverend\", a form of address for a bishop) ] **contained in**(in) NATIVE(local\/home-grown)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Philistine needs hours in gaol to fight a criminal (7,2,4)","output":"### Answer: GOLIATH OF GATH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Philistine\n H(abbrev. for \"hours\") **contained in**(in) **anagram of**(\u2026 criminal) GAOL TO FIGHT A.\nDefn: \u2026 famously slain by David in the Bible."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Opposing sides hosting Arsenal initially pass very slowly (5)","output":"### Answer: LARGO \n ### Explanation: Definition: very slowly\n L,R(a., respectively, \"left\" and \"right\"\/opposing sides) **containing**(hosting) **1st letter of**(\u2026 initially) \"Arsenal\" + GO(to pass\/to elapse, as in \"As Time Goes By\")\nDefn: \u2026, as a direction to a musician regarding the played music's tempo."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Singer from Cape enthralled by Beatle's playing (4,7)","output":"### Answer: PAUL ROBESON \n ### Explanation: Definition: Singer\n ROBE(a cloak, an sleeveless example of which is the cape) **contained in**(enthralled by) PAUL(McCartney, one of the Beatles)'S + ON(playing\/performing, as in \"who's on?\")."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bound and beaten (6)","output":"### Answer: LASHED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Bound,beaten\n Double defn: 1st: \u2026\/tied with a cord or rope; and 2nd: \u2026\/flogged with a whip or rope."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Supervises the issue recently produced (8)","output":"### Answer: BABYSITS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Supervises the issue recently produced\n Cryptic defn: The issue recently produced being a baby."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lines written in blank diary inclined to drop off (6)","output":"### Answer: DROWSY \n ### Explanation: Definition: inclined to drop off\n ROWS(numbers of people or things in lines) **contained in**(written in) ** all inner letters deleted from**(blank) \"diary\".\nDefn: \u2026 into sleep."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Commercial book awards (8)","output":"### Answer: ADJUDGES \n ### Explanation: Definition: awards\n AD(short for \"advertisement\", a commercial\/promotional material) + JUDGES(a book in the Old Testament of the Bible).\nDefn: In law, what a judge does, ie. awards damages, say."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Remedy for depleted battery with no reduction in price (4,6)","output":"### Answer: FULL CHARGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Remedy for depleted battery,no reduction in price\n Double defn."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The Spanish raillery about game to be taken back? Precisely (10)","output":"### Answer: RETURNABLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: to be taken back? Precisely\n **Reversal of**(\u2026 to be taken back) [ EL(Spanish for the article \"the\") + BANTER(raillery\/an exchange of teasing remarks) **containing**(about) RU(abbrev. for \"Rugby Union\", a form of rugby) ].\nDefn: Precisely\/as mentioned (thus indicating the double duty served by), \"to be taken back\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Father bears also threatened beast (5)","output":"### Answer: PANDA \n ### Explanation: Definition: threatened beast\n PA(familiar term for one's father) **containing**(bears) \"AND\"(also\/in addition).\nDefn: A species that is threatened but not endangered."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Enchanting time with my family's interrupted by Dynasty (8,4)","output":"### Answer: WITCHING HOUR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Enchanting time\n [ WITH + OUR(my family's with the writer using the plural first person possessive pronoun) ] **containing**(interrupted by) CHING(or Qing, an imperial dynasty of China)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Naval star running historic part of southern Africa (9)","output":"### Answer: TRANSVAAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: historic part of southern Africa\n **Anagram of**(\u2026 running) NAVAL STAR."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Puts on robes for academics (4)","output":"### Answer: DONS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Puts on robes,academics\n Double defn: 1st: \u2026, or other garments; and 2nd: \u2026 in a university."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Boris's wife, we hear, presuming to move to next position (5,7)","output":"### Answer: CARRY FORWARD \n ### Explanation: Definition: move to next position\n **Homophone of**(\u2026, we hear) \"Carrie\"(wife of Boris Johnson) + FORWARD(presuming\/with a bold or overfamiliar manner)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Clothing worn by mounted soldier going astray (10)","output":"### Answer: DIGRESSING \n ### Explanation: Definition: going astray\n DRESSING(clothing\/a particular outfit) **containing**(worn by) **reversal of**(mounted, in a down clue) GI(an American soldier)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Spots onset of growth during complex recession (10)","output":"### Answer: RECOGNISES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Spots\n **1st letter of**(onset of) \"growth\" **contained in**(during) **anagram of**(complex) RECESSION."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cunning, a desirable quality in pictures but not music (9)","output":"### Answer: SHARPNESS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Cunning\n The degree of focus or definition in pictures taken with, say, a camera; or the degree of harshness on the ears in music.\nDefn: \u2026\/shrewdness."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Solver pursuing Boatman up marshy creek (5)","output":"### Answer: BAYOU \n ### Explanation: Definition: marshy creek\n YOU(as the setter calls the solver, using the second-person pronoun) **placed below**(pursuing, in a down clue) **reversal of**(\u2026 up, in a down clue) AB(abbrev. for for \"able bodied seaman\"\/a boatman\/one working on a boat)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tramp pocketing pound, in case (4)","output":"### Answer: PLOD \n ### Explanation: Definition: Tramp\n L(or \u00a3, symbol for pound sterling) **contained in**(in) POD(a case\/a shell).\nI was thrown off by the positioning in the clue of \"pocketing\", usually a containment indicator,."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Media's topical content is concerning (2,2)","output":"### Answer: AS TO \n ### Explanation: Definition: concerning\n **Hidden in**(\u2026 content) \"Media's topical\".\nDefn: \u2026\/regarding."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Military Intelligence backed sanctions ending early deadlock (7)","output":"### Answer: IMPASSE \n ### Explanation: Definition: deadlock\n **Reversal of**(\u2026 backed) MI(abbrev. for \"Military Intelligence\", as in \"MI5\") + \"passes\"(sanctions\/approves) **minus ****its last letter**(ending early)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Make subject in French school extremely welcome to classicists (7)","output":"### Answer: ENSLAVE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Make subject\n EN(French for \"in\") + **1st and last letters of**(\u2026 extremely) \"school\" + AVE(\"welcome\" to classicists studying Latin)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Starters of buckwheat liked in Novosibirsk and Irkutsk (5)","output":"### Answer: BLINI \n ### Explanation: Definition: Starters of buckwheat liked in Novosibirsk and Irkutsk\n **1st letters, respectively, of**(Starters of) \"buckwheat liked in Novosibirsk and Irkutsk\".\nDefn: Pancakes made from buckwheat flour, originally from Russia where Novosibirsk and Irkutsk are located."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: She could produce The Mousetrap (9)","output":"### Answer: DAIRYMAID \n ### Explanation: Definition: She could produce The Mousetrap\n Cryptic defn: ~~Presumably a reference to the nursery rhyme, \"Three Blind Mice\", in which the rodents ran after the farmer's wife who used a carving knife \u2026. The whole drama could have been averted if the farmer's employee had produced a mousetrap (not the famous Agatha Christie play, of course).~~\nPer &2: One who could make\/produce a third-grade flavourless or textureless version of any particular cheese, the former derogatively called a \"mousetrap cheese\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Investor holding the cards dealt a blow (4-6)","output":"### Answer: BACK-HANDER \n ### Explanation: Definition: a blow\n BACKER(one who backs, financially\/an investor) **containing**(holding) HAND(the cards dealt to any one of the players in a card game like bridge or poker)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Retreat from PM losing face (4)","output":"### Answer: LAIR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Retreat\n \"Blair\"(Tony, former UK PM) **minus its 1st letter**(losing face).\nDefn: \u2026\/a refuge to retreat to for privacy or safety."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Led sister astray with notion of paradise? (6,6)","output":"### Answer: DESERT ISLAND \n ### Explanation: Definition: notion of paradise\n **Anagram of**(\u2026 astray) LED SISTER + AND(with\/plus).\nDefn: \u2026\/a place representing freedom from worldly cares and woes."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Novel feature of Attic civilisation (4,2,3,3)","output":"### Answer: ROOM AT THE TOP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Novel\n Cryptic defn: What would be an item\/feature of a hypothetical civilisation living in attics."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Couple conclude proceedings on board (4)","output":"### Answer: MATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Couple,conclude proceedings on board\n Double defn: 1st: \u2026\/to engage in sexual intercourse; and 2nd: \u2026 or checkmate, to end\/conclude proceedings on board\/a game on a chessboard with a winning move."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rude character that is not apparent in Michael Caine's performance (10)","output":"### Answer: MECHANICAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Rude character\n **Anagram of**(\u2026's performance) [ \"Michael Caine\" **minus**(\u2026 not apparent) \"i.e.\"(abbrev. for \"id est\"\/that is) ].\nDefn: In Shakespeare's \"A Midsummer Night's Dream\", one of the 6 amateur actors called \"rude mechanicals\" by Puck, in reference to their occupations as manual labourers."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Kent's one comic figure? (9)","output":"### Answer: SUPERHERO \n ### Explanation: Definition: comic figure\n Superman, the alter ego of Clark Kent, was one such in the series of comics."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unfit setter dozed in audition (5)","output":"### Answer: INAPT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Unfit\n I(the setter of this crossword using the self-referential pronoun) + **homophone of**(\u2026 in audition) \"napped\"(dozed\/slept for a while)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Excess of devoutness \u2014 not the first \u2014 on Jewish Sabbath (7)","output":"### Answer: SATIETY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Excess\n \"piety\"(devoutness\/religiousness or reverence) **minus ****its 1st letter**(not the first) **placed after**(on) SAT(abbrev. for \"Saturday\" in the civil calendar, on which the Jewish Sabbath\/day of rest falls).\nDefn: \u2026\/surfeit."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Obsession with Paddington? It could merit a hard stare (7)","output":"### Answer: BUGBEAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: It could merit a hard stare\n BUG(an obsession\/an enthusiastic interest in something) **plus**(with) BEAR(an example of which is Paddington Bear, a fictional character in children's literature).\nDefn: \"It\" being an imaginary character invoked to frighten children\/a bogeyman."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Medic stops team leaders from buying extra drink (6)","output":"### Answer: IMBIBE \n ### Explanation: Definition: drink\n MB(abbrev. for \"Medicinae Baccalaureus\", a doctor\/a medic) **contained in**(stops) II(or 11\/eleven, with the respective Roman numeral substitutions, a sports team of 11 players, as with a cricket team, say) + **1st letters, respectively, of**(leaders from) \"buying extra\".\nDefn: To \u2026."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Entertainer who sang for the young Elvis? (6)","output":"### Answer: PRINCE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Entertainer who sang\n What you might call Elvis Presley, dubbed the \"King of Rock and Roll\" when he was young and before being \"crowned\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Masquerading sheikhs and bishops enthralling a dish (5,5)","output":"### Answer: SHISH KEBAB \n ### Explanation: Definition: dish\n **Anagram of**(Masquerading) SHEIKHS **plus**(and) B,B(2 x abbrev. for \"bishop\") **containing**(enthralling) A."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Author lying about haunt of vice in German port (5)","output":"### Answer: EMDEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: German port\n **Reversal of**(\u2026 lying about) ME(author\/setter of this crossword using the self-referential pronoun) + DEN(a haunt of vice\/a secluded place for illegal activities)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rest in peace? Not a second of it, unfortunately, here (9)","output":"### Answer: EPICENTRE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Rest in peace? Not a second of it, unfortunately, here\n **Anagram of**(unfortunately) \"Rest in peace\" **minus**(Not \u2026 of it,) \"[ A + \"s\"(abbrev. for \"second\" in time notation) ].\nDefn: The geographical point vertically above the focus of an earthquake, and where its force is the greatest. By extension, also the central point of any disturbance or difficult situation."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Well over 25% of yakitori is protein (4)","output":"### Answer: SOYA \n ### Explanation: Definition: protein\n SO(well\/extremely, as in \"he was well\/so out of it\") **placed above**(over, in a down clue) **1st 2 out of 8 letters of**(25% of) \"yakitori\".\nDefn: \u2026 derived from the beans of the same name."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Seaweed repeatedly gathered from prime locations in La Guaira (4-4)","output":"### Answer: AGAR-AGAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Seaweed\n **2nd, 3rd, 5th, and 7th letters of**(gathered from prime locations in\/letters in the 1st 4 prime number positions) \"La Guaira\" **x 2**(repeatedly \u2026)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Con-artist's seldom discovered casing wealthy place (2,6)","output":"### Answer: EL DORADO \n ### Explanation: Definition: wealthy place\n [ DO(to con\/to swindle) + RA(abbrev. for a member of the Royal Academy of Arts\/an artist) ] **contained in**(\u2026 casing) \"seldom\" **minus ****its 1st and last letters**(discovered).\nDefn: A legendary \u2026 where precious stones and gold coins were found in abundance."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Staggering\u2026 so daunting, but surprisingly impressive! (10)","output":"### Answer: ASTOUNDING \n ### Explanation: Definition: surprisingly impressive\n **Anagram of**(Staggering\u2026) SO DAUNTING."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Very, very French \u2014 almost all attending Mass in old cathedral city (9)","output":"### Answer: EXTREMELY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Very\n [\"tres\"(French for very\/exceedingly) **minus ****its last letter**(almost all) **plus**(attending) M(symbol for \"mass\" in physics) ] **contained in**(in) [ EX-(prefix signifying \"old\"\/former) + ELY(a cathedral city in England) [."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Propositions put before half-hearted females (8)","output":"### Answer: PREMISES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Propositions\n PRE-(prefix signifying \"before\" in time, place, etc.) + \"misses\"(unmarried women\/females) **minus its central letter**(hearted \u2026).\nDefn: \u2026 from which another is inferred or concluded."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Notice contains nothing on our weakness (4,4)","output":"### Answer: SOFT SPOT \n ### Explanation: Definition: weakness\n SPOT(to notice\/to perceive) **containing**(contains) [ O(letter representing 0\/nothing) + FT'S(our, a first person possessive pronoun\/belonging to the paper printing this crossword, the Financial Times, or FT) ]."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Raise eco-tax within eight days (6)","output":"### Answer: OCTAVE \n ### Explanation: Definition: eight days\n **Reversal of**(Raise, in a down clue) [ ECO **containing**(\u2026 within) VAT(abbrev. for \"value added tax\") ].\nDefn: A period of \u2026 starting with the day of a Church festival."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Governor tipped to take centre of industrial province (6)","output":"### Answer: ULSTER \n ### Explanation: Definition: province\n \"ruler\"(governor\/head) **minus ****its 1st letter**(tipped \/with an end\/tip removed) **containing**(to take) **central 2 letters of**(centre of) \"industrial\".\nDefn: Traditional Irish \u2026."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Potential killer needs to extract drug from hard sweet (1-4)","output":"### Answer: H-BOMB \n ### Explanation: Definition: Potential killer\n \"E\"(abbrev. for the drug Ecstasy) **deleted from**(extract \u2026 from) [ H(abbrev. for \"hard\") + \"bombe\"(a frozen dome-shaped dessert\/sweet) ]."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Genuine grandeur that's to some extent receding (4)","output":"### Answer: TRUE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Genuine\n **Hidden in**(\u2026 to some extent) **reversal of**(\u2026 receding) \"grandeur that's\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Church dignitary that's opposed to 15 (8)","output":"### Answer: CARDINAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Church dignitary,that's opposed to 15\n Double defn: 1st: Leading \u2026 in the Roman Catholic Church, nominated by the Pope; and 2nd: A number denoting quantity(1, 2, 3, etc.) as opposed to an \"ordinal\"(answer to 15 across)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: So, these tenors transformed Madchester band (3,5,5)","output":"### Answer: THE STONE ROSES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Madchester band\n **Anagram of**(\u2026 transformed) SO, THESE TENORS."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fundamentally, rock and roll comprises nothing but loud noise (4)","output":"### Answer: ROAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: loud noise\n **1st letters, respectively, of**(Fundamentally) \"rock and roll\" **containing**(comprises) O(letter signifying 0\/nothing)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ring road in pleasant surroundings is within budget (10)","output":"### Answer: AFFORDABLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: within budget\n [ O(letter representing a circle\/a ring) + RD(abbrev. for \"road\") ] **contained in**(in \u2026 surroundings) AFFABLE(pleasant\/friendly)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Vivid railway worker's uniform (6)","output":"### Answer: LIVERY \n ### Explanation: Definition: worker's uniform\n LIVE(vivid\/intensely bright) + RY(abbrev. for \"railway\").\nUnisex livery:"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One out to deeply impress uninhibited Penge party-goer (8)","output":"### Answer: ENGRAVER \n ### Explanation: Definition: One out to deeply impress\n **1st and last letters deleted from**(uninhibited) \"Penge\" + RAVER(one who attends\/goes to a rave\/a lively drinking and dancing party).\nDefn: \u2026\/to cut words or designs into stone, metal, wood, etc."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Criminal serves sandwiches quietly for evening gathering at church (7)","output":"### Answer: VESPERS \n ### Explanation: Definition: evening gathering at church\n **Anagram of**(Criminal) SERVES **containing**(sandwiches) P(abbrev. for \"piano\", direction to play music softly\/quietly)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Changes statement claiming success of divinity course? (7)","output":"### Answer: REWORKS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Changes\n [RE(abbrev. for \"religious education\"\/a divinity course) WORKS(is successful\/achieves the desired effect)](a statement claiming success of divinity course)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sicilian perhaps admitting to defamation (8)","output":"### Answer: ISLANDER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Sicilian perhaps\n [I SLANDER](I am admitting to definition).\nDefn: An example of which\/perhaps is one from the island of Sicily."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Treat former-PM with contempt and consternation (6)","output":"### Answer: DISMAY \n ### Explanation: Definition: consternation\n DIS(to treat with contempt\/to speak of disrespectfully) MAY(Theresa, former UK Prime Minister)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unclear VAR arrangement results in facetious swearing (10)","output":"### Answer: VERNACULAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: facetious swearing\n **Anagram of**(\u2026 arrangement) UNCLEAR VAR.\nDefn: Facetiously excusing swearing as common language, as in \"what the f***, to use the vernacular\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: You heard expression of disapproval about short skirt (4)","output":"### Answer: TUTU \n ### Explanation: Definition: short skirt\n **Reversal of**(\u2026 about) [**homophone of**(\u2026 heard expression) \"you\" + TUT(an expression of disapproval) ].\nFrom the sublime:\n\u2026 to the ridiculous:"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Nude dancing clubs entertained one popularly sitting in the corner (5)","output":"### Answer: DUNCE \n ### Explanation: Definition: one popularly sitting in the corner\n **Anagram of**(\u2026 dancing) NUDE **containing**(\u2026 entertained) C(abbrev. for \"clubs\", the suit in a deck of p laying cards).\nDefn: Formerly, one considered disruptive or slow in learning and who was therefore punished by having to stand in a corner of the classroom.\nAnd the eponymous headwear that goes with it:"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Delivery from trend-setting crew \u2013 street clothes? (8)","output":"### Answer: SHIPMENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Delivery\n [ HIP(fashionable\/trend-setting) + MEN(crew\/a group of people who work closely together) ] **contained in**(\u2026 clothes) ST(abbrev. for \"street\")."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: An element of Spooner's naked wash? (8)","output":"### Answer: CHLORINE \n ### Explanation: Definition: An element\n **Spoonerism of** [ \"raw\"(naked\/undisguised) + \"clean\"(to wash\/to rid of dirt, marks or stains) ]."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Requests a reserved section for VIP (4)","output":"### Answer: TSAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: VIP\n **Hidden in**(\u2026 section) \"Requests a reserved\".\nDefn: \u2026, an emperor of Russia, formerly."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rovers' hero tackling player of Wanderers (6)","output":"### Answer: ROMANY \n ### Explanation: Definition: of Wanderers\n ROY(hero in the British comic strip, Roy of the Rovers) **containing**(tackling) MAN(a player\/a member of, say, a football team).\nDefn: \u2026\/describing things related to the Romany, a people originating in South Asia, having an itinerant\/wandering way of life.\nAnd \"Rovers\" and \"Wanderers\" are found in the names of some football clubs."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Busy person, with twist of fate, produces energy drink (4,3)","output":"### Answer: BEEF TEA \n ### Explanation: Definition: energy drink\n BEE(a busy person, from \"as busy as a bee\") **plus**(with) **anagram of**(twist of) FATE."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Temporarily pause Parliament in favour of unprincipled character (8)","output":"### Answer: PROROGUE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Temporarily pause Parliament\n PRO(in favour of, as opposed to \"con\") + ROGUE(an unprincipled character\/a villain).\nDefn: \u2026\/to discontinue Parliamentary meetings without dissolving it."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The ups and downs of many a London commuter? (10)","output":"### Answer: ESCALATORS \n ### Explanation: Definition: The ups and downs of many a London commuter\n Cryptic defn: The mechanical stairs going up and down used by the many London commuters in the Tube\/underground rail system."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Operatic lead is getting on with performance finally (6)","output":"### Answer: ISOLDE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Operatic lead\n IS + OLD(getting on in years\/aged) **plus**(with) **last letter of**(\u2026 finally) \"performance\".\nDefn: Leading character in the opera \"Tristan and Isolde\" by Richard Wagner."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Making sense of cutback taking place in gin supply (10)","output":"### Answer: EXPLAINING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Making sense of\n **Reversal of**(\u2026back) AXE(to cut\/to chop off, literally or figuratively) **containing**(taking) PL(abbrev. for \"place\", a short street) + **anagram of**(\u2026 supply\/with suppleness\/flexibility) IN GIN."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Blanked out as wine took effect (8)","output":"### Answer: REDACTED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Blanked out\n RED(short for a red wine) + ACTED(took effect\/worked, as in \"the medicine took effect immediately\")."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: King leads fight with tense English ex-Chancellor (8)","output":"### Answer: KWARTENG \n ### Explanation: Definition: ex-Chancellor\n K(symbol for \"king\" in chess notation) **plus**(leads) WAR(a fight\/a conflict) **plus**(with) T(abbrev. for \"tense\" in grammar) + ENG(abbrev. for \"English\").\nAnswer: Kwasi, most recent ex-UK Chancellor."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lacking guile and disastrously two down hosting the French (7)","output":"### Answer: ARTLESS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Lacking guile\n **Anagram of**(disastrously) TSAR(solution to 2 down in this crossword) **containing**(hosting) LES(article \"the\" in French grammar)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: NASA's Deep Space Center boosted careers (6)","output":"### Answer: SPEEDS \n ### Explanation: Definition: careers\n **Reversal of**(\u2026 boosted, in a down clue) **6 middle letters of**(\"centre\"\/Center, in NASA's language) \"NASA's Deep Space\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Upset as a result of cover-up over a long period (6)","output":"### Answer: DERAIL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Upset\n **Reversal of**(\u2026-up) LID(a cover\/a cap) **containing**(over) ERA(a long period of time)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The fourth Doctor W's memorial? (4)","output":"### Answer: TOMB \n ### Explanation: Definition: memorial\n [TOM B](name, a la \"Doctor W\", of the actor who played the fourth Doctor Who, Tom Baker)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Move back in line at the same time (8)","output":"### Answer: TOGETHER \n ### Explanation: Definition: at the same time\n **Reversal of**(\u2026 back) GO(to move) **contained in**(in) TETHER(a line\/a rope or chain to which an animal is tied)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Contact a church pursuing religious education (5)","output":"### Answer: REACH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Contact\n [ A + CH(abbrev. for \"church\") ] **placed after**(pursuing) RE(abbrev. for \"religious education\")."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pops round for car ride (4)","output":"### Answer: SPIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: car ride\n **Reversal of**(\u2026 round) NIPS(pops in\/drops in for a quick visit)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Novel with overriding passion for country (3,7)","output":"### Answer: NEW ZEALAND \n ### Explanation: Definition: country\n [ NEW(novel\/original) + AND(with\/in addition to) ] **containing**(overriding) ZEAL(passion\/great energy and enthusiasm for a cause or objective)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Finally take in hand young becoming quarrelsome (6)","output":"### Answer: FEISTY \n ### Explanation: Definition: quarrelsome\n **Last letter of**(Finally) \"take\" **contained in**(in) FIST(one's clenched hand) + Y(abbrev. for \"young\")."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Jotted down 'Tenner added on to fine' (4,4)","output":"### Answer: TOOK NOTE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Jotted down\n NOTE(eg. a \u00a310 note\/a tenner) **placed after**(added on to) [ TO + OK(okay\/fine\/no objection to) ].\n\"to\" doing double duty?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Soldiers besieging southern capital retired in shame \u2026 (7)","output":"### Answer: REMORSE \n ### Explanation: Definition: shame\n RE(abbrev. for the Royal Engineers, a unit of soldiers in the British military) **containing**(besieging) **reversal of**(\u2026 retired) [ S(abbrev. for \"southern\") + ROME(capital city of Italy) ]."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: certainly bound to condemnation (2,5)","output":"### Answer: NO DOUBT \n ### Explanation: Definition: certainly\n **Anagram of**(\u2026 condemnation) BOUND TO."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: In Paris, I get fine on Metro regularly as someone selling trinkets (8)","output":"### Answer: JEWELLER \n ### Explanation: Definition: someone selling trinkets\n JE(as spoken in Paris, French for the pronoun \"I\") **plus**(get) WELL(fine\/excellent) **plus**(on) **2nd and 4th letters of**(\u2026 regularly) \"Metro\".\n\u2026 not in Paris though."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sorry when 60% of funds lost during revolutionary rule (6)","output":"### Answer: RUEFUL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Sorry\n **3 out of 5 letters deleted from**(60% of \u2026 lost) \"funds\" **contained in**(during) **anagram of**(revolutionary) RULE.\nDefn: \u2026\/remorseful."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Score with cover song (5,5)","output":"### Answer: SHEET MUSIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: Score\n SHEET(a cover\/a piece of material or fabric placed over something) + MUSIC(a piece of which could be a song).\nSheet music by numbers:"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Style of decoration reflected hollow decadence (4)","output":"### Answer: MODE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Style\n **Reversal of**(\u2026 reflected) OM(abbrev. for \"Order of Merit\", a particular decoration\/ award conferred as an honour) + \"decadence\" **minus all its inner letters**(hollow \u2026)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: First woman to enter students' flat! (5)","output":"### Answer: LEVEL \n ### Explanation: Definition: flat\n EVE(the Biblical first woman) **contained in**(to enter) LL(2 x letter displayed by a learner\/student driver)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Apples and pears up ahead on floor above (8)","output":"### Answer: UPSTAIRS \n ### Explanation: Definition: on floor above\n STAIRS(for which \"apples and pears\" is the rhyming slang) **placed after**(\u2026 ahead) UP."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Finish challenge that's over long (8)","output":"### Answer: COMPLETE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Finish\n COMPETE(to challenge\/to be in a contest against others) **containing**(that's over) L(abbrev. for \"long\")."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Picked up self-satisfied mood (4)","output":"### Answer: VEIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: mood\n **Homophone of**(Picked up) \"vain\"(self-satisfied\/to be proud about oneself).\nDefn: \u2026\/a temporary attitude or state of mind, as in \"he opened his speech in a lighter vein\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fake ring has ruby with no shine (6)","output":"### Answer: PHONEY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fake\n PHONE(to ring\/call on the phone) **plus**(has) \"ruby\" **minus**(with no) \"rub\"(to shine\/to polish a surface by rubbing it)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Attracted by doctor's circle, desperately want to be involved (5,2)","output":"### Answer: DRAWN TO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Attracted by\n [ DR(abbrev. for \"Doctor\") + O(letter representing a circle) ] **containing**(\u2026 to be involved) **anagram of**(desperately) WANT."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: May leave liberal West African country (4,2,2)","output":"### Answer: FREE TO GO \n ### Explanation: Definition: May leave\n FREE(liberal\/unrestricted) + TOGO(West African country).\nDefn: You \u2026, if you so wish."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Come to feel affection for fellow totally live on broadcast (4,2,4)","output":"### Answer: FALL IN LOVE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Come to feel affection for\n F(abbrev. for \"fellow\") + ALL(totally\/without exception) + **anagram of**(\u2026 broadcast) LIVE ON."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: No reason to refuse theatre award Henry Winkler initially rejected (3,3)","output":"### Answer: WHY NOT \n ### Explanation: Definition: No reason to refuse\n **Reversal of**(\u2026 rejected) [ TONY(short for the Antoinette Perry Award for Excellence in Broadway Theatre) + **1st letters, respectively, of**(\u2026 initially) \"Henry Winkler\", The Fonz ]."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Holiday sailor can take on land, or else have at sea (5,5)","output":"### Answer: SHORE LEAVE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Holiday sailor can take on land\n **Anagram of**(\u2026 at sea) OR ELSE HAVE."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Seriously cunning catching mole (foreign nationalist) (8)","output":"### Answer: SOLEMNLY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Seriously\n SLY(cunning\/wily) **containing**(catching) [ **anagram of**(\u2026 foreign) MOLE + N(abbrev. for \"nationalist\") ]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One year's hedging right behind spring border (8)","output":"### Answer: BOUNDARY \n ### Explanation: Definition: border\n {[ A(article in grammar for one in quantity) + Y(abbrev. for \"year\") ] **containing**(\u2026's hedging) R(abbrev. for \"right\")} **placed after**(behind) BOUND(spring\/leap)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dash briefly in B&Q, uncle's outside being surly (7)","output":"### Answer: BRUSQUE \n ### Explanation: Definition: surly\n \"rush\"(to dash\/to move quickly) **minus ****its last letter**(briefly) **contained in**(in) B&Q + **1st and last letters of**(\u2026's outside) \"uncle\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Breathe old beer covering husband (6)","output":"### Answer: EXHALE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Breathe\n [ EX-(prefix signifying \"old\"\/former) + ALE(a type of beer) ] **containing**(covering) H(abbrev. for \"husband\").\nDefn: \u2026 out."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Screen abridged play with small intermission (6)","output":"### Answer: RECESS \n ### Explanation: Definition: intermission\n **Anagram of**(\u2026 play) \"Screen\" **minus its last letter**(abridged) + **plus**(with) S(abbrev. for \"small\").\nDefn: \u2026\/a temporary suspension of formal proceedings."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Crazy about energy drink (4)","output":"### Answer: MEAD \n ### Explanation: Definition: drink\n MAD(crazy\/insane) **containing**(about) E(symbol for \"energy\" in physics).\nDefn: An alcoholic \u2026 of fermented honey and water.\nAka honey-wine:"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Afterthought to take in concerning old forecast (8)","output":"### Answer: PRESAGED \n ### Explanation: Definition: forecast\n PS(abbrev. for \"postscript\", an afterthought\/an additional remark at the end of a letter or an extra piece of information after the event) **containing**(to take in) RE(with reference to\/concerning) + AGED(old\/matured)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Resistance to backing figure that's bad (6)","output":"### Answer: ROTTEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: bad\n R(symbol for electrical resistance in physics) + **reversal of**(\u2026 backing) TO + TEN(the figure\/number 10)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Answer really loudly and declare business (6)","output":"### Answer: AFFAIR \n ### Explanation: Definition: business\n A(abbrev. for \"answer\", as in \"Q and A\") + FF(abbrev. for \"fortissimo\", a musical direction to play very loudly) **plus**(and) AIR(to declare\/to say openly).\nDefn: One's \u2026\/concern."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Destroy vessel crossing river with unlimited brio (8)","output":"### Answer: VAPORISE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Destroy\n VASE(a vessel\/jar used for holding cut flowers or as an ornament) **containing**(crossing) [ PO(river in Italy) **plus**(with) \"brio\" **minus its 1st and last letters**(unlimited \u2026) ].\nDefn: To \u2026 something by turning it into gas through extreme heat."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Anguish for gent regularly overlooked (4)","output":"### Answer: FRET \n ### Explanation: Definition: Anguish\n \"for gent\" **minus ****its 2nd, 4th and 6th letters**(regularly overlooked)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Close attention by chaps, tons giving affection (10)","output":"### Answer: ENDEARMENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: affection\n END(to close\/to finish) + EAR(attention\/willingness to listen to others) **plus**(by) MEN(chaps\/fellows) + T(abbrev. for \"tons\")."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sign with tip of nettle that one's a stinger (8)","output":"### Answer: SCORPION \n ### Explanation: Definition: a stinger\n SCORPIO(one of the zodiac's twelve signs, symbolised by a stinger) **plus**(with) **1st letter of**(tip of) \"nettle\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lose footing after lager's knocked back (4)","output":"### Answer: SLIP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Lose footing\n **Reversal of**(\u2026's knocked back) PILS(a type of lager beer)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Returning rook feeding young bird (4)","output":"### Answer: WREN \n ### Explanation: Definition: bird\n **Reversal of**(Returning) [ R(abbrev. for \"rook\", in chess notation) **contained in**(feeding) NEW(young\/of recent origin) ]."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Monstrosity of old yard covered in swill (8)","output":"### Answer: GARGOYLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Monstrosity\n [ O(abbrev. for \"old\") + Y(abbrev. for \"yard\", as a unit of distance) ] **contained in**(covered in) GARGLE(to swill\/to wash and rinse, in this case, one's mouth, with liquid)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: So careless breaking dishes (10)","output":"### Answer: CASSEROLES \n ### Explanation: Definition: dishes\n **Anagram of**(\u2026 breaking) SO CARELESS.\nA casserole cooked in a casserole:"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hollow space dry home for animal (4)","output":"### Answer: SETT \n ### Explanation: Definition: home for animal\n \"space\" **minus all its inner letters**(Hollow \u2026) + TT(dry\/abstaining from alcoholic drinks)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Being in the grip of virus, large strain for country (8)","output":"### Answer: BULGARIA \n ### Explanation: Definition: country\n BUG(a virus\/a microorganism harmful to one's health) **containing**(Being in the grip of \u2026) L(abbrev. for \"large\") + ARIA(a strain\/a song, in this case, in an opera)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Organ and a rodent's head eaten by cat (6)","output":"### Answer: LARYNX \n ### Explanation: Definition: Organ\n [A + **1st letter of**(\u2026's head) \"rodent\" ] **contained in**(eaten by) LYNX(one of a species of wild cats).\nDefn: \u2026, specifically your voice box."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Magnify fourth letter by writer (6)","output":"### Answer: DEEPEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Magnify\n DEE(\"D\", fourth letter in the alphabet) **plus**(by) PEN(a writer\/a writing instrument).\nDefn: \u2026 in depth or intensity."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Manner in which to hold garden tool for trimming line of bushes (8)","output":"### Answer: HEDGEROW \n ### Explanation: Definition: line of bushes\n HOW(manner\/the way of doing something) **containing**(in which to hold \u2026) EDGER(a garden tool for trimming the edge of a lawn)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Direct official dismissing two characters at the end (5)","output":"### Answer: REFER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Direct\n \"referee\"(an official in a contest) **minus its last 2 letters**(dismissing two characters at the end).\nDefn: To \u2026\/bring someone's attention to something or somebody."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Small amounts of stuff consumed by rats (11)","output":"### Answer: SMATTERINGS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Small amounts\n MATTER(stuff\/substance) **contained in**(consumed by) SINGS(rats\/informs on, to the authorities, say)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Shrub from area in middle of bed to pull up (8)","output":"### Answer: GARDENIA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Shrub\n **Reversal of**(\u2026 up, in a down clue) [ A(abbrev. for \"area\") + IN + **middle letter of**(middle of) \"bed\" + DRAG(to pull along\/haul) ]."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Biblical tale roughly lad did endless havoc with giant (5,3,7)","output":"### Answer: DAVID AND GOLIATH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Biblical tale\n **Anagram of**(roughly) [LAD DID + \"havoc\" **minus ****its last letter**(endless \u2026) **plus**(with) GIANT].\nAn apt surface for the definition."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Withdrawal of soldiers on exercises, all cut short (6)","output":"### Answer: REPEAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Withdrawal\n RE(abbrev. for the Royal Engineers, soldiers in the British Army) **placed above**(on, in a down clue) PE(abbrev. for \"physical education\", instruction in physical exercise) + \"all\" **minus ****its last letter**(cut short).\nDefn: A formal \u2026\/a revocation of, say, a law."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Height of clipped shot (3)","output":"### Answer: TOR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Height\n **Last letter deleted from**(clipped) \"tore\"(shot\/moved suddenly and rapidly)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Craft ales in set required (9)","output":"### Answer: ESSENTIAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: required\n **Anagram of**(Craft) ALES IN SET."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wrongly understand disadvantages in fog on French road (11)","output":"### Answer: MISCONSTRUE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Wrongly understand\n CONS(disadvantages\/that which serve as arguments against, say, doing something) **contained in**(in) MIST(a fog\/a cloud of tiny droplets or particles suspended in air) **placed above**(on, in a down clue) RUE(French for \"road\")."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Arch villain very old getting topped (9)","output":"### Answer: CURVATURE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Arch\n CUR(a villain\/a rogue) + V(abbrev. for \"very\") + \"mature\"(old\/aged) **minus ****its 1st letter**(getting topped)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fought with editor after others left (8)","output":"### Answer: WRESTLED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fought\n W(abbrev. for \"with\") + { ED(abbrev. for \"editor\") **placed below**(after, in a down clue) [ REST(the others\/the remaining ones) + L(abbrev. for \"left\") ] }."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Test horse going round track before start of race (3,3)","output":"### Answer: DRY RUN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Test\n DUN(a horse with a particular colouring) **containing**(going round) [ RY(abbrev. for \"railway\", which runs on tracks\/rails) **placed above**(before, in a down clue) **1st letter of**(start of) \"race\" ].\nDefn: \u2026\/a rehearsal."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dance in tartan gown (5)","output":"### Answer: TANGO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Dance\n **Hidden in**(in) \"tartan gown\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Break a doctor binds (3)","output":"### Answer: GAP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Break\n A **contained in**(\u2026 binds) GP(abbrev. for \"general practitioner\", a non-specialist doctor)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Day ending often in scandal, where sailors may be found (7)","output":"### Answer: FRIGATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: where sailors may be found\n FRI(abbrev. for \"Friday\") + -GATE(suffix\/ending often used to signify a scandal, which usage started after the US Watergate scandal)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Measure to avoid disorder in South American diplomacy? (4,3)","output":"### Answer: RIOT ACT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Measure to avoid disorder\n RIO(de Janeiro, city in South America) **as a qualifier to** TACT(diplomacy\/discretion)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pose and sit in odd places? This shows I crave attention (4)","output":"### Answer: PSST \n ### Explanation: Definition: This shows I crave attention\n **Respective 1st and 3rd letters of**(in odd places) \"Pose\" **plus**(and) \"sit\".\nDefn: Exclamation to attract attention but surreptitiously."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dull article in Paris Match about leaving Tours (10)","output":"### Answer: UNEXCITING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Dull\n UN(article in French grammar, as can be found in the magazine Paris Match) + [ C(abbrev. for \"circa\"\/about\/around the time of a particular year) **contained in**(\u2026 Tours\/travels round) EXITING(leaving\/getting out of) ]."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mostly try to score before Hearts in tie (6)","output":"### Answer: ATTACH \n ### Explanation: Definition: tie\n \"attack\"(to try to score in, say, a football match) **minus ****its last letter**(Mostly \u2026) **plus**(before) H(abbrev. for \"Hearts\", the suit in a deck of playing cards)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Concerning muscle contractions, getting treated is costly (8)","output":"### Answer: SYSTOLIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: Concerning muscle contractions\n **Anagram of**(treated) IS COSTLY.\nDefn: \u2026 of the heart."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Loudly criticise pudding getting stick down under (9)","output":"### Answer: BOOMERANG \n ### Explanation: Definition: stick down under\n **Homophone of**(Loudly) [ \"boo!\"(exclamation to criticise\/show disapproval) + \"meringue\"(a pudding\/a dessert made from egg whites and sugar) ].\nDefn: \u2026, in Australia, that is."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Phase one neglected in prehistoric period (5)","output":"### Answer: STAGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Phase\n \"one\" **deleted from**(neglected in) \"Stone Age\"(the prehistoric period when weapons and tools were made of stone or organic material)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Chic European wanting second husband (5)","output":"### Answer: SWISH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Chic\n \"Swiss\"(a national from Switzerland in Europe) **minus**(wanting) \"s\"(abbrev. for \"second\" in time notation) + H(abbrev. for \"husband\")."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Coat reapplied with flair in building with eight columns (9)","output":"### Answer: OCTASTYLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: building with eight columns\n **Anagram of**(\u2026 reapplied) COAT **plus**(with) STYLE(flair\/elegance)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Atmosphere in April, possibly a revolutionary month (8)","output":"### Answer: PRAIRIAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: a revolutionary month\n AIR(atmosphere where one breathes and lives in) **contained in**(in) **anagram of**(\u2026, possibly) APRIL.\nDefn: \u2026 in the French Revolutionary calendar."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Policeman carries little British idiots across the pond (6)","output":"### Answer: DWEEBS \n ### Explanation: Definition: idiots across the pond\n DS(abbrev. for \"Detective Sergeant\", a policeman) **containing**(carries) [WEE(little\/tiny) + B(abbrev. for \"British\") ].\nDefn: \u2026, that is, as they are called in the USA."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unreal match, Spain getting hammered (10)","output":"### Answer: PHANTASMIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: Unreal\n **Anagram of**(\u2026 getting hammered) MATCH, SPAIN."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Singer's articles from Buenos Aires (4)","output":"### Answer: ELLA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Singer\n EL,LA(2 articles in Spanish grammar as spoken in Buenos Aires, Argentina).\nAnswer: \u2026 Fitzgerald, jazz singer."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Perhaps one of those who backed Holly in game (7)","output":"### Answer: CRICKET \n ### Explanation: Definition: Perhaps one of those who backed Holly,game\n Double defn: 1st: \u2026, that is, played with Buddy Holly, rock and roll singer."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bar worker's rent cut by politician given latitude (7)","output":"### Answer: TEMPLAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Bar worker\n TEAR(a rent\/a rip) ***contained in***(cut by) [ MP(abbrev. for a Member of Parliament, an elected politician) ***plus***(given) L(abbrev. for \"latitude\") ].\nDefn: Whimsically, \u2026\/a lawyer who has been called to the Bar and lives or has chambers in the Middle or Inner Temple in London."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Male German teacher needing return fare from Italy (7)","output":"### Answer: RISOTTO \n ### Explanation: Definition: fare from Italy\n **Reversal of**(\u2026 needing return) [ OTTO(a somewhat common male German name) + SIR(form of address for a male teacher) ].\nLandmark 1:"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: German district capital is not quite New York (5)","output":"### Answer: GOTHA \n ### Explanation: Definition: German district capital\n \"Gotham\"(informal name for New York) **minus its last letter**(not quite \u2026).\nDefn: Capital city of the German district of the same name.\nLandmark 2:"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Jerk accepting old lady's more badass (7)","output":"### Answer: TOUGHER \n ### Explanation: Definition: more badass\n TUG(a jerk\/a hard or sudden pull) **containing**(accepting) O(abbrev. for \"old\") + HER(third person feminine pronoun, say, for a lady).\nDefn: \u2026\/intimidating.\nLandmark 3:"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Way of paying hotel led by former empire-builders (2,4)","output":"### Answer: IN CASH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Way of paying\n H(letter represented by \"hotel\", in the phonetic alphabet) **placed below**(led by, in a down clue) INCAS(former\/long past empire builders in South America).\nLandmark 5:"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Idiot favouring rubbish principle of The Avengers? (3,3,3)","output":"### Answer: TIT FOR TAT \n ### Explanation: Definition: principle of The Avengers\n TIT(an idiot\/an ineffectual person) + FOR(favouring\/seconding) TAT(rubbish\/cheap and bad articles like clothing or jewellery).\nDefn: \u2026, or \"one bad turn deserves another\".\nLandmark 6:"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hapless chap playing with words, not initially clever (7)","output":"### Answer: CUNNING \n ### Explanation: Definition: clever\n \"chap\" **minus**(\u2026less) \"Hap\" + \"punning\"(playing with words\/making a joke with the meanings of words) **minus ****its 1st letter**(not initially).\nLandmark 7:\nThen: \u2026 and now:"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: New and funny no less, opinion piece is a capital feature (among six others here) (7,6)","output":"### Answer: NELSON\u2019S COLUMN \n ### Explanation: Definition: a capital feature (among six others here)\n N(abbrev. for \"new\") **plus**(and) **anagram of**(funny) NO LESS + COLUMN(a regular article\/piece in a newspaper or magazine, giving the opinion of the writer on a particular subject).\nDefn: \u2026, that is, features in the capital city of London, hidden in the completed crossword grid.\nLandmark 4:"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Football star caught gathering in a shot, miraculously able to save (9)","output":"### Answer: MESSIANIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: miraculously able to save\n [ MESSI(Lionel, Argentinian footballer) + C(abbrev. for \"caught\" in cricket scores) ] **containing**(gathering) **anagram of**(\u2026 shot) IN A.\nDefn: Describing one who is \u2026\/a saviour."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Literary Romantic hero briefly used to be the king (7)","output":"### Answer: WERTHER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Literary Romantic hero\n \"were\"(used to be) **minus ****its last letter**(briefly \u2026) + THE + R(abbrev. for \"Rex\"\/the reigning king).\nDefn: Fictional hero in \"The Sorrows of Young Werther\", written by Goethe, and which influenced the Romantic movement."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Take boat for diving then land (8)","output":"### Answer: SUBTRACT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Take\n SUB(short for \"submarine\", a boat that dives under water) **plus**(then) TRACT(an area of land\/territory).\nDefn: \u2026 (away from)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: More expensive watch secretly returned for maintenance (6)","output":"### Answer: UPKEEP \n ### Explanation: Definition: maintenance\n UP(more expensive\/describing an increase in price) + **reversal of**(\u2026 returned) PEEK(to watch secretly\/furtively)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Shed unfashionable stockings worn by upper class (8)","output":"### Answer: OUTHOUSE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Shed\n OUT(unfashionable\/out of fashion) + HOSE(collective word for stockings, socks and tights) **containing**(worn by) U(letter signifying things upper class).\nPlace to go when modern plumbing isn't available:"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Chat and a fag (6)","output":"### Answer: GASPER \n ### Explanation: Definition: fag\n GAS(talk about trivial matters\/chat) **plus**(and) PER(a\/for each, as in $1 per minute).\nDefn: \u2026\/slang for cigarette, for obvious reasons."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pavarotti for one bought enormous trousers (5)","output":"### Answer: TENOR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Pavarotti for one\n **Hidden in**(\u2026 trousers\/takes) \"bought enormous\".\nDefn: An example of which\/for one, is Luciano Pavarotti.\nHere's Three of them:"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Waterproof loose on our son that's taken back to shop (9)","output":"### Answer: NONPOROUS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Waterproof\n **Anagram of**(loose) ON OUR SON **containing**(that's taken) **last letter of**(back to) \"shop\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: American bangs me entering pub, initially taking offence (12)","output":"### Answer: INFRINGEMENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: offence\n [ FRINGE(front section of one's hair hanging over and cut straight across the forehead, refered to in North America as \"bangs\") + ME ]**contained in**(entering) INN(a pub\/establishment serving drinks mainly) + **1st letter of**(initially) \"taking\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What e.g. 8 took from a child needing protection after school (7,5)","output":"### Answer: ACADEMY AWARD \n ### Explanation: Definition: What e.g. 8 took\n A + WARD(a child needing protection, under the care of a guardian) **placed after**(after) ACADEMY(a school\/an educational institution).\nDefn: What a movie such as\/e.g. \"Parasite\"(answer to 8 down) took\/won."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Doctor can rub oil in both eyes (9)","output":"### Answer: BINOCULAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: in both eyes\n **Anagram of**(Doctor) CAN RUB OIL.\nDefn: For or \u2026."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Small bottle of very acidic beer unfinished (5)","output":"### Answer: PHIAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Small bottle\n PHI(pH1 with the Roman numeral substitution \u2013 in chemistry, the acidity or alkalinity of a solution is measured on the pH scale with pH1 being very acidic) + \"ale\"(a type of beer) **minus ****its last letter**(unfinished)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Touching a thousand fish repelled man unloading boat (6)","output":"### Answer: DOCKER \n ### Explanation: Definition: man unloading boat\n **Reversal of**(\u2026 repelled) [ RE(with reference to\/touching on) + K(symbol for \"a thousand\" from the Greek \"kilo\") + COD(a large food fish) ].\nWhat he was before he was the Don:"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old Indian spinner bats ten, following the order (8)","output":"### Answer: OBEDIENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: following the order\n O(abbrev. for \"old\") + BEDI(Bishan Singh, former Indian cricketer who was a spin bowler) + **anagram of**(bats) TEN.\nDefn: \u2026 or orders."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stick jug by sink after emptying it (6)","output":"### Answer: SKEWER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Stick\n EWER(jug with a wide mouth) **placed after**(by) \"sink\" **minus all its inner letters**(after emptying it)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Logical engineers like 1D (8)","output":"### Answer: REASONED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Logical\n RE(abbrev. for the Royal Engineers) + AS(like\/similar to, as used in similes) + ONE(the number 1) + D(abbrev. for \"down\")."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Charming debate held in silence (6)","output":"### Answer: SMOOTH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Charming\n MOOT(a debate or discussion of a hypothetical case as an academic activity) **contained in**(held in) SH!(exclamation demanding silence).\nDefn: \u2026\/suave."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Scientific study every NATO battalion keeps up (6)","output":"### Answer: BOTANY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Scientific study\n **Hidden in**(\u2026 keeps) **reversal of**(\u2026 up, in a down clue) \"every NATO battalion\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Current wanted for cultivation of arid region? (3,6)","output":"### Answer: RIO GRANDE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Current wanted for cultivation of arid region\n \"i\"(symbol for electric current in physics) **deleted from**(wanted for\/found wanting in) **anagram of**(cultivation of) \"arid region\".\nAnswer: \u2026, a river in southwestern USA and northern Mexico that flows through arid and semi-arid land."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Blockbuster about Chinese locksmith with gold filling (6,6)","output":"### Answer: CASINO ROYALE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Blockbuster\n CA(abbrev. for \"circa\"\/about\/around the time of a particular year) + SINO-(prefix denoting something Chinese\/related to China) YALE(Linus Jr., inventor of the pin tumbler lock and co-founder of the Yale Lock Manufacturing Company) **containing**(with \u2026 filling) OR(the colour gold in heraldry).\nDefn: \u2026 movie \u2026 take your pick:"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One article chamber pot contains, something next to stool? (5)","output":"### Answer: PIANO \n ### Explanation: Definition: something next to stool\n [ I(Roman numeral for \"one\") + AN(article in grammar) ] **contained in**(\u2026 contains) PO(informal term for a chamber pot).\nDefn: \u2026\/that which is next to the stool the pianist sits on."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Former priest learning Dutch did survey (8)","output":"### Answer: EXPLORED \n ### Explanation: Definition: did survey\n EX-(prefix indicating former\/once) + P(abbrev. for \"priest\") + LORE(body of knowledge held by a particular group of people, passed down from generation to generation) + D(abbrev. for \"Dutch\")."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Soldier's the one chasing English sucker (8)","output":"### Answer: PARASITE \n ### Explanation: Definition: sucker\n PARA(short for \"paratrooper\", a soldier dropped by parachute into battle)'S ***plus***(\u2026 chasing\/going after) IT(pronoun for something previously mentioned\/the one) + E(abbrev. for \"English\")."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Impossible to get wife to stop drifting near bus lane (12)","output":"### Answer: UNANSWERABLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Impossible to get\n W(abbrev. for \"wife\") **contained in**(to stop) **anagram of**(drifting) NEAR BUS LANE.\nDefn: \u2026\/unsolvable."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Brussels rent that is reduced for playwright (9)","output":"### Answer: EURIPIDES \n ### Explanation: Definition: playwright\n EU(to which Brussels, its de facto capital, has become synonymous) + RIP(a rent\/tear) + \"id est\"(ie.\/that is) **minus ****its last letter**(reduced).\nDefn: \u2026 of Ancient Greece."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Island to rule out bachelor parties (8)","output":"### Answer: BARBADOS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Island\n BAR(to rule out\/to exclude) + BA(one with a Bachelor of Arts degree, who can be refered to as a \"Bachelor\") + DOS(plural of \"do\"\/a party\/social function)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Local salt on English shellfish (8)","output":"### Answer: BARNACLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: shellfish\n BAR(a pub, and one that is near one's home or place of work is a \"local\") + NACL(chemical formula for the salt, sodium chloride, used as a table salt) + E(abbrev. for \"English\").\nThey can form an attachment to another creature:"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wolf one wild feral creature (6)","output":"### Answer: PIGEON \n ### Explanation: Definition: feral creature\n PIG(to wolf\/to devour food greedily\/to gorge oneself with food) + **anagram of**(\u2026 wild) ONE.\nDefn: \u2026, as opposed to the domesticated variety.\nThat's them sitting and s*itting:"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mountain-climbing fashion-conscious youth dressed in silver, perhaps (6)","output":"### Answer: PLATED \n ### Explanation: Definition: dressed in silver, perhaps\n **Reversal of**(\u2026-climbing, in a down clue) ALP(a high snow-capped mountain) + TED(short for \"teddy boy\"\/a fashion-conscious youth in the 1950s and 1960s).\nDefn: Dressed\/covered with a thin layer of, say\/perhaps, silver."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sailors on bench both losing weight, getting thin fare (5)","output":"### Answer: CREPE \n ### Explanation: Definition: thin fare\n [ \"crew\"(sailor manning a watercraft) **placed above**(on, in a down clue) \"pew\"(a long bench in a church to seat the congregation) ] **minus from both words**(both losing) \"w\"(abbrev. for \"weight\")."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Firm support for unoriginal performer? (6)","output":"### Answer: COPIER \n ### Explanation: Definition: unoriginal performer\n CO(abbrev. for \"company\", a commercial firm) + PIER(a solid support designed to sustain vertical pressure)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Salesperson by a street offering food (6)","output":"### Answer: REPAST \n ### Explanation: Definition: food\n REP(short for a sales representative\/salesperson) **plus**(by) A + ST(abbrev. for \"street\")."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Issue new item (4)","output":"### Answer: EMIT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Issue\n **Anagram of**(new) ITEM.\nDefn: \u2026\/to produce and discharge."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Not giving up with prettiness destroyed (10)","output":"### Answer: PERSISTENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Not giving up\n **Anagram of**(\u2026 destroyed) PRETTINESS."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fuss when sibling loses a right (6)","output":"### Answer: BOTHER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fuss\n \"brother\"(a male sibling) **minus one of its**(loses a) \"r\"(abbrev. for \"right\")."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What may be worn \u2014 more short robes, properly tailored (8)","output":"### Answer: SOMBRERO \n ### Explanation: Definition: What may be worn\n **Anagram of**(\u2026, properly tailored) [\"more\" **minus ****its last letter**(short) + ROBES]."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Downcast journalists probing exploit (9)","output":"### Answer: DEPRESSED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Downcast\n PRESS(journalists\/news reporters, collectively) **contained in**(probing) DEED(an exploit\/a feat)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A male cat gets something tiny (4)","output":"### Answer: ATOM \n ### Explanation: Definition: something tiny\n A + TOM(a male cat)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Announcement of importance? Hang about (4)","output":"### Answer: WAIT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Hang about\n **Homophone of**(Announcement of) \"weight\"(importance\/significance)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stars offering old jokes on island (9)","output":"### Answer: CAPRICORN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Stars\n CORN(old jokes\/humour considered old-fashioned and trite) **placed after**(on) CAPRI(a resort island in Italy).\nAnswer: The sign in the zodiac, originating from the constellation of stars, the Capricornus."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The fellow left to go down to island capital (8)","output":"### Answer: HELSINKI \n ### Explanation: Definition: capital\n HE(third-person pronoun for that fellow) + L(abbrev. for \"left\") + SINK(to go down\/drop to a lower level) + I(abbrev. for \"island\").\nDefn: \u2026 city of Finland."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Alter church, leading to endless wrath (6)","output":"### Answer: CHANGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Alter\n CH(abbrev. for \"church\") **plus**(leading to) \"anger\"(wrath\/fury) **minus ****its last letter**(endless \u2026)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unusually decent boss? Less than ideal (6,4)","output":"### Answer: SECOND BEST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Less than ideal\n **Anagram of**(Unusually) DECENT BOSS."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: For foot one needs a doctor (4)","output":"### Answer: IAMB \n ### Explanation: Definition: foot\n I(Roman numeral for \"one\") **plus**(needs) A + MB(abbrev. for \"Medicinae Baccalaureus\", translated as Bachelor of Medicine, a doctor's degree).\nAnswer: \u2026 or iambus\/a foot or unit of sound in poetry."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tot comes with me to river when it's hot? (6)","output":"### Answer: SUMMER \n ### Explanation: Definition: when it's hot\n SUM(to tot\/to add up) **plus**(comes with) ME **plus**(to) R(abbrev. for \"river\")."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Union Jack, maybe, on vessel (6)","output":"### Answer: FLAGON \n ### Explanation: Definition: vessel\n FLAG(an example of which\/maybe is the Union Jack, effectively the national flag of the UK) + ON."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Arrive carrying cooking utensil and dish (7)","output":"### Answer: COMPOTE \n ### Explanation: Definition: dish\n COME(to arrive\/reach one's destination) **containing**(carrying) POT(a rounded or cylindrical container\/utensil used in cooking)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Quality of note which cricketers need (5)","output":"### Answer: PITCH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Quality of note,which cricketers need\n Double defn: 1st: \u2026, a musical note, that is; and 2nd: The ground \u2026 to play their game on."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Domains filling English politicians with anger (7)","output":"### Answer: EMPIRES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Domains\n [ E(abbrev. for \"English\") + MPS(abbrev. for Members of Parliaments, elected politicians) ] **containing**(filling \u2026 with) IRE(anger\/rage)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Imagine not beginning tricky puzzle (6)","output":"### Answer: ENIGMA \n ### Explanation: Definition: puzzle\n **Anagram of**(\u2026 tricky) [\"Imagine\" **minus ****its 1st letter**(not beginning)]."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A national organisation associated with one cold region or another (9)","output":"### Answer: ANTARCTIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: another\n A + NT(abbrev. for the National Trust, an organisation for the preservation of heritage) **plus**(associated with) ARCTIC(the one cold region around the North Pole).\nDefn: \u2026, cold region, that is."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pet with brown tail mostly missing \u2014 odd (7)","output":"### Answer: TANTRUM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Pet\n TAN(a brown or yellowish-brown colour) + \"tail\" **minus ****3 out of its 4 letters**(mostly missing) + RUM(odd\/strange).\nDefn: \u2026\/an outburst of bad temper."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Angry old lover, an underground worker who wants questions answered? (5-8)","output":"### Answer: CROSS-EXAMINER \n ### Explanation: Definition: who wants questions answered?\n CROSS(angry\/furious \u2013 there's a lot of anger in this puzzle?) + EX(an old lover\/a party to a romantic relationship that's over) + [A MINER](an underground worker, in a mine, specifically)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Reason for cancelling outdoor event? Minor star is upset (9)","output":"### Answer: RAINSTORM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Reason for cancelling outdoor event\n **Anagram of**(\u2026 is upset) MINOR STAR.\n\u2026 or suspended at the least:"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Little person not getting on \u2014 we express sadness (7)","output":"### Answer: WEEPERS \n ### Explanation: Definition: we express sadness\n WEE(little\/small) + \"person\" **minus**(not getting) \"on\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Article about musical event (7)","output":"### Answer: RECITAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: musical event\n **Anagram of**(\u2026 about) ARTICLE."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Almost all of a military group in a systematic plan for living (7)","output":"### Answer: REGIMEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: a systematic plan for living\n \"regiment\"(a military group\/a unit in the armed forces) **minus ****its last letter**(Almost all of \u2026)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Nervous, performing with advantage (2,4)","output":"### Answer: ON EDGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Nervous\n ON(performing\/doing a turn on stage, as in \"Who's on tonight at the Apollo Theatre?\") **plus**(with) EDGE(an advantage\/a factor putting one ahead of the competition)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A player going down the side of the field is inspiring (5)","output":"### Answer: AWING \n ### Explanation: Definition: inspiring\n A + WING(position in a team of one\/a player going down the side of the field in a match of, say, football or rugby).\nDefn: \u2026 with awe."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Musical group disheartened about having cathartic effect (9)","output":"### Answer: PURGATIVE \n ### Explanation: Definition: having cathartic effect\n **Reversal of**(\u2026 about) [ EVITA(the musical by Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice) + \"group\" **minus ****its middle letter**(disheartened) ]."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: When to fence in trembling tree? (5)","output":"### Answer: ASPEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: trembling tree\n AS(when\/at that moment, as in \"close the door as you leave) + PEN(to fence\/to enclose in, say, a pen).\nDefn: A tree species with leaves that tremble in even slight breezes."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Become ready to eat pie prepared in service (5)","output":"### Answer: RIPEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Become ready to eat\n **Anagram of**(\u2026 prepared) PIE **contained in**(in) RN(abbrev. for the Royal Navy, a service in the British military)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unstable minerals, with oxygen, return to standard state (9)","output":"### Answer: NORMALISE \n ### Explanation: Definition: return to standard state\n **Anagram of**(Unstable) [MINERALS **plus**(with) O(symbol for the chemical element, oxygen) ]."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Care for little flower's endless shoot (7)","output":"### Answer: TENDRIL \n ### Explanation: Definition: shoot\n TEND(to care for\/to look after) + \"rill\"(a little flower\/a small stream that, obviously, flows) **minus ****its last letter**(\u2026's endless)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Spectral maiden on horse in Xmas show (7)","output":"### Answer: PHANTOM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Spectral\n M(abbrev. for \"maiden\", in cricket scores) **placed after**(on) [ H(abbrev. for for \"heroin\" or \"horse\" in drug slang) **contained in**(in) PANTO(short for \"pantomime\", a show traditionally performed at Xmas) ]."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Picture defeat by France (5)","output":"### Answer: FLICK \n ### Explanation: Definition: Picture\n LICK(to defeat decisively\/to outclass) **placed after**(by) F(International Vehicle Registration code for \"France\").\nDefn: Informal term for a \u2026\/a cinema film."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Allow some crocodile tears (3)","output":"### Answer: LET \n ### Explanation: Definition: Allow\n **Hidden in**(some) \"crocodile tears\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Strange passion returning in midweek? (5)","output":"### Answer: EERIE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Strange\n **Reversal of**(\u2026 returning) IRE(a passion\/a strong emotion, in this case, of anger) **contained in**(in) **middle 2 letters of**(mid) \"week\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Animal doctor near frisky warhorse (7)","output":"### Answer: VETERAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: warhorse\n VET(short for \"veterinarian\", a doctor treating animals) + **anagram of**(\u2026 frisky) NEAR.\nDefn: \u2026\/a soldier who has fought in many campaigns."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Economical water supplier to contact on phone (7)","output":"### Answer: SPARING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Economical\n SPA(a spring that supplies mineral-rich water) + RING(to contact another on the phone)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What held up Greek fleet en route to Troy? (6,3)","output":"### Answer: AEGEAN SEA \n ### Explanation: Definition: What held up Greek fleet en route to Troy\n Cryptic defn: What the Greek fleet of warships floated on\/was held up by, on the way to attack Troy."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Daughter taking bucket down to sink (5)","output":"### Answer: DRAIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: sink\n D(abbrev. for \"daughter\") **plus**(taking) RAIN(in this case, heavily\/to bucket down).\nDefn: \u2026\/to reduce to a lower level, say, of amount, as in \"this will drain the respect they have for you\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Communicate with influence (5)","output":"### Answer: REACH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Communicate with,influence\n Double defn: 1st: To get in touch with; and 2nd: \u2026\/to succeed in having an effect on."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Intensity in United game almost exploded (9)","output":"### Answer: MAGNITUDE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Intensity\n **Anagram of**(\u2026 exploded) [UNITED + \"game\" **minus ****its last letter**(almost) ]."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Impressionist perhaps with it, given drink before dinner (8)","output":"### Answer: APERITIF \n ### Explanation: Definition: drink before dinner\n APER(what you might\/perhaps call an impressionist\/one who acts out an imitation of\/apes somebody) **plus**(with) IT + IF(given that\/supposing, as in \"Given that he wins, what would you do?\")."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old head saw parent off (6)","output":"### Answer: TREPAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Old head saw\n **Anagram of**(\u2026 off) PARENT.\nIn the old days, these were used:\nif you needed a hole in your head:"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lowly man ruined, ending in gutter (10)","output":"### Answer: PAWNBROKER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Lowly man ruined, ending in gutter\n PAWN(a lowly man\/one with low status and used by others) + BROKE(ruined\/bankrupt) + **last letter of**(ending in) \"gutter\".\nDefn: A cryptic definition, I presume, with the solution being the one who did the ruining of others."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Extraordinary gesture (6)","output":"### Answer: SIGNAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Extraordinary,gesture\n Double defn: 1st: \u2026\/outstanding; and 2nd: \u2026 to convey information."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Salesperson in ground cited as feeble (8)","output":"### Answer: DECREPIT \n ### Explanation: Definition: feeble\n REP(short for a sales representative\/salesperson) **contained in**(in) **anagram of**(ground) CITED."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Convict recalled having a field day? (4)","output":"### Answer: GALA \n ### Explanation: Definition: field day\n **Reversal of**(\u2026 recalled) LAG(a convict) **plus**(having) A.\nDefn: \u2026\/a festive occasion, in this case, held outdoors."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Second line in menacing playwright's sharp piece (8)","output":"### Answer: SPLINTER \n ### Explanation: Definition: sharp piece\n S(abbrev. for \"second\" in time notation) + [ L(abbrev. for \"line\") **contained in**(in) PINTER(Harold, playwright, some of whose works are described as \"comedy of menace\") ]."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Italian monk in Le Mans making move (6)","output":"### Answer: ANSELM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Italian monk\n **Anagram of**(\u2026 making move) LE MANS.\nAnswer: Italian monk who once held the office of the Archbishop of Canterbury."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lady Ogilvy perhaps drinking one's port (10)","output":"### Answer: ALEXANDRIA \n ### Explanation: Definition: port\n ALEXANDRA(possibly\/perhaps, the Princess titled The Honourable Lady Ogilvy, a member of the British royal family) **containing**(drinking) I(Roman numeral for \"one\").\nDefn: \u2026 in Egypt."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Elected, given ample time for U-turn as necessary? (8)","output":"### Answer: INTEGRAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: necessary\n IN(elected\/voted in) **plus**(given) **reversal of**(\u2026 for U-turn) [ LARGE(ample\/substantial) + T(abbrev. for \"time\") ].\nDefn: \u2026 to make a whole."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One's honour in life less if solitary (8)","output":"### Answer: LONESOME \n ### Explanation: Definition: solitary\n [ ONE'S + OM(abbrev. for the \"Order of Merit\", a conferred award\/honour) ] **contained in**(in) \"life\" **minus**(less) \"if\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Odd couple from Eire seen with motor mechanic (8)","output":"### Answer: ENGINEER \n ### Explanation: Definition: mechanic\n **1st and 3rd letters of**(Odd couple from) \"Eire\" **placed below**(seen with) ENGINE(a motor\/a machine converting one form of energy into motion)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sex and the City \u2014 it has one staying up (6)","output":"### Answer: VIAGRA \n ### Explanation: Definition: it has one staying up\n VI(Roman numeral for \"six\", represented by the English prefix \"sex-\", as in \"sexcentenary\") **plus**(*and*) AGRA(the city in N. India \u2013 where many go to see one of man's \u2013 or one man's \u2013 greatest erection for a favourite wife).\nDefn: \u2026, ie. that which lets one stay up\/erect."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Like cormorant? Not well groomed (6)","output":"### Answer: SHAGGY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Not well groomed\n SHAG(a cormorant, any of a family of species of aquatic birds) \u2013GY(suffix denoting \"like\"\/having the same characteristics).\n\u2026 naturally."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ancient high-flier involved in crash (6)","output":"### Answer: ICARUS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Ancient high-flier involved in crash\n Cryptic defn: In Greek mythology, the one who flew too close to the sun, which melted the wax holding his artificial wings, causing him to crash into the sea."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Long article by Ernesto Guevara? (4)","output":"### Answer: ACHE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Long\n A(an article in grammar) **plus**(by) CHE(nickname of Ernesto Guevara, Argentinian revolutionary).\nDefn: \u2026\/yearn for."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: On trial for breaking with my routine (9)","output":"### Answer: NORMALITY \n ### Explanation: Definition: routine\n **Anagram of**(\u2026 for breaking \u2026) [ON TRIAL **plus**(with) MY]."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Look back on grabbing Simpson's drink (5)","output":"### Answer: RIOJA \n ### Explanation: Definition: drink\n **Reversal of**(\u2026 back on) AIR(the look\/appearance given by someone or something) **containing**(grabbing) OJ(initials of Orenthal James Simpson, former American footballer).\nDefn: \u2026, specifically from the vineyards in the Spanish region of the same name:\nAnd OJ also stands for another drink, orange juice."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pound gets eastern family food dish (7)","output":"### Answer: RAMEKIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: food dish\n RAM(to pound\/hit hard) **plus**(gets) E(abbrev. for \"Eastern\") + KIN(family\/relatives).\nDefn: A small bowl:"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Insert rock star Robert's introduction (7)","output":"### Answer: IMPLANT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Insert\n [I'M PLANT](as in:\n\u2026 \"I'm Plant, Robert Plant, rock star\" and lead singer of Led Zeppelin)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Take unfair advantage of a private draw organised by Kelvin? (4,4)","output":"### Answer: PULL RANK \n ### Explanation: Definition: Take unfair advantage of a private\n PULL(to draw\/to exert a force that causes movement) + RAN(organised\/managed by) K(symbol for the kelvin, the unit of temperature in the Kelvin temperature scale).\nDefn: To take advantage of one's superior position\/rank over another, possibly a lowly private in the military."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Accounting category for rigged prices (5,5)","output":"### Answer: FIXED COSTS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Accounting category\n FIXED(rigged\/managed an outcome by fraudulent or underhand means) + COSTS(the prices paid for goods or services)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Salmon's head right in net \u2014 pull out (7)","output":"### Answer: SCRATCH \n ### Explanation: Definition: pull out\n **1st letter of**(\u2026's head) \"Salmon\" + [ R(abbrev. for \"right\") **contained in**(in) CATCH(to net\/to capture using, well, a net) ].\nDefn: \u2026 of an event, such as a race."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Until a pianist covers Fish (7)","output":"### Answer: TILAPIA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fish\n **Hidden in**(\u2026 covers) \"Until a pianist\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: At risk of death and really annoyed! (10)","output":"### Answer: ENDANGERED \n ### Explanation: Definition: At risk\n END(the cessation\/death of something) **plus**(and) ANGERED(really\/totally annoyed\/irritated)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Group of doctors show off info about worthy folk (4,3)","output":"### Answer: WHO\u2019S WHO \n ### Explanation: Definition: info about worthy folk\n WHO(abbrev. for the World Health Organisation, the group responsible for international public health under the UN) + **anagram of**(\u2026 off) SHOW."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Island has significant area bordering sea, we hear (7)","output":"### Answer: MAJORCA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Island\n [ MAJOR(significant\/important) + A(abbrev. for \"area\") ] **containing**(bordering) \"C\"(pronounced\/we hear, the same as \"sea\") ."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Press endlessly saying things without meaning them (4)","output":"### Answer: IRON \n ### Explanation: Definition: Press\n \"irony\"(saying things that you don't really mean) **minus ****its last letter**(endlessly \u2026).\nDefn: \u2026 clothes, say."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ultimately, Aquinas and Catholics disseminated such philosophy? (10)","output":"### Answer: SCHOLASTIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: such philosophy\n **Last letter of**(Ultimately) \"Aquinas\" **plus**(and) **anagram of**(\u2026 disseminated) CATHOLICS."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Heartless decrees by working president once (6)","output":"### Answer: WILSON \n ### Explanation: Definition: president once\n \"wills\"(decrees\/specific instructions) **minus its middle letter**(Heartless \u2026) **plus**(by) ON(working).\nDefn: \u2026 in the USA."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Everton and Derby's first team clothes not changed (8)","output":"### Answer: UNEDITED \n ### Explanation: Definition: not changed\n [**1st letter of**(\u2026's first) \"Everton\" and \"Derby\"] **contained in**(\u2026 clothes) UNITED(as used in the names of teams, like Manchester United)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Relative somewhere in the UK swallows indefinite number of drinks (5,4)","output":"### Answer: BROWN ALES \n ### Explanation: Definition: drinks\n BRO(short for \"brother\", a relative) + WALES(part of\/somewhere in the UK) **containing**(swallows) N(in maths, symbol for an indefinite number)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Always entertained by bishop, say, of old civilisation (5)","output":"### Answer: MAYAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: old civilisation\n AY(a poetic form of \"always\") **contained in**(entertained by) MAN(a piece on a chess board, in this case\/say, the bishop)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Son given either end of tasty pork pie (5)","output":"### Answer: STORY \n ### Explanation: Definition: pork pie\n S(abbrev. for \"son\") **plus**(given) (T OR Y)[either the front end or back end of \"tasty\").\nDefn: A lie, or \u2026 in rhyming slang."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Birds with wit circling good spot to the west (4,5)","output":"### Answer: WILD GEESE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Birds\n WILDE(Oscar, the Irish wit) **containing**(circling) [ G(abbrev. for \"good\") + **reversal of**(\u2026 to the west, in an across clue) SEE(to spot\/to look)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Large drop drunk by that guy, one capital port (8)","output":"### Answer: HELSINKI \n ### Explanation: Definition: capital port\n [L(abbrev. for \"large\") + SINK(to drop\/come to a lower level)] **contained in**(drunk by) [ HE(that guy) + I(Roman numeral for \"one\") ]."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Keeping poles apart, joined European country (6)","output":"### Answer: SWEDEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: country\n SN(abbrev. for \"south\" and \"north\" poles) **contained in**(Keeping \u2026 apart \u2026) [WED(joined in matrimony) + E(abbrev. for \"European\") ]."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Patience, say, I manage to keep in company, getting arm twisted (5,5)","output":"### Answer: COMIC OPERA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Patience, say\n [ I + COPE(to manage\/to deal with effectively)] **contained in**(to keep in) [ CO(abbrev. for \"company\") **plus**(getting) **anagram of**(\u2026 twisted) ARM.\nDefn: An example of which\/say is \"Patience\", by Gilbert and Sullivan."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: eg 1st of December, 2nd of May, 6th of August, 4th of June? (4)","output":"### Answer: DATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: eg 1st of December, 2nd of May, 6th of August, 4th of June\n **1st letter of**(1st of) \"December\" + **2nd letter of**(2nd of) \"May\" + **6th letter of** (6th of) \"August\" + **4th letter of** (4th of) \"June\".\nDefn: Of which examples are\/\u2026"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Work hard in fact to return formal attire (3,4)","output":"### Answer: TOP HATS \n ### Explanation: Definition: formal attire\n [OP(abbrev. for \"opus\", a literary or musical work) + H(abbrev. for \"hard\") ] **contained in**(in) **reversal of**(\u2026 to return) STAT(short for \"statistic\"\/a fact)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Release a lot of mendacious fascists (7)","output":"### Answer: UNTRUSS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Release\n \"untrue\"(mendacious\/lying) **minus ****its last letter**(a lot of \u2026) SS(Schutzstaffel, the fascist organisation of the Nazi Party."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Runner has day for run, showing more endurance (7)","output":"### Answer: HARDIER \n ### Explanation: Definition: showing more endurance\n \"harrier\"(a cross-country runner) **with** \"d\"(abbrev. for \"day\") **replacing**(has \u2026 for) \"r\"(abbrev. for \"run\" in cricket scores)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Channel goes wrong about rating given to film (5)","output":"### Answer: SINUS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Channel\n SINS(goes wrong\/commits an immoral act) **containing**(about) U(one of the ratings in the classification system of film).\nDefn: \u2026 in the body."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pavlova with hot topping getting huge praise (7)","output":"### Answer: HOSANNA \n ### Explanation: Definition: praise\n ANNA(Pavlova, famed ballerina) **placed below**(with \u2026 topping, in a down clue) [ H(abbrev. for \"hot\") **plus**(getting) OS(abbrev. for \"outsize\"\/huge) ]."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Oblivious to the world, like flipping British PM (6)","output":"### Answer: ASLEEP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Oblivious to the world\n AS(like\/having similar characteristics) **reversal of**(flipping) PEEL(once British Prime Minister)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wilful child mostly climbing, say, around home (9)","output":"### Answer: OBSTINATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Wilful\n **Reversal of**(\u2026 climbing, in a down clue) \"boy\"(child) **minus ****its last letter**(mostly) + STATE(to say\/to declare) ] **containing**(around) IN(at home, as in \"I'm home if you want to visit\")."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Caught that chap about to bring up adult fantasy (7)","output":"### Answer: CHIMERA \n ### Explanation: Definition: fantasy\n C(abbrev. for \"caught\" in cricket scores) + HIM(that chap) + **reversal of**(\u2026 to bring up, in a down clue) RE(about\/with reference to) + A(abbrev. for \"adult\")."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One cannot stand Bill going round hideous dive drunk (with 10 members of 9 to be found in the grid) (1,5,7)","output":"### Answer: A HOUSE DIVIDED \n ### Explanation: Definition: One cannot stand\n AD(abbrev. for \"advertisement\", of which a bill\/poster is an example) **containing**(going round) **anagram of**(\u2026 drunk) HIDEOUS DIVE.\nDefn: From Abraham Lincoln's \"House Divided\" speech."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Extremely devious setter's rising in value \u2014 Logodaedalus, say (9)","output":"### Answer: WORDSMITH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Logodaedalus, say\n [ **1st and last letters of**(Extremely) \"devious\" + **reversal of**(\u2026's rising) I'M(setter is\/I am, with the setter using the self-referential pronoun)] **contained in**(in) WORTH(value\/merit).\nDefn: An example of which\/say, is Logodaedalus, a crossword setter."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Italian who drew one game after another (7)","output":"### Answer: TIEPOLO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Italian who drew\n POLO(a game\/sport played on horseback) **placed under**(\u2026 after another, in a down clue) TIE(a game\/sports match between individuals or teams in a knock-out competition)\nAnswer: Giovanni Battista \u2026, an Italian artist."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pooh-pooh bust said to interrupt boom, perhaps (7)","output":"### Answer: DISDAIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Pooh-pooh\n **Anagram of**(bust) SAID **contained in**(to interrupt) DIN(a noise, an example of which\/perhaps is Boom!)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Covers of special celeb mag keep mum in a spin (7)","output":"### Answer: SHEATHS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Covers\n S(abbrev. for \"special\") + HEAT(an English entertainment magazine\/a celeb mag) + **reversal of**(\u2026 in a spin) SH!(keep mum\/quiet)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Like hikers taking fellow as well towards the top (2,4)","output":"### Answer: ON FOOT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Like hikers\n ON(taking, as in \"are you on medication?\") + F(abbrev. for \"fellow\") + **reversal of**(\u2026 towards the top, in a down clue) TOO(as well\/also)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Engineers fail to turn down supplier (5)","output":"### Answer: EIDER \n ### Explanation: Definition: down supplier\n **Reversal of**(\u2026 to turn) [ RE(abbrev. for the Royal Engineers in the British military) + DIE(to fail\/to cease of work, as with machinery) ].\nDefn: \u2026, duck feathers, that is."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Leo possibly seeing good chieftains travelling around end of Suez (4,2,3,6)","output":"### Answer: SIGN OF THE ZODIAC \n ### Explanation: Definition: Leo possibly\n **Anagram of**(\u2026 travelling) GOOD CHIEFTAINS **containing**(around) **last letter of**(end of) \"Suez\".\nDefn: Of which an example\/possibly is \u2026."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Owning commercial US college can gratify leader (9)","output":"### Answer: ADMITTING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Owning\n AD(short for \"advertisement\", a commercial\/promotional material) + MIT(abbrev. for Massachusetts Institute of Technology, a US college) + TIN(can\/a cylindrical container of metal) + **1st letter of**(\u2026 leader) \"gratify\".\nDefn: \u2026\/acknowledging responsibility for."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Quickly visit Post Office to get code for debit card (3,2)","output":"### Answer: POP IN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Quickly visit\n PO(abbrev. for \"Post Office\") **plus**(to get) PIN(abbrev. for \"personal identification number\", a code used to validate a debit card transaction)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Group support for an unfortunate event (7)","output":"### Answer: SETBACK \n ### Explanation: Definition: an unfortunate event\n SET(a group of similar items) + BACK(to support\/to champion)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Agent and setter returning alternative ruler (7)","output":"### Answer: EMPEROR \n ### Explanation: Definition: ruler\n **Reversal of**(\u2026 returning) [ REP(short for \"representative\", an agent) **plus**(and) ME(the setter of this crossword using the self-referential pronoun) ] + OR(introducing an alternative\/giving a choice)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Consume repasts regularly (3)","output":"### Answer: EAT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Consume\n **2nd, 4th and 6th letters of**(\u2026 regularly) \"repasts\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A fellow repeatedly found in home is most uncool (7)","output":"### Answer: NAFFEST \n ### Explanation: Definition: most uncool\n A + FF(2x\/repeatedly, abbrev. for \"fellow\") **contained in**(found in) NEST(a home\/a place where, say, an insect breeds or shelters).\nDefn: \u2026\/lacking taste or style."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Employee in rowdy taverns (7)","output":"### Answer: SERVANT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Employee\n **Anagram of**(rowdy) TAVERNS."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Celebration of son getting back ending finally after one (7)","output":"### Answer: SHINDIG \n ### Explanation: Definition: Celebration\n S(abbrev. for \"son\") **plus**(getting) HIND(situated at the back part of the body) + [ **last letter of**(\u2026 finally) \"ending\" **placed after**(after) I(Roman numeral for \"one\") ].\nDefn: A lively party as a celebration."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Revolting jerk taking part in genuine performance (7)","output":"### Answer: RECITAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: performance\n **Reversal of**(Revolting) TIC(a jerk\/a spasm) **contained in**(taking part in) REAL(genuine\/authentic)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Eggs in line for auditor (3)","output":"### Answer: ROE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Eggs\n **Homophone of**(\u2026 for auditor) \"row\"(a line\/a number of things arranged in a line)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Drink sprayed initially in part of eye (7)","output":"### Answer: RETSINA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Drink\n **1st letter of**(\u2026 initially) \"sprayed\" **contained in**(in) RETINA(that part of the eye consisting of a layer of light-sensitive cells).\nDefn: \u2026, specifically a Greek wine flavoured with resin."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Section of choir on outing showing resolve (4,3)","output":"### Answer: IRON OUT \n ### Explanation: Definition: resolve\n **Hidden in**(Section of) \"choir on outing\".\nDefn: To \u2026\/to come to a settlement."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fruit left for gem of a girl (5)","output":"### Answer: PEARL \n ### Explanation: Definition: gem,a girl\n PEAR(a fruit) + L(abbrev. for \"left\"). Double defn: 1st: A spherical mass formed within the shell of a pearl oyster, prized as a gem; and 2nd: A girl's name."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Outlaw party involving especially long time with Duke (9)","output":"### Answer: DESPERADO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Outlaw\n DO(a party\/a social function) **containing**(involving) [ ESP(abbrev. for \"especially\") + ERA(a long time period) **plus**(with) D(abbrev. for \"Duke\") ]."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dame's new fantasy sadly amounts to nothing (5,5,5)","output":"### Answer: SWEET FANNY ADAMS \n ### Explanation: Definition: nothing\n **Anagram of**(\u2026 sadly) DAME'S NEW FANTASY."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Spartan's strides to falter and flag (5,3,7)","output":"### Answer: STARS AND STRIPES \n ### Explanation: Definition: flag\n **Anagram of**(\u2026 to falter) SPARTAN'S STRIDES.\nDefn: The US national \u2026."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Reach old woman in boat returning (5)","output":"### Answer: GAMUT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Reach\n **Reversal of**(\u2026 returning) [ MA(informal term for one's mother, an old woman presumably) **contained in**(in) TUG(a powerful boat used to tow and push larger boats or ships) ].\nDefn: \u2026\/extent."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Shock from power failure around end of October (7)","output":"### Answer: OUTRAGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Shock\n OUTAGE(a power failure\/unscheduled shutdown) **containing**(around) **last letter of**(end of) \"October\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Knitter modified knick-knack (7)","output":"### Answer: TRINKET \n ### Explanation: Definition: knick-knack\n **Anagram of**(\u2026 modified) KNITTER."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Young flyers, say, holding adult licences (7)","output":"### Answer: EAGLETS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Young flyers\n EG(abbrev. for \"exempli gratia\"\/for example\/say) **containing**(holding) A(abbrev. for \"adult\") + LETS(allows\/licences \u2013 is the distinction between \"licence\" and \"license\" a thing of the past?)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: In theory working daily (2,5)","output":"### Answer: ON PAPER \n ### Explanation: Definition: In theory\n ON(working\/functioning, as with an electrical appliance, say) + PAPER(an example of which is the daily, a newspaper printed daily)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bring in worker for chief (9)","output":"### Answer: IMPORTANT \n ### Explanation: Definition: chief\n IMPORT(to bring into one's country products bought in another country) + ANT(a social insect, one of whose castes is the worker)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Take drugs, emaciated, drawn, shabby (3-5)","output":"### Answer: DOG-EARED \n ### Explanation: Definition: shabby\n [DO GEAR](take\/use illegal drugs\/gear) + \"emaciated\" **minus all its inner letters **(drawn\/drained from)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: in Paris \u2014 time to find one's correct position (6)","output":"### Answer: ORIENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: to find one's correct position\n O(letter representing 0) **plus**(\u2013\/hyphen) RIEN(as spoken in Paris, French for \"nothing\"\/0) + T(abbrev. for \"time\")."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Make even draw around about 7 (5,2)","output":"### Answer: LEVEL UP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Make even\n **Reversal of**(\u2026 about) PULL(to draw\/to tow) **containing**(about) EVE(answer to 7 down)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: State former President beginning to struggle (7)","output":"### Answer: EXPRESS \n ### Explanation: Definition: State\n EX-(prefix signifying former\/once) PRES(abbrev. for \"President\") + **1st letter of**(beginning to) \"struggle\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Caught touchy setter stripping off for bed (9)","output":"### Answer: COUCHETTE \n ### Explanation: Definition: bed\n C(abbrev. for \"caught\" in cricket scores) + \"touchy setter\" **minus the respective 1st and last letters**(stripping off).\nWas the setter responding to this question (just wondering):"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Thing coming out after dark? (5)","output":"### Answer: NIGHT \n ### Explanation: Definition: after dark\n **Anagram of**(\u2026 coming out) THING."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Extra incentive to board public transport? (5)","output":"### Answer: TRAIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: public transport\n **Hidden in**(\u2026 to board\/to cover) \"Extra incentive\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Intently looking around, very hungry (8)","output":"### Answer: STARVING \n ### Explanation: Definition: hungry\n STARING(intently looking with one's eyes wide open) **containing**(around) V(abbrev. for \"very\")."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Moles which are found under the tracks? (8)","output":"### Answer: SLEEPERS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Moles,which are found under the tracks\n Double defn: 1st: \u2026\/spies who are in sensitive positions in a country's security organisations; and 2nd: Beams \u2026 of a railway."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: African animal area located between two major US cities (5)","output":"### Answer: NYALA \n ### Explanation: Definition: African animal\n A(abbrev. for \"area\") **contained in**(located between) NY,LA(abbrev. for New York and Los Angeles respectively, 2 major cities in the US).\nThe female: and male:"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Give birth with assistance (5)","output":"### Answer: WHELP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Give birth\n W(abbrev. for \"with\") + HELP(assistance\/services or resources offered to ease someone's efforts).\nDefn: Of a dog, to \u2026"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Playing piano, Ute Lemper's intro is rich, earthy, fluid (6,3)","output":"### Answer: PEANUT OIL \n ### Explanation: Definition: rich, earthy, fluid\n **Anagram of**(Playing) [ PIANO, UTE ] + **1st letter of**(\u2026's intro) \"Lemper\") ."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Imperial unit capturing European vessel (7)","output":"### Answer: GALLEON \n ### Explanation: Definition: vessel\n GALLON(an Imperial unit of liquid or dry volume) **containing**(capturing) E(abbrev. for \"European\")."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The German raid injured Francophone philosopher (7)","output":"### Answer: DERRIDA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Francophone philosopher\n DER(the article, \"the\" in German) + **anagram of**(\u2026 injured) RAID.\nAnswer: \u2026, Jacques, Algerian-born French philosopher."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: When flying, don't be taking British Airways \u2014 it's only reasonable (3,3)","output":"### Answer: NOT BAD \n ### Explanation: Definition: reasonable\n **Anagram of**(When flying) DON'T **containing**(be taking) BA(abbrev. for British Airways)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Liqueur established during a 13 in America? (8)","output":"### Answer: ANISETTE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Liqueur\n SET(established\/instituted) **contained in**(during) [A + NITE(\"night\"\/answer to 13 across, as spelled in America) ]."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fine food store McCartney regularly sampled (8)","output":"### Answer: DELICATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fine\n DELI(short for \"delicatessen\"\/store selling ready-to-eat foods) + **2nd, 4th, 6th and 8th letters of**(\u2026 regularly sampled) \"McCartney\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bemused solvers' call for help Julius has answered 32 times? (4,2,1,4)","output":"### Answer: GIVE US A CLUE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Bemused solvers' call for help Julius has answered 32 times\n Cryptic defn: Call by puzzled solvers and duly answered by Julius with 32 clues in this crossword."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Last station announcement? (3,6)","output":"### Answer: ALL CHANGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Last station announcement\n Cryptic defn: An announcement to remaining passengers at the station at the end of a train route."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Spain claiming penny in tax upset economic migrant (5)","output":"### Answer: EXPAT \n ### Explanation: Definition: economic migrant\n E(International Vehicle Registration code for Spanish-registered vehicles) **plus**(claiming) [ P(abbrev. for \"penny\", unit of English currency) **contained in**(in) **reversal of**(\u2026 upset, in a down clue) TAX].\nDefn: An example of which is an \"economic migrant\", one who resides outside his\/her native country to work in another country."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mature nurse sustaining tear (5)","output":"### Answer: RIPEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Mature\n EN(abbrev. for \"enrolled nurse\", a grade of nursing assistants) **placed below**(sustaining\/supporting, in a down clue) RIP(a tear\/split)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Electronic vehicle drained the night before the festival (3)","output":"### Answer: EVE \n ### Explanation: Definition: the night before the festival\n E-(prefix for things electronic) + \"vehicle\" **minus all its inner letters**(drained\/emptied)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Box Victor in upcoming challenge (2,3)","output":"### Answer: TV SET \n ### Explanation: Definition: Box\n V(letter represented by \"Victor\" in the phonetic alphabet) **contained in**(in) **reversal of**(upcoming, in a down clue) TEST(to challenge\/strain)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old soldiers check trap which has been set up (8)","output":"### Answer: VETERANS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Old soldiers\n VET(to check\/to screen) + **reversal of**(\u2026 which has been set up, in a down clue) SNARE(a trap to catch birds or mammals)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Family history buff got lineages wrong (11)","output":"### Answer: GENEALOGIST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Family history buff\n **Anagram of**(\u2026 wrong) GOT LINEAGES."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wholesale store's opening certain branches like this? (8)","output":"### Answer: SWEEPING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Wholesale\n **1st letter of**(\u2026's opening) \"store\" + WEEPING(describing a tree with drooping branches).\nDefn: \u2026, as with a statement, not taking into account any exceptions or particular cases."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Groups at the front cycling round the back of 15 perhaps (9)","output":"### Answer: VANGUARDS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Groups at the front\n [ GUARD'S VAN ](a carriage at the back of a train\/answer to 15 across in which the guard travels) **with the 2nd word moved to the front**(cycling round \u2026)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cost of training? (4,4)","output":"### Answer: RAIL FARE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Cost of training\n Cryptic defn: What you pay for riding on the train\/training."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Coach women's American golf organisation discharged (5)","output":"### Answer: WAGON \n ### Explanation: Definition: Coach\n W(abbrev. for \"women's\") + A(abbrev. for \"American\") + G(letter represented by \"golf\" in the phonetic alphabet) + \"organisation\" **minus all its inner letters**(discharged\/emptied).\nDefn: \u2026, a type of four-wheeled vehicle."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Masterpiece debut of artist (after Mondrian) (5)","output":"### Answer: PIETA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Masterpiece\n **1st letter of**(debut of) \"artist\" **placed below**(after, in a down clue) PIET(Mondrian, the Dutch painter).\nDefn: \u2026 of sculpture by Michelangelo."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Poet's adult nude sculpture (5)","output":"### Answer: AUDEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Poet\n A(abbrev. for \"adult\") + **anagram of**(\u2026 sculpture) NUDE.\nAnswer: \u2026, W.H."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Drunk subaltern going round island (3)","output":"### Answer: LIT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Drunk\n LT(abbrev. for \"lieutenant\", an officer in the British Army below the rank of captain) **containing**(going round) I(abbrev. for \"island\")."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Relative laughter and wit mostly confused (8-2-3)","output":"### Answer: DAUGHTER-IN-LAW \n ### Explanation: Definition: Relative\n **Anagram of**(\u2026 confused) [LAUGHTER AND + \"wit\" **minus ****its last letter**(mostly) ]."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Belt everyone gets in Mississippi shopping centres (5,5)","output":"### Answer: STRIP MALLS \n ### Explanation: Definition: shopping centres\n STRIP(a belt\/a long narrow piece of material such as leather or cloth) + [ ALL(everyone) **contained in**(gets in) MS(abbrev. for the US state of Mississippi) ].\nDefn: In North America, \u2026 located on a busy main road."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A man with first sign of mould-induced cough (4)","output":"### Answer: AHEM \n ### Explanation: Definition: induced cough\n A + HE(third-person pronoun for a man) **plus**(with) **1st letter of**(first sign of) \"mould\".\nDefn: Noise similar to a cough produced\/induced to attract attention."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: American kills posh people without right ultimately (4)","output":"### Answer: OFFS \n ### Explanation: Definition: American kills\n \"toffs\"(posh people\/upper-class persons) **minus ****last letter of**(without \u2026 ultimately) \"right\".\nDefn: American slang to eliminate someone."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Out-of-control rabbit mauled a horologer (10)","output":"### Answer: LOGORRHOEA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Out-of-control rabbit\n **Anagram of**(mauled) A HOROLOGER.\nDefn: \u2026\/incessant talk about trivial things, aka \"verbal diarrhoea\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Connoisseurs swallowing large lies (6)","output":"### Answer: BLUFFS \n ### Explanation: Definition: lies\n BUFFS(connoisseurs\/appreciators of) **containing**(swallowing) L(abbrev. for \"large\")."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Nurse goes off to collect old implants (7)","output":"### Answer: ENROOTS \n ### Explanation: Definition: implants\n EN(abbrev. for \"enrolled nurse\", a grade of nursing assistant) + ROTS(goes off\/decays) **containing**(to collect) O(abbrev. for \"old\")."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fruit of month not entirely firm, having touch of tenderness (7)","output":"### Answer: APRICOT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fruit\n \"Aril\"(the 4th month in the calendar year) **minus ****its last letter**(not entirely) + CO(abbrev. for \"company\", a commercial firm) **plus**(having) **1st letter of**(touch of) \"tenderness\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Information gathered by a vacuous city bureau (6)","output":"### Answer: AGENCY \n ### Explanation: Definition: bureau\n GEN(informal term for \"information\") **contained in**(gathered by) [ A + \"city\" **minus all its inner letters**(vacuous \u2026) ]."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Doctor cries out to green holidaymaker (3-7)","output":"### Answer: ECO-TOURIST \n ### Explanation: Definition: green holidaymaker\n **Anagram of**(Doctor) CRIES OUT TO.\nDefn: \u2026, one who goes on a holiday designed to damage the environment as little as possible."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: British express disapproval about gaffe (4)","output":"### Answer: BOOB \n ### Explanation: Definition: gaffe\n B(abbrev. for \"British\") + **reversal of**(\u2026 about) BOO(to express disapproval\/make a sound showing disapproval).\nDefn: \u2026\/an embarrassing mistake."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Indian Melody Maker paper article (4)","output":"### Answer: RAGA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Indian Melody Maker\n RAG(paper, specifically a newspaper considered of poor quality) + A(article in grammar).\nDefn: In Indian classical music, a melodic framework for improvisation."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Support city welcoming Republican movement a swimmer might start? (10)","output":"### Answer: BACKSTROKE \n ### Explanation: Definition: movement a swimmer might start\n BACK(to support\/to champion) + STOKE(short for Stoke-on-Trent, city in Staffordshire, England) **containing**(welcoming) R(abbrev. for \"Republican\", a member of the Republican Party).\nStart of a backstroke event:"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Awfully old idea Met man's run by men? (4-9)","output":"### Answer: MALE-DOMINATED \n ### Explanation: Definition: run by men\n **Anagram of**(Awfully) OLD IDEA MET MAN."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Obedient duke you almost argue with close to Malibu lake (7)","output":"### Answer: DUTIFUL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Obedient\n D(abbrev. for \"duke\") + U(abbrev. for \"you\" in texting) + \"tiff\"(to argue\/to have a alight disagreement with) **minus ****its last letter**(almost \u2026) **plus**(with) **last letter of**(close to) \"Malibu\" + L(abbrev. for \"lake\")."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Parasite infecting American military groups (5)","output":"### Answer: UNITS \n ### Explanation: Definition: military groups\n NIT(a young form of a parasitic insect) **contained in**(infecting) US(abbrev. for things American)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unusual bush elm makes appear small? (7)","output":"### Answer: HUMBLES \n ### Explanation: Anagram of**(Unusual) BUSH ELM."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Poem primarily evoking country life of good utopian existence? (7)","output":"### Answer: ECLOGUE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Poem\n **1st letters, respectively, of**(primarily) \"evoking country life of good utopian existence\".\nDefn: \u2026 on a pastoral subject\/about country life, as the clue says."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Underwriter certain to be taken on by hip head of recruitment (7)","output":"### Answer: INSURER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Underwriter\n SURE(certain\/doubtless) **contained in**(to be taken on by) [ IN(hip\/in fashion) + **1st letter of**(head of) \"recruitment\" ]."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Odious bunch around a house eating seconds (9)","output":"### Answer: LOATHSOME \n ### Explanation: Definition: Odious\n LOT(a bunch\/a set of similar things) **containing**(around) A + HOME(house\/one's residence) **containing**(eating) S(abbrev. for \"seconds\" in time notation)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Footballer dropping head could make folk tearful! (7)","output":"### Answer: WEEPERS \n ### Explanation: Definition: folk tearful\n SWEEPER(footballer positioned behind the main defenders but in front of the goalkeeper) **with its 1st letter sent to its end**(dropping head, in a down clue)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Soldiers in new airlift will get access to blaze in Oz? (4,5)","output":"### Answer: FIRE TRAIL \n ### Explanation: Definition: access to blaze in Oz\n RE(abbrev. for the Royal Engineers, a unit of soldiers in the British military) **contained in**(in) **anagram of**(new) AIRLIFT.\nDefn: In Oz\/Australia, a track through the bush used by firefighters to get to fires."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A conservative assertion gets much praise (7)","output":"### Answer: ACCLAIM \n ### Explanation: Definition: praise\n A + C(abbrev. for a Conservative, a member of the Conservative Party) + CLAIM(an assertion that something is true)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Nightspot with live band at last hit with staff? (7)","output":"### Answer: CLUBBED \n ### Explanation: Definition: hit with staff\n CLUB(a nightspot\/an establishment playing dance music) **plus**(with) BE(to live\/to exist) + **last letter of**(\u2026 at last) \"band\".\nDefn: \u2026\/club."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Type of engine in Ford model Triumph briefly advanced (4-3)","output":"### Answer: TWIN-CAM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Type of engine\n T(former model of a car made by Ford) + WIN(a triumph\/a success) + \"came\"(advanced\/approached) **minus ****its last letter**(briefly \u2026).\nDefn: \u2026 with two camshafts."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Craftsperson is prejudiced, having dismissed Penny (7)","output":"### Answer: ARTISAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Craftsperson\n \"partisan\"(prejudiced\/biased in support of one party\/side versus another) **minus**(having dismissed) \"p\"(abbrev. for \"penny\" a unit of English currency)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Republican gets roasted about being corrupt (7)","output":"### Answer: CROOKED \n ### Explanation: Definition: corrupt\n R(abbrev. for a Republican, a member of the Republican Party) **contained in**(gets \u2026 about) COOKED(roasted\/cooked in an oven or over a fire)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pop hit from America covering Queen (5)","output":"### Answer: BURST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Pop\n BUST(in America, to hit\/strike violently) **containing**(covering) R(abbrev. for \"Regina\"\/Queen).\nDefn: \u2026\/break open suddenly and violently, as a balloon might."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: 14 down's financial advice given years after one in rest-home perished (5,2,2,5)","output":"### Answer: THERE IS NO MONEY \n ### Explanation: 14 down's financial advice given years after one in rest-home perished (5,2,2,5) \n*(one in rest-home) Y(years).\u00a0\n \n(When the Conservatives won the General Election in 2010, Liam Byrne famously left a note to his successor which read,\u00a0\"Dear Chief Secretary, I'm afraid **there is no money**. Kind regards \u2013 and good luck! Liam.\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Franco-German affirmations for board (5)","output":"### Answer: OUIJA \n ### Explanation: Franco-German affirmations for board (5) \nFrench and German words for YES"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Electra stirred the syrup (7)","output":"### Answer: TREACLE \n ### Explanation: Electra stirred the syrup (7) \n*(electra)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Goddess found in A&E (7)","output":"### Answer: ASTARTE \n ### Explanation: Goddess found in A&E (7)\n \nA(START)E \u2013 the Greek name for the Mesoptomanian goddess Ishtar."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Place for single animal \u2013 that's hedge (5)","output":"### Answer: STALL \n ### Explanation: Place for single animal \u2013 that's hedge (5) \nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Drunken boss one in scrum (5,4)","output":"### Answer: TIGHT HEAD \n ### Explanation: Drunken boss one in scrum (5,4) \nTIGHT (drunken) HEAD (boss). (The tight head prop is a rugby player \u2013 a forward who normally wears the number 3)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Good riddance to contented, stable employee (3)","output":"### Answer: LAD \n ### Explanation: Good riddance to contented, stable employee (3) \nG (good) removed from GLAD"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rev is playing on piano, having introduced giants' musical style (11)","output":"### Answer: PROGRESSIVE \n ### Explanation: Rev is playing on piano, having introduced giants' musical style (11) \nP(piano) OGRES in *(rev is). \"playing\" is the anagrind."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Reasonable to fill pipe again broken as uninspected purchase (1,3,2,1,4)","output":"### Answer: A PIG IN A POKE \n ### Explanation: Reasonable to fill pipe again broken as uninspected purchase (1,3,2,1,4) \nOK in *(pipe again)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Aeroplane prank gets son ejected (3)","output":"### Answer: JET \n ### Explanation: Aeroplane prank gets son ejected (3) \nJEST (prank) with S (son) removed."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bill enters revamped BBC home to forage (9)","output":"### Answer: BEACHCOMB \n ### Explanation: Bill enters revamped BBC home to forage (9) \nAC (bill) enters *(BBC home)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Amenhotep, so mighty, captures Derby town (5)","output":"### Answer: EPSOM \n ### Explanation: Amenhotep, so mighty, captures Derby town (5) \nEPSOM (home of the Derby horse racing classic) is hidden in Amenhot**EP SO M**ighty."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: God in London district creates atmospheric effect (7)","output":"### Answer: RAINBOW \n ### Explanation: God in London district creates atmospheric effect (7) \nRA (Egyptian god) IN BOW (London district)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: University type, in love with Scotsman, stays overnight in Rome? (7)","output":"### Answer: OXONIAN \n ### Explanation: University type, in love with Scotsman, stays overnight in Rome? (7) \nO (love) NOX (night in Rome, reversed (\"over\")) IAN (Scotsman). Nox was the Roman goddess of the night."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Still time to ride competitively (5)","output":"### Answer: EVENT \n ### Explanation: Still time to ride competitively (5) \nEVEN (still) T"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Truly evil bank entertains heartless crime (9)","output":"### Answer: SINCERELY \n ### Explanation: Truly evil bank entertains heartless crime (9) \nSIN (evil) C(rim)E RELY (bank)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Square it with American emperor (5)","output":"### Answer: TITUS \n ### Explanation: Square it with American emperor (5) \nT-square it U.S."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Neo in time left old Penny for Beryl (7)","output":"### Answer: EMERALD \n ### Explanation: Neo in time left old Penny for Beryl (7) \nE(ME)RA (Neo, ie the setter, therefore ME, in ERA (time)) L(left) D (old penny). (*I don't like using capitalized names as definitions\u00a0unless they are the first word in a sentence, but\u00a0others don't mind it*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: European Cup, Italy's ground, and some trees (9)","output":"### Answer: EUCALYPTI \n ### Explanation: European Cup, Italy's ground, and some trees (9) \nE(European) *(cup Italy) (\"ground\" is the anagrind)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Charming Prince Otto gorged on a root vegetable (5-6)","output":"### Answer: SWEET POTATO \n ### Explanation: Charming Prince Otto gorged on a root vegetable (5-6) \nSWEET (charming) P(rince) OT(A)TO (gorged on \u2013 container indicator)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Eggs tossed around in Benfica v Osasuna (3)","output":"### Answer: OVA \n ### Explanation: Eggs tossed around in Benfica v Osasuna (3) \nHidden in reversal of Benfic**A V O**sasuna (Not sure about this surface, but in any case, Barcelona may have been better as they play in the same league as Osasuna?)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Maybe G8 leaders to end talks after month (5)","output":"### Answer: OCTET \n ### Explanation: Maybe G8 leaders to end talks after month (5) \nOCT ET(leaders of End Talks)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: National PM twice denied Democrat (7)","output":"### Answer: ISRAELI \n ### Explanation: National PM twice denied Democrat (7) \n(D)israeli. (Benjamin Disraeli (who was Prime Minister twice in the 19th century))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Moving about meant carrying correct change (9)","output":"### Answer: AMENDMENT \n ### Explanation: Moving about meant carrying correct change (9) \nMEND (correct) in *(meant)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Retiring chap has drunken drongo on toast (6,5)","output":"### Answer: GORDON BROWN \n ### Explanation: Retiring chap has drunken drongo on toast (6,5) \n*(drongo) BROWN (toast). (Ex-PM, Gordon Brown, is due to stand down at the next General Election)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Post returned by British sailors, ashore at last for realistic treasury man (4,5)","output":"### Answer: LIAM BYRNE \n ### Explanation: Post returned by British sailors, ashore at last for realistic treasury man (4,5) \nLIAM (MAIL returned) BY RN (British sailors \u2013 Royal Navy) (ashor)E. (Liam Byrne was Chief Secretary to the Treasury under Gordon Brown \u2013 *not sure why \"realistic\" is there*?)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Worker in dock \u2013 first wife died in shop (9)","output":"### Answer: STEVEDORE \n ### Explanation: Worker in dock \u2013 first wife died in shop (9)\n \nEVE D (first wife died)\u00a0in STORE (shop)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Having diamonds only shows integrity (7)","output":"### Answer: JUSTICE \n ### Explanation: Having diamonds only shows integrity (7) \nJUST ICE (diamonds only)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Husband's somewhat loose garment (5)","output":"### Answer: HABIT \n ### Explanation: Husband's somewhat loose garment (5) \nH(husband) A BIT(somewhat)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Montgomery the jazzer in stitch- up (3)","output":"### Answer: WES \n ### Explanation: Montgomery the jazzer in stitch- up (3)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: New gun called ball out at this sporting venue (3-7,4)","output":"### Answer: ALL-ENGLAND CLUB \n ### Explanation: New gun called ball out at this sporting venue (3-7,4) \n*(N gun called ball). The All-England Club is of course the venue of the\u00a0Wimbledon tennis championships."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Explosive can reverse radioactive outflow initially (5)","output":"### Answer: NITRO \n ### Explanation: Explosive can reverse radioactive outflow initially (5) \n<=TIN initials of **R**adioactive **O**utflow"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Examination of sari torn during outrage (9)","output":"### Answer: APPRAISAL \n ### Explanation: Examination of sari torn during outrage (9) \nAPP (*(sari)) AL"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Oblivious to a series of battles in a French . . . . (7)","output":"### Answer: UNAWARE \n ### Explanation: Oblivious to a series of battles in a French . . . . (7) \nUN (A WAR) E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: . . . . symbol for an official\u00a0oil company (7)","output":"### Answer: CHEVRON \n ### Explanation: . . . . symbol for an official\u00a0oil company (7) \nDouble definition. Chevron is the third largest company int he world, according to *Forbes* magazine."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Scram warranted (5)","output":"### Answer: LEGIT \n ### Explanation: Scram warranted (5) \nLeg it!"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unfair tie arouses anger (9)","output":"### Answer: INFURIATE \n ### Explanation: Unfair tie arouses anger (9) \n*(unfair tie)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Never once upset by what Vera Lynn said we'll do (9)","output":"### Answer: RECONVENE \n ### Explanation: Never once upset by what Vera Lynn said we'll do (9) \n*(never once). \"We'll Meet Aagin\u2026\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Flat-nosed\u00a0French writer (5)","output":"### Answer: CAMUS \n ### Explanation: Flat-nosed\u00a0French writer (5)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Go across a Georgian corridor (7)","output":"### Answer: PASSAGE \n ### Explanation: Go across a Georgian corridor (7) \nNot sure of the parsing of this. PASS A GE (does GE = Georgian?)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bandage within rider's seat (7)","output":"### Answer: SWADDLE \n ### Explanation: Bandage within rider's seat (7) \nS(W)ADDLE \u2013 with in rather than \"within\" \u2013 some people don't like this sort of device. I'm neutral on it."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Money retained by rake's only 50% on a regular basis (9)","output":"### Answer: ROUTINELY \n ### Explanation: Money retained by rake's only 50% on a regular basis (9) \nROU(TIN)E (on)LY (50% of only)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Instruction to cast candies to tiger (wild) (5,9)","output":"### Answer: STAGE DIRECTION \n ### Explanation: Instruction to cast candies to tiger (wild) (5,9) \n*(candies to tiger)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Allow hot cigar to be crushed lifeless (9)","output":"### Answer: LETHARGIC \n ### Explanation: Allow hot cigar to be crushed lifeless (9) \nLet H = *(cigar)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Contagion in a part of the ear's back (5)","output":"### Answer: EBOLA \n ### Explanation: Contagion in a part of the ear's back (5) \n<=A LOBE. Topical!"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A Green VIP fabricated the rumour (9)","output":"### Answer: GRAPEVINE \n ### Explanation: A Green VIP fabricated the rumour (9) \n*(a green VIP)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A clear jelly of a snake (5)","output":"### Answer: ASPIC \n ### Explanation: A clear jelly of a snake (5) \nASPIC ~ \"like an asp\" (sort of)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: No say in Armistice Day programme? Just the opposite (9)","output":"### Answer: DIAMETRIC \n ### Explanation: No say in Armistice Day programme? Just the opposite (9) \n*(Armistice Day \u2013 SAY). Don't think I've seen \"programme\" as an anagrind before."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Acronym that sheds light for drunken earls (5)","output":"### Answer: LASER \n ### Explanation: Acronym that sheds light for drunken earls (5) \n*(earls) \u2013 LASER stands for \"light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation\". Can an acronym shed light?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Parts of 9,19 enable the chartered accountant's second analysis (7,6)","output":"### Answer: BALANCE SHEETS \n ### Explanation: Parts of 9,19 enable the chartered accountant's second analysis (7,6) \n*(enable the CA's) S"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Agitated rant on perusal of corporate results (6,7)","output":"### Answer: ANNUAL REPORTS \n ### Explanation: Agitated rant on perusal of corporate results (6,7) \n*(rant on perusal)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: To titillate and tease is a talent (9)","output":"### Answer: TANTALISE \n ### Explanation: To titillate and tease is a talent (9) \n*(is a talent), with \"tease\" as the anagrind"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unrestricted approach of swimming yelts, let out earlier (9)","output":"### Answer: FREESTYLE \n ### Explanation: Unrestricted approach of swimming yelts, let out earlier (9) \nFREE *(yelts). I'm not sure on the parsing of this clue. Is \"swimming\" doing double duty, as part of the definition (unrestricted approach to swimming) and as the anagrind? If so, I don't like the clue. Yelts, by the way, are young sows \u2013 don't think I've ever seen a pig swim?)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Equip a party to capture sick anteater (9)","output":"### Answer: ARMADILLO \n ### Explanation: Equip a party to capture sick anteater (9)\n \nARM A D(ILL)O \u2013 some species of armadillo feed entirely on ants."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bath for a peacekeeper in Saudi Arabia (5)","output":"### Answer: SAUNA \n ### Explanation: Bath for a peacekeeper in Saudi Arabia (5) \nS(A UN)A where SA = Saudi Arabia and UN = United Nations (\"peacekeeper\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Resin found in fuel emission (5)","output":"### Answer: ELEMI \n ### Explanation: Resin found in fuel emission (5) \nfu(el emi)ssion. Elemi is an oil resin from a Philippine tree of the same name."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Headless dog is a benefit (5)","output":"### Answer: ASSET \n ### Explanation: Headless dog is a benefit (5) \n(B)asset"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Manner of swimming river in Potteries town (6)","output":"### Answer: STROKE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Manner of swimming \nST(R)OKE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Soldier in overturned wagon? That's dreadful! (6)","output":"### Answer: TRAGIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: dreadful\nGI in <=CART"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Said to be planted in the grass (7)","output":"### Answer: REPUTED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Said to be\nRE(PUT)ED"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Staple put through compendia of instruments (7)","output":"### Answer: SPINET \n ### Explanation: Definition: instruments \nS(PIN)ETS"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: An abstainer cut with stiletto when driving (2,3,5)","output":"### Answer: AT THE WHEEL \n ### Explanation: Definition: when driving \nA TT(teetotaller)-HEW-HEEL Are stiletto and heel interchangeable? (maybe requires \"for example\" or some such, but that woudl impact on the surface of the clue)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: This setter is certain (4)","output":"### Answer: SOME \n ### Explanation: Definition: certain\nSO ME!"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Keen to get a point for vault (5)","output":"### Answer: CRYPT \n ### Explanation: Definition: vault \nCRY-PT"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tory leader mimics judge in Arras (8)","output":"### Answer: TAPESTRY \n ### Explanation: Tory leader mimics judge in Arras (8)\n \nT(ory)-APES-TRY"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mark is upset by latest advertising (8)","output":"### Answer: M-AILS-HOT \n ### Explanation: Definition: advertising"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Winger not fully putting on clothes (5)","output":"### Answer: ROBIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: putting on clothes \nROBIN(G)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lockers in Manx house (4)","output":"### Answer: KEYS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Lockers"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Doctor hit general for hiding (10)","output":"### Answer: LEATHERING \n ### Explanation: Definition: hiding\n*(hit general)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Compassion is touching inventor (7)","output":"### Answer: REMORSE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Compassion"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Immigrant proceeds right (7)","output":"### Answer: INCOMER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Immigrant\nINCOME-R"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Spice in stone container rejected (6)","output":"### Answer: NUTMEG \n ### Explanation: Definition: Spice\n<=GEM-TUN"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Matches underwear with a spouse's initially (6)","output":"### Answer: VESTAS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Matches\nVEST-A-S(pouse)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Shelter in the road in bad weather (5)","output":"### Answer: SLEET \n ### Explanation: Shelter in the road in bad weather (5)\n \nS(LEE)T"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Approaching\u00a0with violence (7)","output":"### Answer: ROUGHLY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Approaching\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Guard to glance over timepiece (4,5)","output":"### Answer: KEEP WATCH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Guard\n<=PEEK\u00a0\u2013 WATCH"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Offend sick person being laid up (5)","output":"### Answer: REPEL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Offend\n<=LEPER"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Seeing new son's birth (7)","output":"### Answer: GENESIS \n ### Explanation: Definition: birth\n*(seeing) S"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Boat in a river in Canada (9)","output":"### Answer: CATAMARAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Boat\nC(A TAMAR)AN \u2013 The River Tamar forms much of the boundary between Cornwall and Devon, although I believe there's also a Tamar river in Australia."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Crumbling path rated one that's highly unsafe (9)","output":"### Answer: DEATHTRAP \n ### Explanation: Definition: one that's highly unsafe \n*(path rated)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Changeable creature to clean home anew (9)","output":"### Answer: CHAMELEON \n ### Explanation: Definition: Changeable creature \n*(clean home)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Maybe settle on a new church (9)","output":"### Answer: PERCHANCE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Maybe\nPERCH-A-N-C.E."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The French call to spend extravagantly (4,3)","output":"### Answer: LASH OUT \n ### Explanation: Definition: spend extravagantly \nLA-SHOUT"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Failure of vessel in battle (4-3)","output":"### Answer: BURN-OUT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Failure\nB(URN)OUT \u2013 Two consecutive clues with OUT \u2013 American editors would hate that, but we're not in America."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Left key for material (5)","output":"### Answer: LISLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: material\nL-ISLE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Manipulates stated prerequisites (5)","output":"### Answer: NEEDS \n ### Explanation: Definition: prerequisites\nhomophone of KNEADS (\"manipulates\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Keep one's place \u2013 international race in view (3,5)","output":"### Answer: SIT TIGHT \n ### Explanation: Keep one's place \u2013 international race in view (3,5) \nS(I TT)IGHT\n \nTT = Time Trial"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Burn most of the grain found in school (6)","output":"### Answer: SCORCH \n ### Explanation: Burn most of the grain found in school (6) \nCOR(n) in SCH.\u00a0\n \nWhy would there be grain in a school?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mark's weary on return! Goodness! (5)","output":"### Answer: MERIT \n ### Explanation: Mark's weary on return! Goodness! (5) \nM <=TIRE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Accessory upset Celia's orchestra (5,4)","output":"### Answer: ALICE BAND \n ### Explanation: Accessory upset Celia's orchestra (5,4) \n*(Alice) BAND\n \nI don't like this one, as the anagrind only applies to Alice, not to Alice**'s**."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Yardstick for one in command (5)","output":"### Answer: RULER \n ### Explanation: Yardstick for one in command (5) \nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Falsify and lie leading to dismissal (6)","output":"### Answer: DENIAL \n ### Explanation: Falsify and lie leading to dismissal (6) \n*(and lie)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hesitated with, say, a journalist (7)","output":"### Answer: WAVERED \n ### Explanation: Hesitated with, say, a journalist (7) \nW-AVER-ED"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Writer's offensive relations (7)","output":"### Answer: PUSHKIN \n ### Explanation: Writer's offensive relations (7) \nPUSH-KIN"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Vegetable in pot found in rubbish dump (6)","output":"### Answer: TURNIP \n ### Explanation: Vegetable in pot found in rubbish dump (6)\n \nT(URN)IP"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Plagiarist is model husband? That is fine! (5)","output":"### Answer: THIEF \n ### Explanation: Plagiarist is model husband? That is fine! (5) \n(Model) T H i.e. F"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Living without Mike? That's a thought! (9)","output":"### Answer: SENTIMENT \n ### Explanation: Living without Mike? That's a thought! (9)\n \nSENTI(M)ENT \u2013 Mike being M in the phonetic alphabet."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Food left in hacienda demolished (9)","output":"### Answer: ENCHILADA \n ### Explanation: Food left in hacienda demolished (9) \n*(hacienda l)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A feudal lord in Belgium (5)","output":"### Answer: LIEGE \n ### Explanation: A feudal lord in Belgium (5) \nDouble definition, although \"in Belgium\" isn't much of a definition?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old Bob or Edward put right (6)","output":"### Answer: SORTED \n ### Explanation: Old Bob or Edward put right (6)\n \nS-OR-TED\n \nS = shilling = old bob"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Embarrassed about a series of poems being used again (8)","output":"### Answer: RECYCLED \n ### Explanation: Embarrassed about a series of poems being used again (8) \nRE(CYCLE)D"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Missile to track boat (6)","output":"### Answer: SAMPAN \n ### Explanation: Missile to track boat (6) \nSAM (Surface to air missile) PAN.\n \nHaving just returned from a three-week break in China, this one was topical to me!"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unpunctuality of sailors holding banquets (9)","output":"### Answer: TARDINESS \n ### Explanation: Unpunctuality of sailors holding banquets (9) \nTAR(DINES)S"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Imprisoned owing to sentence made at the last minute (2,3,4,2,4)","output":"### Answer: IN THE NICK OF TIME \n ### Explanation: Imprisoned owing to sentence made at the last minute (2,3,4,2,4) \nIN THE NICK OF (owing to) TIME"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Veteran in the lobby produces bag (7)","output":"### Answer: HOLDALL \n ### Explanation: Veteran in the lobby produces bag (7) \nH(OLD)ALL"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cover trials only perhaps in a questionable way (15)","output":"### Answer: CONTROVERSIALLY \n ### Explanation: Cover trials only perhaps in a questionable way (15)\n \n*(cover trials only)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Railway goes over river in the country (5)","output":"### Answer: RURAL \n ### Explanation: Railway goes over river in the country (5)\n \nR-URAL"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lots of old invaders keeping Danish leader angry (8)","output":"### Answer: HUNDREDS \n ### Explanation: Lots of old invaders keeping Danish leader angry (8) \nHUN(D-RED)S"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dog had to be eaten by pig (6)","output":"### Answer: SHADOW \n ### Explanation: Dog had to be eaten by pig (6) \nS(HAD)OW"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Her allies arranged to cause trouble (5,4)","output":"### Answer: RAISE HELL \n ### Explanation: Her allies arranged to cause trouble (5,4)\n \n*(her allies)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Notice the French head of state is immaculate (8)","output":"### Answer: SPOTLESS \n ### Explanation: Notice the French head of state is immaculate (8) \nSPOT-LES-S(\"head of state\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Point dimwit to the French capital (6)","output":"### Answer: NASSAU \n ### Explanation: Point dimwit to the French capital (6) \nN-ASS-AU"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Weight carried by horse in match (7)","output":"### Answer: TONNAGE \n ### Explanation: Weight carried by horse in match (7) \nTON(NAG)E \u2013 I think, if TONE = \"match\", although I don't think it does?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Look after Athenian leaders first \u2013 be there! (6)","output":"### Answer: ATTEND \n ### Explanation: Look after Athenian leaders first \u2013 be there! (6) \nAT (\"Athenian leaders\") TEND"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Expose oneself to some maudlin curiosity (5)","output":"### Answer: INCUR \n ### Explanation: Expose oneself to some maudlin curiosity (5) \nHidden in \"maudlIN CURiosity\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A tad sad museum's rearranged to display waxy effigies (6,8)","output":"### Answer: MADAME TUSSAUDS \n ### Explanation: A tad sad museum's rearranged to display waxy effigies (6,8) \n*(a tad sad museum's)\n \nA slightly clumsy &lit?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Involves sex in space stations ultimately (9)","output":"### Answer: ENGENDERS \n ### Explanation: Involves sex in space stations ultimately (9) \nEN-GENDER-(station)S\n \nEN is a small block used by printers to create a space (half an EM)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Solid\u00a0equation (5)","output":"### Answer: CUBIC \n ### Explanation: Solid\u00a0equation (5) \nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cut left out of window frame (4)","output":"### Answer: SASH \n ### Explanation: Cut left out of window frame (4) \nS(L)ASH"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: To remove salt entailed a small adjustment (10)","output":"### Answer: DESALINATE \n ### Explanation: To remove salt entailed a small adjustment (10) \n*(entailed a s)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Section of good turf in deserted Emirate (7)","output":"### Answer: EPISODE \n ### Explanation: Section of good turf in deserted Emirate (7) \nE(PI-SOD)E\n \nI don't recall seeing \"deserted\" used this way, but I have seen \"empty\" and something that's deserted could be empty?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Former tax is just too much (6)","output":"### Answer: EXCESS \n ### Explanation: Former tax is just too much (6) \nEX-CESS, with CESS being an old word for a tax or rates\n \nI don't think the \"just\" was necessary in the clue."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Swordsman in the Grand National? (6)","output":"### Answer: FENCER \n ### Explanation: Swordsman in the Grand National? (6) \nPlay on words \u2013 as horses in the Grand National have to negotiate 30 fences"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Energy unit \u2013 do not feature in air-cooled device (7)","output":"### Answer: CALORIE \n ### Explanation: Energy unit \u2013 do not feature in air-cooled device (7) \n*(air cooled \u2013 do)\n \nThis doesn't work for me grammatically\u00a0\u2013 the voice of \"do not feature\" is wrong. The setter has seen a clever device, but hasn't been able to make it work properly, in my opinion."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fascination of king in a dry process (10)","output":"### Answer: ATTRACTION \n ### Explanation: Fascination of king in a dry process (10) \nA (TT R) ACTION\n \nTT = teetotal = dry"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A mistake, whichever way you look at it (4)","output":"### Answer: BOOB \n ### Explanation: A mistake, whichever way you look at it (4) \nPalindrome"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cold dish for South American boy (5)","output":"### Answer: SALAD \n ### Explanation: Cold dish for South American boy (5) \nS.A.-LAD"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Creole barred from general election conducted without grace (9)","output":"### Answer: INELEGANT \n ### Explanation: Creole barred from general election conducted without grace (9) \n*(general election \u2013 creole)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A UK mum with sex rows unfolding like 1, 4 in London (8,6)","output":"### Answer: WAXWORKS MUSEUM \n ### Explanation: A UK mum with sex rows unfolding like 1, 4 in London (8,6) \n*(A UK mum sex rows)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cheese churning unrest with me (8)","output":"### Answer: MUENSTER \n ### Explanation: Cheese churning unrest with me (8) \n*(unrest me)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Biscuit I have shortly after break down (9)","output":"### Answer: DIGESTIVE \n ### Explanation: Biscuit I have shortly after break down (9) \nDIGEST \u2013 I'VE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Setter accepting article on hair (4)","output":"### Answer: MANE \n ### Explanation: Setter accepting article on hair (4) \nM(AN)E\n \nThe \"on\" is superfluous"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Outshine at college drama (7)","output":"### Answer: UPSTAGE \n ### Explanation: Outshine at college drama (7) \nUP-STAGE\n \nUP is a (slightly archaic?) way of saying \"at college or university or even boarding school\", but unless it's in a dictionary I don't have access to here, I'm not comfortable with STAGE = \"drama\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tear down cult cynics in a concise manner (10)","output":"### Answer: SUCCINCTLY \n ### Explanation: Tear down cult cynics in a concise manner (10) \n*(cult cynics)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hesitate to support uninvited guest (5)","output":"### Answer: UMBRA \n ### Explanation: Hesitate to support uninvited guest (5) \nUM-BRA\n \nIt may just be me, but I'm not keen on this \u2013 UM indicates hesitation, rather than \"hesitate\" and BRA is a noun, not a verb. Am I being picky here?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Victim's audible relief (6)","output":"### Answer: SUCKER \n ### Explanation: Victim's audible relief (6) \nhomophone of SUCCOUR"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Remove obstruction in river (6)","output":"### Answer: DELETE \n ### Explanation: Remove obstruction in river (6) \nDE-LET-E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Critical not to linger after meet (5-3-2)","output":"### Answer: TOUCH AND GO \n ### Explanation: Critical not to linger after meet (5-3-2) \nNice clue"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Art rogues knocked off substitute (9)","output":"### Answer: SURROGATE \n ### Explanation: Art rogues knocked off substitute (9) \n*(art rogues)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Silver bat I'm holding literally (8)","output":"### Answer: VERBATIM \n ### Explanation: Silver bat I'm holding literally (8) \nHidden (but only just?)\u00a0in \"silVER BAT I'M\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Have second thoughts about the endless writing material (7)","output":"### Answer: RETHINK \n ### Explanation: Have second thoughts about the endless writing material (7) \nRE-TH(e)-INK"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Military jail's not so warm (6)","output":"### Answer: COOLER \n ### Explanation: Military jail's not so warm (6) \nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hostility sighted in capital (6)","output":"### Answer: WARSAW \n ### Explanation: Hostility sighted in capital (6) \nWAR-SAW"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Message from Hotel Excelsior (5)","output":"### Answer: TELEX \n ### Explanation: Message from Hotel Excelsior (5) \nhidden in \"hoTEL EXcelsior\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Beano number substituted with socially acceptable Dandy (4)","output":"### Answer: BEAU \n ### Explanation: Beano number substituted with socially acceptable Dandy (4) \nBEA-U\n \nU (\"socially\" acceptable\" substituting for NO)\n \nMy favourite clue \u2013 very clever."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Make certain of result by capturing castle (6)","output":"### Answer: ENSURE \n ### Explanation: Make certain of result by capturing castle (6) \nNot sure how this works \u2013 sorry! Is ENSURE a chess term?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fielder desperately wants spinner (4,4)","output":"### Answer: LONG STOP \n ### Explanation: Fielder desperately wants spinner (4,4) \nLONGS TOP\n \nYou need to know your cricket fielding positions to be good at cryptic crosswords!"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Guard of honour provides tea for each individual (9)","output":"### Answer: CHAPERONE \n ### Explanation: Guard of honour provides tea for each individual (9)\n \nCHA-PER-ONE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Small recliner is more smart (5)","output":"### Answer: SLIER \n ### Explanation: Small recliner is more smart (5)\n \nS LIER"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ring bank back (4)","output":"### Answer: LOOP \n ### Explanation: Ring bank back (4)\n \nPOOL=>"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Left crew cuddling redhead? Exactly! (5,5)","output":"### Answer: QUITE RIGHT \n ### Explanation: Left crew cuddling redhead? Exactly! (5,5) \nQUIT E(R)IGHT"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Entertainer has support crumble (7)","output":"### Answer: PIERROT \n ### Explanation: Entertainer has support crumble (7) \nPIER ROT"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Boat's propeller is better (6)","output":"### Answer: PUNTER \n ### Explanation: Boat's propeller is better (6) \nDouble definition \u2013 one propelling a punt and one putting on a bet"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Parishioner put down fianc\u00e9 (6)","output":"### Answer: LAYMAN \n ### Explanation: Parishioner put down fianc\u00e9 (6) \nLAY MAN"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Militia protecting our weapons store (7)","output":"### Answer: ARMOURY \n ### Explanation: Militia protecting our weapons store (7) \nARM(OUR)Y"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A rector in delirium is unhealthy (10)","output":"### Answer: INSANITARY \n ### Explanation: A rector in delirium is unhealthy (10) \nINSANIT (A R) Y"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: God has a name that has a point (5)","output":"### Answer: THORN \n ### Explanation: God has a name that has a point (5) \nTHOR-N"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Caught in increasing dependence (9)","output":"### Answer: ADDICTION \n ### Explanation: Caught in increasing dependence (9)\n \nADDI(C)TION"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Penny steered badly when driven round the bend (8)","output":"### Answer: PESTERED \n ### Explanation: Penny steered badly when driven round the bend (8)\n \nP *(steered)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: More enthusiastic mourner (6)","output":"### Answer: KEENER \n ### Explanation: More enthusiastic mourner (6) \nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Look in skip for meat (8)","output":"### Answer: ESCALOPE \n ### Explanation: Look in skip for meat (8) \nESCA(LO)PE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Flattery works in drama (4,5)","output":"### Answer: SOAP OPERA \n ### Explanation: Flattery works in drama (4,5) \nSOAP = \"flattery OPERA (plural of OPUS)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: German gets away from Mediterranean smell (4)","output":"### Answer: REEK \n ### Explanation: German gets away from Mediterranean smell (4) \nG removed from GREEK"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Poteen's brewed for the dance (3-4)","output":"### Answer: ONE-STEP \n ### Explanation: Poteen's brewed for the dance (3-4) \n*(poteen's)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Good science provides good food (10)","output":"### Answer: GASTRONOMY \n ### Explanation: Good science provides good food (10) \nG-ASTRONOMY"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Poor girl's obsession (5)","output":"### Answer: THING \n ### Explanation: Poor girl's obsession (5) \nTHIN \u2013 G\n \nG for GIRL; trying to think if I've ever seen that?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rodent tucked into food for Rover (6)","output":"### Answer: PIRATE \n ### Explanation: Rodent tucked into food for Rover (6) \nPI(RATE)E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Vehicle in process of decay? Tough! (6)","output":"### Answer: ROBUST \n ### Explanation: Vehicle in process of decay? Tough! (6) \nRO(BUS)T"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fame for coppers capturing errant minor (10)","output":"### Answer: PROMINENCE \n ### Explanation: Fame for coppers capturing errant minor (10) \nP (*minor) ENCE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Publication about sport shows scholarship (9)","output":"### Answer: ERUDITION \n ### Explanation: Publication about sport shows scholarship (9) \nE(RU)DITION, where RU = Rugby Union"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Examine vessel for cosmetic (8)","output":"### Answer: EYELINER \n ### Explanation: Examine vessel for cosmetic (8) \nEYE-LINER"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fool can't use production (7)","output":"### Answer: NUTCASE \n ### Explanation: Fool can't use production (7) \n*(cant use)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wear down a nail with emery initially (6)","output":"### Answer: ABRADE \n ### Explanation: Wear down a nail with emery initially (6) \nA BRAD E(mery)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Class overturn child's toy (6)","output":"### Answer: TIPTOP \n ### Explanation: Class overturn child's toy (6) \nTIP TOP"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Society has a lot of problems (5)","output":"### Answer: SPOTS \n ### Explanation: Society has a lot of problems (5)\n \nS POTS"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: High point is when one embraces maiden (4)","output":"### Answer: ACME \n ### Explanation: High point is when one embraces maiden (4) \nAC(M)E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Will and son taking flat, occupying temporary accommodation (9)","output":"### Answer: TESTAMENT \n ### Explanation: Will and son taking flat, occupying temporary accommodation (9) \nTE(S-TAME)NT"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: French art in a work from storyteller (5)","output":"### Answer: AESOP \n ### Explanation: French art in a work from storyteller (5) \nA(ES)OP\n \n\"es\" as in French\u00a0\"tu es\" = \"thou art\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A bit holy? Last thing with the Established Church! (5)","output":"### Answer: PIECE \n ### Explanation: A bit holy? Last thing with the Established Church! (5) \nPI-(th)E-CE\n \nE = \"last thing with the\" (ie last letter of \"the\") and CE = Church of England"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Charming belle acted naughtily (10)","output":"### Answer: DELECTABLE \n ### Explanation: Charming belle acted naughtily (10) \n*(belle acted)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pusillanimous folk \u2013 not initially troublemakers (4)","output":"### Answer: IMPS \n ### Explanation: Pusillanimous folk \u2013 not initially troublemakers (4) \n(w)IMPS"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Great sportsman in Brazil, promoter of products (7)","output":"### Answer: BRADMAN \n ### Explanation: Great sportsman in Brazil, promoter of products (7) \nBR-ADMAN\n \nDon Bradman, the legendary Australian cricketer, who provided Mr Manley with one of is alter egos."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Number in uniform in place of debauchery (7)","output":"### Answer: SEVENTY \n ### Explanation: Number in uniform in place of debauchery (7) \nS(EVEN)TY"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: More than one creature becomes weak outside beastly home (7)","output":"### Answer: RODENTS \n ### Explanation: More than one creature becomes weak outside beastly home (7) \nRO(DEN)TS"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Oaf, in essence, somewhat lacking in tact (7)","output":"### Answer: FINESSE \n ### Explanation: Oaf, in essence, somewhat lacking in tact (7) \nHidden in \"oaF IN ESSEnce\", indicated by \"somewhat lacking\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Guy in loose dress Society turned away (4)","output":"### Answer: MOCK \n ### Explanation: Guy in loose dress Society turned away (4) \n(s)MOCK\n \nAn uncommon meaning og \"to guy\" is to \"to make fun of\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Such as could be turning \"terra\" into lake? (10)","output":"### Answer: TORRENTIAL \n ### Explanation: Such as could be turning \"terra\" into lake? (10) \n*(terra into L)\n \nAn &lit"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Red meat to go off on account of worm (9)","output":"### Answer: TREMATODE \n ### Explanation: Red meat to go off on account of worm (9)\n \n*(red meat to)\n \nPersonally, I think the \"on account of\" is superfluous."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Nymph offering love divine? (5)","output":"### Answer: OREAD \n ### Explanation: Nymph offering love divine? (5) \nO-READ\n \nO = nothing = \"love\" and READ =\"divine\" as \"to read omens\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: City's final wish being broadcast (5)","output":"### Answer: RIPON \n ### Explanation: City's final wish being broadcast (5) \nR.I.P.-ON"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Army in break penetrating enemy \u2013 sign of things to come (9)","output":"### Answer: FORETASTE \n ### Explanation: Army in break penetrating enemy \u2013 sign of things to come (9) \nFO(RE(TA)ST)E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bound to record illegally, journalist? (5)","output":"### Answer: TAPED \n ### Explanation: Bound to record illegally, journalist? (5) \nTAP-ED"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Weighing-machine registering stones and pounds kept by special dealer (9)","output":"### Answer: STEELYARD \n ### Explanation: Weighing-machine registering stones and pounds kept by special dealer (9) \nST \u2013 *(dealer) keeping Y\n \nWhy does Y equal \"POUNDS\"?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A male ruler to fix fine historically (10)","output":"### Answer: AMERCEMENT \n ### Explanation: A male ruler to fix fine historically (10) \nA-M-ER-CEMENT\n \nAn old word for a monetary penalty (\"FINE\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Account for level land once being higher (7)","output":"### Answer: EXPLAIN \n ### Explanation: Account for level land once being higher (7) \nEX-PLAIN\n \nThe setter appears to be proposing that land which was once high would have been a plain (I don't agree with that assumption, though)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Places of worship established by two occupants of Lambeth Palace (7)","output":"### Answer: TEMPLES \n ### Explanation: Places of worship established by two occupants of Lambeth Palace (7) \nDon't know why, though?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Not here always, a couple of characters out of sight (4)","output":"### Answer: AWAY \n ### Explanation: Not here always, a couple of characters out of sight (4) \nA(L)WAY(S)\n \nThe couple of characters out of sight are ther L and the S \u2013 lazy cluing, in\u00a0my opinion."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Outburst from Sergeant Major full of upsetting rubbish (5)","output":"### Answer: STORM \n ### Explanation: Outburst from Sergeant Major full of upsetting rubbish (5) \nS(<=ROT)M"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fairy with elegance in architectural feature (9)","output":"### Answer: PERISTYLE \n ### Explanation: Fairy with elegance in architectural feature (9) \nPERI-STYLE\n \nA Peri is a fairy in Persian mythology, and a persityle is a rank of columns surrounding a building"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Maybe a night on the tiles is becoming normal (7,3)","output":"### Answer: EVENING OUT \n ### Explanation: Maybe a night on the tiles is becoming normal (7,3) \nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: In pub see the (not hard to spot) weather guide (9)","output":"### Answer: BAROMETER \n ### Explanation: In pub see the (not hard to spot) weather guide (9) \nHelp \u2013 I can't parse this one!"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Name wine that goes to the head \u2013 not a pleasant quality (9)","output":"### Answer: NASTINESS \n ### Explanation: Name wine that goes to the head \u2013 not a pleasant quality (9) \nN-ASTI-NESS"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Reason why theatregoers can't go and swank (4-3)","output":"### Answer: SHOW OFF \n ### Explanation: Reason why theatregoers can't go and swank (4-3) \nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Desist from supporting one type of share-seller (7)","output":"### Answer: FORBEAR \n ### Explanation: Desist from supporting one type of share-seller (7) \nFOR-BEAR\n \nA bear is a pessimistic shares dealer, as opposed to the optimistic bull"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cry comes from cold Dickensian character (5)","output":"### Answer: CHEEP \n ### Explanation: Cry comes from cold Dickensian character (5) \nC-HEEP\n \nUriah Heep, the ever so 'umble character from \"David Copperfield\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Projection given by account book not right (5)","output":"### Answer: LEDGE \n ### Explanation: Projection given by account book not right (5) \nLEDGE(r)\n \nA ledge projects, so is a \"PROJECTION\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Be gushy, as one with enthusiasm hugging wife (4)","output":"### Answer: FAWN \n ### Explanation: Be gushy, as one with enthusiasm hugging wife (4) \nFA(W)N"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Commit to pen when mail crashed (4,4)","output":"### Answer: SEND DOWN \n ### Explanation: Commit to pen when mail crashed (4,4) \nI can see where the setter is coming from here, but it's a wee bit of a stretch."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unruffled about going in tartan (6)","output":"### Answer: PLACID \n ### Explanation: Unruffled about going in tartan (6) \nPLA(C)ID"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Showed off and took flight with relative on board (8)","output":"### Answer: FLAUNTED \n ### Explanation: Showed off and took flight with relative on board (8) \nFL(AUNT)ED"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Brew which is fashionable? Fine with milk (6)","output":"### Answer: INFUSE \n ### Explanation: Brew which is fashionable? Fine with milk (6) \nIN-F-USE\n \nDon't think I've seen MILK = USE before, but Chambers has \"manipulate\" as a synonym, so should be OK."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sneak is utter whopper (8)","output":"### Answer: TELLTALE \n ### Explanation: Sneak is utter whopper (8) \nTELL TALE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cinders associates with maiden over leaving (6)","output":"### Answer: EMBERS \n ### Explanation: Cinders associates with maiden over leaving (6) \n(M)EMBERS"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Husband with cocked derringer causes distraction (3,7)","output":"### Answer: RED HERRING \n ### Explanation: Husband with cocked derringer causes distraction (3,7) \n*(h derringer)\n \nPersonally not a fan of these split anagrams. Would have preferred the h to have been indicated as being IN the anagram rather than WITH it."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Something to connect cloth I've torn in church (5,5)","output":"### Answer: CLOVE HITCH \n ### Explanation: Something to connect cloth I've torn in church (5,5) \nC *(cloth ive) E\n \nI wasn't a boy scout, but it's handy to know the names of common knots to solve crosswords."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Leave sweet having cleaned out its centre (6)","output":"### Answer: DESERT \n ### Explanation: Leave sweet having cleaned out its centre (6) \nDES(s)ERT"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What promoters want \u2013 somewhat less returning yobs (8)","output":"### Answer: SELLOUTS \n ### Explanation: What promoters want \u2013 somewhat less returning yobs (8) \n<=LES(s) LOUTS"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A flock of crows eat voraciously (6)","output":"### Answer: MURDER \n ### Explanation: A flock of crows eat voraciously (6) \nDouble definition \u2013 a murder of crows and murder as in \"I could murder a burger right now\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fellow ordered carpaccio but not third or fourth slices of bread (8)","output":"### Answer: FOCACCIA \n ### Explanation: Fellow ordered carpaccio but not third or fourth slices of bread (8) \nF *(caaccio) \u2013 removing the third and fourth slices of caRPaccio."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Conservative bar is bright (6)","output":"### Answer: CLEVER \n ### Explanation: Conservative bar is bright (6) \nC-LEVER"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Famously isolated place where the lanes are windy (2,6)","output":"### Answer: ST HELENA \n ### Explanation: Famously isolated place where the lanes are windy (2,6) \n*(the lanes)\n \nWhen parsing this, I find it difficult to justify the \"are\" in this clue, but could be convinced otherwise?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Talk about fair cut in refuge (6)","output":"### Answer: SAFETY \n ### Explanation: Talk about fair cut in refuge (6) \nSA (FET(e) Y\n \nSee my preamble."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Almost noon and still morning? (6)","output":"### Answer: NEARLY \n ### Explanation: Almost noon and still morning? (6) \nN EARLY"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Give in playing during engagement (6)","output":"### Answer: DONATE \n ### Explanation: Give in playing during engagement (6) \nD(ON)ATE\n \nSee my preamble"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: With tilt, that is, rubbish leaves this (7,3)","output":"### Answer: WHEELIE BIN \n ### Explanation: With tilt, that is, rubbish leaves this (7,3) \nW-HEEL-i.e.-BIN\n \nThis only works if \"RUBBISH\" and \"BIN\" are synonymous, which they aren't."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Well-known feature left with a blemish (8)","output":"### Answer: LANDMARK \n ### Explanation: Well-known feature left with a blemish (8) \nL-AND MARK\n \nThe \"a\" before \"blemish\" in the clue is superfluous. See my preamble."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Energy source would be cloudier if unrefined (5,3)","output":"### Answer: CRUDE OIL \n ### Explanation: Energy source would be cloudier if unrefined (5,3) \n*(crude oil)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Duke with reservation knowing equestrian event (8)","output":"### Answer: DRESSAGE \n ### Explanation: Duke with reservation knowing equestrian event (8) \nD-RES-SAGE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Duck and another bird set free? (7,3)","output":"### Answer: CHICKEN OUT \n ### Explanation: Duck and another bird set free? (7,3)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Scholar of no practical relevance (8)","output":"### Answer: ACADEMIC \n ### Explanation: Scholar of no practical relevance (8) \nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Safeguard lags before ever getting fixed (8)","output":"### Answer: CONSERVE \n ### Explanation: Safeguard lags before ever getting fixed (8) \nCONS *(ever)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rider is off and on before being behind (8)","output":"### Answer: DERRIERE \n ### Explanation: Rider is off and on before being behind (8) \n*(rider) ERE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Place with quiet charm (6)","output":"### Answer: PLEASE \n ### Explanation: Place with quiet charm (6)\n \nPL-EASE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Might section with canine get into drug-runner? (6)","output":"### Answer: MUSCLE \n ### Explanation: Might section with canine get into drug-runner? (6)\n \nMU (S C) LE\n \nI assume dentists may use C as shorthand for \"CANINE\" but I can't find reference to it in Chambers or online."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Where to get tortilla?! Especially with an adult (6)","output":"### Answer: ESPANA \n ### Explanation: Where to get tortilla?! Especially with an adult (6) \nESP-AN-A\n \nIn Spain, a tortilla is an omelette, not to be confused with the Latin America tortilla."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pushes into corridors (7)","output":"### Answer: LOBBIES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Pushes\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Valuable assets in French art gallery (6)","output":"### Answer: ESTATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Valuable assets \nES-TATE\n \nES = art (as in \"thou art\")\u00a0in French"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Effusive lecture on musical recalled (9)","output":"### Answer: TALKATIVE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Effusive\nTALK <=EVITA"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Compiler is in debt and covered in frost (5)","output":"### Answer: RIMED \n ### Explanation: Definition: covered in frost \nR(I'M)ED\n \nI can see what the\u00a0setter is trying to do, and I applaud him for it, but in debt is IN **THE** RED, is it not?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sacrifice to endlessly simulate love (5)","output":"### Answer: FORGO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Sacrifice\nFORG(e) O"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Content to sharpen tag on serrated shapes (9)","output":"### Answer: PENTAGONS \n ### Explanation: Definition: shapes \nHidden in \"sharPEN TAG ON Serrated\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Understood vase was reserved (8)","output":"### Answer: TACITURN \n ### Explanation: Definition: reserved \nTACIT-URN"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Goddess sits on aluminium base (6)","output":"### Answer: ALKALI \n ### Explanation: Definition: base\nAL-KALI\n \nKALI is a significant Hindu goddess"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Team of elves carry Elrond's head (6)","output":"### Answer: ELEVEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Team \nEL(E)VEN\n \nElrond is a half-elven character from \"Lord of the Rings\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Overturned ruling on medical equipment (4,4)","output":"### Answer: IRON LUNG \n ### Explanation: Definition: medical equipment \n*(ruling on)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Routed above and beyond by radio (9)","output":"### Answer: OVERTHREW \n ### Explanation: Definition: Routed\nOVER \u2013 homophone of THROUGH"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Teacher nearly useless at sport (5)","output":"### Answer: RABBI \n ### Explanation: Definition: Teacher\nRABBI(t)\n \nHave come across RABBIT as a tail-ender in cricket. Does it apply to other sports?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Broken stick \u2013 a putter \u2013 is glued together and trimmed (5)","output":"### Answer: KAPUT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Broken \nHidden in \"sticK A PUTter\"\n \nClue's a bit long-winded."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: I'd book Hunger Games for northern city (9)","output":"### Answer: EDINBURGH \n ### Explanation: Definition: northern city \n(*I'd B Hunger)\n \nGames as an anagrind?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Defence sector undergoes reconstruction (6)","output":"### Answer: ESCORT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Defence\n*(sector)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Soothed by unending see saw (7)","output":"### Answer: SEDATED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Soothed\nSE(e) DATED\n \nExcellent clue"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Excuse to detonate article on pirate (3,3,3,4)","output":"### Answer: LET OFF THE HOOK \n ### Explanation: Definition: Excuse\nLET Off = detonate\n \nTHE = artcle\n \nHOOK = pirate in *Peter Pan"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Belt is naked and spicy, but not hard (7)","output":"### Answer: BALDRIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: Belt\nBALD-RIC(h)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What retired farmer might say in part of the Pacific northwest (5)","output":"### Answer: IDAHO \n ### Explanation: Definition: part of the Pacific northwest \nHomophone of I'D A HOE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mariners find fish aboard ship (8)","output":"### Answer: SKIPPERS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Mariners\nS-KIPPER-S"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: They leave river before boat's bow is broken off (6)","output":"### Answer: EXEUNT \n ### Explanation: Definition: They leave\nEXE (p)UNT"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Scientist plunges into lake in waterproof cloth (9)","output":"### Answer: TARPAULIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: waterproof cloth \nTAR(PAULI)N"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lob atom bomb? It's a lottery (7)","output":"### Answer: TOMBOLA \n ### Explanation: Lob atom bomb? It's a lottery (7)\n \n*(lob atom)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Famous get pointed out (13)","output":"### Answer: DISTINGUISHED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Famous \nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: 2 x 17 = gun (6-3)","output":"### Answer: TWENTY-TWO \n ### Explanation: Definition: gun\n2 x ELEVEN (17a solution) = 22\n \nA 22 is a .22 calibre handgun"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Before start of summer, have to slice into cheese cakes (8)","output":"### Answer: BROWNIES \n ### Explanation: Before start of summer, have to slice into cheese cakes (8)\n \nBR(OWN)IE-S(ummer)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Frees old European politicians \u2013 about time! (7)","output":"### Answer: EXEMPTS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Frees\nEX-E-MP(T)S"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: How one looks after too much tanning without opening suncream? Just the opposite! (7)","output":"### Answer: UNBURNT \n ### Explanation: Definition: How one looks after too much tanning \n(s)UNBURNT"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wild about a trend for reinvention (6)","output":"### Answer: ARDENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Wild\n*(a trend)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Frenetic onslaught seizes bomber (5)","output":"### Answer: RABID \n ### Explanation: Definition: Frenetic\nRA(B)ID"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Like writers, they branch out (6)","output":"### Answer: ASPENS \n ### Explanation: Like writers, they branch out (6) \nAS-PENS"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The starting point in court proceedings (8)","output":"### Answer: BASELINE \n ### Explanation: The starting point in court proceedings (8) \nNice one!\n \nThe baseline is of course where a tennis player serves from, therefore starting proceedings on court."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Former champion makes a couple of points about a claim to be sick (8)","output":"### Answer: WILLIAMS \n ### Explanation: Former champion makes a couple of points about a claim to be sick (8) \nW(ILL I AM)S\n \nCould be Serena or Venus Williams, both ex-champions at Wimbledon."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A number in the band showing real enthusiasm (6)","output":"### Answer: RAVING \n ### Explanation: A number in the band showing real enthusiasm (6) \nR(A-V)ING"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A spinner has a cute fringe arrangement (10)","output":"### Answer: CENTRIFUGE \n ### Explanation: A spinner has a cute fringe arrangement (10) \n*(cute fringe)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Swarm back to join up (4)","output":"### Answer: MEET \n ### Explanation: Swarm back to join up (4) \n<=TEEM (\"swarm\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Releases popular short hit (8)","output":"### Answer: DROPSHOT \n ### Explanation: Releases popular short hit (8) \nDROPS-HOT\n \nThe tennis theme continues."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The French experiment is a la mode (6)","output":"### Answer: LATEST \n ### Explanation: The French experiment is a la mode (6) \nLA (\"The\" in French)-TEST"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: In one month, we hear, you are twice a champion (6)","output":"### Answer: MURRAY \n ### Explanation: In one month, we hear, you are twice a champion (6) \nM(U R R)AY\n \nI'm uncomfortable with the homophone here (see my comment for 6dn)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Drive on the left or right (8)","output":"### Answer: FOREHAND \n ### Explanation: Drive on the left or right (8) \nA tennis shot which could be played with the left or right hand, or indeed both.\n \nThe clue isn't specific enough for my liking, (a forehand doesn't need to be a drive (could be a lob, a drop shot etc)) and requires checking letters (could just as easily be backhand).\u00a0\n \nAgain, you need to realise that the crossword has a theme for this one to work."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rome's mid-month show about to cause a minor diversion (4)","output":"### Answer: IDES \n ### Explanation: Rome's mid-month show about to cause a minor diversion (4) \ns(IDES)how"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What finally emerges to stop a small professional channel (3,7)","output":"### Answer: END PRODUCT \n ### Explanation: What finally emerges to stop a small professional channel (3,7) \nEND PRO-DUCT"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Alternative place to cross a river in Suffolk (6)","output":"### Answer: ORFORD \n ### Explanation: Alternative place to cross a river in Suffolk (6) \nOR-FORD\n \nOrford is a town in Suffolk. A bit vague, but the wordplay will get you there."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Comes back about outer limits (8)","output":"### Answer: REBOUNDS \n ### Explanation: Comes back about outer limits (8) \nRE-BOUNDS"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The yachtsman's bar that reps read about (8)","output":"### Answer: SPREADER \n ### Explanation: The yachtsman's bar that reps read about (8) \n*(reps read)\n \nA spreader is a spar on a slaiboat (new one on me!)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Designed\u00a0to look like the ocean (6)","output":"### Answer: THEMED \n ### Explanation: Designed\u00a0to look like the ocean (6) \nTHEMED\n \nThe Med is a sea, though, is it not?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Direction followed by parasites to cut through (5)","output":"### Answer: SLICE \n ### Explanation: Direction followed by parasites to cut through (5) \nS-LICE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lace first treated to produce a brilliant effect (5)","output":"### Answer: ECLAT \n ### Explanation: Lace first treated to produce a brilliant effect (5) \n*(lace)-T"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Submissive like a mid-European (7)","output":"### Answer: SLAVISH \n ### Explanation: Submissive like a mid-European (7) \nLike a Slav.\n \nAs Slavish isn't a word, I think a question amrk at the end of the clue may have been in order."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Light brown\u00a0unglazed pot (7)","output":"### Answer: BISCUIT \n ### Explanation: Light brown\u00a0unglazed pot (7) \nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: After first shouting you are sounding serious \u2013 that's bizarre! (7)","output":"### Answer: SURREAL \n ### Explanation: After first shouting you are sounding serious \u2013 that's bizarre! (7) \nS-UR (\"you are\" sounding)-REAL\n \nIn my opinion, the \"you are\" is clumsy, as the clue doesn't include the homophone. If I'm being generous, it may be OK, becaause it is indicating the two individual letters U and R, but the \"you are\" sound doesn't form part of the answer."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A successful doubles partnership (4,5)","output":"### Answer: LOVE MATCH \n ### Explanation: A successful doubles partnership (4,5) \nThis clue isn't cryptic. It may be thematic, if the general theme is \"tennis\", but \"love match\" in itself is not a tennis term."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The invisible man? (3-6)","output":"### Answer: NON-PERSON \n ### Explanation: The invisible man? (3-6) \nNot cryptic. One who is unseen or ignored is a non-person. Don't see what's cryptic about that."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: About to fall on a circular tour (5,4)","output":"### Answer: ROUND TRIP \n ### Explanation: About to fall on a circular tour (5,4) \nROUND-TRIP"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One for takng a view from below (9)","output":"### Answer: PERISCOPE \n ### Explanation: One for takng a view from below (9) \nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Produced and given away (7)","output":"### Answer: YIELDED \n ### Explanation: Produced and given away (7) \nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A leading racketeer who dined with the Queen a couple of times (7)","output":"### Answer: FEDERER \n ### Explanation: A leading racketeer who dined with the Queen a couple of times (7) \nFED-E.R.-E.R.\n \nRoger, of course."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unusual tool to create a Celtic delicacy (7)","output":"### Answer: RAREBIT \n ### Explanation: Unusual tool to create a Celtic delicacy (7) \nRARE-BIT\n \nAs in Welsh (\"Celtic\") rarebit"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The point at which an advantage always follows. (5)","output":"### Answer: DEUCE \n ### Explanation: The point at which an advantage always follows. (5) \nAnother tennis-themed clue."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: With business static a dreaded group of activists appear within (5)","output":"### Answer: CADRE \n ### Explanation: With business static a dreaded group of activists appear within (5) \nGroup of activists appearing in \"statiC A DREaded\".\n \nThe indicator of the hidden clue is too far from the fodder, though."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: New York indicator down; joined sex orgy (3,5,5)","output":"### Answer: DOW JONES INDEX \n ### Explanation: New York indicator down; joined sex orgy (3,5,5) \n*(down joined sex)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fine female character (4)","output":"### Answer: FAIR \n ### Explanation: Fine female character (4) \nF + AIR"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A dull queen frantic without peer (10)","output":"### Answer: UNEQUALLED \n ### Explanation: A dull queen frantic without peer (10) \n*(a dull queen)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Husband and wife upset the French (6)","output":"### Answer: COUPLE \n ### Explanation: Husband and wife upset the French (6) \nCOUP + LE\n \nCOUP is a good Scot's word for \"spill\" or \"knock over\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Good man I hired to obtain dagger (8)","output":"### Answer: STILETTO \n ### Explanation: Good man I hired to obtain dagger (8) \nST + I + LET + TO"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Report that such evidence is not admissble (7)","output":"### Answer: HEARSAY \n ### Explanation: Report that such evidence is not admissble (7) \nDouble definition, or cryptic defintion. It's neither in my book."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Andersen, a Tory hosting American politician (7)","output":"### Answer: SENATOR \n ### Explanation: Andersen, a Tory hosting American politician (7) \nhidden in (\"hosting\") AnderSEN A TORy"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hunger for a pie \u2013 favourite tin-opener included (8)","output":"### Answer: APPETITE \n ### Explanation: Hunger for a pie \u2013 favourite tin-opener included (8) \nA + P(PET)I (T)E\n \nThe wordplay in the clue doesn't work for me as it indicates A + (PET-T)IE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Way before our first music equipment (6)","output":"### Answer: STEREO \n ### Explanation: Way before our first music equipment (6) \nST + ERE + O (\"our first\", i.e first letter of \"our\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Players share power cut (10)","output":"### Answer: CASTRATION \n ### Explanation: Players share power cut (10) \nCAST + RATION"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Smooth\u00a0bed lining (4)","output":"### Answer: SAND \n ### Explanation: Smooth\u00a0bed lining (4) \nDouble definition\n \nSAND = \"use sandpaper\" = \"smooth\", and is also the lining of a sand bed."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Take part in an away match (5)","output":"### Answer: ELOPE \n ### Explanation: Take part in an away match (5) \nCryptic definition \u2013 like it!"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cosmetic watch? Ship back (8)","output":"### Answer: EYELINER \n ### Explanation: Cosmetic watch? Ship back (8) \nEYE + LINER"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unconscious, comes to \u2013 a development (8)","output":"### Answer: COMATOSE \n ### Explanation: Unconscious, comes to \u2013 a development (8) \n*(comes to a)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A container partially open (4)","output":"### Answer: AJAR \n ### Explanation: A container partially open (4) \nIf I had a \u00a3 for every time I'd seen this clue\u2026"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Last to be over river (6)","output":"### Answer: ENDURE \n ### Explanation: Last to be over river (6) \nI may be missing something, but is \"Last\" doing double duty in this clue?\n \nEND = \"Last\" over URE (\"river\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: When soft language is used to denigrate (7)","output":"### Answer: ASPERSE \n ### Explanation: When soft language is used to denigrate (7) \nAS + P + ERSE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Gunfire I redirected at idol (8)","output":"### Answer: FIGURINE \n ### Explanation: Gunfire I redirected at idol (8) \n*(gunfire I)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Water down ale? True, tad disturbing (10)","output":"### Answer: ADULTERATE \n ### Explanation: Water down ale? True, tad disturbing (10) \n*(ale true tad)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Specialist used to be cheeky (6)","output":"### Answer: EXPERT \n ### Explanation: Specialist used to be cheeky (6) \nEX-PERT as in \"was once pert\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ideal according to splinter group caught by some (10)","output":"### Answer: PERFECTION \n ### Explanation: Ideal according to splinter group caught by some (10) \nPER + FECTION (homophone, supposedly, of FACTION).\n \nEven with the qualifying \"for some\", I struggle with FECTION as a homophone fo FACTION, but then as a Scot, I hate a lot of homophone clues."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Raving at maiden, bright- eyed and bushy-tailed (8)","output":"### Answer: ANIMATED \n ### Explanation: Raving at maiden, bright- eyed and bushy-tailed (8) \n*(at maiden)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: O! Heroic lover of evergreen shrub (8)","output":"### Answer: OLEANDER \n ### Explanation: O! Heroic lover of evergreen shrub (8)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Writer diving in river left a sound measure (7)","output":"### Answer: DECIBEL \n ### Explanation: Writer diving in river left a sound measure (7) \nDE(<+BIC)E + L"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pluto declassified as one representation film (6)","output":"### Answer: PLANET \n ### Explanation: Pluto declassified as one representation film (6) \nPLAN + E.T."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rod Stewart, perhaps, to perform before her majesty (6)","output":"### Answer: SINGER \n ### Explanation: Rod Stewart, perhaps, to perform before her majesty (6) \nSING before E.R\n \nThis is a lazy clue in my opinion."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Moonraker, for one, put to sea (4)","output":"### Answer: SAIL \n ### Explanation: Moonraker, for one, put to sea (4) \nDouble definition (kind of!)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Learned one tune to counter uncontrolled movement (7)","output":"### Answer: GNOSTIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: Learned\n<=SONG + TIC"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wise to get panties off (7)","output":"### Answer: SAPIENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Wise\n*(panties)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Element in legalese judge denied (5)","output":"### Answer: ARGON \n ### Explanation: Definition: Element\n(j)ARGON"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Schmaltzy book returned by student on Hebridean island (9)","output":"### Answer: EMOTIONAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Schmaltzy\n<=TOME + IONA-L"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One friend replaces husband in German city or town (9)","output":"### Answer: MUNICIPAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: town\nMUNIC(h)-1 PAL"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A second pair sent from madhouse across centre (5)","output":"### Answer: ABEAM \n ### Explanation: Definition: across centre\nA + BE(dl)AM"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Timeless band's backing track (5)","output":"### Answer: SPOOR \n ### Explanation: Definition: track\n<=(t)ROOPS"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Edward Alleyn and a tiger run wild? (9)","output":"### Answer: TRAGEDIAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Edward Alleyn\n*(and a tiger)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Surprisingly apt study contains chapter on unknown nursery- rhyme (5-4)","output":"### Answer: PATTY-CAKE \n ### Explanation: Surprisingly apt study contains chapter on unknown nursery- rhyme (5-4)\n \n(*apt) +T(Y + C)AKE\n \n*Patty cake, patty cake, baker's man.*\n \n*Bake me a cake as fast as you can;*\n \n*Roll it up, roll it up;*\n \n*And throw it in a pan!*\n \n*Patty cake, patty cake, baker's man"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One female artist carries box of bricks (5)","output":"### Answer: RHODA \n ### Explanation: Definition: carries \nR(HOD)A\n \nR.A. carrying HOD"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Snarl from King George hunting bird (5)","output":"### Answer: GROWL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Snarl\nG.R. + OWL"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Chaps when old discuss Jack's impulse buy (9)","output":"### Answer: BEANSTALK \n ### Explanation: Definition: Jack's impulse buy\n(old) BEANS + TALK\n \nTechnically, Jack bought beans\u2026"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mark left by mostly classical composer (9)","output":"### Answer: SCARLATTI \n ### Explanation: Mark left by mostly classical composer (9)\n \nSCAR-L-ATTI(c)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Manx beast shows inner personality (5)","output":"### Answer: ANIMA \n ### Explanation: Definition: inner personality\nANIMA(L)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Some split hairs to update this language (7)","output":"### Answer: SIAMESE \n ### Explanation: Definition: this language\nHidden in \"spliT HAIrs\" is THAI, which is an update of Siamese."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Aim to keep spirit and energy with driving power (7)","output":"### Answer: ENGINED \n ### Explanation: Definition: with driving power\nEN(GIN-E)D"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: G&S entertains me with stuff that has some weight (7)","output":"### Answer: GRAMMES \n ### Explanation: Definition: some weight\nG(RAM-ME)S"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Church area unkempt for a long time (5,4)","output":"### Answer: ORGAN LOFT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Church area\n*(for a long t)\n \nThe organ loft is a gallery in a church where the organ is played."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Put to bed at home, got up after this? (5)","output":"### Answer: TONIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: this\n=>C(IN)OT"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ruler moved to palace across river (9)","output":"### Answer: CLEOPATRA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Ruler\n*(to palace + r)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Asian city European in spirit (5)","output":"### Answer: SEOUL \n ### Explanation: Asian city European in spirit (5)\n \nS(E)OUL"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ship corroded in stream under pressure (9)","output":"### Answer: PRIVATEER \n ### Explanation: Ship corroded in stream under pressure (9)\n \nP-RIV(ATE)ER"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Man makes turn in drive-in restaurant (5)","output":"### Answer: ERNIE \n ### Explanation: Man makes turn in drive-in restaurant (5)\n \nhidden backwards in \"drivE-IN REstaurant\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ruler at Salamis might be 10 where 10's unseated (7)","output":"### Answer: TELAMON \n ### Explanation: Definition: Ruler at Salamis\n*(emotional \u2013 io)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ultimately aristocratic blood this colour? (5,4)","output":"### Answer: ROYAL BLUE \n ### Explanation: Definition: this colour\nThe best I can do in parsing this is that aristocrats have blue blood and the ultmiate in aristocracy is royalty, so this is a mildly cryptic definition?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Area surrounded by badgers outside compound (9)","output":"### Answer: ACETAMIDE \n ### Explanation: Area surrounded by badgers outside compound (9)\n \nSorry \u2013 this one had me beat, until Eileen came to the rescue (see Comment 1)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Current loan is to supply withdrawal (9)","output":"### Answer: ISOLATION \n ### Explanation: Definition: withdrawal\nI + *(loan is to)\n \n*I* is the conventional symbol for electrical current"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Horse that flew sees winning post the way FT does (7)","output":"### Answer: PEGASUS \n ### Explanation: Horse that flew sees winning post the way FT does (7)\n \nPEG + AS US\n \nThe post you hit at the end of a game of croquet is called the PEG, therefore \"winning post\" = PEG\n \nThe \"AS US\" bit is clumsy, in my opinion."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Clumsy wicketkeeper breaks trophy (7)","output":"### Answer: AWKWARD \n ### Explanation: Definition: Clumsy\nA(WK)WARD"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Japanese city huge \u2013 there's another name for it (5)","output":"### Answer: OSAKA \n ### Explanation: Japanese city huge \u2013 there's another name for it (5)\n \nOS (outsize = \"huge\") + AKA (also known as = \"there's another name for it\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Swim where blind flyer loses two- thirds in height? (5)","output":"### Answer: BATHE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Swim\nBAT + HE(ight)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Undignified speech from Spain's foremost film director (5)","output":"### Answer: SLANG \n ### Explanation: Definition: Undignified speech\nS(Spain's foremost) + (Fritz) LANG, German director who went on to be a Hollywood great."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cut a dash, largely, with a Spanish banker and promoter (10)","output":"### Answer: IMPRESARIO \n ### Explanation: Cut a dash, largely, with a Spanish banker and promoter (10) \nIMPRES(s) + A RIO\n \nRIO is Spanish for river, therfore a \"Spanish banker\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fool expected to carry cash (4)","output":"### Answer: DUPE \n ### Explanation: Fool expected to carry cash (4) \nDU(P)E\n \nP = penny"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Splendour of chamberpot's representative (4)","output":"### Answer: POMP \n ### Explanation: Splendour of chamberpot's representative (4) \nPO + M.P."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Deliverance provided in washing (10)","output":"### Answer: ABSOLUTION \n ### Explanation: Deliverance provided in washing (10) \nAB(SO)LUTION"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Light carriage initially badly laden (6)","output":"### Answer: CANDLE \n ### Explanation: Light carriage initially badly laden (6) \nC(arriage) + *(laden)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fianc\u00e9e's at home being looked after (8)","output":"### Answer: INTENDED \n ### Explanation: Fianc\u00e9e's at home being looked after (8) \nIN + TENDED"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Interned a girl working in military base (8)","output":"### Answer: PENTAGON \n ### Explanation: Interned a girl working in military base (8) \nPENT + A + G + ON"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mug bowled during play (4)","output":"### Answer: TOBY \n ### Explanation: Mug bowled during play (4)\n \nTO(B)Y, as in a Toby jug"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Avuncular American entertained many a swindle (4)","output":"### Answer: SCAM \n ### Explanation: Avuncular American entertained many a swindle (4) \nS(C)AM\n \n\"Avuncular American\" is (Uncle) Sam\n \nC = 100 ~ \"many\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Make too much of\u00a0frequency of deliveries (8)","output":"### Answer: OVERRATE \n ### Explanation: Make too much of\u00a0frequency of deliveries (8) \nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ring up about unwanted baby's garment (8)","output":"### Answer: COVERALL \n ### Explanation: Ring up about unwanted baby's garment (8) \nC(OVER)ALL"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Actually denied arrangement (6)","output":"### Answer: INDEED \n ### Explanation: Actually denied arrangement (6) \n*(denied)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dead woman said to be heartbroken (10)","output":"### Answer: DEVASTATED \n ### Explanation: Dead woman said to be heartbroken (10) \nD + EVA + STATED"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Kick oneself for storing small device (4)","output":"### Answer: RUSE \n ### Explanation: Kick oneself for storing small device (4) \nRU(S)E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fish convulse when decapitated (4)","output":"### Answer: HAKE \n ### Explanation: Fish convulse when decapitated (4) \n(s)HAKE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Article coppers feel bitter about now (3,7)","output":"### Answer: THE PRESENT \n ### Explanation: Article coppers feel bitter about now (3,7) \nTHE + P + RESENT"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Heath needed time to make the berth (7)","output":"### Answer: MOORAGE \n ### Explanation: Heath needed time to make the berth (7) \nMOOR + AGE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Speedy coppers in surprise attack (5)","output":"### Answer: RAPID \n ### Explanation: Speedy coppers in surprise attack (5) \nRA(P)ID"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Scottish leaders retaliate and clean up the streets (8)","output":"### Answer: SCAVENGE \n ### Explanation: Scottish leaders retaliate and clean up the streets (8) \nSC(ottish) + AVENGE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rules out nastier play in dangerous game (7,8)","output":"### Answer: RUSSIAN ROULETTE \n ### Explanation: Rules out nastier play in dangerous game (7,8) \n*(rules out nastier)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Oscar got deflated by oriental recently (2,4)","output":"### Answer: OF LATE \n ### Explanation: Oscar got deflated by oriental recently (2,4) \nO + FLAT + E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Primer father keeps in school to read initially (9)","output":"### Answer: DETONATOR \n ### Explanation: Primer father keeps in school to read initially (9) \nD(ETON)A + TO + R(ead)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Saw pirate in lead (7)","output":"### Answer: PROVERB \n ### Explanation: Saw pirate in lead (7) \nP(ROVER)B\n \nPb is the chemical symbol for lead"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Paddy consumed mild (9)","output":"### Answer: TEMPERATE \n ### Explanation: Paddy consumed mild (9) \nTEMPER + ATE\n \nA paddy is a rage, or a fit of temper"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Confuse when crazy in drink (8)","output":"### Answer: BEWILDER \n ### Explanation: Confuse when crazy in drink (8) \nBE(WILD)ER"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Caught artist concealing depression and sickness (7)","output":"### Answer: CHOLERA \n ### Explanation: Caught artist concealing depression and sickness (7) \nC(HOLE)R.A."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Senator organised acts of betrayal (7)","output":"### Answer: TREASON \n ### Explanation: Senator organised acts of betrayal (7) \n*(senator)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A heartless sot in bed is over the hill (4,2)","output":"### Answer: PAST IT \n ### Explanation: A heartless sot in bed is over the hill (4,2) \nP(A S(o)T)IT"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Moves quickly in board game (5)","output":"### Answer: DARTS \n ### Explanation: Moves quickly in board game (5) \nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Corresponding with latitude (8)","output":"### Answer: PARALLEL \n ### Explanation: Corresponding with latitude (8) \nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Prominently display score covering piano (6)","output":"### Answer: SPLASH \n ### Explanation: Prominently display score covering piano (6) \nS(P)LASH"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old crock keeps bar in a state (8)","output":"### Answer: REPUBLIC \n ### Explanation: Old crock keeps bar in a state (8) \nRE(PUB)LIC"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Grey parrots getting fruit (6)","output":"### Answer: GRAPES \n ### Explanation: Grey parrots getting fruit (6) \nGr. + APES"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Serenity shown by George, eg, with complaint (9)","output":"### Answer: STILLNESS \n ### Explanation: Serenity shown by George, eg, with complaint (9) \nST-ILLNESS\n \nST is short for Saint, as in St George"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bottle of spirit? (5)","output":"### Answer: HEART \n ### Explanation: Bottle of spirit? (5) \nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Doughnut with German miss (4)","output":"### Answer: OMIT \n ### Explanation: Doughnut with German miss (4) \nO(\"doughnut\")+MIT(German for \"with\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Leave bottles stocked primarily for end of meal (7)","output":"### Answer: DESSERT \n ### Explanation: Leave bottles stocked primarily for end of meal (7) \nDES(S)ERT\n \nS = \"stocked primarily\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: French wine's guarantee coming with noble report (7)","output":"### Answer: ACCOUNT \n ### Explanation: French wine's guarantee coming with noble report (7) \nA.C. + COUNT\n \nA.C. is \"appellation contr\u00f4l\u00e9e\", the system which within France designates and controls the names especially of wine, but also of cognac, armagnac, calvados and some foods, guaranteeing the authenticity of the producing region and the methods of production, and which outside France protects the generic names from misappropriation (from the Chambers website)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Make fun of English set defining conventional behaviour (4)","output":"### Answer: CODE \n ### Explanation: Make fun of English set defining conventional behaviour (4) \nCOD-E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pirate returned to Android machine (5)","output":"### Answer: ROBOT \n ### Explanation: Pirate returned to Android machine (5) \nROB + <=OT"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Delight in cooked meats used with menu (9)","output":"### Answer: AMUSEMENT \n ### Explanation: Delight in cooked meats used with menu (9) \n*(meats menu)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: In chakalaka and fricadel there's a taste of \u2014\u2014 (6)","output":"### Answer: AFRICA \n ### Explanation: In chakalaka and fricadel there's a taste of \u2014\u2014 (6) \nHidden in chakalakA FRICAdel.\n \nHate this clue; the \"and\" between \"chakalaka\" and \"fricadel\" is just wrong. Could easily have been resolved by adding a third ingredient, so for example:\n \nIn chakalaka, fricadel and biltong, there's a taste of \u2026\u2026.(6)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Walk on this street with soldiers going through exercises (8)","output":"### Answer: PAVEMENT \n ### Explanation: Walk on this street with soldiers going through exercises (8) \nP(AVE-MEN)T\n \nPT = physical training = \"exercises\"\n \nAVE~\"street\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One invested in exotic saree which is lighter (6)","output":"### Answer: EASIER \n ### Explanation: One invested in exotic saree which is lighter (6) \nI(\"one\") in *(saree)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bored? Take fewer breaks (8)","output":"### Answer: RESTLESS \n ### Explanation: Bored? Take fewer breaks (8) \nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Model perhaps going topless would make this expression (6)","output":"### Answer: PHRASE \n ### Explanation: Model perhaps going topless would make this expression (6) \n*(erhaps) (\"perhaps going topless\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Restore resort (6)","output":"### Answer: REPAIR \n ### Explanation: Restore resort (6) \nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tag left on early murder victim (5)","output":"### Answer: LABEL \n ### Explanation: Tag left on early murder victim (5) \nL-ABEL"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: I have put up with depression, that's clear (7)","output":"### Answer: EVIDENT \n ### Explanation: I have put up with depression, that's clear (7) \n<=I'VE + DENT"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bought seat, so we're told, like editor (9)","output":"### Answer: PURCHASED \n ### Explanation: Bought seat, so we're told, like editor (9) \n(homophone of PERCH??) + AS ED\n \nI've said it before, but I hate homophones, especially ones like this. I'm Scottish, so as far as I am concerned this doesn't work (I suppose there may be some places where this works)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Letters in order for this type of soup (8)","output":"### Answer: ALPHABET \n ### Explanation: Letters in order for this type of soup (8) \nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Delay from His Excellency \u2013 nation is invaded by India (8)","output":"### Answer: HESITATE \n ### Explanation: Delay from His Excellency \u2013 nation is invaded by India (8) \nH.E. + S(I)TATE\n \nH.E. = \"His Excellency\"\n \nI = \"India\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Took a break without Dad \u2013 that's not new (4)","output":"### Answer: USED \n ### Explanation: Took a break without Dad \u2013 that's not new (4) \n(PA)USED"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Chaos with mute playing up \u2013 Groucho's identifying feature (9)","output":"### Answer: MOUSTACHE \n ### Explanation: Chaos with mute playing up \u2013 Groucho's identifying feature (9) \n*(chaos mute)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Vehicle, say, bearing rising transport costs (8)","output":"### Answer: CARRIAGE \n ### Explanation: Vehicle, say, bearing rising transport costs (8) \nCAR + <=E.G. AIR"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Top British units identifying shipping hazards (8)","output":"### Answer: ICEBERGS \n ### Explanation: Top British units identifying shipping hazards (8) \nICE-B-ERGS\n \nICE = \"top\" as in \"ice a cake\", I presume\n \nERG = unit of work"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Grab meal with mother finally (4)","output":"### Answer: TEAR \n ### Explanation: Grab meal with mother finally (4) \nTEA + (mothe)R"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pluck power from uprising madness (7)","output":"### Answer: COURAGE \n ### Explanation: Pluck power from uprising madness (7)\n \nCOU(p) + RAGE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Forbidding churchman set up in bishop's office (6)","output":"### Answer: SEVERE \n ### Explanation: Forbidding churchman set up in bishop's office (6) \nSE(<=REV)E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Short fact on American position (6)","output":"### Answer: STATUS \n ### Explanation: Short fact on American position (6) \nSTAT(istic) + U.S."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Do just tons (5)","output":"### Answer: EVENT \n ### Explanation: Do just tons (5) \nEVEN-T"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unexpected teacher is being nosy, reportedly (8)","output":"### Answer: SURPRISE \n ### Explanation: Unexpected teacher is being nosy, reportedly (8) \nHomophone of SIR PRIES"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Topic \u2013 dull, I hesitate to say (6)","output":"### Answer: MATTER \n ### Explanation: Topic \u2013 dull, I hesitate to say (6) \nMATT-ER"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Staple food cut short \u2013 revolutionary opens holy books? Movement hard to predict! (8)","output":"### Answer: RICOCHET \n ### Explanation: Staple food cut short \u2013 revolutionary opens holy books? Movement hard to predict! (8) \nRIC(e) + O(CHE)T\n \nCHE \u2013 Che Guevara"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Restricted by Lambeth: a nerve gas (6)","output":"### Answer: ETHANE \n ### Explanation: Restricted by Lambeth: a nerve gas (6) \nHidden in (ie \"restricted by\") \"LambETH A NErve\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Our group way before time missing answer \u2013 a blow (8)","output":"### Answer: WESTERLY \n ### Explanation: Our group way before time missing answer \u2013 a blow (8) \nWE (\"our group\" + ST + E(a)RLY"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Charm stubborn guy overwhelmed by thanks on return (6)","output":"### Answer: AMULET \n ### Explanation: Charm stubborn guy overwhelmed by thanks on return (6) \nMULE in <=TA"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Control travel before Jules welcomes African party (10)","output":"### Answer: GOVERNANCE \n ### Explanation: Control travel before Jules welcomes African party (10) \nGO \u2013 VERN(A.N.C.)E\n \nA.N.C. = African National Congress"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mainsail it's adapted for Naples usage? (10)","output":"### Answer: ITALIANISM \n ### Explanation: Mainsail it's adapted for Naples usage? (10) \n*(mainsail it)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Prince in cold alien house (6)","output":"### Answer: CHALET \n ### Explanation: Prince in cold alien house (6) \nC(HAL)E.T."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: No aid in sight if this is used? (5,3)","output":"### Answer: NAKED EYE \n ### Explanation: No aid in sight if this is used? (5,3) \nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Piece cut, small, as it happens, right! (6)","output":"### Answer: SLIVER \n ### Explanation: Piece cut, small, as it happens, right! (6) \nS-LIVE-R"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Aunt's tip: loose clothing (8)","output":"### Answer: PANTSUIT \n ### Explanation: Aunt's tip: loose clothing (8) \n*(aunt's tip)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Agile Northern Ireland doctor backed by the French (6)","output":"### Answer: NIMBLE \n ### Explanation: Agile Northern Ireland doctor backed by the French (6) \nN.I. + MB + LE\n \nMB = *Medicinae Baccalaureus* (Bachelor of Medicine)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Husband getting attention on the double? Well said! (4,4)","output":"### Answer: HEAR HEAR \n ### Explanation: Husband getting attention on the double? Well said! (4,4) \nH + EAR (twice)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Vacated shop lacking refinement and left urban area (6)","output":"### Answer: SPRAWL \n ### Explanation: Vacated shop lacking refinement and left urban area (6) \nS(ho)P-RAW-L"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Break ranks, expecting charge; exclude some soldiers initially (6)","output":"### Answer: RECESS \n ### Explanation: Break ranks, expecting charge; exclude some soldiers initially (6) \nInitials of \"**R**anks, **E**xpecting **C**harge; **E**xclude **S**ome **S**oldiers\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: It is used in court\u00a0fraud (6)","output":"### Answer: RACKET \n ### Explanation: It is used in court\u00a0fraud (6) \nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Time limit for having one's attention held (10)","output":"### Answer: SPELLBOUND \n ### Explanation: Time limit for having one's attention held (10) \nSPELL-BOUND"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Element opposed to non- English currency (8)","output":"### Answer: ANTIMONY \n ### Explanation: Element opposed to non- English currency (8) \nANTI-MON(e)Y"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Country lad in hat running (8)","output":"### Answer: THAILAND \n ### Explanation: Country lad in hat running (8) \n*(lad in hat)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Green ton? Wrong scientific unit! (8)","output":"### Answer: ROENTGEN \n ### Explanation: Green ton? Wrong scientific unit! (8) \n*(green ton)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Reduce intensity after 1st of December: cease cooking in evening? (2-8)","output":"### Answer: DE-ESCALATE \n ### Explanation: Reduce intensity after 1st of December: cease cooking in evening? (2-8) \nD(ecember)+*(cease)+LATE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bishop Dai coaches Shaun regularly (8)","output":"### Answer: DIOCESAN \n ### Explanation: Bishop Dai coaches Shaun regularly (8) \nLetters taken regularly from **D**a**I**c**O**a**C**h**E**s**S**h**A**u**N"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Model soldier dropped cutting remark, maladroit originally (8)","output":"### Answer: PARADIGM \n ### Explanation: Model soldier dropped cutting remark, maladroit originally (8) \nPARA-DIG-M(aladroit)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Relating to star team, one from Madrid? (8)","output":"### Answer: SIDEREAL \n ### Explanation: Relating to star team, one from Madrid? (8) \nSIDE + REAL (Madrid)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fine story featuring Greek (6)","output":"### Answer: NESTOR \n ### Explanation: Fine story featuring Greek (6) \nHidden in \"fiNE STORy\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wine lover disheartened nurse? (6)","output":"### Answer: BEAUNE \n ### Explanation: Wine lover disheartened nurse? (6) \nBEAU+N(urs)E\n \nBeaune is the wine capital of Burgundy"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Restrict free rambling around motorcycle races (6)","output":"### Answer: FETTER \n ### Explanation: Restrict free rambling around motorcycle races (6) \nT.T. in *(free)\n \nT.T. = Tourist Trophy (motorcycle races on the Isle of Man)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: An awful cost 19 21 23 paradoxically settles? (4,2,3)","output":"### Answer: HELL TO PAY \n ### Explanation: Definition: An awful cost\nA cost to be paid for by the wages of sin (see 19 21 23)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Arrangement has TV in higher place (3,2)","output":"### Answer: SET UP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Arrangement\nSET (\"TV\") + UP"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Port or schnapps essentially brought round by twit (7)","output":"### Answer: ANTWERP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Port\n<=(sch(NA)pps) + TWERP"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Musical rook, on piano, in basket (7)","output":"### Answer: PANNIER \n ### Explanation: Definition: basket\nP-ANNIE-R"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Swimmer takes part in elite training (5)","output":"### Answer: TETRA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Swimmer\nHidden in \"eliTE TRAining\"\n \nA tetra is a tropical fish, often seen in fish tanks."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Supporter free European's held back for example (9)","output":"### Answer: RIDGEPOLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Supporte\nRID (<=E.G.) POLE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Drink from nipple endlessly (3)","output":"### Answer: TEA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Drink\nTEA(t)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Having too much on bad for an evil god sacrificing female (11)","output":"### Answer: OVERLOADING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Having too much on\n*(or an evil god) (The F of \"for\" is sacrificed.)\n \nThis surface is a little awkward for my liking. \"Having too much on\" leads me to an adjective or past participle like \"overladen\" rather than the answer. Would have preferrred something like \"putting too much on\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Scots town's bustling estate to incorporate good little entrances (6-5)","output":"### Answer: WICKET GATES \n ### Explanation: Definition: little entrances\nWICK + *(estate) incorporating G"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Whose feasting may lead to death? (3,5,2,3)","output":"### Answer: THE WAGES OF SIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Whose feasting may lead to death?\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Something blessed new hero staying fifty years by temple (4,5)","output":"### Answer: HOLY WATER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Something blessed\nL Y WAT in *(hero)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Small over-supply in machine controller (5)","output":"### Answer: SERVO \n ### Explanation: Small over-supply in machine controller (5)\n \nS + *(over)\n \nI'm assuming that the anagrind is \"supply\", which I'm not convinced by."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stuff the Tories? That's morally correct (7)","output":"### Answer: UPRIGHT \n ### Explanation: Definition: morally correct\nUP + RIGHT\n \nMight need some help from a fellow blogger here. UP meaning STUFF? I'm thinking as in \"to increase\" but I'm not convinced."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sinister order in America banks one blood type (7)","output":"### Answer: OMINOUS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Sinister\nO.M IN (O) US"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: They're filled from river sheep must guard (5)","output":"### Answer: EWERS \n ### Explanation: Definition: They're filled\nEWE(R)S"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Period in pub with alumnus dominating thought (9)","output":"### Answer: OBSESSION \n ### Explanation: Definition: thought\nOB + SESSION"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Core planet where the last shall be first (5)","output":"### Answer: HEART \n ### Explanation: Definition: Core\nMoving the H of EARTH to the front gives HEART"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Female monkey in meadow (7)","output":"### Answer: LETITIA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Female \nLE(TITI)A\n \nA titi is a small South American monkey."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Worm wants red meat to become rotten (9)","output":"### Answer: TREMATODE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Worm\n*(red meat to)\n \nA trematode is a parasitic flatworm."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Journal with influence that keeps work down (5-6)","output":"### Answer: PAPER-WEIGHT \n ### Explanation: Definition: keeps work down\nPAPER + WEIGHT"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old solvers start to panic \u2013 that's right (3)","output":"### Answer: YEP \n ### Explanation: Old solvers start to panic \u2013 that's right (3)\n \nYE + P(anic)\n \n\"solvers \" = YOU, but \"old\" indicates YE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Playboy playwright to tell in verse that's heard (5)","output":"### Answer: SYNGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Playboy playwright\nHomophone of SING (\"to tell in verse\"\n \nJohn Millington Synge wrote \"The Playboy of the Western World\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Flow easily shifting oil produces capital (7)","output":"### Answer: TRIPOLI \n ### Explanation: Definition: capital \nTRIP (\"flow easily\" as in \"trip off the tongue\") + *(oil)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Shark pair snatches old dog (9)","output":"### Answer: PORBEAGLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Shark\nP(O)R + BEAGLE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cancel FT to save capital? That's destructive (11)","output":"### Answer: DELETERIOUS \n ### Explanation: Definition: destructive\nDELETE(RIO)US\n \n\"FT\" = US\n \nRio isn't a capital, however. It was, but Brasilia took over when it was built."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Time at private hotel and river residence (9)","output":"### Answer: TOWNHOUSE \n ### Explanation: Time at private hotel and river residence (9)\n \nT-OWN-H-OUSE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: 25 fools in society make killers (9)","output":"### Answer: ASSASSINS \n ### Explanation: Definition: killers\n2 x ASS + IN S(ociety)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: California Tales about one measure of heat (7)","output":"### Answer: CALORIE \n ### Explanation: Definition: measure of heat \nCA + LOR(I)E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ice-cream \u2013 there's a lot put into doughnuts (7)","output":"### Answer: TORTONI \n ### Explanation: Definition: Ice-cream\nTOR(TON)I\n \nTORI is the plural of TORUS (a doughnut shaped surface)\n \nTortoni is made with cream and cherries, with optional nuts."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Couple from Brentwood (3)","output":"### Answer: TWO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Couple\nHidden in BrenTWOod"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Don or postgrad's official record (3,5)","output":"### Answer: PRO FORMA \n ### Explanation: Definition: official record\nProf. + OR + M.A."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Start to buy pure spread (6)","output":"### Answer: BUTTER \n ### Explanation: Definition: spread\nB(uy) + UTTER"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Alice married one of these breaking sugar daddy's heart (6)","output":"### Answer: GUARDS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Alice married one of these\n*(sugar D) where the D is heart of \"daDdy\"\n \nThey're changing guard at Buckingham Palace \u2013\n Christopher Robin went down with Alice.\n Alice is marrying one of the guard.\n \"A soldier's life is terrible hard,\"\n Says Alice.\n \n*(from Buckinghan Palace, by A A Milne)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Finished Scripture and gym? I'm off (8)","output":"### Answer: OVERRIPE \n ### Explanation: Definition: off \nOVER + R.I. + P.E."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Often trite image that is indicative of a big ego! (4)","output":"### Answer: MEME \n ### Explanation: Definition: Often trite image\nME ME!"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Scattered queue tear along this? (6,4)","output":"### Answer: DOTTED LINE \n ### Explanation: Definition: tear along this?\nDOTTED + LINE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Furious old bird (8)","output":"### Answer: FLAMINGO \n ### Explanation: Definition: bird\nFLAMING + O"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fine lubricant is something to battle with pointlessly (4)","output":"### Answer: FOIL \n ### Explanation: Definition: something to battle with pointlessly\nF + OIL"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: In short, like some crosswords\u00a0before long (4)","output":"### Answer: ANON \n ### Explanation: Definition: In short, like some crosswords\nDouble dedfinition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dogged son was in debt beforehand (8)","output":"### Answer: SHADOWED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Dogged \nS + HAD OWED"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Take the plunge and hike to Barking with tent (3,3,4)","output":"### Answer: TIE THE KNOT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Take the plunge\n*(hike to tent) with Barking as the anagrind"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Artist concerned with being thin on the ground (4)","output":"### Answer: RARE \n ### Explanation: Definition: thin on the ground\nR.A. + RE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dash up to cafe for what suits you (3,2,3)","output":"### Answer: CUP OF TEA \n ### Explanation: Definition: what suits you\n*(up to cafe)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Without basis claim supporter's overcome by beer (6)","output":"### Answer: ALLEGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Without basis claim\nAL(LEG)E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Peculiar scene with a meeting across the divide? (6)","output":"### Answer: SEANCE \n ### Explanation: Definition: meeting across the divide\n*(scene a)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Trucks back round trendy place of craftwork? (8)","output":"### Answer: SHIPYARD \n ### Explanation: Definition: place of craftwork\nHIP in <=DRAYS"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Run out Ozzie pick-up here? (5)","output":"### Answer: ROUTE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Run out Ozzie pick-up here\nR.O. + UTE (& lit.)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Flower suitable as a lover's giftt, I'd suggest (6-2-3)","output":"### Answer: FORGET ME NOT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Flower\nCryptic(ish) definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hand in what's due to be settled (8)","output":"### Answer: RESIDENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: to be settled\nRE(SIDE)NT"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: An eternity to pray and hymn, you may say (1,5,2,7)","output":"### Answer: A MONTH OF SUNDAYS \n ### Explanation: Definition: An eternity\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: I'll make tea in British pot (6)","output":"### Answer: BREWER \n ### Explanation: Definition: I'll make te\nBr. + EWER"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Jack's a celeb needing no introduction (3)","output":"### Answer: TAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Jack\n(s)TAR"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dear divorcee is thoughtful (9)","output":"### Answer: EXPENSIVE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Dear\nEX + PENSIVE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Biography of a motor manufacturer in easy street? (4,2,5)","output":"### Answer: LIFE OF RILEY \n ### Explanation: Definition: in easy street\nLIFE OF RILEY (as in Riley Motor, a British motor and bicycle and manufacturer in the early 20th century)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dicky led outing in line (9)","output":"### Answer: LONGITUDE \n ### Explanation: Definition: line\n*(led outing)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Smoked beef in one market clot picked up (8)","output":"### Answer: PASTRAMI \n ### Explanation: Definition: Smoked beef \n<= I-MART-SAP"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Box up what's essential for 24? (6)","output":"### Answer: KETTLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: what's essential for 24\nNeed some help here\u2026."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Moore is one well received and taken on board (5)","output":"### Answer: ROGER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Moore is one\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Have bumfluff shaved from the beginning (3)","output":"### Answer: OWN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Have\n(d)OWN"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: He cuts open a girl's form for cosmetic effects (7,7)","output":"### Answer: PLASTIC SURGEON \n ### Explanation: He cuts open a girl's form for cosmetic effects (7,7) \n*(cuts open a girl's) and &lit."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Previously in detoxification centre (4)","output":"### Answer: ONCE \n ### Explanation: Previously in detoxification centre (4) \nhidden in detoxificati**ON CE**ntre"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: True, Leo is a prophet (10)","output":"### Answer: SOOTHSAYER \n ### Explanation: True, Leo is a prophet (10) \nSOOTH + (Leo) SAYER"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Comedienne Lucille with commercial song (6)","output":"### Answer: BALLAD \n ### Explanation: Comedienne Lucille with commercial song (6) \n(Lucille) BALL + AD"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Man's seal broken by representative (8)","output":"### Answer: SALESMAN \n ### Explanation: Man's seal broken by representative (8) \n*(man's seal)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Resort to favourite treatment for celebrity (3,6)","output":"### Answer: RED CARPET \n ### Explanation: Resort to favourite treatment for celebrity (3,6) \nREDCAR + PET\n \nRedcar is a seaside resort in the North East of England."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: His dozen may be unlucky for some (5)","output":"### Answer: BAKER \n ### Explanation: His dozen may be unlucky for some (5) \nCryptic definition.\n \nA baker's dozen = 13, which is \"unlucky for some\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Supplied a room for FT chief (5)","output":"### Answer: ARMED \n ### Explanation: Supplied a room for FT chief (5) \nA-rm.-ed."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rendered\u00a0intoxicated (9)","output":"### Answer: PLASTERED \n ### Explanation: Rendered\u00a0intoxicated (9) \nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Delightful lake in rustic surrounding (8)","output":"### Answer: PLEASANT \n ### Explanation: Delightful lake in rustic surrounding (8) \nP(L)EASANT"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lustre refurbished for effect (6)","output":"### Answer: RESULT \n ### Explanation: Lustre refurbished for effect (6) \n*(lustre)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Either way the same like Mum or Dad (10)","output":"### Answer: PALINDROME \n ### Explanation: Either way the same like Mum or Dad (10) \nNot terribly cryptic definition, and I think the wordplay leads to an adjective (PALINDROMIC) rather than the noun."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Town in knotty region (4)","output":"### Answer: TYRE \n ### Explanation: Town in knotty region (4) \nHidden in \"knot**TY RE**gion\"\n \nAssuming that this is Tyre n Lebanon, I think their residents would prefer \"city\" rathern than \"town\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Erudite king rejected study (7)","output":"### Answer: LEARNED \n ### Explanation: Erudite king rejected study (7) \n(King) LEAR + <=DEN\n \nI must have seen this clue at least four times this year already."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Predicament of a hummer (7)","output":"### Answer: STINKER \n ### Explanation: Predicament of a hummer (7) \nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ancestry is sequence of generation (7)","output":"### Answer: LINEAGE \n ### Explanation: Ancestry is sequence of generation (7)\n \nLINE + AGE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Case for the oil company (5)","output":"### Answer: SHELL \n ### Explanation: Case for the oil company (5) \nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Such illegal trading done secretly, right? (7)","output":"### Answer: INSIDER \n ### Explanation: Such illegal trading done secretly, right? (7) \nINSIDE + R\n \nNot very cryptic."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One in Paris pronounced completely blasphemous (6)","output":"### Answer: UNHOLY \n ### Explanation: One in Paris pronounced completely blasphemous (6) \nUN + homophone of \"wholly\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Girl fighting in Georgia for carafes and sniffers, perhaps (9)","output":"### Answer: GLASSWARE \n ### Explanation: Girl fighting in Georgia for carafes and sniffers, perhaps (9)\n \nLASS + WAR in GE\n \nGE is the International Car Registration Number for Georgia."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Work in the theatre? (7)","output":"### Answer: OPERATE \n ### Explanation: Work in the theatre? (7) \nNot cryptic, although I can see what the setter is trying to do."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hercules, perhaps, to clean silt on bananas (13)","output":"### Answer: CONSTELLATION \n ### Explanation: Hercules, perhaps, to clean silt on bananas (13)\n \n*(to clean silt on) with \"bananas\" as an anagrind.\n \nHercules is a constellation between Lyra and Corona Borealis."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Knight who thanked heaven for little girls (9)","output":"### Answer: CHEVALIER \n ### Explanation: Knight who thanked heaven for little girls (9) \nMaurice Chevalier sang \"Thank Heaven for Little Girls\" in *Gigi"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Publication about tenancy (7)","output":"### Answer: RELEASE \n ### Explanation: Publication about tenancy (7) \nRE + LEASE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Too much! Ref upset to be dragged into legal action (7)","output":"### Answer: SURFEIT \n ### Explanation: Too much! Ref upset to be dragged into legal action (7) \n*(ref) in SUIT"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Expand General Assembly (7)","output":"### Answer: ENLARGE \n ### Explanation: Expand General Assembly (7) \n*(general)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tiger's assistant, a scoundrel to the end (6)","output":"### Answer: CADDIE \n ### Explanation: Tiger's assistant, a scoundrel to the end (6) \nCAD + DIE\n \nTiger refers to Tiger Woods, the golfer.\n \nDon't like \"to the end\" for DIE as these refer to different parts of speech."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Assembled trendy material (5)","output":"### Answer: SATIN \n ### Explanation: Assembled trendy material (5) \nSAT + IN"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Policeman round to collect manuscript in crucial time off (3,5)","output":"### Answer: REM SLEEP \n ### Explanation: Policeman round to collect manuscript in crucial time off (3,5) \nMS in <=PEELER"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Two words that signal splendid ruin (6)","output":"### Answer: DEFACE \n ### Explanation: Two words that signal splendid ruin (6) \nDEF + ACE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: King stops bastard nation leaving 10 perhaps (6)","output":"### Answer: GREXIT \n ### Explanation: King stops bastard nation leaving 10 perhaps (6) \nG(REX)IT"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Regret returning to bracing atmosphere in pressured financial area (8)","output":"### Answer: EUROZONE \n ### Explanation: Regret returning to bracing atmosphere in pressured financial area (8) \n<= RUE + OZONE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Composer drops in for mutton slice (4)","output":"### Answer: CHOP \n ### Explanation: Composer drops in for mutton slice (4) \nCHOP(in)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Getting stuck occasionally in rubble is reason 9 might occur (4,6)","output":"### Answer: DEBT CRISIS \n ### Explanation: Getting stuck occasionally in rubble is reason 9 might occur (4,6) \n(s)T(u)C(k) in DEBRIS IS"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Populist met with Draco explosively (8)","output":"### Answer: DEMOCRAT \n ### Explanation: Populist met with Draco explosively (8) \n*(met Draco)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Film director in bank (4)","output":"### Answer: LEAN \n ### Explanation: Film director in bank (4) \nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One on spit where temperature famously varies (4)","output":"### Answer: GOBI \n ### Explanation: One on spit where temperature famously varies (4) \nGOB + I\n \nThe temperatures can vary by up to 35 degrees within a 24 hour period in the Gobi Desert"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Saw Arab men used to cut tough grass (8)","output":"### Answer: REALISED \n ### Explanation: Saw Arab men used to cut tough grass (8) \nRE(ALIS)ED\n \nI really don't like \"Arab men\" for ALIS"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Trading centre in bad weather provides strap for horse (10)","output":"### Answer: MARTINGALE \n ### Explanation: Trading centre in bad weather provides strap for horse (10) \nMART IN GALE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Contribute online\u00a0column (4)","output":"### Answer: POST \n ### Explanation: Contribute online\u00a0column (4) \nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ex-PM dies \u2013 Blair beheaded in riot (8)","output":"### Answer: DISRAELI \n ### Explanation: Ex-PM dies \u2013 Blair beheaded in riot (8) \n*(dies lair)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: English flower festival (6)","output":"### Answer: EASTER \n ### Explanation: English flower festival (6) \nE + ASTER"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Money put with account to give emphasis (6)","output":"### Answer: ACCENT \n ### Explanation: Money put with account to give emphasis (6) \nAC + CENT"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Troubles in the morning over women (8)","output":"### Answer: MALADIES \n ### Explanation: Troubles in the morning over women (8) \n<=AM + LADIES"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ground near the middle? (5)","output":"### Answer: EARTH \n ### Explanation: Ground near the middle? (5) \nn(EAR TH)e"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Player stoked hot passion, receiving kiss (11)","output":"### Answer: SAXOPHONIST \n ### Explanation: Player stoked hot passion, receiving kiss (11) \n*(hot passion X)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: External layers to the German mark that underpins EC? (8)","output":"### Answer: ECTODERM \n ### Explanation: External layers to the German mark that underpins EC? (8) \nEC + TO DER (\"the German\")\u00a0M"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Repent? Barmy Isis remodelled faith! (15)","output":"### Answer: PRESBYTERIANISM \n ### Explanation: Repent? Barmy Isis remodelled faith! (15) \n*(repent barmy isis)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Frank\u00a0unswerving in control (6)","output":"### Answer: DIRECT \n ### Explanation: Frank\u00a0unswerving in control (6) \nTriple definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Metal found by Zulu in African city (3)","output":"### Answer: FEZ \n ### Explanation: Metal found by Zulu in African city (3) \nFe (iron) + Z"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Conservative and I go out with runner (9)","output":"### Answer: CANDIDATE \n ### Explanation: Conservative and I go out with runner (9)\n \nC AND I DATE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Malicious Lil? (3-8)","output":"### Answer: ILL-DISPOSED \n ### Explanation: Malicious Lil? (3-8)\n \nReverse anagram.\n \nLIL is ILL disposed"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Self-centred person come again to party (9)","output":"### Answer: EGOMANIAC \n ### Explanation: Self-centred person come again to party (9) \n*(come again)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Manage comfortably in vale (8)","output":"### Answer: FAREWELL \n ### Explanation: Manage comfortably in vale (8) \nFARE WELL\n \nVALE is the Latin for \"farewell\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Worthless person who has joined religious group (6)","output":"### Answer: INSECT \n ### Explanation: Worthless person who has joined religious group (6) \nIN SECT"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Former soldiers turned on English man (5)","output":"### Answer: STEVE \n ### Explanation: Former soldiers turned on English man (5)\n \n<=VETS + E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Safeguard for example, aluminium going back in plane's body (8)","output":"### Answer: FUSELAGE \n ### Explanation: Safeguard for example, aluminium going back in plane's body (8) \nFUSE (\"safeguard\" \u2013 in a plug, for example) + <=E.G. AL (\"for example, aluminium\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Real quiet bloke with lasso? (6)","output":"### Answer: PROPER \n ### Explanation: Real quiet bloke with lasso? (6) \nP(\"quiet\") + ROPER (\"bloke with lasso\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Husband's tucked in so watch revamped programme? (4,4)","output":"### Answer: CHAT SHOW \n ### Explanation: Husband's tucked in so watch revamped programme? (4,4) \nH (\"husband\") in *(so watch)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Knowing a thing or two animal finally scarpered (6)","output":"### Answer: SHREWD \n ### Explanation: Knowing a thing or two animal finally scarpered (6) \nSHREW (\"animal\") + D (\"finally (i.e. end of) \"scarpered\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Public looked attentive (4-4)","output":"### Answer: OPEN-EYED \n ### Explanation: Public looked attentive (4-4) \nOPEN (\"public\") + EYED (\"looked\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: From South Africa I will follow distant expedition (6)","output":"### Answer: SAFARI \n ### Explanation: From South Africa I will follow distant expedition (6) \nS.A. (\"from South Africa\") + FAR folloed by I"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: He must heal sick old man with bottle (10)","output":"### Answer: METHUSELAH \n ### Explanation: He must heal sick old man with bottle (10) \n*(he must heal) and 2 definitions"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Good bread (so some say) while argon welding (10)","output":"### Answer: WHOLEGRAIN \n ### Explanation: Good bread (so some say) while argon welding (10) \n*(while argon)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Team found inside motel eventually (6)","output":"### Answer: ELEVEN \n ### Explanation: Team found inside motel eventually (6) \nhidden in \"motEL EVENtually\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Space? It's prepared for one mad on getting away (8)","output":"### Answer: ESCAPIST \n ### Explanation: Space? It's prepared for one mad on getting away (8) \n*(space its)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: We make a crowd? Divorcees grabbing pictures, say, back (6)","output":"### Answer: EXTRAS \n ### Explanation: We make a crowd? Divorcees grabbing pictures, say, back (6) \n<=ART (\"pictures, say) grabbed by EX'S (\"divorcees\")\n \nWasn't sure about this as EX'S looks clumsy as a plural, but according to my Chambers, EX'S is acceptable as a plural?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Little hubbub in Paris, I imagine, for lamb cut (8)","output":"### Answer: NOISETTE \n ### Explanation: Little hubbub in Paris, I imagine, for lamb cut (8) \nPlay on words. If NOISE is a hubbub, then a NOISETTE is a little hubbub?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pack an ostentatious way of going, we hear (6)","output":"### Answer: SACHET \n ### Explanation: Pack an ostentatious way of going, we hear (6) \nhomophone of SASHAY (\"ostentatious way of going\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Doctor met with large message (8)","output":"### Answer: TELEGRAM \n ### Explanation: Doctor met with large message (8)\n \n*(met large)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Female thespian could be an influence (6)","output":"### Answer: FACTOR \n ### Explanation: Female thespian could be an influence (6) \nF (\"female\") + ACTOR (\"thespian\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sun hell? \u2014\u2013 may help (6)","output":"### Answer: SHADES \n ### Explanation: Sun hell? \u2014\u2013 may help (6) \nS(\"sun\") + HADES (\"hell\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Get a load of tinsel tangled up (6)","output":"### Answer: LISTEN \n ### Explanation: Get a load of tinsel tangled up (6) \n*(tinsel)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: I often hang around\u00a0fruit (10)","output":"### Answer: GOOSEBERRY \n ### Explanation: I often hang around\u00a0fruit (10) \nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Practise on what moves late- comers, perhaps (8)","output":"### Answer: REHEARSE \n ### Explanation: Practise on what moves late- comers, perhaps (8)\n \nRE (\"on\") + HEARSE (\"what moves late-comers\")\n \nNot keen on the \"late-comers\" as I would argue that the dead are going rather than coming?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Spooner, say, with a beer outside gets the upper hand (8)","output":"### Answer: PREVAILS \n ### Explanation: Spooner, say, with a beer outside gets the upper hand (8) \nREV (\"Spooner, say\") + A in PILS (\"beer\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Seedy district\u00a0where waiting is a must (3,5)","output":"### Answer: RED LIGHT \n ### Explanation: Seedy district\u00a0where waiting is a must (3,5) \nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Restraints ruined one from a group of sellers (5,5)","output":"### Answer: CHAIN STORE \n ### Explanation: Restraints ruined one from a group of sellers (5,5) \nCHAINS (\"restraints\") + TORE (\"ruined\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: We do short messages \u2013 time with little rest breaks (8)","output":"### Answer: TWEETERS \n ### Explanation: We do short messages \u2013 time with little rest breaks (8) \nT (\"time)\" + WEE (\"little\") + *(rest)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: She cleans heads with habitual response (8)","output":"### Answer: DOMESTIC \n ### Explanation: She cleans heads with habitual response (8) \nDOMES (\"heads\") + TIC (\"habitual response\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bill, eg, slipped into calm romantic song (8)","output":"### Answer: SERENADE \n ### Explanation: Bill, eg, slipped into calm romantic song (8) \nAD (\"bill, eg) in SERENE (\"calm\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Steamship stuck in strong struggle (6)","output":"### Answer: HASSLE \n ### Explanation: Steamship stuck in strong struggle (6) \nSS (\"steamship\") in HALE (\"strong\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Season what's first set to rest? (6)","output":"### Answer: WINTER \n ### Explanation: Season what's first set to rest? (6) \nW (first letter of \"what\") + INTER (\"set to rest\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: This may trickle right through mist, possibly (6)","output":"### Answer: STREAM \n ### Explanation: This may trickle right through mist, possibly (6) \nR (\"right\") in STEAM (\"mist\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Effects of working at the farm (9)","output":"### Answer: AFTERMATH \n ### Explanation: Effects of working at the farm (9) \n*(at the farm)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Capone leaves in a panic, carrying a gun (5)","output":"### Answer: ARMED \n ### Explanation: Capone leaves in a panic, carrying a gun (5) \nALARMED (\"in a panic\") minus AL (Capone)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Is in pursuit, we're told, of some Indians (5)","output":"### Answer: SIKHS \n ### Explanation: Is in pursuit, we're told, of some Indians (5) \nhomophone of SEEKS (\"is in pursuit of\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Noel's reserve may indicate cold feet (9)","output":"### Answer: COWARDICE \n ### Explanation: Noel's reserve may indicate cold feet (9) \n(Noel) COWARD + ICE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The hourly grind, traditionally (4,2,4)","output":"### Answer: NINE TO FIVE \n ### Explanation: The hourly grind, traditionally (4,2,4) \nSlightly cryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Instruction to restore original test (4)","output":"### Answer: STET \n ### Explanation: Instruction to restore original test (4) \n*(test)\n \n\"Original\" is not one of my favourite anagrinds."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Evil doctor and French NCO involved? Never! (3,4)","output":"### Answer: NOT ONCE \n ### Explanation: Evil doctor and French NCO involved? Never! (3,4) \n(Doctor) NO + *(et NCO)?\n \nSurely, this should not have got past the editor! Or am I just missing something?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Weather's changeable, apart from capital \u2013 warms up again (7)","output":"### Answer: REHEATS \n ### Explanation: Weather's changeable, apart from capital \u2013 warms up again (7) \n*(eather's)\n \nCapital (ie first letter0 removed from weather's"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Even bits of quilts, cut short, go to make overcoats (7)","output":"### Answer: ULSTERS \n ### Explanation: Even bits of quilts, cut short, go to make overcoats (7) \n(q)U(i)L(t)S + TERS(e)\n \n\"Even bits of quilt\" \u2013 the 2nd, 4th, 6th letters\n \nTERSE = \"short\", but it's been cut, therefore TERS"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Water features of Iceland old men reported (7)","output":"### Answer: GEYSERS \n ### Explanation: Water features of Iceland old men reported (7) \nHomophone (indicated by \"reported\") of GEEZERS"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: In her heart Jacob's wife has to suffer (4)","output":"### Answer: ACHE \n ### Explanation: In her heart Jacob's wife has to suffer (4) \nr(ACHE)l\n \nIn the Old Testament, Rachel was Jacob's wife."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Employment expert as a tormented man's psychiatrist? (3,7)","output":"### Answer: JOB ANALYST \n ### Explanation: Employment expert as a tormented man's psychiatrist? (3,7) \nJOB (\"tormented man\" in the Bible) + ANALYST (\"psychiatrist\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Golf eg, with some shots can win fortunes (4,5)","output":"### Answer: GAME CHIPS \n ### Explanation: Golf eg, with some shots can win fortunes (4,5) \nGAME + CHIPS"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Nothing very much comes at the end (5)","output":"### Answer: OMEGA \n ### Explanation: Nothing very much comes at the end (5) \nO + MEGA"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Virginal saint sang with ecstasy under torture (5)","output":"### Answer: AGNES \n ### Explanation: Virginal saint sang with ecstasy under torture (5) \n*(sang + e)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sort of great mess often found below stairs (3,6)","output":"### Answer: GAS METERS \n ### Explanation: Sort of great mess often found below stairs (3,6) \n*(great mess)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The crime of war, so Napoleon said (5)","output":"### Answer: ARSON \n ### Explanation: The crime of war, so Napoleon said (5) \nhidden in \"wAR, SO Napoleon\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Accept bribes, perhaps, as a reporter should do! (4,5)","output":"### Answer: TAKE NOTES \n ### Explanation: Accept bribes, perhaps, as a reporter should do! (4,5) \nDouble definition, with the former slightly cryptic"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pollyanna's visual aid? (4-6,7)","output":"### Answer: ROSE-TINTED GLASSES \n ### Explanation: Pollyanna's visual aid? (4-6,7) \nAs worn by an optimist.\n \nPollyanna was the eponymous hero of a 1913 children's novel. Her undying optimism has led to her name becoming synonyymous with \"optimist\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The Napoleon of crime was Sherlock's, he said (4-3)","output":"### Answer: ARCH FOE \n ### Explanation: The Napoleon of crime was Sherlock's, he said (4-3) \nIs this cryptic?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: We join \"stationary\" flight, regardless (7)","output":"### Answer: HOWEVER \n ### Explanation: We join \"stationary\" flight, regardless (7) \nHO(WE)VER\n \nI haven't come across \"join\" used in this way before, but as far as I can work out, it is being used in the sense of \"to go to and remain within\" such as to \"join a club\"?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Broadcasts\u00a0put on by the pretentious (4)","output":"### Answer: AIRS \n ### Explanation: Broadcasts\u00a0put on by the pretentious (4) \nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: I go with the majority, being a bit wet (5)","output":"### Answer: MOIST \n ### Explanation: I go with the majority, being a bit wet (5) \nMO(I)ST"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Players with the same score, presumably (9)","output":"### Answer: DUETTISTS \n ### Explanation: Players with the same score, presumably (9) \nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Very first twelve months, you might say (3,4,3)","output":"### Answer: THE YEAR ONE \n ### Explanation: Very first twelve months, you might say (3,4,3) \nIs this even a phrase? I've heard of YEAR ONE, but not **THE** YEAR ONE."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pain \u2013 one in lung area after injury (9)","output":"### Answer: NEURALGIA \n ### Explanation: Pain \u2013 one in lung area after injury (9) \n*(lung area + i)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Gas is unstable yet clean energy (9)","output":"### Answer: ACETYLENE \n ### Explanation: Gas is unstable yet clean energy (9) \n*(yet clean) + E (\"energy\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Inclined to be shy about work (7)","output":"### Answer: SLOPING \n ### Explanation: Inclined to be shy about work (7) \nSL(OP)ING\n \n\"shy\" as in \"coconut shy\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Heads of hospitals, unlike matrons, almost never appear in person (5)","output":"### Answer: HUMAN \n ### Explanation: Heads of hospitals, unlike matrons, almost never appear in person (5) \nHeads (ie first letters of) of \"Hospitals Unlike Matrons Almost Never\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Spruce up public transport (5)","output":"### Answer: TRAMS \n ### Explanation: Spruce up public transport (5) \n<=SMART"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: More than one statute\u00a0book (4)","output":"### Answer: ACTS \n ### Explanation: More than one statute\u00a0book (4) \nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sky pundit? (10)","output":"### Answer: ASTROLOGER \n ### Explanation: Sky pundit? (10) \nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Internet location \u2013 something worth viewing, it's said (4)","output":"### Answer: SITE \n ### Explanation: Internet location \u2013 something worth viewing, it's said (4) \n*(sight)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Expected tenor to give performance (4)","output":"### Answer: DUET \n ### Explanation: Expected tenor to give performance (4) \nDUE + T"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Grandma, old, back for short time (10)","output":"### Answer: NANOSECOND \n ### Explanation: Grandma, old, back for short time (10) \nNAN+O+SECOND"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: US gangster's headwear, unique (6)","output":"### Answer: CAPONE \n ### Explanation: US gangster's headwear, unique (6) \nCAP + ONE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rule withdrawn by King on recovery from crushing defeat (8)","output":"### Answer: WALKOVER \n ### Explanation: Rule withdrawn by King on recovery from crushing defeat (8) \n<+LAW + K + OVER"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Corrupt period \u2013 precursor to later books (8)","output":"### Answer: DECADENT \n ### Explanation: Corrupt period \u2013 precursor to later books (8) \nDECADE + NT"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Girl\u00a0got up (4)","output":"### Answer: ROSE \n ### Explanation: Girl\u00a0got up (4) \nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Spring leads to joy, universal, many proclaim (4)","output":"### Answer: JUMP \n ### Explanation: Spring leads to joy, universal, many proclaim (4) \nFirst letters of **J**oy, **U**niversal, **M**any **P**roclaim"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One reasoning believer accepts indication of alternative (8)","output":"### Answer: THEORIST \n ### Explanation: One reasoning believer accepts indication of alternative (8) \nTHE(OR)IST"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Murray's limit? (8)","output":"### Answer: BASELINE \n ### Explanation: Murray's limit? (8) \nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Nurse is coming back \u2013 rest ordered (6)","output":"### Answer: SISTER \n ### Explanation: Nurse is coming back \u2013 rest ordered (6) \n<=IS = *(rest)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Road vehicle fee in Niger under review (4,6)","output":"### Answer: FIRE ENGINE \n ### Explanation: Road vehicle fee in Niger under review (4,6) \n*(fee in Niger)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Solo performance has run (4)","output":"### Answer: LOPE \n ### Explanation: Solo performance has run (4) \nhidden in so**LO PE**rformance"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Paper covers team's core achievement (4)","output":"### Answer: FEAT \n ### Explanation: Paper covers team's core achievement (4) \nFT covering (t)EA(m)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Somewhere to watch red wine (sec) in preparation (4-6)","output":"### Answer: WIDE-SCREEN \n ### Explanation: Somewhere to watch red wine (sec) in preparation (4-6) \n*(red wine sec)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Showing sense eating Australian food (7)","output":"### Answer: SAUSAGE \n ### Explanation: Showing sense eating Australian food (7) \nS(AUS)AGE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Relationship from a time in port (5)","output":"### Answer: RATIO \n ### Explanation: Relationship from a time in port (5) \nR(A T)IO"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: German aboard vessel he's reluctant to leave (8)","output":"### Answer: LINGERER \n ### Explanation: German aboard vessel he's reluctant to leave (8) \nLIN(GER)ER"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Seeing film from book, blown away (4,4,3,4)","output":"### Answer: GONE WITH THE WIND \n ### Explanation: Seeing film from book, blown away (4,4,3,4) \nDouble definition (kind of?)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Outcome affected Ulster (6)","output":"### Answer: RESULT \n ### Explanation: Outcome affected Ulster (6) \n*(Ulster)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: He helps gullible guy, we hear, with tips from elder (9)","output":"### Answer: SUCCOURER \n ### Explanation: He helps gullible guy, we hear, with tips from elder (9) \nhomphone of SUCKER + E(lde)R"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Financial staff get new start in ships (7)","output":"### Answer: TANKERS \n ### Explanation: Financial staff get new start in ships (7) \n(b)(T)ANKERS"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Troubled teen beginning to regret past now (2,7)","output":"### Answer: AT PRESENT \n ### Explanation: Troubled teen beginning to regret past now (2,7)\n \n*(teen r past) where R = \"beginning to regret\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: How loveless and lesser unfortunately, they fail to meet obligations (8)","output":"### Answer: WELSHERS \n ### Explanation: How loveless and lesser unfortunately, they fail to meet obligations (8) \n*(hw lesser) where HW = \"how loveless\" = HOW-O"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Be fond of female initially as different (7)","output":"### Answer: UNALIKE \n ### Explanation: Be fond of female initially as different (7) \nUNA + LIKE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Expensive \u2013 the French church feature (7)","output":"### Answer: STEEPLE \n ### Explanation: Expensive \u2013 the French church feature (7) \nSTEEP + LE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Minister won over tiddler (6)","output":"### Answer: MINNOW \n ### Explanation: Minister won over tiddler (6) \nMIN + <=WON"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sun's rise over lake (5)","output":"### Answer: SOLAR \n ### Explanation: Sun's rise over lake (5) \nSO(L)AR"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Philanthropic Society is full of life (6-8)","output":"### Answer: PUBLIC SPIRITED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Philanthropic\nPUBLIC = \"Society\" + SPIRITED = \"full of life\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Flush unrepaired dentures to a degree (6)","output":"### Answer: REDDEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Flush\nhidden in unrepai**RED DEN**tures"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Championing Poles travelling around America (8)","output":"### Answer: ESPOUSAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Championing\n*(Poles) around USA"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Police officer sustaining wound (4)","output":"### Answer: STAB \n ### Explanation: Definition: wound\nThe only way I can parse this is a leap of faith.\n \nSTAB appearing in conSTABle?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Middle class independent is into discount measure (5)","output":"### Answer: CUBIT \n ### Explanation: Definition: measure\nCU (B I)T\n \nWhen classifying UK demographics, B is seen as \"middle class\" with A as \"upper class\" etc."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Chester sounds like a singer (4)","output":"### Answer: DEVA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Chester\nHomophone of DIVA (\"singer\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tend to revolve around countryman's family, which is tough (5-7)","output":"### Answer: THICK-SKINNED \n ### Explanation: Tend to revolve around countryman's family, which is tough (5-7)\n \n*(tend) around HICK'S KIN"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Media report on a logical exit strategy (5,7)","output":"### Answer: PRESS RELEASE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Media report\nDouble definition, one of which is slightly cryptic"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Line of long dresses reduced by a metre (4)","output":"### Answer: AXIS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Line\n(m) AXIS"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Attempt to down drink after Mr Murray's gone, filled to the top (5)","output":"### Answer: ABRIM \n ### Explanation: Attempt to down drink after Mr Murray's gone, filled to the top (5)\n A(BR(andy))IM\n See comments below \u2013 I couldn't get this one without help from two fellow solvers."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Go drinking; no disapproval heard (4)","output":"### Answer: ZING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Go\n(boo)ZING"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Less challenging art I flog to the well-educated (8)","output":"### Answer: LITERATI \n ### Explanation: Definition: well-educated\nLITE (\"less challenging\") + *(art I)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Enthusiasm for combat is diminished \u2013 it's grim (6)","output":"### Answer: ARDOUR \n ### Explanation: Enthusiasm for combat is diminished \u2013 it's grim (6)\n \n(w)AR + DOUR"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Is answer uncommon caution? (8)","output":"### Answer: WARINESS \n ### Explanation: Definition: caution\n*(is answer)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Route that's taken by one of the crew (6)","output":"### Answer: ROADIE \n ### Explanation: Definition: one of the crew\nROAD + I.E>"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Artist in Dad's place is a freeloader (8)","output":"### Answer: PARASITE \n ### Explanation: Artist in Dad's place is a freeloader (8)\n \nPA(R.A.)SITE\n \nThe pedant in me thinks the apostrophe after Dad is superfluous."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: No thanks to naughty Tabitha, that's a vice (3,5)","output":"### Answer: BAD HABIT \n ### Explanation: Definition: a vice\nAt first I thought this was a reverse anagram.\n \n(No thanks to Tabitha = (ta)BITHA, which is bad HABIT with bad as an anagrind.)\n \nBut that left me with \"naughty\" being superfluous.\n \n So it would appear it is \"naughty\" = BAD + *(bitha). Clumsy, in my opnion."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Vision seen through wide-angle lens (4)","output":"### Answer: IDEA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Vision \nHidden in \"w**IDE-A**ngle\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Produce an aphrodisiac? (7,5)","output":"### Answer: PASSION FRUIT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Produce\nDouble deifinition, one of which is cryptic"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rave at display of lawlessness (4)","output":"### Answer: RIOT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Rave\nDouble defininition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sample treats are set out (6)","output":"### Answer: TASTER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Sample\n*(treats)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Everyone's inside in low spirits back in Texas (6)","output":"### Answer: DALLAS \n ### Explanation: Everyone's inside in low spirits back in Texas (6)\n \nALL in <=SAD\n \n\"in Texas\" \u2013 some editors may find that weak as a definition."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sweat shops? (7,5)","output":"### Answer: TURKISH BATHS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Sweat shops\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Runner acquires the right apparel (5)","output":"### Answer: SKIRT \n ### Explanation: Definition: apparel\nSKI + RT"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Welcome\u00a0magazine publication (5)","output":"### Answer: HELLO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Welcome\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A doctor in Welsh town can bloom (8)","output":"### Answer: MARIGOLD \n ### Explanation: Definition: bloom \nM(A RIG)OLD\n \nMold is a town in Wales\n \nNot sure of the definition \u2013 if it's \"bloom\", the \"can\" is redundant, and only there to make the surface work.\n \nIf it's \"can bloom\", I don't like it."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Anchor by rocks, mainly to get food (8)","output":"### Answer: KEDGEREE \n ### Explanation: Definition: food\nKEDGE + REE(f)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: She is depressed, jaundiced (6)","output":"### Answer: SALLOW \n ### Explanation: Definition: jaundiced\nSAL (\"She\") + LOW\n \nDon't like this at all. Would have preferred \"girl\" or something."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Go on social network though there's no time (6)","output":"### Answer: WITTER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Go on\n(t)WITTER\n \nPoor clue, in my opinion, as there is still plenty of time (the two Ts in the middle) in WITTER"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Laugh at the end of Wagner opera (4)","output":"### Answer: GRIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Laugh\n(Lohen)GRIN\n \nIs GRIN synonymous with \"laugh\"? \"Smile\" may have been better."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: 3 rearranged 6 (4)","output":"### Answer: TRIO \n ### Explanation: Definition: 3\n*(riot) (the anser to 6dn)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pedant thus restricts small children \u2013 only one left in charge (10)","output":"### Answer: SCHOLASTIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: Pedant\nS(CH)O + LAST + I.C."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Highland town\u00a0one adding fuel to flame (4)","output":"### Answer: WICK \n ### Explanation: Definition: Highland town\nDouble definition, the latter cryptic"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Open party Ban Ki-moon gives? (4)","output":"### Answer: UNDO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Open\nU.N. do \u2013 a party at the United Nations, hosted by Ban Ki-moon, the UN Secretary General"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Commercial mail centre destroyed (10)","output":"### Answer: MERCANTILE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Commercial\n*(mail centre)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Deliver gold in horse-drawn carriage (6)","output":"### Answer: LANDAU \n ### Explanation: Definition: horse-drawn carriage\nLAND + AU"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sheep or small black ram we returned? (3,5)","output":"### Answer: EWE LAMBS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Sheep\n<= S B MALE WE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Magician puts sulphur in right hole (8)","output":"### Answer: PROSPERO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Magician\nPRO(S)PER + O\n \nA magician in *The Tempest"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Legal institutions in north and south (4)","output":"### Answer: INNS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Legal institutions\nIN N + S"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Addict taken in because relapsed (4)","output":"### Answer: USER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Addict\nHidden in \"becaUSE Relapsed\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Say Latin may require thinner voice? (8)","output":"### Answer: NASALITY \n ### Explanation: Definition: thinner voice? \n*(say latin)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: West's mishap having replaced leader (8)","output":"### Answer: OCCIDENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: West\nO(a)CCIDENT"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: After time in dust mum's wheezing (6)","output":"### Answer: ASTHMA \n ### Explanation: Definition: wheezing\nAS(T)H + MA\n \nIs \"wheezing\" a sufficient definition for ASTHMA?\n \nOr is the whole clue an & lit.?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Our tribe AC\/DC rocked to the City and the World (4,2,4)","output":"### Answer: URBI ET ORBI \n ### Explanation: Definition: to the City and the World\n*(our tribe) + BI(sexual)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hounds assembly that's correct (4)","output":"### Answer: MEET \n ### Explanation: Definition: Hounds assembly\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Animals driven from Rio Xenxem (4)","output":"### Answer: OXEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Animals\nhidden in Ri**O XEN**xem"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Thrown at me, insult done at 23:59? (4-6)","output":"### Answer: LAST MINUTE \n ### Explanation: Definition: 23:59\nCryptic definition and *(at me insult)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Horsey person brings coin to one ancient city (7)","output":"### Answer: CENTAUR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Horsey person\nCENT + A + UR"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Roman poet holds ball shaped like rugger ball? (5)","output":"### Answer: OVOID \n ### Explanation: Definition: like rugger ball\nOV(O)ID"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lover's run inside with her topless military man (8)","output":"### Answer: ARMOURER \n ### Explanation: Definition: military man\nA(R)MOUR +(h)ER"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pretension and truth interchangeable in certain manoeuvres (5-5,5)","output":"### Answer: THREE-POINT TURNS \n ### Explanation: Definition: certain manoeuvres\n*(pretension truth)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Husband in robe left here to worship (6)","output":"### Answer: CHAPEL \n ### Explanation: Definition: here to worship \nC(H)APE + L"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Humour and derisive exclamation given by Shakespeare vigorously (4,1,4)","output":"### Answer: WITH A WILL \n ### Explanation: Definition: vigorously\nWIT + HA! + WILL"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Islander collapsed drain to stop Irish girl (9)","output":"### Answer: SARDINIAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Islander\n*(drain) in SIAN"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Travel in space is male fantasy (8)","output":"### Answer: ESCAPISM \n ### Explanation: Definition: fantasy\n*(space) + IS + M"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Witch discontented Savoy Company getting artist cross (7)","output":"### Answer: SYCORAX \n ### Explanation: Witch discontented Savoy Company getting artist cross (7)\n \nS(avo)Y + CO + R.A. + X\n \nSycorax is the mother of Caliban in *The Tempest*, although she doesn't appear in the play."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: English politician in tax storm (7)","output":"### Answer: TEMPEST \n ### Explanation: Definition: storm\nT(E M.P.)EST"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Food given outside theatre off trolley (6)","output":"### Answer: MENTAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: off trolley\nME(N.T.)AL\n \nN.T. is the National Theatre"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Athenian misanthrope has army doctor split money (5)","output":"### Answer: TIMON \n ### Explanation: Definition: Athenian misanthrope\nTI(M.O.)N\n \nM.O. stands for Medical Officer, and Timon is the protagonist in Shakespeare's *Timon of Athens."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Nevertheless, is not to be satisfied with just part (5,3)","output":"### Answer: AFTER ALL \n ### Explanation: Nevertheless, is not to be satisfied with just part (5,3)\n \nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Spare part of a loaf for dinner (6)","output":"### Answer: AFFORD \n ### Explanation: Spare part of a loaf for dinner (6)\n \nHidden in lo**AF FOR D**inner\n \nDef: spare"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A good conductor controls the beat (6)","output":"### Answer: COPPER \n ### Explanation: A good conductor controls the beat (6)\n \nDouble definition (metal and policeman)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The eternal musical instrument? (8)","output":"### Answer: TRIANGLE \n ### Explanation: The eternal musical instrument? (8)\n \nAs in the Eternal Triangle"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Display stand (4)","output":"### Answer: BEAR \n ### Explanation: Display stand (4)\n \nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Study to gain knowledge and moral insight (10)","output":"### Answer: CONSCIENCE \n ### Explanation: Study to gain knowledge and moral insight (10)\n \nCON + SCIENCE\n \nDef: moral insight"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Senior churchmen easily shocked by a setback (8)","output":"### Answer: PRIMATES \n ### Explanation: Senior churchmen easily shocked by a setback (8)\n \nPRIM + A + <=SET\n \nDef: senior churchmen"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: List of lists (4)","output":"### Answer: TILT \n ### Explanation: List of lists (4)\n \nCryptic definition?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Short run which distinguishes slow bowlers (4)","output":"### Answer: SPIN \n ### Explanation: Short run which distinguishes slow bowlers (4)\n \nDouble definition\n \nA spin in a car, for example, and spin bowlers are normally also slow bowlers."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pop back to extol value (8)","output":"### Answer: APPRAISE \n ### Explanation: Pop back to extol value (8)\n \n<=PA + PRAISE\n \nDef: value"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Thought one had respected other people's feelings (10)","output":"### Answer: CONSIDERED \n ### Explanation: Thought one had respected other people's feelings (10)\n \nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Trees spring back around south (4)","output":"### Answer: ASPS \n ### Explanation: Trees spring back around south (4)\n \nS in <=SPA\n \nAsp is a rarer form of \"aspen\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Crushing defeat later, perhaps, in court (8)","output":"### Answer: WATERLOO \n ### Explanation: Crushing defeat later, perhaps, in court (8)\n \n*(later) in WOO\n \nDef: crushing defeat"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Having all-round defence in depth? (6)","output":"### Answer: MOATED \n ### Explanation: Having all-round defence in depth? (6)\n \nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A time in which love and pride are mingled (6)","output":"### Answer: PERIOD \n ### Explanation: A time in which love and pride are mingled (6)\n \n*(pride o)\n \nDef: a time"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Arrest adolescent providing narcotic substance, we hear (8)","output":"### Answer: NICOTINE \n ### Explanation: Arrest adolescent providing narcotic substance, we hear (8)\n \nHomophones of NICK A TEEN\n \nI think the \"we hear\" has to be nearer it the \"arrest adolescent\" for this to work properly."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Remained perfectly still and went cold all over? (5)","output":"### Answer: FROZE \n ### Explanation: Remained perfectly still and went cold all over? (5)\n \nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tries to correct extreme spin (11)","output":"### Answer: EXPERIMENTS \n ### Explanation: Tries to correct extreme spin (11)\n \n*(extreme spin)\n \nDef: tries"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: CIA try to resolve crime (8)","output":"### Answer: ATROCITY \n ### Explanation: CIA try to resolve crime (8)\n \n*(CIA try to)\n \nDef: crime"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rocky island with nowhere to relax (3,4,4,4)","output":"### Answer: LET ONE\u2019S HAIR DOWN \n ### Explanation: Rocky island with nowhere to relax (3,4,4,4)\n \n*(Island nowhere to)\n \nDef: relax"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: For each expert, a pastry dish in brought in (6)","output":"### Answer: APIECE \n ### Explanation: For each expert, a pastry dish in brought in (6)\n \nA(PIE)CE\n \nDef: for each"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cool an ardent admirer (3)","output":"### Answer: FAN \n ### Explanation: Cool an ardent admirer (3)\n \nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Vocal registers (4,5)","output":"### Answer: ROLL CALLS \n ### Explanation: Vocal registers (4,5)\n \nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Having no saving graces? (11)","output":"### Answer: EXTRAVAGANT \n ### Explanation: Having no saving graces? (11)\n \nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Discount accepted for a bad egg (9)","output":"### Answer: REPROBATE \n ### Explanation: Discount accepted for a bad egg (9)\n \nRE(PRO)BATE\n \nDef: a bad egg"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rash outbreak? (8)","output":"### Answer: EPIDEMIC \n ### Explanation: Rash outbreak? (8)\n \nDouble definition, or a weak cryptic definition?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Having gone off thoroughly confused (6)","output":"### Answer: ADDLED \n ### Explanation: Having gone off thoroughly confused (6)\n \nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Swan to circle about and tidy her feathers (5)","output":"### Answer: PREEN \n ### Explanation: Swan to circle about and tidy her feathers (5)\n \nP(RE)EN\n \nDef: tidy her feathers"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A priest that's about, about fifty? (3)","output":"### Answer: ELI \n ### Explanation: A priest that's about, about fifty? (3)\n \n<=I.(L)E.\n \nDef: priest (in the Old Testament)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Drink with the mob and black out (8)","output":"### Answer: SUPPRESS \n ### Explanation: Definition: black out\nSUP + PRESS"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ceases to be interrupted by Romeo's fits of temper (6)","output":"### Answer: STROPS \n ### Explanation: Definition: fits of temper\nST(R)OPS\n \nRomeo is R in the phonetic alphabet."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Catch kite and fear breakage (4,4)","output":"### Answer: TAKE FIRE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Catch\n*(kite fear)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Henry gets change of riding gear (6)","output":"### Answer: HALTER \n ### Explanation: Definition: riding gear\nH + ALTER"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Trees take time to become predominant (5)","output":"### Answer: FIRST \n ### Explanation: Definition: predominant\nFIRS + T"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Irish port's sailors use this to get to the drink (9)","output":"### Answer: CORKSCREW \n ### Explanation: Definition: use this to get to the drink\nCORK'S CREW"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Will\u00a0infect (4,2)","output":"### Answer: PASS ON \n ### Explanation: Definition: Will\nDouble definition \u2013 (\"will\" is a verb (thanks Coby) here, meaning to \"leave in one's will\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cat\u00a0plague (7)","output":"### Answer: SCOURGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Cat\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lovebird's to display outdoors (4,3)","output":"### Answer: OPEN AIR \n ### Explanation: Definition: outdoors\nO + PEN + AIR\n \n\"Lovebird\" has to be split into \"love\" = O + \"bird\" = PEN (female swan)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Recorded somebody catching bug (2,4)","output":"### Answer: ON TAPE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Recorded \nON(TAP)E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Boasting of exotic orange car (9)","output":"### Answer: ARROGANCE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Boasting\n*(orange car)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Promiscuous sweetheart is after the toilets (5)","output":"### Answer: LOOSE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Promiscuous\nLOOSE + E (the heart of \"Sw**E**et\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Inadequate lavatory in filthy place (6)","output":"### Answer: SCANTY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Inadequate\nS(CAN)TY"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Factor storing water and weedkiller (8)","output":"### Answer: PARAQUAT \n ### Explanation: Definition: weedkiller\nPAR(AQUA)T"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Father accepts a time for parody (6)","output":"### Answer: SATIRE \n ### Explanation: Definition: parody\nS(A T)IRE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Republican always gets motive of clergyman (8)","output":"### Answer: REVEREND \n ### Explanation: Definition: clergyman\nR + EVER + END"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Initiate\u00a0display (3,3)","output":"### Answer: SET OFF \n ### Explanation: Definition: Initiate\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cope with freak distribution giving nothing away (5,4)","output":"### Answer: POKER FACE \n ### Explanation: Definition: giving nothing away\n*(cope freak)\n \nNot sure the definition and solution match (\"poker faced\" = \"giving nothing away\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Soldier qualified for overhaul (5)","output":"### Answer: REFIT \n ### Explanation: Definition: overhaul\nR.E. (Royal Engineer) + FIT"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Active ethnic group in Senegal is Arab (7)","output":"### Answer: SARACEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Arab \nS(A RACE)N\n \nSN is the International Car Registration indicator for Senegal"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Team leader supervised recreation in ecstasy (9)","output":"### Answer: TRANSPORT \n ### Explanation: Definition: ecstasy\nT + RAN + SPORT"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Excessive hesitation of fish- eater (5)","output":"### Answer: OTTER \n ### Explanation: Definition: fish- eater \nO.T.T. (over the top) + ER"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: School head has sycophant who writes badly (8)","output":"### Answer: SCRAWLER \n ### Explanation: Definition: who writes badly\nS + CRAWLER"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A group of subjects found in retirement in Australia (4)","output":"### Answer: ARTS \n ### Explanation: Definition: A group of subjects\nHidden backwards in Au**STRA**lia"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Son has convulsions seeing carnage (9)","output":"### Answer: SLAUGHTER \n ### Explanation: Definition: carnage\nS + LAUGHTER"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Copy for spin doctor entering contract (9)","output":"### Answer: REPRODUCE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Copy\nRE(P.R.O.)DUCE\n \nP.R.O. stands for \"public relations officer\" ~\"spin doctor\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Doctor the girls' sweet treat (8)","output":"### Answer: MOLASSES \n ### Explanation: Definition: sweet treat\nM.O. + LASSES"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Loudly scold scoundrel without the last bit of contrition (4)","output":"### Answer: RANT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Loudly scold\nRA(N)T"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Perform works by Lawrence (7)","output":"### Answer: OPERATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Perform\nOPERA = T.E. (Lawrence)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Passionate earl in dance of death (6)","output":"### Answer: HEATED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Passionate\nE in *(death)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Criticise a society involved in corruption (5)","output":"### Answer: ROAST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Criticise\nRO(A S)T"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Surrender the French way (5)","output":"### Answer: LEAVE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Surrender\nLE + Ave."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Region needs detective, rigorous (8)","output":"### Answer: DISTRICT \n ### Explanation: Region needs detective, rigorous (8) \nD.I. (Detective Inspector) + STRICT"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Objective: make deserter return \u2013 understand? (6)","output":"### Answer: TARGET \n ### Explanation: Objective: make deserter return \u2013 understand? (6) \n<=RAT + GET"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Recovery in market? Missing the point, really (5)","output":"### Answer: RALLY \n ### Explanation: Recovery in market? Missing the point, really (5) \nR(e)ALLY"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A fight at fancy caf\u00e9 leading to reversal (5,4)","output":"### Answer: ABOUT FACE \n ### Explanation: A fight at fancy caf\u00e9 leading to reversal (5,4) \nA + BOUT +*(cafe)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ornamental wear of English saint, essentially better (9)","output":"### Answer: EPAULETTE \n ### Explanation: Ornamental wear of English saint, essentially better (9) \nE + PAUL + (b)ETTE(r)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Associate avoiding right enthusiast (5)","output":"### Answer: FIEND \n ### Explanation: Associate avoiding right enthusiast (5) \nF(r)IEND"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: US writer, one posting letters (6)","output":"### Answer: MAILER \n ### Explanation: US writer, one posting letters (6)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unwelcome flow in field for example a king recalled (7)","output":"### Answer: LEAKAGE \n ### Explanation: Unwelcome flow in field for example a king recalled (7) \nLEA + <=E.G. A K"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lineswoman? (7)","output":"### Answer: POETESS \n ### Explanation: Lineswoman? (7) \nA woman who writes lines."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Inform about Swiss crossbow expert never coming back (4,2)","output":"### Answer: TELL ON \n ### Explanation: Inform about Swiss crossbow expert never coming back (4,2) \n(William) TELL + <=NO"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Disprove objection after teaching of religion (5)","output":"### Answer: REBUT \n ### Explanation: Disprove objection after teaching of religion (5) \nBUT after R.E."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Love new private eastern worker (9)","output":"### Answer: OPERATIVE \n ### Explanation: Love new private eastern worker (9) \nO + *(private) + E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cheers current decreases applied to energy for islanders (9)","output":"### Answer: TAIWANESE \n ### Explanation: Cheers current decreases applied to energy for islanders (9) \nTA + I + WANES + E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Index actually not fully correct (5)","output":"### Answer: EXACT \n ### Explanation: Index actually not fully correct (5) \nHidden in \"ind**EX ACT**ually\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Oddly mistaken about article: \"Born yesterday\"? (3-3)","output":"### Answer: DAY-OLD \n ### Explanation: Oddly mistaken about article: \"Born yesterday\"? (3-3) \n*(oddly) about A"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Long fellow as member of distinguished group (8)","output":"### Answer: PANTHEON \n ### Explanation: Long fellow as member of distinguished group (8) \nPANT + HE + ON (as a member of, as in a committee, for example)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: County firm upset staff at first (6)","output":"### Answer: DORSET \n ### Explanation: County firm upset staff at first (6) \n<=ROD + SET"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Nationalist in elaborate salute in Brunei, say (9)","output":"### Answer: SULTANATE \n ### Explanation: Nationalist in elaborate salute in Brunei, say (9) \nNAT in *(salute)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rather loyal ball arranged here? (5,6,4)","output":"### Answer: ROYAL ALBERT HALL \n ### Explanation: Rather loyal ball arranged here? (5,6,4)\n \n*(rather loyal ball)*\n \nNot the most heavily disguised anagram in the world."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: After church find more appropriate section of book (7)","output":"### Answer: CHAPTER \n ### Explanation: After church find more appropriate section of book (7) \nCh. + APTER"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Legislation redrafted often \u2013 claim a part (3,2,10)","output":"### Answer: ACT OF PARLIAMENT \n ### Explanation: Legislation redrafted often \u2013 claim a part (3,2,10)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Good contest for cricketing great (5)","output":"### Answer: GRACE \n ### Explanation: Good contest for cricketing great (5)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: More fashionable guy making effort without limit (8)","output":"### Answer: TRENDIER \n ### Explanation: More fashionable guy making effort without limit (8) \nTR(END)IER"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Gathering, our group will prosper (2,4)","output":"### Answer: DO WELL \n ### Explanation: Gathering, our group will prosper (2,4) \nDO + WE'LL"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Detest couple claiming home after sailor (old) (9)","output":"### Answer: ABOMINATE \n ### Explanation: Detest couple claiming home after sailor (old) (9) \nAB + O + M(IN)ATE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Following whisky, maybe, journalist full of energy (8)","output":"### Answer: SPIRITED \n ### Explanation: Following whisky, maybe, journalist full of energy (8) \nSPIRIT + Ed."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tool in second ramshackle dwelling (6)","output":"### Answer: SHOVEL \n ### Explanation: Tool in second ramshackle dwelling (6) \nS + HOVEL"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Girl in that place with appeal (7)","output":"### Answer: THERESA \n ### Explanation: Girl in that place with appeal (7) \nTHERE + S.A. (sex appeal)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Not used to northern scientist (6)","output":"### Answer: NEWTON \n ### Explanation: Not used to northern scientist (6) \nNEW TO + N"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Salty bacon (rasher) is nettling you initially (5)","output":"### Answer: BRINY \n ### Explanation: Salty bacon (rasher) is nettling you initially (5) \nInitial letters of **B**acon **R**asher **I**s **N**ettling **Y**ou"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Flights of fancy produced by custard dips (6,5)","output":"### Answer: CUPID\u2019S DARTS \n ### Explanation: Flights of fancy produced by custard dips (6,5) \n*(custard dips)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: No leader gave money for assistance (3)","output":"### Answer: AID \n ### Explanation: No leader gave money for assistance (3) \n(p)AID"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Offensive ostentation starts anew (5)","output":"### Answer: BLITZ \n ### Explanation: Offensive ostentation starts anew (5) \n(g\/B)LITZ"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Object to alternative level of acid in painkiller (9)","output":"### Answer: ENDORPHIN \n ### Explanation: Object to alternative level of acid in painkiller (9) \nEND + OR + PH + IN"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Daredevil's car floozy wrecked (5,4)","output":"### Answer: CRAZY FOOL \n ### Explanation: Daredevil's car floozy wrecked (5,4) \n*(car floozy)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Spare criminal and reduce sentence (5)","output":"### Answer: PARSE \n ### Explanation: Spare criminal and reduce sentence (5) \n*(spare)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Inside that's eerie, oddly fine outside (7)","output":"### Answer: THEREIN \n ### Explanation: Inside that's eerie, oddly fine outside (7) \nE(e)R(i)E in THIN"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The elevated part of a shoe (4)","output":"### Answer: HEEL \n ### Explanation: The elevated part of a shoe (4)\n \nHidden in \"t**HE** **EL**evated\"\n \n\"part\" seems to be doing double duty here, as the\u00a0hidden word\u00a0indicator and as part of the definition?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Does grass come back? (4)","output":"### Answer: DEER \n ### Explanation: Does grass come back? (4) \n<=REED\n \n\"Does\" as in female deer."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Spice Island with new capital Kerala borders (7)","output":"### Answer: PAPRIKA \n ### Explanation: Spice Island with new capital Kerala borders (7) \n(c\/P)APRI\u00a0+ K(eral)A"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Madame loses her head for egg producer (5)","output":"### Answer: OVARY \n ### Explanation: Madame loses her head for egg producer (5) \n(b) OVARY\n \n*Madame Bovary* is my favourite French novel."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Trail Elizabeth for TV (4,5)","output":"### Answer: DRAG QUEEN \n ### Explanation: Trail Elizabeth for TV (4,5) \nDRAG + QUEEN (Elizabeth)\n \nTV is short for tranvestite."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Odd to be focussed on Europe (9)","output":"### Answer: ECCENTRIC \n ### Explanation: Odd to be focussed on Europe (9) \nEC CENTRIC"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fruit in mid-October, as it happens (5)","output":"### Answer: OLIVE \n ### Explanation: Fruit in mid-October, as it happens (5) \n(oc)O(ber) + LIVE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Paddle into no-go area (3)","output":"### Answer: OAR \n ### Explanation: Paddle into no-go area (3) \nHidden in no-g**O** **AR**ea"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: She suits her beard \u2013 has style (11)","output":"### Answer: HABERDASHER \n ### Explanation: She suits her beard \u2013 has style (11) \n*(her beard has)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Split perhaps under young eye reportedly causes resemblance to die (8)","output":"### Answer: CUBICITY \n ### Explanation: Split perhaps under young eye reportedly causes resemblance to die (8) \nCUB + I + CITY\n \n\"eye reportedly\" \u2013 technically that gives you \"I\", but for me, this is a bit clumsy.\n \nSplit is the second largest city in Croatia."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Soldiers that should not be paraded (8)","output":"### Answer: PRIVATES \n ### Explanation: Soldiers that should not be paraded (8) \nNice one!"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Reeling from effect of sleeping during home improvement (5)","output":"### Answer: DIZZY \n ### Explanation: Reeling from effect of sleeping during home improvement (5) \nD.I. (ZZ) Y"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Passed on hold with ease (3,4)","output":"### Answer: DIE DOWN \n ### Explanation: Passed on hold with ease (3,4) \nDIED + OWN"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: 13, 18's leading light (7)","output":"### Answer: RUDOLPH \n ### Explanation: 13, 18's leading light (7) \nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dump spare chap cruelly (5,4)","output":"### Answer: SCRAP HEAP \n ### Explanation: Dump spare chap cruelly (5,4) \n*(spare chap)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Position of hands after crossing? (6)","output":"### Answer: ASHORE \n ### Explanation: Position of hands after crossing? (6) \nCryptic definition.\n \nIf I've got this right, I think the setter wants us to imagine deckhands on shore leave after a trip across an ocean?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Thunder in Europe heard before Summer (6)","output":"### Answer: DONNER \n ### Explanation: Thunder in Europe heard before Summer (6) \nHomophone of Donna (Summer)\n \nAnd, as well as beong one of Santa's reindeer, Donner is the German word for thunder."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Completely exquisite first light over island (5,4)","output":"### Answer: EVERY INCH \n ### Explanation: Completely exquisite first light over island (5,4) \nE(xquisite) + VERY + INCH\n \nVERY relates to very flares, named after their inventor, which are used by vessels in distress."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dog-like catty (8)","output":"### Answer: VIXENISH \n ### Explanation: Dog-like catty (8) \nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mac maybe could lessen choice for Spooner (8)","output":"### Answer: RAINWEAR \n ### Explanation: Mac maybe could lessen choice for Spooner (8) \nSpooner would have meant WANE RARE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Nipper rose to complain (3,4)","output":"### Answer: RED CRAB \n ### Explanation: Nipper rose to complain (3,4) \nRED + CRAB"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Springer CPR near useless (7)","output":"### Answer: PRANCER \n ### Explanation: Springer CPR near useless (7) \n*(cpr near)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Recover body with tail at Job Centre (4,2)","output":"### Answer: COME TO \n ### Explanation: Recover body with tail at Job Centre (4,2) \nCOMET + (j)O(b)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Leader on the floor, maybe, with notes (6)","output":"### Answer: DANCER \n ### Explanation: Leader on the floor, maybe, with notes (6) \nThis has to be DANCER, as the only reindeer not mentioned elsewhere, and I can see \"on the floor\" as referring to dancing, but beyond that, I'm stumped?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Status band of volunteers share (5)","output":"### Answer: QUOTA \n ### Explanation: Status band of volunteers share (5) \n(Status) QUO + T.A.\n \nDon't like \"Status\" as an indicator of QUO, as they are not synonymous."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Leader of the Jets, flashy, is hard to be ignored in film (4-4)","output":"### Answer: RIFF-RAFF \n ### Explanation: Definition: film\nRIFF + RAFF(ish)\n \nRiff was the leader of the Jets in *West Side Story.*\n \n*Riff-Raff *is a 1991 Ken Loach film, starring Robert Carlyle."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Film with Gregory Peck in storm on motorway (6)","output":"### Answer: MIRAGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Film with Gregory Peck\nM1 + RAGE\n \nA 1965 thriller."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The subject of a musical, opening in Jerusalem, with high hopes (6)","output":"### Answer: JOSEPH \n ### Explanation: Definition: The subject of a musical\nJ + *(hopes)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Shown in a film concerning partition (2-6)","output":"### Answer: ON-SCREEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Shown in a film\nON + SCREEN"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ms Breckinridge, perhaps a contrary Mary? (4)","output":"### Answer: MYRA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Ms Breckinridge\n*(Mary)\n \nAs played by Raquel Welsh in the adaptation of Gore Vidal's novel."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Italian film director and composer crossing the Spanish lake (10)","output":"### Answer: ROSSELLINI \n ### Explanation: Italian film director and composer crossing the Spanish lake (10)\n \nROSS(EL L)INI\n \nRoberto Rossellini, director of movies such as *Paisan* and *Rome, Open City*,\u00a0and the father of actress Isabella Rossellini."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sleeveless coat on prostitute, a Moli\u00e8re character (8)","output":"### Answer: TARTUFFE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Moli\u00e8re character \nTART + (d)UFFE(l)\n \n*Tartuffe, ou l'Imposteur *is a Moliere play from 1664. Remember it vaguely from my University studies."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Extract from film about border (4)","output":"### Answer: CLIP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Extract from film\nC + LIP"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Film produced by two US soldiers (4)","output":"### Answer: GIGI \n ### Explanation: Film produced by two US soldiers (4)\n \nG.I. + G.I.\n \nMaurice Chevalier musical."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: US producer of singular film that arouses terror? (8)","output":"### Answer: SCHILLER \n ### Explanation: Definition: US producer\nS + CHILLER\n \nI assume this refers to Lawrence Schiller, not exactly a houeshold name, but easy enough to work out from the wordplay and crossing letters."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Actor, TV foil of 13, in orange and gold combination (4,6)","output":"### Answer: GALE GORDON \n ### Explanation: Definition: Actor\n*(orange gold)\n \nGale Gordon was an actor in *The Lucy Show*, with Lucille Ball (13dn)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: In verse, a stage play by Berkoff (4)","output":"### Answer: EAST \n ### Explanation: Definition: play by Berkoff \nHidden in vers**E** **A** **ST**age\n \nAn excellent &lit. as ther play was indeed written in verse."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Being crazy, no end, about old Hitchcock film (8)","output":"### Answer: LIFEBOAT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Hitchcock film \nLIFE + B(O)AT(s)\n \nA tour de force by the great man."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Film a king on a vessel (6)","output":"### Answer: AVATAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Film\nA R on A VAT"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Financial backers of TV hospital drama series (6)","output":"### Answer: ANGELS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Financial backers\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Actress phoned about phoney limp (8)","output":"### Answer: RAMPLING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Actress\nRANG around *(limp)\n \nCharlotte Rampling, an actress who has appeared in many British and French movies."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Film director's trailer about soldiers (5)","output":"### Answer: IVORY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Film director's \nIV(O.R.)Y\n \nJames Ivory, who, with producer Ismail Merchant, was responsible for\u00a0movies such as *Howards End* and *Remains of the Day."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Film star far steadier dancing (4,7)","output":"### Answer: FRED ASTAIRE \n ### Explanation: Film star far steadier dancing (4,7)\n \n*(far steadier)\n \n&lit."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Actress rented farm beneath wood (8)","output":"### Answer: ASHCROFT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Actress\nASH + CROFT\n \nAs in Dame Peggy Ashcroft"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Arranged do for Tiptoes set film technician (9,6)","output":"### Answer: FOOTSTEPS EDITOR \n ### Explanation: Arranged do for Tiptoes set film technician (9,6) \n*(do for tiptoes set)\n \nIn the US, he's known as a foley artist, but in the UK, a footsteps editor is responsible for sound effects in the movies."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Canadian actor shot in billiards controversy, ultimately (6)","output":"### Answer: MASSEY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Canadian actor\nMASSE + (controvers)Y\n \nIn billiards, a masse is a shot struck with the cue held almost straight up in the air.\n \nRaymond Massey was born in Ontario, but his career was in the US, where he starred in many movies."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Play game right (1,1,1)","output":"### Answer: R.U.R. \n ### Explanation: Definition: Play\nRU (Rugby Union) + R\n \nA science fiction play by Czech Karel Capek, famous for introducing the word *Robot* to the world."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Conservationist to shoot film (5,4)","output":"### Answer: GREEN FIRE \n ### Explanation: Definition: film\nGREEN + FIRE\n \nNot exactly a famous movie, but gettable via wordplay, *Green Fire* was a 1954 adventure starring Stewart Granger and Grace Kelly."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Little Richard song and dance leaving American actress (7,4)","output":"### Answer: LUCILLE BALL \n ### Explanation: Definition: American actress \nLUCILLE (song by Little Richard) + BALL"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The making of cartoons may get one male in a state (9)","output":"### Answer: ANIMATION \n ### Explanation: Definition: The making of cartoons\nA N(IM)ATION"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Awful ham, pants in horror film (8)","output":"### Answer: PHANTASM \n ### Explanation: Definition: horror film \n*(ham pants)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bishop in Wesker play and film (6)","output":"### Answer: ROBOTS \n ### Explanation: Definition: film\nRO(B)OTS\n \n*Roots* is a play set in Norfolk, while *Robots *is a 2005 animated movie about, well, robots."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A young man who is in love with Lolita in the film (5)","output":"### Answer: SWAIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: A young man who is in love \nDouble definition.\n \nDominique Swain appeared as Lolita in the 1997 film version of the Nabokov novel."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Actor, Trevor, in The Verdict (3)","output":"### Answer: EVE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Actor, Trevor\nHidden in Th**E** **VE**rdict\n \nTrevor Eve appeared on TV as Eddie Shoestring, and in *Waking the Dead*, but he wasn't actually in *The Verdict*."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cat nearly pulled back up (10)","output":"### Answer: HEAVENWARD \n ### Explanation: Cat nearly pulled back up (10) \nHEAVE + <+DRAWN\n \nOne definition of\u00a0HEAVE is \"retch\"\u00a0and, something I only learned today, to cat is to vomit, therefore \"cat nearly\" = HEAVE. As HEAVE also means \"vomit\" the nearly could be considered superfluous."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: \"Two pairs of happy shoppers @M&S #plural\" (9)","output":"### Answer: HASHMARKS \n ### Explanation: \"Two pairs of happy shoppers @M&S #plural\" (9) \nHA(ppy) + SH(oppers) + MARKS (& Spencer)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Film of her one-night stand bodes ill (7,3,3,10)","output":"### Answer: BIGFOOT AND THE HENDERSONS \n ### Explanation: Film of her one-night stand bodes ill (7,3,3,10) \n*(of her one night stand bodes)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Promised money to leave North East? (7)","output":"### Answer: FIANCEE \n ### Explanation: Promised money to leave North East? (7) \nFI(n)ANCE + E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Has 40\/40 vision? (4,6)","output":"### Answer: SEES DOUBLE \n ### Explanation: Has 40\/40 vision? (4,6) \nCryptic definition\n \nIf you see perfectly, you have 20\/20 vision, so cryptically, seeing double could involve 40\/40 vision."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sport I developed out of unconventional photojournalism (5,4)","output":"### Answer: LOMU \n ### Explanation: Sport I developed out of unconventional photojournalism (5,4)\n \n*(hojounalm) i.e. \"photojournalism\" less the letters in \"sport I\"\n \nJonah Lomu dies on the 18th November, 2015."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Arsenal legend carrying kilo Mike spots (7,6)","output":"### Answer: MACNEE \n ### Explanation: Arsenal legend carrying kilo Mike spots (7,6)\n \nPAT RIC(K M ACNE)E\n \nPatrick MacNee died on the 25th June, 2015."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sadly departed, send-off for jockey (3,6)","output":"### Answer: EDDERY \n ### Explanation: Sadly departed, send-off for jockey (3,6)\n \n*(departed) + (jocke)Y\n \nPat Eddery died on the 10th November, 2015."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Asian flower people in group are about to close up hospital (9)","output":"### Answer: EUPHRATES \n ### Explanation: Asian flower people in group are about to close up hospital (9) \n<=SET ARE about UP H\n \nAsian flower = Asian river"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A sweet Yankee, close to claiming right to have wager logged (5,5)","output":"### Answer: BROWN BETTY \n ### Explanation: A sweet Yankee, close to claiming right to have wager logged (5,5) \nBY(\"close to\")\u00a0around (\"claiming\")\u00a0RT (\"right\")\u00a0around OWN (\"have\")\u00a0BET(\"wager\")\n \nB(R)(OWN BET)(T)Y\n \nA brown betty is an American baked pudding."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Caught by decimal trick on counter? Go figure! (8)","output":"### Answer: TETRAGON \n ### Explanation: Caught by decimal trick on counter? Go figure! (8) \n(<=ART) + GO in TEN\n \nI'm assuming \"on counter\" is a reversal indicator here."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rolls I live on in spiritual discipline (4,5)","output":"### Answer: BERRA \n ### Explanation: Rolls I live on in spiritual discipline (4,5)\n \nYOG (I BE RR)A\n \nYogi Berra died on the 22nd September, 2015."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Want to give away daughter named as 14? (3)","output":"### Answer: NEE \n ### Explanation: Want to give away daughter named as 14? (3) \nNEE(d)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Closely follow\u00a0villain (4)","output":"### Answer: HEEL \n ### Explanation: Closely follow\u00a0villain (4) \nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Love Fashion House's endless woven silk dresses (6,5)","output":"### Answer: SACKS \n ### Explanation: Love Fashion House's endless woven silk dresses (6,5)\n \nO + VERSAC(e) in *(silk)\n \nOliver Sacks died on the 30th August, 2015."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Clots a husband's spotted in balls (9)","output":"### Answer: BONEHEADS \n ### Explanation: Clots a husband's spotted in balls (9) \nB(ONE H)EADS"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Secured, like cat incapable of ratting? (2,3,3)","output":"### Answer: IN THE BAG \n ### Explanation: Secured, like cat incapable of ratting? (2,3,3) \nLetting the cat out of the bag ~ \"ratting\" so if the cat is IN THE BAG, ratting isn't possible."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Criminally, this writer bans DVD about book (5,5)","output":"### Answer: NOBBS \n ### Explanation: Criminally, this writer bans DVD about book (5,5)\n \nB in *(io bans DVD)\n \nDavid Nobbs died on the 8th August, 2015."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Taking care over orchestration of early 007's demise? (7,5)","output":"### Answer: NIMOY \n ### Explanation: Taking care over orchestration of early 007's demise? (7,5)\n \nCan't think of any other celebrity death that belongs in here, but can't parse it at all."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Oxygen for one rejected by poor El Greco (6,4)","output":"### Answer: COLE \n ### Explanation: Oxygen for one rejected by poor El Greco (6,4)\n \n<=O E.G. + *(el greco)\n \nGeorge Cole died on the 5th August, 2015"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Order helicopters to carry this woman (11,3)","output":"### Answer: LEE \n ### Explanation: Order helicopters to carry this woman (11,3)\n \n*(helicopters) around HER\n \nChristopher lee died on the 7th June, 2015."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Working in footballers' wives cars (6)","output":"### Answer: WAGONS \n ### Explanation: Working in footballers' wives cars (6) \nON in WAGS"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Three little piggies \u2013 one's not English \u2013 in close proximity (3,2,3)","output":"### Answer: TOE TO TOE \n ### Explanation: Three little piggies \u2013 one's not English \u2013 in close proximity (3,2,3) \nTOE TO(e) TOE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Scandinavian myths collected by gifted Dane (4)","output":"### Answer: EDDA \n ### Explanation: Scandinavian myths collected by gifted Dane (4)\n \nHidden in \"giftED DAne\"\n \nAs far as I know, although I am no scholar on the subject, the Edda were Icelandic sagas, rather than Scandinavian?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Me, I'm adult; I can surf all the different channels (10)","output":"### Answer: MULTIMEDIA \n ### Explanation: Me, I'm adult; I can surf all the different channels (10) \n*(me Im adult I)\n \nNot convinced by \"can surf\" as an anagrind."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pen for hairdresser with no schedule (3)","output":"### Answer: STY \n ### Explanation: Pen for hairdresser with no schedule (3) \nSTY(list)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A jolly commercial set on a number of ships (6)","output":"### Answer: ARMADA \n ### Explanation: A jolly commercial set on a number of ships (6) \nA + R.M. + AD + A\n \n\"jolly\" is a slang word for a Royal Marine"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Take the tops of red and green strips of cloth (4)","output":"### Answer: RAGS \n ### Explanation: Take the tops of red and green strips of cloth (4) \n\"The tops of\" **R**ed **A**nd **G**reen **S**trips"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bell sound welcomes the weak doing work on the farm (7)","output":"### Answer: TILLING \n ### Explanation: Bell sound welcomes the weak doing work on the farm (7) \nT(ILL)ING"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Girl's wrong to misrepresent (7)","output":"### Answer: DISTORT \n ### Explanation: Girl's wrong to misrepresent (7) \nDI'S + TORT"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Behold! The city church (4)","output":"### Answer: ECCE \n ### Explanation: Behold! The city church (4) \nEC + C.E.\n \n*Ecce* was the first word I learned in Latin class, many moons ago."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Breakfast fare a number heard to consider first (6)","output":"### Answer: MUESLI \n ### Explanation: Breakfast fare a number heard to consider first (6) \nHomophone of MUSE +LI\n \n\"Number\" is too vague for my liking."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Individual comes into money (3)","output":"### Answer: ONE \n ### Explanation: Individual comes into money (3) \nHidden in \"m**ONE**y\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bitter when jungle fever affected all but Jack (10)","output":"### Answer: REVENGEFUL \n ### Explanation: Bitter when jungle fever affected all but Jack (10) \n*(ungle fever)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: \"Dam' right\", Roseanne (4)","output":"### Answer: BARR \n ### Explanation: \"Dam' right\", Roseanne (4) \nBAR + R\n \nReferes to Roseanne Barr, American comedienne and actress."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: It's grand in Liverpool once a year, of course! (8)","output":"### Answer: NATIONAL \n ### Explanation: It's grand in Liverpool once a year, of course! (8) \nCryptic definition, referring to the Grand National, which is run in Aintree every April."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Parent clumsily handled old medical tool (6)","output":"### Answer: TREPAN \n ### Explanation: Parent clumsily handled old medical tool (6) \n*(parent)\n \nA trepan was a surgical instrument used to remove fragments of bone from the skull."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pirates prohibit song (the way it's sung) (8)","output":"### Answer: BANDITTI \n ### Explanation: Pirates prohibit song (the way it's sung) (8) \nBAN + homophone of DITTY"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tone adopted when Queen Victoria was depressed (5,4)","output":"### Answer: ROYAL BLUE \n ### Explanation: Tone adopted when Queen Victoria was depressed (5,4) \nROYAL + BLUE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Radical few recruited by Inland Revenue (6)","output":"### Answer: ISOMER \n ### Explanation: Radical few recruited by Inland Revenue (6) \nSOME in I.R."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Girl with recipe having star quality (7)","output":"### Answer: STELLA + R \n ### Explanation: Girl with recipe having star quality (7) \nSTELLA + R\n \nI may be being picky, but this smacks of lazy cluing, given that Stella means \"star\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tomato and egg starters, some rice and ox I make, Japanese style (8)","output":"### Answer: TERIYAKI \n ### Explanation: Tomato and egg starters, some rice and ox I make, Japanese style (8) \nT(omato) E(gg) + RI(ce) + YAK + I\n \nDon't like \"some\" as it's too vague."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sediment got with 80% of beer, say (4)","output":"### Answer: OOZE \n ### Explanation: Sediment got with 80% of beer, say (4) \n(b)OOZE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Behold! Carol is down (6)","output":"### Answer: LOSING \n ### Explanation: Behold! Carol is down (6) \nLO + SING"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Consider\u00a0standard\u00a0class value (4)","output":"### Answer: RATE \n ### Explanation: Consider\u00a0standard\u00a0class value (4) \nQuadruple definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Money gone (almost), determining how life started, some say (8)","output":"### Answer: NOMOGENY \n ### Explanation: Money gone (almost), determining how life started, some say (8) \n*(money gon)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Route taken by boxer to the bout? (4,4)","output":"### Answer: RING ROAD \n ### Explanation: Route taken by boxer to the bout? (4,4) \nCryptic defintion"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hitch up, then come down; it happens early in the morning (7)","output":"### Answer: DEWFALL \n ### Explanation: Hitch up, then come down; it happens early in the morning (7) \n<=WED + FALL"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Contemporary officer takes Ms Herzigova in (6)","output":"### Answer: COEVAL \n ### Explanation: Contemporary officer takes Ms Herzigova in (6) \nEVA (Herzigova) in COL.\n \nEva Herzigova is a Czech model and actress."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Temptress has split loyalties, yes? No! (6)","output":"### Answer: LOLITA \n ### Explanation: Temptress has split loyalties, yes? No! (6) \n*(loyalties \u2013 yes)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old writer playing in a doll's house? (5)","output":"### Answer: IBSEN \n ### Explanation: Old writer playing in a doll's house? (5) \nCryptic definition.\n \n*The Doll's House* is a play be Ibsen."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hears idea revealing alternate water source (4)","output":"### Answer: ERIE \n ### Explanation: Hears idea revealing alternate water source (4) \n(h)**E**(a)**R**(s)**I**(d)**E**(a)\n \nRefers to Lake Erie, one of the Great Lakes."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Big bird servant pushed back, having got in the way (8)","output":"### Answer: MEGAPODE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Big bird\n<=PAGE in MODE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tastes from hearty kisses (6)","output":"### Answer: SMACKS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Tastes\nDouble definitions"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Nymphs, any number with inordinate desire (7)","output":"### Answer: NEREIDS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Nymphs\nN (\"number\") + *(desire)\n \nNereids were sea nymphs in Greek mythology. There weren't any number of them. Apparently they were the 50 daughters of Nereus and Doris."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fabric from South Africa backing paper maybe (7)","output":"### Answer: ORGANZA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fabric\nORGAN + ZA\n \nORGAN = \"newspaper\" (example being Pravda being seen as an organ of the Soviet Communists)\n \n.za is the internet domain of South Africa (their equivalent of .uk)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Visual\u00a0device behind the bar (5)","output":"### Answer: OPTIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: Visual\nDouble definition."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Worker old theatre brought back with return of musical show (9)","output":"### Answer: OPERATIVE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Worker\nO + <=REP = <=EVITA"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Marital arrangement to suit the unconventional man \u2013 ie a groper possibly? (4,8)","output":"### Answer: OPEN MARRIAGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Marital arrangement to suit the unconventional\n*(man ie a groper) with \"possibly as the anagrind."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: For each act of separation tenacity is the answer (12)","output":"### Answer: PERSEVERANCE \n ### Explanation: Definition: tenacity is the answer\nPER + SEVERANCE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Two articles on a married man in US collection (9)","output":"### Answer: AMERICANA \n ### Explanation: Definition: US collection\nA + M (\"married\") + ERIC (\"man\") + AN A (\"two articles\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The external form of a European HQ (5)","output":"### Answer: SHAPE \n ### Explanation: Definition: The external form\nDouble definition.\n \nSHAPE stands for Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe, which is based in Belgium."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Resilient men avoiding extremes ending in charge (7)","output":"### Answer: ELASTIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: Resilient\n(m)E(n) + LAST + I.C."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Platform that is given the ultimate in gorgeous plants (7)","output":"### Answer: DAISIES \n ### Explanation: Definition: plants\nDAIS + I.E. + (gorgeou)S"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Those people with nothing, British gangsters (3,3)","output":"### Answer: THE MOB \n ### Explanation: Definition: gangsters\nTHEM + 0 + B"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old landowner, loud and causing anger, no end (8)","output":"### Answer: FRANKLIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Old landowner\nF + RANKLIN(g)\n \nIn late medieval England, a franklin was a landowner, a level below landed gentry in the class system."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Servant has skimpy attire on (6)","output":"### Answer: MINION \n ### Explanation: Definition: Servant\nMINI + ON"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fellow heartless, gaining speed in spin (6)","output":"### Answer: GYRATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: spin\nG(u)Y + RATE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Basic standard the head voiced (9)","output":"### Answer: PRINCIPLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Basic standard\nHomophone (\"voiced\") of PRINCIPAL"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Continues being naughty in rumba, maybe, creating upset (14)","output":"### Answer: DISCOUNTENANCE \n ### Explanation: Definition: upset\n*(continues) in DANCE (\"rumba, maybe\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bit of crust good for mother to eat (5)","output":"### Answer: MAGMA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Bit of crust\nG in MAMA"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cold Cockney man crossing the Alps, one eating what most of us wouldn't! (8)","output":"### Answer: CANNIBAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: one eating what most of us wouldn't!\nC + (h)ANNIBAL"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Surrey's opening speed merchants? They are out of this world! (8)","output":"### Answer: SPACEMEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: They are out of this world\nS(urrey) + PACEMEN (\"speed merchants\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Amphibian disturbing a male red salmon (4,10)","output":"### Answer: MOLE SALAMANDER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Amphibian\n*(a male red salmon)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Crises one somehow managed in economic decline (9)","output":"### Answer: RECESSION \n ### Explanation: Definition: economic decline\n*(crises one)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A quiet relation readily understood (8)","output":"### Answer: APPARENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: readily understood\nA + P + PARENT"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Salt mined in Near East (8)","output":"### Answer: ARSENATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Salt\n*(near east)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Judge in province in forefront after uprising (6)","output":"### Answer: DANIEL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Judge\nN.I. (\"province\") in <=LEAD\n \nN.I. is Northern Ireland."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Soldiers accompanying a boy in grounds (6)","output":"### Answer: REASON \n ### Explanation: Definition: grounds \nR.E. + A + SON\n \nR.E. are Royal Engineers"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What gets things going with any number in terrible riot (5)","output":"### Answer: INTRO \n ### Explanation: Definition: What gets things going\nN in *(riot)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Crows about National success (6)","output":"### Answer: MURDER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Crows\n<=RED RUM \nAs in a \"murder of crows\".\n Red Rum won the Grand National three times in the 1970s."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Church leader tucked into mixture of Viagra and Ecstasy in his home (8)","output":"### Answer: VICARAGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: his home\nC(hurch) in *(viagra E)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pelican as tall as some game (7)","output":"### Answer: CANASTA \n ### Explanation: Definition: game\nHidden in \"peli**CAN AS TA**ll\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What England does first time old muscles seize (7)","output":"### Answer: EXPECTS \n ### Explanation: Definition: What England does\nT(ime) in EX PECS \nAs in Nelson's famous speech on HMS Victory before the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805. \"England expects that every man will do his duty\u2026\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Reduce speed of maritime connection (4,4)","output":"### Answer: REEF KNOT \n ### Explanation: Definition: maritime connection\nREEF + KNOT \nI'm assuming that REEF = \"reduce\" here, as in sailing, to \"reef\" is to \"reduce the size of a sail\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Like Victoria's children to wave flag carried by Albert? (4-6)","output":"### Answer: HALF-GERMAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Like Victoria's\n*(flag) in HER MAN (Alfred being Victoria's man)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Determine position of\u00a0Asia (6)","output":"### Answer: ORIENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Determine position of\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Certain\u00a0to mean\u00a0rapid\u00a0discharge (7)","output":"### Answer: EXPRESS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Certain\nQuadruple definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Car holds the edge when backed by fleet manager (7)","output":"### Answer: ADMIRAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: fleet manager\n<=LA(RIM)DA"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One cause of MD being fired may be used in part of 9 18 23 down, 27 1 across (6)","output":"### Answer: WEAPON \n ### Explanation: Definition: may be used in part of 9 18 23 down, 27 1 across\nThe clues referred to give (n)AGAT HA(uled in) CHRISTIE MURDER, but I can't work out the wordplay. *See comment 2 below for a possible explanation."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Company called City is producer of windy flats etc (3,7)","output":"### Answer: COR ANGLAIS \n ### Explanation: Definition: producer of windy flats etc\nCO + RANG + L.A. + IS"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Oil drunk a lot (4)","output":"### Answer: OTTO \n ### Explanation: Oil drunk a lot (4)\n(bl)OTTO \u2013 *thanks, Muffyword."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rough tarred surface ultimately gives better grip (7)","output":"### Answer: RETREAD \n ### Explanation: Definition: gives better grip\n*(Tarred + (surfac)E)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Relative once removed confused on nicknames (7)","output":"### Answer: KINSMAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Relative\n*(niknams) (ie \"on nicknames\" less \"once\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dormant fish brought round by sonar (8)","output":"### Answer: SLEEPING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Dormant\n<=EELS + PING \nIn Chambers, \"pinger\" is a type of sonar, but I can't find PING being synonymous with \"sonar\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Could be faster to make fire from air (6)","output":"### Answer: STRAFE \n ### Explanation: Definition: to make fire from air\n*(faster)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Accountant dressed with abandon to get biscuit (8)","output":"### Answer: MACAROON \n ### Explanation: Definition: biscuit\nAC in MAROON"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Grinned with fear, adjusted rifle sight (5,6)","output":"### Answer: RANGE FINDER \n ### Explanation: Definition: rifle sight\n(*grinned fear)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: No problem when you turn around (4)","output":"### Answer: EASY \n ### Explanation: Definition: No problem\nAS in <=YE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: I mostly leave meal when retired; it's an obsession (4,4)","output":"### Answer: IDEE FIXE \n ### Explanation: Definition: obsession\nI + <+EXI(t) FEED \nI suppose FEED and MEAL could be synonymous in a phrase such as \"a good feed\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Gala producers say \"Pretty Please\", regrettably not \"Thank You\" at first (5,5)","output":"### Answer: APPLE TREES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Gala producers\n*(pret please) (first letters of **T**hank **Y**ou removed from \"pretty please\") \nGala is a type of apple, originally from New Zealand."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Letters from a bygone age (3)","output":"### Answer: ABC \n ### Explanation: Definition: Letters\nA + B.C. (Before Christ = \"bygone age\") \nShouldn't the annotation be (1,1,1)?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Being north of city (5)","output":"### Answer: ESSEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: city\nESSE (\"being\") + N \nEssen is a German city on the Rhine (more famous in Crosswordland than anywhere else?)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Badger cull even Noah grants (3,2)","output":"### Answer: NAG AT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Badger\nN(o)A(h)G(r)A(n)T(s) \nThe even letters have been culled."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Target bearing in order to return to cradle of civilisation (11)","output":"### Answer: MESOPOTAMIA \n ### Explanation: Definition: cradle of civilisation\n<+AIM AT O(POSE)M \nTook a little while to work the parsing out, as I saw bearing as SE, not POSE, initially."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Diminutive independent politician holds an open house for pot plants (6,4)","output":"### Answer: INDIAN HEMP \n ### Explanation: Definition: pot plants\nAN H(ome)E in INDI MP \nIsn't it Indy rather than Indi?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Turn in healthy and sound when brought on board (6,2)","output":"### Answer: HAULED IN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Turn \nHas to start with HA so am assuming HAULED IN or HAULED ON. Wordplay could indicate HAILED IN (homophone of HALE DIN), but I don't recognise that phrase. *Again, thanks to Muffyword for the parsing of HAULED IN. Definition is \"brought on board\" (as in fish hauled in in a net?)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A cat called Blaze (8)","output":"### Answer: ANNOUNCE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Blaze\nHomophone of \"an ounce\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Chain\u00a0with holes (5)","output":"### Answer: LINKS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Chain\nCryptic\/double definition. \nA links course is a golf course by the sea, especially in the UK"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Skier's turn in hospital (8)","output":"### Answer: CHRISTIE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Skier's turn\nDouble definition? \nNot sure if I have this right, but a christie is a turn in skiing, and, according to Wikipedia, the Christie NHS Trust is a renowned cancer hospital in Manchester. This seems too vague for me, so assume I may be wrong?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Interfere with odd bits from CCTV in entrance (6)","output":"### Answer: DOCTOR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Interfere with\nC(c)T(v) in DOOR"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sue's worried after mother, returning to the centre of Guildford, gets diverted (6)","output":"### Answer: AMUSED \n ### Explanation: Definition: diverted\n<=AM + *(sue) + (guil)D(ford)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Already in use by English artist before the last retrospective (7)","output":"### Answer: ENGAGED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Already in use\nEng. + <=DEGA(s)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Most profitable for fellow witness (7)","output":"### Answer: FATTEST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Most profitable\nF + ATTEST"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Odd talk going around about my daughter being in agreement (10)","output":"### Answer: CONCORDANT \n ### Explanation: Definition: in agreement\nON + COR(\"my\" + D) in CANT \u2013 *Thanks, Muffyword!"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Book of letters from Bianca Mosca (4)","output":"### Answer: AMOS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Book\nLetters from (ie hidden in) Bianc**A MOS**ca"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dance with President Arthur at first (5)","output":"### Answer: POLKA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Dance\nPOLK + (A)rthur \nJames K Polk was the 11th President of the USA"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bit of knavery to pinch Cockney woman's underwear (8)","output":"### Answer: KNICKERS \n ### Explanation: Definition: underwear\nK(navery) + NICK 'ER'S"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Biblical figure penning song about Hebrew leader being an outsider (4,4)","output":"### Answer: LONG SHOT \n ### Explanation: Definition: an outsider\n*(song) + H(ebrew) in LOT"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Reject small fish (5)","output":"### Answer: SPIKE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Reject\nS + PIKE \n\"To spike\" means to \"refuse to publish something\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Druid's heart captured by devotee of rural deity (4)","output":"### Answer: FAUN \n ### Explanation: Definition: rural deity\n(dr)U(id) in FAN"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dangerous female doing bird gets licked into shape (10)","output":"### Answer: FORBIDDING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Dangerous\nF + *(doing bird)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Subsequently Pacino's seen in Sideways (7)","output":"### Answer: LATERAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Sideways\nLATER + AL (Pacino)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Al goes to party in extremely wacky jumper (7)","output":"### Answer: WALLABY \n ### Explanation: Definition: jumper\nAL + LAB in W(ack)Y"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Recruit listens without a hint of suspicion surprisingly (6)","output":"### Answer: ENLIST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Recruit\n*(listen) (enlists \u2013 s(uspicion))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Remove obstruction found in river (6)","output":"### Answer: DELETE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Remove\nLET in DEE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dog pee discovered on bottom of bed at home (5)","output":"### Answer: DINGO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Dog\n(be)D + IN + GO(\"pee\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Discontinue storing heroin in part of church (7)","output":"### Answer: CHANCEL \n ### Explanation: Definition: part of churc\nH in CANCEL"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Outwit remaining soldiers before start of attack on church (9)","output":"### Answer: OVERREACH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Outwit\nOVER + R.E. + A(ttack) + Ch."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Largely opposed to taking on Peto's intended (5)","output":"### Answer: MEANT \n ### Explanation: Definition: intended\nME(\"Peto\") + ANT(i)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Reverse unlikely to change support (7)","output":"### Answer: SETBACK \n ### Explanation: Definition: Reverse\nSET + BACK"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Speech day is gross by the sound of it (9)","output":"### Answer: DISCOURSE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Speech\nD(ay) IS + homophone of COARSE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: It may be revealed in recollections of the past by southern Conservative (4,5)","output":"### Answer: BACK STORY \n ### Explanation: Definition: It may be revealed in recollections\nBACK + S + TORY"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Reproduce pages featuring gold mounting on semi precious stone (9)","output":"### Answer: PROPAGATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Reproduce\n<+OR in PP(\"pages\") + AGATE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Start of sit-in organised by those attending game (9)","output":"### Answer: INSTIGATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Start\n*(sit-in) + GATE (\"those attending game\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Well-bred fellow seen with a slippery customer (7)","output":"### Answer: GENTEEL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Well-bred\nGENT + EEL"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Favour eluding Dicky (7)","output":"### Answer: INDULGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Favour\n*(eluding) \nI'm not a huge fan of the anagrind here. Dicky without the capital is fine, so it would be better at the start of a sentence. Could have been clued as \"Dicky eluding favour\" as a quick fix."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Defects when defeat's reported at close of polls (5)","output":"### Answer: FLAWS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Defects\nHomophone of FLOOR + (poll)S. This doesn't work for me as I am Scottish and FLOOR and FLAW are not pronounced alike up here."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Magnanimous knight left without honour? Just the opposite (5)","output":"### Answer: NOBLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Magnanimous\nN + L in OBE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Creates wide bridges on both sides (6)","output":"### Answer: SPAWNS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Creates\nW in SPANS"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Forcibly silence alien trapped by rent control (3,1,4)","output":"### Answer: GET A GRIP \n ### Explanation: Definition: control \nET in GAG (\"forcibly silence\") RIP"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Time engaged in puzzle with unending passion leads to congratulations (8)","output":"### Answer: MAZEL TOV \n ### Explanation: Definition: congratulations\nT in MAZE LOV(e) \nPrettry sure that Mazel Tov is two words, so should have been (5,3)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Retailer's profits, according to rumour, were unlimited (6)","output":"### Answer: GROCER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Retailer\nHomophone of GROSSER, I assume although I don't the wordplay works. \"profits\" is superfluous\" and \"were unlimited\" doesn't equal GROSSER"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Points to churches that pervade odd parts of Leeds (8)","output":"### Answer: STEEPLES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Points to churches\nSTEEP(\"pervade\" + **L**e**E**d**S"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Recoil from black cat (6)","output":"### Answer: BOUNCE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Recoil\nB + OUNCE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Butterflies eat less tailless seafood in captivity (8)","output":"### Answer: DISQUIET \n ### Explanation: Definition: Butterflies\nSQUI(d) IN DIET (\"eat less\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Colours are dead right (4)","output":"### Answer: DYES \n ### Explanation: Colours are dead right (4)\nD + YES"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Specimen from tiny pine lacking in content (4)","output":"### Answer: TYPE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Specimen\nT(in)Y P(in)E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Profit\u00a0ran out here? Impossible! (8)","output":"### Answer: INCREASE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Profit\nDouble definition, the second referring to cricket where you can't be run out if you are in your crease."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sea horse in fragments (6)","output":"### Answer: MARINE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Sea\nIN in MARE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rubber and pencil-sharpener Poe normally used for quoting back (8)","output":"### Answer: NEOPRENE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Rubber\nHidden backwards in sharp**ENER POE N**ormally"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Vibration left out by hat (6)","output":"### Answer: TRILBY \n ### Explanation: Definition: hat\nTRIL(l) + BY"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mary and Luke interpreted sign of religious devotion (8)","output":"### Answer: YARMULKE \n ### Explanation: Definition: sign of religious devotion\n*(Mary Luke)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Together in this love for piece of music (8)","output":"### Answer: CONCERTO \n ### Explanation: Definition: piece of music\nCONCERT + O \n\"in concert\" = \"together\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Loving pet can be kept inside (6)","output":"### Answer: DOTING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Loving\nTIN in DOG(\"pet\"). \nThe grammar isn't right here. \"tin be kept inside\"?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Using newly manufactured rest, play medieval instrument (8)","output":"### Answer: PSALTERY \n ### Explanation: Definition: medieval instrument\n*(rest play)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Reports failures to climax in the holidays (8)","output":"### Answer: WEEKENDS \n ### Explanation: Definition: holidays\nHomophone of WEAK ENDS"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Gets used to square vice (7,2)","output":"### Answer: SETTLES IN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Gets used to\nSETTLE + SIN"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Distributes\u00a0funds (5,8,2)","output":"### Answer: GIVES CURRENCY TO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Distributes\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Where flight attendants prepare to let the wine breathe? (7)","output":"### Answer: AIRPORT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Where flight attendants prepare\nAIR PORT"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Deposit money in bank not long ago (8)","output":"### Answer: RECENTLY \n ### Explanation: Definition: not long ago\nCENT in RELY"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Warped by poetry (8)","output":"### Answer: PERVERSE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Warped\nPER + VERSE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fascinated by eccentric demeanour (9)","output":"### Answer: ENAMOURED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fascinated \n*(demeanour)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Arrogant to cheat chess expert at one chess opening (8)","output":"### Answer: DOGMATIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: Arrogant\nDO(\"cheat\") + GM(\"Grand Master\" = \"chess expert\") + AT + 1 + C(hess)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: I was absorbed by poet before coming up for air (8)","output":"### Answer: EMERSION \n ### Explanation: Definition: coming up for air\nI in EMERSON"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cut passage that is filled with weeping (4-4)","output":"### Answer: TEAR-DUCT \n ### Explanation: Definition: that is filled with weeping\nTEAR + DUCT"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sounds like Cockney is overreacting to cup (8)","output":"### Answer: PANNIKIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: cup\nHomophone of PANICKIN' \nSurely dropping the G at the end of the words is not unique to Cockneys?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Base in globe is broken (7)","output":"### Answer: IGNOBLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Base\n*(in globe)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Former Palestinian group's regularly dirty deed (7)","output":"### Answer: EXPLOIT \n ### Explanation: Former Palestinian group's regularly dirty deed (7)\nEX P.L.O. + (d)I(r)T(y)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mark paid revised price on time, saving euros (7)","output":"### Answer: RECEIPT \n ### Explanation: Mark paid revised price on time, saving euros (7)\nE in (*price) + T"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Group of relatives returned key (5)","output":"### Answer: VITAL \n ### Explanation: Group of relatives returned key (5)\nHidden backwards in \"re**LATIV**es\", with \"group of\" indicating that we need to identify a group of letters."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Like loner about to tackle cryptic clues [4] (9)","output":"### Answer: RECLUSIVE \n ### Explanation: Like loner about to tackle cryptic clues [4] (9)\nRE + *(clues IV)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Band's half-hearted gesture on departing (5,4)","output":"### Answer: SHORT WAVE \n ### Explanation: Band's half-hearted gesture on departing (5,4)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Put off deciding to drop mining (5)","output":"### Answer: DETER \n ### Explanation: Put off deciding to drop mining (5)\nDETER(mining)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: In middle of lesson she's trim and cool, moving about (14)","output":"### Answer: SCHOOLMISTRESS \n ### Explanation: In middle of lesson she's trim and cool, moving about (14)\n*(shes trim cool) in le(S S)on \nA nice & lit. as well"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Where food is entering last, ie being processed (5,9)","output":"### Answer: LARGE INTESTINE \n ### Explanation: Where food is entering last, ie being processed (5,9)\n*(entering lst ie)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stunner pirouetted and struck a different pose (5)","output":"### Answer: RESAT \n ### Explanation: Stunner pirouetted and struck a different pose (5)\n<=TASER"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Where to dig up a nugget or sphere? (9)","output":"### Answer: GOLDFIELD \n ### Explanation: Where to dig up a nugget or sphere? (9)\nGOLD (\"nugget\") + FIELD (\"sphere\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What magicians said when they worked with ropes (3,6)","output":"### Answer: HEY PRESTO \n ### Explanation: What magicians said when they worked with ropes (3,6)\n*(they ropes)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Music in Glyndebourne's more than topping (5)","output":"### Answer: ICING \n ### Explanation: Music in Glyndebourne's more than topping (5)\nHidden in \"mus**IC IN G**lyndebourne\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Doctor twice hides special list of big names (4,3)","output":"### Answer: WHO\u2019S WHO \n ### Explanation: Doctor twice hides special list of big names (4,3)\nS in WHO WHO (\"Doctor twice\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Artist's leg twisted \u2013 recovery's seriously neglected (2,5)","output":"### Answer: EL GRECO \n ### Explanation: Artist's leg twisted \u2013 recovery's seriously neglected (2,5)\n*(leg) + RECO(very)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The language of Tolkien and King Henry (6)","output":"### Answer: ELVISH \n ### Explanation: The language of Tolkien and King Henry (6)\nELVIS (\"King\") + H"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Panda, say, moves conspiratorially, less noisily (6,3)","output":"### Answer: PATROL CAR \n ### Explanation: Panda, say, moves conspiratorially, less noisily (6,3)\n*(copratral) *(The letters in \"conspiratorial\" less those in \"noisily\") *It's a while since I last heard anyone refer to a police car as a panda car.*"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fledgling duck, large parts sodden (5)","output":"### Answer: OWLET \n ### Explanation: Fledgling duck, large parts sodden (5)\nO + W(L)ET"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sailor man at home makes shelter for himself (9)","output":"### Answer: TARPAULIN \n ### Explanation: Sailor man at home makes shelter for himself (9)\nTAR + PAUL + IN"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What scouts do in playground these days (5)","output":"### Answer: RECCE \n ### Explanation: What scouts do in playground these days (5)\nDouble definition, with recce being short for \"reconnaisance\" and \"recreation ground\/park\/centre\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Is this mounted due to pact being broken? (4,5)","output":"### Answer: COUP D\u2019ETAT \n ### Explanation: Is this mounted due to pact being broken? (4,5)\n*(due to pact)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One point impresses current dunce (5)","output":"### Answer: IDIOT \n ### Explanation: One point impresses current dunce (5)\nI(\"current\") in 1 DOT"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The detectorist leaves out notice for speculator (8)","output":"### Answer: THEORIST \n ### Explanation: The detectorist leaves out notice for speculator (8)\nTHE(detect)ORIST"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Remove public hotline (9)","output":"### Answer: OVERTHROW \n ### Explanation: Remove public hotline (9)\nOVERT + H + ROW"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: I do business with head office myself to find des res (5,4)","output":"### Answer: IDEAL HOME \n ### Explanation: I do business with head office myself to find des res (5,4)\nI DEAL + H.O. + ME"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Comic, original one touring island in Irish (5,4)","output":"### Answer: ERNIE WISE \n ### Explanation: Comic, original one touring island in Irish (5,4)\nI(\"island\") in NEW 1 in ERSE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Priest almost cut short poem (8)","output":"### Answer: CLERIHEW \n ### Explanation: Priest almost cut short poem (8)\nCLERI(c) + HEW"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A golf international's in trouble for playing slowly (6)","output":"### Answer: ADAGIO \n ### Explanation: A golf international's in trouble for playing slowly (6)\nA G I in ADO"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Authority comes out with circular letter (3-2)","output":"### Answer: SAY-SO \n ### Explanation: Authority comes out with circular letter (3-2)\nSAYS + O (\"circular letter\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Relish occasional bits of glum sitcom (5)","output":"### Answer: GUSTO \n ### Explanation: Relish occasional bits of glum sitcom (5)\n**G**l**U**m **S**i**T**c**O**m"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pair abandon misleading affair (5)","output":"### Answer: FLING \n ### Explanation: Pair abandon misleading affair (5)\nF(oo)LING \nAt first, I thought \"pair\" was weak for OO, but then I thought of cricket, and a pair of ducks in two innings would be 00, so it's all good."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pledge to rest after overturning moped without a helmet (7)","output":"### Answer: DEPOSIT \n ### Explanation: Pledge to rest after overturning moped without a helmet (7)\n<+(m)OPED + SIT"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ice-creams produced by non-US suppliers (7)","output":"### Answer: RIPPLES \n ### Explanation: Ice-creams produced by non-US suppliers (7)\n*(ppliers) (SUPPLIERS \u2013 US) \nAs in Raspberry Ripple, probably my least favourite ice cream flavour!"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Starts to paint oils to hide stolen picture (5)","output":"### Answer: PHOTO \n ### Explanation: Starts to paint oils to hide stolen picture (5)\nHOT in P(aint) O(ils)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Intensely dislike a dessert pub reportedly had for dinner (9)","output":"### Answer: ABOMINATE \n ### Explanation: Intensely dislike a dessert pub reportedly had for dinner (9)\nHomophone of A BOMBE INN + ATE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Arrives on the heels of past masters (9)","output":"### Answer: OVERCOMES \n ### Explanation: Arrives on the heels of past masters (9)\nCOMES on OVER"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Found in spot on Galapagos archipelago (5)","output":"### Answer: TONGA \n ### Explanation: Found in spot on Galapagos archipelago (5)\nHidden in \"spo**T** ON **GA**lapagos\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Precise piece of legislation now repealed? (5)","output":"### Answer: EXACT \n ### Explanation: Precise piece of legislation now repealed? (5)\nAn EX ACT would be a \"piece of legislation now repealed\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Violently denounced journalist following turn he'd messed up (9)","output":"### Answer: THUNDERED \n ### Explanation: Violently denounced journalist following turn he'd messed up (9)\n*(turn he'd) + ED (\"journalist\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The same model initially includes numbers trimmed in chrome (9)","output":"### Answer: IDENTICAL \n ### Explanation: The same model initially includes numbers trimmed in chrome (9)\nN(umbers) T(rimmed) I(n) C(hrome) in IDEAL"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Long period at the centre of attention (5)","output":"### Answer: YEARN \n ### Explanation: Long period at the centre of attention (5)\nYEAR + (atte)N(tion)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sweet compromise (5)","output":"### Answer: FUDGE \n ### Explanation: Sweet compromise (5)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Complaining about Naomi returning after I left off being around (9)","output":"### Answer: BEMOANING \n ### Explanation: Complaining about Naomi returning after I left off being around (9)\n<=NAOM(i) + BEING"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Government reportedly intended to make a declaration (9)","output":"### Answer: STATEMENT \n ### Explanation: Government reportedly intended to make a declaration (9)\nSTATE + homophone of MEANT"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Top UN official has a student flat (5)","output":"### Answer: BANAL \n ### Explanation: Top UN official has a student flat (5)\nBAN (Ki-Moon) + A L"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: It smooths over Labour leader's false report (7)","output":"### Answer: SLANDER \n ### Explanation: It smooths over Labour leader's false report (7)\nL(abour) in SANDER"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ridicules extremely disagreeable fairground attractions (7)","output":"### Answer: DERIDES \n ### Explanation: Ridicules extremely disagreeable fairground attractions (7)\nD(isagreeabl)E + RIDES"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Deeply regret daughter learning about record (7)","output":"### Answer: DEPLORE \n ### Explanation: Deeply regret daughter learning about record (7)\nD (EP)\u00a0LORE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: In favour of people getting stated equipment to help walk (9)","output":"### Answer: PROMENADE \n ### Explanation: In favour of people getting stated equipment to help walk (9)\nPRO + MEN + homophone of AID"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Resigned to supporting son and niece regularly (5)","output":"### Answer: STOIC \n ### Explanation: Resigned to supporting son and niece regularly (5)\nS + TO + (n)I(e)C(e)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Shocking hoax almost secures gold rug (9)","output":"### Answer: TRAUMATIC \n ### Explanation: Shocking hoax almost secures gold rug (9)\nAU + MAT in TRIC(k)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: I sort out public disturbances (5)","output":"### Answer: RIOTS \n ### Explanation: I sort out public disturbances (5)\n*(I sort)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Practise without note I'd revised explicitly (9)","output":"### Answer: POINTEDLY \n ### Explanation: Practise without note I'd revised explicitly (9)\n*(note I'd) in PLY"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: With a fresh approach, desire to become skilful (5)","output":"### Answer: LEARN \n ### Explanation: With a fresh approach, desire to become skilful (5)\nYEARN\u00a0(\"desire\")\u00a0becomes LEARN if it has a \"fresh approach\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Marshal turns up in part of a wetsuit with ripped edges (7)","output":"### Answer: STEWARD \n ### Explanation: Marshal turns up in part of a wetsuit with ripped edges (7)\n<= A WETS(uit) + R(ippe)D \nIf my parsing is correct, I don't like this clue as \"part of\" is not precise enough for my liking."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: This document supports your claim for publication of French edition (5,4)","output":"### Answer: TITLE DEED \n ### Explanation: This document supports your claim for publication of French edition (5,4)\nTITKE (\"publication\") + DE (\"of French\") +ED."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Endless messy mud I let in (9)","output":"### Answer: UNLIMITED \n ### Explanation: Endless messy mud I let in (9)\n*(mud\u00a0I let in)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Changed sides for money to get shelter with soldier in return (9)","output":"### Answer: REALIGNED \n ### Explanation: Changed sides for money to get shelter with soldier in return (9)\nREAL (\"money\") + <=DEN G.I."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Overruns popular party with socialists primarily (7)","output":"### Answer: INFESTS \n ### Explanation: Overruns popular party with socialists primarily (7)\nIN + FEST + S(ocialists)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Worries about German trap set by the French (7)","output":"### Answer: NIGGLES \n ### Explanation: Worries about German trap set by the French (7)\n<=G GIN + LES"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Acting doctor has a higher degree (5)","output":"### Answer: DRAMA \n ### Explanation: Acting doctor has a higher degree (5)\nDR. + A M.A."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: At first background laughter leads to hearing being indistinct (5)","output":"### Answer: BLEAR \n ### Explanation: At first background laughter leads to hearing being indistinct (5)\nB(ackground L(aughter) + EAR"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Get ready to go away from embargo muddle (5)","output":"### Answer: AMBER \n ### Explanation: Get ready to go away from embargo muddle (5)\n*(embar) (EMBARGO \u2013 GO) \nDefinition is too loose \u2013 \"get ready to go\" is a little better, but then \"go\" would be doing double duty."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Starts to look at tracks through the country (6)","output":"### Answer: LATVIA \n ### Explanation: Definition: country\nInitial letters of \"**L**ook **A**t **T**racks\" + VIA (\"through\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Speaks of panic with son (6)","output":"### Answer: STATES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Speaks\nSTATE (\"panic\") + S \nState as in \"in a state\" = \"in a panic\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Naughty Carol keeps a pub (7)","output":"### Answer: SINNING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Naughty\nINN in SING \nThe capital letter on Carol gives me a problem here, as \"Carol\" and \"to carol\" are two different things. Could have been solved by putting Carol at the start of the clue (eg Carol keeps a pub \u2013 that's naughty)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Problem for old Bob the repair man (7)","output":"### Answer: STINKER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Problem\nS (\"old Bob\" = \"shilling\") + TINKER"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Purcell has developed melancholy (10)","output":"### Answer: SEPULCHRAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: melancholy\n*(Purcell has)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old people imprisoned \u2013 many lost (4)","output":"### Answer: AGED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Old people\n(c)AGED"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: New information about soldier (5)","output":"### Answer: GREEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: New\nGEN about R.E. (\"soldier\") \nR.E. = Royal Engineer"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Weirdo makes illegal drugs (8)","output":"### Answer: CRACKPOT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Weirdo\nCRACK + POT are both illegal drugs. \nI may be splitting hairs, but I'd say that the clue should say \"illegal drugs make weirdo\".\n \nThink of the clue as a sum, with \"weirdo\" = 4, \"crack\" = 3, and \"pot\" = 1.\n \nWe would say that 1 and 3 makes 4, but we wouldn't say that 4 makes 1 and 3."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Teacher having gym with students is badly put down (8)","output":"### Answer: MISSPELL \n ### Explanation: Definition: badly put down\nMISS (\"Teacher\") + P.E. + LL (\"students\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Money put into academic funds (5)","output":"### Answer: PURSE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Money\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Further inside the Royal Society (4)","output":"### Answer: ALSO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Further\nHidden in \"roy**AL SO**ciety\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Harmony in a musical instrument (10)","output":"### Answer: CONCERTINA \n ### Explanation: Definition: musical instrument\nCONCERT + IN A"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fielder's desire to get on (4,3)","output":"### Answer: LONG LEG \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fielder\nLONG + LEG (\"on\") \nIn cricket parlance, \"leg\" ~ \"on\".\n \nLong leg is a fielding position behind the batsman, and near the boundary."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Idea vet developed to change (7)","output":"### Answer: DEVIATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: to change\n*(idea vet)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Speechless about batting a short time (6)","output":"### Answer: MINUTE \n ### Explanation: Definition: a short time\nMUTE about IN"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dishonour grips royal family (6)","output":"### Answer: STRAIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: family\nST(R)AIN"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Learning about current in the river (5)","output":"### Answer: LOIRE \n ### Explanation: Definition: river\nI(\"current\") in LORE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Give hairstyle that's in fashion? Certainly! (7)","output":"### Answer: TONSURE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Give hairstyle\nTON (\"fashion\") + SURE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Purity Connie falsely showed once appearing topless (9)","output":"### Answer: INNOCENCE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Purity\n*(Connie) + (o)NCE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Comprehensive kid gets a quid (5)","output":"### Answer: TOTAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Comprehensive\nTOT + A + L (\"quid\", as in LSD, pounds shillings and pence)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A small fastening can alter one's course (3,4)","output":"### Answer: TIN TACK \n ### Explanation: Definition: A small fastening\nTIN (\"can\") + TACK"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Worker's first wife died in shop (9)","output":"### Answer: STEVEDORE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Worker'\nEVE + D in STORE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: First-rate fish served with pork (9)","output":"### Answer: CRACKLING \n ### Explanation: Definition: served with pork\nCRACK (\"first-class\") + LING"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stable hand crosses stream for a place to eat (9)","output":"### Answer: GRILLROOM \n ### Explanation: Definition: a place to eat\nGROOM crosses RILL"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Now for a tango show (2,7)","output":"### Answer: AT PRESENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Now\nA + T(\"tango\" in the phonetic alphabet) + PRESENT"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Drunken legions drink this . . . . (4,3)","output":"### Answer: SLOE GIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: this\n*(legions)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: . . . . nastier sort of wine (7)","output":"### Answer: RETSINA \n ### Explanation: Definition: wine\n*(nastier)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Box the revolutionary way (5)","output":"### Answer: CHEST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Box\nCHE (Guevara) + ST. (\"way\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Impossible idea one's given up (3,2)","output":"### Answer: NOT ON \n ### Explanation: Definition: Impossible\nNOT(i)ON"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Colourful design in second Mediterranean vessel (6)","output":"### Answer: MOSAIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: Colourful design\nMO (\"second\") + SAIC (\"Mediterranean vessel\") \nA saic is a vessel like a ketch from the Eastern Med."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Worker ludicrously busy round English church (8)","output":"### Answer: MECHANIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: Worker\nE Ch. in MANIC"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wary scout I redirected in tour of a university (8)","output":"### Answer: CAUTIOUS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Wary\nA U in *(scout I)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Appropriate turkey, bird held back (6)","output":"### Answer: ASSUME \n ### Explanation: Definition: Appropriate\nASS (\"turkey\") + <=EMU"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Furore created by odd drug dealer (not half) (6)","output":"### Answer: RUMPUS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Furore\nRUM (\"odd\") + PUS(her)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: At last, plan to guard explosive (2,3,3)","output":"### Answer: INTHEEND \n ### Explanation: Definition: At last\nH.E. in INTEND \nH.E. stands for High Explosive"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: File to handle differently in current circumstances (3,2,3,4)","output":"### Answer: LIE OF THE LAND \n ### Explanation: Definition: current circumstances\n*(file to handle)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Friend behind city still in joyful mode (12)","output":"### Answer: ECSTATICALLY \n ### Explanation: Definition: in joyful mode\nE.C. (\"city\") + STATIC (\"still\") + ALLY(\"friend\") \nE.C., as any cruciverbalist will tell you, is a central London postcode."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lines penned by website contributor, expert on public views (8)","output":"### Answer: POLLSTER \n ### Explanation: Definition: expert on public views\nLL (\"lines\") in POSTER(\"website contributor\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Distinction retained in sacred itinerary (6)","output":"### Answer: CREDIT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Distinction\nHidden in \"sa**CRED IT**inerary\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Crimson\u00a0strand (6)","output":"### Answer: MAROON \n ### Explanation: Definition: Crimson\nDouble definition. \nAccording to Chambers, both \"crimson\" and \"maroon\" are purplish red, so this would appear to be OK, although, in my humble opinion, the two are different."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Incomplete dessert, otherwise termed a Greek dish (8)","output":"### Answer: MOUSSAKA \n ### Explanation: Definition: a Greek dish\nMOUSS(e) + A.K.A."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Information given on European game in stock source? (4,4)","output":"### Answer: GENE POOL \n ### Explanation: Definition: stock source\nGEN (\"information\") + E(uropean) + POOL (\"game\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sensitive\u00a0proposal (6)","output":"### Answer: TENDER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Sensitive\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unintelligible work, one somewhat lacking in appeal (6)","output":"### Answer: OPAQUE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Unintelligible\nOP (\"work\") + A (\"one\") + QU(it)E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ideal place almost in a group for George (9)","output":"### Answer: AUTOPILOT \n ### Explanation: Definition: George\nUTOPI(a) in A LOT \nGeorge is the nickname pilots give to the autopilot system."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tons crews replaced in elevated position at sea (5,4)","output":"### Answer: CROWS NEST \n ### Explanation: Definition: elevated position at sea\n*(tons crews)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old lady supported by formidable dog (7)","output":"### Answer: MASTIFF \n ### Explanation: Definition: dog\nMA (\"old lady\") + STIFF (\"formidable\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Skill shown by hundred, a large number (5)","output":"### Answer: CRAFT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Skill\nC (\"hundred\") + RAFT (\"a large number\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Patterned fabric that's limitless in part of church (5)","output":"### Answer: AISLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: in part of church\n(p)AISLE(y)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Small measure in section of hospital is soon to happen (8)","output":"### Answer: IMMINENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: soon to happen\nIMM (1mm = \"small measure\") + IN E.N.T. (Ear, Nose and Throat = \"section of hospital\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tone cut in hearing (3)","output":"### Answer: HUE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Tone\nHomophone of HEW (\"cut\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hard ancient judges to preside over attendants (4,5)","output":"### Answer: HOLD COURT \n ### Explanation: Definition: to preside over attendants\nH(ard) + OLD (\"ancient\") + COURT (\"judges\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sadly only spare figure without expertise (9)","output":"### Answer: LAYPERSON \n ### Explanation: Definition: figure without expertise\n*(only spare)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Drink taken by daughter amid outstanding praise (8)","output":"### Answer: ACCOLADE \n ### Explanation: Definition: praise\nCOLA (\"drink\") + D(aughter) in ACE (\"outstanding\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: American's behind passageway screens (3)","output":"### Answer: ASS \n ### Explanation: Definition: American's behind\nHidden in p**ASS**ageway"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sweet stuff bordered by fancy lace (7)","output":"### Answer: CARAMEL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Sweet\nRAM (\"stuff\") in *(lace)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Changeable fellow facing predicament losing head (6)","output":"### Answer: FICKLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Changeable\nF(ellow) + (p)ICKLE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Indefinite sun in Cornish resort (5)","output":"### Answer: LOOSE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Indefinite\nS(\"sun\") in LOOE (a small town on the Cornish coast)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What one might see after summer holiday dance (5)","output":"### Answer: TANGO \n ### Explanation: Definition: dance\nAfter a summer holiday, one's tan may go."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Issue beginning to engage mother country (9)","output":"### Answer: EMANATION \n ### Explanation: Issue beginning to engage mother country (9)\nE(ngage) + MA + NATION"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Burglar eviscerated on cross in cheery NY location? (5)","output":"### Answer: BRONX \n ### Explanation: Burglar eviscerated on cross in cheery NY location? (5)\nB(urgla)r + ON + X (\"cross\") \n\"Making\u00a0a Bronx cheer\" is an American term for\u00a0\"blowing a raspberry\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Member tours old Ireland with lecherous look (7)","output":"### Answer: LEERING \n ### Explanation: Member tours old Ireland with lecherous look (7)\nERIN (\"old Ireland\") in LEG (\"member\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One settles score against English in rage (7)","output":"### Answer: AVENGER \n ### Explanation: One settles score against English in rage (7)\nV E in ANGER"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Revolutionary 8 teacher to bend back and forth (3)","output":"### Answer: NOD \n ### Explanation: Revolutionary 8 teacher to bend back and forth (3)\n<=DON (teacher at\u00a0Oxbridge)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Naughty secretary Reed sacked becomes angry (3-8)","output":"### Answer: BADTEMPERED \n ### Explanation: Naughty secretary Reed sacked becomes angry (3-8)\nBAD + TEMP + *(Reed)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mean-spirited woman takes hour in work with needle (5)","output":"### Answer: SHREW \n ### Explanation: Mean-spirited woman takes hour in work with needle (5)\nHR \"(hour\") in SEW"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ringmaster from Halifax (3)","output":"### Answer: ALI \n ### Explanation: Ringmaster from Halifax (3)\nHidden in h**ALIf**ax. \nReferring of course to Mohammed Ali."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: New land area provides irridescent stuff (5)","output":"### Answer: NACRE \n ### Explanation: New land area provides irridescent stuff (5)\nN + ACRE (\"land area\") \nNACRE is another name for \"mother of pearl\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: School performer entertains the French film director (11)","output":"### Answer: SCHLESINGER \n ### Explanation: School performer entertains the French film director (11)\nLE (\"the FRench\") in Sch. SINGER \nJohn Schlesinger directed some great movies, including \"Sunday Bloody Sunday\" and \"Midnight Cowboy\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: 50 overs, then wicket having little value (3)","output":"### Answer: LOW \n ### Explanation: 50 overs, then wicket having little value (3)\nL (\"50\") + O (\"overs\") + W (\"wicket\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: National Insurance to fall within revised range on salary (7)","output":"### Answer: EARNING \n ### Explanation: National Insurance to fall within revised range on salary (7)\nN.I. in *(range)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Little girl vanishes from conflicted background (7)","output":"### Answer: AMBIENT \n ### Explanation: Little girl vanishes from conflicted background (7)\nVAL (\"little girl\") vanishes from AMBIVALENT (\"conflicted\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Skeleton causing son a nightmare (5)","output":"### Answer: SHELL \n ### Explanation: Skeleton causing son a nightmare (5)\nS(on) + HELL"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: With mischief-maker and fool I have to be unmoved (9)","output":"### Answer: IMPASSIVE \n ### Explanation: With mischief-maker and fool I have to be unmoved (9)\nIMP (\"mischief-maker\") + ASS (\"fool\") + I'VE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Huge carnivore denied area left in capital (6)","output":"### Answer: BERLIN \n ### Explanation: Huge carnivore denied area left in capital (6)\nBE(a)R + L + IN"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Capone's death in vehicle? Days numbered here? (8)","output":"### Answer: CALENDAR \n ### Explanation: Capone's death in vehicle? Days numbered here? (8)\nAL END \"(Capone's death\") in CAR"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Multi-talented artist traps keen crook in decline (5,5)","output":"### Answer: DAVID BOWIE \n ### Explanation: Multi-talented artist traps keen crook in decline (5,5)\nAVID BOW (\"keen crook\" in DIE (\"decline\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Something evil and good in grass (4)","output":"### Answer: SING \n ### Explanation: Something evil and good in grass (4)\nSIN + G"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Resolute peacekeepers fly across state (10)","output":"### Answer: UNWAVERING \n ### Explanation: Resolute peacekeepers fly across state (10)\nUN (\"peacekeepers\") + AVER (\"state\") in WING (\"fly\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Vagrant without hospital place finally gets instrument (4)","output":"### Answer: OBOE \n ### Explanation: Vagrant without hospital place finally gets instrument (4)\n(h)OBO + (plac)E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tenant right underneath Masonic meeting-place (6)","output":"### Answer: LODGER \n ### Explanation: Tenant right underneath Masonic meeting-place (6)\nLODGE(\"Masonic meeting-place) + R"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Beast on way over to find top universities (8)","output":"### Answer: OXBRIDGE \n ### Explanation: Beast on way over to find top universities (8)\nOX (\"beast\") + BRIDGE (\"way over\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Board fixer in extract secures victory over GP (7-3)","output":"### Answer: DRAWINGPIN \n ### Explanation: Board fixer in extract secures victory over GP (7-3)\nWIN + GP in DRAIN (\"extract\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Silly brats a pain for Nasser? (3- 7)","output":"### Answer: PANARABIST \n ### Explanation: Silly brats a pain for Nasser? (3- 7)\n*(brats a pain) \nNasser, president of Egypt from 1956 to 1970, was a propoent of pan-Arabism."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hanging American writers in south-east (8)","output":"### Answer: SUSPENSE \n ### Explanation: Hanging American writers in south-east (8)\nUS PENS (\"American writers\") in S.E."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Learner in Iceland explosively summoned (6,2)","output":"### Answer: CALLED IN \n ### Explanation: Learner in Iceland explosively summoned (6,2)\nL in *(Iceland)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Man has to catch some deer for Achilles et cetera (6)","output":"### Answer: HEROES \n ### Explanation: Man has to catch some deer for Achilles et cetera (6)\nROE (\"deer\") in HE'S (\"man has\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Shrivel up accompanied by the monarch (6)","output":"### Answer: WITHER \n ### Explanation: Shrivel up accompanied by the monarch (6)\nWITH E.R."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: It could be stormy: Lewis wife departs (4)","output":"### Answer: ISLE \n ### Explanation: It could be stormy: Lewis wife departs (4)\n*(lewis \u2013 w) \nMany islands are known as \"Stormy Isles\" (Azores, Orkney, some of the Hebrides, etc)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Record to break when in range (4)","output":"### Answer: ALPS \n ### Explanation: Record to break when in range (4)\nLP in AS (\"when\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Do not be tempted by ugly sister (6)","output":"### Answer: RESIST \n ### Explanation: Do not be tempted by ugly sister (6)\n*(sister)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Religious leaders maybe bless ushers on a regular basis (8)","output":"### Answer: ABBESSES \n ### Explanation: Religious leaders maybe bless ushers on a regular basis (8)\n(m)A(y)B(e) B(l)E(s)S (u)S(h)E(r)S"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Volunteers to keep key drug in crockery (6)","output":"### Answer: TEAPOT \n ### Explanation: Volunteers to keep key drug in crockery (6)\nE (\"key\")\u00a0in TA (\"volunteers\") + POT (\"drug\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sovereign takes pains with Iceland's fate (8)","output":"### Answer: LACHESIS \n ### Explanation: Sovereign takes pains with Iceland's fate (8)\nL (pound = \"sovereign\") + ACHES + IS (.is is Iceland's internet code) \nLachesis was one of the three Fates in Greek mythology."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Graceless supporter one caught in current trap (9)","output":"### Answer: INELEGANT \n ### Explanation: Graceless supporter one caught in current trap (9)\nLEG AN (\"supporter one\")\u00a0caught in I NET (\"current trap\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Power plant part includes one (5)","output":"### Answer: STEAM \n ### Explanation: Power plant part includes one (5)\nA in STEM"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Taking part of Toad almost his downfall, to be completely honest (3,2,4,5)","output":"### Answer: ACTINGOODFAITH \n ### Explanation: Taking part of Toad almost his downfall, to be completely honest (3,2,4,5)\nACTING (\"taking part) +*(of toad hi)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stormy Weather is his, with special backing from Carol (1,3,5,5)","output":"### Answer: I SAW THREE SHIPS \n ### Explanation: Stormy Weather is his, with special backing from Carol (1,3,5,5)\n*(weather is his) + <=Sp."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Quality cats essentially praise (9)","output":"### Answer: ATTRIBUTE \n ### Explanation: Quality cats essentially praise (9)\nc(AT)s + TRIBUTE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One of three sisters gets my back trouble after clearing out doghouse (8)","output":"### Answer: CORDELIA \n ### Explanation: One of three sisters gets my back trouble after clearing out doghouse (8)\nCOR (\"my!\") + D(oghous)E + <=AIL \nCordelia was King Lear's youngest daughter (of three)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: End of sentimental film about pub singer (6)","output":"### Answer: LINNET \n ### Explanation: End of sentimental film about pub singer (6)\n(sentimenta)L + E.T. (\"film) about INN \nA linnet is a small songbird, therefore a \"singer\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Gloomy party keeps ships in the Middle East (8)","output":"### Answer: DARKSOME \n ### Explanation: Gloomy party keeps ships in the Middle East (8)\nARKS in DO + M.E."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Soggy god has reason to leave wife (6)","output":"### Answer: MARSHY \n ### Explanation: Soggy god has reason to leave wife (6)\nMARS + (w)HY"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hunting vermin is pointless with a northern playwright (8)","output":"### Answer: RATTIGAN \n ### Explanation: Hunting vermin is pointless with a northern playwright (8)\nRATTI(n)G + AN \nTerence Rattigan, who wrote *The Browing Version*, *The Winslow Boy* and *Separate Tables*, among others."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Most frugal cuts set in stone (7)","output":"### Answer: SPAREST \n ### Explanation: Most frugal cuts set in stone (7)\nPARES (\"cuts\") in St. (\"stone\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Quiet individual excelled (5)","output":"### Answer: SHONE \n ### Explanation: Quiet individual excelled (5)\nSH (\"quiet!\") + ONE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Burt Lancaster, initially, when prime minister could have met three sisters here (7,5)","output":"### Answer: BLASTED HEATH \n ### Explanation: Burt Lancaster, initially, when prime minister could have met three sisters here (7,5)\nB(urt) L(ancaster) + AS TED HEATH \nFrom Act 1, Scene 3 of Macbeth\n \nStay, you imperfect speakers, tell me more: \nBy Sinel's death I know I am thane of Glamis; \nBut how of Cawdor? the thane of Cawdor lives, \nA prosperous gentleman; and to be king \nStands not within the prospect of belief, \nNo more than to be Cawdor. Say from whence \nYou owe this strange intelligence? or why \nUpon this blasted heath you stop our way \nWith such prophetic greeting? Speak, I charge you."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ancient Greeks record material with centre part moved to the end (9)","output":"### Answer: EPHESIANS \n ### Explanation: Ancient Greeks record material with centre part moved to the end (9)\nEP + HESSIAN with the central S moved to the end. \nEphesus is now in Turkey, but was in Greece in ancient times."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: American muscle in a way dodgy (7)","output":"### Answer: SUSPECT \n ### Explanation: American muscle in a way dodgy (7)\nUS PEC in St."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Some disheartened by identical plant (6)","output":"### Answer: SESAME \n ### Explanation: Some disheartened by identical plant (6)\nS(om)E + SAME"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Distracted, I spoil a march, not seeing the bigger picture (12)","output":"### Answer: PAROCHIALISM \n ### Explanation: Distracted, I spoil a march, not seeing the bigger picture (12)\n*(I spoil a march)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Happy couple will yawn off and on being overwhelmed by requirements (9)","output":"### Answer: NEWLYWEDS \n ### Explanation: Happy couple will yawn off and on being overwhelmed by requirements (9)\nW(i)L(l)Y(a)W(n) in NEEDS"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Is obliged to hear about society in Shropshire town (8)","output":"### Answer: OSWESTRY \n ### Explanation: Is obliged to hear about society in Shropshire town (8)\nOWES TRY about S"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Support without winning Queen's Teaspoon? (7)","output":"### Answer: STIRRER \n ### Explanation: Support without winning Queen's Teaspoon? (7)\nSTIRR(up) + E.R."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One sort of fertiliser not round like reptiles (7)","output":"### Answer: IGUANAS \n ### Explanation: One sort of fertiliser not round like reptiles (7)\n1 + GUAN(o) + AS"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fought being restrained (6)","output":"### Answer: FENCED \n ### Explanation: Fought being restrained (6)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One of Chekhov's sisters fashionable in Irish academy (5)","output":"### Answer: IRINA \n ### Explanation: One of Chekhov's sisters fashionable in Irish academy (5)\nIN (\"fashionable\") in Ir. A"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hosts taken aback about man's separation (6)","output":"### Answer: SCHISM \n ### Explanation: Definition: separation\n<=MCS (\"masters of ceremonies\" = \"hosts\") about HIS \"(man's\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Scotch and beer sustains a politician (5,3)","output":"### Answer: STAMP OUT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Scotch\nA M.P. in STOUT"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Retreating army controlled by noble, at the margins, close to battle (6)","output":"### Answer: NASEBY \n ### Explanation: Definition: battle\n<=SA ((Salvation) \"army\") in N(obl)E + BY \nThe battle of Naseby (1645) was a defest for the Royalists in the English Civil War."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Want English butcher back in charge (4,4)","output":"### Answer: FEEL LIKE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Want\n<=E KILL in FEE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: In New York, head for pasta (6)","output":"### Answer: NOODLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: In New York, head\nDouble definition \nI hadn't really considered \"noodle\" to be an Americanism, but at least one of the online dictionaries indicates it is."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Study conducted about the old British bakery produce (3,5)","output":"### Answer: RYE BREAD \n ### Explanation: Definition: bakery produce\nREAD (\"study\") about YE (\"the old\") Br. (\"British\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Writer's iPhone used regularly (3)","output":"### Answer: POE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Writer\ni**P**h**O**n**E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Increasingly difficult for Eastender reporting fire (6)","output":"### Answer: ARDOUR \n ### Explanation: Definition: fire\nHomophone of \" 'arder\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tone down article dismissing second upper-class cleric (7)","output":"### Answer: SUBDEAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Tone \nSUBD(u)E + AN"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Herb, a guy primarily besotted? (6)","output":"### Answer: LOVAGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Herb\nA G(uy) in LOVE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Girl's parking among others (3)","output":"### Answer: PEG \n ### Explanation: Definition: Girl\nP (\"parking\") + E.G. (\"among others\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What one does with a page bringing pastry? (8)","output":"### Answer: TURNOVER \n ### Explanation: Definition: What one does with a page\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sort of patch in middle of skirt appearing repeatedly (4-2)","output":"### Answer: IRON ON \n ### Explanation: Definition: Sort of patch\n(sk)IR(t) + ON twice (\"repeatedly\") \nThis doesn't work for me as \"middle of skirt\" is either KIR or I"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mother and I visiting Lakes, shakily begin voyage (4,4)","output":"### Answer: MAKE SAIL \n ### Explanation: Definition: begin voyage\nMA + I in *(lakes)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Police on mountain returning undisturbed (6)","output":"### Answer: PLACID \n ### Explanation: Definition: undisturbed\nC.I.D. on <=ALP"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Judge is firm with staff member maybe losing head (8)","output":"### Answer: CONSIDER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Judge\nCO + (i)NSIDER"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Like a bird towards the tail (6)","output":"### Answer: ASTERN \n ### Explanation: Definition: towards the tail\nAS + TERN"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Relative cooking at home chops salad (3-2-3)","output":"### Answer: SON-IN-LAW \n ### Explanation: Definition: Relative\nON (\"cooking\") + IN in SLAW"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: It's hard when having to comprehend landing-place in wartime disputes (3,5)","output":"### Answer: HAS WORDS \n ### Explanation: Definition: disputes\nSWORD in H + AS \nSword was one of the Normandy landings"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Brother perhaps joined priest and American composer (8)","output":"### Answer: SIBELIUS \n ### Explanation: Definition: composer\nSIB (\"brother perhaps) + ELI (\"priest\" in the Old Testament) + US \nRefers to Jean Sibelius, the Finnish composer who died in 1957."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Italian lifted daughter inside to view stained garment (3-3)","output":"### Answer: TIE-DYE \n ### Explanation: Definition: stained garment\n<=IT + D in EYE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: New album snaps start to indicate Pacific resort (6)","output":"### Answer: MALIBU \n ### Explanation: Definition: Pacific resort\nI(ndicate) in *(album)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Soldiers are grabbing a mouthful by the way (6)","output":"### Answer: OBITER \n ### Explanation: Definition: by the way\nOR is (not are?) grabbing BITE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Latest score in rugby's entertaining final (6)","output":"### Answer: TRENDY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Latest\nEND (\"final\") in TRY (\"core in rugby\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Right dictionary always needed to find \"small ungulate\" (3,4)","output":"### Answer: ROE DEER \n ### Explanation: Definition: small ungulate\nR + O.E.D. + e'er"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Odd\u00a0tipple drunk by crewman? (3)","output":"### Answer: RUM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Odd\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Friend's running 400 metres backwards (3)","output":"### Answer: PAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Friend\n<=LAP \n400m is the size of a lap of most athletics tracks"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Father has ailments after cutting back on budget (2,6)","output":"### Answer: NO FRILLS \n ### Explanation: Definition: budget\n<=ON + Fr. + ILLS \nDef: A budget airline could also be described as a no frills airline."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One firmly sticks rod on clean ground (8)","output":"### Answer: BARNACLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: One firmly sticks\nBAR + *(clean)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Checked on freshwater fish being served up in pub (6,2)","output":"### Answer: REINED IN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Checked\nRE(\"on\") + <=IDE in INN"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tiny centrepieces displayed in Bath, Rome, Nice (6)","output":"### Answer: ATOMIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: Tiny\nThe centre pieces of b**AT**h, r**OM**e and n**IC**e"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Faulty globe put up, given knowledge (6)","output":"### Answer: BROKEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Faulty\n<=ORB + KEN"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Potato dish from Ireland left around English street (6)","output":"### Answer: ROESTI \n ### Explanation: Definition: Potato dish\nR.O.I (Republic of \"Ireland\") around E St."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Slight favourite that is maintaining second in steeplechase (6)","output":"### Answer: PETITE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Slight\nPET + (s)T(eeplechase) in I.E."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Doctor is not late at bar \u2013 he never drinks! (5,9)","output":"### Answer: TOTALABSTAINER \n ### Explanation: Doctor is not late at bar \u2013 he never drinks! (5,9)\n*(is not late at bar)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: \u00c9migr\u00e9 needs English vote backing strike (5)","output":"### Answer: EXPAT \n ### Explanation: \u00c9migr\u00e9 needs English vote backing strike (5)\nE + X(\"vote\") +<=TAP"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Possibly releases a French victim on Sunday (9)","output":"### Answer: UNBUTTONS \n ### Explanation: Possibly releases a French victim on Sunday (9)\nUN + BUTT (as in \"butt of a joke\") ON + S(unday)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Essential to take boat west to spot the beaver (7)","output":"### Answer: MUSKRAT \n ### Explanation: Essential to take boat west to spot the beaver (7)\n<=ARK in MUST"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Retired, being embarassed about the act (7)","output":"### Answer: REPOSED \n ### Explanation: Retired, being embarassed about the act (7)\nRED about POSE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Starts, oddly, with a year-old goat (5)","output":"### Answer: SATYR \n ### Explanation: Starts, oddly, with a year-old goat (5)\nS(t)A(r)T(s) + YR"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ringleader clearly not a Royalist (9)","output":"### Answer: ROUNDHEAD \n ### Explanation: Ringleader clearly not a Royalist (9)\nROUND(\"riing\") + HEAD(\"leader\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Litmus paper eg to peel off after examination (4,5)","output":"### Answer: TEST STRIP \n ### Explanation: Litmus paper eg to peel off after examination (4,5)\nSTRIP after TEST"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Arab gets Skoda's first German car (5)","output":"### Answer: SAUDI \n ### Explanation: Arab gets Skoda's first German car (5)\nS(koda) + AUDI"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Enter quickly (without directions) to obtain skittle (7)","output":"### Answer: NINEPIN \n ### Explanation: Enter quickly (without directions) to obtain skittle (7)\nNE(\"directions\" in NIP IN"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: RAF tale about a dangerous carrier (3-4)","output":"### Answer: RAT FLEA \n ### Explanation: RAF tale about a dangerous carrier (3-4)\n*(raf tale)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Found. initially, in no doubt \u2013 then lost (3-6)","output":"### Answer: OFF COURSE \n ### Explanation: Found. initially, in no doubt \u2013 then lost (3-6)\nF(ound) in OF COURSE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Green bottled water makes a comeback (5)","output":"### Answer: NAIVE \n ### Explanation: Green bottled water makes a comeback (5)\n<=EVIAN"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Last Judgment, financially speaking (3,2,9)","output":"### Answer: DAYOFRECKONING \n ### Explanation: Last Judgment, financially speaking (3,2,9)\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: They should attract\u00a0young and old, for instance (9)","output":"### Answer: OPPOSITES \n ### Explanation: They should attract\u00a0young and old, for instance (9)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Change brought about by Raleigh's beheading (5)","output":"### Answer: ALTER \n ### Explanation: Change brought about by Raleigh's beheading (5)\n(w)ALTER (Raleigh)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Husband affected by wanderlust you could say (9)","output":"### Answer: ADULTERER \n ### Explanation: Husband affected by wanderlust you could say (9)\n(Not very) cryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Southern Region introduces decoration on the wagon (5)","output":"### Answer: SOBER \n ### Explanation: Southern Region introduces decoration on the wagon (5)\nO.B.E. in S.R."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Does it pan out where diggers are found? (9)","output":"### Answer: ANTIPODES \n ### Explanation: Does it pan out where diggers are found? (9)\n*(does it pan)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cramped spaces are fine in small numbers (5)","output":"### Answer: NOOKS \n ### Explanation: Cramped spaces are fine in small numbers (5)\nO.K. in Nos."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lived as desired, after a revolution (7)","output":"### Answer: RESIDED \n ### Explanation: Lived as desired, after a revolution (7)\n*(desired)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Either message shows who might carry it (6)","output":"### Answer: HERMES \n ### Explanation: Either message shows who might carry it (6)\nHidden in eit**HER MES**sage."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Full of anti-oxidants? (9)","output":"### Answer: RUSTPROOF \n ### Explanation: Full of anti-oxidants? (9)\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Part of London bus also overlooked from the bridge (5,4)","output":"### Answer: UPPER DECK \n ### Explanation: Part of London bus also overlooked from the bridge (5,4)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Short parallel lines, in pairs, symbolically (5,4)","output":"### Answer: EQUAL SIGN \n ### Explanation: Short parallel lines, in pairs, symbolically (5,4)\nMore a description than a cryptic clue?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Juliet's last embrace means so much more (7)","output":"### Answer: TENFOLD \n ### Explanation: Juliet's last embrace means so much more (7)\n(julie)T + ENFOLD"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: This girl is a beauty, we're told (6)","output":"### Answer: ISABEL \n ### Explanation: This girl is a beauty, we're told (6)\nHomophone of IS A BELLE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Smart leaders of new industries fire their yesmen (5)","output":"### Answer: NIFTY \n ### Explanation: Smart leaders of new industries fire their yesmen (5)\nFirst letters (\"leaders of\") the last five words."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old language in code starting with next letter (5)","output":"### Answer: NORSE \n ### Explanation: Old language in code starting with next letter (5)\nN(instead of M)ORSE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Saw a risk for trapeze artist when climbing (5)","output":"### Answer: TENON \n ### Explanation: Saw a risk for trapeze artist when climbing (5)\n<=NO NET"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pastry from Greek island area (6)","output":"### Answer: SAMOSA \n ### Explanation: Pastry from Greek island area (6)\nSAMOS + A. Samos being an island in the Aegean."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Women's groups note song about climber (8)","output":"### Answer: WISTERIA \n ### Explanation: Women's groups note song about climber (8)\nWIs (\"women's groups) + TE (\"note\") + <=AIR"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Prompt outburst of emotion, not love (2,4)","output":"### Answer: ON TIME \n ### Explanation: Prompt outburst of emotion, not love (2,4)\n*(emotin) \nPersonally, I would take \"without love\" to mean that no Os at all, but I can see what the setter was trying to do."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Make notes about girl, first of many sending junk mail (8)","output":"### Answer: SPAMMING \n ### Explanation: Make notes about girl, first of many sending junk mail (8)\nSING about PAM + M(any)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Former monarch, half German? (4,5,4)","output":"### Answer: GOOD QUEEN BESS \n ### Explanation: Former monarch, half German? (4,5,4)\nHalf of \"German\" is \"G ER\" so GOOD and QUEEN ELIZABETH (aka \"QUEEN BESS\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Somehow paint ankle and feet without using an artist's spatula (7,5)","output":"### Answer: PALETTE KNIFE \n ### Explanation: Somehow paint ankle and feet without using an artist's spatula (7,5)\n*(pit ankle feet) (\"paint ankle feet\" without \"an\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: He let wobble go wobbly ahead of time? That's not fair! (5,3,4)","output":"### Answer: BELOW THE BELT \n ### Explanation: He let wobble go wobbly ahead of time? That's not fair! (5,3,4)\n*(he let wobble) + T"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Evelyn regularly has enough for ten LPs (4,5,4)","output":"### Answer: FIVE POUND NOTE \n ### Explanation: Evelyn regularly has enough for ten LPs (4,5,4)\n(e)V(e)L(y)N = 5, POUND and NOTES and ten LPs (or 50ps) is \u00a35"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Girl in a state (in Havana) (8)","output":"### Answer: VIRGINIA \n ### Explanation: Girl in a state (in Havana) (8)\nDouble definition and Va. (the abbreviation for Virginia) is in haVAna. \nOriginally, I was going to call foul on this as I thought that Wanderer wanted to use Havana (the cigar) as a synonym for Virginia (the tobacco)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Missing male member of French man, originally a politician (3,3)","output":"### Answer: LIB DEM \n ### Explanation: Missing male member of French man, originally a politician (3,3)\nLI(m)B + DE M(an)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Romeo going off with Juliet at last, having discontented time in cramped accommodation? (8)","output":"### Answer: ROOMETTE \n ### Explanation: Romeo going off with Juliet at last, having discontented time in cramped accommodation? (8)\n*(romeo) + (Julie)T + T(im)E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cheesemaker's backing? It's worth two 23 24 25s (6)","output":"### Answer: TENNER \n ### Explanation: Cheesemaker's backing? It's worth two 23 24 25s (6)\n<=RENNET"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Temporary measures to prevent cavities (8)","output":"### Answer: STOPGAPS \n ### Explanation: Temporary measures to prevent cavities (8)\n\"to prevent gaps\" would be to \"stop gaps\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Month in which model gets just a bit staid and plumpish (8)","output":"### Answer: MATRONLY \n ### Explanation: Month in which model gets just a bit staid and plumpish (8)\nT in Mar. (short for March) + ONLY"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Silly moo x 3? Not right now (4,5,4)","output":"### Answer: SOME OTHER TIME \n ### Explanation: Silly moo x 3? Not right now (4,5,4)\n*(moo times three)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Putting a bun in the oven, mischief-maker and sailor eat last of the egg and bacon (12)","output":"### Answer: IMPREGNATING \n ### Explanation: Putting a bun in the oven, mischief-maker and sailor eat last of the egg and bacon (12)\nIMP + ((eg)G + (baco)N in RATING)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Setter uses this repeatedly (4,5,4)","output":"### Answer: TIME AFTER TIME \n ### Explanation: Setter uses this repeatedly (4,5,4)\nMy original thinking was that \"setter\" has TT in it, therefore \"time after time\", nut it is also true that \"time\" is the theme of the puzzle, with seasons, months and time featuring prominently."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bust bouncing about in red underwear, initially (6)","output":"### Answer: RUINED \n ### Explanation: Bust bouncing about in red underwear, initially (6)\n*(in red u) where \"u\" is the first letter of \"underwear\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Theatre cat in season? Only half a month (6)","output":"### Answer: AUGUST \n ### Explanation: Theatre cat in season? Only half a month (6)\nGUS (from \"Cats\", the musical) in AUT(umn)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Occult practitioner molesting our doctors (12)","output":"### Answer: NUMEROLOGIST \n ### Explanation: Occult practitioner molesting our doctors (12)\n*(molesting our)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bound to live with Amanda? (8)","output":"### Answer: BEHOLDEN \n ### Explanation: Bound to live with Amanda? (8)\nBE + (Amanda) HOLDEN"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ship carrying right flag \u2013 a narrow one (8)","output":"### Answer: STREAMER \n ### Explanation: Ship carrying right flag \u2013 a narrow one (8)\nR in STEAMER"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: After queueing first starts, there's always a serious complaint (1,5)","output":"### Answer: Q FEVER \n ### Explanation: After queueing first starts, there's always a serious complaint (1,5)\nQ(ueuing) F(irst) + EVER"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cook too much food, revoltingly somewhat on the turn (6)","output":"### Answer: OVERDO \n ### Explanation: Cook too much food, revoltingly somewhat on the turn (6)\nHidden backwards in \"fo**OD** **REVO**ltingly\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Checking drink's without fault (6)","output":"### Answer: NOSING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Checking\nNO(SIN)G"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Emotional\u00a0contact (8)","output":"### Answer: TOUCHING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Emotional\nDouble definition, although their meanings aren't vastly different."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Emphasise cropped hair (5)","output":"### Answer: TRESS \n ### Explanation: Definition: hair\n(s)TRESS"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bear decapitated thief (9)","output":"### Answer: PECULATOR \n ### Explanation: Definition: thief\n(s)PECULATOR"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Check if son is off school again (7)","output":"### Answer: RETRAIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: school again\nRE(s)TRAIN \u2013 \"Check\" with \"son\" off"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Refugees regimes maltreated (7)","output":"### Answer: EMIGRES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Refugees\n*(regimes)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Acquire some learning (4)","output":"### Answer: EARN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Acquire\nl(EARN)ing"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Neurosis treated this year (8)","output":"### Answer: HYSTERIA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Neurosis\n*(this year)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Settlement of conflict is in hand (8)","output":"### Answer: DEFRAYAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Settlement\nFRAY (\"conflict\") in DEAL (\"hand\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Low point in the sky (4)","output":"### Answer: MOON \n ### Explanation: Definition: in the sky\nMOO (\"low\") + N (\"point\"). \n\"in the sky\" is a bit vague, as far as definitions go."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Youngster always allowed outside (7)","output":"### Answer: LEVERET \n ### Explanation: Definition: Youngster\nL(EVER)ET \nA leveret is a young hare, ergo \"youngster\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The perception to manufacture this gin (7)","output":"### Answer: INSIGHT \n ### Explanation: Definition: perception\n*(this gin)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Collecting corps' soldiers during battle (9)","output":"### Answer: ACCRETION \n ### Explanation: Definition: Collecting\nC (\"corps\") + RE \"soldiers\" in ACTION (\"battle\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A right that's foreign (5)","output":"### Answer: ALIEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: foreign\nA + LIEN"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Russian gallery loses Frenchman's bequest (8)","output":"### Answer: HERITAGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: bequest\nHER(m)ITAGE, where \"m\" = \"monsieur\" = \"Frenchman\" \nThe Hermitage is an art gallery\/museum in St Petersburg."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Swindle and rapidly leave church (6)","output":"### Answer: FLEECE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Swindle\nFLEE + C.E."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Never house officials (8)","output":"### Answer: NOTARIES \n ### Explanation: Definition: officials\nNOT (\"never\") + ARIES (\"house\", alternative name for \"astrological sign\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Her eldest becomes reclusive (9)","output":"### Answer: SHELTERED \n ### Explanation: Definition: reclusive\n*(her eldest)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Man finds fool's gold in the Bahamas (6)","output":"### Answer: NASSAU \n ### Explanation: Definition: in the Bahamas\nMan = \"N\" (knight in chess), \"fool\" = ASS, and \"gold\" = AU, and Nassau is the capital of the Bahamas. Thanks, brucew for helping with this one."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Arrangement for lecture about royal casket (13)","output":"### Answer: ORCHESTRATION \n ### Explanation: Definition: Arrangement\nR CHEST in ORATION"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Depression settled on one reclining manual worker (7)","output":"### Answer: COLLIER \n ### Explanation: Definition: manual worker\nCOL (\"depression\") + LIER (\"one reclining\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: I rent accommodation in Bury (5)","output":"### Answer: INTER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Bury\n*(inter), with \"accommodation\" as the anagrind, one I'm unconvinced about."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fish is hot and tasteless (6)","output":"### Answer: GARISH \n ### Explanation: Definition: tasteless\nGAR + IS + H"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ordinary\u00a0coppers (5-8)","output":"### Answer: PENNY-FARTHING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Ordinary\nDouble definition \u2013 an \"ordinary\" is another name for a penny-farthing bicycle."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bordering a hypotenuse? (9)","output":"### Answer: ALONGSIDE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Bordering\nA LONG SIDE (in a right-angled triangle, the hypoteneuse is the longest side of the triangle."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Batting position for example\u00a0(8)","output":"### Answer: INSTANCE \n ### Explanation: Definition: example\nIN (\"batting\") + STANCE (\"position\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Iron workers in right tizzy (7)","output":"### Answer: FERMENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: tizzy\nFE + MEN in RT."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Make pale student enter lido (6)","output":"### Answer: BLEACH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Make pale\nL in BEACH"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Set about beast over trouble (6)","output":"### Answer: ASSAIL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Set about\nASS over AIL"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Vacancy filled by international swimmer (6)","output":"### Answer: PLAICE \n ### Explanation: Vacancy filled by international swimmer (6)\nI in PLACE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Chase English soldiers to the outskirts of Venice (7)","output":"### Answer: ENGRAVE \n ### Explanation: Chase English soldiers to the outskirts of Venice (7)\nENG. + R.A. + V(enice)E \nA new meaning of \"chase\" for me."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Union leader takes note after whistle-blower has dole initially denied (7)","output":"### Answer: REFUTED \n ### Explanation: Union leader takes note after whistle-blower has dole initially denied (7)\nREF (\"whistle-blower\") + U(nion) + TE (\"note\") + D(ole)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Go crazy in retirement (4)","output":"### Answer: STAB \n ### Explanation: Go crazy in retirement (4)\n<=BATS"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Upset when Miles joins company in Settle (10)","output":"### Answer: DISCOMPOSE \n ### Explanation: Upset when Miles joins company in Settle (10)\nM + CO in DISPOSE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old king switching sides gets extremely lucky indeed (6)","output":"### Answer: REALLY \n ### Explanation: Old king switching sides gets extremely lucky indeed (6)\nLEAR (\"old king\") changing sides, so REAL + L(uck)Y"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Comfortable footwear not entirely unavailable (4-3)","output":"### Answer: WELL-OFF \n ### Explanation: Comfortable footwear not entirely unavailable (4-3)\nWELL(y) + OFF (\"unavailable\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Beat poet drinking at that time endlessly (7)","output":"### Answer: LEATHER \n ### Explanation: Beat poet drinking at that time endlessly (7)\n(Edward) LEAR (\"poet\") drinking THE(n)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Finally complete paper on novelist's style (6)","output":"### Answer: MANNER \n ### Explanation: Finally complete paper on novelist's style (6)\n(complet)E (pape)R on (Thomas) MANN (\"novelist\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The woman's feeding a revolutionary group with misleading information (3,7)","output":"### Answer: RED HERRING \n ### Explanation: The woman's feeding a revolutionary group with misleading information (3,7)\nHER in RED RING"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Break in game (4)","output":"### Answer: SNAP \n ### Explanation: Break in game (4)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Relevant to language engineering primarily (7)","output":"### Answer: GERMANE \n ### Explanation: Relevant to language engineering primarily (7)\nGERMAN + E(ngineering)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Learned from the French about it splitting before (7)","output":"### Answer: ERUDITE \n ### Explanation: Learned from the French about it splitting before (7)\n<=DU (\"from the French\") + IT in ERE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Contract law covers leases essentially (8)","output":"### Answer: DECREASE \n ### Explanation: Contract law covers leases essentially (8)\nDECREE covers le(AS)es"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Enthusiasm shown by Somalia's earliest football club (6)","output":"### Answer: HEARTS \n ### Explanation: Enthusiasm shown by Somalia's earliest football club (6)\nHEART (\"enthusiasm\") + S(omalia) \nHearts are one of two Edinburgh football clubs, and rivals of Hibernian."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Amusement park originally located on fields close to river (8)","output":"### Answer: PLEASURE \n ### Explanation: Amusement park originally located on fields close to river (8)\nP9ark) + LEAS + (river)URE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Annoy Margo regularly by removing it from sink (9)","output":"### Answer: AGGRAVATE \n ### Explanation: Annoy Margo regularly by removing it from sink (9)\n(m)A(r)G(o) + GRAVT(it)ATE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fish for tea (4)","output":"### Answer: CHAR \n ### Explanation: Fish for tea (4)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Makes wealthy earl reproduction of Catholic shrine (8)","output":"### Answer: ENRICHES \n ### Explanation: Makes wealthy earl reproduction of Catholic shrine (8)\nE (\"earl\") + *(C shrine)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Foreign\u00a0novel (10)","output":"### Answer: UNFAMILIAR \n ### Explanation: Foreign\u00a0novel (10)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: John's assimilating oddly neglected stats from game (5)","output":"### Answer: LOTTO \n ### Explanation: John's assimilating oddly neglected stats from game (5)\nLOO (\"john\") assimilating s(T)a(T)s"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The queen's favourite\u00a0town (6)","output":"### Answer: DUDLEY \n ### Explanation: The queen's favourite\u00a0town (6)\nDouble definition, referring to Robert Dudley, 1st Earl of Leicester, a favourite of Queen Elizabeth I, and the town in the West Midlands."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Start to get rid of nurses for example (5)","output":"### Answer: BEGIN \n ### Explanation: Start to get rid of nurses for example (5)\nE.G. nursed by BIN"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The whole article about collecting silver is in Vogue (3,3,4)","output":"### Answer: ALL THE RAGE \n ### Explanation: The whole article about collecting silver is in Vogue (3,3,4)\nALL THE RE collecting AG"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: More elaborate housing popular with banker say (9)","output":"### Answer: FINANCIER \n ### Explanation: More elaborate housing popular with banker say (9)\nFANCIER housing IN"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Nobleman interrupts to admit ignoring prisoner's daring (8)","output":"### Answer: FEARLESS \n ### Explanation: Nobleman interrupts to admit ignoring prisoner's daring (8)\nEARL in (con)FESS"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Priest chooses to accept what is served up in Daniel and Ezekiel for instance (8)","output":"### Answer: PROPHETS \n ### Explanation: Priest chooses to accept what is served up in Daniel and Ezekiel for instance (8)\nPR. (\"priest) + OPTS accepting <=EH (\"what\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unyielding in support of Olaf at the end of Frozen (6)","output":"### Answer: FRIGID \n ### Explanation: Unyielding in support of Olaf at the end of Frozen (6)\n(ola)F + RIGID (\"unyielding\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Terribly rude about knight's behind (5)","output":"### Answer: UNDER \n ### Explanation: Terribly rude about knight's behind (5)\nN (\"knight\" in CHESS) in *(rude)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Head of Institute blocks return of eccentric English physicist (5)","output":"### Answer: DIRAC \n ### Explanation: Head of Institute blocks return of eccentric English physicist (5)\n(I)nstitute) in <=CARD (\"eccentric\") \nPaul Dirac was an English physicist and Nobel Prize winner."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Entice with first of sweeteners for Liberal to make certain (4)","output":"### Answer: SURE \n ### Explanation: Entice with first of sweeteners for Liberal to make certain (4)\nS(weeteners) replacing L (\"Liberal\") in LURE to make SURE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Press forward acquiring high- class property (6,6)","output":"### Answer: FOURTH ESTATE \n ### Explanation: Press forward acquiring high- class property (6,6)\nFO(U)RTH + ESTATE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Area resentful over deficient old spray (7)","output":"### Answer: AEROSOL \n ### Explanation: Area resentful over deficient old spray (7)\nA + <=SORE + OL(d)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Language game initially surprises Welsh girl (7)","output":"### Answer: RUSSIAN \n ### Explanation: Language game initially surprises Welsh girl (7)\nR.U. + S(ursprises) + SIAN"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ahead, making case \u2013 not quietly at first (7)","output":"### Answer: LEADING \n ### Explanation: Ahead, making case \u2013 not quietly at first (7)\n(p)LEADING"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Countryman in trap returning to become more involved (7)","output":"### Answer: THICKEN \n ### Explanation: Countryman in trap returning to become more involved (7)\nHICK in <=NET"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Profit from factory in end that is extremely limited (5)","output":"### Answer: YIELD \n ### Explanation: Profit from factory in end that is extremely limited (5)\n(factor)Y + I.E. +L(imite)D"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Legal people's unusual stationery I avoided (9)","output":"### Answer: ATTORNEYS \n ### Explanation: Legal people's unusual stationery I avoided (9)\n*(statonery) (stationery \u2013 I)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One practising in section of Army listens to Queen (9)","output":"### Answer: REHEARSER \n ### Explanation: One practising in section of Army listens to Queen (9)\nR.E. + HEARS + E.R."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Son with heart making mark (5)","output":"### Answer: SCORE \n ### Explanation: Son with heart making mark (5)\nS + CORE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Was contemptuous about routine in drag first of all included in act (7)","output":"### Answer: DERIDED \n ### Explanation: Was contemptuous about routine in drag first of all included in act (7)\nR(outine) I(n) D(rag) in DEED"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Against Church training idea (7)","output":"### Answer: CONCEPT \n ### Explanation: Against Church training idea (7)\nCON + C.E. + P.T."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Incident leads to errant pupil in school getting lines (7)","output":"### Answer: EPISODE \n ### Explanation: Incident leads to errant pupil in school getting lines (7)\nE(rrant) P(upil) I(n) S(chool) + ODE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Liberal seaman in group tackling addiction showing character of Arabs? (3,4)","output":"### Answer: ALI BABA \n ### Explanation: Liberal seaman in group tackling addiction showing character of Arabs? (3,4)\nLIB A.B. in A.A."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Love to be entertained by selfless men working in this faculty? (5,2,5)","output":"### Answer: SENSE OF SMELL \n ### Explanation: Love to be entertained by selfless men working in this faculty? (5,2,5)\n*(selfless men + O)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Abandon alcoholic drink after warning, brief (7)","output":"### Answer: FORSAKE \n ### Explanation: Abandon alcoholic drink after warning, brief (7)\nSAKE after FOR(e)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Doctor used PIN without being noticed (7)","output":"### Answer: UNSPIED \n ### Explanation: Doctor used PIN without being noticed (7)\n*(used pin)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Clever to turn up circulating European member's communications (9)","output":"### Answer: TELEGRAMS \n ### Explanation: Clever to turn up circulating European member's communications (9)\nE LEG in <=SMART"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Flier feels upset \u2013 without going to extremes (5)","output":"### Answer: EGRET \n ### Explanation: Flier feels upset \u2013 without going to extremes (5)\n(r)EGRET(s)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: New artiste \u2013 more appealing (7)","output":"### Answer: TASTIER \n ### Explanation: New artiste \u2013 more appealing (7)\n*(tastier)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The instant wife puts ring on (7)","output":"### Answer: TWINKLE \n ### Explanation: The instant wife puts ring on (7)\nW in TINKLE (\"ring\" as in \"give me a twinkle\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Order big beer daily \u2013 it helps to get to the other side! (6,6)","output":"### Answer: BAILEY BRIDGE \n ### Explanation: Order big beer daily \u2013 it helps to get to the other side! (6,6)\n*(big beer daily)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: When wrestling, neat nelson is required? No (3-9)","output":"### Answer: NON-ESSENTIAL \n ### Explanation: When wrestling, neat nelson is required? No (3-9)\n*(neat nelson is)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: These change position and stun actor in play (9)","output":"### Answer: TURNCOATS \n ### Explanation: These change position and stun actor in play (9)\n*(stun actor)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Female's written about French king meeting English \u2013 admirable lady (7)","output":"### Answer: HEROINE \n ### Explanation: Female's written about French king meeting English \u2013 admirable lady (7)\nROI in HER + E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A right pair, useless, difficult (7)","output":"### Answer: ARDUOUS \n ### Explanation: A right pair, useless, difficult (7)\nA + R + DUO + US (\"useless\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Light moment? (7)","output":"### Answer: SUNRISE \n ### Explanation: Light moment? (7)\nCryptic definition?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Garment finished \u2013 Sally's content (7)","output":"### Answer: OVERALL \n ### Explanation: Garment finished \u2013 Sally's content (7)\nOVER + (s)ALL(y)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Finish work for Spanish guy (5)","output":"### Answer: DIEGO \n ### Explanation: Finish work for Spanish guy (5)\nDIE + GO"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bird or creature unlikely to fly, given time (6)","output":"### Answer: PIGEON \n ### Explanation: Bird or creature unlikely to fly, given time (6)\nPIG (\"creature unlikely to fly\") + EON"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Shabby, but had the courage to embrace Roger undressed! (3-5)","output":"### Answer: DOG-EARED \n ### Explanation: Shabby, but had the courage to embrace Roger undressed! (3-5)\n(r)OGE(r) in DARED"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Columnist shot in a city in front of relative (5,4)","output":"### Answer: AGONY AUNT \n ### Explanation: Columnist shot in a city in front of relative (5,4)\nGO(\"shot\") in A NY + AUNT"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fish beginning to rise in cost (5)","output":"### Answer: TROLL \n ### Explanation: Fish beginning to rise in cost (5)\nR(ise) in TOLL"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Burnt residue on bottom of grim brew (4)","output":"### Answer: MASH \n ### Explanation: Burnt residue on bottom of grim brew (4)\n(gri)M + ASH \n\"Bottom of\" applies better to down clues, I think."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sound producer of Cats perhaps before television (7,3)","output":"### Answer: MUSICAL BOX \n ### Explanation: Sound producer of Cats perhaps before television (7,3)\nMUSICAL (\"Cats perhaps\") + BOX (\"television\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: South-eastern French town or city (7)","output":"### Answer: SEVILLE \n ### Explanation: South-eastern French town or city (7)\nS.E. + VILLE (French word for \"town\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Surviving Texan shot twin, dismissing victory (6)","output":"### Answer: EXTANT \n ### Explanation: Surviving Texan shot twin, dismissing victory (6)\n*(texan) + T(win)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Runs after cash-strapped agent (6)","output":"### Answer: BROKER \n ### Explanation: Runs after cash-strapped agent (6)\nR(\"runs\" in cricket) after BROKE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: December, except the middle, should be a dry spell (7)","output":"### Answer: DROUGHT \n ### Explanation: December, except the middle, should be a dry spell (7)\nD(ecembe)R + OUGHT"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stranded on a trip with no booze! (4,3,3)","output":"### Answer: HIGH AND DRY \n ### Explanation: Stranded on a trip with no booze! (4,3,3)\nHIGH (\"on a trip\") + AND (\"with\") + DRY (\"no booze\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pastures temporarily holding stock (4)","output":"### Answer: STEM \n ### Explanation: Pastures temporarily holding stock (4)\nHidden in \"pasture**S TEM**porarily\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Particle requiring question mark? Millions lost (5)","output":"### Answer: QUARK \n ### Explanation: Particle requiring question mark? Millions lost (5)\nQU. + (m)ARK"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Make too much of condition after having finished first (9)","output":"### Answer: OVERSTATE \n ### Explanation: Make too much of condition after having finished first (9)\nSTATE after OVER"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Latter part of day's regular diet, possibly (8)","output":"### Answer: EVENTIDE \n ### Explanation: Latter part of day's regular diet, possibly (8)\nEVEN + *(diet)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dearie me! The French are to barrack (6)","output":"### Answer: HECKLE \n ### Explanation: Dearie me! The French are to barrack (6)\nHECK (\"dearie me!\") + LE \nThis clue doesn't work for me, because of the \"are\" which is necessary for the surface, but is superfluous as far as the clue is concerned, and actually misleading as \"the French are\" could lead to ES or EST."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Songwriter's son adopted by fortune-teller (8)","output":"### Answer: PSALMIST \n ### Explanation: Songwriter's son adopted by fortune-teller (8)\nS in PALMIST"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hardly mention\u00a0what an undercoat may need (5,4)","output":"### Answer: GLOSS OVER \n ### Explanation: Hardly mention\u00a0what an undercoat may need (5,4)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stone cross to the south of old New York (4)","output":"### Answer: ONYX \n ### Explanation: Stone cross to the south of old New York (4)\nX under O NY"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Where one's left, for example, after being dismissed? (7)","output":"### Answer: OUTSIDE \n ### Explanation: Where one's left, for example, after being dismissed? (7)\nSIDE (\"left, for example\" after OUT(\"dismissed\") and & lit."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pulling out spear-carrier shortly before film director's call (10)","output":"### Answer: EXTRACTION \n ### Explanation: Pulling out spear-carrier shortly before film director's call (10)\nEXTR(a) + ACTION \n\"Spear-carrier\" is a term for a walk-on part in a play or film."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Greek character, doctor, in shape (5)","output":"### Answer: RHOMB \n ### Explanation: Greek character, doctor, in shape (5)\nRHO + M.B. (Bachelor of Medicine)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Superior light unit thrown into river (2,4)","output":"### Answer: DE LUXE \n ### Explanation: Superior light unit thrown into river (2,4)\nLUX in DEE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Certain trade union's covered medical procedure (6)","output":"### Answer: SUTURE \n ### Explanation: Certain trade union's covered medical procedure (6)\nT.U. in SURE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Female ass in pond \u2013 time for such protection (4,6)","output":"### Answer: FLAK JACKET \n ### Explanation: Female ass in pond \u2013 time for such protection (4,6)\nF + JACK (\"ass\") in LAKE + T"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Strange thing to try to flog \u2013 a bird (9)","output":"### Answer: NIGHTHAWK \n ### Explanation: Strange thing to try to flog \u2013 a bird (9)\n*(thing) + HAWK (\"try to flog\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Result of panic in the stock market? (8)","output":"### Answer: STAMPEDE \n ### Explanation: Result of panic in the stock market? (8)\nCryptic definition, with stock referring to both \"stocks and shares\" or \"livestock\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tree found in socialist golf club? (7)","output":"### Answer: REDWOOD \n ### Explanation: Tree found in socialist golf club? (7)\nRED + WOOD"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Blasted sailors getting in flipping late (6)","output":"### Answer: DARNED \n ### Explanation: Blasted sailors getting in flipping late (6)\nR.N. in <=DEAD"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: How to pay for verification, reportedly (6)","output":"### Answer: CHEQUE \n ### Explanation: How to pay for verification, reportedly (6)\nHomophone of CHECK"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Look around back of larder and eat (5)","output":"### Answer: GRAZE \n ### Explanation: Look around back of larder and eat (5)\nGAZE around (larde)R"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One's levy cut by half for land offshore (4)","output":"### Answer: ISLE \n ### Explanation: One's levy cut by half for land offshore (4)\n1'S + LE(vy)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hope Portia's in a play (10)","output":"### Answer: ASPIRATION \n ### Explanation: Definition: Hope\n*(portia's in a)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Do little\u00a0turn over (4)","output":"### Answer: IDLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Do little\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Scarcely is Middle England gripped by obscure author (5)","output":"### Answer: ARDLY \n ### Explanation: Scarcely is Middle England gripped by obscure author (5)\nTHEME ENTRY \u2013 (h)ARDY gripping (eng)L(and). \"obscure author\" refers to Thomas Hardy, writer of \"Jude the Obscure\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Speed of sound punishes planes (9)","output":"### Answer: URRICANES \n ### Explanation: Definition: planes\nTHEME ENTRY \u2013 (h) URRI + CANES \n\"Hurri\" is clued as \"speed of sound\", but I think it's more \"the sound of speed\"?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Abandoned the German extract Gaff's forgotten (8)","output":"### Answer: DERELICT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Abandoned\nDER + ELIC(i)T"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Brief Peter Sellers appearance (5)","output":"### Answer: TERSE \n ### Explanation: Brief Peter Sellers appearance (5)\nMakes an appearance in \"pe**TER SE**llers\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Humming a rondo variation takes time (7)","output":"### Answer: ODORANT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Humming\n*(a rondo) + T"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stepped back, admitting race is suspended (7)","output":"### Answer: DORMANT \n ### Explanation: Definition: suspended\n<=TROD admitting MAN"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Town we back in gallant way (7)","output":"### Answer: ERTFORD \n ### Explanation: Definition: Town\nTHEME ENTRY \u2013 <=FT (\"we back\") in HERO RD"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lower heads before crossing (7)","output":"### Answer: EREFORD \n ### Explanation: Definition: Lower\nTHEME ENTRY \u2013 (h) + ERE + FORD \nHereford is a breed of cattle, hence \"lower\" (\"that which lows\" = a cow)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Take place of a very soft lining layer (5)","output":"### Answer: APPEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Take place\nTHEME ENTRY \u2013 APP in (h)EN"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Test county that's cut addition to rent (8)","output":"### Answer: AMPSHIRE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Test county\nTHEME ENTRY \u2013 (h)AM + P.S. + HIRE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tonic, of course? (9)","output":"### Answer: REFRESHER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Tonic\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dodge\u00a0back-stabber (5)","output":"### Answer: VIPER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Dodge\nDouble definition \u2013 a Dodge Viper is a sports car."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Maybe well-made goal (4)","output":"### Answer: WISH \n ### Explanation: Definition: goal\nRefers to a wishing well."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Woman from W1 missing a show (2,4,4)","output":"### Answer: MY FAIR LADY \n ### Explanation: Definition: show\nM(a)YFAIR LADY"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Slightly gaping from a shock (4)","output":"### Answer: AJAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Slightly gaping\nA JAR (\"shock\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Made long,long face about extra (6,3)","output":"### Answer: PADDED OUT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Made long\nPOUT about ADDED"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lines from The Frost Report (5)","output":"### Answer: RHYME \n ### Explanation: Definition: Lines\nHomphone of RIME"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Visitor to ancient city is prime target (7)","output":"### Answer: TOURIST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Visitor\nTO UR IS + T(arget)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ring deters wanton magnetism (7)","output":"### Answer: OERSTED \n ### Explanation: Definition: magnetism\nO + *(deters) \nAn oersted is the unit of the auxiliary magnetic field H in the CGS system of units. Apart from it being named after a Danish phycist, that's all I know about it, so don't know if it can be clued as \"magnetism\" or whether it should be \"a unit of magnetism\", which would not work in the surface of the clue."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Academic has alternative organ supplier (5)","output":"### Answer: DONOR \n ### Explanation: Definition: organ supplier\nDON + OR"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dieters eat frantically in festal season (10)","output":"### Answer: EASTERTIDE \n ### Explanation: Definition: festal season\n*(eaters diet)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Queen Mary was not\u00a0unpunished (4,4)","output":"### Answer: SCOT FREE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Queen Mary was not\nDouble definition \u2013 Queen Mary was a Sxot imprisoned, therefore not SCOT FREE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Skeleton's inside Spooner's grouse burial mound (4,6)","output":"### Answer: BONE MARROW \n ### Explanation: Definition: Skeleton's inside\nMOAN BARROW to Spooner"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Smeared rear of Old Etonian liberally (8)","output":"### Answer: ANOINTED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Smeared\n*(D Etonion) where D = rear of \"old\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Head of Apple deliriously happy restriction of reading text works (9)","output":"### Answer: APOCRYPHA \n ### Explanation: Definition: works\nA(pple) + O.C.R. in *(happy) \nO.C.R. stands for Optical Character Recognition, therefore \"reading text\" (I think it's more a means of reading text)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fatal mistake by the lady (7)","output":"### Answer: DEATHLY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fatal\n*(the lady)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Upliftingly broadcast work Gaff markets (7)","output":"### Answer: EMPORIA \n ### Explanation: Definition: markets\n<=AIR + OP + ME (\"Gaff\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Plugs featuring faulty leads discharge kettles (5)","output":"### Answer: PUFFS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Plugs\nF(eaturing) F(aulty) \"kettled by\" PUS \nPlugs and puffs are (not quite?) synonymous in advertising circles."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Always central to false verdict (5)","output":"### Answer: HEVER \n ### Explanation: Always central to false verdict (5)\nTHEME ENTRY \u2013 an \"h\" added to EVER (central to \"fals**E VER**dict\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hear victim's appeal (4)","output":"### Answer: PRAY \n ### Explanation: Definition: appeal\nHomophone of PREY"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Child listens, confused about Christopher Biggins's last film (10,4)","output":"### Answer: SCHINDLER\u2019S LIST \n ### Explanation: Definition: film\n*(child listens) about (christophe)R (biggin)S \nTHEME ENTRY \u2013 film featuring Ben Kingsley"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: I'm surprised by medium salad being something important for electricians (4,3)","output":"### Answer: OHMS LAW \n ### Explanation: Definition: something important for electricians\nOH (\"I'm surprised!\") + M + SLAW"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Diamond system for living in a box (7)","output":"### Answer: LOZENGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Diamond\nZEN(\"system for living\") in LOGE (\"box\" at the theatre)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dickensian description of smoker's mouth (5)","output":"### Answer: FAGIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Dickensian\nFAG IN (smoker's mouth) \nTHEME ENTRY \u2013 character played by Ben Kingsley in 2005's *Oliver Twist*."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Film live when following male, typically in a group (4,5)","output":"### Answer: SEXY BEAST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Film\nBE AS (\"live when\") follwing X\/Y (\"male, typically\") in SET \nTHEME ENTRY \u2013 Ben Kingsley was nominated for a Supporting Actor Oscar for his role in this 2000 movie."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Leaving old cheat to back American (6)","output":"### Answer: EXODUS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Leaving\nEX + <=DO + US \nTHEME ENTRY \u2013 Ben Kingsley features in 2014's *Exodus: Gods & Kings"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: University's new kids nursery initially has people with no reputation (8)","output":"### Answer: UNKNOWNS \n ### Explanation: Definition: people with no reputation\n**U**(niversity's) **N**(ew) **K**(ids) **N**(ursery) + OWNS (\"has\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Back down on standard content for sign (4,4)","output":"### Answer: HIND PART \n ### Explanation: Definition: Back\nD + PAR in HINT (\"sign\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Things being so advanced, rest on current square (2,2,2)","output":"### Answer: AS IT IS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Things being so\nA (\"advanced\") + SIT + I (symbol for electrical \"current\") + S (\"square\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Call Saucer, as might be said in up-market area (9)","output":"### Answer: BELGRAVIA \n ### Explanation: Definition: up-market area\nhomophone of BELL GRAVIER"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cancel loan, having received credit (5)","output":"### Answer: SCRUB \n ### Explanation: Definition: Cancel\nSUB receiving Cr."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Nuggets of data on a flyer (7)","output":"### Answer: TITBITS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Nuggets\nBITS (\"data\") on TIT (\"flyer\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dr Silver claims victory with scores level (7)","output":"### Answer: DRAWING \n ### Explanation: Definition: with scores level\nDr. Ag claims WIN"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Film man signs Lineker by arrangement (3,3,8)","output":"### Answer: SIR BEN KINGSLEY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Film man\n*(signs lineker by)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Nasty stuff in science fiction parody (5)","output":"### Answer: SPOOF \n ### Explanation: Definition: parody\nPOO in S.F."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: It's produced internally when groom collapses (9)","output":"### Answer: HOMEGROWN \n ### Explanation: Definition: produced internally\n*(when groom)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: We leave Cornish resort upside- down to get old fabric (5)","output":"### Answer: NYLON \n ### Explanation: Definition: fabric\nO (\"old\") replacing WE in <=NEWLYN"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Disoriented, our side hides at the bottom (6)","output":"### Answer: LOWEST \n ### Explanation: Definition: bottom\nWE (\"our side\") hiding in LOST"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cancel beer in King George having turned up at ease (8)","output":"### Answer: RELAXING \n ### Explanation: Definition: at ease\n<=(NIX ALE in G.R.)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Shirker with bye in zonals getting shafted (9)","output":"### Answer: LAZYBONES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Shirker\n*(bye zonals)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hospital volunteers seen in many places in Mexico (5)","output":"### Answer: SANTA \n ### Explanation: Definition: seen in many places in Mexico\nSAN (short for \"sanitarium\") + T.A. (\"volunteers\") \nSanta is seen at the start of many Mexican place names , Santa Cruz, Santa Catarina etc, although my reseacrch shows that it's probably just as (if not more) prolific in California and Newe Mexico."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Politicians remaining on street in Iceland (8)","output":"### Answer: LEFTISTS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Politicians\nLEFT (\"remaining\") on St. in IS (\"Iceland\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Shows former Scottish football team retains charisma (8)","output":"### Answer: EXHIBITS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Shows\nEX HIBS reatining IT (\"charisma\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Arm shockingly purple, setter's breakdown starts (5,4)","output":"### Answer: UPPER LIMB \n ### Explanation: Definition: Arm\n*(purple) + I'M (\"setter's) + B(reakdown)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Heated about clearing out the harmful grain processor (9)","output":"### Answer: WATERMILL \n ### Explanation: Definition: grain processor\nWARM around T(h)E + ILL"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Which cemetery has pride? (5,3)","output":"### Answer: GRAVE SIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: pride?\nA cemenetry has GRAVES IN, and Grave Sin is a less common term for a Mortal Sin or Deadly Sin, one of which is pride."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Political figure's grand article on democratic Pacific state (6)","output":"### Answer: GANDHI \n ### Explanation: Definition: Political figure\nG + AN + D + Hi. (Hawaii = \"Pacific state\") \nTHEME ENTRY \u2013 Ben Kingsley won his only Oscar for playing the title role in *Gandhi* in 1982."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Partially reveal a thick stick (5)","output":"### Answer: LATHI \n ### Explanation: Definition: stick\nHidden in \"revea**L A THI**ck\". \nA lathi is an Indian truncheon."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Celebrated retaining Latin in informal speech (5)","output":"### Answer: SLANG \n ### Explanation: Definition: informal speech\nSANG retaining L"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Grammar school shown in trade film (5)","output":"### Answer: BUGSY \n ### Explanation: Definition: film\nGS in BUY \nTHEME ENTRY* \u2013 Bugsy* is a 1991 biopic of Bugsy Siegel, starring Warren Beatty and Ben Kingsley, who was nominated for a Best Supporting Actor for his role in the movie."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dignified lawyer close to court in York, say (6)","output":"### Answer: SEDATE \n ### Explanation: Dignified lawyer close to court in York, say (6)\nD.A. + (cour)T in SEE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Writer in extremely shallow English river, wearing this? (8)","output":"### Answer: SWIMWEAR \n ### Explanation: Writer in extremely shallow English river, wearing this? (8)\nI think the parsing is \nI'M in S(hallo)W + WEAR (\"English river\")\n \nbut if it is, it doesn't work, because \"writer\" would indicate I, not I'M."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Metal detected during drowsy phase in field (5)","output":"### Answer: REALM \n ### Explanation: Metal detected during drowsy phase in field (5)\nAl (Aluminium) in R.E.M. \nI'm no expert, but I don't think that R.E.M. and \"drowsy phase\" are synonymous, as R.E.M. is associated with deep sleep, whereas \"drowsy\" is more like \"half asleep\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Passed Italian car, with poor souls crammed inside (9)","output":"### Answer: MUSSOLINI \n ### Explanation: Passed Italian car, with poor souls crammed inside (9)\n*(souls) in MINI"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: University official supporting college rock (7)","output":"### Answer: PROCTOR \n ### Explanation: University official supporting college rock (7)\nPRO (\"supporting\") + C(ollege) + TOR (\"rock\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Odd characters in secret exercises concerning staff (7)","output":"### Answer: SCEPTRE \n ### Explanation: Odd characters in secret exercises concerning staff (7)\n**S**e**C**r**E**t + P.T. (\"exercises\") + RE (\"concerning\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Excited donee, not old, is promised land (4)","output":"### Answer: EDEN \n ### Explanation: Excited donee, not old, is promised land (4)\n*(dnee) \u2013 \"donee\" without O (\"old\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Perhaps boater's cape beginning to get attention (8)","output":"### Answer: HEADGEAR \n ### Explanation: Perhaps boater's cape beginning to get attention (8)\nHEAD (\"cape\") + G(et) + EAR (\"attention\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Row sheltered from wind includes vines ultimately producing this? (8)","output":"### Answer: SPATLESE \n ### Explanation: Row sheltered from wind includes vines ultimately producing this? (8)\nSPAT (\"row\") + LEE including (vine)S \nSpatlese is a term for late autumn German wine."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Current Iberian globe rotated, showing Spain at front (4)","output":"### Answer: EBRO \n ### Explanation: Current Iberian globe rotated, showing Spain at front (4)\nE (\"Spain\") + <=ORB \nThe Ebro is the second longest river in the Iberian, rising in Cantabria, passing through Zaragoza, and flowing into the Mediterranean Sea."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Adjacent to cooker, tins melted (7)","output":"### Answer: AGAINST \n ### Explanation: Adjacent to cooker, tins melted (7)\nAGA(\"cooker\") + *(tins)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: US city joiner wears gold watch (7)","output":"### Answer: ORLANDO \n ### Explanation: US city joiner wears gold watch (7)\nAND (\"joiner\") in OR LO (\"gold watch\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Brother with lazy manner leaving trail of jumpers? (9)","output":"### Answer: BRIDLEWAY \n ### Explanation: Brother with lazy manner leaving trail of jumpers? (9)\nBr. + IDLE WAY \nA bridleway is a path suitable for horses."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ramble contrarily, having only one language abroad (5)","output":"### Answer: MAORI \n ### Explanation: Ramble contrarily, having only one language abroad (5)\n<=ROAM + 1"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Small tipple can remedy stifling time (8)","output":"### Answer: TINCTURE \n ### Explanation: Small tipple can remedy stifling time (8)\nTIN (\"can\") + CURE \"stifling\" T"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rarely hose cold room \u2013 never front half (6)","output":"### Answer: SELDOM \n ### Explanation: Rarely hose cold room \u2013 never front half (6)\nho**SE** co**LD** ro**OM** \u2013 taking away the first half of each word"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: War hero may contain this silent strike by opponents on left (8)","output":"### Answer: SHRAPNEL \n ### Explanation: War hero may contain this silent strike by opponents on left (8)\nSH + RAP + N + E + L \nN and E are North and East, opponents in bridge."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dave's outside with Charlie obtaining ice-cream for sister? (9)","output":"### Answer: DEACONESS \n ### Explanation: Dave's outside with Charlie obtaining ice-cream for sister? (9)\nD(av)E + ASS (\"Charlie\") acquiring CONE (\"ice cream\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Infant covers mother with old fruit (6)","output":"### Answer: TOMATO \n ### Explanation: Infant covers mother with old fruit (6)\n(TOT covers MA) + O"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Musical districts on the left and on the right? (4,4,5)","output":"### Answer: WEST SIDE STORY \n ### Explanation: Musical districts on the left and on the right? (4,4,5)\nWEST SIDES (\"districts on the left\") + TORY (\"on the right\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Olympic officials probing guys taking drug for a very long period (7)","output":"### Answer: MIOCENE \n ### Explanation: Olympic officials probing guys taking drug for a very long period (7)\nI.O.C. (\"International Olympic Committee\") in MEN + E (\"drug\") \nThe Miocene was a geological epoch which lasted 18 million years, so a very long period."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Command police force during the vacuous rising (5)","output":"### Answer: EDICT \n ### Explanation: Command police force during the vacuous rising (5)\n<= T(CID)E, with TE being \"the vacuous\" (ie T(h)E)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ancient letter about Independence Day's damaged (6)","output":"### Answer: RUINED \n ### Explanation: Ancient letter about Independence Day's damaged (6)\n(RUNE about I) + D"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Circular building's telephone line over after damage by haulage vehicle? (8,5)","output":"### Answer: MARTELLO TOWER \n ### Explanation: Circular building's telephone line over after damage by haulage vehicle? (8,5)\n(TEL + L + O after MAR) + TOWER (\"haulage vehicle\" \u2013 that which tows)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Serial criminal cross about spike up on house (5,4)","output":"### Answer: ROBIN HOOD \n ### Explanation: Serial criminal cross about spike up on house (5,4)\nROOD about (<=NIB) + Ho."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Jersey \u2013 part of UK? I'm not sure it's an element (8)","output":"### Answer: POLONIUM \n ### Explanation: Jersey \u2013 part of UK? I'm not sure it's an element (8)\nPOLO (\"jersey\") + N.I. (Northern Ireland = \"part of UK\") = UM (\"I'm not sure\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Gold enveloping knights allowed as heraldic emblem (7)","output":"### Answer: ANNULET \n ### Explanation: Gold enveloping knights allowed as heraldic emblem (7)\nAU enveloping NN (\"knights\" in chess) + LET \nAn annulet is a small ring in heraldry."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Initial strategy to take over journal had an impact (6)","output":"### Answer: GAMBIT \n ### Explanation: Initial strategy to take over journal had an impact (6)\n<=MAG (\"journal\") + BIT (\"had an impact\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Way of cooking fat captivates male trainee at the back (6)","output":"### Answer: FLAMBE \n ### Explanation: Way of cooking fat captivates male trainee at the back (6)\nM in FLAB + (traine)E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Knocking back some wine I labelled \"exotic\" (5)","output":"### Answer: ALIEN \n ### Explanation: Knocking back some wine I labelled \"exotic\" (5)\nHidden backwards in \"wi**NE I LA**belled\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Intend \u2013 in craze for melody \u2013 to find stardom (4,3,7)","output":"### Answer: FAME AND FORTUNE \n ### Explanation: Intend \u2013 in craze for melody \u2013 to find stardom (4,3,7)\nMEAN in FAD + FOR TUNE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Performance taking place in West London district (5)","output":"### Answer: ACTON \n ### Explanation: Performance taking place in West London district (5)\nACT + ON"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Arrest Ono brutally? One makes sympathetic noises (9)","output":"### Answer: RESONATOR \n ### Explanation: Arrest Ono brutally? One makes sympathetic noises (9)\n*(arrest Ono)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Excessively ornate answer reveals keys location (7)","output":"### Answer: FLORIDA \n ### Explanation: Excessively ornate answer reveals keys location (7)\nFLORID + A(nswer)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Soften when wise man stores uranium (7)","output":"### Answer: ASSUAGE \n ### Explanation: Soften when wise man stores uranium (7)\nAS SAGE stores U"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Manx cat for example shows inner personality (5)","output":"### Answer: ANIMA \n ### Explanation: Manx cat for example shows inner personality (5)\nANIMA(l)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Organism spreads to consume upper-class twit (9)","output":"### Answer: IGNORAMUS \n ### Explanation: Organism spreads to consume upper-class twit (9)\n*(organism) consumes U"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Soon Andy sent mad \u2013 no way out (3,3,3)","output":"### Answer: ANY DAY NOW \n ### Explanation: Soon Andy sent mad \u2013 no way out (3,3,3)\n*(andy) + *(no way)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The French in their way rejected Swiss scientist (5)","output":"### Answer: EULER \n ### Explanation: The French in their way rejected Swiss scientist (5)\nLE in <=RUE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: HCE and ALP supply saint's holy locations (7)","output":"### Answer: CHAPELS \n ### Explanation: HCE and ALP supply saint's holy locations (7)\n*(hce alp) + S (\"saint\") \nHCE and ALP are two characters in Joyce's *Finnegan's Wake."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Make merry to combine in mountain valley (7)","output":"### Answer: GLADDEN \n ### Explanation: Make merry to combine in mountain valley (7)\nADD in GLEN"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mark in time a new dawn's dawn: nation reformed (9)","output":"### Answer: ANDANTINO \n ### Explanation: Mark in time a new dawn's dawn: nation reformed (9)\nA N D(awn) + *(nation) \nIn musinc, *andantino* is \"moderately fast\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Get to vote against the party (5)","output":"### Answer: BEANO \n ### Explanation: Get to vote against the party (5)\nBE A NO"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bernard Shaw's piece with really nice chap on island (3,3,8)","output":"### Answer: MAN AND SUPERMAN \n ### Explanation: Bernard Shaw's piece with really nice chap on island (3,3,8)\nAND SUPER MAN (\"with really nice chap\") on MAN (\"island\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: For influence, write the thing with Hemingway's ending (9)","output":"### Answer: AUTHORITY \n ### Explanation: For influence, write the thing with Hemingway's ending (9)\nAUTHOR IT + (hemingwa)Y"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lassitude, as Lennon put it, oddly dismissive (5)","output":"### Answer: ENNUI \n ### Explanation: Lassitude, as Lennon put it, oddly dismissive (5)\nl**E**n**N**o**N** p**U**t** I**t (odd letters dismissed)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Managed to see increase with share account (9)","output":"### Answer: NARRATION \n ### Explanation: Managed to see increase with share account (9)\n<=NAR + RATION \nI don't like \"to see increase\" as an indicator for reversing (in this case, going up), as it requires the solver to translate \"increase\" to \"go up\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Madagascan mammal first to find bones (5)","output":"### Answer: FOSSA \n ### Explanation: Madagascan mammal first to find bones (5)\nF(ind) + OSSA (\"bones\") \nA fossa is a large cat-like carnivore only found on Madagascar."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Getting jewellery put on rightly leads to conviction? (5,4)","output":"### Answer: RINGS TRUE \n ### Explanation: Getting jewellery put on rightly leads to conviction? (5,4)\nRINGS + TRUE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sons name desert leader of Muslims, having run in extremist (5)","output":"### Answer: ULTRA \n ### Explanation: Sons name desert leader of Muslims, having run in extremist (5)\n(s)ULTA(n) having R in"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Extremely brave female leaves, having no listeners (7)","output":"### Answer: EARLESS \n ### Explanation: Extremely brave female leaves, having no listeners (7)\n(f)EARLESS"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fibres, excellent, fine and very much pushed back (6)","output":"### Answer: RAFFIA \n ### Explanation: Fibres, excellent, fine and very much pushed back (6)\n<=A1 + F + FAR"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Greek leader soon to host contest millions attend (9)","output":"### Answer: AGAMEMNON \n ### Explanation: Greek leader soon to host contest millions attend (9)\nANON hosts GAME + M"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unfortunately son grew up in e-mail forum (9)","output":"### Answer: NEWSGROUP \n ### Explanation: Unfortunately son grew up in e-mail forum (9)\n*(son grew up)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Give me old-fashioned stuff \u2013 a sensational piece! (9)","output":"### Answer: MELODRAMA \n ### Explanation: Give me old-fashioned stuff \u2013 a sensational piece! (9)\nME + *(old) + RAM + A"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Approval from leader to admonish city council on trashy mail (7)","output":"### Answer: ACCLAIM \n ### Explanation: Approval from leader to admonish city council on trashy mail (7)\nA(dmonish) + C.C. + *(mail)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Recovery monies trickled down a little? Not quite! (6)","output":"### Answer: RANSOM \n ### Explanation: Recovery monies trickled down a little? Not quite! (6)\nRAN + SOM(e)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Forest burning incessantly (5)","output":"### Answer: ARDEN \n ### Explanation: Forest burning incessantly (5)\nARDEN(t)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: European succeeded three times around London area (5)","output":"### Answer: SWISS \n ### Explanation: European succeeded three times around London area (5)\nW1 in S S S (\"succeeded three times\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Resin discovered in Camberwell (5)","output":"### Answer: AMBER \n ### Explanation: Resin discovered in Camberwell (5)\nhidden in c**AMBER**well"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hack elected to be a composer (6)","output":"### Answer: CHOPIN \n ### Explanation: Hack elected to be a composer (6)\nCHOP + IN (\"elected\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Deer, deer unfortunately stopped (8)","output":"### Answer: HINDERED \n ### Explanation: Deer, deer unfortunately stopped (8)\nHIND + *(deer)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Prepare to feed a baby wholesome food, the delicate thing eating rubbish (7)","output":"### Answer: LACTATE \n ### Explanation: Prepare to feed a baby wholesome food, the delicate thing eating rubbish (7)\nLACE eating TAT"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Utimately unusual, barking noises for a feline (7)","output":"### Answer: LIONESS \n ### Explanation: Utimately unusual, barking noises for a feline (7)\n(unusua)L + *(noises)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Queen, perhaps, and king drink (4)","output":"### Answer: BEER \n ### Explanation: Queen, perhaps, and king drink (4)\nBEE (\"queen\" bee) + R (\"king\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Covering first of speeches, disseminination of bilge also extends around the world (10)","output":"### Answer: GLOBALISES \n ### Explanation: Covering first of speeches, disseminination of bilge also extends around the world (10)\n*(bilge also) covering S(peeches)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ship beginning to capsize, say (6)","output":"### Answer: CUTTER \n ### Explanation: Ship beginning to capsize, say (6)\nC(apsize) + UTTER"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Passion odd for an odd number of years (7)","output":"### Answer: LUSTRUM \n ### Explanation: Passion odd for an odd number of years (7)\nLUST + RUM \nA \"lustrum\" is a period of five years."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Political fundamentalists, a party to keep in the shade (7)","output":"### Answer: TALIBAN \n ### Explanation: Political fundamentalists, a party to keep in the shade (7)\nA LIB kept in TAN"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: City worker, sure thing (6)","output":"### Answer: BANKER \n ### Explanation: City worker, sure thing (6)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Comforting words at that point repeated (5,5)","output":"### Answer: THERE THERE \n ### Explanation: Comforting words at that point repeated (5,5)\nTHERE (\"at that point\") repeated"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cook in a lather (4)","output":"### Answer: STEW \n ### Explanation: Cook in a lather (4)\nDouble definition."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Horse 'as to be 'eld up (7)","output":"### Answer: MUSTANG \n ### Explanation: Horse 'as to be 'eld up (7)\nMUST 'ANG \nI don't think the first apostrophe is required (there's no reason why it can't be \"has to\") as it is the indicator for MUST, and it is the \" 'eld up\" part which equates to 'ANG"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Elements under discussion, as if (7)","output":"### Answer: WHETHER \n ### Explanation: Elements under discussion, as if (7)\nHomophone of WEATHER, indicated by \"under discussion\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rank as regent in a sorry state (8)","output":"### Answer: SERGEANT \n ### Explanation: Rank as regent in a sorry state (8)\n*(as regent)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Basket in which to capture jokes? (6)","output":"### Answer: PUNNET \n ### Explanation: Basket in which to capture jokes? (6)\nIn a bizarre world where words flew threw the air, a PUN NET may be used to capture jokes."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fixing a bicycle? No fun in that! (8)","output":"### Answer: CELIBACY \n ### Explanation: Fixing a bicycle? No fun in that! (8)\n*(a bicycle)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Arrange to talk publicly about right bosom (11)","output":"### Answer: ORCHESTRATE \n ### Explanation: Arrange to talk publicly about right bosom (11)\nORATE about R CHEST"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Muslim leader, don't call me PM! (4)","output":"### Answer: IMAM \n ### Explanation: Muslim leader, don't call me PM! (4)\nI'M AM, so \"don't call me PM\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Thatcher wasn't about to deliver (2,6)","output":"### Answer: IN LABOUR \n ### Explanation: Thatcher wasn't about to deliver (2,6)\nThatcher certainly wasn't in the Labour party\u2026"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Roman emperor has moved to Iceland, Italian leader in hiding (10)","output":"### Answer: DIOCLETIAN \n ### Explanation: Roman emperor has moved to Iceland, Italian leader in hiding (10)\n*(to iceland) hiding I(talian)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Grass for whiskey or old port (3)","output":"### Answer: RYE \n ### Explanation: Grass for whiskey or old port (3)\nTriple definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stop moral type admitting sin, initially (6)","output":"### Answer: DESIST \n ### Explanation: Stop moral type admitting sin, initially (6)\nDEIST admitting S(in) \nI'm not convinced by DEIST = \"moral type\", but then that may be because I'm an atheist, and I'd like to think of myself as a \"moral type\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Corporation describing a clanger? (5)","output":"### Answer: BELLY \n ### Explanation: Corporation describing a clanger? (5)\nA clanger may be described as like a bell, so \"belly\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Where free food supplied, ketchup is on jerky (4,7)","output":"### Answer: SOUP KITCHEN \n ### Explanation: Where free food supplied, ketchup is on jerky (4,7)\n*(ketchup is on)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Consider being wilful (10)","output":"### Answer: DELIBERATE \n ### Explanation: Consider being wilful (10)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Heptagon-shaped virus (8)","output":"### Answer: PATHOGEN \n ### Explanation: Heptagon-shaped virus (8)\n*(heptagon)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Punk keeping private residence primarily for vermin (5,3)","output":"### Answer: BROWN RAT \n ### Explanation: Punk keeping private residence primarily for vermin (5,3)\nBRAT keeping OWN R(esidence)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The end of a day's cricket\u00a0proves bewildering (6)","output":"### Answer: STUMPS \n ### Explanation: The end of a day's cricket\u00a0proves bewildering (6)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bird needing new headgear (5)","output":"### Answer: CROWN \n ### Explanation: Bird needing new headgear (5)\nCROW + N"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Land seen rising in picture postcard (4)","output":"### Answer: PERU \n ### Explanation: Land seen rising in picture postcard (4)\nFound backwards in \"pict**URE P**ostcard\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Initially, \"Strike It Rich\" is the title (3)","output":"### Answer: SIR \n ### Explanation: Initially, \"Strike It Rich\" is the title (3)\nInitials of **S**trike **I**t **R**ich"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Joint on tires is a thing of some importance (8)","output":"### Answer: FLAGSHIP \n ### Explanation: Joint on tires is a thing of some importance (8)\nHIP on FLAGS"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Left a tense city not long ago (6)","output":"### Answer: LATELY \n ### Explanation: Left a tense city not long ago (6)\nL + A T + ELY"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What's in turbines powered up a sultanate (6)","output":"### Answer: BRUNEI \n ### Explanation: What's in turbines powered up a sultanate (6)\n*(urbine)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Roosevelt, say, stuffed by a California drink supplier (3,5)","output":"### Answer: TEACADDY \n ### Explanation: Roosevelt, say, stuffed by a California drink supplier (3,5)\nTEDDY stuffed by A Ca."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Start to squeeze till there's a foot inside (4)","output":"### Answer: SHOE \n ### Explanation: Start to squeeze till there's a foot inside (4)\nS(queeze) + HOE (\"till\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Axe captivating strange old bumpkin (10)","output":"### Answer: CLODHOPPER \n ### Explanation: Axe captivating strange old bumpkin (10)\nCHOPPER captivative *(old)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Boxer, perhaps, on backing chap who mouths off (8)","output":"### Answer: JABBERER \n ### Explanation: Boxer, perhaps, on backing chap who mouths off (8)\nJABBER (\"boxer\" = one who jabs) + <=RE (\"on\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Broken team would be \u2014-_ (4)","output":"### Answer: TAME \n ### Explanation: Broken team would be \u2014-_ (4)\n*(team)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Primate entering southern part of church (4)","output":"### Answer: APSE \n ### Explanation: Primate entering southern part of church (4)\nAP(S)E \nI don't like this clue as it seems to indicate that APE is entering S, rather than the other way round, and it's possible,but contrived to see it the other way."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: How to make this short history? Close to being done serially (3-2-3)","output":"### Answer: END TO END \n ### Explanation: How to make this short history? Close to being done serially (3-2-3)\nI can't quite parse this. Make something history is \"end\" and close is \"end\", but beyond that?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Who plays on board to roll, firmer female included (10)","output":"### Answer: WINDSURFER \n ### Explanation: Who plays on board to roll, firmer female included (10)\nWIND (\"roll\") + SURER with F included"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Small river is a fast one (4)","output":"### Answer: SCAM \n ### Explanation: Small river is a fast one (4)\nS + CAM"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Speed indicator? One's instant sign of supposed virility (8)","output":"### Answer: MACHISMO \n ### Explanation: Speed indicator? One's instant sign of supposed virility (8)\nMACH (\"speed indicator\") + 1'S + MO (\"instant\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: This dangles in attic I clear (6)","output":"### Answer: ICICLE \n ### Explanation: This dangles in attic I clear (6)\nHidden in \"att**IC I CLE**ar\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Passage where saint embraces elder, say (6)","output":"### Answer: STREET \n ### Explanation: Passage where saint embraces elder, say (6)\nSt. embraces TREE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Upset with long day-time sleeper (5,3)","output":"### Answer: NIGHT OWL \n ### Explanation: Upset with long day-time sleeper (5,3)\n*(with long)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: List in which you find those left (5)","output":"### Answer: LURCH \n ### Explanation: List in which you find those left (5)\nI may not even have the right answer here."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Red lolly? Something to spice up teatime (11)","output":"### Answer: GINGERBREAD \n ### Explanation: Red lolly? Something to spice up teatime (11)\nGINGER (\"red\") + LOLLY (\"bread\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Salon stylist provides this for rich area potentially (8)","output":"### Answer: HAIRCARE \n ### Explanation: Salon stylist provides this for rich area potentially (8)\n*(hair care)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Poke fun inwardly \u2013 a case of auto-suggestion? (3,8,4)","output":"### Answer: PUT YOURSELF DOWN \n ### Explanation: Poke fun inwardly \u2013 a case of auto-suggestion? (3,8,4)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hate turning machine around zip (6)","output":"### Answer: LOATHE \n ### Explanation: Hate turning machine around zip (6)\nLATHE around 0 (\"zip\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Starts from the end and leaves? (3)","output":"### Answer: TEA \n ### Explanation: Starts from the end and leaves? (3)\n\"Starts from\" (ie initials of) **T**he **E**nd **A**nd"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: For Don Juan happy means laid (6,3)","output":"### Answer: LADIES MAN \n ### Explanation: For Don Juan happy means laid (6,3)\n*(means laid)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Part played by nations \u2013 could be protector (6,5)","output":"### Answer: PATRON SAINT \n ### Explanation: Part played by nations \u2013 could be protector (6,5)\n*(part nations)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One who hopes not to miss the post (9)","output":"### Answer: APPLICANT \n ### Explanation: One who hopes not to miss the post (9)\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Loving note inside dressing (8)","output":"### Answer: ADORNING \n ### Explanation: Loving note inside dressing (8)\nADORING with N inside"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Day's end is not preordained (6)","output":"### Answer: SUNSET \n ### Explanation: Day's end is not preordained (6)\n'S UNSET"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Permit resting fellow to leave (5)","output":"### Answer: ALLOW \n ### Explanation: Permit resting fellow to leave (5)\n(f)ALLOW"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bit of labour with this tool outside would leave a hole (3)","output":"### Answer: HOE \n ### Explanation: Bit of labour with this tool outside would leave a hole (3)\nHOLE without L (\"bit of labour\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Some hesitation creating content for roles in opera, musical theatre etc (10,4)","output":"### Answer: PERFORMING ARTS \n ### Explanation: Some hesitation creating content for roles in opera, musical theatre etc (10,4)\nER (\"some hesitation\") FORMING (\"creating\") in PARTS \"(roles\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Moral: ask me about what could save your life (5,5)","output":"### Answer: SMOKE ALARM \n ### Explanation: Moral: ask me about what could save your life (5,5)\n*(moral ask me)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: River flowing through to Derbyshire (4)","output":"### Answer: ODER \n ### Explanation: River flowing through to Derbyshire (4)\nHidden in (\"lowing through\") t**O DER**byshire"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One of a pair of openers in a sort of cricket, batting just the same between wickets (6,6)","output":"### Answer: FRENCH WINDOW \n ### Explanation: One of a pair of openers in a sort of cricket, batting just the same between wickets (6,6)\nFRENCH (cricket) + IN (\"batting\") DO (short for \"ditto\" = \"just the same\") bewtween W and W (\"wickets\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A right stranger! (5)","output":"### Answer: ALIEN \n ### Explanation: A right stranger! (5)\nA + LIEN (\"right\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rule 101? (5)","output":"### Answer: TENET \n ### Explanation: Rule 101? (5)\n(TE(N)ET) \n101 needs to be seen as 10 and 01 (ie \"ten\" forwards and back), with 0 in the clue and N in the solution doing the same kind of double duty."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Consequences of getting further behind with subject at Harvard (9)","output":"### Answer: AFTERMATH \n ### Explanation: Consequences of getting further behind with subject at Harvard (9)\nAFTER (\"further behind\") + MATH (American version of \"maths\", therefore \"subject at Harvard\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: United lost 1-0? Danced merrily! (12)","output":"### Answer: CONSOLIDATED \n ### Explanation: United lost 1-0? Danced merrily! (12)\n*(lost i o danced)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Top dog, say (4)","output":"### Answer: PEAK \n ### Explanation: Top dog, say (4)\nHomophone of PEKE (\"dog\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Justification for fighting bullies, as chaos begins to develop? (5,5)","output":"### Answer: CASUS BELLI \n ### Explanation: Justification for fighting bullies, as chaos begins to develop? (5,5)\n*(bullies as c)haos"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The Spanish city reportedly suits male jazz singer (4,10)","output":"### Answer: ELLA FITZ GERALD \n ### Explanation: The Spanish city reportedly suits male jazz singer (4,10)\nEL (\"the Spanish\") +L.A. (\"city\") + FITZ (homophone of \"suits\") + GERALD (\"male\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old man's tip: claret is drunk without one drop ultimately getting wasted \u2013 or spilt? (4,10)","output":"### Answer: PAST PARTICIPLE \n ### Explanation: Old man's tip: claret is drunk without one drop ultimately getting wasted \u2013 or spilt? (4,10)\nPA'S (\"old man's\") + *(tip claret) around I (dro)P"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Small jumper on short man's man (4)","output":"### Answer: ROOK \n ### Explanation: Small jumper on short man's man (4)\nROO (\"short junper\") + K (in chess, short for \"king\", so \"short man\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Gone about fighting as an OTT response (12)","output":"### Answer: OVERREACTION \n ### Explanation: Gone about fighting as an OTT response (12)\nOVER (\"gone\") + RE (\"about\") + ACTION (\"fighting\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Piece about one large city (5)","output":"### Answer: MILAN \n ### Explanation: Piece about one large city (5)\nMAN about I L"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The point of some chin- wagging (5-4)","output":"### Answer: NORTH-WEST \n ### Explanation: The point of some chin- wagging (5-4)\nN-W is hidden in \"chi**N-W**agging\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pop space station into concrete casing, one able to fly at some stage (3,7)","output":"### Answer: RED ADMIRAL \n ### Explanation: Pop space station into concrete casing, one able to fly at some stage (3,7)\nDAD (\"pop\") + MIR (\"space station\") encased in REAL (\"concrete\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Breaking waters? Hint: wife at home with daughter is a sign of things to come (5,2,3,4)","output":"### Answer: STRAW IN THE WIND \n ### Explanation: Breaking waters? Hint: wife at home with daughter is a sign of things to come (5,2,3,4)\n*(waters hint) + W(ife) +IN (\"at home\") + D(aughter)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: \"Nasty geese!\" bad liar snarled (12)","output":"### Answer: DISAGREEABLE \n ### Explanation: \"Nasty geese!\" bad liar snarled (12)\n*(geese bad liar)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: \"Big shot\" pair of comedians (10)","output":"### Answer: CANNONBALL \n ### Explanation: \"Big shot\" pair of comedians (10)\nRefers to Tommy Cannon and Bobby Ball, who as *Cannon and Ball* were never off TV screens in the UK in the late 70s and the 80s."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unholy din as Indian stood up, having been sat in slightly rickety chair (9)","output":"### Answer: CHARIVARI \n ### Explanation: Unholy din as Indian stood up, having been sat in slightly rickety chair (9)\n<=RAVI (\"Indian\") in CHARI (\"slightly rickety chair\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A second man walking on the moon, humming (5)","output":"### Answer: ABUZZ \n ### Explanation: A second man walking on the moon, humming (5)\nA + BUZZ (Aldrin \u2013 the second man on the Moon)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Seaweed with length in range required (4)","output":"### Answer: ALGA \n ### Explanation: Seaweed with length in range required (4)\nL (\"length\") in AGA (\"range\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ring student beset by siren (6)","output":"### Answer: CIRCLE \n ### Explanation: Ring student beset by siren (6)\nL beset by CIRCE (\"siren\" as in *The Odyssey*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Doctor dictates critical essay (4,4)","output":"### Answer: ACID TEST \n ### Explanation: Doctor dictates critical essay (4,4)\n*(dictates)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: New 'otelier's strange potion (7)","output":"### Answer: NOSTRUM \n ### Explanation: New 'otelier's strange potion (7)\nN + 'OST + RUM"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Willing to cut landed property (7)","output":"### Answer: TESTATE \n ### Explanation: Willing to cut landed property (7)\nT(o) + ESTATE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Make a mistake holding American back? That's unusual! (4)","output":"### Answer: RARE \n ### Explanation: Make a mistake holding American back? That's unusual! (4)\nA in <=ERR"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Shocked by a dishonest organisation (10)","output":"### Answer: ASTONISHED \n ### Explanation: Shocked by a dishonest organisation (10)\n*(a dishonest)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Drink turned Eddie joyful (6)","output":"### Answer: ELATED \n ### Explanation: Drink turned Eddie joyful (6)\n<=ALE + TED"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Scams first to be made up (7)","output":"### Answer: CONSIST \n ### Explanation: Scams first to be made up (7)\nCONS + 1st"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Workman eats divine little fish (7)","output":"### Answer: TIDDLER \n ### Explanation: Workman eats divine little fish (7)\nD.D. in TILER \nAm I missing something? D.D. is short for Doctor of Divinity, so not the same as \"divine\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Opposed to Gaelic bible in the beginning (6)","output":"### Answer: AVERSE \n ### Explanation: Opposed to Gaelic bible in the beginning (6)\nA.V. (Authorised Version of the \"Bible\") + ERSE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Know Carol's not back in London (10)","output":"### Answer: KENSINGTON \n ### Explanation: Know Carol's not back in London (10)\nKEN + SING (\"Carol\") + <=NOT"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Complaint of German leader? Impossible! (4)","output":"### Answer: GOUT \n ### Explanation: Complaint of German leader? Impossible! (4)\nG(erman) + OUT"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Time husband should care (7)","output":"### Answer: THOUGHT \n ### Explanation: Time husband should care (7)\nT + H + OUGHT"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Become aware that lies are risky (7)","output":"### Answer: REALISE \n ### Explanation: Become aware that lies are risky (7)\n*(lies are)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Quiet soldier's getting worn out (8)","output":"### Answer: RETIRING \n ### Explanation: Quiet soldier's getting worn out (8)\nR.E. + TIRING"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A fabulous Greek nonet entertains (6)","output":"### Answer: AMUSES \n ### Explanation: A fabulous Greek nonet entertains (6)\nA + MUSES (there were nine of them in Greek mythology)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Preserve house in archipelago (8)","output":"### Answer: CANARIES \n ### Explanation: Preserve house in archipelago (8)\nCAN + ARIES (astrological \"house\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hesitancy in booking (11)","output":"### Answer: RESERVATION \n ### Explanation: Hesitancy in booking (11)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Escapade of sovereign on old vessel (4)","output":"### Answer: LARK \n ### Explanation: Escapade of sovereign on old vessel (4)\nL (\"sovereign\" = \u00a3) + ARK"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Understand working in yarn (6,2)","output":"### Answer: COTTON ON \n ### Explanation: Understand working in yarn (6,2)\nON in COTTON"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Is girl in sleazy bar, sneering? (10)","output":"### Answer: DISMISSIVE \n ### Explanation: Is girl in sleazy bar, sneering? (10)\nIS MISS in DIVE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Some under arrest for years (3)","output":"### Answer: ERA \n ### Explanation: Some under arrest for years (3)\nHidden in \"und**ER** **A**rrest\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Latest result in evaluation (6)","output":"### Answer: TRENDY \n ### Explanation: Latest result in evaluation (6)\nEND in TRY"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A scholar's shillings pile up (5)","output":"### Answer: AMASS \n ### Explanation: A scholar's shillings pile up (5)\nA + M.A. + SS (\"shillings\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Insist choir deployed staginess (11)","output":"### Answer: HISTRIONICS \n ### Explanation: Insist choir deployed staginess (11)\n*(insist choir)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Quasimodo's identical twin? (4,6)","output":"### Answer: DEAD RINGER \n ### Explanation: Quasimodo's identical twin? (4,6)\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Number taken in by flighty female is to increase (8)","output":"### Answer: HEIGHTEN \n ### Explanation: Number taken in by flighty female is to increase (8)\nEIGHT in HEN"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Savages cook fowl (8)","output":"### Answer: HEATHENS \n ### Explanation: Savages cook fowl (8)\nHEAT HENS"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Society girl runs to become a sportswoman (6)","output":"### Answer: SKATER \n ### Explanation: Society girl runs to become a sportswoman (6)\nS + KATE + R"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Crawler is a firm supporter (5)","output":"### Answer: COBRA \n ### Explanation: Crawler is a firm supporter (5)\nCo. + BRA"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cultivate key member (4)","output":"### Answer: FARM \n ### Explanation: Cultivate key member (4)\nF + ARM"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Oscar has drill and pick (3)","output":"### Answer: OPT \n ### Explanation: Oscar has drill and pick (3)\nO + P.T."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Eg south county member holds permit into ground (7,5)","output":"### Answer: COMPASS POINT \n ### Explanation: Eg south county member holds permit into ground (7,5)\n(Co. + M.P. + *(into)) holding PASS"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Irish name tree award on radio? (7)","output":"### Answer: O\u2019CONNOR \n ### Explanation: Irish name tree award on radio? (7)\nHomophone of OAK HONOUR"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lack what makes one conspicuous (7)","output":"### Answer: ABSENCE \n ### Explanation: Lack what makes one conspicuous (7)\nAs in \"conspicuous by one's absence\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Utterly nasty note dispatched from dirty home (7)","output":"### Answer: FOULEST \n ### Explanation: Utterly nasty note dispatched from dirty home (7)\nFOUL (n)EST"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Blast comes from behind offensive trousers (7)","output":"### Answer: TRUMPET \n ### Explanation: Blast comes from behind offensive trousers (7)\nTET (\"offensive\") trousering RUMP (\"behind\") \nThe Tet Offensive was a military campaign during the Vietnam War"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Spotted one in Kenya, unwell, heading off for hospital (5)","output":"### Answer: HYENA \n ### Explanation: Spotted one in Kenya, unwell, heading off for hospital (5)\n*(henya) (Kenya with the head (initial) replaced with h (\"hospital\") \nMy only minor quibble in the puzzle, as the clue's wordplay tells us to do the anagram first, then change the initial, which is the wrong way round, but I could see what the setter intended."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: HM hosts a novelist, a Georgian perhaps or . . . . (9)","output":"### Answer: EASTERNER \n ### Explanation: HM hosts a novelist, a Georgian perhaps or . . . . (9)\nE.R. hosts A STERNE (Laurence Sterne, author of *Tristram Shandy*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: . . . . someone similar, says husband (9)","output":"### Answer: STATESMAN \n ### Explanation: . . . . someone similar, says husband (9)\nSTATES MAN \na Georgian could be someone from the state of Georgia in the USA"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Feature of board game topping the other one (5)","output":"### Answer: ADDER \n ### Explanation: Feature of board game topping the other one (5)\n(l)ADDER \nAs in \"snakes and ladders\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Grassland allowed to smother fine tract (7)","output":"### Answer: LEAFLET \n ### Explanation: Grassland allowed to smother fine tract (7)\nLEA (F) LET"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A Republican supports stoppages (7)","output":"### Answer: ARRESTS \n ### Explanation: A Republican supports stoppages (7)\nA R + RESTS"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sitting close to actors in Noises Off (7)","output":"### Answer: SESSION \n ### Explanation: Sitting close to actors in Noises Off (7)\n(actor)S in *(noises)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Making progress, old man leaves paint drops (2,5)","output":"### Answer: IN TRAIN \n ### Explanation: Making progress, old man leaves paint drops (2,5)\n(pa)IN T + RAIN (\"drops\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Media ban joke, going red, nervous about redtop (7,5)","output":"### Answer: GAGGING ORDER \n ### Explanation: Media ban joke, going red, nervous about redtop (7,5)\nGAG +*(going red) about R(ed)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The end is nigh and you are blocking it (7)","output":"### Answer: CLOSURE \n ### Explanation: The end is nigh and you are blocking it (7)\nCLOS (U R) E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Nelson, servant of the French? (7)","output":"### Answer: MANDELA \n ### Explanation: Nelson, servant of the French? (7)\nMAN + DE LA"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A pile of paper covers Irish street in high wind (9)","output":"### Answer: AIRSTREAM \n ### Explanation: A pile of paper covers Irish street in high wind (9)\nA REAM covers Ir. St. \nAn airstream is a wind that occurs high in the sky"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Public transport set up with clever electronics (5)","output":"### Answer: SMART \n ### Explanation: Public transport set up with clever electronics (5)\n<=TRAMS"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: It's hard to see old Bruce dancing round front of stage (7)","output":"### Answer: OBSCURE \n ### Explanation: It's hard to see old Bruce dancing round front of stage (7)\nO + *(bruce) around S(tage)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Square leg bowler's target? (7)","output":"### Answer: NINEPIN \n ### Explanation: Square leg bowler's target? (7)\nNINE (\"square\") + LEG (\"pin\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Crude fellows with spades making crude noises? (4,8)","output":"### Answer: WOLF WHISTLES \n ### Explanation: Crude fellows with spades making crude noises? (4,8)\n*(fellows) with WHIST (of which the game of \"spades\" is a type)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Showing initiative, join rebellion with no uniform (12)","output":"### Answer: ENTERPRISING \n ### Explanation: Showing initiative, join rebellion with no uniform (12)\nENTER + (u)PRISING"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Romanians trashed European enclave (3,6)","output":"### Answer: SAN MARINO \n ### Explanation: Romanians trashed European enclave (3,6)\n*(romanians)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Asian disaster zone filled with mostly salt, dissolved (4,3)","output":"### Answer: ARAL SEA \n ### Explanation: Asian disaster zone filled with mostly salt, dissolved (4,3)\nAREA filled with *(sal) (\"mostly salt\") \nThought this was Dead Sea at first, but couldn't parse it, then rememebered that the Aral Sea, once one of the largest in the world, is now about 90% smaller due to Soviet irrigation plans starving it of its feeder rivers."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Little German spirit left in royal couple (7)","output":"### Answer: ERLKING \n ### Explanation: Little German spirit left in royal couple (7)\nL in ER + KING"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Beer with no heart deemed to have a head? (7)","output":"### Answer: AERATED \n ### Explanation: Beer with no heart deemed to have a head? (7)\nA(l)E + RATED \nAerated beer would have a head"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Want briefly to retain secretary but lose heart (7)","output":"### Answer: DESPAIR \n ### Explanation: Want briefly to retain secretary but lose heart (7)\nDESIR(e) retaining P.A."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Group overturned part of joint (5)","output":"### Answer: TENON \n ### Explanation: Group overturned part of joint (5)\n<=NONET"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Marshal nominates 1 in 50 (9)","output":"### Answer: MINNESOTA \n ### Explanation: Marshal nominates 1 in 50 (9)\n*(nominates)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Uneven parts of barley and wheat produce (5)","output":"### Answer: BREAD \n ### Explanation: Uneven parts of barley and wheat produce (5)\nUneven parts of **B**a**R**l**E**y**A**n**D"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Oddly it's out east he plotted conspiracy (5,5)","output":"### Answer: TITUSOATES \n ### Explanation: Oddly it's out east he plotted conspiracy (5,5)\n(its out east) \nTitus Oates claimed there was a Jewish plot to assassinate Charles II"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Party-pooper, in more ways than one! (9)","output":"### Answer: ABSTAINER \n ### Explanation: Party-pooper, in more ways than one! (9)\nSomeone who doesn't vote could be described as a \"party pooper\" and I suppose if you don;t drink or take drugs, you COULD be considered a \"party pooper\", although I'm quite happy to party without either myself!"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: You need 12 to form such a system (10)","output":"### Answer: DUODECIMAL \n ### Explanation: You need 12 to form such a system (10)\nA (barely) cryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old friends like Christopher and Elspeth at the end (4)","output":"### Answer: KITH \n ### Explanation: Old friends like Christopher and Elspeth at the end (4)\nKIT + (elspet)H"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cook taking tail off displays weakness (7)","output":"### Answer: FRAILTY \n ### Explanation: Cook taking tail off displays weakness (7)\n*(tail) in FRY"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Defaced weapon naturally changes with time (7)","output":"### Answer: EVOLVER \n ### Explanation: Defaced weapon naturally changes with time (7)\n(r)EVOLVER"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cuts classes in oral comprehension (7)","output":"### Answer: LESSENS \n ### Explanation: Cuts classes in oral comprehension (7)\nHomophone of LESSONS"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: ABCDE confused the French \u2013 what a fiasco! (7)","output":"### Answer: DEBACLE \n ### Explanation: ABCDE confused the French \u2013 what a fiasco! (7)\n*(abcde) + LE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A divine youth's painful setback (4)","output":"### Answer: EROS \n ### Explanation: A divine youth's painful setback (4)\n<=SORE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A commercial success: what oenophiles long for, we're told (10)","output":"### Answer: BESTSELLER \n ### Explanation: A commercial success: what oenophiles long for, we're told (10)\nHomophone of BEST CELLAR"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Crazy little hero, beheaded in Peter Pan, say (5,4)","output":"### Answer: TITLE ROLE \n ### Explanation: Crazy little hero, beheaded in Peter Pan, say (5,4)\n*(little ero)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Very many are out of shape (5)","output":"### Answer: HEAPS \n ### Explanation: Very many are out of shape (5)\n*(shape) \nThis doesn't feel right, but I haven't the time to get my head round explaining why."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Assume, for argument's sake, it follows return of bribe (5)","output":"### Answer: POSIT \n ### Explanation: Assume, for argument's sake, it follows return of bribe (5)\nIT follows <=SOP"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Debug beds in Homes and Gardens (9)","output":"### Answer: DISINFECT \n ### Explanation: Debug beds in Homes and Gardens (9)\nCan't parse this"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Got married without the Church \u2013 married still (5)","output":"### Answer: MATED \n ### Explanation: Got married without the Church \u2013 married still (5)\nMAT(ch)ED"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Some newspapers for citizens (9)","output":"### Answer: NATIONALS \n ### Explanation: Some newspapers for citizens (9)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: It releases unusually bitter blows (10)","output":"### Answer: EASTERLIES \n ### Explanation: It releases unusually bitter blows (10)\n*(it releases)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Work associated with a financial centre lacks transparency (7)","output":"### Answer: OPACITY \n ### Explanation: Work associated with a financial centre lacks transparency (7)\nOP + A CITY \nThe clue indiucates a verb (\"lacks transparity\"), but the answer is a noun.\n \nCould have been clued as \"shows a lack of transparity\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Yorkshire headwear appropriate on the line (2,5)","output":"### Answer: ATSTAKE \n ### Explanation: Yorkshire headwear appropriate on the line (2,5)\n'ATS + TAKE (\"appropriate\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fish out of river may be a ray (4)","output":"### Answer: BEAM \n ### Explanation: Fish out of river may be a ray (4)\nB(r)EAM"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unseen nuisance that's a source of tedium (5)","output":"### Answer: ENNUI \n ### Explanation: Unseen nuisance that's a source of tedium (5)\nHidden in \"unse**EN NUI**sance\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Black Bess, for example, reveals unexpected talent (4,5)","output":"### Answer: DARK HORSE \n ### Explanation: Black Bess, for example, reveals unexpected talent (4,5)\nBlack Bess was a (not surprisingly) dark horse, ridden by Dick Turpin."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hitchcock's outstanding feature? (6,4)","output":"### Answer: DOUBLE CHIN \n ### Explanation: Hitchcock's outstanding feature? (6,4)\nAlfred Hitchcock was often shown in silhouette with a marked double chin."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Having spelt \"safe\" wrong could put you in danger (5,4)","output":"### Answer: FALSE STEP \n ### Explanation: Having spelt \"safe\" wrong could put you in danger (5,4)\n*(spelt safe)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hesitate to get sick during leave (9)","output":"### Answer: VACILLATE \n ### Explanation: Hesitate to get sick during leave (9)\nILL \"during\" VACATE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unfit editors may need such injections (7)","output":"### Answer: STEROID \n ### Explanation: Unfit editors may need such injections (7)\n*(editors)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: This red mixture does 16 (7)","output":"### Answer: DITHERS \n ### Explanation: This red mixture does 16 (7)\n*(this red)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Have another go at 24 (5)","output":"### Answer: RESIT \n ### Explanation: Have another go at 24 (5)\nNot very cryptic"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Contestant takes part in experiment (4)","output":"### Answer: TEST \n ### Explanation: Contestant takes part in experiment (4)\nHidden in \"con**TEST**ant\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Busy barrister's requirement? (9)","output":"### Answer: BRIEFCASE \n ### Explanation: Busy barrister's requirement? (9)\nCryptic definition \u2013 a barrister needs a briefcase, but if theyr'e busy, they need their case to be brief as well."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Three coppers needing a drink (5)","output":"### Answer: CUPPA \n ### Explanation: Three coppers needing a drink (5)\nCU + P + P (\"three coppers\") + A"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Defence of boxer holding one back initially (5)","output":"### Answer: ALIBI \n ### Explanation: Defence of boxer holding one back initially (5)\nALI holding 1 B(ack)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Got back 50% of rest with insurance (9)","output":"### Answer: RECOVERED \n ### Explanation: Got back 50% of rest with insurance (9)\nRE(st) + COVERED"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mercury perhaps isn't representative of such music (5,5)","output":"### Answer: HEAVY METAL \n ### Explanation: Mercury perhaps isn't representative of such music (5,5)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fill up, oddly, in front of village's last outlet (4)","output":"### Answer: FLUE \n ### Explanation: Fill up, oddly, in front of village's last outlet (4)\n**F**i**L**l**U**p + (villag)E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Thief's equipment pinched by musicians (7)","output":"### Answer: BRIGAND \n ### Explanation: Thief's equipment pinched by musicians (7)\nRIG in (\"pinched by\") BAND"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Brands grades by audience (7)","output":"### Answer: MARQUES \n ### Explanation: Brands grades by audience (7)\nHomophone of MARKS"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pints must cover case of need for alcohol-fuelled sessions (7)","output":"### Answer: BENDERS \n ### Explanation: Pints must cover case of need for alcohol-fuelled sessions (7)\nBEERS covering N(ee)D"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Reply given by priest worried about love (7)","output":"### Answer: RIPOSTE \n ### Explanation: Reply given by priest worried about love (7)\n*(priest) about 0"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Departed\u00a0after time expected (4)","output":"### Answer: LATE \n ### Explanation: Departed\u00a0after time expected (4)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Aid for writer putting limit on session (10)","output":"### Answer: SPELLCHECK \n ### Explanation: Aid for writer putting limit on session (10)\nCHECK on SPELL"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Judge united expats squabbling about love's place by side (9)","output":"### Answer: JUXTAPOSE \n ### Explanation: Judge united expats squabbling about love's place by side (9)\nJ + U + *(expates) about 0"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Where to find hot or cold, readily available? (2,3)","output":"### Answer: ON TAP \n ### Explanation: Where to find hot or cold, readily available? (2,3)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Agreement as teacher shows discrimination? (5)","output":"### Answer: TASTE \n ### Explanation: Agreement as teacher shows discrimination? (5)\nHidden in \"agreemen**T AS** **TE**achers\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rambling on \u2013 tell me I must be soothing! (9)","output":"### Answer: EMOLLIENT \n ### Explanation: Rambling on \u2013 tell me I must be soothing! (9)\n*(on tell me I)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Silence follows supporter who's offensively bold (5)","output":"### Answer: BRASH \n ### Explanation: Silence follows supporter who's offensively bold (5)\nSH follows BRA"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Copy restriction, sacking leader (9)","output":"### Answer: IMITATION \n ### Explanation: Copy restriction, sacking leader (9)\n(l)IMITATION"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Left, as furious about dismissive lies (5,5)","output":"### Answer: FAIRY TALES \n ### Explanation: Left, as furious about dismissive lies (5,5)\n*(left as) about AIRY (\"dismissive\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Strain on the toilet at sea? Fool (7)","output":"### Answer: AIRHEAD \n ### Explanation: Strain on the toilet at sea? Fool (7)\nAIR (\"strain\") + HEAD (\"toilet at sea\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Loudly call out demand made by divorcee (7)","output":"### Answer: EXCLAIM \n ### Explanation: Loudly call out demand made by divorcee (7)\nCLAIM made by EX"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Classic! \u2013 a vault containing wine (4)","output":"### Answer: CAVA \n ### Explanation: Classic! \u2013 a vault containing wine (4)\nHidden in \"classi**C A VA**ult\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The risk for every single pound (5)","output":"### Answer: PERIL \n ### Explanation: The risk for every single pound (5)\nPER + 1 L"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Letter opener? (9)","output":"### Answer: ADDRESSEE \n ### Explanation: Letter opener? (9)\n(Fairly) cryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Where children may be taught there's homework on train (4,6)","output":"### Answer: PREP SCHOOL \n ### Explanation: Where children may be taught there's homework on train (4,6)\nPREP (\"homework\") + SCHOOL (\"train\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Printer wanting fizz on plane? (9)","output":"### Answer: BUBBLEJET \n ### Explanation: Printer wanting fizz on plane? (9)\nBUBBLE on JET \nA bubblejet printer is a type of printer that uses high pressure and heat to expel tiny bubbles of\u00a0ink from the printer's nozzle on to the page"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Draw from sun's heat here (9)","output":"### Answer: UNSHEATHE \n ### Explanation: Draw from sun's heat here (9)\nHidden in s**UNS** **HEAT** **HE**re"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Imagine drink with model! (7)","output":"### Answer: SUPPOSE \n ### Explanation: Imagine drink with model! (7)\nSUP + POSE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Finished up accepting fiction \u2013 outstanding work (7)","output":"### Answer: RELIEVO \n ### Explanation: Finished up accepting fiction \u2013 outstanding work (7)\n<=OVER \"accepting\" LIE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Strains to make cuts in case of teachers (5)","output":"### Answer: TAXES \n ### Explanation: Strains to make cuts in case of teachers (5)\nAXE in T(eacher)S"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A place under a thousand? Gone! (5)","output":"### Answer: KAPUT \n ### Explanation: A place under a thousand? Gone! (5)\nA PUT under K"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Having nothing on \u2013 except end of course (4)","output":"### Answer: BARE \n ### Explanation: Having nothing on \u2013 except end of course (4)\nBAR (\"except\") + (cours)E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Suave and refined socialite who floats around? (8)","output":"### Answer: DEBONAIR \n ### Explanation: Suave and refined socialite who floats around? (8)\nDEB ON AIR"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Anger appropriate to principal motorway an illusory thing (6)","output":"### Answer: MIRAGE \n ### Explanation: Anger appropriate to principal motorway an illusory thing (6)\nRAGE applied to M1"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Drinking session ale knight and duke swallowed (6)","output":"### Answer: BENDER \n ### Explanation: Drinking session ale knight and duke swallowed (6)\nBE (N D) ER"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Variable indefinite number triples? That's an irritation (8)","output":"### Answer: SPLINTER \n ### Explanation: Variable indefinite number triples? That's an irritation (8)\n*(n triples)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Constant smoker worried about gas inhaled (4)","output":"### Answer: ETNA \n ### Explanation: Constant smoker worried about gas inhaled (4)\n<=ATE about N (Neon = \"gas\") \nEtna, on Sicily, is one of the most active volcanoes in the world, hence \"constant smoker\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Large egg was broken by Scotsman \u2013 one from Govan? (10)","output":"### Answer: GLASWEGIAN \n ### Explanation: Large egg was broken by Scotsman \u2013 one from Govan? (10)\n*(l egg was) + IAN (\"Scotsman\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One excessive fellow into fruit (8)","output":"### Answer: GOURMAND \n ### Explanation: One excessive fellow into fruit (8)\nMAN in GOURD"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Surrounded by morning papers? (4)","output":"### Answer: AMID \n ### Explanation: Surrounded by morning papers? (4)\nA.M. + I.D."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fuel taken from under vans (4)","output":"### Answer: DERV \n ### Explanation: Fuel taken from under vans (4)\nHidden in \"un**DER V**ans\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Soviet includes test given rocket (8)","output":"### Answer: REPROVED \n ### Explanation: Soviet includes test given rocket (8)\nRED includes PROVE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: More on star from me? (10)","output":"### Answer: ASTRONOMER \n ### Explanation: More on star from me? (10)\n*(more on star)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Flower\u00a0came up (4)","output":"### Answer: ROSE \n ### Explanation: Flower\u00a0came up (4)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Forefather catching cold, one Greek sage at Troy (8)","output":"### Answer: ANCESTOR \n ### Explanation: Forefather catching cold, one Greek sage at Troy (8)\nA NESTOR catching C"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Joke playfully accepted by chess champion loyal to group (6)","output":"### Answer: TRIBAL \n ### Explanation: Joke playfully accepted by chess champion loyal to group (6)\nRIB accepted by TAL \nMikhail Tal was a Soviet chess grandmaster and world champion from 1960 to 1961."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Greatly productive association of states fills money reserve (6)","output":"### Answer: FECUND \n ### Explanation: Greatly productive association of states fills money reserve (6)\nE.C. fills FUND"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: In Argyle knit the makings of a jumper? (8)","output":"### Answer: YEARLING \n ### Explanation: In Argyle knit the makings of a jumper? (8)\n*(in argyle)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Still time to ride competitively (5)","output":"### Answer: EVENT \n ### Explanation: Still time to ride competitively (5)\nEVEN + T \nAs in three-day eventing"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Nimrod confused with Ravel in fluvial song (3,3,5)","output":"### Answer: OLD MAN RIVER \n ### Explanation: Nimrod confused with Ravel in fluvial song (3,3,5)\n*(Nimrod Ravel)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Letter from girl on a return (8)","output":"### Answer: AEROGRAM \n ### Explanation: Letter from girl on a return (8)\n<=MARGO RE A"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Conrad's story bizarre about spoil in old county (4,3,8)","output":"### Answer: ROSS AND CROMARTY \n ### Explanation: Conrad's story bizarre about spoil in old county (4,3,8)\n*(Conrads story) about MAR \nRoss and Cromarty is now part of the Highlands, a beautiful place to visit if you can find one of the three nice days we have here in Scotland every year!"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Country mum's first rule? (6)","output":"### Answer: MALAWI \n ### Explanation: Country mum's first rule? (6)\nMA + LAW 1"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Carry, pass, score (3)","output":"### Answer: RUN \n ### Explanation: Carry, pass, score (3)\nTriple definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Syrup of pineapple to store at home (9)","output":"### Answer: GRENADINE \n ### Explanation: Syrup of pineapple to store at home (9)\nGRENADE (aka \"pineapple\" due to its appearance) storing IN. \nGRENADINE is a syrup normally made from redcurrants and pomegranates."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: She has it good \u2013 to thrash soldier we have on both sides? (7,4)","output":"### Answer: GLAMOUR GIRL \n ### Explanation: She has it good \u2013 to thrash soldier we have on both sides? (7,4)\nG + LAM + OUR G.I. + R L (\"both sides\") \nA glamour girl would have \"it\" (sex appeal)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Respectful expression where I see bacon cooked (9)","output":"### Answer: OBEISANCE \n ### Explanation: Respectful expression where I see bacon cooked (9)\n*(I see bacon)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Choose tenor before getting involved with a show such as this (8)","output":"### Answer: OPERETTA \n ### Explanation: Choose tenor before getting involved with a show such as this (8)\nOP(ERE)T T A"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Maybe Oxbridge man in team (6)","output":"### Answer: UNITED \n ### Explanation: Maybe Oxbridge man in team (6)\nUNI TED"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Saint suffering in Catholic country (5)","output":"### Answer: SPAIN \n ### Explanation: Saint suffering in Catholic country (5)\nS + PAIN"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: English character in Greece gets leggy bird (3)","output":"### Answer: EMU \n ### Explanation: English character in Greece gets leggy bird (3)\nE + MU"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Method of cooking meat in iron container (6)","output":"### Answer: FLAMBE \n ### Explanation: Method of cooking meat in iron container (6)\nLAMB in FE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Is in Paris holding shipment of French food (8)","output":"### Answer: ESCARGOT \n ### Explanation: Is in Paris holding shipment of French food (8)\nEST (\"is\" in French) holding CARGO"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fugitive loses article at airport (6)","output":"### Answer: RUNWAY \n ### Explanation: Fugitive loses article at airport (6)\nRUN(a)WAY"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Connoisseur ate these uneasily (8)","output":"### Answer: AESTHETE \n ### Explanation: Connoisseur ate these uneasily (8)\n*(ate these)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Female section of the National Assembly (4)","output":"### Answer: LASS \n ### Explanation: Female section of the National Assembly (4)\n\"section of\" nationa**L** **ASS**embly"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dye old predator in retreat of old master (10)","output":"### Answer: TINTORETTO \n ### Explanation: Dye old predator in retreat of old master (10)\nTINT + O + <=OTTER"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unplanned confrontation with American during depression (12)","output":"### Answer: COINCIDENTAL \n ### Explanation: Unplanned confrontation with American during depression (12)\nINCIDENT + A \"during\" COL"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Trustee to destroy dogs? They lead the way! (12)","output":"### Answer: TRENDSETTERS \n ### Explanation: Trustee to destroy dogs? They lead the way! (12)\nTr. + END SETTERS"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Trip in the dark when just at home with complaint (7,3)","output":"### Answer: EVENING OUT \n ### Explanation: Trip in the dark when just at home with complaint (7,3)\nEVEN (\"just\") + IN (\"at home\") + GOUT (\"complaint\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Run as a communist (4)","output":"### Answer: TROT \n ### Explanation: Run as a communist (4)\nDouble deifinition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Incline to stop in allotment (8)","output":"### Answer: GRADIENT \n ### Explanation: Incline to stop in allotment (8)\nDIE in GRANT"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Landlord's short of gold (6)","output":"### Answer: LESSOR \n ### Explanation: Landlord's short of gold (6)\nLESS + OR"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fatigues one like a blind prophet (8)","output":"### Answer: TIRESIAS \n ### Explanation: Fatigues one like a blind prophet (8)\nTIRES + 1 + AS"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Character with inclination for one toiletry containing iodine (6)","output":"### Answer: ITALIC \n ### Explanation: Character with inclination for one toiletry containing iodine (6)\nI + TALC containing I (\"iodine\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Be careful fastening hair (8)","output":"### Answer: FORELOCK \n ### Explanation: Be careful fastening hair (8)\n\"FORE\" (\"look out\" on the golf course ~ \"be careful\") + LOCK"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sceptic acting so badly (8)","output":"### Answer: AGNOSTIC \n ### Explanation: Sceptic acting so badly (8)\n*(acting so)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Drop one in the garden (4)","output":"### Answer: BEAD \n ### Explanation: Drop one in the garden (4)\nA in BED"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bears entertaining dwarf with our kind of food (5-3-4)","output":"### Answer: SWEET-AND-SOUR \n ### Explanation: Bears entertaining dwarf with our kind of food (5-3-4)\nSTANDS \"entertaining\" WEE\" + OUR \n\"kind of food\" is a bit loose as a definition in my opinion"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fattest are prepared for a sensational finish (10)","output":"### Answer: AFTERTASTE \n ### Explanation: Fattest are prepared for a sensational finish (10)\n*(fattest are)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Greek devours the classics (6)","output":"### Answer: GREATS \n ### Explanation: Greek devours the classics (6)\nGr. + EATS"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Quake in Turkey \u2013 upheaval of capital (6)","output":"### Answer: TREMOR \n ### Explanation: Quake in Turkey \u2013 upheaval of capital (6)\n.tr (domain name for \"Turkey\") + <=ROME"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dad had engine modified showing ulterior motive (6,6)","output":"### Answer: HIDDEN AGENDA \n ### Explanation: Dad had engine modified showing ulterior motive (6,6)\n*(dad had engine)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Shortages damage urban areas (10)","output":"### Answer: SCARCITIES \n ### Explanation: Shortages damage urban areas (10)\nSCAR + CITIES"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Priest is buried in concrete for revenge (8)","output":"### Answer: REPRISAL \n ### Explanation: Priest is buried in concrete for revenge (8)\nPr. IS buried in REAL (\"cement\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Inscrutable Tories assembled in the city (8)","output":"### Answer: ESOTERIC \n ### Explanation: Inscrutable Tories assembled in the city (8)\n*(tories) in EC (\"the City\" in London)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Responsibility of Welsh rowing team (6)","output":"### Answer: WEIGHT \n ### Explanation: Responsibility of Welsh rowing team (6)\nW + EIGHT"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Condition of soldier's mate (6)","output":"### Answer: REPAIR \n ### Explanation: Condition of soldier's mate (6)\nR.E. + PAIR"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Inclination to be dishonest (4)","output":"### Answer: BENT \n ### Explanation: Inclination to be dishonest (4)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hundred following correct route in large hall (9)","output":"### Answer: CONCOURSE \n ### Explanation: Hundred following correct route in large hall (9)\nC + ON COURSE (\"following correct route\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lover of eucalyptus stunning a large area (5)","output":"### Answer: KOALA \n ### Explanation: Lover of eucalyptus stunning a large area (5)\nK.O. (~ \"stunning\") + A L A"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Evergreen set with energy boarding a ship (7)","output":"### Answer: AGELESS \n ### Explanation: Evergreen set with energy boarding a ship (7)\n(GEL (\"set\") + E) \"boarding\" A S.S."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Perch good in carnival location for composer (7)","output":"### Answer: RODRIGO \n ### Explanation: Perch good in carnival location for composer (7)\nROD + G in RIO \nRefers to Joaquin Rodrigo (1901-1998), a Spanish composer."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Money falling short in card game (3)","output":"### Answer: LOO \n ### Explanation: Money falling short in card game (3)\nLOO(t)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Top brass in tight order (4,7)","output":"### Answer: HIGH COMMAND \n ### Explanation: Top brass in tight order (4,7)\nHIGH (\"tight\") + COMMAND (\"order\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dash from top player grabbing first of prizes (5)","output":"### Answer: SPEED \n ### Explanation: Dash from top player grabbing first of prizes (5)\nSEED grabbing P(rizes)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Arrange group in rosettes (3)","output":"### Answer: SET \n ### Explanation: Arrange group in rosettes (3)\nHidden in (\"group in\") ro**SET**tes"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Spanish gent cycling from opposite part of Europe? (5)","output":"### Answer: NORSE \n ### Explanation: Spanish gent cycling from opposite part of Europe? (5)\nSENOR \"cycling\" \nImagine a circle with the letters S E N O R on it, if you cycle round to the N and start reading you'd get NORSE instead of SENOR"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: We bear logs awkwardly close to house? Hard work (5,6)","output":"### Answer: ELBOW GREASE \n ### Explanation: We bear logs awkwardly close to house? Hard work (5,6)\n*(we bear logs) + (hous)E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: International\u00a0restriction (3)","output":"### Answer: CAP \n ### Explanation: International\u00a0restriction (3)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Nuns I list (not half) in order showing secretion (7)","output":"### Answer: INSULIN \n ### Explanation: Nuns I list (not half) in order showing secretion (7)\n*(nuns i li)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Flier, leading light after one's gone in part of ship (7)","output":"### Answer: KESTREL \n ### Explanation: Flier, leading light after one's gone in part of ship (7)\nST(a)R (\"leading light) in KEEL"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Relative expertise of a barrister? (2-3)","output":"### Answer: IN-LAW \n ### Explanation: Relative expertise of a barrister? (2-3)\n(Sort of) cryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Some don is volatile showing temperamental nature (9)","output":"### Answer: MOODINESS \n ### Explanation: Some don is volatile showing temperamental nature (9)\n*(moodiness)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Second stroke in poor handwriting (6)","output":"### Answer: SCRAWL \n ### Explanation: Second stroke in poor handwriting (6)\nS + CRAWL (\"stroke\" in swimming)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cover unconventional novel in English exercise (8)","output":"### Answer: ENVELOPE \n ### Explanation: Cover unconventional novel in English exercise (8)\n*(novel) in E P.E."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Anticipate new trouble with wife about love (10)","output":"### Answer: FORESHADOW \n ### Explanation: Anticipate new trouble with wife about love (10)\n(FRESH ADO + W) about O"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Flower in ruins periodically visited (4)","output":"### Answer: IRIS \n ### Explanation: Flower in ruins periodically visited (4)\n**I**n **R**u**I**n**S** \"periodically visited\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tot playing with rare cat that's reddish brown (10)","output":"### Answer: TERRACOTTA \n ### Explanation: Tot playing with rare cat that's reddish brown (10)\n*(tot rare cat)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Son with child in uncontrolled move (4)","output":"### Answer: SKID \n ### Explanation: Son with child in uncontrolled move (4)\nS + KID"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: New driver engaged in obsessive behaviour in Asian capital (6)","output":"### Answer: MANILA \n ### Explanation: New driver engaged in obsessive behaviour in Asian capital (6)\nL (\"new driver\") engaged in MANIA"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Source of advice on dog without lead in crowd (8)","output":"### Answer: CABOODLE \n ### Explanation: Source of advice on dog without lead in crowd (8)\nC.A.B. (Citizens Advice Bureau = \"source of advice\") + (p)OODLE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Grand study of stars and good eating (10)","output":"### Answer: GASTRONOMY \n ### Explanation: Grand study of stars and good eating (10)\nG + ASTRONOMY"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Agree under \u00a3500 for smart wear (6,4)","output":"### Answer: MONKEY SUIT \n ### Explanation: Agree under \u00a3500 for smart wear (6,4)\nSUIT under MONKEY (slang for \"\u00a3500\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Particular spice with cooking starts to flavour Indian curry (8)","output":"### Answer: SPECIFIC \n ### Explanation: Particular spice with cooking starts to flavour Indian curry (8)\n*(spice) + \"starts to\" **F**lavour **I**ndian **C**urry"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Judge tidiness in sports ground? (8)","output":"### Answer: RECORDER \n ### Explanation: Judge tidiness in sports ground? (8)\nREC + ORDER"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stir with book on fraud in the East End (6)","output":"### Answer: BUSTLE \n ### Explanation: Stir with book on fraud in the East End (6)\nB + 'USTLE (\"fraud in the East End\" ie Hustle with the H dropped, as is the wont of those from the East End of London)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Refinement in language (6)","output":"### Answer: POLISH \n ### Explanation: Refinement in language (6)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Flaw noticed somewhat in garden feature (4)","output":"### Answer: LAWN \n ### Explanation: Flaw noticed somewhat in garden feature (4)\nHidden in \"f**LAW N**oticed\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Former wicketkeeper, we hear, in difficulty (4)","output":"### Answer: KNOT \n ### Explanation: Former wicketkeeper, we hear, in difficulty (4)\nSounds like KNOTT (as in Alan Knott), who played for England from 1967 to 1981."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Noted explorer making name once in US politics and sport (5,4)","output":"### Answer: MARCO POLO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Noted explorer\nMARCO (\"name once in US politics\") + POLO (\"sport\") \nRefers, I assume, to Marco Rubio, who lost out to Donald Trump in his attempt to secure the Republication nomination in this year's Presidential election."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: To do this, people will choose Democratic president, ultimately? (5)","output":"### Answer: ELECT \n ### Explanation: Definition: To do this, people will choose Democratic president\nMade up of last letters of \"peopl**E** wil**L** choos**E** democrati**C** presiden**T**\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Present or past president (5)","output":"### Answer: GRANT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Present \nDouble definition."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ultimate demagogue that will usher in day of reckoning (4,5)","output":"### Answer: LAST TRUMP \n ### Explanation: Definition: that will usher in day of reckoning\nLAST (\"ultimate\") + TRUMP (the ultimate \"demagogue\") \nIn the Bible in Paul's first letter to the Corinthians, *\"We shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump*.\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hit one Democrat, struck with club (7)","output":"### Answer: BATONED \n ### Explanation: Definition: struck with club\nBAT + ONE + D"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One looking good around Southern state that's not all white (7)","output":"### Answer: DARKISH \n ### Explanation: Definition: not all white\nDISH (\"one looking good\") around Ark. (Arkansas = \"Southern state\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Good article penned by Republican and Democrat for a lot of dollars (5)","output":"### Answer: GRAND \n ### Explanation: Definition: a lot of dollars\nG + AN \"penned by\" R and D"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Veteran from left in party getting backed (3)","output":"### Answer: OLD \n ### Explanation: Definition: Veteran \nL in <=DO"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Kind of animal that's associated with elephant or donkey, for example? (5)","output":"### Answer: PARTY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Kind of animal\nRefers to a \"party animal\", and the two animals associated with parties in America (the Republican elephant and the Democratic donkey)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Something blown by itself to a large extent (7)","output":"### Answer: TRUMPET \n ### Explanation: Definition: Something blown\nCryptic defintion"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Base Ted excited in arguments with opponents (7)","output":"### Answer: DEBATES \n ### Explanation: Definition: arguments with opponents\n*(base ted)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: On air, can broadcast after Democrat, showing extreme harshness (9)","output":"### Answer: DRACONIAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: extreme harshness\n*(on air can) after D"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Look into one attempt to get White House? (5)","output":"### Answer: IGLOO \n ### Explanation: Definition: White House\nLO into 1 GO"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Gangs uttered name of ex-runner (5)","output":"### Answer: CREWS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Gangs\nHomophone of (Ted) CRUZ, who lost out on the Republican party's nomination to Donald Trump."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Plan cobbled together with faith that's small beer (4,1,4)","output":"### Answer: HALF A PINT \n ### Explanation: Definition: small beer\n*(plan faith)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Excessively self-satisfied Southern simpleton (4)","output":"### Answer: SMUG \n ### Explanation: Definition: Excessively self-satisfied\nS + MUG"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ecstasy over Republican tirade going wrong (6)","output":"### Answer: ERRANT \n ### Explanation: Definition: going wrong\nE (\"ecstasy\") + R + RANT"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Weakened and confused dupes frequently taken in (8,2)","output":"### Answer: SOFTENED UP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Weakened\nOFTEN \"taken in\" by *(dupes)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Voted as directed, supporting three political leaders (6)","output":"### Answer: POLLED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Voted\nLED, supporting POL(itical)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Awfully odd spiel, far from balanced (8)","output":"### Answer: LOPSIDED \n ### Explanation: Definition: far from balanced\n*(odd spiel)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Even part of state supporting main goal of politician (4)","output":"### Answer: SEAT \n ### Explanation: Definition: goal of politician \nT (\"even part of \"sTaTe\") supporting SEA (\"main\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bizarre muddle I clear up (8)","output":"### Answer: PECULIAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Bizarre\n*(I clear up)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Placed above all the other politicians, initially (4)","output":"### Answer: ATOP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Placed above\nMade up of initial letters of **A**ll **T**he **O**ther **P**oliticians"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Run, in part, as epitome of intolerance (5)","output":"### Answer: BIGOT \n ### Explanation: Definition: epitome of intolerance\nGO in BIT"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Adherent of middle line? Yes and no (10)","output":"### Answer: REPUBLICAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Adherent of middle line\nNot sure of the parsing of this, maybe due to my ignorance of US politics."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: It's hard getting votes for 11's successor (5)","output":"### Answer: HAYES \n ### Explanation: Definition: 11's successor\nH + AYES (\"votes\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Absurdly lauded over a time, praised excessively (8)","output":"### Answer: ADULATED \n ### Explanation: Definition: praised excessively\n*(lauded) over A T"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Utter what's inaccurate, supported by conservatives (8)","output":"### Answer: OUTRIGHT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Utter\nOUT (\"inaccurate\"), \"supported by\" RIGHT"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Love going after Mitt's likely successor, animated character (6,4)","output":"### Answer: DONALD DUCK \n ### Explanation: Definition: animated character\nDUCK (\"love\") after DONALD (Trump, likely successor to Mitt Romney, the defeated Republican nominee in 2012)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Finally shout like a crazy, not silent (6)","output":"### Answer: TALKIE \n ### Explanation: Definition: not silent\n(shou)T + *(a like)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Throw out Obamacare using salami tactics, primarily (4)","output":"### Answer: OUST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Throw out\nFrom the initial letters of \"**O**bamacare **U**sing **S**alami **T**actics\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Some loathsome characters that incoming president has to take (4)","output":"### Answer: OATH \n ### Explanation: Definition: incoming president has to take\nSome characters from \"l**OATH**some\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Untrue statement about good girl's boat material? (10)","output":"### Answer: FIBREGLASS \n ### Explanation: Untrue statement about good girl's boat material? (10)\nFIB + RE + G + LASS"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tobacco for pound (4)","output":"### Answer: QUID \n ### Explanation: Tobacco for pound (4)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Right to replace daughter in representative group heading down (10)","output":"### Answer: RELEGATION \n ### Explanation: Right to replace daughter in representative group heading down (10)\nDELEGATION with R (\"right\") replacing the D \"(daughter\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One put in lucrative order (4)","output":"### Answer: FIAT \n ### Explanation: One put in lucrative order (4)\n1 in FAT"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Into cuisine that's foreign? (12)","output":"### Answer: ENTHUSIASTIC \n ### Explanation: Into cuisine that's foreign? (12)\n*(thats cuisine)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Duke, say, catches competitor after docking before time in vessel (9)","output":"### Answer: PRIVATEER \n ### Explanation: Duke, say, catches competitor after docking before time in vessel (9)\nPEER \"catches\" (RIVA(l) (\"competitor \"docked\"\") + T)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unit \u2013 expression involving heat primarily? (5)","output":"### Answer: THERM \n ### Explanation: Unit \u2013 expression involving heat primarily? (5)\nTERM \"involving\" H(eat) and &lit."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Signal for pick-me-up? (5)","output":"### Answer: THUMB \n ### Explanation: Signal for pick-me-up? (5)\nCryptic definition. \nA signal used by a hitch-hiker"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Extremely affected manner of speaking \u2013 habit hard to break? (9)","output":"### Answer: ADDICTION \n ### Explanation: Extremely affected manner of speaking \u2013 habit hard to break? (9)\nA(ffecte)D + DICTION"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Last minute volunteer, he, first to hurry off (8,4)","output":"### Answer: ELEVENTH HOUR \n ### Explanation: Last minute volunteer, he, first to hurry off (8,4)\n*(volunteer he h(urry))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mother is backing old country name (4)","output":"### Answer: SIAM \n ### Explanation: Mother is backing old country name (4)\n<=MA IS"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: With time for relaxing atmosphere books tables here? (10)","output":"### Answer: RESTAURANT \n ### Explanation: With time for relaxing atmosphere books tables here? (10)\nREST (\"Time for relaxing\") + AURA (\"atmosphere\") + N.T. (New Testament, therefore \"books\") and &lit."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Adam's son contributes to Genesis ethos (4)","output":"### Answer: SETH \n ### Explanation: Adam's son contributes to Genesis ethos (4)\nHidden in (ie \"contributing to\") \"Genesi**S ETH**os\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Inventor of phone's sent abroad (10)","output":"### Answer: STEPHENSON \n ### Explanation: Inventor of phone's sent abroad (10)\n*(phone's sent)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Charge is legitimate, it's said (4)","output":"### Answer: FARE \n ### Explanation: Charge is legitimate, it's said (4)\nHomophone of FAIR"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Like rising market? Nonsense (4)","output":"### Answer: BULL \n ### Explanation: Like rising market? Nonsense (4)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sculptures being smaller for a change (5,7)","output":"### Answer: ELGIN MARBLES \n ### Explanation: Sculptures being smaller for a change (5,7)\n*(being smaller)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: In flat, changes fastening (5)","output":"### Answer: LATCH \n ### Explanation: In flat, changes fastening (5)\nIn \"f**LAT CH**anges\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Receiving circular letter, responds freely with financial support (9)","output":"### Answer: SPONSORED \n ### Explanation: Receiving circular letter, responds freely with financial support (9)\n*(responds) \"receiving\" O (\"circular letter\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Travelling in Boeing? Not yet decided (2,2,3,3)","output":"### Answer: UP IN THE AIR \n ### Explanation: Travelling in Boeing? Not yet decided (2,2,3,3)\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unit struggled finally, sadly came tenth (10)","output":"### Answer: DETACHMENT \n ### Explanation: Unit struggled finally, sadly came tenth (10)\n(struggle)D + *(came tenth)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Finishing off, run the autocue differently \u2013 in top fashion? (5,7)","output":"### Answer: HAUTE COUTURE \n ### Explanation: Finishing off, run the autocue differently \u2013 in top fashion? (5,7)\n*(ru(n) the autocue)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Glorification of a leading upcoming fellow over old relative (10)","output":"### Answer: APOTHEOSIS \n ### Explanation: Glorification of a leading upcoming fellow over old relative (10)\nA + <=TOP \"leading\") + HE (\"fellow\") + O (\"old\") SIS (\"relative\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Officer's story on truck supported by northern worker (10)","output":"### Answer: LIEUTENANT \n ### Explanation: Officer's story on truck supported by northern worker (10)\nLIE (\"story\") + UTE (\"truck\") + N ANT (\"worker\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Legislation confused teen can't master at the beginning (9)","output":"### Answer: ENACTMENT \n ### Explanation: Legislation confused teen can't master at the beginning (9)\n*(teen cant m(aster))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Angry in court after the rioting (3,2)","output":"### Answer: HET UP \n ### Explanation: Angry in court after the rioting (3,2)\nUP (\"in court\") after *(the)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dad's second way through (4)","output":"### Answer: PASS \n ### Explanation: Dad's second way through (4)\nPA'S S"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: On the rise, make special mention of school (4)","output":"### Answer: ETON \n ### Explanation: On the rise, make special mention of school (4)\n<=NOTE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old boiler worth a penny (6)","output":"### Answer: COPPER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Old boiler\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A cheap metal in best metal (8)","output":"### Answer: PLATINUM \n ### Explanation: Definition: metal\nA TIN in PLUM"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fossil very likely to reveal pirate (6)","output":"### Answer: SILVER \n ### Explanation: Definition: pirate\nRevealed in \"fos**SIL VER**y\" \nRefers to Long John Silver, from *Treasure Island*."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Gas that's inert \u2013 no good if blended (8)","output":"### Answer: NITROGEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Gas\n*(inert no g) where g = \"good\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Reproduction of mass production after troops leave no. 21 (8)","output":"### Answer: SCANDIUM \n ### Explanation: Definition: no. 21\n*(mas ducin) (\"mass production\" minus the letters in \"troops\") \nDon't like the definition, although it is obvious from the theme of the crossword that we are to look for the element that is No 21 on the periodic table."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Elementary meal prepared to give inside information (6)","output":"### Answer: BARIUM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Elementary meal prepared to give inside information\nA barium meal is used to provide information about the alimentary canal as it is opaque to X-rays."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A good role from a double, admittedly (4)","output":"### Answer: LEAD \n ### Explanation: Definition: A good role\n\"From\" \"doub**LE AD**mittedly\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Gas \u2013 a factor in a TV programme? (7)","output":"### Answer: KRYPTON \n ### Explanation: Definition: Gas\nRefers to *The Krypton Factor*, a British game show that ran from 1977 to 1995."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Club oddly let in drunk pop legend (7)","output":"### Answer: MERCURY \n ### Explanation: Definition: pop legend\n**C**l**U**b in MERRY \nRefers of course to Freddie Mercury."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Brass component contributing to jazz in club (4)","output":"### Answer: ZINC \n ### Explanation: Definition: Brass component\n\"contributing to\" \"jaz**Z IN C**lub\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Orchestra leader co-ordinates knowledge of gas (6)","output":"### Answer: OXYGEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: gas\nO(rchestra) + XY (axes = \"co-ordinates\") + GEN (\"knowledge\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: It symbolises a metal when spinning (8)","output":"### Answer: TITANIUM \n ### Explanation: Definition: metal\n\"Spin\" \"it\" and you get TI, which is the chemical symbol for TITANIUM"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: At home in a condition that is unstable (8)","output":"### Answer: ASTATINE \n ### Explanation: Definition: that is unstable\nIN in A STATE \n~~Like 12ac, another vague definintion that the setter gets away with due to the theme.~~\n \n(Andrew has suggested it is At that is the definition, and that STATE is indicated by \"condition that is unstable\", so I may have been unfair to Gozo)\n \nAstatine is an unstable radioactive element."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: I could be one with nothing to eat (6)","output":"### Answer: IODINE \n ### Explanation: Definition: I\n1 + 0 +DINE \nI is the chemical symbol for Iodine."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cask gets rebuilt with new metal (8)","output":"### Answer: TUNGSTEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: metal\nTUN + *(gets) + N"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mark, the Spanish coin (6)","output":"### Answer: NICKEL \n ### Explanation: Definition: coin\nNICK + EL"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: No credit for this disposal of bread? (4,4)","output":"### Answer: CASH SALE \n ### Explanation: Definition: No credit\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Take the lead, yet draw on opponent's ground (4,4)","output":"### Answer: PULL AWAY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Take the lead\nPULL (\"draw\") + AWAY (\"on opponent's ground\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Reforms \u2013 some of them end satisfactorily (6)","output":"### Answer: EMENDS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Reforms\n\"some of\" \"th**EM END S**atisfactorily\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bishop leaves former PM's home (4)","output":"### Answer: LAIR \n ### Explanation: Definition: home\n(b)LAIR"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fighter's gashed? A doctor's brought round ring (8)","output":"### Answer: TOREADOR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fighter\nTORE (\"gashed\") + A DR \"brought round\" O"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Head north, going wrong (6)","output":"### Answer: NOGGIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Head\n*(N going) where N = \"north\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Notes from a small manuscript (6)","output":"### Answer: MINIMS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Notes\nMINI + MS"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Leading rules \u2013 are you told cribs are wrong? (7)","output":"### Answer: RUBRICS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Leading rules\n*(RU cribs) where RU is a homophone (indicated by \"told\") of \"are you\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Puritan oddly going to London (2-5)","output":"### Answer: UP-TRAIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: going to London\n*(puritan) \nA train going up to London is called an \"up-train\".\n \nPersonally, as a Scot, I always say I am going down to London\u2026"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Slate broken in these French instruments (8)","output":"### Answer: CELESTAS \n ### Explanation: Definition: instruments\n*(slate) in CES (\"these French\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Car with kids out of control \u2013 it holds a record (8)","output":"### Answer: MINIDISK \n ### Explanation: Definition: it holds a record\nMINI (\"car\") + *(kids)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Truck manufacturer's swindle made English lorries legendary originally (8)","output":"### Answer: SCAMMELL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Truck manufacturer\nSCAM + first letters of \"**M**ade **E**nglish **L**orries **L**egendary\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Loaf, key element (6)","output":"### Answer: COBALT \n ### Explanation: Definition: element\nCOB (\"loaf\") + Alt (a \"key\" on a computer keyboard)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Victorian author's forename on only novel about abstainer (6)","output":"### Answer: LYTTON \n ### Explanation: Definition: Victorian author's forename\n*(only) \"about\" TT (teetotal = \"abstainer\") \nRefers to Lytton Strachey, who, although born during Victoria's reign, was active after her death. However, he did write a biography of the Queen, so that makes the clue quite clever."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Knighted actor's dodgy CIA job (6)","output":"### Answer: JACOBI \n ### Explanation: Definition: Knighted actor\n*(CIA job) \nReferes to Sir Derek Jacobi"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Some concerto in progress outside of Cambridge, formerly (4)","output":"### Answer: ONCE \n ### Explanation: Definition: formerly\nHas two cryptic indicators: \n\"some\" \"c**ONCE**rto\"\n \nand\n \nON (\"in progress\") +C(ambridg)E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Season\u00a0well (6)","output":"### Answer: SPRING \n ### Explanation: Season\u00a0well (6)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wanders away from street lights (6)","output":"### Answer: STRAYS \n ### Explanation: Wanders away from street lights (6)\nSt. + RAYS"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sunny smile? (4)","output":"### Answer: BEAM \n ### Explanation: Sunny smile? (4)\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bet policies are revised, nonetheless, in referendum (10)","output":"### Answer: PLEBISCITE \n ### Explanation: Bet policies are revised, nonetheless, in referendum (10)\n*(bet plicies) (ie BET POLICIES without O(\"nonethless\" ~ with none removed))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A trust set up by the royal family (6)","output":"### Answer: STUART \n ### Explanation: A trust set up by the royal family (6)\n*(a trust)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unimportant persons found after well-planned murders? (8)","output":"### Answer: NOBODIES \n ### Explanation: Unimportant persons found after well-planned murders? (8)\nAfter a well-planned murder there would be NO BODIES"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: He doesn't have to be smart to fool the birds (9)","output":"### Answer: SCARECROW \n ### Explanation: He doesn't have to be smart to fool the birds (9)\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A love for indigo (4)","output":"### Answer: ANIL \n ### Explanation: A love for indigo (4)\nA + NIL (\"love\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Get weapon out but don't win (4)","output":"### Answer: DRAW \n ### Explanation: Get weapon out but don't win (4)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lock in the experts, they're only pretending to work (9)","output":"### Answer: ACTRESSES \n ### Explanation: Lock in the experts, they're only pretending to work (9)\nTRESS in ACES"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Principle of not striking? (8)","output":"### Answer: PACIFISM \n ### Explanation: Principle of not striking? (8)\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Capital in credit in Norfolk resort (6)","output":"### Answer: CROMER \n ### Explanation: Capital in credit in Norfolk resort (6)\nROME in Cr."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Held in check, fell behind the others (10)","output":"### Answer: RESTRAINED \n ### Explanation: Held in check, fell behind the others (10)\nRAINED (\"fell\") behind REST"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sheep's quarters (4)","output":"### Answer: EWES \n ### Explanation: Sheep's quarters (4)\nMade up of four directions or \"quarters\" \u2013 East, West, East, South"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Repeat prescription once more, not involving the doctor (6)","output":"### Answer: ENCORE \n ### Explanation: Repeat prescription once more, not involving the doctor (6)\n*(once re) (ie ONCE MORE minus MO)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The coming of the Christian faith (6)","output":"### Answer: ADVENT \n ### Explanation: The coming of the Christian faith (6)\n(Not terribly) cryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One unwilling to give credit (7)","output":"### Answer: SCEPTIC \n ### Explanation: One unwilling to give credit (7)\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: After a drink, sailor gets up for a dance (5)","output":"### Answer: RUMBA \n ### Explanation: After a drink, sailor gets up for a dance (5)\nRUM + <=AB"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Relatively favourable (7)","output":"### Answer: NEPOTIC \n ### Explanation: Relatively favourable (7)\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Novel\u00a0hat for a Parisian model (6)","output":"### Answer: TRILBY \n ### Explanation: Novel\u00a0hat for a Parisian model (6)\nTriple definition. \nA trilby is a hat, which was worn in the stage adaptation of *Trilby*, a George du Maurier novel about an eponymous Parisian model."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bill joins detectives sent out after crashes? (9)","output":"### Answer: ACCIDENTS \n ### Explanation: Bill joins detectives sent out after crashes? (9)\nAC + C.I.D. + *(sent)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Take exam on flourishing poet (7)","output":"### Answer: SITWELL \n ### Explanation: Take exam on flourishing poet (7)\nSIT + WELL \nRefers to Edith Sitwell, or (less likely) her brother Osbert."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Additional strength check for mortar (13)","output":"### Answer: REINFORCEMENT \n ### Explanation: Additional strength check for mortar (13)\nREIN FOR CEMENT"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Is recital composition unsentimental? (9)","output":"### Answer: REALISTIC \n ### Explanation: Is recital composition unsentimental? (9)\n*(is recital)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sharpshooter's employed in the rigging (7)","output":"### Answer: DEADEYE \n ### Explanation: Sharpshooter's employed in the rigging (7)\nDouble definition. \nAs well as being a sharpshooter, a deadeye is an item used in the rigging of sailing ships. It's a round wooden disc with holes through it, perpendicular to the plane of the disc."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Troops gave up and retreated (7)","output":"### Answer: RECEDED \n ### Explanation: Troops gave up and retreated (7)\nR.E. (\"troops\") + CEDED \nNot keen on this one, as the solution and \"gave up\" come from the same root."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: He is a colourless one (7)","output":"### Answer: ELEMENT \n ### Explanation: He is a colourless one (7)\nCryptic definition, as Helium (He) is a colourless element."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: I join Bond's boss arranging raid above ground level (3-3)","output":"### Answer: MID-AIR \n ### Explanation: I join Bond's boss arranging raid above ground level (3-3)\nM (\"Bond's boss) + I + *(raid)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Daisy is a neat looker! (2-3)","output":"### Answer: OX-EYE \n ### Explanation: Daisy is a neat looker! (2-3)\nOX (\"neat\") + EYE (\"looker\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Postpones advertisement about sending back unopened mail (4,3)","output":"### Answer: PUTS OFF \n ### Explanation: Definition: Postpones\nPUFF (\"advertisement\") about <=(p)OST"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pundit's article erased from history during row (7)","output":"### Answer: TIPSTER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Pundit\nP(a)ST in TIER"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Extra-large mushroom (5)","output":"### Answer: MOREL \n ### Explanation: Definition: mushroom\nMORE (\"extra\") + L"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Keeping his head, top-class corporal maybe competes for fish (9)","output":"### Answer: ANCHOVIES \n ### Explanation: Definition: fish\nA N.C.O. keeping H(ead) + VIES"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Finished with attempts to film passes (9)","output":"### Answer: OVERTAKES \n ### Explanation: Definition: passes\nOVER (\"finished\") + TAKES (\"attempts to film\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Small piece of land reverses direction to become small piece of water (5)","output":"### Answer: INLET \n ### Explanation: Definition: small piece of water \nTake ISLET (\"small piece of land\") and change the S to N (\"reverse direction\") \u2013 Thanks, Andrew for pointing out my mistake!"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: To give up somehow aroused me too (3,4,7)","output":"### Answer: FOR GOOD MEASURE \n ### Explanation: Definition: too\nFORGO + *(aroused me)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Prince Charles frantically rifles toolshed (4,2,3,5)","output":"### Answer: LORD OF THE ISLES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Prince Charles\n*(rifles toolshed) \nAn ancient title, one of many held by the current Prince of Wales."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Singular man's offspring (5)","output":"### Answer: SPAWN \n ### Explanation: Definition: offspring\nS + PAWN"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Arrogant graduates crying when one goes missing (9)","output":"### Answer: MASTERFUL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Arrogant\nMAs + TE(a)RFUL"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Extraordinary Irish piece returned by retired artist (9)","output":"### Answer: IRREGULAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Extraordinary\nIr. + <+LUGER (\"piece\") + <=R.A."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Little bit of string wound around prickly plant (5)","output":"### Answer: GORSE \n ### Explanation: Definition: prickly plant\nGORE (\"wound\") around S(tring)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Playing back stringed instruments shows respect for rank (7)","output":"### Answer: SALUTES \n ### Explanation: Definition: shows respect for rank\n<+AS (\"playing\") + LUTES"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Parents mark the rest (7)","output":"### Answer: MOTHERS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Parents\nM + OTHERS"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: With grand ceremony, order anti- aircraft gun (3-3)","output":"### Answer: POM-POM \n ### Explanation: Definition: anti- aircraft gun\nPOMP + O.M. (Order of Merit)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Round featuring hard key and time signature (5-4)","output":"### Answer: THREE-FOUR \n ### Explanation: Definition: time signature\nTOUR (\"round\") featuring H + REEF (\"key\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Don't start being mean and allow nestling (5)","output":"### Answer: OWLET \n ### Explanation: Definition: nestling\n(l)OW + LET"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Town open instead of shut, in the end (9)","output":"### Answer: FRANKFORT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Town\nFRANK (\"open\") FOR (\"instead of\") (shu)T \nThe only two Frankforts that I'm aware of are hardly towns \u2013 one is a major city in Germany and the other is the capital of Kentucky."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Put pressure on, say, for changes of direction (5)","output":"### Answer: TACKS \n ### Explanation: Definition: changes of direction\nHomophone of TAX (\"put pressure on\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: In favour of controls over German spendthrifts (9)","output":"### Answer: PRODIGALS \n ### Explanation: Definition: spendthrifts \nPRO + DI(G)ALS"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Musical figure not going through insignificant line (5)","output":"### Answer: TRILL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Musical figure\nTRI(via)L + L"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Decorations essentially from opposing groups (8)","output":"### Answer: ROSETTES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Decorations\nf(RO)m + (SET + <=SET) (\"opposing groups\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Try doing the exercise when lacking energy \u2013 I'm off! (9)","output":"### Answer: GOODNIGHT \n ### Explanation: Definition: I'm off\nGO + *(doing th)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Spread more salt at beginning of major turbulence (9)","output":"### Answer: MAELSTROM \n ### Explanation: Definition: turbulence\n*(more salt) + M(ajor)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Physically assaulted old policemen (4,5)","output":"### Answer: USED FORCE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Physically assaulted\nUSED (\"old\") + FORCE (\"policemen\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Materials keep on going into films (8)","output":"### Answer: PLASTICS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Materials\nLAST in PICS"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lose clothes in county drains (6)","output":"### Answer: BLEEDS \n ### Explanation: Definition: drains\nL(os)E in Beds. (Bedfordshire)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Be sick about voting system which takes 30 days (5)","output":"### Answer: APRIL \n ### Explanation: Definition: which takes 30 days\nAIL about P.R. (Proportional Representation, a voting system)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Spots\u00a0infiltrators (5)","output":"### Answer: MOLES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Spots\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cargo abandoned by French crew (5)","output":"### Answer: EIGHT \n ### Explanation: Definition: crew\n(Fr.)EIGHT"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Back in school cafe finally, really fancied horse meat (9)","output":"### Answer: ENTRECOTE \n ### Explanation: Back in school cafe finally, really fancied horse meat (9)\nDef: meat \n<=CERT in ETON (caf)E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One African country or another loses excellent backing (5)","output":"### Answer: NIGER \n ### Explanation: One African country or another loses excellent backing (5)\nDef: one African country \nNIGERIA without <=A1"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Slattern moves head along desk (4-3)","output":"### Answer: ROLL-TOP \n ### Explanation: Slattern moves head along desk (4-3)\nDef: desk \nTROLLOP with T (\"head\" ie first letter) \"moved along\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Chuckle from man in shirt (2-3)","output":"### Answer: TE-HEE \n ### Explanation: Chuckle from man in shirt (2-3)\nDef: chuckle \nHE in TEE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Yob, for one, supports Fritz (4,5)","output":"### Answer: BACK SLANG \n ### Explanation: Yob, for one, supports Fritz (4,5)\nDef: yob, for one \nBACKS (Fritz) LANG\n \nFritz Lang was a German film director who moved to Hollywood and also made it big there."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bars not essential in the theatre? (10,5)","output":"### Answer: INCIDENTAL MUSIC \n ### Explanation: Bars not essential in the theatre? (10,5)\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Originally meant to hang, free old highwayman (9,2,3,4)","output":"### Answer: GENTLEMAN OF THE ROAD \n ### Explanation: Originally meant to hang, free old highwayman (9,2,3,4)\nDef: highwayman \n*(meant to hang free old)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Endless delight, alcohol in a big bowl (5)","output":"### Answer: JORUM \n ### Explanation: Endless delight, alcohol in a big bowl (5)\nDef: big bowl \nJO(y) + RUM"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fine given by Recorder, who would prefer harsher punishment? (7)","output":"### Answer: FLOGGER \n ### Explanation: Fine given by Recorder, who would prefer harsher punishment? (7)\nDef: who would prefer harsher punishment \nF + LOGGER"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: From a kingdom of Anglo-Saxons, I moved to 6's land (7)","output":"### Answer: AMERICA \n ### Explanation: From a kingdom of Anglo-Saxons, I moved to 6's land (7)\nDef: 6's land \nA MERCIA with \"I moved\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fibre is new, only just spun (5)","output":"### Answer: NYLON \n ### Explanation: Fibre is new, only just spun (5)\nDef: fibre \nN + *(only)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Going asleep (3-7)","output":"### Answer: BED-WETTING \n ### Explanation: Going asleep (3-7)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: \"Killing cat\", a disastrous sort of ode (8)","output":"### Answer: STROPHIC \n ### Explanation: \"Killing cat\", a disastrous sort of ode (8)\nDef: sort of ode \n(cat a)STROPHIC"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Drone, as it were, released inside stage of rocket (6,7)","output":"### Answer: BERTIE WOOSTER \n ### Explanation: Drone, as it were, released inside stage of rocket (6,7)\nDef: drone? \n*(it were) inside BOOSTER\n \nI've never read a Jeeves and Wooster book, so don't know if Wooster was a drone? (See explanation in comments)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fairy liquid: pure, clean, capital for hands (10)","output":"### Answer: LEPRECHAUN \n ### Explanation: Fairy liquid: pure, clean, capital for hands (10)\nDef: fairy \n*(pure clean h)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Typical statesman, one making advances to Cameron (5,3)","output":"### Answer: UNCLE SAM \n ### Explanation: Typical statesman, one making advances to Cameron (5,3)\nDef: typical statesman \nUNCLE (pawnbroker = \"one making advances\") + SAM (Cameron, David's wife)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sort of saga which almost was related to 3 11 (6)","output":"### Answer: AGATHA \n ### Explanation: Sort of saga which almost was related to 3 11 (6)\nDef: was related to 3 \nAGA THA(t)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Crosspiece put over hole in floor (8)","output":"### Answer: TRAP DOOR \n ### Explanation: Crosspiece put over hole in floor (8)\nDef: hole in floor \n<= ROOD (\"cross\") + PART (\"piece\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One in a billion, vegetable that produces blood cells (4,6)","output":"### Answer: BONE MARROW \n ### Explanation: One in a billion, vegetable that produces blood cells (4,6)\nDef: that produces bone cells \nONE in B + MARROW"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Order soldier to move unbriefed? (2,8)","output":"### Answer: GO COMMANDO \n ### Explanation: Order soldier to move unbriefed? (2,8)\nCryptic\/double definition: \"to move unbriefed\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Painstaking cover-up \u2014 it protects dope (8)","output":"### Answer: DILIGENT \n ### Explanation: Painstaking cover-up \u2014 it protects dope (8)\nDef: painstaking \n<=LID + IT \"protects\" GEN"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Oral exam headed by teacher one gets through (8)","output":"### Answer: SURVIVOR \n ### Explanation: Oral exam headed by teacher one gets through (8)\nDef: \"one gets through\" \nHomophone of SIR VIVA, although not to me (I'm a Scot)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One old tatty ribbon (6)","output":"### Answer: NOODLE \n ### Explanation: One old tatty ribbon (6)\nDef: ribbon \n*(one old)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: 3 11's 19's 19 (6)","output":"### Answer: JEEVES \n ### Explanation: 3 11's 19's 19 (6)\nBertie Wooster's gentleman's gentleman"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: In Jane's good books, offering sweets (8)","output":"### Answer: FONDANTS \n ### Explanation: In Jane's good books, offering sweets (8)\nDef: sweets \n(Jane) FONDA + NTs (\"good books\")\n \nNT is already \"books\" rather than a book, so would have liked to see the S indicated somehow.\n \nSee alternative parsing in the comments, which makes more sense!"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unhappily citified beast forgetting It's De-Lovely (8)","output":"### Answer: BEATIFIC \n ### Explanation: Unhappily citified beast forgetting It's De-Lovely (8)\n*(citif bea) (\"citified beast\" less \"it's de\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old money of West Africa (6)","output":"### Answer: GUINEA \n ### Explanation: Old money of West Africa (6)\n21 shilliigs in old money and a country in Africa"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pilots broadcast succeeded in fencing me in (8)","output":"### Answer: AIRWOMEN \n ### Explanation: Pilots broadcast succeeded in fencing me in (8)\nAIR + WON \"fencing in\" ME"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sharp manoeuvres avoiding buying Anything Goes (5,5)","output":"### Answer: TIGHT TURNS \n ### Explanation: Sharp manoeuvres avoiding buying Anything Goes (5,5)\nTIGHT (mean = \"avoiding buying anything\") + TURNS (\"goes\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Delay\u00a0support (4)","output":"### Answer: STAY \n ### Explanation: Delay\u00a0support (4)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Understood True Love (6)","output":"### Answer: RIGHTO \n ### Explanation: Understood True Love (6)\nRIGHT + 0"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dig up Richard I's interminable letters (8)","output":"### Answer: DISINTER \n ### Explanation: Dig up Richard I's interminable letters (8)\nLetters from \"richarD I'S INTERminable\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Charges department with decay and loses heart (8)","output":"### Answer: ENTRUSTS \n ### Explanation: Charges department with decay and loses heart (8)\nENT (\"Ear Nose and Throat \u2013 a hospital \"department\") + RUST + (lo)S(es)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Connect Stalin with two disturbed characters (6)","output":"### Answer: INSTAL \n ### Explanation: Connect Stalin with two disturbed characters (6)\nSTALIN with two of its characters \"disturbed\" (ie moved)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Incline to turn attention to following Begin The Beguine (4)","output":"### Answer: BRAE \n ### Explanation: Incline to turn attention to following Begin The Beguine (4)\n<=EAR + B(eguine)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hothead Cher often arranged From This Moment On (10)","output":"### Answer: HENCEFORTH \n ### Explanation: Hothead Cher often arranged From This Moment On (10)\nH(ot) + *(cher often)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stars of Can-Can never left (8)","output":"### Answer: NOTABLES \n ### Explanation: Stars of Can-Can never left (8)\nThe parsing of this has me stumped! \nABLE ~ \"can\" but beoyind that\u2026?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bar that attracts certain elements (6)","output":"### Answer: MAGNET \n ### Explanation: Bar that attracts certain elements (6)\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: King's robe on askew (6)","output":"### Answer: OBERON \n ### Explanation: King's robe on askew (6)\n*(robe on) \nOBERON was King of the Fairies in *A Midsummer Night's Dream"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Relatively new title for groom (3-2-3)","output":"### Answer: SON-IN-LAW \n ### Explanation: Relatively new title for groom (3-2-3)\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Learning code in volume (9)","output":"### Answer: ERUDITION \n ### Explanation: Learning code in volume (9)\nR.U. (A \"code\" of rugby) in EDITION"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Shelter on hill top tomorrow (5)","output":"### Answer: TENTH \n ### Explanation: Shelter on hill top tomorrow (5)\nTENTH + H(ill) \nAssuming you'res olving this on the day of publication, the 9th, then tomorrow is indeed the 10th."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: In France, Do I Love You's ill- tempered (9)","output":"### Answer: FRACTIOUS \n ### Explanation: In France, Do I Love You's ill- tempered (9)\nFr. + ACT + I + 0 + Us"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cleaner Ruby Black (7)","output":"### Answer: CHARRED \n ### Explanation: Cleaner Ruby Black (7)\nCHAR (\"cleaner\") + RED"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Some progress for monsters (5)","output":"### Answer: OGRES \n ### Explanation: Some progress for monsters (5)\nHidden in \"prOGRESs\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: So In Love? On the contrary with spiritual leader of many (9)","output":"### Answer: THOUSANDS \n ### Explanation: So In Love? On the contrary with spiritual leader of many (9)\nO in THUS (\"so in love, on the contrary\") + AND + S(piritual)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Overweight person expands ribcage and starts performance (5)","output":"### Answer: OPERA \n ### Explanation: Overweight person expands ribcage and starts performance (5)\n\"starts\" of \"**O**verweight **P**erson **E**xpands **R**ibcage **A**nds\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stuffing ground rose into hyacinth borders on affectation (9)","output":"### Answer: HORSEHAIR \n ### Explanation: Stuffing ground rose into hyacinth borders on affectation (9)\n*(rose) in H(yacint)H + AIR\u00a0(\"affectation\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Superhero at odds with I've Got [name] Under My Skin (9)","output":"### Answer: SPIDERMAN \n ### Explanation: Superhero at odds with I've Got [name] Under My Skin (9)\nS.P. (starting price = \"odds\") + I + N under DERMA"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Not including Just One Of Those Things? Answer: rash! (9)","output":"### Answer: EXANTHEMA \n ### Explanation: Not including Just One Of Those Things? Answer: rash! (9)\nEX (\"not including) + AN (\"one\") + THEM (\"those things\") + A(nswer) \nAn exanthema is a skin rash caused by an infection."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Maybe gluttony treats cavities (7)","output":"### Answer: SINUSES \n ### Explanation: Maybe gluttony treats cavities (7)\nSIN (\"maybe gluttony\", one of the Seven Deadly Sins) + USES (\"treats\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Form of mantra sung in Red, Hot and Blue (5)","output":"### Answer: RHOMB \n ### Explanation: Form of mantra sung in Red, Hot and Blue (5)\nOM (\"mantra sung\") in R, H and B"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Singer of I Love Paris maybe performed only for thee (5,2,4)","output":"### Answer: HELEN OF TROY \n ### Explanation: Singer of I Love Paris maybe performed only for thee (5,2,4)\n*(only for thee) \nIt's not clear whether Helen loved Paris, according to my limited research, but she needed to for the clue to work, so we'll say she did."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lungs could be\u00a0source of piped music (5)","output":"### Answer: ORGAN \n ### Explanation: Lungs could be\u00a0source of piped music (5)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A political movement up till now backing nurses separately (3,5)","output":"### Answer: TEA PARTY \n ### Explanation: A political movement up till now backing nurses separately (3,5)\n<=YET (\"up to now, backing\") \"nurses\" APART (\"separately\") \n*The Tea Party is a political movement in America that opposes taxes and government spending, named after the Boston Tea Party of 1773."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Excellent form of transportation brought back across most of the country (6)","output":"### Answer: SUPERB \n ### Explanation: Excellent form of transportation brought back across most of the country (6)\n<=BUS (\"form of transportation\", brought back) \"across\" PER(u)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Entice Rex around back of coconut shy (8)","output":"### Answer: RETICENT \n ### Explanation: Entice Rex around back of coconut shy (8)\n*(entice R) \"around\" (coconu)T"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: John's about to tour Switzerland in train (6)","output":"### Answer: SCHOOL \n ### Explanation: John's about to tour Switzerland in train (6)\n<=LOOS (\"john's\", about) \"touring\" CH (\"Switzerland\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Vague for the most part over son getting married in America (5,3)","output":"### Answer: UNCLE SAM \n ### Explanation: Vague for the most part over son getting married in America (5,3)\n(UNCLEA (r) (\"vague, for the most part\") \"over\" S(on)) + M(arried) \n*Uncle Sam is a personification of America."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fancy ignoring popular Socialist leader's ideas (6)","output":"### Answer: IMAGES \n ### Explanation: Fancy ignoring popular Socialist leader's ideas (6)\nIMAG(in)E (\"fancy\" without \"popular\") + S(ocialist)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Interesting to reflect on failure of Tory wet to keep close to Heath (10)","output":"### Answer: NOTEWORTHY \n ### Explanation: Interesting to reflect on failure of Tory wet to keep close to Heath (10)\n<=ON (\"to reflect on\")+ *(tory wet) \"keeping\" (heat)H"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Enlighten incompetent university pal about batting (10)","output":"### Answer: ILLUMINATE \n ### Explanation: Enlighten incompetent university pal about batting (10)\nILL (\"incompetent\") + U(niversity) MATE (\"pal\") \"about\" IN (\"batting\") \n*Initially, I wasn't sure about \"incompetent\" for ILL, as it's a bit old-fashioned in that sense, but I've convinced myself it's OK."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Show up with former model (6)","output":"### Answer: EXPOSE \n ### Explanation: Show up with former model (6)\nEX (\"former\") + POSE(\"model\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Appoint to church beyond Pie corner for instance (3,5)","output":"### Answer: SET PIECE \n ### Explanation: Appoint to church beyond Pie corner for instance (3,5)\nSET (\"appoint\") + PIE + C.E. (\"church\") \n*In football, a \"set piece\" is another name for a dead-ball situation, such as a free kick or a corner."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Slowly stir to obtain a strong daiquiri ultimately (6)","output":"### Answer: ADAGIO \n ### Explanation: Slowly stir to obtain a strong daiquiri ultimately (6)\nADO (\"stir\") \"obtaining\" A (stron)G (daiquir)I , indicated in the clue by \"ultimately\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Turn away as foreign girl's beheaded (8)","output":"### Answer: ALIENATE \n ### Explanation: Turn away as foreign girl's beheaded (8)\nALIEN (\"foreign\") + (k)ATE (\"girl's beheaded\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Begin an action against well- organised gang involved in drugs (6)","output":"### Answer: ENGAGE \n ### Explanation: Begin an action against well- organised gang involved in drugs (6)\n*(gang) involved in E E (ecstasy, twice, therefore \"drugs\") \n*Not sure what the \"well-\" adds to the clue. \"Organised\" would have sufficed."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Expectation of pressure to stop tedious discourse at court (8)","output":"### Answer: PROSPECT \n ### Explanation: Expectation of pressure to stop tedious discourse at court (8)\nP(ressure) in PROSE (\"tedious discourse\") +Ct. (\"court\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Arrive in court after a short walk (4,2)","output":"### Answer: TURN UP \n ### Explanation: Arrive in court after a short walk (4,2)\nTURN (\"a short walk\") + UP (\"in court\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Guard ignoring Welsh volunteers going in to join (6)","output":"### Answer: ATTACH \n ### Explanation: Guard ignoring Welsh volunteers going in to join (6)\n(w)ATCH (\"guard\" ignoring W) with T.A. (Territorial Army = \"volunteers\") \"going in\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Writer becoming expert on soldiers in retreat (6)","output":"### Answer: ARCHER \n ### Explanation: Writer becoming expert on soldiers in retreat (6)\nARCH (\"expert\") on <=R.E. (Royal Engineers, so \"soldiers\", in retreat) \nProbably refers to Jeffrey Archer *aka* Baron Archer of Weston-Super-Mare, but could also be Geoffrey Archer, who writes spy and adventure stories."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The same as blood group found in mutant ant? Not exactly (10)","output":"### Answer: TANTAMOUNT \n ### Explanation: The same as blood group found in mutant ant? Not exactly (10)\nO (\"blood group\") \"found in *(mutant ant)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rare to find a French article on the lower classes? Not entirely (8)","output":"### Answer: UNCOMMON \n ### Explanation: Rare to find a French article on the lower classes? Not entirely (8)\nUN (\"a French article\") + COMMON(s) \"(the lower classes\", not entirely)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Extend loan and get sorted out by the end of June (8)","output":"### Answer: ELONGATE \n ### Explanation: Extend loan and get sorted out by the end of June (8)\n*(loan get) + (jun)E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bull's EyeThis comic book character's sweet (5,3)","output":"### Answer: BULL\u2019S EYE \n ### Explanation: Bull's EyeThis comic book character's sweet (5,3)\nDouble definition. \n*I don't know how this clue appeared in the print edition, but online, the answer seems to have infliltrated the clue!*\n \n*I have a vague memory of Bull's Eye as a comic character from my youth, but that's a while ago now, so I may be mistaken. There is a Marvel Comics character called Bullseye, who may be the character implied by the clue."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Most excellent prophet embodying lines from the Bible perhaps (4,6)","output":"### Answer: BEST SELLER \n ### Explanation: Most excellent prophet embodying lines from the Bible perhaps (4,6)\nBEST (\"most excellent\") + SEER (\"prophet\") \"embodying\" LL (\"lines\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Release a false statement implicating Repton's head in strike (8)","output":"### Answer: LIBERATE \n ### Explanation: Release a false statement implicating Repton's head in strike (8)\nLIE (\"a false statement\") \"implicating\" R(epton) in BEAT (\"strike\") \n*A pedant may say the \"a\" before \"false statement\" is unnecessary\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Right kind of vocabulary to describe Penny taken in by sailor (4-4)","output":"### Answer: SLAP-BANG \n ### Explanation: Right kind of vocabulary to describe Penny taken in by sailor (4-4)\nSLANG (\"kind of vocabulary\") containing (indicated by \"to describe\") P(enny) \"taken in by\" A.B. (\"sailor\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wonderful food in prison? Not half (8)","output":"### Answer: SMASHING \n ### Explanation: Wonderful food in prison? Not half (8)\nMASH (\"food\") in SING (half of Sing Sing, an infamous New York \"prison\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Moves quickly when first of potatoes is eaten by sows (6)","output":"### Answer: SPEEDS \n ### Explanation: Moves quickly when first of potatoes is eaten by sows (6)\nP(otatoes) \"eaten by\" SEEDS (\"sows\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Entertain with talk about Capone being seen in Georgia (6)","output":"### Answer: REGALE \n ### Explanation: Entertain with talk about Capone being seen in Georgia (6)\nRE (\"about\") + AL (\"Capone\") \"seen in\" GE (IVR for \"Georgia\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: At all times protected by right to go back (6)","output":"### Answer: REVERT \n ### Explanation: At all times protected by right to go back (6)\nEVER (\"at all times\") \"protected by\" Rt. (\"right\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Take on\u00a0equipment (6)","output":"### Answer: TACKLE \n ### Explanation: Take on\u00a0equipment (6)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: I'd piece prepared about mass outbreak (8)","output":"### Answer: EPIDEMIC \n ### Explanation: I'd piece prepared about mass outbreak (8)\n*(id piece) \"about\" M"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Thing old bishop put down before sitting (9)","output":"### Answer: OBSESSION \n ### Explanation: Thing old bishop put down before sitting (9)\nO(ld) B(ishop) + SESSION"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Superior meal, seconds not required (5)","output":"### Answer: UPPER \n ### Explanation: Superior meal, seconds not required (5)\n(s)UPPER"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ring writer ready to entertain new ideas (4)","output":"### Answer: OPEN \n ### Explanation: Ring writer ready to entertain new ideas (4)\nO + PEN"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Copy includes song back to front \u2013 a major disaster (10)","output":"### Answer: APOCALYPSE \n ### Explanation: Copy includes song back to front \u2013 a major disaster (10)\nAPE \"includes\" OCALYPS (calypso = \"song\" with its back (O) at the front)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Report weapons recently stolen (7)","output":"### Answer: GUNSHOT \n ### Explanation: Report weapons recently stolen (7)\nGUNS + HOT (\"recently stolen\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mountain in eastern part of Sahara desert (6)","output":"### Answer: ARARAT \n ### Explanation: Mountain in eastern part of Sahara desert (6)\n(sah)ARA + RAT (to \"desert\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: End of play\u00a0is completely perplexing (6)","output":"### Answer: STUMPS \n ### Explanation: End of play\u00a0is completely perplexing (6)\nDouble definition. \n*In cricket, \"stumps\" is the end of a day's play, when the stumps are removed from the pitch."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dead skin around base of nail attractive girl describes (7)","output":"### Answer: CUTICLE \n ### Explanation: Dead skin around base of nail attractive girl describes (7)\nC (\"around\") + NAI(l) \"decribed by\" CUTIE \n*To me, this clue would work better as a down clue, as base indicates \"bottom\" rather than \"end\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: It can still be served on a round plate! (6,4)","output":"### Answer: SQUARE MEAL \n ### Explanation: It can still be served on a round plate! (6,4)\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Annoying child runs into club (4)","output":"### Answer: BRAT \n ### Explanation: Annoying child runs into club (4)\nR(uns) \"into\" BAT"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lake in steep valley, not cold (5)","output":"### Answer: LOUGH \n ### Explanation: Lake in steep valley, not cold (5)\n(c)LOUGH"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Small number embarrassed entering flat in building in Paris (5,4)","output":"### Answer: NOTRE DAME \n ### Explanation: Small number embarrassed entering flat in building in Paris (5,4)\nNo. + (RED \"entering\" TAME)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Office cars to tax (8)","output":"### Answer: MINISTRY \n ### Explanation: Office cars to tax (8)\nMINIS (\"car\") + TRY (\"tax\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Commercial being televised is for the handsome young man (6)","output":"### Answer: ADONIS \n ### Explanation: Commercial being televised is for the handsome young man (6)\nAD + ON (\"being televised\") + IS"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Complete, from beginning to end, nothing concealed (8)","output":"### Answer: THOROUGH \n ### Explanation: Complete, from beginning to end, nothing concealed (8)\nO \"concealed\" in THROUGH (\"from beginning to end\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Roasted food item \u2013 when ready, we served up on crackers, mostly (6,3)","output":"### Answer: CASHEW NUT \n ### Explanation: Roasted food item \u2013 when ready, we served up on crackers, mostly (6,3)\nCASH (\"ready) + <=WE + NUT(s)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: In hotel I study register (4)","output":"### Answer: LIST \n ### Explanation: In hotel I study register (4)\nHidden in \"hote**L I ST**udy\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Criticise expert sitting on a universal remedy (7)","output":"### Answer: PANACEA \n ### Explanation: Criticise expert sitting on a universal remedy (7)\nPAN + ACE + A"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Couples who may make one laugh in adult clubs, wearing old padded jackets (6,4)","output":"### Answer: DOUBLE ACTS \n ### Explanation: Couples who may make one laugh in adult clubs, wearing old padded jackets (6,4)\nA(dult) C(lubs) \"wearing\" DOUBLETS (\"old padded jackets\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Clean head of hair on top (3,2)","output":"### Answer: MOP UP \n ### Explanation: Clean head of hair on top (3,2)\nMOP (\"head of hair\") + UP (\"on top\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Calling baby-sitter around eight, initially (6)","output":"### Answer: CAREER \n ### Explanation: Calling baby-sitter around eight, initially (6)\nCARER \"around\" E(ight)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Consent to entertaining mischievous child, one not easily got rid of (6)","output":"### Answer: LIMPET \n ### Explanation: Consent to entertaining mischievous child, one not easily got rid of (6)\nLET (\"consent to\") \"entertaining\" IMP"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Article on demonstrations in border area (3,7)","output":"### Answer: THE MARCHES \n ### Explanation: Article on demonstrations in border area (3,7)\nTHE (\"article) \"on\" MARCHES (\"demonstrations\") \n*The Marches is a kind of generic term for the borders between England and Scotland, and those between England and Wales."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A head of state bound to find out (9)","output":"### Answer: ASCERTAIN \n ### Explanation: A head of state bound to find out (9)\nA S(tate) + CERTAIN"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fidgety? Be more active! (8)","output":"### Answer: RESTLESS \n ### Explanation: Fidgety? Be more active! (8)\nREST LESS"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Group studying ruined remains (7)","output":"### Answer: SEMINAR \n ### Explanation: Group studying ruined remains (7)\n*(remains)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Modest order husband put in (6)","output":"### Answer: CHASTE \n ### Explanation: Modest order husband put in (6)\nCASTE (\"order\") with H(usband) \"put in\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A year in rathole provides refuge (6)","output":"### Answer: ASYLUM \n ### Explanation: A year in rathole provides refuge (6)\nA + (Y \"in\" SLUM)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Complete change in direction brought about by socially acceptable act (1-4)","output":"### Answer: U-TURN \n ### Explanation: Complete change in direction brought about by socially acceptable act (1-4)\nU (\"socially acceptable\") + TURN (\"acceptable act\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stooge satisfied about routine, at last (4)","output":"### Answer: FEED \n ### Explanation: Stooge satisfied about routine, at last (4)\nFED \"about\" (routin)E \n*I hadn't come across a stooge as someone who feeds lines to forgetful actors before.*\n \nI'm not sure about this one, because to me FED and FEED are form the same root."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cloth put round oily cheese (7)","output":"### Answer: TAFFETA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Cloth\n<=FAT + FETA"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Small opera company wants an American composer (7)","output":"### Answer: SMETANA \n ### Explanation: Definition: composer\nS + MET (\"opera company\") + AN A(merican)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Penal colony's uniform worn by government prisoner (5)","output":"### Answer: GULAG \n ### Explanation: Definition: Penal colony\nU(niform) \"worn by G(overnment) + LAG"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Extremely scruffy taxi drivers start off by hotel in street (9)","output":"### Answer: SHABBIEST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Extremely scruffy\nH (\"hotel) + (c)ABBIES (\"taxi drivers\" with their \"start off\") in ST"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Don Juan, for one, is fellow in cracking romance (9)","output":"### Answer: LIBERTINE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Don Juan, for one\nBERT (\"fellow\") + IN \"cracking\" LIE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fiat's yellow colour repelled (5)","output":"### Answer: ORDER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fiat\nOR (\"yellow\") + <=RED \n*OR is more commonly indicated by GOLD, but according to Chambers, it can also be YELLOW."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Constant inept cooking is masked by a promising dessert (7,7)","output":"### Answer: CABINET PUDDING \n ### Explanation: Definition: dessert\nC(onstant) + (*inept) in A BUDDING (\"promising\") \n*Cabinet pudding is a traditional English pudding made from bread (or sponge) and dried fuit."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Of tabloid papers for starters, those fresh out will be this (3,3,3,5)","output":"### Answer: HOT OFF THE PRESS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Of tabloid papers for starters, those fresh out will be this\n*(of TP those fresh), where T and P are the initials (\"starters\") of \"tabloid papers\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Underground centre for storage? Some plants have one (5)","output":"### Answer: TUBER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Some plants have one\nTUBE (\"underground\") + (sto)R(age)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Placed vase in Earl's grave (9)","output":"### Answer: SATURNINE \n ### Explanation: Definition: grave\nSAT + URN + IN E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Is not impressed by society abandoning joint litigant (9)","output":"### Answer: PLAINTIFF \n ### Explanation: Definition: litigant\nAIN'T (\"isn't\") in (s)PLIFF (\"joint\" with S(ociety) abandoning it)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Daybreak for poet's said to be sorrowful (5)","output":"### Answer: MOURN \n ### Explanation: Definition: to be sorrowful\nHomophone of MORN"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Inheritance outwardly hers? Could be, having succeeded (7)","output":"### Answer: HEIRESS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Inheritance outwardly hers? Could be, having succeeded\n*(IE hers) + S(\"succeeded\"), where IE is I(nheritanc)E (\"inheritance outwardly\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: They don't like work\u00a0shoes (7)","output":"### Answer: LOAFERS \n ### Explanation: Definition: They don't like work\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Kick clothes horse, having lost fastener (6)","output":"### Answer: TOGGLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: fastener\nTOE \"clothes\" GG (\"horse\") + L(ost)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sound when screening Raging Bull left as loud as possible? (4-5)","output":"### Answer: FULL-BLAST \n ### Explanation: Definition: as loud as possible\nFAST (\"sound\") \"screening (*(bull) + L)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Enthusiastic but a bore when speaking (5)","output":"### Answer: EAGER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Enthusiastic\nHomophone of EAGRE (a tidal \"bore\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Jack's at home, getting stuck into Spanish wine? He's not this (9)","output":"### Answer: ABSTINENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: He's not this\nAB'S (\"jack\") + IN (\"at home\") \"getting stuck into\" TENT (\"Spanish wine\") \n*Tent is a Spanish wine, from Galicia or Malaga."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Deposit account held by famous driver is mounting (5)","output":"### Answer: SCALE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Deposit\n<=(A\/c in ELS) \n*Crosswordland's most famous golfer (ie one who drives) is undoubtedly Ernie ELS."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mark's brother stuffing duck? That's to provide embellishment (9)","output":"### Answer: EMBROIDER \n ### Explanation: Definition: to provide embellishment\nM + BRO in EIDER"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: I agree, daughter has to improve (5)","output":"### Answer: AMEND \n ### Explanation: Definition: to improve\nAMEN (\"I agree\") + D"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Trusted friend wants change? Say nothing! (5,3)","output":"### Answer: ALTER EGO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Trusted friend\nALTER + E.G. + 0"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Barrier Reef only half protected \u2013 going under in consequence (9)","output":"### Answer: INFERENCE \n ### Explanation: Definition: consequence \n(RE(ef) \"protected\" by FENCE (\"barrier\")) \"going under\" IN"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Abundant supply left up in London at first (9)","output":"### Answer: PLENTIFUL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Abundant \n*(left up in L) where the L is the fist letter of London"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Found popular replacement after losing editor (9)","output":"### Answer: INSTITUTE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Found\nIN (\"popular\") replacing SUB (\"editor\") in SUBSTITUTE (\"replacement\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Outside small house unknown chap breaks neck (8)","output":"### Answer: CHUTZPAH \n ### Explanation: Definition: neck\n*(chap) \"outside\" HUT + Z"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Up in second half score first, securing game (6)","output":"### Answer: TENNIS \n ### Explanation: Definition: game\n*I stuggled to parse this, but Gaufrid came to the rescue (see comment 1 below)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: I poke about, eating hot Indian food (5)","output":"### Answer: BHAJI \n ### Explanation: Definition: Indian food\n<+I JAB \"eatng\" H"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: More than one bargain turns up (5)","output":"### Answer: SNIPS \n ### Explanation: Definition: More than one bargain\n<=SPINS"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Take part in humdrum ballroom dance (5)","output":"### Answer: RUMBA \n ### Explanation: Definition: dance\nHidden in \"humd**RUM BA**llroom\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Force acquiring thousands by way of business (8)","output":"### Answer: COMMERCE \n ### Explanation: Force acquiring thousands by way of business (8)\nCOERCE \"acquiring\" MM (\"thousands\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sculpted statue \u2014 that's clever! (6)","output":"### Answer: ASTUTE \n ### Explanation: Sculpted statue \u2014 that's clever! (6)\n*(statue)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Remove it, as ordered, for extra pay (8)","output":"### Answer: OVERTIME \n ### Explanation: Remove it, as ordered, for extra pay (8)\n*(remove it)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Shaving, father receives phone call (6)","output":"### Answer: PARING \n ### Explanation: Shaving, father receives phone call (6)\nPA + RING"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The Muhammedan world is hit (5)","output":"### Answer: ISLAM \n ### Explanation: The Muhammedan world is hit (5)\nIS + LAM"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Reserved, but singularly partisan (2,3,4)","output":"### Answer: ONONESIDE \n ### Explanation: Reserved, but singularly partisan (2,3,4)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Smith's work with a principal is progressing well (7,5)","output":"### Answer: FORGING AHEAD \n ### Explanation: Smith's work with a principal is progressing well (7,5)\nFORGING + A HEAD \n*HEAD is defined as \"principal\" in* *8dn as well."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Conclude negotiations about the academic year? (5,2,5)","output":"### Answer: AGREE TO TERMS \n ### Explanation: Conclude negotiations about the academic year? (5,2,5)\nDouble definition of TERMS"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Food from the earth \u2014 \u00a3500 to an aficionado (6,3)","output":"### Answer: MONKEY NUT \n ### Explanation: Food from the earth \u2014 \u00a3500 to an aficionado (6,3)\nMONKEY (slang for \"\u00a3500\") + NUT (\"aficionado\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Impertinence\u00a0one might get from a waiter (5)","output":"### Answer: SAUCE \n ### Explanation: Impertinence\u00a0one might get from a waiter (5)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Shade that makes little difference (6)","output":"### Answer: NUANCE \n ### Explanation: Shade that makes little difference (6)\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Poison counter (8)","output":"### Answer: ANTIDOTE \n ### Explanation: Poison counter (8)\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bottom place on top of a mount (6)","output":"### Answer: SADDLE \n ### Explanation: Bottom place on top of a mount (6)\nCryptic definition \u2013 where one puts one's bottom when on a mount"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stopped and taken into custody (8)","output":"### Answer: ARRESTED \n ### Explanation: Stopped and taken into custody (8)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Inevitably, it crumbles (6)","output":"### Answer: COOKIE \n ### Explanation: Inevitably, it crumbles (6)\nCryptic definition \n*As in \"that's the way the cookie crumbles\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Food that makes us extremely slim. lithe and invigorated, for starters (6)","output":"### Answer: MUESLI \n ### Explanation: Food that makes us extremely slim. lithe and invigorated, for starters (6)\nFirst letters of **M**akes **U**s **E**xtremely **S**lim **L**ithe and **I**nvigorated \n*I don't like the \"and\" being *in there."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Off the cuff, so to speak (9)","output":"### Answer: EXTEMPORE \n ### Explanation: Off the cuff, so to speak (9)\nSlightly cryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Such land is an accepted basis of discussion (6,6)","output":"### Answer: COMMON GROUND \n ### Explanation: Such land is an accepted basis of discussion (6,6)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Plate of fish (5)","output":"### Answer: SCALE \n ### Explanation: Plate of fish (5)\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Employed the Italian in various duties (8)","output":"### Answer: UTILISED \n ### Explanation: Employed the Italian in various duties (8)\nIL in *(duties)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Urge school principals to become intellectuals (8)","output":"### Answer: EGGHEADS \n ### Explanation: Urge school principals to become intellectuals (8)\nEGG + HEADS \n*HEAD is defined by \"principal\" in 14 ac as well."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A singing bank teller? (7-5)","output":"### Answer: COUNTER-TENOR \n ### Explanation: A singing bank teller? (7-5)\nPlay on the word COUNTER"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Peace for the time being \u2014 it's a crime, if one breaks it (9)","output":"### Answer: ARMISTICE \n ### Explanation: Peace for the time being \u2014 it's a crime, if one breaks it (9)\n*(its a crime)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sort of step many debtors neglect to make (8)","output":"### Answer: PAYMENTS \n ### Explanation: Sort of step many debtors neglect to make (8)\n*(step many)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: An over-indulgent draughtsman? (8)","output":"### Answer: DRUNKARD \n ### Explanation: An over-indulgent draughtsman? (8)\nSomeone who has too many draughts"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Yet you may feel so, if taken in by somebody (3,3)","output":"### Answer: PUT OUT \n ### Explanation: Yet you may feel so, if taken in by somebody (3,3)\nPlay on words"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A story, for example, viewed in advance (6)","output":"### Answer: LEGEND \n ### Explanation: A story, for example, viewed in advance (6)\nE.G. in LEND"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: We hear forty of the Romans distinguish themselves (5)","output":"### Answer: EXCEL \n ### Explanation: We hear forty of the Romans distinguish themselves (5)\nHomophone of XL (\"forty\" in Roman numerals)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What some Christians believe in \u2013 it's taken for granted (10)","output":"### Answer: ASSUMPTION \n ### Explanation: What some Christians believe in \u2013 it's taken for granted (10)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Son, one easily fooled, complacent (4)","output":"### Answer: SMUG \n ### Explanation: Son, one easily fooled, complacent (4)\nS + MUG"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Northeastern ne'er-do-well cornering special constable \u2013 he's seen on TV (10)","output":"### Answer: NEWSCASTER \n ### Explanation: Northeastern ne'er-do-well cornering special constable \u2013 he's seen on TV (10)\nNE + WASTER \"cornering\" S.C."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Data from rainforest (4)","output":"### Answer: INFO \n ### Explanation: Data from rainforest (4)\nHidden in \"ra**INFO**rest\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Newly married, scorn one using traditional movement? (6,6)","output":"### Answer: MORRIS DANCER \n ### Explanation: Newly married, scorn one using traditional movement? (6,6)\n*(married scorn)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Referring to old Greek group of states, 151, in front of clergyman (9)","output":"### Answer: EUCLIDEAN \n ### Explanation: Referring to old Greek group of states, 151, in front of clergyman (9)\nE.U. (\"group of states\") + CLI + DEAN"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Feature of some trains really aiding passengers at front (5)","output":"### Answer: STRAP \n ### Explanation: Feature of some trains really aiding passengers at front (5)\nFirst letters of \"**S**ome **T**rains **R**eally **A**iding **P**assengers\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Something to sing after end of wonderful year in charge (5)","output":"### Answer: LYRIC \n ### Explanation: Something to sing after end of wonderful year in charge (5)\n(wonderfu)L + yr. + i.c."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Entente is renewed in French town (2-7)","output":"### Answer: ST ETIENNE \n ### Explanation: Entente is renewed in French town (2-7)\n*(entente is)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Extremely cold group here up north? (6,6)","output":"### Answer: ARCTIC CIRCLE \n ### Explanation: Extremely cold group here up north? (6,6)\nARCTIC (\"extremely cold\") + CIRCLE \n*I think \"extremely cold\" for ARCTIC is weak here."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: On return secure space (4)","output":"### Answer: ROOM \n ### Explanation: On return secure space (4)\n<=MOOR"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Leading couples in Palace cite fine, crusading, imperial area (7,3)","output":"### Answer: PACIFIC RIM \n ### Explanation: Leading couples in Palace cite fine, crusading, imperial area (7,3)\n\"leading couples of\" **PA**lace **CI**te **FI**ne **CR**usading **Im**perial\" \n*\"Area\" is a weak definition, but the wordplay makes the answer obvious."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lawyer with quiet style (4)","output":"### Answer: DASH \n ### Explanation: Lawyer with quiet style (4)\nD.A.\u00a0+ SH"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Booklet supports changes City introduced (10)","output":"### Answer: PROSPECTUS \n ### Explanation: Booklet supports changes City introduced (10)\n*(supports) with EC (\"City\") introduced"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Relation's adieu not hollow (4)","output":"### Answer: AUNT \n ### Explanation: Relation's adieu not hollow (4)\n**A**die**U N**o**T**, indicated by \"hollow\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cut woman initially detained in sanitorium briefly (4)","output":"### Answer: SAWN \n ### Explanation: Cut woman initially detained in sanitorium briefly (4)\nW in San."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Male, strange critic, curious, putting us off electical item (12)","output":"### Answer: MICROCIRCUIT \n ### Explanation: Male, strange critic, curious, putting us off electical item (12)\nM + *(critic curio)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Weapon from Sparta's era? Yes and no! (5)","output":"### Answer: TASER \n ### Explanation: Weapon from Sparta's era? Yes and no! (5)\nHidden in \"spar**TA'S ER**a\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Award is supported by African party, state's ultimate homage (9)","output":"### Answer: OBEISANCE \n ### Explanation: Award is supported by African party, state's ultimate homage (9)\nO.B.E. IS + A.N.C. + (stat)E \n*ANC stands for African National Congress, the ruling party in South Africa."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Handy work? (10)","output":"### Answer: MANICURING \n ### Explanation: Handy work? (10)\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Blame husband taken in by devious George, earth scientist (10)","output":"### Answer: GEOGRAPHER \n ### Explanation: Blame husband taken in by devious George, earth scientist (10)\nRAP H in *(George)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Horse friends brought up is featured in country air? (12)","output":"### Answer: MARSEILLAISE \n ### Explanation: Horse friends brought up is featured in country air? (12)\n<=ALLIES + IS \"featured in MARE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Genuine servant welcoming doctor's team (4,6)","output":"### Answer: REAL MADRID \n ### Explanation: Genuine servant welcoming doctor's team (4,6)\nREAL + MAID \"welcoming\" DR"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Organised soccer wars \u2013 they frighten some (10)","output":"### Answer: SCARECROWS \n ### Explanation: Organised soccer wars \u2013 they frighten some (10)\n*(soccer wars)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Professorship a piece of cake? Relax here (4,5)","output":"### Answer: EASY CHAIR \n ### Explanation: Professorship a piece of cake? Relax here (4,5)\n\"A piece of cake\" = EASY, and \"professorship\" = CHAIR"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Drops painter home at end of class (5)","output":"### Answer: RAINS \n ### Explanation: Drops painter home at end of class (5)\nR.A. (\"painter\") + IN (\"home\") + (clas)S"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One regularly aberrant? (4)","output":"### Answer: BRAT \n ### Explanation: One regularly aberrant? (4)\nRegular letters from \"a**B**e**R**r**A**n**T**\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Author wrong not to finish (4)","output":"### Answer: AMIS \n ### Explanation: Author wrong not to finish (4)\nAMIS(s) \n*Refers to Martin Amis or his father Kingsley"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Redress nature of regressive Right (4,2,3)","output":"### Answer: MAKE UP FOR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Redress\nMAKE UP (\"nature\") + <=OF + R"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Race shows guts of rider, Byelorussian (5)","output":"### Answer: DERBY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Race\nHidden in \"ri**DER BY**elorussian\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rider penalised, prepares for a fight: conduct ultimately improper, they say (9)","output":"### Answer: ARMSTRONG \n ### Explanation: Definition: Rider penalised\nARMS (\"prepares for a fight\") + (conduc)T + homophone of \"WRONG\" (\"improper, they say\") \n*Referring of course to drugs cheat Lance Armstrong"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Personal opinion expressed here on podium finish by bike (5)","output":"### Answer: MOPED \n ### Explanation: Definition: bike\nOP ED on (podiu)M"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rider, a man of iron, grabs opportunity (6)","output":"### Answer: FROOME \n ### Explanation: Definition: Rider\nFE \"grabs\" ROOM \n*Chris Froome, leading the 2016 Tour de France at the time this blog was written"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Depressingly, rider lay injured (8)","output":"### Answer: DREARILY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Depressingly\n*(rider lay)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Anticipating feverish duel, Europe embraces the crossbar! (7)","output":"### Answer: EXCLUDE \n ### Explanation: Definition: bar\nEC (\"Europe\") \"embraces\" X (\"cross\") + *(duel)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wheeler-dealers substituting one of riders after start of Tour (7)","output":"### Answer: TRADERS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Wheeler-dealers\nT(our) + RIDERS with the I substituted\u00a0by A"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Brassica, some brown cabbage and cauliflower heads and cooking oil (8)","output":"### Answer: BROCCOLI \n ### Explanation: Definition: Brassica\nBRO(wn) + C(abbage) + C(auliflower) + *(oil) \n*\"Some\" is a bit vague here, but it doesn't ruin the clue."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Reply exposing fallacy, using tenets extant ab initio (6)","output":"### Answer: REFUTE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Reply exposing fallacy, using tenets extant ab initio\nFirst letters, indicated by \"ab initio\" of **R**efute **E**xposing **F**allacy** U**sing **T**enets **E**xtant"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: An Englishman in France, perhaps unknown during record comeback (5)","output":"### Answer: EXPAT \n ### Explanation: Definition: An Englishman in France, perhaps \nX in <=TAPE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: They race across France, starving, beaten on top of the Tourmalet (3,6)","output":"### Answer: TGVTRAINS \n ### Explanation: Definition: They race across France\n*(starving) on T(ourmalet) \n*TGV stands for \"Train a Grande Vitesse\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: No! Time flies before hard grind (5)","output":"### Answer: GNASH \n ### Explanation: Definition: grind (5)\nGNA(t)S + H"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: He was close to a beast and, in a way, closer (9)","output":"### Answer: ANDROCLES \n ### Explanation: Definition: He was close to a beast\nAND + *(closer) \n*Refers to Androcles and the Lion"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: More sporting provisions in report on rider's backers (6)","output":"### Answer: FAIRER \n ### Explanation: Definition: More sporting\nHomophone of \"FARE\" (\"provisions, in report\") + (rid)ER"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: These French, on a roll, find no place to swim (8)","output":"### Answer: CESSPOOL \n ### Explanation: Definition: no place to swim \nCES (\"these\" in French) + SPOOL (\"roll\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Spaced-out Boatman lost bearings around Paris (6)","output":"### Answer: SPARSE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Spaced-out\nNot sure about this one. \nI assume it's\n \nSE (\"bearings\") around PARS (\"Paris\" with I (\"Boatman\") \"lost\")\n \nbut in my opinion, the \"Boatman lost\" bit of the clue needs to be nearer \"Paris\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Contador, top undone, working up a storm (7)","output":"### Answer: TORNADO \n ### Explanation: Definition: storm\n*(ontador) (Contador without the \"top\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Where riders in fleet race round all over the place (2,4,2,6)","output":"### Answer: LE TOUR DE FRANCE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Where riders in fleet race round all over the place\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Boatman (Boatman?!) said to be a descender? (8)","output":"### Answer: ABSEILER \n ### Explanation: Definition: a descender\nAB (sailor = \"boatman\") + homophone of SAILOR"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Go quickly on descent: evidence of regret? (8)","output":"### Answer: TEARDROP \n ### Explanation: Definition: evidence of regret\nTEAR (\"go quickly\") + DROP (\"descent\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Copying style? Ignore two times (8)","output":"### Answer: XEROXING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Copying \n*(ignore XX)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rider triumphs, taking on Italian legend with force (7)","output":"### Answer: WIGGINS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Rider \nWINS (taking on\") I(talian) (le)G + G (\"force\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Perhaps rider in lead to take on large entry (6)","output":"### Answer: CLAUSE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Perhaps rider\nCAUSE (\"lead to\") \"taking on\" L(arge)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: King of the Mountains' features: most fans need them (6)","output":"### Answer: ROTORS \n ### Explanation: Definition: most fans need them \nR (\"king\") + O'TORS (\"of the mountains' features\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Where more than one rider is seen in A & E (6)","output":"### Answer: TANDEM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Where more than one rider is seen\nNeed help with parsing this one"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stand about next to a member in staging area (4,4)","output":"### Answer: BASE CAMP \n ### Explanation: Stand about next to a member in staging area (4,4)\nBASE (\"stand\") + C (\"about\") + A M.P. (\"a member\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Complaint from a scholar crossing street close to Medinah (6)","output":"### Answer: ASTHMA \n ### Explanation: Complaint from a scholar crossing street close to Medinah (6)\nA M.A. (\"a scholar\") \"crossing\" St. + (medina)H"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Burn restricts one in lead (5)","output":"### Answer: CHAIR \n ### Explanation: Burn restricts one in lead (5)\nCHAR \"restricts\" I"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Distributed as it happens \u2013 take in action (9)","output":"### Answer: DELIVERED \n ### Explanation: Distributed as it happens \u2013 take in action (9)\n(LIVE (\"as it happens\") + R \"(take\")) in DEED (\"action\") \n\"Take\" for R, is an abbreviation of the Latin word *recipe*, meaning \"take\", and without crosswords, would probably never be known."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Former road leading to this at 2, the \"home of golf\" (3,6)","output":"### Answer: OLD COURSE \n ### Explanation: Former road leading to this at 2, the \"home of golf\" (3,6)\nOLD (\"former\") + COURSE (\"road\") \n*The Old Course at St Andrews is one of the oldest in the world, golf having been played on the links there as far backk as the early 15th century."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Charles, say \u2013 Bob's initial start in Open ends in bogey, birdie, par (5)","output":"### Answer: BOYER \n ### Explanation: Charles, say \u2013 Bob's initial start in Open ends in bogey, birdie, par (5)\nB(ob) + O(pen) + \"ends\" of \"boge**Y**, birdi**E**, pa**R**\" \n*Charles Boyer was a French actor, most famous for movies like \"Gaslight\" (1944) and \"Algiers\" (1938)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Admiral\u00a0Byron, for example (6)","output":"### Answer: NELSON \n ### Explanation: Admiral\u00a0Byron, for example (6)\nRefers to Admiral Horatio Nelson, and also to Byron Nelson, an American golfer of the 30s and 40s."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Real upset on Troon's last in very good battle (7)","output":"### Answer: SALERNO \n ### Explanation: Real upset on Troon's last in very good battle (7)\n((*real) + (troo)N) in SO (\"very good\") \n*The battle of Salerno was part of the Allied invasion of Italy in 1943."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Takes umbrage at fees across south-east (7)","output":"### Answer: RESENTS \n ### Explanation: Takes umbrage at fees across south-east (7)\nRENTS \"across\" S.E."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Louise's partner extremely tough male put out (6)","output":"### Answer: THELMA \n ### Explanation: Louise's partner extremely tough male put out (6)\n*(th male) where T and H are the \"extremes\" of TougH \n*Refers of course to the movie, Thelma and Louise, starring Geena Davis and Susan Sarandon."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Quiet, with a newspaper, in part of golf club (5)","output":"### Answer: SHAFT \n ### Explanation: Quiet, with a newspaper, in part of golf club (5)\nSH (\"quiet\") + A F.T. (\"a newspaper\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Played with others at Scottish town where 8 once won the Open (9)","output":"### Answer: PRESTWICK \n ### Explanation: Played with others at Scottish town where 8 once won the Open (9)\nP(layed) + REST (\"others\") + WICK (\"Scottish town\") \n*Jamie Anderson won the Open at Prestwick in 1878."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A German playing through gap gets an ace (4,2,3)","output":"### Answer: HOLE IN ONE \n ### Explanation: A German playing through gap gets an ace (4,2,3)\nEIN (\"a\" in German) + ON (\"playing\") in (indicated by \"through\") HOLE (\"gape\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Golf trophy donor's proviso, reportedly (5)","output":"### Answer: RYDER \n ### Explanation: Golf trophy donor's proviso, reportedly (5)\nHomophone of RIDER (\"proviso\") \n*Englishman Samuel Ryder donated the trophy known as the Ryder Cup, which is played for every two years."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pressure to speak in golf club (6)","output":"### Answer: PUTTER \n ### Explanation: Pressure to speak in golf club (6)\nP + UTTER"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Faded second of drives, next to spectator (6-2)","output":"### Answer: PASSER-BY \n ### Explanation: Faded second of drives, next to spectator (6-2)\nPASSE (\"faded\") + (d)R(ives) + BY (\"next to\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One short, beneath stream, makes gesture (6)","output":"### Answer: BECKON \n ### Explanation: One short, beneath stream, makes gesture (6)\nON(e) beneath BECK (\"stream\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Son also wearing tartan trousers in university town (2,7)","output":"### Answer: ST ANDREWS \n ### Explanation: Son also wearing tartan trousers in university town (2,7)\nS(on) + AND (\"also\") \"wearing\" TREWS (\"tartan trousers\") \n*Trews are traditional Scottish trousers, and St Andrews, as well as being the home of golf, is also home to the oldest University in Scotland and the third-oldest in the English-speaking world."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: In consideration, R&A constructed protective barrier (6,9)","output":"### Answer: CORDON SANITAIRE \n ### Explanation: In consideration, R&A constructed protective barrier (6,9)\n*(consideration RA) \n*A cordon sanitaire is a guarded line around a quarantined area to prevent spread of disease."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Position for cricketer round Irish golf club (7)","output":"### Answer: MIDIRON \n ### Explanation: Position for cricketer round Irish golf club (7)\nMID-ON (\"position for cricketer\") around Ir. \n*A midiron is a golf club for middle-distance shots, normally a 4, 5 or 6 iron."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sees tall verbose foreign golfer (4,11)","output":"### Answer: SEVE BALLESTEROS \n ### Explanation: Sees tall verbose foreign golfer (4,11)\n*(sees tall verbose) \n*The late great Spanish golfer."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Robust and tough \u2013 McIlroy, ultimately (5)","output":"### Answer: HARDY \n ### Explanation: Robust and tough \u2013 McIlroy, ultimately (5)\nHARD + (mcilro)Y"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: An Open champion, with individual lacking power (8)","output":"### Answer: ANDERSON \n ### Explanation: An Open champion, with individual lacking power (8)\nAND (\"with\") + (p)ERSON \n*Refers to Jamie Anderson, who won the Open three times in a eow between 1877 and 1879"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Birdies from balls going further than intended? (6)","output":"### Answer: FLIERS \n ### Explanation: Birdies from balls going further than intended? (6)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rest hint about heading for Augusta (9)","output":"### Answer: REMAINDER \n ### Explanation: Rest hint about heading for Augusta (9)\nREMINDER (\"hint\") about A(ugusta)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Part of golf club: small society inside for dance (4,4)","output":"### Answer: PRO\u2019S SHOP \n ### Explanation: Part of golf club: small society inside for dance (4,4)\nS(mall) S(ociety) inside PRO (\"for\") HOP (\"dance\") \n*Personally, I've never come across this term, as it is more usually known as a \"pro shop\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Draw off Hoylake's first so pin seen differently (6)","output":"### Answer: SIPHON \n ### Explanation: Draw off Hoylake's first so pin seen differently (6)\n*(H so pin)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Girl in group, upset smothering her approach at first (7)","output":"### Answer: THERESA \n ### Explanation: Girl in group, upset smothering her approach at first (7)\n(SET<= \"smothering\" HER) + A(pproach)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Small rocky island in part of Munster, below course's fifth (6)","output":"### Answer: SKERRY \n ### Explanation: Small rocky island in part of Munster, below course's fifth (6)\nKERRY (\"part of Munster\") below (cour)S(e)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Complete round on Oakmont, finally making cut (5)","output":"### Answer: ALLOT \n ### Explanation: Complete round on Oakmont, finally making cut (5)\nALL (\"complete\") + O (\"round\") + (oakmon)T"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bachelor backing what you do, free of guilt (7)","output":"### Answer: ABSOLVE \n ### Explanation: Definition: free of guilt\n<=B.A. + SOLVE (\"what you do\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Short, flat-chested old women's figure enhancers (7)","output":"### Answer: BUSTLES \n ### Explanation: Definition: old women's figure enhancers\nBUSTLES(s)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Arachne breaking wind in Italian city (5)","output":"### Answer: TURIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Italian city\nI(\"Arachne\") in TURN"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Educate Essex, not primarily with ease (9)","output":"### Answer: ENLIGHTEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Educate\nE(ssex) N (ot) + LIGHTEN"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Record of outgoing infant half-heartedly describing adventure (6,4)","output":"### Answer: CHEQUE STUB \n ### Explanation: Definition: Record of outgoing\nQUEST (\"adventure\") in CHE(r)UB (\"infant\" half-heartedly)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Knowing capitals of all regions and countries here (4)","output":"### Answer: ARCH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Knowing\n\"capitals of\" **A**ll **R**egions and **C**ountries **H**ere"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A bunch of pseuds of the art editor kind (4-7)","output":"### Answer: SOFT-HEARTED \n ### Explanation: Definition: kind\nHidden in \"pseud**S OF THE ART ED**itor\", indicated by \"a bunch of\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: As one stressed, I'm a lousy nun (11)","output":"### Answer: UNANIMOUSLY \n ### Explanation: Definition: As one\n*(im a lousy nun)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Attack ruminant (4)","output":"### Answer: GOAT \n ### Explanation: Definition: ruminant \nGO AT"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: All clear of rash \u2014 with this? (4,6)","output":"### Answer: FLEA COLLAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: All clear of rash \u2014 with this\n*(all clear of)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Guardian's oddly turgid column put forward as standard (9)","output":"### Answer: TRICOLOUR \n ### Explanation: Definition: standard\nT(u)R(g)I(d) + col. + OUR (\"Guardian's\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mistress dropping three shillings in hat (5)","output":"### Answer: MITRE \n ### Explanation: Definition: hat\nMI(s)TRE(ss)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Was in charge of counter price in retail (7)","output":"### Answer: NARRATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: retail\n<+NAR + RATE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Vacuous art, stuff that's tasteless and offensive (6)","output":"### Answer: ATTACK \n ### Explanation: Definition: offensive\nA(r)T + TACK"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ministers to observe solar eclipse (6)","output":"### Answer: SERVES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Ministers\nHidden in \"ob**SERVE S**olar\", indicated by \"eclipse\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Translate utilising large number of languages (10)","output":"### Answer: LINGUISTIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: of languages\n*(utilising) + C (\"large number\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Chance happenings, no precedent ultimately (5)","output":"### Answer: EVENS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Chance\nEVEN(t)S"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sound of male flies in marsh plants (9)","output":"### Answer: BULRUSHES \n ### Explanation: Definition: marsh plants\nHomophone of BULL + RUSHES"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Decline and Fall's second long narrative (4)","output":"### Answer: SAGA \n ### Explanation: Definition: long narrative\nSAG + (f)A(ll)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Reading and writing endless rubbish over time (8)","output":"### Answer: LITERATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Reading\nLITTE(r) \"over\" ERA"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Keep mum covered in Sudan, travelling with English parasol (8)","output":"### Answer: SUNSHADE \n ### Explanation: Definition: parasol\nSH (\"keep mum\") \"covered in\" *(sudan) + E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Joey, member of postwar generation (4,6)","output":"### Answer: BABY BOOMER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Joey\nDouble definition, the first mildly cryptic \nA joey is a baby kangaroo, and boomer is an Australian word for a male kangaroo, hence a joey is a \"baby boomer\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Able to travel distance over bog and empty steppe (9)","output":"### Answer: FOOTLOOSE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Able to travel\nFOOT (\"distance) + LOO (\"bog\") + S(tepp)E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Decent bar is shocked after language heard in WC (8,7)","output":"### Answer: TUNGSTEN CARBIDE \n ### Explanation: Definition: WC\n*(decent bar is) \"after\" homophone of TONGUE \nW is the symbol for tungsten and C for carbon, so presumably WC would be tungsten carbide."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Disdainful of fizzy wine and pork pie on end of bar (8)","output":"### Answer: CAVALIER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Disdainful\nCAVA (\"fizzy wine\") + LIE(\"pork pie\") + (ba)R"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Individual overcome by Bond clenching tense buttocks (6)","output":"### Answer: GLUTEI \n ### Explanation: Definition: buttocks\nGLUE \"clenching\" T(ense) \"overcoming\" 1"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stabilise, liberate and evacuate Zaire (6)","output":"### Answer: FREEZE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Stabilise\nFREE + Z(air)E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Conservationists forfeiting place in Aunt Erica's heart of gold (5)","output":"### Answer: AURIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: of gold\nAU(nt) + (e)RIC(a)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fizzy drink in school bag on regular basis (4)","output":"### Answer: COLA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fizzy drink\n(s)C(h)O(o)L (b)A(g)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Corrupt dossier on the lower socio-economic groups (6)","output":"### Answer: DEFILE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Corrupt\nFILE on D & E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Baton Rouge's first to welcome the French martinet (8)","output":"### Answer: STICKLER \n ### Explanation: Definition: martinet\nSTICK (\"baton\") + R(ouge) \"to welcome\" LE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Run through each deserter captured by the enemy (9)","output":"### Answer: PERFORATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Run through\nPER (\"each\") + RAT \"captured by\" FOE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rich man and posh chap pocketing a source of billions (5)","output":"### Answer: NABOB \n ### Explanation: Definition: Rich man\nNOB \"pocketing\" A B(illions)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cotton on\u00a0a small branch (4)","output":"### Answer: TWIG \n ### Explanation: Definition: Cotton on\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Reserves of courage needed here for recycling (6,4)","output":"### Answer: BOTTLE BANK \n ### Explanation: Definition: Reserves of courage\nDouble definition, the first mildly cryptic"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sleep in small shed with view (4-3)","output":"### Answer: SHUT-EYE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Sleep\nS + HUT + EYE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fake reporting of school tests by heads of English and religion (6)","output":"### Answer: ERSATZ \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fake\nE(nglish) + R(eligion) + homophone of SATS (\"school tests\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bristles from challenges (6)","output":"### Answer: BEARDS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Bristles\nDouble definitions"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One on the threshold of being taken advantage of? (7)","output":"### Answer: DOORMAT \n ### Explanation: Definition: One on the threshold of being taken advantage of\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Seafood platter? (4,6)","output":"### Answer: MAIN COURSE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Seafood platter\nCryptic definition \nSea = \"main\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Regularly says Iran must be a major part of the world (4)","output":"### Answer: ASIA \n ### Explanation: Definition: a major part of the world \n\"regularly\" \"s**A**y**S\" **and then **\"I**r**A**n\" \nDoesn't work as the I and A of Iran should be the second and fourth letters for the \"regularly\" to be valid for both \"says\" and \"Iran\" (SINAI\u00a0may have worked better, for example)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Material worn by early craftsmen (5)","output":"### Answer: LYCRA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Material\nHidden in \"ear**LY CRA**ftsmen\" (indicated by \"worn by\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The air on the prairie is music to the ears (9)","output":"### Answer: PLAINSONG \n ### Explanation: Definition: music to the ears \nPLAIN + SONG"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wrongly advises young lady about conduct (8)","output":"### Answer: MISLEADS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Wrongly advises\nMISS \"around\" LEAD"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Insurance agent's final secret (6)","output":"### Answer: COVERT \n ### Explanation: Definition: secret\nCOVER + (agen)T"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stand in place one's found in river (8)","output":"### Answer: DEPUTISE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Stand in\nPUT 1'S \"found in\" DEE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Time to come round Royal Navy Institute for fittings (9)","output":"### Answer: FURNITURE \n ### Explanation: Definition: fittings\nRNI in FUTURE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Closed circuit look at work (4)","output":"### Answer: LOOP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Closed circuit\nLO + OP"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Construct heat-resistant cover for the boards (7)","output":"### Answer: THEATRE \n ### Explanation: Definition: the boards \nHidden in \"hea**T HEAT-RE**sistant\" (indicated by \"cover\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Account supporting prisoner's transformation (10)","output":"### Answer: CONVERSION \n ### Explanation: Definition: transformation\nVERSION \"supporting\" CON"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Left one supporter's sign (5)","output":"### Answer: LIBRA \n ### Explanation: Definition: sign\nL + 1 + BRA"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rap on the knuckles for nation absorbed by brewing beer (6)","output":"### Answer: REBUKE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Rap on the knuckles\nUK \"absorbed by\" *(beer)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Function allocated to father in limited release (6)","output":"### Answer: PAROLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: limited release \nROLE \"allocted to\" PA"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Deplore welcoming Independent's fall in value (10)","output":"### Answer: DEPRECIATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: fall in value \nDEPRECATE \"welcoming\" I(ndependent) \nIs I for Independent ever used as a standalone, rather than in complex abbreviations or acronyms, such as ISBN?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Monumental output of Arizona film location? (9)","output":"### Answer: TOMBSTONE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Monumental\nDouble definition \n*Tombstone* was a 1993 western, featuring Kurt Russell and Val Kilmer, set in Tombstone, Arizona."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: On the level and at rights, possibly (8)","output":"### Answer: STRAIGHT \n ### Explanation: Definition: On the level\n*(at rights)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Puzzled\u00a0batsman out thus (7)","output":"### Answer: STUMPED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Puzzled\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Some oddly stuffing face must be miserable (6)","output":"### Answer: DISMAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: miserable\n**S**o**M**e \"stuffing\" DIAL"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Discovered national stadium needs millions for logo (6)","output":"### Answer: EMBLEM \n ### Explanation: Definition: logo\n(w)EMBLE(y) + M(illions) \nThe setter uses \"discovered\" to mean \"without covers\" here."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bone idle new carer under supervision initially (5)","output":"### Answer: INCUS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Bone\ninitial letters of **I**dle **N**ew **C**arer **U**nder **S**upervision"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Interested in ignition regularly missing (4)","output":"### Answer: INTO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Interested in\n\"regularly\" **I**g**N**i**T**i**O**n"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lunatic shot on vessel (8)","output":"### Answer: CRACKPOT \n ### Explanation: Lunatic shot on vessel (8)\nCRACK + POT"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Air\u00a0filter (6)","output":"### Answer: STRAIN \n ### Explanation: Air\u00a0filter (6)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Scares off pet (6)","output":"### Answer: CARESS \n ### Explanation: Scares off pet (6)\n*(scares)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Reportedly understands seedy bar's sharp decline (8)","output":"### Answer: NOSEDIVE \n ### Explanation: Reportedly understands seedy bar's sharp decline (8)\nHomophone of KNOWS + DIVE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Novel taken from Jerusalem man (4)","output":"### Answer: EMMA \n ### Explanation: Novel taken from Jerusalem man (4)\nHidden in \"Jerusal**EM MA**n\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Authorisation for each sortie (10)","output":"### Answer: PERMISSION \n ### Explanation: Authorisation for each sortie (10)\nPER + MISSION"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Look after piano store (8)","output":"### Answer: PRESERVE \n ### Explanation: Look after piano store (8)\nP + RESERVE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Said of men the French backed (4)","output":"### Answer: ORAL \n ### Explanation: Said of men the French backed (4)\nO.R. + <=LA"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Time and trouble required to fetch dog (4)","output":"### Answer: TAIL \n ### Explanation: Time and trouble required to fetch dog (4)\nT + AIL"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Couple hired band (8)","output":"### Answer: BRACELET \n ### Explanation: Couple hired band (8)\nBRACE + LET"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Volume shown proved to be right (10)","output":"### Answer: VINDICATED \n ### Explanation: Volume shown proved to be right (10)\nV + INDICATED"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hit copper on force with force (4)","output":"### Answer: CUFF \n ### Explanation: Hit copper on force with force (4)\nCU + F + F"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Heavenly in chalet here, always (8)","output":"### Answer: ETHEREAL \n ### Explanation: Heavenly in chalet here, always (8)\nHidden in \"chal**ET HERE AL**ways\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bug in hand (6)","output":"### Answer: NEEDLE \n ### Explanation: Bug in hand (6)\nNot sure about th \"in hand\" bit"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Frightened? Son was concerned (6)","output":"### Answer: SCARED \n ### Explanation: Frightened? Son was concerned (6)\nS + CARED"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wait on head of state and a US novelist (8)","output":"### Answer: SALINGER \n ### Explanation: Wait on head of state and a US novelist (8)\nLINGER on S(tate) A"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: True male domain (5)","output":"### Answer: REALM \n ### Explanation: True male domain (5)\nREAL + M"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Emperor and daughter unfortunately brought over for a dish (6,5)","output":"### Answer: CAESAR SALAD \n ### Explanation: Emperor and daughter unfortunately brought over for a dish (6,5)\nCAESAR + <=D ALAS"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Travel document and free ticket left (8)","output":"### Answer: PASSPORT \n ### Explanation: Travel document and free ticket left (8)\nPASS + PORT"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Song, number eg tenor belts out (3,5,7)","output":"### Answer: TEN GREEN BOTTLES \n ### Explanation: Song, number eg tenor belts out (3,5,7)\nTEN + *(eg tenor belts)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bird is soaring above hide (6)","output":"### Answer: SISKIN \n ### Explanation: Bird is soaring above hide (6)\n<=IS + SKIN"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Embarrassed about diamonds (3)","output":"### Answer: RED \n ### Explanation: Embarrassed about diamonds (3)\nRE + D(iamonds)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Free from injury, one girl landing in slack net (9)","output":"### Answer: INVIOLATE \n ### Explanation: Free from injury, one girl landing in slack net (9)\nI + VIOLA in *(net)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Diversion created by cigarette (filter) (11)","output":"### Answer: SMOKESCREEN \n ### Explanation: Diversion created by cigarette (filter) (11)\nSMOKE + SCREEN"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Practical articles reproduced about electric current (9)","output":"### Answer: REALISTIC \n ### Explanation: Practical articles reproduced about electric current (9)\n*(articles) about I (\"electric current\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A red ace, say, in a line (8)","output":"### Answer: CARDINAL \n ### Explanation: A red ace, say, in a line (8)\nCARD IN A L"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Long speech made by saint on faith (6)","output":"### Answer: SCREED \n ### Explanation: Long speech made by saint on faith (6)\nS + CREED"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fine beer across the south? Untrue (5)","output":"### Answer: FALSE \n ### Explanation: Fine beer across the south? Untrue (5)\nF + ALE across S"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Nobleman briefly getting attention (3)","output":"### Answer: EAR \n ### Explanation: Nobleman briefly getting attention (3)\nEAR(l)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: TV series of course had to be edited before screening starts (5,2,5)","output":"### Answer: HOUSE OF CARDS \n ### Explanation: TV series of course had to be edited before screening starts (5,2,5)\n*(of course had) + S(creening) \nIt's a shame that OF is in the anagram fodder and the solution."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Follower of 1 across sometimes turns gold (7)","output":"### Answer: WINDSOR \n ### Explanation: Follower of 1 across sometimes turns gold (7)\n(ouse of) WINDSOR and WINDS (\"turns\") + OR (\"gold\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: It's subtler to freeze resistance on the end of 19 (5)","output":"### Answer: NICER \n ### Explanation: It's subtler to freeze resistance on the end of 19 (5)\nICE + R on (ninetee)N"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Music including popular cover won't get wet (9)","output":"### Answer: RAINPROOF \n ### Explanation: Music including popular cover won't get wet (9)\nRAP \"including IN + ROOF"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Clear area removes top step (4,5)","output":"### Answer: OPEN SPACE \n ### Explanation: Clear area removes top step (4,5)\nOPENS (\"removes top\") + PACE (\"step\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Strange bedfellows begin with a dance (5)","output":"### Answer: RUMBA \n ### Explanation: Strange bedfellows begin with a dance (5)\nRUM + B(edfellows) + A"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: 19 pitch books (5)","output":"### Answer: TAROT \n ### Explanation: 19 pitch books (5)\nTAR (\"pitch\") + O.T. (\"books\" = Old Testament)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Excellent spot to hold meet \u2013 the French will be flexible (9)","output":"### Answer: ADAPTABLE \n ### Explanation: Excellent spot to hold meet \u2013 the French will be flexible (9)\nNot sure of the parsing of this\u2026 \nMy best guess is APT in A DAB plus LE, but that looks clumsy. Maybe if I had a bit more time\u2026"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Companion backing Montana teacher as sort of 19 (9)","output":"### Answer: CHRISTMAS \n ### Explanation: Companion backing Montana teacher as sort of 19 (9)\nCH (\"companion\") + <=MT SIR (\"Montana teacher\") + AS"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: German scholars confine molten rock (5)","output":"### Answer: MAGMA \n ### Explanation: German scholars confine molten rock (5)\nG confined by MA and MA"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Jingle due for revision by court official (4,5)","output":"### Answer: LINE JUDGE \n ### Explanation: Jingle due for revision by court official (4,5)\n*(jingle due)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Delegate well after being comatose (9)","output":"### Answer: OUTSOURCE \n ### Explanation: Delegate well after being comatose (9)\nSOURCE after OUT"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: 19 volunteers leave receipts (5)","output":"### Answer: KINGS \n ### Explanation: 19 volunteers leave receipts (5)\n(ta)KINGS"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Quiet king signs contracts (7)","output":"### Answer: SHRINKS \n ### Explanation: Quiet king signs contracts (7)\nSH (\"quiet\") + R (\"king\") + INKS (\"signs\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Grouse about northern doctor (7)","output":"### Answer: SURGEON \n ### Explanation: Grouse about northern doctor (7)\n*(grouse) + N"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Charity worker dismissed (7)","output":"### Answer: HANDOUT \n ### Explanation: Charity worker dismissed (7)\nHAND (\"worker\") + OUT (\"dismissed\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Relative heartless warders stripped more in the dark than before (9)","output":"### Answer: UNCLEARER \n ### Explanation: Relative heartless warders stripped more in the dark than before (9)\nUNCLE + (w)AR(d)ER(s)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Takes home containers, so they say (5)","output":"### Answer: EARNS \n ### Explanation: Takes home containers, so they say (5)\nHomophone (at least to some people, although not to me!) of URNS"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Signal a physical before splitting company (4,5)","output":"### Answer: FIRE ALARM \n ### Explanation: Signal a physical before splitting company (4,5)\nREAL A \"splitting\" FIRM"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Graves possibly heard to complain (5)","output":"### Answer: WHINE \n ### Explanation: Graves possibly heard to complain (5)\nHomophone of WINE (\"Graves, possibly\") \nGraves is a Bordeaux wine."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Organ's in smash Prince hit (9)","output":"### Answer: NEPHRITIC \n ### Explanation: Organ's in smash Prince hit (9)\n*(prince hit) \n\"Nephritic \" = of the kidneys, so \"organ's\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Controversy as special soldiers invade Turkmenistan (5)","output":"### Answer: STORM \n ### Explanation: Controversy as special soldiers invade Turkmenistan (5)\nS + OR(\"soldiers\") invading TM (\"Turkmenistan\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Reason for game being delayed causes blow-up again (7)","output":"### Answer: REFLATE \n ### Explanation: Reason for game being delayed causes blow-up again (7)\nREF LATE, so game is held up?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Randomly determine actions \u2013 so explosive! (4,1,4)","output":"### Answer: TOSS A COIN \n ### Explanation: Randomly determine actions \u2013 so explosive! (4,1,4)\n*(toss a coin)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Article about mad cow disease supports people away (9)","output":"### Answer: ABSENTEES \n ### Explanation: Article about mad cow disease supports people away (9)\nAN (\"article\") about BSE (\"mad cow disease\") + TEES (\"support\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Crash car banned in country event (4,5)","output":"### Answer: BARN DANCE \n ### Explanation: Crash car banned in country event (4,5)\n*(car banned)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Green benches are seen here after 1 across parks (7)","output":"### Answer: COMMONS \n ### Explanation: Green benches are seen here after 1 across parks (7)\n(House of) COMMONS"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hat to be kept by child (7)","output":"### Answer: STETSON \n ### Explanation: Hat to be kept by child (7)\nSTET (\"to be kept\") + SON (\"child\") \nStet is a proofreader's mark, meaning \"leave as is\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Partly reviving a torpid swimmer (5)","output":"### Answer: GATOR \n ### Explanation: Partly reviving a torpid swimmer (5)\nHidden in \"revivin**G A TOR**pid\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: 1 across sometimes seen next to this ground (5)","output":"### Answer: LORDS \n ### Explanation: 1 across sometimes seen next to this ground (5)\n(House of) LORDS an the cricket ground in London"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: John Kerry loses footing twice getting to one of 19 (5)","output":"### Answer: JOKER \n ### Explanation: John Kerry loses footing twice getting to one of 19 (5)\nJO(hn) KER(ry)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Business expenses liable to cause a storm? (8,7)","output":"### Answer: OVERHEAD CHARGES \n ### Explanation: Business expenses liable to cause a storm? (8,7)\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Jack upsets aunt with the French spider (9)","output":"### Answer: TARANTULA \n ### Explanation: Jack upsets aunt with the French spider (9)\nTAR + *(aunt) + LA"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Island for outcast in Copperbelt (5)","output":"### Answer: CORFU \n ### Explanation: Island for outcast in Copperbelt (5)\n*(for) in a belt of CU"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Begged for petrol, initially, containing additive (7)","output":"### Answer: PLEADED \n ### Explanation: Begged for petrol, initially, containing additive (7)\nP(etrol) + LEADED"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Read\u00a0without spontaneity (7)","output":"### Answer: STUDIED \n ### Explanation: Read\u00a0without spontaneity (7)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Declaim regularly, being a priest (3)","output":"### Answer: ELI \n ### Explanation: Declaim regularly, being a priest (3)\n(d)**E**(c)**L**(a)**I**(m)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: He searches for another gear (7)","output":"### Answer: FORAGER \n ### Explanation: He searches for another gear (7)\nFOR + *(gear)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Understand and win popularity (5,2)","output":"### Answer: CATCH ON \n ### Explanation: Understand and win popularity (5,2)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Frightful house \u2014 I'd move (7)","output":"### Answer: HIDEOUS \n ### Explanation: Frightful house \u2014 I'd move (7)\n*(house i'd)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Shorten a river crossing (7)","output":"### Answer: ABRIDGE \n ### Explanation: Shorten a river crossing (7)\nA BRIDGE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: High-class navy vessel (3)","output":"### Answer: URN \n ### Explanation: High-class navy vessel (3)\nU + R.N."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Gates secured by catches? (7)","output":"### Answer: WICKETS \n ### Explanation: Gates secured by catches? (7)\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stunt of former pilot in a spin (7)","output":"### Answer: EXPLOIT \n ### Explanation: Stunt of former pilot in a spin (7)\nEX + *(pilot)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: They fly or take a train (5)","output":"### Answer: RAILS \n ### Explanation: They fly or take a train (5)\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Useless advice! (9)","output":"### Answer: ECONOMISE \n ### Explanation: Useless advice! (9)\nInstruction to USE LESS"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Result of not passing an oral examination? (6,9)","output":"### Answer: DENTAL TREATMENT \n ### Explanation: Result of not passing an oral examination? (6,9)\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Feeling extremely happy, having reached the North Pole? (2,3,2,3,5)","output":"### Answer: ON TOP OF THE WORLD \n ### Explanation: Feeling extremely happy, having reached the North Pole? (2,3,2,3,5)\nDouble definition, one mildly cryptic"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Strange oriental lake (5)","output":"### Answer: EERIE \n ### Explanation: Strange oriental lake (5)\nE + ERIE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ashamed to kill one's best friend (7)","output":"### Answer: HANGDOG \n ### Explanation: Ashamed to kill one's best friend (7)\nHANG + DOG \nIs a DOG not more usually MAN'S BEST FRIEND?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Apart and sure to be different (7)","output":"### Answer: ASUNDER \n ### Explanation: Apart and sure to be different (7)\n*(and sure)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Form shown by Olympic finalists in big race (7)","output":"### Answer: CLASSIC \n ### Explanation: Form shown by Olympic finalists in big race (7)\nCLASS + (olymp)IC"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bill is an aristocrat, we hear (7)","output":"### Answer: ACCOUNT \n ### Explanation: Bill is an aristocrat, we hear (7)\nHomophone of A COUNT"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dressed for dinner, perhaps? (9)","output":"### Answer: GARNISHED \n ### Explanation: Dressed for dinner, perhaps? (9)\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Money well spent on hearing aids? (5,10)","output":"### Answer: SOUND INVESTMENT \n ### Explanation: Money well spent on hearing aids? (5,10)\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Revised version of a Communist battle (9)","output":"### Answer: REDACTION \n ### Explanation: Revised version of a Communist battle (9)\nRED ACTION"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One getting a lot of runs in Australia (3)","output":"### Answer: EMU \n ### Explanation: One getting a lot of runs in Australia (3)\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A pound for a white dress (3)","output":"### Answer: ALB \n ### Explanation: A pound for a white dress (3)\nA LB"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Supervise, we hear, somewhere abroad (7)","output":"### Answer: OVERSEA \n ### Explanation: Supervise, we hear, somewhere abroad (7)\nHomophone of OVERSEE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dubious character? (7)","output":"### Answer: SUSPECT \n ### Explanation: Dubious character? (7)\nSupposed to be cryptic definition, but closer to a straight definition, in my opinion"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: New name given to a single bloom (7)","output":"### Answer: ANEMONE \n ### Explanation: New name given to a single bloom (7)\n*(name) + ONE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Relationship hit by drink (7)","output":"### Answer: RAPPORT \n ### Explanation: Relationship hit by drink (7)\nRAP + PORT"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The girl with nothing to exist for? (5)","output":"### Answer: OLIVE \n ### Explanation: The girl with nothing to exist for? (5)\nO + LIVE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Democratic slogan for bridge contract? (2-5)","output":"### Answer: NO-TRUMP \n ### Explanation: Democratic slogan for bridge contract? (2-5)\n\nDouble defintition.\n \nThe Democrats (as well as most sane people around the world) certainly won't want Trump to be around after November, and no-trump is a term in bridge.\n \nI know nothing about bridge, so I copied this from the Internet \u2013 *In bridge, you have wild cards, too, called trump cards. However, in bridge, the trump cards are really wild because they change from hand to hand, depending on the bidding.*\n \n*The bidding determines whether a hand will be played with trump cards or in a notrump contract (a hand that has no trump cards). If the final bid names a trump suit, that suit is the wild suit for the hand. For example, suppose that the final bid is 4\u2660 \u2014 this bid determines that spades are trump (or wild) for the entire hand."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: They're set back in a pit, keeping tempo essentially (7)","output":"### Answer: TIMPANI \n ### Explanation: They're set back in a pit, keeping tempo essentially (7)\n<=IN A PIT keeping (te)M(po) &lit."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fibre protects hard area in front of altar (5)","output":"### Answer: CHOIR \n ### Explanation: Fibre protects hard area in front of altar (5)\nCOIR (\"fibre\") protects H(ard) \nCoir is a fibre made from the outer hisk of coconuts."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Completed complex thing suddenly (9)","output":"### Answer: OVERNIGHT \n ### Explanation: Completed complex thing suddenly (9)\nOVER (\"completed\") + *(thing)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Put in the picture about Holland, 18 bypassed Spain (9)","output":"### Answer: ENLIGHTEN \n ### Explanation: Put in the picture about Holland, 18 bypassed Spain (9)\nNL (\"Holland\") in EIGHTE(e)N (\"18\" with E (\"Spain\") bypassed) \nNot satisfied with NL for Holland, as technically speaking, Holland is part of the Netherlands, although Holland is often used loosely to mean all of the Netherlands. There was no reason why Redshank couldn't have used Netherlands in the clue."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Build over university assembly (5)","output":"### Answer: FORUM \n ### Explanation: Build over university assembly (5)\nFORM (\"build\") over U(niversity)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Right magazine's left? Many watch it (9,5)","output":"### Answer: SPECTATOR SPORT \n ### Explanation: Right magazine's left? Many watch it (9,5)\nSPECTATOR (\"Right magazine\") + PORT (\"left\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Disreputable state splits coalition almost completely (14)","output":"### Answer: UNPROFESSIONAL \n ### Explanation: Disreputable state splits coalition almost completely (14)\nPROFESS (\"state\") splits UNION (\"coalition\") + AL(l) (\"almost completely\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Less ignorant organisations arranged refreshing place (5)","output":"### Answer: OASIS \n ### Explanation: Less ignorant organisations arranged refreshing place (5)\n*(organisations \u2013 ignorant)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Return to typical state, African one Norwegian seized (9)","output":"### Answer: NORMALISE \n ### Explanation: Return to typical state, African one Norwegian seized (9)\nMALI (\"African one\") seized by NORSE (\"Norwegian\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: At home with gang, eating it on paper (2,7)","output":"### Answer: IN WRITING \n ### Explanation: At home with gang, eating it on paper (2,7)\nIN (\"at home\") + W(ith) + RING (\"gang\") eating IT"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: F1 driver finishes early, creating resentment (5)","output":"### Answer: PIQUE \n ### Explanation: F1 driver finishes early, creating resentment (5)\n(Nelson) PIQUE(t), who won the F1 championship three times between 1981 and 1987."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Crime nearly solved after drug seized (7)","output":"### Answer: LARCENY \n ### Explanation: Crime nearly solved after drug seized (7)\n*(nearly) with C(ocaine) seized"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sprinter losing lead in city's superior quarters? (7)","output":"### Answer: NUNNERY \n ### Explanation: Sprinter losing lead in city's superior quarters? (7)\n(r)UNNER in N.Y. \nA mother superior would be quartered in a nunnery."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Clue in novel's central parts (6)","output":"### Answer: NUCLEI \n ### Explanation: Clue in novel's central parts (6)\n*(clue in)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Strip shrouds and ruin moves by first of galleons (5)","output":"### Answer: UNRIG \n ### Explanation: Strip shrouds and ruin moves by first of galleons (5)\n*(ruin) + G(alleons) \nMy nautical knowledge isn't up to trying to explain \"strip shrouds\", but shrouds are ropes, and that's about as much as I know."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: F1 driver's speed flat out? (9)","output":"### Answer: PROSTRATE \n ### Explanation: F1 driver's speed flat out? (9)\n(Alain) PROST (\"F1 driver\") + RATE (\"speed\") \nAlain Prost won the F1 championship four times between 1985 and 1993."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wooden utensils, about 10 boxes (5)","output":"### Answer: TREEN \n ### Explanation: Wooden utensils, about 10 boxes (5)\nRE (\"about\") boxed by TEN \nTREEN means \"made of wood\" and in at least one dictionary, this is extended to woodenware."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Obvious hole in platform (9)","output":"### Answer: MANIFESTO \n ### Explanation: Obvious hole in platform (9)\nMANIFEST (\"obvious\") + O (\"hole\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: City in France almost supplies incense (5)","output":"### Answer: ANGER \n ### Explanation: City in France almost supplies incense (5)\nANGER(s) is a city in the North West of France."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Suggest prisoner keeps it up (8)","output":"### Answer: INTIMATE \n ### Explanation: Suggest prisoner keeps it up (8)\nINMATE (\"prisoner\") keeps <=IT"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: People die caught in this hybrid tree (English) (9)","output":"### Answer: CROSSFIRE \n ### Explanation: People die caught in this hybrid tree (English) (9)\nCROSS (\"hybrid\") + FIR (\"tree\") + E(nglish)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: It's vital for female genes or to cuckoo (9)","output":"### Answer: OESTROGEN \n ### Explanation: It's vital for female genes or to cuckoo (9)\n*(genes or to)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old earl employs squalid perverted slave (9)","output":"### Answer: ODALISQUE \n ### Explanation: Old earl employs squalid perverted slave (9)\n*(squalid) in O(ld) E(arl) \nDon't remeber having seen \"employed\" used as a container indicator before?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Class sort out test cases (8)","output":"### Answer: TUTORIAL \n ### Explanation: Class sort out test cases (8)\n*(out) cased by TRIAL (\"test\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Plant's computer systems removed from dispatch (6)","output":"### Answer: CELERY \n ### Explanation: Plant's computer systems removed from dispatch (6)\nI.T. (\"computer systems\") removed from CELERITY (\"dispatch\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Waste taken away in this small jug (5)","output":"### Answer: SEWER \n ### Explanation: Waste taken away in this small jug (5)\nS(mall) + EWER (\"jug\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Top seed, say, lacks gut for making racket (5)","output":"### Answer: NOISY \n ### Explanation: Top seed, say, lacks gut for making racket (5)\nNo. 1 (\"top seed\") + S(a)Y"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Type of popular non-U winter resort (5)","output":"### Answer: ASPEN \n ### Explanation: Type of popular non-U winter resort (5)\nAn ASPEN is a type of POPLAR (\"popular\" without the U)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: It saves doctor a bit of leg, eradicating the onset of gangrene (8)","output":"### Answer: LIFEBOAT \n ### Explanation: Definition: It saves\n*(a bit of le)G"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Reported to be stretched tight, as instructed (6)","output":"### Answer: TAUGHT \n ### Explanation: Definition: instructed\nHomophone of TAUT"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Score\u00a0book? (4)","output":"### Answer: MARK \n ### Explanation: Definition: Score\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fireworks in the sky make Penny nervous, excited \u2014 even gassy (10)","output":"### Answer: SUPERNOVAS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fireworks in the sky\n*(P nervous) + g**A**s**S**y"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Heroine, fair but no saint, covers up deception (6)","output":"### Answer: JULIET \n ### Explanation: Definition: Heroine\nJU(s)T \"covers up\" LIE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Alarmed, Pluto made move to bite Mickey's bottom! (8)","output":"### Answer: DISMAYED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Alarmed\nDIS (\"Pluto\") + (micke)Y\u00a0in *(made)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Caretaker: \"I was taken in by Trojan hoax\" (7)","output":"### Answer: JANITOR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Caretaker\nI in *(trojan)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Answer: can son leave bed for fruit? (7)","output":"### Answer: APRICOT \n ### Explanation: Definition: fruit\nA +\u00a0PRI(son) + COT"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One installed in York, perhaps (8)","output":"### Answer: MINISTER \n ### Explanation: Definition: One installed in York, perhaps\n1 in MINSTER"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rubbish film trip (6)","output":"### Answer: JUNKET \n ### Explanation: Definition: trip\nJUNK + E.T."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Indoor court reportedly 88 degrees (10)","output":"### Answer: DOCTORATES \n ### Explanation: Definition: degrees\nCT in DOOR + homophone of \"8s\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Top 10 record gets a spin (4)","output":"### Answer: APEX \n ### Explanation: Definition: Top\n<=X E.P. A"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Enigma's output and what to do with it? (6)","output":"### Answer: DECODE \n ### Explanation: Definition: what to do with it\nDE (\"Germany\")\u00a0+ CODE \nThe Enigma machine decoded German codes."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: English sailor monkeys about alone (8)","output":"### Answer: SEPARATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: alone\n<=E TAR APES \nalthough apes and monkeys are not the same thing"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Author's upset with hitch over a tropical American tree (8)","output":"### Answer: SIMARUBA \n ### Explanation: Definition: tropical American tree\n<=AMIS + RUB + A"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Take a secret look around castle (4)","output":"### Answer: PEEK \n ### Explanation: Definition: Take a secret look\n<=KEEP"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Blimey! TV reveals ladies' clothing (6)","output":"### Answer: CORSET \n ### Explanation: Definition: ladies' clothing \nCOR! + (T.V.) SET"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Upright held by bolts and dolts (7)","output":"### Answer: STUPIDS \n ### Explanation: Definition: dolts\nPI in STUDS"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Special bitter drink gets things going (6,2)","output":"### Answer: STARTS UP \n ### Explanation: Definition: gets things going \nS\u00a0+ TART + SUP"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Computerised equipment puts gold in tomato soup (10)","output":"### Answer: AUTOMATION \n ### Explanation: Definition: Computerised equipment\nAU *(in tomato)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Catchword wears thin on the radio (6)","output":"### Answer: PHRASE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Catchword\nHomophone of FRAYS"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Can I return? First, run away from helping Trigger (10)","output":"### Answer: INITIATION \n ### Explanation: Definition: Trigger\n<=TIN I +1 +\u00a0(r)ATION"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Building great? Not according to plan (2,6)","output":"### Answer: ON TARGET \n ### Explanation: Definition: according to plan \n*(great not)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dish given to me \u2014 let tea be brought out (8)","output":"### Answer: OMELETTE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Dish\nHidden in \"t**O**** ME LET TE**a\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Being against Twenty20 and ODI cricket, appeal (7)","output":"### Answer: PROTEST \n ### Explanation: Definition: appeal \nPRO TEST \nSomeone in favour of tests MAY be against the shorter versions of the game, although not necessarily (I llike them all, for example)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pressed feed? (6)","output":"### Answer: IRONED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Pressed\nFe. (IRON)\u00a0+ ED"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mourinho's supported by local patriarch (6)","output":"### Answer: JOSEPH \n ### Explanation: Definition: patriarch\nJOSE (Mourinho) + P.H. (public house, so \"local\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Port causes Daily Mail editor to blow his top (4)","output":"### Answer: ACRE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Port\n(d)ACRE \nPaul Dacre has been editor of the Daily Fail since 1992"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Maine's not mistaken for another state (9)","output":"### Answer: MINNESOTA \n ### Explanation: Definition: state\n*(maines not)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Characteristic principally lacking with a dish from India (5)","output":"### Answer: RAITA \n ### Explanation: Definition: dish from India \n(t)RAIT + A"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Good promise falling short in artist (7)","output":"### Answer: GAUGUIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: artist\nG + AUGU(r) + IN"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Piece of skill in gambling producing large financial gain (7)","output":"### Answer: KILLING \n ### Explanation: Definition: large financial gain \nHidden in \"s**KILL IN G**ambling\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Revered figure loses head for a period (3)","output":"### Answer: ERA \n ### Explanation: Definition: a period \n(h)ERA \nHera was queen of the Gods of Olympus, hence a \"revered figure\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: It could be represented in amiable type (not half) (11)","output":"### Answer: AMENABILITY \n ### Explanation: Definition: It could be represented in amiable type\n*(in amiable) + TY(pe)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fear day before study (5)","output":"### Answer: DREAD \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fear\nD + READ"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tree guide lacking introduction (3)","output":"### Answer: ELM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Tree \n(h)ELM"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sample\u00a0discrimination (5)","output":"### Answer: TASTE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Sample\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stop discordant tune in club first (11)","output":"### Answer: DISCONTINUE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Stop\nDISCO + *(in tune)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Recall deeply personal pull (3)","output":"### Answer: TUG \n ### Explanation: Definition: pull (3)\n<= GUT (as in gut feeling, I presume)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: College joint for one that's cheerful (7)","output":"### Answer: CHIPPER \n ### Explanation: Definition: cheerful\nC + HIP + PER (\"for one\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Clash with daughter enthralled by dog (7)","output":"### Answer: COLLIDE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Clash\nCOLLI(D)E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Clumsy painter awkwardly dropping a roller initially (5)","output":"### Answer: INEPT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Clumsy\n*(pinte) (ie \"painter without A + R(oller))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Time a woman interrupts endlessly extended debate (9)","output":"### Answer: TALKATHON \n ### Explanation: Definition: debate\nT + A + KATH \"interrupting\" LON(g)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: English fighter about to become one settled abroad (6)","output":"### Answer: EMIGRE \n ### Explanation: Definition: one settled abroad \nE + MIG + RE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Develop curiosity without others about island (8)","output":"### Answer: INCUBATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Develop\nINTE(rest) about CUBA"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dress, a number worn by broadcasting executive showing dynamism (3-2-3-2)","output":"### Answer: GET-UP-AND-GO \n ### Explanation: Definition: dynamism\nGET-UP (\"dress\") + A NO \"worn by\" DG (director general = \"broadcasting executive\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Favour element forgoing resistance (4)","output":"### Answer: BOON \n ### Explanation: Definition: Favour \nBO(r)ON"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Support among fans with minute gone in game (10)","output":"### Answer: BACKGAMMON \n ### Explanation: Definition: game\nBACK + *(among m) \nNot sure of the parsing here, as the anagram indicator could be \"gone\" or possibly \"fans\", but it shouldn't be both? *(See comment 1 below for a possible parsing)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Exam or lesson in which master is deficient (4)","output":"### Answer: ORAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Exam\n(m)ORAL"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Equipment mostly put on car in Italian port (6)","output":"### Answer: RIMINI \n ### Explanation: Definition: Italian port \nRI(g) + MINI"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Grotesque sort of royal egg, scrambled (8)","output":"### Answer: GARGOYLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Grotesque sort\n*(royal egg)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Figures on register required for returns? (10)","output":"### Answer: ELECTORATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Figures on register \nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cheer Latin rogue out of difficulty (2,3,5)","output":"### Answer: IN THE CLEAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: out of difficulty \n*(cheer latin)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lift for police detaining ungentlemanly sort after appeal that's instructive (8)","output":"### Answer: DIDACTIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: instructive\n<= C(IT CAD)ID"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Model getting drunk? Wait patiently (3,5)","output":"### Answer: SIT TIGHT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Wait patiently \nSIT + TIGHT"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ring from Cornish area I have put on top of locker (6)","output":"### Answer: SWIVEL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Ring\nSW (\"Cornish area\" = South West (of England)) + I'VE + L(ocker)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Discussion of inexperienced novelist (6)","output":"### Answer: GREENE \n ### Explanation: Definition: novelist\nHomophone of GREEN"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Secretary facing outwardly tough course (4)","output":"### Answer: PATH \n ### Explanation: Definition: course\nP.A. + T(oug)H"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Betray on radio tight-knit group (4)","output":"### Answer: CELL \n ### Explanation: Definition: tight-knit group \nHomophone of SELL"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Very economical price had struggling stores close to debt (4,5)","output":"### Answer: DIRTCHEAP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Very economical\n*(had price) \"stores\" (deb)T"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: 25 11's wrong, stifling way of working (5)","output":"### Answer: SIMON \n ### Explanation: Definition: 25 11\nSIN \"stifling\" M.O. (modus operandi = \"way of wroking\") \nSimon Cowell, music producer and the man behind shows like the *X Factor* and *Britain's Got Talent."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Like muesli and bananas? (5)","output":"### Answer: NUTTY \n ### Explanation: Definition: bananas\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Maybe grave judge backs withdrawing help (9)","output":"### Answer: DIACRITIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: Maybe grave\n<=AID + CRITIC \nA diacritic is a mark showing how a letter should be pronounced, and grave (`) is an example of a diacritic."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Distance fellow travellers cover repeatedly (3)","output":"### Answer: ELL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Distance\nHidden in both \"f**ELL**ow\" and \"trav**ELL**ers\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: First of Tests and opening game could be here (5,6)","output":"### Answer: TRENT BRIDGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: could be here \nT(ests) + RENT (\"opening\") + BRIDGE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Puzzle not having a positive value? (7)","output":"### Answer: NONPLUS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Puzzle\nNON PLUS = \"not having a positive value\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Romeo tucked into two drinks, in distress (7)","output":"### Answer: CHAGRIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: distress\nR in CHA and GIN"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Traveller's plane took off ahead of time (7)","output":"### Answer: MIGRANT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Traveller\nMIG + RAN + T(ime)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stand a bit of laughter and song (7)","output":"### Answer: HATRACK \n ### Explanation: Definition: Stand\nHA + TRACK"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dog guzzling claret's drunk an old red (5,6)","output":"### Answer: FIDELCASTRO \n ### Explanation: Definition: an old red \nFIDO (\"dog\") \"guzzling\" *(clarets)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: I may have one day by Ruth or Daniel's place (3)","output":"### Answer: DOT \n ### Explanation: Definition: I may have one\nD(ay) + O.T. (ie Old Testament, of which Ruth and Daniel are books)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Look inside church, securing good deal for organ cover (9)","output":"### Answer: LOINCLOTH \n ### Explanation: Definition: organ cover \nLO IN CH \"securing\" LOT \nNice definition!"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Walker's nude walk (5)","output":"### Answer: AMBLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: walk\n(r)AMBLE(r) \nThe \"nude\" tells us to remove the outer letters."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Way to get untreated stable bed? (5)","output":"### Answer: STRAW \n ### Explanation: Definition: stable bed\nST + RAW"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Problem about marketing, eg for Greens (5,4)","output":"### Answer: MUSHYPEAS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Greens\n<=SUM + HYPE + AS"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Keep order to pay \u00a31,000 a long time (7)","output":"### Answer: DUNGEON \n ### Explanation: Definition: Keep\nDUN (\"order to pay\") + G (\"\u00a31,000) + EON \nIncredibly, I had never come across \"dun\" with that meaning before \u2013 you learn summat new every day!"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Drug trial failed with it (7)","output":"### Answer: RITALIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Drug\n*(trial) + IN (\"with it\" = \"trendy\" = IN) \nA rarer way to indicate IN"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lament delay, netting a pound where fortune's sought (7,4)","output":"### Answer: CRYSTAL BALL \n ### Explanation: Definition: where fortune's sought \nCRY + STALL \"netting\" A LB"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lacking mates, having day off that's tediously long (7)","output":"### Answer: ENDLESS \n ### Explanation: Definition: tediously long \n(fri) ENDLESS"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Photo frames hang on synthetic material (7)","output":"### Answer: PLASTIC \n ### Explanation: Photo frames hang on synthetic material (7)\nPIC \"frames\" LAST"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old man's unfinished title (3)","output":"### Answer: SIR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Old man\nSIR(e)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: He makes a killing beginning to market gold stocks a bit (7)","output":"### Answer: MATADOR \n ### Explanation: Definition: He makes a killing\nM(arket) + OR \"stocks\" (i.e. holds) A TAD"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: London university splitting noble gas particle (7)","output":"### Answer: NUCLEON \n ### Explanation: Definition: particle\nUCL \"splitting\" NEON"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Conservative, behind May's back, keeps fighting (11)","output":"### Answer: REACTIONARY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Conservative\nREAR + (ma)Y \"keeps\" ACTION (\"fighting\") \nI always think \"reactionary\" should mean the opposite of \"conservative\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fellows wearing ladies' slippers and cloaks (7)","output":"### Answer: MUFFLES \n ### Explanation: Definition: cloaks\nFF in MULES"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: More frivolous Greek admits: \"That would be the end of me\" (7)","output":"### Answer: GIDDIER \n ### Explanation: Definition: More frivolous\nGR. \"admits\" I'D DIE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Eatery's charge low, needing to rise (7)","output":"### Answer: TEAROOM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Eatery\nTEAR (\"charge\") + <=MOO (\"low\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Husband experiences lust problems (7)","output":"### Answer: HITCHES \n ### Explanation: Definition: problems\nH + ITCHES"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Car with uneven bulge able to be picked up (7)","output":"### Answer: AUDIBLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: able to be picked up \nAUDI + B(u)L(g)E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Equipment sent for tidying up litter (7)","output":"### Answer: KITTENS \n ### Explanation: Definition: litter \nKIT + *(sent)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Intimidate businesswomen? (3)","output":"### Answer: COW \n ### Explanation: Definition: Intimidate \nCO (\"business\") + W(omen)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fight egghead's corner (tight one) (6)","output":"### Answer: SCRAPE \n ### Explanation: Fight egghead's corner (tight one) (6)\nSCRAP + E(gg)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rock in space producing a performance-enhancing drug (8)","output":"### Answer: ASTEROID \n ### Explanation: Rock in space producing a performance-enhancing drug (8)\nA + STEROID"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Soldiers always included in honour (6)","output":"### Answer: REVERE \n ### Explanation: Soldiers always included in honour (6)\nEVER in R.E. (\"soldiers\" = Royal Emgineers)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dismal end of marriage \u2013 authentic amusement comes first (8)","output":"### Answer: FUNEREAL \n ### Explanation: Dismal end of marriage \u2013 authentic amusement comes first (8)\nFUN + (marriag)E + REAL"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Next to ancient historian embracing metrical measures (6)","output":"### Answer: BESIDE \n ### Explanation: Next to ancient historian embracing metrical measures (6)\n(The Venerable) BEDE \"embracing\" SI (as in SI units)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pussy's reign aboard boat? (8)","output":"### Answer: PURULENT \n ### Explanation: Pussy's reign aboard boat? (8)\nRULE \"aboard\" BOAT \nThink \"pussy\", as in \"discharging pus\" rather than the cute kitten here."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Class A drug, mine, going west (3-3)","output":"### Answer: TIP-TOP \n ### Explanation: Class A drug, mine, going west (3-3)\n<=POT PIT"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One reflected on expression of disgust \u2013 basta! (6)","output":"### Answer: ENOUGH \n ### Explanation: One reflected on expression of disgust \u2013 basta! (6)\n<=ONE + UGH"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Undertaking not entirely lost without love (7)","output":"### Answer: MISSION \n ### Explanation: Undertaking not entirely lost without love (7)\nMISSIN(g) \"about\" 0"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Nit-picker to kiss and cuddle, adopting fighter's standard (6)","output":"### Answer: PEDANT \n ### Explanation: Nit-picker to kiss and cuddle, adopting fighter's standard (6)\nPET (\"kiss and cuddle\") \"adopting\" DAN (\"fighter's standard\") \nFrom WIkipedia \u2013 *In Judo, improvement and understanding of the art is denoted by a system of ranks split into kyu and **dan** grades."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Authority ground with it (8)","output":"### Answer: LORDSHIP \n ### Explanation: Authority ground with it (8)\nLORDS (cricket \"ground\") + HIP (\"with it\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: More ironic about Taiwan's principal author (6)","output":"### Answer: WRITER \n ### Explanation: More ironic about Taiwan's principal author (6)\nWRIER \"about\" T(aiwan)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fresh in to the fourteenth century (8)","output":"### Answer: TRECENTO \n ### Explanation: Fresh in to the fourteenth century (8)\nT(RECENT)O \nTrecento \u2013 the 14th century, especially when referring to Italian culture and art."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Plaster saint's secret return left out (6)","output":"### Answer: STUCCO \n ### Explanation: Plaster saint's secret return left out (6)\nS + <=OCCU(l)T"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Her pilot, going astray, finds somewhere to land (8)","output":"### Answer: HELIPORT \n ### Explanation: Her pilot, going astray, finds somewhere to land (8)\n*(her pilot)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Take possession of mushroom, indeed? (6)","output":"### Answer: ACCEPT \n ### Explanation: Take possession of mushroom, indeed? (6)\nCEP (\"mushroom\") in ACT (\"deed\") \nI'm on the fence about the use of \"indeed\" here. Some hate this device, others don't mind it."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dirty lady becoming cleaner? (8)","output":"### Answer: SCRUBBER \n ### Explanation: Dirty lady becoming cleaner? (8)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What students do with greater volume turned up, stifling volume (8)","output":"### Answer: REVISION \n ### Explanation: What students do with greater volume turned up, stifling volume (8)\n<=NOISIER \"stifling\" V"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Projector's original diagram generates template (8)","output":"### Answer: PARADIGM \n ### Explanation: Projector's original diagram generates template (8)\nP(rojector) + *(diagram)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Shillings and pence keeping member of ethnic group quiet! (4,2)","output":"### Answer: SHUT UP \n ### Explanation: Shillings and pence keeping member of ethnic group quiet! (4,2)\nS (HUTU) P \nThe Hutu is a group of Bantu people in Rwanda and Burundi"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Certainly be included, raising hell (6)","output":"### Answer: EREBUS \n ### Explanation: Certainly be included, raising hell (6)\n<=SU(BE)RE \nI'm no classics scholar, but I'm not sure Erebus is hell. My understanding is that in Greek mythology, souls had to pass through Erebus to get to Hades."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Leading batsman's kitchen utensil (6)","output":"### Answer: OPENER \n ### Explanation: Leading batsman's kitchen utensil (6)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Swell rendezvous in France he interrupts (6)","output":"### Answer: DILATE \n ### Explanation: Swell rendezvous in France he interrupts (6)\nIL (\"in France, he\") \"interrupts\" DATE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: 13 25 a'cross's novel pause for repair (3,4)","output":"### Answer: PIT STOP \n ### Explanation: 13 25 a'cross's novel pause for repair (3,4)\n*(tip top s)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Musical genre of 13 25a in which temperatures become hot (3-3)","output":"### Answer: HIP-HOP \n ### Explanation: Musical genre of 13 25a in which temperatures become hot (3-3)\nH(t)IP-H(t)OP"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Countries not entirely disordered \u2013 psychologically so? (8)","output":"### Answer: NEUROTIC \n ### Explanation: Countries not entirely disordered \u2013 psychologically so? (8)\n*(countrie)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Small component of PA, maybe (8)","output":"### Answer: PARTICLE \n ### Explanation: Small component of PA, maybe (8)\nP + ARTICLE (\"A\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Get going with champion ticket- seller (5,3)","output":"### Answer: START OUT \n ### Explanation: Get going with champion ticket- seller (5,3)\nSTAR + TOUT"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Surveillance organisation almost intercepting drunk's hiccup (6)","output":"### Answer: GLITCH \n ### Explanation: Surveillance organisation almost intercepting drunk's hiccup (6)\nGCH(q) \"intercepting\" LIT"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Test gold over wood (6)","output":"### Answer: ORDEAL \n ### Explanation: Test gold over wood (6)\nOR + DEAL"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Inactive reptile securing shelter (6)","output":"### Answer: ASLEEP \n ### Explanation: Inactive reptile securing shelter (6)\nASP \"securing\" LEE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Social medium with missing giggle (6)","output":"### Answer: TITTER \n ### Explanation: Social medium with missing giggle (6)\nT(w)ITTER"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Frank initially ignored by fellow writer (6)","output":"### Answer: PENMAN \n ### Explanation: Frank initially ignored by fellow writer (6)\n(o)PEN + MAN"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: New drama in nationalist's first language (8)","output":"### Answer: MANDARIN \n ### Explanation: New drama in nationalist's first language (8)\n*(drama in) + N(ationalist)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Determined to make a record (6)","output":"### Answer: SINGLE \n ### Explanation: Determined to make a record (6)\nDouble definition? \nI can't find \"single\" = \"determined\" in Chambers.\n \n\"Single-minded\" means \"determined\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rex entering meeting with shrink (8)","output":"### Answer: CONTRACT \n ### Explanation: Rex entering meeting with shrink (8)\nR \"entering\" CONTACT"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Value highly abused tsar and rue embracing the end of empire (8)","output":"### Answer: TREASURE \n ### Explanation: Value highly abused tsar and rue embracing the end of empire (8)\n*(tsar rue) \"embracing\" (empir)E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dash from Atlantic port to ancient city (6)","output":"### Answer: VIGOUR \n ### Explanation: Dash from Atlantic port to ancient city (6)\nVIGO + UR \nVigo is a port in north-west Spain (Galicia) and Ur was an ancient Sumerian city."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Considerable tax cut by Socialist leader (4)","output":"### Answer: VAST \n ### Explanation: Considerable tax cut by Socialist leader (4)\nVAT \"cut by\" S"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Get better\u00a0crack (5,2)","output":"### Answer: CLEAR UP \n ### Explanation: Get better\u00a0crack (5,2)\nDouble definition \n\"Get better\" as in, say a rash, and \"crack\" as in \"crack a problem\" (not entirely convinced by second definition\u2026)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Not unfortunately within murderer to hold back (7)","output":"### Answer: CONTAIN \n ### Explanation: Not unfortunately within murderer to hold back (7)\n*(not) \"within\" CAIN"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Knight leaves without delay to tour Luxembourg unaccompanied (4)","output":"### Answer: SOLO \n ### Explanation: Knight leaves without delay to tour Luxembourg unaccompanied (4)\nSOO(n) \"to tour\" L (\"Luxembourg\") \nN is \"knight\" in chesss notation."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Money problems not tackled at the start (6)","output":"### Answer: ROUBLE \n ### Explanation: Money problems not tackled at the start (6)\n(t)ROUBLE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Assign to a northern town needing no introduction (8)","output":"### Answer: ARROGATE \n ### Explanation: Assign to a northern town needing no introduction (8)\n(h)ARROGATE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Articles featuring crime spree by someone from Maine (8)","output":"### Answer: AMERICAN \n ### Explanation: Articles featuring crime spree by someone from Maine (8)\nA and AN \"featuring\" *(crime)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Turned round in shed (6)","output":"### Answer: SPOILT \n ### Explanation: Turned round in shed (6)\nO in SPLIT"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Laugh right after unknown girl grabs fellow in play (3,5)","output":"### Answer: HAY FEVER \n ### Explanation: Laugh right after unknown girl grabs fellow in play (3,5)\nHA (\"laugh\")\u00a0+ Y (\"unknown\") + EVE (\"girl\") + R (\"right\") \n*Hay Fever* is a Noel Coward play."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Work steadily at keeping hospital department in full supply (6)","output":"### Answer: PLENTY \n ### Explanation: Work steadily at keeping hospital department in full supply (6)\nPLY \"keeping\" E.N.T. (Ear, Nose and Throat, a \"hospital department\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Indicating the presence of a certain substance in concrete (8)","output":"### Answer: POSITIVE \n ### Explanation: Indicating the presence of a certain substance in concrete (8)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Soon dismissing Amy's original opinion of tripe (8)","output":"### Answer: NONSENSE \n ### Explanation: Soon dismissing Amy's original opinion of tripe (8)\n(a)NON\u00a0+ SENSE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Finally discovered in a reference book on Thailand (2,4)","output":"### Answer: AT LAST \n ### Explanation: Finally discovered in a reference book on Thailand (2,4)\nATLAS + T"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Afraid at first to get very close to river (4)","output":"### Answer: AVON \n ### Explanation: Afraid at first to get very close to river (4)\nA(fraid) + V(ery) + ON (\"close to\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Waste of time to stop in need of rest when climbing 28 (8)","output":"### Answer: DETRITUS \n ### Explanation: Waste of time to stop in need of rest when climbing 28 (8)\nT \"to stop\" <=TIRED + U.S. (see 28 ac)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Argue against supporting soldiers for instance (6)","output":"### Answer: REASON \n ### Explanation: Argue against supporting soldiers for instance (6)\nON \"(against\") \"supporting\" R.E. + AS (\"for instance\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Kind of Brown to come around with last of boxes from safe (6)","output":"### Answer: NATURE \n ### Explanation: Kind of Brown to come around with last of boxes from safe (6)\n<=TAN + (s)URE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Go on about the return of the French clergyman (7)","output":"### Answer: PRELATE \n ### Explanation: Go on about the return of the French clergyman (7)\nPRATE \"about\" <=LE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Be concerned over politician's character (7)","output":"### Answer: CALIBRE \n ### Explanation: Be concerned over politician's character (7)\nCARE \"over\" LIB."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A kind of technology used to protect everyone on island (4,4)","output":"### Answer: GOAL LINE \n ### Explanation: A kind of technology used to protect everyone on island (4,4)\nGONE (\"used\") \"to protect\" ALL I (\"everyone on island\") \nGoal-line technology is a recent innovation in football, used to tell whether the ball crossed the goal line or not."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Books covered with a Native American tribe's system of signs (8)","output":"### Answer: NOTATION \n ### Explanation: Books covered with a Native American tribe's system of signs (8)\nO.T. (\"books\") \"covered with\" NATION \nNATION can be used for any group of people sharing a culture or language (eg Celtic nation(s)), but Chambers picks put the Native Americans specifically."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Above all maintaining editor's sent up in an unpretentious way (8)","output":"### Answer: MODESTLY \n ### Explanation: Above all maintaining editor's sent up in an unpretentious way (8)\nMOSTLY \"maintaining\" <=ED"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: About to be introduced to city life (6)","output":"### Answer: BREATH \n ### Explanation: About to be introduced to city life (6)\nRE \"to be introduced to\" BATH"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Add 1\/2 of 12 to 1\/4 of 19 with confidence (6)","output":"### Answer: SURELY \n ### Explanation: Add 1\/2 of 12 to 1\/4 of 19 with confidence (6)\nRelates to parts of the answers to 12 ac and 19dn, so\u2026 \n\u2026(trea)SURE + (modest)LY"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Force pump oddly sent back to company by the Spanish (6)","output":"### Answer: COMPEL \n ### Explanation: Force pump oddly sent back to company by the Spanish (6)\nCO + <=**P**u**M**p + EL"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A tailless animal drew near (4)","output":"### Answer: CAME \n ### Explanation: A tailless animal drew near (4)\nCAME(l)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: End of college scarf stuck in elevator \u2013 I may come to the rescue (8)","output":"### Answer: LIFEBOAT \n ### Explanation: End of college scarf stuck in elevator \u2013 I may come to the rescue (8)\n(colleg)E + BOA (\"scarf\")\u00a0\"stuck in\" LIFT\u00a0(\"elevator\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Guide English class comprehending chapter (6)","output":"### Answer: ESCORT \n ### Explanation: Guide English class comprehending chapter (6)\nE + SORT (\"class\")\u00a0\"comprehending\" C(hapter)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Medicine to take shortly (5)","output":"### Answer: TONIC \n ### Explanation: Medicine to take shortly (5)\nTO NIC(k)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fast-growing conifers ideally spread round end of garden facing one (9)","output":"### Answer: LEYLANDII \n ### Explanation: Fast-growing conifers ideally spread round end of garden facing one (9)\n*(ideally) \"around\" (garde)N + I (\"one\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Military command generating woe, year US got involved (2,3,4)","output":"### Answer: AS YOU WERE \n ### Explanation: Military command generating woe, year US got involved (2,3,4)\n*(woe year us)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Romantic poet in past, one thrown out of club (5)","output":"### Answer: BYRON \n ### Explanation: Romantic poet in past, one thrown out of club (5)\nBY (\"in past\") + (i)RON"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Steer\u00a0straight (6)","output":"### Answer: DIRECT \n ### Explanation: Steer\u00a0straight (6)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Altar? I'm nervous of marriage (7)","output":"### Answer: MARITAL \n ### Explanation: Altar? I'm nervous of marriage (7)\n*(altar im)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: System of exercises I found in full-page book illustrations (7)","output":"### Answer: PILATES \n ### Explanation: System of exercises I found in full-page book illustrations (7)\nI in PLATES (\"full-page book illustrations\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Very poor person for all to see in tabloid? (6)","output":"### Answer: PAUPER \n ### Explanation: Very poor person for all to see in tabloid? (6)\nU (\"for all to see\") + PAPER (\"tabloid\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Clubs in correct order (5)","output":"### Answer: EDICT \n ### Explanation: Clubs in correct order (5)\nC(lubs) in EDIT (\"correct\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: I attended the Hatter's tea party to protest before race (5,4)","output":"### Answer: MARCH HARE \n ### Explanation: I attended the Hatter's tea party to protest before race (5,4)\nMARCH (\"protest\") + HARE (\"race\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Scornful humour by male fronting band (9)","output":"### Answer: WITHERING \n ### Explanation: Scornful humour by male fronting band (9)\nWIT (\"humour\") + HE (\"male\") + RING (\"band\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A component in pieces (5)","output":"### Answer: APART \n ### Explanation: A component in pieces (5)\nA + PART"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Guards allowing nothing in country (6)","output":"### Answer: YEOMEN \n ### Explanation: Guards allowing nothing in country (6)\nO (\"nothing\") in YEMEN"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cast a spell on the way in (8)","output":"### Answer: ENTRANCE \n ### Explanation: Cast a spell on the way in (8)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: In trouble, thallium toxic (6)","output":"### Answer: LETHAL \n ### Explanation: In trouble, thallium toxic (6)\nHidden in \"troub**LE THAL**lium\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Strange young woman, but musical (5,4)","output":"### Answer: FUNNY GIRL \n ### Explanation: Strange young woman, but musical (5,4)\nFUNNY (\"strange\") + GIRL (\"young woman\") \n*Funny Girl* opened on Broadway in 1964, and was made into a movie starring Barbara Streisand."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Reason given for climbing Everest, as written on gaudy tee shirt (7,3,5)","output":"### Answer: BECAUSE IT\u2019S THERE \n ### Explanation: Reason given for climbing Everest, as written on gaudy tee shirt (7,3,5)\nBECAUSE (\"as\") + *(tee shirt) \nReputed to have been said by mountaineer George Mallory."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Complaint got from working in metal (7)","output":"### Answer: AILMENT \n ### Explanation: Complaint got from working in metal (7)\n*(in metal)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Yorkshire resort with clean air (11,4)","output":"### Answer: SCARBOROUGH FAIR \n ### Explanation: Yorkshire resort with clean air (11,4)\nSCARBOROUGH (\"Yorkshire resort\") + FAIR (\"clean\") \n*Scarborough Fair* is a traditional English ballad, which was also released as a single by Simon & Garfunkel after their version featured in the classic film, *The Graduate*."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Discipline\u00a0class (5)","output":"### Answer: ORDER \n ### Explanation: Discipline\u00a0class (5)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ravel describing right current for a musical instrument (8)","output":"### Answer: TRIANGLE \n ### Explanation: Ravel describing right current for a musical instrument (8)\nTANGLE (\"ravel\") \"describing\" R + i (\"right current\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: My clue involved a college (6)","output":"### Answer: LYCEUM \n ### Explanation: My clue involved a college (6)\n*(my clue)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: On the other hand, the angina developed (4,5)","output":"### Answer: THEN AGAIN \n ### Explanation: On the other hand, the angina developed (4,5)\nTHE + *(angina) \nI think this is intended to be an anagram of \"the angina\", but the letters of \"the\" appear are just \"given\" in the clue."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Serious upset in power sport (8)","output":"### Answer: SPEEDWAY \n ### Explanation: Serious upset in power sport (8)\n<+DEEP (\"serious\") in SWAY (\"power\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Top executive employing 2,000 (6)","output":"### Answer: SUMMIT \n ### Explanation: Top executive employing 2,000 (6)\nSUIT (\"executive\") \"employing\" MM (\"2,000\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Model in quiet Spanish region (7)","output":"### Answer: PARAGON \n ### Explanation: Model in quiet Spanish region (7)\nP (\"quiet\")\u00a0+ ARAGON (\"Spanish region\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Recent changes in core (6)","output":"### Answer: CENTRE \n ### Explanation: Recent changes in core (6)\n*(recent)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Start of abbreviated number trio made a mess of outside (5)","output":"### Answer: INTRO \n ### Explanation: Start of abbreviated number trio made a mess of outside (5)\nN(umber) in *(trio)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Small gardens smell? That's not true (4-5)","output":"### Answer: SKEW-WHIFF \n ### Explanation: Definition: not true \nS(mall) + KEW (gardens) + WHIFF"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Origins in Jamaica affected character of Bob Marley? (5)","output":"### Answer: JACOB \n ### Explanation: Definition: Marley\nFirst letters of **J**amaica **A**ffected **C**haracter\u00a0**O**f **B**ob \nRefers to Jacob Marley, Scrooge's deceased partner in *A Christmas Carol"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: On departing, dress to shock (5)","output":"### Answer: APPAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: shock\nAPPA(re)L \nRE, meaning \"on\" is removed from APPAREL"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Con imprisoned by nasty penal system emptied part of cell (9)","output":"### Answer: ENDOPLASM \n ### Explanation: Definition: part of cell \nDO (\"con\") \"imprisoned by\" *(penal) + **S**yste**M** \nEndoplasm is the central part of the cytoplasm of a\u00a0cell, and no, I didn't know that either, but the wordplay and crossing letters make it possible to work out\u00a0the solution."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Focus perhaps on card game and look for famous gambling resort (5,5)","output":"### Answer: MONTE CARLO \n ### Explanation: Definition: famous gambling resort\nMONTE (\"card game\") + CAR (\"Focus, perhaps\") + LO (\"look\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Song of unmarried girl in musical? (4)","output":"### Answer: ARIA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Song\n(m)ARIA \n*Maria* is a song from *West Side Story*, and \"unmarried\"\u00a0instructs us to remove\u00a0the M"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: I get stuffing with flavouring (7)","output":"### Answer: ANISEED \n ### Explanation: Definition: flavouring \nI SEE (\"i get\") \"stuffing\" AND (\"with\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Thought about getting place with journalist (7)","output":"### Answer: REPUTED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Thought\nRE (\"about\") + PUT + ED"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cursed, or the opposite? (7)","output":"### Answer: BLESSED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Cursed\n\"Cursed\" and \"blessed\" are both adjectives that may be used as very mild expletives."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Liberal tucked into hot bread (7)","output":"### Answer: STOLLEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: bread\nL(iberal) tucked into STOLEN (\"hot\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: You run off time after time (4)","output":"### Answer: THOU \n ### Explanation: Definition: You\nT + HOU(r)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sickly-looking wretch gets ill over in Australia (10)","output":"### Answer: CADAVEROUS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Sickly-looking\nCAD (\"wretch\") + *(over) in AUS"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Playing score, Mahler's Third, reflected skill \u2013 of this? (9)","output":"### Answer: ORCHESTRA \n ### Explanation: Definition: of this\n*(score H) + <=ART, where the H is the third letter of \"Ma**H**ler\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Daughter cracks (first off!) nine times table (5)","output":"### Answer: INDEX \n ### Explanation: Definition: table\nD(aughter) \"cracks\" (n)INE + X (\"times\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Part of letter inflames revolutionary (5)","output":"### Answer: SERIF \n ### Explanation: Definition: Part of letter\n<=FIRES"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bog engulfs a river boat (9)","output":"### Answer: CATAMARAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: boat\nCAN (loo = \"bog\") \"engulfs\" A TAMAR"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Jerk succeeded in overturning plans (5)","output":"### Answer: SPASM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Jerk\nS(ucceeded) in <=MAPS"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Loquacious setter's led by love of old vessels (9)","output":"### Answer: EXPANSIVE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Loquacious\nI'VE (\"setter's\") \"led by\" EX (\"love of old\") + PANS (\"vessels\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Maybe 21 is in Calais, importing live animal (10)","output":"### Answer: WILDEBEEST \n ### Explanation: Definition: animal\n(Oscar) WILDE + EST (French for \"is\", therefore \"is in Calais\"), \"importing\" BE \"(live\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Resistance stops deal in developing country (7)","output":"### Answer: IRELAND \n ### Explanation: Definition: developing country \nR(esistance) in *(deal in)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Force lazybones to acquire degree as musician (7)","output":"### Answer: FIDDLER \n ### Explanation: Definition: musician\nF(orce) + IDLER (\"lazybones\") \"to acquire\" D(egree)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Jean regularly visited gym? That's a joke (4)","output":"### Answer: JAPE \n ### Explanation: Definition: joke\n**J**e**A**n + P.E."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: President leaves to tour island (5)","output":"### Answer: CHAIR \n ### Explanation: Definition: President\nCHAR (informal name for tea, therefore \"leaves\") \"to tour\" I(sland)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Continue to batter musical instrument (9)","output":"### Answer: BOMBARDON \n ### Explanation: Definition: musical instrument \nBOMBARD ON = \"continue to batter\" \nA bombardon is a wind instrument, a tuba that coils over it's player's shoulder."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: So I'm person sporting best gear for guest beer? (10)","output":"### Answer: SPOONERISM \n ### Explanation: Definition: best gear for guest beer\n*(so im person)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A large bird that primarily soars at sea (9)","output":"### Answer: ALBATROSS \n ### Explanation: Definition: A large bird that primarily soars at sea \n*(**A L**(arge) **B**(ird) **T**(hat) soars)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Write story about my Romeo \u2013 that's a demanding task (4,5)","output":"### Answer: TALL ORDER \n ### Explanation: Definition: that's a demanding task \nTALE \"about\" LORD (\"my!\") + R(omeo)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: When upset, it's in character to get violent (7)","output":"### Answer: DRASTIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: violent\nITS in <+CARD"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: In TV, a network providing watertight material (7)","output":"### Answer: SEALANT \n ### Explanation: Definition: watertight material \nA LAN (Local Area Network) in SET (\"TV\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Film star may get one description of stretch limo? (5)","output":"### Answer: OSCAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Film star may get one\nA stretch limo could be an OS (outsize) CAR"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old German soprano's got a bit of a nerve (5)","output":"### Answer: SAXON \n ### Explanation: Definition: Old German\nS(oprano) + AXON (a nerve fibre)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Muscle\u00a0complaint (4)","output":"### Answer: BEEF \n ### Explanation: Definition: Muscle\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cliff diver: \"I've taken off backwards on wobbly chair\" (7)","output":"### Answer: RICHARD \n ### Explanation: Definition: Cliff\n*(chair) + <=**R**evi**D"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: '70s prog rock band books castle (7)","output":"### Answer: CAMELOT \n ### Explanation: Definition: castle\nCAMEL + O.T. (\"books\") \nHad to look up Camel, who are indeed a prog rock band, formed in the early 70s, but in a Tigger's broom sort of way, are still in existence."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sugar, part of a balanced diet? (4)","output":"### Answer: ALAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Sugar\nHidden in \"b**ALAN**ced diet\" \nRefers to Alan Sugar."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: European husband, one in Paris again, swims across river (9)","output":"### Answer: HUNGARIAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: European\nH(usband) + UN (\"one in Paris\") + R in *(again)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Day cleaning out inter\u00adior of antechamber gets one in order (5)","output":"### Answer: FRIAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: one in order \nFRI(day) + A(ntechambe)R"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Former football manager of Villa and Forest? (8)","output":"### Answer: SHERWOOD \n ### Explanation: Definition: Former football manager of Villa \nRefers to Tim Sherwood, former manager of Aston Villa, and Sherwood Forest."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: To restrict opening of safe, secure with key (4,4)","output":"### Answer: CAPS LOCK \n ### Explanation: Definition: key\nCAP (\"restrict\") + S(afe) + LOCK (\"secure\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Boy: \"Wonder about nickel, boron and gold?\" (5)","output":"### Answer: ROBIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Boy: \"Wonder \n<+NI B OR \nBatman's sidekick, Robin was of course, also known as the Boy Wonder."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Gas inhaled by heavy-duty criminal (4)","output":"### Answer: HOOD \n ### Explanation: Definition: criminal\nOO or O2 is oxygen (\"gas\") and H.D. is an abbreviation of \"heavy duty\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dolls waiting in line to be delivered a meal? (8)","output":"### Answer: BARBECUE \n ### Explanation: Definition: a meal\nHomophone of BARBIE QUEUE, indicated by \"to be delivered\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Over 90? Badly attired? Get state support! (3,6)","output":"### Answer: TAX CREDIT \n ### Explanation: Definition: state support\n*(attired) \"over\" XC (\"90\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Might he have starred in Carry On Up The Valley? (4)","output":"### Answer: DALE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Valley\nRefers to *Carry On* regular Jim Dale"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Southern refined claret is a brilliant red (7)","output":"### Answer: SCARLET \n ### Explanation: Definition: brilliant red \nS + *(claret)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Exaggerated walk after 1\/20th of a pint? (7)","output":"### Answer: FLOUNCE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Exaggerated walk\nFL. OUNCE (\"fluid ounce\" = \"1\/20th of a pint\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Last document by Shakespeare (abridged) (4)","output":"### Answer: WILL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Last document \nWILL(iam) (Shakespear)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Solo time that's involved in Sunday school songs (8)","output":"### Answer: SHANTIES \n ### Explanation: Definition: songs\nHAN (Solo,\u00a0from\u00a0*Star Wars*)\u00a0+ T(ime) +\u00a0i.e. \"involved in\" SS (\"Sunday school\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sportsman asks Russian cheats: \"Help expose ringleaders\" (6)","output":"### Answer: ARCHER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Sportsman\nFirst letters of (\"leaders\") **A**sks **R**ussian **C**heats **H**elp **E**xpose **R**ing"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Gardener's head bears fine American plant (4,4)","output":"### Answer: FAVA BEAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: American plant\nAVA (\"Gardner's\") BEAN (\"head\") \"bears\" F(ine)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: About 6, we retire to study (6)","output":"### Answer: REVIEW \n ### Explanation: Definition: study\nRE + VI + <=WE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Boy\u00a0heads? (4)","output":"### Answer: JOHN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Boy\nDouble definition \u2013 boy's name and toilet (although \"heads\" needn't be plural)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Complaint? Fans want Spoonerism (9)","output":"### Answer: NOSEBLEED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Complaint\nSpponerism of BLOWS NEED (\"fans want\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Special style of loud hot rock (5)","output":"### Answer: FLAVA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Special style \nF + LAVA, a derivative of FLAVOUR"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Some atmosphere at wizard's postcode? (5)","output":"### Answer: OZONE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Some atmosphere\nThe Wizard of Oz's postcode would probably be OZ 1"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One takes notes, one plays notes (8)","output":"### Answer: RECORDER \n ### Explanation: Definition: One takes notes\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Professional hitter from Edinburgh dismissed \u2014 bowled out (5,3)","output":"### Answer: HIRED GUN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Professional hitter\n*(edinurgh) (\"Edinburgh\" with no B (\"bowled out\"))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fighting dogs? (6)","output":"### Answer: BOXERS \n ### Explanation: Definition: dogs\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: No starter with fast food (4)","output":"### Answer: TUCK \n ### Explanation: Definition: food\n(s)TUCK (\"fast\" with no starter)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Message received, seeing headline about leading track runner (5,9)","output":"### Answer: ROGER BANNISTER \n ### Explanation: Definition: track runner (5,9)\nROGER (\"message received\")\u00a0+ BANNER\u00a0(\"headline\") \"about\" 1ST (\"leading) \nRoger Bannister was the first man to run the mile in under four minutes."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cycle dash past centre of York (5)","output":"### Answer: ORBIT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Cycle\n(y)OR(k) + BIT (\"dash\", as in a dash of milk, for example)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: State aid's written about in local article (7)","output":"### Answer: INDIANA \n ### Explanation: Definition: State\n*(aid) in INN (\"local\") + A"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Extremely naive individual in disarray finds ancient deity (7)","output":"### Answer: NEMESIS \n ### Explanation: Definition: ancient deity \nN(aiv)E + 1 in MESS \nNemesis was a Greek goddess of retribution"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sound of trombone perhaps lacking a sparkle (5)","output":"### Answer: OOMPH \n ### Explanation: Definition: sparkle\nOOMP(a)H"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Futility of record company head retaining personal trainer (9)","output":"### Answer: EMPTINESS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Futility\nE.M.I. NESS \"retaining\" P.T. (\"personal trainer\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Canine character runs into container twice (3,3,3)","output":"### Answer: RIN TIN TIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Canine character\nR + IN + (TIN x 2)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stroke\u00a0fawn (5)","output":"### Answer: CRAWL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Stroke\nDouble definition \u2013 a swimming stroke and to seek favour"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Free Kenyan leader joining two alliances (7)","output":"### Answer: UNBLOCK \n ### Explanation: Definition: Free\nU.N. BLOC (\"two alliances\") + K(enya)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pause, always taking in peaks westwards (7)","output":"### Answer: RESPITE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Pause\n<= E(TIPS)ER"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: On a spree, glance Jackie regularly nibbling sweet stuff (5-4)","output":"### Answer: ANGEL CAKE \n ### Explanation: Definition: sweet stuff \n*(glance) + (j)**A**(c)**K**(i)**E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Drinker, at last inside, enthusiastic about bars opening (5)","output":"### Answer: INTRO \n ### Explanation: Definition: bars opening \n(drinke)R \"inside\" INTO (\"enthusiastic about\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Couple on the run from city with Diane crossed British river (6,3,5)","output":"### Answer: BONNIE AND CLYDE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Couple on the run\nBONN (\"city\") + *(diane) + CLYDE (\"British river\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Referee begins to develop, in command when dismissing wingers (9)","output":"### Answer: OMBUDSMAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Referee\nBUDS (\"begins to develop\") in (c)OMMAN(d)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Football team, one down, start to tire in time that's added on (5)","output":"### Answer: EXTRA \n ### Explanation: Definition: that's added on \nX(I) (\"football team\", less one) + T(ire) in ERA (\"time\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Just touring, Prince of Wales left out European city (9)","output":"### Answer: BUCHAREST \n ### Explanation: Definition: European city \nBUT (\"just\") \"touring\" CHAR(l)ES"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stocking some vinyl online (5)","output":"### Answer: NYLON \n ### Explanation: Definition: Stocking\nHidden in \"vi**NYL ON**line\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unable to drop off Monica at work under current partnership (9)","output":"### Answer: INSOMNIAC \n ### Explanation: Definition: Unable to drop off\nI (\"current\") + NS (\"partnership\", in bridge) + *(monica)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Having removed top, highlight hair (5)","output":"### Answer: TRESS \n ### Explanation: Definition: hair\n(s)TRESS"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old Egyptian repeatedly outside in elements, has woolly thing on (7)","output":"### Answer: RAMESES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Old Egyptian\nRAM (\"woolly thing\") + E(lement)S \"repeatedly\", so ES ES"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Piece of game from party doctor eats at home (6)","output":"### Answer: DOMINO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Piece of game\nDO + M.O. \"eating\" IN (\"at home\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The masses head into Nicosia regularly on early part of holiday (3,6)","output":"### Answer: HOI POLLOI \n ### Explanation: Definition: The masses\nHO (\"early part of HOliday\") + POLL (\"head\") into (n)**I**(c)**O**(s)**I**(a) \nHad never come across POLL\u00a0for \"head\" before, but it's in Chambers."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Training new China correspondent (3,6)","output":"### Answer: PEN FRIEND \n ### Explanation: Definition: correspondent\nP.E. + N + FRIEND (\"china\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Skinny latte, finally, Scotsman on a diet ordered (9)","output":"### Answer: EMACIATED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Skinny\n(latt)E + MAC (\"Scotsman\") + *(a diet)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bull and Ram's Head \u2013 where booze's served in the middle (7)","output":"### Answer: RHUBARB \n ### Explanation: Definition: Bull"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Launched appeal with article (5)","output":"### Answer: BEGAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Launched\nBEG (\"appeal\") + AN (\"article\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tree-dweller sadly curtailed after decisive blow (5)","output":"### Answer: KOALA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Tree-dweller\nK.O. + ALA(s)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Refuse from the outset to sign document (5)","output":"### Answer: SWILL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Refuse\nS(ign) + WILL (\"document\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unable to settle at home, put back bedtime (2,4)","output":"### Answer: IN DEBT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Unable to settle\nIN + <+BED + T(ime)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Retired bachelor used to be my doctor (8)","output":"### Answer: SAWBONES \n ### Explanation: Definition: doctor\n<+B WAS + ONE'S (\"my\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Perhaps more tea and toast made by dog breeders? (3-3)","output":"### Answer: TOP-UPS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Perhaps more tea \nTO PUPS! may be a \"toast made by dog breeders\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Feeling duller at end of term? (8)","output":"### Answer: EPIDURAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Feeling duller at end of term\nAfter an epidural, a mother-to-be would feel duller."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: They shock and bestir frail old rebels (14)","output":"### Answer: DEFIBRILLATORS \n ### Explanation: Definition: They shock\n*(bestir frail old)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mother most attentive, keeping temperature steadier (10)","output":"### Answer: THERMOSTAT \n ### Explanation: Definition: temperature steadier \nHidden in \"mo**THER MOST AT**tentive\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ducks surround small lake in city (4)","output":"### Answer: OSLO \n ### Explanation: Definition: city\nOO (\"ducks\") \"surround\" S(mall) L(ake)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Railways regularly neglected, I'm sorry to say (4)","output":"### Answer: ALAS \n ### Explanation: Definition: I'm sorry to say \nr**A**i**L**w**A**y**S"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Supporter of an economic system that is disastrous (italics apt)(10)","output":"### Answer: CAPITALIST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Supporter of an economic system \n*(italics apt)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sent certain kingly leaders away, causing amusement (14)","output":"### Answer: ENTERTAININGLY \n ### Explanation: Definition: causing amusement \n(s)ENT (c)ERTAIN (k)INGLY"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Men talk, twitching, of sexual pleasure (8)","output":"### Answer: ORGASTIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: of sexual pleasure \nO.R. (\"men\") + GAS (\"talk\") + TIC (\"twitching\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Predicament is easy to bear after heading to pub (6)","output":"### Answer: PLIGHT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Predicament \nLIGHT after P(ub)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Writing first version of paper, not out wearing women's clothes (8)","output":"### Answer: DRAFTING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Writing first version\nF.T. (\"paper\") +IN (\"not out\") \"wearing\" DRAG"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Whiteness of china egg held in both hands (6)","output":"### Answer: PALLOR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Whiteness \nPAL (\"china\") + O (\"egg\") in L and R (\"both hands\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ten cheers for tiny thing! (4)","output":"### Answer: IOTA \n ### Explanation: Definition: tiny thing\n10 + TA (\"cheers\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Key rings quietly diminish in number (7)","output":"### Answer: DEPLETE \n ### Explanation: Definition: diminish in number \nDELETE (\"key\") \"rings\" P"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Font functions beautifully at first with suitable individual text (8)","output":"### Answer: BAPTISMS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Font functions\nB(eautifully) + APT + 1+ S.M.S. (\"text\" message)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Name state of North American mountain region (11)","output":"### Answer: APPELLATION \n ### Explanation: Definition: Name\nHomophone of APPALACHIAN"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Patient dropping in here unrobed, panicking nurse (6)","output":"### Answer: BEDPAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Patient dropping in here\nHidden in \"unro**BED PAN**icking\", indicated by \"nurse\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Shy queen with very piercing intelligence (7)","output":"### Answer: NERVOUS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Shy\n(E.R. + V) \"piercing\" NOUS"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Where you might ski round and round and spend a lot (6,3)","output":"### Answer: SPLASH OUT \n ### Explanation: Definition: spend a lot \n<+ALPS (\"where you might ski\") + SHOUT (\"round\", as in \"my shout\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ravel fantasia, arr. Bob Marley? (11)","output":"### Answer: RASTAFARIAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Bob Marley?\n*(fantasia arr)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hiding bottom in swingers' bar, Arachne cuts odd, discontented figure (9)","output":"### Answer: TRAPEZOID \n ### Explanation: Definition: figure\nTRAPEZ(e) + I (\"Arachne\") \"cuts\" O(d)D"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: During very fine morning yearn to climb tree (8)","output":"### Answer: MAGNOLIA \n ### Explanation: Definition: tree\n<= A1 (LONG) A.M."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Father Christmas shedding clothes over one summer month upset part of the WI (7)","output":"### Answer: ANTIGUA \n ### Explanation: Definition: part of the WI \n(s)ANT(a) + 1 <=AUG. \nWI is West Indies here, not Womens' Institute."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wrongly say Capone is breaking law (7)","output":"### Answer: ILLEGAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: breaking law \nILL + e.g. + AL (Capone)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sex carries advantages for your health (6)","output":"### Answer: PROSIT \n ### Explanation: Definition: for your health \nIT (\"sex\") \"carries\" PROS \nI wonder whether\u00a0\"to your health\" may have\u00a0been slightly better, as a defenition?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Excite gentleman, grabbing top of thigh (4)","output":"### Answer: STIR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Excite\nSIR \"grabbing\" T(high)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: An identity thief, Neo's following the monarch (8)","output":"### Answer: IMPOSTER \n ### Explanation: Definition: An identity thief\nI'M (\"Neo's\") + POST (\"following\") + E.R. (\"the monarch\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Start on alpine trail for this! (6)","output":"### Answer: ASCENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Start on alpine trail for this\nA(lpine) + SCENT (\"trail\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Still holding an old penny piece (8)","output":"### Answer: SERENADE \n ### Explanation: Definition: piece\nSERENE (\"still\") + A D (\"old penny\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Roman Catholic in boat's Middle Ocean killer (4)","output":"### Answer: ORCA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Ocean killer \nR.C. in (b)OA(t)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Someone from Zenda or Turin an IRA suspect? (10)","output":"### Answer: RURITANIAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Someone from Zenda\n*(turin an ira) \nRuritania was a mythical European country in Anthony Hope's 1894 novel,\u00a0*The Prisoner of Zenda*."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Songs at speed in controlled atmosphere? (8)","output":"### Answer: AIRSPACE \n ### Explanation: Definition: controlled atmosphere\nAIRS (\"songs\") + PACE (\"speed\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Books in scripture studies for mechanical routine (4)","output":"### Answer: ROTE \n ### Explanation: Definition: mechanical routine \nO.T. (\"books\") \"in\" R.E. (\"scripture studies\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Democrat welcome for Cameron (4)","output":"### Answer: DAVE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Cameron\nD(emocrat) + AVE (\"welcome\" in Latin) \nRefers of course to \"Dave\" Cameron, ex-PM."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: School workers crying about Guevara (8)","output":"### Answer: TEACHERS \n ### Explanation: Definition: School workers\nTEARS (\"crying\") \"about\" CHE (Guevara)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Perhaps most senior educationalist (10)","output":"### Answer: MONTESSORI \n ### Explanation: Definition: educationalist\n*(most senior)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Winged beings caught by current in swirling Humber (8)","output":"### Answer: CHERUBIM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Winged beings\nC + I (\"current\") in *(humber)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Completely hot dog Dorothy had (2,4)","output":"### Answer: IN TOTO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Completely\nIN (current, fashionable, so \"hot\") + TOTO (Dorothy's dog in *The Wizard of Oz*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Gold pleasing Blair (6)","output":"### Answer: ORWELL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Blair\nOR (\"gold\") + WELL (\"pleasing\") \nGeorge Orwell's real name was Eric Blair."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lion Man's reinvented harmonics (8)","output":"### Answer: NOMINALS \n ### Explanation: Definition: harmonics\n*(lion mans) \nThis isn't even general knowledge in my book. It took me a long time to find an example of nominals and harmonics being synonymous in bell-ringing, where a nominal is defined as \"the harmonic an octave above the strike tone of a bell\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Scrooge is in sea abroad (5)","output":"### Answer: MISER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Scrooge\nIS in MER (the French for \"sea\", therefore, \"sea abroad\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Why his beef is not with me? (3,4,4,2,7,4,6)","output":"### Answer: ONE MAN\u2019S MEAT IS ANOTHER MAN\u2019S POISON \n ### Explanation: Definition: Why his beef is not with me\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Test cases sorted out in class (8)","output":"### Answer: TUTORIAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: class\nTRIAL (\"test\") \"cases\" *(out)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Body-snatchers, not unknown in cemetery, beaten with iron urns (12,3)","output":"### Answer: RESURRECTION MEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Body-snatchers\n*(cemeter(y) iron urns)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rodent in baked dish for buccaneer (6)","output":"### Answer: PIRATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: buccaneer\nRAT in PIE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One ahead something charged? (3)","output":"### Answer: ION \n ### Explanation: Definition: something charged\n1 + ON"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mature mother holding son in work of art (3,6)","output":"### Answer: OLD MASTER \n ### Explanation: Definition: work of art \nOLD (\"mature\") + MATER (\"mother\") \"holding\" S(on)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Town knight and soldiers that catch MP by leg (11)","output":"### Answer: NORTHAMPTON \n ### Explanation: Definition: Town\nN (\"knight\", in chess notation) + O.R. (\"soldiers\") + THAT \"catching\" MP + ON (\"leg\" side in cricket)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: If I stop uprising, sergeant major finds non-violent way (8)","output":"### Answer: PACIFISM \n ### Explanation: Definition: non-violent way \n<=IF I CAP + SM (\"sergeant major\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Girl first victim under Islamic State (6)","output":"### Answer: ISABEL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Girl\nABEL (\"first victim\") \"under\" IS"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Name deadly female hidden in old province (5)","output":"### Answer: NATAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: province \nI'm struggling to parse this \u2013 I can see N for name, and wonder if the ATAL has something to do with \"femme fATALe\"?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Gentleman, hungry, eats sandwiches (3)","output":"### Answer: RYE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Gentleman\nHidden in \"hung**RY E**ats\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fine rum and coke primarily to feed cold \u2013 some bug killer! (12)","output":"### Answer: DISINFECTANT \n ### Explanation: Fine rum and coke primarily to feed cold \u2013 some bug killer! (12)\n(*(fine) + C(oke)) in (\"to feed\") DISTANT (\"cold\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Melancholy wife, female in lust I suspect (7)","output":"### Answer: WISTFUL \n ### Explanation: Melancholy wife, female in lust I suspect (7)\nW(ife) + F(emale) in *(lust I)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Opposite directions covered by quality conveyance (7)","output":"### Answer: TRANSIT \n ### Explanation: Opposite directions covered by quality conveyance (7)\nN and S (\"opposite directions\") \"covered by\" TRAIT (\"quality\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Material that is beyond artist (5)","output":"### Answer: RAYON \n ### Explanation: Material that is beyond artist (5)\nYON (\"that\") \"beyond\" R.A. (\"artist\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Roguish character, ultimate in thorns between two flowers (8)","output":"### Answer: FALSTAFF \n ### Explanation: Roguish character, ultimate in thorns between two flowers (8)\n(thorn)S in FAL and TAFF, (two rivers, therefore \"flowers\") \nFalstaff appears in three Shakespeare plays."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Something set alight by very posh nickname (10)","output":"### Answer: SOUBRIQUET \n ### Explanation: Something set alight by very posh nickname (10)\nBRIQUET (\"something set alight\") \"by\" SO U (\"very posh\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: I haven't a clue to deliver (4)","output":"### Answer: PASS \n ### Explanation: I haven't a clue to deliver (4)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Book\u00a0those required for a variety performance? (4)","output":"### Answer: ACTS \n ### Explanation: Book\u00a0those required for a variety performance? (4)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Jack overwhelmed by main Oscar somehow, seeing collection of stars (5,5)","output":"### Answer: CANIS MAJOR \n ### Explanation: Jack overwhelmed by main Oscar somehow, seeing collection of stars (5,5)\nJ(ack) \"overwhelmed by\" *(main oscar)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Short of money, beaten (8)","output":"### Answer: STRAPPED \n ### Explanation: Short of money, beaten (8)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hippo's head stuck in particular opening (5)","output":"### Answer: NICHE \n ### Explanation: Hippo's head stuck in particular opening (5)\nH(ippo) \"stuck in\" NICE (\"particular\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: That is to cover head or back while carried by a woman (2,5)","output":"### Answer: IN UTERO \n ### Explanation: That is to cover head or back while carried by a woman (2,5)\nI.E. \"to cover\" NUT (\"head\") + <=OR"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Interception of computer technology by mastermind for the state (7)","output":"### Answer: BRITAIN \n ### Explanation: Interception of computer technology by mastermind for the state (7)\nI.T. (\"computer technology\") in BRAIN (\"mastermind\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: European polyglot, having dropped Latin, translated meaning for Carter perhaps? (12)","output":"### Answer: EGYPTOLOGIST \n ### Explanation: European polyglot, having dropped Latin, translated meaning for Carter perhaps? (12)\nE(uropean) + *(polygot) + GIST (\"meaning\") \nRefers to Howard Carter, who discovered Tutankhamen's tomb in 1922."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A media giant breaking promise of repayment, what a surprise! (1,3,3)","output":"### Answer: I ASK YOU \n ### Explanation: A media giant breaking promise of repayment, what a surprise! (1,3,3)\nA SKY (\"a media giant\") \"breaking\" I.O.U. (\"promise of repayment\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Keeping cooler, cool topless soldiers (8)","output":"### Answer: INFANTRY \n ### Explanation: Keeping cooler, cool topless soldiers (8)\n(w)INTRY (cool) \"keeping\" FAN (\"cooler\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fabric\u00a0caressed (4)","output":"### Answer: FELT \n ### Explanation: Fabric\u00a0caressed (4)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cook got a piece to cover last of meat in dish (7,3)","output":"### Answer: COTTAGE PIE \n ### Explanation: Cook got a piece to cover last of meat in dish (7,3)\n(*got a piece) \"to cover\" (mea)T"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: US president up in arms, mad apparently! (5)","output":"### Answer: ADAMS \n ### Explanation: US president up in arms, mad apparently! (5)\nHidden backwards (or upwards) in \"arm**S MAD A**pparently\" \nCould refer to John Adams, 2nd president of the US, or John Quincy Adams, 6th president."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Way to feed worm a Mexican dish (7)","output":"### Answer: TOSTADA \n ### Explanation: Way to feed worm a Mexican dish (7)\nST (\"way\") \"to feed\" TOAD (\"worm\") + A"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Skill shown in fighting hard to gatecrash Swiss romp, and failing (13)","output":"### Answer: SWORDSMANSHIP \n ### Explanation: Skill shown in fighting hard to gatecrash Swiss romp, and failing (13)\nH \"to gatecrash\" *(swiss romp and)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: County eager to alter testament for NCO (5,8)","output":"### Answer: STAFF SERGEANT \n ### Explanation: County eager to alter testament for NCO (5,8)\nSTAFFS. (\"county\") + *(eager) + N.T. (new \"testament\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Short and thick coats on marsupial \u2013 2 of 4, perhaps? (6,4)","output":"### Answer: SQUARE ROOT \n ### Explanation: Short and thick coats on marsupial \u2013 2 of 4, perhaps? (6,4)\nSQUAT (\"short and thick\") \"coats\" RE ROO (\"on marsupial\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Then PM beginning to be making changes? (8)","output":"### Answer: AMENDING \n ### Explanation: Then PM beginning to be making changes? (8)\nA.M. ENDING, so P.M. begins"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rack pulled apart, vertical groove in it (7)","output":"### Answer: TORTURE \n ### Explanation: Rack pulled apart, vertical groove in it (7)\n<=RUT (\"groove\") \"in\" TORE (\"pulled apart\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Game to bite almost everyone, canines (7)","output":"### Answer: JACKALS \n ### Explanation: Game to bite almost everyone, canines (7)\nJACKS (\"game\") \"to bite\" AL(l)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pastry case in tray \u2013 good stuff! (5)","output":"### Answer: PIETY \n ### Explanation: Pastry case in tray \u2013 good stuff! (5)\nPIE (\"pastry\") + T(ra)Y"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old murder victim in Lincoln Continental's trunk (4)","output":"### Answer: ABEL \n ### Explanation: Old murder victim in Lincoln Continental's trunk (4)\nABE (Lincoln) + (continenta)L"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Supporters entering notice retreating bigwigs (3,5)","output":"### Answer: TOP BRASS \n ### Explanation: Supporters entering notice retreating bigwigs (3,5)\nBRAS (\"supporters\") \"entering\" <=SPOT (\"notice\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hour of prayer in church after row (6)","output":"### Answer: TIERCE \n ### Explanation: Hour of prayer in church after row (6)\nC.E. (\"church\") after TIER (\"row\") \nThe third of the canonical hours beetween lauds and sext."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Enjoy memory revealed in a couple of letters (6)","output":"### Answer: DIGRAM \n ### Explanation: Enjoy memory revealed in a couple of letters (6)\nDIG (\"enjoy\") + R.A.M. (\"memory\") \nA digram, more usually called a digraph, is a two-letter combination, such as \"sh\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fighters with unhealthy appetite, performers lacking energy (8)","output":"### Answer: PICADORS \n ### Explanation: Fighters with unhealthy appetite, performers lacking energy (8)\nPICA (\"unhealthy appetite\")\u00a0+ DO(e)RS \"performers\" without an E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Peak of hill\u00a0that may be furrowed (4)","output":"### Answer: BROW \n ### Explanation: Peak of hill\u00a0that may be furrowed (4)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Craft going into a lock that may get two gates closed? (10)","output":"### Answer: NARROWBOAT \n ### Explanation: Craft going into a lock that may get two gates closed? (10)\n(Not very) cryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One big book about prisoner that expresses personal feeling (8)","output":"### Answer: EMOTICON \n ### Explanation: One big book about prisoner that expresses personal feeling (8)\n<=1 TOME (\"one big book\") + CON (\"prisoner\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: In bed, undressed, rolling over in the buff (4)","output":"### Answer: NUDE \n ### Explanation: In bed, undressed, rolling over in the buff (4)\nHidden backwards in \"b**ED UN**dressed\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Torrent brings river close to wood (4)","output":"### Answer: RASH \n ### Explanation: Torrent brings river close to wood (4)\nR(ver)\u00a0+ ASH (\"wood\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Monarch managed to have a taste of knight's activity (8)","output":"### Answer: ERRANTRY \n ### Explanation: Monarch managed to have a taste of knight's activity (8)\nE.R. (\"monarch\") + RAN (\"managed\") + TRY (\"taste\") \nErrantry\u00a0means \"wandering around looking for adventures\", as in \"knights errant\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Anger with bread being thrown in riotous assembly (4,6)","output":"### Answer: BEAR GARDEN \n ### Explanation: Anger with bread being thrown in riotous assembly (4,6)\n*(anger bread)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A frothy talk, reflective narrative (4)","output":"### Answer: SAGA \n ### Explanation: A frothy talk, reflective narrative (4)\n<+A GAS"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Operator needing time to catch fish (8)","output":"### Answer: STURGEON \n ### Explanation: Operator needing time to catch fish (8)\nSURGEON (\"operator\") \"needing\" T"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Additional\u00a0place within Greater Manchester (6)","output":"### Answer: BOLTON \n ### Explanation: Additional\u00a0place within Greater Manchester (6)\nBOLT-ON (\"additional\") and BOLTON"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Brainy, not wet, correct? (6)","output":"### Answer: BRIGHT \n ### Explanation: Brainy, not wet, correct? (6)\nB(rainy) + RIGHT"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ponies I housed in places of refuge right away (8)","output":"### Answer: SHELTIES \n ### Explanation: Ponies I housed in places of refuge right away (8)\nI in SHELTE(r)S \nSheltie is another name for a Shetland pony"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Girl associated with cider, beginning to end, a bit willowy (5)","output":"### Answer: OSIER \n ### Explanation: Girl associated with cider, beginning to end, a bit willowy (5)\nROSIE (as in \"Cider with Rosie\") with the R moved to the end."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What sounds like Spooner's self- description as one looking out on garden? (11)","output":"### Answer: BIRDWATCHER \n ### Explanation: What sounds like Spooner's self- description as one looking out on garden? (11)\nSpoonerism of WORD BOTCHER."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Girl has to look up reference books (8)","output":"### Answer: ALMANACS \n ### Explanation: Girl has to look up reference books (8)\nALMA (\"girl\") + <=SCAN (\"look\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Managers demonstrating ineptness turned out (15)","output":"### Answer: SUPERINTENDENTS \n ### Explanation: Managers demonstrating ineptness turned out (15)\n*(ineptness turned)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: US city numbers decrease \u2013 should be going up (6)","output":"### Answer: TUCSON \n ### Explanation: US city numbers decrease \u2013 should be going up (6)\n<=NOS. CUT"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Aim\u00a0to stop (3)","output":"### Answer: END \n ### Explanation: Aim\u00a0to stop (3)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Plant I can order for jumble (9)","output":"### Answer: CORIANDER \n ### Explanation: Plant I can order for jumble (9)\n*(i can order)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Something sweet revealed in urban analysis (6,5)","output":"### Answer: BANANA SPLIT \n ### Explanation: Something sweet revealed in urban analysis (6,5)\nBANANA is split by the space between the words in \"ur**BAN ANA**lysis\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: This person wants a source of milk, upset about one demanding solid food (4-5)","output":"### Answer: MEAT-EATER \n ### Explanation: This person wants a source of milk, upset about one demanding solid food (4-5)\nME (\"this person\") + A TEAT (\"a source of milk\") + <+RE (\"about)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Work unit set up illustrious French city (8)","output":"### Answer: GRENOBLE \n ### Explanation: Work unit set up illustrious French city (8)\n<=ERG (\"work unit\") + NOBLE (\"illustrious\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Keen and fast, getting round before noon (6)","output":"### Answer: LAMENT \n ### Explanation: Keen and fast, getting round before noon (6)\nLENT (\"fast\") \"getting round\" A.M. (\"before noon\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wood \u2013 a name known to many music students (5)","output":"### Answer: GROVE \n ### Explanation: Wood \u2013 a name known to many music students (5)\nDouble definition \u2013 a range of music dictionaries have the name Grove attached to them, but\u00a0the one referred to in the clue is probably , the original of which (without the \"New\" prefix) was edited by George Grove in the late 19th century."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Paper's boast \u2013 outing bishop (3)","output":"### Answer: RAG \n ### Explanation: Paper's boast \u2013 outing bishop (3)\n(b)RAG"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: It may be played on the lawn (8)","output":"### Answer: HOSEPIPE \n ### Explanation: It may be played on the lawn (8)\nCryptic (?) definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Office workers go to a Scottish island (6)","output":"### Answer: STAFFA \n ### Explanation: Office workers go to a Scottish island (6)\nSTAFF + A"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: They help those wishing to take cover (8)","output":"### Answer: INSURERS \n ### Explanation: They help those wishing to take cover (8)\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stops some injustice as essentially unfair (6)","output":"### Answer: CEASES \n ### Explanation: Stops some injustice as essentially unfair (6)\nHidden in \"injusti**CE AS ES**sentially\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Approach\u00a0shown by a forceful person (5)","output":"### Answer: DRIVE \n ### Explanation: Approach\u00a0shown by a forceful person (5)\nDouble definition: for the first one, think golf."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Issue half of them before a race (9)","output":"### Answer: EMANATION \n ### Explanation: Issue half of them before a race (9)\n(th)EM + A NATION"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Threaten with acid? It may result in inevitable fatality (7,5)","output":"### Answer: CERTAIN DEATH \n ### Explanation: Threaten with acid? It may result in inevitable fatality (7,5)\n*(threaten acid)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Gatecrasher? (9,3)","output":"### Answer: BATTERINGRAM \n ### Explanation: Gatecrasher? (9,3)\n(not terribly) cryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Greatness, unfortun\u00adately, makes enemies (9)","output":"### Answer: ESTRANGES \n ### Explanation: Greatness, unfortun\u00adately, makes enemies (9)\n*(greatness)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Peer in uniform (5)","output":"### Answer: EQUAL \n ### Explanation: Peer in uniform (5)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Revising his set subject (6)","output":"### Answer: THESIS \n ### Explanation: Revising his set subject (6)\n*(his set)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Serving men and women operate from behind it (8)","output":"### Answer: BASELINE \n ### Explanation: Serving men and women operate from behind it (8)\nThink tennis"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Relax and pause going round about the Orient (4,2)","output":"### Answer: EASEUP \n ### Explanation: Relax and pause going round about the Orient (4,2)\n*(pause) around E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Greek hero who had an epic journey to get home (8)","output":"### Answer: ODYSSEUS \n ### Explanation: Greek hero who had an epic journey to get home (8)\nA general knowledge clue pretending to be cryptic?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Top style musical party (6)","output":"### Answer: HAIRDO \n ### Explanation: Top style musical party (6)\nHAIR (\"musical\") + DO"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bird lives in hide (6)","output":"### Answer: SISKIN \n ### Explanation: Bird lives in hide (6)\nIS in SKIN"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Remain by ascetic (9)","output":"### Answer: PERSEVERE \n ### Explanation: Remain by ascetic (9)\nPER (\"by\") + SEVERE (\"ascetic\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Financial controller's holdings (5,7)","output":"### Answer: PURSE STRINGS \n ### Explanation: Financial controller's holdings (5,7)\nOne controlling finances would hold the purse strings."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The thanks one gets from a Greek character (5)","output":"### Answer: THETA \n ### Explanation: The thanks one gets from a Greek character (5)\nTHE + TA"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: VAT files go astray? Time for celebration! (8)","output":"### Answer: FESTIVAL \n ### Explanation: VAT files go astray? Time for celebration! (8)\n*(vat files)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Drink? Ben has it as a cocktail (8)","output":"### Answer: ABSINTHE \n ### Explanation: Drink? Ben has it as a cocktail (8)\n*(ben has it)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Being opposed to building seats for spectators? (6,1,5)","output":"### Answer: MAKING A STAND \n ### Explanation: Being opposed to building seats for spectators? (6,1,5)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The longest chords in non-musical circles? (9)","output":"### Answer: DIAMETERS \n ### Explanation: The longest chords in non-musical circles? (9)\nIn geometry, the longest chord in any circle is\u00a0the diameter."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Though he's not there, he's proverbially conspicuous! (8)","output":"### Answer: ABSENTEE \n ### Explanation: Though he's not there, he's proverbially conspicuous! (8)\nAs in \"conspicuous by his absence\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Good people to have around, say, with speech defects (8)","output":"### Answer: STUTTERS \n ### Explanation: Good people to have around, say, with speech defects (8)\nSTS. (saints, therefore \"good people\") around UTTER"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: It's useless turning it into a form of fuel (6)","output":"### Answer: FUTILE \n ### Explanation: It's useless turning it into a form of fuel (6)\n<+IT in *(fuel)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Yet they may be quite young trees! (6)","output":"### Answer: ELDERS \n ### Explanation: Yet they may be quite young trees! (6)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Goodbye for new aide to union leader (5)","output":"### Answer: ADIEU \n ### Explanation: Goodbye for new aide to union leader (5)\n*(aide) + U(nion)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Photograph game attempt (8)","output":"### Answer: SNAPSHOT \n ### Explanation: Photograph game attempt (8)\nSNAP (\"game\") + SHOT (\"attempt\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fame in future? Now, now! (6)","output":"### Answer: RENOWN \n ### Explanation: Fame in future? Now, now! (6)\nHidden in \"futu**RE NOW N**ow\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rehearsal: thirsty work (3,3)","output":"### Answer: DRY RUN \n ### Explanation: Rehearsal: thirsty work (3,3)\nDRY (\"thirsty\") + RUN (\"work\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Plump for pudding (4-4)","output":"### Answer: ROLY-POLY \n ### Explanation: Plump for pudding (4-4)\nDouble definition. \nA roly-poly is a pudding made of a sheet of suet pastry covered with jam or fruit, formed into a roll, and steamed or baked. It used to be a staple of school dinners, but seems to have fallen out of fashion."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Confusion in canteen (4)","output":"### Answer: MESS \n ### Explanation: Confusion in canteen (4)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: After six deliveries the spinner's too much (4-3-3)","output":"### Answer: OVER THE TOP \n ### Explanation: After six deliveries the spinner's too much (4-3-3)\nOVER (\"six deliveries\" in cricket) + THE TOP (\"the spinner\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ravenous? Tureen is specially prepared (8)","output":"### Answer: ESURIENT \n ### Explanation: Ravenous? Tureen is specially prepared (8)\n*(tureen is)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ring everyone after onset of chickenpox (4)","output":"### Answer: CALL \n ### Explanation: Ring everyone after onset of chickenpox (4)\nALL after C(hickenpox)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Adherent of a Hindu philosophy in Tokyo Girl (4)","output":"### Answer: YOGI \n ### Explanation: Adherent of a Hindu philosophy in Tokyo Girl (4)\nHidden in \"tok**YO GI**rl\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lark and a dove initially in flight (8)","output":"### Answer: ESCAPADE \n ### Explanation: Lark and a dove initially in flight (8)\nA D(ove) in ESCAPE (\"flight\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wait nervously, in a stew, upset by one solicitor (5,2,3)","output":"### Answer: SWEAT IT OUT \n ### Explanation: Wait nervously, in a stew, upset by one solicitor (5,2,3)\n*(a stew) + 1 TOUT (\"solicitor)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Uncertain moment when heading off (4)","output":"### Answer: IFFY \n ### Explanation: Uncertain moment when heading off (4)\n(j)IFFY"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Still being shown? Watch it! (6,2)","output":"### Answer: STEADY ON \n ### Explanation: Still being shown? Watch it! (6,2)\nSTEADY (\"still\") + ON (\"being shown\", as in \"on TV\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Loudspeaker tending at first to get on one's nerves (6)","output":"### Answer: TANNOY \n ### Explanation: Loudspeaker tending at first to get on one's nerves (6)\nT(ending) + ANNOY"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Article on bogus witch doctor (6)","output":"### Answer: SHAMAN \n ### Explanation: Article on bogus witch doctor (6)\nAN on SHAM (\"bogus\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rash king left in bay (8)","output":"### Answer: RECKLESS \n ### Explanation: Rash king left in bay (8)\nK L in RECESS (\"bay\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A sore point in cheek (5)","output":"### Answer: NERVE \n ### Explanation: A sore point in cheek (5)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Operate with risk new economic policy (11)","output":"### Answer: PERESTROIKA \n ### Explanation: Operate with risk new economic policy (11)\n*(operate risk) \nI don;t think this surface reads very well."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Deliver diamonds in German city (4,4)","output":"### Answer: HAND OVER \n ### Explanation: Deliver diamonds in German city (4,4)\nD(iamonds) in HANOVER (\"German city\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Went round the bend, then rallied (6,3,6)","output":"### Answer: TURNED THE CORNER \n ### Explanation: Went round the bend, then rallied (6,3,6)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tell about past (6)","output":"### Answer: RELATE \n ### Explanation: Tell about past (6)\nRE (\"about\") + LATE (\"past\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Drop off a pile (3)","output":"### Answer: NAP \n ### Explanation: Drop off a pile (3)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dollie and Lew, terribly drunk (4-5)","output":"### Answer: WELL-OILED \n ### Explanation: Dollie and Lew, terribly drunk (4-5)\n*(dollie lew)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Saving pounds going round island of Mull is marvellous (11)","output":"### Answer: EXCEPTIONAL \n ### Explanation: Saving pounds going round island of Mull is marvellous (11)\nEXCEPT (\"saving\") + L (\"pounds\") \"going round\" IONA (\"island of Mull\") \nI think this clue should read island **OFF **Mull."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Timepiece: head wearing sample (9)","output":"### Answer: STOPWATCH \n ### Explanation: Timepiece: head wearing sample (9)\nTOP (\"head\") \"wearing\" SWATCH (\"sample\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: English clubs still overjoyed (8)","output":"### Answer: ECSTATIC \n ### Explanation: English clubs still overjoyed (8)\nE(nglish) + C(lubs) + STATIC (\"still\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One from Tripoli, perhaps concealed in Tripoli by a nun (6)","output":"### Answer: LIBYAN \n ### Explanation: One from Tripoli, perhaps concealed in Tripoli by a nun (6)\nHidden in \"Tripo**LI BY A N**un\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Eliot's river dropping below fathom (5)","output":"### Answer: FLOSS \n ### Explanation: Eliot's river dropping below fathom (5)\nLOSS (\"dropping\") below F(athom) \nReferring to George Eliot's *The Mill on the Floss"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A jolly member (3)","output":"### Answer: ARM \n ### Explanation: A jolly member (3)\nA + R.M. (Royal Marine\", hence \"jolly\") \n\"Jollies\" was the original name for citizen soldiers of the Trained Bands of London in 1664, from whose ranks Marines were first formed. Later, \"jolly\" became\u00a0Royal Navy\u00a0slang for a Marine, hence Kipling's 'HM Jollies'."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Outlook favouring English players (8)","output":"### Answer: FORECAST \n ### Explanation: Outlook favouring English players (8)\nFOR + E(nglish) CAST"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sheet music\u00a0goes down well (6)","output":"### Answer: SCORES \n ### Explanation: Sheet music\u00a0goes down well (6)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Take up team oddly lacking support (7)","output":"### Answer: EMBRACE \n ### Explanation: Take up team oddly lacking support (7)\n(t)E(a)M + BRACE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ritual shave's baffling to nurse (7)","output":"### Answer: TONSURE \n ### Explanation: Ritual shave's baffling to nurse (7)\n*(to nurse)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Volume in well down by 50% (5)","output":"### Answer: HALVE \n ### Explanation: Volume in well down by 50% (5)\nV(olume) in HALE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Friend introducing a baroque choir with limited range (9)","output":"### Answer: PAROCHIAL \n ### Explanation: Friend introducing a baroque choir with limited range (9)\nPAL \"introducing\" *(a choir)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Knock back drink by bar (12)","output":"### Answer: COUNTERPUNCH \n ### Explanation: Knock back drink by bar (12)\nCOUNTER (\"bar\") + PUNCH (\"drink\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Promises have produced too much stress (12)","output":"### Answer: OVEREMPHASIS \n ### Explanation: Promises have produced too much stress (12)\n*(promises have)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Port is situated to the west in exotic realm (9)","output":"### Answer: MARSEILLE \n ### Explanation: Port is situated to the west in exotic realm (9)\n<+LIES in *(realm)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Very strong, but not in past or present, say (5)","output":"### Answer: TENSE \n ### Explanation: Very strong, but not in past or present, say (5)\n(in)TENSE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Leaked info set back work during disputes (3-4)","output":"### Answer: TIPOFFS \n ### Explanation: Leaked info set back work during disputes (3-4)\n<=OP in TIFFS"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Slipping off at an angle, with initial change of direction (7)","output":"### Answer: ELOPING \n ### Explanation: Slipping off at an angle, with initial change of direction (7)\nSLOPING (\"at an angle\") with the S changed to E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Type of pet that needs brushing twice a day? (6)","output":"### Answer: CANINE \n ### Explanation: Type of pet that needs brushing twice a day? (6)\nDouble definition \u2013 dog and tooth"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Second murder results in police surveillance (5-3)","output":"### Answer: STAKE-OUT \n ### Explanation: Second murder results in police surveillance (5-3)\nS(econd) + TAKE OUT"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stout little person retiring, retiring (6)","output":"### Answer: FLESHY \n ### Explanation: Stout little person retiring, retiring (6)\n<=ELF + SHY"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Canon, hampering a couple of bishops, remains (6)","output":"### Answer: RUBBLE \n ### Explanation: Canon, hampering a couple of bishops, remains (6)\nRULE \"hampering\" BB"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: With investment of time, this escort could start a book (9)","output":"### Answer: CHAPERONE \n ### Explanation: With investment of time, this escort could start a book (9)\nWith an added T (\"time\"), CHAPERONE could become CHAPTER ONE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: If you're on them, you should get off! (8,5)","output":"### Answer: SLEEPING PILLS \n ### Explanation: If you're on them, you should get off! (8,5)\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sceptic close to army blocks top officer's rise (5)","output":"### Answer: CYNIC \n ### Explanation: Sceptic close to army blocks top officer's rise (5)\n(arm)Y in <=C IN C (\"commander in chief\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Queen Bess rejected marriage \u2014 small family do's the result (8)","output":"### Answer: REUNIONS \n ### Explanation: Queen Bess rejected marriage \u2014 small family do's the result (8)\n<=E.R. + UNION + S(mall)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Covert socialist, extremely rich, in want of a wife (8)","output":"### Answer: STEALTHY \n ### Explanation: Covert socialist, extremely rich, in want of a wife (8)\nSt. (\"socialist\") + (w)EALTHY \nI don't have a paper dictionary to hand, but I can't find St. for socialist online."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Meeting up, they'd never eat nuts (5-3,5)","output":"### Answer: THREEDAYEVENT \n ### Explanation: Meeting up, they'd never eat nuts (5-3,5)\n*(theyd never eat) \nI assume the \"up\" is there intentionally, as in \"up on a horse\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dad employed to collect Ford's model car's treated surfaces (9)","output":"### Answer: PAINTWORK \n ### Explanation: Dad employed to collect Ford's model car's treated surfaces (9)\nPA + IN WORK \"to collect\" T (\"Ford model\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Assertive mother, under 25, reviewed detailed quote (8)","output":"### Answer: DOGMATIC \n ### Explanation: Assertive mother, under 25, reviewed detailed quote (8)\nMA \"under\" DOG (see 25ac) + <=CIT(e)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Creature taking to water close to township in country (8)","output":"### Answer: TERRAPIN \n ### Explanation: Creature taking to water close to township in country (8)\n(townshi)P in TERRAIN"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Blind I got partly to provide shade (6)","output":"### Answer: INDIGO \n ### Explanation: Blind I got partly to provide shade (6)\nHidden in \"bl**IND I GO**t\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hard cube's dimension (6)","output":"### Answer: HEIGHT \n ### Explanation: Hard cube's dimension (6)\nH(ard) + EIGHT (\"cube\" i.e 2 cubed)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Delicate fellow swamped by rising river (5)","output":"### Answer: ELFIN \n ### Explanation: Delicate fellow swamped by rising river (5)\nF in <=NILE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Followers succeeded people on the radio (8)","output":"### Answer: STALKERS \n ### Explanation: Followers succeeded people on the radio (8)\nS + TALKERS"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Complete, our lunkhead (6)","output":"### Answer: DOOFUS \n ### Explanation: Complete, our lunkhead (6)\nDO (\"complete\")\u00a0+ OF US (\"our\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Very close to girl collecting English books (7)","output":"### Answer: ATLASES \n ### Explanation: Very close to girl collecting English books (7)\nAT (\"very close to\") + LASSES \"collecting\" E(nglish)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Country song about leg getting broken (7)","output":"### Answer: ALGERIA \n ### Explanation: Country song about leg getting broken (7)\nARIA \"about\" *(leg)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Science film covers first sign of rot in fruit (9)","output":"### Answer: CHEMISTRY \n ### Explanation: Science film covers first sign of rot in fruit (9)\nMIST replacing the firdt R in CHERRY"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Something to hang with energy returning shortly before (5)","output":"### Answer: NOOSE \n ### Explanation: Something to hang with energy returning shortly before (5)\n<= E SOON"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Be dismissive of quiet game by leaving (5)","output":"### Answer: SHRUG \n ### Explanation: Be dismissive of quiet game by leaving (5)\nSH + RUG(by)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Excellent! Former BBC man is coming back in to finish rant (8)","output":"### Answer: DIATRIBE \n ### Explanation: Excellent! Former BBC man is coming back in to finish rant (8)\n<=BIRT in DIE, but the A is not clued anywhere! \nJohn BIRT was a former DG of the BBC."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Subservient people's party creating a storm (8)","output":"### Answer: DOORMATS \n ### Explanation: Subservient people's party creating a storm (8)\nDO + *(a storm)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Draw naked swimmer (5)","output":"### Answer: OTTER \n ### Explanation: Draw naked swimmer (5)\n(l)OTTER(y)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Saw red journalist on rotten paper (5)","output":"### Answer: RAGED \n ### Explanation: Saw red journalist on rotten paper (5)\nED on RAG"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Possibly report disturbance involving meat (5-4)","output":"### Answer: RIFLE-SHOT \n ### Explanation: Possibly report disturbance involving meat (5-4)\nRIOT \"involving\" FLESH"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Annual battle in the Crimea may return (7)","output":"### Answer: ALMANAC \n ### Explanation: Annual battle in the Crimea may return (7)\nALMA (\"battle in Crimea\") + <=CAN"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A lot of water around in buffalo pens earlier (4,3)","output":"### Answer: OPEN SEA \n ### Explanation: A lot of water around in buffalo pens earlier (4,3)\nHidden in \"buffal**O PENS EA**rlier\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Second snake further down (6)","output":"### Answer: SADDER \n ### Explanation: Second snake further down (6)\nS + ADDER"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bee, possibly short of energy, keeps egg back, having a gut feeling (8)","output":"### Answer: INSTINCT \n ### Explanation: Bee, possibly short of energy, keeps egg back, having a gut feeling (8)\nINS(e)CT \"keeps\" <=NIT"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Very difficult to find mark on box, having wasted hours (8)","output":"### Answer: SCARCEST \n ### Explanation: Very difficult to find mark on box, having wasted hours (8)\nSCAR \"on\" C(h)EST"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Count on good support for partner during The Four Seasons (3,4,4)","output":"### Answer: ALL YEAR LONG \n ### Explanation: Count on good support for partner during The Four Seasons (3,4,4)\nEARL (\"count\") + ON G\u00a0\"support for\" ALLY"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: 70s figure opening for Kraftwerk belts out a few numbers (9)","output":"### Answer: KISSINGER \n ### Explanation: 70s figure opening for Kraftwerk belts out a few numbers (9)\nK(raftwerk) + IS SINGER \nDefinition is poor, in my opinion."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hold a grudge, having lost new boot again (5)","output":"### Answer: RESET \n ### Explanation: Hold a grudge, having lost new boot again (5)\nRESE(n)T"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stops controlling this\u00a0publication (5)","output":"### Answer: ORGAN \n ### Explanation: Stops controlling this\u00a0publication (5)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cultivated US officer carrying gun? (6)","output":"### Answer: FAR MED \n ### Explanation: Cultivated US officer carrying gun? (6)\nFED \"carrying\" ARM \nDon't like this at all \u2013\u00a0splitting one wors to put it\u00a0across two places in a puzzle is ugly."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Heard singer give out (5)","output":"### Answer: SHARE \n ### Explanation: Heard singer give out (5)\nHomophone (supposedly) of CHER, but not where I come from."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A lot of body parts make a lot of effort (3-5)","output":"### Answer: MAN-YEARS \n ### Explanation: A lot of body parts make a lot of effort (3-5)\nMANY EARS"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What planets do is burn to the ground (5,3,3)","output":"### Answer: ORBIT THE SUN \n ### Explanation: What planets do is burn to the ground (5,3,3)\n*(is burn to the) \nIs ORBIT THE SUN in the dictionary? Evem if it is, having THE in the solution and in the fodder is clumsy."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Learned fellow has a prayer for motor sport (4,4)","output":"### Answer: DRAG RACE \n ### Explanation: Learned fellow has a prayer for motor sport (4,4)\nDr. + A GRACE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Resolve to out Teddy? (9)","output":"### Answer: ROOSEVELT \n ### Explanation: Resolve to out Teddy? (9)\n(*resolve to)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Make longer right turn after quiet hill-climbing (8)","output":"### Answer: PROTRACT \n ### Explanation: Make longer right turn after quiet hill-climbing (8)\nR + ACT (\"turn\" on the stage) \"after\" P + <=TOR"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Poles embracing American ways (5)","output":"### Answer: ROADS \n ### Explanation: Poles embracing American ways (5)\nRODS \"embracing\" A"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Thick studies finally complete (5)","output":"### Answer: DENSE \n ### Explanation: Thick studies finally complete (5)\nDENS + (complet)E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Women in line of battle mostly look unhappy (5)","output":"### Answer: FROWN \n ### Explanation: Women in line of battle mostly look unhappy (5)\nW in FRON(t)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: It's put out in the dance interval (8)","output":"### Answer: DISTANCE \n ### Explanation: Definition: interval \n*(its) in DANCE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Summary is not quite accurate (6)","output":"### Answer: PRECIS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Summary\nPRECIS(e)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Makeshift draught excluders? (8)","output":"### Answer: STOPGAPS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Makeshift\nDraught excluders may STOP (ie block)\u00a0GAPS"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Closely follow master's beliefs (6)","output":"### Answer: DOGMAS \n ### Explanation: Definition: beliefs \nDOG + MAs"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Girl taking on hairdressing business (5)","output":"### Answer: SALON \n ### Explanation: Definition: hairdressing business \nSAL + ON"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Name part of Hamlet, say (5,4)","output":"### Answer: TITLE ROLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Hamlet, say \nTITE\u00a0+ ROLE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: They were responsible for heat waves (7,5)","output":"### Answer: CURLING TONGS \n ### Explanation: Definition: They were responsible for heat waves \nCryptic definition \u2013 not sure why it's in the past tense \u2013 do curling tongs no longer exist?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A treat for spectators \u2014 no support required (4,8)","output":"### Answer: FREE STANDING \n ### Explanation: Definition: no support required \nIf the standing area is free, that would be a treat for spectators, especially the likes of me, who prefers to stand at a sporting occasion."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sum granted to repair ocean wall (9)","output":"### Answer: ALLOWANCE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Sum granted\n*(ocean wall)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Current\u00a0means of escape for a fox? (5)","output":"### Answer: EARTH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Current\nDouble definition \n**EDIT: **see comments below, which suggest that the setter overlapped \"means of escape\", so \"Current means of escape\" and \"means of escape for a fox\", both leading to EARTH. Excellent!"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: She's confused Euclid (6)","output":"### Answer: DULCIE \n ### Explanation: Definition: She's \n*(euclid)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One to vilify a British resident (8)","output":"### Answer: ISLANDER \n ### Explanation: Definition: a British resident \n1\u00a0+ SLANDER"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old record player (6)","output":"### Answer: NEEDLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Old record player \nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Plants for sycophants (8)","output":"### Answer: CREEPERS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Plants\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: To stop in Rhodes is tempting (6)","output":"### Answer: DESIST \n ### Explanation: Definition: To stop\nHidden in \"Rho**DES IS T**empting\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Shows displeasure at seeing the brotherhood on board (6)","output":"### Answer: SCOWLS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Shows displeasure\nCOWL in S.S. (\"on board\" a ship) \nAre \"cowl\" and \"brotherhood\" interchangeable?\n \n**Edit: **see below, where it is pointed out that BROTHER HOOD may equal COWL."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Angostura put out for Jason's crew (9)","output":"### Answer: ARGONAUTS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Jason's crew \n*(angostura)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: London profits from this form of taxation (7,5)","output":"### Answer: CAPITAL GAINS \n ### Explanation: Definition: form of taxation \nCAPITAL + GAINS"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: River heron in distress (5)","output":"### Answer: RHONE \n ### Explanation: Definition: River\n*(heron)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Enclosure is not at all simple (8)","output":"### Answer: COMPOUND \n ### Explanation: Definition: not at all simple \nDouble definiton"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: American quiet in feeling anticipation (8)","output":"### Answer: SUSPENSE \n ### Explanation: Definition: anticipation\nUS + P in SENSE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Worker restores ends in new building (5,7)","output":"### Answer: STONE DRESSER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Worker\n*(restores ends)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Immaturity arising from great need (6,3)","output":"### Answer: TENDER AGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Immaturity\n*(great need)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Occasionally\u00a0switch positions (3,3,2)","output":"### Answer: OFF AND ON \n ### Explanation: Definition: Occasionally\nDouble definitions"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Have a touch of colour and be miserable (4,4)","output":"### Answer: FEEL BLUE \n ### Explanation: Definition: be miserable \nFEEL\u00a0+ BLUE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pontoon is a card game (6)","output":"### Answer: BRIDGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Pontoon\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Alternative accepted by such poor singers (6)","output":"### Answer: CHORUS \n ### Explanation: Definition: singers\nOR in *(such) \u2013 would have preferred \"alternatively\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A trial\u00a0spin? (5)","output":"### Answer: WHIRL \n ### Explanation: Definition: trial\nDouble definition \u2013 think \"Give it a whirl\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rent free everything I found in non-fiction (4,4)","output":"### Answer: REAL LIFE \n ### Explanation: Definition: non-fiction \nALL I \"found in\" *(free)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Risk money on how 20, 18 performed (6)","output":"### Answer: INVEST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Risk money\nFreddie Mercury often wore a vest when he performed."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fizz with extremely sexy dream (7)","output":"### Answer: FANTASY \n ### Explanation: Definition: dream\nFANTA (carbonated drink brand, therefore \"fizz\") + S(ex)Y"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Maybe land on skyscraper's eighth story (7)","output":"### Answer: PARABLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: story\nARABLE (\"maybe land\") on (skyscra)P(er)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Slip laptop into part of airport (9)","output":"### Answer: LANDSLIDE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Slip\nL(ap) in LANDSIDE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Reportedly drove to pile up (5)","output":"### Answer: HOARD \n ### Explanation: Definition: to pile up \nHomophone of HORDE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Some TV shows boxer in French commune (7)","output":"### Answer: REALITY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Some TV shows\nALI in RETY (a commune near Paris) \nRETY is really vague, but just about gettable."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Upshot of rally (3)","output":"### Answer: LOB \n ### Explanation: Definition: Upshot of rally \nCryptic definition \u2013 when playing a rally in tennis, a shot played up in the air would be a lob"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Did wrong invading uninhabited planet or star (7,7)","output":"### Answer: FREDDIE MERCURY \n ### Explanation: Definition: star\n*(did) in FREE MERCURY \nFreddie Mecury was the lead singer of Queen, who famously\u00a0sang \"Barcelona\"\u00a0with Montserrat Caballe (see 28ac)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Charles maybe not so gloomy (7)","output":"### Answer: RAYLESS \n ### Explanation: Definition: gloomy\nRAY (Charles) + LESS \nRefers to the singer and songwriter, Ray Charles."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Become confused and go into the water topless (5)","output":"### Answer: ADDLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Become confused\n(p)ADDLE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Strange request \u2013 go bananas (9)","output":"### Answer: GROTESQUE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Strange\n*(go request)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Montserrat has plot with celery hearts (7)","output":"### Answer: CABALLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Montserrat\nCABAL (\"plot\") + (ce)LE(ry)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Terrible risk taking elbow back to butchers (7)","output":"### Answer: KILLERS \n ### Explanation: Definition: butchers\n*(risk) \"taking <=ELL (the shape of an \"elbow\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dull being back for a day (6)","output":"### Answer: DREARY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Dull\nDAY with the A repaced by REAR (\"back\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Remove wings from shiny bug (6,2)","output":"### Answer: LISTEN IN \n ### Explanation: Definition: bug\n(g)LISTENIN(g)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One who turns leaves quickly in file (7)","output":"### Answer: RIFFLER \n ### Explanation: Definition: One who turns leaves quickly\nThanks to Dis @ comment 1 below. I wasn't aware of the file."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: An old relative who kept the peace (5)","output":"### Answer: ANNAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: who kept the peace \nAN + NAN \nKofi Annan was secretary-general of the United Nations from 1997 to 2006, but I would argue that he didn't exactly \"keep the peace\", when you consider some of the conflicts which happened in that period."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stacks of boys retain nothing (5)","output":"### Answer: LOADS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Stacks\nL(0)ADS"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fish and chip (3)","output":"### Answer: FRY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fish\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Heading for a pole, then lorry turns (9)","output":"### Answer: NORTHERLY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Heading for a pole\n*(then lorry)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Opening letter supporter composed (9)","output":"### Answer: EMBRASURE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Opening\nEM (\"letter\") + BRA + SURE \nAn embrasure is an opening designed to allow a weapon to shoot out of for, for example, a ship or armoured vehicle."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Weld actress to graceful child (7)","output":"### Answer: TUESDAY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Weld actress\nRefers to , the actress and the poem that says that Tuesday's child is full of grace."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unattached person potentially excited by Rome rep (9)","output":"### Answer: PREEMBRYO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Unattached person\n*(by rome rep) \nRefers to human egg cells (ova) that have been fertilized but not yet implanted into a uterus, according to Wikipedia."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Where Cowboys play pulses and notes (6)","output":"### Answer: DALLAS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Where Cowboys\nDAL (\"dried pulses\") + LAS (\"notes\") \nDallas Cowboys are an American football team."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: I have disruptive guy leave athletics conference (3,6)","output":"### Answer: IVY LEAGUE \n ### Explanation: Definition: athletics conference \nI + *(guy leave) \nThe Ivy League's university sports teams are very competitive."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Response to Dominica's first island uprising may be varied (9)","output":"### Answer: AMENDABLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: may be varied \nAMEN (\"response\") + D(ominica) + <=ELBA"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Resident will find we'll erect houses (9)","output":"### Answer: INDWELLER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Resident\nHidden in (\"housed\" by) \"f**IND WE'LL ER**ect\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Figurehead set out to retain capacity to limp (7)","output":"### Answer: FLACCID \n ### Explanation: Definition: limp\nF(igure) + LA(CC)ID, where CC\u00a0is \"capacity\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old man's earlier issue with squashes (7)","output":"### Answer: STEPSON \n ### Explanation: Definition: Old man's earlier issue\nSTEPS ON = \"squashes\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Make large part of audience flourish (5)","output":"### Answer: ECLAT \n ### Explanation: Definition: flourish"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Group\u00a0leader (5)","output":"### Answer: QUEEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Group\nDouble definition \u2013 Queen, of course, being the group that Freddie Mercury fronted."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Back long-distance swimmer (3)","output":"### Answer: KOI \n ### Explanation: Definition: swimmer\n<=10 k"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fresh air and Chianti drinking encountered in summer? (13)","output":"### Answer: ARITHMETICIAN \n ### Explanation: Fresh air and Chianti drinking encountered in summer? (13)\n*(air chianti) around MET"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Not working hard? I will be active (2,3,2)","output":"### Answer: ONTHEGO \n ### Explanation: Not working hard? I will be active (2,3,2)\n*(not) + H(ard) + EGO (\"I\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Faint report of crime by policeman close to scene (7)","output":"### Answer: SYNCOPE \n ### Explanation: Faint report of crime by policeman close to scene (7)\nHomophone of SIN + COP (\"policeman\") + (scen)E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Leader of Republicans plugging inane plan (5)","output":"### Answer: DRAFT \n ### Explanation: Leader of Republicans plugging inane plan (5)\n\nR(epublican) \"plugging\" DAFT"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hip name in design for person shopping (9)","output":"### Answer: INFORMANT \n ### Explanation: Hip name in design for person shopping (9)\nIN (\"hip\") + N(ame) in FORMAT(\"design\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: European comrade has another try (5)","output":"### Answer: AMIGO \n ### Explanation: European comrade has another try (5)\nAMI (\"another\" ie another European comrade) + GO"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: This guy's skill welcom\u00aded by drinking party (9)","output":"### Answer: BARTENDER \n ### Explanation: This guy's skill welcom\u00aded by drinking party (9)\nART (\"skill\") \"welcomed by\" BENDER (\"drinking party\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fuddy-duddy not having a partner (3,2,4)","output":"### Answer: OUT OF DATE \n ### Explanation: Fuddy-duddy not having a partner (3,2,4)\n\nDefinition and cryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Taoiseach's content to go and pinch pound (5)","output":"### Answer: THROB \n ### Explanation: Taoiseach's content to go and pinch pound (5)\nT(aoiseac)H + ROB (\"to pinch\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Attentive to detail, if back committing crime (9)","output":"### Answer: FINICKING \n ### Explanation: Attentive to detail, if back committing crime (9)\n<+IF + NICKING (\"committing crime\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Part of boat or vessel keeps swinging both ways (5)","output":"### Answer: CABIN \n ### Explanation: Part of boat or vessel keeps swinging both ways (5)\nCAN (\"vessel\") \"keeps\" BI (\"swinging both ways\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Filled envelopes a fiddle to fill in US state (7)","output":"### Answer: RAVIOLI \n ### Explanation: Filled envelopes a fiddle to fill in US state (7)\nA VIOL (\"A fiddle\") \"to fill\" RI (Rhode Island, so \"US state\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: No-go area hasn't a twining aromatic plant (7)","output":"### Answer: OREGANO \n ### Explanation: No-go area hasn't a twining aromatic plant (7)\n*(no go are)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Grassy areas acting as WC? (7,6)","output":"### Answer: PLAYING FIELDS \n ### Explanation: Grassy areas acting as WC? (7,6)\nPLAYING as (W.C.) FIELDS"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fan of ceremonies last to leave hotel with posh celebs (9)","output":"### Answer: RITUALIST \n ### Explanation: Fan of ceremonies last to leave hotel with posh celebs (9)\n\nRIT(z) + U (\"posh\")\u00a0+ A-LIST (\"celebs\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Handle drug put in acid the wrong way (5)","output":"### Answer: TREAT \n ### Explanation: Handle drug put in acid the wrong way (5)\nE (\"drug\") \"put in\" <=TART"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Native islander to wander around on island (5)","output":"### Answer: MAORI \n ### Explanation: Native islander to wander around on island (5)\n<+ROAM + I"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Special unit's request to mine ground etc (4,5)","output":"### Answer: TASK FORCE \n ### Explanation: Special unit's request to mine ground etc (4,5)\nASK FOR (\"request\") \"to mine\" *(etc)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Corresponding with Italian chap covering rugby (9)","output":"### Answer: CONGRUENT \n ### Explanation: Corresponding with Italian chap covering rugby (9)\nCON (\"with\" in Italian) + GENT (\"chap\") \"covering\" R.U."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A foreign greeting when turning up? (5)","output":"### Answer: ALOHA \n ### Explanation: A foreign greeting when turning up? (5)\nA HOLA is also a foreign greeting (\"Hola\" is Spanish for \"hello\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: English author's cross \u2014 really cross \u2014 with university (4,5,4)","output":"### Answer: FORD MADOX FORD \n ### Explanation: English author's cross \u2014 really cross \u2014 with university (4,5,4)\nFORD (\"cross\") + MAD (\"really cross\") + OXFORD \nFord Madox Ford was an author whose most celebrated work was the 1915 novel, *The Good Soldier*."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Oddly ingenious PM's working to engage crime-fighting assistant (5,8)","output":"### Answer: HEATH ROBINSON \n ### Explanation: Oddly ingenious PM's working to engage crime-fighting assistant (5,8)\nHEATH'S ON (\"PM's working\") \"to engae\" ROBIN (Batman's \"crime-fighting assistant\") \nW Heath Robinson famously created overcomplicated designs for machines to solve simple problems."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Concerned with odour, emptied overfull workplace (9)","output":"### Answer: OLFACTORY \n ### Explanation: Concerned with odour, emptied overfull workplace (9)\nO(verful)L + FACTORY"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Removal of Bush or Blair, unfortunately associated with Nazi (9)","output":"### Answer: BRAZILIAN \n ### Explanation: Removal of Bush or Blair, unfortunately associated with Nazi (9)\n*(blair nazi) \nIf you don't know what a Brazilian is, google it!"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Right pig stocked by man who's bred bull here? (9)","output":"### Answer: DARTBOARD \n ### Explanation: Right pig stocked by man who's bred bull here? (9)\nRT BOAR (\"right pig\") \"stocked by DAD (\"man who's bred\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Coward's boxing very unorthodox (5)","output":"### Answer: NOVEL \n ### Explanation: Coward's boxing very unorthodox (5)\nNOEL (\"Coward\" \"boxing\" V(ery)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fire fellow following foolishness (2,3)","output":"### Answer: GO OFF \n ### Explanation: Fire fellow following foolishness (2,3)\nF(ellow) \"following GOOF (\"foolishness\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Native American wraps papa eats in France (5)","output":"### Answer: CREPE \n ### Explanation: Native American wraps papa eats in France (5)\nCREE (\"Native American\" \"wraps\" P(apa)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Partner beginning to hate The Eagles? (7)","output":"### Answer: HUSBAND \n ### Explanation: Definition: Partner\nH(ate) + U.S. BAND"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pair of auxiliaries act correctly (6)","output":"### Answer: BEHAVE \n ### Explanation: Definition: act correctly \nBE + HAVE (\"auxilary\" verbs)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ideal place almost in a group for flight aid (9)","output":"### Answer: AUTOPILOT \n ### Explanation: Definition: flight aid \nUTOPI(a) in A LOT"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sad duke recalled in decline (5)","output":"### Answer: DROOP \n ### Explanation: Definition: decline\n<=POOR D"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Untidy place steadily emptying is affected by drink (5)","output":"### Answer: TIPSY \n ### Explanation: Definition: affected by drink \nTIP (\"untidy place\") +S(teadil)Y"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mark positions of a sign in ground etc (9)","output":"### Answer: CALIBRATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Mark positions\nA LIBRA (\"sign\") in *(etc)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Corruption? There's vital yen for reform (8)","output":"### Answer: VENALITY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Corruption\n*(vital yen)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Constraint for all to see in outfit (6)","output":"### Answer: DURESS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Constraint\nU (\"for all to see\") in DRESS"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Period for dealing with disorder? (6)","output":"### Answer: SICKIE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Period for dealing with disorder\nCryptic definition?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Brandish card when in mess \u2013 or ready money (4,4)","output":"### Answer: HARD CASH \n ### Explanation: Definition: ready money \n*(card) in HASH (\"mess\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: High-powered car, mostly refined and fast, producing commotion (9)","output":"### Answer: TURBULENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: producing commotion \nTURB(o) + U (\"refined\") + LENT"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Criminal connection trapped hard fellow (5)","output":"### Answer: THIEF \n ### Explanation: Definition: Criminal\nTIE (\"connection\")+ F (\"fellow\")\u00a0\"trapped\" H(ard)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wash nightwear in separated clothing (5)","output":"### Answer: RINSE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Wash\nHidden in \"nightwea**R IN SE**parated\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Philosopher's style becoming a bugbear (9)","output":"### Answer: MILLSTONE \n ### Explanation: Definition: bugbear\n(John Stuart) MILL'S TONE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Carbon material? It's used for drawing (6)","output":"### Answer: CRAYON \n ### Explanation: Definition: It's used for drawing \nC(arbon) + RAYON (\"material\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Scold a Republican infiltrating English party (7)","output":"### Answer: EARBASH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Scold\nA R(epublican) \"infiltrating\" E(nglish) BASH (\"party\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A TV Irish hotel replaced for nurse (6,7)","output":"### Answer: HEALTH VISITOR \n ### Explanation: Definition: nurse\n*(a tv irish hotel)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Organisation with number mounting attack (3,4)","output":"### Answer: SET UPON \n ### Explanation: Definition: attack\nSET UP (\"organisation\") + <=No."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Put to use couple of pages and line in a back of diary (5)","output":"### Answer: APPLY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Put to use\nPP (\"couple of pages\") + L (\"line\") in A (diar)Y"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Discriminating place for foreign food and provision (not half) (8)","output":"### Answer: DELICATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Discriminating\nDELI (\"place for foreign food\") + CATE(ring)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Preserve\u00a0courage (6)","output":"### Answer: BOTTLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Preserve\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bigoted devotee defending limited plan by bishop (9)","output":"### Answer: HIDEBOUND \n ### Explanation: Definition: Bigoted\nHOUND (\"devotee\")\u00a0\"defending\" IDE(a) + B"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Abuse in Spanish city not good after hours (7)","output":"### Answer: VIOLATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Abuse\nVI(g)O + LATE (\"after hours\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Journalists with article on revolutionary writer start to hope to solicit support? (5,3,5)","output":"### Answer: PRESS THE FLESH \n ### Explanation: Definition: to solicit support\nPRESS (\"journalists\") + THE (\"article\") + <=SELF (\"writer\" of this clue) + H(ope) \nPoliticians often \"press the flesh\" (ie shake a lot of hands) when out on the campaign trail."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Garland for certain befitting a holiday? (9)","output":"### Answer: LEISURELY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Garland\nLEI (\"garland\") + SURELY"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sweet temp's work ending in office (8)","output":"### Answer: PASTILLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Sweet\nPA's TILL +(offic)E \nA PA and a temp are not the same though."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Legal figure with circle entering predicament (7)","output":"### Answer: CORONER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Legal figure\nO(\"circle\") \"entering\" CORNER"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: US state region largely featuring in part of opera (7)","output":"### Answer: ARIZONA \n ### Explanation: Definition: US state\nZON(e) in ARIA"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Address given weekly in advertiser monotonously (6)","output":"### Answer: SERMON \n ### Explanation: Definition: Address given weekly\nHidden in \"adverti**SER MON**otonously\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stunning device underwent new testing on reflection (5)","output":"### Answer: TASER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Stunning device\n<=RESAT"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wally, the pickpocket's son, gets credit (8)","output":"### Answer: DIPSTICK \n ### Explanation: Wally, the pickpocket's son, gets credit (8)\nDIP (\"pickpocket\") + S(on) + TICK (\"credit\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dry American conspirator (6)","output":"### Answer: BRUTUS \n ### Explanation: Dry American conspirator (6)\nBRUT (\"dry\") + U.S."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Abandon players on holiday (8)","output":"### Answer: CASTAWAY \n ### Explanation: Abandon players on holiday (8)\nCAST (\"players\") + AWAY (\"on holiday\") \nNeither of the dictionaries I have to hand has \"castaway\" (the 8-letter word) equal to abandon, so I wonder if the enumeration should have been (4,4)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Measure third of volunteers first to get signed up (6)","output":"### Answer: ENLIST \n ### Explanation: Measure third of volunteers first to get signed up (6)\nEN (printer's \"measure\") + (vo)L(unteers) + 1st"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Implication makes many quarrel (5)","output":"### Answer: DRIFT \n ### Explanation: Implication makes many quarrel (5)\nD (Roman 500, so \"many\") + RIFT (\"quarrel\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Apple girl cooked for jazz musician (9)","output":"### Answer: GRAPPELLI \n ### Explanation: Apple girl cooked for jazz musician (9)\n*(apple girl) \nRefers to Stephane Grappelli (1908-1997), the French violinist."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Artist gets Bob endlessly agitated (12)","output":"### Answer: GAINSBOROUGH \n ### Explanation: Artist gets Bob endlessly agitated (12)\nGAINS (\"gets\") + BO(b) + ROUGH \nRefers to Thomas Gainsborough (1727-1788)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Long to dress daughter with outstanding accessory (12)","output":"### Answer: HANDKERCHIEF \n ### Explanation: Long to dress daughter with outstanding accessory (12)\nHANKER (\"long\") \"to dress\" D(aughter), followed by CHIEF (\"outstanding\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Curse deterioration in a weapon (9)","output":"### Answer: SWEARWORD \n ### Explanation: Curse deterioration in a weapon (9)\nWEAR (\"deterioration\") in SWORD"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Doctor gets large elephant head? That's some beast (5)","output":"### Answer: MOOSE \n ### Explanation: Doctor gets large elephant head? That's some beast (5)\nM.O. (Medical Officer, so \"doctor\") + OS (outsize, so \"large\") + E(lephant)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Singer allowed to keep a pub (6)","output":"### Answer: LINNET \n ### Explanation: Singer allowed to keep a pub (6)\nLET (\"allowed\") \"to keep\" INN"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Work the land in infamous prison (8)","output":"### Answer: BASTILLE \n ### Explanation: Work the land in infamous prison (8)\nTILL (\"work the land\") in BASE (\"infamous\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Betray woman more readily (6)","output":"### Answer: RATHER \n ### Explanation: Betray woman more readily (6)\nRAT (\"betray\") + HER (\"woman\") \nChambers says RAT = \"betray\", but normally it would be RAT ON?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Drills type of junction box (3,5)","output":"### Answer: TEA CHEST \n ### Explanation: Drills type of junction box (3,5)\nTEACHES (\"drills\") + T (\"type of junction\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Judge finds detectives taken in by banker (6)","output":"### Answer: DECIDE \n ### Explanation: Judge finds detectives taken in by banker (6)\nC.I.D. (\"detectives\") \"taken in by\" DEE (river, so \"banker\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Finished one small drink (6)","output":"### Answer: PASTIS \n ### Explanation: Finished one small drink (6)\nPAST + 1 + S(mall)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: To rail about a small breakfast utensil (5,4)","output":"### Answer: TOAST RACK \n ### Explanation: To rail about a small breakfast utensil (5,4)\nTO TRACK (\"rail\") \"about A S(mall)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Caught droppin' curry in the sports pavilion (8,4)","output":"### Answer: CHANGING ROOM \n ### Explanation: Caught droppin' curry in the sports pavilion (8,4)\nC(aught) + HANGIN' (\"droppin'\") + GROOM (\"curry\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Approach\u00a0made quickly (3,2)","output":"### Answer: RUN UP \n ### Explanation: Approach\u00a0made quickly (3,2)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Manage after suffering in rehearsal (5,3)","output":"### Answer: TRIAL RUN \n ### Explanation: Manage after suffering in rehearsal (5,3)\nRUN (\"manage\") \"after\" TRIAL (\"suffering\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Keep one's place \u2014 international race in view (3,5)","output":"### Answer: SIT TIGHT \n ### Explanation: Keep one's place \u2014 international race in view (3,5)\nI(nternational) + T.T. (\"race\") in SIGHT"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Botched array disrupted energy source (12)","output":"### Answer: CARBOHYDRATE \n ### Explanation: Botched array disrupted energy source (12)\n*(botched array)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Irate chum upset? He's quite ill (9)","output":"### Answer: RHEUMATIC \n ### Explanation: Irate chum upset? He's quite ill (9)\n*(irate chum)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Artist sees women slither about (8)","output":"### Answer: WHISTLER \n ### Explanation: Artist sees women slither about (8)\nW(omen) + *(slither) \nJames Whistler (1834-1903), who famously painted his mother."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Web of global proportions to detain space traveller (8)","output":"### Answer: INTERNET \n ### Explanation: Web of global proportions to detain space traveller (8)\nINTERN (\"detain\") + E.T. (\"space traveller\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Player's remarkably agile around circuit (6)","output":"### Answer: GOALIE \n ### Explanation: Player's remarkably agile around circuit (6)\n*(agile) \"around\" O (\"circuit\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Church set in a hollow is respectable (6)","output":"### Answer: DECENT \n ### Explanation: Church set in a hollow is respectable (6)\nC.E. (\"church) in DENT (\"hollow\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old magistrate with a bill (5)","output":"### Answer: REEVE \n ### Explanation: Old magistrate with a bill (5)\nA reeve was a magistrate and is also a bird, so has \"a bill\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Style of cooking Chekhov perhaps used for a gas in Cheddar? (9)","output":"### Answer: CANTONESE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Style of cooking\nANTON (Chekhov) replacing\u00a0HE (helium, so \"gas\") in CHEESE (\"Cheddar\") \u2013 Thanks, Brian, for correcting my parsing"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Chap wanting good peep shows (5)","output":"### Answer: LANCE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Chap\n(g)LANCE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: L drunk as a lord? No! (7)","output":"### Answer: ORLANDO \n ### Explanation: Definition: L\n*(a lord no)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Greek 4 from area around 11? (7)","output":"### Answer: THESEUS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Greek 4\nOrlando (the solution to 11ac) is in THE S.E. U.S. (the South East of the United States)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Those flying westward from right to left (3)","output":"### Answer: LOT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Those flying\n<=TOL (\"to left\" westward from the right) \nLOT is a Polish airline, thus \"those flying\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dogged by ill luck, as Ls may be (4-7)","output":"### Answer: STAR-CROSSED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Dogged by ill luck\nLovers (L) are often described as \"star-crossed\", but apart from the L device, I don't think this clue is particularly cryptic."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: L spelt with a capital O (5)","output":"### Answer: ROMEO \n ### Explanation: Definition: L\nROME (\"capital\") + O"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: In Bucharest, readies some incredible instruments (3)","output":"### Answer: LEI \n ### Explanation: Definition: In Bucharest, readies\nHidden in \"incredib**LE I**nstruments\" \nLei is the plural of leu, the unit of currency in Romania."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Yacht rigged for L (5)","output":"### Answer: CATHY \n ### Explanation: Definition: L\n*(yacht)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Endure periods working gear levers in the US (5,6)","output":"### Answer: STICK SHIFTS \n ### Explanation: Definition: gear levers in the US \nSTICK (\"endure\") + SHIFTS (\"periods working\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Initially 17 across and 24 rule in India (3)","output":"### Answer: RAJ \n ### Explanation: Definition: rule in India \nInitial of R(omeo) A(nd) J(uliet)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Boss around new L (7)","output":"### Answer: LEANDER \n ### Explanation: Definition: L\nLEADRE (\"boss\") \"around\" N"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Like committed Ls, Paul's so bubbly (7)","output":"### Answer: SPOUSAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Like committed Ls\n*(pauls so)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fellow coming round in the morning? That's flipping Wanderer! (5)","output":"### Answer: NOMAD \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fellow\n<=D(AM)ON"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: L from African republic, almost always seen cycling around (9)","output":"### Answer: GUINEVERE \n ### Explanation: Definition: L\nGUINE(a)\u00a0\"seen around\"\u00a0EVER"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Coach second half of train lost (6)","output":"### Answer: SCHOOL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Coach\nS(econd) + CHOO (choo) + L(0st)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Revolutionary column about extremely ebullient slave (5,3)","output":"### Answer: UNCLE TOM \n ### Explanation: Definition: slave\n*(column) \"about\" **E**(bullien)**T"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Type of company Scot takes home before opening time? Drunken sot! (5-5)","output":"### Answer: JOINT-STOCK \n ### Explanation: Definition: Type of company\nJOCK (\"Scot\") \"takes\" IN (\"home\") and T(ime) + *(sot) \nBeing a Scot, I'm not keen on JOCK"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Drug not 15 for L (4)","output":"### Answer: HERO \n ### Explanation: Definition: L\nHERO(in)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: L showing passion, over Henry and Richard? (10)","output":"### Answer: HEATHCLIFF \n ### Explanation: Definition: L\nHEAT + H(enry) + CLIFF (Richard)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Plant gangster next to L regularly (4)","output":"### Answer: ALOE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Plant\nAL (Capone, so \"gangster\") + (l)O(v)E(r) (\"L regularly\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One sets gems (6)","output":"### Answer: ANGELS \n ### Explanation: Definition: gems\nAN (\"one\") + GELS (\"sets\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fellow, say, getting off with date? It's time to celebrate (5,3)","output":"### Answer: FEAST DAY \n ### Explanation: Definition: It's time to celebrate \n*(f say date)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Very cool heart? Legal troubles! (3,3,4)","output":"### Answer: ALL THE RAGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Very cool\n*(heart legal)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Gave rise to new journalist following rising firm (an electronics company) (10)","output":"### Answer: OCCASIONED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Gave rise to \n<=OC (rising \"firm\") + CASIO (\"electronics company\") followed by N(ew) ED (editor, so \"journalist\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: L featuring in a Lord's game (8)","output":"### Answer: ROSALIND \n ### Explanation: Definition: L\n*(in a lords)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Broken hearts, including hearts with primarily strong beats (8)","output":"### Answer: THRASHES \n ### Explanation: Definition: beats\n*(hearts), \"including\" H(earts) + S(trong)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Prepared to fight, as brother might be (2,4)","output":"### Answer: IN ARMS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Prepared to fight\nAs in \"brother in arms\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: L with project involving romance (6)","output":"### Answer: JULIET \n ### Explanation: Definition: L\nJUT (\"project\") \"involving\" LIE (\"romance\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Movement lawyer repeated (4)","output":"### Answer: DADA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Movement\nD.A. twice"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fit\u00a0one of 4 in costume (4)","output":"### Answer: SUIT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fit\nTriple definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: D made note of mainland conservationists first (8)","output":"### Answer: FANTASIA \n ### Explanation: Definition: D made \nFA (\"note\") + ASIA (\"mainland\") with NT (National Trust, so \"conservationists\" first)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Exhortation \u2013 or warning \u2013 to a percussionist? (4,2)","output":"### Answer: BEAT IT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Exhortation\nDouble meaning"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One has removed foreign body from boy wonder (5)","output":"### Answer: OWNER \n ### Explanation: Definition: One has\n*(boy wonder) without the letters of BODY"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Has sir got time to be mad? (4-5)","output":"### Answer: STIR-CRAZY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Has sir got time to be mad\nS(T)IR + CRAZY"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Said \"yes\" to vivid plant (9)","output":"### Answer: EYEBRIGHT \n ### Explanation: Definition: plant\nHomophone of AYE + BRIGHT (\"vivid\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Shortly, stand-in will take books to station (5)","output":"### Answer: DEPOT \n ### Explanation: Definition: station\nDEP(uty) = O.T. (Old Testament, hence \"books\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Feature on a group covers page 1 (6)","output":"### Answer: ASPECT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Feature\nA SECT \"covers\" P(age)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The last link in the chain? (3,4)","output":"### Answer: END-USER \n ### Explanation: Definition: The last link in the chain\nNot terribly cryptic"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: D made Gladstone confused? Not so (7)","output":"### Answer: TANGLED \n ### Explanation: Definition: D made\n*(gladstone) minus\u00a0the letters in SO \n*Tangled* was Disney Studio's version of the Rapunzel fairy tale."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: More expensive doctor to be exchanged for lecturer (6)","output":"### Answer: READER \n ### Explanation: Definition: lecturer \nDEARER with the letter D and R (Dr. = \"doctor\") switched (\"exchanged\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: D made him say nothing twice (5)","output":"### Answer: DUMBO \n ### Explanation: Definition: D made \nDUMB + O \nThe wordplay here is very loose, although you can get to the answer from it."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Spoof act I find fault with, therefore (4,5)","output":"### Answer: IPSO FACTO \n ### Explanation: Definition: therefore\n*(spoof act I)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Offloaded peacekeepers and hurried to get \"with it\" (9)","output":"### Answer: UNSHIPPED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Offloaded\nU.N. (\"peacekeepers\") + SPED (\"hurried\") \"to get\" HIP (\"with it\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: D made it black on both sides (5)","output":"### Answer: BAMBI \n ### Explanation: Definition: D made it\nB(lack) + AMBI (\"on both sides\") \nA 1942 offering from DIsney"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rose had compulsion to enter empty outhouse (6)","output":"### Answer: SURGED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Rose\nURGE \"to enter\" S(he)D \nIs this a fair clue?\u00a0It's a bit like an indirect anagram in my view. \"Empty shed\" would work, but there's two steps required to get to SD from \"empty outhouse\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: D made the boy move around (5,3)","output":"### Answer: PETER PAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: D made\nPETER (\"boy\")\u00a0+ PAN (\"move around\", as in a camera) \nRefers to Disney's 1953 animated version of JM Barrie's tale."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: D made fellow take partial pathway to religion (6)","output":"### Answer: FROZEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: D made \nF(ellow) + RO(ad) + ZEN (\"religion\") \nDon't like \"partial pathway\" and ZEN is not universally seen as a religion, as many see it as a philosophy rather than a religion."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Disgraced MP would be suffering refusal in Paris through relative (3-6)","output":"### Answer: NON-PERSON \n ### Explanation: Definition: Disgraced MP\nNON (\"refusal in Paris\") + PER (\"through\") + SON (\"relative\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Phenomena seen over our area (7)","output":"### Answer: AURORAE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Phenomena\n*(our area)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Awareness of trendy appearance (7)","output":"### Answer: INSIGHT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Awareness\nIN + SIGHT"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Disguised one's words when no longer holding firm (7)","output":"### Answer: ENCODED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Disguised one's words\nENDED (\"no longer\") \"holding\" CO (\"firm\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: According to D, woman goes before March (5)","output":"### Answer: TRAMP \n ### Explanation: Definition: March\nRefers to *The Lady and the Tramp"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Trivial romance made by D (3,5)","output":"### Answer: TOY STORY \n ### Explanation: Definition: made by D\nTOY (\"trivial\") + STORY (\"romance\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: D's mythical creature was insignificant (6)","output":"### Answer: LITTLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: insignificant\nI assume that the compiler is referring to the LITTLE Mermaid"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Plan girl's trip around boat (6,3)","output":"### Answer: SKETCH MAP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Plan\n<=PAM'S \"around\" KETCH (\"boat\") \nI think \"trip around\" is doing double duty here, indicating both the reversal of PAM'S and indicating that it has to go around KETCH"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Admits us equivocally to all grounds, say (8)","output":"### Answer: STADIUMS \n ### Explanation: Definition: grounds, say \n*(admits us)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Like D's pride, Marxist finds love in Spain (7)","output":"### Answer: LEONINE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Like D's pride\nLENIN\u00a0with O (\"love\") in +\u00a0E (\"Spain\") \nRefers to *The Lion King*\n \n*Thanks to Steven (see comment 1 below) for correcting my parsing."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Would a slow leak be\u00a0silly? (6)","output":"### Answer: DRIPPY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Would a slow leak be\nDOuble definition, although I'm not convinced that DRIPPY means SILLY. The dictionaries I have access to here both have DRIPPY defined as \"weak\" or \"boring\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Net worth of estate Euripides calculated (without using pi) (7)","output":"### Answer: RESIDUE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Net worth of estate\n*(euripides) minus PI"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pleasant story following the daft at heart (7)","output":"### Answer: AFFABLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Pleasant\nFABLE \"following\" (d)AF(t)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Look to Spanish uncle to finish carton of cream (6)","output":"### Answer: LOTION \n ### Explanation: Definition: cream\nLO + TIO (Spanish for \"uncle\") + N"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pessimist has no end of money; that's how he is! (5)","output":"### Answer: MISER \n ### Explanation: Definition: he is\nMISER(y) \nNot sure exactly what part of the clue is the definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Garment that's a mistake when taking the Underground (4,4)","output":"### Answer: BOOB TUBE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Garment\nBOOB (\"mistake\") + TUBE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Blue ice unfortunately contains decayed matter (6)","output":"### Answer: EROTIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: Blue\n*(ice) \"contains\" ROT (\"decayed matter\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Famous couple from Ireland told van broke down (7,3,4)","output":"### Answer: TORVILL AND DEAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Famous couple\n*(ireland told van)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Upright, single, no date (2,3)","output":"### Answer: ON END \n ### Explanation: Definition: Upright\nONE + N + D"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stubborn stain to be specially treated (9)","output":"### Answer: OBSTINATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: stain to be \n*(stain to be)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Batman leaving Batmobile, perhaps for a service in Gotham City? (5,7)","output":"### Answer: VALET PARKING \n ### Explanation: Definition: a service in Gotham City\nVALET (\"batman\") + PARKING (\"leaving Batmobile, perhaps\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bit of paint needed, if renovating Carly's ice rink shortly (7,5)","output":"### Answer: ACRYLIC RESIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Bit of paint\n*(carlys ice rin)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Come out of joint as girl starts to strip languorously, taking off coat and first of earrings (9)","output":"### Answer: DISLOCATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Come out of joint\nDI (\"girl\") + S(trip) + L(anguorously) + *(coat) + E(arrings)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Theatre-in-the-round (5)","output":"### Answer: GLOBE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Theatre\nCryptic definition; refers to London's Globe Theatre"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bussing money across the States for distant relatives (7,7)","output":"### Answer: KISSING COUSINS \n ### Explanation: Definition: distant relatives \nKISSING (\"bussing\") + COINS \"across\" U.S."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fish girl brought on board (6)","output":"### Answer: SKATES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fish\nKATE in S.S. (ie on a ship, so \"on board\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Like an old footballer \u2013 great stuff, with a whiff of danger? (8)","output":"### Answer: ASBESTOS \n ### Explanation: Definition: stuff, with a whiff of danger\nAS (\"like\") + (George) BEST + OS (outsize ~ \"great\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fast driver? Only 100 mph! (6)","output":"### Answer: BUTTON \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fast driver\nBUT (\"only\") + TON (\"100mph\") \nRefers to F1 driver. Jensen Button"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Author died with nothing translated into French (6)","output":"### Answer: O\u2019BRIEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Author\nOb. (\"died\") + RIEN (the French for \"nothing\") \nThere are several authors called O'Brien, but the most famous is probably Edna O'Brien."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Train's source of power is a controversial topic in LA (5,4)","output":"### Answer: THIRD RAIL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Train's source of power\nDouble definition. In the US, \"third rail\" s a term for a particularly controversial political topic."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Payment method taking account of former coins (4,2,8)","output":"### Answer: BILL OF EXCHANGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Payment method\nBILL (\"account\") OF EX (\"former\") + CHANGE (\"coims\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A doctor reset two bones (5)","output":"### Answer: RADII \n ### Explanation: Definition: bones\n*(a dr) + II (\"two\") \nThis verges on indirect anagram territory."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Gangsters in musical, turning up during a hit that's gone wrong (3,5)","output":"### Answer: THE MAFIA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Gangsters\n<=FAME (\"musical, turning up\") in *(a hit)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Meet with Italian church official briefly (8)","output":"### Answer: CONVERGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Meet \nCON (Italian for \"with\") + VERGE(r)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Deception used when producing recent EPs, perhaps (5,9)","output":"### Answer: FALSE PRETENCES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Deception\n*(recent EPs) \u2013 reverse anagram"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Drops measuring device? (4,5)","output":"### Answer: RAIN GAUGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Drops measuring device\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Man sitting in vehicle changes colour of beards in paintings, we hear (8)","output":"### Answer: VANDYKES \n ### Explanation: Man sitting in vehicle changes colour of beards in paintings, we hear (8)\nCan't parse this one, sorry \u2013 maybe if I had more time?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Large quantity of water in which girl, sick, has swallowed tablet (5,3)","output":"### Answer: IRISH SEA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Large quantity of water\nIRIS (\"girl\") + *(has) \"swallowing\" E (ecstasy \"tablet\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Home in castle in Hungarian capital (6)","output":"### Answer: FORINT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Hungarian capital \nIN (\"home\") in FORT (\"castle\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Falling through ice as escapade finishes (6)","output":"### Answer: CEASES \n ### Explanation: Definition: finishes\nHidden in \"i**CE AS ES**capades\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Postponed nothing pleasant (2,3)","output":"### Answer: ON ICE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Postponed \n0 + NICE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Short of time, Rita tried a broken shed light (9)","output":"### Answer: IRRADIATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: shed light \n*(ria tried a)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: 1 retiring, say, getting very old (5)","output":"### Answer: GOOSE \n ### Explanation: Definition: 1\n<=e.g. \"getting\" OOS (see comment 2 for the explanation of OOS)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Play\u00a0English actor (5)","output":"### Answer: DANCE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Play\nDouble definition \nSecond def. relates to Charles Dance."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: European brewing cider over spirit (9)","output":"### Answer: ICELANDER \n ### Explanation: Definition: European \n*(cider) \"over\" ELAN (\"spirit\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bill really doesn't like Aeneas's companion (7)","output":"### Answer: ACHATES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Aeneas's companion \na\/c + HATES"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Spooner's timid father finds food store (3-4)","output":"### Answer: PIE-SHOP \n ### Explanation: Definition: food store \nSpoonerism of SHY POP"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Duke finished port (5)","output":"### Answer: DOVER \n ### Explanation: Definition: port\nD(uke) + OVER"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: 1 perhaps Rambo misses mother (3)","output":"### Answer: HEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: 1\nHE (MA)N"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A quiet, posh prime minister backing increase in intensity \u2026 (3,2)","output":"### Answer: AMPUP \n ### Explanation: Definition: increase in intensity \nA + <=P\u00a0U MP"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: \u2026 then wildly runs by a large entrance (7)","output":"### Answer: ENTHRAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: entrance\n*(then) + R + A L(arge)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: REM comeback follows band's finale with strange musician (7)","output":"### Answer: DRUMMER \n ### Explanation: Definition: musician\nban(D) + RUM + <=REM"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: 1 fictional TV and radio presenter? Aha! (9)","output":"### Answer: PARTRIDGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: 1\nRefers to Alan Partridge, one of Steve Coogan's *alter egos, *whose catch phrase was* Knowing Me, Knowing You, aha!"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Jollies undress from top to bottom (5)","output":"### Answer: TRIPS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Jollies\nSTRIP with the S moved to the end. \nThis wordplay is more appropriate for a DOWN clue, though."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wooden old actor takes final curtain \u2026 (5)","output":"### Answer: TREEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Wooden\nRefers to Sir Herbert Beerbohm TREE + curtai(N)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: \u2026 with artist hugging endless comedy stars (9)","output":"### Answer: ANDROMEDA \n ### Explanation: Definition: stars \nAND (\"with\") R.A. (\"artist\") \"hugging\" (c)OMED(y)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: 1 under par that's ignored girlfriend \u2026 (4)","output":"### Answer: BIRD \n ### Explanation: Definition: girlfriend\nBIRDIE (\"1 under par\") ignoring i.e. (\"that's\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: \u2026 following her rejection, to embrace nice odd European (6)","output":"### Answer: FRENCH \n ### Explanation: Definition: European\nF(ollowing) + <=HER \"to embrace\" **N**i**C**e"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: With victory secured, Hector returned a hero (10)","output":"### Answer: ADVENTURER \n ### Explanation: Definition: hero\n*(retuned a) around V"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wine regularly drunk by young men and women (6)","output":"### Answer: LADIES \n ### Explanation: Definition: women\nw**I**n**E \"**drunk by\" LADS"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Novel writer encapsulates dreadful pirate sacking island (5,3)","output":"### Answer: PETER PAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Novel\nPEN (\"writer\") \"ecapsulates\" *(prate)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Turkish commander has a good laugh (4)","output":"### Answer: AGHA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Turkish commander\nA + G(ood) + HA (\"laugh\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ground in supreme authority (8)","output":"### Answer: LORDSHIP \n ### Explanation: Definition: supreme authority \nLORDS(cricket \"ground\") + HIP (\"in\", as in trendy)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fruit are squished when put under pressure (4)","output":"### Answer: PEAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fruit\nP + *(are)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dad dancing \u2014 extremely liable to confuse! (5)","output":"### Answer: ADDLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: confuse\n*(dad) + L(iabl)E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Leaving Earth on holiday? Take in Uranus at the beginning (10)","output":"### Answer: EVACUATION \n ### Explanation: Definition: Leaving\nE + VACATION \"taking in\" U(ranus)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: 1p + 1p? Er \u2026 (5)","output":"### Answer: PIPER \n ### Explanation: Definition: 1\nP + 1P + ER"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Disciples are against books by stars (8)","output":"### Answer: VOTARIES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Disciples\nV (\"short for \"versus\", so \"against\") + O.T. (\"books\") + ARIES (constellation, hence \"stars\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Exhausted, like \"la\" or \"te\"? (4-4)","output":"### Answer: HALFDEAD \n ### Explanation: Definition: Exhausted\nLA and TE are halves of LATE, a synonym of \"dead\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Inside, doctors are cooking quails (6)","output":"### Answer: DREADS \n ### Explanation: Definition: quails\nDRS with *(are) inside"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Might she wear tights\u00a0having no runs? (6)","output":"### Answer: MAIDEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Might she wear tights\nA MAIDEN may wear tights and a MAIDEN over has no runs in it"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Party to develop a \"Third Way\" (4)","output":"### Answer: PATH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Way\nHidden in \"develo**P A TH**ird\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: 22 across's endless call (4)","output":"### Answer: RING \n ### Explanation: Definition: call\nRING(O) as in Ringo Starr"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: 1 small and pale (4)","output":"### Answer: SWAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: 1\nS + WAN"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: May bores drink with an old pedlar? (7)","output":"### Answer: CHAPMAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: old pedlar\nI can't parse this. I can see M for May and AN, but the \"drink\" has me beaten. Thanks to commenters below, I can now see that the parsing is P.M. (\"May\") \"boring\" CHA (\"drink\") and AN."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Victor Hugo initially abandons flowering plant (7)","output":"### Answer: CAMPION \n ### Explanation: Definition: flowering plant \nCHAMPION with the H(ugo) removed."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: \"Old King Cole\" artist's covered (4)","output":"### Answer: LEAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Old King\nCovered by (ie hidden in) \"co**LE AR**tist's\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Artisan might put out stocks sold wrongly (9)","output":"### Answer: GOLDSMITH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Artisan\n*(might) \"stocks\" *(sold)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tender from bash (5)","output":"### Answer: POUND \n ### Explanation: Definition: Tender\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Small bird's young daughter leaves baby (8)","output":"### Answer: SUCKLING \n ### Explanation: Definition: baby\nS(mall) + (d)UCKLING"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Roman leader's attempt to get back in senate (4)","output":"### Answer: POPE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Roman leader\nPOP (\"attempt\") + (senat)E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Poles following ebb of Polish streams (5)","output":"### Answer: BURNS \n ### Explanation: Definition: streams\nN and S (\"poles\") \"following\" <=RUB (\"polish\", backwards, indicated by \"ebb\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fit clothes round anything put across here? (4)","output":"### Answer: POET \n ### Explanation: Definition: anything put across here\nPET (\"fit\") as in a fit of temper, \"clothes\" O (\"round\") \nAnd anything put across here refers to all the other across answers, who are all POETs"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Painter to resist making amendments (8)","output":"### Answer: ROSSETTI \n ### Explanation: Definition: Painter\n*(to resist)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Means to lift fallen arches, a bit revolut\u00adionary (5)","output":"### Answer: CRANE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Means to lift\nHidden backwards in \"fall**EN ARC**hes\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Was a disheartened Dave Cameron his work? (9)","output":"### Answer: BOCCACCIO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Was a disheartened Dave Cameron his work\nBoccaccio wrote the D(av)ECAMERON."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: British art institution, say, a non-starter (4)","output":"### Answer: TATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: British art institution\n(s)TATE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rebuffed sellers holding back buyer? (7)","output":"### Answer: SPENDER \n ### Explanation: Definition: buyer\n<=REPS (\"sellers) \"holding\" END (\"back\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Kiss overwhelms a firm, vain fellow (7)","output":"### Answer: PEACOCK \n ### Explanation: Definition: vain fellow \nPECK (\"kiss\") \"overwhelms\" A Co. (\"firm\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Calling out, get lost in Oxford? (4)","output":"### Answer: SHOE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Oxford\nHomophone of SHOO (\"get lost\"), and an Oxford is a type of shoe."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Erupt violently, punching 100 square metres to make hole (8)","output":"### Answer: APERTURE \n ### Explanation: Definition: hole\n*(erupt) in ARE (\"100 square metres\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Boasted striking top is worn (6)","output":"### Answer: RAGGED \n ### Explanation: Definition: worn\n(b)RAGGED"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Doesn't go barefoot as comfort for supplicants (8)","output":"### Answer: HASSOCKS \n ### Explanation: Definition: comfort for supplicants \nHAS SOCKS (\"doesn't go barefoot\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Leading 17 across requiring much effort (6)","output":"### Answer: UPHILL \n ### Explanation: Definition: requiring much effort \nUP (\"leading\") + (Geoffrey) HILL"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: My turn \u2014 pipe down! (4)","output":"### Answer: GOSH \n ### Explanation: Definition: My\nGO (\"turn\") + SH (\"pipe down!\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sad relics arranged in storage medium (9)","output":"### Answer: LASERDISC \n ### Explanation: Definition: storage medium \n*(sad relics) \nThis could nearly be an & lit. as laserdiscs themselves are sad relics, these days."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: P&O crossing popular still (5)","output":"### Answer: PHOTO \n ### Explanation: Definition: still\nP(HOT)O"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pretty inclusive of English family member (5)","output":"### Answer: NIECE \n ### Explanation: Definition: family member \nNICE including E(nglish)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Shopped and risked money, ready to fail (8)","output":"### Answer: BETRAYED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Shopped\nBET (\"risked money\") + *(ready)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Most recent cutting snaps materials (8)","output":"### Answer: PLASTICS \n ### Explanation: Definition: materials\nLAST (\"most recent\") \"cutting\" PICS (\"snaps\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mathematician's line is able to divide group (6)","output":"### Answer: SECANT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Mathematician's line\nCAN (\"to divide\") SET"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Jug\u00a0with extra ice in (6)","output":"### Answer: COOLER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Jug\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rolls heading for Barmouth, a resort on the up (4)","output":"### Answer: BAPS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Rolls\nB(armouth) + <=SPA"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dry sandwiches a cold delicacy (4)","output":"### Answer: TACT \n ### Explanation: Definition: delicacy\nTT (teetotal, so \"dry\") \"sandwiches\" A C(old)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Arsonist not quite stable, one wearing rubber (4-6)","output":"### Answer: FIRE-RAISER \n ### Explanation: Arsonist not quite stable, one wearing rubber (4-6)\nFIR(m) + 1 in ERASER"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Second\u00a0wager (4)","output":"### Answer: BACK \n ### Explanation: Second\u00a0wager (4)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bank of Scotland (4)","output":"### Answer: BRAE \n ### Explanation: Bank of Scotland (4)\nScottish word for hill"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: System of betting in Lima, Peru \u2013 put off, losing plenty, initially (4-6)","output":"### Answer: PARI MUTUEL \n ### Explanation: System of betting in Lima, Peru \u2013 put off, losing plenty, initially (4-6)\n*(lima peru (p)ut) \nParimutuel is similar to the Tote system of betting, where all the stakes are thrown into a pot, and the amount to be won determined from the value of the total pot."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Church caretaker attacked carrying cross (6)","output":"### Answer: SEXTON \n ### Explanation: Church caretaker attacked carrying cross (6)\nSET ON \"carrying\" X"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Elected Conservative must ring her right away on paper (2,6)","output":"### Answer: IN THEORY \n ### Explanation: Elected Conservative must ring her right away on paper (2,6)\nIN TORY \"ringing\" HE(r)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Shrink in car probing attractive person (8)","output":"### Answer: DIMINISH \n ### Explanation: Shrink in car probing attractive person (8)\nMINI\u00a0\"probing\" DISH"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Manage to catch leader of expedition (4)","output":"### Answer: COPE \n ### Explanation: Manage to catch leader of expedition (4)\nCOP + E(xpedition)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Leading performer, nearly bald (4)","output":"### Answer: STAR \n ### Explanation: Leading performer, nearly bald (4)\nSTAR(k)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Treacherous behaviour in crude piece of drama (4,4)","output":"### Answer: FOUL PLAY \n ### Explanation: Treacherous behaviour in crude piece of drama (4,4)\nFOUL (\"crude\") + PLAY"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Beggar beginning to board barge (8)","output":"### Answer: BLIGHTER \n ### Explanation: Beggar beginning to board barge (8)\nB(oard) + LIGHTER"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sounds like a sure-fire winner in state (6)","output":"### Answer: ASSERT \n ### Explanation: Sounds like a sure-fire winner in state (6)\nHomophone of A CERT"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Certainly, in every possible way (2,3,5)","output":"### Answer: BY ALL MEANS \n ### Explanation: Certainly, in every possible way (2,3,5)\nDouible definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fuss unduly, entertaining daughter (2-2)","output":"### Answer: TO-DO \n ### Explanation: Fuss unduly, entertaining daughter (2-2)\nTOO \"entertaining\" D"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Swine in pub, drinking nothing (4)","output":"### Answer: BOAR \n ### Explanation: Swine in pub, drinking nothing (4)\nBAR \"drinking\" 0"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Team triumph, the German air-to-air missile (10)","output":"### Answer: SIDEWINDER \n ### Explanation: Team triumph, the German air-to-air missile (10)\nSIDE + WIN + DER"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old PM blowing top coming from Tel Aviv, perhaps (7)","output":"### Answer: ISRAELI \n ### Explanation: Old PM blowing top coming from Tel Aviv, perhaps (7)\n(d)ISRAELI"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Still ahead of time in competition (5)","output":"### Answer: EVENT \n ### Explanation: Still ahead of time in competition (5)\nEVEN \"ahead of\" T"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Supplement that may need to be removed? (8)","output":"### Answer: APPENDIX \n ### Explanation: Supplement that may need to be removed? (8)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Plain sailing? Right on! (15)","output":"### Answer: STRAIGHTFORWARD \n ### Explanation: Plain sailing? Right on! (15)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Distant meteor, rocky (6)","output":"### Answer: REMOTE \n ### Explanation: Distant meteor, rocky (6)\n*(meteor)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Book with complete chapter on winning flower (9)","output":"### Answer: BUTTERCUP \n ### Explanation: Book with complete chapter on winning flower (9)\nB + UTTER (\"complete\") + C(hapter) + UP (\"winning\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Solve first of conundrums humorist raised (5,2)","output":"### Answer: CLEAR UP \n ### Explanation: Solve first of conundrums humorist raised (5,2)\nC(onundrums) + LEAR + UP"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unconventional Irish soldier? (9)","output":"### Answer: IRREGULAR \n ### Explanation: Unconventional Irish soldier? (9)\nIr. + REGULAR"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bird from USA crows jostled (8)","output":"### Answer: CURASSOW \n ### Explanation: Bird from USA crows jostled (8)\n*(usa crows) \nA currasow is a New World game bird"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sporting call from friend in hot pants (5-2)","output":"### Answer: TALLY-HO \n ### Explanation: Sporting call from friend in hot pants (5-2)\nALLY in *(hot)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Reduce the length of a card game (7)","output":"### Answer: ABRIDGE \n ### Explanation: Reduce the length of a card game (7)\nA + BRIDGE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: End of play\u00a0is baffling (6)","output":"### Answer: STUMPS \n ### Explanation: End of play\u00a0is baffling (6)\nDouble definition \nSTUMPS is a cricket term for the end of the day's play when the stumps are taken out of the ground"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Silky material modelled at home (5)","output":"### Answer: SATIN \n ### Explanation: Silky material modelled at home (5)\nSAT + IN"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Notice about a part to be cast on its own (8)","output":"### Answer: SEPARATE \n ### Explanation: Notice about a part to be cast on its own (8)\nSEE (\"notice\") \"about\" *(a part)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Accounts written across blackboards (6)","output":"### Answer: TABLES \n ### Explanation: Accounts written across blackboards (6)\nTALES \"written across\" B(lack)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pungent fish taste variable (8)","output":"### Answer: GARLICKY \n ### Explanation: Pungent fish taste variable (8)\nGAR (\"fish\") + LICK (\"taste\") + Y (\"variable\", in mathematics)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Way to incorporate wood in old instrument (6)","output":"### Answer: SPINET \n ### Explanation: Way to incorporate wood in old instrument (6)\nSt. (\"way\") \"to incorporate\" PINE (\"wood\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Get irate, tickled by feather (8)","output":"### Answer: AIGRETTE \n ### Explanation: Get irate, tickled by feather (8)\n*(get irate)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Leaves money for sex (6)","output":"### Answer: GREENS \n ### Explanation: Leaves money for sex (6)\nGREEN (an American term for \"money\", due to the collar of American banknotes) + S(ex)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fort betrayed as throng poured in (10)","output":"### Answer: STRONGHOLD \n ### Explanation: Fort betrayed as throng poured in (10)\nSOLD (\"betrayed\") with *(throng) \"in\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Invitation from Amazon ladies team, welcoming family (4,6)","output":"### Answer: LOOK INSIDE \n ### Explanation: Invitation from Amazon ladies team, welcoming family (4,6)\nLOO (\"ladies\" toilet) + SIDE (\"team\") \"welcoming\" KIN (\"family\") \nLOOK INSIDE is a\u00a0tool on the Amazon website, whereby a potential purchaser of a book can have a sneak preview of selected pages from the book before making a decision."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Start back having contraceptive on order regularly (6)","output":"### Answer: RECOIL \n ### Explanation: Start back having contraceptive on order regularly (6)\nCOIL (\"contraceptive\") on \"o**R**d**E**r\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: I protest domain name used by Spain is not unique (4,4)","output":"### Answer: COME COME \n ### Explanation: I protest domain name used by Spain is not unique (4,4)\n.com + E (\"Spain\") repeated, ie \"not unique\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cavalryman's shout of joy heard (6)","output":"### Answer: HUSSAR \n ### Explanation: Cavalryman's shout of joy heard (6)\nHomophone of HUZZA, although not to us Scots, as we pronounce our Rs"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: 1984, for one, appearing good in among today's chaos (8)","output":"### Answer: DYSTOPIA \n ### Explanation: 1984, for one, appearing good in among today's chaos (8)\nPI \"appearing\" in *(todays)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Graves perhaps containing bone (radius), found in \"dead\" time (6)","output":"### Answer: WINTER \n ### Explanation: Graves perhaps containing bone (radius), found in \"dead\" time (6)\nWINE (\"Graves, perhaps) \"containing\" T(-bone), followed by R(adius) \nGraves is a wine from the Gironde region of France"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Severely reduces\u00a0living space (8)","output":"### Answer: QUARTERS \n ### Explanation: Severely reduces\u00a0living space (8)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Remarkable network soldiers erected (6)","output":"### Answer: SIGNAL \n ### Explanation: Remarkable network soldiers erected (6)\n<= LAN GIS (LAN = Local Area \"Network\" + GIs (\"soldiers\"))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: I try to shred up Polish dumplings (6)","output":"### Answer: PIROGI \n ### Explanation: I try to shred up Polish dumplings (6)\n<= I GO RIP"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cyclist shot by a bank robber? (6)","output":"### Answer: RAIDER \n ### Explanation: Cyclist shot by a bank robber? (6)\nRIDER \"shot by\" A"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Snatch baby and invite reprimand (4,2,4)","output":"### Answer: TAKE TO TASK \n ### Explanation: Snatch baby and invite reprimand (4,2,4)\nTAKE TOT + ASK"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A wizard takes company over current strength (8)","output":"### Answer: AMPERAGE \n ### Explanation: A wizard takes company over current strength (8)\nA MAGE (\"wizard\") \"takes\" <=REP (\"company\", as in a theatre company)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Look through window to see legendary adulterer (8)","output":"### Answer: LANCELOT \n ### Explanation: Look through window to see legendary adulterer (8)\nLO (\"look\") \"through\" LANCET (a tall thin \"window\", as seen in churches, eg)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Reserve time in holiday area (3,5)","output":"### Answer: SETASIDE \n ### Explanation: Reserve time in holiday area (3,5)\nT(ime) \"in\" SEASIDE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Exercise is said to be\u00a0well done (4,3,3)","output":"### Answer: GOOD FOR YOU \n ### Explanation: Exercise is said to be\u00a0well done (4,3,3)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Verse minister cut and cut again (8)","output":"### Answer: CLERIHEW \n ### Explanation: Verse minister cut and cut again (8)\nCLERI(c) + HEW"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Say coffee's popular? I may wear that (8)","output":"### Answer: MOCCASIN \n ### Explanation: Say coffee's popular? I may wear that (8)\nHomophone of MOCHA'S IN"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ease university means of admission to let one in (8)","output":"### Answer: MITIGATE \n ### Explanation: Ease university means of admission to let one in (8)\nMIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, so \"university\") + GATE (\"means of admission\") \"to let in\" 1"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Succeeded heading off bully in area (6)","output":"### Answer: SECTOR \n ### Explanation: Succeeded heading off bully in area (6)\nS(ucceeded) + (h)ECTOR (\"bully\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Who left in two-seater? (6)","output":"### Answer: COUPLE \n ### Explanation: Who left in two-seater? (6)\nL(eft) in COUPE (\"two-seater\") \nA two-seater would hold a couple."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Slowcoach ropes me in, for one, to move up in race situation (2,4)","output":"### Answer: LE MANS \n ### Explanation: Slowcoach ropes me in, for one, to move up in race situation (2,4)\n<=SNA(ME)L (\"slowcoach\", ie SNAIL moving up, but with ME \"in for\" (ie replacing) the I (\"one\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Feeling funny eating lettuce sandwiches (7)","output":"### Answer: ATINGLE \n ### Explanation: Feeling funny eating lettuce sandwiches (7)\nHidden in \"e**ATING LE**ttuce\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Man meeting island's legendary queen (6)","output":"### Answer: HECUBA \n ### Explanation: Man meeting island's legendary queen (6)\nHE (\"man\") + CUBA (\"island\") \nIn Greek mythology, Hecuba was the wife of Priam, and mother of Hector and Paris."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cavalryman carrying Blackberry, say, for club artist (3,6)","output":"### Answer: LAP DANCER \n ### Explanation: Cavalryman carrying Blackberry, say, for club artist (3,6)\nLANCER (\"cavalryman\") \"carrying\" PDA (personal digital assistant, of which \"Blackberry\" is an example)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Merits organ with metal back (5)","output":"### Answer: EARNS \n ### Explanation: Merits organ with metal back (5)\nEAR (\"organ\") + <=Sn (chemical symbol for tin, hence \"metal\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fumble good line (5)","output":"### Answer: GROPE \n ### Explanation: Fumble good line (5)\nG(ood) + ROPE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pay regular fee to\u00a0one who writes underwater? (9)","output":"### Answer: SUBSCRIBE \n ### Explanation: Pay regular fee to\u00a0one who writes underwater? (9)\nStraight definition, follwed by a cryptic one."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Shown proofs horse met disaster (8)","output":"### Answer: THEOREMS \n ### Explanation: Shown proofs horse met disaster (8)\n*(horse met)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Elected government object before completion (6)","output":"### Answer: ENDING \n ### Explanation: Elected government object before completion (6)\nEND (\"object\") + IN (\"elected\") + G(overnment)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Drug an old curse on friend of Pooh (6)","output":"### Answer: ROOFIE \n ### Explanation: Drug an old curse on friend of Pooh (6)\nROO (\"friend of Pooh\") + FIE (\"old curse\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Witch runs traveller over in coming back to Biblical city (8)","output":"### Answer: GOMORRAH \n ### Explanation: Witch runs traveller over in coming back to Biblical city (8)\n<=HA(R + ROM + O)G \nwhere HAG is \"witch\", R is \"runs\", ROM is \"traveller\" and O is \"over\".\n \nRom is a word for a Gypsy boy or man, so \"traveller\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: 18 gallons reportedly did for her family (9)","output":"### Answer: KILDERKIN \n ### Explanation: 18 gallons reportedly did for her family (9)\nHomophone of KILLED HER KIN \nA kilderkin is an obsolete word for 18 gallons, or half a barrel."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Upset one large member (5)","output":"### Answer: ALARM \n ### Explanation: Upset one large member (5)\nA L(arge) + ARM (\"member\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: African ready to put back contents of trench (5)","output":"### Answer: NAIRA \n ### Explanation: African ready to put back contents of trench (5)\n<=(m)ARIAN(a) \nThe Mariana Trench is a deep fissure in the ocean bed of the Pacific, and the naira is the unit of currency of Nigeria"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: In French town, engineers block excessive anti-smoking measure (9)","output":"### Answer: NICORETTE \n ### Explanation: In French town, engineers block excessive anti-smoking measure (9)\nR.E. (\"engineers\") \"blocking\" O.T.T. (\"excessive\") \"in\" NICE (\"French town\") \nI think the inhabitants of Nice may prefer CITY to TOWN."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stones murdered Elton John's introductions on comeback (6)","output":"### Answer: JEWELS \n ### Explanation: Stones murdered Elton John's introductions on comeback (6)\n(<= SLEW + E(lton) J(ohn))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Makes obscure fish finally come into being (7)","output":"### Answer: ENCODES \n ### Explanation: Makes obscure fish finally come into being (7)\nCOD + (com)E in ENS (\"being\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Doctor is taking a roll of material (9,4)","output":"### Answer: ALLIGATOR SKIN \n ### Explanation: Doctor is taking a roll of material (9,4)\n*(is taking a roll)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Better current politician cycling past (7)","output":"### Answer: IMPROVE \n ### Explanation: Better current politician cycling past (7)\nI (unit of electric \"current\") + M.P. + ROVE (\"cycling\" OVER) \nTo get the \"cycling over\" bit, imagine the word OVER written on a wheel, then \"cycle\" it by 90 degrees, the letters would then spell OVER if you started at the same place."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: We hear white horses eat (5)","output":"### Answer: GRAZE \n ### Explanation: We hear white horses eat (5)\nHomophone of GREYS \n\"Whitish\" may have been more appropriate."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: I didn't like that\u00a0dance (6,2)","output":"### Answer: EXCUSE ME \n ### Explanation: I didn't like that\u00a0dance (6,2)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: With this different thinking, Belgium replaces Sweden (6)","output":"### Answer: HEREBY \n ### Explanation: With this different thinking, Belgium replaces Sweden (6)\nHERESY (\"different thinking\") with the S replaced by B (Belgium replacing Sweden)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cern's codes compromised by increasing volume (9)","output":"### Answer: CRESCENDO \n ### Explanation: Cern's codes compromised by increasing volume (9)\n*(cern codes) \nThere's a stray S in the anagram fodder here, though!"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Inquire about missing European with black swimming costume (7)","output":"### Answer: BURQINI \n ### Explanation: Inquire about missing European with black swimming costume (7)\nB(lack) + *(inquir)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: People pretending to hold projection tools (13)","output":"### Answer: SLEDGEHAMMERS \n ### Explanation: People pretending to hold projection tools (13)\nSHAMMERS (\"people pretending\") \"to hold\" LEDGE (\"projection\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Film about computer age in popular culture finally gets repeat (9)","output":"### Answer: REITERATE \n ### Explanation: Film about computer age in popular culture finally gets repeat (9)\nThe only parsing of this that I can see is: \n(popula)R (cultur)E with I.T. ERA (\"computer age\")\u00a0and <=E.T> (\"film\"), but I can't quite see how it all fits together from the clue."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: My special spot on coast road (8)","output":"### Answer: CORNICHE \n ### Explanation: My special spot on coast road (8)\nCOR (\"my\") + NICHE (\"special spot\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: I record paper exercise supporting old fuel supply (3,4)","output":"### Answer: OIL PIPE \n ### Explanation: I record paper exercise supporting old fuel supply (3,4)\nO(ld) + I + L.P. + i (news\"paper\") + P.E. (\"exercise\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Turn grass without having replied (7)","output":"### Answer: REACTED \n ### Explanation: Turn grass without having replied (7)\nACT (Turn\") in REED (\"grass\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Small band of lizards (6)","output":"### Answer: SKINKS \n ### Explanation: Small band of lizards (6)\nS(mall) + (The) KINKS (60's \"band\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Golden covers taken off Forster novel (5)","output":"### Answer: AURIC \n ### Explanation: Golden covers taken off Forster novel (5)\n(m)AURIC(e)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Refuse to sanction girl's grant (8)","output":"### Answer: DISALLOW \n ### Explanation: Definition: Refuse\nDI'S (\"girl's) + ALLOW"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: It's made by folding end over one side (6)","output":"### Answer: CREASE \n ### Explanation: Definition: It's made by folding end over one side\nsee comment 1"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Improvement shown by winning act (6)","output":"### Answer: UPTURN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Improvement\nUP (\"winning\") + TURN"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Girl's learning to accept what Hugh Capet managed to do by the sound of it (8)","output":"### Answer: LORRAINE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Girl\nLORE (\"learning\") \"to accept\" RAIN\u00a0(homophone of REIGN) \nHugh Capet, who had links with the Lorraine region, was the first king of the Franks."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Equally rebellious at heart? (5-5)","output":"### Answer: FIFTY-FIFTY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Equally\nThe heart of \"rebeLLious\" is LL (50-50 in Roman numerals)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: In preference to\u00a0being directly above (4)","output":"### Answer: OVER \n ### Explanation: Definition: In preference to\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Something disagreeable about arresting one of the French (6)","output":"### Answer: GALLIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: of the French\nGALL (\"something disagreeable\") + C (\"about\") \"arresting\" I (\"one\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Kill Pole reportedly during scrap (8)","output":"### Answer: DISPATCH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Kill\nHomophone, supposedly, of SPAR (\"pole\") \"during\" DITCH \nI've said it before, and I'll keep saying it, many people promounce the R at the ned of a word like SPAR, so SPA nad SPAR are not necessarily homophones."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: An instrument of torture eventually embraced by Catholic fraternity (8)","output":"### Answer: RECORDER \n ### Explanation: Definition: An instrument\n(tortur)E \"embraced by\" R.C. ORDER"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sad for Bottom after hint of doubt at end of play (6)","output":"### Answer: DREARY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Sad\nD(oubt) + REAR + (pla)Y"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A bit of contrary information (4)","output":"### Answer: DATA \n ### Explanation: Definition: information\n<= A TAD"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wouldn't be difficult to keep west end of mansion from crumbling (10)","output":"### Answer: TUMBLEDOWN \n ### Explanation: Definition: crumbling\n*(wouldnt be)\u00a0\"to keep\"\u00a0M(ansion)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sparkling silver object discovered in Lithuania by soldiers from the east (8)","output":"### Answer: AGLITTER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Sparkling\nAg (\"silver\")\u00a0+ IT(\"object\") \"discovered in\" LT (internet domain code for \"Lithuania\") + <=R.E."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Annoyed by Rex entering without the usual protection (6)","output":"### Answer: NARKED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Annoyed\nR(ex) \"entering\" NAKED"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Force small lock (6)","output":"### Answer: STRESS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Force\nS(mall) + TRESS"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Get together when leaving after being oddly ignored by supporting players (8)","output":"### Answer: ENSEMBLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: supporting players \nb**E**i**N**g (\"odd letters of BEING ignored\")+ (as)SEMBLE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: All the rage before admitting Virginia's overwhelmed by it secretly (2,7)","output":"### Answer: IN PRIVATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: secretly\nIN (\"all the rage\") + PRE (\"before\") \"admitting\" Va. \"overwhelmed by\" IT, so IN PR(I(VA)T)E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A largely sombre time for a grown-up (5)","output":"### Answer: ADULT \n ### Explanation: Definition: grown-up \nA + DUL(l) + T(ime)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dismal-looking fellow achieved high test score after quite a bit of time (4-5)","output":"### Answer: LONG-FACED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Dismal-looking\nF(ellow) + ACED (\"achieved high test score\") \"after\" LONG (\"quite a bit of\", when referring to time)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Plump for fit female newspaper boss (4-3)","output":"### Answer: WELL-FED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Plump\nWELL (\"fit\") + F(emale) ED(itor)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bear found in vehicle on the outskirts of Rugby (5)","output":"### Answer: CARRY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Bear\nCAR + R(ugb)Y"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Highly detailed American work on retired soldiers getting into drugs (9)","output":"### Answer: ELABORATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Highly detailed\nLABOR (American spelling of \"labour\") on <=T.A. \"getting into\" E and E (\"drugs\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Burn letters from Roisin Geraghty (5)","output":"### Answer: SINGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Burn\nHidden in \"Roi**SIN GE**raghty\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Double agent's source for example coming under scrutiny (4-5)","output":"### Answer: LOOK ALIKE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Double\nA(gent) + LIKE (\"for example\") \"under\" LOOK (\"scrutiny\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ends lies circulating about Peto's subsidiary interests (9)","output":"### Answer: SIDELINES \n ### Explanation: Definition: subsidiary interests \n*(ends lies) \"circulating about\" I (\"Peto\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Political alliance hedging after falling short as a revolutionary movement (9)","output":"### Answer: CARTWHEEL \n ### Explanation: Definition: a revolutionary movement \nsee comment 1"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Contrition shown by rock band found with heroin? Not at first (7)","output":"### Answer: REMORSE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Contrition\nR.E.M. (\"rock band\")\u00a0+ (h)ORSE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Slang for unmarried girl (5)","output":"### Answer: ARGOT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Slang \n(m)ARGOT"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Testimony primarily introduced to fit up emperor (5)","output":"### Answer: TITUS \n ### Explanation: Definition: emperor\nT(estimony) \"introduced to\" <=SUIT"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wheat from Uruguay originally stored in a cylindrical container (5)","output":"### Answer: DURUM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Wheat \nU(ruguay) \"stored in\" DRUM \nDurum wheat is used to make pasta, among other things."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Match box leads to legal action? (4,4)","output":"### Answer: TEST CASE \n ### Explanation: Match box leads to legal action? (4,4)\nTEST (match) + CASE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Have ambitions to depict a church feature? (6)","output":"### Answer: ASPIRE \n ### Explanation: Have ambitions to depict a church feature? (6)\nA SPIRE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: At front member, long-standing, eggs on Republic (7)","output":"### Answer: MOLDOVA \n ### Explanation: At front member, long-standing, eggs on Republic (7)\nM(ember) + OLD (\"long-standing\") + OVA (\"eggs\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Scholar's skill passes over unfortunate bias (7)","output":"### Answer: ARABIST \n ### Explanation: Scholar's skill passes over unfortunate bias (7)\nART (\"skill\") \"passes over\" *(bias)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Contract to give satisfaction? Not at first (5)","output":"### Answer: LEASE \n ### Explanation: Contract to give satisfaction? Not at first (5)\n(p)LEASE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Actor, tense, became very angry with Scotsman? (9)","output":"### Answer: TRAGEDIAN \n ### Explanation: Actor, tense, became very angry with Scotsman? (9)\nT(ense) + RAGED + IAN"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rash lad upset with in-law's old- fashioned obstruction? (8,4)","output":"### Answer: HADRIANS WALL \n ### Explanation: Rash lad upset with in-law's old- fashioned obstruction? (8,4)\n*(rash lad in law)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Going outside? (5-7)","output":"### Answer: HOUSE-TRAINED \n ### Explanation: Going outside? (5-7)\nA house-trained pet wouldn't \"go\" inside."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Penalties for misbehaving in biblical location? (9)","output":"### Answer: PALESTINE \n ### Explanation: Penalties for misbehaving in biblical location? (9)\n*(penalties)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Run after tea ultimately his exercise (5)","output":"### Answer: CHASE \n ### Explanation: Run after tea ultimately his exercise (5)\nCHA (\"tea\") + (hi)S (exercis)E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Annuity scheme \u2013 sound money taken in (7)","output":"### Answer: TONTINE \n ### Explanation: Annuity scheme \u2013 sound money taken in (7)\nTIN (\"money\")\u00a0in TONE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Snob perhaps is impressed by fancy title (7)","output":"### Answer: ELITIST \n ### Explanation: Snob perhaps is impressed by fancy title (7)\nIS \"impressed by\" *(title)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Park official in conflict with animal home (6)","output":"### Answer: WARDEN \n ### Explanation: Park official in conflict with animal home (6)\nWAR + DEN"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Doctor eating first helping of tuna fish (8)","output":"### Answer: STURGEON \n ### Explanation: Doctor eating first helping of tuna fish (8)\nSURGEON \"eating\" T(una)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Part of head\u00a0building, religious (6)","output":"### Answer: TEMPLE \n ### Explanation: Part of head\u00a0building, religious (6)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Some result \u2013 a new ruler! (6)","output":"### Answer: SULTAN \n ### Explanation: Some result \u2013 a new ruler! (6)\nHidden in \"re**SULT A N**ew\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Be willing to assist barrel maker, worried (9)","output":"### Answer: COOPERATE \n ### Explanation: Be willing to assist barrel maker, worried (9)\nCOOPER (\"barrel maker\") + ATE (\"worried\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Throw water into crash site? Silly (14)","output":"### Answer: SCATTERBRAINED \n ### Explanation: Throw water into crash site? Silly (14)\nSCATTER (\"throw\") + (RAIN \"into\" BED (\"crash site\"))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Look fixedly at celebrity, rude in end (5)","output":"### Answer: STARE \n ### Explanation: Look fixedly at celebrity, rude in end (5)\nSTAR + (rud)E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: At home this person's in charge leading to endless talk, hostile (8)","output":"### Answer: INIMICAL \n ### Explanation: At home this person's in charge leading to endless talk, hostile (8)\nIN + I'M IC (\"in charge\") + (t)AL(k)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Create difficulties for early invader, not half potent initially (8)","output":"### Answer: ENTANGLE \n ### Explanation: Create difficulties for early invader, not half potent initially (8)\n(pot)ENT + ANGLE (\"early invader\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Exotic area, this with lake, extremely rivered? Quite the opposite (8,6)","output":"### Answer: KALAHARI DESERT \n ### Explanation: Exotic area, this with lake, extremely rivered? Quite the opposite (8,6)\n*(area this lake RD) where the RD is the extremes of R(ivere)D"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Less elaborate small boat? That is right (9)","output":"### Answer: SKETCHIER \n ### Explanation: Less elaborate small boat? That is right (9)\nS(mall) + KETCH + i.e + R(ight)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Suspect the cops wanted initially found in Welsh town (8)","output":"### Answer: CHEPSTOW \n ### Explanation: Suspect the cops wanted initially found in Welsh town (8)\n*(the cops) + W(anted)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Name on ship for capital guy? (8)","output":"### Answer: DUBLINER \n ### Explanation: Name on ship for capital guy? (8)\nDUB + LINER"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Biter is able to take top off wine (6)","output":"### Answer: CANINE \n ### Explanation: Biter is able to take top off wine (6)\nCAN + (w)INE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Church employee, male, say, not going morth (6)","output":"### Answer: SEXTON \n ### Explanation: Church employee, male, say, not going morth (6)\nSEX (\"male, say\") + <=NOT"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Quiet pioneer disregarding odds to perform well (5)","output":"### Answer: SHINE \n ### Explanation: Quiet pioneer disregarding odds to perform well (5)\nSH (\"quiet\") + (p)I(o)N(e)E(r)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ship, possibly a drifter (5)","output":"### Answer: TRAMP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Ship\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pretend to be ill, we hear, to get a drink (9)","output":"### Answer: CHAMPAGNE \n ### Explanation: Definition: a drink \nHomophone of SHAM PAIN"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Graduate entertains a slimmer's objective \u2014 eating off this? (4,5)","output":"### Answer: BONECHINA \n ### Explanation: Definition: eating off this\nBA (\"graduate\") \"entertains\" ONE CHIN (\"a slimmer's objective\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Waterway is able to dock everything (5)","output":"### Answer: CANAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Waterway\nCAN AL(l)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fiasco for young socialite with torn lace (7)","output":"### Answer: DEBACLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fiasco\nDEB + *(lace)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Visibly unaffected by sorrow (3-4)","output":"### Answer: DRYEYED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Visibly unaffected by sorrow \nSlightly cryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Gather information alternately with the French (5)","output":"### Answer: GLEAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Gather\nGEN and LA \"alternately\", so G(L)E(A)N"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pot plant? (3)","output":"### Answer: TEA \n ### Explanation: Definition: plant\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Gather a large crowd, we hear (5)","output":"### Answer: HOARD \n ### Explanation: Definition: Gather\nHomophone of HORDE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A support thus returned is appropriate (7)","output":"### Answer: APROPOS \n ### Explanation: Definition: appropriate\nA PROP + <=SO"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Means of gauging a boring job (7)","output":"### Answer: CALIBRE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Means of gauging a boring job \nSlightly cryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Underemployed gallery worker (5)","output":"### Answer: MINER \n ### Explanation: Underemployed gallery worker (5)\nA miner works underground and apparently the gallery is another name for the coalface \u2013 you live and learn!"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Land of Hope? (9)","output":"### Answer: RURITANIA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Land of Hope\nRuritania was the setting for *The Prisoner of Zenda*, by Hope"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A spirit to woo meant victory for Henry (9)","output":"### Answer: AGINCOURT \n ### Explanation: Definition: victory for Henry \nA + GIN + COURT"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dog\u00a0track? (5)","output":"### Answer: TRAIL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Dog\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What's left when objections are raised? (4)","output":"### Answer: STUB \n ### Explanation: Definition: What's left \n<=BUTS"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Extremely clever, but hateful (8)","output":"### Answer: DAMNABLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: hateful \nAt first I thought this was a double definition. Commenters below have pointed out what I'm sure was the setter's intention, which is better than the \"double definition\" I thought I saw."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Heroic tale from The Pickwick Papers (4)","output":"### Answer: EPIC \n ### Explanation: Heroic tale from The Pickwick Papers (4)\nHidden in \"Th**E PIC**wick Papers\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: I'd interrupted to stress something unexpected (8)","output":"### Answer: ACCIDENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: something unexpected \nACC(I'D)ENT"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A leader of Zulus in tough venture (6)","output":"### Answer: HAZARD \n ### Explanation: Definition: venture\nA Z(ulu) in HARD"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Happy carol that's become legendary (10)","output":"### Answer: APOCRYPHAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: legendary\n*(happy carol)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A representative business (6)","output":"### Answer: AGENCY \n ### Explanation: Definition: A representative business \nBarely cryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Give players a hand (4)","output":"### Answer: DEAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Give players a hand \nAnother barely cryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pointer, maybe, to master's belief (5)","output":"### Answer: DOGMA \n ### Explanation: Definition: belief \nDOG (\"pointer, maybe\") + M.A."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Plot links prisoners to criminal activity (10)","output":"### Answer: CONSPIRACY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Plot\nCONS\u00a0+ PIRACY"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A ruse to avoid (5)","output":"### Answer: DODGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: A ruse\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Right to get junior minister to foot the bill (8)","output":"### Answer: ACCURATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Right\nAc. + CURATE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: European set to bail Anna out (8)","output":"### Answer: ALBANIAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: European \n*(bail anna)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rank one can change in a way (6)","output":"### Answer: RANCID \n ### Explanation: Definition: Rank\n*(i can) in Rd."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Shoot\u00a0something to eat (6)","output":"### Answer: SPROUT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Shoot\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Aim\u00a0low (4)","output":"### Answer: MEAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Aim\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Where hangings still take place in London (4)","output":"### Answer: TATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Where hangings still take place in London \nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Is indisposed to alter sail (4)","output":"### Answer: AILS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Is indisposed\n*(sail)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rotter giving frank description of curate's food? (3,3)","output":"### Answer: BAD EGG \n ### Explanation: Rotter giving frank description of curate's food? (3,3)\nDouble definition \nAlthough a curate's egg\u00a0should have some redeeming qaulities, it is essentially bad."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Party politician in protest against Conservative scoundrel (8)","output":"### Answer: DEMOCRAT \n ### Explanation: Party politician in protest against Conservative scoundrel (8)\nDEMO (\"protest\") + C(onservative) RAT"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: International organisation dead with unity ruined (6)","output":"### Answer: UNDONE \n ### Explanation: International organisation dead with unity ruined (6)\nU.N. + D(ead) + ONE (\"unity\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Soft thing that is minute (8)","output":"### Answer: PARTICLE \n ### Explanation: Soft thing that is minute (8)\nP + ARTICLE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Kick\u00a0person suffering from overwork (4)","output":"### Answer: HACK \n ### Explanation: Kick\u00a0person suffering from overwork (4)\nDouble definition, although I think the setter should indicate that the second definition is no longer current. \nHack is an obsolete word for an overworked person, as in this quote from Goldsmith\n \n*Here lies poor Ned Purdon, from misery freed, \/ Who long was a bookseller's hack"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Drank nothing, dashed outside, being exhausted (7,3)","output":"### Answer: CLAPPED OUT \n ### Explanation: Drank nothing, dashed outside, being exhausted (7,3)\nLAPPED 0 (\"drank nothing\") with CUT (\"dashed\") outside"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The friend at a dance lacking courage (5-7)","output":"### Answer: FAINT-HEARTED \n ### Explanation: The friend at a dance lacking courage (5-7)\n*(the friend at a)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Deal with problem, being exceptionally noble and ethical (5,3,4)","output":"### Answer: LANCE THE BOIL \n ### Explanation: Deal with problem, being exceptionally noble and ethical (5,3,4)\n*(noble ethical)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Little girl that's happy to go round in uniform (10)","output":"### Answer: CONSISTENT \n ### Explanation: Little girl that's happy to go round in uniform (10)\nCON(SIS)TENT \nI think the \"that's\" is superfluous."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mass in provisional from Dean initially rejected (4)","output":"### Answer: RAFT \n ### Explanation: Mass in provisional from Dean initially rejected (4)\n(d)RAFT \u2013 DRAFT (\"provisional\") with D(ean) removed"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: District in which priest supplants eastern system of belief (8)","output":"### Answer: RELIGION \n ### Explanation: District in which priest supplants eastern system of belief (8)\nREGION with ELI (\"priest\")\u00a0\"supplanting\"\u00a0E(astern)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Famous rider keen to return after travel (6)","output":"### Answer: GODIVA \n ### Explanation: Famous rider keen to return after travel (6)\n<=AVID \"after\" GO"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Spies act suspiciously, being in denial of reality (8)","output":"### Answer: ESCAPIST \n ### Explanation: Spies act suspiciously, being in denial of reality (8)\n*(spies act)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cell barrier penetrated by this person (6)","output":"### Answer: GAMETE \n ### Explanation: Cell barrier penetrated by this person (6)\nGATE (\"barrier\") \"penetrated by\" ME"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bishop has to make hasty departure: results in rebuff (5-3)","output":"### Answer: BRUSH-OFF \n ### Explanation: Bishop has to make hasty departure: results in rebuff (5-3)\nB(ishop) + RUSH OFF"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: As teacher performed start of play, with minimum of creativity (8)","output":"### Answer: DIDACTIC \n ### Explanation: As teacher performed start of play, with minimum of creativity (8)\nDID ACT 1 (\"performed start of play\") + C(reativity)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bunch of criminals shut up, any number imprisoned (4)","output":"### Answer: GANG \n ### Explanation: Bunch of criminals shut up, any number imprisoned (4)\nGAG (\"shut up\") \"imprisoning\" N(umber)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Troublesome former English sailor, poisonous type in hiding (12)","output":"### Answer: EXASPERATING \n ### Explanation: Troublesome former English sailor, poisonous type in hiding (12)\nEX E RATING (\"former English sailor\") \"hiding\" ASP (\"poisonous type\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Honest and lacking any slant (2,3,5)","output":"### Answer: ON THE LEVEL \n ### Explanation: Honest and lacking any slant (2,3,5)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Minister about to go to court with men (6)","output":"### Answer: RECTOR \n ### Explanation: Minister about to go to court with men (6)\nRE (\"about\") + Ct. + O.R. (\"men\", as in soldiers, \"other ranks\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Delightful experience with country finally getting agreement (6)","output":"### Answer: TREATY \n ### Explanation: Delightful experience with country finally getting agreement (6)\nTREAT + (countr)Y"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Country's leader restricted by changes and noisy arguments (12)","output":"### Answer: ALTERCATIONS \n ### Explanation: Country's leader restricted by changes and noisy arguments (12)\nC(ountry) \"restricted by\" ALTERATIONS"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Son forming an alliance, becoming less transparent? (8,2)","output":"### Answer: STEAMING UP \n ### Explanation: Son forming an alliance, becoming less transparent? (8,2)\nS(on) + TEAMING UP"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Male in agony embraced by female supplying drug (8)","output":"### Answer: DOPAMINE \n ### Explanation: Male in agony embraced by female supplying drug (8)\nM(ale) in PAIN \"embraced by\" DOE (\"female\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Perhaps the Derby apartment has a group of people (4,4)","output":"### Answer: FLAT RACE \n ### Explanation: Perhaps the Derby apartment has a group of people (4,4)\nFLAT (\"apartment\") + RACE (\"group of people\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rare church gets damage on top (6)","output":"### Answer: SCARCE \n ### Explanation: Rare church gets damage on top (6)\nC.E. with SCAR (\"damage\") \"on top\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: As a group once reassembling outside old car firm (2,4)","output":"### Answer: EN BLOC \n ### Explanation: As a group once reassembling outside old car firm (2,4)\n*(once) \"outside\" BL (British Leyland, hence \"old car firm\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Beetle landing on a lady (4)","output":"### Answer: DORA \n ### Explanation: Beetle landing on a lady (4)\nDOR (a scarab-like \"beetle\") + A"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Leave a convenient stopping-off place (2,4,3)","output":"### Answer: ONYOURWAY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Leave\nA convenient stopping off place would be \"on your way\", but the grammar doesn't match here. \"A convenient stopping off place\" is a noun, but \"on your way\" isn't."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Approximately to the right of top of tree trunk (5)","output":"### Answer: TORSO \n ### Explanation: Definition: trunk\nT(ree)\u00a0+ OR SO (\"approximately\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Parasite on part of fertiliser? (5)","output":"### Answer: NITRE \n ### Explanation: Definition: fertiliser\nNIT (\"parasite\") + RE \nTechnically, the nit is not a parasite, it is\u00a0the empty\u00a0egg casing of a parasite."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Observant quality present in fluid dance (9)","output":"### Answer: ADHERENCE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Observant quality\nHERE (\"present\") in *(dance)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mother gets on for Mars (7)","output":"### Answer: DAMAGES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Mars\nDAM (\"mother\") + AGES (\"gets on\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stars from here backing Elton at city in America? (7)","output":"### Answer: NEBULAS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Stars from here\n<=BEN (\"Elton\") + L.A. in U.S."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Car \u2014 middle of fan belt lacks power (5)","output":"### Answer: ASTRA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Car\n(f)A(n) + STRA(p)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: It's often pocketed, being light (3)","output":"### Answer: RED \n ### Explanation: Definition: It's often pocketed\nThe red ball is the most-often pocketed colour in a game of snooker, but \"light\" for RED is a bit weak."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Elvis is alive, full of fibre! (5)","output":"### Answer: SISAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: fibre\nHidden in \"Elvi**S IS AL**ive\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Nut cracking, in fact, absorbs one (7)","output":"### Answer: FANATIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: Nut\n*(in fact) \"absorbing\" A"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Agent's below-the-line item (7)","output":"### Answer: SLEEPER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Agent\nDouble definition, the second a cryptic one."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Test space craft with no tail (9)","output":"### Answer: CHALLENGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Test\nCHALLENGE(r)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Grimly funny champion (outside left) (5)","output":"### Answer: BLACK \n ### Explanation: Definition: Grimly funny\nBACK \"outside\" L(eft)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dress\u00a0transfer (5)","output":"### Answer: SHIFT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Dress\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Attendant puts a report in place (9)","output":"### Answer: SATELLITE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Attendant\nA TELL in SITE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Limo once cleared of external insects to give a rear view (4)","output":"### Answer: MOON \n ### Explanation: Definition: a rear view \nli(MO ON)ce"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tense, in excited, messy way (6)","output":"### Answer: SYSTEM \n ### Explanation: Definition: way\nT(ense) in *(messy)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Signature scrawled all over page, which is largely brilliant (10)","output":"### Answer: SUPERGIANT \n ### Explanation: Definition: which is largely brilliant \n*(signature) \"over\" P(age)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Slave over South American tracksuit (6)","output":"### Answer: SWEATS \n ### Explanation: Definition: American tracksuit \nSWEAT \"over\" S(outh) \nThe Americans call a tracksuit \"sweats\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Uneasy phone discussion not entirely conveyed (8)","output":"### Answer: SYPHONED \n ### Explanation: Definition: conveyed\nHidden in \"unea**SY PHONE D**iscussion\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Those who squeal about mark on horse (4)","output":"### Answer: STAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: mark on horse \n<=RATS"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Gathers shellfish round river (8)","output":"### Answer: WRINKLES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Gathers\nWINKLES \"round\" R(iver)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Scrape top off aggregate (4)","output":"### Answer: HOLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Scrape\n(w)HOLE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Happy, say, moving forward (no alternative) (5)","output":"### Answer: DWARF \n ### Explanation: Definition: Happy, say\n*(fward) (FORWARD without OR)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Kebab stall prepared game (10)","output":"### Answer: BASKETBALL \n ### Explanation: Definition: game\n*(kebab stall)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sort of power that lifts Los Alamos Red Tops (5)","output":"### Answer: SOLAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Sort of power\n<=LOS+ A(lamos) + R(ed) (*thanks to 2 below \u2013 I originally parsed this differently, but ElTel's parsing makes more sense*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Brown needs one inch A-Z up country (8)","output":"### Answer: TANZANIA \n ### Explanation: Definition: country\nTAN + <=A IN. A-Z"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rolling cape's magnificence (8)","output":"### Answer: RICHNESS \n ### Explanation: Definition: magnificence\nRICH (\"rolling\") + NESS (\"cape\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sherlock's lute playing breaks silence (6)","output":"### Answer: SLEUTH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Sherlock\n*(lute) \"breaking SH (\"silence\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Composed some material in C? The other way round (6)","output":"### Answer: PLACID \n ### Explanation: Definition: Composed\nC in PLAID"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Try to single someone out, as prolific anglers do (4,4)","output":"### Answer: CASTLOTS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Try to single someone out\nProlific anglers would CAST LOTS of times"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Look over tower (4)","output":"### Answer: KEEP \n ### Explanation: Definition: tower\n<=PEEK"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sort of music college now without women (6)","output":"### Answer: TECHNO \n ### Explanation: Sort of music college now without women (6)\n**TECH **(college) + **NO**(w)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Questions barristers after defence loses heart (8)","output":"### Answer: DEBRIEFS \n ### Explanation: Questions barristers after defence loses heart (8)\n**BRIEFS **after **D**(efenc)**E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Skill required for a presidential yacht? (9)","output":"### Answer: BUSHCRAFT \n ### Explanation: Skill required for a presidential yacht? (9)\n**BUSH** (as in George Bush, or George W Bush, presidents of the US) + **CRAFT"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Formal statement starts argument (5)","output":"### Answer: STIFF \n ### Explanation: Formal statement starts argument (5)\n**S**(tatement) + **TIFF"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Deliberately misrepresented end of insurance in cover (4)","output":"### Answer: LIED \n ### Explanation: Deliberately misrepresented end of insurance in cover (4)\n(insuranc)**E** in **LID"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Part of payment plan making tenant smile (almost) (10)","output":"### Answer: INSTALMENT \n ### Explanation: Part of payment plan making tenant smile (almost) (10)\n*(tenant smil)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rumour of armed forces finding groups in theatre (7)","output":"### Answer: TROUPES \n ### Explanation: Rumour of armed forces finding groups in theatre (7)\nHomophone of **TROOPS**, indicated by \"rumour of\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Complete half of ascent with anger (6)","output":"### Answer: ENTIRE \n ### Explanation: Complete half of ascent with anger (6)\n(asc)**ENT** + **IRE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Angle covering alien's obsession (6)","output":"### Answer: FETISH \n ### Explanation: Angle covering alien's obsession (6)\n**FISH** (angle) covering **E.T."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Little weight attached to Tory, oddly, getting whip (7)","output":"### Answer: TROUNCE \n ### Explanation: Little weight attached to Tory, oddly, getting whip (7)\n**OUNCE** attached to **T**o**R**y"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Completely\u00a0nude? (10)","output":"### Answer: ALTOGETHER \n ### Explanation: Completely\u00a0nude? (10)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A fine run out, but a shock (4)","output":"### Answer: AFRO \n ### Explanation: A fine run out, but a shock (4)\n**A **+ **F**(ine) + **R.O.** (run out) \nA shock as in \"a shock of hair\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sign stopping progress in company's belief (5)","output":"### Answer: CREDO \n ### Explanation: Sign stopping progress in company's belief (5)\n**RED** (sign stopping progress) in **Co. "} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Liquid mush found in nectar must be a sweetener (4,5)","output":"### Answer: HUSH MONEY \n ### Explanation: Liquid mush found in nectar must be a sweetener (4,5)\n*(mush) found in **HONEY"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fail to return during assignation, upset (8)","output":"### Answer: DESOLATE \n ### Explanation: Fail to return during assignation, upset (8)\n<=**LOSE **in **DATE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A former girlfriend is on the phone in the extension (6)","output":"### Answer: ANNEXE \n ### Explanation: A former girlfriend is on the phone in the extension (6)\nHomophone of **AN EX**, indicated by \"on the phone\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Design a format for a battle fought about university (8)","output":"### Answer: TABULATE \n ### Explanation: Design a format for a battle fought about university (8)\n*(a battle) about **U**(niversity)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cook's part supporting fool in church (9)","output":"### Answer: CASSEROLE \n ### Explanation: Cook's part supporting fool in church (9)\n**ROLE** (part) supporting **ASS** in **C.E."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Kiss\u00a0cheek (4)","output":"### Answer: NECK \n ### Explanation: Kiss\u00a0cheek (4)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Confer right to half of open championship (7)","output":"### Answer: ENTITLE \n ### Explanation: Confer right to half of open championship (7)\n(op)**EN** + **TITLE** (championship)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Picture definition of \"agreed decision\" (10)","output":"### Answer: RESOLUTION \n ### Explanation: Picture definition of \"agreed decision\" (10)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cream of English literature on line at last (5)","output":"### Answer: ELITE \n ### Explanation: Cream of English literature on line at last (5)\n**E**(nglish) + **Lit**(erature) + (lin)**E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Security perhaps covering most of fair (6)","output":"### Answer: SAFETY \n ### Explanation: Security perhaps covering most of fair (6)\n**SAY** (perhaps) covering **FET**(e)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Shows off very senior relatives (6)","output":"### Answer: VAUNTS \n ### Explanation: Shows off very senior relatives (6)\n**V**(ery) + **AUNTS"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Well, bread is an oriental sort of food (6,4)","output":"### Answer: SPRING ROLL \n ### Explanation: Well, bread is an oriental sort of food (6,4)\n**SPRING** (well)\u00a0+ **ROLL** (bread)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Call criminal dealer to provide financial protection (4-5)","output":"### Answer: RING-FENCE \n ### Explanation: Call criminal dealer to provide financial protection (4-5)\n**RING** (call) + **FENCE **(criminal dealer)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: New GP, yet one developed biological grouping (8)","output":"### Answer: GENOTYPE \n ### Explanation: New GP, yet one developed biological grouping (8)\n*(GP yet one)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Turn, depressed by passionate expert (7)","output":"### Answer: HOTSHOT \n ### Explanation: Turn, depressed by passionate expert (7)\n**SHOT** (turn) depressed by (ie kept under) **HOT"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One who believes in starting to think before robbery (6)","output":"### Answer: THEIST \n ### Explanation: One who believes in starting to think before robbery (6)\n**T**(hink) + **HEIST"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Top of cover in new drain is off (6)","output":"### Answer: RANCID \n ### Explanation: Top of cover in new drain is off (6)\n**C**(over) in *(drain)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Links welcoming the end of golfer's rows (5)","output":"### Answer: TIERS \n ### Explanation: Links welcoming the end of golfer's rows (5)\n**TIES **welcoming (golfe)**R"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: So may it be adult workforce? (4)","output":"### Answer: AMEN \n ### Explanation: So may it be adult workforce? (4)\n**A**(dult) + **MEN** (workforce)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hack cried off, finding somewhere to relax (9)","output":"### Answer: DECKCHAIR \n ### Explanation: Definition: somewhere to relax\n*(hack cried)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Faithful chap from Egypt, caught listening in (4)","output":"### Answer: COPT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Faithful chap from Egypt\nHomophone of **COPPED"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Originally, Neil and I met dancing together (2,6)","output":"### Answer: IN TANDEM \n ### Explanation: Definition: together\n**N**(eil) + *(and I met)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Superman repelled by feeding clipped dog (6)","output":"### Answer: CYBORG \n ### Explanation: Definition: Superman\n<=**BY**, \"feeding\" **CORG**(i)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Communication from landlord (6)","output":"### Answer: LETTER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Communication\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Press, given summons, went berserk (8)","output":"### Answer: RAMPAGED \n ### Explanation: Definition: went berserk \n**RAM** + **PAGED"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Order I'm not sure about \u2014 it's fishy (6)","output":"### Answer: MULLET \n ### Explanation: Definition: it's fishy \n<= **TELL** (order) **UM** (I'm not sure)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Person attending medical pioneer touring north-east (8)","output":"### Answer: LISTENER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Person attending\n(Joseph) **LISTER **\"touring\" **N.E."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dirty and unkempt American bastard keeping liberal cleric out of work (8)","output":"### Answer: SLOBBISH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Dirty and unkempt\n**S.O.B. **(son of a bitch, hence \"American bastard\") \"keeping\" **L**(iberal), then **BISH**(op)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tick off what fractious child may have on journey? (6)","output":"### Answer: CARPET \n ### Explanation: Definition: Tick off\nA fractious child may have a **PET **(strop) while in the **CAR**, hence a **CAR PET"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: German aboard mother ship who'll try to run you down (8)","output":"### Answer: MALIGNER \n ### Explanation: Definition: who'll try to run you down \n**G**(erman) \"aboard\" **MA**(mother)**\u00a0LINER** (ship)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bring round after grand game (6)","output":"### Answer: GROUSE \n ### Explanation: Definition: game\n**ROUSE** \"after\" **G**(rand)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Feast from Italy with wife in control at first (6)","output":"### Answer: DIWALI \n ### Explanation: Definition: Feast\n**DI(W)AL **(wife (W) in control (DIAL)) + **I**(taly)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Nutmeg caught in local doing nothing (8)","output":"### Answer: INACTIVE \n ### Explanation: Definition: doing nothing \n**I** (Nutmeg, the setter referring to **her**self, *sorry for my original \"himself\", Nutmeg*) + **C**(aught) in **NATIVE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Gawp at dog leaping fences (4)","output":"### Answer: OGLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Gawp at\nHidden in \"d**OG LE**aping\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Regulations sadly lacking on theatre closures (9)","output":"### Answer: LIGATURES \n ### Explanation: Definition: theatre closures \n*(regulatis) (REGULATIONS without ON)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Moron expected sandwiches, not cheese, to start with (5)","output":"### Answer: DUNCE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Moron\n**DUE** (expected) \"sandwiches\" **N**(ot) **C**(heese)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: This bit of property changing hands would cause gossip (7)","output":"### Answer: CHATTEL \n ### Explanation: Definition: This bit of property\nIf you changed the L at the end of CHATTEL to an R (ie changed left (hand) to right (hand)), you'd get CHATTER (gossip)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tree, one apt to give way by the sound of it (5)","output":"### Answer: CEDAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Tree\nHomophone of **CEDER"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Leader at sea, reversing car across verge (7)","output":"### Answer: ADMIRAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Leader at sea\n<= **LA(RIM)DA"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Notes from Gibraltar? (4,5)","output":"### Answer: ROCK MUSIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: Notes\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Vehicle, with case finally inside, leaves from farm (7)","output":"### Answer: CABBAGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: leaves from farm \n**CAB** + **BAG** + (insid)**E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Keep going south, always in custody of Nancy's dad (9)","output":"### Answer: PERSEVERE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Keep going\n**S**(outh) **EVER** \"in custody of\" **PERE** (\"dad\" in French,\u00a0so in Nancy)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Paul doing puzzles for publishing online (9)","output":"### Answer: UPLOADING \n ### Explanation: Definition: publishing online \n*(paul doing)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Contest with entry of nine arranged every three years (9)","output":"### Answer: TRIENNIAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: every three years \n**TRIAL** (contest) \"with entry of\" *(nine)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Force new partner to bag up silver (7)","output":"### Answer: BRIGADE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Force\n**BRIDE** \"to bag\" <+**Ag"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Husband, not sinless but something of a catch? (7)","output":"### Answer: HERRING \n ### Explanation: Definition: something of a catch\n**H**(usband) + **ERRING **(not sinless)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bird table visited by duck (7)","output":"### Answer: ROOSTER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Bird\n**ROSTER** \"visited by\" **O** (duck)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Good worker tackling tip of iceberg in Titanic (5)","output":"### Answer: GIANT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Titanic\n**G**(ood) + **ANT** \"tackling\" **I**(ceberg)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: \"S\" abbreviated means \"shields\" (5)","output":"### Answer: SAVES \n ### Explanation: Definition: \"shields\"\n**S **+ **AVES. **(abbreviated \"averages\", or \"means\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Restricted symbol? It's bound to indicate attendance record (7)","output":"### Answer: LOGBOOK \n ### Explanation: Definition: attendance record \n**LOG**(o) + **BOOK **(it's bound)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Check at home current book probing murder (7)","output":"### Answer: INHIBIT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Check\n**IN** (at home)**\u00a0**+ **(****i** (current) + **B**(ook) \"probing\" **HIT** (murder))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A small measure in operation? (5)","output":"### Answer: AFOOT \n ### Explanation: Definition: in operation\n**A FOOT"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Container for a flight? (9)","output":"### Answer: STAIRCASE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Container for a flight\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Renowned stage ready to be renovated around November (9)","output":"### Answer: LEGENDARY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Renowned\n**LEG** (stage) + *(ready) \"around\" **N**(ovember)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Better way to characterise picnic? (5)","output":"### Answer: OUTDO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Better\nA picninc could be an outdoor party, thus an **OUT DO"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: People showing resistance in much of Asian country (5)","output":"### Answer: TRIBE \n ### Explanation: Definition: People\n**R**(esisrance) in **TIBE**(t)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Businessman on border with carpet (9)","output":"### Answer: REPRIMAND \n ### Explanation: Definition: carpet\n**REP **+ **RIM** + **AND** (with)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Remote ME path winding behind old fellows (3,3,3)","output":"### Answer: OFF THE MAP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Remote\n**O**(ld) **FF **(fellows) + *(me path)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Flavour in a capital according to its citizens (5)","output":"### Answer: AROMA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Flavour\n**A **+ **ROMA** (Rome, in its own language, ie \"according to its citizens\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Friendly touch I love in inner courtyard (5)","output":"### Answer: PATIO \n ### Explanation: Definition: inner courtyard \n**PAT** (friendly touch) + **I O"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: It could be a stiff hit for internal regulator? (4,5)","output":"### Answer: BODY CLOCK \n ### Explanation: Definition: internal regulator\n**BODY** (it could be\u00a0a stiff) + **CLOCK** (hit)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sanctimonious type, English, defending odious favour shown to a few (9)","output":"### Answer: PRIVILEGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: favour shown to a few \n**PRIG **+ **E**(nglish) \"defending\" **VILE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Foreign invention put in middle of land (5)","output":"### Answer: ALIEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Foreign\n**LIE** \"put in (l)**AN**(d)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Workers on board? Programmes could benefit from them (7)","output":"### Answer: RATINGS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Workers on board\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old woman with a teen disturbed aquatic creature (7)","output":"### Answer: MANATEE \n ### Explanation: Definition: aquatic creature \n**MA** + *(a teen)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Foreign article one felt misguided in flimsy publication (7)","output":"### Answer: LEAFLET \n ### Explanation: Definition: flimsy publication\n**LE **+** A **+ *(felt)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sound with expression of loss \u2013 or expression of amazement? (4,5)","output":"### Answer: GOOD GRIEF \n ### Explanation: Definition: expression of amazement\n**GOOD **(sound) + **GRIEF"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Source of drama in poor tone (5)","output":"### Answer: ORTON \n ### Explanation: Definition: Source of drama\nHidden in \"po**OR TON**e\" \nReferring to Joe Orton, the English playwright who wrote *Loot*."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Celebratory service is facing decline in note put up (9)","output":"### Answer: KISSAGRAM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Celebratory service\n**IS **+ **SAG** (decline) \"in <=**MARK"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Friend half-heartedly supporting appeal in country (5)","output":"### Answer: ITALY \n ### Explanation: Definition: country \n**AL**(l)**Y **\"supporting\" **IT** (appeal)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Instrument playing in a march I found discordant (9)","output":"### Answer: HARMONICA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Instrument\nI think this is supposed to be an angagram, but the fodder doesn't seem right. *(in a march) gives the letters of HARMNICA, but I can't see the O?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Enjoyable occasion in ruin (5)","output":"### Answer: BLAST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Enjoyable occasion\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hotel possibly covering over origin of defects gains first advantage (7)","output":"### Answer: TOEHOLD \n ### Explanation: Definition: first advantage \n(*(hotel) \"covering\" **O**(ver)) + **D**(efects)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Haiti open after revolution for one from another continent (9)","output":"### Answer: ETHIOPIAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: one from another continent \n*(haiti open)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Disgust over senior journalist on papers showing fanciful ambition (4,5)","output":"### Answer: PIPE DREAM \n ### Explanation: Definition: fanciful ambition \n**PIP **(disgust?) + **ED** + **REAM **(papers) \nI've not been able to find DISGUST as a synonym for PIP, and I've checked three dictionaries and several online sources. The closes definition of PIP that I can find is \"to annoy\", but that's not the same as \"to disgust\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Where one might find diarist\u00a0in theory (2,5)","output":"### Answer: ON PAPER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Where one might find diarist\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Obliquely request expert to tour North (7)","output":"### Answer: ASKANCE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Obliquely\n**ASK ACE **\"to tour\" **N**(orth)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fool imbibing second mixed drink (5)","output":"### Answer: TWIST \n ### Explanation: Definition: mixed drink \n**TWIT** \"imbibing\" **S**(econd)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Approve\u00a0ironic word of affection (5)","output":"### Answer: BLESS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Approve\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Part of bike in commercial series (5)","output":"### Answer: CHAIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Part of bike\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Issue featuring oddly neglected Welsh headland (6)","output":"### Answer: ESCAPE \n ### Explanation: Issue featuring oddly neglected Welsh headland (6)\n(w)**E**(l)**S**(h) (\"Welsh\" with odd letters neglected) + **CAPE** (headland)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Arranged for expert on Poland to meet head of department (6)","output":"### Answer: PLACED \n ### Explanation: Arranged for expert on Poland to meet head of department (6)\n**PL** (international car registration for Poland) + **ACE **(expert) + **D**(epartment)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Worry about equipment for catching small birds (7)","output":"### Answer: GANNETS \n ### Explanation: Worry about equipment for catching small birds (7)\n**<=NAG** (worry \"about\") + **NET** (equipment for catching) + **S**(mall) \nThe S\/small isn't really required here, as \"equipment for catching\" could be NETS"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ask for English queen inside to be at ease (7)","output":"### Answer: REQUEST \n ### Explanation: Ask for English queen inside to be at ease (7)\n(**E**(nglish) + **Qu.**(een)) \"inside\" **REST** (to be at ease)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Common sense shown by doctor with refusal to entertain books lacking in variety and interest (10)","output":"### Answer: MONOTONOUS \n ### Explanation: Common sense shown by doctor with refusal to entertain books lacking in variety and interest (10)\n**MO** (Medical Officer, so \"doctor\") + **NO** (refusal) \"entertaining\" **O.T. **(Old Testament, so \"books\") + **NOUS** (common sense)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Area around the mouth (4)","output":"### Answer: TRAP \n ### Explanation: Area around the mouth (4)\n**<=PART** (area, \"around\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Guide and prophet residing in Troy? Just the opposite (5)","output":"### Answer: STEER \n ### Explanation: Guide and prophet residing in Troy? Just the opposite (5)\n**T**(roy) in **SEER** (prophet)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Playing well at centre-half in friendly (8)","output":"### Answer: INFORMAL \n ### Explanation: Playing well at centre-half in friendly (8)\n**IN FORM** (playing well) \"at\" (h)**AL**(f)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Starts to bitch about Danish girl's insincerity (3,5)","output":"### Answer: BAD FAITH \n ### Explanation: Starts to bitch about Danish girl's insincerity (3,5)\n**B**(itch) **A**(bout) **D**(anish) + **FAITH** (girl)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Needed primarily for onset of rheumatism in racehorse's joint (5)","output":"### Answer: ANKLE \n ### Explanation: Needed primarily for onset of rheumatism in racehorse's joint (5)\nReplacing the R in **ARKLE** (a famous racehorse) with an N (indicated by \"needed primarily), will give **ANKLE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Almost new organ (4)","output":"### Answer: NEAR \n ### Explanation: Almost new organ (4)\n**N**(ew) + **EAR** (organ)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Succeed in obstructing sinister German socialist (4-6)","output":"### Answer: LEFT-WINGER \n ### Explanation: Succeed in obstructing sinister German socialist (4-6)\n**WIN** (succeed in) \"obstructing\" **LEFT** (sinister) + **Ger.**(man)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hang about taking in extremely well-made still (7)","output":"### Answer: HOWEVER \n ### Explanation: Hang about taking in extremely well-made still (7)\n**HOVER** (hang about) \"taking in\" **W**(ell-mad)**E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ended with Sally stripping off altogether (7)","output":"### Answer: OVERALL \n ### Explanation: Ended with Sally stripping off altogether (7)\n**OVER** (ended) \"with\"\u00a0(S)**ALL**(y) (Sally taking off her outer layers, S & Y, so \"stripping off\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Painter of the Queen seen after a short walk (6)","output":"### Answer: TURNER \n ### Explanation: Painter of the Queen seen after a short walk (6)\n**E.R. **(the Queen) \"seen after\" **TURN** (a short walk) \nReferring to the English seascape painter, JMW Turner (1775- 1851)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Questionable verdict not initially finding approval (6)","output":"### Answer: CREDIT \n ### Explanation: Questionable verdict not initially finding approval (6)\n*(erdict)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Muse over weed coming from the south (5)","output":"### Answer: ERATO \n ### Explanation: Muse over weed coming from the south (5)\n<= (**O**(ver) + **TARE **(weed))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Completed after prisoner gets pardon (7)","output":"### Answer: CONDONE \n ### Explanation: Completed after prisoner gets pardon (7)\n**DONE **(completed) \"after\" **CON** (prisoner)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Miscellany from Prospect's first issue looking into development of riot (9)","output":"### Answer: POTPOURRI \n ### Explanation: Miscellany from Prospect's first issue looking into development of riot (9)\n**P**(rospect) + (**POUR **(issue) \"looking into\" *(riot))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The worst parts include Dominica's capital city (5)","output":"### Answer: LEEDS \n ### Explanation: The worst parts include Dominica's capital city (5)\n**LEES** (the worst parts) \"include\" **D**(ominica)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Reckon on soldiers coming around the opposite way (7)","output":"### Answer: COUNTER \n ### Explanation: Reckon on soldiers coming around the opposite way (7)\n**COUNT** (reckon) \"on\" <= **R.E. **(Royal Engineers, so \"soldiers\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Utterly different from despair at being abandoned (9)","output":"### Answer: DISPARATE \n ### Explanation: Utterly different from despair at being abandoned (9)\n*(despair at)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Eliminate language of fear at the outset (6,3)","output":"### Answer: POLISH OFF \n ### Explanation: Eliminate language of fear at the outset (6,3)\n**POLISH **(language) + **OF **+ **F**(ear)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Daughter discovered after a short time exhausted and in a dazed state (6-3)","output":"### Answer: SPACED-OUT \n ### Explanation: Daughter discovered after a short time exhausted and in a dazed state (6-3)\n**(D**(aughter) \"dicovered after\" **SPACE **(a short time)) + **OUT** (exhausted)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Allege as a fact following crack about German nationalist (4-5)","output":"### Answer: FLAG-WAVER \n ### Explanation: Allege as a fact following crack about German nationalist (4-5)\n**AVER** (allege as a fact) \"following\" (**FLAW**(crack) \"about\" **G**(erman))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cease to be patient after ceremony is cut short (7)","output":"### Answer: FORBEAR \n ### Explanation: Cease to be patient after ceremony is cut short (7)\n**BEAR** (to be patient) \"after\" **FOR**(m) (ceremony, \"cut short\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Species seen around Dorset oddly having similar characteristics (7)","output":"### Answer: KINDRED \n ### Explanation: Species seen around Dorset oddly having similar characteristics (7)\n**KIND** (species) \"seen around\" **D**(o)**R**(s)**E**(t)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: That's for example up beyond Lake Superior (5)","output":"### Answer: LIEGE \n ### Explanation: That's for example up beyond Lake Superior (5)\n(**i.e.** (that's) + <=**e.g.** (for example, \"up\") beyond **L**(ake)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Brilliant success evident in rebuttal C\u00e9zanne sent back (5)","output":"### Answer: ECLAT \n ### Explanation: Brilliant success evident in rebuttal C\u00e9zanne sent back (5)\nHidden backwards in \"rebut**TAL C\u00c9**zanne\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Psalm a bit out of place at christening (9)","output":"### Answer: BAPTISMAL \n ### Explanation: Psalm a bit out of place at christening (9)\n*(psalm a bit)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Recite passages in Scillies, say (5)","output":"### Answer: ISLES \n ### Explanation: Recite passages in Scillies, say (5)\nHonophone of **AISLES** (passages), indicated by \"recite\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Eliot's weaver owned one probe (7)","output":"### Answer: MARINER \n ### Explanation: Eliot's weaver owned one probe (7)\n(Silas) **MARNER **\"owned\" **1**, so MAR(1)NER \nSilas Marner was the title character and a weaver in one of George Eliot's novels, and Mariner was the name of several American deep-space probes."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What sailors followed follows sailor (3,4)","output":"### Answer: DOG STAR \n ### Explanation: What sailors followed follows sailor (3,4)\n**DOGS** (\"follows\") + **TAR** (\"sailor\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Typical finish of a Russian runner (3)","output":"### Answer: SKI \n ### Explanation: Typical finish of a Russian runner (3)\nMany Russian names end in \"ski\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: I stay on ground to cover new policeman, changing beat (11)","output":"### Answer: SYNCOPATION \n ### Explanation: I stay on ground to cover new policeman, changing beat (11)\n*(i stay on) \"to cover\" **N**(ew) **COP **(policeman)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Goods run out after a display of violence (5)","output":"### Answer: AGGRO \n ### Explanation: Goods run out after a display of violence (5)\n**GG **(good, twice, so \"goods\") + **R.O. **(run out) \"after\" **A"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Clean start to minor surgery (3)","output":"### Answer: MOP \n ### Explanation: Clean start to minor surgery (3)\n**M**(inor) + **OP** (surgery)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Odd features of play scheme in school (5)","output":"### Answer: LYCEE \n ### Explanation: Odd features of play scheme in school (5)\n(p)**L**(a)**Y**(s)**C**(h)**E**(m)**E** \nIs it just me, or is there a word missing from this clue? The letters required from PLAY SCHEME are the even ones, not the odd ones. Perhaps \"Odd features of play scheme NOT in school, or REMOVED from school\" or something like that would have worked. I appreciate that \"odd\" can mean \"remainders of pairs\", but in crossword clues, this would be too vague."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cast pay a rental to reserve theatre's last box (7,4)","output":"### Answer: PENALTY AREA \n ### Explanation: Cast pay a rental to reserve theatre's last box (7,4)\n*(pay a rental) \"to reserve\" (theatr)**E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What we do now and then during repasts (3)","output":"### Answer: EAT \n ### Explanation: What we do now and then during repasts (3)\n(r)**E**(p)**A**(s)**T**s), indicated by \"now and then during\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A Republican once more rejected the Falls (7)","output":"### Answer: NIAGARA \n ### Explanation: A Republican once more rejected the Falls (7)\n<=**AGAIN **+** R**(epublican) + **A"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rent-a-party flier? (7)","output":"### Answer: TORNADO \n ### Explanation: Rent-a-party flier? (7)\n**TORN** (rent) + **A DO** (a party) \nA Tornado is a fighter plane."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cooks steal paintings from royal householders (5)","output":"### Answer: STEWS \n ### Explanation: Cooks steal paintings from royal householders (5)\n**STEWARTS **(royal householders) with **ART **removed (or stolen)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Guarantee New Zealander's about to bag 100 in field (9)","output":"### Answer: BAILIWICK \n ### Explanation: Guarantee New Zealander's about to bag 100 in field (9)\n**BAIL** (guarantee) + <=**KIWI** (New Zealander, \"about\") \"to bag\" **C** (100)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Product of Manhattan, actor initially flops (1-5)","output":"### Answer: A-BOMBS \n ### Explanation: Product of Manhattan, actor initially flops (1-5)\n**A**(ctor) + **BOMBS** (flops) \nAtom bomns were developed by the Manhattan Project."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tweet about queen crossing swords (8)","output":"### Answer: SPARRING \n ### Explanation: Tweet about queen crossing swords (8)\n**SING** (tweet) \"about\" (Katherine) **PARR **(queen)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What sustained Liberace playing apt solo No. 1 (5,5)","output":"### Answer: PIANO STOOL \n ### Explanation: What sustained Liberace playing apt solo No. 1 (5,5)\n*(apt solo no i), where i = 1"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Islamic leader married in Ireland briefly (4)","output":"### Answer: EMIR \n ### Explanation: Islamic leader married in Ireland briefly (4)\n**M**(arried) in **EIR**(e) (Ireland, \"briefly\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fool old battered helicopter controls (10)","output":"### Answer: CLODHOPPER \n ### Explanation: Fool old battered helicopter controls (10)\n**CHOPPER **(helicopter) \"controls\" *(old)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Phone box here (4)","output":"### Answer: RING \n ### Explanation: Phone box here (4)\nYou box in a ring"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Instrument poking Joe's cheeks (6)","output":"### Answer: GLUTEI \n ### Explanation: Instrument poking Joe's cheeks (6)\n**LUTE **(instrument) \"poking\" **G.I. **(Joe) \nGlutei are muscles in the buttocks, hence (bum) cheeks."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Distance at greens varies (8)","output":"### Answer: ESTRANGE \n ### Explanation: Distance at greens varies (8)\n*(at greens)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wimpy guy stood up girl betweentimes (5-5)","output":"### Answer: NAMBY-PAMBY \n ### Explanation: Wimpy guy stood up girl betweentimes (5-5)\n<=**MAN** (guy, \"stood up\") + **PAM** (girl) between **BY **and **BY **(times)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One of 10 feels bad with a foul cigar (5,5)","output":"### Answer: AILSA CRAIG \n ### Explanation: One of 10 feels bad with a foul cigar (5,5)\n**AILS** (feels bad) + **A **+ *(cigar) \nAilsa Craig is an island off the coast of Ayrshire, famous as being the source of the stone used to make curling stones."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: He climbs a slope, grasping flag of course (8)","output":"### Answer: ALPINIST \n ### Explanation: He climbs a slope, grasping flag of course (8)\n**A LIST **(slope) \"grasping\" **PIN **(a flag on a golf course, so \"flag of course\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Climate changes beginning to stunt old man's beard (8)","output":"### Answer: CLEMATIS \n ### Explanation: Climate changes beginning to stunt old man's beard (8)\n*(climate) + **S**(tunt)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Approached destitute Arab? (6)","output":"### Answer: NEARED \n ### Explanation: Approached destitute Arab? (6)\nAn Arab **(Ar.)** in **NEED** could be described as \"destitute\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Three HP vehicle, possibly, or a kit (6)","output":"### Answer: TROIKA \n ### Explanation: Three HP vehicle, possibly, or a kit (6)\n*(or a kit) \nA troika was a carriage pulled by three horses, so a \"three horse-power vehicle\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Some musical sounds from choral society too (4)","output":"### Answer: ALSO \n ### Explanation: Some musical sounds from choral society too (4)\nHidden in \"music**AL SO**unds\" and \"chor**AL SO**ciety\" *also."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Shorten article leaving county (4)","output":"### Answer: TRIM \n ### Explanation: Shorten article leaving county (4)\n(An)**TRIM"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Overweight\u00a0actor playing the villain? (5)","output":"### Answer: HEAVY \n ### Explanation: Overweight\u00a0actor playing the villain? (5)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Coins come into this field of study (9)","output":"### Answer: ECONOMICS \n ### Explanation: Coins come into this field of study (9)\n*(coins come)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Do without lost tent that's been left behind (9)","output":"### Answer: FORGOTTEN \n ### Explanation: Do without lost tent that's been left behind (9)\n**FORGO** (do without) + *(tent)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Come out with me more than once to have a drink (5)","output":"### Answer: COCOA \n ### Explanation: Come out with me more than once to have a drink (5)\n**CO**(me) + **CO**(me) + **A"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One or two items on the afternoon menu? (7)","output":"### Answer: TEACAKE \n ### Explanation: One or two items on the afternoon menu? (7)\nTEACAKE is one item, TEA and CAKE two items."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Brightened up, when found not guilty (7)","output":"### Answer: CLEARED \n ### Explanation: Brightened up, when found not guilty (7)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Splendid\u00a0organ effect (5)","output":"### Answer: SWELL \n ### Explanation: Splendid\u00a0organ effect (5)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Little fellow not de\u00adpressed, just confused (3)","output":"### Answer: ELF \n ### Explanation: Little fellow not de\u00adpressed, just confused (3)\n*(fel) (\"fellow\" without \"low\", i.e. \"not depressed\") \nFellow is doing double duty here?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: After time, ceremony becomes commonplace (5)","output":"### Answer: TRITE \n ### Explanation: After time, ceremony becomes commonplace (5)\n**T**(ime) + **RITE **(ceremony)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One more metamor\u00adphosis on earth (7)","output":"### Answer: ANOTHER \n ### Explanation: One more metamor\u00adphosis on earth (7)\n*(another)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Red rose embroidered for church screen (7)","output":"### Answer: REREDOS \n ### Explanation: Red rose embroidered for church screen (7)\n*(red rose)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fruit\u00a0goes out of fashion (5)","output":"### Answer: DATES \n ### Explanation: Fruit\u00a0goes out of fashion (5)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Scared, possibly by bully \u2014 one given undue respect (6,3)","output":"### Answer: SACRED COW \n ### Explanation: Scared, possibly by bully \u2014 one given undue respect (6,3)\n*(scared) + **COW** (bully)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Munitions produced by man and master (9)","output":"### Answer: ARMAMENTS \n ### Explanation: Munitions produced by man and master (9)\n*(man master)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Penal reform board (5)","output":"### Answer: PANEL \n ### Explanation: Penal reform board (5)\n*(penal)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: French master\u00a0responsible for courses (4)","output":"### Answer: CHEF \n ### Explanation: French master\u00a0responsible for courses (4)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bearing\u00a0the cost of transport (8)","output":"### Answer: CARRIAGE \n ### Explanation: Bearing\u00a0the cost of transport (8)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Learner \u2014 one from a part of Austria? (4)","output":"### Answer: TYRO \n ### Explanation: Learner \u2014 one from a part of Austria? (4)\n**TYRO**(l)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: He appreciates the exquisite tea these provide (8)","output":"### Answer: AESTHETE \n ### Explanation: He appreciates the exquisite tea these provide (8)\n*(tea these)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Drink, when cold, can go the wrong way (6)","output":"### Answer: COGNAC \n ### Explanation: Drink, when cold, can go the wrong way (6)\n**C**(old) + *(can go)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Records the development of Wessex town (10)","output":"### Answer: DORCHESTER \n ### Explanation: Records the development of Wessex town (10)\n*(records the)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Prince demolished part of a king crab (6)","output":"### Answer: PINCER \n ### Explanation: Prince demolished part of a king crab (6)\n*(prince)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Part of the Burma-Siam landmass (4)","output":"### Answer: ASIA \n ### Explanation: Part of the Burma-Siam landmass (4)\nHidden in \"Burm**A-SIA**m\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: She has the advantage, when climbing (5)","output":"### Answer: TESSA \n ### Explanation: She has the advantage, when climbing (5)\n<+**ASSET **(advantage)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: There's a lack of variety, still (3,3,4)","output":"### Answer: ALL THE SAME \n ### Explanation: There's a lack of variety, still (3,3,4)\nDouble definition, just about"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Suit oneself (5)","output":"### Answer: DRESS \n ### Explanation: Suit oneself (5)\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Expect warning shout to players (8)","output":"### Answer: FORECAST \n ### Explanation: Expect warning shout to players (8)\n**FORE** (warning shout) + **CAST **(players)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Disenchanted, dash out upset, it's lewd. (8)","output":"### Answer: INDECENT \n ### Explanation: Disenchanted, dash out upset, it's lewd. (8)\n*(diencnte) (\"disenchanted\" without \"dash\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Choose one mother \u2014 the best! (6)","output":"### Answer: OPTIMA \n ### Explanation: Choose one mother \u2014 the best! (6)\nOPT + 1 + MA"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mounting a revolt (6)","output":"### Answer: RISING \n ### Explanation: Mounting a revolt (6)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rather dull sailor put under the doctor (4)","output":"### Answer: DRAB \n ### Explanation: Rather dull sailor put under the doctor (4)\n**A**(ble) **B**(odied) (sailor) \"put under\" **Dr."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Yes, about to include parking spot (4)","output":"### Answer: ESPY \n ### Explanation: Yes, about to include parking spot (4)\n*(spy) \"about \"**P**(arking)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A pack animal? (4)","output":"### Answer: WOLF \n ### Explanation: A pack animal? (4)\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Project completed for Chinese government (8)","output":"### Answer: OVERHANG \n ### Explanation: Definition: Project\n**OVER** (completed) + **HAN** (Chinese) + **G**(overnment) \nHan was a Chinese dynasty, so \"Chinese\"\u00a0may be a little weak as an indicator for HAN?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Great tackle stifles goal attempt (6)","output":"### Answer: ATTACK \n ### Explanation: Definition: goal attempt \nHidden in \"gre**AT TACK**le\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Representative of \"The People's Bishop\" involved in court case (6)","output":"### Answer: TRIBAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Representative of \"The People's \n**B**(ishop) \"involved in\" **TRIAL** (court case)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: News at Ten interrupts a Liberal citizen (8)","output":"### Answer: NATIONAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: citizen\n**AT 10** \"interrupts\" **NN **(new x2, thus \"news\") + **A ****L**(iberal), so **N(AT 10)N A L"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Low-scoring draw between France and Japan briefly reported in The Nation (4)","output":"### Answer: FIJI \n ### Explanation: Definition: The Nation\n**F**(rance) **1 J**(apan) **1**, so **F1J1**. 1-1 would be a low-scoring draw in most sports."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: She answers a higher calling during turbulent times! (3,7)","output":"### Answer: AIR HOSTESS \n ### Explanation: Definition: She answers a higher calling during turbulent times\nCryptic definition \n(although I would expect an air hostess to be strapped in during turbulence for her safety, rather than answering calls?)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lops head off plant (8)","output":"### Answer: ASPHODEL \n ### Explanation: Definition: plant\n*(lops head)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Blades come from this\u00a0mighty club! (4)","output":"### Answer: MACE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Blades come from this\nDouble definition \u2013 mace blades are a spice, and a mace is a large club."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rose Cottage finally gets drive connection (4)","output":"### Answer: AXLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: drive connection \n**AXL** (Rose) + (cottag)**E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The Spanish mutiny about working early (8)","output":"### Answer: UNTIMELY \n ### Explanation: Definition: early\n*(mutiny) \"about\" **EL** (\"the\" in Spanish)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Horrid giant rodent's first seen after spring. Horrid giant rodent! (7,3)","output":"### Answer: JUMPING RAT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Horrid giant rodent\n*(giant r) \"seen after\" **JUMP** (spring)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The last character to be chauffeured, like Julius in St. Petersburg? (4)","output":"### Answer: CZAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: like Julius in St. Petersburg\n**Z** (last character) in **CAR **(\"in car\" = chauffeured) \n(Julius) Caesar became CZAR in Russia."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Boycott, opener for England and Yorkshire, gutted to get injury (5,3)","output":"### Answer: BLACK EYE \n ### Explanation: Definition: injury\n**BLACK **(boycott) + **E**(ngland) + **Y**(orkshir)**E\n "} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Am I to be sacked from paper, folding in the spring? (6)","output":"### Answer: ORIGIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: spring\n**ORIG **(am i) + **IN"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sci-fi series rejected pitch featuring a dash of nudity (6)","output":"### Answer: STREAK \n ### Explanation: Definition: dash of nudity \n**S**(tar) **TREK **\"featuring\" **A"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tense scenes! Dr. Seuss put in prison! (8)","output":"### Answer: SUSPENSE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Tense scenes\n*(seuss) with **PEN **(prison) \"put in\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Giuseppe burned, shedding skin (5)","output":"### Answer: VERDI \n ### Explanation: Definition: Giuseppe\n(o)**VERDI**(d) \nReferring to Giuseppe Verdi, the italian composer of operas such as *Aida*."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dump run down old banger (7,4)","output":"### Answer: RUBBISH HEAP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Dump\n**RUBBISH **(run down) + **HEAP **(old banger)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The ratings are bound to go up after this broadcast (3,5,2,4)","output":"### Answer: ALL HANDS ON DECK \n ### Explanation: Definition: The ratings are bound to go up after this broadcast \nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Quarrel with sergeant about battle order (7,8)","output":"### Answer: GENERAL QUARTERS \n ### Explanation: Quarrel with sergeant about battle order (7,8)\n*(quarrel sergeant) \n\"General quarters\" is an order on a warship to be ready for action"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: I toast sanction-busting call to arms (6,8)","output":"### Answer: ACTION STATIONS \n ### Explanation: Definition: call to arms \n*(i toast sanction)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Take wickets of openers, getting a pair (3)","output":"### Answer: TWO \n ### Explanation: Definition: a pair \n**T**(ake) **W**(ickets) **O**(f)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Faithfully recorded Callas performing outside broadcast on Radio Three (9)","output":"### Answer: CLASSICAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: broadcast on Radio Three \n*(callas) \"outside\" **SIC **(faithfully recorded)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: For the doctor's travel magazine, a feature penned by Julius (4,7)","output":"### Answer: TIME MACHINE \n ### Explanation: Definition: For the doctor's travel \n**TIME** (magazine) + **A CHIN** (a feature) \"penned by\" **ME** (Julius), so **TIME M(A CHIN)E** \nReferring to the Tardis, Doctor Who's time machine"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Randy (a bloke from Riga) picked up a bit of litter (9)","output":"### Answer: SEXTUPLET \n ### Explanation: Definition: a bit of litter \nHomophone of **SEXED UP LETT** (as indicated by \"picked up\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Say goodbye to Fatty; take some exercise! (5)","output":"### Answer: ADIOS \n ### Explanation: Say goodbye to Fatty; take some exercise! (5)\n**ADI**(p)**OS**(e) (fatty \u2013 P.E.)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: McQueen regularly used a prompt (3)","output":"### Answer: CUE \n ### Explanation: Definition: a prompt \n(M)**C**(Q)**U**(e)**E**(n)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Play this on 1 March badly, then 1 April (9)","output":"### Answer: HARMONICA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Play this\n*(on i march) + **A"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fiddle in the morning at 1 (5)","output":"### Answer: AMATI \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fiddle\n**A.M.** + **AT 1** \nThe Amati family were violin makers in Cremona from the mid 1500s to the mid 1700s."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Question states: \"Should these be sung with tremolo?\" (7)","output":"### Answer: QUAVERS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Should these be sung with tremolo\n**Qu. **+ **AVERS"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Last part learned in upright position (7)","output":"### Answer: ENDWISE \n ### Explanation: Definition: in upright position \n**END** (last part) + **WISE** (learned)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: European composer nearly withdraws good score, of course (5)","output":"### Answer: EAGLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: good score, of course \n**E**(uropean) + <=**ELGA**(r) \nAn eagle is 2 under par in golf, so a \"good score\" on the course."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Clan wars overwhelm Cornish resort, as Spooner has it? (5,4)","output":"### Answer: BLOOD FEUD \n ### Explanation: Definition: Clan wars\nSpoonerism of **FLOOD BUDE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Euphemistic drama, terribly hot physical test (3,8,4)","output":"### Answer: THESCOTTISHPLAY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Euphemistic drama\n*(hot physical test) \n\"The Scottish Play\" is a euphemism for *Macbeth**,* used instead of the play's name as it is supposed to be unlicky for anyone associated with the theatre to mention the title of the play."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Almost all soldiers in a group love performing musical (9)","output":"### Answer: BRIGADOON \n ### Explanation: Definition: musical\n**BRIGAD**(e) + **0 **+ **ON **(performing)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Queen takes in one orphan (5)","output":"### Answer: ANNIE \n ### Explanation: Definition: orphan\n(Queen) **ANNE **\"takes in\" **1"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Game played in the Dog and Fish (7)","output":"### Answer: CURLING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Game\n**CUR **+ **LING"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Clansmen continue south, crossing road (7)","output":"### Answer: GORDONS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Clansmen\n**GO ON S **(continue south) \"crossing\" **Rd."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old landowner's article defending origins of art nouveau (5)","output":"### Answer: THANE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Old landowner's \n**THE** \"defending\" **A**(rt) **N**(ouveau)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hide supplier at rebuilt gorilla cages (9)","output":"### Answer: ALLIGATOR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Hide supplier\n**AT **\"caged by\" *(gorilla)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Examines old boat, say, getting a bit detached? (6,4)","output":"### Answer: CHEQUE STUB \n ### Explanation: Definition: a bit detached\nHomophone of **CHECKS TUB"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Instrument needs altering in different places (8)","output":"### Answer: TRIANGLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Instrument\n*(altering)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: He wrote the Ancient Mariner (6)","output":"### Answer: POPEYE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Mariner\n(Alexander) **POPE **(a poet, therefore \"he wrote\") + **YE **(the ancient)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A wife abandons puzzle and dances (4)","output":"### Answer: JIGS \n ### Explanation: Definition: dances \n**JIGS**(aw)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Scots trick one of their own, holding a light (10)","output":"### Answer: CALEDONIAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Scots\n**CON IAN **\"holding\" **A L.E.D."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pompous type had one curry sent up (3-2-3)","output":"### Answer: LAHDIDAH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Pompous type\n<= **HAD 1 DHAL** \nStrictly speaking, dhal is a potential ingredient for a curry, rather than a curry itself. Chambers has \"a cooked dish\" made from dhal as a definitiion, so this clue is probably OK."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cross line leaving for take-off (6)","output":"### Answer: SATIRE \n ### Explanation: Definition: take-off \n**SA**(l)**TIRE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: It's played very loudly around one eastern county (4)","output":"### Answer: FIFE \n ### Explanation: Definition: It's played \nDouble definition and (**FF** (very loudly) \"around\" **1**) + **E**(ast)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Say catchphrase over in pub that's used by climbers (6,4)","output":"### Answer: BOTTOM GEAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: that's used by climbers \n<=**e.g. MOTTO** \"in\" **BAR\n **\n A driver would use bottom gear when climbing a hill."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Maybe peck seed Murray ground (3,7)","output":"### Answer: DRY MEASURE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Maybe peck\n*(seed Murray) \nA peck is an example of a\u00a0dry measure."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Edit article about new liquorice stick (8)","output":"### Answer: CLARINET \n ### Explanation: Definition: liquorice stick \n*(article) \"about\" **N**(ew) \n\"Liquorice stick\" is\u00a0a slang term for a clarinet."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rowdies touring in Spain see dirty jumpers here (4-4)","output":"### Answer: LINEOUTS \n ### Explanation: Definition: dirty jumpers here \n**LOUTS** \"touring\" **IN E**, where E = Spain. \nIn rugby, line-outs are contested by the forwards jumping for the ball, and certainly by the end of the game, rugby players could be described as \"dirty\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Around noon, radio broadcast raid (6)","output":"### Answer: INROAD \n ### Explanation: Definition: raid\n*(radio) \"around\" **N**(oon)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Charioteer drivers carrying superior gear (6)","output":"### Answer: AURIGA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Charioteer\n**A.A. **(Automobile Association, hence \"drivers\") \"carrying **U** (superior) + **RIG **(gear)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Show around back street (4)","output":"### Answer: CATS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Show\n**Ca. **(circa, so \"around\") + <=**St."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: In which to see drivers turn left in odd places (4)","output":"### Answer: GOLF \n ### Explanation: Definition: In which to see drivers\n**GO **+ **L**(e)**F**(t)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Repeatedly nick steps (6)","output":"### Answer: CANCAN \n ### Explanation: Repeatedly nick steps (6)\n**CAN **(nick) \"repeated\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old pile passed on and acquired easily (2,1,5)","output":"### Answer: ON A PLATE \n ### Explanation: Old pile passed on and acquired easily (2,1,5)\n**O**(ld) + **NAP** (pile) + **LATE** (passed on)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Vehicle in space requiring one-off permit around Italian river (6)","output":"### Answer: APOLLO \n ### Explanation: Vehicle in space requiring one-off permit around Italian river (6)\n**ALLO**(w)(permit with \"one off\") \"around\" **PO** (Italian river)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Con small person to get in drink (6,2)","output":"### Answer: STITCH UP \n ### Explanation: Con small person to get in drink (6,2)\n**TITCH** (small person) \"to get in\" **SUP** (\"drink\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Shaving, brother heard rodent (8)","output":"### Answer: CHIPMUNK \n ### Explanation: Shaving, brother heard rodent (8)\n**CHIP** (shaving, as in a wood shaving) + homophone of **MONK **(brother)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Musician's slowly procuring a building alongside house? (4-2)","output":"### Answer: LEAN-TO \n ### Explanation: Musician's slowly procuring a building alongside house? (4-2)\n**LENTO **(slow in music) \"procuring\" **A"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Some commuter hurried around industrial region (4)","output":"### Answer: RUHR \n ### Explanation: Some commuter hurried around industrial region (4)\nHidden backwards in \"commute**R HUR**ried\" \nThe Ruhr is an area in Germany with a population of 8-9 million, which was built on heavy industry."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: East Sussex resident maybe caught aquatic transport \u2013 and another type (10)","output":"### Answer: HOVERCRAFT \n ### Explanation: East Sussex resident maybe caught aquatic transport \u2013 and another type (10)\n**HOVER **(resident of Hove, maybe?) + **C**(aught) + **RAFT **Not sure about Hover? Is someone from Hove called a Hover, or is the setter looking for the \"resident\" bit to be R?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Perhaps wedding ring found somewhere in California (10)","output":"### Answer: SACRAMENTO \n ### Explanation: Perhaps wedding ring found somewhere in California (10)\n**SACRAMENT** (perhaps wedding) + **O** (ring) \nSacramento is the capital of California."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Competent learner sitting in Lincoln (4)","output":"### Answer: ABLE \n ### Explanation: Competent learner sitting in Lincoln (4)\n**L**(earner) \"sitting in\" **ABE **(Lincoln)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pump up a cycle \u2013 flat tyre, at rear (6)","output":"### Answer: AERATE \n ### Explanation: Pump up a cycle \u2013 flat tyre, at rear (6)\n**A ERA **(a cycle) + (fla)**T **(tyr)**E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Surely deviating from the correct route, one fellow's lost (2,6)","output":"### Answer: OF COURSE \n ### Explanation: Surely deviating from the correct route, one fellow's lost (2,6)\n**OF**(f)** COURSE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hound extremist during work in US (8)","output":"### Answer: LABRADOR \n ### Explanation: Hound extremist during work in US (8)\n**RAD **(extremist) \"during\" **LABOR **(American spelling of \"labour\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tie problem for the head after schoolkids protest in principle (6)","output":"### Answer: SPLICE \n ### Explanation: Tie problem for the head after schoolkids protest in principle (6)\n**LICE **(problem for the head) after **S**(choolkids) **P**(rotest)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wild beast occupies land? Refuse to go here (5,3)","output":"### Answer: WASTE BIN \n ### Explanation: Wild beast occupies land? Refuse to go here (5,3)\n*(beast) in **WIN **(land, as in \"land a contract\", eg)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Creative work to maintain animal home's impassioned (6)","output":"### Answer: ARDENT \n ### Explanation: Creative work to maintain animal home's impassioned (6)\n**ART** (creative work) \"to maintain\" **DEN **(animal's home)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old poet's writing, say, after seeing two churches lined with gold (7)","output":"### Answer: CHAUCER \n ### Explanation: Old poet's writing, say, after seeing two churches lined with gold (7)\n**R **(one of the misleading three R's \u2013 reading, writing and 'rithmetic) \"after\" **CH **and **CE **(two churches)\u00a0\"lined with\" **AU **(gold), so **CH(AU)CE-R"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Period at sea once, with books welcome on board (9)","output":"### Answer: NEOLITHIC \n ### Explanation: Period at sea once, with books welcome on board (9)\n*(once) with **LIT** (books, as in \"chick-lit\") + **HI **(welcome) \"on board), so **NEO(LIT-HI)C"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: After father picked up, see doctor's self-confidence (6)","output":"### Answer: APLOMB \n ### Explanation: After father picked up, see doctor's self-confidence (6)\n<=**PA**, + **LO** (see) + **MB** (Bachelor Medicine, so \"doctor\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Final Tyneside races (4)","output":"### Answer: NETT \n ### Explanation: Final Tyneside races (4)\n**N.E. **(North East, so Tyneside, *at least to English people, Tyneside is South East of where I live* :)) + **TT** (races)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: In The Crown, it's nice playing game on one's own (8)","output":"### Answer: PATIENCE \n ### Explanation: In The Crown, it's nice playing game on one's own (8)\n*(nice) in **PATE** (crown)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Very pale, like woman at pre- nuptial event (5)","output":"### Answer: ASHEN \n ### Explanation: Very pale, like woman at pre- nuptial event (5)\n**AS HEN**, as in \"at a hen party\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Take advantage of policeman when losing daughter in \"way out\" (7)","output":"### Answer: EXPLOIT \n ### Explanation: Take advantage of policeman when losing daughter in \"way out\" (7)\n**PLO**(d) (policeman without D for daughter) in **EXIT **(way out)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rising reserve wins corner in game (7)","output":"### Answer: SNOOKER \n ### Explanation: Rising reserve wins corner in game (7)\n<=**Res**. \"wins\" **NOOK** (corner)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Drive back and act like an aristocrat (4,3)","output":"### Answer: BEAT OFF \n ### Explanation: Drive back and act like an aristocrat (4,3)\n**BE A TOFF"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Vegetable outstanding soldier keeps in pannier regularly (9)","output":"### Answer: AUBERGINE \n ### Explanation: Vegetable outstanding soldier keeps in pannier regularly (9)\n**UBER G.I. **(outstanding soldier) \"in\" (p)A(n)**N**(i)**E**(r)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Vehicle with A-reg vacated in the ancient city (8)","output":"### Answer: CARTHAGE \n ### Explanation: Vehicle with A-reg vacated in the ancient city (8)\n**CAR** (vehicle) + (**A**(re)**G **in **THE**)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bird rolls about in mud perhaps, tail first (7)","output":"### Answer: SWALLOW \n ### Explanation: Bird rolls about in mud perhaps, tail first (7)\n**WALLOWS** with the S (the last letter, so the \"tail\" put first)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The day before holiday peak (7)","output":"### Answer: EVEREST \n ### Explanation: The day before holiday peak (7)\n**EVE** (the day before) + **REST** (holiday)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bobby, I'm surprised, embraces social science course (6)","output":"### Answer: COPPER \n ### Explanation: Bobby, I'm surprised, embraces social science course (6)\n**COR** (I'm surprised) \"embraces\" **PPE **(Philosophy, Politics and Economics)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Puzzle found on public transport (5)","output":"### Answer: REBUS \n ### Explanation: Puzzle found on public transport (5)\n**RE** (on) + **BUS"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Anyone raging repeatedly inside needs this spiritualist? (4)","output":"### Answer: YOGI \n ### Explanation: Anyone raging repeatedly inside needs this spiritualist? (4)\nThe insides of \"an**YO**ne ra**GI**ng\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: All in Schengen angry about Hungary's barrier to migrants? (7,7)","output":"### Answer: ENGLISH CHANNEL \n ### Explanation: All in Schengen angry about Hungary's barrier to migrants? (7,7)\n*(all in schengen) \"about\" **H**(ungary)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pressure put on old college showing little growth (5)","output":"### Answer: POLYP \n ### Explanation: Pressure put on old college showing little growth (5)\n**P**(ressure) \"put on\" **POLY**(technic college)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wrongly tell teacher losing tail-ender's playing well (9)","output":"### Answer: MISINFORM \n ### Explanation: Wrongly tell teacher losing tail-ender's playing well (9)\n**MIS**(s) **IN FORM"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tories out \u2014 now! (5,4)","output":"### Answer: RIGHT AWAY \n ### Explanation: Tories out \u2014 now! (5,4)\n**RIGHT **(Tories) + **AWAY** (out)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Article finally put in this month? (5)","output":"### Answer: INSET \n ### Explanation: Article finally put in this month? (5)\n(articl)**E **\"put in\" **INST. **(this month)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Track\u00a0birds (5)","output":"### Answer: RAILS \n ### Explanation: Track\u00a0birds (5)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ran through tall grass catching catches (9)","output":"### Answer: REHEARSED \n ### Explanation: Ran through tall grass catching catches (9)\n**REED **(tall grass) \"catching\" **HEARS** (catches)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Continue drinking tea, heading off before serious play starts (9)","output":"### Answer: PRESEASON \n ### Explanation: Continue drinking tea, heading off before serious play starts (9)\n**PRESS ON **(continue) \"drinking\" (t)**EA"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Jersey enthusiast possibly rejected jacket (5)","output":"### Answer: TUNIC \n ### Explanation: Jersey enthusiast possibly rejected jacket (5)\n<= **C.I. NUT**, where C.I. = Channel Islands, of which Jersey is one"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Itinerant lecturer returning to collect degree (5)","output":"### Answer: NOMAD \n ### Explanation: Itinerant lecturer returning to collect degree (5)\n<= **DON **(lecturer, \"returning\") \"to collect\" **M.A. **(degree)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Audible warning, if switching authentic weapon (4,5)","output":"### Answer: FIRE ALARM \n ### Explanation: Audible warning, if switching authentic weapon (4,5)\n**<=****IF** + **REAL ARM"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Deceitful\u00a0kind of bowling? (9)","output":"### Answer: UNDERHAND \n ### Explanation: Deceitful\u00a0kind of bowling? (9)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Franco-German agreement needed to contact the other side? (5)","output":"### Answer: OUIJA \n ### Explanation: Franco-German agreement needed to contact the other side? (5)\n**OUI **+ **JA **(\"yes\" in French and German)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unaffected sequence of events in Darwin's study (7,7)","output":"### Answer: NATURAL HISTORY \n ### Explanation: Unaffected sequence of events in Darwin's study (7,7)\n**NATURAL **(unaffected) + **HISTORY** (sequence of events)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Expert swimmer, male, adapted proper, genuine clothing (7,7)","output":"### Answer: EMPEROR PENGUIN \n ### Explanation: Expert swimmer, male, adapted proper, genuine clothing (7,7)\n*(propere genuine) \"clothing\" **M**(ale)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Turn on light and get cracking with this? (9)","output":"### Answer: GELIGNITE \n ### Explanation: Turn on light and get cracking with this? (9)\n<=LEG (on (side), in crcket, = leg (side)) + **IGNITE** (light)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Trendy place to feed (5)","output":"### Answer: INPUT \n ### Explanation: Trendy place to feed (5)\n**IN** (trendy) + **PUT **(place)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Forster's End keeping the author away from work? (9)","output":"### Answer: HOMEWARDS \n ### Explanation: Forster's End keeping the author away from work? (9)\n**HOWARDS **(End) (a book by E.M. Forster) \"keeping\" **ME** (the author)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Soft copper cast (5)","output":"### Answer: CUSHY \n ### Explanation: Soft copper cast (5)\n**Cu **(copper) + **SHY** (cast)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: An Alsatian night worker, who's paid after work? (9)","output":"### Answer: ANNUITANT \n ### Explanation: An Alsatian night worker, who's paid after work? (9)\n**AN **+ **NUIT** (Alsatian night) + **ANT **\"Nuit\" is the French for night, and Alsace is part of France, hence \"Alsatian night\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sanction stops child turning corners (5)","output":"### Answer: NOOKS \n ### Explanation: Sanction stops child turning corners (5)\n**O.K. **(sanction) \"stops\" <=**SON **(child, \"turning\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Business such as typecast actors might create? (7,7)","output":"### Answer: LIMITED COMPANY \n ### Explanation: Business such as typecast actors might create? (7,7)\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Thinner line in poster engineers put up? (9)","output":"### Answer: SLENDERER \n ### Explanation: Thinner line in poster engineers put up? (9)\n**L**(ine) \"in\" **SENDER** (\"poster\") + <= **R.E. **((Royal) Engineers, \"put up\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Red-hot Hindu nuts, withdrawing 10% (9)","output":"### Answer: HUNDREDTH \n ### Explanation: Red-hot Hindu nuts, withdrawing 10% (9)\n*(red ht hndu), being **RED HOT HINDU** without the **I** and the **O** (which represent the 1 and the 0 of \"ten\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Romans in a newly settled land (3,6)","output":"### Answer: SAN MARINO \n ### Explanation: Romans in a newly settled land (3,6)\n*(romans in a)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Poet's surrounded by daughters in film (5)","output":"### Answer: MIDST \n ### Explanation: Poet's surrounded by daughters in film (5)\n**D**(aughters) \"in\" **MIST** (film)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Infirm female to complain loud and long (5)","output":"### Answer: FRAIL \n ### Explanation: Infirm female to complain loud and long (5)\n**F**(emale) + **RAIL **(complain loud and long)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Declares river's showing change of direction (5)","output":"### Answer: AVOWS \n ### Explanation: Declares river's showing change of direction (5)\n**AVON'S** with the **N** (north) replaced by a **W** (west), so showing a \"change of direction\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Clouts cast by insect (6)","output":"### Answer: LOCUST \n ### Explanation: Clouts cast by insect (6)\n*(clouts)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cut around page featuring prominent headline (6)","output":"### Answer: SPLASH \n ### Explanation: Cut around page featuring prominent headline (6)\n**SLASH **\"around\" **P**(age)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Froth of liquor giving succour to one who serves it (7)","output":"### Answer: BARMAID \n ### Explanation: Froth of liquor giving succour to one who serves it (7)\n**BARM **(a yeasty froth on some alcoholic drinks) + **AID** (succour)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Where to grow fruit or vegetable (7)","output":"### Answer: ORCHARD \n ### Explanation: Where to grow fruit or vegetable (7)\n**OR **+ **CHARD **(vegetable)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Speak ill of one taken in by decrease in value (10)","output":"### Answer: DEPRECIATE \n ### Explanation: Speak ill of one taken in by decrease in value (10)\n**DEPRECATE** (speak ill off) with **1** \"taken in\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Couple I bumped into on the way back (4)","output":"### Answer: ITEM \n ### Explanation: Couple I bumped into on the way back (4)\n**I **+ <=MET (bumped into)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Play with a tot first (5)","output":"### Answer: DRAMA \n ### Explanation: Play with a tot first (5)\n**DRAM **+ **A"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Plaudit for commune I reformed (8)","output":"### Answer: ENCOMIUM \n ### Explanation: Plaudit for commune I reformed (8)\n*(commune i)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Drug being injected, stay Rolling Stone (of sorts) (8)","output":"### Answer: AMETHYST \n ### Explanation: Drug being injected, stay Rolling Stone (of sorts) (8)\n**METH **(drug) \"injected\" into *(stay)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Endlessly dressing bird (5)","output":"### Answer: ROBIN \n ### Explanation: Endlessly dressing bird (5)\n**ROBIN**(g)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Relic of damage to cliff (4)","output":"### Answer: SCAR \n ### Explanation: Relic of damage to cliff (4)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Advisor finding new ruler in bed (10)","output":"### Answer: CONSULTANT \n ### Explanation: Advisor finding new ruler in bed (10)\n**N**(ew) **SULTAN **(ruler) \"in\" **COT **(bed)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Be in centre, keeping time \u2013 be in hot water here? (7)","output":"### Answer: BATHTUB \n ### Explanation: Be in centre, keeping time \u2013 be in hot water here? (7)\n**BAT **(be in, *think cricket*) + **HUB** (centre) \"keeping\" **T**(ime)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dissenter causing present convulsion (7)","output":"### Answer: HERETIC \n ### Explanation: Dissenter causing present convulsion (7)\n**HERE **(present) + **TIC **(convulsion)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Left number \u2013 unspecified number \u2013 back over there (6)","output":"### Answer: YONDER \n ### Explanation: Left number \u2013 unspecified number \u2013 back over there (6)\n<=**RED No. Y**, where RED = \"left\" (think politics), and Y is an unspecified number"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mean fish sun-god's eradicated (6)","output":"### Answer: STINGY \n ### Explanation: Mean fish sun-god's eradicated (6)\n**STING**(Ra)**Y\n**\nRa was a sun-god of the ancient Egyptians."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Permission\u00a0to quit (5)","output":"### Answer: LEAVE \n ### Explanation: Permission\u00a0to quit (5)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cold part of Italy \u2013 or of England? (7)","output":"### Answer: CUMBRIA \n ### Explanation: Cold part of Italy \u2013 or of England? (7)\n**C**(old) + **UMBRIA** (part of Italy)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Desperate to get out of ritzy cars (4,5)","output":"### Answer: STIR CRAZY \n ### Explanation: Desperate to get out of ritzy cars (4,5)\n*(ritzy cars) \nThere is no satisfactory anagram indicator here. It can't be \"out\" or \"out of\" as the \"out\" is a necessary part of the definition, so would be doing double dutry, and I don't think \"of\" is enough in itself to indicate an anagram."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Eradicate source of pruritis (itch) (5)","output":"### Answer: PURGE \n ### Explanation: Eradicate source of pruritis (itch) (5)\n**P**(ruritis) + **URGE** (itch)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One in Thames struggling with unbelief (7)","output":"### Answer: ATHEISM \n ### Explanation: One in Thames struggling with unbelief (7)\n**1** in *(thames)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Clown Prince unbounded, one of five (9)","output":"### Answer: HARLEQUIN \n ### Explanation: Clown Prince unbounded, one of five (9)\n(c)**HARLE**(s) (prince, \"unbounded\") + **QUIN** (one of five)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sweetheart, conceited, holds fast to sweetheart (9)","output":"### Answer: VALENTINE \n ### Explanation: Sweetheart, conceited, holds fast to sweetheart (9)\n**VAIN **(conceited) \"holds\" **LENT** (fast), then (sw)**E**(et) (the heart of \"sweet\", so sweetheart)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Incomplete farce maybe turned titillating \u2013 it gives people what they asked for! (9)","output":"### Answer: DEMOCRACY \n ### Explanation: Incomplete farce maybe turned titillating \u2013 it gives people what they asked for! (9)\n<=**COMED**(y) (\"incomplete\" farce) + **RACY** (titillating)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: About to get rich without initially running to fat (9)","output":"### Answer: CORPULENT \n ### Explanation: About to get rich without initially running to fat (9)\n**C**(irca) (about) + **OPULENT **\"without\" (ie outside) **R**(unning), so **C O(R)PULENT"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Flashlight illuminating dishcloth? (7)","output":"### Answer: TORCHON \n ### Explanation: Flashlight illuminating dishcloth? (7)\n**TORCH ON **(flashlight illuminating) \nTorchon is an old word for a duster or dishcloth."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bird giving name to beer (7)","output":"### Answer: BITTERN \n ### Explanation: Bird giving name to beer (7)\n**BITTER **(beer) + **N**(ame)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Waste matter and energy, lacking refinement (5)","output":"### Answer: CRUDE \n ### Explanation: Waste matter and energy, lacking refinement (5)\n**CRUD** (waste matter) + **E**(nergy)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Loud part of casino is yours (5)","output":"### Answer: NOISY \n ### Explanation: Loud part of casino is yours (5)\nHidden in \"casi**NO IS Y**ours\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A select tug is at sea avoiding second wave, say (11)","output":"### Answer: GESTICULATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: wave\n*(a select tug i)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Soft element in massage (3)","output":"### Answer: ASS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Soft element\nHidden in \"m**ASS**age\". \n*Haven't a clue if this is right. Definition might be \"SOFT\" with \"element in massage\" indicating that it's part of MASSAGE, but I don't think SOFT=ASS."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Colourful growth in first of peonies and others (5)","output":"### Answer: PETAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Colourful growth\n**P**(eonies) **ET AL **(and others)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Spare home for demolition in army communication? (9)","output":"### Answer: SEMAPHORE \n ### Explanation: Definition: communication\n*(spare home) \n*I can't find many examples of semaphore being ARMY communication \u2013 surely the compiler meant NAVY communication?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A fight with mug requiring shift in attitude (5-4)","output":"### Answer: ABOUT-FACE \n ### Explanation: Definition: shift in attitude \n**A BOUT** (fight) + **FACE** (mug)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old Green in Strasbourg easily seen? (5)","output":"### Answer: OVERT \n ### Explanation: Definition: easily seen\n**O**(ld) + **VERT** (French for \"green\", hence \"green in Strasbourg\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Style and energy shown by northern aristocrat (7)","output":"### Answer: ENTITLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Style\n**E**(nergy) + **N**(orthern) + **TITLE **(aristocrat)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Danger that's hidden in stall for greyhounds (4)","output":"### Answer: TRAP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Danger that's hidden\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: First principle book put out is unchanged (2,2)","output":"### Answer: AS IS \n ### Explanation: Definition: unchanged\n(b)**ASIS"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Coincide somewhat with couch potato's eating preference? (7)","output":"### Answer: OVERLAP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Coincide somewhat with\n*A couch potato may prefer to eat his food on his lap, I suppose."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Remove weapons from one French Arab male (5)","output":"### Answer: UNARM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Remove weapons from\n**UN **(one (in) French) + **Ar.**(ab) + **M**(ale)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Truth none grappled with at a critical point (2,3,4)","output":"### Answer: ON THE TURN \n ### Explanation: Definition: at a critical point \n*(truth none)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: About to sit again with Republican having temporary control? (9)","output":"### Answer: CARETAKER \n ### Explanation: Definition: having temporary control\n**Ca. **(circa, so \"about\") + **RETAKE** (sit again) + **R**(epublican)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tourist's first nervy in place with quads? (5)","output":"### Answer: THIGH \n ### Explanation: Definition: place with quads\n**T**(ourist) + **HIGH **(nervy)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Destroy\u00a0odd piece among umpteen deliveries (3)","output":"### Answer: END \n ### Explanation: Definition: Destroy\nDouble definition and hidden in \"umpte**EN D**eliveries\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Man on prior show excited adulation (4-7)","output":"### Answer: HERO-WORSHIP \n ### Explanation: Definition: adulation\n**HE **(man) + *(prior show)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Good lecturer in work with experts gets to travel widely (2,6)","output":"### Answer: GO PLACES \n ### Explanation: Definition: to travel widely \n**G**(ood) + **L**(ecturer) in **OP **(work) + **ACES** (experts)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Recommend group just outside medal positions reportedly (3,5)","output":"### Answer: SET FORTH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Recommend\n**SET** (group) + homophone of **FOURTH** (just outside of medal positions, \"reportedly\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Elected eastern European when broadcast is sound (5)","output":"### Answer: INLET \n ### Explanation: Definition: sound\n**IN** (elected) + homophone of **LETT** (Eastern European)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Divert attention from a guest agitated about parking (7)","output":"### Answer: UPSTAGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Divert attention from\n*(a guest) \"about\" **P**(arking)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Frenchman amid apprehension getting physical support? (7)","output":"### Answer: ARMREST \n ### Explanation: Definition: physical support\n**M. **(shirt for \"monsieur\", hence \"Frenchman) \"amid\" **ARREST** (apprehension)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Work of agents to promote say a top model, nothing less (9)","output":"### Answer: ESPIONAGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Work of agents\n<= **e.g. A No1 P**(o)**SE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bird in a cove fluttering close to boat (6)","output":"### Answer: AVOCET \n ### Explanation: Definition: Bird\n*(a cove) + (boa)**T"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Period in day associated with crashing? (6)","output":"### Answer: SIESTA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Period in day associated with crashing\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Students might face this peer in sporting contest (4,5)","output":"### Answer: TEST MATCH \n ### Explanation: Definition: sporting contest\n**TEST **(students might face this) + **MATCH** (peer)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Prosper and show off (8)","output":"### Answer: FLOURISH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Prosper\nDouble defnition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Operation to accept mobile phones in non-unionised place (4,4)","output":"### Answer: OPEN SHOP \n ### Explanation: Definition: non-unionised place \n**OP**(eration) + *(phones) \n*Technically an open shop is not non-unionised; it just means that the workplace in question does not enforce union membership (may be splitting hairs here, though)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Activity successful with long breaks? (7)","output":"### Answer: SNOOKER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Activity\nIf you\u00a0score a long break in snooker you are being successful."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Get too old for striking and argument about wages essentially (7)","output":"### Answer: OUTGROW \n ### Explanation: Definition: Get too old for \n**OUT** (striking) + **ROW **(argument) \"about\" (wa)**G**(es)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Who in Provence meets cook without fine flan? (6)","output":"### Answer: QUICHE \n ### Explanation: Definition: flan\n**QUI **(French for \"who\", hence \"who in Provence\") + **CHE**(f) (cook without F(ine))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rule arising about date sounded harsh (6)","output":"### Answer: JARRED \n ### Explanation: Definition: sounded harsh \n**<=****RAJ** (rule) + **RE **(about) + **D**(ate)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Record business reduced by 50% (5)","output":"### Answer: ENTER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Record\n**ENTER**(prise)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Head of state is in a position to get help (10)","output":"### Answer: ASSISTANCE \n ### Explanation: Head of state is in a position to get help (10)\n**S**(tate) **IS** \"in\" **A STANCE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Monarch and family heading for Greece (4)","output":"### Answer: KING \n ### Explanation: Monarch and family heading for Greece (4)\n**KIN **+ **G**(reece)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What may result from mishearing lyrics of number in vogue and fresh? (10)","output":"### Answer: MONDEGREEN \n ### Explanation: What may result from mishearing lyrics of number in vogue and fresh? (10)\n**N**(umber) in **MODE **+ **GREEN** \nA modegreen is a misheard lyric. American writer Sylvia Wright coined the term in 1954, writing about how as a girl she had misheard the lyric \"\u2026and laid him on the green\" in a Scottish ballad as \"\u2026and Lady Mondegreen\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Painful losing second pet (4)","output":"### Answer: TIFF \n ### Explanation: Painful losing second pet (4)\n(s)**TIFF"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Extra weapon attached to warship (5,7)","output":"### Answer: SPEAR CARRIER \n ### Explanation: Extra weapon attached to warship (5,7)\n**SPEAR **(weapon) + **CARRIER** (warship) \nA spear carrier is another name for a film extra, especially in a battle scene."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: At sea, chiefly? (2,3,4)","output":"### Answer: IN THE MAIN \n ### Explanation: At sea, chiefly? (2,3,4)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bury artist the old man ignored (5)","output":"### Answer: INTER \n ### Explanation: Bury artist the old man ignored (5)\n(pa)**INTER"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Value Walthamstow or Thamesmead houses (5)","output":"### Answer: WORTH \n ### Explanation: Value Walthamstow or Thamesmead houses (5)\nHidden in \"walthamsto**W OR TH**amesmead\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Puzzle: bridge term (9)","output":"### Answer: CROSSWORD \n ### Explanation: Puzzle: bridge term (9)\n**CROSS** (bridge) + **WORD** (term)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Example: a picture accompanying text (12)","output":"### Answer: ILLUSTRATION \n ### Explanation: Example: a picture accompanying text (12)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: United on team's original pitch (4)","output":"### Answer: TONE \n ### Explanation: United on team's original pitch (4)\n**ONE **\"on\" **T**(eam)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Volunteers managed to give an account of a dance (10)","output":"### Answer: TARANTELLA \n ### Explanation: Volunteers managed to give an account of a dance (10)\n**T.A.** (Territorial Army, so \"volunteers\") + **RAN **(managed) + **TELL A **(give an account of a)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: In plentiful supply in choppy sea close to Whitby (4)","output":"### Answer: EASY \n ### Explanation: In plentiful supply in choppy sea close to Whitby (4)\n*(eas) + (whitb)**Y"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Photograph paper kite and flower (10)","output":"### Answer: SNAPDRAGON \n ### Explanation: Photograph paper kite and flower (10)\n**SNAP **(photograph) + **DRAGON **(a kind of \"paper kite\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ability to throw leader of young pack (4)","output":"### Answer: ARMY \n ### Explanation: Ability to throw leader of young pack (4)\n**ARM **(ability to throw, as in \"he has a good arm\") + **Y**(oung)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Small border post (4)","output":"### Answer: SEND \n ### Explanation: Small border post (4)\n**S**(mall) + **END"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Costly contract covering Chinese race (12)","output":"### Answer: STEEPLECHASE \n ### Explanation: Costly contract covering Chinese race (12)\n**STEEP **(contract) + **LEASE **(contract) \"covering **Ch.**(inese)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A short experiment in central halls (5)","output":"### Answer: ATRIA \n ### Explanation: A short experiment in central halls (5)\n**A TRIA**(l)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Steady growth in counterfeiting initially censored, oddly (9)","output":"### Answer: CRESCENDO \n ### Explanation: Steady growth in counterfeiting initially censored, oddly (9)\n**C**(ounterfeiting) + *(censored)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Investiture's beginning (10)","output":"### Answer: INITIATION \n ### Explanation: Investiture's beginning (10)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Drive around in rage if door smashed (2,3,1,4)","output":"### Answer: GO FOR A RIDE \n ### Explanation: Drive around in rage if door smashed (2,3,1,4)\n*(rage if door)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Studies dramatist in anorak (12)","output":"### Answer: TRAINSPOTTER \n ### Explanation: Studies dramatist in anorak (12)\n**TRAINS **(studies) + (Dennis) **POTTER **(dramatist)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Listen with dicky instrument (3,7)","output":"### Answer: TIN WHISTLE \n ### Explanation: Listen with dicky instrument (3,7)\n*(listen with)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Plots right-wing policy on board (10)","output":"### Answer: STORYLINES \n ### Explanation: Plots right-wing policy on board (10)\n**TORY LINE **(right-wing policy) in **S.S. **(steamship).\u00a0*If you're in a ship, you're on board, so TORY LINE is in a STEAMSHIP"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: When positive, find out (9)","output":"### Answer: ASCERTAIN \n ### Explanation: When positive, find out (9)\n**AS** (when) + **CERTAIN **(positive)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Inclination, after short time, to find a loose woman (5)","output":"### Answer: TRAMP \n ### Explanation: Inclination, after short time, to find a loose woman (5)\n**RAMP** \"after\" **T**(ime)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sell fine record (4)","output":"### Answer: FLOG \n ### Explanation: Sell fine record (4)\n**F**(ine) + **LOG"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pub with new outbuilding (4)","output":"### Answer: BARN \n ### Explanation: Pub with new outbuilding (4)\n**BAR **+ **N**(ew)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Essential requirement for operating a slot machine (4,4)","output":"### Answer: HARD CASH \n ### Explanation: Essential requirement for operating a slot machine (4,4)\nCryptic definition \u2013 more often\u00a0than not, you need hard cash (ie a coin, as opposed to \"soft\" cash like notes) to operate a slot machine."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Deal\u00a0turned out well (6)","output":"### Answer: SPRUCE \n ### Explanation: Deal\u00a0turned out well (6)\nDouble definition, although someone will have to clarify for me if spruce and deal are the same thing. They are both types of fir (wood), but are they synonymous?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: He has the will to settle things (8)","output":"### Answer: EXECUTOR \n ### Explanation: He has the will to settle things (8)\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Gag produces a quiet admonition at uni\u00adversity (4,2)","output":"### Answer: HUSHUP \n ### Explanation: Gag produces a quiet admonition at uni\u00adversity (4,2)\n**HUSH **(quiet admonition) + **UP** (at university)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Responsible person gives notice last month (5)","output":"### Answer: ADULT \n ### Explanation: Responsible person gives notice last month (5)\n**AD** (notice) + **Ult.** (last month)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dog food from the back of a lorry? (9)","output":"### Answer: TAILBOARD \n ### Explanation: Dog food from the back of a lorry? (9)\n**TAIL** (dog) + **BOARD **(food)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Token expletive in defiant response (12)","output":"### Answer: COUNTERBLAST \n ### Explanation: Token expletive in defiant response (12)\n**COUNTER **(token) + **BLAST **(expletive)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Common drinking companions (3,3,6)","output":"### Answer: CUP AND SAUCER \n ### Explanation: Common drinking companions (3,3,6)\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sailor can brew tea at first for the coach (9)","output":"### Answer: CHARABANC \n ### Explanation: Sailor can brew tea at first for the coach (9)\n**CHAR** (tea) + **A.B.** (\"able-bodied\" seaman) + *(can)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Uniform colour of Gurkha kit (5)","output":"### Answer: KHAKI \n ### Explanation: Uniform colour of Gurkha kit (5)\nHidden in \"Gur**KHA KI**t\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Miracle drug for backside beset by nettle (6)","output":"### Answer: ELIXIR \n ### Explanation: Miracle drug for backside beset by nettle (6)\n<= **XI **(side, as in cricket eleven) \"beset by\" **RILE** (nettle)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Oarsman returned in vessel, showing distress (8)","output":"### Answer: CAREWORN \n ### Explanation: Oarsman returned in vessel, showing distress (8)\n<=**ROWER **\"in\" **CAN **(vessel)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: My unit represented in strike (6)","output":"### Answer: MUTINY \n ### Explanation: My unit represented in strike (6)\n*(my unit)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Steps taken in yards or metres (8)","output":"### Answer: MEASURES \n ### Explanation: Steps taken in yards or metres (8)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The laughing stock of Africa? (6)","output":"### Answer: HYENAS \n ### Explanation: The laughing stock of Africa? (6)\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Primate replaced ushers (6)","output":"### Answer: RHESUS \n ### Explanation: Primate replaced ushers (6)\n*(ushers)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Reckoning that comes to nothing (9)","output":"### Answer: COUNTDOWN \n ### Explanation: Reckoning that comes to nothing (9)\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Travelling light? (8,4)","output":"### Answer: SHOOTING STAR \n ### Explanation: Travelling light? (8,4)\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Born under Victoria, true (5)","output":"### Answer: PLUMB \n ### Explanation: Born under Victoria, true (5)\n**B**(orn) \"under\" **PLUM** (of which Victoria is a variety)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Disturbance that may have Paul upset (8)","output":"### Answer: UPHEAVAL \n ### Explanation: Disturbance that may have Paul upset (8)\n*(have paul)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hasten construction of deep exit (8)","output":"### Answer: EXPEDITE \n ### Explanation: Hasten construction of deep exit (8)\n*(deep exit)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Take on tea in a bag, paying in instalments (4,8)","output":"### Answer: HIRE PURCHASE \n ### Explanation: Take on tea in a bag, paying in instalments (4,8)\n**HIRE **(take on) + (**CHA** (tea) \"in\" **PURSE** (bag))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Low joints for workers? That's outstanding! (4,5)","output":"### Answer: BEESKNEES \n ### Explanation: Low joints for workers? That's outstanding! (4,5)\n**BEE'S **(workers) + **KNEES **(low joints)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Came with rice to provide dessert? (3,5)","output":"### Answer: ICE CREAM \n ### Explanation: Came with rice to provide dessert? (3,5)\n*(came rice)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One who profits from workers' activity? (8)","output":"### Answer: APIARIST \n ### Explanation: One who profits from workers' activity? (8)\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Go for\u00a0help (6)","output":"### Answer: FAVOUR \n ### Explanation: Go for\u00a0help (6)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: They're enormous soldier ants (6)","output":"### Answer: GIANTS \n ### Explanation: They're enormous soldier ants (6)\n**G.I.** (soldier) + **ANTS"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A right outsider (5)","output":"### Answer: ALIEN \n ### Explanation: A right outsider (5)\n**A **+ **LIEN** (right, in law)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: No college boy's beaten an average player (7,5)","output":"### Answer: COLONEL BOGEY \n ### Explanation: Definition: an average player \n*(no college boy) \nColonel Bogey is an imaginary golfer that average players try to beat \u2013 a \"standard opponent\" that does worse than par, so is easier to beat than par."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Chap working at a sort of card (5)","output":"### Answer: SIMON \n ### Explanation: Definition: Chap\n**SIM **(a sort of card) + **ON** (working)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Coffin covered in betel leaf, one for a Muslim, probably (9)","output":"### Answer: PAKISTANI \n ### Explanation: Definition: a Muslim, probably \n**KIST** (coffin) \"covered in\" **PAAN **(betel leaf) + **1"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: More than enough to convert penalty (7)","output":"### Answer: APLENTY \n ### Explanation: Definition: More than enough\n*(penalty)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Shaking off cold, one doubting being free of germs (7)","output":"### Answer: ASEPTIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: being free of germs\n**A S**(c)**EPTIC **(one doubting)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Clock change in spring getting support (4,6)","output":"### Answer: LEAP SECOND \n ### Explanation: Definition: Clock change\n**LEAP **(spring) + **SECOND** (support)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Flower girl's brief stand (4)","output":"### Answer: DAIS \n ### Explanation: Definition: stand\n**DAIS**(y)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The American behind\u00a0strike (4)","output":"### Answer: BUTT \n ### Explanation: Definition: The American behind\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Judge put our lad off recommended course (4,2,4)","output":"### Answer: PLAT DU JOUR \n ### Explanation: Definition: recommended course\n*(J put our lad), where the J stands for \"judge\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: \"This other Eden \u2026 \" is partly spoken in defiance (2,5)","output":"### Answer: SO THERE \n ### Explanation: Definition: spoken in defiance \nHidden in \"thi**S OTHER E**den\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Doctor's back after unknown infection (7)","output":"### Answer: ZHIVAGO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Doctor\n**AGO** after **Z** (unknown) + **H.I.V. **(infection)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Interrogated with pants down? (9)","output":"### Answer: DEBRIEFED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Interrogated\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Became aware of a pan at back of stove (5)","output":"### Answer: AWOKE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Became aware\n**A WOK** (pan) + (stov)**E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Prestige car is offered to woman and son? They go on foot (6,6)","output":"### Answer: ROLLER SKATES \n ### Explanation: Definition: They go on foot \n**ROLLER'S **(predtige car is) + **KATE **(woman) + **S**(on)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Following orders, excellent to get up during illness (9)","output":"### Answer: COMPLIANT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Following orders\n**COMPLAINT** (illness), with the\u00a0**AI** (excellent**\u00a0**\"getting up\"), so **COMPL(1A)NT"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Red Square is up: being old fashioned, want to go round (8)","output":"### Answer: LENINIST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Red\n**LIST (**want) \"to go around\" **NINE **(square)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cold, like a crab's claws? (5)","output":"### Answer: NIPPY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Cold\nDouble definition (second one very slightly cryptic)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Large furniture maker knocks up large quant\u00adities, probably (4,2,3)","output":"### Answer: LIKE AS NOT \n ### Explanation: Definition: probably\n**L**(arge) + **IKEA** (furniture maker) + <=**TONS"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Inspection team ejected with force, not united (6)","output":"### Answer: OFSTED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Inspection team\n**OUSTED** (ejected) with **F**(orce) replacing **U**(nited)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Former officer receives half an honour (5)","output":"### Answer: EXALT \n ### Explanation: Definition: honour\n**EX Lt. **(former officer) \"receives\" **A**(n)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Set about a journey by sea, say (6)","output":"### Answer: ASSAIL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Set about\nHomophone of **A SAIL"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Shreds chapter to be used in extracts (6)","output":"### Answer: MINCES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Shreds\n**C**(hapter) \"used in\" **MINES** (extracts)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Came and collected\u00a0what is necessary (6,3)","output":"### Answer: CALLED FOR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Came and collected\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Badly translated old manual so eccentric (9)","output":"### Answer: ANOMALOUS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Badly translated\n*(o manual so)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What gets insect drunk, like sheep, perhaps? (8)","output":"### Answer: RUMINANT \n ### Explanation: Definition: like sheep, perhaps\n**RUM IN **an **ANT** would possibly get it drunk (would more probably kill it?)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: From this doctor's manner, only one died nearby (6)","output":"### Answer: BESIDE \n ### Explanation: Definition: nearby\n**BE**(d)**SIDE **(doctor's manner, with one **D**(ied) removed)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Native Australian had meal under cover (6)","output":"### Answer: ROOFED \n ### Explanation: Definition: under cover \n**ROO **+ **FED"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Gong I held in the middle (6)","output":"### Answer: MEDIAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: in the middle \n**I **\"held in\" **MEDAL"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cheers, expression of dissent being banned (5)","output":"### Answer: TABOO \n ### Explanation: Definition: banned\n**TA **(cheers) + **BOO** (expression of dissent)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Party in South Africa terminal for black priest (5)","output":"### Answer: ZADOK \n ### Explanation: Definition: priest\n**DO **(party) in (**ZA** (South Africa) + (blac)**K**)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ways to give boats horsepower (8)","output":"### Answer: TOWPATHS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Ways to give boats horsepower \nCryptic definition \u2013 towpaths at the side of canals were where horses were used to pull barges along the waterway."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Country's tiny capital city featured in extremely worthy publication (6,6)","output":"### Answer: WOMANS WEEKLY \n ### Explanation: Definition: publication \n(**OMAN'S** (country's) + **WEE **(tiny) + **K.L. **(Kuala Lumpur, the capital city of Malaysia)) in **W**(orth)**Y"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Selfies tastelessy expose celebrations (7)","output":"### Answer: FIESTAS \n ### Explanation: Definition: celebrations\nHidden in \"sel**FIES TAS**telessly\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Green party follows a detail of speech (7)","output":"### Answer: AVOCADO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Green\n**A VOCA**(l) (of speech, \"detailed\") +** DO **(party)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Euclid's first rule confounded by mathematician (5)","output":"### Answer: EULER \n ### Explanation: Definition: mathematician\n**E**(uclid) + *(rule) \nLeonhard Euler was an 18th century Swiss mathematician and engineer, although in theory the clue could also be referring to his son, Johann."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Basic loss of mass from the Spanish cheese (9)","output":"### Answer: ELEMENTAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Basic\n**EL **(the Spanish) + **E**(m)**MENTAL"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Risks all and attacks chap who's changed sides (4,3,5)","output":"### Answer: GOES FOR BROKE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Risks all\n**GOES FOR **(attacks) **B**(l)(**R**)**OKE** \nThe L in bloke is changed to an R, thus swapping from \"left to right\" , and \"changing sides\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Loaded short container of coal (none left) with a measure of shaking (7,5)","output":"### Answer: RICHTER SCALE \n ### Explanation: Definition: measure of shaking \n**RICH** (loaded) + **TERSE **(short) \"containing\" **C**(o)**AL"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Like followers of trashy soap to start loving its characters (9)","output":"### Answer: APOSTOLIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: Like followers\n*(soap) + **TO **+ **L**(oving) **I**(ts) **C**(haracters)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rejected some plastic orchid flowers (5)","output":"### Answer: CROCI \n ### Explanation: Definition: flowers\nHidden backwards in \"plast**IC ORC**hid\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Close connection provides protection for retired woman (7)","output":"### Answer: NIGHTIE \n ### Explanation: Definition: protection for retired woman \n**NIGH **(close) + **TIE** (connection)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Slimming aid \u2013 Eton mess (2,1,4)","output":"### Answer: ON A DIET \n ### Explanation: Definition: Slimming\n*(aid eton)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Comfort from dead ends in tricky clue (6)","output":"### Answer: CUDDLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Comfort\n**D**(ea)**D **in *(clue)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hearing score in rehearsal (5,3)","output":"### Answer: TRIAL RUN \n ### Explanation: Definition: rehearsal\n**TRIAL** (hearing) + **RUN** (score, in cricket)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Carpet relaid \u2013 the edges wouldn't fit (6,6)","output":"### Answer: TUFTED WILTON \n ### Explanation: Definition: Carpet\n*(te wouldnt fit) where TE is **T**(h)**E **(edges of \"the\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Broken foremast with its end near the stern (9)","output":"### Answer: AFTERMOST \n ### Explanation: Definition: near the stern \n*(foremast t)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Change to oyster shells for presentation of Meals On Wheels (7,7)","output":"### Answer: HOSTESS TROLLEY \n ### Explanation: Definition: presentation of Meals On Wheels \n*(to oyster shells)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Natural defence is down under cardinal (5)","output":"### Answer: OZONE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Natural defence\n**OZ **(Australia, so \"down under\") + **ONE **(cardinal (number))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Paid Nato loose change (8)","output":"### Answer: ADAPTION \n ### Explanation: Definition: change\n*(paid nato)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Smoke joint when leading man replaces drug (8)","output":"### Answer: SMOULDER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Smoke\n**S****(M)**(h)**OULDER\u00a0**\u2013 m for \"man\" replacing \"h\" (heroine)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Singers fast leaving harmful intensive care and ringing Ireland (4,5,5)","output":"### Answer: MALE VOICE CHOIR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Singers\n**MALEVO**(lent) + **I.C. **(intensive care) + **ECHO** (ringing) + **Ir.**(eland)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Battle\u00a0mask (9)","output":"### Answer: BALACLAVA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Battle\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Insular Magna Carta spirit (8)","output":"### Answer: ARMAGNAC \n ### Explanation: Definition: spirit\nHidden in \"insul**AR MAGNA C**arta\", although there is no indication that we are looking for a hidden answer?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Maybe making light of natural disaster (3,2,3)","output":"### Answer: ACT OF GOD \n ### Explanation: Definition: Maybe making light\nDouble definition, the first slightly cryptic, as (some would believe) God made light."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dangerous gas support for reproductive equipment (6)","output":"### Answer: COPIER \n ### Explanation: Definition: reproductive equipment \n**CO **(carbon monoxide, so a \"dangerous gas\") + **PIER **(support)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Result of adding to central Italy (5)","output":"### Answer: TOTAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Result of adding \n**TO **I(**TAL**)y"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lovebirds catching one painful inflammation (6)","output":"### Answer: OTITIS \n ### Explanation: Lovebirds catching one painful inflammation (6)\n**O** (zero, so \"love\" in tennis) + **TITS** (\"birds\") \"catching\" **1"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lack of talent excluding a privileged group (8)","output":"### Answer: NOBILITY \n ### Explanation: Lack of talent excluding a privileged group (8)\n**NO **(a)**BILITY** (\"lack of talent\" without the \"a\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Swimming seal, then, is somewhere in the Atlantic (2,6)","output":"### Answer: ST HELENA \n ### Explanation: Swimming seal, then, is somewhere in the Atlantic (2,6)\n*(seal then) \nSt Helena is a volcanic island in the South Atlantic Ocean"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stream with no ebbing wave (6)","output":"### Answer: BECKON \n ### Explanation: Stream with no ebbing wave (6)\n**BECK **(\"stream\") + <=**ON** (\"no\", ebbing)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Extremists ejected from industrial action in the capital (4)","output":"### Answer: OSLO \n ### Explanation: Extremists ejected from industrial action in the capital (4)\n(g)**O SLO**(w)\u00a0(\"industrial action\" with \"extremists\" (first and last letters) ejected)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Slimmer's cheese in regional contest (5,5)","output":"### Answer: LOCAL DERBY \n ### Explanation: Slimmer's cheese in regional contest (5,5)\n**LO-CAL **(low-calorie, thus \"slimmer's\") + **DERBY** (a type of \"cheese\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A French African free from ropes (6)","output":"### Answer: UNMOOR \n ### Explanation: A French African free from ropes (6)\n**UN** (\"a\" in French) + **MOOR **(\"African\") \nMoors were originally Berbers and Arabs from North Africa."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Guardian's to hold back, holding back (8)","output":"### Answer: DEFENDER \n ### Explanation: Guardian's to hold back, holding back (8)\n**DEFER** (\"hold back\") \"holding\" **END** (\"back\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What might appeal to cannibal or neoliberal (8)","output":"### Answer: FRIEDMAN \n ### Explanation: What might appeal to cannibal or neoliberal (8)\n**FRIED MAN **may well appeal to a cannibal. \nThe \"neoliberal\" is Milton Friedman (1912-2006), the American Nobel prize winning economist."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Shady borders of lime, in which I'm suffering (6)","output":"### Answer: LOUCHE \n ### Explanation: Shady borders of lime, in which I'm suffering (6)\n**OUCH **(\"I'm suffering\") in the \"borders of\" **L**(im)**E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Not charging, in a position like York's welcoming hotel (2,3,5)","output":"### Answer: ON THE HOUSE \n ### Explanation: Not charging, in a position like York's welcoming hotel (2,3,5)\n**ON THE OUSE** (\"in a position like York is\") \"welcoming\" **H**(otel)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: On-screen feature suggesting that Apple's ripping you off? (4)","output":"### Answer: ICON \n ### Explanation: On-screen feature suggesting that Apple's ripping you off? (4)\n**iCon **\u2013 if Apple were ripping you off (some may see that as a justified assertion!), then it would be an iCon, as Apple tend to put i in front of their products, such as iPad, iPod and iPhone."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Frosted desserts, the second sent back (4,2)","output":"### Answer: ICE DUP \n ### Explanation: Frosted desserts, the second sent back (4,2)\n**ICE **(more iusually \"ice cream\") **+ ****PUD **are two desserts, and the second has been \"sent back\", so **DUP"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Work accepted by Poirot: a robbery with a twist (8)","output":"### Answer: ORATORIO \n ### Explanation: Work accepted by Poirot: a robbery with a twist (8)\nHidden backwards in \"P**OIROT A RO**bbery\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Butcher's cut and run, nursing case of lumbago (8)","output":"### Answer: ESCALOPE \n ### Explanation: Butcher's cut and run, nursing case of lumbago (8)\n**ESCAPE **(\"run\") \"nursing\" case of (i.e. the outer parts of) **L**(umbag)**O"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Silver service's passed round for youth (6)","output":"### Answer: NONAGE \n ### Explanation: Silver service's passed round for youth (6)\n**Ag **(chemical symbol for \"silver\") with **NONE **(\"service\") \"passed around\" it. \nNot being of a religious persuasion, I had to check NONE, and it is apparently the fifth of the seven canonical hours, or the service for it, originally fixed for the ninth hour of the day (or 3 p.m.)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unartistic sound engineering a bloody tragedy! (5,10)","output":"### Answer: TITUS ANDRONICUS \n ### Explanation: Unartistic sound engineering a bloody tragedy! (5,10)\n*(unartistic sound)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unevenness in pitch? English right back has second look (7)","output":"### Answer: TREMOLO \n ### Explanation: Unevenness in pitch? English right back has second look (7)\n<= **E Rt **(\"English right\" back) + **MO** (short for moment, so \"second\") + **LO **(\"look\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One's beaten horse, stifling liberal spirit (5,4)","output":"### Answer: STEEL DRUM \n ### Explanation: One's beaten horse, stifling liberal spirit (5,4)\n(**STEED** (\"horse\") \"stifling\" **L**(eft)) + **RUM **(\"spirit\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Subtle introduction to Nietzsche foxed a dunce (7)","output":"### Answer: NUANCED \n ### Explanation: Subtle introduction to Nietzsche foxed a dunce (7)\n**N**(ietzsche) + *(a dunce)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: President engaged in vacuously boastful clamour (5)","output":"### Answer: BABEL \n ### Explanation: President engaged in vacuously boastful clamour (5)\n**ABE **(Lincoln, so \"president\") \"engaged in **B**(oastfu)**L **-indicated by \"vacuously\" ~ \"empty\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Chosen to strip off, servicemen stand before the faithful (7)","output":"### Answer: LECTERN \n ### Explanation: Chosen to strip off, servicemen stand before the faithful (7)\n(e)**LECTE**(d) (\"chosen\" stripped, i.e. with no outer layers) + **R.N. **(Royal Navy, so \"servicemen\") \nA lectern is a reading \"stand\", especially in a church so, \"before the faithful\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: In London district, foreign cash goes on drug providing a fix (15)","output":"### Answer: TROUBLESHOOTING \n ### Explanation: In London district, foreign cash goes on drug providing a fix (15)\nIn **TOOTING **(\"London district\"), **ROUBLES **(\"foreign cash\") goes on **H **(heroin, so \"drug\") \n**T (ROUBLES H) OOTING"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lands a few blows in a deceptively promising period (5,4)","output":"### Answer: FALSE DAWN \n ### Explanation: Lands a few blows in a deceptively promising period (5,4)\n*(lands a few)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Insectivore concealed in cane abroad (7)","output":"### Answer: ECHIDNA \n ### Explanation: Insectivore concealed in cane abroad (7)\n**HID** (\"concealed\") in *(cane) \nThe echidna or spiny ant-eater is found in Australia and New Guinea."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Nobody imprisons half a continent in cell (7)","output":"### Answer: NEURONE \n ### Explanation: Nobody imprisons half a continent in cell (7)\n**NONE** (\"nobody\") \"imprisons\" **EUR**(ope)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: College study, including reading, is a fabulous thing (7)","output":"### Answer: UNICORN \n ### Explanation: College study, including reading, is a fabulous thing (7)\n**UNI**(versity) + **CON** (\"study\") \"incuding\" **R**(eading) (one of the three Rs)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Beast one very quietly smuggled into house (5)","output":"### Answer: HIPPO \n ### Explanation: Beast one very quietly smuggled into house (5)\n**1 **+ **pp **(\"very quietly\", in music \u2013 short for pianissimo) \"smuggled into\" **Ho.**(use)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Panting to get hold of riches, for a start? (8)","output":"### Answer: GRASPING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Panting to get hold of riches, for a start\n**GASPING **(panting) \"to get hold of\" **R**(iches) \nI think this is meant to be an &lit clue, but I'm not convinced that it works."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Capital changes hands for dog (6)","output":"### Answer: PLAGUE \n ### Explanation: Definition: dog\n**P(L** instead of R)**AGUE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Drunkard covers another's back (7)","output":"### Answer: TOSSPOT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Drunkard\n<=**TOPS**** + SOT **(\"covers\" and \"another\" (drunkard) back)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Powerful woman is seducer but no tease, we hear (7)","output":"### Answer: EMPRESS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Powerful woman\n(t)**EMP**(t)**RESS **the T's have been removed (\"no tease\" is a homophone of No Ts, inidcated by \"we hear\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old climber is sheepish (5)","output":"### Answer: OVINE \n ### Explanation: Definition: sheepish\n**O**(ld) + **VINE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Religious practice, one adopted by the big guns (9)","output":"### Answer: ORDINANCE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Religious practice\n**I** (\"one\") \"adopted by\" **ORDNANCE **(\"big guns\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Yours truly feeds sick rural man on IV, perhaps (5,7)","output":"### Answer: ROMAN NUMERAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: IV, perhaps \n**ME **(\"yours truly\") + *(rural man on)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Soup Ingmar regularly sampled in island port (12)","output":"### Answer: MULLIGATAWNY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Soup\n**I**(n)**G**(m)**A**(r) \"in\" **MULL** (\"island\" off the west of Scotland) + **TAWNY** (a type of strong \"port\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Political upheaval in Cuba's capital shown by up-to-date broadcast (4,5)","output":"### Answer: COUP D\u2019ETAT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Political upheaval\n**C**(uba) + *(up-to-date)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Son's reluctant to become tree-climber (5)","output":"### Answer: SLOTH \n ### Explanation: Definition: tree-climber \n**S**(on) + **LOTH **(reluctant)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Social gathering's first to honour Alberich's hairdo (7)","output":"### Answer: BEEHIVE \n ### Explanation: Definition: hairdo\n**BEE** (\"social gathering\", such as a sewing bee) + **H**(onour) + **I'VE **(\"Alberich's\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tour guide indicates font (7)","output":"### Answer: COURIER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Tour guide\nDouble definition \u2013 a courier is a tour guide and courier is also a typeface."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One who made will primarily disposed of . . . this? (6)","output":"### Answer: ESTATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: One who made will primarily disposed of . . . this? (6)\n(t)**ESTATE **(\"one who made a will\" with its \"primary\" letter disposed of)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Minute exotic tree planted in church yard \u2013 or churchyard? (8)","output":"### Answer: CEMETERY \n ### Explanation: Definition: churchyard\n**M**(inute) + *(tree) \"planted in **CE **(Church (of England)) **Y**(ard), so **CE(M-ETER)Y"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Climbing hill, Yank gets tummy trouble (6)","output":"### Answer: GUTROT \n ### Explanation: Definition: tummy trouble \n<= **TOR**(hill)** TUG **(yank)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Genoa perhaps is under a second attack (6)","output":"### Answer: ASSAIL \n ### Explanation: Definition: attack\n**SAIL** (of which genoa is a type) \"under\" **A S**(econd)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Former investment in opera? Sadly, not a sausage (9)","output":"### Answer: PEPPERONI \n ### Explanation: Definition: sausage\n**PEP **(Personal Equity Plan, so \"former investment\") + *(in oper)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: No love, not a man to inhale fresh air of the country (8,6)","output":"### Answer: NATIONAL ANTHEM \n ### Explanation: Definition: air of the country \n*(nt a man to inhale)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: In vexation I pull up plant (5)","output":"### Answer: LUPIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: plant\nHidden backwards in \"vexatio**N I PUL**l\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Frenchman's held up by drab vegetation (8)","output":"### Answer: GREENERY \n ### Explanation: Definition: vegetation\n<=** RENE **\"held up by\" **GREY **(\"drab\") so, **GRE(ENER)Y"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wind section's opening note coming in too soon (8)","output":"### Answer: EASTERLY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Wind\n**S**(ection) + **TE **(\"note\") \"coming in\" **EARLY **(\"too soon\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: In two senses, a feature of The Times? (7,7)","output":"### Answer: LEADING ARTICLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: In two senses, a feature of The Times\n\"The Times\" features a **LEADING ARTICLE**, so ARTICLE is a feature. I think the setter is indicating that LEADING is also a description of The Times, but that is subjective. Am I missing something? See comments below for alternative readings."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Very trivial cryptic clue requiring less up top (9)","output":"### Answer: MINUSCULE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Very trivial\n*(clue) with **MINUS **(\"less\") on top"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Can your setter keep Conservative sweet? (8)","output":"### Answer: AMICABLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: sweet\n**AM I ABLE **(\"can your setter\") \"keeping\" **C**(onservative)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: French writer of fine novel La Brute (8)","output":"### Answer: FLAUBERT \n ### Explanation: Definition: French writer\n**F**(ine) + *(la brute) \nRefers to Gustave Flaubert (1821-1880) who wrote *Madame Bovary*, one of my favourite novels."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Refined crude oil is stored in part by European (6)","output":"### Answer: POLITE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Refined\n*(oil) \"stored in **Pt. **(\"part\") + **E**(uropean)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Shout about the woman's virginity (6)","output":"### Answer: CHERRY \n ### Explanation: Definition: virginity\n**CRY** (shout) \"about\" **HER** (\"the woman's\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Germany's crack tenor (5)","output":"### Answer: DRIFT \n ### Explanation: Definition: tenor\n**D **(Germany) + **RIFT** (\"crack\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: More potent, cheaper drugs distributed (12)","output":"### Answer: SUPERCHARGED \n ### Explanation: More potent, cheaper drugs distributed (12)\n*(cheaper drugs)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ban item malfunctioning in the atmosphere (7)","output":"### Answer: AMBIENT \n ### Explanation: Ban item malfunctioning in the atmosphere (7)\n*(ban item)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: State airline left first (7)","output":"### Answer: LIBERIA \n ### Explanation: State airline left first (7)\n**IBERIA **(\"airline\") with **L**(eft) \"first\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Charger right to wear socks (5)","output":"### Answer: HORSE \n ### Explanation: Charger right to wear socks (5)\n**R**(ight) \"to wear\" **HOSE** (\"socks\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Consenting adult? Dyke embraces a German (8)","output":"### Answer: AGREEING \n ### Explanation: Consenting adult? Dyke embraces a German (8)\n**A**(dult) + **GREG **(Dyke) \"embraces\" **EIN **(\"a\" in German), so **A-GRE(EIN)G"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Passing on charge laid out in Brussels treaty which lacks content (6,4)","output":"### Answer: ESTATE DUTY \n ### Explanation: Passing on charge laid out in Brussels treaty which lacks content (6,4)\n**STATED **(\"laid out\") in **E.U. **(\"Brussels\") + **T**(reat)**Y**, so **E(STATED)U-TY"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Drop\u00a0charge (4)","output":"### Answer: TEAR \n ### Explanation: Drop\u00a0charge (4)\nDouble definition \u2013 (tear \"drop\") and \"charge\" as in \"move quickly\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Aperitifs? Order bottles in that case (2,2)","output":"### Answer: IF SO \n ### Explanation: Aperitifs? Order bottles in that case (2,2)\nHidden in (indicated by \"bottles\") \"aperit**IFS O**rder\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Irrational group lacking what should always be on (5,5)","output":"### Answer: PILOT LIGHT \n ### Explanation: Irrational group lacking what should always be on (5,5)\n**PI **(\"irrantional\" number) + **LOT **(\"group\") + **LIGHT**(\"lacking\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Have kinky sex among a number of people from Clacton? (8)","output":"### Answer: TOWNSMEN \n ### Explanation: Have kinky sex among a number of people from Clacton? (8)\n**OWN **(\"have\") **SM **(\"kinky sex\", or sadomasochism) \"among\" **TEN **(\"a number\"), so **T(OWN-SM)EN"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Powerhouse to snap (5)","output":"### Answer: PHOTO \n ### Explanation: Powerhouse to snap (5)\n**P**(ower) + **Ho.**(use) + **TO"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: English town engineers Apple scandal? (7)","output":"### Answer: REIGATE \n ### Explanation: English town engineers Apple scandal? (7)\n**R.E. **(Royal Engineers) + **iGATE** (think iPad and Watergate, combine the two and you'd get an \"Apple scandal\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Charger needing drink in Puerto Rico (7)","output":"### Answer: PLATTER \n ### Explanation: Charger needing drink in Puerto Rico (7)\n**LATTE **(\"drink\") in **P**(uerto) **R**(ico) \nHadn't come across \"charger\" meaning a \"shallow disc\" before, but it's in at least one online dictionary. I don't have my Chambers to hand, but will check to see if it's in there later."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Illuminate a bridge ruined by chargers (5,7)","output":"### Answer: LIGHT BRIGADE \n ### Explanation: Illuminate a bridge ruined by chargers (5,7)\n**LIGHT **(\"illuminate\") + *(a bridge\") \nThink \"CHARGE of the Light Brigade\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Having escaped fire, Polish Greek character turns up with nightclothes (7)","output":"### Answer: UNBURNT \n ### Explanation: Having escaped fire, Polish Greek character turns up with nightclothes (7)\n<=(**RUB **(\"polish\") + **NU (**\"Greek character\")) \"with\" **N**(igh)**T **(the outer layers or clothes\" of NIGHT)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Canines already see support rising. What about that? (8)","output":"### Answer: EYETEETH \n ### Explanation: Canines already see support rising. What about that? (8)\n**YET **(\"already\") + <=**TEE **(\"support\") with **EH **(\"what\") about, so **E(YET-EET)H"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Clever charges undermine the expenditure caps (4)","output":"### Answer: CUTE \n ### Explanation: Clever charges undermine the expenditure caps (4)\nCaps (or tops of, so \"first letters of\") **C**(harges) **U**(ndermine) **T**(he) **E**(zpenditure)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Charge against Luxembourg's charg\u00e9s d'affaires? (10)","output":"### Answer: ALLEGATION \n ### Explanation: Charge against Luxembourg's charg\u00e9s d'affaires? (10)\n**A**(gainst) **L**(uxembourg) + **LEGATION** (\"charge's d'affaires\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Part of roof beginning to buckle in storm (5)","output":"### Answer: GABLE \n ### Explanation: Part of roof beginning to buckle in storm (5)\n**B**(uckle) in **GALE **(\"storm\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Party about to welcome master in charge of rodents (7)","output":"### Answer: DORMICE \n ### Explanation: Party about to welcome master in charge of rodents (7)\n**DO **(\"party\") + **RE **(\"about\") \"to welcome\" **M**(aster) **I\/C **(\"in charge\"), so **DO-R(M-I\/C)E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Resist charges wrongly\u00a0shown by these (4,9)","output":"### Answer: CASH REGISTERS \n ### Explanation: Resist charges wrongly\u00a0shown by these (4,9)\n*(resist charges)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Australian tennis player's violent tram rage gets charges brought here (8,5)","output":"### Answer: MARGARET COURT \n ### Explanation: Australian tennis player's violent tram rage gets charges brought here (8,5)\n*(tram rage) + **COURT **(\"charges brought here\") \nMargaret Court won 24 Grand Slam titles, her first the Australian Open in 1960."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Commercial power gets people in film careful consideration, in America at least (10)","output":"### Answer: ADVISEMENT \n ### Explanation: Commercial power gets people in film careful consideration, in America at least (10)\n**AD **(\"commercial\") + **VIS **(\"power\") + **MEN** (\"people\") in **E.T. **(\"film\") \nVIS means \"force or power\", according to several dictionaries, although\u00a0it is not in common usage these days."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Directly lead one through 23 (4- 4)","output":"### Answer: SLAP-BANG \n ### Explanation: Directly lead one through 23 (4- 4)\n**Pb **(chemical symbol for \"lead\") + **A **(\"one\") in **SLANG** (see 23dn)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Flyer noticed list of charges (7)","output":"### Answer: SAWBILL \n ### Explanation: Flyer noticed list of charges (7)\n**SAW **(\"noticed\") + **BILL **(\"list of charges\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The gods could be haunted (7)","output":"### Answer: GHOSTED \n ### Explanation: The gods could be haunted (7)\n*(the gods)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Be rude about Pole's informal talk (5)","output":"### Answer: SLANG \n ### Explanation: Be rude about Pole's informal talk (5)\n**SLAG **(\"be rude\") \"about\" **N**(orth) (\"pole\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Starts to see pixies under rock outcrop (4)","output":"### Answer: SPUR \n ### Explanation: Starts to see pixies under rock outcrop (4)\n\"starts to\" **S**ee **P**ixies **U**nder **R**ock"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Handy expressions of approval (8)","output":"### Answer: PLAUDITS \n ### Explanation: Handy expressions of approval (8)\nCryptic definition \u2013 \"plaudits\" ~ applause, for which you require your hands."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Maroon\u00a0thread (6)","output":"### Answer: STRAND \n ### Explanation: Maroon\u00a0thread (6)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One-sided view from a correspondent? (8)","output":"### Answer: POSTCARD \n ### Explanation: One-sided view from a correspondent? (8)\nCryptic definition \u2013 a postcard has a view on one side, normally."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Badly set university course, that's plain (6)","output":"### Answer: STEPPE \n ### Explanation: Badly set university course, that's plain (6)\n*(set) + **PPE** (short for Philosophy, Politics and Economics)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Girl comes back with something useful (5)","output":"### Answer: ASSET \n ### Explanation: Girl comes back with something useful (5)\n<=**TESSA"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: They ask questions of pitmen after cutback (9)","output":"### Answer: EXAMINERS \n ### Explanation: They ask questions of pitmen after cutback (9)\n**MINERS **\"after\" <=**AXE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Repetition is, after all, Peter Piper's speciality (12)","output":"### Answer: ALLITERATION \n ### Explanation: Repetition is, after all, Peter Piper's speciality (12)\nThere is alliteration in \"after all\" and \"Peter Piper\". \nThe clue also indicates that there may be something else going on \u2013 ITERATION after ALL, but I don't see the \"iteration\" = \"Peter Piper\" bit?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Weighed out prescribed food? (8,4)","output":"### Answer: BALANCED DIET \n ### Explanation: Weighed out prescribed food? (8,4)\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wife of Perseus, wrongly named Dora (9)","output":"### Answer: ANDROMEDA \n ### Explanation: Wife of Perseus, wrongly named Dora (9)\n*(named dora)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: He leads many to sin (5)","output":"### Answer: DEVIL \n ### Explanation: He leads many to sin (5)\n**D **(\"many\") + **EVIL **(\"sin\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Is about to get up, but flags (6)","output":"### Answer: IRISES \n ### Explanation: Is about to get up, but flags (6)\n**IS **\"about\" **RISE **(\"to get up\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Nuts are found in them \u2014 and bolts (8)","output":"### Answer: SCUTTLES \n ### Explanation: Nuts are found in them \u2014 and bolts (8)\nThink coal scuttles and nut coal\u2026"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Motor found on fire, perhaps (6)","output":"### Answer: ENGINE \n ### Explanation: Motor found on fire, perhaps (6)\nAs in \"fire ENGINE\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: As an afterthought, changes the songbooks (8)","output":"### Answer: PSALTERS \n ### Explanation: As an afterthought, changes the songbooks (8)\n**P.S. **(\"afterthought\") + **ALTERS** (\"changes\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Timber producer of high standing until found to be heartless (6)","output":"### Answer: POPLAR \n ### Explanation: Timber producer of high standing until found to be heartless (6)\n**POP**(u)**LAR **(\"of high standing\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A southern university river rises where Francis came from (6)","output":"### Answer: ASSISI \n ### Explanation: A southern university river rises where Francis came from (6)\n**A **+ **S**(outhern) + <=**ISIS **(the Thames at Oxford, therefore \"university river\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Told he can become involved in an Olympic event (9)","output":"### Answer: DECATHLON \n ### Explanation: Told he can become involved in an Olympic event (9)\n*(told he can)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: They provided new items here and original Christmas gifts (5,4,3)","output":"### Answer: THREE WISE MEN \n ### Explanation: They provided new items here and original Christmas gifts (5,4,3)\n*(new items here)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Everybody's playtime? (5)","output":"### Answer: TUTTI \n ### Explanation: Everybody's playtime? (5)\nIn music, \"tutti\" means \"all\", from the Italian."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sweet and perfect to order (5,3)","output":"### Answer: APPLE PIE \n ### Explanation: Sweet and perfect to order (5,3)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Oil and vinegar is bound to help the wound (8)","output":"### Answer: DRESSING \n ### Explanation: Oil and vinegar is bound to help the wound (8)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Progress with amorous overtures? (4,8)","output":"### Answer: MAKE ADVANCES \n ### Explanation: Progress with amorous overtures? (4,8)\nNot sure this is cryptic?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Like stories that can lead to novel (9)","output":"### Answer: ANECDOTAL \n ### Explanation: Like stories that can lead to novel (9)\n*(can lead to)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Case is essential up in Lincoln (8)","output":"### Answer: ABLATIVE \n ### Explanation: Case is essential up in Lincoln (8)\n<=**VITAL **\"in\" **ABE **(Lincoln)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Winter sport\u00a0Aussie cricketers are famous for? (8)","output":"### Answer: SLEDGING \n ### Explanation: Winter sport\u00a0Aussie cricketers are famous for? (8)\nDouble definition \u2013 in cricket, players of the fielding side often try to put off batsmen by being sarcastic or less than complimentary about them, and that is known as \"sledging\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Develop part of a revolver (6)","output":"### Answer: EVOLVE \n ### Explanation: Develop part of a revolver (6)\n(barely) hidden in \"r**EVOLVE**r\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Their function is to secure quiet in class (6)","output":"### Answer: CLASPS \n ### Explanation: Their function is to secure quiet in class (6)\n**P** (\"quiet\" as in piano) \"in\" **CLASS "} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Once a rough expanse of water (5)","output":"### Answer: OCEAN \n ### Explanation: Once a rough expanse of water (5)\n*(once a)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Smaller companion dined with two Liberals in place (9)","output":"### Answer: SATELLITE \n ### Explanation: Smaller companion dined with two Liberals in place (9)\n**ATE **(\"dined\") \"with\" **LL **(\"two Liberals\") \"in\" **SITE** (\"place\"), so **S(ATE-LL)ITE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Money\u00a0one might charge incautious tourist? (5)","output":"### Answer: RHINO \n ### Explanation: Money\u00a0one might charge incautious tourist? (5)\nDouble definition \nRhino is a British slang word for cash, and a rhino(ceros) may charge a tourist on safari."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Worker touring wine town finds small animal (7)","output":"### Answer: BEASTIE \n ### Explanation: Worker touring wine town finds small animal (7)\n**BEE **(\"ant\") \"touring\" **ASTI **(\"wine town\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: On\u00a0stage (3)","output":"### Answer: LEG \n ### Explanation: On\u00a0stage (3)\nDouble definition \u2013 in cricket, the leg side of the wicket is also called the \"on side\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Support from Eden with monster taking new form (11)","output":"### Answer: ENDORSEMENT \n ### Explanation: Support from Eden with monster taking new form (11)\n*(eden monster)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Female in conflict ignoring right judgment (5)","output":"### Answer: FATWA \n ### Explanation: Female in conflict ignoring right judgment (5)\n**F**(emale) + **AT WA**(r) (\"in conflict\", wthout R(ight))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sportsman earning roubles invested with Italian banker (3)","output":"### Answer: PRO \n ### Explanation: Sportsman earning roubles invested with Italian banker (3)\n**R**(oubles) \"invested\" in **PO **(a river in Italy, therefore \"Italian banker\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Brother killed rook and flightless birds (5)","output":"### Answer: REMUS \n ### Explanation: Brother killed rook and flightless birds (5)\n**R**(ooks) + **EMUS** (\"flightless bird\") \nIn Roman mythology, Romulus and Remus founded Rome, but Remus was murdered by his brother."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pig-headed little man seen after work in Hebridean island (11)","output":"### Answer: OPINIONATED \n ### Explanation: Pig-headed little man seen after work in Hebridean island (11)\n**TED **(short for Edward, so \"little man\") \"after\" **OP** (\"work\") **IN IONA **(\"Hebridean island\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Blair Atholl plays host to traitor (3)","output":"### Answer: RAT \n ### Explanation: Blair Atholl plays host to traitor (3)\nHidden in \"Blai**R AT**holl\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What might be ideal as housing for male couple causes problem (7)","output":"### Answer: DILEMMA \n ### Explanation: What might be ideal as housing for male couple causes problem (7)\n*(ideal) \"housing\" **MM **(a couple of males)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Article from Rabelais put in after secrecy (7)","output":"### Answer: SILENCE \n ### Explanation: Article from Rabelais put in after secrecy (7)\n**LE** (French for \"the\", so \"article from Rabelais\") \"put in\" **SINCE **(\"after\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wife abandoning film director becomes intimate (5)","output":"### Answer: INNER \n ### Explanation: Wife abandoning film director becomes intimate (5)\n(Michael) (W)**INNER **Michael Winner was an English director, most famous for the *Death Wish* franchise, and for being s food critic and star of TV ads."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: City defender's last to leave the airport (2,7)","output":"### Answer: LA GUARDIA \n ### Explanation: City defender's last to leave the airport (2,7)\n**L.A. **(\"city\") + **GUARDIA**(n) (\"defender\", with last letter \"left\") \nLa Guardia is one of the three major airports serving New York City."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Girl is left outside Lincoln for example (6)","output":"### Answer: ISABEL \n ### Explanation: Girl is left outside Lincoln for example (6)\n**IS L**(eft) \"outside\" **ABE **(Lincoln)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: How one should bat, wild shot threatening to be unleashed? (8,4,3,4)","output":"### Answer: STRAIGHT DOWN THE LINE \n ### Explanation: How one should bat, wild shot threatening to be unleashed? (8,4,3,4)\n*(wild shot threatening)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Celebs get trial arranged to cover the crucial point (10)","output":"### Answer: GLITTERATI \n ### Explanation: Celebs get trial arranged to cover the crucial point (10)\n*(get trial) \"to cover\" **IT** (\"the crucial point\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sentimental Labour leader once an employee of mine (10)","output":"### Answer: TENDERFOOT \n ### Explanation: Sentimental Labour leader once an employee of mine (10)\n**TENDER** (\"sentimental\") + (Michael) **FOOT** \nI didn't know this, but according to online sources, a tenderfoot was a newcomer to mining and ranching in America."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Boast superiority in constant quarrel (4)","output":"### Answer: CROW \n ### Explanation: Boast superiority in constant quarrel (4)\n**C**(onstant) + **ROW **(\"quarrel\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Moral quality bachelor renounced in sex with frenzied brute (6)","output":"### Answer: VIRTUE \n ### Explanation: Moral quality bachelor renounced in sex with frenzied brute (6)\nCan't parse this one \u2013 I can see RTUE being an anagram of BRUTE with the B of \"bachelor\" renounced, but the VI has me beat."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Totally truthful, they'd go for rewrite with Thessalonians (6,2,3,3,2,4)","output":"### Answer: HONEST AS THE DAY IS LONG \n ### Explanation: Totally truthful, they'd go for rewrite with Thessalonians (6,2,3,3,2,4)\n*(they'd go thessalonians)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sure to corral fish with line dipped in river (10)","output":"### Answer: DEPENDABLE \n ### Explanation: Sure to corral fish with line dipped in river (10)\n**PEN **(\"to corral\") **DAB** (\"fish\") \"with\" **L**(ine) \"dipped in\" **DEE **(\"river\"), so **DE(PEN-DAB-L)E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Currency held to assist trade, or our deal restructured to save pound (10)","output":"### Answer: EURODOLLAR \n ### Explanation: Currency held to assist trade, or our deal restructured to save pound (10)\n*(as our deal) \"to save\" **L **(\"pound\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Well-illuminated student's taken in sustenance and literature (8)","output":"### Answer: FLOODLIT \n ### Explanation: Well-illuminated student's taken in sustenance and literature (8)\n**L**(earner) (\"student\") \"in\" **FOOD **(\"sustenance\") + **LIT**(erature)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ms Le Pen drenches a Democrat in spicy sauce (8)","output":"### Answer: MARINADE \n ### Explanation: Ms Le Pen drenches a Democrat in spicy sauce (8)\n**MARINE **(Le Pen) \"drenches\" **A D**(emocrat) \nMarine Le Pen was recently defeated in the French elections."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: His mum's Conservative leader embracing Republican (4)","output":"### Answer: MARY \n ### Explanation: His mum's Conservative leader embracing Republican (4)\n**MAY **(\"Conservative leader\") \"embracing\" **R**(epublican) \nI assume that the **HIS MUM**\u00a0in the clue refers to Mary, Mother of God, but as an atheist, I can't be sure."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wise man first to show the advancing years (4)","output":"### Answer: SAGE \n ### Explanation: Wise man first to show the advancing years (4)\n**S**(how) + **AGE **(\"to show the advancing years\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Capital, once a way to make an artist (7)","output":"### Answer: BONNARD \n ### Explanation: Capital, once a way to make an artist (7)\n**BONN **(once the capital of Germany) + **A Rd. **(\"a way\") \nRefers to French post-impressionist painter Pierre Bonnard."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Set aside sci-fi film ring (7)","output":"### Answer: ANNULET \n ### Explanation: Set aside sci-fi film ring (7)\n**ANNUL **(\"set aside\") + **E.T. **(\"sci-fi film\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Big shot: \"How annoying to be rejected\" (4)","output":"### Answer: STAR \n ### Explanation: Big shot: \"How annoying to be rejected\" (4)\n<=**RATS **(\"How annoying!\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Thrift makes old man cut drink (9)","output":"### Answer: HUSBANDRY \n ### Explanation: Thrift makes old man cut drink (9)\n**HUSBAND** (\"old man\") + **RY**(e) (\"drink\", cut)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bear\u00a0stall (5)","output":"### Answer: STAND \n ### Explanation: Bear\u00a0stall (5)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Not like Cambridge cherry loaf? (3,5)","output":"### Answer: RED BRICK \n ### Explanation: Not like Cambridge cherry loaf? (3,5)\n**RED **(\"cherry\") + **BRICK **(\"loaf\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sort of bordering on tense (4)","output":"### Answer: EDGY \n ### Explanation: Sort of bordering on tense (4)\nI suppose if a border is an edge. then \"sort of bordering\" could be \"edgy\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Much abbreviated service offered by some councils to motorists' family group (5)","output":"### Answer: PRIDE \n ### Explanation: Much abbreviated service offered by some councils to motorists' family group (5)\nI assume the setter is referring to **P**(ark and) **RIDE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Provided partially overlapping state singer (4)","output":"### Answer: PIAF \n ### Explanation: Provided partially overlapping state singer (4)\n**IF** (\"provided\") \"partially overlapping\" **Pa. **(Pennsylvania, so \"state\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Get back into the habit of playing to lecher (8)","output":"### Answer: RECLOTHE \n ### Explanation: Get back into the habit of playing to lecher (8)\n*(to lecher)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Second heat gets crowd (5)","output":"### Answer: SWARM \n ### Explanation: Second heat gets crowd (5)\n**S**(econd) + **WARM **(\"heat\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Oil neck part with hesitation? (9)","output":"### Answer: PETROLEUM \n ### Explanation: Oil neck part with hesitation? (9)\n**PET **(\"neck\") + **ROLE **(\"part\") + **UM **(\"hesitation\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Clio's motorway exploit? (4)","output":"### Answer: MUSE \n ### Explanation: Clio's motorway exploit? (4)\n**M**(otorway) + **USE** (\"exploit\") \nClio was the Muse of History, in Greek mythology."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Puts on\u00a0shades (7)","output":"### Answer: SCREENS \n ### Explanation: Puts on\u00a0shades (7)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ego-less, trembling internal light (7)","output":"### Answer: LANTERN \n ### Explanation: Ego-less, trembling internal light (7)\n*(nternal) (INTERNAL minus I (\"ego\"))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Son welcomed by fashionable party-giver (4)","output":"### Answer: HOST \n ### Explanation: Son welcomed by fashionable party-giver (4)\n**S**(on) \"welcomed by\" **HOT **(\"fashionable\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cry from wolf, perhaps, breaking gate (8)","output":"### Answer: ENTREATY \n ### Explanation: Cry from wolf, perhaps, breaking gate (8)\n**EAT **(\"wolf, perhaps\") \"breaking\" **ENTRY **(\"gate\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mythical sea monster, camouflaged \u2014 blooming thing! (6)","output":"### Answer: ORCHID \n ### Explanation: Mythical sea monster, camouflaged \u2014 blooming thing! (6)\n**ORC **(\"mythical sea creature\") + **HID **(\"camouflaged\") \n\"Orc\" as a mythical sea monster is a rare reference, with Orcs are more commonly associated with ogre-like creatures in the stories of Perrault and Tolkien."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ground: land used to bring rider to earth (8)","output":"### Answer: UNSADDLE \n ### Explanation: Ground: land used to bring rider to earth (8)\n*(land used)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Top champion horse raised (6)","output":"### Answer: MURDER \n ### Explanation: Top champion horse raised (6)\n<= **RED RUM **(three-time winner of the Grand National, so a \"champion horse\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Females gathered for drink (4)","output":"### Answer: BEVY \n ### Explanation: Females gathered for drink (4)\nDouble definition \nI hope that the setter is referring to a generic bevy of people, rather than the more sexist \"bevy of birds\"\u2026"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Divine drawing of lots of egrets smeared with oil (9)","output":"### Answer: SORTILEGE \n ### Explanation: Divine drawing of lots of egrets smeared with oil (9)\n*(egrets oil) \nSortilege, a new term to me, is apparently a type of fortune-telling using cards."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Spades have advantage on grass (5)","output":"### Answer: SEDGE \n ### Explanation: Spades have advantage on grass (5)\n**S**(pades) + **EDGE **(\"advantage\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wrong to follow cocaine appeal (5)","output":"### Answer: CHARM \n ### Explanation: Wrong to follow cocaine appeal (5)\n**C**(ocaine) + **HARM **(\"wrong\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cup certain to be too big for its container (3-5)","output":"### Answer: POTBOUND \n ### Explanation: Cup certain to be too big for its container (3-5)\n**POT** (\"cup\") + **BOUND **(\"certain\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One in nursery, possibly cultivated yam wearing coat (8)","output":"### Answer: PLAYMATE \n ### Explanation: One in nursery, possibly cultivated yam wearing coat (8)\n*(yam) \"wearing\" **PLATE **(\"coat\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Refuse\u00a0transport for patient (6)","output":"### Answer: LITTER \n ### Explanation: Refuse\u00a0transport for patient (6)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Craft's auxiliary masts tops stuck in bridge (6)","output":"### Answer: SAMPAN \n ### Explanation: Craft's auxiliary masts tops stuck in bridge (6)\n\"tops of\" **A**uxiliary **M**asts \"stuck in\" **SPAN **A sampan was a small Chinese boat"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Four suits\u00a0put in case? (4)","output":"### Answer: PACK \n ### Explanation: Four suits\u00a0put in case? (4)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fail to stick with one channel\u00a0sea feature (4)","output":"### Answer: SURF \n ### Explanation: Fail to stick with one channel\u00a0sea feature (4)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: , according to Spooner (4,3)","output":"### Answer: JOSEPH \n ### Explanation: , according to Spooner (4,3)\nIn the Bible,\u00a0Joseph, Mary's husband,\u00a0was a carpenter, but there was also a Joseph in the Book of Genesis."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Jack's out of bed, after taking a nap to refresh (4,2)","output":"### Answer: JAZZ UP \n ### Explanation: Jack's out of bed, after taking a nap to refresh (4,2)\n**J**(ack) + **UP** (\"out of bed\") \"taking\" **A ZZ **(\"a nap\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Yellow Sea aluminium forged most valuable pendant (4,5)","output":"### Answer: GOLD MEDAL \n ### Explanation: Yellow Sea aluminium forged most valuable pendant (4,5)\n**GOLD **(\"yellow\") + **MED**(iterranean \"Sea\") + **Al**(uminium)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bend a neat collar? (2-3)","output":"### Answer: OX-BOW \n ### Explanation: Bend a neat collar? (2-3)\n**OX** (\"neat\") + **BOW** (\"collar\") \nNEAT is an old term for cattle"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Paper declaimed Brownshirts (5)","output":"### Answer: ESSAY \n ### Explanation: Paper declaimed Brownshirts (5)\nHomophone of **S.A. **The Sturmabteilung (S.A. for short) were the paramilitary wing of the German Nazi party, and were also known as the Brownshirts."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ancient Greek hotel cesspool erupted (9)","output":"### Answer: SOPHOCLES \n ### Explanation: Ancient Greek hotel cesspool erupted (9)\n*(h cesspool) where \"h\" = \"hotel\" \nSophocles was a Greek poet and dramatist."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Drive all round No.1 vehicle in motorsport competition (8)","output":"### Answer: TRACTION \n ### Explanation: Drive all round No.1 vehicle in motorsport competition (8)\n<= **No. 1 CAR **in **T.T.**. so **T(RAC)T.1.oN, **where T.T. stands for Tourist Trophy (\"motorsport competition\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Brief statement from homesick American housewife (6)","output":"### Answer: MISS US \n ### Explanation: Brief statement from homesick American housewife (6)\nA homesick American may say \"miss U.S.\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Greek goddess composed each note (6)","output":"### Answer: HECATE \n ### Explanation: Greek goddess composed each note (6)\n*(each) + **TE **(musical \"note\") \nHecate was the Greek goddess of fertility."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Walk out on Helen Mirren, honoured to return as Lady Macbeth? (5,3)","output":"### Answer: QUITE MAD \n ### Explanation: Walk out on Helen Mirren, honoured to return as Lady Macbeth? (5,3)\n**QUIT **(\"walk out on\") + <=**DAME **(\"Helen Mirren, honoured\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One influential in court, like Col. Tom Parker? (9)","output":"### Answer: KINGMAKER \n ### Explanation: One influential in court, like Col. Tom Parker? (9)\nCol. Tom Parker was the manager of Elvis Presley, so could be described as the maker of The King."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Retails\u00a0sports\u00a0goods (5)","output":"### Answer: WARES \n ### Explanation: Retails\u00a0sports\u00a0goods (5)\nTriple defintiion?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Travelling west, go overseas regularly for machine requiring slave labour? (5)","output":"### Answer: SERVO \n ### Explanation: Travelling west, go overseas regularly for machine requiring slave labour? (5)\nRegular letters in \"g**O **o**V**e**R**s**E**a**S**\", \"travelling west\" (ie from right to left) \nI'm no mechanic, so don't know anything about servos, but the wordplay workd and a quick Google search does bring up terms such as \"servo slave\" and \"slave cylinders\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Japanese theme on the menu at The Savoy? (3,6)","output":"### Answer: THE MIKADO \n ### Explanation: Japanese theme on the menu at The Savoy? (3,6)\n\"The Mikado\" is an opera by Gilbert & Sullivan, the most commonly performed Savoy opera, so named because it was originally staged at the Savoy Theatre."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: New York Times leader first to cover corrupt Fifa ring from here? (7)","output":"### Answer: TIFFANY \n ### Explanation: New York Times leader first to cover corrupt Fifa ring from here? (7)\n**T**(imes) + **N**(ew) **Y**(ork) \"to cover\" *(Fifa) \nTiffany's, of course, is the famous New York jewellery store."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Paltry North Sea gas supply boosted by kinetic energy (2,5,6)","output":"### Answer: NO GREAT SHAKES \n ### Explanation: Paltry North Sea gas supply boosted by kinetic energy (2,5,6)\n*(north sea gas ke) where ke = \"**K**inetic **E**nergy\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rains heavily on A1, heading north somewhere in Central Europe (7)","output":"### Answer: SILESIA \n ### Explanation: Rains heavily on A1, heading north somewhere in Central Europe (7)\n**SILES **(\"rains heavily\") + <=**A1 **Hadn't come across \"sile\" before, but apparently it's a Northern English dialect word for \"pour with rain\". Silesia is a region of Europe, mostly in Poland."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Prize Judi's first TV award (5)","output":"### Answer: JEMMY \n ### Explanation: Prize Judi's first TV award (5)\n**J**(udi) + **EMMY **(\"TV award\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Report to police following overdose in confines of Betty Ford Clinic? (4,4)","output":"### Answer: BODY SHOP \n ### Explanation: Report to police following overdose in confines of Betty Ford Clinic? (4,4)\n**SHOP **(\"report to police\") \"following\" **OD **(\"overdose\") in **B**ett**Y**, so **B(OD)Y SHOP **A Ford with damaged bodywork would be taken to a body shop (a \"Ford clinic\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: American sucker takes cut in old banger (6)","output":"### Answer: JALOPY \n ### Explanation: American sucker takes cut in old banger (6)\n**JAY **(in America, a \"sucker\" or gullible person) \"takes\" **LOP **(\"cut\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Famously, Darwin (Australia) got upset over its logo being rubbished (9)","output":"### Answer: ZOOLOGIST \n ### Explanation: Famously, Darwin (Australia) got upset over its logo being rubbished (9)\n<=**OZ** (\"australia\") + *(its logo)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Releases subaltern arrested by angry bosun (7)","output":"### Answer: UNBOLTS \n ### Explanation: Releases subaltern arrested by angry bosun (7)\n**Lt. **(liutenant ~ \"subaltern\") \"arrested by\" *(bosun)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Show Conservative support for May's broadcast on the 15th? (4,4,5)","output":"### Answer: WEST SIDE STORY \n ### Explanation: Show Conservative support for May's broadcast on the 15th? (4,4,5)\n**TORY** (\"conservative\") \"support for\" **WEST'S **(indicated by \"May's broadcast\" = homophone of \"Mae's\", as in Mae West) + **IDES **(the middle of the month, so \"15th\"), thus **WEST'S + IDES + TORY"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: It has various symbols; \"ritenuto\", \"tempo: lento\" included (5,4)","output":"### Answer: TOTEM POLE \n ### Explanation: It has various symbols; \"ritenuto\", \"tempo: lento\" included (5,4)\nHidden in \"ritenu**TO TEMPO LE**nto\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Food fanatic: \"Nothing in Paris arrives on time\" (8)","output":"### Answer: NUTRIENT \n ### Explanation: Food fanatic: \"Nothing in Paris arrives on time\" (8)\n**NUT** (\"fanatic\") + **RIEN **(French for \"nothing\", so \"nothing in Paris\") + **T**(ime)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: I break bucking bronco, hitting it forcefully (3,4)","output":"### Answer: CON BRIO \n ### Explanation: I break bucking bronco, hitting it forcefully (3,4)\n**I **\"break\" *(bronco) \nIn music, \"con brio\", means \"with vigour\", so \"forcefully\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sadly, memory's completely flipped; it's the wine! (7)","output":"### Answer: MARSALA \n ### Explanation: Sadly, memory's completely flipped; it's the wine! (7)\n<= **ALAS**\u00a0(sadly)**\u00a0+ RAM **(Random Access Memory, in computing)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Outline plan of musket charge (6)","output":"### Answer: SKETCH \n ### Explanation: Outline plan of musket charge (6)\nHidden in \"mu**SKET CH**arge\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Smell\u00a0smoke (5)","output":"### Answer: WHIFF \n ### Explanation: Smell\u00a0smoke (5)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Singer from Blur accepting back payment (8)","output":"### Answer: MELODIST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Singer\n**MIST **(\"blur\") \"accepting\" <=**DOLE **(\"payment\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Carrier following police procedure (6)","output":"### Answer: METHOD \n ### Explanation: Definition: procedure\n**HOD **(brick \"carrier\") \"following\" **MET**(ropolitan \"police\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Utterly confused bishop, briefly calm after Reformation (9)","output":"### Answer: SHAMBOLIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: Utterly confused\n*(bisho calm)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Quickly runs and hides (5)","output":"### Answer: PELTS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Quickly runs \nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: More and more bread on this slippery bit of fish? (7,5)","output":"### Answer: SLIDING SCALE \n ### Explanation: Definition: More and more bread \n**SLIDING **(~ \"slippery\") + **SCALE** (\"bit of fish\") \nIf you're paid on a sliding scale, you earn more and more \"bread\" as you progress."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: They'll oppose candidates other than mine (4)","output":"### Answer: NOES \n ### Explanation: Definition: They'll oppose\n**NO**(mine)**ES **(\"candidates\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Persistently queries limiting space for eating places (5,5)","output":"### Answer: GRILL ROOMS \n ### Explanation: Definition: eating places \n**GRILLS **(\"persistently queries\") \"limiting\" **ROOM** (\"space\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Don't be childish, like pundit at start of play? (3,4,3)","output":"### Answer: ACT ONE\u2019S AGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Don't be childish\n**SAGE **(\"pundit\") \"at\" **ACT ONE** (\"start of play\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Long, endless length of time (4)","output":"### Answer: YEAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: length of time \n**YEAR**(n)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Harsh island superficially off-limits to map-makers (12)","output":"### Answer: UNCHARITABLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Harsh\n**I**(sland) in **UNCHARTABLE\u00a0**(\"off-limits to map-makers\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Theatrical dame, succinctly recorded, just placed (5)","output":"### Answer: THIRD \n ### Explanation: Definition: just placed \nThora Hird, a theatrical dame, succinctly recorded, would be **T. HIRD**."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Setting award blocked by Nutmeg not working (5,4)","output":"### Answer: GOING DOWN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Setting\n**GONG** (\"award\") \"blocked by\" **I **(\"Nutmeg\") + **DOWN** (\"not working\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: No sluggard: a lot put back into party (6)","output":"### Answer: DYNAMO \n ### Explanation: Definition: No sluggard\n<=**MANY** (\"a lot\") \"into\" **DO **(\"party\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Subtle ascent by railway line (8)","output":"### Answer: ANCESTRY \n ### Explanation: Definition: line\n*(ascent) \"by\" **RY **(\"railway\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mummy's hot potatoes? (4)","output":"### Answer: MASH \n ### Explanation: Definition: potatoes\n**MA'S **+ **H**(ot)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Premier article in key write-up (4)","output":"### Answer: LEAD \n ### Explanation: Definition: Premier\n**A** (\"article\") in <=**DEL**(ete \"key\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: In valley, very black ducks do it (6)","output":"### Answer: DABBLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: ducks do it \n**BB **(\"very black\") \"in\" **DALE **(\"valley\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Israeli regularly speaking with relish? (5,8)","output":"### Answer: SALAD DRESSING \n ### Explanation: Definition: relish\ni**S**r**A**e**L**i + **ADDRESSING** (\"speaking with\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Alpinists must guard against such\u00a0publicity (8)","output":"### Answer: EXPOSURE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Alpinists must guard against such\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Barely any sleep before noon or six? (4,1,5)","output":"### Answer: HALF A DOZEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: six\n**HALF A DOZE** (\"hardly any sleep\") \"before\" **N**(oon)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Chemist's putting small enclosures in log (10)","output":"### Answer: DISPENSARY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Chemist\n**S**(mall) **PENS** (\"enclosures\") \"in\" **DIARY **(\"log\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Conspicuous consumption from Tory on standard allowance? (13)","output":"### Answer: CONFLAGRATION \n ### Explanation: Definition: Conspicuous consumption\n**CON**(servative, thus \"Tory\") + **FLAG **(\"standard\") + **RATION **(\"allowance\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Awkward characters from FA at United transported (10)","output":"### Answer: INFATUATED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Awkward\n*(fa at united). *The definition should be \"transported\", and the anagrind is \"awkward (characters from)\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Statesman's acquaintance given a parting invitation to dine (10)","output":"### Answer: KENTUCKIAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Statesman\n**KEN **(\"acquaintance\") + **A** \"parting\" **TUCK IN **(\"invitation to dine\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Saint and emissary keeping close together (2,6)","output":"### Answer: IN TANDEM \n ### Explanation: Definition: close together \nHidden in \"sa**INT AND Emissary**\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Harry's little medal good for Queen (6)","output":"### Answer: PLAGUE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Harry\nReplace the\u00a0Q(ueen) in **PLAQUE **(\"little medal\") with G(ood)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Drink\u00a0left on coaster (4)","output":"### Answer: PORT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Drink\nDouble definition, with \"left on coaster\", being the same as \"left on ship\" ie the port side."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Just\u00a0individual (4)","output":"### Answer: ONLY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Just\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Nice caption, but cross it out! (6)","output":"### Answer: SUBTLE \n ### Explanation: Nice caption, but cross it out! (6)\n**SUBT**(it)**LE **(\"caption\", with IT \"crossed out\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Green light \u2013 wallop! Bus swerving into it (6-2)","output":"### Answer: THUMBS-UP \n ### Explanation: Green light \u2013 wallop! Bus swerving into it (6-2)\n**THUMP** (\"wallop\") with *(bus) in it, so **THUM(BSU)P"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Light casket in Gibraltar tipping over somewhat (6)","output":"### Answer: IGNITE \n ### Explanation: Light casket in Gibraltar tipping over somewhat (6)\nHidden backwards in \"cask**ET IN GI**braltar\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Information required to access industrial business that's booming (8)","output":"### Answer: PLANGENT \n ### Explanation: Information required to access industrial business that's booming (8)\n**GEN **(\"information\") \"to access\" **PLANT **(\"industrial business\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unconventional\u00a0characteristic (8)","output":"### Answer: PECULIAR \n ### Explanation: Unconventional\u00a0characteristic (8)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stick present beside card, ostensibly both to open? (6)","output":"### Answer: COHERE \n ### Explanation: Stick present beside card, ostensibly both to open? (6)\n**HERE **(\"present\") \"beside\" **C**(ard) **O**(stensibly)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Double agent's ultimate success (4)","output":"### Answer: TWIN \n ### Explanation: Double agent's ultimate success (4)\n(agen)**T **+ **WIN **(\"success\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Taking part in samba, nan asking for a potential slip-up! (6,4)","output":"### Answer: BANANA SKIN \n ### Explanation: Taking part in samba, nan asking for a potential slip-up! (6,4)\nHidden in \"sam**BA NAN ASKIN**g\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Philanderer in decay, evidence of slowing down (5,5)","output":"### Answer: BRAKE LIGHT \n ### Explanation: Philanderer in decay, evidence of slowing down (5,5)\n**RAKE** (\"philanderer\") \"in\" **BLIGHT** (\"rot\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Talk about scent for a flower! (4)","output":"### Answer: ODER \n ### Explanation: Talk about scent for a flower! (4)\nHomophone of **ODOUR **(\"scent\"). \nThe river Oder flows rises in the Czech Republic and flows into the Baltic Sea. The word \"flower\" as in \"that which flows\" is often used to indicate \"river\" in Crosswordland."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lubricate back, having accepted proposal for passion (6)","output":"### Answer: LIBIDO \n ### Explanation: Lubricate back, having accepted proposal for passion (6)\n<=**OIL **(\"lubricate\", back) \"having accepted\" **BID **(\"proposal\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Performances from memory improvised, it's clear (8)","output":"### Answer: RECITALS \n ### Explanation: Performances from memory improvised, it's clear (8)\n*(its clear)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A burning passion no longer? (3,5)","output":"### Answer: OLD FLAME \n ### Explanation: A burning passion no longer? (3,5)\n(slightly) cryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Little boy gripping male with a fleece that's thick (6)","output":"### Answer: STUPID \n ### Explanation: Little boy gripping male with a fleece that's thick (6)\n**SID** (short for Sidney, hence \"little boy\") \"gripping\" **TUP **(an uncastrated ram, therefore \"male with fleece\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Quiet\u00a0going upstairs? (8)","output":"### Answer: RETIRING \n ### Explanation: Quiet\u00a0going upstairs? (8)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Card game, a walkover perhaps? (6)","output":"### Answer: BRIDGE \n ### Explanation: Card game, a walkover perhaps? (6)\nYou could perhaps \"walk over\" a bridge."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Taste something cheap, and dear (7)","output":"### Answer: SNIPPET \n ### Explanation: Taste something cheap, and dear (7)\n**SNIP **(\"something cheap\") + **PET **(\"dear\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Delicate items on beach in a mess (4,5)","output":"### Answer: BONE CHINA \n ### Explanation: Delicate items on beach in a mess (4,5)\n*(on beach in)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Amateur has installed phone a short time ago (6)","output":"### Answer: LATELY \n ### Explanation: Amateur has installed phone a short time ago (6)\n**LAY **(\"amateur\") \"has installed\" **TEL**(ephone)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Part of a ship in port (4)","output":"### Answer: HULL \n ### Explanation: Part of a ship in port (4)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Frank Sinatra's heart broken, nation supporting Martin initially (3-2-3)","output":"### Answer: MAN-TO-MAN \n ### Explanation: Frank Sinatra's heart broken, nation supporting Martin initially (3-2-3)\n*(nat) (the heart of \"Si**NAT**ra\") + **OMAN **(\"nation\") \"supporting\" **M**(artin), so **M****(ANT)OMAN"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Material went this way then that, say? (5)","output":"### Answer: SUEDE \n ### Explanation: Material went this way then that, say? (5)\nHomphone of **SWAYED"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Talk nonsense, primarily, as a model (7)","output":"### Answer: PATTERN \n ### Explanation: Talk nonsense, primarily, as a model (7)\n**PATTER **(\"talk\") + **N**(onsense)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Opponent of Richard I leaves home (7)","output":"### Answer: SALADIN \n ### Explanation: Opponent of Richard I leaves home (7)\n**SALAD **(\"leaves\" \u2013 think lettuce) + **IN **(\"home\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Artist, tragic character standing around a pub (7)","output":"### Answer: RAPHAEL \n ### Explanation: Artist, tragic character standing around a pub (7)\n<=**LEAR **\"around\" **A PH **(\"public house\", on maps) \nI\u00a0often see\u00a0\"standing\"\u00a0used to indicate reversal in down clues, but I'm not sure why?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: However, adult was awake for the story? (9)","output":"### Answer: KIDNAPPED \n ### Explanation: However, adult was awake for the story? (9)\nThe \"kid napped\" while the adult was awake. \n*Kidnapped*\u00a0(1886) is a novel, first written in serial format, by Robert Louis Stevenson."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Swinging under a power line initially foolish (8)","output":"### Answer: PENDULAR \n ### Explanation: Swinging under a power line initially foolish (8)\n*(under a pl) where the P and L are the initials of **P**(ower)and **L**(ine)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Party put up figure to be the PM (7)","output":"### Answer: BALFOUR \n ### Explanation: Party put up figure to be the PM (7)\n<=**LAB**(our) + **FOUR** (\"figure\") \nRefers to Arthur James Balfour, Tory Prime Minister between 1902 and 1905."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Occupy digs around university, the dregs (7)","output":"### Answer: RESIDUE \n ### Explanation: Occupy digs around university, the dregs (7)\n**RESIDE **(\"occupy digs\") \"around\" **U**(niversity)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Arctic\u00a0ale (6)","output":"### Answer: BITTER \n ### Explanation: Arctic\u00a0ale (6)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stay on top of toilet that's fitting in the bathroom (5)","output":"### Answer: BIDET \n ### Explanation: Stay on top of toilet that's fitting in the bathroom (5)\n**BIDE** (\"stay\") + **T**(oilet)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: I agree with that change, not entirely! (4)","output":"### Answer: AMEN \n ### Explanation: I agree with that change, not entirely! (4)\n**AMEN**(d)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Carefree air of one before Unesco planned to include Inca ruins? (11)","output":"### Answer: INSOUCIANCE \n ### Explanation: Carefree air of one before Unesco planned to include Inca ruins? (11)\n**I **(\"one\") \"before\" *(unesco) \"to include\" *(inca), so **I-NSOU(CIAN)CE** \nPlanned as an anagrind?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Area covered by doctor opening? (3)","output":"### Answer: GAP \n ### Explanation: Area covered by doctor opening? (3)\n**A**(rea) \"covered by\" **G.P. **(\"doctor\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Struggles to take in Belgium's atmosphere (5)","output":"### Answer: VIBES \n ### Explanation: Struggles to take in Belgium's atmosphere (5)\n**VIES **(\"struggles\") \"to take in\" **B**(elgium)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Abusive language from creative undergoing change of heart (9)","output":"### Answer: INVECTIVE \n ### Explanation: Abusive language from creative undergoing change of heart (9)\n**INVENTIVE **(\"creative\") with its middle letter (\"heart\") changed."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Athlete upsetting patrons about stadium's surroundings (9)","output":"### Answer: SPORTSMAN \n ### Explanation: Athlete upsetting patrons about stadium's surroundings (9)\n*(patrons) \"about\" **S**(tadiu)**M"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Part of Oxford where dinner starts late? (5)","output":"### Answer: UPPER \n ### Explanation: Part of Oxford where dinner starts late? (5)\n(s)**UPPER"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Meat that's so covered by toxin? (7)","output":"### Answer: VENISON \n ### Explanation: Meat that's so covered by toxin? (7)\n**SO **\"covered by\" **VENIN **(\"toxin\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fill in forms at election? (4)","output":"### Answer: SATE \n ### Explanation: Fill in forms at election? (4)\nHidden in \"form**S**** AT E**lection\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Taking time off from works and paints (4)","output":"### Answer: OILS \n ### Explanation: Taking time off from works and paints (4)\n(t)**OILS"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fancy pinching new dress (7)","output":"### Answer: GARNISH \n ### Explanation: Fancy pinching new dress (7)\n**GARISH **(\"fancy\") \"pinching\" **N****(ew)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A fool drops love for university, getting mature (5)","output":"### Answer: ADULT \n ### Explanation: A fool drops love for university, getting mature (5)\n**A D**(o)**(U)LT"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Gets rid of popular catapult (9)","output":"### Answer: SLINGSHOT \n ### Explanation: Gets rid of popular catapult (9)\n**SLINGS **(\"gets rid of\") + **HOT **(\"popular\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Evil glint \u2013 and a man goes to pieces (9)","output":"### Answer: MALIGNANT \n ### Explanation: Evil glint \u2013 and a man goes to pieces (9)\n*(glint a man)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tree that's essential to classical architecture (5)","output":"### Answer: LARCH \n ### Explanation: Tree that's essential to classical architecture (5)\nHidden in (\"essential to\") \"classica**L ARCH**itecture\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Store opening late in spring (3)","output":"### Answer: HOP \n ### Explanation: Store opening late in spring (3)\n(s)**HOP"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: On which one is anxious playing the snooker on top of this (11)","output":"### Answer: TENTERHOOKS \n ### Explanation: On which one is anxious playing the snooker on top of this (11)\n*(the snooker) \"on\" **T**(his)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Encroaching where flowers may be covering naked diva (8)","output":"### Answer: INVASIVE \n ### Explanation: Encroaching where flowers may be covering naked diva (8)\n**IN VASES** (\"where flowers may be\") \"covering\" (d)**IV**(a)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: This may be officially served in a pub \u2013 one's ordered (8)","output":"### Answer: SUBPOENA \n ### Explanation: This may be officially served in a pub \u2013 one's ordered (8)\n*(a pub ones)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Overturn advantage and fix bug (5)","output":"### Answer: UPSET \n ### Explanation: Overturn advantage and fix bug (5)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: This dictator and I would have one in the morning at home (3,4)","output":"### Answer: IDI AMIN \n ### Explanation: This dictator and I would have one in the morning at home (3,4)\n**I'D **(\"I would\") + **I** (\"one\") + **A.M. **(\"in the morning\") + **IN **(\"at home\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Flipping healthy after thirty days prayers! (7)","output":"### Answer: NOVENAS \n ### Explanation: Flipping healthy after thirty days prayers! (7)\n<=**SANE **(\"healthy\", flipping) \"after\" **Nov. **(\"thirty days\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Meeting in French bar (9)","output":"### Answer: ENCOUNTER \n ### Explanation: Meeting in French bar (9)\n**EN **(\"in\" in French) + **COUNTER **(\"bar\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Complaint about onset of Parisian flu (6)","output":"### Answer: GRIPPE \n ### Explanation: Complaint about onset of Parisian flu (6)\n**GRIPE **(\"complaint\") \"about\" **P**(arisian)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Literature form that's prose oddly on test (6)","output":"### Answer: POETRY \n ### Explanation: Literature form that's prose oddly on test (6)\n**P**(r)**O**(s)**E** + **TRY **(\"test\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Second family? Mean with money and clingy (4-5)","output":"### Answer: SKIN-TIGHT \n ### Explanation: Second family? Mean with money and clingy (4-5)\n**S**(econd) + **KIN **(\"family\") + **TIGHT **(\"mean with money\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Success \u2013 the girl's almost top up to now (8)","output":"### Answer: HITHERTO \n ### Explanation: Success \u2013 the girl's almost top up to now (8)\n**HIT **(\"success\") + **HER **(\"the girl's\") + **TO**(p)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: First of the broods fixes roofs (8)","output":"### Answer: THATCHES \n ### Explanation: First of the broods fixes roofs (8)\n**T**(he) + **HATCHES **(\"broods\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mark of dishonour, accepting American support (7)","output":"### Answer: SUSTAIN \n ### Explanation: Mark of dishonour, accepting American support (7)\n**STAIN **(\"mark of dishnour\") \"accepting\" **U.S. **(\"American\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What's left on the plate set girl off! (7)","output":"### Answer: GRISTLE \n ### Explanation: What's left on the plate set girl off! (7)\n*(set girl)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Conflict on the borders of Muscat helps initially generating heat (6)","output":"### Answer: WARMTH \n ### Explanation: Conflict on the borders of Muscat helps initially generating heat (6)\n**WAR **(\"conflict\") + **M**(usca)**T **+ **H**(elps)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Either way, this might mean arrest (4-2)","output":"### Answer: PULL-UP \n ### Explanation: Either way, this might mean arrest (4-2)\nPalindrome"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Defile church after 22's instruction (5)","output":"### Answer: GULCH \n ### Explanation: Defile church after 22's instruction (5)\n**CH**(urch) \"after\" <=**LUG **(\"pull\" up, see 22dn)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Arab ruler receiving good vibe, ultimately, from expat (6)","output":"### Answer: EMIGRE \n ### Explanation: Definition: expat \n**EMIR **(\"Arab ruler\") \"receiving\" **G**(ood) + (vib)**E**, so **EMI(G)R-E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Detailed deceit involving one naughty lesbian? (8)","output":"### Answer: TRIBADIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: lesbian\n**TRIC**(k) (\"deceit\", detailed) \"involving\" **1 BAD **(\"one naughty\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Capital \u2013 that of Latvia \u2013 on river (6)","output":"### Answer: LONDON \n ### Explanation: Definition: Capital\n**L**(atvia) **ON DON **(\"on river\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Embroil 10, perhaps, with fish (8)","output":"### Answer: ENTANGLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Embroil\n*(ten) + **ANGLE **(\"fish\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Provide surface for quiet avenue (4)","output":"### Answer: PAVE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Provide surface\n**P **(piano, so \"quiet\") + **Ave."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Badger adopting peculiarly moist means of aviation? (10)","output":"### Answer: BROOMSTICK \n ### Explanation: Definition: means of aviation\n**BROCK **(\"badger\") \"adopting\" *(moist) \n*Witches tradionally use broomsticks as a means of aviation."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bullying elicits hint about papers (12)","output":"### Answer: INTIMIDATION \n ### Explanation: Definition: Bullying\n**INTIMATION** (\"hint\") \"about\" **ID **(\"papers\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Realigning our four sides, inducing perspiration (12)","output":"### Answer: SUDORIFEROUS \n ### Explanation: Realigning our four sides, inducing perspiration (12)\n*(our four sides)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Kiss buxom, dissolute nude outside \u2013 that's a first! (10)","output":"### Answer: UNEXAMPLED \n ### Explanation: Definition: first\n**X** (\"kiss\") + **AMPLE **(\"buxom\") with *(nude) \"outside\", so **UNE(X-AMPLE)D"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Just\u00a0the place for fun (4)","output":"### Answer: FAIR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Just\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Gem carrying weight carrying current, if you will (8)","output":"### Answer: OPTIONAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: if you will \n**OPAL **(\"gem\") \"carrying\" **TON **(\"weight\") \"carrying\" **I **(the symbol for electrical \"current\"), so **OP(T(I)ON)AL"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Relaxed with a flirt (2,4)","output":"### Answer: AT EASE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Relaxed\n**A TEASE** (\"flirt\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Journalist's assent to enter bog with commandos (8)","output":"### Answer: FEDAYEEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: commandos\n**ED** (editor, so \"journalist\") +\u00a0**AYE **(\"assent\") \"to enter\" **FEN **(\"bog\"), so **F(ED-AYE)EN** \n*Fedayeen are Arab guerilla fighters."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Investigator, on reflection, about to make enquiries into coffin (6)","output":"### Answer: CASKET \n ### Explanation: Definition: coffin\n<=**TEC **(\"investigator\") \"about\" **ASK **(\"make enquiries\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Priest's devouring kissers . . . (8)","output":"### Answer: ELLIPSIS \n ### Explanation: Definition: . . .\n**ELI'S **(\"prienst's\") \"devouring\" **LIPS **(\"kissers\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ring the changes \u2013 make pub egg-shaped (8)","output":"### Answer: INNOVATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Ring the changes\n**INN **(\"pub\") + **OVATE **(\"egg-shaped\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Withdrawal of tea from racing vehicle results in disorder (4)","output":"### Answer: RIOT \n ### Explanation: Definition: disorder\n(cha)**RIOT **(\"racing vehicle\" with\u00a0cha (\"tea\")\u00a0removed)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Smelly foreigner, not a good bet (4,8)","output":"### Answer: RANK OUTSIDER \n ### Explanation: Definition: not a good bet \n**RANK **(\"smelly\") + **OUTSIDER **(\"foreigner\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Writer, pothead, pursuing second-rate sheep (4,6)","output":"### Answer: BRAM STOKER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Writer\n**TOKER **(\"pothead\"), \"pursuing\" **B **(\"second rate\") + **RAMS **(\"sheep\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Magistrate impounding soldier's child's pet (6)","output":"### Answer: DOGGIE \n ### Explanation: Definition: child's pet \n**DOGE **(\"magistrate\") \"impounding\" **G.I. **(American \"soldier\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Shout about JP losing head and showing signs of age (6)","output":"### Answer: CREAKY \n ### Explanation: Definition: showing signs of age \n**CRY **(\"sjout\") \"about\" (b)**EAK **(\"JP\" = Justice of the Peace\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Distinction of lions' home, conversely? (5,2,5)","output":"### Answer: PRIDE OF PLACE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Distinction\nThe converse of **PLACE OF PRIDE **(\"lions' home\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Itinerant loving to swallow lot of nonsense (10)","output":"### Answer: AMBULATORY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Itinerant\n**AMATORY **(\"loving\") \"to swallow\" **BUL**(l) (\"nonsense\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cruise, perhaps, a belligerent sort of weapon (8)","output":"### Answer: TOMAHAWK \n ### Explanation: Definition: weapon\n**TOM **(\"Cruise, perhaps\") + **A HAWK **(\"belligerent sort\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: 14 retinues getting hungry (8)","output":"### Answer: ESURIENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: hungry\n*(retinues)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Advertisement going about to dissuade (3,3)","output":"### Answer: PUT OFF \n ### Explanation: Definition: dissuade\n**PUFF **(\"advetisement\") \"going about\" **TO"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Principal holding gym class in the Plough, say? (6)","output":"### Answer: HEPTAD \n ### Explanation: Definition: the Plough, say\n**HEAD **(\"principal\") \"holding\" **P.T. **(physical training, so \"gym class\") \n*A heptad is a group of seven, and the Plough is a constellation with seven very bright stars, so is an example of a heptad."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Is a Trojan regularly producing columns? (4)","output":"### Answer: STOA \n ### Explanation: Definition: columns\nRegular letters from \"i**S **a **T**r**O**j**A**n\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Given time, a small work becomes a major one (5)","output":"### Answer: OPERA \n ### Explanation: Given time, a small work becomes a major one (5)\n**OP **(small work) + **ERA **(time)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Standing order, rigidly obeyed (9)","output":"### Answer: ATTENTION \n ### Explanation: Standing order, rigidly obeyed (9)\nWhen told to stand to sttention, one does so rigidly."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Foolishly maintain Spain is without vitality (9)","output":"### Answer: INANIMATE \n ### Explanation: Foolishly maintain Spain is without vitality (9)\n*(maintain) + **E **(vehicle registration identifier for \"Spain\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Many times decimal (5)","output":"### Answer: OFTEN \n ### Explanation: Many times decimal (5)\n**OF TEN"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Two ways to learn languages, it's rumoured (7)","output":"### Answer: HEARSAY \n ### Explanation: Two ways to learn languages, it's rumoured (7)\nYou learn a language by listening and speaking, so **HEAR **and **SAY"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: New cartels in the red? (7)","output":"### Answer: SCARLET \n ### Explanation: New cartels in the red? (7)\n*(cartels)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Thought trainee perfect (5)","output":"### Answer: IDEAL \n ### Explanation: Thought trainee perfect (5)\n**IDEA **(thought) + **L **(learner, so \"trainee\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sign of nerves in a politician (3)","output":"### Answer: TIC \n ### Explanation: Sign of nerves in a politician (3)\nHidden in \"poli**TIC**ian\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Nitre treated like nitrogen (5)","output":"### Answer: INERT \n ### Explanation: Nitre treated like nitrogen (5)\n*(nitre)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Performer tires at appearing in Variety (7)","output":"### Answer: ARTISTE \n ### Explanation: Performer tires at appearing in Variety (7)\n*(tires at)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One of a group knocked down in an alley (7)","output":"### Answer: NINEPIN \n ### Explanation: One of a group knocked down in an alley (7)\n(Barely) cryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Money raised by word of mouth (5)","output":"### Answer: BREAD \n ### Explanation: Money raised by word of mouth (5)\nHomophone of **BRED **(raised), indicated by \"by word of mouth\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One taking steps to make himself heard (3,6)","output":"### Answer: TAP DANCER \n ### Explanation: One taking steps to make himself heard (3,6)\nA tap dancer is not only a visual artist, but the noise his tap shoes make are also part of the act."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Support drink that can't be diluted in remote area (9)","output":"### Answer: BACKWATER \n ### Explanation: Support drink that can't be diluted in remote area (9)\n**BACK **(support) + **WATER **(drink that can't be diluted)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Top decoration for a woman (5)","output":"### Answer: TIARA \n ### Explanation: Top decoration for a woman (5)\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Provided encircled commanding officer upset with meeting points (4)","output":"### Answer: FOCI \n ### Explanation: Provided encircled commanding officer upset with meeting points (4)\n<=**IF **(provided) \"encircled\" **C.O. **(commanding officer)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: State of being guided upwards with knowledge (8)","output":"### Answer: DELAWARE \n ### Explanation: State of being guided upwards with knowledge (8)\n<=**LED **(guided) + **AWARE **(with knowledge)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Silver wrapped up in note for old priests (4)","output":"### Answer: MAGI \n ### Explanation: Silver wrapped up in note for old priests (4)\n**Ag. **(silver) \"wrapped up in\" **MI **(note)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Agent changes last act around the 4th of July (8)","output":"### Answer: CATALYST \n ### Explanation: Agent changes last act around the 4th of July (8)\n*(last act) \"around\" (Jul)**Y"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tension disturbed rest on ship (6)","output":"### Answer: STRESS \n ### Explanation: Tension disturbed rest on ship (6)\n*(rest) in **SS **(\"on ship\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A fashionable career in conjuring (10)","output":"### Answer: INVOCATION \n ### Explanation: A fashionable career in conjuring (10)\n**IN **(fashionable) + **VOCATION **(career)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mistress Quickly's husband\u00a0may be fired (6)","output":"### Answer: PISTOL \n ### Explanation: Mistress Quickly's husband\u00a0may be fired (6)\nDouble definition. Mistress Quickly married Pistol in Shakespeare's *Henry V*."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unidentified girl accepts ring (4)","output":"### Answer: ANON \n ### Explanation: Unidentified girl accepts ring (4)\n**ANN **(girl) accepts **O **(ring)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bertha, if asked, provides port (5)","output":"### Answer: HAIFA \n ### Explanation: Bertha, if asked, provides port (5)\nHidden in \"bert**HA IF A**sked\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A drop in the ocean (10)","output":"### Answer: SPLASHDOWN \n ### Explanation: A drop in the ocean (10)\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Small bird and an enormous one (5)","output":"### Answer: TITAN \n ### Explanation: Small bird and an enormous one (5)\n**TIT **(small bird) + **AN"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Scheme for church to contain prison outbreak (8)","output":"### Answer: CONSPIRE \n ### Explanation: Scheme for church to contain prison outbreak (8)\n**C.E. **(church (of England)) \"to contain\" *(prison)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Particular mixture of ale and spice (8)","output":"### Answer: ESPECIAL \n ### Explanation: Particular mixture of ale and spice (8)\n*(ale spice)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: From there, one may see the point on church (6)","output":"### Answer: THENCE \n ### Explanation: From there, one may see the point on church (6)\n**THE** + **N **(north, so \"point\") + **C.E. **(church (of England))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Body\u00a0essence (6)","output":"### Answer: ENTITY \n ### Explanation: Body\u00a0essence (6)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Child born before Lincoln (4)","output":"### Answer: BABE \n ### Explanation: Child born before Lincoln (4)\n**B**(orn) \"before\" **ABE **(Lincoln)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wine that sparkles when it is reflected (4)","output":"### Answer: ASTI \n ### Explanation: Wine that sparkles when it is reflected (4)\n**AS** (when) + <= **IT"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stern\u00a0breed (4)","output":"### Answer: REAR \n ### Explanation: Stern\u00a0breed (4)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Legendary king's son is terribly pushy (8)","output":"### Answer: SISYPHUS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Legendary king\n**S**(on) **IS **+ *(pushy) \nSisyphuys was a mythical king of Corinth, punished for his conceit by the gods. His punishment was to roll a boulder to the top of a hill every day, only to watch it roll back down again and hit him, so that he had to repeat the feat every day."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Most of the Irish coming around to a measure of frugality (6)","output":"### Answer: THRIFT \n ### Explanation: Definition: frugality\n**TH**(e) + <=**Ir.**(ish) + **ft. **(foot, therefore a measure)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: In favour of release without charge (3,4)","output":"### Answer: FOR FREE \n ### Explanation: Definition: without charge \n**FOR **in favour of) + **FREE** (relaease)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Enterprising leader of Indian state (2-5)","output":"### Answer: GO-AHEAD \n ### Explanation: Definition: Enterprising\nThe leader of Goa (an Indian state on the South West coast) could be described as\u00a0the **GOA HEAD**."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Praised Pep's initial resolve to include new winger (9)","output":"### Answer: SANDPIPER \n ### Explanation: Definition: winger\n*(praised p) where the P is the initial of Pep \"to include\" **N**(ew) \nIn this clue, Pep is Pep Guardiola, manager of Manchester City and \"winger\" refers not to a footballer, but to a bird."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Remain undecided about joining Hearts (5)","output":"### Answer: HOVER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Remain undecided\n**OVER **(\"about\") \"joining\" **H**(earts) \nTwo football-related clues in a row, there."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fleischer film disregarding obstruction of Algerian nationalist leader (5)","output":"### Answer: ABBAS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Algerian nationalist leader \n(bar)**ABBAS** \nThis was a doubly obscure clue in that neither *Barabbas*, the 1961 Richard Fleischer biblical movie, nor Ferhat Abbas, the provisional leader of the not-yet independent Algeria (1958-61), is particularly well-known, it could be argued."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Weaken on account of earlier excessive use (8)","output":"### Answer: OVERKILL \n ### Explanation: Definition: excessive use \n**KILL **(weaken) with **OVER **(on account of) \"earlier\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Former copper to consider accepting member's apology for slight impropriety (6,2)","output":"### Answer: EXCUSE ME \n ### Explanation: Definition: apology for slight impropriety \n**EX** (former) + **Cu** (copper) + **SEE** (consider) \"accepting **M**(ember)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Somewhat womanish fellow from the Middle East (5)","output":"### Answer: OMANI \n ### Explanation: Definition: fellow from the Middle East \nHidden in \"w**OMANI**sh\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Disappear with earl's old hat (5)","output":"### Answer: PASSE \n ### Explanation: Definition: old hat \n**PASS**\u00a0+ **E**(arl)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Spooner's US publicity agent to steal banner of anarchism (5,4)","output":"### Answer: BLACK FLAG \n ### Explanation: Definition: banner of anarchism \n**FLACK** (American word for\u00a0a publicity agent) + **BLAG** (steal), which to the Reverend Spooner would be BLACK FLAG, rather than FLACK BLAG"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Girl stuffing mole into basket (7)","output":"### Answer: PANNIER \n ### Explanation: Definition: basket\n**ANN** (girl) \"stuffing\" **PIER** (mole)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Something to increase the effectiveness of electromagnets originally installed in flying robots (7)","output":"### Answer: BOOSTER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Something to increase the effectiveness \n**E**(lectromagnets) \"installed in\" *(robots)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Animals from leading breeders entered in auctions (6)","output":"### Answer: SABLES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Animals\n**B**(reeders) \"entered in\" **SALES** (auctions)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cannon formerly protecting road near the centre of Monaco (8)","output":"### Answer: ORDNANCE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Cannon\n**ONCE** (formerly)\u00a0\"protecting\" **Rd**. (road) \"near\" (mo)**NA**(co), so **O(RD NA)NCE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Misconstrued as spot of persuasive flattery (4-4)","output":"### Answer: SOFT SOAP \n ### Explanation: Definition: persuasive flattery \n*(as spot of)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Powerful Chinese nationalists rule out getting security devices (11)","output":"### Answer: STRONGBOXES \n ### Explanation: Definition: security devices \n**STRONG** (powerful) + **BOXE**(r)**S** (Chinese nationalists with\u00a0**R**(ule) \"out\") \nThe Boxer Rebellion was a rebellion by Chinese nationalists known as *Yihetuan*, who became known as *Boxers* in English due to the martial arts they used."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Norm and I go through university together (4,5)","output":"### Answer: PARI PASSU \n ### Explanation: Definition: together\n**PAR** (norm) +** I** + **PASS** (go through) + **U**(niversity) \nIn law, *pari passu* means \"side by side\" or \"together\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wear out of habit at college (3,2)","output":"### Answer: USE UP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Wear out\n**USE** (habit) + **UP** (at college) \n\"Up\", meaning \"at university\" or \"at college\" is an old-fashioned term nowadays."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Johnnie needs no introduction as a former PM (5)","output":"### Answer: HEATH \n ### Explanation: Definition: former PM \n(s)**HEATH** (Johnnie = \"condom\") \nRefers to Ted Heath, Tory PM from 1970 to 1974."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Disastrous to ignore daughter's anger (3)","output":"### Answer: IRE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Disastrous \n(d)**IRE** (diastrous \"ignoring\" **D**(aughter))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: House party held in ancient city at conclusion of fast (5)","output":"### Answer: TUDOR \n ### Explanation: Definition: House\n**DO** (party) \"held in\" **UR** (ancient city) \"at\" (fas)**T**, so** T-U(DO)R"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Injure German through a piece of armour by the sound of it (8)","output":"### Answer: AGGRIEVE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Injure\nHomophone of **A GREAVE**. \nIt could be argued that the \"German\" in the clue is superfluous. A *greave* was a piece of armour protecting the shin."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Colloquial dialect of unrefined Spaniard perhaps (6,5)","output":"### Answer: VULGAR LATIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Colloquial dialect\n**VULGAR** (unrefined) **LATIN** (Spaniard, perhaps)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dominated by Eve, Rob or Dicky (8)","output":"### Answer: OVERBORE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Dominated\n*(eve rob or), with \"dicky\" as the anagrind."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Reduce the price of pink feathers (5,4)","output":"### Answer: KNOCK DOWN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Reduce the price\n**KNOCK** (pink, as in the noise made by a failing or\u00a0\"knocking\" engine), + **DOWN** (feathers)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Row about Ms Halliwell's underwear (8)","output":"### Answer: LINGERIE \n ### Explanation: Definition: underwear\n**LINE** (row) \"about\" **GERI** (Halliwell, member of the Spice Girls (Ginger Spice))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Record year covered by extremely pompous diarist (5)","output":"### Answer: PEPYS \n ### Explanation: Definition: diarist\n**E.P.** (record) + **Y**(ear) \"covered by\" **P**(ompou)**S**, so **P(EP Y)S**\u00a0, referring of course to *Samuel Pepys"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Suppress some novel ideas (5)","output":"### Answer: ELIDE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Suppress \nHidden in \"nov**EL** **IDE**as\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Colour of Balding's top mare is unusual (5)","output":"### Answer: AMBER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Colour\n*(mare b), where the B is top of **B**(alding)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Roll back a small piece (3)","output":"### Answer: NUB \n ### Explanation: Definition: a small piece \n<=**BUN **(roll)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Working hard earlier, temporarily delayed (2,4)","output":"### Answer: ON HOLD \n ### Explanation: Definition: temporarily delayed \n**ON **(working) + **H**(ard) + **OLD** (earlier)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Joined a day late? No answer (6)","output":"### Answer: WEDDED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Joined\n**WED**(nesday) + **DE**(a)**D** (late without the A (answer))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Good inside? He's skint and an arse \u2014 run, don't trust him! (5,2,3,5)","output":"### Answer: SNAKE IN THE GRASS \n ### Explanation: Definition: don't trust him\n**G**(ood) \"inside\" *(hes skint an arse)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Complaint odds have been switched (6)","output":"### Answer: MURMUR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Complaint\n<=**RUM RUM **(odd twice, so \"odds\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Reassurance when 1 across, which might be 2 (4,4,2,9,2,2)","output":"### Answer: YOUR CALL IS IMPORTANT TO US \n ### Explanation: Definition: Reassurance\nNot really very cryptic"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Heavy Wimbledon favourite once overcoming champion (8)","output":"### Answer: HENCHMAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Heavy\n(Tim) **HENMAN **(Wimbledon favourite before Andy Murray stole his crown) \"overcoming\" **CH**(ampion)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Two ladies and another, who could be a man (6)","output":"### Answer: EVELYN \n ### Explanation: Definition: another, who could be a man \n**EVE **+ **LYN** \n*Evelyn can be a male or female forename."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Paramilitaries with role in city state (6)","output":"### Answer: SPARTA \n ### Explanation: Definition: city state \n**SA **(Paramilitaries) \"with\" **PART** (role) \"in\" \n*The Sturmabteilung (SA) was the paramilitary wing of the Nazi party in the 1920s and 1930s."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lie with young lady on top (8)","output":"### Answer: MISSPEAK \n ### Explanation: Definition: Lie\n**MISS **(young lady) + **PEAK **(top)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Are caught ringing round, looking for reaction to posting (8)","output":"### Answer: TROLLING \n ### Explanation: Definition: looking for reaction to posting\n**R **(homophone of \"are\", indicated by \"caught\") with **TOLLING **(ringing) round"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Illuminating point made in newspaper cutting (6)","output":"### Answer: APERCU \n ### Explanation: Definition: Illuminating point \nHidden in \"newsp**APER CU**tting\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Called \u2014 went first to Berkshire home? (6)","output":"### Answer: STYLED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Called\n**STY** (Berkshire home, Berkshire being a breed of domestic pig) + **LED **(went first)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Man shortened lease on holiday accommodation (6)","output":"### Answer: CHALET \n ### Explanation: Definition: holiday accommodation \n**CHA**(p) (man, \"shortened\") + **LET **(lease)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Regarding common sense, egghead's a waste of space (2,2,3)","output":"### Answer: OF NO USE \n ### Explanation: Definition: a waste of space \n**OF **(regarding) + **NOUS **(common sense) + **E**(gg)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bull guarded by drone is fine (5)","output":"### Answer: HOKUM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Bull\n**HUM **(drone) \"guarding\" **OK **(fine)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lie about Irish town and county (7)","output":"### Answer: LEITRIM \n ### Explanation: Definition: county\n*(lie) + **TRIM** (a town in County Meath, Ireland)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Realise river's attractive (7)","output":"### Answer: EXECUTE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Realise\n**EXE** (river)\u00a0+ **CUTE** (attractive)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Had to cut price, unfortunately \u2014 it's a bargain (4,5)","output":"### Answer: DIRT CHEAP \n ### Explanation: Definition: a bargain \n*(had t price), where the **T** is **T**(o) (to, \"cut\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Show policemen president, initially, did lie (7)","output":"### Answer: DISPLAY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Show\n**DIS **(detective inspectors, so \"policemen\") + **P**(resident) + **LAY **(did lie)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: \"Don't go!\" \u2014 appeal that's heartfelt finally accepted (4,2)","output":"### Answer: STAY ON \n ### Explanation: Definition: Don't go\n**I couldn't parse this one originally, but comment 1 has the parsing."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: I'm surprised to see Green in old steel town (3, 6)","output":"### Answer: COR BLIMEY \n ### Explanation: Definition: I'm surprised\n**LIME** (green) in **CORBY** (old steel town)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Points after unusually sharp words (7)","output":"### Answer: PHRASES \n ### Explanation: Definition: words\n**E** and **S** (points) \"after\" *(sharp)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fatty's ideas for exercise \u2014 drinking a lot of soda (7)","output":"### Answer: ADIPOSE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fatty\n*(ideas) \"drinking **PO**(p) (\"a lot of\" soda)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Little fellow \u2014 in EastEnders he sounded big (6)","output":"### Answer: MIGHTY \n ### Explanation: Definition: big\nHomophone of **MITE + 'E **(little fellow and (h)e, indicated by \"sounded\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stop some teachers holding one up in school (7)","output":"### Answer: STAUNCH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Stop\n<=** N.U.T. **(National Union of Teachers) \"holding\" **A **(one), \"in\" **SCH**(ool), so **S(T(A)UN)CH"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Relation, as Dracula was said to be (7)","output":"### Answer: ACCOUNT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Relation\nHomophone of **A COUNT"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Speak highly of old lecturer to dons (5)","output":"### Answer: EXTOL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Speak highly of\n**EX** (old) + **L**(ecturer) \"donning\" **TO"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Eg Easter eggs served in stewed lamb's feet (7,5)","output":"### Answer: MOVABLE FEAST \n ### Explanation: Eg Easter eggs served in stewed lamb's feet (7,5)\nOVA (eggs) \"served in\" *(lambs feet)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: 31 days to be included in ordinary credit (7)","output":"### Answer: OCTOBER \n ### Explanation: 31 days to be included in ordinary credit (7)\n**TO BE **\"included in\" **O**(rdinary) **Cr**(edit)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One born into Middle East group gets sham therapy (7)","output":"### Answer: PLACEBO \n ### Explanation: One born into Middle East group gets sham therapy (7)\n**ACE** (one) + **B** \"into\" **PLO** (\"Palestine Liberation Organization\", so Middle East group)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Impudent hooker is one (7)","output":"### Answer: FORWARD \n ### Explanation: Impudent hooker is one (7)\nIn riugby union, a hooker is one of the forwards."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Drives ducks in races against the French (7)","output":"### Answer: TOOTLES \n ### Explanation: Drives ducks in races against the French (7)\n**OO** (ducks \u2013 think cricket) in **TT** (\"Tourist Trophy\", so races) + **LES** (\"the\" in French)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Guard \"hard\" border (5)","output":"### Answer: HEDGE \n ### Explanation: Guard \"hard\" border (5)\n**H**(ard) + **EDGE** (border)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Heath left behind miners dealing with figures (9)","output":"### Answer: NUMERICAL \n ### Explanation: Heath left behind miners dealing with figures (9)\n**ERICA** (heath) + **L**(eft) \"behind\" **N.U.M.** (National Union of Miners)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: It chops round apple in bits (3,6)","output":"### Answer: SEX APPEAL \n ### Explanation: It chops round apple in bits (3,6)\n<=**AXES** (chops) + *(apple)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bar art in Paris for privates (5)","output":"### Answer: PUBES \n ### Explanation: Bar art in Paris for privates (5)\n**PUB** (bar) +** ES** (second person singular of \"etre\" the French for to be, so \"art\" (as in\u00a0\"thou art\")\u00a0in Paris)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Start to remove grassy area at the front (4,3)","output":"### Answer: LEAD OFF \n ### Explanation: Start to remove grassy area at the front (4,3)\n**DOFF** (remove) with** LEA** (grassy area) \"at the front\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Coach leaves around midnight for border (7)","output":"### Answer: SELVAGE \n ### Explanation: Coach leaves around midnight for border (7)\n*(leaves) \"around (ni)**G**(ht)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Broadcast defending one Irish MP's demo (3-4)","output":"### Answer: SIT-DOWN \n ### Explanation: Broadcast defending one Irish MP's demo (3-4)\n**SOWN** (broadcast) \"defending **1 T.D.** (Irish equivalent of an M.P.)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Very old material briefly to do with vowels (7)","output":"### Answer: VOCALIC \n ### Explanation: Very old material briefly to do with vowels (7)\n**V**(ery) + **O**(ld) + **CALIC**(o) (material, \"briefly\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Anger follows sincere Christmas gift (12)","output":"### Answer: FRANKINCENSE \n ### Explanation: Anger follows sincere Christmas gift (12)\n\n**INCENSE** (anger) \"follows\" **FRANK** (\"sincere\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Moved on, having anchored outside mouth of Tyne (7)","output":"### Answer: MOTORED \n ### Explanation: Moved on, having anchored outside mouth of Tyne (7)\n**MOORED** (anchored) \"outside\" **T**(yne)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rattle's very angry about Brahms overture (7)","output":"### Answer: VIBRATE \n ### Explanation: Rattle's very angry about Brahms overture (7)\n**V**(ery) + **IRATE** (angry) \"about\" **B**(rahms)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hay maybe spoils a brand new church (4,5)","output":"### Answer: BARN DANCE \n ### Explanation: Hay maybe spoils a brand new church (4,5)\n*(a brand) + **N**(ew) + **C.E.** (\"Church of England\", so church)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Essex pathologist welcomes exile (5)","output":"### Answer: EXPAT \n ### Explanation: Essex pathologist welcomes exile (5)\n\nHidden in \"ess**EX** **PAT**hologist\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Charm upright old guy in the French way (7)","output":"### Answer: ENAMOUR \n ### Explanation: Charm upright old guy in the French way (7)\n<= **O**(ld) **MAN** (guy) in **RUE** (French for street, so French way)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: He rings up about old record (7)","output":"### Answer: SHELLAC \n ### Explanation: He rings up about old record (7)\n**HE** with <+**CALLS** (rings) \"about\" \n*Old gramophone records were made with shellac compounds"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Approving noises from crude fellows with spades? (4,8)","output":"### Answer: WOLF WHISTLES \n ### Explanation: Approving noises from crude fellows with spades? (4,8)\n\n*(fellows with) + **S**(pades)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: In declining state, old boy, alone on site, catches cold (12)","output":"### Answer: OBSOLESCENCE \n ### Explanation: In declining state, old boy, alone on site, catches cold (12)\n**O**(ld) **B**(oy) + **SOLE** (alone) \"on\" **SCENE** (site) \"catching\" **C**(old)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One loves rambling into microphone for warlord (9)","output":"### Answer: MILOSEVIC \n ### Explanation: One loves rambling into microphone for warlord (9)\n**1** +*(loves) \"into** MIC**(rophone) \n*Dragomir Milosevic is currently serving a prison sentence for war crimes perpetrated by Bosnian Serbs following the break-up of Yugoslavia."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mother quits cosmetics firm for talent show (1,6)","output":"### Answer: X-FACTOR \n ### Explanation: Mother quits cosmetics firm for talent show (1,6)\n(ma)**X FACTOR"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: She, for one, is articulate next to this Parisian (7)","output":"### Answer: PRONOUN \n ### Explanation: She, for one, is articulate next to this Parisian (7)\n**PRONOUN**(ce) (articulate) where CE is \"this\" in French. \n*Interested in people's opinions on this clue?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bird, large one, cracking nut (7)","output":"### Answer: PELICAN \n ### Explanation: Bird, large one, cracking nut (7)\n**L**(arge) **1** \"cracking\" **PECAN** (nut)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sort of liberal, proud characters (7)","output":"### Answer: BRAILLE \n ### Explanation: Sort of liberal, proud characters (7)\n*(braille)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Parasols possibly amusing Joe (5)","output":"### Answer: FUNGI \n ### Explanation: Parasols possibly amusing Joe (5)\n**FUN** (amusing) + **G.I.** (Joe) \n*A parasol is a type of mushroom."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tweeted, like a wagtail quietly absorbed (5)","output":"### Answer: PIPED \n ### Explanation: Tweeted, like a wagtail quietly absorbed (5)\n**PIED** (having two colours\u00a0\u2013 \"like a wagtail\") with **P** (quietly) \"absorbed\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Whole global organisation not working (8)","output":"### Answer: UNBROKEN \n ### Explanation: Whole global organisation not working (8)\n**U.N.** (United Nations \u2013 \"global organisation\") + **BROKEN** (not working)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Surgery on butt when shots may go astray? (6,8)","output":"### Answer: TARGET PRACTICE \n ### Explanation: Surgery on butt when shots may go astray? (6,8)\n**PRACTICE** (surgery) \"on\" **TARGET** (butt)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Flipping hard exercises: Nutmeg's in time and they don't last long (8)","output":"### Answer: EPHEMERA \n ### Explanation: Flipping hard exercises: Nutmeg's in time and they don't last long (8)\n<=**H**(ard) **P.E. **(exercises) + **ME** (Nutmeg) \"in\" **ERA** (time)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sign of new life had excited man of faith (6)","output":"### Answer: BUDDHA \n ### Explanation: Sign of new life had excited man of faith (6)\n**BUD** (sign of new life) + *(had)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Roughly clean son, to accompaniment of cursing (9)","output":"### Answer: SANDBLAST \n ### Explanation: Roughly clean son, to accompaniment of cursing (9)\n**S**(on) **AND BLAST **(cursing)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Nice tasting bit of pork's spoken about (5)","output":"### Answer: SAPID \n ### Explanation: Nice tasting bit of pork's spoken about (5)\n**P**(ork) with **SAID** (spoken) \"about\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bird nipping tail of margay (a carnivore) (5)","output":"### Answer: HYENA \n ### Explanation: Bird nipping tail of margay (a carnivore) (5)\n**HEN** (bird) \"nipping\" (marga)**Y** + **A"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Saved, having sworn to limit sex (9)","output":"### Answer: DEPOSITED \n ### Explanation: Saved, having sworn to limit sex (9)\n**DEPOSED** (sworn) \"to limit\" **IT** (sex)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Prophet seen in chapel is harmless (6)","output":"### Answer: ELISHA \n ### Explanation: Prophet seen in chapel is harmless (6)\nHidden in \"chap**EL IS HA**rmless\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Misdirected letters from a schemer I don't know (6,2)","output":"### Answer: SEARCH ME \n ### Explanation: Misdirected letters from a schemer I don't know (6,2)\n*(a schemer)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rogue star people ruin Mars, for one (8,6)","output":"### Answer: SUPERIOR PLANET \n ### Explanation: Rogue star people ruin Mars, for one (8,6)\n*(star people ruin)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ram caught in rain most thoroughly whacked (8)","output":"### Answer: WEARIEST \n ### Explanation: Ram caught in rain most thoroughly whacked (8)\n**ARIES** (\"ram\" in astrology) \"caught in\" **WET** (rain)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unproductive end to talks Blair pursues (5)","output":"### Answer: STONY \n ### Explanation: Unproductive end to talks Blair pursues (5)\n(talk)**S** + **TONY** (Blair)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Harry's turn to find base for craftsman (7,5)","output":"### Answer: POTTERS WHEEL \n ### Explanation: Harry's turn to find base for craftsman (7,5)\nHarry (**POTTER'S**) + **WHEEL** (turn)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fish with spots caught nearer the bottom, maybe (9)","output":"### Answer: PERCHANCE \n ### Explanation: Fish with spots caught nearer the bottom, maybe (9)\n**PERCH** (fish) + **ANCE** (ACNE (spots) with the C \"nearer the bottom\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fancy doctor on trial blowing kiss (5)","output":"### Answer: DREAM \n ### Explanation: Fancy doctor on trial blowing kiss (5)\n**Dr. **(doctor) \"on\" **E**(x)**AM**(trial, without the X (kiss))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Capital case worker gets control (5,4)","output":"### Answer: UPPER HAND \n ### Explanation: Capital case worker gets control (5,4)\n**UPPER** (capital case) + **HAND** (worker)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Beastly sound from noted vicar's abode (4)","output":"### Answer: BRAY \n ### Explanation: Beastly sound from noted vicar's abode (4)\nDouble definition."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tirades from Brutus, lost without Latin for translation (9)","output":"### Answer: OUTBURSTS \n ### Explanation: Tirades from Brutus, lost without Latin for translation (9)\n*(brutus ost) where the OST is LOST without L(atin)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hazard hampering Leander's first return to see Hero (2,3)","output":"### Answer: EL CID \n ### Explanation: Hazard hampering Leander's first return to see Hero (2,3)\n<=**DICE** (hazard) \"hampering\"** L**(eander) \nThe name given by the Moors to Rodrigo, an 11th century Castilian hero."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Eg lairds arrived gradually, going from left to right (6,6)","output":"### Answer: LANDED GENTRY \n ### Explanation: Eg lairds arrived gradually, going from left to right (6,6)\n**LANDED** (arrived) + **GENT**(l)(**R**)**Y **(gradually with the L(eft) replaced by R(ight))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Every woman's put up with clothing habits at the seaside (9)","output":"### Answer: BEACHWEAR \n ### Explanation: Every woman's put up with clothing habits at the seaside (9)\n**BEAR** (put up with) \"clothing\" **EACH** (every) **W**(oman)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Note penned by leading faction for minimal circulation (3,6)","output":"### Answer: TOP SECRET \n ### Explanation: Note penned by leading faction for minimal circulation (3,6)\n**RE** (musical \"note\") \"penned by\" **TOP** (leading) + **SECT** (faction)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Make a start on horse, astride it with child behind (5,4)","output":"### Answer: PITCH INTO \n ### Explanation: Make a start on horse, astride it with child behind (5,4)\n**PINTO** (horse) \"astride\" **IT** + **CH**(ild)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Operating without losing initial energy (2,3)","output":"### Answer: IN USE \n ### Explanation: Operating without losing initial energy (2,3)\n(m)**INUS** (without, \"losing initial\") + **E**(nergy)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bread, a status symbol for the rich? (5)","output":"### Answer: ROLLS \n ### Explanation: Bread, a status symbol for the rich? (5)\nDouble definition, the second refering to a Rolls Royce."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cardinal has predecessor cast in iron (4)","output":"### Answer: FIVE \n ### Explanation: Cardinal has predecessor cast in iron (4)\n**IV** (four, so \"predecessor\" to five, the answer) \"cast in **Fe.** (iron)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Heap of hay attracting bird early in day (8)","output":"### Answer: COCKCROW \n ### Explanation: Heap of hay attracting bird early in day (8)\n**COCK** (heap of hay) + **CROW** (bird) \n*Hadn't come across \"cock\" as a pile of hay before, but apparently it is a name for a conical heap of hay."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Seafarer from past in opposition to island monarch (6)","output":"### Answer: VIKING \n ### Explanation: Seafarer from past in opposition to island monarch (6)\n**V** (short for \"versus\" (in opposition to)) +** I**(sland) +**KING** (monarch)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Legendary location in book enthralling Nettie on regular basis (8)","output":"### Answer: ATLANTIS \n ### Explanation: Legendary location in book enthralling Nettie on regular basis (8)\n**ATLAS** (book) \"enthralling\" **N**e**T**t**I**e"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: German writer's progress with English article (6)","output":"### Answer: GOETHE \n ### Explanation: German writer's progress with English article (6)\n**GO** (progress) + **E**(nglish) + **THE** (article) \n*Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832), whose\u00a0most celebrated works include \"The Sorrows of Young Werther\" and \"Faust\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Alien due? Could be yellowish- green! (3,2,3)","output":"### Answer: EAU-DE-NIL \n ### Explanation: Alien due? Could be yellowish- green! (3,2,3)\n*(alien due)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Leaders in fact are being indecisive and needlessly cautious (6)","output":"### Answer: FABIAN \n ### Explanation: Leaders in fact are being indecisive and needlessly cautious (6)\nLeaders in\u00a0(ie first letters of) \"**F**(act) **A**(re) **B**(eing)** I**(ndecisive)** A**(nd) **N**(eedlessly)\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One out at night appearing with cosmetic in capital? (5,5)","output":"### Answer: BATON ROUGE \n ### Explanation: One out at night appearing with cosmetic in capital? (5,5)\n**BAT** (one out at night) + **ON** (appearing) + **ROUGE** (cosmetic) \n*Baton Rouge is the capital of the American state of Louisiana."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One hostile to Officer Commanding carry-on, say? (10)","output":"### Answer: ICONOCLAST \n ### Explanation: One hostile to Officer Commanding carry-on, say? (10)\n**I** (one) + **CON** (hostile to) + **O**(fficer) **C**(ommanding) + **LAST** (carry on)\u00a0(an &lit. clue)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Son with a large item of footwear (6)","output":"### Answer: SANDAL \n ### Explanation: Son with a large item of footwear (6)\n**S**(on) **AND **(with) **A L**(arge)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Yield over old King Cole \u2013 follow locals (2,6)","output":"### Answer: GO NATIVE \n ### Explanation: Yield over old King Cole \u2013 follow locals (2,6)\n**GIVE **(yield) \"over\" **O**(ld) + **NAT **(King Cole), so **G(O-NAT)IVE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Gourmet's dessert cut at finish (6)","output":"### Answer: FOODIE \n ### Explanation: Gourmet's dessert cut at finish (6)\n**FOO**(l) (dessert, \"cut\") + **DIE** (finish)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fine European film about popular campaigner (8)","output":"### Answer: FEMINIST \n ### Explanation: Fine European film about popular campaigner (8)\n**F**(ine) **E**(uropean) **MIST** \"about\" **IN** (popular)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: After loss of weight, messaging site providing a laugh (6)","output":"### Answer: TITTER \n ### Explanation: After loss of weight, messaging site providing a laugh (6)\n**T**(w)**ITTER **(messaging site, losing W(eight))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Glory age seen otherwise \u2013 as something ugly? (8)","output":"### Answer: GARGOYLE \n ### Explanation: Glory age seen otherwise \u2013 as something ugly? (8)\n*(glory age)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mean-spirited, caught bird (6)","output":"### Answer: CRAVEN \n ### Explanation: Mean-spirited, caught bird (6)\n**C**(aught) + **RAVEN **(bird)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Summons for service, country's first, entirely finished (4-2)","output":"### Answer: CALL-UP \n ### Explanation: Summons for service, country's first, entirely finished (4-2)\n**C**(ountry) + **ALL** (entirely) + **UP** (finished)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sticks about northern festival centre (6)","output":"### Answer: CANNES \n ### Explanation: Sticks about northern festival centre (6)\n**CANES** (sticks) \"about\" **N**(orthern) \n*The French resort of Cannes is the venue for a prestigious annual film festival."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ring, loyal, I organised at outset (10)","output":"### Answer: ORIGINALLY \n ### Explanation: Ring, loyal, I organised at outset (10)\n*(ring loyal I)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Reverence shown by lady trio after conversion (8)","output":"### Answer: IDOLATRY \n ### Explanation: Reverence shown by lady trio after conversion (8)\n*(lady trio)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Plot's fascinating quality (8)","output":"### Answer: INTRIGUE \n ### Explanation: Plot's fascinating quality (8)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Gurney's abroad, touring eastern island? (8)","output":"### Answer: GUERNSEY \n ### Explanation: Gurney's abroad, touring eastern island? (8)\n*(gurneys) \"touring\" **E**(astern)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Film hero, so cultivated, with power over time (5,5)","output":"### Answer: HORSE OPERA \n ### Explanation: Film hero, so cultivated, with power over time (5,5)\n*(hero so) + **P**(ower) +**ERA** (time) \n*\"Horse opera\" is an alternative name for a western."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fellow's extremely silly suit leads to outburst (5,3)","output":"### Answer: HISSY FIT \n ### Explanation: Fellow's extremely silly suit leads to outburst (5,3)\n**HIS** (fellow's) + **S**(ill)**Y** + **FIT** (suit)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sensible, striking question (5,3)","output":"### Answer: SOUND OUT \n ### Explanation: Sensible, striking question (5,3)\n**SOUND** (sensible) + **OUT** (on strike, so \"striking\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Genuine Jedi fan objecting, upset to some extent (4,4)","output":"### Answer: BONA FIDE \n ### Explanation: Genuine Jedi fan objecting, upset to some extent (4,4)\nHidden backwards in \"j**EDO FAN OB**jecting\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Area in London getting better, hard to leave (6)","output":"### Answer: EALING \n ### Explanation: Area in London getting better, hard to leave (6)\n(h)**EALING** (getting better, with H(ard) \"leaving\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Malign six cut biography unfairly in end (6)","output":"### Answer: VILIFY \n ### Explanation: Malign six cut biography unfairly in end (6)\n**VI** (six) + **LIF**(e) (biography, \"cut\") + (unfairl)**Y"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Member of Merseyside group surpassed the French (6)","output":"### Answer: BEATLE \n ### Explanation: Member of Merseyside group surpassed the French (6)\n**BEAT** (surpassed) + **LE** (the, in French)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sat around finally after work suggested (8)","output":"### Answer: PROPOSED \n ### Explanation: Definition: suggested\n**POSED** (sat) \"around\" (afte)**R** + **OP** (work), so **P(R-OP)OSED"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Feigns sickness finding fish drug in chocolate bar (9)","output":"### Answer: MALINGERS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Feigns sickness\n**LING** (fish) + **E** (drug, ie \"ecstasy\") \"in\" **MARS** (bar), so **MA(LING-E)RS"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: European cautious about getting tired (5)","output":"### Answer: WEARY \n ### Explanation: Definition: tired\n**WARY** (cautious) \"about\" **E**(uropean)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Existence of metals (4)","output":"### Answer: LIFE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Existence\n**Li** + **Fe** (the chemical symbols of two metals, lithium and iron)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Weaving silk unseen makes a difference (10)","output":"### Answer: UNLIKENESS \n ### Explanation: Definition: difference \n*(silk unseen)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Examines the way university shuts down (7)","output":"### Answer: STUDIES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Examines\n**St**. (street, so \"way\") + **U**(niversity) + **DIES** (shuts down)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dress right to speak about mean poet (6,6)","output":"### Answer: ROBERT LOWELL \n ### Explanation: Definition: poet\n**ROBE** (dress) + **R**(ight) + **TELL** (speak) \"about\" **LOW** (mean) \n*Robert Lowell (1917-1977) was a New England poet (have to admit that I'm not into poetry, so he was a new one to me)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Poetry about new eastern city (6)","output":"### Answer: ODENSE \n ### Explanation: Definition: city\n**ODES** (poetry) \"about\" **N**(ew) + **E**(astern), so **ODE(N)S-E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Clean city out (7)","output":"### Answer: LAUNDER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Clean\n**L.A.** (city) + **UNDER** (out \u2013 as in \"under anaesthetic)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Restrictions left out copies (10)","output":"### Answer: IMITATIONS \n ### Explanation: Definition: copies\n(l)**IMITATIONS **(restrictions, minus L(eft))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Knowledge finally lost by deceased ruler (4)","output":"### Answer: LORD \n ### Explanation: Definition: ruler\n**LOR**(e) (knowledge) + **D**(eceased)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Capital loans maintain Scottish town (5)","output":"### Answer: ALLOA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Scottish town \nHidden in \"capit**AL LOA**ns\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Articles about shrew get popular, on the other hand (4,5)","output":"### Answer: THEN AGAIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: on the other hand \n**THE** + **A** (articles) \"about\" **NAG** (shrew) \"get\" **IN**, so **THE(NAG)A-IN"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Familiar parrot swallows German flag (3,5)","output":"### Answer: OLD GLORY \n ### Explanation: Definition: flag\n**OLD** (familiar) + **LORY** (parrot) \"swallows\" **G**(erman) \n*The American flag is sometimes called \"Old Glory\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Building legal action to restrain Returning Officer (6)","output":"### Answer: CASTLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Building\n**CASE** (legal action) \"to restrain\" <=**Lt. **(\"returning\" officer, ie lieutenant)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lacking branches, trees round British Libray start to sway (8)","output":"### Answer: LIMBLESS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Lacking branches\n**LIMES** (trees) \"round\" **B**(ritish) **L**(ibrary) + **S**(way), so **LIM(BL)ES-S"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Healthy finance keeps Oscar adequately provided for (4-5)","output":"### Answer: WELL-FOUND \n ### Explanation: Definition: adequately provided for \n**WELL** (healthy) +** FUND** (finance) \"keeping\" **O**(scar)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Finally deal with German state? (4)","output":"### Answer: LAND \n ### Explanation: Definition: Finally deal\n(dea)**L** + **AND** (with) \nI originally had this in as a double definition, but Chalmie has corrected me.\n \n*In Germany, \"land\" is the name given to a federal region, such as Bayern."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Standing up Irish athlete is more dangerous (7)","output":"### Answer: RISKIER \n ### Explanation: Definition: more dangerous \n<+**Ir**.(ish) + **SKIER** (athlete)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pale-coloured mutant deer blow up (6,4)","output":"### Answer: POWDER BLUE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Pale-coloured\n*(deer blow up)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Extra\u00a0thin (5)","output":"### Answer: SPARE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Extra\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ramsay's gutted \u2013 recipe comes out scarcely sweet (6)","output":"### Answer: DRYISH \n ### Explanation: Definition: scarcely sweet \n**R**(amsa)**Y**, indicated by \"gutted\", with **DISH** (recipe) outside"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Life-forms are aeroplanes, nothing less (6)","output":"### Answer: BEINGS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Life-forms \n**B**(o)**EINGS**, (aeroplanes, with 0 \"less\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Party supporter is ingenuous standing up to be sick (6,4)","output":"### Answer: FIANNA FAIL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Party\n<=**FAN NAIF** (supporter +\u00a0ingenious) + **AIL **(to be sick) \n*Fianna Fail is a right-wing Irish party*."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Matador is eccentric broadcaster (5,4)","output":"### Answer: RADIO MAST \n ### Explanation: Definition: broadcaster\n*(matador is)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Change round, almost insulting woman (8)","output":"### Answer: PRUDENCE \n ### Explanation: Definition: woman\n**PENCE** (change) \"round\" **RUD**(e) (\"almost\" insulting)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Online winner one to get rid of (7)","output":"### Answer: EVICTOR \n ### Explanation: Definition: one to get rid of \nE-VICTOR (winner), withe the E indicated by \"online\", (think E-MAIL, for example)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Extended recliner without the third part (6)","output":"### Answer: LONGER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Extended\n**LO**(u)**NGER** (recliner \"without the third part\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fearsome female artist seen in European port (6)","output":"### Answer: VIRAGO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fearsome female \nR.A. (artist) \"seen in\" VIGO (port in Spain, so \"European port\") \n*R.A. stands for Royal Academy of Arts, which is an institution set up by King George III in 1768 to promote art. In crosswordland, RA and \"artist\" are interchangeable terms."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Chalmie had been first and did nothing (5)","output":"### Answer: IDLED \n ### Explanation: Definition: did nothing \n**I'D** (Chalmonie had) + **LED** (been first)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Holiday company's American decline begins (4)","output":"### Answer: SAGA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Holiday company\n**SAG** (decline) + **A**(merica)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Short of work, those one's up against for job (8)","output":"### Answer: POSITION \n ### Explanation: Short of work, those one's up against for job (8)\n(op)**POSITION **(\"those one's up against\" short of (ie without) OP (\"work\"))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Time to celebrate two scores in a match? (8)","output":"### Answer: FORTIETH \n ### Explanation: Time to celebrate two scores in a match? (8)\nCryptic definition \u2013 \"two scores\" married (\"in a match\") would mean you were celebrating your fortieth anniversary."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Head of clan, dressed in tartan still (6)","output":"### Answer: PLACID \n ### Explanation: Head of clan, dressed in tartan still (6)\n**C**(lan) in **PLAID **(\"tartan\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Slip making pass, after missing header (5)","output":"### Answer: LAPSE \n ### Explanation: Slip making pass, after missing header (5)\n(e)**LAPSE **(\"pass\", missing its first letter (\"header\"))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: False realities for Jacob's descendant (9)","output":"### Answer: ISRAELITE \n ### Explanation: False realities for Jacob's descendant (9)\n(*realities)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Heart broken in half-decent relationship (6)","output":"### Answer: CENTRE \n ### Explanation: Heart broken in half-decent relationship (6)\nHidden in \"half-de**CENT RE**lationship\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Boo jazz fan beginning to criticise everyone (7)","output":"### Answer: CATCALL \n ### Explanation: Boo jazz fan beginning to criticise everyone (7)\n**CAT **(\"jazz fan\") + **C**(riticise) + **ALL **(\"everyone\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Game's official useless? City back: \"No!\" (7)","output":"### Answer: REFUSAL \n ### Explanation: Game's official useless? City back: \"No!\" (7)\n**REF** (\"game's official\") + **U\/S **(\"useless\") + <=**L.A. **(\"city\", back)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ringo's last group? (6)","output":"### Answer: CIRCLE \n ### Explanation: Ringo's last group? (6)\nThe last letter of Ringo is O (a circle)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fishy bit of fish Ronaldo cooked after removing tails (6,3)","output":"### Answer: DORSAL FIN \n ### Explanation: Fishy bit of fish Ronaldo cooked after removing tails (6,3)\n*(fis ronald) *The amagram fodder is obtained by removing the tails of FIS(h) and RONALD(o)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Place to consume tuck (5)","output":"### Answer: PLEAT \n ### Explanation: Place to consume tuck (5)\n**Pl.**(ace) + **EAT** (\"consume\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: \"Over the moon\", as reported right away (6)","output":"### Answer: ELATED \n ### Explanation: \"Over the moon\", as reported right away (6)\n(r)**ELATED **(\"reported\", with the R(ight) away)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pay to go and see a bit of Messi's skill (8)","output":"### Answer: FOOTWORK \n ### Explanation: Pay to go and see a bit of Messi's skill (8)\n**FOOT** (\"pay\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Island that gets confused with two small islands (6)","output":"### Answer: TAHITI \n ### Explanation: Island that gets confused with two small islands (6)\n*(that ii) where the two i's are indicated by \"two small islands\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Heather's carrying wood \u2013 a large amount (8)","output":"### Answer: LASHINGS \n ### Explanation: Heather's carrying wood \u2013 a large amount (8)\n**LING'S **(\"heather's) carrying **ASH **(\"wood\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Females are covered in a layer of soft, fine hair? Nonsense! (6)","output":"### Answer: PIFFLE \n ### Explanation: Females are covered in a layer of soft, fine hair? Nonsense! (6)\n**FF **(\"females\") covered in **PILE **(\"layer of soft, fine hair\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Poor dominatrix might have done this? (8,3,4)","output":"### Answer: STRAPPED FOR CASH \n ### Explanation: Poor dominatrix might have done this? (8,3,4)\nA dominatrix may be oaid for her \"services\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Article about home that was yours once (5)","output":"### Answer: THINE \n ### Explanation: Article about home that was yours once (5)\n**THE **(\"article\") about **IN **(\"home\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tedious rambling by socialist, showing outdated 1 across (7,4)","output":"### Answer: OUTSIDE LEFT \n ### Explanation: Tedious rambling by socialist, showing outdated 1 across (7,4)\n*(tedious) + **LEFT** (\"socialist\") \n*In football, the outside left is now more commonly called the left winger."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Prayer circle run for one getting things together (9)","output":"### Answer: COLLECTOR \n ### Explanation: Prayer circle run for one getting things together (9)\n**COLLECT **(\"prayer\") + **O **(\"circle\") + **R**(un)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hardly ever come with a lone bunion needing treatment (4,2,1,4,4)","output":"### Answer: ONCE IN A BLUE MOON \n ### Explanation: Hardly ever come with a lone bunion needing treatment (4,2,1,4,4)\n*(come a lone bunion)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: In South of France, study in front of library that's been evacuated without warning (8)","output":"### Answer: SUDDENLY \n ### Explanation: In South of France, study in front of library that's been evacuated without warning (8)\n**SUD **(\"south\" in French) + **DEN **(\"study\") in front of **L**(ibrar)**Y"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Idle chap is unable to, working with a footballer and movie star (4,7)","output":"### Answer: ERIC CANTONA \n ### Explanation: Idle chap is unable to, working with a footballer and movie star (4,7)\n**ERIC **(Idle) + **CAN'T **(\"is unable to\") + **ON **(\"working\") + **A ***Ex-Manchester United player, Eric Cantona is now an actor."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Will try people in a court, ultimately (9)","output":"### Answer: TESTAMENT \n ### Explanation: Will try people in a court, ultimately (9)\n**TEST **(\"try\") + **MEN **(\"people\") in **A **(cour)**T**, so **TEST-A(MEN)T"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Reading about time one might be one in 11 (8)","output":"### Answer: GRADIENT \n ### Explanation: Reading about time one might be one in 11 (8)\n*(reading) + **T**(ime)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: City's cricketer\u00a0keeps burning (6)","output":"### Answer: STOKES \n ### Explanation: City's cricketer\u00a0keeps burning (6)\n**STOKE'S **(\"city's\") \n*The cricketer is Ben Stokes, vice captain of England"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: No hesitation shown by player in Baseball Ground (5)","output":"### Answer: PITCH \n ### Explanation: No hesitation shown by player in Baseball Ground (5)\n**PITCH **(er) \u2013 the baseball equivalent of a bowler, with no ER (\"hesitation\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: He drew out clues to lure a criminal (8-7)","output":"### Answer: TOULOUSE LAUTREC \n ### Explanation: He drew out clues to lure a criminal (8-7)\n*(out clues to lure a) \n*Referring of course to Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, (1864-1901),\u00a0the prolific French post-Impressionist, closely associated with the decadent nightlife of Paris at the end of the nineteenth century."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Loathsome agent returning to fix it (9)","output":"### Answer: REPTILIAN \n ### Explanation: Loathsome agent returning to fix it (9)\n**REP** (\"agent\")\u00a0+ <+**NAIL IT** (\"to fix it\", returning)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cook finally serves crew (5)","output":"### Answer: STEAM \n ### Explanation: Cook finally serves crew (5)\n(serve)**S **+ **TEAM **(\"crew\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Upright sage pursuing objective (7)","output":"### Answer: ENDWISE \n ### Explanation: Upright sage pursuing objective (7)\n**WISE** (\"sage\") pursuing **END** (\"objective\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Nutmeg's got over depression, that's clear (7)","output":"### Answer: EVIDENT \n ### Explanation: Nutmeg's got over depression, that's clear (7)\n<=**I'VE** (\"Nutmeg's\", got over) + **DENT** (\"depression\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Last of our media men dispersed (3)","output":"### Answer: RAN \n ### Explanation: Last of our media men dispersed (3)\nLast letters of \"ou**R **medi**A **me**N**\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old vessel, extremely dangerous, blows up (7)","output":"### Answer: EXPANDS \n ### Explanation: Old vessel, extremely dangerous, blows up (7)\n**EX** (\"old\") + **PAN** (\"vessel\") + **D**(angerou)**S"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Remove\u00a0date (4,3)","output":"### Answer: TAKE OUT \n ### Explanation: Remove\u00a0date (4,3)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Number, say, coming or going in Bury (7)","output":"### Answer: INTEGER \n ### Explanation: Number, say, coming or going in Bury (7)\n**e.g.** (\"say\", coming or going) in **INTER** (\"bury\") \n*Not convinced by \"coming or going\", which to\u00a0my mind would indicate a palindrome, rather than a reversal."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Horse bit fairy lovers on the way back (7)","output":"### Answer: SNAFFLE \n ### Explanation: Horse bit fairy lovers on the way back (7)\n<= **ELF FANS** (\"fairy lovers\", on the way back)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dessert\u00a0on this is ready and waiting (3)","output":"### Answer: ICE \n ### Explanation: Dessert\u00a0on this is ready and waiting (3)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Eager to gather complete cereal crop? (3,4)","output":"### Answer: ALL EARS \n ### Explanation: Eager to gather complete cereal crop? (3,4)\n**ALL** (\"complete\") + **EARS** (\"cereal crop\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Was benefactor hosting immoderate dance? (7)","output":"### Answer: GAVOTTE \n ### Explanation: Was benefactor hosting immoderate dance? (7)\n**GAVE** (\"was benefactor\") hosting **O.T.T.** (over the top, so \"immoerate\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Admitted wearing dress, topless (5)","output":"### Answer: OWNED \n ### Explanation: Admitted wearing dress, topless (5)\n(g)**OWNED **(\"wearing dress\", topless)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Region's temperature and ice chart changing (3,6)","output":"### Answer: THE ARCTIC \n ### Explanation: Region's temperature and ice chart changing (3,6)\n**T**(emperature) + *(ice chart)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Family's last member is the limit! (3,3,2,3,4)","output":"### Answer: THE END OF THE LINE \n ### Explanation: Family's last member is the limit! (3,3,2,3,4)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Coxed pair booked? (5,3,2,1,4)","output":"### Answer: THREE MEN IN A BOAT \n ### Explanation: Coxed pair booked? (5,3,2,1,4)\nA coxed pair would be \"three men in a boat\". \n*\"Three Men in a Boat\" (1889) by Jerome K Jerome is the source of one of my favourite quotes \u2013 \"I like work; it fascinates me. I can sit and look at it for hours\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Gave birth \u2014 all but first raised (5)","output":"### Answer: UPPED \n ### Explanation: Gave birth \u2014 all but first raised (5)\n(p)**UPPED **(\"gave birth\", all but first)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bulb obscuring private eye's view (7)","output":"### Answer: OPINION \n ### Explanation: Bulb obscuring private eye's view (7)\n**ONION** (\"bulb\") obscuring **P.I.** (\"private eye\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Weavers briefly disperse in disarray (7)","output":"### Answer: SPIDERS \n ### Explanation: Weavers briefly disperse in disarray (7)\n*(dispers)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Liberal leader in news that is breaking fast (7)","output":"### Answer: LENIENT \n ### Explanation: Liberal leader in news that is breaking fast (7)\n**N**(ews) + **i.e.** (\"that is\") breaking **LENT** (\"fast\"), so **LE(N-I.E.)NT"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Free credit granted to global union? (7)","output":"### Answer: UNSTICK \n ### Explanation: Free credit granted to global union? (7)\n**TICK** (\"credit\")\u00a0granted to **U.N.** (\"global union\") would be **UN'S TICK"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ran through and staggered out (6,3)","output":"### Answer: REELED OFF \n ### Explanation: Ran through and staggered out (6,3)\n**REELED** (\"staggered\") + **OFF** (\"out\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Helped EEC cut horsemeat supply (4,2,3,6)","output":"### Answer: CAME TO THE RESCUE \n ### Explanation: Helped EEC cut horsemeat supply (4,2,3,6)\n*(EEC cut horsemeat)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Favourite uncle hurt about aunt's initial pique (9)","output":"### Answer: PETULANCE \n ### Explanation: Favourite uncle hurt about aunt's initial pique (9)\n**PET** (\"favourite\") + *(uncle) about **A**(unt)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Expected sound of early precipitation (3)","output":"### Answer: DUE \n ### Explanation: Expected sound of early precipitation (3)\nHomophone of **DEW** (\"early precipitation\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Girl close to granny's heart (3)","output":"### Answer: ANN \n ### Explanation: Girl close to granny's heart (3)\n(gr)**ANN**(y's)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Info about youth meeting daughter, please (7)","output":"### Answer: GLADDEN \n ### Explanation: Info about youth meeting daughter, please (7)\n**GEN** (\"info\") about **LAD** (\"youth\") meeting **D**(aughter), so **G(LAD-D)EN"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dish in Olympic venue's very dry (7)","output":"### Answer: RISOTTO \n ### Explanation: Dish in Olympic venue's very dry (7)\nIn **RIO** (\"Olympic venue), **SO T.T.** (\"very dry\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fixed clothing US agents cut up (7)","output":"### Answer: SEGMENT \n ### Explanation: Fixed clothing US agents cut up (7)\n**SET** (\"fixed\") clothing **G-MEN** (\"U.S. agents\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unpromising poetry of the last 2000 years (7)","output":"### Answer: ADVERSE \n ### Explanation: Unpromising poetry of the last 2000 years (7)\n**A.D. VERSE **(i.e. \"poetry\" since the birth of Christ)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Just under half an ice cream for musicians, collectively (5)","output":"### Answer: TUTTI \n ### Explanation: Just under half an ice cream for musicians, collectively (5)\nJust under half of **TUTTI**-FRUTTI. (an \"ice-cream\" flavour)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Customary problem user has upgrading ageing laptops primarily (8)","output":"### Answer: HABITUAL \n ### Explanation: Customary problem user has upgrading ageing laptops primarily (8)\n**HABIT** (\"problem user has\" \u2013 think drugs, for example) + **U**(pgrading) **A**(geing)** L**(aptops)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Figure in one's wake had an effect that's paltry (3-3)","output":"### Answer: TWO-BIT \n ### Explanation: Figure in one's wake had an effect that's paltry (3-3)\nTWO (\"figure in one's wake\") + BIT (\"had an effect\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Put lower limb in a tree swaying (8)","output":"### Answer: RELEGATE \n ### Explanation: Put lower limb in a tree swaying (8)\n**LEG** (\"limb\") in *(a tree)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A father pocketing little money finds hope (6)","output":"### Answer: ASPIRE \n ### Explanation: A father pocketing little money finds hope (6)\n**A** + **SIRE** (\"father\") pocketing **P**(enny, so \"little money\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unmitigated cut by the sound of it (5)","output":"### Answer: SHEER \n ### Explanation: Unmitigated cut by the sound of it (5)\nHomophone of **SHEAR"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Desist from computers and the like? Don't be ridiculous! (4,3,2)","output":"### Answer: COME OFF IT \n ### Explanation: Desist from computers and the like? Don't be ridiculous! (4,3,2)\n**COME OFF** (\"desist from\") **I.T.** (\"computers and the like\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sailor put in base with potential for growth? (6)","output":"### Answer: VIABLE \n ### Explanation: Sailor put in base with potential for growth? (6)\n**A.B.** (able-bodied \"sailor\") put in **VILE** (\"base\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Spiritual number is put in hands of six-footer as source of music (7)","output":"### Answer: PIANIST \n ### Explanation: Spiritual number is put in hands of six-footer as source of music (7)\n**PI** (\"spiritual\" or \"number\", or \"spritual number\"?) + **IS** in **ANT** (\"six-footer\") \n*I'm not 100% sure on this parsing, as I can't decide if Sleuth has used a cryptic clue within a crytic clue."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Writer beginning to promote revolutionary policy about Cuba (6)","output":"### Answer: PENCIL \n ### Explanation: Writer beginning to promote revolutionary policy about Cuba (6)\n**P**(romote) + <=**LINE** (\"policy\") about **C**(uba) \n*C is the international car resignation abbreviation for Cuba."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Profitable travel I organised entertaining posh clients principally (9)","output":"### Answer: LUCRATIVE \n ### Explanation: Profitable travel I organised entertaining posh clients principally (9)\n*(travel I) entertaining (**U** (\"posh\") + **C**(lients))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Faint bit of writing readily accepted (5)","output":"### Answer: SWOON \n ### Explanation: Faint bit of writing readily accepted (5)\n**W**(riting) accepted by **SOON** (\"readily\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A set of executives on a train? (6)","output":"### Answer: ABOARD \n ### Explanation: A set of executives on a train? (6)\n**A** + **BOARD** (\"set of executives\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A lemon is liquidised in pudding (8)","output":"### Answer: SEMOLINA \n ### Explanation: A lemon is liquidised in pudding (8)\n*(a lemon is)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Allure in English and French resort over time (6)","output":"### Answer: ENTICE \n ### Explanation: Allure in English and French resort over time (6)\n**E**(nglish) + **NICE** (\"French resort\") over **T**(ime)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Opinion shown by two men is breach of trust (8)","output":"### Answer: BETRAYAL \n ### Explanation: Opinion shown by two men is breach of trust (8)\n**BET** (\"opinion\", as in \"it's me bet he's up to no good\") + **RAY** + **AL** (\"two men\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Badger, timid mammal almost when close to humans (6)","output":"### Answer: HARASS \n ### Explanation: Badger, timid mammal almost when close to humans (6)\n**HAR**(e) (\"timid creature\", almost) + **AS** (\"when\") + (human)**S"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Liberal in Arab line trained as a theatrical performer (9)","output":"### Answer: BALLERINA \n ### Explanation: Liberal in Arab line trained as a theatrical performer (9)\n**L**(iberal) in *(Arab line)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Golfer among friends in row about golf (5)","output":"### Answer: TIGER \n ### Explanation: Golfer among friends in row about golf (5)\n**TIER** (\"row\") about **G**(olf) \nTo his friends, Tiger Woods, the golfer, would be simply \"Tiger\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Supplier of lines needed by anchor? (7)","output":"### Answer: AUTOCUE \n ### Explanation: Supplier of lines needed by anchor? (7)\nCryptic definition \u2013 an autocue wouold supply lines to a (news) anchor."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sun is among western symbols popular in state (9)","output":"### Answer: WISCONSIN \n ### Explanation: Sun is among western symbols popular in state (9)\n**S**(un) among **W**(estern) **ICONS** (\"symbols\") + **IN **(\"popular\"), so **W-I(S)CONS-IN"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Short\u00a0statement of aims (5)","output":"### Answer: BRIEF \n ### Explanation: Short\u00a0statement of aims (5)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Period elapsed in ruined site (8)","output":"### Answer: TWENTIES \n ### Explanation: Period elapsed in ruined site (8)\nWENT (\"elapsed\") in *(site)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Singular idiot of a conceited nature (4)","output":"### Answer: SMUG \n ### Explanation: Singular idiot of a conceited nature (4)\n**S**(ingular) + **MUG** (\"idiot\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: British gallery with British artist about to show old curios (4-1-4)","output":"### Answer: BRIC-A-BRAC \n ### Explanation: British gallery with British artist about to show old curios (4-1-4)\n**Br**(itish) + **I.C.A.** (\"gallery\") +** B**(ritish) + **R.A.** (\"artist\") + **c** (circa, so \"about\") \n*I.C.A. stands for Instirute of Contemporary Art, an art museum and exhibition space in Boston, USA.*\n \n*R.A. stands for Royal Academy (of Arts) and is standard crosswrodese for \"artist\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: It may so spread around province as hatred (9)","output":"### Answer: ANIMOSITY \n ### Explanation: It may so spread around province as hatred (9)\n*(it may so) around **N.I.** (Northern Ireland, so \"province\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: End of copious loot? There's evidence of waste (8)","output":"### Answer: SPILLAGE \n ### Explanation: End of copious loot? There's evidence of waste (8)\n(copiou)**S** + **PILLAGE** (\"loot\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unaccountable dislike when spurning good diet? (4)","output":"### Answer: THIN \n ### Explanation: Unaccountable dislike when spurning good diet? (4)\n(THIN)g (\"unaccountable dislike\", as in \"I have a thing about spiders\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Introduce pressure with arbitrary decree (7)","output":"### Answer: PRECEDE \n ### Explanation: Introduce pressure with arbitrary decree (7)\n**P**(ressure) + *(decree)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Side with name describing some doctors? (2,4)","output":"### Answer: ON CALL \n ### Explanation: Side with name describing some doctors? (2,4)\n**ON** (\"side\" \u2013 think cricket) + **CALL** (\"name\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Influence clubs over ill-mannered person (5)","output":"### Answer: CLOUT \n ### Explanation: Influence clubs over ill-mannered person (5)\n**C**(lubs) + **LOUT** (\"ill-mannered person\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Examine thoroughly part of this coursework (5)","output":"### Answer: SCOUR \n ### Explanation: Examine thoroughly part of this coursework (5)\nHidden in \"thi**S** **COUR**sework\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Country that informally gives boozer heart (9)","output":"### Answer: AUSTRALIA \n ### Explanation: Country that informally gives boozer heart (9)\nThe heart of \"bo**OZ**er\" is Oz, an informal name for Australia."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Advantage of top-cut grass (4)","output":"### Answer: EDGE \n ### Explanation: Advantage of top-cut grass (4)\n(s)**EDGE **(\"grass\", with its top cut)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Canadian resort\u00a0artist (8)","output":"### Answer: WHISTLER \n ### Explanation: Canadian resort\u00a0artist (8)\nDouble definition \n*Refers to Whistler, a mountain resort in the Canadian Rockies, and James Abbott McNeill Whistler (1834-1903), whose most famous painting was \"Arrangement in Grey and Black, No 1\", more commonly known as \"Whistler's Mother\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Grey hat tipped or removed (6)","output":"### Answer: SOMBRE \n ### Explanation: Grey hat tipped or removed (6)\n**\u00a0SOMBRE**(ro) \"hat\" with <=OR removed"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cross, if Yorkshire holds become fixed (6)","output":"### Answer: OSSIFY \n ### Explanation: Cross, if Yorkshire holds become fixed (6)\nHidden in \"cr**OSS** **IF** **Y**orkshire\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wasn't the only entertainer to fashion hoods etc (2-6)","output":"### Answer: CO-HOSTED \n ### Explanation: Wasn't the only entertainer to fashion hoods etc (2-6)\n*(Hoods etc)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Key sporting event about to return (6)","output":"### Answer: OPENER \n ### Explanation: Key sporting event about to return (6)\n**OPEN** (\"sporting event\" \u2013\u00a0think golf or tennis) + <=**RE** (\"about\" to return)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hacked email about eastern country's US-style disease (8)","output":"### Answer: LEUKEMIA \n ### Explanation: Hacked email about eastern country's US-style disease (8)\n*(email) about **E**(astern) **U.K.** (\"country\") \nLeukemia is the American spelling of leukaemia."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Breakdown is its own possible cure (8)","output":"### Answer: ANALYSIS \n ### Explanation: Breakdown is its own possible cure (8)\nNot sure of the parsing, unless Brummie is suggesting that \"analysis\" = \"cure\"?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Runners on this start to slow step (6)","output":"### Answer: SLEDGE \n ### Explanation: Runners on this start to slow step (6)\n**S**(low) + **LEDGE** (\"step\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Eat it and dancing is hit (8)","output":"### Answer: ATTAINED \n ### Explanation: Eat it and dancing is hit (8)\n*(eat it and)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fold back electronic snail mail reply facilitator (Roman Catholic) (6)","output":"### Answer: CREASE \n ### Explanation: Fold back electronic snail mail reply facilitator (Roman Catholic) (6)\n<=**E.-S.A.E. R.C.** (\"Roman Catholic\", stamped address envelope (\"snail mail reply facilitator\"), and e(lectronic), all reversed)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Miss relief \u2014 in pieces (6)","output":"### Answer: MAIDEN \n ### Explanation: Miss relief \u2014 in pieces (6)\nAID (\"relief\") in **MEN** (chess \"pieces\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Act without control and don't spare a tear (3,2,3)","output":"### Answer: LET IT RIP \n ### Explanation: Act without control and don't spare a tear (3,2,3)\nDouble definition, the second mildly cryptic."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Put up with\u00a0no bull! (4)","output":"### Answer: BEAR \n ### Explanation: Put up with\u00a0no bull! (4)\nDouble definition."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: So astronauts may be bound to get tense, being overwhelmed by hardware malfunction (9)","output":"### Answer: EARTHWARD \n ### Explanation: So astronauts may be bound to get tense, being overwhelmed by hardware malfunction (9)\n**T**(ense) overwhelmed by *(hardware)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Result of one who was fired up for a sporting contest? (5)","output":"### Answer: ASHES \n ### Explanation: Result of one who was fired up for a sporting contest? (5)\nDouble definition, the first cryptic."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rows over press-ganging school's head for assembly (7)","output":"### Answer: SESSION \n ### Explanation: Rows over press-ganging school's head for assembly (7)\n<= **NOISES** (\"rows\", over) press-ganging **S**(chool)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Broadcast\u00a0put back (5)","output":"### Answer: RELAY \n ### Explanation: Broadcast\u00a0put back (5)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Year One, being involved in Latin: state \"poetic\" (7)","output":"### Answer: LYRICAL \n ### Explanation: Year One, being involved in Latin: state \"poetic\" (7)\n**Yr 1**, involved in **L**(atin) + **Cal**.(ifornia) (\"state\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Orchestrated UN's clash with second German political union (9)","output":"### Answer: ANSCHLUSS \n ### Explanation: Orchestrated UN's clash with second German political union (9)\n*(un's clash) + **S**(econd) \n*Anschluss, the German word for \"addition\" or \"connection\" is now synonymous with the political union between Hitler's Germany and Austria in 1938."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sense a change, taking millions all together (2,5)","output":"### Answer: EN MASSE \n ### Explanation: Sense a change, taking millions all together (2,5)\n*(sense a) taking **M**(illions)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Digging group entertaining fancy diner? (9)","output":"### Answer: GARDENING \n ### Explanation: Digging group entertaining fancy diner? (9)\n**GANG** (\"group\") entertaining *(diner)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pointedly edit written work? (9)","output":"### Answer: PUNCTUATE \n ### Explanation: Pointedly edit written work? (9)\nCryptic definition, *although IMHO, not a very good one*."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Figures on ancestral houses echoing quality (9)","output":"### Answer: RESONANCE \n ### Explanation: Figures on ancestral houses echoing quality (9)\nHidden in \"figu**RES** **ON** **ANCE**stral\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Character who drowned, one grabbed by shark possibly (7)","output":"### Answer: LEANDER \n ### Explanation: Character who drowned, one grabbed by shark possibly (7)\n**A** (\"one\"), swallowed by **LENDER** (\"shark, possibly\") \n*In Greek mythology, Leander was a young man who dies swimming across the Hellespont to visit his lover, Hero."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Senior, quaintly rotten inside, whose clients put something on the horses (7)","output":"### Answer: SADDLER \n ### Explanation: Senior, quaintly rotten inside, whose clients put something on the horses (7)\n**Sr**. with **ADDLE** (\"quaintly rotten\"?) inside"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Vengeful character taking pick to Egyptian god (7)","output":"### Answer: ELECTRA \n ### Explanation: Vengeful character taking pick to Egyptian god (7)\n**ELECT** (\"pick\") + **RA** (\"Egyptian god\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Round\u00a0hook? (5)","output":"### Answer: CATCH \n ### Explanation: Round\u00a0hook? (5)\nDouble definition, the first a musical term."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dies in distress \u2014 Kay intervenes \u2014 sent heavenward (5)","output":"### Answer: SKIED \n ### Explanation: Dies in distress \u2014 Kay intervenes \u2014 sent heavenward (5)\n*(dies) with **K** (\"Kay\") intervening."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Intuition about answer being rump (6)","output":"### Answer: HAUNCH \n ### Explanation: Intuition about answer being rump (6)\n**HUNCH** (intuition) about **A**(nswer)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Company locked in new prison finds bug (8)","output":"### Answer: SCORPION \n ### Explanation: Company locked in new prison finds bug (8)\n**Co**.(mpany) locked in *(prison)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A bee's wings seen in strange square dance pose (9)","output":"### Answer: ARABESQUE \n ### Explanation: A bee's wings seen in strange square dance pose (9)\n**A B**(e)**E** in *(square)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Insufficient time after survey (5)","output":"### Answer: SCANT \n ### Explanation: Insufficient time after survey (5)\n**T**(ime) after **SCAN** (survey)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Applies light touches and prints (4)","output":"### Answer: DABS \n ### Explanation: Applies light touches and prints (4)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Depravity of type that comes after exercise runs (10)","output":"### Answer: PERVERSION \n ### Explanation: Depravity of type that comes after exercise runs (10)\n**VERSION** (type) after **P.E. R**(uns)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Normal person who's the obvious choice (7)","output":"### Answer: NATURAL \n ### Explanation: Normal person who's the obvious choice (7)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Recover from takeover by soldiers (6)","output":"### Answer: RECOUP \n ### Explanation: Recover from takeover by soldiers (6)\n**R.E.** (Royal Engineers, so soldier) + **COUP** (takeover)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Open with love to replace a pin (6)","output":"### Answer: BROOCH \n ### Explanation: Open with love to replace a pin (6)\n**BRO**(a)(**O**)**CH** *O(love) to replace A"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Finished most of performance for two later than expected (7)","output":"### Answer: OVERDUE \n ### Explanation: Finished most of performance for two later than expected (7)\n**OVER** (finished) + **DUE**(t) (\"most of\" performance for two)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Vague gut feeling about detective (10)","output":"### Answer: INDISTINCT \n ### Explanation: Vague gut feeling about detective (10)\n**INSTINCT** (gut feeling) about **D.I.** (detective (inspector))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Depressing border on the east of Strasbourg (4)","output":"### Answer: GRIM \n ### Explanation: Depressing border on the east of Strasbourg (4)\n(Strasbour)**G** + **RIM** (border)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Colour of vehicle crucial, according to reports (5)","output":"### Answer: KHAKI \n ### Explanation: Colour of vehicle crucial, according to reports (5)\nSupposedly a homophone of CAR (vehicle) KEY (crucial), but not where I come from. This is an example of where homophones don't work."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Coin once subject to fifty percent cap? (4,5)","output":"### Answer: HALF CROWN \n ### Explanation: Coin once subject to fifty percent cap? (4,5)\n**HALF** (fifty per cent) +** CROWN** (cap)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Might this tie one up on rocks at sea? (4,4)","output":"### Answer: REEF KNOT \n ### Explanation: Might this tie one up on rocks at sea? (4,4)\nI think this is supposed to be a cryptic definition, but it isn't terribly cryptic."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Source of tension in lesson is human (6)","output":"### Answer: MORTAL \n ### Explanation: Source of tension in lesson is human (6)\n**T**(ension) in **MORAL** (lesson)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Saving\u00a0a place to display notices (8)","output":"### Answer: HOARDING \n ### Explanation: Saving\u00a0a place to display notices (8)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Capital of Aruba not moved across lake (4,5)","output":"### Answer: ULAN BATOR \n ### Explanation: Capital of Aruba not moved across lake (4,5)\n*(aruba not) across **L**(ake) \u2013 Ulan Bator is the capital of Mongolia"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Character on staff almost split (4)","output":"### Answer: CLEF \n ### Explanation: Character on staff almost split (4)\n**CLEF**(t) (\"almost\" split)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Depart in credit, getting the axe (7)","output":"### Answer: CLEAVER \n ### Explanation: Depart in credit, getting the axe (7)\n**LEAVE** (depart) in** Cr**.(edit)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Relaxed about con being docked and kept with limits (10)","output":"### Answer: RESTRICTED \n ### Explanation: Relaxed about con being docked and kept with limits (10)\n**RESTED** (relaxed) about **TRIC**(k) (con, \"being docked\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Asian island's right answer on question one (5)","output":"### Answer: IRAQI \n ### Explanation: Asian island's right answer on question one (5)\n**I**(sland) + **R**(ight) + **A**(nswer) + **Q**(uestion) + **I**(one)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Observing nonentity ignoring hospital (6)","output":"### Answer: NOTING \n ### Explanation: Observing nonentity ignoring hospital (6)\n**NOTHING** (nonentity) without the **H**(ospital)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Confess, implicated in grotesque alliance (6)","output":"### Answer: SQUEAL \n ### Explanation: Confess, implicated in grotesque alliance (6)\nHidden in \"grote**SQUE AL**liance\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cleaner\u00a0sort of witchcraft? (10)","output":"### Answer: BROOMSTICK \n ### Explanation: Cleaner\u00a0sort of witchcraft? (10)\nDouble definition, the second of which is cryptic"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Where an arch may be\u00a0in the way (9)","output":"### Answer: UNDERFOOT \n ### Explanation: Where an arch may be\u00a0in the way (9)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Concluding thoughts originally on development of mineral (8)","output":"### Answer: TERMINAL \n ### Explanation: Concluding thoughts originally on development of mineral (8)\n**T**(houghts) on *(mineral)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Oh dear \u2013 elevation is short on house (5-2)","output":"### Answer: HEIGH HO \n ### Explanation: Oh dear \u2013 elevation is short on house (5-2)\n**HEIGH**(t) (elevation \"is short\") + **Ho**. (use)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Officer in charge of sect dealing in the supernatural (6)","output":"### Answer: OCCULT \n ### Explanation: Officer in charge of sect dealing in the supernatural (6)\n**O.C.** (Officer in Charge)+ **CULT** (sect)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Show of hesitation after second heart (6)","output":"### Answer: TICKER \n ### Explanation: Show of hesitation after second heart (6)\n**TICK** (second) + **ER** (show of hesitation)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Primate supporting doctor's hanging (5)","output":"### Answer: DRAPE \n ### Explanation: Primate supporting doctor's hanging (5)\n**Dr**. (doctor) + **APE** (primate)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Milk, oddly in a way, is as much as one can bear (7)","output":"### Answer: ARMLOAD \n ### Explanation: Milk, oddly in a way, is as much as one can bear (7)\n**M**(i)**L**(k) in **A ROAD** (\"way\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Archdeacon querulously admitting defeat (7)","output":"### Answer: CONQUER \n ### Explanation: Archdeacon querulously admitting defeat (7)\nHidden in \"archdea**CON** **QUER**ulously\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Very much welcomes large grant (5)","output":"### Answer: ALLOT \n ### Explanation: Very much welcomes large grant (5)\n**A LOT** (\"very much\") welcomes **L**(arge)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Doctor buys extra radiography equipment (1-3,5)","output":"### Answer: X-RAY TUBES \n ### Explanation: Doctor buys extra radiography equipment (1-3,5)\n*(buys extra)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Exciting era in which submariner happened on way to measure current (10)","output":"### Answer: ANEMOMETER \n ### Explanation: Exciting era in which submariner happened on way to measure current (10)\nNEMO (\"submariner\") + MET (\"happened on\") in *(era) \n*Captain Nemo was a submariner in some of Jules Vernes's adventure stories, most notably in *20,000 Leagues Under the Sea."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Arrange sources of love and laughter for everyone (3)","output":"### Answer: ALL \n ### Explanation: Arrange sources of love and laughter for everyone (3)\nAnagram of** L**(ove) **A**(nd) **L**(aughter)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tin containing a beer full of energy and cheer (12)","output":"### Answer: SANGUINENESS \n ### Explanation: Tin containing a beer full of energy and cheer (12)\n**Sn** (chemicla symbol for \"tin\") containing **A** + **GUINNESS** (\"beer\") full of **E**(nergy), so S(A)N-GUIN(E)NESS"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rhubarb wolfed down? I approve! (12)","output":"### Answer: GOBBLEDEGOOK \n ### Explanation: Rhubarb wolfed down? I approve! (12)\n**GOBBLED** (\"wolfed down\") + **EGO** (\"I\") + **OK** (\"approve\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Man from island wearing sweater inside out (3)","output":"### Answer: SIR \n ### Explanation: Man from island wearing sweater inside out (3)\n**I**(sland) wearing **S**(weate)**R **(sweater with the \"inside\" (taken) \"out\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Roughly laminate covers of prewar Chambers? (10)","output":"### Answer: PARLIAMENT \n ### Explanation: Roughly laminate covers of prewar Chambers? (10)\n*(laminate PR) where the PR is the \"covers of\" **P**(rewa)**R"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: They hope to pass morning in Spain surrounded by old lovers (9)","output":"### Answer: EXAMINEES \n ### Explanation: They hope to pass morning in Spain surrounded by old lovers (9)\n**A.M. IN E** (\"morning in Spain\") surrounded by **EXES** (\"old lovers\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dorothy Parker missing land she adores (5)","output":"### Answer: DOTER \n ### Explanation: Dorothy Parker missing land she adores (5)\n**DOT** (\"Dorothy\") + (park)**ER"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Most rich drunks finally repent (7)","output":"### Answer: LUSHEST \n ### Explanation: Most rich drunks finally repent (7)\n**LUSHES** (\"drunks\") + (repen)**T"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Warm brief statement is broadcast (7)","output":"### Answer: SUMMERY \n ### Explanation: Warm brief statement is broadcast (7)\nHomophone of **SUMMARY** (\"brief statement\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mount first of attacks, retaliating against traitor (6)","output":"### Answer: ARARAT \n ### Explanation: Mount first of attacks, retaliating against traitor (6)\n**A**(attacks) **R**(etaliating) **A**(gainst) + **RAT** (\"traitor\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: He told a tale of France's grand river (6)","output":"### Answer: MILLER \n ### Explanation: He told a tale of France's grand river (6)\n**MILLE** (1000 in French, thus \"France's grand\") + **R**(iver) \nTHe Miller's Tale *is one of Geoffrey Chaucer's* Canterbury Tales."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: 1 in 100 associate after work by choice (10)","output":"### Answer: OPTIONALLY \n ### Explanation: 1 in 100 associate after work by choice (10)\n**I** in **TON** (\"1 in 100) + **ALLY** (\"associate\") after **OP** (\"work\"), thus **OP-T(1)ON-ALLY"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Confederacy of eleven, assumed to fail? (5)","output":"### Answer: DIXIE \n ### Explanation: Confederacy of eleven, assumed to fail? (5)\n**XI** (\"eleven\"), assumed (ie wore, took on) **DIE** (\"to fail\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cliff goes round tip of west Ireland disfiguring the landscape (9)","output":"### Answer: CRATERING \n ### Explanation: Cliff goes round tip of west Ireland disfiguring the landscape (9)\n**CRAG** (\"cliff\") goes round (wes)**T** + **ERIN** (\"Ireland\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Take home books about foundations of the West (4)","output":"### Answer: NETT \n ### Explanation: Take home books about foundations of the West (4)\n**N.T.** (New Testament, so \"books\") about (th)**E** (wes)**T"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Victorious, like an exemplary public schoolboy of old? (8)","output":"### Answer: UNBEATEN \n ### Explanation: Victorious, like an exemplary public schoolboy of old? (8)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Others not as unsettled (8)","output":"### Answer: RESTLESS \n ### Explanation: Others not as unsettled (8)\n**REST** (\"others\") + **LESS** (\"not as\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Model modern mum snatching a minute (10)","output":"### Answer: MEMORANDUM \n ### Explanation: Model modern mum snatching a minute (10)\n*(modern mum) sntaching **A"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Gran opted to act as child's sponsor (9)","output":"### Answer: GODPARENT \n ### Explanation: Gran opted to act as child's sponsor (9)\n*(gran opted)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Eulogising extremely good woman with lines of great delicacy (8)","output":"### Answer: EGGSHELL \n ### Explanation: Eulogising extremely good woman with lines of great delicacy (8)\n**E**(ulogisin)**G** + **G**(ood) + **SHE** (\"woman\") + LL (\"lines\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Employ brainiest Manx folk from Madrid? (8)","output":"### Answer: IBERIANS \n ### Explanation: Employ brainiest Manx folk from Madrid? (8)\n*(brainies)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The crux of recent research (6)","output":"### Answer: CENTRE \n ### Explanation: The crux of recent research (6)\nHidden in \"re**CENT** **RE**search\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Famous sons delay leaving (6)","output":"### Answer: STARRY \n ### Explanation: Famous sons delay leaving (6)\n**S**(ons) + **TARRY **(\"delay leaving\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Young woman, over time, stays fresh (5)","output":"### Answer: LASTS \n ### Explanation: Young woman, over time, stays fresh (5)\n**LASS** (\"young woman\") over **T**(ime)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Policy of alliance regularly dismissed (4)","output":"### Answer: LINE \n ### Explanation: Policy of alliance regularly dismissed (4)\n(a)**L**(l)**I**(a)**N**(c)**E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Inactive seaman giving garden priority in outskirts of Surrey (9)","output":"### Answer: SEDENTARY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Inactive\n**EDEN** (\"garden\") + **TAR** (\"seaman\") in **S**(urre)**Y"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Minimal attire used in marathon, generally (5)","output":"### Answer: THONG \n ### Explanation: Definition: Minimal attire \nHidden in \"mara**THON** **G**enerally\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Swiftness shown when entering the complex (5)","output":"### Answer: HASTE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Swiftness\n**AS** (\"when\") entering *(the)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Uncomfortable holiday home, lacking capital, subject to ridicule (3,2,4)","output":"### Answer: ILL AT EASE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Uncomfortable\n(v)**ILLA** (\"holiday home\", lacking its capital) + **TEASE** (\"ridicule\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Breathing apparatus worn by Greek character in British 'ovel (10)","output":"### Answer: BRONCHIOLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Breathing apparatus\n**ON** (\"worn by\") + **CHI** (\"Greek character\" (a letter in the Greek alphabet)) in **Br**.(itish) (h)**OLE** ('ovel), so **Br.(ON-CHI)OLE** \n*A bronchiole is a tiny tube inside your lungs."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Swede perhaps joins American star (4)","output":"### Answer: VEGA \n ### Explanation: Definition: star\n**VEG**(etable) (\"swede, perhaps\") joins **A**(merican) \n*Vega is the fifth-brightest star in the night sky."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Friend entertains wife with good gossip (7)","output":"### Answer: CHINWAG \n ### Explanation: Definition: gossip\n**CHINA** (\"friend\") entertains **W**(ife) + **G**(ood)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Serving in Italy, soldier guards revolutionary prisoner and companion (7)","output":"### Answer: GNOCCHI \n ### Explanation: Definition: Serving in Italy\n**G.I.** (\"soldier\") guards <=**CON** (\"prisoner\") and **CH** (\"Companion\" of Honour)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Butterfly in white, red, navy is overseen by him (7)","output":"### Answer: ADMIRAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Butterfly in white, red\nDouble definition. \n*White admiral and red admiral are types of butterfly."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Thoughtful writer discussing strain (7)","output":"### Answer: PENSIVE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Thoughtful\n**PEN** (\"writer\") + homophone of **SIEVE** (\"strain\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Vagrant's Holy Book, half-missing (4)","output":"### Answer: HOBO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Vagrant\n**HO**(ly) **BO**(ok)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Jerk directors, using broadcasting prompt (5,5)","output":"### Answer: IDIOT BOARD \n ### Explanation: Definition: broadcasting prompt \n**IDIOT** (\"jerk\") + **BOARD** (\"directors\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wine that covers floor after pub party (9)","output":"### Answer: BARDOLINO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Wine\n**LINO** (\"that covers floor\") after **BAR DO** (\"pub party\") \n*Bardolino is an Italian red wine."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stiff\u00a0back (5)","output":"### Answer: STERN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Stiff\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Acquiring new uniform, Jeannie regularly shows weariness (5)","output":"### Answer: ENNUI \n ### Explanation: Definition: weariness\n(j)**E**(a)**N**(n)**I**(e) acquiring **N**(ew) **U**(niform)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Vigilant newsman follows golf score extremely excitedly (5-4)","output":"### Answer: EAGLE-EYED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Vigilant\n**Ed.**(itor) (\"newsman\") follows **EAGLE** (\"golf score\") + **E**(xcitedl)**Y"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Relative retains a hotel address in Delhi? (5)","output":"### Answer: SAHIB \n ### Explanation: Definition: address in Delhi\n**SIB**(ling) (\"relative\") retains **A H**(otel) \n*Sahib is a polite form of address towards a man in India."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Missed organising drinks fund, as a rule (9)","output":"### Answer: DESPOTISM \n ### Explanation: Definition: a rule \n*(missed) drinks POT (\"fund\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old playwright given chicken afer Christmas (4,6)","output":"### Answer: NOEL COWARD \n ### Explanation: Definition: Old playwright\n**COWARD** (\"chicken\") after **NOEL** (\"Christmas\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Constant racket evident in presence of a jumbo (7)","output":"### Answer: ABIDING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Constant\n**DIN** (\"racket\") evident in presence of **A BIG** (\"jumbo\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Brynner, with shout of approval, knocked back good Xmas cake (4,3)","output":"### Answer: YULE LOG \n ### Explanation: Definition: Xmas cake \n**YUL** (\"Brynner\") with <=**OLE** (\"shout of approval\", back) + **G**(ood)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Carry child last quarter of mile (4)","output":"### Answer: TOTE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Carry\n**TOT** (\"child\") + (mil)**E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sneak into Old English lecture (5)","output":"### Answer: ORATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: lecture\n**RAT** (\"sneak\") into **O**(ld) **E**(nglish)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mixer sadly angered having to keep at home (9)","output":"### Answer: GRENADINE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Mixer\n*(angered) having to keep **IN** (\"at home\") \n*I\u00a0thought grenadine was made from pomegranate juice, but discovered this morning that it is now often made from other cheaper juices such as blackcurrant."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Number one covered by inferior jazzman (5,5)","output":"### Answer: COUNT BASIE \n ### Explanation: Definition: jazzman\n**COUNT** (\"number\") + **1** (\"one\") covered by **BASE** (\"inferior\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Company longing to obtain a British trainee that can be taught (9)","output":"### Answer: COACHABLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: that can be taught \n**Co**.(mpany) + **ACHE** to obtain **A B**(ritish) **L**(earner) (\"trainee\"), so **Co-ACH(A B L)E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Accountant, probing niche eccentric, tracks deception (9)","output":"### Answer: CHICANERY \n ### Explanation: Definition: deception\n**C.A.** (chartered \"accountant\") probing *(niche) + **Ry.** (railway \"tracks\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dinosaur fearful of a mouse? (7)","output":"### Answer: LUDDITE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Dinosaur fearful of a mouse\nCryptic definition \u2013 a luddite may fear technology, such as a computer mouse."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Con opposes this lengthy stretch (7)","output":"### Answer: PROLONG \n ### Explanation: Definition: stretch\n**PRO** (\"con opposes this\") + **LONG** (\"lengthy\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Posh person penning lines, going back (5)","output":"### Answer: BYRON \n ### Explanation: Definition: Posh person penning lines\n<=**NOB** (\"posh person\")\u00a0penning <=**Ry**. (railway \"lines\") \n*Lord Byron was a poet and a posh person, so this is a semi &lit."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Departed around noon, and had a meal (5)","output":"### Answer: DINED \n ### Explanation: Definition: had a meal \n**DIED** (\"departed\") around **N**(oon)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fish fair seen in Hawaii (4)","output":"### Answer: HOKI \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fish\n**O.K.** (\"fair\") seen in **Hi**. (\"Hawaii\") \n*The hoki is a Southern hemisphere white-fleshed\u00a0fish, also known as the blue grenadier or the blue hake."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Not liable to find leader leaving phone message implicating European politician (6)","output":"### Answer: EXEMPT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Not liable\n(t)**EXT** (\"phone message\", with leader leaving) implicating **E**(uropean) **M.P.** (\"politician\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Gave lessons, in time, on anything at all (6)","output":"### Answer: TAUGHT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Gave lessons\n**T**(ime) + **AUGHT** (\"anything at all\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Swindle duke with my agreement (7)","output":"### Answer: CONCORD \n ### Explanation: Definition: agreement\n**CON** (\"swindle\") + **D**(uke) with **COR!** (\"my!\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Start of leave (7)","output":"### Answer: GETAWAY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Start\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Teaching graduate embracing Chinese after a word of warning in advance (10)","output":"### Answer: BEFOREHAND \n ### Explanation: Definition: in advance \n**B. Ed.** (\"teaching graduate\") embracing **HAN** (\"Chinese\") after **FORE** (\"a word of warning\", on the golf course)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Eject in seconds entering into a state of unconsciousness (4)","output":"### Answer: OUST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Eject\n**S**(econds) entering **OUT** (\"A state of unconsciousness\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A gun for example (5)","output":"### Answer: PIECE \n ### Explanation: Definition: gun\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Modest support by Catholic party largely withdrawn (8)","output":"### Answer: DISCREET \n ### Explanation: Definition: Modest\n**TEE** (\"support\", for a golf ball) by **R.C.** (\"Catholic\") + **SID**(e) (\"party\", largely) and then the whole thing reversed (\"withdrawn\"), so (e)**DIS-C.R.-EET"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Loss of confidence in court retaining old charge for services (4,4)","output":"### Answer: COLD FEET \n ### Explanation: Definition: Loss of confidence\n**Ct.** (\"court\") retaining **OLD** + **FEE** (\"charge for services\"). The setter is generous here, giving us OLD for free, when he could have defined it instead."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: \"Let\" uttered for all to hear (5)","output":"### Answer: ALOUD \n ### Explanation: Definition: for all to hear \nHomophone of **ALLOWED** (\"let\"), indicated by \"uttered\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A tendency to be dishonest (4)","output":"### Answer: BENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: tendency\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Erects set roughly to accommodate Neeson's first filmed audition (6,4)","output":"### Answer: SCREEN TEST \n ### Explanation: Definition: filmed audition \n*(erects set) to accommodate **N**(eeson)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pack up and set off (3,4)","output":"### Answer: PUT AWAY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Pack up\n**PUT** (\"set\") + **AWAY** (\"off\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Discussion group for potential marines (7)","output":"### Answer: SEMINAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Discussion group\n*(marines)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Compass discovered in temporary shelter by former partner (6)","output":"### Answer: EXTENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Compass\n**TENT** (\"temporary shelter\") by **EX** (\"former partner\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Insist upon actress performing without cocaine (6)","output":"### Answer: ASSERT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Insist upon\n*(atress) (\"actress\" without the C of cocaine)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Call up the first lady to obtain approval (5)","output":"### Answer: EVOKE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Call up\n**EVE** (\"the first lady\") to obtain **O.K.** (\"approval\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Extremely naive about secret hold (7)","output":"### Answer: ENCLOSE \n ### Explanation: Definition: hold\n**N**(aiv)**E**, about, so **EN** + **CLOSE** (\"secret\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Always feeding essentially to keep going (9)","output":"### Answer: PERSEVERE \n ### Explanation: Definition: to keep going \n**EVER** (\"always\") feeding **PER SE** (\"essentially\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: American to be in charge of forwards (5)","output":"### Answer: AHEAD \n ### Explanation: Definition: forwards\n**A**(merican) + **HEAD** (\"to be in charge of\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Grand old actress with fascinating beauty (7)","output":"### Answer: GLAMOUR \n ### Explanation: Definition: fascinating beauty \n**G**(rand) + (Dorothy) **LAMOUR** (\"old actress\", most famous for the \"Road to\u2026\" movies with Bob Hope and Bing Crosby)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rise above a general tendency to accept answer by Conservative leader (9)","output":"### Answer: TRANSCEND \n ### Explanation: Definition: Rise above\n**TREND** (\"a general tendency\") to accept **ANS** + **C**(onservative)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Expressing praise for song about a paramilitary group endlessly divided (9)","output":"### Answer: LAUDATORY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Expressing praise\n**LAY** (\"song\") about **U.D.A.** (\"paramiltary group\") + **TOR**(n) (\"divided\" with no end)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Practise plain writing before appealing (9)","output":"### Answer: PROSECUTE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Practise\n**PROSE** (\"plain writing\") before **CUTE** (\"appealing\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Amorphous sulphur underneath rock made from mud is seen around Peru and Sweden (9)","output":"### Answer: SHAPELESS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Amorphous\nS(ulphur) underneath **SHALE** (\"rock made from mud\") seen around\u00a0**.pe** (internet country demain for \"Peru\") + **S**(international car registration letter for \"Sweden\"), so **SHA(PE)LE-S-S"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Take away tons hauled up earlier (7)","output":"### Answer: DETRACT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Take away \n**T**(ons) with <+**CARTED** (\"hauled\", up) earlier."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unlikely to be dismissed over insolence (7)","output":"### Answer: OUTSIDE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Unlikely\n**OUT** (\"dismissed\", as in cricket) + **SIDE** (\"insolence\"). I don't think I've come across \"side\" meaning \"insolence\" before, but I checked the dictionary, andf it's there)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Colour of satin pants (5)","output":"### Answer: STAIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Colour\n*(satin), indicated by \"pants\". An unusual anagrind, but if you think of the phrase \"That's pants\" (ie \"That's not good\"), then you can see how \"pants\" = \"bad\", so is acceptable as an anagrind."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Begin with an advantage (5)","output":"### Answer: START \n ### Explanation: Definition: Begin\nDouble definition, although both are very similar."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Do over (4,2)","output":"### Answer: BASH UP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Do over\n**BASH **(\"do\") + **UP **(\"over\", as in \"time's up\") and an &lit."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Repeatedly Charlie at the crease sees bumper off (8)","output":"### Answer: ASSASSIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: bumper off \n**ASS** + **ASS** (\"Charlie\", *repeatedly) *+ **IN** (\"at the crease\", in cricket)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Brave infantry gets flower (8)","output":"### Answer: CROWFOOT \n ### Explanation: Definition: flower\n**CROW** (a North-American native tribe, so \"brave\") + **FOOT** (\"infantry\") \n*(For an alternative parsing, see comment 2 below)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Horatian work as retrospective in seaport (6)","output":"### Answer: ODESSA \n ### Explanation: Definition: seaport\n**ODES** (a series of works by Roman poet, Horace) + <=**AS **(\"as\", *retrospective*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Escort boat taking line between ducks (6)","output":"### Answer: GIGOLO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Escort\n**GIG** (\"boat\") + **L**(ine) *between ***0** +\u00a0**0** (\"ducks\", in cricket)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Honestly, deviously or secretively? (2,3,3)","output":"### Answer: ON THE SLY \n ### Explanation: Definition: secretively\n*(honestly)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Electric blue's feminine counterpart? (8,4)","output":"### Answer: SHOCKING PINK \n ### Explanation: Definition: Electric blue's feminine counterpart\nA nice play on words"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Too charming to be doubly mean about Romeo (6-6)","output":"### Answer: PRETTY-PRETTY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Too charming\n**PETTY** (mean) *about ***R**(omeo), *doubly"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Romantic composer has girl join second friend (8)","output":"### Answer: SCHUMANN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Romantic composer\n**ANN** (\"girl\") *joining* **S**(econd) + **CHUM** (\"friend\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Count on this as Cuba undergoes reform (6)","output":"### Answer: ABACUS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Count on this \n*(as cuba)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: How driver went wrong helping daughter (6)","output":"### Answer: SLICED \n ### Explanation: Definition: How driver went wrong\n**SLICE **(\"helping\") + **D**(aughter)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Flyer ultimately heartless gets in with fascist leader (8)","output":"### Answer: WHISTLER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Flyer\n(heartles)**S ***gets in ***W**(ith) **HITLER **(\"fascist leader\") \nA whistler is either a duck or a Eurasian bird with a whistle-like call."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Arms tired keeping pressure on (8)","output":"### Answer: WEAPONRY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Arms\n**WEARY** (\"tired\") *keeping* **P**(ressure) + **ON**, so **WEA(P-ON)RY"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Catalogue includes your classical musician (6)","output":"### Answer: LYRIST \n ### Explanation: Definition: classical musician \n**LIST** (\"catalogue\") *includes* **Yr.** (\"your\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Neat vermouth taken after a short dram (6)","output":"### Answer: ADROIT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Neat\n**IT** (\"vermouth\", as in \"gin and it\") *taken after ***A DRO**(p) (*short *\"dram\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Are you all right with goose being cooked? (3,4,2)","output":"### Answer: HOW GOES IT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Are you all right\n*(with goose)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sweltering in Post Office, seize unknown document (9)","output":"### Answer: PHOTOCOPY \n ### Explanation: Definition: document\n**HOT** (\"sweltering\") *in* **P.O.** + **COP** (\"seize\") + **Y** (\"unknown\", as in algebra)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cultured sounds by Peter to involve guitar at the end (3,4)","output":"### Answer: ART ROCK \n ### Explanation: Definition: Cultured sounds\n**AT** (\"by\") + **ROCK** (\"Peter\") *to involve* (guita)**R"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Good man determined to find beer (5)","output":"### Answer: STOUT \n ### Explanation: Definition: beer\n**St.** (saint, so \"good man\") + **OUT** (\"determined\", as in \"out to get someone\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Garbo for one married in south-east (5)","output":"### Answer: SWEDE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Garbo for one\n**WED** (\"married\") *in ***S.E."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Certainly too fresh in Hampshire strait (8)","output":"### Answer: INSOLENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Certainly too fresh\n**IN** + **SOLENT** (\"Hampshire strait\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Here's one glutton for starters (3)","output":"### Answer: HOG \n ### Explanation: Definition: glutton\nTake the first letters (*starters*) of **H**ere's **O**ne **G**lutton. The clue is an &lit."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Chap lean and thin wandering round area (9)","output":"### Answer: NATHANIEL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Chap\n*(lean thin) *round ***A**(rea)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Money manager rates may vary by penny (9)","output":"### Answer: PAYMASTER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Money manager\n**P**(enny) + *(rates may)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Spooner's cheese unwrapped for martial artist (5,3)","output":"### Answer: BRUCE LEE \n ### Explanation: Definition: martial artist\nSpoonerism of **LOOSE BRIE** (\"cheese unwrapped\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cat giving Tantomile heart (3)","output":"### Answer: TOM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Cat\nThe *heart *of \"Tan**TOM**ile\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One taking flight\u00a0out of control (7)","output":"### Answer: RUNAWAY \n ### Explanation: Definition: One taking flight\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Painter gets redness occasionally after massage (6)","output":"### Answer: RUBENS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Painter\nr**E**d**N**e**S**s *after* **RUB **(\"massage\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cask not opening? Better remove lid! (5)","output":"### Answer: UNCAP \n ### Explanation: Definition: remove lid\n(t)**UN **(\"cask\", *not opening*) + **CAP **(\"better\", as in \"cap that, then\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Writer initially unappreciated in old British colony (5)","output":"### Answer: AUDEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Writer\n**U**(nappreciated) *in* **ADEN** (\"old British colony\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Channel in Spooner's broad river (7)","output":"### Answer: TIDEWAY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Channel\n**WIDE** (\"broad\") + **TAY** (\"river\"), but of course, the Rev. Spooner would have said TIDEWAY rather than WIDE TAY"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fish head almost blended, some pieces left on the surface (7)","output":"### Answer: FLOTSAM \n ### Explanation: Definition: some pieces left on the surface \n**F**(ish) + *(almost)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Effect visible in batik, a tie-dyeing process (4)","output":"### Answer: IKAT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Effect visible in batik, a tie-dyeing process \nHidden in \"bat**IK A T**ie-dyeing\",\u00a0*so\u00a0this is actually a very clever &lit. as well*."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Folk songs used regularly in remixed stereo links (4,5)","output":"### Answer: REEFKNOTS \n ### Explanation: Definition: links\n**F**ol**K**so**N**gs (regularly, ie every third letter) *in **(stereo) \n*I'm not keen on this clue, as, in my opinion, \"regularly\" is OK for every second letter, but it's beginning to stretch the boundaries a bit to use every third letter."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Support for stone channel (5)","output":"### Answer: STRUT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Support\n**St.**(one) + **RUT **(\"channel\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Boatman's grown but yet to reach full potential (8)","output":"### Answer: IMMATURE \n ### Explanation: Definition: yet to reach full potential \n**I'M **(\"Boatman's\") + **MATURE **(\"grown\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bucks' consorts spoil poodles: lop pieces off (4)","output":"### Answer: DOES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Bucks' consorts\n*(odes), *being \"poodles\" without \"lop\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: An equal to Earl Peel, the last of the shire (5)","output":"### Answer: COUNT \n ### Explanation: Definition: An equal to Earl\n**COUNT**(y), ie \"shire\" *with its last (letter) \"peel\"ed (removed)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Apology for metal found in food every year (3,5)","output":"### Answer: MEA CULPA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Apology\n**Cu **(*copper, so *\"metal\") *found in ***MEAL **(\"food\") + **P.A.** (*per annum*, so \" every year\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Regularly amounting to a two-digit figure (5)","output":"### Answer: OFTEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Regularly\n**OF **(\"amounting to\") + **TEN **(\"a two-digit figure\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Re-arrange ops for OAP (7,2)","output":"### Answer: APROPOS OF \n ### Explanation: Definition: Re\n*(ops for oap)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sustainable kind of approach to farming? (8)","output":"### Answer: BEARABLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Sustainable\n**BE ARABLE** *may be the response to \"What approach to farming should I adopt?\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Accounts really starting to rise alarmingly \u2014 they need settling first! (7)","output":"### Answer: ARREARS \n ### Explanation: Definition: they need settling first\n**A**ccounts **R**earing + **REAR **(\"to rise alarmingly\") + **S** *(cant' see that indicated?)* \n*Am I missing something? Has the ***S ***been indicated in the clue? See comment 1 for a\u00a0possible parsing."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stand for letters game (7)","output":"### Answer: TRESTLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Stand\n*(letters)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Little Richard didn't intend covering \"Kiss\" \u2014 only Number Ones (4)","output":"### Answer: DICK \n ### Explanation: Definition: Little Richard\n*First letters *(ie \"Number Ones\") *of ***D**idn't **I**ntend **C**overing **K**iss"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lexicographer, sure to get excited by word for new teeth (8)","output":"### Answer: DENTURES \n ### Explanation: Definition: word for new teeth \n*(Susie)* **DENT** *(the *\"lexicographer\" *on \"Countdown\", the TV game show) + **(sure)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Incentive for panel game host to do send-up (6)","output":"### Answer: CARROT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Incentive\n*(Jimmy)* **CARR** (\"panel game host\") + <=**TO"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Scruffy type, reportedly vacant, a ponytail, short (3-5)","output":"### Answer: ILL-KEMPT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Scruffy\nHomophone of **ILK **+ **EMPT**(y) (\"vacant\", *short of *(pon)Y*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Went to a restaurant for tea (that's a clue) (3,3)","output":"### Answer: ATE OUT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Went to a restaurant\n*If \"ate out\" were the clue, the answer could be \"TEA\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Musical jazz singing star initially held back (4)","output":"### Answer: CATS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Musical\n**SCAT ***is a form of* \"jazz singing\", *but if hold back the S until the end, you get* **CATS"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Numbers game played with iPad, rules added (9)","output":"### Answer: EPIDURALS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Numbers\n*(ipad rules) \n*Nearly a\u00a0clever clue, but to (mis)quote the movie Amadeus, there are \"too many words\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stood out as a nail head in a brogue? (5)","output":"### Answer: SHONE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Stood out\n**N**(ail) in **SHOE **(\"brogue\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tree found where rock is extracted from mountain ashore (5)","output":"### Answer: ROWAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Tree\n*If you remove ORE (\"rock\") from \"mountain ashore\", you're left with \"mountain ash\", another name for the ROWAN*."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tools for measuring moulded replicas (8)","output":"### Answer: CALIPERS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Tools for measuring\n*(calipers)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Boatman takes a second in meeting to get the information organised (8)","output":"### Answer: DATABASE \n ### Explanation: Definition: information organised \n**A.B. **(*short for **\"able bodied\"* *seaman*, *therefore *\"boatman\") + **A S**(econd) *in* **DATE **(\"meeting\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Trap large bird in flight; inert, remove skin (6)","output":"### Answer: CORNER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Trap\n<=**ROC **(\"large bird\") + (i)**NER**(t)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wood consumed by one going up in flames (2,4)","output":"### Answer: ON FIRE \n ### Explanation: Definition: going up in flames \n**FIR** (\"wood\") *consumed by ***ONE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fresh milk etc? Not initially (4)","output":"### Answer: AIRY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fresh\n(d)**AIRY **(\"milk, etc\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Exotic satin dress strap Pole might display (5,3,7)","output":"### Answer: STARS AND STRIPES \n ### Explanation: Exotic satin dress strap Pole might display (5,3,7)\n*(satin dress strap\"), *indicated by* \"exotic\" \n*The Stars and Stripes may well be displayed on a pole."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Somewhat stellar gesture, generous in the extreme (7)","output":"### Answer: LARGEST \n ### Explanation: Somewhat stellar gesture, generous in the extreme (7)\nHidden in \"stel**LAR** **GEST**ure\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: When observed, there's no turning back at location, I'd say (2,5)","output":"### Answer: ON SIGHT \n ### Explanation: When observed, there's no turning back at location, I'd say (2,5)\n<=**NO** + *homophone of* **SITE** (\"location\"), *indicated by* \"I'd say\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Guy from Northern Ireland with everything? (5)","output":"### Answer: NIALL \n ### Explanation: Guy from Northern Ireland with everything? (5)\n**N**orthern **I**reland\u00a0*with* **ALL** (\"everything\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Terribly nervous drinking quietly with a star (9)","output":"### Answer: SUPERNOVA \n ### Explanation: Terribly nervous drinking quietly with a star (9)\n*(nervous) *drinking ***P** (*piano, in music, so *\"quietly\"), *with ***A"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Standards of behaviour quite possibly better after extremists leave (9)","output":"### Answer: ETIQUETTE \n ### Explanation: Standards of behaviour quite possibly better after extremists leave (9)\n*(quite) + (b)**ETTE**(r) \n\"Possibly\" *is the anagram indicator, and* \"after extremists leave\" *indicates that we should remove the extremes (i.e the first and last (letters)) of the word *\"better\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: By sound of it cricket side with small feeling of dissatisfaction (5)","output":"### Answer: ENNUI \n ### Explanation: By sound of it cricket side with small feeling of dissatisfaction (5)\n*Homophone* (indicated* by* \"by sound of it\") *of* ON (\"cricket side\") + WEE (\"small\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Initially sleeping poorly every night, they're exhausted (5)","output":"### Answer: SPENT \n ### Explanation: Initially sleeping poorly every night, they're exhausted (5)\n*Made up of the initial letters of *\"**S**leeping **P**oorly **E**very **N**ight **T**hey're\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: SA openers trained in this period? (9)","output":"### Answer: PRESEASON \n ### Explanation: SA openers trained in this period? (9)\n*(sa openers), *the anagram indicator being *\"trained\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Exaggerates importance of dramas completed earlier (9)","output":"### Answer: OVERPLAYS \n ### Explanation: Exaggerates importance of dramas completed earlier (9)\n**OVER** (\"completed\") + **PLAYS** (\"drama\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Give up pro board game (5)","output":"### Answer: FORGO \n ### Explanation: Give up pro board game (5)\n**FOR** (\"pro\") + **GO** (\"board game\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hurry back by mid-year giving description of wet area (4-3)","output":"### Answer: DEEP-SEA \n ### Explanation: Hurry back by mid-year giving description of wet area (4-3)\n<=**SPEED** (\"hurry, back\") + (y)**EA**(r)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Oddly Old Boy with pay increase gets perfume perhaps (7)","output":"### Answer: ODORISE \n ### Explanation: Oddly Old Boy with pay increase gets perfume perhaps (7)\n*Take the odd letter of *\"**O**l**D **b**O**y\" *with ***RISE **(\"pay increase\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Six perfect balls in this game? Long odds against that! (8,7)","output":"### Answer: NATIONAL LOTTERY \n ### Explanation: Six perfect balls in this game? Long odds against that! (8,7)\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Appeal for quiet colleges is binned, failing to start, unfortunately (7,2,6)","output":"### Answer: SILENCE IS GOLDEN \n ### Explanation: Appeal for quiet colleges is binned, failing to start, unfortunately (7,2,6)\n*(colleges is inned), *where the* \"inned\" *is indicated\u00a0by*\u00a0\"binned, failing to start\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Aviatrix, very briefly flying, ordered for this transport? (3,4)","output":"### Answer: AIR TAXI \n ### Explanation: Aviatrix, very briefly flying, ordered for this transport? (3,4)\n*(aiatrix),\u00a0*with* \"ordered\" *as the anagram indicator*. \n\"very briefly flying\" *tells us to remove the *\"v\" *from *\"aviatrix\", *as it has flown* *(away)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Society anguish over plea for casual wear (5,4)","output":"### Answer: SHELL SUIT \n ### Explanation: Society anguish over plea for casual wear (5,4)\n**S**(ociety) + **HELL** (\"anguish\") *over* **SUIT** (\"plea\", *as in law*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pays attention to\u00a0distinctive vocal sounds (5)","output":"### Answer: NOTES \n ### Explanation: Pays attention to\u00a0distinctive vocal sounds (5)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fine example succeeded \u2013 the way with no violence reportedly (9)","output":"### Answer: SHOWPIECE \n ### Explanation: Fine example succeeded \u2013 the way with no violence reportedly (9)\n**S**(ucceeded) + **HOW** (\"the way\") + *homophone of ***PEACE** (\"no violence, reportedly\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: More prudent getting right to replace wide vertical pipe (5)","output":"### Answer: RISER \n ### Explanation: More prudent getting right to replace wide vertical pipe (5)\n**WISER** (\"more prudent\")\u00a0*with the* **W** (\"wide\") *replaced by* **R** (\"right\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Restrict Margaret? Not happy (3,4)","output":"### Answer: PEG DOWN \n ### Explanation: Restrict Margaret? Not happy (3,4)\n**PEG** (\"Margaret\") + **DOWN** (\"not happy\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Programme cost I'm breaking down \u2013 needs to be spelt out fully (9,6)","output":"### Answer: SITUATION COMEDY \n ### Explanation: Programme cost I'm breaking down \u2013 needs to be spelt out fully (9,6)\n*Two steps required here* \u2013\u00a0*(cost i'm) *gives us* **SITCOM**, *which then needs to be extended to* SITUATION COMEDY (\"spelt out fully\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Leader knocking trophy over, crazy when bottom's pinched? (3,6)","output":"### Answer: TOP BANANA \n ### Explanation: Leader knocking trophy over, crazy when bottom's pinched? (3,6)\n<=POT (\"trophy\", *knocked* \"over\") + BANANA(s) (\"crazy\", *with its* \"bottom pinched\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sentry and foe in struggle for command (4,5)","output":"### Answer: EYES FRONT \n ### Explanation: Sentry and foe in struggle for command (4,5)\n*(sentry foe), *with* \"struggle\" *being the anagram indicator*."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Factor in running away to get married, having no work? (7)","output":"### Answer: ELEMENT \n ### Explanation: Factor in running away to get married, having no work? (7)\n**EL**(op)**EMENT** (\"running away to get married\", *without* OP (\"having no work\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Starving and ravenous, first of all eat fish? (7)","output":"### Answer: SARDINE \n ### Explanation: Starving and ravenous, first of all eat fish? (7)\nFirst letters of \"**S**tarving **A**nd **R**avenous\" + **DINE** (\"eat\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sauce from Dieppe store (5)","output":"### Answer: PESTO \n ### Explanation: Sauce from Dieppe store (5)\nHidden in \"diep**PE STO**re\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sandbank\u00a0crowd (5)","output":"### Answer: SHOAL \n ### Explanation: Sandbank\u00a0crowd (5)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Advice columnist previously seen with New York pawnbroker (5,5)","output":"### Answer: AGONY UNCLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Advice columnist\n**AGO** (\"previously\") + **N.Y.** + **UNCLE** (*another word for a* \"pawnbroker\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Copper following female gets smack (4)","output":"### Answer: CUFF \n ### Explanation: Copper following female gets smack (4)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Space to retreat in open upland (4)","output":"### Answer: MOOR \n ### Explanation: Definition: open upland \n<=**ROOM** (\"space\", *to retreat*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mao's result creates policy reversal (10)","output":"### Answer: SOMERSAULT \n ### Explanation: Definition: policy reversal \n*(maos result)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Money added to bill causes stress (6)","output":"### Answer: ACCENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: stress\n**CENT** (\"money\") *added to* **A\/C** (*short for account, so* \"bill\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Female with male appetite in staff restaurant closing early (3-5)","output":"### Answer: MAN-EATER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Female with male appetite\n**MAN** (\"staff\") + **EATER**(y) (\"restaurant\", *closing early*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Article on fraud in personal cover (8)","output":"### Answer: CODPIECE \n ### Explanation: Definition: personal cover \n**PIECE** (\"article\") *on* **COD** (\"fraud\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Goblet that associate holds (4)","output":"### Answer: TASS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Goblet\nHidden in \"tha**T** **ASS**ociate\" \n*Tass is a dialect word for cup or goblet in Scotland and Northern England, according to Collins, although I'm Scottish and haven't come across it before."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Artist having starter of lamb after nil by mouth (4)","output":"### Answer: ORAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: by mouth \n**R.A.** (*member of the Royal Academy, so* \"artist\") *having* L(amb) *after* 0 (\"nil\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sailor embraces author and innkeeper (8)","output":"### Answer: TAVERNER \n ### Explanation: Definition: innkeeper \n**TAR** (\"sailor\") *embraces (Jules)* **VERNE** (\"author\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: MiGs hunt lawless arms producer (8)","output":"### Answer: GUNSMITH \n ### Explanation: Definition: arms producer \n*(migs hunt), *with* \"lawless\" *as the anagrind*."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Not so much to do in class (6)","output":"### Answer: LESSON \n ### Explanation: Definition: class\n**LESS ON** (\"not so much to do\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Amoco price crashes in light musical setting (5,5)","output":"### Answer: COMIC OPERA \n ### Explanation: Definition: light musical setting \n*(amoco price)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Giant blunder in field by Royal Engineers (4)","output":"### Answer: OGRE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Giant\n**O.G.** (*own goal, so* \"blunder in field\") *by* **R**(oyal) **E**(ngineers)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The Spanish and Italian agreement reversed in Ireland? (4)","output":"### Answer: ISLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Ireland?\n<=**EL** (\"The\" *in* \"Spanish\") + <=**SI** (\"Italian agreement\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Player has letters in pigeonhole (10)","output":"### Answer: STEREOTYPE \n ### Explanation: Definition: pigeonhole\n**STEREO** (\"player\") + **TYPE** (\"letters\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Try to catch rook that hurt amusing brother (7)","output":"### Answer: GROUCHO \n ### Explanation: Definition: amusing brother \n**GO** (\"try\") *to catch* **R**(ook) + **OUCH** (\"that hurt\"), so **G(R-OUCH)O** *(Marx)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bouquet welcoming Romeo from old Scandinavia (5)","output":"### Answer: NORSE \n ### Explanation: Definition: from old Scandinavia \n**NOSE** (\"bouquet\") *welcoming* **R**(omeo)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Leading compiler is hurtful person (8)","output":"### Answer: UPSETTER \n ### Explanation: Definition: hurtful person \n**UP** (\"leading\") + **SETTER** (\"compiler\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Whip admitting MP \u2013 one smiles to say this \u2013 wants French dish (9,6)","output":"### Answer: CAMEMBERT CHEESE \n ### Explanation: Definition: French dish \n**CAT** (\"whip\") *admitting* **MEMBER** (\"MP\") + **CHEESE** (\"one smiles to say this\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Heartless trainer in move going wrong (6)","output":"### Answer: ERRANT \n ### Explanation: Definition: going wrong \n*(traner), *being* \"trainer\" *without its central letter* (*i.e its* \"heart\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Make-up\u00a0case (9)","output":"### Answer: CHARACTER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Make-up\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Blokes\u00a0who chop down trees? (7)","output":"### Answer: FELLERS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Blokes\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Terrible penalties in partitioned land (9)","output":"### Answer: PALESTINE \n ### Explanation: Definition: partitioned land \n*(penalties)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Assess having dined after wash up at university (8)","output":"### Answer: EVALUATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Assess\n**ATE** (\"dined\") *after* <+**LAVE** (\"wash\", *up*) *at* **U**(niversity)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Gold firm in Republican America making noise (7)","output":"### Answer: RAUCOUS \n ### Explanation: Definition: making noise \n**Au** (chemical symbol for \"gold\") + **Co**. (\"firm\") in **R**(epublican) **U.S.**, so **R(AU-CO)US"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ultimate self-catering holiday? (3,4)","output":"### Answer: EGO TRIP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Ultimate self-catering holiday\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Velocity zero in refuelling lane, makes neat turn (6)","output":"### Answer: PIVOTS \n ### Explanation: Definition: makes neat turn \n**V**(elocity) + **O** (\"zero\") *in* **PITS** (\"refuelling lane\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Second time in bed for explorer (5)","output":"### Answer: SCOTT \n ### Explanation: Definition: explorer\n**S**(econd) + **T**(ime) in **COT** (\"bed\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Loud decoration missing central point (6)","output":"### Answer: GARISH \n ### Explanation: Loud decoration missing central point (6)\n**GAR**(n)**ISH** (\"decoration\" *missing its central point*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Easily able to accommodate pushing back limits on debts (8)","output":"### Answer: SPACIOUS \n ### Explanation: Easily able to accommodate pushing back limits on debts (8)\n<=**CAPS** (\"limits\", *pushed back*) + **IOUS** (\"debts\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Compelled to return in the morning with low-grade beans (7)","output":"### Answer: EDAMAME \n ### Explanation: Compelled to return in the morning with low-grade beans (7)\n<=**MADE** (\"compelled\", *to return*) + **A.M.** (\"in the morning\") + E (*a* \"low grade\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Picture international soldier in shock (7)","output":"### Answer: IMAGINE \n ### Explanation: Picture international soldier in shock (7)\n**I**(international) + **G.I.** (\"soldier\") *in* **MANE** (\"shock\" *of hair*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Catches alien between poles (4)","output":"### Answer: NETS \n ### Explanation: Catches alien between poles (4)\n**E.T.** (*extraterrestrial, so* \"alien\") *between* **N** and **S** (*North and South* \u2013 \"poles\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Brewing of tea needs picture (4,2,4)","output":"### Answer: EAST OF EDEN \n ### Explanation: Brewing of tea needs picture (4,2,4)\n*(of teas need) \n*A 1955 Elia Kazan movie, loosely based on a Hemingway novel, and starring James Dean."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One taking picture of artist arrived earlier (6)","output":"### Answer: CAMERA \n ### Explanation: One taking picture of artist arrived earlier (6)\n**R.A.** (*member of the Royal Academy, hence* \"artist\") + CAME (\"arrived\") *earlier*, so CAME-R.A."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Popular bishop possibly reported as enjoying calm (2,5)","output":"### Answer: IN PEACE \n ### Explanation: Popular bishop possibly reported as enjoying calm (2,5)\n**IN** (\"popular\") + *homophone of (chess)* **PIECE** (\"bishop possibly\"), *indicated by \"reportedly\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Out in poker game, politician essentially clean (7)","output":"### Answer: STUMPED \n ### Explanation: Out in poker game, politician essentially clean (7)\n*In* **STUD** (\"poker game\"),\u00a0**M.P.\u00a0**(\"politician) + (cl)**E**(an), so **STU(MP-E)D"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Extremely strange wood destined to be cut down (6)","output":"### Answer: ODDEST \n ### Explanation: Extremely strange wood destined to be cut down (6)\nHidden in \"wo**OD DEST**ined\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Get picture below spectator accommodation (10)","output":"### Answer: UNDERSTAND \n ### Explanation: Get picture below spectator accommodation (10)\n**UNDER** (\"below\") + **STAND** (\"spectator accommodation\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bank's relationship to the monarch (4)","output":"### Answer: TIER \n ### Explanation: Bank's relationship to the monarch (4)\n**TIE** (\"relationship\") + **R**(ex), *so* \"king\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Clearing his throat, Hemming's usual partner welcomes Kelvin (7)","output":"### Answer: HAWKING \n ### Explanation: Clearing his throat, Hemming's usual partner welcomes Kelvin (7)\n**HAWING** (\"Hemming's usual partner\" *i.e. hemming and hawing*) *welcomes* **K**(elvin)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Allow a pair of books to be removed step by step (7)","output":"### Answer: GRADUAL \n ### Explanation: Allow a pair of books to be removed step by step (7)\n**GRA**(nt) **DUAL** (\"allow a pair\", *with* N.T. (*New* *Testament, so* \"books\") *removed*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Picture of animal so moving (4,4)","output":"### Answer: MONA LISA \n ### Explanation: Picture of animal so moving (4,4)\n*(animal so)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: City where large number died (6)","output":"### Answer: OSTEND \n ### Explanation: City where large number died (6)\n**OS** (*outsize, so* \"large\") +** TEN** (\"number\") + **D**(ied)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Picture showing a nice rug damaged (8)","output":"### Answer: GUERNICA \n ### Explanation: Picture showing a nice rug damaged (8)\n*(a nice rug) \nRefers to Picasso's painting, a response to the bombing pof the town of Guernica during the Spanish Civil War."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lure in a 50s dandy after engineers had another shot (11)","output":"### Answer: REATTEMPTED \n ### Explanation: Lure in a 50s dandy after engineers had another shot (11)\n**TEMPT** (\"lure\")* in* **A TED** (\"a 50s dandy\")* after* **R.E.** (*Royal* \"Engineers\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Picture\u00a0game (4)","output":"### Answer: SNAP \n ### Explanation: Picture\u00a0game (4)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Being short of breath inspires one picture (8)","output":"### Answer: PAINTING \n ### Explanation: Being short of breath inspires one picture (8)\n**PANTING** (\"being short of breath\") *inspires*** I** (\"one\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Complaints about picture being mine, mine, mine! (10)","output":"### Answer: COALFIELDS \n ### Explanation: Complaints about picture being mine, mine, mine! (10)\n**COLDS** (\"complaints\") *about* **ALFIE** (\"picture\") \n*\"Alfie\" refers to the classic Michael Caine movie, or the not-so-classic remake with Jude Law."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Jedi now a bit cut off, surprisingly (3-3)","output":"### Answer: OBI-WAN \n ### Explanation: Jedi now a bit cut off, surprisingly (3-3)\n*(now a bi), *where the* **BI** *is* \"bit\" *cut off"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: After climb, old queen is a burnt colour (6)","output":"### Answer: SIENNA \n ### Explanation: After climb, old queen is a burnt colour (6)\n<=**ANNE IS** (\"old queen is\"), *with* \"climb\" *indicating that the letters need to go upwards*."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Award lunch for one entertaining director (5)","output":"### Answer: MEDAL \n ### Explanation: Award lunch for one entertaining director (5)\n**MEAL** (\"lunch, for one\") *entertaining* **D**(irector)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dreadful picture taken by journalist in Delaware shows old problem (11)","output":"### Answer: DECREPITUDE \n ### Explanation: Dreadful picture taken by journalist in Delaware shows old problem (11)\n*(picture\") *taken by* **ED** (\"journalist\") *in* **De** (\"Delaware\"), *so* **D(E(CREPITU)D)E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Original note omitted from strait- laced prayer-book (10)","output":"### Answer: PRIMORDIAL \n ### Explanation: Original note omitted from strait- laced prayer-book (10)\n**PRIM** (\"straight-laced\") + **ORDI**(n)**AL** (\"prayer-book\", *with* **N**(ote) *omitted*) \n*According to Chambers, an ordinal is an ecclesiastical order book."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Traces letters about unpleasant people returning (8)","output":"### Answer: VESTIGES \n ### Explanation: Traces letters about unpleasant people returning (8)\n**VEES** (\"letters\") *about* <=**GITS** (\"unpleasant people\" *returning*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Surprised the beginning came first (8)","output":"### Answer: STARTLED \n ### Explanation: Surprised the beginning came first (8)\n**START** (\"beginning\") + **LED** (\"came first\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: University's head of drama the original bad actor (6)","output":"### Answer: DURHAM \n ### Explanation: University's head of drama the original bad actor (6)\n**D**(rama) + **UR** (\"original\") + **HAM** (\"bad actor\") \n*According to dictionary.com, ur- is a combination form meaning \"earliest\" or \"original\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Problems getting horse aboard ship (5)","output":"### Answer: SNAGS \n ### Explanation: Problems getting horse aboard ship (5)\n**NAG** (\"horse\") *in* **S.S.** (*steam*\"ship\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Picture Johnson arguing with Saudi leaders (4)","output":"### Answer: JAWS \n ### Explanation: Picture Johnson arguing with Saudi leaders (4)\n*Initials* (\"leaders\") *of* \"**J**ohnson **A**rguing **W**ith **S**audi\" \n*Refers to the Spielberg movie, \"Jaws\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wipe over new cab bonnet (3,3)","output":"### Answer: MOB CAP \n ### Explanation: Definition: bonnet\n**MOP** (\"wipe\") *over* *(cab) \n*A mob cap was a Georgian-era bonnet."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Poor Billy, regularly infested with moth (8)","output":"### Answer: BEGGARLY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Poor\nB(i)L(l)Y *infested with* EGGAR (\"*a type of* \"moth\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Not aware Italian worker has lost son (8)","output":"### Answer: IGNORANT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Not aware\n(s)**IGNOR** (\"Italian\", *without the \"s\" (son)*) + **ANT** (\"worker\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Eagerly accepts two drinks (4,2)","output":"### Answer: LAPS UP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Eagerly accepts\nLAP + SUP (\"two drinks\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: \"Soft drink?\", one snorts (4)","output":"### Answer: COKE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Soft drink?\", one snorts\nDouble definition, although I think the clue requires a question mark."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: St Francis's body beginning to strengthen after long periods on soup (7,3)","output":"### Answer: BROTHER ASS \n ### Explanation: Definition: St Francis's body\n**S**(trengthen) after **ERAS** (\"long periods\") on **BROTH** (\"soup\"), so **BROTH-ERAS-S** \n*Apparently, Francis of Assisi used to refer to his body as Brother Ass."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Extract from record small, more than enough (6)","output":"### Answer: SAMPLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Extract from record\n**S**(mall) + **AMPLE** (\"more than enough\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What family shares includes island country (8)","output":"### Answer: SURINAME \n ### Explanation: Definition: country\n**SURNAME** (\"what family shares\") *includes* **I**(sland)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fisherman's position on water's edge (2,6)","output":"### Answer: ST ANDREW \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fisherman\n**STAND** (\"position\") + **RE** (\"on\") + **W**(ater)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Period in which court is closed: left on foot (6)","output":"### Answer: DACTYL \n ### Explanation: Definition: foot\n**DAY** (\"period\") *in which* **CT** (\"court\") *is closed* + **L**(eft), so **DA-CT-Y-L"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Set of labels dotted about, bearing the same important title (6,4)","output":"### Answer: DOMAIN NAME \n ### Explanation: Definition: Set of labels dotted about\n**Do.** (ditto, so \"the same\") + **MAIN** (\"important\") + **NAME** (\"title\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Slippers into which these go (not at the front) (4)","output":"### Answer: EELS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Slippers\n(h)**EELS** *go into slippers"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Make a grab: hello, sailor! (6)","output":"### Answer: HIJACK \n ### Explanation: Definition: Make a grab\n**HI** (\"hello\") + **JACK** (\"sailor\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: After exercise, got fit? Wrong to quibble (8)","output":"### Answer: PETTIFOG \n ### Explanation: Definition: to quibble \n**P.E.** (\"exercise\") + *(got fit)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: In both hands, you may grasp smooth character from Athens (8)","output":"### Answer: LYSANDER \n ### Explanation: Definition: character from Athens \n*In* **L**(eft) *and* **R**(ight) (\"both hands\"), **YE** (\"you\") *grasping* **SAND** (\"smooth\"), so **L(Y(SAND)E)R** \n*As far as my limited Greek history goes, I think this clue is wrong, as Lysander was not from Athens, but Sparta. (see comments below for alternative views on who the setter was referring to)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Controller fitted with 5 down? Unlikely (6)","output":"### Answer: REMOTE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Unlikely\n*A remote controller is fitted with buttons (see 5 down)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Love fine 8, say, in tiny new case, as one may well believe (2,4,9)","output":"### Answer: ON GOOD AUTHORITY \n ### Explanation: Definition: as one may well believe \n**O** (\"love\") + **GOOD** (\"fine\") + **AUTHOR** (\"8, say\" (*see 8 down*)) *in* *(tiny), so **O-N-GOOD AUTHOR-ITY"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Leave no gaps for picture (5,2)","output":"### Answer: CLOSE UP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Leave no gaps\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fruit brought round rest area \u00e2\u20ac\" take it as it comes (4,2,3)","output":"### Answer: PLAY BY EAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: take it as it comes \n**PEAR** (\"fruit\") *brought round* **LAY BY** (\"rest area\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Panto character putting bum on seat, no worry (7)","output":"### Answer: BUTTONS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Panto character\n**BUTT** (\"bum\") + **ON S**(eat) (\"no worry\" *indicates that you remove EAT (a synonym of *\"worry\"))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Caught lover's head in embrace, falling into ravine (5)","output":"### Answer: GULCH \n ### Explanation: Definition: ravine\n**C**(aught) + **L**(over) in **HUG**, *and the whole thing reversed (indicated by* *\"falling\"*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Poisoner I contact, lacking ultimate drug (7)","output":"### Answer: ASPIRIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: drug\n**ASP** (*poisonous snake, so* \"poisoner\") + **I** + **RIN**(g) (\"contact\", *lacking ultimate*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: She wrote automatically, so needing editing (6,3,6)","output":"### Answer: LOUISA MAY ALCOTT \n ### Explanation: Definition: She wrote\n*(automatically so)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Soundly interpreted character as special (3-6)","output":"### Answer: RED-LETTER \n ### Explanation: Definition: special \n*Homophone (indicated by* \"soundly\") *of* READ LETTER (\"interpreted character\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: An Indian tune, popular, rises and falls (7)","output":"### Answer: NIAGARA \n ### Explanation: Definition: falls \n**A RAGA** (\"an Indian tune\") +**IN** (\"popular\"), *and the whole thing reversed, indicated by* \"rises\", so **NI-AGAR-A"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Striker puts on women's jacket (7)","output":"### Answer: WRAPPER \n ### Explanation: Definition: jacket\n**RAPPER** (\"striker\") *puts on* **W**(omen)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fragments of music: A, E, and Cs (7)","output":"### Answer: CAESIUM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Cs\n*(music a e). \n*Cs is the chemical symbol for Caesium"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: No head wound without 18 (5)","output":"### Answer: NAKED \n ### Explanation: Definition: without 18 \n(s)**NAKED** (\"wound\", *without its head* (*initial letter*))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Subtract fast food (8)","output":"### Answer: TAKEAWAY \n ### Explanation: Subtract fast food (8)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Celebrated note to tailless rodent (6)","output":"### Answer: FAMOUS \n ### Explanation: Celebrated note to tailless rodent (6)\n**FA** (\"note\") + **MOUS**(e) (\"rodent\" *without its tail*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Messed about with vessel (1-4)","output":"### Answer: U-BOAT \n ### Explanation: Messed about with vessel (1-4)\n*(about)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Place of worship by Ganges you rebuilt (9)","output":"### Answer: SYNAGOGUE \n ### Explanation: Place of worship by Ganges you rebuilt (9)\n*(ganges you)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Putting up with joyous cry of Iberian being hypnotised? (9)","output":"### Answer: TOLERANCE \n ### Explanation: Putting up with joyous cry of Iberian being hypnotised? (9)\n**OLE** (\"joyous cry of Iberian\") in **TRANCE** (\"hypnotised\" = *in trance*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Swear unicorn's concealed in ancient script (5)","output":"### Answer: RUNIC \n ### Explanation: Swear unicorn's concealed in ancient script (5)\n*Concealed* in \"swea**R UNIC**orn\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Imagine being fed on fish! (6)","output":"### Answer: IDEATE \n ### Explanation: Imagine being fed on fish! (6)\n**ATE** (\"fed\") *on* **IDE** (\"fish\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Heartless tiger given plenty to stamp on (7)","output":"### Answer: TRAMPLE \n ### Explanation: Heartless tiger given plenty to stamp on (7)\n**T**(ige)**R**\u00a0*given*\u00a0**AMPLE\u00a0**(\"plenty\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Crimea \u2013 a troubled country (7)","output":"### Answer: AMERICA \n ### Explanation: Crimea \u2013 a troubled country (7)\n*(crimea a)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: \"Clear off!\" (formerly, a boast) (6)","output":"### Answer: AVAUNT \n ### Explanation: \"Clear off!\" (formerly, a boast) (6)\nA VAUNT (\"a boat\") \n*Avaunt is old-fashioned word for \"away with you\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Women in medicine look for water (5)","output":"### Answer: DOWSE \n ### Explanation: Women in medicine look for water (5)\n**W**(omen) *in* **DOSE\u00a0**(\"medicine\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fellow traveller means to summon loch, back inside (9)","output":"### Answer: PASSENGER \n ### Explanation: Fellow traveller means to summon loch, back inside (9)\n**PAGER** (\"means to summon\") *with* <=**NESS** (\"loch\",* back*) *inside"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Equip a boy to fight, interrupting compiler's spread (9)","output":"### Answer: MARMALADE \n ### Explanation: Equip a boy to fight, interrupting compiler's spread (9)\n**ARM A LAD** (\"equip a boy to fight\") *interrupting* **ME** (\"compiler\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: 7 securing state of nest (5)","output":"### Answer: EYRIE \n ### Explanation: 7 securing state of nest (5)\n**EYE** (*an organ, see 7dn*),\u00a0*securing*\u00a0**R.I.** (\"state\", *ie Rhode Island*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dog swallowing a tablet to enter altered state (6)","output":"### Answer: MUTATE \n ### Explanation: Dog swallowing a tablet to enter altered state (6)\n**MUTT** (\"dog\") *swallowing* **A** + **E** (\"tablet\", *ie ecstasy*), so\u00a0**MUT(A)T-E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Meat-carrying lorry losing roof (straight up!) (8)","output":"### Answer: VERTICAL \n ### Explanation: Meat-carrying lorry losing roof (straight up!) (8)\n**VEAL** (\"meat\") *carrying* (a)RTIC (\"lorry\" *without its roof (ie top letter)*) \n*Slight issue with, as I think the \"losing roof\" would be more appropriate to a down clue."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dependable type of shirt suffering from lack of use (6)","output":"### Answer: TRUSTY \n ### Explanation: Dependable type of shirt suffering from lack of use (6)\n**T** (\"type of shirt\") + **RUSTY** (\"suffering from lack of use\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Learning king's currently on shelf (9)","output":"### Answer: KNOWLEDGE \n ### Explanation: Learning king's currently on shelf (9)\n**K**(ing) + **NOW** (\"currently\") *on* **LEDGE** (\"shelf\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Feat 28 ant performed? That's a lie! (11,4)","output":"### Answer: ALTERNATIVE FACT \n ### Explanation: Feat 28 ant performed? That's a lie! (11,4)\n*(feat vertical ant), *where 28 refers to 28 across's solution"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Expert admitting Ben's troubled by non-attendance (7)","output":"### Answer: ABSENCE \n ### Explanation: Expert admitting Ben's troubled by non-attendance (7)\n**ACE** (\"expert\") *admitting* *(bens)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Therapy for ten-man medley suppressing Teutonic period (5,10)","output":"### Answer: ANGER MANAGEMENT \n ### Explanation: Therapy for ten-man medley suppressing Teutonic period (5,10)\n*(tenman) *suppressing* **GERMAN AGE** (\"Teutonic period\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Won a grown-up's heart, for instance? (5)","output":"### Answer: ORGAN \n ### Explanation: Won a grown-up's heart, for instance? (5)\n*Hidden backwards in* \"wo**N A GRO**wn\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pictures of skipper's first boats (8)","output":"### Answer: SKETCHES \n ### Explanation: Pictures of skipper's first boats (8)\n**S**(kipper) + **KETCHES** (\"boats\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Purpose of camping? (6)","output":"### Answer: INTENT \n ### Explanation: Purpose of camping? (6)\n*If you're camping you're in a tent."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Turned grey in fear of encomium (9)","output":"### Answer: PANEGYRIC \n ### Explanation: Turned grey in fear of encomium (9)\n*(grey) *in* **PANIC** (\"fear\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Spice showing jester where to see recent pictures mounted (8)","output":"### Answer: CARDAMOM \n ### Explanation: Spice showing jester where to see recent pictures mounted (8)\n**CARD** (\"jester\") + <=**M.O.M.A**. (\"where to see recent pictures\", *mounted*) \n*M.O.M.A. stands for Museum of Modern Art, in New York."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Shock secures electronic attraction (6)","output":"### Answer: APPEAL \n ### Explanation: Shock secures electronic attraction (6)\n**APPAL** (\"shock\")* secures* **E**(lectronic)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Harsh wind from the south-east (7)","output":"### Answer: AUSTERE \n ### Explanation: Harsh wind from the south-east (7)\n**AUSTER** (*Roman word for* \"wind from (*the*) south\") + **E**(ast)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Struggle with gold and wood (6)","output":"### Answer: ORDEAL \n ### Explanation: Struggle with gold and wood (6)\n**OR** (\"gold\") + **DEAL** (\"wood\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Best? Quite the contrary (5)","output":"### Answer: WORST \n ### Explanation: Best? Quite the contrary (5)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mud left in farm vehicle? (5)","output":"### Answer: CLART \n ### Explanation: Definition: Mud\n**L**(eft) in **CART** (\"farm vehicle\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Two French articles interwoven in parts of skeleton (5)","output":"### Answer: ULNAE \n ### Explanation: Definition: parts of skeleton\n**UNE** *and* **LA** (\"two French articles\") *interwoven, so* **U(L)N(A)E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Clouds suggesting her sagginess, mama must get upset (8)","output":"### Answer: MAMMATUS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Clouds suggesting her sagginess\n*(mama must) \n*Mammatus clouds are shaped like breasts, so the clue is not terribly flattering!"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sulks in pub? The opposite \u2013 it's high point for Walter (6)","output":"### Answer: PINNET \n ### Explanation: Definition: high point for Walter \n**INN** (\"pub\") *in* **PET** (\"sulk\"), *so the sulk's not in the pub, but* \"the opposite\". \n*A \"pinnet\" is a word used by Wlater Scott for a pinnacle (ie a \"high point\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Property initially unlet, rickety? House lacks one (flat too) (6)","output":"### Answer: PENULT \n ### Explanation: Definition: House lacks one (flat too)\n**P**(roperty) + *(unlet) \n*\"Penult\" is a word meaning \"the last but one syllable\". The words \"house\" and \"flat\" only have one syllable, so therefore can't have a penult."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A bit of a snack? Exercise freak swallows one (6)","output":"### Answer: PEANUT \n ### Explanation: Definition: A bit of a snack\n**P.E.** (\"exercise\") + **NUT** (\"freak\") *swallows* **A** (\"one\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cumbrian location, not the first for multinational (4)","output":"### Answer: E-BAY \n ### Explanation: Definition: multinational\n(t)**EBAY\u00a0**(\"Cumbrian location\", *without its* \"first\" *letter*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Female name, one changing tons in fashion (8)","output":"### Answer: LEONTINE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Female name\n*(one) + **T**(ons) *in* **LINE** (\"fashion\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Disease realist treated with injection of iodine (8)","output":"### Answer: LISTERIA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Disease\n*(realist) *with injection of* **I**(iodine) \n*I'm no doctor, but isn't listeria the bacteria responsible for listeriosis (the disease)?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Excerpt from piano nocturne coming shortly (4)","output":"### Answer: ANON \n ### Explanation: Definition: coming shortly \n*Hidden in* \"pi**ANO N**octurne\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One fully exposed and lacking a suit possibly? Clearly! (6)","output":"### Answer: NUDIST \n ### Explanation: Definition: One fully exposed and lacking a suit possibly? Clearly!\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Brussels regular had Parisian frolic (6)","output":"### Answer: EURO-MP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Brussels regular\n**EU** (\"had\" in French, so \"had Parisian\") + **ROMP** (\"frolic\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Very old woman limping more grips end of them (6)","output":"### Answer: GAMMER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Very old woman\n**GAMER** (\"limping more\") *grips* (the)**M"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Obstruction translator encountered with bit of a poem? (8)","output":"### Answer: TRAVERSE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Obstruction\n**Tr**.(anslator) *encountered with* **A VERSE** (\"bit of a poem\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Periods I'm kept in class, backward (5)","output":"### Answer: TIMES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Periods\nI'M *kept in* <=SET (\"class\", *backward*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Servants as of old feeling taken aback (5)","output":"### Answer: ESNES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Servants as of old\n<=**SENSE** (\"feeling\", *taken aback*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Meal just about set, wobbling crookedly (11)","output":"### Answer: DISHONESTLY \n ### Explanation: Definition: crookedly\n**DISH** (\"meal\") + **ONLY** (\"just\") about *(set)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dog released from lead, see, performing jump in snow (5)","output":"### Answer: OLLIE \n ### Explanation: Definition: jump in snow \n(c)**OLLIE **(\"dog\", *with no lead*) \n*An ollie is a type of jump in smowboarding or skateboarding."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tree yielding sugary stuff girl put in food mixture (8)","output":"### Answer: MANNA-ASH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Tree yielding sugary stuff\n**ANNA** (\"girl\") *in* **MASH** (\"food mixture\", *eg corned beef hash*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: King got in kitchen garment for king-in-waiting (6)","output":"### Answer: PRINNY \n ### Explanation: Definition: king-in-waiting \n**R** (\"King\") got in **PINNY** (\"kitchen garment\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Special accommodation for pets, sparse (8)","output":"### Answer: SCATTERY \n ### Explanation: Definition: sparse \n**S**(pecial) + **CATTERY** (\"accommodation for pets\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mound set up, millions interred (4)","output":"### Answer: TUMP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Mound\n<=**PUT** (\"set\", *up*) *with* **M**(illions) *interred"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: German captivates this writer, a philosopher's disciple (6)","output":"### Answer: HUMEAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: philosopher's disciple \n**HUN** (\"German\") *captivates* **ME** (\"this writer) + **A** \n*A disciple of David Hume (1711-76) would be a Humean"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Kite in fanciful film circling small street (6)","output":"### Answer: ELANET \n ### Explanation: Definition: Kite\n**E.T.** (\"fanciful film\") *circling* **LANE** (\"small street\") \n*An elanet is a bird of prey of the genus *Elanus*."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Catches from famous song writer cutting I'm on (5)","output":"### Answer: PAULS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Catches \n**PAUL S**(I'm on) \n*\"Paul\" is alternative spelling of \"pawl\", a ratchet or \"catch\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pasta, soft little ball fed to moggy, half of it (11)","output":"### Answer: CAPPELLETTI \n ### Explanation: Definition: Pasta\n**P** (\"soft\") + **PELLET** (\"little ball\") *fed to* **CAT** (\"moggy\") + **I**(t), so **CA(P-PELLET)T-I"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Enter song off-key, behaviour worthy of censure? (8)","output":"### Answer: GOINGS-ON \n ### Explanation: Definition: behaviour worthy of censure\n**GO IN** (\"enter\") + *(song)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Embrocation, one chaps wrapped in cotton fibre (8)","output":"### Answer: LINIMENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Embrocation\n**I** (\"one\") + **MEN** (\"chaps\") *wrapped in* **LINT** (\"cotton fibre\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Toiled first to last for lots of valuable things (6)","output":"### Answer: TROVES \n ### Explanation: Definition: lots of valuable things \n**STROVE** (\"toiled\") *with its first letter put last becomes* **TROVES"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What about wild men's snarl? (6)","output":"### Answer: ENMESH \n ### Explanation: Definition: snarl\nEH (\"what?\") *about* *(mens)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mark idiot led by a target for promotion as a whole (6)","output":"### Answer: ADMASS \n ### Explanation: Definition: promotion as a whole \n**M**(ark) + *ASS* (\"idiot\") *led by* **A D** (\"target\"?) \n*Not sure why D = \"target\"?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ghastly sheatfish etc released from sea I set free (5)","output":"### Answer: LURID \n ### Explanation: Definition: Ghastly\n(si)**LURID**(ae) \nSiluridae* is a fish genus which includes sheatfish and catfish."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sort of gally-bagger you may spot in cerise wellies (5)","output":"### Answer: SEWEL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Sort of gally-bagger\n*Hidden in* \"ceri**SE WEL**lies\" \nGally-bagger and sewel (or shewel) are other words for a scarecrow."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: It may bring hunter to a standstill, favouring fox at heart (4)","output":"### Answer: PROO \n ### Explanation: Definition: It may bring hunter to a standstill\n**PRO** (\"favouring\") + (f)**O**(x) \n*\"Proo\" is another word for \"whoa\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Money received in report by corrupt priest? (9)","output":"### Answer: INCUMBENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: priest\n*Homophone of* **INCOME** (\"money received\") *by* **BENT** (\"corrupt\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Religious instruction accepted by distant monk (5)","output":"### Answer: FRIAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: monk\n**R.I.** (\"religious instruction\") *accepted by* **FAR** (\"distant\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Boatman saved from abuse in holy order, shockingly (9)","output":"### Answer: HEINOUSLY \n ### Explanation: Definition: shockingly\n*(use in holy), *where* \"use\" *is* \"abuse\" *without* AB (*able-bodied sailor, so* \"boatman\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Minister, right sort at heart, one who accepts the whip? (5,6)","output":"### Answer: PARTY PERSON \n ### Explanation: Definition: one who accepts the whip\n**PARSON** (\"minister\") *with* **R**\u00a0(ight) + TYPE (\"sort\") *at heart."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Corrupt priest often seen with Candy (6)","output":"### Answer: STRIPE \n ### Explanation: Definition: often seen with Candy \n*(priest)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: They follow the harvest, less abundant in source of comic operas (8)","output":"### Answer: GLEANERS \n ### Explanation: Definition: They follow the harvest\n**LEANER** (\"less abundant\") *in* **G & S** (*Gilbert & Sullivan, thus* \"source of comic operas\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One doubts God is involved in robbery (7)","output":"### Answer: ATHEIST \n ### Explanation: Definition: One doubts God\n*If you're*** AT** *a* **HEIST**, *you may be* \"involved in *(a)* robbery\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Revive cannibal's victim, as Spooner might \u00e2\u20ac\u2122ave said (7)","output":"### Answer: ANIMATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Revive\n*The setter is implying that Spooner may have said \"ANIMATE\" instead of MAN 'E ATE\", but I don't think that's a spoonerism as there is no swap of initial letters involved."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Revealed by priest: I'm a tease of dubious value (8)","output":"### Answer: ESTIMATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: of dubious value \nHidden in *(revealed by)* \"pri**EST** **I'M A** **TE**ase\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Reject primate \u00e2\u20ac\" that's just for starters (6)","output":"### Answer: CANAPE \n ### Explanation: Definition: that's just for starters \n**CAN** (\"reject\") + **APE** (\"primate\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Broken-hearted nun at bottom (10)","output":"### Answer: UNDERNEATH \n ### Explanation: Definition: at bottom\n*(hearted nun)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Free to neutralise leader fleeing in disgrace (2,7)","output":"### Answer: AT LEISURE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Free\n*(eutralise) \u2013 *ie* \"neutralise\" *with its leader having fled"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Neighbour to plough for us around mid-afternoon or after morning in (4,5)","output":"### Answer: URSA MINOR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Neighbour to plough\n**US** *around* (afte)**R**(noon) + **OR** *after* **A.M. **(\"morning\") **IN**, so **U(R)S-A.M.-IN-OR"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bug home to cover religious order (6)","output":"### Answer: INSECT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Bug\n**IN** (\"home\") + **SECT** (\"religious order\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Have no effect on unions rising in case of emergency (3,2,3)","output":"### Answer: CUT NO ICE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Have no effect\n<=**NO\u00a0****T.U.C.** (*Trade Unions Congress, so* \"no unions\", *rising*) + **I.C.E.** (\"in case of emergency\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Slow boat unloaded in river (6)","output":"### Answer: OBTUSE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Slow\n**B**(oa)**T** in **OUSE** (\"river\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Clears leader of Unionville, NC to cut trees all over the south (7)","output":"### Answer: UNCLOGS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Clears\n**U**(nionville) + **NC** + **LOGS** (\"cut trees\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Make a priest or old monk take one in (6)","output":"### Answer: ORDAIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Make a priest\n**OR** + **DA(I)N** (\"old monk\" *taking* \"one\" *in*) \n*I'm not sure about Dan \u2013 my biblical knowledge lets me down here \u2013 but Boatman may be referring to Daniel (as in the book of Daniel, but I thought he was a priest rather than a monk). Edit \u2013 Chambers has \"dan\" as an old word for a cleric)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Father John, perhaps an alternative minister (6)","output":"### Answer: PASTOR \n ### Explanation: Definition: minister\n**PA** (\"father\") + **St.** (*saint, so* \"John, perhaps\") + **OR** (\"an alternative\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cleric rejecting company of cleric (4)","output":"### Answer: DEAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: cleric\n**DEA**(co)**N** \u2013 \"cleric\" *rejecting* (co)*mpany"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Regularly in retreat? It's common now (3)","output":"### Answer: ERA \n ### Explanation: Definition: It's common now \nRegular letters of (r)**E**(t)**R**(e)**A**(t)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Take action against head of abbey as prior goes missing (3)","output":"### Answer: SUE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Take action against\n**SU**(p)**E**(rior) (\"head of abbey\" *with the letters of* \"prior\" *gone missing*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mature household, female only? (3)","output":"### Answer: AGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Mature\n(men)**AGE** \u2013 \"household\" *with no men (ie female only)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Nude photo taken (3)","output":"### Answer: HOT \n ### Explanation: Definition: taken\n(p)**HOT**(o) \u2013* think \"hot\" as is \"stolen\" or* \"taken\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cunning head of abbey concealed butcher (4)","output":"### Answer: SLAY \n ### Explanation: Definition: butcher\n**SLY** (\"cunning\") *with* **A**(bbey) *concealed"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Minister starting heretical actions in cloisters (8)","output":"### Answer: MONASTIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: cloisters\n**M**(inister) + *(actions)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Play sports here, on the right parson's place (7)","output":"### Answer: RECTORY \n ### Explanation: Definition: parson's place \n**REC**(reation ground), *where one may play* \"play sports\" + **TORY** (\"on the right\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Reprobate changing second name to George (Boy George?) (6)","output":"### Answer: SINGER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Boy George?\n**SINNER** (\"reprobate\") *changing its second* **N** (\"name\") *to a* **G** (\"George\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Call signs cause damage within Daesh (6)","output":"### Answer: IDENTS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Call signs\n**DENT** (\"cause damage\") *within* **I.S.** (\"Daesh\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wash up under care of one of same 14 or 16 (6)","output":"### Answer: COEVAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: of same 14 or 16 \n<=**LAVE** (\"wash\", *up*) *under* **C\/O** (\"care of\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fractions of number in choppers to put on uniform on board (12)","output":"### Answer: SEVENTEENTHS \n ### Explanation: Fractions of number in choppers to put on uniform on board (12)\n**N**(umber) *in* **TEETH** (\"choppers\") *put on* **EVEN** (\"uniform\") *in* **SS** (\"on board\", *ie on a steamship*), *so* **S-EVEN-TEE(N)TH-S"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Female's seduced by an ex-taoiseach (5)","output":"### Answer: AHERN \n ### Explanation: Female's seduced by an ex-taoiseach (5)\n**HER** (\"female's\") seduced by **AN ***Refers to Bertie Ahern, the Taoiseach of Ireland from 1997 to 2008."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Doctor grimaces, describing onset of nausea as being all too loudly evident (9)","output":"### Answer: SCREAMING \n ### Explanation: Doctor grimaces, describing onset of nausea as being all too loudly evident (9)\n*(grimaces)* describing* **N**(ausea)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Terrifying regular visitors to Dorset and Leeds (7)","output":"### Answer: DREADED \n ### Explanation: Terrifying regular visitors to Dorset and Leeds (7)\nTake regular letters from **D**(o)**R**(s)**E**(t)**A**(n)**D**(l)**E**(e)**D**(s)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Happy as a kingfisher? (7)","output":"### Answer: HALCYON \n ### Explanation: Happy as a kingfisher? (7)\nDouble definition \u2013 a halcyon is a type of Asian or African kingfisher."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Frees from tax in Norfolk town (10)","output":"### Answer: DISBURDENS \n ### Explanation: Frees from tax in Norfolk town (10)\n**BURDEN** (\"tax\") in **DISS** (\"Norfolk team\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Large dong one's confused with a \"far out\" snout (4-5)","output":"### Answer: LONG-NOSED \n ### Explanation: Large dong one's confused with a \"far out\" snout (4-5)\n*(L dong ones), *where the* L *stands for* \"large\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Leftward leaning\u00a0flower (4)","output":"### Answer: PINK \n ### Explanation: Leftward leaning\u00a0flower (4)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Arm that's hairy and small, short 3 (3-7)","output":"### Answer: SIX-SHOOTER \n ### Explanation: Arm that's hairy and small, short 3 (3-7)\n**SIX** (\"hairy\", *look at SIX down*) + **S**(mall) + **HOOTER** (\"nose\", *3dn, shortened*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: 4,480-pound European, sounding like a siren (3-4)","output":"### Answer: TWOTONE \n ### Explanation: 4,480-pound European, sounding like a siren (3-4)\n**TWO TON** (\"4,480-pound\") + **E**(uropean)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Somewhat contrarily, spots no numbers around the clock (3-4)","output":"### Answer: NON-STOP \n ### Explanation: Somewhat contrarily, spots no numbers around the clock (3-4)\n*Hidden backwards (indicated by \"somewhat contrarily\") in* \"s**POTS NO** **N**umbers\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Nice men in uniform, mostly Greek S&M nuts (9)","output":"### Answer: GENDARMES \n ### Explanation: Nice men in uniform, mostly Greek S&M nuts (9)\n*(gree s and m), *where gree is \"mostly Greek*\" \n*Gendarmes would be men in uniform in Nice (and the rest of France, of course)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Puck? Female, 6, non-starter! (5)","output":"### Answer: FAIRY \n ### Explanation: Puck? Female, 6, non-starter! (5)\n**F**(emale) + (h)**AIRY** (6dn, *without its starter*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Half-heartedly called police about son's minor indiscretions (12)","output":"### Answer: PECCADILLOES \n ### Explanation: Half-heartedly called police about son's minor indiscretions (12)\n*(caled police) *about* **S**(on)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: From southern town, originally, and yet northern writer (9)","output":"### Answer: STEVENSON \n ### Explanation: From southern town, originally, and yet northern writer (9)\n**S**(outhern) **T**(own) + **EVEN SO** (\"and yet\") + **N**(orthern)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lead \u00e2\u20ac\" a radioactive element? Not lead, it's a metallic element (8)","output":"### Answer: VANADIUM \n ### Explanation: Lead \u00e2\u20ac\" a radioactive element? Not lead, it's a metallic element (8)\n**VAN** (\"lead\") + (r)**ADIUM** (\"radioactive element\", *without its lead*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Listening devices from back of one shop near Barking (9)","output":"### Answer: EARPHONES \n ### Explanation: Listening devices from back of one shop near Barking (9)\n(on)**E** + *(shop near)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One fat fly heads off, as ordered (6)","output":"### Answer: NEATLY \n ### Explanation: One fat fly heads off, as ordered (6)\n*Take the heads (initial letters) off* (o)**NE** (f)**AT** (f)**LY"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dangerous, so locked away at last (5)","output":"### Answer: HAIRY \n ### Explanation: Dangerous, so locked away at last (5)\n**HAIR** (\"so locked\") + (awa)**Y"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Grouped together with a retired joiner (6)","output":"### Answer: BANDED \n ### Explanation: Grouped together with a retired joiner (6)\n**AND** (\"joiner\")* in* **BED** (\"retired\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Drink for one that's picked up medal (6)","output":"### Answer: EGGNOG \n ### Explanation: Drink for one that's picked up medal (6)\n**E.G.** (\"for one\") + <= **GONG** (*picked-up* \"medal\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Infuriated by golf shot, curse back-up supports (6,3)","output":"### Answer: DRIVEN MAD \n ### Explanation: Infuriated by golf shot, curse back-up supports (6,3)\n**DRIVE** (\"golf shot\") + <=**DAMN** (\"curse\", *backed up*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Takes more off away kits? (9)","output":"### Answer: OUTSTRIPS \n ### Explanation: Takes more off away kits? (9)\n**OUT** (\"away\") + **STRIPS** (\"kits\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Model T Ford, on a return trip? (2,3,3)","output":"### Answer: TO AND FRO \n ### Explanation: Model T Ford, on a return trip? (2,3,3)\n*(t ford on a)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A poet raving about Goat's Head soup (6)","output":"### Answer: POTAGE \n ### Explanation: A poet raving about Goat's Head soup (6)\n*(a poet) *about* **G**(oat)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fish, catching record yields (6)","output":"### Answer: REPAYS \n ### Explanation: Fish, catching record yields (6)\n**RAYS** (\"fish\") catching **E.P.** (\"record\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Operating system in iMac involved a collection of bits (6)","output":"### Answer: MOSAIC \n ### Explanation: Operating system in iMac involved a collection of bits (6)\n**O.S.** (\"operating system\") *in* *(imac)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ring relative who's missing lost cat (5)","output":"### Answer: OUNCE \n ### Explanation: Ring relative who's missing lost cat (5)\n**O** (\"ring\") + **UNC**(l)**E** (\"relative\" *missing L*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Like first of nurses taking city hospital round (5)","output":"### Answer: NASAL \n ### Explanation: Like first of nurses taking city hospital round (5)\n**N**(urses) + <=LA SA (\"city\" *and* \"hospital\", *round*) \n*I can't see NASAL being defined here, though?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Strand House cook claimed by horrendous death peril (7,7)","output":"### Answer: ADELPHI THEATRE \n ### Explanation: Strand House cook claimed by horrendous death peril (7,7)\n**HEAT** (\"cook\") *claimed by* *(death peril)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Times introduction to Romanticism about George Gordon (5)","output":"### Answer: BYRON \n ### Explanation: Times introduction to Romanticism about George Gordon (5)\n**BY** (\"times\") + **R**(omanticism) + **ON** (\"about\") \n*Lord Byron's full name was George Gordon Byron."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One entering judgement shows awareness (9)","output":"### Answer: SENTIENCE \n ### Explanation: One entering judgement shows awareness (9)\n**I** (\"one\") *entering* **SENTENCE** (\"judgement\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Windy City an effort with cold greeting Charlie (7)","output":"### Answer: CHICAGO \n ### Explanation: Windy City an effort with cold greeting Charlie (7)\nA GO (\"an effort\") *with* **C**(old) + **HI** (\"greeting\") **C**(harilie)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Late bar vibrant in province (7)","output":"### Answer: ALBERTA \n ### Explanation: Late bar vibrant in province (7)\n*(late bar)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: European wife is aboard steamer (5)","output":"### Answer: SWISS \n ### Explanation: European wife is aboard steamer (5)\n**W**(ife) **IS** *in (aboard)* **SS** (*steamship, so* \"steamer\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Eminent MP men flog during sex (9)","output":"### Answer: IMPORTANT \n ### Explanation: Eminent MP men flog during sex (9)\n**MP** + **O.R.** (*other ranks, so* \"men\") + **TAN** (\"flog\") *during* **IT** (\"sex\" *appeal*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Earl, King and Queen around Hampshire river (9)","output":"### Answer: KITCHENER \n ### Explanation: Earl, King and Queen around Hampshire river (9)\n**K**(ing) + **E.R.** (\"Queen\") around **ITCHEN** (a \"Hampshire river\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Yank walloped companion (5)","output":"### Answer: HITCH \n ### Explanation: Yank walloped companion (5)\n**HIT** (\"walloped\") + **CH** (\"Companion\" *of Honour*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Restraint needed after cutting sweet pastry (7)","output":"### Answer: TARTLET \n ### Explanation: Restraint needed after cutting sweet pastry (7)\n**LET** (\"restraint\") after **TART** (\"cutting\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Belly beginning to bulge \u2014 notice old chaps holding that in! (7)","output":"### Answer: ABDOMEN \n ### Explanation: Belly beginning to bulge \u2014 notice old chaps holding that in! (7)\n**AD** (\"notice\") + **O**(ld) **MEN** (\"chaps\") *holding* **B**(ulge) *in, so*** A(B)D-O-MEN"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Clumsy punch cuts boxer Naz (3-6)","output":"### Answer: HAM-FISTED \n ### Explanation: Clumsy punch cuts boxer Naz (3-6)\n**FIST** (\"punch\") cuts **HAMED** (\"boxer\" \u2013 *Naseem (aka \"*Naz\"*) Hamed*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Daisy's teacher docking marks (5)","output":"### Answer: ASTER \n ### Explanation: Daisy's teacher docking marks (5)\n(m)**ASTER** (\"teacher\" *docking M(arks*))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Plato, in McHugh novel, takes in grand field event (9,5)","output":"### Answer: PLOUGHING MATCH \n ### Explanation: Plato, in McHugh novel, takes in grand field event (9,5)\n*(plato in mchugh) taking in **G**(rand)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Right among it, Dawkins heartlessly slammed Huxley? (9)","output":"### Answer: DARWINIST \n ### Explanation: Right among it, Dawkins heartlessly slammed Huxley? (9)\n**R**(ight) *among* *(it dawins) \n*Biologist Thomas Henry Dawkins (1825-1895), was nicknamed \"Darwin's Bulldog\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Girl left in Douala after evacuation (5)","output":"### Answer: LINDA \n ### Explanation: Girl left in Douala after evacuation (5)\n**L**(eft) **IN** **D**(oual)**A"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Adapting to an Irish Herodotus? (9)","output":"### Answer: HISTORIAN \n ### Explanation: Adapting to an Irish Herodotus? (9)\n*(to an irish) \n*Herodotus, the ancient Greek historian is known as the \"father of history\" after Voltaire dubbed him that (he also dubbed him the \"father of lies\")."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Two-wheeler parked in Clifton Gardens (5)","output":"### Answer: TONGA \n ### Explanation: Two-wheeler parked in Clifton Gardens (5)\n*Hidden in (parked in)* \"Clif**TON** **GA**rdens\" \n*A tonga (or tanga) is a light two-wheeled horse-drawn carriage in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: City journalist at home gets hot food served up (9)","output":"### Answer: EDINBURGH \n ### Explanation: City journalist at home gets hot food served up (9)\n**ED**(itor) (\"journalist\") + **IN** (\"at home\") + <=**H**(ot) **GRUB** (\"food)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: All fingers and thumbs \u2013 or finding settled course (5)","output":"### Answer: TENOR \n ### Explanation: All fingers and thumbs \u2013 or finding settled course (5)\n**TEN** (\"all fingers and thumbs\") + **OR"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stylish top from Ellesse on six- footer (7)","output":"### Answer: ELEGANT \n ### Explanation: Stylish top from Ellesse on six- footer (7)\n**E**(llesse) + **LEG** (\"on\" in cricket) + **ANT** (\"six-footer\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Count on this as Cuba undergoes reform (6)","output":"### Answer: ABACUS \n ### Explanation: Count on this as Cuba undergoes reform (6)\n*(as cuba)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Money given by sons relaxing (9)","output":"### Answer: SCHILLING \n ### Explanation: Money given by sons relaxing (9)\n**S**(ons) + **CHILLING** (\"relaxing\") \n*The schilling was the unit of currency in Austria until they adopted the euro in 2002."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dad with receding hair at party greets initially wild creature (6,3)","output":"### Answer: PARIAH DOG \n ### Explanation: Dad with receding hair at party greets initially wild creature (6,3)\n**PA** (\"dad\") + <=**HAIR** + **DO** (\"party\") + **G**(reets) \n*A pariah dog is a feral dog living on scraps."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Shooter Ann flees wounded catamountain (9)","output":"### Answer: AUTOMATIC \n ### Explanation: Shooter Ann flees wounded catamountain (9)\n*(catamoutai) (\"catamountain\" *after *ANN* has fled*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Boat, in erect position, that's in bottle (7)","output":"### Answer: KETCHUP \n ### Explanation: Boat, in erect position, that's in bottle (7)\n**KETCH** (\"boat\") + **UP** (\"in erect position\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Troika ultimately leaves country empty (6)","output":"### Answer: HUNGRY \n ### Explanation: Troika ultimately leaves country empty (6)\n**HUNG**(a)**RY**, *where the A is the ultimate letter of* \"(troik)A\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Little jumper worn by Neo's lover (5)","output":"### Answer: ROMEO \n ### Explanation: Little jumper worn by Neo's lover (5)\n(kanga)**ROO** (\"little jumper\") *worn by* **ME** (\"Romeo\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: African expresses disapproval over island (5)","output":"### Answer: TUTSI \n ### Explanation: African expresses disapproval over island (5)\n**TUTS** (\"expresses disapproval\") *over*** I**(sland)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Play a measure first (5)","output":"### Answer: DRAMA \n ### Explanation: Play a measure first (5)\n**DRAM** (\"measure\") + **A"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Checked, returned fabric to cut (8)","output":"### Answer: EXAMINED \n ### Explanation: Checked, returned fabric to cut (8)\n<+**DENIM AXE** (\"fabric\" and \"cut\", *returned*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Light blue taxi transporting soldier (6)","output":"### Answer: CANTAB \n ### Explanation: Light blue taxi transporting soldier (6)\n**CAB\u00a0**(\"taxi\")\u00a0*transporting\u00a0***ANT\u00a0**(\"soldier\") \nCambridge blue (the colour associated with Cantabs (or Cantabrigians, students and alumni of Cambridge University) is a shade of light blue."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Berlin Standard journalist had a meal (5)","output":"### Answer: DINED \n ### Explanation: Berlin Standard journalist had a meal (5)\n**DIN** (\"Berlin standard\") +\u00a0**ED **(\"journalist\") \nThe Deutsches Institut fur Normung (DIN), based in Berlin, is the\u00a0German national organization for standardization."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Working tribunal to protect Zulu cash crop (6,3)","output":"### Answer: BRAZIL NUT \n ### Explanation: Working tribunal to protect Zulu cash crop (6,3)\n*(tribunal)\u00a0*to protect\u00a0***Z**(ulu)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: \"O for a finale to literary work!\" \u2013 Welsh composer (7)","output":"### Answer: NOVELLO \n ### Explanation: \"O for a finale to literary work!\" \u2013 Welsh composer (7)\n**NOVELL**-A (\"literary work\"), with the A (*its finale) *replaced by **O** (\"O for a\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Polish American left Ohio for New York city (7)","output":"### Answer: BUFFALO \n ### Explanation: Polish American left Ohio for New York city (7)\n**BUFF\u00a0**(\"polish\") +\u00a0**A**(merican) +\u00a0**L**(eft) +\u00a0**O**(hio)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lumme! A.E. Housman's collected treasures are here! (9,6)","output":"### Answer: ASHMOLEAN MUSEUM \n ### Explanation: Lumme! A.E. Housman's collected treasures are here! (9,6)\n*(lumme ae housmans)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tube train spurned in Chelsea (no place for business class!) (7)","output":"### Answer: TRACHEA \n ### Explanation: Tube train spurned in Chelsea (no place for business class!) (7)\n**TRA**(in)** + CHE**(LSE)**A\u00a0**(*no place for *LSE *(London School of Economics), where people may take a business class*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Recep? He's ushered outside of ruined city (7)","output":"### Answer: EPHESUS \n ### Explanation: Recep? He's ushered outside of ruined city (7)\nHidden in \"rec**EP HE'S US**hered\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Showing vivacity, the French have whip round for sports car (9)","output":"### Answer: CABRIOLET \n ### Explanation: Showing vivacity, the French have whip round for sports car (9)\n**BRIO** (\"vivacity\") + **LE** (\"the\" *in* \"French\") *having* **CAT** (\"whip\") *round"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Desperate character sent back to Iraq; without a question the lowest point (5)","output":"### Answer: NADIR \n ### Explanation: Desperate character sent back to Iraq; without a question the lowest point (5)\n<=**DAN** (\"desperate character\" (Desperate Dam, comic-book character)\u00a0*sent back*) +\u00a0**IR**(aq)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Job's predecessor established that woman (6)","output":"### Answer: ESTHER \n ### Explanation: Job's predecessor established that woman (6)\n**EST**(ablished) + **HER** (\"that woman\") \nIn the Old Testament, the book of Job follows the book of Esther"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Had both sides in court battle? (8)","output":"### Answer: WATERLOO \n ### Explanation: Had both sides in court battle? (8)\n**ATE** (\"had\") + **R L** (*right and left, so* \"both sides\") in **WOO** (\"court\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Deleting racial abuse in newspaper comment (7,7)","output":"### Answer: LEADING ARTICLE \n ### Explanation: Deleting racial abuse in newspaper comment (7,7)\n*(deleting racial)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Caravan, tastefully featuring upwardly mobile technology (3-3)","output":"### Answer: SAT-NAV \n ### Explanation: Caravan, tastefully featuring upwardly mobile technology (3-3)\n*Hidden upwardly in\u00a0*\"cara**VAN TAS**tefully\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Victor batting, nervous lad on a pair, gets delivery from Indian (8)","output":"### Answer: VINDALOO \n ### Explanation: Victor batting, nervous lad on a pair, gets delivery from Indian (8)\n**V**(ictor) +\u00a0**IN** (batting) + *(lad) +\u00a0**OO\u00a0**(\"pair\" of ducks in cricket)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Part of the furniture, like Farage turning up skint on board (8,5)","output":"### Answer: PEMBROKE TABLE \n ### Explanation: Part of the furniture, like Farage turning up skint on board (8,5)\n<=**M.E.P.** (Member of the European Parliament, \"like Farage\",\u00a0*turning*) +\u00a0**BROKE\u00a0**(\"skint\") +\u00a0**TABLE\u00a0**(\"board\"). \nA pembroke table is a light drop-leafed table."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fee charged to row across a river (6)","output":"### Answer: TARIFF \n ### Explanation: Fee charged to row across a river (6)\n**TIFF\u00a0**(\"row\")\u00a0*across\u00a0***A R**(iver)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Uncivilised Amir evicted from raunchy menage-a-trois (5,3)","output":"### Answer: STONE AGE \n ### Explanation: Uncivilised Amir evicted from raunchy menage-a-trois (5,3)\n*(engeatos) (\"menage-a-trois\"*with*\"amir\" *evicted*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Trigger nuclear cloud, getting one fried? (6,8)","output":"### Answer: BUTTON MUSHROOM \n ### Explanation: Trigger nuclear cloud, getting one fried? (6,8)\n**BUTTON\u00a0**(\"trigger\") +\u00a0**MUSHROOM\u00a0**(\"nuclear cloud\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Barcelona turn out in green (6,7)","output":"### Answer: CARBON NEUTRAL \n ### Explanation: Barcelona turn out in green (6,7)\n*(barcelona turn)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Nut nut (except last bit of nut) (4-4)","output":"### Answer: HEAD BUTT \n ### Explanation: Nut nut (except last bit of nut) (4-4)\n**HEAD** (\"nut\") + **BUT** (\"except\") + (nu)**T"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mentally ill (unlike a 4) (8)","output":"### Answer: UNHINGED \n ### Explanation: Mentally ill (unlike a 4) (8)\nA pembroke table (see 4dn) is drop-leafed, and therefore has hinges."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Julius visits Playboy tycoon, having dumped new young female (6)","output":"### Answer: HEIFER \n ### Explanation: Julius visits Playboy tycoon, having dumped new young female (6)\n**I\u00a0**(\"Julius\", the setter) *visits* (Hugh) **HEF**(n)**ER\u00a0**(recently-deceased tycoon) *with* N(ew) *dumped"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Joint gets Turkey disqualified from high jump (6)","output":"### Answer: SADDLE \n ### Explanation: Joint gets Turkey disqualified from high jump (6)\n**S**(tr)**ADDLE** (\"high jump\" *with* \"Turkey\" *disqualified*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Transport moving about America (7)","output":"### Answer: AUTOBUS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Transport\n*(about) +\u00a0**U.S.\u00a0**(\"America\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Finishes doing a headstand? (4,2)","output":"### Answer: ENDS UP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Finishes\nCryptis definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: They set off, but got no place (4-4)","output":"### Answer: ALSO-RANS \n ### Explanation: Definition: They set off, but got no place \nSlightly cryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fruit held in hand (6)","output":"### Answer: BANANA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fruit held in hand \nCryptic defintion, as a bunch of bananas is known as a \"hand\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pudding that comes with cooking instructions? (8,4)","output":"### Answer: BAKEWELL TART \n ### Explanation: Definition: Pudding\nCryptic defintion"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pacific islanders' cash crop? (10)","output":"### Answer: BREADFRUIT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Pacific islanders' cash crop\n**BREAD\u00a0**(\"cash\") +\u00a0**FRUIT\u00a0**(\"crop\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Very short time needed to get dry (3)","output":"### Answer: SEC \n ### Explanation: Definition: dry\n**SEC**(ond)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: River seen in Sussex, Essex and in Devon! (3)","output":"### Answer: EXE \n ### Explanation: Definition: River\nHidden in \"Suss**EX E**ssex\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The abandonment of royal dignity (10)","output":"### Answer: ABDICATION \n ### Explanation: Definition: The abandonment of royal dignity \nAlmost cryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sort of house in Cheam, its deed is mislaid (4-8)","output":"### Answer: SEMI-DETACHED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Cheam, its deed \n*(cheam its deed)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Confesses to being part of a town's uprising (4,2)","output":"### Answer: OWNS UP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Confesses \nHidden in \"t**OWNS UP**rising\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Acclamation of unusual papal custom (8)","output":"### Answer: APPLAUSE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Acclamation\n*(papal) +\u00a0**USE\u00a0**(\"custom\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Teased about being staid (6)","output":"### Answer: SEDATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: staid\n*(teased)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Knife that's a trophy to the Spanish (7)","output":"### Answer: SCALPEL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Knife\n**SCALP\u00a0**(\"trophy\") +\u00a0**EL\u00a0**(\"the\" in \"Spanish\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A girl reaches no conclusion, sad to say (4)","output":"### Answer: ALAS \n ### Explanation: Definition: sad to say \n**A\u00a0****LAS**(s)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The head to apply for a job (4)","output":"### Answer: TASK \n ### Explanation: Definition: job\n**T**(he) +\u00a0**ASK\u00a0**(\"apply for\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Females in public service? (8)","output":"### Answer: BARMAIDS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Females in public service\nFemales who serve you in a public bar, so mildly cryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One of five, one may feel (5)","output":"### Answer: SENSE \n ### Explanation: Definition: One of five, one may feel \nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Almost get a point too soon (6)","output":"### Answer: NEARLY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Almost\n**N**(orth) (\"a point\") +\u00a0**EARLY** (\"too soon\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wrong emphasis about an ability in the main (10)","output":"### Answer: SEAMANSHIP \n ### Explanation: Definition: ability in the main \n*(emphasis)\u00a0*about\u00a0***AN"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fashionable gift for youngsters (10)","output":"### Answer: PLASTICINE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fashionable gift for youngsters \nCryptic definition \u2013 if plasticine still exists as a thing, then it is something youngsters use to fashion or form into mini sculptures."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: There's something precious in one set of twins (6)","output":"### Answer: GEMINI \n ### Explanation: Definition: set of twins \n**GEM** (\"something precious\") +\u00a0**IN\u00a0**+\u00a0**1"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Former pupil has terms for irresistible impulses (10)","output":"### Answer: OBSESSIONS \n ### Explanation: Definition: irresistible impulses \n**O.B.\u00a0**(old boy, so \"former pupil\") +\u00a0**SESSIONS\u00a0**(\"terms\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Settled\u00a0in a resolute way (10)","output":"### Answer: DETERMINED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Settled\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A bit of your own back (6)","output":"### Answer: REBATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: A bit of your own back \nCryptic defintion"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Order me a lilac or another shrub (8)","output":"### Answer: CAMELLIA \n ### Explanation: Definition: another shrub \n*(me a lilac)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A number almost set right (6)","output":"### Answer: ADJUST \n ### Explanation: Definition: set right \n**A** +\u00a0**D** (500 in Roman numerals, so \"number\") +\u00a0**JUST\u00a0**(\"almost\") \n*Just* and\u00a0*almost* are not synonymous, though. In fact, it could be argued that they are antonyms."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Outstanding features of space (5)","output":"### Answer: CAPES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Outstanding features \n*(space)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Carry\u00a0a load of despondency (4)","output":"### Answer: HUMP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Carry\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Went over the hill? (4)","output":"### Answer: FELL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Went over\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Using same words against me \u2013 a Brit abused (8)","output":"### Answer: VERBATIM \n ### Explanation: Using same words against me \u2013 a Brit abused (8)\n**V** (\"against) + *(me a brit)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Late worker close to empty well (5,3)","output":"### Answer: NIGHT OWL \n ### Explanation: Late worker close to empty well (5,3)\n**NIGH** (\"close\") + **TO** + **W**(el)**L"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: 15 story in righteous Bible entry mistaken about love (7,2,6)","output":"### Answer: GOODBYE TO BERLIN \n ### Explanation: 15 story in righteous Bible entry mistaken about love (7,2,6)\n**GOOD** (\"righteous\") + *(bible entry) *about* **O** (\"love\") \n*\"Goodbye to Berlin\" was Isherwood's most famous book, later adapted for the movie, \"Cabaret\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Person from Zenda educated woman in race with Scotsman (10)","output":"### Answer: RURITANIAN \n ### Explanation: Person from Zenda educated woman in race with Scotsman (10)\n**RITA** (\"educated woman\", *as in Willy Russell's play \"Educating Rita\"*) *in* **RUN** (\"race\") *with* \"Ian\" (*Crosswordland's native* \"Scotsman\") \n*In Anthony Hope's famous novel, \"The Prisoner of Zenda\", Zenda was a small town in the fictional country of Ruritania, and the site of the castle in which the eponymous prisoner was incarcerated, therefore a person from Zenda would be a Ruritanian."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Food fish taken by university in India (8)","output":"### Answer: LINGUINI \n ### Explanation: Food fish taken by university in India (8)\n**LING** (\"fish\") + **U**(niversity) + **IN** +**I**(ndia)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: French plane one ditched in river (4)","output":"### Answer: AVON \n ### Explanation: French plane one ditched in river (4)\n**AV**(i)**ON** (*the French for* \"plane\" *with* 1 *ditched*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Book from Blake adds line to article (4)","output":"### Answer: THEL \n ### Explanation: Book from Blake adds line to article (4)\nL(ine) *added to* **THE** (\"article\") \n*\"The Book of Thel\" was written by William Blake and published in 1789."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cowherds prepared thick soups (8)","output":"### Answer: CHOWDERS \n ### Explanation: Cowherds prepared thick soups (8)\n*(cowherds)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Support theatre keeping woman in charge (10)","output":"### Answer: PROPELLANT \n ### Explanation: Support theatre keeping woman in charge (10)\n**PROP** (\"support\") + **NT** (*National* \"Theatre\")* keeping* **ELLA** (\"woman\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: When power's cut search closely for gown (4)","output":"### Answer: ROBE \n ### Explanation: When power's cut search closely for gown (4)\n(p)**ROBE\u00a0**(\"search closely\", *without* P(ower))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Showing uncertainty but dynamic in action (8)","output":"### Answer: WOBBLING \n ### Explanation: Showing uncertainty but dynamic in action (8)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Get knowledge about a hotel in Asian city (6)","output":"### Answer: LAHORE \n ### Explanation: Get knowledge about a hotel in Asian city (6)\n**LORE** (\"knowledge\") *about* **A H**(otel)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stick heard to shatter \u2013brittle at the end (6)","output":"### Answer: ADHERE \n ### Explanation: Stick heard to shatter \u2013brittle at the end (6)\n*(heard) + (brittl)**E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Black ships initially without crew? (8)","output":"### Answer: STARLESS \n ### Explanation: Black ships initially without crew? (8)\n**S**(hips) + **TARLESS** (\"without crew\", *ie having no tars or sailors*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Books are uplifting \u2013 an inspiration? (5)","output":"### Answer: ERATO \n ### Explanation: Books are uplifting \u2013 an inspiration? (5)\n<=**O.T ARE** *where O.T. is the Old Testament* (\"books\") \n*Erato was one of the Muses in Greek mythology, therefore an inspiration*."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Canine at speed one to collect the papers? (7,4)","output":"### Answer: BULLDOG CLIP \n ### Explanation: Canine at speed one to collect the papers? (7,4)\n**BULLDOG** (\"canine\") + **CLIP** (\"speed\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: 15 story in Mirror asserting NHS can reform (2,6,7,6)","output":"### Answer: MR NORRIS CHANGES TRAINS \n ### Explanation: 15 story in Mirror asserting NHS can reform (2,6,7,6)\n*(mirror asserting nhs can) \n*A Christopher Isherwood novel"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Drunken son in ladies' clothing (6)","output":"### Answer: TIGHTS \n ### Explanation: Drunken son in ladies' clothing (6)\n**TIGHT** (\"drunken\") +** S**(on)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Works in molecular thermodynamics (3)","output":"### Answer: ART \n ### Explanation: Works in molecular thermodynamics (3)\n*Hidden in* \"molecul**AR** **T**hermodynamics\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Recently introduced employees left brand (3,6)","output":"### Answer: NEW LABOUR \n ### Explanation: Recently introduced employees left brand (3,6)\n**NEW** (\"recently introduced\") + **LABOUR** (\"employees\") \n*It is however arguable that New Labour was not a left brand, as it took the Labour party into central ground."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dislodged earl then stays with reactionary (11)","output":"### Answer: NEANDERTHAL \n ### Explanation: Dislodged earl then stays with reactionary (11)\n*(earl then)\u00a0*stays (as in \"holds\")\u00a0***AND**\u00a0(\"with\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Author one right to pursue love in hut (9)","output":"### Answer: ISHERWOOD \n ### Explanation: Author one right to pursue love in hut (9)\n**I** (\"one\") + **R**(ight) + **WOO** (\"to pursue love\")* in* **SHED** (\"hut\"), *so* **I-SHE(R-WOO)D"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wrong answer to eat unhealthy pancake (8)","output":"### Answer: TORTILLA \n ### Explanation: Wrong answer to eat unhealthy pancake (8)\n**TORT** (\"wrong\") + **A**(nswer) *eating* **ILL** (\"unhealthy\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Swimmer up mountain getting chill (6)","output":"### Answer: PLAICE \n ### Explanation: Swimmer up mountain getting chill (6)\n<=**ALP** (\"mountain\",\u00a0*up*) + **ICE** (\"chill\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Johnson perhaps sending soldiers in again (5)","output":"### Answer: BORIS \n ### Explanation: Johnson perhaps sending soldiers in again (5)\n**O**(ther) **R**(anks) (\"soldiers\") *in* **BIS** (\"again\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fit men in recession not working (6)","output":"### Answer: ROBUST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fit\n<=**O.R.** (other ranks, so \"men\", *in recession*) + **BUST** (\"not working\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Blocks YouTube videos? They end like this? (8)","output":"### Answer: ECLIPSES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Blocks\n**E-CLIPS** (\"YouTube videos\" could be described thus) + ends of (lik)**E** (thi)**S"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Solve work that's put out (5)","output":"### Answer: DOUSE \n ### Explanation: Definition: put out \n**DO** (\"solve\") + **USE** (\"work\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Magazine article that could be digital (9)","output":"### Answer: TIMEPIECE \n ### Explanation: Definition: that could be digital \n**TIME** (\"magazine\") + **PIECE** (\"article\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Terrible Sun lie\/fib can't be run together (9)","output":"### Answer: INFUSIBLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: can't be run together \n*(sun lie fib)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Avoids\u00a0those with bills up front (5)","output":"### Answer: DUCKS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Avoids\nDouble definition, the second mildly cryptic."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Try getting popular on Twitter? Sad (5-7)","output":"### Answer: HEART-RENDING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Sad\n**HEAR** (\"try\") + **TRENDING** (\"getting popular on Twitter\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unfair punch: man, that hurts inside ring? (5,3,4)","output":"### Answer: BELOW THE BELT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Unfair\n**BELT** (\"punch\") + **HE** (\"man\") *with* **OW** (\"that hurts\") *inside*, + **BELT** (\"ring\"), so **BEL(OW)T-HE-BELT"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bachelor can go to McDonalds, it's opened (5)","output":"### Answer: BLOOM \n ### Explanation: Definition: it's opened \n**B**(achelor) + **LOO** (\"can\") + **M**(cDonalds) (*I assume this refers to the logo, the golden arches*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Motor to work having set off (3-6)","output":"### Answer: TWO-STROKE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Motor\n*(to work set)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Centre halves at the back covering block: they help make goals (9)","output":"### Answer: CROSSBARS \n ### Explanation: Definition: they help make goals \n**CROSS** (\"centre\", in football) + (halve)**S** *covering* **BAR** (\"block\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Reduced sick wards closed for patient (5)","output":"### Answer: STOIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: patient\n**SIC**(k) *wards* **TO** (\"closed\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Barely see, getting on boxes (8)","output":"### Answer: SPARSELY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Barely\n**ELY** (\"see\") on **SPARS** (\"boxes\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Likely to moan from good sex, not half (6)","output":"### Answer: GRUMPY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Likely to moan\n**G**(ood) + **RUMPY**(-pumpy) (\"sex\", *not half*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sign to stop on date with blonde? (3,5)","output":"### Answer: RED LIGHT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Sign to stop\n**RE** (\"on\") + **D**(ate) + **LIGHT** (\"blonde\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Recognition for clean water in dirty sink (4,4)","output":"### Answer: BLUE FLAG \n ### Explanation: Definition: Recognition for clean water\n**BLUE** (\"dirty\") + **FLAG** (\"sink\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: They improve definition of small muscles (5)","output":"### Answer: SPECS \n ### Explanation: Definition: They improve definition\n**S**(mall) + **PECS** (\"muscles\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Groom in Mates condom gets positive remarks (13)","output":"### Answer: COMMENDATIONS \n ### Explanation: Definition: positive remarks \n*(in mates condom)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Characteristic of a current politician that is entertaining with moves (9)","output":"### Answer: IMPEDANCE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Characteristic of a current\n**I.E.** (\"that is\") *entertaining* **M.P.** (\"politician\") + **DANCE** (\"moves\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Scores going up to check smell (6)","output":"### Answer: STENCH \n ### Explanation: Definition: smell\n<=**NETS** (\"scores\", *going up*) + **CH**(eck)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Blimey! That girl's smuggling drugs (heroin) (6)","output":"### Answer: SHEESH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Blimey\n**SHE'S** (\"that girl's\") *smuggling* **E** (ecstasy, so \"drugs\") + **H**(eroin)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Move bottom and dance where bars have swingers who score? (5,8)","output":"### Answer: TABLE FOOTBALL \n ### Explanation: Definition: where bars have swingers who score\n**TABLE** (\"move\") + **FOOT** (\"bottom\") + **BALL** (\"dance\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rest home's breaks in which you might get tea or coffee? (9)","output":"### Answer: THERMOSES \n ### Explanation: Definition: in which you might get tea or coffee\n*(rest homes)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: From the bottom, pierce hole in squash bottle (8)","output":"### Answer: JEROBOAM \n ### Explanation: Definition: bottle\n<=**BORE** (\"pierce\", *from the bottom*) + **O** (\"hole\") *in* **JAM** (\"squash\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Easily drawn out with either side of ruler to make an impression in pen (8)","output":"### Answer: STRETCHY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Easily drawn out\n**R** (*either side of* RuleR) + **ETCH** (\"to maek an impression\")* in* **STY** (\"pen\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tot with this baby face? Busy wiping walls (6)","output":"### Answer: ABACUS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Tot with this\n(b)**AB**(y) + (f)**AC**(e) + (b)**US**(y)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Returning books and a model car (6)","output":"### Answer: TOYOTA \n ### Explanation: Definition: car\n<=**OT** (Old TEstament, so \"books\") + <=**A TOY\u00a0**(\"model\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Shocker! Had another go at paper when upset (5)","output":"### Answer: TASER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Shocker\n<=RESAT (\"had another go at paper\",* upset*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Men do it haphazardly around start of weekend in leisurely period? (8)","output":"### Answer: DOWNTIME \n ### Explanation: Men do it haphazardly around start of weekend in leisurely period? (8)\n*(men do it) *around* **W**(eekend)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Garden tools in section of a deck (6)","output":"### Answer: SPADES \n ### Explanation: Garden tools in section of a deck (6)\nDouble definition, the second referring to a deck of cards."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Evasive \u2013 like a mule? (8)","output":"### Answer: SLIPPERY \n ### Explanation: Evasive \u2013 like a mule? (8)\nA mule is a type of soft shoe or slipper, so could be described as slippery."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Body noted for rings gives a second backing performance (6)","output":"### Answer: SATURN \n ### Explanation: Body noted for rings gives a second backing performance (6)\n<= **A S**(econd) + **TURN** (\"performance\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Traditional works sold by companion with retired gents? (3-6)","output":"### Answer: OLD-SCHOOL \n ### Explanation: Traditional works sold by companion with retired gents? (3-6)\n*(sold) + **CH** (\"Companion\" of Honour) + <=**LOO** (\"gents\", *retired*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Take minute out of wood in river (5)","output":"### Answer: TIBER \n ### Explanation: Take minute out of wood in river (5)\n**TI**(m)**BER** (\"wood\", with M(inute) *out*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Parking put by very large hotel that's top-class (4)","output":"### Answer: POSH \n ### Explanation: Parking put by very large hotel that's top-class (4)\n**P**(arking) *put by* **OS** (outsize, so \"very large\") + **H**(otel)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Praise a demand in speech (7)","output":"### Answer: ACCLAIM \n ### Explanation: Praise a demand in speech (7)\nHomophone of **A CLAIM** (\"a demand\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Having a complaint, woman in Kentucky is a misery (7)","output":"### Answer: KILL JOY \n ### Explanation: Having a complaint, woman in Kentucky is a misery (7)\n**ILL** (\"having a complaint\") + **JO** (\"woman\") *in* **KY** (\"Kentucky\"), *so* **K(ILL-JO)Y"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Assured piece of topical mimicry (4)","output":"### Answer: CALM \n ### Explanation: Assured piece of topical mimicry (4)\nHidden in \"topi**CAL** **M**imicry\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Man serving in pub dispensing a litre shows reason (5)","output":"### Answer: LOGIC \n ### Explanation: Man serving in pub dispensing a litre shows reason (5)\n**G.I.** (\"man serving\")* in* **LOC**(al) (\"pub\", *dispensing* A L(itre))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Put another way, bore apt to follow first signs of roguish excess? (9)","output":"### Answer: REPROBATE \n ### Explanation: Put another way, bore apt to follow first signs of roguish excess? (9)\n*(bore apt) *to follow* **R**(oguish) **E**(xcess) and & lit.?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Return of help at small sports venues (6)","output":"### Answer: STADIA \n ### Explanation: Return of help at small sports venues (6)\n<=**AID **(\"help\")** AT S**(mall)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Use authority wrongly to withdraw facility for taxis (4,4)","output":"### Answer: PULL RANK \n ### Explanation: Use authority wrongly to withdraw facility for taxis (4,4)\n**PULL** (\"withdraw\") + **RANK** (\"facility for taxis\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: More organised inspector enters area of stand (6)","output":"### Answer: TIDIER \n ### Explanation: More organised inspector enters area of stand (6)\n**DI** (detective \"inspector\") *enters* **TIER** (\"area\" of stand\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Representative of order and greed man unleashed (8)","output":"### Answer: GENDARME \n ### Explanation: Representative of order and greed man unleashed (8)\n*(greed man)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Word I supply to encapsulate eccentric principally? (6)","output":"### Answer: WEIRDO \n ### Explanation: Word I supply to encapsulate eccentric principally? (6)\n*(word i) *to encapsulate* **E**(ccentric)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bring up religious books and film as subject (5)","output":"### Answer: TOPIC \n ### Explanation: Bring up religious books and film as subject (5)\n<=**O.T.** (Old Testament, so \"religious books\") + **PIC** (\"film\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A lot about leader of right-wing party in female novelist (7)","output":"### Answer: MURDOCH \n ### Explanation: A lot about leader of right-wing party in female novelist (7)\n**MUCH** (\"a lot\") *about* **R**(ight) + **DO** (\"party\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Republican bound by agreement I term not quite feasible (9)","output":"### Answer: PRACTICAL \n ### Explanation: Republican bound by agreement I term not quite feasible (9)\n**R**(epublican) *bound by* **PACT** (\"agreement\") + **I CAL**(l) (\"term\", *not quite*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Odd patrol behind rear of crowd making percussive sound (8)","output":"### Answer: DRUMBEAT \n ### Explanation: Odd patrol behind rear of crowd making percussive sound (8)\n**RUM** (\"odd\") + **BEAT** (\"patrol\") *behind* (crow)**D"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Condition in Asian region, it's said, and European capital (8)","output":"### Answer: SYNDROME \n ### Explanation: Condition in Asian region, it's said, and European capital (8)\nHomophone of **SINDH** (province of Pakistan, so \"Asian region\") + **ROME** (\"European capital\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Excuse accepted by couple amazingly (4)","output":"### Answer: PLEA \n ### Explanation: Excuse accepted by couple amazingly (4)\nHidden in \"cou**PLE** **A**mazingly\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Aim to be free of prejudice? (9)","output":"### Answer: OBJECTIVE \n ### Explanation: Aim to be free of prejudice? (9)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Doctor likes list I put out \u2013 showing range of abilities (5,3)","output":"### Answer: SKILLSET \n ### Explanation: Doctor likes list I put out \u2013 showing range of abilities (5,3)\n*(likes lst)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Idle sort has to carry gallon in half of Italian island (8)","output":"### Answer: SLUGGARD \n ### Explanation: Idle sort has to carry gallon in half of Italian island (8)\n**LUG** (\"carry\") + **G**(allon) *in* **SARD**(inia) (\"half of Italian island\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: English is excluded in long tale (4)","output":"### Answer: YARN \n ### Explanation: English is excluded in long tale (4)\n**Y**(e**)ARN\u00a0**(\"long\", *with* E(nglish) *excluded*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Medical case in part of spacecraft (7)","output":"### Answer: CAPSULE \n ### Explanation: Medical case in part of spacecraft (7)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Arab arranged to tour Arizona in charitable fair (6)","output":"### Answer: BAZAAR \n ### Explanation: Arab arranged to tour Arizona in charitable fair (6)\n*(arab) *to tour* **AZ** (\"Arizona\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Jeer abusively man, clerk that's awkward right away (6)","output":"### Answer: HECKLE \n ### Explanation: Jeer abusively man, clerk that's awkward right away (6)\n**HE** (\"man\") + *(clek) (\"clerk\" *with* R(ight) *away*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Priest upset in excessive amount becomes tipsy (5)","output":"### Answer: OILED \n ### Explanation: Priest upset in excessive amount becomes tipsy (5)\n<=**ELI** (Old Testament \"priest\") *in* **OD** (overdose, so \"excessive amount\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Formerly glorified, like second-class celebs? (5)","output":"### Answer: BLIST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Formerly glorified\n**B-LIST** (\"second-class celebs\") \nAccording to Chambers, blist is an archaic version of \"blessed\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: As of old rouses support among auxiliaries (7)","output":"### Answer: ABRAIDS \n ### Explanation: Definition: As of old rouses\n**BRA** (\"support\") *among* **AIDS** (\"auxiliaries\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sort of veggie left minutes before I ran out (9)","output":"### Answer: LACTARIAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Sort of veggie\nL(eft) + ACTA (\"minutes\" of a meeting) +*(i ran) \nA lactarian or lactovegetarian is a vegetarian who eats dairy products."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dig up Algernon's useful invention (not the first) (6)","output":"### Answer: UNBURY \n ### Explanation: Dig up Algernon's useful invention (not the first) (6)\n(b)**UNBURY**, Algernon's imaginary friend in Wilde's\u00a0*The Importance of Being Earnest*, used as a ruse to get out of unpleasant social engagements."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Regular food past its best, soft inside (6)","output":"### Answer: STAPLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Regular food\n**STALE** (\"past its best\") *with* P (\"soft\")* inside*."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Plant sheaths: gold, with tips of magenta and blue (7)","output":"### Answer: OCHREAE \n ### Explanation: Plant sheaths: gold, with tips of magenta and blue (7)\n**OCHRE**\u00a0(\"gold\") + (magent)**A** and (blu)**E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Video to stimulate sales for a bit (5)","output":"### Answer: PROMO \n ### Explanation: Video to stimulate sales for a bit (5)\n**PRO** (\"for\") + **MO **(\"a bit\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Description of US pastoral simplicity in tidy landscapes (4)","output":"### Answer: IDYL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Description of US pastoral simplicity\nHidden in \"t**IDY L**andscapes\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old land subletting scheme revealing acorns mice crunched (10)","output":"### Answer: CONACREISM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Old land subletting scheme\n*(acorns mice) \nConacreism was a system in Ireland for letting out farmland for a season or for most of a year."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unison singing of a kind? Factory accepts a measure (10)","output":"### Answer: PLAINCHANT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Unison singing of a kind\n**PLANT** (\"factory\") *accepts* **A INCH** (\"a measure\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Snog, hot after dance (4)","output":"### Answer: PASH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Snog\n**H**(ot) *after* **PAS** (\"dance\") \n\"Pash\" is an Antipodean term for \"kiss and cuddle\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wee one, born one of a set in Carnoustie? (5)","output":"### Answer: BAIRN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Wee one\n**B**(orn) + **A IRN** (an iron in Scots (think Irn Bru), so \"one of a set\" (of golf clubs)). For an alternative parsing, see comment 2 below."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Soak brown one turned over in dyes (7)","output":"### Answer: ANATTOS \n ### Explanation: Definition: dyes\n<=**SOT TAN A** (\"soak brown one\", *turned over*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Do-gooder returning bag and stick (6)","output":"### Answer: DORCAS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Do-gooder\n<=**SAC ROD** (\"back\" and \"stick\" *returning*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old hurt doctor binds as a temporary measure (6)","output":"### Answer: MAKE-DO \n ### Explanation: Old hurt doctor binds as a temporary measure (6)\n**AKED**\u00a0(old \"hurt\") *bound by* **M.O.** (medical officer, so \"doctor\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Round \u00e9cus in a poor state, of unknown origin (9)","output":"### Answer: UNSOURCED \n ### Explanation: Definition: of unknown origin \n*(round ecus)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Early supper, dull one, including bit of both beef and veal? (7)","output":"### Answer: MEAT TEA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Early supper\n**MATTE A** (\"dull one\") *including* **E** (letter that both \"beef\" and \"veal\" have in common)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What'll damage seat, with cutting in? (5)","output":"### Answer: TAWSE \n ### Explanation: Definition: What'll damage seat, with cutting in\n*(seat) with\u00a0**W**(ith) *cutting in* and &lit. \nA tawse, as I can testify from personal experience, was a leather belt used by teachers to punish schoolchildren in Scotland when corporal punishment was still allowed, although I don't remember my seat being whacked \u2013 it was always my hand as far as I can remember."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Light up to demonstrate greeting? (4)","output":"### Answer: BLUB \n ### Explanation: Definition: to demonstrate greeting\n<=**BULB** (\"light\",\u00a0*up)* \nIn Scotland, \"to greet\" is \"to weep\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: It was shot from man-of-war or galleon at sea (two rounds loosed) (7)","output":"### Answer: LANGREL \n ### Explanation: Definition: It was shot from man-of-war\n*(r gallen) (\"or galleon\" *with two Os loosed*) \nA langrel (or langrage or langridge) was shot used in naval warfare."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What revives stale wine? A dash of tonic in substance (4)","output":"### Answer: STUM \n ### Explanation: Definition: What revives stale wine\n**T**(onic) in** SUM** (\"substance\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sailor close to big fish (6)","output":"### Answer: TARPON \n ### Explanation: Definition: fish\n**TAR\u00a0**(\"sailor\") +\u00a0**'PON\u00a0**(\"close to\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Burrower twice shortened hidey-hole with one (8)","output":"### Answer: BISCACHA \n ### Explanation: Burrower twice shortened hidey-hole with one (8)\n**BIS**\u00a0(\"twice\") + **CACH**(e) (\"hidey-hole\",\u00a0*shortened*) +\u00a0**A\u00a0**(\"one\") \nA viscacha or biscacha is a South American chichilla-like rodent."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: I'll say part in opera (The Rheingold) (6)","output":"### Answer: RATHER \n ### Explanation: Definition: I'll say\nHidden in \"ope**RA THE R**heingold\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: I'm on exercise plunge having to get round it as hindrance (10)","output":"### Answer: IMPEDITIVE \n ### Explanation: Definition: hindrance\n**I'M** + **P.E.** (\"exercise\") + **DIVE** (\"plunge\") *getting round* **IT"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pause and lock up, day over (5)","output":"### Answer: DELAY \n ### Explanation: Pause and lock up, day over (5)\n<=**YALE** (\"lock\"\u00a0*up*) with\u00a0**D**(ay)\u00a0*over**\u00a0*(ie. above)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Metalworker worked eastern metal, tin-coated (8)","output":"### Answer: STEELMAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Metalworker\n*(e metal) *coated in* **Sn**. (chemical symbol of \"tin\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cerebral 'speech-maker', Oscar off form in poor one (10)","output":"### Answer: BROCA\u2019S AREA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Cerebral 'speech-maker'\n*(oscar) in **BARE** (\"poor\") + **A** (\"one\") \nBroca's Area is the part of the brain responsible for speech."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One often accompanies Indian dad with reverse of abuse (8)","output":"### Answer: POPPADUM \n ### Explanation: Definition: One often accompanies Indian\n**POPPA** (\"dad\") + <=**MUD** (*reverse of* \"abuse\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: It often involves cradling from side to side in extremes of love (8)","output":"### Answer: LACROSSE \n ### Explanation: Definition: It often involves cradling\n**ACROSS** (\"from side to side\") *in* **L**(ov)**E** \nIn lacrosse, \"cradling\" is the term for running with the ball in the net."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pants once tested on board ship (7)","output":"### Answer: STRIDES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Pants\n**TRIDE** (once \"tested\") in **SS** (\"on board ship\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Swimming gives you that tan repeatedly (6)","output":"### Answer: NATANT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Swimming\n*(tan) twice (I think!)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Gradation, look, in part of brass backing (6)","output":"### Answer: ABLAUT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Gradation\n**LA!** (look!) *in* <=**TUBA** (\"part of brass\" (section), *backing*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lizard that a Cockney's found in his old sock? (5)","output":"### Answer: ANOLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Lizard\n**AN 'OLE** (Cockney version of \"an hole\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pods cooked all right with radish \u2013 take away meal (4)","output":"### Answer: OKRA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Pods cooked\n**OK** (\"all right\") + **RA**(dish)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Knot or bow on end of lace (4)","output":"### Answer: NODE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Knot\n**NOD** (\"bow\") + (lac)**E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Festive treat from black stag in mating season? (6,6)","output":"### Answer: BRANDY BUTTER \n ### Explanation: Festive treat from black stag in mating season? (6,6)\n**B**(lack) +\u00a0**RANDY BUTTER\u00a0**(a description of a \"stag in mating season\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: In France, a man runs free of clothes (7)","output":"### Answer: UNCOVER \n ### Explanation: In France, a man runs free of clothes (7)\n**UN** (\"in France, a\") + **COVE** (\"man\") + **R**(uns)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Glower as student group knocked over clock (7)","output":"### Answer: SUNLAMP \n ### Explanation: Glower as student group knocked over clock (7)\n<=**N.U.S.** (National Union of Students, so \"student group\", *knocked over*) + **LAMP** (\"clock\", i.e. punch or thump)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: My cryptic hint for old port (7)","output":"### Answer: CORINTH \n ### Explanation: My cryptic hint for old port (7)\n**COR** (\"my\") + *(hint)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stops king donning transvestite's jacket and skirt (7)","output":"### Answer: TERMINI \n ### Explanation: Stops king donning transvestite's jacket and skirt (7)\n**R** (rex, so \"king\") *donning* **T**(ransvestit)**E** and **MINI** (\"skirt\"), so **T-E(R)MINI"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Base of trifle with less calorific cream (5)","output":"### Answer: ELITE \n ### Explanation: Base of trifle with less calorific cream (5)\n(trifl)**E**\u00a0*with\u00a0***LITE\u00a0**(\"less calorific\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lying bum flogged modern houses (9)","output":"### Answer: RECUMBENT \n ### Explanation: Lying bum flogged modern houses (9)\n*(bum) *housed by* **RECENT** (\"modern\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Clergies horrified about a deed such as this? (9)","output":"### Answer: SACRILEGE \n ### Explanation: Clergies horrified about a deed such as this? (9)\n*(clergies) *abou*t **A"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tuck in to sample a treat (5)","output":"### Answer: PLEAT \n ### Explanation: Tuck in to sample a treat (5)\nHidden in \"sam**PLE A T**reat\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Equids, one of them hidden by rambling rose (7)","output":"### Answer: ONAGERS \n ### Explanation: Equids, one of them hidden by rambling rose (7)\n**NAG** (a horse or equid, so \"one of them\") *hidden by* *(rose)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Smug fellow's not a boring tool, it's said (4-3)","output":"### Answer: KNOW-ALL \n ### Explanation: Smug fellow's not a boring tool, it's said (4-3)\nHomophone of **NO AWL** (\"not a boring tool\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One's heavy, large and round, wearing clothes outside? (7)","output":"### Answer: KILOTON \n ### Explanation: One's heavy, large and round, wearing clothes outside? (7)\n**L**(arge) + **O** (\"round\") with **KIT ON** (\"wearing clothes\") *outside"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Silly graduate abandons speaking naturally (7)","output":"### Answer: IDIOTIC \n ### Explanation: Silly graduate abandons speaking naturally (7)\n**IDIO**(ma)**TIC **(\"speaking naturally\", without MA (\"graduate\"))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Faulty gasometer in a kind of household (6,1,5)","output":"### Answer: MENAGE A TROIS \n ### Explanation: Faulty gasometer in a kind of household (6,1,5)\n*(gasometer in a)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: AC\/DC covering a Christmas staple? That's rum (7)","output":"### Answer: BACARDI \n ### Explanation: AC\/DC covering a Christmas staple? That's rum (7)\n**BI**(sexual)(\"AC\/DC\")\u00a0*covering*\u00a0**A CARD\u00a0**(\"a Christmas staple\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A header from Vardy, cracking ball \u00e2\u20ac\" come on! (7)","output":"### Answer: ADVANCE \n ### Explanation: A header from Vardy, cracking ball \u00e2\u20ac\" come on! (7)\n**A** + **V**(ardy) *cracking* **DANCE** (\"ball\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unknown quantity of diamonds and heroin around vessel (4,5)","output":"### Answer: DARK HORSE \n ### Explanation: Unknown quantity of diamonds and heroin around vessel (4,5)\n**D**(iamonds) + **HORSE** (\"heroin\") *around* **ARK** (\"vessel\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hem in blouse's edging fixed (5)","output":"### Answer: BESET \n ### Explanation: Hem in blouse's edging fixed (5)\n**B**(lous)**E** + **SET** (\"fixed\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fit six-footer right in the middle (7)","output":"### Answer: TANTRUM \n ### Explanation: Fit six-footer right in the middle (7)\n**ANT** (\"six-footer\") + **R**(ight) *in* **TUM** (\"middle\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Slippery, sinful indiv\u00c2\u00adidual steals credit card back (7)","output":"### Answer: EVASIVE \n ### Explanation: Slippery, sinful indiv\u00c2\u00adidual steals credit card back (7)\n**EVE** (\"sinful individual\") *steals* <=**VISA** (\"credit card\", *back*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Look, with VAT rising, pop star trembled (8,4)","output":"### Answer: BUTCHER\u2019S HOOK \n ### Explanation: Look, with VAT rising, pop star trembled (8,4)\n<=**TUB** (\"vat\", rising) + **CHER** (\"pop star\") + **SHOOK** (\"trembled\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stones hit bird, after suffering without milk (5,2,5)","output":"### Answer: PAINT IT BLACK \n ### Explanation: Stones hit bird, after suffering without milk (5,2,5)\n**TIT\u00a0**(\"bird\")\u00a0*after\u00a0***PAIN** (\"suffering\"), +\u00a0**BLACK\u00a0**(\"without milk\") \n*Paint It Black* was a No 1 hit for the Rolling Stones on both sides of the Atlantic in 1966."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: European composer, in recital, has things to do (9)","output":"### Answer: CHECKLIST \n ### Explanation: European composer, in recital, has things to do (9)\nHomophone of **CZECH LISZT** (\"European\" and \"composer\"), indicated by *in recital"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Overcook pork pie and coke (7)","output":"### Answer: CHARLIE \n ### Explanation: Overcook pork pie and coke (7)\n**CHAR** (\"overcook\") + **LIE** (\"pork pie\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Reluctance to move home, rate changes entrapping one (7)","output":"### Answer: INERTIA \n ### Explanation: Reluctance to move home, rate changes entrapping one (7)\n**IN** (\"home\") + *(rate) *entrapping* **I** (\"one\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rider favouring protection for face when cut (7)","output":"### Answer: PROVISO \n ### Explanation: Rider favouring protection for face when cut (7)\n**PRO** (\"favouring\") + **VISO**(r) (\"protection for face\",\u00a0*cut*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Theologian and Darwin swapping tips for theorem (7)","output":"### Answer: ERASTUS \n ### Explanation: Theologian and Darwin swapping tips for theorem (7)\n**ERAS**(m)(**T**)**US\u00a0**(Erasmus \"Darwin\" with one tip of \"theorem\" (M) swapped for the other tip (T)) \n*A fair amount of general knowledge required here, I'd suggest, as neither Erastus, not Erasmus Darwin, Charles's grandfather, are that well known."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Martial arts teacher's detailed wisdom (5)","output":"### Answer: SENSE \n ### Explanation: Martial arts teacher's detailed wisdom (5)\n**SENSE**(i) (\"martial arts teacher\", *detailed* (i.e. having its last letter (or tail) removed))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Crowd round in a crypt for Little Boy, maybe (4,4)","output":"### Answer: ATOM BOMB \n ### Explanation: Definition: Little Boy, maybe \n<=**MOB** (\"crowd\" *round*) in\u00a0**A TOMB\u00a0**(\"a crypt\") \n*Little Boy* was the code name of the bomb dropped by the Americans on Hiroshima in 1945."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Idiot Trump initiative world leaders can reverse (6)","output":"### Answer: NITWIT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Idiot\n<= **T I W NIT** (**T**rump\u00a0**I**nitiative\u00a0**W**orld *leaders* + **TIN** (\"can\"))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Extremely clear river emergency (6)","output":"### Answer: CRISIS \n ### Explanation: Definition: emergency\n**C**(lea)**R** + **ISIS** (\"river\", theThames at Oxford)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Small Spaniard may be husky (8)","output":"### Answer: SIBERIAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: husky\n**S**(mall) + **IBERIAN** (\"Spaniard may be\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: In the end flat, count out of turn (10)","output":"### Answer: EVENTUALLY \n ### Explanation: Definition: In the end\n**EVEN** (\"flat\") + **TALLY** (\"count\") *out*(side) *of* **U**(-turn)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unintentionally discover where GI's were reported to be (8)","output":"### Answer: OVERHEAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Unintentionally discover\nHomophone of **OVER HERE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Adjust section of Gatt unethically (6)","output":"### Answer: ATTUNE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Adjust\nHidden in \"G**ATT UNE**thically\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Roman Catholic bread broken for population all over Christmas (7)","output":"### Answer: RED CRAB \n ### Explanation: Definition: population all over Christmas \n*(RC bread) \n*Christmas Island red crab is a species of crab found unsurprisingly on Christmas Island."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pet hate \u2013 Mrs \"Fawlty\" (7)","output":"### Answer: HAMSTER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Pet\n*(hate mrs)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hope rage pursues poisoner (6)","output":"### Answer: ASPIRE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Hope\n**IRE** (\"rage\") *pursues\u00a0***ASP\u00a0**(\"poisoner\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Count of 17? (3,3,4)","output":"### Answer: UNO DOS TRES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Count of 17\n\"One, two, three\" in Spanish, the language of Barcelona (17dn)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Spooner's hunting assistant escaped delicate work (8)","output":"### Answer: FILIGREE \n ### Explanation: Definition: delicate work \nSpoonerism of **GILLIE FREE\u00a0**(\"hunting assistant escaped\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A good way scrap may produce litter (6)","output":"### Answer: FARROW \n ### Explanation: Definition: litter\n**FAR** (\"a good way\") + **ROW** (\"scrap\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Salt with main to follow (3,3)","output":"### Answer: SEA DOG \n ### Explanation: Definition: Salt\n**SEA** (\"main\") + **DOG** (\"follow\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old sound back in Irishman's pulse (4,4)","output":"### Answer: SOYA BEAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: pulse\n**O**(ld) + <=**BAY** (\"sound\" *back*) *in* **SEAN** (\"Irishman\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Volunteers vicar to cut sileage crop (4,5)","output":"### Answer: TARE VETCH \n ### Explanation: Definition: sileage crop \n**TA** (Territorial Army, so \"volunteers\") + **REV** (\"vicar\") + **ETCH** (\"cut\") \n*Not sure about this, as I can't find the phrase \"tare vetch\" in any dictionary online or in my Chambers, which is the 2003 edition."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lodger's degree an issue (5)","output":"### Answer: MASON \n ### Explanation: Definition: Lodger\n**M.A**. (\"degree\") + **SON** (\"issue\") \n*Think \"masonic lodge\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Most cryptic rebus Scot solved (9)","output":"### Answer: OBSCUREST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Most cryptic \n*(rebus scot)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Herb farm essentially about support (7)","output":"### Answer: BASILAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: about support \n**BASIL** (\"herb\") + (f)**AR**(m)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Far from carrying weight, retired with honour (5)","output":"### Answer: NOBLY \n ### Explanation: Definition: with honour \n<=**Y (LB) ON\u00a0**where **YON** = \"far from\" and** LB** = pound, so \"weight\" \n*Don't like YON = \"far from\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Engine driver has support (9)","output":"### Answer: TURBOPROP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Engine\n**TURBO** (\"driver\") + **PROP** (\"support\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cross island at speed (5)","output":"### Answer: IRATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Cross\n**I**(sland) + **RATE** (\"speed\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Single mistake in a murder (9)","output":"### Answer: UNMARRIED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Single\n*(in a murder)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pull just holding head of fragile insect (9)","output":"### Answer: DRAGONFLY \n ### Explanation: Definition: insect\n**DRAG** (\"pull\") + **ONLY** (\"just\")\u00a0*holding\u00a0***F**(ragile)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lizard and grouse raised in city (9)","output":"### Answer: BARCELONA \n ### Explanation: Definition: city\n<=**ANOLE** (\"lizard) **CRAB** (\"grouse\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Violent mob in city short cut (7)","output":"### Answer: RIOTERS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Violent mob\n**RIO** (\"city\") + **TERS**(e) (\"short\"\u00a0*cut)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Select from crime literature (5)","output":"### Answer: ELITE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Select\nHidden in \"crim**E LITE**rature\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Remove sheets, ruing mistake (5)","output":"### Answer: UNRIG \n ### Explanation: Definition: Remove sheets\n*(ruing)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Thieves for starters steal pound (5)","output":"### Answer: THROB \n ### Explanation: Definition: pound\n**TH**(ieves) + **ROB** (\"steal\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Maybe Spanish gunshot severing digit (6)","output":"### Answer: TONGUE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Maybe Spanish\n*(gun) *severing* **TOE** (\"digit\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Composer taken from Zanzibar to Kenya (6)","output":"### Answer: BARTOK \n ### Explanation: Definition: Composer\nHidden in (*taken from*) \"zanzi**BAR TO K**enya\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wherewithal to cook good puzzle (7)","output":"### Answer: GRIDDLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Wherewithal to cook\n**G**(ood) + **RIDDLE\u00a0**(\"puzzle\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tree, see, housing loud insect (7)","output":"### Answer: FIREFLY \n ### Explanation: Definition: insect\n**FIR** (\"tree\") + **ELY** (\"see\")\u00a0*housing\u00a0***F** (\"loud\", in music), so\u00a0**FIR-E(F)LY"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cyber-bully pursing material with which to smear first half of 14? (6,4)","output":"### Answer: TOILET-ROLL \n ### Explanation: Definition: with which to smear first half of 14\n**TROLL** (\"cyber-bully\") pursuing **TOILE** (\"material\") \nI'm assuming that \"pursing\" was a misprint in the clue.\n \nThis one would not pass muster over the water due to the sanctimonious US puzzle editors' \"breakfast test\", but it gave me a giggle."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Collaborators said to be numerous (4)","output":"### Answer: TEEM \n ### Explanation: Definition: to be numerous \nHomophone of **TEAM** (\"collaborators\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: In which one may be left abandoned? (5)","output":"### Answer: LURCH \n ### Explanation: Definition: In which one may be left\nA barely cryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dig for dirt, coming back with sea monster, mostly (4-4)","output":"### Answer: MUCK-RAKE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Dig for dirt\n<=**CUM** (\"with\", *coming back*) + **KRAKE**(n) (\"sea monster\", *mainl*y)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lops head off flower (8)","output":"### Answer: ASPHODEL \n ### Explanation: Definition: flower\n*(lops head)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Moon-painter minus one (5)","output":"### Answer: TITAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Moon\n**TIT**(i)**AN** (\"painter\",\u00a0*minus\u00a0*1) \nTitan is Saturn's largest moon"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Older relative \u2013 nearly 1,000? (4)","output":"### Answer: GRAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Older relative\n**GRAN**(d)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pan repeatedly presenting protagonist of 1, 19 (5,5)","output":"### Answer: PETER PIPER \n ### Explanation: Definition: protagonist of 1, 19 \n**PETER** (Pan) + **PIPER** (as in Pan, the Greek god of nature, often represented as playing pan pipes)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sneeze, or what to use after one, some say (7)","output":"### Answer: ATISHOO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Sneeze\nHomophone of **A TISSUE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fields beyond river (7)","output":"### Answer: PASTURE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fields\n**PAST** (\"beyond\") + (\"river\") **URE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Flips out with female joint (6)","output":"### Answer: SPLIFF \n ### Explanation: Definition: joint\n*(flips) with **F**(emale)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Drink distilled from treacle, mostly (6)","output":"### Answer: CLARET \n ### Explanation: Definition: Drink\n*(treacl)-e"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What's found under \"head for heights\" \u2013 love? (5)","output":"### Answer: TORSO \n ### Explanation: Definition: What's found under \"head\n**TORS** (\"heights\") + **O** (\"love\" in tennis)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Not quite all round, gnarled and knotty (7)","output":"### Answer: NODULAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: knotty\n*(al round)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cut handle off and opened (9)","output":"### Answer: UNLATCHED \n ### Explanation: Definition: opened\n*(cut handle)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Adroit Ella oddly showing spirit (5)","output":"### Answer: ARIEL \n ### Explanation: Definition: spirit\nOdd letters of \"**A**d**R**o**I**t** E**l**L**a\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Look likely to fall about with user of social media (7)","output":"### Answer: TWEETER \n ### Explanation: Definition: user of social media \n**TEETER** (\"look likely to fall\")\u00a0*about\u00a0***W**(ith)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Like drink brewed in old cask (9)","output":"### Answer: KILDERKIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: old cask \n*(like drink) \nA kilderkin is an ale cask about half the size of a barrel or two firkins, and is still used by real ale brewers, so \"old\" may be nugatory in the clue."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dreadful deed not beginning to involve Kennedy \u2013 business as usual? (9)","output":"### Answer: NORMALITY \n ### Explanation: Definition: business as usual\n(e)**NORMITY** (\"dreadful deed\",\u00a0*not beginning*) *to involve* **A L** (Kennedy, a Scottish author)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Young woman embracing facile ceremony (4,5)","output":"### Answer: LAST RITES \n ### Explanation: Definition: ceremony\n**LASS** (\"young woman\") *embracing* **TRITE** (\"facile\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Howl \u2013 wound's beginning to ulcerate badly (9)","output":"### Answer: CATERWAUL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Howl\n*(ulcerate w) (although see comments 3 and 4 below \u2013 I was too annoyed at the W that I didn't notice that CATERWAUL needs two As, and not two Es!) \nNot entirely comfortable with the W being part of the anagram when \"to\" splits it from the rest of the anagram fodder. This would normally imply that the W should be added to the anagram at the beginning or end, rather than in the middle."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Composer receiving second inaugural gift (7)","output":"### Answer: HANDSEL \n ### Explanation: Definition: inaugural gift \n**HANDEL** (\"composer\") *receiving* **S**(econd)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dubious character of tornado (7)","output":"### Answer: TWISTER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Dubious character\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Impervious to\u00a0evidence (5)","output":"### Answer: PROOF \n ### Explanation: Definition: Impervious to\nDouble definition, as in fire-proof"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bird lifted out of detergent (5)","output":"### Answer: EGRET \n ### Explanation: Definition: Bird\nHidden backwards in \"de**TERGE**nt\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Petitioner lets one go that's noisy (7)","output":"### Answer: CLAMANT \n ### Explanation: Definition: noisy \n**CLA**(i)**MANT** (\"petitioner\", *letting I go*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: European politician in tax storm (7)","output":"### Answer: TEMPEST \n ### Explanation: Definition: storm\n**E**(uropean) **MP** (\"politician\")* in* **TEST** (\"tax\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Disciple with virtue gives explanation for incompetence (5,9)","output":"### Answer: PETER PRINCIPLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: explanation for incompetence \n**PETER** (\"disciple\") *with* **PRINCIPLE** (\"virtue\") \n*Roughly speaking, the Peter Principle states that a person will rise to the level of their incompetence."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pie cooked to fix a northern gourmet (9)","output":"### Answer: EPICUREAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: gourmet\n*(pie) + **CURE** (\"to fix\") + **A N**(orthern)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unrealistic contract is sealed by Independent editor (9)","output":"### Answer: IDEALISED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Unrealistic \n**DEAL** (\"contract\") + **IS** *sealed by*** I**(ndepenent) **ED**(itor)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Little swimmer takes part in elite training (5)","output":"### Answer: TETRA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Little swimmer\nHIdden in \"eli**TE TRA**ining\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Nurse gets husband out of danger (5)","output":"### Answer: TREAT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Nurse \n**T**(h)**REAT\u00a0**((H)usband *out of* \"danger\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cat may be animal hard to catch indeed (9)","output":"### Answer: HIMALAYAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Cat may be\n*(animal h(ard)) *to catch* **AY** (\"indeed\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Classic film festival allows in 50 approximately (2,3)","output":"### Answer: EL CID \n ### Explanation: Definition: Classic film\n**EID** (\"festival\")\u00a0*allows in* **L** (\"50\") + **C**(irca) (\"approximately\"), so **E(L-C)ID** \n*Eid is the Islamic festival which marks the end of Ramadan, and El Cid was a 1961 epic starring Charlton Heston."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Silver inscribed with second name between (5)","output":"### Answer: AMONG \n ### Explanation: Definition: between\n**Ag** (\"silver\") *inscribed with* **MO** (\"second\") + **N**(ame)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: NY speed cops initially reported Bowery girl? (4,5)","output":"### Answer: WOOD NYMPH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Bowery girl\n**WOOD** (himophone of COPSE) + **NY** + **MPH** (\"speed\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Priest beats wickedly hot girl (9)","output":"### Answer: ELISABETH \n ### Explanation: Definition: girl\n**ELI** (Old Testament \"priest\") + *(beats) + **H**(ot)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Make low noise devouring fine gammon (5)","output":"### Answer: HOKUM \n ### Explanation: Definition: gammon\n**HUM** (\"making low noise\") *devouring* **OK** (\"fine\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Clear about health initially, one given too much wallop (7)","output":"### Answer: OVERHIT \n ### Explanation: Definition: given too much wallop \n**OVERT** (\"clear\") *about* **H**(ealth) + **1** (\"one\"), so **OVER(H-1)T"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rubbish PM keeping job (7)","output":"### Answer: MALARKY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Rubbish\n**MAY** (\"PM\")\u00a0*keeping* **LARK** (\"job\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One imitating policeman lives in vacant yurt (7)","output":"### Answer: COPYIST \n ### Explanation: Definition: One imitating\n**COP** (\"policeman\") + **IS** (\"lives\") *in* **Y**(ur)**T"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Leading in a race, three males going round lake (2,3,4)","output":"### Answer: AT THE HELM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Leading\n**A** + **T.T.** (Tourist Trophy, so \"race\") + **HE HE M**(ale) (\"three males\")\u00a0*going round\u00a0***L**(ake)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Papa runs into trouble in cruellest month (5)","output":"### Answer: APRIL \n ### Explanation: Definition: cruellest month \n**P**(apa) + **R**(uns)* into* **AIL** (\"trouble)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mystical system Henry introduced to strange Soho type (9)","output":"### Answer: THEOSOPHY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Mystical system\n**H**(enry) *introduced to* *(soho type)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What sort of man was Kim Philby? (5)","output":"### Answer: THIRD \n ### Explanation: Definition: What sort of man was Kim Philby\n*Not sure this is terribly cryptic \u2013 Kim Philby was the \"Third Man\" in the Cambridge Spy Ring"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Witty remark about compilers with long whiskers (9)","output":"### Answer: MOUSTACHE \n ### Explanation: Definition: whiskers\n**MOT** (\"witty remark\") about **US** (\"compilers\") *with* **ACHE** (\"long\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sun god deserts Mycenaean princess awaiting power (5)","output":"### Answer: ELECT \n ### Explanation: Definition: awaiting power \n**ELECT**(ra) (\"Mycenaean princess\", *deserted by* Ra, Egyptian \"Sun god\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tax on wine old news in Times (7)","output":"### Answer: TONNAGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Tax on wine\n**O**(ld) + **N + N** (\"news\", i.e. new twice) in **T AGE** (\"times\", i.e. time twice), so\u00a0**T(O-N-N)AGE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Member given blame in the shoddy newspaper (9)","output":"### Answer: TELEGRAPH \n ### Explanation: Definition: newspaper\n**LEG** (\"member\") *given* **RAP** (\"blame\") in *(the)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Obtain stewed meat \u2013 it's Beefy! (3,6)","output":"### Answer: IAN BOTHAM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Beefy\n*(obtain) + **HAM** (\"meat\") \n*Ex-cricketer Ian Botham's nickname was Beefy."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: It revitalises heart with due deference to God (9)","output":"### Answer: PACEMAKER \n ### Explanation: Definition: It revitalises heart\n**PACE** (\"with due deference\") + **MAKER** (a creationist's view of \"God\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: English getting aboard must stop vessel (5,2)","output":"### Answer: HEAVE TO \n ### Explanation: Definition: stop vessel \n**E**(nglish) *getting aboard* **HAVE TO** (\"must\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old country house secured in 24 hours (7)","output":"### Answer: DAHOMEY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Old country\n**HOME** (\"house\") *secured in* **DAY** (\"24 hours\") \n*Until 1975, Dahomey was the name of the country now known as Benin."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Have say in Co-op in Eltham (5)","output":"### Answer: OPINE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Have say\nHidden in \"co-**OP IN E**ltham\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Forcibly remove speaker's refreshment (5)","output":"### Answer: WREST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Forcibly remove\nHomophone of **REST"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Elvish giant oddly dismissive over nothing (5)","output":"### Answer: NIHIL \n ### Explanation: Definition: nothing\n<=e**L**vI**sH\u00a0**g**I**a**N**t"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Label in new seed bed (8)","output":"### Answer: DESCRIBE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Label \n**CRIB** (\"bed\") *in* *(seed)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One taking steps in time (6)","output":"### Answer: DANCER \n ### Explanation: Definition: One taking steps in time\n(Not very) cryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Brief\u00a0support (8)","output":"### Answer: ADVOCATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Brief\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Evil article on place of conflict (6)","output":"### Answer: CRIMEA \n ### Explanation: Definition: place of conflict \n**CRIME** (\"evil\") + **A** (\"article\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dismantle collapsing ruin at midnight (5)","output":"### Answer: UNRIG \n ### Explanation: Definition: Dismantle\n*(ruin) + (ni)**G**(ht)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Big cats make less noise (9)","output":"### Answer: LIONESSES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Big cats\n*(less noise)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Big drop in US\/Canadian liquidity (7,5)","output":"### Answer: NIAGARA FALLS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Big drop in US\/Canadian liquidity \nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: An end of greed perhaps? Paradise! (6,2,4)","output":"### Answer: GARDEN OF EDEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Paradise\n*(an end of greed) \n*Shame that \"of\" appears in both fodder and solution\u2026 took the shine of what was an otherwise fantastic clue."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Whistler earned potential votes (9)","output":"### Answer: REFERENDA \n ### Explanation: Definition: votes\n**REF** (\"whistler\") + *(earned)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Frozen, like eels, say (5)","output":"### Answer: GELID \n ### Explanation: Definition: Frozen\nHomophone of **JELLIED** (as in \"jellied eels\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A sick benefit prescription? (6)","output":"### Answer: EMETIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: A sick benefit prescription\nCryptic?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Return help before the race \u00e2\u20ac\" and get a stream of abuse! (8)","output":"### Answer: DIATRIBE \n ### Explanation: Definition: a stream of abuse\n<=**AID** (\"help\", *returned*) *before* **TRIBE** (\"race\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Junior officer\u00a0found on the staff (6)","output":"### Answer: ENSIGN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Junior officer\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Actor's arrival on stage produces delight (8)","output":"### Answer: ENTRANCE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Actor's arrival on stage\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stop\u00a0to prepare a plan? (4,2)","output":"### Answer: DRAW UP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Stop\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Strict clergyman is elevated in diocese (6)","output":"### Answer: SEVERE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Strict\n<=**REV**. (\"clergyman\", *elevated*) *in* **SEE** (\"diocese\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Identify and approve (9)","output":"### Answer: RECOGNISE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Identify \nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Action station? (12)","output":"### Answer: BATTLEGROUND \n ### Explanation: Definition: Action station\n(Not very) cryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Be of one mind about being in time (5)","output":"### Answer: AGREE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Be of one mind\n**RE** (\"about\") *in* **AGE** (\"time\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Scot came up with one single undergarment (8)","output":"### Answer: CAMISOLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: undergarment\n<=**MAC** (\"Scot, *up*) *with* **1 SOLE** (\"single\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Think twice about seas breaking over ship (8)","output":"### Answer: REASSESS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Think twice\n**RE** (\"about\") + *(seas) *over* **SS** (\"ship\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The family's failure makes a wretched story (4,8)","output":"### Answer: POOR RELATION \n ### Explanation: Definition: The family's failure\n**POOR** (\"wretched\") + **RELATION** (\"story\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Soldiers embark in aircraft, one carrying cargo (9)","output":"### Answer: FREIGHTER \n ### Explanation: Definition: one carrying cargo \n**R.E.** (Royal Engineers, so \"soldiers\") *in* **FIGHTER** (\"aircraft\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Silver rig-out on girl is wrong (8)","output":"### Answer: AGGRIEVE \n ### Explanation: Definition: wrong\n**Ag** (\"silver\") + *(rig) + **EVE** (\"girl\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fishing boats that go with the tide? (8)","output":"### Answer: DRIFTERS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fishing boats\nA fishing boat that uses a drift net is known as a drifter."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Footballers out on bail? (6)","output":"### Answer: ALBION \n ### Explanation: Definition: Footballers\n*(on bail) \n*Several football clubs have Albion in their name \u2013 West Bromwich, Stirling eg"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stick a number in this place (6)","output":"### Answer: ADHERE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Stick\nA + D (\"number\") + HERE (\"in this place\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Deploring sort of turn in a circus? (5)","output":"### Answer: RUING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Deploring\n**U**(-turn) *in* **RING** (\"circus\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Returning group I linked with humorist \u2013 South Island believers? (10)","output":"### Answer: ISRAELITES \n ### Explanation: Returning group I linked with humorist \u2013 South Island believers? (10)\n<=SET I LEAR S.I. (\"group I\" *linked with* (Edward) \"Lear\" + **S**(outh) **I**(slanders))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Story \u2013 ancient, gripping, action-packed first of all? (4)","output":"### Answer: SAGA \n ### Explanation: Story \u2013 ancient, gripping, action-packed first of all? (4)\n*First of all* of **S**(tory) **A**(ncient) **G**(ripping) **A**(ction-packed)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Member of community using terminals of metro network (4)","output":"### Answer: MONK \n ### Explanation: Member of community using terminals of metro network (4)\n*Terminals of* (ie ends of, first and last letters of) **M**(etr)**O** **N**(etwor)**K"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Note English wave \u2013 feature of Wimbledon (3-7)","output":"### Answer: TIE-BREAKER \n ### Explanation: Note English wave \u2013 feature of Wimbledon (3-7)\n**TI** (\"note\") + **E**(nglish) + **BREAKER** (\"wave\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Top class news: river extension (6)","output":"### Answer: ANNEXE \n ### Explanation: Top class news: river extension (6)\n**A** (\"top class\") + **N** + **N** (new twice, so \"news\") + **EXE** (\"river\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Port house, northern, old, something outstanding (8)","output":"### Answer: HONOLULU \n ### Explanation: Port house, northern, old, something outstanding (8)\n**Ho**(use) + **N**(orthern) + **O**(ld) + **LULU** (\"something outstanding\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: German writer finishing off at simple Cumbrian village (8)","output":"### Answer: GRASMERE \n ### Explanation: German writer finishing off at simple Cumbrian village (8)\n(Gunter) **GRAS**(s) (\"German writer\" with its *finish off*) + **MERE** (\"simple\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Heard golf course feline (4)","output":"### Answer: LYNX \n ### Explanation: Heard golf course feline (4)\nHomophone of\u00a0**LINKS\u00a0**(\"heard golf course\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Male captivated by superb peak (4)","output":"### Answer: ACME \n ### Explanation: Male captivated by superb peak (4)\n**M**(ale)\u00a0*captivated by\u00a0***ACE\u00a0**(\"superb\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Careless friends going wrong way at father's hotel (4-4)","output":"### Answer: SLAP-DASH \n ### Explanation: Careless friends going wrong way at father's hotel (4-4)\n<=**PALS\u00a0**(\"friends\",\u00a0*going the wrong way*)\u00a0*at\u00a0***DA'S\u00a0**(\"father's\")\u00a0**H**(otel)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Remote class fee adjusted (8)","output":"### Answer: FACELESS \n ### Explanation: Remote class fee adjusted (8)\n*(class fee)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Some recommend electing genetics pioneer (6)","output":"### Answer: MENDEL \n ### Explanation: Some recommend electing genetics pioneer (6)\nHidden in \"recom**MEND EL**ecting\" \n*Refers to Gregor Mendel, the 19th century scientist regarded as \"the father of genetics\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: It's not just\u00a0description of brunette? (10)","output":"### Answer: UNFAIRNESS \n ### Explanation: It's not just\u00a0description of brunette? (10)\nDouble definition, the second mildly cryptic."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Drops painter home (4)","output":"### Answer: RAIN \n ### Explanation: Drops painter home (4)\n**R.A.** (member of the Royal Academy, so \"artist\") + **IN** (\"home\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hint prompt learner's taken in (4)","output":"### Answer: CLUE \n ### Explanation: Hint prompt learner's taken in (4)\n**CUE** (\"prompt\") with\u00a0**L**(earner) *taken in"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: City described briefly in French article (3,7)","output":"### Answer: LOS ANGELES \n ### Explanation: City described briefly in French article (3,7)\nWhen abbreviated (*described briefly*), Los Angeles becomes LA (a \"French article\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: So prone to change, his slips provide amusement (7)","output":"### Answer: SPOONER \n ### Explanation: So prone to change, his slips provide amusement (7)\n*(so prone) \n*Referring, of course, to Crosswordland's favourite Oxford don, William Archibald Spooner, whose tendency to get his syllables mixed up added the word \"spoonerism\" to our vocabulary."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Removing right cause anger in joint (5)","output":"### Answer: ANKLE \n ### Explanation: Removing right cause anger in joint (5)\n(r)**ANKLE\u00a0**(\"cause anger\", with \"right\" *removed*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unexpectedly meet son in shelter \u2013 I must think about it (3,2,3)","output":"### Answer: LET ME SEE \n ### Explanation: Unexpectedly meet son in shelter \u2013 I must think about it (3,2,3)\n*(meet s) *in* **LEE** (\"shelter\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Relatively stagy group of Russian origin? (3,5,7)","output":"### Answer: THE THREE SISTERS \n ### Explanation: Relatively stagy group of Russian origin? (3,5,7)\n*\"The Three Sisters\", more commonly translated as \"Three Sisters\", is a play by Russian playwright, Anton Chekhov."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: When rising, picked up incorrect article of clothing (6)","output":"### Answer: SARONG \n ### Explanation: When rising, picked up incorrect article of clothing (6)\n<=**AS** (\"when\", *rising*) + homophone of **WRONG** (indicated by \"picked up\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Steadfast woman last to go for horsy type? (6,3)","output":"### Answer: STABLE LAD \n ### Explanation: Steadfast woman last to go for horsy type? (6,3)\n**STABLE** (\"steadfast\") + **LAD**(y) (\"woman\" with *last* (letter) *gone*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Troublemaker ultimately crowing having supplanted king in citadel (7)","output":"### Answer: GREMLIN \n ### Explanation: Troublemaker ultimately crowing having supplanted king in citadel (7)\n(crowin)**G** *supplanted* the K(ing) of K-**REMLIN** (\"citadel\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wise to save time even in Herts town (9)","output":"### Answer: STEVENAGE \n ### Explanation: Wise to save time even in Herts town (9)\n**SAGE** (\"wise\") *to save* **T**(ime)** EVEN"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dairy product of standard expected by writer at hospital (8)","output":"### Answer: PARMESAN \n ### Explanation: Dairy product of standard expected by writer at hospital (8)\n**PAR** (\"standard expected\") *by* **ME** (\"writer\") at **SAN**(atorium) (\"hospital\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Feature of lunch Anne liked in Bristol maybe (7)","output":"### Answer: CHANNEL \n ### Explanation: Feature of lunch Anne liked in Bristol maybe (7)\nHidden in \"lun**CH ANNE L**iked\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: In second half, Leinster, docile, lacking vitality (7)","output":"### Answer: STERILE \n ### Explanation: In second half, Leinster, docile, lacking vitality (7)\nThe *second half* of the words \"Lein**STER**\"and \"doc**ILE**\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pique about left winger (6)","output":"### Answer: PETREL \n ### Explanation: Pique about left winger (6)\n**PET** (\"pique\") + **RE** (\"about\") + **L**(eft)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Runs into facility for discovering ancient language (5)","output":"### Answer: NORSE \n ### Explanation: Runs into facility for discovering ancient language (5)\n**R**(uns) *into* **NOSE** (\"facility for discovering\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fixed fee to cover account after potential turnaround (5,4)","output":"### Answer: VOLTE FACE \n ### Explanation: Fixed fee to cover account after potential turnaround (5,4)\n*(fee)\u00a0*to cover\u00a0***Ac**(count)\u00a0*after\u00a0***VOLT\u00a0**(\"potential\"), so\u00a0**VOLT-EF(AC)E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old and heartless, OK! (4)","output":"### Answer: AGED \n ### Explanation: Old and heartless, OK! (4)\n**AG**(re)**ED\u00a0**(\"OK\", with its heart (centre) removed, so *heartless*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lived in Germany with the world of the Germans (5)","output":"### Answer: DWELT \n ### Explanation: Lived in Germany with the world of the Germans (5)\n**D** (Germany) +\u00a0**WELT\u00a0**(\"world\" in German)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Slack peignoir (night clothing) (9)","output":"### Answer: NEGLIGENT \n ### Explanation: Slack peignoir (night clothing) (9)\n**NEGLIGE** (\"peignoir\") + **Nt.** (\"night\"). \n*Not sure I have parsed this right, as \"clothing\" would indicate that the Nt, should go around neglige rather than on the end?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Difficulty with Mao parable, but not as translated (7)","output":"### Answer: PROBLEM \n ### Explanation: Difficulty with Mao parable, but not as translated (7)\n*(mo prble) (\"Mao parable\" with no As, indicated by \"not as\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Provokes auditory perceptions in certain places (7)","output":"### Answer: INCITES \n ### Explanation: Provokes auditory perceptions in certain places (7)\nHomophone of **IN SITES** (\"in certain places\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fogey briefly holding these people under detention to begin with (5-2-3-3)","output":"### Answer: STICK-IN-THE-MUD \n ### Explanation: Fogey briefly holding these people under detention to begin with (5-2-3-3)\n**STICKIN**(g) (*briefly* \"holding) + **THEM** (\"these people\") + **U**(nder) **D**(etention)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Perhaps she meant to eat at dawn, or similar (6,3,4)","output":"### Answer: NEARLY THE SAME \n ### Explanation: Perhaps she meant to eat at dawn, or similar (6,3,4)\n*(she meant) *to eat* **EARLY** (\"at dawn\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Shifty of you French to pinch Naomi's bottom (7)","output":"### Answer: DEVIOUS \n ### Explanation: Shifty of you French to pinch Naomi's bottom (7)\n**DE VOUS** (\"of you\" in French) *to pinch* (Naom)**I"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Slippery one in band is staggering (7)","output":"### Answer: REELING \n ### Explanation: Slippery one in band is staggering (7)\n**EEL** (\"slippery one\")\u00a0*in\u00a0***RING\u00a0**(\"band\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Met inquiry into a serious tax evasion fraud Detective Sergeant leads astray (9)","output":"### Answer: SATISFIED \n ### Explanation: Met inquiry into a serious tax evasion fraud Detective Sergeant leads astray (9)\n*(iiastefds), the initial letters (*leads*) of the words after \"Met\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pound in banknotes and coins producing conflict (5)","output":"### Answer: CLASH \n ### Explanation: Pound in banknotes and coins producing conflict (5)\n**L** (\"pound) *in* **CASH** (\"banknotes and coins\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Advantage of a copper kettle (4)","output":"### Answer: PERK \n ### Explanation: Advantage of a copper kettle (4)\nHidden in \"cop**PER K**ettle\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Being uncooperative, is asleep outside (9)","output":"### Answer: RESISTING \n ### Explanation: Being uncooperative, is asleep outside (9)\n**IS** with **RESTING** (\"asleep\") *outside"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Blair kept box in which even letters deceive (3,2)","output":"### Answer: LIE TO \n ### Explanation: Blair kept box in which even letters deceive (3,2)\n*Even letters of\u00a0*(b)**L**(a)**I**(r), (k)**E**(p)**T\u00a0**and (b)**O**(x)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: So there is a leak, perhaps from gorges (4,4,1,5)","output":"### Answer: EATS LIKE A HORSE \n ### Explanation: So there is a leak, perhaps from gorges (4,4,1,5)\n*(so there is a leak)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Little old man of legend in an appellation (7)","output":"### Answer: AGNOMEN \n ### Explanation: Little old man of legend in an appellation (7)\n**GNOME** (\"little old man of legend\") *in* **AN"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What about slingshot for breakfast? (7)","output":"### Answer: ENGLISH \n ### Explanation: What about slingshot for breakfast? (7)\n**EH**? (\"what\"?) *about* *(sling). The definition is breakfast, as in \"(full) English breakfast\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Brainwave said in response to \"what goes with a grey suit, darling?\" (5,4)","output":"### Answer: GREAT IDEA \n ### Explanation: Brainwave said in response to \"what goes with a grey suit, darling?\" (5,4)\nHomophone of \"**GREY TIE DEAR**\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dislike taking part in aptitude testing (6)","output":"### Answer: DETEST \n ### Explanation: Dislike taking part in aptitude testing (6)\n*Part of\u00a0*\"aptitu**DE TEST**ing\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The sexes in science recur, after setting boundaries (14)","output":"### Answer: CIRCUMFERENCES \n ### Explanation: The sexes in science recur, after setting boundaries (14)\n**M** and **F** (\"the sexes\") *in* *(science recur\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Popular star to right of pioneer (9)","output":"### Answer: INNOVATOR \n ### Explanation: Popular star to right of pioneer (9)\n**IN** (\"popular\") + **NOVA** (\"star\") + **TO R**(ight)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Insurance on Harley-Davidson \u00e2\u20ac\" a vanishing breed (8)","output":"### Answer: HEDGEHOG \n ### Explanation: Insurance on Harley-Davidson \u00e2\u20ac\" a vanishing breed (8)\n**HEDGE** (\"insurance\") + **HOG** (\"Harley-Davidson\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Irish leader visiting troubled Ulster gets more passionate (7)","output":"### Answer: LUSTIER \n ### Explanation: Irish leader visiting troubled Ulster gets more passionate (7)\n**I**(rish)\u00a0*visiting\u00a0**(ulster)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Diatribes with no final school qualification turn out the same (7)","output":"### Answer: TIRADES \n ### Explanation: Diatribes with no final school qualification turn out the same (7)\n(diatres) (\"diatribes\" without IB (International Baccaluareat), a \"final school qualification\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Makes sense for tots (4,2)","output":"### Answer: ADDS UP \n ### Explanation: Makes sense for tots (4,2)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Middle Eastern fuel qualifier when refined (5)","output":"### Answer: IRAQI \n ### Explanation: Middle Eastern fuel qualifier when refined (5)\n*(qaiir) (\"qualifier\" with \"fuel\" removed)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Off-piste, fast \u2013 and deadly (9)","output":"### Answer: PESTILENT \n ### Explanation: Off-piste, fast \u2013 and deadly (9)\n*(piste) + **LENT** (\"fast\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Retired horse touring southern Iraqi city (5)","output":"### Answer: BASRA \n ### Explanation: Retired horse touring southern Iraqi city (5)\n<=**ARAB** (*retired* \"horse\") *touring* S(outhern)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bottle, the transmitter of a message (5)","output":"### Answer: NERVE \n ### Explanation: Bottle, the transmitter of a message (5)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Difficulty seeing English tutor, certainly previously (9)","output":"### Answer: EYESTRAIN \n ### Explanation: Difficulty seeing English tutor, certainly previously (9)\n**E**(nglish) + **YES** (\"certainly\") + **TRAIN** (\"tutor\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Heart-breaking period in a small measure (10)","output":"### Answer: CENTIMETRE \n ### Explanation: Heart-breaking period in a small measure (10)\n**CENTRE** (\"heart\") with **TIME** (\"period\") *breaking* \nThis one doesn't work for ma, as I read the clue as suggesting that CENTRE should be breaking TIME, rather than the other way round required for the solution to work."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Name between setter and solver in list (4)","output":"### Answer: MENU \n ### Explanation: Name between setter and solver in list (4)\n**N**(ame) *between* **ME** (\"setter\") *and* **U** (you, so \"solver\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One making a record in seedy joint, did we hear? (7)","output":"### Answer: DIARIST \n ### Explanation: One making a record in seedy joint, did we hear? (7)\nHomophone of **DIRE WRIST** (\"seedy joint\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Extraordinary thing, vehicle reversing into the distance (7)","output":"### Answer: MIRACLE \n ### Explanation: Extraordinary thing, vehicle reversing into the distance (7)\n<=**CAR** (\"vehicle\", *reversing*) *into* **MILE** (\"distance\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Inside container, fire down below producing resin (7)","output":"### Answer: SHELLAC \n ### Explanation: Inside container, fire down below producing resin (7)\n*Inside* **SAC** (\"container), **HELL** (\"fire down below\"), so **S(HELL)AC"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Something witty, joke ultimately on farm animals (7)","output":"### Answer: EPIGRAM \n ### Explanation: Something witty, joke ultimately on farm animals (7)\n(jok)**E** *on* **PIG** and **RAM** (\"farm animals\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Part read in Riot Act \u2013 just a bit (4)","output":"### Answer: IOTA \n ### Explanation: Part read in Riot Act \u2013 just a bit (4)\nHidden in \"r**IOT A**ct\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Am I able to lie back with clergyman? That's wrong! (10)","output":"### Answer: INACCURATE \n ### Explanation: Am I able to lie back with clergyman? That's wrong! (10)\n<=**CAN I** (\"am i able to\", *back*) *with* **CURATE** (\"clergyman\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Part of a loudspeaker, the underdog? (9)","output":"### Answer: SUBWOOFER \n ### Explanation: Part of a loudspeaker, the underdog? (9)\n**SUB** (\"under\") + **WOOFER** (\"dog\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Global plans in the end, cut (5)","output":"### Answer: ATLAS \n ### Explanation: Global plans in the end, cut (5)\n**AT LAS**(t) (\"in the end\", *cut*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Private location hositng races, a game of chance (5)","output":"### Answer: LOTTO \n ### Explanation: Private location hositng races, a game of chance (5)\n**LOO** (\"private location\") *hosting* **TT** (Tourist Trophy \"races\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Port dreamt about on bunk (9)","output":"### Answer: ROTTERDAM \n ### Explanation: Port dreamt about on bunk (9)\n*(dreamt) *on* **ROT** (\"bunk\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Image encapsulating an uncontrolled, anxious state (5)","output":"### Answer: PANIC \n ### Explanation: Image encapsulating an uncontrolled, anxious state (5)\n**PIC** (\"image\") *encapsulating* **AN"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Loss having replaced her gains with investment of a grand (9)","output":"### Answer: SHRINKAGE \n ### Explanation: Loss having replaced her gains with investment of a grand (9)\n*(her gains) *with investment of* **K** (\"a grand\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unqualified man ultimately involved in big lie, doubly unsettled (10)","output":"### Answer: INELIGIBLE \n ### Explanation: Unqualified man ultimately involved in big lie, doubly unsettled (10)\n(ma)**N** *involved in* *(big lie lie)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mountain the most difficult, if peak reached? (7)","output":"### Answer: EVEREST \n ### Explanation: Mountain the most difficult, if peak reached? (7)\n(s)**EVEREST **Don't quite understand why \"reached\" would mean removal of the initial lettter?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The raw material required, heading for majority rule (7)","output":"### Answer: THEOREM \n ### Explanation: The raw material required, heading for majority rule (7)\n**THE** **ORE** (\"raw material\") + **M**(ajority)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bottom, on the other hand, top of tree (4)","output":"### Answer: BUTT \n ### Explanation: Bottom, on the other hand, top of tree (4)\n**BUT** (\"on the other hand\") + **T**(ree)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Nation, say (5)","output":"### Answer: STATE \n ### Explanation: Nation, say (5)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A sundae ordered in the morning, enough to make you sick? (2,7)","output":"### Answer: AD NAUSEAM \n ### Explanation: A sundae ordered in the morning, enough to make you sick? (2,7)\n(a sundae) *in* **A.M.** (\"morning\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Craftsmanship taken over a clue, it turning out as eloquent (10)","output":"### Answer: ARTICULATE \n ### Explanation: Craftsmanship taken over a clue, it turning out as eloquent (10)\n**ART** (\"craftmanship\") *over* *(a clue it)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Grey bags in several shades, each starting out as sacking (9)","output":"### Answer: DISMISSAL \n ### Explanation: Grey bags in several shades, each starting out as sacking (9)\n**DISMAL** (\"grey\") *bags* initial letters of **I**n **S**everal **S**hades (indicated by *each starting out*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Scoundrel followed, getting cut off (9)","output":"### Answer: CURTAILED \n ### Explanation: Scoundrel followed, getting cut off (9)\n**CUR** (\"scoundrel\") + **TAILED** (\"followed\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tree to discuss, one to cut through (7)","output":"### Answer: CONIFER \n ### Explanation: Tree to discuss, one to cut through (7)\n**CONFER** (\"discuss\") with **I** (\"one\") *cut through"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Some work from goalkeeper finally inspired by save (7)","output":"### Answer: EXCERPT \n ### Explanation: Some work from goalkeeper finally inspired by save (7)\n(goalkeepe)**R** *inspired by* **EXCEPT** (\"save\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Disputed territory lay south of Thai borders (5)","output":"### Answer: TIBET \n ### Explanation: Disputed territory lay south of Thai borders (5)\n**BET** (\"lay\") *south of* **T**(ha)**I"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Surrey town where rising moon eclipses sun at first (5)","output":"### Answer: EPSOM \n ### Explanation: Surrey town where rising moon eclipses sun at first (5)\n<=**MOPE** (*rising* \"moon\") *eclipses* **S**(un)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cracked\u00a0engine (4)","output":"### Answer: LOCO \n ### Explanation: Cracked\u00a0engine (4)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stare and laugh, one giving way to love (6)","output":"### Answer: GOGGLE \n ### Explanation: Stare and laugh, one giving way to love (6)\n**G**(i)**(O)GGLE\u00a0**\u2013 the I (\"one\") of GIGGLE, replaced by an O (\"love\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Swelling\u00a0vocal sound (6)","output":"### Answer: WARBLE \n ### Explanation: Swelling\u00a0vocal sound (6)\nDouble definition \u2013 as well as being a word for birdsong, a warble is also an abscess caused by certain fly larvae."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Poet denied sun and water (4)","output":"### Answer: BURN \n ### Explanation: Poet denied sun and water (4)\n**BURN**(s) (\"poet\" *denied* s(un))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What's worn by Amazons as custodians? (10)","output":"### Answer: WARDRESSES \n ### Explanation: What's worn by Amazons as custodians? (10)\nAmazons were famale warriors, so they presumable may have worm WAR DRESSES"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bundle must keep dry, as must powder in this? (6)","output":"### Answer: BATTLE \n ### Explanation: Bundle must keep dry, as must powder in this? (6)\n**BALE** (\"bundle\") *must keep* **TT** (teetotal, so \"dry\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Truth backed by notes of confession making one quarrelsome (8)","output":"### Answer: FACTIOUS \n ### Explanation: Truth backed by notes of confession making one quarrelsome (8)\n**FACT** (\"truth\") backed by** IOUs** (\"notes of confession\") \n*The grammar in this clue is wrong, in my opinion, as the \"one\" in the clue is at best superfluous, as it leads the solver to look for a noun ie \"one (who is) fractious\", rather than the adjectival solution."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Husband, father, British and fat, put about nonsense in speech (9)","output":"### Answer: GIBBERISH \n ### Explanation: Husband, father, British and fat, put about nonsense in speech (9)\n<=**H + SIRE + B + BIG\u00a0"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Phoney dope \"safe\" \u00e2\u20ac\" knew that must be wrong (4,4)","output":"### Answer: FAKE NEWS \n ### Explanation: Phoney dope \"safe\" \u00e2\u20ac\" knew that must be wrong (4,4)\n*(safe knew)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: \"The ___ doing for a bob\", said the old scout, a stickler for rules (9)","output":"### Answer: JOBSWORTH \n ### Explanation: \"The ___ doing for a bob\", said the old scout, a stickler for rules (9)\nAs in \"the\u00a0**JOB'S WORTH\u00a0**doing for a bob\", which a scout may have said during \"bob-a-job week\" back in the day when a shilling was worth something."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Girl and close friends \u2014 they have yet to blossom (8)","output":"### Answer: ROSEBUDS \n ### Explanation: Girl and close friends \u2014 they have yet to blossom (8)\n**ROSE** (\"girl\") + **BUDS** (\"close friends\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Basin in toilet with a nasty smell (6)","output":"### Answer: LAVABO \n ### Explanation: Basin in toilet with a nasty smell (6)\n**LAV** (\"toilet\") with **A** + **B.O.** (body odour, so \"nasty smell\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Daisy contrived to present truer image (10)","output":"### Answer: MARGUERITE \n ### Explanation: Daisy contrived to present truer image (10)\n*(truer image)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Judge in old car heading off (4)","output":"### Answer: RATE \n ### Explanation: Judge in old car heading off (4)\n(c)**RATE **(\"old car\", with its *heading off*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Go on, aim to get to river (6)","output":"### Answer: ENDURE \n ### Explanation: Go on, aim to get to river (6)\n**END** (\"aim\") to get to **URE** (\"river\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wise female has article in literary collection (6)","output":"### Answer: ATHENA \n ### Explanation: Wise female has article in literary collection (6)\n**THE** (\"article\") *in* **ANA** (\"literary collection\") \n*In Greek mythology, Athena was a virgin goddess endowed with great wisdom."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Foodie French friend being met \u00e2\u20ac\" fish is served (7)","output":"### Answer: GOURAMI \n ### Explanation: Foodie French friend being met \u00e2\u20ac\" fish is served (7)\n**GOUR**(met)**(AMI)\u00a0**(The French friend (AMI) replaces \"met\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Author presenting information concerned with outer space (5)","output":"### Answer: GENET \n ### Explanation: Author presenting information concerned with outer space (5)\n**GEN** (\"information\") + **ET** (extraterrestrial, so \"concernesd with outer space\") \n*Refers to Jean Genet, 20th century French playwright an novelist."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Miserable stuff that will get you going? (3,4)","output":"### Answer: LOW GEAR \n ### Explanation: Miserable stuff that will get you going? (3,4)\n**LOW** (\"miserable\") + **GEAR** (\"stuff\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A monk shortly catching cold where it can be very hot (6)","output":"### Answer: AFRICA \n ### Explanation: A monk shortly catching cold where it can be very hot (6)\n**A** + **FRIA**(r) catching **C**(old), so **A-FRI(C)A"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A pain that doesn't end in wicked old form of torture (9)","output":"### Answer: BASTINADO \n ### Explanation: A pain that doesn't end in wicked old form of torture (9)\n**A STIN**(g) (\"a pain\" *that doesn't end*) *in* **BAD** (\"wicked\") + **O**(ld)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Flower given to darling creates effect (7)","output":"### Answer: EXECUTE \n ### Explanation: Flower given to darling creates effect (7)\n**EXE** (river, so \"flower\", ie that which flows) + **CUTE** (\"darling\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Chair for shoppers is broken (13)","output":"### Answer: PROFESSORSHIP \n ### Explanation: Chair for shoppers is broken (13)\n*(for shoppers is)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Having a problem walking, maybe, being dismissed? Oval is enthralled (3-6)","output":"### Answer: BOW-LEGGED \n ### Explanation: Having a problem walking, maybe, being dismissed? Oval is enthralled (3-6)\n**BOWLED** (\"dismissed\", in cricket) with **EGG** (\"oval\") *enthralled"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One neat, newly delivered young infant (7)","output":"### Answer: NEONATE \n ### Explanation: One neat, newly delivered young infant (7)\n*(one neat)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Main thoroughfare invaded by visitor from space? (7)","output":"### Answer: SALIENT \n ### Explanation: Main thoroughfare invaded by visitor from space? (7)\n**St.** (street, so \"thoroughfare\") *invaded by* **ALIEN** (\"visitor from space\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Woman is pretty in fancy hat (7)","output":"### Answer: TABITHA \n ### Explanation: Woman is pretty in fancy hat (7)\n**A BIT** (\"pretty\") *in* *(hat)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Film director's \u00e2\u20ac\u2122aughtiness (6)","output":"### Answer: AUTEUR \n ### Explanation: Film director's \u00e2\u20ac\u2122aughtiness (6)\n(h)**AUTEUR** (haughtiness without the \"H\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Vitality of revolutionary always having internal resistance (5)","output":"### Answer: VERVE \n ### Explanation: Vitality of revolutionary always having internal resistance (5)\n*(ever\") with **V** (versus, so \"resistance) inside (indicated by *internal*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Too right I hold with Indian cooking! (8)","output":"### Answer: TANDOORI \n ### Explanation: Too right I hold with Indian cooking! (8)\n**TOO** + **R**(ight) + **I** *holding* **AND** (\"with\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Almost everyone's entertained by a little opera (6)","output":"### Answer: SALOME \n ### Explanation: Almost everyone's entertained by a little opera (6)\n**AL**(l) (*almost* \"everyone\") *entertained by* **SOME** (\"a little\") \nSalome* is a one-act Richard Strauss opera."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Name wayward son seen making moonshine (8)","output":"### Answer: NONSENSE \n ### Explanation: Name wayward son seen making moonshine (8)\nN(ame) + *(son seen)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rubbish heap overshadows centre of Stafford (6)","output":"### Answer: PIFFLE \n ### Explanation: Rubbish heap overshadows centre of Stafford (6)\n**PILE** (\"heap\") *overshadws* (sta)**FF**(ord)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Spy English teacher fairly regularly (8)","output":"### Answer: EMISSARY \n ### Explanation: Spy English teacher fairly regularly (8)\n**E**(nglish) + **MISS** (\"teacher\") + (f)**A**(i)**R**(l)**Y"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Transfer rickety boxes of iron (6)","output":"### Answer: FERRIC \n ### Explanation: Transfer rickety boxes of iron (6)\nHdden in (indicated by *boxes*) \"trans**FER RIC**kety\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rakes in close to fortune working with B-lister (10)","output":"### Answer: LIBERTINES \n ### Explanation: Rakes in close to fortune working with B-lister (10)\n*(in E b-lister), where the E is (fortun)E (*close to* fortune)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bold American follows officer around these days (10)","output":"### Answer: COURAGEOUS \n ### Explanation: Bold American follows officer around these days (10)\n**US** (\"american\") *follows* **C.O.** (commanding \"officer\") *around* OUR AGE (\"these days\"), so **C(OUR AGE)O-US"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Not the trendy group, for a start (6)","output":"### Answer: OUTSET \n ### Explanation: Not the trendy group, for a start (6)\n**OUT** (\"not trendy\") + **SET** (\"group\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Close by hotel with no locks? (8)","output":"### Answer: HAIRLESS \n ### Explanation: Close by hotel with no locks? (8)\n**AIRLESS** (\"close\") *by* **H**(otel)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: New mark in test achieves standard (6)","output":"### Answer: NORMAL \n ### Explanation: New mark in test achieves standard (6)\n**N**(ew) + **M**(ark) *in* **ORAL** (\"test\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A depression grabs the woman's admirer (8)","output":"### Answer: ADHERENT \n ### Explanation: A depression grabs the woman's admirer (8)\n**A DENT** (\"depression\") *grabs* **HER** (\"the woman's\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: After long year missing, journalist is brought home (6)","output":"### Answer: EARNED \n ### Explanation: After long year missing, journalist is brought home (6)\n*After* (y)**EARN** (\"long\" with Y(ear) *missing*), **ED**(itor) (\"journalist\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A rare dog barking? Could be violence on the way (4,4)","output":"### Answer: ROAD RAGE \n ### Explanation: A rare dog barking? Could be violence on the way (4,4)\n*(a rare dog)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Decorative stuff can retail with a pound off (6)","output":"### Answer: TINSEL \n ### Explanation: Decorative stuff can retail with a pound off (6)\n**TIN** (\"can\") + **SEL**(l) (\"retail\" *with a pound* (L) *off*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sister company welcomes one messenger (6)","output":"### Answer: NUNCIO \n ### Explanation: Sister company welcomes one messenger (6)\n**NUN** (\"sister\") + **CO**(mpany) *welcomes* **I** (\"one\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Everything bright, presumably, for City (6)","output":"### Answer: ODENSE \n ### Explanation: Everything bright, presumably, for City (6)\nIf everything is bright, nothing (**O**) will be **DENSE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Measured pressure in wind instrument (10)","output":"### Answer: RESTRAINED \n ### Explanation: Measured pressure in wind instrument (10)\n**STRAIN** (\"pressure\") *in* **REED** (\"wind instrument\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Liqueur drunk neat? I decline to go into that (8)","output":"### Answer: ANISETTE \n ### Explanation: Liqueur drunk neat? I decline to go into that (8)\n**I SET** (\"decline\") in *(neat)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Gift from European band (8)","output":"### Answer: OFFERING \n ### Explanation: Gift from European band (8)\n**OFF** (\"from\") + **E**(uropean) + **RING **(\"band\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stopping duty free endlessly turned to trouble (8)","output":"### Answer: EXERCISE \n ### Explanation: Stopping duty free endlessly turned to trouble (8)\n**EXCISE** (\"duty\") *stopped* by <=(f)**RE**(e) (*endlessly turned*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Leave before breakfast and dash (3-2-3-2)","output":"### Answer: GET-UP-AND-GO \n ### Explanation: Leave before breakfast and dash (3-2-3-2)\nIf you get up and go, presumably you'd miss breakfast."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Charlie's enthralled by surgeon wiggling bum (8)","output":"### Answer: SCROUNGE \n ### Explanation: Charlie's enthralled by surgeon wiggling bum (8)\n**C**(harlie) *enthralled by* *(surgeon)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Primarily murmuring speaker? (8)","output":"### Answer: MUTTERER \n ### Explanation: Primarily murmuring speaker? (8)\n**M**(urmuring) + **UTTERER** (\"speaker\") and &lit."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cut price of delicate material? (8)","output":"### Answer: LACERATE \n ### Explanation: Cut price of delicate material? (8)\nLACE (\"delicate material\") + RATE (\"price\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Devotee captures queen, leading to mate (6)","output":"### Answer: FRIEND \n ### Explanation: Devotee captures queen, leading to mate (6)\n**FIEND** (\"devotee\") *captures* **R** (\"queen\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The man nearly advanced on a woman (6)","output":"### Answer: HELENA \n ### Explanation: The man nearly advanced on a woman (6)\n**HE** (\"the man\") + **LEN**(t) (*nearly* \"advanced\") *on* **A"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fly east from France, returning twice (6)","output":"### Answer: TSETSE \n ### Explanation: Fly east from France, returning twice (6)\n<=**EST** + **EST **(French for \"east\", *returning* *twice*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ma isn't in Sacramento, but weirdly great-grandma is (8)","output":"### Answer: ANCESTOR \n ### Explanation: Definition: great-grandma \n*(sacrento) (\"Sacramento\" without MA)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sadness as chap brought back tailless bird (6)","output":"### Answer: REGRET \n ### Explanation: Definition: Sadness\n**REG** (\"chap\") + <=**TER**(n) (*tailless* \"bird\",\u00a0*brought back*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Official found in Job Centre every day (5)","output":"### Answer: REEVE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Official\nFound in \"cent**RE** **EVE**ry\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: No French participant is out of contention (3-6)","output":"### Answer: NON-RUNNER \n ### Explanation: Definition: out of contention \nNON (\"No\" in French) + RUNNER (\"participant\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Address refurbishment, having no time off (7)","output":"### Answer: ORATION \n ### Explanation: Definition: Address\n(rest)ORATION (\"refurbishment\"). \"Having no time off\" indicates \"no rest\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Towards what end does cab driver need such knowledge? (5,2)","output":"### Answer: WHERE TO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Towards what end\n(Not terribly) cryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: It's about bag of sweets, not that everyone would agree (2,5,3,5)","output":"### Answer: IT TAKES ALL SORTS \n ### Explanation: Definition: not that everyone would agree \nCryptic definition? (Liquorice) ALLSORTS are a bag of sweets."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Date with stranger musician (7)","output":"### Answer: DRUMMER \n ### Explanation: Definition: musician\n**D**(ate) *with* **RUMMER** (\"stranger\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Japanese drama works without ending but is a total failure (2-5)","output":"### Answer: NO-HOPER \n ### Explanation: Definition: a total failure \n**NOH** (\"Japanese drama\") + **OPER**(a) (\"works\" *without ending*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Halfway house is pretty within (2-7)","output":"### Answer: IN-BETWEEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Halfway\n**INN** (public \"house\") with **BE** (\"is\"?) +** TWEE** (\"pretty\") *within"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Reconcile Roger to having kept back a little souvenir (5)","output":"### Answer: RELIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: souvenir\nHidden backwards in \"Recon**CILE R**oger\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Judges fruit, so we're told (6)","output":"### Answer: GAUGES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Judges\nHomophone of **GAGES** (\"fruit\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Determine new teatimes (8)","output":"### Answer: ESTIMATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Determine\n*(teatimes)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Admit idling for a change; that's pretty average (4,2,8)","output":"### Answer: FAIR TO MIDDLING \n ### Explanation: Definition: pretty average\n*(admit idling for)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Complaint by phone company, maintaining Czech Republic to a degree (6)","output":"### Answer: ECZEMA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Complaint\n**EE** (mobile \"phone company), *maintaining* **CZ** (\"Czech Republic\") *to* **MA** (\"a degree\"), so\u00a0**E(CZ)E-MA"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Star flower is found on end of sidewalk (8)","output":"### Answer: ASTERISK \n ### Explanation: Definition: Star\n**ASTER** (\"flower\") **IS** + (sidewal)**K"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Get two dinners delivered in London SW1 (7,6)","output":"### Answer: DOWNING STREET \n ### Explanation: Definition: in London SW1 \n*(get two dinners)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Continue with\u00a0summary (6)","output":"### Answer: RESUME \n ### Explanation: Definition: Continue with\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Glory that would be Greece with no end of cash (8)","output":"### Answer: GRANDEUR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Glory\n**GR** (\"Greece\") + **AND** (\"with\") + **EUR**(o) (\"cash\" with *no end*))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fearful blunders deceive a number outside (6-8)","output":"### Answer: TERROR-STRICKEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fearful \n**ERRORS** (\"blunders\") **TRICK** (\"deceive\") with **TEN** (\"a number\") *outside"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Swiss blend non-toxic but causes problems with vision (4-9)","output":"### Answer: SNOW-BLINDNESS \n ### Explanation: Definition: problems with vision \n*(swiss blend non)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Box containing British Standard gets universal sign of approval (6,2)","output":"### Answer: THUMBS-UP \n ### Explanation: Definition: sign of approval \n**THUMP** (\"box\") *containing* **B**(ritish) **S**(tandard) +** U**(niversal)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Shifty pros hide ball that's not completely round (8)","output":"### Answer: SPHEROID \n ### Explanation: Definition: ball that's not completely round \n*(pros hide)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Enid starts to follow, hand in glove (6)","output":"### Answer: MITTEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: glove\n**EN**(id) *to follow* **MITT** (\"hand\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Support\u00a0community stalwart (6)","output":"### Answer: PILLAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Support\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dad's trouble returning, male truly lacking ultimate yen (10)","output":"### Answer: POPODAMVER \n ### Explanation: Dad's trouble returning, male truly lacking ultimate yen (10)\n**POP** (\"dad\") + <=**ADO** (\"trouble\", *returning*) + **M**(ale) + **VER**(y) (\"truly\", *lacking ultimate* y(en)) \nPOPOVER \u2013 dessert \/ DAM \u2013 coin"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Oysters copper consumed in Teresa's place (7)","output":"### Answer: AVICULA \n ### Explanation: Oysters copper consumed in Teresa's place (7)\n**Cu** (\"copper\") *in* **AVILA** (\"Teresa's place\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bantu language that latterly is observed in London district (5)","output":"### Answer: SOTHO \n ### Explanation: Bantu language that latterly is observed in London district (5)\n(tha)**T** *observed in* **SOHO** (\"London district\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Kiss\u00a0cheek (4)","output":"### Answer: NECK \n ### Explanation: Kiss\u00a0cheek (4)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Colt skirting trees growing wild, jungly (9)","output":"### Answer: FORESTEAL \n ### Explanation: Colt skirting trees growing wild, jungly (9)\n**FOAL** (\"colt\") *skirting* *(trees)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Drive work on loosed individual game dogs (8)","output":"### Answer: DROPPERS \n ### Explanation: Drive work on loosed individual game dogs (8)\n**Dr**(ive) + **Op.** (\"work\") + **PERS**(on \u2013 \"individual with ON loosed\") \n*Droppers are game dogs who drop to the ground when they spy game."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: It may be hard to administer when one of pair leaves (5)","output":"### Answer: HAPLY \n ### Explanation: It may be hard to administer when one of pair leaves (5)\n**H**(ard) + **AP**(p)**PLY\u00a0**(\"administer\" *when one of a pair* (of Ps) *leaves*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Article about shortened length of spore-cases (6)","output":"### Answer: THECAL \n ### Explanation: Article about shortened length of spore-cases (6)\n**THE** (\"article) + **ca**. (circa, so \"about\") + **E** (length?)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hamper stuff for Jock must include opener for Merlot (5)","output":"### Answer: CRAMP \n ### Explanation: Hamper stuff for Jock must include opener for Merlot (5)\n**CRAP** (\"stuff\" in Scots, ie \"for Jock\") *must include* **M**(erlot)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Trilby maybe seen in town, oddly nondescript thing (7)","output":"### Answer: WHATNOT \n ### Explanation: Trilby maybe seen in town, oddly nondescript thing (7)\n**HAT** (\"trilby maybe\") *seen in* *(town)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Buccaneering renegade I spotted in photo (7)","output":"### Answer: PIRATIC \n ### Explanation: Buccaneering renegade I spotted in photo (7)\n**RAT** (\"renegeade\") + **I** *spotted in* **PIC** (\"photo\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Working in university with Oxford exam coming round (5)","output":"### Answer: MODUS \n ### Explanation: Working in university with Oxford exam coming round (5)\n**U**(niversity) *with* **MODS** (\"Oxford exams\") *coming round"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A doorman before going off knocked back jar of wine (6)","output":"### Answer: TINAJA \n ### Explanation: A doorman before going off knocked back jar of wine (6)\n**A JANIT**(or) (\"a doorman\", *knocked back, *with OR (\"before\" *going off*))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Independent parliament recalled for confrontational epic (5)","output":"### Answer: ILIAD \n ### Explanation: Independent parliament recalled for confrontational epic (5)\n**I**(ndependent) + <=**DAIL** (lower house of the \"parliament\" of Ireland, *recalled*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Capital alibi contrived to protect prince (8)","output":"### Answer: BRASILIA \n ### Explanation: Capital alibi contrived to protect prince (8)\n*(alibi) *to protect* **RAS** (\"prince\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Posse disturbed about old gun going off (9)","output":"### Answer: SPOSOUNGE \n ### Explanation: Posse disturbed about old gun going off (9)\n*(posse) *about* **O** +*(gun) \nSPONGE \u2013 dessert \/ SOU \u2013 coin"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sanction appropriate when imprisoning one (4)","output":"### Answer: FIAT \n ### Explanation: Sanction appropriate when imprisoning one (4)\n**FIT** (\"appropriate\")* imprisoning* **A** (\"one\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Prevent condition with removal of mine (5)","output":"### Answer: DETER \n ### Explanation: Prevent condition with removal of mine (5)\n**DETER**(mine) (\"condition\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Royal favourite in pursuit of fashion? Old bore (7)","output":"### Answer: TONNELL \n ### Explanation: Royal favourite in pursuit of fashion? Old bore (7)\n**NELL** (Gwynn) (\"royal favourite\") *in pursuit of* **TON** (\"fashion\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One wandering glens surrounded by Scottish river (10)","output":"### Answer: TAANGELNSY \n ### Explanation: One wandering glens surrounded by Scottish river (10)\n**AN** (\"one\") + *(glens) *surrounded by* **TAY** (\"Scottish river\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dish to extinguish \u2013 dismay when losing a spread (13)","output":"### Answer: PANDOWSEMISDY \n ### Explanation: Dish to extinguish \u2013 dismay when losing a spread (13)\nPAN (\"dish\") + DOWSE (\"to extinguish\") + *(dismy) \nPANDOWDY \u2013 dessert \/ SEMIS \u2013 (old Indian) coin"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Red in the face after spells of bowling? Mark often is (8)","output":"### Answer: OVERSHOT \n ### Explanation: Red in the face after spells of bowling? Mark often is (8)\n**HOT** (\"red in the face\") *after* **OVERS** (\"spells of bowling\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ornamental loop, topic for knitting (5)","output":"### Answer: PICOT \n ### Explanation: Ornamental loop, topic for knitting (5)\n*(topic)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Female involved in excellent dessert coming up (8)","output":"### Answer: DUFPENIF \n ### Explanation: Female involved in excellent dessert coming up (8)\n**F**(emale) *involved in* **FINE PUD** (\"excellent dessert\", *coming up*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Love bottled pub drink \u2013 it's bitter (4)","output":"### Answer: ALOE \n ### Explanation: Love bottled pub drink \u2013 it's bitter (4)\n**O** (\"love\") *bottled* by **ALE** (\"pub drink\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bids at table formerly showing strength East held (4)","output":"### Answer: VIES \n ### Explanation: Bids at table formerly showing strength East held (4)\n**VIS** (\"strength\") with **E**(ast)* held"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Roundabout in LA or Edinburgh's noisy, including junction? (6)","output":"### Answer: ROTARY \n ### Explanation: Roundabout in LA or Edinburgh's noisy, including junction? (6)\n**ROARY** (\"noisy\" in Scots), *including* **T**(-junction)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rung sweethearts up (4)","output":"### Answer: STEP \n ### Explanation: Rung sweethearts up (4)\n<=**PETS** (\"sweethearts\", *up*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Early instrument producing silence \u2013 relief almost (5)","output":"### Answer: SHALM \n ### Explanation: Early instrument producing silence \u2013 relief almost (5)\n**SH** (\"silence\") + **ALM**(s) (\"relief\", *almost*) \n*A shalm (or shawm) was an earlier type of oboe."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Poorly organized and secretive, clubs dine inside (13)","output":"### Answer: ROLYPOSCEATLY \n ### Explanation: Poorly organized and secretive, clubs dine inside (13)\n*(poorly) +** SLY** (\"secretive\") with **C**(lubs) and **EAT** (\"dine\")* inside*. \nROLY POLY \u2013 dessert \/ SCEAT \u2013 silver coin"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Conservative in dress, perform together (5)","output":"### Answer: COACT \n ### Explanation: Conservative in dress, perform together (5)\n**C**(onservative) *in* **COAT** (\"dress\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dig has this to be expanding, volatile? (5)","output":"### Answer: LATIN \n ### Explanation: Dig has this to be expanding, volatile? (5)\n(di)**LATIN**(g)? \nPlease see the first few comments, which explain where I went wrong."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Make good Elizabethan houses (4)","output":"### Answer: ABET \n ### Explanation: Make good Elizabethan houses (4)\nHidden in \"Eliz**ABET**han\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One getting married in a state of reverence (4)","output":"### Answer: AWED \n ### Explanation: One getting married in a state of reverence (4)\n**A** (\"one\") *getting* **WED** (\"married\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lupin maybe artist's shown in embroidery fabric (8)","output":"### Answer: ARRASENE \n ### Explanation: Lupin maybe artist's shown in embroidery fabric (8)\n**ARSENE** (\"Lupin maybe\") with **RA** (\"artist\") *shown in. Arsene Lupin is a gentleman thief created by author Maurice Leblanc."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Monogram possibly I found in Latin is requiring translation (8)","output":"### Answer: INITIALS \n ### Explanation: Monogram possibly I found in Latin is requiring translation (8)\n**I** *found in* *(latin is)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A selection of exquisite sausage rolls (6)","output":"### Answer: SUASET \n ### Explanation: A selection of exquisite sausage rolls (6)\nHidden backwards in \"exquisi**TE SAUS**age\" \nSUET \u2013 dessert \/ AS \u2013 coin"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Crumpled peplos page scrubbed in Greek vessels (5)","output":"### Answer: OLPES \n ### Explanation: Crumpled peplos page scrubbed in Greek vessels (5)\n*(pelos) (\"peplos\" wih P(age) scrubbed) \nAn olpe was a a Greek urn."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Street accepts this outsider to be outstanding (5)","output":"### Answer: ALIEN \n ### Explanation: Street accepts this outsider to be outstanding (5)\nALIEN accepted by St. (\"street\") would be s(ALIEN)t (\"outstanding\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Palm clutching love letter from abroad (4)","output":"### Answer: IOTA \n ### Explanation: Palm clutching love letter from abroad (4)\n**ITA** (miriti \"palm\") *clutching* **O** (\"love\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: I'll serve for rubber, a point up (4)","output":"### Answer: BUNA \n ### Explanation: I'll serve for rubber, a point up (4)\n<=**A NUB** (\"a point\", *up*) \nBuna is a kind of artificial rubber."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Work in silver getting one eagerly excited (4)","output":"### Answer: AGOG \n ### Explanation: Work in silver getting one eagerly excited (4)\n**GO** (\"work\")* in* **Ag** (\"silver\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: First of cosmonauts in orbit so developed branch of technology (8)","output":"### Answer: ROBOTICS \n ### Explanation: First of cosmonauts in orbit so developed branch of technology (8)\n**C**(osmonauts) *in* ***(orbit so)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Thanks to Nancy, amateur discovers old kingdom (6)","output":"### Answer: MERCIA \n ### Explanation: Thanks to Nancy, amateur discovers old kingdom (6)\n**MERCI\u00a0**(\"Thanks\" in French, so to those living in \"Nancy\") +\u00a0**A**(mateur)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Abnomal self-concern, say, shown by leaderless country (8)","output":"### Answer: EGOMANIA \n ### Explanation: Abnomal self-concern, say, shown by leaderless country (8)\n**E.G.** (\"say\") *shown by* (r)**OMANIA** (*leaderless* \"country\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Jerry Maguire's principal twice gets decoration (6)","output":"### Answer: POMPOM \n ### Explanation: Jerry Maguire's principal twice gets decoration (6)\nPOM twice?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Priest from South Africa died all right (5)","output":"### Answer: ZADOK \n ### Explanation: Priest from South Africa died all right (5)\n**ZA** (international car registration letters for \"South Africa\") +\u00a0**D**(ied) +\u00a0**OK** (\"all right\") \n*Zadok was on Old Testament priest, and \"Zadok the Priest\" was an anthem written by George Frideric Handel for the coronation of King George II in 1727."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: In favour of joining riot (9)","output":"### Answer: PROFUSION \n ### Explanation: In favour of joining riot (9)\n**PRO** (\"in favour of\") + **FUSION** (\"joining\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One installs machinery\u00a0relatively well (6)","output":"### Answer: FITTER \n ### Explanation: One installs machinery\u00a0relatively well (6)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old bridge not a means of transporting eggs? (7)","output":"### Answer: OVIDUCT \n ### Explanation: Old bridge not a means of transporting eggs? (7)\n**O**(ld) + **VI**(a)**DUCT\u00a0**(\"bridge\", *not* A)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Polished and returned jade in the box (7)","output":"### Answer: ELEGANT \n ### Explanation: Polished and returned jade in the box (7)\n<=**T(NAG)ELE** (\"jade\" *in* \"the box\", where \"jade\" = **NAG** and \"the box\" = **TELE**(vision))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: German leads with greeting for non-violent freedom fighter (6)","output":"### Answer: GANDHI \n ### Explanation: German leads with greeting for non-violent freedom fighter (6)\n**G**(erman) + **AND** (\"with\") + **HI** (\"greeting\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hiding strain, accountant is able to open some beer (5,1,3)","output":"### Answer: CRACK A CAN \n ### Explanation: Hiding strain, accountant is able to open some beer (5,1,3)\n**CA** (chartered \"accountant\") *hiding* **RACK** (\"strain\") + CAN (\"is able to\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Passage in Purcell originally for this instrument (5)","output":"### Answer: CELLO \n ### Explanation: Passage in Purcell originally for this instrument (5)\nHidden in \"Pur**CELL O**riginally\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Alert fellow waving flag (6)","output":"### Answer: FALTER \n ### Explanation: Alert fellow waving flag (6)\n***(alert f)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: With gift of story books, extremely elated (8)","output":"### Answer: TALENTED \n ### Explanation: With gift of story books, extremely elated (8)\n**TALE** (\"story\") + **N.T.** (\"books\") + **E**(late)**D"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Article seized by large river's current (6)","output":"### Answer: LATEST \n ### Explanation: Article seized by large river's current (6)\n**A** (\"article\")* seized by* **L**(arge) **TEST** (\"river\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Resort in York perhaps cancelling bill (8)","output":"### Answer: RECOURSE \n ### Explanation: Resort in York perhaps cancelling bill (8)\n**R**(ac)**ECOURSE** (\"York, perhaps\") with AC (\"bill\") removed (*cancelled*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wagner opera in France's nothing unknown, I added (6)","output":"### Answer: RIENZI \n ### Explanation: Wagner opera in France's nothing unknown, I added (6)\n**RIEN** (\"in France, nothing\") + **Z** (\"unknown\") with **I** *added*. \n*\"Rienzi\" is an early Richard Wagner opera, first performed in 1842 and considered his first \"hit\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bachelor's on the verge of highway attack (9)","output":"### Answer: BROADSIDE \n ### Explanation: Bachelor's on the verge of highway attack (9)\n**B**(achelor) *on* **ROADSIDE** (\"verge of highway\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dog food? That's about right (5)","output":"### Answer: TRACK \n ### Explanation: Dog food? That's about right (5)\n**TACK** (\"food\") *about* **R**(ight)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Well, it's a kitchen device (7)","output":"### Answer: CHIPPER \n ### Explanation: Well, it's a kitchen device (7)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unionist has to live on new housing development (9)","output":"### Answer: EVOLUTION \n ### Explanation: Unionist has to live on new housing development (9)\n**U**(nionist) in (i.e housed by) ***(to live on)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Island's not half fantastic (5)","output":"### Answer: CAPRI \n ### Explanation: Island's not half fantastic (5)\n**CAPRI**(cious) (\"fantastic\", *halved*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A small child needed about a day to find fossil (8)","output":"### Answer: AMMONITE \n ### Explanation: A small child needed about a day to find fossil (8)\n**A MITE** (\"small child\") *about ***Mon**. (\"a day\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A state not for eating in? (4)","output":"### Answer: TOGO \n ### Explanation: A state not for eating in? (4)\n**TO GO** (\"not for eating in\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unrewarding time without Marvin? (9)","output":"### Answer: THANKLESS \n ### Explanation: Unrewarding time without Marvin? (9)\n**T**(ime) + **HANKLESS** (\"without (Hank) Marvin\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cushion to support back (not bottoms) (9)","output":"### Answer: UPHOLSTER \n ### Explanation: Cushion to support back (not bottoms) (9)\n**UPHOL**(d) (\"cushion\") + **STER**(n) (\"back\"), both without *bottoms"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Penny off fuel keeps one quiet (8)","output":"### Answer: PEACEFUL \n ### Explanation: Penny off fuel keeps one quiet (8)\n**P**(enny) + ***(fuel)** *keeps* **ACE** (\"one\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Turned up at court, showing discretion (4)","output":"### Answer: TACT \n ### Explanation: Turned up at court, showing discretion (4)\n**TA\u00a0**(\"at\",\u00a0*turned up*) +\u00a0**Ct.** (abbreviation of \"court\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Part of ship's unit's heading north-west in strong wind (7)","output":"### Answer: GUNWALE \n ### Explanation: Part of ship's unit's heading north-west in strong wind (7)\n**U**(nit) + **NW\u00a0**(abbreviation of \"north-west\") *in* **GALE** (\"strong wind\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Female performing expected cheesy dish (6)","output":"### Answer: FONDUE \n ### Explanation: Female performing expected cheesy dish (6)\n**F**(emale) + **ON** (\"performing\") + **DUE** (\"expected\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Often nurses left parcel out (5)","output":"### Answer: ALLOT \n ### Explanation: Often nurses left parcel out (5)\n**A LOT** (\"often\") *nurses* **L**(eft)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Holding socialist's firm belief (5)","output":"### Answer: CREDO \n ### Explanation: Holding socialist's firm belief (5)\n**Co.** (\"firm\") *holding* **RED** (\"socialist\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: After taking in bits of Hong Kong, Al's game for fun in Tokyo! (8)","output":"### Answer: PACHINKO \n ### Explanation: Definition: game for fun in Tokyo\n(Al) **PACINO** taking in **H** and **K** (\"bits of Hong Kong\") \nPachinko is a Japanese game."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: In the middle of Germany, stuck in some fog (6)","output":"### Answer: AMIDST \n ### Explanation: Definition: In the middle of\n**D** (\"Germany\") *stuck in* **A MIST** (\"some fog\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Garland pursuing role playing attractive singer (7)","output":"### Answer: LORELEI \n ### Explanation: Definition: attractive singer \n**LEI** (Hawaiian \"garland\") *pursuing* ***(role)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lusatian consumed salt (7)","output":"### Answer: SORBATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: salt\n**SORB** (\"Lusatian\") + **ATE** (\"consumed\") \nLusatia is an area in Central Europe which is home to the ethnic group known as the Lusatian Sorbs."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Leaves Deighton's file, denied internet protocol (5)","output":"### Answer: CRESS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Leaves\n(IP)**CRESS\u00a0**(\"Len Deighton's file\" without IP (\"Internet Protocol\")) \n\"The Ipcress File\" was a spy novel written by Len Deighton."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: White house's in-depth coverage? (5,4)","output":"### Answer: HEAVY SNOW \n ### Explanation: Definition: White house's in-depth coverage\n*Heavy snow would cover a house, making it white, or Julius may be referring to an igloo?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mama wildebeest masters opening three litre container (6,6)","output":"### Answer: DOUBLE MAGNUM \n ### Explanation: Definition: three litre container \n**DOUBLE MA** (\"ma ma\") + **GNU** (\"wildebeest\") + **M**(asters)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: I so couldn't work in the Big Apple, where there's no privacy (6,6)","output":"### Answer: NUDIST COLONY \n ### Explanation: Definition: where there's no privacy \n***(i so couldnt)** *in* **NY** (New York, so \"the big Apple\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Say when, without refinement? (5-4)","output":"### Answer: ROUGH HEWN \n ### Explanation: Definition: without refinement\n\"Hewn\" is an anagram of \"when\", so \"rough hewn\" would be \"when\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Uninvited guest makes MsThurman a British Rail sandwich (5)","output":"### Answer: UMBRA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Uninvited guest\n**UMA** (\"Ms Thurman\") *sandwiches* **BR"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Became interested in new Giotto fresco (3,4)","output":"### Answer: GOT INTO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Became interested\n***(n giotto)** \n*Fresco as an anagrind? I suppose, given that it is the Italian for \"fresh\", it just about passes muster."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Able to read, student not required to repeat (7)","output":"### Answer: ITERATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: to repeat \n(l)**ITERATE\u00a0**(\"able to read\", without L (\"student\"))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: \"Be charming every now and again\" penned le Carr\u00e9 (6)","output":"### Answer: ENDEAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Be charming\n*See comment 2 for an explanation of this one \u2013 thanks, Louise!"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Self-obsession of Tierra del Fuego man I arrested (8)","output":"### Answer: EGOMANIA \n ### Explanation: Self-obsession of Tierra del Fuego man I arrested (8)\nHidden in \"fu**EGO MAN I** Arrested\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stirring up, creating a lie playing politics in the White House? (6,8)","output":"### Answer: PALACE INTRIGUE \n ### Explanation: Definition: politics in the White House\n***(up creating a lie)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: It's blown my cover as a sleeper in Africa (6)","output":"### Answer: CORNET \n ### Explanation: Definition: It's blown\n**COR** (\"my!\") + (mosquito) **NET** (\"cover as a sleeper in Africa\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: They're charged as supporters of sick American deceptions (9)","output":"### Answer: ILLUSIONS \n ### Explanation: Definition: deceptions\n**IONS** (\"they're charged\") *supporting* **ILL** (\"sick\") + **US** (\"American\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Noble king, a high-born Celt originally (6,8)","output":"### Answer: KNIGHT BACHELOR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Noble\n**K**(ing) + ***(a high born celt)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Happy, Julius Caesar's back on track (5)","output":"### Answer: MERRY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Happy\n**<=ME** (\"Julius\") +(Caesa) **R** *(again, Louise @comment 2 helped me to understand that part)* + **RY** (railway, so \"track\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Washington (not Ohio) PR media rubbished Trump's campaign objective (8,3,5)","output":"### Answer: DRAINING THE SWAMP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Trump's campaign objective \n***(washingtn pr media)\u00a0**The letter O (\"Ohio\") has to be removed from \"Washington\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lancelot Brown's expertise in tax avoidance? (6,8)","output":"### Answer: ESTATE PLANNING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Lancelot Brown's expertise\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A day going over Northern Australia upset Miss West to the point of sickness (2,7)","output":"### Answer: AD NAUSEAM \n ### Explanation: Definition: to the point of sickness \n**A D**(ay) + **N AUS** (\"Northern Australia\") + (<= **MAE** (\"Miss West\")**\u00a0"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Altered a tuxedo Duke left to have cleaned (8)","output":"### Answer: ADJUSTED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Altered\n**A DJ** (dinner jacket, so \"tuxedo\") + (d)**USTED** (\"cleaned\" without D(uke))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Get old baronet on the road to Edinburgh (6)","output":"### Answer: OBTAIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Get\n**O**(ld)** Bt.** (\"baronet\") on **A1(N)** (\"the road to Edinburgh\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Way into Florida slum (6)","output":"### Answer: FAVELA \n ### Explanation: Definition: slum\n**Ave.** (\"way\") *into* **Fla.** (\"Florida\") \n*A favela is a slum, most notably in Rio de Janeiro."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dye chicken then snap wings off (5)","output":"### Answer: HENNA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Dye\n**HEN** (\"chicken\") + (s)NA(p)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Male with a zip cut old wooden bowl (5)","output":"### Answer: MAZER \n ### Explanation: Male with a zip cut old wooden bowl (5)\n**M**(ale) *with* **A ZER**(o) (\"zip\",\u00a0*cut*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Film again before breaking guitar's last string (2-6)","output":"### Answer: RE-RECORD \n ### Explanation: Film again before breaking guitar's last string (2-6)\n**ERE** (\"before\")\u00a0*breaking\u00a0*(guita)**R** + **CORD** (\"string\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Filming Tap orgy in hotel \u2014 came when aroused (14)","output":"### Answer: CINEMATOGRAPHY \n ### Explanation: Filming Tap orgy in hotel \u2014 came when aroused (14)\n***(tap orgy in H came)**, where H is short for \"hotel\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: In the morning love to be entertained by kinky nurse's charms (8)","output":"### Answer: ENAMOURS \n ### Explanation: In the morning love to be entertained by kinky nurse's charms (8)\n**A.M.** (\"in the morning\") + **O** (\"love\")\u00a0*to be entertained by*\u00a0***(nurse)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One trailing dumb group, half lost in city (6)","output":"### Answer: MUMBAI \n ### Explanation: One trailing dumb group, half lost in city (6)\n**I** (\"one\") *trailing* **MUM** (\"dumb\", as in \"keep mum\") + **BA**(nd) (\"group\", *half lost*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Film covering record pitch (5)","output":"### Answer: ERECT \n ### Explanation: Film covering record pitch (5)\n**E.T.** (\"film\") *covering* **REC**(ord)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Takes in hype going over front of sleeve (5)","output":"### Answer: GULPS \n ### Explanation: Takes in hype going over front of sleeve (5)\n<=**PLUG** (\"hype\", *going over*) + **S**(leeve)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Turns ugly, oddly missing lots (9)","output":"### Answer: GYRATIONS \n ### Explanation: Turns ugly, oddly missing lots (9)\n(u)**G**(l)**Y** + **RATIONS** (\"lots\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Spinal Tap turning up current album \u2026 (6,8)","output":"### Answer: LUMBAR PUNCTURE \n ### Explanation: Spinal Tap turning up current album \u2026 (6,8)\n***(up current album)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: \u2026 bank up to eleven \u2014 air's rocking (14)","output":"### Answer: SUPERELEVATION \n ### Explanation: \u2026 bank up to eleven \u2014 air's rocking (14)\n***(up to eleven airs)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Uses again, touching series of songs (8)","output":"### Answer: RECYCLES \n ### Explanation: Uses again, touching series of songs (8)\n**RE** (\"touching\") +** CYCLES** (\"series of songs\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A car's back concealing new drugs (5)","output":"### Answer: GANJA \n ### Explanation: A car's back concealing new drugs (5)\n<= **A JAG** (\"a car\",\u00a0*back*),* concealing\u00a0***N**(ew)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Artist and singer's aid \u2014 he joins film director with band of the '70s (12)","output":"### Answer: MICHELANGELO \n ### Explanation: Artist and singer's aid \u2014 he joins film director with band of the '70s (12)\n**MIC** (\"singer's aid\") + **HE** + (Fritz) **LANG** (\"film director\") + **E.L.O.** (\"band of the 70s\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Upset Led Zeppelin's leader taking in lover for drink (9)","output":"### Answer: ZINFANDEL \n ### Explanation: Upset Led Zeppelin's leader taking in lover for drink (9)\n<=**LED Z**(eppelin)\u00a0*taking\u00a0***IN FAN\u00a0**(\"lover\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Play jam one louder, it's mad (5,3,6)","output":"### Answer: ROMEO AND JULIET \n ### Explanation: Play jam one louder, it's mad (5,3,6)\n***(jam one louder it)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Call about English act making comeback (9)","output":"### Answer: RETURNING \n ### Explanation: Call about English act making comeback (9)\n**RING** (\"call\") *about* **E**(nglish) **TURN** (\"act\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fiddles with\u00a0equipment (4)","output":"### Answer: RIGS \n ### Explanation: Fiddles with\u00a0equipment (4)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rubbish you picked up? Time to give up being wasted (9)","output":"### Answer: CRAPULENT \n ### Explanation: Rubbish you picked up? Time to give up being wasted (9)\n**CRAP** (\"rubbish\") + **U** (homophone of YOU) + **LENT** (\"time to give up\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: On it away from addiction? (5)","output":"### Answer: REHAB \n ### Explanation: On it away from addiction? (5)\n**RE** (\"on\") + **HAB**(it)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hearing short works after interval \u2014 organ sticking out? (6,6)","output":"### Answer: HIATUS HERNIA \n ### Explanation: Hearing short works after interval \u2014 organ sticking out? (6,6)\n***(hearin)**(g) *after* **HIATUS** (\"internal\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Play? Removing top in the Sun for circulation: that's not graceful (9)","output":"### Answer: UNSHAPELY \n ### Explanation: Play? Removing top in the Sun for circulation: that's not graceful (9)\n***(play he sun)**, where HE is \"the\" *with its top removed"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: They abuse right to occupy band on the road? (9)","output":"### Answer: TORTURERS \n ### Explanation: They abuse right to occupy band on the road? (9)\n**Rt.** (\"right\") *to occupy* **TOURERS** (\"band on the road\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Delivery of European spot (one must be United) (9)","output":"### Answer: ELOCUTION \n ### Explanation: Delivery of European spot (one must be United) (9)\n**E**(uropean) + **LOC**(a)**(U)TION\u00a0**(\"spot\", with A (\"one\") replaced by U(nited))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Month to handle on-screen director (5)","output":"### Answer: MOUSE \n ### Explanation: Month to handle on-screen director (5)\n**Mo**.(nth) +** USE** (\"to handle\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Group with good reverberation (5)","output":"### Answer: CLANG \n ### Explanation: Group with good reverberation (5)\n**CLAN** (\"group\") *with* **G**(ood)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Celebrity mag detailed suffering (4)","output":"### Answer: HELL \n ### Explanation: Celebrity mag detailed suffering (4)\n**HELL**(o) (\"celebrity mag\",\u00a0*detailed*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stairs concealing an opening over a door (8)","output":"### Answer: FANLIGHT \n ### Explanation: Stairs concealing an opening over a door (8)\n**FLIGHT** (\"stairs\") *concealing* **AN"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Controller of fluid the swine fed to drunkard (6)","output":"### Answer: SPIGOT \n ### Explanation: Controller of fluid the swine fed to drunkard (6)\n**PIG** (\"the swine\") *fed to* **SOT** (\"drunkard\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Article in newspaper that's refreshing (8)","output":"### Answer: LEMONADE \n ### Explanation: Article in newspaper that's refreshing (8)\n**A** (\"article\") *in* **LE MONDE** (French \"newspaper\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Vehicle rounds bend before a shock (6)","output":"### Answer: TRAUMA \n ### Explanation: Vehicle rounds bend before a shock (6)\n**TRAM** (\"vehicle\") *rounds* **U** (\"bend\")* before* **A"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: 30 perhaps put on, weapon outside (9)","output":"### Answer: SWEARWORD \n ### Explanation: 30 perhaps put on, weapon outside (9)\n**WEAR** (\"put on\") with **SWORD** (\"weapon\") *outside"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Energy member invested in exclamation of wonder (5)","output":"### Answer: OOMPH \n ### Explanation: Energy member invested in exclamation of wonder (5)\n**M.P.** (\"member\" of parliament)* invested in* **OOH** (\"excalamation of wonder\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Avoid\u00a0meat (4)","output":"### Answer: DUCK \n ### Explanation: Avoid\u00a0meat (4)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Black cloud follows close to itinerant, one going on foot (7)","output":"### Answer: TRAINER \n ### Explanation: Black cloud follows close to itinerant, one going on foot (7)\n**RAINER** (\"black cloud\") *follows* (itineran)**T"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hoarding bread, state accumulated wealth (7)","output":"### Answer: CAPITAL \n ### Explanation: Hoarding bread, state accumulated wealth (7)\n**Cal**.(ifornia) (\"state\") *hoarding* **PITA** (\"bread\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bleat\u00a0as cow? (4)","output":"### Answer: BEEF \n ### Explanation: Bleat\u00a0as cow? (4)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Harrow's principal in lovely, comfortable job (5)","output":"### Answer: NICHE \n ### Explanation: Harrow's principal in lovely, comfortable job (5)\n**H**(arrow) *in* **NICE** (\"lovely\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cold packed in ice, dates awfully dry (9)","output":"### Answer: DESICCATE \n ### Explanation: Cold packed in ice, dates awfully dry (9)\n**C**(old) *packed in* ***(ice dates)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Home rule initially welcomed by former PM (6)","output":"### Answer: HEARTH \n ### Explanation: Home rule initially welcomed by former PM (6)\n**R**(ule) *welcomed by* (Ted) **HEATH** (\"former PM\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Musician squeezing one box that hisses (3,5)","output":"### Answer: PIT VIPER \n ### Explanation: Musician squeezing one box that hisses (3,5)\n**PIPER** (\"musician\") *squeezing* **1 TV** (\"one box\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Over ebbing river, spot fleet (6)","output":"### Answer: SPEEDY \n ### Explanation: Over ebbing river, spot fleet (6)\n**SPY** (\"spot\") *over* <=**DEE** (\"river\",* ebbing*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: By the sound of it, more than one thief curses (8)","output":"### Answer: KNICKERS \n ### Explanation: By the sound of it, more than one thief curses (8)\nHomophone of **NICKERS** (\"more than one thief\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Shape of sky assuming line that's familiar (6)","output":"### Answer: FOLKSY \n ### Explanation: Shape of sky assuming line that's familiar (6)\n***(of sky)** *assuming* **L**(ine)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Nine, perhaps, a shade under ten, ultimately (6)","output":"### Answer: NUMBER \n ### Explanation: Nine, perhaps, a shade under ten, ultimately (6)\n**UMBER** (\"a shade\") *under* (te)**N"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Close lead of champion forsaken (5)","output":"### Answer: INNER \n ### Explanation: Close lead of champion forsaken (5)\n(w)**INNER** (\"champion\" with its \"lead\" *forsaken*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fish dined on the waterfront (7)","output":"### Answer: HADDOCK \n ### Explanation: Fish dined on the waterfront (7)\n**HAD** (\"dined on\") + **DOCK** (\"waterfront\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Somebody manufacturing green soap (9)","output":"### Answer: PERSONAGE \n ### Explanation: Somebody manufacturing green soap (9)\n***(green soap)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Food lover, chap into fruit (8)","output":"### Answer: GOURMAND \n ### Explanation: Food lover, chap into fruit (8)\n**MAN** (\"chap\") *into* **GOURD** (\"fruit\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Educators see Sr Guevara crying? (8)","output":"### Answer: TEACHERS \n ### Explanation: Educators see Sr Guevara crying? (8)\n**CHE** (\"Sr Guevara\") in **TEARS** (\"crying\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Change somewhat overrated, I think (4)","output":"### Answer: EDIT \n ### Explanation: Change somewhat overrated, I think (4)\nHidden in \"overrat**ED I T**hink\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unfortunately less hot, the tuna red raw (9)","output":"### Answer: UNTREATED \n ### Explanation: Unfortunately less hot, the tuna red raw (9)\n***(te tuna raw)**, where TE is \"the\" less H(ot)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Vessel like this supporting a plant (8)","output":"### Answer: ACANTHUS \n ### Explanation: Vessel like this supporting a plant (8)\n**CAN** (\"vessel\") + **THUS** (\"like this\") *supporting* **A"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Modern resort with English in prison (5,3)","output":"### Answer: SPACE AGE \n ### Explanation: Modern resort with English in prison (5,3)\n**SPA** (\"resort\") *with* **E**(nglish) *in* **CAGE** (\"prison\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pool top, snooker's third (4)","output":"### Answer: LIDO \n ### Explanation: Pool top, snooker's third (4)\n**LID** (\"top\") + (sn)**O**(oker)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Baton is used in defence (7)","output":"### Answer: BASTION \n ### Explanation: Baton is used in defence (7)\n***(baton is)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Publication with something to digest in flier (6)","output":"### Answer: MAGPIE \n ### Explanation: Publication with something to digest in flier (6)\n**MAG** (\"publication\") *with* **PIE** (\"something to digest\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Suit \u2013 Scottish footballing outfit? (6)","output":"### Answer: HEARTS \n ### Explanation: Suit \u2013 Scottish footballing outfit? (6)\nDouble definition \u2013 a suit in cards and a Scottish football team."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: City that may rise and fall (5)","output":"### Answer: CIVIC \n ### Explanation: City that may rise and fall (5)\nPalindrome, so it reads the same rising and falling"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Nook in which a copperhead is enamoured? (6)","output":"### Answer: ALCOVE \n ### Explanation: Nook in which a copperhead is enamoured? (6)\n**A** + **C**(opperhead) *in* **LOVE** (\"enamoured\" = in love)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Threaten to touch a steamer? (6)","output":"### Answer: COWPAT \n ### Explanation: Threaten to touch a steamer? (6)\n**COW** (\"threaten\") + **PAT** (\"to touch\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unfortunately, Ofsted has killed inspirational leaders, the final nail in the coffin? (4,2,5)","output":"### Answer: KISS OF DEATH \n ### Explanation: Unfortunately, Ofsted has killed inspirational leaders, the final nail in the coffin? (4,2,5)\n***(ofsted has k i)**, where K and I are the initial letters (*leaders*) of \"killed\" and \"inspirational\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Side with keepers of the royal estate? (6,4,7)","output":"### Answer: QUEENS PARK RANGERS \n ### Explanation: Side with keepers of the royal estate? (6,4,7)\nRangers looking after a queen's park\u2026"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Inhaler for this? That's a good idea (6)","output":"### Answer: WHEEZE \n ### Explanation: Inhaler for this? That's a good idea (6)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: I believe printing stuff in spirit (8)","output":"### Answer: METHINKS \n ### Explanation: I believe printing stuff in spirit (8)\n**INK** (\"printing stuff\") *in* **METHS** (\"spirit\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Nothing to lose in battlefield after short run for a particular worker? (9)","output":"### Answer: JOBSWORTH \n ### Explanation: Nothing to lose in battlefield after short run for a particular worker? (9)\n**B**(0)**SWORTH** (\"battlefield\" with *nothing* (0) lost) after **JO**(g) (*short\u00a0*\"run\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Squarish front cut with axes (4)","output":"### Answer: BOXY \n ### Explanation: Squarish front cut with axes (4)\n**BO**(w) (\"front\", *cut*) with **X** and **Y** (\"axes\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Body lacking in width, lifted belt (4)","output":"### Answer: WHUP \n ### Explanation: Body lacking in width, lifted belt (4)\n**W**(idt)**H** (\"width\" with its *body lacking*) + **UP** (\"lifted\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: They refuse to adapt and ours is changing (9)","output":"### Answer: DINOSAURS \n ### Explanation: They refuse to adapt and ours is changing (9)\n***(and ours is)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Good time to cover a royal seat, wiping one for John's chamber (8)","output":"### Answer: BATHROOM \n ### Explanation: Good time to cover a royal seat, wiping one for John's chamber (8)\n**BOOM** (\"good time\") to cover **A THR**(one) (\"royal seat\" *wiping* ONE)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Not concentrating, skin stuck on zip (6)","output":"### Answer: DOZING \n ### Explanation: Not concentrating, skin stuck on zip (6)\n**DO** (\"skin\", as in \"to beat easily\") *stuck on ***ZING** (\"zip\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cocktail, a small drink sent over, lay unfinished in the end (4,6)","output":"### Answer: PINA COLADA \n ### Explanation: Cocktail, a small drink sent over, lay unfinished in the end (4,6)\n<= **A NIP** (\"small drink\", *sent over*) + **LA**(y) *in* **CODA** (\"end\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Decorated more than three weeks before Christmas, looking back (4)","output":"### Answer: ICED \n ### Explanation: Decorated more than three weeks before Christmas, looking back (4)\n<=DEC 1 (\"more than three weeks before Christmas\", *back*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mediocre craft behind good racer (2-4)","output":"### Answer: GO-KART \n ### Explanation: Mediocre craft behind good racer (2-4)\n**OK** (\"mediocre\") + **ART** (\"craft\") *behind* G(ood)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Good health\u00a0makes you feel better (6)","output":"### Answer: CHEERS \n ### Explanation: Good health\u00a0makes you feel better (6)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sound of hooter, it has gone off with two rings (7)","output":"### Answer: ATISHOO \n ### Explanation: Sound of hooter, it has gone off with two rings (7)\n***(it has)** + **O O** (\"two rings\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Class act finally dressed in suit (5)","output":"### Answer: CASTE \n ### Explanation: Class act finally dressed in suit (5)\n(ac)**T\u00a0***dressed in* **CASE** (\"suit\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A reservation almost captured by very old cowboy (7)","output":"### Answer: VAQUERO \n ### Explanation: A reservation almost captured by very old cowboy (7)\n**A QUER**(y) (\"reservation\", *almost*) *captured by* **V**(ery) **O**(ld)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Elaborate talk about ultimate in decoration (6)","output":"### Answer: ORNATE \n ### Explanation: Elaborate talk about ultimate in decoration (6)\n**ORATE** (\"talk\") *about* (decoratio)**N"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ground spice infusing most of cold drink (5,4)","output":"### Answer: PEPSI COLA \n ### Explanation: Ground spice infusing most of cold drink (5,4)\n***(spice)** *infusing* **POLA**(r) (*most of* \"cold\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old screw's failure to secure pole (7)","output":"### Answer: TURNKEY \n ### Explanation: Old screw's failure to secure pole (7)\n**TURKEY** (\"failure\") *to secure* **N**(orth) (\"pole\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Arbitrary comment, I agree, is kind of average (9,4)","output":"### Answer: GEOMETRIC MEAN \n ### Explanation: Arbitrary comment, I agree, is kind of average (9,4)\n***(comment i agree)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: London's Borough Market has endless foil to wrap up (9)","output":"### Answer: SOUTHWARK \n ### Explanation: London's Borough Market has endless foil to wrap up (9)\n**SOUK** (\"market\") *has* **THWAR**(t) (*endless* \"foil\") *to wrap up*, so\u00a0**SOU(THWAR)K"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: This slaughter's controversial, for crying out loud? (7)","output":"### Answer: WHALING \n ### Explanation: This slaughter's controversial, for crying out loud? (7)\nHomophone of **WAILING** (\"crying\", *out loud*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pass over the Guardian's prejudice (6)","output":"### Answer: COLOUR \n ### Explanation: Pass over the Guardian's prejudice (6)\n**COL** (mountain \"pass\") *over* **OUR** (\"the Guardian's\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old country with two sharp bends on river (5)","output":"### Answer: ZAIRE \n ### Explanation: Old country with two sharp bends on river (5)\n**Z\u00a0**(\"two sharp bends\", on a road sign) +\u00a0**AIRE** (\"river\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Amusingly he exaggerates strange trait associated with a circus (12)","output":"### Answer: CARICATURIST \n ### Explanation: Amusingly he exaggerates strange trait associated with a circus (12)\n***(trait a circus)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Celebrity is blocking change (1- 6)","output":"### Answer: A-LISTER \n ### Explanation: Celebrity is blocking change (1- 6)\n**IS** *blocking* **ALTER\u00a0**(\"change\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Called about family position (7)","output":"### Answer: RANKING \n ### Explanation: Called about family position (7)\n**RANG** (\"called\") *about* **KIN** (\"family\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Former writer's ultimately futile outlay (7)","output":"### Answer: EXPENSE \n ### Explanation: Former writer's ultimately futile outlay (7)\n**EX** (\"former\") + **PEN'S** (\"writer's\") + (futil)**E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Part of intro, uncertain beat (7)","output":"### Answer: TROUNCE \n ### Explanation: Part of intro, uncertain beat (7)\nHidden in (*part of*) \"in**TRO UNCE**rtain\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mob in store reportedly (5)","output":"### Answer: HORDE \n ### Explanation: Mob in store reportedly (5)\nHomophone (*reportedly*) of **HOARD"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Somewhat loathsome person for example always coming back (2,1,6)","output":"### Answer: TO A DEGREE \n ### Explanation: Somewhat loathsome person for example always coming back (2,1,6)\n**TOAD** (\"loathsome person\") + **E.G.** (\"for example\") + <=**E'ER** (\"always, *coming back*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Revised alerts received by parent causing confusion (9)","output":"### Answer: MAELSTROM \n ### Explanation: Revised alerts received by parent causing confusion (9)\n***(alerts)** *received by* **MOM** (\"parent\" in the US)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Supper's beginning \u2013 our group welcome eastern dish (5)","output":"### Answer: SUSHI \n ### Explanation: Supper's beginning \u2013 our group welcome eastern dish (5)\n**S**(upper) + **US** (\"our group\") + **HI** (\"welcome\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sudden increase overwhelming place \u2013 leading to extravagance (7)","output":"### Answer: SPLURGE \n ### Explanation: Sudden increase overwhelming place \u2013 leading to extravagance (7)\n**SURGE** (\"sudden increase\") *overwhelming* **P**(lace)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Close a north-eastern passage (3,4)","output":"### Answer: SEA LANE \n ### Explanation: Close a north-eastern passage (3,4)\n**SEAL** (\"close\") +** A** **N**(orth)** E**(astern)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Uncovered Scot having slip on return before court? Right (7)","output":"### Answer: CORRECT \n ### Explanation: Uncovered Scot having slip on return before court? Right (7)\n(s)**CO**(t) + <=**ERR** (\"slip\", *on return*) *before* **Ct.** (\"court\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Initially impolite, discourteous in referring to listener? Senseless (7)","output":"### Answer: IDIOTIC \n ### Explanation: Initially impolite, discourteous in referring to listener? Senseless (7)\nInitial letters of\u00a0**I**mpolite\u00a0**D**iscourteous\u00a0**I**n +\u00a0**OTIC\u00a0**(\"referring to listener\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Girl with thief, one not willing to spend (5-7)","output":"### Answer: PENNY-PINCHER \n ### Explanation: Girl with thief, one not willing to spend (5-7)\n**PENNY** (\"girl\") *with* **PINCHER** (\"thief\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lively\u00a0golfer producing lofted shot? (7)","output":"### Answer: CHIPPER \n ### Explanation: Lively\u00a0golfer producing lofted shot? (7)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Group held up by rogue unit, erratic (7)","output":"### Answer: RETINUE \n ### Explanation: Group held up by rogue unit, erratic (7)\nHidden backwards (*held up by*) \"rogu**E UNIT ER**ratic\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Find fault with record wood expert revealed? (9)","output":"### Answer: CARPENTER \n ### Explanation: Find fault with record wood expert revealed? (9)\n**CARP** (\"find fault\")* with* **ENTER** (\"record\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cutting about old pack (5)","output":"### Answer: TAROT \n ### Explanation: Cutting about old pack (5)\n**TART** *about* **O**(ld)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Author Arthur's payment for liberation picked up (7)","output":"### Answer: RANSOME \n ### Explanation: Author Arthur's payment for liberation picked up (7)\nHomophone (*picked up)* of **RANSOM** (\"payment for liberation\") \nRefers to Arthur Ransome, author of\u00a0*Swallows and Amazons."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Transgressor nicks soft bowler (7)","output":"### Answer: SPINNER \n ### Explanation: Transgressor nicks soft bowler (7)\n**SINNER** (\"transgressor\") *nicks* **P**(iano) (\"soft\" in music)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dial those people, posh (so!) \u2013 confront consequences (4,3,5)","output":"### Answer: FACE THE MUSIC \n ### Explanation: Dial those people, posh (so!) \u2013 confront consequences (4,3,5)\n**FACE** (\"dial\") + **THEM** (\"those people\") + **U** (\"posh\") + **SIC** (\"so\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Influential figure in emergency broadcast by English (4,8)","output":"### Answer: GREY EMINENCE \n ### Explanation: Influential figure in emergency broadcast by English (4,8)\n***(in emergency)** +\u00a0**E**(nglish)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Poster girl, one working to make entry fee (9)","output":"### Answer: ADMISSION \n ### Explanation: Poster girl, one working to make entry fee (9)\n**AD** (\"poster\") + **MISS** (\"girl\") + **I** (\"one\") + **ON** (\"working\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unexpectedly general increase (7)","output":"### Answer: ENLARGE \n ### Explanation: Unexpectedly general increase (7)\n***(general)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Doctor's child suppressing desire (7)","output":"### Answer: SURGEON \n ### Explanation: Doctor's child suppressing desire (7)\n**SON** (\"child\")\u00a0*suppressing* **URGE** (\"desire\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Language as relative clutches vessel, hot? (7)","output":"### Answer: SPANISH \n ### Explanation: Language as relative clutches vessel, hot? (7)\n**SIS** (\"relative\") *clutches* **PAN** (\"vessel\") + **H**(ot)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Time to interrupt one looking rudely \u2013 race official (7)","output":"### Answer: STARTER \n ### Explanation: Time to interrupt one looking rudely \u2013 race official (7)\n**T**(ime) *to interrupt* **STARER** (\"one looking rudely\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Entirely consume \"repast\" \u2013 gulp regularly? (3,2)","output":"### Answer: EAT UP \n ### Explanation: Entirely consume \"repast\" \u2013 gulp regularly? (3,2)\nRegular letters from \"r**E**p**A**s**T\u00a0**g**U**l**P**\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Flounder and bass seen on Washington lake (6)","output":"### Answer: WALLOW \n ### Explanation: Definition: Flounder\n**LOW** (\"bass\") *seen on* **Wa.**(shington) **L**(ake)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: March about in religious ground I don't know (6,2)","output":"### Answer: SEARCH ME \n ### Explanation: Definition: I don't know \n***(march)\u00a0***in\u00a0***SEE\u00a0**(\"religious ground\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Manuel's dish? Everyone has it with tripe that's passed round (8)","output":"### Answer: TORTILLA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Manuel's dish\n<=**ALL IT ROT** (\"everyone\" \"it\" and \"tripe\") all reversed (*passed around*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cricket shot, cut clinically by Glamorgan's opener (6)","output":"### Answer: GLANCE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Cricket shot\n**LANCE** (\"cut clinically\") by **G**(lamorgan)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Involve outsiders to explain chaos reported by drunkard? (6)","output":"### Answer: ENMESH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Involve\n**E**(xplai)**N** + **MESH** (\"mess\" as pronouned by someone who's drunk)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Friend absorbs for example soldier's symbolic narration (8)","output":"### Answer: ALLEGORY \n ### Explanation: Definition: symbolic narration \n**ALLY** (\"friend\")* absorbs* **E.G.** (\"for example\") + **O.R.** (other ranks, so \"soldier\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stand up vintage miniature to face speculators (4,8)","output":"### Answer: BEAR SCRUTINY` \n ### Explanation: Definition: Stand up \n**BEARS** (\"speculators\") + **CRU** (\"vintage\") + **TINY** (\"miniature\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wise man following group has weathered stormy sea voyage (5,7)","output":"### Answer: ROUGH PASSAGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: stormy sea voyage \n**SAGE** (\"wise man\") *following* ***(group has)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tired vehicle owner crashed (8)","output":"### Answer: CAREWORN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Tired\n**CAR** (\"vehicle\") + ***(owner)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hanging around day after day, jobseekers receive this piece of cake (6)","output":"### Answer: DODDLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: piece of cake \n**DOLE** (\"jobseekers receive this\") *around* **D**(ay) *after* **D**(ay)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bon e to lie next to another that is nameless (6)","output":"### Answer: FIBULA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Bon e\n**FIB** (\"to lie\") *next to* **UL**(n)**A** (\"another\" (bone) with no N (*nameless*))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Importance one attached to reducing sauce, tasted halfway through (8)","output":"### Answer: GRAVITAS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Importance\n**GRAV**(y) (\"sauce\", *reducing*) + **I** (\"one) + **TAS**(ted)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Flowering plant's on stand in lobby (8)","output":"### Answer: HAREBELL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Flowering plant\n**RE** (\"on\") + **BE** (\"stand\") *in* **HALL"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One quietly avoids ice-cream in lounge (6)","output":"### Answer: LOLLOP \n ### Explanation: Definition: lounge\n**LOLL**(ip)**OP** (\"ice-cream\") with I (\"one\") and P(iano) (\"quietly\") *avoided* \nWasn't sure about this, but at least one online dictionary has \"lollipop\" meaning \"ice cream\", although I have always used \"ice lolly\", with lollipop being a hard (or sometimes chewy) sweet on a stick."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Smear with oil, developing tan around head? (6)","output":"### Answer: ANOINT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Smear with oil\n***(ant)** *around* **NO. 1 **(\"head\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Public nuisance in US, 51, close to rehab, in gutter sadly (9)","output":"### Answer: LITTERBUG \n ### Explanation: Definition: Public nuisance in US\n**LI** (\"51\" in Roman numerals) + (reha)**B** *in* ***(gutter)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Race by greedy woman to get discounted music player (5,4)","output":"### Answer: WELSH HARP \n ### Explanation: Definition: music player \n**WELSH** (\"race\") by **HARP**(y) (\"greedy woman\"* discounted*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: As discussed, observe deep fish (3,4)","output":"### Answer: SEA BASS \n ### Explanation: Definition: fish\nHomophone of **SEE** (\"observe\", *as discussed*) + **BASS** (\"deep\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Financial backer raised support after seeing article (5)","output":"### Answer: ANGEL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Financial backer\n<=**LEG** (\"support\", *raised*) *after* **AN** (\"article\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Resounding noise queen's ignored in error (5)","output":"### Answer: CLANG \n ### Explanation: Definition: Resounding noise\n**CLANG**(er) (\"error\", with ER (\"queen\") *ignored*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Scotsman on-air chewed Italian food (8)","output":"### Answer: MACARONI \n ### Explanation: Definition: Italian food \n**MAC** (\"Scotsman\") + ***(on-air)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bird getting divorce from you finally (3)","output":"### Answer: EMU \n ### Explanation: Definition: Bird\nFinal letters of (divorc)**E** (fro)**M** (yo)**U"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Author, seeing learner in street, had turned left (5,4)","output":"### Answer: ROALD DAHL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Author\n**L**(earner) *in* **ROAD** (\"street\") + *(had) + **L**(eft)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Study philosopher? After time, it's routine drudgery (9)","output":"### Answer: TREADMILL \n ### Explanation: Definition: routine drudgery \n**READ MILL** (\"study philosopher\") *after* **T**(ime)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: My French pseudonym used, when exchanging painting (4,4)","output":"### Answer: MONA LISA \n ### Explanation: Definition: painting \n**MON** (\"my\" in* French*) + **ALI-SA** (\"psudonym\" (alias) with AS (\"when\") *exchanging* letters)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fell when briefly jogging (3)","output":"### Answer: HEW \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fell\n***(whe)**(n)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Country girl beneath river losing heart (7)","output":"### Answer: SENEGAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Country\n**GAL** (\"girl\") *beneath* **SE**(i)**NE** (\"river\" *losing heart*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: US city centres to sell alpaca? True (2,4)","output":"### Answer: EL PASO \n ### Explanation: Definition: US city\n*Centres* of (t)**EL**(l) (al)**PA**(ca) + **SO** (\"true\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Discharge emptied underground enters English river (5)","output":"### Answer: EXUDE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Discharge\n**U**(ndergroun)**D** *enters* **EXE** (\"English river\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Speak in public for a test, partly (5)","output":"### Answer: ORATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Speak in public\nHidden in (*partly*) \"f**OR A TE**st\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Broken-down train not in? Almost everything about that'll indicate variable units (5)","output":"### Answer: COACH \n ### Explanation: Definition: train\n***(tra)** + **AL**(l), = **ARTAL** (entered at 25dn), being the plural of \"rotl\", a \"negotiable\" unit of weight in some Muslim countries."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Part of nasty latex in a particular mode (7)","output":"### Answer: CHARACT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Part\nHidden in \"na**STY LATE**x\" (entered at 33ac)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Low round valley featuring tree in early stage of artist's work (7)","output":"### Answer: ARAROBA \n ### Explanation: Definition: tree\n**MOO** (\"low\") *around* **DELL** (\"valley\") = **MODELLO **(entered at 24ac), a preliminary sketch."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One in circus you'll see diminish leaving US and turning up in pub activity (5)","output":"### Answer: WANZE \n ### Explanation: Definition: diminish\n**A** (\"one\")* in* <=**CIRC**(us) = **CR(A)IC** (entered at 3dn)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Suitable head of state installed, showing punch (4)","output":"### Answer: PARA \n ### Explanation: Definition: state\n**FIT** (\"suitable\") with **S**(tate)* installed* = **FI(S)T\u00a0** (entered at 27dn)- (*Not sure where the definition of para is in this*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Start of youth and pals are playing \u2013 scram (8)","output":"### Answer: SPRINGAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: youth\n***(y pals are),** where the Y is the \"start of youth\") = **PARALYSE **(entered at 20dn)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mostly unfeeling on the whole, the US kind is called a hooker (6)","output":"### Answer: STRIPE \n ### Explanation: Definition: kind\n**HAR**(d) (*mostly* \"unfeeling\") + **LOT** (\"the whole\") =\u00a0**HARLOT** (entered at 6dn)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Estates gaining concealment in salient (7)","output":"### Answer: COVERUP \n ### Explanation: Definition: concealment\n***(salient)** = **ENTAILS\u00a0**(entered at 32ac)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The French in Loire town, anything but crusty (9)","output":"### Answer: CRUSTATED \n ### Explanation: Definition: anything but crusty \n**LES** (\"the French\") *in* **ANGERS** (\"Loire town\") =\u00a0**ANGER(LES)S** (entered at 8dn)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What storyteller offers following devious sophi in accommodation once (9)","output":"### Answer: RACONTEUR \n ### Explanation: Definition: storyteller\n**TALE** (\"what storyteller offers\") *following* ***(sophi)\u00a0**=\u00a0**HOSPI-TALE** (entered at 4dn)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: 4 Daily deed, one feature in Shakespearian sketch? (7)","output":"### Answer: MODELLO \n ### Explanation: Definition: feature in Shakespearian sketch\n***This should read 24.** *\u00a0**CHAR\u00a0**(\"daily\") +\u00a0**ACT\u00a0**(\"deed\") =\u00a0**CHARACT\u00a0**(entered at 5ac)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Recharge biography turning up bagged in reference library (6)","output":"### Answer: BURSAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Recharge\n<=**LIFE** (\"biography\", *turning up*) *in* **RL** (\"reference library\") =\u00a0**R(EFIL)L\u00a0**(entered at 22dn)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Limits start of inflammation with peppery seeds (8)","output":"### Answer: MILIARIA \n ### Explanation: Definition: inflammation\n**CAPS** (\"limits\") + **I**(nflammation) + **CUM** (\"with\") =\u00a0**CAPS-I-CUM\u00a0**(entered at 1dn)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Kids into robbery perhaps, lives looked into by the Met? (4)","output":"### Answer: TOBY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Kids\n**IS** (\"lives\") with **MP** (\"Met\"ropolitan Police) inside =\u00a0**I(MP)S\u00a0**(entered at 26dn)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tract of sleeplessness recalled for the record (5)","output":"### Answer: PSALM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Tract \n**ELPEE** (entered at 34ac) is hidden backwards in \"sl**EEPLE**ssness\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Excess in drinking vessel involves\u00a0falsification (7)","output":"### Answer: ENTAILS \n ### Explanation: Definition: involves\n**OVER** (\"excess\") *in* **CUP** (\"drinking vessel\") = **C(OVER)UP\u00a0**(entered at 18ac)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Powder\u00a0sandarach on fashioned boa (7)","output":"### Answer: STYLATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Powder\n**ARAR** (\"sandarach\") *on* ***(boa)** = **ARAR-OBA\u00a0**(entered at 11ac)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Song pal's played, last from album (5)","output":"### Answer: ELPEE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Song\n***(pal's)** + (albu)**M\u00a0**=\u00a0**PSAL-M\u00a0**(entered at 31ac)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Plant artist among tangled root and I love composition (8)","output":"### Answer: CAPSICUM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Plant\n**R.A.** (\"artist\") *among* ***(root)** + **I** + **O** (\"love\") =\u00a0**O(RA)TOR-I-O\u00a0**(entered at 2dn)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Boy or girl naps after work (8)","output":"### Answer: ORATORIO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Boy\n***(girl naps)\u00a0**=\u00a0**SPRINGAL\u00a0**(entered at 14ac)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Shrink from weak end of fun filling in this setter endlessly (5)","output":"### Answer: CRAIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: Shrink\n**W**(eak) + (fu)**N** *filling in* **AZE**(d) (\"this setter\", *endlessly*) = **W-AN(Z)E\u00a0**(entered at 12ac)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Country lodging in filth with crisp coating (9)","output":"### Answer: HOSPITALE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Country lodging\n**STATE** (\"country\") *lodging in* **CRUD** (\"filth\") =\u00a0**CRU-STATE-D\u00a0**(entered at 21ac)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Strumpet (6)","output":"### Answer: HARLOT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Strumpet\n**STRIPE** Entered at 15 ac"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Labrus properly aligned\u00a0with regard to pouch (6)","output":"### Answer: RANGED \n ### Explanation: Definition: aligned\n***(labrus)** = **BURSAL** (entered at 28ac)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Come about in calm, reverse of tense end to voyage (9)","output":"### Answer: ANGERLESS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Come about \n**EVEN** (\"calm\") + <=**TAUT** (*reverse of* \"tense\") + (voyag)**E\u00a0**=\u00a0**EVEN-TUAT-E** (entered at 17dn)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Order rent to go up, central element for ruler (4)","output":"### Answer: CZAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Order\n<=**LET** (\"rent\" *to go up*) + (ru)**L**(er) = **TEL-L** (entered at 10dn)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Zambia's leader in limo? He commands utter power (4)","output":"### Answer: TELL \n ### Explanation: Definition: He commands utter power \n**Z**(ambia) *in* **CAR** (\"limo\") =\u00a0**C(Z)AR\u00a0**(entered at 9dn)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Romancer making courante dance, right? (9)","output":"### Answer: ROUNDELAY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Romancer\n***(courante)** + **R**(ight) = **RACONTEU-R** (entered at 22ac)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Love in progress to make things happen slower in song (9)","output":"### Answer: EVENTUATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: happen \n**O** (\"love\")* in* **RUN** (\"progress\") + **DELAY** (\"to make things go slower\") = **R(O)UN-DELAY\u00a0**(entered at 16dn)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: No time for weapons etc? Itch it's futile to scratch (8)","output":"### Answer: UNUSABLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Itch\n**MILI**(t)**ARIA\u00a0**(\"weapons etc\" with *no T*(ime)) (entered at 29ac)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stun a blue tackled, first in team to go, non-functional (8)","output":"### Answer: PARALYSE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Stun\n***(sun a blue) **=\u00a0**UNUSABLE\u00a0**(entered at 19dn)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sign of omission with litre bottled? Many welcome top-up thereof (6)","output":"### Answer: REFILL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Many welcome top-up thereof \n**CARET** (\"sign of omission\") *with* **L**(itre) *bottled* = **C(L)ARET** (entered at 23dn)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Red nag set free roamed at large (6)","output":"### Answer: CLARET \n ### Explanation: Definition: Red\n***(red nag)** = **RANGED\u00a0**(entered at 7dn)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A choc's bad for one? He may recommend training with weights (5)","output":"### Answer: ARTAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: He may recommend training\n***(a choc)\u00a0**=\u00a0**COACH\u00a0**(entered at 1ac)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Not a vessel for spirits? Near, near (4)","output":"### Answer: IMPS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Not a vessel for spirits\n**TO** (\"near\") + **BY** (\"near\") = **TO-BY\u00a0**(entered at 30ac)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Small coin held in grip \u2013 a rappen? (4)","output":"### Answer: FIST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Small coin\nHidden in \"gri**P** **A** **RA**pa\" (entered at 13ac)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Byzantine cleric's dear treasure (6,5)","output":"### Answer: SACRED RELIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: treasure\n***(clerics dear)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Article about Henry Lawrence (3)","output":"### Answer: THE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Article\n**T.E.** (\"Lawrence\") *about* **H**(enry)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Chap's losing bet on 2015's General Election . . . . (5)","output":"### Answer: EDWIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Chap\nSomeone betting on a **WIN** on **ED** Milliband would have lost."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: . . . . filmed by the winner using this? (9)","output":"### Answer: CAMCORDER \n ### Explanation: Definition: filmed by the winner using this\nA **CAM**eron re**CORDER** may have filmed David Cameron winning the election referred to in 9 ac."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: I gather Ms Hilton considered killing her father (9)","output":"### Answer: PARRICIDE \n ### Explanation: Definition: killing her father \n*Homophone of* **PARIS EYED** \n*Refers to Paris Hilton."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Leave\u00a0Diocletian's retirement home (5)","output":"### Answer: SPLIT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Leave\nDouble definition, the second referring to the Croatian port where Roman emperor Diocletian built a palace (which I visited six months ago)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Shop to have nothing on the shelves (4,3)","output":"### Answer: SELL OUT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Shop\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Starts to throw out young son's playthings (4)","output":"### Answer: TOYS \n ### Explanation: Definition: playthings\n*Starts to\u00a0* \"**T**hrow\u00a0**O**ut\u00a0**Y**oung\u00a0**S**on\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Beastly British rugby tourist trashed centre of European capital (4)","output":"### Answer: LION \n ### Explanation: Definition: British rugby tourist \n**LI**(sb)**ON\u00a0**(\"European capital\" with *centre trashed*) \n*Refers to the British Lions, a selection of British rugby union players who tour every couple of years."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Plastered with rouge, the home secretary went first (7)","output":"### Answer: RUDDLED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Plastered with rouge\n(Amber)\u00a0**RUDD\u00a0**(\"home secretary\") +\u00a0**LED\u00a0**(\"went first\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Show one's feelings when reviewing electronic book (5)","output":"### Answer: EMOTE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Show one's feelings\n<=**E-TOME** (\"electronic book\", *reviewed*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rocker to prepare to shoot heroin (9)","output":"### Answer: COCKHORSE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Rocker\n**COCK** (\"prepare to shoot\") + **HORSE** (\"heroin\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Arian poem about Baltic region (9)","output":"### Answer: POMERANIA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Baltic region \n***(arian poem)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Under canvas, daughter dropped off as day broke (5)","output":"### Answer: AWNED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Under canvas\n(d)**AWNED\u00a0**(\"as day broke\", with D(aughter) *dropping off*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Embarrassed friends every now and again (3)","output":"### Answer: RED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Embarrassed\nRegular letters (every now and then) from \"f**R**i**E**n**D**s\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Last bedroom to be renovated? It's No. 28! (11)","output":"### Answer: BLOODSTREAM \n ### Explanation: Definition: It's No. 28\n***(last bedroom)** \n*Not sure that \"it's red\" is much of a definition."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dickens' Heep is humble; somewhat timid . . . . (8)","output":"### Answer: SHEEPISH \n ### Explanation: Definition: timid \nHidden in \"dicken**S HEEP IS H**umble\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: . . . . shy, hiding awkward drawl, lacking courage (8)","output":"### Answer: COWARDLY \n ### Explanation: Definition: lacking courage \n**COY** (\"shy\") *hiding* ***(drawl)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Boredom leads to English neo- Nazi urging insurrection (5)","output":"### Answer: ENNUI \n ### Explanation: Definition: Boredom\n*Leads to*\u00a0**\"****E**nglish\u00a0**N**eo\u00a0**N**azi\u00a0**U**rging\u00a0**I**nsurrection\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Confirmation of right to hold gun overturned (7)","output":"### Answer: RECEIPT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Confirmation\n**Rt.** (\"right\") to hold <=**PIECE** (\"gun\", *overturned*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: German scientist left warning light on top of transponder (7)","output":"### Answer: LAMBERT \n ### Explanation: Definition: German scientist\n**L**(eft) + **AMBER** (\"warning light\") *on* **T**(ransponder) \n*Refers to Johann Heinrich Lambert (1728-77), who was born in Alsace, which was actually an enclave of Switzerland at the time, although he did spend some time in Germany."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Burden Julius had reportedly to bear, being optically challenged (5-4)","output":"### Answer: CROSS-EYED \n ### Explanation: Definition: optically challenged \n**CROSS** (\"burden\") + homophone of** I'D\u00a0**(\"Julius had\", *reportedly*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A bit squiffy with 10cl on board, neat (6)","output":"### Answer: TIDDLY \n ### Explanation: Definition: A bit squiffy\n**DL** (decilitre, or \"10cl\") *on board* **TIDY** (\"neat\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A sailor about to turn up in bloomers (6)","output":"### Answer: ERRATA \n ### Explanation: Definition: bloomers\n<=**A TAR RE** (\"a sailor about\" *turned up*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Grey-green wild boar gobbles Old Nick up (5,4)","output":"### Answer: OLIVE DRAB \n ### Explanation: Definition: Grey-green\n***(boar)** *gobbles* <=**DEVIL** (\"Old Nick\", up)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Christian name for Irish county's new church (8)","output":"### Answer: CLARENCE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Christian name\nCLARE (\"Irish country\") + **N**(ew) + **C.E.** (\"church\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A few more pages thrown in to madden Dumbledore (8)","output":"### Answer: ADDENDUM \n ### Explanation: Definition: A few more pages\nHidden in \"m**ADDEN DUM**bledore\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Surrounded by rebel cannon, Duke disobeys orders (2,3,2)","output":"### Answer: NO CAN DO \n ### Explanation: Definition: disobeys orders \n**D**(uke) *surrounded by* ***(cannon)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cliff right above entrance to idyllic Somerset town (7)","output":"### Answer: RICHARD \n ### Explanation: Definition: Cliff\n**R**(ight) *above* **I**(dyllc) **CHARD** (\"Somerset town\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Footballer least likely to be transferred? (6)","output":"### Answer: KEEPER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Footballer \nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Condemned party's revolutionary protest (6)","output":"### Answer: DOOMED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Condemned\n**DO** (\"party\") + <=**DEMO\u00a0**(*revolutionary* \"protest\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Courage, passion to overcome resistance (5)","output":"### Answer: HEART \n ### Explanation: Definition: Courage\n**HEAT** *to overcome* **R**(esistance)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Make submissive burglars do this (5,2)","output":"### Answer: BREAK IN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Make submissive\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Treated mercifully, padre's converted (6)","output":"### Answer: SPARED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Treated mercifully\n***(padres)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Eccentrics with empty tins for scraps (8)","output":"### Answer: ODDMENTS \n ### Explanation: Definition: scraps \n**ODD MEN** (\"eccentrics\") *with* **T**(in)**S"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fail to catch American wife (6)","output":"### Answer: MISSUS \n ### Explanation: Definition: wife\n**MISS** (\"fail to catch\") + **U.S.** (\"American\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tool for hard labour damaged hedge in prison (12)","output":"### Answer: SLEDGEHAMMER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Tool for hard labour\n***(hedge)** *in* **SLAMMER"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Too far away from the mountains? (3,2,5)","output":"### Answer: OUT OF RANGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Too far away\nDouble definition, the second mildly cryptic."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Whopper claimed when odds are ignored (3)","output":"### Answer: LIE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Whopper\n(c)**L**(a)**I**(m)**E**(d)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Yank backing good German (3)","output":"### Answer: TUG \n ### Explanation: Definition: Yank\n<=**GUT** (\"good\" in *German, backed*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unseen cats desperate for nourishment (10)","output":"### Answer: SUSTENANCE \n ### Explanation: Definition: nourishment\n***(unseen cats)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Seeing French dicky birds (12)","output":"### Answer: GREENFINCHES \n ### Explanation: Definition: birds \n***(seeing french)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Artist's materials are not commonly found in the outskirts of Paris (6)","output":"### Answer: PAINTS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Artist's materials \n**AIN'T** (\"are not, commonly\") *found in* **P**(ari)**S"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One coming out on top \u2014 one with a carriage (8)","output":"### Answer: VICTORIA \n ### Explanation: Definition: carriage\n**VICTOR** (\"one coming out on top\") + **I** (one) *with* **A"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Extremely entertaining gentleman offering drink (6)","output":"### Answer: EGGNOG \n ### Explanation: Extremely entertaining gentleman offering drink (6)\n*Extremes* of **E**(ntertainin)**G G**(entlema)**N O**(fferin)**G"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Advice ignored by the risk-averse woman of property? (7)","output":"### Answer: DOWAGER \n ### Explanation: Definition: woman of property\n**DO WAGER\u00a0**(\"advice ignored by the risk-averse\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Drug left in London area (4)","output":"### Answer: BLOW \n ### Explanation: Definition: Drug\n**L(**eft) in** BOW** (\"London area\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tips? Tips from eastern diners (4)","output":"### Answer: ENDS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Tips\n*Tips from* **E**(aster)**N D**(iner)**S"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Don't part with remaining traffic sign (4,4)","output":"### Answer: KEEP LEFT \n ### Explanation: Definition: traffic sign \n**KEEP** (\"don't part with\") + **LEFT** (\"remaining\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Famous saw (5)","output":"### Answer: NOTED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Famous\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: First mate crossing border (6)","output":"### Answer: PRIMAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: First\n**PAL** (\"mate\") *crossing* **RIM** (\"border\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Like men, gerbils stray (10)","output":"### Answer: RESEMBLING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Like \n*(men gerbils)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Confused police officer's given command (10)","output":"### Answer: DISORDERED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Confused\n**D.I.'s** (Detective Inspector's, so \"police officer's\") + **ORDERED** (\"given command\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hornblower's first crew measure up? (6)","output":"### Answer: HEIGHT \n ### Explanation: Definition: measure up\n**H**(ornblower) + **EIGHT** (rowing \"crew\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dish providing home with constant energy (7,3)","output":"### Answer: COTTAGE PIE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Dish\n**COTTAGE** (\"home\") *with* **PI** (\"constant\") + **E**(nergy)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Incredible male with ginger snap (10)","output":"### Answer: STAGGERING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Incredible \n**STAG** (\"male\") + ***(ginger)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Nubia's false god (6)","output":"### Answer: ANUBIS \n ### Explanation: Definition: god\n***(nubias)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Movement of water round wet rocks (8)","output":"### Answer: UNDERTOW \n ### Explanation: Definition: Movement of water\n***(round wet)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Couple of punches beginning to count (3-3)","output":"### Answer: ONE-TWO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Couple of punches\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Minor country almost heading for disaster (5)","output":"### Answer: CHILD \n ### Explanation: Definition: Minor\n**CHIL**(e) (\"country\", *almost*) + *heading for* (i.e. first letter of) **D**(isaster)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sailor's last in large ship (4)","output":"### Answer: BRIG \n ### Explanation: Definition: ship\n(sailo)**R** *in* **BIG** (\"large\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Musical chairs without wings (4)","output":"### Answer: HAIR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Musical\n(c)**HAIR**(s)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Impartial peacekeepers stationed around Indonesia's capital (8)","output":"### Answer: UNBIASED \n ### Explanation: Impartial peacekeepers stationed around Indonesia's capital (8)\n**U.N.** (\"peacekeepers\") + **BASED** (\"stationed\") *around* **I**(ndonesia)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Die from lemonade gone bad (3,3)","output":"### Answer: POP OFF \n ### Explanation: Die from lemonade gone bad (3,3)\n**POP** (\"lemonade\") + **OFF** (\"gone bad\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Not entirely prepared to be a Mafia boss (3)","output":"### Answer: DON \n ### Explanation: Not entirely prepared to be a Mafia boss (3)\n**DON**(e) (*not entirely* \"prepared\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Uncertain about having rector next to sullen love poet (10)","output":"### Answer: TROUBADOUR \n ### Explanation: Uncertain about having rector next to sullen love poet (10)\n***(about)** *having* **R**(ector) *next to* **DOUR** (\"sullen\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Set forth logically in study about working in the London area (8)","output":"### Answer: REASONED \n ### Explanation: Set forth logically in study about working in the London area (8)\n**READ** (\"study\") *about* **ON** (\"working\") *in* **S.E.** (\"the London area\"), so **REA(S(ON)E)D"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Very unpleasant when cramped? Not half (6)","output":"### Answer: ODIOUS \n ### Explanation: Very unpleasant when cramped? Not half (6)\n(incomm)**ODIOUS\u00a0**(\"cramped\", *not half*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Speaks with passion dismissing earliest of revolutionary periods (4)","output":"### Answer: AGES \n ### Explanation: Speaks with passion dismissing earliest of revolutionary periods (4)\n(r)**AGES\u00a0**(\"speaks with passion\" with the R(evolutionary) *dismissed*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A bit of fun at last leading to hesitation by Mellors perhaps (10)","output":"### Answer: GAMEKEEPER \n ### Explanation: A bit of fun at last leading to hesitation by Mellors perhaps (10)\n**GAME** (\"a bit of fun\") + **KEEP** (\"last\") + **ER** (\"hesitation\") \nOliver Mellors from\u00a0*Lady Chatterley's Lover* was a gamekeeper."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Irregular soldier shot crossing road near the centre of Okayama (10)","output":"### Answer: DISORDERLY \n ### Explanation: Irregular soldier shot crossing road near the centre of Okayama (10)\n***(soldier)** *crossing* **Rd.** (\"road\") *near* (oka)**Y**(ama)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Minister to become widely spoken about on social media site right away (4)","output":"### Answer: TEND \n ### Explanation: Minister to become widely spoken about on social media site right away (4)\n**T**(r)**END\u00a0**(\"to become widely spoken about on social media\") with R(ight) *away"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: My place is back in the Spanish legislature (6)","output":"### Answer: CORTES \n ### Explanation: My place is back in the Spanish legislature (6)\n**COR** (\"my\") + <=**SET** (\"place\", *back*) \nRefers to the Cortes Generales, the parliament of Spain."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wearing for each boy actually present (2,6)","output":"### Answer: IN PERSON \n ### Explanation: Wearing for each boy actually present (2,6)\n**IN** (\"wearing\") + **PER** (\"for each\") + **SON** (\"boy\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Right to have volunteers around getting involved and arousing interest (10)","output":"### Answer: ATTRACTIVE \n ### Explanation: Right to have volunteers around getting involved and arousing interest (10)\n<=**Rt. TA\u00a0**(\"right\" + \"volunteers\", *around*) *getting* **ACTIVE** (\"involved\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Field ambulance eventually obtained by the French (3)","output":"### Answer: LEA \n ### Explanation: Field ambulance eventually obtained by the French (3)\n(ambulanc)**E** *obtained by* **LA** (\"the French\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Style of painting ultimately lacking self-control (6)","output":"### Answer: TEMPER \n ### Explanation: Style of painting ultimately lacking self-control (6)\n**TEMPER**(a) (\"style of painting\", *lacking* its *ultimate* letter)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Firm's comfortable sports clothing worn by Neymar primarily (4-4)","output":"### Answer: WELL-KNIT \n ### Explanation: Firm's comfortable sports clothing worn by Neymar primarily (4-4)\n**WELL** (\"comfortable\") + **KIT** (\"sports clothing\") *worn by* **N**(eymar)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Not straightforward when short of assistance (9)","output":"### Answer: UNDERHAND \n ### Explanation: Not straightforward when short of assistance (9)\n**UNDER** (\"short of\") + **HAND** (\"assistace\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Protective covering for the ears forbidden over time (7)","output":"### Answer: BANDAGE \n ### Explanation: Protective covering for the ears forbidden over time (7)\nHomophone (*for the ears*) of\u00a0**BANNED\u00a0**(\"forbidden\"*)*\u00a0*over\u00a0***AGE** (\"time\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Leaderless splinter group gets something done (6)","output":"### Answer: ACTION \n ### Explanation: Leaderless splinter group gets something done (6)\n(f)**ACTION** (\"splinter group\",\u00a0*leaderless*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Former partner to criticise strongly after joke becomes clear (9)","output":"### Answer: EXONERATE \n ### Explanation: Former partner to criticise strongly after joke becomes clear (9)\n**EX** (\"former partner\") + **RATE** (\"criticise strongly\") *after* **ONE** (\"joke\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Scoff largely at nonsense in support of Portugal's winger (7)","output":"### Answer: PEACOCK \n ### Explanation: Scoff largely at nonsense in support of Portugal's winger (7)\n**EA**(t) (\"scoff\", *largely*) + **COCK** (\"nonsense\") *in support of* **P**(ortugal)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Inclined to include note on books catching the eye (9)","output":"### Answer: PROMINENT \n ### Explanation: Inclined to include note on books catching the eye (9)\n**PRONE** (\"inclined\") *to include* **MI** (\"note\") *on* **N.T.** (\"books\", i.e. the New Testament)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Large cask blocking the front part by chance (7)","output":"### Answer: FORTUNE \n ### Explanation: Large cask blocking the front part by chance (7)\n**TUN** (\"large cask\") *blocking* **FORE** (\"the front part\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Things worn by a baseball infielder (5-4)","output":"### Answer: SHORT-STOP \n ### Explanation: Things worn by a baseball infielder (5-4)\n**SHORTS** + **TOP** (\"things worn\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Appallingly inelegant of Rose (9)","output":"### Answer: EGLANTINE \n ### Explanation: Appallingly inelegant of Rose (9)\n***(inelegant)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ranted about keeping horse when no longer needed (9)","output":"### Answer: REDUNDANT \n ### Explanation: Ranted about keeping horse when no longer needed (9)\n***(ranted)\u00a0***keeping\u00a0***DUN\u00a0**(sandy-coloured \"horse\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Starts to investigate several options towards the end of quarantine (7)","output":"### Answer: ISOLATE \n ### Explanation: Starts to investigate several options towards the end of quarantine (7)\n*Starts to* **I**(nvestigate) **S**(everal) **O**(ptions) + **LATE** (\"towards the end of\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hopelessness of father exhibited in want for the most part (7)","output":"### Answer: DESPAIR \n ### Explanation: Hopelessness of father exhibited in want for the most part (7)\n**PA** (\"father\") *exhibited in* **DESIR**(e) (\"in want\", *for the most part*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A refusal to receive Labour leader is sent back by letter (7)","output":"### Answer: EPSILON \n ### Explanation: A refusal to receive Labour leader is sent back by letter (7)\n**NOPE** (\"a refusal\") *to receive* **L**(abour)** IS\u00a0**and the whole thing reversed (*sent back*), so **EP(SI-L)ON"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bring to light deception of leave campaigner at last (6)","output":"### Answer: REVEAL \n ### Explanation: Bring to light deception of leave campaigner at last (6)\n***(leave r)** where the R is the last letter of (campaigne)R"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Industry for high flyers rapidly embracing lust (9)","output":"### Answer: AEROSPACE \n ### Explanation: Industry for high flyers rapidly embracing lust (9)\n**APACE** (\"rapidly\")\u00a0*embracing\u00a0***EROS** (\"lust\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Call to reduce phobias (as justice ought to be) on Tyneside (5)","output":"### Answer: PHONE \n ### Explanation: Call to reduce phobias (as justice ought to be) on Tyneside (5)\n**PHO**(bias) (\"justice should have \"no bias\") *on* **N.E**. (North East, so \"Tyneside\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hypnotised with spots of light instead of softly snoring (7)","output":"### Answer: DAZZLED \n ### Explanation: Hypnotised with spots of light instead of softly snoring (7)\n**DA**(pp)(**ZZ)LED** (\"with spots of light\" = DAPPLED, but the PP (\"softly\") is replaced with ZZ (\"snoring\"))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Without a word of thanks, left in London? (7)","output":"### Answer: TACITLY \n ### Explanation: Without a word of thanks, left in London? (7)\n**TA** (\"thanks\") + **L**(eft) *in* **CITY** (\"London\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: In bonds, hopes (5)","output":"### Answer: LONGS \n ### Explanation: In bonds, hopes (5)\nDouble definition, the first being gilt-edged securities in finance."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fortitude beside explosive device found at highest level on vessel (6,3)","output":"### Answer: BOTTLE CAP \n ### Explanation: Fortitude beside explosive device found at highest level on vessel (6,3)\n**BOTTLE** (\"fortitude\") *beside* **CAP** (\"explosive device\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: They include envy, with idle sadness in some versions (5,6,4)","output":"### Answer: SEVEN DEADLY SINS \n ### Explanation: They include envy, with idle sadness in some versions (5,6,4)\n***(envy idle sadness) ***Although I can see what Boatman is doing in this clue, I don't think it works as envy is doing double duty as it is required for the solution and for the anagram fodder. Had the clue been an &lit. it might have worked, but sadness is not a deadly sin, so the clue is not an &lit. in my opinion."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dog sled is worked in shifts (9)","output":"### Answer: DISLODGES \n ### Explanation: Dog sled is worked in shifts (9)\n***(dog sled is)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Eastern root of many outsiders ornamenting life in capitals (5)","output":"### Answer: MOOLI \n ### Explanation: Eastern root of many outsiders ornamenting life in capitals (5)\n*Capitals of\u00a0***M**any\u00a0**O**utsiders\u00a0**O**rnamenting\u00a0**L**ife\u00a0**I**n \n*A mooli is a radish-like root vegetable."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: He employs cowboys with spurs, no nonsense, wiser at last (7)","output":"### Answer: RANCHER \n ### Explanation: He employs cowboys with spurs, no nonsense, wiser at last (7)\n*Can't parse this one, sorry."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dish sent back, Boatman saying: \"No meat\" (7)","output":"### Answer: BIRYANI \n ### Explanation: Dish sent back, Boatman saying: \"No meat\" (7)\n<= **I NAY RIB** (\"Boatman\" + \"no\" + \"meat\", all *sent back*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: 22 down's confused, where victory lies in virtue (5)","output":"### Answer: FIRST \n ### Explanation: 22 down's confused, where victory lies in virtue (5)\n***(rift's)** (\"22 down's\") (V (\"victory\") is the first letter of VIRTUE, so V lies first in virtue)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Always strong and stable but inside loveless, therefore concerning (9)","output":"### Answer: EVERGREEN \n ### Explanation: Always strong and stable but inside loveless, therefore concerning (9)\n**EVEN** (\"but\"), with **ERG**(o) (\"therefore\", loveless) + **RE** (\"concerning\") *inside*, so **EV(ERG**(o)-**RE)EN"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Destroyed by devils and a radicalised \u2026 (10)","output":"### Answer: VANDALISED \n ### Explanation: Destroyed by devils and a radicalised \u2026 (10)\n***(devils and a)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: \u2026 Soviet leader, restoring Ivan the Terrible, last letters of literati lost (8)","output":"### Answer: BREZHNEV \n ### Explanation: \u2026 Soviet leader, restoring Ivan the Terrible, last letters of literati lost (8)\n**(vnherbe + Z)**, which is what's left after you remove the letters of \"literati\" from \"Ivan the Terrible\" and add Z (\"last\") \n*Too convoluted, and Z for last?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Small change to charity creating sacred music (6)","output":"### Answer: PSALMS \n ### Explanation: Small change to charity creating sacred music (6)\n**Ps** (pennies, so \"small change\") *to* **ALMS** (\"charity\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Slothful doctor gets home help (4)","output":"### Answer: MAID \n ### Explanation: Slothful doctor gets home help (4)\n**MD** (\"doctor\") full of **AI** (\"sloth\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Jesus' words of comfort for the poor in spirit etc: \"Go and renegotiate dues!\" (10)","output":"### Answer: BEATITUDES \n ### Explanation: Jesus' words of comfort for the poor in spirit etc: \"Go and renegotiate dues!\" (10)\n**BEAT IT** (\"go\") + ***(dues)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Heroically, ecstatically proletarian: no hothead, no alternative (8)","output":"### Answer: EPICALLY \n ### Explanation: Heroically, ecstatically proletarian: no hothead, no alternative (8)\n**E**(u)**P**(h-or)**ICALLY **(\"ecstatically\", with no U (non-U = \"proletarian\"), no H(ot) and no OR (\"alternative)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Looking up to quote work of lyrical quality (6)","output":"### Answer: POETIC \n ### Explanation: Looking up to quote work of lyrical quality (6)\n<= **CITE** + **OP**.(us) (\"to quote\" + \"work\", *looking* *up*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Soviet leader on former Axis: \"It's hot\" (4)","output":"### Answer: SEXY \n ### Explanation: Soviet leader on former Axis: \"It's hot\" (4)\n**S**(oviet) *on* **EX** (\"former\") + **Y**(-axis)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Scene of overindulgence and wicked bare greed by name? (4,6)","output":"### Answer: BEER GARDEN \n ### Explanation: Scene of overindulgence and wicked bare greed by name? (4,6)\n***(bare green)\u00a0**+ **N**(ame)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: They guide the coach's team after taking number one with pride (10)","output":"### Answer: POSTILIONS \n ### Explanation: They guide the coach's team after taking number one with pride (10)\n**POST** (\"after\")* taking* **I** (\"number one\")* with* **LIONS** (\"pride\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One freshly converted to make war, say (8)","output":"### Answer: NEOPHYTE \n ### Explanation: One freshly converted to make war, say (8)\n***(one)** + *homophone of* **FIGHT\u00a0**and &lit."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One unfortunate formerly embraced, then cut off (8)","output":"### Answer: ISOLATED \n ### Explanation: One unfortunate formerly embraced, then cut off (8)\n**I** (\"one\") + **SOD** (\"unfortunate\") *with* **LATE** (\"formerly\") *embraced"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Some tabloid on showing temperance (6)","output":"### Answer: SUNDRY \n ### Explanation: Some tabloid on showing temperance (6)\n**SUN** (\"tabloid\") *on* **DRY** (\"showing temperance\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Note: wrath is an illusion (6)","output":"### Answer: MIRAGE \n ### Explanation: Note: wrath is an illusion (6)\n**MI** (\"note\") + **RAGE** (\"wrath\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Losing some faith finally in prudence, causing split (4)","output":"### Answer: RIFT \n ### Explanation: Losing some faith finally in prudence, causing split (4)\n(th)**RIFT** (\"prudence\" *having lost* (fai)TH). \n*\"Some faith finally\" is too imprecise for my liking."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Raised Soviet leader to become first (4)","output":"### Answer: BRED \n ### Explanation: Raised Soviet leader to become first (4)\n**RED** (\"Soviet\") with **B**(ecome) *first"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Woman with pain in both sides (6)","output":"### Answer: RACHEL \n ### Explanation: Woman with pain in both sides (6)\n**ACHE** (\"pain\") *in* **R**(ight) and **L**(eft) (\"both sides\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Write online about a hundred heartlessly killed by depression (5,3)","output":"### Answer: BLACK DOG \n ### Explanation: Write online about a hundred heartlessly killed by depression (5,3)\n**BLOG** (\"write online\") *about* **A C** (\"hundred\") and **K**(ille)**D**, so **BL(AC-KD)OG"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Youthful Robespierre initially incorruptible? (6)","output":"### Answer: VERNAL \n ### Explanation: Youthful Robespierre initially incorruptible? (6)\n**R**(obespierre) *in* **VENAL** (\"corruptible\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Southern playwright embracing actress, finally \u2013 she's unattached (8)","output":"### Answer: SPINSTER \n ### Explanation: Southern playwright embracing actress, finally \u2013 she's unattached (8)\n**S**(outhern) + (Harold) **PINTER** (\"playwright\") *embracing* (actres)**S"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Casting lots, vicar runs off with singer (8)","output":"### Answer: VOCALIST \n ### Explanation: Casting lots, vicar runs off with singer (8)\n***(lots vica)**, where VICA is \"vicar\" with R(uns)* off"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Composer curtailed by a Hindu deity (6)","output":"### Answer: BRAHMA \n ### Explanation: Composer curtailed by a Hindu deity (6)\n**BRAHM**(s) (\"composer\", *curtailed*) *by* **A"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Principal part\u00a0of metal (4)","output":"### Answer: LEAD \n ### Explanation: Principal part\u00a0of metal (4)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fallback option being given close consideration (10)","output":"### Answer: UNDERSTUDY \n ### Explanation: Fallback option being given close consideration (10)\nSomething \"given close consideration\" could be considered to be under study"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fields infiltrating storeroom in jest (10)","output":"### Answer: PLEASANTRY \n ### Explanation: Fields infiltrating storeroom in jest (10)\n**LEAS** (\"fields\") *infiltrating* **PANTRY** (\"storeroom\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wader getting into Garibaldi biscuits (4)","output":"### Answer: IBIS \n ### Explanation: Wader getting into Garibaldi biscuits (4)\nHIdden in \"garibald**I BIS**cuits\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Look lasciviously around church, being the type to do so (6)","output":"### Answer: LECHER \n ### Explanation: Look lasciviously around church, being the type to do so (6)\n**LEER** (\"look lasciviously\") *about* **Ch**.(urch)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Month during which right to security's shredded (8)","output":"### Answer: JULIENNE \n ### Explanation: Month during which right to security's shredded (8)\nJUNE (\"month\")* during which* **LIEN** (\"right to security\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Jail's not on \u2013 it impedes genuine vengeance (8)","output":"### Answer: REPRISAL \n ### Explanation: Jail's not on \u2013 it impedes genuine vengeance (8)\n**PRIS**(on) (\"jail\", *not on*), *impeding* **REAL** (\"genuine\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Delirium dropping French compiler's catalyst (6)","output":"### Answer: ENZYME \n ### Explanation: Delirium dropping French compiler's catalyst (6)\n(fr**)ENZY** (\"delirium\", *dropping* FR(ench)) + **ME** (\"compiler\", ie Dogberry)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pay to keep kings outside City's ruins (8)","output":"### Answer: WRECKAGE \n ### Explanation: Pay to keep kings outside City's ruins (8)\n**WAGE** (\"pay\") *to keep* **R**(ex) and **K** (\"kings\")* outside* **EC** (\"city\" of London), so **W(R(EC)K)AGE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Waif suddenly moving, both ends missing (6)","output":"### Answer: URCHIN \n ### Explanation: Waif suddenly moving, both ends missing (6)\n(l)**URCHIN**(g) (\"suddenly moving\", *both ends missing*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Comeback by competitor stomaching middle of trite verse (7)","output":"### Answer: REVIVAL \n ### Explanation: Comeback by competitor stomaching middle of trite verse (7)\n**RIVAL** (\"competitor\") *stomaching* (trit)**E V**(erse)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rocker can wreck rail (9)","output":"### Answer: CORNCRAKE \n ### Explanation: Rocker can wreck rail (9)\n***(rocker can)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Provide opportunities for the Spanish poison to rise (6)","output":"### Answer: ENABLE \n ### Explanation: Provide opportunities for the Spanish poison to rise (6)\n<=**EL BANE** (\"the Spanish poison\", *to rise*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Emulate Mo Farah, given prune juice, finally (4)","output":"### Answer: LOPE \n ### Explanation: Emulate Mo Farah, given prune juice, finally (4)\n**LOP** (\"prune\") + (juic)**E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: House of sex (8)","output":"### Answer: CONGRESS \n ### Explanation: House of sex (8)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wife's\u00a0brand of courage (5)","output":"### Answer: DUTCH \n ### Explanation: Wife's\u00a0brand of courage (5)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Infectious article absorbed by country (7)","output":"### Answer: GERMANY \n ### Explanation: Infectious article absorbed by country (7)\n**GERMY** (\"infectious\") with **AN** (\"article\")* absorbed"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A bad thing to do in Spain is idiotic (7)","output":"### Answer: ASININE \n ### Explanation: A bad thing to do in Spain is idiotic (7)\n**A SIN** (\"a bad thing to do\") + **IN **+** E** (\"Spain\", international car registration letter)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: East German woman taken in by theologian's trick (7)","output":"### Answer: DEFRAUD \n ### Explanation: East German woman taken in by theologian's trick (7)\n**E**(ast) + **FRAU** (\"German woman\")* taken in by* **D.D.** (Doctor of Divinity, so \"theologian\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Man hurt by exploding popular fallacy (5,4)","output":"### Answer: URBAN MYTH \n ### Explanation: Man hurt by exploding popular fallacy (5,4)\n***(man hurt by)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tries out interrupting request for printer's mark . . . (8)","output":"### Answer: ASTERISK \n ### Explanation: Tries out interrupting request for printer's mark . . . (8)\n***(tries)** *interrupting* **ASK** (\"request\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: . . . and another, turning cheek to bird (7)","output":"### Answer: PILCROW \n ### Explanation: . . . and another, turning cheek to bird (7)\n<=**LIP** (\"cheek\", *turning*) + **CROW** (\"bird\") \nA pilcrow is a mark to indicate \"paragraph\". It looks like this \u2013 \u00b6"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Live amid lustre of drink outlet (7)","output":"### Answer: SHEBEEN \n ### Explanation: Live amid lustre of drink outlet (7)\n**BE** (\"live\") *amid* **SHEEN** (\"lustre\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One bound for Hell's second circle on board (6)","output":"### Answer: SINNER \n ### Explanation: One bound for Hell's second circle on board (6)\n**S**(econd) + **INNER** (\"circle on board\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stiff \u2013 right away, gets wood (5)","output":"### Answer: COPSE \n ### Explanation: Stiff \u2013 right away, gets wood (5)\n**CO**(r)**PSE\u00a0**(\"stiff\", with R(ight) *away*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Supporter meeting end of dog's tooth (4)","output":"### Answer: FANG \n ### Explanation: Supporter meeting end of dog's tooth (4)\n**FAN** (\"supporter\") *meeting* (do)**G"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ends up overwhelmed with glory, which is very sweet (6,5)","output":"### Answer: GOLDEN SYRUP \n ### Explanation: Ends up overwhelmed with glory, which is very sweet (6,5)\n***(ends up glory)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Done being Pacino fan? (3,4)","output":"### Answer: ALL OVER \n ### Explanation: Done being Pacino fan? (3,4)\n**AL** (\"Pacino\") + **LOVER** (\"fan\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Put a stop to power plant's strategy for bridge (7)","output":"### Answer: ENDPLAY \n ### Explanation: Put a stop to power plant's strategy for bridge (7)\n**END** (\"put a stopto\") +** P**(ower) + **LAY** (\"plant\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Labour's bound to reveal the exploitation business (5,4)","output":"### Answer: SWEAT SHOP \n ### Explanation: Labour's bound to reveal the exploitation business (5,4)\n**SWEAT'S** (\"Labour's\") + **HOP** (\"bound\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Spooner could polish off this limerick writer, son, in a stroke! (5,4)","output":"### Answer: CLEAR SOUP \n ### Explanation: Spooner could polish off this limerick writer, son, in a stroke! (5,4)\n(Edward) **LEAR** (\"limerick writer\") + **S**(on) *in* **COUP **(\"stroke\"), so\u00a0**C(LEAR-S)OUP"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Parrot house downsized after first signs of economy cuts (4)","output":"### Answer: ECHO \n ### Explanation: Parrot house downsized after first signs of economy cuts (4)\n**HO**(use) (\"house, *downsized*\") *after* **E**(conomy) **C**(uts)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stressed but having fewer wrinkles than you should? (10)","output":"### Answer: UNDERLINED \n ### Explanation: Stressed but having fewer wrinkles than you should? (10)\nDouble definition, the second being a cryptic one."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Political clique's go-go fun \u2014 far out (4,2,4)","output":"### Answer: GANG OF FOUR \n ### Explanation: Political clique's go-go fun \u2014 far out (4,2,4)\n**(*go go fun far) ***This could be referring to either the four Labour politicians who formed the short-lived Social Democratic Party in the UK in 1981, or to a political faction in China in the 1960s and 1970s."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hairstyle covers very retro crew member (5)","output":"### Answer: BOSUN \n ### Explanation: Hairstyle covers very retro crew member (5)\n**BUN** (\"hairstyle\") *covers* <=**SO** (\"very\", *retro*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Say euro is around about 1,000, gross (9)","output":"### Answer: EGREGIOUS \n ### Explanation: Say euro is around about 1,000, gross (9)\n**E.G.** (\"say\") + ***(euro is)** *about* **G** (\"1,000\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Retiring Kitty's oddly shy, producing lamb's ears (7)","output":"### Answer: STACHYS \n ### Explanation: Retiring Kitty's oddly shy, producing lamb's ears (7)\n<=**CAT'S** (\"kitty's\", *retiring*) + ***(shy) ***Stachys is a genus of flowering plant that includes the lamb's ear."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Finding composer's taken to court (7)","output":"### Answer: VERDICT \n ### Explanation: Finding composer's taken to court (7)\n**VERDI** (\"composer\") *taken* *to* **Ct.** (\"court\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Women met with pre-arranged authorisation (11)","output":"### Answer: EMPOWERMENT \n ### Explanation: Women met with pre-arranged authorisation (11)\n***(women met pre)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Midas-like grip necessary to get rid of employee? (6,9)","output":"### Answer: GOLDEN HANDSHAKE \n ### Explanation: Midas-like grip necessary to get rid of employee? (6,9)\nIn Greek mythology, King Midas certainly would have had a golden handshake."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Blue-green, large old vessel (5)","output":"### Answer: LOVAT \n ### Explanation: Blue-green, large old vessel (5)\n**L**(arge) +** O**(ld) + **VAT** (\"vessel\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Are rocks, therefore, like pottery? (7)","output":"### Answer: EARTHEN \n ### Explanation: Are rocks, therefore, like pottery? (7)\n***(are)** + **THEN** (\"therefore\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Author of romances claiming page has English construction (7)","output":"### Answer: STEEPLE \n ### Explanation: Author of romances claiming page has English construction (7)\n(Danielle) **STEEL** (\"author of romances\") *claiming* **P**(age) + **E**(nglish), so\u00a0**STEE(P)L-E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Scorn queen? Brummie would, with one fine-tuned clue (8)","output":"### Answer: RIDICULE \n ### Explanation: Scorn queen? Brummie would, with one fine-tuned clue (8)\n**R** (\"queen\") + **I'D** (\"Brummie would\") + **I** (\"one\") + ***(clue)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: No forward-looking scientist freely goes to an oil plant that's nameless (15)","output":"### Answer: PALAEONTOLOGIST \n ### Explanation: No forward-looking scientist freely goes to an oil plant that's nameless (15)\n***(goes to an oil pla**(n)**t)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Nuisance Hardy appropriates pair of shorts (6)","output":"### Answer: HASSLE \n ### Explanation: Nuisance Hardy appropriates pair of shorts (6)\n**HALE** (\"hardy\") *appropriates* **S**(hort) + **S**(hort)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cross Henry I appearing in Byrd composition (6)","output":"### Answer: HYBRID \n ### Explanation: Cross Henry I appearing in Byrd composition (6)\n**H**(enry) +** I** *appearing* *in* ***(byrd)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Nowt wrong with singular joint settlement (8)","output":"### Answer: TOWNSHIP \n ### Explanation: Nowt wrong with singular joint settlement (8)\n***(nowt)** + **S**(ingular) **HIP** (\"joint\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fail to progress sculpture (2,4)","output":"### Answer: GO BUST \n ### Explanation: Fail to progress sculpture (2,4)\n**GO** (\"to progress\") +** BUST** (\"sculpture\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Worry, saying: \"That will make a fine cut\" (7)","output":"### Answer: FRETSAW \n ### Explanation: Worry, saying: \"That will make a fine cut\" (7)\n**FRET** (\"worry\") + **SAW** (\"saying\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Away from the estuary, excited motorist loses lead (7)","output":"### Answer: UPRIVER \n ### Explanation: Away from the estuary, excited motorist loses lead (7)\n**UP** (\"excited\") + (d)**RIVER** (\"motorist\", *losing head*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Feeling common to language (6)","output":"### Answer: PASHTO \n ### Explanation: Feeling common to language (6)\n**PASH** (\"feeling\") + **TO"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Prickly shrub's stick pierced by sun (5)","output":"### Answer: GORSE \n ### Explanation: Prickly shrub's stick pierced by sun (5)\n**GORE** (\"stick\") *pierced* *by* **S**(un)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Far from dense son to analyse clue, say (6)","output":"### Answer: SPARSE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Far from dense\n**S**(on) + **PARSE** (\"to analyse clue, say\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: He scores recycling bin after emptying tons (8)","output":"### Answer: COMPOSER \n ### Explanation: Definition: He scores\n**COMPOS**(t)**ER **(\"recycling bin\", with no T (\"tons\" *emptied*)) \n*Is a composter and a recycling bin the same thing?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: China in place or out of place? (9)","output":"### Answer: PORCELAIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: China\n*(in place or)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: French abandoning mad lark (5)","output":"### Answer: ANTIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: lark\n(fr)**ANTIC** (\"mad\", with FR(ench) *abandoned*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sauce\u00a0spout (3)","output":"### Answer: LIP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Sauce\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Top Crimean flip-flopping power (10)","output":"### Answer: IMPORTANCE \n ### Explanation: Definition: power \n***(top crimean)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bushy hair brushed back \u2013 our delight (7)","output":"### Answer: ENAMOUR \n ### Explanation: Definition: delight\n**MANE** (\"bushy hair\") + **OUR"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Thrust round old gathering spot for lizards? (6)","output":"### Answer: LOUNGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: gathering spot for lizards\n**LUNGE** (\"thrust\") *round* **O**(ld)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Small brownie that is making photo (6)","output":"### Answer: SELFIE \n ### Explanation: Definition: photo\n**S**(mall) + **ELF** (\"brownie\") + **I.E.** (\"that is\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Starting to tempt spirit of half hybrid (7)","output":"### Answer: TANGELO \n ### Explanation: Definition: hybrid\n**T**(empt) + **ANGEL** (\"spirit\") + **O**(f) (*half* of \"of\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Where cutlery may be is up for discussion (2,3,5)","output":"### Answer: ON THE TABLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Where cutlery may be \nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Behind our paper on article (3)","output":"### Answer: AFT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Behind\n**F.T.** (\"our paper\") *on* **A** (\"article\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One paddles in this ocean surprisingly (5)","output":"### Answer: CANOE \n ### Explanation: Definition: One paddles in this\n***(ocean)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Recipe with pic strangely making you gorge (9)","output":"### Answer: PRECIPICE \n ### Explanation: Definition: gorge\n***(recipe pic)** \n*I don't like this clue \u2013 a gorge may have a precipice, but I don't think the two words are synonymous. Also, the \"you\" is superfluous (necessary for the surface reading, but that in itself does not justify its inclusion)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Does picking up tilt bottle? (8)","output":"### Answer: DECANTER \n ### Explanation: Definition: bottle\n**DEER** (\"does\") *picking up* **CANT** (\"tilt\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Legislation about what's on Russian cars \u2013 an Arctic beast (6)","output":"### Answer: WALRUS \n ### Explanation: Definition: an Arctic beast \n<=**LAW** (\"legislation\", about) + **RUS** (international car registration letters for Russia, so \"what's on Russian cars\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Down with p-pork pies in stores (8)","output":"### Answer: SUPPLIES \n ### Explanation: Definition: stores (\n**SUP** (\"down\") + **P** + **LIES** (\"pork pies\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Open a real easy crate? (9)","output":"### Answer: AEROPLANE \n ### Explanation: Definition: crate\n***(open a real)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Get rid of\u00a0Slough (4)","output":"### Answer: SHED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Get rid of\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Keep end in Pyrrhic victory, say (3,4)","output":"### Answer: OWN GOAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Pyrrhic victory, say \n**OWN** (\"keep\") + **GOAL** (\"end\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Avoid aunt partly upset (4,6)","output":"### Answer: PLAY TRUANT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Avoid\n***(aunt partly)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Plonked among glossy material (5)","output":"### Answer: SATIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: glossy material \n**SAT** (\"plonked\") + **IN** (\"among\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One finds no crank on this\u00a0chair (6)","output":"### Answer: ROCKER \n ### Explanation: Definition: One finds no crank on this\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fellow developing mare, right? (6)","output":"### Answer: FARMER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fellow developing mare, right\n**F**(ellow) + ***(mare)** + **R**(ight)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: This ground could be the source of stimulating stuff (6,4)","output":"### Answer: COFFEE BEAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: This ground could be the source of stimulating stuff \nCryptic definition \u2013 a coffee bean, once ground, makes coffee (\"stimulating stuff\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: E'er daring, happily I pulled the pin on mine (9)","output":"### Answer: GRENADIER \n ### Explanation: Definition: E'er daring, happily I pulled the pin on mine \n***(eer daring)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Military stronghold in favour of lock (8)","output":"### Answer: FORTRESS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Military stronghold\n**FOR** (\"in favour of\") + **TRESS** (\"lock\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Test pressure on the French precedent (7)","output":"### Answer: EXAMPLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: precedent\n**EXAM** (\"test\") + **P**(ressure) *on* **LE** (\"the\" *in French*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Who fixes the roof with extra line for turning handle? (6)","output":"### Answer: TILLER \n ### Explanation: Definition: for turning handle\n**TILER** (\"who fixes the roof\") *with *an* extra* **L**(ine)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Asserted nothing in failing Democrat (6)","output":"### Answer: VOICED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Asserted\n**O** (\"nothing\") *in* **VICE** (\"failing\") + **D**(emocrat)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cask, one with coloured top (5)","output":"### Answer: TUNIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: top\n**TUN** (\"cask\") + **I** (\"one\") + **C**(oloured) \n*Hadn't come across \"coloured\" for C before, but my Chambers indicates it is (was?) a South African abbreviation \u2013 if that's the case, I don't want to see it used."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pass is in Virginia (4)","output":"### Answer: VISA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Pass\n**IS** *in* **Va.** (\"Virginia\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Getting round resistance stores take on staff in this area (10)","output":"### Answer: SHROPSHIRE \n ### Explanation: Getting round resistance stores take on staff in this area (10)\n**SHOPS** (\"stores\") *getting round* **R**(esistance) + **HIRE** (\"take on staff\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Praise twofold after reflection (4)","output":"### Answer: LAUD \n ### Explanation: Praise twofold after reflection (4)\n<=**DUAL** (\"twofold\", *after reflection*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fighting fit, fuss if at first cheeked at work (10)","output":"### Answer: FISTICUFFS \n ### Explanation: Fighting fit, fuss if at first cheeked at work (10)\n***(fit fuss if c),** where the C is the* first* letter of \"cheeked\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Father with court agreement (4)","output":"### Answer: PACT \n ### Explanation: Father with court agreement (4)\n**PA** (\"father\") *with* **Ct.** (\"court\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Strange rare ills like Jack the Ripper, say? (6,6)","output":"### Answer: SERIAL KILLER \n ### Explanation: Strange rare ills like Jack the Ripper, say? (6,6)\n***(rare ills like)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Academic extremely early in isolated tourist attraction (6,3)","output":"### Answer: LONDON EYE \n ### Explanation: Academic extremely early in isolated tourist attraction (6,3)\n**DON** (\"academic\") + **E**(arl)**Y** *in* LONE (\"isolated\"), so **LON(DON-EY)E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Small traffic marker in Scottish location (5)","output":"### Answer: SCONE \n ### Explanation: Small traffic marker in Scottish location (5)\n**S**(mall) + **CONE** (\"traffic marker\") \n*Scone is a small town near Perth, famous for its palace."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fast-moving\u00a0warships (5)","output":"### Answer: FLEET \n ### Explanation: Fast-moving\u00a0warships (5)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Genuine gold article not hollowed-out I see according to quote (9)","output":"### Answer: AUTHENTIC \n ### Explanation: Genuine gold article not hollowed-out I see according to quote (9)\n**Au** (\"gold\") + **THE** (\"article\") + **N**(o)**T** +\u00a0**IC** (homophone of \"I SEE\" (indicated by *according to quote*))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Clue got piano mixed up? Sorry? No! (12)","output":"### Answer: UNAPOLOGETIC \n ### Explanation: Clue got piano mixed up? Sorry? No! (12)\n***(clue got piano)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Challenge poster withdrawn by soldiers (4)","output":"### Answer: DARE \n ### Explanation: Challenge poster withdrawn by soldiers (4)\n<=**AD** (\"poster\", *withdrawn*) *by* **R.E.** (Royal Engineers, so \"soldiers\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Approval covering thousand with yen for religious display (10)","output":"### Answer: SANCTIMONY \n ### Explanation: Approval covering thousand with yen for religious display (10)\n**SANCTION** (\"approval\") *covering* **M** (\"thousand\") + **Y**(en)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wall feature bringing daughter bother (4)","output":"### Answer: DADO \n ### Explanation: Wall feature bringing daughter bother (4)\n**D**(aughter) + **ADO** (\"bother\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Walking method used by the eland to endure (4-3-3)","output":"### Answer: HEEL-AND-TOE \n ### Explanation: Walking method used by the eland to endure (4-3-3)\nHidden in (*used by*) \"t**HE ELAND TO E**ndure\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sound identical when female replaces male (4)","output":"### Answer: SAFE \n ### Explanation: Sound identical when female replaces male (4)\n**SA**(m)**(F)E\u00a0**(\"identical\" with F(emale) replacing M(ale))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: King remains impetuous (4)","output":"### Answer: RASH \n ### Explanation: King remains impetuous (4)\n**R** (\"king\") + **ASH** (\"remains\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Charges up hitting roof because of this? (5,7)","output":"### Answer: PRICE CONTROL \n ### Explanation: Charges up hitting roof because of this? (5,7)\nCryptic definition \u2013 if price control is in place, charges can go no higher, so they've hit the roof."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Time with single woman, alluring (5)","output":"### Answer: HOURI \n ### Explanation: Time with single woman, alluring (5)\n**HOUR** (\"time\") *with* **I** (one, so \"single\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Enter gulf abroad, shining (9)","output":"### Answer: REFULGENT \n ### Explanation: Enter gulf abroad, shining (9)\n***(enter gulf)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Class total must be sorted out, no matter what (2,3,5)","output":"### Answer: AT ALL COSTS \n ### Explanation: Class total must be sorted out, no matter what (2,3,5)\n***(class total)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: It helps to restrain worked up editor \u2013 Rattigan's about right (10)","output":"### Answer: DETERRENCE \n ### Explanation: It helps to restrain worked up editor \u2013 Rattigan's about right (10)\n<=**ED** (\"editor\", worked up) + **TERENCE** (\"Rattigan\") *about* **R**(ight)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Original version of sortie, find it confused (5,7)","output":"### Answer: FIRST EDITION \n ### Explanation: Original version of sortie, find it confused (5,7)\n***(sortie find it)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The setter will be supported financially? Nothing in it! (3-7)","output":"### Answer: ILL-FOUNDED \n ### Explanation: The setter will be supported financially? Nothing in it! (3-7)\n**I'LL\u00a0**(\"the setter will\") +** FUNDED** (\"supported financially\") with **O** (\"nothing) in it. \n*I think Gurney wants us to treat theis as an &lit., but the only the last three words are necessary for the definition, and they are also part of the clue, so are doing double duty in my opinion, so this clue doesn't work for me."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A French couple in rush needing fix? (10)","output":"### Answer: UNREPAIRED \n ### Explanation: A French couple in rush needing fix? (10)\n**UN** (\"a\" in French) + **PAIR** (\"couple\")* in* **REED** (\"rush\"), so **UN-RE(PAIR)-ED"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Explain in more detail, it's complicated (9)","output":"### Answer: ELABORATE \n ### Explanation: Explain in more detail, it's complicated (9)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Perform well in old Church by lake (5)","output":"### Answer: EXCEL \n ### Explanation: Perform well in old Church by lake (5)\n**EX** (\"old\") + **C.E.** (\"church\" of England) + **L**(ake)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Nearly all meet our specifications, tough initially (4)","output":"### Answer: MOST \n ### Explanation: Nearly all meet our specifications, tough initially (4)\n*Initially,\u00a0*\"**M**eet** O**ur **S**pecifications **T**ough\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pushy person's exaggerated publicity (4)","output":"### Answer: HYPE \n ### Explanation: Pushy person's exaggerated publicity (4)\nHidden in \"pus**HY** **PE**rson\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tries during proper practice session (9)","output":"### Answer: REHEARSAL \n ### Explanation: Tries during proper practice session (9)\n**HEARS** (\"treis\") *during* **REAL** (\"proper\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One after fur points to omniverous animal (5)","output":"### Answer: COATI \n ### Explanation: One after fur points to omniverous animal (5)\n**I** (\"one\") *after* **COAT** (\"fur\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Drive off to get hold of a representative for a cleaning preparation (7)","output":"### Answer: SHAMPOO \n ### Explanation: Drive off to get hold of a representative for a cleaning preparation (7)\n**SHOO** (\"drive off\") *to get hold of*** A MP** (\"representative\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Husband in Christmas show, male ghost (7)","output":"### Answer: PHANTOM \n ### Explanation: Husband in Christmas show, male ghost (7)\n**H**(usband) *in* **PANTO** (\"Christmas show\") + **M**(ale)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bury playwright needing no introduction (5)","output":"### Answer: INTER \n ### Explanation: Bury playwright needing no introduction (5)\n(Harold) (p)**INTER\u00a0**(\"playwright\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Abandoned speciality, unconventional (4-5)","output":"### Answer: LEFT-FIELD \n ### Explanation: Abandoned speciality, unconventional (4-5)\n**LEFT** (\"abandoned\") + **FIELD** (\"specialty\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Grocer goes off to collect second bravery award (6,5)","output":"### Answer: GEORGE CROSS \n ### Explanation: Grocer goes off to collect second bravery award (6,5)\n***(grocer goes)** *to collect* **S**(econd)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Some tartan cloth finally used to make a cap (3-1-7)","output":"### Answer: TAM-O-SHANTER \n ### Explanation: Some tartan cloth finally used to make a cap (3-1-7)\n***(some tartan H)**, where the H is the final letter of \"cloth\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Last time out, for example (3)","output":"### Answer: SAY \n ### Explanation: Last time out, for example (3)\n**S**(t)**AY** (\"last\" with T(ime) *out*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Grade neat new restaurant (3,6)","output":"### Answer: TEA GARDEN \n ### Explanation: Grade neat new restaurant (3,6)\n***(grade neat)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Improvised, most of excuse involving daughter (2-3)","output":"### Answer: AD LIB \n ### Explanation: Improvised, most of excuse involving daughter (2-3)\n**ALIB**(i) (*most of* \"excuse\") *involving* **D**(aughter)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pair left in car heading for Truro (7)","output":"### Answer: COUPLET \n ### Explanation: Pair left in car heading for Truro (7)\n**L**(eft) *in* **COUPE** (\"car\") + **T**(ruro)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Price of ticket needed by supporter for elaborate ceremony (7)","output":"### Answer: FANFARE \n ### Explanation: Price of ticket needed by supporter for elaborate ceremony (7)\n**FAN FARE** would be the price of a ticket for a supporter"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Butler's nasty threat following removal of article? (5)","output":"### Answer: RHETT \n ### Explanation: Butler's nasty threat following removal of article? (5)\n***(thret) **(\"threat\" with A (\"article\") *removed*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Money for minor expenses small- minded Conservative has blown (5,4)","output":"### Answer: PETTY CASH \n ### Explanation: Money for minor expenses small- minded Conservative has blown (5,4)\n**PETTY** (\"small-minded\") + **C**(onservative) + ***(has)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Swiss dish in bistro's tip-top (5)","output":"### Answer: ROSTI \n ### Explanation: Swiss dish in bistro's tip-top (5)\nHidden in \"bist**ROS TI**p-top\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Flourishing and rich, having been given a fresh start (7)","output":"### Answer: HEALTHY \n ### Explanation: Flourishing and rich, having been given a fresh start (7)\n**H**(w)**EALTHY** (\"rich\", with *a fresh start*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sweetheart turned up after a spring vegetable (9)","output":"### Answer: ASPARAGUS \n ### Explanation: Sweetheart turned up after a spring vegetable (9)\n<=**SUGAR** (\"sweetheart\", *turned up*) *after* **A SPA** (\"spring\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Large cat paws one lord ferociously (4,7)","output":"### Answer: SNOW LEOPARD \n ### Explanation: Large cat paws one lord ferociously (4,7)\n***(paws one lord)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cheek and other facial feature (3)","output":"### Answer: LIP \n ### Explanation: Cheek and other facial feature (3)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Light-hearted teasing from her, initially, in snack bar (5)","output":"### Answer: CHAFF \n ### Explanation: Light-hearted teasing from her, initially, in snack bar (5)\n**H**(er)* in* **CAFF** (\"snack bar\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Style of design poorly rated by small company (3,4)","output":"### Answer: ART DECO \n ### Explanation: Style of design poorly rated by small company (3,4)\n***(rated)** + **Co**.(mpany)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Indecorum shown in memo I'd rewritten with pen (9)","output":"### Answer: IMMODESTY \n ### Explanation: Indecorum shown in memo I'd rewritten with pen (9)\n***(memo id)** + **STY"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Withstanding attack\u00a0very well (8,3)","output":"### Answer: FIGHTING FIT \n ### Explanation: Withstanding attack\u00a0very well (8,3)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Vehicle's condition described by retired people (6,3)","output":"### Answer: ESTATE CAR \n ### Explanation: Vehicle's condition described by retired people (6,3)\n**STATE** (\"condition\")\u00a0*described by\u00a0*<=**RACE** (*retired* \"people\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sure-fire winner in TT race crashed, sadly, at the end (9)","output":"### Answer: CERTAINTY \n ### Explanation: Sure-fire winner in TT race crashed, sadly, at the end (9)\n***(in tt race)** + (sadl)**Y"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Evaluate\u00a0course of action (7)","output":"### Answer: MEASURE \n ### Explanation: Evaluate\u00a0course of action (7)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Some consult an Asian sovereign's wife (7)","output":"### Answer: SULTANA \n ### Explanation: Some consult an Asian sovereign's wife (7)\nHidden in \"con**SULT AN A**sian\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Apportion a rising levy (5)","output":"### Answer: ALLOT \n ### Explanation: Apportion a rising levy (5)\n**A** + <=**TOLL** (\"levy\", *rising*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Busy person starts to chop hickory wood (5)","output":"### Answer: BEECH \n ### Explanation: Busy person starts to chop hickory wood (5)\n**BEE** (\"busy person\") + **C**(hop) **H**(ickory)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dump mine on the way up (3)","output":"### Answer: TIP \n ### Explanation: Dump mine on the way up (3)\n<=**PIT** (\"mine\", *on the way up*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Runt with beef \u2013 what hookers are prone to? (8)","output":"### Answer: SCRUMPOX \n ### Explanation: Definition: what hookers are prone to\n**SCRUMP** (\"runt\") *with*\u00a0**OX** (\"beef\") \n*Scrumpox is a form of impetigo suffered by rugby players."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fruit without mark inside \u2013 an advantage (4)","output":"### Answer: PLUS \n ### Explanation: Definition: an advantage\n**PLU**(m)**S** (\"fruit\", *without M(ark)*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: 'Alertness I've lost, sir.' He explodes, trembling (9)","output":"### Answer: QUIVERISH \n ### Explanation: 'Alertness I've lost, sir.' He explodes, trembling (9)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Infested with tiny creatures? Enormous by the sound of it (4)","output":"### Answer: MITY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Infested with tiny creatures\nHomophone (*by the sound of it*) of** MIGHTY** \n*As in \"infested with mites\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Reversed invitation for e.g. boat person (5)","output":"### Answer: REFFO \n ### Explanation: Definition: e.g. boat person\n<=**OFFER\u00a0**(\"invitation\", *reversed*) \n*In Australia, a reffo is an immigrant or refugee"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Source of cooking oil: there's zero in soft drink (5)","output":"### Answer: COLZA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Source of cooking oil\n**Z**(ero) *in* **COLA** (\"soft drink\") \n*Colza is another name for coalseed"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: This rinses roughly, being waxy (10)","output":"### Answer: SHIRTINESS \n ### Explanation: Definition: being waxy\n***(this rinses)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fabulous bird? I'm captivated by endless heaving (6)","output":"### Answer: SIMURG \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fabulous bird\n**IM** *captivated by* **SURG**(e) (\"heaving\", *endless*) \n*A simurg or simorg was a wise bird-like creature of Persian mythology."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Extract of caffeine also toughens (5)","output":"### Answer: NEALS \n ### Explanation: Definition: toughens\nHidden in (*extract of*) \"caffei**NE ALS**o\" \n*Neal is a shortened version of the more common anneal."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Scot who's not really grown very strong, draggin' round (7)","output":"### Answer: HAFFLIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Scot who's not really grown\nFF (fortissimo, so \"very strong\") with** HALIN**' (\"draggin'\") *around"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Muslim prince keeping a wife in nick (5)","output":"### Answer: NAWAB \n ### Explanation: Definition: Muslim prince\n**A W**(ife)* in* **NAB** (\"nick\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dodgy geology (no record) poet's lost? (4)","output":"### Answer: YGOE \n ### Explanation: Definition: poet's lost\n***(geoy), **being \"geology\" with LOG (\"record\")* lost* \nYgoe is an archaic word for ago, so old poets may have used it to mean time lost, or past."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Early epoch, earth repeatedly cooling all over the place (9)","output":"### Answer: OLIGOCENE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Early epoc\n***(cooling EE)**, where EE is \"Earth repeatedly\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Measure is indicating relief by the sound of it? (4)","output":"### Answer: SIZE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Measure\nHomophone of **SIGHS** (\"relief\", *by the sound of it*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: No-win results in big match, making one most irritable (8)","output":"### Answer: TESTIEST \n ### Explanation: Definition: most irritable\n**TIES** (\"no-win results\")* in* **TEST** (\"big match\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Writing follows us up \u2013 in the primary curriculum? (4)","output":"### Answer: SUMS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Writing follows us up \u2013 in the primary curriculum?\n<=**US\u00a0**+ **MS** (manuscript, so \"writing\") and &lit. \n*Technically, in the traditional three Rs, it's reading, writing & 'rithmetic, so sums follow writing, but that's a minor nuance."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Shakespearean fool, affected one circling the chamber (9)","output":"### Answer: CHIPOCHIA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Shakespearean fool\n**CHI-CHI** (\"affected\") + **A** *circling* **PO** (\"chamber\" pot)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Corruption, completely endless of course (5)","output":"### Answer: ROTAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: of course\n**ROT** (\"corruption\") + **AL**(l) (\"completely\", *endless*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: I'm a bum wandering round commercial capital (6)","output":"### Answer: MUMBAI \n ### Explanation: Definition: commercial capital\n***(im a bum)** \n*Mumbai is known as the \"commerical capital of India\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Reverse of dry, my predecessor? Could have been dry though (5)","output":"### Answer: XERES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Could have been dry\n<=**SERE** (*reverse of* \"dry\") + **X\u00a0**(?)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Traveller in French country sends money in advance (7)","output":"### Answer: PREPAYS \n ### Explanation: Definition: sends money in advance\n**REP** (commercial \"traveller\") *in* **PAYS** (*French* for \"country\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Support condition in Lithuania (4)","output":"### Answer: LIFT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Support\n**IF** (\"condition\") *in* **lt.** (top level domain code for Lithuania)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Programmes revealing who's involved in carols (8)","output":"### Answer: SHOWINGS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Programmes\n***(who**) *in* **SINGS** (\"carols\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Why don't we, turning up, before zoo favourites see lizards? (9)","output":"### Answer: STELLIONS \n ### Explanation: Definition: lizards\n<=**LET'S** (\"why don't we\", *turning up*) *before* **LIONS** (\"zoo favourites\") \n*A stellion is a green Mediterranean lizard with black star-shaped markings.\u00a0"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Boy is accompanied by bag given lift for card games (8)","output":"### Answer: CASSINOS \n ### Explanation: Definition: card games\n<=SON IS SAC (\"boy is\" *accompnaied by* \"bag\", *given lift*) \n*Cassino is\u00a0a card game for two to four players in which players pair cards from their hands with others exposed on the table."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Art fraud in almost genuine frame? (7)","output":"### Answer: TRUCAGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Art fraud\n**TRU**(e) (*almost* \"genuine\") + **CAGE** (\"frame\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wing in hospital department? One's often terrible (6)","output":"### Answer: ENFANT \n ### Explanation: Definition: One's often terrible\nFAN (\"wing\") in E.N.T. (\"hospital department\") \n*An enfant terrible is a person who causes embarrassment to those around him\/her."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Electronic traffic signal: red (abroad) has guy stopping (5)","output":"### Answer: ROBOT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Electronic traffic signal\n**ROT** (\"red\" in German, so *abroad*) with **BO** stopping"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Weeds, advanced, big bird mostly pulled up (5)","output":"### Answer: ALGAE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Weeds\nA(dvanced) + <=**EAGL**(e) (\"big bird\", *mostly up*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lemon, second magician cut in half (4)","output":"### Answer: SWIZ \n ### Explanation: Definition: Lemon\n**S**(econd) + **WIZ**(ard) (\"magician\", *cut in half*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What's dropping on famous scientist? Just ask (4)","output":"### Answer: NEWT \n ### Explanation: What's dropping on famous scientist? Just ask (4)\n**NEWT**(on)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Multitudes sign to have spymaster imprisoned (6)","output":"### Answer: ARMIES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Multitudes\n**ARIES** (\"sign\" of the Zodiac) with **M** (\"spymaster\" \u2013 think James Bond)* imprisoned"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Put pressure on\u00a0one involved in a row (6)","output":"### Answer: STROKE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Put pressure on\nDouble definition, although \"to put pressure on\" seems a bit more aggressive than \"to stroke\", in my opinion."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fish in burn (4)","output":"### Answer: CHAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fish\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Renown for coppers capturing errant minor (10)","output":"### Answer: PROMINENCE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Renown\n**PENCE** (\"coppers\") *capturing* ***(minor)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ploughman makes lines in row (6)","output":"### Answer: TILLER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Ploughman\n**LL** (\"lines\")* in* **TIER** (\"row\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Go over and scrape it off (8)","output":"### Answer: PRACTISE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Go over \n***(scrape it)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Workman's first wife died in supermarket (9)","output":"### Answer: STEVEDORE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Workman's\n**EVE** (\"first wife\") +**D**(ied) *in* **STORE** (\"supermarket\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Boundaries some defend successfully (4)","output":"### Answer: ENDS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Boundaries\nHidden in \"def**END S**uccessfully\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Gasp like a man in gym (4)","output":"### Answer: PANT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Gasp\n**A N** (knight in chess, so \"man\") *in* **P.T.** (\"gym\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One man begged to be moved (9)","output":"### Answer: IMPRESSED \n ### Explanation: Definition: moved\nI (\"one\") + M(an) +PRESSED (\"begged\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Present and organise race (8)","output":"### Answer: DONATION \n ### Explanation: Definition: Present \n**DO** (\"organise\") + **NATION** (\"race\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fabric for belt requires input of skill (6)","output":"### Answer: TARTAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fabric\n**TAN** (\"belt\") with *input of* **ART** (\"skill\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Weird game title I authorised (10)","output":"### Answer: LEGITIMATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: authorised\n***(game title i)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Parking by the verge is proper (4)","output":"### Answer: PRIM \n ### Explanation: Definition: proper\n**P**(arking) *by* **RIM** (\"verge\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Restrain\u00a0Paddy (6)","output":"### Answer: TEMPER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Restrain\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Moral taint engulfs sinister despot (6)","output":"### Answer: STALIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: despot\n**STAIN** (\"moral taint\") *engulfs* **L**(eft, so \"sinister\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sceptic engaged in armed robbery? (7)","output":"### Answer: ATHEIST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Sceptic\n**AT** (\"engaged in\") + **HEIST** (\"armed robbery\") \n*I suppose this isn't the place for an ethical debate about the difference between scepticism and atheism."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lesson master put into speech (5)","output":"### Answer: MORAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Lesson\n**M**(aster) + **ORAL** (\"put into speech\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old relationship Ruby brought to an end (7)","output":"### Answer: EXPIRED \n ### Explanation: Definition: brought to an end \n**EX** (\"old\") + **PI** (\"relationship\") + **RED** (\"ruby\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Native boy appears in distress (6)","output":"### Answer: TRIBAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Native\n**B**(oy) *appears in* **TRIAL\u00a0**(\"distress\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Frank individuals producing subtle innuendoes (9)","output":"### Answer: OVERTONES \n ### Explanation: Definition: subtle innuendoes \n**OVERT** (\"frank\") + **ONES** (\"indiviuals\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Copper in Essex demolished feeble defences (7)","output":"### Answer: EXCUSES \n ### Explanation: Definition: feeble defences \n**Cu** (\"copper\") *in* ***(essex)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Commander, a bit crazy, is sectioned (13)","output":"### Answer: COMPARTMENTAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: sectioned\n**COM**(mander), + **PART** (\"a bit\") + **MENTAL** (\"crazy\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Criminal damage? Museum gets woefully slim support! (9)","output":"### Answer: VANDALISM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Criminal damage\n**V AND A** (Victoria and Albert \"museum\") *gets* ***(slim)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Object to vermin carrying decay (7)","output":"### Answer: PROTEST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Object to\n**PEST** (\"vermin\") *carrying* **ROT** (\"decay\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Withdraw soldier's entertainment (7)","output":"### Answer: RETREAT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Withdraw\n**R.E.** (Royal Engineer, so \"soldier\") + **TREAT** (\"entertainment\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: High spirits leading to broken toenail (7)","output":"### Answer: ELATION \n ### Explanation: Definition: High spirits\n***(toenail)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Forceful and disagreeable when imprisoning taxmen once (6)","output":"### Answer: VIRILE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Forceful \n**VILE** (\"disagreeable\") *imprisoning* **I.R.** (Inland Revenue, so \"taxmen once\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Agent the Spanish hold off (5)","output":"### Answer: REPEL \n ### Explanation: Definition: hold off \n**REP** (\"agent\") + **EL** (\"the\" in \"Spanish\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Start factory, mostly having no dividing walls (4-4)","output":"### Answer: OPEN-PLAN \n ### Explanation: Start factory, mostly having no dividing walls (4-4)\n**OPEN** (\"start\") + **PLAN**(t) (\"factory\", *mostly*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Viewing instruments to manage on board steamship (6)","output":"### Answer: SCOPES \n ### Explanation: Viewing instruments to manage on board steamship (6)\n**COPE** (\"to manage\") *on board* **SS** (\"steamship\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Third of cast left play (5)","output":"### Answer: SPORT \n ### Explanation: Third of cast left play (5)\n(ca)**S**(t) + **PORT** (\"left\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Jogger grabbing a rest (9)","output":"### Answer: REMAINDER \n ### Explanation: Jogger grabbing a rest (9)\n**REMINDER** (memory \"jogger\") *grabbing* **A"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Nervously order a nun to leave in a hurry (2,1,6)","output":"### Answer: DO A RUNNER \n ### Explanation: Nervously order a nun to leave in a hurry (2,1,6)\n***(order a nun)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Story about one capsizing in Israeli port (5)","output":"### Answer: EILAT \n ### Explanation: Story about one capsizing in Israeli port (5)\n<=**TALE** (\"story\") *about*** I\u00a0**(\"one\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Injured party in casualty (6)","output":"### Answer: VICTIM \n ### Explanation: Injured party in casualty (6)\nDouble meaning, although the two are very similar."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Extra expected is late arriving (7)","output":"### Answer: OVERDUE \n ### Explanation: Extra expected is late arriving (7)\nOVER (\"extra\") + DUE (\"expected\") \n*The \"due\" part of this clue is not cryptic enough for my liking, as \"overdue\" and \"due\" are from the same root."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Appropriate gathering bound for bughouse (7)","output":"### Answer: FLEAPIT \n ### Explanation: Appropriate gathering bound for bughouse (7)\n**FIT** (\"appropriate\") *gathering* **LEAP** (\"bound\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Circle\u00a0globe (6)","output":"### Answer: SPHERE \n ### Explanation: Circle\u00a0globe (6)\nDouble definition, although again there's not a huge difference between the two."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A great many surrounding uranium plant (5)","output":"### Answer: LOTUS \n ### Explanation: A great many surrounding uranium plant (5)\n**LOTS** (\"a great many\") *surrounding* **U**(ranium)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Smuggled spirits? Nonsense (9)","output":"### Answer: MOONSHINE \n ### Explanation: Smuggled spirits? Nonsense (9)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Meet knight in English bar (9)","output":"### Answer: ENCOUNTER \n ### Explanation: Meet knight in English bar (9)\n**N** (\"knight\", in chess) *in* **E**(nglish) **COUNTER** (\"bar\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Keen listener describing good ending to programme (5)","output":"### Answer: EAGER \n ### Explanation: Keen listener describing good ending to programme (5)\n**EAR** (\"listener\") *describing* **G**(ood) + (programm)**E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Suppressed laugh from wife leaving website (6)","output":"### Answer: TITTER \n ### Explanation: Suppressed laugh from wife leaving website (6)\n(W)ife *leaving* **T**(w)**ITTER** (\"website\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Spindrift evoked by page in a Sayers novel (3,5)","output":"### Answer: SEA SPRAY \n ### Explanation: Spindrift evoked by page in a Sayers novel (3,5)\n**P**(age) *in* ***(a sayers)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Team following forward, working towards the same goal (6)","output":"### Answer: ONSIDE \n ### Explanation: Team following forward, working towards the same goal (6)\n**SIDE** (\"team\") *following* **ON** (\"forward\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Reminiscent of Marlowe's last case (9)","output":"### Answer: EVOCATIVE \n ### Explanation: Reminiscent of Marlowe's last case (9)\n(marlow)**E** + **VOCATIVE** (\"case\" in grammar)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Defeated chief US rate badly is forced to retire (3,3,2,7)","output":"### Answer: PUT OUT TO PASTURE \n ### Explanation: Defeated chief US rate badly is forced to retire (3,3,2,7)\n**PUT OUT** (\"defeat\") + **TOP** (\"chief\") + ***(us rate)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: American ringing pal in Nato, perhaps (7)","output":"### Answer: ACRONYM \n ### Explanation: American ringing pal in Nato, perhaps (7)\n**Am.**(erican) *ringing* **CRONY** (\"friend\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Game of chess where pin is disastrous (7,8)","output":"### Answer: CHINESE WHISPERS \n ### Explanation: Game of chess where pin is disastrous (7,8)\n***(chess where pin is)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Daughter impressed by Ring Cycle? (5)","output":"### Answer: PEDAL \n ### Explanation: Daughter impressed by Ring Cycle? (5)\n**D**(aughter) *impressed by* **PEAL** (\"ring\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Drink in hotel entertained by upwardly mobile salesmen? (8)","output":"### Answer: SPRITZER \n ### Explanation: Drink in hotel entertained by upwardly mobile salesmen? (8)\n**RITZ** (\"hotel\") *entertained by* <=**REPS** (\"salesmen\", *upward*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: This could be the beginning, or be my undoing (6)","output":"### Answer: EMBRYO \n ### Explanation: This could be the beginning, or be my undoing (6)\n***(or be my)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pistol produced by the German impostor (9)","output":"### Answer: DERRINGER \n ### Explanation: Pistol produced by the German impostor (9)\n**DER** (\"the\" in *German*) + **RINGER** (\"impostor\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A female, smooth-spoken and well-to-do (8)","output":"### Answer: AFFLUENT \n ### Explanation: A female, smooth-spoken and well-to-do (8)\n**A F**(emale) + **FLUENT** (\"smooth-spoken\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Type of sauce served up in Minnesota motel (6)","output":"### Answer: TOMATO \n ### Explanation: Type of sauce served up in Minnesota motel (6)\nHidden backwards (served up in) \"Minnes**OTA MOT**el\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Initially such bravery shown, after dropping a whip (7)","output":"### Answer: SCOURGE \n ### Explanation: Initially such bravery shown, after dropping a whip (7)\n**S**(uch) + **COUR**(a)**GE** (\"bravery\" *dropping* A)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Enthusiastic male team heading off (6)","output":"### Answer: HEARTY \n ### Explanation: Enthusiastic male team heading off (6)\n**HE** (\"male\") + (p)**ARTY** (\"team\", *heading off*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Implied historian not with us (5)","output":"### Answer: TACIT \n ### Explanation: Implied historian not with us (5)\n**TACIT**(us) (\"historian\", *not with* US)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Climax that's close, if in posh hot pants (5,6)","output":"### Answer: PHOTO FINISH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Climax that's close\n***(if in posh hot)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Maybe Irishman gathering lily in bower (7)","output":"### Answer: CELLIST \n ### Explanation: Definition: bower \n**CELT** (\"maybe Irishman\") *gathering* **LIS** (\"lily\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Low walls queen knocked over in burial place (7)","output":"### Answer: PYRAMID \n ### Explanation: Definition: burial place \n**DIP** (\"low\") *walls* **MARY** (\"queen\"), and the whole reversed (*knocked over*), so **P(YRAM)ID"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Overseer of colony's alarmed cry, breaking pager (9)","output":"### Answer: BEEKEEPER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Overseer of colony\n**EEK** (\"alarmed cry\") *breaking* **BEEPER** (\"pager\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Not a sound president backing Arabian kingdom (5)","output":"### Answer: SHEBA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Arabian kingdom \n**SH** (\"not a sound\") + <=**ABE** (\"president\" Lincoln, *backing*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Land bordering northern cove (4)","output":"### Answer: GENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: cove\n**GET** (\"land\") *bordering* **N**(orthern)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Make impure drug, cutting what mature people pay (10)","output":"### Answer: ADULTERATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Make impure\n**E**(cstasy) (\"drug\") *cutting* **ADULT** **RATE** (\"what mature people pay\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Misery, as loot gets left (10)","output":"### Answer: SPOILSPORT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Misery\n**SPOILS** (\"loot\") + **PORT** (\"left\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Current ebbing for a change (4)","output":"### Answer: EDIT \n ### Explanation: Definition: a change \n<=**TIDE** (\"current\", *ebbing*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Belief in crusade is misplaced (5)","output":"### Answer: DEISM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Belief\nHidden in \"crusa**DE** **IS** **M**isplaced\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Happen to find terrapins at sea (9)","output":"### Answer: TRANSPIRE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Happen\n***(terrapins)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Heroin imported by organised crime, a monstrous thing (7)","output":"### Answer: CHIMERA \n ### Explanation: Definition: monstrous thing \n**H**(eroin) *imported by* ***(crime)** + **A"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: During onset of violence, agreed to be called up (7)","output":"### Answer: INVOKED \n ### Explanation: Definition: to be called up \n**IN** (\"during\") + **V**(iolence) + **OKED** (\"agreed\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sell fruit outside of Dieppe for everyone (4,2,5)","output":"### Answer: TOUT LE MONDE \n ### Explanation: Definition: everyone\n**TOUT** (\"sell\") + **LEMON** (\"fruit\") + **D**(iepp)**E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A boring dim person interested in being a scientist (15)","output":"### Answer: PALAEONTOLIGIST \n ### Explanation: Definition: a scientist \n**A** *boring* **PALE** (\"dim\") + **ONTOLOGIST\u00a0**(\"person interested in being\") \n*PALAEONTOLIGIST does not appear in any of my dictionaries, nor in any online dictionary I can find. If you google \"palaeontoligist\", you will get results, but nearly all of them will then refer to palaeontol**O**gists. I think this is an error, and unless anyone can convince me otherwise, this should have been spotted by the editor."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Suppose it's round and long (5)","output":"### Answer: OPINE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Suppose\n**O** (\"round\") + **PINE** (\"long\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Love fish, eating best marine creature (7)","output":"### Answer: OCTOPOD \n ### Explanation: Definition: marine creature \n**O** (\"love\") + **COD** (\"fish\") *eating* **TOP** (\"best\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Perhaps, like Napoleon, avoiding a risk (7)","output":"### Answer: IMPERIL \n ### Explanation: Definition: risk\n**IMPERI**(a)**L\u00a0**(\"perhaps, like Napoleon\" *avoiding* A)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Streams of people arriving like baby Moses? (8)","output":"### Answer: INRUSHES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Streams of people arriving\nIn the Bible Moses was found **IN RUSHES"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Working man's marched like an emblem of his kind? (6,3,6)","output":"### Answer: HAMMER AND SICKLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: an emblem of his kind\n***(man's marched like)** \n*Not keen on the definition here."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What physio may use to kill yak making ascent (3,3)","output":"### Answer: ICE BAG \n ### Explanation: Definition: What physio may use\n**ICE** (\"to kill\") + <=**GAB** (\"yak\", *making ascent*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Daughter admitted to knowing online programs (6)","output":"### Answer: ADWARE \n ### Explanation: Definition: online programs \n**D**(aughter) *admitted to* **AWARE** (\"knowing\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Female left male lover carrying a torch (8)","output":"### Answer: FLAMBEAU \n ### Explanation: Definition: torch\n**F**(emale)** L**(eft) + **M**(ale) **BEAU** (\"lover\") *carrying* **A"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Notice short fascist's allure (6)","output":"### Answer: SEDUCE \n ### Explanation: Definition: allure\n**SE**(e) (\"notice\", *short*) + **DUCE** (\"fascist\", as in Mussolini, il Duce)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Spooner's to install curtain? It's a potential danger (7)","output":"### Answer: PITFALL \n ### Explanation: Definition: It's a potential danger \n**FIT** (\"install\") + **PALL** (\"curtain\"), and then the initial letters swapped (*Spooner's*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: It could be Mailer's approach to literature (7)","output":"### Answer: REALISM \n ### Explanation: Definition: approach to literature \n***(mailer's)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tense and feeble, like the rural upper classes? (6)","output":"### Answer: TWEEDY \n ### Explanation: Definition: like the rural upper classes\n**T**(ense) + **WEEDY\u00a0**(\"feeble\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Number that's square, like four or sixteen (5)","output":"### Answer: SEVEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Number\n**S**(quare) +** EVEN** (\"like four or sixteen\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: How doctor describes male patient's cosmetic treatment? (8)","output":"### Answer: MANICURE \n ### Explanation: How doctor describes male patient's cosmetic treatment? (8)\n**MAN I CURE** (\"how doctor describes male patient\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Excerpt from Gypsy Chorus used for film (6)","output":"### Answer: PSYCHO \n ### Explanation: Excerpt from Gypsy Chorus used for film (6)\nHidden in (*excerpt from*) \"Gy**PSY** **CHO**rus\" \n*Refers to Hitchcock's classic 1960 movie."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stake holds back European animal (8)","output":"### Answer: ANTELOPE \n ### Explanation: Stake holds back European animal (8)\n**ANTE** (\"stake\") *holds* <=**POLE** (\"European\", *back*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fancy\u00a0some bits of cake? (6)","output":"### Answer: CRUMBS \n ### Explanation: Fancy\u00a0some bits of cake? (6)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Speaker's downfall is to predominate (5)","output":"### Answer: REIGN \n ### Explanation: Speaker's downfall is to predominate (5)\nHomophone of (*speaker's*) **RAIN** (\"downfall\"), indicated by"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Harry Potter's beginning to charm a viewer (9)","output":"### Answer: SPECTATOR \n ### Explanation: Harry Potter's beginning to charm a viewer (9)\n***(potters c a), **where the C is the begginning of C(harm)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pure heroin found in class (6)","output":"### Answer: CHASTE \n ### Explanation: Pure heroin found in class (6)\n**H**(eroin) *found in* **CASTE** (\"class\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Perform Bach and Prokofiev's final trios with energy (7)","output":"### Answer: ACHIEVE \n ### Explanation: Perform Bach and Prokofiev's final trios with energy (7)\n(b)**ACH** + (prokof)**IEV** +** E**(nergy)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Calls for offal right away (7)","output":"### Answer: ENTAILS \n ### Explanation: Calls for offal right away (7)\n**ENT**(r)**AILS** (\"offal\", with R(ight) *away*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Receiver of Shakespearean spirit, so they say (6)","output":"### Answer: AERIAL \n ### Explanation: Receiver of Shakespearean spirit, so they say (6)\nHomophone (*so they say*) of **ARIEL** (\"Shakespearean spirit\" from The Tempest)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Accompaniment to lamb is nice \u2013 a must when cooking (4,5)","output":"### Answer: MINT SAUCE \n ### Explanation: Accompaniment to lamb is nice \u2013 a must when cooking (4,5)\n***(nice a must)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Place secured by mimic for Pippin? (5)","output":"### Answer: APPLE \n ### Explanation: Place secured by mimic for Pippin? (5)\n**Pl**.(ace) *secured by* **APE** (\"mimic\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: River surrounds fashionable place to go (6)","output":"### Answer: URINAL \n ### Explanation: River surrounds fashionable place to go (6)\n**URAL** (\"river\") *surrounds* **IN** (\"fashionable\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Business has private gallery to consider (8)","output":"### Answer: COGITATE \n ### Explanation: Business has private gallery to consider (8)\n**Co**,(mpany, so \"business\") + **G.I.** (American \"private\") + **TATE** (\"gallery\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Did some gardening, keeping horse cornered (6)","output":"### Answer: HOGGED \n ### Explanation: Did some gardening, keeping horse cornered (6)\n**HOED** (\"did some gardening\") *keeping* **GG** (\"horse\") \n*My surname is Hogg, but I don't think I've come across that definition before?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Final word one and all oddly ignored (8)","output":"### Answer: TERMINAL \n ### Explanation: Final word one and all oddly ignored (8)\n**TERM** (\"word\") + **I** (\"one\") + (a)**N**(d)**A**(l)**L"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Inadequate male meets a bore (6)","output":"### Answer: MEAGRE \n ### Explanation: Inadequate male meets a bore (6)\n**M**(ale) *meets* **EAGRE** (tidal \"bore\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: I don't want things disturbed yet (15)","output":"### Answer: NOTWITHSTANDING \n ### Explanation: I don't want things disturbed yet (15)\n***(i dont want things)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Introducing 50 Cent? That's him (5)","output":"### Answer: COLIN \n ### Explanation: Introducing 50 Cent? That's him (5)\n**COIN** (\"cent?\") *introducing* **L** (\"50\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sally's on about current job (7)","output":"### Answer: RIPOSTE \n ### Explanation: Sally's on about current job (7)\n**RE** (\"on\") *about* **I** (\"current\") +** POST** (\"job\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Extremely stout person heaving a brick (9)","output":"### Answer: STRETCHER \n ### Explanation: Extremely stout person heaving a brick (9)\n**S**(tou)**T** + **RETCHER\u00a0**(\"person heaving\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Aussie's attempt to deceive won't hamper a crew at sea (4,3,3,5)","output":"### Answer: COME THE RAW PRAWN \n ### Explanation: Aussie's attempt to deceive won't hamper a crew at sea (4,3,3,5)\n***(wont hamper a crew)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Upstanding cleric's after new robes, one notices (8)","output":"### Answer: OBSERVER \n ### Explanation: Upstanding cleric's after new robes, one notices (8)\n<=**REV** (\"cleric\", *upstanding*) *after* ***(robes)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: US city expels young female star (4)","output":"### Answer: VEGA \n ### Explanation: US city expels young female star (4)\n(las) VEGA(s) (\"US city\", expelling LASS (\"young female\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Having eaten joints, Mum needs a gym to get trim (9)","output":"### Answer: SHIPSHAPE \n ### Explanation: Having eaten joints, Mum needs a gym to get trim (9)\nSH (\"mum\", as in \"keep mum\") + **A** + **P.E.** (\"gym\"), *having eaten* **HIPS** (\"joints\"), so **S(HIPS)H-A-P.E."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: It is truly endless insolence (8)","output":"### Answer: VERMOUTH \n ### Explanation: It is truly endless insolence (8)\n**VER**(y) (\"truly\", *endless*) + **MOUTH** (\"insolence\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Swiftly move\u00a0missile (4)","output":"### Answer: SCUD \n ### Explanation: Swiftly move\u00a0missile (4)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One colouring is an organic solvent (7)","output":"### Answer: ACETONE \n ### Explanation: One colouring is an organic solvent (7)\n**ACE** (\"one\") + **TONE** (\"colouring\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Revoke article in disgust (6)","output":"### Answer: REPEAL \n ### Explanation: Revoke article in disgust (6)\n**A** (\"article\")* in* **REPEL** (\"disgust\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Man wants a kiss on principle (5)","output":"### Answer: AXIOM \n ### Explanation: Man wants a kiss on principle (5)\n**I.O.M.** (Isle of \"Man\") *wants* **A X** (\"kiss\") *on"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wander about listlessly after depressing astronomical event (4,4)","output":"### Answer: BLUE MOON \n ### Explanation: Definition: astronomical event\n**MOON** (\"wander about listlessly\") *after* **BLUE** (\"depressing\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Board's academic qualification obtained by queen before king (6)","output":"### Answer: EMBARK \n ### Explanation: Definition: Board\n**MBA** (\"academic qualification\") *obtained* *by* **E.R.** (\"queen\") *before* **K**(ing)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Try\u00a0crack (7)","output":"### Answer: ATTEMPT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Try\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Repelled at first by toy snake (7)","output":"### Answer: RATTLER \n ### Explanation: Definition: snake\n**R**(epelled) *by* **RATTLE\u00a0**(\"toy\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Trapped inside after Rory's blunder (5)","output":"### Answer: ERROR \n ### Explanation: Definition: blunder\nHidden in (*trapped* *inside*) \"aft**ER ROR**y\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Goes crazy over failure caused by reversals of policy in Washington (4-5)","output":"### Answer: FLIP-FLOPS \n ### Explanation: Definition: reversals of policy in Washington\n**FLIPS** (\"goes crazy\") *over* **FLOP** (\"failure\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Eventually becoming fashionable at that time to admit covering a great distance before game (2,3,4,3)","output":"### Answer: IN THE LONG RUN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Eventually\n**IN** (\"fashionable\") + **THEN** (\"at that time\") *to admit* **LONG** (\"covering a great distance) *before* **R.U.** (rugby union, so \"game\"), thus **IN THE (LONG R.U.)N"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bed broken by politician finding passion out east for instance (7,5)","output":"### Answer: COMPASS POINT \n ### Explanation: Definition: east for instance\n**COT** (\"bed\") *broken by* **M.P.** (\"politician\") +***(passion)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Gambler leaving richer (6,3)","output":"### Answer: BETTER OFF \n ### Explanation: Definition: richer\n**BETTER** (\"gambler\") + **OFF** (\"leaving\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Saw letters from Mossad agents (5)","output":"### Answer: ADAGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Saw\nHidden in (*letters from*) \"moss**AD AGE**nts\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Being tested by Repton's head in translation of Old Latin (2,5)","output":"### Answer: ON TRIAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Being tested\n**R**(epton) *in* ***(o latin)**, where O = \"old\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Repeat it time after time before start of Eid (7)","output":"### Answer: ITERATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Repeat\n**IT** + **T**(ime) *after* **ERA** (\"time\") *before ***E**(id)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dignified in court after witness falls short (6)","output":"### Answer: SEDATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Dignified\n**DATE** (\"court\") *after* **SE**(e) (\"witness\", short)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Revealed after letter gets students to calm down (5,3)","output":"### Answer: CHILL OUT \n ### Explanation: Definition: to calm down\n**OUT** (\"revealed\") *after* **CHI** (\"letter\" of the Greek alphabet) *gets*** LL** (\"students\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Take responsibility for catching extremely valuable animal (6)","output":"### Answer: BEAVER \n ### Explanation: Definition: animal\n**BEAR** (\"take responsibility for\") *catching* **V**(aluabl)**E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Shot over earlier disturbance (6)","output":"### Answer: UPTURN \n ### Explanation: Definition: disturbance\n**TURN** (\"shot\") with **UP** (\"over\") *earlier"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Norm made off before first of appointment reminders (9)","output":"### Answer: MEMORANDA \n ### Explanation: Definition: reminders\n***(norm made)** *before* **A**(ppointment)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wonderful without folds or flounces (3,2,4,5)","output":"### Answer: OUT OF THIS WORLD \n ### Explanation: Definition: Wonderful\n***(without folds or)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Recurrent theme of uncertainty associated with Mailer's earliest books (5)","output":"### Answer: MOTIF \n ### Explanation: Definition: Recurrent theme\n**IF** (\"uncertainty\")* associated with* **M**(ailer) + **O.T.** (\"books\" of the Bible)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: In spite of retaining you it's mentioned seconds after each game (3,5)","output":"### Answer: ALL FOURS \n ### Explanation: Definition: game\n**FOR **(\"in spite of\") *retaining* **U** (homophone of YOU) (*it's mentioned*), with **S**(econds) *after\u00a0***ALL\u00a0**(\"each\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fuel rumours of subterfuge initially swallowed by enthusiastic European (8)","output":"### Answer: KEROSENE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fuel\n**R**(umours) **O**(f) **S**(ubterfuge) *swallowed by* **KEEN** (\"enthusiastic)** E**(uropean)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Official threat shaped by a firmly held belief (7,2,5)","output":"### Answer: ARTICLE OF FAITH \n ### Explanation: Definition: a firmly held belief\n***(official threat)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Open-air buffet in the centre of Henley is without equal (9)","output":"### Answer: NONPAREIL \n ### Explanation: Definition: without equal\n***(open air)** *in* (he)**NL**(ey)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Proust edges away after strikebreaker becomes unpleasant (8)","output":"### Answer: SCABROUS \n ### Explanation: Definition: unpleasant\n(p)**ROUS**(t) *after* **SCAB** (\"strikebreaker\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Made a copy of papers including note to gallery (8)","output":"### Answer: IMITATED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Made a copy of\n**I.D.** (\"papers\") *including* **MI** (\"note\") + **TATE** (\"gallery\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Language of denial gripping island in recession (6)","output":"### Answer: NAVAJO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Language\n**NO** (\"denial\") *gripping* <=**JAVA** (\"island\", *in recession*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Odd characters from Leek involved in cult by choice (6)","output":"### Answer: SELECT \n ### Explanation: Definition: choice\n**L**(e)**E**(k) *involved* *in* **SECT** (\"cult\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Priest turning against poet (5)","output":"### Answer: ELIOT \n ### Explanation: Definition: poet \n**ELI** (\"priest\") + <=**TO** (\"against\", *turning*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Feeble way to get name back (8)","output":"### Answer: PATHETIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: Feeble\n**PATH** (\"way\") + <=**CITE **(\"name\", *back*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fish listen to ship going past (6)","output":"### Answer: SHARKS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fish\n**HARK** (\"listen to\") with **SS** (steam\"ship\" *going past*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Banned guilds policed city centres (7)","output":"### Answer: ILLICIT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Banned\n(gu)**IL**(ds) + (po)**LIC**(ed) +(c)**IT**(y)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Extremely poor pastries found in rubbish (7)","output":"### Answer: ROPIEST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Extremely poor\n**PIES** (\"pastries\") *found in* **ROT** (\"rubbish\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: To strike out on his own, eccentric theologian has to waste hours (2,2,5)","output":"### Answer: GO IT ALONE \n ### Explanation: Definition: To strike out on his own\n***(teologian)** (i.e. \"theologian\" without the H(ours))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: They all died taking too many drugs during parties (5)","output":"### Answer: DODOS \n ### Explanation: Definition: They all died\n**OD** (overdose, so \"too many drugs\") *during* **DOS** (\"parties\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sense\u00a0good deal (5)","output":"### Answer: SIGHT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Sense\nDouble definition \u2013 for the second, think \"good deal more\" = \"a sight more\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fish leave first, wearing hats (8)","output":"### Answer: BLOATERS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fish\n**L**(eave) *wearing* **BOATERS** (\"hats\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fish had debts tracked (8)","output":"### Answer: SHADOWED \n ### Explanation: Definition: tracked\n**SHAD** (\"fish\") + **OWED** (\"had debts\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sound quality of Davidson as a leader (5)","output":"### Answer: NASAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Sound quality\nHidden in \"davidso**N** **AS A** Leader\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Spill\u00a0one records (5)","output":"### Answer: TAPER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Spill\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What MPs do as a member hasn't turned up yet (9)","output":"### Answer: LEGISLATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: What MPs do\n**LEG** (\"member\") **IS LATE** (\"hasn't turrned up yet\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Drug fish with a German drug (7)","output":"### Answer: CODEINE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Drug\n**COD** (\"fish\") + **EIN** (\"a\" in *German*) + **E** (\"drug\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: University worried by international copy (7)","output":"### Answer: IMITATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: copy\n**M.I.T.** (\"university) + *ATE* (\"worried\") by **I**(nternational)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Understand the German garden tool (6)","output":"### Answer: SEEDER \n ### Explanation: Definition: garden tool\n**SEE** (\"understand\") +** DER** (\"the\" in *German*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Persist with ruminant drinking hot sauce (8)","output":"### Answer: BECHAMEL \n ### Explanation: Definition: sauce \n**BE** (\"persist\") + **CAMEL** (\"ruminant\") *drinking* **H**(ot)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sanctimonious expression of contempt about Diana? (8)","output":"### Answer: PRIGGISH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Sanctimonious\n**PISH** (\"expression of contempt\") *about* \"Diana\" **RIGG"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Discussing business in useless forum (7,4)","output":"### Answer: TALKING SHOP \n ### Explanation: Definition: useless forum\n**TALKING** (\"discussing\") + **SHOP** (\"business\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Magical fish, having lost head, placed first bet (9)","output":"### Answer: ENCHANTED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Magical\n(t)**ENCH** (\"fish\", *having* *lost head*) + **ANTED** (\"placed first bet\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Resistance breaks into a few bars to start with (5)","output":"### Answer: INTRO \n ### Explanation: Definition: a few bars to start with\n**R**(esistance) *breaks* **INTO"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Had ambitions for his first comment piece (5)","output":"### Answer: HOPED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Had ambitions for\nH(is) + **OP ED** (opposite the editorial or \"comment piece\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old port and whisky (3)","output":"### Answer: RYE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Old port\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Locates from opposite sides (5)","output":"### Answer: SITES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Locates\nHidden in \"oppo**SITE** **S**ides)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Release boy carrying round sponge (8)","output":"### Answer: FREELOAD \n ### Explanation: Definition: sponge \n**FREE** (\"release\") + **LAD** (\"boy\") *carrying* **O** (\"round\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Challenges South Africa with a hit outside capital (3,2,6)","output":"### Answer: DAR ES SALAAM \n ### Explanation: Definition: capital\n**DARES** (\"challenges\") + **S**(outh) **A**(frica) *with* **SLAM** (\"hit\") *outside* **A**, so **DARES-SA-L(A)AM** \n*Going to cry foul here, as Dar Es Salaam has not been a capital since 1996 (originally intended to happen in 1974), when Dodoma was completed, so \"old capital\" or \"ex-capital\" may have been more accurate."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Maybe bitter about chaotic puzzle (8)","output":"### Answer: BEWILDER \n ### Explanation: Definition: puzzle\n**BEER** (\"maybe bitter\") *about* **WILD** (\"chaotic\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: It haunts me, somehow, to ignore American composer (9)","output":"### Answer: TUNESMITH \n ### Explanation: Definition: composer\n***(it hunts me)\u00a0** (the A of American *ignored*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sad inventor gets flower (8)","output":"### Answer: BLUEBELL \n ### Explanation: Definition: flower\n**BLUE** (\"sad\") + (Alexander Graham) **BELL** (\"inventor\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Folds unable to move with head down (5)","output":"### Answer: TUCKS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Folds\n**STUCK** (\"unable to move\") *with* its *head* (S) *down"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bring up fish in conversation (5)","output":"### Answer: RAISE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Bring up\nHomophone of RAYS (\"fish\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mentor first to give you fish (5)","output":"### Answer: GUIDE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Mentor\n**G**(ive) + **U** (\"you\", in textspeak) + **IDE** (\"fish\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Outstanding battle isn't finished (3)","output":"### Answer: DUE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Outstanding\n**DUE**(l) (\"battle\", not *finished*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Base person's cloth hat (7)","output":"### Answer: REPTILE \n ### Explanation: Base person's cloth hat (7)\nREP (\"cloth\") + TILE (\"hat\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Shelter, formerly in a state (7)","output":"### Answer: CONCEAL \n ### Explanation: Shelter, formerly in a state (7)\nONCE (\"formerly\")** in** **Cal.** (California, so \"a state\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Business is settled (4)","output":"### Answer: FIRM \n ### Explanation: Business is settled (4)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Means of transport, showing first-class pedigree (5,5)","output":"### Answer: GOODS TRAIN \n ### Explanation: Means of transport, showing first-class pedigree (5,5)\n**GOOD** (\"first-class\") + **STRAIN** (\"pedigree\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Doctor is curt and unrefined (6)","output":"### Answer: RUSTIC \n ### Explanation: Doctor is curt and unrefined (6)\n***(is curt)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Autocratic cops tied suspect (8)","output":"### Answer: DESPOTIC \n ### Explanation: Autocratic cops tied suspect (8)\n***(cops tied)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The Parisian wears suit when cold (9)","output":"### Answer: HEARTLESS \n ### Explanation: The Parisian wears suit when cold (9)\n**LES** (\"the\" in French, so \"the Parisian\") *wears* **HEARTS** (\"suit\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Jam in\u00a0a piece of cake (5)","output":"### Answer: WEDGE \n ### Explanation: Jam in\u00a0a piece of cake (5)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Almost finished writing for share certificates (5)","output":"### Answer: SCRIP \n ### Explanation: Almost finished writing for share certificates (5)\n**SCRIP**(t) (\"writing\", *almost finished*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ally improbably felled in front of ship (9)","output":"### Answer: BEDFELLOW \n ### Explanation: Ally improbably felled in front of ship (9)\n***(felled)** *in* **BOW** (\"front of ship\")** ***It's a shame that FELLED\u00a0and EDFELL are so similar, as it makes the anagram very easy to spot."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Expert discovered to have great insight (8)","output":"### Answer: PROFOUND \n ### Explanation: Expert discovered to have great insight (8)\n**PRO** (\"expert\") + **FOUND** (\"discovered\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Corrosion wore away pivot (6)","output":"### Answer: ROTATE \n ### Explanation: Corrosion wore away pivot (6)\n**ROT** (\"corrosion\") + **ATE** (\"wore away\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Folly of Romeo interrupting disrespectful behaviour (10)","output":"### Answer: IMPRUDENCE \n ### Explanation: Folly of Romeo interrupting disrespectful behaviour (10)\n**R**(omeo) *interrupting* **IMPUDENCE** (\"disrespectful behaviour\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Marks time with silver pole (4)","output":"### Answer: TAGS \n ### Explanation: Marks time with silver pole (4)\n**T**(ime) *with* **Ag** (\"silver\") + **S**(outh) (\"pole\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pupil's in time to get support for school subject (7)","output":"### Answer: ALGEBRA \n ### Explanation: Pupil's in time to get support for school subject (7)\n**L**(earner) (\"pupil\") *in* **AGE** (\"time\") *to get* **BRA** (\"support\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Working out, Nat aims for staying power (7)","output":"### Answer: STAMINA \n ### Explanation: Working out, Nat aims for staying power (7)\n***(nat aims)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ambitious banker\u00a0has great taste (7)","output":"### Answer: EPICURE \n ### Explanation: Ambitious banker\u00a0has great taste (7)\n**EPIC** (\"ambitious\") + (river) **URE** (\"banker\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Seduce casual worker over time (5)","output":"### Answer: TEMPT \n ### Explanation: Seduce casual worker over time (5)\n**TEMP** (\"casual worker\") *over* **T**(ime)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Soldier in pub is reasoned (7)","output":"### Answer: LOGICAL \n ### Explanation: Soldier in pub is reasoned (7)\n**G.I.** (\"soldier\") *in* **LOCAL** (\"pub\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bungling bosses continuously fill the mind (6)","output":"### Answer: OBSESS \n ### Explanation: Bungling bosses continuously fill the mind (6)\n***(bosses)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Soldier without energy is not spiritual (9)","output":"### Answer: CORPOREAL \n ### Explanation: Soldier without energy is not spiritual (9)\n**CORPORAL** (\"soldier\") *without* **E**(nergy)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A riot is developing (7)","output":"### Answer: ARISING \n ### Explanation: A riot is developing (7)\n**A** + **RISING** (\"riot\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Supercilious prisoner's going down (13)","output":"### Answer: CONDESCENDING \n ### Explanation: Supercilious prisoner's going down (13)\n**CON** (\"prisoner\") +** DESCENDING** (\"going down\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Strengthen and control troops (9)","output":"### Answer: REINFORCE \n ### Explanation: Strengthen and control troops (9)\n**REIN** (\"control\") + **FORCE** (\"troops\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Animal carries artist? That's sweet! (7)","output":"### Answer: CARAMEL \n ### Explanation: Animal carries artist? That's sweet! (7)\n**CAMEL** (\"animal\") *carries*** R.A.** (\"artist\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Iron workers in right tizzy (7)","output":"### Answer: FERMENT \n ### Explanation: Iron workers in right tizzy (7)\n**Fe** (\"iron\") + **MEN** (\"workers\") *in*** Rt.** (\"right\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Figure it's a month since opening of nightclub (7)","output":"### Answer: OCTAGON \n ### Explanation: Figure it's a month since opening of nightclub (7)\n**Oct.** (\"a month\") + **AGO** (\"since\") +** N**(ightclub)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Split up left-wing union (6)","output":"### Answer: SUNDER \n ### Explanation: Split up left-wing union (6)\n<=(**RED** (\"left wing\") + **N.U.S.** (National \"Union\" of Students),* up*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Transport grand icon (5)","output":"### Answer: TOTEM \n ### Explanation: Transport grand icon (5)\n**TOTE** (\"transport\") + **M** (1,000, so \"grand\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Slug in newspaper (8)","output":"### Answer: BULLETIN \n ### Explanation: Slug in newspaper (8)\n**BULLET** (\"slug\") +** IN"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dance band oddly released sentimental song (6)","output":"### Answer: BALLAD \n ### Explanation: Dance band oddly released sentimental song (6)\n**BALL** (\"dance\") + (b)**A**(n)**D\u00a0"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Most irritated rook that is in distress (8)","output":"### Answer: ANGRIEST \n ### Explanation: Most irritated rook that is in distress (8)\n**R**(ook) +** I.E.** (\"that is\") *in* **ANGST** (\"distress\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Worried the mostly pleasant folk (6)","output":"### Answer: ETHNIC \n ### Explanation: Worried the mostly pleasant folk (6)\n***(the)** + **NIC**(e) (*mostly* \"pleasant\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sees\u00a0fruit (5)","output":"### Answer: DATES \n ### Explanation: Sees\u00a0fruit (5)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Prisoner prepared with no right to be held (9)","output":"### Answer: CONTAINED \n ### Explanation: Prisoner prepared with no right to be held (9)\n**CON** (\"prisoner\") + **T**(r)**AINED** (\"prepared\" *with no R(ight)*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: River fish rise regularly \u2013 those on a hunt? (6)","output":"### Answer: RIDERS \n ### Explanation: River fish rise regularly \u2013 those on a hunt? (6)\nR(iver) +** IDE** (\"fish\") +** R**(i)**S**(e)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pound with new shape (7)","output":"### Answer: PATTERN \n ### Explanation: Pound with new shape (7)\n**PATTER** (\"pound\") *with* **N**(ew) \n*Although my thesaurus lists \"pound\" among the synonyms for \"patter\", I think the two words are significantly different."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Gun has gone off one's in pain (7)","output":"### Answer: ANGUISH \n ### Explanation: Gun has gone off one's in pain (7)\n***(gun has)** with **I** (\"one\") *in*."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Prepare wine and serve (6)","output":"### Answer: REDACT \n ### Explanation: Prepare wine and serve (6)\n**RED** (\"wine\") + **ACT** (\"serve\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pretty bad failure, but right to be brushed aside (9)","output":"### Answer: BEAUTIFUL \n ### Explanation: Pretty bad failure, but right to be brushed aside (9)\n***(failue but)** The R(ight) of \"failure\" has been *brushed aside*."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Picture I framed \u2013 good for daughter (5)","output":"### Answer: IMAGE \n ### Explanation: Picture I framed \u2013 good for daughter (5)\n**I** + **MA**(d>**G**)**E** (\"framed\" with G(ood)* for* (in place of) D(aughter)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A coin's lost here? You bet! (6)","output":"### Answer: CASINO \n ### Explanation: A coin's lost here? You bet! (6)\n***(a coins)\u00a0**and &lit."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Perhaps emails philosopher in confusion (8)","output":"### Answer: MESSAGES \n ### Explanation: Perhaps emails philosopher in confusion (8)\n**SAGE** (\"philosopher\") *in* **MESS** (\"confusion\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Judge bumps into rear of garage when reversing (6)","output":"### Answer: ESTEEM \n ### Explanation: Judge bumps into rear of garage when reversing (6)\n<=(**MEETS** (\"bumps into\") + (garag)**E**) *when reversing"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Deputy stopped and rested (8)","output":"### Answer: DEPENDED \n ### Explanation: Deputy stopped and rested (8)\n**DEP**(uty) + **ENDED** (\"stopped\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bishop with hot drink (6)","output":"### Answer: BRANDY \n ### Explanation: Bishop with hot drink (6)\n**B**(ishop) + **RANDY** (\"hot\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A bolt from the blue (9)","output":"### Answer: LIGHTNING \n ### Explanation: A bolt from the blue (9)\n(not very) cryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Throws out broken items (5)","output":"### Answer: EMITS \n ### Explanation: Throws out broken items (5)\n***(items)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Insignificant people in parties (7)","output":"### Answer: INSECTS \n ### Explanation: Insignificant people in parties (7)\nIN + SECTS (\"parties\") \n*Don't think sect and party are synonymous \u2013 they're both groups, but to me, the word \"sect\" is quite specific, whereas party is much less so."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A Teddy boy on outside of paper is drawn (9)","output":"### Answer: ATTRACTED \n ### Explanation: A Teddy boy on outside of paper is drawn (9)\n**A** + **TED**(dy boy) *on outside of* **TRACT** (\"paper\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cover the inside with new fabric (5)","output":"### Answer: LINEN \n ### Explanation: Cover the inside with new fabric (5)\n**LINE** (\"cover the inside\") *with* **N**(ew)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Corrupt head of Chemotherapy in unproductive hospital department (8)","output":"### Answer: DECADENT \n ### Explanation: Corrupt head of Chemotherapy in unproductive hospital department (8)\n**C**(hemotherapy) *in*** DEAD** (\"unproductive\") + **E.N.T.** (\"hospital department\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Piece of cake \u2013 second bite (4)","output":"### Answer: SNIP \n ### Explanation: Piece of cake \u2013 second bite (4)\n**S**(econd) + **NIP** (\"bite\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Exit scene, upset? That's life (9)","output":"### Answer: EXISTENCE \n ### Explanation: Exit scene, upset? That's life (9)\n***(exit scene)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Swapped old coins with old penny (9)","output":"### Answer: EXCHANGED \n ### Explanation: Swapped old coins with old penny (9)\n**EX** (\"old\") + **CHANGE** (\"coins\") + **D** (\"old penny\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Naughty bear cub beginning to eat grilled meat (8)","output":"### Answer: BARBECUE \n ### Explanation: Naughty bear cub beginning to eat grilled meat (8)\n***(bear cub)** +** E**(at)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What turns up with this paper? A number of sheets fastened together (4)","output":"### Answer: HEFT \n ### Explanation: What turns up with this paper? A number of sheets fastened together (4)\n<**EH** (\"what\" *turns up*) + **F.T.** (\"this paper\") \n*A very obscure definition, not in keeping with the rest of the puzzle?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Release scoundrel I eventually imprisoned (7)","output":"### Answer: RELIEVE \n ### Explanation: Release scoundrel I eventually imprisoned (7)\nHidden in \"scound**REL** **I EVE**ntually\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cold became less severe and stopped (6)","output":"### Answer: CEASED \n ### Explanation: Cold became less severe and stopped (6)\n**C**(old) + **EASED** (\"became less severe\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Strength when fixed (5)","output":"### Answer: ASSET \n ### Explanation: Strength when fixed (5)\n**AS** (\"when\") + **SET** (\"fixed\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Child is small and used to be ignored on a regular basis (5)","output":"### Answer: ISSUE \n ### Explanation: Child is small and used to be ignored on a regular basis (5)\n**IS** + **S**(mall) + **U**(s)**E**(d)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Work includes book rest trashed? Author's to make a racket (12)","output":"### Answer: OBSTREPERATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: to make a racket\n**OPERATE** (\"work\") *includes* **B**(ook) +***(rest)***,\u00a0*so **O(B-STRE)PERATE** \n*Chambers indicates that Laurence Sterne used this word, hence the \"author's\" in the clue.**\n "} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fruit from Bengal cored and mashed (4)","output":"### Answer: BAEL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fruit\n***(beal)** (\"bengal\" *cored*, i.e. with its middle removed) \n*A bael is a thick-skinned Indian fruit."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Porter turned sour almost entirely, say, with a traveller's tip (6)","output":"### Answer: ALEGAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Porter turned sour\n**AL**(l) *(almost* \"entirely\") +** E.G.** (\"say\") + **A** + (travelle)**R"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Alert to hear decision college is involved in (6)","output":"### Answer: ARRECT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Alert to hear\n**ARRET** (\"decision\") with **C**(ollege) *involved"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One with constituency in city house \u2013 she has irresistible urges (6)","output":"### Answer: NYMPHO \n ### Explanation: Definition: she has irresistible urges\n**M.P.** (\"one with constituency) *in* **N.Y.** (\"city\") + **Ho**(use)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Baccy cakes, new, in hollow bowl? (9)","output":"### Answer: CAVENDISH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Baccy cakes\n**N**(ew) *in*** CAVE** (\"hollow\") + **DISH** (\"bowl\") \n*Cavendish is a method of preparing tobacco that involves pressing cooked tobacco into a cake."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Blood in arms necessitates angioplasty? Only some of it (4)","output":"### Answer: SANG \n ### Explanation: Definition: Blood in arms\nHidden in \"necessitate**S ANG**ioplasty\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: When it's not run out, love getting into popular tipple, excellent Scotch (6)","output":"### Answer: BEEZER \n ### Explanation: Definition: excellent Scotch\n**ZE**(ro) (\"love\", without r.o. (\"run out\", in cricket)) *getting into* **BEER** (\"popular tipple\") \n*I've always used the word \"beezer\" in phrases like \" a beezer catch\" without realising that it was a Scottish word \u2013 I had assumed it was standard English."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Former rock group entering rise, a thrill (6)","output":"### Answer: TREMOR \n ### Explanation: Definition: a thrill\n**R.E.M.** (\"former rock band\")* entering* **TOR** (\"rise\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Junior churchman, Scots one flanking bishops (4)","output":"### Answer: ABBE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Junior churchman\n**AE** (\"one\" in Scots) *flanking* **BB** (\"bishops\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fancy dress gear, material for Hawaiian skirt? Probably not (9)","output":"### Answer: REEDGRASS \n ### Explanation: Definition: material for Hawaiian skirt? Probably not\n***(dress gear)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: It's old fashioned, wooden (6)","output":"### Answer: STOLID \n ### Explanation: Definition: wooden\n***(its old)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fatal submersion from short period in much longer one, going back (6)","output":"### Answer: NOYADE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fatal submersion\n<=**DAY** (\"short period\") in <=**EON** (\"much longer one\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Royal tax, obligation by the sound of it (6)","output":"### Answer: TAILLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Royal tax\nHomophone of **TIE** (\"obligation\", *by the sound of it*). \n*I suppose, if pronounced in an Anglicized way, \"taille\" sounds like \"tie\", but if pronounced as the French do it, they only sound vaguley similar."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Varnishes a girl variously applied to end of nails (6)","output":"### Answer: GLAIRS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Varnishes\n***(a girl)** + (nail)**S"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Song that's recalled dead, strong Scots (4)","output":"### Answer: YALD \n ### Explanation: Definition: strong Scots\n<=**LAY** (\"song\", recalled) +** D**(ead) \n*\"Yald\" or \"yauld\" is a Scots word for helathy or strong, although I've never heard it myself."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Runner with hip too stressed? Protein required (12)","output":"### Answer: NEUROTROPHIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Protein\n***(runner hip too\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Chemical compound processed in lab tray left out (6)","output":"### Answer: BARYTA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Chemical compound\n***(ab tray)** (\"lab tray\" with L(eft) *out*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Preacher and prophet, jolly individual at heart (9)","output":"### Answer: SERMONEER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Preacher\n**SEER** (\"prophet\") with **R.M**. (Royal Marine, so \"jolly\") + **ONE** (\"individual\") *at heart*, so **SE(R.M.-ONE)ER"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Heads for repast in hall after taking in college buttery? (4)","output":"### Answer: RICH \n ### Explanation: Definition: buttery\n**R**(epast)** I**(n) **H**(all) *taking in* **C**(ollege). \n*C for college for the second time in the puzzle? At first, I was going to cry foul, but it's a crossing letter in the two clues ARRE**C**T and RI**C**H, so maybe this is actually quite a clever device?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Small estate left remaining as legal right (7)","output":"### Answer: ESTOVER \n ### Explanation: Definition: legal right\n**Est**(ate) + **OVER** (\"left remainer\") \n*In English law, an estover is an allowance made to a person out of an estate, or other thing, for his or her support."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Crown circles head of tsar expanding towards the end (5)","output":"### Answer: PATTE \n ### Explanation: Definition: expanding towards the end\n**PATE** (\"crown\") *circles* **T**(sar)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: They convey one to faraway place, rugged shoreline, hard going (8)","output":"### Answer: ELOINERS \n ### Explanation: Definition: They convey one to faraway place\n***(soreline)** (\"shoreline\" with H(ard) *going*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: On being dismissed by judge, past caring? (4)","output":"### Answer: RECKON \n ### Explanation: Definition: past caring\n**RECK**(on) (\"judge\", ON *being dismissed*) \n*\"Reck\" is an old word for \"care\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Continues without changing in dull woolly stuff (6)","output":"### Answer: TAMISE \n ### Explanation: Definition: woolly stuff\n**IS** (\"continues without changing\") *in* **TAME** (\"dull\") \n*From an online dictionary \u2013 TAMISE \u2013 a trade-name given to various thin woolen fabrics."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Group with lead vocalist securing right collar fastener (10)","output":"### Answer: BANDSTRING \n ### Explanation: Definition: collar fastener\n**BAND** (\"group\") + **STING** (\"lead volcalist\" of The Police) *securing* **R**(ight) \n*A bandstring was used to keep ruffs and collars in place."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tough grass nurses simmering hatred, ready to baste again? (10)","output":"### Answer: RETHREADED \n ### Explanation: Definition: ready to baste again\n**REED** (\"tough grass\") *nurses* ***(hatred)** \n*I hadn't come across \"baste\" meaning \"to sew with long, loose stitches, as in temporarily tacking together pieces of a garment while it is being made\" before, but at least one online dictionary has this as definition 1.\u00a0"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Militant lot, hard one, e.g. in Germany, raised welcoming cry (9)","output":"### Answer: HIZBOLLAH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Militant lot\n**H**(ard) + **I** (\"one\") + **z.B** (\"zum Beispiel\", which is \"for example\" or \"e.g.\" *in German*) + <=**HALLO** (\"welcoming cry\" *raised*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Physicist using volume to wedge faulty Aga door (8)","output":"### Answer: AVOGADRO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Physicist\n**V**(olume) *used to wedge* ***(aga door)** \n*Refers to Count Amadeo (1776\u20131856), Italian physicist and chemist, famous for his work on gases. Avogadro's law states that, \"equal volumes of all gases, at the same temperature and pressure, have the same number of molecules\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Turning tables with rook \u2013 it may get you out of a trap (7)","output":"### Answer: BLASTER \n ### Explanation: Definition: it may get you out of a trap\n***(tables r)**, where R is \"rook\". \n*A sand blaster is a golf club used to get out of a bunker or trap."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Patch on last sore to be treated, limb not good (6)","output":"### Answer: RESOLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Patch on last\n***(sore)** + **LE**(g) (\"limb\", *not G*(ood))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: French beak, beak I'll follow having afternoon in (6)","output":"### Answer: BAILLI \n ### Explanation: Definition: French beak\n**BILL** (\"beak\") + **I** *havin*g **A**(fternoon)* in*."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Turn, most indecent, topless? (5)","output":"### Answer: REEST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Turn\n(F)**REEST** (\"most indecent\", *topless*) \n*\"Reest\" or \"reast\" means \"to go rancid\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cheap fur matched with outward appearance (4)","output":"### Answer: VAIR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Cheap fur\n**V**(ersus \u2013 so \"matched with\") + **AIR** (\"outward experience\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Exotic food plant: look in for a taste, turning up (4)","output":"### Answer: TARO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Exotic food plant\nHidden backwards in \"f**OR A T**aste\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pillar where water is drawn from river (8)","output":"### Answer: MAINSTAY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Pillar\n**MAINS** (\"where water is drawn from\") + (\"river!) **TAY"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Menial daughter, one booked by Dickens (6)","output":"### Answer: DRUDGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Menial\n**D**(aughter) + (Barnaby)** RUDGE** (title character of a Dickens novel, hence \"one booked by Dickens\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Head of oldest and most outlandish prehistoric beast (8)","output":"### Answer: MASTODON \n ### Explanation: Definition: prehistoric beast\n***(o and most)**, where the O is \"head of old\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ash, possibly, on edges of earthen dish (6)","output":"### Answer: ENTREE \n ### Explanation: Definition: dish\n**TREE** (\"ash, possibly\")* on* **E**(arthe)**N"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Jam for bear (5)","output":"### Answer: STICK \n ### Explanation: Definition: Jam\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: With pound coin (new design), reluctant to get minimal cover? (9)","output":"### Answer: LOINCLOTH \n ### Explanation: Definition: minimal cover\n**L** (\"pound\") + ***(coin)** + **LOTH** (\"reluctant\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Making changes in device isn't encouraged (12)","output":"### Answer: INCENTIVISED \n ### Explanation: Definition: encouraged\n***(in device isn't)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dreadfully sad judge popular on social media (5-7)","output":"### Answer: HEART-RENDING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Dreadfully sad \n**HEAR** (\"judge\") + **TRENDING** (\"popular on social media\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Decorum \u2014 for devoutness, rector must be involved (9)","output":"### Answer: PROPRIETY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Decorum\n**PRO** (\"for\") + **PIETY** (\"devoutness\") with **R**(ector) *involved"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dickensian\u00a0plot's unexpected turn (5)","output":"### Answer: TWIST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Dickensian\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mullet, say, discovered in fresh air, doomed (6)","output":"### Answer: HAIRDO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Mullet, say\nHidden in (*discovered in*) \"fres**H AIR DO**omed\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Transport real and imaginary, not one for the birds (8)","output":"### Answer: BUSTARDS \n ### Explanation: Definition: birds\n**BUS** (\"transport real\") + **TARD**(i)**S** (\"transport imaginary\", *not* I (\"one\"))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tiresome\u00a0magistrates get used to it (6)","output":"### Answer: TRYING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Tiresome\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Monkey on board creating big problems (8)","output":"### Answer: STINKERS \n ### Explanation: Definition: big problems\n**TINKER** (\"monkey\") in **SS** (*on board* (a steamship, SS))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tree doctors aboard train heading north (6)","output":"### Answer: MIMOSA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Tree\n**MOs** (\"doctors\") *aboard* <=**AIM** (\"train\", *heading north*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Introduce trendy source of booze \u2014 only one left (6)","output":"### Answer: INSTIL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Introduce\n**IN** (\"trendy\") + **STIL**(l) (\"source of booze) with* only one* L(eft)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Material traditional in film (9)","output":"### Answer: STOCKINET \n ### Explanation: Definition: Material\n**STOCK** (\"traditional\") + **IN** + **E.T.** (\"film\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Oscar joins team after a vote for historic mission (6,6)","output":"### Answer: APOLLO ELEVEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: historic mission\n**O**(scar) *joins* **ELEVEN** (\"team) *after* **A POLL**\u00a0(\"vote\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old force guarding province, symbolically described (5)","output":"### Answer: RUNIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: symbolically described\n**R.U.C.** (Royal Ulster Constabulary, so \"old force\") *guarding* **N.I.** (Northern Ireland, so \"province\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Party guest finds place for a nap beside river (8)","output":"### Answer: DORMOUSE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Party guest\n**DORM** (\"place for anap\") + (\"river\") **OUSE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Consent obtained in Beeb, essentially, for protection from glare (8)","output":"### Answer: EYESHADE \n ### Explanation: Definition: protection from glare\n**YES** (\"consent\") + **HAD** (\"obtained\")* in* (b)**EE**(b)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A British duty to arrange garb for streakers? (8,4)","output":"### Answer: BIRTHDAY SUIT \n ### Explanation: Definition: garb for streakers\n***(a british duty)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Get drunk splitting French wine cask \u2014 I'm game! (5-2-2)","output":"### Answer: VINGT-ET-UN \n ### Explanation: Definition: game\n***(get)** *splitting* **VIN** (\"French wine\") + **TUN** (\"cask\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Golfer likely to need this accompaniment to fish, fried? (4,4)","output":"### Answer: CHIP SHOT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Golfer likely to need this\n**CHIPS** (\"accompaniment to fish\") + **HOT** (\"fried\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: No pressure for clemency after PM gets winning margin (8)","output":"### Answer: MAJORITY \n ### Explanation: Definition: winning margin\n(p)**ITY** (\"clemency\" with *no* P(ressure)) *after* (John)** MAJOR** (\"PM\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Run through church chasing mole (6)","output":"### Answer: PIERCE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Run through\n**C.E.** (\"church\" of England) *chasing* **PIER** (\"mole\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rising models like to be drawn in suspended animation (6)","output":"### Answer: STASIS \n ### Explanation: Definition: suspended animation\n<=**SITS** (*rising* \"models) with **AS** (\"likely\") *to be drawn in"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Gunners tacitly agree to lift unhealthy gas (5)","output":"### Answer: RADON \n ### Explanation: Definition: unhealthy gas\n**R.A.** (Royal Artillery, thus \"gunners\") + <=**NOD** (\"tacitly agree\" lifted)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Remove suspicion from inspector close to this division of company (6)","output":"### Answer: DISARM \n ### Explanation: Remove suspicion from inspector close to this division of company (6)\n**D.I.** (detective \"inspector\") + (thi)**S** + **ARM** (\"division of company\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A drab role largely at sea for man's best friend (8)","output":"### Answer: LABRADOR \n ### Explanation: A drab role largely at sea for man's best friend (8)\n***(a drab rol)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Standard means for preparing cheese (8)","output":"### Answer: PARMESAN \n ### Explanation: Standard means for preparing cheese (8)\n**PAR** (\"standard\") +\u00a0***(means)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Obtain after good commercial gizmo (6)","output":"### Answer: GADGET \n ### Explanation: Obtain after good commercial gizmo (6)\n**GET\u00a0**(\"obtain\") *after\u00a0***G**(ood)\u00a0**AD\u00a0**(\"commercial\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Way of seeing oneself as a model (6)","output":"### Answer: MIRROR \n ### Explanation: Way of seeing oneself as a model (6)\nIs this a double definition?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rough second debate in a French hospital (8)","output":"### Answer: UNSMOOTH \n ### Explanation: Rough second debate in a French hospital (8)\n**S**(econd) + **MOOT** (\"debate\") *in* **UN** (\"a French\") **H**(ospital)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Character staying overnight firstly \u2013 it's required to make a flight? (8,4)","output":"### Answer: BOARDING CARD \n ### Explanation: Character staying overnight firstly \u2013 it's required to make a flight? (8,4)\n**CARD\u00a0**(\"character\") with\u00a0**BOARDING\u00a0**(\"staying overnight\") *first"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Nerve centre in empire about to be destroyed sadly (12)","output":"### Answer: IMPERTINENCE \n ### Explanation: Nerve centre in empire about to be destroyed sadly (12)\n***(centre in empi)\u00a0**where EMPI is EMPIRE with RE (\"about\") being *destroyed"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Conceited Arab with bombastic speech about origins of oil glut (8)","output":"### Answer: ARROGANT \n ### Explanation: Conceited Arab with bombastic speech about origins of oil glut (8)\n**Ar.**(ab) with\u00a0**RANT\u00a0**(\"bombastic speech\")\u00a0*about*\u00a0**O**(il)\u00a0**G**(lut)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lax procedure missing fences (6)","output":"### Answer: REMISS \n ### Explanation: Lax procedure missing fences (6)\nHidden in \"procedu**RE MISS**ing\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tree with valuable material on land? (6)","output":"### Answer: ASHORE \n ### Explanation: Tree with valuable material on land? (6)\n**ASH** (\"tree\") *with* **ORE** (\"valuable material\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Diner far off \u2013 it's beyond a certain range? (8)","output":"### Answer: INFRARED \n ### Explanation: Diner far off \u2013 it's beyond a certain range? (8)\n***(diner far)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bring down currency once? It's a significant event (8)","output":"### Answer: LANDMARK \n ### Explanation: Bring down currency once? It's a significant event (8)\n**LAND** (\"bring down\") + **MARK** (\"currency once\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hear about object that's fashionable (6)","output":"### Answer: TRENDY \n ### Explanation: Hear about object that's fashionable (6)\n**TRY** (\"hear\") *about* **END** (\"object\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Character for listing? (6)","output":"### Answer: ITALIC \n ### Explanation: Character for listing? (6)\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Praiseworthy book penned by authority at sea with energy (9)","output":"### Answer: ADMIRABLE \n ### Explanation: Praiseworthy book penned by authority at sea with energy (9)\n**B**(ook)\u00a0*penned by*\u00a0**ADMIRAL\u00a0**(\"authority at sea\")\u00a0*with\u00a0***E**(nergy)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Worker supporting varied crimes \u2013 petty offender? (9)","output":"### Answer: MISCREANT \n ### Explanation: Worker supporting varied crimes \u2013 petty offender? (9)\n**ANT** (\"worker\") *supporting* ***(crimes)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Listless learner given a northern mentor mostly (7)","output":"### Answer: LANGUID \n ### Explanation: Listless learner given a northern mentor mostly (7)\n**L**(earner) *given ***A N**(orthern) **GUID**(e) (\"mentor\" mostly)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fake bishop with love and a lot of sentimental outpouring (5)","output":"### Answer: BOGUS \n ### Explanation: Fake bishop with love and a lot of sentimental outpouring (5)\n**B**(ishop) + **O**(\"love\") + **GUS**(h) (*a lot of* \"sentimental outpouring\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A one-sided statement of intent over sound reproduction (5)","output":"### Answer: AUDIO \n ### Explanation: A one-sided statement of intent over sound reproduction (5)\n**A** + **U.D.I.** (Unilateral Declaration of Independence, so \"one-sided statement of intent\") + **O**(ver)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Public outlet for tea is upset (8)","output":"### Answer: OVERTURN \n ### Explanation: Public outlet for tea is upset (8)\n**OVERT** (\"public\") + **URN** (\"oulet for tea\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Face\u00a0dupe (3)","output":"### Answer: MUG \n ### Explanation: Face\u00a0dupe (3)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Amateur sound characterising a charity? (3-6)","output":"### Answer: NON-PROFIT \n ### Explanation: Amateur sound characterising a charity? (3-6)\n**NON-PRO** (\"amateur\") +** FIT** (\"sound\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: With companion gone, check camera that's reproduced teatime food (5,4)","output":"### Answer: CREAM CAKE \n ### Explanation: With companion gone, check camera that's reproduced teatime food (5,4)\n***(eck camera)** where ECK is CHECK with CH (\"companion\" of honour) *gone"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Brother accordingly turns up in a motorway with a fine fuel (8)","output":"### Answer: AMBROSIA \n ### Explanation: Brother accordingly turns up in a motorway with a fine fuel (8)\n**Br.**(other) + <=**SO** (\"accordingly\" *turns up*) *in* **A M1** (\"motorway\") *with* **A**, so\u00a0**A(M((Br)OS**)1-A"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cheap newspaper in error again (3)","output":"### Answer: RAG \n ### Explanation: Cheap newspaper in error again (3)\nHidden in \"erro**R AG**ain\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fool before selection gets to criticise pettily (7)","output":"### Answer: NITPICK \n ### Explanation: Fool before selection gets to criticise pettily (7)\n**NIT** (\"fool\") *before* **PICK** (\"selection\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Very large watch over European port (6)","output":"### Answer: OSTEND \n ### Explanation: Very large watch over European port (6)\n**OS\u00a0**(\"very large\") +\u00a0**TEND\u00a0**(\"watch over\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Nothing cancelled \u2013 like an egg? (5)","output":"### Answer: OVOID \n ### Explanation: Nothing cancelled \u2013 like an egg? (5)\n**O** (\"nothing\") + **VOID** (\"cancelled\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A historic period arising in stadium (5)","output":"### Answer: ARENA \n ### Explanation: A historic period arising in stadium (5)\n<=\u00a0**AN ERA\u00a0**(\"a historic period\" *rising*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Animals running wild in 3 era (9)","output":"### Answer: CREATURES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Animals\n***(Custer era)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One to mount a 26 (5)","output":"### Answer: PUNCH \n ### Explanation: Definition: One to mount\nDouble definition \n*I'm not 100% certain of the first definition \u2013 a punch can be used to create a mounting, or there's punch = a draught horse, but draught horses don't tend to get mounted?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Son of Scottish king, 19 (9)","output":"### Answer: MACARTHUR \n ### Explanation: Definition: 19\n**MAC** (\"son of\" in *Scottish* names) + (King) **ARTHUR** \n*Refers to General Douglas MacArthur, an American general prominent in the Pacific arena of the Second World War."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Regularly call on us to 26 (5)","output":"### Answer: CLOUT \n ### Explanation: Definition: 26\n*Regular* letters from \"**C**a**L**l **O**n **U**s **T**o\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Footballer in 1926, right halfback (6)","output":"### Answer: NEYMAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Footballer\n(General) **NEY** (indicated by 19) + <=**RAM** (indicated by 26). The *right halfback* part of the clue tells us to reverse the right half of the solution. \n*Marshall Ney was a French soldier suring the Napoleonic Wars, and the Brazilian Neymar is one of the most prolific strikers in world football."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A king has one coal supply in 19 (8)","output":"### Answer: AGRICOLA \n ### Explanation: Definition: 19\n**A G.R.** (\"King\" George) + **I** (\"one\") + ***(coal)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Intimate times at hand (5,2)","output":"### Answer: CLOSE BY \n ### Explanation: Definition: at hand\n**CLOSE** (\"intimate\") + **BY** (\"times\", as in \"2 by 2\" = \"2 times 2\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A Green Line outing's a hit, leading to more than one day out for many? (7,6)","output":"### Answer: GENERALSTRIKE \n ### Explanation: Definition: more than one day out for many\n***(a green l)** where the L is L(ine)+ **STRIKE** (\"hit\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Harlot cycling around with X, a seductive character (8)","output":"### Answer: LOTHARIO \n ### Explanation: Definition: a seductive character\n***(harlot)** + **10** (\"X\") *Encota points out in the comments that this is actually more subtle \u2013 LOTHAR can be gained by \"cycling\" the letters of HARLOT"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Creative person, twice briefly in 19 practice (6)","output":"### Answer: ARTIST \n ### Explanation: Creative person, twice briefly in 19 practice (6)\nR.A. (\"artist\") appears twice in \"general p**RA**ctice\" *(thanks, Graham Ashton @ comment 3)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Kick hard for a 19 (5)","output":"### Answer: BOOTH \n ### Explanation: Definition: 19\n**BOOT** (\"kick\") + **H**(ard) \n*Refers to William Booth, founder and first General of the Salvation Army."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: 19 3 in conversation with the virgin (9)","output":"### Answer: CUSTOMARY \n ### Explanation: Definition: 19\nHomophone of **CUSTER** (3 *in conversation*) *with* (\"the virgin\") **MARY"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Good to mouth off, in 19 (5)","output":"### Answer: GRANT \n ### Explanation: Definition: 19\n**G**(ood) + **RANT** (\"to mouth off\") \n*General Grant, American Civil War general and 18th President of the US"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Adult locked up in Wakefield, missing green area once part of Yorkshire? (9)","output":"### Answer: WAPENTAKE \n ### Explanation: Definition: once part of Yorkshire?\n**A**(dult) + **PENT** (\"locked up\") *in* **WAKE**(field) \n*A wapentake was a subdivision of certain English counties in the early pasrt of the second millennium."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stop outside right line for one on 26 (6)","output":"### Answer: CREASE \n ### Explanation: Definition: line for one on 26\n**CEASE** (\"stop\") *outside* **R**(ight). \n*For the definition, think cricket \u2013 the one on strike (ie the batsman) has to stay in the crease (line marked on the pitch)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old woman with bad asthma revered wise men (8)","output":"### Answer: MAHATMAS \n ### Explanation: Definition: wise men\n**MA** (\"old woman\") +***(asthma)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: George Armstrong, 19, more astute when tackling Spurs winger (6)","output":"### Answer: CUSTER \n ### Explanation: Definition: George Armstrong, 19\n**CUTER** (\"more astute\")* tackling* **S**(purs)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Soldier in uniform, in 19 (7)","output":"### Answer: REGULAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Soldier in uniform\nDouble definition (*sorry, a triple definition, as pointed out by beaulieu)*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: No end of bile Puck produced in 19 (6)","output":"### Answer: PUBLIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: 19\n***(bil puc)\u00a0**(BILE & PUCK with *no ends*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Trade union in a state, for real (6)","output":"### Answer: ACTUAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: for real\n**T**(rade) **U**(nion) *in* **A Cal.**(ifornia) (\"state\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Utter rallying cry from 1926? (3-3)","output":"### Answer: ALL OUT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Utter rallying cry from 1926\n*In 1926, the \"General Strike\" (19,26) took place, and \"All Out\" is what a shop steward would typically shout at the beginning of a strike. Also, as pointed out by minty in the comments, UTTER and ALL OUT are synonyms, so this is actually a double definition."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Oddly, only the Guardian's after first instalment of Camberwick Green? (6)","output":"### Answer: COLOUR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Green\n**O**(n)**L**(y) + **OUR** (\"the Guardian's\") + **C**(amberwick)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Film bride wiping bottom? (4,4)","output":"### Answer: BORN FREE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Film\n**BORN** ((the B of BRIDE) + **FREE** (the RID of BRIDE)) (*Thanks NNI @ comment 2)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Guess Puck's into a car with extra storage space (8)","output":"### Answer: ESTIMATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Guess\n**I'M** (\"Puck's\")* into* **ESTATE** (\"a car with extra storage space\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: 19 in old Ford (7)","output":"### Answer: POPULAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: 19\nDouble definition. \n*The Ford Popular was built between 1953 and 1962."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Smells good, our scent bottle (6)","output":"### Answer: ODOURS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Smells\nHidden in \"go**OD** **OUR S**cent\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Far from enjoying a night out (6)","output":"### Answer: HATING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Far from enjoying\n***(a night)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Former PM and Attorney 19 (6)","output":"### Answer: ATTLEE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Former PM\n**ATT**(orney) + (General ) **LEE** \n*General Robert E Lee led the Confederate Army in the American Civil War."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Vandal sacked city in endless wasteland (9)","output":"### Answer: DESTROYER \n ### Explanation: Vandal sacked city in endless wasteland (9)\n**TROY** (\"sacked city\") *in* **DESER**(t) (endless \"wasteland\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: England's leader saying be prepared (5)","output":"### Answer: EQUIP \n ### Explanation: England's leader saying be prepared (5)\n**E**(ngland) +** QUIP** (\"saying\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Settle in Scottish island for example after reflection (7)","output":"### Answer: ARRANGE \n ### Explanation: Settle in Scottish island for example after reflection (7)\n**ARRAN** (\"Scottish island) + <=**E.G.** (\"for example\". *after reflection*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Guru consuming country meat product (7)","output":"### Answer: SAUSAGE \n ### Explanation: Guru consuming country meat product (7)\n**SAGE** (\"guru\") *consuming* **USA** (\"country\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Party good to follow (3)","output":"### Answer: DOG \n ### Explanation: Party good to follow (3)\n**DO** (\"party\") +** G**(ood)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Caste tortured in elegant and repressive regime (6,5)","output":"### Answer: POLICE STATE \n ### Explanation: Caste tortured in elegant and repressive regime (6,5)\n***(caste)** in **POLITE** (\"elegant\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Once defiant island area with spirit (5)","output":"### Answer: MALTA \n ### Explanation: Once defiant island area with spirit (5)\n**A**(rea) *with* **MALT** (whisky, so \"spirit\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Add\u00a0small measure (3)","output":"### Answer: TOT \n ### Explanation: Add\u00a0small measure (3)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Region accommodating new stadium (5)","output":"### Answer: ARENA \n ### Explanation: Region accommodating new stadium (5)\n**AREA** (\"region\") *accommodating* **N**(ew)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Oriental style from one wearing trousers by lake (11)","output":"### Answer: CHINOISERIE \n ### Explanation: Oriental style from one wearing trousers by lake (11)\n**I** (\"one\") *wearing* **CHINOS** (\"trousers\") *by* (\"lake\") **ERIE\u00a0"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Peron was one rejecting farewell (3)","output":"### Answer: EVA \n ### Explanation: Peron was one rejecting farewell (3)\n<=**AVE** (\"farewell\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Little man on wagon entering AA meeting (7)","output":"### Answer: REGATTA \n ### Explanation: Little man on wagon entering AA meeting (7)\n**REG** (\"little man\") + **TT** (teetotal, so \"on wagon\") *entering* **AA"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hidden\u00a0clue here will be! (7)","output":"### Answer: CRYPTIC \n ### Explanation: Hidden\u00a0clue here will be! (7)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Working class making start (5)","output":"### Answer: ONSET \n ### Explanation: Working class making start (5)\n**ON** (\"working\") + **SET** (\"class\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Challenger's replacement in determined attempt (9)","output":"### Answer: ENDEAVOUR \n ### Explanation: Challenger's replacement in determined attempt (9)\nDouble definition, the first being the space shuttle which replaced the Challenger space shuttle, which disintegrated shortly after a launch in 1986."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: King held within unleashed war dogs (6)","output":"### Answer: EDWARD \n ### Explanation: King held within unleashed war dogs (6)\nHidden in (*held within)* \"unleash**ED WAR D**ogs\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Silver lining for heavenly ornament (8)","output":"### Answer: ASTRAGAL \n ### Explanation: Silver lining for heavenly ornament (8)\n**Ag** (\"silver\") *lining* **ASTRAL\u00a0**(\"heavenly\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: GP's instrument? (5,5)","output":"### Answer: GRAND PIANO \n ### Explanation: GP's instrument? (5,5)\n**G**(rand) + **P**(iano)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mysterious and violent character in London park (4)","output":"### Answer: HYDE \n ### Explanation: Mysterious and violent character in London park (4)\nDouble definition \u2013 Dr Jekyll's alter ego and Hyde Park in London"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Counsel uses pot scourer recklessly (10)","output":"### Answer: PROSECUTOR \n ### Explanation: Counsel uses pot scourer recklessly (10)\n***(pot scourer)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Admirer's Cockney origin announced (4)","output":"### Answer: BEAU \n ### Explanation: Admirer's Cockney origin announced (4)\nHomophone of **BOW** (\"Cockney origin\", *announced*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Perhaps first man to tour an independent republic (6)","output":"### Answer: GUYANA \n ### Explanation: Perhaps first man to tour an independent republic (6)\n**GUY A** (\"perhaps first man\", as opposed to Guy B?) *to tour ***AN"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Border secured in record time \u2013 it won't last (8)","output":"### Answer: EPHEMERA \n ### Explanation: Border secured in record time \u2013 it won't last (8)\n**HEM** (\"border\") *secured in* **EP** (\"record\") + **ERA** (\"time\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sybarite returned to employment in another time (5-5)","output":"### Answer: LOTUS EATER \n ### Explanation: Sybarite returned to employment in another time (5-5)\n<=**TO** + **USE** (\"employment\") *in*** LATER** (\"another time\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Get out fast packing cold ready- cooked chicken (7-3)","output":"### Answer: SCAREDY-CAT \n ### Explanation: Get out fast packing cold ready- cooked chicken (7-3)\n**SCAT** (\"get out fast\") *packing* (**C**(old) +** *(ready)**)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sweet thing wheels round and round in chap's embrace (8)","output":"### Answer: MACAROON \n ### Explanation: Sweet thing wheels round and round in chap's embrace (8)\n**CAR** (\"wheels\") + **O O** (\"round and round\") *in* **MAN** (\"chap\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Process involving choice when leaderless? (8)","output":"### Answer: ELECTION \n ### Explanation: Process involving choice when leaderless? (8)\n(s)**ELECTION **(\"choice\", *when leaderless*)** ***Sometimes an elction is required because there is no incumbent leader, so this could be an &lit."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Do this to food for a laugh reportedly (6)","output":"### Answer: INGEST \n ### Explanation: Do this to food for a laugh reportedly (6)\nHomophone of **IN JEST** (\"for a laugh\", *reportedly*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Notes on string producing harmony (6)","output":"### Answer: ACCORD \n ### Explanation: Notes on string producing harmony (6)\nA + C (\"notes\") on CORD (\"string\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old marshal and sea god RN separately dismissed (4)","output":"### Answer: TITO \n ### Explanation: Old marshal and sea god RN separately dismissed (4)\n**T**(r)**ITO**(n) (\"sea god\" with R and N *dismissed*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Law lord who ran around departs (4)","output":"### Answer: CODE \n ### Explanation: Law lord who ran around departs (4)\n(Sebastian)** COE** (\"lord who ran\") *around* **D**(eparts)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Person wantonly damaging property in museum close to Whitehall (6)","output":"### Answer: VANDAL \n ### Explanation: Person wantonly damaging property in museum close to Whitehall (6)\n**V AND A** (Victoria and Albert \"museum\") + (whitehal)**L"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Titled lady one's seen in pubs (8)","output":"### Answer: BARONESS \n ### Explanation: Titled lady one's seen in pubs (8)\n**ONE'S*** seen in* **BARS** (\"pubs\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bond guarded about angry tirade (8)","output":"### Answer: WARRANTY \n ### Explanation: Bond guarded about angry tirade (8)\n**WARY** (\"guarded\") *about* **RANT** (\"angry tirade\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Burly jumper, for example, in circus tent (3,3)","output":"### Answer: BIG TOP \n ### Explanation: Burly jumper, for example, in circus tent (3,3)\n**BIG** (\"burly\") + **TOP** (\"jumper, for example\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One's usually spotted in a cape with a hood (6)","output":"### Answer: DOMINO \n ### Explanation: One's usually spotted in a cape with a hood (6)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Out and about with small three-wheeler (2,6)","output":"### Answer: ON STRIKE \n ### Explanation: Out and about with small three-wheeler (2,6)\n**ON** (\"about\") + **S**(mall) **TRIKE** (\"three-wheeler\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hiding? Got one, we might deduce? (4,2,6)","output":"### Answer: GONE TO GROUND \n ### Explanation: Hiding? Got one, we might deduce? (4,2,6)\nReverse anagram \u2013 \"got one\" is \"gone to\" *ground*."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Best moment on pitch outside (6,2,4)","output":"### Answer: SECOND TO NONE \n ### Explanation: Best moment on pitch outside (6,2,4)\n**SECOND** (\"moment\") with **TONE** (\"pitch\") *outside* **ON"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cost includes thing done for business (8)","output":"### Answer: PRACTICE \n ### Explanation: Cost includes thing done for business (8)\n**PRICE** (\"cost\") *includes* **ACT** (\"thing done\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Concern shown after beginning of television series (6)","output":"### Answer: TISSUE \n ### Explanation: Concern shown after beginning of television series (6)\n**ISSUE** (\"concern\") *shown* *after* **T**(elevision)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stick thrown round home for dog (6)","output":"### Answer: CANINE \n ### Explanation: Stick thrown round home for dog (6)\n**CANE** (\"stick\") *round* **IN** (\"home\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Objective after lapse in term at Rugby? (4,4)","output":"### Answer: DROP GOAL \n ### Explanation: Objective after lapse in term at Rugby? (4,4)\n**GOAL** (\"objective\") *after* **DROP** (\"lapse\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Something to watch on the box \u2013 wriggling eel, extremely powerful, in Scottish river (8)","output":"### Answer: TELEPLAY \n ### Explanation: Something to watch on the box \u2013 wriggling eel, extremely powerful, in Scottish river (8)\n***(eel)** + **P**(owerfu)**L** *in* **TAY** (\"Scottish river\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Small number attempt to engage a public official (6)","output":"### Answer: NOTARY \n ### Explanation: Small number attempt to engage a public official (6)\n**No.** (\"small number\") + **TRY** (\"attempt\") *to engage* **A"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tigress in river? (6)","output":"### Answer: AMAZON \n ### Explanation: Tigress in river? (6)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Heroic action of theologian over stopping sinning (7-2)","output":"### Answer: DERRING-DO \n ### Explanation: Heroic action of theologian over stopping sinning (7-2)\n**DD** (doctor of divinity, so \"theologian\") + **O**(ver) *stopping* **ERRING** (\"sinning\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sleep in biblical place (4,2,3)","output":"### Answer: LAND OF NOD \n ### Explanation: Sleep in biblical place (4,2,3)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stay away from male child on bed with onset of typhus (7)","output":"### Answer: BOYCOTT \n ### Explanation: Stay away from male child on bed with onset of typhus (7)\n**BOY** (\"male child\") + **COT** (\"bed\") *with* **T**(yphus)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Puzzle over old aircraft (5)","output":"### Answer: REBUS \n ### Explanation: Puzzle over old aircraft (5)\n**RE **(\"over\") + **BUS** (\"old aircraft\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Turbulent reign in African country (5)","output":"### Answer: NIGER \n ### Explanation: Turbulent reign in African country (5)\n***(reign)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Spill the beans about German wine being terrible (8)","output":"### Answer: SHOCKING \n ### Explanation: Spill the beans about German wine being terrible (8)\n**SING** (\"spill the beans\") *about* **HOCK** (\"German wine\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rocky height can be seen in centre of storm (3)","output":"### Answer: TOR \n ### Explanation: Rocky height can be seen in centre of storm (3)\ns(**TOR**)m"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Good MC won't fancy a place that's empty (5,4)","output":"### Answer: GHOST TOWN \n ### Explanation: Good MC won't fancy a place that's empty (5,4)\n**G**(ood) + **HOST** (\"MC\") + ***(wont)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Inadvertent mistake as regards vision (9)","output":"### Answer: OVERSIGHT \n ### Explanation: Inadvertent mistake as regards vision (9)\n**OVER** (\"as regards\") + **SIGHT** (\"vision\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Drop\u00a0iron? (8)","output":"### Answer: DECREASE \n ### Explanation: Drop\u00a0iron? (8)\nDouble definition, the second a cryptic one."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Catch number coming up (3)","output":"### Answer: NET \n ### Explanation: Catch number coming up (3)\n<=**TEN\u00a0**(\"number\", *coming* *up*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What a school may have done \u2013 pay involved? (4,3)","output":"### Answer: OPEN DAY \n ### Explanation: What a school may have done \u2013 pay involved? (4,3)\n***(done pay)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A posh couple's helper from overseas? (2,4)","output":"### Answer: AU PAIR \n ### Explanation: A posh couple's helper from overseas? (2,4)\n**A **+** U** (\"posh\") +** PAIR** (\"couple\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Frost after cult's leader for murder, perhaps (5)","output":"### Answer: CRIME \n ### Explanation: Frost after cult's leader for murder, perhaps (5)\n**RIME** (\"frost\") *after* **C**(ult)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Model and I do business (5)","output":"### Answer: IDEAL \n ### Explanation: Model and I do business (5)\n**I DEAL** (\"do business\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Red revolutionary on right track (6)","output":"### Answer: CHERRY \n ### Explanation: Red revolutionary on right track (6)\n**CHE** (Guevara \u2013 \"revolutionary\") + **R**(ight) + **RY** (railway \"track\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Blue director thrown out (8)","output":"### Answer: DEJECTED \n ### Explanation: Blue director thrown out (8)\n**D**(irector) + **EJECTED** (\"thrown out\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Playwright's book has point about leading lady (7)","output":"### Answer: WEBSTER \n ### Explanation: Playwright's book has point about leading lady (7)\n**B**(ook) *has* **WEST** (\"point) *about* + **ER** (the Queen, so \"leading lady\") \n*Refers to John Webster, who wrote *The White Devil* and *The Duchess of Malfi*."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Nurse cat, say (7)","output":"### Answer: ENOUNCE \n ### Explanation: Nurse cat, say (7)\n**EN** (enrolled \"nurse\") + **OUNCE** (big \"cat\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Uncommon camera revealing bottles (4)","output":"### Answer: RARE \n ### Explanation: Uncommon camera revealing bottles (4)\nHidden in \"came**RA RE**vealing\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Too rude for being so? (3,2,5)","output":"### Answer: OUT OF ORDER \n ### Explanation: Too rude for being so? (3,2,5)\n*(too rude for)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Abandons\u00a0rocket? (6)","output":"### Answer: LEAVES \n ### Explanation: Abandons\u00a0rocket? (6)\nDouble definition, the second referring to the vegetable also known as arugula in many parts of the world."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Complaints about Liberal International's principles (7)","output":"### Answer: BELIEFS \n ### Explanation: Complaints about Liberal International's principles (7)\n**BEEFS** (\"complaints\") *about* **L**(iberal) **I**(nternational)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: When recording nervous symptom, be sterile (7)","output":"### Answer: ASEPTIC \n ### Explanation: When recording nervous symptom, be sterile (7)\n**AS** (\"when\") + **EP** (\"recording\") + **TIC** (\"nervous symptom\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Purple\u00a0strand (6)","output":"### Answer: MAROON \n ### Explanation: Purple\u00a0strand (6)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Team Blue note the French equestrian method (10)","output":"### Answer: SIDESADDLE \n ### Explanation: Team Blue note the French equestrian method (10)\n**SIDE** (\"team\") + **SAD** (\"blue\") + **D** (\"note\") + **LE** (\"the French\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Loud song not particularly good (4)","output":"### Answer: FAIR \n ### Explanation: Loud song not particularly good (4)\n**F** (\"loud\" in music?) + **AIR** (\"song\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Had swimming-pool accident with independent film director (7)","output":"### Answer: FELLINI \n ### Explanation: Had swimming-pool accident with independent film director (7)\n**FELL IN** (\"had swimming-pool accident\") *with* **I**(ndependent)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Back of grey canopy is wide open (7)","output":"### Answer: YAWNING \n ### Explanation: Back of grey canopy is wide open (7)\n(gre)**Y** + **AWNING"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rose rang about going first (8)","output":"### Answer: REBELLED \n ### Explanation: Rose rang about going first (8)\n**BELLED** (\"rang\") with **RE** (\"about\") *going first"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One rag off colour (6)","output":"### Answer: ORANGE \n ### Explanation: One rag off colour (6)\n***(one rag)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Yellow milk producer unlikely in the East End (8)","output":"### Answer: COWARDLY \n ### Explanation: Yellow milk producer unlikely in the East End (8)\n**COW** (\"milk producer\") +'**ARDL**Y (\"unlikely\", or \"hardly\" to a Cockney, so *in the East End*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Red seams barred by order (11)","output":"### Answer: EMBARRASSED \n ### Explanation: Red seams barred by order (11)\n***(seams barred)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: They're crackers to announce legal actions (4)","output":"### Answer: RITZ \n ### Explanation: They're crackers to announce legal actions (4)\n*Homophone of* (to announce) **WRITS** (\"legal actions\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: European agreement covers putting up pink monstrosities (8)","output":"### Answer: EYESORES \n ### Explanation: European agreement covers putting up pink monstrosities (8)\n**E**(uropean) + **YES** (\"agreement\") *covers* <=**ROSE** (\"pink\", *put up*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: English company thinking green (10)","output":"### Answer: ECOLOGICAL \n ### Explanation: English company thinking green (10)\n**E**(nglish) + **Co.**(mpany) + **LOGICAL** (\"thinking\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Brown thanks Nicaragua's leader (3)","output":"### Answer: TAN \n ### Explanation: Brown thanks Nicaragua's leader (3)\n**TA** (\"thanks\") + **N**(icaragua)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: With no alcohol around, singer Chris is boring (6)","output":"### Answer: DREARY \n ### Explanation: With no alcohol around, singer Chris is boring (6)\n**DRY** (\"with no alcohol\") *around* (Chris) **REA** (\"singer\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rainbow possibly ending in abject defeat (5)","output":"### Answer: TROUT \n ### Explanation: Rainbow possibly ending in abject defeat (5)\n(abjec)**T** + **ROUT** (\"defeat\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Taking one across ford with toenail broken (11)","output":"### Answer: DEFLORATION \n ### Explanation: Taking one across ford with toenail broken (11)\n*(ford toenail) \n*Taking one's cherry (see 1 across) is another term fro taking someone's virginity (defloration)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fortress's moonshine producer freezes (5,5)","output":"### Answer: KEEPS STILL \n ### Explanation: Fortress's moonshine producer freezes (5,5)\n**KEEPS** (\"fortress's\") + **STILL** (\"moonshine producer\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Spooner's classified cable causing widespread destruction (8)","output":"### Answer: WILDFIRE \n ### Explanation: Spooner's classified cable causing widespread destruction (8)\nFILED WIRE (\"classified cable\") given the *Spooner* treatment would be WILD FIRE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Conspiracy\u00a0to be fascinating (8)","output":"### Answer: INTRIGUE \n ### Explanation: Conspiracy\u00a0to be fascinating (8)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Request a review of forks (3,3)","output":"### Answer: ASK FOR \n ### Explanation: Request a review of forks (3,3)\n**A** + ***(forks)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pink possibly starts to fade, leaving obnoxious yellow detritus (5)","output":"### Answer: FLOYD \n ### Explanation: Pink possibly starts to fade, leaving obnoxious yellow detritus (5)\nInitials of (*starts to*) **F**ade** L**eaving **O**bnoxious **Y**ellow **D**etritus"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Jug of wine we relish (4)","output":"### Answer: EWER \n ### Explanation: Jug of wine we relish (4)\nHidden in \"win**E WE R**elish\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Throw ball after removing cover (3)","output":"### Answer: LOB \n ### Explanation: Throw ball after removing cover (3)\nb(**LOB**) (\"ball\", *after removing cover*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Initially see little fellow working for a very small amount (8)","output":"### Answer: SMIDGEON \n ### Explanation: Definition: a very small amount\n**S**(ee) + **MIDGE** (\"little fellow\") + **ON** (\"working\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Recall breaking into storeroom (6)","output":"### Answer: CELLAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: storeroom \n***(recall)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Muslim unhappy in gym for fencing (8)","output":"### Answer: PALISADE \n ### Explanation: Definition: fencing\n**ALI** (\"Muslim\") +** SAD** (\"unhappy\") *in* **P.E.** (\"gym\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cooks for the crew aboard ship (6)","output":"### Answer: STEAMS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Cooks\n**TEAM** (\"crew\") in (*aboard*) **SS** (steam\"ship\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Discontinue speech for refreshment (11)","output":"### Answer: RESTORATION \n ### Explanation: Definition: refreshment\n**REST** (\"discontinue\") + **ORATION** (\"speech\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Some dog rescuers become monsters (5)","output":"### Answer: OGRES \n ### Explanation: Definition: monsters \nHidden in \"d**OG RES**cuers\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: American photo taken in Israel produces scepticism (9)","output":"### Answer: SUSPICION \n ### Explanation: Definition: scepticism\n**US PIC** (\"American photo\") *taken* *in* **SION** (\"Israel\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The miners adapted to join closely together (9)","output":"### Answer: INTERMESH \n ### Explanation: Definition: to join closely together\n***(the miners)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Half-heartedly incapacitate an aristocrat (5)","output":"### Answer: NOBLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: an aristocrat\n**NO**(b)**BLE** (\"incapacitate\" with only *half* of its **heart** (BB))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Boxing promoter\u00a0in the waste business? (5,6)","output":"### Answer: SCRAP DEALER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Boxing promoter\nDouble definition, the first cryptic."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Disagreement following publicity that's aimless (6)","output":"### Answer: ADRIFT \n ### Explanation: Definition: aimless\n**RIFT** (\"disagreement\") *following* **AD** (\"publicity\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Man returned to island unattached (8)","output":"### Answer: DISCRETE \n ### Explanation: Definition: unattached\n<=**SID** (\"man\", *returned*) to **CRETE** (\"island\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Insect can escape (6)","output":"### Answer: MAYFLY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Insect\nMAY (\"can\") FLY (\"escape)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Let's list components? That's most unmoving! (8)","output":"### Answer: STILLEST \n ### Explanation: Definition: most unmoving\n***(lets list)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wonderful boy in charge, travelling very fast (10)","output":"### Answer: SUPERSONIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: travelling very fast\n**SUPER** (\"wonderful\") + **SON** (\"boy\") + **IC** (\"in charge\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Explain being angry about sovereign's desire (10)","output":"### Answer: ILLUSTRATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Explain\n**IRATE** (\"angry\") *about* (**L** (\u00a3, so \"sovereign\") + **LUST** (\"desire\"))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Device for soldier's way of working (5)","output":"### Answer: GISMO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Device\n**GI'S** (\"soldier's\") **M.O.**\u00a0(modus operandi, so \"way of working\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Traveller's joy seeing damn bad loser upset (3,4,5)","output":"### Answer: OLD MANS BEARD \n ### Explanation: Definition: Traveller's joy\n***(damn bad loser)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Development in old conflict (9)","output":"### Answer: EXTENSION \n ### Explanation: Definition: Development\n**EX** (\"old\") + **TENSION** (\"conflict\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Barren meadow needs a bit of nitrate (4)","output":"### Answer: LEAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Barren\n**LEA** (\"meadow\") + **N**(itrate)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Trick queen over exploit (4)","output":"### Answer: RUSE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Trick\n**R**(egina) (\"queen\") *over* **USE** (\"exploit\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fail to understand girl has article on train (4,3,5)","output":"### Answer: MISS THE POINT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fail to understand\n**MISS** (\"girl\") *has* **THE** (\"article\") *on* **POINT** (\"train\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Question son's disguise in sleazy bar (10)","output":"### Answer: DISBELIEVE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Question\n**S**(on) + **BELIE** (\"disguise\") *in* **DIVE** (\"sleazy bar\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stop and notice people getting tons of affection (10)","output":"### Answer: ENDEARMENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: affection\n**END** (\"stop\") +** EAR** (\"notice\") + **MEN** (\"people\") + **T**(ons)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Left USSR wrongly supporting Soviet leader? That's worrying! (9)","output":"### Answer: STRESSFUL \n ### Explanation: Definition: worrying\n***(left USSR)** *supporting*** S**(oviet)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Top swimmer receives ten cents (5)","output":"### Answer: EXCEL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Top\n**EEL** (\"swimmer\") *receives* **X** (\"ten\") **C**(ents)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Conflict Mike finds heated (4)","output":"### Answer: WARM \n ### Explanation: Definition: heated\n**WAR** (\"conflict\") + **M**(ike)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Penny has fish? I ask you! (4)","output":"### Answer: PRAY \n ### Explanation: Definition: I ask you!\n**P**(enny) + **RAY** (\"fish\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Novel poorly titled Golden Rule in Literature (6,6)","output":"### Answer: LITTLE DORRIT \n ### Explanation: Novel poorly titled Golden Rule in Literature (6,6)\n(***(titled)** + **OR** (\"golden\") **R**(ule)) *in* **LIT**(erature), so **L(ittled-OR-R)IT"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Swell time, going after 1,000 in gold pieces (7)","output":"### Answer: AUGMENT \n ### Explanation: Swell time, going after 1,000 in gold pieces (7)\n**T**(ime) *going* *after* **G**(rand) (\"1,000\") *in* **Au** (\"gold\") **MEN** (\"pieces\" in chess, eg), so **Au-G-MEN-T"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lucrative enough to provide some wonga in Fulham? (7)","output":"### Answer: GAINFUL \n ### Explanation: Lucrative enough to provide some wonga in Fulham? (7)\nHidden in \"won**GA IN FUL**ham\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Opening to Italian anthem (7)","output":"### Answer: INTROIT \n ### Explanation: Opening to Italian anthem (7)\n**INTRO** (\"opening\") *to* **IT**(alian)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One not among the first three managed by amateur orchestra (4-3)","output":"### Answer: ALSO RAN \n ### Explanation: One not among the first three managed by amateur orchestra (4-3)\n**RAN** (\"managed\") *by* **A**(mateur) **LSO** (London Symphony \"Orchestra\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dane upset about wife having a beard (5)","output":"### Answer: AWNED \n ### Explanation: Dane upset about wife having a beard (5)\n***(dane)** *about* **W**(ife)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Party given by underlings in government's territory (9)","output":"### Answer: DOMINIONS \n ### Explanation: Party given by underlings in government's territory (9)\n**DO** (\"party\") by **MINIONS** (\"underlings\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Articulated\u00a0what new mother may have done? (9)","output":"### Answer: EXPRESSED \n ### Explanation: Articulated\u00a0what new mother may have done? (9)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Some really crass material (5)","output":"### Answer: LYCRA \n ### Explanation: Some really crass material (5)\nHidden in \"real**LY CRA**ss\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Latin 11, playing first (7)","output":"### Answer: INITIAL \n ### Explanation: Latin 11, playing first (7)\n***(latin ii)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Exotic dancer's one buried, marked by a pile of stones (7)","output":"### Answer: CAIRNED \n ### Explanation: Exotic dancer's one buried, marked by a pile of stones (7)\n***(dancer)** with **I** (\"one\") *buried"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Go all out on vacation to seduce (7)","output":"### Answer: ATTEMPT \n ### Explanation: Go all out on vacation to seduce (7)\n**A**(ll ou)**T** + **TEMPT** (\"seduce\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Uncharged particle centrally sited within nerve cell (7)","output":"### Answer: NEUTRON \n ### Explanation: Uncharged particle centrally sited within nerve cell (7)\n(si)**T**(ed) *within* **NEURON** (\"nerve cell\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Awful holes, with dealers as tenants? (12)","output":"### Answer: LEASEHOLDERS \n ### Explanation: Awful holes, with dealers as tenants? (12)\n*(holes dealers)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Telling hothead off, to help make things less pressured? (7,3,4)","output":"### Answer: LIGHTEN THE LOAD \n ### Explanation: Telling hothead off, to help make things less pressured? (7,3,4)\n*(telling hothead)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A bird you find finally in the French region a certain distance from the equator (9)","output":"### Answer: LATITUDES \n ### Explanation: A bird you find finally in the French region a certain distance from the equator (9)\n**A TIT** (\"bird\") + (yo)**U** (fin)**D** in **LES**\u00a0(\"the French\"), so **L(A TIT-UD)ES"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Belief in a male deity sent up (5)","output":"### Answer: DOGMA \n ### Explanation: Belief in a male deity sent up (5)\n<=(**A** **M**(ale) **GOD** (\"deity\")), *sent up"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Checks a fall, we hear (fall from grace) (5,2)","output":"### Answer: REINS IN \n ### Explanation: Checks a fall, we hear (fall from grace) (5,2)\nHomophone of **RAIN** (\"fall\") + **SIN** (\"fall from grace\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Raging fire with no end of conflagration? (7)","output":"### Answer: INFERNO \n ### Explanation: Raging fire with no end of conflagration? (7)\n***(fire no n)** where the \"n\" is the end of \"conflagration\" (& lit.)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: First section of lambada gets extended in a number of countries including Mexico (5,7)","output":"### Answer: LATIN AMERICA \n ### Explanation: First section of lambada gets extended in a number of countries including Mexico (5,7)\n*Extension* of the abbreviation **LA**(mbada)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Far-reaching reputation is well established (4-8)","output":"### Answer: LONG-STANDING \n ### Explanation: Far-reaching reputation is well established (4-8)\n**LONG** (\"far-reaching\") + **STANDING** (\"reputation\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Doctor claimed swallowing a small measure is curative (9)","output":"### Answer: MEDICINAL \n ### Explanation: Doctor claimed swallowing a small measure is curative (9)\n***(claimed)** *swallowing* **IN.**(ch) (\"a small measure\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Arousing drink from pub? One litre, one's knocked out (7)","output":"### Answer: PHILTRE \n ### Explanation: Arousing drink from pub? One litre, one's knocked out (7)\n**PH** (public house, so \"pub\") + **I** (\"one\") **L**(i)**TRE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Setting up a trap in identical puzzles (7)","output":"### Answer: ENIGMAS \n ### Explanation: Setting up a trap in identical puzzles (7)\n<=(**GIN** (\"trap\") *in* **SAME** ('identical)) *set up"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Buildings with recreational facilities where Leicester nurse exercises (7,7)","output":"### Answer: LEISURE CENTRES \n ### Explanation: Buildings with recreational facilities where Leicester nurse exercises (7,7)\n***(leicester nurse)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Thin strip of wood circling around spring-loaded door lock (5)","output":"### Answer: LATCH \n ### Explanation: Thin strip of wood circling around spring-loaded door lock (5)\n**LATH** (\"thin strip of wood\") *circling* **C** (\"around\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Not drinking say, I consumed treat (9)","output":"### Answer: NEGOTIATE \n ### Explanation: Not drinking say, I consumed treat (9)\n**NOT** *drinking* **e.g.** (\"say\") + **I ATE** (\"consumed\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Children look for president (5)","output":"### Answer: CHAIR \n ### Explanation: Children look for president (5)\n**Ch.**(ildren) +** AIR** (\"look\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cost in bar OK for drinker? (7)","output":"### Answer: POTABLE \n ### Explanation: Cost in bar OK for drinker? (7)\n**TAB** \"(cost\") *in* **POLE** (\"bar\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Motorists seen in distance \u2014 it's inexplicable (7)","output":"### Answer: MIRACLE \n ### Explanation: Motorists seen in distance \u2014 it's inexplicable (7)\n**R.A.C.** (Royal Automobile Club, so \"motorists\") *seen in* **MILE** (\"distance\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Excellent\u00a0way to cook steak, very thin (4)","output":"### Answer: RARE \n ### Explanation: Excellent\u00a0way to cook steak, very thin (4)\nTriple definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Where diverse cultures mix, starting to run corporation (7,3)","output":"### Answer: MELTING POT \n ### Explanation: Where diverse cultures mix, starting to run corporation (7,3)\n**MELTING** (\"starting to run\") + **POT** (belly = \"corporation\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Put in a revised line relating to union (7)","output":"### Answer: NUPTIAL \n ### Explanation: Put in a revised line relating to union (7)\n***(put in a)** + **L**(ine)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dodgy faction keeping us quiet (7)","output":"### Answer: SUSPECT \n ### Explanation: Dodgy faction keeping us quiet (7)\n**SECT** (\"faction\") *keeping* **US** + **P**(iano) (\"quiet\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What could make florist pay for baker's item? (4,6)","output":"### Answer: FILO PASTRY \n ### Explanation: What could make florist pay for baker's item? (4,6)\n***(florist pay)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Correct conclusions in lawsuit, whenever you prosecute (4)","output":"### Answer: TRUE \n ### Explanation: Correct conclusions in lawsuit, whenever you prosecute (4)\nFinal letters of (*conclusions in*) lawsui**T** wheneve**R** yo**U** prosecut**E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Plan(e)t (7)","output":"### Answer: MERCURY \n ### Explanation: Plan(e)t (7)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Return rent \u2014 very large note attached (7)","output":"### Answer: RIPOSTE \n ### Explanation: Return rent \u2014 very large note attached (7)\n**RIP** (\"rent\") + **OS** (outsize, so \"very large\") with **TE** (\"note\") *attached"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Family with daughter showing signs of age? (5)","output":"### Answer: LINED \n ### Explanation: Family with daughter showing signs of age? (5)\n**LINE** (\"family\" + **D**(aughter)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Asian last to rattle adversary (9)","output":"### Answer: ASSAILANT \n ### Explanation: Asian last to rattle adversary (9)\n***(asian last)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cook ran menial type of household (3-6,6)","output":"### Answer: ONE-PARENT FAMILY \n ### Explanation: Cook ran menial type of household (3-6,6)\n***(ran menial type of)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A dolt to sustain fake news from Moscow? (8)","output":"### Answer: AGITPROP \n ### Explanation: A dolt to sustain fake news from Moscow? (8)\n**A GIT** (\"dolt\") + **PROP** (\"to sustain\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Evidence of smoke from small boat (4)","output":"### Answer: STUB \n ### Explanation: Evidence of smoke from small boat (4)\n**S**(mall) + **TUB** (\"boat)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Leaving jug upturned in sink (8)","output":"### Answer: FAREWELL \n ### Explanation: Leaving jug upturned in sink (8)\n**<=EWER** (\"jug\", *upturned*) *in* **FALL** (\"sink\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Solitary lady's time almost up (6)","output":"### Answer: HERMIT \n ### Explanation: Solitary lady's time almost up (6)\n**HER** (\"lady's\") + **<=TIM**(e) ('time\", *almost up*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: No car in a scrapyard has instruments inside (8)","output":"### Answer: OCARINAS \n ### Explanation: No car in a scrapyard has instruments inside (8)\nHidden in \"n**O CAR IN A S**rapyard\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Crackpot erected wall, subject to financial limit (6)","output":"### Answer: MADCAP \n ### Explanation: Crackpot erected wall, subject to financial limit (6)\n<=**DAM** (\"wall\", *erected*) + **CAP** (\"subject to financial limit\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Extremely well protected, with canine backing? (5,2,3,5)","output":"### Answer: ARMED TO THE TEETH \n ### Explanation: Extremely well protected, with canine backing? (5,2,3,5)\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Takes control of seconds after Nutmeg's put on weight (8)","output":"### Answer: IMPOUNDS \n ### Explanation: Takes control of seconds after Nutmeg's put on weight (8)\n**S**(econds) *after* **I'M** (\"Nutmeg's\")* put on* **POUND** (\"weight\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unexpected growth following insurance company's setback (8)","output":"### Answer: SURPRISE \n ### Explanation: Unexpected growth following insurance company's setback (8)\n**RISE** (\"growth\") *following* <= **PRU'S** (\"insurance company's\", *set back*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Surrogate on the move wanting good train service (8)","output":"### Answer: EUROSTAR \n ### Explanation: Surrogate on the move wanting good train service (8)\n***(surroate)** (\"surrogate\" less the G of \"good\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Organ adjoining ribcage, primarily in feline (6)","output":"### Answer: LARYNX \n ### Explanation: Organ adjoining ribcage, primarily in feline (6)\n**A**(djoining) **R**(ibcage) *in* **LYNX** (\"feline\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Board limiting Kentucky's remote research centre (6)","output":"### Answer: SKYLAB \n ### Explanation: Board limiting Kentucky's remote research centre (6)\n**SLAB** (\"board\") *limiting* **Ky.** (\"Kentucky\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Assistant under pressure brought in (4)","output":"### Answer: PAID \n ### Explanation: Assistant under pressure brought in (4)\n**AID** (\"assistant\") *under* **P**(ressure)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Musician from Queen surrounded by supporters (6)","output":"### Answer: BRAHMS \n ### Explanation: Musician from Queen surrounded by supporters (6)\n**HM** (Her Majesty, so \"Queen\") *surrounded by* **BRAS** (\"supporters\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Insult outside club maybe leads to scraps (8)","output":"### Answer: DISCARDS \n ### Explanation: Insult outside club maybe leads to scraps (8)\n**DISS** (\"insult\") *outside* **CARD** (\"club maybe\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mum is regressing fast (6)","output":"### Answer: SILENT \n ### Explanation: Mum is regressing fast (6)\n**<=IS** (*regressing*) + **LENT** (\"fast\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: They drift in the ocean, not going back on board (8)","output":"### Answer: PLANKTON \n ### Explanation: They drift in the ocean, not going back on board (8)\n**<=NOT** (*going back*) *on* **PLANK** (\"board\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Retreat from scene, staggering somewhat (4)","output":"### Answer: NEST \n ### Explanation: Retreat from scene, staggering somewhat (4)\nHidden in \"sce**NE ST**aggering\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bowler hat shunned by scruffy English parent (3,7)","output":"### Answer: LEG-SPINNER \n ### Explanation: Bowler hat shunned by scruffy English parent (3,7)\n***(englis pren)** (\"english parent\" minus \"hat\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Brave, like pugilist outwardly? (5-7)","output":"### Answer: STOUT-HEARTED \n ### Explanation: Brave, like pugilist outwardly? (5-7)\n\"pugili**ST OUT**wardly\" has STOUT at its HEART"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: To get the best hand towels, he has to wander around Tunisia's capital (5,3,4)","output":"### Answer: STEAL THE SHOW \n ### Explanation: To get the best hand towels, he has to wander around Tunisia's capital (5,3,4)\n***(towels he has)** *around* **T**(unisia)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Support playwright nursing one relation (10)","output":"### Answer: PROPORTION \n ### Explanation: Support playwright nursing one relation (10)\n**PROP** (\"supporter\") + (Joe)** ORTON** (\"playwright\") *nursing* **I** (\"one\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: New online community member returns gift (4)","output":"### Answer: BOON \n ### Explanation: New online community member returns gift (4)\n**<=NOOB** (\"new online community member\"\u00a0*returns*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Aim to stop case of Rhine wine getting delivered (8)","output":"### Answer: RENDERED \n ### Explanation: Aim to stop case of Rhine wine getting delivered (8)\n**END** (\"aim\") *to stop* **R**(hin)**E** + **RED** (\"wine\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pilot's shot \u2013 using this? (6)","output":"### Answer: PISTOL \n ### Explanation: Pilot's shot \u2013 using this? (6)\n***(pilot's)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Campaigner has inclination to grab 'Arry's interest (8)","output":"### Answer: LOBBYIST \n ### Explanation: Campaigner has inclination to grab 'Arry's interest (8)\n**LIST** (\"inclination\") *to grab* **'OBBY** (\" 'Arry's interest\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The woman's turned attention to judge again (6)","output":"### Answer: REHEAR \n ### Explanation: The woman's turned attention to judge again (6)\n**<=HER** (\"the woman's\", turned) + **EAR** (\"attention\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Doctor Seuss book about hot affair (8)","output":"### Answer: BUSINESS \n ### Explanation: Doctor Seuss book about hot affair (8)\n***(seuss b)** (B is short for \"book\") *about* **IN** (\"hot\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Reference is a deception \u2013 not the first one (8)","output":"### Answer: ALLUSION \n ### Explanation: Reference is a deception \u2013 not the first one (8)\n**A** (i)**LLUSION** (\"deception\" without its *first* (initial))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mark bandages leg for brother (4)","output":"### Answer: MONK \n ### Explanation: Mark bandages leg for brother (4)\n**Mk.** (\"Mark) *bandages* *ON* (\"leg\" think cricket)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One with desire to eat large helping, for example (12)","output":"### Answer: ILLUSTRATION \n ### Explanation: One with desire to eat large helping, for example (12)\n**I** (\"one\") *with* **LUST** (\"desire\") *to eat* **L**(arge) + **RATION** (\"helping\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Am I not able to celebrate rising support? (10)","output":"### Answer: CANTILEVER \n ### Explanation: Am I not able to celebrate rising support? (10)\n**CAN'T I** (\"am i not able to\") + **<=REVEL** (\"celebrate\", *rising*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Evaluation is harsh, first off (6)","output":"### Answer: RATING \n ### Explanation: Evaluation is harsh, first off (6)\n(g)**RATING** (\"harsh\", with its *first* (initial) *off*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Soldier primarily positioned in front of gate? (6)","output":"### Answer: SENTRY \n ### Explanation: Soldier primarily positioned in front of gate? (6)\n**S**(oldier) *positioned in front of* **ENTRY** (\"gate\") and &lit."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sponsor has complaint about new performer (12)","output":"### Answer: BENEFACTRESS \n ### Explanation: Sponsor has complaint about new performer (12)\n**BEEF** (\"complaint\") *about* **N**(ew) + **ACTRESS** (\"perfomer\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Writing articles still for The Listener (10)","output":"### Answer: STATIONERY \n ### Explanation: Writing articles still for The Listener (10)\nHomophone of** STATIONARY\u00a0**(\"still\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: In the right over lost exotic bird (8)","output":"### Answer: THROSTLE \n ### Explanation: In the right over lost exotic bird (8)\n*In* **THE**, **R**(ight) *over*\u00a0***(lost**), so **TH-R-OSTL-E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Conman from Cornwall perhaps less active around November (8)","output":"### Answer: SWINDLER \n ### Explanation: Conman from Cornwall perhaps less active around November (8)\n**SW** (south-west, so \"from Cornwall perhaps\") + **IDLER** (\"less active\") *around* **N**(ovember)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Paris shuffled last off mortal coil (6)","output":"### Answer: SPIRAL \n ### Explanation: Paris shuffled last off mortal coil (6)\n***(paris)** + (morta)**L"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Toff's after top of range? Hang about! (6)","output":"### Answer: HOBNOB \n ### Explanation: Toff's after top of range? Hang about! (6)\n**NOB** (\"toff\") *after* **HOB** (\"top of range\", such as an Aga)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Capital\u00a0punishment (4)","output":"### Answer: FINE \n ### Explanation: Capital\u00a0punishment (4)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fox burying head in mound (4)","output":"### Answer: TUMP \n ### Explanation: Definition: mound\n(s)**TUMP\u00a0**(\"fox\" with its *head* (initial) *buried*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ne'er-do-well who gets heroin, bypassing a rule (8)","output":"### Answer: SCALAWAG \n ### Explanation: Definition: Ne'er-do-well\n**SCAG** (\"heroine\") *bypassing* **A LAW"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pastor with peculiar haircut I noted at the sides, and nothing on top! (9)","output":"### Answer: UPAITHRIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: nothing on top\n**P**(astor) *with* ***(haircut i)** *at the sides.* \nA new word for me \u2013 UPAITHRIC means \"having no roof\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Language group current in Bhutan (not hard) (5)","output":"### Answer: BANTU \n ### Explanation: Definition: Language group\n***(butan)\u00a0**(\"Bhutan\" without the H(ard))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Vamp's covering\u00a0minor quarrel, and felt furious (4)","output":"### Answer: SPAT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Vamp's covering\nTriple definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Spicy food, hot and not English \u2013 detestable? (7)","output":"### Answer: CURRISH \n ### Explanation: Definition: detestable\n**CURRI**(e)**S**+** H**(ot)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One of the hardwood trees, the genera wild rook nests in (10)","output":"### Answer: GREENHEART \n ### Explanation: Definition: One of the hardwood trees\n***(the genera)** with **R**(ook) *nested in"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Embarrassed by over, have a second try (4)","output":"### Answer: REDO \n ### Explanation: Definition: have a second try\n**RED** (\"embarrassed\") *by* **O**(ver)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Royal favourite in power cutting do (6)","output":"### Answer: MINION \n ### Explanation: Definition: Royal favourite\n(do)**MINION\u00a0**(\"power\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mixed martini, not right for covering of blood vessel? (6)","output":"### Answer: INTIMA \n ### Explanation: Definition: covering of blood vessel\n***(matini)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The essence of Italy, Latin penned by a master (4)","output":"### Answer: ALMA \n ### Explanation: Definition: The essence of Italy\n**L**(atin) *penned* *by* **A M.A.** (\"master\" of arts)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ruth in corn, to it appearing alien? (10)","output":"### Answer: CONTRITION \n ### Explanation: Definition: Ruth\n***(in corn to it)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Left hour for dipping into a trusty old catholicon? (7)","output":"### Answer: ALLHEAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: catholicon\n**L**(eft) **H**(our) *dipped into* **A LEAL** (\"old\" word for \"trusty\" or loyal)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Orcadian gullies, reverse of steep? I'll plunge in (4)","output":"### Answer: GIOS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Orcadian gullies\n**<=SOG** (*reverse of* \"steep\") with **I** *plunged in."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ball for Andy, set showing one with no games for opponent? (5)","output":"### Answer: BAGEL \n ### Explanation: Definition: one with no games for opponent\n**BA'** (Scots word for \"ball\") + **GEL** (\"set\") \n*In tennis, a bagel is the name given to a 6-0 set."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Shed duke rebuilt, once stripped of outer casing (8)","output":"### Answer: DEHUSKED \n ### Explanation: Definition: once stripped of outer casing\n***(shed duke)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: African chief, one clad in leather (4)","output":"### Answer: KAID \n ### Explanation: Definition: frican chief\n**I** (\"one\") *clad in* **KID** (\"leather')"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bandage that's elastic I put round large end of oxter (8)","output":"### Answer: TUBIGRIP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Bandage\n***(i put)** *round* **BIG** (oxte)**R"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Soldier joining revolutionary group of vassals (6)","output":"### Answer: MANRED \n ### Explanation: Definition: group of vassals\n**MAN** (\"soldier\") *joining* **RED** (\"revolutionary\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Spithead has berth for this core section (4)","output":"### Answer: PITH \n ### Explanation: Definition: core section\nHidden in \"s**PITH**ead\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Skull-cap: each strangely is inscribed with something like an X (7)","output":"### Answer: CHECHIA \n ### Explanation: Definition: kull-cap\n***(each)** *inscribed with* **CHI** (\"something like an X\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Object, getting fit, runs included (5)","output":"### Answer: ARGUE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Object\n**AGUE** (\"fit\"), with **R**(uns) *included"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: I support inland revenue going into fiction bookselling (9)","output":"### Answer: LIBRAIRIE \n ### Explanation: Definition: bookselling\n**I** + **BRA** (\"support\") + **I**(nland) **R**(evenue) *going into* **LIE** (\"fiction\"), so **L(I-BRA-I.R.)IE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: N. American deer making a den in Wisconsin (6)","output":"### Answer: WAPITI \n ### Explanation: Definition: N. American deer\n**A PIT** (\"den\")* in* **Wi.**(sconsin)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Intercommunicate, like cat with a scent around (10)","output":"### Answer: ANASTOMOSE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Intercommunicate\n**AS TOM** (\"like cat\") with **A NOS**E (\"scent\") *around"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rude fellow annoyed husband (4)","output":"### Answer: GOTH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Rude fellow\n**GOT** (\"annoyed\") + **H**(usband)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A geek coming up interrupts a row? It raises one's blood pressure (10)","output":"### Answer: ADRENALINE \n ### Explanation: Definition: It raises one's blood pressure\n**<=A\u00a0NERD** (\"a geek\" coming up) *interrupts* **A LINE** (\"a row\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Recollection, as in names recollected (9)","output":"### Answer: ANAMNESIS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Recollection\n***(as in names)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Without last rites due possibly when Granny L's interred (8)","output":"### Answer: UNANELED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Without last rites\n***(due)** *when* **NAN EL** (\"Granny L) *is interred"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Small winding rope in the sea, short length thrown in (7)","output":"### Answer: MARLINE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Small winding rope\n**MARINE** (\"in the sea\") with** L**(ength) *thrown in"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Plain cotton for India, quantity in swatch half rejected (6)","output":"### Answer: T-CLOTH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Plain cotton for India\n**LOT** (\"quantity\") **in** (swa)**TCH\n "} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What gula reveals? It's not far from it (6)","output":"### Answer: LINGUA \n ### Explanation: Definition: It's not far from it\n**L in GUA** = GU(L)A, and the gula (the top of the throat) is indeed not far from the lingua (the tongue)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Form of divorce? There's gossip about one (5)","output":"### Answer: TALAK \n ### Explanation: Definition: Form of divorce\n**TALK** (\"gossip\") *about* **I** (\"one\") \n*Talak or talaq is the formulaic process of divorce in Islam."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pike follows acting typical of seniors in Dad's Army? (4)","output":"### Answer: AGED \n ### Explanation: Definition: typical of seniors in Dad's Army\n**GED** (\"pike\") *follows* **A**(cting)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Care for the old with cold on the chest (4)","output":"### Answer: CARK \n ### Explanation: Definition: Care for the old\n**C**(old) on **ARK** (\"chest\") \n*Cark is an old waord for care, hence the \"for the old\" in the clue."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sweet ungulate crossing a river (7)","output":"### Answer: CARAMEL \n ### Explanation: Sweet ungulate crossing a river (7)\n**CAMEL** (\"ungulate\") *crossing* **A R**(iver)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Gangster and ex-chairman thus provided backing internally (7)","output":"### Answer: MAFIOSO \n ### Explanation: Gangster and ex-chairman thus provided backing internally (7)\n(\"Chairman\") **MAO** (Zedong) with **<=SO IF** (\"thus\" = \"provided\") *backing internally"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Excited group playing at Fringe (3,2,4)","output":"### Answer: SET ON EDGE \n ### Explanation: Excited group playing at Fringe (3,2,4)\n**SET** (\"group\") + **ON** (\"playing\") *at* **EDGE** (\"Fringe\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bitter players engaged in civil disorder (9)","output":"### Answer: VITRIOLIC \n ### Explanation: Bitter players engaged in civil disorder (9)\n**TRIO** (\"players\") *engaged in* ***(civil)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Enjoying oneself, when it suits (2,8)","output":"### Answer: AT PLEASURE \n ### Explanation: Enjoying oneself, when it suits (2,8)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A philosopher's works (4)","output":"### Answer: MILL \n ### Explanation: A philosopher's works (4)\nDouble definition, the philosopher being John Stuart Mill (1806-1873)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Get shot of Paul? Bottles out! (4,1,6)","output":"### Answer: STOP A BULLET \n ### Explanation: Get shot of Paul? Bottles out! (4,1,6)\n***(paul bottles)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: \"Cloth ears\" with red mobile (6,5)","output":"### Answer: HARRIS TWEED \n ### Explanation: \"Cloth ears\" with red mobile (6,5)\n***(ears with red)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: All used up, Tom's a goner (4,5)","output":"### Answer: NINE LIVES \n ### Explanation: All used up, Tom's a goner (4,5)\nMildly cryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Want to cut extra evil, vulgar sitcom character (10)","output":"### Answer: BLACKADDER \n ### Explanation: Want to cut extra evil, vulgar sitcom character (10)\n**LACK** (\"want\") *to cu*t **BADDER** (\"extra evil\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Punishing drill, mate \u2014 it'll get you nowhere (9)","output":"### Answer: TREADMILL \n ### Explanation: Punishing drill, mate \u2014 it'll get you nowhere (9)\n***(drill mate)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Energy burst Dan's ball? (5)","output":"### Answer: GONAD \n ### Explanation: Energy burst Dan's ball? (5)\n**GO** (\"energy\") + ***(dan)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old instrument gets bird changing key (7)","output":"### Answer: CITTERN \n ### Explanation: Old instrument gets bird changing key (7)\n**C**(b)**ITTERN \u2013\u00a0**The B (\"key\") of BITTERN changed to another key, C, gives us CITTERN, a pear-shaped guitar-like instrument of the 16th century."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Composer Daniels ends in the middle (7)","output":"### Answer: NIELSEN \n ### Explanation: Composer Daniels ends in the middle (7)\nHidden\u00a0*in the middle* of \"da**NIELS EN**ds\" \n*Carl Nielsen (1865-1931) is Denmark's best-known composer"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Airline in the money acquires African citadel area (6)","output":"### Answer: CASBAH \n ### Explanation: Airline in the money acquires African citadel area (6)\n**BA** (British Airways, so \"airline\") *in* **CASH** (\"money\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Put in another class? Correct (6)","output":"### Answer: RETYPE \n ### Explanation: Put in another class? Correct (6)\nCryptic defintion"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Derogatory habit of putting \u00a3500 on legal action (6,4)","output":"### Answer: MONKEY SUIT \n ### Explanation: Derogatory habit of putting \u00a3500 on legal action (6,4)\n**MONKEY** (\"\u00a3500\", in slang) + **SUIT** (\"legal action\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Democrat shot around midpoint of \"knoll\" procession (9)","output":"### Answer: MOTORCADE \n ### Explanation: Democrat shot around midpoint of \"knoll\" procession (9)\n***(democrat)** *around* (kn)**O**(ll)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Leaf\u00a0used in fencing (4)","output":"### Answer: FOIL \n ### Explanation: Leaf\u00a0used in fencing (4)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: It produces crude painting, given scope (8)","output":"### Answer: OILFIELD \n ### Explanation: It produces crude painting, given scope (8)\n**OIL** (\"painting\") *given* **FIELD** (\"scope\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Kiss very upset copper on behind (8)","output":"### Answer: OSCULATE \n ### Explanation: Kiss very upset copper on behind (8)\n**<=SO** (\"very\", upset) + **Cu** (\"copper\") *on* **LATE** (\"behind\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Equal distribution with grand court (10)","output":"### Answer: QUADRANGLE \n ### Explanation: Equal distribution with grand court (10)\n***(equal grand)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Very large number getting month off (something charged) (9)","output":"### Answer: OCTILLION \n ### Explanation: Very large number getting month off (something charged) (9)\n**Oct.**(ober) (\"month\") + **ILL** (\"off\") +\u00a0**ION** (\"something charged\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Said Buzz, said Mark (8)","output":"### Answer: PHONETIC \n ### Explanation: Said Buzz, said Mark (8)\n**PHONE** (\"buzz\") + homophone of **TICK** (\"mark\", *said*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pianist ran septet embracing church element (8)","output":"### Answer: TRANSEPT \n ### Explanation: Pianist ran septet embracing church element (8)\nHidden in \"pianis**T RAN SEPT**et\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Who's a noble Spaniard? A fair character (6)","output":"### Answer: ADONIS \n ### Explanation: Who's a noble Spaniard? A fair character (6)\nAnswer to \"whose a noble Spaniard?\" could \"**A DON IS** a noble Spaniard\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Poet gasping \"Retreat!\" (6)","output":"### Answer: DRYDEN \n ### Explanation: Poet gasping \"Retreat!\" (6)\n**DRY** \"(gasping\" for a drink) + **DEN** (\"retreat\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Intestine that calls for a pause (5)","output":"### Answer: COLON \n ### Explanation: Intestine that calls for a pause (5)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Struggling to sleep? Try porn \u2013 hot stuff! (6,8)","output":"### Answer: STOLEN PROPERTY \n ### Explanation: Struggling to sleep? Try porn \u2013 hot stuff! (6,8)\n***(to sleep try porn)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fiction by great German chemist (6)","output":"### Answer: LIEBIG \n ### Explanation: Fiction by great German chemist (6)\n**LIE** (\"fiction\") *by* **BIG** (\"great\") \n*Refers to Justus von Liebig (1803-1873)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bloomer having a toilet wrongly shut (8)","output":"### Answer: ACANTHUS \n ### Explanation: Bloomer having a toilet wrongly shut (8)\n**A CAN** (\"toilet\") + ***(thus)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Posh ride around the earth? (8)","output":"### Answer: SPHEROID \n ### Explanation: Posh ride around the earth? (8)\n***(posh ride)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Adult and kid relaxed (2,4)","output":"### Answer: AT EASE \n ### Explanation: Adult and kid relaxed (2,4)\n**A**(dult) + **TEASE** (\"kid\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Former prolific scorer tried without finishing in Arsenal game (4,7)","output":"### Answer: ALAN SHEARER \n ### Explanation: Former prolific scorer tried without finishing in Arsenal game (4,7)\n**HEAR**(d) (\"tried\" *without finishing*) *in* ***(arsenal)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Prince hit hard by bishop and essayist taking part in immature liaisons (7,4)","output":"### Answer: CHARLES LAMB \n ### Explanation: Prince hit hard by bishop and essayist taking part in immature liaisons (7,4)\nTwo ways to get to this answer: \n1) (Prince) **CHARLES** + **LAM** (\"hit hard\") +\u00a0**B**(ishop)\n \n2)\u00a0Hidden in (*taking part in*) \"immatur**E LIA**isons\", Elia being Charles Lamb's nom de plume."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Side\u00a0one (6)","output":"### Answer: UNITED \n ### Explanation: Side\u00a0one (6)\nDouble definition; for the fisrt think of football teams such as Ayr or Manchester, and for the second think of \"as one\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Graphical representation of pub talk? That's about right (3,5)","output":"### Answer: BAR CHART \n ### Explanation: Graphical representation of pub talk? That's about right (3,5)\n**BAR CHAT** (\"pub talk\") *about* **R**(ight)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dancer, possibly Irene Short, gyrating at stag party? (8)","output":"### Answer: REINDEER \n ### Explanation: Dancer, possibly Irene Short, gyrating at stag party? (8)\n***(iren)** (\"Irene\", short) + **DEER** (\"stag\") \n*The \"party\" in this clue is not needed for the wordplay, so is redundant."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Actors ordered manbags (6)","output":"### Answer: SCROTA \n ### Explanation: Actors ordered manbags (6)\n***(actors)\n**\n*Is it just me, or are this week's crossword compilers obsessed with make genitalia?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Second of houses close to the sea: robber's source of lucky loot? (3-5,6)","output":"### Answer: ONE-ARMED BANDIT \n ### Explanation: Second of houses close to the sea: robber's source of lucky loot? (3-5,6)\n(h)**O**(uses) + **NEAR** (\"close to\") + **MED** ('sea\") + **BANDIT** (\"robber\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Name lass working as shop assistant? (8)","output":"### Answer: SALESMAN \n ### Explanation: Name lass working as shop assistant? (8)\n***(name lass)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Where one might find cap for a sort of projector (8)","output":"### Answer: OVERHEAD \n ### Explanation: Where one might find cap for a sort of projector (8)\nA cap may well be found **OVER** one's **HEAD**, just before it goes on to one's head?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Label King George put on European refugee (6)","output":"### Answer: EMIGRE \n ### Explanation: Label King George put on European refugee (6)\n**EMI** (record \"label\")+\u00a0**G.R.** (\"King George\") *put on* **E**(uropean)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Late actor holding vigil for one of the 8 (4,7)","output":"### Answer: RICK WAKEMAN \n ### Explanation: Late actor holding vigil for one of the 8 (4,7)\n(Alan) **RICKMAN** (\"alte actor\") *holding* **WAKE** (\"vigil\") \n*Rick Wakeman was a member of the progressive rock band, Yes, so was a \"Yes man\" (see 8dn)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Long Island lacks one conifer (4,4)","output":"### Answer: PINE TREE \n ### Explanation: Long Island lacks one conifer (4,4)\n**PINE** (\"long\") + **T**(i)**REE** (\"island\" *lacks* I (\"one\"))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Making the earflap warm up again (6)","output":"### Answer: REHEAT \n ### Explanation: Making the earflap warm up again (6)\n***(the ear)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Toadies from Sweden in Asian republic (3-3)","output":"### Answer: YES-MEN \n ### Explanation: Toadies from Sweden in Asian republic (3-3)\n**S**(weden) *in* **YEMEN** (\"Asian republic\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Actor uses one vegetable, mostly green, cooked following recipe (7,4)","output":"### Answer: RICHARD GERE \n ### Explanation: Actor uses one vegetable, mostly green, cooked following recipe (7,4)\n**I** (\"one\") + **CHARD** (\"vegetable\") + ***(gree)** (mostly \"green\"), *following* **R**(ecipe)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Appearing more embarrassed by second husband's office equipment (8)","output":"### Answer: SHREDDER \n ### Explanation: Appearing more embarrassed by second husband's office equipment (8)\n**REDDER** (\"appearing more emnarrassed\") *by* **S**(econd) **H**(usband)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Suspicious old man fled before rendering of \"I do\" (8)","output":"### Answer: PARANOID \n ### Explanation: Suspicious old man fled before rendering of \"I do\" (8)\n**PA** (\"old man\") + **RAN** (\"fled\") + ***(i do)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Remove part of sailor's digestive system? (8)","output":"### Answer: ABSTRACT \n ### Explanation: Remove part of sailor's digestive system? (8)\n**AB'S** (\"sailor's) + **TRACT** (\"digestive system\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Book a tour out below Quebec (6)","output":"### Answer: QUARTO \n ### Explanation: Book a tour out below Quebec (6)\n***(a tour)** *below* **Q**(uebec)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One's about to race as fast as the wind? (6)","output":"### Answer: SIMILE \n ### Explanation: One's about to race as fast as the wind? (6)\n<=**I'S** (\"one's\", about) + **MILE** (\"race\", as in Roger Bannister's famous race) \n*\"as fast as the wind\" is an example of a simile."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Caught a group of spies sitting under a tree (6)","output":"### Answer: ACACIA \n ### Explanation: Caught a group of spies sitting under a tree (6)\n**C**(aught) + **A**\u00a0+ **C.I.A.** (\"group of spies\")* sitting under* **A"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Happy Henry wasting time immersed in parrot pee (4-1-4)","output":"### Answer: COCK-A-HOOP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Happy\n**COCKA(H**>t)**OO**\u00a0((\"parrot\") with H(enry) replacing (T)ime) + **P"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Compiler returned and hooked up with someone doing the Eden Project? (5)","output":"### Answer: EMMET \n ### Explanation: Definition: someone doing the Eden Project\n**<=ME** (\"compiler\") *returned and* **MET** (\"hooked up with\") \n\"Emmet\" is a Cornish word for a non-Cornish, especially toursists, who when in Cornwall may well be \"doing\" (ie visiting) the Eden Project."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: This is spooky from Satnav: \"Hey, I end our day out. Cheerio!\" (3,4,7,4,11)","output":"### Answer: YOU HAVE REACHED YOUR DESTINATION \n ### Explanation: Definition: This is spooky\n*(satnav hey i end our day out cheerio)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Royal state concert investing in recording that includes Beethoven's Third (9)","output":"### Answer: PRINCEDOM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Royal state\n**PROM** (\"concert\")* investing* **IN CD** (\"in recording') *that includes* (be)**E**(thoven)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Record one being assisted in 'Oundsditch? (5)","output":"### Answer: ELPEE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Record\n(h)**ELPEE** (\"one being assisted\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Suit on in time (5)","output":"### Answer: AGREE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Suit\n**RE** (\"on\") *in* **AGE** (\"time\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Reagan, Sinatra & Wilson after vacant Tallahassee property (9)","output":"### Answer: TENANCIES \n ### Explanation: Definition: property\n**NANCIES** (\"Reagan, Sinatra & Wilson\") *after* **T**(allahasse)**E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Grave words: \"My friend, he's no longer funny, I'm afraid\" (4,4,6,1,4,3,7)","output":"### Answer: ALAS POOR YORICK I KNEW HIM HORATIO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Grave words\n*Words spoken at the graveside by Hamlet to his friend about a jester who is no longer funny (being dead)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Done perfectly, consuming second breakfast? (5)","output":"### Answer: TOAST \n ### Explanation: Definition: breakfast?\n**TO A T** (\"done perrfectly\"), *consuming* **S**(econd)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Long river journey interrupted by old, old woman (3,6)","output":"### Answer: RIO GRANDE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Long river\n**RIDE** (\"journey\") *interrupted by* **O**(ld) **GRAN** (\"old owman\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Being bashful, pass year without end to virginity (5)","output":"### Answer: COYLY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Being bashful\n**COL** (\"pass\") + **Y**(ear) *without*\u00a0(as in \"outside\") (virginit)**Y"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Royal attendant has change of heart about upper-class dressmaker (9)","output":"### Answer: COUTURIER \n ### Explanation: Definition: dressmaker\n**COU(TR**>rt)**IER** (\"royal attendant\" with the R and T in the middle swapped, ie *change of heart*) *about* **U**(pper-class)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Upstanding medic takes off Caledonian Prize (5)","output":"### Answer: AWARD \n ### Explanation: Definition: Prize \n**<=DR.** (\"medic\") *takes* **AWA'** (away in Scots, thus \"off Caledonian\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Great athlete has ingested drug (5)","output":"### Answer: OWENS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Great athlete\n**OWNS** (\"has) with **E** (\"drug\") *ingested* \nRefers to Jesse Owens, the great American athlete who won the 100m at the 1936 Berlin Olympics."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fruit man pockets this writer's money (9)","output":"### Answer: PERSIMMON \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fruit\n**PERSON** (\"man\") *pockets* **I'M** (\"this person's\") + **M**(oney)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: British Victory Ale's turned up, positioned around me (2,7)","output":"### Answer: EL ALAMEIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: British Victory\n<=**ALE** + **LAIN** (\"positioned\") *around* **ME"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: I had pork rolls \u2013 but not for this leader! (5)","output":"### Answer: MAHDI \n ### Explanation: Definition: leader\n**<=I'D\u00a0HAM\u00a0** \n*the Mahdi is a redeeemer of Islam due to appear before the Day of Judgment, but being Islam, he wouldn't eat ham."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Admitting very unusual trends in set menu? (2,7)","output":"### Answer: TV DINNERS \n ### Explanation: Definition: set menu\nCryptic definition and **V**(ery) *admitted* into ***(trends in)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Standing on end of bridge, a sailor's cherished covering? (3,6)","output":"### Answer: PEA JACKET \n ### Explanation: Definition: Standing on end of bridge, a sailor's cherished covering\n(bridg)**E** **A JACK** (\"sailor\") with **PET** (\"cherished\") *covering,\u00a0*so\u00a0**P(E-A JACK)ET **and &lit."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unkind act, making fox and rat swap tails (5,4)","output":"### Answer: CHEAP SHOT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Unkind act\n**CHEA**(t<**P**)\u00a0(\"fox\")\u00a0and **SHO**(p<**T**) (\"rat\") exchange their final letters (\"swap tails\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: E-businessperson announced two marks (9)","output":"### Answer: DOTCOMMER \n ### Explanation: Definition: E-businessperson\nHomophone of **DOT** and **COMMA\u00a0**(although I don't pronounce \"comma\" and \"commer\" the same way, being a Scotsman)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Establishment represented by NUJ? (9)","output":"### Answer: PRINCETON \n ### Explanation: Definition: Establishment\n**PRINCETON** *is a University in New Jersey, which could be shortened to a U in NJ, or *N(U)J"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One of a pair of organs has no left field? (5)","output":"### Answer: ARENA \n ### Explanation: Definition: field\n**A** (\"one\") + **RENA**(l) (\"of a pair of organs\" with *no* L(eft))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ugly swipe at delivery service provider (5)","output":"### Answer: YAHOO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Ugly swipe\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: More uncommon gaps a European fills in basic education (5)","output":"### Answer: RARER \n ### Explanation: Definition: More uncommon\nThe *gaps* in **RRR** (\"three R's \u2013 \"basic education\") *filled* by **A**\u00a0and **E**(uropean)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: United's low-scoring home win? (2,3)","output":"### Answer: IN ONE \n ### Explanation: Definition: United\n**IN** (\"home) by **ONE** (\"low scoring win) \n*Not convinced by this unless there's a parsing I'm missing. Edit: see comment 1 for a viable parsing."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old AEH sharp, sir? Possibly in his major work! (1,10,3)","output":"### Answer: A SHROPSHIRE LAD \n ### Explanation: Old AEH sharp, sir? Possibly in his major work! (1,10,3)\n***(old aeh sharp sir) ***\"A Shropshire Lad\" was a collection of 63 poems by Alfred Edward Housman (AEH)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Trained ace, this writer's one who manages the paper? (5)","output":"### Answer: AIMED \n ### Explanation: Trained ace, this writer's one who manages the paper? (5)\n**A**(ce) + **I'M** (\"this writer's\") + **ED**(itor) (\"one who manages the paper\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Let-up in respect of assigned task (9)","output":"### Answer: REMISSION \n ### Explanation: Let-up in respect of assigned task (9)\n**RE** (\"in respect of\") + **MISSION** (\"assigned task\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: English bishop gets into row, the dog! (7)","output":"### Answer: TERRIER \n ### Explanation: English bishop gets into row, the dog! (7)\n**E**(nglish) + **R.R.** (Right Reverend, so \"bishop\") *gets into* **TIER** (\"row\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Loony has kilt as formal item of attire (4,3)","output":"### Answer: SILK HAT \n ### Explanation: Loony has kilt as formal item of attire (4,3)\n***(has kilt) ****"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Have a meal, imbibing drink \u2013 and don't slouch! (3,2)","output":"### Answer: SIT UP \n ### Explanation: Have a meal, imbibing drink \u2013 and don't slouch! (3,2)\n**SUP** (\"have a meal\") *imbibing* **IT** (\"drink\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Went down and ironed? (9)","output":"### Answer: DECREASED \n ### Explanation: Went down and ironed? (9)\nDouble definition, the second a cryptic chestnut."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Boy never poetic embracing French and becoming a poet (9)","output":"### Answer: SONNETEER \n ### Explanation: Boy never poetic embracing French and becoming a poet (9)\n**SON** (\"boy\") + **NE'ER** (\"never poetic\") *embracing* **ET** (\"French and\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Belief supported in speech (5)","output":"### Answer: TRUST \n ### Explanation: Belief supported in speech (5)\nHomophone of **TRUSSED** (\"supported\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bring action against revolutionary soldier invading Scottish isle (7)","output":"### Answer: ARRAIGN \n ### Explanation: Bring action against revolutionary soldier invading Scottish isle (7)\n**<=G.I.** (*revolutionary* \"soldier\") *invading* **ARRAN** (\"Scottish island\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Island having problem, a journey finishing halfway through (7)","output":"### Answer: SUMATRA \n ### Explanation: Island having problem, a journey finishing halfway through (7)\n**SUM** (\"problem\") + **A TRA**(vel) (\"journey\" *finishing halfway through*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Protester putting rubbish on register (9)","output":"### Answer: DISSENTER \n ### Explanation: Protester putting rubbish on register (9)\n**DISS** (\"rubbish\") *on*\u00a0**ENTER** (\"register\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Police officer with a boring job going about (5)","output":"### Answer: GARDA \n ### Explanation: Police officer with a boring job going about (5)\n**<= A DRAG** (\"boring job\" *going about*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Thursday: we'd met clueing to cause bewilderment with extra complication (5,3,6)","output":"### Answer: MUDDY THE WATERS \n ### Explanation: Thursday: we'd met clueing to cause bewilderment with extra complication (5,3,6)\n***(thursday wed met)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Being helpful type can be awful strain, a mum admitted (9)","output":"### Answer: SAMARITAN \n ### Explanation: Being helpful type can be awful strain, a mum admitted (9)\n***(strain)** with **A MA** (\"a mum\") *admitted"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: More than one spoke (5)","output":"### Answer: RADII \n ### Explanation: More than one spoke (5)\nMildly cryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bird in region going over top of hill? (9)","output":"### Answer: PARTRIDGE \n ### Explanation: Bird in region going over top of hill? (9)\n**PART** (\"region\") *going over* **RIDGE** (\"top of hill\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Organic stuff brings nasty smell to you and me (5)","output":"### Answer: HUMUS \n ### Explanation: Organic stuff brings nasty smell to you and me (5)\n**HUM** (\"nasty smell\") *to* **US** (\"you and me\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bouncy son, one to be found stuck in opening (9)","output":"### Answer: RESILIENT \n ### Explanation: Bouncy son, one to be found stuck in opening (9)\n**S**(on) + **I** (\"one\") +** LIE** (\"be found\") *stuck in* **RENT** (\"opening\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Actress delivering short line, then short number (5)","output":"### Answer: LEIGH \n ### Explanation: Actress delivering short line, then short number (5)\n**L**(ine),* then* **EIGH**(t) (*short* \"number\") \n*This could refer to Vivien Leigh, Janet Leigh or Jennifer Jason Leigh."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Presented article penned by two men (7)","output":"### Answer: DONATED \n ### Explanation: Presented article penned by two men (7)\n**A** (\"article\") *penned by* **DON** + **TED** (\"two men\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Grandma has place set up in French city (6)","output":"### Answer: NANTES \n ### Explanation: Grandma has place set up in French city (6)\n**NAN** (\"Grandma\") + **<=SET** (\"place\", *set up*) \n*Don't like this at all \u2013 set in the clue and answer? Could have been \"Grandma put up in French city\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sum up place with a cathedral to a T (9)","output":"### Answer: PRECISELY \n ### Explanation: Sum up place with a cathedral to a T (9)\n**PRECIS** (\"sum up\") + **ELY** (\"place with a cathedral\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Twister \u2013 such may set sail from Irish port (9)","output":"### Answer: CORKSCREW \n ### Explanation: Twister \u2013 such may set sail from Irish port (9)\n**CORK'S CREW** may set sail from Cork (the Irish port)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Easter run organised? I'm not hurrying! (9)","output":"### Answer: SAUNTERER \n ### Explanation: Easter run organised? I'm not hurrying! (9)\n***(easter run)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Elevated status of smart drunk seen outside party (7)","output":"### Answer: STARDOM \n ### Explanation: Elevated status of smart drunk seen outside party (7)\n***(smart)** seen outside **DO** (\"party\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Emperor or Indian ruler invading borders of terrain (6)","output":"### Answer: TRAJAN \n ### Explanation: Emperor or Indian ruler invading borders of terrain (6)\n**RAJA** (\"Inidan ruler\") *invading*** T**(errai)**N"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unfortunate dears brought low (5)","output":"### Answer: RASED \n ### Explanation: Unfortunate dears brought low (5)\n***(dears)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hundred up, a hundred \u2013 Hampshire's opener getting score! (5)","output":"### Answer: NOTCH \n ### Explanation: Hundred up, a hundred \u2013 Hampshire's opener getting score! (5)\n**<=TON** (\"hundred\" up) + **C** (\"hundred\") + **H**(ampshire)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Power of the ideal man taking out Rolls-Royce (5)","output":"### Answer: MIGHT \n ### Explanation: Power of the ideal man taking out Rolls-Royce (5)\n**M**(r r)**IGHT\u00a0**(\"the perfect man\" with R(olls) R(oyce) *taken out*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Raced without underwear, got in at end of the season (9)","output":"### Answer: HARVESTED \n ### Explanation: Definition: got in at end of the season\n**HARED** (\"raced\") *without* **VEST** (\"underwear\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: In poem, Orpheus's rejected lover (5)","output":"### Answer: ROMEO \n ### Explanation: Definition: lover\nHidden backwards in \"p**OEM OR**pheus\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Knock in vain with dispatch (7)","output":"### Answer: RAPIDLY \n ### Explanation: Definition: with dispatch\n**RAP** (\"knock\") + **IDLY** (\"in vain\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Less fashionable silent model losing heart (7)","output":"### Answer: MUMSIER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Less fashionable\n**MUM** (\"silent\") + **SI**(tt)**ER** (\"model\", *losing heart*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Part of satire unfair on youngster's clothing (5)","output":"### Answer: IRONY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Part of satire\nHidden in \"unfa**IR ON Y**oungster\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: PM's country house accurately placed on map (9)","output":"### Answer: CHARTWELL \n ### Explanation: Definition: PM's country house\n**WELL** (\"accurately\") *placed on* **CHART** (\"map\") \n*Chartwell was the home of Winston Churchill for many years."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Idle business associate\u00a0one often has relations with? (8,7)","output":"### Answer: SLEEPING PARTNER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Idle business associate\nDouble definition, both very slightly cryptic."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Free performance gents ultimately appreciate? (4,5)","output":"### Answer: TURN LOOSE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Free\n**TURN** (\"performance\") + **LOOS** (\"gents\") + (appreciat)**E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Singular act of slaughter leads to row (5)","output":"### Answer: SCULL \n ### Explanation: Definition: to row\n**S**(ingular) + **CULL** (\"act of slaughter\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Flower releases its aroma in minimal amounts (7)","output":"### Answer: FREESIA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Flower\n**FREES** (\"releases\") + **I**(ts) **A**(roma)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Defender of good French wine must be drunk (7)","output":"### Answer: BASTION \n ### Explanation: Definition: Defender\n**BON** (\"good\" *in French*) *drinking* **ASTI** (\"wine\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Vassal's gone on vacation in pursuit of romance (5)","output":"### Answer: LIEGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Vassal\n**G**(on)**E** i*n pursuit of* **LIE** (\"romance\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Take in strange oxygen-depleted moonscapes (9)","output":"### Answer: ENCOMPASS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Take in\n***(monscapes)** (\"Moonscapes\"\u00a0*depleted* of one of its Os (\"oxygen\")) \n*To my mind, this doesn't work, as oxygen may have been reduced, but not depleted as there's still an O in the anagram fodder."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The place to be chivvying the waiters? (5,3,2)","output":"### Answer: WHERE IT\u2019S AT \n ### Explanation: Definition: The place to be\n***(the waiters)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Doctor sea air, restricting pressure in target area (4,4)","output":"### Answer: DROP ZONE \n ### Explanation: Definition: target area\n**Dr.** (\"doctor\") + **OZONE** (\"sea air\") *restricting* **P**(ressure)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lethal tablet swallowed by father only half dissolved (6)","output":"### Answer: DEADLY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Lethal\n**E** (ecstasy, so \"tablet\"), *swallowed by* **DAD** (\"father') + (on)**LY"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lodge close to dangerous river (4)","output":"### Answer: STAY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Lodge \n(dangerou)**S** + (\"river\") **TAY"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mad appeals about part of anatomy (5,5)","output":"### Answer: ADAM\u2019S APPLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: part of anatomy\n***(mad appeals)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Crack car, it's said every boxer needs one (8)","output":"### Answer: PROMOTER \n ### Explanation: Definition: every boxer needs one\n**PRO** (\"crack\") + homophone of **MOTOR** (\"car\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Judge's premium reduced out of hand (6)","output":"### Answer: UMPIRE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Judge\n***(premiu)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Beastly noise as rhino and alligator both cleared out (4)","output":"### Answer: ROAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Beastly noise\n**R**(hin)**O** +\u00a0**A**(lligato)**R"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sound of repetitive music boosts artillery attacks (10)","output":"### Answer: CANNONADES \n ### Explanation: Definition: artillery attacks\nHomophone of **CANON** + **AIDS** (\"repetitive music\" + \"boosts\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Superiority of policies adopted by cricket ground (10)","output":"### Answer: LORDLINESS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Superiority\n**LINES** (\"policies\")* adopted by* **LORDS** (\"cricket ground\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Two pounds included in bill for sampler (8)","output":"### Answer: POLLSTER \n ### Explanation: Definition: sampler\n**LL** (\"two pounds\") *included in* **POSTER** (\"bill\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Treatment for a lunatic at sea? (8)","output":"### Answer: NAUTICAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: at sea\n***(a lunatic)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Queen turned up days before royal agents, historically (6)","output":"### Answer: REEVES \n ### Explanation: Definition: royal agents, historically\n**<=E.R.** (\"queen\", turned up) + **EVES** (\"days before\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: In the end, chefs use identical seeds for flavouring (6)","output":"### Answer: SESAME \n ### Explanation: Definition: seeds for flavouring\n(chef)**S** (us)**E** + **SAME** (\"identical\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Female facing malevolent charge (4)","output":"### Answer: FILL \n ### Explanation: Definition: charge\n**F**(emale) + **ILL** (\"malevolent\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Horned animal\u00a0one passes with relief? (4)","output":"### Answer: BUCK \n ### Explanation: Definition: Horned animal\nDouble definition, the second slightly cryptic."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A pest's not the first problem for garden plant (7)","output":"### Answer: ALYSSUM \n ### Explanation: A pest's not the first problem for garden plant (7)\n**A** (f)**LY\"S** (\"pest's\", *not the first*) + **SUM** (\"problem\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The best conducted Brahms and Liszt (7)","output":"### Answer: PICKLED \n ### Explanation: The best conducted Brahms and Liszt (7)\n**PICK** (\"the best\") +** LED** (\"conducted\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Regularly aboard that vessel (5)","output":"### Answer: AORTA \n ### Explanation: Regularly aboard that vessel (5)\n**A**(b)**O**(a)**R**(d)**T**(h)**A**(t)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: New member's no pervert (9)","output":"### Answer: NOVITIATE \n ### Explanation: New member's no pervert (9)\n**NO** + **VICIATE** (\"pervert\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Victor breaks brassy bust (9)","output":"### Answer: INSOLVENT \n ### Explanation: Victor breaks brassy bust (9)\n**V**(ictor) *breaks* **INSOLENT** (\"brassy\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Three times I carry uniform for all the players (5)","output":"### Answer: TUTTI \n ### Explanation: Three times I carry uniform for all the players (5)\n**TTT** (three T(imes))\u00a0+ **I** *carrying*** U**(niform)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Article by young woman is unsuitable (5)","output":"### Answer: AMISS \n ### Explanation: Article by young woman is unsuitable (5)\n**A** (\"article\") +** MISS** (\"young woman\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unsatisfactory conclusion is displeasing (9)","output":"### Answer: OFFENDING \n ### Explanation: Unsatisfactory conclusion is displeasing (9)\n**OFF** (\"unsatisfactory\") + **ENDING** (\"conclusion\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Determine beforehand \u2013 smart clothes or red pants? (9)","output":"### Answer: PREORDAIN \n ### Explanation: Determine beforehand \u2013 smart clothes or red pants? (9)\n**PAIN** (\"smart\") clothes ***(or red)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Drink some cappucino after knocking it back (5)","output":"### Answer: CUPPA \n ### Explanation: Drink some cappucino after knocking it back (5)\nHidden backwards in \"c**APPUC**ino\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Divorce, swapping partners? Surely not! (5)","output":"### Answer: NEVER \n ### Explanation: Divorce, swapping partners? Surely not! (5)\n(s>**N**)**EVER** (\"divorce\" *changing partners* \u2013 (S(outh) becomes N(orth))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Penny gets in secret supply, being far-sighted (9)","output":"### Answer: PRESCIENT \n ### Explanation: Penny gets in secret supply, being far-sighted (9)\n**P**(enny) *gets* ***(in secret)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sailors from Irish port proceed on a twisty course (9)","output":"### Answer: CORKSCREW \n ### Explanation: Sailors from Irish port proceed on a twisty course (9)\n**CORK'S CREW **(\"sailors from Irish port\") \n*Second time in a week I've come across CORK'S CREW."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Somebody should hold power, I suppose (5)","output":"### Answer: OPINE \n ### Explanation: Somebody should hold power, I suppose (5)\n**ONE** (\"somebody\") *should hold* **P**(ower) +** I"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Song with finale about woman Theseus abandoned (7)","output":"### Answer: ARIADNE \n ### Explanation: Song with finale about woman Theseus abandoned (7)\n**ARIA** (\"song\") + **<=END** (\"finale\", *about*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Forbidding person's standards? (7)","output":"### Answer: BANNERS \n ### Explanation: Forbidding person's standards? (7)\n*Someone who forbids would be a ***BANNER"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: American artist and writer wants a coffee (7)","output":"### Answer: ARABICA \n ### Explanation: American artist and writer wants a coffee (7)\n**A**(merican ) + **R.A.** (\"artist\") +** BIC** (pen, so \"writer\") +\u00a0**A"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Son missing risky horse sports? Riding was part of it (9)","output":"### Answer: YORKSHIRE \n ### Explanation: Son missing risky horse sports? Riding was part of it (9)\n***(riky horse)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hold up\u00a0a retail outlet (5)","output":"### Answer: STALL \n ### Explanation: Hold up\u00a0a retail outlet (5)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: State of Maine's not changing (9)","output":"### Answer: MINNESOTA \n ### Explanation: State of Maine's not changing (9)\n***(maines not)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Turn to bigwig upon whom everything depends (5)","output":"### Answer: PIVOT \n ### Explanation: Turn to bigwig upon whom everything depends (5)\n**<=TO V.I.P.** (\"bigwig\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Chap needs a medicine, being unable to move (9)","output":"### Answer: CATATONIC \n ### Explanation: Chap needs a medicine, being unable to move (9)\n**CAT** (\"chap\") *needs*\u00a0**A TONIC** (\"medicine\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Most insignificant start for Leyton Orient (5)","output":"### Answer: LEAST \n ### Explanation: Most insignificant start for Leyton Orient (5)\n**L**(eyton) + **EAST** (\"orient\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sound as a bell after long eating in moderation (7)","output":"### Answer: DIETING \n ### Explanation: Sound as a bell after long eating in moderation (7)\n**TING** (\"spund as a bell\") *after* **DIE** (\"long\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Resistance force in south of France is caught unawares (9)","output":"### Answer: SURPRISED \n ### Explanation: Resistance force in south of France is caught unawares (9)\n**R**(esistance) + **PRISE** (\"force\") *in* **SUD** (\"south\" in *French*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Nun flew off, having picked up live spider (6-3)","output":"### Answer: FUNNEL-WEB \n ### Explanation: Nun flew off, having picked up live spider (6-3)\n***(nun flew)** + **<=BE** (\"live\", *picked up*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One covers for magazine including summary that's inaccurate (9)","output":"### Answer: IMPRECISE \n ### Explanation: One covers for magazine including summary that's inaccurate (9)\n**I** (\"one\") + **M**(agazin)**E** *including* **PRECIS** (\"summary\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dash out of hospital with a remedy (7)","output":"### Answer: PANACEA \n ### Explanation: Dash out of hospital with a remedy (7)\n**PANAC**(h)**E** (\"dash\" with H(ospital)* out*) *with*\u00a0**A"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cruel Cockney said to be naive (7)","output":"### Answer: ARTLESS \n ### Explanation: Cruel Cockney said to be naive (7)\nHomophone of **'EARTLESS\u00a0**(\"cruel\" as said\u00a0by a *Cockney*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Italian scorer exaggerated, avoiding extremes (5)","output":"### Answer: VERDI \n ### Explanation: Italian scorer exaggerated, avoiding extremes (5)\n(o)**VERDI**(d) (\"exaggerated\", *avoiding* its *extremes*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Quietly encourage removal of undesirable elements (5)","output":"### Answer: PURGE \n ### Explanation: Quietly encourage removal of undesirable elements (5)\n**P**(iano) (\"quietly\") + **URGE** (\"encourage\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Could be Coco Chanel on vacation getting personal (5)","output":"### Answer: CLOWN \n ### Explanation: Could be Coco Chanel on vacation getting personal (5)\n**C**(hane)**L** *getting* **OWN** (\"personal\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Governor took place in parlia\u00adment, talking rhythmically (6)","output":"### Answer: SATRAP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Governor\n**SAT** (\"took place in parlaiament\") + **RAP** (\"talking rhythmically\") \n*A satrap was a governor in ancient Persia."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Flowery death met with honour in past (8)","output":"### Answer: BLOSSOMY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Flowery\n**LOSS** (\"death\") *met with* **O**(rder) of **M**(erit) *in* **BY** (\"past\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fish to go off course, one no good getting caught (8)","output":"### Answer: STINGRAY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fish\n**STRAY** (\"to go off course\") with **I**\u00a0(\"one\") **NG** (\"no good\") *caught"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fellow who preaches in a Dartmoor location? (6)","output":"### Answer: TREVOR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fellow\n**REV**(erend) (\"who preaches\") *in* **TOR** (\"a Dartmoor location?\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mate getting into top position (4)","output":"### Answer: OPPO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Mate\nHidden in \"t**OP PO**sition**\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Man's snored dreadfully \u2014 feature of irregular noise (10)","output":"### Answer: RANDOMNESS \n ### Explanation: Definition: feature of irregular noise\n***(mans snored)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Any girl, sadly, won't want one bent like an old man (6)","output":"### Answer: GNARLY \n ### Explanation: Definition: bent like an old man\n***(any grl) **(\"any girl\" without the I (the *one not wanted*))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Soldiers in each group will get legal right (8)","output":"### Answer: EASEMENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: legal right\n**MEN** (\"soldiers\")* in* **EA**(ch) **SET** (\"group\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Person admitting deficiency, right person to knock on door (5,3)","output":"### Answer: BLACK ROD \n ### Explanation: Definition: person to knock on door\n**BOD** (\"person\") *admitting* **LACK** (\"deficiency\") + **R**(Ight) \n*The usher of the House of Lords who summons the House of Commons at the opening session of the UK Parlaiment is called Black Rod. He knocks loudly on the door of the House of Commons as part of the ceremony."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Attack that's kept quiet or loud? (6)","output":"### Answer: FLASHY \n ### Explanation: Definition: loud\n**FLAY** (\"attack\") *that's kept* **SH** (\"quiet\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Majority that's associated with a bit of pride? (5,5)","output":"### Answer: LION\u2019S SHARE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Majority\nCryptic defintion"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: My word, a hospital that helps sick children! (4)","output":"### Answer: GOSH \n ### Explanation: Definition: My word\nDouble definition, the second being the acronym for Great Ormond Street Hospital in London."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Run\u00a0a sequence of jobs (6)","output":"### Answer: CAREER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Run\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Race around holding letter finally found at back of study in a cupboard (8)","output":"### Answer: CREDENZA \n ### Explanation: Definition: a cupboard\n***(race)** *holding* **Z** (\"letter finally found\") *at back of* **DEN"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Group having to deal with a letter? (8)","output":"### Answer: TENANTRY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Group having to deal with a letter\nCrpytic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mockery making one Christian organisation weary (6)","output":"### Answer: SATIRE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Mockery\n**S**(alvation) **A**(rmy) (\"Christian organisation\") +** TIRE** (\"weary\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dish me up Latinate ten? Such is X! (15)","output":"### Answer: ANTEPENULTIMATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Such is X\n***(me up latinate ten)** \n*X is the antepenultimate letter of the alphabet."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hostility must be managed on playing area, curtailed (7)","output":"### Answer: RANCOUR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Hostility\n**RAN** (\"managed\") *on* **COUR**(t) (\"playing area\", *curtailed*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Artist shows doorkeeper holding light pencil (9)","output":"### Answer: PORTRAYER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Artist\n**PORTER** (\"door keeper\") *holding* **RAY** (\"light pencil\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What's almost too difficult for church singer (7)","output":"### Answer: BEYONCE \n ### Explanation: Definition: singer\n**BEYON**(d) (*almost* \"too difficult for\") + **CE** (\"Church\" of England)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Trump's unacceptable act (5)","output":"### Answer: OUTDO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Trump\n**OUT** (\"unacceptable\") + **DO** (\"act\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bone in back \u2014 er, it's one at the front! (7)","output":"### Answer: STERNUM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Bone\n**STERN** (\"back\") + **UM** (\"er\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Electronic music device that could make rest home so zingy (4,11)","output":"### Answer: MOOG SYNTHESIZER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Electronic music device\n***(rest home so zingy)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Chemical agents more frequently carried by ship (9)","output":"### Answer: SOFTENERS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Chemical agents\n**OFTENER** (\"more frequently\") *carried on* **SS** (steam\"ship\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tin and lead fused in scientific unit (7)","output":"### Answer: CANDELA \n ### Explanation: Definition: scientific unit\n**CAN** (\"tin\") + ***(lead)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Avoiding professional expertise to conceal cunning government style (7)","output":"### Answer: DIARCHY \n ### Explanation: Definition: government style\n**DIY** (do it youself, so \"avoiding professional expertise\") *to conceal* **ARCH** (\"cunning\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Increase of good chaps in a union after upheaval (7)","output":"### Answer: AUGMENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Increase\n**G**(ood) **MEN** (\"chaps\") in **A** **<=TU** (trade \"union\", *after upheaval*), so **A(U(G-MEN)T)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Support belief son will rise to the top (5)","output":"### Answer: STRUT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Support \n**(S)TRU**(s)**T **(\"belief\", with S(on) *rising to the top*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cat draped round leg having sulk (6)","output":"### Answer: MOPING \n ### Explanation: Cat draped round leg having sulk (6)\n**MOG** (\"cat\") *draped around* **PIN** (\"leg\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Good bread in fact stale (8)","output":"### Answer: STAGNANT \n ### Explanation: Good bread in fact stale (8)\n**G**(ood) **NAN** (\"bread\") *in* **STAT**(istic) (\"fact\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Innocent one in place for congregation (5)","output":"### Answer: NAIVE \n ### Explanation: Innocent one in place for congregation (5)\n**I** (\"one\") *in* **NAVE** (\"place for congregation\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Spoilt or bad meat in hunk (9)","output":"### Answer: DREAMBOAT \n ### Explanation: Spoilt or bad meat in hunk (9)\n***(or bad meat)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Resilience enlivens non- European in recession (7)","output":"### Answer: STAMINA \n ### Explanation: Resilience enlivens non- European in recession (7)\n<=**ANIMAT**(e)**S\u00a0**(\"enlivens\" without the E (non-European), *in recession*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Not caught, Sam for example remains free (7)","output":"### Answer: UNLEASH \n ### Explanation: Not caught, Sam for example remains free (7)\n**UN**(c)**LE** (\"Sam for example\" without the C\u00a0(not caught)) + **ASH** (\"remains\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Heroic work companion right leaving cheesy town (4)","output":"### Answer: EDDA \n ### Explanation: Heroic work companion right leaving cheesy town (4)\n(ch)**EDDA**(r) (\"cheesy town\", with CH (\"Companion\" of Honour) and R(ight) *leaving*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Almost done with tea dance (8)","output":"### Answer: CHACONNE \n ### Explanation: Almost done with tea dance (8)\n**CONNE**(d) (*almost* \"done\") *with* **CHA** (\"tea\") \n*A chaconne was\u00a0a Spanish (or possibly Moroccan) dance."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: National obsession little man embodies (8)","output":"### Answer: ROMANIAN \n ### Explanation: National obsession little man embodies (8)\n**MANIA** (\"obsession\") *embodied* *by* **RON** (\"little man\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Look quickly in small container (4)","output":"### Answer: SCAN \n ### Explanation: Look quickly in small container (4)\n**S**(mall) **CAN** (\"container\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Upright character escaping pain and hunger in style (7)","output":"### Answer: PANACHE \n ### Explanation: Upright character escaping pain and hunger in style (7)\n**PA**(i)**N** (\"pain\" with I (\"upright character\" *escaping*) *and* **ACHE** (\"hunger\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: American friend in Soul City (7)","output":"### Answer: KAMPALA \n ### Explanation: American friend in Soul City (7)\n**AM**(erican) **PAL** (\"friend\") *in* **KA** (\"soul\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sound cut in shout to encourage knight (9)","output":"### Answer: CHEVALIER \n ### Explanation: Sound cut in shout to encourage knight (9)\n**VALI**(d) (\"sound\", cut) *in* **CHEER** (\"shout to encourage\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: River sources only running high in northeast (5)","output":"### Answer: RHINE \n ### Explanation: River sources only running high in northeast (5)\n*Sources of* **R**(unning) **H**(igh) **I**(n) + **NE** (\"northeast\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Vassals convey false impression with info about me (8)","output":"### Answer: LIEGEMEN \n ### Explanation: Vassals convey false impression with info about me (8)\n**LIE** (\"convey false information\") *with* **GEN** (\"info\") *about* **ME"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Woman's smart hairstyle trimmed front and back (6)","output":"### Answer: MARTHA \n ### Explanation: Woman's smart hairstyle trimmed front and back (6)\nHidden in \"sM**ART HA**irstyle\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Senior politician wants skirt on rump made shorter (8)","output":"### Answer: MINISTER \n ### Explanation: Senior politician wants skirt on rump made shorter (8)\n**MINI** (\"skirt\") *on* **STER**(n) (\"rump\", *made shorter*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Greek character on spacecraft to flirt (9)","output":"### Answer: PHILANDER \n ### Explanation: Greek character on spacecraft to flirt (9)\n**PHI** (\"Greek character\") *on* **LANDER** (\"spacecraft\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One regulated little sister's intellectual activity (6)","output":"### Answer: NOESIS \n ### Explanation: One regulated little sister's intellectual activity (6)\n***(one)** + **SIS**(ter)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ballet article by head cryptographist? (3,10)","output":"### Answer: THE NUTCRACKER \n ### Explanation: Ballet article by head cryptographist? (3,10)\n**THE** (\"article\") *by* **NUT** (\"head\") **CRACKER** (\"crytographist\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Willing learner with an Asian ensemble (7)","output":"### Answer: GAMELAN \n ### Explanation: Willing learner with an Asian ensemble (7)\n**GAME** (\"willing\") **L**(earner) *with* **AN ***A gamelan is an Indonesian orchestra (mainly percussion)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: An Italian city offers subtle charm (5)","output":"### Answer: AROMA \n ### Explanation: An Italian city offers subtle charm (5)\nA ROMA (\"an Italian city\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Computer enthusiast over time liable to blow fuse (6)","output":"### Answer: TETCHY \n ### Explanation: Computer enthusiast over time liable to blow fuse (6)\n**TECHY** (\"computer enthusiast\") *over* **T**(ime)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mann's novella \u2014 I've enhanced it spectacularly! (5,2,6)","output":"### Answer: DEATH IN VENICE \n ### Explanation: Mann's novella \u2014 I've enhanced it spectacularly! (5,2,6)\n***(i've enhanced it)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cleaner is coming in Tuesday having elevated service (9)","output":"### Answer: EUCHARIST \n ### Explanation: Cleaner is coming in Tuesday having elevated service (9)\n**CHAR** (\"cleaner\") **IS** *coming in* <=**TUE**(sday)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Eccentric American avoiding press and public (2,6)","output":"### Answer: IN CAMERA \n ### Explanation: Eccentric American avoiding press and public (2,6)\n***(american)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ropy work from staff packaging butter (7)","output":"### Answer: MACRAME \n ### Explanation: Ropy work from staff packaging butter (7)\n**MACE** (\"staff\") *packaging* **RAM** (\"butter\", ie one that butts)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Strange craving observed in city up at top (6)","output":"### Answer: APICAL \n ### Explanation: Strange craving observed in city up at top (6)\n**PICA** (\"strange craving\" eg during pregnancy) *in* <=**L.A.** (\"city\", *up*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old port \u2014 the writer's joining British sailors in it (6)","output":"### Answer: SMYRNA \n ### Explanation: Old port \u2014 the writer's joining British sailors in it (6)\n**MY** (\"the writer's\") *joining* **RN** (Royal Navy, so \"British sailors\") *in* **SA** (sex appeal, so \"it\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Renegade finally accepted by respectable relative (5)","output":"### Answer: NIECE \n ### Explanation: Renegade finally accepted by respectable relative (5)\n(renegad)**E** *accepted by* **NICE** (\"respectable\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Do OK but appear to withdraw? (4,2,2,7)","output":"### Answer: COME UP TO SCRATCH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Do OK\n**COME UP** (\"appear\") + **TO SCRATCH** (\"withdraw\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Our sister has no hesitation taking on worker with sharp eyes (9)","output":"### Answer: OBSERVANT \n ### Explanation: Definition: with sharp eyes\n**OBSERV**(er) (\"sister\" (to the Guardian), with *no* ER (\"hesitation\") *taking on* **ANT** (\"worker\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Crop left to make slow progress (5)","output":"### Answer: CRAWL \n ### Explanation: Definition: to make slow progress\n**CRAW** (\"crop\") + **L**(eft)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Not hard for fish to swallow a piece of jewellery (7)","output":"### Answer: EARRING \n ### Explanation: Definition: piece of jewellery\n(h)**ERRING** (\"fish\", *not hard*) *to swallow* **A"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: I visited Mexican painter here in the south of France (7)","output":"### Answer: RIVIERA \n ### Explanation: Definition: in the south of France\n**I** *visited* (Diego) **RIVERA** (\"Mexiacn painter\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: He fought a big cat: that's not on (3)","output":"### Answer: ALI \n ### Explanation: Definition: He fought\n**A LI**(on) (\"big cat,\", *not on*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Terrifying woman's repeated power to knock out a grand bully (7)","output":"### Answer: OPPRESS \n ### Explanation: Definition: bully \n**O**(g>**PP**)**RESS\u00a0**(\"terrifying woman\" with PP (*repeated* P(ower)) *knocking out* G (\"a grand\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Friendly girl in pink (7)","output":"### Answer: CORDIAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Friendly\n**DI** (\"girl\") *in* **CORAL** (\"pink\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lid on trunk initially stuck out \u2014 cutter supplied (7)","output":"### Answer: HATCHET \n ### Explanation: Definition: cutter\n**HAT** (\"lid\") + **CHE**(s)**T** (\"trunk\" with S(tuck) *out*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: In inspiration, daughter shows liberality of mind (7)","output":"### Answer: BREADTH \n ### Explanation: Definition: liberality of mind\n*in* **BREATH** (\"inspiration\"), **D**(aughter)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hail penetrating cavern (3)","output":"### Answer: AVE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Hail\nHidden in \"c**AVE**rn\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Carefully study gesture to transmit (7)","output":"### Answer: CONSIGN \n ### Explanation: Definition: to transmit\n**CON** (\"carefully study\") + **SIGN** (\"gesture\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Like some exercise? I carried back some French wine bottles (7)","output":"### Answer: AEROBIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: Like some exercise?\n<= **I BORE** (\"I carried\", *back*) *bottled* by **AC** (appellation controll\u00e9, so \"French wine\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: School almost suppressing artist's inspiration (5)","output":"### Answer: ERATO \n ### Explanation: Definition: inspiration\n**ETO**(n) (\"school\", almost) *suppressing* **R.A.** (\"artist\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Reader in church always involving ancient Shakespearean (9)","output":"### Answer: EPISTOLER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Reader in church\n**E'ER** (\"always\") *involving* (Ancient) **PISTOL** (character in three \"Shakespeare\" plays)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Complications ensue as more points are added to graph (3,4,8)","output":"### Answer: THE PLOT THICKENS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Complications ensue\n*If you add more points to a graph, you'd thicken the plot."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: About to secure strongbox, where one may 8, giving nothing away (5,2,3,5)","output":"### Answer: CLOSE TO THE CHEST \n ### Explanation: Definition: where one may 8\nDouble definition, and **CLOSE THE CHEST** (\"secure strongbox\") *about* **TO"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One that's near title losing time (5)","output":"### Answer: MISER \n ### Explanation: Definition: One that's near\n**MIS**(t)**ER** (\"title\", *losing* T(ime)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Maintaining quiet air as river rises, take advantage of lift (7)","output":"### Answer: UPRAISE \n ### Explanation: Definition: lift\n**P** (\"quiet\") + **RAI**\u00a0(\"air\" with R *rising* to the top), *maintained* by **USE** (\"take advantage of\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Race to join conversation that will make you smart (4,3)","output":"### Answer: TEAR GAS \n ### Explanation: Definition: that will make you smart\n**TEAR** (\"race\") *to join* **GAS** (\"conversation\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ridiculing racist I thumped (7)","output":"### Answer: SATIRIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: Ridiculing\n***(racist i)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Get back from sports ground having finished (7)","output":"### Answer: RECOVER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Get back\n**REC** (\"sports ground\") *having* **OVER** (\"finished\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Condensation in carriages eventually shorted regular current (5,4)","output":"### Answer: TRADE WIND \n ### Explanation: Definition: regular current\n**DEW** (\"condensation\") *in* **TRAIN** (\"carriages\") + (shorte)**D"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Be in full control of big bag on deck (4,3,3,5)","output":"### Answer: HOLD ALL THE CARDS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Be in full control \n**HOLD ALL** (\"big bag\") *on* **THE CARDS** (\"deck\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Writer about to set up cheap material on eastern ruler (9)","output":"### Answer: POTENTATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: ruler\n**PEN** (\"writer\")* about*** <=T**O (set up) + **TAT** (\"cheap material\") *on* **E**(astern)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Take action as point in dispute is dropped (3)","output":"### Answer: SUE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Take action\n(IS)**SUE** (\"point in dispute\", with IS* dropped*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Blade decapitated pig (3)","output":"### Answer: OAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Blade\n(b)**OAR** (\"pig\", *decapitated*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Greaser endlessly tough in awful weather (4,3)","output":"### Answer: HAIR OIL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Greaser\n**IRO**(n) (\"tough\", *endlessly*) *in* **HAIL** (\"awful weather\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One touching line of smack sent for execution (7)","output":"### Answer: TANGENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: One touching line\n**TANG** (\"smack\") + (s)**ENT** (*for execution* = beheaded)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rough and rude treatment for rabies at hospital (7)","output":"### Answer: BEARISH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Rough and rude\n***(rabies)** *at* **H**(ospital)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unpredictable Cartman keeps an odd pet! (7)","output":"### Answer: ERRATIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: Unpredictable\n**ERIC** (Cartman, a character in 'South Park') *keeps* **RAT** (\"an odd pet\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Promoting English with plausible nonsense (5)","output":"### Answer: BILGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: nonsense\n<=(**E**(nglish) **GLIB** (\"plausible\"))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: By hot rod, shimmering silver accessory (7,3)","output":"### Answer: DOROTHY BAG \n ### Explanation: By hot rod, shimmering silver accessory (7,3)\n***(by hot rod)** + **Ag** (\"silver\") \n*A dorothy bag is a type of handbag."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Happy clearing last away (4)","output":"### Answer: GLAD \n ### Explanation: Happy clearing last away (4)\n**GLAD**(e) (\"clearing\", with its *last away*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Protagonist in other opera (4)","output":"### Answer: HERO \n ### Explanation: Protagonist in other opera (4)\n*In* \"ot**HER O**pera\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Other judge is poor (6-4)","output":"### Answer: SECOND-RATE \n ### Explanation: Other judge is poor (6-4)\n**SECOND** (\"other\") + **RATE** (\"judge\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: PM, extremely angry about note, makes appeal for help (6)","output":"### Answer: MAYDAY \n ### Explanation: PM, extremely angry about note, makes appeal for help (6)\n(Theresa) **MAY**\u00a0(\"PM\") + **A**(ngr)**Y** *about* **D** (\"note\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Extremely loyal butler worked round outskirts of Uxbridge (4-4)","output":"### Answer: TRUE-BLUE \n ### Explanation: Extremely loyal butler worked round outskirts of Uxbridge (4-4)\n***(butler)** *around* **U**(xbridg)**E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Local unmarried woman narrowly avoided collision (4,4)","output":"### Answer: NEAR MISS \n ### Explanation: Local unmarried woman narrowly avoided collision (4,4)\n**NEAR** (\"local\") + **MISS** (\"unmarried woman\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hat, nothing more, for fashionable beach! (4)","output":"### Answer: LIDO \n ### Explanation: Hat, nothing more, for fashionable beach! (4)\n**LID** (\"hat\") + **O** (\"nothing\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Japanese drama about a biblical character (4)","output":"### Answer: NOAH \n ### Explanation: Japanese drama about a biblical character (4)\n**NOH** (\"Japanese drama\") *about* **A"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Move on horseback, approaching hurdles (2,6)","output":"### Answer: UP STICKS \n ### Explanation: Move on horseback, approaching hurdles (2,6)\n**UP** (\"on horseback\") + **STICKS** (\"hurdles\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Devil-may-care\u00a0Royalist (8)","output":"### Answer: CAVALIER \n ### Explanation: Devil-may-care\u00a0Royalist (8)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Work on model's face (6)","output":"### Answer: OPPOSE \n ### Explanation: Work on model's face (6)\n**OP** (\"work\") *on* **POSE** (\"model\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Went on list prepared for Hollywood (10)","output":"### Answer: TINSELTOWN \n ### Explanation: Went on list prepared for Hollywood (10)\n***(went on list)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Harmless piece of mischief in 17's vessel on lake (4)","output":"### Answer: LARK \n ### Explanation: Harmless piece of mischief in 17's vessel on lake (4)\n**ARK** (\"17's (ie Noah's) vessel\") *on* **L**(ake)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unlikely to add up if short (4)","output":"### Answer: TALL \n ### Explanation: Unlikely to add up if short (4)\n**TALL**(y) (\"to add up\", *short*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: In an enjoyable manner? Alas, plenty upset (10)","output":"### Answer: PLEASANTLY \n ### Explanation: In an enjoyable manner? Alas, plenty upset (10)\n***(alas plenty)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Manage\u00a0to perform surgery (7)","output":"### Answer: OPERATE \n ### Explanation: Manage\u00a0to perform surgery (7)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Like Humpty-Dumpty, round and vacant? (5)","output":"### Answer: OVOID \n ### Explanation: Like Humpty-Dumpty, round and vacant? (5)\n**O** (\"round\") + **VOID** (\"vacant\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Is shy changing suit? Tantrum results (5,3)","output":"### Answer: HISSY FIT \n ### Explanation: Is shy changing suit? Tantrum results (5,3)\n***(is shy)** + **FIT** (\"suit\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Support old-fashioned soul about to start again (4,2,6,3)","output":"### Answer: BACK TO SQUARE ONE \n ### Explanation: Support old-fashioned soul about to start again (4,2,6,3)\n**BACK** (\"support\") + **SQUARE ONE** (\"old-fashioned soul\") *about* **TO"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wizard, one in class (6)","output":"### Answer: GENIUS \n ### Explanation: Wizard, one in class (6)\n**I** (\"one\") *in* **GENUS** (\"class\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: American soldier fed by a coarse Italian patriot (9)","output":"### Answer: GARIBALDI \n ### Explanation: American soldier fed by a coarse Italian patriot (9)\n**G.I.** (\"American soldier\") *fed by* **A RIBALD** (\"coarse\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bewilder leader of traders employed by a firm (7)","output":"### Answer: ASTOUND \n ### Explanation: Bewilder leader of traders employed by a firm (7)\n**T**(raders) *employed by* **A SOUND** (\"firm\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Learns during actual practice session (9)","output":"### Answer: REHEARSAL \n ### Explanation: Learns during actual practice session (9)\n**HEARS** (\"learns\") *during* **REAL** (\"actual\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fool around thus, working with adults only just after (2,4,2)","output":"### Answer: AS SOON AS \n ### Explanation: Fool around thus, working with adults only just after (2,4,2)\n**ASS** (\"fool\") *around* **SO** (\"thus\") + **ON** (\"working\") *with* **A**(dults), so **AS(SO-ON-A)S"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hammerstein perhaps dropping son at home with a wind instrument (7)","output":"### Answer: OCARINA \n ### Explanation: Hammerstein perhaps dropping son at home with a wind instrument (7)\n**O**(s)**CAR** (\"Hammerstein perhaps\", *dropping* S(on)) + **IN** (\"at home\") *with* **A"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bird that's seen in new trees planted in centre of Auckland (7)","output":"### Answer: KESTREL \n ### Explanation: Bird that's seen in new trees planted in centre of Auckland (7)\n***(trees)** *in* (auc)**KL**(and)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sound of boy in lift (6)","output":"### Answer: FILLIP \n ### Explanation: Sound of boy in lift (6)\nHomophone of **PHILLIP **(\"boy\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Steel structure only demolished after pressure applied (5)","output":"### Answer: PYLON \n ### Explanation: Steel structure only demolished after pressure applied (5)\n***(only)** *after* **P**(ressure)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hastily inserted plaster on colt having taken a walloping going round (12)","output":"### Answer: SPATCHCOCKED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Hastily inserted\n**PATCH** (\"plaster\") *on* **C**(olt) *having* **SOCKED** (\"taken a walloping\") *going round"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Place this country holds ordinary: spot north of the border (5)","output":"### Answer: PLOUK \n ### Explanation: Definition: spot north of the border\n**PL.**(ace) + **U.K.** (\"this country\") *holds* **O**(rdinary) \n*in Scotland, a plook or plouk is a pimple."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The old settle down when entering water (5)","output":"### Answer: PEASE \n ### Explanation: Definition: The old settle down\n**AS** (\"when\") *entering* **PEE** (\"water\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Urchin? He's given runny egg-dip (8)","output":"### Answer: HEDGEPIG \n ### Explanation: Definition: Urchin?\n**HE** *given to* *(eggdip) \n*Urchin and hedgepig are both alternative names for a hedgehog."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Vestment in church, English, consumed by decay (6)","output":"### Answer: ROCHET \n ### Explanation: Vestment in church, English, consumed by decay (6)\n**CH**(urch) + **E**(nglish) *consumed by* **ROT** (\"decay\") \n*A rochet is a surplice-like vestment worn by abbots and bishops."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Childless person cuddling our mum at tea party? (6)","output":"### Answer: POURER \n ### Explanation: Definition: mum at tea party?\n**PER**(son) *cuddling* **OUR"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Athens was one, displaying endless refinement (5)","output":"### Answer: POLIS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Athens was one\n**POLIS**(h) \n*A cedula is a South American IOU"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Turned gassier gobbling second portion of seaside fish and chips (8)","output":"### Answer: GREASIES \n ### Explanation: Definition: fish and chips\n***(gassier)** *gobbling* (s)**E**(aside) \n*In New Zealand, fish and chips are known as greasies."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Struggle getting female lecturer off the bottle (4)","output":"### Answer: AGON \n ### Explanation: Definition: Struggle\n(fl)A**GON** (\"bottle\" with F(emale) L(ecturer) off)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Foot \u2013 put iodine on one, then see doctor (4)","output":"### Answer: IAMB \n ### Explanation: Definition: Foot\n**I**(odine) *on* **A** (\"one\") *then* **MB** (\"doctor\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Jock's flame's given a breather, needing uplift (8)","output":"### Answer: LOW-SLUNG \n ### Explanation: Definition: needing uplift \n**LOW** (Scottish word for \"flame\")'**S**\u00a0*given* **LUNG** (\"a breather\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Slipped round when one's in, making calls? (5)","output":"### Answer: DIALS \n ### Explanation: Definition: calls\n**<=SLID** (\"slipped\" *round*) with **I** (\"one\") *in"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Like what's in some wines? Dispose of tin can (6)","output":"### Answer: TANNIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: Like what's in some wines\n***(tin can)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Topping decoration I installed in terminal (6)","output":"### Answer: FINIAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Topping decoration\n**I** *installed in* **FINAL** (\"terminal\") \n*A finial is a decoration (in the form of a spire) on top of a gable."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Scots lass has everyone turning? Shows what punters may go for, cobber! (8)","output":"### Answer: QUINELLA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Shows what punters may go for, cobber! \n**QUINE** (*Scots* word for \"lass\") + **<=ALL** (\"everyone\", turning) \n*A quinella is a type of bet in Australia, equivalent to a reverse forecast in the UK."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Jersey etc and other trimmed lines (5)","output":"### Answer: CIELS \n ### Explanation: Definition: lines\n**C**(hannel) **I**(slands)\u00a0(\"Jersey etc\")\u00a0+ **ELS**(e) (\"other\", *trimmed*) \n*To ciel, or more commonly to ceil, is to line something, such as a wooden ship.\u00a0"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: With wicket thus bats on freely \u2013 at Edgbaston? (5)","output":"### Answer: GATED \n ### Explanation: Definition: With wicket\n***(at edg)** (the letters of \"bats on\" removed from \"Edgbaston\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: I cut art fashioned in rock with thin layers (12)","output":"### Answer: STRATICULATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: with thin layers\n***(i cut art)** *in* **SLATE** (\"rock\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Special focus I see's involving wild harp seal study (12)","output":"### Answer: SPHRAGISTICS \n ### Explanation: Definition: seal study\n**S**(pecial) + **GIST** (\"focus\") + **IC'S** (\"I see's\") *involvin*g ***(harp)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Part of crab left for menial to consume (5)","output":"### Answer: PLEON \n ### Explanation: Definition: Part of crab\n**L**(eft) *consumed* by **PEON** (\"menial\") \n*The pleon of a crustacean is its abdomen."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Famous initials artist added below representation of thug (6)","output":"### Answer: TUGHRA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Famous initials\n**R.A.** (\"artist\") *added below* ***(thug)** \n*The tughra\u00a0was the ornamental signature of the Turkish sultan.**\n "} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The waste round middle of compost in an old pile (4)","output":"### Answer: HEPT \n ### Explanation: Definition: in an old pile \n***(the)** *round* (com)**P**(ost) \n*cf hept and heaped"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Native Americans hew seat with head of axe (8)","output":"### Answer: CHIPPEWA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Native Americans\n**CHIP** (\"hew\") + **PEW** (\"seat\") *with* **A**(xe)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Promissory note, a clue strangely involving dinar (6)","output":"### Answer: CEDULA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Promissory note\n***(a clue)** *involving* **D**(inar)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Letters used in collaring featured in judge's sessions (5)","output":"### Answer: ESSES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Letters used in collaring\nHidden in \"judg**ES SES**sions\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Anglophone abroad, boy diving into river, sinking rapidly (12)","output":"### Answer: DEGRINGOLADE \n ### Explanation: Definition: sinking rapidly\n**GRINGO** (\"anglophone abroad\") + **LAD** (\"boy\") *diving into* (river) **DEE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Guards try holding first letter of password up (5)","output":"### Answer: KEEPS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Guards\n**<=SEEK** (\"try\") *holding* **P**(assword) *up"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Jogger maybe to give up going round major route (8)","output":"### Answer: REMINDER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Jogger maybe\n**RENDER** (\"give up\") *going round* **M1** (\"major route\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Brothers of Helen and Diana, source mostly varied I'll follow (8)","output":"### Answer: DIOSCURI \n ### Explanation: Definition: Brothers of Helen\n**DI**(ana) + ***(sourc)** + **I"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Language among urban Glaswegians (6)","output":"### Answer: BANGLA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Language\nHidden in \"ur**BAN GLA**swegians\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Type of bowling that's rife, arm free (5)","output":"### Answer: SWING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Type of bowling\n**SW**(arm)**ING\u00a0**(\"rife\", *free* of \"arm\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: It's true about one small number of legitimate descent (6)","output":"### Answer: LINEAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: of legitimate descent\n**LEAL** (\"true\") *about* **I** (\"one\") **N**(umber)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Derrick died before start of Azed, one departing life (5)","output":"### Answer: DAVIT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Derrick\n**D**(ied) *before* **A**(zed) + **VIT**(a) (\"life\" with A (\"one\") *departing*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Light helmet one left in position (5)","output":"### Answer: SALET \n ### Explanation: Definition: Light helmet\n**A** (\"one\") +** L**(eft) *in* **SET** (\"position\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Treasury falls if this creates names? (4)","output":"### Answer: FISC \n ### Explanation: Definition: Treasury\n**<=IF** + **sc.** (namely)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Programme mobile home (5-2)","output":"### Answer: PHONE-IN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Programme\n**PHONE** (\"mobile\") + **IN** (\"home\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Found old pet light clothing (7)","output":"### Answer: LOCATED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Found\n**O**(ld) + **CAT** (\"pet\") *clothed by* **LED** (\"light\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Be in time for\u00a0dismissal at Lord's (5)","output":"### Answer: CATCH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Be in time for\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: REME worked with PLUTO to supply this (9)","output":"### Answer: PETROLEUM \n ### Explanation: Definition: this\n***(reme pluto)** \n*PLUTO stands for \"pipeline under the ocean\", so this just about works."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stroke releases part of roof, so I'm told (9)","output":"### Answer: FREESTYLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Stroke\n**FREES** (\"releases\") + homophone of **TILE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The way fish produces grit (5)","output":"### Answer: STEEL \n ### Explanation: Definition: grit\n**ST**(reet) (\"way\") +** EEL** (\"fish\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rating a marine as on dry ground (8,6)","output":"### Answer: ORDINARY SEAMAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Rating\n***(a marine as on dry)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Coot up in the air, flying from such pollution (14)","output":"### Answer: EUTROPHICATION \n ### Explanation: Definition: pollution\n***(coot up in the air)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Break the ice, waiving English principles (5)","output":"### Answer: ETHIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: principles\n***(th ice)\u00a0**(\"the ice\" *waiving* E(nglish))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Youngsters born at home refuse to go here (6,3)","output":"### Answer: LITTER BIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: refuse to go here \n**LITTER** (\"youngsters\") + **B**(orn) + **IN** (\"at home\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Blow this up in home, possibly sticking hairpin in it (9)","output":"### Answer: EUPHONIUM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Blow this\n***(up in home)\u00a0***sticking* **U** (\"hairpin\") *in it"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cancel Times before start of evening (5)","output":"### Answer: ERASE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Cancel\n**ERAS** (\"times\") *before* **E**(vening)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Poem about Ulysses essentially reaching journey's end (7)","output":"### Answer: ODYSSEY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Poem about Ulysses essentially reaching journey's end\n**ODE** (\"poem\") *about* (ul)**YSS**(es) + (journe)**Y** and &lit."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: They like stripping girl's fruit stocks (7)","output":"### Answer: NUDISTS \n ### Explanation: Definition: They like stripping\n**NUTS** (\"fruit\") *stocks* **DI'S** (\"girl's\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Calm secretary provided in city suburbs (6)","output":"### Answer: PACIFY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Calm\n**P.A.**\u00a0(personal assistant, so \"secretary\") + **IF** (\"provided\") *in* **C**(it)**Y"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Running article by extremist in a row (2,3,4)","output":"### Answer: ON THE TROT \n ### Explanation: Definition: in a row\n**ON** (\"running\") + **THE** (\"article\") + **TROT** (\"extremist\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Distinctive spirit of those close to the top (5)","output":"### Answer: ETHOS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Distinctive spirit\n**THOSE** with the E (*close* = last letter) *moved to the top"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Baby's complaint irks many perhaps but not me (5,4)","output":"### Answer: NAPPY RASH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Baby's complaint\n***(any prhaps)** (\"many perhaps\" without ME)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: It shapes articles on both sides of the Channel (5)","output":"### Answer: LATHE \n ### Explanation: Definition: It shapes\n**LA** + **THE** (\"articles\" in French and English, ie *on both sides of the Channel*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Where to find fledgling 13? (5,4)","output":"### Answer: CROWS NEST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Where to find fledgling\n*You might find an ordinary seaman (see 13 ac) in a crow's nest."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Subject that he means to cover (5)","output":"### Answer: THEME \n ### Explanation: Definition: Subject\nHidden in \"tha**T HE ME**ans\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Throw out fish pudding (8)","output":"### Answer: DUMPLING \n ### Explanation: Definition: pudding\n**DUMP** (\"throw out\") + **LING** (\"fish\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ireland crucified military decoration (4,5)","output":"### Answer: IRON CROSS \n ### Explanation: Definition: military decoration\n**IR**(eland) + **ON CROSS** (\"crucified\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sailor in the Caymans stupidly wasting energy (9)","output":"### Answer: YACHTSMAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Sailor\n***(th caymans)\u00a0**(\"the caymans\" with E(nergy) *wasted*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Nightlights reveal rear timbers (9)","output":"### Answer: MOONBEAMS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Nightlights\n**MOON** (\"reveal bottom\") + **BEAMS** (\"timbers\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Was it chanted by Hearts before, with pride? (4,2,2)","output":"### Answer: HERE WE GO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Was it chanted\n**H**(earts) + **ERE** (\"before\") + **W**(ith) + **EGO** (\"pride\") \n*Almost an &lit."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Marx brother, English golfer (6)","output":"### Answer: ENGELS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Marx brother\n**ENG**(lish) + (Ernie) **ELS** (\"golfer\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Member of septet, certainly not grumpy (5)","output":"### Answer: HAPPY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Member of septet\nOne of the Seven Dwarves (\"septet\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old song retains appeal for amateurs (5)","output":"### Answer: LAITY \n ### Explanation: Definition: amateurs\n**LAY** (\"old song\") *retains* **IT** (sex \"appeal\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Top hack employs staff to do what he does (5)","output":"### Answer: EMEND \n ### Explanation: Definition: to do what he does\n**ED**(itor) (\"top hack\") *employs* **MEN** (\"staff\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Strategy Indonesian players must keep quiet (4,4)","output":"### Answer: GAMEPLAN \n ### Explanation: Strategy Indonesian players must keep quiet (4,4)\n**GAMELAN** (\"Indonesian players\") *must keep* **P**(iano) (\"quiet\") \n*A gamelan is an Indonesian percussion orchestra."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bill finally penetrating under bark (6)","output":"### Answer: BELLOW \n ### Explanation: Bill finally penetrating under bark (6)\n(bil)**L** *penetrating* **BELOW** (\"under\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Course isn't on English (7)","output":"### Answer: AINTREE \n ### Explanation: Course isn't on English (7)\n**AIN'T** (\"isn't\") + **RE** (\"on\") + **E**(nglish)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Return of stuttering Labour Party, strange (7)","output":"### Answer: ODDBALL \n ### Explanation: Return of stuttering Labour Party, strange (7)\n<=**D-DO** (stuttering \"labour\") + **BALL** (\"party\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Developing inclination to insert key, having turned up earlier (9)","output":"### Answer: PUBESCENT \n ### Explanation: Developing inclination to insert key, having turned up earlier (9)\n**BENT** (\"inclination\") *to insert* **ESC** (\"key\", on a computer keyboard), *having* **<=UP** *earlier"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Improve\u00a0court practice? (5)","output":"### Answer: RALLY \n ### Explanation: Improve\u00a0court practice? (5)\nDouble definition; for the second, think tennis."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mount seen originally in a newspaper (5)","output":"### Answer: SINAI \n ### Explanation: Mount seen originally in a newspaper (5)\n**S**(een) + **IN A** + **I** (\"newspaper\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mistake then saving billions in a day? That's tight! (4,4)","output":"### Answer: BOOB TUBE \n ### Explanation: Mistake then saving billions in a day? That's tight! (4,4)\n**BOOB** (\"mistake\") *then* **B**(illions) *in* **TUE** (\"a day\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Identify charity backing good runner (8)","output":"### Answer: DIAGNOSE \n ### Explanation: Identify charity backing good runner (8)\n**<=AID** (\"charity\" backing)+ **G**(ood) + **NOSE** (\"runner\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Asian commander elected a second time (5)","output":"### Answer: AGAIN \n ### Explanation: Asian commander elected a second time (5)\n**AGA** (\"Asian commander\") + **IN** (\"elected\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Racist piece about to be removed (5)","output":"### Answer: BIGOT \n ### Explanation: Racist piece about to be removed (5)\n**BIT** (\"piece\") *about* **GO** (\"to be removed\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pop corn muncher, one inspired by plant food eaten by cow? (9)","output":"### Answer: MOVIEGOER \n ### Explanation: Pop corn muncher, one inspired by plant food eaten by cow? (9)\n**I** ('one\") *inspired by* **VEG** (\"plant food\") *eaten b*y **MOOER** (\"cow?\"), so **MO(V(I)EG)OER"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Irritation rag disseminated in feature (7)","output":"### Answer: CHAGRIN \n ### Explanation: Irritation rag disseminated in feature (7)\n***(rag)** *in* **CHIN** (\"feature\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bread stuffed with endless duck for resident of US state (7)","output":"### Answer: NEVADAN \n ### Explanation: Bread stuffed with endless duck for resident of US state (7)\n**NAN** (\"bread\") *stuffed with* **EVAD**(e) (*endles*s \"duck\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Simple snack is near crackers (6)","output":"### Answer: SARNIE \n ### Explanation: Simple snack is near crackers (6)\n***(is near)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Framework in chamber debated furiously, gathering speed initially (8)","output":"### Answer: BEDSTEAD \n ### Explanation: Framework in chamber debated furiously, gathering speed initially (8)\n***(debated)** *gathering* **S**(peed)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: End letters, upright (8)","output":"### Answer: GOALPOST \n ### Explanation: End letters, upright (8)\n**GOAL** (\"end\") + **POST** (\"letters\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Difficult to get in door, builder starts fixing houses (4-7)","output":"### Answer: MIND-BENDING \n ### Explanation: Difficult to get in door, builder starts fixing houses (4-7)\n**IN** + **D**(oor) **B**(uilder) *housed* by **MENDING** (\"fixing\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Damn\u00a0freezing! (9)","output":"### Answer: PERISHING \n ### Explanation: Damn\u00a0freezing! (9)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Some athlete raced up mountain ridge (5)","output":"### Answer: ARETE \n ### Explanation: Some athlete raced up mountain ridge (5)\nHidden backards in \"athl**ETE RA**ced\", indicated by *some* and *up"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ruddy that is, flipping duck (5)","output":"### Answer: EIDER \n ### Explanation: Ruddy that is, flipping duck (5)\n**<=**(**RED** (\"ruddy\") + **I.E.** (\"that is\"))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lychgate borders on a field (3)","output":"### Answer: LEA \n ### Explanation: Lychgate borders on a field (3)\n**L**(ychgat)**E** *on* **A"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Commitment shown, one going on foot (5)","output":"### Answer: WELLY \n ### Explanation: Commitment shown, one going on foot (5)\nIf you \"give it welly\", you show full commitment."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Review of Othello beyond belief at first \u2013 somewhere to hide? (8)","output":"### Answer: BOLTHOLE \n ### Explanation: Review of Othello beyond belief at first \u2013 somewhere to hide? (8)\n***(othello)** *beyond* **B**(elief)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Something that serves to restrain bad or feral old dog (11)","output":"### Answer: LABRADOODLE \n ### Explanation: Something that serves to restrain bad or feral old dog (11)\n**LADLE** (\"something that serves\") *to restrain* (***(bad or)** + **O**(ld))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Totally\u00a0out (8)","output":"### Answer: BLOOMING \n ### Explanation: Totally\u00a0out (8)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Everton, say, almost goes \u2013 or remains in the cup? (3,6)","output":"### Answer: TEA LEAVES \n ### Explanation: Everton, say, almost goes \u2013 or remains in the cup? (3,6)\n**TEA**(m) (\"Everton, say\", *almost*) + **LEAVES** (\"goes\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Badly ruined trousers on, still creased (8)","output":"### Answer: UNIRONED \n ### Explanation: Badly ruined trousers on, still creased (8)\n***(ruined)** *trousers* **ON"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: County\u00a0cash (5)","output":"### Answer: BUCKS \n ### Explanation: County\u00a0cash (5)\nDouble definition."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Trunks featuring in elephant or similar (5)","output":"### Answer: TORSI \n ### Explanation: Trunks featuring in elephant or similar (5)\n*Featuring in* \"elephan**T OR SI**milar\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Place where planet's short on energy (5)","output":"### Answer: VENUE \n ### Explanation: Place where planet's short on energy (5)\n**VENU**(s) (planet\", short) + **E**(nergy)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Show\u00a0tune (3)","output":"### Answer: AIR \n ### Explanation: Show\u00a0tune (3)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Downcast beauty mislaid oriental flower (8)","output":"### Answer: BLUEBELL \n ### Explanation: Downcast beauty mislaid oriental flower (8)\n**BLUE** (\"downcast\") + **BELL**(e) (\"beauty\" with E(ast) (\"oriental\") *mislaid*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cosmetic for girl entertained by libertine (5)","output":"### Answer: ROUGE \n ### Explanation: Cosmetic for girl entertained by libertine (5)\n**G**(irl) *entertained by* **ROUE** (\"libertine\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Commit time to play a stroke (4)","output":"### Answer: PUTT \n ### Explanation: Commit time to play a stroke (4)\n**PUT** (\"commit\") + **T**(ime)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Shortages damage urban areas (10)","output":"### Answer: SCARCITIES \n ### Explanation: Shortages damage urban areas (10)\n**SCAR** (\"damage\") + **CITIES** (\"urban areas\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bishop's restless and vindictive (6)","output":"### Answer: BITCHY \n ### Explanation: Bishop's restless and vindictive (6)\n**B**(ishop) + **ITCHY** (\"restless\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Excited about hairstyle seen at the coast (8)","output":"### Answer: SEAFRONT \n ### Explanation: Excited about hairstyle seen at the coast (8)\n**SENT** (\"excited\") *about* **AFRO** (\"hairstyle\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Assembled at three for drama (7)","output":"### Answer: THEATRE \n ### Explanation: Assembled at three for drama (7)\n***(at three)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dream of silver in island excavation (7)","output":"### Answer: IMAGINE \n ### Explanation: Dream of silver in island excavation (7)\n**AG** (\"silver) *in* **I**(sland) + **MINE** (\"excavation\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Instruments curbing long-term depression (8)","output":"### Answer: DOLDRUMS \n ### Explanation: Instruments curbing long-term depression (8)\n**DRUMS** (\"instruments\") *curbing* **OLD** (\"long-term\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Opponents for Jones, Bishop of Bury (6)","output":"### Answer: ENTOMB \n ### Explanation: Opponents for Jones, Bishop of Bury (6)\n**EN** (\"opponents\" in bridge) + **TOM** (Jones) + **B**(ishop)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Corrupt grown-up English count (10)","output":"### Answer: ADULTERATE \n ### Explanation: Corrupt grown-up English count (10)\n**ADULT** (\"grown-up\") + **E**(nglish) + **RATE** (\"count\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A swimmer's assistant (4)","output":"### Answer: AIDE \n ### Explanation: A swimmer's assistant (4)\n**A** + **IDE** (a fish, so \"swimmer\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A warrant keeps Romeo on his toes (5)","output":"### Answer: ALERT \n ### Explanation: A warrant keeps Romeo on his toes (5)\n**A** + **LET** (\"warrant\") *keeps* **R**(omeo)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: European operation creates discharge (8)","output":"### Answer: EMISSION \n ### Explanation: European operation creates discharge (8)\n**E**(uropean) + **MISSION\u00a0**(\"operation\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Display angry look when tucking into seafood (8)","output":"### Answer: FLOURISH \n ### Explanation: Display angry look when tucking into seafood (8)\n**LOUR** (\"angry look\") *tucking into* **FISH** (\"seafood\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: An inclination to be dishonest (4)","output":"### Answer: BENT \n ### Explanation: An inclination to be dishonest (4)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fit? Yes! Possibly spirited (6)","output":"### Answer: FEISTY \n ### Explanation: Fit? Yes! Possibly spirited (6)\n***(fit yes)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Prefers to be in church to give absolution (7)","output":"### Answer: CLEANSE \n ### Explanation: Prefers to be in church to give absolution (7)\n**LEANS** (\"prefers\") *to be in* **C.E.** (\"church\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Herald supporting petition (8)","output":"### Answer: PROCLAIM \n ### Explanation: Herald supporting petition (8)\n**PRO** (\"supporting\") + **CLAIM** (\"petition\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Left crew protecting queen? Exactly! (5,5)","output":"### Answer: QUITE RIGHT \n ### Explanation: Left crew protecting queen? Exactly! (5,5)\n**QUIT** (\"left\") + **EIGHT** (\"crew\") *protecting* **R**(egina) (\"queen\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Man takes control at this point (6)","output":"### Answer: HEREIN \n ### Explanation: Man takes control at this point (6)\n**HE** (\"man\") *takes* **REIN** (\"control\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cleaner hid broken ornament (10)","output":"### Answer: CHANDELIER \n ### Explanation: Cleaner hid broken ornament (10)\n***(cleaner hid)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Obstruction to appear in road? You can bet on it! (8)","output":"### Answer: ROULETTE \n ### Explanation: Obstruction to appear in road? You can bet on it! (8)\n**LET** (\"obstruction\") *to appear in* **ROUTE** (\"road\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Trying to impress improperly? Pardon me! (4-4)","output":"### Answer: NAME-DROP \n ### Explanation: Trying to impress improperly? Pardon me! (4-4)\n***(pardon me)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cinders made trouble and is sorry (7)","output":"### Answer: ASHAMED \n ### Explanation: Cinders made trouble and is sorry (7)\n**ASH** (\"cinders\") + ***(made)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Nothing legitimate about duke's trial (6)","output":"### Answer: ORDEAL \n ### Explanation: Nothing legitimate about duke's trial (6)\n**O** (\"nothing\") + **REAL** (\"legitimate\") *about* **D**(uke)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Quote me in retrospect \u2014 it'll make you sick! (6)","output":"### Answer: EMETIC \n ### Explanation: Quote me in retrospect \u2014 it'll make you sick! (6)\n**<= (CITE (\"quote\") + ME)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Further inside the Royal Society (4)","output":"### Answer: ALSO \n ### Explanation: Further inside the Royal Society (4)\nHidden in (*inside*) \"Roy**AL SO**ciety\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Thick liquid drowning one in hotel lift (10)","output":"### Answer: DUMBWAITER \n ### Explanation: Thick liquid drowning one in hotel lift (10)\n**DUMB** (\"thick\") + **WATER** (\"liquid\") *drowning* **I** (\"one\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Vehicle used by mum takes dad to Paris \u2013 not the centre (4)","output":"### Answer: PRAM \n ### Explanation: Vehicle used by mum takes dad to Paris \u2013 not the centre (4)\n**PR**(i)**AM\u00a0**(\"Paris's dad\", *not the centre*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Injury brings member to hospital (4)","output":"### Answer: HARM \n ### Explanation: Injury brings member to hospital (4)\n**H**(ospital) + **ARM** (\"member\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Valued works deconstructing tree ritual (10)","output":"### Answer: LITERATURE \n ### Explanation: Valued works deconstructing tree ritual (10)\n***(tree ritual)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Including two old pennies in silver cases (6)","output":"### Answer: ADDING \n ### Explanation: Including two old pennies in silver cases (6)\n**DD** (\"two old pennies\") + **IN** *cased by* **AG** (\"silver\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Blasphemous worship involving anti-Mass? (8)","output":"### Answer: SATANISM \n ### Explanation: Blasphemous worship involving anti-Mass? (8)\n***(anti-Mass)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fugitive ahead perplexed hunter (2,3,3)","output":"### Answer: ON THE RUN \n ### Explanation: Fugitive ahead perplexed hunter (2,3,3)\n**ON** (\"ahead\") + ***(hunter)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cutter crossing lake seen in Turner (4)","output":"### Answer: AXLE \n ### Explanation: Cutter crossing lake seen in Turner (4)\n**AXE** (\"cutter') *crossing* **L**(ake)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Somehow obtain pounds kept in purse (4)","output":"### Answer: BLAG \n ### Explanation: Somehow obtain pounds kept in purse (4)\n**L** (\"pounds\") *kept in* **BAG** (\"purse\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Healthy-sounding vegetable chopped for tea (5,3)","output":"### Answer: ROSIE LEE \n ### Explanation: Healthy-sounding vegetable chopped for tea (5,3)\nHomophone of **ROSY** (\"healthy\" *sounding*) + **LEE**(k) (\"vegetable\", *chopped*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Marooned family runs round, about to collect scraps (8)","output":"### Answer: ROBINSON \n ### Explanation: Marooned family runs round, about to collect scraps (8)\n**R**(uns) + **O** (\"round\") + **ON** (\"about\") *to collect* **BINS** (\"scraps\"), so **R-O(BINS)ON ***Refers to *The Swiss Family Robinson*, a book by Johann David Wyss."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Female graduate rejected an American barman (6)","output":"### Answer: AMANDA \n ### Explanation: Female graduate rejected an American barman (6)\n**<=MA** (\"graduate\", *rejected*) + **AN **+** D**(istrict) **A**(ttorney) (\"American\" lawyer, so \"barman\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Valuable metal one keeps secure for blonde (10)","output":"### Answer: GOLDILOCKS \n ### Explanation: Valuable metal one keeps secure for blonde (10)\n**GOLD** (\"valuable metal\") + **I** (\"one\") + **LOCKS** (\"keeps secure\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Notice alpha male \u2013 that's first man (4)","output":"### Answer: ADAM \n ### Explanation: Notice alpha male \u2013 that's first man (4)\n**AD** (\"notice\") + **A**(lpha) + **M**(ale)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Supreme creator's party over at home (4)","output":"### Answer: ODIN \n ### Explanation: Supreme creator's party over at home (4)\n**<=OD** (\"party\", over) + **IN** (\"at home\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Where one is distressed in general (10)","output":"### Answer: EISENHOWER \n ### Explanation: Where one is distressed in general (10)\n***(where one is)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Climbing mount in African country \u2013 not South African (7)","output":"### Answer: UGANDAN \n ### Explanation: Climbing mount in African country \u2013 not South African (7)\n**<=NAG** (*climbing* \"mount\")* in* (s)**UDAN** (\"African country\", *not (S)outh*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fawn in tropical grass loves leaving island (5)","output":"### Answer: BAMBI \n ### Explanation: Fawn in tropical grass loves leaving island (5)\n**BAMB**(oo) (\"tropical grass\", with \"loves\" *leaving*) + **I**(sland)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Completely grisly setting for end of Poe story (8)","output":"### Answer: ALLEGORY \n ### Explanation: Completely grisly setting for end of Poe story (8)\n**ALL** (\"completely\") + (Po)**E** + **GORY** (\"grisly\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Grating sounds ruin Attic drama (5,10)","output":"### Answer: TITUS ANDRONICUS \n ### Explanation: Grating sounds ruin Attic drama (5,10)\n***(sounds ruin attic)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Find hint about slowing in music (6)","output":"### Answer: RARITY \n ### Explanation: Find hint about slowing in music (6)\n**RAY** (\"hint\", meaning slight indication, as in \"a ray of hope\") *about* **RIT**(artando) (\"slowing\" in musical notation)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ruler from east, in main Bible parts, depicted in crown (9)","output":"### Answer: POTENTATE \n ### Explanation: Ruler from east, in main Bible parts, depicted in crown (9)\n**E**(ast) *in* **OT** and **NT** (\"main Bible parts\") *depicted in* **PATE** (\"crown\"), so **P(OT(E)NT)ATE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mister Solo shot after a little hesitation (7)","output":"### Answer: AEROSOL \n ### Explanation: Mister Solo shot after a little hesitation (7)\n***(solo)** *after ***A ER** (\"little hesitation\") \nFor \"mister\", think \"that which creates a mist\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Obscure milieu for a Greek tormented by nightmares (9)","output":"### Answer: HAGRIDDEN \n ### Explanation: Obscure milieu for a Greek tormented by nightmares (9)\n**HIDDEN** \"(obscure\") *milieu for* **A GR**(eek)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Killer shows when to commit offence with donkey (8)","output":"### Answer: ASSASSIN \n ### Explanation: Killer shows when to commit offence with donkey (8)\n**AS** (\"when\") + **SIN** (\"to commit offence\") *with* **ASS** (\"donkey\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Say Mr Bloom takes poodle out by lake (7)","output":"### Answer: LEOPOLD \n ### Explanation: Say Mr Bloom takes poodle out by lake (7)\n***(poodle)** **by** **L**(ake) \n*Leopold Bloom is the protagonist in James Joyce's *Ulysses."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Close match leading to drama (7)","output":"### Answer: ENDGAME \n ### Explanation: Close match leading to drama (7)\n**END** (\"close\") + **GAME** (\"match\") \nEndgame* is a play by Samuel Beckett."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Princess is no spring chicken \u2013 last in line (6)","output":"### Answer: ISOLDE \n ### Explanation: Princess is no spring chicken \u2013 last in line (6)\n**IS OLD** (\"no spring chicken\") + (lin)**E ***Isolde was a princess in Arthurian legend."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Couple that's last to abandon fashionable mission (5)","output":"### Answer: ALAMO \n ### Explanation: Couple that's last to abandon fashionable mission (5)\n**A LA MO**(de) (\"fashionable\" with *last couple abandoned*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Entirely independent new group getting platinum from Africa (2,4)","output":"### Answer: IN TOTO \n ### Explanation: Entirely independent new group getting platinum from Africa (2,4)\n**I**(ndependent) + **N**(ew) + **TOTO** (\"group getting platinum from Africa\") \n*Released in 1982, *Africa* was a platinum-selling single by American band, Toto."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sport embraced by all across Europe (8)","output":"### Answer: LACROSSE \n ### Explanation: Sport embraced by all across Europe (8)\nHidden in \"al**L ACROSS E**urope\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Composer moving contents out of Brondesbury Road (4)","output":"### Answer: BYRD \n ### Explanation: Composer moving contents out of Brondesbury Road (4)\n**B**(rondesbur)**Y R**(oa)**D ***Refers to William Byrd, an English composer and organist who died in 1623.**"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Aristo breaking bread with old Madame Cholet after cycling? (10)","output":"### Answer: NOBLEWOMAN \n ### Explanation: Aristo breaking bread with old Madame Cholet after cycling? (10)\n**NAN** (\"bread\") *broken by* **O**(ld) **BLEWOM** (\"Madame Cholet\" ie a WOMBLE, *cycling*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Julius is in Delaware a bit (4)","output":"### Answer: DIME \n ### Explanation: Julius is in Delaware a bit (4)\n**I'M** (\"Julius is\") *in* **De**(laware) \n*I was going to cry foul on this, as a bit is 12 1\/2 cents, and a dime is 10 cents, but \"bit\" can alos mean \"small coin\", as in \"threepenny bit\", so the clue is OK."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: It's a stick-up job (4,6)","output":"### Answer: BILL POSTER \n ### Explanation: It's a stick-up job (4,6)\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Independence movement taking afternoon break (4)","output":"### Answer: SNAP \n ### Explanation: Independence movement taking afternoon break (4)\n**SNP** (Scottish National Party, so \"independence movement\") *taking* **A**(fternoon)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Royal beard treatment carried out by daughter, 19? (5)","output":"### Answer: SINGE \n ### Explanation: Royal beard treatment carried out by daughter, 19? (5)\n*Francis DRAKE ((D(aughter) + RAKE (the solution to 19ac)) \"singed the beard of the King of Spain\" when he attacked the Spanish fleet in the bay of Cadiz in 1587."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lothario found in belly of Nordic sea-monster (4)","output":"### Answer: RAKE \n ### Explanation: Lothario found in belly of Nordic sea-monster (4)\n(k)**RAKE**(n) (\"Nordic sea-monster\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rich American pursuing Miranda's father (10)","output":"### Answer: PROSPEROUS \n ### Explanation: Rich American pursuing Miranda's father (10)\n**U.S.** (\"American\") *pursuing* **PROSPERO** (\"Miranda's father\" in Shakespeare's *The Tempest*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wasting a billion in two instalments, ruin Dutch football side (4)","output":"### Answer: AJAX \n ### Explanation: Wasting a billion in two instalments, ruin Dutch football side (4)\n(b)**A**(n)**JAX\u00a0**(\"ruin\" with BN (\"billion\")* wasted* \u2013 the \"two instalments\" instructs us to remove the B and the N separately)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Patience? I manage recovery, initially being in non-responsive state (5,5)","output":"### Answer: COMIC OPERA \n ### Explanation: Patience? I manage recovery, initially being in non-responsive state (5,5)\n**I COPE** (\"manage recovery\") + **R**(ecovery) *in* **COMA** (\"non-responsive state\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Get her away from 8's falsetto (4)","output":"### Answer: ALTO \n ### Explanation: Get her away from 8's falsetto (4)\n**ALTO**(gether) (ie in toto (see 8 across) with \"get her\" **away**)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Victoria (the Queen) & Albert (husband) gallery (8)","output":"### Answer: VERANDAH \n ### Explanation: Victoria (the Queen) & Albert (husband) gallery (8)\n**V**(ictoria) +** ER** (\"the Queen\") **AND A**(lbert) +** H**(usband) \n*V & A are normally seen together as an abbreviation for the Victoria and Albert museum."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pop a question that's a bit unclear (6)","output":"### Answer: OPAQUE \n ### Explanation: Pop a question that's a bit unclear (6)\nHidden in \"p**OP A QUE**stion\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Final year note about work by Keats (8)","output":"### Answer: ENDYMION \n ### Explanation: Final year note about work by Keats (8)\n**END** (\"final\") +** Y**(ear) + **MI** (\"note\") + **ON** (\"about\") \nEndymion* is a long poem by Keats, first published in 1818."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pray to God Herod pulls round (4,4,2)","output":"### Answer: LORD HELP US \n ### Explanation: Pray to God Herod pulls round (4,4,2)\n***(herod pulls)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Waving baton is cue for leader of orchestra (5,5)","output":"### Answer: COUNT BASIE \n ### Explanation: Waving baton is cue for leader of orchestra (5,5)\n***(baton is cue)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Smooth, slippery rock enclosing lake (4)","output":"### Answer: GLIB \n ### Explanation: Smooth, slippery rock enclosing lake (4)\n**GIB**(raltar) (\"rock\") *enclosing*** L**(ake)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old coins stripped from holy city in Israel (4)","output":"### Answer: ACRE \n ### Explanation: Old coins stripped from holy city in Israel (4)\n(s)**ACRE**(d) (\"holy\" with S & D (\"old coins\")* stripped*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dickens \"ordinary\"? Idiot! (4)","output":"### Answer: BOZO \n ### Explanation: Dickens \"ordinary\"? Idiot! (4)\n**BOZ** (pen-name of Charles \"Dickens\") + **O**(rdinary)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Get away from it all on England's southern headland (6)","output":"### Answer: ESCAPE \n ### Explanation: Get away from it all on England's southern headland (6)\n**E**(ngland) + **S**(outhern) + **CAPE** (\"southern headland\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fast or, at first, slowly? (5)","output":"### Answer: LENTO \n ### Explanation: Fast or, at first, slowly? (5)\n**LENT** (\"fast\") + **O**(r)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Like Lord Copper to continue to obstruct the legal profession (5,5)","output":"### Answer: PRESS BARON \n ### Explanation: Like Lord Copper to continue to obstruct the legal profession (5,5)\n**PRESS ON** (\"continue\") *to obstruct* **BAR** (\"the legal profession\") \n*Lord Copper was the owner of *The Daily Beast* in Evelyn Waugh's *Scoop*."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Knight making a dash, clutching precious grail (3,7)","output":"### Answer: SIR GALAHAD \n ### Explanation: Knight making a dash, clutching precious grail (3,7)\n***(a dash)** *clutching* ***(grail)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Running amok, Ruth Gordon bought it here (8)","output":"### Answer: KHARTOUM \n ### Explanation: Running amok, Ruth Gordon bought it here (8)\n***(amok ruth) ***Major-General Charles Gordon was killed in Khartoum in 1885.**"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: He gets up for work, often burdened by shingles (6)","output":"### Answer: ROOFER \n ### Explanation: He gets up for work, often burdened by shingles (6)\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Goodness regularly seen in Miss Mary? (1,3)","output":"### Answer: I SAY \n ### Explanation: Goodness regularly seen in Miss Mary? (1,3)\n(m)**I**(s)**S**(m)**A**(r)**Y"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Probabilities of party upset gutted Democrats (4)","output":"### Answer: ODDS \n ### Explanation: Probabilities of party upset gutted Democrats (4)\n**<=DO** (\"party\", upset) + **D**(emocrat)**S"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: City head office office office? (4)","output":"### Answer: ECHO \n ### Explanation: City head office office office? (4)\n**EC** (the \"city\" of London) + **H**(ead)** O**(ffice)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cocktail, strong, host mixed (8)","output":"### Answer: BULLSHOT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Cocktail\n**BULL** (\"strong\") + ***(host)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Limestone and carbon found on mountain pasture (4)","output":"### Answer: CALP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Limestone\n**C**(arbon) *found* *on* **ALP** (\"mountain pasture\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Book of anthems: intone with harp (transposed) (10)","output":"### Answer: ANTIPHONER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Book of anthems\n***(intone harp)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Steepish turns? Partly \u2013 this helps with road-holding (4)","output":"### Answer: SIPE \n ### Explanation: Definition: this helps with road-holding\nHidden backwards in \"ste**EPIS**h\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Love following e.g. Queen around \u2013 star group (5)","output":"### Answer: DRACO \n ### Explanation: Definition: star group\n**O** (\"love\") *following* **<=CARD** (\"e.g. Queen\", *around*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: School briefly taking leave in grass (7)","output":"### Answer: SQUITCH \n ### Explanation: Definition: grass\n**SCH**(ool) *taking* **QUIT** (\"leave\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Family of birds use art weaving round nest as of old (9)","output":"### Answer: STURNIDAE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Family of birds\n***(use art)** *round* **NID** (\"nest\" *of old*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Vehicle with breadth reduced for engine part (4)","output":"### Answer: CARB \n ### Explanation: Definition: engine part\n**CAR** (\"vehicle) *with* **B**(readth, *reduced*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Large venues made of stone with return of opera (6)","output":"### Answer: STADIA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Large venues\n**ST**(one) + **<=AIDA** (*return of* \"opera\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Muck streamed without limits at road's edges (6)","output":"### Answer: ORDURE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Muck\n(p)**OURE**(d) (\"streamed\" *without limits*) *at* **RD** (\"road\")'*s edges*."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cyril's partner often succeeded, making contact? (4)","output":"### Answer: LENS \n ### Explanation: Definition: contact\n**LEN** (\"Cyril's partner often\") + **S**(ucceeded) \n*Cyril Washbrook was oftening the opening batting partner of Len Hutton, one of England's greatest batsmen."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hunting dog mauled sick badger, second dispatched (9)","output":"### Answer: RIDGEBACK \n ### Explanation: Definition: Hunting dog\n***(ick badger)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: River with 'pain' applied about it (7)","output":"### Answer: ACHERON \n ### Explanation: Definition: River with 'pain' applied about it\n**R**(iver) *with* **ACHE** (\"pain\") + **ON** (\"applied\") and &lit. \n*Acheron or \"river of woe\" was one of the five rivers of the Greek underworld."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old-fashioned approach, one attracting attention (5)","output":"### Answer: ANEAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Old-fashioned approach\n**AN** (\"one\") *attracting* **EAR** (\"attention\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Measure of precious metals \u2013 plenty showing return (4)","output":"### Answer: TOLA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Measure of precious metals\n**<= A LOT\u00a0**(\"plenty\", *showing return*) \n*A tola was a measure of bullion in India and South Asia."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Zonked by electronic music entirely gripping wild dancer (10)","output":"### Answer: TRANCED-OUT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Zonked by electronic music\n**TOUT** (\"entirely\") *gripping* ***(dancer)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Scots down: no score, and English accordingly making comeback (4)","output":"### Answer: OOSE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Scots down\n**O** (\"no score\") + **<=** (**E**(nglish) + **SO**(\"accordingly\"), *making comeback*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: She keeps the books, reckless when going wrong (8)","output":"### Answer: CLERKESS \n ### Explanation: Definition: She keeps the books\n***(reckless)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Two-master, British\/American ship (4)","output":"### Answer: BUSS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Two-master\n**B**(ritish) + **USS** (\"American ship\" as in USS Indianapolis)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Found everywhere (10)","output":"### Answer: UBIQUARIAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Found everywhere\nAzed wants you to clue this one."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Speak in service once? Was hesitant doing so (9)","output":"### Answer: STUTTERED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Was hesitant doing so\n**UTTER** (\"speak\") *in* **STED** (\"service\", *once*, an archaic version of \"stead\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A glitch, this, one's lot in life (6)","output":"### Answer: HICCUP \n ### Explanation: Definition: A glitch\n**HIC** (\"this\") + **CUP** (\"one's lot in life\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fish \u2013 a shop serves more than one, battered (4)","output":"### Answer: OPAH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fish\n***(a shop)** would give us OPAHS (\"more than one\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Warm crumbs on one's face (7)","output":"### Answer: CORDIAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Warm\n**COR** (\"crumbs\") *on* **DIAL** (\"one's face\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Uptight, as identified by first half of session on couch? (4)","output":"### Answer: ANAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Uptight\n*First half of* **ANA**L(ysis) (\"session on couch\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Enzyme causing decay in legumes (8)","output":"### Answer: PROTEASE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Enzyme\n**ROT** (\"enzyme\") *in* **PEASE** (\"legumes\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pulp cleanser made from thin coral (9)","output":"### Answer: ANTICHLOR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Pulp cleanser\n***(thin coral)** \n*According to the BRB, an antichlor is a substance used in paper-making to free the pulp from the last traces of free chlorine.**\n "} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Production of Tosca includes beginning once rendered dissonant (8)","output":"### Answer: SCORDATO \n ### Explanation: Definition: dissonant\n***(tosca)** *includes* **O**(nce) **R**(endered) **D**(issonant) \n*\"Dissonant\" seems to be doing double duty here unless Azed intends this to be & lit. My knowledge of classical music doesn't extend far enough to know whether the beginning of Tosca is considered to be disssonant."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Evil spirit began flying around \u2013 loathe being trapped by it (7)","output":"### Answer: BUGGANE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Evil spirit\n***(began)** with **UG** (\"loathe\") *being trapped by it*."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fellow over a barrel? That's what the world sees (6)","output":"### Answer: FACADE \n ### Explanation: Definition: That's what the world sees\n**F**(ellow) *over* **A CADE** (\"barrel\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Week's routine put on paper (5)","output":"### Answer: WROTE \n ### Explanation: Definition: put on paper\n**W**(eek) + **ROTE** (\"routine\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: China etc with time assuming dominance in the Orient (4)","output":"### Answer: TEAS \n ### Explanation: Definition: China etc\n**EAST** (\"Orient\") with T *assuming dominance* (i.e. rising to the top)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Kiss in meadow coming up \u2013 and spectacular leap (4)","output":"### Answer: AXEL \n ### Explanation: Definition: spectacular leap \n**X** (\"kiss\") *in* **<=LEA** (\"meadow\", *coming up*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Head twice (at least) catches a person absent after noon (4)","output":"### Answer: NABS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Head twice (at least)\n**ABS** (\"a person absent\") *after* **N**(oon)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Both parents collect a new hat (6)","output":"### Answer: PANAMA \n ### Explanation: Definition: hat\n**PA** + **MA** (\"both parents\") *collect* **A N**(ew)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tackling Alp, hasn't a walking stick (8)","output":"### Answer: ASHPLANT \n ### Explanation: Definition: a walking stick\n***(alp hasnt)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Violinist's private room (5)","output":"### Answer: BOWER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Violinist\nDouble definition, with the first being slightly cryptic."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Chief relaxes car safety features (9)","output":"### Answer: HEADRESTS \n ### Explanation: Definition: car safety features\n**HEAD** (\"chief\") + **RESTS** (\"relaxes\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Police team having wildly exciting time? (4,5)","output":"### Answer: RIOT SQUAD \n ### Explanation: Definition: Police team having wildly exciting time?\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A fine cut of meat (5)","output":"### Answer: MINCE \n ### Explanation: Definition: A fine cut of meat\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: On board ship, head for the drink (4,3,5)","output":"### Answer: WALK THE PLANK \n ### Explanation: Definition: On board ship, head for the drink\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The opposite of what AA stands for? (7,5)","output":"### Answer: ALCOHOL ABUSE \n ### Explanation: Definition: The opposite of what AA stands for? \nAA would normally stand for Alcoholics Anonymous, but I don't think the opposite of this is Alcohol Abuse. I can see hwat the setter is doing, though, so as it's a Monday, I'd let it slide."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Firmly establishes\u00a0ancestry (5)","output":"### Answer: ROOTS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Firmly establishes\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Biscuit gives diet variety (9)","output":"### Answer: DIGESTIVE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Biscuit\n***(gives diet)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Be elated to have one's stroll broadcast? (4,2,3)","output":"### Answer: WALK ON AIR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Be elated\n**WALK** (\"to stroll\") + **ON AIR** (\"broadcast\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Perhaps bee managed to cross river (5)","output":"### Answer: DRONE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Perhaps bee\n**DONE** (\"managed\") *to cross* **R**(iver)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Charge through the gate (5,3)","output":"### Answer: ENTRY FEE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Charge through the gate\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Go away and get busy (4,2)","output":"### Answer: BEAT IT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Go away\n**BE AT IT** (\"get busy\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Local tour that goes swimmingly? (3,5)","output":"### Answer: PUB CRAWL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Local tour that goes swimmingly?\nCryptic definition. For pub, think \"local\", and for swimmingly, think \"crawl\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Americans are from a different planet (3,5)","output":"### Answer: NEW WORLD \n ### Explanation: Definition: Americans are from\n**NEW** (\"different\") + **WORLD** (\"planet\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hearing revolutionary, takes notice (5)","output":"### Answer: MARKS \n ### Explanation: Definition: takes notic\nHomophone of **MARX** (\"revolutionary\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Random glances around from muck spreader (13)","output":"### Answer: SCANDALMONGER \n ### Explanation: Definition: muck spreader\n***(random glances)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Burning desire (9)","output":"### Answer: PYROMANIA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Burning desire\nBarely cryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sailor given errand is away (6)","output":"### Answer: ABSENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: is away\n**AB** (\"sailor\") + **SENT** (\"given errand\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Examiner is in wrong street (6)","output":"### Answer: TESTER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Examiner\n***(street)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Famous person's family title (9,4)","output":"### Answer: HOUSEHOLD NAME \n ### Explanation: Definition: Famous person\n**HOUSEHOLD** (\"family\") + **NAME** (\"title\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Incredible account of the giraffe? (4,5)","output":"### Answer: TALL STORY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Incredible account\nA giraffe is tall\u2026"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Start making dress from pattern and stop (3,2,3)","output":"### Answer: CUT IT OUT \n ### Explanation: Definition: stop\nUsing a template, a dressmaker may cut out fabric to make a dress."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Strong, virile types submitted to surgeon (8)","output":"### Answer: VEHEMENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Strong\n**HE-MEN** (\"virile types\") *submitted to* **VET** (\"surgeon\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Read casually, gets worse in translation (6)","output":"### Answer: BROWSE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Read casually\n*(worse) but don't know where the B of BROWSE comes from \nClue could have read \"read book, getting worse in translation\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Drinking vessel allowed to touch mouth (6)","output":"### Answer: GOBLET \n ### Explanation: Definition: Drinking vessel\n**LET** (\"allowed\") *to touch* **GOB** (\"mouth\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Walk furtively in square with nothing to do (5)","output":"### Answer: SIDLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Walk furtively\n**S**(quare) + **IDLE** (\"with nothing to do\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Out of date medicine that is valued 50% off (8)","output":"### Answer: MEDIEVAL \n ### Explanation: Out of date medicine that is valued 50% off (8)\n**MED**(icine) + **I.E.** (\"that is\") + **VAL**(ued)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The woman's embracing old English men of bravery (6)","output":"### Answer: HEROES \n ### Explanation: The woman's embracing old English men of bravery (6)\n**HER'S** (\"the woman's\") *embracing* **O**(ld) **E**(nglish)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Work? Love to go for a holiday (8)","output":"### Answer: VACATION \n ### Explanation: Work? Love to go for a holiday (8)\n**V**(o>**A**)**CATION\u00a0**(\"work\" with O *going for*\u00a0A)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Had a leak during steamship races (6)","output":"### Answer: SPEEDS \n ### Explanation: Had a leak during steamship races (6)\n**PEED** (\"had a leak\") *during* **SS** (\"steamship\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dread removing top to reveal boob (5)","output":"### Answer: ERROR \n ### Explanation: Dread removing top to reveal boob (5)\n(t)**ERROR** (\"dread\", *removing top*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hopeless repositioning tree with spade (9)","output":"### Answer: DESPERATE \n ### Explanation: Hopeless repositioning tree with spade (9)\n***(tree spade)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dull sanctimonious talk boring sexually active man (6)","output":"### Answer: STUPID \n ### Explanation: Dull sanctimonious talk boring sexually active man (6)\n**PI** (\"sanctimonius talk\") *boring* **STUD** (\"sexually active man\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Talk about athletic contest with son (7)","output":"### Answer: DISCUSS \n ### Explanation: Talk about athletic contest with son (7)\n**DISCUS** (\"athletic contest\") *with*\u00a0**S**(on)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Strip? Kinky nurses do, almost (7)","output":"### Answer: UNDRESS \n ### Explanation: Strip? Kinky nurses do, almost (7)\n***(nurses d)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lower chewing cud in grass endlessly (6)","output":"### Answer: REDUCE \n ### Explanation: Lower chewing cud in grass endlessly (6)\n***(cud)** in **REE**(d) (\"grass\", *endlessly*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Commuting fat cats in capital (9)","output":"### Answer: FANTASTIC \n ### Explanation: Commuting fat cats in capital (9)\n***(fat cats in)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Scoundrel, oddly withdrawn, is yet to swear (5)","output":"### Answer: CURSE \n ### Explanation: Scoundrel, oddly withdrawn, is yet to swear (5)\n**CUR** (\"scoundrel\") + (i)**S**(y)**E**(t) (*odd *letters* withdrawn*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Keep volunteers in check (6)","output":"### Answer: RETAIN \n ### Explanation: Keep volunteers in check (6)\n**TA** (Territorial Army, so \"volunteers\")* in* **REIN** (\"check\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Reasonable price to follow fashion (8)","output":"### Answer: MODERATE \n ### Explanation: Reasonable price to follow fashion (8)\n**RATE** (\"price\") *to follow* **MODE** (\"fashion\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Editor taken aback by action plan (6)","output":"### Answer: DESIGN \n ### Explanation: Editor taken aback by action plan (6)\n**<=ED**(itor) *by* **SIGN** (\"action\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Coming and going in\u00a0transport (8)","output":"### Answer: ENTRANCE \n ### Explanation: Coming and going in\u00a0transport (8)\nTriple definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Flicks mane initially over jockeys (6)","output":"### Answer: MOVIES \n ### Explanation: Flicks mane initially over jockeys (6)\n**M**(ane) **O**(ver) **VIES** (\"jockeys\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Coat and red pants \u2013 Edward's dressed (9)","output":"### Answer: DECORATED \n ### Explanation: Coat and red pants \u2013 Edward's dressed (9)\n***(coat red)** + **ED**(ward)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Go in two parts of a hospital (5)","output":"### Answer: ENTER \n ### Explanation: Go in two parts of a hospital (5)\n**ENT** (Ear Nose & Throat) + **ER** (Emergency Room)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stayed away from a very old fish on bottom of pond (7)","output":"### Answer: AVOIDED \n ### Explanation: Stayed away from a very old fish on bottom of pond (7)\n**A V**(ery) **O**(ld) **IDE** (\"fish\") *on* (pon)**D"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Harassed after former lover spoke (9)","output":"### Answer: EXPRESSED \n ### Explanation: Harassed after former lover spoke (9)\n**PRESSED** (\"harassed\") *after* **EX** (\"former lover\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Time after work for musical drama (5)","output":"### Answer: OPERA \n ### Explanation: Time after work for musical drama (5)\n**ERA** (\"time\") *after* **OP** (\"work\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: South American writers echo doubt (8)","output":"### Answer: SUSPENSE \n ### Explanation: South American writers echo doubt (8)\n**S**(outh) + **US** (\"American\") + **PENS** (\"writers\") + **E**(cho)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tickled? Am leaving, mistreated (4)","output":"### Answer: USED \n ### Explanation: Tickled? Am leaving, mistreated (4)\n(am)**USED** (\"tickled\" with AM *leaving*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dressing and cooking before shaving? (9)","output":"### Answer: PREPARING \n ### Explanation: Dressing and cooking before shaving? (9)\nDouble definition, and PRE (\"before\") PARING (\"shaving\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dodgy announcer tainted, to an extent (9)","output":"### Answer: UNCERTAIN \n ### Explanation: Dodgy announcer tainted, to an extent (9)\nHidden in \"anno**UNCER TAIN**ted\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Foul feud ref's put up with (8)","output":"### Answer: SUFFERED \n ### Explanation: Foul feud ref's put up with (8)\n***(feud refs)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Plot upsetting in Hamlet? I suppose (4)","output":"### Answer: SITE \n ### Explanation: Plot upsetting in Hamlet? I suppose (4)\nHidden backwards (indicated by *upsetting in*) in \"HamlE**T I S**uppose\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Miles away from wild Moroccan animal (7)","output":"### Answer: RACCOON \n ### Explanation: Miles away from wild Moroccan animal (7)\n*******(oroccan)\u00a0**(\"Moroccan\" with M(iles) *away*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Very bad cut on horse's rear (6)","output":"### Answer: SEVERE \n ### Explanation: Very bad cut on horse's rear (6)\n**SEVER** (\"cut\") *on* (hors)**E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Observes lack of publication for teachers? (5)","output":"### Answer: NOTES \n ### Explanation: Observes lack of publication for teachers? (5)\n**NO** (\"lack of\") +** T**(imes) E(ducational) **S**(upplement) (\"publication for teachers\", now more commonly known as simply TES)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cordelia's opening her father's net (5)","output":"### Answer: CLEAR \n ### Explanation: Cordelia's opening her father's net (5)\n**C**(ordelia) + **LEAR** (\"her father\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Nurse enters passage that's short (9)","output":"### Answer: TRANSIENT \n ### Explanation: Nurse enters passage that's short (9)\n**EN** (enrolled \"nurse\") *enters* **TRANSIT** (\"passage\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wally goes through gym on the way out (5)","output":"### Answer: PASSE \n ### Explanation: Wally goes through gym on the way out (5)\n**ASS** (\"wally\") *goes through* **P.E.** (\"gym\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Strike that man in church (5)","output":"### Answer: CHIME \n ### Explanation: Strike that man in church (5)\n**HIM** (\"that man\") *in* **C.E.** (\"church\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Penny has licence to provide bromide (9)","output":"### Answer: PLATITUDE \n ### Explanation: Penny has licence to provide bromide (9)\n**P**(enny) *has* **LATITUDE** (\"licence\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: It's risky to brush with vigour (5-3-2)","output":"### Answer: TOUCH-AND-GO \n ### Explanation: It's risky to brush with vigour (5-3-2)\n**TOUCH** (\"brush\") + **AND** (\"with\") + **GO** (\"vigour\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Colours\u00a0fade (4)","output":"### Answer: FLAG \n ### Explanation: Colours\u00a0fade (4)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Thrash counter-revolutionary? (7)","output":"### Answer: TROUNCE \n ### Explanation: Thrash counter-revolutionary? (7)\n***(counter)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Post shabby clothes in Israel (7)","output":"### Answer: STATION \n ### Explanation: Post shabby clothes in Israel (7)\n**TAT** (\"shabby clothes\") *in* **SION** (\"Israel\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pupil is rather pliant (7)","output":"### Answer: LISSOME \n ### Explanation: Pupil is rather pliant (7)\n**L**(earner, so \"pupil\") + **IS** + **SOME** (\"rather\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Painter is special to be embraced by comrade (7)","output":"### Answer: MATISSE \n ### Explanation: Painter is special to be embraced by comrade (7)\n**IS** + **S**(pecial) *to be embraced by* **MATE** (\"comrade\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Betray European judge (4)","output":"### Answer: RATE \n ### Explanation: Betray European judge (4)\n**RAT** (\"betray\") + **E**(uropean)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Chief ought to tumble before anything else (5,2,3)","output":"### Answer: FIRST OF ALL \n ### Explanation: Chief ought to tumble before anything else (5,2,3)\nThink there's an error here as there is no indication of the O. \nI can see **FIRST** (\"chief\") and **FAL**L (\"tumble\").\n \nThe clue would work if it read \"Conifers to tumble before anything else\" (FIRS TO FALL)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tory leader's fury fades after misfortunes (9)","output":"### Answer: TRAGEDIES \n ### Explanation: Tory leader's fury fades after misfortunes (9)\n**T**(ory) + **RAGE** (\"fury\") with **DIES** (\"fades\") *after"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Regrets adopting liberal laws (5)","output":"### Answer: RULES \n ### Explanation: Regrets adopting liberal laws (5)\n**RUES** (\"regrets\") *adopting* **L**(iberal)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Traded in wood tar, initially (5)","output":"### Answer: DEALT \n ### Explanation: Traded in wood tar, initially (5)\n**DEAL** (\"wood\") + **T**(ar)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cockney in ecstasy since getting offer (4,5)","output":"### Answer: EAST ENDER \n ### Explanation: Cockney in ecstasy since getting offer (4,5)\n**E**(cstasy) + **AS** (\"since\") *getting* **TENDER** (\"offer\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Diplomacy surrounding Indian leader is understood (5)","output":"### Answer: TACIT \n ### Explanation: Diplomacy surrounding Indian leader is understood (5)\n**TACIT** (\"diplomacy\") *surrounding* **I**(ndian)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Claudius prepared to eat duck and tart (9)","output":"### Answer: ACIDULOUS \n ### Explanation: Claudius prepared to eat duck and tart (9)\n***(claudius)** *to ea*t **O** (\"duck\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Engineer's relative keeps fowl (10)","output":"### Answer: STEPHENSON \n ### Explanation: Engineer's relative keeps fowl (10)\n**STEPSON** (\"relative\") *keeps* **HEN** (\"fowl\") \n*Could relate to George Stephenson or his son Robert, famous for the Rocket steam locomotive."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cost of swans in the river (7)","output":"### Answer: EXPENSE \n ### Explanation: Cost of swans in the river (7)\n**PENS** (female \"swans\") *in* (the river) **EXE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Disarming agent hurries to embrace Georgia (4,3)","output":"### Answer: TEAR GAS \n ### Explanation: Disarming agent hurries to embrace Georgia (4,3)\n**TEARS** (\"hurries\") *to embrace* **Ga**. (\"Georgia)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Parking subsidy is spent (4)","output":"### Answer: PAID \n ### Explanation: Parking subsidy is spent (4)\n**P**(arking) +** AID** (\"subsidy\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Row makes society slaughter (5)","output":"### Answer: SCULL \n ### Explanation: Row makes society slaughter (5)\n**S**(ociety) + **CULL** (\"slaughter\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Development of endless crisis with Spain (9)","output":"### Answer: EMERGENCE \n ### Explanation: Development of endless crisis with Spain (9)\n**EMERGENC**(y) (*endless* \"crisis\") *with* **E** (\"Spain)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ensure boat is ordered for resort (10)","output":"### Answer: EASTBOURNE \n ### Explanation: Ensure boat is ordered for resort (10)\n***(ensure boat)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lead otter about? That'll be endured! (9)","output":"### Answer: TOLERATED \n ### Explanation: Lead otter about? That'll be endured! (9)\n***(lead otter)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: This month every edition is set up (9)","output":"### Answer: INSTALLED \n ### Explanation: This month every edition is set up (9)\n**INST.** (\"this month) + **ALL** (\"every\") + **E**D(ition)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Earl to risk concealing condition of building (7)","output":"### Answer: EDIFICE \n ### Explanation: Earl to risk concealing condition of building (7)\n**E**(arl) + **DICE** (\"risk\") *concealing* **IF** (\"condition\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Badly treats girls wrapping uniform (7)","output":"### Answer: MISUSES \n ### Explanation: Badly treats girls wrapping uniform (7)\n**MISSES** (\"girls\") *wrapping* **U**(niform)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Portia rarely bears headgear (5)","output":"### Answer: TIARA \n ### Explanation: Portia rarely bears headgear (5)\nHidden in \"por**TIA RA**rely\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: No-hoper with dreadful roles (5)","output":"### Answer: LOSER \n ### Explanation: No-hoper with dreadful roles (5)\n***(loser)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ridicule first person in French street (4)","output":"### Answer: JEST \n ### Explanation: Ridicule first person in French street (4)\n**JE** (\"first person\" in French) + **ST**(reet)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Precious metal seen in swamp is an illusion (6)","output":"### Answer: MIRAGE \n ### Explanation: Precious metal seen in swamp is an illusion (6)\n**Ag** (silver, so \"precious metal\") *seen in* **MIRE** (\"swamp\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cheer lab that constructs whitening mechanism (8)","output":"### Answer: BLEACHER \n ### Explanation: Cheer lab that constructs whitening mechanism (8)\n*(cheer lab)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Paying close attention to golden eagle? (6)","output":"### Answer: RAPTOR \n ### Explanation: Paying close attention to golden eagle? (6)\n**RAPT** (\"paying close attention\") *to* **OR** (\"golden\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Undermined MP's excuse for not voting (8)","output":"### Answer: IMPAIRED \n ### Explanation: Undermined MP's excuse for not voting (8)\n**I'M PAIRED** (\"MP's excuse for not voting\") \n*\"Pairing\"\u00a0is the system by which two opposition MPs agree not to vote, so that they can both be absent from the house."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: As disused stations are covered by railway work (8)","output":"### Answer: INDUSTRY \n ### Explanation: As disused stations are covered by railway work (8)\n**IN DUST** (\"as disused stations are covered\") *by* **RY** (\"railway\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Head cold interrupting crazy rocker's comeback (6)","output":"### Answer: CORYZA \n ### Explanation: Head cold interrupting crazy rocker's comeback (6)\nHidden backwards in \"cr**AZY ROC**ker\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hit friends back (4)","output":"### Answer: SLAP \n ### Explanation: Hit friends back (4)\n**<=PALS** (\"friends\", *back*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Antibiotic fix covering nurse in charge getting sick (10)","output":"### Answer: PENICILLIN \n ### Explanation: Antibiotic fix covering nurse in charge getting sick (10)\n**PIN** (\"fix\") *covering* **E**(nrolled) **N**(urse)** I**(n) **C**(harge) + **ILL**, so **P(EN-IC-ILL)IN"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Choral rite oddly not expecting responses (10)","output":"### Answer: RHETORICAL \n ### Explanation: Choral rite oddly not expecting responses (10)\n***(choral rite)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Woman from Clackmannan (4)","output":"### Answer: ANNA \n ### Explanation: Woman from Clackmannan (4)\nHidden in (*from*) \"clackm**ANNA**n\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mad mother who has her child adopted? (6)","output":"### Answer: CUCKOO \n ### Explanation: Mad mother who has her child adopted? (6)\n*Cuckoos lay their eggs in the nest of other birds, so their \"children are adopted\" by other birds."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A way mother fills up anorexic fielder (5,3)","output":"### Answer: THIRD MAN \n ### Explanation: A way mother fills up anorexic fielder (5,3)\n**RD** (road, so \"way\") + **MA** (\"mother\") *fills up* **THIN** (\"anorexic\") \n*Third man is a fielding position in cricket."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Beats Turkey with lightweights (8)","output":"### Answer: TROUNCES \n ### Explanation: Beats Turkey with lightweights (8)\n**TR** (international car registration for \"Turkey\") + **OUNCES** (\"lightweights\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Capital WW2 weapon Anne brought back (6)","output":"### Answer: VIENNA \n ### Explanation: Capital WW2 weapon Anne brought back (6)\n**V1** (\"WW2 weapon\") +**<=ANNE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hollywood film with fish on inland beach (8)","output":"### Answer: LAKESIDE \n ### Explanation: Hollywood film with fish on inland beach (8)\n**L.A.** (\"Hollywood\") + **KES** (\"film\") *with* **IDE** (\"fish\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Writes on behalf of good MCs (6)","output":"### Answer: GHOSTS \n ### Explanation: Writes on behalf of good MCs (6)\n**G**(ood) + **HOSTS** (\"MCs\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Flyers for service inspiring rector (7)","output":"### Answer: MARTINS \n ### Explanation: Flyers for service inspiring rector (7)\n**MATINS** (\"service\") *inspiring* **R**(ector)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Push back about dessert one had (9)","output":"### Answer: REPUDIATE \n ### Explanation: Push back about dessert one had (9)\n**RE** (\"about\") + **PUD** (\"dessert\") + **I ATE** (\"I had\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Greek flower game (6)","output":"### Answer: GROUSE \n ### Explanation: Greek flower game (6)\n**Gr**(eek) + **OUSE** (river, so\u00a0\"flower\" ie that which flows)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unpleasant secretion wipes out second tree (4)","output":"### Answer: LIME \n ### Explanation: Unpleasant secretion wipes out second tree (4)\n(s)**LIME** (\"unpleasant secretion\" with **S**(econd) *wiped out*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Showing body structure of a new type of bomb (8)","output":"### Answer: ANATOMIC \n ### Explanation: Showing body structure of a new type of bomb (8)\n**A** + **N**(ew) + **ATOMIC** (\"type of bomb\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pester bishop to visit literary festival (5)","output":"### Answer: HARRY \n ### Explanation: Pester bishop to visit literary festival (5)\n**RR** (right reverend, so \"bishop\") *to visit* **HAY** (on-Wye)(\"literary festival\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Again pulled prison guard up north (7)","output":"### Answer: REDRAWN \n ### Explanation: Again pulled prison guard up north (7)\n**<=WARDER** (\"prison guard\", *up*) + **N**(orth)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: As classical art ruined Nice (7)","output":"### Answer: ARSENIC \n ### Explanation: As classical art ruined Nice (7)\n**ARS** (Latin for \"art\", so *classical* art) + ***(nice) ***As is the chemical symobol for arsenic."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Electronics company has increased turnover after changing half its leaders (7)","output":"### Answer: HITACHI \n ### Explanation: Electronics company has increased turnover after changing half its leaders (7)\nFirst letters (*leaders*) of **H**(as) **I**(ncreased) **T**(urnover) **A**(fter) **C**(hanging) **H**(alf) **I**(ts)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Weapons indicating elms (9)","output":"### Answer: LANDMINES \n ### Explanation: Weapons indicating elms (9)\n**L AND M IN ES ***Clever clue \u2013 if you put \"L and M in ES\", you get E(LM)S"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fragrances pass over genders, oddly (8)","output":"### Answer: COLOGNES \n ### Explanation: Fragrances pass over genders, oddly (8)\n**COL** (\"pass\") + **O**(ver) + **G**(e)**N**(d)**E**(r)**S\u00a0**(*odd* letters only)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Park country's unfinished concert (7)","output":"### Answer: RECITAL \n ### Explanation: Park country's unfinished concert (7)\n**REC** (\"park\") + **ITAL**(y) (\"country\", *unfinished*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: You break records for chrysanthemums? (7)","output":"### Answer: ANNUALS \n ### Explanation: You break records for chrysanthemums? (7)\n**U** (textspeak for \"you\") *breaking* **ANNALS** (\"records\") \nThis one is a little clumsy grammatically, as U is break**ING** ANNALS."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Artist comes in with an apparition (6)","output":"### Answer: WRAITH \n ### Explanation: Artist comes in with an apparition (6)\n**RA** (\"artist\") *comes in* **WITH"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Time for male to cross line (5)","output":"### Answer: CLOCK \n ### Explanation: Time for male to cross line (5)\n**COCK** (\"male\") *to cross* **L**(ine)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Grass woodlanders up (4)","output":"### Answer: REED \n ### Explanation: Grass woodlanders up (4)\n**<=DEER** (\"woodlanders\", *up*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bubble that irritates second-rate movie star? (7)","output":"### Answer: BLISTER \n ### Explanation: Bubble that irritates second-rate movie star? (7)\n**B-LISTER** (\"second-rate movie star\" as opposed to an A- lister)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Deal with vexed solicitor on the phone (4,3)","output":"### Answer: SORT OUT \n ### Explanation: Deal with vexed solicitor on the phone (4,3)\nHomophone of SORE TOUT (\"vexed solicitor\") indicated by *on the phone*. \n*Not a homophone for me, as, probably as I'm Scottish, I would pronounce sort and sore with different vowel sounds, but I've ground that axe often enough before\u2026"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Suspicious sailor retraced Cuban's steps (5)","output":"### Answer: RUMBA \n ### Explanation: Suspicious sailor retraced Cuban's steps (5)\n**RUM** (\"suspicious\") + **<=AB** (\"sailor\", *retraced*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Man from our sphere transformed? (9)","output":"### Answer: SUPERHERO \n ### Explanation: Man from our sphere transformed? (9)\n***(our sphere)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Children paired for walking races feigned distress (9,5)","output":"### Answer: CROCODILE TEARS \n ### Explanation: Children paired for walking races feigned distress (9,5)\n**CROCODILE** (\"children paired for walking\") + **TEARS** (\"races\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: 7 academics and students cross (4)","output":"### Answer: UNIX \n ### Explanation: 7 academics and students cross (4)\n**UNI**(versity) (\"academics and students\") + **X** (\"cross\") \n*Unix is a computer operatingsystem (see 7dn)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cruelty always preceding sex, in skivvy's case (8)","output":"### Answer: SEVERITY \n ### Explanation: Cruelty always preceding sex, in skivvy's case (8)\n**EVER** (\"always\") *preceding* **IT** (\"sex\") *in* **S**(kivv)**Y"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Useful headgear, they say, for a horse race (8)","output":"### Answer: HANDICAP \n ### Explanation: Useful headgear, they say, for a horse race (8)\nHomophone of **HANDY CAP**, (\"useful headgear\") indicated by *they say*."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Prophet taking his son back is looking older (4)","output":"### Answer: AGES \n ### Explanation: Prophet taking his son back is looking older (4)\n**SAGE** (\"prophet\") with S(on) *taken to the back*."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: When nothing went right \u2014 nothing! \u2014 he'd often say so, angrily (3,2,5,4)","output":"### Answer: ONE OF THOSE DAYS \n ### Explanation: When nothing went right \u2014 nothing! \u2014 he'd often say so, angrily (3,2,5,4)\n**O** (\"nothing\") + ***(hed often say so)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: String of cars transported Democrat round Ohio, principally (9)","output":"### Answer: MOTORCADE \n ### Explanation: String of cars transported Democrat round Ohio, principally (9)\n***(democrat)** *round* **O**(hio)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Considering the odds, trust your coach (5)","output":"### Answer: TUTOR \n ### Explanation: Considering the odds, trust your coach (5)\nOdd letters of **T**(r)**U**(s)**T**(y)**O**(u)**R"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Clouds over rescue vessel impeding retreats (7)","output":"### Answer: DARKENS \n ### Explanation: Clouds over rescue vessel impeding retreats (7)\n**ARK** (\"rescue vehicle\") *impeding* **DENS** (\"retreats\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Virgin placed in lower recessed tomb, historically (7)","output":"### Answer: PYRAMID \n ### Explanation: Virgin placed in lower recessed tomb, historically (7)\n**<=MARY** in **<=DIP** (\"virgin\" placed in \"lower\", *recessed*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Flyer's attempt to cross river (4)","output":"### Answer: BIRD \n ### Explanation: Flyer's attempt to cross river (4)\n**BID** (\"attempt\") *to cross* **R**(iver)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Going under gangster's arm, it'll raise the temperature (9,6)","output":"### Answer: IMMERSION HEATER \n ### Explanation: Going under gangster's arm, it'll raise the temperature (9,6)\n**IMMERSION** (\"going under\") + **HEATER** (\"gangster's arm\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Shock as pioneering PM ditches Queen (6)","output":"### Answer: THATCH \n ### Explanation: Shock as pioneering PM ditches Queen (6)\n**THATCH**(er) (\"PM\") *ditching* ER (\"queen\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Those left without uniform to hang out (6)","output":"### Answer: RESIDE \n ### Explanation: Those left without uniform to hang out (6)\n**RESID**(u)**E** (\"those left\",\u00a0*without* U(niform))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Trader moving comparatively freely round island (8)","output":"### Answer: SUPPLIER \n ### Explanation: Trader moving comparatively freely round island (8)\n**SUPPLER** (\"moving comparatively freely\") *round* **I**(sland)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Artist, prig at heart, secures collector's items (8)","output":"### Answer: RARITIES \n ### Explanation: Artist, prig at heart, secures collector's items (8)\n**RA** (\"artist\") + (p)**RI**(g) +** TIES** (\"secures\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Android perhaps showing how things are done in theatre? (9,6)","output":"### Answer: OPERATING SYSTEM \n ### Explanation: Android perhaps showing how things are done in theatre? (9,6)\n*An *OPERATING SYSTEM* may be used in an operating theatre."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Red sky is beginning to turn with brisk pace to the north (10)","output":"### Answer: TROTSKYIST \n ### Explanation: Red sky is beginning to turn with brisk pace to the north (10)\n**SKY IS** + **T**(urn) *with* **TROT** (\"brisk pace\") *to the north"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Space needed in Slough after Mothers' Union expanded (10)","output":"### Answer: MUSHROOMED \n ### Explanation: Space needed in Slough after Mothers' Union expanded (10)\n**ROOM** (\"space\") *needed in* **SHED** (\"slough\") *after* **M**(others') **U**(nion)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One particular service a strain for Anglicans (3,5)","output":"### Answer: AIR FORCE \n ### Explanation: One particular service a strain for Anglicans (3,5)\n**AIR** (\"strain\", as in song) + **FOR** + **C.E.** (Church of England, so \"Anglicans\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What travels within France's country tracks? (8)","output":"### Answer: PATHWAYS \n ### Explanation: What travels within France's country tracks? (8)\n***(what)** *within* **PAYS** (French for \"country\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Like to strip off when retiring or having a snooze (6)","output":"### Answer: ASLEEP \n ### Explanation: Like to strip off when retiring or having a snooze (6)\n**AS** (\"like\") + **<=PEEL** (\"strip off\", *when retiring*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Journalist re-stocked it, ordering pens (6)","output":"### Answer: EDITOR \n ### Explanation: Journalist re-stocked it, ordering pens (6)\nHidden in \"restock**ED IT OR**dering\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Good clear network (4)","output":"### Answer: GRID \n ### Explanation: Good clear network (4)\n**G**(ood) + **RID** (\"clear\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Analyst flustered beginning to engage this sporty chap (15)","output":"### Answer: PSYCHOTHERAPIST \n ### Explanation: Analyst flustered beginning to engage this sporty chap (15)\n***(e this sporty chap)**, where e is the *beginning* of (e)ngage"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Excellent beer sent round in Crown & Sceptre? (7)","output":"### Answer: REGALIA \n ### Explanation: Excellent beer sent round in Crown & Sceptre? (7)\n**<=A1 LAGER** (\"excellent beer\", *sent round*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Maybe swelling number of reserve forwards (3,4)","output":"### Answer: ICE PACK \n ### Explanation: Maybe swelling number of reserve forwards (3,4)\n**ICE** (\"reserve\", as in \"put on ice\") + **PACK** (\"forwards\" in rugby) \n*Number here is \"that which numbs\" such as an ice pack."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Husband gets mum's sister in trouble (5)","output":"### Answer: HAUNT \n ### Explanation: Husband gets mum's sister in trouble (5)\n**H**(usband) + **AUNT** (\" mum's sister\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Enliven by topping with one pizza ingredient (9)","output":"### Answer: PEPPERONI \n ### Explanation: Enliven by topping with one pizza ingredient (9)\n**PEP** (\"enliven\") + **PER** (\"by\") + **ON** (\"topping\") + **I** (\"one\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: In Natal he represented Hawthorne for example (9)","output":"### Answer: NATHANIEL \n ### Explanation: In Natal he represented Hawthorne for example (9)\n***(in natal he)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One departure after another for Spaniard (5)","output":"### Answer: DIEGO \n ### Explanation: One departure after another for Spaniard (5)\n**DIE** + **GO** (\"one departure after another\") \n*Not sure if this works as *die* and *go* are both verbs, and *departure* is a noun (perhaps \"One to depart after another Spaniard\" may have been better, if a little clumsier?)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Something incomprehensible from Tsipras say (5)","output":"### Answer: GREEK \n ### Explanation: Something incomprehensible from Tsipras say (5)\n*Alexis Tripsas is the Prime Minister of Greece"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fool succeeded with heartless gibe about single aide (9)","output":"### Answer: ASSISTANT \n ### Explanation: Fool succeeded with heartless gibe about single aide (9)\n**ASS** (\"fool\") + **S**(ucceeded) *with* **TA**(u)**NT** (hearltess \"gibe\") *about* **I** (\"single\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Infamous old port guarded by other people? (9)","output":"### Answer: NOTORIOUS \n ### Explanation: Infamous old port guarded by other people? (9)\n**O**(ld) **RIO** (\"port\") *guarded by* **NOT US** (\"other people\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mysterious European Republic wanting revolution (5)","output":"### Answer: EERIE \n ### Explanation: Mysterious European Republic wanting revolution (5)\n**E**(uropean) + **<=EIRE** (\"republic\", *wanting revolution*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lilac no good planted in troubled country (7)","output":"### Answer: SYRINGA \n ### Explanation: Lilac no good planted in troubled country (7)\n**N**(o) **G**(ood) *planted in* **SYRIA** (\"troubled country\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: King Henry having an artist over in boozer (7)","output":"### Answer: PHARAOH \n ### Explanation: King Henry having an artist over in boozer (7)\n**H**(enry) *having* **A RA** (\"artist\") + **O**(ver) *in* **P**(ublic) **H**(ouse) (\"boozer\"), so **P(H-A RA-O)H"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lower form runs new school (9,6)","output":"### Answer: SECONDARY MODERN \n ### Explanation: Lower form runs new school (9,6)\n**SECONDARY** (\"lower\") + **MODE** (\"form\") + **R**(uns) + **N**(ew)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Reproduction Stonehenge assembled in capital (15)","output":"### Answer: PARTHENOGENESIS \n ### Explanation: Reproduction Stonehenge assembled in capital (15)\n***(stonehenge)*** in* **PARIS** (\"capital\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Food unusually tough and extremely rubbery (7)","output":"### Answer: YOGHURT \n ### Explanation: Food unusually tough and extremely rubbery (7)\n***(tough ry)**, where ry is the *extremes* of r(ubber)y"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Military vehicle brings force in to stop pain (4-5)","output":"### Answer: HALF-TRACK \n ### Explanation: Military vehicle brings force in to stop pain (4-5)\n**F**(orce) *in* **HALT** (\"to stop\") + **RACK** (\"pain\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Incline encountered after time in hike (5)","output":"### Answer: TRAMP \n ### Explanation: Incline encountered after time in hike (5)\n**RAMP** (\"incline\") *after* **T**(ime)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Such surveys necessarily on the way out? (4,5)","output":"### Answer: EXIT POLLS \n ### Explanation: Such surveys necessarily on the way out? (4,5)\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sign that character must be removed by alpha female (5)","output":"### Answer: ADELE \n ### Explanation: Sign that character must be removed by alpha female (5)\n**DELE** (\"sign that character must be removed\", in proofreading) *by* **A**(lpha)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: His name is love (7)","output":"### Answer: ISADORE \n ### Explanation: His name is love (7)\n**IS** + **ADORE** (\"love\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Face up to defeat when punch gets through? (4,2,2,3,4)","output":"### Answer: TAKE IT ON THE CHIN \n ### Explanation: Face up to defeat when punch gets through? (4,2,2,3,4)\n*A punch getting through a boxer's guard would possibly hit him on the chin."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Very soon scoundrel gets a girlfriend (9)","output":"### Answer: INAMORATA \n ### Explanation: Very soon scoundrel gets a girlfriend (9)\n**IN A MO** (\"very soon\") + **RAT** (\"scoundrel\") *gets* **A"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bandit's gone round holding sellers up (9)","output":"### Answer: DESPERADO \n ### Explanation: Bandit's gone round holding sellers up (9)\n**DEAD** (\"gone\") + **O\u00a0**(\"round\") *holding* **<=REPS** (\"sellers\", *up*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Record first signs of indigestion creaking in guts (7)","output":"### Answer: ENTERIC \n ### Explanation: Record first signs of indigestion creaking in guts (7)\n**ENTER** (\"record\") + **I**(ndigestion) **C**(reaking)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Big plot last from Zola on prison guards (7)","output":"### Answer: ACREAGE \n ### Explanation: Big plot last from Zola on prison guards (7)\n(zol)**A** + **RE** (\"on\") *guarded b*y **CAGE** (\"prison\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lordless swordsman right ahead skinned mink (5)","output":"### Answer: RONIN \n ### Explanation: Lordless swordsman right ahead skinned mink (5)\n**R**(ight) + **ON** (\"ahead\") + (m)**IN**(k) \n*In feudal Japan, a *ronin* was a samurai with no ties to a master or lord."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wet work agent accepts (5)","output":"### Answer: SOPPY \n ### Explanation: Wet work agent accepts (5)\n**SPY** (\"agent\") *accepts* **OP** (\"work\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Convey fury with Spain to ancient capital (8)","output":"### Answer: CARTHAGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: ancient capital\n**CART** (\"convey\") + **HAG** (\"fury\") + **E** (international vehicle code for \"Spain\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Man gets the Castilian into place of worship (6)","output":"### Answer: CHAPEL \n ### Explanation: Definition: place of worship\n**CHAP** (\"man\") *gets* **EL** (\"the\" in Spanish)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Last part of contingent departed in frenzy for region of North America (8)","output":"### Answer: MANITOBA \n ### Explanation: Definition: region of North America\n*[last part of] (*contingent)**T **\u00a0+ **OB.** (died, i.e. \"departed) *in* **MANIA** (\"frenzy\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: French person in British school (6)","output":"### Answer: BRETON \n ### Explanation: Definition: French person\n**BR.\u00a0**(British) +** ETON** (\"school\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tory leader spots scum (5)","output":"### Answer: TRASH \n ### Explanation: Definition: scum\n**T**(ory) [*leader]*\u00a0+ **RASH** (\"spots\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Initially, the painter depicts bride's clothing (9)","output":"### Answer: TROUSSEAU \n ### Explanation: Definition: bride's clothing\n*[initially]\u00a0***T**(he)\u00a0+ (Henri or Theodore) **ROUSSEAU** (\"painter\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: List transport in faction that facilitates revolution (5,7)","output":"### Answer: WHEEL BEARING \n ### Explanation: Definition: that facilitates revolution\n**HEEL** (\"list\") + **BEAR** (\"transport\") *in* **WING** (\"faction\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Always having yen to appease, entertaining Oscar occasionally (5,2,5)","output":"### Answer: EVERY SO OFTEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: occasionally\n**EVER** (\"always\") *having* **Y\u00a0**(yen) + **SOFTEN** (\"to appease\") *entertaining* **O\u00a0**(Oscar in the phonetic alphabet)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Villain gives poor Don ulcers (9)","output":"### Answer: SCOUNDREL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Villain \n***(don ulcers)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rumour about second-class furniture (5)","output":"### Answer: TABLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: furniture\n**TALE** (\"rumour\") *about* **B** (\"second-class\", as in B-list)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Think about an issue (6)","output":"### Answer: REASON \n ### Explanation: Definition: Think\n**RE** (\"about\") + **A SON** (\"an issue\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bear swims in channel for fish (3,5)","output":"### Answer: SEA BREAM \n ### Explanation: Definition: fish\n***(bear)** *in* **SEAM** (\"channel\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stylish, clean and young (6)","output":"### Answer: DRESSY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Stylish\n**DRESS** (\"clean\") + **Y\u00a0**(young)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wally stores prime, oxygen-resistant material (8)","output":"### Answer: ASBESTOS \n ### Explanation: Definition: resistant material\n**ASS** (\"wally\") *stores* **BEST** (\"prime\") + **O\u00a0**(oxygen)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Senior officer came across special space travellers (6)","output":"### Answer: COMETS \n ### Explanation: Definition: space travellers\n**C.O.** (\"senior officer\") + **MET** (\"came across\") + **S\u00a0**(special)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Conservationists separate material for hire (6)","output":"### Answer: RENTAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: hire\n**NT\u00a0**(short for National Trust, so \"conservationists\") *separate* **REAL** (\"material\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Retire to buffet the YHA organised (3,3,3)","output":"### Answer: HIT THE HAY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Retire\n**HIT** (\"buffet\") + ***(the yha)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Follow the directors or come to grief (2,2,3,5)","output":"### Answer: GO BY THE BOARD \n ### Explanation: Definition: come to grief\n**GO BY** (\"follow\") + **THE BOARD** (\"directors\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hothead has weaponry that causes injury (5)","output":"### Answer: HARMS \n ### Explanation: Definition: causes injury\n**H**(ot) *[head]*\u00a0*has* **ARMS** (\"weaponry\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The way name's brought up is contemptible (8)","output":"### Answer: PATHETIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: contemptible\n**PATH** (\"way\") + **<=CITE** (\"name\", *brought up*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Speech of film director getting fashionable over time (8)","output":"### Answer: LANGUAGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Speech\n(Fritz) **LANG** (\"film director\") *getting* **U** (\"fashionable\") *over* **AGE** (\"time\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lose funds but shift suspicion (12)","output":"### Answer: DOUBTFULNESS \n ### Explanation: Definition: suspicion\n***(lose funds but)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Confirm item of furniture can be turned aside (9)","output":"### Answer: AVERTABLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: can be turned aside\n**AVER** (\"confirm) + **TABLE** (\"item of furniture\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Firm invested in drink? That's deliberate! (8)","output":"### Answer: MEASURED \n ### Explanation: Definition: deliberate\n**SURE** (\"firm\") *invested in* **MEAD** (\"drink\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fail to get back in time, becoming sad (8)","output":"### Answer: DESOLATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: sad\n**<=LOSE** (\"fail\", *to get back*) *in* **DATE** (\"time\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Take exception to article (6)","output":"### Answer: OBJECT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Take exception\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Another messenger reveals himself (6)","output":"### Answer: HERMES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Another messenger reveals himself \nHidden in \"anot**HER MES**senger\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Retreats agreed in numbers (5)","output":"### Answer: NOOKS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Retreats\n**OK** (\"agreed\") *in* **NOS.** (\"numbers\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Flexible accessory releasing workers on time (6)","output":"### Answer: SUPPLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Flexible\n**SUPPLE** (ment) (\"accessory\" *releasing* MEN (\"workers\") and T (time))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A distress call brings in top firefighter (8)","output":"### Answer: ASBESTOS \n ### Explanation: Definition: firefighter\n**A S.O.S.** (\"distress call\")* brings in* **BEST** (\"top\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Top director sacking four (7)","output":"### Answer: EXECUTE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Top\n**EXECUT**(iv)**E\u00a0**(\"director\", *sacking* IV (\"four\"))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Religious group's Oedipus complex (4,3)","output":"### Answer: OPUS DEI \n ### Explanation: Definition: Religious group\n***(oedipus)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bouncer beginning to make space (4)","output":"### Answer: ROOM \n ### Explanation: Definition: space\n(kanga)**ROO** (\"bouncer\") +\u00a0*[beginning to]\u00a0***M**(ake)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Like ball gowns and some balls (4-6)","output":"### Answer: FULL-LENGTH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Like ball gowns and some balls\n*Long ball gowns and balls in cricket which pitch near the batsman can both be described as full-length."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Horrible bear caught (6)","output":"### Answer: GRISLY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Horrible\nHomophone\u00a0*[caught]* of **GRIZZLY** (\"bear\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Big bird left one clutching nut? On the contrary (7)","output":"### Answer: PELICAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Big bird\n**PECAN** (\"nut\") *clutching* **L** (left) + **I** (\"one\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Faint, swallowing green drink (4,3)","output":"### Answer: PALE ALE \n ### Explanation: Definition: drink\n**PALE** (\"faint\") *swallowng* **LEA** (\"green\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Frank's auxiliaries also in police (6)","output":"### Answer: CANDID \n ### Explanation: Definition: Frank\n**AND** (\"also\") *in* **CID** (Criminal Investigation Department, so \"police\") \n*Not sure why \"auxiliaries\" is in the clue?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Method when grilling star on air with discretion (3,7)","output":"### Answer: EYE CONTACT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Method when grilling\nHomophone *[on air]*\u00a0of **ICON** (\"star\") *with* **TACT** (\"discretion\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Herb avoids middle one of four bars at Lord's (4)","output":"### Answer: BAIL \n ### Explanation: Definition: one of four bars at Lord's\nBA(s)IL (\"herb\", with *middle* letter *avoided*). \n*For those not au fait with cricket, the bail is the small piece of fashioned wood that sits on top of the wicket, two on each, thus \"one of four bars at Lord's (cricket ground)\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Black and white bust commands college entrance (7)","output":"### Answer: BEWITCH \n ### Explanation: Definition: entrance\n**B** (black) + ***(white)** *commands* **C** (college)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Very old soldier owns new company in Paris (7)","output":"### Answer: ANCIENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Very old\n**ANT** (\"soldier\") *owns* **N** (new) + **Cie.** (French equivalent of Co. (company), short for *companie*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Travel round Spain with this writer to test some maths (8)","output":"### Answer: GEOMETRY \n ### Explanation: Definition: some maths\n**GO** (\"travel\") *round* **E** (international vehicle registration for \"Spain\")\u00a0*with* **ME** (\"this writer\") + **TRY** (\"to test\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Guard who's maybe boxed first of several competitors (6)","output":"### Answer: SENTRY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Guard who's maybe boxed\n*[first of]\u00a0***S**(everal) + **ENTRY** (\"competitors\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lowest fare always for poet in coach (8)","output":"### Answer: STEERAGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Lowest fare\n**E'ER** (\"always for poet\") *in* **STAGE** (\"coach\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Groom roped in mate to be best man? (11)","output":"### Answer: PREDOMINATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: to be best man\n***(roped in mate)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Large rotund regulars ignored forte (4)","output":"### Answer: LOUD \n ### Explanation: Definition: forte\n**L** (large) + (r)**O**(t)**U**(n)**D**\u00a0*[regulars ignored]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Smallholder traps superior bear (8)","output":"### Answer: SHOULDER \n ### Explanation: Definition: bear\n**S** (small) + **HOLDER** *traps* **U** (\"superior\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Catholic English copper with minion casing clubs (10)","output":"### Answer: ECUMENICAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Catholic\n**E** (English) + **Cu** (chemical symbol for \"copper\") *with* **MENIAL** (\"minion\") *casing* **C** (clubs)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dry Irish politician hosts European (3)","output":"### Answer: TED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Dry\n**T.D.** (Irish politician, equivalent of our M.P) *hosts* **E** (European)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hot work here with German in cast (6)","output":"### Answer: SMITHY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Hot work here\n**MIT** (\"with\" in *German*)* in* **SHY** (\"cast\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Primate breaks rule governing Mass (5)","output":"### Answer: LEMUR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Primate\n***(rule)** *covering* **M** (mass)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Golf partner played round with relative (11)","output":"### Answer: GRANDPARENT \n ### Explanation: Golf partner played round with relative (11)\n**G** (golf, in the phonetic alphabet) + ***(partner)** *round* **AND** (\"with\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bobby's fly (10)","output":"### Answer: BLUEBOTTLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Bobby\nDouble definition; *policemen are sometimes (or at least used to be) referred to as bluebottles due to their dark blue uniforms."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Christian who makes flights (8)","output":"### Answer: FLETCHER \n ### Explanation: Definition: who makes flights\n*Refers to Fletcher Christian, who famously took control of HMS Bounty from Lieutenant Bligh in 1789. A fletcher is also someone who makes arrows (hence *\"who makes flights\"*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: I go over to visit Los Angeles for hero-worshipping (8)","output":"### Answer: IDOLATRY \n ### Explanation: Definition: hero-worshipping\n**I** + **TRY** (\"go\") *over* **DO L.A.** (\"to visit Los Angeles\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Leaves container label covering each barrel (3,3)","output":"### Answer: TEA BAG \n ### Explanation: Definition: Leaves container\n**TAG** (\"label\") *covering* **EA.** (each) + **B** (barrel)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Main canoe wrecked (5)","output":"### Answer: OCEAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Main\n***(canoe)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Gouda cheese suppresses thirst (4)","output":"### Answer: ACHE \n ### Explanation: Definition: thirst\nHidden in (*suppressed* by) \"goud**A CHE**ese\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Attempt to win with rings (3)","output":"### Answer: WOO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Attempt to win with rings\n**W** (with) + **OO** (\"rings\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unwisely rile porter with photo showing Basil Fawlty, say (5,10)","output":"### Answer: HOTEL PROPRIETOR \n ### Explanation: Unwisely rile porter with photo showing Basil Fawlty, say (5,10)\n***(rile porter photo)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: American after fortune for plant (5)","output":"### Answer: LOTUS \n ### Explanation: American after fortune for plant (5)\n**U.S.** (\"American\") *after* **LOT** (\"fortune\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sporting contest put on outside chalet in resort (9)","output":"### Answer: DECATHLON \n ### Explanation: Sporting contest put on outside chalet in resort (9)\n**DON** (put on) *outside* ***(chalet)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Billy Bunter perhaps in train, getting by eating nothing? (9)","output":"### Answer: SCHOOLBOY \n ### Explanation: Billy Bunter perhaps in train, getting by eating nothing? (9)\n**SCHOOL** (\"train\") *getting* **BY** *eating* **O** (\"nothing\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Piano note \u2013 it reverberated round courtyard (5)","output":"### Answer: PATIO \n ### Explanation: Piano note \u2013 it reverberated round courtyard (5)\n**P** (piano) + **A** (\"note\") + **<=IT** *[reverberated]* + **O** (\"round\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: How does one get the washing dry and relax? (3,2,3,4,3)","output":"### Answer: LET IT ALL HANG OUT \n ### Explanation: How does one get the washing dry and relax? (3,2,3,4,3)\n*You would indeed get the washing dry, assuming the weather was congenial, if you let it all hang out(side)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pair in quite a battle (5)","output":"### Answer: YPRES \n ### Explanation: Pair in quite a battle (5)\n**Pr** (pair) *in* **YES** (\"quite\") \n*Ypres, in Belgium, was the site of several battles during World War One."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unwell, a guy is uncomfortable (3,2,4)","output":"### Answer: ILL AT EASE \n ### Explanation: Unwell, a guy is uncomfortable (3,2,4)\n**ILL** (\"unwell\") + **A** + **TEASE** (\"guy\") \n*Hadn't come across \"guy\" equal to \"tease\" before, but Chambers includes \"joke\" or \"lark\" as archaic meanings of \"guy\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lads set off to bring in gold struck (9)","output":"### Answer: ASSAULTED \n ### Explanation: Lads set off to bring in gold struck (9)\n***(lads set)** *to bring in* **Au** (\"gold\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cap dismissed \u2013 Benaud's last over (5)","output":"### Answer: OUTDO \n ### Explanation: Cap dismissed \u2013 Benaud's last over (5)\n**OUT** (\"dismissed\" in cricket) + (Benau)**D** *[last]* + **O** (over)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ministers, in private, sign (4,11)","output":"### Answer: HOME SECRETARIES \n ### Explanation: Ministers, in private, sign (4,11)\n**HOME** (\"in\") + **SECRET** (\"private\") + **ARIES** (astrological \"sign\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Something easily done in Peter Pan, for example (6,4)","output":"### Answer: CHILD\u2019S PLAY \n ### Explanation: Something easily done in Peter Pan, for example (6,4)\nPeter Pan* was indeed a play for children *(\"child's play\")*, written by J.M. Barrie, who hailed from the same town as I grew up in \u2013 Kirriemuir."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Close to tears, very small person with a sharp pain in the side (6)","output":"### Answer: STITCH \n ### Explanation: Close to tears, very small person with a sharp pain in the side (6)\n*[close to]* (tear)**S** + **TITCH** (\"very small person\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Last song about a Gorbachev initiative (8)","output":"### Answer: GLASNOST \n ### Explanation: Last song about a Gorbachev initiative (8)\n***(last song) ** \nGlasnost* means *\"openness and transparency\"* and was a policy adopted by Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbechev in the late 1980s."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Poke pochard's head with a slender stick (4)","output":"### Answer: PROD \n ### Explanation: Poke pochard's head with a slender stick (4)\n**P**(ochard) [head] *with* **ROD** (\"a slender stick\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Carol happy to change? That's questionable (10)","output":"### Answer: APOCRYPHAL \n ### Explanation: Carol happy to change? That's questionable (10)\n***(carol happy)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Famous spinner in tent (3,3)","output":"### Answer: BIG TOP \n ### Explanation: Famous spinner in tent (3,3)\n**BIG** (\"famous\") + **TOP** (\"spinner\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Knife fight about it upset league's leader (8)","output":"### Answer: STILETTO \n ### Explanation: Knife fight about it upset league's leader (8)\n**SET TO** (\"fight\") *about* **<=IT** *[upset] +* **L**(eague)* [leader]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Smooth things out in golf club (4)","output":"### Answer: IRON \n ### Explanation: Smooth things out in golf club (4)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A scientific study \u2013 basic still, unfortunately (10)","output":"### Answer: BALLISTICS \n ### Explanation: A scientific study \u2013 basic still, unfortunately (10)\n***(basic still)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Where there may be slates free (2,3,5)","output":"### Answer: ON THE HOUSE \n ### Explanation: Where there may be slates free (2,3,5)\n*Technically, slates would be on the roof, but I can see what the setter is getting at."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Boring book about anger on top of softbacks (8)","output":"### Answer: TIRESOME \n ### Explanation: Boring book about anger on top of softbacks (8)\n**TOME** (\"book\") *about* **IRE** (\"anger') *on* *[top of]* **S**(oftbacks)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Out? A Liberal admitting nothing speculative (8)","output":"### Answer: NOTIONAL \n ### Explanation: Out? A Liberal admitting nothing speculative (8)\n**NOT IN** (\"out\") + **A L** (liberal) *admitting* **O** (\"nothing\"), so **NOT I(O)N AL"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Put down\u00a0soft drink (6)","output":"### Answer: SQUASH \n ### Explanation: Put down\u00a0soft drink (6)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sim, maybe, as overlooked star (6)","output":"### Answer: ALTAIR \n ### Explanation: Sim, maybe, as overlooked star (6)\n**AL**(as)**TAIR** (\"Sim, perhaps\") with AS *overlooked Alastair Sim was a Scottish comic actor who played, among other roles, Scrooge in 1951 and the headmistress of St Trinians in a series of movies."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One going round hospital in pain (4)","output":"### Answer: ACHE \n ### Explanation: One going round hospital in pain (4)\n**ACE** (\"one\") *going round* **H** (hospital)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What one eats in assembly? (4)","output":"### Answer: DIET \n ### Explanation: What one eats in assembly? (4)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Once discountenanced, end for Murray comes about quickly (7)","output":"### Answer: DEFASTE \n ### Explanation: Once discountenanced, end for Murray comes about quickly (7)\n\n**DEE** (Scots for \"die\", so \"end for Murray\") *comes about* **FAST** (\"quickly\")\n \n*Defaste is old form of the word \"defaced\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bit of money required to ?x part of her underwear? (5)","output":"### Answer: DOBRA \n ### Explanation: Bit of money required to ?x part of her underwear? (5)\n**DO** (\"fix\") + **BRA** (\"part of her underwear\") \n*The dobra is the unit of currency of Sao Tome and Principe."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Our lot almost entirely prospering up north (4)","output":"### Answer: WEAL \n ### Explanation: Our lot almost entirely prospering up north (4)\n**WEAL**(th) (\"our lot\", *almost entirely*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Joke, leg pulled, creating cackle (6)","output":"### Answer: GAGGLE \n ### Explanation: Joke, leg pulled, creating cackle (6)\n**GAG** (\"joke\") + ***(leg)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Is this sort of agent OC turning a contact? (6)","output":"### Answer: ACTANT \n ### Explanation: Is this sort of agent OC turning a contact? (6)\n***(a cntat)** (\"a contact\" without OC)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: This scrapes carriole badly, striking rear (7)","output":"### Answer: RACLOIR \n ### Explanation: This scrapes carriole badly, striking rear (7)\n***(carriol) **(The *rear* of \"carriole\" has been *struck*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sporty model yet out of shape, attending gym (5)","output":"### Answer: E-TYPE \n ### Explanation: Sporty model yet out of shape, attending gym (5)\n***(yet)** *attending* **PE** (\"gym\") \n*Refers to the classic E-Type Jaguar sports car"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pub with nothing beside lolly for children? (9)","output":"### Answer: INNOCENTS \n ### Explanation: Pub with nothing beside lolly for children? (9)\n**INN **(\"pub\")* with* **O** (\"nothing\") *beside* **CENTS** (\"lolly\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Batting spree anti looseners (9)","output":"### Answer: APERIENTS \n ### Explanation: Batting spree anti looseners (9)\n***(spree anti)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Type of TV? Third to last as name for reliability (5)","output":"### Answer: CALEB \n ### Explanation: Type of TV? Third to last as name for reliability (5)\n**CA**(b)**LE-B** (\"type of TV\" (cable) with it's *third* letter moved *to last*) \n*Caleb comes from the Hebrew for \"dog\" and signifies devotion to God, reliability and fidelity."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Under-secretary? No longer compliant (7)","output":"### Answer: SUBMISS \n ### Explanation: Under-secretary? No longer compliant (7)\nSUB (\"under\") + MISS (\"sceretary\") \n*Not sure if this parsing is correct."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unlikely to win, one trips straddling jump (6)","output":"### Answer: NO-HOPE \n ### Explanation: Unlikely to win, one trips straddling jump (6)\n***(one)** *straddling* **HOP** (\"jump\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Harps apparently featured in ?ne Belshazzar (6)","output":"### Answer: NEBELS \n ### Explanation: Harps apparently featured in ?ne Belshazzar (6)\nHidden *[featured] in* \"fi**NE BELS**hazzar\" \n*A nebel or bevel is a Jewish instrument that looks a bit like a drum with a lyre atached to it."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Con acting with arti?ce (4)","output":"### Answer: AGIN \n ### Explanation: Con acting with arti?ce (4)\n**A** (acting) *with* **GIN** (\"artifice\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: She initially appears in erotic dancing, before requiring dealer in bodices (10)","output":"### Answer: CORSETIERE \n ### Explanation: She initially appears in erotic dancing, before requiring dealer in bodices (10)\n**S**(he)\u00a0*[initially]\u00a0**appears in\u00a0****(erotic)\u00a0**+\u00a0**ERE\u00a0**(\"before\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Isolated spots, yet so developed (5)","output":"### Answer: EYOTS \n ### Explanation: Isolated spots, yet so developed (5)\n***(yet so)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Trumpets? Playing one in central part (7)","output":"### Answer: CORONAE \n ### Explanation: Trumpets? Playing one in central part (7)\n**ON** (\"playing\") + **A** (\"one\") *in* **CORE** (\"central part\") \n*The corona is the trumpet-like part of certain flowers, such as daffodils."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Encampment forming to make peace?The opposite (5)","output":"### Answer: DOWAR \n ### Explanation: Encampment forming to make peace?The opposite (5)\nTo \"do war\" is the opposite of to \"make peace\". \n*A dowar (more commonly spelt \"duar\") is an Arab encampment."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Medicinal sweet: crushed pecan and meal, eastern (10)","output":"### Answer: ELECAMPANE \n ### Explanation: Medicinal sweet: crushed pecan and meal, eastern (10)\n***(pecan meal)** + **E** (\"eastern\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Local spat arising from recipe fed to overweight child (6)","output":"### Answer: FRATCH \n ### Explanation: Local spat arising from recipe fed to overweight child (6)\n**R** (recipe) *fed to* **FAT** (\"overweight\")** CH** (child)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Notes may have been rendered in this (5)","output":"### Answer: STENO \n ### Explanation: Notes may have been rendered in this (5)\n***(notes)** and &lit."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Being short I'll be enveloped in check cape? (9)","output":"### Answer: TESTINESS \n ### Explanation: Being short I'll be enveloped in check cape? (9)\n**I\u00a0***enveloped in* **TEST** (\"check\") + **NESS** (\"cape\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Traditional poem about Guinness, say, in a manner of speaking (7)","output":"### Answer: DIALECT \n ### Explanation: Traditional poem about Guinness, say, in a manner of speaking (7)\n**DIT** (\"traditional poem\") *about* **ALEC** (\"Guinness, say\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Zero tax e.g. extorted for portion of old ploughland (6)","output":"### Answer: OXGATE \n ### Explanation: Zero tax e.g. extorted for portion of old ploughland (6)\n***(o tax eg)** where the O = \"zero\" \n*An oxgate was an area of land that an ox could be expected to plough in a year (approximately 13 acres), more commonly known as an \"oxgang\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Barley making strong-?avoured gallons (4)","output":"### Answer: BIGG \n ### Explanation: Barley making strong-?avoured gallons (4)\n**BIG** (\"strong-flavoured\") + **G** (gallons)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Worthless stu?, this? It's garb that never dates (7)","output":"### Answer: AGELESS \n ### Explanation: Worthless stu?, this? It's garb that never dates (7)\n(garb) AGELESS \n*Not sure how to parse this one."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Spoil a pet badly, fed with last of supper \u2013 source of nasty bacteria (10)","output":"### Answer: LEPTOSPIRA \n ### Explanation: Spoil a pet badly, fed with last of supper \u2013 source of nasty bacteria (10)\n***(spoil a pet)** *fed with [last of]* (suppe)**R** \n*Leptospira is a genus of bacteria, an infection of which can cause some nasty side-effects."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Papal legate i\/c poor, wretched, including religieuse (9)","output":"### Answer: PRONUNCIO \n ### Explanation: Papal legate i\/c poor, wretched, including religieuse (9)\n***(ic poor)** *including* **NUN** (\"religieuse\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Outing in Scotland? See a growth that's unending (7)","output":"### Answer: VACANCE \n ### Explanation: Outing in Scotland? See a growth that's unending (7)\n**v.** (\"see\") + **A CANCE**(r) (\"growth\" *that's unending*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Savoury items made of foreign corn brought in by posh people (7)","output":"### Answer: NIBBLES \n ### Explanation: Savoury items made of foreign corn brought in by posh people (7)\n**BL\u00c9** (French for \"wheat\", so \"foreign corn\") *brought in by* **NIBS** (\"posh people\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old record, say, featured in intermission (6)","output":"### Answer: REGEST \n ### Explanation: Old record, say, featured in intermission (6)\n**E.G.** (\"say\") *featured in* **REST** (\"intermission\") \n*Regest is an old form of register."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Protoplasmal unit I placed upright in container (6)","output":"### Answer: BIOGEN \n ### Explanation: Protoplasmal unit I placed upright in container (6)\n**<=EGO** (\"I\", *placed upright*) *in* **BIN** (\"container\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dog, oriental one hostile to foreigners, revolting? (5)","output":"### Answer: BOXER \n ### Explanation: Dog, oriental one hostile to foreigners, revolting? (5)\nDouble definition, the second referring to the anti-foreign rebellion by Chinese \"boxers\" between 1899 and 1901, so-called because of their skills in martial arts."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Council of elders striking a currency unit in African country (5)","output":"### Answer: SENTE \n ### Explanation: Council of elders striking a currency unit in African country (5)\n**SEN**(a)**TE** (\"council of elders\", *striking* A) \n*A sente is a coin in Lesotho"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: River bore surging (4)","output":"### Answer: EBRO \n ### Explanation: River bore surging (4)\n***(bore)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Great scholar of arithmetic is retiring (7)","output":"### Answer: ERASMUS \n ### Explanation: Great scholar of arithmetic is retiring (7)\n**<=SUMS ARE** (\"arithmetic is\", *retiring*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Nietzsche reticently welcoming dissident (7)","output":"### Answer: HERETIC \n ### Explanation: Nietzsche reticently welcoming dissident (7)\nHidden in \"nietzsc**HE RETIC**ently\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stigmas and timeless indignity attached to homelessness, ultimately (7)","output":"### Answer: SAFFRON \n ### Explanation: Stigmas and timeless indignity attached to homelessness, ultimately (7)\n**AFFRON**(t) (\"indignity\" with no T *[timelss]*) *attached to* (homelessnes)**S*** [ultimately] Saffron is made from the dried stigmas of a certain type of crocus."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Slightly wet, Maureen is figure on the left (7)","output":"### Answer: MOISTEN \n ### Explanation: Slightly wet, Maureen is figure on the left (7)\n**MO** (\"Maureen\") + **IS** + **TEN** (\"figure\", *on the left*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: It's only just light and RAF is on manoeuvres (5,4)","output":"### Answer: FAIRS FAIR \n ### Explanation: It's only just light and RAF is on manoeuvres (5,4)\n**FAIR** (\"light\") + ***(raf is)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Defender of England, not Europe? Get stuffed! (5)","output":"### Answer: GORGE \n ### Explanation: Defender of England, not Europe? Get stuffed! (5)\n(St) **G**(e)**ORGE\u00a0**(\"defender of England\", *not* E (Europe))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Superior pork pie and case of Grenache (5)","output":"### Answer: LIEGE \n ### Explanation: Superior pork pie and case of Grenache (5)\n**LIE** (\"pork pie\") + *[case of]*** G**(renach)**E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rubens did work for free (9)","output":"### Answer: DISBURDEN \n ### Explanation: Rubens did work for free (9)\n***(rubens did)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Eric heartily cross after relative loses last big race (5,4)","output":"### Answer: GRAND PRIX \n ### Explanation: Eric heartily cross after relative loses last big race (5,4)\n(e)**RI**(c) [heartily] + **X** (\"cross\") *after* **GRANDP**(a) (\"realtive\", *losing last*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Member of crowd texts Mrs May after banks fail (5)","output":"### Answer: EXTRA \n ### Explanation: Member of crowd texts Mrs May after banks fail (5)\n(t)**EXT**(s) (m)**R**(s) (m)**A**(y) [*after banks fall* \u2013 ie remove first and last letters]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Gather together in the morning, when heading to school (5)","output":"### Answer: AMASS \n ### Explanation: Gather together in the morning, when heading to school (5)\n**A.M.** (\"in the morning\") + **AS** (\"when\") + [heading to] **S**(chool)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Good people conserving energy, following cruel benefits assessment (5,4)","output":"### Answer: MEANS TEST \n ### Explanation: Good people conserving energy, following cruel benefits assessment (5,4)\n**St. St.** (saints, so \"good people) *conserving* **E** (energy), following **MEAN** (\"cruel\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Earnest and oddly sweary notes from short people (7)","output":"### Answer: SERIOUS \n ### Explanation: Earnest and oddly sweary notes from short people (7)\n[oddly] **S**(w)**E**(a)**R**(y) + **I.O.U.s** (\"notes from people short\" (of money))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Moderates finally dragged Italy back towards the centre (7)","output":"### Answer: INWARDS \n ### Explanation: Moderates finally dragged Italy back towards the centre (7)\n(moderate)**S** [finally] **<=DRAWN I** (\"dragged I\" (Italy), *back*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: South American dictionary describing unknown dog (7)","output":"### Answer: SAMOYED \n ### Explanation: South American dictionary describing unknown dog (7)\n**S.Am.** (South American) + **O.E.D.** (Oxford English \"dictionary\") *describing* **Y** (\"unknown\", in maths)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Arachne interrupts randy, riotous railway workers (7)","output":"### Answer: YARDMEN \n ### Explanation: Arachne interrupts randy, riotous railway workers (7)\n**ME** (\"Arachne\") *interrupts* ***(randy)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Articulate letters from unfaithful lover initially bringing comfort (7)","output":"### Answer: EASEFUL \n ### Explanation: Articulate letters from unfaithful lover initially bringing comfort (7)\nHomophone *[articulate]* of **Es** (\"letters\") + **F**(rom) **U**(nfaithful) **L**(overs) *[initially]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Nothing stops ardent romance (7)","output":"### Answer: AFFAIRE \n ### Explanation: Nothing stops ardent romance (7)\n**F.A.** (\"nothing\", short for Fanny Adams, or f*** all) *stops* **AFIRE\u00a0**(\"ardent\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ways of life further south (5)","output":"### Answer: MORES \n ### Explanation: Ways of life further south (5)\n**MORE** (\"further\") + **S** (south)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bernie shortly hosting function in Atlantic City (9)","output":"### Answer: SANTANDER \n ### Explanation: Bernie shortly hosting function in Atlantic City (9)\n(\"Bernie\") **SANDER**(s) *[shortly]* *hosting* **TAN** (tangent) (\"function\") \n*Santander is a city on the Atlantic coast of Spain."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Epic poet, big hit in America (5)","output":"### Answer: HOMER \n ### Explanation: Epic poet, big hit in America (5)\nDouble definition, the second referring to a home run in baseball."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Arguing violently about a drug, drops measuring equipment (4,5)","output":"### Answer: RAIN GAUGE \n ### Explanation: Arguing violently about a drug, drops measuring equipment (4,5)\n***(arguing)** *about* **A** + **E** (ecstasy, \"drug\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Educated workers with books about leftist (7)","output":"### Answer: TUTORED \n ### Explanation: Educated workers with books about leftist (7)\n**T.U.** (trade union, so \"workers\") *with* **<=O.T.** (\"books\", *about*) + **RED** (\"leftist\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Censure Conservative Party over end of compassion (7)","output":"### Answer: CONDEMN \n ### Explanation: Censure Conservative Party over end of compassion (7)\n**CON** (Conservative) +** DEM** (Democratic \"party\") + *[end of]* (compassio)**N"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Internal examination of huge parrot after death (9)","output":"### Answer: ENDOSCOPY \n ### Explanation: Internal examination of huge parrot after death (9)\n**O.S**. (outsize, so \"huge\") + **COPY** (\"parrot\") *after* **END** (\"death\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wrongly say I exult in carnal desires (9)","output":"### Answer: SEXUALITY \n ### Explanation: Wrongly say I exult in carnal desires (9)\n***(say i exult)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Gutless gangster mugs shoppers (7)","output":"### Answer: GRASSES \n ### Explanation: Gutless gangster mugs shoppers (7)\n[gutless]** G**(angste)**R** + **ASSES** (\"mugs\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Half of banana spread over corset of escort, perhaps (7)","output":"### Answer: ANAGRAM \n ### Explanation: Half of banana spread over corset of escort, perhaps (7)\n*[half of] *(ban)**ANA\u00a0**+** <=MARG** (margarine, so \"spread\", *over*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Proposition from Mike after love-filled word of comfort (7)","output":"### Answer: THEOREM \n ### Explanation: Proposition from Mike after love-filled word of comfort (7)\n**M** (Mike) *after* **THERE** (\"word of comfort\") *filled with* **O** (\"love\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Crafty type taking money from supporter (7)","output":"### Answer: ARTISAN \n ### Explanation: Crafty type taking money from supporter (7)\n(p)**ARTISAN** (\"supporter\", with P (penny) *taken*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Considered emus edible, in part (5)","output":"### Answer: MUSED \n ### Explanation: Considered emus edible, in part (5)\nHidden in \"e**MUS** **ED**ible\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Farmhand and pig on edges of Exmoor (5)","output":"### Answer: SOWER \n ### Explanation: Farmhand and pig on edges of Exmoor (5)\n**SOW** (\"pig\") *on* *[edges of]* **E**(xmoo)**R\u00a0"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Enjoy the price of fame? (9)","output":"### Answer: CELEBRATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Enjoy\nThe** CELEB RATE\u00a0**could be another way of saying \"the price of fame\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Additional source of security for customs (5)","output":"### Answer: MORES \n ### Explanation: Definition: customs \n**MORE** (\"additional\") + *[source of]* **S**(ecurity)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Scope of a doctor with Italian (5)","output":"### Answer: AMBIT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Scope\n**A** + **M.B.** (Bachelor of Medicine, so \"doctor\") + **It.** (Italian)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Get rid of server dropping one drink that's strong (9)","output":"### Answer: FIREWATER \n ### Explanation: Definition: drink that's strong\n**FIRE** (\"get rid of\") + **WA**(i)**TER** (\"server\", *dropping* I (\"one\"))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sort of table a student has for such a publication (10)","output":"### Answer: PERIODICAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: publication\n**PERIODIC** (\"sort of table\") +** A L** (learner, so \"student\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Why some did less? (4)","output":"### Answer: IDLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Why some did less\nHidden in *[some] *\"d**ID LE**ss\" \n*Don't really like this one. I can see what the setter is getting at, but the clue is for IDLENESS rather than IDLE which would require a verb to work as an answer to the question (e.g. \"being\" IDLE)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Blended drinks for horses (7)","output":"### Answer: PUNCHES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Blended drinks\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Relations looking embarrassed by class (7)","output":"### Answer: KINDRED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Relations\n**RED** (\"looking embarrassed\") *by* **KIND** (\"class\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Level of assistance mostly found in European prisoner (7)","output":"### Answer: ECHELON \n ### Explanation: Definition: Level\n**HEL**(p) (\"assistance', *mostly*) *found in* **E** (European) + **CON** (\"prisoner\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Weave that's tighter across Germany (7)","output":"### Answer: MEANDER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Weave\n**MEANER** (\"tighter\") *across* **D** (international vehicle identifier for \"Germany\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Peer who's almost unprotected (4)","output":"### Answer: EARL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Peer\n*The best I can come up with here is EARL(y), but I can't think of an example where \"early\" and \"unprotected\" are synonymous. **\u00a0See comment 1 from Hovis."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Union man's bedroom frolics with girl left out (10)","output":"### Answer: BRIDEGROOM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Union man\n***(bedroom gir)** where the GIR is \"girl\" with L (\"left\") *out*. \n*I want to like this clue as it has a clever surface and a witty definition but the ROOM appearing in the same order in GROOM and BEDROOM makes the anagram a bit too obvious."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Deride amended personal cover (9)","output":"### Answer: EIDERDOWN \n ### Explanation: Definition: cover\n***(deride)** + **OWN** (\"personal\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Children\u00a0sulk (5)","output":"### Answer: BROOD \n ### Explanation: Definition: Children\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Short characters expecting to be hidden (5)","output":"### Answer: TERSE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Short \nHidden in \"charac**TERS E**xpecting\" \n*The clue grammar isn't right here, as the \"to be hidden\" is too far from the definition in the clue."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Manifestation of corporate excess? (5,4)","output":"### Answer: SPARE TYRE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Manifestation of corporate excess\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Vice seen in cold light (5)","output":"### Answer: CLAMP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Vice\n**C** (cold) + **LAMP** (\"light\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Planning a birth, only without oxygen, is a thing that's difficult to negotiate (9)","output":"### Answer: LABYRINTH \n ### Explanation: Definition: a thing that's difficult to negotiate\n***(a birth nly)** where the NLY is \"only\" *without* O (oxygen)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Corner with talk of arrangement for flowers (10)","output":"### Answer: BUTTONHOLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Corner with talk\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A female just before the start of secret liaisons (7)","output":"### Answer: AFFAIRS \n ### Explanation: Definition: liaisons\n**A** + **F** (female) + **FAIR** (\"just\") *before* *[the start of]* **S**(ecret)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Designate end of peace with a run on former currency (7)","output":"### Answer: EARMARK \n ### Explanation: Definition: Designate\n*[end of]* (peac)**E** *with* **A** + **R** (run) *on* **MARK** (\"former currency\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mother was disheartened to see such greedy mouths (4)","output":"### Answer: MAWS \n ### Explanation: Definition: greedy mouths\n**MA** (\"mother\") + **W**(a)**S** *[disheartened]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Valued time invested in raising treasure (5)","output":"### Answer: RATED \n ### Explanation: Valued* time invested in raising treasure (5)\n**T**(ime) *in* **<=DEAR** (raising \"treasure\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Capitulate if more confident about split (9)","output":"### Answer: SURRENDER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Capitulate\n**SURER** (\"more confident\") *about* **REND** (\"split\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Difficult to grasp Latin, being stupid (10)","output":"### Answer: INTANGIBLE \n ### Explanation: Difficult to grasp* Latin, being stupid (10)\n***(latin being)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pressure on editor in new test case (9)","output":"### Answer: PRECEDENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: test case\n**P** (pressure) *on* **ED** (editor) *in* **RECENT** (\"new\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Set record on origin of young science (9)","output":"### Answer: RADIOLOGY \n ### Explanation: Definition: science\n**RADIO** (\"set\") + **LOG** (\"record\") *on* *[origin of]* **Y**(oung)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Missiles located below northern straits (7)","output":"### Answer: NARROWS \n ### Explanation: Definition: straits\n**ARROWS** (\"missiles\") *located below* **N** (northern)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Singer very keen on Noah, oddly (7)","output":"### Answer: MADONNA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Singer\n**MAD **(\"very keen\")** + ON N**(o)**A**(h) *[oddly]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cyclist's clear case of error (5)","output":"### Answer: RIDER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Cyclist\n**RID** (\"clear\") + *[case of]* **E**(rro)**R"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fly being, for example slow to rise (5)","output":"### Answer: MIDGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fly\n<**=E.G. DIM** (\"for example slow\", *to rise*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Desire Labour generally suppresses (4)","output":"### Answer: URGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Desire\nHidden in \"labo**UR GE**nerally\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Huit cargo? (7)","output":"### Answer: FREIGHT \n ### Explanation: Huit cargo? (7)\n\"Huit\" is EIGHT in Fr. (French), so **FR**(ench) **EIGHT"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Students, upset by low grade, now rioting at the end of the day (7)","output":"### Answer: SUNDOWN \n ### Explanation: Students, upset by low grade, now rioting at the end of the day (7)\n**<=N.U.S.** (National Union of \"Students\", *upset*) *by* **D** (\"low grade\") + ***(now)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: I see handle turned by superhero (6)","output":"### Answer: ICEMAN \n ### Explanation: I see handle turned by superhero (6)\n**I** + **C** (\"see\") + **<=NAME** (\"handle\", *turned*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: In general, small clothes (8)","output":"### Answer: OVERALLS \n ### Explanation: In general, small clothes (8)\n**OVERALL** (\"in general\") + **S** (small)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Weapon \u00a31,000? Nice one! (3)","output":"### Answer: GUN \n ### Explanation: Weapon \u00a31,000? Nice one! (3)\n**G** (grand, ie \"\u00a31,000\") + **UN** (\"one\" in Nice, France)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Caught taking back Silver, our cat (6)","output":"### Answer: COUGAR \n ### Explanation: Caught taking back Silver, our cat (6)\n**C** (caught) + **OUR** *taking* **<=Ag** (\"silver\", *back*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Multiplied total? Sounds horrible (8)","output":"### Answer: GRUESOME \n ### Explanation: Multiplied total? Sounds horrible (8)\nHomophone of [sounds] GREW SUM (\"multiplied total\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cheat bridge partners, each with king (5)","output":"### Answer: SNEAK \n ### Explanation: Cheat bridge partners, each with king (5)\n**S** (South) and **N** (North) (\"bridge partners\") + **EA.** (\"each\") + **K** (king)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Profitable spring's exhausted (4,5)","output":"### Answer: WELL SPENT \n ### Explanation: Profitable spring's exhausted (4,5)\n**WELL** (\"spring\") + **SPENT** (\"exhausted\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Craft beers \u2014 how? Add a bit of malt (4,5)","output":"### Answer: HOME BREWS \n ### Explanation: Craft beers \u2014 how? Add a bit of malt (4,5)\n***(beer how)** with *[a bit of]* **M**(alt) *added"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bird goes wild protecting egg (5)","output":"### Answer: GOOSE \n ### Explanation: Bird goes wild protecting egg (5)\n***(goes)** *protecting* **O** (\"egg\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Roman Catholic's revolted by online sins and splits (8)","output":"### Answer: CREVICES \n ### Explanation: Roman Catholic's revolted by online sins and splits (8)\n**<=R.C.** (Roman Catholic, *revolted*) by **E-VICES** (\"online sins\", *think e-mail, or e-commerce*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: \"Magician\" Messi evades Ronaldo's lunges in netting headers (6)","output":"### Answer: MERLIN \n ### Explanation: \"Magician\" Messi evades Ronaldo's lunges in netting headers (6)\n*[Headers of]* **M**(essi)** E**(vades) **R**(onaldo's) **L**(unges) **I**(n) **N**(etting)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Favourite\u00a0jumper (3)","output":"### Answer: TOP \n ### Explanation: Favourite\u00a0jumper (3)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Maverick provides show? False (8)","output":"### Answer: DISPROVE \n ### Explanation: Maverick provides show? False (8)\n***(provides)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fruit prepared over cooker (6)","output":"### Answer: ORANGE \n ### Explanation: Fruit prepared over cooker (6)\n**O** (over) + **RANGE** (\"cooker\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cocaine found in tea, right? It's not true (7)","output":"### Answer: CHARLIE \n ### Explanation: Cocaine found in tea, right? It's not true (7)\n**CHA** (\"tea\") + **R** (right) + **LIE** (\"it's not true\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fools subdue good man with taunts (7)","output":"### Answer: JESTERS \n ### Explanation: Fools subdue good man with taunts (7)\n**St.** (saint, so \"good man\") *subdued* by **JEERS** (\"taunts\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: US mammal managed to inhale cold carbon dioxide? (7)","output":"### Answer: RACCOON \n ### Explanation: US mammal managed to inhale cold carbon dioxide? (7)\n**RAN** (\"managed\") *to inhale*** C** (cold) + **COO** (CO2 \u2013 \"carbon dioxide\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Come in, I'm travelling both ways with great excitement (9)","output":"### Answer: IMMIGRATE \n ### Explanation: Come in, I'm travelling both ways with great excitement (9)\n**IM** + **MI** (\"I'm\", *travelling both ways*) *with* ***(great)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Adult leaves country with longing (6)","output":"### Answer: HUNGRY \n ### Explanation: Adult leaves country with longing (6)\nA (adult) *leaves* **HUNG**(a)**RY"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: American lorry emptied after fuel spill in practical way (8)","output":"### Answer: USEFULLY \n ### Explanation: American lorry emptied after fuel spill in practical way (8)\n**US** (\"American\") + **L**(orr)**Y** *[emptied] after* ***(fuel)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Martin and James, as heads of school? (5)","output":"### Answer: DEANS \n ### Explanation: Martin and James, as heads of school? (5)\nRefers to actor\/singer **DEAN** (Martin) and actor (James) **DEAN"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fellow left to turn into female monster (7)","output":"### Answer: WOLFMAN \n ### Explanation: Fellow left to turn into female monster (7)\nF(ellow) + L(eft) [*to turn*, so **LF**]* into* **WOMAN** (\"female\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stuttering woe produced by this? (6-7)","output":"### Answer: TONGUE-TWISTER \n ### Explanation: Stuttering woe produced by this? (6-7)\n***(stuttering woe) **and &lit."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cor! Parent in the making? (9)","output":"### Answer: PROCREANT \n ### Explanation: Cor! Parent in the making? (9)\n***(cor parent) **and &lit."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Vegetable\u00a0producer (8)","output":"### Answer: BROCCOLI \n ### Explanation: Vegetable\u00a0producer (8)\nDouble definition, the second referring to Albert R (\"Cubby\") Broccoli, the producer behund the Bond movies until his death in 1996."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sea creature Spooner has around 4? (7)","output":"### Answer: OARFISH \n ### Explanation: Sea creature Spooner has around 4? (7)\nI think the compiler wants us to image that \"fourish\" is a Spoonerism of OARFISH, but I don't think this is a Spoonerism as there is no\u00a0transposition of opening sounds."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Isn't busy good queen bee? (7)","output":"### Answer: STINGER \n ### Explanation: Isn't busy good queen bee? (7)\n***(isnt)** + **G** (good) + **E.R.** (\"queen\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Politician enters No 10 with special European charge (6)","output":"### Answer: IMPOSE \n ### Explanation: Politician enters No 10 with special European charge (6)\n**M.P.** (\"politician\") *enters* **IO** (\"No 10\") *with* **S** (special) **E** (European)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Privet trimmed unusually as a snake (5)","output":"### Answer: VIPER \n ### Explanation: Privet trimmed unusually as a snake (5)\n***(prive)**\u00a0i.e. \"privet\" *trimmed*."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Another drink made judge queasy (6)","output":"### Answer: REFILL \n ### Explanation: Another drink made judge queasy (6)\n**REF**(eree) (\"judge\") +** ILL** (\"queasy\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Turner has colour spread liberally (8)","output":"### Answer: LATHERED \n ### Explanation: Turner has colour spread liberally (8)\n**LATHE** (\"turner') *has* **RED** (\"colour\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Novel this writer rejected, to a degree (4)","output":"### Answer: EMMA \n ### Explanation: Novel this writer rejected, to a degree (4)\n**<=ME** (\"this writer\", rejected) + **MA** (Master of Arts, so \"degree\") \n*Emma is a novel by Jane Austen, published in December 1815, her last novel to be published while she was still alive."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Australian drunk partying wildly (10)","output":"### Answer: SATURNALIA \n ### Explanation: Australian drunk partying wildly (10)\n***(australian)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Currency in lieu, rouble (4)","output":"### Answer: EURO \n ### Explanation: Currency in lieu, rouble (4)\nHidden in \"li**EU RO**uble\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Key to open mission (10)","output":"### Answer: ENTERPRISE \n ### Explanation: Key to open mission (10)\n**ENTER** (\"key\") + **PRISE** (\"open\") \n*Not keen on \"prise\" = \"open\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bird's tail caught? (4)","output":"### Answer: RHEA \n ### Explanation: Bird's tail caught? (4)\nHomophone *[caught]* of **REAR** (\"tail\") \n*A rhea is a large flightless South American bird similar to an ostrich."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Long story died alongside bones (5)","output":"### Answer: ILIAD \n ### Explanation: Long story died alongside bones (5)\n**D** (died) *alongside* **ILIA** (\"bones\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Corruption that's gripping (4)","output":"### Answer: VICE \n ### Explanation: Corruption that's gripping (4)\n*A vice is a tool used for gripping."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Shape as right, figure put right (10)","output":"### Answer: STRAIGHTEN \n ### Explanation: Shape as right, figure put right (10)\n***(as right)** + **TEN** (\"figure\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Song books, about fifty (4)","output":"### Answer: LILT \n ### Explanation: Song books, about fifty (4)\n**LIT**(erature) (\"books\")* about* **L** (\"fifty\" in Roman numerals)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Biscuit: sort with violet back (6,4)","output":"### Answer: BRANDY SNAP \n ### Explanation: Biscuit: sort with violet back (6,4)\n**BRAND** (\"sort\") + **<=PANSY** (\"violet\", *back*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dip one's toe in river (4)","output":"### Answer: TEST \n ### Explanation: Dip one's toe in river (4)\n*Double definition, the second referring to the River Test in Hampshire."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: How judges appear to have asked about Women's Institute (8)","output":"### Answer: BEWIGGED \n ### Explanation: How judges appear to have asked about Women's Institute (8)\n**BEGGED** (\"asked\") *about* **WI** (\"Women's Institute)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Visibly upset having lost head delivering reprimand (6)","output":"### Answer: EARFUL \n ### Explanation: Visibly upset having lost head delivering reprimand (6)\n(t)**EARFUL** (\"visibly upset\", without its initial *[having lost head]*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: It is done without opening hole (8)","output":"### Answer: VERMOUTH \n ### Explanation: It is done without opening hole (8)\n(o)**VER** (\"done\", without opening) + **MOUTH** (\"hole\") \n*It (as in \"gin and it\") is short for Italian vermouth."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Alcoholic drink prohibited, for a start, in a company car (4,6)","output":"### Answer: PINA COLADA \n ### Explanation: Alcoholic drink prohibited, for a start, in a company car (4,6)\n**P**[rohibited) [for a start] + **IN A Co.** (\"company\") **LADA** (\"car\") \n*Pina colada is Mrs Loonapick's favourite cocktail, a mixture of rum, coconut milk and pineapple juice, served shaken with ice."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Very quick record claimed by Danish explorer (10)","output":"### Answer: BLISTERING \n ### Explanation: Very quick record claimed by Danish explorer (10)\n**LIST** (\"record\")* claimed by* (Vitus) **BERING** (\"Danish explorer\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: How romance goes, perhaps, in bed (4)","output":"### Answer: PLOT \n ### Explanation: How romance goes, perhaps, in bed (4)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Brilliant opening, finale ignored (4)","output":"### Answer: STAR \n ### Explanation: Brilliant opening, finale ignored (4)\nSTAR(t) (\"opening\", with its *finale* (last letter) *ignored*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lifting a beauty, giant (4)","output":"### Answer: MEGA \n ### Explanation: Lifting a beauty, giant (4)\n*[lifting]* **<= A GEM** (\"beauty\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: He has earth looking to the heavens, as Greek deity (6)","output":"### Answer: HELIOS \n ### Explanation: He has earth looking to the heavens, as Greek deity (6)\n**HE** *has* **<=SOIL** (\"earth\", *looking to the heavens*, ie up) \n*Helios was a Greek god of the sun, who drove his fiery chariot across the sky every day."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Defined by \"stain\", this? (5)","output":"### Answer: TAINT \n ### Explanation: Defined by \"stain\", this? (5)\nHidden in *[defined by]* \"s**TAIN T**his\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fish on dish, oddly kipper? (3,7)","output":"### Answer: RED SNAPPER \n ### Explanation: Fish on dish, oddly kipper? (3,7)\n**RE** (\"on\") + **D**(i)**S**(h) *[oddly]* + **NAPPER** (\"kipper\", i.e. one taking a nap or a kip)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unexpected, a politician supporting party (10)","output":"### Answer: REVELATORY \n ### Explanation: Unexpected, a politician supporting party (10)\n**A TORY** (\"politician\") *supporting* **REVEL** (\"party\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Officer overcoming deficit, American giant (8)","output":"### Answer: COLOSSUS \n ### Explanation: Officer overcoming deficit, American giant (8)\n**C.O.** (commanding \"officer\") *overcoming*** LOSS** (\"deficit\") + **U.S.** (\"American\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bird that's lame? (6)","output":"### Answer: TURKEY \n ### Explanation: Bird that's lame? (6)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Nothing securing a tack (4)","output":"### Answer: NAIL \n ### Explanation: Nothing securing a tack (4)\n**NIL** (\"nothing\") *securing*** A"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stretching exercises excruciating looking up, position finally lost (4)","output":"### Answer: YOGA \n ### Explanation: Stretching exercises excruciating looking up, position finally lost (4)\n<=**AGO**(n)**Y** (\"excruciating\", *looking up*, with (positio)N *[finally] lost*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Artist's subject rolled over in bed, undressed? (4)","output":"### Answer: NUDE \n ### Explanation: Artist's subject rolled over in bed, undressed? (4)\nHidden backwards *[rolled over] in* \"b**ED UN**dressed\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fruit: a few squashes shattered crate (9)","output":"### Answer: NECTARINE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fruit\n**NINE** (\"a few\") *squashes* ***(crate)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A social shame (5)","output":"### Answer: ABASH \n ### Explanation: Definition: shame\n**A BASH** (party, so \"social\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Keen to get type of melon in freezer (7)","output":"### Answer: CRYOGEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: freezer\n**CRY** (\"keen\") *to get* **OGEN** (\"a type of melon\") \n*A new one for me, an Ogen melon is apparently a small green melon."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dance\u00a0tour (4)","output":"### Answer: TRIP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Dance\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Factory where fishwife feeds birds (10)","output":"### Answer: STEELWORKS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Factory\n**EEL** (\"fish) + **W** (wife) *feeds* **STORKS** (\"birds\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Somewhat head over heels, supermodels go doolally for a slipper (3,4)","output":"### Answer: DOG SLED \n ### Explanation: Definition: slipper\nHidden backwards in *[somehwat head over heels]* \"supermo**DELS GO D**oolally\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Filthy wet hole turns dry when raked back (7)","output":"### Answer: CESSPIT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Filthy wet hole\n**<=TIPS SEC** (\"turns dry\" *when raked back*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Marked danger branding a horse (10)","output":"### Answer: ASTERISKED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Marked\n**RISK** (\"danger\") *branding* **A STEED** (\"horse\") \n*Can't see why \"branding\" should indicate that RISK be put inside STEED?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: 23 7, would you say? (4,7)","output":"### Answer: BANK MANAGER \n ### Explanation: Definition: 23 7, would you say?\nA homophone of **LONER RANGER** (the answers to 23dn and 7dn) is **LOAN ARRANGER**, which is what a **BANK MANAGER** may be."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Exchanges full of invective, primarily? (7)","output":"### Answer: TIRADES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Exchanges full of invective, primarily?\n**TRADES** (\"exchanges\") *full of* **I**(nvective) *[primarily]* and &lit."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Recollection of island monster gripping a nation (7)","output":"### Answer: CROATIA \n ### Explanation: Definition: nation\n**<= AIT ORC** (*recollection of* \"island monster\") *gripping* **A"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Board getting the nod in Strasbourg \u2014 and further east? (5)","output":"### Answer: OUIJA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Board\n**OUI** (French for yes i.e. \"getting the nod in Strasbourg\") + **JA** (German for yes i.e. \"getting the nod further east\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: I create when intoxicated, penning very obscure stuff (9)","output":"### Answer: ESOTERICA \n ### Explanation: Definition: obscure stuff\n***(i create)** *penning* **SO** (\"very\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Entertainment drawn from a game a lot, performance of redcoat welcomed (8,7)","output":"### Answer: ANIMATED CARTOON \n ### Explanation: Definition: Entertainment drawn\n**A NIM** (\"a game\") + **A TON** (\"a lot\") *welcoming* ***(redcoat)** \n*Nim is a traditional game, possibly Chinese in origin, in which two players alternate in drawing counters, pennies, or the like, from a set of 12 arranged in three rows of 3, 4, and 5 counters, respectively, the object being to draw the last counter, or, sometimes, to avoid drawing it."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sensing money, belt out to secure it (8)","output":"### Answer: SCENTING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Sensing\n**SING** (\"belt out\") *to secure* **CENT** (\"money\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: English novelist fighting to be heard? (5)","output":"### Answer: WAUGH \n ### Explanation: Definition: English novelist\nHomophone of **WAR** (\"fighting\" *to be heard*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Major route in shreds, moved away (8)","output":"### Answer: MIGRATED \n ### Explanation: Definition: moved away\n**M1** (\"major route\") + **GRATED** (\"in shreds\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Get out snooker equipment shortly, then what's on it? (6)","output":"### Answer: RESCUE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Get out\n**RES**(t) (\"snooker equipment\", *shortly*) +** CUE** (\"what's on it\" i.e. what you put on a rest in snooker)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Notorious wolf introduced to flock, any ewes terrified! (5,4)","output":"### Answer: KANYE WEST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Notorious wolf\nHidden in *[introduced to]* \"floc**K ANY EWES T**errified\" \n*I have no idea why Kanye West would be clued as \"notorious woif\", unless it has something to do with him \"chasing the ladies\", but from what little I know of him, he is no more a wolf in that sense than any other rapper."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Basically bitter wind up for worker outdoors (6)","output":"### Answer: RANGER \n ### Explanation: Definition: worker outdoors\n*[basically] *(bitte)**R** (i.e. the base or bottom of \"bitter\") + **ANGER** (\"wind up\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Spirit of the Far East seen ordering \u2014 this? (7,8)","output":"### Answer: CHINESE TAKEAWAY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Spirit of the Far East seen ordering \u2014 this?\n**CHI** (\"spirit of the far east\") + ***(seen)** + **TAKE AWAY** (\"-\", i.e. the mathematical symbol for subtraction)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Statesman's charity rolling in money once (9)","output":"### Answer: FLORIDIAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Statesman\n**<=AID** (\"charity\", *rolling*)* in* **FLORIN** (\"money, once\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Force party to bind over leaders in criminal investigation (8)","output":"### Answer: COERCION \n ### Explanation: Definition: Force\n**CON**(servative \"party\") *to bind* **O'ER** (\"over\") + *[leads in]* **C**(riminal) **I**(nvestigation), so **C(O'ER C I)ON"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Colonist possibly into homely tropical food (8)","output":"### Answer: PLANTAIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: tropical food\n**ANT** (\"colonist possibly\") *into* **PLAIN** (\"homely\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Windy US soldier dropping trousers (6)","output":"### Answer: TURGID \n ### Explanation: Definition: Windy\n**TURD** (\"dropping\") *trousers* **G.I.** (\"US soldier\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: South American relations divided county (6)","output":"### Answer: SUSSEX \n ### Explanation: Definition: divided county\n**S** (south) + **US** (\"American\") + **SEX** (\"relations\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Independent type left a note in the past (5)","output":"### Answer: LONER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Independent type\n**L** (left) + **ONER** (\u00a31 note, so \"a note from the past\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Country parents holding new arrival, the first (6)","output":"### Answer: PANAMA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Country\n**PA** + **MA** (\"parents\") *holding* **N** (new) **A**(rrival) *[the first]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Queen mixes Asia up, entertaining clanger! (8)","output":"### Answer: ISABELLA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Queen\n***(asia)** *entertaining* **BELL** (\"clanger\") \n*Queen Isabella I of Castile, with her husband Ferdinand, financed Christopher Columbus' expedition which led to his \"discovery\" of America in 1492."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cordiality month after conflict no longer on (6)","output":"### Answer: WARMTH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Cordiality\n**M**(on)**TH** *[no longer ON]* *after* **WAR** (\"conflict\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Flowering tree in US city, smart, Greek character recalled (8)","output":"### Answer: LABURNUM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Flowering tree\n**L.A.** (\"US city\") + **BURN** (\"smart\") + **<=MU** (\"Greek character\" *recalled*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Extend across second vessel (4)","output":"### Answer: SPAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Extend across\n**S** (second) + **PAN** (\"vessel\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: New caterers in south-west backing salad item (10)","output":"### Answer: WATERCRESS \n ### Explanation: Definition: salad item\n***(caterers)** *in* **<=SW** (south-west, *backing*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: This saw Violet led astray? (3,5,4)","output":"### Answer: OLD WIVES TALE \n ### Explanation: Definition: This saw Violet led astray?\n***(saw violet led) **and &lit. \n*Old wives' tales, being superstitions or urban legends, may be seen to lead one astray. Is that enough of a definition?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: At work train cashier for long period (9,3)","output":"### Answer: CHRISTIAN ERA \n ### Explanation: Definition: long period\n***(train cashier)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Left-winger following country dance (6,4)","output":"### Answer: TURKEY TROT \n ### Explanation: Definition: dance\n**TROT** (\"left-winger\") *following* **TURKEY** (\"country\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Odd characters from show performing shortly (4)","output":"### Answer: SOON \n ### Explanation: Definition: shortly\n*[odd characters from]* **S**(h)**O**(w) + **ON** (\"performing\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A good number remain, we hear, doubtful (8)","output":"### Answer: AGNOSTIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: doubtful\n**A G** (good) **No**. (number) **STIC** (homophone of STICK, i.e. \"remain\" *we hear*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hit small three-wheeler (6)","output":"### Answer: STRIKE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Hit\n**S** (small) + **TRIKE** (\"three-wheeler\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Is untidy sadly leading to strife (8)","output":"### Answer: DISUNITY \n ### Explanation: Definition: strife\n***(is untidy)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Seen in Windsor, a Tory speaker (6)","output":"### Answer: ORATOR \n ### Explanation: Definition: speaker\nHidden *[seen]* in \"winds**OR A TOR**y\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Chessman's upward move where advances are made (8)","output":"### Answer: PAWNSHOP \n ### Explanation: Definition: where advances are made\n**PAWN'S** (\"chessman's\") + **HOP** (\"upward move\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Standard linked with Yankee's D-Day target (8)","output":"### Answer: NORMANDY \n ### Explanation: Definition: D-Day target\n**NORM** (\"standard\") + **AND** (\"linked with\") + **Y** (Yankee)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Silent writer outside extremely upset (4)","output":"### Answer: MUTE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Silent\n**ME** (\"writer\") *outide [extremely]* **U**(pse)**T"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What's up, bringing some round to past case in trouble? (5,7)","output":"### Answer: SPACE STATION \n ### Explanation: Definition: What's up, bringing some round\n***(to past case in)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Describing some workers' unhappy arrest (4-6)","output":"### Answer: BLUE-COLLAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Describing some workers\n**BLUE** (\"unhappy\") + **COLLAR** (\"arrest\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: 10-0 upset for high flier? (6)","output":"### Answer: LINNET \n ### Explanation: Definition: high flier?\n**<=TEN-NIL** (\"10-0, *upset*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Article mislaid, Mike's admitted? Pretty much (6)","output":"### Answer: ALMOST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Pretty much\n**A** (\"article\") + **LOST** (\"mislaid\") with **M** (Mike) *admitted"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Travelling like a daughter following rules where tourists go (4,8)","output":"### Answer: LAKE DISTRICT \n ### Explanation: Definition: where tourists go\n***(like a d)** where the D = daughter + **STRICT** (\"following rules\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cheerful by water joining relation when it's busiest (4,6)","output":"### Answer: HIGH SEASON \n ### Explanation: Definition: when it's busiest\n**HIGH** (\"cheerful\")* by* **SEA** (\"water\") *joining* **SON** (\"relation\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: \"He supported president\" some whisper on isthmus (8)","output":"### Answer: PERONIST \n ### Explanation: Definition: \"He supported president\"\nHidden in [some] \"whis**PER ON IST**hmus\" \n*i.e. a supporter of Juan Peron."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Back carrying excellent north- western waterproofs (8)","output":"### Answer: RAINWEAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: waterproofs\n**REAR** (\"back\") *wearing* **A1** (\"excellent\") + **NW** (north-western)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Leave without means of moving from London street (6)","output":"### Answer: STRAND \n ### Explanation: Definition: Leave without means of moving\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: After about turn, fled with American revolver (6)","output":"### Answer: URANUS \n ### Explanation: Definition: revolver\n*After* **U** (\"about-turn\") **RAN** (\"fled\") *with* **US** (\"American\") \n*Planets revolve, so \"revolver\" for planet is a nice piece of misdirection."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sneaks up, and gets shiner? (4)","output":"### Answer: STAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: shiner\n**<=RATS** (\"sneaks\", *up*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cup drunk, alcoholic, round end of marriage, traditionally encouraged (8)","output":"### Answer: UPCHEARD \n ### Explanation: Definition: traditionally encouraged\n***(cup)** + **HARD** (\"alcoholic\", as in hard liquor) *round* [*end of*] (marriag)**E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Traditional volumes found among faded daybooks (4)","output":"### Answer: EDDA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Traditional volumes\nHidden in [found among] \"fad**ED DA**ybooks\" \n*The Edda were two collections of ballads in old Icelandic."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: It helps to shift log rolling certainly round Virginia (5)","output":"### Answer: PEAVY \n ### Explanation: Definition: It helps to shift log\n**<=**(**YEP** (\"certainly\") *round* **Va.** (\"Virginia\")) \n*A peavy is a hooked tool used by loggers."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dismay shown by the old man turning on mate (5)","output":"### Answer: APPAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Dismay\n**<=AP** (\"old man\", *turning*) *on* **PAL** (\"mate\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Woman mostly in a bad way comes to us for charitable relief (6)","output":"### Answer: AWMOUS \n ### Explanation: Definition: charitable relief\n***(woma)**n *[mostly] comes to* **US\n **\n *Awmous is a Scots word for alms.**\n "} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hardened clay, see, in grip of cold wind (6)","output":"### Answer: BLAISE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Hardened clay\n**LA** (see!) *in grip of* **BISE** (\"cold wind\" in Switzerland)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Polar vehicle? Steer from the rear, perched outside (6)","output":"### Answer: SNO-CAT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Polar vehicle\n**<=CON** (\"steer\" *from the rear*) with **SAT** (\"perched\")* outside"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One manipulates accounts to mislead key filter somehow (9)","output":"### Answer: KITEFLYER \n ### Explanation: Definition: One manipulates accounts to mislead\n***(keyfilter)** \n*Kiteflying is the fraudulent practice of\u00a0of raising money, or sustaining one's credit, by the use of paper which is merely nominal."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: They emit foul smell \u2013 very large gauge reverse of ideal (9)","output":"### Answer: OSMETERIA \n ### Explanation: Definition: They emit foul smell\n**OS** (outsize, so \"very large\") + **METER** (\"guage\") + **<=A1** *[reverse of]* \"ideal\" \n*Osmoteria are organs in caterpillars that emit foul smells (and\/or create a display) to deter predators."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One's produced in boiling haunts? (6)","output":"### Answer: SUNHAT \n ### Explanation: Definition: One's produced in boiling haunts?\n***(haunts) **and &lit."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Logical fallacy I mould deviously (6)","output":"### Answer: IDOLUM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Logical fallacy\n***(i mould)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Syrup, golden stuff, grand to have for breakfast? (6)","output":"### Answer: ORGEAT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Syrup\n**OR** (\"golden\") + **G** (grand) + **EAT** (\"to have for breakfast?\") \n*Orgeat syrup is a sweet syrup made from almonds, sugar and rose water, used in cocktails."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Supreme commander has little time, once surrounded (5)","output":"### Answer: CINCT \n ### Explanation: Definition: once surrounded\n**C IN C** (commander in chief, so \"supreme commander\") *has [little]* **T**(ime)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ritual sword play to culminate in final strike (5)","output":"### Answer: KENDO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Ritual sword play\n**END** (\"to culminate\")* in* **K.O.** (knockout, so \"final strike\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A large bird I see nesting \u2013 successful result of this? (10)","output":"### Answer: AVICULTURE \n ### Explanation: Definition: A large bird I see nesting \u2013 successful result of this\n**A VULTURE** (\"large bird\") with **I C** (\"see\")* nesting"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Language of the Net, fast if not fine (4)","output":"### Answer: LEET \n ### Explanation: Definition: Language of the Net\n(f)**LEET **(\"fast\", *[if not]* F (fine)) \n*Leet or leestspeak is\u00a0a form of written English used for example in chatrooms in which letters are replaced by numbers or other symbols."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rate mess appalling in sewer (8)","output":"### Answer: SEAMSTER \n ### Explanation: Definition: sewer\n***(rate mess)\n "} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Husband occupying seat in church \u2013 that's a relief (4)","output":"### Answer: PHEW \n ### Explanation: Definition: that's a relief\n**H** (husband) *occupying* **PEW** (\"seat in church\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Outcry in the US, Democrats all upset \u2013 slated with this? (6)","output":"### Answer: CLAMOR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Outcry in the US\n***(mocral)** which is \"democrats all\" without the letters of \"slated\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bible brought in, pawned, vandalized (8)","output":"### Answer: HAVOCKED \n ### Explanation: Definition: vandalized\n**A.V.** (Authorised Version of the \"Bible\") *brought in* to **HOCKED** (\"pawned\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Horrified as before at having to limit fuel (5)","output":"### Answer: AGAST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Horrified as before\n**AT** *having to limit* **GAS** (\"fuel\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Monarch retaining doctor as potato-peeler (7)","output":"### Answer: RUMBLER \n ### Explanation: Definition: potato-peeler\n**RULER** (\"monarch\") *retaining* **M.B.** (Bachelor of Medicine, so \"doctor\") \n*A rumbler is a vibrating cylindrical machine for peeling potatoes, often seen in fish and chip shops."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sold drugs, vile trade involving change of hands? (5)","output":"### Answer: DEALT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Sold drugs\n***(tlade)** which is TRADE with the R changed to L [*change of hands* \u2013 right to left]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: In the manner of noodles, soft, wrapped in paper napkin (6)","output":"### Answer: DOPILY \n ### Explanation: Definition: In the manner of noodles\n**P** (piano, or \"soft\", in music) *wrapped in* **DOILY** (\"paper napkin\") \n*\"Noodles\" in this case refers to simpletons, not pasta."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tea maid's prepared for natural gap (8)","output":"### Answer: DIASTEMA \n ### Explanation: Definition: natural gap\n*(tea maids) \nA diastema is a natural gap between consecutive teeth."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Latin bird in part of choir producing jaunty movements (11)","output":"### Answer: ALLEGRETOS \n ### Explanation: Definition: jaunty movements\n**L** (Latin) + **EGRET** (\"bird\") *in* **ALTOS** (\"part of choir\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Intermittent (11)","output":"### Answer: SPASMODICAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Intermittent \n*This is the word Azed wants the solver to clue."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Headlong fall? Nothing to ease the pain at cut (8)","output":"### Answer: NOSEDIVE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Headlong fall\n**NO SED**(at)**IVE** (\"nothing to ease the pain\" with AT *cut*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Horlicks (more than one) \u2013 or Bells? (8)","output":"### Answer: CLANGERS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Horlicks (more than one)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Like a long run? Men should be dressed in a hat (7)","output":"### Answer: TEN-MILE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Like a long run?\n***(men)*** in* **TILE** (\"hat\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sectarian, fatuous by the sound of it (6)","output":"### Answer: MOONIE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Sectarian\nHomophone *[by the sound of it]* of **MOONY** \n*Moonies are members of the Unification Church, a sect founded in 1954."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dog or kitten mostly excluded round small cooking area (6)","output":"### Answer: CHENET \n ### Explanation: Definition: Dog\n(kit)**CHENET**(te)(n) (\"small cooking area\" with KITTE(n) *excluded*) \n*A chenet is an andiron or firedog, a metal grid for holding firewood."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Maori settlement dividing street up for NZ shrubs (5)","output":"### Answer: TUTUS \n ### Explanation: Definition: NZ shrubs\n**UTU** (in Maori, \"settlement\" of a debt) *dividing* **<=ST.** (street, *up*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Theological student, one of two for tutor occupying comfy seat (5)","output":"### Answer: SOFTA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Theological student\n**T** (\"one of two for tutor\") *occupying* **SOFA** (\"comfy seat\") \n*A softa was a student of Islamic theology in the Ottoman Empire."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Chopper making my heart shift? (4)","output":"### Answer: ADZE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Chopper\n**A**(**D**)**ZE**(d) ie Azed with his *heart* (ZE) *shifted* right."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Seeing the future of a vicar only upset them initially (11)","output":"### Answer: CLAIRVOYANT \n ### Explanation: Seeing the future of a vicar only upset them initially (11)\n***(a vicar only)** + **T**(hem)* [initially]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cold shoulder \u2013 of lamb? (3)","output":"### Answer: CUT \n ### Explanation: Cold shoulder \u2013 of lamb? (3)\nDouble definition where \"shoulder\" does double duty, as the second part of COLD SHOULDER (\"cut\") and as the first part of SHOULDER OF LAMB (\"cut)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Slow student has a right turn (5)","output":"### Answer: LARGO \n ### Explanation: Slow student has a right turn (5)\n**L** (learner, so \"student\") *has* **A R** (right) **GO** (\"turn\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bent receiver must have one way (9)","output":"### Answer: DISHONEST \n ### Explanation: Bent receiver must have one way (9)\n**DISH** (\"receiver\" as in satellite dish) *must have* **ONE ST.** (street, so \"way\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Scrape by, accepting blunder could be a show of contempt (9)","output":"### Answer: RASPBERRY \n ### Explanation: Scrape by, accepting blunder could be a show of contempt (9)\n**RASP** (\"scrape\") **BY** *accepting* **ERR** (\"blunder\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Minor problem with answer for one opening (5)","output":"### Answer: HATCH \n ### Explanation: Minor problem with answer for one opening (5)\n**H**(i>**A**)**TCH\u00a0**(\"minor problem\" with A (answer) replacing *[for]* I (one))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Kept control of parasites in whales (7)","output":"### Answer: POLICED \n ### Explanation: Kept control of parasites in whales (7)\n**LICE** (\"parasites\") *in* **POD** (\"whales\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Low returns on diamonds must mean inevitable ruin (4)","output":"### Answer: DOOM \n ### Explanation: Low returns on diamonds must mean inevitable ruin (4)\n**<=MOO** (\"low\" *returns*) *on* **D** (diamonds)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A final cut short, unfortunately (4)","output":"### Answer: ALAS \n ### Explanation: A final cut short, unfortunately (4)\n**A LAS**(t) (\"final\", *cut short*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Viceroy, king and ambassador in front of disreputable club (7)","output":"### Answer: KHEDIVE \n ### Explanation: Viceroy, king and ambassador in front of disreputable club (7)\n**K** (king) + **HE** (His Excellence, so \"ambassador\") *in front of* **DIVE** (\"disreputable club\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A cat's tiny bits (5)","output":"### Answer: ATOMS \n ### Explanation: A cat's tiny bits (5)\n**A TOM'S** (\"cat's\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Polish group rejected seductive scheme (5,4)","output":"### Answer: HONEY TRAP \n ### Explanation: Polish group rejected seductive scheme (5,4)\n**HONE** (\"polish\", as in \"hone one's skills\") + **<=PARTY** (\"group\", *rejected*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: FT magazine article found in office? (5,4)","output":"### Answer: PAPER CLIP \n ### Explanation: FT magazine article found in office? (5,4)\n**PAPER** (\"FT\") + **CLIP** (\"magazine\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Supply food for a disheartened type in credit (5)","output":"### Answer: CATER \n ### Explanation: Supply food for a disheartened type in credit (5)\n**A** *[disheartened]* **T**(yp)**E** *in* **CR** (credit)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Show agreement, backing academic type (3)","output":"### Answer: NOD \n ### Explanation: Show agreement, backing academic type (3)\n**<=DON** (\"academic type\", *backing*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Offer false hope to new girl's agent on lacking energy (6,5)","output":"### Answer: STRING ALONG \n ### Explanation: Offer false hope to new girl's agent on lacking energy (6,5)\n***(girls agnt on)\u00a0**where AGNT is \"agent\" *lacking* E (energy)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: US state exercise set up ancient weapons (8)","output":"### Answer: CALTROPS \n ### Explanation: US state exercise set up ancient weapons (8)\n**Cal.** (California, so \"state\") + **<=SPORT** (\"exercise\", *set up*) \n*Caltrops were iron balls with four spikes, fashioned in such a way that one spike always pointed up, which were placed in such a way as to impede the progress of horses or vehicles."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sprays also designed to protect painful back (8)","output":"### Answer: AEROSOLS \n ### Explanation: Sprays also designed to protect painful back (8)\n***(also)** *to protect* **<=SORE** (\"painful\", *back*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Figure house doctor should support Republican (5)","output":"### Answer: RHOMB \n ### Explanation: Figure house doctor should support Republican (5)\n**HO** (\"house\") + **MB** (Bachelor of Medicine, so \"doctor\") *should support* **R** (Republican)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Reserved and rode off looking embarrassed (7)","output":"### Answer: ORDERED \n ### Explanation: Reserved and rode off looking embarrassed (7)\n***(rode)** + **RED** (\"looking embarrassed\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tested when on top of state education (7)","output":"### Answer: ASSAYED \n ### Explanation: Tested when on top of state education (7)\n**AS** (\"when\") *on top of* **SAY** (\"state\") + **ED** (\"education\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tasty \u2013 to an unspecified number eating hot stew (9)","output":"### Answer: TOOTHSOME \n ### Explanation: Tasty \u2013 to an unspecified number eating hot stew (9)\n**TO SOME** (\"an unspecified number\") *eating* ***(hot)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cougars will accept he does (6)","output":"### Answer: CHEATS \n ### Explanation: Cougars will accept he does (6)\n**CATS** (\"cougars\") *will accept* **HE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Easily irritated, one leaves the City in turmoil (6)","output":"### Answer: TETCHY \n ### Explanation: Easily irritated, one leaves the City in turmoil (6)\n***(the cty)** where CTY is \"city\" after I (one) *leaves"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pass poor dosser getting such blisters (4,5)","output":"### Answer: COLD SORES \n ### Explanation: Pass poor dosser getting such blisters (4,5)\n**COL** (\"pass\") + ***(dosser)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: British Rail originally invested in new toilet book (8)","output":"### Answer: LIBRETTO \n ### Explanation: British Rail originally invested in new toilet book (8)\n**BR** (British Rail, *initially*) *invested in* ***(toilet)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Advance making progress on the backs of others (8)","output":"### Answer: LEAPFROG \n ### Explanation: Advance making progress on the backs of others (8)\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Student son's arrest reported (7)","output":"### Answer: SCHOLAR \n ### Explanation: Student son's arrest reported (7)\n**S** (son) + homophone of *[reported]* **COLLAR** (\"arrest\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Family doctor at home is number one in team (7)","output":"### Answer: KINGPIN \n ### Explanation: Family doctor at home is number one in team (7)\n**KIN** (\"family\") + **G.P.** (\"doctor\") + **IN** (\"at home\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Discourage study covering a politician (6)","output":"### Answer: DAMPEN \n ### Explanation: Discourage study covering a politician (6)\n**DEN** (\"study\") *covering* **A M.P.** (\"politician\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Drop it off, being sluggish (6)","output":"### Answer: TORPID \n ### Explanation: Drop it off, being sluggish (6)\n***(drop it)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Plant seen in your cocoa, intermittently (5)","output":"### Answer: YUCCA \n ### Explanation: Plant seen in your cocoa, intermittently (5)\n**Y**(o)**U**(r)**C**(o)**C**(o)**A\u00a0***[intermittently]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Top rank in most advanced military units (5,4)","output":"### Answer: FRONT LINE \n ### Explanation: Top rank in most advanced military units (5,4)\n**FRONT** (\"top\") + **LINE** (\"rank\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Maestro in Palladium set tempo (5)","output":"### Answer: PACED \n ### Explanation: Maestro in Palladium set tempo (5)\n**ACE** (\"maestro\") *in* **Pd** (chemical symbol for \"palladium\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ionic as translated reveals historic location (7)","output":"### Answer: NICOSIA \n ### Explanation: Ionic as translated reveals historic location (7)\n***(ionic as) "} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Enemy broadcast old man's blunder (4,3)","output":"### Answer: FAUX PAS \n ### Explanation: Enemy broadcast old man's blunder (4,3)\nHomophone of **FOE** (\"enemy\" *broadcast*) + **PA'S** (\"old man's\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Leonardo's outside to exploit rotter (5)","output":"### Answer: LOUSE \n ### Explanation: Leonardo's outside to exploit rotter (5)\n**L**(eonard)**O** [outside] + **USE** (\"to exploit\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Jerk ran about investing money for capital (4,5)","output":"### Answer: ULAN BATOR \n ### Explanation: Jerk ran about investing money for capital (4,5)\n***(ran about)** *investing*** L** (\u00a3, so \"money\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Handle finally attached to copper pot with this (3)","output":"### Answer: CUE \n ### Explanation: Handle finally attached to copper pot with this (3)\n(handl)**E** *[finally] attached to* **Cu** (chemical symbol for \"copper')"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Folkloric figure relaxed to catch bird eating cake (6,5)","output":"### Answer: EASTER BUNNY \n ### Explanation: Folkloric figure relaxed to catch bird eating cake (6,5)\n**EASY** (\"relaxed\") *to catch* **TERN** (\"bird\") *eating* **BUN** (\"cake\"), so **EAS(TER(BUN)N)Y"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Whose reservations on the continent may be confirmed (11)","output":"### Answer: EUROSCEPTIC \n ### Explanation: Whose reservations on the continent may be confirmed (11)\n*Barely disguised cryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Coward taking short cut (3)","output":"### Answer: CUR \n ### Explanation: Coward taking short cut (3)\n**CUR**(t) (\"short\" *cut*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: River worker penning book \u2013 one that shows little merit (9)","output":"### Answer: POTBOILER \n ### Explanation: River worker penning book \u2013 one that shows little merit (9)\n**PO** (\"river\") + **TOILER** (\"worker\") *penning* **B** (book)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Use excellent line with King James Bible (5)","output":"### Answer: AVAIL \n ### Explanation: Use excellent line with King James Bible (5)\n**Ai** (\"excellent) + **L** (line) *with* **AV** (Authorised Version = \"King James Bible\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Feline in mangy coat gives touching display (7)","output":"### Answer: TOCCATA \n ### Explanation: Feline in mangy coat gives touching display (7)\n**CAT** (\"feline\") in ***(coat)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unnecessary loss of one point irritates (7)","output":"### Answer: NEEDLES \n ### Explanation: Unnecessary loss of one point irritates (7)\n**NEEDLES**(s) (\"unncecessary\" with *loss o*f S (\"one point\" of the compass))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: District to accommodate new stadium (5)","output":"### Answer: ARENA \n ### Explanation: District to accommodate new stadium (5)\n**AREA** (\"district\") *to accommodate* **N** (new)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Green light in spare room (9)","output":"### Answer: CLEARANCE \n ### Explanation: Green light in spare room (9)\nDouble definition; for the second, think \"room to spare\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Decisive force in Argyll vacated (5)","output":"### Answer: FINAL \n ### Explanation: Decisive force in Argyll vacated (5)\n**F** (force) **IN A**(rgyl)**L** *[vacated]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Obstruct commander and law lord entering church (7)","output":"### Answer: OCCLUDE \n ### Explanation: Obstruct commander and law lord entering church (7)\n**OC** (Officer in Command, so \"commander\") + **LUD** (\"lord\" in law (think m'lud))\u00a0*entering* **CE** (\"Church\" of England). \n*"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bland column suppressed by news agency (9)","output":"### Answer: TASTELESS \n ### Explanation: Bland column suppressed by news agency (9)\n**STELE** (\"column\") *suppressed by* **TASS** (Soviet \"news agency\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Something hard to crack here\u00a0to be concise (2,1,8)","output":"### Answer: IN A NUTSHELL \n ### Explanation: Something hard to crack here\u00a0to be concise (2,1,8)\nDouble definition, *although isn't it the nutshell that's hard to crack rather than what's in it?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mischievous being lines up female (3)","output":"### Answer: ELF \n ### Explanation: Mischievous being lines up female (3)\n**EL** (elevated railway, so \"lines up\") + **F** (female)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dead plant gone missing (5)","output":"### Answer: PLUMB \n ### Explanation: Dead plant gone missing (5)\n**PLUMB**(ago) (\"plant\" with AGO (\"gone\") *missing*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Turner eclipses Brown (7)","output":"### Answer: CAPSTAN \n ### Explanation: Turner eclipses Brown (7)\n**CAPS** (\"eclipses\") + **TAN** (\"brown\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Vandal sacked city in endless wasteland (9)","output":"### Answer: DESTROYER \n ### Explanation: Vandal sacked city in endless wasteland (9)\n**TROY** (\"sacked city\") *in* **DESER**(t) (*endless* \"wasteland\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Weapon one with power to act on Royal house (5,6)","output":"### Answer: AGENT ORANGE \n ### Explanation: Weapon one with power to act on Royal house (5,6)\n**AGENT** (\"one with power to act\") *on* **ORANGE** (\"Royal house\") \n*Agent Orange is a herbicide, used to defoliate forests to so that enemy fighters can't use them for shelter, but its side effects cause illness to humans, so it could be considered a weapon."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Damaged pectoral area does for tragic royal (9)","output":"### Answer: CLEOPATRA \n ### Explanation: Damaged pectoral area does for tragic royal (9)\n***(pectoral)** + **A** (area)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pirate thriller writer discussed always (9)","output":"### Answer: BUCCANEER \n ### Explanation: Pirate thriller writer discussed always (9)\nHomophone of (John) **BUCHAN** (\"thriller writer\" *discussed*) + **E'ER** (\"always\") \n*BUCHAN and BUCCAN are not homophones, though, as Buchan was Scottish and therefore the \"ch\" is pronounced as in \"loch\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Heretic left to pen lines for reference (7)","output":"### Answer: RETICLE \n ### Explanation: Heretic left to pen lines for reference (7)\nHidden in \"he**RETIC LE**ft\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Clown takes place in company (7)","output":"### Answer: CHAPLIN \n ### Explanation: Clown takes place in company (7)\n**Pl.** (place) *in* **CHAIN** (\"company\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Extremely obvious alias used in Honshu port (5)","output":"### Answer: OSAKA \n ### Explanation: Extremely obvious alias used in Honshu port (5)\n*[extremely*] **O**(bviou)**S** + **A.K.A.** (also known as = \"alias\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fine fabric in transport leaving Cumbrian town (5)","output":"### Answer: LISLE \n ### Explanation: Fine fabric in transport leaving Cumbrian town (5)\n(car)**LISLE** (\"Cumbrian town\" with CAR (\"transport\") *leaving*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Electrical discharge from Joan's place (3)","output":"### Answer: ARC \n ### Explanation: Electrical discharge from Joan's place (3)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Allies report false plot warning (7,5)","output":"### Answer: SPOILER ALERT \n ### Explanation: Allies report false plot warning (7,5)\n***(allies report)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Scowl from the French in place of healing (7)","output":"### Answer: LOURDES \n ### Explanation: Scowl from the French in place of healing (7)\n**LOUR** (\"scowl\") + **DES** (\"from\" in *French*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Most perfect short day in Rome, too (7)","output":"### Answer: BESIDES \n ### Explanation: Most perfect short day in Rome, too (7)\n**BES**(t) (\"most perfect\", *short*) + **IDES** (\"day in Rome\", as in \"the ides of March\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Items of data about popular drugs (7)","output":"### Answer: STATINS \n ### Explanation: Items of data about popular drugs (7)\n**STATS** (\"items of data\") *about* **IN** (\"popular\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Attitude it's vain to display (7)","output":"### Answer: EGOTISM \n ### Explanation: Attitude it's vain to display (7)\n*(Not very)* cryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Turn round with part of foot (5)","output":"### Answer: WHEEL \n ### Explanation: Turn round with part of foot (5)\n**W** (with) + **HEEL** (\"part of foot\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cooked best fare, introducing old English favourite (5,4)","output":"### Answer: ROAST BEEF \n ### Explanation: Cooked best fare, introducing old English favourite (5,4)\n***(best fare)** *introducing* **O** (\"old\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Immediately suggesting wrong home? (5,4)","output":"### Answer: RIGHT AWAY \n ### Explanation: Immediately suggesting wrong home? (5,4)\nIf home is wrong, then presumable away is right?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Animal's sexually ambivalent offspring (5)","output":"### Answer: BISON \n ### Explanation: Animal's sexually ambivalent offspring (5)\n**BI** (\"sexually ambivalent\") + **SON** (\"offspring\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A daughter chosen to be taken in (7)","output":"### Answer: ADOPTED \n ### Explanation: A daughter chosen to be taken in (7)\n**A** + **D** (daughter) + **OPTED** (\"chosen\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Somewhat lacking, prune quality is just not the same (7)","output":"### Answer: UNEQUAL \n ### Explanation: Somewhat lacking, prune quality is just not the same (7)\nHidden in *[somewhat lacking]* \"pr**UNE QUAL**ity\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Recession in a seaside town? (3,4)","output":"### Answer: EBB TIDE \n ### Explanation: Recession in a seaside town? (3,4)\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: They go down for a sleep (7)","output":"### Answer: EYELIDS \n ### Explanation: They go down for a sleep (7)\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Is it shelved in Swansea? (5,7)","output":"### Answer: WELSH DRESSER \n ### Explanation: Is it shelved in Swansea? (5,7)\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Edible sort of dog (7)","output":"### Answer: SAUSAGE \n ### Explanation: Edible sort of dog (7)\n*Sausage dog is another name for a dachshund."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Historic legislation for the police (3,4)","output":"### Answer: OLD BILL \n ### Explanation: Historic legislation for the police (3,4)\n**OLD** (\"historic\") + **BILL** (\"legislation\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A back-breaking weight (4,5)","output":"### Answer: LAST STRAW \n ### Explanation: A back-breaking weight (4,5)\nCryptic definition \u2013 \"the last straw\" being roughly equivalent to \"the straw that broke the camel's back\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Government holds British currency (5)","output":"### Answer: RUBLE \n ### Explanation: Government holds British currency (5)\n**RULE** (\"government\") *holds* **B** (British)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Look fat, so was unsuccessful (4,3)","output":"### Answer: LOST OUT \n ### Explanation: Look fat, so was unsuccessful (4,3)\n**LO** (\"look\") + **STOUT** (\"fat\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lender I tricked, one not to be crossed (3,4)","output":"### Answer: RED LINE \n ### Explanation: Lender I tricked, one not to be crossed (3,4)\n***(lender i)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Riots in school, which Marx expected (5,7)","output":"### Answer: CLASS WARFARE \n ### Explanation: Riots in school, which Marx expected (5,7)\nWarfare between classes = \"riots in school\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One may only have two ties left (12)","output":"### Answer: SEMIFINALIST \n ### Explanation: One may only have two ties left (12)\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cancelling order for troops (2,3,4)","output":"### Answer: AS YOU WERE \n ### Explanation: Cancelling order for troops (2,3,4)\n*Cryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The last word in virtue: and extra (7)","output":"### Answer: GOODBYE \n ### Explanation: The last word in virtue: and extra (7)\n**GOOD** (\"virtue\") + **BYE** (\"extra\" in cricket)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bird pecked small tasty morsels (7)","output":"### Answer: TITBITS \n ### Explanation: Bird pecked small tasty morsels (7)\n**TIT** (\"bird\") + **BIT** (\"pecked\") + **S** (small)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Group live on geese, carved up (3,4)","output":"### Answer: BEE GEES \n ### Explanation: Group live on geese, carved up (3,4)\n**BE** (\"live\") *on* ***(geese)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: More fresh crockery I brought in (7)","output":"### Answer: SAUCIER \n ### Explanation: More fresh crockery I brought in (7)\n**SAUCER** (\"crockery\") with **I** *brought in"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fear of snaking adder (5)","output":"### Answer: DREAD \n ### Explanation: Fear of snaking adder (5)\n***(dread)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Right in fashion and new? (6)","output":"### Answer: MODERN \n ### Explanation: Right in fashion and new? (6)\n**R** (right) *in* **MODE** (\"fashion\") + **N** (new) and &lit."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: English town expels river vessel (8)","output":"### Answer: STOCKPOT \n ### Explanation: English town expels river vessel (8)\n**STOCKPO**(r)**T** (\"English town\" *expelling* **R** (river))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Joint account centrally held by revolutionary despot (5)","output":"### Answer: ROAST \n ### Explanation: Joint account centrally held by revolutionary despot (5)\n**A** (account) *centrally held by* **<=TSAR** (*revolutionary* \"despot\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Can, say, criminal retain spoils? (9)","output":"### Answer: CONTAINER \n ### Explanation: Can, say, criminal retain spoils? (9)\n**CON** (\"criominal\") + ***(retain)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: European and oriental could be closely related (7)","output":"### Answer: GERMANE \n ### Explanation: European and oriental could be closely related (7)\n**GERMAN** (\"European\") + **E** (eastern, so \"oriental\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Revolting woven fabric for carpet (7)","output":"### Answer: UPBRAID \n ### Explanation: Revolting woven fabric for carpet (7)\n**UP** (\"revolting\") + **BRAID** (\"woven fabric\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fellow quits one instrument for another (4)","output":"### Answer: LUTE \n ### Explanation: Fellow quits one instrument for another (4)\n(f)**LUTE** (\"instrument\" with F (fellow) having *quit*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Playing concerto's finale, Richter displays eloquence (8)","output":"### Answer: RHETORIC \n ### Explanation: Playing concerto's finale, Richter displays eloquence (8)\n***(richter o)** where the O is the *finale* of (concert)O"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Eating place mostly edged by lake (8)","output":"### Answer: CREPERIE \n ### Explanation: Eating place mostly edged by lake (8)\n**CREP**(t) (*mostly* \"edged\") *by* (Lake) **ERIE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Only some saw an evident decline (4)","output":"### Answer: WANE \n ### Explanation: Only some saw an evident decline (4)\nHidden in *[only some]* \"sa**W AN E**vident\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Expert stops Greek character making a scene (7)","output":"### Answer: TABLEAU \n ### Explanation: Expert stops Greek character making a scene (7)\n**ABLE** (\"expert\") *stops* **TAU** (\"Greek character\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One walking unsteadily is denied second glass (7)","output":"### Answer: TUMBLER \n ### Explanation: One walking unsteadily is denied second glass (7)\n(s)**TUMBLER** (\"one walking unsteadily\" with S (second) *denied*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lag, with rest beginning to gain ground? Taking run, he will! (9)","output":"### Answer: STRAGGLER \n ### Explanation: Lag, with rest beginning to gain ground? Taking run, he will! (9)\n***(lag rest G)**\u00a0(where G is *[beginning to]* G(ain)), taking **R** (run) and &lit."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Surpass United in no-score draw (5)","output":"### Answer: OUTDO \n ### Explanation: Surpass United in no-score draw (5)\n**UTD** (United) *in* **0-0** (\"no-score draw)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One's lacking in awareness and judgment (8)","output":"### Answer: SENTENCE \n ### Explanation: One's lacking in awareness and judgment (8)\n**SENT**(i)**ENCE** (\"awareness\" with I (\"one\") *lacking*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Austrian composer or German one, note (6)","output":"### Answer: WEBERN \n ### Explanation: Austrian composer or German one, note (6)\n(Carl Maria von) **WEBER** (\"German composer\") + **N** (note) \n*Anton Webern was an Austrian composer, active in the first half of the twentieth century."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Annual publication of long standing admits ruin, oddly (8)","output":"### Answer: MARIGOLD \n ### Explanation: Annual publication of long standing admits ruin, oddly (8)\n**MAG** (\"publication\") + **OLD** (\"of long standing\") *admits* **R**(u)**I**(n) *[oddly]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: I'd upset a judge? Could be grave (9)","output":"### Answer: DIACRITIC \n ### Explanation: I'd upset a judge? Could be grave (9)\n**<=I'D** *[upset]* **A CRITIC\u00a0**(\"judge\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Educated woman introducing university lecturer's opening ceremony (6)","output":"### Answer: RITUAL \n ### Explanation: Educated woman introducing university lecturer's opening ceremony (6)\n**RITA** (\"educated woman\" as in Educating Rita, the Willy Russell play)* introducing* **U** (university) + **L**(ecturer) *[opening]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Uttering it, ultimately we so will struggle? (6-7)","output":"### Answer: TONGUE-TWISTER \n ### Explanation: Uttering it, ultimately we so will struggle? (6-7)\n***(uttering T we so)** where the T is (i)T *[ultimately] *and &lit."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fossilised resin is located under church hall (7)","output":"### Answer: CHAMBER \n ### Explanation: Fossilised resin is located under church hall (7)\n**AMBER** (\"fossilised resin\") *is located under* **CH** (church)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Animal defining the borders of Patagonia? (5)","output":"### Answer: PANDA \n ### Explanation: Animal defining the borders of Patagonia? (5)\nThe borders of P(atagoni)A are **P AND A"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One occupies business address that's heated (6)","output":"### Answer: TIRADE \n ### Explanation: One occupies business address that's heated (6)\n**I** (\"one\") *occupies* **TRADE** (\"business\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Country club possibly accepts one after vocal snub by representative (5,8)","output":"### Answer: CZECH REPUBLIC \n ### Explanation: Country club possibly accepts one after vocal snub by representative (5,8)\n***(club)** *accepts*** I** (\"one\") *after* homophone of *[vocal]* **CHECK** (\"snub\") *by* **REP** (representative)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: She's a tart (9)","output":"### Answer: CHARLOTTE \n ### Explanation: She's a tart (9)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Press statement suggesting Teddy's fallen? (4,4)","output":"### Answer: BEAR DOWN \n ### Explanation: Press statement suggesting Teddy's fallen? (4,4)\nIf \"Teddy's fallen\", the \"statemen in the press\" (if it merited such coverage) may well be **BEAR DOWN"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Green PE pants could be centrepiece for table (7)","output":"### Answer: EPERGNE \n ### Explanation: Green PE pants could be centrepiece for table (7)\n***(green pe)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Secret police succeeded, making arrest (6)","output":"### Answer: STASIS \n ### Explanation: Secret police succeeded, making arrest (6)\n**STASI** (\"secret police\") + **S** (succeeded)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Setter's attitude is to take advantage (6)","output":"### Answer: IMPOSE \n ### Explanation: Setter's attitude is to take advantage (6)\n**I'M** (\"setter's\") + **POSE** (\"attitude\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rising aristocrat penning lines as poet (5)","output":"### Answer: BYRON \n ### Explanation: Rising aristocrat penning lines as poet (5)\n**<=NOB** [rising] \"aristocrat\" *penning* **RY.** (railway, so \"lines\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Surfing accessory: sailor's alongside, as having entered (9)","output":"### Answer: AQUABOARD \n ### Explanation: Definition: Surfing accessory\n**ABOARD** (\"sailor's alongside\") with **QUA** (\"as\") *having entered"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: I'll be pursuing one in pack, woolly (5)","output":"### Answer: CARDI \n ### Explanation: Definition: woolly\n**I** *will be pursuing* **CARD** (\"one in pack\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rummage around for thin ribbon (6)","output":"### Answer: FERRET \n ### Explanation: Definition: Rummage around\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: This Jewish doughball etc, cooking \u2026 thickens maybe (5)","output":"### Answer: KNISH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Jewish doughball\n***(hickn)** which is THICKENS without ETC"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Crustacean genus students found beside Welsh lake (7)","output":"### Answer: BALANUS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Crustacean genus\n**N.U.S.** (National Union of \"Students\") *beside* (Lake) **BALA** \n*Balanus is ther name of the genus that includes acorn-shells"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Some tourists on a tack. Pastoral perhaps (6)","output":"### Answer: SONATA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Pastoral perhaps\nHidden in *[some]* \"tourist**S ON A TA**ck\" \n*The Pastoral Sonata is another name for Beethoven's Piano Sonata No 15"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Give glossy look to veg without (Italian) coating (7)","output":"### Answer: SLEEKEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Give glossy look to\n**LEEK** with **SEN** (short for \"senza\" the Italian for without)* coating* it."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Large tree suffering from drought, notice (5)","output":"### Answer: DRYAD \n ### Explanation: Definition: Large tree\n**DRY** (\"suffering from drought\") + **AD** (\"notice\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Look to muscle in repose (7)","output":"### Answer: RESPECT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Look to\n**PEC** (\"muscle\") *in* **REST** (\"repose\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Directly opposes monk having more than half tonsure cut (6)","output":"### Answer: FRONTS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Directly opposes\n**Fr.** (friar, so \"brother\") *having* ***(tons)** (\"more than half\" of \"tonsure\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Church council introducing a Latin series of masses (7)","output":"### Answer: TRENTAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: series of masses\n**TRENT** (\"church council\") + **A L** (Latin) \n*The Council of Trent was held in Trento, Itlay in the middle of the sixteenth century."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: To start, my short exchanged for the French tonic? (5)","output":"### Answer: JULEP \n ### Explanation: Definition: tonic\n**JU**(m>**LE**)**P\u00a0**where M = M(y) *[short]\u00a0*and LE is \"the\" in \"French\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ribboned hairpiece that is in fashion (6)","output":"### Answer: TIEWIG \n ### Explanation: Definition: Ribboned hairpiece\n**I.E.** (\"that is\") *in* **TWIG** (\"fashion\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: About to revise one's faith (5)","output":"### Answer: CREDO \n ### Explanation: Definition: one's faith\n**C.** (about) + **REDO** (\"revise\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lie square after changing score to draw level (9)","output":"### Answer: EQUALISER \n ### Explanation: Definition: score to draw level\n***(lie square)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Trump's excessive sensitivity? After publicity stunt he's appearing in wild satire (13)","output":"### Answer: HYPERESTHESIA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Trump's excessive sensitivity\n*After* **HYPE** (\"publicity stunt\") **HE'S** *appearing in* ***(satire)** \n*This is the American (indicated by \"Trump's\") spelling of hyperaesthesia"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Supports crib to give mutual favours (11)","output":"### Answer: BACKSCRATCH \n ### Explanation: Definition: to give mutual favours\n**BACKS** (\"supports\") + **CRATCH** (\"crib\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mouse enclosed within old wall (6)","output":"### Answer: MURINE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Mouse\n**IN** (\"enclosed\") *within* **MURE** (\"old\" word for \"wall\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Adult type of sclerosis in hand? This makes tricky incision (6)","output":"### Answer: PADSAW \n ### Explanation: Definition: This makes tricky incision\n**A** (adult) + **DS** (disseminated \"sclerosis\") *in* **PAW** (\"hand\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Epic tales? Second's a delight (5)","output":"### Answer: SAGAS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Epic tales\n**S** (second) + **A GAS** (\"delight\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Having had a brainwave I exploit, retaining one (6)","output":"### Answer: IDEAED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Having had a brainwave\n**I** + **DEED** (\"exploit\") *retaining* **A** (\"one\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Name associated with giant mincer never includes it (5)","output":"### Answer: CERNE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Name associated with giant\nHidden in \"min**CER NE**ver\" \n*The Cerne Giant is an ancient naked figure carved into the chalk hillside above Cerne Abbas in Devon."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Brain disease universal among West African people (4)","output":"### Answer: KURU \n ### Explanation: Definition: Brain disease\n**U** (universal) *among* **KRU** (a \"West African people\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Conifer portions are chopped up (11)","output":"### Answer: RETINOSPORA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Conifer\n***(portions are)** \n*Retinospora (aka Chamaecyparis) is the genus of trees that includes cypresses and false cypresses."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Experiencing ecstasy with grass around? Took ill (8)","output":"### Answer: RESENTED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Took ill\n**SENT** (\"experiencing ecsatsy\") *with* **REED** (\"grass\") *around"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Prank involving pickled roe that puts you off your food (8)","output":"### Answer: ANORETIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: that puts you off your food\n**ANTIC** (\"prank\") *involving* ***(roe)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One rejecting\u00a0old coin (6)","output":"### Answer: DENIER \n ### Explanation: Definition: One rejecting\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Love being in an apartment and out of debt (6)","output":"### Answer: AFLOAT \n ### Explanation: Definition: out of debt\n**O** (\"love\") *being in* **A FLAT** (\"an apartment\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Scotch bonnet? In short it's drooping for Jock (6)","output":"### Answer: TOURIE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Scotch bonnet\nA **TOURIE** is a Scottish bonnet, and (t)OURIE is a Scottish word for \"drooping\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cloudy? Sun's come out if not (6)","output":"### Answer: UNLESS \n ### Explanation: Definition: if not\n(s)**UNLESS** (\"cloudy?\" with S (sun) *come out*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bird from N. America or Peru, very small (5)","output":"### Answer: PEWEE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Bird from N. America\n**PE** (International Vehicle Registration for \"Peru\") + **WEE** (\"very small\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sloping part of fortification sultan mostly reconstructed (5)","output":"### Answer: TALUS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Sloping part of fortification\n***(sulta)** which is SULTA(n) *mostly"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Variety of cider apples? Crop thus spliced maybe (4)","output":"### Answer: REAP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Crop\nREAP SPLICED is an anagram of **CIDER APPLES"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Level\u00a0playing field (5)","output":"### Answer: PITCH \n ### Explanation: Level\u00a0playing field (5)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Scornful father recoils, breaking joint (8)","output":"### Answer: DERISIVE \n ### Explanation: Scornful father recoils, breaking joint (8)\n**<=SIRE** (\"father\" recolis) *breaking* **DIVE** (\"joint\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Have no scruples, but never rise (5,2,7)","output":"### Answer: STICK AT NOTHING \n ### Explanation: Have no scruples, but never rise (5,2,7)\nChambers gives the definition, although it is not a phrase I know. For the wordplay, I assume that on a rising scale, if you STICK AT NOTHING, you would \"never rise\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Gunners knocked over Nutmeg's battered case (8)","output":"### Answer: ARGUMENT \n ### Explanation: Gunners knocked over Nutmeg's battered case (8)\n**<=R.A.** (\"Gunners\" knocked over) + ***(nutmeg)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sportive fellow, hairy (6)","output":"### Answer: FRISKY \n ### Explanation: Sportive fellow, hairy (6)\n**F** (fellow) + **RISKY** (\"hairy\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Delighted about content of songs being extended (9)","output":"### Answer: ELONGATED \n ### Explanation: Delighted about content of songs being extended (9)\n**ELATED** (\"delighted\") *about* *[content of]* (s)**ONG**(s)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Apparent end of iconic king on stage (5)","output":"### Answer: CLEAR \n ### Explanation: Apparent end of iconic king on stage (5)\n[end of] (iconi)**C** + **LEAR** (\"king on stage\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Where to put fuel for military vehicles (5)","output":"### Answer: TANKS \n ### Explanation: Where to put fuel for military vehicles (5)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Summon up prayer on religious subject (9)","output":"### Answer: RECOLLECT \n ### Explanation: Summon up prayer on religious subject (9)\n**COLLECT** (\"prayer\") *on* **R.E.** (religious education, so \"religious subject\" at school)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Insubstantial lake with silver lining (6)","output":"### Answer: MEAGRE \n ### Explanation: Insubstantial lake with silver lining (6)\n**MERE** (\"lake\") *with* **Ag** (\"silver\")* filling"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wife no longer covered bust, I admitted (8)","output":"### Answer: DIVORCEE \n ### Explanation: Wife no longer covered bust, I admitted (8)\n***(covered)** with **I** *admitted"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Main base (6,2,3,3)","output":"### Answer: BOTTOM OF THE SEA \n ### Explanation: Main base (6,2,3,3)\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Particular contingent of troopers on alert (8)","output":"### Answer: PERSONAL \n ### Explanation: Particular contingent of troopers on alert (8)\nHidden in *[contingent of]* \"troo**PERS ON AL**ert\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cantankerous head dismissed, not employed for some time (5)","output":"### Answer: RUSTY \n ### Explanation: Cantankerous head dismissed, not employed for some time (5)\n(c)**RUSTY** (\"cantankerous\"\u00a0*head dismissed*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Put one's foot down after Gestapo trashed collector's item (7,5)","output":"### Answer: POSTAGE STAMP \n ### Explanation: Put one's foot down after Gestapo trashed collector's item (7,5)\n**STAMP** (\"put one's foot down\") *after* ***(gestapo)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Setting limits on Spooner's borough that's failing? (5,4)","output":"### Answer: TYING DOWN \n ### Explanation: Setting limits on Spooner's borough that's failing? (5,4)\nThe famous Rev Spooner in trying to say DYING TOWN (\"borough that's failing\") may have uttered **TYING DOWN** instead."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: No problem with pong surrounding rubbish (5)","output":"### Answer: HOKUM \n ### Explanation: No problem with pong surrounding rubbish (5)\n**OK** (\"no problem\") *with* **HUM** (\"pong\") *surrounding"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Upcoming duty list observed, one sets off (9)","output":"### Answer: DETONATOR \n ### Explanation: Upcoming duty list observed, one sets off (9)\n**<= ROTA NOTED** (*upcoming* \"duty list observed\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Castle where felon's beheaded (4)","output":"### Answer: ROOK \n ### Explanation: Castle where felon's beheaded (4)\n(c)**ROOK** (\"felon\" *beheaded*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Organisation of parish clerks, last three dropping round (9)","output":"### Answer: SPHERICAL \n ### Explanation: Organisation of parish clerks, last three dropping round (9)\n***(parish cle)** where CLE is CLE(rks) *[last three* (letters) *dropped]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Archdeacon attending American Beauty (5)","output":"### Answer: VENUS \n ### Explanation: Archdeacon attending American Beauty (5)\n**VEN.** (venerable, epithet given to an \"archdeacon\" in the Anglican Church) + **U.S.** (\"American\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: New trophy ready, supporting hospital's remedial treatment (12)","output":"### Answer: HYDROTHERAPY \n ### Explanation: New trophy ready, supporting hospital's remedial treatment (12)\n***(trophy ready)**, *supporting* **H** (hospital)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Talk, endlessly cliched, is a source of irritation (9)","output":"### Answer: GASTRITIS \n ### Explanation: Talk, endlessly cliched, is a source of irritation (9)\n**GAS** (\"talk\") + **TRIT**(e) (endlessly \"cliched\") + **IS"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fraudulent cutie fled in disarray (9)","output":"### Answer: DECEITFUL \n ### Explanation: Fraudulent cutie fled in disarray (9)\n***(cutie fled)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cutting of taxes by queen works out (9)","output":"### Answer: EXERCISES \n ### Explanation: Cutting of taxes by queen works out (9)\n**EXCISES** (\"taxed\") *cut by* **E.R.** (\"queen\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: In rebellious age, sailor came to prominence (5)","output":"### Answer: AROSE \n ### Explanation: In rebellious age, sailor came to prominence (5)\n**O.S.**\u00a0(ordinary seaman, so \"sailor\") *in* **<=ERA** (rebellious \"age\") \n*Although it is generally accepted in Crosswordland, I don't like \"rebellious\" as a reversal indicator, as it requires an extra step (the solver has to think \"rebellious means up, so you have to reverse the letters\", which, to my mind, is just as unfair as an indirect anagram)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Additional gold-coated article (5)","output":"### Answer: OTHER \n ### Explanation: Additional gold-coated article (5)\n**OR** (\"gold\") *coated* **THE** (\"article\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Males below average to begin with? So be it (4)","output":"### Answer: AMEN \n ### Explanation: Males below average to begin with? So be it (4)\n**MEN** (\"males\") *below* **A**(verage) *[to begin with]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Economist planned to ignore small figure on screen (8)","output":"### Answer: EMOTICON \n ### Explanation: Economist planned to ignore small figure on screen (8)\n***(economit)** which is ECONOMI(s)T with S (small) *ignored"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: People with me get a flower arrangement (6)","output":"### Answer: RACEME \n ### Explanation: People with me get a flower arrangement (6)\n**RACE** (\"people\") *with* **ME"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ship carrying cargo of fish skewers (6)","output":"### Answer: SPIKES \n ### Explanation: Ship carrying cargo of fish skewers (6)\n**SS** (steam\"ship\") *carrying cargo of* **PIKE** (\"fish\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unit dismissing one old part of hospital is inconvenient (8)","output":"### Answer: UNTOWARD \n ### Explanation: Unit dismissing one old part of hospital is inconvenient (8)\n**UN**(i)**T**\u00a0(*dismissing* I (one)) + **O** (old) + **WARD** (\"part of hospital\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Note from doctor following case of malpractice (4)","output":"### Answer: MEMO \n ### Explanation: Note from doctor following case of malpractice (4)\n**MO** (Medical Officer, so \"doctor\") *following [case of]* **M**(alpractic)**E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Republican limit attached to old president must be an anomaly (10)","output":"### Answer: ABERATTION \n ### Explanation: Republican limit attached to old president must be an anomaly (10)\n**R** (Republican) + **RATION** (\"limit\") *attached to* **ABE** (Lincoln, \"old president\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cover rage after turning to accept Foreign Office bloomer (8)","output":"### Answer: DAFFODIL \n ### Explanation: Cover rage after turning to accept Foreign Office bloomer (8)\n**<=LID FAD** (\"cover\" + \"rage\", after turning) *to accept* **F.O.** (Foreign Office)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Admire efforts to circumvent danger to shipping? (4)","output":"### Answer: REEF \n ### Explanation: Admire efforts to circumvent danger to shipping? (4)\nHidden in \"admi**RE EF**forts\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Exposed duck enclosure (4)","output":"### Answer: OPEN \n ### Explanation: Exposed duck enclosure (4)\n**O** (\"duck\" in cricket) + **PEN** (\"enclosure\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Restricts dog ends (8)","output":"### Answer: CURTAILS \n ### Explanation: Restricts dog ends (8)\n**CUR** (\"dog\") + **TAILS** (\"ends\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Creates an interest (10)","output":"### Answer: ENTERTAINS \n ### Explanation: Creates an interest (10)\n***(an interest)** and &lit."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The simplicity of executing rental agreement (4)","output":"### Answer: EASE \n ### Explanation: The simplicity of executing rental agreement (4)\n(L)**EASE** (\"rental agreement\" beheaded i.e. *executed*) \n*I am personally not a fan of \"executed\" being used in this way, as beheading is only one form of execution."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Paper that comes out after the match? (8)","output":"### Answer: CONFETTI \n ### Explanation: Paper that comes out after the match? (8)\nCryptic definition \u2013 for \"match\" think \"wedding\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Complained bitterly, having to suffer in debt (6)","output":"### Answer: RAILED \n ### Explanation: Complained bitterly, having to suffer in debt (6)\n**AIL** (\"to suffer\") *in* **RED** (\"debt\") \n*This one doesn't work for me, as the phrase for being in debt is \"in THE red\", not simply \"in red\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Admission granted for course (6)","output":"### Answer: ENTREE \n ### Explanation: Admission granted for course (6)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Budding setter's back, with hesitation, information and time (8)","output":"### Answer: EMERGENT \n ### Explanation: Budding setter's back, with hesitation, information and time (8)\n**<=ME** (\"setter\" *back*) *with* **ER** (\"hesitation\") + **GEN** (\"information\") *and* **T** (time)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mike left in parrot's tree (5)","output":"### Answer: MAPLE \n ### Explanation: Mike left in parrot's tree (5)\n**M** (Mike) + **L** (left) *in* **APE** (\"parrot\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Resent income of criminal dealer (4,7)","output":"### Answer: TAKE OFFENCE \n ### Explanation: Resent income of criminal dealer (4,7)\n**TAKE** (\"income\") + **OF**\u00a0**FENCE** (\"criminal dealer\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Expense when crossing road for apples (8)","output":"### Answer: COSTARDS \n ### Explanation: Expense when crossing road for apples (8)\n**COST** (\"expense\") + **AS** (\"when\") *crossing* **RD** (road)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Developed useful on-line vice without fine cooking such as this (8,7)","output":"### Answer: NOUVELLE CUISINE \n ### Explanation: Developed useful on-line vice without fine cooking such as this (8,7)\n***(useul online vice)** where USE(f)UL is *without*\u00a0F (fine)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Vote in engineers and go (6)","output":"### Answer: RETURN \n ### Explanation: Vote in engineers and go (6)\n**R.E.** (Royal \"Engineers\") + **TURN** (\"go\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Company women overcome with awe (3)","output":"### Answer: COW \n ### Explanation: Company women overcome with awe (3)\n**Co.** (company) + **W** (women)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cause further damage on unprotected wall of marble (9)","output":"### Answer: MARMOREAL \n ### Explanation: Cause further damage on unprotected wall of marble (9)\n**MAR MORE** (\"cause further damage\") *on [unprotected]* (w)**A**L(l)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ominous obsession surrounding soldiers with neat display (11)","output":"### Answer: THREATENING \n ### Explanation: Ominous obsession surrounding soldiers with neat display (11)\n**THING** (\"obsession\") surrounding **R.E.** (Royal Engineers, so \"soldiers\") + ***(neat),\u00a0**so **TH(R.E.-ATEN)ING"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Driver's warning after a student writer finds instrument (9)","output":"### Answer: ALPENHORN \n ### Explanation: Driver's warning after a student writer finds instrument (9)\n**HORN** (\"driver's warning\") *after* **A L** (learner, so \"student\") **PEN** (\"writer')"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Maintain power and propriety of manner (8)","output":"### Answer: PRESERVE \n ### Explanation: Maintain power and propriety of manner (8)\n**P** (power) *and* **RESERVE** (\"propriety of manner\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Standing with no right for representation in stone (6)","output":"### Answer: STATUE \n ### Explanation: Standing with no right for representation in stone (6)\n**STATU**(r)**E** (\"standing\" *with no* R (right))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Back in register nowadays (5)","output":"### Answer: STERN \n ### Explanation: Back in register nowadays (5)\nHidden in \"regi**STER N**owadays\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Nowhere near force raised (3)","output":"### Answer: FAR \n ### Explanation: Nowhere near force raised (3)\n**<=R.A.F.** (Royal Air \"Force\", *raised*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Called Island about band member (7)","output":"### Answer: SIDEMAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: band member\n**<=NAMED IS** (\"called island\", *about*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Accumulates trouble below and on high (5,2)","output":"### Answer: PILES UP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Accumulates\n**PILES** (\"trouble below\" i.e. haemorrhoids) + **UP** (\"on high\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Start working group (5)","output":"### Answer: ONSET \n ### Explanation: Definition: Start\n**ON** (\"working\") + **SET** (\"group\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dismisses backing band twice before show starts (4-5)","output":"### Answer: POOH-POOHS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Dismisses\n**<=HOOP** (backing \"band\") *twice before* **S**(how) *[starts]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: King or queen beyond rabbit hole? It's hard to say (10)","output":"### Answer: JAWBREAKER \n ### Explanation: Definition: It's hard to say\n**ER** (\"king or queen\") *beyond* **JAW** (\"rabbit\") + **BREAK** (\"hole\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Start of true love? Licks honey, prepared for French kissing (6,6)","output":"### Answer: TONSIL HOCKEY \n ### Explanation: Definition: French kissing\n***(T O licks honey)**, where the T is the *start of* \"true\" and the O = \"love\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Query reason for neatness (5,2,5)","output":"### Answer: POINT OF ORDER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Query\n**POINT** (\"reason\") + **OF** \"(for\") + **ORDER** (\"neatness\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Air complaint for Mavis (4,6)","output":"### Answer: SONG THRUSH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Mavis\n**SONG** (\"air\") + **THRUSH** (\"complaint\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wooden home beside main road across northern China (9)","output":"### Answer: INANIMATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Wooden\n**IN** (\"home\") *beside* **A1** (\"main road\") *across* **N** (northern) + **MATE** (\"china\"), so **IN-A(N)1-MATE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ring doctor about card game (5)","output":"### Answer: OMBRE \n ### Explanation: Definition: card game\n**O** (\"ring\") + **MB** (Bachelor of Medicine, so \"doctor\") +** RE** (\"about\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Detective showing face around Oxford? (7)","output":"### Answer: GUMSHOE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Detective\n**<=MUG** (\"face\", around) + **SHOE** (\"Oxford?\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Umpteenth rallentando's hidden charm (7)","output":"### Answer: ENTHRAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: charm\n*Hidden* in \"umpe**ENTH RAL**lentando\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bad jokes about parking in the capital (6)","output":"### Answer: SKOPJE \n ### Explanation: Definition: capital \n***(jokes)** *about* **P** (parking)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Deny any connection with row about female (6)","output":"### Answer: DISOWN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Deny any connection with\n**DIN** (\"row\") *about* **SOW** (\"female\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Car (rattletrap), one that goes on and on (10)","output":"### Answer: MOTORMOUTH \n ### Explanation: Definition: one that goes on and on\n**MOTOR** (\"car\") + **MOUTH** (\"rattletrap\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Reportedly one that's gone off soft leather (5)","output":"### Answer: NAPPA \n ### Explanation: Definition: soft leather\nHomophone of *[reportedly]* **NAPPER** (\"one that's gone off\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Variable length, once absorbed in respectable screw (9)","output":"### Answer: PROPELLER \n ### Explanation: Definition: screw\n**ELL** (\"variable length, once\") *absorbed in* **PROPER** (\"respectable\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Slap fool that's left for Germany (8)","output":"### Answer: LIPSTICK \n ### Explanation: Definition: Slap\n(d>**L**)**IPSTICK\u00a0**(dipstick = \"fool\", but the D (Germany) has been replaced by L (left) *[left for Gerrmany]*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Small child gets into wrong Ford in Bulgarian capital (8)","output":"### Answer: STOTINKA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Bulgarian capital\nMy original parsing: **S** (small) + **TOT** (\"child\") *gets* **IN** (\"into\") + **KA** (\"Ford\") \nCorrect parsing (see comment 1) **TOT** (\"small child\") *gets into* **SIN** (\"wrong\") + **KA**\n \n*A stotinka is a Bulgarian coin, one hundredth of a lev, and a Ka is a model of car made by Ford, but I don't know why the word \"wrong\" is in the clue?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Speaks about taking the lead from Yorkshire and Surrey openers (4,4)","output":"### Answer: PASS KEYS \n ### Explanation: Definition: openers\n***(speaks)** taking *[the leads from]* **Y**(orkshire) and **S**(urrey)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Painful condition making a horse trot unevenly (4,6)","output":"### Answer: SORE THROAT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Painful condition\n***(a horse trot)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Kill time in US cafe, around about half four (9)","output":"### Answer: SUFFOCATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Kill\n**T** (time) *in* ***(us cafe)** *about* [half]**FO**(ur)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Punishment from cross man (8)","output":"### Answer: SPANKING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Punishment\n**CROSS** (\"span\") + **KING** (\"man\" in chess)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Refuse to acknowledge detective's right (8)","output":"### Answer: DISCLAIM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Refuse to acknowledge\n**DI'S** (\"detective\" inspector's) + **CLAIM** (\"right\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stare at Johnny before kiss (10)","output":"### Answer: RUBBERNECK \n ### Explanation: Definition: Stare at\n**JOHNNY** (\"rubber, i.e. condom) *before* **NECK** (\"kiss\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Someone having tooth extracted that likely heads for small town in Eastern Europe? (6)","output":"### Answer: SHTETL \n ### Explanation: Definition: small town in Eastern Europe?\n*Heads* of **S**(oneone) **H**(aving) **T**(ooth) **E**(xtracted) **T**(hat) **L**(ikely) \n*A shtetl is a small Jewish community in Eastern Europe"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Birds raised in these eggs (5)","output":"### Answer: GEESE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Birds\nHidden backwards in [rased in] \"th**ESE EG**gs\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tongue-in-cheek, helpful tips for a small person (4)","output":"### Answer: TICH \n ### Explanation: Definition: a small person\n*Tips* of **T**(ongue) **I**(n) **C**(heek) **H**(elpful)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Detective grabs theatrical chaps making secret escape (10)","output":"### Answer: DECAMPMENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: secret escape\n**Det.** (detective) *grabs* **CAMP** (\"theatrical\") + **MEN** (\"chaps\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Horses are needed for this\u00a0explorer (4)","output":"### Answer: POLO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Horses are needed for this\n*Double definition, the first referring to the sport, the second to Marco Polo."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old china that is glittery with many colours (4)","output":"### Answer: OPAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: that is glittery with many colours\n**O** (old) + **PAL** (\"china\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Escort a man abused in US city (10)","output":"### Answer: SACRAMENTO \n ### Explanation: Definition: US city\n***(escort a man)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Judge starts to castigate rogue, getting one twitching (6)","output":"### Answer: CRITIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: Judge\n*[starts to]* **C**(astigate) **R**(ogie) *getting* **I** (one) + **TIC** (\"twitching\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Followers given job with drinks all round (8)","output":"### Answer: APOSTLES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Followers\n**POST** (\"job\") *with* **ALES** (\"drinks\")* all round"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Country river \u2013 help old boy to get back to it (8)","output":"### Answer: CAMBODIA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Country\n**CAM** (\"river\" in Eastern England) + **<=AID O.B.** (\"help old boy\", *to get back*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Beast making comeback in sexy romance (4)","output":"### Answer: ORYX \n ### Explanation: Definition: Beast\nHidden backwards *[making comeback] in* \"se**XY RO**mance\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Whale involved in major catastrophe (4)","output":"### Answer: ORCA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Whale\nHidden *[involved] in* \"maj**OR CA**tastrophe\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Very brave man in club team (8)","output":"### Answer: IRONSIDE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Very brave man\n**IRON** (golf \"club\") + **SIDE** (\"team\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bit of money, two old pence now chucked or put away (4,4)","output":"### Answer: SEND DOWN \n ### Explanation: Definition: put away\n**SEN** (\"bit of money\") + **D D** (\"two old pence\") + ***(now)** \n*A sen is a small coin in some South-East Asian countires, as well as being a former Japanese coin."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: At year's end hospital department is in good order (6)","output":"### Answer: DECENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: in good order\n**Dec.** (December, so \"year's end\") + **E.N.T.** (\"hospital department\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fat couple troubled about nothing seen as inappropriate (3,2,5)","output":"### Answer: OUT OF PLACE \n ### Explanation: Definition: inappropriate\n***(fat couple)** *about* **O** (\"nothing\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Venerable man said to provide this aid to prayer? (4)","output":"### Answer: BEAD \n ### Explanation: Definition: aid to prayer\nHomophone of *[said to provide]* **BEDE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hastily read second novel by Kipling (4)","output":"### Answer: SKIM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Hastily read\n**S** (second) + **KIM** (\"novel by Kipling\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Provide a lift prior to work or lecture (4,2,4)","output":"### Answer: TAKE TO TASK \n ### Explanation: Definition: lecture\n**TAKE TO** (\"provde a lift\") prior to **TASK** (\"work\") \n*I'm not sure this clue works or if my parsing is wrong here, as \"take to\" would be synonymous with \"give a lift to\", but I can't use the \"to \" in the clue as it is part of \"prior to\".*\n \nSee comment 1 for plausible parsing."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: I am pro the termination of some dreadful stores (7)","output":"### Answer: EMPORIA \n ### Explanation: Definition: stores\n***(i am pro E)** where the E is *the termination of* (some)E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Give out set of books, missing out none of them (5)","output":"### Answer: ALLOT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Give out \n**ALL** of the **O.T.** (Old Testament) (\"set of books, missing out none of them\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Address concern when provision depends on chance? (8,7)","output":"### Answer: POSTCODE LOTTERY \n ### Explanation: Definition: when provision depends on chance?\n**POSTCODE** (\"address\") + **LOTTERY** (\"concern\") \n*I can't think of an example where \"lottery\" and \"concern\" are synonymous?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Oral exam \u2013 tick man off! (11,4)","output":"### Answer: EXCLAMATION MARK \n ### Explanation: Definition: !\n***(oral exam tick man)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One's spouted at the meal table (6)","output":"### Answer: TEAPOT \n ### Explanation: Definition: One's spouted at the meal table\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Being rich, one lets up foolishly (9)","output":"### Answer: PLENTEOUS \n ### Explanation: Definition: rich\n***(one lets up)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Part of the company building is cleaner when Dora's worked inside it (9)","output":"### Answer: BOARDROOM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Part of the company building\n**BROOM** (\"cleaner\") with ***(dora)** *inside it"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Most raucous quarrel fades over time (8)","output":"### Answer: ROWDIEST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Most raucous\n**ROW** (\"quarrel\") + **DIES** (\"fades\") *over* **T** (time)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ox not unknown to get stuck in crag \u2013 or some other animal (7)","output":"### Answer: ROEBUCK \n ### Explanation: Definition: some other animal\n(z)**EBU** (\"ox\", *not unknown* (z \u2013 think algebra))* to get stuck in* **ROCK** (\"crag\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rebuffs from Stormy Daniels? (7)","output":"### Answer: DENIALS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Rebuffs\n***(daniels)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sweet child \u2013 dad's favourite (6)","output":"### Answer: POPPET \n ### Explanation: Definition: Sweet child\n**POP** (\"dad\") + **PET** (\"favourite\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Length of old copper piece (5)","output":"### Answer: CUBIT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Length of old\n**Cu** (\"copper) + **BIT** (\"piece\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Instrument to put trim edge on axes (9)","output":"### Answer: XYLOPHONE \n ### Explanation: Instrument to put trim edge on axes (9)\n**LOP** (\"trim\") + **HONE** (\"edge\") on **X** and** Y** (\"axes\" in mathematics)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Brothel Lolita's hearty welcome (5)","output":"### Answer: HELLO \n ### Explanation: Brothel Lolita's hearty welcome (5)\nHELLO is at the heart of \"brot**HEL LO**lita\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Harry topless swimmer (5)","output":"### Answer: OTTER \n ### Explanation: Harry topless swimmer (5)\n\"Harry\" (p)**OTTER** *[topless]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wins match, losses in the rest, true (5,4)","output":"### Answer: BREAK EVEN \n ### Explanation: Wins match, losses in the rest, true (5,4)\n**BREAK** (\"rest\") + **TRUE** (\"even\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Horrible battle with roustabout (9)","output":"### Answer: MONSTROUS \n ### Explanation: Horrible battle with roustabout (9)\n**MONS** (\"battle\") + ***(roust)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Encounter with Cameron ending in destitution (3-2)","output":"### Answer: RUN-IN \n ### Explanation: Encounter with Cameron ending in destitution (3-2)\n(camero)**N** *[ending] in* **RUIN** (\"destitution\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Uncovered places for terribly cold bathe at sunrise (8,7)","output":"### Answer: NATURIST BEACHES \n ### Explanation: Uncovered places for terribly cold bathe at sunrise (8,7)\n***(c bathe at sunrise)** where C = \"cold\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Food that contributes to gigantic hip size (5)","output":"### Answer: CHIPS \n ### Explanation: Food that contributes to gigantic hip size (5)\nHidden in *[contributes to]* \"giganti**C HIP S**ize\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cheerleader put me in a spin with large assets (9)","output":"### Answer: PNEUMATIC \n ### Explanation: Cheerleader put me in a spin with large assets (9)\n***(C put me in)** where the c is the *leader* of C(heer) \n*I'd never come across \"pneumatic\" meaning \"large-chested\" before."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Spooner's fish pie is to be encouraged (4,5)","output":"### Answer: TAKE HEART \n ### Explanation: Spooner's fish pie is to be encouraged (4,5)\nIn the unlikely event that he was trying to say HAKE TART (\"fish pie\") the distinguished Reverend Spooner may have said TAKE HEART instead."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fisher's lover drowned on opening night (5)","output":"### Answer: HERON \n ### Explanation: Fisher's lover drowned on opening night (5)\n**HERO** (\"lover\" of Leander in Greek mythology) on *[opening]* **N**(ight)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Proprietor of worldwide newpaper empire rewrites leaders (5)","output":"### Answer: OWNER \n ### Explanation: Proprietor of worldwide newpaper empire rewrites leaders (5)\nFirst letters *[leaders]* of \"**O**f **W**orldwide **N**ewspaper **E**mpire **R**ewrites\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Everyone agrees to turn in an unforgettable start at sumo wrestling (9)","output":"### Answer: UNANIMOUS \n ### Explanation: Everyone agrees to turn in an unforgettable start at sumo wrestling (9)\n*[turn]* <=**IN AN U**(nforgettable)* [start]\u00a0*at ***(sumo)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Removal may be organised through solicitors (15)","output":"### Answer: EXCOMMUNICATION \n ### Explanation: Removal may be organised through solicitors (15)\nWhen going through a divorce, **COMMUNICATION** with one's **EX** \"may be organised through solicitors\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Protein excess ends in muscle expansion (6)","output":"### Answer: GLUTEN \n ### Explanation: Protein excess ends in muscle expansion (6)\n**GLUT** (\"excess\") + *[ends in]* (muscl)**E** (expansio)**N"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Norma maybe a fell runner (8)","output":"### Answer: OPERATOR \n ### Explanation: Norma maybe a fell runner (8)\n**OPERA** (\"Norma, maybe\") + **TOR** (\"fell\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Crest of a wave's smoother (4)","output":"### Answer: COMB \n ### Explanation: Crest of a wave's smoother (4)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Brews see if blend can be justified (10)","output":"### Answer: DEFENSIBLE \n ### Explanation: Brews see if blend can be justified (10)\n***(see if blend)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Celibate\u00a0cocktail maker (6)","output":"### Answer: SHAKER \n ### Explanation: Celibate\u00a0cocktail maker (6)\nDouble definition, the first referring to a member of a religious sect, the United Society of Believers in Christ's Second Coming, which was esablished about 250 years ago, and which promotes celibacy."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Last minute of the hour (8)","output":"### Answer: ELEVENTH \n ### Explanation: Last minute of the hour (8)\nIf you do something at the eleventh hour, you do it at the last minute."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bringing up child is involved (7,8)","output":"### Answer: MORNING SICKNESS \n ### Explanation: Bringing up child is involved (7,8)\nMorning sickness is something which pregnant women suffer from, so \"bringing up\" (i.e. vomiting) while expecting a child."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Reduce pressure by reporting a lot of wind for passage (10)","output":"### Answer: OESOPHAGUS \n ### Explanation: Reduce pressure by reporting a lot of wind for passage (10)\nHomophone of **EASE OFF** (\"reduce pressure\" *by reporting*) +** A GUS**(t) (*lot of* \"wind\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tenuous piece of logic (8)","output":"### Answer: THINKING \n ### Explanation: Tenuous piece of logic (8)\n**THIN** (\"tenuous\") + **KING** (chess \"piece\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Activate head critic, perhaps (8)","output":"### Answer: ARMCHAIR \n ### Explanation: Activate head critic, perhaps (8)\n**ARM** (\"activate\") + **CHAIR** (\"head\" of a committee, for example) \n*The definition is too imprecise here, and should at least have a question mark."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Odds-on woman takes sweetheart to ball (6)","output":"### Answer: SPHERE \n ### Explanation: Odds-on woman takes sweetheart to ball (6)\n**S.P.** (starting price, so \"odds\") *on* **HER** (\"woman\") takes (sw)**E**(et) (the heart of \"sweet\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Revert to dry fish (6)","output":"### Answer: TURBOT \n ### Explanation: Revert to dry fish (6)\n**<=TO BRUT** (\"dry\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Drop\u00a0rent (4)","output":"### Answer: TEAR \n ### Explanation: Drop\u00a0rent (4)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Very small opening in peace pipe (4)","output":"### Answer: WEEP \n ### Explanation: Definition: pipe\n**WEE** (\"very small) + *[opening in]* **P**(ipe) \n*I may have this one wrong, as I don't think WEEP and PIPE are synonymous."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Problem in building slope \u2013 digs in loose filling (6,4)","output":"### Answer: RISING DAMP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Problem in building\n***(digs in)** *filling* **RAMP** (\"slope\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Caught short by latrine, bum that works off wind (8)","output":"### Answer: CLARINET \n ### Explanation: Definition: that works off wind\n**C** (caught) by ***(latrine)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Master that's terrible outside county (6)","output":"### Answer: ARMAGH \n ### Explanation: Definition: county\n**ARGH**\u00a0(\"that's terrible!\")* outside* **M.A.** (Master (of Arts)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cheers copper audibly (3,3)","output":"### Answer: SEE YOU \n ### Explanation: Definition: Cheers\nHomophone of *[audibly]*\u00a0**Cu** (chemical symbol for \"copper\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mammal for whom colonials provide fare (3-5)","output":"### Answer: ANT-EATER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Mammal for whom colonials provide fare\nCryptic definition, with \"colonials' referring to ant colonies."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Having landed, pain when laid up? (7)","output":"### Answer: BEACHED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Having landed\n**ACHE** (\"pain\") in **BED** (\"when laid up\" = in bed)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Loath to embrace daughter that's contrary (7)","output":"### Answer: ADVERSE \n ### Explanation: Definition: contrary\n**AVERSE** (\"loath\") *to embrace* **D** (daughter)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Very reliant on shifting break (8)","output":"### Answer: INTERVAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: break\n***(v reliant)** where the V is short for \"very\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Manageable, to a great degree, after democrat drops two places (6)","output":"### Answer: WIELDY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Manageable\n**WIDELY** (\"to a great degree\") with the D (democrat) *dropping two places* (i.e. the thrid letter movinf to be the fifth letter) \n*I think this clue would work better as a down clue, as \"dropping\" indicates downward rather than sideward movement."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Body of troops, one in Trafalgar? (6)","output":"### Answer: COLUMN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Body of troops\nDouble definition, the second referring to Nelson's Column."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Exile, not initially free, opted for resettlement (8)","output":"### Answer: DEPORTEE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Exile\n***(ree opted)**, where REE is *[not initially]* (f)REE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cartoon of clown's jaunt (5,5)","output":"### Answer: COMIC STRIP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Cartoon\n**COMIC'S** (\"clown's\") + **TRIP** (\"jaunt\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Short female dropping some cheese (4)","output":"### Answer: BRIE \n ### Explanation: Definition: some cheese\n**BRIE**(f) (\"short\", with F (female) *dropping*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Have an inclination to accept German song after extremely nice English one (6,4)","output":"### Answer: NELLIE DEAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: English one\n**LEAN** (\"have an inclination\") *to accept* **LIED** (\"german song\") *after [extremely]* **N**(ic)**E** \n*\"Nellie Dean\" was a sentimental ballad written in 1905, which became popular in the UK as a pub song, but it was ortiginally American, not English."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lively place in Skye visited regularly (6)","output":"### Answer: SPARKY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Lively\n**PARK** (\"place\", as in \"park a car\") *in* **S**(k)**Y**(e) [visited regularly]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Manoeuvre round, blocking General Wellington (4,4)","output":"### Answer: IRON DUKE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Wellington\n***(round)** *blocking* **IKE** (\"General\" Eisenhower)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Leaves in this, perhaps, soon after first light (3-4)","output":"### Answer: ASH-TRAY \n ### Explanation: Leaves in this, perhaps, soon after first light (3-4)\nAfter lighting a cigarette, burnt tobacco leaves would end up in an ash tray. \n*I thought there may be more to this clue, with ASH trees having leaves, and RAY = light, but I can't get any further than that, so assume it is a cryptic definition instead."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Entire version of bible covered in one play (6)","output":"### Answer: INTACT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Entire\n**N.T.** (New Testament, so \"version of bible\") *covered in* **1** (\"one\") **ACT** (\"play\") \n*I'm an atheist, so no authority, but isn't the New Testament a PART of the Bible, rather than a version of it?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Drink offered by first guy getting bargains galore? (5,3)","output":"### Answer: ADAM\u2019S ALE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Drink\n**ADAM** (\"first guy\") *getting* **SALE** (\"bargains galore\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Spruce sticks sent over (4)","output":"### Answer: SMUG \n ### Explanation: Definition: Spruce\n**<=GUMS** (\"sticks\" *sent over*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Leisurely, loose diet, so take your time (4,4,2)","output":"### Answer: EASY DOES IT \n ### Explanation: Definition: take your time\n**EASY** (\"lesiurely\") + ***(diet so)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Angel of a girl feeding young single male (8)","output":"### Answer: CHERUBIM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Angel\n**HER** (\"of a girl\") *feeding* **CUB** (\"young\") + **1** (\"single\") + **M** (male)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Provincial county churchwarden that falls into gutter (8)","output":"### Answer: DOWNPIPE \n ### Explanation: Definition: that falls into gutter\n**DOWN** (\"provincial county\") + **PIPE** (\"churchwarden\") \n*A churchwarden is a type of long-stemmed smoking pipe."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Early jazz genre rejected in England, according to Aussies (3,4)","output":"### Answer: OLD DART \n ### Explanation: Definition: England, according to Aussies\n**OLD** (\"early\") + **<=TRAD** (\"jazz genre\" *rejected*) \n*Old Dart, or The Old Dart, is Aussie slang for England, Britain, or sometimes Ireland."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Run away from seal and disappear (6)","output":"### Answer: VANISH \n ### Explanation: Definition: disappear\nR (run) *away from*** VA**(r)**NISH** (\"seal\") \n*Although \"varnish\" and \"seal\" can both mean \"cover\", I can't think of an example where they are synonymous?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Echo new decoration around queen's dress (6)","output":"### Answer: ENROBE \n ### Explanation: Definition: dress\n**E** (echo) + **N** (new) +** O.B.E.** (Officer of the British Empire, so \"decoration\") *around* **R** (queen)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Instrument got broken, the odd bits splitting (4)","output":"### Answer: OBOE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Instrument\n(g)**O**(t)**B**(r)**O**(k)**E**(n) *[the odd bits*\u00a0(letters)\u00a0*splitting*, i.e. leaving*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Love's fashionable, hiding nothing to wear (7)","output":"### Answer: EROSION \n ### Explanation: Definition: wear\n**EROS** (\"love\") + **IN** (\"fashionable\") *hiding* **O** (\"nothing\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Marched about, delighted (7)","output":"### Answer: CHARMED \n ### Explanation: Definition: delighted\n***(marched)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: They ask, are you acquainted with God's wife? (4)","output":"### Answer: JUNO \n ### Explanation: Definition: God's wife\nHomophone of *[they ask]* **D'YOU KNOW**\u00a0(\"are you acquainted with\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cave dweller to try lodge for a change (10)","output":"### Answer: TROGLODYTE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Cave dweller\n*(to try lodge)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Scandinavian against topless skiing? Outrageous! (6)","output":"### Answer: VIKING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Scandinavian\n**V** (versus, so \"against\") + ***(kiing)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: 3.14 + 1 + 2.72, right? Initially simple for leaders (8)","output":"### Answer: PIONEERS \n ### Explanation: Definition: leaders\n**PI** (\"3.14\" \u2013 in maths, pi to 2 decimal places is 3.14) + **ONE** + **e** (\"2.72\" (in maths, \"e\", the base of the natural logarithm, is 2.72 to two decimal places) + **R** (right) + [initially] **S**(imple)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Envoy has trouble with green movement (9)","output":"### Answer: MESSENGER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Envoy\n**MESS** (\"trouble\") *with* ***(green)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Get extremely dizzy and nervous (5)","output":"### Answer: WINDY \n ### Explanation: Definition: nervous\n**WIN** (\"get\") + [extremely] **D**(izz)**Y"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Time to kidnap emperor? (5)","output":"### Answer: TEMPO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Time\n**TO** *kidnapping* **EMP** (emperor) \n*I don't think the grammar works in this clue, as **TO** kidnap**S** the **EMP"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Salesman: 50% off ribs and salads, plus special paybacks (9)","output":"### Answer: REPRISALS \n ### Explanation: Definition: paybacks\n**REP** (\"salesman\") + *[50% off]* **RI**(bs) **SAL**(ads) *plus* **S** (special)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Goa's very annoyed with travellers (8)","output":"### Answer: VOYAGERS \n ### Explanation: Definition: travellers \n***(goas very)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Origins of temperature in great balls of fire (6)","output":"### Answer: STARTS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Origins\n**T** (temperature) *in* **STARS** (\"great balls of fire\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Before overnight vacation, do I bring fancy footwear? (6,4)","output":"### Answer: RIDING BOOT \n ### Explanation: Definition: footwear\n*Before* **O**(vernigh)**T** *[vacation]*, ***(do i bring)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Earth, to make great again, improve atmosphere for starters (4)","output":"### Answer: GAIA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Earth\nInitial letters *[starters]* of **G**(reat)** A**(gain) **I**(mprove) **A**(tmosphere)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Salt and pepper ultimately remain to be shaken (7)","output":"### Answer: MARINER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Salt\n***(r remain)**, where the R is *[ultimately]* (peppe)**R"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mama from 1960s at home with Italian astronomer (7)","output":"### Answer: CASSINI \n ### Explanation: Definition: astronomer\n(Mama) **CASS** + **IN** (\"at home\") *with* **I** (Italian) \n*Cass Elliot (aka Mama Cass) was a member of the 1960s band, the Mamas and the Papas"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Standard\u00a0performance (7)","output":"### Answer: ROUTINE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Standard\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Japanese game is uplifting when astride pig (5)","output":"### Answer: SHOGI \n ### Explanation: Definition: Japanese game\n**<= IS** *[uplifting] astride ***HOG** (\"pig\") \n*Shogi is a japanese strategic board game, dating from the early 16th century.\u00a0"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Shabby coat? Try new shape (7)","output":"### Answer: OCTAGON \n ### Explanation: Definition: shape\n***(coat)** + **GO** (\"try\") + **N** (new)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sun god, he's over 510 (6)","output":"### Answer: HELIOS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Sun god\n**HE'S** *over* **LI** (51) + **O"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Display team\u00a0seen at Old Trafford? (3,6)","output":"### Answer: RED DEVILS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Display team\nDouble definition, the first referring to the Parachute Regiment's display team, the second to Manchester United."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Key journalist walked in (7)","output":"### Answer: ENTERED \n ### Explanation: Definition: walked in\n**ENTER** (\"key\" on a keyboard) + **ED** (editor, so \"journalist\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Company board retains maiden over her elevated understanding (13)","output":"### Answer: COMPREHENSION \n ### Explanation: Definition: understanding\n**Co.** (company) + **PENSION** (\"board\") *retains* **M** (maiden) + **<=HER** [elevated], so **Co.(M)P(REH)ENSION"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Singers in Spain or otherwise (9)","output":"### Answer: SOPRANINI \n ### Explanation: Definition: Singers\n***(in spain or)** \n*According to Chambers, Collins and the OED, a sopranino is a musical instrument, not a singer, so thsi clue is incorrect."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Foreign items and old books need art venue (7)","output":"### Answer: EXOTICA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Foreign items\n**EX** (\"old\") + **O.T.** (Old Testament, so \"books\") + **I.C.A.** (Institute of Contemporary Arts, so \"art venue\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Flower area's dry, turning to stone (7)","output":"### Answer: ROSETTA \n ### Explanation: Definition: stone\n**ROSE** (\"flower) + **<=A TT** (area and \"dry\" (TT = teetotal)) \n*The Rosetta Stone, rediscovered in 1799, is a 2nd century stele with inscriptions in three languages that allowed scholars to decipher Egyptian hieroglyphics."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A vital translation by North European (7)","output":"### Answer: LATVIAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: European\n***(a vital)** *by* **N** (north)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dog or blackbird? (6)","output":"### Answer: BEAGLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Dog\n**B** (black) + **EAGLE** (\"bird\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Guardian's refined sugar (5)","output":"### Answer: ARGUS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Guardian\n***(sugar)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Express extreme anger with a female, Italian, after short fling (5,1,3)","output":"### Answer: THROW A FIT \n ### Explanation: Express extreme anger with a female, Italian, after short fling (5,1,3)\n**W** (with) + **A F** (female) + **It.** (Italian) *after* **THRO**(w) (*short* \"fling\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Refill tankard about finished (3,2)","output":"### Answer: TOP UP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Refill\n**<=POT** (\"tankard\", *about*) + **UP** (\"finished\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Well-liked university in London area (7)","output":"### Answer: POPULAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Well-liked\n**U** (university)* in* **POPLAR** (\"London area\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Outing may produce pay dirt (3,4)","output":"### Answer: DAY TRIP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Outing\n***(pay dirt)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Firm in time of difficulty is lacking power (5)","output":"### Answer: CRISP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Firm\n**CRIS**(is) (\"time of difficulty\" with IS *lacking*) + **P** (power)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The man told about one held back (9)","output":"### Answer: HESITATED \n ### Explanation: Definition: held back\n**HE** (\"the man\") + **STATED** (\"told\") *about* **I** (one)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What sounds like bent grass? (3)","output":"### Answer: RYE \n ### Explanation: Definition: grass\nHomophone *[what sounds like]* of **WRY **(\"bent\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Particular action of knight, say, brought in of necessity (11)","output":"### Answer: PERFORMANCE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Particular action\n**MAN** (\"knight, say\" in chess) *brought in* **PERFORCE** (\"of necessity\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A seabird shown in advertisement in lift (11)","output":"### Answer: PATERNOSTER \n ### Explanation: Definition: lift\n**A TERN** (\"seabird\") *shown in* **POSTER** (\"advertisement\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The total, presumably? Only part (3)","output":"### Answer: SUM \n ### Explanation: Definition: The total\nHidden in *[only part]* \"pre**SUM**ably\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Thus, a popular time for Coronation Street, for example (4,5)","output":"### Answer: SOAP OPERA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Coronation Street, for example\n**SO** (\"thus\") + **A POP** (popular, as in \"popular music\") + **ERA** (\"time\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Off the cuff remark from a Liberal Democrat inside (2-3)","output":"### Answer: AD-LIB \n ### Explanation: Definition: Off the cuff remark\n**A LIB** (liberal) with **D** (democrat) *inside"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lose heart, as pride injured (7)","output":"### Answer: DESPAIR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Lose heart\n***(as pride)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Posed wearing silk (5)","output":"### Answer: SATIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: silk\n**SAT** (\"posed\") + *IN* (\"wearing\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Robin arrested, stupidly pinching book (9)","output":"### Answer: REDBREAST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Robin\n***(arrested)**, *pinching*** B** (book)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Best chapter about current subject (5)","output":"### Answer: TOPIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: subject\n**TOP** (\"best\") + **C** (chapter) *about* **i** (symbol for electrical \"current\" in physics)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Theatrical company to mount repeat performance (7)","output":"### Answer: REPRISE \n ### Explanation: Definition: repeat performance\nR**EP** (\"theatrical company\") + **RISE** (\"to mount\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Background? Western tabloid includes everything! (9)","output":"### Answer: WALLPAPER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Background\n**W** (western) + **PAPER** (\"tabloid\") *includes* **ALL** (\"everything\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Outcry involving the Royal Marines, in addition (11)","output":"### Answer: FURTHERMORE \n ### Explanation: Definition: in addition\n**FURORE** (\"outcry\") *involving* **THE R.M.** (Royal Marines)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Boy, extremely drunk, was removed (3)","output":"### Answer: TED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Boy\n(was)**TED** (\"extremely drunk\" with \"was\"* removed*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rendezvous with lover in Coventry Street (5)","output":"### Answer: TRYST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Rendezvous with lover\nHidden in \"coven**TRY ST**reet\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Play on words impressing educated girl, a moralist (7)","output":"### Answer: PURITAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: a moralist\n**PUN** (\"play on words\") impressing **RITA** (\"educated girl\", as in *Educating Rita*, the Willy Russell play)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fanciful hope conveyed about a male (4,5)","output":"### Answer: PIPE DREAM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fanciful hope\n**PIPED** (\"conveyed\") + **RE** (\"about\") + **A M** (male)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Style of writing supported by newspaper chief needing more staff (5-6)","output":"### Answer: SHORT-HANDED \n ### Explanation: Definition: needing more staff \n**SHORTHAND** (\"style of writing\") *supported by* **ED** (editor, so \"newspaper chief\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Presses so fervently to regain ownership (9)","output":"### Answer: REPOSSESS \n ### Explanation: Definition: to regain ownership\n***(presses so)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Duck from Grasmere cooked around noon (9)","output":"### Answer: MERGANSER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Duck\n***(grasmere)** *around* **N** (noon)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Passage from North and South in characteristic setting (7)","output":"### Answer: TRANSIT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Passage\n**N** (north) + **S** (south) *in* **TRAIT** (\"characteristic\")* setting"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Concubine some woman at Lusaka upset (7)","output":"### Answer: SULTANA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Concubine\nHidden backwards *[some\u2026 upset]* in \"wom**AN AT LUS**aka\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Working on island on tear-jerker? (5)","output":"### Answer: ONION \n ### Explanation: Definition: tear-jerker\n**ON** (\"working\") *on* **I** (island) + **ON"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Feel sure about sapper's cap (5)","output":"### Answer: BERET \n ### Explanation: Definition: cap\n**BET** (\"fell sure\") *about* **R.E.** (Royal Engineer, aka \"sapper\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Miscalculate, ending in mate with bishop (3)","output":"### Answer: ERR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Miscalculate\n*[ending in]* (mat)**E** *with* **R.R.** (right reverend, or \"bishop\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Daughter revered by Shiites, one cuddled by big mummy (6)","output":"### Answer: FATIMA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Daughter revered by Shiites\n**I** (\"one\") *cuddled by* **FAT** (\"big\") + **MA** (\"mummy\") \n*Fatima (normally spelt Fatimah) was the youngest daughter of the prophet Mohammed, although Shiites believe she was his only child."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: On returning, a husband, say, is caught entertaining woman (6)","output":"### Answer: GEISHA \n ### Explanation: Definition: entertaining woman\n*[on returning]* **<=A H, E.G.\u00a0**(\"a husband, say\") with **IS** *caught"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What it may be for a hungry bird? (4)","output":"### Answer: GRUB \n ### Explanation: Definition: What it may be for a hungry bird?\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Welcomer has installed superior musical device for visitor (5,5)","output":"### Answer: HOUSE GUEST \n ### Explanation: Definition: visitor\n**HOST** (\"welcomer\") *has installed* **U** (\"superior\") + **SEGUE** (\"musical device\"), so **HO(U-SEGUE)ST** \n*In music, a segue is a smooth transition from one song to another."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Northern town's boozer by a street of houses (6)","output":"### Answer: BARROW \n ### Explanation: Definition: Northern town\n**BAR** (\"boozer\")* by* **ROW** (\"a street of houses\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Acting, but troubled inside and lacking confidence (8)","output":"### Answer: DOUBTING \n ### Explanation: Definition: lacking confidence\n**DOING** (\"acting\") with ***(but)** *inside"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lorna's piece of information to make a personal contribution (2,4,3)","output":"### Answer: DO ONE\u2019S BIT \n ### Explanation: Definition: to make a personal contribution\n(Lorna) **DOONE'S** + **BIT** (in IT, a \"piece of information\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Norse explorer doing nothing, funny fellow (4,4)","output":"### Answer: ERIC IDLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: funny fellow\n**ERIC** (\"Norse explorer\") + **IDLE** (\"doing nothing\") \n*Eric Idle was one of the Monty Python team."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Aussie to get hold of Yorkshireman? (4)","output":"### Answer: TYKE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Yorkshireman\n**TAKE** (\"to get hold of\"), but said in an Australian accent."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Elephant maybe taking short step before my herd goes berserk (9)","output":"### Answer: PACHYDERM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Elephant maybe\n**PAC**(e) (*short* \"step\") *before* ***(my herd)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Believer gives Zola greeting on street (8)","output":"### Answer: BUDDHIST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Believer\n(Zola) **BUDD** + **HI** (\"greeting\") on **St.** (street) \n*Zola Budd was a South African middle distance runner, who represented Great Britain and South Africa at the Olympics, famous for running in her bare feet."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Foremost of pupils in an exam must be this? (6)","output":"### Answer: APTEST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Foremost of pupils in an exam must be this?\n*[foremost of]* **P**(upils) *in* **A TEST\u00a0**(\"an exam\") and &lit."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One composer surprisingly able, another satisfactory (4,6)","output":"### Answer: BELA BARTOK \n ### Explanation: Definition: composer\n***(able)** + (Lionel) **BART** (\"another\" composer) + **O.K.** (\"satisfactory\") \n*Bela Bartok (1881 \u2013 1945) was a Hungarian composer, while Lionel Bart (1930-1999) wrote \"Oliver!\", the 1960 musical."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Probe filthy place occupied by tenant? (6)","output":"### Answer: STYLET \n ### Explanation: Definition: Probe\n**STY** (\"filthy place\") +** LET** (\"occupied by tenant\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Made tough resolution to cross river (6)","output":"### Answer: ENURED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Made tough\n**END** (\"resolution\") *to cross* (river) **URE** \n*The River Ure runs through North Yorkshire, most notably through Wensleydale."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: American associated with Wells, artist getting in a mess (7)","output":"### Answer: FARRAGO \n ### Explanation: Definition: mess\n(William) **FARGO** (\"American associated with (Henry) Wells\"), with **R.A.** (\"artist\") *getting in"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Call off time going up biblical mount (5)","output":"### Answer: TABOR \n ### Explanation: Definition: biblical mount\nA**BORT** (\"call off) with T (time) *going up* becomes T-ABOR \n*According to Christian tradition, Mount Tabor in Israel is the site of the Transfiguration of Christ."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Displaced natives, aggressive people after next to no time (7)","output":"### Answer: MOHAWKS \n ### Explanation: Definition: isplaced natives\n**HAWKS** (\"aggressive people\")* after* **MO** (\"next to no time\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Place of darkness? You wait ages ____ turns up! (6)","output":"### Answer: EREBUS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Place of darkness?\nERE (\"before\") + BUS completes the sentence. \n*In Greek myhtology, Erebus was the personification of darkness and also a region of the Greek underworld where the dead pass immediately after death."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Having the means to exclude light, say, in hut (9)","output":"### Answer: SHUTTERED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Having the means to exclude light\n**UTTER** (\"say\") in **SHED** (\"hut\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: As rude word, not entirely pleasant (7)","output":"### Answer: ARSENIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: As\n**ARSE** (\"rude word\") + **NIC**(e) (*not entirely* \"pleasant\") \n*As is the chemical symbol for arsenic"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pretty environment for a namby-pamby set of paintings, maybe in four sections (13)","output":"### Answer: QUADRIPARTITE \n ### Explanation: Definition: in four sections\n**QUITE** (\"pretty\") *environment for* **A DRIP** (a namby-pamby\") + **ART** (\"set of paintings, say\"), so\u00a0**QU(A DRIP-ART)TIT"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Plant lad yanked out (5,4)","output":"### Answer: NAKED LADY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Plant\n***(lad yanked)** \n*According to Wikipedia, there are several plants with the name \"naked lady\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cars disturbing our rest (7)","output":"### Answer: TOURERS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Cars\n***(our rest)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Advice from Clarke-supporting Remainers? Listen! (7)","output":"### Answer: HEAR KEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Listen!\n**HEAR KEN** (Clarke) \n*There must be more to this, surely?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Good person coming in took control and made a bit of a noise (7)","output":"### Answer: RUSTLED \n ### Explanation: Definition: made a bit of a noise\n**St.** (saint, so \"good person\") *coming in* **RULED** (\"took control\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Trial being heard \u2014 man presiding at it? (6)","output":"### Answer: PILATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: man presiding at it?\nHomophone of **PILOT** (\"trial\" *being heard*) \n*The solution refers to Pontius Pilate."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Top lady abandoning dog in German city (5)","output":"### Answer: TRIER \n ### Explanation: Definition: German city\n**T**(er**)RIER** (\"dog\") *abandoned by* E.R. (the Queen, so \"top lady\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Is Snoopy cartoon's central character a father? (6)","output":"### Answer: PRIEST \n ### Explanation: Is Snoopy cartoon's central character a father? (6)\n**PRIES** (\"is snoopy\") + [*central character of*] (car)**T**(oon)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Promise to quit smoking's beginning to weaken (5,3)","output":"### Answer: SWEAR OFF \n ### Explanation: Promise to quit smoking's beginning to weaken (5,3)\n**S**(moking's) [*beginning*] + **WEAR OFF** (\"to weaken\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Promotion likely for tailor (5)","output":"### Answer: ADAPT \n ### Explanation: Promotion likely for tailor (5)\n**AD** (\"promotion\") + **APT** (\"likely\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wiggling toes keeps one in order? The reverse, later (9)","output":"### Answer: POSTERIOR \n ### Explanation: Wiggling toes keeps one in order? The reverse, later (9)\n***(toes)** in **PRIOR** (\"one in order\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Impressionist acquires good old generator (7)","output":"### Answer: MAGNETO \n ### Explanation: Impressionist acquires good old generator (7)\n(Edouard) **MANET** (\"impressionist\" painter) *acquires* **G** (good) +** O** (old)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Person ultimately being bum? (7)","output":"### Answer: SPONGER \n ### Explanation: Person ultimately being bum? (7)\n***(person g)** where the g is [*ultimately*] (bein)G, and &lit."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: String quartet from Poulenc or Debussy (4)","output":"### Answer: CORD \n ### Explanation: String quartet from Poulenc or Debussy (4)\nHidden in [quartet (of letters) from] \"poulen**C OR D**ebussy\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Don't object so much? That's stupid! (8)","output":"### Answer: MINDLESS \n ### Explanation: Don't object so much? That's stupid! (8)\nIf you **MIND LESS**, you \"don't object so much\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: English ship protected by great generosity (8)","output":"### Answer: LARGESSE| \n ### Explanation: English ship protected by great generosity (8)\n**E** (English) + **SS** ((steam)ship)* protected by* LARGE (\"great\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Range is finished back to front (4)","output":"### Answer: ROVE \n ### Explanation: Range is finished back to front (4)\n**OVER** (\"finished\") with its *back* (ie last letter) moved to the *front"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Essential oil, first off, needs a jar (7)","output":"### Answer: AMPHORA \n ### Explanation: Essential oil, first off, needs a jar (7)\n(c)**AMPHOR** (\"essential oil\" *first off*) *needs* **A"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lorna Doone is shot without one US location (7)","output":"### Answer: ORLANDO \n ### Explanation: Lorna Doone is shot without one US location (7)\n***(lorna do)**, where DO is DOONE *without *\"one\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Debt claim oddly ignored by faculty (9)","output":"### Answer: LIABILITY \n ### Explanation: Debt claim oddly ignored by faculty (9)\n(c)**L**(a)**I**(m) [*oddly ignored*] *by* **ABILITY** (\"faculty\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Green water? That's revolutionary (5)","output":"### Answer: NAIVE \n ### Explanation: Green water? That's revolutionary (5)\n**<=EVIAN** *(revolutionary* \"water\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: With this, cantilever creates clever Greek drama (8)","output":"### Answer: ANTIGONE \n ### Explanation: With this, cantilever creates clever Greek drama (8)\n*With* **ANTI GONE**, \"c(anti)lever\" *creates* \"clever\" \n*Antigone is a play by Sophocles"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hammer film shown by shopping precinct (6)","output":"### Answer: MALLET \n ### Explanation: Hammer film shown by shopping precinct (6)\n**E.T.** (\"film\") *shown by* **MALL** (\"shopping precinct\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Quick to nurse injury, get medicine here? (8)","output":"### Answer: PHARMACY \n ### Explanation: Quick to nurse injury, get medicine here? (8)\n**PACY** (\"quick\") *to nurse* **HARM **(\"injury\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Maiden wants hot summer month by river (9)","output":"### Answer: INAUGURAL \n ### Explanation: Maiden wants hot summer month by river (9)\n**IN** (\"hot\") +** AUG.** (\"summer month\") *by* (river) **URAL"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old army supplier is relatively refined in speech (6)","output":"### Answer: SUTLER \n ### Explanation: Old army supplier is relatively refined in speech (6)\nHomophome of [*in speech*] **SUBTLER** (\"relatively refined\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Musical sister's to wed oddball before start of year (4,4,5)","output":"### Answer: WEST SIDE STORY \n ### Explanation: Musical sister's to wed oddball before start of year (4,4,5)\n***(sisters to wed)** *before* [*start of*] **Y**(ear)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Terrific doctor to stitch up in A&E (7)","output":"### Answer: AWESOME \n ### Explanation: Terrific doctor to stitch up in A&E (7)\n**<=MO SEW** (\"doctor\" + \"stitch\", *up*) *in* **A** + **E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Outstanding playing cello perhaps, but not bass (5)","output":"### Answer: OWING \n ### Explanation: Outstanding playing cello perhaps, but not bass (5)\n(b)**OWING** (\"playing cello, perhaps\" *but not* B (bass))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pelt with rock, creating disturbance (6)","output":"### Answer: FURORE \n ### Explanation: Pelt with rock, creating disturbance (6)\n**FUR** (\"pelt\") *with* **ORE** (\"stone\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Increase allowance to support common labourer, including a condition (13)","output":"### Answer: PROLIFERATION \n ### Explanation: Increase allowance to support common labourer, including a condition (13)\n**RATION** (\"allowance\")* to support* **PROLE** (\"common labourer\") *including* **IF** (\"a condition\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cost of some cutlery for a flyer (9)","output":"### Answer: SPOONBILL \n ### Explanation: Cost of some cutlery for a flyer (9)\nThe **BILL** for **SPOON**s would be the \"cost of some cutlery\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Benefit cuts aren't initially missed \u2013 that's suggestive (8)","output":"### Answer: REDOLENT \n ### Explanation: Benefit cuts aren't initially missed \u2013 that's suggestive (8)\n**DOLE** (\"benefit\") *cuts* (a)**REN'T** [initially missed]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Go in for dodgy building work (7)","output":"### Answer: ROOFING \n ### Explanation: Go in for dodgy building work (7)\n***(go in for)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Painter captures hearts with a flower (6)","output":"### Answer: DAHLIA \n ### Explanation: Painter captures hearts with a flower (6)\n(Salvador) **DALI** (\"painter\") *captures* **H** (hearts) *with* **A"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Georgia's about to join Russian composer (6)","output":"### Answer: GLINKA \n ### Explanation: Georgia's about to join Russian composer (6)\n**Ga.** (Georgia) *about* **LINK** (\"to join\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Climbing mountain's given Italian a bit of a shock (5)","output":"### Answer: PLAIT \n ### Explanation: Climbing mountain's given Italian a bit of a shock (5)\n[*climbing*] **<=ALP** (\"mountain\") *given* (Italian) \nFor the definition, think of shock as \"thick hair\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: It's analogous to alcohol \u2013 tamper with can drunk (9)","output":"### Answer: MERCAPTAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: It's analogous to alcohol\n***(tamper can)** \n*A mercaptan is a substance analagous to alcohol, with sulphur instead of oxygen"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fellow, before turning over, rises from bed (5)","output":"### Answer: GUYOT \n ### Explanation: Definition: rises from bed\n**GUY** (\"fellow\") + **<=TO** (\"before\", t*urning over*) \n*A guyot is an flat-topped underwater mountain, so it \"rises from (the sea-)bed\". The definition is not precise enough, in my opinion."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One prone to protect limb \u2013 it deflects raindrops (7)","output":"### Answer: LARMIER \n ### Explanation: Definition: it deflects raindrops\n**LIER** (\"one prone\") t*o protect* **ARM** (\"limb\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Smaller raptor in grip of eagle, dead (5)","output":"### Answer: GLEDE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Smaller raptor\nHidden in [in grip of] \"eaG**LE DE**ad\" \n*A glede is a kite."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Congo river: a broad segment flowing east-west (5)","output":"### Answer: EBOLA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Congo river\n**<=A LOBE** (\"a broad segment\", *flowing from east to west, *i.e from right to left)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Journos show off about writings being circulated (8)","output":"### Answer: PRESSMEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Journos\n**PREEN** (\"show off\") *about* **<=MSS.** (manuscripts, so \"writings\" *being circulated*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tyrannical \u2013 and no nicer after reforming (7)","output":"### Answer: NERONIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: Tyrannical \n***(no nicer)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Battle almost over \u2013 discharges required (4)","output":"### Answer: ARCS \n ### Explanation: Definition: discharges\n**<=SCRA**(p) (\"battle\", *almost over*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One of the spiraeas: doctor top row in arrangement (8)","output":"### Answer: DROPWORT \n ### Explanation: Definition: ne of the spiraeas\n**Dr.** (doctor) + ***(top row)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Obsessively obstinate heroine in the solarium? (8)","output":"### Answer: ANALEMMA \n ### Explanation: Definition: solarium?\n**ANAL** (\"obsessively\") + **EMMA** (\"obstinate heroine\") \n*Analemma is a loose definition of sundial and solarium is also another word for a sundial, hence the question mark."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Believer in polyandry out of order in Iran (4)","output":"### Answer: NAIR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Believer in polyandry\n***(iran)** \n*The Nair were a people from Kerala who practiced polyandry."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Partner captivated by distinctive character, not a dilettante (7)","output":"### Answer: AMATEUR \n ### Explanation: Definition: dilettante\n**MATE** (\"partner\") *captivated by* **AUR**(a) (\"distinctive character\", *not* \"a\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Short humorous poem (8)","output":"### Answer: CLERIHEW \n ### Explanation: Definition: Short humorous poem\n*Azed invites us to come up with our own clue for this."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pious Jew took refuge, when given shelter (5)","output":"### Answer: HASID \n ### Explanation: Definition: Pious Jew\n**HID** (\"took refuge\") with **AS** (\"when\") *given shelter"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Position for helmsman, sailor midway between poles (5)","output":"### Answer: STARN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Position for helmsman\n**TAR** (\"sialor\") *midway between* **N** & **S** (North and South \"Poles\") \n*Starn is an alternative to stern."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Soil I got riddled, extracting old form of haematite (7)","output":"### Answer: OLIGIST \n ### Explanation: Definition: form of haematite\n***(soil i gt****), **where GT is G(o)T (\"old\" *extracted*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Latin? Progress being retrograde I'll attend college for science (5)","output":"### Answer: LOGIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: science \n**L** (latin) + **<=GO** (\"progress\", *being retrograde*) + **I** + **C** (college)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Apple, mostly rosy, shared billing (9)","output":"### Answer: CO-STARRED \n ### Explanation: Definition: shared billing\n**COSTAR**(d) (\"apple\" mostly) +** RED** (\"rosy\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Architectural decoration such as flying dragon round a new church (12)","output":"### Answer: EGG-AND-ANCHOR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Architectural decoration\n**E.G.** (\"such as\") + ***(dragon)** *round* **A N** (new) **CH** (church)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cross about dash of scotch in honeyed drink (5)","output":"### Answer: MULSE \n ### Explanation: Definition: honeyed drink\n**MULE** (\"cross\") *about* [dash of] **S**(cotch) \nMulse is boile wine mixed with honey."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Milkmaid involved in opening up what used to be shed, sadly (7)","output":"### Answer: EYEDROP \n ### Explanation: Definition: what used to be shed, sadly\n**YED** (\"milkmaid\") *in* **<=PORE** (\"opening\", up) \n*Eyedrop is an old word for tear."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Weathered Ring? You'd need a good seat for that! (5)","output":"### Answer: RODEO \n ### Explanation: Definition: You'd need a good seat for that\n**RODE** (\"weathered\") + **O** (\"ring\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Royal initials flanked by a kingly beast and a heraldic bird (7)","output":"### Answer: ALERION \n ### Explanation: Definition: a heraldic bird\n**E.R.** (\"royal initials\") *flanked by* A LION (\"kingly beast\") \n*In heraldry, an alerion is an eagle with no feet or beak."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rate of progress one's shown at foot of page (4)","output":"### Answer: PACE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Rate of progress\n**ACE** (\"one\") *shown at foot of* **P** (page)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Antique braced framework, post-Restoration in part (5)","output":"### Answer: TREST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Antique braced framework\nHidden in [in part] \"pos**T-REST**oration\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A club admits balance sheet being worthless (7)","output":"### Answer: AMBSACE \n ### Explanation: Definition: worthless\n**A MACE** (\"club\") *admits* **BS** (balance sheet)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: E.g. radio contact 'unmasked' mole, etc (7)","output":"### Answer: TELECOM \n ### Explanation: Definition: E.g. radio contact\n***(mole etc)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Slide flat board round shifting scanner, patient's head involved (12)","output":"### Answer: TRANSPARENCY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Slide\n**TRAY** (\"flat board\") round ***(scanner)** + **P**(atient's) [head]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Set up poor rickety houses, causing head complaint (7)","output":"### Answer: PORRIGO \n ### Explanation: Definition: head complaint \n**RIG** (\"set up\") *housed by* ***(poor)** \n*Porrigo is a scalp disease."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Artist almost touched ferny scales (7)","output":"### Answer: RAMENTA \n ### Explanation: Definition: erny scales \n**R.A.** (\"artist\") + **MENTA**(l) (*almost* \"touched)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Adult chaps mature, tame no longer (7)","output":"### Answer: AMENAGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: tame no longer\n**A** (adult) + **MEN** (\"chaps\") + **AGE** (\"mature\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cheap fags offer a price on lives (5)","output":"### Answer: BIDIS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Cheap fags\n**BID** (\"offer a price\") on** IS** (\"lives\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Instruction manual? Time put in reversed major setback (5)","output":"### Answer: TUTOR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Instruction manual?\n**T** (time) *put in* **<=ROUT** (*reversed* \"major setback\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Like a wild horse, old, a broken ruin, died (5)","output":"### Answer: UNRID \n ### Explanation: Definition: Like a wild horse, old\n***(ruin)** + **D** (died)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: In Wandsworth I stay, shut up (4)","output":"### Answer: HIST \n ### Explanation: Definition: shut up\nHidden in \"wandsowrt**H I ST**ay\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Frantic doctor nurses English XI and German XI (6,7)","output":"### Answer: BESIDE ONESELF \n ### Explanation: Frantic doctor nurses English XI and German XI (6,7)\n**BONES** (\"doctor\") *nurses* **E** (English) **SIDE** (team, so \"XI\" as in cricket XI) + **ELF** (\"German\" for eleven (\"XI\")), so **B(E-SIDE)ONES-ELF"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Terror about to finish soon (9)","output":"### Answer: IMPENDING \n ### Explanation: Terror about to finish soon (9)\n**IMP** (\"terror\") + **ENDING** (\"about to finish\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bizarre journey, moving right to the east (5)","output":"### Answer: OUTRE \n ### Explanation: Bizarre journey, moving right to the east (5)\n(r)**OUT**(**R**)**E** (\"journey\" (ROUTE) with the R *moved east* (i.e. to the right))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: That is skirting issue still (5)","output":"### Answer: IMAGE \n ### Explanation: That is skirting issue still (5)\n**I.E.** (\"that is\") *skirting* **MAG** (\"issue\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tiny chest, bust that's fake (9)","output":"### Answer: SYNTHETIC \n ### Explanation: Tiny chest, bust that's fake (9)\n***(tiny chest)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Boy digs into brownies and plum, being offered nothing else (7,6)","output":"### Answer: HOBSON\u2019S CHOICE \n ### Explanation: Boy digs into brownies and plum, being offered nothing else (7,6)\n**SON** (\"boy\") *digs into* **HOBS** (\"brownies\") + **CHOICE** (\"plum\") \n*A hob is a sprite or elf, as is a brownie."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Solve problem about right back (6)","output":"### Answer: DORSUM \n ### Explanation: Solve problem about right back (6)\n**DO SUM** (\"solve problem\") *about* **R** (right)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A learner follows more advanced kind of thinking (7)","output":"### Answer: LATERAL \n ### Explanation: A learner follows more advanced kind of thinking (7)\n**A L** (learner) *follows* **LATER** (\"more advanced\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Scots remarkable at compre\u00adhending the German primer (9)","output":"### Answer: UNDERCOAT \n ### Explanation: Scots remarkable at compre\u00adhending the German primer (9)\n**UNCO** (\"Scots\" word for \"remarkable\") + **AT** *comprehending* **DER** (\"the\" in \"German\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: University teachers admitting middling grade is rough (5)","output":"### Answer: UNCUT \n ### Explanation: University teachers admitting middling grade is rough (5)\n**U** (University) + **N.U.T.** (National Union of \"Teachers\") *admitting* **C** (\"middling grade\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: African native's internet domain? (5)","output":"### Answer: ELAND \n ### Explanation: African native's internet domain? (5)\n**E** (\"internet\", as in e-shopping, e-mail, etc) + **LAND** (\"domain\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A silly price for sketch (9)","output":"### Answer: ADUMBRATE \n ### Explanation: A silly price for sketch (9)\n**A** +** DUMB** (\"silly\") +** RATE** (\"price\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Goddess on film cried sadly, desiring lost youth (7,6)","output":"### Answer: MIDLIFE CRISIS \n ### Explanation: Goddess on film cried sadly, desiring lost youth (7,6)\n**ISIS** (\"goddess\") *on* ***(film cried)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tramp keeps jazzy shirt, I think, for tourist site (7,6)","output":"### Answer: BRITISH MUSEUM \n ### Explanation: Tramp keeps jazzy shirt, I think, for tourist site (7,6)\n**BUM** (\"tramp\") *keeps* ***(shirt i)** + **MUSE** (\"think\"), so **B(RITISH-MUSE)UM"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One takes off clothes, turning brown (5)","output":"### Answer: SEPIA \n ### Explanation: One takes off clothes, turning brown (5)\n**<=A(I)PES\u00a0**(I (\"one\") *clothed* by APES (\"takes off) and the whole *turned*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hairy and desperate chap rogues manhandled (9)","output":"### Answer: DANGEROUS \n ### Explanation: Hairy and desperate chap rogues manhandled (9)\n**DAN** (\"Desperate\" Dan, the cartoon character) + ***(rogues)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Exploding cigar no good for one's health? (7)","output":"### Answer: ORGANIC \n ### Explanation: Exploding cigar no good for one's health? (7)\n**(*cigar no)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Biblical character and husband shape up (5)","output":"### Answer: ENOCH \n ### Explanation: Biblical character and husband shape up (5)\n**<+H + CONE** (husband and \"shape\", *up*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: People about to tour country in vehicle (6,3)","output":"### Answer: ESTATE CAR \n ### Explanation: People about to tour country in vehicle (6,3)\n**<=RACE** (\"people\" *about*) *to tour* **STATE** (\"country\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: They prevent issue in Norman Mailer's writings? (6,7)","output":"### Answer: FRENCH LETTERS \n ### Explanation: They prevent issue in Norman Mailer's writings? (6,7)\nFRENCH (\"Norman\") + LETTERS (\"writings\" of a \"mailer\", i.e. someone who mails letters)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dutch or transatlantic pageant winner (6)","output":"### Answer: MISSUS \n ### Explanation: Dutch or transatlantic pageant winner (6)\n**MISS U.S**. could be the winner of a beauty pageant in the States, so \"transatlantic pageant winner\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: New York girl group makes fast connection (9)","output":"### Answer: BROADBAND \n ### Explanation: New York girl group makes fast connection (9)\n**BROAD**\u00a0(American word for \"girl\") + **BAND** (\"group\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Released song that's top in terms of quantity (9)","output":"### Answer: OUTNUMBER \n ### Explanation: Released song that's top in terms of quantity (9)\n**OUT** (\"released\") + **NUMBER** (\"song\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Reversal of space-time where craft are made fast (7)","output":"### Answer: MOORAGE \n ### Explanation: Reversal of space-time where craft are made fast (7)\n**<=ROOM** (*reversal of* \"space\") + **AGE** (\"time\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Indicator of base books with lots of mawkishness (6)","output":"### Answer: LITMUS \n ### Explanation: Indicator of base books with lots of mawkishness (6)\n**LIT**(erature) (\"books\") *with* **MU**S(h) (*lots of* \"mawkishness\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Set that's endless \u2014 one spoke and spoke (5)","output":"### Answer: RADII \n ### Explanation: Set that's endless \u2014 one spoke and spoke (5)\n**RADI**(o) (\"set\" *that's endless*) + **I** (\"one\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Schoolchildren maybe working (5)","output":"### Answer: CLASS \n ### Explanation: Schoolchildren maybe working (5)\n**CLASS** (\"schoolchildren\") and a reference to the class system (i.e \"working\" class)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hardly a bank on the west of Beirut (6)","output":"### Answer: BARELY \n ### Explanation: Hardly a bank on the west of Beirut (6)\n**A RELY** (\"bank\") *on* [*the west of*] **B**(eirut)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sailor works out excuses (8)","output":"### Answer: ABSOLVES \n ### Explanation: Sailor works out excuses (8)\n**A.B.** (able-bodied seaman, so \"sailor\") + **SOLVES** (\"works out\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One among many to get a lift (5)","output":"### Answer: HOIST \n ### Explanation: One among many to get a lift (5)\n**I** (\"one\") *among* **HOST** (\"many\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Choosing to accept debt regularly is the action of a striker (9)","output":"### Answer: PICKETING \n ### Explanation: Choosing to accept debt regularly is the action of a striker (9)\n**PICKING** (\"choosing\") *to accept* (d)**E**(b)**T** [*regularly*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fault first found in manufacture (7)","output":"### Answer: MISTAKE \n ### Explanation: Fault first found in manufacture (7)\n**1ST** (\"first\") *found in* **MAKE** (\"manufacture\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Harsh wind from the south and east (7)","output":"### Answer: AUSTERE \n ### Explanation: Harsh wind from the south and east (7)\n**AUSTER** (\"wind frm the south\") *and* **E** (east)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Saw, for example, stolen goods returned (4)","output":"### Answer: TOOL \n ### Explanation: Saw, for example, stolen goods returned (4)\n**<=LOOT** (\"stolen goods\", *returned*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cliff in dispatch gets this cut of meat (5,3)","output":"### Answer: SCRAG END \n ### Explanation: Cliff in dispatch gets this cut of meat (5,3)\n**CRAG** (\"cliff\") *in* **SEND** (\"dispatch\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What cyclist needs in case of slander? (8)","output":"### Answer: MUDGUARD \n ### Explanation: What cyclist needs in case of slander? (8)\nCryptic definition \u2013 a mud guard could be something to protect one from having mud thrown at them (i.e. being defamed)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Drug addict seeing benefit beginning to reduce (4)","output":"### Answer: USER \n ### Explanation: Drug addict seeing benefit beginning to reduce (4)\n**USE** (\"benefit\") + [*beginning to*] **R**(educe)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mature about Liberal support for subject of class (7)","output":"### Answer: ALGEBRA \n ### Explanation: Mature about Liberal support for subject of class (7)\n**AGE** (\"mature\") *about* **L** (liberal) + **BRA** (\"support\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Report of beer intended to generate complaint (7)","output":"### Answer: AILMENT \n ### Explanation: Report of beer intended to generate complaint (7)\nHomophone of [*report of*] **ALE MEANT** (\"beer intended\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Outlaw writing about copy (9)","output":"### Answer: PROSCRIBE \n ### Explanation: Outlaw writing about copy (9)\n**PROSE** (\"writing\") *about* **CRIB** (\"copy\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Spitting feathers at international tariff (5)","output":"### Answer: IRATE \n ### Explanation: Spitting feathers at international tariff (5)\n**I** (international) +** RATE** (\"tariff\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Has he been seen drinking in such establishments? (8)","output":"### Answer: SHEBEENS \n ### Explanation: Has he been seen drinking in such establishments? (8)\nHidden in \"ha**S HE BEEN S**een\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Touch judges ultimately must get glasses (6)","output":"### Answer: SHADES \n ### Explanation: Touch judges ultimately must get glasses (6)\n**SHADE** (\"touch\") = (judge)**S** [*ultimately*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Giant needing the two of them to protect English border (8)","output":"### Answer: BEHEMOTH \n ### Explanation: Giant needing the two of them to protect English border (8)\n**BOTH** (\"the two of them\") *to protect* **E** (English) **HEM** (\"border\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mental aberration dismissing start of beautiful weather event (9)","output":"### Answer: RAINSTORM \n ### Explanation: Mental aberration dismissing start of beautiful weather event (9)\n(b)**RAINSTORM** (\"mental aberration\" *dismissing* [*start of*] B(eautiful))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Disastrous \u2013 having seen all the changes (6)","output":"### Answer: LETHAL \n ### Explanation: Disastrous \u2013 having seen all the changes (6)\n***(all the)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Motion perhaps supporting graduate with two C's and a degree (13)","output":"### Answer: BACCALAUREATE \n ### Explanation: Motion perhaps supporting graduate with two C's and a degree (13)\n**LAUREATE** (Andrew \"Motion\", poet laureate from 1999-2009) *supporting* **B.A.** (Bachelor of Arts, so \"graduate\") + **CC** + **A"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Manage some poetry in old English (7)","output":"### Answer: OVERSEE \n ### Explanation: Manage some poetry in old English (7)\n**VERSE** (\"some poetry\") *in* **O.E**. (Old English)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Utter moral failing about love (5)","output":"### Answer: VOICE \n ### Explanation: Utter moral failing about love (5)\n**VICE** (\"moral failing) *about* **O** (nothing, so \"love\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Continues to be entertained by house guests (6)","output":"### Answer: SEGUES \n ### Explanation: Continues to be entertained by house guests (6)\nHidden in [*to be entertained by*] \"hou**SE GUES**ts\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Worry about line of work under head of police (13)","output":"### Answer: PREOCCUPATION \n ### Explanation: Worry about line of work under head of police (13)\n**RE** (\"about\") + **OCCUPATION** (\"line of work\") *under* [*head of*] **P**(olice)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ignore traders and dig around, short of time (9)","output":"### Answer: DISREGARD \n ### Explanation: Ignore traders and dig around, short of time (9)\n***(raders** **dig)**, where raders = (t)raders [short of] t(ime)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Makes an effort to cross river for comrades (8)","output":"### Answer: BROTHERS \n ### Explanation: Makes an effort to cross river for comrades (8)\n**BOTHERS** (\"makes an effort\") *to cross* **R** (river)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Disaster sees taxi reversing with learner into river (7)","output":"### Answer: DEBACLE \n ### Explanation: Disaster sees taxi reversing with learner into river (7)\n**<= CAB** (\"taxi\", *reversing*) *with* **L** (learner) *into* (river) **DEE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: University grounds French writer, keeping quiet (6)","output":"### Answer: CAMPUS \n ### Explanation: University grounds French writer, keeping quiet (6)\n(Albert) **CAMUS** (\"french writer\") *keeping* **P** (piano, so \"quiet\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Butcher's heard finding transport for winter (6)","output":"### Answer: SLEIGH \n ### Explanation: Butcher's heard finding transport for winter (6)\nHomophone of **SLAY** [\"butcher\", *heard*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Feel good with engineers to cover work (5)","output":"### Answer: GROPE \n ### Explanation: Feel good with engineers to cover work (5)\n**G** (good) *with* **R.E.** (Royal \"Engineers\") *to cover* **Op.** (opus, so \"work\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Future foreign secretaries excited by the thrill of the chase? (4,9)","output":"### Answer: HUNT FOLLOWERS \n ### Explanation: Future foreign secretaries excited by the thrill of the chase? (4,9)\nPeople following Jeremy Hunt as Foreign Secretary will be \"future foreign secretaries\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tree common to Bar-le-Duc, Ypres, Somme (7)","output":"### Answer: CYPRESS \n ### Explanation: Tree common to Bar-le-Duc, Ypres, Somme (7)\nHidden in [*common to*] \"bar-le-du**C YPRES S**omme\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Move Chancellor's speech \u2013 time's at an end (5,2)","output":"### Answer: BUDGE UP \n ### Explanation: Move Chancellor's speech \u2013 time's at an end (5,2)\n**BUDGE**(t) (\"Chancellor's speech\") + **UP **Not quite sure how to parse this. I assume the T that is missing from \"budget\" is linked to \"time\" in the clue?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Normandy beach where Yankee drops off, sleepy in retirement (5)","output":"### Answer: SWORD \n ### Explanation: Normandy beach where Yankee drops off, sleepy in retirement (5)\n*Y* (yankee) *drops off* <=**DROWS**(y) (\"sleepy\", *in retirement*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Scold Ms Minelli; Spooner says she spends half the day in bed (4,5)","output":"### Answer: LATE RISER \n ### Explanation: Scold Ms Minelli; Spooner says she spends half the day in bed (4,5)\nSpoonerism of **RATE LISA** (\"scold Ms Minelli\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Woman garlanded with Oscar vacating set location for Stagecoach? (4,4)","output":"### Answer: WILD WEST \n ### Explanation: Woman garlanded with Oscar vacating set location for Stagecoach? (4,4)\n**W** (woman) *garlanded by* (Oscar) **WILDE** + **S**(e)**T** [vacating]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: They try\u00a0following Joshua (6)","output":"### Answer: JUDGES \n ### Explanation: They try\u00a0following Joshua (6)\nIn the Old Testament, the book of Judges follows the book of Joshua."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Arab chaps visiting the old island (6)","output":"### Answer: YEMENI \n ### Explanation: Arab chaps visiting the old island (6)\n**MEN** (\"chaps\") *visiting* **YE** (\"the old\") + **I** (island)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Angela blows her top, getting live coverage; it's the end of Jeremy Hunt (8)","output":"### Answer: BERKELEY \n ### Explanation: Angela blows her top, getting live coverage; it's the end of Jeremy Hunt (8)\n(Angela) (m)**ERKEL** [*blows her top*], *getting* BE (\"live\") *coverage*, + [*the end of*] (Jerem)**Y ***The Berkeley hunt is the oldest pack in England."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Actor tucking into squid risotto and mussel basmati (5,4)","output":"### Answer: IDRIS ELBA \n ### Explanation: Actor tucking into squid risotto and mussel basmati (5,4)\nHidden in [*tucking into*] \"squ**ID RIS**otto\" and \"muss**EL BA**smati\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Maintain quills, with which to write note (enclosed) (5)","output":"### Answer: PREEN \n ### Explanation: Maintain quills, with which to write note (enclosed) (5)\n**PEN** (\"with which to write\") with **RE** (\"note\") *enclosed"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Livingstone's taking McCluskey round refuge in Battersea (7)","output":"### Answer: KENNELS \n ### Explanation: Livingstone's taking McCluskey round refuge in Battersea (7)\n**KEN'S** (Livingstone's) taking **<= LEN** (McCluskey,* round*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Montana to release cop from over the border (7)","output":"### Answer: MOUNTIE \n ### Explanation: Montana to release cop from over the border (7)\n**Mo.** (Montana) + **UNTIE** (\"release\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Where to get a quick one followed by a few chasers? (4,3,6)","output":"### Answer: HARE AND HOUNDS \n ### Explanation: Where to get a quick one followed by a few chasers? (4,3,6)\n**HARE** (\"a quick one\") **AND** (\"followed by\") **HOUNDS** (\"a few chasers\") and &lit. \n*The Hare and Hounds is a common pub name in England."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tool hits a wife on the bottom (7)","output":"### Answer: HACKSAW \n ### Explanation: Tool hits a wife on the bottom (7)\n**HACKS** (\"hits\") + **A W**(ife)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Edit blooper in new medium? Easy peasy! (2,7)","output":"### Answer: NO PROBLEM \n ### Explanation: Edit blooper in new medium? Easy peasy! (2,7)\n***(blooper)** *in* **N** (new) + **M** (medium)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: New profits-led society organised shooting and fishing etc (5,6)","output":"### Answer: FIELD SPORTS \n ### Explanation: New profits-led society organised shooting and fishing etc (5,6)\n***(profits led s)**, where S = society"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sluggish (unlike Ko-Ko) (8)","output":"### Answer: LISTLESS \n ### Explanation: Sluggish (unlike Ko-Ko) (8)\nIn the Mikado, Ko-Ko is the Lord High Executioner who has a list of \"people who would not be missed\" (such as people who eat peppermint and puff it in your face, to which I may add Hunt followers)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Circulates gold coins (6)","output":"### Answer: ORBITS \n ### Explanation: Circulates gold coins (6)\n**OR** (\"gold\") + **BITS** (\"coins\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: UK decried broken down supplier (5,4)","output":"### Answer: EIDER DUCK \n ### Explanation: UK decried broken down supplier (5,4)\n***(uk decried) ***The eider provides down for quilts."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Glasses picking up tiny bits of dust? (5)","output":"### Answer: SPECS \n ### Explanation: Glasses picking up tiny bits of dust? (5)\nHomophone of [*picking up*] **SPECKS** (\"tiny bits of dust\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Turns to listen to explanation for turbulence (4,5)","output":"### Answer: WIND SHEAR \n ### Explanation: Turns to listen to explanation for turbulence (4,5)\n**WINDS** (\"turns\") *to* **HEAR** (\"listen\") \nA wind shear is sudden change in the direction of a wind."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Georgia left underwear on in Texan resort (9)","output":"### Answer: GALVESTON \n ### Explanation: Georgia left underwear on in Texan resort (9)\n**Ga.** (Georgia) + **L** (left) + **VEST** (\"underwear\") + **ON"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Liberal Dem Cable in the doldrums (8)","output":"### Answer: BECALMED \n ### Explanation: Liberal Dem Cable in the doldrums (8)\n***(dem cable)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Court jester's run away? Come on you dogs; after him! (6)","output":"### Answer: YOICKS \n ### Explanation: Court jester's run away? Come on you dogs; after him! (6)\n**YO**(r)**ICK'S** (\"court jester\" in Hamlet, with R (run) *away*) \nYoicks is a foxhunting cry"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: New York's north-eastern suburb? (7)","output":"### Answer: YONKERS \n ### Explanation: New York's north-eastern suburb? (7)\n***(york's NE)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Where's Palin broadcast? I'll inquire of that lady (6)","output":"### Answer: ALASKA \n ### Explanation: Where's Palin broadcast? I'll inquire of that lady (6)\nHomophone (for some, I suppose) of [*broadcast*]\u00a0**I'LL ASK HER** (\"I'll inquire of that lady\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Switzerland supports managed agricultural land (5)","output":"### Answer: RANCH \n ### Explanation: Switzerland supports managed agricultural land (5)\n**CH** (International Vehicle Registration for \"Switzerland\") *supports* **RAN** (\"managed\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Applaud Thom, regularly walking Mickey's dog (5)","output":"### Answer: PLUTO \n ### Explanation: Applaud Thom, regularly walking Mickey's dog (5)\n(a)**P**(p)**L**(a)**U**(d)**T**(h)**O**(m) [*regularly*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Delight in getting queen and priest to be quiet (6)","output":"### Answer: RELISH \n ### Explanation: Delight in getting queen and priest to be quiet (6)\n**R** (queen) + **ELI** (Biblical \"priest\") + **SH** (\"be quiet\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fear inhaling hideous hum from type of cabbage (8)","output":"### Answer: DRUMHEAD \n ### Explanation: Fear inhaling hideous hum from type of cabbage (8)\n**DREAD** (\"fear\") *imbibing* ***(hum)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Endlessly understand and subdue Part 2? (6)","output":"### Answer: SEQUEL \n ### Explanation: Endlessly understand and subdue Part 2? (6)\n[*endlessly*] **SE**(e) (\"undestand\") +** QUEL**(l) (\"subdue\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Coins not beginning to replicate medical examination (8)","output":"### Answer: UROSCOPY \n ### Explanation: Coins not beginning to replicate medical examination (8)\n(e)**UROS** (\"coins\", *not beginning*) + **COPY** (\"replicate\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Gospel, perhaps \u2013 one to retain URL of? (8)","output":"### Answer: BOOKMARK \n ### Explanation: Gospel, perhaps \u2013 one to retain URL of? (8)\nThe** BOOK** of **MARK** was one of the Gospels"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What to say to photographer in Wensleydale, perhaps? (6)","output":"### Answer: CHEESE \n ### Explanation: What to say to photographer in Wensleydale, perhaps? (6)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Leave 10 in drawback (4)","output":"### Answer: EXIT \n ### Explanation: Leave 10 in drawback (4)\n**X** (\"10\") *in* **<=TIE** (\"draw\"* back*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dogberry's devout, absorbing English Bible translation, resistant to influence (10)","output":"### Answer: IMPERVIOUS \n ### Explanation: Dogberry's devout, absorbing English Bible translation, resistant to influence (10)\n**I'M** (\"Dogberry's\") **PIOUS** (\"devout\") *absorbing* **E** (English) + **RV** (Revised Version of the \"Bible\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Things to see \u2013 or to see with? (10)","output":"### Answer: SPECTACLES \n ### Explanation: Things to see \u2013 or to see with? (10)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Be derived from epistemology (4)","output":"### Answer: STEM \n ### Explanation: Be derived from epistemology (4)\nHidden in [*from*] \"epi**STEM**ology\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Current unit a French parent keeps quiet (6)","output":"### Answer: AMPERE \n ### Explanation: Current unit a French parent keeps quiet (6)\n**A** + **MERE** (\"French parent\", i.e. mother) *keeps* **P** (piano, so \"quiet\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Gone with artist on major road to get meat (8)","output":"### Answer: PASTRAMI \n ### Explanation: Gone with artist on major road to get meat (8)\n**PAST** (\"gone\") *with* **RA** (\"artist\") *on* **M1** (\"major road\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Instrument put Il Duce (Mussolini) initially right out (8)","output":"### Answer: DULCIMER \n ### Explanation: Instrument put Il Duce (Mussolini) initially right out (8)\n***(il duce m r)**, where M = M(ussolini) [*initially*] and R = right"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Minister to wit: That's right! (6)","output":"### Answer: VIZIER \n ### Explanation: Minister to wit: That's right! (6)\n**VIZ** (\"to wit\") + **I.E.** (\"that is\") + **R** (right)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stress for journalists on river (8)","output":"### Answer: PRESSURE \n ### Explanation: Stress for journalists on river (8)\n**PRESS** (\"journalists\") *on* (River) **URE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bear grudge, having posted again (6)","output":"### Answer: RESENT \n ### Explanation: Bear grudge, having posted again (6)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Master turning up to scripture topless is absurd (7)","output":"### Answer: RISIBLE \n ### Explanation: Master turning up to scripture topless is absurd (7)\n**<=SIR** (\"master\" *turning up*) + (b**)IBLE** (\"scripture\", *topless*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sweet drink on the rocks? (9)","output":"### Answer: LIQUORICE \n ### Explanation: Sweet drink on the rocks? (9)\n**LIQUOR** (\"drink\") *on* **ICE** (\"the rocks\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Erotic 11 in South Yorkshire's capital (6)","output":"### Answer: STEAMY \n ### Explanation: Erotic 11 in South Yorkshire's capital (6)\n**TEAM** (\"eleven\") *in* **S** (south) + **Y**(orkshire's) [*capital*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bloody\u00a0unusual! (4)","output":"### Answer: RARE \n ### Explanation: Bloody\u00a0unusual! (4)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Highly desirable Greek character \u2013 tonsor, initially \u2013 to remove hair outside (4-4)","output":"### Answer: MUST-HAVE \n ### Explanation: Highly desirable Greek character \u2013 tonsor, initially \u2013 to remove hair outside (4-4)\n**MU** (\"Greek character\") + **T**(onsor) [*initially*] with **SHAVE** (\"to remove hair\") *outside"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Overact, turning e-book over (5)","output":"### Answer: EMOTE \n ### Explanation: Overact, turning e-book over (5)\n**<=E-TOME** (\"e-book\", *turned over*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Upstate, wearing clothes in drought (7)","output":"### Answer: DRYNESS \n ### Explanation: Upstate, wearing clothes in drought (7)\n**<=NY** (New York, so \"state\" *up*) *wearing* **DRESS** (\"clothes\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fast moving, retaining border's leading role (7)","output":"### Answer: PRIMACY \n ### Explanation: Fast moving, retaining border's leading role (7)\n**PACY** (\"fast moving\") *retaining* **RIM** (\"border\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Second helping of kidneys \u2013 partners tucked in (7)","output":"### Answer: RENEWAL \n ### Explanation: Second helping of kidneys \u2013 partners tucked in (7)\n**RENAL** (\"of kidneys\") with **EW** (bridge \"partners\") *tucked in"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cut off actress I love madly (9)","output":"### Answer: OSTRACISE \n ### Explanation: Cut off actress I love madly (9)\n***(actress i o)**, where O = \"love\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dodgy dossier conealing source of Tony's drugs (8)","output":"### Answer: STEROIDS \n ### Explanation: Dodgy dossier conealing source of Tony's drugs (8)\n***(dossier)** *concealing* [*source of*] **T**(ony)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Miss date with\u00a0type of comedian (5,2)","output":"### Answer: STAND-UP \n ### Explanation: Miss date with\u00a0type of comedian (5,2)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Inspector's ragtime performance (7)","output":"### Answer: MAIGRET \n ### Explanation: Inspector's ragtime performance (7)\n***(ragtime) ***Inspector Maigret was French author Georges Simenon's most famous creation.**"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Light\u00a0lamp? (6)","output":"### Answer: STRIKE \n ### Explanation: Light\u00a0lamp? (6)\nDouble defintion"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Beat origin of 11-plus, maybe? (5)","output":"### Answer: PULSE \n ### Explanation: Beat origin of 11-plus, maybe? (5)\n***(e plus)** where E is the* origin of* E(leven)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Vegetable on top of ripening fruit (4)","output":"### Answer: PEAR \n ### Explanation: Vegetable on top of ripening fruit (4)\n**PEA** (\"vegetable\") *on* [*top* *of*]** R**(ipening)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sultan's companion consuming a sauce (6)","output":"### Answer: CALIPH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Sultan\n**CH** (\"companion\" of honour) *consuming* **A LIP **(\"sauce\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Girl coming out meets teacher returning rubbish (6)","output":"### Answer: DEBRIS \n ### Explanation: Definition: rubbish\n**DEB**(utante) (\"girl coming out\") *meets* **<=SIR** (\"teacher\" *returning*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A delay brought about celebration (4)","output":"### Answer: GALA \n ### Explanation: Definition: celebration\n**<=A LAG** ( \"a delay\", *brought about*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Trip in the dark becoming horizontal at home with complaint (7,3)","output":"### Answer: EVENING OUT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Trip in the dark\n**EVEN** (\"horizontal\") + **IN** (\"at home\") + **GOUT** (\"complaint\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Awkward ascent in carriage (6)","output":"### Answer: STANCE \n ### Explanation: Definition: carriage\n***(ascent)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Casual worker's former model (8)","output":"### Answer: TEMPLATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: model\n**TEMP** (\"casual worker\") + **LATE** (\"former\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Club entertains queen in restaurant (9)","output":"### Answer: BRASSERIE \n ### Explanation: Definition: restaurant\n**BRASSIE** (golf \"club\") *entertains* **ER** (\"queen\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Teacher seizes a shirt in uproar (4)","output":"### Answer: STIR \n ### Explanation: Definition: uproar\n**SIR** (\"teacher\") *seizes* *a* **T**(-shirt)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bloody\u00a0unusual (4)","output":"### Answer: RARE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Bloody\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Star born during expedition (9)","output":"### Answer: CELEBRITY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Star\n**B** (born) *during* **CELERITY** (\"expedition\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Catch the eye of porter apprehending joiner (5,3)","output":"### Answer: STAND OUT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Catch the eye\n**STOUT** (\"porter\") *apprehending* **AND** (conjunction, so \"joiner\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Win earned fraudulently (6)","output":"### Answer: ENDEAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Win\n***(earned)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Small drinks for church representatives (5,5)","output":"### Answer: SALES FORCE \n ### Explanation: Definition: representatives\n**S** (small) + **ALES** (\"drinks\") + **FOR** + **C.E.** (\"church\" of England)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Premature\u00a0eruption (4)","output":"### Answer: RASH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Premature\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old fool makes a full stop approaching a road (6)","output":"### Answer: DOTARD \n ### Explanation: Definition: Old fool \n**DOT** (\"full stop\") *approaching* **A RD**. (road)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Still in the theatre stalls (2,4)","output":"### Answer: AT REST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Still\nHidden in \"the**ATRE ST**alls\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Trading vessel or schooner may rest on it (7)","output":"### Answer: COASTER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Trading vessel\nDouble definition \u2013 for schooner, think glass."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pick up king's knight (5)","output":"### Answer: LEARN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Pick up\n(King) **LEAR** + **N** (knight, in chess)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Go in front making president withdraw (7)","output":"### Answer: PRECEDE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Go in front\n**P\u00a0**(president) + **RECEDE** (\"withdraw\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Puzzle-solving in game (6)","output":"### Answer: ENIGMA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Puzzle\n***(in game)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Governor put transport officer in uniform (9)","output":"### Answer: REGULATOR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Governor\nT**.O.** (transport officer) *in* **REGULAR** (\"uniform\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Runs tea dance? It's a stroll! (7)","output":"### Answer: SAUNTER \n ### Explanation: Definition: stroll\n***(runs tea)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Show managed its seedy worst (4,4,5)","output":"### Answer: WEST SIDE STORY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Show\n***(its seedy worst)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Most unusual oven, in two ways (9)","output":"### Answer: STRANGEST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Most unusual\n**RANGE** (\"oven\") *in* **St. St.** (street twice, so \"two ways\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: County routine on moor (7)","output":"### Answer: RUTLAND \n ### Explanation: Definition: County\n**RUT** (\"routine\") *on* **LAND** (\"moor\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Woman gets to lie down? That's the height of ambition! (7)","output":"### Answer: EVEREST \n ### Explanation: Definition: the height of ambition\n**EVE** (\"woman\") *gets* **REST** (\"to lie down\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tory leader managed to settle in conveyance (7)","output":"### Answer: TRANSIT \n ### Explanation: Definition: conveyance\n**T**(ory) [leader] + **RAN** (\"managed\") + **SIT** (\"to settle\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hacker said to be safe (6)","output":"### Answer: COFFER \n ### Explanation: Definition: safe\nHomophone [*to be said*] of **COUGHER** (\"hacker\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Greek leader in ominous lament (5)","output":"### Answer: DIRGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: lament\n**G**(reek) [*leader*] *in* **DIRE** (\"ominous\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: US president against opposing wings in equal measure (6)","output":"### Answer: BUSHEL \n ### Explanation: Definition: measure\n(George) **BUSH** (\"US president\") *against* [*opposing wings in*] **E**(qua)**L"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Vehicle going round a lake and river valley in Italian region (8)","output":"### Answer: CALABRIA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Italian region\n**CAB** (\"vehicle\") *going round* **A L** (lake) + **RIA** (\"river valley\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tango drink covering container for refuse (4,4)","output":"### Answer: TURN DOWN \n ### Explanation: Definition: refuse\n**T** (tango) + **DOWN** (\"drink\") *covering* **URN** (\"container\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: He's far at sea, once more (6)","output":"### Answer: AFRESH \n ### Explanation: Definition: once more \n***(he's far)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Turned poorly, squeezed into small footwear (6)","output":"### Answer: WELLIE \n ### Explanation: Definition: footwear\n**<=ILL** (*turned* \"poorly\") *squeezed into* **WEE** (\"small\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Criminal nicely drawing in opponents showing mercy (8)","output":"### Answer: LENIENCY \n ### Explanation: Definition: mercy\n***(nicely)** *drawing* *in* **E** and **N** (East and North, \"opponents\" in bridge)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Leader in boat requesting quiet with ship following marine creature (7,5)","output":"### Answer: BASKING SHARK \n ### Explanation: Definition: marine creature\n[*leader in*] **B**(oat) + **ASKING** (\"requesting\") + **SH** (\"quiet\") *with* **ARK** (\"ship\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Player at home in Bordeaux strip's regularly first to tackle (12)","output":"### Answer: CLARINETTIST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Player\n**IN** (\"at home\") *in* **CLARET** (\"Bordeaux\") + (s)**T**(r)*I*(p)**S** [*regularly*] + [*first to*] **T**(ackle)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: After refurbishment, see if lab is workable (8)","output":"### Answer: FEASIBLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: workable\n***(see if lab)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sounds reverberating from city hotel lovers occasionally used (6)","output":"### Answer: ECHOES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Sounds reverberating\n**EC** (\"city\" of London) + **H** (hotel) + (l)**O**(v)**E**(r)**S** [*occasionally used*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Revolutionary agent encountered moderate (6)","output":"### Answer: TEMPER \n ### Explanation: Definition: moderate\n[*revolutionary*]**<= REP** (\"agent\") + **MET** (\"encountered\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unseemly Cockney's that man with crutch coming before the Queen (8)","output":"### Answer: IMPROPER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Unseemly\n(h)**IM** \"(that man\" to a Cockney) *with* **PROP** (\"crutch\") *coming before* **ER** (\"Queen\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Made rigid cart, developed in outhouse (8)","output":"### Answer: STARCHED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Made rigid\n***(cart)** *in* **SHED** (\"outhouse\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fine picture on rear of big racing vehicle (2-4)","output":"### Answer: GO-KART \n ### Explanation: Definition: vehicle\n**O.K.** (\"fine\") + **ART** (\"picture\") *on* [*rear* *of*] (bi)**G"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Extra group of students in university education (6)","output":"### Answer: UNUSED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Extra\n**N.U.S.** (National Union of Students, so \"group of students\") *in* **U** (university) **Ed.** (education)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Animal trainer clamps front of bridle with a part for rider to grip (9)","output":"### Answer: HANDLEBAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: part for rider to grip\n**HANDLER** (\"animal trainer\") *clamps* [*front of*] **B**(ridle) *with* **A"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Witnesses lad following attractive person (7-2)","output":"### Answer: LOOKERS-ON \n ### Explanation: Definition: Witnesses\n**SON** (\"lad\") *following* **LOOKER** (\"attractive person\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mournful song's line chanted differently with twist (6,2,3,4)","output":"### Answer: CANDLE IN THE WIND \n ### Explanation: Definition: Mournful song\n***(line chanted)** *with* **WIND** (\"twist\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Knight supporting king as master (5)","output":"### Answer: LEARN \n ### Explanation: Definition: master\n**N** (\"knight\" in chess notation) *supporting* (King) **LEAR"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bump\u00a0boat (5)","output":"### Answer: BARGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Bump\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Loose cover draped around middle of deck (8)","output":"### Answer: INSECURE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Loose\n**INSURE** (\"cover\") *draped around* [*the middle of*] (d)**EC**(k)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Test subject \u2013 old tender pigeon with age ignored (6,3)","output":"### Answer: GUINEA PIG \n ### Explanation: Definition: Test subject\n**GUINEA** (\"old tender\") + **PIG**(eon) [with age ignored]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Director's prickling sensation constant in joint (9)","output":"### Answer: HITCHCOCK \n ### Explanation: Definition: Director\n**ITCH** (\"pricking sensation\") + **C** (constant) *in* **HOCK** (\"joint\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Most speedy escape from ordeal (8)","output":"### Answer: FLEETEST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Most speedy\n**FLEE** (\"escape from\") + **TEST** (\"ordeal\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Finish shift after introducing new head of engineering (6)","output":"### Answer: VENEER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Finish\n**VEER** (\"shift\") *after introducing* **N** (new) + [*head of*] **E**(ngineering)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Great meal apart from starter of prawns (5)","output":"### Answer: SUPER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Great\n**SUP**(p)**ER** (\"meal\" with [*starter of*] **P**(rawn) *apart*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Erected hard bed made of wood (5)","output":"### Answer: BIRCH \n ### Explanation: Definition: made of wood\n**<=H**(ard) **CRIB** (\"bed\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Present of diamonds possibly overwhelming doctor (6)","output":"### Answer: SUBMIT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Present\n**SUIT** (\"diamonds, possibly\") *overwhelming* **BM** (Bachelor of Medicine, so \"doctor\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Songwriter's welcoming party for French star (6)","output":"### Answer: BARDOT \n ### Explanation: Definition: French star\n(Lionel) **BART** (\"songwriter\") *welcoming* **DO** (\"party\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: It's not seen as a theoretical universal presence (4,6)","output":"### Answer: DARK MATTER \n ### Explanation: Definition: theoretical universal presence\nDark matter is invisible."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A nut: with scarce bother, it's shelled (10)","output":"### Answer: CRUSTACEAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: it's shelled\n***(a nut scarce)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Angelfish skirting East River (6)","output":"### Answer: CHERUB \n ### Explanation: Definition: Angel\n**CHUB** (\"fish\") *skirting* **E** (east) **R** (river)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Increase closeness? Murmur 'I would, if end of day' (8)","output":"### Answer: HUMIDIFY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Increase closeness\n**HUM** (\"murmur\") + **I'D** (I would) + **IF** + [*end of*] (da)**Y"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: PC element of academic releasing female for college (9)","output":"### Answer: PROCESSOR \n ### Explanation: Definition: PC element\n**PRO**(f>**C**)**ESSOR** (\"academic\" *releasing* F (female) *for* C (college))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Resort to autumn retreat, having finished working (4,4,4)","output":"### Answer: FALL BACK UPON \n ### Explanation: Definition: Resort to\n**FALL** (\"autumn\") + **BACK** (\"retreat\") + **UP** (\"having finished\") + **ON** (\"working\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Evolutionary gambles taken by male to reveal Darwin's craft (3,6)","output":"### Answer: HMS BEAGLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Darwin's craft\n***(gambles)** *taken* *by* **HE** (\"male\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lacking capital, sweetheart? Robbery proceeds would make restoration (8)","output":"### Answer: OVERHAUL \n ### Explanation: Definition: make restoration\n(l)**OVER** (\"sweetheart\", *lacking* *capital*) + **HAUL** (\"robbery\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Surviving, once one is protected by explosive (6)","output":"### Answer: EXTANT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Surviving\n**EX** (\"once\") + **A** (\"one\") *protected by* **T.N.T.** (\"explosive\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Speechless Donald Trump's inside, powerless and adrift without lead from business? (10)","output":"### Answer: DUMBSTRUCK \n ### Explanation: Definition: Speechless\n(Donald) **DUCK** with ***(trums)** *inside*, *without* [*lead from*] **B**(usiness) \n*UMSTR is an anagram of Trump's without P (powerless)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rebel\u00a0bookkeeping entry? (6)","output":"### Answer: CONTRA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Rebel\nDouble definition, the second (I assume) relates to a contra account, which is an account used to gradually reduce the balance of another account."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Main messenger coming to a fishy end (6)","output":"### Answer: TRITON \n ### Explanation: Definition: Main messenger coming to a fishy end\n**TRITON** was a Greek god, the messenger of the sea, who had a dolphin's tale, so \"coming to a fishy end\", although of course a dolphin is not a fish\u2026"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Buster's dish (7)","output":"### Answer: SMASHER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Buster\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dispute, but not about gang member? (5)","output":"### Answer: BIKER \n ### Explanation: Definition: gang member\n**BI**(c)**KER** (\"dispute\", *but not* C (about))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Might you unconsciously be taken by this stylish new reporter on the Guardian? (7)","output":"### Answer: INCUBUS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Might you unconsciously be taken by this\n**IN** (\"stylish\") + **CUB** (\"new reporter\") *on* **US** (\"the Guardian\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: First-class maths problem that does not present a jolly wheeze (6)","output":"### Answer: ASTHMA \n ### Explanation: Definition: that does not present a jolly wheeze\n**A** (\"first class\") + ***(maths)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Play for real? (9)","output":"### Answer: DOCUDRAMA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Play for real?\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Blubbery? Fat? Rule otherwise! (7)","output":"### Answer: TEARFUL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Blubbery?\n***(fat rule)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rubbish study, perhaps, about flashy aftermath of explosion? (8,5)","output":"### Answer: MUSHROOM CLOUD \n ### Explanation: Definition: aftermath of explosion?\n**MUSH** (\"rubbish\") + **ROOM** (\"study, perhaps\") + **C** (about) + **LOUD** (\"flashy\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Macho singer's key indicator of Mozart work in con brio rendition (4,5)","output":"### Answer: COCK ROBIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Macho singer\n**C** (\"key\") + **K** (Kochel catalogue, an \"indicator of Mozart work\") *in* ***(con brio)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Temporary camp pen holding very orthodox union activist leaders (7)","output":"### Answer: BIVOUAC \n ### Explanation: Definition: Temporary camp\n**BIC** (\"pen\") *holding* [*leaders of*]** V**(ery) **O**(rthodox) **U**(nion) **A**(ctivist)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wave from food producer going round about (7)","output":"### Answer: BREAKER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Wave\n**BAKER** (\"food producer\") *going round* **RE** (\"about\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old leader's sort of green (7)","output":"### Answer: LINCOLN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Old leader\nDouble definition, the first relating to Abraham Lincoln, the second to Lincoln Green, the colour famously worn by Robin Hood."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: West Country town not about to have a dig (5)","output":"### Answer: TAUNT \n ### Explanation: Definition: to have a dig\n**TAUNT**(on) (\"West Country town\", without ON (\"about\"))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Prospect of victory before one's expression of gratitude (5)","output":"### Answer: VISTA \n ### Explanation: Prospect of victory before one's expression of gratitude (5)\n**V**(victory) *before* **1's** (\"one's\") + **TA** (\"expression of gratitude\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bag containing small part for pot (9)","output":"### Answer: CASSEROLE \n ### Explanation: Bag containing small part for pot (9)\n**CASE** (\"bag\") *containing* **S** (small) + **ROLE** (\"part\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Drink, accepting credit for robbery (5-2)","output":"### Answer: STICK-UP \n ### Explanation: Drink, accepting credit for robbery (5-2)\n**SUP** (\"drink\") *accepting* **TICK** (\"credit\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Not working enough, ignoring student's material (7)","output":"### Answer: SACKING \n ### Explanation: Not working enough, ignoring student's material (7)\n**S**(l)**ACKING\u00a0**(\"not working enough\", *ignoring* L (\"student\"))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cynical, for example, before good breakfast perhaps (4-6,3)","output":"### Answer: HARD=BOILED EGG \n ### Explanation: Cynical, for example, before good breakfast perhaps (4-6,3)\n**HARD-BOILED** (\"cynical\") + **E.G.** (\"for example\") *before* **G** (good)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fun time for the early riser? (4)","output":"### Answer: LARK \n ### Explanation: Fun time for the early riser? (4)\nDouble definition, the second relating to the saying \"up with the lark\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: City gent who's unprincipled died in the morning (9)","output":"### Answer: ROTTERDAM \n ### Explanation: City gent who's unprincipled died in the morning (9)\n**ROTTER** (\"gent\") + **D** (died) + **A.M.** (\"in the morning\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: 17 bets regularly on teams (9)","output":"### Answer: ELEVENSES \n ### Explanation: 17 bets regularly on teams (9)\n(b)**E**(t)**S** [*regularly*] *on* **ELEVENS** (\"teams\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Shortly make something for breakfast (4)","output":"### Answer: BRAN \n ### Explanation: Shortly make something for breakfast (4)\n**BRAN**(d) (\"make\" *shortly*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rebellious Britain's due no changes (13)","output":"### Answer: INSUBORDINATE \n ### Explanation: Rebellious Britain's due no changes (13)\n***(britains due no)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hurry back with a German car used in part exchange, say (5-2)","output":"### Answer: TRADE-IN \n ### Explanation: Hurry back with a German car used in part exchange, say (5-2)\n**<=DART** (\"hurry\" *back*) *with* **EIN** (\"a\" in \"German\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Birds found in large quarries (7)","output":"### Answer: OSPREYS \n ### Explanation: Birds found in large quarries (7)\n**OS** (outsize, so \"large\") + **PREYS** (\"quarries\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One refuses to work for such money (6,3)","output":"### Answer: STRIKE PAY \n ### Explanation: One refuses to work for such money (6,3)\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Carries babies across Spain (5)","output":"### Answer: TOTES \n ### Explanation: Carries babies across Spain (5)\n**TOTS** (\"babies\") *across* **E** (international vehicel identifier for \"Spain\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Large container full of sulphur (4)","output":"### Answer: VAST \n ### Explanation: Large container full of sulphur (4)\n**VAT** (\"container\") *full of* **S** (sulphur)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bits of NHS see merit in chaos (11)","output":"### Answer: SMITHEREENS \n ### Explanation: Bits of NHS see merit in chaos (11)\n***(nhs see merit)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Capital invested in bank? A racket (6)","output":"### Answer: ANKARA \n ### Explanation: Capital invested in bank? A racket (6)\nHidden in [*invested in*] \"b**ANK A RA**cket\" \n*Ankara is the capital of Turkey."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rodents seeing unknown horse rear, within limits (9)","output":"### Answer: CAPYBARAS \n ### Explanation: Rodents seeing unknown horse rear, within limits (9)\n**Y** (\"unknown\" in mathematics) + **<=ARAB** (\"horse\" *rear*) *within* **CAPS** (\"limits\") \nI'm not convinced by the use of \"rear\" here."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dish from southern States \u2013 hot one (5)","output":"### Answer: SUSHI \n ### Explanation: Dish from southern States \u2013 hot one (5)\n**S** (southern) + **US** (the \"States\") + **H** (hot) + **I** (\"one\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Avoided school in the outskirts of Edgware and got hitched (8)","output":"### Answer: ESCHEWED \n ### Explanation: Avoided school in the outskirts of Edgware and got hitched (8)\n**Sch.** (school\") *in* [*the outskirts of*] **E**(dgwar)**E** + **WED** (\"got hitched\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sash Holbein regularly used (3)","output":"### Answer: OBI \n ### Explanation: Sash Holbein regularly used (3)\n(h)**O**(l)**B**(e)**I**(n) [*regularly*] \n*An obi is a broad sash worn over a kimono"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fighting\u00a0that might lead to union (10)","output":"### Answer: ENGAGEMENT \n ### Explanation: Fighting\u00a0that might lead to union (10)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sanction finish with topless riders on time (11)","output":"### Answer: ENDORSEMENT \n ### Explanation: Sanction finish with topless riders on time (11)\n**END** (\"finish\") + (h)**ORSEMEN** (*topless* \"riders\") *on* **T** (time)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Provides relief if a student leaves it out (10)","output":"### Answer: ALLEVIATES \n ### Explanation: Provides relief if a student leaves it out (10)\n**A L** (learner, so \"student\") + ***(leaves it)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: I am working, beset by bad- tempered witness (9)","output":"### Answer: TESTIMONY \n ### Explanation: I am working, beset by bad- tempered witness (9)\n**I'M** (\"I am\") **ON** (\"working\") *beset by* **TESTY** (\"bad-tempered\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Leaves baker worried for rest of workforce (3,5)","output":"### Answer: TEA BREAK \n ### Explanation: Leaves baker worried for rest of workforce (3,5)\n**TEA** (\"leaves\") + ***(baker)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dress down dear \u2013 supporting vehicle (6)","output":"### Answer: CARPET \n ### Explanation: Dress down dear \u2013 supporting vehicle (6)\n**PET** (\"dear\") *supporting* **CAR** (\"vehicle\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hoist ladder at university (3-2)","output":"### Answer: RUN-UP \n ### Explanation: Hoist ladder at university (3-2)\n**RUN** (\"ladder\" as in stockings) + **UP** (\"at university\") \n*I think the enumeration should have been (3,2) rather than (3-2)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Exercises adopted by amorous escorts (4)","output":"### Answer: USES \n ### Explanation: Exercises adopted by amorous escorts (4)\nHidden in [*adopted by*] \"amoro**US ES**corts\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Means of travelling first-class rail, originally (3)","output":"### Answer: AIR \n ### Explanation: Means of travelling first-class rail, originally (3)\n**A1** (\"first-class\") + **R**(ail) [*originally*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bore finished touring ancient city (7)","output":"### Answer: ENDURED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Bore\n**ENDED** (\"finished\") *touring* **UR** (\"ancient city\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Associate's in games area, back burning waste (7)","output":"### Answer: CLINKER \n ### Explanation: Definition: burning waste\n**LINK** (\"associate\") in **<=REC** ('games area\", *back*) \n*Clinker is the residue left after burning something"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Inept choristers horribly tense (8,7)","output":"### Answer: HISTORIC PRESENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: tense\n***(inept choristers)** \n*The historic present is a tense used when describing events in the present tense but which happened in the past."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Don't take\u00a0holiday (5)","output":"### Answer: LEAVE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Don't take\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Drunken men docked in early naval vessel (9)","output":"### Answer: MINELAYER \n ### Explanation: Drunken men docked in early naval vessel (9)\n***(me in early)** where ME is me(n) *docked"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Men on TV co-ordinated manoeuvres (3,6)","output":"### Answer: SET PIECES \n ### Explanation: Definition: manoeuvres\n**PIECES** (\"men\" in chess) *on* [TV] **SET"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Car from Triumph, last of range (5)","output":"### Answer: COUPE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Car\n**COUP** (\"trimuph\") + [*last of*] (rang)**E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pick up fish, placing first two at the rear (5)","output":"### Answer: GLEAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Pick up\nANGLE (\"fish\") with its *first two* placed *at the rear* would become **GLE-AN"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Appearing for trial, blocks all but last over (7,2)","output":"### Answer: UPWARDS OF \n ### Explanation: Definition: over\n**UP** (in court, so \"appearing for trial\") + **WARDS O**F(f) \"blocks\" *all but last*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Carnivore satisfied having consumed a meal? I'm not sure (4,5)","output":"### Answer: MEAT EATER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Carnivore\n**MET** (\"satisfied\") *having consumed* **A TEA** (\"a meal\") + **ER** (sound made while hesitating, so \"I'm not sure\") \u2013 *thanks for noting the typo, "} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: I must quit office job, being shy (5)","output":"### Answer: FLING \n ### Explanation: Definition: shy\nI *must quit* **F**(i)**LING** (\"office job\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Conventionally-run snack bar torrid storm ultimately demolished (6-3-6)","output":"### Answer: BRICKS-AND-MORTAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Conventionally-run\n***(snack bar torrid m)** where the M is (stor)M [*ultimately*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Family type with left-wing tendencies (7)","output":"### Answer: KINDRED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Family\n**KIND** (\"type\") + **RED** (\"with left-wing tendencies\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Yankee enthralled by singer playing instrument (7)","output":"### Answer: SYRINGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: instrument\n**Y** (yankee) *enthralled by* ***(singer)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Once vigorous son is certainly not inspiring (7)","output":"### Answer: EXHALES \n ### Explanation: Definition: is certainly not inspiring\n**EX** (\"once\") + **HALE** (\"healthy\") + **S** (son)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Reserved account, one not in my own branch? (7,8)","output":"### Answer: DISTANT RELATION \n ### Explanation: Definition: one not in my own branch?\nDISTANT (\"reserved\") + RELATION (\"account\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Danish ore, possibly coming from former colony (9)","output":"### Answer: RHODESIAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: coming from former colony\n***(danish ore)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fundamental belief in Humberside is minimal (5)","output":"### Answer: DEISM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fundamental belief\nHidden in \"humbersi**DE IS M**inimal\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Maxim for holding one's own hand tool? (6,3)","output":"### Answer: COPING SAW \n ### Explanation: Definition: hand tool\n**COPING** (\"holding one's own\") + **SAW** (\"maxim\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Utopia's international trade (5)","output":"### Answer: IDEAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Utopia\n**I** (international) **DEAL** (\"trade\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Calm down and don't put too much money on that horse! (4,4,5,2)","output":"### Answer: KEEP YOUR SHIRT ON \n ### Explanation: Definition: Calm down\nIf you bet a lot, you could be said to be \"putting your shirt on it\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Boundless trees chopped by weary pensioner (7)","output":"### Answer: RETIREE \n ### Explanation: Definition: pensioner\n[*boundless*] (t)**REE**(s) *chopped by* **TIRE** (\"weary\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: King, say, to go out with queen in rascal's clutches (5,4)","output":"### Answer: COURT CARD \n ### Explanation: Definition: King, say\n**COURT** (\"to go out with\") + **R** (regina, so \"queen\") in **CAD** (\"rascal\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sauce ingredient regularly ran, if stored in shade (9)","output":"### Answer: CORNFLOUR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Sauce ingredient\n[regularly]** R**(a)**N**Ii)**F\u00a0***stored in* **COLOUR** (\"shade\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rocks acceptable as shelter for black oryx (7)","output":"### Answer: GEMSBOK \n ### Explanation: Definition: oryx\n**GEMS** (\"rocks\") + **OK** (\"acceptable\") *as shelter fo*r **B** (black) \n*A gemsbok is a lrge South African oryx."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bush in garden providing very early cover? (3,4)","output":"### Answer: FIG TREE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Bush in garden providing very early cover\n*According to the Bible, Adam and Eve used fig leaves to cover their nakedness."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Playwright leaving behind western ridge (5)","output":"### Answer: ESKER \n ### Explanation: Definition: ridge\n(w)**ESKER** [*leaving behind* W(estern)] \n*Arnold Wesker (1932-2016) was an English dramatist, whose plays included *Chicken Soup with Barley* and *Roots.\n \n*An esker is a long ridge of stratified grit or sand normally formed by glaciation."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Caesar's last day in Rome goes on (5)","output":"### Answer: RIDES \n ### Explanation: Definition: goes on\n(Caesa)**R**[s' last] + **IDES** (\"day in Rome\" as in \"the ides of March\" when Caesar was asssassinated)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rapidly changing\u00a0US port (6)","output":"### Answer: MOBILE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Rapidly changing\nDouble definition, the second referring to the port city in Alabama."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Overjoyed by quote about taking in abandoned cats (8)","output":"### Answer: ECSTATIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: Overjoyed\n**<=CITE** (\"quote\" *about*)* taking in* ***(cats)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: About to prepare for an attack (5)","output":"### Answer: ONSET \n ### Explanation: Definition: attack\n**ON** (\"about\") + **SET** (\"to prepare for\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Develop a way to check the origin of merchandise entering Ireland (9)","output":"### Answer: GERMINATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Develop\n**GATE** (\"way\") *to check* [*the origin o*f] **M**(erchandise) *entering* **ER**IN (poetic name for \"Ireland\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Calling for volunteers at end of event in Swiss town (7)","output":"### Answer: STATION \n ### Explanation: Definition: Calling\n**TA** (Territorial Army, so \"volunteers\" *at* [*end of* (even)**T**) in **SION** (\"Swiss town\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Extremely vulnerable after English soldiers make chase (7)","output":"### Answer: ENGRAVE \n ### Explanation: Definition: chase\n[extremely]** V**(ulnerabl)**E** *after* **Eng.** (English) **RA** (Royal Artillery, so \"soldiers\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Former pupil starts to object even as it's played (4)","output":"### Answer: OBOE \n ### Explanation: Definition: it's played\n**OB** (old boy, so \"former pupil\") + [*starts to*] **O**(bject) **E**(ven)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Characteristic of possessions collectively (8)","output":"### Answer: PROPERTY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Characteristic\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Seabird circling cold region somewhere in New Zealand (8)","output":"### Answer: AUCKLAND \n ### Explanation: Definition: somewhere in New Zealand\n**AUK** (\"seabird\") *circling*** C**(cold) + **LAND** (\"region\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unattached and available (4)","output":"### Answer: FREE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Unattached\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Chinese scepticism reported by charity (7)","output":"### Answer: HANDOUT \n ### Explanation: Definition: charity\n**HAN** (\"Chinese\") + homophone of** DOUBT** (\"scepticism\" *reported*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Settles for just less eventually in court (5,2)","output":"### Answer: EVENS UP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Settles \n**EVEN** (\"just\") + (les)**S** [eventually] + **UP** (\"in court\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Result in dress being thrown together (9)","output":"### Answer: MAKESHIFT \n ### Explanation: Definition: thrown together\n**MAKE** (\"result in\") +**SHIFT** (\"dress\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Writer distraught after wife leaves for judge (5)","output":"### Answer: TRIER \n ### Explanation: Definition: judge\n***(riter)** i.e. W(riter) *after* W(wife) *leaves"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Avoid in part backing favourites (8)","output":"### Answer: SIDESTEP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Avoid\n**SIDE** (\"part\") [backing] **<=PETS** (\"favourites\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Footman's deficiency Pepys regularly ignored (6)","output":"### Answer: LACKEY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Footman\n**LACK** (\"deficiency\") + (p)**E**(p)**Y**(s) [*regularly ignored*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Get high on it for a short time before regularly taking crack (4,4)","output":"### Answer: MOON SHOT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Get high on it\n**MO** (\"short time\") *before* **ON** (\"regularly taking\", as in \"on drugs\") + **SHOT** (\"crack\") \n*The definition here is a bit vague."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dance star following manager to Australia (5,4)","output":"### Answer: BOSSA NOVA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Dance\n**NOVA** (\"star\") *following* **BOSS** (\"manager\") *to* **A** (Australia)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Act without restraint in rental property near Split (3,3)","output":"### Answer: LET RIP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Act without restraint\n**LET** (\"rental property\" ) *near* **RIP** (\"split\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Agreeing with second report revised to include Norway (13)","output":"### Answer: CORRESPONDENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Agreeing with\n***(second report)** *to include* **N** (Norway)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Set off with 26 Germans on board (7)","output":"### Answer: TRIGGER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Set off\n**TRIER** (see 26ac) with** GG** (Germans) *on board"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Right about excellent mounting on American's jewelled headband (5)","output":"### Answer: TIARA \n ### Explanation: Definition: jewelled headband\n(**<=Rt.** (right) *about* **A1** (\"excellent)\u00a0*mounting*) *on* **A** (America)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cunning Brexiteer speaking in support of Chequers at first (6)","output":"### Answer: CLEVER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Cunning\nHomophone of **LEAVER** (\"Brexiteer\" speaking) *in support of* **C**(hequers) [at first] \nHate this clue, as the LEVER part of CLEVER is not pronounces as LEAVER."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: When everyone's out of kilter knight agrees to change (7,6)","output":"### Answer: GENERAL STRIKE \n ### Explanation: Definition: When everyone's out\n***(kilter n agrees)** where N is the chess notation for \"knight\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Standard in vehicle set up with gear changing device (9)","output":"### Answer: YARDSTICK \n ### Explanation: Definition: Standard \n**<=DRAY** (\"vehicle\", *set up*) *with* **STICK** (\"gear changing device\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Risk finding padre cavorting with Joy (8)","output":"### Answer: JEOPARDY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Risk\n***(padre joy)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Vexed by Jesse oddly missing with punches (7)","output":"### Answer: CROSSES \n ### Explanation: Definition: punches\n**CROSS** (\"vexed\") *b*y (j)**E**(s)**S**(e) [*oddly missing*, ie odd letters missing]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Peto absorbed in Welshman's poems (6)","output":"### Answer: RHYMES \n ### Explanation: Definition: poems\n**ME** (\"peto\") *absorbed in* **RHYS** (\"Welshman\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Only some remember that old lace collar (6)","output":"### Answer: BERTHA \n ### Explanation: Definition: old lace collar\nHidden in [*only some*] \"rememB**ER THA**t\" \n*A bertha was a Victorian deep lace collar."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Defenceless king strangled by cleric from behind (5)","output":"### Answer: NAKED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Defenceless\n**K** (king) *strangled by* **<=DEAN** (\"cleric\" *from behind*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rub out paperwork \u2013 dandy to cut back in it (4,3)","output":"### Answer: BUMP OFF \n ### Explanation: Rub out paperwork \u2013 dandy to cut back in it (4,3)\n**BUMF** (\"paperwork\") with **<=FOP** (\"dandy\" *to cut back*)* in it"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bird or chap seen during the day (7)","output":"### Answer: MOORHEN \n ### Explanation: Bird or chap seen during the day (7)\n**OR** + **HE** (\"chap\") *seen during* **MON** (\"day\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Information on two bottled spirits (5)","output":"### Answer: GENII \n ### Explanation: Information on two bottled spirits (5)\n**GEN** (\"information\") *on* **II** (\"two\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Winning line, providing time getting home good, is inspirational (9)","output":"### Answer: UPLIFTING \n ### Explanation: Winning line, providing time getting home good, is inspirational (9)\n**UP** (\"winning\") + **L** (line) + **IF** (\"providing\")+ **T** (time) *getting* **IN** (\"home\") + **G** (good)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pretentious filth in a university broadcast (9)","output":"### Answer: HIFALUTIN \n ### Explanation: Pretentious filth in a university broadcast (9)\n***(filth in a u)\u00a0**where U is short for University"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One working as a decoy in factory (5)","output":"### Answer: PLANT \n ### Explanation: One working as a decoy in factory (5)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dip one's toe in a seed coat (5)","output":"### Answer: TESTA \n ### Explanation: Dip one's toe in a seed coat (5)\n**TEST** (\"dip one's toe in\") + **A"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Into something fruity, one getting ahead of the African party machine (9)","output":"### Answer: APPLIANCE \n ### Explanation: Into something fruity, one getting ahead of the African party machine (9)\n*Into* **APPLE** (\"something fruity\"), **I** (\"one\") *getting ahead of* **A.N.C.** (African National Congress, so \"African party\"), thus **APPL(1-ANC)E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: 0-0, playing from memory then? (9)","output":"### Answer: SCORELESS \n ### Explanation: 0-0, playing from memory then? (9)\nDouble definition, the second indicating that a musician has no access to a musical score."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Easy putt to achieve that's short \u2013 about one millimetre (5)","output":"### Answer: GIMME \n ### Explanation: Easy putt to achieve that's short \u2013 about one millimetre (5)\n**GE**(t) (\"to achieve\" *that's short*) *about* **1mm** (\"one millimetre\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A classic in Italian, somewhat making a comeback? (5)","output":"### Answer: LATIN \n ### Explanation: A classic in Italian, somewhat making a comeback? (5)\nHidden backwards in [*somewhat making a comeback*] \"i**N ITAL**ian\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Don't be so accusative, it's futile (9)","output":"### Answer: POINTLESS \n ### Explanation: Don't be so accusative, it's futile (9)\n**POINT LESS** (\"don't be so accusative\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Plain green salad eaten by the first group? (9)","output":"### Answer: SERENGETI \n ### Explanation: Plain green salad eaten by the first group? (9)\n***(green)** *eaten by* **SET 1** (\"the first group?\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Don't declare it's a stick (5)","output":"### Answer: BATON \n ### Explanation: Don't declare it's a stick (5)\nIn cricket, if you are the batting side and decide not to declare, you BAT ON"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Expert performer rates it absurd (7)","output":"### Answer: ARTISTE \n ### Explanation: Expert performer rates it absurd (7)\n***(artiste)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Blossom an attractive thing, as something to dance around (7)","output":"### Answer: MAYPOLE \n ### Explanation: Blossom an attractive thing, as something to dance around (7)\n**MAY** (\"blossom\") + (magnetic) **POLE** (\"an attractive thing\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Notable racist welcoming leaders in spiky helmets (3,4)","output":"### Answer: BIG SHOT \n ### Explanation: Notable racist welcoming leaders in spiky helmets (3,4)\n**BIGOT** (\"racist\") *welcoming* [*leaders in*] **S**(piky **H**(elmets)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Communist leader outlining an amendment of finest list of intentions (9)","output":"### Answer: MANIFESTO \n ### Explanation: Communist leader outlining an amendment of finest list of intentions (9)\n**MAO** (Zedong \u2013 \"communis leader\") *outlining* ***(finest)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Window in Oxford college (5)","output":"### Answer: ORIEL \n ### Explanation: Window in Oxford college (5)\nDouble definition \u2013 oriel being a type of bay window, and also the name of a college at Oxford."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rich confection, one's not all there (9)","output":"### Answer: FRUITCAKE \n ### Explanation: Rich confection, one's not all there (9)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: US city in time becoming a city in Europe (5)","output":"### Answer: MILAN \n ### Explanation: US city in time becoming a city in Europe (5)\n**L.A.** (\"US city\") *in* **MIN.** (minute, so \"time\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Children on holiday over three months (9)","output":"### Answer: OFFSPRING \n ### Explanation: Children on holiday over three months (9)\n**OFF** (\"on holiday\" ) *over* **SPRING** (\"three months\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: 50% of 50% providing a city in the Middle East (5)","output":"### Answer: HAIFA \n ### Explanation: 50% of 50% providing a city in the Middle East (5)\n**HA**(lf) (*50% of* \"50%\") + **IF** (\"providing\") + **A"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Item of clothing just around the corner on chain (7)","output":"### Answer: NIGHTIE \n ### Explanation: Item of clothing just around the corner on chain (7)\n**NIGH** (\"just around the corner\") *on* **TIE** (\"chain\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Write number in as in range (9)","output":"### Answer: APENNINES \n ### Explanation: Write number in as in range (9)\n**PEN** (\"write\") + **NINE** (\"number\") *in* **AS"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Negative feeling, as quiet girl brought up in semi, moving (9)","output":"### Answer: PESSIMISM \n ### Explanation: Negative feeling, as quiet girl brought up in semi, moving (9)\n**P** (piano, so \"quiet\") + **<=MISS** (\"girl\" brought up) in ***(semi)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Carrying medical qualification, doctor went with our deputy (6,3)","output":"### Answer: NUMBER TWO \n ### Explanation: Carrying medical qualification, doctor went with our deputy (6,3)\n***(went our)** *carrying* **MB** (Bachelor of Medicine, so \"medical qualification\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Central European region elevated in praise \u2013 listen (7)","output":"### Answer: SILESIA \n ### Explanation: Central European region elevated in praise \u2013 listen (7)\nHidden backwards in [*elevated in*] \"pr**AISE LIS**ten\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: German city on the outskirts of Cologne demonstrating spirit (7)","output":"### Answer: ESSENCE \n ### Explanation: German city on the outskirts of Cologne demonstrating spirit (7)\n**ESSEN** (\"German city\") *on* [*the outskirts of*] **C**(ologn)**E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ace overshadowed by red card (5)","output":"### Answer: TAROT \n ### Explanation: Ace overshadowed by red card (5)\n**A**(ace) *overshadowed by* **TROT** (a Trotskyist, so a \"red\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hear harmony in musical composition (5)","output":"### Answer: PIECE \n ### Explanation: Hear harmony in musical composition (5)\nHomophone of [*hear*] **PEACE** (\"harmony\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One's striped like a label? (5)","output":"### Answer: TABBY \n ### Explanation: One's striped like a label? (5)\nIf something is \"like a label\" or a tab, it could conceivably be described as \"tabby\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sails here to get European nuts etc (8)","output":"### Answer: FOREMAST \n ### Explanation: Sails here to get European nuts etc (8)\n**FOR** (\"to get\") + **E** (European) +**MAST** (\"nuts etc\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Course engaged in filling a tea urn (6)","output":"### Answer: GATEAU \n ### Explanation: Course engaged in filling a tea urn (6)\nHidden in [engaged in] \"fillin**G A TEA U**rn\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Scathing about American jerk (7)","output":"### Answer: CAUSTIC \n ### Explanation: Scathing about American jerk (7)\n**Ca.** (circa, so \"about\") + **US** (\"American\") +**TIC** (\"jerk\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What careless drivers do behind curtains (4-3)","output":"### Answer: REAR-END \n ### Explanation: What careless drivers do behind curtains (4-3)\n**REAR** (\"behind\") + **END** (\"curains\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dutch priest touring hot city (5)","output":"### Answer: DELHI \n ### Explanation: Dutch priest touring hot city (5)\n**D** (Dutch) + **ELI** (biblical \"priest\") *touring* (ie. going round) **H** (hot)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old school graduates block change (4,5)","output":"### Answer: ALMA MATER \n ### Explanation: Old school graduates block change (4,5)\n**MA MA** (Master of Arts twice, so \"graduates\") *block* **ALTER** (\"change\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Spooner's audacious airline's traffic controller (5,7)","output":"### Answer: CRASH BARRIER \n ### Explanation: Spooner's audacious airline's traffic controller (5,7)\nIf Spooner had tried to say BRASH CARRIER (\"audacious airline\"), he might have said CRASH BARRIER instead."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Nasty toothache limiting officer's drink (3,9)","output":"### Answer: HOT CHOCOLATE \n ### Explanation: Nasty toothache limiting officer's drink (3,9)\n***(toothache)** *limiting* **COL.** (colonel, so \"officer\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: It helps to advertise armour just to defend Gulf (4,5)","output":"### Answer: MAIL MERGE \n ### Explanation: It helps to advertise armour just to defend Gulf (4,5)\n**MAIL** (\"armour\") + **MERE** (\"just\") *to defend* **G** (gulf)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dialect is described in old manuscript originally (5)","output":"### Answer: IDIOM \n ### Explanation: Dialect is described in old manuscript originally (5)\n**I**(s) **D**(escribed) **I**(n) **O**(ld) **M**(anuscript) [*originally*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Petition city with clubs for one (7)","output":"### Answer: LAWSUIT \n ### Explanation: Petition city with clubs for one (7)\n**L.A.** (\"city\") + **W** (with) + **SUIT** (\"clubs, for one\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Nearly summon troops back using lab equipment (2,5)","output":"### Answer: IN VITRO \n ### Explanation: Nearly summon troops back using lab equipment (2,5)\n**INVIT**(e) (*nearly* \"summon\") + **<=OR** (other ranks, so \"troops\" *back*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wielding it could make you chesty (6)","output":"### Answer: SCYTHE \n ### Explanation: Wielding it could make you chesty (6)\n***(chesty) **and &lit. although I think wielding a scythe would actually make you fitter rather than chesty."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Very old woman in a city's suburbs living rough (8)","output":"### Answer: VAGRANCY \n ### Explanation: Very old woman in a city's suburbs living rough (8)\n**V** (very) +** GRAN** (\"old woman\") *living in* **A C**(it)**Y** [suburbs]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fine place to shop, avoiding river frontage (6)","output":"### Answer: FACADE \n ### Explanation: Fine place to shop, avoiding river frontage (6)\n**F** (fine) + **A**(r)**CADE** (\"place to shop\", *avoiding* R (river))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hassle, taking top off for money (6)","output":"### Answer: ROUBLE \n ### Explanation: Hassle, taking top off for money (6)\n(t)**ROUBLE** (\"hassle\", *taking top off*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tribal leader takes a short journey during month (9)","output":"### Answer: MATRIARCH \n ### Explanation: Tribal leader takes a short journey during month (9)\n**A TRI**(p) (*short* \"journey\") *during* **MARCH** (\"month\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Blend I use with acrylics to benefit (6,8)","output":"### Answer: SOCIAL SECURITY \n ### Explanation: Blend I use with acrylics to benefit (6,8)\n***(i use acrylics to)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What's disturbing in the style of empty room (5)","output":"### Answer: ALARM \n ### Explanation: What's disturbing in the style of empty room (5)\n**A LA** (\"in the style of\") [*empty*] **R**(oo)**M"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: It's thrilling, driven by current (8)","output":"### Answer: ELECTRIC \n ### Explanation: It's thrilling, driven by current (8)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One way to deliver missile not fully weaponised? (8)","output":"### Answer: UNDERARM \n ### Explanation: One way to deliver missile not fully weaponised? (8)\nI think this is intended to be a double definition, but I can't see how the second part works as \"not fully weaponised\" requires UNDERARMED, not UNDERARM."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Home in time after formal dance to devour a Pavlova? (5,9)","output":"### Answer: PRIMA BALLERINA \n ### Explanation: Home in time after formal dance to devour a Pavlova? (5,9)\n**IN** (\"home\") *in* **ERA** (\"time\") *after* **PRIM** (\"formal\") **BALL** (\"dance\") *to devour* **A**, so PRIM(A) BALL-ER(IN)A"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Relation of terrier vet treated, wasting time (9)","output":"### Answer: RETRIEVER \n ### Explanation: Relation of terrier vet treated, wasting time (9)\n***(errier vet) **where ERRIER is (t)ERRIER *wasting* T (time)** **I don't like this clue as \"terrier\" cannot be part of the anagram fodder and part of the definition."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Chaos caused by heartless mob fracking rocks (8)","output":"### Answer: SHAMBLES \n ### Explanation: Chaos caused by heartless mob fracking rocks (8)\n[heartless] **M**(o)**B** *fracking* **SHALES** (\"rocks\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Guy hijacks Ireland\u2013 Washington flight (8)","output":"### Answer: STAIRWAY \n ### Explanation: Guy hijacks Ireland\u2013 Washington flight (8)\n**STAY** (\"guy\") *hijacks* **IR** (Irleand) \u2013 **Wa.** (Washington)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Origin of mews? It's in Kent, curiously (6)","output":"### Answer: KITTEN \n ### Explanation: Origin of mews? It's in Kent, curiously (6)\n***(in kent) **For \"mews\", think of the noise a kitten makes."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Incorporate large space group (6)","output":"### Answer: EMBODY \n ### Explanation: Incorporate large space group (6)\n**EM** (\"large space\") + **BODY** (\"group\") \nI suppose an \"em space\" is large when compared to an \"en space\"\u2026"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cheek, or something close to it (5)","output":"### Answer: MOUTH \n ### Explanation: Cheek, or something close to it (5)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Explore online and draw back from excess (7)","output":"### Answer: SURFEIT \n ### Explanation: Explore online and draw back from excess (7)\n**SURF** (\"explore online\") + **<=TIE** (\"draw\" *back*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cameron is recollected in Italian city (7)","output":"### Answer: CREMONA \n ### Explanation: Cameron is recollected in Italian city (7)\n***(cameron)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Major heard where Augusta is (5)","output":"### Answer: MAINE \n ### Explanation: Major heard where Augusta is (5)\nHomophone of [*heard*] **MAIN\u00a0**(\"major\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Trick panel for magicians (9)","output":"### Answer: CONJURORS \n ### Explanation: Trick panel for magicians (9)\n**CON** (\"trick\") + **JURORS** (\"panel\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Leisurewear right for author's work (5,5)","output":"### Answer: SHORT STORY \n ### Explanation: Leisurewear right for author's work (5,5)\n**SHORTS** (\"leisurewear\") + **TORY** (\"right\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A lot of birds drink, so it's said (4)","output":"### Answer: BEVY \n ### Explanation: A lot of birds drink, so it's said (4)\nHomophone [*so it's said*] of **BEVVY** (\"drink\") \n*Bevy is the collective noun for larks and quails."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Broadly humorous Blair, afflicted with amnesia, miles away (11)","output":"### Answer: RABELAISIAN \n ### Explanation: Broadly humorous Blair, afflicted with amnesia, miles away (11)\n***(blair anesia)\u00a0**where anesia is A(M)NESIA *with* M (miles) *away*. \nFrancois Rabelais (d 1553), was a humorous French writer whose most famous creations were Gargantua and Pantagruel."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Thatcher may be seen here presenting song by the Drifters (2,2,3,4)","output":"### Answer: UP ON THE ROOF \n ### Explanation: Thatcher may be seen here presenting song by the Drifters (2,2,3,4)\nDouble definition, the second referring to a song that reached No 5 in the US charts in 1963."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unable to proceed in recession, king offloaded shares (4)","output":"### Answer: CUTS \n ### Explanation: Unable to proceed in recession, king offloaded shares (4)\n**<=STUC**(k) (\"uanble to proceed\" *in recession*, with K (king ) *offloaded*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fully-fledged monarch took in food for doctor (10)","output":"### Answer: ADULTERATE \n ### Explanation: Fully-fledged monarch took in food for doctor (10)\n**ADULT** (\"fully-fledged\") +** E.R.** (the Queen, so \"monarch\") + **ATE** (\"took in food\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Capricious magician dropping in to entertain court (9)","output":"### Answer: MERCURIAL \n ### Explanation: Capricious magician dropping in to entertain court (9)\n**MERL**(in) (\"magician\" *dropping* IN) *to entertain* **CURIA** (papal \"court\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Brown made castles, finally, with lots of sand (5)","output":"### Answer: DUNES \n ### Explanation: Brown made castles, finally, with lots of sand (5)\n**DUN** (\"brown\") + (mad)**E** (castle)**S** [*finally*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Well-fed traveller allowed back in cafe (7)","output":"### Answer: REPLETE \n ### Explanation: Well-fed traveller allowed back in cafe (7)\n**REP** (\"traveller\") + **LET** (\"allowed\") + [*back in*] (caf)**E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Conveyance with horse taken from ancient city (7)","output":"### Answer: CARTAGE \n ### Explanation: Conveyance with horse taken from ancient city (7)\n**CART**(h)**AGE** (H (horse)* taken from* CARTHAGE (\"ancient city\"))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Greek island associated with a savoury snack (6)","output":"### Answer: SAMOSA \n ### Explanation: Greek island associated with a savoury snack (6)\n**SAMOS** (\"Greek island\") *associated with* **A"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Horn is ordered for Leeds players (6)","output":"### Answer: RHINOS \n ### Explanation: Horn is ordered for Leeds players (6)\n***(horn is) **Leeds Rhinos is an English rugby league team.**"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Attlee gets involved with core group of voters (10)","output":"### Answer: ELECTORATE \n ### Explanation: Attlee gets involved with core group of voters (10)\n***(attlee core)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: In Minnesota citizenship is implied (5)","output":"### Answer: TACIT \n ### Explanation: In Minnesota citizenship is implied (5)\nHidden in \"minneso**TA CIT**izenship\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Noted female officer in funny cartoon (9)","output":"### Answer: CONTRALTO \n ### Explanation: Noted female officer in funny cartoon (9)\n**LT.** (lieutenant, so \"officer\")* in* ***(cartoon)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Measure American or Australian runners (4)","output":"### Answer: EMUS \n ### Explanation: Measure American or Australian runners (4)\n**EM** (\"measure\" in printing) + **US** (\"American\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Single note in old, old song (1,4,3)","output":"### Answer: O SOLE MIO \n ### Explanation: Single note in old, old song (1,4,3)\n**SOLE** (\"single\") + **MI** (\"note\") *in* **O** (\"old\") **O** (\"old\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Testing a small saw (8)","output":"### Answer: ASSAYING \n ### Explanation: Testing a small saw (8)\n**A** + **S** (small) + **SAYING** (\"saw\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bush supports ascendant though unintelligent player (10)","output":"### Answer: MIDFIELDER \n ### Explanation: Bush supports ascendant though unintelligent player (10)\n**ELDER** (\"bush\") *supports* **<=IF DIM** (*ascendant* \"though unintelligent\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Diner able to rejoin food queue (9)","output":"### Answer: BREADLINE \n ### Explanation: Diner able to rejoin food queue (9)\n***(diner able)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Girl entertaining millions with right instrument (8)","output":"### Answer: DULCIMER \n ### Explanation: Girl entertaining millions with right instrument (8)\n**DULCIE** (\"girl\") *entertaining* **M** (millions) *with* **R** (right)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Swedes, say, providing ferret with haircut (4,4)","output":"### Answer: ROOT CROP \n ### Explanation: Swedes, say, providing ferret with haircut (4,4)\n**ROOT** (\"ferret\") *with* **CROP** (\"haircut\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: New song about knight in realm of fantasy (6)","output":"### Answer: NARNIA \n ### Explanation: New song about knight in realm of fantasy (6)\n**N** (new) + **ARIA** (\"song\")* about* **N** (knight, in chess notation)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tenant with a smaller amount midweek (6)","output":"### Answer: LESSEE \n ### Explanation: Tenant with a smaller amount midweek (6)\n**LESS** (\"a smaller amount\") + [mid] (w)**EE**(k)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tree providing shade (5)","output":"### Answer: LILAC \n ### Explanation: Tree providing shade (5)\nDouble definition, the second referring to the colour."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: In Strasbourg I must accept one follower of May (4)","output":"### Answer: JUNE \n ### Explanation: In Strasbourg I must accept one follower of May (4)\n**JE** (\"I\" in French, or *in Strasbourg*) *must accept* **UN** (\"one\" *in Strasbourg*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Could you put your shirt on it? (7-5)","output":"### Answer: CLOTHES HORSE \n ### Explanation: Could you put your shirt on it? (7-5)\n*Cryptic definition\u00a0*\u2013 many people may be putting their shirt on a horse at Cheltenham today."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Travel business not far from Sumerian city? (7)","output":"### Answer: TOURISM \n ### Explanation: Travel business not far from Sumerian city? (7)\n**TO** (\"not far from\") + **UR** (\"Sumerian city\") \nCan't see the ISM bit though."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Coincide to an extent having finished circuit (7)","output":"### Answer: OVERLAP \n ### Explanation: Coincide to an extent having finished circuit (7)\n**OVER** (\"finished\") + **LAP** (\"circuit\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Regular classes taken by learner (7)","output":"### Answer: GENERAL \n ### Explanation: Regular classes taken by learner (7)\n**GENERA** (\"classes\")* taken by* **L** (learner)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Motorist awaiting chance to pass? (7)","output":"### Answer: LEARNER \n ### Explanation: Motorist awaiting chance to pass? (7)\nCryptic definition \n*A little clumsy that this answer is also the last word in the preceding clue?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Race to consume one litre in Italian location (5)","output":"### Answer: MILAN \n ### Explanation: Race to consume one litre in Italian location (5)\n**MAN** (\"race\") *to consume* **1 L** (one litre)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unrealistic idea associated with churchwarden? (4,5)","output":"### Answer: PIPE DREAM \n ### Explanation: Unrealistic idea associated with churchwarden? (4,5)\nA churchwarden is a type of smoking pipe."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wrought iron panel that's unmatched (9)","output":"### Answer: NONPAREIL \n ### Explanation: Wrought iron panel that's unmatched (9)\n***(iron panel)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Integrity not completely necessary in connoisseurship (5)","output":"### Answer: VIRTU \n ### Explanation: Integrity not completely necessary in connoisseurship (5)\n**VIRTU**(e) (\"integrity\" *not completely*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: USA goes mad substantially lacking boundaries (7)","output":"### Answer: GASEOUS \n ### Explanation: USA goes mad substantially lacking boundaries (7)\n***(usa goes) **A gas could be described as a substance which lacks borders.**"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Viewed from East Island a killer whale finds land (7)","output":"### Answer: CROATIA \n ### Explanation: Viewed from East Island a killer whale finds land (7)\n**<=AIT A ORC** (\"island a killer whale\") *viewed from East*, ie from right to left"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Two swimmers, the first heard making complaint (7)","output":"### Answer: RAILING \n ### Explanation: Two swimmers, the first heard making complaint (7)\nHomophne of **RAY** [*the first heard*], and then **LING** (two fish or \"swimmers\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: English in ridiculously heroic farewell (7)","output":"### Answer: CHEERIO \n ### Explanation: English in ridiculously heroic farewell (7)\n**E** (English) *in* ***(heroic)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Gold box assessed or scored (12)","output":"### Answer: ORCHESTRATED \n ### Explanation: Gold box assessed or scored (12)\n**OR** (\"gold\") + **CHEST** (\"box\") + **RATED** (\"assessed\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Luncheon arrangement's cancelled over link with Europe (7)","output":"### Answer: CHUNNEL \n ### Explanation: Luncheon arrangement's cancelled over link with Europe (7)\n***(lunchen) **which is \"luncheon\" with O (over) *cancelled"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Round character very short in leg (7)","output":"### Answer: OMICRON \n ### Explanation: Round character very short in leg (7)\n**MICRO** (\"very short\") in **ON** (\"leg\" side in cricket)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Shame for those getting this answer down? (6,3)","output":"### Answer: HUMBLE PIE \n ### Explanation: Shame for those getting this answer down? (6,3)\nIf you are shamed, you may be forced to eat humble pie."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fish also swimming around husband (5)","output":"### Answer: SHOAL \n ### Explanation: Fish also swimming around husband (5)\n***(also)** *around* **H** (husband)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Musical work on November day that's part of problem (7)","output":"### Answer: OPERAND \n ### Explanation: Musical work on November day that's part of problem (7)\n**OPERA** (\"musial work\") *on* **N** (November) + **D** (day)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Article from Macron put in after gag (7)","output":"### Answer: SILENCE \n ### Explanation: Article from Macron put in after gag (7)\n**LE** (French articel, so \"article from (President) Macron\") *put in* **SINCE** (\"after\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Her Majesty's production controller? (5-7)","output":"### Answer: STAGE MANAGER \n ### Explanation: Her Majesty's production controller? (5-7)\nHer Majesty's is a theatre in London's West End."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Carriage reserved for small charge (12)","output":"### Answer: PERAMBULATOR \n ### Explanation: Carriage reserved for small charge (12)\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Panda cold under ice viewed in Arctic setting? (6,3)","output":"### Answer: POLICE CAR \n ### Explanation: Panda cold under ice viewed in Arctic setting? (6,3)\nC (cold) *under* **ICE** *viewed* *in* **POLAR** (\"Arctic\") \n*In the UK, police cars used to be known as panda cars because they were black and white (these days they tend to be bright coloured)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Closer to breakdown because row is more unpleasant (7)","output":"### Answer: NASTIER \n ### Explanation: Closer to breakdown because row is more unpleasant (7)\n[*close to*] (breakdow)**N** + **AS** (\"because\") + **TIER** (\"row\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stop seaman heading out from Gdansk? (7)","output":"### Answer: ABOLISH \n ### Explanation: Stop seaman heading out from Gdansk? (7)\n**AB** (able-bodied \"seaman\") + (p)**OLISH** (\"from Gdansk\" with *heading* *out*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wild flower absorbing nitrogen (7)","output":"### Answer: VIOLENT \n ### Explanation: Wild flower absorbing nitrogen (7)\n**VIOLET** (\"flower\") *absorbing* **N** (notrogen)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Left American band on road, indebted perhaps (7)","output":"### Answer: RETIRED \n ### Explanation: Left American band on road, indebted perhaps (7)\n**TIRE** (American spelling of TYRE, so \"band on road\") *in* **RED** (ie. in debt)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wise men decline to enter Schutzstaffel (5)","output":"### Answer: SAGES \n ### Explanation: Wise men decline to enter Schutzstaffel (5)\n**AGE** (\"decline\") *to enter* the **SS** (Schutzstaffel)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Despondent about you in France, stuck with tariff and unable to take any more (9)","output":"### Answer: SATURATED \n ### Explanation: Definition: unable to take any more\n**SAD** (\"despondent\") *about* **TU** (\"you in France\") *stuck with* **RATE** (\"tariff\"), so **SA(TU-RATE)D"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Call\u00a0round (5)","output":"### Answer: SHOUT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Call\nDouble definition; for the second think of it being your round at the local, \"It's my round\" = \"My shout\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sang loudly with band, due to being drunk (6,3)","output":"### Answer: BELTED OUT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Sang loudly\n**BELT** (\"band\") + ***(due to)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Type of writing of period seen regularly (5)","output":"### Answer: PROSE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Type of writing\n**P**(e)**R**(i)**O**(d)**S**(e)**E**(n) [*regularly*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Note my oddly original word (6)","output":"### Answer: ETYMON \n ### Explanation: Definition: original word\n***(note my)** \n*An etymon is a word from which other words are derived, so for example \"etymos\" (Greek for true) is the etymon of the English word \"etymology\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: To want not a cent? Weird this is in both the US and Canada (4,4)","output":"### Answer: LAKE ERIE \n ### Explanation: Definition: this is in both the US and Canada\n**LA**(c)**K** (\"to want\", *not a* C (cent)) + **EERIE** (\"weird\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Top pieces of literature in bookcases, recording and retelling yarns (7)","output":"### Answer: LIBRARY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Top pieces of literature in bookcases, recording and retelling yarns\n[*top pieces of*]** L**(iterature) **I**(n) **B**(ookcases) **R**(ecording) **A**(nd) **R**(etelling) **Y**(arns) and &lit."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Habitat of Tasmanian devil, evolving with limited parts lost (7)","output":"### Answer: SAVANNA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Habitat\n***(asananv)**, being the letters of \"tasmanian devil\" with the letter from 'limited\" removed, ie (t)AS(m)AN(i)AN (de)V(il)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Capital writer, initially keen to meet aristocrat, loses head and gets kiss after a month (4,4)","output":"### Answer: KARL MARX \n ### Explanation: Definition: Capital writer\n[*initially*] **K**(een) *to meet* (e)**ARL** (\"aristocrat\" *loses head*) + **X** (\"a kiss\") *after* **MAR** (March, \"a month\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Potentially constituent narrative ultimately lost for reader (6)","output":"### Answer: LECTOR \n ### Explanation: Definition: reader\n(e)**LECTOR** (\"potentially constituent\") with (narrativ)E [*ultimately*] *lost"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old penny dreadful seen as impenetrable (5)","output":"### Answer: DENSE \n ### Explanation: Definition: impenetrable\n**D** (\"old penny\") + ***(seen)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One has bras etc in drawer! (4,5)","output":"### Answer: DRAG QUEEN \n ### Explanation: One has bras etc in drawer! (4,5)\n**DRAG** (\"draw\") + **ER** (\"queen\") and semi&lit."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stir up novel so it ends in twist (5)","output":"### Answer: BLEND \n ### Explanation: Definition: Stir up\n(nove)**L** [*so it ends*] *in* **BEND** (\"twist\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cutlet of muscle core, chopped thin, zebra's head and veal, even (9)","output":"### Answer: SCHNITZEL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Cutlet\n(mu)**SC**(le) [core] + ***(thin) + Z**(ebra's) [head] and (v)**E**(a)**L** [even]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Genius of story books (6)","output":"### Answer: TALENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Genius\n**TALE** (\"story\") + **NT** (New Testament, so \"books\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One who buys key American book by King (8)","output":"### Answer: CUSTOMER \n ### Explanation: Definition: One who buys\n**C** (\"key\") + **US** (\"American\") + **TOME** (\"book\") + **R** (Rex, so \"king\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Study follows paperback's plot (6)","output":"### Answer: GARDEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: plot\n**DEN** (\"study\") *follows* **<=RAG** (\"paper\" back)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Continuations of story speak of search for sources of water (7)","output":"### Answer: SEQUELS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Continuations of story\nHomophone of [*speak of*] **SEEK WELLS** (\"search for sources of water\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Book about gravity's reach in translation (6)","output":"### Answer: CHARGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Book\n***(g reach)**, where G is gravity"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: 'Mystery novel' in quotes (8)","output":"### Answer: QUESTION \n ### Explanation: Definition: Mystery\n***(in quotes)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Vegetable in book? Radish? (4)","output":"### Answer: OKRA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Vegetable\nHidden in \"bo**OK RA**dish\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: She jointly made Columbus sail and able to roam (8)","output":"### Answer: ISABELLA \n ### Explanation: Definition: She jointly made Columbus sail and able to roam\n***(sail able) **and &lit. \nColumbus's expedition which mistakenly (re)discovered the Americas was funded by Ferdinand and Isabella"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Learn from a book: note, a hardback (4)","output":"### Answer: READ \n ### Explanation: Definition: Learn from a book\n**RE** (musical \"note\") + **A** (har)**D\u00a0**[back]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stories in books (8)","output":"### Answer: ACCOUNTS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Stories\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Passage from a booklet (7)","output":"### Answer: EXTRACT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Passage\n**EX** (\"from\", as in \"ex libris\") + **TRACT** (\"booklet\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Opposed to opening, dropping, opening, dropping? (6)","output":"### Answer: LOSING \n ### Explanation: Definition: dropping\n(c)**LOSING** (\"opposed to opening\" *dropping opening*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old story offers a clue to boot (6)","output":"### Answer: LEGEND \n ### Explanation: Definition: Old story\nA boot could be found at the **LEG END** (ie. at the end of a leg)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Epistolary novel: badly written letters in yarns? I opt out (this was pre-GCSE) (1,5)","output":"### Answer: O-LEVEL \n ### Explanation: Definition: his was pre-GCSE\n***(elovel)**, being the letters of \"epistolary novel\" with the letters of \"yarns i opt\" removed [*out*], so \"**E**(pisto)**L**(ary n)**OVEL**\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Former lover writes story about European businessman's fund (7,7)","output":"### Answer: EXPENSE ACCOUNT \n ### Explanation: Definition: businessman's fund\n**EX** (\"former lover\") + **PENS** (\"writes\") + **ACCOUNT** (\"story\") *about* **E** (European)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Assign everyone with books (5)","output":"### Answer: ALLOT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Assign\n**ALL** (\"everyone\") *with* **OT** (Old Testament, so \"books\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Couples regularly share control (9)","output":"### Answer: OPERATION \n ### Explanation: Definition: control\n(c)**O**(u)**P**(l)**E**(s) [*regularly*] + **RATION** (\"share\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Encouraging chat kept pal excited (3,4)","output":"### Answer: PEP TALK \n ### Explanation: Definition: Encouraging chat\n***(kept pal)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Without cases, pack this? Never manage (7)","output":"### Answer: ACHIEVE \n ### Explanation: Definition: manage\n[*without cases*] (p)**AC**(k) (t)**HI**(s) (n)**EVE**(r)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Expert university head in Durham standing out (5)","output":"### Answer: PROUD \n ### Explanation: Definition: standing out\n**PRO** (\"expert\") + **U** (university) + [*head in*] **D**(urham)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: In usual way, sitting in sofa, sitcom essential (2,2,5)","output":"### Answer: AS IT COMES \n ### Explanation: Definition: In usual way\nHidden in [*sitting in*] \"sof**A SITCOM ES**sential\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Crackers we see, and malt type of biscuits (9)","output":"### Answer: SWEETMEAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: type of biscuits\n***(we see malt)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Woman turned no good, in the main (5)","output":"### Answer: AGNES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Woman\n[*turned*] **<=NG** (no good) *in* **<=SEA** (\"the main\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Week in a hospital room is not comfortable (7)","output":"### Answer: AWKWARD \n ### Explanation: Definition: not comfortable\n**WK** (week) *in* **A WARD** (\"hospital room\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Relative rejected whiskey to consume a piece of cake (2,5)","output":"### Answer: NO SWEAT \n ### Explanation: Definition: a piece of cake\n**<=SON** (\"relative\") [*rejected*] + **W** (whiskey, in the phonetic alphabet) + **EAT** (\"to consume\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Use cashpoint in plane, perhaps, not empty (9)","output":"### Answer: TREATMENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Use\n**ATM** (automated teller machine, or \"cashpoint\") in **TREE** (\"plane, perhaps\") + **N**(o)**T** [*empty*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Privately like one editor to return (5)","output":"### Answer: ASIDE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Privately\nA**S** (\"like\") + **I** (one) + **<=ED** (editor) [*to return*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Residence for elderly with space to occupy roughly thirteen more (10,4)","output":"### Answer: RETIREMENT HOME \n ### Explanation: Definition: Residence for elderly\n**EM** (\"space\" in printing) *to occupy* ***(thirteen more)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Instrument to sharpen provided after axes cut (9)","output":"### Answer: XYLOPHONE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Instrument\n**HONE** (\"to sharpen\") *after* **XY** (mathematical \"axes\") + **LOP** (\"cut\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: More is unknown locked into variable rate (5)","output":"### Answer: EXTRA \n ### Explanation: Definition: More\n**X** (\"unknown\" in algebra) *locked into* ***(rate)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Count firm implements periodically (9)","output":"### Answer: STOCKTAKE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Count firm implements periodically\n(Mildly) cryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Venue taking a period of time to erect (5)","output":"### Answer: ARENA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Venue\n**<=AN ERA** (\"a period of time\" *to erect* (i.e. to put up))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Three short men dance (3-3-3)","output":"### Answer: CHA-CHA-CHA \n ### Explanation: Definition: dance\n**CHA**(p) (*short* \"man\" three times, hence \"three short men\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Join male leaving in minute, hurriedly (5)","output":"### Answer: UNITE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Join\n***(inute)**, being (m)INUTE without M (male)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Volunteers to receive new vehicles (7)","output":"### Answer: TENDERS \n ### Explanation: Volunteers to receive new vehicles (7)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sheep and dog quickly advance (4,2)","output":"### Answer: RAMP UP \n ### Explanation: Definition: quickly advance\n**RAM** (\"sheep\") + **PUP** (\"dog\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Muck-raker's rubbish transported to the north (9)","output":"### Answer: DETRACTOR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Muck-raker\n**<=ROT** (\"rubbish\") + **<=CARTED** (\"transported) [*to the north*, i.e. up]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Area of London containing heath \u2013 no it's Barking (9)","output":"### Answer: ISLINGTON \n ### Explanation: Definition: Area of London\n*(no its) *containing* LING (\"heath\") \n*Barking here is used as an anagram indicator as in \"barking mad\". Heath and ling are both other names for heather."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Peculiarity of chap raised alarm with maiden (9)","output":"### Answer: MANNERISM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Peculiarity\n**MAN** (\"chap\") + [*raised*] **<=SIREN** (\"alarm\") *with* **M** (maiden)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Scaffolder at top, one making tiles break (7)","output":"### Answer: SHATTER \n ### Explanation: Definition: break\n**S**(caffolder) [*at top*] + **HATTER** (\"one making tiles\" i.e. hats}"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dog beginning to show character with lead removed (6)","output":"### Answer: SETTER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Dog\n[*beginning to*] **S**(etter) + (l)**ETTER** (\"characcter\" *with lead removed*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Adopted lower position untangling anklet, releasing article (5)","output":"### Answer: KNELT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Adopted lower position\n***(nklet)** being (a)NKLET with A (article) *released"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Perfect daughter about in the morning (5)","output":"### Answer: DREAM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Perfect\n**D** (daughter) + **RE** (\"about\") + **A.M.** (\"in the morning\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hoard stone and timber (5)","output":"### Answer: STASH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Hoard\n**ST** (stone) + **ASH** (\"timber\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Note Islamic rebels will provide doctrine (9)","output":"### Answer: SOCIALISM \n ### Explanation: Definition: doctrine\n**SO** (musical \"note\") + ***(islamic)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Flipping R&B, something that bores The Clash (5)","output":"### Answer: BRAWL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Clash\n[*flipping*] **<=RB** + **AWL** (\"something that bores\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Expert in shooting stars, after day in Paris probing boson (15)","output":"### Answer: PHOTOJOURNALIST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Expert in shooting\n**A-LIST** (\"stars\"), *after* **JOUR** (French for day, so \"day in Paris\") *probing* **PHOTON** (\"boson\"), so **PHOTO(JOUR)N-A-LIST"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old-fashioned person's parties (4)","output":"### Answer: DODO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Old-fashioned person\n**DO** (\"party\") twice, so \"parties\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Graduate set to succeed in an important way (4,4)","output":"### Answer: MAIN LINE \n ### Explanation: Definition: important way\n**M.A.** (\"graduate\") + **IN LINE** (\"set to succeed\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unrivalled lover hasn't finished spiritual texts (9)","output":"### Answer: PARAMOUNT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Unrivalled\n**PARAMOU**(r) (\"lover\" *hasn't finished*) + **NT** (New Testament, so \"spiritual texts\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Used aid for driving across western river (5)","output":"### Answer: TWEED \n ### Explanation: Definition: river\n**TEED** (\"used aid for driving\" in golf) *across* **W** (western)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Explosive beginning, in which the first person appears late (5)","output":"### Answer: NITRO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Explosive\n**INTRO** (\"beginning\") with the **I** (\"the first person\") *appearing late\u00a0*(indicating that it is has come in second when it is supposed to have come in first)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fairly charge to keep wild bear back from family (9)","output":"### Answer: TOLERABLY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fairly\n**TOLL** (\"charge\") *to keep* ***(bear)** + [*back from*] (famil)**Y"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: He is one running Tangiers (5,3)","output":"### Answer: INERT GAS \n ### Explanation: Definition: He is one\n***(tangiers)** \n*He is the chemical symbol for helium, which is an inert gas."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One may have a bite of taste from the east (4)","output":"### Answer: GNAT \n ### Explanation: Definition: One may have a bite\n**<=TANG** (\"taste\" *from the east*, i.e. from right to left)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Electorate, in end, agitated for European Union (7,8)","output":"### Answer: ENTENTE CORDIALE \n ### Explanation: Definition: European Union\n***(electorate in end)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A little bit of wine? Cork it at first (5)","output":"### Answer: SHRED \n ### Explanation: Definition: A little bit\n**RED** (\"wine\") with **SH** (be quiet, so \"cork it\") *at first"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Readiness to lose belief without very good deed (9)","output":"### Answer: DEFEATISM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Readiness to lose\n**DEISM** (\"belief\") *without* **FEAT** (\"very good deed\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Knocked up humus, say, because it's tasty (5)","output":"### Answer: SAPID \n ### Explanation: Definition: tasty\n**<=DIP + <=AS**\u00a0(*knocked up*\u00a0\"humus say\" and \"because\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dish of food with eg cherry around (7)","output":"### Answer: CHOWDER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Dish\n**CHOW** (\"food\") + **<=RED** (\"e.g. cherry\" *around*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unidentified person gets a rebuff from the French (4)","output":"### Answer: ANON \n ### Explanation: Definition: Unidentified person\n**A NON** (\"no\" in French so \"rebuff in French\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Crook's confession: it's seen in church (4)","output":"### Answer: ICON \n ### Explanation: Definition: it's seen in church\nA crook making a confession may say, \"**I CON**\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Americans who rocked up have roofing skills like tradespeople (10)","output":"### Answer: MERCANTILE \n ### Explanation: Definition: like tradespeople\n**<=R.E.M.** (American band, so \"Americans who rocked\" *up*) + **CAN TILE** (\"have roofing skills\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Think British must get terrible weather (10)","output":"### Answer: BRAINSTORM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Think\n**B**\u00a0(British) + **RAIN****STORM** (\"terrible weather\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Vacuous account about odd figure (7)","output":"### Answer: ASININE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Vacuous\n**ISA** (Individual Savings \"Account\", about) + **NINE** (\"odd figure\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Treat Lady Gaga, giving present (6-3)","output":"### Answer: LATTER-DAY \n ### Explanation: Definition: present\n***(treat lady)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What solicitor did, brought in to defend international group (10)","output":"### Answer: IMPORTUNED \n ### Explanation: Definition: What solicitor did\n**IMPORTED** (\"brought in\") *to defend*** U.N.** (United Nations, so \"international group\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: It's taken away from rough brute's hand (10)","output":"### Answer: SUBTRAHEND \n ### Explanation: Definition: It's taken away\n***(brutes hand)** \n*In mathematics, a subtrahend is a number to be subtracted from another."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: River's captured by writers with no change at all? (9)","output":"### Answer: PENNILESS \n ### Explanation: Definition: with no change at all\n(river) **NILE'S** *captured by* **PENS** (\"writers\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Speaker\u00a0who gives brief messages (7)","output":"### Answer: TWEETER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Speaker\nDouble definition, the firt relating to a loundspeaker and the second to Twitter users."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Boy meets girl, one from part of Asia (7)","output":"### Answer: BENGALI \n ### Explanation: Definition: from part of Asia\n**BEN** (\"boy\") *meets*** GAL** (\"girl\") + **I** (\"one\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: It's not us dressing right for some heat (5)","output":"### Answer: THERM \n ### Explanation: Definition: some heat\n**THEM** (\"it's not us\") *dressing* **R** (right)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Swell until at great volume (4)","output":"### Answer: TOFF \n ### Explanation: Definition: Swell\n**TO** (\"until\") +** FF** (fortissimo in music, so \"at great volume\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Studied Dante's collected verse works (4)","output":"### Answer: EDDA \n ### Explanation: Definition: collected verse works\nHidden in \"studi**ED DA**nte\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Allow European record company to be withdrawn (6)","output":"### Answer: ACCEDE \n ### Explanation: Allow European record company to be withdrawn (6)\n**=> E DECCA** (European + \"record company\", *withdrawn*) \n*Decca is a record label that has been around for 90 years."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Reserve chooses tools for alpinists (3-5)","output":"### Answer: ICE-PICKS \n ### Explanation: Reserve chooses tools for alpinists (3-5)\n**PICKS** (\"tools\") put on **ICE** (\"reserve\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Put a match to fuel, wasting litres (6)","output":"### Answer: IGNITE \n ### Explanation: Put a match to fuel, wasting litres (6)\n(l)**IGNITE** (\"fuel\" *wasting* L (litres))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rough state of tripe cooked in, say, nuts (8)","output":"### Answer: ASPERITY \n ### Explanation: Rough state of tripe cooked in, say, nuts (8)\n***(tripe)** *in* ***(say)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tramp starts to trudge round eastern Kalahari (4)","output":"### Answer: TREK \n ### Explanation: Tramp starts to trudge round eastern Kalahari (4)\n[*starts to*] **T**(rudge) **R**(ound) **E**(astern) **K**(alahari)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old German recruits troops favouring Putin (3-7)","output":"### Answer: PRO-RUSSIAN \n ### Explanation: Old German recruits troops favouring Putin (3-7)\n**PRUSSIAN** (\"old German\") *recruits* **OR** (other ranks, so \"troops\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Diehard en route to collect data (12)","output":"### Answer: INTRANSIGENT \n ### Explanation: Diehard en route to collect data (12)\n**IN TRANSIT** (\"en route\") *to collect* **GEN** (\"data\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Northern pieces encourage top person in theatre (12)","output":"### Answer: NEUROSURGEON \n ### Explanation: Northern pieces encourage top person in theatre (12)\n**N** (northern) + **EUROS** (\"pieces\" i.e. coins) + **URGE ON** (\"encourage\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Gossip less likely to take in the summer in Paris (4-6)","output":"### Answer: TALE-TELLER \n ### Explanation: Gossip less likely to take in the summer in Paris (4-6)\n**TALLER** (\"less likely\" as in tall stories) *to take in* **L'\u00c9T\u00c9** (French for \"the summer\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Go by lake to strip (4)","output":"### Answer: PEEL \n ### Explanation: Go by lake to strip (4)\n**PEE** (\"go\") *by* **L** (lake)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Game with one left on table last to start (4,4)","output":"### Answer: WILD BOAR \n ### Explanation: Game with one left on table last to start (4,4)\n**W** (with) + **I** (one) + **L** (left) + **D-BOAR** (\"table\" (ie BOARD) with its last letter first, indicated by *last to start*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Slough gunmen board second ship (6)","output":"### Answer: MORASS \n ### Explanation: Slough gunmen board second ship (6)\n**R.A.** (Royal Artillery, so \"gunmen\") *board* **MO** (\"second\") + **SS** (steam\"ship\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stop house member stealing new muffler (8)","output":"### Answer: DAMPENER \n ### Explanation: Stop house member stealing new muffler (8)\n**DAM** (\"stop\") + **PEER** (\"house member\" (ie House of Lords)) *stealing* **N** (new)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ideal place for small Ceres bust? (6)","output":"### Answer: RECESS \n ### Explanation: Ideal place for small Ceres bust? (6)\n***(s ceres) **and &lit."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pilot's excellent times crossing by way of Turkey (8)","output":"### Answer: AVIATRIX \n ### Explanation: Pilot's excellent times crossing by way of Turkey (8)\n**A1** (\"excellent) + **X** (\"times\") *crossing* **VIA** (\"by way of\") **TR** (international vegicle registration letter for \"Turkey\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: It often flutters below entrance to church (8)","output":"### Answer: CONFETTI \n ### Explanation: It often flutters below entrance to church (8)\n***(it often)** *below* [*entrance to*] **C**(hurch) and &lit."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Doubt even members ignored youth leader's job (4)","output":"### Answer: DUTY \n ### Explanation: Doubt even members ignored youth leader's job (4)\n**D**(o)**U**(b)**T** [*even members ignored*] + **Y**(outh) [l*eader*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Till around tree log (4,8)","output":"### Answer: CASH REGISTER \n ### Explanation: Till around tree log (4,8)\n**C** (around) + **ASH** (\"tree\") + **REGISTER** (\"log\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Polite remark from bottom class choking lecturer (10)","output":"### Answer: PLEASANTRY \n ### Explanation: Polite remark from bottom class choking lecturer (10)\n**PEASANTRY** (\"bottom class\") *choking* **L** (lecturer)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Emergency credit is doubled (6)","output":"### Answer: CRISIS \n ### Explanation: Emergency credit is doubled (6)\n**Cr.** (credit) + **IS IS** (\"is\" *doubled*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Saw one in Glasgow filling sink (6)","output":"### Answer: SAYING \n ### Explanation: Saw one in Glasgow filling sink (6)\n**YIN** (\"one\" i*n Glasgow* dialect) *filling*** SAG** (\"sink\") \n*Here in Glasgow, Billy Connolly is also known as The Big Yin (The Big One)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: How to start machine\u00a0that's given to media? (5,7)","output":"### Answer: PRESS RELEASE \n ### Explanation: How to start machine\u00a0that's given to media? (5,7)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: If high, this could produce a wet Alberta (5,5)","output":"### Answer: WATER TABLE \n ### Explanation: If high, this could produce a wet Alberta (5,5)\n***(a wet alberta) **and semi &lit."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: It's composed to capture lady's heart (8)","output":"### Answer: SERENADE \n ### Explanation: It's composed to capture lady's heart (8)\n**SERENE** (\"composed\") *to capture* (l)**AD**(y) [*'s heart*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fussy Yankee sibling's breakdown (8)","output":"### Answer: ANALYSIS \n ### Explanation: Fussy Yankee sibling's breakdown (8)\n**ANAL** (\"fussy\") + **Y** (in the phonetic alphabet, Yankee) + **SIS** (\"sibling\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Packed in broadcast? About time (6)","output":"### Answer: STOWED \n ### Explanation: Packed in broadcast? About time (6)\n**SOWED** (\"broadcast\") *about* **T** (time)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Race over small twists (6)","output":"### Answer: SLALOM \n ### Explanation: Race over small twists (6)\n***(o small)**, where O = over"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Note: lines branch perhaps at this point (4)","output":"### Answer: NODE \n ### Explanation: Note: lines branch perhaps at this point (4)\n**N** (note) + **ODE** (\"lines\" of verse)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Manage to get around education's way of doing things (9)","output":"### Answer: PROCEDURE \n ### Explanation: Manage to get around education's way of doing things (9)\n**PROCURE** (\"manage to get\") *around* **ED** (education)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Body temperature, more or less (5)","output":"### Answer: TORSO \n ### Explanation: Body temperature, more or less (5)\n**T** (temperature) + **OR SO** (\"more or less\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A beautiful woman full of energy approaches (7)","output":"### Answer: AVENUES \n ### Explanation: A beautiful woman full of energy approaches (7)\n**A VENUS** (\"beautiful woman\") *full of* **E** (energy)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Haircut 100, of course! (7)","output":"### Answer: TONSURE \n ### Explanation: Haircut 100, of course! (7)\n**TON** (\"100\") + **SURE** (\"of course\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Reportedly understand Irish, say (3)","output":"### Answer: SEA \n ### Explanation: Reportedly understand Irish, say (3)\nHomophone of [*reportedly*] **SEE **(\"understand\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Getting discouraged, seeing how beast may become best (6,5)","output":"### Answer: LOSING HEART \n ### Explanation: Getting discouraged, seeing how beast may become best (6,5)\nIf BE(a)ST loses its heart, it becomes BEST"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Time spent in a second room (5)","output":"### Answer: ATTIC \n ### Explanation: Time spent in a second room (5)\n**T** (time) in **A TIC** (\"a second\") \n*The compiler has this one wrong, in my opinion, as the TIC he refers to is the involuntary spasm, not the word meaning \"a short moment\" which is TICK (confirmed by Chambers)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Topless work is crude (3)","output":"### Answer: OIL \n ### Explanation: Topless work is crude (3)\n(t)**OIL\u00a0**(*topless* \"work\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Power invested in bank may be answer (5)","output":"### Answer: REPLY \n ### Explanation: Power invested in bank may be answer (5)\n**P** (power) *invested in* **RELY** (\"bank\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A French record with topless models changed and kept under wraps (11)","output":"### Answer: UNDISCLOSED \n ### Explanation: A French record with topless models changed and kept under wraps (11)\n**UN** (\"A\" in \"French\") + **DISC** (\"record\") + ***(odels)**, where ODELS is [*topless*] (m)ODELS"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Burt's first to go after Golden Globe (3)","output":"### Answer: ORB \n ### Explanation: Burt's first to go after Golden Globe (3)\n**B**(urt's) [*first*] *to go after*** OR** (\"golden\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Question one's place in case of disease (7)","output":"### Answer: DISPUTE \n ### Explanation: Question one's place in case of disease (7)\n**I'S** (\"one's\") + **PUT** (\"place\") *in* [*case of*] **D**(iseas)**E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bunting festooned in door to landing (7)","output":"### Answer: ORTOLAN \n ### Explanation: Bunting festooned in door to landing (7)\nHidden in [*festooned in*] \"do**OR TO LAN**ding\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Part of aircraft storing old rope (5)","output":"### Answer: NOOSE \n ### Explanation: Part of aircraft storing old rope (5)\n**NOSE** (\"part of aircraft\") *storing* **O** (old)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Spain raises doubts about right personal attendants (9)","output":"### Answer: EQUERRIES \n ### Explanation: Spain raises doubts about right personal attendants (9)\n**E** (International Vehicle Registrattion for \"Spain\") + **QUERIES** (\"rasies doubts\") *about* **R** (\"right\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Arguments about river fishes (6)","output":"### Answer: SPRATS \n ### Explanation: Arguments about river fishes (6)\n**SPATS** (\"arguments\") *around* **R** (river)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Agreement by which worker must support bad spellers (8)","output":"### Answer: COVENANT \n ### Explanation: Agreement by which worker must support bad spellers (8)\n**ANT** (\"worker\") *must support* **COVEN** (a group of witches, who could be described as \"bad spellers\" in that they cast wicked spells)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Shows respect, seeing cleft developing within taxonomic group (10)","output":"### Answer: GENUFLECTS \n ### Explanation: Shows respect, seeing cleft developing within taxonomic group (10)\n***(cleft)** *within* **GENUS** (\"taxonomic group\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Arms may be comfortable when raised (4)","output":"### Answer: GUNS \n ### Explanation: Arms may be comfortable when raised (4)\nWhen raised, **GUNS**\u00a0(\"arms\") becomes SNUG (\"comfortable\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Figures as result of reportedly spoilt approaches (10)","output":"### Answer: RECTANGLES \n ### Explanation: Figures as result of reportedly spoilt approaches (10)\nHomophone of [*reportedly*] **WRECKED\u00a0**+ **ANGLES** (\"approaches\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tory leader in tabloid shock (4)","output":"### Answer: STUN \n ### Explanation: Tory leader in tabloid shock (4)\n**T**(ory) [*leader*] *in* **SUN** (\"tabloid\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Shock term oddly imposed on a university degree (6)","output":"### Answer: TRAUMA \n ### Explanation: Shock term oddly imposed on a university degree (6)\n**T**(e)**R**(m) [*oddly*] *imposed on* **A U** (\"university\") **MA** (Master of Arts, so \"degree\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: City firm opening on the outskirts of Rugby (8)","output":"### Answer: COVENTRY \n ### Explanation: City firm opening on the outskirts of Rugby (8)\n**CO** (company, so \"firm\") +** VENT** (\"opening\") *on* [*the outskirst of*] **R**(ugb)**Y"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Carried euros and held out 500 (10)","output":"### Answer: SHOULDERED \n ### Explanation: Carried euros and held out 500 (10)\n***(euros held)** + **D** (\"500\" in Roman numerals)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The girl's dietary change is genetic (10)","output":"### Answer: HEREDITARY \n ### Explanation: The girl's dietary change is genetic (10)\n**HER** (\"the girl's\") + ***(dietary)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A bread roll and crackers with tea, say, in great supply (8)","output":"### Answer: ABUNDANT \n ### Explanation: A bread roll and crackers with tea, say, in great supply (8)\n**A BUN** (\"bread roll\") + ***(and)** *with* **T** (\"tea, say\", i.e a homophone of TEA)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Declare in favour of allegation (8)","output":"### Answer: PROCLAIM \n ### Explanation: Declare in favour of allegation (8)\n**PRO** (\"in favour of\") + **CLAIM** (\"allegation\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A tyrant's place after poor exam results (6)","output":"### Answer: DESPOT \n ### Explanation: A tyrant's place after poor exam results (6)\n**SPOT** (\"place\") *after* **D** & **E** (\"poor exam results\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Exile party outside Northern Ireland (6)","output":"### Answer: BANISH \n ### Explanation: Exile party outside Northern Ireland (6)\n**BASH** (\"party\") *around* **N.I.** (Northern Ireland)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: House doctor must keep employed (4)","output":"### Answer: USED \n ### Explanation: House doctor must keep employed (4)\nHidden in [*must keep*] \"ho**USE D**octor\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Duty of rising star after Oscar? (4)","output":"### Answer: ONUS \n ### Explanation: Duty of rising star after Oscar? (4)\n**<=SUN** (*rising* \"star\") *after* **O** (Oscar, in the phonetic alphabet)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Great king imprisoning a fair lady within fort (8)","output":"### Answer: PADISHAH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Great king\n**A DISH** (\"a fair lady\") *within* **PAH** (Maori \"fort\") \n*Padishah was a title of the Shah of Persia, the Sultan of Turkey, the Great Mogul or the British Emperor of India"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: After gallons strong drink makes you morose (4)","output":"### Answer: GRUM \n ### Explanation: Definition: morose\n**G** (gallons) + **RUM** (\"strong drink\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Kylie Minogue's No. 1 follows hostile reception, then terrible anger (9)","output":"### Answer: BOOMERANG \n ### Explanation: Definition: Kylie\n**M**(inogue's) [*No 1*] *follows* **BOO** (\"hostile reception\") *then* ***(anger)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Child getting end of finger stuck in nozzle (6)","output":"### Answer: SPROUT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Child\n[*end of*] (finge)**R** *stuck in* **SPOUT** (\"nozzle\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bingo making bishop lustful (6)","output":"### Answer: BRANDY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Bingo\n**B** (bishop) + **RANDY** (\"lustful\") \n*According to Chambers, bingo is a familiar name for brandy (new one on me, but then I'm TT)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old slaver that is off isle with hand on board (5)","output":"### Answer: SPAWL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Old slaver\n(i)**SL**(e) (i.e. (\"that is\") *off* ISLE) *with* **PAW** (\"hand\") *on board* \nSpawl is an archaic term for spittle or saliva, so \"old slaver\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Votive deity card distributed, filled with love (10)","output":"### Answer: DEDICATORY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Votive\n***(deity card)** *filled with* **O** (\"love\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Song for audience, 'A wee strip o' plaid'? (4)","output":"### Answer: ROON \n ### Explanation: Definition: A wee strip o' plaid\nHomophone of **RUNE** (\"song\") indicated by *for audience* \nA roon is a thin strip of cloth in Scots."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bagpiper's drone maybe causing irritated mumble (6)","output":"### Answer: BUMMLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Bagpiper's drone\n***(mumble)** \n*Bummle is the Scottish (hence \"bagpiper's\") variant of bumble, which means \"to make a buzzing sound\" or \"to drone\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Child clutching end of train leapt once (6)","output":"### Answer: SPRONG \n ### Explanation: Definition: leapt once\n**SPROG** (\"child\") *clutching* [*end of*] (trai)**N** \n*Sprong is an archaic way of saying sprung, hence \"once\" in the clue."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Scrap leaving highland regiment much depleted on both wings (4)","output":"### Answer: DREG \n ### Explanation: Definition: Scrap\nHidden in \"highlan**D REG**iment\" (*much depleted on both sides*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cin\u00e9 'as-been abandoned propriety (10)","output":"### Answer: BIENSEANCE \n ### Explanation: Definition: propriety\n***(cine as been)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Continental holiday cheese, seconds consumed (5)","output":"### Answer: FESTA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Continental holiday\n**FETA** (\"cheese\") with *S* (seconds)* consumed"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: In short storm mostly easterly's beginning to blow (6)","output":"### Answer: SQUEAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: to blow\n*In* **SQUAL**(l) (\"short storm\" *mostly*) **E**(asterly's) [*beginning*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Flog one that's cracked? It might have served gruel often (6)","output":"### Answer: TUREEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: It might have served gruel often\nIf you remove the letters of \"flog\" from \"gruel often\" you are left with ***(rueten)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Liquorice for laddie to spoil, taking in a paper round (9)","output":"### Answer: SUGARALLY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Liquorice for laddie\n**SULLY** (\"to spoil\")* taking in* **<=A RAG** (\"paper\" round) \n*Sugarally or sugarallie is a Scots word for liquorice, so \"liquorice for laddie\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Misfit left out of old card game (4)","output":"### Answer: GEEK \n ### Explanation: Definition: Misfit \nL (left) *out of* **G**(l)**EEK** (\"oild card game\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Grades trotting round double bend in equestrian event (8)","output":"### Answer: DRESSAGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: equestrian event\n***(grades)** *trotting round* **ES** (the letter S or anything shaped like an S, so \"double bend\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: When appearing in press that's cast aside, they hardly pause to look (9)","output":"### Answer: PASSERS-BY \n ### Explanation: When appearing in press that's cast aside, they hardly pause to look (9)\n**AS** (\"when\") *appearing in* ***(press)** + **BY** (\"aside\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Marine fish to exhaust with a rod at sea (6)","output":"### Answer: DORADO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Marine fish\n**DO**\u00a0(\"exhaust\") + ***(a rod)** \n*A large marine fish, and, according to this week's University Challenge, also the Spanish for \"swordfish\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old Egyptian ruler, person leading lost tribe (7)","output":"### Answer: SOULDAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Old Egyptian ruler\n**SOUL** (\"person\") *leading* *DAN* (one of the ten \"lost tribes\" of Israel) \n*A souldan or soldan was an Egyptian sultan."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unruly Goth studded with metal, performing illegal stunts (7)","output":"### Answer: HOTTING \n ### Explanation: Definition: performing illegal stunts\n***(goth)** *studded with* **TIN** (\"metal\") \n*Hotting is the practice of performing stunts in stolen cars."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A&M volume that's all right removed from pulpit (4)","output":"### Answer: AMBO \n ### Explanation: Definition: pulpit\n**A & M** + **BO**(ok) (\"all right\" *removed from* \"volume\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Male entranced by goddess revealing bust (5)","output":"### Answer: HERMA \n ### Explanation: Definition: bust\n**M** (male)* embraced by* **HERA** (greek \"goddess\") \n*A herma is a bust, often with two faces, on a square plinth"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Indian village producing chana (4)","output":"### Answer: GRAM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Indian village\n*Double definition, the second referring to two alternative names for the chickpea (gram and chana)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: So yes, this does for the answer \u2013 irregular masonry does (6)","output":"### Answer: RANDOM \n ### Explanation: Definition: this does for the answer\nIf you remove the letters of \"so yes\" from \"masonry does\" you are left with ***(manrdo)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Whom subtenant maybe pays to speak about crooked lender? (11)","output":"### Answer: UNDERLETTER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Whom subtenant maybe pays\n**UTTER** (\"to speak\") *about* ***(lender)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Forward breaks a leg, completely losing it once near (11)","output":"### Answer: APPROPINQUE \n ### Explanation: Definition: once near\n**PROP** (rugby \"forward\") *breaks* **A PIN** + **QU**(it)**E** (\"completely\" losing IT) \nAppropinque is an archaic word meaning \"to approach\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Quick peek that shows Jock's great when given lift in cast (9)","output":"### Answer: EYEGLANCE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Quick peek\n**<=GEY** (\"great\" in Scots, so \"Jock's great\" *when given lift*)* in* **ELANCE** (\"cast\" as in how one would throw a lance)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unruly kid let off in quarrel (7)","output":"### Answer: BRATTLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: quarrel\n**BRAT** (\"unruly kid\") + ***(let)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lots of ashes farmers put in two thirds of slurry mixed (7)","output":"### Answer: URNFULS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Lots of ashes\n**NFU** (National \"Farmers\" Union) *put in* ***(slur)\u00a0**(being two thirds of slur(ry)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Shelter offering unpleasant warmth in place for wintering cattle? (6)","output":"### Answer: REFUGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Shelter\n**FUG** (\"unwelcome warmth\") *in* **REE** (\"place for wintering cattle\" or sheep in Scotland)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A tailless rat, climbing \u2013 it's a greenish colour (6)","output":"### Answer: RESEDA \n ### Explanation: Definition: a greenish colour \n**<=A DESER**(t) (\"rat\" *tailless* and *climbing*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lawn is level, but sloping upwards (5)","output":"### Answer: SWARD \n ### Explanation: Definition: Lawn\n**<=DRAWS** (\"is level\" in sport or games, *sloping upward*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bill for magistrate (4)","output":"### Answer: BEAK \n ### Explanation: Definition: Bill\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stored in phial, a retrogressive chemical, now banned (4)","output":"### Answer: ALAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: chemical, now banned\nHidden in [*stored in*] \"phi**AL A R**etrogressive\" \n*Alar was another name for daminozide, a carcinogenic chemical once used to spray apples."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Support needed by team coming from behind (8)","output":"### Answer: BACKSIDE \n ### Explanation: Support needed by team coming from behind (8)\n**BACK** (\"support\") *by* **SIDE** (\"team\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Strange boy's most likely to succeed (4-2)","output":"### Answer: ODDS-ON \n ### Explanation: Strange boy's most likely to succeed (4-2)\n**ODD** (\"strange\") + **SON** (\"boy\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rule throughout after peacekeepers leave (3,5)","output":"### Answer: RUN ALONG \n ### Explanation: Rule throughout after peacekeepers leave (3,5)\n**R** (rule) + **ALONG** (\"throughout\") *after* **UN** (United Nations, so \"peacekeepers\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mock additional information on European Union act (6)","output":"### Answer: PSEUDO \n ### Explanation: Mock additional information on European Union act (6)\n**PS** (postscript, so \"additional information\") + **EU** (European Union) + **DO** (\"act\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Seconds away from guard's admission (5)","output":"### Answer: ENTRY \n ### Explanation: Seconds away from guard's admission (5)\n(s)**ENTRY **(\"guard\" with S (seconds) *away*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Books on playing well on the earliest of artificial grass (9)","output":"### Answer: INFORMANT \n ### Explanation: Books on playing well on the earliest of artificial grass (9)\n**NT** (New Testament, so \"books\") *on* **IN FORM** (\"playing well\") *on* [*the earliest of*] **A**(rtificial)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unpretentious headdress with a hint of severity for wife (6)","output":"### Answer: SIMPLE \n ### Explanation: Unpretentious headdress with a hint of severity for wife (6)\n(w)(**S**)**IMPLE** (\"headdress\" (WIMPLE) *with* [*a hint of*] S(everity) *for* (i.e. replacing) W(wife)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: An indicator of rum times? (7)","output":"### Answer: YARDARM \n ### Explanation: An indicator of rum times? (7)\nCryptic definition. \n*In the days of rum rationing on board ships, the first ration was provided once the sun was over the yardarm (ie had risen above the yardarm)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Consequence of celestial body's tail disappearing revealed earlier (7)","output":"### Answer: OUTCOME \n ### Explanation: Consequence of celestial body's tail disappearing revealed earlier (7)\n**COME**(t) (\"celestial body\" with *tail disappearing*) with **OUT** (\"revealed\")* earlier"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stamina shown by Pole in race? Just the opposite (6)","output":"### Answer: BOTTOM \n ### Explanation: Stamina shown by Pole in race? Just the opposite (6)\n**TT** (Tourist Trophy, so \"race\") *in* **BOOM** (\"pole\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fuss about poet receiving award (9)","output":"### Answer: COMMOTION \n ### Explanation: Fuss about poet receiving award (9)\n**C** (circa, so \"about\") + (Andrew) **MOTION** (\"poet\") *receiving* **OM** (Order of Merit, so \"award\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Haul\u00a0round (5)","output":"### Answer: CATCH \n ### Explanation: Haul\u00a0round (5)\n*I think this is a double defintion, but can't think of a situation where ROUND and CATCH are synonymous?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Earl mostly calm about bit of noise affecting horses (6)","output":"### Answer: EQUINE \n ### Explanation: Earl mostly calm about bit of noise affecting horses (6)\n**E** (earl) + [mostly] **QUIE**(t) (\"calm\") *about* [*bit of*] **N**(oise)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Disinclined to speak of it with Bill going into shock (8)","output":"### Answer: TACITURN \n ### Explanation: Disinclined to speak of it with Bill going into shock (8)\n**IT** *with* **A\/c** (account, so \"bill\")* going into* **TURN** (\"shock\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Starter for ten about the beginnings of Russia's eastern expansion (6)","output":"### Answer: ENTREE \n ### Explanation: Starter for ten about the beginnings of Russia's eastern expansion (6)\n***(ten)** + [*the beginnings of*] **R**(ussia's) **E**(astern) **E**(xpansion)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Volunteers to split control with the Queen's servant (8)","output":"### Answer: RETAINER \n ### Explanation: Volunteers to split control with the Queen's servant (8)\n**TA** (Territorial Army, so \"volunteers\") *to split* **REIN** (\"control\") *with* **ER** (\"the Queen\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bound to get second class degree (6)","output":"### Answer: BORDER \n ### Explanation: Bound to get second class degree (6)\n**B** (\"second class\") +** ORDER** (\"degree\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Against reaching absolute limit (9)","output":"### Answer: CONSTRICT \n ### Explanation: Against reaching absolute limit (9)\n**CON** (\"against\") *reaching* **STRICT** (\"absolute\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Turn out theatrical productions ultimately getting to the top (5)","output":"### Answer: SPLAY \n ### Explanation: Turn out theatrical productions ultimately getting to the top (5)\nPLAYS (\"theatrical productions\") with its last letter [*ultimately*] g*etting to the top*, so **S-PLAY"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ted, nine, to play part of Gnasher (7)","output":"### Answer: DENTINE \n ### Explanation: Ted, nine, to play part of Gnasher (7)\n***(ted nine)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Virtue shown by sailor, sent up by soldier (6,3)","output":"### Answer: DESERT RAT \n ### Explanation: Virtue shown by sailor, sent up by soldier (6,3)\n**DESERT** (\"virtue\", as in merit) + **<=TAR** (\"sailor\" sent up)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Donuts regularly consumed by South American composer (5)","output":"### Answer: SOUSA \n ### Explanation: Donuts regularly consumed by South American composer (5)\n(d)**O**(n)**U**(t)**S** [regularly] *consumed by* **S.A**. (South American) \n*John Philip Sousa (1854-1932) was an American composer, noted for his marches, who helped to develop the sousaphone."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Issue raised after a refusal to get going by midday (8)","output":"### Answer: NOONTIME \n ### Explanation: Issue raised after a refusal to get going by midday (8)\n**<=ITEM** (\"issue\" *raised*) *after* **NO** (\"a refusal\")* to get* **ON** (\"going\"), so **NO-ON-TIME"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Uncertain a short time after losing head (4)","output":"### Answer: IFFY \n ### Explanation: Uncertain a short time after losing head (4)\n(j)**IFFY** (\"a short time\" l*osing head*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Utter rubbish at first about breaking spring (9)","output":"### Answer: PRONOUNCE \n ### Explanation: Utter rubbish at first about breaking spring (9)\n**R**(ubbish) [*at first*] + **ON** (\"about\") *breaking* **POUNCE** (\"spring\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A fight to reverse complete change of policy (5,4)","output":"### Answer: ABOUT TURN \n ### Explanation: A fight to reverse complete change of policy (5,4)\n**A** + **BOUT** (\"fight\") + **TURN** (\"to reverse\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Able to be experienced by prisoner on island (8)","output":"### Answer: CONCRETE \n ### Explanation: Able to be experienced by prisoner on island (8)\n**CON** (\"prisoner\") *on* **CRETE** (\"island\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Departure times appearing on it after the introduction of electricity (4)","output":"### Answer: EXIT \n ### Explanation: Departure times appearing on it after the introduction of electricity (4)\n**X** (\"times\") *appearing on* **IT** *after* [*the introduction of*] **E**(lectricity)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Gonad damaged during extremely bizarre sexual practice (7)","output":"### Answer: BONDAGE \n ### Explanation: Gonad damaged during extremely bizarre sexual practice (7)\n***(gonad)** *during* [*extremely*] **B**(izarr)**E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Black eye for pop singer reportedly boxing at home (6)","output":"### Answer: SHINER \n ### Explanation: Black eye for pop singer reportedly boxing at home (6)\nHomophone of **CHER** [*reportedly*] *boxing* **IN** (\"at home\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Get up on\u00a0stage (5)","output":"### Answer: MOUNT \n ### Explanation: Get up on\u00a0stage (5)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Country hotel popular in California (5)","output":"### Answer: CHINA \n ### Explanation: Country hotel popular in California (5)\n**H** (hotel) + **IN** (\"popular\") *in* **Ca.** (California)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Soldier to slip up in bank (7)","output":"### Answer: TERRIER \n ### Explanation: Soldier to slip up in bank (7)\n**ERR** (\"to slip up\") *in* **TIER** (\"bank\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Soldier sits or lies down (7)","output":"### Answer: REPOSES \n ### Explanation: Soldier sits or lies down (7)\n**RE** (Royal Engineer so \"soldier\") + **POSES** (\"sits\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Criticise a society involved in corruption (5)","output":"### Answer: ROAST \n ### Explanation: Criticise a society involved in corruption (5)\n**A S**(society)* involved in* **ROT** (\"corruption\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Briefly prince and his queen play around (9)","output":"### Answer: PHILANDER \n ### Explanation: Briefly prince and his queen play around (9)\n**PHIL**(ip) (*briefly* \"prince\") **AND E.R.** (Elizabeth Regina, \"his queen\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Priest introduced to smoother amphibian (10)","output":"### Answer: SALAMANDER \n ### Explanation: Priest introduced to smoother amphibian (10)\n**LAMA** (\"priest\") *introduced to* **SANDER** (\"smoother\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tight-fisted? Not far off! (4)","output":"### Answer: NEAR \n ### Explanation: Tight-fisted? Not far off! (4)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dodgy dealers land in war zone (11)","output":"### Answer: DARDANELLES \n ### Explanation: Dodgy dealers land in war zone (11)\n***(dealers land) ***The Dardanelles is a narrow strait in western Turkey, the scene of the Gallipoli campaign in World War I"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Reticent prisoner pushed to the limit (11)","output":"### Answer: CONSTRAINED \n ### Explanation: Reticent prisoner pushed to the limit (11)\n**CON** (\"prisoner\") + **STRAINED** (\"pushed to the limit\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Irish leader twice gets the bird (4)","output":"### Answer: IBIS \n ### Explanation: Irish leader twice gets the bird (4)\n**I**(rish) [*leader*] + **BIS** (\"twice\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Graphic artist uses wire and string (10)","output":"### Answer: SIGNWRITER \n ### Explanation: Graphic artist uses wire and string (10)\n***(wire string)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fugitive union member has internal operation (9)","output":"### Answer: ELOPEMENT \n ### Explanation: Fugitive union member has internal operation (9)\n**ELEMENT** (\"member\") *has internal* **OP**(eration)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fast runner in dash to end of road (5)","output":"### Answer: ELAND \n ### Explanation: Fast runner in dash to end of road (5)\n**ELAN** (\"dash\") to [end of] (roa)**D ***Elands are actually the slowest of the antelopes, but I suppose a top speed of 25 mph is not too sluggish."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Article's about first believers (7)","output":"### Answer: THEISTS \n ### Explanation: Article's about first believers (7)\n**THE'S** (\"articles\") *about* **1st\u00a0**(\"first\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Notice director is with nuclear researchers (7)","output":"### Answer: DISCERN \n ### Explanation: Notice director is with nuclear researchers (7)\nD (director) IS with CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research, so \"nuclear researchers\") \nCERN originally stood for the French **C**onseil **E**uop\u00e9en pour la **R**echerche **N**ucl\u00e9aire."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Force hospital into consortium (6)","output":"### Answer: THRUST \n ### Explanation: Force hospital into consortium (6)\n**H** (hospital) *into* **TRUST** (\"consortium\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mass meeting about drug? Indeed! (6)","output":"### Answer: REALLY \n ### Explanation: Mass meeting about drug? Indeed! (6)\n**RALLY** (\"mass meeting\") *about* **E** (ecstasy, so \"drug\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Allude to touring Idaho for cow (10)","output":"### Answer: INTIMIDATE \n ### Explanation: Allude to touring Idaho for cow (10)\n**INTIMATE** (\"allude to\") *touring* **Id.** (Idaho)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rent regularly taken in Yorkshire city (5)","output":"### Answer: RIPON \n ### Explanation: Rent regularly taken in Yorkshire city (5)\n**RIP** (\"rent\") + **ON** (\"regualrly taken\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hit the roof, as Adam did (5,4)","output":"### Answer: RAISE CAIN \n ### Explanation: Hit the roof, as Adam did (5,4)\nMildly cryptic defintion, Cain being one of Adam's sons in the Old Testament."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pundit initially put down performance (4)","output":"### Answer: PLAY \n ### Explanation: Pundit initially put down performance (4)\n**P**(undit) [*initially*] + **LAY** (\"put down\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Duly ends assembly without warning (8)","output":"### Answer: SUDDENLY \n ### Explanation: Duly ends assembly without warning (8)\n***(duly ends)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Firm adopting advertising is showing incredulity (8)","output":"### Answer: SURPRISE \n ### Explanation: Firm adopting advertising is showing incredulity (8)\n**SURE** (\"firm\") *adopting* **P.R.** (Public Relations, so \"advertising\") **IS"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ned resents contrived affection (10)","output":"### Answer: TENDERNESS \n ### Explanation: Ned resents contrived affection (10)\n***(ned resents)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Facility to see above one's head (9)","output":"### Answer: READINESS \n ### Explanation: Facility to see above one's head (9)\n**READ** (\"to see\") *above* **1 NESS** (\"head\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stress keeping identification in disaster (8)","output":"### Answer: ACCIDENT \n ### Explanation: Stress keeping identification in disaster (8)\n**ACCENT** (\"stress\") *keeping* **ID** (identification)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Oedipus's daughter is against Greek individual (8)","output":"### Answer: ANTIGONE \n ### Explanation: Oedipus's daughter is against Greek individual (8)\nA**NTI** (\"against) **G**(reek) **ONE** (\"individual\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Calm, having had drinks in A&E (2,4)","output":"### Answer: AT EASE \n ### Explanation: Calm, having had drinks in A&E (2,4)\n**TEAS** (\"drinks) *in* **AE** (\"A & E\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tedious study of poet (6)","output":"### Answer: DRYDEN \n ### Explanation: Tedious study of poet (6)\n**DRY** (\"tedious\") + **DEN** (\"study\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Letter on top of desk is prominent (5)","output":"### Answer: NOTED \n ### Explanation: Letter on top of desk is prominent (5)\n**NOTE** (\"letter\") *on* [*top of*] **D**(esk)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Book date with lover, say? Memory's useful for that (8,6)","output":"### Answer: TRISTRAM SHANDY \n ### Explanation: Book date with lover, say? Memory's useful for that (8,6)\nHomophone of **TRYST** (\"meeting with lover\", *say*) +** RAM'S** (random access \"memory's\") + **HANDY** ( \"useful\") \n*The full title of Laurence Sterne's famous novel was \"The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman\", but it is normally called \"Tristram Shandy\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Charge less than Greek character returning with reduction (two-thirds off) (8)","output":"### Answer: UNDERCUT \n ### Explanation: Charge less than Greek character returning with reduction (two-thirds off) (8)\n**<=NU** (\"greek character\" *returning*) *with* ***(reduct)**, where**\u00a0**reduct is *two-thirds* of REDUCT(ion)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Twice No.1 birdcall (6)","output":"### Answer: PEEWEE \n ### Explanation: Twice No.1 birdcall (6)\n**PEE + WEE** (\"No. 1\",\u00a0*twice*)* "} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Good friend of Mole enthrals you with one tip (8)","output":"### Answer: GRATUITY \n ### Explanation: Good friend of Mole enthrals you with one tip (8)\n**G** (good) + **RATTY** (\"friend of Mole\", in *Wind in the Willows*) *enthrals* **U** (you, in textspeak) with **I** (\"one\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Playwright Jack maybe falls in love with? Just the opposite (6)","output":"### Answer: COWARD \n ### Explanation: Playwright Jack maybe falls in love with? Just the opposite (6)\nThe opposite of **CARD** (\"Jack maybe\") in **O** (\"love\") **W** (with) is OW in CARD, so (Noel) C(OW)ARD"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Warn pidgin changes tack in the US (7,3)","output":"### Answer: DRAWING PIN \n ### Explanation: Warn pidgin changes tack in the US (7,3)\n***(warn pidgin) ***I was a bit bemused by the \"in the US\" bit of the clue, but Chambers entry for \"tack\" says \"drawing pin (N. Am.)\". I've always called tacks drawing pins."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Portrait of upper body that could be a Goodman, Wiseman or Deighton? (4-6)","output":"### Answer: HALF-LENGTH \n ### Explanation: Portrait of upper body that could be a Goodman, Wiseman or Deighton? (4-6)\nNot quie sure of the parsing but Goodman, Wiseman and Deighton are famous Lens, so I can see **HALF LEN** (as in half of their names being their surname only), but I can't work out the GTH bit?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ruth follows on horse, possibly difficult to control (6)","output":"### Answer: UPPITY \n ### Explanation: Ruth follows on horse, possibly difficult to control (6)\n**PITY** (\"ruth\") *follows* **UP** (\"on horse\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Where Tom in Paris potentially meets retired Muslim in North Africa? (4,4)","output":"### Answer: CHAT ROOM \n ### Explanation: Where Tom in Paris potentially meets retired Muslim in North Africa? (4,4)\n**CHAT** (cat in French, so \"tom in Paris, potentially\") *meets* **<=MOOR** (retired \"Muslim in North Africa\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Expression of dismay as French cop mislays info about Spain (4,2)","output":"### Answer: DEAR ME \n ### Explanation: Expression of dismay as French cop mislays info about Spain (4,2)\n(gen)** DARME** (\"French cop\" *mislaying* GEN (\"info\") *about* **E** (international vehicle identifier for \"Spain\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Go after pine used for ornamental design in wood (8)","output":"### Answer: FRETWORK \n ### Explanation: Go after pine used for ornamental design in wood (8)\n**WORK** (\"go\") *after* **FRET** (\"pine\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Former No.1 cause of red nose \u2013 extremely drunk, following this order? (6,2,6)","output":"### Answer: RETURN TO SENDER \n ### Explanation: Former No.1 cause of red nose \u2013 extremely drunk, following this order? (6,2,6)\n*Can't work the parsing out \u2013 I can see *(red nose) neing O SENDER, but the rest has me beat."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Following Twain's lead, it's harsh describing golf as a long and tedious walk (6)","output":"### Answer: TRUDGE \n ### Explanation: Following Twain's lead, it's harsh describing golf as a long and tedious walk (6)\n*Following* **T**(wain's) [*lead*], *it's* **RUDE** (\"harsh') *describing* **G**(golf, in the phonetic alphabet) \nRefers to Mark Twain's famous quote that \"golf is a good walk spoiled\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Meal on the plane, prepared for specific type of jumbo (6,8)","output":"### Answer: INDIAN ELEPHANT \n ### Explanation: Meal on the plane, prepared for specific type of jumbo (6,8)\n**INDIAN** (\"meal\") *on* ***(the plane)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Come and go, with animation (4,2)","output":"### Answer: TURN UP \n ### Explanation: Come and go, with animation (4,2)\n**TURN** (\"go\") with **UP** (\"animation\") \n*\"Up\" is the name of a 2009 animated movie, one of the best 250 movies ever made, according to IMdB users."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Arguably more mature worker is source of corruption (10)","output":"### Answer: ADULTERANT \n ### Explanation: Arguably more mature worker is source of corruption (10)\n**ADULTER** (\"more mature\", arguably) + **ANT** (\"worker\") \n*The \"arguably\" in the clue is an indicator that ADULTER is not a real word."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: First of headwords dictionary has for country dances (8)","output":"### Answer: HOEDOWNS \n ### Explanation: First of headwords dictionary has for country dances (8)\n[*first of*] **H**(eadwords) + **OED** (Oxford English \"dictionary\") + **OWNS** (\"has\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Offer from wicked sorcerer, possibly Mr Flood's pal (3,5,3,3)","output":"### Answer: NEW LAMPS FOR OLD \n ### Explanation: Offer from wicked sorcerer, possibly Mr Flood's pal (3,5,3,3)\n**NEW *(mr floods pal) ***A reverse anagram."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Having some spring produce in garden's front border (8)","output":"### Answer: YIELDING \n ### Explanation: Having some spring produce in garden's front border (8)\n**YIELD** (\"produce\") + **IN G**(arden's) [*front border*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Other half of Wisconsin's affected by surprising change in the US (10)","output":"### Answer: SWITCHEROO \n ### Explanation: Other half of Wisconsin's affected by surprising change in the US (10)\n***(other wisco)\u00a0**where \"wisco\" is *half of* WISCO(nsin's)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bear ought to eat root tops (8)","output":"### Answer: SHOULDER \n ### Explanation: Bear ought to eat root tops (8)\n**SHOULD** (\"ought to\") + **E**(at) **R**(oot) [*tops*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Grandfather clock? One that's long been in service (3-5)","output":"### Answer: OLD-TIMER \n ### Explanation: Grandfather clock? One that's long been in service (3-5)\nA grandfather clock is an old clock, so an \"old timer\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A time entering change in the US, with husband going bust? (6)","output":"### Answer: STATUE \n ### Explanation: A time entering change in the US, with husband going bust? (6)\n**A T** (time) *entering ****(te us)\u00a0**where \"te us\" is T(h)E US *with* H(usband) *going"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Small donkey owner, ultimately one ignoring health warnings (6)","output":"### Answer: SMOKER \n ### Explanation: Small donkey owner, ultimately one ignoring health warnings (6)\n**S** (small) + **MOKE** (\"donkey\") + (owne)**R** [*ulimately*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Display unit of wine and spirits (3,6)","output":"### Answer: RED DEVILS \n ### Explanation: Display unit of wine and spirits (3,6)\n**RED** (\"wine\") *and* **DEVILS** (\"spirits\") \n*The Red Devils are a parachute display team, and also Manchester United's nickname."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Young men take pounds over promotion (4)","output":"### Answer: LADS \n ### Explanation: Young men take pounds over promotion (4)\n**Ls** (\"pounds\") *over* **AD** (\"promotion\") \n*Sunderland are known as the Lads"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Guess all exotic birds \u2026 (8)","output":"### Answer: SEAGULLS \n ### Explanation: Guess all exotic birds \u2026 (8)\n***(guess all) ***Brighton & Hove Albion are the Seagulls.** "} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: \u2026 on releasing 500 others (6)","output":"### Answer: ROBINS \n ### Explanation: \u2026 on releasing 500 others (6)\n***(on birs)** where BIR(d)S is \"others\" relating to the previous clue, releasing D (500) \n*The Robins is a common nickname for teams that play in red (Bristol City, Charlton Athletic etc)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Staggers around Britain to find revolutionaries \u2026 (6)","output":"### Answer: REBELS \n ### Explanation: Staggers around Britain to find revolutionaries \u2026 (6)\n**REELS** (\"staggers\") *around* **B** (Britian) \n*Slough Town are the Rebels (don't think any major teams have that moniker)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: \u2026 collecting 'orrid skinless English fruit (8)","output":"### Answer: CHERRIES \n ### Explanation: \u2026 collecting 'orrid skinless English fruit (8)\n**CHES** (\"revolutionaries\") *collecting* (o)**RRI**(d) **E**(nglish) \n*I can only think of one revolutionary named Che (Guevara), so I don't think this clue works.*\n \n*AFC Bournemouth are known as the Cherries."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Crockery a setter used right away (3,3)","output":"### Answer: TEA SET \n ### Explanation: Crockery a setter used right away (3,3)\n***(a sette) **(A SETTE(r) with R(ight) *away*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: They make seats for small snakes to carry 6 down (8)","output":"### Answer: SADDLERS \n ### Explanation: They make seats for small snakes to carry 6 down (8)\n**S** (small) **ADDERS** (\"snakes\") *to carry* **L** (liberal) (the answer to 6 dn) \n*The Saddlers are Walsall."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Good girls excited to hug male travellers (8)","output":"### Answer: PILGRIMS \n ### Explanation: Good girls excited to hug male travellers (8)\n**PI** (\"good\") +***(girls)** *to hug* **M** (male) \n*The Pilgrims could be Plymouth Argyle or Boston Town."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rule over Sweden then quit (6)","output":"### Answer: RESIGN \n ### Explanation: Rule over Sweden then quit (6)\n**REIGN** (\"rule\") *over* **S** (Sweden)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Colour of letter turned down (4,4)","output":"### Answer: ETON BLUE \n ### Explanation: Colour of letter turned down (4,4)\n<**=NOTE** (\"letter\" *turned*) + **BLUE** (\"down\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: After raising internal temperature, warders become animals (6)","output":"### Answer: SHREWS \n ### Explanation: After raising internal temperature, warders become animals (6)\nSCREWS (\"warders\") becomes **SHREWS** (\"animals\") when the C (cold) of SCREWS becomes H (hot), so the \"internal temperature\" riases. \n*Shrewsbury Town's nickname is The Shrews."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Advanced new colloids, they work wonders (6)","output":"### Answer: ANGELS \n ### Explanation: Advanced new colloids, they work wonders (6)\n**A** (advanced) + **N** (new) + **GELS** (\"colloids\") \n*Only example of Angels as a club nickname that I can find is Tonbridge Angels (never heard of them), so more of a contraction than a nickname."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mum's upset to wear medical support when roughing it (8)","output":"### Answer: SLUMMING \n ### Explanation: Mum's upset to wear medical support when roughing it (8)\n***(mum)** *to wear* **SLING** (\"medical support\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Social workers said to have outstanding knees? (4)","output":"### Answer: BEES \n ### Explanation: Social workers said to have outstanding knees? (4)\nRefers to the BEE'S KNEES (something \"outstanding\") \n*The Bees could be a few clubs, including Brentford and Barnet."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Could luxury tops help society's snobs? (9)","output":"### Answer: CLASSISTS \n ### Explanation: Could luxury tops help society's snobs? (9)\n**C**(ould) **L**(uxury) [*tops*] + **ASSIST** (\"help\") + **S**(society)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old official always rises outside, close to sunrise (5)","output":"### Answer: REEVE \n ### Explanation: Old official always rises outside, close to sunrise (5)\n**<=EVER** (\"always\" *rises*) *outside* [*close to*] (sunris)**E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Iconic cricket commentator supports a large number of stickers (7)","output":"### Answer: DAGGERS \n ### Explanation: Iconic cricket commentator supports a large number of stickers (7)\n**AGGERS** (nicknmae of ex-cricketer, now a *commentator*, Jonathan Agnew) *supports* **D** (500, so \"a large number\") \n*The Daggers are Dagenham & Redbridge."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Doubly hard to leave diabolical island (5)","output":"### Answer: ELLIS \n ### Explanation: Doubly hard to leave diabolical island (5)\n(h)**ELLIS**(h) (\"diabolical\" with H removed twice, ie \"doubly H(ard) has left\") \n*Ellis Island is an island in New York where new immigrants to the US were processed until 1954."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Perhaps flies home etc recklessly within seconds (7)","output":"### Answer: INSECTS \n ### Explanation: Perhaps flies home etc recklessly within seconds (7)\n**IN** (\"home\") + ***(etc)** *within* **SS** (seconds)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Posh, posh car breaks exhaust, losing power \u2014 Queen to give up (9)","output":"### Answer: SURRENDER \n ### Explanation: Posh, posh car breaks exhaust, losing power \u2014 Queen to give up (9)\n**U** (\"posh\") + **RR** (Rolls Royce, so \"posh car\") *breaks* **S**(p)**END** (\"exhaust\", *losing* P(ower)) + **ER** (\"queen\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Generous\u00a0party member \u2026 (7)","output":"### Answer: LIBERAL \n ### Explanation: Generous\u00a0party member \u2026 (7)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: \u2026 plays dangerous CD, so drops an E, perhaps (5,4)","output":"### Answer: DANCE DRUG \n ### Explanation: \u2026 plays dangerous CD, so drops an E, perhaps (5,4)\n***(dangerus cd) **(\"dangerous CD\" with \"so' *dropped*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Being around 6 + 10 + 100 dividing 7 evenly? (9)","output":"### Answer: EXISTENCE \n ### Explanation: Being around 6 + 10 + 100 dividing 7 evenly? (9)\n**<=SIX** (*around* 6)+ **TEN** + **C** (\"100\") *dividin*g (s)**E**(v)**E**(n) [*evenly*], so **E(XIS-TEN-C)E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Drink in a twentieth of a minute? (6,3)","output":"### Answer: TRIPLE SEC \n ### Explanation: Drink in a twentieth of a minute? (6,3)\nA twentienth of a minute is three seconds, which is roughly speaking TRIPLE SEC. \n*Not keen on this (clue leads to TRIPLE SEC**S** rather than TRIPLE SEC)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: They fire doctor, ensuring I go (7)","output":"### Answer: GUNNERS \n ### Explanation: They fire doctor, ensuring I go (7)\n***(ensurng) **(ENSUR(i)NG after I goes) \n*Arsenal are commonly referred to as The Gunners."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: It's smoked after playing the Ashes without test opener (7)","output":"### Answer: SHEESHA \n ### Explanation: It's smoked after playing the Ashes without test opener (7)\n***(he ashes)** ((t)HE ASHES *without* T(est) *opener*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Puny people like seafood (7)","output":"### Answer: SHRIMPS \n ### Explanation: Puny people like seafood (7)\nDouble definition, although I don't like the \"like\" as a link word. \n*The Shrimps are Morecambe."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Special amount of money docked for incentives (5)","output":"### Answer: SPURS \n ### Explanation: Special amount of money docked for incentives (5)\n**S** (special) + **PURS**(e) (\"amount of money\" *docked*) \n*Tottenham Hotspur are the Spurs."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: First to last rock band (5)","output":"### Answer: WINGS \n ### Explanation: First to last rock band (5)\nSWING (\"rock\")\u00a0with its* first* letter (S) moved *to last *becomes **WING-S\u00a0**(\"band\" of the 70s and 80s formed by Paul McCartney)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Teacher Tom confused instrument that records speed (10)","output":"### Answer: TACHOMETER \n ### Explanation: Teacher Tom confused instrument that records speed (10)\n***(teacher tom)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Nobleman before time? Not entirely (4)","output":"### Answer: EARL \n ### Explanation: Nobleman before time? Not entirely (4)\n**EARL**(y) (\"before time\", not entirely)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Daughter with strange container (4)","output":"### Answer: DRUM \n ### Explanation: Daughter with strange container (4)\n**D** (daughter) *with* **RUM** (\"strange\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Most exemplary \u2013 is not commonly associated with porkies in street (10)","output":"### Answer: SAINTLIEST \n ### Explanation: Most exemplary \u2013 is not commonly associated with porkies in street (10)\n**AIN'T** (\"is not\" commonly) *associated with* **LIES** (\"porkies\") *in* **St**. (street)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Extremely wayward in valley, waste time (6)","output":"### Answer: DAWDLE \n ### Explanation: Extremely wayward in valley, waste time (6)\n[*extremely*] **W**(astefu)**L** *in* **DALE** (\"valley\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Having weapon also, was first before judge (6,2)","output":"### Answer: TOOLED UP \n ### Explanation: Having weapon also, was first before judge (6,2)\n**TOO** (\"also\") + **LED** (\"was first\") + **UP** (in court, so \"before judge\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Strong guy \u2013 he's pinching money on way back (8)","output":"### Answer: HERCULES \n ### Explanation: Strong guy \u2013 he's pinching money on way back (8)\n**HE'S** *pinching* **<=LUCRE** (\"money\" *on the way back*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Container \u2013 it's brought back by daily after vacation (4)","output":"### Answer: TIDY \n ### Explanation: Container \u2013 it's brought back by daily after vacation (4)\n**<=IT** [*brought back*] *by* **D**(ail)**Y** [*after vacation*, i.e. emptied]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Never a French grammatical term (4)","output":"### Answer: NOUN \n ### Explanation: Never a French grammatical term (4)\n**NO** (\"never\") + **UN** (\"a\" in \"French\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mother with right call at outset about resort (8)","output":"### Answer: MARBELLA \n ### Explanation: Mother with right call at outset about resort (8)\n**MA** (\"mother\") *with* **R** (right) **BELL** (\"call\") + [*at outse*t] **A**(bout)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Referring to good island soldiers ahead of time \u2013 these? (8)","output":"### Answer: REGIMENT \n ### Explanation: Referring to good island soldiers ahead of time \u2013 these? (8)\n**RE** (\"referring to\") + **G** (good) + **I** (island) + **MEN** (\"soldiers\")* ahead of* **T** (time)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Give description of press man from east, chosen we hear (6)","output":"### Answer: DEPICT \n ### Explanation: Give description of press man from east, chosen we hear (6)\n**<=ED** (editor, so \"press man\" *from east* (ie from right to left)) + homophone [*we hear*] of **PICKED** (\"chosen\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Is verdict I unfortunately returned to crime? (10)","output":"### Answer: RECIDIVIST \n ### Explanation: Is verdict I unfortunately returned to crime? (10)\n***(is verdict i)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: School time in Outer Mongolia (4)","output":"### Answer: TERM \n ### Explanation: School time in Outer Mongolia (4)\nHidden in \"ou**TER M**ongolia\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Seen entering beta, lambda and others (2,2)","output":"### Answer: ET AL \n ### Explanation: Seen entering beta, lambda and others (2,2)\nHidden in [*seen entering*] \"b**ETA L**ambda\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Call about returning soldier having reputation primarily as reckless gambler (4,6)","output":"### Answer: HIGH ROLLER \n ### Explanation: Call about returning soldier having reputation primarily as reckless gambler (4,6)\n**HOLLER** (\"call\") *about* **<=GI** (*returning* \"soldier\") + **H**(aving) **R**(eputation) [primarly], so **H(IG-HR)OLLER"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Aggression up? (3,4)","output":"### Answer: AIR RAGE \n ### Explanation: Aggression up? (3,4)\nCryptic definition \u2013 air rahge being a form of \"aggression\" while \"up\" in the air."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: At first hot, unusually mild, is dreadfully muggy (5)","output":"### Answer: HUMID \n ### Explanation: At first hot, unusually mild, is dreadfully muggy (5)\n[*at first*] **H**(ot) **U**(nusually) **M**(ild) **I**(s) **D**(readfully)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Skilful, like teacher? (8)","output":"### Answer: MASTERLY \n ### Explanation: Skilful, like teacher? (8)\nDouble definiton"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Not quite double score (15)","output":"### Answer: THIRTYSOMETHING \n ### Explanation: Not quite double score (15)\n(Not very) cryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Country has new leader, making allowance (6)","output":"### Answer: RATION \n ### Explanation: Country has new leader, making allowance (6)\n(n>**R**)**ATION\u00a0**(\"country\" *has new leader*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Story early course is cut short leads to quaking heart? (9)","output":"### Answer: EPICENTRE \n ### Explanation: Story early course is cut short leads to quaking heart? (9)\n**EPIC** (\"story\") + **ENTRE**(e) (\"early course\" *cut short*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Looking embarrassed about ultimately useless signal delivered (7)","output":"### Answer: RESCUED \n ### Explanation: Looking embarrassed about ultimately useless signal delivered (7)\n**RED** (\"looking embarrassed\") *about* [*ultimately*] (useles)**S CUE** (\"signal\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sociable Conservative with bottle after six (9)","output":"### Answer: CONVIVIAL \n ### Explanation: Sociable Conservative with bottle after six (9)\n**CON** (Conservative) *with* **VIAL** (\"bottle\") *after* **VI** (\"six\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Director worked out he's owed money (8)","output":"### Answer: CREDITOR \n ### Explanation: Director worked out he's owed money (8)\n***(director)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Gorge on other side of heath husband repeatedly missed (7)","output":"### Answer: OVEREAT \n ### Explanation: Gorge on other side of heath husband repeatedly missed (7)\n**OVER** (\"on other side of\") + (h)**EAT**(h) (H(usband) *repeatedly missed*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Writer, 50, with unusual career (2,5)","output":"### Answer: LE CARRE \n ### Explanation: Writer, 50, with unusual career (2,5)\n**L** (\"50\") *with* ***(career)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Peculiar interest, this, strangely requiring iron initially (6)","output":"### Answer: FETISH \n ### Explanation: Peculiar interest, this, strangely requiring iron initially (6)\n***(this)** *requiring* **Fe** (\"iron\") *initially"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Part of flower preferred by a learner (5)","output":"### Answer: PETAL \n ### Explanation: Part of flower preferred by a learner (5)\n**PET** (\"preferred\") *by* **A L** (learner)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Broken arm having mended, do some knitting? (4,3)","output":"### Answer: CAST OFF \n ### Explanation: Broken arm having mended, do some knitting? (4,3)\nOnce one's broken arm has mended, the cast will be removed."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Protect offspring of hound by taking son inside (7)","output":"### Answer: BABYSIT \n ### Explanation: Protect offspring of hound by taking son inside (7)\n**BAIT** (\"hound\") with **BY** *taking* **S** (son)* inside"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Makeover: about to get sexually desirable (5)","output":"### Answer: REFIT \n ### Explanation: Makeover: about to get sexually desirable (5)\n**RE** (\"about\") *to get* **FIT** (\"sexually desirable\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: US city gets a new church \u2014 with nothing to go up the wall (9)","output":"### Answer: ANCHORAGE \n ### Explanation: US city gets a new church \u2014 with nothing to go up the wall (9)\n**A N** (new) + **CH** (church) *with* **O** (\"nothing\") + **RAGE** (\"to go up the wall\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fine-tuned athletes, packed with energy, taken out at night? (5,5)","output":"### Answer: FALSE TEETH \n ### Explanation: Fine-tuned athletes, packed with energy, taken out at night? (5,5)\n**F** (fine) + ***(athletes)** *packed with* **E** (energy)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Get too enthusiastic and hit the drink (2,9)","output":"### Answer: GO OVERBOARD \n ### Explanation: Get too enthusiastic and hit the drink (2,9)\nDouble definition, the second being cryptic."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A tender baritone finally accompanying Brummie hymn (5,4,2)","output":"### Answer: ABIDE WITH ME \n ### Explanation: A tender baritone finally accompanying Brummie hymn (5,4,2)\n**A BID** (\"tender\") + (bariton)**E** [*finally*] + **WITH** (\"accompanying\") + **ME** (\"brummie\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Notes broadcast far from land? (4,4)","output":"### Answer: HIGH SEAS \n ### Explanation: Notes broadcast far from land? (4,4)\nHomophone [*broadcast*] of **HIGH Cs** (\"notes\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Confusion when two females replace centre of gutter in parapet (10)","output":"### Answer: BAFFLEMENT \n ### Explanation: Confusion when two females replace centre of gutter in parapet (10)\n**FF** (two females) replace [centre of] (gu)TT(er) in **BA**(tt)**LEMENT** (\"parapet\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Description of certain pod members rendered in dialect (9)","output":"### Answer: IDENTICAL \n ### Explanation: Description of certain pod members rendered in dialect (9)\n***(in dialect) **For the definition, think of the phrase \"like two peas in a pod\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Molten material's reduced periodical state (5)","output":"### Answer: MAGMA \n ### Explanation: Molten material's reduced periodical state (5)\n**MAG**(azine) (*reduced* \"periodical) + **MA** (Massachusetts, so \"state\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Passage from Burns' Go With Style (7)","output":"### Answer: GANGWAY \n ### Explanation: Passage from Burns' Go With Style (7)\n**GANG** (Scots for go, so \"(Rabbie) Burns' go\") *with* **WAY** (\"style\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A touching feature of Dynasty (Net version) (7)","output":"### Answer: TANGENT \n ### Explanation: A touching feature of Dynasty (Net version) (7)\n**TANG** (Chinese \"dynasty\") +***(net)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Vehicle advanced on iron vessel (6)","output":"### Answer: CARAFE \n ### Explanation: Vehicle advanced on iron vessel (6)\n**CAR** (\"vehicle\") + **A** (advanced) *on* **Fe** (chemical symbol for \"iron\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Singular approach of primate-catcher? (6)","output":"### Answer: SOFTLY \n ### Explanation: Singular approach of primate-catcher? (6)\nThink of the phrase \"softly softly catchee monkey\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Was of greater importance, so able to walk better through water, they say (10)","output":"### Answer: OUTWEIGHED \n ### Explanation: Was of greater importance, so able to walk better through water, they say (10)\nHomophone of **OUTWADE** [*they say*] (\"to walk better through water\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Flash unfashionable attire \u2014 reduced! (5)","output":"### Answer: FLARE \n ### Explanation: Flash unfashionable attire \u2014 reduced! (5)\n**FLARE**(s) (\"unfashionable attrire\", *reduced*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Prominent features of 'dandy champers' (4,5)","output":"### Answer: BUCK TEETH \n ### Explanation: Prominent features of 'dandy champers' (4,5)\n**BUCK** (\"dandy\") +** TEETH** (\"champers\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Blair's reported prosperity (4)","output":"### Answer: BOOM \n ### Explanation: Blair's reported prosperity (4)\nA homophone of BLAIR [*reported*] is BLARE, synonymous with **BOOM"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Revolutionary scientific facility \u2014 Pascal be damned! (8)","output":"### Answer: SPACELAB \n ### Explanation: Revolutionary scientific facility \u2014 Pascal be damned! (8)\n***(pascal be)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Northern area supports, of course, sports team (8)","output":"### Answer: TEESSIDE \n ### Explanation: Northern area supports, of course, sports team (8)\n**TEES** (\"supports of course\" i.e. golf tees) + **SIDE** (\"sports team\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Qualified, reportedly, to identify island's salt (4,6)","output":"### Answer: ABLE SEAMAN \n ### Explanation: Qualified, reportedly, to identify island's salt (4,6)\n**ABLE** (\"qualifed\") +** SEA** (homophone of SEE (\"identify\", *reportedly*)) + **MAN** (\"island\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Gay choir formed around end of April, a powerful group (9)","output":"### Answer: OLIGARCHY \n ### Explanation: Gay choir formed around end of April, a powerful group (9)\n***(gay choir)** *around* [*end of*] (apri)**L"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unknown number longing to include time out on the water? (8)","output":"### Answer: YACHTING \n ### Explanation: Unknown number longing to include time out on the water? (8)\n**Y** (\"unknown\" in algebra) + **ACHING** (\"longing\") *to include* **T** (time)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Finger twisted inside hollowed-out Kenyan rainforest plant (4,4)","output":"### Answer: KING FERN \n ### Explanation: Finger twisted inside hollowed-out Kenyan rainforest plant (4,4)\n***(finger)** *inside* [*hollowed-out*] **K**(enya)**N"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Coalition: the French disease (6)","output":"### Answer: LEAGUE \n ### Explanation: Coalition: the French disease (6)\n**LE** (\"the\" in \"French\") + **AGUE** (\"disease\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Narrow part said to be in line (6)","output":"### Answer: STRAIT \n ### Explanation: Narrow part said to be in line (6)\nHomophone of [*said to be*] **STRAIGHT** (\"in line\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cut line by knot's end (5)","output":"### Answer: FILET \n ### Explanation: Cut line by knot's end (5)\n**FILE** (\"line\") *by* (kno)**T** [*'s end*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Away with this illicit cruiser! (4)","output":"### Answer: STOW \n ### Explanation: Away with this illicit cruiser! (4)\nIf you add AWAY to **STOW** you get STOWAWAY (\"an illicit cruiser\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Benefit of merger, say, shedding a work unit in New York (7)","output":"### Answer: SYNERGY \n ### Explanation: Benefit of merger, say, shedding a work unit in New York (7)\n**S**(a)**Y**\u00a0(say, *shedding* A)+** ERG** (\"work unit\") *in* **NY** (New York)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Woman's first man in Middle East (6)","output":"### Answer: MADAME \n ### Explanation: Woman's first man in Middle East (6)\n**ADAM** (\"first man\" *according to the Bible*) *in* **ME** (MIddle East)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Exciting time, coming by river (9)","output":"### Answer: ADVENTURE \n ### Explanation: Exciting time, coming by river (9)\n**ADVENT** (\"coming\") *by* (river) **URE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dubliner tempted to incorporate still (5)","output":"### Answer: INERT \n ### Explanation: Dubliner tempted to incorporate still (5)\nHidden in \"dubl**INER T**empted\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Swimming pool covers last bit of rear deck (5)","output":"### Answer: ORLOP \n ### Explanation: Swimming pool covers last bit of rear deck (5)\n***(pool)** *covers* [*last bit of*] (rea)**R"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Six nap fitfully close to futon (4-5)","output":"### Answer: HALF-DOZEN \n ### Explanation: Six nap fitfully close to futon (4-5)\n**HALF-DOZE** (\"nap fitfully\") + [*close to*] (futo)**N"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Caught monkey pinching old racket (8)","output":"### Answer: CLANGOUR \n ### Explanation: Caught monkey pinching old racket (8)\n**C** (caught, in cricket) + **LANGUR** (\"monkey\") *pinching* **O** (old)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: He's promised work in cafe (6)","output":"### Answer: FIANCE \n ### Explanation: He's promised work in cafe (6)\n***(in cafe)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Flat piece journalist's brought in (6)","output":"### Answer: BEDSIT \n ### Explanation: Flat piece journalist's brought in (6)\n**BIT** (\"piece\") with **ED'S** (\"journalist's\") **brought in"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Good getting on high-priority film (4,4)","output":"### Answer: GOLD RUSH \n ### Explanation: Good getting on high-priority film (4,4)\n**G** (good) + **OLD** (\"getting on\") + **RUSH** (\"high-priority\" as in \"rush job\") \n*I assume that Redshank is referring to the classic Chaplin movie where the tramp is so hungry he is forced to eat his own boot, but that was called \"THE Gold Rush\"\". There have been movies called \"Gold Rush\" but none worthy of inclusion in a crossword."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lost again at sea, longing for home (9)","output":"### Answer: NOSTALGIA \n ### Explanation: Lost again at sea, longing for home (9)\n***(lost again)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Excellent posh weekends during every year (5)","output":"### Answer: PUKKA \n ### Explanation: Excellent posh weekends during every year (5)\n**U** (\"posh\") + **KK** (end of \"week\" twice, so \"weekends\")* during* **PA** (per annum, i.e. \"every year\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mariners start to inscribe bone collections (5)","output":"### Answer: TARSI \n ### Explanation: Mariners start to inscribe bone collections (5)\n**TARS** (\"mariners\") + [*start to*] **I**(nscribe)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Magazine writer's breaking reading deadline (4,5)","output":"### Answer: TIME LIMIT \n ### Explanation: Magazine writer's breaking reading deadline (4,5)\n**TIME** (\"magazine\") + **I'M** (\"writer's\") *breaking* **LIT**(erature) (\"reading\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A sibling maintains pose unchanged (2,2,2)","output":"### Answer: AS IT IS \n ### Explanation: A sibling maintains pose unchanged (2,2,2)\n*I think this is an error as the word play gives us A SIS (\"sibling\") maintaining SIT (\"pose\") which leads to AS(S IT) IS"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Beer with no heart judged to have a head? (7)","output":"### Answer: AERATED \n ### Explanation: Beer with no heart judged to have a head? (7)\n**A**(l)**E** (\"beer\" *with no heart*) + **RATED** (\"judged\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: How sad can it be, reshuffling opposition leaders (6,7)","output":"### Answer: SHADOW CABINET \n ### Explanation: How sad can it be, reshuffling opposition leaders (6,7)\n***(how sad can it be)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Make short work of English lines collected by star (7)","output":"### Answer: NOVELLA \n ### Explanation: Make short work of English lines collected by star (7)\n**E** (English) **LL** (lines) *collected by* **NOVA** (\"star\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Quickly make\u00a0approach (3-2)","output":"### Answer: RUN-UP \n ### Explanation: Quickly make\u00a0approach (3-2)\nDouble definition, although the first would not have the hyphen."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Boyish solver, thoughtful, ought to leave (8)","output":"### Answer: YOUTHFUL \n ### Explanation: Boyish solver, thoughtful, ought to leave (8)\n**YOU** (\"solver\") + **TH**(ought)**FUL\u00a0"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Light cloth mostly covering energy breakfast (6)","output":"### Answer: MUESLI \n ### Explanation: Light cloth mostly covering energy breakfast (6)\n**MUSLI**(n) (\"light cloth\" *mostly*) *covering* **E** (energy)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wimp forgot his lines, hung up on other line (4-5)","output":"### Answer: DRIP-DRIED \n ### Explanation: Wimp forgot his lines, hung up on other line (4-5)\n**DRIP** (\"wimp\") + **DRIED** (\"forgot his lines\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Prayer leader regularly immured in cramping zones (7)","output":"### Answer: MUEZZIN \n ### Explanation: Prayer leader regularly immured in cramping zones (7)\n[r*egularly*] (i)**M**(m)**U**(r)**E**(d) **IN** *cramping* **ZZ** (zones)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Kindly offered to accept card (13)","output":"### Answer: TENDERHEARTED \n ### Explanation: Kindly offered to accept card (13)\n**TENDERED** (\"offered\") *to accept* **HEART** (\"card\" suit)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Distribute gratuities, ignoring European picker (9)","output":"### Answer: GUITARIST \n ### Explanation: Distribute gratuities, ignoring European picker (9)\n***(gratuitis)** being GRATUITI(e)S *ignoring* E (European)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stewed ox meat one answer for blood problem (8)","output":"### Answer: TOXAEMIA \n ### Explanation: Stewed ox meat one answer for blood problem (8)\n***(ox meat)** +** I** (\"one\") + **A** (answer)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Abandons son leaving courses (7)","output":"### Answer: DESERTS \n ### Explanation: Abandons son leaving courses (7)\nS (son) *leaving* **DES**(s)**ERTS** (\"courses\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Blue Berets stayed guarding male in a mess (7)","output":"### Answer: UNKEMPT \n ### Explanation: Blue Berets stayed guarding male in a mess (7)\n**UN** (United Nations, so \"Blue Berets\") + **KEPT** (\"stayed\") *guarding* **M** (male)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A billionaire's gems (6)","output":"### Answer: AGATES \n ### Explanation: A billionaire's gems (6)\n**A** + (Bill) **GATES** (\"billionaire\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Icy rivers protect city (5)","output":"### Answer: POLAR \n ### Explanation: Icy rivers protect city (5)\n(River) **PO** + **R** (river) *protect*** LA** (Los Angeles, so \"city\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Son quietly studied magazine feature (6)","output":"### Answer: SPREAD \n ### Explanation: Son quietly studied magazine feature (6)\n**S** (son) + **P** (piano, so \"quietly\") + **READ** (\"studied\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Virago shows impulsive desire in hot island (8)","output":"### Answer: HARRIDAN \n ### Explanation: Virago shows impulsive desire in hot island (8)\n**ID** (\"impulsibe desire\") *in* **H** (hot) **ARRAN** (\"island\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ravel Preludes caused dislike (8)","output":"### Answer: REPULSED \n ### Explanation: Ravel Preludes caused dislike (8)\n***(preludes)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bond role\u00a0in abundance (6)","output":"### Answer: GALORE \n ### Explanation: Bond role\u00a0in abundance (6)\nDouble definition, the first referring to Pussy Galore, a character in the Ian Fleming's *Goldfinger*, one of the James Bond books."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Short coat for dance in Madrid (6)","output":"### Answer: BOLERO \n ### Explanation: Short coat for dance in Madrid (6)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Forming concepts in hide at Iona (8)","output":"### Answer: IDEATION \n ### Explanation: Forming concepts in hide at Iona (8)\nHidden in \"h**IDE AT ION**a\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Barman and former drinkers right about police state? (5,7)","output":"### Answer: AARON COPLAND \n ### Explanation: Barman and former drinkers right about police state? (5,7)\n**AA** (Alcoholics Anonymous, so \"former drinkers\") + **R** (right) + **ON** (\"about\") + **COP** (\"police\") + **LAND** (\"state\") \n*In this clue, the \"bar\" in \"barman\" relates to musical bars, and Aaron Copland (1900-1990) was an American composer."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Free time promised in afternoon (4,8)","output":"### Answer: POST MERIDIEM \n ### Explanation: Free time promised in afternoon (4,8)\n***(time promised)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Prickly plant in a container like this (8)","output":"### Answer: ACANTHUS \n ### Explanation: Prickly plant in a container like this (8)\n**A CAN** (\"container\") + **THUS** (\"like this\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Shun Italian man denied introduction (6)","output":"### Answer: IGNORE \n ### Explanation: Shun Italian man denied introduction (6)\n(s)**IGNORE** (\"Italian man\", *denied introduction* i.e. having its first letter (introduction) removed)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Gloomy sergeant major in control (6)","output":"### Answer: DISMAL \n ### Explanation: Gloomy sergeant major in control (6)\n**SM** (sergeant major) *in* **DIAL** (\"control\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Agile duo animated in discussion (8)","output":"### Answer: DIALOGUE \n ### Explanation: Agile duo animated in discussion (8)\n***(agile duo)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Top property Balmoral perhaps (8)","output":"### Answer: HEADGEAR \n ### Explanation: Top property Balmoral perhaps (8)\n**HEAD** (\"top\") + **GEAR** (\"property\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Diocese no longer safe when leader deposed (6)","output":"### Answer: EXETER \n ### Explanation: Diocese no longer safe when leader deposed (6)\n**EX** (\"no longer\") + (p)**ETER** (\"safe\" with its *leader deposed*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Disinfectant fluid no help (6)","output":"### Answer: PHENOL \n ### Explanation: Disinfectant fluid no help (6)\n***(no help)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: High-spirited former soldier grabs cheap taxi (9)","output":"### Answer: EXUBERANT \n ### Explanation: High-spirited former soldier grabs cheap taxi (9)\n**EX** (\"former\") + (soldier) **ANT** *grabs*\u00a0**UBER** (\"cheap taxi\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dunderhead is on schedule to make speech (9)","output":"### Answer: DISCOURSE \n ### Explanation: Dunderhead is on schedule to make speech (9)\n**D**(under)[*head*] **IS** *on* **COURSE** (\"schedule\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Waller took top tip from Roach \u2013 piano's inside (7)","output":"### Answer: HADRIAN \n ### Explanation: Waller took top tip from Roach \u2013 piano's inside (7)\n**HAD** (\"took\") [*top tip from* **R**(oach) + (p)**IAN**o [*'s inside*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Villain has non-British accent (5)","output":"### Answer: ROGUE \n ### Explanation: Villain has non-British accent (5)\n[*non*-(B)ritish] (b)**ROGUE** (\"accent\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Maybe Auskerry has tenant? (5)","output":"### Answer: ISLET \n ### Explanation: Maybe Auskerry has tenant? (5)\n**IS LET** = \"has tenant\" \n*Auskerry is a small island in the Orkneys."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Announces scion delivered in travelling up (8)","output":"### Answer: AIRBORNE \n ### Explanation: Announces scion delivered in travelling up (8)\nHomophone of [*announces*] **HEIR BORN** (\"scion delivered\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Deadly snake with stinger losing weight (3)","output":"### Answer: ASP \n ### Explanation: Deadly snake with stinger losing weight (3)\n(w)**ASP** (\"stinger\" *losing* W (weight))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Start to speak pompously having necked one drink (9)","output":"### Answer: ORIGINATE \n ### Explanation: Start to speak pompously having necked one drink (9)\n**ORATE** (\"to speak pompously\") *having necked* **I** (\"one\") **GIN** (\"drink\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Grilled dish needs no Moselle in cooking (5,4)","output":"### Answer: LEMON SOLE \n ### Explanation: Grilled dish needs no Moselle in cooking (5,4)\n***(no moselle)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Margins trimmed, act as soon as Neo has plan (8)","output":"### Answer: CONCEIVE \n ### Explanation: Margins trimmed, act as soon as Neo has plan (8)\n[*margins trimmed*], (a)**C**(t) + **ONCE** (\"as soon as\") + **I'VE** (\"Neo has\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Something's dealt with (3)","output":"### Answer: MET \n ### Explanation: Something's dealt with (3)\nHidden in \"so**MET**hing\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One in clique imprisoned at Broadmoor finally (7)","output":"### Answer: INSIDER \n ### Explanation: One in clique imprisoned at Broadmoor finally (7)\n**INSIDE** (\"imprsioned\") *at* (broadmoo)**R** [*finally*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bird or carp in great river (6)","output":"### Answer: GROUSE \n ### Explanation: Bird or carp in great river (6)\n**GR** (great) + (river) **OUSE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Designated area in North Sea (5)","output":"### Answer: NAMED \n ### Explanation: Designated area in North Sea (5)\n**A** (area) *in* **N** (north) + **MED** (\"sea\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Share hole where fool incarcerates fifty (5)","output":"### Answer: HALVE \n ### Explanation: Share hole where fool incarcerates fifty (5)\n**HAVE** (\"fool\") *incarcerates*** L** (50, in Roman numerals) \n*Not sure what \"hole\" is doing in the clue?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Scotsman restricts fun one August (8)","output":"### Answer: MAJESTIC \n ### Explanation: Scotsman restricts fun one August (8)\n**MAC** (\"Scotsman\") *restricts* **JEST** (\"fun\") + **I** (\"one\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: I study boring books to impress (6)","output":"### Answer: INDENT \n ### Explanation: I study boring books to impress (6)\n**I** + **DEN** (\"study\") *boring* **NT** (New Testament, so \"books\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One who avoids commercial breaks always (6)","output":"### Answer: EVADER \n ### Explanation: One who avoids commercial breaks always (6)\n**AD** (\"commercial\")* breaks* **EVER** (\"always\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Irish province's city requiring name for church (8)","output":"### Answer: LEINSTER \n ### Explanation: Irish province's city requiring name for church (8)\n**LEI**(ce>**N**)**STER** (\"city\" with N (name) for CE (church (of England))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tail of golden retriever wags \u2013 that's cheeky (10)","output":"### Answer: IRREVERENT \n ### Explanation: Tail of golden retriever wags \u2013 that's cheeky (10)\n***(n retriever)** where N is [*tail of*] (golde)N"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Composer is left out (4)","output":"### Answer: IVES \n ### Explanation: Composer is left out (4)\n(l)**IVES** (\"is\" with L (left) *out*) \n*Refers to Charles Ives(1874-1954), an American composer"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Grain, or what you may do with grain, we hear? (6)","output":"### Answer: MILLET \n ### Explanation: Grain, or what you may do with grain, we hear? (6)\nHomophone of **MILL IT** (\"what you may do with grain\" [*we hear*])"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Animal is bound to stake first (8)","output":"### Answer: ANTELOPE \n ### Explanation: Animal is bound to stake first (8)\n**LOPE** (\"bound\") *with* **ANTE** (\"stake\") *first"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Representative thus embraces Chuck with my backing (8)","output":"### Answer: SYMBOLIC \n ### Explanation: Representative thus embraces Chuck with my backing (8)\n**SIC** (\"thus\") *embraces* (<=**LOB** (\"chuck\") *with* <=**MY**) [*backing*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rambling tirade by monarch (6)","output":"### Answer: ERRANT \n ### Explanation: Rambling tirade by monarch (6)\n**RANT** (\"tirade\") *by* **ER** (\"monarch\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Boom\u00a0box (4)","output":"### Answer: SPAR \n ### Explanation: Boom\u00a0box (4)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Visionary \u2013 gullible sort providing material (10)","output":"### Answer: SEERSUCKER \n ### Explanation: Visionary \u2013 gullible sort providing material (10)\n**SEER** (\"visionary\") + **SUCKER** (\"gullible sort\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Essential money to feed diminutive sort (8)","output":"### Answer: RUDIMENT \n ### Explanation: Essential money to feed diminutive sort (8)\n**DIME** (\"money\") *to feed* **RUNT** (\"diminutive sort\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Name Peter Ustinov's first novel (6)","output":"### Answer: REPUTE \n ### Explanation: Name Peter Ustinov's first novel (6)\n***(peter u)** where U is U(stinov) ['*s first*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Children learn about East Cheshire? (6)","output":"### Answer: CHEESE \n ### Explanation: Children learn about East Cheshire? (6)\n**CH** (children) + **<=SEE** (\"learn\" about) + **E** (east)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: No manners? That includes lawyer at present (8)","output":"### Answer: NOWADAYS \n ### Explanation: No manners? That includes lawyer at present (8)\n**NO WAYS** (\"manners\") *includes*** DA** (District Attorney, so \"lawyer\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Misfortune truly besets model after a day (9)","output":"### Answer: ADVERSITY \n ### Explanation: Misfortune truly besets model after a day (9)\n**VERY** (\"truly\") *besets* **SIT** (\"model\") *after* **A D** (day)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Supply has to last, right away (5)","output":"### Answer: ENDUE \n ### Explanation: Supply has to last, right away (5)\n**ENDU**(r)**E** (\"to last\" R (right) *away*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Plague emptied industrial plant (9)","output":"### Answer: TORMENTIL \n ### Explanation: Plague emptied industrial plant (9)\n**TORMENT** (\"plague\") + [*emptied*] **I**(ndustria)**L ***Tormentil is a plant with yellow flowers used for dyeing"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tree planted in centre of volcanic crater (7)","output":"### Answer: CALDERA \n ### Explanation: Tree planted in centre of volcanic crater (7)\n**ALDER** (\"tree\") *planted in* [*centre of*] (vol)**CA**(nic)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Nana's rheumatoid infection partly returned (5)","output":"### Answer: IDIOT \n ### Explanation: Nana's rheumatoid infection partly returned (5)\nHidden backwards in \"rheuma**TOID I**nfection\"\u00a0[*partly returned*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One makes spirits calm in the middle of rough ride (9)","output":"### Answer: DISTILLER \n ### Explanation: One makes spirits calm in the middle of rough ride (9)\n**STILL** (\"calm\") *in the middle of* ***(ride)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fine clothes top of expenses for family member (5)","output":"### Answer: NIECE \n ### Explanation: Fine clothes top of expenses for family member (5)\n**NICE** (\"fine\") *clothes* [*top of*] **E**(xpenses)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rake it in, working with rebel (9)","output":"### Answer: LIBERTINE \n ### Explanation: Rake it in, working with rebel (9)\n***(it in rebel)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Animal breeders regularly entering shed (4,5)","output":"### Answer: TREE SHREW \n ### Explanation: Animal breeders regularly entering shed (4,5)\n(b)**R**(e)**E**(d)**E**(r)**S** [*regularly*] *entering* **THREW** (\"shed\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Make jokes amiably or sarcastically? (9)","output":"### Answer: PUNGENTLY \n ### Explanation: Make jokes amiably or sarcastically? (9)\n**PUN** (\"make jokes\") + **GENTLY** (\"amiably\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Two-time, filled by passion? (5,2)","output":"### Answer: CHEAT ON \n ### Explanation: Two-time, filled by passion? (5,2)\n**CON** (\"two-time\") *filled by* **HEAT** (\"passion\") and &lit."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Opulent prince gets drunk (5)","output":"### Answer: PLUSH \n ### Explanation: Opulent prince gets drunk (5)\n**P** (prince) *gets* **LUSH** (\"drunk\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Kid had influence, so they say (5)","output":"### Answer: SUEDE \n ### Explanation: Kid had influence, so they say (5)\nHomophone of **SWAYED** (\"had influence\" [*so they say*])"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Police must restrain excited boy with bow (5)","output":"### Answer: CUPID \n ### Explanation: Police must restrain excited boy with bow (5)\n**CID** (Criminal Investigation Department, so \"police\") *must restrain* **UP** (\"excited\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rand maybe in transmission of data? One's choice no longer (5)","output":"### Answer: DAYNT \n ### Explanation: Definition: One's choice no longer\n**AYN** (Rand, maybe) *in* **DT** (data transmission) \nDaynt *is an archaic form of* dainty."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Extra Scotch, medium dry (4)","output":"### Answer: MAIR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Extra Scotch\n**M** (medium) + **AIR** (\"dry\") \nMair *is a Scottish variant of* more"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Spongy, running inside, like Pyramus' eyes? (10)","output":"### Answer: PORRACEOUS \n ### Explanation: Definition: like Pyramus' eyes?\n**POROUS** (\"spongy\") with **RACE** (\"running\") *inside* \n*In Act 5, Scene 1 of* A Midsummer Night's Dream, *the grieving Thisbe says of Pyramus*, \"his eyes were green as leeks\". Porraceous* means *leek-green*."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Boiled leeks containing slice of conference pear (6)","output":"### Answer: SECKEL \n ### Explanation: Definition: pear\n***(leeks)** *containing* [*slice of*] **C**(onference) \n*A *seckel* is a small red\/yellow *pear*."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cavity's rent a molar? More treated with this (6)","output":"### Answer: ANTRAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Cavity's\n***(rent a molar)** gives MORE ANTRAL"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Vertebrate of a kind from America I included in observation (7)","output":"### Answer: AMNIOTE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Vertebrate of a kind \n**AM** (America) + **I** *included in* **NOTE** (\"observation\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Always having to turn in, the moment causing irritation for the poet (7)","output":"### Answer: NOYANCE \n ### Explanation: Definition: irritation for the poet \n**<=AY** [*having to turn*] *in* **NONCE** (\"the moment\") \nNoyance i*s a poetic version of annoyance."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Claret vessel: a little left after meal imbibed by those that shouldn't? (5)","output":"### Answer: AORTA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Claret vessel\n**ORT** (\"a little left after a meal\") *imbibed by* **AA** (Alcoholics Anonymous, i.e. \"those that shouldn't (imbibe claret))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hip flask of yesteryear bedecked corslet (7)","output":"### Answer: COSTREL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Hip flask of yesteryear\n*(corslet) \n*A *costrel *was a flask, hung at the waist."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Woman, twice married, breaking cover, causing confusion locally (7)","output":"### Answer: WHEMMLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: confusion locally\n**W** (woman) + **MM** (\"twice married\") *breaking* **HELE** (archaic word for \"cover\") \nWhemmle *is a dialect word for *confusion."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bill, aged, shivering like poor Tom (tragically) (5)","output":"### Answer: ACOLD \n ### Explanation: Definition: shivering like poor Tom (tragically)\nAC (account, so \"bill\") + OLD (\"aged\") \n*In Act 3, Scene 4 of *King Lear,* Edgar declares \"Bless thy five wits! *Tom's a-cold*\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cavities requiring return of doctor, no longer healthy (7)","output":"### Answer: HOLESOM \n ### Explanation: Definition: no longer healthy\n**HOLES** (\"cavities\") *require* **<=MO** (return of \"doctor\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Quite pooped (as once)? Take a nap round opportune time (7)","output":"### Answer: NOSELED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Quite pooped (as once)\n**NOD** (\"take a nap\") *round* **SELE** (a time of happiness, so \"opportune time\") \nNoseled *means* fooled completely"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Creon, or the edict he issued? (6)","output":"### Answer: THEBAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Creon\nTHE EDICT (\"ban\") \nCreon *was the ruler of Thebes in the legend of Oedipus, in Greek mythology."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Beast reminding one of Hitler, equipment stuff being one short! (6)","output":"### Answer: RIGLIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Beast reminding one of Hitler\n**RIG** (\"equipment\") + **LIN**(e) (\"stuff\" *being one* (letter) *short*) \n*A *riglin* is an animal with only one testicle. In urban mythology, Hitler is reputed to have had only one testicle. A song often sung in my childhood implied that the other was in the Albert Hall, and that it had been removed by his own mother."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Shortening not in a crust? It ruins more than one of these (10)","output":"### Answer: TRUNCATION \n ### Explanation: Definition: Shortening\n***(not in a crust)** provides TRUNCATIONS (i.e. more than one)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Some times are bewildering by the sound of it (4)","output":"### Answer: DAYS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Some times\nHomophone [*by the sound of it*] of **DAZE** (\"are bewildering\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Yearlings stop joining gee-gees (5)","output":"### Answer: HOGGS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Yearlings\n**HO** (\"stop\") *joining* **GGS** (gee-gees)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Able to see clearly again (chains tended to be loosened) (12)","output":"### Answer: DISENCHANTED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Able to see clearly again\n***(chains tended)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Being a primate, he turned up with ordinary, entering a school (7)","output":"### Answer: APEHOOD \n ### Explanation: Definition: Being a primate\n**<=HE** [*turned up*] *with* **O** (ordinary) *entering* **A POD** (\"school\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Company sent up king causing some laughter in theatre (4)","output":"### Answer: YOCK \n ### Explanation: Definition: some laughter in theatre\n**<=COY** (company, *sent up*) + **K** (king)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wooden bit of tableware shunned by upper-class (5)","output":"### Answer: TREEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Wooden\n**T**(u)**REEN** (\"bit of silverware\") *shunned by* U (upper-class)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Grand, in the manner of sporting occasion (4)","output":"### Answer: GALA \n ### Explanation: Definition: sporting occasion\n**G** (grand) + **A LA** (\"in the manner of\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bird in Shakespeare supposedly arrived in doubled piece of muslin (6)","output":"### Answer: SCAMEL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Bird in Shakespeare supposedly\n**CAME** (\"arrived\") *in*\u00a0[*double piece of*] (mu)**SL**(in) \n*According to Shakespeare, a *scamel* was a Norfolk godwit, but this may have been a misprint for a stannel."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: String-pullers formerly? I'm not one that's devious about money (9)","output":"### Answer: MOTIONMEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: String-pullers formerly?\n***(im not one)** *about* **M** (money) \nMotionmen *were puppeteers"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tincture seen in coloured glow, a rich orange (6)","output":"### Answer: AURORA \n ### Explanation: Definition: a rich orange\n*In* **AURA** (\"coloured glow\"), **OR** (\"tincture\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Left to rest, soldiers during rest disturbed getting discharges (12)","output":"### Answer: RELEASEMENTS \n ### Explanation: Definition: discharges\n**L** (left) + **EASE** (\"to rest\") + **MEN** (\"soldiers\") during ***(rest)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Racket, deviously subtle vehicle for campaigning Brexiteers? (9)","output":"### Answer: BATTLEBUS \n ### Explanation: Definition: vehicle for campaigning Brexiteers?\n**BAT** (\"tracket\") + ***(subtle)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Last jam? Shame to open it (7)","output":"### Answer: CLOSING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Last \n**CLOG**\u00a0(\"jam\") with **SIN** (\"shame\") *to open it."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Flowerbed came back to life with grass curtailed (6)","output":"### Answer: ROSERY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Flowerbed\n**ROSE** (\"came back to life\") *with* **RY**(e) (\"grass\" *curtailed*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: West Dorking church showing place of origin? (6)","output":"### Answer: WHENCE \n ### Explanation: Definition: place of origin?\n**W** (west) + **HEN** (of which \"Dorking\" is a breed) + **CE** (\"church\" of England)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Splat \u2013 I'll dive in. Jock's reluctant (5)","output":"### Answer: LAITH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Jock's reluctant\n**LATH** (\"splat\") with **I** *in* \nLaith *is the Scottish for* loath."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bother \u2013 nearly late, lift needed (4)","output":"### Answer: DRAT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Bother \n**<=TARD**(y) (*nearly* \"late\", *lift*ed)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: When it's missing leg, inclined to go for big hit (4)","output":"### Answer: SLOG \n ### Explanation: Definition: big hi\n**SLO**(pin)**G**, (\"inclined\", *missing* PIN (\"leg\"))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mother's request for silk (6)","output":"### Answer: DAM ASK \n ### Explanation: Mother's request for silk (6)\n**DAM** (\"mother\") + **ASK** (\"request\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wisdom in town with elderly tourists? (8)","output":"### Answer: SAGACITY \n ### Explanation: Wisdom in town with elderly tourists? (8)\nSAGA is a travel firm which specialises in travel for the over 50s"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: No BAME person would spin such a harmless story (5,3)","output":"### Answer: WHITE LIE \n ### Explanation: No BAME person would spin such a harmless story (5,3)\n*BAME stands for Black, Asian and Minor Ethic, and has come to be mean \"non-white\" (son't like the term myself!)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Swears at area transport (6)","output":"### Answer: ABUSES \n ### Explanation: Swears at area transport (6)\n**A** (area) + **BUSES** (\"transport\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Partner briefly I used to connect with (2-2)","output":"### Answer: WI-FI \n ### Explanation: Partner briefly I used to connect with (2-2)\n**WIF**(e) (\"partner\", *briefly*) + **I"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Thinking timid agent needs replacing (10)","output":"### Answer: MEDITATING \n ### Explanation: Thinking timid agent needs replacing (10)\n***(timid agent)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Still\u00a0relaxing (2,4)","output":"### Answer: AT REST \n ### Explanation: Still\u00a0relaxing (2,4)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Recipe ingredients x-rayed, suspiciously found across motorway (5-3)","output":"### Answer: READY-MIX \n ### Explanation: Recipe ingredients x-rayed, suspiciously found across motorway (5-3)\n***(xrayed)** *across* **M** (motorway)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Break time at school? (4-4)","output":"### Answer: HALF-TE~RM \n ### Explanation: Break time at school? (4-4)\nBarely cryptic defintion"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sort of house, nothing secret when in it (6)","output":"### Answer: PUBLIC \n ### Explanation: Sort of house, nothing secret when in it (6)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Shock as canal sides crumble (10)","output":"### Answer: SCANDALISE \n ### Explanation: Shock as canal sides crumble (10)\n***(canal sides)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The first colour? (4)","output":"### Answer: GOLD \n ### Explanation: The first colour? (4)\nCryptic defintion \u2013 gold being the mormal colour of a winner's medal."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Attractive cave reached round river (6)","output":"### Answer: GROTTO \n ### Explanation: Attractive cave reached round river (6)\n**GOT TO** (\"reached\") *around* **R** (river)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Be a soldier without sleeves, do we hear? (4,4)","output":"### Answer: BEAR ARMS \n ### Explanation: Be a soldier without sleeves, do we hear? (4,4)\nHomophone of **BARE ARMS** (\"without sleeves\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: In rear limb, large scab (8)","output":"### Answer: BLACKLEG \n ### Explanation: In rear limb, large scab (8)\n**L** (large)*\u00a0in* **BACK LEG** (\"rear limb\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Judge's job is tedious (6)","output":"### Answer: TRYING \n ### Explanation: Judge's job is tedious (6)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Book\u00a0Silent Night, for one (1,9,5)","output":"### Answer: A CHRISTMAS CAROL \n ### Explanation: Book\u00a0Silent Night, for one (1,9,5)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Step into A&E, Fred! (7)","output":"### Answer: ASTAIRE \n ### Explanation: Step into A&E, Fred! (7)\n**STAIR** (\"step\") into** A** + **E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Like Metro to travel a distance (9)","output":"### Answer: KILOMETRE \n ### Explanation: Like Metro to travel a distance (9)\n***(like metro)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Extravagant\u00a0poet? (7)","output":"### Answer: SPENDER \n ### Explanation: Extravagant\u00a0poet? (7)\nDouble defintiion, the second referring to Stephen Spender"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Enormous pair of soldiers (5)","output":"### Answer: GIANT \n ### Explanation: Enormous pair of soldiers (5)\n**G.I.\u00a0**(American \"soldier\") +**\u00a0**\u00a0(soldier)\u00a0**ANT"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Run through Cumbria, say \u2014 it's rural (7)","output":"### Answer: COUNTRY \n ### Explanation: Run through Cumbria, say \u2014 it's rural (7)\n**R** (run) *through* **COUNTY** (\"Cumbria, say\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Book male unseen (3,9,3)","output":"### Answer: THE INVISIBLE MAN \n ### Explanation: Book male unseen (3,9,3)\n**THE INVISIBLE** (\"unseen\") + **MAN** (\"male\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dessert created by small program with skill (5,4)","output":"### Answer: APPLE TART \n ### Explanation: Dessert created by small program with skill (5,4)\n**APPLET** (\"small program\") *with* **ART** (\"skill\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Enthusiast I dressed in flowing caftan (7)","output":"### Answer: FANATIC \n ### Explanation: Enthusiast I dressed in flowing caftan (7)\n**I** *dressed in* ***(caftan)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Result of operation of prison sewer? (7)","output":"### Answer: MAILBAG \n ### Explanation: Result of operation of prison sewer? (7)\nPrisoners used to sew mailbags (don't know if they still do that kind of thing)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Grab woman who's on the streets (3,4)","output":"### Answer: BAG LADY \n ### Explanation: Grab woman who's on the streets (3,4)\n**BAG** (\"grab\") + **LADY** (\"woman\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Some coral with a heavy price (5)","output":"### Answer: ATOLL \n ### Explanation: Some coral with a heavy price (5)\n**A TOLL** (\"heavy price\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Term of endearment ultimately seems false to the queen (8)","output":"### Answer: SEMESTER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Term\n***(t seems)** where the T is (endearmen)T [*ultimately*] *to* **ER** (\"the Queen\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Insist upon agreement with Republican for nomination in the first place (6)","output":"### Answer: ASSERT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Insist upon\n**ASSE**(n>**R**)**T\u00a0**(\"agreement\" with R (Republican) *replaced by* [for] N(omination) [*in the first place*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: King gets to regret embracing one side then the other (5)","output":"### Answer: RULER \n ### Explanation: Definition: King\n**RUE** (\"to regret\") *embracing* **L** (left, \"one side\") *then* **R** (right, \"the other\" (side))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Intense love for Australian girl into dancing (9)","output":"### Answer: ADORATION \n ### Explanation: Definition: Intense love\n**A** (Australian) +** DORA** (\"girl\") + ***(into)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wicked on hiding lots of money in game (9)","output":"### Answer: BADMINTON \n ### Explanation: Definition: game\n**BAD** (\"wicked\") + **ON** *hiding* **MINT** (\"lots of money\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hastily construct one before dog comes back after run (3,2)","output":"### Answer: RIG UP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Hastily construct\n**I** (\"one\") *before* **<=PUG** (\"dog\" *comes* *back*) *after* **R** (run)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A yacht found destroyed in China years ago (6)","output":"### Answer: CATHAY \n ### Explanation: Definition: China years ago\n***(a yacht)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Find fault with American revolutionary's sense of style (7)","output":"### Answer: PANACHE \n ### Explanation: Definition: sense of style\n**PAN** (\"find fault with\") + **A** (American) + **CHE** (Guevara) (\"revolutionary\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A bit vulgar to interrupt golfer from the east (7)","output":"### Answer: SNAFFLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: A bit\n**NAFF** (\"vulgar\") *to interrupt* **<=ELS** (\"golfer\" read\u00a0*from the east*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Present after work to make an objection (6)","output":"### Answer: OPPOSE \n ### Explanation: Definition: to make an objection\n**POSE** (\"present\") *after* **OP** (opus, so \"work\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Change of key Berry oddly ignored (5)","output":"### Answer: ALTER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Change\n**ALT** (\"key\" on a computer keyboard) + (b)**E**(r)**R**(y) [*odd* letters *ignored*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Peto taking note after Geordie fellow's last to leave when drunk (9)","output":"### Answer: INEBRIATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: drunk\n**I** (\"peto\") *taking*** TE** (\"note\") *after* **NE** (north-east, so \"Geordie\") + **BRI**A(n) (\"fellow\", its last letter left), so **I(NE-BRIA)TE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unusual answer not entirely bad following denial by mother (9)","output":"### Answer: ANOMALOUS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Unusual\n**A** (answer) + [*not entirely*] **LOUS**(y) (\"bad\") *following* **NO** (\"denial\") *by* **MA** (\"mother\"), so** A(NO-MA)LOUS"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: An offering from Tarantino is expected to cause a row (5)","output":"### Answer: NOISE \n ### Explanation: Definition: a row\nHidden in [*an offering from*] \"tarantiN**O IS E**xpected\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Corrects aim in small spaces (6)","output":"### Answer: EMENDS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Corrects\n**END** (\"aim\") *in* **EMS** (\"small spaces\" in printing)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One try after another elicits an exclamation of approval (4,4)","output":"### Answer: HEAR HEAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: an exclamation of approval\n**HEAR** (\"try\") *one after the other"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Writer seen in brothel in Esher regularly (6)","output":"### Answer: SCRIBE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Writer\n**CRIB** (\"brothel\") *in* (e)**S**(h)**E**(r) [*regularly*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mother describing older doctor's excessively theatrical behaviour (9)","output":"### Answer: MELODRAMA \n ### Explanation: Definition: excessively theatrical behaviour\n**MAMA** (\"mother\") *describing* ***(older)** \n*I don't like the use of \"doctor\" as an anagrind in this clue. \"Doctor\" has to be used as a verb if it is to be used as an indicator, and so should come before the anagram fodder in the clue."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Easy for Frank (15)","output":"### Answer: STRAIGHTFORWARD \n ### Explanation: Definition: Easy\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Just insist on getting Lydney evacuated (7)","output":"### Answer: EXACTLY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Just\n**EXACT** (\"insist on\") *getting* **L**(ydne)**Y** [evacuated]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Call after argument with associate of training provider (8,7)","output":"### Answer: SPARRING PARTNER \n ### Explanation: Definition: training provider\n**RING** (\"call\") *after* **SPAR** (\"argurment\") *with* **PARTNER** (\"associate\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Looking carefully at letters from Heaney in Gaelic (5)","output":"### Answer: EYING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Looking carefully at\nHidden in [*letters from*] \"hean**EY IN G**aelic\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Writer upholding general quality shown by Mahler's first musical composition (4,4)","output":"### Answer: TONE POEM \n ### Explanation: Definition: musical composition\n(Edgar Allan) **POE** (\"writer\") *upholding* **TONE** (\"general quality\") *shown by* **M**(ahler) ['*s first*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ripped apart from boat returning full of soldiers (4,2)","output":"### Answer: TORN UP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Ripped apart\n**<=PUNT** (\"boat\" *returning*)* full of* **OR** (other ranks, so \"soldiers\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dispense with players in reserve (4,5)","output":"### Answer: CAST ASIDE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Dispense wit\n**CAST** (\"players\") + **ASIDE** (\"in reserve\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Slip out to catch rising lawyer's daring act (8)","output":"### Answer: ESCAPADE \n ### Explanation: Definition: daring act\n**ESCAPE** (\"slip out\") *to catch* [*rising*] **<=DA** (district attorney, so \"lawyer\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Inventing is done by an inventor (6)","output":"### Answer: EDISON \n ### Explanation: Definition: an inventor\n***(is done)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Disregard on account of experience (7)","output":"### Answer: OVERSEE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Disregard\n**OVER** (\"on account of\") + **SEE** (\"experience\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Facing material changes to revenue after United's expulsion (6)","output":"### Answer: VENEER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Facing material\n***(revene)** which is REVEN(u)E with U (united) *expelled"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Right about old exercises in figurative language (5)","output":"### Answer: TROPE \n ### Explanation: Definition: figurative language\n**<=RT** (right, about) + **O** (old) **PE** (physical exercise, so \"exercises\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Let learner driver move gradually (5)","output":"### Answer: LEASE \n ### Explanation: Let learner driver move gradually (5)\n**L** (learner) + **EASE** (\"move gradually\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Engineer crying out for agreement (9)","output":"### Answer: CONGRUITY \n ### Explanation: Engineer crying out for agreement (9)\n***(crying out)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Boozers pick up rubbish, according to Spooner (4,5)","output":"### Answer: BEER HALLS \n ### Explanation: Boozers pick up rubbish, according to Spooner (4,5)\n**HEAR** (\"pick up\") + **BALLS** (\"rubbish') given the Spooner treatment"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Looking for more nuts, first off (5)","output":"### Answer: AFTER \n ### Explanation: Looking for more nuts, first off (5)\n(d)**AFTER** (\"more nuts\"* first off*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Italian food, craft gin and endless chocs (7)","output":"### Answer: GNOCCHI \n ### Explanation: Italian food, craft gin and endless chocs (7)\n***(gin choc)\u00a0** where CHOC is [*endless*] CHOC(s)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Clouds of particles and gas obscure bus lane (7)","output":"### Answer: NEBULAS \n ### Explanation: Clouds of particles and gas obscure bus lane (7)\n***(bus lane)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Make broader jam-makers retreat (5)","output":"### Answer: WIDEN \n ### Explanation: Make broader jam-makers retreat (5)\n**WI** (Womens Insitute, so \"jam-malers\") + **DEN** (\"retreat\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: For instance, millions in profits for energy suppliers (3,5)","output":"### Answer: GAS MAINS \n ### Explanation: For instance, millions in profits for energy suppliers (3,5)\n**AS** (\"for instance\") + **M** (millions) *in* **GAINS** (\"profits\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hate a Danish physicist after change of heart (5)","output":"### Answer: ABHOR \n ### Explanation: Hate a Danish physicist after change of heart (5)\n**A** (Niels) **B**(oh>**HO**)**R\u00a0**(\"Danish physicist\" with his *heart* (ie central letters) *changed*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tackle coverage of unknown weather features (1-6)","output":"### Answer: Y FRONTS \n ### Explanation: Tackle coverage of unknown weather features (1-6)\n**Y** ('unknown\" in maths) + **FRONTS** (\"weather features\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Beginning new push to the summit (7)","output":"### Answer: NASCENT \n ### Explanation: Beginning new push to the summit (7)\n**N** (new) + **ASCENT** (\"push to the summit\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wayward emu regularly hiding object (5)","output":"### Answer: DEMUR \n ### Explanation: Wayward emu regularly hiding object (5)\nHidden in \"waywar**D EMU R**egularly\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Jockey let a horse give up (4,5)","output":"### Answer: LOSE HEART \n ### Explanation: Jockey let a horse give up (4,5)\n***(let a horse)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unguardedly messages one back, opening spontaneously (9)","output":"### Answer: EXTEMPORE \n ### Explanation: Unguardedly messages one back, opening spontaneously (9)\n(t)**EXT**(s) (*unguardedly* \"messages\") +\u00a0**<=ME** (\"one\" back) + **PORE** (\"opening\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Small sailor pursuing large hunk (4)","output":"### Answer: SLAB \n ### Explanation: Small sailor pursuing large hunk (4)\n**S** (small) + **AB** (able-bodied \"seaman\") *pursuing*** L** (large)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Perhaps doctor's responsibility is to examine piles? (8)","output":"### Answer: CASELOAD \n ### Explanation: Perhaps doctor's responsibility is to examine piles? (8)\n**CASE** (\"to examine\") + **LOAD** (\"piles\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mediocre housing officers finally get engaged (4)","output":"### Answer: MESH \n ### Explanation: Mediocre housing officers finally get engaged (4)\n**MEH** (\"mediocre\") *housing* (officer)**S** [finally]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Shy guards gather briefly, having a row (8)","output":"### Answer: SCULLING \n ### Explanation: Shy guards gather briefly, having a row (8)\n**SLING** (\"shy\") *guards* **CUL**(l) (\"gather\" *briefly*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Time to leave African capital, working in harmony (6)","output":"### Answer: UNISON \n ### Explanation: Time to leave African capital, working in harmony (6)\n(t)**UNIS** (African capital, with T (time) *left*) + **ON** (\"working\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cook modest Arab dishes (10)","output":"### Answer: DREAMBOATS \n ### Explanation: Cook modest Arab dishes (10)\n***(modest arab)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Some jovial intellectuals beam (6)","output":"### Answer: LINTEL \n ### Explanation: Some jovial intellectuals beam (6)\nHidden in [some] \"jovia**L INTEL**lectuals\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Philosopher regularly ignoring Mary Beard (4)","output":"### Answer: AYER \n ### Explanation: Philosopher regularly ignoring Mary Beard (4)\n[*regularly ignoring*] (m)**A**(r)**Y**(b)**E**(a)**R**(d) \n*Refers to A.J. Ayer (1910-1989)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Clumsy wit upset discontented killjoy (5)","output":"### Answer: GAWKY \n ### Explanation: Clumsy wit upset discontented killjoy (5)\n**<=WAG** (\"wit\" *upset*) + [*discontented*] **K**(illjo)**Y"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fellow convent dweller is involved in tattoos and riddles (10)","output":"### Answer: CONUNDRUMS \n ### Explanation: Fellow convent dweller is involved in tattoos and riddles (10)\n**CO-NUN** (\"fellow convent dweller\") + **DRUMS** (\"is involved in tattoos\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tail of famous clownfish (5)","output":"### Answer: SPRAT \n ### Explanation: Tail of famous clownfish (5)\n[tail of] (famou)**S** + **PRAT** (\"clown\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Most Greek wine is revolting and evil (8)","output":"### Answer: SINISTER \n ### Explanation: Most Greek wine is revolting and evil (8)\n(**<=RETSIN**(a) (*most* \"Greek wine\") + **IS)**\u00a0[*revolting*, ie up]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Priestly dictator's loftier loft (8)","output":"### Answer: HIERATIC \n ### Explanation: Priestly dictator's loftier loft (8)\nHomophone of [*dictator's*] **HIGHER ATTIC** (\"loftier loft\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Small and extremely radioactive speck of dust (6)","output":"### Answer: REMOTE \n ### Explanation: Small and extremely radioactive speck of dust (6)\n[*extremely*] **R**(adioactiv)**E** + **MOTE** (\"speck of dust\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Local tinned potatoes in Delhi? (6)","output":"### Answer: SALOON \n ### Explanation: Local tinned potatoes in Delhi? (6)\n**ALOO** (\"potatoes in Delhi\") in **Sn** (chemical element for \"tin\") so ALOO is in TIN = \"*tinned*\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Five ducks plunged into water and perished (4)","output":"### Answer: DIED \n ### Explanation: Five ducks plunged into water and perished (4)\n**V** (five) *ducks *from **DI**(v)**ED** (\"plunged into water\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cannabis and ecstasy in prison (4)","output":"### Answer: HEMP \n ### Explanation: Cannabis and ecstasy in prison (4)\n**E** (ecstasy) *in* **HMP** (Her Majesty's \"Prison\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Donald, president of America, wearing turtleneck inside out (4)","output":"### Answer: TUSK \n ### Explanation: Donald, president of America, wearing turtleneck inside out (4)\n**US** (\"America\") *wearing* **T**(urtlenec)**K** with its *inside out"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Parasites stay endlessly in libations and fuzzboxes? (6,8)","output":"### Answer: POLICE STATIONS \n ### Explanation: Definition: fuzzboxes?\n**LICE** (\"parasites\") + **STA**(y) [*endlessly*] *in* **POTIONS** (\"libations\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: End of life, with me in NHS organisation tangle (6)","output":"### Answer: ENMESH \n ### Explanation: Definition: tangle\n***(e me nhs)\u00a0**where E is [*end of*] (lif)E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sensitive girl working with lace (8)","output":"### Answer: ALLERGIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: Sensitive\n***(girl lace)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Narcolepsy: philistine's disease (8)","output":"### Answer: SYPHILIS \n ### Explanation: Definition: disease \nHidden in \"narcolep**SY PHILIS**tine\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Part 2 of 7 in play, almost fluid (6)","output":"### Answer: PLASMA \n ### Explanation: Definition: fluid\n(org)**ASM** (\"part 2 of 7 (down))\u00a0*in* **PLA**(y) [*almost*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hasty\u00a010 reaction (4)","output":"### Answer: RASH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Hasty\nDouble definition, the 10 in the second one refers to 10 ac \u2013 allergic"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Early start in breaking ground experience (7)","output":"### Answer: UNDERGO \n ### Explanation: Definition: experience\n**E**(arly) [*start*] in ***(ground)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: No egalitarian is held with fists when stripped (7)","output":"### Answer: ELITIST \n ### Explanation: No egalitarian is held with fists when stripped (7)\n(h)**EL**(d)(w)**IT**(h) (f)**IST**(s)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pure\u00a0water (4)","output":"### Answer: MERE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Pure\nDouble defintion,\u00a0*though \"once pure water\" may have been better as MERE is an archaic term for PURE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Started to write in reference book (6)","output":"### Answer: OPENED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Started\n**PEN** (\"to write\") *in* **OED** (Oxford English Dictionary, so \"refernece book\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Honour singer if, as they say, you are leaving capital (8)","output":"### Answer: HONOLULU \n ### Explanation: Definition: capital \n**HONO**(ur) **LULU** (\"singer\") with homophone of **YOU ARE** (ur) [*as they say*] *leaving"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fall for vegetable clue? (4,4)","output":"### Answer: KEEL OVER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fall\n**KEEL OVER** could be a *clue* for \"vegetable\" (i.e. LEEK)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: It's hot and cold air essentially (6)","output":"### Answer: CHILLI \n ### Explanation: Definition: It's hot\n**CHILL** (\"cold\") + (a)**I**(r) [*essentially*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Italian stuttering advance in neat film (8,6)","output":"### Answer: ROMANTIC COMEDY \n ### Explanation: Definition: film \n**ROMAN** (\"Italian\") + **C-COME** (*stuttering* \"advance\") *in* **TIDY** (\"neat\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Resources deployed in game stew here (8,6)","output":"### Answer: PRESSURE COOKER \n ### Explanation: Definition: stew here\n***(resources)** *in* **POKER** (\"game\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pot palms may be a convenience for setter (8)","output":"### Answer: LAMPPOST \n ### Explanation: Definition: a convenience for setter\n***(pot palms)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Liquor drunk by domestic assistant (6)","output":"### Answer: CASSIS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Liquor\nHidden in [*drunk* *by*] \"domesti**C ASSIS**tant\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lecture discussing twisting force (4)","output":"### Answer: TALK \n ### Explanation: Definition: Lecture\nHomophone of [discussing] TORQUE (\"twisting force\") \n*I don't like homophones like these which assume that an R is not pronounced, because as a Scot, I pronounce TALK and TORQUE completely differently."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Divinity of people embracing our Lord, omnipotent God at first (8)","output":"### Answer: THEOLOGY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Divinity\n**THEY** (\"people\") *embracing* **O**(ur) **L**(ord) **O**(mnipotent) **G**(od) [*at first*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Creature leaving Northern Ireland's peak (6)","output":"### Answer: ORGASM \n ### Explanation: Definition: peak\n**ORG**A(ni)**SM** (\"creature\") from which NI (Northern Ireland) is *leaving"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Roughing it occurs easily in welfare (6,8)","output":"### Answer: SOCIAL SECURITY \n ### Explanation: Definition: welfare\n***(it occurs easily)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Being decent and tidying mess (7)","output":"### Answer: DIGNITY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Being decent\n***(tidying)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Awful noise around Gestapo meeting (7)","output":"### Answer: SESSION \n ### Explanation: Definition: meeting\n***(noise)** *about* **SS** (\"Gestapo\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rare occasion for adult to expose bottom (4,4)","output":"### Answer: BLUE MOON \n ### Explanation: Definition: Rare occasion\n**BLUE** (\"for adult\") + **MOON** (\"to expose bottom\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: In Spain, what disrupts lease arrangement produces consequences (8)","output":"### Answer: SEQUELAE \n ### Explanation: Definition: consequences\n**QUE** (in Spain, \"what\") *disrupts* ***(lease)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Reconsider\u00a0exchange (6)","output":"### Answer: REDEEM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Reconsider\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: I'm crying as I don't like this hospital food, essentially (6)","output":"### Answer: BOOHOO \n ### Explanation: Definition: I'm crying\n**BOO** (\"I don't like this\") + **H** (hospital) + (f)**OO**(d) [essentially]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: On the other hand, Goliath is a myth (4)","output":"### Answer: YETI \n ### Explanation: Definition: a myth\n**YET** (\"on the other hand\") +** I** (\"Goliath\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Louvre \u2014 bad design, or the French way? (9)","output":"### Answer: BOULEVARD \n ### Explanation: Louvre \u2014 bad design, or the French way? (9)\n***(louvre bad)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sound of car 8 (5)","output":"### Answer: AUDIO \n ### Explanation: Sound of car 8 (5)\n**AUDI** (\"car\") + **O** (love, solution to \"8\" down)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: It's said cool cat doesn't exist (7)","output":"### Answer: PHANTOM \n ### Explanation: It's said cool cat doesn't exist (7)\n*Homophone of* [it's said] **FAN** (\"cool\") + **TOM** (\"cat\") \n*Not keen on the definition part of this clue ('doesn't exist\" implies a verb rather than a noun or adjective)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Opening hole on first round provided water \u2014 that's hard (7)","output":"### Answer: ORIFICE \n ### Explanation: Opening hole on first round provided water \u2014 that's hard (7)\n**O** (\"hole\") *on* [*first*] **R**(ound) + **IF** (\"provided\") + **ICE** (\"water that's hard\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Work? Time for work (5)","output":"### Answer: OPERA \n ### Explanation: Work? Time for work (5)\n**OP** (opus, so \"work\") + **ERA** (\"time\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One who sings Bach, or is terrific indoors (9)","output":"### Answer: CHORISTER \n ### Explanation: One who sings Bach, or is terrific indoors (9)\nHidden in [*indoors*] \"ba**CH OR IS TER**rific\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unusually minor actor playing laird with irony (15)","output":"### Answer: EXTRAORDINARILY \n ### Explanation: Unusually minor actor playing laird with irony (15)\n**EXTRA** (\"minor actor\") + ***(laird irony)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sailor bitten by little rays (9)","output":"### Answer: STARLIGHT \n ### Explanation: Sailor bitten by little rays (9)\n**TAR** (\"sailor\") *bitten* *by* **SLIGHT** (\"little\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Smooth at first and the others are bristly (5)","output":"### Answer: SETAL \n ### Explanation: Smooth at first and the others are bristly (5)\n**S**(mooth) [*at* *first*] + **ET AL** (\"and the others\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old newspapers, say (7)","output":"### Answer: EXPRESS \n ### Explanation: Old newspapers, say (7)\n**EX** (\"old\", as in old girlfriend) + **PRESS** (\"newspapers\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Party time holding balloon in both hands? Check (7)","output":"### Answer: CONTROL \n ### Explanation: Party time holding balloon in both hands? Check (7)\n**CON** (conservative \"party\") + **T** (time) + **O** (\"balloon\") *in* **R** and **L** (right and left, so \"both hands\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Like Conservative to overturn place for meetings (5)","output":"### Answer: ASCOT \n ### Explanation: Like Conservative to overturn place for meetings (5)\n**AS** (\"like\") + **C** (Conservative) + **<=OT** [*overturn*] \n*In my opinion, this clue is faulty, as the grammar doesn't work (needs to be \"to overturn\" or \"overturned\")\u00a0"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Players react badly with opponents on board (9)","output":"### Answer: ACTRESSES \n ### Explanation: Players react badly with opponents on board (9)\n***(react)** [*badly*] *with* **SE** (South and East, \"opponents\" in bridge) in **SS** (in a steamship, so \"on board\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cardinal-bishop, university professor and nurses supply drugs (10)","output":"### Answer: IBUPROFENS \n ### Explanation: Cardinal-bishop, university professor and nurses supply drugs (10)\n**1** (\"cardinal\") + **B** (bishop) + **U** (university) + **PROF** (professor) + **ENS** ((enrolled) nurses)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Legal broker's underwater spy? (8)","output":"### Answer: SUBAGENT \n ### Explanation: Legal broker's underwater spy? (8)\nAn **AGENT** on a **SUB** could be an \"underwater spy\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Big German gun beginning to blast earth to pieces (6)","output":"### Answer: BERTHA \n ### Explanation: Big German gun beginning to blast earth to pieces (6)\n[*beginning* *to*] **B**(last) + ***(earth)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Friend gets married \u2026 to a tree? (4)","output":"### Answer: PALM \n ### Explanation: Friend gets married \u2026 to a tree? (4)\n**PAL** (\"friend\") *gets* **M** (married)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Philosopher lies to God, I suspect (10)","output":"### Answer: IDEOLOGIST \n ### Explanation: Philosopher lies to God, I suspect (10)\n***(lies to god i)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Herb I can mostly see in church (8)","output":"### Answer: BASILICA \n ### Explanation: Herb I can mostly see in church (8)\n**BASIL** (\"herb\") + **I CA**(n) [*mostly*] \n*Grammar again (CAN is mostly \"seen\", not see)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: They can't stop Dad dancing, not even in city (6)","output":"### Answer: ADDICT \n ### Explanation: They can't stop Dad dancing, not even in city (6)\n***(dad)** + **I**(n)**C**(i)**T**(y) \n*Assume \"they\" is being used as a gender neutral singular pronoun here?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: 50 + 0 + 5\/2 = 0? (4)","output":"### Answer: LOVE \n ### Explanation: 50 + 0 + 5\/2 = 0? (4)\n**L** (\"50\") + **O** + (fi)**VE** (half of \"5\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: King's vehicle: large, grand, posh, fast model (4,6)","output":"### Answer: CARL GUSTAF \n ### Explanation: King's vehicle: large, grand, posh, fast model (4,6)\n**CAR** (\"vehicle\") +** L** (large) + **G** (grand) + **U** (\"posh\") + ***fast) ***Carl Gustaf is the King od Sweden"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Best hand in the throne room? (5,5)","output":"### Answer: ROYAL FLUSH \n ### Explanation: Best hand in the throne room? (5,5)\n*In poker, a Royal Flush is the best hand, and you would hear a toilet flush in the \"throne room\" (\"throne\" is a light-hearted term for toilet seat)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Male's nit problem causes complaints (8)","output":"### Answer: AILMENTS \n ### Explanation: Male's nit problem causes complaints (8)\n***(male nits)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pursuit of profit (8)","output":"### Answer: INTEREST \n ### Explanation: Pursuit of profit (8)\nDoubel definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Appearance of muscle, in a way (6)","output":"### Answer: ASPECT \n ### Explanation: Appearance of muscle, in a way (6)\n**PEC** (\"muscle\" ) *in* **A ST** (street, so \"way\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Students upset group, at the end of the day (6)","output":"### Answer: SUNSET \n ### Explanation: Students upset group, at the end of the day (6)\n**<=NUS** (National Union of \"Students\", *upset*) + **SET** (\"group\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Revolting boy takes English test (4)","output":"### Answer: EXAM \n ### Explanation: Revolting boy takes English test (4)\n**<=MAX** (*revolting* \"boy\") *takes* **E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fans of whips? (4)","output":"### Answer: CATS \n ### Explanation: Fans of whips? (4)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Person in charge of restraining a madman (6)","output":"### Answer: MANIAC \n ### Explanation: Person in charge of restraining a madman (6)\n**MAN** (\"person\") +** IC** (\"in charge\") *restraining* **A ***The \"of\" is superfluous and not necessary for the surface, in my opinion"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Woolly sold before November in top wintry spell (4,4)","output":"### Answer: COLD SNAP \n ### Explanation: Woolly sold before November in top wintry spell (4,4)\n***(sold)** *before* **N** (november) *in* **CAP** (\"top\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Backing for musical dividing much of joint is an impediment (8)","output":"### Answer: OBSTACLE \n ### Explanation: Backing for musical dividing much of joint is an impediment (8)\n[*backing* *for*] **<=CATS** *dividing* [*much* *of*] **<=ELBO**(w)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Note repeatedly a name for artist (6)","output":"### Answer: TITIAN \n ### Explanation: Note repeatedly a name for artist (6)\n**TI TI** (\"note\" *repeatedly*) + **A N** (name)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Part of body on poster by a set of ships (6)","output":"### Answer: ARMADA \n ### Explanation: Part of body on poster by a set of ships (6)\n**ARM** (\"part of body\") *on* **AD** (\"poster\") *by* **A"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Emir wrongly receives support? It's not in order (8)","output":"### Answer: IMPROPER \n ### Explanation: Emir wrongly receives support? It's not in order (8)\n***(emir)** *receives* **PROP** (\"support\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Watch over a lot of agents getting hot dish (9,3)","output":"### Answer: SHEPHERDS PIE \n ### Explanation: Watch over a lot of agents getting hot dish (9,3)\n**SHEPHERD** (\"watch over\") + [*a lot of* ]** SPIE**(s) (\"agents\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Inspector with difficulty enters police site for summary (12)","output":"### Answer: DISTILLATION \n ### Explanation: Inspector with difficulty enters police site for summary (12)\n**DI** (detective \"inspector\") *with* **ILL** (\"difficulty\") *enters* **STATION** (\"police site\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Photo then altered with time off making one unawares (2,3,3)","output":"### Answer: ON THE HOP \n ### Explanation: Photo then altered with time off making one unawares (2,3,3)\n***(photo hen)\u00a0**where HEN is (t)HEN *with time off"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Protective cover taken by celebrity among the Spanish (6)","output":"### Answer: ENAMEL \n ### Explanation: Protective cover taken by celebrity among the Spanish (6)\n**NAME** (\"celebrity\") *among* **EL** (\"the\" in \"Spanish\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Eastern writer with odd bits of regret to come out (6)","output":"### Answer: EMERGE \n ### Explanation: Eastern writer with odd bits of regret to come out (6)\n**E** (eastern) + **ME** (\"writer\") *with* [*odd* *bits* *of*] **R**(e)**G**(r)**E**(t)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What's admitted by a worthless type, supplier of booze? (8)","output":"### Answer: ALEHOUSE \n ### Explanation: What's admitted by a worthless type, supplier of booze? (8)\n**EH** (\"what\") *admitted b*y **A LOUSE** (\"worthless type\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Overwhelm at home a French girlfriend (8)","output":"### Answer: INUNDATE \n ### Explanation: Overwhelm at home a French girlfriend (8)\n**IN** (\"at home\") + **UN** (\"a\" in \"French\") + **DATE** (\"girlfriend\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Was first to carry information for one with reputation? (6)","output":"### Answer: LEGEND \n ### Explanation: Was first to carry information for one with reputation? (6)\n**LED** (\"was first\") *to carry* **GEN** (\"information\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A first sign of untested brand in colour (6)","output":"### Answer: AUBURN \n ### Explanation: A first sign of untested brand in colour (6)\n**A** + [first sign of] **U**(ntested) + **BURN** (\"brand\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Current trouble in star among conservationists on a journey? (2,7)","output":"### Answer: IN TRANSIT \n ### Explanation: Current trouble in star among conservationists on a journey? (2,7)\n**I** (symbol for electrical \"current\") + ***(in star)** *among* **NT** (National Trust = \"conservationists\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Raise support in a league for bird (9)","output":"### Answer: COCKATEEL \n ### Explanation: Raise support in a league for bird (9)\n**COCK** (\"raise\") + **TEE** (\"support\") *in*** A L** (league)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: US singer is hard to value (7)","output":"### Answer: CHERISH \n ### Explanation: US singer is hard to value (7)\n**CHER** (\"US singer\") **IS H** (hard)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Eastern European, it's said, before court gets relief (3-2)","output":"### Answer: LET UP \n ### Explanation: Eastern European, it's said, before court gets relief (3-2)\nHomophone of **LETT** (\"eastern European\", *it's said*) + **UP** (\"before court\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fight in this way around uncovered pier (3-2)","output":"### Answer: SET TO \n ### Explanation: Fight in this way around uncovered pier (3-2)\n**SO** (\"in this way\") *around* [*uncovered*] (j)**ETT**(y) (\"pier\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Formal\u00a0don, say (8)","output":"### Answer: ACADEMIC \n ### Explanation: Formal\u00a0don, say (8)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Free journey that's mounted mostly (3)","output":"### Answer: RID \n ### Explanation: Free journey that's mounted mostly (3)\n**RID**(e) (\"journey that's mounted\", *mostly*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Here is tall criminal with no end of intent to cause trouble (5,4)","output":"### Answer: RAISE HELL \n ### Explanation: Here is tall criminal with no end of intent to cause trouble (5,4)\n***(here is all)** where ALL is (t) ALL *with no* [*end of*] (inten)T"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fake slogan around island no good for communal arts event (9)","output":"### Answer: SINGALONG \n ### Explanation: Fake slogan around island no good for communal arts event (9)\n***(slogan)** *around* **I** (island) + **NG** (no good)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One engaged by TV network in the morning working in brown (8)","output":"### Answer: CINNAMON \n ### Explanation: One engaged by TV network in the morning working in brown (8)\n**I** ('one\") *engaged by* **CNN** (\"TV network\") + **AM** (\"in the morning\") + **ON** (\"working\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Reserve\u00a0surface for curling (3)","output":"### Answer: ICE \n ### Explanation: Reserve\u00a0surface for curling (3)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Short ring of bells in part of church \u2013 or quiet (7)","output":"### Answer: APPEASE \n ### Explanation: Short ring of bells in part of church \u2013 or quiet (7)\n[*short*] **PEA**(l) (\"ring of bells\") *in* **APSE** (\"part of church\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: By the sound of it, reduce period in school (6)","output":"### Answer: LESSON \n ### Explanation: By the sound of it, reduce period in school (6)\nHomophone of [*by the sound of it*] **LESSEN** (\"reduce\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wading bird nesting in heather once (5)","output":"### Answer: HERON \n ### Explanation: Wading bird nesting in heather once (5)\nHidden [*nesting*]* in* \"heat**HER ON**ce\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Husband longing to attract a wild animal (5)","output":"### Answer: HYENA \n ### Explanation: Husband longing to attract a wild animal (5)\n**H** (husband) + **YEN** (\"longing\") *to attract* **A"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cancel recording in genuine circumstances (6)","output":"### Answer: REPEAL \n ### Explanation: Cancel recording in genuine circumstances (6)\n**EP** (extended play \"recording\") *in* **REAL** (\"genuine\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Shameless Mussorgsky introducing himself (8)","output":"### Answer: IMMODEST \n ### Explanation: Shameless Mussorgsky introducing himself (8)\n\"**I'M MODEST**\" is how Modest Mussorgsky, the 19th century Russian composer would have introduced himself, assuming he spoke English."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Value in tax with millions retrieved (5)","output":"### Answer: MERIT \n ### Explanation: Value in tax with millions retrieved (5)\n**<= TIRE** (\"tax\") *with* **M** (millions) [*retireved*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Northern gent with hair cut and close shave (4,5)","output":"### Answer: NEAR THING \n ### Explanation: Northern gent with hair cut and close shave (4,5)\n**N** (northern) + ***(gent hair)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ovid was mistaken to deny knowledge (7)","output":"### Answer: DISAVOW \n ### Explanation: Ovid was mistaken to deny knowledge (7)\n***(ovid was)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Satanic sort, very French, about to ensnare writer (7)","output":"### Answer: SERPENT \n ### Explanation: Satanic sort, very French, about to ensnare writer (7)\n**<=TRES** (\"very\" in \"French\") [*about*] *to snare* **PEN** (\"writer\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Does\u00a0spiritual work (4)","output":"### Answer: ACTS \n ### Explanation: Does\u00a0spiritual work (4)\nDouble definition, the second being a book of the Bible"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: New line sent west in cargo \u2014 foreign import? (8)","output":"### Answer: LOANWORD \n ### Explanation: New line sent west in cargo \u2014 foreign import? (8)\n**N** (new) + **<=ROW** (\"line\" sent west) *in* **LOAD** (\"cargo\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Animals involved in the chase? (8)","output":"### Answer: CHEETAHS \n ### Explanation: Animals involved in the chase? (8)\n***(the chase)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Collusion periodically revealed around European city (4)","output":"### Answer: OSLO \n ### Explanation: Collusion periodically revealed around European city (4)\n**<=**(c)**O**(l)**L**(u)**S**(i)**O**(n) [*periodically revealed*] [*around*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Saint Oswald inadvertently creates facetious precept (4,3)","output":"### Answer: SODS LAW \n ### Explanation: Saint Oswald inadvertently creates facetious precept (4,3)\n**S** (saint) + ***(oswald)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One likely to have some cracking thoughts? (7)","output":"### Answer: EGGHEAD \n ### Explanation: One likely to have some cracking thoughts? (7)\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cop and sailor fighting for citadel (9)","output":"### Answer: ACROPOLIS \n ### Explanation: Cop and sailor fighting for citadel (9)\n***(cop sailor)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Small portion without starter's more than enough (5)","output":"### Answer: AMPLE \n ### Explanation: Small portion without starter's more than enough (5)\n(s)**AMPLE** (\"small portion\" *without starter*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Gifts bestowed in important letter read out (8)","output":"### Answer: LARGESSE \n ### Explanation: Gifts bestowed in important letter read out (8)\nHomophone of [*read out*] **LARGE S** (\"important letter\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rather sharp gas inhaled (6)","output":"### Answer: FAIRLY \n ### Explanation: Rather sharp gas inhaled (6)\n**FLY** (\"sharp\", as in cunning) with **AIR** (\"gas\") *inhaled"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Army unit on call affording remedy (8)","output":"### Answer: REMEDIAL \n ### Explanation: Army unit on call affording remedy (8)\nREME (\"army unit\") on DIAL (\"call\") \n*The definition here is too obvious, given that the definition and solution share the first four letters."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Soldier thus hangs on to it like a leech (9)","output":"### Answer: PARASITIC \n ### Explanation: Soldier thus hangs on to it like a leech (9)\n**PARA** (\"soldier\") + **SIC** (\"thus\") *holds on to*** IT"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Court stops A4e having effect (6)","output":"### Answer: ACTIVE \n ### Explanation: Court stops A4e having effect (6)\n**CT** (court) *stops* **A-IV-E** (A4e) \n*A4e was a short-lived company set up to provide training to the unemployed. It was set up in 1991 and following a series of fraud investigations, it was closed in 2015."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Movable feasts? (5,2,6)","output":"### Answer: MEALS ON WHEELS \n ### Explanation: Movable feasts? (5,2,6)\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Over moon securing new pitch for province (7)","output":"### Answer: ONTARIO \n ### Explanation: Over moon securing new pitch for province (7)\n**O** (over) + **IO** (\"moon\" of Jupiter) *securing* **N** (new) **TAR** (\"pitch\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Selected as best piece in comparative literature (5)","output":"### Answer: ELITE \n ### Explanation: Selected as best piece in comparative literature (5)\nHidden in [piece in] \"comparativ**E LITE**rature\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Drunken son in mum's hosiery? (6)","output":"### Answer: TIGHTS \n ### Explanation: Drunken son in mum's hosiery? (6)\n**TIGHT** (\"drunken\") + **S** (son)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: State now uses wealth in reconstruction (3,5,5)","output":"### Answer: NEW SOUTH WALES \n ### Explanation: State now uses wealth in reconstruction (3,5,5)\n***(now uses wealth)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Underworld god to mitigate best friend's condition (9)","output":"### Answer: DISTEMPER \n ### Explanation: Underworld god to mitigate best friend's condition (9)\n**DIS** (\"underworld god\") + **TEMPER** (\"to mitigate\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Southern Railway carrying veteran warriors (8)","output":"### Answer: SOLDIERY \n ### Explanation: Southern Railway carrying veteran warriors (8)\n**S** (southern) + **RY** (railway) *carrying* **OLDIE** (\"veteran\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Obscure later note in City dishonesty (7)","output":"### Answer: ECLIPSE \n ### Explanation: Obscure later note in City dishonesty (7)\n**PS** (postscript so \"later note\") *in*\u00a0(**EC** (\"City\" of London postcode) +** LIE** (\"dishonesty\"))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Trouble when coming to coast (6)","output":"### Answer: ASSAIL \n ### Explanation: Trouble when coming to coast (6)\n**AS** (\"when\") *coming to* **SAIL** (\"coast\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Reptile disfiguring canal's central parts (6)","output":"### Answer: IGUANA \n ### Explanation: Reptile disfiguring canal's central parts (6)\n[*central parts*] of \"disf**IGU**ring c**ANA**l\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Painter, in mid-procedure, recaps (5)","output":"### Answer: DURER \n ### Explanation: Painter, in mid-procedure, recaps (5)\nHidden in \"proce**DURE R**ecaps\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Comic news bulletin from Spooner at Little Bighorn? (6,6)","output":"### Answer: BUSTER KEATON \n ### Explanation: Definition: Comic\nSpoonerism of **CUSTER BEATEN**, which could have been a \"news bulletin from Little Bighorn\" (ie Custer's Last Stand)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: He's taken off ceremonial hat to deliver speech (7)","output":"### Answer: ADDRESS \n ### Explanation: Definition: to deliver speech\n(he)**ADDRESS** (\"ceremonial hat\" with HE* taken off*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Italian barman returning home with endless hiccups (7)","output":"### Answer: PUCCINI \n ### Explanation: Definition: Italian barman\n[*returning*] **<=IN** (\"home\") + **<=**(h)**ICCUP**(s) [*endless*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Go fishing, bitterly cold in Tobol on vacation (5)","output":"### Answer: TRAWL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Go fishing\n**RAW** (\"bitterly cold\") *in* **T**(obo)**L** [*on vacation*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: 16 at sea \u2013 a few tending to worry (8)","output":"### Answer: FRETSOME \n ### Explanation: Definition: ending to worry\n**FRET** (\"mist at sea\", see answer to 16ac) + **SOME** (\"a few\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Totally special to get Hermes trousers (10)","output":"### Answer: ALTOGETHER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Totally\nHidden in (indicated by *trousers*) \"speci**AL TO GET HER**mes\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Monsieur's first film? (4)","output":"### Answer: MIST \n ### Explanation: Definition: film\n**M** (monsieur) + **1st"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Republican leaves loud party (4)","output":"### Answer: BASH \n ### Explanation: Definition: party\nR (republican) *leaves* **B**(r)**ASH"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Send over Britannic nickel to insulate home for some Ohioans? (10)","output":"### Answer: CINCINNATI \n ### Explanation: Definition: home for some Ohioans?\nHidden backwards in \"br**ITANNIC NIC**kel\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Phoenician state wagon \u2013 Tyre's last \u2013 transporting crone (8)","output":"### Answer: CARTHAGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Phoenician state\n**CART** (\"wagon\") + (tyr)**E** [*'s last*] *transporting* **HAG** (\"crone\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Middle East artist regularly getting distinction (5)","output":"### Answer: MERIT \n ### Explanation: Definition: distinction\n**ME** (Middle East) + (a)**R**(t)**I**(s)**T** [*regularly*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Folding towel, I'd time for a walk on the beach? (3,4)","output":"### Answer: LOW TIDE \n ### Explanation: Definition: time for a walk on the beach?\n***(towel id)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Knight blocking way in front of Her Majesty is just a big pussycat (7)","output":"### Answer: PANTHER \n ### Explanation: Definition: a big pussycat\n**N** (knight, in chess notation) *blocking* **PATH** (\"way\") *in front of* **ER** (Elizabeth Regina, \"her majesty\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Corrupt tycoons keep special constables in action (8,4)","output":"### Answer: KEYSTONE COPS \n ### Explanation: Definition: constables in action\n***(tycoons keep)** + **S** (special)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dollar bill avoided by Donald Trump? (2,5)","output":"### Answer: US DRAFT \n ### Explanation: Definition: avoided by Donald Trump?\nA dollar bill is US money and a draft is a \"money order\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Convert to eg holy study of religion (8)","output":"### Answer: THEOLOGY \n ### Explanation: Definition: study of religion\n***(to eg holy)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Healthy-looking Rovers striker embracing son (4)","output":"### Answer: ROSY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Healthy-looking \n**ROY** (of the \"Rovers\", \"striker: in a British comic) *embracing* **S** (son)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Witness former VP suppressing rising anger (10)","output":"### Answer: EXPERIENCE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Witness\n**EX** (\"former\") + (Mike) **PENCE** (\"VP\" of the US) *suppressing* [rising] **<=IRE** (\"anger\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Time to do something about independence, it's understood (5)","output":"### Answer: TACIT \n ### Explanation: Definition: it's understood\n**T** (time) + **ACT** (\"to do something\") *about* **I** (independence)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Terrible rain over outskirts of Burundi capital (7)","output":"### Answer: NAIROBI \n ### Explanation: Definition: capital \n***(rain)** + **O** (over) + [*outskirts* *of*] **B**(urund)**I"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hollywood giant's Byzantine bulky artefact? (5,8)","output":"### Answer: FATTY ARBUCKLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Hollywood giant\n***(bulky artefact)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Head of science institute loaned old Scot original English work featuring 1, 8 or the 28? (6,7)","output":"### Answer: SILENT PICTURE \n ### Explanation: Definition: work featuring 1, 8 or the 28?\n[*head of*] **S**(cience) + **I** (institute) +** LENT** (\"loaned\") + **PICT** (\"old Scot\") + **UR** (prefix meaning \"original\") + **E** (English)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Top actor Rhames under pressure, according to Spooner (6,4)","output":"### Answer: STRING VEST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Top\nSpoonerism of VING STRESSED (\"actor (Ving) Rhames under pressure\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: C'mon men! I ordered a reminder! (8)","output":"### Answer: MNEMONIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: a reminder\n***(cmon men i)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Scots departed to visit part of Guernsey, an island state (7)","output":"### Answer: SARAWAK \n ### Explanation: Definition: an island state\n**AWA** (\"Scots\" for \"departed\") *to visit* **SARK** (\"part of Guernsey\") \nSark forms part of the bailiwick of Sark, and Sarawak is a state of Malaysia on an island (Borneo) rather than an \"island state\" which I think is a \"state made up of one or more islands\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Song's cool . . . . is it one by Zeppelin? (7)","output":"### Answer: AIRSHIP \n ### Explanation: Definition: s it one by Zeppelin\n**AIR'S** (\"song's\") + **HIP** (\"cool\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Scary, like Esau (5)","output":"### Answer: HAIRY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Scary\nDouble definition, the second referring to the Biblical character, who was the hairier of the two sons of Isaac."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unlock old enclosure (4)","output":"### Answer: OPEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Unlock\n**O** (old) + **PEN** (\"enclosure\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Deals \u2013 that is, provided wind returns (8)","output":"### Answer: TRAFFICS \n ### Explanation: Deals \u2013 that is, provided wind returns (8)\n**<=**(**SC** (\"that is\") + **IF** (\"provided\") + **FART** (\"wind\")) [*returns*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: In the Middle East, doctor stuffs excellent bird (6)","output":"### Answer: MAGPIE \n ### Explanation: In the Middle East, doctor stuffs excellent bird (6)\n[*in*] **ME** (Middle East), **GP** (\"doctor\") *stuffs* **A1** (\"excellent\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Least likely to give false name with odd parts of website missing (7)","output":"### Answer: MEANEST \n ### Explanation: Least likely to give false name with odd parts of website missing (7)\n***(name)** *with* (w)**E**(b)**S**(i)**T**(e) [*odd bits missing*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Some beer will control awful tilt (1,6)","output":"### Answer: A LITTLE \n ### Explanation: Some beer will control awful tilt (1,6)\n**ALE** (\"beer\") *will control* ***(tilt)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Snake stopped covered road? (9)","output":"### Answer: ASPHALTED \n ### Explanation: Snake stopped covered road? (9)\n**ASP** (\"snake\") + **HALTED** (\"stopped\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Medal given to shy space doctor (5)","output":"### Answer: MCCOY \n ### Explanation: Medal given to shy space doctor (5)\n**MC** (Military Cross, so \"medal\") *given to* **COY** (\"shy\") \nRefers to Sylvester McCoy, who played the seventh incarnation of *Doctor Who* on TV"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Happening, even though 50% has gone missing (5)","output":"### Answer: EVENT \n ### Explanation: Happening, even though 50% has gone missing (5)\n**EVEN T**(hough) with *50% missing"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Doctor of music rewrites Log 24 (8)","output":"### Answer: FEELGOOD \n ### Explanation: Doctor of music rewrites Log 24 (8)\n***(log defoe** (see 24dn)**) **Refers to Dr Feelgood, a British ban formed in 1971"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Side has mass said in an unusual direction (8)","output":"### Answer: EDGEWAYS \n ### Explanation: Side has mass said in an unusual direction (8)\n**EDGE** (\"side\") has homophone of **WEIGHS** (\"has mass\") [*said*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Editor not right about what subject of obituary has (2,3)","output":"### Answer: TO DIE \n ### Explanation: Editor not right about what subject of obituary has (2,3)\n***(edito)**\u00a0i.e. EDITO(r) *not right* \nA bit contrived, but there are not a lot of options when a setter is faced with T_D_E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Nymph doctor some time back (5)","output":"### Answer: DRYAD \n ### Explanation: Nymph doctor some time back (5)\n**DR** (doctor) has **<=DAY** (\"some time\") [*back*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mostly declaiming rubbish, as the doctor recommended? (9)","output":"### Answer: MEDICINAL \n ### Explanation: Mostly declaiming rubbish, as the doctor recommended? (9)\n***(declaimin)** i.e. [*mostly*] DECLAIMIN(g)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Literary doctor regularly phones about earlier unfinished work (7)","output":"### Answer: JOHNSON \n ### Explanation: Literary doctor regularly phones about earlier unfinished work (7)\n[*regularly*] (p)**H**(o)**N**(e)**S** + **ON** (\"about\") with **JO**(b) (*unfinished* \"work\" *earlier*) \nRefers to Dr Samuel Johnson, the 18th century writer who compiled a popular early dictionary of the English language."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Literary doctor inspiring us is an overweight American (7)","output":"### Answer: FAUSTUS \n ### Explanation: Literary doctor inspiring us is an overweight American (7)\n*inspiring* **US** *is* **FAT** (\"overweight\") **US** (\"American\") \n*Doctor Faustus\u00a0*is a 1592 play by Christopher Marlowe and a 1947 novel by Thomas Mann."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sheep in the Darwin area the last to be released (6)","output":"### Answer: NEWEST \n ### Explanation: Sheep in the Darwin area the last to be released (6)\n**EWES** (\"sheep\") *in* **NT** (Northern Territory, the part of Australia where \"Darwin\" can be found)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Recent cowpat said to be doctored (8)","output":"### Answer: NEUTERED \n ### Explanation: Recent cowpat said to be doctored (8)\nHomophone of **NEW TURD** (\"recent cowpat\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Doctor once has place to bury ace, king and queen (3,5)","output":"### Answer: TOM BAKER \n ### Explanation: Doctor once has place to bury ace, king and queen (3,5)\n**TOMB** (\"place to bury\") + **A** (ace) + **K** (king) + **ER** (\"Queen\") \nTom Baker was the fourth incarnation of *Doctor Who* on TV"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: After 40 winks, beg May not to start plan to repel doctors (2,5,1,3)","output":"### Answer: AN APPLE A DAY \n ### Explanation: After 40 winks, beg May not to start plan to repel doctors (2,5,1,3)\n[after] **A NAP** (\"40 winks\") **PLEAD** (\"beg\") (m)**AY** [not to start]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Doctor from Australia complimentary about staff with tasteful clothes (9)","output":"### Answer: FREMANTLE \n ### Explanation: Doctor from Australia complimentary about staff with tasteful clothes (9)\n**FREE** (\"complimentary\") *about* **MAN** (\"staff\") *with* **T**(astefu)**L** [clothes] \nThe Fremantle Doctor is a cooling afternoon sea breeze in Western Australia"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bird needs metal cap to meet exacting standards (3,2)","output":"### Answer: CUT IT \n ### Explanation: Bird needs metal cap to meet exacting standards (3,2)\n**TIT** (\"bird\") *needs* **CU** (copper, so \"metal\") [*cap* i.e on top]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Given order to support a team (5)","output":"### Answer: AXIOM \n ### Explanation: Given order to support a team (5)\n**OM** (\"Order\" of Merit) *to support* **A XI** (\"team\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Place sheep upside-down (3)","output":"### Answer: PUT \n ### Explanation: Place sheep upside-down (3)\n**<=TUP** (\"sheep\") [*upside down*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Say \"See about poem\" (5)","output":"### Answer: ELEGY \n ### Explanation: Say \"See about poem\" (5)\n**E.G.** (\"say\") with** ELY** (Holy \"See\") *about"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Steely quality of daughter in control (8)","output":"### Answer: HARDNESS \n ### Explanation: Steely quality of daughter in control (8)\n**D** (daughter) *in* **HARNESS** (\"control\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One making arrangements for new doctor on air (11)","output":"### Answer: COORDINATOR \n ### Explanation: One making arrangements for new doctor on air (11)\n***(doctor on air)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: French spy keeps mobile bit (8)","output":"### Answer: FRAGMENT \n ### Explanation: French spy keeps mobile bit (8)\nFR. (French) + AGENT (\"spy\") keeps M (mobile) \nDon't think I've come across M = mobile in a crossword before, but if e- is OK for electronic, then I suppose m- is OK for mobile."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sue possibly understood round playing area (2,2,5)","output":"### Answer: GO TO COURT \n ### Explanation: Sue possibly understood round playing area (2,2,5)\n**GOT** (\"understood\") + **O** (circle, so \"round\") + **COURT** (\"playing area\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Healthy doctor sued, being in common operation (4-4)","output":"### Answer: WELL-USED \n ### Explanation: Healthy doctor sued, being in common operation (4-4)\n**WELL** (\"healthy\") + ***(sued)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Row as Simpson possibly turns up in French city (5)","output":"### Answer: DIJON \n ### Explanation: Row as Simpson possibly turns up in French city (5)\n**DIN** (\"row\") with **<=O.J.** (\"Simpson, possibly\") [*up in*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Some circles debate excluding America (5)","output":"### Answer: DISCS \n ### Explanation: Some circles debate excluding America (5)\n**DISC**(us)**S** (\"debate\" *excluding* US (\"America\"))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Writer held up by the Duke of Edinburgh (5)","output":"### Answer: DEFOE \n ### Explanation: Writer held up by the Duke of Edinburgh (5)\nHidden backwards in [*held up by*] \"duk**E OF ED**inburgh\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The way to remove dog's head (3)","output":"### Answer: HOW \n ### Explanation: The way to remove dog's head (3)\n(c)HOW (\"dog\" with *head removed*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Scottish shellfish very quietly in earth make love? (9)","output":"### Answer: CLAPPY-DOO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Scottish shellfis\n**PP** (pianissimo, so \"very quietly\" *in* **CLAY** (\"earth\") + **DO** (\"make\") + **O** (\"love\") \nA clappy-doo is a large black mussel."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Those little clasps wherein shaft joins head (5)","output":"### Answer: HOSEL \n ### Explanation: Definition: wherein shaft joins head\nHidden in \"t**HOSE L**ittle\" \nThe hosel is that part of the head of a golf club where the shaft is fitted."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Strolling pier, taking in the breeze? That's plain (7)","output":"### Answer: PRAIRIE \n ### Explanation: Definition: plain\n***(pier)** *taking in* **AIR** (\"breeze\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Independent uhlan, out of order? Line to be drawn (6)","output":"### Answer: INHAUL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Line to be drawn\n**I** (independent) + ***(uhlan)** \nAn inhaul is a rope used to bring in a sail."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Clay? See mixture of that and sand (5)","output":"### Answer: CLOAM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Clay?\n**C** (see) + **LOAM** (\"mixture of clay and sand\") \nNot sure about this as loam is defined as land that does not have much clay or sand?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What nail bar offers, crazy old operation (8)","output":"### Answer: MANICURE \n ### Explanation: Definition: What nail bar offers\nMANIC (\"crazy\") + URE (obsolete word for \"operation\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Philosopher in male set (5)","output":"### Answer: HEGEL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Philosopher\nHE (\"male\") + GEL (\"set\") \nRefers to Georg Hegel (1770-1831)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Such as Goliath, tumbling to a sling? Lo, \u2014\u2014, perhaps (6)","output":"### Answer: GIANTS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Such as Goliath\n***(to a sling)** is an anagram of LO GIANTS"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Journo following constant rule, to whom one's indebted (8)","output":"### Answer: CREDITOR \n ### Explanation: Definition: to whom one's indebted\n**EDITOR** (\"journo\") *following* **C** (constant) + **R** (rule)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Typically American, squandering a pile with pep (8)","output":"### Answer: APPLE-PIE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Typically American\n***(a pile pep)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Net user is so like fish being played? (6)","output":"### Answer: ONLINE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Net user is so\nA fish on a line is being played"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Whom the Irish respect on account of verse (lines penned) (5)","output":"### Answer: OLLAV \n ### Explanation: Definition: Whom the Irish respect\n**O\/A** (on account) + **V** (verse) with **LL** (lines) *penned* \nAn ollav was a learned man in Ireland"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bearing flowers, Jack accepts bereavement well! (8)","output":"### Answer: BLOSSOMY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Bearing flower\n**BO** (\"Jack\") *accepts* **LOSS** (\"bereavement\") + **MY**! (\"well!\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Former religious rite from Egypt originally, dividing bread (5)","output":"### Answer: DOSEH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Former religious rite\n**E(**gypt) [*originally*]\u00a0*dividing* **DOSH** (\"bread\") \nDoseh is a former\u00a0Egyptian\u00a0religious\u00a0ceremony\u00a0involving a\u00a0sheikh\u00a0riding\u00a0a horse over\u00a0prostrating followers"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Murphy causing gossip round Ireland's capital (6)","output":"### Answer: PRATIE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Murphy \n**PRATE** (\"gossip\") *around* **I**(reland's) [*capital]* \n\"Pratie\" and \"Murphy\" are terms for \"potato\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Warm stroll round heart of aviary (7)","output":"### Answer: AMIABLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Warm\n**AMBLE** (\"stroll\") *round* [*heart of*] (av)**IA**(ry)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Driver's first source of unwelcome advice in car, cheerless (5)","output":"### Answer: DREAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: cheerless\n**D**(river's ) [first] + **REAR** (back seat = \"source of unwelcome advice in car\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Leaders in nasty lust eye girl askance \u2013 thus? (9)","output":"### Answer: LEERINGLY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Leaders in nasty lust eye girl askance \u2013 thus?\n***(n l eye girl)** where N and L are [*leaders in*] N(asty) L(ust)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Legume I fed to children repeatedly (5)","output":"### Answer: CHICH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Legume\n**I** *fed to* **CH** (\"children\") [*repeatedly*] \n\"Chich\" is another word for a chickpea"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: German going for Germany in capital part of fuselage (8)","output":"### Answer: LONGERON \n ### Explanation: Definition: part of fuselage\nD (Germany) being replaced by GER (German) in **LON**(d>**GER**)**ON** (\"capital\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Spenser's equal trembles to be cast off by one such? (5)","output":"### Answer: PEARE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Spenser's equal\n[*\"trembles\" to be cast off*] (shakes)**PEARE** (\"one such i.e. an Elizabethan poet, as was Spenser himself)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Once in position, plays out time (6)","output":"### Answer: YPLAST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Once in position\n***(plays)** + T (time) \n\"yplast\" is an old version of \"placed\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Drive forward, light saying you can? (Cobber slow on the uptake) (6)","output":"### Answer: DRONGO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Cobber slow on the uptake\nDR. (\"drive\") + ON (\"forward\") + GO (\"light saying you can\") \n\"drongo\" is an Australian word for an idiot."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What's fed to animal like a cow, endlessly chewed? (7)","output":"### Answer: OILCAKE \n ### Explanation: Definition: What's fed to animal\n***(like a co)**(w) [*endlessly*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Romancer raising the bar (4)","output":"### Answer: LIAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Romancer\n[raising the]** <=RAIL** (\"bar\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Townships on north-eastern estate (7)","output":"### Answer: DEMESNE \n ### Explanation: Definition: estate\n**DEMES** (\"townships\") *on* **NE** (north-eastern)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: GI's so ill he's in a bad way \u2013 it's a form of dysentery (11)","output":"### Answer: SHIGELLOSIS \n ### Explanation: Definition: a form of dysentery\n***(gps so ill hes)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Part of sponge I cut in experiment (8)","output":"### Answer: TRIAXIAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Part of sponge\n**I AX** (\"cut\") *in* **TRIAL** (\"experiment\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Chief on board retrained usher (7)","output":"### Answer: CHOBDAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: usher\n**CH.** (chief) *on*\u00a0***(board)** \nA chobdar was a macebearer for an Indian dignity"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Jock's following the sun, having mixed deli round the Med e.g. (7)","output":"### Answer: DEISEAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Jock's following the sun\n***(deli)** *round* **SEA** (\"the Med, e.g\") \n\"deaisel\" is a Scottish word for \"following the sun\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Gym precedes work on Latin and English subjects (6)","output":"### Answer: PEOPLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: subjects\n**PE** (physical exercise, so \"gym\") + **OP** (\"work\") on** L** (Latin) and **E** (English)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Indulge, putting money in stocks and shares (6)","output":"### Answer: PAMPER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Indulge\n**M** (money) *in* **PAPER** (\"stocks and shares\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Master giving second in class merit (5)","output":"### Answer: LEARN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Master\n[*second in*] (c)**L**(ass) + **EARN** (\"merit\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Migratory thrush, very weird (5)","output":"### Answer: VEERY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Migratory thrush\n**V** (very) + **EERY** (\"weird\") \nA veery is North American thrush"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Scene with this? Form of mesa clone maybe (4)","output":"### Answer: LOMA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Scene with this? Form of mesa clone maybe\n***(mesa clone)** is an anagram of LOMA SCENE \nA loma is a mesa-like hill in south-west USA"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cool monster bananas at the core (9)","output":"### Answer: INNERMOST \n ### Explanation: Cool monster bananas at the core (9)\n**IN** (\"cool\") + ***(monster)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Employ a drawing technique\u00a0scheme (5)","output":"### Answer: HATCH \n ### Explanation: Employ a drawing technique\u00a0scheme (5)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: American rock band missing the openings (5)","output":"### Answer: DOORS \n ### Explanation: American rock band missing the openings (5)\n(the) **DOORS** (\"American rock band\" *missing* THE)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Republican traitor dipped into Green's account (9)","output":"### Answer: NARRATIVE \n ### Explanation: Republican traitor dipped into Green's account (9)\n**R** (republican) + **RAT** (\"traitor\") *dipped into* **NAIVE** (\"green\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A politician opens shelter for bottom dweller (7)","output":"### Answer: HALIBUT \n ### Explanation: A politician opens shelter for bottom dweller (7)\n**A LIB** (Liberal, so \"politician\") *opens*** HUT** (\"shelter\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Emission \u2014 tax to the limit (7)","output":"### Answer: EXHAUST \n ### Explanation: Emission \u2014 tax to the limit (7)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: 'Noble Love': Dior's ultimate sun blocker (5)","output":"### Answer: VISOR \n ### Explanation: 'Noble Love': Dior's ultimate sun blocker (5)\n**VIS.** (viscount, so \"noble\") + **O** (\"love\") + (dio)**R** [s' ultimate]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Blood types associated with small muscles (3)","output":"### Answer: ABS \n ### Explanation: Blood types associated with small muscles (3)\n**A** & **B** (\"blood types\") *associated with* **S** (small)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Revolver with tilt (5)","output":"### Answer: WHEEL \n ### Explanation: Revolver with tilt (5)\n**W** (with) + **HEEL** (\"tilt\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Vital energy versus wine (7)","output":"### Answer: CHIANTI \n ### Explanation: Vital energy versus wine (7)\n**CHI** (\"vital energy\") + **ANTI** (\"against\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Overindulgent type\u00a0who gives the game away (7)","output":"### Answer: SPOILER \n ### Explanation: Overindulgent type\u00a0who gives the game away (7)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One telling stories about Grand Union's first governor (9)","output":"### Answer: REGULATOR \n ### Explanation: One telling stories about Grand Union's first governor (9)\n**RELATOR** (\"one telling stories\") *about* **G** (grand) + **U**(nion) [*'s first*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unnamed duck could be anything at all (5)","output":"### Answer: OUGHT \n ### Explanation: Unnamed duck could be anything at all (5)\n(n)**OUGHT** (\"duck\") with no N (name) [*unnamed*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Check recipe appropriated by cook (5)","output":"### Answer: BRAKE \n ### Explanation: Check recipe appropriated by cook (5)\n**R** (recipe) *appropraited by* **BAKE** (\"cook\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wilful, per se, Ted's one to put his foot down (9)","output":"### Answer: SPEEDSTER \n ### Explanation: Wilful, per se, Ted's one to put his foot down (9)\n***(per se teds)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Light that was painful got rid of snake (4)","output":"### Answer: WIND \n ### Explanation: Light that was painful got rid of snake (4)\n**WIND**(ow) (\"light\") *got rid of* OW (\"that was painful\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Large body needs serene old hat (6)","output":"### Answer: UNCOOL \n ### Explanation: Large body needs serene old hat (6)\n**UN** (United Nations, so \"large body\") *needs* **COOL** (\"serene\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Iron Duke's hierarchical inferior, a media tyrant (5,5)","output":"### Answer: PRESS BARON \n ### Explanation: Iron Duke's hierarchical inferior, a media tyrant (5,5)\n**PRESS** (\"iron\") + **BARON** (\"duke's hierarchical inferior\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hood taking gamble round about the end of Prohibition (6)","output":"### Answer: BONNET \n ### Explanation: Hood taking gamble round about the end of Prohibition (6)\n**BET** (\"gamble\") *round* **ON** (about\") + [*the end of*] (prohibitio)**N"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sports event officials\u00a0opening course (8)","output":"### Answer: STARTERS \n ### Explanation: Sports event officials\u00a0opening course (8)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bird \u2014 try moving back to front (4)","output":"### Answer: RHEA \n ### Explanation: Bird \u2014 try moving back to front (4)\n**HEAR** (\"try\") with its last letter moved to first [*back to front*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Insolent manner of singer Smith knocking off piano duet badly (8)","output":"### Answer: ATTITUDE \n ### Explanation: Insolent manner of singer Smith knocking off piano duet badly (8)\n(\"singer\") (p)**ATTI** (\"Smith\") [*knocking off*] **P** (piano) + ***(duet)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Oxford\u00a0mule? (4)","output":"### Answer: SHOE \n ### Explanation: Oxford\u00a0mule? (4)\nDoubel definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Temperature settings protecting a very old ruin (5)","output":"### Answer: HAVOC \n ### Explanation: Temperature settings protecting a very old ruin (5)\n**H** & **C** (hot and cold, so \"temperature settings\") *protecting* **A V** (very) **O** (old)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tell me your modus operandi in a difficult situation (3-2-3-2)","output":"### Answer: HOW-DO-YOU-DO \n ### Explanation: Tell me your modus operandi in a difficult situation (3-2-3-2)\nIf you ask someone their modus operandi, you're asking them how they do something"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tradesperson put in the spotlight again on getting a rise (5)","output":"### Answer: TILER \n ### Explanation: Tradesperson put in the spotlight again on getting a rise (5)\n**<=RELIT** (\"put in the spotlight again\" *getting a rise*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Artist preserved by mean fish! (8)","output":"### Answer: STINGRAY \n ### Explanation: Artist preserved by mean fish! (8)\n**RA** (\"artist\") *preserved by* **STINGY** (\"mean\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Searching appraisal makes one drunk cite DTs (4,4)","output":"### Answer: ACID TEST \n ### Explanation: Searching appraisal makes one drunk cite DTs (4,4)\n**A** (\"once\") + ***(cite dts)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stones, on the loose, needing new guard (6)","output":"### Answer: SCREEN \n ### Explanation: Stones, on the loose, needing new guard (6)\n**SCREE** (\"stones, on the loose\") *needing* **N** (\"new\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Puts a match to\u00a0offal (6)","output":"### Answer: LIGHTS \n ### Explanation: Puts a match to\u00a0offal (6)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Polish end of Grimsby port (4)","output":"### Answer: RUBY \n ### Explanation: Polish end of Grimsby port (4)\n**RUB** (\"polish) + [*end of*] (grimsb)**Y"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rest day song (4)","output":"### Answer: LIED \n ### Explanation: Rest day song (4)\n**LIE** (\"rest\") + **D** (day)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Port, in difficulty, relocates (4)","output":"### Answer: TYRE \n ### Explanation: Port, in difficulty, relocates (4)\nHidden in \"difficul**TY RE**locates\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Look into carer, she must be shattered (8)","output":"### Answer: RESEARCH \n ### Explanation: Look into carer, she must be shattered (8)\n***(carer she)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Web designer's rest (6)","output":"### Answer: SPIDER \n ### Explanation: Web designer's rest (6)\nDouble definition, the first slightly cryptic, the second referring to a rest in snooker."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Band allowed to follow secondary career (8)","output":"### Answer: BRACELET \n ### Explanation: Band allowed to follow secondary career (8)\n**LET **(\"allowed\") *to follow* **B** (\"secondary\" as in B-road) + **RACE** (\"career\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dad, having been taken for a ride, took five (6)","output":"### Answer: PAUSED \n ### Explanation: Dad, having been taken for a ride, took five (6)\n**PA** (\"dad\") + **USED** (\"taken for a ride\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fruit which could be nice and neat with recipe (9)","output":"### Answer: NECTARINE \n ### Explanation: Fruit which could be nice and neat with recipe (9)\n***(nice neat r)** where R is recipe"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sausage such as Scots favour flipped and put on a roll (5)","output":"### Answer: ENROL \n ### Explanation: Sausage such as Scots favour flipped and put on a roll (5)\n**<=LORNE** (\"sausage such as Scots prefer\", *flipped*) \nLorne sausage is another name for square sausage, a Scots breakfast item very often served on a roll"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wacky first for Daniel Stern (4)","output":"### Answer: DAFT \n ### Explanation: Wacky first for Daniel Stern (4)\n[*first for*]** D**(aniel) + **AFT** (\"stern\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One making cuts in theatre to rush about (7)","output":"### Answer: SURGEON \n ### Explanation: One making cuts in theatre to rush about (7)\n**SURGE** (\"rush\") +** ON** (\"about\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lingerie is no longer near couple (7)","output":"### Answer: NIGHTIE \n ### Explanation: Lingerie is no longer near couple (7)\n**NIGH** (\"no longer near\") + **TIE** (\"couple\") \nThe \"no longer\" bit is because NIGH is considered an obsolete term for NEAR"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Delight in German shelter (4)","output":"### Answer: GLEE \n ### Explanation: Delight in German shelter (4)\n**G** (German) + **LEE** (\"shelter\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Chap in charge is run off his feet (5)","output":"### Answer: MANIC \n ### Explanation: Chap in charge is run off his feet (5)\n**MAN** (\"chap\") + **IC** (in charge)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Touchy Latin in bar is upset with ice melting (9)","output":"### Answer: IRASCIBLE \n ### Explanation: Touchy Latin in bar is upset with ice melting (9)\nL (latin) in ***(bar is ice) ***This doesn't work for me, as there are two anagram indicators for what is actually one anagram. For this to work, the letters of ICE would need to be together and separate from those in BAR IS."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: She doesn't appear to eat what's in bowl (2-4)","output":"### Answer: NOSHOW \n ### Explanation: She doesn't appear to eat what's in bowl (2-4)\n**NOSH** (\"eat\") + [*what's in*] (b)**OW**(l)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The sort of youth enjoyed by maiden darling pocketing note (8)","output":"### Answer: MISSPENT \n ### Explanation: The sort of youth enjoyed by maiden darling pocketing note (8)\n**MISS** (\"maiden\") +** PET** (\"darling\") *pocketing* **N** (note) \nThe \"the\" at the start is superfluous."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: \"Clobber\" is clued cryptically, good too (6)","output":"### Answer: CUDGEL \n ### Explanation: \"Clobber\" is clued cryptically, good too (6)\n***(clued g) **where G = good"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Delegated authority to gent with old hat (8)","output":"### Answer: MANDATED \n ### Explanation: Delegated authority to gent with old hat (8)\n**MAN** (\"gent\") *with* **DATED** (\"old hat\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: To some extent cherub enslaved this artist (6)","output":"### Answer: RUBENS \n ### Explanation: To some extent cherub enslaved this artist (6)\nHidden in [to some extent] \"che**RUB ENS**laved\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: \"Hard to find\" is what gets conservative going into shock (6)","output":"### Answer: SCARCE \n ### Explanation: \"Hard to find\" is what gets conservative going into shock (6)\n**C** (conservative) *going into* **SCARE** (\"shock\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Plot involving new place for the audience (5)","output":"### Answer: ARENA \n ### Explanation: Plot involving new place for the audience (5)\n**AREA** (\"plot\") *involving* **N** (new)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Scientist popping note in box (7)","output":"### Answer: CHEMIST \n ### Explanation: Scientist popping note in box (7)\n**MI** (musical \"note\") *in* **CHEST** (\"box\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Earth, eg, and grass mostly being a feature of city park? (5,4)","output":"### Answer: PLANE TREE \n ### Explanation: Earth, eg, and grass mostly being a feature of city park? (5,4)\n**PLANET** (\"Earth, perhaps\") + **RE**E(d) (\"grass\", *mostly*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Careful not to upset record run with rising support (8)","output":"### Answer: DISCREET \n ### Explanation: Careful not to upset record run with rising support (8)\n**DISC** (\"record\") + **R** (run) + **<=TEE** (\"support\" for a golf ball, *rising*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Suggestive of commie having a nose? (8)","output":"### Answer: REDOLENT \n ### Explanation: Suggestive of commie having a nose? (8)\n**RED** (\"Commie\") + **OLENT** (\"having a nose\") \n*According to Chambers, \"olent\" means \"having a smell\", but I haven't come across it before \u2013 is \"scented\" the same as \"having a nose\"?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fix English in manuscripts (4)","output":"### Answer: MESS \n ### Explanation: Fix English in manuscripts (4)\n**E** (English) *in* **MSS** (manuscripts)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Skill I plug \u2013 it's easy to scoff (9)","output":"### Answer: ARTICHOKE \n ### Explanation: Skill I plug \u2013 it's easy to scoff (9)\nART (\"skill\") + I + CHOKE (\"plug\") \nDon't like the definition \u2013 I hate artichoke, so would not find it \"easy to scoff\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Such as helps master number once I'm listing (8)","output":"### Answer: MNEMONIC \n ### Explanation: Such as helps master number once I'm listing (8)\n**M** (master) **N** (number) + ***(once im)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Thought long and hard before end is altered (8)","output":"### Answer: AGONISED \n ### Explanation: Thought long and hard before end is altered (8)\n**AGO** (\"before\") + ***(end is)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Session over in shed (4)","output":"### Answer: EMIT \n ### Explanation: Session over in shed (4)\n**<=TIME** (\"session\" *over*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Baboushka tops it with a dessert (7)","output":"### Answer: GRANITA \n ### Explanation: Baboushka tops it with a dessert (7)\n**GRAN** (\"baboushka\") *tops* **IT** *with* **A **A granita is a type of grainy textured sorbet"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A book mailed is miles away (6)","output":"### Answer: ABSENT \n ### Explanation: A book mailed is miles away (6)\n**A B** (book) **SENT** (\"mailed)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Group knowing a little bit (6)","output":"### Answer: HEPTAD \n ### Explanation: Group knowing a little bit (6)\n**HEP** (\"knowing\") + **TAD** (\"a littel bit\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Checked out suit with daughter (5)","output":"### Answer: CASED \n ### Explanation: Checked out suit with daughter (5)\n**CASE** (\"suit\") *with* **D** (daughter)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One's married after church amid revolutionary swagger (8)","output":"### Answer: MACHISMO \n ### Explanation: Definition: swagger\n**1'S M** (married) *after* **CH** (church) *amid* **MAO** (\"revolutionary\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: East African, or people from the Six Counties? (5)","output":"### Answer: NILOT \n ### Explanation: Definition: East African\n**N.I.** (Northen Ireland, \"the Six Counties\") **LOT** (\"people\") \n*A Nilot is an inhabitant of the Upper Nile"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Some Rwandans are in Shed 21 (4)","output":"### Answer: HUTU \n ### Explanation: Definition: Some Rwandans\n**HUT U** would be \"Shed 21\" assuming HUT A was Shed 1, HUT B Swas hed 2 etc."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fair level: passed (4-6)","output":"### Answer: EVEN-HANDED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fair\n**EVEN** (\"level\") + **HANDED** (\"passed\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Packed bus finally pulled away (6)","output":"### Answer: STOWED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Packed\n(bu)**S** [finally] + **TOWED** (\"pulled away\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: 11 in a file (3,2,3)","output":"### Answer: ONE BY ONE \n ### Explanation: Definition: in a file\n\"11\" is **ONE BY**\u00a0(beside) **ONE\n "} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Personnel including family groupings back in the Renaissance (7)","output":"### Answer: REBIRTH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Renaissance\n**<=(HR** (Human Relations, so \"Personnel\") *including* **TRIBE** (\"family groupings\")) [*back*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Not staged for an audience, so remaining calm (7)","output":"### Answer: UNFAZED \n ### Explanation: Definition: remaining calm\nHomophone of [*for an audeince*] **UNPHASED** (\"not staged\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: In front of family circle, uncle's last to trespass (8)","output":"### Answer: INFRINGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: to trespass\n**IN** + [*front of*] **F**(amily) **RING** (\"circle\") + (uncl)**E** [*'s last*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One who nudges people as she runs past? (6)","output":"### Answer: JOGGER \n ### Explanation: Definition: One who nudges people\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Contemptible people's cruel quips are stopping points (10)","output":"### Answer: PIPSQUEAKS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Contemptible people\n***(quips)** *stopping* **PEAKS** (\"points\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What's in this grid\u00a0that may be your guide? (1,2,1)","output":"### Answer: A TO Z \n ### Explanation: Definition: What's in this grid\nDouble definition, the first referring to the fact that the puzzle is a pangram, the second to a book of street maps."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: They manage clubs through refundable costs (5)","output":"### Answer: EXECS \n ### Explanation: Definition: They manage\n**C** (clubs) *through* **EXES** (expenses, so \"refundable costs\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Not familiar with tunes, duo bombed (6,2)","output":"### Answer: UNUSED TO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Not familiar with\n***(tunes duo)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: In bad temper, visitor denied small piece of bread (8)","output":"### Answer: BAGUETTE \n ### Explanation: Definition: piece of bread\nIn** BATE** (obscure word for rage, so \"bad temper\") **GUE**(s)**T** (\"visitor\" *denied* S(small))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: 500 of you? (4)","output":"### Answer: THOU \n ### Explanation: Definition: 500\n500 is [*half of*] **THOU**(sand)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Heard donkey tail is to be raised (6)","output":"### Answer: ASCEND \n ### Explanation: Definition: to be raised\nHomophone of [*heard*] **ASS END** (\"donkey tail\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Voted to change round company in tiny house (7)","output":"### Answer: DOVECOT \n ### Explanation: Definition: tiny house\n***(voted)** *round* **CO** (company)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cross\u00a0first part of fantastic city (4)","output":"### Answer: ANKH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Cross\nTwo definitions, the first referring to a symbolic cross like those worn by ancient Egyptians, and the second to Ankh-Morpork, the main city of Discworld in Terry Pratchett's *Discworld* novels"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tree repeatedly named in baby language (5-5)","output":"### Answer: YLANG YLANG \n ### Explanation: Definition: Tree\nHidden in \"bab**Y LANG**uage\" and *repeated"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tossed around odd bits of turf in all directions (6)","output":"### Answer: STREWN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Tossed around\n[*odd bits of*] **T**(u)**R**(f) *in* **SEWN** (South, East, West, North, so \"all directions\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hospitality workers with fine hair (10)","output":"### Answer: WAITRESSES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Hospitality workers\n**W** (with) + **A1** (\"fine\") + **TRESEES** (\"hair\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A long time, but Christmas is almost over (3)","output":"### Answer: EON \n ### Explanation: Definition: A long time\n**<=NOE**(l) (\"Christmas\") [*nearly over*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: VAT not applied initially on large fish (3)","output":"### Answer: TUN \n ### Explanation: Definition: VAT\n**TUN**(a) (\"large fish\") with A(pplied) [*initially*]\u00a0*not on"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One ahead, I say! Press horn hard (3,5)","output":"### Answer: EYE TOOTH \n ### Explanation: Definition: One ahead\n**EYE** (homophone of I [*say*]) + **TOOT** (\"press horn\") +** H** (hard) \n\"The one ahead\" here means \"one on or in the head\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Winger uses gap cleverly (7)","output":"### Answer: PEGASUS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Winger\n***(uses gap)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Caught in outrageous denial (6)","output":"### Answer: NAILED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Caught\n***(denial)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Banter to lift a high-class fighter (6)","output":"### Answer: JOSHUA \n ### Explanation: Definition: fighter\n**JOSH** (\"banter\") + **<=(A U** (upper-class)**)** \n*Refers to Anthony Joshua, until recently a World Heavyweight Champion"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: From the first, usually recog\u00adnisable stars, actually major or minor (4)","output":"### Answer: URSA \n ### Explanation: Definition: From the first, usually recog\u00adnisable stars, actually major or minor\nInitial letters of [*from the first*] **U**(sually) **R**(ecognisable) **S**(tars) **A**(ctually) and &lit."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cut line in manoeuvre on ice (4)","output":"### Answer: AXEL \n ### Explanation: Definition: manoeuvre on ice\n**AXE** (\"cut\" ) +**L** (line)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Boat brings in news where setter lives (6)","output":"### Answer: KENNEL \n ### Explanation: Boat brings in news where setter lives (6)\n**KEEL** (\"boat\") *brings in* **N N** (new twice, so \"news\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Work quietly during theatre strike (8)","output":"### Answer: STOPPAGE \n ### Explanation: Work quietly during theatre strike (8)\n**OP** (\"work\") **P** (quietly) *during* **STAGE** (\"theatre\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Some apprenticeships are attractive (6)","output":"### Answer: ENTICE \n ### Explanation: Some apprenticeships are attractive (6)\nHidden in \"appr**ENTICE**ships\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: He can't remember odd names, even bits of finance (8)","output":"### Answer: AMNESIAC \n ### Explanation: He can't remember odd names, even bits of finance (8)\n***(names)** + [*even bits of*] (f)**I**(n)**A**(n)**C**(e)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bowler maybe with athlete's foot can't stand (4)","output":"### Answer: HATE \n ### Explanation: Bowler maybe with athlete's foot can't stand (4)\n**HAT** (\"bowler, maybe\") *with* (athlet)**E** [*'s foot*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: No time to absorb new chapter bloke composed (10)","output":"### Answer: NONCHALANT \n ### Explanation: No time to absorb new chapter bloke composed (10)\n**NO T** (time) *to absorb* **N** (new)** CH** (chapter) **ALAN** (\"bloke\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Music-maker's sleeping rough, eating jam (12)","output":"### Answer: GLOCKENSPIEL \n ### Explanation: Music-maker's sleeping rough, eating jam (12)\n***(sleeping)** *eating* **LOCK** (\"jam\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hot with it, 101 leave lewd and unhealthy (12)","output":"### Answer: INSALUBRIOUS \n ### Explanation: Hot with it, 101 leave lewd and unhealthy (12)\n**IN** (\"hot\") + **SA** (sex appeal, so \"it\") + **LUBRI**(ci)**OUS** (\"lewd\", with CI (\"101\") *leaving*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: He sells gold coins, primarily one kept in bank (10)","output":"### Answer: AUCTIONEER \n ### Explanation: He sells gold coins, primarily one kept in bank (10)\n**Au** (\"gold\") + **C**(oins) [primarily] + **ONE** *kept in* **TIER** (\"bank\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Noblest knight had ignored banquet (4)","output":"### Answer: GALA \n ### Explanation: Noblest knight had ignored banquet (4)\n**GALA**(had) (\"noblest knight\") with HAD *ignored"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Vivace observed to include ritardando (8)","output":"### Answer: SPIRITED \n ### Explanation: Vivace observed to include ritardando (8)\n**SPIED** (\"observed\") *to include* **RIT** (ritardando)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fine cloth mostly protects English breakfast (6)","output":"### Answer: MUESLI \n ### Explanation: Fine cloth mostly protects English breakfast (6)\n**MUSLI**(n) (\"fine cloth\", *mostly*) *protects* **E** (English)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Outlaw's oath stopping Frenchman (8)","output":"### Answer: RENEGADE \n ### Explanation: Outlaw's oath stopping Frenchman (8)\n**EGAD** (\"oath\") *stopping* **RENE** (\"Frenchman\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: \"Skip a page\" returning throughout text (6)","output":"### Answer: PASSIM \n ### Explanation: \"Skip a page\" returning throughout text (6)\n**<=MISS A P** (page) where MISS = \"skip\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Short cavalier grips flanks of elite horse in such boots? (4-4)","output":"### Answer: KNEE-HIGH \n ### Explanation: Short cavalier grips flanks of elite horse in such boots? (4-4)\n**KNIGH**(t) (*short* \"cavalier\") *grips* [*flanks of*] **E**(lit)**E H** (horse)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Thought about volunteers once filling in score . . . . (8)","output":"### Answer: NOTATION \n ### Explanation: Thought about volunteers once filling in score . . . . (8)\n**NOTION** (\"thought\") *about*** TA** (Territorial Army, so \"volunteers once\") *filling in"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: . . . . score that features in cricket charts (4)","output":"### Answer: ETCH \n ### Explanation: . . . . score that features in cricket charts (4)\nHIdden in [*features in*] \"crick**ET CH**arts\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tablet's among sundry items in buried containers (4,8)","output":"### Answer: TIME CAPSULES \n ### Explanation: Tablet's among sundry items in buried containers (4,8)\n**CAPSULE** (\"tablet\") *among* ***(times) ***Capsule and tablet are not synonymous, though?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: In Paris, Peter's guarding girlfriend's flat (4-1-5)","output":"### Answer: PIED-A-TERRE \n ### Explanation: In Paris, Peter's guarding girlfriend's flat (4-1-5)\n**PIERRE** (\"in Paris, Peter\") *guarding* **DATE** (\"girlfriend\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Creature writer's getting fixated about (6)","output":"### Answer: ANIMAL \n ### Explanation: Creature writer's getting fixated about (6)\n**I'M** (\"writer's\") *getting* **ANAL** (\"fixated\") *about"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Provoke European to pursue Charlie during leave (6)","output":"### Answer: EXCITE \n ### Explanation: Provoke European to pursue Charlie during leave (6)\n**E** (European) *to pursue* **C** (Charlie) *during* **EXIT** (\"leave\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Type in front skirts cool spring (12)","output":"### Answer: FOUNTAINHEAD \n ### Explanation: Type in front skirts cool spring (12)\n**FOUNT** (\"type\") + **AHEAD** (\"in front\") *skirts* **IN** (\"cool\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Avoiding work around home, departs for water sport (4-6)","output":"### Answer: SKIN-DIVING \n ### Explanation: Avoiding work around home, departs for water sport (4-6)\n**SKIVING** (\"avoiding work\") *around* **IN** (\"home\") + **D** (departs)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sticky stuff trapping a vessel between piers (8)","output":"### Answer: MOLASSES \n ### Explanation: Sticky stuff trapping a vessel between piers (8)\n**A SS** (steamship, so \"vessel\") *between* **MOLES** (\"piers\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Timeless camp sites abroad offering this? (8)","output":"### Answer: ESCAPISM \n ### Explanation: Timeless camp sites abroad offering this? (8)\n***(camp sies)** where SIES is SI(t)ES without T (time)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Thick tie was frayed in woman's embrace (6)","output":"### Answer: HAWSER \n ### Explanation: Thick tie was frayed in woman's embrace (6)\n***(was)** *in* **HER** (\"woman's) *embrace"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Begin filming current heavyweight without one (6)","output":"### Answer: ACTION \n ### Explanation: Begin filming current heavyweight without one (6)\n**AC** (alternating \"current\") + **TON** (\"heavyweight\") *without* **I"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: French novelist doesn't finish diet in Russia (4)","output":"### Answer: DUMA \n ### Explanation: French novelist doesn't finish diet in Russia (4)\n(Alexandre) **DUMA**(s) (\"French novelist\" *doesn't finish*) \n*A duma was an elected council in Russia"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Husband presented with new Omega out of repect (6)","output":"### Answer: HOMAGE \n ### Explanation: Husband presented with new Omega out of repect (6)\n**H** (husband) *presented with* ***(omega)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Group of characters in The Rover heading off on a venture? (8)","output":"### Answer: ALPHABET \n ### Explanation: Group of characters in The Rover heading off on a venture? (8)\n[*heading off*] (r)**ALPH**\u00a0(the Rover) *on* **A BET** (\"venture\") \nRalph the Rover was an Irish pirate in a ballad\/poem by Robert Southey called *The Inchcape Rock\u00a0"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Repair\u00a0centre (6)","output":"### Answer: RESORT \n ### Explanation: Repair\u00a0centre (6)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ratings cooked unknown fish (8)","output":"### Answer: STINGRAY \n ### Explanation: Ratings cooked unknown fish (8)\n***(ratings)** + **Y** (\"unknown\", in mathematics)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What little girls may do in their home\u00a0theatre? (9)","output":"### Answer: PLAYHOUSE \n ### Explanation: What little girls may do in their home\u00a0theatre? (9)\nPerhaps a little sexist these days, but little girls may **PLAY HOUSE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Spot wartime leader dropping piece of litter (5)","output":"### Answer: STAIN \n ### Explanation: Spot wartime leader dropping piece of litter (5)\n**STA**(l)**IN\u00a0**(\"wartime leader\" *dropping* [*piece of*] L(itter))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Real card tricks expected from me? (9,5)","output":"### Answer: PRACTICAL JOKER \n ### Explanation: Real card tricks expected from me? (9,5)\n**PRACTICAL** (\"real\") + **JOKER** (\"card\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Flee: go with dog as well direct (4,4,3,3)","output":"### Answer: TURN TAIL AND RUN \n ### Explanation: Flee: go with dog as well direct (4,4,3,3)\n**TURN** (\"go\") *with* **TAIL** (\"dog\") + **AND** (\"as well\") + **RUN** (\"direct\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Large specimen, not small (5)","output":"### Answer: AMPLE \n ### Explanation: Large specimen, not small (5)\n(s)**AMPLE** (\"specimen\", not S (small))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Force prisoners to exercise (9)","output":"### Answer: CONSTRAIN \n ### Explanation: Force prisoners to exercise (9)\n**CONS** (\"prisoners\") + **TRAIN** (\"to exercise\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Drink provided by Italian after a commercial traveller returned (8)","output":"### Answer: APERITIF \n ### Explanation: Drink provided by Italian after a commercial traveller returned (8)\n**IF** (\"provided\") *by* **It**. (Italian) *after* **A <=REP** (\"commercial traveller\" *returned*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fruit and nuts, mostly (6)","output":"### Answer: BANANA \n ### Explanation: Fruit and nuts, mostly (6)\n**BANANA**(s) (\"nuts\" *mostly*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Waste long periods of time in prisons (8)","output":"### Answer: DUNGEONS \n ### Explanation: Waste long periods of time in prisons (8)\n**DUNG** (\"waste\") + **EONS** (\"long periods of time\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A bit each (6)","output":"### Answer: APIECE \n ### Explanation: A bit each (6)\n**A PIECE** (\"bit\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Two intruments producing music for dance (8)","output":"### Answer: HORNPIPE \n ### Explanation: Two intruments producing music for dance (8)\n**HORN + PIPE** (\"two instruments\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A disfigurement hidden by the old lady's cosmetic (7)","output":"### Answer: MASCARA \n ### Explanation: A disfigurement hidden by the old lady's cosmetic (7)\n**A SCAR** (\"disfigurement\") *hidden by* **MA** (\"the old lady\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Size may be right when altered (5)","output":"### Answer: GIRTH \n ### Explanation: Size may be right when altered (5)\n***(right)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Suitably wearing much less, so don't interfere (3,4,5)","output":"### Answer: LET WELL ALONE \n ### Explanation: Suitably wearing much less, so don't interfere (3,4,5)\n**WELL** (\"suitably\") *wearing* **LET ALONE** (\"much less\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Workers not working with complete ease (5,4)","output":"### Answer: HANDS DOWN \n ### Explanation: Workers not working with complete ease (5,4)\n**HANDS** (\"workers\") + **DOWN** (\"not working\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Battery found by artist aboard canal boat (7)","output":"### Answer: BARRAGE \n ### Explanation: Battery found by artist aboard canal boat (7)\n**RA** (member of the Royal Academy, so \"artist\") *aboard* **BARGE** (\"canal boat\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hearing test in building at the end (6)","output":"### Answer: TRYING \n ### Explanation: Hearing test in building at the end (6)\n**TRY** (\"test\") + **IN** + (buildin)**G** [*at the end*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lots go here after prices tumble? (5,7)","output":"### Answer: DUTCH AUCTION \n ### Explanation: Lots go here after prices tumble? (5,7)\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Juicy Argentine fruit (9)","output":"### Answer: TANGERINE \n ### Explanation: Juicy Argentine fruit (9)\n***(argentine)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Overwhelm in a Parisian court (8)","output":"### Answer: INUNDATE \n ### Explanation: Overwhelm in a Parisian court (8)\n**IN** + **UN** (\"a\" in French, so \"a Parisian\") + **DATE** (\"court\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lots consumed by plump teenagers (7)","output":"### Answer: UMPTEEN \n ### Explanation: Lots consumed by plump teenagers (7)\nHidden in [*consumed b*y] \"pl**UMP TEEN**agers\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Genuine trouble, reportedly, getting beer (4,3)","output":"### Answer: REAL ALE \n ### Explanation: Genuine trouble, reportedly, getting beer (4,3)\n**REAL** (\"genuine\") + homophone of [*reportedly*] **AIL** (\"troiuble\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: False report an eccentric put about (6)","output":"### Answer: CANARD \n ### Explanation: False report an eccentric put about (6)\n**AN** with **CARD** (\"eccentric\") *put about"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Journey on foot, then miles in carriage (5)","output":"### Answer: TRAMP \n ### Explanation: Journey on foot, then miles in carriage (5)\n**M** (miles) *in* **TRAP** (\"carriage\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: States things in camera, upsetting authoritarian leader (9)","output":"### Answer: AMERICANA \n ### Explanation: States things in camera, upsetting authoritarian leader (9)\n***(in camera)** + **A**(utjoritarian) [*leader*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Everyone backs Massachusetts wool producer (5)","output":"### Answer: LLAMA \n ### Explanation: Everyone backs Massachusetts wool producer (5)\n**<=ALL** (\"everyone\" *backs*) + **Ma**. (Massachusetts)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tiny character worried about school occasionally (2,5)","output":"### Answer: AT TIMES \n ### Explanation: Tiny character worried about school occasionally (2,5)\n(Tiny) **TIM** with **AT**E (\"worried\") *about* + **S** (school) \n*Collins has \"s\" for school, but I don't recall ever seeing it in a puzzle before"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Oddly unplanned lumps on this \u2013 honestly! (2,3,2)","output":"### Answer: UP AND UP \n ### Explanation: Oddly unplanned lumps on this \u2013 honestly! (2,3,2)\n[*oddly*] **U**(n)**P**(l)**A**(n)**N**(e)**D** (l)**U**(m)**P**(s)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Clean out dungeon with a common acid (3)","output":"### Answer: DNA \n ### Explanation: Clean out dungeon with a common acid (3)\n[clean out] **D**(ungeo)**N** *with*** A ***Enumeration should be (1,1,1)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Limit quantities of celebs such as Descartes (11)","output":"### Answer: RATIONALIST \n ### Explanation: Limit quantities of celebs such as Descartes (11)\n**RATION** (\"limit quantities of\" ) + **A-LIST** (\"celebrities\") \n*Rene Descartes was a French rationalist philosopher"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Turn brown before dance (5)","output":"### Answer: TANGO \n ### Explanation: Turn brown before dance (5)\n**GO** (\"turn\") with **TAN** (\"brown\") *before"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Peron's space walk (3)","output":"### Answer: EVA \n ### Explanation: Peron's space walk (3)\n**EVA** stands for Extra Vehicular Activity (aka a \"space walk\"), and Eva Peron (aka Evita) was the First Lady of Argentina from 1946-52"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Once more in contact with missing saint (5)","output":"### Answer: AGAIN \n ### Explanation: Once more in contact with missing saint (5)\n**AGAIN**(st) (\"in contact with\", *missing* ST (saint))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Need French papers' answer in times of financial crisis (5,6)","output":"### Answer: BLACK FRIDAY \n ### Explanation: Need French papers' answer in times of financial crisis (5,6)\n**LACK** (\"need\")+ **Fr.** (French) + **ID** (\"papers\") + **A** (answer) *in* **BY** (\"times\", in maths), so **B(LACK-FR-ID-A)Y"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Subdued muscle- bound woman (7)","output":"### Answer: QUASHED \n ### Explanation: Subdued muscle- bound woman (7)\n**QUAD** (\"muscle\") *binding* **SHE** (\"woman\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: River very fashionable for a drive? (3-4)","output":"### Answer: TEE-SHOT \n ### Explanation: River very fashionable for a drive? (3-4)\n(River) **TEES** + **HOT** (\"very fashionable\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Family handle one leaving South American country (7)","output":"### Answer: SURNAME \n ### Explanation: Family handle one leaving South American country (7)\n**I** (one) *leaving* **SUR**(i)**NAME** (\"South American country\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Returning god is able to half- seal waterway (4,5)","output":"### Answer: SUEZ CANAL \n ### Explanation: Returning god is able to half- seal waterway (4,5)\n[*returning*] **<=ZEUS** +** CAN** (\"is able to\") + [*half-*] (se)**AL"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Book we can parade about (3,3,5)","output":"### Answer: WAR AND PEACE \n ### Explanation: Book we can parade about (3,3,5)\n***(we can parade)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Check rare tins for damage (8)","output":"### Answer: RESTRAIN \n ### Explanation: Check rare tins for damage (8)\n***(rare tins)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Footballer's action blocked by normal activity at Scottish club (10)","output":"### Answer: KILMARNOCK \n ### Explanation: Footballer's action blocked by normal activity at Scottish club (10)\n**KICK** (\"footballer's activity\") *blocked by* ***(normal)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Film judge apparently weighing shrunken heads (4)","output":"### Answer: JAWS \n ### Explanation: Film judge apparently weighing shrunken heads (4)\n[*heads*] of **J**(udge) **A**(pparently) **W**(eighing) **S**(hrunken)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: U-boats surprisingly come on shore in African monarchy (10)","output":"### Answer: BASUTOLAND \n ### Explanation: U-boats surprisingly come on shore in African monarchy (10)\n***(u-boats)** + **LAND** (\"come ashore\") \n*It would certainly have been a surprise to see U-boats land in a landlocked country (Basutoland was the pre-independence name of Lesotho)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Note about the French jumper (4)","output":"### Answer: FLEA \n ### Explanation: Note about the French jumper (4)\n**FA** (\"note\") *about* **LE** (\"the French\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Somewhat threatening and hideous Indian politician (6)","output":"### Answer: GANDHI \n ### Explanation: Somewhat threatening and hideous Indian politician (6)\nHidden in [*somewhat*] \"threatenin**G AND HI**deous\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Monk overthrows puritans (8)","output":"### Answer: RASPUTIN \n ### Explanation: Monk overthrows puritans (8)\n***(puritans)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: This herb, it could identify a nation (3,7)","output":"### Answer: THE BRITISH \n ### Explanation: This herb, it could identify a nation (3,7)\n***(this herb it)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Certain pay-off, whatever you offer (2,3,5)","output":"### Answer: AT ANY PRICE \n ### Explanation: Certain pay-off, whatever you offer (2,3,5)\n***(certain pay)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sees club putting up screen positions (3,5)","output":"### Answer: TAB STOPS \n ### Explanation: Sees club putting up screen positions (3,5)\n**<= SPOTS BAT** (\"sees club\") [*putting u*p]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Enjoyably odd account starts to inform (8)","output":"### Answer: ACQUAINT \n ### Explanation: Enjoyably odd account starts to inform (8)\n**QUAINT** (\"enjoyably odd\") with **AC** (account) at the *start"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Executioner initially appalled by up-and-coming celeb (6)","output":"### Answer: AXEMAN \n ### Explanation: Executioner initially appalled by up-and-coming celeb (6)\n[*initially*] **A**(ppalled) + **X** (\"by\", in maths) + [*up-and-coming*] **<=NAME** (\"celeb\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Primeval energy found in American heavy metal (3-3)","output":"### Answer: AGE-OLD \n ### Explanation: Primeval energy found in American heavy metal (3-3)\n**E** (energy) *found in* **A** (American) **GOLD** (\"heavy metal\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Caught socks in gardens (4)","output":"### Answer: HOES \n ### Explanation: Caught socks in gardens (4)\nHomophone of [*caught*]** HOSE** (\"socks\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One in force using force, if forced? (7)","output":"### Answer: OFFICER \n ### Explanation: One in force using force, if forced? (7)\n***(force if)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Guaranteed supply in crate (7)","output":"### Answer: CERTAIN \n ### Explanation: Guaranteed supply in crate (7)\n***(in crate)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tree lost heart? That's right! (5)","output":"### Answer: OSIER \n ### Explanation: Tree lost heart? That's right! (5)\n(l)**OS**(t) [*heart*] + **I.E.** (\"that is\") + **R** (right)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Passing flower round, as in assembly (9)","output":"### Answer: TRANSIENT \n ### Explanation: Passing flower round, as in assembly (9)\n**TRENT** (river, so \"flower\") *round* ***(as in)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Confusing me with so-called proportional representation (5,5)","output":"### Answer: SCALE MODEL \n ### Explanation: Confusing me with so-called proportional representation (5,5)\n***(me so called)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One's inclined to strike with Popular Front (4)","output":"### Answer: RAMP \n ### Explanation: One's inclined to strike with Popular Front (4)\n**RAM** (\"to strike\") *with* **P**(opular) [*front*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Danish legend translated without assistance (6-6)","output":"### Answer: SINGLE-HANDED \n ### Explanation: Danish legend translated without assistance (6-6)\n***(danish legend)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Messages from donkey striking in centre of Brussels (5,7)","output":"### Answer: SMOKE SIGNALS \n ### Explanation: Messages from donkey striking in centre of Brussels (5,7)\n**MOKE** (\"donkey\") + **SIGNAL** (\"striking\") *in* [*centre* *of*] (bru)**SS**(els)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bring in organ before Beethoven's Ninth (4)","output":"### Answer: EARN \n ### Explanation: Bring in organ before Beethoven's Ninth (4)\n**EAR** (\"organ\") *before* (beethove)**N** [*'s ninth*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Keeping dry in new raincoat? That's something to go for (10)","output":"### Answer: ATTRACTION \n ### Explanation: Keeping dry in new raincoat? That's something to go for (10)\n**TT** (teetotal, so \"dry\") *in* ***(raincoat)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stay in midst of students' agitation (9)","output":"### Answer: DEFERMENT \n ### Explanation: Stay in midst of students' agitation (9)\n[*midst of*] (stu)**DE**(nts) + **FERMENT** (\"agitation\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Gas ring section (5)","output":"### Answer: OZONE \n ### Explanation: Gas ring section (5)\n**O** (\"ring\") + **ZONE** (\"section\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Seated in a proper car, Her Majesty waves (7)","output":"### Answer: ROLLERS \n ### Explanation: Seated in a proper car, Her Majesty waves (7)\n[*seated in*] **ROLLS** (\"a proper car\") **ER** (\"Her Majesty\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hang on for US city's rogue trader (4,3)","output":"### Answer: LAST OUT \n ### Explanation: Hang on for US city's rogue trader (4,3)\n**LA's** (US city's) **TOUT** (\"rogue trader\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: French wood grasped by old-time player (6)","output":"### Answer: OBOIST \n ### Explanation: French wood grasped by old-time player (6)\n**BOIS** (French for \"wood\") *grasped by*** O** (old) + **T** (time)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: King in part of Central Asia fears rising (6)","output":"### Answer: FAISAL \n ### Explanation: King in part of Central Asia fears rising (6)\nHidden backwards in [*part* *of*] \"centra**L ASIA F**ear\" [*rising*] \n*Faisal was King of Saudi Arabia from 1964 until hi asssassination in 1975."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Focus, say, on manuscript about best friars (10)","output":"### Answer: CARMELITES \n ### Explanation: Focus, say, on manuscript about best friars (10)\n**CAR** (Ford \"Focus, say\") *on* **MS** (manuscript) *about* **ELITE** (\"best\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Men with a half of bitter, looking up or looking back (5)","output":"### Answer: RETRO \n ### Explanation: Men with a half of bitter, looking up or looking back (5)\n<=(**OR** (other ranks, so \"men\")+ [*half of*] (bit)**TER**) [*looking up*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fruit packed with energy taken by tea blender (9)","output":"### Answer: CHAMELEON \n ### Explanation: Fruit packed with energy taken by tea blender (9)\n**MELON** (\"fruit\") *packed with* **E** (energy) *taken by* **CHA** (\"tea\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Supporter requires tuna sandwiches (4)","output":"### Answer: REST \n ### Explanation: Supporter requires tuna sandwiches (4)\nHidden in \"requi**RES T**una\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A key adviser somewhere in Oz (8)","output":"### Answer: ADELAIDE \n ### Explanation: A key adviser somewhere in Oz (8)\n**A** + **DEL** (\"key\" (\"delete\" on a keyboard)) + **AIDE** (\"adviser\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stationery for writers, engineers and poets (8)","output":"### Answer: NOTEPADS \n ### Explanation: Stationery for writers, engineers and poets (8)\n***(and poets)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: False note? Ring up with promises to pay (10)","output":"### Answer: FALLACIOUS \n ### Explanation: False note? Ring up with promises to pay (10)\n**FA** (\"note\") + **<=CALL** (\"ring\") [*up*] *with* **IOUs** (\"promises to pay\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Innocent chicken \u2014 one left inside (9)","output":"### Answer: GUILTLESS \n ### Explanation: Innocent chicken \u2014 one left inside (9)\n**GUTLESS** (\"chicken\") with **1 L** (left) *inside"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Upper part of letter or card seen when sorted (8)","output":"### Answer: ASCENDER \n ### Explanation: Upper part of letter or card seen when sorted (8)\n***(card seen)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lugubrious doctor with contents of vase? (8)","output":"### Answer: MOURNFUL \n ### Explanation: Lugubrious doctor with contents of vase? (8)\n**MO** (medical officer, so \"doctor\") *with* **URNFUL** (\"contents of vase\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The King and I (without stereo sound) that's put on in Japan (6)","output":"### Answer: KIMONO \n ### Explanation: The King and I (without stereo sound) that's put on in Japan (6)\n**K** (king) + **I** + **MONO** (\"without stereo sound\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Plan location for circus performance? (6)","output":"### Answer: INTENT \n ### Explanation: Plan location for circus performance? (6)\nA circus performance would take place **IN** (a) **TENT"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Judge accompanied by large mammal (5)","output":"### Answer: RATEL \n ### Explanation: Judge accompanied by large mammal (5)\n**RATE** (\"judge\")* accompanied by* **L** (large)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Scottish bank daring to withdraw capital from Venezuela (4)","output":"### Answer: BRAE \n ### Explanation: Scottish bank daring to withdraw capital from Venezuela (4)\n**BRA**(v)**E\u00a0**(\"daring\") with [*capital from*] V(enezuala) *withdrawn"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Nut collector with intelligence lacking unearthed supply (10)","output":"### Answer: HEADHUNTER \n ### Explanation: Nut collector with intelligence lacking unearthed supply (10)\n(wit)**H** {\"intelligence\" (wit)* lacking*) + ***(unearthed)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Send for\u00a0boy serving knight (4)","output":"### Answer: PAGE \n ### Explanation: Send for\u00a0boy serving knight (4)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Any number in punt that's leaning (4)","output":"### Answer: BENT \n ### Explanation: Any number in punt that's leaning (4)\n**N** (\"any number\" in maths or statistics) *in* **BET** (\"punt\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mollusc\u00a0one often encountered in gardens (10)","output":"### Answer: PERIWINKLE \n ### Explanation: Mollusc\u00a0one often encountered in gardens (10)\n*Double definition, although Chambers says that the flower is found in forests rather than gardens? I'm no gardener though, so Neo may be right."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Printmaker caught in upper air (6)","output":"### Answer: ETCHER \n ### Explanation: Printmaker caught in upper air (6)\n**C** (caught) *in* **ETHER** (\"upper sir\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Staff run round before finding stray (8)","output":"### Answer: WANDERER \n ### Explanation: Staff run round before finding stray (8)\n**WAND** (\"staff\") + **R** (run) *round* **ERE** (\"before\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Performance stopped by another involving one saying little (8)","output":"### Answer: TACITURN \n ### Explanation: Performance stopped by another involving one saying little (8)\n**TURN** (\"performance\") *stopped by* **ACT** (\"another\" (performance)) *involving* **I** (one)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Piggish remark no problem around home (4)","output":"### Answer: OINK \n ### Explanation: Piggish remark no problem around home (4)\n**OK** (\"no problem\") *around* **IN** (\"home\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Spinners making comeback in nightclub (4)","output":"### Answer: SPOT \n ### Explanation: Spinners making comeback in nightclub (4)\n**<=TOPS** (\"spinners\") [*making comeback*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Husband, slightly impolite, heading off for convention (8)","output":"### Answer: HABITUDE \n ### Explanation: Husband, slightly impolite, heading off for convention (8)\n**H** (husband) + **A BIT** (\"slightly\") (r)**UDE** (\"impolite\" with its *heading off*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Region in secluded place in western Asia (4,4)","output":"### Answer: NEAR EAST \n ### Explanation: Region in secluded place in western Asia (4,4)\n**AREA** (\"region\") *in* **NEST** (\"secluded place\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Religious leader shows a brashness in church (6)","output":"### Answer: CALIPH \n ### Explanation: Religious leader shows a brashness in church (6)\n**A LIP** (\"brashness\") *in* **Ch**. (church)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Shy person is reveller around Florida (10)","output":"### Answer: WALLFLOWER \n ### Explanation: Shy person is reveller around Florida (10)\n**WALLOWER** (\"reveller\") *around* **Fl.** (Florida)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: God renders Hamlet powerless (4)","output":"### Answer: THOR \n ### Explanation: God renders Hamlet powerless (4)\n**THOR**(p) (\"hamlet\" without P (power), so *powerless*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Star not quite convert to compassionate eating? (4)","output":"### Answer: VEGA \n ### Explanation: Star not quite convert to compassionate eating? (4)\n[not quite] **VEGA**(n) {\"convert to passionale eating\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Adam clears out \u2013 leaves with this on? (5,5)","output":"### Answer: SALAD CREAM \n ### Explanation: Adam clears out \u2013 leaves with this on? (5,5)\n***(adam clears)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Complex woman takes ecstasy with sparkling claret (7)","output":"### Answer: ELECTRA \n ### Explanation: Complex woman takes ecstasy with sparkling claret (7)\n**E** (ecstasy) + ***(claret) ***In psychology, the Electra complex is a girl's competition with her mother for her father's attention."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: European\u00a0partner (5)","output":"### Answer: DUTCH \n ### Explanation: European\u00a0partner (5)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Blow where meal without starter not totally delightful (8)","output":"### Answer: UPPERCUT \n ### Explanation: Blow where meal without starter not totally delightful (8)\n(s)**UPPER** (\"meal\" *without starter*) + [*not totally*] **CUT**(e) (\"delightful\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Quit \u2013 what draper might do when you spend lots? (5,2,3,5)","output":"### Answer: THROW IN THE TOWEL \n ### Explanation: Quit \u2013 what draper might do when you spend lots? (5,2,3,5)\nA draper may throw in a towel for free?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ivanhoe's lady in dispute with another woman (6)","output":"### Answer: ROWENA \n ### Explanation: Ivanhoe's lady in dispute with another woman (6)\n**ROW** (\"dispute\") *with* **ENA** (another \"woman\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Copes with tent destroyed in festival (9)","output":"### Answer: PENTECOST \n ### Explanation: Copes with tent destroyed in festival (9)\n***(copes tent)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sound from kitchen aboard ship (7)","output":"### Answer: GALLEON \n ### Explanation: Sound from kitchen aboard ship (7)\n*Homophone of* **GALLEY** (\"kitchen\") + **ON** (\"aboard\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Linear A with it for translation among other things (5,4)","output":"### Answer: INTER ALIA \n ### Explanation: Linear A with it for translation among other things (5,4)\n***(linear a it)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Good news about alumnus who was poorly hidden (8)","output":"### Answer: OBSCURED \n ### Explanation: Good news about alumnus who was poorly hidden (8)\nIf an **OB'S CURED**, it is good news (ie an alumnus is now better)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Aristocracy look to get on (7)","output":"### Answer: PEERAGE \n ### Explanation: Aristocracy look to get on (7)\n**PEER** (\"look\") + **AGE** (\"to get on\" (in years))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Peacemaker has no time for qualification (7)","output":"### Answer: DIPLOMA \n ### Explanation: Peacemaker has no time for qualification (7)\n**DIPLOMA**(t) (\"peacekeeper\" *has no* T (time)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Everyone in rush to ditch hotel soap (6)","output":"### Answer: DALLAS \n ### Explanation: Everyone in rush to ditch hotel soap (6)\n**ALL** (\"everyone\") *in* **DAS**(h) (\"rush\" with H (hotel) *ditched*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: In a while selling up \u2013 one has to leave (5)","output":"### Answer: LATER \n ### Explanation: In a while selling up \u2013 one has to leave (5)\n**<=RETA**(i)**L** (\"selling\" *up*, with I (one) *having to leave*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mate and brag very early in the morning (8)","output":"### Answer: COCKCROW \n ### Explanation: Mate and brag very early in the morning (8)\n**COCK** (\"mate\") + **CROW** (\"brag\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Seeds crashing out of Wimbledon at the start: like Borg and Edberg? (6)","output":"### Answer: SWEDES \n ### Explanation: Seeds crashing out of Wimbledon at the start: like Borg and Edberg? (6)\n***(seeds)** *out*(side) *of* **W**(imbledon) [*at the start*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Grabbed one McDonald's in a hurry (9)","output":"### Answer: IMPRESSED \n ### Explanation: Grabbed one McDonald's in a hurry (9)\nI (\"one\") + M (McDonalds) + PRESSED (\"in a hurry\") \n*I assume that M + the \"Golden Arches\" logo of McDonalds (a large yellow M), but I haven't come across this before. Purists will no doubt complain that it isn't in Chambers, but it is such an ubiquitous sign that I think it's OK."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Did judge and juror ultimately put away director (5)","output":"### Answer: RATED \n ### Explanation: Did judge and juror ultimately put away director (5)\n(juro)**R** [*ultimately*] + **ATE** (\"put away\") + **D** (director)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ace appears with real magic (12)","output":"### Answer: SUPERNATURAL \n ### Explanation: Ace appears with real magic (12)\n**SUPER** (\"ace\") *appears with* **NATURAL** (\"real\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Horse led round circuit (4)","output":"### Answer: ROAN \n ### Explanation: Horse led round circuit (4)\n**RAN** (\"led\") *round* **O** (ring, so \"circuit\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rubbish heaps left out in street that's extremely messy (10)","output":"### Answer: SCRAPPIEST \n ### Explanation: Rubbish heaps left out in street that's extremely messy (10)\n**CRAP** (\"rubbish\") + **PI**(l)**ES** (\"heaps\" with L (left) *out*) *in* **St**. (street)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Designer label in top and rubbish coat (10)","output":"### Answer: MACKINTOSH \n ### Explanation: Designer label in top and rubbish coat (10)\n**CK** (Calvin Klein, a \"designer label\")* in* **MAIN** (\"top\") and **TOSH** (\"rubbish\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Spot essentially going to obscure front of eye? (4)","output":"### Answer: STYE \n ### Explanation: Spot essentially going to obscure front of eye? (4)\n**S**(po)**T** [*essentially going*] (i.e. the essence (middle) going) *to obscure* (make invisible) [*the start of*] (e)**YE **and &lit."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Modifying racer brought extra speed with this? (12)","output":"### Answer: TURBOCHARGER \n ### Explanation: Modifying racer brought extra speed with this? (12)\n***(racer brought)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dim, cold and thundering (5)","output":"### Answer: CLOUD \n ### Explanation: Dim, cold and thundering (5)\n**C** (cold) + **LOUD** (\"thundering\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stops on this red with no gear changes (4,5)","output":"### Answer: REED ORGAN \n ### Explanation: Stops on this red with no gear changes (4,5)\n***(red no gear)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sun gradually damages blinds (6)","output":"### Answer: SWEARS \n ### Explanation: Sun gradually damages blinds (6)\n**S** (sun) + **WEARS** (\"gradually damages\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Seeing red bouquet to get date (8)","output":"### Answer: INCENSED \n ### Explanation: Seeing red bouquet to get date (8)\n**INCENSE** (\"bouquet\") *to ge*t **D** (date)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bed for 2 (4)","output":"### Answer: CRIB \n ### Explanation: Bed for 2 (4)\nDouble definition (\"2\" refers to answer to 2dn)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Follow officer to yard (4)","output":"### Answer: COPY \n ### Explanation: Follow officer to yard (4)\n**COP** (\"officer\") *to* **Y** (yard)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pick up European form of money (6)","output":"### Answer: CHEQUE \n ### Explanation: Pick up European form of money (6)\nHomophone of [*pick up*] **CZECH** (\"European\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hissing cobra initially to struggle with secretary bird (13)","output":"### Answer: OYSTERCATCHER \n ### Explanation: Hissing cobra initially to struggle with secretary bird (13)\n***(hc to secretary)\u00a0**where HC = H(issing) C(obra) [*initially*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bugs wife: flipping row after passion (8)","output":"### Answer: WIRETAPS \n ### Explanation: Bugs wife: flipping row after passion (8)\n**W** (wife) + [*flipping*] **<=SPAT** (\"row\") *after* **IRE** (\"passion\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cleaners check toilets (10)","output":"### Answer: DETERGENTS \n ### Explanation: Cleaners check toilets (10)\n**DETER** (\"check\") + **GENTS** (\"toilets\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Orders from FA reduced international matches (10)","output":"### Answer: SODALITIES \n ### Explanation: Orders from FA reduced international matches (10)\n**SOD AL**(l) (\"FA\" as in \"sweet FA\") [*reduced*] + **I** (international] + **TIES** (\"matches\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One might fit crown green bowls at the back: land out for development (6,7)","output":"### Answer: DENTAL SURGEON \n ### Explanation: One might fit crown green bowls at the back: land out for development (6,7)\n***(green s land out)\u00a0**where S = (bowl)S [*at the back*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tattoos on Mark's legs (10)","output":"### Answer: DRUMSTICKS \n ### Explanation: Tattoos on Mark's legs (10)\n**DRUMS** (\"tattoos\") *on* **TICKS** (\"marks\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Seeing that fish filling most of bread? Or cheese? (10)","output":"### Answer: MASCARPONE \n ### Explanation: Seeing that fish filling most of bread? Or cheese? (10)\n**AS** (\"seeing that\") + **CARP** (\"fish\") *filling* [*most of*]\u00a0**MONE**(y) (\"bread\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fight in nick behind detectives (8)","output":"### Answer: DISORDER \n ### Explanation: Fight in nick behind detectives (8)\n**ORDER** (\"nick\" as in \"in good nick\") *behind* **DIs** (\"Detective\" Inspectors)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Untangle fish in river (6)","output":"### Answer: DECODE \n ### Explanation: Untangle fish in river (6)\n**COD** (\"fish\") *in* (river) **DEE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Gets on games consoles when upset (4)","output":"### Answer: AGES \n ### Explanation: Gets on games consoles when upset (4)\n**<=SEGA** (\"games consoles\") [*when upset*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Woman to stop hugging Tramp (4)","output":"### Answer: ENID \n ### Explanation: Woman to stop hugging Tramp (4)\n**END** (\"stop\") *hugging* **I** (\"Tramp\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Switches bottle, needing no answer in case of shingles (8)","output":"### Answer: SCOURGES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Switches\n**COUR**(a)**GE** (\"bottle\" *needing no* A (answer)) *in* [**case of**] **S**(hingle)**S"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Son has no trousers (6)","output":"### Answer: SLACKS \n ### Explanation: Definition: trousers\n**S** (son) + **LACKS** (\"has no\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Student coming in almost last, drunk (6)","output":"### Answer: BLOTTO \n ### Explanation: Definition: drunk\n**L** (learner, so \"student\") *coming in* [*almost*] **BOTTO**(m) (\"last\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rent during course is a risky game (8)","output":"### Answer: ROULETTE \n ### Explanation: Definition: a risky game\n**LET** (\"rent\") *during* **ROUTE** (\"course\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Planning a near orbit must be an anomaly (10)","output":"### Answer: ABERRATION \n ### Explanation: Definition: an anomaly\n***(a near orbit)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Put back time trial (4)","output":"### Answer: TEST \n ### Explanation: Definition: trial\n**<=SET** (\"put\" *back*) + **T** (time)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Off colour initially in fixing drain (6)","output":"### Answer: RANCID \n ### Explanation: Definition: Off\n**C**(olour) [*initially*] *in* ***(drain)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Illustrates old stamps (8)","output":"### Answer: EXPOUNDS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Illustrates\n**EX** (\"old\") + **POUNDS** (\"stamps\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cooks must cross a road for high-flying workers (8)","output":"### Answer: STEWARDS \n ### Explanation: Definition: high-flying workers\n**STEWS** (\"cooks\") m*ust cross* **A Rd.** (road)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Talk a little about a remedy for acid (6)","output":"### Answer: ALKALI \n ### Explanation: Definition: a remedy for acid\nHidden in \"t**ALK A LI**ttle\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lead shot originally used with pitch (4)","output":"### Answer: STAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Lead\n**S**(tar) [*originally*] *used with* **TAR** (\"pitch\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Such vehicles bear the marks of battle (6,4)","output":"### Answer: SPORTS CARS \n ### Explanation: Definition: vehicles\n**SPORT** (\"bear\") + **SCARS** (\"the marks of battle\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Architectural feature may be obstacle having ignored first two letters (8)","output":"### Answer: PEDIMENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Architectural feature\n(im)**PEDIMENT** (\"obstacle\"* having ignored first two letters*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Taxi working to load right element (6)","output":"### Answer: CARBON \n ### Explanation: Definition: element\n**CAB** (\"taxi\") + **ON** (\"working\") *to load* **R** (right)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Withdraw toll applied to soldiers (6)","output":"### Answer: REPEAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Withdraw\n**PEAL** (\"toll\") *applied to* **RE** (Royal Engineers, so \"soldiers\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Reaction of revolutionary press on right of choice (8)","output":"### Answer: RESPONSE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Reaction\n***(press on e)** where E = [*right* *of*] (i.e the letter on the right edge of) (choic)**E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: B-lister's harangue at person performing priestly duties? (9)","output":"### Answer: CELEBRANT \n ### Explanation: B-lister's harangue at person performing priestly duties? (9)\n**CELEB** (\"B-lister\") + **RANT** (\"harangue\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Express's topless spread (5)","output":"### Answer: UTTER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Express\n[*topless*] (b)**UTTER** (\"spread\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Duck slime? Smoother! (9)","output":"### Answer: GOOSANDER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Duck\n**GOO** (\"slime\") + **SANDER** (\"smoother\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Help in mass, for example (7)","output":"### Answer: SERVICE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Help \nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Reject incentive, and without cover (5)","output":"### Answer: SPURN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Reject\n**SPUR** + (a)**N**(d) [*without cover*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Amazed when lorry gets both of us on board (9)","output":"### Answer: AWESTRUCK \n ### Explanation: Definition: Amazed\n**AS** (\"when\") + **TRUCK** (\"lorry\") *gets* **WE** (\"both of us\") *on board"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Equipment best uncovered for so-called planes (5)","output":"### Answer: KITES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Equipment\n**KIT** (\"equipment\") + (b)**ES**(t) [*uncovered*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Gamble supporting company fight showing lack of courage (9)","output":"### Answer: COWARDICE \n ### Explanation: Definition: lack of courage\n**DICE** (\"gamble\") *supporting* **CO** (company) + **WAR** (\"fight\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Customs may see a bit of drama cutting costs (9)","output":"### Answer: PRACTICES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Customs\n**ACT** (\"a bit of drama\") *cutting* **PRICES** (\"costs\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mad English composer touring carnival venue (9)","output":"### Answer: DELIRIOUS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Mad\n(Frederick)** DELIUS** (\"English composer\") *touring* **RIO** (\"carnival venue\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Person who looks small \u2013 tinker? (7)","output":"### Answer: SPOTTER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Person who looks\n**S** (small) + **POTTER** (\"tinker\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Subject of note crossing border (5)","output":"### Answer: THEME \n ### Explanation: Definition: Subject\n**TE** (musical \"note\") *crossing* **HEM** (\"border\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What's left of building after the end of this inferno? (5)","output":"### Answer: SHELL \n ### Explanation: Definition: What's left of building\n*after* [*the end of*] (thi)**S** + **HELL** (\"inferno\") and semi &lit."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Antique copper ring in Orkney, originally (5)","output":"### Answer: CURIO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Antique\nC**U** (\"copper\") + **R**(ing)** I**(n) **O**(rkney) [*originally*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Clothing in school leading to grumble (9)","output":"### Answer: SCHMUTTER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Clothing\n**SCH** (school) l*eading to* **MUTTER** (\"grumble\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A trim body, rippling? Could be brat, so muscly (5)","output":"### Answer: MYOID \n ### Explanation: Definition: muscly\n***(a trim body)** *could be* MYOID \"brat\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The old despair with a phone that's out of order (7)","output":"### Answer: WANHOPE \n ### Explanation: Definition: The old despair\n**W** (with) + **A** + ***(phone)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Green tops? The tops indeed (8)","output":"### Answer: VERTICES \n ### Explanation: Definition: tops\n**VERT** (\"green') + **ICES** (\"tops\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sage unaccompanied by that last bit of onion (5)","output":"### Answer: SOLON \n ### Explanation: Definition: Sage\n**SOLO** (\"unaccompanied\") *by* [*that last bit of*]*\u00a0* (onio)**N** \nSolon was an ancient Greek lawgiver (one of the Seven Sages), whose name now means a \"sage\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A tin shed like this? Ikea's not involved (4)","output":"### Answer: SKEO \n ### Explanation: Definition: shed\n***(ikeas not)** would give \"a tin\" SKEO \nA skeo is a shed in the northern isles of Scotlland."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: With resin applied and money invested, offering over-optimistic prospects (10)","output":"### Answer: ROSE-TINTED \n ### Explanation: Definition: offering over-optimistic prospects\n**ROSETED** (\"with resin applied\") *and* **TIN** (\"money\") *invested"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Horror-struck commanders facing end of engagement (6)","output":"### Answer: AGHAST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Horror-struck\n**AGHAS** (\"commanders\") *facing* [*end* *of*] (engagemen)**T"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One commands no respect, plenty being withdrawn (4)","output":"### Answer: SNOT \n ### Explanation: Definition: One commands no respect\n**<=TONS** (\"plenty\" *being withdrawn*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Section in buff uniform wheeling satisfyingly (4)","output":"### Answer: NUFF \n ### Explanation: Definition: satisfyingly\nHidden [*section in*] in \"bu**FF UN**iform\" [*wheeling*, so turning]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mysterious goddess, endlessly angry but cold inside (6)","output":"### Answer: HECATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Mysterious goddess\n[*endlessly*] **HEATE**(d) (\"angry\") with **C** (cold) *inside"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Design song about extraterrestrial orreries? (10)","output":"### Answer: PLANETARIA \n ### Explanation: Definition: orreries?\n**PLAN** (\"design\") **ARIA** (\"song\") *about* **ET** (extraterrestrial)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What's youngster after end of fagging? (4)","output":"### Answer: GLAD \n ### Explanation: Definition: What's youngster after end of fagging?\n**LAD** (\"youngster\") *after* [*end of*] (faggin)**G**, and &lit."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Showy bird making an impact after entering (5)","output":"### Answer: POWIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Showy bird\n**POW** (\"impact\") + **IN** (\"after entering\") \nPowin is a Scots word for a peacock"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Early dialect I don't understand, including odd elements of Gallic (7)","output":"### Answer: ANGLIAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Early dialect\n**ANAN** (\"I don't understand\") i*ncluding*\u00a0[*odd elements of*] **G**(a)**L**(l)**I**(c)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: High moorland was ruined by spades (5)","output":"### Answer: FELLS \n ### Explanation: Definition: High moorland\n**FELL** (\"was ruined\") *by* **S** (spades)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Plate by river showing those that may expect royalties? (9)","output":"### Answer: PATENTEES \n ### Explanation: Definition: those that may expect royalties?\n**PATEN** (\"plate\") *by* (river) T**EES"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Robbery with violence: do this to find a brigand? Not I (12)","output":"### Answer: SMASH-AND-GRAB \n ### Explanation: Definition: Robbery with violence\nIf you **SMASH** the letters in A BR(i)GAND (\"not\" the \"I\") it could become **AND GRAB"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Robot dog I avoided by rearing inside (6)","output":"### Answer: CYBORG \n ### Explanation: Definition: Robot \n**CORG**(i) (\"dog\" with \"I\"\u00a0*avoided*) with **<=BY** [*rearing*] *inside"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: H-hooter making one laugh (4)","output":"### Answer: HOWL \n ### Explanation: Definition: one laugh\nH + OWL (\"hooter\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Month in Siam wandering round for flowering plant (6)","output":"### Answer: MIMOSA \n ### Explanation: Definition: flowering plant\n**Mo.** (month) *in* ***(siam)** around"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Chirp (5)","output":"### Answer: TWEET \n ### Explanation: Definition: Chirp\nAzed wants you to come up with your own clue for \"tweet\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: It's associated with trash being flogged, blowzy (7)","output":"### Answer: TARTISH \n ### Explanation: Definition: blowzy\n***(it trash)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Understanding what gets pair of nets entangled with barge's stern (7)","output":"### Answer: ENTENTE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Understanding\nTwo ***(net)**s *with* (barg)**E** [*'s stern*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Weed in the Munros maybe, conked out (6)","output":"### Answer: DOCKEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Weed in the Munros maybe\n*(conked) \n*Growing up in Scotland, I soon learned that a docken leaf is a weed used to neutralise the effect of a nettle."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Clock in square went round (6)","output":"### Answer: SPEEDO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Clock\n**S** (square) + **PEED** (\"went\") + **O** (\"round\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What's sent Ted crazy with love, captivated by Liz? (12)","output":"### Answer: BESOTTEDNESS \n ### Explanation: Definition: What's sent Ted crazy with love, captivated by Liz?\n***(sent ted o)** where O = \"love\", *captivated by* **BESS** (\"Liz\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Punch causing blood to spread from below (7)","output":"### Answer: SANGRIA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Punch\n**SANG** (\"blood\") + **<=AIR** (\"to spread\", *from below*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pair wanting company going round in what commuters take? (6)","output":"### Answer: UPLINE \n ### Explanation: Definition: what commuters take?\n(co)**UPLE** (\"pair\" *wanting* CO(mpany)) *going round* **IN"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Drudgery alternating with former rail company, widen out (6)","output":"### Answer: FLANGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: widen ou\n**F A G** (\"drudgery\") *alternating with* **L N E** (\"former rail company\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Constant upward drift? It was especially noticeable in shires (6)","output":"### Answer: CRONET \n ### Explanation: Definition: It was especially noticeable in shires\n**C** (constant) + [*upward*] **<=TENOR** (\"drift\") \nA cronet is a tuft of hair above a horse's hoof, so a prominent feature of a shire horse."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tag, last to take the lead in Highland trudge (6)","output":"### Answer: TAIGLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Highland trudge\n**AIGLE(T)** with the T going from last to first [*to take the lead*] \nTaigle is a Scottish word for trudge, *although I am more familiar with \"trachle\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: King's companion in Elizabethan England (5)","output":"### Answer: THANE \n ### Explanation: Definition: King's companion\nHidden in \"elizabeTHAN England\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The best of northern England, one of its rivers, if not the first (4)","output":"### Answer: WALE \n ### Explanation: Definition: The best of northern England\n(s)**WALE** (one of (Northern England's) rivers , but ith the \"first\" letter removed) \nWale means \"ther pick\" or \"the best\" in Scotland and Northern England."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Oily charm from judge leaving meeting (7)","output":"### Answer: UNCTION \n ### Explanation: Definition: Oily charm\n(j)**UNCTION** (\"meeting\" with J (judge) *leaving*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bethlehem visitors find retri\u00adbution, returning with one change of direction (4,3)","output":"### Answer: WISE MEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Bethlehem visitors\n**<=NEMESI**(s>**W**) (\"retribution\" (nemesis) with S (south) changed to W (west) [*one change of direction*])"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: X, mark probing new evidence of collision \u2014 get the law! (3,12)","output":"### Answer: TEN COMMANDMENTS \n ### Explanation: Definition: the law\n**TEN** (\"X\") +** COMMA** (,) + **M** (mark) *probing* **N** (new) **DENTS** (\"evidence of collision\"), so **TEN-COMMA-N-D(M)ENTS"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hear one welcoming woman (5)","output":"### Answer: GRETA \n ### Explanation: Definition: woman\nHomophone of [*hear*]\u00a0**GREETER** (\"one welcoming\") GREETER being one posssible pronunciation of \"Greta\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One supporting and backing American composer (9)","output":"### Answer: SUSTAINER \n ### Explanation: Definition: One supporting\n[backing] **<=US** (\"American\") + (John) **STAINER** (English 19th century \"composer\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unexpectedly arrived during tea, drunk on this? (5,4)","output":"### Answer: TABLE WINE \n ### Explanation: Definition: drunk on this?\n**BLEW IN** (\"unexpectedly arrived\") *during* ***(tea)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Part of Africa has bounced back well, if intermittently (5)","output":"### Answer: SAHEL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Part of Africa\n**<=HAS** (\"bounced back\") + (w)**E**(l)**L** [intermittently] \n*Sahel is that part of Africa immediately south of the Sahara Desert"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Russian bishop's prayer not working (5)","output":"### Answer: BORIS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Russian\n**B** (bishop) + **ORIS**(on) (\"prayer\" but *not* ON (\"working\"))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Put into shape, because tangled (9)","output":"### Answer: FORMATTED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Put into shape\n**FOR** (\"because\") + **MATTED** (\"tangled\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sort of personality: international Mars explorer has tons (9)","output":"### Answer: INTROVERT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Sort of personality\n**Int.** (international) + **ROVER** (\"Mars explorer\") *has* **T** (tone)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Brave but missing first chance (5)","output":"### Answer: LUCKY \n ### Explanation: Definition: chance\n(p)**LUCKY** (\"brave\" *but missing first* (letter))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pronounced sorrow with board game where finance dictates policy (6,9)","output":"### Answer: DOLLAR DIPLOMACY \n ### Explanation: Definition: where finance dictates policy\nHomophone of [*pronounced*] **DOLOUR** (\"sorrow\") *with* **DIPLOMACY** (\"board game\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Having no hope of fixing 24 (7)","output":"### Answer: DESPAIR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Having no hope\n***(praised)** (answer to 24ac)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Showed approval of 23 being freed (7)","output":"### Answer: PRAISED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Showed approval\n***(despair)** (answer to 23ac)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Nervous in court, cramped (7)","output":"### Answer: UPTIGHT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Nervous\n**UP** (\"in court\") + **TIGHT** (\"cramped\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hypocritical speaker to cover least bad book (10,5)","output":"### Answer: CANTERBURY TALES \n ### Explanation: Definition: book\n**CANTER** (\"hypocritical speaker\") + **BURY** (\"to cover\") + ***(least)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Devotees, cricket match being over, not now on square (9)","output":"### Answer: IDOLATERS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Devotees\n**<= ODI** (One Day International, so \"cricket match\" *over*) + **LATER** (\"not now\") + **S** (square)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Roman city's northern half taken over (5)","output":"### Answer: NIMES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Roman city\n**N** (northern) + **<=SEMI** (\"half\", *taken over*) \n*According to Wikipedia,\u00a0N\u00eemes is often referred to as the French Rome"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Turns to catch the sound of sudden change of air (4,5)","output":"### Answer: WIND SHEAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: sudden change of air\n**WINDS** (\"turns\") + **HEAR** (\"to catch the sound of\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Succinct treatise from small religious community (5)","output":"### Answer: SUMMA \n ### Explanation: Definition: uccinct treatise\n**S** (small) + **UMMA** (the body of Islam, so \"religious community\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Are they sent for if popes, say, act so strangely? (3,2,5,5)","output":"### Answer: MEN IN WHITE COATS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Are they sent for if popes, say, act so strangely?\nMy original comment \u2013 *Cryptic definition, I think. \"The men in white coats\" are said to be sent to collect mad people, and popes wear white vestments.* Travatore has pointed out a better parsing \u2013 **MEN IN WHITE** (\"popes\") + ***(act so)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Through this shortly I'll snort horribly (7)","output":"### Answer: NOSTRIL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Through this shortly I'll snort horribly\n***(il snort)** where IL is [*shortly*] IL(l) and &lit."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Batting, force one senior man away from boundary (9)","output":"### Answer: INFIELDER \n ### Explanation: Definition: man away from boundary\n**IN** (\"batting\") + **F** (force) + **I** (\"one\") +** ELDER** (\"senior\") \nIn cricket, an infielder is one of the fielders closer to the bat (i.e. further away from the boundary)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Imitation marble is logical as could be (9)","output":"### Answer: SCAGLIOLA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Imitation marble\n***(logical as)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Deprived of sense, incorrectly bound to accept Liberal (7)","output":"### Answer: BLINDED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Deprived of sense\n**BINDED** (*incorrectly* \"bound\") *to accept* **L** (Liberal)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unmoved as grass has stained coat (3-4)","output":"### Answer: DRY-EYED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Unmoved\n**RYE** (\"grass\") has **DYED** (\"stained\") as a *coat\u00a0"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: US city with no motorway? I am surprised (5)","output":"### Answer: OMAHA \n ### Explanation: Definition: US city\n**O** ('no\") + **M** (motorway) + **AHA** (\"I am surprised\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A little more drink for toasting new pet? (3-2)","output":"### Answer: TOP-UP \n ### Explanation: Definition: A little more drink\n**TO PUP!**\u00a0may be a toast to a new pet."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Speedy dash to make secure (6)","output":"### Answer: FASTEN \n ### Explanation: Speedy dash to make secure (6)\n**FAST** (\"speedy\") + **EN** (\"dash\" \u2013 space in printing)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Assess girl university brought in recently (8)","output":"### Answer: EVALUATE \n ### Explanation: Assess girl university brought in recently (8)\n**EVA** (\"girl\") + **U** (university) *in* **LATE** (\"recently\") \n*The grammar in thsi clue doesn't work for me as it implies that LATE is being brought in, rather than U, plus \"recently\" indicates LATELY or OF LATE rather than LATE?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bone discovered in Roman villa (5)","output":"### Answer: ANVIL \n ### Explanation: Bone discovered in Roman villa (5)\nHidden [*discovered*] in \"rom**AN VIL**la\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Student revelling in danger in Saint Petersburg (9)","output":"### Answer: LENINGRAD \n ### Explanation: Student revelling in danger in Saint Petersburg (9)\n**L** (\"student\") + ***(in danger)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Soviet statesman writes low verse about destiny (7)","output":"### Answer: MOLOTOV \n ### Explanation: Soviet statesman writes low verse about destiny (7)\n**MOO** (\"low\") + **V** (verse) *about* **LOT** (\"destiny\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ah! Trees swaying in May! (7)","output":"### Answer: THERESA \n ### Explanation: Ah! Trees swaying in May! (7)\n***(ah trees)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Emperor in north on about love (4)","output":"### Answer: NERO \n ### Explanation: Emperor in north on about love (4)\n**N** (north) + **<=RE** (\"on\" *about*) + **O** (love)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Plant parts central to Holy Christian festival (8)","output":"### Answer: OLEASTER \n ### Explanation: Plant parts central to Holy Christian festival (8)\n[*parts central to*]*\u00a0*(h)**O**L(y) + **EASTER** (\"christian festival\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Brad wore tailored clothes (8)","output":"### Answer: WARDROBE \n ### Explanation: Brad wore tailored clothes (8)\n***(brad wore)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Response from congregation almost put right (4)","output":"### Answer: AMEN \n ### Explanation: Response from congregation almost put right (4)\n[*almost*] **AMEN**(d) (\"put right\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Student was tortured by known criminals (7)","output":"### Answer: OUTLAWS \n ### Explanation: Student was tortured by known criminals (7)\n**L** (\"student\") + ***(was**) *by* **OUT** (\"known\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Number one drink in West? (7)","output":"### Answer: IMAGINE \n ### Explanation: Number one drink in West? (7)\n**I** (\"one\") **GIN** (\"drink\") *in* **MAE** (West) \n*I can't think why \"imagine\" = \"number\"?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dig is fine playfully meant (9)","output":"### Answer: SIGNIFIED \n ### Explanation: Dig is fine playfully meant (9)\n***(dig is fine)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: House teacher takes in daughter for second time (5)","output":"### Answer: TUDOR \n ### Explanation: House teacher takes in daughter for second time (5)\n**TU**(t>**D**)**OR\u00a0**(\"teacher\" with the second T (time) replaced by D (daughter))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Time to shut up, beset by extra financial burden (8)","output":"### Answer: MORTGAGE \n ### Explanation: Time to shut up, beset by extra financial burden (8)\n**T** (time) + **GAG** (\"to shut up\") *beset by* **MORE** (\"extra\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dull rubbish that could bring the house down? (3,3)","output":"### Answer: DRY ROT \n ### Explanation: Dull rubbish that could bring the house down? (3,3)\n**DRY** (\"dull\") + **ROT** (\"rubbish\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Newspaper people in this publication disintegrate (8)","output":"### Answer: FRAGMENT \n ### Explanation: Newspaper people in this publication disintegrate (8)\n**RAG** (\"newspaper\") + **MEN** (\"people\") *in* **FT** (Financial Times, \"this piblication\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unpleasant noise follows when coming up London street (6,3)","output":"### Answer: SAVILE ROW \n ### Explanation: Unpleasant noise follows when coming up London street (6,3)\n**VILE** (\"unpleasant\") + **ROW** (\"noise\") *follows* **<=AS** (\"when\" *coming up*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stone one enraged Helot carries (6)","output":"### Answer: EOLITH \n ### Explanation: Stone one enraged Helot carries (6)\n***(helot)** *carries*** I **(\"one\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tintoretto perhaps unable to see screen (8,5)","output":"### Answer: VENETIAN BLIND \n ### Explanation: Tintoretto perhaps unable to see screen (8,5)\n**VENETIAN** (\"Tintoretto perhaps\") + **BLIND** (\"unable to see\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Light inside regularly observed in days before Easter (7)","output":"### Answer: LENIENT \n ### Explanation: Light inside regularly observed in days before Easter (7)\n(i)**N**(s)**(**I(d)**E** [*regularly*] *observed in* **LENT** (\"days before Easter\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fit silver on table at last (5)","output":"### Answer: AGREE \n ### Explanation: Fit silver on table at last (5)\n**Ag** (\"silver\") + **RE** (\"on\") + (tabl)**E** [*at last*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cause to be loved, showing close attention (6)","output":"### Answer: ENDEAR \n ### Explanation: Cause to be loved, showing close attention (6)\n**END** (\"close\") + **EAR** (\"attention\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Drivers here come by train, plane and ferry journey (5,8)","output":"### Answer: LEVEL CROSSING \n ### Explanation: Drivers here come by train, plane and ferry journey (5,8)\n**LEVEL** (\"plane\") + **CROSSING** (\"ferry journey\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Nudge to hide a book not sold (9)","output":"### Answer: REMAINDER \n ### Explanation: Nudge to hide a book not sold (9)\n**REMINDER** (\"nudge\") *to hide* **A"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stuff written makes town seem important (7,6)","output":"### Answer: READING MATTER \n ### Explanation: Stuff written makes town seem important (7,6)\n**READING** (\"town\") + **MATTER** (\"seem important\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Animal in Post Office first to solve problem (6)","output":"### Answer: POSSUM \n ### Explanation: Animal in Post Office first to solve problem (6)\n**PO** (Post Office) + [*first to*] **S**(olve) + **SUM** (\"problem\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dynamic person has grand in bank (5)","output":"### Answer: TIGER \n ### Explanation: Dynamic person has grand in bank (5)\n**G** (grand) *in* **TIER** (\"bank\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: South American relations found somewhere in the south (6)","output":"### Answer: SUSSEX \n ### Explanation: South American relations found somewhere in the south (6)\n**S** (South) +\u00a0**US** (American) + **SEX** (\"relations\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Spam Irishman knocked back on boat (4,4)","output":"### Answer: JUNK MAIL \n ### Explanation: Spam Irishman knocked back on boat (4,4)\n**<=LIAM** (\"Irishman\", *knocked back*) *on* **JUNK** (\"boat\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mark, in language education books, retrospective (5)","output":"### Answer: TILDE \n ### Explanation: Mark, in language education books, retrospective (5)\n**<=ED. LIT.** (\"education books\" *retrospective*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Can fellow reduce the price of spring plant? (9)","output":"### Answer: MAYFLOWER \n ### Explanation: Can fellow reduce the price of spring plant? (9)\n**MAY** (\"can\") + **F** (fellow) + **LOWER** (\"reduce the price\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Restricted by a particular map, Earl's up the creek without a paddle (7)","output":"### Answer: OARLESS \n ### Explanation: Restricted by a particular map, Earl's up the creek without a paddle (7)\n*Restricted by* **OS** (Ordnance Survey, \"a particular map\"), ***(earls)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Astronaut's injury seen in sick bay (7)","output":"### Answer: SHARMAN \n ### Explanation: Astronaut's injury seen in sick bay (7)\n**HARM** (\"injury\")* seen in* **SAN** (sanatorium, so \"sick bay\") \n*In 1991, Helen Sharman was the first British person to go into space."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Male Norwegian writer I knew somewhat (4)","output":"### Answer: ERIK \n ### Explanation: Male Norwegian writer I knew somewhat (4)\nHidden in [*somewhat*] \"writ**ER I K**new\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Graduate wrongly dates a piece of furniture (8)","output":"### Answer: BEDSTEAD \n ### Explanation: Graduate wrongly dates a piece of furniture (8)\n**B Ed** (Bachelor of Education, so \"graduate) + ***(dates)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Good beams of light mature plant in US (4,4)","output":"### Answer: GRAY SAGE \n ### Explanation: Good beams of light mature plant in US (4,4)\n**G** (good) + **RAYS** (\"beams of light\") + **AGE** (\"mature\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: It's a performance, making American the ultimate cheese (4)","output":"### Answer: FETA \n ### Explanation: It's a performance, making American the ultimate cheese (4)\n**FET**(e>**A**) (\"a performance\") *making* A (American) [*the ultimate*] (i.e. changing the last letter to A)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Company united in disorderly hunt, using coarse language? (7)","output":"### Answer: UNCOUTH \n ### Explanation: Company united in disorderly hunt, using coarse language? (7)\n**CO** (company) + **U** (united) *in* ***(hunt)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Expert holds religious class on Bible about sin (7)","output":"### Answer: AVARICE \n ### Explanation: Expert holds religious class on Bible about sin (7)\nA**CE** (\"expert\") *holds* **RI** (Religious Instruction, so \"religious class\") *on* **AV** (Authorised Version of \"Bible\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Prohibition police backed after Italian club trashed at front (9)","output":"### Answer: INTERDICT \n ### Explanation: Prohibition police backed after Italian club trashed at front (9)\n**<=CID** (\"police\", *backed*) *after* **INTER** (Milan) (\"Italian club\") + **T**(rashed) [*at front*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Son's removed from European island in a chilling way (5)","output":"### Answer: ICILY \n ### Explanation: Son's removed from European island in a chilling way (5)\nS (son) *removed from* (s)**ICILY** (\"European island\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mike, during school dance, initially lacking sentimentality (8)","output":"### Answer: SCHMALTZ \n ### Explanation: Mike, during school dance, initially lacking sentimentality (8)\n**M** (Mike) *during* **SCH** (school) + (w)**ALTZ** (\"dance\", initially lacking)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One in five children outwardly consume fruit (6)","output":"### Answer: QUINCE \n ### Explanation: One in five children outwardly consume fruit (6)\n**QUIN** (\"one in five children\") + [*outwardly*] **C**(onsume)**E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Paddy's conserving time and energy on unknown Mediterranean resort (2,6)","output":"### Answer: ST TROPEZ \n ### Explanation: Paddy's conserving time and energy on unknown Mediterranean resort (2,6)\n**STROP** (\"paddy\") *conserving* **T** (time) *and* **E** (energy) *on* **Z** (\"unknown\" in maths)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Roger inside gulps gin, flagrantly having a binge (9)","output":"### Answer: SPLURGING \n ### Explanation: Roger inside gulps gin, flagrantly having a binge (9)\n**R** (Roger) *inside* ***(gulps gin)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Archdeacon supports celeb swiping boundaries for cricket team (6)","output":"### Answer: ELEVEN \n ### Explanation: Archdeacon supports celeb swiping boundaries for cricket team (6)\n**Ven.** (Venerable, \"archdeacon\") *supports* (c)**ELE**(b) [*swiping boundaries*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Novel, small gift for president (7,1,5)","output":"### Answer: ULYSSES S GRANT \n ### Explanation: Novel, small gift for president (7,1,5)\n**ULYSSES** (James Joyce \"novel\") + **S** (small) + **GRANT** (\"gift\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dotty liked to tour yearly, essentially a county in Eire (7)","output":"### Answer: KILDARE \n ### Explanation: Dotty liked to tour yearly, essentially a county in Eire (7)\n***(liked)** *to tou*r (ye)**AR**(ly) [*essentially*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Afloat, plan to keep foundations of business somehow (5)","output":"### Answer: ASWIM \n ### Explanation: Afloat, plan to keep foundations of business somehow (5)\n**AIM** (\"plan\") *to keep* [*foundations of*] (busines)**S** (someho)**W"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Vocal band careless about track name (6)","output":"### Answer: LARYNX \n ### Explanation: Vocal band careless about track name (6)\n**LAX** (\"careless\") *about* **RY** (railway, so \"track\") + **N** (name)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fighter plane's gentlemen maintaining electronic check by hand (13)","output":"### Answer: MESSERSCHMITT \n ### Explanation: Fighter plane's gentlemen maintaining electronic check by hand (13)\n**MESSRS** (\"gentlemen\") *maintaining* **E** (*electronic*) + **CH** (check) *by* **MITT** (\"hand\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The German and Italian painter one advises about greens? (9)","output":"### Answer: DIETITIAN \n ### Explanation: The German and Italian painter one advises about greens? (9)\n**DIE** (\"the\" in *German*) +** TITIAN** (\"Italian painter\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Given a month, European told to publicise Victorian work (4,4)","output":"### Answer: JANE EYRE \n ### Explanation: Given a month, European told to publicise Victorian work (4,4)\n*Given* **JAN** (January, \"a month\"), **E** (European) + homophone of [*told*] **AIR** (\"to publicise\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: In American university, Queen song tanks (7)","output":"### Answer: AQUARIA \n ### Explanation: In American university, Queen song tanks (7)\n*in* **A** (American) **U** (university), **Q** (queen) + **ARIA** (\"song\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Throwing game ceases around two in morning (6)","output":"### Answer: QUOITS \n ### Explanation: Throwing game ceases around two in morning (6)\n**QUITS** (\"ceases\") *around* **O** [(letter number) *two in*]\u00a0(m)O(rning)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Doctor drinks the greatest, most superior cocktail (6)","output":"### Answer: MALIBU \n ### Explanation: Doctor drinks the greatest, most superior cocktail (6)\n**MB** (Bachelor of Medicine, so \"doctor\") *drinks* (Mohammad) **ALI** (\"The Greatest\") + **U** (\"most superior\") \n*I'm a teetotaller, but I'm pretty sure Malibu is a coconut-flavoured rum that is an ingredient in many cocktails, but is not in itself a cocktail."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Understand cat confused in Switzerland (5)","output":"### Answer: CATCH \n ### Explanation: Understand cat confused in Switzerland (5)\n***(cat)** in **CH ***A bit unfortunate that CAT appears unscrambled in the answer."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Make stronger complaint against university parking (4,2)","output":"### Answer: BEEF UP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Make stronger\n**BEEF** (\"complaint\") *against* **U** (university) **P** (parking)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Standing up against erroneous article (8)","output":"### Answer: VERTICAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Standing up\n**V** (versus, so \"against\") + ***(article)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mock London club riven by sign of debt (8)","output":"### Answer: SPURIOUS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Mock\n**SPURS** (\"London\" (football) \"club\") *riven by* **IOU** (\"sign of debt\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Groom and knight dined (6)","output":"### Answer: NEATEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Groom\n**N** (knight, in chess notation) + **EATEN** (\"dined\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Phone\u00a0not fixed (6)","output":"### Answer: MOBILE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Phone\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Division line drawn in the ground (8)","output":"### Answer: ELEVENTH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Division\n**L** (line) +**EVEN** (\"drawn\") *in* ***(the)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Announcements not clear, said in garbled way (12)","output":"### Answer: DECLARATIONS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Announcements\n***(not clear said)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sunbathing outside private place, municipal organisation (4,8)","output":"### Answer: TOWN PLANNING \n ### Explanation: Definition: municipal organisation\n**TANNING** (\"sunbathing\") *outside* **OWN** (\"private\") + **Pl.** (place)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One accepting basic, once derelict, houses (8)","output":"### Answer: CONCEDER \n ### Explanation: Definition: One accepting\nHidden in\u00a0[*houses*] \"basi**C ONCE DER**elict\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Return gutted after receiving bad news (6)","output":"### Answer: ANSWER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Return\n[*gutted*] **A**(fte)**R** *receiving* ***(news)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Coarse kid, lad with heart in wrong place (6)","output":"### Answer: RIBALD \n ### Explanation: Definition: Coarse\n**RIB** (\"kid\") + (**A**)**L**(a)**D\u00a0**(the *heart* of L(A)D* in* the* wrong place*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Regularly ignoring worrying sign, fault master (8)","output":"### Answer: ORIGINAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: master\n[*regularly ignoring*] (w)**O**(r)**R**(y)**I**(n)**G** (s)**I**(g)**N** (f)**A**(u)**L**(t)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Order rep's last stationery items (8)","output":"### Answer: STAPLERS \n ### Explanation: Definition: stationery items\n***(reps last)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Turning arm, see lump (6)","output":"### Answer: NUGGET \n ### Explanation: Definition: lump\n[*turning*] **<=GUN** (\"arm\") + **GET** (\"see\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: This writer set up device for exercise (6)","output":"### Answer: EMPLOY \n ### Explanation: Definition: exercise\n**<=ME** (\"this writer\" *set up*) + **PLOY** (\"device\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Contraband for bishop concealed without opening (9)","output":"### Answer: FORBIDDEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Contraband\n**FOR** + **B** (bishop) + (h)**IDDEN** (\"concealed\" *without opening*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Established source of company's aluminium in French region (9)","output":"### Answer: PROVENCAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: in French region\n**PROVEN** (\"established\") + [*source of*] **C**(ompany) + **Al** (aluminium)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Vicars prepared to acquire English organs (7)","output":"### Answer: VISCERA \n ### Explanation: Definition: organs\n***(vicars)** *to acquire* **E** (English)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Field, originally orchard, lacking in fruit (5)","output":"### Answer: RANGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Field\n(o)**RANGE** (the O from \"orchard\") *lacking in* ORANGE (\"fruit\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Up in arms, rodent in unrestricted view (5)","output":"### Answer: IRATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Up in arms\n**RAT** (\"rodent\") *in* [*unrestricted*] (v)**IE**(w)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Notifying beer society about consignment at the back (8)","output":"### Answer: ALERTING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Notifying\n**ALE** (\"beer\") + **RING** (\"society\") *about* (consignmen)**T** [*at the back*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unrest when a foreign soldier replaces leader in headquarters (9)","output":"### Answer: AGITATION \n ### Explanation: Definition: Unrest\n**A** + **G.I.** (\"foreign soldier\") *replaces* [*leader in*]\u00a0(s)**TATION** (\"headquarters\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Eating popular bread covered with scrambled eggs (9)","output":"### Answer: INGESTING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Eating\n**IN** (\"popular\") + **TIN** (\"bread\" as in money) *covered with* ***(eggs)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Driver in second and first tackling hill (8)","output":"### Answer: MOTORIST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Driver\n**MO** (\"second\")* and* **1ST** (\"first\") *tackling* **TOR** (\"hill\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Worried travelling over in North America (7)","output":"### Answer: NERVOUS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Worried\n***(over)** *in* **N** (north) **US** (Amercia)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Look out for period with internet being up (6)","output":"### Answer: BEWARE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Look out for\n**<=ERA WEB** (\"period\" *with* \"internet\" *up*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Buckle from pressure after endless conflict (5)","output":"### Answer: CLASP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Buckle\n**P** (pressure) *after* [*endless*] **CLAS**(h) (\"conflict\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Criminal goaded, removing article for ruse (5)","output":"### Answer: DODGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: ruse\n***(goded) **(GOADED with A (\"article\") *removed*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Everyone arrives in this type of party clothing (8,4)","output":"### Answer: BIRTHDAY SUIT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Everyone arrives in this\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: People, it's said, accustomed to be single-minded (7)","output":"### Answer: FOCUSED \n ### Explanation: Definition: single-minde\nHomophone of **FOLK** (\"people\", *it's said*) + **USED** (\"accustomed\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Girl dressed for ceremony turned with cry of surprise (7)","output":"### Answer: DEBORAH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Girl\n**<=ROBED** (\"dressed for ceremony\", *turned*) *with* **AH** (\"cry of surprise\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Here one is in US area? Wrong (7)","output":"### Answer: EURASIA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Here one is in US area? Wrong\n**I** (one) in ***(us area)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Spend it recklessly? (7)","output":"### Answer: STIPEND \n ### Explanation: Definition: Spend it recklessly?\n***(spend it)** and &lit."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Putting in a bit of money secures paper (5)","output":"### Answer: TIMES \n ### Explanation: Definition: paper \n**TIES** (\"secures\") with [*a bit of*] **M**(oney) *put in"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Try something to hold crop together and become crazy (2,7)","output":"### Answer: GO HAYWIRE \n ### Explanation: Definition: become crazy\n**GO** (\"try\") + **HAYWIRE** (\"something to hold crop together\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old British employee taking notice (9)","output":"### Answer: OBSERVANT \n ### Explanation: Definition: taking notice\n**O** (old) + **B** (British) + **SERVANT** (\"employee\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Clown given a hot drink (5)","output":"### Answer: COCOA \n ### Explanation: Definition: hot drink\n**COCO** (the Clown) *given* **A"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Come to the snooker table and fail completely (2,2,3)","output":"### Answer: GO TO POT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Come to the snooker table\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Create old Fascist slogan? (7)","output":"### Answer: PRODUCE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Create\nIn Fascist Italy if you were **PRO DUCE** you'd have been in favour of Mussolini (Il Duce)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tutor is sorting out sightseer (7)","output":"### Answer: TOURIST \n ### Explanation: Definition: sightseer\n***(tutor is)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Suggested mischievous person was deceitful (7)","output":"### Answer: IMPLIED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Suggested\n**IMP** (\"mischievous person\") + **LIED** (\"was deceitful\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Only fearing a clumsy touch (3,1,6,2)","output":"### Answer: LAY A FINGER ON \n ### Explanation: Definition: touch\n***(only fearing a)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Storage under a dollar for firm material (7)","output":"### Answer: BUCKRAM \n ### Explanation: Definition: firm material\n**RAM** (Random Access Memory, so computer \"storage\") *under* **BUCK** (\"dollar\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Acts in opposition, I stress, must be broken up (7)","output":"### Answer: RESISTS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Acts in opposition\n***(i stress)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Park warden's spoken of a showy plant (9)","output":"### Answer: HYDRANGEA \n ### Explanation: Definition: showy plant\nHomophone [*spoken of*] **HYDE** (Park) **RANGER** (\"warden\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The range of human destinies? (5)","output":"### Answer: ANDES \n ### Explanation: Definition: range\nHidden in \"hum**AN DES**tinies\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Daughter is busy frittering allowance (7)","output":"### Answer: SUBSIDY \n ### Explanation: Definition: allowance\n***(d is busy) **where D = daughter"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: National prime minister, no Democrat (7)","output":"### Answer: ISRAELI \n ### Explanation: Definition: National\n(d)**ISRAELI** (\"prime minister\" with *no* D (Democrat))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A later train? (12)","output":"### Answer: AFTERTHOUGHT \n ### Explanation: Definition: A later train?\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Secret plan suggested by H\u00e4agen-Dazs? (6,6)","output":"### Answer: HIDDEN AGENDA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Secret plan\n**AGENDA** is **HIDDEN** in \"ha**AGEN-DA**zs\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Very popular season for health spa (3,6)","output":"### Answer: HOT SPRING \n ### Explanation: Definition: health spa\n**HOT** (\"very popular\") + **SPRING** (\"season\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Squatted on whole area for fruit (7)","output":"### Answer: SATSUMA \n ### Explanation: Definition: fruit\n**SAT** (\"squatted\") *on* **SUM** (\"whole\") + **A** (area)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Power resides in sacred object, a copy (7)","output":"### Answer: REPLICA \n ### Explanation: Definition: copy\n**P** (power) *resides in* **RELIC** (\"sacred object\") + **A"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A fall, one getting a graze (7)","output":"### Answer: CROPPER \n ### Explanation: Definition: A fall\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Amusing person shows discretion (7)","output":"### Answer: CAUTION \n ### Explanation: Definition: Amusing person\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rwandan is a Pharaoh resurrected (5)","output":"### Answer: TUTSI \n ### Explanation: Definition: Rwandan\n**<=IS TUT** (\"a Pharaoh\") [*resurrected*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Band with time to focus on beat (10)","output":"### Answer: WATCHSTRAP \n ### Explanation: Band with time to focus on beat (10)\n**WATCH** (\"to focus on\") + **STRAP** (\"beat\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bow demo leader cancelled (4)","output":"### Answer: ARCH \n ### Explanation: Bow demo leader cancelled (4)\n(m)**ARCH** (\"demo\" with its *leader cancelled*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Succeeded with ground- breaking device in Oxford? (4)","output":"### Answer: SHOE \n ### Explanation: Succeeded with ground- breaking device in Oxford? (4)\n**S** (succeeded) *with* **HOE** (\"ground-breaking device\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dilemma for two people born in Germany (6,4)","output":"### Answer: DOUBLE BIND \n ### Explanation: Dilemma for two people born in Germany (6,4)\n**DOUBLE** (\"for two people\", as in double bed) + **B** (born) + **IN** + **D** (Germany)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wine demonstrating excellence \u2013 look for one (6)","output":"### Answer: MERLOT \n ### Explanation: Wine demonstrating excellence \u2013 look for one (6)\n**MER**(i>**LO**)**T **(\"excellence\" with LO (\"look\") *for* (i.e. instead of) I (\"one\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stylist perhaps does without representation (8)","output":"### Answer: DESIGNER \n ### Explanation: Stylist perhaps does without representation (8)\n**DEER **(\"perhaps does\") *without* **SIGN** (\"representation\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Large beast and two insects circling husband (8)","output":"### Answer: BEHEMOTH \n ### Explanation: Large beast and two insects circling husband (8)\n**BEE** + **MOTH** (\"two insects\") *circling* **H** (husband)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bavarian king ran from Walpole's castle (4)","output":"### Answer: OTTO \n ### Explanation: Bavarian king ran from Walpole's castle (4)\n[RAN *from*]** OT**(ran)**TO **(\"Walpole's castle\") \n*The Castle of Otranto (published in 1764), regarded by many as the first gothic novel, was written by Horace Walpole, and Otto was King of Bavaria from 1886 to 1916, although due to his limited mental abilities, Bavaria was actually ruled by regents in his stead."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Source of inflation turned back by politician (4)","output":"### Answer: PUMP \n ### Explanation: Source of inflation turned back by politician (4)\n**<=UP**\u00a0*by* **MP** (\"politician\") \n*I can't parse this one?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mounting disorder? (8)","output":"### Answer: UPRISING \n ### Explanation: Mounting disorder? (8)\nThink RISING UP for \"mounting\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Female cross going round wide forest (8)","output":"### Answer: SHERWOOD \n ### Explanation: Female cross going round wide forest (8)\n**SHE** (\"female\") + **ROOD** (\"cross\") *going round* **W** (wide)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Expert grips weight immediately (2,4)","output":"### Answer: AT ONCE \n ### Explanation: Expert grips weight immediately (2,4)\n**ACE** (\"expert\") *grips* **TON** (\"weight\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Composer to drive men potty (10)","output":"### Answer: MONTEVERDI \n ### Explanation: Composer to drive men potty (10)\n***(to drive men) ***Claudio Monteverdi, who died in 1643, was an Italian composer."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Maybe rib second-class individual (4)","output":"### Answer: BONE \n ### Explanation: Maybe rib second-class individual (4)\n**B** (second-class) + **ONE** (\"individual\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Idiot embracing Kelvin pops question (4)","output":"### Answer: ASKS \n ### Explanation: Idiot embracing Kelvin pops question (4)\n**ASS** (\"idiot\") *embracing* **K** (Kelvin)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Minder poet abused seeks atonement (10)","output":"### Answer: REDEMPTION \n ### Explanation: Minder poet abused seeks atonement (10)\n***(minder poet)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unfortunately the late Flo-Jo? (7)","output":"### Answer: ATHLETE \n ### Explanation: Unfortunately the late Flo-Jo? (7)\n***(the late) **and &lit. \n*Flo-Jo was the nickname of Florence Griffith Joyner, an American sprinter and world record holder who died of epilepsy at the eraly age of 38."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Caterer emptied fish and lobster basket (5)","output":"### Answer: CREEL \n ### Explanation: Caterer emptied fish and lobster basket (5)\n**C**(atere)**R** [emptied] + **EEL** (\"fish\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Society publication is revolting (8)","output":"### Answer: SEDITION \n ### Explanation: Society publication is revolting (8)\n**S** (society) + **EDITION** (\"publication\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Having hunch delivery task needs to be taken on (5-10)","output":"### Answer: ROUND-SHOULDERED \n ### Explanation: Having hunch delivery task needs to be taken on (5-10)\n**ROUND** (\"delivery task\") + **SHOULDERED** (\"taken on\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: European language that might be French? (6)","output":"### Answer: POLISH \n ### Explanation: European language that might be French? (6)\n*Clue refers to French polish, a way of treating wood with shellac to get a very high glss surface."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Vague old American with scholar up at famous university (9)","output":"### Answer: AMBIGUOUS \n ### Explanation: Vague old American with scholar up at famous university (9)\n**O** (old) + **US** (\"American\") *with* **<=M.A.** (\"scholar\", *up*) *at* **BIG** (\"famous\") **U** (university), so **A.M.-BIG-U-O-US"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Performance when Romeo comes into court (7)","output":"### Answer: CONCERT \n ### Explanation: Performance when Romeo comes into court (7)\n**ONCE **(\"when\") + **R** (Romeo) *comes into*** Ct.** (court)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One running boozer beset by Brussels taxes? (9)","output":"### Answer: EUPHRATES \n ### Explanation: One running boozer beset by Brussels taxes? (9)\n**PH** (public house, so \"boozer\") *beset by* **E.U.** (\"Brussels\") + **RATES** (\"taxes\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Being in minor gas explosion (8)","output":"### Answer: ORGANISM \n ### Explanation: Being in minor gas explosion (8)\n***(minor gas)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Releases piratical captain held by leaderless barbarians (7)","output":"### Answer: UNHOOKS \n ### Explanation: Releases piratical captain held by leaderless barbarians (7)\n**HOOK** (\"piratical captain\" in *Peter Pan*) *held by* [*leaderless*] (h)**UNS** (\"barbarians\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Party enforcing six-pack ban? That's impossible! (2,3,2)","output":"### Answer: NO-CAN-DO \n ### Explanation: Party enforcing six-pack ban? That's impossible! (2,3,2)\nCryptic defintion. Think of a **DO** with **NO CANS\u00a0"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Aggro where British done \u2014 five arrested (6)","output":"### Answer: BOVVER \n ### Explanation: Aggro where British done \u2014 five arrested (6)\n**B** (British) + **OVER** (\"done\") *with* **V** (five) *arrested"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ultimate tribute about astronaut's fourth circuit (5)","output":"### Answer: ORBIT \n ### Explanation: Ultimate tribute about astronaut's fourth circuit (5)\n**OBIT** (\"ultimate tribute\") *about* (ast)**R**(onaut) [*'s fourth* (letter)]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: This writer's put on fake leather (6)","output":"### Answer: SHAMMY \n ### Explanation: This writer's put on fake leather (6)\n**MY** (\"this writer's\") *put on* **SHAM** (\"fake\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Misshaped model is shedding pounds to get a heavenly body (6)","output":"### Answer: DEIMOS \n ### Explanation: Misshaped model is shedding pounds to get a heavenly body (6)\n***(mode is)** where MODE = MODE(l) [*shedding pounds*] \n*Deimos is the smaller of the two satellites of Mars."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Criticism not entirely crazy (4)","output":"### Answer: FLAK \n ### Explanation: Criticism not entirely crazy (4)\n[*not entirley*]** FLAK**(y) (\"crazy\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Endless voting one expressed approval of \u2014 and tried to secure votes? (10)","output":"### Answer: POLITICKED \n ### Explanation: Endless voting one expressed approval of \u2014 and tried to secure votes? (10)\n[*endless*] **POL**(l) + **I** (\"one\") + **TICKED** (\"expressed approval of\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Like some urns, terribly rare, nicked from the east (8)","output":"### Answer: CINERARY \n ### Explanation: Like some urns, terribly rare, nicked from the east (8)\nHidden backwards in [*from the east*] \"terribl**Y RARE NIC**ked\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Femmes fatales near mates, misbehaving (9)","output":"### Answer: MANEATERS \n ### Explanation: Femmes fatales near mates, misbehaving (9)\n***(near mates)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Solitary person would be left with this single thing (4)","output":"### Answer: ONER \n ### Explanation: Solitary person would be left with this single thing (4)\n(l)**ONER** (\"solitary person\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Small drinks in vessels lacking height (4)","output":"### Answer: SIPS \n ### Explanation: Small drinks in vessels lacking height (4)\n**S**(h)**IPS** (\"vessels\" *lacking* H (height))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Twenty joining club maybe \u2014 a record at a sports ground (9)","output":"### Answer: SCORECARD \n ### Explanation: Twenty joining club maybe \u2014 a record at a sports ground (9)\n**SCORE** (\"twenty\") *joining* **CARD** (\"club maybe\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Elaborate situation created by streaker? (5,3)","output":"### Answer: FLESH OUT \n ### Explanation: Elaborate situation created by streaker? (5,3)\nA streaker would indeed have his\/her **FLESH OUT** (on display)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: She's married numberless men, including an old gardener (6)","output":"### Answer: MADAME \n ### Explanation: She's married numberless men, including an old gardener (6)\n[*numberless*] **ME**(n) *including* **ADAM** (\"an old gardener\" as in Adam and Eve)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One assesses resistance to watershed being abused (10,6)","output":"### Answer: WHEATSTONE BRIDGE \n ### Explanation: One assesses resistance to watershed being abused (10,6)\n***(to watershed being) ***According to Wikipedia, a Wheatstone bridge\u00a0is an\u00a0electrical circuit\u00a0used to measure an unknown\u00a0electrical resistance\u00a0by balancing two legs of a\u00a0bridge circuit, one leg of which includes the unknown component.**"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Female artificial in speech (4)","output":"### Answer: MAID \n ### Explanation: Female artificial in speech (4)\nHomophone of [*in speech*] **MADE** (\"artificial\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Go on social network, head buried (6)","output":"### Answer: WITTER \n ### Explanation: Go on social network, head buried (6)\n(t)**WITTER** (\"social network\", with its *head buried*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A bill, say, for a high-ranking Turkish official (6)","output":"### Answer: ATABEG \n ### Explanation: A bill, say, for a high-ranking Turkish official (6)\n**A TAB** (\"bill\") + **E.G.** (\"say\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Thus short rope is needed in beauty parlours (7)","output":"### Answer: SOLARIA \n ### Explanation: Thus short rope is needed in beauty parlours (7)\n**SO** (\"thus\") + [short] **LARIA**(t) (\"rope\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lady troubled about first bit of knitwear that's polyester (5)","output":"### Answer: ALKYD \n ### Explanation: Lady troubled about first bit of knitwear that's polyester (5)\n***(lady)** *about* [*first bit of*]** K**(nitwear)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The majority needing food to eat, being least contented (7)","output":"### Answer: MOPIEST \n ### Explanation: The majority needing food to eat, being least contented (7)\n**MOST** (\"the majority\") *eating*** PIE** (\"food\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: No longer having time, stop \u2014 or run on? (6)","output":"### Answer: EXTEND \n ### Explanation: No longer having time, stop \u2014 or run on? (6)\n**EX** (no longer\") *having* **T** (time) + **END** (\"stop\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A comic ran about like 'Michelle, ma belle ... ' (9)","output":"### Answer: MACARONIC \n ### Explanation: A comic ran about like 'Michelle, ma belle ... ' (9)\n***(a comic ran)** \n*Definition of \"macaronic\" \u2013 denoting language, especially burlesque verse, containing words or inflections from one language introduced into the context of another."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Football broadcaster beginning to stultify listener (7)","output":"### Answer: SHEARER \n ### Explanation: Football broadcaster beginning to stultify listener (7)\n[*beginning to*] **S**(tultify) + **HEARER** (\"listener\") \n*Refers to Alan Shearer, the ex-England footballer, who is now a TV pundit, and who has been in the news this week following the publicaiton of Michael Owen's autobiography."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Copper interrupting nonsense in voting procedure that's shocking (13)","output":"### Answer: ELECTROCUTION \n ### Explanation: Copper interrupting nonsense in voting procedure that's shocking (13)\n**Cu** (copper) *interrupting* **ROT** (\"nonsense\") *in* **ELECTION** (\"voting\"), so **ELECT(RO(Cu)T)ION"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unled soldiers overtake worker by the way (2,7)","output":"### Answer: EN PASSANT \n ### Explanation: Unled soldiers overtake worker by the way (2,7)\n[*unled*] (m)**EN **+** PASS\u00a0**(\"overtake\") + **ANT** (\"worker\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Girl and dog jump (7)","output":"### Answer: SALCHOW \n ### Explanation: Girl and dog jump (7)\n**SAL** (\"girl\") + **CHOW** (\"dog\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Most peculiar 22 briefly wearing reddish-brown (7)","output":"### Answer: RUMMEST \n ### Explanation: Most peculiar 22 briefly wearing reddish-brown (7)\n**MME** (\"22 briefly\") *wearing* **RUST** (\"reddish-brown\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sheep's high-pitched noise, behaving violently (7)","output":"### Answer: RAMPING \n ### Explanation: Sheep's high-pitched noise, behaving violently (7)\n**RAM** (\"sheep\") + **PING** (\"high-pitched noise\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: More than one boy that is attractive and healthy in Scotland (6)","output":"### Answer: SONSIE \n ### Explanation: More than one boy that is attractive and healthy in Scotland (6)\nSONS (\"more than one boy\") + I.E. (\"that is\") \n*Anyone who has been to a Burns supper should be able to recall the line \"Fair fa yir honest sonsie face\" from Burns' \"To a Haggis\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Protest over bishop \u2014 something happening at end of service (5)","output":"### Answer: DEMOB \n ### Explanation: Protest over bishop \u2014 something happening at end of service (5)\n**DEMO** (\"protest\") *over* **B** (bishop)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Nearly all titled women entertaining wealthy American spy (7,4)","output":"### Answer: ALDRICH AMES \n ### Explanation: Nearly all titled women entertaining wealthy American spy (7,4)\n[nearly] **AL**(l) **DAMES** (\"titled women\") *entertaining* **RICH** (\"wealthy\") \n*Aldrich Ames is a former CIA agent who was also an agent of the KGB."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Meal without a drink (3)","output":"### Answer: SUP \n ### Explanation: Meal without a drink (3)\n**SUP**(per) (\"meal\") *without* PER (\"a\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sat and thought, erasing previous answer (5)","output":"### Answer: POSED \n ### Explanation: Sat and thought, erasing previous answer (5)\n(sup)**POSED** (\"thought\", *erasing* SUP (previous answer, i.e 7ac)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One has little hope for \"Spies\" \u2013 terrible film (9)","output":"### Answer: PESSIMIST \n ### Explanation: One has little hope for \"Spies\" \u2013 terrible film (9)\n***(spies)** +** MIST** (\"film\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Engineers cut back on explosive and have another look (2-7)","output":"### Answer: RE-EXAMINE \n ### Explanation: Engineers cut back on explosive and have another look (2-7)\n**RE** (Royal \"Engineers\") + **<=AXE** (\"cut\" back) *on* **MINE** (\"explosive\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rector apparently camping at religious council (5)","output":"### Answer: TRENT \n ### Explanation: Rector apparently camping at religious council (5)\n**R** (rector) in **TENT** (if you're in a tent you're camping) \n*The\u00a0Council of Trent between 1545 and 1563 in\u00a0Trent\u00a0(or Trento, in northern Italy), was the 19th ecumenical\u00a0council\u00a0of the Catholic Church. and has been described as the embodiment of the Counter-Reformation."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Beat one maturing bird (7)","output":"### Answer: TANAGER \n ### Explanation: Beat one maturing bird (7)\n**TAN** (\"beat\") + **AGER** (\"one maturing\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Spy additional line for resistance (4)","output":"### Answer: MOLE \n ### Explanation: Spy additional line for resistance (4)\n**MO**(R>**L**)**E** (\"additional\" with L (line) instead of [*for*] R (resistance))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Oddly skewers spies (4)","output":"### Answer: SEES \n ### Explanation: Oddly skewers spies (4)\n[*oddly*]** S**(k)**E**(w)**E**(r)**S"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Delicate dossier about fund- raising at university (7)","output":"### Answer: FRAGILE \n ### Explanation: Delicate dossier about fund- raising at university (7)\n**FILE** (\"dossier\") *about* **RAG** (\"fund-raising at unoversity\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Gloria accepts sovereign's greeting (5)","output":"### Answer: HALLO \n ### Explanation: Gloria accepts sovereign's greeting (5)\n**HALO** (\"gloria\") *accepts* **L** (pound, so \"sovereign\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Replacement spy kidnaps small merchant (9)","output":"### Answer: NEWSAGENT \n ### Explanation: Replacement spy kidnaps small merchant (9)\n**NEW AGENT** (\"replacement spy\") *kidnaps* **S** (small)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Endure president at final judgment (4,5)","output":"### Answer: LAST TRUMP \n ### Explanation: Endure president at final judgment (4,5)\n**LAST** (\"endure\") + **TRUMP** (\"president\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Smell moving back round to head of river in Portugal (5)","output":"### Answer: ODOUR \n ### Explanation: Smell moving back round to head of river in Portugal (5)\n**DUORO** (\"river in Portugal\") with O (\"round\") moved to *the head"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Still, every memorable event ends (3)","output":"### Answer: YET \n ### Explanation: Still, every memorable event ends (3)\n(ever)**Y** (memorabl)**E** (even)**T** [*ends*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lift exile ordered by Her Majesty for American spy (5,6)","output":"### Answer: FELIX LEITER \n ### Explanation: Lift exile ordered by Her Majesty for American spy (5,6)\n***(lift exile)** *by* **E.R.** (\"Her Majesty\") \n*Felix Leiter was an American spy in Bond movies (appearing in 10 of them)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sharpness of spy I rate poorly (8)","output":"### Answer: ASPERITY \n ### Explanation: Sharpness of spy I rate poorly (8)\n***(spy i rate)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Circle makes money getting rid of American spies (8)","output":"### Answer: DISCERNS \n ### Explanation: Circle makes money getting rid of American spies (8)\n**DISC** (\"circle\") + **E**(a)**RNS** (\"makes money\") *getting rid of* A"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Paper mannequin, diamond rings (5)","output":"### Answer: INDIA \n ### Explanation: Paper mannequin, diamond rings (5)\nHidden in [rings] \"mannqu**IN DIA**mond\" \n*India paper is very thin paper, typically used in the printing of Bibles."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: More pleased with software that's installed inside an hour (7)","output":"### Answer: HAPPIER \n ### Explanation: More pleased with software that's installed inside an hour (7)\n**APP** (\"softeare\") +** I.E.** (\"that is\") *inside* **HR** (\"hour\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Give wrong title for Judi Dench as head spy (7)","output":"### Answer: MISTERM \n ### Explanation: Give wrong title for Judi Dench as head spy (7)\n*Judi Dench would not be MISTER M in the Bond movies\u2026"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: We hear of someone cultivating greed \u2013 maybe just a little bit (9)","output":"### Answer: SCINTILLA \n ### Explanation: We hear of someone cultivating greed \u2013 maybe just a little bit (9)\nHomophone of [*we hear*] **SIN TILLER** (\"someone cultivating greed, maybe\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Emoticon\u00a0spy (6)","output":"### Answer: SMILEY \n ### Explanation: Emoticon\u00a0spy (6)\nDouble definition. \n*George Smiley was a spy in several John Le Carr\u00e9 novels."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Books covering over vegetable (6)","output":"### Answer: POTATO \n ### Explanation: Books covering over vegetable (6)\n**<=OT ATOP** (\"books\" i.e. Old Testament + \"covering\", *over*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Got too old for 4 \u2013 we got smashed! (4,3,2)","output":"### Answer: GREW OUT OF \n ### Explanation: Got too old for 4 \u2013 we got smashed! (4,3,2)\n***(four we got)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Let increased uncertainty be heard (5,3)","output":"### Answer: HIRED OUT \n ### Explanation: Let increased uncertainty be heard (5,3)\nHomophone of *HIGHER DOUBT* (\"increased uncertainty\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Academic tempting one to circumvent European court (8)","output":"### Answer: LECTURER \n ### Explanation: Academic tempting one to circumvent European court (8)\n**LURER** (\"tempting one\") *to circumvent* **E** (European) **Ct.** (court)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Being given to fleshly pleasures puts non-smoking university in a fix (7)","output":"### Answer: SENSUAL \n ### Explanation: Being given to fleshly pleasures puts non-smoking university in a fix (7)\n**NS** (non-smoking) + **U** (university) *in* **SEAL** (\"fix\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Poultry farmer's problem is predator eating bird quietly (7)","output":"### Answer: FOWLPOX \n ### Explanation: Poultry farmer's problem is predator eating bird quietly (7)\n**FOX** (\"predator\") *eating* **OWL** (\"bird\") + **P** (quietly)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Acid lake busy dissolving American spy (6)","output":"### Answer: PHILBY \n ### Explanation: Acid lake busy dissolving American spy (6)\n**PH1** (\"acid\") +** L** (lake) + **B**(us)**Y** [*dissolving* US] \n*Kim Philby was a British agent (one of the Cambridge Five) who was also an KGB agent."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hidden nearby, a slice of toast (6)","output":"### Answer: CLOSET \n ### Explanation: Hidden nearby, a slice of toast (6)\n**CLOSE** (\"nearby\") + [*a slice o*f] **T**(oast)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Happened to briefly see Carol naked earlier (5)","output":"### Answer: AROSE \n ### Explanation: Happened to briefly see Carol naked earlier (5)\n[*briefly*] **SE**(e) with (c)**ARO**)l) [*naked*] *earlier"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: America's first couple on aircraft discarded material (6)","output":"### Answer: JETSAM \n ### Explanation: Definition: discarded material\n**AM**[*erica's first couple*] *on* **JETS** (\"aircraft\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Kind of desk disreputable female just needs time to shift (4-3)","output":"### Answer: ROLL-TOP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Kind of desk\n**ROLL(T)OP\u00a0**\u2013 TROLLOP (\"disreputable female\") with its T (time) *shifted"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Provided with assistance, having shaped up the dole (6,3)","output":"### Answer: HELPED OUT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Provided with assistance\n***(up the dole)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: It parallels Number Ten \u2014 as its occupants do in today's solutions (5,5)","output":"### Answer: WHITE HOUSE \n ### Explanation: Definition: It parallels Number Ten\n*Some of its (previous) occupants are running parallel to \"Number 10\" (ie 10 across), ie. HOOVER (15ac) and WILSON (17dn)m although most of the predientsin the puzzle run down rather than across."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: More confident as litigant, suppressing resistance (5)","output":"### Answer: SURER \n ### Explanation: Definition: More confident\n**SUER** (\"litigant\") *suppressing*** R** (resistance)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Like some music or, perhaps after initial cuts, like some poetry (9)","output":"### Answer: RHAPSODIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: Like some music\n(pe)**RHAPS** (\"after initial cuts) + **ODIC** (\"like some poetry\") \n*I don't like this as \"after Initial cuts\" is too vague and could be telling us to remove any number of letters from \"perhaps\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Write backing melody for final movement of suite (7)","output":"### Answer: NEPTUNE \n ### Explanation: Definition: final movement of suite\n**<=PEN** (\"write\" *back*) + **TUNE** (\"melody\") \n*Neptune, the Mystic, is the last movement of Gustav Holst's orchestral suite, The Planets."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Clean house again (6)","output":"### Answer: HOOVER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Clean\n**HO** (\"house\") + **OVER** (\"again\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Predecessor of 1 down on both sides of the pond (6)","output":"### Answer: WILSON \n ### Explanation: Definition: Predecessor of 1 down on both sides of the pond\nRefers to Woodrow WILSON (who was a president of the US before Lyndon B Johnson) and Harold Wilson (who was a PM before Boris Jonhnson), *however \"predeecessor\" normally means the person immediately preceding the incumbent, so the predecessor to Boris Jonson is Theresa May, and the predecessor of Lyndon B Johnson was John F Kennedy."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Like position of moderate, as shown in recent rally (7)","output":"### Answer: CENTRAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Like position of moderate\nHidden [as shown] in \"re**CENT RAL**ly\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Muscle 19 down turned to right (9)","output":"### Answer: RETRACTOR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Muscle\n**<=CARTER** (\"19dn\", turned) + **TO R** (\"right\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Some propagandist not operating in good faith? (5)","output":"### Answer: PAGAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: not operating in good faith?\nHidden in [*some*] \"pro**PAGAN**dist\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Article Cameron edited, con\u00adsuming one kind of coffee (9)","output":"### Answer: AMERICANO \n ### Explanation: Definition: kind of coffee\n**A** (\"article\") + ***(cameron)** *consuming* **I** (\"one\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Phrase otherwise concerning Washington, for example (7)","output":"### Answer: RESTATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Phrase otherwise\n**RE** (\"concerning\") +** STATE** (\"Washington, perhaps\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Not conversant with name for a mathematician and physicist (6)","output":"### Answer: NEWTON \n ### Explanation: Definition: mathematician and physicist\n**NEW TO** (\"not conversant with\") + **N** (name)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Playwright, for audience, author of meaningful work? (7)","output":"### Answer: JOHNSON \n ### Explanation: Definition: author of meaningful work? (7)\nHomophone [*for audience*] of (Ben) **JONSON**, who was an English playwright and poet. \n*Samuel Johnson wrote a dictionary of the English language, so a work \"full of meanings\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Thatcher's rival, so-called? Leading rebel (5)","output":"### Answer: TYLER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Leading rebel\nHomophone [*so-called*] of\u00a0**TILER** (\"thatcher's rival\") \n*Wat Tyler was one of the leaders of the Peasants' Revolt in England in 1381."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: GOP argues falsely they break people down (3,6)","output":"### Answer: AGE GROUPS \n ### Explanation: Definition: they break people down\n***(gop argues)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: After briefly not working, a head is in school again (7)","output":"### Answer: RETEACH \n ### Explanation: Definition: school again\n*after* **RET**(ired) (*briefly* \"not working\"), **EACH** (\"a head\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: First or last name, or character of Oxford writer (5)","output":"### Answer: LEWIS \n ### Explanation: Definition: First or last name, or character of Oxford write\n*Refers to Lewis Carroll (\"first name\"), CS Lewis (\"last name\") and Robbie Lewis (\"character\" from Morse, set in Oxford, who also had his own-spin off TV show)\u00a0"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Driver may change into this kind of party clothing (5,4)","output":"### Answer: THIRD GEAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Driver may change into this\n**THIRD** (\"kind of party\") + **GEAR** (\"clothing\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Knight, say, capturing rook to make a breakthrough (6)","output":"### Answer: PIERCE \n ### Explanation: Definition: breakthrough\n**PIECE** (\"knight. say\") *capturing* **R** (rook)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Astronomer has star confused with this star, oddly (6)","output":"### Answer: MONROE \n ### Explanation: Definition: star, oddly\n*(star** MONROE)** is an anagram of ASTRONOMER."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sets about Republican involved with hard copies (9)","output":"### Answer: PRINTOUTS \n ### Explanation: Definition: hard copies\n**PUTS** (\"sets\") *about* **R** (republican) + **INTO** (\"involved with\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Reds fan, perhaps, I help when distressed after 1-0 upset (9)","output":"### Answer: OENOPHILE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Reds fan\n***(i help**) *after* **<=ONE-O** (1-0, *upse*t)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: No Trump action about WMD material? He's crazy (7)","output":"### Answer: NUTCASE \n ### Explanation: Definition: He's crazy\n**NT** (no trump, in cards) +** CASE** (\"action\") *about* **U** (uaranium, so \"WND material\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Driver of one vehicle or another over short period (6)","output":"### Answer: CARTER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Driver of one vehicle\n**CAR** (\"another\" vehicle) *over* [*short*] **TER**(m) (\"period\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Line in column on Northern or Eastern city (7)","output":"### Answer: LINCOLN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Eastern city\n**L** (line) + **IN COL** (column) *on* **N** (Northern)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Top man in legendary dining circle (6)","output":"### Answer: ARTHUR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Top man in legendary dining circle\nARTHUR led the Knights of the Round Table. \n*I assume the \"dining circle\" relates to the Round Table association, but I'm not sure that it could be accurately described as a \"dining circle\"?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bring up a time and a place for spectacle (5)","output":"### Answer: ARENA \n ### Explanation: Definition: a place for spectacle\n[*bring up*) **<=AN ERA** (\"a time\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Allow wild speech supporting head of government (5)","output":"### Answer: GRANT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Allow\n**RANT** (\"wild speech\") *supporting* [*head of*] **G**(overnment)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Insect attached to antelope crossing river in home country (10)","output":"### Answer: MOTHERLAND \n ### Explanation: Definition: home country\n**MOTH** (\"insect\") *attached to* **ELAND** (\"antelope\") *crossing* **R** (river)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Very stuck in street that's winding (4)","output":"### Answer: WAVY \n ### Explanation: Definition: winding\n**V** (very) *stuck in* **WAY** (\"street\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Struggle with sight (4)","output":"### Answer: VIEW \n ### Explanation: Definition: sight\n**VIE** (\"struggle\" + **W** (with)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Son greeting Madame with jewellery gleaming (10)","output":"### Answer: SHIMMERING \n ### Explanation: Definition: gleaming\n**S** (son) + **HI** (\"greeting\") + **MME**. (Madame) *with* **RING** (\"jewellery\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Vagrant one erased from set of documents (6)","output":"### Answer: DOSSER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Vagrant\n**I** (one) *erased from* **DOSS**(i)**ER** (\"set of documents\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lovely role: a bad criminal (8)","output":"### Answer: ADORABLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Lovely\n***(a role bad)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Au fait to occasionally ignore quiet pet, perhaps (8)","output":"### Answer: GOLDFISH \n ### Explanation: Definition: pet, perhaps\n**GOLD** (Au) + **F**(a)**I**(t) [*occasionally ignored*] + **SH** (\"quiet\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What provoked increase in friendliness (4)","output":"### Answer: THAW \n ### Explanation: Definition: increase in friendliness\n***(what)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Run small exercise class with wife (4)","output":"### Answer: SPEW \n ### Explanation: Definition: Run\n**S** (small) + **P.E.** (\"exercise class\") *with* **W** (wife)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Some beef against residence's parties (8)","output":"### Answer: SHINDIGS \n ### Explanation: Definition: parties\n**SHIN** (\"some beef\") *against* **DIGS** (\"residence\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mostly light eggy dish also called layered dish (8)","output":"### Answer: MOUSSAKA \n ### Explanation: Definition: layered dish\n[*mostly*] **MOUSS**(e) (\"light eggy dish\") + **A.K.A**. (\"also called\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Note distortion in bones (6)","output":"### Answer: TIBIAS \n ### Explanation: Definition: bones\n**TI** (\"note\") + **BIAS** (\"distortion\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Attendant to give help, feeding males (10)","output":"### Answer: HANDMAIDEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Attendant\n**HAND** (\"to give\") + **AID** (\"help\") *feeding* **MEN** (\"males\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Secure new post, miles away (4)","output":"### Answer: NAIL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Secure\n**N** (new) + (m)**AIL** (\"post\" with M (miles) *away*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ponder aloud making high- pitched cries (4)","output":"### Answer: MEWS \n ### Explanation: Definition: high- pitched cries\nHomophone [*aloud*] of **MUSE** (\"ponder\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Typists make these explanatory diagrams so trek gets organised (10)","output":"### Answer: KEYSTROKES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Typists make these\n**KEYS** (\"explanatory diagrams\") + ***(so trek)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hunter getting a duck down, caught over river (7)","output":"### Answer: ORINOCO \n ### Explanation: Definition: river\n**ORI**(o)**N**(**O**) (\"hunter\" *getting*\u00a0O (duck) *down*) + **C** (caught) + **O** (over)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Birds wash nervously around entrance of KFC (5)","output":"### Answer: HAWKS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Birds\n***(wash)** *around* [*entrance o*f] **K**(fc)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Check on second series (8)","output":"### Answer: RESTRAIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Check\n**RE** (\"on\") + **S** (second) + **TRAIN** (\"series\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Awfully manly air about male partner farming (6,9)","output":"### Answer: ANIMAL HUSBANDRY \n ### Explanation: Definition: farming\n***(manly air)** *about* **HUSBAND** (\"male partner\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fruit and nuts served up before lad (6)","output":"### Answer: DAMSON \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fruit\n**<=MAD** (\"nuts\" *served up*) *before* **SON** (\"lad\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Justified major conflict; a trend that's dodgy (9)","output":"### Answer: WARRANTED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Justified\n**WAR** (\"major conflict\") + ***(a trend)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pod-bearing plant poorly placed in front area (7)","output":"### Answer: VANILLA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Pod-bearing plant \n**ILL** (\"poorly\") *placed in* **VAN** (\"fronT\") + **A** (area)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Blue team's disadvantages (9)","output":"### Answer: DOWNSIDES \n ### Explanation: Definition: disadvantages\n**DOWN** (\"blue\") +** SIDE'S** (\"team's\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Clear day is beginning to change in hue (8)","output":"### Answer: DISTINCT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Clear\n**D** (day) + **IS** + [*beginning to*] **C**(hange) *in* **TINT** (\"hue\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Item in production, article with neon gas (7)","output":"### Answer: PROPANE \n ### Explanation: Definition: gas \n**PROP** (\"item in production\") + **A** (\"article) + **NE** (neon)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Carving in great rock (7)","output":"### Answer: GRANITE \n ### Explanation: Definition: rock\n***(in great)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: US prosecutor to cover up material (6)","output":"### Answer: DAMASK \n ### Explanation: Definition: material\n**D.A.** (District Attorney, so \"US prosecutor\") + **MASK** (\"to cover up\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Instrument used by urban joiner (5)","output":"### Answer: BANJO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Instrument\nHidden in (\"used by\") \"ur**BAN JO**iner\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Feels soft clothes (6)","output":"### Answer: PROBES \n ### Explanation: Feels soft clothes (6)\n**P** (soft) + **ROBES** (\"vlothes\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: For train, affected routes are detailed (8)","output":"### Answer: EUROSTAR \n ### Explanation: For train, affected routes are detailed (8)\n***(routes ar) **where AR is AR(e) [*detailed*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Went back to bed, one originally called number (8)","output":"### Answer: NARCOTIC \n ### Explanation: Went back to bed, one originally called number (8)\n**<=RAN** (\"went\", *back*) *to* **COT** (\"bed\") + I (one) + [*originally*] **C**(alled)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Kill time in boxing ring with jab (6)","output":"### Answer: LOUNGE \n ### Explanation: Kill time in boxing ring with jab (6)\n**LUNGE** (\"jab\") *boxing* **O** (\"ring\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Show Lewis Hamilton bio: not aware when taxed (3,5,2,2,1,11)","output":"### Answer: WHO WANTS TO BE A MILLIONAIRE \n ### Explanation: Show Lewis Hamilton bio: not aware when taxed (3,5,2,2,1,11)\n***(lewis hamilton bio not aware)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tramp cut smell that might come out of armpit (4)","output":"### Answer: BUBO \n ### Explanation: Tramp cut smell that might come out of armpit (4)\n**BU**(m) (\"tramp\", *cut*) + **BO** (body odour, so \"smell\") \n*New word for me; bubo is apparently a swelling of the lymph nodes."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: 'Drink stock of vodka regularly', returning addicts admitted (8)","output":"### Answer: ADVOCAAT \n ### Explanation: 'Drink stock of vodka regularly', returning addicts admitted (8)\n**<=**(s)**T**(o)**C**(k)**O**(f)**V**(o)**D**(k)**A** [regularly, *returning*] with **AA** (Alcoholics Anonymous, so \"addicts\") *admitted"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: City brothels in kinky houses (8)","output":"### Answer: HELSINKI \n ### Explanation: City brothels in kinky houses (8)\nHidden in [*houses*] \"brot**HELS IN KI**nky\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Got up to make drink (4)","output":"### Answer: ROSE \n ### Explanation: Got up to make drink (4)\nDouble definition, although the second answer requires an accent on the E."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: OK to take in features of hotel room? Going off opening B&B? (6)","output":"### Answer: EDIBLE \n ### Explanation: OK to take in features of hotel room? Going off opening B&B? (6)\n(b)**ED** + (b)**IBLE**\u00a0(\"features of a hotel room\") with their initial Bs removed [*going off B&B*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Runway show? Take clothes off (8)","output":"### Answer: AIRSTRIP \n ### Explanation: Runway show? Take clothes off (8)\n**AIR** (\"show\") + **STRIP** (\"take clothes off\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: It's printed with parts from two magazines (first is short) (8)","output":"### Answer: PLAYBOOK \n ### Explanation: It's printed with parts from two magazines (first is short) (8)\n**PLAYBO**(y) + **O.K**. (\"two magazines\", *the first is short*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Turn over paper and study plot (6)","output":"### Answer: GARDEN \n ### Explanation: Turn over paper and study plot (6)\n[*turn over*] **<=RAG** (\"paper\") + **DEN** (\"study\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Run out on a National horse (4)","output":"### Answer: ROAN \n ### Explanation: Run out on a National horse (4)\n**RO** (run out, in cricket) *on* **A N** (National)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Help drivers to find remote places (9)","output":"### Answer: BACKWOODS \n ### Explanation: Help drivers to find remote places (9)\n**BACK** (\"help\") + **WOODS** (\"drivers\" in golf)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Show model short dress (6)","output":"### Answer: SITCOM \n ### Explanation: Show model short dress (6)\n**SIT** (\"model\") + [*short*] **COM**(b) (\"dress\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Run through Kama Sutra's middle one: climax in new positions! (11,4)","output":"### Answer: EXCLAMATION MARK \n ### Explanation: Run through Kama Sutra's middle one: climax in new positions! (11,4)\n**R** (run) *through* ***(kama T one climax)** where T is (su)T(ra) [*'s middle*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dependent on tablet \u2014 necessary to get up (8)","output":"### Answer: RELATIVE \n ### Explanation: Dependent on tablet \u2014 necessary to get up (8)\n**RE** (\"on\") + **<= (E** (\"tablet\") +\u00a0**VITAL** (\"necessary\")) [*to get up*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Exploit model in paper over time (5)","output":"### Answer: STUNT \n ### Explanation: Exploit model in paper over time (5)\n(model) **T** (car) in **SUN** (\"paper\") *over* **T** (time)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sorting bag later \u2014 is one dealing with problems involving letters? (10)","output":"### Answer: ALGEBRAIST \n ### Explanation: Sorting bag later \u2014 is one dealing with problems involving letters? (10)\n***(bag later is)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Me? Poser? Nude in centre spread all stripped (10)","output":"### Answer: SUPERMODEL \n ### Explanation: Me? Poser? Nude in centre spread all stripped (10)\n***(me poser ud)** where UD is (n)UD(e) [*in centre*] + (a)**L**(l) [*stripped*] and &lit."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Chippy with fish written on board (9)","output":"### Answer: CARPENTER \n ### Explanation: Chippy with fish written on board (9)\n**CARP** (\"fish\") *written on* **ENTER** (\"board\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Topless senhorita excited unconventional leading man (4-4)","output":"### Answer: ANTI-HERO \n ### Explanation: Topless senhorita excited unconventional leading man (4-4)\n***(enhorita)**, i.e.\u00a0[*topless*] (s)ENHORITA"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Call for attention, woman in lift well below this? (3,3)","output":"### Answer: OIL RIG \n ### Explanation: Call for attention, woman in lift well below this? (3,3)\n**OI** (\"call for attention\") = **<=GIR**L (\"woman\" *in lift*, so going up?)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Look to leader from Brussels before campaign (5)","output":"### Answer: LOBBY \n ### Explanation: Look to leader from Brussels before campaign (5)\n**LO** (\"look\") *to* [*leader from*] **B**(russels) + **BY** (\"before\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Extra papers in the Guardian (4)","output":"### Answer: WIDE \n ### Explanation: Extra papers in the Guardian (4)\n**ID** (identity \"papers\") *in* **WE** (\"the Guardian\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cup of tea left to get very cold (7)","output":"### Answer: CHALICE \n ### Explanation: Cup of tea left to get very cold (7)\n**CHA** (\"tea\") + **L** (left) + **ICE** (\"to get very cold\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Female commander, no longer fresh, concentrated (7)","output":"### Answer: FOCUSED \n ### Explanation: Female commander, no longer fresh, concentrated (7)\n**F** (female) + **OC** (Officer Commanding, so \"commander\") + **USED** (\"no longer fresh\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Invalidate yearbook where second article expunged (5)","output":"### Answer: ANNUL \n ### Explanation: Invalidate yearbook where second article expunged (5)\n**ANNU**(a)**L** (\"yearbook\") with its *second* A (\"article\") *expunged"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Obstruct and delay, admitting nothing topical (9)","output":"### Answer: STONEWALL \n ### Explanation: Obstruct and delay, admitting nothing topical (9)\n**STALL** (\"delay\") *admitting* **O** (nothing) + **NEW** (\"topical\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Essay introducing second book (9)","output":"### Answer: PAPERBACK \n ### Explanation: Essay introducing second book (9)\n**PAPER** (\"essay\") + **BACK** (\"second\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Excellent oil shaken to make mayonnaise (5)","output":"### Answer: AIOLI \n ### Explanation: Excellent oil shaken to make mayonnaise (5)\n**A1** (\"excellent\") + ***(oil)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Trace local banished from country for example (5)","output":"### Answer: RELIC \n ### Explanation: Trace local banished from country for example (5)\nPUB (\"local\") *banished from*** RE**(pub)**LIC** (\"country\", for example)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bookmaker liable to be damned? (9)","output":"### Answer: PUBLISHER \n ### Explanation: Bookmaker liable to be damned? (9)\nCryptic definition\u00a0\u2013\u00a0*referring to the Duke of Wellington's response to a book publisher who claimed that a book of memoirs he was about to publish had some things in it the Duke may widh not to have disclosed. His response was \"publish and be damned\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Gorgeous creature brought to love retreat is cheating (9)","output":"### Answer: DISHONEST \n ### Explanation: Gorgeous creature brought to love retreat is cheating (9)\n**DISH** (\"gorgeous creature\") *brought to* **O** (love) + **NEST** (\"retreat\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Maybe king due favour had words (5)","output":"### Answer: ROWED \n ### Explanation: Maybe king due favour had words (5)\n**R** (rex, so \"king\") + **OWED** (\"due favour\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Insensitive Conservative \u2013 right fool! (5)","output":"### Answer: CRASS \n ### Explanation: Insensitive Conservative \u2013 right fool! (5)\n**C** (Conservative) + **R** (right) + **ASS** (\"fool\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Horrendous heat burns person often seen on beach (9)","output":"### Answer: SUNBATHER \n ### Explanation: Horrendous heat burns person often seen on beach (9)\n***(heat burns)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sprinkle liberally on one pizza topping (9)","output":"### Answer: PEPPERONI \n ### Explanation: Sprinkle liberally on one pizza topping (9)\n**PEPPER** (\"ptinkle liberally\") + **ON** + **I**\u00a0(one)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Item with Oedipal strings attached? (5)","output":"### Answer: APRON \n ### Explanation: Item with Oedipal strings attached? (5)\nCryptic definition \u2013 *if someon is attached to one's mother's apron strings, they are particularly dependent or controlled by a woman, especially their mother, and Oedipus was obsessed with his mother."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Figure boy keeping vermin should be turned over (7)","output":"### Answer: DECIMAL \n ### Explanation: Figure boy keeping vermin should be turned over (7)\n**<+LAD** (\"boy\") *holding* **<=MICE** (\"vermin\") [*turned over*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Longer than usual extension supplied by engineers (7)","output":"### Answer: EXTREME \n ### Explanation: Longer than usual extension supplied by engineers (7)\n**EXT **(extension) *supplied by* **REME** (Royal Electrical and Mechanical \"Engineers\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One gives hand in bringing them together (7)","output":"### Answer: CLAPPER \n ### Explanation: One gives hand in bringing them together (7)\nIf you bring CLAPPERS together, they make a clapping sound, and one person giving a hand\u00a0would be a **CLAPPER"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: An Italian city and southern capital (9)","output":"### Answer: ANNAPOLIS \n ### Explanation: An Italian city and southern capital (9)\n**AN** + **NAPOLI** (\"Italian city\") *and* **S** (southern) \n*Annapolis is the capital of the American state of Maryland."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lazybones strangely riled (5)","output":"### Answer: IDLER \n ### Explanation: Lazybones strangely riled (5)\n***(riled)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A1 spy nobbled entering facility? No problem! (4,2,3)","output":"### Answer: EASY AS PIE \n ### Explanation: A1 spy nobbled entering facility? No problem! (4,2,3)\n***(ai spy)** *entering* **EASE** (\"facility\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fine hair and waste wool (5)","output":"### Answer: FLOCK \n ### Explanation: Fine hair and waste wool (5)\n**F** (fine) + **LOCK** (\"hair\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Knight caught her alive after struggle (9)","output":"### Answer: CHEVALIER \n ### Explanation: Knight caught her alive after struggle (9)\n**C** (caught) + ***(her alive)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Four characters from the Bard old hat (5)","output":"### Answer: SHAKO \n ### Explanation: Four characters from the Bard old hat (5)\n[*four characters from*] **SHAK**(espeare) + **O** (old) \n*Don't like this, as \"four characters from' does not clearly indicate the first four letters, so just as easily could have been KESP or SPAE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Everyone on island to stop the German one loitering (7)","output":"### Answer: DALLIER \n ### Explanation: Everyone on island to stop the German one loitering (7)\n**ALL** (\"everyone\") *on* **I** (island) *to stop* **DER** (\"the\" in \"German\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: X-ray extending from one side to the other (9)","output":"### Answer: CROSSBEAM \n ### Explanation: X-ray extending from one side to the other (9)\n**CROSS** (\"X\") + **BEAM** (\"ray\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wager Irish Republic will shelter no undesirable (4,5)","output":"### Answer: BETE NOIRE \n ### Explanation: Wager Irish Republic will shelter no undesirable (4,5)\n**BET** (\"wager\") +** EIRE** (\"Irish Republic\") *will shelter* **NO"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: US writer writhing around on her what? (9)","output":"### Answer: HAWTHORNE \n ### Explanation: US writer writhing around on her what? (9)\n***(on her what)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stepped over unusual tailless sea creature (7)","output":"### Answer: DECAPOD \n ### Explanation: Stepped over unusual tailless sea creature (7)\n**<=PACED** (\"stepped\", over) + **OD**(d) (\"unusual\", tailless)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Disorder casts monarch into endless peril (7)","output":"### Answer: DERANGE \n ### Explanation: Disorder casts monarch into endless peril (7)\n**ER** (the Queen, so \"monarch\") *into* [**endless**] **DANGE**(r) (\"peril\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stock set with food as image shows (5)","output":"### Answer: ASPIC \n ### Explanation: Stock set with food as image shows (5)\n**AS** + **PIC** (\"image\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pressure in ground brings ruin (5)","output":"### Answer: SPOIL \n ### Explanation: Pressure in ground brings ruin (5)\n**P** (pressure) *in* **SOIL** (\"ground\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Expect a delay (5)","output":"### Answer: AWAIT \n ### Explanation: Expect a delay (5)\n**A** + **WAIT** (\"delay\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A bend in the track and son abandons foolish Matterhorn ascent (9,6)","output":"### Answer: TATTENHAM CORNER \n ### Explanation: Definition: A bend in the track\n***(matterhorn acent)** ( to get anagram fodder, S (son) abandons A(s)CENT) \n*Tattenham Corner is the famous sharp bend of Epsom racecourse, home of the Derby."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rapid rise can turn into collapse (9)","output":"### Answer: DISREPAIR \n ### Explanation: Definition: collapse\n*(rapid rise)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Instruction to serviceman: polish grain endlessly (6)","output":"### Answer: RUBRIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: Instruction to serviceman\n**RUB** (\"polish\") + **RIC**(e) (\"grain\" *endlessly*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pharaoh dips into sea and a lake in the morning (9)","output":"### Answer: MATUTINAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: in the morning\n**TUT** (\"Pharaoh\") *dips into* **MAIN** (\"sea\") *and* **A L** (lake)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Put to death perhaps, with uneatable part removed (6)","output":"### Answer: STONED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Put to death perhaps\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Strut, as tail-ender may (6)","output":"### Answer: BATTEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Strut\nA **BATTEN** is a strut, and in cricket, a tail-ender may **BAT** at number **TEN"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: US poet starts to open up, led by divine spirit (7)","output":"### Answer: ANGELOU \n ### Explanation: Definition: US poet\n[*starts to*] **O**(pen) **U**(p), *led by* **ANGEL** (\"divine spirit\") \n*Refers to Maya Angelou, the US poet whose authobiographies, including *I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings*, are more well-known than her poetry."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Visionary camp inmate I fed to fish (7)","output":"### Answer: EZEKIEL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Visionary\n**ZEK** (Russian prisoner, especially in a labour camp, os \"camp inmate\") + **I **f*ed to* **EEL** (\"fish\"), so **E(ZEK-I)EL"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hawk using gas to quell pacifist (6)","output":"### Answer: NEOCON \n ### Explanation: Definition: Hawk\n**NEON** (\"gas\") *to quell* **CO** (conscientious objector, so \"pacifist\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Using room that's turned out huge (9)","output":"### Answer: GINORMOUS \n ### Explanation: Definition: huge\n***(using room)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: From emperor, nationalist about to seize government (6)","output":"### Answer: TRAJAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: From emperor\n**<=NAT**\u00a0(nationalist, *about*) *to seize* **RAJ** (\"government\"in British-occupied India)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Laurel disguise may, being irresponsible (9)","output":"### Answer: FOOLHARDY \n ### Explanation: Definition: irresponsible\n*If Stan Laurel had worn a disguise, he may have fooled his partner Oliver Hardy."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Group of MPs choose to pledge support (6,9)","output":"### Answer: SELECT COMMITTEE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Group of MPs\n**SELECT** (\"choose\") + **COMMIT** (\"to pledge\") + **TEE** (\"support\" for a golf ball)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Life drawing? (6,9)","output":"### Answer: ANIMAL MAGNETISM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Life drawing?\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Force to speak aloud (6)","output":"### Answer: TORQUE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Force\nA homophone [*aloud*] of **TALK** (\"to speak\") \n*Sorry to keep beating this drum, but up here in Scotland, \"talk and \"torque\" sound nothing alike."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What baby may need is to be out briefly with family (6)","output":"### Answer: NAPKIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: What baby may need\n**NAP** (\"to be out (ie asleep) briefly\") *with* **KIN** (\"family\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: His thieving enemies met a jarring death (3,4)","output":"### Answer: ALI BABA \n ### Explanation: Definition: His thieving enemies met a jarring death\n*Cryptic definition, referring to the Arabian Nights tale of Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves. In the story, the thieves hide in oil jars, and Ali Baba kills them by pouring boiling oil into the jars."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Offer true love, not at first to be trifled with (9)","output":"### Answer: VOLUNTEER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Offer\n***(true love n)** where N is N(ot)\u00a0[*at first*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Having no object, I've left off travelling (2,7)","output":"### Answer: IN TRANSIT \n ### Explanation: Definition: travelling\n**INTRANSIT**(ive) (in grammar, \"having no object\") with IVE [l*eft of*f]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Film kids walking by brown river (9,6)","output":"### Answer: CROCODILE DUNDEE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Film\n**CROCODILE** (\"kids walking\" in crocodile file) *by*** DUN** (\"brown\") + (River) **DEE\u00a0"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Gunners in base not needing to be called to attention (9)","output":"### Answer: IGNORABLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: not needing to be called to attention\n**RA** (Royal Artillery, os \"gunners\") *in* **IGNOBLE** (\"base\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A cut introduces mean ration (9)","output":"### Answer: ALLOWANCE \n ### Explanation: Definition: ration\n**A LANCE** (\"cut\") *introduces* **LOW** (\"mean\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Feature of trousers: worn under seat (6)","output":"### Answer: BUT TON \n ### Explanation: Definition: Feature of trousers\nON (\"worn\") + BUTT (\"seat\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Regularly using coercion, force on border flower (7)","output":"### Answer: ORINOCO \n ### Explanation: Definition: border flower\n[regularly using] (c)**O**(e)**R**(c)**I**(o)**N**(f)**O**(r)**C**(e)**O**(n) \n*The Orinoco is a river (\"flower\" (that which flows), some of\u00a0which forms part of the border between Venezuela and Colombia."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Would-be ringmaster's energy upsetting Scottish island (6)","output":"### Answer: GOLLUM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Would-be ringmaster\n**GO** (\"energy\") *upsetting* **<=MULL** (\"Scottish island\") \n*In *The Lord of the Rings*, Gollum is a Stoor Hobbit, corrupted by the One Ring (\"his precious\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A dotty mutual exchange (6)","output":"### Answer: UMLAUT \n ### Explanation: Definition: dotty\n***(mutual)** \n*An umlaut is an accent in some languages, particularly German, that looks like two dots placed on top of a vowel, for example in M\u00fcnchen, the German for Munich."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sweet and innocent girl's hugged by youth in charge (8)","output":"### Answer: CHERUBIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: Sweet and innocent\n**HER** (\"girl's\") *hugged by* **CUB** (\"youth\") + **IC** (in charge)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Settle around end of year and hunker down (6)","output":"### Answer: CROUCH \n ### Explanation: Definition: hunker down\n**COUCH** (\"settle\") *around* [*end of*] (yea)**R"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hot line in forged notes (6)","output":"### Answer: STOLEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Hot\n**L** (line) *in* ***(notes) **[anag: *forged*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Former prime minister dismissing leader and southern Asians (8)","output":"### Answer: ISRAELIS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Asians\n(d)**ISRAELI** (former prime minster, *dismissing leader* (i.e. first letter) and **S** (southern)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The effect of giving up meat the day after Christmas? (4,6)","output":"### Answer: COLD TURKEY \n ### Explanation: Definition: The effect of giving up\n*By the day after Christmas, the turkey will indeed have gone cold."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Right hand clenches when disregarding danger (4)","output":"### Answer: RASH \n ### Explanation: Definition: disregarding danger \n**RH** (right hand) *clenches* **AS** (\"when\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rock band's first American season (6)","output":"### Answer: BASALT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Rock\n**B**(and's) [first] + **A** (American) + **SALT** (\"season\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Annoys son \u2013 that's uncalled- for! (8)","output":"### Answer: NEEDLESS \n ### Explanation: Definition: uncalled- for\n**NEEDLES** (\"annoys\") + **S** (son)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Company present books as easy to understand (8)","output":"### Answer: COHERENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: easy to understand\n**CO** (company) + **HERE** (\"present\") + **NT** (New Testament, so \"books\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Reserve must accept wrong grounding (6)","output":"### Answer: BASING \n ### Explanation: Definition: grounding\n**BAG **(\"reserve\") *must accept* **SIN **(\"wrong\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Slip made by small child (4)","output":"### Answer: SKID \n ### Explanation: Definition: Slip\n**S **(small) + **KID** (\"child\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Make a world suitable for a flyer (10)","output":"### Answer: MEADOWLARK \n ### Explanation: Definition: a flyer\n***(make a world)** [anag: *suitable*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cob in mist looks nervous under this initially (8)","output":"### Answer: HAZELNUT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Cob\n**HAZE** (\"mist\") + **L**(ooks) **N**(ervous) **U**(nder) **T**(his) [*initially*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Feature of group given task (6)","output":"### Answer: DETAIL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Feature of group\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hint to English \u2013 tread carefully! (6)","output":"### Answer: TIPTOE \n ### Explanation: Definition: tread carefully\n**TIP** (\"hint\") +** TO E** (English)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: These will make sense as murder planned (8)","output":"### Answer: EARDRUMS \n ### Explanation: Definition: These will make sense\n***(as murder)** [anag: *planned*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Controversial situation sees a couple of tomatoes added to stew (3,6)","output":"### Answer: HOT POTATO \n ### Explanation: Controversial situation sees a couple of tomatoes added to stew (3,6)\n**A **[*couple of*] **TO**(matoes) *added to* **HOTPOT** (\"stew\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Free to admit the French must be annoyed (5)","output":"### Answer: RILED \n ### Explanation: Definition: annoyed\n**RID **(\"free\") *to admit* **LE** (\"the\" in \"French\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Formal dinner and drink without a place to sit (9)","output":"### Answer: BANQUETTE \n ### Explanation: Definition: place to sit\n**BANQUET **(\"formal dinner\") + **TE**(a) (\"drink\" *without* A)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Smart, understanding part of clutch (7)","output":"### Answer: CHICKEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: part of clutch\nCHIC (\"smart\") + KEN (\"knowledge\") \n*A clutch is a brood of chickens."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Food needed by copper on right lines (5)","output":"### Answer: CURRY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Food\n**Cu** (\"copper\") *on* **R** (right) + **RY** (railway \"lines\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Vetoes laws subject to insurance starting late (9)","output":"### Answer: OVERRULES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Vetoes\n**RULES** (\"laws\") *subject to* (ie below) (c)**OVER** (\"insurance\", *starting late*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Carpenter beginning to chase joints (5)","output":"### Answer: CHIPS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Carpenter\n[*beginning to*] **C**(hase) + **HIPS** (\"joints\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Change the last word on workers in case of deficit (9)","output":"### Answer: AMENDMENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Change\n**AMEN** (\"the last word\") *on* **MEN** (\"workers\") *in* [*case of*] **D**(efici)**T"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Exaggerate stitch (9)","output":"### Answer: EMBROIDER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Exaggerate\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: My ingress disturbed the effect of group action (9)","output":"### Answer: SYNERGISM \n ### Explanation: Definition: t\n***(my ingress)** [anag: *disturbed*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Food from kiln eaten by tribe, oddly (7)","output":"### Answer: TOASTIE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Food\n**OAST** (\"kiln\") *eaten by* **T**(r)**I**(b)**E** [*oddly, *i.e. odd letters of]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sikh \u2013 a kind wrapping cloth (5)","output":"### Answer: KHAKI \n ### Explanation: Definition: cloth\nHidden in \"si**KH A KI**nd\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rodents can pick up last of rotten food (5)","output":"### Answer: MINCE \n ### Explanation: Definition: food\n**MICE** (\"rodents\") *can pick up* [*last of*] (rotte)**N"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Time will be invested in genuine revolutionary in due course (5)","output":"### Answer: LATER \n ### Explanation: Definition: in due course\n**T** (time) *will be invested in* **<=REAL** (\"genuine\" *revolutionary*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Search satellite encounters neutron problem (8)","output":"### Answer: QUESTION \n ### Explanation: Definition: problem\n**QUEST** (\"search\") + **IO** (moon of Jupiter, so \"satellite\") *encounters* **N** (neutron)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Gain expertise in Montezuma's Terror (6)","output":"### Answer: MASTER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Gain expertise in\nHidden *in* \"montezu**MAS TER**ror\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Helped while relative is cut down (8)","output":"### Answer: ASSISTED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Helped\n**AS** (\"while\") + **SISTE**(r) (\"relative\" *cut*) + **D **(down)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Quick fish swallows doodlebug (6)","output":"### Answer: LIVING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Quick\n**LING** (\"fish\") *swallows* **Vi** (\"doodlebug\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pictures reflecting half-dead deal (5)","output":"### Answer: TRADE \n ### Explanation: Definition: deal\n**<=ART** (\"pictures\" *reflecting*) + [*half*] **DE**(ad)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Deal initially announced to welcome people entering (9)","output":"### Answer: AGREEMENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Deal\n[*initially*] **A**(announced) + **GREET** (\"to welcome\") with **MEN **(\"people\") *entering"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Carol, extremely likeable on her own (6)","output":"### Answer: SINGLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: on her own\n**SING** (\"carol\") + [*extremely*] **L**(ikeabl)**E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Script about different producers (7)","output":"### Answer: MOTHERS \n ### Explanation: Definition: producers\n**MS **(manuscript, so \"script\") *about* **OTHER** (\"different\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Laundry remains in flight (7)","output":"### Answer: WASHING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Laundry\n**ASH** (\"remains\") *in* **WING** (\"flight\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ruins woman in Hell (6)","output":"### Answer: DISHES \n ### Explanation: Definition: R\n**SHE** (\"woman\") *in* **DIS** (\"Hell\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rants about drink and ecstasy (9)","output":"### Answer: TRANSPORT \n ### Explanation: Definition: ecstasy\n***(rants)** [anag: about] + **PORT **(\"drink\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Smooth and quiet little street (5)","output":"### Answer: PLANE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Smooth\n**P** (piano, so \"quiet\") + **LANE **(\"little street\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stoned on rum (as he drank bottles) (6)","output":"### Answer: MASHED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Stoned\nHidden in [*bottles*] \"ru**M AS HE D**rank\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Drug beginning to affect extremities of couch inhabitants (8)","output":"### Answer: POTATOES \n ### Explanation: Definition: couch inhabitants\n**POT** (\"drug\") + [*beginning to*] **A**(affect) + **TOES** (\"extremities\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fatal drive around Llandovery with all losing heart (6)","output":"### Answer: DEADLY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fatal\n**D**(rive)**E** **A**(roun)**D L**(landover)**Y** [*all losing heart*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Killer elected by a couple of idiots (8)","output":"### Answer: ASSASSIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Killer\n**IN** (\"elected\") *by* **ASS** + **ASS** (\"a couple of idiots\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mineral measures announced (6)","output":"### Answer: QUARTZ \n ### Explanation: Definition: Mineral\nHomophone [*announced*] of **QUARTS **(\"measures\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sees cat is ordering drugs (9)","output":"### Answer: ECSTASIES \n ### Explanation: Definition: drugs\n***(sees cat is)** [anag: *ordering*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sense country's head is to be demoted (5)","output":"### Answer: TASTE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Sense\n**STATE** (\"country\" with its *head* (initial letter) *demoted* (ie moved down)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Beware volcano going up \u2013 some scare horribly (7)","output":"### Answer: OVERAWE \n ### Explanation: Definition: scare horribly (7)\nHidden [*some*] backwards [*going up*] in \"b**EWARE VO**lcano\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Drinks mixed in eastern states (9)","output":"### Answer: ANISETTES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Drinks\n***(in e states) **where E is \"eastern\" [anag: *mixed*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Gourmet finally ready to eat rubbish (5)","output":"### Answer: TRIPE \n ### Explanation: Definition: rubbish\n(gourme)**T** [*finally*] + **RIPE** (\"ready to eat\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Conservative is entering races weighed down by cereal, we hear (8)","output":"### Answer: RIGHTIST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Conservative\n**IS** *entering* **TT **(Tourist Trophy \"races\") *weighed down by* (i.e placed under) homophone of RYE (\"cereal\") [*we hear*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Originating in female memory (4)","output":"### Answer: FROM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Originating\n**F** (female) + **ROM** (read only \"memory\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Gill takes out old Labour leader (9)","output":"### Answer: GAITSKELL \n ### Explanation: Definition: old Labour leader\n***(gill takes)** [anag: *out*] \n*Refers to Hugh Gaitskell, leader of the Labour Party from 1955 to 1963."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Leaves rot, snarling up grain hoists (9)","output":"### Answer: ELEVATORS \n ### Explanation: Definition: grain hoists\n***(leaves rot) **[anag: *snarling up*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dead heat for first and second covering miles having cheated (3-5)","output":"### Answer: TWO-TIMED \n ### Explanation: Definition: cheated\nIf **TWO** are **TIED** they will have been in a \"dead heat\", possibly \"for first and second\" covering **M** (miles)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cultivate government line (4)","output":"### Answer: GROW \n ### Explanation: Definition: Cultivate \n**G** (government) + **ROW** (\"line\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Carelessly outed American serving diligently (7)","output":"### Answer: DUTEOUS \n ### Explanation: Definition: serving diligently\n***(outed)** [anag: *carelessly*] + **US** (\"American\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Man maybe a child (6)","output":"### Answer: PERSON \n ### Explanation: Definition: Man maybe\n**PER** (\"a\") + **SON** (\"child\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lost on naval patrol (2,3)","output":"### Answer: AT SEA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Lost\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fashion house with power over aspiring drama queens? (5)","output":"### Answer: PRADA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fashion house\n**P **(power) *over* **RADA **(Royal Academy of Dramatic Art, where \"aspiring drama queens\" may study)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Knight taken round island in a coffin (4)","output":"### Answer: KIST \n ### Explanation: Definition: coffin\n**Kt.** (knight) t*aken round* **Is.** (island)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One recently has restricted terribly evil temper (9)","output":"### Answer: ALLEVIATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: temper\n**A** (\"one\") **LATE** (\"recently\") *has restricted*** *(evil)** [anag: *terribly*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Part of skull in bronze, an ignoramus's teaser (6)","output":"### Answer: BREGMA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Part of skull\nBr. (bronze) + EGMA (\"an ignoramus's teaser\") \nEgma = *how Costard (a country bumpkin) pronounced \"enigma\" (\"teaser\") in Shakespeare's *Loves Labours Lost."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: End legal career of one framed by devious birds (6)","output":"### Answer: DISBAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: End legal career of\n**I **(one) *framed by* ***(birds)** [anag: *devious*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Explosive stuff, ire, turbo blasted (8)","output":"### Answer: ROBURITE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Explosive stuff\n***(ire turbo)** [anag: *blasted*] \n*Roburite is an explosive formerly used in mining, made from chlorinated dinitrobenzene oxidized by ammonium nitrate."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sight protector in the extreme north, and present in the south-east, certainly (8)","output":"### Answer: SNOWEYES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Sight protector in the extreme north\n**NOW** (\"present\") *in* **SE** (south-east) + **YES** (\"certainly\") \n*Snoweyes were a device, made from whale ivory or driftwood, used by Inuits to prevent snow blindness, a kind of primitive snow goggle."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Snouts of sounder can eagerly, no doubt, plunge into trough (5)","output":"### Answer: SCEND \n ### Explanation: Definition: plunge into trough\n[*snouts of*] **S**(under) **C**(an) **E**(eagerly) **N**(o) **D**(oubt)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Accompanist accepts learner making heavy-footed progress (5)","output":"### Answer: CLOMP \n ### Explanation: Definition: heavy-footed progress\n**COMP** (\"accompanist\") *accepts* **L** (learner)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Jenkins making sport with insertion of plug (5)","output":"### Answer: TOADY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Jenkins\n**TOY** (\"sport\") *with insertion of* **AD** (\"plug\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Spear tipped with iron, not silver, quite musical (5)","output":"### Answer: ASSAI \n ### Explanation: Definition: quite musical \n**ASS**(ag)**AI** (\"spear tripped with iron\") without Ag (*no* \"silver\") \n*In music notation, assai means \"very\" or \"quite\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sial dispersed with lake bases (8)","output":"### Answer: ALKALIES \n ### Explanation: Definition: bases\n***(sial lake)** [anag: *dispersed*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Writer with time takes boy round northern hills (8)","output":"### Answer: PENTLAND \n ### Explanation: Definition: hills\n**PEN** (\"writer\") *with* **T** (time) *takes* **LAD** (\"boy\") *round* **N** (northern)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fish died, blood vessel cut short (6)","output":"### Answer: DARTER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fish\n**D** (died) + **ARTER**(y) (\"blood vessel\" *cut short*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lassie's in a sulk, fitted out with ribbon? (6)","output":"### Answer: TOUTIE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Lassie's in a sulk\n**OUT** *fitted with* a **TIE** (\"ribbon\") \n*\"Toutie\" is a Scots (ie \"a lassie's\") word for \"petulant\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Exceed run of River Po, diverted not shortened (9)","output":"### Answer: OVERPRINT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Exceed\n***(river po)** [anag: *diverted*] + **'NT** (\"not\" *shortened*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Feature of upper end of glacier in mountain \u2013 Everest? (4)","output":"### Answer: NEVE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Feature of upper end of glacier\nHidden *in* \"mountai**N EVE**rest\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What'll make number? Old Bob has two consecutive notes inserted (8)","output":"### Answer: DEADENER \n ### Explanation: Definition: What'll make number\n**DEANER** (\"old\" word for a \"bob\" , a shilling) *has* **DE** (\"two consecutive notes\") *inserted"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Revolutionary pub art's taken off with an explosion as before? (7)","output":"### Answer: UPBRAST \n ### Explanation: Definition: an explosion \n***(pub arts)** [anag: *revolutionary*] \n*\"Upbrast\" is old variant of \"upburst\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Flamboyant style in court, officer in charge going both ways (7)","output":"### Answer: BAROCCO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Flamboyant style \n**BAR** (\"court\") + **OC** + **<=OC** (commanding officer, so \"officer in charge\", *going both ways*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wave following scoop? One deals with embarrassing silence (10)","output":"### Answer: ICEBREAKER \n ### Explanation: Definition: One deals with embarrassing silence\n**BREAKER** (\"wave\") *following* **ICE** (\"scoop\" as in ice cream)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Monkey: it's spotted atop cannon around island (6)","output":"### Answer: SAGUIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Monkey\n**SA** (sex appeal, or \"it\") *spotted atop* **GUN** (\"cannon\") *around* **I** (island) \n*A saguin is a Small South American monkey."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sad song from Italy young person's penned (6)","output":"### Answer: PLAINT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Sad song\n**I** (Italy) *penned by* **PLANT** (\"young person\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: It's typical of tabloids not all bothered to print (6)","output":"### Answer: REDTOP \n ### Explanation: Definition: It's typical of tabloids\nHidden in [*not all*] \"bothe**RED TO P**rint\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fruity sweet? Cook likes including a bit of sugar (6)","output":"### Answer: KISSEL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fruity sweet\n***(likes)** [anag: *cook*] *including* [*a bit of*] **S**(sugar) \n*Kissel is a sort of sweet fruity cold soup served as a dessert in Eastern Europe."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Circus was satisfying, according to audience (5)","output":"### Answer: STADE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Circus\nHomophone of [*according to audience*] **STAYED** (\"was satisfying\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: HRH's 'carbuncle'? His mum entering bore up (5)","output":"### Answer: TERAS \n ### Explanation: Definition: carbuncle\n**ER** (\"HRH's mum\") *entering* **<=SAT** (\"bore\" *up*) \n*A teras is a monstrosity or carbuncle, which is a description HRH Prince Charles has used to describe some modern architecture."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Possible cancer treatment initially bought on railway station oddly (10)","output":"### Answer: BRYOSTATIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Possible cancer treatment\n[*initially*] **B**(ought) *on* **RY** (railway) ***(station) **[anag: *oddly*] \n*Bryostatins\u00a0are a group of macrolide lactones from the marine organism Bugula neritina that may play a part in a cure of cancer"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sweet alcohol girl fed to small child (7)","output":"### Answer: MANNITE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Sweet alcohol\n**ANN** (\"girl\") *fed to* **MITE** (\"small child\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wild hog, mixed type, greed rampant (7)","output":"### Answer: PIGDEER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Wild hog\n**PI** (\"mixed type\" cf pie) +***(greed)** [anag: *rampant*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Skin disease face once pitted by it briefly (6)","output":"### Answer: DARTRE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Skin disease\n**DARRE** (old version of DARE (\"face\" *once*)) *pitted by* **'T** (\"it\" briefly)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A Frenchman, often I wander in Peru (6)","output":"### Answer: PIERRE \n ### Explanation: Definition: A Frenchman, often\n**I ERR** (\"wander\") *in* **PE** (Peru)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: 1,000 archetypal conceptions represented by a palm tree (6)","output":"### Answer: KENTIA \n ### Explanation: Definition: palm tree\n**K **(1,000) + **ENTIA **(\"archetypical conceptions\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Message in flags when put up \u2013 then stopping (6)","output":"### Answer: SALUTE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Message in flags\n**<=AS** (\"when\" *put up*) + **LUTE** (a waterproof seal, or \"stopping\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Peripheral ring-road Doncaster has installed (5)","output":"### Answer: ADD-ON \n ### Explanation: Definition: Peripheral\nHidden in [*installed*] in \"ring-ro**AD DON**caster\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Develop a head start in athletics, breaking duck (5)","output":"### Answer: LOAVE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Develop a head \n[*start in*] **A**(thletics) *breaking* **LOVE** (\"duck\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Improvident way to eat (4,4,2,5)","output":"### Answer: FROM HAND TO MOUTH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Improvident\n\nOne way of eating if there were no utensils nearby would be to eat from your hand (to your mouth)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Principal drug hidden among cargo (7)","output":"### Answer: LEADING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Principal\n\n**E** (ecstasy, so \"drug\") *hidden among* **LADING** (\"cargo\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Royal is sweet little thing (7)","output":"### Answer: SULTANA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Royal\n\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Drops moist pants (5)","output":"### Answer: OMITS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Drops\n\n***(moist)** [anag: *pants*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Do up shortened red coat by mistake (9)","output":"### Answer: REFURBISH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Do up\n\n[*shortened*] **RE**(d) + **FUR** (\"coat\") *by* **BISH** (\"mistake\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Two similar animals to Spooner, and another (5,4)","output":"### Answer: HONEY BEAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: another\n\nSpooner may have said **BUNNY HARE** (\"two similar animals\") instead of **HONEY BEAR"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: This lover and his partner both characters on the radio (5)","output":"### Answer: ROMEO \n ### Explanation: Definition: This lover and his partner both characters on the radio\n\nCryptic definition \u2013 *both Romeo and his lover Juliet represent letters in the phonetic alphabet (R and J respectively)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: River runs within explosive borders (5)","output":"### Answer: RHINE \n ### Explanation: Definition: River\n\n**R** (runs) + **IN** (\"within\") *bordered by* **HE** ((High) Explosive)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Flower power on reflection stopped by hard facts (9)","output":"### Answer: PHENOMENA \n ### Explanation: Definition: facts \n\n**<=** (**ANEMONE** (\"flower\") + **P** (power)) [*on reflection*] *stopped by* **H** (hard)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Siren time and time again interrupting tsarina? (9)","output":"### Answer: TEMPTRESS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Siren\n\n**T **(time) + **T** (time, *again*) *interrupting* **EMPRESS** (\"tsarina\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Companion always gives comfort (5)","output":"### Answer: CHEER \n ### Explanation: Definition: comfort\n\n**CH** (Companion (of Honour)) + **E'ER **(\"always\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Swallow one alcoholic drink (7)","output":"### Answer: MARTINI \n ### Explanation: Definition: alcoholic drink\n\n**MARTIN** (\"swallow\") +** I** (one)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Skin condition has spread into leg (7)","output":"### Answer: LENTIGO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Skin condition\n\n***(into leg)** [anag: *spread*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Prize-winner still made to dance by pirate (6,9)","output":"### Answer: SILVER MEDALLIST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Prize-winner\n\n***(still made)** [anag: *to dance*] *by* (Long John) **SILVER** (\"pirate\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Devour Dickensian work and get into debt (4,2,4,5)","output":"### Answer: FALL ON HARD TIMES \n ### Explanation: Definition: get into debt\n\n**FALL ON **(\"devour\") + **HARD TIMES** (\"Dickensian work\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Getting zero on dole warrants speech (7)","output":"### Answer: ORATION \n ### Explanation: Definition: speech\n\n**O **(nothing) *on* **RATION** (\"dole\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One in Harley Street shortened hideous cut (9)","output":"### Answer: HAIRSTYLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: cut\n\n**I** (one) *in* ***(harley st)** [anag: *hideous*] (where ST is \"street\" *shortened*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Not complete setback for Queen and Country (5)","output":"### Answer: NIGER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Country\n\n*Sorry, the parsing for this has escaped me. ER or R for Queen, but the rest of it?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tories initially request church to create special unit (4,5)","output":"### Answer: TASK FORCE \n ### Explanation: Definition: special unit\n\n**T**(ories) [*initially*] **ASK FOR** (\"request\") + **CE** (Church (of England))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Back biter? (5)","output":"### Answer: MOLAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Back biter?\n\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Element in uniform with skull cap removed? (7)","output":"### Answer: URANIUM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Element\n\n**U** (uniform) *with* (c)**RANIUM** (\"skull\" *cap *(i.e capital)* removed*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What horror! Pie thrown around at London hub! (8,7)","output":"### Answer: HEATHROW AIRPORT \n ### Explanation: Definition: London hub\n\n***(what horror pie)** [anag: *thrown*] *around* **AT"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One's left us for dead (9)","output":"### Answer: EUPHEMISM \n ### Explanation: Definition: One's left us for dead \n\nLEFT US is a euphemism for DEAD"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Oral passage in cartoon stimulated a Liberal (4,5)","output":"### Answer: ROOT CANAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Oral passage\n\n***(cartoon)** [anag: *stimulated*] + **A L** (Liberal)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bad mark repeatedly given in current exam (7)","output":"### Answer: IMMORAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: B\n\n**M + M** (mark, *repeatedly*) *in* **I** (symbol for electric \"current\" in physics) + **ORAL** (\"exam\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Boundless audacity beginning to irritate old academics (7)","output":"### Answer: EMERITI \n ### Explanation: Definition: old academics\n\n[*boundless*] (t)**EMERIT**(y) (\"audacity\") + [*beginning to*] **I**(irritate)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Junk food (5)","output":"### Answer: TRIPE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Junk\n\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fluid occasionally seen in ground that's like rock? (5)","output":"### Answer: SOLID \n ### Explanation: Definition: like rock?\n\n(f)**L**(u)**I**(d) [*occasionally*]* seen in* **SOD** (\"ground\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Conferences in the garden (4,5)","output":"### Answer: PEAR TREES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Conferences\nConference is a common type of pear."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tenacity: someone's may be hated (4)","output":"### Answer: GUTS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Tenacity\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Such poor reasoning in letter (8)","output":"### Answer: CIRCULAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Such poor reasoning\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Girl a good advertisement for Brussels? (6)","output":"### Answer: EUNICE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Girl\n**E.U. NICE** may be a (poorly worded) approval of Brussels."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tear into animal's pen like a tiger (6)","output":"### Answer: STRIPY \n ### Explanation: Definition: like a tiger\n**RIP **(\"tear\") *into* **STY** (\"animal's pen\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sacred chamber not yet paid for (8)","output":"### Answer: HALLOWED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Sacred \n**HALL** (\"chamber\") + **OWED** (\"not yet paid for\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Censor a headline (6)","output":"### Answer: BANNER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Censor\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Reissued order to a fighter in the ring (8)","output":"### Answer: TOREADOR \n ### Explanation: Definition: fighter in the ring\n***(order to a)** [anag: *reissued*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sweet to laze around \u2014 I need a fizzy drink (8)","output":"### Answer: LOLLIPOP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Sweet\n**LOLL** (\"to laze around\") + **I **+ **POP** (\"a fizzy drink\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Argument about a right scale of penalties (6)","output":"### Answer: TARIFF \n ### Explanation: Definition: sc\n**TIFF **(\"argument\") *about ***A R** (right)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Be overambitious fixing side gate (3,5)","output":"### Answer: GET IDEAS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Be overambitious\n***(side gate)** [anag: *fixing*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Haile Selassie's dog? (6)","output":"### Answer: LASSIE \n ### Explanation: Definition: dog\nHidden in \"se**LASSIE**\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rail ticket still on the shelf (6)","output":"### Answer: SINGLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Rail ticket\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dog brought up beer (8)","output":"### Answer: AIREDALE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Dog\n**AIRED **(\"brought up\") *on* **ALE** (\"beer\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Strap that goes on a bit (4)","output":"### Answer: REIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Strap that goes on a bit \nMildly cryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Child's hero is at the centre of this double-dealing (9)","output":"### Answer: TREACHERY \n ### Explanation: Definition: double-dealing\n(Jack) **REACHER **(the hero of Lee Child's series of books) is at the centre of (t)REACHER(y)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Indicate drink is empty? (5)","output":"### Answer: POINT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Indicate\n**PINT** (\"drink\") has **O** (nothing) in it, so \"is empty\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lots here at a knock-down price (7)","output":"### Answer: AUCTION \n ### Explanation: Definition: Lots here at a knock-down price\nMildly cryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Total time with colleague (5)","output":"### Answer: TALLY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Total\n**T** (time) *with* **ALLY** (\"colleague\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Result of being talked about in range? (7)","output":"### Answer: EARSHOT \n ### Explanation: Definition: range\nWhen one's **EARS** tingle or get **HOT**, one sometimes imagines one is \"being talked about\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Have suspicions, lets alarm off (5,1,3)","output":"### Answer: SMELL A RAT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Have suspicions\n***(let alarms)** [anag: *off*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Travelling on a gold canal boat (7)","output":"### Answer: GONDOLA \n ### Explanation: Definition: canal boat\n***(on a gold) **[anag: *travelling*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Checked on list as being reprimanded (6,3)","output":"### Answer: TICKED OFF \n ### Explanation: Definition: Checked on list\nDouble defintion"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Once together on paper, briefly (2,3,4)","output":"### Answer: AT ONE TIME \n ### Explanation: Definition: Once\n**AT ONE** (\"together\") *on* **TIME**(s) (\"paper\", briefly)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stand for exhibit again (9)","output":"### Answer: REPRESENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Stand for\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Not up yet, extremely lazy at home with drink (5,2)","output":"### Answer: LYING IN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Not up yet\n[*extremely*] **L**(yin)**G** +** IN** (\"at home\") *with* **GIN** (\"drink\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Step over wise guy in corridor (7)","output":"### Answer: PASSAGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: corridor\n**PAS** (\"step\" in dancing) + **SAGE** (\"wise guy\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Regret about side being broken up: what's left? (7)","output":"### Answer: RESIDUE \n ### Explanation: Definition: what's left?\n**RUE** (\"regret\") *about* ***(side)** [anag: *being broken up*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Poem makes one fairly rich? Not entirely (5)","output":"### Answer: LYRIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: Poem\nHidden in \"fair**LY RIC**h\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Island murderer's confession (5)","output":"### Answer: ISLAY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Island\nA murderer may confess by saying, \"**I SLAY**\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: With difficulty, careless male reportedly made kids food (9,5)","output":"### Answer: WHOLEMEAL BREAD \n ### Explanation: Definition: f\n\n**W** (with) + **HOLE** (\"difficulty\") + ***(male)** [anag: *careless*] + homophone [*reportedly*] of **BRED** (\"made kids\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pressure on parent with son's disease (5)","output":"### Answer: MUMPS \n ### Explanation: Definition: disease\n\n**P** (pressure) *on* **MUM** (\"parent\") *with* **S** (son)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Messages from European before stage in public transport (9)","output":"### Answer: TELEGRAMS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Messages\n\n**E** (European) *before* **LEG** (\"stage\") *in ***TRAMS** (\"public transport\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Reconfigured iTunes, primarily listening tool (7)","output":"### Answer: UTENSIL \n ### Explanation: Definition: tool\n\n***(iTunes)** [anag: *reconfigured*] + [*primarily*] **L**(istening)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stranger beginning to watch duck crossing river (7)","output":"### Answer: WEIRDER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Stranger\n\n[*beginning to*] **W**(atch) **EIDER** (\"duck\") *crossing* **R** (river)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hears shots (5)","output":"### Answer: TRIES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Hears\n\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Perhaps dishes from Alberta we cooked (9)","output":"### Answer: TABLEWARE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Perhaps dishes\n\n***(alberta we)** [anag: *cooked*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Involved in goal, nasty left- winger from Everton (9)","output":"### Answer: ENGROSSED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Involved\n\n*in* **END** (\"goal\"), **GROSS** (\"nasty\") [*left-winger from*, i.e. leftmost letter of] **E**(verton)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Horrors after husband's removed footwear (5)","output":"### Answer: SOCKS \n ### Explanation: Definition: footwear\n\n**S**(h)**OCKS** (\"horrors\") *with* H (husband) *removed"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Vehicle to go off with trailer in reverse (7)","output":"### Answer: TRACTOR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Vehicle\n\n**<=ROT CART** (\"to go off\" + \"trailer\", *in reverse*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cut in members of police around south-east (7)","output":"### Answer: INCISED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Cut\n\n**IN** +** C.I.D.** (\"members of police\") *around* **SE** (south-east)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Person hugging cudgel in bed is fighter (9)","output":"### Answer: COMBATANT \n ### Explanation: Definition: fighter\n\n**MAN** (\"person\") *hugging* **BAT** (\"cudgel\") *in* **COT** (\"bed\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Transported spy in film, not family-rated (5)","output":"### Answer: BORNE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Transported\n\n(Jason) **BO**(u)**RNE **(\"spy in film\") *not* U (universal, or \"family-rated\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ending day's hell getting drunk alone (6-8)","output":"### Answer: SINGLE-HANDEDLY \n ### Explanation: Definition: alone\n\n***(ending days hell)** [anag: *getting drunk*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Criticising this writer in amateur band (9)","output":"### Answer: HAMMERING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Criticising\n\n**ME** (\"this writer\") *in ***HAM** (\"amateur\") + **RING** (\"band\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Claim sites regularly ignored schedules (5)","output":"### Answer: LISTS \n ### Explanation: Definition: schedules\n\n(c)**L**(a)**I**(m)**S**(i)**T**(e)**S **[*regularly ignored*, i.e. alternate letters dropped]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Changes to secure the Italian ruins (9)","output":"### Answer: MUTILATES \n ### Explanation: Definition: ruins\n\n**MUTATES** (\"changes\") *to secure* **IL** (\"the\" in \"Italian\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Shining silver base (5)","output":"### Answer: AGLOW \n ### Explanation: Definition: Shining\n\n**Ag** (chemical symbol for \"silver\") + **LOW** (\"base\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Musicians sack Greek character, person shunning working (9)","output":"### Answer: BAGPIPERS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Musicians\n\n**BAG** (\"sack\") + **PI** (\"Greek character\") + **PERS**(on) *shunning* ON (\"working\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Antelope dash over delta (5)","output":"### Answer: ELAND \n ### Explanation: Definition: Antelope\n\n**ELAN **(\"dash\") *over* **D** (delta, in the phonetic alphabet)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Win diamonds, West's partner with ace, perhaps (7)","output":"### Answer: DESERVE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Win\n\n**D** (diamonds) + **E** (East, \"West's partner\" in bridge) *with* **SERVE** (\"ace, perhaps\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Relation receives second degree (6)","output":"### Answer: AMOUNT \n ### Explanation: Definition: degree\n\n**AUNT** (\"relation\") *receives* **MO** (\"second\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Loss of order, impacted by hard season in America (9)","output":"### Answer: SHORTFALL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Loss\n\n**SORT **(\"order\") *impacted by* **H** (hard) + **FALL** (\"season in America\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Belgium dominant playing sport (9)","output":"### Answer: BADMINTON \n ### Explanation: Definition: sport\n\n**B** (Belgium) + ***(dominant)** [anag: *playing*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A new king in rebuilt castle of family line (9)","output":"### Answer: ANCESTRAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: of family line\n\n**A N** (new) + **R** (\"king\") *in* ***(castle)** [anag: *rebuilt*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Draws scene, it is abstract (7)","output":"### Answer: ENTICES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Draws\n\n***(scene it)** [anag: *abstract*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unexpected upset after university ousts adult (6)","output":"### Answer: SUDDEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Unexpected\n\n**S**(a>**U**)**DDEN **(\"upset\") with U (university\") *ousting* A (adult)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A furore about male's management (5)","output":"### Answer: ADMIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: management\n\n**A DIN **(\"furore\") *about* **M** (male)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fish from right cook with head removed (5)","output":"### Answer: ROACH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fish\n\n**R** (right) + (p)**OACH** (\"cook\" *with head removed*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lead one hundred on island to the north (5)","output":"### Answer: CABLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Lead\n\n**C** (100) *with* **<=ELBA** (\"island\" t*o the north*, ie going up)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old country jazz fan coming to dance (6)","output":"### Answer: CATHAY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Old country\n\n**CAT **(\"old jazz fan\")* coming to* **HAY** (a type of old \"dance\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Anger in rural establishments \u2014 they may kill people (8)","output":"### Answer: FIREARMS \n ### Explanation: Definition: they may kill people\n\n**IRE** (\"anger\") *in ***FARMS** (\"rural establishments\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fellow clean, having removed soft muck (6)","output":"### Answer: MANURE \n ### Explanation: Definition: muck\n\n**MAN** (\"fellow\") + (p)**URE** (\"clean\" *having removed* P (piano, so \"soft\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Break in street with work finished (8)","output":"### Answer: STOPOVER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Break\n\n**ST.** (street) *with* **Op**. (\"work\") + **OVER** (\"finished\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A lone wolf poet's destroyed in a single fierce move (2,3,4,5)","output":"### Answer: AT ONE FELL SWOOP \n ### Explanation: Definition: in a single fierce move\n\n***(a lone wolf poets)** [anag: *destroyed*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What's sweet in big book, lines offering nonsense (10)","output":"### Answer: TOMFOOLERY \n ### Explanation: Definition: nonsense\n\n**FOOL** (\"sweet\") *in* **TOME** (\"big book\") + **Ry.** (railway, so \"lines\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stand at front of church? Very cold, not dry (4)","output":"### Answer: BIER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Stand at front of church?\n\n**BI**(tt)**ER** (\"very cold\", *not* TT (teetotal, so \"dry\"))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What's in title of poem by Coleridge or Frost (4)","output":"### Answer: RIME \n ### Explanation: Definition: Frost\n\n*The ***RIME ***of the Ancient Mariner* is a poem by Coleridge."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mum entertained by Jagger et al performing \u2014 one getting into rock? (10)","output":"### Answer: STONEMASON \n ### Explanation: Definition: one getting into rock? \n\n**MA **(\"mother\") entertained by (Rolling) **STONES** (\"Jagger et al\") + **ON** (\"performing\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fruit ruined by terrible shower (14)","output":"### Answer: WHORTLEBERRIES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fruit\n\n***(terrible shower\")** [anag: *ruined*]\n \n*If I'm being picky, this clue doesn't quite work, as the clue indicates that \"by\" is part of the anagram fodder."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tale-teller is candid, love being rejected (8)","output":"### Answer: FRANKLIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Tale-teller\n\n**FRANK** (\"candid\") + **<=NIL** (\"love\", *being rejected*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A new hair product possibly needed by a lady (6)","output":"### Answer: ANGELA \n ### Explanation: Definition: lad\n\n**A** + **N** (new) + **GEL** (\"hair product possibly\") *by*** A"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Part of Greece has style that's unusual (8)","output":"### Answer: THESSALY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Part of Greece\n\n***(has style)** [anag: *that's unusual*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Batty woman returning to quiet plain in Israel (6)","output":"### Answer: SHARON \n ### Explanation: Definition: plain in Israel\n\n**<=NORA **(Batty (a character in *The Last of the Summer Wine*) *returning*) *to ***SH** (\"quiet\")\n \n*The Sharon is a valley in Israel from which the sharon fruit gets its name."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Thoroughly search most of the valley (4)","output":"### Answer: COMB \n ### Explanation: Definition: Thoroughly search\n\n[*most of the*] **COMB**(e) (\"valley\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Small boy can finally slay the enemy, expending minimal energy (4,3)","output":"### Answer: TINY TIM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Small boy\n\n**TIN **(\"can\") + [*finally*] (sla)**Y** + **TIM**(e) [\"the enemy\" figuratively, *expending* E [*minimal*] E(nergy))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A dormant drunk in a disorderly state (2,6)","output":"### Answer: AT RANDOM \n ### Explanation: Definition: in a disorderly state\n\n***(a dormant)** [anag:* drunk*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Enthusiastic about the French and their country \u2014 female lacking bigotry (11)","output":"### Answer: INTOLERANCE \n ### Explanation: Definition: bigotry\n\n**INTO** (\"enthusiastic about\") + **LE **(\"the\" in \"French\") *and* (f)**RANCE** (\"their country\" with F (female) *lacking*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Show up with old lover's model (6)","output":"### Answer: EXPOSE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Show up\n\n**EX **(\"old lover\") + **POSE** (\"model\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Recipe with mayonnaise \u2014 very little in that Italian food (7)","output":"### Answer: RAVIOLI \n ### Explanation: Definition: Italian food\n\n**R** (recipe) *with* **AIOLI** (\"mayonnaise\") *with* **V** (very *little*) *in"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fight over one fellow getting stuff for recycling? (5,4)","output":"### Answer: SCRAP IRON \n ### Explanation: Definition: stuff for recycling\n\n**SCRAP** (\"fight\") *over* **I** ('one\") + **RON** (\"fellow\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Be good enough to satisfy hungry pelican? (4,3,4)","output":"### Answer: FILL THE BILL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Be good enough\n\nIf something can **FILL THE BILL** of a hungry pelican it would satisfy it."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Formula for getting fat \u2014 I lose it (5,1,3)","output":"### Answer: THROW A FIT \n ### Explanation: Definition: l\n\nA FIT is an anagram of** *(fat i)**, so the setter is giving us a formula to turn FAT I into A FIT (i.e. use \"throw\" as a an anagrind)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Plant amazing initially, suffering harm when penetrated by insect (8)","output":"### Answer: AMARANTH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Plant \n\n**A**(mazing) [*initially*] + ***(harm)** [anag: *suffering*] *when penetrated by* **ANT** (\"insect\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: For example, a space to the north where a boat may berth (7)","output":"### Answer: MOORAGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: where a boat may berth\n\n**<=(E.G. A ROOM)** (\"for example, a space\") [*to the north*: i.e. upwards)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Be covered in fleece as female animal (3-4)","output":"### Answer: SHE-BEAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: female animal\n\n**BE** *covered in* **SHEAR** (\"fleece\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: England's all-rounder gets all fired up (6)","output":"### Answer: STOKES \n ### Explanation: Definition: England's all-rounder\n\nDouble definition, the first relating to (Ben) STOKES, the England cricketer."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Flatter shade of brown (4)","output":"### Answer: FAWN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Flatter\n\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Outside crease, bowled extremely nimble run scorer (8)","output":"### Answer: BRUCKNER \n ### Explanation: Definition: scorer\n*Outside* **RUCK** (\"crease\"), **B **(bowled) + [*extremely*] **N**(imbl)**E** + **R **(run) \n*Refers to the Austrian composer (i.e. one who writes scores, so \"scorer\"), Anton Bruckner (1824-96)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Set about Christmas festivity without wife (6)","output":"### Answer: ASSAIL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Set about\n(w)**ASSAIL** (\"Christmas activity\") *without* **W** (wife)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unsuccessful, did he support unionist party? (6-2)","output":"### Answer: WASHED UP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Unsuccessful\n**WAS HE D.U.P**? (ie was he a supporter of the Democratic Unionist Party?)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Harden or soften? (6)","output":"### Answer: TEMPER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Harden\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: On detour, possibly, being this? (8)","output":"### Answer: REROUTED \n ### Explanation: Definition: this?\n**RE** (\"on\") + ***(detour**) [anag:*possibly*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hi-fi component from Trieste reordered (6)","output":"### Answer: STEREO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Hi-fi component\nHidden in [*from*] \"trie**STE REO**rdered\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: I break in to lodge by river and hold Bill up (10)","output":"### Answer: FILIBUSTER \n ### Explanation: Definition: hold Bill up\n**I **+ **BUST** (\"break\") *in* **FILE** (\"to lodge\") *by* **R** (river)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A mobile ban \u2013 fantastic or awful? (10)","output":"### Answer: ABOMINABLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: awful\n***(a mobile ban)** [anag: *fantastic*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mum comes in late, returning shattered (6)","output":"### Answer: DASHED \n ### Explanation: Definition: shattered\n**SH** (\"mum\", as in \"quiet\" (\"keep mum\")) *comes in* **<=DEAD** (\"late\", *returning*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mollify one involved in US university scandal? (8)","output":"### Answer: MITIGATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Mollify\n**I** (\"one\") *involved in* **M.I.T.** (\"US university\") + **GATE** (\"scandal\" as in \"Watergate\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Losing heart, pine perhaps for award (6)","output":"### Answer: CONFER \n ### Explanation: Definition: award \n**CON**(i)**FER **(\"pine\" perhaps, *losing heart*, i.e. its middle letter)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Greek poet with passion for old jewel (8)","output":"### Answer: SAPPHIRE \n ### Explanation: Definition: jewel\n**SAPPH**(o) (\"Greek poet\") *with* **IRE** (\"passion\") *for* (i.e. instead of) O (\"love\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Release pop record on the radio (6)","output":"### Answer: PAROLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Release\n**PA** (\"pop\") + homophone of [*on the radio*]** ROLL** (\"record\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dined on fresh green produce (8)","output":"### Answer: GENERATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: produce \n**ATE** (\"dined\") *on* ***(green)** [anag: *fresh*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: We'll turn up in empty cave (6)","output":"### Answer: BEWARE \n ### Explanation: Definition: cave\n**WE** *will turn up in* **BARE** (\"empty\") \n*\"Cave\" is the Latin for \"beware\" as in \"cave\u00a0canem\" (\"beware of the dog\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Insecure nurse embarrassed about uniform (6)","output":"### Answer: UNSURE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Insecure\n***(nurse)** [anag: *embarrassed*] *about* **U** (uniform)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Maintain this could give you a sly look? (4,2)","output":"### Answer: KEEP UP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Maintain\nA \"peek\" is a \"sly look\" and **KEEP** spelt **UP**wards is PEEK"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Non-sectarian English university situated in nice calm ground (10)","output":"### Answer: ECUMENICAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Non-sectarian\n**E** (English) + **U** (university) *situated in* ***(nice calm)** [anag: *ground*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Play guitar, covering most of Kiss and Rainbow (8)","output":"### Answer: SPECTRUM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Rainbow\n**STRUM** (\"play guitar\") *covering* [*most of*] **PEC**(k) (\"kiss\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hook's primary character, thus he's remembered? (8)","output":"### Answer: ASPIRATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Hook's primary character\nHook begins with H, \"Hook's primary character\" is an **ASPIRATE**, and Captain Hook will be remembered AS a PIRATE."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Left, left, then right, passing over street (8)","output":"### Answer: LARBOARD \n ### Explanation: Definition: Left\n**L** (left) then (st)**ARBOARD** (\"right\", *passing over* St. (street))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Small community accepts a German serf's tenure (10)","output":"### Answer: VILLEINAGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: serf's \n**VILLAGE** (\"small community\") *accepts* **EIN** (\"a\" in \"German\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Help one beat disadvantage (8)","output":"### Answer: HANDICAP \n ### Explanation: Definition: disadvantage\n**HAND** (\"help\") + **I** (one) + **CAP** (\"beat\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Spooner's out capturing international criminal (8)","output":"### Answer: POISONER \n ### Explanation: Definition: criminal\n***(spooner)** [anag:'*s out*] *capturing* **I** (international)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Team \u2013 one from Madrid \u2013 of stars (8)","output":"### Answer: SIDEREAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: of stars\n**SIDE** (\"team\") + **REAL** (\"one (team) from Madrid\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Idle fancy surrounding representative's depression (6)","output":"### Answer: DIMPLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: depression\n***(idle)** [anag: fancy] *surrounding* **MP** (\"representative\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Posh boy stands on top of mountain (2-2-2)","output":"### Answer: LA DI DA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Posh\n**LAD** (\"boy\") *stands on top of* (Mount)** IDA** (\"mountain\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Greatly admire legendary American rider (6)","output":"### Answer: REVERE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Greatly admire\nDouble definition, the second referring to American hero Paul Revere."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: With sound, bat screens old vessel after 12 (9)","output":"### Answer: WHALEBOAT \n ### Explanation: Definition: vessel after 12\n\n**W** (with) + **HALE** (\"sound\") + **BAT** *screening* **O** (old)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One avoids bye by involving a couple (1,4)","output":"### Answer: ADEUX \n ### Explanation: Definition: involving a couple\n\n**I** (one) *avoids* **AD**(i)**EU **+ **X** (\"by\", multiplication in maths)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Girls manufactured poles I installed (7)","output":"### Answer: MAIDENS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Girls\n\n**MADE **(\"manufactured\") + **NS** (North and South, \"poles\") with **I** *installed"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rare question in exam: 'What's another name for a finback?' (7)","output":"### Answer: RORQUAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: What's another name for a finback?\n\n**R **(rare) +** Qu.** (question) *in* **ORAL** (\"exam\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Asian banker's attempt to quit business (5)","output":"### Answer: INDUS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Asian banker\n\n**TRY** (\"attempt\") *to leave* **INDUS**(try) (\"business\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pole identifies Welsh runner (9)","output":"### Answer: FLAGSTAFF \n ### Explanation: Definition: Pole\n\n**FLAGS** (\"identifies\") **TAFF** (\"Welsh runner\" i.e. a Welsh river (\"that which runs\"))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What kind shooters do on Glorious Twelfth, snitch? (4,3,4,4)","output":"### Answer: GIVE THE GAME AWAY \n ### Explanation: Definition: snitch\n\n*On August 12 (and the following few months), generous shooters may give away the game birds they bag."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The Caymans managed to expel English sailor (9)","output":"### Answer: YACHTSMAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: sailor\n\n***(th caymans) **[anag: *managed*] where TH Is \"the\" with E (English) *expelled"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: All at once, last pair leave, expressing disapproval (5)","output":"### Answer: TUTTI \n ### Explanation: Definition: All at once\n\nThe *last pair *(of letters) *leave* **TUTTI**(ng) (\"expressing disapproval\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Game people lose these going round the bend (7)","output":"### Answer: MARBLES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Game\n\n*Going mad (around the bend) = losing ones marbles."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Gulf state picked up ENT problem (7)","output":"### Answer: CATARRH \n ### Explanation: Definition: ENT problem\n\nHomophone [*picked up*] of **QATAR** (\"gulf state\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Finds missing disc deliveries (5)","output":"### Answer: OVERS \n ### Explanation: Definition: deliveries\n\n(disc)**OVERS** (\"finds\", *missing* DISC)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Problem for poultry farmer who's getting on? (2,7)","output":"### Answer: NO CHICKEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: who's getting on?\n\n*A poultry farmer with no chicken would indeed have a problem and someone who is getting older is \"no (spring) chicken\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Regularly play sport, coming first like clockwork (10)","output":"### Answer: SWIMMINGLY \n ### Explanation: Definition: like\n\n[*regularly*] (p)**L**(a)**Y** *with* **SWIMMING** (\"sport\") *coming first"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Indian cricketer liked a VIP I ejected roughly (5,3)","output":"### Answer: KAPIL DEV \n ### Explanation: Definition: Indian cricketer\n\n***(liked a VP) **[anag: *roughly*] where VP is \"VIP\" with *I* ejected"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Spanish golfer's bracing new ball game (6)","output":"### Answer: SEVENS \n ### Explanation: Definition: ball game\n\n**SEVE'S** (\"Spanish golfer's\") *bracing* **N **(new)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Finish circulating scores in the poolroom (4)","output":"### Answer: POTS \n ### Explanation: Definition: scores in the poolroom\n\n**<=STOP** (\"finish\", *circulating*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stumped, falls over, limiting time to resume (5,5)","output":"### Answer: START AGAIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: to resume\n\n**St.** (\"stumped\", in cricket) + **<=NIAGARA** (\"falls\", over) *limiting* **T** (time)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Article in L'Equipe about a hybrid game (8)","output":"### Answer: LACROSSE \n ### Explanation: Definition: game\n\n**LE **(\"article in L'Equipe\" (a French sports newspaper) *about* **A CROSS **(\"hybrid\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: British haul in each caviar supplier (6)","output":"### Answer: BELUGA \n ### Explanation: Definition: caviar supplier\n\n**B** (British) + **LUG** (\"haul\") *in* **EA**. (each)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cancel large jump on rink (4)","output":"### Answer: AXEL \n ### Explanation: Definition: jump on rink\n\n**AXE **(\"cancel\") + **L** (large)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Release mother and children, occupants of lodge (10)","output":"### Answer: FREEMASONS \n ### Explanation: Definition: occupants of lodge\n\n**FREE** (\"release\") +** MA** (\"mother\") + **SONS** (\"children\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Affair involving Yankee swimmer's sport (3-7)","output":"### Answer: FLY FISHING \n ### Explanation: Definition: sport\n\n**FLING** (\"affair\") *involving* **Y** (Yankee) **FISH** (\"swimmer\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What summers can do to a stile that's rotting? (8)","output":"### Answer: TOTALISE \n ### Explanation: Definition: What summers can do\n\n***(to a stile)** [anag: *that's rotting*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Skater trained in West Indies to practise another sport (8)","output":"### Answer: WATERSKI \n ### Explanation: Definition: o practise another sport\n\n***(skater) **[anag: *trained*} *in* **WI** (West Indies)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sort of kick gutless officer investigating deaths (6)","output":"### Answer: CORNER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Sort of kick\n\n[*gutless*] **COR**(o)**NER **(\"officer investigating deaths\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dainty milk supplier pens Italian book (6)","output":"### Answer: TITBIT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Dainty\n\n**TIT **(\"milk supplier\") *pens* **It**. (Italian) + **B** (book)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Game guy controls more than one private company (8)","output":"### Answer: MOORCOCK \n ### Explanation: Definition: Game\n\nSorry, the parsing for this has me beaten for now?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: State theatre club I built (8)","output":"### Answer: REPUBLIC \n ### Explanation: State theatre club I built (8)\n**REP** (\"theatre\") + ***(club i)** [anag:*rebuilt*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Liberate one French composer (6)","output":"### Answer: UNCAGE \n ### Explanation: Liberate one French composer (6)\n**UN** (\"one\" in \"French\") + (John) **CAGE** (American \"composer\" whose most famous work is '4'33' in which the orchestra does not play any instruments, but the \"music\" is whatever sounds there are in the environment in which the \"performance\" is taking place)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Standard dress in what? (6)","output":"### Answer: PARDON \n ### Explanation: Standard dress in what? (6)\n**PAR** (\"standard\") + **DON** (\"dress in\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Prehistoric animal expert, on holiday in Paris, purchases unusual shrunken heads (8)","output":"### Answer: EOHIPPUS \n ### Explanation: Prehistoric animal expert, on holiday in Paris, purchases unusual shrunken heads (8)\nFirst letters [*heads*] of **E**xpert **O**n **H**oliday **I**n **P**aris **P**urchases **U**nusual **S**hrunken"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Prison in Stenhousemuir mostly cleared (4)","output":"### Answer: STIR \n ### Explanation: Prison in Stenhousemuir mostly cleared (4)\n**ST**(enhousemu)**IR** [*mostly cleared*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hooters going off till we lost (6,4)","output":"### Answer: LITTLE OWLS \n ### Explanation: Hooters going off till we lost (6,4)\n***(till we lost) **[anag: *going off*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Strange person (not working) sometimes ceases to drink (8)","output":"### Answer: ESPRESSO \n ### Explanation: Strange person (not working) sometimes ceases to drink (8)\n***(pers)** (\"person\" without ON (\"not working\")) [anag: *strange*] + [sometimes] (c)**E**(a)**S**(e)**S**(t)**O"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lake where exclusive circle get rid of bed (4)","output":"### Answer: ERIE \n ### Explanation: Lake where exclusive circle get rid of bed (4)\n(cot)**ERIE** (\"exclusive circle\" *getting rid of* COT (\"bed\"))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Some remnant of unappetising food (4)","output":"### Answer: TOFU \n ### Explanation: Some remnant of unappetising food (4)\nHidden in [*some*] \"remnana**T OF U**nappetising\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Want identification to open beach (8)","output":"### Answer: SHORTAGE \n ### Explanation: Want identification to open beach (8)\n**TAG** (\"identification\") *to open* **SHORE** (\"beach\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: And I do it in trouble as well (2,8)","output":"### Answer: IN ADDITION \n ### Explanation: And I do it in trouble as well (2,8)\n***(and i do it in)\u00a0**[anag: *trouble*] \n*Shame that IN is part of the answer and the fodder."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Award writer rejected \u2013 what a surprise! (4)","output":"### Answer: EMMY \n ### Explanation: Award writer rejected \u2013 what a surprise! (4)\n**<=ME**\u00a0(\"writer\" *rejected*) + **MY** (\"what a surprise!\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Got too big to be caught, maybe? Hopelessly wrong (8)","output":"### Answer: OUTGROWN \n ### Explanation: Got too big to be caught, maybe? Hopelessly wrong (8)\n**OUT** (\"be caught, perhaps\" in cricket) + ***(wrong)** [anag: *hopelessly*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cat stops spies returning bomb? (6)","output":"### Answer: ATOMIC \n ### Explanation: Cat stops spies returning bomb? (6)\n**TOM** (\"cat\") *stops* **<=CIA** (\"spies\", *returning*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Trees like swans (6)","output":"### Answer: ASPENS \n ### Explanation: Trees like swans (6)\n**AS** (\"like\") + **PENS** (female \"swans\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bird that's coming back round initially thanks you forever (8)","output":"### Answer: ETERNITY \n ### Explanation: Bird that's coming back round initially thanks you forever (8)\n**TERN** (\"bird\") with **<=I.E.** (\"that is\", *coming back*) *round* + [*initially*] **T**(hanks) **Y**(ou), so **E(TERN)I-T.Y."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Demand and obtain energy by law (5)","output":"### Answer: EXACT \n ### Explanation: Demand and obtain energy by law (5)\n**E** (energy) + **X** (\"by\" in mathematics) + **ACT** (\"law\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tube not fine enough (11)","output":"### Answer: UNDERGROUND \n ### Explanation: Tube not fine enough (11)\n*Something like coffee beans that have not been ground enough (underground) could be described as \"not fine enough\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Making Fellow of poet not seen for ages (4-4)","output":"### Answer: LONG-LOST \n ### Explanation: Making Fellow of poet not seen for ages (4-4)\nIf the **LONG** of \"poet\" Henry Wadsworth (Long)fellow is **LOST** it would be\u00a0*making* \"fellow\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Critic one can see exploding bogus theory (8,7)","output":"### Answer: CREATION SCIENCE \n ### Explanation: Critic one can see exploding bogus theory (8,7)\n***(critic one can see)** [anag:*exploding*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Winning F1 driver we hear drank beer all over the place (2,4,4,4)","output":"### Answer: UP HILL DOWN DALE \n ### Explanation: Winning F1 driver we hear drank beer all over the place (2,4,4,4)\n**UP** (\"winning\") + (Damon or Graham) **HILL** (\"F1 driver\") + homophone of [*we hear*] **DOWNED** (\"drank\") +** ALE** (\"beer\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Preach about oddly missing fungus (3)","output":"### Answer: CEP \n ### Explanation: Preach about oddly missing fungus (3)\n**<=P**(r)**E**(a)**C**(h) [*oddly*, *returning*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Thin soup with fish is hard to get through (9)","output":"### Answer: GRUELLING \n ### Explanation: Thin soup with fish is hard to get through (9)\n**GRUEL** (\"thin soup\") +** LING** (\"fish\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Out in the open, bird keeps low \u2013 I'm delighted (4,3,4)","output":"### Answer: OVER THE MOON \n ### Explanation: Out in the open, bird keeps low \u2013 I'm delighted (4,3,4)\n**OVERT** (\"out in the open\") + **HEN** (\"bird\") *keeps* **MOO** (\"low\"). \n*Not sure that the \"I\"m\" should be ther, other than to help the surface."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Measures flops on US exchange (9)","output":"### Answer: SPOONFULS \n ### Explanation: Measures flops on US exchange (9)\n***(flops on US)** [anag: *exchanges*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Racists maybe depart in pieces (6)","output":"### Answer: BIGOTS \n ### Explanation: Racists maybe depart in pieces (6)\n**GO** (\"depart\") *in* **BITS** (\"pieces\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rather wet film about nothing (5)","output":"### Answer: MOIST \n ### Explanation: Rather wet film about nothing (5)\n**MIST** (\"film\") *about* **O** (\"nothing\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Letter brings up brain scan (3)","output":"### Answer: GEE \n ### Explanation: Letter brings up brain scan (3)\n[*brings up*] **<=E.E.G.** (electroencephalogram, so \"brain scan\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Harsh at university on the breadline (4,2)","output":"### Answer: HARD UP \n ### Explanation: Harsh at university on the breadline (4,2)\n**HARD** (\"harsh\") + **UP** (\"at university\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Shaped plastic covers over mines (8)","output":"### Answer: COALPITS \n ### Explanation: Shaped plastic covers over mines (8)\n***(plastic)** [anag:shaped] *covers* **O** (over, in cricket)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Storyline involves endless fuss at a port (8)","output":"### Answer: SCENARIO \n ### Explanation: Storyline involves endless fuss at a port (8)\n[*endless*] **SCEN**(e) (\"fuss\") *at* **A RIO** (\"port\") (8)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Very small American male in charge (6)","output":"### Answer: ATOMIC \n ### Explanation: Very small American male in charge (6)\n**A** (\"American\") + **TOM** (\"male\") + **IC** (in charge) (6)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Difficult to endure cut close to bone (6)","output":"### Answer: SEVERE \n ### Explanation: Difficult to endure cut close to bone (6)\n**SEVER** (\"cut\") + [*close to*] (bon)**E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Most difficult singular argument is in French (8)","output":"### Answer: STIFFEST \n ### Explanation: Most difficult singular argument is in French (8)\n**S** (singular) + **TIFF** (\"argument\") + **EST** (\"is\" in \"French\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What passes locally as distant dream, fragmented (8,4)","output":"### Answer: STANDARD TIME \n ### Explanation: What passes locally as distant dream, fragmented (8,4)\n***(distant dream)** [anag:*fragmented*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: State changes in this at home within cultural mix (7,5)","output":"### Answer: MELTING POINT \n ### Explanation: State changes in this at home within cultural mix (7,5)\n**IN** (\"at home\") *within* **MELTING POT** (\"cultural mix\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Poor apologist one having withdrawn support (8)","output":"### Answer: GOALPOST \n ### Explanation: Poor apologist one having withdrawn support (8)\n***(apologst)** [anag:*poor*] where APOLOG(i)ST has had I (\"one\") *withdrawn"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Said thrust pierces tin (6)","output":"### Answer: SPOKEN \n ### Explanation: Said thrust pierces tin (6)\n**POKE** (\"thrust\") *pierces* **Sn** (chemical symbol for \"tin\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Governor in India having dish brought round (6)","output":"### Answer: PILATE \n ### Explanation: Governor in India having dish brought round (6)\n**I** (India, in the phoentic alphabet) *having* **PLATE** (\"dish\") *brought round"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Smiley's People's last chapter something not still around (8)","output":"### Answer: EMOTICON \n ### Explanation: Smiley's People's last chapter something not still around (8)\n(peopl)**E** [*'s las*t] + **C** (chapter) with **MOTION** (\"something not still\") *around"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Marine explorer at once excited about gold (8)","output":"### Answer: OCEANAUT \n ### Explanation: Marine explorer at once excited about gold (8)\n***(at once)** [anag:*excited*] *about* **Au** (chemical symbol for \"gold\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Loud rock music on Radio Heart (6)","output":"### Answer: METTLE \n ### Explanation: Loud rock music on Radio Heart (6)\nHomophone [*on radio*] of **METAL** (\"loud rock music\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Marksman at Agincourt\u00a0more cunning? (6)","output":"### Answer: ARCHER \n ### Explanation: Marksman at Agincourt\u00a0more cunning? (6)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Basis for the table d'h\u00f4te meal? (6,3)","output":"### Answer: DINNER SET \n ### Explanation: Basis for the table d'h\u00f4te meal? (6,3)\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Shattered replica \u2013 no Ming items? (9)","output":"### Answer: PORCELAIN \n ### Explanation: Shattered replica \u2013 no Ming items? (9)\n***(replica no)** [anag:*shattered*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Angry news boss came over (7)","output":"### Answer: CROSSED \n ### Explanation: Angry news boss came over (7)\n**CROSS** (\"angry\") +** ED** (editor, so \"news boss\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Summers Greeks and Romans could count on? (5)","output":"### Answer: ABACI \n ### Explanation: Summers Greeks and Romans could count on? (5)\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Page covering mathematical sequence (5)","output":"### Answer: PROOF \n ### Explanation: Page covering mathematical sequence (5)\n**P** (page) + **ROOF** (\"covering\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Needing much effort to place paintings in book (8)","output":"### Answer: TOILSOME \n ### Explanation: Needing much effort to place paintings in book (8)\n**OILS** (\"paintings\")* in* **TOME** (\"book\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Idiosyncrasy regularly detected in fraud (3)","output":"### Answer: FAD \n ### Explanation: Idiosyncrasy regularly detected in fraud (3)\n[*regularly detected in*] **F**(r)**A**(u)**D"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Collapsed minor star in meteorological phenomenon (9)","output":"### Answer: RAINSTORM \n ### Explanation: Collapsed minor star in meteorological phenomenon (9)\n***(minor star)** [anag:*collapsed*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One pointedly engaged in enhancing body image? (9)","output":"### Answer: TATTOOIST \n ### Explanation: One pointedly engaged in enhancing body image? (9)\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Comedian frenzied? Exactly that! (8)","output":"### Answer: DEMONIAC \n ### Explanation: Comedian frenzied? Exactly that! (8)\n***(comedian)** [anag:*frenzied*] \n*The \"exactly that\" relates to \"frenzied\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Devil one among many at Westminster? (3)","output":"### Answer: IMP \n ### Explanation: Devil one among many at Westminster? (3)\n**1 MP** (one MP would be \"one among many at Westminster\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Job description from client in surgery (7)","output":"### Answer: PATIENT \n ### Explanation: Job description from client in surgery (7)\nDouble definition, the first relating to the Biblical character of Job,, who could be described as patient (hence, \"the patience of Job\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Shrink back in horror on meeting snake (6)","output":"### Answer: RECOIL \n ### Explanation: Shrink back in horror on meeting snake (6)\n**RE** (\"on\") *meeting* **COIL** (\"snake\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Andean native in Lima with Buddhist monk (5)","output":"### Answer: LLAMA \n ### Explanation: Andean native in Lima with Buddhist monk (5)\n**L** (Lima, in the phonetic alphabet) *with* **LAMA** (\"Buddhist monk\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Character from Titanic going after duck (5)","output":"### Answer: OMEGA \n ### Explanation: Character from Titanic going after duck (5)\n**MEGA** (\"titanic\") *going after* **O** (\"duck\", as in cricket)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hang up over hint of sarcasm in dispatch (7)","output":"### Answer: SUSPEND \n ### Explanation: Definition: Hang \n**UP** *over* [*hint of*] **S**(arcasm) *in* **SEND** (\"dispatch\"), so **S(U(S)P)END"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unable to think clearly when charged first off (6)","output":"### Answer: ADDLED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Unable to think clearly\n(s)**ADDLED** (\"charged\", with its* first off*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: An advantage being the principal's floozy (4,5)","output":"### Answer: HEAD START \n ### Explanation: Definition: An advantage \n**HEAD'S** (\"principal's\") + **TART** (\"floozy\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cancel\u00a0fight (5)","output":"### Answer: SCRAP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Cancel\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Against accepting return of books on Russia's foremost dramatist (5)","output":"### Answer: ORTON \n ### Explanation: Definition: dramatist\n**ON** (\"against\") *accepting* [*return of*] **<=O.T,** (Old Testament, so \"books\") *on* **R**(ussia's) [*foremost*], so **O(R-T.O.)N"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Weapon lacking bit of accuracy carried by extremely old outlaw (9)","output":"### Answer: DESPERADO \n ### Explanation: Definition: outlaw\n**SPE**(a)**R** (\"weapon\" *lacking* [*bit of*] **A**(ccuracy)) *carried by* **DEAD** (\"extremely\") + **O** (old)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: To surpass Nick is superb (3-5)","output":"### Answer: TOP-NOTCH \n ### Explanation: Definition: superb\n**TOP** (\"to surpass\") + **NOTCH** (\"nick\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Novelist and rector associated with somewhere in the Midlands (6)","output":"### Answer: STOKER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Novelist\n**R** (rector) *associated with* **STOKE** (\"somewhere in MIdlands\") \n*Bram Stoker was an Irish author, most noted for *Dracula*."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Helping to make fragrant herb a producer of pollen (6)","output":"### Answer: ANTHER \n ### Explanation: Definition: a producer of pollen\nHidden in [*helping to make*] \"fragr**ANT HER**b\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fellow socialists finding established standards embraced by Mr Attlee at first? Just the opposite (8)","output":"### Answer: COMRADES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fellow socialists \n**CODES** (\"esatblished standards\") *embracing*\u00a0(\"just the opposite\" of \"embraced by\")\u00a0**MR A**(ttlee) [*at first*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: This alone surprisingly produces frozen rain (9)","output":"### Answer: HAILSTONE \n ### Explanation: Definition: frozen rain\n***(this alone)** [anag:*surprisingly*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: We object over small trace of helicobacter discovered on bottom of Petri dish (5)","output":"### Answer: SUSHI \n ### Explanation: Definition: dish\n**<=US** (\"we\" as the \"object\", *over*) + **S** (small) + [*trace of*] **H**(elicobacter) *discovered on* [*bottom of]* (petr)**I"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dance club falling short on drink (5)","output":"### Answer: RUMBA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Dance\n**BA**(t) (\"club\", *falling short*) *on* **RUM** (\"drink\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cleaner having time after work for Corrie perhaps (4,5)","output":"### Answer: SOAP OPERA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Corrie perhaps\n**SOAP** (\"cleaner\") *having* **ERA** (\"time\") *after* **Op.** (\"work\") \nCorrie* is the shortened colloquial name for *Coronation Street,* Britain's longest-running TV soap opera."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Knock off\u00a0bag (6)","output":"### Answer: THIEVE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Knock off\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Increase in Parisian Chinese seen at church (7)","output":"### Answer: ENHANCE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Increase\n**EN** (\"in\" to a \"Parisian\") + **HAN** (\"Chinese\") *seen at* **CE** (\"Church\" of England)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Maybe Mr M'Choakumchild shocked her with chocolates (13)","output":"### Answer: SCHOOLTEACHER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Maybe Mr M'Choakumchild\n***(her chocolates)\u00a0**[anag:*shocked*] \n*Mr M'Choakumchild was a teacher at Gradgrind's school in Dickens' *Hard Times*."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Set in motion by leading sheep (5,2)","output":"### Answer: START UP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Set in motion\n**STAR** (\"leading\") + **TUP** (\"sheep\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Contributing to success enjoyed by City (5)","output":"### Answer: ESSEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: City\nHidden in [*contributing to*] \"succ**ESS EN**joyed\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: No longer important to avoid as it's defunct (4,4)","output":"### Answer: DEAD DUCK \n ### Explanation: Definition: it's defunct\n**DEAD** (\"no longer important\") + **DUCK** (\"to avoid\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Witness form being overturned in a race (6)","output":"### Answer: ATTEST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Witness\n**<=SET** (\"form\", *being overturned*) in **A **+ **TT** (Tourist Trophy, so \"race\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Criticise record of Nonconformist (9)","output":"### Answer: DISSENTER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Nonconformist\n**DISS** (\"criticise\") + **ENTER** (\"record\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Not initially expensive to get standard form of ID (7)","output":"### Answer: EARMARK \n ### Explanation: Definition: form of ID\n[*not intially*] (d)**EAR ***to get***\u00a0MARK** (\"standard\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Talk foolishly about cast-iron resolve causing delay (13)","output":"### Answer: PROCRASTINATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: delay\n**PRATE** (\"talk foolishly\") *about* ***(cast iron)** [anag:*resolve*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Exaggerate about involving government (9)","output":"### Answer: OVERSTATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Exaggerate\n**OVER** (\"about\") + **STATE** (\"involving government\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Moved stealthily ignoring son on speed of bear (8)","output":"### Answer: TOLERATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: bear\n(s)**TOLE** (\"moved stealthily\", *ignoring* S (son)) *on* **RATE** (\"speed\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Start of impeachment interrupting president at height of success (7)","output":"### Answer: TRIUMPH \n ### Explanation: Definition: success\n[*start of*]** I**(mpeachment) *interrupting* **TRUMP** (\"president\") *at* **H** (height)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Make out with Cockney girl after record comes to an end (7)","output":"### Answer: DISCERN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Make out\n**'ER** (\"her\" in Cockney accent. so \"Cockney girl\") *after* **DISC** (\"record\") *comes to* (a)**N** [*end*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: American tucking into some fancy dessert (6)","output":"### Answer: MOUSSE \n ### Explanation: Definition: dessert\n**US** (\"American\") *tucking into* ***(some)** [anag:*fancy*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Head of science reluctant to disregard absolute laziness (5)","output":"### Answer: SLOTH \n ### Explanation: Definition: laziness\n[*head of*] **S**(cience) + **LO**(a)**TH** (\"reluctant\" with A (absolute) *disregarded*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Close social group producing endless badinage in chaotic meetings (12)","output":"### Answer: GEMEINSCHAFT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Close social group\n[*endless*] **CHAF**(f) (\"badinage\")\u00a0*in* ***(meetings)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mendicant in fast following sermon (7)","output":"### Answer: SERVITE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Mendicant \n**VITE** (\"fast\") *following* **Ser.** (sermon)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Form of Malay\u00a0cloth worn like a sarong (4)","output":"### Answer: SULU \n ### Explanation: Definition: Form of Malay\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Masses of stodgy material? Big meeting engrossed in dull one (7)","output":"### Answer: MAGMATA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Masses of stodgy material?\n**AGM** (Annual General Meeting, so \"big meeting\") *engrossed in* **MAT** (\"dull\") + **A** (\"one\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old groan is over leading article (5)","output":"### Answer: SITHE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Old groan\n**<=IS** [*over*] *leading* **THE** (\"article\") \n*\"Sithe\" is an old form of \"sigh\" or \"groan\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Calypso-style music, soi-disant \u2013 50% of it anyway (4)","output":"### Answer: SOCA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Calypso-style music\n[*50% of*] **SO-CA**(lled) (\"soi-disant\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Scandal rags distributed in Fulham maybe (8)","output":"### Answer: DISGRACE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Scandal\n***(rags)** *in* **DICE** (\"Fulham maybe\") \n*Fulham dice are weighted at the corners to make them loaded."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: So?a Muslim starts to pray on mat after kneeling (5)","output":"### Answer: PAMAK \n ### Explanation: Definition: So?a Muslim\n[*starts to*] **P**(ray) **O**(n) **M**(at) **A**(fter) **K**(neeling) \n*Pomaks are Slavic Muslims, so a Muslim from Sofia in Bulgaria may be a Pomak."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lopper tidied up drive (6)","output":"### Answer: PROPEL \n ### Explanation: Definition: drive\n***(lopper)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Derby-based artist, carpenter from Dundee (6)","output":"### Answer: WRIGHT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Derby-based artist\nDouble definition, the first referring to Joseph Wright of Derby, a painter, and the second to the Scottish word for someone who makes things, as in \"wainwright\", \"cartwright."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rare delivery for sports club, informally (5)","output":"### Answer: QUINS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Rare delivery\nDouble definition, the first referring to the relative scarcity of quintuplets, and the second to the shortened version of Harlequins, an English rugby union team."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pugilistic venue \u2013 su?ers butter?ies (8)","output":"### Answer: RINGLETS \n ### Explanation: Definition: butter?ies\n(boxing) **RING** (\"pugilistic venue\") + **LETS** (\"suffers\") \n*A ringlet is a type of butterfly."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: 'Bish': utterance that may startle bishop (4)","output":"### Answer: BOOB \n ### Explanation: Definition: Bish\n**BOO** (\"utterance that may startle\") + **B** (bishop)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fringes of hell? Satanic o?spring is found on one (5)","output":"### Answer: LIMBI \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fringes of hell?\n**LIMB** (\"satanic offspring\") *is found on* **I** (one)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tavern beset by row enjoying better luck down under (7)","output":"### Answer: TINNIER \n ### Explanation: Definition: enjoying better luck down under \n**INN** (\"tavern\") *beset* *by* **TIER** (\"row\") \n*In Australia and New Zealand, \"tinny\" is another word for \"lucky\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Northern headdress like this is suggesting one from Ireland? (4)","output":"### Answer: KELL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Northern headdress\nA kell is a headdress in Scotland and Northern England, but I can't see the rest of the wordplay (something to do with Kelly or Kells?)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Gabbro mined partly for chemical element (7)","output":"### Answer: BROMINE \n ### Explanation: Definition: chemical element \nHidden in [*partly*] \"gab**BRO MINE**d\" \n*Bromine (symbol Br) is No 35 on the Periodic Table."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Record septet made a mess of? Lot did it, disastrously (12)","output":"### Answer: RETROSPECTED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Lot did it, disastrously\n***(record septet)** \n*In Genesis, Lot's wife looked back at the city of Sodom, which she had been allowed to flee from with her husband, and was turned into a pillar of salt."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hickey maybe, spigot manipulated with wires, right? (12)","output":"### Answer: GOSSIPWRITER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Hickey maybe\n***(spigot wires)** + **R** (right) \n*William Hickey is a pseudonymous byline for a gossip column in the Daily Express."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Turbulence, mostly round Turkey initially \u2013 I'm getting up? (7)","output":"### Answer: MELTEMI \n ### Explanation: Definition: Turbulence, mostly round Turkey initially \u2013 I'm getting up?\n**MELE**(e) (\"turbulence\", *mostly*) *round* **T**(urkey) [*initially*] + **<=I'M** [*getting up*] and &lit. \n*A meltemi is a dry wind in the Eastern Mediterranean."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: I put on recording about heart of forests, overgrown (5)","output":"### Answer: IVIED \n ### Explanation: Definition: overgrown\n**I** *put on* **VID** (\"recording\") *about* [*heart of*] (for)**E**(sts)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Oil from versatile tree, source of shade concealing us (4)","output":"### Answer: NIMB \n ### Explanation: Definition: Oil from versatile tree\n**NIMB**(us) (cloud, so \"source of shade\", *concealing* US)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Big bucks for celebrity? Astronomical item (8)","output":"### Answer: STARSPOT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Astronomical item\nA **STAR'S POT** may be defined as \"big bucks\" for a \"celebrity\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mull as setting for wild roo? That's funny (8)","output":"### Answer: HUMOROUS \n ### Explanation: Definition: funny\n**HUMUS** (\"mull\") *as setting for* ***(roo)** \n*According to Chambers, \"mull\" is a layer of humus, formed by rapid decomposition throught he actions of a rich soil fauna in near-neutral or alkaline conditions."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Plant ?bre a shopping basket upended (5)","output":"### Answer: ABACA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Plant ?bre\n**<=A CABA** (\"a shopping basket\", *upended*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Salad ingredient available in caf\u00e9\/taverna (4)","output":"### Answer: FETA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Salad ingredient\nHidden [*available*] *in* \"ca**FE\/TA**verna\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lear arrived chez Regan in such a state? Worked hard to contain snarls (12)","output":"### Answer: TRAVEL-SOILED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Lear arrived chez Regan in such a state?\n**TOILED** (\"worked hard\") *to contain* **RAVELS** (\"snarls\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What's jostling this old pretender, see? Court is (6)","output":"### Answer: SUITOR \n ### Explanation: Definition: old pretender\nCOURT IS is an anagram of C (see) **SUITOR"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Coachman d-dead in midst of major con?ict (8)","output":"### Answer: WAGGONER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Coachman\n**G-GONE** (\"d-dead\") *in midst of* **WAR** (\"major conflict\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Figures in lives on fringes of unruly regent (8)","output":"### Answer: INTEGERS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Figures\n**IS** (\"lives\") *on fringes of* ***(regent)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Livestock farmers overseeing their charges' feeder, eschewing rough colouring (7)","output":"### Answer: PIGMENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: colouring\n**PIGMEN** (\"livestock farmers\") *overseeing* **T**(rough) (pig (i.e. \"their charges'\") \"feeder\",\u00a0*eschewing* ROUGH)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sanction bag circumvented by wriggly eel (6)","output":"### Answer: ENABLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Sanction\n**NAB** (\"bag\") *circumvented by* ***(eel)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Not many play this on going on line? (5)","output":"### Answer: NONET \n ### Explanation: Definition: Not many play this\n**ON** \"going on line\" (Ie *in* NET) \n*Not sure about this at all\u2026"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mother making version of muesli, not universal (5)","output":"### Answer: SLIME \n ### Explanation: Definition: Mother\n***(mesli)** being \"muesli\" , but *not* the U (univesal)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Humour (possibly black), device MO dismissed (4)","output":"### Answer: BILE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Humour (possibly black)\n(mo)**BILE** (\"device\" with MO *dismissed*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A little bit of red in a cup? (4)","output":"### Answer: DROP \n ### Explanation: Definition: A little bit of red in a cup?\n[*a little bit of*] **R**(ed) *in* **DOP** (a copper \"cup\") and &lit."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Starts to make profits (8)","output":"### Answer: PROCEEDS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Starts\nDouble definition, although I don't know that \"proceeds\" are necessarly \"profits\". I think it applies to all revenue, not just the profit element."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Inadequate hatless uncle (6)","output":"### Answer: LENDER \n ### Explanation: Definition: uncle\n[*hatless*] (s)**LENDER** (\"inadequate\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Satisfactory\u00a0penalty (4)","output":"### Answer: FINE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Satisfactory\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: O! Eric tries assembling desk (10)","output":"### Answer: ESCRITOIRE \n ### Explanation: Definition: desk\n***(o eric tries)** [anag:*assembling*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Make off with sailor's pipe (6)","output":"### Answer: ABDUCT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Make off with\n**AB** (able-bodied seaman, so \"sailor\") + **DUCT** (\"pipe\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One is unable to tuck into beer in Spain (8)","output":"### Answer: ALICANTE \n ### Explanation: Definition: in Spain\n**I CAN'T** (\"one is unable\") *to tuck into* **ALE** (\"beer\") \n\"In Spain\" is a very loose definiton."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Court is after old money that's gone (7)","output":"### Answer: EXTINCT \n ### Explanation: Definition: gone\n**Ct.** (court) *is afte*r **EX** (\"old\") +** TIN** (\"money\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A model gets weary being turned out (7)","output":"### Answer: ATTIRED \n ### Explanation: Definition: turned out\n**A** + (model-)**T** *gets* **TIRED** (\"weary\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Platform for a couple of fellows in lecture (8)","output":"### Answer: SCAFFOLD \n ### Explanation: Definition: Platform\n**A** + **FF** (couple of fellows) *in* **SCALD** (\"lecture\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pottery strike's working (6)","output":"### Answer: MINTON \n ### Explanation: Definition: Pottery\n**MINT** (\"strike\") + **ON** (\"working\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One included in censure is to lose value (10)","output":"### Answer: DEPRECIATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: to lose value\n**I** (one) *included in* **DEPRECATE** (\"censure\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Work with engineer in cupola (4)","output":"### Answer: DOME \n ### Explanation: Definition: cupola\n**DO** (\"work\") *with* **M.E.** (Mechanical \"Engineer\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Barristers' clothing (6)","output":"### Answer: BRIEFS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Barristers\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Strike-breaker promises to supply plant (8)","output":"### Answer: SCABIOUS \n ### Explanation: Definition: plant \n**SCAB** (\"strike-breaker\") +** IOUs** (\"promises to supply\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Intellectual is supporter in fight (8)","output":"### Answer: BRAINBOX \n ### Explanation: Definition: Intellectual\n**BRA** (\"supporter\") + **IN** + **BOX** (\"fight\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One holds husband in pain (4)","output":"### Answer: ACHE \n ### Explanation: Definition: pain\n**ACE** (\"one\") *holds*** H** (husband)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Soldiers imprisoned feel remorse (6)","output":"### Answer: REPENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: feel remorse\n**R.E.** (Royal Engineers, so \"soldiers\") + **PENT** (\"imprisoned\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mountaineer with surgical rod in a heel (8)","output":"### Answer: ALPINIST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Mountaineer\n**PIN** (\"surgical rod\") *in* **A LIST** (\"heel\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Novelty pub gets plaudits (10)","output":"### Answer: INNOVATION \n ### Explanation: Definition: Novelty\n**INN** (\"pub\") *gets* **OVATION** (\"plaudits\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Clandestine faction assimilates religious teaching (6)","output":"### Answer: SECRET \n ### Explanation: Definition: Clandestine\n**SECT** (\"faction\") *assimilates* **R.E.** (Religious Education. so \"religious teaching\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cola is ordered for a party (6)","output":"### Answer: SOCIAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: a party\n***(cola is)** [anag:*ordered*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: In the dark, when knight's wearing regimentals (10)","output":"### Answer: UNINFORMED \n ### Explanation: Definition: In the dark\n**N** (knight, in chess notation) *in* **UNIFORMED** (\"wearing regimantals\") \n*Doesn't quite work for me; \"wearing regimental\" implies IN UNIFORM, not IN UNIFORMED"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Oscar in charge in case? That's best! (8)","output":"### Answer: CHOICEST \n ### Explanation: Definition: best\n**O** (Oscar) + **I.C.** (in charge) *in* **CHEST** (\"case\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Doctor sure moon is huge (8)","output":"### Answer: ENORMOUS \n ### Explanation: Definition: huge\n***(sure moon)\u00a0**[anag:*doctor*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Morals of ladies becoming corrupted (6)","output":"### Answer: IDEALS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Morals\n***(ladies)** [anag:*becoming corrupted*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fruit is dear in France on the railway (6)","output":"### Answer: CHERRY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fruit\n**CHER** (\"dear\" in French) *on* **RY** (railway)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bacchante's crazy about another woman (6)","output":"### Answer: MAENAD \n ### Explanation: Definition: Bacchante\n**MAD** (\"crazy\") *about* **ENA** (\"another woman\") \n*A maenad was a female follower of Dionysius in Greek mythology, and a bacchant or bacchante was the equivalent in Roman mythology (a follower of Bacchus)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cut flower for the platform (4)","output":"### Answer: DAIS \n ### Explanation: Cut flower for the platform (4)\n[*cut*] **DAIS**(y) with \"platform\" as the definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Double agent picked up booze (7)","output":"### Answer: REPLICA \n ### Explanation: Double agent picked up booze (7)\n**REP** (\"agent\") + homophone of [*picks up*] **LIQUOR** (\"booze\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Female in meadow allowed to produce brochure (7)","output":"### Answer: LEAFLET \n ### Explanation: Female in meadow allowed to produce brochure (7)\n**F** (female) *in* **LEA** (\"meadow\") + **LET** (\"allowed\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Trading event attracts million in Oregon location (5)","output":"### Answer: SALEM \n ### Explanation: Trading event attracts million in Oregon location (5)\n**SALE** (\"trading event\") *attracts* **M** (millions) \n*Salem is the capital of Oregon."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Left coming into party to secure first big majority (9)","output":"### Answer: LANDSLIDE \n ### Explanation: Left coming into party to secure first big majority (9)\n**L** (left) *coming into* **SIDE** (\"party\") with **LAND** (\"to secure\") *first"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hound\u00a0person to set the situation right? (9)","output":"### Answer: RETRIEVER \n ### Explanation: Hound\u00a0person to set the situation right? (9)\nDouble definition, the second referring to someone able to \"retrieve\" a situation."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Poem without the Spanish part in country (5)","output":"### Answer: EGYPT \n ### Explanation: Poem without the Spanish part in country (5)\n(el)**EGY** (\"poem\" *without* EL (\"the\" in \"Spanish\")) +** PT.** (part)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tabloid article about American in Finnish bath (5)","output":"### Answer: SAUNA \n ### Explanation: Tabloid article about American in Finnish bath (5)\n**SUN** (\"tabloid\") + **A** (\"article\") *about*** A** (American)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Group with single in commercial scrapped (9)","output":"### Answer: ABANDONED \n ### Explanation: Group with single in commercial scrapped (9)\n**BAND** (\"group\") *with* **ONE** (\"single\") *in* **AD** (\"commercial\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Free from stench in Lourdes, so revived (9)","output":"### Answer: ODOURLESS \n ### Explanation: Free from stench in Lourdes, so revived (9)\n***(lourdes so)** [anag: *revived*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Frenchman, one in debt, wants machine in garden (5)","output":"### Answer: MOWER \n ### Explanation: Frenchman, one in debt, wants machine in garden (5)\n**M** (monsieur, so \"Frenchman\") + **OWER** (\"one in debt\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lament some from our neighbourhood (5)","output":"### Answer: MOURN \n ### Explanation: Lament some from our neighbourhood (5)\nHidden in [*some*] \"fro**M OUR N**eighbourhood\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Force in disarray promises to pay savage (9)","output":"### Answer: FEROCIOUS \n ### Explanation: Force in disarray promises to pay savage (9)\n***(force)** [anag:*in disarray*] + **IOUs** (\"promises to pay\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dependent nation worried Liberal outsiders in place (9)","output":"### Answer: SATELLITE \n ### Explanation: Dependent nation worried Liberal outsiders in place (9)\n**ATE** (\"worried\") +** L**(ibera)**L** [*outsiders*] *in* **SITE** (\"place\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Former kamikaze dropping content inside wreck (5)","output":"### Answer: MAKER \n ### Explanation: Former kamikaze dropping content inside wreck (5)\n**K**(amikaz)**E** [dropping content] *inside* **MAR** (\"wreck\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tool causing trouble in works (7)","output":"### Answer: SPANNER \n ### Explanation: Tool causing trouble in works (7)\nIf you \"throw a sapnner in the works\", you cause trouble."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Scientific statement the more complicated (7)","output":"### Answer: THEOREM \n ### Explanation: Scientific statement the more complicated (7)\n***(the more)** [anag: *complicated*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Men taking breaks round seaside towns (7)","output":"### Answer: RESORTS \n ### Explanation: Men taking breaks round seaside towns (7)\n**OR** (other ranks, so \"men\") *taking* **RESTS** (\"breaks\") *round"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Nothing newly built taken in for committee (9)","output":"### Answer: POLITBURO \n ### Explanation: Nothing newly built taken in for committee (9)\n**O** (\"nothing\") + ***(built)** [anag: *newly*] *taken in* **PRO** (\"for\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ace storage unit with two round feet? (5)","output":"### Answer: IAMBI \n ### Explanation: Ace storage unit with two round feet? (5)\n**A** (ace) + **Mb** (megabyte, so \"storage unit\") *with*** II** (\"two\") *round"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Relieve patriarch in a recent case (9)","output":"### Answer: ALLEVIATE \n ### Explanation: Relieve patriarch in a recent case (9)\n**LEVI** (\"patriarch\") *cased*\u00a0*in* **A LATE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Refuse to be enclosed in this\u00a0cruise ship? (5)","output":"### Answer: LINER \n ### Explanation: Refuse to be enclosed in this\u00a0cruise ship? (5)\nDouble definition, the first relating to a bin liner."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Port road morning mist envelops (9)","output":"### Answer: AMSTERDAM \n ### Explanation: Port road morning mist envelops (9)\n**Rd.** (\"road\") *enveloped by* **A.M.** (\"morning\") **STEAM** (\"mist\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Song retains appeal for amateurs (5)","output":"### Answer: LAITY \n ### Explanation: Song retains appeal for amateurs (5)\n**LAY** (\"song\") *retains* **IT** (sex \"appeal\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Given care\u00a0at another's expense? (7)","output":"### Answer: TREATED \n ### Explanation: Given care\u00a0at another's expense? (7)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: An Ireland revitalised \u2013 that's rousing stuff (9)","output":"### Answer: ADRENALIN \n ### Explanation: An Ireland revitalised \u2013 that's rousing stuff (9)\n***(an ireland) **[anag:*revitlaised*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Taking it all in having gone round planet? (9)","output":"### Answer: ABSORBENT \n ### Explanation: Taking it all in having gone round planet? (9)\nABSENT (\"gone\") round ORB (\"planet\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fresh delivery for Brooklyn addressee? (3,6)","output":"### Answer: NEW YORKER \n ### Explanation: Fresh delivery for Brooklyn addressee? (3,6)\n**NEW** (\"fresh\") + **YORKER** (difficult to play \"delivery\" in cricket)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old Saxon lawgiver one for eastern assimilation (7)","output":"### Answer: OSMOSIS \n ### Explanation: Old Saxon lawgiver one for eastern assimilation (7)\n**O** (old) + **S** (Saxon) + **MOS**(e>**i**)**S** (\"lawgiver\" with I (\"one\") *for* (i.e. replacing) E (eastern))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Run out, curious about stone platform (7)","output":"### Answer: ROSTRUM \n ### Explanation: Run out, curious about stone platform (7)\n**R.O.** (\"run out\", in cricket) + **RUM** (\"curious\") *about* **St.** (stone)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fanatic given such sound treatment? (5)","output":"### Answer: ULTRA \n ### Explanation: Fanatic given such sound treatment? (5)\nAn ultra is a sports fan, although some may argue that an ultra pays less attention to the sport than to opposing fans."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Day ends in anger for Dominican perhaps (5)","output":"### Answer: FRIAR \n ### Explanation: Day ends in anger for Dominican perhaps (5)\n**Fri.** (short for Frida, so \"day\")* in* [*ends of*] **A**(nge)**R"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hollow black blocks arrive (5)","output":"### Answer: COMBE \n ### Explanation: Hollow black blocks arrive (5)\n**B** (black) *blocks* **COME** (\"arrive\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Preposterous seamen tried for East Enders' audition (6)","output":"### Answer: ABSURD \n ### Explanation: Preposterous seamen tried for East Enders' audition (6)\n**ABs** (able-bodied \"seamen\") + homophone of **'EARD** (\"tried\" i.e heard in a Cockney (*East End*) accent), indicated by *audition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Commended installation of lift in Palladium (7)","output":"### Answer: PRAISED \n ### Explanation: Commended installation of lift in Palladium (7)\n*Installation of* **RAISE** (\"lift\") *in* **Pd** (chemical symbol for Palladium)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: We may hear soldier bring down retardant from plane (9)","output":"### Answer: PARACHUTE \n ### Explanation: We may hear soldier bring down retardant from plane (9)\nHomophone of [*we may hear*]** PARA SHOOT** (\"soldier\" + \"bring down\") \n*\u00a0A parachute would act as a retardant, i.e. it would slow you down, if you jumped from a plane."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Very good team ultimately invincible, being out of this world (5)","output":"### Answer: PIXIE \n ### Explanation: Very good team ultimately invincible, being out of this world (5)\n**PI** (\"very good\") + **XI** (eleven, so \"team\" as in \"first XI\" in cricket or football) + [*ultimately*] (invincibl)**E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mature writer on Christian discipline? (5)","output":"### Answer: RIPEN \n ### Explanation: Mature writer on Christian discipline? (5)\n**PEN** (\"writer\") *on* **R.I.** (religious instruction, so \"Christian discipline\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: 4 inch boxes for bracelets (9)","output":"### Answer: HANDCUFFS \n ### Explanation: 4 inch boxes for bracelets (9)\n**HAND** (\"4 inch\") + **CUFFS** (\"boxes\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Problems unloading weight on large trucks (7)","output":"### Answer: LORRIES \n ### Explanation: Problems unloading weight on large trucks (7)\n(w)**ORRIES** (\"problems\" *unloading* W (weight)) *on* **L** (large)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Noted midday excursionist returns, confounded (6)","output":"### Answer: GODDAM \n ### Explanation: Noted midday excursionist returns, confounded (6)\n**<=MAD DOG\u00a0**(\"midday excursionist\")* returns As in \"mad dogs and Englishment go out in the midday sun\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Retreating pets must keep it motionless (6)","output":"### Answer: STATIC \n ### Explanation: Retreating pets must keep it motionless (6)\n[*retreating*] <=(**CATS** (\"pets\") *must keep* **IT**)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Guts shown by couple turning and smothering last of fire (7)","output":"### Answer: DUODENA \n ### Explanation: Guts shown by couple turning and smothering last of fire (7)\n**DUO** (\"couple\") + [*turning*] **<=AND** *smothering* [*last of*] (fir)**E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Singer with no regrets, if paid the rent? (5,4)","output":"### Answer: EDITH PIAF \n ### Explanation: Singer with no regrets, if paid the rent? (5,4)\n***(if paid the)** [anag: *rent*] \n*Edith Piaf famously sang \"Je ne regrette rien\", which translates as \"I have no regrets\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Spectacle's modest, 50 having withdrawn (5)","output":"### Answer: SIGHT \n ### Explanation: Spectacle's modest, 50 having withdrawn (5)\n**S**(l)**IGHT** (\"modest\", L (50) *having withdrawn*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Swimmer using river always stopped by lake (5)","output":"### Answer: ELVER \n ### Explanation: Swimmer using river always stopped by lake (5)\n**EVER** (\"alwayd\") *stopped by* **L** (lake)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Among clues I do dreadfully, one is to be savoured (9)","output":"### Answer: DELICIOUS \n ### Explanation: Among clues I do dreadfully, one is to be savoured (9)\n**I** *among* ***(clues i do)** [anag:*dreadfully*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Most dirty knees regularly scrubbed in spring (7)","output":"### Answer: DARKEST \n ### Explanation: Most dirty knees regularly scrubbed in spring (7)\n**K**(n)**E**(e)**S** [*regularly scrubbed*] *in* **DART** (\"spring\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rob's cut and run before church (6)","output":"### Answer: FLEECE \n ### Explanation: Rob's cut and run before church (6)\n**FLEE** (\"cut and run\") *before* **CE** (\"Church\" of England)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Alarm when engineers put in anything worn (7)","output":"### Answer: APPAREL \n ### Explanation: Alarm when engineers put in anything worn (7)\n**APPAL** (\"alarm\") *when* **R.E.** (Royal \"Engineers\") *put in"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Take tea, perhaps, without your sweetener (5)","output":"### Answer: SYRUP \n ### Explanation: Take tea, perhaps, without your sweetener (5)\n**SUP** (\"take tea, perhaps\") *without* **YR** (your)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Give more time to sextet in free concert? (9)","output":"### Answer: RECONVICT \n ### Explanation: Give more time to sextet in free concert? (9)\n**VI** (\"sextet\") *in* ***(concert)** [anag: *free*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Coin once found in north-east France pocketed by doctor from south (7)","output":"### Answer: PFENNIG \n ### Explanation: Coin once found in north-east France pocketed by doctor from south (7)\n**<=(IN N.E.** (north-east)** F** (France) *pocketed by* **G.P.** (\"doctor\")) *from south"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Nutmeg, for one, having bottom pinched by a setter at lunch? (5)","output":"### Answer: ASPIC \n ### Explanation: Nutmeg, for one, having bottom pinched by a setter at lunch? (5)\n**SPIC**(e) (\"nutmeg, for one\", *having bottom* (i.e. last letter) *pinched* (i.e taken away) *by* **A ***Aspic is a savoury jelly, so it sets and could be eated at lunch (therefore it could be defined as a \"a setter at lunch\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Master receiving kiss when artist finds flower (9)","output":"### Answer: SAXIFRAGE \n ### Explanation: Master receiving kiss when artist finds flower (9)\n**SAGE** (\"master\")* receiving* **X** (kiss) + **IF** (\"when\") + **R.A.** (\"artist\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Three cardinals with boring clothing? Far from it (6)","output":"### Answer: DRESSY \n ### Explanation: Three cardinals with boring clothing? Far from it (6)\n**ESS** (\"three cardinals\" ie. east, south, south) *with* **DRY** (\"boring\") *clothing"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Like posh children occupying seats, every other one being taken (4,2)","output":"### Answer: SUCH AS \n ### Explanation: Like posh children occupying seats, every other one being taken (4,2)\n**U** (\"posh\") + **CH** (children) *occupying* **S**(e)**A**(t)**S** [*every other one being taken*, i.e. removed]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Irreverent drunk docking tail of deacon's dog (9)","output":"### Answer: RETRIEVER \n ### Explanation: Irreverent drunk docking tail of deacon's dog (9)\n***(irreveret) **[anag: *drunk*] being \"irreverent\" with *tail of* (deaco)N *docked"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Afflicted in Paris \u2014 cold, shivering (9)","output":"### Answer: DROPSICAL \n ### Explanation: Afflicted in Paris \u2014 cold, shivering (9)\n***(paris cold)** [anag:*shivering*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: WWII veteran's language curbed by court (7)","output":"### Answer: CHINDIT \n ### Explanation: WWII veteran's language curbed by court (7)\n**HINDI** (\"language\") *curbed by*** Ct.** (court) \n*Chindits were special units of British and Indian soldiers who fought in Burma in the Second World War."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Face punched by officer, rising skilfully (6)","output":"### Answer: DEFTLY \n ### Explanation: Face punched by officer, rising skilfully (6)\n**DEFY** (\"face\") *punched by* **<=Lt.** (lieutenant, so \"officer\") **rising"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Performer playing sitar with extremely trite accompaniment (7)","output":"### Answer: ARTISTE \n ### Explanation: Performer playing sitar with extremely trite accompaniment (7)\n***(sitar)** [anag: *playing*] *with* [*extremely*] **T**(rit)**E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Superstar on boundary (6)","output":"### Answer: LEGEND \n ### Explanation: Superstar on boundary (6)\n**LEG** (\"on\" side in cricket) + **END** (\"boundary\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pack lunch or deliver sandwiches (5)","output":"### Answer: HORDE \n ### Explanation: Pack lunch or deliver sandwiches (5)\nHidden in \"lunc**H OR DE**liver\" (indicated by *sandwiches*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Waterfowl, say, including small ducks on the rise (5)","output":"### Answer: GOOSE \n ### Explanation: Waterfowl, say, including small ducks on the rise (5)\n**<=(E.G**. (\"say\") *including* **S** (small) + **OO** (two \"ducks\")) *on the rise"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Scandal in the sluice (9)","output":"### Answer: WATERGATE \n ### Explanation: Scandal in the sluice (9)\nA sluice is a gate for regulating water flow."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Blloody triumph (5)","output":"### Answer: GLORY \n ### Explanation: Blloody triumph (5)\n\"Bloody\" = \"gory\", so presumably \"b(l)loody\" could = \"g(l)ory"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Spreading dirt around hospital is what 2 need to become 12 (5)","output":"### Answer: THIRD \n ### Explanation: Spreading dirt around hospital is what 2 need to become 12 (5)\n***(dirt)** [anag:*spreading*] *around* **H** (hospital) \n*2 would need a THIRD to become a \"threesome\" (the answer to 12 across)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Trinity Hall, reading electrical engineering, student starts delving into book (9)","output":"### Answer: THREESOME \n ### Explanation: Trinity Hall, reading electrical engineering, student starts delving into book (9)\n**H**(all) **R**(eading) **E**(lectrical) **E**(ngineering) **S**(tudent) [*starts*] *delving into* **TOME** (\"book\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Speaker's dainty half-sister (7)","output":"### Answer: TWEETER \n ### Explanation: Speaker's dainty half-sister (7)\n**TWEE** (\"dainty\") + [*half-*] sis**TER"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Previous Egyptian spy that Iran got the covers off (7)","output":"### Answer: PHARAOH \n ### Explanation: Previous Egyptian spy that Iran got the covers off (7)\n(s)**P**(y) (t)**HA**(t) (i)**RA**(n) (g)**O**(t) (t)**H**(e) [*covers off* = missing first and last letters]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Setback for Lebanon, having lost an illustrious prize (5)","output":"### Answer: NOBEL \n ### Explanation: Setback for Lebanon, having lost an illustrious prize (5)\n[*setback for*] **<=LEB**(an)**ON** (*having lost* AN)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Person in command of isle appears regularly in magazines (3)","output":"### Answer: MAN \n ### Explanation: Person in command of isle appears regularly in magazines (3)\nTwo clues in one \u2013 hidden [*in*] \"com**MAN**d\", and *appearing regularly in* **M**(ag)**A**(zin)**N**(e)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: In Siberia, by small crevasse (5)","output":"### Answer: ABYSM \n ### Explanation: In Siberia, by small crevasse (5)\nHidden [*in*] \"siberi**A BY SM**all\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bend 8 for accessory (7)","output":"### Answer: HAIRPIN \n ### Explanation: Bend 8 for accessory (7)\nDouble definition, with the 8 referring to \"type\" (answer to 8dn) of bend"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Greenware from fancy lace fellow (incidentally also here in the absence of conflict) (7)","output":"### Answer: CELADON \n ### Explanation: Greenware from fancy lace fellow (incidentally also here in the absence of conflict) (7)\n***(lace)**\u00a0[anag:*fancy*]+ **DON** (\"fellow\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fish and rabbit order: parents do it (6,3)","output":"### Answer: SCHOOL RUN \n ### Explanation: Fish and rabbit order: parents do it (6,3)\n**SCHOOL** (of \"fish\") + **RUN** (an \"order\" to a \"rabbit\" as in the song, \"Run, Rabbit, Run\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Might prisoner meet the Queen? (5)","output":"### Answer: POWER \n ### Explanation: Might prisoner meet the Queen? (5)\n**POW** (\"prisoner\" of war), *meet* **ER** (\"the Queen\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Layer oddly, ounce after ounce (5)","output":"### Answer: OZONE \n ### Explanation: Layer oddly, ounce after ounce (5)\n[*oddly*] **O**(u)**N**(c)**E** *after* **OZ.** (abbreviation for \"ounce\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The obscenely rich use it as a rule of thumb, perhaps (9)","output":"### Answer: HEURISTIC \n ### Explanation: The obscenely rich use it as a rule of thumb, perhaps (9)\n***(rich use it)\u00a0**[anag:*obscenely*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Idiot missing half of proclamation in parliament (4)","output":"### Answer: TWIT \n ### Explanation: Idiot missing half of proclamation in parliament (4)\n**TWIT** (twoo) [*missing half*] (\"proclamation\" of an owl, the collective noun of which is a \"parliament\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Language spoken on the other side of the world is music to Eliza's ears (6)","output":"### Answer: STRINE \n ### Explanation: Language spoken on the other side of the world is music to Eliza's ears (6)\nIn Cockney, \"strain\" would be pronounced **STRINE**, and the Eliza in the clue refers to Eliza Dolittle, the Cockney flowerseller from\u00a0*My Fair Lady"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Triple disc may be purchased with this? (6,4)","output":"### Answer: CREDIT SLIP \n ### Explanation: Triple disc may be purchased with this? (6,4)\n***(triple disc)** [anag:*may be*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Agent's player after flying start (6)","output":"### Answer: FACTOR \n ### Explanation: Agent's player after flying start (6)\nA**CTOR** (\"player\") *after* **F**(lying) [*start*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Soft inland turtle (8)","output":"### Answer: TERRAPIN \n ### Explanation: Soft inland turtle (8)\n**P** (piano, so \"soft\") *in* **TERRAIN** (\"land\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rising thus: Shrek? (4)","output":"### Answer: OGRE \n ### Explanation: Rising thus: Shrek? (4)\n[*rising*] **<=ERGO** (\"thus\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Yoko hugged by Harry, promoting 11 as a mark of respect (8)","output":"### Answer: HONORARY \n ### Explanation: Yoko hugged by Harry, promoting 11 as a mark of respect (8)\n(Yoko) **ONO** *hugged by* HARRY, with its third (answer to 11ac) (letter) *promoted*\u00a0(to second), so **HRARY, so H(ONO)RARY"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Eighty percent included? That's kind (4)","output":"### Answer: TYPE \n ### Explanation: Eighty percent included? That's kind (4)\nHidden [*included*] in \"eigh**TY PE**rcent\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A fraction in temporary accommodation hotel (5)","output":"### Answer: TENTH \n ### Explanation: A fraction in temporary accommodation hotel (5)\n**TENT** (\"temporary accomodation\") +** H** (hotel)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Play acting out in a 3-D picture (10)","output":"### Answer: ANAGLYPTIC \n ### Explanation: Play acting out in a 3-D picture (10)\n***(play acting)** [anag:*out*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Individual involved with soldier can become malnourished (5)","output":"### Answer: HUMAN \n ### Explanation: Individual involved with soldier can become malnourished (5)\n\"malnourished\" is an anagram of \"**HUMAN** soldier\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ceremony heard in good French city (8)","output":"### Answer: BRIGHTON \n ### Explanation: Ceremony heard in good French city (8)\nHomophone of **RITE** [*heard*] *in* **BON** (\"good\" in \"French\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: An experience of women, archetypically (8)","output":"### Answer: MENARCHE \n ### Explanation: An experience of women, archetypically (8)\nHidden in [of] \"wo**MEN ARCHE**typically\" and &lit. \nThe menarche is a woman's first menstrual cycle."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: This diplomat needs to have dined at his place of work (6)","output":"### Answer: CONSUL \n ### Explanation: This diplomat needs to have dined at his place of work (6)\n**CONSUL\u00a0**(\"diplomat\"), with ATE (\"to have dined\") becomes CONSUL-ATE (\"his place of work\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Because of abbey's location being unfinished? (4,2)","output":"### Answer: DOWN TO \n ### Explanation: Because of abbey's location being unfinished? (4,2)\n**DOWNTO**(n) (\"abbey's location\" (as in TV's \"Downton Abbey\") *being unfinished*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Break pots? (8)","output":"### Answer: STOPOVER \n ### Explanation: Break pots? (8)\n\"pots\" is **STOP OVER** (ie turned in its head)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lull to sleep with this music (4)","output":"### Answer: ROCK \n ### Explanation: Lull to sleep with this music (4)\nDoubkle definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Personal guide to study old subject (10)","output":"### Answer: CONSCIENCE \n ### Explanation: Personal guide to study old subject (10)\n**CON** (\"to study\") + **SCIENCE** (\"subject\") \n*I presume that the \"old\" in the clue is there to indicate that \"science\" as a subject has now been replaced by several subsets of \"science\" such as biology, physics, chemistry etc"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Redcaps besiege Unionist parliament once (4)","output":"### Answer: RUMP \n ### Explanation: Redcaps besiege Unionist parliament once (4)\n**RMP** (Royal Military Police, aka \"redcaps\") *besiege* **U** (Unionist) \n*The original Rump Parliament was a short-lived parliament set up in 1648 after the Long Parliament was purged of those members who did not agree with charging King Charles I with high treason."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bronze money that should keep you going (5,5)","output":"### Answer: BROWN BREAD \n ### Explanation: Bronze money that should keep you going (5,5)\n**BROWN** (\"bronze\") + **BREAD** (\"money\") \n*Eating brown bread should \"keep you going\" (to the loo)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What's a Russian without his former boss? (4)","output":"### Answer: TSAR \n ### Explanation: What's a Russian without his former boss? (4)\nHidden in \"wha**T'S A R**ussian\" \n*Not comfortable with this clue, as there is nothing to indicate that the answer is hidden."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What's expected from spouse?\u00a0Good reproduction (4-8)","output":"### Answer: HIGH FIDELITY \n ### Explanation: What's expected from spouse?\u00a0Good reproduction (4-8)\nDouble definition, the first slightly cryptic."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: She may work on points or bare all in moves (9)","output":"### Answer: BALLERINA \n ### Explanation: She may work on points or bare all in moves (9)\n***(bare all on)\u00a0**[anag:*moves*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sort of belly model hides to some extent (5)","output":"### Answer: DELHI \n ### Explanation: Sort of belly model hides to some extent (5)\nHidden in [*to some extent*] \"mo**DEL HI**des\" \n*Delhi belly is a phrase referring to an upset stomach caused by eating foods that one is unused to, the sort of thing tourists in India may experience."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old American comes over for each work in theatre (5)","output":"### Answer: OPERA \n ### Explanation: Old American comes over for each work in theatre (5)\n**O** (old) + **A** (American) *comes over* **PER** (\"for each\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Such customers need gin supply to build up intelligence (9)","output":"### Answer: CLIENTELE \n ### Explanation: Such customers need gin supply to build up intelligence (9)\n\"intelligence' is an anagram of \"clientele gin\", so **CLIENTELE** (\"customers\") needs GIN to be able to build \"intelligence\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tall, not fit to maintain disguise by Victor (12)","output":"### Answer: UNBELIEVABLE \n ### Explanation: Tall, not fit to maintain disguise by Victor (12)\n**UNABLE** (\"not fit\") *to maintain* **BELIE** (\"disguise\") *by* **V** (Victor, in the phonetic alphabet)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pull in not far away, first to finish (4)","output":"### Answer: EARN \n ### Explanation: Pull in not far away, first to finish (4)\n(N)EAR (\"not far way\") with its *first* (letter) moved to the* finish* becomes **EAR(N)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: GPO hail her quirky communications device (10)","output":"### Answer: HELIOGRAPH \n ### Explanation: GPO hail her quirky communications device (10)\n***(gpo hail her)\u00a0**[anag:*quirky*] \n*A heliograph uses mirrors to reflect the sun an dcan be used to send signals by flashing code."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Solvers who don't finish go up and down (2-2)","output":"### Answer: YO-YO \n ### Explanation: Solvers who don't finish go up and down (2-2)\n**YO**(u) + **YO**(u) (\"solvers\", ie YOU as opposed to me, the setter) [*who don't finish*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Engineer trusted to keep old coppers in proper order (10)","output":"### Answer: STRUCTURED \n ### Explanation: Engineer trusted to keep old coppers in proper order (10)\n***(trusted)** [anag:*engineer*] *to keep* **RUC** (Royal Ulster Constabulary, now defunct, so \"ex-coppers\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Shape of truncated island close to Belize (4)","output":"### Answer: CUBE \n ### Explanation: Shape of truncated island close to Belize (4)\n[*truncated*] **CUB**(a) (\"island\") + [*close to*] (beliz)**E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Twelve ducks served in middle of dinner (4)","output":"### Answer: NOON \n ### Explanation: Twelve ducks served in middle of dinner (4)\n**OO** (zeroes, so \"ducks\" in cricket) *served in* [*middle of*] (di)**NN**(er)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Noted judge left in Lincoln (12)","output":"### Answer: CONSIDERABLE \n ### Explanation: Noted judge left in Lincoln (12)\n**CONSIDER** (\"judge\") + **L**(left) i*n* **ABE** (Lincoln)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Want daughter to leave ground (5)","output":"### Answer: EARTH \n ### Explanation: Want daughter to leave ground (5)\n(d)**EARTH** (\"want\" with D (daughter) *to leave*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Toast controversial match official in 11, causing rumpus (9)","output":"### Answer: CHARIVARI \n ### Explanation: Toast controversial match official in 11, causing rumpus (9)\n**CHAR** (\"toast\") + **VAR** (video assisted referee, a \"controversial match official\" (certainly in the last few days)) *in* **II** (\"eleven\")\n*"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Held in used complex, having lost one's bearings? (10)","output":"### Answer: UNSHIELDED \n ### Explanation: Held in used complex, having lost one's bearings? (10)\n***(held in used)\u00a0**[anag:*complex*] \n*Not convinced by this, as \"unshielded\" and \"having lost oine's bearings\" are not synonymous as far as I can tell."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Doll cryptically represents such agreed policies (5,5)","output":"### Answer: PARTY LINES \n ### Explanation: Doll cryptically represents such agreed policies (5,5)\n**PARTY LINES** could be *cryptically* clued by DO (\"party\") + LL (lines)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Star to introduce good portable torch, say? (7,5)","output":"### Answer: LEADING LIGHT \n ### Explanation: Star to introduce good portable torch, say? (7,5)\n**LEAD IN** (\"introduce\") + **G** (good) + **LIGHT** (\"torch, say\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: How despots rule, without doubt (10)","output":"### Answer: ABSOLUTELY \n ### Explanation: How despots rule, without doubt (10)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Blunder in two foreign articles by Bush (10)","output":"### Answer: ELDERBERRY \n ### Explanation: Blunder in two foreign articles by Bush (10)\n**ERR** (\"blunder\") in **UN** + **DER** (\"two foreign articles\") + **BY"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wild loganberry originally in secure netting (9)","output":"### Answer: INCLEMENT \n ### Explanation: Wild loganberry originally in secure netting (9)\n**L**(oganberry) [*originally*] *netted* by **IN** + **CEMENT** (\"secure\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Notice hideous odd characters only for so long (5)","output":"### Answer: ADIEU \n ### Explanation: Notice hideous odd characters only for so long (5)\n**AD** (\"notice\") +\u00a0(h)**I**(d)**E**(o)**U**(s) [*odd characters only*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Blonde female broadcast fine melody (4)","output":"### Answer: FAIR \n ### Explanation: Blonde female broadcast fine melody (4)\nIndicated twice by **F** (female) + **AIR** (\"broadcast\") and **F** (fine) + **AIR** (\"melody\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Slough \u2013 the ideal place for a reclusive husband? (4)","output":"### Answer: SHED \n ### Explanation: Slough \u2013 the ideal place for a reclusive husband? (4)\nDouble defintiion"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Warmer in river, once more, for urchin (10)","output":"### Answer: RAGAMUFFIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: urchin\n**MUFF** (\"warmer\") *in* **R** (river) + **AGAIN** (\"once more\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Long trench daughter overlooked (4)","output":"### Answer: ITCH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Long\n(d)**ITCH** (\"trench\" with D (daughter) *overlooked*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Strong point involving a Parisian's large amount of money (7)","output":"### Answer: FORTUNE \n ### Explanation: Definition: large amount of money\n**FORT** (\"strong point\")\u00a0*involving* **UN** (\"a\" in French, so \"a Parisian\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What may be plaited, as plait twisted round one girl's head? (7)","output":"### Answer: PIGTAIL \n ### Explanation: Definition: What may be plaited\n***(plait)** [anag:twisted] *round* **I** (one) +\u00a0**G**(irl's) [*head*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Marionettes of fiction can, dancing (10)","output":"### Answer: FANTOCCINI \n ### Explanation: Definition: Marionettes\n***(fiction can)** [anag:*dancing*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Established\u00a0group (3)","output":"### Answer: SET \n ### Explanation: Definition: Established\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Approach adult meeting place (6)","output":"### Answer: AVENUE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Approach\n**A** (adult) + **VENUE** (\"meeting place\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: It's unimportant, gossip old medium described (2,6)","output":"### Answer: NO MATTER \n ### Explanation: Definition: It's unimportant\n**NATTER** (\"gossip\") *with* **O** (old) +** M** (medium) *described"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Its contents must be made of light wood (8)","output":"### Answer: MATCHBOX \n ### Explanation: Definition: Its contents must be made of light wood \nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Trouble about a US soldier being slow (6)","output":"### Answer: ADAGIO \n ### Explanation: Definition: slow\n**ADO** (\"trouble\") *about* **A GI** (\"US soldier\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Siesta in ocean apartment (3)","output":"### Answer: NAP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Siesta\nHidden [*in*] \"ocea**N AP**artment\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Evident male head becoming excessive (4-3-3)","output":"### Answer: OVER-THE-TOP \n ### Explanation: Definition: excessive\n**OVERT** (\"evident\") + **HE** (\"male\") + **TOP** (\"head\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Large centre unexpectedly supplies reading desk (7)","output":"### Answer: LECTERN \n ### Explanation: Definition: reading desk\n**L** (large) + ***(centre)** [anag:*unexpectedly*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Set out from Scottish island, say, going west (7)","output":"### Answer: ARRANGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Set out\n**ARRAN** (\"Scottish island\") + **<=E.G**. (\"say\", *going west,* i.e to the left)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Join forces, gathering right away (4)","output":"### Answer: ALLY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Join forces\n(r)**ALLY** (\"gathering\" with R (right) *away*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Classic art cheaply reproduced (10)","output":"### Answer: ARCHETYPAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Classic\n***(art cheaply)** [anag:*reproduced*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Large number, 100, abandoning vessel (4)","output":"### Answer: RAFT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Large number\nC (100, in Roman numerals) abandoning (c)**RAFT** (\"vessel\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unwanted stuff bishop kept in lock-up (7)","output":"### Answer: GARBAGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Unwanted stuff\n**B** (bishop) *kept in* **GARAGE** (\"lock-up\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Memorial in the Black Hills to increase charge again (5,8)","output":"### Answer: MOUNT RUSHMORE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Memorial in the Black Hills\n**MOUNT** (\"increase\") + **RUSH** (\"charge\") + **MORE** (\"again\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Woollen coat\u00a0to take to the cleaners (6)","output":"### Answer: FLEECE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Woollen coat\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Incarcerate troublemakers working across Rhode Island (8)","output":"### Answer: IMPRISON \n ### Explanation: Definition: Incarcerate\n**IMPS** (\"troublemakers\") + **ON** (\"working\") *across* **R.I.** (Rhode Island)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Male not in to send out shipment (7)","output":"### Answer: TRANSIT \n ### Explanation: Definition: shipment\n(male) not in **TRANS**(m)**IT** (\"to send out\") \n*I can't think of a situation where \"transmit\" and \"shipment\" are the synonymous?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Very troublesome child, somehow hotly pursued by mistake (4,6)","output":"### Answer: HOLY TERROR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Very troublesome child,\n***(hotly)** [anag;*somehow*] *pursued by* **ERROR\u00a0**(\"mistake\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: How stoically to suffer the intrusive paparazzi? (4,3,4,2)","output":"### Answer: GRIN AND BEAR IT \n ### Explanation: Definition: How stoically to suffer the intrusive paparazzi?\nMildly cryptic indication that you should just smile for the cameras."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Nasty bug one got in small busy US city (10)","output":"### Answer: SALMONELLA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Nasty bug\n**ONE** *got in* ***(small)** [anag:*busy*] + **LA** (\"US city\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Senior administrator in charge of small number within Greece (8)","output":"### Answer: GOVERNOR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Senior administrator\n**OVER** (\"in charge of\") + **NO** (*small*, i.e. abbreviated \"number\") *within* **GR** (Greece)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Newsworthy subject, a leader in London (7)","output":"### Answer: TOPICAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Newsworthy \n**TOPIC** (\"subject\") + **A** + [l*eader in*] **L**(ondon)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Adult with indefinite number in class (5-2)","output":"### Answer: GROWN-UP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Adult\n**W** (with) + **N** (\"indefinite number\") in **GROUP** (\"class\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Join junior member of embassy's staff, briefly (6)","output":"### Answer: ATTACH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Join\n**ATTACH**(e) ('junior member of embassy's staff\", *briefly*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Quite possibly fine for American to discard spades (4)","output":"### Answer: WELL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Quite possibly\n(s)**WELL** (\"fine\" for American, with S (spades) *discarded*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: O'Neill play sounding messy (6)","output":"### Answer: LIONEL \n ### Explanation: O'Neill play sounding messy (6)\n***(oneill)\u00a0**[anag;*play*] \n*Refers to MESSY sounding like (Lionel Messi), the footballer, however, it is the clue that is the homophone, not the solution?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Held in Zagreb, rabid retired chap wielding scissors (6)","output":"### Answer: BARBER \n ### Explanation: Held in Zagreb, rabid retired chap wielding scissors (6)\nHidden [*held*] backwards [*retired*] in \"zag**REB RAB**id\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Life story packed with editor's ultimate vigour (4)","output":"### Answer: BRIO \n ### Explanation: Life story packed with editor's ultimate vigour (4)\n**BIO** (\"life story\") *packed with* (edito)**R** [*'s ultimate*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One scoffing at The Crown, run by English taverner (10)","output":"### Answer: REPUBLICAN \n ### Explanation: One scoffing at The Crown, run by English taverner (10)\n**R** (run) *by* **E** (English) + **PUBLICAN** (\"landlord\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Modern leader of Tories speaking about early day motion specialist? (6)","output":"### Answer: NEWTON \n ### Explanation: Modern leader of Tories speaking about early day motion specialist? (6)\n**NEW** (\"modern\") + [*leader of*] **T**(ories) + **ON** (\"speakeing about\") \n*Refers to Isaac Newton"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Withdraw shilling (\"Bob\") from Dickens at Xmas \u2013 it's gone (7)","output":"### Answer: SCRATCH \n ### Explanation: Withdraw shilling (\"Bob\") from Dickens at Xmas \u2013 it's gone (7)\n**S** (shilling) + **CRATCH**(it) (\"Bob from DIckens at Xmas\", with IT *gone*) \n*Bob Cratchit was a clerk who worked for Scrooge in Dickens' *A Christmas Carol*."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Time off to get some chicken leg? (5)","output":"### Answer: THIGH \n ### Explanation: Time off to get some chicken leg? (5)\n**T** (time) + **HIGH** (\"off\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Leaders to appoint Roula Khalaf as a response to climate change? (3)","output":"### Answer: ARK \n ### Explanation: Leaders to appoint Roula Khalaf as a response to climate change? (3)\n[*leaders to*] **A**(ppoint) **R**(oula) **K**(halaf)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Iron Man's first, original 16 component (5)","output":"### Answer: FEMUR \n ### Explanation: Iron Man's first, original 16 component (5)\n**Fe** (chemical symbol for \"iron\") + **M**(an) [*'s first*] + **UR** (\"original\") \n*Definition refers to the answer to 16 ac (thigh)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Too much 5? Cry pure tears (5,2)","output":"### Answer: SOBER UP \n ### Explanation: Too much 5? Cry pure tears (5,2)\n**SOB** (\"cry\") + ***(pure)**\u00a0[anag:*tears*] \n*Definition refers to the solution to 5dn (absinthe), but is a bit weak in my opinion."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Paul's terylene-lined coat (6)","output":"### Answer: ULSTER \n ### Explanation: Paul's terylene-lined coat (6)\nHidden in [lined] \"pa**UL'S TER**ylene\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fisher up north's very cold water lake (6,4)","output":"### Answer: ARCTIC SEAL \n ### Explanation: Fisher up north's very cold water lake (6,4)\n**ARCTIC** (\"very cold\") + **SEA** (\"water\") + **L** (lake)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lover boy's painful back (4)","output":"### Answer: EROS \n ### Explanation: Lover boy's painful back (4)\n**<=SORE** (\"painful\", *back*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Group intercourse \"offensive\" (6)","output":"### Answer: SEXTET \n ### Explanation: Group intercourse \"offensive\" (6)\n**SEX** (\"intercourse\") + **TET** (Offensive) \n*The Tet Offensive was a significant attack by the North Vietnamese on around 100 South Vietnamese targets during the Vietnam War."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dance\u00a0track (6)","output":"### Answer: GROOVE \n ### Explanation: Dance\u00a0track (6)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Britpop band 7 introduced by Cilla Black? (4)","output":"### Answer: BLUR \n ### Explanation: Britpop band 7 introduced by Cilla Black? (4)\nCliila Black, being a Liverpudlian, would have pronounced Lionel (answer to 7ac) Blair as Lionel **BLUR"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Yobbo concealing attempt to leave network (3,3)","output":"### Answer: LOG OUT \n ### Explanation: Yobbo concealing attempt to leave network (3,3)\n**LOUT** (\"yobbo\") *concealing* **GO** (\"attempt\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tailless dog eating new dish (7)","output":"### Answer: TERRINE \n ### Explanation: Tailless dog eating new dish (7)\n[*tailless*] **TERRIE**(r) *eating* **N** (new)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Subaltern carrying light warning Swiss polymath (7)","output":"### Answer: LAMBERT \n ### Explanation: Subaltern carrying light warning Swiss polymath (7)\n**Lt.** (lieutenant, so \"subaltern\") *carrying* **AMBER** (\"light warning\") \n*Refers to Johann Heinrich Lambert (18th century Swiss mathematician, physicist and logician)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Drunken Thebans consuming island booze (8)","output":"### Answer: ABSINTHE \n ### Explanation: Drunken Thebans consuming island booze (8)\n***(thebans)** [anag;*drunken*] *consuming* **I** (island)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Song mentioning Taormina regularly (4)","output":"### Answer: ARIA \n ### Explanation: Song mentioning Taormina regularly (4)\n(t)**A**(o)**R**(m)**I**(n)**A** [*regularly*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Soap broadcast awards I misplaced in Eastender's and Neighbour's? (11)","output":"### Answer: APOSTROPHES \n ### Explanation: Soap broadcast awards I misplaced in Eastender's and Neighbour's? (11)\n***(soap)** [anag:broadcast] + **TROPH**(i)**ES** (\"awards\" with I *misplaced*) \n*The definition should probably include \"misplaced\", but then it would be doing double duty."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Distinctive character of those cycling? (5)","output":"### Answer: ETHOS \n ### Explanation: Distinctive character of those cycling? (5)\n**(E)THOS**(e) \n*(Imagine the word \"those\" written as a circele (on a wheel, say) and then \"cycle\", so the E becomes the first letter rather than the last.)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Home below source of Hudson River (5)","output":"### Answer: HOUSE \n ### Explanation: Home below source of Hudson River (5)\n(River) **OUSE** *below* [*source of*] **H**(udson)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Yankee on duty in desert to eschew public transport (2,2,4)","output":"### Answer: GO BY TAXI \n ### Explanation: Yankee on duty in desert to eschew public transport (2,2,4)\n**Y** (yankee) *on* **TAX** (\"duty\") *in* **GOBI** (Desert)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Brother Livingstone infiltrated by a Conservative plant (7)","output":"### Answer: BRACKEN \n ### Explanation: Brother Livingstone infiltrated by a Conservative plant (7)\n**Br.** (brother) + **KEN** (Livingstone) *infiltrated* *by* **A **+** C** (Conservative)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Poor lad in the gloom garnering bank deposits (7)","output":"### Answer: MUDLARK \n ### Explanation: Poor lad in the gloom garnering bank deposits (7)\n***(lad)** [anag;poor]* in* **MURK** (\"the gloom\") and &lit."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Failing eyes, old, start to utter farewell (3,3)","output":"### Answer: SEE YOU \n ### Explanation: Failing eyes, old, start to utter farewell (3,3)\n***(eyes)** [anag; failing] + **O** (old) + [*start to*] **U**(tter)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Head of government failing to understand file (4)","output":"### Answer: RASP \n ### Explanation: Head of government failing to understand file (4)\n(g)**RASP** (\"to understand\" with [*head of*] G(overnment) *failing*, i.e. lacking)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Be in debt to northern Welshman (4)","output":"### Answer: OWEN \n ### Explanation: Be in debt to northern Welshman (4)\n**OWE** (\"be in debt\") *to* **N** (northern)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Underwear seen in bed (8)","output":"### Answer: BLOOMERS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Underwear\nBloomers as in \"those which bloom\" (i.e. flowers) in a flower-bed."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Catch tup mounting another animal (6)","output":"### Answer: MARTEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: another animal\n**<=NET** (\"catch\") + **<=RAM** (\"tup\") *mounting* (going *up)* \n*Doesn't work as an across clue, in my opinion."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fast\u00a0food (4)","output":"### Answer: DIET \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fast\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dicky may need one when replacing dull actors (6,4)","output":"### Answer: COLLAR STUD \n ### Explanation: Definition: Dicky may need one\n***(dull actors)** [anag: *replacing*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Delay a robbery (4-2)","output":"### Answer: HOLD-UP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Delay\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Distant object is old copper (8)","output":"### Answer: FARTHING \n ### Explanation: Definition: old copper\n**FAR** (\"distant\") + **THING** (\"object\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Allow some, given a blessing (6)","output":"### Answer: ENABLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Allow\nHidden in [some] \"giv**EN A BLE**ssing\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Journalist travelled up without it (6)","output":"### Answer: EDITOR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Journalist\n**<=RODE** (\"travelled\", *up*) *without* **IT** \n*Like 9ac, a clue that only works if it is a down clue."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Learned about colour many years ago (5,3)","output":"### Answer: STONE AGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: many years ago\n**SAGE** (\"learned\") *about* **TONE** (\"colour\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A clergyman suppressed initial story of pests (6)","output":"### Answer: APHIDS \n ### Explanation: Definition: pests\n**A** + **P** (pastor, so \"clergyman\") + **HID** (\"suppressed\") + [*initial*] **S**(tory)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Very unfashionable French redhead is an intruder (10)","output":"### Answer: TRESPASSER \n ### Explanation: Definition: intruder\nIn French, \"very unfashionable\" could be **TRES PASS\u00c9** + **R**(ed) [*head*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Philosopher's works (4)","output":"### Answer: MILL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Philosopher\nDouble definition, the philosopher being John Stuart Mill."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Happy little woman with bottle (6)","output":"### Answer: JOVIAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Happy\n**JO** (one of Alcott's *Little Women*) + **VIAL** (\"bottle\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Essential to accept money, which is causing irritation (8)","output":"### Answer: NEEDLING \n ### Explanation: Definition: causing irritation\n**NEEDING** (\"essential\") *to accept* **L** (\u00a3, so \"money\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Relies on goulash in Shakes\u00adpearean setting (8)","output":"### Answer: ELSINORE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Shakes\u00adpearean setting\n***(relies on)** [anag: *goulash*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Excited about nothing? That's a laugh! (4)","output":"### Answer: HOOT \n ### Explanation: Definition: laugh\n**HOT** (\"excited\") *about* **O** (\"nothing\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: MP died during summing up (6)","output":"### Answer: REDCAP \n ### Explanation: Definition: MP\nD (died) during RECAP (\"summing up\") \n*The redcap referenced here is a military policeman (MP)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Spoilt brat's broadcast (8)","output":"### Answer: IMPAIRED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Spoilt\n**IMP** (\"brat\") + **AIRED** (\"broadcast\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ford's access door provides shade (10)","output":"### Answer: CROSSHATCH \n ### Explanation: Definition: shade\n**CROSS** (\"ford\") + **HATCH** (\"access door\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Odd nature of drink dispenser (3,3)","output":"### Answer: TEA URN \n ### Explanation: Definition: drink dispenser\n***(nature)** [anag: *odd*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Slip out following a cigarette (6)","output":"### Answer: SPLIFF \n ### Explanation: Definition: cigarette\n***(slip)** [anag; *out*] + **FF** (following)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Help rejected by old heretic? That's symptomatic! (10)","output":"### Answer: DIAGNOSTIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: symptomatic\n**<=AID** (\"help\", *rejected*) *by* **GNOSTIC** (\"old heretic\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The Parisian has a fur that can be rented (8)","output":"### Answer: LEASABLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: can be rented\n**LE** (\"the\" in French, so \"the Parisian\") *has* **A** + **SABLE** (\"fur\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Become less severe about act that's evocative (8)","output":"### Answer: REDOLENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: evocative\n**RELENT** (\"become less severe\") *about* **DO** (\"act\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Flavour is the main issue (6)","output":"### Answer: SEASON \n ### Explanation: Definition: Flavour\n**SEA** (\"the main\") + **SON** (\"issue\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fear Tory leader's mistake (6)","output":"### Answer: TERROR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fear \n**T**(ory) [*'s leader*] + **ERROR** (\"mistake\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A good musical instrument chimed (6)","output":"### Answer: AGREED \n ### Explanation: Definition: chimed\n**A** + **G** (good) + **REED** (\"musical instrument\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Obstinate fellow gets the slipper (4)","output":"### Answer: MULE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Obstinate fellow\nDOubel definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Anguish Scrooge thus described having lost money? (6)","output":"### Answer: MISERY \n ### Explanation: Anguish Scrooge thus described having lost money? (6)\n**MISER**(l)**Y** (\"Scrooge described thus\" *having lost* L (\u00a3, so \"money\"))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Crimes attributed to criminal traders (8)","output":"### Answer: OFFENCES \n ### Explanation: Crimes attributed to criminal traders (8)\n**OF** (\"attributed to\") + **FENCES** (\"criminal traders\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Trap quickly springs back \u2013 end of mouse! (5)","output":"### Answer: NOOSE \n ### Explanation: Trap quickly springs back \u2013 end of mouse! (5)\n**<=SOON** (\"quickly\", *springs back*) + [end of] (mous)**E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Where one may grow finest cannabis? (9)","output":"### Answer: FLOWERPOT \n ### Explanation: Where one may grow finest cannabis? (9)\n**FLOWER** (\"finest\" ie \"the best\") + **POT** (\"cannabis\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: New cadet or old soldier (7)","output":"### Answer: REDCOAT \n ### Explanation: New cadet or old soldier (7)\n***(cadet or)** [anag:*new*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Huge bird a kind with tail docked (7)","output":"### Answer: TITANIC \n ### Explanation: Huge bird a kind with tail docked (7)\n**TIT** (\"bird\") + **A** + **NIC**(e) (\"kind\", *with tail docked*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Some part of mail\u00a0attachment (4)","output":"### Answer: LINK \n ### Explanation: Some part of mail\u00a0attachment (4)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fat trace processed in manufactured product (8)","output":"### Answer: ARTEFACT \n ### Explanation: Fat trace processed in manufactured product (8)\n***(fat trace)** [anag:*processed*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Man outside one boozer provides church music (8)","output":"### Answer: ANTIPHON \n ### Explanation: Man outside one boozer provides church music (8)\n**ANTON** (\"man\") *outside* **I** (\"one\") + **PH** (public house, so \"boozer\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Kelvin leaves crazy Texan city (4)","output":"### Answer: WACO \n ### Explanation: Kelvin leaves crazy Texan city (4)\n**K** (Kelvin) *leaves* **WAC**(k)**O** (\"crazy\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One to imagine me in miserable circumstances (7)","output":"### Answer: DREAMER \n ### Explanation: One to imagine me in miserable circumstances (7)\n**ME** *in* **DREAR** (\"miserable\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Subterranean cell \u2013 muck one out (7)","output":"### Answer: DUNGEON \n ### Explanation: Subterranean cell \u2013 muck one out (7)\n**DUNG** (\"muck\") + ***(one)** [anag:*out*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Great to be given her love in Kent? (9)","output":"### Answer: SUPERHERO \n ### Explanation: Great to be given her love in Kent? (9)\n**SUPER** (\"great\") *to be given* **HER** + **O** (\"love\") \n*(Clark) Kent is the alter ego of Superman"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tiresome types speak thus\u00a0in due course (2,6)","output":"### Answer: AT LENGTH \n ### Explanation: Tiresome types speak thus\u00a0in due course (2,6)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Grouse fly east retaining height (6)","output":"### Answer: WHINGE \n ### Explanation: Grouse fly east retaining height (6)\n**WING** (\"fly\") + **E** (east) r*etaining* **H** (height)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: School staff first to find baboon (8)","output":"### Answer: MANDRILL \n ### Explanation: School staff first to find baboon (8)\n**DRILL** (\"school\") *wih* **MAN** (\"staff\") *first"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wind soon destroyed area in national park (9)","output":"### Answer: SNOWDONIA \n ### Explanation: Wind soon destroyed area in national park (9)\n***(wind soon)** [anag:*destroyed*) + **A** (area)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: African native fine after drink chucked up (6)","output":"### Answer: REEBOK \n ### Explanation: African native fine after drink chucked up (6)\n**OK** (\"fine\") *after* **<=BEER** (\"drink\" *chucked up*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Monopoly started here\u00a0with no preliminaries (4,3,4,2)","output":"### Answer: FROM THE WORD GO \n ### Explanation: Monopoly started here\u00a0with no preliminaries (4,3,4,2)\nDouble definition, the first referring to the game *Monopoly*, where players start from the square marked \"GO\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Elite artist is complex woman? (7)","output":"### Answer: ELECTRA \n ### Explanation: Elite artist is complex woman? (7)\n**ELECT** (\"elite\") + **RA** (member of the Royal Acadmey, so \"artist\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Chicken wearing hat? (5)","output":"### Answer: CAPON \n ### Explanation: Chicken wearing hat? (5)\nIf you have a **CAP ON,** you could be described as \"wearing a hat\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Quiet moment in comedian's routine (6)","output":"### Answer: SHTICK \n ### Explanation: Quiet moment in comedian's routine (6)\n**SH** (\"quiet!\") + **TICK** (\"moment\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Utopian prediction will have been given as example (6,7)","output":"### Answer: FUTURE PERFECT \n ### Explanation: Utopian prediction will have been given as example (6,7)\nA **PERFECT FUTURE** could be described as a \"Utopian prediction\" and the phrase \"will have been given\" is in the future perfect tense."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Get in RADA to become such an actor? (9)","output":"### Answer: TRAGEDIAN \n ### Explanation: Get in RADA to become such an actor? (9)\n***(get in RADA)** [anag:*to become*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Crazy making song and dance (5,3,5)","output":"### Answer: ROUND THE TWIST \n ### Explanation: Crazy making song and dance (5,3,5)\n**ROUND** (\"song\") + **THE TWIST** (\"dance\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Monkey departs from tree (7)","output":"### Answer: TAMARIN \n ### Explanation: Monkey departs from tree (7)\n**D** (departs) *from* **TAMARIN**(d) (\"tree\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Died having been flayed over in seaport (6)","output":"### Answer: ODESSA \n ### Explanation: Died having been flayed over in seaport (6)\n*Can't parse this one, sorry!"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Kidnapping sons as you'd expect (6)","output":"### Answer: SNATCH \n ### Explanation: Kidnapping sons as you'd expect (6)\n**S** (sons) + **NATCH** (short for \"natural, so \"as you'd expect\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Kick out former Brazilian striker unable to finish (5)","output":"### Answer: EXPEL \n ### Explanation: Kick out former Brazilian striker unable to finish (5)\n**EX** (\"former\") + **PEL**(e) (\"Brazilian striker\", *unable to finish*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Method of building whopper with security (13)","output":"### Answer: STRETCHERBOND \n ### Explanation: Definition: Method of building\n**STRETCHER** (a type of lie, so \"whopper\") *with* **BOND** (\"security\") \n*A method of building using stretchers only."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wife with pen-name of 'Dugout' (4)","output":"### Answer: WAKA \n ### Explanation: Definition: 'Dugout'\n**W** (wife) + **AKA** (also known as, so \"pen-name\") \n*A waka is a Maori dug-out canoe."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Gun accounting for old French glass, see (7)","output":"### Answer: OVERREV \n ### Explanation: Definition: Gun\n**O** (old) + **VERRE** (\"french\" for \"glass\") + **V** (vide, so \"see\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fun place for the young, being conducted round the heights (8)","output":"### Answer: LEGOLAND \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fun place for the young\n**LED** (\"conducted\")* round the* **GOLAN** *Heights"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Source of cereal stored in depot efficiently (4)","output":"### Answer: TEFF \n ### Explanation: Definition: Source of cereal\nHidden [*stored*] *in* \"depo**T EFF**iciently\" \n*Teff is a cereal grass from Northwest Africa.."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Two auxiliaries to maintain decorum (6)","output":"### Answer: BEHAVE \n ### Explanation: Definition: to maintain decorum\n**BE** + **HAVE** (\"two auxiliary\" verbs)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Increasingly bad-tempered, a supporter about league (7)","output":"### Answer: BLACKER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Increasingly bad-tempered\n**BACKER** (\"a supporter\") *about*** L** (league)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pilot in rear of boat redirected low-level missile (6)","output":"### Answer: EXOCET \n ### Explanation: Definition: low-level missile\n(**<=COX** (\"pilot\") *in* **TEE** ([rear of] (boa)T)) redirected"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Governor as of old planting palm in container (7)","output":"### Answer: CATAPAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Governor as of old \n**ATAP** (\"palm\") *planted in* **CAN** (\"container\") \n*A catapan was a provincial governor in the Byzantine Empire."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Small insect is dancing round centre of orchids (6)","output":"### Answer: THRIPS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Small insect is dancing round centre of orchids\n**TRIPS** (\"is dancing\") *round* [*centre of*] (orc)**H**(ids) and &lit."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Parasite infecting cattle, reverse of ideal with newborn ones (7)","output":"### Answer: BABESIA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Parasite infecting cattle\n[*reverse of*] **<=A1** (\"ideal\") *with* **BABES** (\"newborn ones\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Moggy caught tucking into beef maybe (last bit left out) (6)","output":"### Answer: TOMCAT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Moggy\n**C** (caught) *tucking into* (beef) **TOMAT**(o) [*last bit left out*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A bit of mishandling, for which smasher was responsible? (4)","output":"### Answer: SHAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: for which smasher was responsible?\nHidden in [*a bit of*] \"mi**SHAN**dling\" \n*A shan was a counterfeit coin, and a smasher a dealer in such."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Set hinge in position for protective boards (8)","output":"### Answer: SHEETING \n ### Explanation: Definition: for protective boards\n***(set hinge)** [anag:*in position*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Full theatre: great tragedy, casting bad actor, English (7)","output":"### Answer: REPLETE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Full \n**REP**(ertory) (\"theatre\") + (ham)**LET** (\"great tragedy with HAM (\"bad actor\")* cast* out) + **E** (English)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What may be Neapolitan log, last bit polished off (4)","output":"### Answer: CHOC \n ### Explanation: Definition: What may be Neapolitan\n**CHOC**(k) (\"log\",\u00a0*last bit polished off*) \n*Neapolitans are individually wrapped squares of chocolate of various flavourings."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Drunken blast, downright gross in Shakespeare (10)","output":"### Answer: SALT-BUTTER \n ### Explanation: Definition: gross in Shakespeare\n***(blast)** [anag: *drunken*] +** UTTER** (\"downright\") \n*From The Merry Wives of Windsor:*\n \n*FALSTAFF:Hang him, mechanical\u00a0salt-butter\u00a0rogue! I will\u00a0*\n *stare him out of his wits; I will awe him with my\u00a0*\n *cudgel: it shall hang like a meteor o'er the\u00a0*\n *cuckold's horns."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Scottish fabric that's woven with end of shoddy in quaint fashion (6)","output":"### Answer: TWEELY \n ### Explanation: Definition: in quaint fashion\n**TWELL** (\"Scottish fabric that's woven\") *with* [*end of*] (shodd)**Y"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One's in RAF rig being given a going over? (7)","output":"### Answer: RAGFAIR \n ### Explanation: Definition: One's in RAF rig being given a going over?\n**A** (\"one\") *in* ***(raf rig)** [anag: *being given a going over*] and &lit. \n*A ragfair is a kit inspection."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: University introduced lecture on a collectorate (6)","output":"### Answer: TALUKA \n ### Explanation: Definition: collectorate\n**U** (university) *introduced to* **TALK** (\"lecture\") on **A"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old-fashioned vehicle the car replaced (6)","output":"### Answer: CHARET \n ### Explanation: Definition: Old-fashioned vehicle\n***(the car)** [anag:*replaced*] \n*An old word for \"chariot\" as in Spenser's The Faerie Queen:*\n \n*\"Before the dor her yron charet stood,*\n *Already harnessed for journey new.\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One using special stone from river, first to last (5)","output":"### Answer: HONER \n ### Explanation: Definition: One using special stone\n(r)**HONE-R\u00a0**(River Rhone with its* first* letter moved *to last*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ancient judge taking dash of brandy before 6, confused (6)","output":"### Answer: BREHON \n ### Explanation: Definition: Ancient judge\n[*dash of*] **B**(randy) *before* ***(honer)** (\"the answer to 6dn\") [anag:*confused*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Murderous sea creature of northern isles (only half thereof) (4)","output":"### Answer: ORCA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Murderous sea creature\n**ORCA**(dian) (\"of northern isles\", *only half thereof*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Run in high-altitude snow requiring strength (5)","output":"### Answer: NERVE \n ### Explanation: Definition: strength\n**R** (run) *in* **NEVE** (\"high altitude snow\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Boorish promenader against reggae not being represented (10)","output":"### Answer: VOETGANGER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Boorish promenader\n**V** (\"against\") +** *(reggae not)\u00a0**[anag:*being represented*] \n*A voetganger is a South African infantryman or pedestraian (or a locust), and Dutch colonists in South Africa (more commonly known as Boers, were also known as Boors)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Buffer opposed to accepting American greeting (7)","output":"### Answer: CUSHION \n ### Explanation: Definition: Buffer\n**CON** (\"opposed to\") *accepting* **US** (\"American\") + **HI** (\"greeting\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Noisy chirpers providing some farcical entertainment (6)","output":"### Answer: CICALE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Noisy chirpers\nHidden in [*providing some*] \"far**CICAL E**ntertainment\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Skirts for men matter but are seen as divisive (6)","output":"### Answer: PAREUS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Skirts for men\n**PUS** (\"matter\") *seen to divided by* **ARE** \n*A pareu is a Polynesian loincloth."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Very low jab etc punished (6)","output":"### Answer: ABJECT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Very low\n***(jab etc)** [anag:*punished*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hand church about fourth of donation as one promised (6)","output":"### Answer: FIANCE \n ### Explanation: Definition: one promised\n**FIN** (\"hand\") + **CE** (\"Church\" of England) *about* [*fourth of*] (don)**A**(tion)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Author of book one found under drawers (5)","output":"### Answer: HOSEA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Author of book\n**A** (\"one\") *found under* **HOSE** (\"drawers\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One not expecting to win, top performer having entered prize ring (5)","output":"### Answer: PACER \n ### Explanation: Definition: One not expecting to win\n**ACE** (\"top performer\") *having entered* **PR** (prize ring)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Guy given something like gunpowder, a low-grade tea (5)","output":"### Answer: BOHEA \n ### Explanation: Definition: low-grade tea\n**BO** (\"guy\") *given* **HE** (high explosive, so \"something like gunpowder\") + **A"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: She does work in the Met briefly (4)","output":"### Answer: MOPP \n ### Explanation: Definition: She does\nOP (\"work\") in MP (Metropolitan Police, so \"Met, briefly\") \n*Mrs Mopp is a term for a cleaner or a \"woman who does\".*\n \n*I suppose these days it should be \"one does\", although I've never heard of a Mr Mopp (yet!)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Who would happily make you smart (6)","output":"### Answer: SADIST \n ### Explanation: Who would happily make you smart (6)\nCryptic definition, where \"smart\" means \"feel pain\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Could be pet's collar, missing top piece (6)","output":"### Answer: RABBIT \n ### Explanation: Could be pet's collar, missing top piece (6)\n(g)**RAB** (\"collar\", *missing top*) + **BIT** (\"piece\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Satisfied\u00a0to clean and beat cloth (4)","output":"### Answer: FULL \n ### Explanation: Satisfied\u00a0to clean and beat cloth (4)\nDouble definition, the second a new one on me."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A holy play brought in to stir up Windsor? (5,5)","output":"### Answer: ROYAL HOUSE \n ### Explanation: A holy play brought in to stir up Windsor? (5,5)\n***(a holy)** [anag:*play*] *brought in to* **ROUSE** (\"stir up\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Digger said to be made sexually unproductive (6)","output":"### Answer: SPAYED \n ### Explanation: Digger said to be made sexually unproductive (6)\nHomophone [*said*] of** SPADE** (\"digger\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Four obliged to join a decentralised rally (8)","output":"### Answer: BOUNDARY \n ### Explanation: Four obliged to join a decentralised rally (8)\n**BOUND** (\"obliged\") *to join* **A** + [*decentralised*] **R**(all)**Y ***For the definition, think cricket."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ground earth to be removed from border fortress (not Italy's first) (9)","output":"### Answer: EDGBASTON \n ### Explanation: Ground earth to be removed from border fortress (not Italy's first) (9)\nE (earth) *to be removed from* **EDG**(e) (\"border\") + **BAST**(i)**ON** with I (*Itay's first*) removed. \n*Edgbaston is a test cricket ground in Birmingham."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ride south with Peg (4)","output":"### Answer: SPIN \n ### Explanation: Ride south with Peg (4)\n**S** (south) *with* **PIN** (\"peg\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Plant's day off (4)","output":"### Answer: DILL \n ### Explanation: Plant's day off (4)\n**D** (day) + **ILL** (\"off\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Almost share in public function (9)","output":"### Answer: OPERATION \n ### Explanation: Almost share in public function (9)\n[*almost*] **RATIO**(n) (\"share\") *in* **OPEN** (\"public\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old person says 'rain dances' (8)","output":"### Answer: ASSYRIAN \n ### Explanation: Old person says 'rain dances' (8)\n***(says rain)** [anag: *dances*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Key exercise to cut pound? (6)","output":"### Answer: OPENER \n ### Explanation: Key exercise to cut pound? (6)\n**PE** (physicai\u00a0education, so \"exercise\") *to cut* **ONER** (a \"pound\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Two-tongued individual, bachelor utilising mobile (10)","output":"### Answer: BILINGUIST \n ### Explanation: Two-tongued individual, bachelor utilising mobile (10)\n**B** (bacherlor) + ***(utlising)** [anag:*mobile*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cast getting drunk over at premiere of Shrek (4)","output":"### Answer: TOSS \n ### Explanation: Cast getting drunk over at premiere of Shrek (4)\n**<=SOT** (\"drunk\", *over*) *at* [*premier of*] **S**(hrek)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stones gathered at bottom of cliff before new show (6)","output":"### Answer: SCREEN \n ### Explanation: Stones gathered at bottom of cliff before new show (6)\n**SCREE** (\"stones gathered at bottom of cliff\") *before* **N** (new)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tuck, the musical, gets a new lead (6)","output":"### Answer: CREASE \n ### Explanation: Tuck, the musical, gets a new lead (6)\n(g>**C**)**REASE** (\"musical, *getting a new opener*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dismissed and baffled (7)","output":"### Answer: STUMPED \n ### Explanation: Dismissed and baffled (7)\nDouble definiton"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Catch\u00a0the sheep? (5)","output":"### Answer: DOLLY \n ### Explanation: Catch\u00a0the sheep? (5)\nDouble definition, the first referring to a simple catch on cricket and the second to the fist cloned mammal \u2013 Dolly the sheep."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Banks on getting temperature right inside trousers (7)","output":"### Answer: STRIDES \n ### Explanation: Banks on getting temperature right inside trousers (7)\n**SIDES** (\"banks\") *getting* **T** (temperature) and **R** (right) *inside"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Completely exhausted, disagree on going topless (3,3)","output":"### Answer: ALL OUT \n ### Explanation: Completely exhausted, disagree on going topless (3,3)\n(f)**ALL OUT** (\"disagree\", *going topless*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rex withdraws from foxhunting, possibly result of pricked finger? (5,4)","output":"### Answer: BLOOD SPOT \n ### Explanation: Rex withdraws from foxhunting, possibly result of pricked finger? (5,4)\n**R** (rex) *withdraws from* **BLOOD SPO**(r)**T** (\"foxhunting, possibly\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hampshire river flow try-out (4,3)","output":"### Answer: TEST RUN \n ### Explanation: Hampshire river flow try-out (4,3)\n**TEST** (\"Hampshire river\") + **RUN** (\"flow\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Heavily used when preparing to play the pantomime villain, eastern boy Prince Lew, maybe? (7,6)","output":"### Answer: EYEBROW PENCIL \n ### Explanation: Heavily used when preparing to play the pantomime villain, eastern boy Prince Lew, maybe? (7,6)\n**E** (eastern) +** *(boy prince lew)\u00a0**[anag:*maybe*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: 1960s' play and film, featuring American club with revolving bar (5,4)","output":"### Answer: BILLY LIAR \n ### Explanation: 1960s' play and film, featuring American club with revolving bar (5,4)\n**BILLY** (\"American club\" or truncheon) *with* [*revolving*] **<=RAIL** (\"bar\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Vicious comeback by female? Pay no heed (7)","output":"### Answer: DISMISS \n ### Explanation: Vicious comeback by female? Pay no heed (7)\n**<=SID** (Vicious, *come back*) *by* **MISS** (\"female\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bird shown as 'duck' in list (7)","output":"### Answer: ROOSTER \n ### Explanation: Bird shown as 'duck' in list (7)\n**O** (\"duck\") *in* **ROSTER** (\"list\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Manage to put rhyme into Anglo-Saxon language (7)","output":"### Answer: OVERSEE \n ### Explanation: Manage to put rhyme into Anglo-Saxon language (7)\n**VERSE** (\"rhyme\") *into* **OE** (Old English, so \"Anglo-Saxon language\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Confess member's short of 1,000, for the record (6)","output":"### Answer: SINGLE \n ### Explanation: Confess member's short of 1,000, for the record (6)\n**SING** (\"confess\") + **LE**(g) (\"member\" *short of* G (grand, so \"1,000\"))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One of those who makes a film host? (5)","output":"### Answer: EXTRA \n ### Explanation: One of those who makes a film host? (5)\nCryotic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Records white space replaced by square (6)","output":"### Answer: ALBUMS \n ### Explanation: Records white space replaced by square (6)\n**ALBUM(**en>**S**) (\"white\" of an egg with EN (\"short space\" in printing) replaced by S (square))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Herb I see beside American church (8)","output":"### Answer: BASILICA \n ### Explanation: Herb I see beside American church (8)\n**BASIL** (\"herb\") + **I** + **C** (see) + **A** (American)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Luxury cars about to get active control system containing herb (9)","output":"### Answer: CADILLACS \n ### Explanation: Luxury cars about to get active control system containing herb (9)\n**CA** (circa, so \"about\")* to get* **ACS** (Active Control System) *containing* **DILL** (\"herb\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: About to impair ornament (5)","output":"### Answer: CHARM \n ### Explanation: About to impair ornament (5)\n**C** (about) + **HARM** (\"to impair\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Goddess, one rejecting title (4)","output":"### Answer: IRIS \n ### Explanation: Goddess, one rejecting title (4)\n**I** (one) + [*rejecting*] **<=SIR** (\"title\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Steals herb mixture when short- winded (10)","output":"### Answer: BREATHLESS \n ### Explanation: Steals herb mixture when short- winded (10)\n***(steals herb)\u00a0**[anag:*mixture*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: To humiliate himself wore cat out (3,4)","output":"### Answer: EAT CROW \n ### Explanation: To humiliate himself wore cat out (3,4)\n***(wore cat)** [anag:*out*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wandering bulldozer ran through walls (6)","output":"### Answer: ERRANT \n ### Explanation: Wandering bulldozer ran through walls (6)\nHidden in [*walled b*y] \"bulldoz**ER RAN T**hrough\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Drinks a concoction including some cuttlefish (3-3)","output":"### Answer: INK-SAC \n ### Explanation: Drinks a concoction including some cuttlefish (3-3)\nHidden in [including] \"dr**INKS A C**oncoction\" \n*Definition is weak, would one say that an opposable thumb is \"some human\"?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Act of contrition by last character to leave coastal town (7)","output":"### Answer: PENANCE \n ### Explanation: Act of contrition by last character to leave coastal town (7)\nZ (\"last character\") *to leave* **PEN**(z)**ANCE** (\"coastal town\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Storm heading off to stop solitary heroine (5,5)","output":"### Answer: LORNA DOONE \n ### Explanation: Storm heading off to stop solitary heroine (5,5)\n(t)**ORNADO** (\"storm\" with its *heading off*) *to stop* **LONE** (\"solitary\") \nLorna Doone *was a novel by RD Blackmore, published in 1869."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Shampoo used to be hot (4)","output":"### Answer: WASH \n ### Explanation: Shampoo used to be hot (4)\n**WAS** (\"used to be\") + **H** (hot)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Avoid Spanish article due for revision (5)","output":"### Answer: ELUDE \n ### Explanation: Avoid Spanish article due for revision (5)\n**EL** (Spanish\u00a0for \"the\", so \"Spanish article\") + ***(due**) [anag:*for revision*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Farted about with gas mixture at expo (5,4)","output":"### Answer: TRADE FAIR \n ### Explanation: Farted about with gas mixture at expo (5,4)\n***(farted)** [anag:*about*] *with* **AIR** (\"gas mixture\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Scores left in knots (8)","output":"### Answer: TWENTIES \n ### Explanation: Scores left in knots (8)\n**WENT** (\"left\") *in* **TIES** (\"knots\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Section missing from herb discussion (6)","output":"### Answer: PARLEY \n ### Explanation: Section missing from herb discussion (6)\nS (section) *missing from* **PAR**(s)**LEY** (\"discussion\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Records Central Park herbs (8)","output":"### Answer: ARCHIVES \n ### Explanation: Records Central Park herbs (8)\n[*central*] (p)**AR**(k) + **CHIVES** (\"herb\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Notice herb in good French game (9)","output":"### Answer: BADMINTON \n ### Explanation: Notice herb in good French game (9)\n**AD** (\"notice\") + **MINT** (\"herb\") *in* **BON** (\"good\" in \"French\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Actor Herbert turns up with unknown but fabulous herb (4)","output":"### Answer: MOLY \n ### Explanation: Actor Herbert turns up with unknown but fabulous herb (4)\n**<=LOM** (\"actor Herbert\" *turns up*] *with* **Y** (\"unknown\") \n*Moly was a magic herb given to Odysseus to counteract the spells of Circe in Greek mythology."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Soften cooked sausage (7)","output":"### Answer: ASSUAGE \n ### Explanation: Soften cooked sausage (7)\n***(sausage)** [anag:*cooked*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Difficult to understand nice throne being remodelled (10)","output":"### Answer: INCOHERENT \n ### Explanation: Difficult to understand nice throne being remodelled (10)\n***(nice throne)** [anag:*being remodelled*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Angry one on speed (5)","output":"### Answer: IRATE \n ### Explanation: Angry one on speed (5)\n**I** (one) *on* **RATE** (\"speed\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Nearly nothing in charity chest in the end (6)","output":"### Answer: ALMOST \n ### Explanation: Nearly nothing in charity chest in the end (6)\n**O** (\"nothing\")* in* **ALMS** (\"charity\") + (ches)**T** [*in the end*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Herb's chromosome indicator (6)","output":"### Answer: YARROW \n ### Explanation: Herb's chromosome indicator (6)\n**Y**(-chromosome) + **ARROW** (\"indicator\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Display herb for European publicist (5,5)","output":"### Answer: PRESS AGENT \n ### Explanation: Display herb for European publicist (5,5)\n**PRES**(e>**SAGE)NT\u00a0**(\"display\" (PRESENT) with SAGE (\"herb\") *for* (i.e. instead of) E (European))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Alan let on about the number of apples in an empty barrel (4,2,3)","output":"### Answer: NONE AT ALL \n ### Explanation: Alan let on about the number of apples in an empty barrel (4,2,3)\n***(alan let on)** [anag: *about]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Yorkshire town soak like Rosemary? (8)","output":"### Answer: WETHERBY \n ### Explanation: Yorkshire town soak like Rosemary? (8)\n**WET** (\"soak\") + **HERBY** (\"like rosemary\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Boring work interrupted by extremely tuneful laugh (7)","output":"### Answer: CHORTLE \n ### Explanation: Boring work interrupted by extremely tuneful laugh (7)\n**CHORE** (\"boring work\")* interrupted by* [*extremely*] **T**(unefu)**L"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Asians with empty accounts under pressure (6)","output":"### Answer: PANDAS \n ### Explanation: Asians with empty accounts under pressure (6)\n**AND** (\"with\") [*empty*] **A**(ccount)**S** *under* **P** (pressure)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Herb trumpeting prelate not fully organised (6)","output":"### Answer: ALPERT \n ### Explanation: Herb trumpeting prelate not fully organised (6)\n***(prelat)** [anag:*organised*] i.e. [*not fully*] PRELAT(e) \n*Herb Alpert is an American trumpeter and frontman fro Herb Alpert and the Tijuana Brass."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Army unit adopts unfashionable course (5)","output":"### Answer: ROUTE \n ### Explanation: Army unit adopts unfashionable course (5)\n**RE** (Royal Engineers, so \"army unit\") *adopts* **OUT** (\"unfashionable\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Female head of state demoted (4)","output":"### Answer: BETA \n ### Explanation: Female head of state demoted (4)\n*No idea if this is right \u2013 have stuck in BETA 9as second grade, so \"demoted\", but it's a pure guess and I can't see the wordplay."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Swamp with antelope eating tons (7)","output":"### Answer: WETLAND \n ### Explanation: Definition: Swamp\n**W** (with) + **ELAND** (\"antelope\") *eating* **T** (tons)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Some tablets, another and then another to get back into shape (7)","output":"### Answer: ELLIPSE \n ### Explanation: Definition: shape\n(**<=Es** (\"some tablets\") + **<=PILL** (\"another\" tablet)* and then\u00a0***<=E** (\"another\" tablet)) *to get back"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Perfect example of first car \u2026 (9)","output":"### Answer: ARCHETYPE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Perfect example\n**ARCH** (\"first\")\u00a0+ **E-TYPE** (\"car\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: \u2026 another goes smoothly along (5)","output":"### Answer: ROLLS \n ### Explanation: Definition: another\n**ROLLS** (\"goes smoothly along\") \n\"Other\" refers to a car (linked to 9ac by ellipsis)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Floor is fine for cycling (4)","output":"### Answer: KAYO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Floor \n**KAY**(**O**) (\"fine\" (OKAY) with the O cycled to the back) (*imagine a wheel with the word OKAY on it, and \"cycle it\"*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: With people, share prediction (10)","output":"### Answer: DIVINATION \n ### Explanation: Definition: prediction\n*with* **NATION** (\"people\") **DIVI**(dend) (\"share\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Inform of allergic reaction to tin? (6)","output":"### Answer: SNITCH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Inform\n**ITCH**\u00a0(\"allergic reaction\") *to* **Sn** (chemical symbol for \"tin\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Late king finally coming out for princess, a northerner (7)","output":"### Answer: GEORDIE \n ### Explanation: Definition: a northerner\n**GEOR**(g>**DI**)**E** (\"late king\" with [*finally*] (comin)G *out*, and [*for*] replaced by DI (\"a princess\"))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One opening homeless person's file (7)","output":"### Answer: DOSSIER \n ### Explanation: Definition: file\n**I** (\"one\") *opening* **DOSSER** (\"homeless person\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Soldier's gear, which stays at home (3,3)","output":"### Answer: TIN HAT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Soldier's gear,\n**THAT** (\"which\") *stays* **IN** (\"at home\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Charlatan, one eluding policeman at store (10)","output":"### Answer: MOUNTEBANK \n ### Explanation: Definition: Charlatan\n**I** *eluding* **MOUNT**(i)**E** (\"policeman\") *at* **BANK** (\"store\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tree minute but unbending (4)","output":"### Answer: FIRM \n ### Explanation: Definition: unbending\n**FIR** (\"tree\") + **M** (minute)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Commonly about to hear one who's had it (5)","output":"### Answer: GONNA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Commonly about to\nHomophone of [*hear*] **GONER** (\"one who's had it\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: In battle with airline I get in the final word (2,7)","output":"### Answer: EL ALAMEIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: battle\n**EL AL** (Israeli \"airline\") + **I** *get in* **AMEN** (\"the final eord\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Shambling comedian's hesitation ending in mockery (7)","output":"### Answer: DODDERY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Shambling\n(Ken) **DODD** (\"comedian\") + **ER** (\"hesitation\") + [ending in] (mocker)**Y"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Chose to be made redundant as detective? (7)","output":"### Answer: DECIDED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Chose\nIf one stops being a detective in the CID, one could say one has **DE-CIDed"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Seaweed beginning to wither on frame (5)","output":"### Answer: WRACK \n ### Explanation: Definition: Seaweed\n[*beginning to*] **W**(ither) *on* **RACK** (\"frame\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: After working on yacht, in principle it goes very fast (7)","output":"### Answer: TACHYON \n ### Explanation: Definition: in principle it goes very fast\n***(on yacht)** [anag:*after working*] \n*A tachyon is a theoretical particle that can travel faster than light."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Crown close cousin with kiss (4)","output":"### Answer: APEX \n ### Explanation: Definition: Crown\n**APE** (\"close cousing\" to humans, presumably) *with* **X** (\"kiss\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Extortionate price foolish brother gayly bid (8,7)","output":"### Answer: DAYLIGHT ROBBERY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Extortionate price\n***(brother gayly bid)** [anag:*foolish*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Getting level grade for paper (7,8)","output":"### Answer: EVENING STANDARD \n ### Explanation: Definition: paper\n**EVENING** (\"getting level\") + **STANDARD** (\"grade\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Book on Leonardo reissued (5,5)","output":"### Answer: LORNA DOONE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Book\n***(on leonardo)\u00a0**[anag:*reissued*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unable to move, university housed one in flat (7)","output":"### Answer: PALSIED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Unable to move\n**LSE** (London School of Econcomics, so \"university\") +** I** (one) \"housed in' **PAD** (\"flat\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old ascetic conceals cold heart (7)","output":"### Answer: ESSENCE \n ### Explanation: Definition: heart \n**ESSENE** (\"old ascetic\") *conceals* **C** (cold)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Band consuming drinks in cabaret performance (10)","output":"### Answer: STRIPTEASE \n ### Explanation: Definition: cabaret performance\n**STRIPE** (\"band\") *consuming* **TEAS** (\"drinks\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Injured old man calls wizard in (7)","output":"### Answer: DAMAGED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Injured\n**DAD** (\"old man\") *calls* **SAGE** (\"wizard\") *in"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Given call to attention, ignored (7)","output":"### Answer: SHUNNED \n ### Explanation: Definition: ignored\nIn the army, 'SHUN is short for \"attention\", so if a soldier has been 'SHUNNED, he may have been given the order to stand to attention."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Imogen gets to open some bananas, not initially for flavouring (7)","output":"### Answer: ANISEED \n ### Explanation: Definition: flavouring\n**I SEE** (\"Imogen (the compiler of the puzzle) understands\") *to open* (h)**AND** (\"some bananas\", *not initially*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One half-day, plus a day (5)","output":"### Answer: MONAD \n ### Explanation: Definition: One \n**MON**(day) (*half-*\"day\")* plus* **A D** (day)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Refuse to have gospel read out (4)","output":"### Answer: MARC \n ### Explanation: Definition: Refuse\nHomophone of **MARK** (\"gospel\" *read out*) \n*Marc is the skins and refuse left over in the wine-making process."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fossil \u2013 see black one with dull exterior (9)","output":"### Answer: TRILOBITE \n ### Explanation: Fossil \u2013 see black one with dull exterior (9)\n(**LO** (\"see\") + **B** (black) + **I** (one)) with **TRITE** (\"dull\") *exterior"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Share Jill Masterson's fate? It's goodbye! (5)","output":"### Answer: ADIEU \n ### Explanation: Share Jill Masterson's fate? It's goodbye! (5)\n**DIE**\u00a0covered in **Au\u00a0**(\"gold\") i.e. A(DIE)u \nIn *Goldfinger*, Jill Masterton dies by being covered in gold."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old rune reworked as circular device (7)","output":"### Answer: ROUNDEL \n ### Explanation: Old rune reworked as circular device (7)\n***(old rune)** [anag:*reworked*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Neo backing British stars in trade restriction (7)","output":"### Answer: EMBARGO \n ### Explanation: Neo backing British stars in trade restriction (7)\n**<=ME** (\"Neo\", the puzzle's compiler, *backing*) + **B** (British) + **ARGO** (a constellation, so \"stars\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Amount in kitty\u00a0put in pocket (3)","output":"### Answer: POT \n ### Explanation: Amount in kitty\u00a0put in pocket (3)\nDouble definition, the second referring to snooker or pool."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Performer seen in shop erasing errors (5,6)","output":"### Answer: OPERA SINGER \n ### Explanation: Performer seen in shop erasing errors (5,6)\n(*seen in*) \"sh**OP ERASING ER**rors\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Friend has bishop purchase round (5)","output":"### Answer: BUDDY \n ### Explanation: Friend has bishop purchase round (5)\n**DD** (Doctor of Divinity, so \"bishop\") *with* **BUY** (\"purchase\") *round"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: American and English in exploit (3)","output":"### Answer: USE \n ### Explanation: American and English in exploit (3)\n**US** (\"American\") + **E** (English)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ornament ancient Briton carries round (5)","output":"### Answer: PICOT \n ### Explanation: Ornament ancient Briton carries round (5)\n**PICT** (\"ancient Briton\") *carries* **O** (\"round\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Evaluation made by certain people in essence (11)","output":"### Answer: MEASUREMENT \n ### Explanation: Evaluation made by certain people in essence (11)\n**SURE** (\"certain\") + **MEN** (\"people\") *in* **MEAT** (\"essence\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sound like hounds or one among horses (3)","output":"### Answer: BAY \n ### Explanation: Sound like hounds or one among horses (3)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wave from our setter on time to meet French friend (7)","output":"### Answer: TSUNAMI \n ### Explanation: Wave from our setter on time to meet French friend (7)\n**SUN** (\"our setter\", (that which sets)) *on* **T** (time) *to meet* **AMI** (\"French\" for \"friend\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mad Hatter beginning to suspect cultural world (3,4)","output":"### Answer: THE ARTS \n ### Explanation: Mad Hatter beginning to suspect cultural world (3,4)\n***(hatter)** [anag:*mad*] + [*beginning to*] **S**(uspect)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bear \u2013 one sits regularly for surrealist (5)","output":"### Answer: ERNST \n ### Explanation: Bear \u2013 one sits regularly for surrealist (5)\n(b)**E**(a)**R**(o)**N**(e)**S**(i)**T**(s) [*regularly*] \n*Refers to Max Ernst (1890-1976), a German poet and artist who was involved in the establishment of the Dada movement."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Take choir out to Jerusalem? (9)","output":"### Answer: ARTICHOKE \n ### Explanation: Take choir out to Jerusalem? (9)\n***(take choir)** [anag:*out*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Provoke tumult in high places? (4,2)","output":"### Answer: STIR UP \n ### Explanation: Provoke tumult in high places? (4,2)\n**STIR** (\"tumult\") + **UP** (\"in high places\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Set and positioned Greek letter back inside (8)","output":"### Answer: SITUATED \n ### Explanation: Set and positioned Greek letter back inside (8)\n**SITED** (\"positioned\") with **<=TAU** (\"greek letter\", *back*) *inside"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Veggies are meant to be this\u00a0well done (4,3,3)","output":"### Answer: GOOD FOR YOU \n ### Explanation: Veggies are meant to be this\u00a0well done (4,3,3)\nDoubel definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Smaller runner runs poorly (4)","output":"### Answer: RILL \n ### Explanation: Smaller runner runs poorly (4)\n**R** (runs, in cricket) + **ILL** (\"poorly\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: African seen buffeted by winds close to village (10)","output":"### Answer: SENEGALESE \n ### Explanation: African seen buffeted by winds close to village (10)\n***(seen**) [anag;*buffered*] *by* **GALES** (\"winds\") + [*close to*] (villag)**E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Chat needed about Romeo's apparel (4)","output":"### Answer: GARB \n ### Explanation: Chat needed about Romeo's apparel (4)\n**GAB** (\"chat\") *about* **R** (Romeo, in the phonetic alphabet)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Female on moon lifted boring gear (3,3)","output":"### Answer: OIL RIG \n ### Explanation: Female on moon lifted boring gear (3,3)\n**<=**(**GIRL** (\"female\") *on* **IO** (\"moon\" of Jupiter)) [*lifted*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pitch business \u2013 regret showing up Brussels employee? (8)","output":"### Answer: EUROCRAT \n ### Explanation: Pitch business \u2013 regret showing up Brussels employee? (8)\n**<=**(**TAR** (\"pitch\" + **Co.** (company, so \"business\") + **RUE** (\"regret\") [*showing up*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Universal anagram came in clue (10)","output":"### Answer: ECUMENICAL \n ### Explanation: Universal anagram came in clue (10)\n***(came in clue)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bride at Savoy announcing herself in agitation? (10)","output":"### Answer: IMPATIENCE \n ### Explanation: Bride at Savoy announcing herself in agitation? (10)\nIn Gilbert & Sullivan's *Bunthorne's Bride*, (aka *Patience*), the bride is called Patience, so may announce** I'M PATIENCE **The Savoy refers to the theatre that the opera is most commonly associated with."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bad suggestion must be unsettling monarch (3,5)","output":"### Answer: BUM STEER \n ### Explanation: Bad suggestion must be unsettling monarch (3,5)\n***(must be)** [anag:*unsettling*] + **ER** (Elizabeth Regina, so \"monarch\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Prompt monster to report mathematical value (4,4)","output":"### Answer: CUBE ROOT \n ### Explanation: Prompt monster to report mathematical value (4,4)\nHomophone of [*to*\u00a0*report*] **CUE BRUTE** (\"prompt\" + monster\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Manual rewritten for female graduate (6)","output":"### Answer: ALUMNA \n ### Explanation: Manual rewritten for female graduate (6)\n***(manual)** [anag;*rewritten*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Nodding acquaintances? (3,3)","output":"### Answer: YES MEN \n ### Explanation: Nodding acquaintances? (3,3)\nCryptic definiton"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Singer trapped in chemical toilet (4)","output":"### Answer: ALTO \n ### Explanation: Singer trapped in chemical toilet (4)\nHidden [*trapped*] *in* \"chemic**AL TO**ilet\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cheers: cheers and cheerio (2-2)","output":"### Answer: TA-TA \n ### Explanation: Cheers: cheers and cheerio (2-2)\n**TA** (\"cheers\") + **TA** (\"cheers\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hill outside the fringes of Nuneaton from which men are barred? (3,5)","output":"### Answer: HEN NIGHT \n ### Explanation: Hill outside the fringes of Nuneaton from which men are barred? (3,5)\n**HEIGHT** (\"hilll\") *outisde* [*the fringes of*] **N**(uneato)**N"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mother necked miso soup, an item on the bar menu (6)","output":"### Answer: MIMOSA \n ### Explanation: Mother necked miso soup, an item on the bar menu (6)\n**MA** (\"mother\") *necked*** *(miso)** [anag:*soup*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Time to chew over note from guitarist (5)","output":"### Answer: TWANG \n ### Explanation: Time to chew over note from guitarist (5)\n**T** (time) + **<=GNAW** (\"to chew\" *over*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Criminal German lady pursued by Detective Sergeant Lawrence King (9)","output":"### Answer: FRAUDSTER \n ### Explanation: Criminal German lady pursued by Detective Sergeant Lawrence King (9)\n**FRAU** (\"German lady\") *pursued by* **DS** (Detective Sergeant) + **T.E.** (Lawrence) + **R** (King)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Perhaps John Lennon song left on board (7)","output":"### Answer: AIRPORT \n ### Explanation: Perhaps John Lennon song left on board (7)\n**AIR** (\"song\") + **PORT** (\"left\" on board (a ship)) \n*John Lennon Airport is in Liverpool."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Laziness of Maitre Nicolas in retirement (7)","output":"### Answer: INERTIA \n ### Explanation: Laziness of Maitre Nicolas in retirement (7)\nHidden backwards [*in retirement*]* in* [*of*] \"m**AITRE NI**colas\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: HT: Everton on edge, getting hammered \u2013 it's unthinkable! (4,4,2,5)","output":"### Answer: DON\u2019T EVEN GO THERE \n ### Explanation: HT: Everton on edge, getting hammered \u2013 it's unthinkable! (4,4,2,5)\n***(ht everton on edge)\u00a0**[anag:*getting hammered*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Natural gold golf clubs featuring a new iron tip (7)","output":"### Answer: ORGANIC \n ### Explanation: Natural gold golf clubs featuring a new iron tip (7)\n**OR** (\"gold\") + **G** (golf) + **C** (clubs) *featuring* **A N** (new) +**I**(ron) [*tip*], so **OR-G(A N I)C"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Getting frosted cake decoration on top (5,2)","output":"### Answer: ICING UP \n ### Explanation: Getting frosted cake decoration on top (5,2)\n**ICING** (\"cake decoration\") + **UP** (\"on top\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pint he's loth to swallow, here ideally for a drive? (2,3,4)","output":"### Answer: IN THE SLOT \n ### Explanation: Pint he's loth to swallow, here ideally for a drive? (2,3,4)\nHidden in [to swallow] \"p**INT HE'S LOT**h\" \n*I think the definition part may be referring to a portable drive going into a slot in a computer, but open to other suggestions."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Young socialite, upper-class, grand, to scrub drive (5)","output":"### Answer: DEBUG \n ### Explanation: Young socialite, upper-class, grand, to scrub drive (5)\n**DEB** (\"young socialite\") +** U** (upper-class) + **G** (grand)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Small hotel \"run poorly\" \u2013 sounds harsh! (6)","output":"### Answer: SHRILL \n ### Explanation: Small hotel \"run poorly\" \u2013 sounds harsh! (6)\n**S** (small) + **H** (hotel) + **R** (run, in cricket) + **ILL** (\"poorly\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Horny beast, perhaps 21, grabbing poor Elton (8)","output":"### Answer: ANTELOPE \n ### Explanation: Horny beast, perhaps 21, grabbing poor Elton (8)\n**APE** (see 21dn) *grabbing* ***(elton)\u00a0**[anag:*poor*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: 25 hinds: unusually small working animals (8,6)","output":"### Answer: SHETLAND PONIES \n ### Explanation: 25 hinds: unusually small working animals (8,6)\n***(antelope hinds)** [anag:*unusually*] + **S** (small) where ANTELOPE is the answer to 25ac."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Foul place to see Aunt Sally skipping foxtrot? (6)","output":"### Answer: UNFAIR \n ### Explanation: Foul place to see Aunt Sally skipping foxtrot? (6)\n(f)**UNFAIR** (\"place to see Aunt Sally\", *skipping* F (foxtrot))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bird call drove rook away (8)","output":"### Answer: RINGDOVE \n ### Explanation: Bird call drove rook away (8)\n**RING** (\"call\") + **D**(r)**OVE** [R (rook) *away*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Let that decaff brew on the hob for prodigal son (3,6,4)","output":"### Answer: THE FATTED CALF \n ### Explanation: Let that decaff brew on the hob for prodigal son (3,6,4)\n***(let that decaff)\u00a0**[anag:*brew*] \n*(Not sure of the definition here \u2013 in the BIble (Luke), the parable of the profigal son includes a reference to \"killing the fattened calf\" to celebrate the son's return, but I doubt it would have been cooked on a hob?)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Brie, red wine frequently left one below par (6)","output":"### Answer: BIRDIE \n ### Explanation: Brie, red wine frequently left one below par (6)\n**B**(r)**I**(e)**R**(e)**D**(w)**I**(n)**E** [*frequently left*] \n*(Does frequently left tell us to rmove alternativve letters?)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Patient character's office role? (3,5)","output":"### Answer: JOB TITLE \n ### Explanation: Patient character's office role? (3,5)\nCryptic definition (referring to JOB, in the BIble)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fair challenge for one hoping to bring home the bacon? (1,7,6)","output":"### Answer: A GREASED PIGLET \n ### Explanation: Fair challenge for one hoping to bring home the bacon? (1,7,6)\nCryptic definition. It used to a traditional game at a country fair to let loose a piglet covered in fat to make it very slippery. This was then chased by competitors, with the person who caught the pig (and managed to keep a hold of it) getting to keep it (i.e. to bring the bacon home)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Terribly nervous son left razor and foam pop sent (6,7)","output":"### Answer: HAVING KITTENS \n ### Explanation: Terribly nervous son left razor and foam pop sent (6,7)\n(s)**HAVING KIT** (\"razor and foam\" which S (Son) *left*) + ***(sent)** [anag;*pop*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: It's futile turning revolver on a Conservative (8)","output":"### Answer: NUGATORY \n ### Explanation: It's futile turning revolver on a Conservative (8)\n[*turning*] **<=GUN** (\"revolver\") *on* **A TORY** (\"Conservative\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Absent-mindedly played with tweed? (8)","output":"### Answer: TWIDDLED \n ### Explanation: Absent-mindedly played with tweed? (8)\n*Can't parse this one, sorry!"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wind up\u00a0gramophone component? (6)","output":"### Answer: NEEDLE \n ### Explanation: Wind up\u00a0gramophone component? (6)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ape\/baboon regularly caught in trap (6)","output":"### Answer: GIBBON \n ### Explanation: Ape\/baboon regularly caught in trap (6)\n**B**(a)**B**(o)**O**(n) [*regularly*] *caught in* **GIN** (\"trap\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Take a break around middle of April (6)","output":"### Answer: ARREST \n ### Explanation: Take a break around middle of April (6)\n**A REST** (\"break\") *around* [*middle of]* (ap)**R**(il)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A party fit to welcome Republican darling? (8)","output":"### Answer: ADORABLE \n ### Explanation: A party fit to welcome Republican darling? (8)\n**A DO** (\"party\") + **ABLE** (\"fit\") *to welcome* **R** (Republican)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tot close to hyena could create this! (5)","output":"### Answer: DRAMA \n ### Explanation: Tot close to hyena could create this! (5)\n**DRAM** (\"tot\") + [*close to*] (hyen)**A"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Part of animal that strikes a snare? (9)","output":"### Answer: DRUMSTICK \n ### Explanation: Part of animal that strikes a snare? (9)\nA drumstick could be used to strike a snare (drum)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Yellow\u00a0bird (7)","output":"### Answer: CHICKEN \n ### Explanation: Yellow\u00a0bird (7)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A whole chunk of bread? (4,3)","output":"### Answer: LUMP SUM \n ### Explanation: A whole chunk of bread? (4,3)\nCryptic defnition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: After sending off No. 1, linesman scoffs (4)","output":"### Answer: EATS \n ### Explanation: After sending off No. 1, linesman scoffs (4)\n[*after sending off No 1* (ie initial letter)] (k)**EATS** (\"linesman\" ie one who writes in lines, a poet)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wine ruined careers, head of news admitted (8)","output":"### Answer: SANCERRE \n ### Explanation: Wine ruined careers, head of news admitted (8)\n***(careers)** [anag:*ruined*] with [*head of] ***N**(ews) *admitted"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: New romance found around old country (8)","output":"### Answer: CAMEROON \n ### Explanation: New romance found around old country (8)\n***(romance)** [anag:*new*] *found around* **O** (old)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Teacher in toupee rejected by university (4)","output":"### Answer: GURU \n ### Explanation: Teacher in toupee rejected by university (4)\n**<=RUG** (\"wig\", *rejected*) *by* **U** (university)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Agency in charge of plants and animals (7)","output":"### Answer: ORGANIC \n ### Explanation: Agency in charge of plants and animals (7)\n**ORGAN** (\"agency\") + **IC** (in charge)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old boy won't be seen with hawk-eyed man (7)","output":"### Answer: SERVANT \n ### Explanation: Old boy won't be seen with hawk-eyed man (7)\n(ob)**SERVANT** (\"hawk-eyed\" with OB (old boy) *not seen*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One might be very cold and also a gossip (9)","output":"### Answer: CHATTERER \n ### Explanation: One might be very cold and also a gossip (9)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: State of shock enveloping infantry at front (5)","output":"### Answer: MAINE \n ### Explanation: State of shock enveloping infantry at front (5)\n**MANE** (\"shock\" of hair) *enveloping* **I**(nfantry) [*at front*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A Ruskin novel about inventor's final venture? (3,1,4)","output":"### Answer: RUN A RISK \n ### Explanation: A Ruskin novel about inventor's final venture? (3,1,4)\n***(a ruskin)** [anag:*novel*] *about* (invento)**R** [*'s final*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cases of swimming costumes (6)","output":"### Answer: TRUNKS \n ### Explanation: Cases of swimming costumes (6)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Being thus, one is unable to get off horse (8)","output":"### Answer: ADDICTED \n ### Explanation: Being thus, one is unable to get off horse (8)\nCryptic definition, although I think it needs a question mark at the end, as \"horse\" is not the only thong one could be addicted to."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: It is clear criminal is hard- headed (9)","output":"### Answer: REALISTIC \n ### Explanation: It is clear criminal is hard- headed (9)\n***(it is clear)** [anag:*realistic*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Shorts-wearing leader has no trousers (6)","output":"### Answer: SLACKS \n ### Explanation: Shorts-wearing leader has no trousers (6)\n**S**(horts-wearing) [*leader*] + **LACKS** (\"has no\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Perhaps one voting for two parties is a traitor (6-7)","output":"### Answer: DOUBLE-CROSSER \n ### Explanation: Perhaps one voting for two parties is a traitor (6-7)\nIf you put two crosses on your voting paper, you may be considered to be voting for two parties (although in some elections, that would actually mean you were voting for none, as it would count as a spoiled paper)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One returning to work needs CV with flair ultimately (7)","output":"### Answer: RESUMER \n ### Explanation: One returning to work needs CV with flair ultimately (7)\n**RESUME** (\"CV\") *with* (flai)**R** [ulti*m*ately]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bishop with troubles escapes from predicament (5)","output":"### Answer: BAILS \n ### Explanation: Bishop with troubles escapes from predicament (5)\n**B** (bishop) *with* **AILS** (\"troubles\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Some helpdesk I'm operating for a foreigner (6)","output":"### Answer: ESKIMO \n ### Explanation: Some helpdesk I'm operating for a foreigner (6)\nHidden in [some] \"helpd**ESK IM O**perating\" \n*"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Chopper logs? (6,7)","output":"### Answer: DENTAL RECORDS \n ### Explanation: Chopper logs? (6,7)\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What might be ridiculous to a dunce and I? (9)","output":"### Answer: EDUCATION \n ### Explanation: What might be ridiculous to a dunce and I? (9)\n***(to a dunce i)** [anag:*ridiculous*] and &lit."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: People who make a living as stock-takers? (8)","output":"### Answer: RUSTLERS \n ### Explanation: People who make a living as stock-takers? (8)\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Keep an eye on idiot visiting heathland (7)","output":"### Answer: MONITOR \n ### Explanation: Keep an eye on idiot visiting heathland (7)\n**NIT** (\"idiot\") *visiting* **MOOR** (\"heathland\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Agree with critical description of Tory! (6)","output":"### Answer: CONCUR \n ### Explanation: Agree with critical description of Tory! (6)\nIf you called a Tory (**CON**) a **CUR**, that would be considered a critical comment (or a truthful one, depending on your political leanings?)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Margin used in a preparatory textbook (6)","output":"### Answer: PRIMER \n ### Explanation: Margin used in a preparatory textbook (6)\n**RIM** (\"margin\") *used in* **PER** (\"a\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Scrap ending in rioting cats and dogs? (5)","output":"### Answer: GRAIN \n ### Explanation: Scrap ending in rioting cats and dogs? (5)\n[*ending in*] (riotin)**G** + **RAIN** (\"cats and dogs\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Girl taking long strides, moving fast (9)","output":"### Answer: GALLOPING \n ### Explanation: Girl taking long strides, moving fast (9)\n**GAL** (\"girl\") + **LOPING** (\"taking long strides\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pulls turf back (5)","output":"### Answer: DRAWS \n ### Explanation: Pulls turf back (5)\n**<=SWARD** (\"turf\", *back*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Impervious academic eats nothing (5)","output":"### Answer: PROOF \n ### Explanation: Impervious academic eats nothing (5)\n**PROF.** (\"academic\") *eats* **O** (\"nothing\") \n*Definition is a little loose for me, as one can say that sonething is fire-proof, but I don't think you could say that it is fire-impervious?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Does it collect the views of suckers? (5,4)","output":"### Answer: STRAW POLL \n ### Explanation: Does it collect the views of suckers? (5,4)\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Guided by a crooked man (10)","output":"### Answer: SHEPHERDED \n ### Explanation: Guided by a crooked man (10)\nCryptic definition (shepherds traditionally carried crooks)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mock judge always (4)","output":"### Answer: JEER \n ### Explanation: Mock judge always (4)\n**J** (judge) + **E'ER** (\"always\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wore bra uncomfortably in fight (4,3)","output":"### Answer: BOER WAR \n ### Explanation: Wore bra uncomfortably in fight (4,3)\n***(wore bra)** [anag;*uncomfortably*] \n*A bit of an understatement to call the Boer War a fight\u2026"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Oddly, their arachnid is an insect (7)","output":"### Answer: TERMITE \n ### Explanation: Oddly, their arachnid is an insect (7)\n[*oddly*] **T**(h)**E**(i)**R** + **MITE\u00a0**(\"arachnid\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: They make a dish with iron (7)","output":"### Answer: WAFFLES \n ### Explanation: They make a dish with iron (7)\nCryptic defintion \u2013 one needs a waffle iron to make waffles."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Keeper\u00a0who saves extravagantly (7)","output":"### Answer: HOARDER \n ### Explanation: Keeper\u00a0who saves extravagantly (7)\nDouble definition, although there's not much difference between the two."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: So hesitantly give dismissal (4)","output":"### Answer: ERGO \n ### Explanation: So hesitantly give dismissal (4)\nIf one hesitantly tells someone to go, it may come out as \"**ER, GO**!\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Scores of eye movements in sleep (5,5)","output":"### Answer: FORTY WINKS \n ### Explanation: Scores of eye movements in sleep (5,5)\n**FORTY** ((2) \"scores\") **WINKS** (\"eye movements\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The way Nazis made progress? (5-4)","output":"### Answer: GOOSE-STEP \n ### Explanation: The way Nazis made progress? (5-4)\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tears flowing: that's shocking (5)","output":"### Answer: TASER \n ### Explanation: Tears flowing: that's shocking (5)\n***(tears)** [anag:*flowing*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Scatterbrained? In another case, I could be so described (5)","output":"### Answer: DOTTY \n ### Explanation: Scatterbrained? In another case, I could be so described (5)\n*In another case* (i.e. lower case) I becomes \"i\", which could described as \"dotty\" as it has a dot on it."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: It delays trader, getting involved with worker, perhaps (9)","output":"### Answer: RETARDANT \n ### Explanation: It delays trader, getting involved with worker, perhaps (9)\n***(trader)** [anag;*getting involved*] *with* **ANT** (\"worker, perhaps\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stares stupidly at bunch of fruit, having no resistance (5)","output":"### Answer: GAPES \n ### Explanation: Stares stupidly at bunch of fruit, having no resistance (5)\n**G**(r)**APES** (\"bunch of fruit\",* having no* R (resistance))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sort of folder seen in the autumn? (5-4)","output":"### Answer: LOOSE-LEAF \n ### Explanation: Sort of folder seen in the autumn? (5-4)\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unorthodox, like Humpty-Dumpty's end? (3,3,4)","output":"### Answer: OFF THE WALL \n ### Explanation: Unorthodox, like Humpty-Dumpty's end? (3,3,4)\nHumpty Dumpty met his demise by falling **OFF THE WALL"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: His services come at a premium (7)","output":"### Answer: INSURER \n ### Explanation: His services come at a premium (7)\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Grant me renewed personal cover (7)","output":"### Answer: GARMENT \n ### Explanation: Grant me renewed personal cover (7)\n***(grant me)\u00a0**[anag;*renewed*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bird new to this chorus (4)","output":"### Answer: DAWN \n ### Explanation: Bird new to this chorus (4)\nD**AW** (\"bird\") + **N** (new)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Came to wonder about fine (5)","output":"### Answer: AWOKE \n ### Explanation: Came to wonder about fine (5)\n**AWE** (\"wonder\") *about* **OK** (\"fine\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Time of revolution that may come to royal ears (5,4)","output":"### Answer: SOLAR YEAR \n ### Explanation: Time of revolution that may come to royal ears (5,4)\n***(royal ears)\u00a0**[anag;*that may come to*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Make no progress, but hold one's head up mainly (5,5)","output":"### Answer: TREAD WATER \n ### Explanation: Make no progress, but hold one's head up mainly (5,5)\nIf one were to hold one's head above the water (the main = sea), one coukld be described as **TREAD**Iing\u00a0**WATER"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Earnestly requested to bury bird with mild deformity (3-6)","output":"### Answer: BOW-LEGGED \n ### Explanation: Earnestly requested to bury bird with mild deformity (3-6)\n**BEGGED** (\"earnestly requested\") *to bury* **OWL** (\"bird\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Republic one's established inside another (9)","output":"### Answer: INDONESIA \n ### Explanation: Republic one's established inside another (9)\n**ONE\"S** *established inside* **INDIA** (\"another\" (republic))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Small wizard railway nerd? (7)","output":"### Answer: SPOTTER \n ### Explanation: Small wizard railway nerd? (7)\n**S** (small) + (Harry) **POTTER** (\"wizard\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Popular nightclub, where trouble is anticipated (3,4)","output":"### Answer: HOT SPOT \n ### Explanation: Popular nightclub, where trouble is anticipated (3,4)\n**HOT** (\"popular\") + **SPOT** (\"nightclub\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: In painful condition, love to leave the house (5)","output":"### Answer: GO OUT \n ### Explanation: In painful condition, love to leave the house (5)\n*in* **GOUT** (\"painful condition\"), **O** (\"love\") \n*An error in the enumeration, which should be (2,3)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Jack, a lover of lean\u00a0little fish (5)","output":"### Answer: SPRAT \n ### Explanation: Jack, a lover of lean\u00a0little fish (5)\nDouble definition, the first referring to the nursery rhyme character Jack Sprat."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Reject retreat, the last to stay (4)","output":"### Answer: DENY \n ### Explanation: Reject retreat, the last to stay (4)\n**DEN** (\"retreat\") + [t*he last to*] (sta)**Y"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Possible Venetian spy misunderstood subject (5,4)","output":"### Answer: BLIND SPOT \n ### Explanation: Possible Venetian spy misunderstood subject (5,4)\n**BLIND** (\"possible Venetian\") + **SPOT** (\"spy\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fielder caught six balls (5)","output":"### Answer: COVER \n ### Explanation: Fielder caught six balls (5)\n**C** (caught) + **OVER** (\"six balls\" in cricket). \nCover is a fielding position in cricket."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Writer remains active having released book (7)","output":"### Answer: EMERSON \n ### Explanation: Writer remains active having released book (7)\n**EM**(b)**ERS** (\"remains\") + **ON** (\"active\") *having released* B (book)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Attacked having paid to trap snow leopard (7)","output":"### Answer: POUNCED \n ### Explanation: Attacked having paid to trap snow leopard (7)\n**Pd.** (paid)* to trap* **OUNCE** (\"snow leopard\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Scorer required in the Johannesburg game? (5)","output":"### Answer: SATIE \n ### Explanation: Scorer required in the Johannesburg game? (5)\nA **S.A. TIE\u00a0**might be a game played in Johennesburg; S.A. = South Africa). \nErik Satie is one of my favourite composers (i.e. one who wrtites a score, so \"scorer\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sailor may snatch rum (9)","output":"### Answer: YACHTSMAN \n ### Explanation: Sailor may snatch rum (9)\n***(may snatch)** [anag:*rum*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stole pig that has no tail (3)","output":"### Answer: BOA \n ### Explanation: Stole pig that has no tail (3)\n**BOA**(r) (\"pig\" t*hat has no tail*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: As in the lane perhaps where Napoleon last walked (5,6)","output":"### Answer: SAINT HELENA \n ### Explanation: As in the lane perhaps where Napoleon last walked (5,6)\n***(as in the lane)** [anag;*perhaps*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Green Man? Here one finds whiskey! (7,4)","output":"### Answer: EMERALD ISLE \n ### Explanation: Green Man? Here one finds whiskey! (7,4)\n**EMERALD** (\"green\") +** ISLE** (\"Man?\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dorothy starts with dripping on toast (3)","output":"### Answer: DOT \n ### Explanation: Dorothy starts with dripping on toast (3)\n[*starts with*] **D**(ripping) **O**(n) **T**(oast)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Two similar animals for Spooner? Here's another! (5,4)","output":"### Answer: HONEY BEAR \n ### Explanation: Two similar animals for Spooner? Here's another! (5,4)\nHad the Rev. Spooner said them, **BUNNY HARE** (\"two similar animals\") may have come out as HONEY BEAR"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Far side in cooling tower is dark (5)","output":"### Answer: GLOOM \n ### Explanation: Far side in cooling tower is dark (5)\n[*far side in*] (coolin)**G** + **LOOM** (\"tower\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Shake and strive to restrain unruly youngster (7)","output":"### Answer: VIBRATE \n ### Explanation: Shake and strive to restrain unruly youngster (7)\n**VIE** (\"strive\") *to restrain* **BRAT** (\"unruly youngster\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unevenly coloured baked dish, no cover on top (7)","output":"### Answer: PIEBALD \n ### Explanation: Unevenly coloured baked dish, no cover on top (7)\n**PIE** (\"baked dish\") + **BALD** (\"no cover on top\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Can't do without Tyneside newsmen? (5)","output":"### Answer: NEEDS \n ### Explanation: Can't do without Tyneside newsmen? (5)\n**NE** (Northeast, so (to an Englishman at least) \"Tyneside\") +** EDS** (editors, so \"newmen\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: We initial changes to prepare ambush (3,2,4)","output":"### Answer: LIE IN WAIT \n ### Explanation: We initial changes to prepare ambush (3,2,4)\n***(we initial)** [anag:*changes*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Be grateful for B minus (5)","output":"### Answer: BLESS \n ### Explanation: Be grateful for B minus (5)\n**B** + **LESS** (\"minus\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Finer arts bias essentially causing stagnation (7)","output":"### Answer: INERTIA \n ### Explanation: Finer arts bias essentially causing stagnation (7)\n(f)**INE**(r) (a)**RT**(s) (b)**IA**(s) [*essentially*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Heartburn, said Pepys, should be treated (9)","output":"### Answer: DYSPEPSIA \n ### Explanation: Heartburn, said Pepys, should be treated (9)\n***(said pepys)** [anag;*should be treated*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Daring type out to throttle Liberal supporter (5,6)","output":"### Answer: PANTY GIRDLE \n ### Explanation: Daring type out to throttle Liberal supporter (5,6)\n***(daring type)** [anag;*out*] *to throttle* **L** (Liberal)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Upper surface found in vessel capsized (3)","output":"### Answer: TOP \n ### Explanation: Upper surface found in vessel capsized (3)\n**<=POT** (\"vessel\", *capiszed*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ring found in sharp suit pressed here (5)","output":"### Answer: COURT \n ### Explanation: Ring found in sharp suit pressed here (5)\n**O** (\"ring\") *found in* **CURT** (\"sharp\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Nobleman failing to grasp bon mots regularly (7)","output":"### Answer: VICOMTE \n ### Explanation: Nobleman failing to grasp bon mots regularly (7)\n**VICE** (\"failing\") *to hold* (b)**O**(n)**M**(o)**T**(s) [*regularly*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Communist and German worker not needed (9)","output":"### Answer: REDUNDANT \n ### Explanation: Communist and German worker not needed (9)\n**RED** (\"Communist\") + **UND** (\"and\" in \"German\") + **ANT** (\"worker\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Toaster chap fixed brings disaster (11)","output":"### Answer: CATASTROPHE \n ### Explanation: Toaster chap fixed brings disaster (11)\n***(toaster chap)\u00a0**[anag:*fixed*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Composer put plant on hot cooker (9)","output":"### Answer: BEETHOVEN \n ### Explanation: Composer put plant on hot cooker (9)\n**BEET** (\"plant\") *on* **H** (hot) **OVEN** (\"cooker\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Laurel for one remaining fresh and vital (9)","output":"### Answer: EVERGREEN \n ### Explanation: Laurel for one remaining fresh and vital (9)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dignify East German city overthrown by the French (7)","output":"### Answer: ENNOBLE \n ### Explanation: Dignify East German city overthrown by the French (7)\n**E** (East) + **<=BONN** (\"German city\" *overthrown*) *by* **LE** (\"the\" in \"French\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Miniature scene from play in which moon appears (7)","output":"### Answer: DIORAMA \n ### Explanation: Miniature scene from play in which moon appears (7)\n**DRAMA** (\"play\")* in which* **IO** (\"moon\" of Jupiter) *appears"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Support given over including English poet (5)","output":"### Answer: YEATS \n ### Explanation: Support given over including English poet (5)\n<**=STAY** (\"support\" *given over*) *including* **E** (English)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Thick fog covers centre of Reading (5)","output":"### Answer: MIDST \n ### Explanation: Thick fog covers centre of Reading (5)\n**MIST** (\"fog\") *covers* [*centre of*] (rea)**D**(ing)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Slippery character getting in somewhere else (3)","output":"### Answer: EEL \n ### Explanation: Slippery character getting in somewhere else (3)\nHidden in [*getting in*] \"somewher**E EL**se\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Blame guy for disruption \u2014 pest! (5,3)","output":"### Answer: MEALY BUG \n ### Explanation: Blame guy for disruption \u2014 pest! (5,3)\n***(blame guy)** [anag:*for disruption*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Keeping Iron Cross under cover (6)","output":"### Answer: ROOFED \n ### Explanation: Keeping Iron Cross under cover (6)\n**ROOD** (\"cross\") *keeping* **Fe** (chemical symbol for \"iron\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Policy reversal \u2014 what's afoot? (4-4)","output":"### Answer: FLIP FLOP \n ### Explanation: Policy reversal \u2014 what's afoot? (4-4)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: In yet another way, describing queen the greatest example of this? (10)","output":"### Answer: INEQUALITY \n ### Explanation: In yet another way, describing queen the greatest example of this? (10)\n**IN** + ***(yet)** [anag:*another* *way*] *describing* **Qu** (queen) + Mohammad **ALI** (aka \"The Greatest\"), so **IN-E(QU-ALI)TY\u00a0**and &lit."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Force to cut back \u2014 cool (6)","output":"### Answer: POLICE \n ### Explanation: Force to cut back \u2014 cool (6)\n**<=LOP** (\"to cut\" *back*) + **ICE** (\"cool\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Making good progress over puzzle finally \u2014 tend to be a far from lateral thinker (3-5,4)","output":"### Answer: ONE TRACK MIND \n ### Explanation: Making good progress over puzzle finally \u2014 tend to be a far from lateral thinker (3-5,4)\n**ON TRACK** (\"making good progress\") *over* (puzzl)**E** [*finally*] + **MIND** (\"tend\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Henry going: 'The price is different and this might prove it' (7)","output":"### Answer: RECEIPT \n ### Explanation: Henry going: 'The price is different and this might prove it' (7)\n***(te price) **[anag:*is different*] with TE being T(h)E (H for Henry *going*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ancient city, or a new one adopted by charity (7)","output":"### Answer: ANTIOCH \n ### Explanation: Ancient city, or a new one adopted by charity (7)\nAll i can see is **A** + **N** (new) + I (one) *adopted by* **Toc H** (a Christian \"charity) \n*If that is the right parsing, I call foul, as Toc Hseems way too niche to me."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Detective Murphy talking \u2014 he's in sole charge (8)","output":"### Answer: DICTATOR \n ### Explanation: Detective Murphy talking \u2014 he's in sole charge (8)\nHomophone [*talking*] of **DICK** + **TATER** (\"detective\" and \"murphy\" i.e potato)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: City have negligible backing? Not entirely! (6)","output":"### Answer: GENEVA \n ### Explanation: City have negligible backing? Not entirely! (6)\nHidden [*not entirely*] backwards in \"h**AVE NEG**ligible\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Quack, quack! Duck walks in at the start (10)","output":"### Answer: HOMEOPATHS \n ### Explanation: Quack, quack! Duck walks in at the start (10)\n**O** (\"duck\" in cricket) + **PATHS** (\"walks\") with **HOME** (\"in\") *at the start"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Desire for union to accept current offer, see (6)","output":"### Answer: LIBIDO \n ### Explanation: Desire for union to accept current offer, see (6)\n**LO** (\"see\") *to accept* **I** (symbol for \"current\") + **BID** (\"offer\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Shocks skinhead graffiti artists (8)","output":"### Answer: STAGGERS \n ### Explanation: Shocks skinhead graffiti artists (8)\n**S**(kin) [head] + **TAGGERS** (\"graffiti artists\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Finished digging? My congratulations! (4,4)","output":"### Answer: WELL DONE \n ### Explanation: Finished digging? My congratulations! (4,4)\nOnce one has \"finished digging\", the **WELL** would be **DONE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Over 50 in substantial English force (6)","output":"### Answer: OBLIGE \n ### Explanation: Over 50 in substantial English force (6)\n**O** (over, in cricket) + **L** (50 in Roman numerals) *in* **BIG** (\"substantial\") + **E** (English)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Young lady's cheating boy\u00adfriend finally kicked out (row overheard) (8)","output":"### Answer: FRAULEIN \n ### Explanation: Young lady's cheating boy\u00adfriend finally kicked out (row overheard) (8)\n**FRAU**(d) (\"cheating\" with (boyfrien)D [*finally kicked out*]) + homophone of **LINE** (\"row\" *overheard*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old girl's an unexpectedly key associate of 4 (6,4)","output":"### Answer: DOLLAR SIGN \n ### Explanation: Old girl's an unexpectedly key associate of 4 (6,4)\n***(old girls an)** [anag:*unexpectedly*] \n*On a standard keyboard, the numeral 4 and the dollar sign () share a key."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hello admits shocking treatment \u2014 celeb initially furious (6)","output":"### Answer: HECTIC \n ### Explanation: Hello admits shocking treatment \u2014 celeb initially furious (6)\n**HI** (\"hello\") *accepts* **ECT** (*electoconvulsive therapy*, so \"shocking treatment\") + **C**(eleb) [*initially*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Flipping sniffer dog slips lead but doesn't give up (4,2)","output":"### Answer: GOES ON \n ### Explanation: Flipping sniffer dog slips lead but doesn't give up (4,2)\n[*flipping*] **<=NOSE** (d)**OG**\u00a0(with (d)OG *slipping its lead)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Beset by trouble, one's bordering on careless almost (2,8)","output":"### Answer: IN EXTREMIS \n ### Explanation: Beset by trouble, one's bordering on careless almost (2,8)\n**I** (\"one\") + **NEXT** (\"bordering on\") + **REMIS**(s) (\"careless\", *almost*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Our great leader shortly to reveal this dishonest scheme (3-2,3)","output":"### Answer: PUT-UP-JOB \n ### Explanation: Our great leader shortly to reveal this dishonest scheme (3-2,3)\n\"Our great leader\" (meant, I hope, sarcastically) would be BOJO (\"Boris Johnson\"), so BOJO *shortly* is BOJ, and, PUT UP, that becomes JOB, so we end up with **PUT-UP JOB"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: City which's announced bid (8)","output":"### Answer: COVENTRY \n ### Explanation: City which's announced bid (8)\n**COVEN** (which's being a homophone of \"witches\"\u00a0[*announced*]) + **TRY** (\"bid\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bill claims Republican is irritating (6)","output":"### Answer: GRATES \n ### Explanation: Bill claims Republican is irritating (6)\n(Bill) **GATES** *claims* **R** (Republican)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Setter rolling in money mostly keeps working \u2014 not being serious! (6)","output":"### Answer: IRONIC \n ### Explanation: Setter rolling in money mostly keeps working \u2014 not being serious! (6)\n**I** (\"setter\") + **RIC**(h) (\"rolling in money\", *mostly*) *keeps* **ON** (\"working\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Shut up a second! B___ stopping? I hope he is (6)","output":"### Answer: GASBAG \n ### Explanation: Shut up a second! B___ stopping? I hope he is (6)\n**GAG** (\"shut up\") *stopping* **A** + **S** (second) + **B ***It's difficult to identify what exactly the definition here is (I don't believe this could be an & lit. clue) but you would definitely want to stop a gasbag."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The last, not the first \u2014 great (4)","output":"### Answer: MEGA \n ### Explanation: The last, not the first \u2014 great (4)\n(o)**MEGA** (\"the last\" letter of the Greek alphabet, but missing its first letter [*not the first*])"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Chew over Cook's opening with eleven runs (8)","output":"### Answer: CONSIDER \n ### Explanation: Chew over Cook's opening with eleven runs (8)\n**C**(ook's) [opening] + **ON** (\"with\", as in \"beans on toast\") + **SIDE** (\"eleven\" as in a cricket eleven) + **R** (runs, in cricket)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Country accepted Republican twist? (6)","output":"### Answer: SPRAIN \n ### Explanation: Country accepted Republican twist? (6)\n**SPAIN** (\"country\")\u00a0*accepting* **R** (Republican)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Being knowledgeable\u00a0become teary (4,2)","output":"### Answer: WELL UP \n ### Explanation: Being knowledgeable\u00a0become teary (4,2)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Delightful tea with the best china? (8)","output":"### Answer: CHARMING \n ### Explanation: Delightful tea with the best china? (8)\n**CHAR** (\"tea\") + **MING** (\"china\" vase)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A piece of cake is, perhaps, buttery but not gross (4)","output":"### Answer: EASY \n ### Explanation: A piece of cake is, perhaps, buttery but not gross (4)\n(gr)**EASY\u00a0**(\"buttery\", *but not* Gr. (gross))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: More than double more or less divided the sign of high scorers? (6,4)","output":"### Answer: TREBLE CLEF \n ### Explanation: More than double more or less divided the sign of high scorers? (6,4)\n**TREBLE** (\"more than double\") + **CLEF**(t) (\"divided\" *more or less*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sense revitalised by the return of dry extracts (8)","output":"### Answer: ESSENCES \n ### Explanation: Sense revitalised by the return of dry extracts (8)\n***(sense)** [anag:*revitalised*] *by* [*the return of*] **<=SEC** (\"dry\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fellow quitting parody's review makes mistaken exclamation (4)","output":"### Answer: OOPS \n ### Explanation: Fellow quitting parody's review makes mistaken exclamation (4)\n*F (fellow) quitting* **<=SPOO**(f) (\"parody\", *reviewed*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Quiet nana's amorous advance (4)","output":"### Answer: PASS \n ### Explanation: Quiet nana's amorous advance (4)\n**P** (piano in music, so \"quiet\") + **ASS** (\"nana\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Iron they forged according to principle (2,6)","output":"### Answer: IN THEORY \n ### Explanation: Iron they forged according to principle (2,6)\n***(iron they)** [anag;*forged*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Biscuit is a British hot shot, say (10)","output":"### Answer: BRANDYSNAP \n ### Explanation: Biscuit is a British hot shot, say (10)\n**B** (British) + **RANDY** (\"hot\") + **SNAP** (\"shot, say\" as in a holiday snap being a photo, a shot)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Drink after time \u2013 that might be a whopper (4)","output":"### Answer: TALE \n ### Explanation: Drink after time \u2013 that might be a whopper (4)\n**ALE** (\"drink\") *after* **T** (time)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sadly at risk we skim over the surface (5,3)","output":"### Answer: WATER SKI \n ### Explanation: Sadly at risk we skim over the surface (5,3)\n***(at risk we)** [anag;*sadly*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Primarily at large? (6)","output":"### Answer: ABROAD \n ### Explanation: Primarily at large? (6)\n[*primarily*] **A**(t) + **BROAD** (\"large\") and &lit."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tabloid's dithering trope about Duke (6)","output":"### Answer: REDTOP \n ### Explanation: Tabloid's dithering trope about Duke (6)\n***(trope)** [anag;*dithering*] *about* **D** (duke)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wind in bit of fork is an alpine feature? (4,4)","output":"### Answer: TREE LINE \n ### Explanation: Wind in bit of fork is an alpine feature? (4,4)\n**REEL** (\"wind\")* in* **TINE** (\"bit of fork\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Papandreou's last letter which stands for resistance (5)","output":"### Answer: OMEGA \n ### Explanation: Papandreou's last letter which stands for resistance (5)\nDouble defintion (last letter of the Greek alphabet, and the symbol for an ohm, a unit of resistance in physics)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: When journo jokes about rash age (5,6)","output":"### Answer: SILLY SEASON \n ### Explanation: When journo jokes about rash age (5,6)\n**SILLY** (\"rash\") + **SEASON** (\"age\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dummy declines HP (8)","output":"### Answer: DIPSTICK \n ### Explanation: Dummy declines HP (8)\n**DIPS** (\"declines\") + **TICK** (credit, or Hire Purchase, so \"HP\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A high-flier who launches one studying salad? (6,9)","output":"### Answer: ROCKET SCIENTIST \n ### Explanation: A high-flier who launches one studying salad? (6,9)\nSomeone studying rocket, (i.e. the leaves), could be called a rocket scientist."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Established\u00a0place to house hacks, for example (6)","output":"### Answer: STABLE \n ### Explanation: Established\u00a0place to house hacks, for example (6)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What Trump conceals is bizarre (3)","output":"### Answer: RUM \n ### Explanation: What Trump conceals is bizarre (3)\nHidden in (t)**RUM**(p)\u00a0[*conceals*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Carry on blocking exclusive or private landlord (9)","output":"### Answer: INNKEEPER \n ### Explanation: Carry on blocking exclusive or private landlord (9)\n**KEEP** (\"carry on\") *blocking* **INNER** (\"exclusive or private\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What shifts fat? Tight clothes and active role (11)","output":"### Answer: CHOLESTEROL \n ### Explanation: What shifts fat? Tight clothes and active role (11)\n***(clothes)** [anag:*tight*] + ***(role)** [anag:*active*] \n*Not sure what the definition is supposed to be here. Cholesterol is a type of fat, and does not shift fat, as far as my non-scientific thinking goes, but happy to be corrected if I have got it wrong."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Celeb carrying one bit of baggage in flight (9)","output":"### Answer: STAIRCASE \n ### Explanation: Celeb carrying one bit of baggage in flight (9)\n**STAR** (\"celeb\") *carrying* **I** (one) + **CASE** (\"bit of luggage\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Shutdown is opposed in theatre (8)","output":"### Answer: STOPPAGE \n ### Explanation: Shutdown is opposed in theatre (8)\n**Opp.** (opposed) *in* **STAGE** (\"theatre\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Junk shop's in possession of yard sprinkler (6)","output":"### Answer: HYSSOP \n ### Explanation: Junk shop's in possession of yard sprinkler (6)\n***(shops)** [anag:*junk*]* in possession of* **Y** (yard) \n*A hyssop is used to sprinkle holy water."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pick up Latin warrant (5)","output":"### Answer: LEARN \n ### Explanation: Pick up Latin warrant (5)\n**L** (Latin) + **EARN** (\"warrant\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What to do with mutton, eg, with its head removed (3)","output":"### Answer: EAT \n ### Explanation: What to do with mutton, eg, with its head removed (3)\n(m)**EAT **(\"mutton, eg\" *with its head removed*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Small journo with extremely large tie (7)","output":"### Answer: SHACKLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: tie\n**S** (small) + **HACK** (\"journo\") *with* [*extremely*] **L**(arg)**E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Favoured plot has comparatively little content (7)","output":"### Answer: BLESSED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Favoured\n**BED** (\"plot\") *has* **LESS** (\"comparatively little\") *content* (ie in it), so **B(LESSE)ED"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Particle to attach firmly, we're told (5)","output":"### Answer: GLUON \n ### Explanation: Definition: Particle\nHomophone [*we're told*] of **GLUE ON** (\"to attach firmly\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Acclaimed fellow's gone outside large university, uncertain (9)","output":"### Answer: AMBIGUOUS \n ### Explanation: Definition: uncertain\n(f)**AMOUS** (\"acclaimed\" with F (fellow) *gone*) *outside* **BIG** (\"large\") **U** (university)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Noble statesman pursuing grouse for his dinner, perhaps (4,10)","output":"### Answer: BEEF WELLINGTON \n ### Explanation: Definition: his dinner, perhaps\n**WELLINGTON** (\"noble statesman\") *pursuing* **BEEF** (\"grouse\", as in complain)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Northern stars returning for festival (4)","output":"### Answer: NOEL \n ### Explanation: Definition: festival\n**N** (northern) + **<=LEO** (constellation, so \"stars\", *returning*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lady regularly feels restricted by heart problem (8)","output":"### Answer: ANGELINA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Lady\n[*regulary*] (f)**E**(e)**L**(s) *restricted by* **ANGINA** (\"heart problem\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Former singers last to go forward, one stretching a leg? (8)","output":"### Answer: EXTENSOR \n ### Explanation: Definition: one stretching a leg?\n**EX** (\"former\") + **TEN(S)OR**(s) (\"singers (tenors) with its *last* (letter) *going forward* a bit)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Summit at Chequers must end, only leaders staying (4)","output":"### Answer: ACME \n ### Explanation: Definition: Summit\n[*only leaders staying*] of **A**(t) **C**(hequers) **M**(ust) **E**(nd)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The first thing pilfered to fund Firebird production? (9,5)","output":"### Answer: FORBIDDEN FRUIT \n ### Explanation: Definition: The first thing pilfered\n***(to fund firebird)** [anag;*production*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: King departing, crab-like, is unusually crabby (9)","output":"### Answer: IRASCIBLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: crabby\n***(crablie is)** [anag:unusually] where \"crablie\" is \"crablike\" with K (King) *departing"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Horseman it's said put on uniform to join forces (5)","output":"### Answer: UNITE \n ### Explanation: Definition: to join forces\nHomophone [*it's said*] of **KNIGHT** (\"horseman\") *put on* **U** (uniform)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Drab female abandons fuel top Nazi collects (7)","output":"### Answer: HUELESS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Drab\nF (female) *abandons* (f)**UEL** that **HESS** (\"top Nazi\") *collects*, so (**H**-(f)**UEL-ESS**)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Son faces hazard with extra heart, showing off (7)","output":"### Answer: SWAGGER \n ### Explanation: Definition: showing off\n**S** (son) *faces* **WAG(G)ER** (\"hazard\" with extra middle letter (heart))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Put one's name on\u00a0placard (4)","output":"### Answer: SIGN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Put one's name on\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Craft cameramen used at leisure facility (9,6)","output":"### Answer: AMUSEMENT ARCADE \n ### Explanation: Definition: leisure facility\n***(cameramen used at)\u00a0**[anag:*craft*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fine antelope in country turned up in Chinese art (4,2)","output":"### Answer: KUNG FU \n ### Explanation: Definition: Chinese art\n<=(**F** (fine) + **GNU** (\"antelope\") *in* **UK** (\"country\")) [*turned up*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Times editor taken out, not to be seen (6)","output":"### Answer: ERASED \n ### Explanation: Definition: taken out, not to be seen\n**ERAS** (\"times\") + **ED** (editor)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Incoherent article penned by bishops on ostentatious items (8)","output":"### Answer: BABBLING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Incoherent\n**A** (\"article\") *penned by* **B B** (bishops) *on* **BLING** (\"ostentations items\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Direct English poet's never drinking alcohol (8)","output":"### Answer: ENGINEER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Direct \n**E** (English) + **NE'ER** (\"poet's never\") *drinking* **GIN** (\"alcohol\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Avoiding strong drink, ending revolution (5-10)","output":"### Answer: SHORT-CIRCUITING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Avoiding\n**SHORT** (\"strong drink\") + **CIRCUITING** (\"ending revolution\", as in completing a circle)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Separate royal headline from February 1981? (10)","output":"### Answer: DISENGAGED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Separate\n(Lady) **DI'S ENGAGED** may have been a headline in February 1981"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bumbling train thief with multiple convictions (10)","output":"### Answer: INTERFAITH \n ### Explanation: Definition: with multiple convictions\n***(train thief)** [anag:*bumbling*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Nancy's in Lima wearing enchantress's ring (8)","output":"### Answer: ENCIRCLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: ring\n**EN** (\"in\" in \"Nancy\" (French city)) + **L** (Lima in the phonetic alphabet) *wearing* **CIRCE** (mythical \"enchantress\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old graduate splitting pants in Nicaraguan capital (8)","output":"### Answer: CORDOBAS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Nicaraguan capital\n**O** (old) + **BA** (Bachelor of Arts, so \"graduate\") *splitting* **CORDS** (\"pants\") \n*The cordoba is the unit of currency in Nicaragua, hence \"Nicaraguan capital\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Save when banks leave fund a smaller amount (6)","output":"### Answer: UNLESS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Save\n[*banks leave*] (f)**UN**(d) + **LESS** (\"a smaller amount\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Shock as naked guy boards vehicle close to arena (6)","output":"### Answer: TRAUMA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Shock\n[*naked*] (g)**U**(y) *boards* **TRAM** (\"vehicle\") + [*close to*] (aren)**A"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sound made by animals cherished (4)","output":"### Answer: DEAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: cherished\nHomophone of [*sound made by*] **DEER** (\"animals\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Game society girl round Sussex town given drink (5-9)","output":"### Answer: SHOVE-HALFPENNY \n ### Explanation: Game society girl round Sussex town given drink (5-9)\n**S** (society) + **PENNY** (\"girl\") *round* **HOVE** (\"Sussex town\") *given* **HALF** (\"drink\"), so **S(HOVE-HALF)PENNY"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hekmatyar mediates to provide with weapon (5)","output":"### Answer: ARMED \n ### Explanation: Hekmatyar mediates to provide with weapon (5)\nHidden in [*to provide*] \"hekmaty**AR MED**iates\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Not giving in, knocked back beer with staff endlessly (9)","output":"### Answer: INELASTIC \n ### Explanation: Not giving in, knocked back beer with staff endlessly (9)\n**IN** + [*knocked back*] **<=ALE** (\"beer\") *with* **STIC**(k) (\"staff\" *endlessly*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Buddhist figure \u2013 bloke a boy follows around (7)","output":"### Answer: MANDALA \n ### Explanation: Buddhist figure \u2013 bloke a boy follows around (7)\n**MAN** (\"bloke\") *followed* by\u00a0**<=A LAD** (\"a boy\", *around*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Still incorrect \u2013 become equal (4,3)","output":"### Answer: EVEN OUT \n ### Explanation: Still incorrect \u2013 become equal (4,3)\n**EVEN** (\"still\") + **OUT** (\"incorrect\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: That is chump catching ball (2,3)","output":"### Answer: TO WIT \n ### Explanation: That is chump catching ball (2,3)\n**TWIT** (\"chump\") *catching* **O** (\"ball\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Such a person is male and flirtatious (6,3)","output":"### Answer: LADIES MAN \n ### Explanation: Such a person is male and flirtatious (6,3)\n*Can't see anything cryptic here?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Incredibly low fare with my old transport (9)","output":"### Answer: MAYFLOWER \n ### Explanation: Incredibly low fare with my old transport (9)\n***(low fare my)**[anag:*incredibly*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Around noon, what Roman put on vehicle (5)","output":"### Answer: TONGA \n ### Explanation: Around noon, what Roman put on vehicle (5)\n*Around* **N** (noon),** TOGA** (\"what a Roman put on\") \n*A tonga is a two-wheeled horse-drawn carriage in India."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Secretary coming in recognised writer's block (7)","output":"### Answer: NOTEPAD \n ### Explanation: Secretary coming in recognised writer's block (7)\n**PA** (personal assistant, so \"secretary\")* coming in* **NOTED** (\"recognised\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Flyer sees V1 in two areas approaching hill (7)","output":"### Answer: AVIATOR \n ### Explanation: Flyer sees V1 in two areas approaching hill (7)\n**VI** *in* **A**+**A** (two areas) *approaching* **TOR** (\"hill\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Force rips off part of dress (9)","output":"### Answer: CONSTRAIN \n ### Explanation: Force rips off part of dress (9)\n**CONS** (\"rips off\") + **TRAIN** (\"part of dress\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: To be hesitant is not entirely modest (5)","output":"### Answer: DEMUR \n ### Explanation: To be hesitant is not entirely modest (5)\n[*not entirely*] **DEMUR**(e) (\"modest\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Yank consortium designed skyscrapers there? (5,9)","output":"### Answer: ROCKY MOUNTAINS \n ### Explanation: Yank consortium designed skyscrapers there? (5,9)\n***(yank consortium)** [anag:*designed*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Author sees ambassador on road touring China (9)","output":"### Answer: HEMINGWAY \n ### Explanation: Author sees ambassador on road touring China (9)\n**HE** (His or Her Excellency, so \"ambassador\") *on* **WAY** (\"road\") *touring* **MING** (\"china\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old duke regularly seen in V&A shows spirit (5)","output":"### Answer: VODKA \n ### Explanation: Old duke regularly seen in V&A shows spirit (5)\n**O** (old) + **D**(u)**K**(e) [*regularly*] *seen* *in* **V** + **A"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One might succeed with a real burst (4-2-3)","output":"### Answer: HEIR-AT-LAW \n ### Explanation: One might succeed with a real burst (4-2-3)\n***(with a real)** [anag:*burst*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Superior pork pie on case of Grenache (5)","output":"### Answer: LIEGE \n ### Explanation: Superior pork pie on case of Grenache (5)\n**LIE** (\"pork pie\") *on* [*case of*] **G**(renach)**E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Scheme shortly to secure job assignment (9)","output":"### Answer: PLACEMENT \n ### Explanation: Scheme shortly to secure job assignment (9)\n**PLA**(n) (\"scheme\" *shortly*) + **CEMENT** (\"to secure\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Explosive beginning in which one appears late (5)","output":"### Answer: NITRO \n ### Explanation: Explosive beginning in which one appears late (5)\n(i)**N**(**I**)**TRO\u00a0**(\"beginning\" (intro) *in which* I *appears late*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mexican state feline found in Chinese capital (7)","output":"### Answer: YUCATAN \n ### Explanation: Mexican state feline found in Chinese capital (7)\n**CAT** (\"feline\") *found in* **YUAN** (\"Chinese capital\" ie money)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Two males mounting Alpine animal (6)","output":"### Answer: MARMOT \n ### Explanation: Two males mounting Alpine animal (6)\n**<=TOM** + **RAM\u00a0**(\"two males\" *mounting*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Record in contrived tale your religious clairvoyance (9)","output":"### Answer: TELEPATHY \n ### Explanation: Record in contrived tale your religious clairvoyance (9)\n**EP** (\"record\") i*n* ***(tale)** [anag:*contrived*] + **THY** (\"your\" in *religious* texts)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Silver given by relative to support flash swordsman (9)","output":"### Answer: D\u2019ARTAGNAN \n ### Explanation: Silver given by relative to support flash swordsman (9)\n**Ag** (\"silver\") *given by* **NAN** (\"relative\") *to support* **DART** (\"flash\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: ICBM takes sixty seconds reaching island (9)","output":"### Answer: MINUTEMAN \n ### Explanation: ICBM takes sixty seconds reaching island (9)\n**MINUTE** (\"sixty seconds\") *reaching* (Isle of) **MAN ***A minuteman is a three-stage intercontinental ballistic missile."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Criminal endlessly tinkered with small motor (7)","output":"### Answer: MINICAR \n ### Explanation: Criminal endlessly tinkered with small motor (7)\n***(crimina)\u00a0**[anag:*tinkered with*] where crimina is CRIMINA(l) [*endlessly*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Gold in atmosphere and light in sky (6)","output":"### Answer: AURORA \n ### Explanation: Gold in atmosphere and light in sky (6)\n**OR** (\"gold\" in heraldry) **in** **AURA** (\"atmosphere\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: 199 finding remedy? (5)","output":"### Answer: TONIC \n ### Explanation: 199 finding remedy? (5)\n**TON** (100) + **IC** (99 in Roman numerals) (100+99 = 199)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Harsh legislator sending old humorist to Heaven? (5)","output":"### Answer: DRACO \n ### Explanation: Harsh legislator sending old humorist to Heaven? (5)\n**<=**(**O**(old) + **CARD** (\"humorist\")) *sent to Heaven* i.e. upwards)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Home help going up country (5)","output":"### Answer: INDIA \n ### Explanation: Home help going up country (5)\n**IN** (\"home\") + **<=AID** (\"help\", *going up*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Oral surgeon's first name revealed in Punch? Just the opposite (6)","output":"### Answer: SPOKEN \n ### Explanation: Oral surgeon's first name revealed in Punch? Just the opposite (6)\n**POKE** (\"punch\") *in* **S**(urgeon) ['s first] + **N"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Whip animal to gain speed? Not at first (8)","output":"### Answer: LAMBASTE \n ### Explanation: Whip animal to gain speed? Not at first (8)\n**LAMB** (\"animal\") *to gain* (h)**ASTE** (\"speed\", *not at first*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Thus deleting conclusion of article before getting a word of warning (9)","output":"### Answer: THEREFORE \n ### Explanation: Thus deleting conclusion of article before getting a word of warning (9)\n[*deleting conclusion of*] **TH**(e) (\"article\") + **ERE** (\"before\") *getting* **FORE** (\"a word of warning\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Not one tenor in this group of performers (5)","output":"### Answer: NONET \n ### Explanation: Not one tenor in this group of performers (5)\n**NONE** (\"not one\") + **T** (tenor)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Indifferent when sailor's grabbed by drunk? Not entirely (2-2)","output":"### Answer: SO-SO \n ### Explanation: Indifferent when sailor's grabbed by drunk? Not entirely (2-2)\n**OS** (ordinary seaman, so \"sailor\") *grabbed by* **SO**(t) (\"drunk\", *not entirely*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hurry up with denial over backing pal employed by Gove earlier (3,1,4,2)","output":"### Answer: GET A MOVE ON \n ### Explanation: Hurry up with denial over backing pal employed by Gove earlier (3,1,4,2)\n**<=NO** (\"denial\" *over*) + [*backing*] **<=MATE** *employed by* **GOVE** *earlier, *so **G(ETAM)OVE-ON"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Jog right around in turn stopping to take rest at the end (7)","output":"### Answer: DOGTROT \n ### Explanation: Jog right around in turn stopping to take rest at the end (7)\n**<=Rt.** (right, *around*) *in* **GO** (\"turn\") *stopping* **DO** (\"to take\", as in \"to study\" e.g. to take English, to do English) + (res)**T** [*at the end*], so **DO-G(tR)O-T"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Reveal fellow needing no introduction at church (6)","output":"### Answer: EVINCE \n ### Explanation: Reveal fellow needing no introduction at church (6)\n(k)**EVIN** (\"fellow\",* needing no introduction* (i.e. first letter)) *at* **CE** (Church (of England))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Prevent small fairy taking it back (6)","output":"### Answer: STIFLE \n ### Explanation: Prevent small fairy taking it back (6)\n**S** (small) + **<=**(**ELF** (\"fairy\") *taking* **IT**) *back*, so **S(TI-FLE)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unusual compass found on street (7)","output":"### Answer: STRANGE \n ### Explanation: Unusual compass found on street (7)\n**RANGE** (\"compass\") *found on* **ST** (street)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Girl in retrospect almost lay with old American wanton (10)","output":"### Answer: LASCIVIOUS \n ### Explanation: Girl in retrospect almost lay with old American wanton (10)\n**<=SAL** (\"girl\" *in retrospect*) + [*almost*] **CIVI**(c) (\"lay\") *with* **O** (old) + **US** (American)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Star turn close to Virginia (4)","output":"### Answer: NOVA \n ### Explanation: Star turn close to Virginia (4)\n[*turn*] **ON** (\"close to\") +** Va.** (Virginia)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Taken from weevil larvae discovered in house (5)","output":"### Answer: VILLA \n ### Explanation: Taken from weevil larvae discovered in house (5)\nHidden in [*taken from*] \"wee**VIL LA**rvae\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Persistent noise bat produces over time (9)","output":"### Answer: OBSTINATE \n ### Explanation: Persistent noise bat produces over time (9)\n***(noise bat)** [anag:*produces*] *over* **T"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Soldiers considered being paid off (8)","output":"### Answer: REDEEMED \n ### Explanation: Soldiers considered being paid off (8)\n**RE** (Royal Engineers, so \"soldiers\") + **DEEMED** (\"considered\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Scarper when up to something criminal on the borders of Belize (4,2)","output":"### Answer: BEAT IT \n ### Explanation: Scarper when up to something criminal on the borders of Belize (4,2)\n**AT IT** (\"up to something criminal\") *on* [*the borders of*] **B**(eliz)**E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Save or discard? (3-5)","output":"### Answer: SET-ASIDE \n ### Explanation: Save or discard? (3-5)\nDouble definition \n*The hyphen in the enumeration is wrong, as it changes the solution from a verb (which would match the clue) to an adjective (which does not)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Concerned with anything that is seen as supervision (9)","output":"### Answer: OVERSIGHT \n ### Explanation: Concerned with anything that is seen as supervision (9)\n**OVER** (\"concerned with\") + **SIGHT** (\"anything which is seen\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Always part without a hint of sadness (4)","output":"### Answer: EVER \n ### Explanation: Always part without a hint of sadness (4)\n(s)**EVER** (\"part\" *without* [*a hint of*] S(adness)]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mean to prevent missing the last time (7)","output":"### Answer: AVERAGE \n ### Explanation: Mean to prevent missing the last time (7)\n**AVER**(t)\u00a0(\"to prevent\", *missing the last*) + **AGE** (time)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Reportedly forbidden to use lorries right away as ammunition carriers (10)","output":"### Answer: BANDOLIERS \n ### Explanation: Reportedly forbidden to use lorries right away as ammunition carriers (10)\nHomophone of [*reportedly*] **BANNED** (\"forbidden\") + ***(lories)** [anag:*to use*] (being LOR(r)IES with R (right) *away*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Letters from Amundsen seditious in opinion (5)","output":"### Answer: SENSE \n ### Explanation: Letters from Amundsen seditious in opinion (5)\nHidden in [*letters from*] \"amund**SEN SE**ditious\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Without getting minister to reach out (6)","output":"### Answer: EXTEND \n ### Explanation: Without getting minister to reach out (6)\n**EX** (\"without\") *getting* **TEND** (\"minister\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Knight leaving to switch allegiance in secret (6)","output":"### Answer: COVERT \n ### Explanation: Knight leaving to switch allegiance in secret (6)\n**N** (knight, in chess) *leaving* **CO**(n)**VERT** (\"to switch allegiance\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wildly extravagant design of fragile pot (10)","output":"### Answer: PROFLIGATE \n ### Explanation: Wildly extravagant design of fragile pot (10)\n***(fragile pot)** [anag:*design of*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: In agreement with social worker about working with boy at first (9)","output":"### Answer: CONSONANT \n ### Explanation: In agreement with social worker about working with boy at first (9)\n**ANT** (\"social worker\") with **C** (circa, so \"about\") + **ON** (\"working\") *with* **SON** (\"boy\") *at first*, so **C-ON-SON-ANT"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Morally corrupt rebel feeding a negative effect (8)","output":"### Answer: DECADENT \n ### Explanation: Morally corrupt rebel feeding a negative effect (8)\n(Jack) **CADE** (English medieval \"rebel\") *feeding* **DENT** (\"a negative effect\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Abridgement of largely impressive book (7)","output":"### Answer: EPITOME \n ### Explanation: Abridgement of largely impressive book (7)\n[*largely*] **EPI**(c) (\"impressive\") + **TOME** (\"book\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Humiliate in game (6)","output":"### Answer: SQUASH \n ### Explanation: Humiliate in game (6)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Split up mischievous sons before start of recital (6)","output":"### Answer: SLIVER \n ### Explanation: Split up mischievous sons before start of recital (6)\n(**<=EVIL** (\"mischievous\") + **S** (sons), up) *before* [*start of*] **R**(ecital)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Large raise to join top firm (5)","output":"### Answer: SOLID \n ### Explanation: Large raise to join top firm (5)\n[*raise*] **<=OS** (oversize, so \"large\") *to join* **LID** (\"top\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A rich source of Vitamin B? Not half (4)","output":"### Answer: MINE \n ### Explanation: A rich source of Vitamin B? Not half (4)\n**MINE**(rals) (\"vitamin B?\", *not half*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wearing extravagant clothes on HP, say (12)","output":"### Answer: OVERDRESSING \n ### Explanation: Wearing extravagant clothes on HP, say (12)\n**OVER** (\"on\") + **DRESSING** (\"HP\" sauce, say)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Labour defends supremo regularly ignoring commotion (7)","output":"### Answer: TURMOIL \n ### Explanation: Labour defends supremo regularly ignoring commotion (7)\n**TOIL** (\"labour\") *defends* (s)**U**(p)**R**(e)**M**(o) [*regularly ignoring*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Parisian's ready eagerness to polish off a biscuit (7)","output":"### Answer: PRETZEL \n ### Explanation: Parisian's ready eagerness to polish off a biscuit (7)\n**PRET** (\"ready\" in French, so \"Parisian's ready\") + **ZE**(a)**L** (\"eagerness\" with A *polished off*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Relatively cold island, about one centigrade to the west (5)","output":"### Answer: ICIER \n ### Explanation: Relatively cold island, about one centigrade to the west (5)\n**I** (island) +** <=**(**RE** (\"about\") + **1** **C** (centigrade) *to the west*, i.e. to the left or backwards)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Craft loaf to be shifted around part of checkout (8)","output":"### Answer: FLOTILLA \n ### Explanation: Craft loaf to be shifted around part of checkout (8)\n***(loaf)** [anag:*to be shifted*] *around* **TILL** (\"part of checkout\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dash back with company car once, after a cocktail (4,6)","output":"### Answer: PINA COLADA \n ### Explanation: Dash back with company car once, after a cocktail (4,6)\n**<=NIP** (\"dash\", *back*) *with* **CO** (company) **LADA** (\"car, once\") *after* **A"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Central element of restaurants presented by staff? (4)","output":"### Answer: MENU \n ### Explanation: Central element of restaurants presented by staff? (4)\n[*central element of*] (resta)**U**(rants) *presented by* **MEN** (\"staff\") and &lit."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Restraint drops when chatting (4)","output":"### Answer: REIN \n ### Explanation: Restraint drops when chatting (4)\nHomophone [*when chatting*] of **RAIN** (\"drops\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Casually buy old bed, keeping ordinary twin possibly (4,6)","output":"### Answer: BODY DOUBLE \n ### Explanation: Casually buy old bed, keeping ordinary twin possibly (4,6)\n***(buy old bed)** [anag:*casually*] *keeping* **O** (ordinary)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dina runs in 200m event perhaps shining (8)","output":"### Answer: RADIANCE \n ### Explanation: Dina runs in 200m event perhaps shining (8)\n***(dina)** [anag:*runs*] *in* **RACE** (\"200m event perhaps\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Some schoolgirls returned home (5)","output":"### Answer: IGLOO \n ### Explanation: Some schoolgirls returned home (5)\nHidden backwards [*some\u2026returned*] in \"sch**OOLGI**rls\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Jawbone hurt after summit accident initially (7)","output":"### Answer: MAXILLA \n ### Explanation: Jawbone hurt after summit accident initially (7)\n**ILL** (\"hurt\") *after* **MAX** (\"summit\") + A(ccident) [*initially*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Jays moved into part of golf course rejecting company of flyers (7)","output":"### Answer: EASYJET \n ### Explanation: Jays moved into part of golf course rejecting company of flyers (7)\n***(jays)** [anag:*moved*] *into* **<=TEE **(\"part of golf course\", *rejecting*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: US actor's gown oddly tried on by Republican (6,2,4)","output":"### Answer: ROBERT DE NIRO \n ### Explanation: US actor's gown oddly tried on by Republican (6,2,4)\n**ROBE** (\"gown\") + ***(tried on)** [anag:*oddly*] *by* **R** (Republican)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rendering surface of villa, taking ages, brought about injury (7)","output":"### Answer: VERSION \n ### Explanation: Rendering surface of villa, taking ages, brought about injury (7)\n[*surface of*] **V**(illa) *taking* **EON** (\"ages\") *brought about* **RSI** (repetitive strain \"injury\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Carrier that might get jump start by breakdown service in Falkirk's outskirts (8)","output":"### Answer: ROOFRACK \n ### Explanation: Carrier that might get jump start by breakdown service in Falkirk's outskirts (8)\n(kanga)**ROO** (\"that might get jump start\") *by* **RAC** (Royal Automobile Club, \"breakdown service\") *in* **F**(alkir)**K** ['s outskirts]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Decoy requiring switch of hands to guide (4)","output":"### Answer: RULE \n ### Explanation: Decoy requiring switch of hands to guide (4)\n(l>**R**)**U**(r>**L**)**E**\u00a0(\"decoy\", LURE becomes \"to guide\" RULE when R and L (right and left) *hands* are *switched*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Time of government debates in a flexible way? Confusion resounded (6,4)","output":"### Answer: SUPPLY DAYS \n ### Explanation: Time of government debates in a flexible way? Confusion resounded (6,4)\n**SUPPLY** (\"in a flexible way\") + homophone of [*resounded*]** DAZE** (\"confusion\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: During early autumn period, going topless is foolish (5)","output":"### Answer: INEPT \n ### Explanation: During early autumn period, going topless is foolish (5)\n**IN** (\"during\") + (s)**EPT**. (\"early autumn period\", *going topless*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Look fixedly over inner section of ballet for graceful creature (7)","output":"### Answer: GAZELLE \n ### Explanation: Look fixedly over inner section of ballet for graceful creature (7)\n**GAZE** (\"look fixedly\") *over* [*inner section of*] (ba)**LLE**(t)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hired messengers who become increasingly exposed (13)","output":"### Answer: STRIPPERGRAMS \n ### Explanation: Hired messengers who become increasingly exposed (13)\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rent a seaport's blue pedalos maybe (8,5)","output":"### Answer: PLEASURE BOATS \n ### Explanation: Rent a seaport's blue pedalos maybe (8,5)\n***(a seaports blue)** [anag:*rent*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Piece of furniture joint curator's opening with locks (5-5)","output":"### Answer: ELBOW CHAIR \n ### Explanation: Piece of furniture joint curator's opening with locks (5-5)\n**ELBOW** (\"joint\") + **C**(urator) [*'s opening*] *with* **HAIR** (\"locks\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Gives a duplicate to policeman that is attending crime (6,2)","output":"### Answer: COPIES IN \n ### Explanation: Gives a duplicate to policeman that is attending crime (6,2)\n**COP** (\"policeman\") +** I.E.** (\"that is\") *attending* **SIN** (\"crime\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Person who orders in cattle when temperature dropped (7)","output":"### Answer: INDEXER \n ### Explanation: Person who orders in cattle when temperature dropped (7)\n**IN** + **DEX**(t)**ER** (breed of \"cattle\", with T (temperature) *dropped*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Scottish inventor Jack uncovered rare lab equipment? (4,3)","output":"### Answer: BELL JAR \n ### Explanation: Scottish inventor Jack uncovered rare lab equipment? (4,3)\n(Alexander Graham) **BELL** (\"scottish inventor\") +** J** (jack) + [uncovered] (r)**AR**(e)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Impromptu pop-up taken to party once (2-3)","output":"### Answer: AD-LIB \n ### Explanation: Impromptu pop-up taken to party once (2-3)\n**AD**(vertisement) (\"pop-up\") *taken to* **LIB**(eral) (\"party, once\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Repair marks on curtains (4)","output":"### Answer: MEND \n ### Explanation: Repair marks on curtains (4)\n**M** (marks) *on* **END** (\"curtains\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Loud singer drowning middle of soprano's debut in Yerma (6)","output":"### Answer: BRASSY \n ### Explanation: Loud singer drowning middle of soprano's debut in Yerma (6)\n**BASS** (\"singer\") *drowning* [*middle of*] (sop)**R**(ano) + [*debut in*] **Y**(arma)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Female returning contraceptive gets rash (6)","output":"### Answer: MADCAP \n ### Explanation: Female returning contraceptive gets rash (6)\n**<=DAM** (\"female\", *returning*) + **CAP** (\"contraceptive\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Robbery by British convict (4)","output":"### Answer: BLAG \n ### Explanation: Robbery by British convict (4)\n**B** (British) + **LAG** (\"convict\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Share of permit curtailed action abroad (10)","output":"### Answer: ALLOCATION \n ### Explanation: Share of permit curtailed action abroad (10)\n**ALLO**(w) (\"permit\", *curtailed*) + ***(action)** [anag:*abroad*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Note enclosed in letter found by large stream (6)","output":"### Answer: RUNNEL \n ### Explanation: Note enclosed in letter found by large stream (6)\n**N** (note) *enclosed in* **RUNE** (\"letter\") *found by* **L** (large)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sweden's ruler losing new letter for a window-cleaner (8)","output":"### Answer: SQUEEGEE \n ### Explanation: Sweden's ruler losing new letter for a window-cleaner (8)\n**S** (Sweden) + **QUEE**(n) (\"ruler\", *losing* N (new)) + **GEE** (the \"letter\" G)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Conservative husband and wife prepared to meet well-informed cabinet member (5,4)","output":"### Answer: CHIEF WHIP \n ### Explanation: Conservative husband and wife prepared to meet well-informed cabinet member (5,4)\n**C** (conservative) + **H** (husband) *and* ***(wife)** [anag:*prepared*] *to meet* **HIP** (\"well-informed\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fool's endless foolish talk (4)","output":"### Answer: PRAT \n ### Explanation: Fool's endless foolish talk (4)\n[*endless*] **PRAT**(e) (\"foolish talk\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Faith leader shot close to synagogue (4)","output":"### Answer: POPE \n ### Explanation: Faith leader shot close to synagogue (4)\n**POP** (\"shot\") + [*close to*] (synangogu)**E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tonic in US mixed with last of finest malt (9)","output":"### Answer: STIMULANT \n ### Explanation: Tonic in US mixed with last of finest malt (9)\n***(in us t malt)**\u00a0[anag:*mixed*] where T is [*last of*] (fines)T"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Chemist originally sold new mineral for facial blemish (4,4)","output":"### Answer: COLD SORE \n ### Explanation: Chemist originally sold new mineral for facial blemish (4,4)\n**C**(hemist) [*originally*] +***(sold)** [anag:*new*] + **ORE** (\"mineral\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bad start to card game (6)","output":"### Answer: CRUMMY \n ### Explanation: Bad start to card game (6)\n[*start to*] **C**(ard) + **RUMMY** (\"game\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rascal went back on a promise about boiling tea (10)","output":"### Answer: DEGENERATE \n ### Explanation: Rascal went back on a promise about boiling tea (10)\n**<=RENEGED** (\"went back on a promise\", *about*) + ***(tea)** [anag:*boiling*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Elected leader leaving topic for discussion to the others (4)","output":"### Answer: THEM \n ### Explanation: Elected leader leaving topic for discussion to the others (4)\nE(lected) [*leader*] *leaving* **THEM**(e) (\"topic for discussion\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Doctor tries to pinch bottom of overweight model (6)","output":"### Answer: SITTER \n ### Explanation: Doctor tries to pinch bottom of overweight model (6)\n***(tries)** [anag:*doctor*] *to pinch* [*bottom of*] (overweigh)**T "} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Beasts devouring last of creature's vital organs (6)","output":"### Answer: HEARTS \n ### Explanation: Beasts devouring last of creature's vital organs (6)\n**HARTS** (\"beasts\") *devouring* [*last of*] (creatur)**E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Plant mid-July in scrubland (7)","output":"### Answer: BULRUSH \n ### Explanation: Plant mid-July in scrubland (7)\n[*mid-*] (j)**UL**(y) *in* **BRUSH** (\"scrubland\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Gas found in Norway under Jason's ship (5)","output":"### Answer: ARGON \n ### Explanation: Gas found in Norway under Jason's ship (5)\n**N** (Norway) *under* **ARGO** (\"Jason's ship\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fall for\u00a0a bird (7)","output":"### Answer: SWALLOW \n ### Explanation: Fall for\u00a0a bird (7)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Add to account about European uprising (6)","output":"### Answer: ACCRUE \n ### Explanation: Add to account about European uprising (6)\n**Ac.** (account) + **C** (circa, so \"about\") + **<=Eur.** (European, *uprising*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Important church described by Catholic Herald collapsed after a time (9)","output":"### Answer: CATHEDRAL \n ### Explanation: Important church described by Catholic Herald collapsed after a time (9)\n**C** (Catholic) + ***(herald)** [anag:*collapsed*] *after* **A T** (time)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Planned programme in favour of Jung's initial shock treatment (7)","output":"### Answer: PROJECT \n ### Explanation: Planned programme in favour of Jung's initial shock treatment (7)\n**PRO** (\"in favour of\") + **J**(ung) [*'s initial*]** ECT** (electroconvulsive therapy, so \"shock treatment\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Baked dish containing cut of beef and hard pate mixture is only a very brief hit (5,2,3,3)","output":"### Answer: FLASH IN THE PAN \n ### Explanation: Baked dish containing cut of beef and hard pate mixture is only a very brief hit (5,2,3,3)\n**FLAN** (\"baked dish\") *containing* **SHIN** (\"cut of beef\") + ***(h pate)**\u00a0[anag:*mixture*] where H = hard"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sensible partner once getting exercise and new addition to weight loss plan (9)","output":"### Answer: EXPEDIENT \n ### Explanation: Sensible partner once getting exercise and new addition to weight loss plan (9)\n**EX** (\"partner once\") *getting* **PE** (physical \"exercise\") *and* **N** (new) *addition to* **DIET** (\"weight loss plan\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Media coverage of old women's skill (7)","output":"### Answer: PROWESS \n ### Explanation: Media coverage of old women's skill (7)\n**PRESS** (\"media\") *coverage of* **O** (old) + **W** (women)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Knife for staff eating the bananas (7)","output":"### Answer: MACHETE \n ### Explanation: Knife for staff eating the bananas (7)\n**MACE** (\"staff\") *eating* ***(the)** [anag:*bananas*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Figures in new colours (7)","output":"### Answer: NUMBERS \n ### Explanation: Figures in new colours (7)\n**N** (new) + **UMBERS** (\"colours\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sailor's father setter listened to (6)","output":"### Answer: POPEYE \n ### Explanation: Sailor's father setter listened to (6)\n**POP** (\"father\") + homophone of [*listened to*] **I** (\"setter\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Extreme vessel caught out (5)","output":"### Answer: UTTER \n ### Explanation: Extreme vessel caught out (5)\n(c)**UTTER** (\"vessel\" with C (caught) *out*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Compiler, when given a guaranteed supper, not half cuts the mustard (8,2)","output":"### Answer: MEASURES UP \n ### Explanation: Compiler, when given a guaranteed supper, not half cuts the mustard (8,2)\n**ME** (\"compiler\") *when given* **A SURE** (\"guaranteed\") + **SUP**(per) [*not half*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Young dog with a growing insect (4)","output":"### Answer: PUPA \n ### Explanation: Young dog with a growing insect (4)\n**PUP** (\"young dog\") *with* **A"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: For one, since coming back (4)","output":"### Answer: SAGE \n ### Explanation: For one, since coming back (4)\n**<=**(**E.G.** (\"for once\") + **AS** (\"since\") [coming back]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Urban transport puts girl with pig in empty stand (10)","output":"### Answer: SKATEBOARD \n ### Explanation: Urban transport puts girl with pig in empty stand (10)\n**KATE** (\"girl\") *with* **BOAR** (\"pig\") *in* [*empty*] **S**(tan)**D"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Injured party with enthusiasm seen around Court 1 (6)","output":"### Answer: VICTIM \n ### Explanation: Injured party with enthusiasm seen around Court 1 (6)\n**VIM** (\"enthusiasm\") *seen around* **CT.** (Court) + **1"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Beer largely cleared out with resentment (8)","output":"### Answer: BITTERLY \n ### Explanation: Beer largely cleared out with resentment (8)\n**BITTER** (\"beer\") + **L**(argel)**Y** [*cleared out*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One seeking answers finally made an offer to gather papers (8)","output":"### Answer: ENQUIRER \n ### Explanation: One seeking answers finally made an offer to gather papers (8)\n[*finally*] (mad)**E** (a)**N\u00a0**(offe)**R** *to gather* **QUIRE** (\"papers\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Working factors in chalcedony (4)","output":"### Answer: ONYX \n ### Explanation: Working factors in chalcedony (4)\n**ON** (\"working\") + **X** + **Y** (\"factors\" in science)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: \u00df-blocker essential treatment: advise commencement (4)","output":"### Answer: BETA \n ### Explanation: \u00df-blocker essential treatment: advise commencement (4)\nFirst letters [*commencement*] of\u00a0**B**(locker) **E**(ssential) **T**(reatment) **A**(dvise)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Last item on menu by back oven \u2013 see that's far-fetched (8)","output":"### Answer: UNLIKELY \n ### Explanation: Last item on menu by back oven \u2013 see that's far-fetched (8)\n[*last item on*] (men)**U** *by* [*back*] **<=KILN** + **ELY** (\"see\" as in diocese)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bared thighs on the church walls, modern and sophisticated (4-4)","output":"### Answer: HIGH-TECH \n ### Explanation: Bared thighs on the church walls, modern and sophisticated (4-4)\n[*bared*] (t)**HIGH**(s) *on* **T**(h)**E** **C**(hurc)**H** [*walls*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Body and sense of self I'd ignored (6)","output":"### Answer: ENTITY \n ### Explanation: Body and sense of self I'd ignored (6)\n(id)**ENTITY** (\"sense of self\" with ID *ignored*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Declare expert smuggler is hiding gun (10)","output":"### Answer: PROMULGATE \n ### Explanation: Declare expert smuggler is hiding gun (10)\n**PRO** (\"expert\") + **MULE** (\"smuggler\")* is hiding* **GAT** (\"gun\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: They say you're history (4)","output":"### Answer: YORE \n ### Explanation: They say you're history (4)\nHomophone [they say] of **YOUR ***An old drum I keep beating, but I'd have preferred \"some say\" to \"they say\" as YORE and YOUR sound nothing alike to me as a Scotsman."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Among and in the morning papers (4)","output":"### Answer: AMID \n ### Explanation: Among and in the morning papers (4)\n**AM** (ante meridian, so \"in the morning\") + **I.D.** (\"papers\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: On the way back, called at Rome, partly to get a sausage (10)","output":"### Answer: MORTADELLA \n ### Explanation: On the way back, called at Rome, partly to get a sausage (10)\nHidden backwards [*on the way back*, *partly*] in \"c**ALLED AT ROM**e\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Joy starting off telling stories (7)","output":"### Answer: ELATION \n ### Explanation: Joy starting off telling stories (7)\n[*starting off*] (r)**ELATION** (\"telling stories\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pooped and scooped? (5)","output":"### Answer: SPENT \n ### Explanation: Pooped and scooped? (5)\nDoubel definition? \n*Not sure about this one \u2013 \"pooped\" and \"spent\" are synonyms of \"tired\", but \"scooped\" isn't, unless it's a regional thing I'm unaware of. I have heard of \"scooped\" meaning \"drunk\", but not \"tired\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Same or different, coming in really gutted (8)","output":"### Answer: ROSEMARY \n ### Explanation: Same or different, coming in really gutted (8)\n***(same or)** [anag:*different*] *coming in* **R**(eall)**Y** [*gutted*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mark starts to belt out rocky and light song (11,4)","output":"### Answer: SCARBOROUGH FAIR \n ### Explanation: Mark starts to belt out rocky and light song (11,4)\n**SCAR** (\"mark\") + [*starts to*] **B**(elt) **O**(ut) + **ROUGH** (\"rocky\") *and* **FAIR** (\"light\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Quickly put a bit of ricotta in the sauce (6)","output":"### Answer: PRESTO \n ### Explanation: Quickly put a bit of ricotta in the sauce (6)\n[*a bit of*] **R**(icotta) *in* **PESTO** (\"sauce\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Large volume of soup, with bone fragments all right (5,4)","output":"### Answer: PHONE BOOK \n ### Explanation: Large volume of soup, with bone fragments all right (5,4)\n**PHO** (Vietnamese \"soup\") *with* ***(bone)** [anag:*fragments*] + **OK** (\"all right\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Skinhead at the centre of discussion (7)","output":"### Answer: PARSLEY \n ### Explanation: Skinhead at the centre of discussion (7)\n**S**(kin) [*head*] *at the centre of* **PARLEY** (\"discussion\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Brazen nude dancing round a dummy (9)","output":"### Answer: UNASHAMED \n ### Explanation: Brazen nude dancing round a dummy (9)\n***(nude)** [anag:*dancing*] *around* **A** + **SHAM** (\"dummy\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sweetheart seen in a lover's embrace alongside a plant (4,4)","output":"### Answer: ALOE VERA \n ### Explanation: Sweetheart seen in a lover's embrace alongside a plant (4,4)\n(Sw)**E**(et)[*heart*] *seen in* **A LOVER** *alongside* **A"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Quip's remarkable ending on farm animals (7)","output":"### Answer: EPIGRAM \n ### Explanation: Quip's remarkable ending on farm animals (7)\n(remarkabl)**E** [*ending*] on **PIG** + **RAM** (\"farm animals\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Silly mod leaving 28 sideways (7)","output":"### Answer: LATERAL \n ### Explanation: Silly mod leaving 28 sideways (7)\n***(rtaella)** [anag:*silly*] where RTAELLA is (mo)RTA(d)ELLA (answer to \"*28*\" across with MOD* leaving*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Blamed administration for chaos (6)","output":"### Answer: BEDLAM \n ### Explanation: Blamed administration for chaos (6)\n***(bedlam)** [anag:*administration*] \n*Don't think I've come across administration as an anagrid before, but \"administer\" is listed as one in Chambers Crossword Dictionary."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Your old magazine cover (5)","output":"### Answer: THYME \n ### Explanation: Your old magazine cover (5)\n**THY** (\"your old\") + **M**(agazin)**E** [cover]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: President's in la-la land! Go \u2014 and quickly! (4,1,4)","output":"### Answer: LIKE A SHOT \n ### Explanation: President's in la-la land! Go \u2014 and quickly! (4,1,4)\n**IKE** (nickname of Dwight D Eisenhower, so \"president\") *in* **LA** (Los Angeles, or \"La-la Land\") + **SHOT** (\"go\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: She's suffering daily (5)","output":"### Answer: LYDIA \n ### Explanation: She's suffering daily (5)\n***(daily)** [anag:*suffering*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Greek primate's eaten shellfish (5)","output":"### Answer: GAPER \n ### Explanation: Greek primate's eaten shellfish (5)\n**APE** (\"primate\") *eaten* by **Gr.** (Greek) \n*A gaper is a burrowing clam."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Insists chief isn't a criminal (9)","output":"### Answer: MAINTAINS \n ### Explanation: Insists chief isn't a criminal (9)\n**MAIN** (\"chief\") + ***(isnt a)** [anag:*criminal*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Annoyance to the royals? That's heartless and unkind (4)","output":"### Answer: MEAN \n ### Explanation: Annoyance to the royals? That's heartless and unkind (4)\n[*heartless*] **ME**(gh)**AN** (Markle), who could be described as an \"annoyance to the Royals\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Maine bankers invested in US money and bonds (7)","output":"### Answer: CEMENTS \n ### Explanation: Maine bankers invested in US money and bonds (7)\n**M**(ain)**E** [*bankers*] *invested in* **CENTS** (\"US money\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Conserving energy, passes on the wacky baccy (7)","output":"### Answer: REEFERS \n ### Explanation: Conserving energy, passes on the wacky baccy (7)\n**REFERS** (\"passes on\") *conserving* **E** (energy)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mentions bishop's missed calls (5,2)","output":"### Answer: RINGS UP \n ### Explanation: Mentions bishop's missed calls (5,2)\n(b)**RINGS UP** (\"mentions\" with B (bishop) *missing*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Artist carrying can shouts at pack (7)","output":"### Answer: HALLOOS \n ### Explanation: Artist carrying can shouts at pack (7)\n(Frans) **HALS** (Dutch \"artist\" 1582-1666) *carrying* **LOO** (\"can\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Shallow and largely fake \u2014 bigly! (4)","output":"### Answer: GLIB \n ### Explanation: Shallow and largely fake \u2014 bigly! (4)\n***(bigl)** [anag:*fake*] where BIGL is [*largely*] BIGL(y)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Odd \u2014 square in the centre awfully quiet (10)","output":"### Answer: UNEVENTFUL \n ### Explanation: Odd \u2014 square in the centre awfully quiet (10)\n**UNEVEN** (\"odd\") + **T** (-square) + [*in the centre*] (aw)**FUL**(ly)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Valuing mostly art? Unlikely \u2014 he's got money but no taste (9)","output":"### Answer: VULGARIAN \n ### Explanation: Valuing mostly art? Unlikely \u2014 he's got money but no taste (9)\n***(valuing ar)** [anag:*unlikely*] where AR is [*mostly*] AR(t)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Very, very angry losing head \u2014 that's clear (5)","output":"### Answer: VIVID \n ### Explanation: Very, very angry losing head \u2014 that's clear (5)\n**V** (very) + (l)**IVID** (\"very angry\", losing head)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Thoroughbred irritated over what it's carrying (5)","output":"### Answer: RIDER \n ### Explanation: Thoroughbred irritated over what it's carrying (5)\nHidden [*what it's carrying*] backwards [*over*] in \"thoroughb**RED IR**ritated\" and semi &lit."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Times empty on day \u2014 Murdoch's writers taking the mick (9)","output":"### Answer: SATIRISTS \n ### Explanation: Times empty on day \u2014 Murdoch's writers taking the mick (9)\n**T**(ime)**S** [*empty*] *on* **Sat.** (Satur\"day\") + **IRIS** (\"Murdoch\", English writer)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Allowed American tax evader to take stage first (5)","output":"### Answer: LEGAL \n ### Explanation: Allowed American tax evader to take stage first (5)\n**AL** (Capone) (\"American tax evader\") *to take* **LEG** (\"stage\") *first"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Liberal take on MP entertaining with mistress (4,5)","output":"### Answer: KEPT WOMAN \n ### Explanation: Liberal take on MP entertaining with mistress (4,5)\n***(take on mp)** [anag:*liberal*] *entertaing* **W** (with)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Surprised at bone spurs (nothing cut out) \u2014 that's being rude! (10)","output":"### Answer: ABRUPTNESS \n ### Explanation: Surprised at bone spurs (nothing cut out) \u2014 that's being rude! (10)\n***(at bne spurs)** [anag:*surprised*] where BNE is B(o)NE with O (nothing) *cut out"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Men getting brown stopping in sun (7)","output":"### Answer: HOMBRES \n ### Explanation: Men getting brown stopping in sun (7)\n**Br.** (brown) *stopping* **HOME** (\"in\") + **S** (sun)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Laugh about Washington's leader \u2014 what's he on? (7)","output":"### Answer: TWITTER \n ### Explanation: Laugh about Washington's leader \u2014 what's he on? (7)\n**TITTER** (\"laugh\") *about* **W**(ashington) [*'s leader*] \n*Referring to the current POTUS's fondness for social media"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Slow learner gets letter wrong way round (4)","output":"### Answer: LATE \n ### Explanation: Slow learner gets letter wrong way round (4)\n**L** (learner) *gets* **<=ETA** (Greek \"letter\", *wrong way round*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Spin a lot of rubbish (5)","output":"### Answer: DRIVE \n ### Explanation: Spin a lot of rubbish (5)\n[*a lot of*] **DRIVE**(l) (\"rubbish\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tricks boy's acquired \u2014 they're inflammatory! (9)","output":"### Answer: ARSONISTS \n ### Explanation: Tricks boy's acquired \u2014 they're inflammatory! (9)\n**ARTS** (\"tricks\") with **SON IS** (\"boy's\") *acquired"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Enjoying a good relationship? First Lady's reticent at first \u2014 I wasn't expecting that \u2026 (4,1,5)","output":"### Answer: WELL I NEVER \n ### Explanation: Enjoying a good relationship? First Lady's reticent at first \u2014 I wasn't expecting that \u2026 (4,1,5)\n**WELL IN** (\"enjoying a good relationship\") + **EVE** (\"first lady\") + **R**(eticent) [*at first*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: \u2026 mind you, she does say Vlad's right about Republican at the top (9)","output":"### Answer: CAREGIVER \n ### Explanation: \u2026 mind you, she does say Vlad's right about Republican at the top (9)\n**E.G.** (\"say\") + **I've** (\"Vlad's\") + **R** (right) *with* **Ca.** (circa, so \"about\") + **R**(Republican) *at the top, *so **Ca.-R-e.g.-I'VE-R"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Game is on TV \u2014 fee to be arranged (4,5)","output":"### Answer: ETON FIVES \n ### Explanation: Game is on TV \u2014 fee to be arranged (4,5)\n***(is on tv fee)** [anag:*to be arranged*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Experts, quiet ones, impress department (7)","output":"### Answer: PUNDITS \n ### Explanation: Experts, quiet ones, impress department (7)\n**P** (piano in music, so \"quiet\") + **UNITS** (\"ones\") *impressing* **D** (department)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Shelter to put up poor person (4-3)","output":"### Answer: HAVE-NOT \n ### Explanation: Shelter to put up poor person (4-3)\n**HAVEN** (\"shelter\") + **<=TO**, *put up"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Moved furtively heading off, but didn't do anything (5)","output":"### Answer: IDLED \n ### Explanation: Moved furtively heading off, but didn't do anything (5)\n(s)**IDLED** (\"moved furtively\" with its *heading off*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Charges youngsters over ecstasy (5)","output":"### Answer: LADES \n ### Explanation: Charges youngsters over ecstasy (5)\n**LADS** (\"youngsters\") *over* **E** (ecstasy)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Picked up passenger OK (4)","output":"### Answer: FAIR \n ### Explanation: Picked up passenger OK (4)\nHomophone of [*picked up*] **FARE** (\"passenger\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Horse at post \u2013 will Derby rest on it? (6)","output":"### Answer: HATPEG \n ### Explanation: Horse at post \u2013 will Derby rest on it? (6)\n**H** (horse) +** AT** + **PEG** (\"post\") \n*The Derby referred to is the American term for a bowler hat."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bearing north-east to save British soldiers \u2013 so paras? (8)","output":"### Answer: AIRBORNE \n ### Explanation: Bearing north-east to save British soldiers \u2013 so paras? (8)\n**AIR** (\"bearing\") + **NE** (north east) *to save* **B** (British) + **OR** (other ranks, so \"soldiers\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Spirited Russian fellow among solvers in Paris? (8)","output":"### Answer: VIGOROUS \n ### Explanation: Spirited Russian fellow among solvers in Paris? (8)\n**IGOR** (\"Russian fellow\") *among*** VOUS** (you, i.e. the \"solvers\" in French, so \"in Paris\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One hug might be all you need (6)","output":"### Answer: ENOUGH \n ### Explanation: One hug might be all you need (6)\n***(one hug)** [anag:*might be*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Husband in car for example reversed to fill tank (6)","output":"### Answer: CHARGE \n ### Explanation: Husband in car for example reversed to fill tank (6)\n**H** (husband)* in* **<=E.G. CAR** (\"car, for example\", *reversed*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Worried about party after NEC story (8)","output":"### Answer: ANECDOTE \n ### Explanation: Worried about party after NEC story (8)\n**ATE** (\"worried\") *about* **NEC** + **DO** (\"party\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Scientific mail that came for editing (12)","output":"### Answer: MATHEMATICAL \n ### Explanation: Scientific mail that came for editing (12)\n***(mail that came)** [anag:*for editing*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Courted lover? (2-10)","output":"### Answer: CO-RESPONDENT \n ### Explanation: Courted lover? (2-10)\nCryptic definition, the co-respondent being the person cited as having committed adultery with the respondent in a divorce case."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Apathetic Liberal member touring posh gardens (8)","output":"### Answer: LUKEWARM \n ### Explanation: Apathetic Liberal member touring posh gardens (8)\n**L** (liberal) + **ARM** (\"member\") *touring* **U** (posh) +\u00a0**KEW** (Gardens)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ambassador trapped in Conservative speculation (6)","output":"### Answer: THEORY \n ### Explanation: Ambassador trapped in Conservative speculation (6)\n**HE** (His\/Her Excellency, form of address for an \"ambassador\") *trapped in* **TORY** (\"Conservative\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Small or favourite thing maiden missed (6)","output":"### Answer: PETITE \n ### Explanation: Small or favourite thing maiden missed (6)\n**PET** (\"favourite\") + **ITE**(m) (\"thing\" with M (maiden, in cricket) *missed*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unstable new currency financiers mostly backed (8)","output":"### Answer: NEUROTIC \n ### Explanation: Unstable new currency financiers mostly backed (8)\n**N** (new) +** EURO** (\"currency\") + **<=CIT**(y) (\"financiers\", *mostly*, *backed*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Insect dropped into food from the east \u2013 do nothing (8)","output":"### Answer: STAGNATE \n ### Explanation: Insect dropped into food from the east \u2013 do nothing (8)\n**GNAT** (\"insect\") *dropped into* **<=EATS** (\"food\" *from the east*, i.e. from right to left)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cure\u00a0person dead to the world (6)","output":"### Answer: KIPPER \n ### Explanation: Cure\u00a0person dead to the world (6)\nDouble definition, the second referring to one who is asleep."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Disembark\u00a0in flames (6)","output":"### Answer: ALIGHT \n ### Explanation: Disembark\u00a0in flames (6)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Schedule for lightweight \u2013 yours truly! (9)","output":"### Answer: PROGRAMME \n ### Explanation: Schedule for lightweight \u2013 yours truly! (9)\n**PRO** (\"for\") +**GRAM** (\"light weight\") + **ME** (\"yours truly\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Depart with poetess on travels in March (5,4)","output":"### Answer: GOOSE-STEP \n ### Explanation: Depart with poetess on travels in March (5,4)\n**GO** (\"depart\") *with* ***(poetess)** [anag:*on travels*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Some witches' deaths here\u00a0in question (2,5)","output":"### Answer: AT STAKE \n ### Explanation: Some witches' deaths here\u00a0in question (2,5)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Former Kent player always up to conserve energy (5)","output":"### Answer: REEVE \n ### Explanation: Former Kent player always up to conserve energy (5)\nEVER (\"always\", up) to conserve E (energy) \n*I used to know more about cricket than I do now, having quit the game a decade ago, but the only Reeve I am aware of is Dermot Reeve, who didn't play for Kent. If it is another Reeve, then it is likely to be someone obscure."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Egg-shaped ball Roman poet catches (5)","output":"### Answer: OVOID \n ### Explanation: Egg-shaped ball Roman poet catches (5)\n**O** (ball) *caught by* **OVID** (\"roman poet\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Shot prior to retirement? (8)","output":"### Answer: NIGHTCAP \n ### Explanation: Shot prior to retirement? (8)\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Copper to start with tasty prune (3)","output":"### Answer: CUT \n ### Explanation: Copper to start with tasty prune (3)\n**Cu** (chemmical symbol for \"copper\") + **T**(asty) [*to start with*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wondering where young man should go in a brawl? (9)","output":"### Answer: AWESTRUCK \n ### Explanation: Wondering where young man should go in a brawl? (9)\n**WEST** (\"where young man should go\", according to the phrase) *in* **A RUCK** (\"brawl\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Expecting trouble, he is put on manoeuvres (2,3,4)","output":"### Answer: IN THE SOUP \n ### Explanation: Expecting trouble, he is put on manoeuvres (2,3,4)\n***(he is put on)** [anag:*manoeuvres*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Greek character in short time creates shrine (8)","output":"### Answer: MONUMENT \n ### Explanation: Greek character in short time creates shrine (8)\n**MU** (\"Greek character\") *in* **MOMENT** (\"short time\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Thus wife finds pig (3)","output":"### Answer: SOW \n ### Explanation: Thus wife finds pig (3)\n**SO** (\"thus\") + **W** (wife)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Candidate turning on explosive energy (7)","output":"### Answer: NOMINEE \n ### Explanation: Candidate turning on explosive energy (7)\n[*turning*] **<=ON** + **MINE** (\"explosive\") + **E** (energy)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rowing teams said to move smoothly (6)","output":"### Answer: CRUISE \n ### Explanation: Rowing teams said to move smoothly (6)\nHomophone [*said*] of **CREWS** (\"rowing teams\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Noise from cat non-starter for Dallas clan (5)","output":"### Answer: EWING \n ### Explanation: Noise from cat non-starter for Dallas clan (5)\n[*non-starter*] (m)**EWING** (\"noise from cat\") \n*The Ewings (J.R. et al) were the family around which the TV soap *Dallas* was created"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Venue in Edgware named (5)","output":"### Answer: ARENA \n ### Explanation: Venue in Edgware named (5)\nHidden [*in*] \"edgw**ARE NA**med\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sausage and tea to keep a pilot refreshed (9)","output":"### Answer: CHIPOLATA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Sausage\n**CHA** (\"tea\") *to keep* ***(a pilot)** [anag:*refreshed*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Love break in hospital department (5)","output":"### Answer: AGAPE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Love\n**GAP** (\"break\") in **A**+**E** (accident and emergency, so \"hospital department\") \n*Agape is a Greco-Christian term referring to pure \"love\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Green Party pursues a singer releasing record (7)","output":"### Answer: AVOCADO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Green\n**DO** (\"party\") *pursues* **A VOCA**(list) (\"singer\", *releasing* LIST (\"record\"))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: English companion with writer recalled Oz native (7)","output":"### Answer: ECHIDNA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Oz native\n**E** (English) + **CH** (\"companion\" of honour) + **<=AND I** (\"with writer\", *recalled*) \n*An echidna is a spiny anteater, native to Australia."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Republic's author about to abandon army group (5)","output":"### Answer: PLATO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Republic's author\nON (\"about\") *to abandon* **PLATO**(on) (\"army group\") \n*Plato wrote *The Republic*, a treatise on justice."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Family boss, a Dubliner briefly stabling Arab horse (9)","output":"### Answer: PATRIARCH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Family boss\n**PATRIC**(k) (\"a Dubliner\", *briefly*) *stabling* **Ar.** (Arab) + **H** (horse)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Way to reproduce endless Greek temple and first book (15)","output":"### Answer: PARTHENOGENESIS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Way to reproduce\n[endless] **PARTHENO**(n) (\"Greek temple\") *and* **GENESIS** (\"first book\" of the Old Testament) \n*Parthenogenesis is\u00a0reproduction from an egg without fertilization, which occurs in some invertebrates and plants."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Robin runs into ruddy animal (9)","output":"### Answer: REDBREAST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Robin\n**R** (runs, in cricket) *into* **RED** (\"ruddy\") + **BEAST** (\"animal\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Material uni students gathered during half-term (5)","output":"### Answer: TULLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Material\n**U** (uni) + **L**+**L** (learners, so \"students\") *gathered during* [*half-*] **TE**(rm)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: New song about Disc World (7)","output":"### Answer: NEPTUNE \n ### Explanation: Definition: World\n**N** (new) + **TUNE** (\"song\") *about* **EP** (extended play record or \"disc')"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Eastern females target one respected Turk (7)","output":"### Answer: EFFENDI \n ### Explanation: Definition: respected Turk\n**E** (eastern) + **F**+**F** (females) + **END** (\"target\") + **1"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Berlin sharpshooter's\u00a0orphan (5)","output":"### Answer: ANNIE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Berlin sharpshooter's\nRefers to two different Annies from musicals, Annie Get Your Gun (about \"sharpshooter\" Annie Oakley, lyrics and music by Irving \"Berlin\") and Annie (about a little \"orphan\" of that name)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Shell supports her in painting atrophied bananas (9)","output":"### Answer: APHRODITE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Shell supports her in painting\n***(atrophied)** [anag:*bananas*] \n*The famous Botticelli painting in which the goddess Venus appears standing nude in a scallop shell is called\u00a0*The Birth of Venus*, but Venus and Aphrodite are the Roman and Greek names for the same goddess, so I suppose this is OK."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One who fights over secretary's shredder output (5,5)","output":"### Answer: SCRAP PAPER \n ### Explanation: Definition: shredder output\n**SCRAPPER** (\"one who fights\") *over*** PA** (personal assistant, or \"secretary\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Greek character breaks petty Cretan cross (8)","output":"### Answer: MINOTAUR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Cretan cross\n**TAU** (\"Greek character\") *breaks* **MINOR** (\"petty\") \n*The minotaur was a cross between a bull and a human and lived in the labyrinth at Knossos on the island of Crete."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Priest loves storing shabby clothes for Murphy (6)","output":"### Answer: POTATO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Murphy\n**P** (priest) + **O**+**O** (zeroes, so \"loves\" in tennis) *storing* **TAT** (\"shabby clothes\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hot singer's timeless gold disc (4)","output":"### Answer: HALO \n ### Explanation: Definition: gold disc\n**H** (hot) + **AL**(t)**O** (\"singer\" without T (time), so *timeless*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Two sorts of hose, almost flawless (10)","output":"### Answer: WATERTIGHT \n ### Explanation: Definition: flawless\n**WATER** and **TIGHT**(s) are \"two sorts of hose\"), the second being incomplete, hence the *almost"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Police dogs are trained to detect this number tag (4,4)","output":"### Answer: HASH SIGN \n ### Explanation: Definition: number tag\n\"Police dogs are trained to detect\" **SIGN**s of **HASH** \n*Not sure I have this parsing right?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Look, there's George with his daughter! (6)","output":"### Answer: GANDER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Look\n**G** (George) +**AND** (\"with\") + **ER** (Queen Elizabeth, George's \"daughter\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fine letter from 13 that's brought on board? (4)","output":"### Answer: FETA \n ### Explanation: Definition: that's brought on board?\n**F** (fine) + **ETA** (Greek letter, so would have been found in (\"from\") Plato (the answer to 13ac)'s writings. \n*The board referred to in the clue is of course a cheeseboard."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What precedes fast time for tossers? (7,3)","output":"### Answer: PANCAKE DAY \n ### Explanation: Definition: What precedes fast time for tossers?\nCryptic definition of Shrove Tuesday, or Pancake Day, when many pancakes are tossed, the day before Lent (a time of fasting) begins."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Chap's working out trips for guardians of apples (10)","output":"### Answer: HESPERIDES \n ### Explanation: Definition: guardians of apples\n**HE'S** (\"chap's\") + **PE** (physical exercise, so \"working out\") + **RIDES** (\"trips\") \n*The Hesperides were Greek nymphs who guarded a grove of golden apples, which appear in the stories of Aphrodite and Hercules"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Poirot's strongman (8)","output":"### Answer: HERCULES \n ### Explanation: Definition: strongman\n**HERCULE** (Poirot)'**S"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Great to pass one day swigging litres (8)","output":"### Answer: SPLENDID \n ### Explanation: Definition: Great\n**SPEND** (\"to pass\") + **1** + **D** (day) *swigging* **L** (litres)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lawyer to call, wanting old plant (6)","output":"### Answer: DAPHNE \n ### Explanation: Definition: plant\n**DA** (district attorney, so \"lawyer\") + **PH**(o)**NE** (\"to call\", *wanting* O (old)) \n*A daphne is any of several species of heavily scented bright-coloured plants native to Europe, Asia and North Africa."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Engineer left broadcasting, managing to dodge scandal? (6)","output":"### Answer: TEFLON \n ### Explanation: Definition: managing to dodge scandal?\n***(left)** [anag:*engineer*] + **ON** (\"broadcasting\") \n*Teflon is a non-stick surface which has come into the language to indicate that nothing sticks, so, for example, a politician described as \"teflon\" is one who courts scandal, but whose reputation tends to come out unscathed."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Drama about a zoo keeper? (4)","output":"### Answer: NOAH \n ### Explanation: Definition: zoo keeper?\n**NOH** (Japanese \"drama\") *about* **A"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Part of the chorus that's followed by foxtrot (4)","output":"### Answer: ECHO \n ### Explanation: Definition: that's followed by foxtrot\nHidden in [part of] \"th**E CHO**rus\" \n*Echo (E) is followed by Foxtrot (F) in the NATO phonetic alphabet."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Giant live insect chases after man! (8)","output":"### Answer: BEHEMOTH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Giant\n**BE** (\"live\") + **MOTH** (\"insect\") *chases after* **HE** (\"man\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: British and American farm department (6)","output":"### Answer: BRANCH \n ### Explanation: Definition: department\n**B** (British) *and* **RANCH** (\"American farm\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bit of smut editor on Times deleted (6)","output":"### Answer: ERASED \n ### Explanation: Definition: deleted\n[*bit of*] **S**(mut) + **ED** (editor) *on* **ERA** (\"times\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Host who might give others some digs? (8)","output":"### Answer: LANDLORD \n ### Explanation: Definition: Host who might give others some digs?\n(Not very) cryptic defintion"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Republican tucking into milk and gin (4)","output":"### Answer: TRAP \n ### Explanation: Definition: gin\n**R** (republican) *tucking into* **TAP** (\"milk\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Spotty youth once slated wrongly (10)","output":"### Answer: ADOLESCENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Spotty youth\n***(once slated)** [anag:*wrongly*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Go to the bottom to catch large fish (8)","output":"### Answer: FLOUNDER \n ### Explanation: Definition: fish\n**FOUNDER** (\"go to the bottom\")* to collect* **L** (large)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Club Med primarily has great service (4)","output":"### Answer: MACE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Club \n**M**(ed) [*initially*] *has* **ACE** (\"great service\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bird one's seen on incoming boat at front (4)","output":"### Answer: IBIS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Bird\n**I'S** (\"one's\") *seen on*** I**(ncoming) **B**(oat) [*at front*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Firm admitted to sudden rises in misfortunes (8)","output":"### Answer: SCOURGES \n ### Explanation: Definition: misfortunes\n**Co.** (company, so \"firm\")* admitted to* **SURGES** (\"sudden rises\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old fellow pursuing Member for Battle (10)","output":"### Answer: ARMAGEDDON \n ### Explanation: Definition: Battle\n**AGED** (\"old\") + **DON** (\"fellow\") *pursuing* **ARM** (\"member\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: So uninspiring! (4)","output":"### Answer: DEAD \n ### Explanation: Definition: So uninspiring!\nIf one is not inspiring (as in inhaling), one is likely to be dead."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sort of bones on the outside of head of tropical fish (8)","output":"### Answer: STURGEON \n ### Explanation: Definition: fish\n**SURGEON** (\"sort of Bones\") *on the outside of* [*head of*] **T**(ropical)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Health worker without energy for the job? (6)","output":"### Answer: CAREER \n ### Explanation: Definition: job\n**CARER** (\"health worker\") *without* **E** (energy)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Plug a duke found by green in Paris (6)","output":"### Answer: ADVERT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Plug\n**A D** (duke) *found by* **VERT** (\"green\" in French, thus \"in Paris\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: He and I, say, could be factors (8)","output":"### Answer: ELEMENTS \n ### Explanation: Definition: factors\nHe and I (Helium and Iodine) are chemical elements."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Don't start great panic, it's a mistake (5)","output":"### Answer: ERROR \n ### Explanation: Definition: a mistake\n[*don't start*] (t)**ERROR** (\"great panic\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Former region US parasites ruined (4,7)","output":"### Answer: EAST PRUSSIA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Former region\n***(us parasites)** [anag:*ruined*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Veteran helps to collect bit of milk for spinsters (3,5)","output":"### Answer: OLD MAIDS \n ### Explanation: Definition: spinsters\n**OLD** (\"veteran\") +** AIDS** (\"helps\") *to collect* [*bit of*] **M**(ilk)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Student dwelling on if she recalled revising (4,2,9)","output":"### Answer: HALL OF RESIDENCE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Student dwelling\n***(on if she recalled)** [anag:*revising*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Posh bloke turned over by rake in hood (6)","output":"### Answer: BONNET \n ### Explanation: Definition: hood\n**<=NOB** (\"posh bloke\", *turned over*) *by* **NET** (\"rake in\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Detective losing head could create trouble (3)","output":"### Answer: AIL \n ### Explanation: Definition: trouble\n(t)**AIL** (\"detective\") [*losing head*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Account of severe gale missing first two parts (9)","output":"### Answer: CHRONICLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Account\n**CHRONIC** (\"severe\") + (ga)**LE** [*missing first two parts*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A dream I care about is the brotherhood of man (11)","output":"### Answer: CAMARADERIE \n ### Explanation: Definition: the brotherhood of man\n***(a dream i care)** [anag:*about*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Floor of hovel I carpeted for free (9)","output":"### Answer: LIBERATED \n ### Explanation: Definition: free\n[*floor of*] (hove)**L** + **I **+ **BERATED** (\"carpeted\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: My husband blocks pleasant cliff-top road (8)","output":"### Answer: CORNICHE \n ### Explanation: Definition: cliff-top road\n**COR** (\"my!\") + **H** (husband) *blocks* **NICE** (\"pleasant\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wearing clothes is polite (6)","output":"### Answer: DECENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Wearing clothes\nDouble definition (for the first, think of the question: \"Are you decent?\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A man or a mole? (5)","output":"### Answer: AGENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: mole\n**A** + **GENT** (\"man\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Animal\u00a0eggs (3)","output":"### Answer: ROE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Animal\nDouble definition, the first referring to the roe deer."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Scarlet and black rock enclosing ravine (9)","output":"### Answer: COCHINEAL \n ### Explanation: Scarlet and black rock enclosing ravine (9)\n**COAL** (\"black rock\") *enclosing* **CHINE** (\"ravine\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Text shortened, depart peculiar vocabulary (5)","output":"### Answer: LINGO \n ### Explanation: Text shortened, depart peculiar vocabulary (5)\n**LIN**(e) (\"text\", *shortened*) +** GO** (\"depart\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Active sort about to shake grand old woman (7)","output":"### Answer: DOWAGER \n ### Explanation: Active sort about to shake grand old woman (7)\n**DOER** (\"active sort\") *about* **WAG** (\"to shake\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Nutcase has stuff about Ulster University (7)","output":"### Answer: CRANIUM \n ### Explanation: Nutcase has stuff about Ulster University (7)\n**CRAM** (\"stuff\") *about* **NI** (Northern Ireland, so \"Ulster') + **U** (university)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Left cuts first-rate boxer (3)","output":"### Answer: ALI \n ### Explanation: Left cuts first-rate boxer (3)\n**L** (left) *cuts* **A1** (\"first-rate\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One working as rep no less (11)","output":"### Answer: SALESPERSON \n ### Explanation: One working as rep no less (11)\n***(as rep no less)** [anag:*working*] and &lit."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Blind faith seen in one having puppies? (5)","output":"### Answer: DOGMA \n ### Explanation: Blind faith seen in one having puppies? (5)\nA **DOG MA** (as in \"a mother dog\") could be described as one having puppies."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: United were victorious reportedly (3)","output":"### Answer: ONE \n ### Explanation: United were victorious reportedly (3)\nHomophone of [*reportedly*] **WON** (\"were victorious\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bird shows colour \u2013 that is when reflected (5)","output":"### Answer: EIDER \n ### Explanation: Bird shows colour \u2013 that is when reflected (5)\n**<=**(**RED** (\"colour\") + **I.E.** (\"that is\")) *reflected"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: It protects in covering both flight and landing (5,6)","output":"### Answer: STAIR CARPET \n ### Explanation: It protects in covering both flight and landing (5,6)\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wrestler loses nothing in total (3)","output":"### Answer: SUM \n ### Explanation: Wrestler loses nothing in total (3)\n**SUM**(o) (\"wrestler\" *loses* O (nothing))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Where one finds fruit or vegetable (7)","output":"### Answer: ORCHARD \n ### Explanation: Where one finds fruit or vegetable (7)\nOR + CHARD (\"vegetable\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Soldier feeding egg to fiery monster (7)","output":"### Answer: DRAGOON \n ### Explanation: Soldier feeding egg to fiery monster (7)\n**O** (\"egg\") *fed to* **DRAGON** (\"fiery monster\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Conservationists engaging a certain ensemble (5)","output":"### Answer: NONET \n ### Explanation: Conservationists engaging a certain ensemble (5)\n**NT** (National Trust, so \"conservationists\") *engaging* **ONE** (\"a certain\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Modest accepting trophy and fame (9)","output":"### Answer: SPOTLIGHT \n ### Explanation: Modest accepting trophy and fame (9)\n**SLIGHT** (\"modest\") *accepting* **POT** (\"trophy\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Canadian region rural paradise Republican deserts (6)","output":"### Answer: ACADIA \n ### Explanation: Canadian region rural paradise Republican deserts (6)\n**A**(r)**CADIA\u00a0**deserted by R (\"Republican\") \nAcadia was an area in Eastern Canada, and Arcadia, a rough unspoiled wilderness in Greek mythology, the home of the god Pan."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lowering second engine cover (8)","output":"### Answer: SCOWLING \n ### Explanation: Lowering second engine cover (8)\n**S** (second) + **COWLING** (\"engine cover\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Drummer in band old celeb at bar ultimately (5,5)","output":"### Answer: RINGO STARR \n ### Explanation: Drummer in band old celeb at bar ultimately (5,5)\n**RING** (\"band\") + **O** (old) + **STAR** (\"celeb\") *at* (ba)**R** [*ultimately*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stick close to concierge in block (4)","output":"### Answer: BEAR \n ### Explanation: Stick close to concierge in block (4)\n[*close to*] (concierg)**E** *in* **BAR** (\"block\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Family outcast threatening animal (5,5)","output":"### Answer: BLACK SHEEP \n ### Explanation: Family outcast threatening animal (5,5)\n**BLACK** (\"threatening\") + **SHEEP** (\"animal\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Female by meadow in small jumper (4)","output":"### Answer: FLEA \n ### Explanation: Female by meadow in small jumper (4)\n**F** (female) *by* **LEA** (\"meadow\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rock agreeable to an audience (6)","output":"### Answer: GNEISS \n ### Explanation: Rock agreeable to an audience (6)\nHomophone [*to an audience*] of **NICE** (\"agreeable\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One from hoi polloi\u00a0more frequently encountered (8)","output":"### Answer: COMMONER \n ### Explanation: One from hoi polloi\u00a0more frequently encountered (8)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One spotted crossing road asleep so needing treatment (10)","output":"### Answer: LEOPARDESS \n ### Explanation: One spotted crossing road asleep so needing treatment (10)\n***(asleep so)** [anag:*needing treatment*] *crossing* **Rd.** (road)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: EU partner to bridge gap sooner or later (10)","output":"### Answer: EVENTUALLY \n ### Explanation: EU partner to bridge gap sooner or later (10)\n**EU** + **ALLY** (\"partner\") *to bridge* **VENT** (\"gap\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Desert Arab perhaps converted to nudism (8)","output":"### Answer: DISMOUNT \n ### Explanation: Desert Arab perhaps converted to nudism (8)\n***(to nudism)** [anag:*converted*] \n*An Arab in this context refers to a horse."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Drive away from one small lake in Kansas City (8)","output":"### Answer: DISLODGE \n ### Explanation: Drive away from one small lake in Kansas City (8)\n**1** (one) + **S** (small) + **L** (lake) *in* **DODGE** (City in Kansas)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stress caused where Bill needs money (6)","output":"### Answer: ACCENT \n ### Explanation: Stress caused where Bill needs money (6)\n**AC** (account, so \"bill\") *needs* **CENT** (\"money\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Exact\u00a0time (6)","output":"### Answer: MINUTE \n ### Explanation: Exact\u00a0time (6)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One sax used in national tour (4)","output":"### Answer: ALTO \n ### Explanation: One sax used in national tour (4)\nHidden [*used*] *in* \"nation**AL TO**ur\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Quack to keep ducks closer? (4)","output":"### Answer: DOOR \n ### Explanation: Quack to keep ducks closer? (4)\n**Dr.** (doctor, so \"quack\") *to keep* **O**+**O** (zeroes, or \"ducks\" in cricket)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The best ever Australian or American album (3,5,6)","output":"### Answer: NEW WORLD RECORD \n ### Explanation: The best ever Australian or American album (3,5,6)\n**NEW WORLD** (\"Australian or American\") + **RECORD** (\"album\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dose people gripped by fear of coronavirus? (8)","output":"### Answer: PANDEMIC \n ### Explanation: Dose people gripped by fear of coronavirus? (8)\n**DEM** (\"dose people\") *gripped* *by* **PANIC** (\"fear\") \n*If you have a cold, and try to say, \"those people\" it might come out as \"dose people\". Similary, \"them\" would sound like \"dem\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: At the end, drugs frequently mollify (6)","output":"### Answer: SOFTEN \n ### Explanation: At the end, drugs frequently mollify (6)\n[*at the end*] (drug)**S** + **OFTEN** (\"frequently\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: This party is certainly no closed shop! (4,5)","output":"### Answer: OPEN HOUSE \n ### Explanation: This party is certainly no closed shop! (4,5)\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: New hotel servant sent back (5)","output":"### Answer: FRESH \n ### Explanation: New hotel servant sent back (5)\n**<=**(**H** (hotel) + **SERF** (\"servant\")) [*sent back*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Man may be misled when clothing is discarded (4)","output":"### Answer: ISLE \n ### Explanation: Man may be misled when clothing is discarded (4)\n(m)**ISLE**(d) [*when clothing is discarded*, i.e when it's outer layers (M & D) are shed]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hellish master provided in cruel twist (7)","output":"### Answer: LUCIFER \n ### Explanation: Hellish master provided in cruel twist (7)\n**IF** (\"provided\") *in* ***(cruel)** [anag:*twist*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Saw spin deliveries start to backfire (7)","output":"### Answer: PROVERB \n ### Explanation: Saw spin deliveries start to backfire (7)\n**PR** (\"spin\") + **OVER** (\"deliveries\" in cricket) + [*start to*] **B**(ackfire)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stand 1050 (5)","output":"### Answer: EASEL \n ### Explanation: Stand 1050 (5)\n**EASE** (\"soften\", the answer to \"10\" across) + **L** (50 in Roman numerals)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Second-rate gardening tools, and another that helps you stop (5,4)","output":"### Answer: BRAKE SHOE \n ### Explanation: Second-rate gardening tools, and another that helps you stop (5,4)\n**B** (\"second-rate\", as in B-list) + **RAKES** (\"gardening tools\") *and* **HOE** (\"another\" tool)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Thin broadcaster coverage of pub (6)","output":"### Answer: SKINNY \n ### Explanation: Thin broadcaster coverage of pub (6)\n**SKY** (satellite TV \"broadcaster\") *covering* **INN** (\"pub\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Gaza-born recipe for chickpeas (8)","output":"### Answer: GARBANZO \n ### Explanation: Gaza-born recipe for chickpeas (8)\n***(gazaborn)\u00a0**[anag:*recipe*] \n*Garbanzo is the Spanish word for a chickpea (pl. garbanzos), so technically, the clue should say \"a chickpea\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: I don't care for redundant advice to onanist (6,8)","output":"### Answer: PLEASE YOURSELF \n ### Explanation: I don't care for redundant advice to onanist (6,8)\nYou don't need to tell an onanist to **PLEASE YOURSELF**, as that is waht an onanist (a masturbator) does!"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pin-up picture of national leaders of empire (6)","output":"### Answer: NIPPON \n ### Explanation: Pin-up picture of national leaders of empire (6)\n**<=PIN** [*up*] + **P**(icture) **O**(f) **N**(ational) [*leaders*] \n*Nippon is another name for Japan, especially when it was an empire."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Right to enter costliest wine order three days before Christmas (6,8)","output":"### Answer: WINTER SOLSTICE \n ### Explanation: Right to enter costliest wine order three days before Christmas (6,8)\n**R** (right) *to enter* ***(costliest wine)** [anag:*order*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Spiritualism and honour, I see (5)","output":"### Answer: OBEAH \n ### Explanation: Spiritualism and honour, I see (5)\n**OBE** (Order of the British Empire, an \"honour\") + **AH** (I see!) \n*Obeah is a system of spiritual and healing beliefs which sprung up among slaves in the West Indies."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Devils oddly not into temptation for fun (7)","output":"### Answer: LEISURE \n ### Explanation: Devils oddly not into temptation for fun (7)\n(d)**E**(v)**I**(l)**S** [*oddly not*] *into* **LURE** (\"tempation\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Previously on holiday here, in French circle by virtue of job (2,7)","output":"### Answer: EX OFFICIO \n ### Explanation: Previously on holiday here, in French circle by virtue of job (2,7)\n**EX** (\"previously\") + **OFF** (\"on holiday\") + **ICI** (\"here\" in French) + **O** (circle)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Switch positions to contain the risk, just in case (2,3,3,6)","output":"### Answer: ON THE OFF CHANCE \n ### Explanation: Switch positions to contain the risk, just in case (2,3,3,6)\n**ON** + **OFF** (\"switch positions\") *to contain* **THE** + **CHANCE** (\"risk\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Doctor's instruction has carrier admitting refusal to return weapon (2,2,4)","output":"### Answer: DO NO HARM \n ### Explanation: Doctor's instruction has carrier admitting refusal to return weapon (2,2,4)\n**<=**(**HOD** (brick \"carrier\") *admitting* **NO** (\"refusal\")) [*to return*] + **ARM** (\"weapon\"), so **D(ON)OH-ARM"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The Financial Times will source\u00a0properly (4)","output":"### Answer: WELL \n ### Explanation: The Financial Times will source\u00a0properly (4)\n**WE'LL** (\"The Financial Times will\") + double definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Quiet time surrounded by deer, dogs and ponies (9)","output":"### Answer: SHETLANDS \n ### Explanation: Quiet time surrounded by deer, dogs and ponies (9)\n**SH** (\"quiet\") + **T** (time) *surrounded by* **ELANDS** (\"deer\") \n*Elands are antelopes, but are also known as Eland Deer, and the word \"eland\" comes from a Dutch word for \"elk\" or \"moose\", which in turn comes from a Lithuanian word for \"deer\".*\n \nThe solution refers to Shetland Sheepdogs (aka Shelties) and Shetland ponies."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Within campus, deep suspicion rises and accelerates (6,2)","output":"### Answer: SPEEDS UP \n ### Explanation: Within campus, deep suspicion rises and accelerates (6,2)\nHidden [*within*] \"cam**PUS DEEP S**uspicion\" backwards [*rises*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Little Spar from which many pensioners emerged (4,4)","output":"### Answer: BABY BOOM \n ### Explanation: Little Spar from which many pensioners emerged (4,4)\n**BABY** (\"little\") + **BOOM** (\"spar\") \n*After the Second World War, there was a spike in the birth rate, so many of the children born then would now be pensioners."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pretentious display of well done party (7)","output":"### Answer: BRAVADO \n ### Explanation: Pretentious display of well done party (7)\n**BRAVA** (\"well done!\") + **DO** (\"party\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Start a hole to convert tee-shirts into shirts (3,3)","output":"### Answer: TEE OFF \n ### Explanation: Start a hole to convert tee-shirts into shirts (3,3)\n*To convert* tee-shirts *into* shirts, you take the **TEE OFF**. \n*The definition refers to teeing off in golf."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: At the end of three months, it glows (5)","output":"### Answer: EMBER \n ### Explanation: At the end of three months, it glows (5)\n**EMBER** is found *at the end of three months* (SeptEMBER, NovEMBER and DecEMBER)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stiff material to resist something battering (7)","output":"### Answer: BUCKRAM \n ### Explanation: Stiff material to resist something battering (7)\n**BUCK** (\"to resist\") + **RAM** (\"something battering\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: In Panama, say, a little place where I live (7)","output":"### Answer: HABITAT \n ### Explanation: In Panama, say, a little place where I live (7)\n*in* **HAT** (\"panama, perhaps\") **A BIT** (\"a little\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dispose of bushy hair \u2014 revolting! (3,2)","output":"### Answer: MOP UP \n ### Explanation: Dispose of bushy hair \u2014 revolting! (3,2)\n**MOP** (\"budhy hair\") + **UP** (\"revolting\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Queens' man's worry \u2014 knee being wrenched (3,6)","output":"### Answer: NEW YORKER \n ### Explanation: Queens' man's worry \u2014 knee being wrenched (3,6)\n***(worry knee)** [anag:*being wretched*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A stock Guardian figure? (5,9)","output":"### Answer: STORE DETECTIVE \n ### Explanation: A stock Guardian figure? (5,9)\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Feel sick, having eaten fish (4)","output":"### Answer: EELS \n ### Explanation: Feel sick, having eaten fish (4)\nHidden in [*having eaten*] \"f**EEL S**ick\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rich supply of water awaiting attention (4-2-2)","output":"### Answer: WELL-TO-DO \n ### Explanation: Rich supply of water awaiting attention (4-2-2)\n**WELL** (\"supply of water\") + **TO-DO** (\"awaiting attention\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Solvers are excellent people (8)","output":"### Answer: CRACKERS \n ### Explanation: Solvers are excellent people (8)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mark returns to school (4)","output":"### Answer: ETON \n ### Explanation: Mark returns to school (4)\n**<=NOTE** (\"mark\" *returns*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sensational items for dressmaker (4,3,7)","output":"### Answer: PINS AND NEEDLES \n ### Explanation: Sensational items for dressmaker (4,3,7)\n**PINS** **AND** **NEEDLES**, as well as being dressmakers' items, is also a sensation."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old dog in races is not inhibited (9)","output":"### Answer: EXTROVERT \n ### Explanation: Old dog in races is not inhibited (9)\n**EX** (\"old\") + **ROVER** (\"dog\")\u00a0*in*\u00a0**T.T.** (Tourist Trophy \"races\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unmarried parent is not the same (5)","output":"### Answer: OTHER \n ### Explanation: Unmarried parent is not the same (5)\n(m)**OTHER** (\"parent\") without the M (married), so unmarried"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: It beat time, a guide when one's at sea (7)","output":"### Answer: SEXTANT \n ### Explanation: It beat time, a guide when one's at sea (7)\n**SEX** (\"it\") + **TAN** (\"beat\") + **T** (time)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Can bees suffer want? (7)","output":"### Answer: ABSENCE \n ### Explanation: Can bees suffer want? (7)\n***(can bees)\u00a0**[anag:*suffer*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Paper initially backing up main files (4)","output":"### Answer: BUMF \n ### Explanation: Paper initially backing up main files (4)\n[*initially*] **B**(acking) **U**(p) **M**(ain) **F**(iles)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: London, for example, wins one away from Uber \u2014 it reduces profits (7,5,3)","output":"### Answer: CAPITAL GAINS TAX \n ### Explanation: London, for example, wins one away from Uber \u2014 it reduces profits (7,5,3)\n**CAPITAL** (\"London, for example\") + **GAINS** (\"wins\") + I (one) [*away from*] **TAX**(i) (\"Uber\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Man is rugby forward (6)","output":"### Answer: RUPERT \n ### Explanation: Man is rugby forward (6)\n**RU** (\"rugby\" union) + **PERT** (\"forward\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sullen, introducing new poem of lament (6)","output":"### Answer: MONODY \n ### Explanation: Sullen, introducing new poem of lament (6)\n**MOODY** (\"sullen\") *introducing* **N** (new)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Say in what way it's a gun (8)","output":"### Answer: HOWITZER \n ### Explanation: Say in what way it's a gun (8)\nHomophone [*say*] of **HOW IT'S A** (\"in what way it's a\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cabbage badger doesn't finish; firm, large one (8)","output":"### Answer: BROCCOLI \n ### Explanation: Cabbage badger doesn't finish; firm, large one (8)\n**BROC**(k) (\"badger\" *doesn't finish*) + **Co.** (company, so \"firm\") + **L** (large) + **I** (one)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Be brave, like an unfortunate boxer? (4,2,2,3,4)","output":"### Answer: TAKE IT ON THE CHIN \n ### Explanation: Be brave, like an unfortunate boxer? (4,2,2,3,4)\nAn unfortunate boxer may \"take it on the chin\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Got roped in to play, explosively ruining it? (10)","output":"### Answer: TORPEDOING \n ### Explanation: Got roped in to play, explosively ruining it? (10)\n***(get roped in)** [anag:*to play*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Magistrates and newspapers in strenuous exercise (5,5)","output":"### Answer: BENCH PRESS \n ### Explanation: Magistrates and newspapers in strenuous exercise (5,5)\n**BENCH** (\"magistrates\") + **PRESS** (\"newspapers\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: In brief, fine state of musical theatre (8)","output":"### Answer: OKLAHOMA \n ### Explanation: In brief, fine state of musical theatre (8)\n*In brief*, the state of \"Oklahoma\" is Ok (\"fine\") and Oklahoma! is the name of a musical."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Carelessly treading slope (8)","output":"### Answer: GRADIENT \n ### Explanation: Carelessly treading slope (8)\n***(treading)** [anag:*carelessly*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Somewhere to sleep with a girl (6)","output":"### Answer: BERTHA \n ### Explanation: Somewhere to sleep with a girl (6)\n**BERTH** (\"somewhere to sleep\") *with* **A"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Notice academics make extra charges (3-3)","output":"### Answer: ADD-ONS \n ### Explanation: Notice academics make extra charges (3-3)\n**AD** (\"notice\") + **DONS** (\"academics\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Liberal toff re-elected, with many abstentions (4)","output":"### Answer: FREE \n ### Explanation: Liberal toff re-elected, with many abstentions (4)\nHidden in \"tof**F RE-E**lected\" [*with many abstentions*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Work out cost of keeping new member of royal family (6)","output":"### Answer: PRINCE \n ### Explanation: Definition: member of royal family\n**PRICE** (\"work out cost of\") *keeping* **N** (new)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Attack government protecting member with appeal (8)","output":"### Answer: CHARMING \n ### Explanation: Definition: with appeal\n**CHIN** (\"attack\") + **G** (government) *protecting* **ARM** (\"member\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Misrepresent Greta Thunberg's principal goal (6)","output":"### Answer: TARGET \n ### Explanation: Definition: goal\n***(greta)** [anag:*misrepresent*] + T(hunberg) [*'s principal*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Moan about having time to kill in rehearsal (8)","output":"### Answer: PRACTICE \n ### Explanation: Definition: rehearsal\n**<=CARP** (\"moan\", *about*) *having* **T** (time) + **ICE** (\"to kill\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Auditor's welcome to settle up here (8)","output":"### Answer: HIGHLAND \n ### Explanation: Definition: up here\nHomophone of [*auditor's*] **HI** (\"welcome\") + **LAND** (\"to settle\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cows Conservative post-war prime minister lacking in character (6)","output":"### Answer: CATTLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Cows\n**C** (conservative) + (Clement) **ATTLE**(e) (\"post-war prime minister\", *lacking* a *character*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Novelist let fun film spread feeling of personal achievement (4-10)","output":"### Answer: FULFILMENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: feeling of personal achievement\n(Will) **SELF** (\"novelist\") + ***(let fun film)** [anag:*spread*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cast urged actor to decrease uneven material (10,4)","output":"### Answer: IRON \n ### Explanation: Definition: uneven material\n***(urged actor)** [anag:*cast*] + **IRON** (\"to decrease\" i.e. to take away the creases)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Position evident in half our theories (6)","output":"### Answer: FOURTH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Position\nHidden [*evident*] in \"hal**F OUR TH**eories\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Country remains divided by Unionist halving lead (8)","output":"### Answer: REPUBLIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: Country\n**RELIC** (\"remains\") *divided by* **U** *halving* **Pb** (chemical symbol for \"lead\"), so **RE(P(U)B)LIC"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: About to charge to go round roundabout (8)","output":"### Answer: INDIRECT \n ### Explanation: Definition: roundabout\n**RE** (\"about\") *with* **INDICT** (\"charge\") *going round"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Nine\u00a0express disapproval (6)","output":"### Answer: OBJECT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Nine\nDouble definition, with the \"nine\" referring to the solution to 9ac, which was \"target\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Humming line following first half of melody in chorus (8)","output":"### Answer: SMELLING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Humming\n**L** (line)* following* [*first half of*] *MEL*(ody)* in* **SING** (\"chorus\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fail, after losing one's nerve, to preserve\u00a0courage (6)","output":"### Answer: BOTTLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fail, after losing one's nerve\nTriple definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Launches\u00a0attempts to sell\u00a0degrees (7)","output":"### Answer: PITCHES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Launches\nTriple definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Suspect guerrilla's left to become resistance fighter (9)","output":"### Answer: IRREGULAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: resistance fighter\n***(guerrila r)**\u00a0[anag:*suspect*] which is guerilla with one of the Ls (for left) gone, however, I can't see anything telling us to remove the L? \n*Edit: Going back to the previous blog, I see that the solution is simply \"fighter\", with the \"left to become resistance\" part indicating that we need to replace an L with an R"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Language from mid-Carolina adopted by indigenous Americans (6)","output":"### Answer: CREOLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Language\n[*mid*] (car)**OL**(ina) *adopted by* **CREE** (\"indigenous Americans\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Broadcast tried to organise mass movement (4)","output":"### Answer: HERD \n ### Explanation: Definition: to organise mass movement\nHomophone [*broadcast*] of **HEARD** (\"tried\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Agents infiltrating demonstration on an ethnic basis (8)","output":"### Answer: RACIALLY \n ### Explanation: Definition: on an ethnic basis\n**CIA** (Criminal Intelligence Agency, so \"agents\") *infiltrating* **RALLY** (\"demonstration\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stupid aspect of personality a little bit curtailed (5)","output":"### Answer: IDIOT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Stupid\n**ID** (\"aspect of personality\") + **IOT**(a) (\"a little bit\", *curtailed*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Great having positive response for article that's extremely dull (7)","output":"### Answer: GREYEST \n ### Explanation: Definition: extremely dull\n**GRE**(a>**YES**)**T\u00a0***having* YES (\"positive response\") *for* (instead of) A (\"article\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Closed urinals in need of refurbishment (7)","output":"### Answer: INSULAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Closed\n***(urinals)** [anag:*in need of refurbishment*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Did volunteer take case of sweet wine? (7)","output":"### Answer: OFFERED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Did volunteer\n[*case of*] (t)**OFFE**(e) (\"sweet\") [*taken*] +** RED** (\"wine\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Enlisting men wanting leadership, mounted men and men flanked by officer (9)","output":"### Answer: ENROLMENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Enlisting\n(m)**EN** [wanting leadership] + [*mounted*] **<=OR** (other ranks, so \"men\") + **MEN** flanked by **Lt.** (lieutenant, so \"officer\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Extremely popular artworks stripped of aesthetic value (8)","output":"### Answer: CULTURAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: of aesthetic value\n**CULT** (\"extremely popular\") + (m)**URAL**(s) [*stripped*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Company set up suggestion boxes (7)","output":"### Answer: COFFINS \n ### Explanation: Definition: boxes\n**Co.** (company) + [*set up*] **<=SNIFF** (\"suggestion\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Doing this up could bring a lump to one's throat (7)","output":"### Answer: NECKTIE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Doing this up could bring a lump to one's throat\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Look after English embraced by local Spanish-speaking community (6)","output":"### Answer: PUEBLO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Spanish-speaking community\n**LO** (\"look\") *after* **E** (English) *embraced by* **PUB** (\"local\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: University dons dancing nude without good reason (5)","output":"### Answer: UNDUE \n ### Explanation: Definition: without good reason\n**U** (University) *dons* ***(nude)** [anag:*dancing*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Image could be Apple's way to extract money from gullible people (4)","output":"### Answer: ICON \n ### Explanation: Definition: Image\nAn i in front of something (as in iPod or iPad) is a feature of Apple products, so an **iCon** could be a way of extracting money from gullible people."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Depressed? Do cocaine before farewell (7)","output":"### Answer: CONCAVE \n ### Explanation: Depressed? Do cocaine before farewell (7)\n**CON** (\"do\") +** C** (cocaine) *before* **AVE** (\"fairwell\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Grows into\u00a0suits (7)","output":"### Answer: BECOMES \n ### Explanation: Grows into\u00a0suits (7)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Person covering ground, state policeman initially going in front (5)","output":"### Answer: PAVER \n ### Explanation: Person covering ground, state policeman initially going in front (5)\n**AVER** (\"state\") with **P**(oliceman) [*initially*] *going in front"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One could go off with detective working around schedule (9)","output":"### Answer: DETONATOR \n ### Explanation: One could go off with detective working around schedule (9)\n**DET** (detective) + **ON** (\"working\") + [*around*] **<=ROTA** (\"schedule\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Can churchman approach sin? Characters inside clink set free (6,8)","output":"### Answer: PRISON CHAPLAIN \n ### Explanation: Can churchman approach sin? Characters inside clink set free (6,8)\n***(approach sin lin)** [anag:*set free*] where LIN is [*charcters inside*] (c)LIN(k)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Casually sleep with English scruff (4)","output":"### Answer: NAPE \n ### Explanation: Casually sleep with English scruff (4)\n**NAP** (\"casually sleep\") *with* **E** (English)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Peril not unusual for crime fighters (8)","output":"### Answer: INTERPOL \n ### Explanation: Peril not unusual for crime fighters (8)\n***(peril not)** [anag:*unusual*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Former lover with big bosom, essentially models (8)","output":"### Answer: EXAMPLES \n ### Explanation: Former lover with big bosom, essentially models (8)\n**EX** (\"former lover\") *with* **AMPLE** (\"big\") + (bo)**S**(om) [*essentially*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Like No Time to Die (4)","output":"### Answer: PEER \n ### Explanation: Like No Time to Die (4)\n**PE**(t)**ER** (\"die\", as in \"peter out\") with *no* T (time)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Icon Columbo's back with cigar: mill around like his character? (14)","output":"### Answer: CRIMINOLOGICAL \n ### Explanation: Icon Columbo's back with cigar: mill around like his character? (14)\n***(icon o cigar mill)** [anag:*around*] where O is (columb)O [*'s back*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Foe messed with lieutenant's head, TV ace making U-turn (5-4)","output":"### Answer: VOLTE-FACE \n ### Explanation: Foe messed with lieutenant's head, TV ace making U-turn (5-4)\n***(foe l tv ace)** [anag:*messed*] where L is L(ieutenant)[*'s head*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Defence of Italy twice cut ball out (5)","output":"### Answer: ALIBI \n ### Explanation: Defence of Italy twice cut ball out (5)\n***(i i bal)** [anag:*out*] where I I is Italy twice and BAL is BAL(l) [*cut*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Turns down rubbish song's intro (7)","output":"### Answer: REFUSES \n ### Explanation: Turns down rubbish song's intro (7)\n**REFUSE** (\"rubbish\") + **S**(ong) [*'s intro*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Catches case of Columbo with 'one more thing' (4)","output":"### Answer: COPS \n ### Explanation: Catches case of Columbo with 'one more thing' (4)\n[*case of*] **C**(olomb)**O** *with* **PS** (post script, so \"one more thing\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Show respect for late 'disheveled' Peter Falk on a broadcast (5,5,3,2,3,4)","output":"### Answer: NEVER SPEAK ILL OF THE DEAD \n ### Explanation: Show respect for late 'disheveled' Peter Falk on a broadcast (5,5,3,2,3,4)\n***(disheveled peter falk on a)** [anag:*broadcast*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Do search in the centre with others (6)","output":"### Answer: ARREST \n ### Explanation: Do search in the centre with others (6)\n(se)**AR**(ch) [in the centre] *with* **REST** (\"others\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Conclusion, say, to cover news about investigator (6)","output":"### Answer: ENDING \n ### Explanation: Conclusion, say, to cover news about investigator (6)\n**EG** (for example, so \"say\") to cover **N N** (two \"news\") *about* **DI** (detective inspector, so \"investigator\"), so **E(N(DI)N)G"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Being spiteful is beginning to be irritating (8)","output":"### Answer: BITCHING \n ### Explanation: Being spiteful is beginning to be irritating (8)\n[*beginning to*] **B**(e) + **ITCHING** (\"irritating\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Covers preserve work that is special (8)","output":"### Answer: CANOPIES \n ### Explanation: Covers preserve work that is special (8)\n**CAN** (\"preserve\") + **OP** (opus, so \"work\") + **I.E.** (\"that is\") +** S** (special)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Drug satisfied husband in the morning, dear, keeping hard with a source of supply (15)","output":"### Answer: METHAMPHETAMINE \n ### Explanation: Drug satisfied husband in the morning, dear, keeping hard with a source of supply (15)\n**MET** (\"satisfied\") + **H** (husband) +**AM** (\"in the morning\") + **PET** (\"dear) *keeping* **H** (hard) *with* **A MINE** (\"source of supply\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: They murder visitors around lake (10)","output":"### Answer: STRANGLERS \n ### Explanation: They murder visitors around lake (10)\n**STRANGERS** (\"visitors\") *around* **L** (lake)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Subordinate to screen detective might work like this? (10)","output":"### Answer: UNDERCOVER \n ### Explanation: Subordinate to screen detective might work like this? (10)\n**UNDER** (\"subordinate\") + **COVER** (\"to screen\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: They join police with round going off: run in two seconds (8)","output":"### Answer: SPLICERS \n ### Explanation: They join police with round going off: run in two seconds (8)\n**P**(o)**LICE** *with* O (\"round\") *going off* + **R** (run) *in* **S S** (two \"seconds\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Recover arm: solve murders (8)","output":"### Answer: REMOVALS \n ### Explanation: Recover arm: solve murders (8)\n***(arm solve)\u00a0**[anag:*recover*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Plain or flash coat for detective on street? (6)","output":"### Answer: MODEST \n ### Explanation: Plain or flash coat for detective on street? (6)\n**MO** (\"flash\", as in \"a short time\") + [*coat for*] **D**(etectiv)**E** *on* **ST** (street)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Detective with charge that's appropriate (6)","output":"### Answer: PIRATE \n ### Explanation: Detective with charge that's appropriate (6)\n**PI** (private investigator, so \"detective\") *with* **RATE** (\"charge\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Watch out for\u00a0intellect (4)","output":"### Answer: MIND \n ### Explanation: Watch out for\u00a0intellect (4)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Raised voices: Posh half cut on seaside jaunt? (8)","output":"### Answer: SHOUTING \n ### Explanation: Raised voices: Posh half cut on seaside jaunt? (8)\n(po)**SH** [*half cut*] *on* **OUTING** (\"seaside jaunt?\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One letting off steam in police pen? (6)","output":"### Answer: KETTLE \n ### Explanation: One letting off steam in police pen? (6)\nDouble definition, the second realting to the practice of \"kettling\" used by police to control crowds."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Alienate holy man in eastern mountains (8)","output":"### Answer: ESTRANGE \n ### Explanation: Alienate holy man in eastern mountains (8)\n**ST** (saint, so \"holy man\") *in* **E** (eastern) + **RANGE** (\"mountains\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Addicted, as Sturgeon may be? (6)","output":"### Answer: HOOKED \n ### Explanation: Addicted, as Sturgeon may be? (6)\nRefers of course to the fish, not the Scottish First Minister!"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Model draped around me? That's Grace (5)","output":"### Answer: POISE \n ### Explanation: Model draped around me? That's Grace (5)\n**POSE** (\"draped\") *around* **I** (\"me\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A married man gone abroad to fight at Troy (9)","output":"### Answer: AGAMEMNON \n ### Explanation: A married man gone abroad to fight at Troy (9)\n***(a m man gone)** [anag:*abroad*] and semi &lit."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wait on American minister nursing temperature (6)","output":"### Answer: ATTEND \n ### Explanation: Wait on American minister nursing temperature (6)\n**A** (American) + **TEND** (\"minister\") *nursing* **T** (temperature)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Warning for wife that was large (7)","output":"### Answer: EXAMPLE \n ### Explanation: Warning for wife that was large (7)\n**EX** (\"wife that was\") + **AMPLE** (\"large\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One hounding prince, you say \u2013 and his mum? (7)","output":"### Answer: HARRIER \n ### Explanation: One hounding prince, you say \u2013 and his mum? (7)\nHomophone [*you say*] of **HARRY** (\"prince\") and **ER** (Elizabeth Regina, Queen Elizabeth) \n*Although a prince is often the son of a queen, using ER (as the setter does twice in this puzzle for Queen) is specific to queens with E as their first name, and neither Liz 1 or 2 had a son called Harry, so I think the clue should have said \"gran\" rather than \"mum\". The question mark at the end is not enough."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Making out with Carol, dropping some Es (6)","output":"### Answer: SEEING \n ### Explanation: Making out with Carol, dropping some Es (6)\n**SING** (\"Carol\") *dropping* (i.e. swallowing) *E E* (Es)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cook a nice dhal? Diners might enjoy it (9)","output":"### Answer: ENCHILADA \n ### Explanation: Cook a nice dhal? Diners might enjoy it (9)\n***(a nice dhal)\u00a0**[anag:*cook*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A longing often unexpressed by East Ender (5)","output":"### Answer: AITCH \n ### Explanation: A longing often unexpressed by East Ender (5)\n**A** + **ITCH** (\"longing\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ancient Greek edition I analysed in part (6)","output":"### Answer: IONIAN \n ### Explanation: Ancient Greek edition I analysed in part (6)\nHidden in [*in part*] \"edit**ION I AN**alysed\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A lot of specially ground Jamaica pepper (8)","output":"### Answer: ALLSPICE \n ### Explanation: A lot of specially ground Jamaica pepper (8)\n***(speciall)** [anag:**ground**] where SPECIALL is [*a lot of*] SPECIALL(y)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rich Liberal provoked, losing head (6)","output":"### Answer: LOADED \n ### Explanation: Rich Liberal provoked, losing head (6)\n**L** (Liberal) + (g)**OADED** (\"provoked\", l*osing head*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pudding problem at Johnson's alma mater? (4,4)","output":"### Answer: ETON MESS \n ### Explanation: Pudding problem at Johnson's alma mater? (4,4)\n**MESS** (\"problem) *at* **ETON** ((Boris) \"Johnson's alma mater\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tired MI6 man devouring fish on way back (6)","output":"### Answer: SLEEPY \n ### Explanation: Tired MI6 man devouring fish on way back (6)\n**SPY** (\"MI6 man\") *devouring* **<=EEL** (\"fish\" *on the way back*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Couturier exposed by assembly man (9)","output":"### Answer: OUTFITTER \n ### Explanation: Couturier exposed by assembly man (9)\n**OUT** (\"exposed\") *by* **FITTER** (\"assembly man\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Conclude changing leader is a provocation (5)","output":"### Answer: TEASE \n ### Explanation: Conclude changing leader is a provocation (5)\n(c>**T**)**EASE** (\"conclude\") *changing leader* (first letter) from C to T"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Miser moving slowly along, briefly upset (7)","output":"### Answer: NIGGARD \n ### Explanation: Miser moving slowly along, briefly upset (7)\n**<=DRAGGIN**(g) (\"moving slowly along\", *briefly*, *upset*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Clear one interrupting former judge (9)","output":"### Answer: EXONERATE \n ### Explanation: Clear one interrupting former judge (9)\n**ONE** *interrupting* **EX** (\"former\") + **RATE** (\"judge\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Evidence of ghetto Kenya largely erased (5)","output":"### Answer: TOKEN \n ### Explanation: Evidence of ghetto Kenya largely erased (5)\nHidden in \"ghet**TO KEN**ya\" [l*argely erased*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Threaten corrupt grandee? Not at first (8)","output":"### Answer: ENDANGER \n ### Explanation: Threaten corrupt grandee? Not at first (8)\n***(grandee n)** [anag:*corrupt*] where N is N(ot) [*at first*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Naked bishop about to embrace one? (4)","output":"### Answer: BARE \n ### Explanation: Naked bishop about to embrace one? (4)\n**B** (bishop) + **RE** (\"about\")* to embrace* **A** (\"one\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Delete a timeline that's inaccurate (9)","output":"### Answer: ELIMINATE \n ### Explanation: Delete a timeline that's inaccurate (9)\n***(a timeline)** [anag:*that's inaccurate*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Puts on rubbish suit, type favoured by Rees-Mogg (9)","output":"### Answer: PINSTRIPE \n ### Explanation: Puts on rubbish suit, type favoured by Rees-Mogg (9)\n**PINS** (\"puts\") *on* **TRIPE** (\"rubbish\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bird that might be presented to you at Jimmy Choo's? (8)","output":"### Answer: SHOEBILL \n ### Explanation: Bird that might be presented to you at Jimmy Choo's? (8)\nOne shopping at a Jimmy Choo's boutique would be presented with a **BILL** for **SHOE**s"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Look after\u00a0one's bottom (4)","output":"### Answer: REAR \n ### Explanation: Look after\u00a0one's bottom (4)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Little mark left by wound, but very red? (7)","output":"### Answer: SCARLET \n ### Explanation: Little mark left by wound, but very red? (7)\nAs -let is used to indicate a smaller version of something (as in notelet, or streamlet), a small scar (\"little mark left by wound\") could be a **SCARLET"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Applauds revolutionary society locking up Her Maj (6)","output":"### Answer: CHEERS \n ### Explanation: Applauds revolutionary society locking up Her Maj (6)\n**CHE** (Guevara, \"revolutionary\") + **S** (society) *locking up* **ER** (the Queen, so \"her Maj\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Steps taken to deceive a heartless geisha (5)","output":"### Answer: CONGA \n ### Explanation: Steps taken to deceive a heartless geisha (5)\n**CON** (\"to deceive\") [*heartless*] **G**(eish)**A ***A bit pedantic, but the \"a\" in the clue is superfluous"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Crime of a penniless priest (5)","output":"### Answer: ARSON \n ### Explanation: Crime of a penniless priest (5)\n(p)**ARSON** (\"priest\" with no P (penny), so *penniless*) \n*Again, the \"a\" is superfluous"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: He's ripped on the outside, one very trim (5)","output":"### Answer: SHAVE \n ### Explanation: He's ripped on the outside, one very trim (5)\n***(he's)** [anag:ripped] *on the outside* of **A** (\"one\") + **V** (very)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Liberal wearing tousled hair promises to be funny (9)","output":"### Answer: HILARIOUS \n ### Explanation: Liberal wearing tousled hair promises to be funny (9)\n**L** (liberal) *wearing* ***(hair)** [anag:*tousled*] + **IOUS** (\"promises\" to pay)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Car seen racing over 100 by groups of spectators (9)","output":"### Answer: AUDIENCES \n ### Explanation: Car seen racing over 100 by groups of spectators (9)\n**AUDI** (\"car\") + ***(seen)** [anag:*racing*] *over* **C** (100)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Swear at dog, tips of sausages eaten (5)","output":"### Answer: CURSE \n ### Explanation: Swear at dog, tips of sausages eaten (5)\n**CUR** (\"dog\") + [*tips of*] **S**(ausages) **E**(aten)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Scottish hero \u2014 an expert climber? (7)","output":"### Answer: WALLACE \n ### Explanation: Scottish hero \u2014 an expert climber? (7)\nA **WALL ACE** may be ace at climbing walls. \n*The Scottish hero is of course William Wallace, who was captured by the English about 200 yards from where I am sitting now."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pocket for everyone in East\u00adbourne, say, in retirement (7)","output":"### Answer: TROUSER \n ### Explanation: Pocket for everyone in East\u00adbourne, say, in retirement (7)\n**U** (universal, so \"for everyone\") in **<=RESORT** (\"Eastbourne, say\") [*in retirement*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cat in the past goes round the bend (5)","output":"### Answer: OUNCE \n ### Explanation: Cat in the past goes round the bend (5)\n**ONCE** (\"in the past\") *goes round the* U (-bend)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Manage\u00a0to exercise (3)","output":"### Answer: RUN \n ### Explanation: Manage\u00a0to exercise (3)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Animal urinates over top of hedge, facing the other way (5)","output":"### Answer: SHEEP \n ### Explanation: Animal urinates over top of hedge, facing the other way (5)\n[*facing the wrong way*] **<=PEES** (\"urinates\") *over* [*the top of*] **H**(edge)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Plots involve danger close to Paris (7)","output":"### Answer: GARDENS \n ### Explanation: Plots involve danger close to Paris (7)\n***(danger)** [anag:*involve*] + [*close to*] (pari)**S"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Moon about end of party, to act audaciously (3,2,2)","output":"### Answer: TRY IT ON \n ### Explanation: Moon about end of party, to act audaciously (3,2,2)\n**TRITON** (\"moon\" of Neptune) *about* [*end of*] (part)**Y"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mathematical symbol displayed on a blackboard (5)","output":"### Answer: NABLA \n ### Explanation: Mathematical symbol displayed on a blackboard (5)\nHidden [displayed] in \"o**N A BLA**ckboard\" \n*In mathematics, nabla (aka del), which takes the shape of a triangle with the point facing downwards, is used in vector calculus. "} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Authorised captive queen to be dropped into English sea (9)","output":"### Answer: EMPOWERED \n ### Explanation: Authorised captive queen to be dropped into English sea (9)\n**POW** (prisoner of war, so \"captive\") +** ER** (Elizabeth Regina, so \"queen\") *to be dropped into* **E** (English) + **MED** (\"sea\"), so **E-M(POW-ER)ED"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: To have shown fear in checked pants (9)","output":"### Answer: CHICKENED \n ### Explanation: To have shown fear in checked pants (9)\n***(in checked)** [anag:*pants*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Country's at home beyond spring (5)","output":"### Answer: SPAIN \n ### Explanation: Country's at home beyond spring (5)\n**IN** (\"at home\") *beyond* **SPA** (\"spring\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: English rock band, once big in the East? (4)","output":"### Answer: ASIA \n ### Explanation: English rock band, once big in the East? (4)\nDouble definition. \n*Asia were much bigger in the USA than they were here, with only one of their albums reaching the top ten here, and only one single in the top 40."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bloke playing old fashionable instrument (8)","output":"### Answer: MANDOLIN \n ### Explanation: Bloke playing old fashionable instrument (8)\n**MAN** (\"bloke\") + ***(old)** [anag:*playing*] + **IN** (\"fashionable\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wife's present: divorcing husband at one time past (4)","output":"### Answer: WERE \n ### Explanation: Wife's present: divorcing husband at one time past (4)\n**W** (wife) + (h)**ERE** (\"present\", *divorcing* H (husband)) \n*Don't like the definition here."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Punishment for most of this cake being spongy, right? (5,3)","output":"### Answer: THICK EAR \n ### Explanation: Punishment for most of this cake being spongy, right? (5,3)\n[*most of*] **THI**(s) + ***(cake)** [anag:*being spongy*] + **R** (right)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Conservative leader to suffer defeat? Time for recess (6)","output":"### Answer: CLOSET \n ### Explanation: Conservative leader to suffer defeat? Time for recess (6)\n**C** (conservative) [*leader*] + **LOSE** (\"to suffer defeat) + **T** (time)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: \u00a31,000 at first, young learner's car reverses, collecting debts kindly (10)","output":"### Answer: GRACIOUSLY \n ### Explanation: \u00a31,000 at first, young learner's car reverses, collecting debts kindly (10)\n**G** (grand, so \"\u00a31,000\") [*at first*] + (**<=Y** (young) + **L** (learner) + **CAR**) [*reverses*] *collecting* **IOUS** (\"debts\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Seeks\u00a0these at Wimbledon (6)","output":"### Answer: COURTS \n ### Explanation: Seeks\u00a0these at Wimbledon (6)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ground lies surrounded by water (4)","output":"### Answer: ISLE \n ### Explanation: Ground lies surrounded by water (4)\n***(lies)** [anag:*ground*] and &lit."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Grown apart, as not suitable (5)","output":"### Answer: WRONG \n ### Explanation: Grown apart, as not suitable (5)\n***(grown)** [anag:*apart*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: English author, one left in river with powerboats? (5,5)","output":"### Answer: ADELE PARKS \n ### Explanation: English author, one left in river with powerboats? (5,5)\n**A** (\"one\") + **L** (left) *in* (River) **DEE** *with* **P** (power) + **ARKS** (\"boats\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mature writing with Apple device? (5)","output":"### Answer: RIPEN \n ### Explanation: Mature writing with Apple device? (5)\n**R** (\"writing\", one of the three Rs) + **iPEN** (*if Apple produced pens, they would inevitably prefix them with an i, as in iPad and iPhone*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Writers' blocks (8)","output":"### Answer: NOTEPADS \n ### Explanation: Writers' blocks (8)\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Outside bird caged by old metal (8)","output":"### Answer: EXTERNAL \n ### Explanation: Outside bird caged by old metal (8)\n**TERN** (\"bird\") *caged by* **EX** (\"old\") + **Al** (chemical symbol for aluminium, so \"metal\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Talk with pet (6)","output":"### Answer: RABBIT \n ### Explanation: Talk with pet (6)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old queen is turning brown (6)","output":"### Answer: SIENNA \n ### Explanation: Old queen is turning brown (6)\n(**<=ANNE** (\"old queen\") +** IS**) [*turning*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cocaine stolen by family returning to prison (4)","output":"### Answer: NICK \n ### Explanation: Cocaine stolen by family returning to prison (4)\n**C** (cocaine) *stolen by* **<=KIN** (\"family\") [*returning*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Woman has dirty laundry (4)","output":"### Answer: WASH \n ### Explanation: Woman has dirty laundry (4)\n**W** (woman) + ***(has)** [anag:*dirty*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: American's sci-fi novel under construction: centre of Earth is missing! (4)","output":"### Answer: DUNE \n ### Explanation: American's sci-fi novel under construction: centre of Earth is missing! (4)\n***(unde)** [anag:*construction*] where UNDE is (unde)r with [*centre of*] (ea)R(th) *missing"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Grissino, say, with the necessary jam (10)","output":"### Answer: BREADSTICK \n ### Explanation: Definition: Grissino, say\n**BREAD** (\"the necessary\", as in money) +** STICK** (\"jam\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pretty cold at the front of Mick Dundee's truck (4)","output":"### Answer: CUTE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Pretty\n**C** (cold) *at the front of* **UTE** (Australian term for \"truck\", short for \"utility vehicle\") \n*Mick Dundee was the real name of the eponymous fearless Aussie, Crocodile Dundee, played by Paul Hogan in a couple of films."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Impressive collection of winkle- pickers (4)","output":"### Answer: EPIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: Impressive\nHidden in [*collection of*] \"winkl**E-PIC**kers\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Outlet's wasting cash in rent (5,5)","output":"### Answer: CHAIN STORE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Outlet\n***(cash in)** [anag:*wasting*] + TORE (\"rent\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Chap\u00a0that keeps house plants a little moist (6)","output":"### Answer: MISTER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Chap\nDouble defintion"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Long-term con behind item of survival equipment (4,4)","output":"### Answer: LIFE RAFT \n ### Explanation: Definition: item of survival equipment\n**LIFER** (\"long-term con\") + **AFT** (\"behind\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Reduced chocolate substitute in amazing main dish (8)","output":"### Answer: MACARONI \n ### Explanation: Definition: dish\n[*reduced*] **CARO**(b) (\"chocolate substitute\") *in* ***(main)** [anag:*amazing*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A line that will do too (4)","output":"### Answer: ALSO \n ### Explanation: Definition: too\n**A** + **L** (line) + **SO** (\"that will do\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Take off round section in part of church (4)","output":"### Answer: APSE \n ### Explanation: Definition: part of church\n**APE** (\"take off\") *round ***S** (section) \nI misparsed this at first, but Hovis helped me out (see comment #1)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Catch a glimpse of good girl in this? (8)","output":"### Answer: EYEGLASS \n ### Explanation: Definition: this?\n**EYE** (\"catch a glimpse of\") + **G** (good) + **LASS** (\"girl\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Smoked beef in one market clot picked up (8)","output":"### Answer: PASTRAMI \n ### Explanation: Definition: Smoked beef\n<=(**I** (one) + **MART** (\"market\") + **SAP** (\"clot\")) *picked up* \nThis would work better as a Down clue, as picked up doesn't indicate reversal in a lateral direction."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stellar sons dawdle (6)","output":"### Answer: STARRY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Stellar \n**S** (sons) + **TARRY** (\"dawdle\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Carefully considered admitting one who solicits brazenly (7-3)","output":"### Answer: THOUGHT-OUT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Carefully considered\n**THOUGH** (\"admitting\") + **TOUT** (\"one who solicits brazenly\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The last word in steam engineering (4)","output":"### Answer: AMEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: The last word\nHidden [*in*] \"ste**AM EN**gineering\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Leaders of this rove east to west of Kenya? (4)","output":"### Answer: TREK \n ### Explanation: Definition: Leaders of this rove east to west of Kenya?\n[*leaders of*] **T**(his) **R**(ove) **E**(ast) *to* [*west of*] (ie the first (furthest west) letter of) **K** (Kenya) and &lit."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pages confuse the royal way of being \"up\" (10)","output":"### Answer: SIDESADDLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: the royal way of being \"up\" \n**SIDES** (\"pages\") + **ADDLE** (\"confuse\") \n*Not an equestrian, but I thought sidesaddle referred to a way that a woman used to ride a horse, rather than a royal personage?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pile rumbustiously into new car model (7)","output":"### Answer: REPLICA \n ### Explanation: Definition: model\n***(pile)** [anag:*rumbustiously*] *into* ***(car)** [anag:*new*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Team's supposed lucky charm scoring first in tie (5)","output":"### Answer: ASCOT \n ### Explanation: Definition: tie\n(m)**ASCOT** (\"team's supposed lucky charm\" with its *first* (letter) *scored* (out))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Where to be patient? Disappointed with lash up (8)","output":"### Answer: SICKROOM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Where to be patient?\n**SICK** (\"disappointed\") *with* **<=MOOR** (\"lash\" *up*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Probably I spoil Nike hold-all, not special for a change (2,3,10)","output":"### Answer: IN ALL LIKELIHOOD \n ### Explanation: Definition: Probably\n**I** + ***(oil nike holdall)** [anag:*for a change*] where OIL is (sp)OIL without the SP (*not* special)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Martial art's good fun struggling under a couple from Kuancheng (4,2)","output":"### Answer: KUNG FU \n ### Explanation: Definition: Martial art\n**G** (good) + ***(fun)** [anag:*struggling*] *under* [*a couple from*] **KU**(ancheng) \n*The \"a couple from\" is a bit vague, in my opinion, but it is obvious which \"couple\" of letters is required in the clue."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: To supply wide transport husband let out a screech (9)","output":"### Answer: CATERWAUL \n ### Explanation: Definition: a screech\n**CATER** (\"to supply\") + **W** (wide) + (h)**AUL** (\"transport\" with H (husband) *let out*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Duties sailor's taking on board whenever fire's starting (7)","output":"### Answer: TARIFFS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Duties\n**TAR'S** (\"sailor's\") *taking on board* **IF** (\"whenever\") + **F**(ire) [*'s starting*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Amazed as we alter dealings (9)","output":"### Answer: AWESTRUCK \n ### Explanation: Definition: Amazed\n***(as we)** [anag:*alter*] + **TRUCK** (\"dealings\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Such as could be wisest? (8)","output":"### Answer: WEBSITES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Such as could be wisest?\n***(be wisest)\u00a0**and semi &lit."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: In ads, price on asking \u2013 dear for French cooker (7)","output":"### Answer: POACHER \n ### Explanation: Definition: cooker\n**P.O.A.** (price on application, in ads) + **CHER** (\"dear in French\") \n*POA doesn't appear in any of my dictionaries, but it can be found online."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Almost certainly genuine \u2013 that's bizarre (7)","output":"### Answer: SURREAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: bizarre\n[*almost*] **SUR**(e) (\"certainly\") + **REAL** (\"genuine\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Government remains for cuts which run deep (6)","output":"### Answer: GASHES \n ### Explanation: Definition: cuts which run deep\n**G** (government) + **ASHES** (\"remains\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Possibly a fighting decoration in the first place (5)","output":"### Answer: AWARD \n ### Explanation: Definition: Possibly a fighting decoration in the first place\n**A** + **WAR** (\"fighting\") + **D**(ecoration) [*in the first place*] and semi &lit."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Political message from an unpleasant person needing support (8)","output":"### Answer: AGITPROP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Political message\n\n**A GIT** (\"an unpleasant person\") *needing ***PROP** (\"support\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Epitomise the origins of every mischievous boy or deviant youth (6)","output":"### Answer: EMBODY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Epitomise\n\n[*the origins of*] **E**(very) **M**(ischievous) **B**(oy) **O**(r) **D**(eviant) **Y**(outh)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Honorary penny given in international assistance (6)","output":"### Answer: UNPAID \n ### Explanation: Definition: Honorary\n\n**P** (penny)* given in* **U.N. AID** (\"international assistance\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Clarity of blue, essentially without a sharpness (8)","output":"### Answer: LUCIDITY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Clarity\n\n(b)**LU**(e) + (a)**CIDITY** (\"sharpness\", *without a*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Road features strange caste getting approval (8)","output":"### Answer: CATS EYES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Road features\n\n***(caste)** [anag:*strange*] *getting ***YES** (\"approval\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Intense dislike of the upper classes by short French men sans fronti\u00e8res (10)","output":"### Answer: ABHORRENCE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Intense dislike\n\n**A B** (\"upper classes\") *by* (s)**HOR**(t) (f)**RENC**(h) (m)**E**(n) [*sans frontieres*] (i.e without borders)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Burger or a Chinese may be? Simple last dish (8,6)","output":"### Answer: MACARONI CHEESE \n ### Explanation: Definition: dish\n\n**MAC** (\"burger\" as in \"Big Mac\") + ***(or a chinese)** + (simpl)**E** [at last]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Appropriate action needs a belief, oddly (8)","output":"### Answer: SUITABLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Appropriate\n\n**SUIT** (\"action\") *needs ***A** + **B**(e)**L**(i)**E**(f) [*oddly*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unexpectedly French and English articles and goods (8)","output":"### Answer: UNAWARES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Unexpectedly\n\n**UN** + **A** (\"French and English articles\") + **WARES** (\"goods\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tips obtainable from Eric, lead guitarist (10)","output":"### Answer: GRATUITIES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Tips\n\n***(e guitarist)** [anag;*obtainable from*] where E is *lead* of E(ric)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Success with other plan so far (8)","output":"### Answer: HITHERTO \n ### Explanation: Definition: so far\n\n**HIT** (\"success\") + ***(other)** [anag:*plan*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Public abuse of Pope Paul IV (and Leo II) (6)","output":"### Answer: PEOPLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Public\n\n***(pope l e)** [anag:*abuse*] where L is the IVth letter of (pau)L and E the IInd letter of L(e)O"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Permanent recording label's musical interval (8)","output":"### Answer: SEMITONE \n ### Explanation: Definition: musical interval\n\n**EMI** (\"recording label\") *set in* **STONE **(\"permanent\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sail for port (5)","output":"### Answer: GENOA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Sail\n\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: May be mum and dad once showing 10 (11)","output":"### Answer: TRANSPARENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: showing 10\n\nA **TRANS**(exual) **PARENT** may be one's mum now, but one's dad before the procedure?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Engine cooler but house warmer (8)","output":"### Answer: RADIATOR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Engine cooler\n\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The endlessly ridiculous pun can be beautiful (15)","output":"### Answer: PULCHRITUDINOUS \n ### Explanation: Definition: beautiful\n\n***(th ridiculous pun)** [anag:*can be*] where TH is TH(e) [*endlessly*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Minder in Tesco working to suppress the start of riot (6)","output":"### Answer: ESCORT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Minder\n\n***(tesco)** [anag:*working*] *to suppress* [*the start of*] **R**(iot)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: At the beginning, Boris somehow hoped to be promiscuous (6)","output":"### Answer: BEDHOP \n ### Explanation: Definition: to be promiscuous\n\n[*at the beginning*] **B**(oris) + ***(hoped)** [anag:*somehow*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Nice summer on court covered by joint investigator (9)","output":"### Answer: DETECTIVE \n ### Explanation: Definition: investigator\n\n**ETE** (\"summer\" in French, so, as Nice is in France, \"French summer\") *on* **CT** (court) *covered by* **DIVE** (\"joint\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Is leaving troubled Vietnam, senile from subjugation (11)","output":"### Answer: ENSLAVEMENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: subjugation\n\n***(vetnam senle) **[anag:troubled]. To get the anagram fodder remove the I from \"Vietnam\" and the I from \"senile\" (I's leaving)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: This vegetable is at home in French lodge (9)","output":"### Answer: AUBERGINE \n ### Explanation: Definition: vegetable\n\n**IN** (\"at home\")* in* **AUBERGE **(\"French lodge\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Better music arrangement without piquancy from Red Hot Chili Peppers? (8)","output":"### Answer: CAPSICUM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Peppers\n\n**CAP** (\"better\") +***(music)** [anag:arrangement]\n \n*I don't see the need for \"without piquancy from\" and \"peppers\" is plural and \"capicum\" is singular, so I may need some help understanding how this clue works."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Violent secret life uncovered when looking back (6)","output":"### Answer: FIERCE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Violent\n\n**<=(**(s)**ECRE**(t) (l)**IF**(e)) [*uncovered*] and *[looking back*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Messenger's Gro\u00dfstadt (5)","output":"### Answer: ESSEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Gro\u00dfstadt\n\nHidden in \"m**ESSEN**ger\"\n \n*Essen is a large industrial city in Germany, and in Germany a **Gro\u00dfst\u00e4dt is a city of over 100,000 people."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Function as earl \u2013 nothing to boast about (7)","output":"### Answer: OPERATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Function\n**E** (earl) with **O** (\"nothing\") + **PRATE** (\"boast\") *about"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Traveller over sea, mostly calm (6)","output":"### Answer: REPOSE \n ### Explanation: Definition: calm\n(sales) **REP** (\"traveller\") + **O** (over) +** SE**(a) [*mostly*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Armadillos at heading west to the States (6)","output":"### Answer: TATOUS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Armadillos\n**<=AT **[*heading west*, i.e. from right to left] + **TO** + **US** (\"the States\") \n*\"Tatou\" is also the French word for an armadillo"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Flowering plant college planted in vain, shrivelled (5)","output":"### Answer: VINCA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Flowering plant\n**C** (college) *planted in* ***(vain)** [anag:*shrivelled*] \n*Vinca is a genus of flowering plants."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Oils smeared interrupting anatomical bulge \u2013 nervous affliction (9)","output":"### Answer: TORULOSIS \n ### Explanation: Definition: nervous affliction\n***(oils**) [anag:*smeared*] *interrupting ***TORUS** (\"anatomical bulge\") \n*Torulosis (or cryptococcosis) is a disease of the nervous system which can be passed to humans** through contact with pigeon droppings or unwashed raw fruit."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Shape formed with squares, diverting to minor (7)","output":"### Answer: TROMINO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Shape formed with squares\n***(to minor)** [anag:*diverting*] \n*A tromino is the three-square version of a tetromino (the shapes made from combining four squares in the video game *Tetris*) or the domino (two squares)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Reversed image alongside equivalent of his monogram? (6)","output":"### Answer: CIPHER \n ### Explanation: Definition: monogram?\n[*reversed*] **<=PIC** (\"image\") *alongside ***HER** (\"equivalent of his\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sweet one in tow, might one suppose? (6)","output":"### Answer: DRAGEE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Sweet\n*If someone being paid is a PAYEE, then someone being towed could logically be a DRAGEE?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Love goddess, one to get one going endlessly? (7)","output":"### Answer: ASTARTE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Love goddess\n**A STARTE**(r) (\"one to get going\") [*endlessly*] \n*In the Bible, **Astarte (Ashtoreth) was the Queen of Heaven and goddess of love and war to whom the Canaanites burned offerings and poured libations (Jeremiah 44)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One that's mad about sermon? The opposite \u2013 he's creating wreckage (9)","output":"### Answer: SHATTERER \n ### Explanation: Definition: he's creating wreckage\n**SER** (sermon) *about ***HATTER** (\"one that's mad\", i.e. The Mad Hatter in *Alice's Adventures in Wonderland*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Special accelerator, component of pedal in a car (5)","output":"### Answer: LINAC \n ### Explanation: Definition: Special accelerator\nHidden in [component of] \"peda**L IN A C**ar\" \n*Linac is short for \"linear accelerator\" which is used in cancer treatments."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: She's a wanderer, an' a touch backward (6)","output":"### Answer: GITANA \n ### Explanation: Definition: She's a wanderer\n**<=AN' A TIG** (\"touch\") [*backwards*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One needs help from behind, showing sluggishness (6)","output":"### Answer: ACEDIA \n ### Explanation: Definition: sluggishness\n**ACE** (\"one\") *needs* **<=AID **(\"help\" *from behind*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Supplies new handle for tiller (stern only) seamen cracked (7)","output":"### Answer: RENAMES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Supplies new handle for\n(tille)**R** [*stern only*] + ***(seamen)** [anag:*cracked*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bird, petite, keeping dry (5)","output":"### Answer: TOTTY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Bird\n**TOY **(\"petite\") *keeping ***TT** (teetotal, so \"dry\") \n*Totty and bird are both pejorative terms for women."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bend low \u2013 cane's beginning on Bunter's rear \u2013 that hurts! (6)","output":"### Answer: CROUCH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Bend low\n**C**(ane) [*'s beginning*] *on* (bunte)**R** [*'s rear*] + **OUCH** (\"that hurts\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One transporting goods to the French press in a short time (7)","output":"### Answer: HAULIER \n ### Explanation: Definition: One transporting goods\n**AU** (\"to the\" in \"French\") + **LIE** (\"press\") *in ***HR** (abbreviation for hour, so *a short* \"time\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Was one at Waterloo, say? There we sat, nervously, following Napoleon's lead (11)","output":"### Answer: NEWSTHEATRE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Was one at Waterloo, say?\n***(there we sat)** [anag:*nervously*] *following* **N**(apoleon) [*'s lead*] \n*In 1815, Waterloo would have been a newstheatre in the same way as Durham, Barnard Castle or the back garden of 10 Downing Street has been this week."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rook, one among fellow creatures, appears above ground (7)","output":"### Answer: BRAIRDS \n ### Explanation: Definition: appears above ground\n**R** (rook) + **A** (one) *among ***BIRDS** (\"fellow creatures\" of rooks) \n*Brairds are the first shoots of a cereal crop and they are said to braird when they appear above ground."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Big shots turning up in Aussie lair once (4)","output":"### Answer: SPIV \n ### Explanation: Definition: Aussie lair once\n**<=VIPs** (\"big shots\" turning up) \n*In Australia, lair used to be a word for a flashily-dressed man, or a spiv."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Going rhinal? It could be this with a girl, involving front of nose! (5)","output":"### Answer: HONGI \n ### Explanation: Definition: Going rhinal? It could be this with a girl, involving front of nose!\nGOING RHINAL is an anagram (indicated by *could be*) of HONGI A GIRL N (where N is [*front of*] N(ose)) and &lit. \n*Hongi is **a traditional Maori greeting in which people press their noses together"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Heraldic fur, soft, covering old bear (4)","output":"### Answer: PEAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Heraldic fur\n**P** (piano, so \"soft\") *covering ***EAN** (an \"old\" word for \"bear\" as in \"give birth\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Back-stage staff (Scots) moan having to turn up in Cologne endlessly? (8) \u2026 (8)","output":"### Answer: SCENEMEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Back-stage staff\n**<=MENE **(\"Scots\" word for \"moan\") [*having to turn up*] *in ***SCEN**(t) (\"Cologne?\" endlessly)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: \u2026It's turning up in Cairo that's wretched, getting past without auxiliaries? (8)","output":"### Answer: AORISTIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: past without auxiliaries?\n**<=ITS** [*turning up*] *in* ***(cairo)** [anag:*that's wrecked*] \n*In grammar, aoristic refers to a the aorist tense, a form of the past perfect."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Poet's missing words with wife, high- pitched (7)","output":"### Answer: ORTHIAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: high- pitched (7)\n(Wordsw)**ORTHIAN** (\"poet's) *missing *WORDS and W (wife)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Vessel encapsulated by Argo at sea, setting forth? (7)","output":"### Answer: ORATING \n ### Explanation: Definition: setting forth?\n**TIN** (\"vessel\") *encapsulated by* ***(argo)** [anag:*at sea*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Alcohol derivative? Most recent cases inverted (6)","output":"### Answer: ACETAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Alcohol derivative\n**<=**(**LATE** (\"most recent\") + **CA** (cases)) [*inverted*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Claim from self-confessed runner maybe rearing aquarium fish? (6)","output":"### Answer: GURAMI \n ### Explanation: Definition: aquarium fish?\n**<=I'M A RUG** (an unlikely but possible confession from a \"runner\" as in \"a long rug\") [*rearing*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ready to play part of contest \u2013 unedifying (5)","output":"### Answer: TUNED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Ready to play\nHidden in [*part of*] \"contes**T UNED**ifying\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Trudge as leader of tour over unsightly spots (5)","output":"### Answer: TRASH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Trudge\n[*leader of*] **T**(our) *over* **RASH** (\"unsightly spots\") \n*\"Trash\" is a Scots dialect word for \"trudge\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Romanticize one of those in the woopie class (4)","output":"### Answer: GLAM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Romanticize\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The old pass away, having died in northern creek (4)","output":"### Answer: VADE \n ### Explanation: Definition: old pass away\n**D**(died) *in* **VAE** (a version of VOE, a Shetland or Orcadian \"creek\") \nVade is an old word fro pass away (as in \"fade\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Leave session of golf confused (3,3)","output":"### Answer: LOG OFF \n ### Explanation: Leave session of golf confused (3,3)\n\n***(of golf)** [anag:*confused*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: City in Switzerland revolutionary for taking small denominations (8)","output":"### Answer: CHURCHES \n ### Explanation: City in Switzerland revolutionary for taking small denominations (8)\n\n**CHUR **(\"city in Switzerland\") + **CHE **(Guevara) (\"revolutionary\") *taking ***S** (\"small)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sounds like I'm surrounded by features (6)","output":"### Answer: NOISES \n ### Explanation: Sounds like I'm surrounded by features (6)\n\n**I ***surrounded b*y **NOSES **(\"features\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Infernal boil treated with acid (8)","output":"### Answer: DIABOLIC \n ### Explanation: Infernal boil treated with acid (8)\n\n***(boil acid)** [anag:*treated*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Aliens endlessly turned around these days (8)","output":"### Answer: INVADERS \n ### Explanation: Aliens endlessly turned around these days (8)\n\n[*endlessy*] **INVERS**(e) (\"turned\") *around ***AD **(anno domini, so \"these days\")\n \n*Not sure that \"aliens\" and \"invaders\" are synonymous\u2026"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Endeavour to head left a bit (6)","output":"### Answer: MORSEL \n ### Explanation: Endeavour to head left a bit (6)\n\n(Endeavour) **MORSE** (detective created by crossword aficionado Colin Dexter) *to *[head] **L**(eft)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Muscles of arms (4)","output":"### Answer: GUNS \n ### Explanation: Muscles of arms (4)\n\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: He stops poaching meat and fish that's big enough (10)","output":"### Answer: GAMEKEEPER \n ### Explanation: He stops poaching meat and fish that's big enough (10)\n\n**GAME** (\"meat\") and **KEEPER **(\"fish that's big enough\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: New quiet movement (10)","output":"### Answer: GREENPEACE \n ### Explanation: New quiet movement (10)\n\n**GREEN** (\"new\") + **PEACE **(\"quiet\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Heard spies are often high (4)","output":"### Answer: SEAS \n ### Explanation: Heard spies are often high (4)\n\nHomophone of [*heard*] **SEES **(\"spies\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Held by cox for directing crew (6)","output":"### Answer: OXFORD \n ### Explanation: Held by cox for directing crew (6)\n\nHidden in [*held by*] \"c**OX FOR D**irecting\"\n \n*Oxford and Cambridge are the two crews in the annual University Boat Race on the Thames"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Jesus is about to judge queen (8)","output":"### Answer: REDEEMER \n ### Explanation: Jesus is about to judge queen (8)\n\n**RE** (\"about\") + **DEEM **(\"judge\") + ER (Elizabeth Regina, so \"queen\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Patching incorrect final draft in US (8)","output":"### Answer: NIGHTCAP \n ### Explanation: Patching incorrect final draft in US (8)\n\n***(patching)** [anag:*incorrect*]\n \n*The \"in US\" is there to indicate the American spelling of \"draught\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Country-side supporter embraces church (6)","output":"### Answer: FRANCE \n ### Explanation: Country-side supporter embraces church (6)\n\n**R** (right, so \"side\") *embraced by* **FAN **(\"supporter\") + **CE** (\"church\" of England)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Steadies wobbling reserve (3,5)","output":"### Answer: SET ASIDE \n ### Explanation: Steadies wobbling reserve (3,5)\n\n***(steadies)** [anag:*wobbling*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Billy's mains (6)","output":"### Answer: OCEANS \n ### Explanation: Billy's mains (6)\n\nThe \"Billy\" in the clue refers to Billy Ocean, the singer of \"Caribbean Queen\" among other hits."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Found at the end of a flight (7)","output":"### Answer: LANDING \n ### Explanation: Found at the end of a flight (7)\n\n(not very) cryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Prepared vegan rice and beef (9)","output":"### Answer: GRIEVANCE \n ### Explanation: Prepared vegan rice and beef (9)\n\n***(vegan rice)** [anag:*prepared*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What a cricketer does when not in WC (6)","output":"### Answer: FIELDS \n ### Explanation: What a cricketer does when not in WC (6)\n\nDouble definition (kind of) with the second relating to comedic actor WC Fields (1880-1946)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Musical shock (4)","output":"### Answer: HAIR \n ### Explanation: Musical shock (4)\n\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Started once more to kick into the long grass (8)","output":"### Answer: REBOOTED \n ### Explanation: Started once more to kick into the long grass (8)\n\nBOOT (\"to kick\") into REED (\"long grass\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Range of first-hand complaints (5)","output":"### Answer: HILLS \n ### Explanation: Range of first-hand complaints (5)\n\n[*first*] **H**(and) + **ILLS **(\"complaints\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lay brown-coated copper line (7)","output":"### Answer: SECULAR \n ### Explanation: Lay brown-coated copper line (7)\n\n**Cu **(copper, on the periodic table) + **L** (line) *coated by* **SEAR **(\"brown\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Romantic sad about setter (7)","output":"### Answer: DREAMER \n ### Explanation: Romantic sad about setter (7)\n\n**DREAR **(\"sad\") *about* **ME **(\"setter\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lands that produce extremely bankable pounds (7)","output":"### Answer: BEACHES \n ### Explanation: Lands that produce extremely bankable pounds (7)\n\n[*extremely*] **B**(ankabl)**E** + **ACHES** (\"pounds\" as in a headache)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Condition of coasts ignored by uncompassionate criminal (9)","output":"### Answer: PNEUMONIA \n ### Explanation: Condition of coasts ignored by uncompassionate criminal (9)\n\n***(unompaine)** [anag;*criminal*] where UNOMPAINE is UN(c)OMPA(ss)I(o)N(at)E without the letters of COASTS"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lies hurt with nuts damaged (8)","output":"### Answer: UNTRUTHS \n ### Explanation: Lies hurt with nuts damaged (8)\n\n***(hurt nuts)** [anag:*damaged*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Coffee estate (7)","output":"### Answer: GROUNDS \n ### Explanation: Coffee estate (7)\n\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ways in which setters are devious (7)","output":"### Answer: STREETS \n ### Explanation: Ways in which setters are devious (7)\n\n***(setters)** [anag*:devious*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Content to assume tricolour is not imperial (6)","output":"### Answer: METRIC \n ### Explanation: Content to assume tricolour is not imperial (6)\n\nHidden in [*content to*] \"assu**ME TRIC**olour\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Scrap of fruit at half time (5)","output":"### Answer: FIGHT \n ### Explanation: Scrap of fruit at half time (5)\n\n**FIG** (\"fruit\") *at ***HT **(half time)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Relief after last supper's overrun (4)","output":"### Answer: RAID \n ### Explanation: Relief after last supper's overrun (4)\n\n**AID** (\"relief\") *after *[*last*] (suppe)**R"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Review of Alien not up for discussion (6)","output":"### Answer: DEBATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: discussion\n\n[*review o*f] **<=**(**ET** (\"alien\") + **ABED** (\"not up\"))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stressed, Edward first needs money on account (8)","output":"### Answer: ACCENTED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Stressed\n\n**ED** (Edward) *first needs* **CENT** (\"money\") *on* **AC** (account)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Brief attack on retreating Yankee (6)","output":"### Answer: NOTIFY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Brief\n\n**<=**(**FIT **(\"attack\") + **ON**) [*retreating*] + **Y** (Yankee, in the phonetic alphabet)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Where top artists seek inclusion with nude? (2,3,3)","output":"### Answer: IN THE RAW \n ### Explanation: Definition: nude?\n\nTop artists would seek to be **IN THE RA** (Royal Academy) + **W** (with)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rent securing quiet location for theatre work (3,11)","output":"### Answer: HIP REPLACEMENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: theatre work\n\n**HIRE** (\"rent\") *securing ***P** (piano in music, so \"quiet\") + **PLACEMENT** (\"location\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tyrannise driver that's made off with loot (4,2,4)","output":"### Answer: LORD IT OVER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Tyrannise\n\n***(driver loot)** [anag:*that's made off*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Duck from down under about to be introduced to west (4)","output":"### Answer: ZERO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Duck\n\n**<=(OZ** (\"down under\") *with ***RE** (\"about\") *introduced*) [*to west*, i.e from right to left]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Muscles displayed by northern cops (4)","output":"### Answer: NABS \n ### Explanation: Definition: cops\n\n**ABS** (\"muscles\") *displayed by* **N** (northern)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Observant legatee, say, turning head on parking (10)","output":"### Answer: PERCIPIENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Observant\n\n(**<=RE**)**CIPIENT** (\"legatee, say\" *turning head*) *on* **P** (parking)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Philosopher from East eluding Japanese ruler at ground (4-4,6)","output":"### Answer: JEAN-PAUL SARTRE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Philosopher\n\n***(japanes ruler at)** [anag*:ground*] where JAPANES is JAPANES(e) *eluding *E (east)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Reject plate with large design (8)","output":"### Answer: DISCLAIM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Reject \n\n**DISC** (\"plate\") *with ***L** (large) + **AIM** (\"design\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bachelor cutting gardener's prime plant with deceptive ease (6)","output":"### Answer: GLIBLY \n ### Explanation: Definition: with deceptive ease\n\n**B** (bachelor) *cutting* **G**(ardener) [*'s prime*] +** LILY** (\"plant\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Making bequest, final payment withheld? (8)","output":"### Answer: ENDOWING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Making bequest\n\n**END** (\"final\") + **OWING** (\"payment withheld\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Leading gear for Arab wedding, we're told (6)","output":"### Answer: BRIDLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Leading gear for Arab \n\nHomophone [we're told] of BRIDAL (\"wedding\"). \n \n*The Arab referred to in the clue is a horse."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Racket on its fourth shot at Wimbledon (4)","output":"### Answer: DINK \n ### Explanation: Definition: shot at Wimbledon\n\n**DIN **(\"racket\") *on *(rac)**K**(et [*it's fourth*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Brew one's drunk with more sediment? (7)","output":"### Answer: BITTIER \n ### Explanation: Definition: with more sediment?\n\n**BITTER **(\"brew\") with** I ***drunk"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Staggering aft, infirm sailor may grasp it (8)","output":"### Answer: TAFFRAIL \n ### Explanation: Definition: sailor may grasp it\n\n***(aft)** [anag:staggering] +** FRAIL** (\"infirm\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Scene shot with vocals is getting better (11)","output":"### Answer: CONVALESCES \n ### Explanation: Definition: is getting better\n\n***(scene vocals) **[anag:*shot*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Parrots from city gardens (6)","output":"### Answer: ECHOES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Parrots\n\n**EC **(\"city\") +** HOES** (\"gardens\")\n \n*EC is a group of postcodes covering the centre of London, including the City of London "} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Worldly bishop stops youth taking drug (7)","output":"### Answer: TERRENE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Worldly\n\n**RR** (right reverend, so \"bishop\") *stops* **TEEN **(\"youth\") *taking ***E** (ecsatsy, so \"drug\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Forgo alfresco party? (2,7)","output":"### Answer: DO WITHOUT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Forgo\n\nAn alfresco party could be described as a **DO WITHOUT** (ie outside)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Legal team's dull spiel axed, no one having turned up (11)","output":"### Answer: PROSECUTION \n ### Explanation: Definition: Legal \n\n**PROSE** (\"dull spiel\") + **CUT** (\"axed\") + **<=NO I** (\"one\") [*having turned up*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Official knowing the ins and outs of court? (4,5)","output":"### Answer: LINE JUDGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Official knowing the ins and outs of court?\n\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Malaysian capital invested in less rounded gem (8)","output":"### Answer: SPARKLER \n ### Explanation: Definition: gem\n\n**KL** (Kuala Lumpur, so \"Malaysain capital\")* invested in* **SPARER** (\"less rounded\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Slowly cooked topside of beef brought up (7)","output":"### Answer: BRAISED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Slowly cooked\n\n[*topside of*] **B**(eef) + **RAISED** (\"brought up\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Held up, rising before editor's dressed (7)","output":"### Answer: ENROBED \n ### Explanation: Definition: dressed\n\n**<=BORNE** (\"held\") [*up*] *before ***ED **(editor)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Elated fellow depressed but well? (6)","output":"### Answer: UPFLOW \n ### Explanation: Definition: well?\n\n**UP** (\"elated\") + **F** (fellow) + **LOW **(\"depressed\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fragment of early recording instrument (4)","output":"### Answer: LYRE \n ### Explanation: Definition: instrument\n\nHidden in [*fragment of*] \"ear**LY RE**cording\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Junction blocked by return of pet worm (8)","output":"### Answer: NEMATODE \n ### Explanation: Junction blocked by return of pet worm (8)\n\n**NODE** (junction)* blocked by* [*return of*]** <=TAME** (\"pet\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Go bird-watching with Macbeth's sixth Weird Sister (6)","output":"### Answer: TWITCH \n ### Explanation: Go bird-watching with Macbeth's sixth Weird Sister (6)\n\n(macbe)**T**(h) [*'s sixth*] + **WITCH** (\"weird sister\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Aristocratic youth holding copper back? (5)","output":"### Answer: DUCAL \n ### Explanation: Aristocratic youth holding copper back? (5)\n\n**<=LAD** (\"youth\" *holding ***Cu** (copper, on the periodic table)) [*back*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: 27, perhaps, concealing a monarch's sail (9)","output":"### Answer: SPINNAKER \n ### Explanation: 27, perhaps, concealing a monarch's sail (9)\n\n**SPINNER** (\"27, perhaps\" (the answer to 27 ac is \"spider\") *concealing ***A K** (king, so \"monarch\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Provocateur on air has Scot pursuing hair (5,4)","output":"### Answer: SHOCK JOCK \n ### Explanation: Provocateur on air has Scot pursuing hair (5,4)\n\n**JOCK** (pejorative term for a \"Scot\") *pursuing ***SHOCK **(\"hair\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dupe companion with shell (5)","output":"### Answer: CONCH \n ### Explanation: Dupe companion with shell (5)\n\n**CON** (\"dupe\") +** CH** (\"Companion\" of Honour)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Money returned with revision (6)","output":"### Answer: CHANGE \n ### Explanation: Money returned with revision (6)\n\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Offensive yokel in coarse growth (7)","output":"### Answer: THICKET \n ### Explanation: Offensive yokel in coarse growth (7)\n\n**TET** (Offensive) *with ***HICK **(\"yokel\")* in*\n \n*The Tet Offensive was a co-ordinated attack by the North Vietnamese on scores of South Vietnamese in 1968."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dogberry's made water, keeping Dogberry's capital obstructed (7)","output":"### Answer: IMPEDED \n ### Explanation: Dogberry's made water, keeping Dogberry's capital obstructed (7)\n\n**I'M** (\"Dogberry's\") +** PEED** (\"made water\") *keeping ***D**(ogberry) [*'s capital*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Not deep, not hot, not dark (6)","output":"### Answer: SALLOW \n ### Explanation: Not deep, not hot, not dark (6)\n\n**S**(h)**ALLOW** (\"not deep\") [*not* H (hot)]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Encountered books about fetish (5)","output":"### Answer: TOTEM \n ### Explanation: Encountered books about fetish (5)\n\n**<=(MET** (\"encountered\") + **OT** (Old Testament, so \"books\")**)** [*about*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Trickle of papers left breaking order to change nothing (9)","output":"### Answer: STREAMLET \n ### Explanation: Trickle of papers left breaking order to change nothing (9)\n\n**REAM** (\"papers\") + **L** (left) *breaking ***STET** (\"order to change nothing\", in proofreading)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Filter through to shattered core in piece of armour (9)","output":"### Answer: PERCOLATE \n ### Explanation: Filter through to shattered core in piece of armour (9)\n\n***(core) **[anag:*shattered*]* in* **PLATE** (\"piece of armour\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Boy having sex standing up, going in and out? (5)","output":"### Answer: TIDAL \n ### Explanation: Boy having sex standing up, going in and out? (5)\n\n**<=(LAD** (\"boy\") *having* **IT** (\"sex\")) [*standing up*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ducks again turning to invertebrate? (6)","output":"### Answer: SPIDER \n ### Explanation: Ducks again turning to invertebrate? (6)\n\n**<=REDIPS** (\"ducks again\" *turning*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Spur to follow good person's fish (8)","output":"### Answer: STURGEON \n ### Explanation: Spur to follow good person's fish (8)\n\n**URGE ON** (\"spur\")* to follow* **St**. (saint, so \"good person\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Disappointing D minus gets serious dressing down (6)","output":"### Answer: NUDISM \n ### Explanation: Disappointing D minus gets serious dressing down (6)\n\n***(d minus**) [anag:*disappointing*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Circuit in which big road takes small reptile with it (9)","output":"### Answer: MICROCHIP \n ### Explanation: Circuit in which big road takes small reptile with it (9)\n\n**M1** (\"big road\") *takes ***CROC** (\"small reptile\") + **HIP **(\"with it\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Volume about compere supporting evil monarch's party forever (4,7,4)","output":"### Answer: TILL KINGDOM COME \n ### Explanation: Volume about compere supporting evil monarch's party forever (4,7,4)\n\n**TOME** (\"volume\") *about ***MC** (Master of Ceremonies, so \"compere\") *supporting ***ILL **(\"evil\") **KING **(\"monarch\") + **DO **(\"party\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Arrange for long bribes to be held up (7)","output":"### Answer: DISPOSE \n ### Explanation: Arrange for long bribes to be held up (7)\n\n**DIE** (\"long\") *holding* **<=SOPS** (\"bribes\") [*up*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Quixote's foe's child replacing male and female player \u2013 it makes you shiver! (4,5,6)","output":"### Answer: WIND CHILL FACTOR \n ### Explanation: Quixote's foe's child replacing male and female player \u2013 it makes you shiver! (4,5,6)\n\n**WIND**(m>**CH**)**ILL** (\"Quixote's foe\", with CH (child) replacing M (male))+ **F** (female) + **ACTOR** (\"player\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Puff gets new symbol (5)","output":"### Answer: TOKEN \n ### Explanation: Puff gets new symbol (5)\n\n**TOKE **(\"puff\") *gets ***N** (new)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Popular song about topless writer's hot love for emperor (8)","output":"### Answer: HIROHITO \n ### Explanation: Popular song about topless writer's hot love for emperor (8)\n\n**HIT** (\"popular song\") *about *[*topless*] (b)**IRO** (\"writer\") +** H** (Hot) + **O** (\"love\" in tennis), so** H(IRO-H)IT-O"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ancient Briton carrying King Edward to stake (6)","output":"### Answer: PICKET \n ### Explanation: Ancient Briton carrying King Edward to stake (6)\n\nPICT (\"Ancient Briton\") carrying KE (King Edward)\n \n*I haven't come across KE as an abbreviation for King Edward, which would surely be ER (Edward Rex). The other alternative is that K is King and E is simply Edward, but again, E is not an abbreviation for Edward, except in ER."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Certainty of replacing new keg with old (9)","output":"### Answer: KNOWLEDGE \n ### Explanation: Certainty of replacing new keg with old (9)\n\n***[new keg old]** [anag:*replacing*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Commits secretarial error with indistinct Classical foot (8)","output":"### Answer: MISTYPES \n ### Explanation: Commits secretarial error with indistinct Classical foot (8)\n\n**MISTY** (\"indistinct\") +** PES** (Latin for \"foot\", so \"Classical foot\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Speak ill of ex-PM and cause distress (6)","output":"### Answer: DISMAY \n ### Explanation: Speak ill of ex-PM and cause distress (6)\n\n**DIS** (\"speak ill of\") + (Theresa) **MAY** (\"ex-PM\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Have fun in the sea, bind over and overdo it (7)","output":"### Answer: SURFEIT \n ### Explanation: Have fun in the sea, bind over and overdo it (7)\n\n**SURF** (\"have fun in the sea\") + **<=TIE** (\"bind\", *over*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dictator's blemish left hidden (6)","output":"### Answer: STALIN \n ### Explanation: Dictator's blemish left hidden (6)\n\n**STAIN** (\"blemish\") *with ***L** (left) *hidden"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Is traitor lifting bones? (5)","output":"### Answer: TARSI \n ### Explanation: Is traitor lifting bones? (5)\n\n**<=(IS RAT** (\"traitor\")**)** [*lifting*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Board attached to spring is so long (8)","output":"### Answer: FAREWELL \n ### Explanation: Definition: so long\n\n**FARE** (\"board\") *attached to* **WELL **(\"spring\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Meal project one's lacking (5)","output":"### Answer: LUNCH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Meal\n\n**L**(a)**UNCH** (\"project\" with A(\"one\") missing)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rather excessive pre-divorce settlement (10)","output":"### Answer: OVERPRICED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Rather excessive\n\n***(predivorce) **[anag:*settlement*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Temperature over Havana is dire (6)","output":"### Answer: TRAGIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: dire\n\n**T** (temperature) + [*over*] **<=CIGAR** (\"Havana\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Talk on fair's source of illumination (8)","output":"### Answer: GASLIGHT \n ### Explanation: Definition: source of illumination\n\n**GAS **(\"talk\") *on* **LIGHT **(\"fair\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Taking lead from a South African (deceased), act like Tarzan (7)","output":"### Answer: ULULATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: act like Tarzan\n\n[*taking lead from*] (z)**ULU **(\"a South African\") + **LATE **(\"deceased\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Prince and circle not present in penthouse rave (7)","output":"### Answer: ENTHUSE \n ### Explanation: Definition: rave\n\n(p)**ENTH**(o)**USE **with P (prince) + O (circle)* not present"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One who refuses to snicker out loud at speaker (8)","output":"### Answer: NAYSAYER \n ### Explanation: Definition: One who refuses\n\nHomophone [*out loud*] of **NEIGH **(\"snicker\") *at* **SAYER **(\"speaker\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Style for service gets go-ahead (6)","output":"### Answer: MODERN \n ### Explanation: Definition: go-ahead\n\n**MODE **(\"style\") + **RN **(Royal Navy, so \"service\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Shame about pump or biro (10)","output":"### Answer: OPPROBRIUM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Shame\n\n***(pump or biro)** [anag:*about*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Secretive celebrity's large body not evident to viewers (4,4)","output":"### Answer: DARK STAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: large body not evident to viewers\n\n**DARK **(\"secretive\") + **STAR **(\"celebrity\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Big city, one on western half of Salt Lake (5)","output":"### Answer: NYASA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Lake\n\n**NY** (New York, so \"big city\") +** A** (\"one\") + [*western half of*) **SA**(lt)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Like William Wallace's outdated tax, this is complicated (8)","output":"### Answer: SCOTTISH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Like William Wallace\n\n**SCOT** (\"outdated tax\") + ***(this)** [anag:*is complicated*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Related to a clergy member's completed exam (8)","output":"### Answer: PASTORAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Related to a clergy member\n\n**PAST **(\"completed\") + **ORAL **(\"exam\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Undaunted, I say 'Fancy Cher coming round!' (6)","output":"### Answer: HEROIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: Undaunted\n\n**OI** (\"I say\") *with ****(cher)** [anag:*fancy*]* coming round"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Every sort of grey sensitivity (7)","output":"### Answer: ALLERGY \n ### Explanation: Definition: sensitivity\n\n**ALL **(\"every\") + ***(grey)** [anag:*sort of*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lambert occupies swell place to sleep in USA (4)","output":"### Answer: FLOP \n ### Explanation: Definition: place to sleep in USA\n\n**L** (lambert) *occupies* **FOP **(\"swell\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lacking a posh girl's traditional education? It's not done! (10)","output":"### Answer: UNFINISHED \n ### Explanation: Definition: It's not done!\n\nDouble definition, the first slightly cryptic."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Beat trio, almost quiet (6)","output":"### Answer: THRESH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Beat\n\n**THRE**(e) (\"trio\", *almost*) + **SH** (\"quiet\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: It currently makes western Scotland more temperate (4,6)","output":"### Answer: GULF STREAM \n ### Explanation: Definition: I\n\n(mildly) cryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tabloid support for south-east Asian inhabitant (3,4)","output":"### Answer: SUN BEAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: south-east Asian inhabitant\n\n**SUN **(\"tabloid\") + **BEAR **(\"support\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Play the politician, ousting queen (3)","output":"### Answer: TOY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Play\n\n**TO**(r)**Y** (\"politician\", *ousting *R (regina, so \"queen\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Drink noisily, tossing off a litre \u2014 get up, then stagger (8)","output":"### Answer: SURPRISE \n ### Explanation: Definition: stagger\n\n**S**(l)**URP** (\"drink noisily\", *tossing off* L (litre)) + **RISE **(\"get up\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Gad about, like pirates at sea? (7)","output":"### Answer: TRAIPSE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Gad about\n\n***(pirates)** [anag:*at sea*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Almost all wood furniture is from the mountains (6)","output":"### Answer: ALPINE \n ### Explanation: Definition: from the mountains\n\n[almost] **AL**(l) + **PINE **(\"wood\") \n \n*The \"furniture\" is superfluous here, surely?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bullets etc found in moorhen's wings \u2014 God! (6)","output":"### Answer: MAMMON \n ### Explanation: Definition: God\n\n**AMMO** (\"bullets etc\")* found in* **M**(oorhe)**N** [*'s wings*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mountain peak cracked by ace climber? (4)","output":"### Answer: BEAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: climber?\n\n**BEN** (\"mountain peak\") *cracked by* **A** (ace)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Does ancient history start after a point? (4)","output":"### Answer: DOTH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Does ancient\n\n**H**(istory) [*start*] *after ***DOT **(\"point\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Supporter providing government intelligence (10)","output":"### Answer: BRAINPOWER \n ### Explanation: Definition: intelligence\n\n**BRA **(\"supporter\") +** IN POWER** (\"providing government\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rhythm and echo in club (4)","output":"### Answer: BEAT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Rhythm\n\n**E **(echo, in the phonetic alphabet) *in ***BAT **(\"club\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Large region in Matsuida regularly ignored (4)","output":"### Answer: ASIA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Large region\n\n(m)**A**(t)**S**(u)**I**(d)**A** [*regularly ignore*d]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Anxiety about hair that will interrupt sleep (5,5)","output":"### Answer: ALARM CLOCK \n ### Explanation: Definition: that will interrupt sleep\n\n**ALARM** (\"anxiety\") + **C** (circa, so \"about\") +** LOCK** (\"hair\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Saint and unethical wife going deep (6)","output":"### Answer: STRONG \n ### Explanation: Definition: deep\n\n**St.** (saint) + (w)**RONG** (\"unethical\" with W (wife) *going*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Film story in a score rewritten (8)","output":"### Answer: SCENARIO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Film story\n\n***(in a score)** [anag:*rewritten*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Melancholy men reversed in top gear (8)","output":"### Answer: SOMBRERO \n ### Explanation: Definition: top gear\n\n**SOMBRE** (\"melancholy\") + **<=OR** (other ranks, so \"men\",* reversed*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: First couple to disappear in country garden (4)","output":"### Answer: EDEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: garden\n\n[*first couple to disappear in*] (sw)**EDEN** (\"country\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Edible plant given in measured dose (4)","output":"### Answer: EDDO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Edible plant\n\nHidden in [*given in*] \"measur**ED DO**se\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Excessive demand nasty letter communicates? (4-4)","output":"### Answer: RACK-RENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Excessive demand\n\nMildly cryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Drunken sea-dog in coastal location (3,5)","output":"### Answer: SAN DIEGO \n ### Explanation: Definition: coastal location\n\n***(sea dog in)** [anag:*drunken*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Vehicle going back into the ancient land (6)","output":"### Answer: THRACE \n ### Explanation: Definition: ancient land\n\n**<=CAR** (\"vehicle\" *going back*) *into* **THE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Excellent shield one looks over (10)","output":"### Answer: SUPERVISOR \n ### Explanation: Definition: one looks over\n\n**SUPER** (\"excellent\") + **VISOR **(\"shield\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cat in wood by lake (4)","output":"### Answer: LASH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Cat\n\n**ASH** (\"wood\") *by* **L** (lake)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Poor to welcome Liberal found wanting in Barnet? (4)","output":"### Answer: BALD \n ### Explanation: Definition: found wanting in Barnet?\n\n**BAD** (\"poor\") *to welcome* **L** (Liberal)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Idiot daughter working for boss (10)","output":"### Answer: DUNDERHEAD \n ### Explanation: Definition: Idiot\n\n**D** (daughter) + **UNDER** (\"working for\") + **HEAD** (\"boss\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dish, very dry, should be dipped in port (7)","output":"### Answer: RISOTTO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Dish\n\n(**SO** (\"very\") + **TT** (teetotal, so \"dry\")) *should be dipped in* **RIO** (\"port\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Shakespearean ensign holding male, idealised view (5)","output":"### Answer: IMAGO \n ### Explanation: Definition: idealised view\n\n**IAGO** (\"Shakespearean ensign\" from *Othello*) *holding ***M** (male)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Actor filled with zest as theatre fan (4-4)","output":"### Answer: PLAY-GOER \n ### Explanation: Definition: theatre fan\n\n**PLAYER** (\"actor\") *filled with* **GO** (\"zest\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Why's PA notorious when sloshed? That's question of choice (5,4,6)","output":"### Answer: WHAT'S YOUR POISON \n ### Explanation: Definition: question of choice\n\n***(whys pa notorious)** [anag:*when sloshed*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sheep indeed upended 1966 winner (6)","output":"### Answer: RAMSEY \n ### Explanation: Definition: 1966 winner\n\n**RAM **(\"sheep\") + **<=YES** (\"indeed\",* upended*)\n \n*Sir Alf Ramsey was the manager of the England World Cup winning side of 1966."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Do listen to a much-loved singer (9)","output":"### Answer: BALLADEER \n ### Explanation: Definition: singer\n\n**BALL **(\"do\") + homophone [*listen to*] of **A DEAR** (\"much-loved\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Records are cut with knife (7)","output":"### Answer: ARCHIVE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Records\n\n**ARE** *cut with* **CHIV** (\"knife\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Clan wars, for Spooner, overwhelm Cornish resort (5,4)","output":"### Answer: BLOOD FEUD \n ### Explanation: Definition: Clan wars\n\nSpooner may have mixed up the opening consonants of **FLOOD BUDE** (\"overwhelm Cornish resort\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Second bed delivered without damage (4-4)","output":"### Answer: SCOT FREE \n ### Explanation: Definition: without damage\n\n**S** (second) + **COT** (\"bed\") + **FREE** (\"delivered\", as in rescued)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Capone with posh character upset one with an interest in 14? (7)","output":"### Answer: DRACULA \n ### Explanation: Definition: one with an interest in 14?\n\n**<=(AL** (Capone) + **U** (\"posh\") + **CARD** (\"character\")**)** [*upset*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Capital one invested in corrupt casino (7)","output":"### Answer: NICOSIA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Capital\n\n**I** (one) *invested in* ***(casino)** [anag:*corrupt*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fried bananas, about five heated (6)","output":"### Answer: FERVID \n ### Explanation: Definition: heated\n\n***(fried)** [anag:*bananas*] *about* **V** (five)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sacred flower for Richardson perhaps? (5)","output":"### Answer: RALPH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Richardson perhaps?\n\n**R** (for river) + **ALPH** (\"sacred river\" in Coleridge's *Kubla Khan*), so the River Alph (R. ALPH) would be a \"sacred flower\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hearing bums on seats \u2026 (8)","output":"### Answer: AUDIENCE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Hearing\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: \u2026 mean the end of one nasty medical procedure (5)","output":"### Answer: ENEMA \n ### Explanation: Definition: medical procedure\n***(mean e)** [anag:*nasty*] where E is [*the end of*] (on)E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bit of a laugh? It's a gas, man! (2-2)","output":"### Answer: HE-HE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Bit of a laugh?\n**He **(symbol for helium, \"a gas\") + **HE** (\"man\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Forgetting name of out-of-date Asian cooking ingredient (10)","output":"### Answer: ASAFOETIDA \n ### Explanation: Definition: cooking ingredient\n***(of date asia)** [anag:*out*] where ASIA is ASIA(n) *forgetting* N (name)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bit of a cover-up of boobs by some flipping topless attendant (6)","output":"### Answer: TASSEL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Bit of a cover-up of boobs\nHidden backwards in [*some flipping*] \"top**LESS AT**tendant\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Writer about to match descrip\u00adtion of a literary craft? (3-5)","output":"### Answer: PEAGREEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: descrip\u00adtion of a literary craft?\n**PEN** (\"writer\") *about ***AGREE** (\"to match\") \n*Pea-green was the colour of the boat used by the *Owl and the Pussycat*."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ruined city, one where a King was killed and another is buried (7)","output":"### Answer: MEMPHIS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Ruined city\n*Memphis refers both to an ancient city in Egypt and to the city in Tennessee where Martin Luther King was assassinated and where Elvis Presley (aka The King\") is buried."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tried out eliminating two opponents, then tried again (7)","output":"### Answer: REHEARD \n ### Explanation: Definition: tried again\n**REHEAR**(se)**D** (\"tried out\" *eliminating *S and E, (South and East, \"two opponents\" in bridge)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Start to reduce speed east of Lincoln? Wanderer might do this! (8)","output":"### Answer: ABERRATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Wanderer might do this!\n[*start to*] **R**(educe) + **RATE** (\"speed\") *east of* **ABE** (Lincoln)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hob, say, priest needed for cooking (6)","output":"### Answer: SPRITE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Hob, say\n***(priest)** [anag:*cooking*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: During autumn, an unopened good book is perfect (10)","output":"### Answer: INFALLIBLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: perfect\n**IN** (\"during\") +** FALL** (\"autumn\") + (b)**IBLE** (*unopened *\"good book\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Maybe Puck needs year off? That's OK (4)","output":"### Answer: FAIR \n ### Explanation: Definition: OK\n**FAIR**(y) (\"maybe Puck\") with Y (year) *off"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wise man or old woman with a musical cat (5)","output":"### Answer: MAGUS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Wise man\n**MA** (\"old woman\") *with ***GUS **(one of the cats in the musical, *Cats*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Jumper available to cover tip of tent's ridge pole (4-4)","output":"### Answer: ROOFTREE \n ### Explanation: Definition: ridge pole\n(kanga)**ROO **(\"jumper\") + **FREE **(\"available\") *to cover* [*tip of*] **T**(ent) \n*A roof-tree is a beam laid along the ridge where sloping sides of a roof meet."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Guardian's role initially, advocating ten essential glute exercises (8)","output":"### Answer: TUTELAGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Guardian's role\n***(a t e glute)** [anag:*exercises*] where A T E is [*initially*] **A**(dvocating) **T**(en) **E**(ssential)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Puck's choice of pseudonym in evidence (4)","output":"### Answer: MINE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Puck's\nHidden in [*choice of*] \"pseudony**M IN E**vidence\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Involve volunteers in line-up (6)","output":"### Answer: ENTAIL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Involve\n**TA** (Territorial Army, so \"volunteers\")* in* **<=LINE** [*up*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Makes new form of energy through river velocity? Some current! (7)","output":"### Answer: REVAMPS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Makes new\n**E** (energy) *through ***R** (river) + **V** (velocity) + **AMPS** (\"some current\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ring a tree surgeon, without great desire for treatment? (8)","output":"### Answer: RESONATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Ring\n***(a tree son)** [anag:*for treatment*] where SON is S(urge)ON *without *URGE (\"great desire\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Missing my puzzle in old version of the Listener in days gone by (10)","output":"### Answer: YESTERYEAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: in days gone by\n(my)**STERY** (\"puzzle\", missing MY) *in ***YE **(\"old version of the\") + **EAR **(\"listener\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Clumsy, rocking gait of bull that's lost its head (6)","output":"### Answer: WADDLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Clumsy, rocking gait\n(t)**WADDLE **(\"bull\", as in rubbish,* that's lost its head*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ship's officer therefore rings RAC up, following matter arising (10)","output":"### Answer: SUPERCARGO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Ship's officer\n**ERGO** (\"therefore\") *rings* **<=RAC** [*up*] *following *[*rising*] **<=PUS** (\"matter\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pub not closing before a half's drunk very quickly (2,1,5)","output":"### Answer: IN A FLASH \n ### Explanation: Definition: very quickly\n**IN**(n) (\"pub\" *not closing*) *before* **A** +** *(halfs) **[anag:*drunk*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Merchant banker finally meeting online follower? (8)","output":"### Answer: RETAILER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Merchant\n(banke)**R** [*finally*] *meeting ***E-TAILER** (\"online follower\") (logically, if a follower is a tailer, then an online or electronic follower could be an e-tailer?)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A bride's desperate for a shag, perhaps (7)","output":"### Answer: SEABIRD \n ### Explanation: Definition: shag, perhaps\n***(a brides)** [anag:*desperate*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Deaden feeling in bottom, cycling around on tail of criminal, mostly (6)","output":"### Answer: BENUMB \n ### Explanation: Definition: Deaden\n(b)**UM**(**B**) (\"bottom\" *cycling around*) *on tail of* **BEN**(t) (\"criminal\", *mostly*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Crush? Go faster, avoiding it (4,2)","output":"### Answer: STEPON \n ### Explanation: Definition: Crush\n**STEP ON** (it) (\"go faster\", *avoiding *IT)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: After serving it up, consumed fine Greek speciality (4)","output":"### Answer: FETA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Greek speciality \n[*after serving it up*] **<=(ATE **(\"consumed\") + **F **(fine)**)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tap old computer in store (8)","output":"### Answer: STOPCOCK \n ### Explanation: Definition: Tap\n\n**O** (old) + **PC** (personal \"computer\") *in* **STOCK **(\"store\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: English bug upset Bury (6)","output":"### Answer: ENGULF \n ### Explanation: Definition: Bury\n\n**Eng. **(English) + **<=FLU** (\"bug\", *upset*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Run into delay? Get off at Crewe maybe (7)","output":"### Answer: DETRAIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Get off at Crewe maybe\n\n**R** (run) *into ***DETAIN **(\"delay\")\n \n*Crewe is a major junction on the West Coast Main Line."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Men perhaps fly spacecraft, say (7)","output":"### Answer: ORBITER \n ### Explanation: Definition: spacecraft, say\n\n**OR** (other ranks, so \"men\") +** BITER** (\"fly\")\n \n\"Fly\" is a vague definition."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Taste monosodium a milk contains (5)","output":"### Answer: UMAMI \n ### Explanation: Definition: Taste\n\nHidden in [contains] \"monosodi**UM A MI**lk\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Table item army groups found beside Globe (4,5)","output":"### Answer: RARE EARTH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Table item\n\n(**RA** (Royal Artillery) + **RE** (Royal Engineers)) (\"army groups\") *found beside* **EARTH **(\"Globe\")\n \n*The Table referred to in the definition is the Periodic Table"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Symbol of old order making islanders angry (7,5)","output":"### Answer: MALTESE CROSS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Symbol of old order\n\n**MALTESE** (\"islanders\") + **CROSS **(\"angry\")\n \n*The Maltese Cross was originally associated with the Order of St John (The Knights Hospitalier), but is also associated with more modern orders."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ernie selects these elite agents (7,5)","output":"### Answer: PREMIUM BONDS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Ernie selects these\n\nPREMIUM (\"elite\") + BONDS (\"agents\")\n \n*I'm not sure BONDS = AGENTS, as there was only one James Bond, although several different people have portrayed him on screen."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Did floor for each place old journo added (9)","output":"### Answer: PERPLEXED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Did floor\n\n**PER** (\"for each\") + **Pl.** (place) + **EX **(\"old\") with **ED **(editor, so \"journo\") *added"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Local animals often seen accompanying Flora (5)","output":"### Answer: FAUNA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Local animals\n\n*\"Flora and fauna\" are commonly put together as a phrase to describe the general organisms found in a specific locale."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Caesar backed theatre in his city (7)","output":"### Answer: EMPEROR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Caesar\n\n[*backed*] **<=(REP** (\"theatre\") *in ***ROME **(\"his city\")**)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Top player unwise to sacrifice length with racket (7)","output":"### Answer: NOISILY \n ### Explanation: Definition: with racket\n\n**No 1 **(\"top player\") + **SIL**(l)**Y** (\"unwise\" *to sacrifice* L (length))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Toadies primarily serve in ME state (3-3)","output":"### Answer: YESMEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Toadies\n\n[*primarily*] **S(**erve) *in ***YEMEN** (\"ME State\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Boost horse, 18, losing energy (8)","output":"### Answer: HEIGHTEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Boost\n\n**H** (horse) + **EIGHTE**(e)**N** losing E (energy)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Metal, very thick, contains uranium (6)","output":"### Answer: SODIUM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Metal\n\n**SO **(\"very\") + **DIM** (\"thick\") *contains ***U** (uranium)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Make illegal Open University Disney retrospective (6)","output":"### Answer: OUTLAW \n ### Explanation: Definition: Make illegal\n\n**OU **(Open University) + **<=WALT **(Disney) [*retrospective*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Din confused arch rival briefly, I gathered (9)","output":"### Answer: CHARIVARI \n ### Explanation: Definition: Din\n\n***(arch riva)** [anag:*confused*] (where RIVA is RIVA(l) *briefly*) *gathered*** ****I"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Building helps to deceive island extroverts (8,6)","output":"### Answer: CONCRETE MIXERS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Building helps\n\n**CON** (\"to deceive\") + **CRETE **(\"island\") + **MIXERS **(\"extroverts\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dope snubs bishop and peer (5)","output":"### Answer: NOBLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: peer \n\n**NO**(b)**BLE **(\"dope\") *snubs ***B** (bishop)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Son quits province with one other missing article hidden (8)","output":"### Answer: ULTERIOR \n ### Explanation: Definition: hidden\n\n**S** (son) *quits ***UL**(s)**TER **(\"province\") *with ***I** (one) + **O**(the)**R** *missing *THE (\"article\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Extremely distant man's entering races with coat on (8)","output":"### Answer: FURTHEST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Extremely distant\n\n**HE'S** (\"man's\") *entering ***TT **(Tourist Trophy, so \"races\") *with ***FUR **(\"coat\") *on"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Post agreement (14)","output":"### Answer: CORRESPONDENCE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Post\n\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Firm condition stops desperate arranger's job? (9)","output":"### Answer: CODIFYING \n ### Explanation: Definition: arranger's job?\n\n**Co. **(company, so \"firm\") +** IF** (\"condition\") *stops ***DYING **(\"desperate\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Drink variable amounts to keep old man fit (8)","output":"### Answer: APOPLEXY \n ### Explanation: Definition: fit \n\n**ALE** (\"drink\") +** X** + **Y** (\"variable amounts\", in maths) *to keep* **POP **(\"old man\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Departments suppress occasionally corny cracks (8)","output":"### Answer: DECRYPTS \n ### Explanation: Definition: cracks\n\n**DEPTS** (departments) *suppress *[*occasionally*] **C**(o)**R**(n)**Y"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lawyer deserved to defend Irish revolutionary (6)","output":"### Answer: JURIST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Lawyer\n\n**JUST **(\"deserved\") *to defend* **<=Ir. **(Irish, *revolutionary*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fruit almost blankets crown of young fig tree (6)","output":"### Answer: BANYAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: fig tree\n\n**BANAN**(a) (\"fruit\", *almost*) *blankets *[*crown of*] **Y**(oung)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Big successful escapees are at it (5)","output":"### Answer: LARGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Big\n\nIf you escape from prison, you are \"at **LARGE**\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Vigour of Thatcher ultimately shown in life story (4)","output":"### Answer: BRIO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Vigour\n\n(thatche)**R** [*ultimately*]* shown in* **BIO **(\"life story\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Trade fair's former location (10)","output":"### Answer: EXPOSITION \n ### Explanation: Definition: Trade fair\n\n**EX **(\"former\") + **POSITION **(\"location\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hack confronting popular composer (6)","output":"### Answer: CHOPIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: composer\n\n**CHOP **(\"hack\") *confronting ***IN **(\"popular\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sort of home when seen refurbished (2,1,5)","output":"### Answer: IN A SENSE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Sort of \n\n**IN** (\"home\") +** AS** (\"when\") +** *(seen)** [anag:*refurbished*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Greatly reduced exposure of secret agent? (8)","output":"### Answer: MICRODOT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Greatly reduced exposure of secret agent?\n\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A sign, primarily, is put in street to help (6)","output":"### Answer: ASSIST \n ### Explanation: Definition: to help\n\n**A** + **S**(ign) [*primarily*] + **IS** *put in* **ST **(street)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cash dispenser in small insignificant place (4,2,3,4)","output":"### Answer: HOLE IN THE WALL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Cash dispenser\n\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Most accurate, boy bagging trophy (4,2)","output":"### Answer: SPOT ON \n ### Explanation: Definition: Most accurate\n\n**SON** (\"boy\") *bagging ***POT **(\"trophy\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mrs T's youth portrayed in satire (4,4)","output":"### Answer: IRON LADY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Mrs T\n\n**LAD** (\"youth\") *portrayed in* **IRONY **(\"satire\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: About to drink gin or cobblers (8)","output":"### Answer: CLAPTRAP \n ### Explanation: Definition: cobblers\n\n**C** (circa, so \"about\") + **LAP** (\"to drink\") + **TRAP **(\"gin\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Religious building in previous year (6)","output":"### Answer: PRIORY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Religious building\n\n**PRIOR **(\"former\") + **Y** (year)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hospital worker, man, unsure heading off for resort (5,5)","output":"### Answer: STAFF NURSE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Hospital worker\n\n**STAFF** (\"man\") + ***(nsure)** [anag:*for resort*] where NSURE is (u)NSURE [*heading off*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pick up that woman carrying article (4)","output":"### Answer: HEAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Pick up\n\n**HER** (\"that woman\") *carrying ***A** (\"article\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Senior cleric, shrewd man (10)","output":"### Answer: ARCHBISHOP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Senior cleric\n\n**ARCH **(\"shrewd\") + **BISHOP **(chess \"man\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Petty officer material (8)","output":"### Answer: CORPORAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Petty officer\n\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Alcoholic drink in hamper, no doubt (6)","output":"### Answer: PERNOD \n ### Explanation: Definition: Alcoholic drink\n\nHidden [*in*] \"ham**PER NO D**oubt\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Get away, pocketing diamonds after a wild adventure (8)","output":"### Answer: ESCAPADE \n ### Explanation: Definition: wild adventure\n\n**ESCAPE** (\"get away\") *pocketing ***D** (diamonds) *after ***A"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Force small lock (6)","output":"### Answer: STRESS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Force\n\n**S** (small) + **TRESS **(\"lock\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Manager sobs, distraught (4)","output":"### Answer: BOSS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Manager\n\n***(sobs)** [anag:*distraught*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Do a mural of erotic nightclub performer? Use this to remove it! (5-8)","output":"### Answer: PAINT STRIPPER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Use this to remove it!\n\n**PAINT **(\"do a mural of\") + **STRIPPER **(\"erotic nightclub performer\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Daughter unfortunately knocked over lotion, dressing (5,5)","output":"### Answer: SALAD CREAM \n ### Explanation: Definition: dressing\n\n**<=(D** (daughter) + **ALAS **(\"unfortunately\")**)** [*knocked over*] + **CREAM **(\"lotion\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Uninformed, I admit, about reduced number (8)","output":"### Answer: IGNORANT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Uninformed\n\n**I** + **GRANT **(\"admit\") *about ***No.** (reduced *number*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Nothing left in well? (3,5)","output":"### Answer: ALL RIGHT \n ### Explanation: Definition: well?\n\nIf everything is to the right (**ALL RIGHT**), then \"nothing\" is to the \"left\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Point of loud warning? (3-3)","output":"### Answer: TIP OFF \n ### Explanation: Definition: warning\n\n**TIP** (\"point\") + **OF** + **F** (fortissimo, so \"loud\" in music)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bird, in consequence, turned up over quarry (6)","output":"### Answer: OSPREY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Bird\n\n**<=SO** (\"in consequence\",* turned up*) *over ***PREY **(\"quarry\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Departed behind schedule (4)","output":"### Answer: LATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Departed\n\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Crime of ambitious Johnson? (6)","output":"### Answer: BIGAMY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Crime\n\n**BIG** (\"ambitious\") + **AMY **(Johnson) (pioneering female pilot)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Her indoors, a beauty from the States? (6)","output":"### Answer: MISSUS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Her indoors\n\nA \"beauty from the States\" may win a beauty pageant and be crowned **MISS U.S."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tory type, as Prince Philip is? (7)","output":"### Answer: CONSORT \n ### Explanation: Definition: as \n\n**CON** (Conservative, so \"Tory\") + **SORT **(\"type\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Makes note of tick on rhinoceros's backside (7)","output":"### Answer: MINUTES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Makes note of\n\n**MINUTE** (\"tick\") on (rhinocero)**S** [*'s backside*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Troop of soldiers in reserve (10)","output":"### Answer: DETACHMENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Troop of soldiers\n\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Film-maker the worse for wear, I hear (4)","output":"### Answer: TATI \n ### Explanation: Definition: Film-maker\n\nHomophone [I hear} of TATTY (\"the worse for wear\")\n \n*This simply doesn't work, as Tati was French, so unless you are mispronouncing his name, TATI and TATTY do not sound the same."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Time doctor retired, according to this letter (5)","output":"### Answer: OMEGA \n ### Explanation: Definition: letter\n\n**<= (AGE** (\"time\") + **MO** (medical officer, so \"doctor\")**)** [*retired*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Examines popular parties holding power (8)","output":"### Answer: INSPECTS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Examines\n\n**IN** (\"popular\") + **SECTS **(\"parties\") *holding ***P **(power)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Career of sedate MP disrupted (8)","output":"### Answer: STAMPEDE \n ### Explanation: Definition: C\n\n***(sedate mp)** [anag:*disrupted*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Chap who's got the message? (5)","output":"### Answer: ROGER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Chap who's got the message?\n\nCryptic definition \u2013 \"roger\" meaning \"understood\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fake Elvis bares bottom (4)","output":"### Answer: KEEL \n ### Explanation: Definition: bottom \n\nHidden in [bares] \"fa**KE E**Lvis\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Threaten papers in secret (10)","output":"### Answer: INTIMIDATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Threaten\n\n**ID** ((identity) papers) *in* **INTIMATE **(\"secret\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A good evening in the Folies Berg\u00e8re? (7)","output":"### Answer: BONSOIR \n ### Explanation: Definition: A good evening in the Folies Berg\u00e8re?\n\nIn French, \"good evening\" is bonsoir."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A cruel fellow on the rampage? Watch out! (7)","output":"### Answer: CAREFUL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Watch out!\n\n***(a cruel f) **[anag:*on the rampage*] where F = fellow"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: English member's anger: Britain's lost it! (6)","output":"### Answer: EMPIRE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Britain's lost it!\n\n**E** (English) + **MP** (Member (of Parliament)) + **IRE** (\"anger\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: First to leave party after His Excellency's robbed (4,2)","output":"### Answer: HELD UP \n ### Explanation: Definition: robbed\n\n[*first to*] **L**(eave) + **DUP** (Democratic Unionist) Party))* after* **HE** (His Excellency)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hard stuff getting a poor reception, you say? (5)","output":"### Answer: BOOZE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Hard stuff\n\nHomophone [*you say*] of **BOOS** (\"a poor reception\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hugo's parents about to hit the roof (2,5)","output":"### Answer: GO SPARE \n ### Explanation: Definition: to hit the roof\n\nHidden in [*about*] \"hu**GO'S PARE**nts\"\n \n*I don't think this clue works, as \"about\" isn't a good indicator for a hidden solution."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A month on speed? People say I'm mad (5,4)","output":"### Answer: MARCH HARE \n ### Explanation: Definition: People say I'm mad\n\n**MARCH **(\"a month\")* on* **HARE **(\"speed\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mug detective knocked over? Nothing in it (5)","output":"### Answer: IDIOT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Mug\n\n**<= DI** (Detective) Inspector)) [*knocked over*] + **O** (nothing) *in* **IT "} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cutlets thrown in sink (7)","output":"### Answer: SCUTTLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: sink\n\n***(cutlets)** [anag:*thrown*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One observing old organ? (9)","output":"### Answer: SPECTATOR \n ### Explanation: Definition: One observing\n\nDouble definition, the second referring to the weekly British magazine that's nearly 200 years old."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Describe European row in court (9)","output":"### Answer: DELINEATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Describe\n\n**E** (European) + **LINE **(\"row\") *in* **DATE **(\"court\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: To win, punch opponent here? (2,3,4)","output":"### Answer: ON THE NOSE \n ### Explanation: Definition: To win\n\nIf you punch someone on the nose, you may \"win\". In betting parlance, if you put money on a horse to win, you are putting it \"on the nose\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mark grimaces painfully in fight (9)","output":"### Answer: SCRIMMAGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: fight\n\n***(m grimaces)** [anag:*painfully*] where M + Mark"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mummy's boy uses chamberpot on rising (7)","output":"### Answer: MILKSOP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Mummy's boy\n\n**MILKS** (\"uses\") + **<=PO** (\"chamberpot\", *on rising*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Has Richard Dawkins proclaimed it a welcome event? (7)","output":"### Answer: GODSEND \n ### Explanation: Definition: welcome event?\n\nRichard Dawkins (like me) is an atheist, so **GOD'S END** would be \"a welcome event\", assuming we mean the concept of God\u2026 if God himself were to end, that would defeat the Atheist argument as he would have had to have existed first."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Here in France leading lady is increasingly aloof (5)","output":"### Answer: ICIER \n ### Explanation: Definition: increasingly aloof\n\n**ICI** (\"here\" in France (French)) + **ER** (the Queen, so \"leading lady\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: President's floozie having change of heart? (5)","output":"### Answer: TRUMP \n ### Explanation: Definition: President\n\n**TR**(a>**U**)**MP** (\"floozie\", having change of heart)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One regularly making latkes saving bit of stuff in palm (7)","output":"### Answer: BARISTA \n ### Explanation: Definition: One regularly making latkes\nLatkes > lattes \n*Struggling to parse this \u2013 S or ST [bit of] ST(uff) in BARIA or BARITA, but I can't find either of these in dictionaries or online."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mill facing upstream, second with cant? (5)","output":"### Answer: STOSS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Mill facing upstream\nMill > hill \n**S** (second) *with ***TOSS **(\"cant\")\n \n*According to Collins, a stoss described the side of a hill facing** the onward flow of a glacier or the direction in which a former glacier flowed\u00a0"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Equivalent of dung in US river? First being removed disguises giggle (10)","output":"### Answer: OVERSLAUGH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Equivalent of dung in US river?\nDung > dune \n[*first being removed*] (c)**OVERS** (\"disguises\") + **LAUGH **(\"giggle\")\n \n*An overslaugh is a bar in a river in North America."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Make net chart for traveller, mum included (5)","output":"### Answer: REMAP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Make net chart\nNet > new \n**REP **(\"taveller\") with **MA **(\"mum\") *included"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Strong draught? Jumper required (6)","output":"### Answer: PORTER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Strong draught\nJumper > humper \nDouble definition, the second referring to one who humps things around."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Once treated with gold will jar having shilling thrown in (6)","output":"### Answer: GRASTE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Once treated with gold will\nGold > good \n**GRATE **(\"jar\") *having ***S **(shilling)* thrown in"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Such as crutches contributing to leg gymnastics (4)","output":"### Answer: EGGY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Such as crutches\nCrutches > clutches \nHidden in [*contributing to*] \"l**EG GY**mnastics\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Arrant knight, young man in grip of anguish (7)","output":"### Answer: PALADIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Arrant knight\nArrant > errant \n**LAD **(\"young man\")* in grip of ***PAIN **(\"anguish\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Render less peptic Is\u00e8re silt after treatment (9)","output":"### Answer: STERILISE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Render less peptic\nPeptic > septic \n***(isere silt)** [anag:*after treatment*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: It's comb to pass untidy nipper mostly, note, in care of old woman (9)","output":"### Answer: HAPPENING \n ### Explanation: Definition: It's comb to pass\nComb > come \n***(nippe)**(r) [*mostly*] [anag:*untidy*] + **N** (note) *in care of* **HAG **(\"old woman\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What's in superior plantation, we hear? It's used for shopping sensation (7)","output":"### Answer: EUCAINE \n ### Explanation: Definition: It's used for shopping sensation (7)\nShopping > stopping \nHomophone of **U** (\"superior\") **CANE **which may be found on a superior plantation."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Chump turned over part of boot just behind the bow (4)","output":"### Answer: LOOF \n ### Explanation: Definition: part of boot just behind the bow\nBoot > boat \n**<= FOOL** (\"chump\" *turned over*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Contents of meal booked executive committee got in ready (6)","output":"### Answer: RECIPE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Contents of meal booked\nBooked > cooked \n**EC** (executive committee) *got in* **RIPE** (\"ready\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Parliamentarian in the East sorted out what makes some Japanese nosy (6)","output":"### Answer: TEMPEH \n ### Explanation: Definition: what makes some Japanese nosy (6)\nNosy > nosh \n**MP** (\"parliamentarian\") *in* ***(the E)** [anag:*sorted out*] where E is East\n \n*Tempeh is fermented soya bean"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cell to appear? It's closed by state briefly (5)","output":"### Answer: CITAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Cell to appear?\nCell > call \n**IT** *closed by* **CAL **(California, so \"state\" *briefly*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rattling sabre, alert, one filed bolts (10)","output":"### Answer: ARBALESTER \n ### Explanation: Definition: one filed bolts\nFiled > fired \n***(sabre alert) **[anag:*rattling*]\n \nAn arbalester was a soldier who carried an arbalest ( a kind of crossbow)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sanctimonious about love, Jock's taking cure (5)","output":"### Answer: HOOLY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Jock's taking cure\nCure > care \n**HOLY** (\"sanctimonous\") *about ***O** (love, in tennis)\n \nHooly is a Scots word for \"gentle\" or \"careful\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Regular feature of rooks, origin being about a loch (7)","output":"### Answer: SEAWEED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Regular feature of rooks\nRooks > rocks \n**SEED** (\"origin\") *being about* (Loch) **AWE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Frow, German, coming in stripped (5)","output":"### Answer: BARGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Frow\nFrow > trow \n**G** (German)* coming in* **BARE **(\"stripped\")\n \nA trow is a small barge."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: To exist within what could be arguable, cried with no rational basis (10)","output":"### Answer: ABERGLAUBE \n ### Explanation: Definition: cried with no rational basis\nCried > creed \n**BE** (\"to exist\") *within ****(arguable)** [anag:*what could be*]\n \nAberglaube is a German-derived word for supervision"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Will's delay \u2013 it involves silver in capital (6)","output":"### Answer: ROMAGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Will's delay\nDelay > deray \n**AG **(chemical symbol for \"silver\")* in* **ROME **(\"capital\" of Italy)\n \n*Deray and romage are both archaic terms for \"tumult\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Nation guards record divined by partitions (7)","output":"### Answer: SEPTATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: divined by partitions\nDivined > divided \n**STATE **(\"nation\") *guards ***EP **(extended play \"record\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Neuter pony roughly, without love? One remaining foal, as before (9)","output":"### Answer: TRUEPENNY \n ### Explanation: Definition: One remaining foal, as before\nFoal > feal \n***(neuter pny)** [anag:*roughly*] where PNY is P(o)NY *without *O (love, in tennis)\n \nA truepenny is an old word for a loyal or faithful follower"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: To work herd, last of timber must be out on top (4)","output":"### Answer: SLOG \n ### Explanation: Definition: To work herd\nHerd > hard \n[*last of*] LOG(s) *must be out on top*, so moved to the top to make **S-LOG"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Two salts describing part of penal structure (6)","output":"### Answer: TARSAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: describing part of penal structure\nPenal > pedal \n**TAR** (sailor, so \"salt\") + **SAL** (\"salt\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Durban fellow, dandyish youth with secrets revelled (5)","output":"### Answer: OUTED \n ### Explanation: Definition: with secrets revelled\nRevelled > revealed \n**OU** (Afrikans word for man, so \"Durban fellow\") + **TED **(\"dandyish youth\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mouse fed with bit of ricotta, one making one's mark in carinas? (7)","output":"### Answer: SHRINER \n ### Explanation: Definition: one making one's mark in carinas\nWe need a T here, but I can't see what should change. \n**SHINER **(\"mouse\")* fed with* [*bit of*] **R**(icotta)\n \n\"Shiner\" and \"mouse\" are both words for a black eye."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Set device for projecting images, including appropriate technology (10)","output":"### Answer: EPISCOPATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Set\nSet > see \n**EPISCOPE **(\"device for projecting images\") *including ***AT **(appropriate technology)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Blast covering the ground fast, the ache getting worse (7)","output":"### Answer: CHEETAH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Blast covering the ground fast\nBlast > beast \n***(the ache)** [anag:*getting worse*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rock antics, energy-filled? Coaches are included in them (7)","output":"### Answer: INSECTA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Coaches are included in them\nCoaches > roaches \n***(antics)** [anag:*rock*] *filled* with **E** (energy)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mate repeatedly feeling like flu? (6)","output":"### Answer: PALPAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: feeling like flu?\nFlu > fly \n**PAL** (\"mate) [*repeatedly*]\n \nPalps or palpi are sensory appendages that arise from the mouths of insects, so \"palpal\" is the adjective describing how flies sense things."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Gland's smelling \u2013 it's coated in blood (6)","output":"### Answer: GOITRE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Gland's smelling\nSmelling > swelling \n**IT*** coated in* **GORE** (\"blood\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mob dancing in company stumping performers (5)","output":"### Answer: COMBO \n ### Explanation: Definition: stumping performers\nStumping > stomping \n***(mob)** [anag:*dancing*] *in ***Co**. (company)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sex? It's messing about in field (5)","output":"### Answer: FELID \n ### Explanation: Definition: Sex?\nSex > Rex \n***(field)** [anag:*messing about*]\n \nA felid is a cat and a Rex is a type of cat."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: English cathedral city attractive to those keen on ribbing? (4)","output":"### Answer: EELY \n ### Explanation: Definition: attractive to those keen on ribbing?\nRibbing > dibbing \n**E** (English) + **ELY **(\"cathedral city\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Came across roundabout in Morecambe at great speed (8)","output":"### Answer: METEORIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: at great speed\n**MET** (\"came across\") + **O** (\"roundabout\") *in* **ERIC** (Morecambe)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Parasites battening on a woman (5)","output":"### Answer: ALICE \n ### Explanation: Definition: woman\n**LICE** (\"parasites\") *battening on* **A"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One fortieth of a nap? (4)","output":"### Answer: WINK \n ### Explanation: Definition: One fortieth of a nap?\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Expelled from office \u2014 so took too much of a beating? (7,3)","output":"### Answer: DRUMMED OUT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Expelled from office\n*I suppose a drum gets beaten, so this just about makes sense."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: How prisoner's board game may end? (6)","output":"### Answer: INMATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: How prisoner's board game may end?\nA chess game may end \"in mate\" and a prisoner is an \"inmate\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Nasty injury from cricket ball (3,5)","output":"### Answer: LEG BREAK \n ### Explanation: Definition: Nasty injury\nCryptic definition, the second referring to a type of delivery in cricket, where the ball spins from the bowler's right to left as it pitches."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sport as a criminal activity (7)","output":"### Answer: FENCING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Sport\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Supporters that Oliver requested? (7)","output":"### Answer: SECONDS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Supporters\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: In the long run, one may not be competitive (8)","output":"### Answer: SPRINTER \n ### Explanation: Definition: In the long run, one may not be competitive\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Eight days or weeks with hail (6)","output":"### Answer: OCTAVE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Eight\n**OCT** (October, so \"days or weeks\") *with ***AVE **(\"hail\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Promoter backs it through unfavourable run (10)","output":"### Answer: ADVERTISER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Promoter\n[*backs*] **<=IT** *through ***ADVERSE **(\"unfavourable\") +** R** (run, in cricket)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Don't eat so quickly (4)","output":"### Answer: FAST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Don't eat\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: City is the best, it's said (5)","output":"### Answer: LEEDS \n ### Explanation: Definition: City\nHomophone *[it is said*] of **LEADS** (\"is the best\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Such a cloud may expand rapidly (8)","output":"### Answer: MUSHROOM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Such a cloud\nDouble definition \u2013 a type of \"cloud\" and \"to expand rapidly\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lower classes intended mutiny (8)","output":"### Answer: DEFIANCE \n ### Explanation: Definition: mutiny\n**DE** (\"lower classes\", in demographics) + **FIANCE **(one's \"intended\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Look for Indian to speak (4)","output":"### Answer: SEEK \n ### Explanation: Definition: Look for\nHomophone [*to speak*] of** SIKH** (\"Indian\") \n*Not keen on INDIAN \u2013 SIKH, as not all Indians are Sikh, and not all Sikhs are Indian these days."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: It's cooler following narrow hilltop (6)","output":"### Answer: FRIDGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: cooler\n**F** (following) + **RIDGE **(\"narrow hilltop\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Moral difficulty has little weight (7)","output":"### Answer: SCRUPLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Moral difficulty\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One Sunday, needing a bit of a hand (4)","output":"### Answer: PALM \n ### Explanation: Definition: One Sunday\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Maximally obstruct, right at the back (10)","output":"### Answer: HINDERMOST \n ### Explanation: Definition: right at the back\n**HINDER** (\"obstruct\") + **MOST **(\"maximally\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A lot of stars unable to play (6)","output":"### Answer: NEBULA \n ### Explanation: Definition: A lot of stars\n***(unable)** [anag:*to play*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old Greek could be forced to heed racism (10)","output":"### Answer: ARCHIMEDES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Old Greek\n***(heed racism) **[anag:*forced*] \n*This clue doesn't work for me due to the \"to\" between \"forced\" and the anagram fodder. Its position there indicates that it would need to be part of the anagram."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Half a horse? Wow! (3)","output":"### Answer: GEE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Wow!\nHalf of **GEE**GEE (\"horse\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Catch in cricket practice (3)","output":"### Answer: NET \n ### Explanation: Definition: Catch\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Duke, one with ability to see discord (8)","output":"### Answer: DIVISION \n ### Explanation: Definition: discord\n**D** (duke) + **I** (\"one\") *with ***VISION **(\"ability to see\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One smoker dreadfully annoying (7)","output":"### Answer: IRKSOME \n ### Explanation: Definition: annoying \n**I** (\"one\") +** *(smoker)** [anag:*dreadfully*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A pleasure at the beach? You may not have it up the creek (6)","output":"### Answer: PADDLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: A pleasure at the beach\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Formidable female, not entirely progressive (6)","output":"### Answer: OGRESS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Formidable female\nHidden in [*not entirely*] \"pr**OGRESS**ive\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Host served up rubbish (4)","output":"### Answer: TOSH \n ### Explanation: Definition: rubbish\n***(host)** [anag:*served up*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A presidential car? (4)","output":"### Answer: FORD \n ### Explanation: Definition: car\nRefers to Gerald Ford, who was US president between 1974 and 1977"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Boastful Algonquin met when travelling (12)","output":"### Answer: MAGNILOQUENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Boastful\n\n***(algonquin met)** [anag;*when travelling*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Particle produces trigger initially in nerve cell (7)","output":"### Answer: NEUTRON \n ### Explanation: Definition: Particle\n\n**T**(rigger) [*initially*] *in ***NEURON **(\"nerve cell\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bird, brown, with mature rook (7)","output":"### Answer: TANAGER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Bird\n\n**TAN** (\"brown\") + *with ***AGE **(\"mature\") + **R** (rook, in chess notation)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: In seaside venue everyone more friendly (7)","output":"### Answer: PALLIER \n ### Explanation: Definition: more friendly\n\n*In ***PIER **(\"seaside venue\"), **ALL **(\"everyone\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Weapon that's crude returned to group (3,4)","output":"### Answer: WAR CLUB \n ### Explanation: Definition: Weapon\n\n**<=RAW** (\"crude\", *returned*) *to* **CLUB **(\"group\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Decorative shell found in Brecon church (5)","output":"### Answer: CONCH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Decorative shell\n\nHidden in [*found in*] \"bre**CON CH**urch\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Liquid refreshment stimulating the palate? (9)","output":"### Answer: MOUTHWASH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Liquid refreshment stimulating the palate?\n\n(Not very) cryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One with pots, I'd cleverly invested in bank (2,7)","output":"### Answer: ON DEPOSIT \n ### Explanation: Definition: invested in bank\n\n***(one pots id)** [anag:*cleverly*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Share Jill Masterson's fate, and it's goodbye! (5)","output":"### Answer: ADIEU \n ### Explanation: Definition: goodbye\n\n**DIE** *in* **Au **(chemical symbol for gold) which is what Jill Masterton did in *Goldfinger*. \n \n*Having been knocked out by Goldfinger's henchman, Oddjob, she is painted all over in gold paint, supposedly dying of skin asphyxiation, although the validity of dying from this method has been questioned since. In the movie, she was played by Shirley Eaton."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Insult delivered with a fine impudence (7)","output":"### Answer: AFFRONT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Insult\n\n**A** + **F** (fine) + **FRONT **(\"impudence\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bidding millions, fellow admitted to hoax (7)","output":"### Answer: COMMAND \n ### Explanation: Definition: Bidding \n\n**M** (millions) + **MAN **(\"fellow\") *admitted to* **CON **(\"hoax\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: French in warning about lake \u2013 area surrounded (7)","output":"### Answer: ENCLAVE \n ### Explanation: Definition: area surrounded\n\n**EN** (\"French\" for \"in\") + **CAVE **(\"warning\" in Latin) *about ***L** (lake)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Creature in Scottish river heartless rower traps (3,4)","output":"### Answer: ROE DEER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Creature\n\n[*heartless*] **RO**(w)**ER **traps **DEE **(\"Scottish river\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Casually taking name, call Anthony to order (12)","output":"### Answer: NONCHALANTLY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Casually\n\n***(call anthony)** [anag:*to order*], *taking ***N **(name)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Emotional Broad at close lashed by savage batting (7)","output":"### Answer: MAUDLIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Emotional\n\n(broa)**D** [*at close*]* lashed by* **MAUL **(\"savage\") +** IN** (\"batting\" in cricket terminology)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Glitzy knight coming in put trimmings on dish (7)","output":"### Answer: GARNISH \n ### Explanation: Definition: put \n\n**GARISH **(\"glitzy\") with **N** (knight, in chess notation) *coming in"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One not bright or amusing when drunk (9)","output":"### Answer: IGNORAMUS \n ### Explanation: Definition: One not bright\n\n***(or amusing)** [anag:*when drunk*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Suspicious of wife being pulled by trucker? (2,3)","output":"### Answer: ON TOW \n ### Explanation: Definition: being pulled by trucker?\n\n**ON TO** (\"suspicious of\") + **W** (wife)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pro-hunt organisation not down south (2,5)","output":"### Answer: UP NORTH \n ### Explanation: Definition: not down south\n\n***(pro hunt)** [anag:*organisation*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Endlessly making claims about woman (7)","output":"### Answer: NIGELLA \n ### Explanation: Definition: woman\n\n[*endlessly*] <=**ALLEGIN**(g) (\"making claims\", *about*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bug quietly installed, make speech for examiners (12)","output":"### Answer: INSPECTORATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: examiners\n\n**INSECT **(\"bug\") with **P** (piano, so \"quietly\") *installed*, + **ORATE **(\"make speech\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What masseurs might do to socialise? (3,9)","output":"### Answer: RUB SHOULDERS \n ### Explanation: Definition: What masseurs might do\n\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hives not restricted to apiarists? (9)","output":"### Answer: URTICARIA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Hives not restricted to apiarists?\n\nCryptic definition, \"hives\" in this case being the skin condition, not the bees' home."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fed up with drama \u2013 nothing to it really (2,5)","output":"### Answer: DE FACTO \n ### Explanation: Definition: really\n\n**<=FED** [*up*] *with ***ACT **(\"drama\") with **O** (\"nothing\") (added)* to it"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Expert thus saves a pedestrian (7)","output":"### Answer: PROSAIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: pedestrian\n\n**PRO **(\"expert\") + **SIC** (\"thus\") *saves ***A"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Frenchman in detention requires support on seat (7)","output":"### Answer: ARMREST \n ### Explanation: Definition: support on seat\n\n**M** (monsieur, so \"Frenchman\") *in ***ARREST** (\"detention\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mental visions one girl receives bring ease at last (7)","output":"### Answer: IMAGERY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Mental visions\n\n**I** (\"one\") + **MARY **(\"girl\") *receives *(brin)**G** (eas)**E** [*at last*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: From Ugarit he takes letter to Greeks (5)","output":"### Answer: THETA \n ### Explanation: Definition: letter to Greeks\n\nHidden in [*from*] \"ugari**T HE TA**kes\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ditch exasperated expression Pete's forgotten (7)","output":"### Answer: FORSAKE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Ditch\n\n**FOR** (pete's)** SAKE** (\"exasperated expression\", with \"pete's\" *forgotten*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: For one, golf trophies make breakfast containers (3,4)","output":"### Answer: EGG CUPS \n ### Explanation: Definition: breakfast containers\n\n**E.G. **(\"for one\") + **G** (golf, in the phonetic alphabet) + **CUPS** (\"trophies\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Very inaccurate story about religious coverage (4)","output":"### Answer: VEIL \n ### Explanation: Definition: religious coverage\n\n**V** (very) + **<= LIE** (\"inaccurate story\", *about*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fellow staggers round firm engaged in making formal wear (5,5)","output":"### Answer: FROCK COATS \n ### Explanation: Definition: formal wear\n\n**F** (fellow) + **ROCKS** (\"staggers\") *round ***Co.** (company, so \"firm\") + **AT** (\"engaged in\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: View missing yellow hat (6)","output":"### Answer: PANAMA \n ### Explanation: Definition: hat\n\n**PAN**(or)**AMA** (\"view\", missing OR (\"yellow\", or more accurately gold)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Royal couple precede cook carrying one cover for crown (8)","output":"### Answer: KERCHIEF \n ### Explanation: Definition: cover for crown\n\n**K** (king) + **ER** (Elizabeth Regina, the Queen) (\"royal couple\") *precede ***CHEF **(\"cook\") *carrying ***I **(one)\n \n*A kerchief is more commonly known as a bandana these days."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tense French artist shows what's in bottom drawer (9)","output":"### Answer: TROUSSEAU \n ### Explanation: Definition: what's in bottom drawer\n\n**T** (tense, in grammar) + (Henri) **ROUSSEAU **(\"French artist\")\n \n*Traditionally, a bride's trousseau (linen and clothing collected for her marriage) would be kept in the bottom drawer."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Nice bloke's casual wear (5)","output":"### Answer: JEANS \n ### Explanation: Definition: casual wear\n\n*Jean is a common name in France. so a bloke from Nice may be called Jean."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Inspect stallion approaching filly's rear (5)","output":"### Answer: STUDY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Inspect \n\n**STUD** (\"stallion\") *approaching *(fill)**Y** [*'s rear*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Perhaps cabaret mystifies housewife (5,4)","output":"### Answer: FLOOR SHOW \n ### Explanation: Definition: Perhaps cabaret\n\n**FLOORS** (\"mystifies\") + **HO **(house) + **W **(wife)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Second pen containing large stone (8)","output":"### Answer: SPARKLER \n ### Explanation: Definition: stone\n\n**S** (second) + **PARKER** (a brand of \"pen\") *containing* **L** (large)\n \n*\"Sparkler\" and \"stone\" both refer to a jewel."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stole hospital garb idiot sent round (6)","output":"### Answer: TIPPET \n ### Explanation: Definition: Stole\n\n**PPE **(personal protective equipment, so \"hospital garb\") with **TIT **(\"idiot\") *around"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: After start of dissent, see clique split and melt away (10)","output":"### Answer: DELIQUESCE \n ### Explanation: Definition: melt away\n\n*After *[*start o*f] **D**(issent),** *(see clique)** [anag:*split*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bring up sappers and gunners facing backwards (4)","output":"### Answer: REAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Bring up\n\n**RE** (Royal Engineers, aka \"sappers\") + **<=RA** (Royal Artillery, aka \"gunners\") [*facing backwards*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Like well-balanced school qualification (2-5)","output":"### Answer: AS-LEVEL \n ### Explanation: Definition: school qualification \n\n**AS **(\"like\") + **LEVEL** (\"balanced\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Part of old sewer's altered after collapsing (7)","output":"### Answer: TREADLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Part of old sewer\n\n***(altered)** [anag:*after collapsing*]\n \nA treadle was a foot-operated part of an old sewing machine."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Like a summer event: begin with song (4-3)","output":"### Answer: OPEN-AIR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Like a summer event\n\n**OPEN** (\"begin\") *with ***AIR **(\"song\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sauce too reduced in South America (5)","output":"### Answer: SALSA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Sauce\n\n**ALS**(o) [*reduced*] *in* **SA **(South America)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dresses sank unevenly, stuffed with a newspaper (7)","output":"### Answer: KAFTANS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Dresses\n\n***(sank)** [anag:*unevenly*]* stuffed with* **A FT** (Financial Times, so \"newspaper\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sanction a run in souped-up car, a small one for racing (2-4)","output":"### Answer: GO-KART \n ### Explanation: Definition: a small one for racing\n\n**OK** (\"sanction\") + **A R** (run, in cricket) *in* **GT** (Gran Turismo, a \"souped-up car\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Halfwit hires crooked bolt cutters? (9)","output":"### Answer: CLOTHIERS \n ### Explanation: Definition: bolt \n\n**CLOT** (\"halfwit\") + ***(hires)** [anag:*crooked*]\n \n*A bolt is a roll of fabric, so people making clothes could be described as \"bolt cutters\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Salesman delivers this new model (7)","output":"### Answer: PATTERN \n ### Explanation: Definition: model\n\n**PATTER** (\"salesman delivers this\") + **N** (new)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lift bottom line up for an LBD, perhaps (8,5)","output":"### Answer: COCKTAILDRESS \n ### Explanation: Definition: an LBD, perhaps\n\n**COCK** (\"lift\") + **TAIL** (\"bottom\") + **DRESS** (\"line up\")\n \nLBD stands for \"little black dress\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Articles from abroad flank bottom (9)","output":"### Answer: UNDERSIDE \n ### Explanation: Definition: bottom\n\n**UN** + **DER** (\"articles from abroad\") + **SIDE** (\"flank\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hardy girl acquires old place, revealing chest (7)","output":"### Answer: TOPLESS \n ### Explanation: Definition: revealing chest\n\n**TESS** (of the D'Urbervilles, a Thomas \"Hardy\" heroine) *acquires ***O** (old) + **Pl.** (place)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Enjoy longer life not working on river (7)","output":"### Answer: OUTWEAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Enjoy longer life\n\n**OUT** (\"not working\") + (River) **WEAR"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Protective wear, more than a couple of lines (7)","output":"### Answer: OVERALL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Protective wear\n\n**OVER** (\"more than\") + **A** + **LL** (*a couple of* lines)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Top British runner keeps left (6)","output":"### Answer: BLOUSE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Top\n\n**B** (British) + **OUSE** (a river, so a \"runner\") *keeps* **L** (left)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Standard car coat (5)","output":"### Answer: PARKA \n ### Explanation: Definition: coat\n\n**PAR** (\"standard\") + (Ford)** KA** (\"car\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Copper checks over practice (6)","output":"### Answer: CUSTOM \n ### Explanation: Definition: practice\n**Cu **(chemical symbol for \"copper\") + **<= MOTs** (vehicle \"checks\", *over*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Careless errors by head office department (8)","output":"### Answer: SLIPSHOD \n ### Explanation: Definition: Careless\n**SLIPS** (\"errors\") *by* **HO** (head office) + **D** (department)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Trouble during strike for serving officer (7)","output":"### Answer: BAILIFF \n ### Explanation: Definition: serving officer\n**AIL **(\"trouble\") *during ***BIFF** (\"strike\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Figure 12 captivates Harry (7)","output":"### Answer: NONAGON \n ### Explanation: Definition: Figure\n**NOON** (\"12\") *captivates* **NAG **(\"harry\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Flashy student with Open University departs (4)","output":"### Answer: LOUD \n ### Explanation: Definition: Flashy\n**L** (learner, so \"student\") *with ***OU** (Open University) + **D** (departs)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lanky Jane's not finished with former French diplomat (10)","output":"### Answer: TALLEYRAND \n ### Explanation: Definition: former French diplomat\n**TALL** (\"lanky\") + (Jane) **EYR**(e) [*'s not finished*] + **AND** (\"with\") \n*Charles-Maurice de Talleyrand-P\u00e9rigord (1754-1838) was a French diplomat whose career spanned the regime of Louis XVI, the French Revolution, Napoleon and then Louis XVIII and Louis-Philippe."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Drug rush (5)","output":"### Answer: SPEED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Drug\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A foreign VP once hosted Democrat spontaneously (8)","output":"### Answer: UNBIDDEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: spontaneously\n**UN** (\"a\" in French, so \"a foreign\") + (Joe) **BIDEN** (\"former VP\" under Obama) *hosted ***D** (Democrat)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: First of ripostes with sword involving skill and wit (8)","output":"### Answer: REPARTEE \n ### Explanation: Definition: wit\n[*first of*] **R**(ipostes) *with ***EPEE **(\"sword\") *involving ***ART **(\"skill\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Young reporter blocking South Africa tanks (5)","output":"### Answer: SCUBA \n ### Explanation: Definition: tanks\n**CUB** (\"young reporter\") *blocks ***SA **(South Africa)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Guarantee European picked up Jack for one (6,4)","output":"### Answer: CHEQUE CARD \n ### Explanation: Definition: Guarantee\nHomophone [*picked up*] of **CZECH** (\"European\") + **CARD **(\"Jack for one\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tommy and his mates caught a big fish (4)","output":"### Answer: ORCA \n ### Explanation: Definition: big fish\n**OR **(other ranks, so \"Tommy and his mates\") + **C** (caught, in cricket) + **A"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Needle Republican in hot water (7)","output":"### Answer: PRICKLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Needle\n**R** (republican) *in* **PICKLE **(\"hot water\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Switzerland demolished a top- class castle (7)","output":"### Answer: CHATEAU \n ### Explanation: Definition: castle\n**CH **(Internet domain code for \"Switzerland\") + **ATE **(\"demolished\") + **A** +** U** (\"top-class\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Crime writer Josephine pens Award for Audacity (8)","output":"### Answer: TEMERITY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Audacity\n(Crime writer Josephine) **TEY ***pens ***MERIT **(\"award\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Serving party by returning vote (6)","output":"### Answer: DOLLOP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Serving\n**DO **(\"party\") + **<= POLL** (\"party\", *returning*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cold old Latvian perhaps in his element (6)","output":"### Answer: COBALT \n ### Explanation: Definition: element\n**C** (\"cold\") + **O** (old) + **BALT **(\"Latvian perhaps\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Alpine event 6 covering half of June (3,4)","output":"### Answer: SKI JUMP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Alpine event\n**SKIMP** (be miserly, see \"6\"dn) *covering *[*half of*] **JU**(ne)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old poet's current disease beginning to disappear (4)","output":"### Answer: OVID \n ### Explanation: Definition: Old poet\n(c)**OVID **(\"current disease\" with its *beginning to disappear*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Reformulated all-in-one lotion (8)","output":"### Answer: LANOLINE \n ### Explanation: Definition: l\n***(all in one)** [anag:*reformulated*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Behave like Scrooge with 2p in church (5-5)","output":"### Answer: PENNY-PINCH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Behave like Scrooge\n**PENNY** + **P** (\"2 x p\") +** IN** + **CH** (church)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: She's writer, looking run down (7)","output":"### Answer: HAGGARD \n ### Explanation: Definition: She's writer\n*Double definition, the first referring to H Rider Haggard (1856-1925), an adventure novelist, one of whose books was called \"She\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Battle at the Belfry? (4-4)","output":"### Answer: DING-DONG \n ### Explanation: Definition: Battle\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old king left rubbish (5)","output":"### Answer: OFFAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: rubbish\n**OFFA **(\"old king\" of Mercia) + **L **(left)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Gullible type nicks English queen's material (10)","output":"### Answer: SEERSUCKER \n ### Explanation: Definition: material\n**SUCKER** (\"gullible type\") *nicks ***E** (English) +** ER'S** (\"queen's\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Weirdo takes one drug after another (8)","output":"### Answer: CRACKPOT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Weirdo\n**POT **(\"one drug\") *after ***CRACK **(\"another\" drug)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Leaves box made of pine wrapped in paper (3,5)","output":"### Answer: TEA CHEST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Leaves box\n**ACHE **(\"pine\") *wrapped in* **TEST **(\"paper\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Superior music company cuts drink under pressure (7)","output":"### Answer: PREMIUM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Superior\n**EMI** (\"music company\") *cuts ***RUM **(\"drink\") *under ***P **(pressure)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Jerk lifts this, omitting source of 8 (7)","output":"### Answer: BARBELL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Jerk lifts this\n**BAR** (\"omitting\") + **BELL** (\"source of ding-dong\" (see 8dn))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Note goes round old police: \"Ceasefire!\" (5)","output":"### Answer: TRUCE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Ceasefire\n**TE **(\"note\") *goes round* **RUC **(the now defunct Royal Ulster Constabulary, so \"old police\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Outbid doctor holding unlimited cash (6)","output":"### Answer: GAZUMP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Outbid\n**GP** (general practitioner, so \"doctor\") *holding *[*unlimited*] (m)**AZUM**(a) (\"money\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ring service about port (4)","output":"### Answer: FARO \n ### Explanation: Definition: port\n**<=** **(O** (\"ring\") + **RAF** (Royal Air Force, so \"service\")**)** [*about*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Vulgar relations have finished going on stage (3-4)","output":"### Answer: LEG-OVER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Vulgar relations\n**OVER** (\"finished\")* going on* **LEG **(\"stage\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Piercing whistle \u2014 ref's blowing up too much (7)","output":"### Answer: SURFEIT \n ### Explanation: Definition: too much\n***(ref)** [anag:*blowing up*] *piercing* **SUIT **(Cockney rhyming slang \u2013 \"whistle\" and flute)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Start to undress in land by middle of Wimbledon Common (5)","output":"### Answer: USUAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Common\n[*start to*] **U**(ndress) *in* **USA** (\"land\") *by* [*middle of]* (wimb)**L**(edon)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Admitting home's completely out of cups \u2014 that's stupid! (9)","output":"### Answer: BRAINLESS \n ### Explanation: Definition: that's stupid!\n**BRALESS** (\"out of cups\") *admitting ***IN** (\"home\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Actors cast ready at last \u2014 hopes to include brief review (10)","output":"### Answer: HYPOCRITES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Actors\n***(y hopes)** [anag:*cast*] *where *Y = (read)Y [*at last*] *to include* [*brief*] **CRIT**(ique)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Piece of straw is perhaps thus described (4)","output":"### Answer: WISP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Piece of straw is perhaps \nHidden in [*piece of*] \"stra**W IS P**erhaps\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Drive's big \u2014 what may follow? (8,4)","output":"### Answer: APPROACHSHOT \n ### Explanation: Definition: what may follow?\n**APPROACH'S** (\"drive's\") + **HOT** (\"big\", as in popular)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Big deal, right? Won't work \u2014 like government's contact-tracing app (5-7)","output":"### Answer: WORLD-BEATING \n ### Explanation: Definition: l\n***(big deal r wont)** [anag:*work*] where R = right. \n*There's a huge slice of irony in this clue, which may be meant as an &lit."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: That man's failing, mate \u2014 but he's still in office (4,7)","output":"### Answer: MATT HANCOCK \n ### Explanation: Definition: he's still in office\n***(that man)** [anag:failing] + **COCK** (\"mate\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rosemary here? Gig's beginning in where she normally drinks at lodge (4,6)","output":"### Answer: HERB GARDEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Rosemary here?\n**G**(ig) [*'s beginning*] *in* **HER BAR** (\"where she normally drinks\") *at* **DEN** (\"lodge\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Maybe illegal? Vlad intends to not get involved (3-6)","output":"### Answer: ILLGOTTEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Maybe illegal?\n**I'LL** (\"Vlad intends to\") + ***(not get)** [anag:*involved*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A cycling expert's forecast (5)","output":"### Answer: AUGUR \n ### Explanation: Definition: forecast\n**A** + (**U**)**GUR**(u) (\"expert\", *cycling*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Spurs wanting a final point getting a stroke of luck (7)","output":"### Answer: GODSEND \n ### Explanation: Definition: a stroke of luck\n**GO**(a)**DS** (\"spurs\", wanting A) +** END** (\"final point\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Disreputable, extremely short, wasn't standing up straight (6)","output":"### Answer: LOUCHE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Disreputable\n(s)**LOUCHE**(d) (\"wasn't standing up straight\") [*extremely short*, i.e missing its extremes]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Gee! Douglas' cat is bad-tempered (6)","output":"### Answer: GRUMPY \n ### Explanation: Definition: bad-tempered\n**G** (gee) + **RUMPY** (another name for a Manx cat, and Douglas is a town on the Isle of Man, hence \"Douglas' cat\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Loved piece about early mode of transport (10)","output":"### Answer: VELOCIPEDE \n ### Explanation: Definition: early mode of transport\n***(loved piece)** [anag:*about*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Not completely straight with lawyers about minister (5)","output":"### Answer: RABBI \n ### Explanation: Definition: minister\n**BI**(sexual) (\"not completely straight\") *with ***<=BAR** (\"lawyers\", *about*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Possible replacement's in box \u2014 leave lid off (5,4)","output":"### Answer: SPAREPART \n ### Explanation: Definition: Possible replacement\n**SPAR** (\"box\") + (d)**EPART** (\"leave\" with its *lid *(first letter) *off*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One side with money abroad (4)","output":"### Answer: RAND \n ### Explanation: Definition: money abroad\n**R** (right, so \"one side\") + **AND** (\"with\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sense crew's keeping OK (8)","output":"### Answer: EYESIGHT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Sense\n**EIGHT** (rowing \"crew\") *keeping ***YES** (\"OK\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: When you do this, stop people drinking too much (8)","output":"### Answer: TOSSPOTS \n ### Explanation: Definition: people drinking too much\nWhen you \"toss POTS\", you get STOP"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A night in with back occasionally massaged? That'll never happen! (5,5)","output":"### Answer: THINKAGAIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: hat'll never happen\n***(a night in ak)** [anag:*massaged*] where AK = (b)A(c)K [*occasionally*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Staggered round city \u2014 time to be taken back into house (9)","output":"### Answer: REELECTED \n ### Explanation: Definition: to be taken back into house\n**REELED** (\"staggered\") *round ***EC** (postcode for \"City\" of London) + **T** (time)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Feature of golfing Masters \u2014 one embraced in another sport (8)","output":"### Answer: SWIMMING \n ### Explanation: Definition: another sport\n**SWING **(\"feature of golf\") with **MM** (Masters) +** I** (one) *embraced"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Prince getting worried talked rubbish (8)","output":"### Answer: PRATTLED \n ### Explanation: Definition: talked rubbish\n**P** (prince) *getting ***RATTLED **(\"worried\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Direction to players \u2014 Desde\u00admona extremely upset, Iago devious (6)","output":"### Answer: ADAGIO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Direction to players\n**<= D**(esdemon)**A** [*extremely*] and [*upset*] + *** (iago)** [anag:*devious*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One bloody woman initially kissed trainspotter (6)","output":"### Answer: ANORAK \n ### Explanation: Definition: trainspotter\n**A** (\"one\") + (bloody) **NORA **(\"woman\") + [*initially*] **K**(issed)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Crucial point about children in pack (5)","output":"### Answer: BUNCH \n ### Explanation: Definition: pack\n**<=NUB** (\"crucial point\", about) + **CH** (children)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Angry when London statue's toppled (4)","output":"### Answer: SORE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Angry\n**<=EROS **(\"London statue\", *upset*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Case involving posh clergyman (6)","output":"### Answer: CURATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: clergyman\n\n**CRATE** (\"case\") *involving* **U **(\"posh\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Oddly pleased after end of pier fell away (8)","output":"### Answer: RELAPSED \n ### Explanation: Definition: fell away\n\n***(pleased)** [anag:*oddly*] *after *[*end of*] (pie)**R"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: City lacking nothing in religious mystery (9)","output":"### Answer: SACRAMENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: religious mystery\n\n**SACRAMENT**(o) (\"city\" *lacking* O (nothing))\n \n*Sacramento is the state capital of California."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Statute said to protect India's principal river (5)","output":"### Answer: LOIRE \n ### Explanation: Definition: river\n\nThe best I can do for this clue is:\n \nHomophone of **LAW** (\"statute\") [*said*] *to protect* **I**(ndia) [*'s principal*]\n \n*If that is what the setter had in mind, I'm not convinced \u2013 LAW and LORE are not homophones, at least not where I come from."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Philosopher's account originally ignored for months (4)","output":"### Answer: MILL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Philosopher\n\n(b)**M-ILL** (\"account\", *originally ignored*) *for ***M** (months) (i.e. M replaces the initial B of BILL)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bound therefore to restrain fellow not unknown to act hastily (4,3,3)","output":"### Answer: JUMP THE GUN \n ### Explanation: Definition: to act hastily\n\n**JUMP** (\"bound\") + **THEN** (\"therefore\") *to restrain* **GU**(y) (\"fellow\", *not* Y (\"unknown\" in maths))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Winds up being largely unnecessary (7)","output":"### Answer: NEEDLES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Winds up\n\n[largely]** NEEDLES**(s) (\"unnecessary\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stiff run through wooded area (6)","output":"### Answer: CORPSE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Stiff\n\n**R** (run) *through ***COPSE** (\"wooded area\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: In agreement over Conservative leader right away (2,4)","output":"### Answer: AT ONCE \n ### Explanation: Definition: right away\n\n**AT ONE **(\"in agreement\") *over ***C**(onservative) [*leader*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Convenient to accept FBI agents' fabrication (7)","output":"### Answer: FIGMENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: fabrication\n\n**FIT **(\"convenient\")* to accept* **G-MEN **(\"FBI agents\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dim policeman possessing an inborn intuitive power? Just the opposite (10)","output":"### Answer: INDISTINCT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Dim\n\n**DI** (\"policeman\")* possessed by* **INSTINCT **(\"inborn intuitive power\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Thought of model endlessly (4)","output":"### Answer: IDEA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Thought\n\n**IDEA**(l) (\"model\",* endlessly*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Illyrian gentleman's widow regularly off in pursuit of a scoundrel (5)","output":"### Answer: CURIO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Illyrian gentleman\n\n(w)**I**(d)**O**(w) [*regularly off*] *in pursuit of* **CUR **(\"a scoundrel\")\n \n*In Shakespeare's *Twelfth Night*, which is set in Illyria, Curio was an attendant of Orsino."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Relax after I exaggerated about being anxious (3,2,4)","output":"### Answer: ILL AT EASE \n ### Explanation: Definition: anxious\n\n**EASE** (\"relax\") *after* **I** + **<=TALL** (\"exaggerated\", *about*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Former union issue? (8)","output":"### Answer: STEPSONS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Former union issue?\n\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fairly trivial rule breaking (6)","output":"### Answer: PRETTY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fairly\n\n**R** (rule) *breaking ***PETTY **(\"trivial\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Seeing that put in to reinforce a window (8)","output":"### Answer: CASEMENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: window\n\n**AS** (\"seeing that\") *put in to ***CEMENT **(\"reinforce\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Call to mind extremely repetitive prayer (9)","output":"### Answer: RECOLLECT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Call to mind\n\n[*extremely*]** R**(epetitiv)**E** + **COLLECT** (\"prayer\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Raised section of carriage (4)","output":"### Answer: TRAP \n ### Explanation: Definition: c\n\n[*raised*] **<=PART** (\"section\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cope with it somehow getting caught in a abnormal position (7)","output":"### Answer: ECTOPIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: in a abnormal position\n\n***(cope it)** [anag:*somehow*] *getting* **C** (caught, in cricket)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Not stupid collecting silver now (3,3,4)","output":"### Answer: ALL THE RAGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: now\n\n**ALL THERE** (\"not stupid\") *collecting ***Ag** (chemical symbol for \"silver\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Society getting Heather's support (5)","output":"### Answer: SLING \n ### Explanation: Definition: support\n\n**S** (society) *getting ***LING **(\"heather\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Oddly dour before return of old queen's governess (6)","output":"### Answer: DUENNA \n ### Explanation: Definition: governess\n\n[*oddly*] **D**(o)**U**(r) *before* [*return of*] **<=ANNE** (\"old queen\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Comes up again as resistance to oath eventually mounts (6)","output":"### Answer: RECURS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Comes up again\n\n**R** (resistance) + (**E**)**CURS**(e) [*eventually mounts*, i.e. the last letter rises]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Curse ends up causing difficulties for drivers (5,5)","output":"### Answer: BLIND SPOTS \n ### Explanation: Definition: difficulties for drivers\n\n**BLIND** (\"curse\") + **<=STOPS** (\"ends\" *up*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Firm dates arranged quickly (9)","output":"### Answer: STEADFAST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Firm\n\n***(dates)** [anag:*arranged*] + **FAST **(\"quickly\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ridiculous targets added to Yeltsin's initial plan (8)","output":"### Answer: STRATEGY \n ### Explanation: Definition: plan\n\n***(targets) **[anag:*ridiculous*]* added to* **Y**(eltsin) [*'s initial*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Incitement to rebellion at first dismissed as an issue (7)","output":"### Answer: EDITION \n ### Explanation: Definition: an issue\n\n(s)**EDITION** (\"incitement to rebellion\", *at first dismissed*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Easily persuaded to find dossier implicating Bill (6)","output":"### Answer: FACILE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Easily persuaded\n\n**FILE** (\"dossier\") *implicating ***AC** (account, so \"bill\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Talk about tailless fish (6)","output":"### Answer: DISCUS \n ### Explanation: Definition: fish\n\n**DISCUS**(s) (\"talk about\",* tailless*)\n \n*A discus is a colourful tropical fish"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Desperate to obtain Grieg's earliest lamentation for the dead (5)","output":"### Answer: DIRGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: lamentation for the dead\n\n**DIRE** (\"desperate\")* to obtain* **G**(rieg) [*'s earliest*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wake up in prison (4)","output":"### Answer: STIR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Wake up\n\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Desire freedom associated with marital consent? (6)","output":"### Answer: LIBIDO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Desire\n**LIB** (short for liberty? so \"freedom\")* associated with* **I DO** (as spoken at wedding ceremonies, so \"marital consent\") \n*I'm not aware of LIB as an accepted abbreviation for liberty, but can't see any other way of parsing this?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lug instrument and books round room (8)","output":"### Answer: OTOSCOPE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Lug instrument\n**OT** (Old Testament, so \"books\" of the Bible) + **O** (round) + **SCOPE** (\"room\") \n*An otoscope is the handheld instrument doctors use to investigate the ear canal."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Base installing second-class machine (5)","output":"### Answer: ROBOT \n ### Explanation: Definition: machine\n**ROOT** (\"base\") *installing* **B **(\"second-class\" as in B-grade)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: European craft touching down on frozen mass (9)","output":"### Answer: ICELANDER \n ### Explanation: Definition: European\n**LANDER** (\"craft touching down\")* on* **ICE **(\"frozen mass\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Time to reflect in shed having removed fleece (7)","output":"### Answer: SHEARED \n ### Explanation: Definition: having removed fleece\n**<=ERA** (\"time\", to reflect) *in* **SHED** \n*The setter has given us more than half the letters, and could have used a synonym like \"hut\" or \"outhouse\" instead."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Huge mines exploding around me (7)","output":"### Answer: IMMENSE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Hug\n***(mines)** [anag:*exploding*] *around ***ME"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bit of a looker going through Villeneuve Airport (4)","output":"### Answer: UVEA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Bit of a looker\nHidden in \"villene**UVE A**irport\" \n*The uvea is the middle layer of the eye, hence cryptically, a \"bit of a looker\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mean to eat a lot of raw fish (8)","output":"### Answer: STINGRAY \n ### Explanation: Definition: fish\n**STINGY** (\"mean\") *to eat* [*a lot of*] **RA**(w)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bag sent back \u2013 ecstasy widespread in island (8)","output":"### Answer: TENERIFE \n ### Explanation: Definition: island\n**<=NET **(\"bag\",* sent back*) + **E** (ecstasy) + **RIFE** (\"widespread\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Energy from endless cheese and egg (4)","output":"### Answer: BRIO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Energy\n[*endless*] **BRI**(e) (\"cheese\") + **O** (egg, due to its shape \u2013 in cricket, duck meaning zero, is short for \"duck's egg))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Racket one used after short time for tie-break expert? (7)","output":"### Answer: HOUDINI \n ### Explanation: Definition: tie-break expert?\n**DIN** (\"racket\") + **I **(one)* used after* [*short*] **HOU**(r) (\"time\") \nHoudini, a famous escapologist, could be considered an \"expert at breaking his ties\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Gradual assimilation of silicon in universe, not carbon (7)","output":"### Answer: OSMOSIS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Gradual assimilation\n**Si **(chemical symbol for \"silicon\") *in *(c)**OSMOS** (\"universe\", *not ***C** (chemical symbol for \"carbon\"))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ground or pasture for ancient beast (9)","output":"### Answer: PTEROSAUR \n ### Explanation: Definition: ancient beast\n***(or pasture)** [anag:*ground*] \n*A pterosaur was a flying dinosaur."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Among Muslims, very destructive deity (5)","output":"### Answer: SHIVA \n ### Explanation: Definition: destructive deity\n*Among* **SHIA **(\"Muslims\"), **V** (very) \n*Shia is one of the two main branches of Islam, the other being Sunni. and Shiva is one of the gods of the Hindu triumvirate."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: In disreputable clubs expert at intervals strips (8)","output":"### Answer: DEPRIVES \n ### Explanation: Definition: strips\nIn **DIVES** (\"disreputable clubs\") **E**(x)**P**(e)**R**(t) [*at intervals*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Entering a depression, see what's coming (6)","output":"### Answer: ADVENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: coming\n*Entering* **A DENT** (\"depression\"), **V** (\"look\", short for \"vide\" in reference books)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Birds turned up on river to see plant (8)","output":"### Answer: LARKSPUR \n ### Explanation: Definition: plant\n**LARKS** (\"birds\") + [*turned*] *<=UP* *on ***R** (river)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Southern area displaying Christian restraint? (5,4)","output":"### Answer: BIBLE BELT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Southern area\nCryptic definition. \n*The Bible Belt is a loosely defined area of Southeast USA, where conservative Protestantism is prominent."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Discourages revolutionary Red Set (6)","output":"### Answer: DETERS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Discourages \n***(red set)** [anag:*revolutionary*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mystery man to leave unemployed ranks during trip (3,4,2,4)","output":"### Answer: THE SIGN OF FOUR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Mystery\n**HE** (\"man\") + **SIGN OFF** (the dole) (\"leave unemployed ranks\") *during* TOUR (\"trip\") \nThe Sign of Four* by Conan Doyle was the second Sherlock Holmes novel."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Prison's fierce critic? (7)","output":"### Answer: SLAMMER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Prison\nA critic could be considered \"one who slams\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ancient line traced through ordinary study (5)","output":"### Answer: OLDEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Ancient\n**L** (line)* traced through* **O** (ordinary) + **DEN** (\"study\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Breadwinner finding profitable job (6)","output":"### Answer: EARNER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Breadwinner\nDouble definition, (although not very different definitions)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One end muddled with another? It's not known (13)","output":"### Answer: INDETERMINATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: not known\n**I **(one) + ***(end)** [anag:*muddled*] *with ***TERMINATE** (\"another\" end)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: County once reached by hiker with rosy disposition (9)","output":"### Answer: YORKSHIRE \n ### Explanation: Definition: County\n***(hiker rosy)** [anag:*disposition*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dependable and firm the moment one leaves (8)","output":"### Answer: CONSTANT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Dependable\n**Co.** (company, so \"firm\") + (i)**NSTANT** (\"moment\", with I (one) *leaving*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Excellent swindle in Northern Ireland's capital (7)","output":"### Answer: NAIROBI \n ### Explanation: Definition: capital\n**A1** (\"excellent\") + **ROB** (\"swindle\") *in* **NI** (Northern Ireland) \n*Nairobi is the capital of Kenya"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Power in Hades deviously influenced (6)","output":"### Answer: SHAPED \n ### Explanation: Definition: influenced\n**P** (power) *in* ***(hades)** [anag:*deviously*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A thought caused a chuckle (6)","output":"### Answer: AMUSED \n ### Explanation: Definition: caused a chuckle\n**A** + **MUSED** (\"thought\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Washington-Brussels summit on peace to finish (3,2)","output":"### Answer: USE UP \n ### Explanation: Definition: to finish \n**US** (indicated by \"Washington\") + **EU **(indicated by \"Brussels\") *on* **P** (peace) \n*I am only aware of P = peace in RIP (rest in peace), so don't think this works."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Put an end to distilled drink (6)","output":"### Answer: SCOTCH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Put an end to\n\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Passage in port, say, entered by Dee and Philip (8)","output":"### Answer: WINDPIPE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Passage\n\n**WINE** (\"port, say\")* entered by* **D** (dee) *and*** ****PIP** (short form of \"Philip\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fantastic trainee beginning to recoup fee (8)","output":"### Answer: RETAINER \n ### Explanation: Definition: fee\n\n***(trainee) **[anag:*fantastic*] + [*beginning to*] **R**(ecoup)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Artist is engaged in exercise to get approval (6)","output":"### Answer: PRAISE \n ### Explanation: Definition: approval\n\n**RA** (member of the Royal Academy, so \"artist\") + **IS** *engaged in* **PE** (physical \"exercise\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Look in a place for summer entertainment, it's said (6)","output":"### Answer: APPEAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Look\n\nHomophone of [*it's said*] **A PIER** (\"a place for summer entertainment\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Trouble one found with much of report in US state (8)","output":"### Answer: ILLINOIS \n ### Explanation: Definition: US state\n\n**ILL** (\"trouble\") + **I **(one) *found with* [*much of*] **NOIS**(e) (\"report\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Artist's fight is misjudged when initially viewed? (2,5,5)","output":"### Answer: AT FIRST SIGHT \n ### Explanation: Definition: when initially viewed?\n\n***(artists fight) **[anag:*is misjudged*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unusually poor rep came round clubs to suffer a fall (4,1,7)","output":"### Answer: COME A CROPPER \n ### Explanation: Definition: to suffer a fall\n\n***(poor rep came)** [anag:*unusually*] *round ***C** (clubs)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Special front of a document, maybe, showing obstacle ? (8)","output":"### Answer: STOPPAGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: obstacle ?\n\n**S** (special) + **TOP PAGE** (\"front of a document, maybe\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Terrible tenor off-key around end of concert (6)","output":"### Answer: ROTTEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Terrible\n\n***(tenor) **[anag:*off-key*] *around* [*end of*] (concer)**T"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Provoke citizen in middle of diner (6)","output":"### Answer: INCITE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Provoke \n\n**CIT** (citizen) *in* [*middle of*] (d)**INE**(r)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Gloomy director gets to admit defeat (8)","output":"### Answer: DOWNBEAT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Gloomy\n\n**D** (director) *gets ***OWN **(To admit\") + **BEAT **(\"defeat\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Go through Russian city with European friend short of money (8)","output":"### Answer: PERMEATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Go through\n\n**PERM** (\"Russian city\") *with ***E** (European) + (m)**ATE** (\"friend\", *short of* M (money))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Melancholy skipper with no more appetite, we're told (6)","output":"### Answer: RUEFUL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Melancholy\n\nHomophone [*we're told*] *of *(**ROO **(short for \"kangaroo\", so \"skipper\") + **FULL** (\"with no more appetite\"))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sinister look is arising in case of cowboy (6)","output":"### Answer: CREEPY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Sinister\n\n**<=PEER** (\"look\") [*is arising*] *in* [*case of*] **C**(owbo)**Y"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Team Dane assembled adopts right commercial tag? (5,4)","output":"### Answer: TRADE NAME \n ### Explanation: Definition: commercial tag?\n\n***(team dane)** [anag:*assembled*] *adopts ***R** (right)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ace in Indianopolis if in charge gets respectful title (9)","output":"### Answer: HONORIFIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: respectful title\n\n**HONOR** (American, hence *in Indianapolis*, spelling of HONOUR (an \"ace\" in bridge)) +** IF** + **IC** (in charge)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Belligerent type from west arrived with French king after revolution (7)","output":"### Answer: WARRIOR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Belligerent type\n\n**W** (west) +** ARR** (arrived) *with* **<=ROI **(\"French king\", *after revolution*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Relative emitting relieved expression with friend in the country (5)","output":"### Answer: NEPAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: country\n\n**NE**(phew) (\"relative\") *emitting *PHEW (\"relieved expression\")) *with* **PAL **(\"friend\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Student tucks into French bread of an ordinary type (5)","output":"### Answer: PLAIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: of an ordinary type\n\n**L** (learner, so \"student\")* tucks into* **PAIN **(\"French\" for \"bread\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Chap's tie is crooked jumble (8)","output":"### Answer: PASTICHE \n ### Explanation: Definition: jumble\n\n***(chaps tie)** [anag:*is crooked*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Doubts in fast regularly displayed (3)","output":"### Answer: IFS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Doubts\n\n**I**(n)**F**(a)**S**(t) [*regularly displayed*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: First-class cartoonist with a global reputation? (3,6)","output":"### Answer: TOP DRAWER \n ### Explanation: Definition: with a global reputation?\n\n**TOP **(\"first-class\") + **DRAWER **(\"cartoonist\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Irish woman starts to become loud and extremely easily annoyed (9)","output":"### Answer: IRRITABLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: easily annoyed\n\n**Ir.** (Irish) + **RITA** (\"woman\") + [*starts to*] **B**(ecome)** L**(oud) *and ***E**(xtremely)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Persist taking right-wing money upsetting Eurosceptics' enemy? (8)","output":"### Answer: CONTINUE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Persist\n\n**CON** (Conservative, so \"right-wing\") + **TIN** (\"money\") + [*upsetting*] **<=EU** (European Union, so \"Eurosceptics' enemy\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Measure of current in uncovered light source (3)","output":"### Answer: AMP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Measure of current\n\n[*uncovered*] (l)**AMP** (\"light source\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Complete challenge between two people largely late in the day? (7)","output":"### Answer: OVERDUE \n ### Explanation: Definition: late in the day?\n\n**OVER** (\"complete\") + **DUE**(l) (\"challenge between two people\", *largely*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pairs of deeply jaded vulgarians offering tired stuff (4,2)","output":"### Answer: DEJA VU \n ### Explanation: Definition: tired stuff\n\n[*pairs of*] **DE**(eeply) **JA**(ded) **VU**(lgarians)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Solid priest is overseeing mass (5)","output":"### Answer: PRISM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Solid \n\n**Pr.** (priest) + **IS** *overseeing ***M** (mass)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stadium put up in Brisbane rapidly (5)","output":"### Answer: ARENA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Stadium \n\nHidden backwards *[put up in*] \"brisb**ANE RA**pidly\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Backside mostly elegant and shocking (11)","output":"### Answer: DISGRACEFUL \n ### Explanation: Definition: shocking\n\n[*back*] **<=SID**(e) [*mostly*] + **GRACEFUL** (\"elegant\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Absorb European margins before tax (7)","output":"### Answer: ENGROSS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Absorb \n\n**E**(uropea)**N** [margins] + **GROSS** (\"before tax\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: For starters, Yoko Ono likes kippers \u2014 she also coddles some egg (4,3)","output":"### Answer: YOLK SAC \n ### Explanation: Definition: some egg\n\n[*starters]* of **Y**(oko) **O**(no) **L**(ikes) **K**(ippers) **S**(he) **A**(lso) **C**(oddles)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Chuck Yeager maybe rewriting top titles (4,5)","output":"### Answer: TEST PILOT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Chuck Yeager maybe\n\n***(top titles) **[anag:*rewriting*] \n \n*Chuck Yeager is the test pilot, who, in 1947, became the first person to officially break the sound barrier."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Violent end met by destitute retreating soldiers (5)","output":"### Answer: TROOP \n ### Explanation: Definition: soldiers\n\n(violen)**T** [*end*] *met by* **<=POOR** (\"destitute\", *retreating*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: They say command and control (4)","output":"### Answer: REIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: control\n\n*Homophone of* [they say] **REIGN** (\"command\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Petrel shot with 13 guns here! (10)","output":"### Answer: TERREPLEIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: guns \n\n***(petrel rein)** (\"rein\" being the answer to 13 ac) [anag:*shot*]\n \n*A terreplein is the top of a rampart on which cannon would have been placed."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: All done at last, exactly what's needed (10)","output":"### Answer: EVERYTHING \n ### Explanation: Definition: All\n\n(don)**E** [*at last*] + **VERY THING** (\"exactly what's needed\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Help gambler to choose the odds (4)","output":"### Answer: ABET \n ### Explanation: Definition: Help \n\n(g)**A**(m)**B**(l)**E**(r) **T**(o) (choose the odd \"letter\")\n \n*I don't like this clue \u2013 I think the setter wants us to remove the odd letters, rather than choose them in \"gambler\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sticks and leaves covering rooftop (5)","output":"### Answer: GORES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Sticks \n\n**GOES** (\"leaves\") *covering* **R**(oof) [*top*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: In prison camp almost come down with right kind of fever (9)","output":"### Answer: GLANDULAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: kind of fever\n\n*In* **GULA**(g) (\"prison camp\", almost)** LAND** (\"come down\") *with ***R** (right)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cats love playing a bit of music (7)","output":"### Answer: TOCCATA \n ### Explanation: Definition: a \n\n***(cat cat o)** where CAT CAT = \"cats\" in the clue, and O = \"love\" in tennis\n \nThis is clever, but I'm not sure it's fair, It requires a second step, so doesn't that make it similar to an indirect anagram? Maybe \"two cats\" might have been better."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Publican in Essex keeps dogs (7)","output":"### Answer: CANINES \n ### Explanation: Definition: dogs \n\n\"publi**CAN IN ES**sex\" hides [*keeps*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Manage to follow street code with a listening device (11)","output":"### Answer: STETHOSCOPE \n ### Explanation: Definition: a listening device\n\n**COPE** (\"manage\") *to follow* **St.** (street) + **ETHOS **(\"code\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Red activists get organised \u2014 that shows lots of guts! (9,6)","output":"### Answer: DIGESTIVE TRACTS \n ### Explanation: Definition: lots of guts!\n\n***(red activists get)** [anag:*organised*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Shares making a comeback for single master (5)","output":"### Answer: SLOOP \n ### Explanation: Definition: single master\n\n**<=POOLS **(\"shares\", *making a comeback*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Will do the clue again? (7)","output":"### Answer: RESOLVE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Will\n\nIf you \"resolve\" the clue, you'd be doing it again."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: It will purge 1 down of muscly stereotypes (7)","output":"### Answer: CLYSTER \n ### Explanation: Definition: It will purge 1 down\n\nHidden in [*of*] \"mus**CLY STER**eotypes\"\n \n\"Clyster\" is an archaic term for an enema, and the clue should have indicated that it is an archaic word. For example, \"It will\" could have been changed to \"It used to\u2026\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Writers were aware of extremes (4,4)","output":"### Answer: FELTTIPS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Writers\n\n**FELT** (\"were aware of\") + **TIPS** (\"extremes\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Have no money left in bank account for trip (4,4,7)","output":"### Answer: LOSE ONE'S BALANCE \n ### Explanation: Definition: trip\n\nIf \"one loses\" one's bank \"balance\", one has no money left."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Toss rowers around shallow end \u2014 they aren't heavy (13)","output":"### Answer: WELTERWEIGHTS \n ### Explanation: Definition: they aren't heavy\n\n**WELTER** (\"toss\") + **EIGHTS** (\"rowers\") *around *(shallo)**W** [end]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One using needles to fix cut-up curtains (13)","output":"### Answer: ACUPUNCTURIST \n ### Explanation: Definition: One using needles\n\n***(cut up curtains)** [anag:*to fix*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: After emergency exits cleared, head off to find visor (8)","output":"### Answer: EYESHADE \n ### Explanation: Definition: visor\n\n[*after*] **E**(mergenc)**Y** **E**(xit)**S** [cleared], ***(head)** [anag:*off*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Keep exclusively clean rubbish! (7)","output":"### Answer: HOGWASH \n ### Explanation: Definition: rubbish\n\n**HOG **(\"keep exclusively\") + **WASH **(\"clean\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: New revolutionary cause to emb\u00adrace new subtle differences (7)","output":"### Answer: NUANCES \n ### Explanation: Definition: s\n\n**N** (new) + ***(cause)** [anag:*revolutionary*] *to embrace* **N **(new)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One of 24 doing somersaults (5)","output":"### Answer: DINGO \n ### Explanation: Definition: One of 24\n\n***(doing)** [*somersaults*] \n \nThe 24 in the clue refers to 24 ac (\"canines\")."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Chap with cool top (6)","output":"### Answer: BODICE \n ### Explanation: Definition: top\n\n**BOD** (\"chap\") *with ***ICE **(\"cool\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Normal colour of an upright tree (8)","output":"### Answer: STANDARD \n ### Explanation: Definition: Normal\n\nQuadruple definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: I let go legionnaire's cap with tons being carried (4)","output":"### Answer: KEPT \n ### Explanation: Definition: carried\n\n**KEP**(i) (\"legionnaire's cap\" with I* let go*) *with ***T** (tons)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: British on getting into vehicle slump, it may save the planet (6,4)","output":"### Answer: CARBON SINK \n ### Explanation: Definition: it may save the planet\n\n**B** (British) + **ON ***getting into* **CAR **(\"vehicle\") **SINK **(\"slump\")\n \n*\"Carbon sink\" is a generic term for a reservoir that absorbs more carbon that it emits, such as the ocean or a rainforest."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Female with outstanding presence (4)","output":"### Answer: FACE \n ### Explanation: Definition: presence\n\n**F** (female) + **ACE **(\"outstanding\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Good for Porthos beginning to kick something large in novel (10)","output":"### Answer: BONKBUSTER \n ### Explanation: Definition: novel\n\n**BON** (\"good\" in French, and Porthos (one of the Three Musketeers) was French) + [*beginning to*] **K**(ick) + **BUSTER **(\"something large\" in American English)\n \n*A bonkbuster is a novel which contains a number of sexual encounters, often portrayed in graphic detail (eg *Fifty Shades of Grey*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Knock out second beer barrel (4)","output":"### Answer: STUN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Knock out\n\n**S **(second) + **TUN **(\"beer barrel\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Feature of corner about to disappear, making light of caution (5)","output":"### Answer: AMBER \n ### Explanation: Definition: light of caution\n\n(c)**AMBER** (\"feature of corner\") with C (circa, so \"about\") *disappearing*\n \n*I don't think \"camber\" and \"feature of corner\" are synonymous \u2013 a camber is a curve, which to me is the antithesis of a corner, which would be sharp."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Settled up quietly with help (4)","output":"### Answer: PAID \n ### Explanation: Definition: Settled up\n\n**P** (piano in music, so \"quietly\") *with ***AID **(\"help\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: In leather gal shocked (3,3,4)","output":"### Answer: ALL THE RAGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: In\n\n***(leather gal)** [anag:*shocked*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Blast it! Lead's overturned (4)","output":"### Answer: RATS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Blast it! \n\n**<=STAR** (\"lead\") [*'s overtuned*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sarge pours out an expression of disdain (4,6)","output":"### Answer: SOUR GRAPES \n ### Explanation: Definition: an expression of disdain\n\n***(sarge pours) **[anag:*out*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sharp quiff (4)","output":"### Answer: TART \n ### Explanation: Definition: Sharp\n\nDouble definition, at least according to Chambers Crossword Dictionary, although I don't know in what context \"tart\" and \"quiff are syninymous."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Musical recorder put in class? (8)","output":"### Answer: CASSETTE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Musical recorder\n\n**SET** (\"put\") *in* **CASTE **(\"class\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old boy to 'eave up performer (6)","output":"### Answer: OBOIST \n ### Explanation: Definition: performer\n\n**OB **(old boy) + (h)**OIST** (\"(h)eave up\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Prediction is a warning, of course, to players (8)","output":"### Answer: FORECAST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Prediction\n\n**FORE **(\"warning\", on golf \"course\")* to ***CAST** (\"players\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hitch up and hike to Barking with tent (3,3,4)","output":"### Answer: TIE THE KNOT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Hitch up\n\n***(hike to tent)** [anag:*barking*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Revolutionary dullard such as could be pickled (3,7)","output":"### Answer: RED CABBAGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: such as could be pickled\n\n**RED** (\"revolutionary\") + **CABBAGE **(\"dullard\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: With head fully depressed trick one who manipulates selfishly (4)","output":"### Answer: USER \n ### Explanation: Definition: one who manipulates selfishly\n\n(r)**USE**\u2013**R** (\"trick\" with its *head* (first letter)* fully depressed*, ie the R is sent to the bottom)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Top on head of Mafia (4)","output":"### Answer: CAPO \n ### Explanation: Definition: head of Mafia\n\n**CAP** (\"top\") + **O'** (on)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lyrics regularly maintained by toddlers (4)","output":"### Answer: ODES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Lyrics\n\n[*regularly maintained by*] (t)**O**(d)**D**(l)**E**(r)**S"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Go near rotten fruit (6)","output":"### Answer: ORANGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: fruit\n\n***(go near)** [anag:*rotten*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Focus on heart of bias in old Nilote country (5)","output":"### Answer: NUBIA \n ### Explanation: Definition: old Nilote country\n\n**NUB** (\"focus\") *on* [*heart of*] (b)**IA**(s)\n \n*Nubia was an ancient region of northeastern Africa"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Where to poll harmonious quartet (10)","output":"### Answer: BARBERSHOP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Where to poll\n\nDouble definition, \"poll\" in this context meaning \"to cut hair\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Schism in a seaport being settled (10)","output":"### Answer: SEPARATION \n ### Explanation: Definition: Schism\n\n***(in a seaport)** [anag:*being settled*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Setter in anagrams to excite curiosity (8)","output":"### Answer: INTEREST \n ### Explanation: Definition: to excite curiosity\n\n*(setter in) [anag:*anagrams*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Gosh! Muggins put up a scrubber (6)","output":"### Answer: LOOFAH \n ### Explanation: Definition: scrubber\n\n**<= (HA** (\"gosh\") + **FOOL** (\"muggins\")**)** [*put up*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hives in tree below river (4)","output":"### Answer: RASH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Hives\n\n**ASH** (\"tree\") *below* **R** (river)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Irish broadcaster getting round a cost (4)","output":"### Answer: RATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: cost\n\n**RTE** (\"Irish broadcaster\")* getting round* **A**\n \n*Raidi\u00f3 Teilif\u00eds \u00c9ireann* (RTE) is* Ireland's public broadcaster"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Look! Stock up (4)","output":"### Answer: PEEK \n ### Explanation: Definition: Look\n\n<=KEEP (\"stock\" *up*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One showing off pustule, festering inside (7)","output":"### Answer: BOBADIL \n ### Explanation: Definition: One showing off\n**BOIL** (\"pustule\") with **BAD **(\"festering\") *inside* \n*A bobadil was a showy braggart, after the character Captain Bobadill in Ben Jonson's play *Every Man in His Humour* (1598)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Round check collars, bent in the old style (5)","output":"### Answer: COURB \n ### Explanation: Definition: bent in the old style\n**O** (\"round\") *collared by* **CURB **(\"check\") \n\"Courb\" *is an old word for curved, rounded or bent*."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One given a clout roughly \u2013 what a surprise! \u2013 for ungrammatical constructions (10)","output":"### Answer: ANACOLUTHA \n ### Explanation: Definition: ungrammatical constructions\n**AN** (\"one\") *given ****(a clout)** [anag:*roughly*] + **HA **(\"what a surprise!\") \n*An* \"anacoluthon\"* is a sentence in which the expected grammatical sequence is absent, eg \"while in the garden, the door banged shut\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Seabird revealing sample of petrochemicals inside (4)","output":"### Answer: ROCH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Seabird\nHidden in [*revealing sample of*] \"pet**ROCH**emicals\" [*inside*] \n\"Roch \" *is another word for the little auk."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: I'll replace Rex in an old lady's embrace, making love rarely (7)","output":"### Answer: AMATION \n ### Explanation: Definition: love rarely\nI [*'ll replace*] R (rex) *in* **A MAT**(**I**>r)**ON "} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pulse requiring short time, put in to boil initially (5)","output":"### Answer: THROB \n ### Explanation: Definition: Pulse\n**HR** (abbreviation for hour, so \"short time\") *put in* **TO** + **B**(oil) [initially]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Work over? Jock's hardly open about that as culmination (6)","output":"### Answer: APOGEE \n ### Explanation: Definition: culmination\n**<=OP** (opus, so \"work\" *over*) with** AGEE** (Scottish word for ajar, so \"Jock's hardly open\") *about"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Die wretchedly in bed? She interceded (9)","output":"### Answer: MEDIATRIX \n ### Explanation: Definition: She interceded\n***(die) ***in ***MATRIX **(\"bed\") \n\"Mediatrix\" *is an old archaic term for a female mediator*."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Coming before activity of lions on the prowl (9)","output":"### Answer: PREDATING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Coming before\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Part of sleeping quarters army regulation brought back for strict disciplinarian (6)","output":"### Answer: RAMROD \n ### Explanation: Definition: strict disciplinarian\n**<=**(**DORM**(itory) (\"part of sleeping quarters\") + **AR** (army regulation)) [*brought back*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: After breather I put on simple wraparound (5)","output":"### Answer: LUNGI \n ### Explanation: Definition: simple wraparound\n[*after*] **LUNG** (\"breather\") **I** [*put on*] \nA lungi is a simple piece of cloth wrapped around the bottom half of the body, similar to a sarong."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: I scour in jumble for bric-\u00e0-brac (6)","output":"### Answer: CURIOS \n ### Explanation: Definition: bric-\u00e0-brac\n***(i scour)** [anag:*in jumble*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mendicant old friar, termly struggling, I let in (7)","output":"### Answer: LYMITER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Mendicant old friar\n***(termly)** [anag:*struggling*] with **I*** let in* \n*A *\"lymiter\" *was a friar who had licence to beg within a certain area*."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Flower cut for altar canopy (4)","output":"### Answer: DAIS \n ### Explanation: Definition: altar canopy\n**DAIS**(y) (\"flower\", *cut*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Smell alongside eastern fan you'll find in passing (10)","output":"### Answer: EVANESCENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: in passing\n**SCENT** (\"smell\") *alongside* **E** (eastern) + **VANE** (\"fan\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dollar is not exorbitant rate (starters only) \u2026 for customers here? (5)","output":"### Answer: DINER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Dollar is not exorbitant rate (starters only) \u2026 for customers here? (5)\n**D**(ollar) **I**(s) **N**(ot) **E**(xorbitant) **R**(ate) [*for starters*] and &lit."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Exercise for chanteuse from France, say, unaccompanied round (7)","output":"### Answer: SOLFEGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Exercise for chanteuse\n**F** (France) + **E.G.** (\"say\") with **SOLE** (\"unaccompanied\") *round"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Middle of bra in its place gave way suddenly (5)","output":"### Answer: BURST \n ### Explanation: Definition: gave way suddenly\n[*middle of*] (b)**R**(a) *in* **BUST **(\"it's (a bra's) place\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Special treatment year after senior citizen admits commotion (10)","output":"### Answer: OPOTHERAPY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Special treatment \n**Y** (year) *after ***OAP **(old aged pensioner, therefore \"senior citizen\") *admits ***POTHER **(\"commotion\") \n\"Opotherapy\" *is another word for organotherapy (the treatment of disease with extracts of animal endocrine glands)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Something to mix with coke making graduate woolly (7)","output":"### Answer: BACARDI \n ### Explanation: Definition: Something to mix with coke\n**BA** (Bachelor of Arts) + **CARDI**(gan) (\"woolly\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Expert one receiving turn in hallowed dome (6)","output":"### Answer: DAGOBA \n ### Explanation: Definition: hallowed dome\n**DAB** (\"expert\") + **A** (\"one\") *receiving ***GO** (\"turn\") \n*A* \"dagoba\" *or \"dagaba\" is a dome-shaped Buddhist shrine*."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tortuous road climb, typical of N. Italian region (9)","output":"### Answer: LOMBARDIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: typical of N. Italian region\n***(road climb)** [anag:*tortuous*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stack of bricks left in permanent depot (5)","output":"### Answer: CLAMP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Stack of bricks\n**L** (left ) *in* **CAMP **(\"permanent (military) depot\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tricky bout circumvented by neat defeat in ring (6)","output":"### Answer: OUTBOX \n ### Explanation: Definition: defeat in ring\n***(bout)** [anag:*tricky*] *circumvented by* **OX** (\"neat\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Awful old racket from flautists (4)","output":"### Answer: UTIS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Awful old racket\nHidden in [*from*] \"fla**UTIS**ts\" \n\"Utis\" is an old word for \"commotion\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wild ox \u2013 number, specific one, in total caught (7)","output":"### Answer: BANTENG \n ### Explanation: Definition: Wild ox\n**N** (number) + **TEN **(\"specific one\" i.e. a specific number)* in* **BAG **(\"total\") *caught"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tackling the drink, love ace noggin, getting sloshed (10)","output":"### Answer: OCEANGOING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Tackling the drink\n***(o ace noggin) **[anag:*getting sloshed*] where O = \"love\" in tennis"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dispatch written up in jottings for celebrity (9)","output":"### Answer: NOTEDNESS \n ### Explanation: Definition: celebrity\n**<=SEND** (\"dispatch\", *written up*) *in ***NOTES **(\"jottings\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mottled or streaky lamb half reared, wild (7)","output":"### Answer: MARBLED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Mottled\n***(lamb red)** [anag:*wild*] where \"red\" is [*half-*] (rea)RED"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wild celebrants treat the town so? Small model was upsetting (7)","output":"### Answer: MINIATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Wild celebrants treat the town so?\n**MINI** (\"small\") + **ATE** (\"was upsetting\") \n*To* \"miniate\"* is to \"decorate in red\", and wild celebrants are often described as \"painting the town red\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Speciality of Agen once, long fed on contact sport? (6)","output":"### Answer: PRUINE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Speciality of Agen once\n**PINE** (\"long\") *fed on* **RU** (rugby union, so \"contact sport\") \n\"Pruine\" *is an old word for* \"prune\"*, a foodstuff for which Agen is particularly noted."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Chemist's pot, quite filled with due liquid (6)","output":"### Answer: ALUDEL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Chemist's pot\n**ALL** (\"quite\") *filled with* ***(due)** [anag:*liquid*] \nAn aludel is a pear-shaped pot."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Shot worth little, moving first to last of course (5)","output":"### Answer: OUTER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Shot worth little\n(r)**OUTE-R** (\"course\" with its *first* (letter) *moved* to *last*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Profits, something to argue about (5)","output":"### Answer: ISSUE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Profits\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Some aspiring manager, one employed by Hoover? (4)","output":"### Answer: G-MAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: one employed by Hoover?\nHidden in [*some*] \"aspirin**G MAN**ager\" \n*A G-man is an FBI agent and J Edgar Hoover was the FBI's first Director."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Car is to pull in and be damaged in spin (6,9)","output":"### Answer: PUBLIC RELATIONS \n ### Explanation: Definition: spin\n\n***(car is to pull in be)** [anag:*damaged*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: With an increase in wages, this man's going to cause chaos (5,4)","output":"### Answer: RAISE HELL \n ### Explanation: Definition: cause chaos\n\n*With ***RAISE **(\"an increase in wages\"), **HE'LL **(\"this man's going to\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hollow areas in the Appalachian Trail (5)","output":"### Answer: ANTRA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Hollow areas\n\nHidden [*in*] \"appalachi**AN TRA**il\"\n \n*In anatomy, an antrum (pl. antra) is a natural chamber or cavity in a bone or other anatomical structure."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Naked paramour and judge did stuff (7)","output":"### Answer: OVERATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: did stuff\n\n[*naked*] (l)**OVE**(r) (\"paramour\") *and ***RATE **(\"judge\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: You can't trust a naughty child's hints (7)","output":"### Answer: IMPLIES \n ### Explanation: Definition: hints\n\nIf an** IMP** (\"naughty child\") **LIES**, \"you can't trust\" him\/her."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Like some wine drunk by crook helping holy work (12)","output":"### Answer: CON SEC RAT ION \n ### Explanation: Definition: holy work\n\n**SEC** (dry, \"like some wine drunk\") *by* **CON **(\"crook\") + **RATION **(\"helping\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Married wearing collar one's found on a sofa (7)","output":"### Answer: ARMREST \n ### Explanation: Definition: one's found on a sofa\n\n**M** (married) *wearing ***ARREST"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Attic in which old lady hides gems from the east (7)","output":"### Answer: GRECIAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Attic\n\n**GRAN** (\"old lady\") *hides ***<=ICE** (\"gems\", read *from the east*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Diabolical figure in prison no longer? (3,4)","output":"### Answer: OLD NICK \n ### Explanation: Definition: Diabolical figure\n\n**OLD** (\"no longer\") **NICK** (\"prison\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Set out to host dear foreign people who make an impression (7)","output":"### Answer: ETCHERS \n ### Explanation: Definition: people who make an impression\n\n***(set) **[anag:*out*] *to host* **CHER **(\"dear\" in French, so \"dear foreign\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Edible substance to take shape, a preserve (7)","output":"### Answer: GELATIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Edible substance\n\n**GEL **(\"to take shape\") + **A** + **TIN **(\"preserve\")\n \n*The definition is a bit too loose for my liking in this clue."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ultimately golf, not cricket, is a source of entertainment (7)","output":"### Answer: FUNFAIR \n ### Explanation: Definition: a source of entertainment\n\n[*ultimately*] (gol)**F** + **UNFAIR **(\"not cricket\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Film has an entertaining story (5)","output":"### Answer: ALIEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Film\n\n**AN** *entertaining ***LIE **(\"story\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Flog drug, weak joint (9)","output":"### Answer: HORSEWHIP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Flog\n\n**HORSE **(slang for heroin, so \"drug\") +**W** (weak) + **HIP **(\"joint\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: They pick up article by current media workers (15)","output":"### Answer: ANTIDEPRESSANTS \n ### Explanation: Definition: T\n\n**AN **(\"article\")* by ***TIDE **(\"current\") + **PRESS **(\"media\") + **ANTS **(\"workers\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Great rap moves involving boy, soon an outcast (7,3,5)","output":"### Answer: PERSONA NON GRATA \n ### Explanation: Definition: an outcast\n\n***(great rap)** [anag:*moves*] *involving ***SON **(\"boy\") + **ANON **(\"soon\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: On which people pot trees, we hear (5)","output":"### Answer: BAIZE \n ### Explanation: Definition: On which people pot\n\nHomophone [*we hear*] of **BAYS** (\"trees\")\n \n*Baize is the green felt-like substance used on snooker tables, hence \"on which people pot\" snooker balls."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Linguistically proficient learner's avoided repeat (7)","output":"### Answer: ITERATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: repeat\n\n(l)**ITERATE** (\"linguistically proficient\") with L (learner) *avoided"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Return once more in dance, pirouetting etc (2-5)","output":"### Answer: RE-ELECT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Return once more\n\n**REEL **(\"dance\") + ***(etc)** [anag:*pirouetting*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: I'm much tickled by swimmer having relaxed posture (7)","output":"### Answer: LOLLING \n ### Explanation: Definition: having relaxed posture\n\n**LOL **(laugh out loud, so \"I'm much tickled\") *by ***LING **(a fish, so \"swimmer\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Walk all over right back of large dimensions (7)","output":"### Answer: TRAMPLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Walk all over\n\n**<=Rt.** (right, *back*) + **AMPLE** (\"of large dimensions\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Icon in the building in a precarious position (2,4,3)","output":"### Answer: ON THIN ICE \n ### Explanation: Definition: in a precarious position\n\n***(icon in the)** [anag:*building*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Standard French author's nonsense devoured by the famous (5,3,7)","output":"### Answer: STARS AND STRIPES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Standard\n\n(Georges) **SAND'S** (\"French author's\") **TRIPE** (\"nonsense\") *devoured by* **STARS **(\"the famous\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One of the top three celebs touring lake next to the sea (9)","output":"### Answer: MEDALLIST \n ### Explanation: Definition: One of the top three\n\n**A-LIST** (\"celebrities\") *touring ***L** (lake) *next to the* **MED **(\"sea\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Uttered like a monk with a soft spot for Kelly (7)","output":"### Answer: INTONED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Uttered like a monk\n\n**INTO** (\"with a soft spot for\") + **NED** (Kelly) (an Australian outlaw)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ties last of livestock on board (7)","output":"### Answer: KINSHIP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Ties\n\n[*last of*] (livestoc)**K** + **IN SHIP** (\"on board\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Impose fee on Roman Catholic, when straying (7)","output":"### Answer: ENFORCE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Impose\n\n***(fee on rc)** [anag;*when straying*] where RC = Roman Catholic"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sing with Italian sopranos covering heavy metal (7)","output":"### Answer: CONFESS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Sing\n\n**CON** (\"with\" in \"Italian\") +** SS** (sopranos) *covering*** Fe** (chemical symbol for iron, a \"heavy metal\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pale like one prone to brooding (5)","output":"### Answer: ASHEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Pale\n\n**AS **(\"like\") + **HEN **(\"one prone to brooding\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Approached soldiers to find shooter? (6)","output":"### Answer: CAMERA \n ### Explanation: Definition: shooter?\n\n**CAME **(\"approached\") + **RA** (Royal Artillery, so \"soldiers\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Advances rapidly westward, covering a great distance (6)","output":"### Answer: PARSEC \n ### Explanation: Definition: a great distance\n\nHidden backwards [*westward, covering*] in \"advan**CES RAP**idly\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A vote halved after returning officer finally conducted recount (7)","output":"### Answer: NARRATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: recount\n\n**A** (vo)**TE** [*halved*] *after *[*returning*] <=((office)**R RAN** (\"conducted\"))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Observe Italian wearing wide cape (7)","output":"### Answer: WITNESS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Observe \n\n**It.** (Italian) *wearing ***W **(wide) + **NESS **(\"cape\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Room temperature fashionable for red wine (10)","output":"### Answer: CHAMBERTIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: red wine\n\n**CHAMBER** (\"room\") + **T** (temperature) + **IN **(\"fashionable\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Either way, it's a blast (4)","output":"### Answer: TOOT \n ### Explanation: Definition: blast\n\nReads the same *either way"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Advocate loses recipe for dish (5)","output":"### Answer: PEACH \n ### Explanation: Definition: dish \n\n**P**(r)**EACH **(\"advocate\" *loses *R (recipe))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Faulty hearing from one being stuck in violent wind (8)","output":"### Answer: MISTRIAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Faulty hearing\n\n**I **(one) *being stuck in* **MISTRAL **(\"violent wind\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Against a few eating starter of minestrone soup (8)","output":"### Answer: CONSOMME \n ### Explanation: Definition: soup\n\n**CON **(\"against\") + **SOME **(\"a few\") *eating *[*starter of*] **M**(inestrone)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bad translation of timeless poetry (5)","output":"### Answer: ROPEY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Bad\n\n***(poery)** [anag:*translation of*] where POERY is [*timeless*] POE(t)RY"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Knight had ignored festive occasion (4)","output":"### Answer: GALA \n ### Explanation: Definition: festive occasion\n\n**GALA** (had) (\"knight\", HAD *ignored*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bent copper is given written recommendation (10)","output":"### Answer: PREFERENCE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Bent \n\n**P** (penny, so \"copper\") *is given* **REFERENCE **(\"written recommendation\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A bird ate another bird (7)","output":"### Answer: BITTERN \n ### Explanation: Definition: A bird\n\n**BIT** (\"ate\") + **TERN **(another \"bird\")\n \n*Are \"bit and \"ate\" synonymous?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Doctor cured a leader of Oceanian country (7)","output":"### Answer: ECUADOR \n ### Explanation: Definition: country\n\n***(cured a o)** [anag:*doctor*] where O is [*leader of*] O(ceanian)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dry one out over there (6)","output":"### Answer: YONDER \n ### Explanation: Definition: over there\n\n***(dry one)** [anag:*out*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sounds like thoroughly cool artwork (6)","output":"### Answer: FRIEZE \n ### Explanation: Definition: artwork\n\nHomophone of [*sounds like*] **FREEZE **(\"thoroughly cool\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pound is put in money jar (5)","output":"### Answer: CLASH \n ### Explanation: Definition: jar\n\n**L** (\"pound\", as in LSD) *is put in* **CASH **(\"money\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mother's on edge \u2013 boy's beginning a musical instrument (7)","output":"### Answer: MARIMBA \n ### Explanation: Definition: musical instrument\n\n**MA** (\"mother\") *'s on* **RIM **(\"edge\") + **B**(oy's) [*beginning*] + **A"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Drive to secure second hospital for northern town (9)","output":"### Answer: ROTHERHAM \n ### Explanation: Definition: northern town\n\n**RAM **(\"drive\")* to secure* **OTHER **(\"second\") **H **(hospital)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Edges away from prominent foreigner (5)","output":"### Answer: ALIEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: foreigner \n\n[*edges away from*] (s)**ALIEN**(t)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Politician's new in constituency, as an alternative (7)","output":"### Answer: SENATOR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Politician\n\n**N** (new) *in* **SEAT **(\"constituency\") + **OR** (\"as an alternative\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bird misrepresented as crow, say (9)","output":"### Answer: CASSOWARY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Bird\n\n***(as crow say)** [anag:*misrepresented*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rushed to impress with reckless deed (9)","output":"### Answer: STAMPEDED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Rushed\n\n**STAMP** (\"to impress\") *with* ***(deed)** [anag:*reckless*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Shame about Romania supporter's swearing (9)","output":"### Answer: PROFANITY \n ### Explanation: Definition: swearing\n\n**PITY **(\"shame\") *about ***RO **(international car registration abbreviation or internet domain of \"Romania\") +** FAN** (\"supporter\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Desire for one small plane? Right, turn up! (9)","output":"### Answer: STREETCAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Desire for one\n\n**S** (small) + **TREE **(\"plane?\") + <=(**R** (right) + **ACT** (\"turn\")) [*up*]\n \n*Refers to *A Streetcar Named Desire*, the Tennessee Williams play."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Severe criminal charges mounting over nationalist uprising (7)","output":"### Answer: SPARTAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Severe\n\n**<=RAPS** (\"criminal charges\",* mounting*) over **<=NAT** (nationalist, *uprising*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Come before search for quarry (7)","output":"### Answer: PREDATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Come before\n\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Scour first of pans with egg on (5)","output":"### Answer: PURGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Scour\n\n[*first of*] **P**(ans) *with* **URGE **(\"egg on\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hotel in centre offers routine job (5)","output":"### Answer: CHORE \n ### Explanation: Definition: routine job\n\n**H** (hotel) *in ***CORE **(\"centre\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Small show of joy perhaps, after rent reduction (8)","output":"### Answer: TEARDROP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Small show of joy perhaps\n[*after*] **TEAR **(\"rent\"), **DROP** (\"reduction\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: No 1 from Adele, originally by Queen (6)","output":"### Answer: LEADER \n ### Explanation: Definition: No 1\n***(adele)** [anag:*originally*]* by* **R** (Regina, so !queen\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Strokes, the first of which produces 8s (6)","output":"### Answer: SWEEPS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Strokes\n**S** (*the first of* S(trokes) + **WEEPS** (\"produces 8s\" ie \"teardrops\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Can't foul in the box, one might be feeling (8)","output":"### Answer: TENTACLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: one might be feeling\n***(cant)** [anag:*foul*]* in* **TELE**(vision) (\"the box\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A little child is half-price fare (4)","output":"### Answer: DISH \n ### Explanation: Definition: fare\nHidden in [*a little*] \"chil**D IS H**alf-price\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Football team's about to struggle with questions after final whistle? (10)","output":"### Answer: INTERVIEWS \n ### Explanation: Definition: questions after final whistle?\n**INTER'S** (\"football team's\", as in Inter Milan) *about ***VIE** (\"to struggle\") + **W** (with)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Duel? Pot shot happened just before! (3,2,2)","output":"### Answer: LED UP TO \n ### Explanation: Definition: happened just before!\n***(duel pot)** [anag:*shot*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Best work is before setter's filled stomach (7)","output":"### Answer: OPTIMUM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Best\n**OP**(us) (\"work\") *is before* **I'M **(\"setter's\") *filled* **TUM **(\"stomach\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tabloid outing 9? Pretty inappropriate (10)","output":"### Answer: UNBECOMING \n ### Explanation: Definition: inappropriate\n(s)**UN** (\"tabloid\",* outing* its leader (see 9ac)) +** BECOMING** (\"pretty\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Trek round with openers from Middlesex, promptly after close of play (4)","output":"### Answer: YOMP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Trek\n**O** (\"round\") *with* [*openers from*] **M**(iddlesex) **P**(romptly) *after *[*close of*] (pla)**Y"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Got into bed with a novel (8)","output":"### Answer: OBTAINED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Got\n***(into bed a)** [anag:*novel*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Those drying Sierra winds? (6)","output":"### Answer: AIRERS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Those drying\n***(sierra)** [anag:*winds*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: 'Aha!', said solver, 'A stinker!' (6)","output":"### Answer: EUREKA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Aha!\nHomophone [said] of (**YOU **(\"solver\") +** REEKER **(\"a stinker\"))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Delicate six-footer in league champion side (8)","output":"### Answer: LACEWING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Delicate six-footer\n**L** (league) + **ACE** (\"champion\") + **WING** (\"side\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Standard of wine drunk with journalist, eating a new sort of cheese (3,5,3,4)","output":"### Answer: RED WHITE AND BLUE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Standard \n**RED** (\"wine\") +***(with)** [anag:*drunk*] + **ED **(\"journalist\") *eating ***A** + **N** (new) + **BLUE** (\"sort of cheese\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sees enough and rages about cause of climate change? (10,5)","output":"### Answer: GREENHOUSE GASES \n ### Explanation: Definition: cause of climate change?\n***(sees enough rages)** [anag:*about*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Experts to include one into chopped ham (10)","output":"### Answer: PROSCIUTTO \n ### Explanation: Definition: ham\n**PROS** (\"experts\") and **TO** *include ***I** (\"one\") *into ***CUT **(\"chopped\"), so **PROS-C(I)UT-TO"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Flying past in pick-up truck, towards Albany from New York? (7)","output":"### Answer: UPSTATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: towards Albany from New York?\n***(past)** [anag:*flying*] *in* **UTE** (short for utility vehicle, so \"pick-up truck\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Scottish group just started live set in prison (4)","output":"### Answer: CLAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Scottish group\n*[just started*] **L**(ive) *set in* **CAN **(\"prison\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Limit on skill shown by ex-PM as a gardener (10,5)","output":"### Answer: CAPABILITYBROWN \n ### Explanation: Definition: a \n**CAP** (\"limit\")* on* **ABILITY **(\"skill\") *shown by* (Gordon) **BROWN** (\"ex-PM\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Chicken sandwich, US style? That'll get one animated (6,9)","output":"### Answer: YELLOWSUBMARINE \n ### Explanation: Definition: one animated\n**YELLOW** (\"chicken\") + **SUBMARINE **(\"sandwich, US style\") \n*The (rather loose?) definition refers to the 1968 animated film, which starred the Beatles."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bad pun initially causes extreme anger or disgust (10)","output":"### Answer: REPUGNANCE \n ### Explanation: Definition: disgust\n***(pun c e anger)** [anag:*bad*] where C and E are [*initially*] **C**(auses) **E**(xtreme)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Complaint, as Charlie Parker hurriedly withdrew broadcast (4,3)","output":"### Answer: BIRD FLU \n ### Explanation: Definition: Complaint\n**BIRD** (nickname of musician \"Charlie Parker\") + homophone [*broadcast*] of **FLEW** (\"hurriedly withdrew\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Shipbuilder dropping into Bath regularly (4)","output":"### Answer: NOAH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Shipbuilder\n(i)**N**(t)**O**(b)**A**(t)**H **[*dropping regularly*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Centrepiece cut from big tree (6)","output":"### Answer: POPLAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: tree\n\n[*centrepiece cut from*] **POP**(u)**LAR** (\"big\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rat overturned dull case for weapon (8)","output":"### Answer: SCABBARD \n ### Explanation: Definition: case for weapon\n\n**SCAB** (\"rat\") + **<=DRAB** (\"dull\", *overturned*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Picked up some sheets for singers (5)","output":"### Answer: CHOIR \n ### Explanation: Definition: singers\n\nHomophone [*picked up*] of **QUIRE** (\"some sheets\" of paper)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Encouraging, pieces in gift with no plastic (9)","output":"### Answer: FOMENTING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Encouraging\n\n**MEN **(chess \"pieces\")* in* ***(gift no)** [anag:*plastic*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Impression of wretch in gallows (7)","output":"### Answer: ETCHING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Impression\n\nHidden in [*of*] \"w**ETCH IN G**allows\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Most extensive record about knight is French (7)","output":"### Answer: LONGEST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Most extensive\n\n**LOG **(\"record\") *about ***N** (knight, in chess notation) + **EST **(\"is in \"French\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Utter spell backwards (4)","output":"### Answer: EMIT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Utter\n\n**<=TIME** (\"spell\", *backwards*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Parking neglectful outside European place of business (8)","output":"### Answer: PREMISES \n ### Explanation: Definition: place of business\n\n**P** (parking) + **REMISS **(\"neglectful\") *outside ***E** (European)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pardoning cross Conservative interrupting eccentric genius (8)","output":"### Answer: EXCUSING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Pardoning\n\n**X** (cross) + **C** (Conservative) *interrupting* ***(genius)** [anag:*eccentric*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Exposed support in auditorium (4)","output":"### Answer: BARE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Exposed\n\nHomophone [*in auditorium*] of **BEAR **(\"support\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: System to calculate area with large underwear (7)","output":"### Answer: ALGEBRA \n ### Explanation: Definition: System to calculate\n\n**A** (area) *with ***Lge**. (large) **BRA **(\"underwear\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: I judge filling with strong flavour (7)","output":"### Answer: ANISEED \n ### Explanation: Definition: strong flavour\n\n**I** + **SEE** (\"judge\") *filling ***AND** (\"with\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Female inside is ninety struggling for fuel (9)","output":"### Answer: INTENSIFY \n ### Explanation: Definition: fuel\n\n**F** (female) *inside ****(is ninety)** [anag:*struggling*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Very nice day to totally strip plant (5)","output":"### Answer: ERICA \n ### Explanation: Definition: plant\n\n[*to totally strip*] (v)**ER**(y) (n)**IC**(e) (d)**A**(y)\n \n*Erica is a genus of flowering plants."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Facade from father presumably acting, missing son (8)","output":"### Answer: FRONTAGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Facade\n\n**Fr. **(father) + **ON** (s)**TAGE** (\"presumably acting, missing S (son))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tears about end of rock band (6)","output":"### Answer: STREAK \n ### Explanation: Definition: band\n\n***(tears)** [anag:*about*] + [*end of*] (roc)**K"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Article for nothing, taken in wrapping (8)","output":"### Answer: PACKETED \n ### Explanation: Definition: in wrapping\n\n**P**(o>**A**)**CKETED** (\"taken\" with A (\"article\") *for *(i.e. instead of) O (nothing))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Taking the initiative, reinterpreted voice part (9)","output":"### Answer: PROACTIVE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Taking the initiative\n\n***(voice part)** [anag:*reinterpreted*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Notice one amongst cobblers that's skilled (6)","output":"### Answer: ADROIT \n ### Explanation: Definition: skilled\n\n**AD** (\"notice\") + **I** (one) *amongst ***ROT **(\"cobblers\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Eulogistic report comprising place north of Italy (13)","output":"### Answer: COMPLIMENTARY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Eulogistic\n\n**COMMENTARY** (\"report\") *comprising* **Pl.** (place) *north of*** I** (Italy)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Maybe bunch of relatives half-heartedly supporting graduate (7)","output":"### Answer: BANANAS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Maybe bunch\n\n**NA**(n)**NAS** (\"relatives\", *half-heartedly*) *supporting ***BA **(Bachelor of Arts, so \"graduate\")\n \n*The \"half-heartedly\" isn't necessary here. Nanas (grandmothers) is perfectly acceptable for \"relatives\". "} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Still with us, a disease on the ascent (5)","output":"### Answer: ALIVE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Still with us\n\n**A** + **<=EVIL** (\"disease\", *on the ascent*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Appreciate IT with small pointers, perhaps (6)","output":"### Answer: DIGITS \n ### Explanation: Definition: pointers, perhaps\n\n**DIG** (\"appreciate\") +** IT** + **S** (small)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Numbers on ruler spanning bounds of ancient sport (6,7)","output":"### Answer: FIGURE SKATING \n ### Explanation: Definition: sport\n\n**FIGURES** (\"numbers\") *on ***KING **(\"ruler\") *spanning *[*bounds of*] **A**(ncien)**T"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Test ideas swimming across the pond (9)","output":"### Answer: STATESIDE \n ### Explanation: Definition: across the pond\n\n***(test ideas)** [anag:*swimming*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pass ball to defender for reaction (8)","output":"### Answer: FEEDBACK \n ### Explanation: Definition: reaction\n\n**FEED** (\"pass ball to\") + **BACK** (\"defender\" in football)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ministers dwelling over case of entrapment (7)","output":"### Answer: CABINET \n ### Explanation: Definition: Ministers\n\n**CABIN** (\"dwelling\") *over *[*case of*] **E**(ntrapmen)**T"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Row about a king's duty (6)","output":"### Answer: TARIFF \n ### Explanation: Definition: duty\n\n**TIFF** (\"row\") *about* **A** + **R** (Rex, so \"king\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Deflect act to get foul rat disembowelled (6)","output":"### Answer: DIVERT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Deflect\n\n**DIVE** (\"act to get foul\") + **R**(a)**T** [disembowelled]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Scrambled egg to start in California (3-2)","output":"### Answer: GET-GO \n ### Explanation: Definition: start in California\n\n***(egg to)** [anag:*scrambled*]\n \n*According to Chambers, this is an American term, thus the \"in California\" in the clue, but other dictionaries don't make that distinction. It seems perfectly OK in UK English, and is a term I have heard regularly over here."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Beat everything found in appropriate article by Garibaldi? (4,3,7)","output":"### Answer: TAKE THE BISCUIT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Beat everything\n**TAKE **(\"appropriate\") + **THE **(\"article\") *by* **BISCUIT **(\"Garibaldi?\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: When bed's one place you might get better (5)","output":"### Answer: ASCOT \n ### Explanation: Definition: one place you might get better\n**AS **(\"when\") + **COT **\"(bed\") \n*Refers to Ascot racecourse, where people may go to bet (become a \"better\") on horses."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Study discovered Dog Star orbits in inert state (9)","output":"### Answer: LASSITUDE \n ### Explanation: Definition: inert state\n**LASSIE** (\"dog star\") orbits (s)**TUD**(y) [*discovered*, i.e. covers removed]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unexciting date welcomed by anyone following change of heart (7)","output":"### Answer: ANODYNE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Unexciting\n**D** (date) *welcomed by* **AN**(**OY**)**NE** (ANYONE following change of heart, i.e its two middle letters (heart) (inter)changed))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Prepared food round middle of kitchen sink (7)","output":"### Answer: SCUPPER \n ### Explanation: Definition: sink\n**SUPPER** (\"prepared food\") *round* [*middle of*] (kit)**C**(hen)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Drew water from river having gone outside (5)","output":"### Answer: DRIED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Drew water from\n**R** (river) *having ***DIED **(\"gone\") *outside"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Exile initially ignored mass prejudice (9)","output":"### Answer: OSTRACISM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Exile\n(h)**OST\u00a0**(\"mass\" initially ignored) + **RACISM** (\"mass prejudice\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Swift character posted back to front takes flight bags (9)","output":"### Answer: FLEETNESS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Swift character\n**<=SENT** (\"posted\", back) *bagged by* **FLEES **(\"takes flight\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Coach tour suitable for everyone brought forward meeting time (5)","output":"### Answer: TUTOR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Coach\n(**U**)**TOR** (TOUR with U (universal, so \"suitable for everyone\")* brought forward*) *meeting ***T** (time)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Toxic element in care homes finally rehabilitated (7)","output":"### Answer: ARSENIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: Toxic element\n***(in care s)** [anag:*rehabilitated*] where S is (home)S [*finally*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Woman penning books such as Fifty Shades of Grey (7)","output":"### Answer: EROTICA \n ### Explanation: Definition: such as Fifty Shades of Grey\n**ERICA** (\"woman\") *penning ***OT** (Old Testament, so \"books\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Supply teacher has reduced scourge of absenteeism? (9)","output":"### Answer: HEARTACHE \n ### Explanation: Definition: scourge of absenteeism\n***(teacher ha)** [anag:*supply*] where HA is HA(s) [*reduced*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Children matter (5)","output":"### Answer: ISSUE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Children\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Representation of prophet's decree? (8,6)","output":"### Answer: REPORTED SPEECH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Representation of prophet's decree?\n***(prophets decree)** [anag:*representation of*] and &lit."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Newsreader barely referred to person out of the public eye (9)","output":"### Answer: ANCHORITE \n ### Explanation: Definition: person out of the public eye\n**ANCHOR** (\"newsreader\") + [*barely*] (c)**ITE**(d) (\"referred to\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Guard failing to open gate? (5)","output":"### Answer: ENTRY \n ### Explanation: Definition: gate?\n(s)**ENTRY** (\"guard\" *failing to open*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Romantic poet's body suffered as winter rose? (9)","output":"### Answer: HELLEBORE \n ### Explanation: Definition: winter rose\n(s)**HELLE**(y) (body of \"romantic poet\") + **BORE** (\"suffered\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: 22 lives supporting British foundation (5)","output":"### Answer: BASIS \n ### Explanation: Definition: foundation\n**As** (chemical symbol of \"arsenic\" (see 22 ac) +** IS** (\"lives\") *supporting ***B** (British)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Novel litmus test's first to include a new catalyst (9)","output":"### Answer: STIMULANT \n ### Explanation: Definition: catalyst\n***(litmus)** [anag:*novel*] + **T**(est) [*'s first*]* to include* **A** + **N** (new)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Assume moneylending will succumb ultimately to pressure (5)","output":"### Answer: USURP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Assume\n**USUR**(y>**P**) (\"moneylending\") with its *ultimate* letter *succumbing to *P (pressure)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Prime gatherer in extremis? (3,4,6)","output":"### Answer: THE GRIM REAPER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Prime gatherer in extremis?\n***(prime gatherer)** [anag:*in extremis*] and &lit. \n*I've never come across \"in extremis\" as an anagrind before, but as it can mean \"in desperate circumstances\", I think it's acceptable."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Punish exploit linking sailor with that woman (3,3,7)","output":"### Answer: TAR AND FEATHER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Punish\n**FEAT** (\"exploit\") *linking ***TAR **(\"sailor\") **AND + **(\"with\") **HER **(\"that woman\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Alliance replacing university in alternative course means to create boom? (9)","output":"### Answer: DETONATOR \n ### Explanation: Definition: means to create boom?\n**NATO** (\"alliance\") *replacing ***U **(university) in** DETO**(u)**R** (\"alternative course\") would be **DETO(NATO)R"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Vulgar experiences captivating the French (9)","output":"### Answer: TASTELESS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Vulgar\n**TASTES **(\"experiences\") *captivating ***LES **(\"the\" in \"French\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Underlying insincerity leaving enquiry's case compromised (9)","output":"### Answer: INTRINSIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: Underlying\n***(insincrit)** [anag:*compromised*] where INSINCRIT is INSINC(e)RIT(y) with [*case*] of E(nquir)Y *leaving"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Piercing alert is pitched too high (5)","output":"### Answer: SHARP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Piercing\nTriple definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dictator's ready to hide (5)","output":"### Answer: CACHE \n ### Explanation: Definition: to hide\nHomophone of [*dictator's*] **CASH** (\"ready\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Naked lover staying at home is sheepish? (5)","output":"### Answer: OVINE \n ### Explanation: Definition: sheepish?\n[*naked*] (l)**OVE**(r) *staying ***IN **(\"at home\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: It crushes a bunch of limpest lettuces (6)","output":"### Answer: PESTLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: It crushes\nHidden in [*a bunch of*] \"lim**PEST LE**ttuces\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Royal castle's lip salve spoken of (8)","output":"### Answer: BALMORAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Royal castle\n**BALM** (\"lip salve\") + **ORAL** (\"spoken of\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Four regularly break new rule, repenting (6)","output":"### Answer: RUEFUL \n ### Explanation: Definition: repenting\n**F**(o)**U**(r) [*regularly*] *break ****(rule)** [anag:*new*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: He famously charged for his soldiers' clothing (8)","output":"### Answer: CARDIGAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: He famously charged for his soldiers\nDouble definition, the first referring to the 7th Earl of Cardigan, who led the ill-fated Charge of the Light Brigade during the Crimean War in 19854."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Italian family gets nearly-new drug (8)","output":"### Answer: MEDICINE \n ### Explanation: Definition: drug\n**MEDICI **(\"Italian family\") *gets *[*nearly*]** NE**(w)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Irish backed singer in Italian island (6)","output":"### Answer: RIALTO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Italian island\n**<=Ir.** (Irish, *backed*) + **ALTO** (\"singer\") \nI don't think Rialto is an island per se; it is **part of** one of the islands that make up Venice, so saying it is an island is a bit like saying Scotland is an island. (see comments below)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Regime in parliament, say (4)","output":"### Answer: DIET \n ### Explanation: Definition: Regime\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cut off? Organise ride in this (10)","output":"### Answer: DISINHERIT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Cut off\n***(ride in this)** [anag:*organize*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Achievement in pool, perhaps touching ground? (4-6)","output":"### Answer: FULL-LENGTH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Achievement in pool, perhaps\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Spouse almost hugs a poor child (4)","output":"### Answer: WAIF \n ### Explanation: Definition: poor child\n**WIF**(e) (\"spouse\", *almost*) *hugs ***A"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Like meadows, windy, covering third of farm (6)","output":"### Answer: GRASSY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Like meadows\n**GASSY** (\"windy\") *covering *[*third* (letter) *of*] (fa)**R**(m)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Economist said to be an emancipated slave (8)","output":"### Answer: FRIEDMAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Economist\nHomophone of [*said to be*] **FREED MAN** (\"emancipated slave\") \n*Refers to American Nobel laureate Milton Friedman (1912-2006)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Georgia somehow keeps piano notes in sequence (8)","output":"### Answer: ARPEGGIO \n ### Explanation: Definition: notes in sequence\n***(georgia)** [anag:*perhaps*] *keeps ***P** (piano)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Shift small squalid dwelling (6)","output":"### Answer: SHOVEL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Shift\n**S** (small) + **HOVEL** (\"squalid dwelling\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Expecting president's first ruling (8)","output":"### Answer: PREGNANT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Expecting\n**P**(resident) [*'s first*] +** REGNANT** (\"ruling\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Notice very short bishop's part of speech (6)","output":"### Answer: ADVERB \n ### Explanation: Definition: part of speech\n**AD** (\"notice\") +** VER**(y) [short] + **B** (bishop)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Put up journal page about minute tomb (7)","output":"### Answer: PYRAMID \n ### Explanation: Definition: tomb\n[*put up*] **<=(DIARY** (\"journal\") + **P** (page)**)** *about ***M **(minute)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Veronica got shot of water in big wave (9)","output":"### Answer: SPEEDWELL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Veronica\n**PEED** (\"got shot of water\")* in* **SWELL **(\"big wave\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Throw a meal outside (6)","output":"### Answer: LAUNCH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Throw\n**A** with **LUNCH **(\"meal\") *outside"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unfortunately greens are cut up (4)","output":"### Answer: ALAS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Unfortunately\n**<=SALA**(d) [*cut*] [*up*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: When date changes I don't oddly cut power (8)","output":"### Answer: MIDNIGHT \n ### Explanation: Definition: When date c\n**I D**(o)**N**(t) [*oddly*] *cut ***MIGHT **(\"power\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Magnificent drink upended (5)","output":"### Answer: REGAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Magnificent\n**<=LAGER** (\"drink\", *upended*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Yob tackles popular European in rugby restart (4-3)","output":"### Answer: LINE-OUT \n ### Explanation: Definition: rugby restart\n**LOUT** (\"yob\") *tackles* **IN** (\"popular\") +** E** (European)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Everyone knows this old course (7)","output":"### Answer: ANCIENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Everyone knows this\nHad to insert this in to the blog as it was missing from the puzzle."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Everyone knows this old course (7,7)","output":"### Answer: HISTORY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Everyone knows this\n**ANCIENT** (\"old\") + **HISTORY** (\"course\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Is one specially made for drive-in cinemas? (4,5)","output":"### Answer: ROAD MOVIE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Is one specially made for drive-in cinemas?\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Briefly expose weapon, using this? (8)","output":"### Answer: FLASHGUN \n ### Explanation: Definition: this?\n**FLASH **(\"briefly expose\") + **GUN **(\"weapon\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: It's illuminating playing golf with a politician (7)","output":"### Answer: FOGLAMP \n ### Explanation: Definition: It's illuminating\n***(golf)** {anag:*playing*] *with* **A MP **(Member of Parliament, so \"politician\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Make cooler card for organised supporters (3,4)","output":"### Answer: FAN CLUB \n ### Explanation: Definition: organised supporters\n**FAN** (\"make cooler\") + **CLUB** (playing \"card\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Came across brick carrier's way of working (6)","output":"### Answer: METHOD \n ### Explanation: Definition: way of working\n**MET** (\"came across\") + **HOD **(\"brick carrier\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Some help parcel up McIntosh for one (5)","output":"### Answer: APPLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: McIntosh for one\nHidden backwards in [*some*, *up*]\"h**ELP PA**rcel\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Family takes possession of large cooker (4)","output":"### Answer: KILN \n ### Explanation: Definition: cooker\n**KIN** (\"family\") *takes possession of* **L** (large)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Live to become father (5)","output":"### Answer: BEGET \n ### Explanation: Definition: father\n\n**BE** (\"live\") + **GET** (\"to become\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Nags husband foully, we hear (3-5)","output":"### Answer: HEN-PECKS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Nags\n\n\"Foully\" is an homophone [*we hear*] of \"fowl-ly\" (hence the HEN part of the answer)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Completely fail to take the Underground, son? (2,4,3,5)","output":"### Answer: GO DOWN THE TUBES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Completely fail\n\n**GO DOWN THE TUBE** (\"take the Underground\") + **S** (son)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pollutant in a Jersey ditch? (4,4)","output":"### Answer: ACID RAIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Pollutant\n\n**A** Channel Island (**CI**) **DRAIN** could be described as \"a Jersey ditch\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Encouragement to start releases (4,2)","output":"### Answer: LETS GO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Encouragement to start\n\nDouble definition (the first requiring an apostrophe i.e. LET'S GO)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Shin keeps itching in fleece (9)","output":"### Answer: SHEEPSKIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: fleece\n\n***(shin keeps)** [anag:*itching*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One bald unexpected remark (2-3)","output":"### Answer: AD-LIB \n ### Explanation: Definition: remark\n\n***(i bald)** [anag:*unexpected*] where I = \"one\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Spread over Spain (5)","output":"### Answer: PASTE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Spread\n\n**PAST** (\"over\") + **E** (international vehicle identifier for \"Spain\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Take an age to score a single (6-3)","output":"### Answer: TWENTY-ONE \n ### Explanation: Definition: age\n\n**TWENTY** (\"score\") + **ONE** (\"single\") \n \n*Don't like the definition in this clue, unless there are parts of the country where \"come of age\" and \"take an age\" are interchangeable, but I have never come across \"take an age\" to mean anything other than to \"take a long time\"?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Popular artist's cover announced (6)","output":"### Answer: RAPPER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Popular artist\n\nHomophone [*announced*] of WRAPPER (\"cover\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A small cat, not one from an Indian state (8)","output":"### Answer: ASSAMESE \n ### Explanation: Definition: from an Indian state\n\n**A** + **S** (small) + **S**(i)**AMESE** (\"cat\", *not* I (one))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Promenade in accordance with law (14)","output":"### Answer: CONSTITUTIONAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Promenade\n\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wanders listlessly, very keen for space travel (8)","output":"### Answer: MOONSHOT \n ### Explanation: Definition: space travel\n\n**MOONS** (\"wanders listlessly\") + **HOT **(\"very keen\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Such surgery scares a lot \u2014 not all coming back (5)","output":"### Answer: LASER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Such surgery\n\nHidden backwards [*not all*, *coming back*] in \"sca**RES A L**ot\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Prose garbage, rewritten for the stage? (7,5)","output":"### Answer: BEGGARS OPERA \n ### Explanation: Definition: for the stage?\n\n***(prose garbage)** [anag:*rewritten*] (*Could be considered an &lit. if you didn't like the play, I suppose*)\n \n*Technically, the opera written by John Gay and Johann Pepusch was \"THE Beggar's Opera\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: So singled out for piety (9)","output":"### Answer: GODLINESS \n ### Explanation: Definition: piety\n\n***(so singled)** [anag:*out*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: London tourist attraction, one exerting a pull (5)","output":"### Answer: TOWER \n ### Explanation: Definition: London tourist attraction\n\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bash gate as one way to get out (3,6)","output":"### Answer: HIT WICKET \n ### Explanation: Definition: one way to get out\n\nHIT (\"bash\") + WICKET (\"gate\")\n \n*In cricket, hitting his\/her wicket is one way a batsman\/woman can be out. If, in the process of playing a shot, he\/she hits his\/her wicket with the bat or any part of the anatomy and the bail falls off, he\/she is out."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Carol and boyfriend? (4)","output":"### Answer: NOEL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Carol\n\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old taxi worker in high spirits (9)","output":"### Answer: EXUBERANT \n ### Explanation: Definition: in high spirits\n\n**EX** (\"old\") + **UBER **(\"taxi\") + **ANT **(\"worker\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: 3s, for which one has permanent possession (5)","output":"### Answer: KEEPS \n ### Explanation: Definition: 3s\n\nDouble definition, the 3 in the clue referring to the solution to 3dn (TOWER)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cheat who hands out too many cards? (6-6)","output":"### Answer: DOUBLE-DEALER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Cheat\n\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Time for a friendly game of football (3-6)","output":"### Answer: PRE-SEASON \n ### Explanation: Definition: Time for a friendly game of football\n\n(not very) cryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Muse tends to confuse \u2014 it's inevitable (5,4)","output":"### Answer: NEEDS MUST \n ### Explanation: Definition: inevitable\n\n***(muse tends)** [anag:*to confuse*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Details not finalised, so one's led into error (5,4)","output":"### Answer: LOOSE ENDS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Details not finalised\n\n***(so ones led)** [anag:*into error*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sort of finish picture (5)","output":"### Answer: PHOTO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Sort of finish\n\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Poor Lear, interrupted by one from another play (5)","output":"### Answer: ARIEL \n ### Explanation: Definition: f\n\n*(lear) [anag:poor] interrupted by I (one)\n \nThe \"one\" in this clue is doing double duty, as I think the definition needs to read \"one from another play\" to make sense."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sound sad, vision being cut short (4)","output":"### Answer: SIGH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Sound sad\n\n**SIGH**(t) (\"vision\", *cut short*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One way to kick the habit by wrapping kicking strap round compiler's middle (6)","output":"### Answer: VAPING \n ### Explanation: Definition: One way to kick the habit\n\n**VANG** (\"kicking strap\") *round* (com)**PI**(ler)\n \n*A vang (or kicking strap) is a \"**piece of rope that connects the lower end of the mast and the boom in order to provide a means for exerting downward force on the boom and thus controlling the shape of the sail\" according to Wiktionary."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One travels to work, avoiding a true disaster (8)","output":"### Answer: COMMUTER \n ### Explanation: Definition: One travels to work\n\n**COMM**(a) (\",\" *avoiding* A) + ***(true)** [anag:*disaster*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Very legal tout (7)","output":"### Answer: SOLICIT \n ### Explanation: Definition: tout\n\n**SO** (\"very\") + **LICIT **(\"legal\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Americans heading west look for denial (7)","output":"### Answer: YANKEES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Americans\n\n[*heading wes*t] **<=(SEEK **(\"look for\")** + NAY **(\"denial\")**)**\n \n*The \"heading west\" part of the clue tells us to put the solution in from east to west (i.e. backwards)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A bit of skirt that's used to attract attention (4)","output":"### Answer: AHEM \n ### Explanation: Definition: that's used to attract attention\n\n**A** + **HEM** (\"bit of skirt\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bigots' hobby, regularly engaging in kinky phone sex (10)","output":"### Answer: XENOPHOBES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Bigots\n\n(h)**O**(b)**B**(y) [*regularly*] *engaging in* ***(phone sex)** [anag:*kinky*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Leave computer brand staffing centre (3,3)","output":"### Answer: LOG OFF \n ### Explanation: Definition: Leave computer\n\n**LOGO** (\"brand\") + (sta)**FF**(ing) [*centre*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ask somehow to be in front or quit (7)","output":"### Answer: FORSAKE \n ### Explanation: Definition: quit\n\n***(ask)** [anag:*somehow*] to be in **FORE** (\"front\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Suspicious about early start, finally wipe lens (7)","output":"### Answer: FISHEYE \n ### Explanation: Definition: lens \n\n**FISHY** (\"suspicious\") *about ***E**(arly) [*start*] + *[finally*] (wip)**E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Heckled and perhaps rejected: court dismissed (6)","output":"### Answer: JEERED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Heckled\n\n***(rejeed)** [anag:*perhaps*], where REJEED is REJE(ct)ED with CT (court) dismissed"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Remarkable theory won't get modified (10)","output":"### Answer: NOTEWORTHY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Remarkable\n\n***(theory wont)** [anag:*get modified*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Poetry's not extremely modest (4)","output":"### Answer: ODES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Poetry\n\n[*not extremely*] (m)**ODES**(t)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Don providing citation around 9 (7)","output":"### Answer: QUIXOTE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Don\n\n**QUOTE** (\"citation\") *around ***IX** (nine, in Roman numerals)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Perhaps some olive oil, and pizza filling found in Doctor Livingstone's cases (7)","output":"### Answer: DRIZZLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Perhaps some olive oil\n\n(p)**IZZ**(a) [*filling*]* found in* **D**(octo)**R L**(ivingston)**E** [*'s cases*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Start of tropical disease outbreak in part of Manhattan (4,4)","output":"### Answer: EAST SIDE \n ### Explanation: Definition: part of Manhattan\n\n***(t disease)** [anag:*outbreak*] where T is [*start of*] T(ropical)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Have you ever noticed anxious students? At first, they laugh (6)","output":"### Answer: HYENAS \n ### Explanation: Definition: they laugh\n\n**H**(ave) **Y**(ou) **E**(ver) **N**(oticed) **A**(nxious) **S**(tudents) [*at first*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Six normally start off, as far as one can see (8)","output":"### Answer: VISUALLY \n ### Explanation: Definition: as far as one can see\n\n**VI** (six, in Roman numerals) + (u)**SUALLY** (\"normally\", with its *start off*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Even bits of toilet are seen in prestige production film (11)","output":"### Answer: POLTERGEIST \n ### Explanation: Definition: film\n\n[*even bits of*] (t)**O**(i)**L**(e)**T** *are seen in* ***(prestige) **[anag:*production*]\n \nPoltergeist* is a 1982 horror movie starring Craig T Nelson, JoBeth Willians and Heather O'Rourke."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Kiss frequently and try to seduce in dilapidated shed area (4,2,3,5)","output":"### Answer: NECK OF THE WOODS \n ### Explanation: Definition: area\n\n**NECK **(\"kiss\") + **OFT** (\"frequently\") + **WOO** (\"try to seduce\")* in* ***(shed)** [anag:*dilapidated*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Oscar coordinates fool's original copy? (8)","output":"### Answer: OXYMORON \n ### Explanation: Definition: original copy?\n\n**O** (Oscar, in the phonetic alphabet) + **X,Y** (\"co-ordinates\", in maths) + **MORON** = **O-XY-MORON**, of which \"original copy\" is an example."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Nice terms negotiated with yacht club (10,4)","output":"### Answer: MANCHESTER CITY \n ### Explanation: Definition: club\n\n***(nice terms yacht)** [anag:*negotiated*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Links with Bangkok hotels may be on the radio (3-3)","output":"### Answer: TIE-INS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Links\n\nHomophone [*may be on the radio*] of** THAI INNS** (\"Bangkok hotels\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Explores Istanbul's stonewall (6)","output":"### Answer: RESIST \n ### Explanation: Definition: stonewall\n\nHidden in \"explo**RES IST**anbul\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Speak outright (5)","output":"### Answer: UTTER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Speak\n\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Here xenophobes break out and sleep with Poles outside (6,5)","output":"### Answer: BAKER'S DOZEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Here xenophobes\n\n***(break)** [anag:*out*] + **DOZE** with **N,S** (North and South, so \"poles\") *outside*\n \n*The definition refers to the solution to 13 across, 13 being a \"baker's dozen\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Why said figurehead is protected by clumsy minder, surely not David! (2,6)","output":"### Answer: MY FRIEND \n ### Explanation: Definition: surely not David!\n\nHomophone of [*said*] WHY (i.e.** Y**) + **F**(igure) [*head*] *is protected by* ***(minder)** [anag:*clumsy*]\n \n*David was surely not a friend of Goliath (today's setter)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Doctor Seuss to underwrite non- standard parody of a legendary traveller (8)","output":"### Answer: ODYSSEUS \n ### Explanation: Definition: a legendary traveller\n\n***(seuss)** [anag:*doctor*] *to underwrite* (par)**ODY** (\"non-standard\" = remove PAR)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One and only one in French intelligence superficially usable (6)","output":"### Answer: UNIQUE \n ### Explanation: Definition: One and only\n\n**UN** (\"one in French\") +** IQ** (\"intelligence\") + [*superficially*] **U**(sabl)**E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Slap on the wrist from backbench idealists (5)","output":"### Answer: CHIDE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Slap on the wrist\n\nHidden in [*from*] \"backben**CH IDE**alists\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Troublesome person with stick always set about music maker (4,5)","output":"### Answer: REED ORGAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: music maker \n**<= (NAG** (\"troublesome person\") *with ***ROD **(\"stick\") + **E'ER** (\"always\")) *set about"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Inventor showing regret when putting off engineers (5)","output":"### Answer: MORSE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Inventor\n(re)**MORSE** (\"regret\" *putting off* RE (Royal Engineers)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Something sweet to stick around lettuce (7)","output":"### Answer: GLUCOSE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Something sweet\n**GLUE** (\"to stick\") *around ***COS** (\"lettuce\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Without thinking, building home next to an East Anglian city (7)","output":"### Answer: INANELY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Without thinking\nIN (\"home\") + AN + ELY (\"East Anglian city\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Quail a bit when crossing lake (5)","output":"### Answer: COLIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Quail\n**COIN** (\"a bit\") *when crossing* **L** (lake) \n*Colin is another word for the American quail."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Understand an old rocker with very little energy at first did nothing (9)","output":"### Answer: VEGETATED \n ### Explanation: Definition: did nothing\n**GET **(\"understand\") +** A TED** (\"an old rocker\") *with* **V** (very) + [*little*] **E**(nergy) *at first"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Yes, mama is upset with a child stupidly making bloomer (10,5)","output":"### Answer: MICHAELMAS DAISY \n ### Explanation: Definition: bloomer\n***(yes mama is a child)** [anag:*upset*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Surgery as answer to disease that in extremis takes time (9)","output":"### Answer: CURETTAGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Surgery\n**CURE** (\"answer to disease\") + **T**(ha)**T** [in extremis] *takes ***AGE **(\"time\") \n*Curettage is an operation which involves the scooping out of something, and, alongside dilation is the C in D&C."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Writer offering brill Old English (5)","output":"### Answer: DEFOE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Writer\n**DEF** (\"brill\") + **O** (old) **E** (English)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Someone terrible following game around in vehicle (7)","output":"### Answer: MINIVAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: vehicle\n**IVAN** (\"someone terrible\") *following* **<=NIM** (\"game\") \n*Nim is a game of strategy in which players take turns removing items from a pile or array, with the ultimate aim being to leave the last item or take the last item, depending on the variant being played."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Number of fashion items in Mary Quant's era (7)","output":"### Answer: SIXTIES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Mary Quant's era\n**SIX** (\"number\") + **TIES **(\"fashion items\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Part of island in Caribbean captured by the French (5)","output":"### Answer: LEWIS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Part of island\n**WI **(West Indies, so \"Caribbean\") *captured by* **LES **(\"the\" in \"French\") \n*Lewis is part of the Hebridean island of Lewis and Harris."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: First to collect rags, even when chucked? (9)","output":"### Answer: SCAVENGER \n ### Explanation: Definition: First to collect rags, even when chucked?\n***(c rags even)** where C is [*first to*] C(ollect), and &lit."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Like a sort of play that could make critic go mad almost (10)","output":"### Answer: TRAGICOMIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: Like a sort of play\n***(critic go ma)** [anag:*that could make*] where MA is [*almost*] MA(d))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Country inn with memorial outside it (8)","output":"### Answer: REPUBLIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: Country\n**PUB** (\"inn\") *with ***RELIC **(\"memorial\") *outside it"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Spiritual advice to Moses in warehouse (6)","output":"### Answer: GODOWN \n ### Explanation: Definition: warehouse\n**GO DOWN **(\"spiritual advice to Moses\") \n*A godown is a warehouse in Asia, especially India."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Heading north over line, I stare (4)","output":"### Answer: OGLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: stare\n[*heading north*] **<=EGO** (\"I\") *over ***L** (line)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Where you'd presumably find hellish types with old cricketer under a shadow (2,8)","output":"### Answer: INDISGRACE \n ### Explanation: Definition: under a shadow\n**IN DIS** (\"where you'd presumably find hellish types\") + (W. G.) **GRACE** (\"old cricketer\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Affected little devil wasn't sincere (8)","output":"### Answer: IMPACTED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Affected\n**IMP** (\"little devil\") + **ACTED **(\"wasn't sincere\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Burning paintings maybe outside private room (6)","output":"### Answer: ARDENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Burning\n**ART** (\"paintings maybe\") *outside ***DEN **(\"private room\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Presidential candidate once sounded a bit wet (4)","output":"### Answer: DEWY \n ### Explanation: Definition: a bit wet\nHomophone of [*sounded*] (Thomas E) **DEWEY** (\"presidential candidate\" who lost to FDR in 1944)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lass in evil misbehaving? (10)","output":"### Answer: VILLAINESS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Lass in evil misbehaving?\n***(lass in evil)** [anag:*misbehaving*], and &lit."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Plea from someone wet and helpless with a certain peck? (3,7)","output":"### Answer: DRY MEASURE \n ### Explanation: Definition: peck?\n**DRY ME** (\"plea from someone wet and helpless\") *with ***A SURE** (\"certain\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Penultimate part of Shakespear\u00adean play is beginning to move into vigorous campaigning (8)","output":"### Answer: ACTIVISM \n ### Explanation: Definition: vigorous campaigning\n**ACT IV** (\"penultimate part of Shakespearean play\") +** IS** + [*beginning to*] **M**(ove)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Break with trendy element of festival entertainment (8)","output":"### Answer: INFRINGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Break\n**IN** (\"trendy\") +** FRINGE** (\"element of festival entertainment\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Celebrity children, not one of them accepting the present (6)","output":"### Answer: RENOWN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Celebrity\n(child)**REN** (*not *CHILD (\"one of them\"))* accepting* **NOW **(\"the present\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: It's right to check when there's sign of something wrong inside (6)","output":"### Answer: DEXTER \n ### Explanation: Definition: right\n**DETER **(\"to check\") *when there's* **X** (\"sign of something wrong\") *inside"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Start to make everybody walk (4)","output":"### Answer: MALL \n ### Explanation: Definition: walk\n[*start to*] **M**(ake) + **ALL** (\"everybody\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Biscuit containers the wrong way up (4)","output":"### Answer: SNAP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Biscuit\n**<=PANS** (\"containers\", *the wrong way up*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: In English city a bear causes pandemonium (10)","output":"### Answer: HULLABALOO \n ### Explanation: Definition: pandemonium\n\n**HULL** (\"English city\") + **A** +** BALOO** (\"bear\" in *The Jungle Book*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Film icon getting rid of old clothes (4)","output":"### Answer: GARB \n ### Explanation: Definition: clothes\n\n(Greta) **GARB**(o) (\"film icon\",* getting rid of* O (old))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Part of packed itinerary ready for publication (4)","output":"### Answer: EDIT \n ### Explanation: Definition: ready for publication\n\nHidden in [*part of*] \"pack**ED IT**inerary\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Skin condition affected her talents (6,4)","output":"### Answer: NETTLE RASH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Skin condition\n\n***(her talents)** [anag:*affected*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Arrives to entertain revolutionary bowman (6)","output":"### Answer: ARCHER \n ### Explanation: Definition: bowman\n\n**Arr.** (arrives) *to entertain* **CHE **(Guevara) (\"revolutionary\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: College backing up reserve computer (8)","output":"### Answer: NOTEBOOK \n ### Explanation: Definition: computer\n\n**<=ETON** (\"college\", *backing up*) + **BOOK **(\"reverse\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Better money for army chiefs, maybe (3,5)","output":"### Answer: TOP BRASS \n ### Explanation: Definition: army chiefs, maybe\n\n**TOP** (\"better\") + **BRASS **(\"money\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: German song told a story (4)","output":"### Answer: LIED \n ### Explanation: Definition: German song\n\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Circulated plans for junk mail (4)","output":"### Answer: SPAM \n ### Explanation: Definition: junk mail\n\n[*circulated*] **<=MAPS** (\"plans\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rum at pier provided, as a drink to whet one's appetite (8)","output":"### Answer: APERITIF \n ### Explanation: Definition: a drink to whet one's appetite\n\n***(at pier)** [anag:*rum*] + **IF** (\"provided\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Short lament by soldier's lover (8)","output":"### Answer: PARAMOUR \n ### Explanation: Definition: lover\n\n[*short*]** MOUR**(n) (\"lament\")* by* **PARA **(\"soldier\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Talk inconsequentially with religious leader close to minaret (6)","output":"### Answer: RABBIT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Talk inconsequentially\n\n**RABBI** (\"religious leader\") + [*close to*] (minaret)**T"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Chap, army doctor, visiting little known part of Cornwall (6,4)","output":"### Answer: BODMIN MOOR \n ### Explanation: Definition: part of Cornwall\n\n**BOD** (\"chap\") + **MO** (Medical Officer, so \"army doctor\") *visiting ***MINOR **(\"little known\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: In the company of comedian heading for hall (4)","output":"### Answer: WITH \n ### Explanation: Definition: In the company of\n\n**WIT** (\"comedian\") + [*heading for*] **H**(all)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stone circle shown by New York Times? (4)","output":"### Answer: ONYX \n ### Explanation: Definition: Stone\n\n**O** (\"circle\") + **NY** (New York) + **X** (\"times\", as in \"multiplied by\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Votes against infringement of copyright plot (10)","output":"### Answer: CONSPIRACY \n ### Explanation: Definition: plot\n\n**CONS** (\"votes against\") + **PIRACY** (\"infringement of copyright\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Junior on work experience (7)","output":"### Answer: UNDERGO \n ### Explanation: Definition: experience\n\n**UNDER **(\"junior\") *on ***GO **(\"work\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fastening some in chapel at Christmas (5)","output":"### Answer: LATCH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fastening\n\nHidden in [*some*] \"chape**L AT CH**ristmas\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A barn owl agitated former PM (5,3)","output":"### Answer: BONAR LAW \n ### Explanation: Definition: former PM\n\n***(a barn owl)** [anag:*agitated*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Behave uninhibitedly? Soon draw the line at work (3,4,4,4)","output":"### Answer: LET ONE'S HAIR DOWN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Behave uninhibitedly?\n\n***(soon draw the line)** [anag:*at work*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Apartment taken in outskirts of Oundle, recently (2,4)","output":"### Answer: OF LATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: recently\n\n**FLAT**(\"apartment\") *taken in* [*outskirts of*] **O**(undl)**E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: American soldier restraining a coarse Italian patriot (9)","output":"### Answer: GARIBALDI \n ### Explanation: Definition: Italian patriot\n\n**GI** (\"American soldier\") *restraining ***A** + **RIBALD **(\"coarse\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Almost chance one and only fried meatball (7)","output":"### Answer: RISSOLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: fried meatball\n\n[*almost*] **RIS**(k) (\"chance\") + **SOLE** (\"one and only\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Spicy snack doctor and I may fancy in carton (6,3)","output":"### Answer: BOMBAY MIX \n ### Explanation: Definition: Spicy snack\n\n**MW** (Bachelor of Medicine, so \"doctor\") *and ****(i may)** [anag:*fancy*] *in* **BOX **(\"carton\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Couple in conversation decline sweet (4,4)","output":"### Answer: PEAR DROP \n ### Explanation: Definition: sweet\n\nHomophone [*in conversation*] of **PAIR **(\"couple\") + **DROP** (\"decline\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Squad also included in scheme (7)","output":"### Answer: PLATOON \n ### Explanation: Definition: Squad\n\n**TOO** (\"also\") *included in* **PLAN **(\"scheme\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: I do it wrongly, in charge \u2013 that's very stupid (7)","output":"### Answer: IDIOTIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: very stupid\n\n***(i do it)** [anag:*wrongly*] + **IC** (in charge)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Charlie knocked over tin \u2013 go for a brandy (6)","output":"### Answer: COGNAC \n ### Explanation: Definition: a brandy\n\n**C** (Charlie, in the phonetic alphabet) + [*knocked over*] **<= (CAN** (\"tin\") + **GO)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hat left out in arbour (5)","output":"### Answer: BOWER \n ### Explanation: Definition: arbour\n\n**BOW**(l)**ER** (\"hat\" with L (left) *out*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Silent addendum conveying Scotsman's sulks (5)","output":"### Answer: MUMPS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Scotsman's sulks\n**MUM **(\"silent\") + **PS **(postscript, so \"addendum\") \n\"Mump\" is a Scots word for \"mope\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Things appended in Shakespeare when errors include little good (7)","output":"### Answer: ASSIGNS \n ### Explanation: Things appended in Shakespeare when errors include little good (7)\n**AS** (\"when\") + **SINS** (\"errors\") *include* [*little*] **G**(ood)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Destructive creature, confused, copper admitted (6)","output":"### Answer: LOCUST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Destructive creature\n**LOST **(\"confused\") with **Cu **(chemical symbol for copper) *admitted"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Craggy height, one with blunt and notched tip you'll find us avoiding (5)","output":"### Answer: ARETE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Craggy\n*[To be parsed]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Leave without supervision a gnu freely tucking into bean plant (7)","output":"### Answer: UNGUARD \n ### Explanation: Definition: Leave without supervision\n***(a gnu)** [anag:*freely]* *tucking into* **URD **(\"bean plant\") \n*An urd is an Indian bean plant with black seeds."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hiccup, e.g. what's unwelcome on computer, section inside (5)","output":"### Answer: SPASM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Hiccup, e.g.\n**SPAM **(\"what's unwelcome on computer\") with **S** (section) *inside"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Odd bits of pea mousse polished off? They'll never take off (4)","output":"### Answer: EMUS \n ### Explanation: Definition: They'll never take off\n[*odd bits of*] (p)**E**(a)**M**(o)**U**(s)**S**(e) *polished off*, leaving the even letters to spell out EMUS (birds that will \"never take off\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What WI members share, pork pie with fish? Reverse of 'Yum!' welcomes that (10)","output":"### Answer: MULIEBRITY \n ### Explanation: Definition: What WI members share\n**LIE **(\"pork pie\") *with ***BRIT **(\"fish\") *welcomed by* [*reverse of*] **<=YUM"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Oriental shrubs, term I nitpick about (10)","output":"### Answer: CALLICARPA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Oriental shrubs\n**CALL **(\"term\") +** I** + **CARP **(\"nitpick\") + **A** (about)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One strong drink I refused for another (4)","output":"### Answer: ARAK \n ### Explanation: Definition: another\n**A** (\"one\") + **RAK**(i) (\"strong drink\" with I *refused*) \n*Arak is a strong Asian alcoholic drink."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Meal without starter as stimulant (5)","output":"### Answer: UPPER \n ### Explanation: Definition: stimulant\n(s)**UPPER** (\"meal\" *without starter*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ungainly lass given bits of wood for old-style folk dance (7)","output":"### Answer: MORRICE \n ### Explanation: Definition: old-style folk dance\n**MOR **(\"ungainly lass\") + **RICE **(\"bits of wood\") \n*Mor is another form of \"mauther\" and rice is a rare word meaning twigs."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: How excited hounds behave, certainly a record (5)","output":"### Answer: AYELP \n ### Explanation: Definition: How excited hounds behave\n**AYE** (\"certainly\") + **LP **(long playing \"record\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Chunk of myrrh in a lekythos \u2013 like a sniff? (6)","output":"### Answer: RHINAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: like a sniff\nHidden in [*chunk of*] \"myr**RH IN A L**ekythos\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hook securing pair on a climb in the Cairngorms (9)","output":"### Answer: SPRAICKLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: climb in the Cairngorms\n**SICKLE **(\"hook\") *securing ***Pr.** (pair) *on ***A** \n*Sprackle or spraickle means \"to climb\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Raise tax in completion of Robert's designation? (7)","output":"### Answer: ELEVATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Raise\n**VAT** (Value Added \"Tax\") *in ***E. LEE **(\"completion of Robert's designation\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Flower, end of pedicle stuck in beer glass (5)","output":"### Answer: PEONY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Flower\n[*end of*] (pedicl)**E** *stuck in* **PONY **(\"beer glass\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Song is followed by millions in Hindu festival (7)","output":"### Answer: MELISMA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Song\n**IS** *followed by* **M** (millions) *in* **MELA **(a \"Hindu festival\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Coffee, instant, and tea (5)","output":"### Answer: MOCHA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Coffee\n**MO **(\"instant\", as in \"back in a mo\") + **CHA **(\"tea\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Former state having power over much larger one (7)","output":"### Answer: PRUSSIA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Former state\n**P** (power) *over ***RUSSIA **(\"much larger\" state)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Window-frame: make some change to home with this (4)","output":"### Answer: SASH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Window-frame\n[To be parsed]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Is he out of wits erring with letters out of order? (10)","output":"### Answer: SIGNWRITER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Is he out of wits erring with letters out of order?\n***(wits erring)** [anag:*with letters out of order*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Catches? Slips maybe pocketing unspecified number (5)","output":"### Answer: SNAGS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Catches\n**SAGS** (\"slips, maybe\") *pocketing ***N** (unspecified number)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Like polished silver set interspersed with precious stone (6)","output":"### Answer: GLEAMY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Like polished silver\n**LAY **(\"set\") *interspersed with* **GEM **(\"precious stone\") \u2013 so G(L)E(A)M(Y)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: I don't care for particular suits showing characteristic radius round bottom (9)","output":"### Answer: NO TRUMPER \n ### Explanation: Definition: I don't care for particular suits\n**NOTE **(\"characteristic\") + **R** (radius) round **RUMP **(\"bottom\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Drill may be prepared for these top players (5)","output":"### Answer: SEEDS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Drill may be prepared for these\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Getting about in glass transport (first thereof) \u2013 its wheels and axle move as one (10)","output":"### Answer: TUMBLECART \n ### Explanation: Definition: its wheels and axle move as one (10)\n*Getting ***Ca.** (circa, so \"about\") *in ***TUMBLER **(\"glass\") + **T**(ransport) [*first thereof*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sound contented with love in songs raised for a bit of old gold (9)","output":"### Answer: SPUR ROYAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: a bit of old gold\n**PURR **(\"sound contented\") *with ***O** (love, in tennis) *in ***<=LAYS** (\"songs\", *raised*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hide informal portrait wrapped in ribbon? (7)","output":"### Answer: TAPPICE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Hide\n**PIC **(\"informal portrait\") *wrapped in* **TAPE **(\"ribbon\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: End of talks held up midway? Sage may suggest this alternative (7)","output":"### Answer: PARSLEY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Sage may suggest \n[*end of*] parley(**S**) [*held up midway*] becomes **PAR(S)LEY,** an \"alternative\" to \"sage\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rich addition to cuisine? One's restricted in this time of denial (6)","output":"### Answer: CAREME \n ### Explanation: Definition: time of denial\n**CREME **(\"rich addition to cuisine\") with **A **(one) *restricted* \n*Careme is another word for Lent."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A measure of herrings island unloaded, making one stagger (5)","output":"### Answer: AMAZE \n ### Explanation: Definition: stagger\n**A** + **MA**(i)**ZE** (\"measure of herrings\") with I (island) unloaded"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cap I park jauntily? Could be a \u2014\u2014 RC restyled (as zucchetto?) (5)","output":"### Answer: KIPPA \n ### Explanation: Definition: zucchetto?\n*(cap i park) would give A **KIPPA** RC"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Left-leaning type to hold down with powerful punch? (5)","output":"### Answer: PINKO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Left-leaning type\n**PIN** (\"to hold down\") *with ***KO **(knockout, so \"powerful punch\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Nicklaus's crisp approach shot (4)","output":"### Answer: CHIP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Nicklaus's crisp\nDouble definition, the first referring to Jack Nicklaus, an American golfer, who would call a crisp a chip."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What poor comedians do that's ridiculous (4,4,2,5)","output":"### Answer: DON'T MAKE ME LAUGH \n ### Explanation: Definition: What poor comedians d\n\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Be inclined to enter contest free from corruption (5,2)","output":"### Answer: CLEAN UP \n ### Explanation: Definition: free from corruption\n\n**LEAN **(\"be inclined\") *to enter* **CUP **(\"contest\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fledglings do it to descend from mount (3,4)","output":"### Answer: GET DOWN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fledglings do it\n\nDouble definition, the first referring to soft feathers."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The greatest length spanned by trunk road (3)","output":"### Answer: ALI \n ### Explanation: Definition: The greatest\n\n**L** (length)* spanned by* **A1** (\"trunk road\")\n \n*Refers to Muhammad Ali, aka The Greatest."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mood in which artist visualises his painting exhibited? (5,2,4)","output":"### Answer: FRAME OF MIND \n ### Explanation: Definition: Mood\n\n*An artist's imagine may allow him to see his art framed in his mind."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Better technology gains popularity, apparently (4,4,2)","output":"### Answer: MORE LIKE IT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Better\n\nIf **MORE** people **LIKE IT** ((information) technology), it will \"gain popularity\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Spur-of-the-moment children's game (4)","output":"### Answer: SNAP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Spur-of-the-moment\n\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fortieth game to one side (4)","output":"### Answer: RUBY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fortieth\n\n**RU** (Rugby Union, so \"game\") + **BY** (\"to one side\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Where limitless change of climate is keeping air out (10)","output":"### Answer: HERMETICAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: keeping air out\n\n(w)**HER**(e) [limitless] + ***(climate)** [anag:*change of*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Imminence of crime one's relinquished after rest (11)","output":"### Answer: PROPINQUITY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Imminence\n\n**IN**(i)**QUITY** (\"crime\" with I (one) *relinquished*) *after* **PROP **(\"rest\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Track turning back to some extent (3)","output":"### Answer: RUT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Track \n\nHidden backwards [*back, to some extent*] in \"**TUR**ning\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Can it be stopped by Liberal returning capital? (7)","output":"### Answer: TBILISI \n ### Explanation: Definition: capital\n\n**<= (IS IT** (\"can it be\") *stopped by*** LIB** (liberal)**)** [*returning*]\n \n*Tbilisi is the capital of Georgia."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: China revolutionised the best IT kit (7)","output":"### Answer: LAPTOPS \n ### Explanation: Definition: IT kit\n\n**<=PAL** (\"china\", *revolutionised*) + **TOPS** (\"the best\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Soldier of the Great War, ex-Tory MP in rendition of Let It Be (3,12)","output":"### Answer: OLDCONTEMPTIBLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Soldier of the Great War\n\n**OLD **(\"ex\") + **CON **(\"Tory\") + **MP** *in* ***(let it be) **[anag:*rendition of*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Announcer about to retire after failing medical (9)","output":"### Answer: DECLAIMER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Announcer\n\n**<=RE** (\"about\" to retire) *after ****(medical)** [anag:*failing*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Born to stop Oliver ultimately wanting more? (7)","output":"### Answer: NEEDIER \n ### Explanation: Definition: wanting more?\n\n**NEE** (\"born\") + **DIE **(\"to stop\") + (olive)**R** [*ultimately*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Diverse staff in firm initially getting on (8)","output":"### Answer: MANIFOLD \n ### Explanation: Definition: Diverse\n\n**MAN **(\"staff\") + **I**(n) **F**(irm) [initially] + **OLD** (\"getting on\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One's told to seal a letter to Zorba (5)","output":"### Answer: KAPPA \n ### Explanation: Definition: letter to Zorba\n\nHomophone [*one's told*] of **CAP **(\"to seal\") + **A"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Metal tops for each stopper I placed in large bottle (9)","output":"### Answer: MAGNESIUM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Metal \n\n[*tops for*] **E**(ach) **S**(topper) + **I** *placed in* **MAGNUM **(\"large bottle\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Spare fire (3,3)","output":"### Answer: LET OFF \n ### Explanation: Definition: Spare\n\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Visionary Scot supporting prize university put up (7)","output":"### Answer: UTOPIAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Visionary\n\n**IAN** (\"Scotsman\") *supporting ***<=(TOP** (\"prize\") + **U** (university)**)** [*put up*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Refined individual in Holland cleared out (5)","output":"### Answer: HONED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Refined\n\n**ONE** (\"individual\") *in* **H**(ollan)**D** [*cleared out*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Make no response as English in fort surrender (4,5)","output":"### Answer: KEEP QUIET \n ### Explanation: Definition: Make no response\n\n**E** (English) in (**KEEP** (\"fort\") + **QUIT** (\"surrender\"))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Chivalry the undoing of poet's isle? (9)","output":"### Answer: POLITESSE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Chivalry \n\n***(poets isle)** [anag:*undoing of*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Injured pussycat not caught, tip of tail remains (5,3)","output":"### Answer: STAYSPUT \n ### Explanation: Definition: remains\n\n***(pussyat)** [anag:*injured*] (i.e. PUSSY(c)AT without the C (*not *C (caught)) + [*tip of*] **T**(ail)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Danced and jeered, serviceman having come in (7)","output":"### Answer: BOOGIED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Danced\n\n**BOOED** (\"jeered\") with **GI** (\"serviceman\")* having come in"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mobile weapon cups turned up during search (3,4)","output":"### Answer: CARBOMB \n ### Explanation: Definition: Mobile weapon\n\n**<= BRA** (\"cups\", *turned up*) *during ***COMB **(\"search\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Politician leading one party shows capacity for it (6)","output":"### Answer: LIBIDO \n ### Explanation: Definition: capacity for it\n\n**LIB** (liberal, so \"politician\") *leading ***I** (one) + **DO** (\"party\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Primate's instruction to reader devouring scriptures (5)","output":"### Answer: POTTO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Primate\n\n**PTO** (please turn over, so \"instruction to reader\") *devouring ***OT** (Old Testament, so \"scriptures\")\n \nA potto is an African primate also known as a softly-softly."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: First person to denounce religion (5)","output":"### Answer: ISLAM \n ### Explanation: Definition: religion\n\n**I** (\"first person\") + **SLAM** (\"to denounce\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Chicago train conks out first \u2013 has this run out? (6)","output":"### Answer: DIESEL \n ### Explanation: Definition: has this run out?\n**EL** (elevated \"train\" in \"Chicago\") with **DIES **(\"conks out\") *first"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Roughly, boy drinks very, very big brandy (8)","output":"### Answer: CALVADOS \n ### Explanation: Definition: brandy\n**Ca**. (circa, so \"roughly\") + **LAD** (\"boy\") *drinks ***V** (very) + **OS** (outsize, so \"very big\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Snubbing a gent, estate agency designed driving aid (7)","output":"### Answer: CATSEYE \n ### Explanation: Definition: driving aid\n***(steaecy)** [anag:*designed*] where STEAECY is (*e*)S(*ta*)TE A(*g*)E(*n*)CY *snubbing* the letters A GENT"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Airline gets reckless \u2013 I hear they transmit diseases (7)","output":"### Answer: BACILLI \n ### Explanation: Definition: they transmit diseases\n**BA **(British Airways, so \"airline\") *gets* homophone [*I hear*] of **SILLY** (\"reckless\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Completed 501 (4)","output":"### Answer: DONE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Completed\n**D** (500 in Roman numerals) + **ONE** = 501"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Study of plates messily spread with goo (10)","output":"### Answer: SEISMOLOGY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Study of plates\n***(messily goo) **[anag:*spread*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unsightly growths set back remains of crop (5)","output":"### Answer: STRAW \n ### Explanation: Definition: remains of crop\n**<=WARTS** (\"unsightly growths\", *set back*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Be right about Oscar's puzzle (8)","output":"### Answer: BEWILDER \n ### Explanation: Definition: puzzle\n**BE **+ **R** (right) *about *(Oscar) **WILDE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fancy film about golden parrot? (8)","output":"### Answer: LORIKEET \n ### Explanation: Definition: parrot\n**LIKE** (\"fancy\") + **ET** (\"film\") *about* **OR** (\"golden\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bribe takes in students beginning to game (5)","output":"### Answer: BULLY \n ### Explanation: Definition: beginning to game\n**BUY** (\"bribe\") *takes in*** L** + **L** (learners, so \"students\") \n*Bully is the term for the beginning or restart of a hockey match."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Meeting's nervous, worried about returning last letter (10)","output":"### Answer: RENDEZVOUS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Meeting\n***(nervous)** [anag:*worried*] *about* [*returning*] **<=ZED** (\"last letter\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A hole in one rare tree (4)","output":"### Answer: ACER \n ### Explanation: Definition: A hole in one\nDouble definition, with the first being a rare word."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Compel queen to go in for good? It's not straightforward (7)","output":"### Answer: OBLIQUE \n ### Explanation: Definition: not straightforward\n**OBLI**(g>**QU**)**E** (\"compel\" with Qu. (queen)* going in for* (i.e. substituting for) G (good))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wet blanket ace skier put round sweetheart (7)","output":"### Answer: KILLJOY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Wet blanket\n(Jean-Claude) KILLY (\"ace skier\" who dominated downhill skiing in the late 1960s) put round JO (\"sweetheart\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Petition to dine among competitors (8)","output":"### Answer: ENTREATY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Petition\n**EAT** (\"to dine\") *among* **ENTRY** (\"competitors\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Artist's first to drink more bitter (6)","output":"### Answer: DRAWER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Artist\n[*first to*] **D**(rink) +** RAWER** (\"more bitter\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Years of debauchery ignoring religious books (6)","output":"### Answer: DECADE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Years\n**DECADE**(nt) (\"of debauchery\") *ignoring *NT (New Testament, so \"religious books\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One-time Tory leader in court vanished (7)","output":"### Answer: EXTINCT \n ### Explanation: Definition: vanished\n**EX** (\"one-time\") + **T**(ory) [leader] + **IN** + **Ct.** (court)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: It's used in fencing partly to keep ewes back (4)","output":"### Answer: EPEE \n ### Explanation: Definition: It's used in fencing\nHidden backwards [*partly to*\u2026*back*] in \"k**EEP E**wes\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: President in a Middle East dilemma initially attacked (8)","output":"### Answer: AMBUSHED \n ### Explanation: Definition: attacked \n(George) **BUSH **(\"president\") in **A ME** (Middle East) **D**(ilemma) [*initially*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Beating evil controls rising corruption (10)","output":"### Answer: VICTORIOUS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Beating \n**VICIOUS** (\"evil\") *controls <***=ROT** (\"corruption\", *rising*) \n*Not sure that \"beating\" and victorious\" are synonymous. I can't think of an example of \"beating\" as an adjective."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: John almost prepared curtains, triangular (7)","output":"### Answer: DELTOID \n ### Explanation: Definition: triangular\n(John) **ELTO**(n) [*almost*] *curtained* by **DID** (\"prepared\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Carts pulled up filled with fruit in dock (8)","output":"### Answer: SHIPYARD \n ### Explanation: Definition: dock\n**<=DRAYS** (\"carts\", *pulled up*) *filled with* **HIP** (\"fruit\", as in \"rosehip\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Long runner's short cut (5)","output":"### Answer: SEVER \n ### Explanation: Definition: cut\n**SEVER**(n) (\"long runner\", *cut*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fake squeak's potentially nightmarish (10)","output":"### Answer: KAFKAESQUE \n ### Explanation: Definition: nightmarish\n***(fake squeak)** [anag:*potentially*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Headlight seen in lumber room, one might say (8)","output":"### Answer: GLORIOLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Headlight\nHomophone [*one might say*] of **GLORY HOLE** (\"lumber room\") \n*A gloriole is an aura or halo, so a light around the head."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The most obese struggles in preliminary round (8)","output":"### Answer: HEAVIEST \n ### Explanation: Definition: The most obese\n**VIES** (\"struggles\") *in ***HEAT** (\"preliminary round\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Curl right round fireplace (7)","output":"### Answer: RINGLET \n ### Explanation: Definition: Curl\n**Rt.** (right) *around ***INGLE** (\"fireplace\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Secure shark briefly showing disease (7)","output":"### Answer: LOCKJAW \n ### Explanation: Definition: disease\n**LOCK** (\"secure\") + **JAW**(s) (\"shark\" in the movie)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fortunate and brave, except for the start (5)","output":"### Answer: LUCKY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fortunate\n(p)**LUCKY** (\"brave\", *except for the start*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Collect 30 (6)","output":"### Answer: PRAYER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Collect\nDouble definition, the 30 referring to 30 across (entreaty)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Slight sign above bar (4)","output":"### Answer: SLUR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Slight\nDouble definition, the second relating to a curved line placed above a bar in music to indicate that notes should be sung to one syllable or played with one bow"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mobile phone's extremely expensive Nokia, constraining Rex to not lose it (4,4,4,2)","output":"### Answer: KEEP ONE'S HAIR ON \n ### Explanation: Definition: to not lose it\n\n***(phones ee nokia) **[anag:*mobile*] where EE is [*extremely*] E(xpensiv)E, *constraining* **R** (Rex)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Incline to embrace German philosopher (5)","output":"### Answer: HEGEL \n ### Explanation: Definition: philosopher\n\nHEEL (\"incline\") to embrace G (German)\n \n*Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (1770 \u2013 1831) was a German idealist philosopher. I only know of him from the Monty Python Philosophers' Song in which it was suggested that \"David Hume could out-consume Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Be unwanted and become mendicant? (2,7)","output":"### Answer: GO BEGGING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Be unwanted\n\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Happy to comply with tradition, primarily for son (7)","output":"### Answer: CONTENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Happy\n\n**CON**(s>**T**)**ENT **(\"to comply, with T(radition) [*primarily*] *for* (i.e in place of) S (son)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The two parts needed to make friend give authorisation (7)","output":"### Answer: MANDATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: give authorisation\n\n**M and ATE** are the \"two parts needed to make\" MATE (\"friend\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bill wants American university grant (5)","output":"### Answer: ADMIT \n ### Explanation: Definition: grant\n\n**AD** (\"bill\") *wants ***MIT **(Massachusetts Institute of Technology, so \"American university\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wren, maybe, or the Arctic cuckoo (9)","output":"### Answer: ARCHITECT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Wren, maybe\n\n***(the arctic)** [anag:*cuckoo*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Person who's given one parting instructions to cook books (9)","output":"### Answer: RECIPIENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Person who's given\n\n**I** (one) *parting ***RECIPE **(\"instructions to cook\") + **NT **(New Testament, so \"books\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Did long moustache droop to some extent? (5)","output":"### Answer: ACHED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Did long\n\nHidden in [*to some extent*] \"moust**ACHE D**roop\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: I start to laugh after autocrat almost gets sack (7)","output":"### Answer: DESPOIL \n ### Explanation: Definition: sack\n\n**I** + [*start to*] **L**(augh) *after* **DESPO**(t) (\"autocrat\", *almost*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: White vestment, uniform given to bishops? (7)","output":"### Answer: ALBUMEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: White\n\n**ALB** (\"vestment\") + **U** (uniform)* given to ***MEN **(\"bishops\" in chess)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Vehicle \u2013 medic treated ulna in one? (9)","output":"### Answer: AMBULANCE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Vehicle\n\n**MB **(Bachelor of Medicine, so \"medic\") + ***(ulna) **[anag:*treated*] *in ***ACE **(\"one\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Endlessly sift loose pieces of rock (5)","output":"### Answer: SCREE \n ### Explanation: Definition: loose pieces of rock\n\n[*endlessly*] **SCREE**(n) (\"sift\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Boldly go into western part of prison alone (14)","output":"### Answer: ENTERPRISINGLY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Boldly\n\n**ENTER** (\"go into\") + [*western part of*] **PRI**(son) +** SINGLY** (\"alone\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Good to occupy awfully nice room designed for efficiency (9)","output":"### Answer: ERGONOMIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: designed for efficiency\n\n**G** (good)* to occupy* ***(nice room)** [anag:*awfully*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stroke kitty, changing sides (5)","output":"### Answer: PULSE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Stroke\n\n**PU**(r>**L**)**SE** (\"kitty\" *changing sides*, i.e. R(right) becomes L (left))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Close mate upset about right nasty experience (9)","output":"### Answer: NIGHTMARE \n ### Explanation: Definition: nasty experience\n\n**NIGH** (\"close\") + ***(mate)** [anag:*upset*] *about ***R **(right)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Special oriental sponge produces natural lubricant (5)","output":"### Answer: SEBUM \n ### Explanation: Definition: natural lubricant\n\n**S** (special) + **E** (eastern, so \"oriental\") + **BUM **(\"sponge\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Arabic fellow elected leader of Arabic country (9)","output":"### Answer: ARGENTINA \n ### Explanation: Definition: country\n\n**Ar.** (Arabic) + **GENT **(\"fellow\") + **IN **(\"elected\") + [*leader of*] **A**(rabic)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Educated woman eats a dish from India (5)","output":"### Answer: RAITA \n ### Explanation: Definition: dish from India\n\n**RITA **(\"educated woman\" from the Russell play *Educating Rita*) *eats ***A"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Manuel's the dope up before court for lack of care (7)","output":"### Answer: NEGLECT \n ### Explanation: Definition: lack of care\n\n**<=(EL** (Spanish for the, so \"Manuel's the\") + **GEN** (\"dope\"), *up***) ***before ***Ct.** (court)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: More than one tea dance (3-3)","output":"### Answer: CHA-CHA \n ### Explanation: Definition: dance\n\n**CHA** (\"tea\") [*more than once*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Parking in toll road involved a lot of money (3,6)","output":"### Answer: TOP DOLLAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: a \n\nP (parking) *in* ***(toll road)** [anag:*involved*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Prune culinary shrubs and behave playfully (3,6)","output":"### Answer: CUT CAPERS \n ### Explanation: Definition: behave playfully\n\n**CUT** (\"prune\") + **CAPERS **(\"culinary shrubs\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Passing English pub on green shortly (9)","output":"### Answer: EPHEMERAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Passing\n\n**E** (English) + **PH** (public house on a map, so \"pub\") *on ***EMERAL**(d) (\"green\",* shortly*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Relief after rising in rank makes you beam (7)","output":"### Answer: RADIATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: beam\n\n**<=AID** (\"relief\", *after rising*) *in ***RATE **(\"rank\")\n \n*The \"you\" in the clue is required only to make the surface smooth, so is superfluous in wordplay terms."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Knot garden creating hazard (6)","output":"### Answer: DANGER \n ### Explanation: Definition: hazard\n\n***(garden)** [anag:*knot*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Clog half of 26s up over time (5)","output":"### Answer: SABOT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Clog\n\n<=**(**[*half of*] **BAS**ins,* up*) (\"26s\" \u2013 26dn is BASIN), + **O** (over, in cricket) + **T** (time)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Individual in Luxor on vacation is reclusive sort (5)","output":"### Answer: LONER \n ### Explanation: Definition: reclusive sort\n\n**ONE** (\"individual\") *in* **L**(uxo)**R** [*on vacation*, ie having been emptied, leaving only its shell]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: North of Indiana boats regularly sink (5)","output":"### Answer: BASIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: sink\n\n**B**(o)**A**(t)**S** [*regularly*] *north of* **In.** (Indiana)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Butcher's service, outstanding, Queen admitted (8)","output":"### Answer: MASSACRE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Butc\n\n**MASS **(\"service\") + **ACE **(\"outstanding\") with **R **(regina, so \"queen\") *admitted"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lying in the warm sun without top and grilling (6)","output":"### Answer: ASKING \n ### Explanation: Definition: grilling\n\n(b)**ASKING **(\"lying in the warm sun\" *without top*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Instant tea drink (5)","output":"### Answer: MOCHA \n ### Explanation: Definition: drink\n\n**MO **(\"instant\") + **CHA **(\"tea\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Economist put out images with feeling (9)","output":"### Answer: EMOTICONS \n ### Explanation: Definition: images with feeling\n\n***(economist)** [anag:*put out*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dear one left dreamy (9)","output":"### Answer: EXPENSIVE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Dear\n\n**EX **(\"one\" who has \"left\") + **PENSIVE **(\"dreamy\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Spring month starts from broaching every possibility (5)","output":"### Answer: MAYBE \n ### Explanation: Definition: possibility\n\n**MAY** (\"spring month\") + [*starts from*] **B**(roaching) **E**(very)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Disorganised kid with it (6)","output":"### Answer: RAGTAG \n ### Explanation: Definition: Disorganised\n\n**RAG** (\"kid\", as in \"make fun of\") + **TAG **(\"it\", as in the children's game)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Back down craving theatrical style? (7)","output":"### Answer: PANACHE \n ### Explanation: Definition: theatrical \n\n[back] <=NAP (\"down\") + ACHE (\"craving\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: I chuck jug (7)","output":"### Answer: PITCHER \n ### Explanation: Definition: I chuck\n\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Looking at female playing a hole in one (6)","output":"### Answer: FACING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Looking at\n\n**F** (female) + **ACING** (\"playing a hole in on\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A report of nearby sub taking off (5)","output":"### Answer: APING \n ### Explanation: Definition: taking off\n\n**A** + **PING **(\"report of nearby sub\" in sonar)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Homes in on distilled hooch (9)","output":"### Answer: MOONSHINE \n ### Explanation: Definition: hooch \n\n***(homes in on) **[anag:*distilled*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sham check on budget Left and Right blocked (9)","output":"### Answer: IMITATION \n ### Explanation: Definition: Sham\n\n(l)**IMIT **(\"check\") *on *(r)**ATION **with L and R blocked"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Trump's country, for example, rejected practice (5)","output":"### Answer: USAGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: practice\n\n**USA **(\"Trump's country\") + **<= E.G.** (\"for example\", *rejected*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Twins, perhaps, diamond in one (6)","output":"### Answer: GEMINI \n ### Explanation: Definition: Twins\n\n**GEM **(\"perhaps, diamond\") + **IN** + **I** (one)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hot hunks in check (8)","output":"### Answer: VEHEMENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Hot\n\n**HE-MEN** (\"hunks\") *in* **VET **(\"check\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One in the club to recall blackballing the first couple (6)","output":"### Answer: MEMBER \n ### Explanation: Definition: One in the club\n\n(re)**MEMBER **(\"to recall\", *blackballing the first couple* (of letters))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Who acts with phony crawling? (9)","output":"### Answer: SYCOPHANT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Who acts with phony crawling?\n\n***(acts phony)** [anag:*crawling*] and &lit."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Not in favour of whisky, say \u2014 contrary to expectations (7,3,5)","output":"### Answer: AGAINST THE GRAIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: contrary to expectations\n\n**AGAINST **(\"not in favour of\") + **WHISKY **(\"the grain\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Staggering call involving slippery sort (7)","output":"### Answer: REELING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Staggering \n\n**RING **(\"call\") *involving ***EEL **(\"slippery sort\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Trunks which could make some cut? (8,7)","output":"### Answer: SWIMMING COSTUME \n ### Explanation: Definition: Trunks\n\nA reverse anagram \u2013 ***(some cut) **would give **COSTUME **with the anagrind being **SWIMMING"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Press unknown literary technique? (5)","output":"### Answer: IRONY \n ### Explanation: Definition: literary technique\n\n**IRON **(\"press\") + **Y** (\"unknown\" in matheamtics)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Waffle clock? This accounts for its consumption (3,5)","output":"### Answer: GAS METER \n ### Explanation: Definition: This accounts for its consumption\n\n**GAS **(\"waffle\") + **METER **(\"clock\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Game flockmistress who's slack? (2-4)","output":"### Answer: BO-PEEP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Game\n\nDouble definition, the second mildly cryptic as Little BO-PEEP lost her sheep, which suggests a certain level of slackness in her shepherding abilities"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Throw away fruit I had brought in as competitor (9)","output":"### Answer: CANDIDATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: competitor\n\n**CAN** (\"throw away\") + **DATE **(\"fruit\") with **I'D** (\"I had\") *brought in"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Revamping courting for social climbers? (8)","output":"### Answer: UPDATING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Revamping\n\nSocial climbers may date posher people, so **UP-DATING"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stay on channel (6)","output":"### Answer: REMAIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Stay\n\n**RE **(\"on\") + **MAIN **(\"channel\", or body of water)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Flop like a fluid cat? (7)","output":"### Answer: FLOUNCE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Flop\n\n**Fl.** (fluid) + **OUNCE **(snow leopard, so \"cat\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Worst or best of excellent scoff (6)","output":"### Answer: DEFEAT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Worst or best\n\n**DEF **(\"excellent\") + **EAT **(\"scoff\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Peculiar turn of phrase from top plod in Isle of Man (5)","output":"### Answer: IDIOM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Peculiar turn of phrase\n\n**DI** (detective inspector, so \"top plod\") *in* **IOM **(Isle of Man)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sadly returned envelope of ready money (6)","output":"### Answer: SALARY \n ### Explanation: Definition: money\n**<=ALAS** (\"sadly\", *returned*) + [*envelope of*] **R**(ead)**Y"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Set up farm around central Sweden (6)","output":"### Answer: FRAMED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Set up\n***(farm)** [anag:*around*] + [*central*] (sw)**ED**(en)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ridiculously negligent path \u2014 UK's going for it (6,3,6)","output":"### Answer: TAKING THE PLUNGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: going for it\n***(negligent path uk)** [anag:*ridiculously*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: 'Double entendre', says French expert (6)","output":"### Answer: PUNDIT \n ### Explanation: Definition: expert\n**PUN** (\"double entendre\") + **DIT** (\"says\" in \"French\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Helping to bring in the Spanish alliance (8)","output":"### Answer: RELATION \n ### Explanation: Definition: alliance\n**RATION **(\"helping\") *to bring in* **EL **(\"the\" in \"Spanish\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bloke and dog finally wander in vegetation (8)","output":"### Answer: MANGROVE \n ### Explanation: Definition: vegetation\n**MAN **+ (do)**G** [*finally*] + **ROVE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Crack fish in river (6)","output":"### Answer: DECODE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Crack \n**COD **(\"fish\")* in* (River)** DEE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A shipmaster, when not at sea, ordered seafood (6)","output":"### Answer: SHRIMP \n ### Explanation: Definition: seafood \n***(shipmr)** [anag:*ordered*] where SHIPMR is (a) SHIPM(aste)R without the letters of AT SEA"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Where God arranged protection for wildlife (8)","output":"### Answer: HEDGEROW \n ### Explanation: Definition: protection for wildlife\n***(where god)** [anag:*arranged*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Drink and entree prepared and consumed by gran regularly (5,3)","output":"### Answer: GREEN TEA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Drink\n***(entree)** [anag:*prepared*] *comsumed by ***G**(r)**A**(n) [*regularly*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Heartbreaker Tom assumes right to be good looking (6)","output":"### Answer: PRETTY \n ### Explanation: Definition: good looking\n(Tom) **PETTY **(of Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers) *assumes ***R** (right)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tim's in here after stuffed tomatoes? Not now! (2,4,5,4)","output":"### Answer: AT SOME OTHER TIME \n ### Explanation: Definition: Not now!\n**TIM** *in* **HERE ***after ****(tomatoes)** [anag:*stuffed*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: 11s in prison, almost getting hard (6)","output":"### Answer: CAKING \n ### Explanation: Definition: getting hard\n**KIN **(\"relation\" (the answer to 11 across)) *in* **CAG**(e) (\"prison\", *almost*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Regarding French city trust (4,2)","output":"### Answer: RELY ON \n ### Explanation: Definition: trust\n**RE** (\"regarding\") + **LYON** (\"French city\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: St Paul converted with a blunt instrument (7)","output":"### Answer: SPATULA \n ### Explanation: Definition: blunt instrument\n***(st paul)** [anag:*converted*] *with ***A"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One is welcomed by fat landowner (5)","output":"### Answer: LAIRD \n ### Explanation: Definition: landowner\n**I** (one)* is welcomed by* **LARD **(\"fate)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Thigh or bum okay (5-2)","output":"### Answer: RIGHT-HO \n ### Explanation: Definition: okay\n***(thigh or)** [anag:*bum*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cross about political party leaders getting ruffled (7)","output":"### Answer: RIPPLED \n ### Explanation: Definition: ruffled\n**RILED **(\"cross\") *about ***P**(olitical) **P**(arty) [*leaders*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fancy costume with hat briefly worn in November? (9)","output":"### Answer: MOUSTACHE \n ### Explanation: Definition: worn in November?\n***(costume ha)** [anag:*fancy*] where HA is HA(t) [*briefly*] \n*Men are encouraged to be sponsored to grow a moustache in November as part of the Movember campaign which raises money to help men's health issues."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Chow chow chow (3,4)","output":"### Answer: DOG FOOD \n ### Explanation: Definition: chow\nDOG (\"chow\") + FOOD (\"chow\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Changed gear after clutch casing damage (6)","output":"### Answer: CHARGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: damage\n***(gear)** [anag:*changed*] *after ***C**(lutc)**H"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Travel companion shows reserve following girl in uniform (9)","output":"### Answer: GUIDEBOOK \n ### Explanation: Definition: Travel companion\n**BOOK **(\"reserve\") *following ***GUIDE **(\"girl in uniform\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One doesn't believe the woman rejected quote (7)","output":"### Answer: HERETIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: One doesn't believe\n**HER **(\"the woman\") + [*rejected*] **CITE **(\"quote\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Style talk on 3rd of June (7)","output":"### Answer: PATTERN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Style \n**PATTER **(\"talk\") *on *[*3rd of*] (ju)**N**(e)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ambassador, cultured and exuberant (6)","output":"### Answer: HEARTY \n ### Explanation: Definition: exuberant\n**HE** (His or Her Excellency) (\"ambassador\") + **ARTY **(\"cultured\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Reduce with diet pill oddly taken every Tuesday evening to begin with (7)","output":"### Answer: DEPLETE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Reduce\n**D**(i)**E**(t)**P**(i)**L**(l) [*oddly*] *taken with* **E**(very) **T**(uesday) **E**(vening) [*to begin with*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Seat of empire (7)","output":"### Answer: OTTOMAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Seat\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tip off guard to obtain access (5)","output":"### Answer: ENTRY \n ### Explanation: Definition: access \n[*tip off*] (s)**ENTRY **(\"guard\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Flipping liar! Yoko beginning to mime single track (8)","output":"### Answer: MONORAIL \n ### Explanation: Definition: single track\n[*flipping*] <=(**RAIL **+ (Yoko) **ONO **+ [*beginning to*] **M**(ime))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cecil longing to leave horrible Shoreditch (6)","output":"### Answer: RHODES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Cecil\nITCH (\"longing\") to leave ***(SHORED)**(itch), leaves anagram fodder for RHODES [anag:*horrible*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: System of Imperial succession? (6)","output":"### Answer: METRIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: System of Imperial succession?\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Magazine's second row security system (4,4)","output":"### Answer: TIME LOCK \n ### Explanation: Definition: security system\n**TIME **(\"magazine\") + **LOCK **(\"second row\", in rugby union)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Say Bush Jr attacked Spain; how slimy is that? (3,5)","output":"### Answer: EGG WHITE \n ### Explanation: Definition: how slimy is that\n**e.g.** (\"say\") + **G.W.** (Bush Jr) + **HIT **(\"attacked\") + **E** (IVR code for \"Spain\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Human Resources arrive outside to put a shine on things (6)","output":"### Answer: CHROME \n ### Explanation: Definition: to put a shine on things\n**HR** (Human Relations) with **COME **\"(arrive\") *outside"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dishonesty, fraud, corruption . . . they are our business leaders! (5,2,8)","output":"### Answer: HEADS OF INDUSTRY \n ### Explanation: Definition: they are \n***(dishonesty fraud)** [anag:*corruption*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Future Emperor trades Scotsman for English series of notes (6)","output":"### Answer: OCTAVE \n ### Explanation: Definition: series of notes\n**OCTAV**(ian>**E**) (\"future Emperor\") trades IAN (\"Scotsman\") for E (English) \n*Octavian = future Emperor, because he changed his name to Augustus before becoming Emperor."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Provoke split and lose one's bearings (2,6)","output":"### Answer: GO ADRIFT \n ### Explanation: Definition: lose one's bearings\n**GOAD **(\"provoke\") + **RIFT **(\"split\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: American partner 1d forgave (8)","output":"### Answer: PARDONED \n ### Explanation: Definition: forgave\n**PARD **(\"American\" word for \"partner\") + **ONE **(1) + **D"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Diamond cut accessory for alpinist (3,3)","output":"### Answer: ICE AXE \n ### Explanation: Definition: accessory for alpinist\n**ICE **(\"diamond\") + **AXE **(\"cut\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Spurn developing region (6)","output":"### Answer: IGNORE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Spurn \n***(region)** [anag:*developing*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unconscious, tied up (only one leg) (8)","output":"### Answer: OUTBOUND \n ### Explanation: Definition: only one leg\n**OUT **(\"unconscious\") + **BOUND **(\"tied up\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Counterfeit swap involving alternative currency transaction (7,8)","output":"### Answer: FOREIGN EXCHANGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: currency transaction\n**FEIGN **(\"counterfeit\") + **EXCHANGE **(\"swap\") *involving ***OR **(\"alternative\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: \"Libor row\" editorial feature came from outside source (8)","output":"### Answer: BORROWED \n ### Explanation: Definition: came from outside source\nHidden in [*feature* (of)] \"li**BOR ROW ED**itorial\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Spooner's leafy herbal beverage is a Chinese art form (3,3)","output":"### Answer: TAI CHI \n ### Explanation: Definition: a \n**CHAI TEA** (\"leafy beverage\") may have been pronounced \"tai chi\" by Spooner."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Merry band turning up to identify one muppet (10,5)","output":"### Answer: BLITHERING IDIOT \n ### Explanation: Definition: muppet \n**BLITHE **(\"merry\") + **RING **(\"band\") + **<= (TO ID** (\"identify\") + **I** (\"one\")) [*turning up*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: I'm aboard; Grace Darling initially pulled a face (8)","output":"### Answer: GRIMACED \n ### Explanation: Definition: pulled a face\n**I'M** *aboard ***GRACE **+ **D**(arling) [*initially*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: European Libor manipulation? Cry foul! (6)","output":"### Answer: BOILER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Cry foul\n***(e libor)** [anag:*manipulation*] where E is E(uropean) \nDifficult to highlight exactly what the definition is, as it is a homophone of FOWL, as indicated by [cry] FOUL, a \"boiler\" being a fowl only good enough to be used as stock."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Judges note malpractice; its credibility is shot on the 1s (9,6)","output":"### Answer: BENCHMARK FIXING \n ### Explanation: Definition: its credibility is shot on the 1s\n**BENCH **(\"judges\") + **MARK **(\"note\") + **FIXING **(\"malpractice\") \n*Benchmark fixing is a term relating to foreign exchanges and potential manipulation that can be carried out in a one-minute window every day, but that's as far as my understanding of it goes."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Deacon Blue gutted, sick to be bottom of the charts (5,3)","output":"### Answer: OCEAN BED \n ### Explanation: Definition: bottom of the charts\n***(deacon be)** [anag:*sick*] where BE is B(lu)E [*gutted*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Very sour, miserable building inspector (8)","output":"### Answer: SURVEYOR \n ### Explanation: Definition: building inspector\n***(very sour)** [anag:*miserable*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: An Arabic vessel? I'll say! (3,3)","output":"### Answer: AND HOW \n ### Explanation: Definition: I'll say!\n**AN **+ **DHOW **(\"Arabic vessel\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Noble Onassis dubiously let off (6)","output":"### Answer: ARISTO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Noble\n**ARISTO**(tle) (Onassis) with *(let) [anag:*dubiously*] *off"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Islander's rum and raisin (9)","output":"### Answer: SARDINIAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Islander\n***(and raisin)** [anag:*rum*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Not a single person went topless after inhaling unknown gas (5)","output":"### Answer: OZONE \n ### Explanation: Definition: gas\n(n)**O-ONE** (\"not a single person\", topless) inhaling Z (\"unknown\" in formulae) \n*\"topless\" would be a better indicator in a down clue, in my opinion,"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: I see bird over shipping hazard (7)","output":"### Answer: ICEBERG \n ### Explanation: Definition: shipping hazard \n**I **+ **C** (homophone of \"see\") + **<=GREBE** (\"bird\", *over*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: 100 came, 5 went and passed (7)","output":"### Answer: CARRIED \n ### Explanation: Definition: passed\n**C** (100) + **ARRI**(v)**ED** (\"came\" with V (five) away [*went*])"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Suspicious criminal activity near White House ends in trouble (5)","output":"### Answer: LEERY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Suspicious\n***(lyree) **[anag:*in troubl*e] where LYREE is the last letters [*ends*] of crimina(L) (activit(Y) nea(R) whit(E) hous(E)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Interdependent mob \u2014 is city rioting? (9)","output":"### Answer: SYMBIOTIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: Interdependent\n***(mob is city)** [anag:*rioting*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Familiar from birth with line from Hamlet (2,3,6,4)","output":"### Answer: TO THE MANNER BORN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Familiar from birth wi\nDouble definition. \n*\"to the manner born\" is actually PART of a line from *Hamlet*. (\"And to the manner born \u2013 it is a custom\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Brave person swims about outside with small figures (9)","output":"### Answer: SPHEROIDS \n ### Explanation: Definition: figures\n**HERO** (\"brave person\") with **<=DIP**S (\"swims\", *around*)* outside with* **S** (small) (see my comment for 21 across)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Biblical town's beer comes in two sizes (5)","output":"### Answer: SALEM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Biblical town\nALE (\"beer\") comes in S (small) and M (medium). \n*Incredibly, as they are widely used abbreviations, neither small or medium are listed under S and M in Chambers, so some editors would reject this clue."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Managing to turn pub into bar (7)","output":"### Answer: RUNNING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Managing\n[*to turn*]** <=INN** (\"pub\") *into ***RUNG **(\"bar\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Distinguished knight's armour? (7)","output":"### Answer: SHINING \n ### Explanation: Definition: D\nDouble definition, the second referring to \"knight in shining armour\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: First bit from jazz musician to go far (5)","output":"### Answer: MILES \n ### Explanation: Definition: First bit from jazz musician\nDouble definition, the first referring to **MILES **Davis, the jazz trumpeter, however the second bit is not well clued, as \"to go far\" indicates a verb, and \"miles\" is a noun."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: American author takes in quiet marginal note (9)","output":"### Answer: APOSTILLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: marginal note\n**A** (American) + (Edgar Allan) **POE **(\"author\")* takes in* **STILL **(\"quiet\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Black singer's uplifting set follows big swings (10)","output":"### Answer: OSCILLATES \n ### Explanation: Definition: swings\n**CILLA** (\"Black\", a \"singer\") + [*uplifting*] **<=SET** *follows ***OS** (outsize, so \"big\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Endless energy produced on New York time is most eco-friendly (8)","output":"### Answer: GREENEST \n ### Explanation: Definition: most eco-friendly\n***(energ)** [anag:produced] where ENERG is [*endless*] ENERG(y) + **EST **(Eastern Standard Time, i.e. \"New York time\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Yes, I'm unhappy to take in a bit of recreation (6)","output":"### Answer: MISERY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Yes, I'm unhappy to take in a bit of recreation\n***(yes im) **[anag:*unhappy*] *to take in* [*a bit of*] **R**(ecreation)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ruler, to some extent, back in geometry (4)","output":"### Answer: KING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Ruler\nHidden in [*to some extent*] \"bac**K IN G**eometry\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Can men test out performances? (10)","output":"### Answer: ENACTMENTS \n ### Explanation: Definition: performances\n***(can men test) **[anag:*out*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: About the Guardian's row with royal attendant (8)","output":"### Answer: COURTIER \n ### Explanation: Definition: royal attendant\n**C** (circa, so \"about\") + **OUR **(\"Guardian's\") + **TIER **(\"row\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Red squirrels often viewed in England's tree tops (6)","output":"### Answer: SOVIET \n ### Explanation: Definition: Red\n**S**(quirrels) **O**(ften) **V**(iewed) **I**(n) **E**(ngland's) **T**(ree) [*tops*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Very large cups hold endless French water (4)","output":"### Answer: DEAD \n ### Explanation: Definition: Very\n**DD** (\"large cups\" \u2013 think lingerie) *holds* [*endless*] **EA**(u) (\"French\" for \"water\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Spooner's turning instrument into closing material (7,3)","output":"### Answer: SEALINGWAX \n ### Explanation: Definition: closing material\nSpooner, in attempting to say SEALING WAX, may have said **WHEELING SAX** (\"turning\" + \"instrument\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One viewing big screen icon excited to keep up sport with Queen (10)","output":"### Answer: CINEMAGOER \n ### Explanation: Definition: One viewing big screen\n***(icon)** [anag:*excited*] *to keep* **<=GAME** (\"sport\", up) *with ***ER **(Elizabeth Regina, so \"queen\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Even repair inventions on time, most in advance (8)","output":"### Answer: EARLIEST \n ### Explanation: Definition: most in advance\n[*even *(letters of)] (r)**E**(p)**A**(i)**R **+ **LIES **(\"inventions\") *on ***T **(time)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Oi! Michael Caine character gave up acting then left director's boring location (8)","output":"### Answer: OILFIELD \n ### Explanation: Definition: boring location\n**OI** + (a)**LFIE** (\"Michael Caine's character\" in a 1966 film, giving up A (acting)) *then ***L** (left) + **D** (director)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Name of composer's recital (6)","output":"### Answer: HANDLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Name\nHomophone [indicated by \"recital\"] of **HANDEL **(\"composer\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Changes dresses (6)","output":"### Answer: SHIFTS \n ### Explanation: Definition: C\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Told to wander about capital (4)","output":"### Answer: ROME \n ### Explanation: Definition: capital\nHomophone [*told*] of** ROAM** (\"to wander about\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: It's a deadly sin with husband leaving Gap (4)","output":"### Answer: SLOT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Gap\n**SLOT**(h) (\"it's a deadly sin\" *with *H (husband) *leaving*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pipe down building placed in position (4,2)","output":"### Answer: SHUT IT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Pipe down\n\n**HUT **(\"building\") *placed in* **SIT **(\"position\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Report of girl deceived by a snake (8)","output":"### Answer: ANACONDA \n ### Explanation: Definition: snake\n\nHomophone [*report*] of (**ANNA **(\"girl\") + **CONNED **(\"deceived\")) *by ***A"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rank ratings given by old music-maker (8)","output":"### Answer: ABSOLUTE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Rank \n\n**ABs** (able-bodied (seamen) , so \"ratings\") *given by* **O **(old) + **LUTE **(\"music-maker\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Duck p\u00e2t\u00e9 ingredient for celebrity chef (6)","output":"### Answer: OLIVER \n ### Explanation: Definition: celebrity chef \n\n**O** (\"duck\" in cricket) + **LIVER **(\"pate ingredient\")\n \n*Jamie Oliver (aka The Naked Chef) is a celebrity chef."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Drop round to grab length in material (6)","output":"### Answer: POPLIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: material\n\n**POP IN** (\"call round\")* to grab* **L** (length)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One pulls out the stops roasting nuts (8)","output":"### Answer: ORGANIST \n ### Explanation: Definition: One pulls out the stops\n\n***(roasting)** [anag:*nuts*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Deal involving organ transplant? (4-8)","output":"### Answer: PART-EXCHANGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Deal\n\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dishonestly take position as head waiter? (4,3,5)","output":"### Answer: JUMP THE QUEUE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Dishonestly take position as head waiter?\n\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dish with wheat base is no meal for cooking (8)","output":"### Answer: SEMOLINA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Dish with wheat base\n\n***(is no meal)** [anag:*for cooking*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Work that caddie, nearby wheeling bags (6)","output":"### Answer: AENEID \n ### Explanation: Definition: Work\n\nHidden backwards [*wheeling bags*] in \"cad**DIE NEA**rly\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Champion boxer possibly? (3,3)","output":"### Answer: TOP DOG \n ### Explanation: Definition: Champion boxer possibly?\n\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Muddle keeps right one in complex romantic situation (8)","output":"### Answer: TRIANGLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: complex romantic situation\n\n**TANGLE** (\"muddle\") *keeps ***R **(right) +** I** (one) *in"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Good coin and currency reduced in splendour (8)","output":"### Answer: GRANDEUR \n ### Explanation: Definition: splendour\n\n**G** (good) + **RAND **(\"coin\") + **EUR**(o) (\"currency\", *reduced*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Certain prayers are unfinished in optimistic environment (6)","output":"### Answer: ROSARY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Certain prayers\n\n**AR**(e) [*unfinished*] *in ***ROSY **(\"optimistic\") *environment"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Associate with tramp holding new book (6)","output":"### Answer: HOBNOB \n ### Explanation: Definition: Associate with\n\n**HOBO** (\"tramp\") *holding ***N **(new) + **B** (book)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Farewell horrendous lepidoptera \u2014 none seen for ages? (6-3)","output":"### Answer: TOODLE-PIP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Farewell\n\n***(lepidopto)** [anag:*horrendous*] where the final O has replaced ERA in \"lepidoptera\" (O (\"none\") *seen for* ERA (\"ages\"))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Having strayed, turn to her for direction (4,5)","output":"### Answer: TRUE NORTH \n ### Explanation: Definition: direction\n\n***(turn to her) **[anag:*having strayed*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dreaded meow as feline finally moves (7)","output":"### Answer: AWESOME \n ### Explanation: Definition: Dreaded\n\n***(meow as e) **[anag:*moves*] where E is (felin)E [*finally*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Silver inscribed with second name between (5)","output":"### Answer: AMONG \n ### Explanation: Definition: between\n\n**Ag** (abbreviation for \"silver\")* inscribed with* **MO **(\"second\") + **N** (name)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One between legs \u2014 potential cause of tears? (5)","output":"### Answer: ONION \n ### Explanation: Definition: potential cause of tears? \n\n**I** (one) *between ***ON** + **ON** (\"legs\": in cricket the \"on side\" is also known as the \"leg side\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Groom on time as horse moves (8)","output":"### Answer: DRESSAGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: horse moves\n\n**DRESS **(\"groom\") *on ***AGE **(\"time\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Timber lifting in Noah's Ark (3)","output":"### Answer: ASH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Timber\n\nHidden backwards [*lifting in*] \"noa**HS A**rk\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sound cut in shout to encourage knight (9)","output":"### Answer: CHEVALIER \n ### Explanation: Definition: knight\n\n**VALI**(d) (\"sound\", *cut short*) *in* **CHEER **(\"shout to encourage\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Write number appearing within a small range (9)","output":"### Answer: APENNINES \n ### Explanation: Definition: range\n\n**PEN** (\"write\") + **NINE **(number) *appearing within* **A** + **S** (small)\n \nS for \"small\" doesn't appear in Chambers, but is in Collins."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Aussie opening pair, having turned, run one extra bye (2,6)","output":"### Answer: AU REVOIR \n ### Explanation: Definition: bye\n\n**AU**(ssie) [*opening pair*] *having *[*turned*]** (<=R** (run) +** I** (one) + **OVER **(\"extra\")**)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Call for Terence (3)","output":"### Answer: TEL \n ### Explanation: Definition: T\n\nTEL is short for Terence, but I'm not sure about the \"call for\" but of the clue. TEL. is short for telephone, but as a noun rather than as a verb, so I don't think \"telephone\" and \"call\" are synonymous here."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: This could contribute to change in US district (7)","output":"### Answer: QUARTER \n ### Explanation: Definition: This could contribute to change in US\n\nDouble definition, the first relating to an American coin."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Simple farmer one used to steer (6)","output":"### Answer: TILLER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Simple farmer\n\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Perhaps return to university and study Nash? (5)","output":"### Answer: OGDEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Nash?\n\n**<=GO** (\"return to university, perhaps\" = GO *up*) + **DEN **(\"study\")\n \n*Solution refers to Ogden Nash, a 20th century American poet."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One must extinguish second fire in room (5)","output":"### Answer: INGLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: fire in room\n\n(s)**INGLE **(\"one\" with S (second) *extinguished*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Striker errs with aim, playing as left-winger? (3,4,7)","output":"### Answer: SIR KEIR STARMER \n ### Explanation: Definition: left-winger?\n\n***(striker errs aim)** [anag:*playing*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Vote backing a dominant African (5)","output":"### Answer: XHOSA \n ### Explanation: Definition: African\n\n**X** (\"vote\") [backing] **A SOH** (\"dominant\" note)\n \n*The Xhosa are an ethnic group in South Africa."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Issue, with great caution, a collection of numbers (8)","output":"### Answer: SONGBOOK \n ### Explanation: Definition: a collection of numbers\n\n**SON **(\"issue\") *with ***G** (great) + **BOOK **(\"caution\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Prunella perhaps after entering awful place (4-3)","output":"### Answer: HEAL-ALL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Prunella perhaps\n\n**A LA **(in the same way as, so \"after\" ) *entering ***HELL **(\"awful place\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Voiced private resentment (7)","output":"### Answer: RANCOUR \n ### Explanation: Definition: resentment\n\nHomophone [*voiced*] of **RANKER **(\"private\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Venerable Asian teacher returned greeting (5)","output":"### Answer: RISHI \n ### Explanation: Definition: Venerable Asian\n\n**<=SIR** (\"teacher\" *returned*) +** HI** (\"greeting\")\n \n*A rishi is a Hindu saint."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Trick Democrat ousted by Republican Party (9)","output":"### Answer: RECEPTION \n ### Explanation: Definition: Party\n\n(d>**R**)**ECEPTION **(\"trick\" with D (Democtrat)* ousted by* R (Republican))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sad quality of cad squeezing round part of Lorraine (9)","output":"### Answer: POIGNANCY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Sad quality\n\n**PIG** (\"cad\") *squeezing*\"** O** (\"round\") + **NANCY **(\"part of Lorraine\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A little shaken at almost touching the buttocks (5)","output":"### Answer: NATAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: t\n\nHidden in [*a little*] \"shake**N AT AL**most\"\n \n\"Touching\" here is used in the sense of \"referring to\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Slight Shylock, following his lead (7)","output":"### Answer: SLENDER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Slight\n\n**LENDER** (\"Shylock\", in *The Merchant of Venice*) *following* **S**(hylock) [*his lead*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cummings primarily a toxic element, not primarily a brainbox (7)","output":"### Answer: CRANIUM \n ### Explanation: Definition: brainbox\n\n**C**(ummings) [*primarily*] + (u)**RANIUM **(\"toxic element\", *not primarily*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Maintaining speed, a van in York street is purple (8)","output":"### Answer: AMETHYST \n ### Explanation: Definition: purple\n\n**METH** (\"speed\") *maintained by* **A** + [*van in*, i.e. front of] **Y**(ork) + **St.** (street)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Support theatre work's revolving stages (5)","output":"### Answer: PODIA \n ### Explanation: Definition: stages\n\n**<=(AID** (\"support\") +** OP** (operation, so (operating) \"theatre work\")**)** [*revolving*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Perhaps spending a penny, old penny's put out (14)","output":"### Answer: INCONVENIENCED \n ### Explanation: Definition: put out\n\n**IN CONVENIENCE** (\"perhaps spending a penny\") + **D** (\"old penny\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Perhaps this expert's a guide to improved relations (3,9)","output":"### Answer: SEX THERAPIST \n ### Explanation: Definition: guide to improved relations\n\n***(this experts a)** [anag:*perhaps*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Artisan periodically bottles one drink or another (5)","output":"### Answer: RIOJA \n ### Explanation: Definition: another \n\n(a)**R**(t)**I**(s)**A**(n) [*periodically*] *bottles ***OJ** (orange juice, \"one drink\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Call up process to cut carbon emission (9)","output":"### Answer: EMANATION \n ### Explanation: Definition: emission\n\n**<=NAME** (\"call\" up) +** A**(c)**TION** (\"process\" with C (carbon) *cut*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dodgy stocktaker, one noisily thumbing through papers? (7)","output":"### Answer: RUSTLER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Dodgy stocktaker\n\nDouble definition, the first cryptic."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Like some mysticism spread in tract (7)","output":"### Answer: TANTRIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: Like some mysticism\n\n***(in tract)** [anag:*spread*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Chirpy sort almost putting on ceremonial dress (5)","output":"### Answer: ROBIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Chirpy sort\n\n[*almost*] **ROBIN**(g) (\"putting on ceremonial dress\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Green train is not heading for Milton Keynes? (9)","output":"### Answer: ECONOMIST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Keynes?\n\n**ECO** (\"green\") +** *(is not m)** [anag:*train*] where M is [*heading for*] M(ilton)\n \n*Refers to John Maynard Keynes (1883-1946)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Entering straight road, hit a coach in London (5,7)","output":"### Answer: FRANKLAMPARD \n ### Explanation: Definition: coach in London\n\n**LAMP** (\"hit\") +** A** *entering ***FRANK **(\"straight\") +** Rd.** (road)\n \n*Frank Lampard is the current coach of Chelsea FC."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Comic character pulled up shorts, covering skin (9)","output":"### Answer: SPIDERMAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Comic character\n\n[*pulled up*] **<=NIPS** (\"shorts\") *covering ***DERMA **(\"skin\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Long drink contains very soft fruit (9)","output":"### Answer: PINEAPPLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: fruit\n\n**PINE** (\"long\") + **ALE** (\"drink\") *contains ***PP **(pianissimo, so \"very soft\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stand up and look at very good dancer (7)","output":"### Answer: NUREYEV \n ### Explanation: Definition: good dancer\n\n**<=RUN** (\"stand\" (as in in an election), up) *and ***EYE **(\"look at\") + **V** (very)\n \n*I think most people would say that Nureyev was better than \"good\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The Chinese ready to eat domestic animal somewhere in Mexico (7)","output":"### Answer: YUCATAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: somewhere in Mexico\n\n**YUAN** (\"Chinese ready\" i.e. currency) *to eat* **CAT **(\"domestic animal\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One on soft drinks during party gets the same again (5)","output":"### Answer: DITTO \n ### Explanation: Definition: the same again\n\n**I **(one) +** TT** (teetotal, so \"on soft drinks\") *during* **DO **(\"party\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Perhaps like Bengali's reduced charge (5)","output":"### Answer: INDIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: Perhaps like Bengali\n\n[*reduced*] **INDIC**(t) (\"charge\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Remarkable old film director is making a comeback (6)","output":"### Answer: SIGNAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Remarkable\n**<= (**(Fritz) **LANG** (\"old film director\") + **IS) **[*making a comeback*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A cry for help brings in top firefighter (8)","output":"### Answer: ASBESTOS \n ### Explanation: Definition: firefighter \n**A** + **SOS **(\"cry for help\")* brings in* **BEST **(\"top\") \n*The definition is not entirely accurate here, in my opinion, as fighting implies activity, whereas asbestos is passive."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Chilly compartment of larynx, not very old (6)","output":"### Answer: ICEBOX \n ### Explanation: Definition: Chilly compartment\n(vo)**ICEBOX **(\"larynx\", *not *V (very) + O (old))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ill-advised US enemy left abandoned (8)","output":"### Answer: UNSEEMLY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Ill-advised\n***(us enemy l) **[anag:*abandoned*] where L is left"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Coroner's document? Sure thing (4,4)","output":"### Answer: DEAD CERT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Sure thing\nA death certificate could be described as a **DEAD CERT."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rudimentary state annihilated by Rome (6)","output":"### Answer: EMBRYO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Rudimentary state\n***(by rome) **[anag:*annihilated*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Reach a good deal, ignoring bar (4)","output":"### Answer: GAIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Reach \n(bar)**GAIN **(\"a good deal\", *ignoring *BAR)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Writer's got rake fixed outside, not far off (4,2,4)","output":"### Answer: GIVE OR TAKE \n ### Explanation: Definition: not far off\n**I'VE** (\"writer's\") with ***(got rake)** [anag:*fixed*] *outside"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Clue that leads to me, 16, . . . . (4,2,4)","output":"### Answer: MORE OR LESS \n ### Explanation: Definition: 16\nThe solution to 16ac is MORE OR LESS and the result of taking OR from **M**(or)**E** is ME so the \"clue leads to ME\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: . . . . as well as small cross (4)","output":"### Answer: PLUS \n ### Explanation: Definition: as well as\nThe sign for AND (\"as well as\") is a \"small cross\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Big shot Young Conservative fills town up north (6)","output":"### Answer: TYCOON \n ### Explanation: Definition: Big shot\n**Y** (young) + **C** (Conservative) *fills ***TOON **(\"town\" in Scotland or the North East, so \"up north\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Who in Paris has toxic mix of the ideal and the chivalrous? (8)","output":"### Answer: QUIXOTIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: of the ideal and the chivalrous?\n**QUI **(\"who\" in French, so \"in Paris\") *has ****(toxic)** [anag:*mix*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Flyer follows boat to take off (8)","output":"### Answer: SUBTRACT \n ### Explanation: Definition: to take off \n**TRACT** (\"flyer\" as in piece of paper) *follows ***SUB **(\"boat\") \n*At first, I thought \"boat\" was a bit weak and thought \"ship\" may have been a bit better, but subs are also known as U-boats, so it's probably fine."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Notice woman's beginning to employ stick (6)","output":"### Answer: ADHERE \n ### Explanation: Definition: stick\n**AD** (\"notice\") + **HER **(\"woman's\") + [*beginning to*] **E**(mploy)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Men with guns go after alien group of badgers and the like (8)","output":"### Answer: ETCETERA \n ### Explanation: Definition: and the like\n**RA** (Royal Artillery, so \"men with guns\") *go after* **ET **(extra-terrestrial, so \"alien\") + CETE (\"group of badgers\") \n*The enumeration should have been (2,6), as ET CETERA is two words."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fly back east twice, having mislaid articles (6)","output":"### Answer: TSETSE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fly \n**<=E**(a)**ST** + E(a)**ST** [*back twice*], *having mislaid* As (\"articles\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Jolly poke in the nether regions? (7)","output":"### Answer: SHINDIG \n ### Explanation: Definition: Jolly\nA** DIG** in the **SHIN**s could be described as \"a poke in the nether regions."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Angry gardener catches one loaded with pineapples once (9)","output":"### Answer: GRENADIER \n ### Explanation: Definition: loaded with pineapples once\n***(gardener) **[anag;*angry*] catches I (one). \n*A grenadier used to carry grenades (aka pineapples)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: 14 is wearing make up right now (2,4)","output":"### Answer: AT ONCE \n ### Explanation: Definition: right now\n**C** (Celsius, see the answer to \"14\"dn) *wearing ***ATONE** (\"make up\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Scuttle stays in kitchen, hidden (4)","output":"### Answer: SINK \n ### Explanation: Definition: Scuttle\n[*hidden*] in \"stay**S IN K**itchen\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Second person runs further always (8)","output":"### Answer: EVERMORE \n ### Explanation: Definition: always\n**EVE **(\"second person\", after Adam) + **R** (runs, in cricket) + **MORE **(\"further\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Perhaps watch sphere rising (5)","output":"### Answer: TIMER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Perhaps watch\n**<=REMIT** (\"sphere\", *rising*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: She works with Poly making viewing device (7)","output":"### Answer: SPYHOLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: viewing device\n***(she poly)** [anag:*works*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Barking Liberal, he raised points in paper (7)","output":"### Answer: BRAILLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: he raised points in paper \n***(liberal)** [anag:*barking*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Inventor of scale also adapted sluices (7)","output":"### Answer: CELSIUS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Inventor of scale\n***(sluices)** [anag:*adapted*] \n*The \"also\" in the clue is superfluous and not required for wordplay or surface."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A tax is raised, designed to exclude a place with beds (9)","output":"### Answer: ALLOTMENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: place with beds\n**A <=TOLL** (\"tax\") [*is raised*] + **ME**(a)**NT **(\"designed\" *to exclude* A)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dictator broadcasts to Macron (8)","output":"### Answer: MONOCRAT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Dictator\n***(to macron)** [anag:*broadcasts*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Artist makes a mess with it (7)","output":"### Answer: MATISSE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Artist\n***(a mess it)** [anag:*makes*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rider's heading off in south-east for salmon (7)","output":"### Answer: SOCKEYE \n ### Explanation: Definition: salmon\n(j)**OCKEY** [*heading off*] *in ***SE **(south-east)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Book flight (6)","output":"### Answer: EXODUS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Book\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Form of sugar youngster is chewing initially (5)","output":"### Answer: CUBIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: Form of sugar\n**CUB **(\"youngster\") + **I**(s) **C**(hewing) [initially]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Such airs oddly make a mark (4)","output":"### Answer: SCAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: make a mark\n**S**(u)**C**(h) **A**(i)**R**(s) [*oddly*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Poacher: filches cockles with bark? (11)","output":"### Answer: BLACKFISHER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Poacher\n***(filches bark)** [anag:*cockles*] \n*Don't think I've ever come across cockles as an anagrind."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mast beam airily wobbling I removed, unhappy about it (8)","output":"### Answer: SAILYARD \n ### Explanation: Definition: Mast beam\n***(airly)** [anag:*wobbling*] with **SAD **(\"unhappy\") *about it*, where AIRLY is AIR(i)LY with I *removed"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What's walker, tired, recalled? Some of it anyway (4)","output":"### Answer: TREK \n ### Explanation: Definition: What's walker, tired, recalled?\nHIdden backwards [*some of it, recalled*] in \"wal**KER T**ired\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Young child left in care of stranger after court's conclusion (7)","output":"### Answer: TODDLER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Young child\n**L** (left)* in care of* **ODDER **(\"stranger\") *after *(cour)**T** [*'s conclusion*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rabbit filmed I put back in heart of burrow (5)","output":"### Answer: ROGER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Rabbit filmed\n**<=EGO** (\"I\" *put back*) *in *[*heart of*] (bu)**RR**(ow) \n*The Roger referred to is the eponymous animal of the movie, *Who Framed Roger Rabbit?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Love retracing instant in past poetically (5)","output":"### Answer: ROMEO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Love\n[*retracing*] **<=(MO** (\"instant\") *in* **O'ER **(\"past, poetically)**)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ascetic, ailing one in ragged strip (9)","output":"### Answer: PILLARIST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Ascetic\n**ILL** (\"ailing\") + **A** (\"one\") *in ****(strip)** [anag:*ragged*] \n*A pillarist was an ascetic who lived on top of a pillar."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ancient tower in a short time caught by cannon from the rear (6)","output":"### Answer: NURHAG \n ### Explanation: Definition: Ancient tower\n**<=(A HR** (hour, so \"short time\") *caught by* **GUN **(\"cannon\") [*from the rear*] \n*A nurhag (aka nuraghe) was a Bronze Age round tower, especially in Sardinia."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Woman with great adoration for vintage roller (4)","output":"### Answer: WAWE \n ### Explanation: Definition: vintage roller\n**W** (woman) *with *AWE (\"great adoration\") \n*Wawe is an archaic form of wave* (hence \"ancient roller\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lizard shedding tail, object of mockery up north (4)","output":"### Answer: GECK \n ### Explanation: Definition: object of mockery up north\n**GECK**(o) (\"lizard\", *shedding tail*) \n*In Scotland and Northern English dialect, a geck is a dupe."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Small marsupial heading for mound in river (6)","output":"### Answer: TAMMAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Small marsupial\n[*heading for*] **M**(ound)* in *(River) **TAMAR** \n*A tammar is a small wallaby."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Husband, year on his own with mum's sponge (9)","output":"### Answer: HYALONEMA \n ### Explanation: Definition: sponge\n**H **(husband) + **Y** (year) + **ALONE** (\"on his own\") *with ***MA **(\"mum) \n*Hyalonema is also known as the \"glass-rope sponge\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Decide against declaring in blackjack? (5)","output":"### Answer: BATON \n ### Explanation: Definition: blackjack\nWhile playing cricket, if you **BAT ON**, you are deciding not to declare."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Our ball needs blowing up, round and segmented (7)","output":"### Answer: LOBULAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: round and segmented\n***(our ball)** [anag:*blowing up*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: With troops in lines traditionally, representing command a Tory ignored (4)","output":"### Answer: MAND \n ### Explanation: Definition: With troops in lines traditionally\n**MAND** (a tory) (\"representing command\" without A TORY) \n*MAND is an old poetic (\"in lines traditionally\") form of MANNED (\"with troops\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wretch born on dock boat (8)","output":"### Answer: BLIGHTER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Wretch\n**B** (born) *on ***LIGHTER** (\"dock boat\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Storage cassette? The fee's out of order, and advice outdated when it's sent back (11)","output":"### Answer: SHEETFEEDER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Storage cassette\n***(the fees)** [anag:*out of order*] + **<=REDE** (old word for advice, so \"advice outdated\" *when it's sent back*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Like ancient cursive script proclaimed in scribbled sheet, look (11)","output":"### Answer: ESTRANGHELO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Like ancient cursive script\n**RANG** (\"proclaimed\") *in* ***(sheet)** [anag:*scribbled*] + **LO** (\"look\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Leader of octet aboard vessel afloat, bold and vigorous in style (7)","output":"### Answer: BAROQUE \n ### Explanation: Definition: bold and vigorous in style\n[*leader of*] **O**(ctet) *aboard ***BARQUE **(\"vessel afloat\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Former ambassador from Italy taken in by swindler (6)","output":"### Answer: LIEGER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Former ambassador\n**I** (Italy)* taken in by* **LEGER **(a \"swindler\" who uses shoddy material)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lewd woman making one cry out with pain (7)","output":"### Answer: CYPRIAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Lewd woman\n***(cry pain)** [anag:*out*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: SI unit last brought to the fore in a lecture (5)","output":"### Answer: KATAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: SI unit\n(**K**)**A TAL**(k) (\"a lecture\" with its *last *(letter) *brought to the fore*) \n*The katal is the derived SI unit of catalyitc activity."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: As disappearing fast round river, look inquisitively for small amphibian (7)","output":"### Answer: FROGLET \n ### Explanation: Definition: small amphibian\nAS *disappearing *from **F**(as)**T ***round ***R **(river) + **OGLE **(\"look inquisitively\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ivy, embraced by Spanish gent? See her 'glow'! (5)","output":"### Answer: SUDOR \n ### Explanation: Definition: her '\n**UDO** (species of Japanese \"ivy\")* embraced b*y** Sr**. (senor, so \"Spanish gent\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Husband covering a limo freely in metallic oxide (6)","output":"### Answer: HOLMIA \n ### Explanation: Definition: metallic oxide\n**H **(husband) *covering ****(a limo) **[anag:*freely*] \n*Holmia is unsurprisingly, an oxide of holmium."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: We're engaged in contests on piste? Observe exercises from below (5)","output":"### Answer: EPEES \n ### Explanation: Definition: We're engaged in contests on piste?\n**<=(SEE** (\"observe\") + **PE** (physical \"exercises\")) *from below"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Toper wretchedly had no more to drink \u2013 does it prevent full flowering? (11)","output":"### Answer: PROTERANDRY \n ### Explanation: Definition: does it prevent full flowering?\n***(toper)** [anag:*wretchedly*] +** RAN DRY** (\"had no more to drink\") \n*I'm no botanist, so I'll quote directly from Chambers under \"protandry\" \u2013 in a flower, opening of the anthers before the stigmas can receive pollen, so preventing self-pollination"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Garnett, briefly, plus forename \u2013 a spell-binding character (7)","output":"### Answer: GANDALF \n ### Explanation: Definition: a spell-binding character\n**G**(arnett) [*briefly*] + **AND **(\"plus\") **ALF **(Garnett's \"forename\") \n*Gandalf is of course a wizard in the Lord of the Rings. Contrary to Azed's statement that \"every word is in Chambers (2014), Gandalf is not there. *\n \n*The Alf Garnett referred to in the clue was a politically incorrect character in \"Til Death Do Us Part\", a sitcom which ran from 1965 to 1975, played by Warren Mitchell."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unable to walk easily round marshy ground, yellow gluey stuff (7)","output":"### Answer: GAMBOGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: yellow gluey stuff \n**GAME** (\"unable to walk\") *round ***BOG **(\"marshy ground\") \n*Gamboge is a sticky yellow resin."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dead in conflict, he drove his chariot once (7)","output":"### Answer: WAGONER \n ### Explanation: Definition: he drove his chariot once\n**GONE** (\"dead\") *in ***WAR **(\"conflict\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One regularly hailed as ageless dullard, that is coming last (6)","output":"### Answer: CABBIE \n ### Explanation: Definition: One regularly hailed\n**CABB**(age) (*ageless *\"dullard\") +** i.e.** (\"that is\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Appear in new form? Art maybe taken up, then English (6)","output":"### Answer: MUTATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Appear in new form\n(Art) **<=TATUM** [*taken up*] *then ***E **(English) \n*Art Tatum (1909-1965) was an American jazz pianist."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What naphtha mostly deals with? Treat ash-plant with it (5)","output":"### Answer: YMOTH \n ### Explanation: Definition: What naphtha mostly deals with\nNAPTHA(lene) is used to kill moths. Not sure about the rest of the parsing?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sucker of a sort left at head of river (5)","output":"### Answer: LOUSE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Sucker of a sort\n**L** (left) *at head of* (River) **OUSE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: We retrained, but only intermittently? That's weird (5)","output":"### Answer: EERIE \n ### Explanation: Definition: weird\n(w)**E **(r)**E**(t)**R**(a)**I**(n)**E**(d) [*only intermittently*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pan son's hidden abilities (5,3)","output":"### Answer: SKILL SET \n ### Explanation: Definition: abilities\n\n**S** (son) *hidden in* **SKILLET **(\"pan\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sir Peter, given drip, is full of vigour (6)","output":"### Answer: LIVELY \n ### Explanation: Definition: full of vigour\n\n(Sir Peter) **LELY**, *given* **IV** (intravenous \"drip\")\n \n*Sir Peter Lely was a 17th century Dutch painter who spent most of his life in England."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Copper detaining English female adult, 50, in Sicilian city (6)","output":"### Answer: CEFALU \n ### Explanation: Definition: Sicilian city\n\n**Cu** (chemical symbol for \"copper\") *detaining ***E** (English) + **F** (female) + **A** (adult) + L (50. in Roman numerals)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Imagine Wenger naked, embodying very international sex appeal (8)","output":"### Answer: ENVISAGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Imagine\n\n(w)**ENGE**(r) [*naked*] *embodying ***V** (very) **I** (international) **SA **(sex appeal)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Chimney bend blocking Santa's helper on the way back (4)","output":"### Answer: FLUE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Chimney\n\n**U** (-bend) *blocking ***<=ELF **(\"Santa's helper\", *on the way back*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Air rancid horsemeat papa brought in (10)","output":"### Answer: ATMOSPHERE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Air\n\n***(horsemeat)** [anag:*rancid*] with **P** (papa, in the phonetic alphabet) *brought in"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Special ham\/Branston sandwich filling \u2013 that sounds moreish! (8)","output":"### Answer: ALHAMBRA \n ### Explanation: Definition: that sounds moreish\n\nHidden in [*sandwich filling*] \"speci**AL HAM BRA**nston\"\n \n*Although I can see what Julius is doing here, I don't like it. The positioning of the homophone indicator \"that sounds\" implies that ALHAMBRA is the homophone, which it is not."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: French director spurning greeting of Polynesian settlement (4)","output":"### Answer: TATI \n ### Explanation: Definition: French director\n\n**TA**(hi)**TI** (\"Polynesian settlement\")* spurning* HI (\"greeting\")\n \n*Jacques Tati was a French film director, most famous for his character, M Hulot."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: It flows between the banks of a city near Jerusalem (4)","output":"### Answer: EBRO \n ### Explanation: Definition: It flows\n\n[*between the banks of*] (h)**EBRO**(n), Hebron being a Palestinian \"city near Jerusalem\".\n \n*The River Ebro flows through Zaragoza in north-east Spain."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lady vampire losing temper about light coming into the pit (4,4)","output":"### Answer: DAVY LAMP \n ### Explanation: Definition: light coming into the pit \n\n***(lady vamp) **[anag:*about*] where VAMP is VAMP(ire) *losing *IRE (\"temper\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One paying to see Ms Thompson half- heartedly featuring in Nic Roeg drama? (10)","output":"### Answer: CINEMAGOER \n ### Explanation: Definition: One paying to see Ms Thompson half- heartedly featuring in Nic Roeg drama?\n\n**EM**(m)**A** (Thompson, *half heartedl*y)* featuring in* ***(nic roeg)** [anag:*drama*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Genuine horror at the start when entering shock therapy (4)","output":"### Answer: ECHT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Genuine\n\n**H**(orror) [*at the start*] *when entering* **ECT **(electroconvulsive therapy)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Poor Maria Callas, forgetting the Spanish for \"squid\" (8)","output":"### Answer: CA:LAMARI \n ### Explanation: Definition: squid\n\n***(maria cal)** where CAL is CAL(las) *forgetting* LAS (\"the\" in \"Spanish\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cleaners of Flanders town in bygone Times? (6)","output":"### Answer: WIPERS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Cleaners\n\n**WIPERS** (\"cleaners\") was the name commonly given by British troops to Ypres (\"Flanders town\") during the First World War"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hearing only two wickets to fall, went for lunch (3,3)","output":"### Answer: ATE OUT \n ### Explanation: Definition: went for lunch\n\nHomophone [*hearing*] of** EIGHT OUT** (\"in cricket, you need ten wickets to finish a first innings, so \"eight out\". would imply there are still two to fall)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Older (turning 25) in a fabulous place (8)","output":"### Answer: ELDORADO \n ### Explanation: Definition: a fabulous place\n\n***(older)** [anag:*turning*] + **ADO** (the answer to \"25\" down)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Turn Allen key, squeezing ring (5)","output":"### Answer: KNELL \n ### Explanation: Definition: ring\n\nHidden backwards (indicated by* squeezing* and* turn*) in \"a**LLEN K**ey\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Spurns tea for one? (6,5)","output":"### Answer: LEAVES ALONE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Spurns\n\n**LEAVES **(\"tea\") +** ALONE** (\"for one\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Barely scrape along, without 15 by the sound of it (6,2)","output":"### Answer: SQUEAK BY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Barely scrape along\n\nThe answer to 15dn is LUBRICANT and without lubricant, something may make a squeaking noise."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Film the King of France visiting tragic Dane (Hamlet) (6,3,6)","output":"### Answer: THELMA AND LOUISE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Film\n\n**LOUIS** (\"King of France\") ***(dane hamlet)** [anag:*tragic*]\n \nI don't like LOUIS being clued as \"**the** King of France\". **A** King of France may have been better, as it could have been Charles, Philippe, Henri etc)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Opulent island hotel bathroom's the top feature (6)","output":"### Answer: LAVISH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Opulent\n\n**IS** (island) + **H **(hotel) with **LAV **(\"bathroom\") on top [*the top feature*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tube leaving Victoria empty first thing on Sunday (3)","output":"### Answer: VAS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Tube\n\n**V**(ictori)**A** [*empty*] + [*first thing on*] **S**(unday)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Record a beat on the radio, a powerful number! (9)","output":"### Answer: LOGARITHM \n ### Explanation: Definition: a powerful number\n\n**LOG** (\"record\") + **A** + homophone [*on the radio*] of **RHYTHM** (\"beat\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: \"Let her pekoe brew, Mr Fawlty!\" (11)","output":"### Answer: HOTELKEEPER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Mr Fawlty\n\n***(let her pekoe) **[anag:*brew*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: It's used to smear notorious Earl entangled with British citizen (9)","output":"### Answer: LUBRICANT \n ### Explanation: Definition: It\n\nLUCAN *entangled with* BRIT where LUCAN is \"notorious earl\" and BRIT is \"British citizen\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Having been in debt Lynn enters, intimidated (8)","output":"### Answer: OVERAWED \n ### Explanation: Definition: intimidated\n\n**VERA** (Lynn) *enters ***OWED **(\"having been in debt\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Atlas absolutely flipped carrying rock (6)","output":"### Answer: BASALT \n ### Explanation: Definition: rock\n\nHidden backwards in [*flipped carrying*] \"a**TLAS AB**solutely\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ran European packing firm (5)","output":"### Answer: HARED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Ran\n\n**E** (European) *packing ***HARD** (\"firm\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old Bill in the van? That means trouble! (3)","output":"### Answer: ADO \n ### Explanation: Definition: trouble\n\n**O** (old) with **AD** (\"bill\")* in the van* (i.e in front)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Attendants dig Italian wines out (6-2-7)","output":"### Answer: LADIES IN WAITING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Attendants \n\n***(dig italian wines)** [anag:*out*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rest ordered to protect long sewer (8)","output":"### Answer: STITCHER \n ### Explanation: Definition: sewer \n\n***(rest)** [anag:*ordered*] *to protect* **ITCH **(\"long\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Month in advance (5)","output":"### Answer: MARCH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Month \n\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Little water fowl back to meet obstruction (7)","output":"### Answer: DRIBLET \n ### Explanation: Definition: Little water\n\n**<=BIRD** (\"fowl\", back)* to meet ***LET **(\"obstruction\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Chicken roll containing nothing (7)","output":"### Answer: ROOSTER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Chicken \n\n**ROSTER **(\"roll\") *containing ***O** (nothing)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Composer's pen (4)","output":"### Answer: CAGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Composer\n\nDouble definition, the first referring to John Cage, best known for his experimental 1952 work *4'33\"* which is not exactly the most difficult piece of music to perform."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: In restaurant's fine-ground stimulant (8)","output":"### Answer: CAFFEINE \n ### Explanation: Definition: stimulant \n\n*In* **CAFE **(\"restaurant\"), ***(fine)** [anag:*ground*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old rhyme about house \u2013 one outside Oxford? (8)","output":"### Answer: OVERSHOE \n ### Explanation: Definition: one outside Oxford?\n\n**O** (old) + **VERSE **(\"rhyme\") *about ***Ho **(house)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Flesh-eating monster making some progress (4)","output":"### Answer: OGRE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Flesh-eating monster\n\nHidden [*making some*] in \"pr**OGRE**ss\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Initial opportunity (7)","output":"### Answer: OPENING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Initial\n\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Returning hero knows Scots writer (7)","output":"### Answer: DICKENS \n ### Explanation: Definition: writer\n\n**<=CID** (returning \"hero\") + **KENS **(\"knows\" in \"Scots\")\n \n*CID refers to El Cid, the nickname given by the Moors to the 11th century Castilian knight, Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dolly perhaps bringing female inside temple (9)","output":"### Answer: PARTHENON \n ### Explanation: Definition: temple \n\n(Dolly) **PARTON ***bringing ***HEN **(\"female\") *inside"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Spanish banker clutching at relationship (5)","output":"### Answer: RATIO \n ### Explanation: Definition: relationship \n\n**RIO **(Spanish for river, so \"Spanish banker\") *clutching ***AT"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Championship secured in final with style? (8)","output":"### Answer: ENTITLED \n ### Explanation: Definition: with style?\n\n**TITLE **(\"championship\") *secured in* **END **(\"final\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Excitable thing in north going after new money (6)","output":"### Answer: NEURON \n ### Explanation: Definition: Excitable thing \n\n**N** (north) *going after* **N** (new) + **EURO **(\"money\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Spooner's Lady Fortune for company in trouble (4,4)","output":"### Answer: LAME DUCK \n ### Explanation: Definition: company in trouble\n\nTo Spooner. DAME LUCK (\"Lady Fortune\") would come out as **LAME DUCK"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Operas at Bayreuth occasion bold action (7-2)","output":"### Answer: DERRINGDO \n ### Explanation: Definition: bold action\n\n**DER RING **(Des Nibelungen) (a cycle of four \"operas\" by Wagner, first performed \"at Bayreuth\" in 1876) +** DO** (\"occasion\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Prince Henry in river having to breathe out (6)","output":"### Answer: EXHALE \n ### Explanation: Definition: to breathe out\n\n**HAL **(\"Prince Henry\") in (River) **EXE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wooden floor collapsed in Tennessee building (5,2,6)","output":"### Answer: TOWER OF LONDON \n ### Explanation: Definition: building \n\n***(wooden floor)** [anag:*collapsed*] *in ***TN **(Tennessee)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Capital made by Republican taking hint about oil supply (7)","output":"### Answer: TRIPOLI \n ### Explanation: Definition: Capital \n\n**R** (Republican) *taking ***TIP ***about *+ ***(oil)** [anag:*supply*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One in crowd offers lift (5)","output":"### Answer: HOIST \n ### Explanation: Definition: lift \n\n**I** (one) *in ***HOST **(\"crowd\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: View communist eating fish (6)","output":"### Answer: REGARD \n ### Explanation: Definition: View \n\n**RED **(\"communist\") *eating ***GAR **(\"fish\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pigheadedness a sign in recent changes (13)","output":"### Answer: INTRANSIGENCE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Pigheadedness \n\n***(a sing in recent)** [anag:*changes*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Scrambling device used in Yankee helicopter (9)","output":"### Answer: EGGBEATER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Scrambling device\n\nDouble definition, the second referring to the Kellett XR-8, a twin-rotor American helicopter."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Might we soon need this one as pot boils? (8)","output":"### Answer: TEASPOON \n ### Explanation: Definition: Might we soon need this\n\n***(one as pot)** [anag:*boils*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Essence contained in letter backing Lackland's one (7)","output":"### Answer: EPITHET \n ### Explanation: Definition: Lackland's one\n\n**PITH** (\"essence\") *contained in* **<=TEE** (\"letter\", *backing*)\n \n*Lackland was epithet given to King John."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Body Romeo dragged into thicket (6)","output":"### Answer: CORPSE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Body \n\n**R **(Romeo)* dragged into* **COPSE **(\"thicket\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rare fright catching cold (6)","output":"### Answer: SCARCE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Rare \n\n**SCARE **(\"fright\") *catching ***C** (cold)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One partial to fish, Ruth having no starter (5)","output":"### Answer: EGRET \n ### Explanation: Definition: One partial to fish\n\n(r)**EGRET** (\"ruth\", *having no starter*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Oily secretion from extremely sore bottom (5)","output":"### Answer: SEBUM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Oily secretion\n\n[*extremely*] **S**(or)**E** + **BUM **(\"bottom\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Irritating Tories upset Middle East leaders \u2026 (8)","output":"### Answer: TIRESOME \n ### Explanation: Definition: Irritating \n\n***(tories)** [anag:*upset*] + **M**(iddle) **E**(ast) [*leaders*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: \u2026 as well as annoying both Italy and Argentina (4,3,7)","output":"### Answer: INTOTHEBARGAIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: as well as\n\n***(both i argentina)** [anag:*annoying*] where I = Italy"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: False statement by European dismissing king's old servant (8)","output":"### Answer: LIEGEMAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: old servant\n\n**LIE **(\"false statement\") *by* **GE**(r)**MAN **(\"European\" *dismissing *R (Rex, so \"king\"))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Heavenly body ran into Earth before first two in orbit (6)","output":"### Answer: METEOR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Heavenly body\n\n**MET **(\"ran into\") + **E** (earth) *before *[*first two in*] **OR**(bit)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Troublemaker in small company turning to setter over way forward? (9)","output":"### Answer: SOCIOPATH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Troublemaker\n\n**S** (small) +** <= Co**. (company, *turning*) *to ***I** (\"setter\" of the puzzle) + **O** (over, in cricket) + **PATH **(\"way forward\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Kernel of nut eaten by birds in New Testament letter (5)","output":"### Answer: TITUS \n ### Explanation: Definition: New Testament letter\n\n[*kernel of*] (n)**U**(t) *eaten by* **TITS **(\"birds\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Drink containing skin of plump fruit (5)","output":"### Answer: APPLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: fruit \n\n**ALE **(\"beer\") *containing *[*skin of*] **P**(lum)**P"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Nationalist working with editor is totally perplexed in America (9)","output":"### Answer: NONPLUSED \n ### Explanation: Definition: perplexed in America\n\n**N** (nationalist) + **ON **(\"working\") + **PLUS **(\"with\") + **Ed.** (editor)\n \n*The \"in America\" in the clue tells us to use the American spelling rather than NONPLUSSED (the British spelling)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: City could be set on model that's most up to date (6)","output":"### Answer: LATEST \n ### Explanation: Definition: most up to date\n\n**LA** (\"city\") +** *(set)** [anag:*could be*] *on *(Model) **T"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Start part of play that's about large vessel (8)","output":"### Answer: ACTIVATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Start\n\n**ACT** (\"part of play\") +** i.e.** (\"that is\") *about ***VAT **(\"large vessel\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: 25 in island stopping unfortunate farmers' plight (7,7)","output":"### Answer: PILGRIMFATHERS \n ### Explanation: Definition: 25\n\n**I** (island) *stopping ****(farmers plight) **[anag:*unfortunate*]\n \n*The 25 in the clue refers to SETTLERS (the answer to 25 across)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Compilers welcoming liberal pioneers (8)","output":"### Answer: SETTLERS \n ### Explanation: Definition: pioneers \n\n**SETTERS **(\"compilers\") *welcoming ***L **(liberal)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Instrument from the east is given to sailor (5)","output":"### Answer: SITAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Instrument\n\n[*from the east*] **<=IS** *given to* **TAR **(\"sailor\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Behave indecisively when fool takes drug in front of girl doing the same (6-6)","output":"### Answer: SHILLY-SHALLY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Behave indecisively\n\n**SILLY** (\"fool\") *takes ***H **(heroin, so \"drug\")* in front of* **SALLY **(\"girl\") *doing the same* (also taking H)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pure copper found in roots of drab meadow flower (9)","output":"### Answer: BUTTERCUP \n ### Explanation: Definition: meadow flower \n\n**UTTER** (\"pure\") + **Cu** (chemical symbol for \"copper\") *found in* [*roots of*] (dra)**B** *(and I have no idea where the P comes from!)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unit found in Somme trenches (5)","output":"### Answer: METRE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Unit\n\nHidden [*found*] *in *\"som**ME TRE**nches\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Container holding bird and end\u00adless jelly at the same time (4,5)","output":"### Answer: THENAGAIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: at the same time\n\n**TIN **(\"container\") *holding ***HEN **(\"bird\") *and *[*endless*] **AGA**(r) (\"jelly\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Gather in more apricots (4)","output":"### Answer: REAP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Gather \n\nHidden [*in*] \"mo**RE AP**ricots\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Angles met obliquely in parts (9)","output":"### Answer: SEGMENTAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: in parts\n\n***(angles met) **[anag:*obliquely*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fabric in hem of poncho covered in mud (5)","output":"### Answer: MOIRE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fabric\n\n[*hem of*] (ponch)**O** *covered in* **MIRE **(\"mud\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Grayson Perry, say, displeased with sideboard? (5-7)","output":"### Answer: CROSS DRESSER \n ### Explanation: Definition: G\n\nCROSS (\"displeased\") with DRESSER (\"sideboard\")\n \n*Grayson Perry is a modern artist who has a female alter ego, Claire."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mistake concerning part of gun (9)","output":"### Answer: OVERSIGHT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Mistake \n\n**OVER **(\"concerning\") + **SIGHT **(\"part of gun\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Shackles made by strike-breaking workers (9)","output":"### Answer: HANDCUFFS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Shackles \n\n**CUFF** (\"strike\") *breaking ***HANDS **(\"workers\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Evidence of trial meant to be translated (9)","output":"### Answer: TESTAMENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Evidence\n\n**TEST** (\"trial\") + ***(meant)** [anag:*to be translated*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wind caused by last bit of fruit drink (5)","output":"### Answer: TWINE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Wind\n\n[*last bit of*] (frui)**T** + **WINE **(\"drink\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Question substituted by setter in permitted numbers of letters (5)","output":"### Answer: IOTAS \n ### Explanation: Definition: letters \n\n(qu>**I**)**OTAS **(QU (question)* substituted by* I (\"setter\") *in *QUOTAS (\"permitted numbers\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Topless woman in lift? (4)","output":"### Answer: RIDE \n ### Explanation: Definition: lift\n\n[*topless*] (b)**RIDE** (\"woman\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Medal attached to second troop leader (10)","output":"### Answer: SILVERBACK \n ### Explanation: Definition: tro\n\n**SILVER **(medal, for second place) *attached to* **BACK **(\"second\")\n \n*Setter is referring to a silverback gorilla, who is the senior member of a troop of gorillas."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Solid recollection of Nebuchadnezzar bottles (4)","output":"### Answer: CUBE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Solid\n\nHidden backwards [*recollection of*, *bottles*] *in *\"n**EBUC**hadnezzar\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tacos rot in mouldy drawer (10)","output":"### Answer: CARTOONIST \n ### Explanation: Definition: drawer \n\n***(tacos rot in)** [anag:*mouldy*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unburden regularly after small drink (4,2)","output":"### Answer: FESS UP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Unburden \n\n[*regularly*] (a)**F**(t)**E**(r) + **S **(amall) + **SUP **(\"drink\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Leave behind away kit (8)","output":"### Answer: OUTSTRIP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Leave behind\n\n**OUT **(\"away\") + **STRIP **(\"kit\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Amateur band bags drug for rock group (8,4)","output":"### Answer: ASTEROID BELT \n ### Explanation: Definition: rock group\n\n**A** (amateur) + **BELT **(\"band\") *bags ***STEROID **(\"drug\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sailor having left tuna and duck (4)","output":"### Answer: SKIP \n ### Explanation: Definition: duck \n\n**SKIP**(jack) (\"tuna\" with JACK (\"sailor\") *having left*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Only fly back fruit (8)","output":"### Answer: TANGELOS \n ### Explanation: Definition: fruit \n\n**<= (SOLE** (\"only\") + **GNAT **(\"fly\")**)** [*back*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: I'm going to dole out eggs (6-2)","output":"### Answer: TOODLE-OO \n ### Explanation: Definition: I'm going\n\n***(to dole) **[anag:*out*] + **O O** (\"eggs\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pass the Spanish guy who scored (6)","output":"### Answer: HANDEL \n ### Explanation: Definition: guy who scored\n\n**HAND **(\"pass\") + **EL **(\"the\" in \"Spanish\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Earth she's since cultivated for corn (10)","output":"### Answer: CHEESINESS \n ### Explanation: Definition: corn \n\n***(e shes since)** [anag:*cultivated*] where E = earth"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Vulnerable dentist's address exchanged (4,4)","output":"### Answer: WIDE OPEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Vulnerable \n\nA \"dentist's address\" could be **OPEN WIDE**, which the setter is asking us to \"exchange\" or swap (around)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Strike that wasp periodically returning (4)","output":"### Answer: SWAT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Strike \n\n**<= T**(h)**A**(t)**W**(a)**S**(p) [*periodically, returning*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bede's story about places rich in pearls? (6,4)","output":"### Answer: OYSTER BEDS \n ### Explanation: Definition: places rich in pearls?\n\n***(bedes story)** [anag:*about*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wow, my job is reporting for the FT? (7)","output":"### Answer: IMPRESS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Wow\n\n**I'M PRESS** (i.e. I work for a newspaper)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dome unveils restored marble (5,2,4)","output":"### Answer: VENUS DE MILO \n ### Explanation: Definition: (5,2,4)\n\n***(dome unveils)** [anag:*restored*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sense organ on mushroom atop hill (8)","output":"### Answer: RECEPTOR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Sense organ\n\n**RE** (\"on\") + **CEP **(\"mushroom\") *atop ***TOR **(\"hill\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: State stops those transmitting chilling things (3,12)","output":"### Answer: AIR CONDITIONERS \n ### Explanation: Definition: chilling things\n\n**CONDITION **(\"state\") *stops ***AIRERS** (\"those transmitting\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Difficult speed ends in foot injury (6)","output":"### Answer: KNOTTY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Difficult \n\n**KNOT **(\"speed\") + [*ends in*] (foo)*T* (injur)**Y"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Copper, carbon and oxygen extremely unreactive (9)","output":"### Answer: CONSTABLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Copper\n\n**C** (carbon) + **O**(xyge)**N** [*extremely*] + **STABLE **(\"unreactive\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Win against Ali raging like an animal (7)","output":"### Answer: BESTIAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: l\n\n**BEST **(\"win against\") +** *(ali)** [anag;*raging*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Spotted object in old exercise books that's appropriate (9)","output":"### Answer: EXPEDIENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: appropriate \n\n**DIE **(\"spotted thing\") *in ***EX **(\"old\") **PE **(physical \"exercise\") + **NT **(New Testament, so \"books\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Indecent broadcast not followed? (8)","output":"### Answer: UNCHASTE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Indecent\n\nHomophone [*broadcast*] of **UNCHASED** (\"not followed\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Nerd from the south who developed expertise (4-3)","output":"### Answer: KNOW HOW \n ### Explanation: Definition: expertise \n\n**<=WONK** (\"nerd\",* from the south*) +* *(who)* [anag:*developed*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Exaggerated bits of Rigoletto Verdi ditched (7)","output":"### Answer: OVERDID \n ### Explanation: Definition: Exaggerated \n\nHidden in [*bits of*] \"rigolett**O VERDI D**id\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Newsflash: atheist was originally a born Muslim (5)","output":"### Answer: NAWAB \n ### Explanation: Definition: Muslim \n\n[*originally*] **N**(ewsflash) **A**(theist) **W**(as) + **A** + **B** (born)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: End protest (6)","output":"### Answer: OBJECT \n ### Explanation: Definition: End\n\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Military aide to call back shortly after flyer (6)","output":"### Answer: BATMAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Military aide\n\n**<=NAM**(e) (\"to call\" *back*, *shortly*) *after ***BAT **(\"flyer\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Better finish for limping walker (7)","output":"### Answer: GAMBLER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Better\n\n[*finish for*] (limpin)**G** + **AMBLER **(\"walker\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Girl reflected on porridge served in interval (4,3)","output":"### Answer: TIME LAG \n ### Explanation: Definition: interval\n\n**<=GAL** (\"girl\", *reflected*) *on ***TIME **(\"porridge\" as in \"a spell in prison\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ruler I haven't clued cryptically? (4,3,8)","output":"### Answer: IVAN THE TERRIBLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Ruler \n\n***(i haven't)** becomes IVAN THE with TERRIBLE as an anagrind, so the setter is in effect getting us to create the cryptic clue."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Troops abroad finally intercept import (4)","output":"### Answer: GIST \n ### Explanation: Definition: import\n\n**GIs** (\"troops\" in the US, so \"abroad\") + [*finally*] (intercep)**T"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Culture expert to call back con\u00adclusively, nurseryman claims (10)","output":"### Answer: FOLKLORIST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Culture expert\n\n(t)**O** (cal)**L** (bac)**K** [*conclusively*] *claimed *by **FLORIST **(\"nurseryman\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Postponed green activity on course is discouraging (3-7)","output":"### Answer: OFF-PUTTING \n ### Explanation: Definition: discouraging \n\n**OFF **(\"postponed\") + **PUTTING **(\"activity\" on the \"green on\" (a golf ) \"course\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Eyesore you once found on street (4)","output":"### Answer: STYE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Eyesore \n\n**YE** (\"you once\")* found on* **St,** (street)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Penniless lord of North Wales worked with maximum effort (3,3,4,5)","output":"### Answer: FOR ALL ONE'S WORTH \n ### Explanation: Definition: with maximum effort\n\n***(lor of north wales)** [anag:*worked*] where LOR is LOR(d) without the D (a penny in old money, so \"penniless\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Priest regularly scrutinised renovated car part (7)","output":"### Answer: RETREAD \n ### Explanation: Definition: renovated \n\n(p)**R**(i)**E**(s)**T** [*regularly*] + **READ **(\"scrutinised\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Story lacking pace remains in cover (4,3)","output":"### Answer: LIES LOW \n ### Explanation: Definition: remains in cover\n\n**LIE **(\"story\") + **SLOW **(\"lacking pace\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Energy-packed story adapted for silent type in bed? (6)","output":"### Answer: OYSTER \n ### Explanation: Definition: silent type in bed?\n\n**E** (energy) *packed into* ***(story) **[anag:*adapted*}\n \n*As well as being the creature found in an (oyster) bed, \"oyster\" is also a word used to describe a tight-lipped person you can rely on to keep a secret, hence a* \"silent type\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Throw out of an inn, perhaps detective's watering hole (6)","output":"### Answer: DISBAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Throw out of an inn, perha\n\n**DI'S** (\"Detective (Inspector)'s\") **BAR **(\"watering hole\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Using implication that preposit\u00adions are synonymous? (2,5,2)","output":"### Answer: BYMEANSOF \n ### Explanation: Definition: Using\n\nIf you said that \"**BY**\" **MEANS **\"**OF**\" you'd be implying that the two \"prepositions are synonymous\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old stone tool, one for garden holding most of work up (6)","output":"### Answer: EOLITH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Old stone\n\n**<=(HOE **(\"tool, for garden\")* holding* [*most of*] **TIL**(l) (\"work\")**)** *up"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Put in an appearance, clothed (6,3)","output":"### Answer: TURNED OUT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Put in an appearance\n\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Immerse oneself in article by graduate (5)","output":"### Answer: BATHE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Immerse oneself\n\n**THE **(\"article\") *by ***BA **(Bachelor of Arts, so \"graduate\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Withdraw apt word, or exchange words 24 hours hence (8)","output":"### Answer: TOMORROW \n ### Explanation: Definition: 24 hours hence\n\n[*withdraw*] **<=MOT** (\"apt word\") + **OR** + **ROW **(\"exchange words\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Made-up address politician chasing promotion might give? (2,3)","output":"### Answer: AD LIB \n ### Explanation: Definition: Made-up address\n\n**LIB** (Liberal, so \"politician\") *chasing ***AD **(\"promotion\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Current airmen picked up after also crossing the boundary (5,3,3)","output":"### Answer: GOINGTOOFAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: crossing the boundary\n\n**GOING **(\"current\", as in \"going concern\") with **<=RAF** (\"airmen\", *picked up*) *after ***TOO **(\"also\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Kinsman skirting Tyneside with huge sigh of relief (5-6)","output":"### Answer: GREAT-NEPHEW \n ### Explanation: Definition: Kinsman \n\n**GREAT** (\"huge\") + **PHEW **(\"sigh of relief\") *skirting ***NE **(North East, so \"Tyneside\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Like a setter in the doghouse? (9)","output":"### Answer: KENNELLED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Like a setter in the doghouse?\n\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Among other things mishandled at airline? (5,4)","output":"### Answer: INTER ALIA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Among other things\n\n***(at airline)** [anag:*mishandled*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: At which sprinters run, holding as much as possible, and hide (4,4)","output":"### Answer: FULL PELT \n ### Explanation: Definition: At which sprinters run\n\n**FULL **(\"holding as much as possible\") *and ***PELT **(\"hide\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Precious case for duchess's customary country wear (6)","output":"### Answer: TWEEDS \n ### Explanation: Definition: customary \n\n**TWEE** (\"precious\") + [*case for*] **D**(uches)**S"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Impatient tourist on vacation tucking into fish (5)","output":"### Answer: RATTY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Impatient \n\n**T**(ouris)**T** (having been vacated, or *on vacation*) *tucking into* **RAY **(\"fish\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Proprietor in Bow further over the hill? (5)","output":"### Answer: OLDER \n ### Explanation: Definition: over the hill?\n\n(h)**OLDER** (\"proprietor\") but spelled as a Cockney (*in Bow*) would say it, with a dropped H"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Women beset by strain is able to move quickly (5)","output":"### Answer: SWIFT \n ### Explanation: Definition: able to move quickly\n\n**W** (women) *beset by* **SIFT **(\"strain\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Individual opportunities will come after Germany declines (9)","output":"### Answer: DOWNTURNS \n ### Explanation: Definition: declines \n\n**OWN** (\"individual\") + **TURNS **(\"opportunities\")* will come after* **D** (IVR code for \"Germany\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tense worker's strange pet (7)","output":"### Answer: TANTRUM \n ### Explanation: Definition: pet \n\n**T** (tense) + **ANT **(\"worker\") + **RUM **(\"strange\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rapper so naturally keeping in character (7)","output":"### Answer: PERSONA \n ### Explanation: Definition: character\n\nHidden in [*keeping in*] \"rap**PER SO NA**turally\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Check flower for evidence of new life (13)","output":"### Answer: REINCARNATION \n ### Explanation: Definition: new life\n\n**REIN **(\"check\") + **CARNATION **(\"flower\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Theatrical area covered by Conservative politician (4)","output":"### Answer: CAMP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Theatrical\n\n**A** (area) *covered by ***C** (Conservative) + **MP** (Member of Parliament, so \"politician\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: No more new homes in the outskirts of Thanet after a time (2,3,4)","output":"### Answer: AT THE MOST \n ### Explanation: Definition: No more\n\n***(homes)** [anag:*new*] *in *[*the outskirts of*] **T**(hane)**T** *after ***A T** (time)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Criminals needing skills to employ lad wise at heart (9)","output":"### Answer: ARSONISTS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Criminals\n\n**ARTS **(\"skills\")* to employ* **SON **(\"lad\") + (w)**IS**(e) [*at heart*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Shock obtained from reversing extractor fans (4)","output":"### Answer: AFRO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Shock \n\nHidden backwards in [*obtained from reversing*] \"extract**OR FA**ns\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Plan in heartless undertaking is a delusion (13)","output":"### Answer: MISCONCEPTION \n ### Explanation: Definition: delusion\n\n**CONCEPT **(\"plan\")* in* [*hearltess*] **MIS**(s)**ION"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Short story about Channel island current (7)","output":"### Answer: THERMAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: current\n\n[*short*] **TAL**(e) (\"story\") *about ***HERM **(\"Channel Island\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: West coast beauty will welcome date like (7)","output":"### Answer: LADDISH \n ### Explanation: Definition: like\n\n**L.A. DISH** (a \"beauty\" form the \"West coast\" will welcome **D** (date))\n \nThe definition here is actually \"like a lager lout\" linked to 27ac."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: . . . . rogue, all excited with time for such a youth (5,4)","output":"### Answer: LAGER LOUT \n ### Explanation: Definition: youth\n\n***(rogue all)** [anag:*excited*] *with ***T** (time)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Take court action and defence's case becomes material (5)","output":"### Answer: SUEDE \n ### Explanation: Definition: material \n\n**SUE** (\"take court action\") + **D**(efenc}**E** [*'s case*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Locate quote in audition (4)","output":"### Answer: SITE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Locate \n\nHomophone [*in audition*] of **CITE **(\"quote\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: People knowing nothing may find inspiration in topless ladies from Italy (11)","output":"### Answer: IGNORAMUSES \n ### Explanation: Definition: People knowing nothing\n\nMUSE (\"inspiration\") in (s)IGNORINAS (topless \"ladies from Italy\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Murky offer to support raised channel (6)","output":"### Answer: TURBID \n ### Explanation: Definition: Murky\n\n**BID **(\"offer\") *to support* [*raised*] **<=RUT** (\"channel\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Oddly dream Castro trained such politicians! (9)","output":"### Answer: DEMOCRATS \n ### Explanation: Definition: such politicians\n\n[*oddly*] **D**(r)**E**(a)**M** + ***(castro) **[anag;*trained*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Women should have one for each type of blade (5)","output":"### Answer: WIPER \n ### Explanation: Definition: type of blade\n\n**W **(women)* should have* **I** (one) + **PER **(\"for each\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Put the screws on X after change of heart (8)","output":"### Answer: THREATEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Put the screws on\n\n**TEN **(X) *after ****(heart)** [anag:*change of*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Aussie jumper ducks under bottom of bar (3)","output":"### Answer: ROO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Aussie jumper\n\n**OO **(\"ducks\", in cricket) *under *[*bottom of*] (ba)**R"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Party people showing a lack of activity (10)","output":"### Answer: STAGNATION \n ### Explanation: Definition: a lack of activity\n\n**STAG **(\"party\") + **NATION **(\"people\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Venison, if stewed is full of iron \u2013 and bland (11)","output":"### Answer: INOFFENSIVE \n ### Explanation: Definition: bland\n\n***(venison if)** [anag:*stewed*]* is full of ***Fe **(chemical symbol for \"iron\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Arc lamp set off such reclaimed material (5,5)","output":"### Answer: SCRAP METAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: reclaimed material\n\n***(arc lamp set)** [anag:*off*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: International scheme employing one person who's a flyer (4,5)","output":"### Answer: TEST PILOT \n ### Explanation: Definition: person who's a flyer\n\n**TEST **(\"international\", as in rugby or cricket) + **PLOT **(\"scheme\") *employing ***I **(one)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: On firmer ground there's grass (8)","output":"### Answer: INFORMER \n ### Explanation: Definition: grass\n\n***(on firmer)** [anag:*ground*]\n \n*This is barely an anagram, with only two letters out of place in the fodder."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Declines to stock empty old semi- conductors (6)","output":"### Answer: DIODES \n ### Explanation: Definition: semi- conductors\n\n**DIES **(\"declines\") *to stock* [*empty*] **O**(l)**D"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Love must underpin chamber music supplied by this (5)","output":"### Answer: CELLO \n ### Explanation: Definition: music supplied by this\n\n**O **(\"love\" in tennis) *must underpin* **CELL **(\"chamber\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Butter could be good present, with no end of beer (4)","output":"### Answer: GHEE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Butter \n\n**G **(good) + **HE**(r)**E **(\"present\" *with no* *end of* (bee)R)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: River in, say, part of the Sahara (3)","output":"### Answer: ERG \n ### Explanation: Definition: part of the Sahara\n\n**R** (river) *in ***E.G.** (\"say\")\n \n*An erg is a kind of sand dune."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Complain about this Latin hairstyle (7)","output":"### Answer: MOHICAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: hairstyle\n\n**MOAN **(\"complain\") *about ***HIC **(\"this\" in \"Latin\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: First of clues missed out? Puck's hard to find (7)","output":"### Answer: ELUSIVE \n ### Explanation: Definition: hard to find\n\n***(lues)** [anag:*out*] where LUES is (c)LUES with *first missed*) +** I'VE** (\"Puck's\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Given in to green-eyed monster? (4)","output":"### Answer: OGRE \n ### Explanation: Definition: monster\n\nHidden [*given*] *in *\"t**O GRE**en-eyed\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One who revels in Irish republic's model meets king and queen (9)","output":"### Answer: ROISTERER \n ### Explanation: Definition: One who revels\n\n**ROI'S** (Republic of Ireland's) + (Model) **T** (car) *meets ***ER **(Edward Rex, so \"king\") *and ***ER **(Elizabeth Regina, so \"queen\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The French hope a poet becomes world champion (5,8)","output":"### Answer: LEWIS HAMILTON \n ### Explanation: Definition: world champion\n\n**LE **(\"the\" in \"French\") + **WISH** (\"hope\") + **A** + (John) **MILTON **(\"poet\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Broadcaster got a snob raving about E-number (4,4,4)","output":"### Answer: SKYE BOAT SONG \n ### Explanation: Definition: number\n\n**SKY **(\"broadcaster\") + ***(got a snob)** [anag*:raving*] *about ***E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mother backed by her brothers in America (5,3)","output":"### Answer: UNCLE SAM \n ### Explanation: Definition: America\n\n**<=MA** (\"mother\", *backed*) *by ***UNCLES **(\"her brothers\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old-fashioned, like unfermented grape juice? (5)","output":"### Answer: MUSTY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Old-fashioned\n\n**MUST** is \"unfermented grape juice\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pasta originally celebrated in a form of verse (9)","output":"### Answer: MACARONIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: a form of verse\n\n**MACARONI **(\"pasta\") + [*originally*] **C**(elebrated)\n \n*A macaronic poem is one that uses two languages."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Soft drink for a footballer (4)","output":"### Answer: BALE \n ### Explanation: Definition: footballer\n\n**B** (soft, in pencils) + **ALE **(\"drink\")\n \n*The footballer referred to is Welsh international, Gareth Bale, who plays (occasionally) for Tottenham Hotspur."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sandwich with a brown filling? That's very obvious (7)","output":"### Answer: BLATANT \n ### Explanation: Definition: very obvious\n\n**BLT** (bacon, lettuce and tomato \"sandwich\")* with* **A TAN **(\"brown\") *filling"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Steps taken before beginning to bake a small cake (3,4)","output":"### Answer: RUM BABA \n ### Explanation: Definition: small cake\n\n**RUMBA **(\"dance\", so \"steps\") *before *[*beginning to*] **B**(ake) + **A"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Flower briefly seen in borders of rockery (5,3)","output":"### Answer: RIVER WYE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Flower\n\n\"Brief\" versions of R (abbreviation for river) and Y (which is pronounced \"wye\") are the \"borders of\" **R**(ocker)**Y"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wear shirt unbuttoned? Journalist material (6,5)","output":"### Answer: HARRIS TWEED \n ### Explanation: Definition: material\n\n***(wear shirt)** [anag:*unbuttoned*] + **ED **(\"editor, so \"journalist\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sick notes daughter produces at importune moment (3-5)","output":"### Answer: ILL-TIMED \n ### Explanation: Definition: at importune moment\n\n**ILL **(\"sick\") + **TIME **(\"notes\") + **D** (daughter)\n \n*I thought that importune should be inopportune, but importune is in Chambers, albeit obsolete. Still think inopportune would be fairer."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lead-free substance akin to vapour trail, leaving one sort of plane (6)","output":"### Answer: ASTRAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: sort of plane\n\n(g)**AS** (\"substance akin to vapour\" with its \"lead\" *freed*) + **TRA**(i)**L** with ! (one) *leaving"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mongoose I see hotel has on menu, surprisingly (9)","output":"### Answer: ICHNEUMON \n ### Explanation: Definition: Mongoose \n\n**I** + **C **(see) + **H **(hotel) *has **(on menu) [anag:*surprisingly*]\n \n*Ichneumon is another name for the Egyptian mongoose."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Compare bushy beards and crusty spots, say (5)","output":"### Answer: LIKEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: C\n\nHomophone [*say*] of **LICHEN **(\"bushy beards\" and \"crusty spots\")\n \n*Bushy beard lichen is a type of lichen that is found on some trees."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Organ stops essentially modulate (5)","output":"### Answer: OVARY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Organ\n\n(st)**O**(ps) [*essentially*] + **VARY **(\"modulate\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Seasick in Hertfordshire town? That's stunningly shocking! (8)","output":"### Answer: TASERING \n ### Explanation: Definition: stunningly shocking\n\n***(sea)** [anag:*sick*] *in ***TRING **(\"Hertfordshire town\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: African primate, one of two very young ones destined to be president? (8)","output":"### Answer: BUSHBABY \n ### Explanation: Definition: African primate\n\nEach of the **BUSH**es who were president would also have been a **BABY"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Flipping firm behind's covered seat (6)","output":"### Answer: LOCATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: seat\n\n[*flipping*] **<=Co. **(\"firm\")* covered* by **LATE **(\"behind\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Make a mess of Puck's anagram, putting the twelfth letter first (4,2)","output":"### Answer: MUCKUP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Make a mess of\n\n***(puck) ***putting ***MU **(\"twelfth letter\" of the Greek alphabet)* first"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Consider money needed for parking in Jersey (4,4)","output":"### Answer: MULLOVER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Consider\n\n(p>**M**)**ULLOVER** (i,e, the P (parking) of PULLOVER is replaced with M (money))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One promoting free movement Tory leader's demoted twice (4)","output":"### Answer: LUBE \n ### Explanation: Definition: One promoting free movement\n\n(b)**LU**(**B**)**E **\u2013 \"Tory\") with B (leader of \"blue\") *demoted twice* (from first to third)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Provider of course heard seethin': wages received, but tips mixed up (6,3,5)","output":"### Answer: DUBLIN BAY PRAWN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Provider of course\nHomophone [*heard*] of **BUBBLIN' (**\"seethin' \")** PAY** (\"wages\") **DRAWN **(\"received\") but with their first letters (*tips*) *mixed up"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dadaist back cycling (5)","output":"### Answer: ERNST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Dadaist\n(st)**ERN**(**ST**) (\"back\" *cycling*) *The best way I can think of to descibe the \"cycling\" element is to think of a wheel with the letters of STERN in order around the edge, and with S at the top. If you turn (cyle) it two-fifths of the way round anti-clockwise, the E would now be at the top and would spell out ERNST* \n*Max Ernst was one of the principal artists in the Dada movement."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Which side will win it? (It's touch and go) (3-3-3)","output":"### Answer: TIP-AND-RUN \n ### Explanation: Definition: it\nTip-and-run is a form of cricket where the batsman has to run if his bat touches the ball, so that explains \"touch and go\". Not sure where the definition is though."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: \"Moving\" style of Vasarely's old role (2,3)","output":"### Answer: OP ART \n ### Explanation: Definition: \"Moving\" style\n**O **(old) + **PART** (\"role\") \n*Victor Vasarely was a member of the op art movement. He experimented with images that appeared to move depending on the viewpoint."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: It's only just succeeded in light entertainment (5,4)","output":"### Answer: FAIR\u2019S FAIR \n ### Explanation: Definition: It's only just\n**S** (succeeded) in **FAIR** (\"light\") + **FAIR** (\"entertainment\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A country in which you'll see black diamonds before lock-keeper? (5,4)","output":"### Answer: ALICE BAND \n ### Explanation: Definition: lock-keeper?\nA LAND (\"country\")* in which you'll see* **ICE **(\"diamonds) *before ***B **(black)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What players may perform in Rome and jockeys Ascot (5)","output":"### Answer: TOSCA \n ### Explanation: Definition: What players may perform in Rome\n***(ascot)** [anag:*jockeys*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: This paper's deserted the most excellent French clerics! (5)","output":"### Answer: ABBES \n ### Explanation: Definition: French clerics!\nFT (\"this paper\") *deserted *(f)**ABBES**(t) (\"most excellent\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Distracted alumnus I see slipping through grating (9)","output":"### Answer: UNMUSICAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: grating\n***(alumnus)** [anag:*distracted*] with **I **+ **C** (see) *slipping through"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One may be battered after being kicked in groin (5,4)","output":"### Answer: ONION RING \n ### Explanation: Definition: One may be battered\n**ON** (immediately \"after\", as in \"on discovering\") + ***(in groin) **[anag:*being kicked*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A failing put this into action! (4,1)","output":"### Answer: PLAN B \n ### Explanation: Definition: this\nIf plan A fails (\"A failing\"), move to** PLAN B"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Like missing the first festivity (1,2)","output":"### Answer: A LA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Like\n[*missing the first*] (g)**ALA **(\"festivity\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A sailor attending to cut astern (2,3,4)","output":"### Answer: AT THE REAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: astern \n**A TAR** (\"sailor\") *cut* by T**HERE **(\"attending\"), so **A-T(THERE)AR"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Indicate more beer's needed, it seems? (5)","output":"### Answer: POINT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Indicate\n**O** (nothing) in **PINT**, so \"more beer needed\", although this would only really work if the PINT referred to the glass rather than to the beer itself, which I don't think applies."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Weather-beaten centenarian associated with endless Rime? (7,7)","output":"### Answer: ANCIENT MARINER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Weather-beaten centenarian associated with endless Rime?\n***(centenarian rim) **[anag:*weather-beaten*] where RIM is [*endless*] RIME(e) \n*I don't know how old the Ancient Mariner was in Coleridge's poem, but I doubt he was 100!"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Long flip working, Arsenal's first scored by Gunners great (sadly lost) (5,8)","output":"### Answer: DIEGO MARADONA \n ### Explanation: Definition: great (sadly lost)\n**DIE** (\"long\") + **GO MAD** (\"flip\") + **ON** (\"working\") + **A**(rsenal) ['s first] *scored by* **RA** (Royal Artillery, so \"Gunners\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Composer approaching peak, Weller & Co shortly to receive music award (8,7)","output":"### Answer: BENJAMIN BRITTEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Composer\nBEN (\"peak\") + JAM (Paul \"Weller & Co\") + IN TEN (\"shortly\") to receive BRIT (\"music award\"). \n*I originally wondered if I might be misparsing this clue, with IN TEN not indicated in the clue, and thought it might have been an accidental omission in the clue, but Hovis in comment 2 below has put me right."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cross cracking new train-set's ruined (2,7)","output":"### Answer: IN TATTERS \n ### Explanation: Definition: ruined\n**T** (-cross) *cracking ********(train set)** [anag:*new*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Too bad if this little party screws up! (3,2,1,2)","output":"### Answer: BIT OF A DO \n ### Explanation: Definition: party\n***(too bad if)** [anag:*screws up*] \n*Not sure if my explanation of this clue works, but here goes \u2013 A \"bit of a do\" is an understatement for a large party, so it is \"turned up\" which somehow becomes \"screwed up\"? Hovis (comment 2) agrees with my parsing, but I'm not happy with the anagrind being so far from the fodder."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Affluent youth finished something easy? Do my cryptic to seal it! (9)","output":"### Answer: YUPPIEDOM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Affluent youth\n**UP** (\"finished\") + **PIE **(\"something easy\", as in \"easy as pie\") with ***(do my)** [anag:*cryptic*] *sealing* it."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: They may be run around inferior bells (5)","output":"### Answer: RINGS \n ### Explanation: Definition: bells\nYou can \"r*un ***RINGS** *around*\" an \"*inferior*\" opponent."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unconscious insights gleaned from this Cruciverbalist Club? (4,11)","output":"### Answer: WORD ASSOCIATION \n ### Explanation: Definition: Unconscious insigh\nA club for crossword lovers could conceivably be called the **WORD ASSOCIATION"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: I'm snarled by trawler and soon cooked (6,7)","output":"### Answer: NORWAY LOBSTER \n ### Explanation: Definition: I'm snarled by trawler and soon cooked\n***(by trawler soon)** [anag:*cooked*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Legume men left off menu baked in foremost of Asian stews (5,4)","output":"### Answer: ADUKI BEAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Legume\n***(u baked in a)** [anag:*stews*] where U is [*men off*] (men)**U** and A is [*foremost of*] **A**(sian)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Litmus exam? (4,5)","output":"### Answer: TEST PAPER \n ### Explanation: Definition: exam\n*Litmus paper is used to test a solution for acidity, so could be described as \"test paper\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Io has a name for shooting up marks (5)","output":"### Answer: NAEVI \n ### Explanation: Definition: marks\n**<= (I'VE A (**\"io has\") + **N** (name)**)*** shooting up"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fish sauce Georgia's made with spirit (5)","output":"### Answer: GARUM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fish sauce\n**Ga** (Georgia) *with ***RUM** (\"spirit\") \nGarum was a fermented fish sauce in ancient Mediterranean civilizations."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Father recalled son having brief panic, facing wide London street once (11,3)","output":"### Answer: PATERNOSTER ROW \n ### Explanation: Definition: London street once\n\n**PATER **(\"father\") + **<= SON** [*recalled*] + [*brief*] **TERRO**(r) (\"panic\") *facing ***W**(ide)\n \n*Paternoster Row was a street in London destroyed in the Blitz. It was synonymous with the book trade."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Speedy attack with a little pace injected (5)","output":"### Answer: RAPID \n ### Explanation: Definition: Speedy \n\n**RAID** (\"attack\") *with *[*a little*] **P**(ace) *injected"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Contents of 9 are left out, as blank page added (9)","output":"### Answer: INTERLEAF \n ### Explanation: Definition: blank page added\n\n[*contents of*] (n)**IN**(e) + ***(are left)** [anag:*out*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Football club told strips in Round Four must be kind of blue? (3,6)","output":"### Answer: OFF COLOUR \n ### Explanation: Definition: kind of blue?\n\n**F.C. **(football club) + (t)**OL**(d) [strips] *in ***O** (round) + **FOUR, **so **O(F.C.-OL)FOUR"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fragrant resinous substance ratel emits when short of cover (5)","output":"### Answer: ELEMI \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fragrant resinous substance\n\nHidden in \"rat**EL EMI**ts\" [*when short of cover*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Confrontationally attacks account charges (7)","output":"### Answer: ACCOSTS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Confrontationally attacks \n\n**A\/C** (\"account\") + **COSTS **(\"rates\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fuel used by older vans (4)","output":"### Answer: DERV \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fuel \n\nHidden in [*used by*] \"ol**DER V**ans\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Baby, uttering repeated pleadings at first, gets to bring 22 (4)","output":"### Answer: BURP \n ### Explanation: Definition: bring 22\n\n**B**(aby) **U**(ttering) **R**(epeated) **P**(leadings)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What's wife left out? It needs around two small pinches of marjoram or sage (7)","output":"### Answer: MAHATMA \n ### Explanation: Definition: sage\n\n(w)**HAT** [with W(ife) *left out*] *needs two small pinches of*** MA**(rjoram) *around"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Theme best served cold? Not half! (5)","output":"### Answer: TOPIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: Theme \n\n**TOP **(\"best\") +** IC**(ed) (\"served cold\", *not half*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dizzy spell? 11, with eg staggers (9)","output":"### Answer: GILLESPIE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Dizzy\n\n***(spell i i eg) **[anag:*staggers*] where i i is 1 1 without the gap"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Repeat has said writer worried (9)","output":"### Answer: REITERATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Repeat \n\nI think the intended parsing is:\n \nhomophone of **WRITER **(indicated by said) + **ATE **(\"worried\").\n \nI really hope I'm wrong, as that is terrible, WRITER and the REITER part of REITERATE sound nothing alike."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Painter content to redaub a Constable (5)","output":"### Answer: BACON \n ### Explanation: Definition: Painter \n\nHidden in [*content to*] \"redau**B A CON**stable\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: \"I'm Tory\", hollered eccentric former drag artist (3,6,5)","output":"### Answer: OLD MOTHER RILEY \n ### Explanation: Definition: former drag artist\n\n***(im tory hollered)** [anag:*eccentric*]\n \n* Old Mother Riley (aka **Daphne Bluebell Snowdrop\u00a0**Riley) was a music hall creation of comedian Arthur Lucan."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cassette or CD player for each child too, getting wrapped short time before (8,6)","output":"### Answer: PERSONAL STEREO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Cassette or CD player\n\n**PER **(\"for\") + **SON **\"(each\") + **ALSO **(\"too\") *getting wrapped *[*short*] **T**(ime) + **ERE **(\"before\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Courier's one with a kind side (8)","output":"### Answer: TYPEFACE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Courier's one\n\n**TYPE** (\"kind\") + **FACE** (\"side\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: New hairdo: initially cut, then set (5)","output":"### Answer: RADIO \n ### Explanation: Definition: set\n\n***(airdo)** [anag:*new*] where AIRDO is (h)AIRDO [*initially cut*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Our starter (takeaway) contains nothing sinister (7)","output":"### Answer: OMINOUS \n ### Explanation: Definition: sinister\n\n**O**(ur) [starter] + **MINUS** (\"take away\") *contains ***O** (nothing)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Taught after time out 11 (7)","output":"### Answer: TUTORED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Taught \n\n*After ***T** (time) ***(out) **+ RED \n \nTo get the [*(out) + RED] you need to solve 11 across which is OFF COLOUR, so the clue now reads \"after time out off colour\"\n(i.e. after T, an anagram of OUT, followed by RED)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unusual soil element in each half of divided land? (4,5)","output":"### Answer: RARE EARTH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Unusual soil\n\nLa (lanthanum) and Nd (neodymium) are both rare earth (\"unusual soil\") elements, and **La-Nd** is [divided] LA-ND"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: If this is pulled on, you're probably in the wrong jacket (6)","output":"### Answer: REEFER \n ### Explanation: Definition: If this is pulled on, you're probably in the wrong\n\nDouble definition, the first referring to a marijuana cigarette, which in most cases is illegal , so \"you're probably in the wrong\" if you \"pull on\" one."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wantonly lay 9 women, if one's not truly married (4,2,4,4)","output":"### Answer: WIFE IN NAME ONLY \n ### Explanation: Definition: one's not truly married\n\n***(lay nine women if) **[anag:*wantonly*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Something very funny about 4's topping, a fermented dairy product (4,5)","output":"### Answer: SOUR CREAM \n ### Explanation: Definition: a fermented dairy product\n\n**SCREAM** (\"something very funny\") *about ***OUR **(\"4's topping\")\n \n*This is an unusual clue as the 4 relates not to the solution to 4dn, but to the clue."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Deviant youth leader in foreign capital (8)","output":"### Answer: ATYPICAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Deviant\n\n**Y**(outh) [l*eader*]* in* ***(capital)** [anag:*foreign*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Parade errand boy in front of social worker (7)","output":"### Answer: PAGEANT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Parade\n\n**PAGE **(\"errand boy\")* in front of ***ANT **(\"social worker\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dramatist setting story in Rome, surprisingly (7)","output":"### Answer: MOLIERE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Dramatist\n\n**LIE** (\"story\") *in* ***(rome)** [anag:*surprisingly*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Victory in FA Trophy? \"Header's missed at the death\", reported into the blower (6)","output":"### Answer: UPWIND \n ### Explanation: Definition: reported into the blower\n\n**WIN** (\"victory\") *in *(c)**UP** (\"FA Trophy\" with header missed) *at*** D** (\"death\").\n \nI don't think D can be death; it can be died in encyclopaedias and dead in genealogy, but as far as I know, it is not short for \"death\" and almost certainly not for \"the death\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One that's still smouldering, as three months come to an end (5)","output":"### Answer: EMBER \n ### Explanation: Definition: One that's still smouldering\n\n**EMBER **appears at the *end *of* three months* (September, November and December)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: See preamble (13)","output":"### Answer: POTLATSUGATCH \n ### Explanation: Definition: See preamble\n**POTLATCH** (\"present\" \u2013 a gift named after a Native American festival) *around* **TSUGA **(\"tree\" \u2013 Hemlock spruce) \n*Azed wanted solvers to come up with their own clue for this one."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Some shrubs displaying no leaves, outer parts stripped (4)","output":"### Answer: OLEA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Some shrubs\n*Not sure I'm right about this one, as OLEA is a genus of small trees (\"shrubs\"?), but I can't find a word with OLEA in the middle as the rest of the clue seems to want me to find."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Weed: a vineyard infested with it suffers reverse (6)","output":"### Answer: URTICA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Weed\n**<=(A CRU** (\"vineyard\") *infested with* **IT)** [*suffers reverse*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Notices belly having swallowed one (7)","output":"### Answer: ADSTIUM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Notices belly having swallowed one\n**ADS** (\"notices\") + **TUM** (\"belly\") h*aving swallowed ***I** (one) \n**ADSUM*** (\"here\" \u2013 I am here in Latin) around ***TI*** (\"tree\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ecclesiastical garb to cast out (6)","output":"### Answer: COTTAS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Ecclesiastical garb\n***(to cast) **[anag:*out*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dodges game (7)","output":"### Answer: RACKETS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Dodges\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fellows rolling in sea tossing purges (6)","output":"### Answer: ENEMAS \n ### Explanation: Definition: purges\n**<=MEN** (\"fellows\", *rolling*) *in* ***(sea)** [anag:*tossing*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Typical of artistic school that is found in fuzzy (not cloudy) scenes (7)","output":"### Answer: SIENESE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Typical of artistic school\n**I.E.** (id est, so \"that is\") *found in* ***(senes) **where SENES is S(c)ENES without the C (cloudy)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Absentees, not fully reliable workers (7)","output":"### Answer: TRUANTS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Absentees\n[*not fully*] **TRU**(e) (\"reliable\") + **ANTS** (\"workers\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Against being hugged by beloved on shortened engagement (13)","output":"### Answer: DEANTIARODATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Against being hugged by beloved on shortened engagement\n**ANTI** (\"against\") *being hugged by* **DEAR** (\"beloved\") + **O**(n) [*shortened*] + **DATE** (\"engagement\") \n**DEODATE*** (\"present\" \u2013 a gift to God) around ***ANTIAR*** (upas \"tree\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Life in judo get-up (7)","output":"### Answer: GIVITAE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Life in judo get-up\n**VITA** (\"life\") *in* **GIE** (\"judo\" costume, so \"get-up\") \n**GIVE*** (\"present\") around ***ITA*** (a palm \"tree\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wrongly value stinker in adjustment of old dispute (7)","output":"### Answer: MISRATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Wrongly value \n**RAT** (\"stinker\") *in* **MISE** (\"adjustment of old dispute\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: US pest spreading abroad \u2013 arrangements needed (6)","output":"### Answer: SETUPS \n ### Explanation: Definition: arrangements\n***(us pest) **[anag:*spreading around*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Circus owner maybe introduced to rubber trampolines (7)","output":"### Answer: BERTRAM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Circus owner\nHidden in [*introduced to*] \"rub**BER TRAM**polines\" \n*Probably refers to Bertram Mills, who was a British cinema owner."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Name giving promise of payment involved in rowdy party in Perth? (6)","output":"### Answer: ROBERT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Name\n**BE** (bill of exchange, so \"promise of payment\") *involved in* **RORT** (Australian (so Perth) word for a rowdy path)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Eye liners always recalled when taking a Turner? (7)","output":"### Answer: RETINAE \n ### Explanation: Definition: E\n**<=E'ER** (\"always\") [*recalled*] *when taking* **TINA** (a Turner)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dreaded police before second arrest (6)","output":"### Answer: STASIS \n ### Explanation: Definition: arrest\n**STASI** (\"dreaded police\" of East Germany) *before* **S** (second)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Streak? Sounds like showing off (4)","output":"### Answer: VEIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Streak\nHomophone of [*sounds like*] **VAIN** (\"showing off\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tenser, quaking, about war god with cleaver, new (13)","output":"### Answer: ETRSTYRAXENNE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Tenser, quaking, about war god with cleaver, new\n***(tenser) **[anag:*quaking*] *about* **TYR** (a Norse \"god\") *with* **AXE** (\"cleaver\") + **N** (new) \n**ETRENNE*** (New Year's \"gift\") about ***STYRAX*** (a tropical and subtropical \"tree\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Shakespearean pouch over middle of costume (6)","output":"### Answer: POAKET \n ### Explanation: Definition: Shakespearean pouch over middle of costume\n**POAKE** (\"Shakespearean\" word for \"pouch\") *over* [*middle of*] (cos)**T**(Ume) \n**PET ***(potentially exempt transfer \u2013 \"present\") about ***OAK*** (\"tree\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dead being interred, mostly smelly, rarely age (5)","output":"### Answer: OLDEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: rarely age\n[*mostly*] **OLEN**(t) (\"smelly\") with **D** (dead) *being interred"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A chap with promptings, entering privies (13)","output":"### Answer: LATAMANURGESS \n ### Explanation: Definition: A chap with promptings, entering privies\n**A MAN** (\"chap\") *with* **URGES** (\"promptings\") *entering* **LATS** (latrines, so \"privies\") \n**LARGESS*** (distribution of \"presents\") around ***TAMANU*** (East Indian\/Pacific \"tree\") "} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wine one's drunk clutching drinking- mug (7)","output":"### Answer: ALICANT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Wine\n**A** (one) + **LIT** (\"drunk\") *clutching* **CAN** (\"drinking-cup\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: With no special attachment this is how anti-union Scot feels in his beat? (4)","output":"### Answer: TOUK \n ### Explanation: Definition: his beat\nAn \"anti-union Scot\" would have \"no special attachment\" **TO** the **UK**, and TOUK (or tuck) is a Scots word for \"beat\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Twins rarely like conjoined ones, i.e. separated (5)","output":"### Answer: SAMES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Twins rarely\nS(i)**AMES**(e) (\"like conjoined ones\") with I and E *separated"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Got up in coating of gilt I can be made a fool of (6)","output":"### Answer: GROSET \n ### Explanation: Definition: I can be made a fool of\n**ROSE** (\"got up\") *in* [*coating of*] **G**(il)**T** \n*A groset is a gooseberry, as in a gooseberry fool"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Occupied with red wine reputed (French) one I have (13)","output":"### Answer: ATTENTDITAIVE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Occupied with red wine reputed (French) one I have\nAT (\"occupied\") *with* **TENT** (\"red wine\") + **DIT** (\"reputed\" in \"French\") + **A** (\"one\") + **I'VE** (\"I have\") \n**ATTENTIVE ***(\"present\") around ***DITA*** (an Asian \"tree\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Like lords in headgear around closure of parliament (6)","output":"### Answer: TITLED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Like lords\n**TILED** (\"in headgear\") *around* [*closure of*] (parliament)**T"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Woman given run around (7)","output":"### Answer: HASHERE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Woman given run around\n**SHE** (\"woman\") *given* **HARE** (\"run\") around \n**HERE*** (\"present\") around ***ASH*** (\"tree\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Gelato was fitting in Italian house (7)","output":"### Answer: CASSATA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Gelato\n**SAT** (\"was fitting\") *in ***CASA** (\"Italian\" for \"house\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Shift cycling shades (5)","output":"### Answer: STINT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Shift\n**TINTS** (\"shades\" *cycling*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Elba? Italy's mostly arid island (5)","output":"### Answer: IDRIS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Elba?\n**I **(Italy) + [*mostly*] **DR**(y) (\"arid\") + **Is.** (island) \n*Refers to Idris Elba, the actor."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Replaced X-ray unit, Nigerian, on time (7)","output":"### Answer: REMIBOT \n ### Explanation: Definition: R\n**REM** (an old unit of radiation, so \"replaced X-ray unit\") + **IBO** (\"Nigerian\") *on* **T **(time) \n**REMIT*** (\"present\") around ***BO*** (a \"tree\" from India and Sri Lanka)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sea cast up sort of Irish sink, obsolete (7)","output":"### Answer: DEMERSE \n ### Explanation: Definition: sink, obsolete\n**<=MED** (\"sea\" *cast up*) + **ERSE** (\"sort of Irish\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ask too much of public chopper (7)","output":"### Answer: OVERTAX \n ### Explanation: Definition: Ask too much of\n**OVERT** (\"public\") + **AX** (\"chopper\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Feature of weather map noodle placed in Iran (6)","output":"### Answer: ISOBAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Feature of weather map\n**SOBA** (\"noodle\") *in* **IR** (Iran)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: American ruminant ruined rabi in Connecticut (6)","output":"### Answer: CABRIT \n ### Explanation: Definition: American ruminant\n***(rabi)** [anag:r*uined*] *in* **Ct. **(Connecticut)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Member of ascetic fraternity in reduced numbers, forsaking extremes (6)","output":"### Answer: ESSENE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Member of ascetic fraternity\n(l)**ESSENE**(d) (\"in reduced numbers\" *forsaking extremes*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Slip creating fright with top removed (5)","output":"### Answer: ERROR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Slip\n(t)**ERROR** (\"fright\" *with top removed*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Not what this is, clearly (5)","output":"### Answer: PLAIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: clearly\nThis is not a **PLAIN** crossword"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tangled tale? It suggests a number of lies (4)","output":"### Answer: TELA \n ### Explanation: Definition: It suggests a number of lies\n***(tale) **[anag:*tangled*] \n*A tela is a web, as in a \"web of lies\"?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Aware of two men down (7)","output":"### Answer: KNOWING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Aware\n\n**K** and **N** (king and knight, in chess notation, so \"two men\" ) + **OWING** (\"down\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Programme on TV that may support the Speaker (7)","output":"### Answer: SOAPBOX \n ### Explanation: Definition: that may support the Speaker\n\n**SOAP** (\"programme\") *on* **BOX** (\"TV\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cut complaint that's expressed (4)","output":"### Answer: MOWN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Cut\n\nHomophone [*that's expressed*] of **MOAN** (\"complaint\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hustling, sell us this leisurewear (5,5)","output":"### Answer: SHELL SUITS \n ### Explanation: Definition: leisurewear\n\n***(sell us this)** [anag:*hustling*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old Roman company employing decorator (6)","output":"### Answer: CICERO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Old Roman\n\n**Co.** (company) *employing* **ICER** (cake \"decorator\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: In small segments, give out last message \u2014 fine, in fact (4,4)","output":"### Answer: DRIP FEED \n ### Explanation: Definition: In small segments, give out\n\n**RIP** (rest in peace, so \"last message\") + **F** (fine) *in* **DEED** (\"fact\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Those fools are all ordinary people (3,6)","output":"### Answer: THEM ASSES \n ### Explanation: Definition: all ordinary people\n\n**THEM** (\"those\") + **ASSES** (\"fools\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Credit turning round anti-British slogan (5)","output":"### Answer: KUDOS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Credit\n\n[*turning round*] **<=SOD UK** (\"anti-British slogan\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Virginia houses some titled uncle (5)","output":"### Answer: VANYA \n ### Explanation: Definition: titled uncle \n\n**Va.** (Virginia) *houses* **ANY** (\"some\")\n \nUncle Vanya *is the title of an Anton Chekhov play. so Vanya could be described as \"titled\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Showing hammering: it's 7-0 (9)","output":"### Answer: OSTENSIVE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Showing\n\n***(its seven o) **[anag:*hammering*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Not one to lose argument, raised voice (8)","output":"### Answer: FALSETTO \n ### Explanation: Definition: raised voice\n\nFA(i)**L** (\"lose\", *not \"*one\" (I)) _ SET TO (\"argument\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Promising to hold retreat, initially after a series of prayers (6)","output":"### Answer: ROSARY \n ### Explanation: Definition: series of prayers\n\n**ROSY **(\"promising\") *to hold* **R**(etreat) [*initially*] *after* **A"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Some peers are at this place, a dirty mess (10)","output":"### Answer: HEREDITARY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Some peers are\n\n**HERE** (\"at this place\") + ***(a dirty)** [anag:*mess*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Run aboard huge vessel (4)","output":"### Answer: BRIG \n ### Explanation: Definition: vessel\n\n**R **(run) *aboard* **BIG** (\"huge\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A belated idea to edit book of David's songs (7)","output":"### Answer: PSALTER \n ### Explanation: Definition: book of David's songs \n\n**PS** (postscript, so \"belated idea\") + **ALTER** (\"to edit\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fire out of control? Suppose not (7)","output":"### Answer: INFERNO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fire out of control\n\n**INFER** (\"suppose\") + **NO** (\"not\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hotline fails, something from the Stone Age (7)","output":"### Answer: NEOLITH \n ### Explanation: Definition: something from the Stone Age\n\n***(hotline)** [anag:*fails*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Shrink from cold, tucking into some alcohol (5)","output":"### Answer: WINCE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Shrink\n\n**C** (cold) *tucking into* **WINE** (\"some alcohol\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: They are missing food with pained expressions (2-5)","output":"### Answer: NO-SHOWS \n ### Explanation: Definition: They are missing\n\n**NOSH** (\"food\") with **OWS** (\"pained expressions\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Youngster to switch positions over in place for drill (3,3)","output":"### Answer: OIL RIG \n ### Explanation: Definition: place for drill\n\n**<=(GIRL** (\"youngster\") +** I\/O** (\"switch positions\"), *over*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Advantage for us sporting baggy clothes (4,5)","output":"### Answer: PLUS FOURS \n ### Explanation: Definition: baggy clothes\n\n**PLUS **(\"advantage\") + ***(for us) **[anag:*sporting*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One third of trimester with head away, I get busy (2,3,2)","output":"### Answer: ON THE GO \n ### Explanation: Definition: busy\n\n(m)**ONTH** (\"one third of trimester\" *with head off*) + **EGO **(\"I\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: IoW feature last visited by people making maps of course (8,2,3)","output":"### Answer: NEEDLESS TO SAY \n ### Explanation: Definition: of course\n\n**NEEDLES** (\"feature of Isle of Wight\") + **STAY** (\"last\") *visited by* **OS** (Ordnance Survey, so \"people making maps\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old American people get bigger: why not? (3,2,4)","output":"### Answer: MAYAS WELL \n ### Explanation: Definition: why not?\n\n**MAYA** (\"old American people\") + **SWELL** (\"get bigger\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Musical film shot in Oz (7)","output":"### Answer: AMADEUS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Musical film\n\n**MADE** (\"shot\") *in* **AUS** (Australia, so \"Oz\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tragic figure not heading to French city in initial stages (5,2)","output":"### Answer: EARLY ON \n ### Explanation: Definition: in initial stages \n\n(King) (l)**EAR** (\"tragic figure\", *not heading*) + **LYON** (\"French city\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dislike not having a translation (7)","output":"### Answer: VERSION \n ### Explanation: Definition: translation\n\n(a)**VERSION** (\"dislike\", *not having* A)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: With trouble, wife has endless long piece to iron (6)","output":"### Answer: STRIFE \n ### Explanation: Definition: With trouble, wife\n\n[*endless*] **STRI**(p) (\"long piece\") + **Fe** (chemical symbol for \"iron\")\n \n*Trouble and strife is Cockney rhyming slang for \"wife\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Black book central to special offer (5)","output":"### Answer: SABLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Black\n\n**B** (book) *central to ***SALE** (\"special offer\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Opening lines in court (8)","output":"### Answer: CHANCERY \n ### Explanation: Definition: court\n\n**CHANCE** (\"opening\") + **Ry.** (railway, so \"lines\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A team's more popular numbers (6)","output":"### Answer: A-SIDES \n ### Explanation: Definition: more popular numbers\n\nA + SIDE'S (\"teams\")\n \n*The enumeration in the clue should be (1-5)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stomach's wind spasm overcomes resistance (7)","output":"### Answer: GASTRIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: Stomach's\n\n**GAS** (\"wind\") + **TIC** (\"spasm\") *overcomes* **R** (resistance)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Like a new fiddle that's free? (7)","output":"### Answer: UNBOWED \n ### Explanation: Definition: \n\nA new fiddle may not yet have had a bow used on it, so therefore could be described as **UNBOWED"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wants current reversed between poles (5)","output":"### Answer: NEEDS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Wants\n\n(River) **<=DEE** (\"current\", *reversed*) *between* **N **and **S** (North and South \"poles\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Two blokes reportedly wasted cast (5,4)","output":"### Answer: ROYAL BLUE \n ### Explanation: Definition: cast\n\n**ROY** + **AL** (\"two blokes\") + homophone [*reportedly*] of **BLEW** (\"wasted\")\n \n*Until I checked Chambers, I don't think I was aware that one of the meanings of \"cast\" was \"colour\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Deborah and Tracy misused source of energy (12)","output":"### Answer: CARBOHYDRATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: source of energy \n\n***(deborah tracy) **[anag:*misused*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pricey French article to engrave for obstacle race (12)","output":"### Answer: STEEPLECHASE \n ### Explanation: Definition: obstacle race\n\n**STEEP** (\"pricey\") + **LE** (\"French article\") + **CHASE** (\"engrave\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sudden low pressure stopping top-class missile (3,6)","output":"### Answer: AIR POCKET \n ### Explanation: Definition: Sudden low\n\n**P **(pressure) *stopping* **A1** (\"top-class\") + **ROCKET** (\"missile\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bypass English Channel on return trip (5)","output":"### Answer: EVADE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Bypass\n\n**<=(E **(English) + **DAVE** (TV \"channel\")) *on return trip* (i.e. reversed)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Theatre worker and caviar supplier short of time (7)","output":"### Answer: SURGEON \n ### Explanation: Definition: Theatre worker\n\n**S**(t)**URGEON** (\"caviar supplier\", *short of* **T **(time))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Head office put on The Prisoner for money (7)","output":"### Answer: HOSTAGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: The Prisoner for money\n\n**HO** (Head Office) + **STAGE** (\"put on\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Record husband visiting latest relative (6)","output":"### Answer: NEPHEW \n ### Explanation: Definition: relative\n\n**EP **(extended play \"record\") + **H** (husband) *visiting* **NEW** (\"latest\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Member of CID's in nick with Yankee regularly (8)","output":"### Answer: STEADILY \n ### Explanation: Definition: regularly\n\n**DI **(Detective Inspector, so \"member of CID\") in **STEAL** (\"nick\") *with* **Y** (Yankee, in the phonetic alphabet)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Persuasive businessman (6)","output":"### Answer: COGENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Persuasive\n\n**Co.** (company or \"business\") + **GENT** (\"man\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Arab accepts all the main headings in reply (6)","output":"### Answer: ANSWER \n ### Explanation: Definition: reply\n\n**Ar.** (Arab) *accepts* **NSWE** (North, South, West, East, i.e. \"all the main headings\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pack instrument for trickster (4,5)","output":"### Answer: CARD SHARP \n ### Explanation: Definition: trickster\n\n(\"pack\" of) **CARDS** + **HARP** (\"instrument\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Film burglary by leader of gang raising the bar (6-8)","output":"### Answer: RECORD-BREAKING \n ### Explanation: Definition: raising the bar \n\n**RECORD** (\"film\") + **BREAK-IN** (\"burglary\") *by* [l*eader of*]** G**(ang)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Forecaster is over beside lake (5)","output":"### Answer: SIBYL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Forecaster\n\n**<=IS **[over] + **BY** (\"beside\") + **L** (lake)\n \n*A sibyl was a prophet in Greek mythology."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Transfer county charge (8)","output":"### Answer: DOWNLOAD \n ### Explanation: Definition: Transfer\n\n(county) **DOWN** + **LOAD** (\"charge\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Got down old Scandi books by new editor (8)","output":"### Answer: SADDENED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Got down\n\n[*down*] **<=EDDAS** (\"old Scandi books\") *by* **N** (new) + **Ed.** (editor)\n \n*I have a problem with this clue as it appears to me that \"down\" is doing double duty in this clue, as it is required both for the definition and as a reversal indicator for \"eddas\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stop fighting, polish up still, hiding where the drink goes (4,3,7)","output":"### Answer: BURY THE HATCHET \n ### Explanation: Definition: Stop fighting\n\n**<=RUB** (\"polish\" up) + **YET** (\"still\") *hiding* **THE HATCH** (\"where the drink goes, as in \"down the hatch\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Spent days downing cola for wind problem (9)","output":"### Answer: DYSPEPSIA \n ### Explanation: Definition: wind problem\n\n***(days) **[anag:*spent*] *downing* **PEPSI** (\"cola\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Two idiots batting hit man (8)","output":"### Answer: ASSASSIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: hit man\n\n**ASS** + **ASS** (\"two idiots\") + **IN** (\"batting\" in cricket)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rent reduction causing little sign of emotion (8)","output":"### Answer: TEARDROP \n ### Explanation: Definition: little sign of emotion\n\n**TEAR** (\"rent\") + **DROP** (\"reduction\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Writer's regrettably given up Italian food (6)","output":"### Answer: SALAMI \n ### Explanation: Definition: Italian food\n\n**<=(I'M** (\"writer's\") + **ALAS** (\"regrettably\")) *given up"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Plant needs IT installed for speed (6)","output":"### Answer: CELERY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Plant\n\nIn order for **CELERY** (\"plant\") to become CELERITY, it needs \"IT installed\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One gets this often by eating something enticing initially (5)","output":"### Answer: OBESE \n ### Explanation: Definition: One gets this\n\n**O**(ften) **B**(y) **E**(ating) **S**(omething) **E**(nticing) [*initially*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lack of talent not a feature of Lord's (8)","output":"### Answer: NOBILITY \n ### Explanation: Definition: feature of Lord's\n**NO** (a)**BILITY** (\"lack of talent\", *not* A)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Flower shop online here? (6)","output":"### Answer: AMAZON \n ### Explanation: Definition: Flower\nFor flower, think, \"that which flows\", so a river, and of course you can shop online at **AMAZON"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Foul-smelling old hat (4)","output":"### Answer: OLID \n ### Explanation: Definition: Foul-smelling\n**O** (old) + **LID** (\"hat\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Short piece needing correction, with name for one composer finally changed (10)","output":"### Answer: CONCERTINO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Short piece\n***(cornection)** [anag:*changed*] where CORNECTION is CORRECTION with one of the Rs (composeR, *finally*) replaced by N (name)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Part of Manhattan, as far as two quarters will get you (6)","output":"### Answer: UPTOWN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Part of Manhattan\n**UP TO** (\"as far as\") + **W** (west) + **N** (north) (\"two quarters\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Name given to male deer, say? Originally, the ungulates in some faraway place (8)","output":"### Answer: TIMBUKTU \n ### Explanation: Definition: some faraway place\nTIM (\"name\") *given to* homophone [*say*] of **BUCK** (\"male deer\") + [*originally*] **T**(he) **U**(ngulates)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Organised whole of largest alto section (7)","output":"### Answer: GESTALT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Organised whole\nHidden [*section*] in \"lar**GEST ALT**o\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Veiled criticism of bargain gin supply (7)","output":"### Answer: SNIPING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Veiled criticism \n**SNIP **(\"bargain\") + ***(gin)** [anag:*supply*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stupid people undone by this flaw? (8)","output":"### Answer: HALFWITS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Stupid people\n***(this flaw)** [anag:*undone*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: White chairs partially with designs using steel, glass and plastic, say (2-4)","output":"### Answer: HI-TECH \n ### Explanation: Definition: with designs using steel, glass and plastic, say\nHidden in [*partially*] \"w**HITE CH**airs\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Device that prevents pouring out of claret (10)","output":"### Answer: TOURNIQUET \n ### Explanation: Definition: Device that prevents pouring out of claret\nCryptic definition, \"claret\" being a slang word for \"blood\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Nought drunk by small child? Just a little Coke (4)","output":"### Answer: TOOT \n ### Explanation: Definition: J\n**O** (nought) *drunk by* **TOT** (\"small child\") \n*The Coke in the definition is cocaine, not the soft drink"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mum let sin get out of control (6)","output":"### Answer: SILENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Mum\n***(let sin) **[anag:*out of control*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sadly risible, keeping Times owner's name inscribed in book here (2,6)","output":"### Answer: EX LIBRIS \n ### Explanation: Definition: owner's name inscribed in book here\n***(risible) **[anag:*sadly*] *keeping* **X** (\"times\", in maths)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pass by failing to fail (8)","output":"### Answer: COLLAPSE \n ### Explanation: Definition: to fail\n**COL** (\"pass\") *by* **LAPSE** (\"failing\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bit of bacon some won't eat \u2014 rejected if not Danish, primarily (4)","output":"### Answer: RIND \n ### Explanation: Definition: Bit of bacon some won't eat\n**R**(ejected)** I**(f) **N**(ot) **D**(anish) [*primarily*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Transported coal in another fuel container (6)","output":"### Answer: OILCAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: another fuel container\n***(coal in) **[anag:*transported*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rock night broadcast, with Yes playing first (7)","output":"### Answer: SYENITE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Rock\nHomophone [*broadcast*] of *NIGHT* *with* ***(yes)** [anag:*playing*] *first* \n*Syenite is a coarse-grained igneous rock"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: 'Small beer' \u2014 second fellow's description of Miller's Willy (8)","output":"### Answer: SALESMAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: description of Miller's Willy\n**S** (small) + **ALE** (\"beer\") + **S** (second) + **MAN** (\"fellow\") \nRefers to Willy Loman, the protagonist of Arthur Miller's play, *Death of a Salesman."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Behind short film supporting revised rate for hearing aid (3,7)","output":"### Answer: EAR TRUMPET \n ### Explanation: Definition: hearing aid \n**RUMP **(\"behind\") + **ET** (\"film\") *supporting* ***(rate) **[*revised*] \n*The \"short\" may be indicating that the film is actually called *E.T.: The Extra Terrestrial,* but it could be considered superfluous as most people know the movie simply as *E.T."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lines up outside No 10 \u2014 speech just beginning (6)","output":"### Answer: SONNET \n ### Explanation: Definition: Lines\n[*up*] **<=(TEN** + **S**(peech) [*just* *beginning*] *outside* **No.** (number)**)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: No longer called brother that's not working (3,2,5)","output":"### Answer: OUT OF ORDER \n ### Explanation: Definition: not working\nAn ex-monk (brother} would no longer be in the order, so \"out of order\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Attacked an idol with tie clip? That's 13 (4,4)","output":"### Answer: LAID INTO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Attacked\n***(an idol ti) **[anag:*out of order* (solution to 13)] where TI is TI(e) [*clipped*] \n*Don't like \"tie clip\" to indicate shortened TIE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cell deaths topped small number Puck's got cross about (8)","output":"### Answer: NECROSIS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Cell deaths\n[*topped*] (o)**NE** (\"small number\") +** I **(\"Puck\") *got* **CROSS** *about* \n*Shame that Puck didn't use a synonym of CROSS as 5\/8ths of the answer is in the clue."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fool includes certain guarantees (7)","output":"### Answer: ASSURES \n ### Explanation: Definition: guarantees\n**ASS** (\"fool\") *includes* **SURE** (\"certain\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Gripped by sudden fear, topless opponents in game lacking vital element (6)","output":"### Answer: ANOXIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: lacking vital element\n*Gripped by* (p)**ANIC** (\"sudden fear\", *topless*] **O **and **X** (\"opponents in game\", i.e. noughts and crosses)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Where kippers can be found on vacation in Harwich (6)","output":"### Answer: HOTELS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Where kippers can be found\n**H**(arwic)**H** [*on vacation*] gives us H H (two hotels) which is where people sleep (kip) so \"where kippers can be found\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One form of pasta if potato, say, is short (4)","output":"### Answer: TUBE \n ### Explanation: Definition: One form of pasta\n**TUBE**(r) (\"potato, say\"* is short*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Modernise Worthing immediately! (5,3)","output":"### Answer: RIGHT NOW \n ### Explanation: Definition: immediately\n\n***(worthing) **[anag:*modernise*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Grandma drained cuppa with last bit of tiramisu cake (6)","output":"### Answer: GATEAU \n ### Explanation: Definition: cake\n\n**G**(randm)**A** [*drained*] + **TEA** (\"cuppa\") *with* [*last bit of*] (tiramis)**U"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Issue of small man? (5)","output":"### Answer: SPAWN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Issue\n\n**S** (small) + **PAWN** (chess \"man\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pilot of the future lived in retirement as a human cannonball (9)","output":"### Answer: DAREDEVIL \n ### Explanation: Definition: human cannonball\n\n(Dan) **DARE** (comic book \"pilot of the future\") + **<=LIVED **[*in retirement*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Vermin-killing cat biting large snake (7)","output":"### Answer: RATTLER \n ### Explanation: Definition: snake\n\n**RATTER** (\"vermin-killing cat\") *biting* **L** (large)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Every South African golfer when cycling gets the Blues (7)","output":"### Answer: CHELSEA \n ### Explanation: Definition: the Blues \n\nStart by solving the definitions, so **EACH** (\"every\") (Ernie) **ELS** (\"South African golfer\") and then \"*cycle*\" the letters, so imagine them written in a circle and turn the circle a bit until EACHELS, becomes CHELSEA (the football club whose nickname is \"The Blues\").\n \n*There has been some discussion in the past about \"cycling\", so to be clear, this is NOT an indirect anagram, It is a specific instruction to rotate the letters without changing the order in which they are written. Rather, you start at a different letter, so at the C instead of the E, in this case."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Austrian woman based near Paris who had a fantastic brioche recipe? (5,10)","output":"### Answer: MARIE ANTOINETTE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Austrian woman based near Paris who had a fantastic brioche recipe?\n\nA cryptic definition. \n \n*Marie Antoinette, an \"Austrian\" who was married to Louis XVI at the outbreak of the French Revolution, The Royal household was based in Versailles (\"near Paris\"). When she asked why the people were revolting, she was told it was because they had no bread, and she is reputed to have said, \"Let them eat brioche\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Greeting little one in Welsh, I put on the grill (7)","output":"### Answer: HIBACHI \n ### Explanation: Definition: grill\n\n**HI **(\"greeting\") + **BACH** (\"Welsh\" for \"little\" or \"little one\") + **I**\n \n*A hibachi is a Japanese barbecue."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Prison officer promoted, about to demonstrate the Peter Principle? (5,2)","output":"### Answer: SCREW UP \n ### Explanation: Definition: about to demonstrate the Peter Principle?\n\nSCREW (\"prison officer\") + UP (\"promoted\").\n \n*The Peter Principle postulates that people tend to get promoted to the level of their incompetence (i.e. to a level beyond which they can function well). You only need to look at Westminster or the Capitol for live examples of the principle."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Billy's mum tango dancing round an empty nunnery (5-4)","output":"### Answer: NANNY GOAT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Billy's mum\n\n***(tango) **[anag:*dancing*] *round* **AN **[*empty*] **N**(unner)**Y"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Composer shortening vacation time (5)","output":"### Answer: HOLST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Composer\n\n**HOLS **(\"shortening\" holidays or \"vacation\") + **T** (time)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Frothy bridge player boring a pair of Yankees (6)","output":"### Answer: YEASTY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Frothy\n\n**EAST **(\"bridge player\") *$$boring$$* **Y** + **Y** (Yankee in the phonetic alphabet)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Theatre investor backing one individual from LA (8)","output":"### Answer: ANGELENO \n ### Explanation: Definition: individual from LA\n\n**ANGEL** (\"theatre investor\") + [*backing*] **<=ONE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Isn't Hardy smart? Extraordinary literary gentleman (8,6)","output":"### Answer: TRISTRAM SHANDY \n ### Explanation: Definition: literary gentleman\n\n***(isn't hardy smart)** [anag:*extraordinary*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Horror-struck Reichstag has terrorist guards (6)","output":"### Answer: AGHAST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Horror-struck\n\nHidden in [*guards*] \"reichst**AG HAS Te**rrorists\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Note rising suggestion of obscenity of strip put on by posh boys (4,4)","output":"### Answer: ETON BLUE \n ### Explanation: Definition: strip put on by posh boys\n\n**<=NOTE **[rising] + **BLUE** (\"suggestion of obscenity\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Some years older, in Girona it gets incredibly hot (9,4)","output":"### Answer: SOLDERING IRON \n ### Explanation: Definition: it gets incredibly hot\n\nHidden in [*some*] \"year**S OLDER IN GIRON**a\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Treat court composer, 50, with a slight promotion (6)","output":"### Answer: HANDLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Treat\n\nHANDEL (\"court composer\") with L *promoted* (i.e. moved up) gives **HAND(L)E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hot weather hampering poor Yves, being quite stocky (5-3)","output":"### Answer: HEAVY-SET \n ### Explanation: Definition: quite stocky\n\n**HEAT** (\"hot weather\") *hampering* ***(Yves) **[anag:*poor*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: It's free from Pb, but not free from BP (8,6)","output":"### Answer: UNLEADED PETROL \n ### Explanation: Definition: It's free from Pb\n\n*Unleaded petrol is free of lead (Pb), but not provided free by petroleum companies such as BP."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Messing around with Spooner's cutie Ruby? (8,5)","output":"### Answer: PRECIOUS STONE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Ruby?\n\n***(spooners cutie)** [anag:*messing around with*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Former doyen of BBC politics run over when the dustcart came (5,3)","output":"### Answer: ROBIN DAY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Former doyen of BBC politics\n\n**R** (run) + **O** (over) + **BIN DAY** (\"when the dustcart came\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The drink undoing Sheraton? (5,3)","output":"### Answer: NORTH SEA \n ### Explanation: Definition: The drink\n\n***(sheraton)** [anag;*undoing*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Shy, old Lawrence's dog (6)","output":"### Answer: COYOTE \n ### Explanation: Definition: dog\n\n**COY** (\"shy\") + **O **(old) + **T.E.** (Lawrence) (Lawrence of Arabia)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Film legend Billy's Romeo crowned with Oscar (6)","output":"### Answer: WILDER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Film legend Billy\n\n**R** (Romeo)* crowned with* (Oscar) **WILDE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Saw fewer people in business (7,7)","output":"### Answer: LIMITED COMPANY \n ### Explanation: Definition: business\n\nAs we are all doing now, i.e. **LIMITi**ng our **COMPANY"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pilot participating in raid and a rescue (3,4)","output":"### Answer: DAN DARE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Pilot\n\nHidden in [participating in] \"rai**D AND A RE**scue\"\n \n*Dan Dare was a \"pilot of the future\" in the *Eagle *comic."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Refuse cold chop sent back for demanding chap (7)","output":"### Answer: EXACTOR \n ### Explanation: Definition: demanding chap\n\n**<=(ROT** (\"refuse\") + **C** (cold) + **AXE** (\"chop\")**)** [*back*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Something hot? The opposite when picked up (5)","output":"### Answer: CHILI \n ### Explanation: Definition: Something hot\n\nA chili is hot, but its homophone [*when picked up*] is **CHILLY** (\"the opposite\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Love a portion sliced by cook (9)","output":"### Answer: ADORATION \n ### Explanation: Definition: Love\n\n**A RATION** (\"portion\") *sliced by* **DO** (\"cook\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Denies president's hosting new billionaire (9)","output":"### Answer: ABNEGATES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Denies\n\n**ABE** (Lincoln, \"president\") *hosting*** N** (new) + (Bill) **GATES** (\"billionaire\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tory grandee's hot with fever (5)","output":"### Answer: HAGUE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Tory grandee\n\n**H **(hot) with **AGUE** (\"fever\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bear first sign of tailspin (5)","output":"### Answer: TEDDY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Bear\n\n[*first sign of*] **T**(ail) + **EDDY** (\"spin\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Passage of a good king, dressed with flourish (9)","output":"### Answer: PARAGRAPH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Passage\n\n**A** + **G** (good) + **R **(Rex, so \"king\") *dressed with* **PARAPH** (\"flourish\" added to a signature)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ponders brief massage \u2014 setter's back and bum! (9)","output":"### Answer: RUMINATES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Ponders\n\n[*brief*] **RU**(b) (\"massage\") +** <= I'M** (\"setter's\", *back*) *and* **NATES** (\"bum\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Head of patriotic state who puts out flags (5)","output":"### Answer: PAVER \n ### Explanation: Definition: who puts out flags\n\n[*head of*] **P**(atriotic) + **AVER** (\"state\")\n \n*For flags, think flagstones."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: English prompt to store wood in rural work (7)","output":"### Answer: ECLOGUE \n ### Explanation: Definition: rural work\n\n**E** (English) + **CUE** (\"prompt\")* to store* **LOG** (\"wood\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Experience high oil supply from this city? (7)","output":"### Answer: TRIPOLI \n ### Explanation: Definition: city\n\n**TRIP** (\"experience high\") + ***(oil)** [anag:*supply*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Thug about to stop washing pants (5,9)","output":"### Answer: HEAVY BREATHING \n ### Explanation: Definition: pants\n\n**HEAVY** (\"thug\") + **RE** (\"about\")* to stop* **BATHING** (\"washing\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Boy and unknown person talking on line, a seeker of romance (4,10)","output":"### Answer: LADY CHATTERLEY \n ### Explanation: Definition: seeker of romance\n\n**LAD** (\"boy\") + **Y** (\"unknown\", in maths) + **CHATTER** (\"talking\") *on* **LEY** (line)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Two males welcoming one making a pile (7)","output":"### Answer: MANSION \n ### Explanation: Definition: a pile\n\n**MAN** + **SON** ('two males\") *welcoming*** I** (one)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Drink alone in a provocative way (9)","output":"### Answer: TEASINGLY \n ### Explanation: Definition: in a provocative way\n\n**TEA** (\"drink\") + **SINGLY** (\"alone\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Moulded terse version of Caesar's Rubicon speech? (3-4)","output":"### Answer: DIE-CAST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Moulded\n\nAccording to Suetonius,\u00a0Caesar\u00a0uttered the famous phrase *?lea iacta est* (\"the\u00a0**DIE**\u00a0has been **CAST**\") after he made the decision to cross the Rubicon."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Weighty responsibility saving deposit up (7)","output":"### Answer: ONEROUS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Weighty\n\n**ONUS **(\"responsibility\") *saving* **<=ORE** (\"deposit\" *up*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Red paper out of very fashionable company (5)","output":"### Answer: PRADA \n ### Explanation: Definition: fashionable company\n\n**PRA**(v)**DA** (Soviet newspaper, so \"red paper\") lacking (*out of*) **V **(very)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Love alcoholic drink that's kept diluted (7)","output":"### Answer: NOTHING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Love\n\n**NOG** (\"alcoholic drink\") *that's kept ***THIN** (\"diluted\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dreamboat preparing to hug dissolute chancer (6,8)","output":"### Answer: PRINCE CHARMING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Dreamboat\n\n**PRIMING **(\"preparing\") *to hug **(chancer\") [anag:*dissolute*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Gyrating hip, thong covering one's best part? (4,5)","output":"### Answer: HIGH POINT \n ### Explanation: Definition: best part\n\n***(hip thong)** [anag:*gyrating*] *covering* **I **(one)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Demi Moore's outside with grand French film-maker (2,5)","output":"### Answer: DE MILLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: film-maker\n\n**D**(emi Moor)**E** [*'s outside*] *with* **MILLE** (French for thousand, so \"grand French\")\n \n*Refers to Oscar-winning director Cecil B DeMIlle."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Maybe Rosemary's Baby's opening after fuss (7)","output":"### Answer: POTHERB \n ### Explanation: Definition: Maybe Rosemary\n\n**B**(aby) [*'s opening*] *after* **POTHER** (\"fuss\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dry wine European bottles getting badge of honour (7)","output":"### Answer: ROSETTE \n ### Explanation: Definition: badge of honour\n\n**ROS\u00c9** (\"wine\") + **E **(European) *bottles* **TT** (teetotal, so \"dry\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Where air's kept awfully volatile after temperature drops (7)","output":"### Answer: ALVEOLI \n ### Explanation: Definition: Where air's kept\n\n***(volaile)** [anag:*awfully*] where VOLAILE is VOLA(t)ILE *after* T (temperature) *is dropped"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Edible plants raised by Nile's banks in arid area (5)","output":"### Answer: NEGEV \n ### Explanation: Definition: arid area\n\n**<=VEG** (\"edible plants\", *raised*) by **N**(il)**E** [*'s banks*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Backing barely one of 16 popes will do (5)","output":"### Answer: ROGER \n ### Explanation: Definition: will do\n\n[*backing*] <=(g)**REGOR**(y) (\"one of 16 popes\", *barely*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Convincing one angry-looking salesman to take Australia back (9)","output":"### Answer: PERSUADER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Convincing one\n\n**<=(RED** (\"angry-looking\") + **REP** (\"salesman\") *to take* **Aus.** (Australian)) [*back*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Notices missing volume found inside fish (3,6)","output":"### Answer: SEA WOLVES \n ### Explanation: Definition: fish\n\n**SEES** (\"notices\") with **AWOL** (\"missing\") + **V** (volume) *found inside"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Freewheel when in bed (5)","output":"### Answer: COAST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Freewheel\n\n**AS** (\"when\") *in* **BED** (\"bed\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: They're not the same returning to higher education, Rhodes scholars originally (6)","output":"### Answer: OTHERS \n ### Explanation: Definition: They're not the same\n\n[*returning*] **<=TO **+ **H**(igher) **E**(ducation) **R**(codes) **S**(cholars) [*originally*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Non-conformist state I see in Macedonia (8)","output":"### Answer: MAVERICK \n ### Explanation: Definition: Non-conformist\n\n**AVER** (\"state\") + **I** + **C **(see) *in* **MK** (internet domain of \"Macedonia\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hiding shrunken head slyly, Miss Marple not a saint (5,7)","output":"### Answer: SIMON TEMPLAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: a \n\n***(mis Marple not) **[anag:*slyly*] where MIS is MIS(s) *hiding* S(hrunken) [*head*]\n \n*Simon Templar (aka The Saint), created by Leslie Charteris, was played on TV by Roger Moore and Ian Ogilvy."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fleet's on manoeuvres to break bricks, not to care about looks (3,7,2)","output":"### Answer: LET ONESELF GO \n ### Explanation: Definition: not to care about looks\n\n***(fleets on)** [anag;*manoeuvres*] *to break* **LEGO** (bricks)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Photo of old lavatory? Yes! (8)","output":"### Answer: EXPOSURE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Photo\n\n**EX** (\"of old\") + **PO** (\"lavatory\") + **SURE** (\"yes\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rigorous, in a way, of the stomach to discharge gas (6)","output":"### Answer: STRICT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Rigorous\n\n*In* **St.** (street, so \"a way\") (*gas*)**TRIC** (\"of the stomach\" *discharging* GAS)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hands over an individualist (5)","output":"### Answer: LONER \n ### Explanation: Definition: individualist\n\n**L** +** R** (left and right \"hands\") *over* **ONE** (\"an\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rank Moore poorly in Bond film (9)","output":"### Answer: MOONRAKER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Bond film\n\n***(rank Moore)** [anag;*poorly*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Playwright suppresses urges for flyers (4,5)","output":"### Answer: WILD GEESE \n ### Explanation: Definition: flyers\n\n(Oscar) **WILDE** (\"playwright\") *suppresses* **GEES** (\"urges\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Band leaves westward (5)","output":"### Answer: STRAP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Band\n\n**<=PARTS** (\"leaves\" *westward*, i.e. from east to west (backwards))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Press 1 to change answer (8)","output":"### Answer: RESPONSE \n ### Explanation: Definition: answer\n\n***(press one)** [anag:*to change*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Letter to linguistics scholar has fruit around border (8)","output":"### Answer: GRAPHEME \n ### Explanation: Definition: Letter to linguistics scholar\n\n**GRAPE** (\"fruit\") *around* **HEM** (\"border\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old relative to be carried across river (3,6)","output":"### Answer: RIO GRANDE \n ### Explanation: Definition: river\n\n**RIDE** (\"to be carried\") *across* **O** (old) **GRAN** ('relative\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Put the top on quiet greeting (4)","output":"### Answer: PAVE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Put the top on\n\n**P** (piano, so \"quiet\") + **AVE** (\"greeting\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Oriental fruit for people sick with Sars (4,6)","output":"### Answer: ROSE APPLES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Oriental fruit \n\n***(people sars)** [anag:*sick*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Relative with large pimple going carb- free (5)","output":"### Answer: UNCLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Relative\n\n(carb)**UNCLE** (\"large pimple\" CARB-*free*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Embroil newspaper in racket (4,2)","output":"### Answer: DRAG IN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Embroil \n\n**RAG** (\"newspaper\")* in* **DIN** (\"racket\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Alien absorbed by inclination to get back (6)","output":"### Answer: RETAKE \n ### Explanation: Definition: to get back\n\n**ET** (extraterrestrial, so \"alien\") *in* **RAKE** (\"inclination\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Letter from abroad comes up in system \u2013 Margo reacts (10)","output":"### Answer: AEROGRAMME \n ### Explanation: Definition: Letter from abroad\n\nHidden backwards [*comes up in*] \"syst**EM MARGO REA**cts\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: American expert formerly not sure about Windows? (9)","output":"### Answer: APERTURES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Windows\n\n**A** (American) + (ex)**PERT** [formerly *not*, i.e not EX] + ***(sure)** [anag:*about*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lack fire, surprised in strobe light (1-7)","output":"### Answer: A-FLICKER \n ### Explanation: Definition: in strobe light\n\n***(lack fire)** [anag:*surprised*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What seasick British patriot may be on (4,4)","output":"### Answer: BOAT TRIP \n ### Explanation: Definition: What seasick British patriot may be on\n\n**B** (British) + ***(patriot)** [anag:*seasick*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hill that hurts man (6)","output":"### Answer: FELLOW \n ### Explanation: Definition: man\n\n**FELL** (\"hill\") + **OW! **(\"that hurts\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mineral crystal found in Scots pine log (6)","output":"### Answer: SPINEL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Mineral crystal \n\nHidden [*found*] *in* \"scot**S PINE L**og\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Thin person's credit in decline (5)","output":"### Answer: SCRAG \n ### Explanation: Definition: Thin person\n\n**CR** (credit)* in* **SAG** (\"decline\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lord Chancellor once longer (4)","output":"### Answer: MORE \n ### Explanation: Definition: longer\n\nSir Thomas **MORE** was Lord High Chancellor from 1529 to 1532."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Get rid of missus at beginning of month (8)","output":"### Answer: DECIMATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Get rid of \n\n**MATE** (\"missus\") *at* **DEC 1** (\"beginning of month\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pastry you might enjoy in city hideaway (6)","output":"### Answer: ECLAIR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Pastry\n\n**EC** (postcode of \"City\" of London) + **LAIR** (\"hideaway\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Left constituency in recession, in a manner of speaking (5)","output":"### Answer: DRAWL \n ### Explanation: Definition: a manner of speaking\n\n<=(L (left) + **WARD** (\"constituency\")**)** [*in recession*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sam beaten badly: a humiliation (9)","output":"### Answer: ABASEMENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: humiliation\n\n***(sam beaten)** [anag:*badly*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Revelation providing an E for the cruciverbalist? (3-6)","output":"### Answer: EYE OPENER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Revelation\n\nIn cryptic crosswords clues \"opener\" indicates first letter so \"eye-opener\" would give \"E\" to \"a cruciverbalist\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Subject of Kitty backfiring, I see (5)","output":"### Answer: TOPIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: Subject \n\n**<=POT** (\"kitty\", *backfiring*) + **I **+ **C** (\"see\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Reactionary teacher had an altercation (6)","output":"### Answer: DEBATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: altercation\n\n[*reactionary*] **<=B Ed** (Bachelor of Education, so \"teacher\") + **ATE** (\"had\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Medical woman's offspring admitting desire (7)","output":"### Answer: SURGEON \n ### Explanation: Definition: Medical woman\n\n**SON** (\"offspring\") *admitting* **URGE** (\"desire\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Colonel's men smoothing things over (7)","output":"### Answer: SANDERS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Colonel\n\nDouble definition, the first referring to Colonel Sanders, the creator of KFC."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Trump's women, and their little ways? (6)","output":"### Answer: BROADS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Trump's women\n\n**B-ROADS** (\"little ways\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: How Cymbeline ends is ludicrous (5)","output":"### Answer: INANE \n ### Explanation: Definition: ludicrous\n\n\"Cymbeline ends\" **IN AN E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sack coppers facing indictment (9)","output":"### Answer: DISCHARGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Sack\n\n**DIs **(Detective Inspectors, so \"coppers\") *facing* **CHARGE** (\"indictment\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Asian lad worried about university in this part of Spain (9)","output":"### Answer: ANDALUSIA \n ### Explanation: Definition: part of Spain\n\n***(asian lad) **[anag:*worried*] *about* **U** (university)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Beyonc\u00e9's bottom getting the prize? (5)","output":"### Answer: BOOTY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Beyonc\u00e9's bottom\n\nDouble definition, the first referring to the epithet of \"bootylicious\" which has been associated with Beyonc\u00e9."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ultimately unkempt and feeble, as country gentleman may be? (6)","output":"### Answer: TWEEDY \n ### Explanation: Definition: as country gentleman may be?\n\n[*ultimately*] (unkemp)**T** *and* **WEEDY** (\"feeble\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bug Bolshevik leader, first to be caught (6,2)","output":"### Answer: LISTEN IN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Bug\n\n**LENIN** (\"Bolshevik leader\") with **1st** (first) *caught"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Walk unsteadily, daughter and stranger lending support (6)","output":"### Answer: DODDER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Walk unsteadily\n\n**D** (daughter) + **ODDER** (\"stranger\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Approached Trotsky outside hotel \u2013 such a cold-blooded customer! (9)","output":"### Answer: CHAMELEON \n ### Explanation: Definition: a cold-blooded customer\n\n**CAME** (\"approached\") + **LEON** (Trotsky) *outside* **H** (hotel)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mislay seed pearl when sozzled? I'm saying nothing! (2,4,3,6)","output":"### Answer: MY LIPS ARE SEALED \n ### Explanation: Definition: I'm saying nothing!\n\n***(mislay seed pearl)** [anag:*sozzled*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Learner almost fell in centre of Ostend (7)","output":"### Answer: TRAINEE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Learner\n\n[*almost*] **RAINE**(d) *in* [*centre of*] (os)**TE**(nd)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One enjoying routine, a nun perhaps? (8,2,5)","output":"### Answer: CREATURE OF HABIT \n ### Explanation: Definition: One enjoying routine\n\nA nun wears a habit, so could feasibly be considered \"a creature of habit\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Absorbed what EU policy covers (3,2)","output":"### Answer: ATE UP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Absorbed\n\nHidden in [*covers*] \"wh**AT EU P**olicy\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Secretive priests occasionally needing a little money (8)","output":"### Answer: RETICENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Secretive\n\n(p)**R**(i)**E**(s)**T**(s) [*occasionally*] + **1 CENT** (\"a little money\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A doctor tucking into old lady's curry (6)","output":"### Answer: MADRAS \n ### Explanation: Definition: curry\n\n**A Dr. **(doctor) *tucking into* **MA'S** (\"old lady's)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: I wondered about getting something to keep me warm (9)","output":"### Answer: EIDERDOWN \n ### Explanation: Definition: something to keep me warm\n\n***(I wondered) **[anag:*about*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ambitious partisan brought down (8)","output":"### Answer: ASPIRANT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Ambitious\n\n***(partisan) **[anag:*brought down*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: It is time to arrest duke, a cruel man (6)","output":"### Answer: SADIST \n ### Explanation: Definition: a cruel man\n\n**SA** (sex appeal, aka \"it\") + **IS** + **T** (time) *to arrest* **D** (duke)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: British violin-maker eating bit of spicy rice (7)","output":"### Answer: BASMATI \n ### Explanation: Definition: rice\n\n**B** (British) + **AMATI** (family of \"violin-makers\") *eating* [*bit of*] **S**(picy)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Drunken Yank grabbing someone from Nairobi? (6)","output":"### Answer: KENYAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: someone from \n\nHidden in [*grabbing*] \"drun**KEN YAN**k\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Go off with beer drinking theologian (5)","output":"### Answer: ADDLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Go off\n\n**ALE **(\"beer\") *drinking* **DD** (Doctor of Divinity, so \"theologian\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One churchman or another entertaining company (6)","output":"### Answer: DEACON \n ### Explanation: Definition: One churchman\n\n**DEAN** (\"another\" churchman) *entertaining* **Co.** (company)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old Asian man, not the Messiah, outside a court (8)","output":"### Answer: BACTRIAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Old Asian man\n\n**BRIAN** (\"not the Messiah\") *outside* **A Ct.** (court)\n \n\n \n*In *Monthy Python's Life of Brian*, Brian's mother famously declares, \"He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy!\"*\n \n\n \n*Bactria was a part of Asia, which now forms part of Afghanistan."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cash in silver immediately withdrawn (5)","output":"### Answer: WONGA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Cash\n\n**<=(Ag** (\"silver\") + **NOW** (\"immediately\") [*withdrawn*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Abhorrent ruling to imprison reversed before magistrates (9)","output":"### Answer: REPUGNANT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Abhorrent\n\n**REGNANT** (\"ruling\") *to imprison* [*reversed*] **<=UP** (\"before magistrate\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Important old Irish police independent in state (7)","output":"### Answer: CRUCIAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Important\n\n**RUC** (Royal Ulster Constabulary \u2013 \"old Irish police\") + **I **(independent) *in* **Cal.** (California, so \"state)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Nocturnal creature has an illness, needing attention (3,4)","output":"### Answer: ANT BEAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Nocturnal creature\n\n**AN** + **TB** (\"disease\") *needing* **EAR** (\"attention\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Shack in Slough (4)","output":"### Answer: SHED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Shack\n\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cars here to be broken in systematic investigation (8)","output":"### Answer: RESEARCH \n ### Explanation: Definition: systematic investigation\n\n***(cars here) **[anag:*to be broken*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Treat cold when brought in to liaise (8)","output":"### Answer: MEDICATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Treat\n\n**C** (cold) *brought in to* **MEDIATE** (\"liaise\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Surgery \u2013 evidently reversible \u2013 seen in China (4)","output":"### Answer: OPPO \n ### Explanation: Definition: China\n\n**OP** (\"surgery\") + **<=OP** [reversible]\n \n\n \n*Oppo and china are both words meaning friend."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A1 drink knocked back in Crown & Sceptre (7)","output":"### Answer: REGALIA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Crown & Sceptre\n\n**<=(A1 LAGER **(\"drink\")**)** [*knocked back*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Universal anger about doctor's offence (7)","output":"### Answer: UMBRAGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: offence\n\n**U** (universal) + **RAGE** *about* **MB** (Bachelor of Medicine, so \"doctor\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Get this cooked before old man comes in for food (9)","output":"### Answer: SPAGHETTI \n ### Explanation: Definition: food\n\n***(get this)** [anag:*cooked*] with **PA** (\"old man\") *coming in"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Give speech from floor at eleven (5)","output":"### Answer: ORATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Give speech\n\nHidden in [*from*] \"flo**OR AT E**leven\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Perhaps beside a river, a vale to the east? (8)","output":"### Answer: SAYONARA \n ### Explanation: Definition: vale to the east?\n\n**SAY** (\"perhaps\") **ON** (\"beside\") +\u00a0**A**+ **R** (river) + **A**\n \n\n \n*Sayonara is the Japanese for goodbye, so \"vale\" to (part of) the East."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wander in breeze in Moroccan seaport (6)","output":"### Answer: AGADIR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Moroccan seaport\n\n**GAD** (\"wander\") *in* **AIR** (\"breeze\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Blue feathers spread out (8)","output":"### Answer: DOWNCAST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Blue\n\n**DOWN** (\"feathers\") + **CAST** (\"spread out\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: AA named us in error time after time (2,7)","output":"### Answer: AD NAUSEAM \n ### Explanation: Definition: time after time \n\n***(aa named us) **[anag:*in error*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Round 10: greatest boxer first to succumb in plant (6)","output":"### Answer: OXALIS \n ### Explanation: Definition: plant\n\n**O** (round) + **X** (ten) + **ALI** (\"greatest boxer\") + [*first to*] **S**(uccumb)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Three stars from Catharine cavorting with Paul (5,8)","output":"### Answer: ALPHA CENTAURI \n ### Explanation: Definition: Three stars\n\n***(Catherine Paul) **[anag:*cavorting*]\n \n\n \n*Alpha Centauri, consisting of three stars, is the closest star system to our solar system."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Merry monarch gets closer (7)","output":"### Answer: TIGHTER \n ### Explanation: Definition: closer\n\n**TIGHT **(\"merry\" as in drunk) + **ER** (Elizabeth Regina, so \"monarch\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Senseless China News content (5)","output":"### Answer: INANE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Senseless\n\nHidden in \"ch**INA NE**ws\" [*content*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Kind disposition (6)","output":"### Answer: NATURE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Kind\n\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wave coming over ship makes for thrilling ride (6,7)","output":"### Answer: ROLLER COASTER \n ### Explanation: Definition: thrilling ride\n\n**ROLLER** (\"wave\") + **COASTER** (\"ship\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Disorganised leader to host a quiet venture (9)","output":"### Answer: HAPHAZARD \n ### Explanation: Definition: Disorganised\n\n[*leader to*] **H**(ost) + **A** + **P** (piano, so \"quiet) + **HAZARD** (\"venture\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ancestor warning creature in woods (8)","output":"### Answer: FOREBEAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Ancestor\n\n**FORE** (\"warning\") + **BEAR** (\"creature in woods\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Intelligent swimmer working on DPhil (7)","output":"### Answer: DOLPHIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Intelligent\n\n***(on DPhil)** [anag:*working*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Goddess making appearance after credit crunch (6)","output":"### Answer: CRISIS \n ### Explanation: Definition: crunch\n\n**ISIS** (Egyptian \"goddess\") *making appearance after ***Cr.** (credit)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Alumnus, boring perhaps, certainly not square (6)","output":"### Answer: OBLONG \n ### Explanation: Definition: certainly not square\n\n**OB** (old boy, so \"alumnus\") + **LONG** (\"boring, perhaps\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sauce from elegist penning verse (5)","output":"### Answer: GRAVY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Sauce\n\n(Thomas) **GRAY** (\"elegist\") *penning* **V** (verse)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Face to windward, being connected via modem (6)","output":"### Answer: DIALUP \n ### Explanation: Definition: connected via modem\n**DIAL **(\"face\") + **UP **(\"to windward\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Coarse thread: there's adhesive holding one on page (5)","output":"### Answer: GUIMP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Coarse thread\n**GUM** (\"adhesive\") *holding ***I** (one) *on ***P** (page)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Source of hardwood? There's none on timber tree in being cut twice (5)","output":"### Answer: OPEPE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Source of hardwood\nO (zero, so \"none\") on ?? PE + PE (\"timber tree\", cut twice) ?? \n*Can't see what the timber tree is?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Edible fish coated in batter I almost vomit (7)","output":"### Answer: LAMPUKI \n ### Explanation: Definition: Edible fish\n[*almost*] **PUK**(e) (\"vomit\") *coated in ***LAM **(\"batter\") *+ ***I** \n*Lampuki is an edible Mediterranean fish"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Material for overalls? Search among garden implements (5)","output":"### Answer: DENIM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Material for overalls?\nHidden in [*search among*] \"gar**DEN IM**plements\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Choir feature in tribute to prince HM backed repeatedly (8)","output":"### Answer: MISERERE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Choir feature\n**MISE **(\"tribute to prince\") +** <=(E.R. E.R) **(Her Majesty, *backed repeatedly*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sordid stuff left inside old collar (6)","output":"### Answer: SLEAZE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Sordid stuff\n**L** (left) *inside ***SEAZE **(old word for \"seize\", thus \"old collar\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Homeric star? I, \u2014\u2014, battling with arms maybe (6)","output":"### Answer: HECTOR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Homeric star? I, \u2014\u2014, battling with arms maybe\n***(homeric star)** [anag:*battling*] may give \"I,Hector, arms\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Jock's tipple supplying support around noon (6)","output":"### Answer: STRUNT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Jock's tipple\n**STRUT **(\"support\") *around ***N** (noon) \n*Strunt is a Scots word for an alcoholic drink, although I have never come across it."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Short extract from Oscar ceremony (6)","output":"### Answer: SCARCE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Short \nHidden in [*extract from*] \"o**SCAR CE**remony\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: It's dry round core of pot for perennial (5)","output":"### Answer: AROID \n ### Explanation: Definition: perennial\n**ARID **(\"dry\") *round *[*core of*] (p)**O**(t) \n*An aroid is a type of perennial plant."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Attorney General's aide corrected most of error involving Latin (7)","output":"### Answer: RELATOR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Attorney General's aide\n***(erro)** [anag:*corrected*] where ERRO is [*most of*] ERRO(r), *involving ***Lat.** (Latin)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Priest's daughter, extremely fussy about eulogy's opening (5)","output":"### Answer: NIECE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Priest's daughter\n**NICE **(\"extremely fussy\") *about ***E**(ulogy's) [*opening*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old clod confined to single bed (5)","output":"### Answer: GLEBE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Old clod\nHidden in [confined to] \"sin**GLE BE**d\" \n*Glebe is an old word for a piece of land."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rarely used net from class abandoned us in rough sea (6)","output":"### Answer: SAGENE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Rarely used net\n**GEN**(us) (\"class\" *abandoning *\"us\") *in ****(sea)** [anag:*rough*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Strippers jiggling breast with candle (12)","output":"### Answer: TABLE-DANCERS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Strippers\n***(breast candle)** [anag:*jiggling*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wild flower causing reduction in insect numbers? (7)","output":"### Answer: BUGLOSS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Wild flower\n**BUG LOSS** = \"reduction in insect numbers\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fauvist rubbish, including exotic feast seen from below (7)","output":"### Answer: ROUAULT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fauvist\n**ROT** (\"rubbish\") *including ***<=LUAU** (\"exotic feast\", *seen from below*) \n\u00a0\n \n*Georges Rouault (1871-1958) was a French Fauvist painter."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What rises somewhat, clipping top of wicket? (4)","output":"### Answer: TUMP \n ### Explanation: Definition: What rises somewhat\n[*clipping top of*] (s)**TUMP **(\"wicket\") \n*A tump is a hillock, so could be described as \"rising somewhat\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Throws up endlessly, nursing itch alternately? It could mean day off work (6)","output":"### Answer: SICKIE \n ### Explanation: Definition: It could mean day off work\n**SKIE**(s) (\"throws up\", *endlessly*) *nursing ***I**(t)**C**(h) [*alternately*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Leporine, raw, I jugged? (6)","output":"### Answer: HARISH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Leporine\n**HARSH** (\"raw\") with **I** *jugged"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Purcell's composition about a Roman festival (8)","output":"### Answer: LUPERCAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Roman festival\n***(purcell)** [anag:*composition*] *about ***A** \n*Lupercal was a festival dedicated to Lupercus, the Roman god of fertility and flocks"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hoofed animal from Italy, caught in trap, struggling (5)","output":"### Answer: TAPIR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Hoofed animal\n**I **(Italy) *caught in* ***(trap)** [anag:*struggling*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Scots release, as of old, former member of the family? (5)","output":"### Answer: EXEME \n ### Explanation: Definition: Scots release, as of old\n**EX **(\"former\") + **EME **(old word for an uncle, so \"member of the family\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Upmarket restaurateur, half cut, appearing in paper as 'Peg leg' (10)","output":"### Answer: TIMBERTOES \n ### Explanation: Definition: 'Peg leg'\n**BERTO **?* appearing in* **TIMES **(\"paper\") \n*The clue seems to indicate that we need to cut the name of a restaurateur in half to get BERTO. My research online throws up one remote possibility \u2013 Tonino BERTOLEONI who is a member of a family who claim to be the royal family of an island off the coast of Sardinia. Tonino runs a restaurant on the island and if he is indeed the king of the island, I can't imagine a more upmarket restaurant owner."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Probes former injury brought up in boasts (10)","output":"### Answer: PENETRATES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Probe\n**<=TENE** (old word for \"injury\", *brought up*) *in* **PRATES **(\"boasts\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A unit at sea with mostly flat seas describing voyage? (8)","output":"### Answer: NAUTICAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: A unit at sea with mostly flat seas \n***(a unit)** [anag:*at sea*] *with *[*mostly*] **CAL**(m) (\"flat seas\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Officer in charge with future king in time of revolution? (7)","output":"### Answer: OCTOBER \n ### Explanation: Definition: time of revolution?\n**OC** (officer in charge) + **TO BE** (\"future\") +** R** (Rex, so \"king\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: As regards character leading regiment in War, we're concerned with breeding (7)","output":"### Answer: REARERS \n ### Explanation: Definition: we're concerned with breeding\n**RE** (\"as regards\") + [*character leading*] **R**(egiment) *in* **ARES **(god of \"War\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Called in intermediaries (6)","output":"### Answer: TERMED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Called\nHidden [*in*] \"in**TERMED**iaries\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pigment is seen when climbing over Sicilian location (6)","output":"### Answer: SIENNA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Pigment \n**<=IS** [*seen when climbing*] *over ***ENNA **(a town in Sicily, so \"Sicilian location\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Prohibition disheartened aestheticist in military district (5)","output":"### Answer: BANAT \n ### Explanation: Definition: military district\n**BAN **(\"prohibition\") + [*disheartened*] **A**(estheticis)**T** \n*Ban'at was a military district on the outskirts of the Hungarian kingdom."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Foreign lingo for rainy day, yielding odd characters (5)","output":"### Answer: ORIYA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Foreign lingo\n(f)**O**(r) **R**(a)**I**(n)**Y **(d)**A**(y) [*yielding odd characters*] \n*Oriya is the official language of the Indian state of Orissa"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Guinness, say, something served in pubs cold (4)","output":"### Answer: ALEC \n ### Explanation: Definition: Guinness, say\n**ALE **(\"something served in pubs\") + **C **(cold)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fish and fruit wonderful in Spain (5,4)","output":"### Answer: LEMON SOLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fish \n**LEMONS **(\"fruit\") + **OLE **(\"great in Spain\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: To be mad not having succeeded is foolish (5)","output":"### Answer: INANE \n ### Explanation: Definition: foolish\n**IN**(s)**ANE **(\"mad\") [*not having*] S (succeeded)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Printing house that is making a gift (7)","output":"### Answer: PRESSIE \n ### Explanation: Definition: a gift\n**PRESS **(\"printing house\") + **I.E.** (that is)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Become fine again? Explain (5,2)","output":"### Answer: CLEAR UP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Become fine again\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A team of detectives is sharp (4)","output":"### Answer: ACID \n ### Explanation: Definition: sharp\n**A **+ **CID **(\"team of detectives\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Favouring English athlete: one came first (10)","output":"### Answer: FORERUNNER \n ### Explanation: Definition: one came first\n**FOR **(\"favouring\") + **E** (English) + **RUNNER **(\"athlete\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Extremist Rees-Mogg elected (7)","output":"### Answer: JACOBIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Extremist \nJACOB (Rees-Mogg) + **IN **(\"elected\") \n\u00a0\n \n*Jacobins were anti-Royal French revolutionaries, and Jacob Rees-Mogg the kind of person they would have beheaded."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Capri: so awfully dull (7)","output":"### Answer: PROSAIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: dull \n***(capri so)** [anag:*awfully*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Free, so vacation in province (4,6)","output":"### Answer: NOVA SCOTIA \n ### Explanation: Definition: province\n***(so vacation)** [anag:*free*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One may be bent back, needing to be shortened (4)","output":"### Answer: KNEE \n ### Explanation: Definition: One may be bent\nHidden in [*to be shortened*] \"bac**K NEE**ding\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hung about with protective coat, I can enter (7)","output":"### Answer: TARRIED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Hung about\n**I** *can enter* **TARRED **(\"with protective coat\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Young lady repelling favourite put foot in it? (7)","output":"### Answer: MISSTEP \n ### Explanation: Definition: put foot in it?\n**MISS **(\"young lady\") + [*repelling*] **<=PET** (\"favourite\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lungs not working? Not quite all (5)","output":"### Answer: OFFAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Lungs\n**OFF **(\"not working\") + [*not quite*] **AL**(l)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One attacking a holy book in speech (9)","output":"### Answer: ASSAULTER \n ### Explanation: Definition: One attacking\nHomophone [*in speech*] of **A PSALTER** (\"holy book\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Joint camp launch in chaos, so many changes to be made here (7,8)","output":"### Answer: CLAPHAM JUNCTION \n ### Explanation: Definition: many changes to be made here\n***(joint camp launch)** [anag:*in chaos*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Liable to forget one's problem (8)","output":"### Answer: AMNESIAC \n ### Explanation: Definition: Liable to forget\nCryptic defintion"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Soldiers, perhaps: GI avoids huge types (4)","output":"### Answer: ANTS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Soldiers, perhap\nGI *avoids *(gi)**ANTS **(\"huge types\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Reduce intensity? No we don't, unfortunately (4,4)","output":"### Answer: TONE DOWN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Reduce intensity\n***(no we dont)** [anag:*unfortunately*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: After short pause, signal recovery (6)","output":"### Answer: RESCUE \n ### Explanation: Definition: recovery \n[*after*] [*short*] **RES**(t) (\"pause\"), **CUE **(\"signal\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Musical direction we hear written out badly (8)","output":"### Answer: RITENUTO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Musical direction\nHomophone [*we hear*] of **WRITTEN **+** *(out)** [anag:*badly*] \n\u00a0\n \n*Ritenuto, in music, is an instruction to slow down suddenly."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Said noble is without hope of heir (6)","output":"### Answer: BARREN \n ### Explanation: Definition: without hope of heir\nHomophone [*said*] of **BARON **(\"noble\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: People in SUVs? Ones like Virginia \u2014 heavens! (7,8)","output":"### Answer: JEEPERS CREEPERS \n ### Explanation: Definition: heavens\n**JEEPERS **(\"people in SUVS\" or jeeps) + **CREEPERS **(\"ones like Virginia\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Be outside a quiet prison (8)","output":"### Answer: BASTILLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: prison \n**BE ***outside ***A **+** STILL** (\"quiet\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Most prudish minister receiving medal (8)","output":"### Answer: PRIMMEST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Most prudish\n**PRIEST **(\"minister\") *receiving ***MM **(Military \"Medal\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mark up article not consumed (8)","output":"### Answer: ANNOTATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Mark up\n**AN **(\"article\") + **NOT **+ **ATE **(\"consumed\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Check five fiery bursts (6)","output":"### Answer: VERIFY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Check \n**V** (five) + ***(fiery)** [anag:*bursts*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Athletic team's out-of-date meat (6)","output":"### Answer: OLDHAM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Athletic team\n**OLD **(\"out of date\") + **HAM **(\"meat\") \n\u00a0\n \n*The clue refers to Oldham Athletic, an English football team."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Whisky cocktail perhaps disagreeable (4)","output":"### Answer: SOUR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Whisky cocktail perhaps\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Electronics firm covers writer's trading benefits (6)","output":"### Answer: SIMONY \n ### Explanation: Definition: trading benefits\n\n**SONY **(\"electronics firm\") *covers ***I'M **(\"writer's\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Workers block a rear pier (8)","output":"### Answer: ABUTMENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: pier \n\n**MEN **(\"workers\") *block ***A **+ **BUTT **(\"rear\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Back story involving college's flair (5)","output":"### Answer: ECLAT \n ### Explanation: Definition: flair \n\n[*back*] **<=TALE** (\"story\") *involving ***C** (college)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mystery doctor approaches horse with dope (9)","output":"### Answer: WHODUNNIT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Mystery\n\n(Doctor) **WHO ***approaches ***DUN **(sandy-coloured \"horse\") + **NIT **(\"dope\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Clothing torn catching train (7)","output":"### Answer: RAIMENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Clothing \n\n**RENT **(\"torn\") *catching ***AIM **(\"train\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Understanding English writer's engaging way (7)","output":"### Answer: EMPATHY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Understanding \n\n**E** (English) + **MY **(\"writer's\") *engaging ***PATH **(\"way\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: PIN number trouble (4)","output":"### Answer: NAIL \n ### Explanation: Definition: PIN \n\n**N **(number) + **AIL **(\"trouble\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Problem for privates \u2013 pert girl is after other ones (8)","output":"### Answer: ORCHITIS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Problem for privates\n\n**CHIT **(\"pert girl\") + **IS ***after ***OR **(other ranks, so \"other ones\" where \"ones\" = \"privates\")\n \n\n \n*Orchitis is inflammation of the testicles."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Papers back plan to nail mother, one in embassy (8)","output":"### Answer: DIPLOMAT \n ### Explanation: Definition: one in embassy \n\n**<=ID** (\"papers\", *back*) + **PLOT **(\"plan\")* to nail* **MA **(\"mother\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Transport first of modern paintings around (4)","output":"### Answer: TRAM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Transport \n\n**<= (**[*first of*] **M**(odern) + **ART **(\"paintings\")**)** [*round*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Watch kids gorge nonstop during scrap (7)","output":"### Answer: BABYSIT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Watch kids\n\n**ABYS**(s) (\"gorge\", non-stop) *during ***BIT **(\"scrap\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Thump counter furiously (7)","output":"### Answer: TROUNCE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Thump \n\n***(counter)** [anag:*furiously*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Peacekeepers loved patrolling northern plain (9)","output":"### Answer: UNADORNED \n ### Explanation: Definition: plain \n\n**UN** (United Nations, so \"peacekeepers\") + **ADORED **(\"loved\") *patrolling ***N **(northern)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Our earliest homes found in the outer islands (5)","output":"### Answer: UTERI \n ### Explanation: Definition: Our earliest homes\n\nHidden [*found*] *in *\"o**UTER I**slands\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Time-wasting form of idolatry (8)","output":"### Answer: DILATORY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Time-wasting\n\n***(idolatry)** [anag:*form of*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: PC arrests a Northern Irish nutter (6)","output":"### Answer: MANIAC \n ### Explanation: Definition: nutter\n\n**MAC** (\"PC\") *arrest ***A** + **NI **(Northern Irish)\n \n\n \n*I think some computer geeks would dispute MAC = PC, although these days, they're pretty much the same thing."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bad language is ultimately tiresome (8)","output":"### Answer: SWEARING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Ba\n\n(i)**S** [*ultimately*] + **WEARING **(\"tiresome\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Placated girl with hood, one left out of ground (9)","output":"### Answer: MOLLIFIED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Placated \n\n**MOLL **(gangster's girl, so \"girl with hood\") + **I** + L (left) [*out of*] **FIE**(l)**D **(\"ground\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Perhaps Hazel and Margaret do what dribblers do (6)","output":"### Answer: NUTMEG \n ### Explanation: Definition: do what dribblers do\n\n(hazel) **NUT **+ **MEG **(\"Margaret\")\n \n\n \nFor the non-football fans \u2013 *a footballer, while dribbling past an opponent, may slip the ball between his opponent's legs. This move is known as a \"nutmeg\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bitterly disappointed but apparently OK (6-7)","output":"### Answer: BROKEN-HEARTED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Bitterly disappointed\n\nOK is at the heart of \"br**OK**\"en"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Proclaim bottom end of page in Times (7)","output":"### Answer: TRUMPET \n ### Explanation: Definition: Proclaim \n\n**RUMP** (\"bottom\") + [*edge of*] (pag)**E** in **T** + **T** (times)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Surrealist stumped European sailors first (5)","output":"### Answer: ERNST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Surrealist \n\n**E **(European) + **RN **(Royal Navy, so \"sailors) + **St**. (stumped, on a cricket scorecard)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Your old group put up hoarding in sea once (6)","output":"### Answer: TETHYS \n ### Explanation: Definition: sea once\n\n**<=SET** (\"group\", *put up*) *hoarding ***THY **(\"old\" word for \"your\")\n \n\n \n*Tethys, named after a Greek sea goddess, was the name of the sea that separated the two great supercontinents of Laurasia and Gondwanaland after Pangaea split in two, so was roughly the predecessor of the Mediterranean."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: It stops scaling tree after snow flurries (5-8)","output":"### Answer: WATER SOFTENER \n ### Explanation: Definition: It stops scaling\n\n***(tree after snow)** [anag:*flurries*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Golf interrupting calm \u2013 it upset African sanctuary (9)","output":"### Answer: SERENGETI \n ### Explanation: Definition: African sanctua\n\n**G** (golf, in the phonetic alphabet) *interrupting ***SERENE **(\"calm\") +** <=IT** [upset]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One forgets amateur cinema's developed (8)","output":"### Answer: AMNESIAC \n ### Explanation: Definition: One forgets\n\n**Am.** (amateur) + ***(cinema)** [anag:*developed*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old man's son dismissed issue (4,3)","output":"### Answer: PASS OUT \n ### Explanation: Definition: issue \n\n**PA'S** (\"old man's) + **S** (son) + **OUT **(\"dismissed\", in cricket)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ridiculous American got up in an inferior way (6)","output":"### Answer: ABSURD \n ### Explanation: Definition: Ridiculous \n\n**<=US** (American, *got up*) *in ***A **+** B-Rd** (B-road, so \"inferior way\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Round trip in Ford that's exchanged in Prague (6)","output":"### Answer: KORUNA \n ### Explanation: Definition: that's exchanged in \n\n**O** (round) + **RUN **(\"trip\") *in* (Ford) **KA"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fight fine Scottish Liberal (5)","output":"### Answer: BRAWL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fight \n\n**BRAW **(\"Scottish\" word for \"fine\") + **L** (Liberal)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: VIPs training in it hurtle around circuit the wrong way! (6-3)","output":"### Answer: PALACE CAR \n ### Explanation: VIPs training in it hurtle around circuit the wrong way! (6-3)\n**<=(RACE** (\"hurtle\") + **ca.** (circa, so Proud\") + **LAP** (\"circuit\")**)** [*the wrong wa*y]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Policeman's a poser in pictures (5)","output":"### Answer: REBUS \n ### Explanation: Policeman's a poser in pictures (5)\nDouble definition, the first referring to John REBUS, a creation of the Scottish author Ian Rankin."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bridge declaration \u2014 going first is one for the old grey cells (9)","output":"### Answer: WORDCROSS \n ### Explanation: Bridge declaration \u2014 going first is one for the old grey cells (9)\n**CROSS** (\"bridge\") with **WORD** (\"declaration\") *going first* \n\u00a0\n \n*Crosswords were originally known as word-crosses, hence the reference to \"old\" in the clue."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: 24 makes a journey in the interior (5)","output":"### Answer: SAJOU \n ### Explanation: 24 makes a journey in the interior (5)\nHidden in \"make**S A JOU**rney\" [*in the interior*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old rebel who initiates drugs bust in a hospital? (6)","output":"### Answer: ANARCH \n ### Explanation: Old rebel who initiates drugs bust in a hospital? (6)\n**NARC** (\"who initiates drugs bust\") *in* **A H**(hospital)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: 24 nurse faces demand from those wanting answers (8)","output":"### Answer: ENTELLUS \n ### Explanation: 24 nurse faces demand from those wanting answers (8)\n**EN** (enrolled \"nurse\") *faces* **TELL US** (\"demand from those wanting answers\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: 24 ending early: transport put on (7)","output":"### Answer: COLOBUS \n ### Explanation: 24 ending early: transport put on (7)\n**COLO**(n) [*ending early*] + **BUS** (\"transport\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rubbing noses abroad, missionaries converted 24 (7)","output":"### Answer: SAIMIRI \n ### Explanation: Rubbing noses abroad, missionaries converted 24 (7)\n***(misiari)** [anag:*converted*] where MISIARI is MIS(s)I(on)ARI(es) with the letters from the word NOSES rubbed (out)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Trade centre stocking some knocked-off 24 (8)","output":"### Answer: MARMOSET \n ### Explanation: Trade centre stocking some knocked-off 24 (8)\n**MART** (\"trade centre\") *stocking* ***(some)** [anag:*knocked off*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Perhaps Bruce doubles as 6's relative (6)","output":"### Answer: KENKEN \n ### Explanation: Perhaps Bruce doubles as 6's relative (6)\n**KEN** (perhaps Bruce) [*doubles*] \n\u00a0\n \n*Ken Bruce is a Radio 2 DJ and KenKen is a small grid puzzle that uses mathematics and logic, akin to SuDoku, although SuDoku requires no mathematics."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: She hunted, and I shot a 24 (5)","output":"### Answer: DIANA \n ### Explanation: She hunted, and I shot a 24 (5)\n***(and i)** [anag:*shot*] + **A** \n\u00a0\n \n*In Roman mythology, Diana was the goddess of hunting, and the Diana monkey is an African primate."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: He's really missed the combination of today's themes (9)","output":"### Answer: ARAUCARIA \n ### Explanation: He's really missed the combination of today's themes (9)\n**ARAUCARIA** (aka Rev John Galbraith Graham), a former crossword compiler, who would have been 100 today, and who is \"really missed\". \n\u00a0\n \n*Today's themes are MONKEYs and PUZZLEs and any fan of the great man will know that ARAUCARIA is the Latin name for the MONKEYPUZZLE tree."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: In what's written, crossword setter's reduced complicated devices (5)","output":"### Answer: MAZES \n ### Explanation: In what's written, crossword setter's reduced complicated devices (5)\n*in* **MS** (manuscript, so \"what's written\") **AZE**(d) (\"crossword setter\" *reduced*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Topless rockers opening pipe get punchy with cryptic contrivance (6,3)","output":"### Answer: PUZZLE BOX \n ### Explanation: Topless rockers opening pipe get punchy with cryptic contrivance (6,3)\n[*topless*] **ZZ** (Top) (\"rockers\") *opening* **PULE** (\"to pipe\" or whimper) + **BOX** (\"get punchy\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Outlaw receives word that may surprise 24 (6)","output":"### Answer: BABOON \n ### Explanation: Outlaw receives word that may surprise 24 (6)\n**BAN** (\"outlaw\") *receives* **BOO** (\"word that may surprise\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: 24 compilers will dress with jumper (8)","output":"### Answer: WANDEROO \n ### Explanation: 24 compilers will dress with jumper (8)\n**WE **(\"compilers\") *will dress* **AND** (\"with\") + (kanga)**ROO** (\"jumper\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hunt for words in grid? Perhaps reading in, start to see every one (6)","output":"### Answer: SEARCH \n ### Explanation: Hunt for words in grid? Perhaps reading in, start to see every one (6)\nR (perhaps reading, one of the three Rs)* in* [*start to*] **S**(ee) + **EACH** (\"every one\") \n\u00a0\n \n*You would hunt for words in a wordSEARCH puzzle."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: 24's more sluggish son preferred to daughter (7)","output":"### Answer: TARSIER \n ### Explanation: 24's more sluggish son preferred to daughter (7)\n**TAR**(d>**S**)**IER** (\"more sluggish\" with S (son) preferred to D (daughter))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pelmanism tests this area where people play everything (6)","output":"### Answer: RECALL \n ### Explanation: Pelmanism tests this area where people play everything (6)\n**REC** (as in recreation ground) (\"where people play\") + **ALL** (\"everything\") \n\u00a0\n \nPelmanism is a system of memory training and also a card game based on memory."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Taking flight from here to America, about to tackle a grid-filling problem (6)","output":"### Answer: SUDOKU \n ### Explanation: Taking flight from here to America, about to tackle a grid-filling problem (6)\n[*taking flight*, i.e. going up] **<=(UK** (\"here\") to **US** (\"America\")) *about* **DO** (\"to tackle\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Passage taken by Greeks to Agora \u2014 or from letters to 28 (4)","output":"### Answer: STOA \n ### Explanation: Passage taken by Greeks to Agora \u2014 or from letters to 28 (4)\nHidden in [*taken by*] \"greek**S TO A**gora\" and in [*from*] \"letter**S TO A**raucaria\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Might they be used regularly in Ulmeni? (3)","output":"### Answer: LEI \n ### Explanation: Might they be used regularly in Ulmeni? (3)\n[*regularly in*] (u)**L**(m)**E**(n)**I** \n*Lei is the plural of \"lev\", the Romanian unit of currency* (thanks, PostMark!)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: 24 is zati? You shouldn't take the odds \u2026 (3)","output":"### Answer: SAI \n ### Explanation: 24 is zati? You shouldn't take the odds \u2026 (3)\n(i)**S** (z)**A**(t)**I ** Just the even letters, \"you shouldn't take the odds\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: \u2026 where to see punter's tips for Chepstow and Musselburgh? (3)","output":"### Answer: CAM \n ### Explanation: \u2026 where to see punter's tips for Chepstow and Musselburgh? (3)\n[*tips for*] **C**(hepstow) **A**(nd) **M**(usselburgh) \n\u00a0\n \n*The Cam is the river which flows past Cambridge University, and punts are flat boats propelled by \"punters\" using lock sticks."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Short fat god (3)","output":"### Answer: LAR \n ### Explanation: Short fat god (3)\n[*short*] **LAR**(d) (\"fat\") \n*Lares were guardian deities in Roman mythology.*\n \nI also missed that lar is a type of gibbon, so should be highlighted in the grid above (thanks, Michelle)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mummy bear pours away just a bit (4)","output":"### Answer: URSA \n ### Explanation: Mummy bear pours away just a bit (4)\nHidden in [*just a bit* of] \"po**URS A**way\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Engineer maybe suppressing an opening for grease 24 (8)","output":"### Answer: MANGABEY \n ### Explanation: Engineer maybe suppressing an opening for grease 24 (8)\n***(maybe) **[anag:*engineer*] *suppressing* **AN** + [opening for] **G**(rease)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: It's found between breasts and rear ends when one goes topless (7)","output":"### Answer: STERNUM \n ### Explanation: It's found between breasts and rear ends when one goes topless (7)\n**STERN** (\"rear end\") + (b)**UM** (\"rear end\" going *topless*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Number one is obsessive about, say \u2026 (6)","output":"### Answer: ANIMAL \n ### Explanation: Number one is obsessive about, say \u2026 (6)\n\n**I'M** (\"number one is\") with **ANAL** (\"obsessive\") *about* \n\u00a0\n \n*The definition is actually the answer to the next clue (monkey, say)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: \u2026 mass being sung at the correct pitch (6)","output":"### Answer: MONKEY \n ### Explanation: \u2026 mass being sung at the correct pitch (6)\n\n**M** (mass) + **ON KEY** (\"being sung at the correct pitch\") \n\u00a0\n \n*The definition refers to the previous solution (animal)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Awkward jump while skating in Kentucky (6)","output":"### Answer: KLUTZY \n ### Explanation: Awkward jump while skating in Kentucky (6)\n**LUTZ** (a \"jump\" in figure \"skating\") *in* **Ky** (Kentucky)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: 'Predated' now 'pronated' because of this boffin (6)","output":"### Answer: EDISON \n ### Explanation: 'Predated' now 'pronated' because of this boffin (6)\nThe **ED** of \"prEDated\"** IS** now **ON** when it's changed to \"prONated\" \n\u00a0\n \n*For the purposes of the theme, I did a little research and Edison's son ran a company that made wooden puzzles and Edison himself lends his name to the \"Light Filament\" puzzle, which involves two small metal structures."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A cat for one oddly unable to be immortal (9)","output":"### Answer: PERPETUAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: immortal\n\n**PER** (\"a\") + **PET** (\"cat for one\") + [*oddly*] **U**(n)**A**(b)**L**(e)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: No-good cabinet minister starts to regret trampolining in public (5)","output":"### Answer: OVERT \n ### Explanation: Definition: in public\n\n(Michael) (g)**OVE** (\"cabinet minister\" with *no G*(good)) + [*starts to*] **R**(egret) **T**(rampolining)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: \"Bishop keeps the first bet on Sunday,\" they 19 (7)","output":"### Answer: RANTERS \n ### Explanation: Definition: they 19\n\n**RR **(Right Reverend, so \"bishop\") *keeps* **ANTE** (\"the first bet\") *on* **S**(Sunday)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sport making a 17 across (7)","output":"### Answer: CURLING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Sport\n\nDouble defintion"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Flower arrangement originally invented by the French (3)","output":"### Answer: LEI \n ### Explanation: Definition: Flower arrangement\n\n[*originally*] **I**(nvented) *by* **LE** (\"the\" in \"French\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fancy red bar stool has parts which 17 across (5,6)","output":"### Answer: ROTOR BLADES \n ### Explanation: Definition: parts which 17 across\n\n***(red bar stool)** [anag:*fancy*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Number Two is getting cut off projects involving horse (5,3,5)","output":"### Answer: TWIST AND SHOUT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Number\n\n**TWI**(n) (\"two\" getting cut off) + **STANDS OUT** (\"projects\") *involving* **H** (horse)\n \n\n \n*Number = song*\n \n\n \n*Not entirely sure of my parsing here, as \"twin\" and \"two\" as synonyms may be pushing it a bit (I was thinking of things like \"Twin Towers\")?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Farm animal crosses gaps without large footwear (6,5)","output":"### Answer: OXFORD SHOES \n ### Explanation: Definition: footwear\n\n**OX** (\"farm animal\") + **FORDS** (\"crosses\") + **HO**(l)**ES** (\"gaps\" *without* L (large))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Consume energy after the primaries (3)","output":"### Answer: EAT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Consume\n\n**E**(nergy) **A**(fter) **T**(he) [*primaries*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Airfoil which reveals plot (7)","output":"### Answer: SPOILER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Airfoil\n\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sharpen woman's presentation of at least one alternative (7)","output":"### Answer: WHETHER \n ### Explanation: Definition: presentation of at least one alternative\n\n**WHET** (\"sharpen\") + **HER** (\"woman's\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: 1 friend missing the old country (5)","output":"### Answer: NEPAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: country\n\n(o)**NE PAL** (\"friend\") *missing* O (old)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Posh brand you order when it's your 19? (3,1,5)","output":"### Answer: BUY A ROUND \n ### Explanation: Definition: \n\n***(u brand you)** [anag:*order*] where U is \"posh\"\n \n\n \nI think the \"order\" in the clue should be part of the definition, but then it would be doing double duty as it is necessary to indicate the anagram."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: 17 across edges up to protect artists' group (6)","output":"### Answer: SPIRAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: 17 across\n\n**<=LIPS **(\"edges\", up)* to protect ***RA** (Royal Academy, so \"artists' group\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Foreign bird is in Italian port (8)","output":"### Answer: BRINDISI \n ### Explanation: Definition: Italian port\n\n***(bird is in) **[anag:*foreign*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Notable traitor or one likely to 19 (10)","output":"### Answer: CELEBRATOR \n ### Explanation: Definition: one likely to 19\n\n**CELEB** (\"notable\") + **RAT** (\"traitor\") + **OR"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Like collecting country's birds (4)","output":"### Answer: AUKS \n ### Explanation: Definition: birds\n\n**AS** (\"like\") *collecting* **UK** (\"country\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Security device stopping credit by commercial satellite alarm (5,5)","output":"### Answer: CLOCK RADIO \n ### Explanation: Definition: alarm\n\n**LOCK** (\"security device\") *stopping* **CR** (credit) *by* **AD** (\"commercial\") + **IO** (\"satellite\" of Jupiter), so **C(LOCK)R-AD-IO"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: 19 ends in disaster to a Republican (4)","output":"### Answer: ROAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: 19\n\n[*ends in*] (disaste)**R** (t)**O** + **A** + **R**(Republican)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Drink one for New Year? (6)","output":"### Answer: PERIOD \n ### Explanation: Definition: Year?\n\n**PER**(n>**I**)**OD** (\"drink\" with I(one) *for* (i.e.instead of) N(new))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Men-only art and French scenery (5,3)","output":"### Answer: STAGE-SET \n ### Explanation: Definition: scenery\n\n**STAG** (\"men only\") + (**ES** + **ET**) (\"French\" for \"are\" or \"art\" (as in \"thou art\") and \"and\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Copy articles about king being guarded by Cherokee? (10)","output":"### Answer: TRANSCRIBE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Copy\n\n**ANS** (\"articles\") + **c.** (circa, so \"about\") + **R** (Rex, so \"king\") *being guarded by* **TRIBE** (\"Cherokee?\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Is discouraged as meerkat gets to meat (5,5)","output":"### Answer: LOSES HEART \n ### Explanation: Definition: Is discouraged\n\nIf \"me(erk)\"at\" LOSES its HEART, it becomes \"meat\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Number 17, 18, 19 (8)","output":"### Answer: THOUSAND \n ### Explanation: Definition: Number\n\n***(and shout)** (\"18,19\") [anag:*twist* (\"17\")]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Drag too much to maintain (8)","output":"### Answer: OVERHAUL \n ### Explanation: Definition: maintain\n\nOVER-HAUL (\"drag too much\").\n \n\n \n*Not convinced that maintain and overhaul are synonymous \u2013 the former implies something more than pure maintenance."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Work with copper to stop 6-footer's limp (6)","output":"### Answer: FLOPPY \n ### Explanation: Definition: l\n\n**OP** (\"work\") *with* **P** (penny, so \"copper) *to stop* **FLY** (insect, so \"6-footer\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Deal with one in series of 19s (6)","output":"### Answer: TIRADE \n ### Explanation: Definition: series of 19s\n\n**TRADE** (\"deal\") *with* **I** (one) *in"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: 19 singer mentioned two places to go (4)","output":"### Answer: LULU \n ### Explanation: Definition: 19 singer\n\nHomophone [*mentioned*] of **LOO** + **LOO** (\"two places to go\")\n \n\n \n*Lulu had a hit with the song, \"Shout\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Reportedly considers routes (4)","output":"### Answer: WAYS \n ### Explanation: Definition: routes\n\nHomophone [*reportedly*] of **WEIGHS** (\"considers\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Shady location for surfers (4,3)","output":"### Answer: DARK WEB \n ### Explanation: Definition: Shady location for surfers\n\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Heretical movement beyond control after number retired (7)","output":"### Answer: GNOSTIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: Heretical\n\n**TIC** (\"movement beyond control\") *after* **<=SONG** (\"number\", *retired*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Turn, facing celebrity's back (5)","output":"### Answer: PIVOT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Turn\n\n**<= (TO** (\"facing\") + **V.I.P. **(\"celebrity\")**)** [*'s back*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Muslim land in east joining assembly of UN at last (9)","output":"### Answer: SULTANATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Muslim land\n\n**E **(east) *joining* ***(un at last)** [anag:*assembly of*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Abridged song a source of inspiration (10,3)","output":"### Answer: COMPRESSED AIR \n ### Explanation: Definition: a source of inspiration\n\n**COMPRESSED** (\"abridged\") + **AIR** (\"song\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Formerly arm 25% of workforce? (12)","output":"### Answer: QUARTERSTAFF \n ### Explanation: Definition: Formerly arm\n\n**QUARTER** (\"25%\") + **STAFF** (\"workforce\")\n \n\n \n*A long wooden pole with an iron tip, used as a defensive weapon."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: On the verge of binding the enemy over \u2014 it's taken long enough! (5,4,3)","output":"### Answer: ABOUT TIME TOO \n ### Explanation: Definition: i\n\n**ABOUT TO** (\"on the verge of\") *binding* **TIME** (\"the enemy\") + **O** (over, in cricket)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Nationals from banks of Nile roam south, full of enthusiasm (3,10)","output":"### Answer: NEW ZEALANDERS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Nationals\n\n[*banks of*] **N**(il)**E** + **WANDER** (\"roam\") + **S** (south), *full of* **ZEAL** (\"enthusiasm\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Damaged elastic wears thin (2,3,4)","output":"### Answer: IN THE WARS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Damaged\n\n***(wears thin) **[anag:*elastic*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Italian team's season not begun (5)","output":"### Answer: INTER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Italian team\n\n(w)**INTER** (\"season\" *not begun*)\n \n\n \n*Inter Milan (aka Internazionale) is one of the two teams that share the San SIro stadium in Milan, the other being AC Milan."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Better in French clubs avoiding risk (7)","output":"### Answer: ENHANCE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Better\n\n**EN** (\"in\" in \"French\") + [C (clubs) *avoiding*] (c)**HANCE** (\"risk\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Proxy rule regarding unopened office (7)","output":"### Answer: REGENCY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Proxy rule\n\n**RE** (\"regarding\") + [*unopened*] (a)**GENCY** (\"office\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dramatist on vacation taking in legendary show (6)","output":"### Answer: DEPICT \n ### Explanation: Definition: show\n\n**D**(ramatis)**T** [*on vacation*, i.e having its contents vacated] *taking in ***EPIC** (\"legendary\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Do up bows of each vessel within slipway (6)","output":"### Answer: REVAMP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Do up\n\n[*bows of*] **E**(ach) **V**(essel) *within* **RAMP** (\"slipway\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: First of items dropped by steward behind small storage containers (5,5)","output":"### Answer: WATER BUTTS \n ### Explanation: Definition: storage containers\n\n[*first of*] I(tems) *dropped by* **WA**(i)**TER** (\"steward\") + **BUTT** (\"behind\") +\u00a0**S** (small)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Footing bill, initially lacking change (5)","output":"### Answer: BASIS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Footing\n\n**B**(ill) [*initially*] + **AS IS** (\"lacking change\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Peruse underlying facts about primitive duck (9)","output":"### Answer: GOLDENEYE \n ### Explanation: Definition: duck\n\n**EYE** (\"peruse\") *underlying* **GEN** (\"facts\") *about* **OLD** (\"primitive\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old ladies switched venue for sporting event (4)","output":"### Answer: OVAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: venue for sporting event\n\n**O** (old) + **<=LAV**(atory) (\"ladies\", *switched*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Delinquent, one that's sadly dropped out (8)","output":"### Answer: TEARAWAY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Delinquent\n\n**TEAR** (\"one that's sadly dropped\") + **AWAY** (\"out\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Leave fair, out of sorts (5,3)","output":"### Answer: CLEAR OFF \n ### Explanation: Definition: Leave\n\n**CLEAR** (\"fair\") + **OFF** (\"out of sorts\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Phenomenal cockney pooch caught in a police trap (10)","output":"### Answer: ASTOUNDING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Phenomenal\n\n'**OUND** [*Cockney* \"pooch\") *caught in* **A STING** (\"police trap\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Repeat fee European bank first set up (9)","output":"### Answer: REITERATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Repeat\n\n**RATE** with **<=(E** (European) + **TIER** (\"bank\")**)** *set up first"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mum queueing where traffic's heaviest? (4,4)","output":"### Answer: MAIN LINE \n ### Explanation: Definition: where traffic's heaviest?\n\n**MA** (\"mother\") + **IN LINE** (\"queuing\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Plague hunter possibly gets two-hour shift (3,5)","output":"### Answer: DOG WATCH \n ### Explanation: Definition: two-hour shift\n\n**DOG** (\"plague\") + **WATCH** (\"hunter possibly\")\n \n\n \n*A hunter is a watch whose face is protected by a metal cover."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bell-ringer's relations not converted (6)","output":"### Answer: SEXTON \n ### Explanation: Definition: Bell-ringer\n\n**SEX** (\"relations\") + ***(not)** [anag:*converted*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Raptor thus brought up its food (6)","output":"### Answer: OSPREY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Raptor\n\n**<=SO** (\"thus\", *brought up*) + **PREY** (\"its food\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Nearer snatching the lead, but never a victor (5)","output":"### Answer: LOSER \n ### Explanation: Definition: never a victor\n\n(c)**LOSER** (\"nearer\", *snatching the lead*, i.e. first letter)\n \n\n \n*Not convinced by \"snatching\" as a deletion indicator, as to me \"snatching\" is \"taking something\" rather than losing it."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unrewarding tip (4)","output":"### Answer: LEAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Unrewarding\n\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Killjoy is mean to exclude student (6)","output":"### Answer: MISERY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Killjoy\n**MISER**(l)**Y **(\"mean\" *to exclude* L (learner, so \"student\"))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Greek expert on the underworld put to shame (8)","output":"### Answer: DISGRACE \n ### Explanation: Definition: put to shame\n**Gr.** (Greek) + **ACE** (\"expert\") *on* **DIS** (\"the underworld\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Someone who seeks to relinquish one extreme for another in tasting desire (6)","output":"### Answer: HUNGER \n ### Explanation: Definition: desire\n**HUN**(t>**G**)**ER** (\"someone who seeks\" i.e a HUNTER, *relinquishing* T for G (the \"extremes' of T(astin)G))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mainly get Kindle when it's hard to see clearly (8)","output":"### Answer: TWILIGHT \n ### Explanation: Definition: when it's hard to see clearly\n[*mainly*] **TWI**(g) + **LIGHT** (\"kindle\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Guards cycling contest with revolutionary new screen (8)","output":"### Answer: WATCHMEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Guards\n***(new)** [anag:*revolutionary*] *screens* (m)**ATCH**(**M**) (\"contest\", *cycling*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Season with continental football team . . . . (6)","output":"### Answer: WINTER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Season\n**W** (with) + **INTER** (Milan) (\"continental football team\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: . . . . succeeded immediately, producing this (4)","output":"### Answer: SNOW \n ### Explanation: Definition: this\n**S** (succeeded) + **NOW** (\"immediately\") \n\u00a0\n \n*Even with the ellipsis bringing winter into the equation, I don't think that there is a proper definition in here."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Miles pens article to secure ancestral home (10)","output":"### Answer: FATHERLAND \n ### Explanation: Definition: ancestral home\n**FAR** (\"miles\") *pens* **THE** (\"article\") + **LAND** (\"to secure\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: State requiring spiritual and political liberation? (10)","output":"### Answer: POSSESSION \n ### Explanation: Definition: State requiring spiritual and political liberation?\nCryptic definition \u2013 someone who is possessed by the devil would need spiritual liberation (*not convinced by the political bit of the clue?*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: In an institution for people who need help (4)","output":"### Answer: HOME \n ### Explanation: Definition: In\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pit worker's person who likes to be high\u00a0(6)","output":"### Answer: STONER \n ### Explanation: Definition: person who likes to be high\u00a0\n**STONE** (\"pit\") + (Worke)**R** [*'s last*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Electronic issue containing nothing about graphic history (8)","output":"### Answer: TIMELINE \n ### Explanation: Definition: graphic history\n**<=(E** (electronic) + **EMIT** (\"issue\") *containing* **NIL** (\"nothing)**)** [*about*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: It's always Sleepless in Seattle's opening I moan about (8)","output":"### Answer: INSOMNIA \n ### Explanation: Definition: It's always Sleepless\n**IN** + **S**(eattle) [*'s opening*] + ***(I moan)** [anag:*about*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Kinky cross-dresser procures sex for nymphette (6)","output":"### Answer: LOLITA \n ### Explanation: Definition: nymphette\n**LOLA** (a \"cross-dresser\" in an eponymous \"Kinks\" song, hence \"Kinky cross-dresser\") *procures* **IT** (\"sex\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Study leads to academics rebutting arguments separately within 24-hour period (8)","output":"### Answer: SATURDAY \n ### Explanation: Definition: 24-hour period\n**STUDY** with [*leads to*] **A**(cademics) **R**(ebutting) **A**(rguments) [*separately within*] gives us** S(A)TU(R)D(A)Y"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Without children present, you have a ball! (6)","output":"### Answer: SPHERE \n ### Explanation: Definition: ball\n**SP** (sine prole, ie \"without children\" in genealogy) + **HERE** (\"present\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Native Americans rejected order by those in favour of war (7)","output":"### Answer: MOHAWKS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Native Americans\n[*rejected*] **<=OM** (\"Order\" of Merit)* by* **HAWKS** (\"those in favour of war\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Restrictions in reporting scuppered cuts (9)","output":"### Answer: SANCTIONS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Restrictions\nHomophone [*in reporting*] of **SANK** (\"scuppered\") + **SHUNS** (\"cuts\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Referee chooses rounds to repeat again (2-4)","output":"### Answer: RE-ECHO \n ### Explanation: Definition: to repeat again\nHidden in [*rounds*] \"refe**REE CHO**oses\" \n\u00a0\n \n*Not sure about \"rounds\" to indicate a hidden answer, it's normally used for a container clue."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: British Island briefly joins American state (4)","output":"### Answer: IOWA \n ### Explanation: Definition: state\n**I.o.W.** (Isle of Wight, so \"British island briefly\") *joins* **A** (America)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Steps taken quickly upset doctor, and cause suffering and delay (8)","output":"### Answer: GALLIARD \n ### Explanation: Definition: Steps taken quickly\n[*upset*] **<=(Dr.** (doctor) *and* **AIL** (\"cause suffering\") *and* **LAG** (\"delay\") \n\u00a0\n \n*A galliard was a lively dance, popular in the 17th and 18th centuries."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Special language discovered by thieves originally (5)","output":"### Answer: ARGOT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Special language\n(j)**ARGO**(n) (\"special language\" *discovered*) *by* **T**(hieves) [*originally*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Went on stage last, captivating theatre after removing hat (7)","output":"### Answer: ENTERED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Went on stage\nEND (\"last\") *captivating* **T**(h)**E**(at)**RE** [*after removing* HAT] \n\u00a0\n \n*Should there be some indication in the clue that the letters of HAT are not consecutive?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Return to old ways is concerning liberal part of Church (7)","output":"### Answer: RELAPSE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Return to old ways\n**RE** (\"concerning\") + **L** (Liberal) + **APSE** (\"part of church\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Regularly adopt fashionable clothes all over the place (7)","output":"### Answer: CHAOTIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: all over the place\n[*regularly*] **A**(d)**O**(p)**T** *clothed* by **CHIC** (\"fashionable\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: From the outset Britons inhabiting Australian region displaced her? (9)","output":"### Answer: ABORIGINE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Britons inhabiting Australian region displaced her\n**AB ORIGINE** (\"from the outset\" in Latin)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: He saves judge coming between heads of state meeting face to face (8)","output":"### Answer: REDEEMER \n ### Explanation: Definition: He saves\n**DEEM** (\"judge\") *coming between* **RE** and **ER** (the Queen, so \"head of state\" meeting face to face, *think of it as two queens one facing one way, and one the other*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Food and drink containing energy (7)","output":"### Answer: PASTIES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Food\n**PASTIS** (\"drink\") *containing* **E** (energy)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Promote side almost winning final in extra time (7)","output":"### Answer: ELEVATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Promote\n**ELEVE**(n) (\"side\", *almost*) *winning* [*final in*] (extr)**A** + **T** (time)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Make good theatre company start to understudy parts (6)","output":"### Answer: RECOUP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Make good\n**REP** (\"theatre\") *parted by* **Co**. (company) and [*start to*] **U**(nderstudy)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Violent attack supported by firm (5)","output":"### Answer: ONSET \n ### Explanation: Definition: Violent attack\n**ON** (\"supported by\") + **SET** (\"firm\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Five stopping to help up drama queen (4)","output":"### Answer: DIVA \n ### Explanation: Definition: drama queen\n**V** (five) *stopping* **<=AID** (\"to help\", *up*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Family behind bolts hide from predator (8)","output":"### Answer: WOLFSKIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: hide from predator\n\n**KIN** (\"family\") *behind* **WOLFS** (\"bolts\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Where bather may be twirling backside \u2013 gosh! (3,3)","output":"### Answer: HOT TUB \n ### Explanation: Definition: Where bather may be\n\n[*twirling*] **<=(BUTT **(\"backside\") + **OH** (\"gosh\")**)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Spar with Boris amid cheers, perhaps (7)","output":"### Answer: TOPMAST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Spar\n\n**PM** (Prime Minister, so \"Boris\" (Johnson)) *amid* **TOAST** (\"cheers\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Order first of Mondeos and an Escort (7)","output":"### Answer: MANDATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Order\n\n[*first of*] **M**(ondeos) and **AN** + **DATE** (\"escort\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Revise pieces penned by journalist (5)","output":"### Answer: EMEND \n ### Explanation: Definition: Revise\n\n**MEN** (\"pieces\") *penned by* **Ed.** (editor, so \"journalist\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ex-president lost vote \u2013 loser! (9)","output":"### Answer: ROOSEVELT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Ex-president \n\n***(vote loser) **[anag:*lost*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Something to eat for a picnic (1,5,2,4)","output":"### Answer: A PIECE OF CAKE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Something to eat\n\nDouble definition, something that is very easy could be described as \"a picnic\" or \"a piece of cake\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: They may be in and around parking places again (12)","output":"### Answer: PREPOSITIONS \n ### Explanation: Definition: They may be in and around\n\n**P** (parking) + **REPOSITIONS** (\"places again\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Person who is round pond, home built round river (9)","output":"### Answer: ENDOMORPH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Person who is round\n\n***(pond home)** [anag:*built*] *round* **R** (river)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Alter Alfred's jacket fitting (5)","output":"### Answer: ADAPT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Alter\n\n**A**(lfre)**D** [*'s jacket, *i.e. outer layer] + **APT** (\"fitting\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: I'm amazed by delightful ornamental moulding (7)","output":"### Answer: CORNICE \n ### Explanation: Definition: ornamental moulding\n\n**COR!** (\"I'm amazed\") *by* **NICE** (\"delightful\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fond of the cream filling for caramel? It is tasty (7)","output":"### Answer: ELITIST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fond of the cream\n\nHidden in [*filling for*] \"caram**EL IT IS T**asty\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Match Liverpool player on many levels (6)","output":"### Answer: TIERED \n ### Explanation: Definition: on many levels\n\n**TIE** (\"match\") + **RED** (\"Liverpool player\" \u2013 Liverpool are known as \"the Reds\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: They don't believe robbers may be seen here (8)","output":"### Answer: AT HEISTS \n ### Explanation: Definition: They don't believe\n\n\"robbers may be seen\"** AT HEISTS"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Shrivel up in old age, like queen's consort? (6)","output":"### Answer: WITHER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Shrivel up in old age\n\nA \"queen's consort\" could be described as being \"**WITH E.R. **(Elizabeth Regina)\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Was a turkey topped and sliced? (6)","output":"### Answer: LOPPED \n ### Explanation: Definition: sliced\n\n(f)**LOPPED** (\"was a turkey\", *topped*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Resist comedian, too devoid of content (5,2,2)","output":"### Answer: STAND UP TO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Resist\n\n**STAND UP** (\"comedian\") + **T**(o)**O** [devoid of content]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: When schools work on e-journals for negotiators (14)","output":"### Answer: INTERMEDIARIES \n ### Explanation: Definition: negotiators\n\n**IN TERM** (\"when schools work\") *on* **E-DIARIES** (\"e-journals\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Jump, missing black cat (5)","output":"### Answer: OUNCE \n ### Explanation: Definition: cat\n\n(b)**OUNCE** (\"jump\", *missing* B (black))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Publicity, say, in region reversed business deficit (5,3)","output":"### Answer: TRADE GAP \n ### Explanation: Definition: business defici\n\n**AD** (\"publicity\") + **E.G.** (\"say\") *in* **<=PART** (\"region\", *reversed*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Silly Herbert welcoming a break (8)","output":"### Answer: BREATHER \n ### Explanation: Definition: break\n\n***(herbert)** [anag:*silly*] *welcoming* **A"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Enraged voter in Memphis having no bread left (14)","output":"### Answer: IMPOVERISHMENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: having no bread left\n\n***(voter in Memphis)** [anag:*enraged*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: How big a fizzy drink is, maybe, in daydream (9)","output":"### Answer: FANTASIZE \n ### Explanation: Definition: daydream\n\nSIZE of a FANTA (\"how big a fizzy drink is, maybe\"), so** FANTA-SIZE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Drug diluted, which is a blow (8)","output":"### Answer: UPPERCUT \n ### Explanation: Definition: a blow\n\n**UPPER** (\"drug\") + **CUT** (\"diluted\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Melt and merge copper from abroad (8)","output":"### Answer: GENDARME \n ### Explanation: Definition: copper from abroad\n\n***(and merge)** [anag:*melt*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Decay that is running through vehicles (6)","output":"### Answer: CARIES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Decay\n\n**I.E.** (\"that is\") *running through* **CARS** (\"vehicles\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sculptures Philistine ultimately leaves standing (6)","output":"### Answer: STATUS \n ### Explanation: Definition: standing\n\n(philistin)**E** [*ultimately*] *leaves* **STATU**(e)**S** (\"sculptures\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Buccaneer's received in a drunken state (5)","output":"### Answer: MAINE \n ### Explanation: Definition: state\n\n**ME** (\"Buccaneer\") *received* ***(in a)** [anag:*drunken*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Supplement to produce litter (3,2)","output":"### Answer: TOP UP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Supplement\n\n**TO** + **PUP** (\"produce litter\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Car-mad character's device that may be lethal (9)","output":"### Answer: TOADSTOOL \n ### Explanation: Definition: that may be lethal\n\n**TOAD** (\"car-mad character\" in *Wind in the Willows*) + '**S** + **TOOL** (\"device\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Travellers quietly hide commercial guide for other ones (4,3)","output":"### Answer: ROAD MAP \n ### Explanation: Definition: guide for other ones\n\n**ROMA** (\"travellers\") + **P** (piano in music, so \"quietly\") *hide* **AD** (\"commercial\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Serious eastern novel (7)","output":"### Answer: EARNEST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Serious\n\n***(eastern)** [anag:*novel*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: I demand some oomph among naturists \u2013 and boobs (13)","output":"### Answer: INEXACTITUDES \n ### Explanation: Definition: boobs\n\n**I** + **EXACT** (\"demand\") + **IT** (\"some oomph\") *among* **NUDES** (\"naturists\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: River engulfs grand drive (4)","output":"### Answer: URGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: drive\n\n(River) **URE** *engulfs* **G** (grand)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One dance, three drinks (3-3-3)","output":"### Answer: CHA-CHA-CHA \n ### Explanation: Definition: dance\n\n**CHA** (tea, so \"drink\") *three* times"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Former ruler twice hires apprentice hawk handler (9)","output":"### Answer: PLASTERER \n ### Explanation: Definition: hawk handler\n\nPAST (\"former\") + ER (Elizabeth Regina, so \"ruler\") + ER (\"ruler\") hires L (learner, so \"apprentice\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Told fancied player to give up (4)","output":"### Answer: CEDE \n ### Explanation: Definition: to give up\n\nHomophone [*told*] of **SEED** (\"fancied player\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: He and I'd correctly rigged current type (13)","output":"### Answer: HYDROELECTRIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: current type\n\n***(he id correctly)** [anag:*rigged*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Scrap wheels, old, given space at home? (7)","output":"### Answer: GARAGED \n ### Explanation: Definition: given space at home?\n\n**<=RAG** (\"scrap\" *wheels*, i.e. turns round) + **AGED** (\"old\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Eg second line installed for railway in common (7)","output":"### Answer: ORDINAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Eg second\n\n**L** (line) instead of **Ry.** (railway) *in* **ORDINA**(ry>**L**) (\"common\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cornish port docked days for honeymoon couple (5-4)","output":"### Answer: NEWLY-WEDS \n ### Explanation: Definition: honeymoon couple\n\n**NEWLY**(n) (\"Cornish port\", *docked*) + **WEDS** (Wednesdays, so \"days\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Call up the day before to collect fine (5)","output":"### Answer: EVOKE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Call up\n\n**EVE** (\"the day before\") *to collect* **OK** (\"fine\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: High water that runs in odd places (4)","output":"### Answer: TARN \n ### Explanation: Definition: High water\n\n**T**(h)**A**(t) **R**(u)**N**(s) [*in odd places*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Poster about one Glaswegian golf club perhaps (7,4)","output":"### Answer: PLAYING CARD \n ### Explanation: Definition: club perhaps\n\n**PLACARD** (\"poster\") *about* **YIN** (\"one\" to a \"Glaswegian\") + **G** (golf)\n \n\n \n*Billy Connolly, the famous Glaswegian comic, is also known as the Big Yin."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Spoil marks in exam (6)","output":"### Answer: PAMPER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Spoil\n\n**M** (marks) *in* **PAPER** (\"exam\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Record short reindeer, one shod with metal bits (3,6)","output":"### Answer: TAP DANCER \n ### Explanation: Definition: one shod with metal bits\n\n**TAP**(e) (\"record\", *short*) + **DANCER** (one of Santa's \"reindeer\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Turn away very briefly at stores (5)","output":"### Answer: AVERT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Turn away\n\n**AT** *stores* **VER**(y) [*briefly*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Like 78 yachts at sea rounding Costa Rica (8)","output":"### Answer: SCRATCHY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Like 78\n\n***(yachts)** [anag:*at sea*] *rounding* **CR** (Costa Rica)\n \n\n \n*A 78 was an old record that played at 78rpm. They were popular until the 1950s. Like all records, they would have become scratchy, but to my mind this is a weak definition."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Operating drug unit (3)","output":"### Answer: ONE \n ### Explanation: Definition: unit\n\n**ON** (\"operating\") + **E** (ecstasy, so \"drug\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hedonist left swimmer downing posh drink (5-5)","output":"### Answer: LOTUS EATER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Hedonist\n\n**L** (left) + **OTTER** (\"swimmer\") *downing* **U** (\"posh\") + **SEA** (\"drink\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Complex score ended with C, fading gradually (11)","output":"### Answer: DECRESCENDO \n ### Explanation: Definition: f\n\n***(score ended c)** [anag:*complex*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Gee them up possibly in June mostly to start early (4,3,3)","output":"### Answer: JUMP THE GUN \n ### Explanation: Definition: t\n\n***(g them up)** [anag:*possibly*] in **JUN**(e) [*mostly*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Awful amateur threesome, our lot lugging old clubs (9)","output":"### Answer: ATROCIOUS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Awful\n\n**A** (amateur) + **TRIO** (\"threesome\") + **US** (\"our lot\") *lugging* **O** (old) + **C** (clubs)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Scheming to kettle mob hotel ejected with force (8)","output":"### Answer: STRONGLY \n ### Explanation: Definition: with force\n\n**SLY** (\"scheming\") *to kettle* **T**(h)**RONG** (\"mob\" with H (hotel) *ejected*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Plod right to wrap up drug case (6)","output":"### Answer: TRUDGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Plod\n\n**TRUE** (\"right\") *to wrap up* **D**(ru)**G** [*case*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Scoop! Foreign articles about duke (5)","output":"### Answer: LADLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Scoop\n\n**LA** and **LE** (\"foreign articles\") *about* **D** (duke)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Anonymous solitary plant (4)","output":"### Answer: ALOE \n ### Explanation: Definition: plant\n\n**ALO**(n)**E** (\"solitary\" with N (name) removed) (\"nameless\" = \"anonymous\")\n \n\n \n*I think some people may see this as falling into the same category as an indirect anagram, as you need to take two steps to work out the N is missing. I quite like the clue, but it's not entirely fair."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dispute two or three abbreviations in cricket (3)","output":"### Answer: ROW \n ### Explanation: Definition: Dispute\n\n**RO** (run out) + **W** (wicket) (\"two abbreviations in cricket\") *or* **R** (runs) + **O** (over) + **W** (wide) (\"three abbreviations in cricket\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Substantial part of secular generation (5)","output":"### Answer: LARGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Substantial\nHidden in [*part of*] \"secu**LAR GE**neration\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bold university dean excited about social gathering (9)","output":"### Answer: UNABASHED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Bold\n**U** (University) +** *(dean) **[anag:*excited*] *about* **BASH** (\"social gathering\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Party with small jug for friar (9)","output":"### Answer: DOMINICAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: friar\n**DO** (\"party\") *with* **MINI** (\"small\") + **CAN** (\"jug\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Catholic leaving continent with undue speed (5)","output":"### Answer: HASTE \n ### Explanation: Definition: undue speed\nC (Catholic) *leaving* (c)**HASTE** (\"continent\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fabric in front of warehouse stored incorrectly (7)","output":"### Answer: WORSTED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fabric\n[*front of*] **W**(arehouse) + ***(stored)** [anag:*incorrectly*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Names for knobs? (7)","output":"### Answer: HANDLES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Names\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Extent of place to practise shooting (5)","output":"### Answer: RANGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Extent\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Animal in Italian river good for source of biodiversity (5)","output":"### Answer: TIGER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Animal\n**TI**(b>**G**)**ER** (\"Italian river\" with G (good) replacing [*for*] [*source of*] B(iodiversity))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Very lawful petition (7)","output":"### Answer: SOLICIT \n ### Explanation: Definition: petition\n**SO** (\"very\") + **LICIT** (\"lawful\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Glazed frame covering top of raked stacks of hay (7)","output":"### Answer: WINDROW \n ### Explanation: Definition: stacks of hay\n**WINDOW** (\"glazed frame\") *covering* [*top of*] **R**(aked) \n\u00a0\n \n*\"top of\" would work better in a down clue, in my opinion."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Boost unit in charge (5)","output":"### Answer: TONIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: Boost\n**TON** (\"unit\" of weight) + **I.C.** (in charge)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Plant pip containing source of protein before spring (9)","output":"### Answer: SPEEDWELL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Plant\n**SEED** (\"pip\") *containing* [*source of*] **P**(rotein) *before* **WELL** (\"spring\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Element of Japanese comics? (9)","output":"### Answer: MANGANESE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Element\nMANGA is a type of \"Japanese comic\", so **MANGANESE** could conceivably be the adjective associated with them. It isn't, hence the question mark in the clue."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Deep-fried potato containing head of minute animal (5)","output":"### Answer: CHIMP \n ### Explanation: Definition: animal\n**CHIP** (\"deep-fried potato\") *containing* [*head of*] **M**(inute)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Drained fluid from bottom of well in part of garden (4)","output":"### Answer: BLED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Drained fluid from\n[*bottom of*] (wel)**L** *in* **BED** (\"part of garden\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Slim American operated boat (8)","output":"### Answer: TRIMARAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: boat\n**TRIM** (\"slim\") + **A** (American) + **RAN** (\"operated\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unusual tea leaving baby with gas (4)","output":"### Answer: NEON \n ### Explanation: Definition: gas\n*(tea) [anag:*unusual*] *leaving* **NEON**(ate) (\"baby\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Museum trainee getting wine (8)","output":"### Answer: MUSCADET \n ### Explanation: Definition: wine\n**Mus**. (museum) + **CADET** (\"trainee\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Take off in boat (6)","output":"### Answer: LAUNCH \n ### Explanation: Definition: T\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Nothing was new for this new president (10)","output":"### Answer: WASHINGTON \n ### Explanation: Definition: new \n***(nothing was)** [anag:*new*] \n\u00a0\n \n*I assume the second \"new\" refers to the fact that Washington was the first president, but it's completely unnecessary and the clue would have read just as good (maybe better) without it."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tool in bench is electric (6)","output":"### Answer: CHISEL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Tool\nHidden [*in*] \"ben**CH IS EL**ectric\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Side of faceted gemstone (4)","output":"### Answer: EDGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Side\nHidden in [*of*] \"facet**ED GE**mstone\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fight police officer in cell blocks (5)","output":"### Answer: WARDS \n ### Explanation: Definition: cell blocks\n**WAR** (\"fight\") + **DS** (Detective Superintendent, so \"police officer\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Garment with awfully neat crotch (6,4)","output":"### Answer: TRENCH COAT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Garment\n***(neat crotch)** [anag:*awfully*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Closure for team during pause (5,3)","output":"### Answer: SCREW TOP \n ### Explanation: Closure for team during pause (5,3)\n\n**CREW** (\"team\") *during* **STOP** (\"pause\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Drop weed carelessly into ground (8)","output":"### Answer: POWDERED \n ### Explanation: Definition: ground\n***(drop weed)** [anag:*carelessly*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Shrub in grand forest on borders of India (8)","output":"### Answer: GARDENIA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Shrub\n**G** (grand) + **ARDEN** (\"forest\") *on* [*borders of*] **I**(ndi)**A"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stripy designs covering navy fabrics (6)","output":"### Answer: LINENS \n ### Explanation: Definition: fabrics\n**LINES** (\"stripy designs\") *covering* **N** (Navy)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Investigations involving lower part of reproductive glands (6)","output":"### Answer: TESTES \n ### Explanation: Definition: glands\n**TESTS** (\"investigations\") *involving* [*lower part of*] (reproductiv)**E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Member hiding money in book (4)","output":"### Answer: TOME \n ### Explanation: Definition: book\n**TOE** (\"member\") *hiding* **M** (money)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Diner's first to get fabulous fish (4)","output":"### Answer: DACE \n ### Explanation: Definition: fish\n**D**(iner) [*'s first*] *to get* **ACE** (\"fabulous\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Run gently from damaged pole (4)","output":"### Answer: LOPE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Run gently\n***(pole)** [anag:*damaged*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Boy dropping round, shot accidentally (2,6)","output":"### Answer: BY CHANCE \n ### Explanation: Definition: accidentally\n\n**B**(o)**Y** [*dropping* O (\"round\")) + **CHANCE** (\"shot\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Veteran sommelier pocketing pay\u2013off (6)","output":"### Answer: RANSOM \n ### Explanation: Definition: pay\n\nHidden in [*pocketing*] \"vete**RAN SOM**melier\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Penny sporting dreadful Mohican, or a number one? (8)","output":"### Answer: CHAMPION \n ### Explanation: Definition: a number one\n\n**P** (penny) *sporting* ***(mohican) **[anag:*dreadful*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Give a wave to dictator (6)","output":"### Answer: ASSIGN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Give\n\nHomophone [*to dictator*] of** A SINE** (\"a wave\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Boris in trouble with the Soviets once? (9)","output":"### Answer: PASTERNAK \n ### Explanation: Definition: Boris in trouble with the Soviets once?\n\n(Not very) cryptic definition, referring to the writer Boris Pasternak, who was forced to decline the Nobel Prize for Literature by the Communist Party of the USSR in 1958."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The end of Athens, as described by Homer? (5)","output":"### Answer: SIGMA \n ### Explanation: Definition: The end of Athens, as described by Homer?\n\nCryptic indication of the letter S (**SIGMA** in the Greek alphabet) \u2013 [*the end of*] (Athen)**S**, although of course Homer would have known Athens as Athina, so he's have put an alpha at the end."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: American cops procuring tart (4)","output":"### Answer: ACID \n ### Explanation: Definition: tart\n\n**A** (American) + **C.I.D.** (\"cops\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Worried by underwriter's return in spring (7)","output":"### Answer: EMANATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: spring\n\n**ATE** (\"worried\") *by* **<= NAME** (\"underwriter\") [*'s return*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Right to abandon wretched woman in the dock? (7)","output":"### Answer: ACCUSED \n ### Explanation: Definition: woman in the dock?\n\n**R** (right) *to abandon* **ACCU**(r)**SED** (\"wretched\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Aunt Sally's derri\u00e8re (4)","output":"### Answer: BUTT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Aunt Sally\n\nDouble definition, the first referring to a target, as in the \"BUTT of a joke\". An Aunt Sally was a target at a country fair, at which balls or sticks were thrown."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Almost everyone's after my woman (5)","output":"### Answer: CORAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: woman\n\n[*almost*] **AL**(l) (\"everyone\") *after* **COR** (\"my\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sport for which girls went mad (9)","output":"### Answer: WRESTLING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Sport\n\n***(girls went) **[anag:*mad*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Nick, youth I eventually ensnare (6)","output":"### Answer: THIEVE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Nick\n\nHidden in [*ensnare*] \"you**TH I EVE**ntually\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Reduce international attendance at Cambridge University (8)","output":"### Answer: MITIGATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Reduce\n\n**I** (international) **GATE** (\"attendance\" at a sports event) *at* **M.I.T.** (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) which is an American \"university\" based in \"Cambridge\", Massachusetts"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Some Tory supporters are cheats (3,3)","output":"### Answer: CON MEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: cheats\n\n\"Tory\" (Conservative Party) \"supporters\" could be described as **CON MEN** (I'll keep my own politics out of this!)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Vicar always has to tear about (8)","output":"### Answer: REVEREND \n ### Explanation: Definition: Vicar\n\n**EVER** (\"always\") *has* **REND** (\"to tear\") *about"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Writer tied to bedpost from time to time? It shows flexibility! (6)","output":"### Answer: BICEPS \n ### Explanation: Definition: It shows flexibility\n\n**BIC** (pen, so \"writer\") *tied to* (b)**E**(d)**P**(o)**S**(t) [*from time to time*]\n \n\n \n*The biceps is a flexor muscle."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Posh girl carrying crummy case? The opposite (6)","output":"### Answer: CLASSY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Posh\n\n**C**(rumm)**Y** [*case*] *carrying* **LASS"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: First Lady was tempted by such wealthy company (5)","output":"### Answer: APPLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: First Lady was tempted by such\n\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Boasted about Meghan finally being made queen? (7)","output":"### Answer: CROWNED \n ### Explanation: Definition: being made queen?\n\n**CROWED** (\"boasted\") *about* (Megha)**N** [*finally*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Satanists abroad? Help! (9)","output":"### Answer: ASSISTANT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Help\n\n***(satanists) **[anag:*abroad*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Penny-pinching painter taken in, one to be wary of (8)","output":"### Answer: STINGRAY \n ### Explanation: Definition: one to be wary of\n\n**STINGY** (\"penny-pinching\") with **RA** (member of the Royal Academy of Arts, so \"artist\") *taken in"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Married a smarter woman with quite an appetite (3-5)","output":"### Answer: MAN-EATER \n ### Explanation: Definition: woman with quite an appetite\n\n**M** (married) + **A** + **NEATER** (\"smarter\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Island once part of Murdoch's domain, they say (4)","output":"### Answer: SKYE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Island\n\nHomophone [*they* *say*] of **SKY**, a broadcasting company that until 2018 was \"part of (Rupert) Murdoch's domain\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Resignation statement of Emmanuel Macron? (4,2,3)","output":"### Answer: C\u2019EST LA VIE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Resignation statement\n\n**C'EST LA VIE** (that's life) could be considered a \"statement\" of \"resignation\". The reference to Emmanuel Macron indicates that we are looking for a French phrase."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Crashed car into back of Merc, under influence of this? (8)","output":"### Answer: NARCOTIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: this\n\n***(car into)** [anag:*crashed*] *back of* (Mer)**C"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Arachnid found in house at noon (8)","output":"### Answer: SCORPION \n ### Explanation: Definition: Arachnid\n\n**SCORPIO** (\"house\" in astrology\") *at* **N** (noon)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A style that has the workers buzzing? (7)","output":"### Answer: BEEHIVE \n ### Explanation: Definition: A style\n\nThe **BEEHIVE** was a hairstyle popular in the 1960s."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Outburst of one that's stuck in traffic (6)","output":"### Answer: TIRADE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Outburst\n\n**I** (one) *stuck in* **TRADE** (\"traffic\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A deadly sin? I'm of the same opinion (6)","output":"### Answer: AGREED \n ### Explanation: Definition: I'm of the same opinion\n\n**A** + **GREED** (\"deadly sin\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Son kicked out of bar? Rubbish! (5)","output":"### Answer: TRIPE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Rubbish\n\n**S** (son) *kicked out of* (s)**TRIPE** (\"bar\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Person in pub spreading din typical of high earners? (12)","output":"### Answer: UPPER-BRACKET \n ### Explanation: Definition: typical of high earners?\n**Per**. (person) *in* ***(pub)** [anag:*spreading*] + **RACKET** (\"din\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Morose? Strange after gallons (4)","output":"### Answer: GRUM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Morose\n**RUM** (\"strange\") *after* **G** (gallons)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The law in Scotland, displaying endless refinement (5)","output":"### Answer: POLIS \n ### Explanation: Definition: The law in Scotland\n[*endless*] **POLIS**(h) (\"refinement\") \n\u00a0\n \n*In Glasgow, the police would be known as \"the polis\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What tar onshore gets into, having drunk nogg, lots (8)","output":"### Answer: LONGTOGS \n ### Explanation: Definition: What tar onshore gets into\n***(nogg lots)** [anag:*drunk*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Element of Pugin's Englishness \u2013 it's radically restorative (7)","output":"### Answer: GINSENG \n ### Explanation: Definition: it's radically restorative\nHidden in [*element of*] \"pu**GIN'S ENG**lishness\" \n\u00a0\n \n*Ginseng root (hence \"radical\") is used in traditional medicine."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One on holiday knocked back fizzy stuff (4)","output":"### Answer: CAVA \n ### Explanation: Definition: fizzy stuff\n**<=(A** (\"one\") *on* **VAC** (vacation, so \"holiday\"), *knocked back***)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Alleys may be used for hiding (4)","output":"### Answer: TAWS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Alleys\nDouble definition, the first referring to another word for a taw, as in a prized marble (in the game of marbles), and the second relating to a strip of leather used in corporal punishment."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Part of course with colt leading? One gives it a nasty sting (4)","output":"### Answer: CLEG \n ### Explanation: Definition: One gives it a nasty sting\n**LEG** (\"part of course\") *with* **C** (colt, on a race card) [*leading*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Facing three ways? Or is it four, RA being involved (10)","output":"### Answer: TRIFARIOUS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Facing three ways\n***(is it four ra)** [anag:*being involved*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Reddish lean when centre's cut (4)","output":"### Answer: LAKY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Reddish\n**LA**(n)**KY** (\"lean\" *when centre* (letter)'s *cut*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Leaders of official motorcade in line will go round in this? (4)","output":"### Answer: LIMO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Leaders of official motorcade in line will go round in this?\n**<=**[*leaders of ***(O**(fficial) **M**(otorcade) **I**(n) **L**(one)) *will go round*] and &lit."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Military unit shortened measure of wadding (4)","output":"### Answer: BATT \n ### Explanation: Definition: measure of wadding\n**Batt**. (Battalion, so \"military unit shortened\") and batt (or bat) is \"wadding\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tries on arrays of goods on display (7)","output":"### Answer: INSTORE \n ### Explanation: Definition: of goods \n***(tries on)** [anag:*arrays*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hot stuff in the style of writer in love (8)","output":"### Answer: JALAPENO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Hot stuff\n**A LA** (\"in the style of\") + **PEN **(\"writer\") *in* **JO** (Scottish word for \"sweetheart\", so \"love\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old pro almost constantly on line (5)","output":"### Answer: TRULL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Old pro\n[*almost*] **TRUL**(y) *on* **L** (*line*) \n\u00a0\n \n*\"Trull\" is an old world for \"prostitute\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Swarm hurtling out of rug (4)","output":"### Answer: SHIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Swarm\n(ru)**SHIN**(g) (\"hurtling\" *out of *RUG)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: It's used to treat throat pain, pad once inserted (7)","output":"### Answer: PROBANG \n ### Explanation: Definition: It's used to treat throat\n**PANG** (\"pain\") with **ROB** (\"pad once\") *inserted* \n\u00a0\n \n\"Pad\" is an archaic term for robbing someone on foot (cf \"footpad\").\n \n\u00a0\n \n*A probang is a long flexible tube, often with a sponge attached to the end so that medication can be applied"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One aloft climbing Andean plateau (4)","output":"### Answer: PUNA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Andean plateau\n**<=(AN **(\"one\") + **UP** (\"aloft\")**)** [*climbing*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lump on nag's leg? Lariat's thrown round half of it (8)","output":"### Answer: RAT\u2019S TAIL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Lump on nag's leg\n***(lariats)** [anag:*thrown*] *round* [*half* *of*] (i)**T"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Shoe horse, eye rolling upwards (6)","output":"### Answer: BROGAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Shoe\n**<=(NAG** (\"horse\") + **ORB** (\"eye\"), *rolling upwards*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Needing some outliers, foraging for cereal crop (4)","output":"### Answer: RAGI \n ### Explanation: Definition: cereal crop\n(fo)**RAGI**(ng) [*needing* (i.e. lacking) *some outliers*] \n\u00a0\n \n*Ragi is a form of fillet from the Asian subcontinent"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Enlist second horse, once galloping around (9)","output":"### Answer: CONSCRIBE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Enlist\n**S** (second) + **CRIB** (\"horse\") with** *(once)** [anag:*galloping*] *around* \n\u00a0\n \n*Horse and crib can both mean a copy or a translation (cf US pony)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Artist king afforded protection (4)","output":"### Answer: KLEE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Artist\n**K** (king) *afforded* **LEE** (\"protection\") \n\u00a0\n \n*Refers to the Swiss-German expressionist painter Paul Klee (1879-1940)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: 'Senior' once derived from 'seigneur' (5)","output":"### Answer: EIGNE \n ### Explanation: Definition: 'Senior' once\nHidden in [*derived from*] \"s**EIGNE**ur\" \n\u00a0\n \n*\"Eigne\" is an old legal term for \"first-born\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A lilac growing wild in essence, one up on polar regions? (10)","output":"### Answer: GLACIALIST \n ### Explanation: Definition: one up on polar regions\n***(a lilac)** [anag:*growing wild*] *in* **GIST** (\"essence\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hint of a sort? Reduced to guessing (10)","output":"### Answer: SUGGESTION \n ### Explanation: Definition: Hint\n***(to guessing)** [anag:*reduced*] \n\u00a0\n \n*I'm assuming that \"reduced\" is the anagram indicator, but I don't like it. Even in its culinary meaning, \"reduced\" means \"lessened\" not \"mixed\". The clue could have been simply something like \"Hint? Resort to guessing.\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Calculators? Filch one with children around (8)","output":"### Answer: SOROBANS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Calculators\n**ROB** (\"filch\") + **A** (one) *with* **SONS** (\"children\") *around* \n\u00a0\n \n*A soroban is a traditional Japanese abacus"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Something like pewter aunt got out with her Spanish equivalent coming round (7)","output":"### Answer: TUTANIA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Something like pewter \n***(aunt) **[anag:*got out*] *with* **TIA** (Spanish for aunt, so \"her Spanish equivalent\") *coming round"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Film star, international, trapped in a fracas endlessly (6)","output":"### Answer: AMELIE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Film star\n**I** (international) *trapped in ***A MELE**(e) (\"fracas\" *endlessly*) \n\u00a0\n \n*Amelie is the protagonist of the eponymous 2001 French film, starring Audrey Tautou"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Body cavities physician trapanned \u2013 look inside (5)","output":"### Answer: ANTRA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Body cavities\n[*look* *inside*] \"physici**AN TRA**panned\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Not a lot of money goes on bit of kouskous in it? (4)","output":"### Answer: SOUK \n ### Explanation: Definition: Not a lot of money goes on bit of kouskous in it?\n**SOU** (\"not a lot of money\")* goes on* [*bit* *of*] **K**(ouskous) and &lit. \n\u00a0\n \n*A souk is an Arabic marketplace"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Caviar \u00e0 l'\u00c9cossaise, uncooked but with a dash of nutmeg (4)","output":"### Answer: RAWN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Caviar \u00e0 l'\u00c9cossaise\n**RAW** (\"uncooked\") *with* [*a dash of*] **N**(nutmeg) \n\u00a0\n \n*Rawn is a Scots dialect word for fish eggs"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Couple coupling in the heather? It's a bit of a giggle (4)","output":"### Answer: HEHE \n ### Explanation: Definition: It's a bit of a giggle\n**HE**(at)**HE**(r) \u2013 a couple of couples of letters from \"heather\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Newspaper and music magazine once featuring old timer (9)","output":"### Answer: METRONOME \n ### Explanation: Definition: timer\n\n**METRO** (\"newspaper\") + **NME** (New Music Express, so \"music magazine once\") *featuring* **O** (old)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Playing song live (2,3)","output":"### Answer: ON AIR \n ### Explanation: Definition: live\n\n**ON** (\"playing\") + **AIR** (\"song\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: French all lining river to get fish (5)","output":"### Answer: TROUT \n ### Explanation: Definition: fish\n\n**TOUT** (\"French\" for \"all\") *lining* **R** (river)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Promiscuity of Miss getting over love with head (9)","output":"### Answer: LOOSENESS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Promiscuity\n\n**LOSE** (\"miss\") *getting over* **O **(love) *with* **NESS** (\"head\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wise people round learner driver cutting speeds (7)","output":"### Answer: ORACLES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Wise people\n\n**O** (round) + **L** (\"learner driver\") *cutting* **RACES** (\"speeds\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Remove clip from one page, say (5)","output":"### Answer: UNPEG \n ### Explanation: Definition: Remove clip from\n\n**UN** (\"one\") + **P** (page) + **E.G.** (\"say\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Abba song mostly average (3)","output":"### Answer: SOS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Abba song\n\n[*mostly*] **SO-S**(o) (\"average\")\n \n\n \n*Think the enumeration should be (1,1,1)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Handy protection's good before passion (5)","output":"### Answer: GLOVE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Handy protection\n\n**G** (good) *before* **LOVE** (\"passion\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Release songs for performance without payment (3,4)","output":"### Answer: SET FREE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Release\n\n**SET** (\"songs for performance\") + **FREE** (\"without payment\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Crowd get up where musicians play (9)","output":"### Answer: BANDSTAND \n ### Explanation: Definition: where musicians play\n\n**BAND** (\"crowd\") + **STAND** (\"get up\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rows from couples: right to break up? (5)","output":"### Answer: TIERS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Rows\n\n**R** (right) *to break up* **TIES** (\"couples\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pile of money, money, money \u2014 small amount dropped off (5)","output":"### Answer: MOUND \n ### Explanation: Definition: Pile\n\n**M** (money) + (p)**OUND** (\"small amount of money\" (penny) dropped off of \"money\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The Winner Takes It All demo good: Ring, Ring going to get remixed (4,5)","output":"### Answer: GOLD MEDAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: The Winner Takes It\n\n***(all demo gd)** [anag: *to get remixed*] where GD is G(oo)D with two rings *going"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Record label tense for release (4)","output":"### Answer: EMIT \n ### Explanation: Definition: release\n\n**EMI** (\"record label\") + **T** (tense)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Initially Super Trouper dress is light \u2026 (6)","output":"### Answer: STROBE \n ### Explanation: Definition: light\n\n[*initially*] **S**(uper) **T**(rouper) + **ROBE** (\"dress\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: \u2026 Agnetha performing in English version of Mamma Mia dress on this? (10)","output":"### Answer: COATHANGER \n ### Explanation: Definition: dress on this?\n\n***(Agnetha) **[anag:*performing*] in **COR** (\"English version of Mamma Mia\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Record of Abba? Listened out for old song (6,4,3,7)","output":"### Answer: BOILED BEEF AND CARROTS \n ### Explanation: Definition: old song\n\n***(record of abba listened) **[anag:*out*]\n \n\n \n*\"Boiled Beef and Carrots\" is an old music hall song, written in 1909."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One of us upset getting left inside was once bad (8)","output":"### Answer: FELONOUS \n ### Explanation: Definition: us\n\n***(one of us) **[anag:*getting upset*] with **L** (left) *inside*\n \n\n \n*Felonous is an archaic word for \"sinful\", so \"once bad\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Turn up, initially taking chance on me (4)","output":"### Answer: COME \n ### Explanation: Definition: Turn up\n\n[*initially taking*] **C**(hance) **O**(n) + **ME"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Abba song in can following number one? (8)","output":"### Answer: WATERLOO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Abba song\n\n**LOO** (\"can\") *following* **WATER** (\"number one\", as in urine)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Heavenly bodies in type of blood bank (4)","output":"### Answer: ORBS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Heavenly bodies\n\n**O** (\"blood type\") + **RBS** (Royal \"Bank\" of Scotland)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Music tones (5)","output":"### Answer: BLUES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Music\n\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: 16 to follow as lights roam around (10)","output":"### Answer: ALGORITHMS \n ### Explanation: Definition: 16 to follow\n\n***(lights roam)** [anag:*around*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Group from Sweden: time to go over records (5)","output":"### Answer: STEPS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Group\n\n**S** (Sweden) + **T** (time) *to go over* **EPs **(\"records\")\n \n\n \n*Steps are a British pop group which was very successful between 1997 and 2001. They have reformed a couple of time since with less success."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dancing Queen apt or The Name of the Game? (8)","output":"### Answer: PETANQUE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Game\n\n***(queen apt)** [anag:*dancing*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Woman has sex with affairs (8)","output":"### Answer: SHEBANGS \n ### Explanation: Definition: affairs\n\n**SHE** (\"woman\") + **BANGS** (\"has sex\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pet fish died: bowl terrible, ultimately (6)","output":"### Answer: CODDLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Pet\n\n**COD** (\"fish\") + (die)**D** (bow)**L** (terribl)**E** [*ultimately*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Exaggerate, having finished act (6)","output":"### Answer: OVERDO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Exaggerate\n\n**OVER** (\"having finished\") + **DO** (\"act\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hit poor piano (4)","output":"### Answer: BUMP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Hit\n\n**BUM** (\"poor\") + **P** (piano)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Face party (4)","output":"### Answer: SIDE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Face\n\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: So Long, half cut single (4)","output":"### Answer: SOLO \n ### Explanation: Definition: single\n\n**SO** + **LO**(ng) [*half cut*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Surprise attack by former president on America (6)","output":"### Answer: AMBUSH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Surprise attack\n\n**BUSH** (\"former president\") *on* **Am**. (America)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: He's likely to lose, according to boxer? (8)","output":"### Answer: UNDERDOG \n ### Explanation: Definition: He's likely to lose\n\n**UNDER** (\"according to\") + **DOG** (\"boxer?\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Calming concerns of nervous capital leads to new guidelines (9)","output":"### Answer: PLACATING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Calming concerns \n\n***(capital)** [anag:*nervous*] + [*leads to*] **N**(ew) **G**(uidelines)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bail suspect with one good reason for doing so? (5)","output":"### Answer: ALIBI \n ### Explanation: Definition: good reason for doing so?\n\n***(bail)** [anag:*suspect*] *with* **I** (one)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Reduce size of corporation? (4)","output":"### Answer: SLIM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Reduce size of corporation? \n\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Append a line by writer associated with Department of Defense? (10)","output":"### Answer: PENTAGONAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: associated with Department of Defense?\n\n**TAG ON** (\"append\") + **A** + **L** (line) *by* **PEN** (\"writer\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Time travel initially banned in contest (7)","output":"### Answer: TOURNEY \n ### Explanation: Definition: contest\n\n**T** (time) + (j)**OURNEY** (\"travel\" *initially banned*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pastry base with crushed garlic's not good (6)","output":"### Answer: ECLAIR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Pastry\n\n**E** (\"base\" of the natural system of logarithms, in maths) + ***(arlic) **[anag:*crushed*) where ARLIC is (g)ARLIC without the G (*not* *G(ood)*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Clubs say accepting racket is giving up (6)","output":"### Answer: CEDING \n ### Explanation: Definition: giving up\n\n**C** (clubs) + **e.g.** (\"say\") *accepting* **DIN** (\"racket\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Crowd round saint that is interrupting father endlessly (7)","output":"### Answer: BESIEGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Crow\n\n**S** (saint) + **i.e.** (\"that is\") *interrupting* **BEGE**(t) (\"father\" *endlessly*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Misleading article about dead husband going astray (3,7)","output":"### Answer: RED HERRING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Misleading article\n\n**RE** (\"about\") + **D** (dead) + **H** (husband) + **ERRING** (\"going astray\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sport is ultimately like going into battle (4)","output":"### Answer: WEAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Sport\n\n[*ultimately*] (lik)**E** *going into* **WAR** (\"battle\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Newspaper article declared end to hostilities (5)","output":"### Answer: PEACE \n ### Explanation: Definition: end to hostilities\n\nHomophone [*declared*] of **PIECE** (\"newspaper article\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Noted prior to supply ideas for opening of abbey (9)","output":"### Answer: AFORESAID \n ### Explanation: Definition: Noted prior\n\n[*opening of*] **A**(bbey) + **FOR **+ ***(ideas)** [anag:*supply*] \n \n\n \n*These are the component parts, but the clue gives ESAID + FOR + A. Even if the \"prior\" is not part of the definition, that would give FOR + A + ESAID?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Renewed attack put off Revolutionary Guards (8)","output":"### Answer: REFITTED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Renewed\n\n<=DETER (\"put off\" *revolutionary*) *guards* **FIT** (\"attack\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sale item charges 60% of cheap dress (6)","output":"### Answer: CLOTHE \n ### Explanation: Definition: dress\n\n**LOT** (\"sale item\") *charges* [*60% of*] **CHE**(ap)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Suitable program location to store zero (8)","output":"### Answer: APPOSITE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Suitable\n\n**APP** (\"program\") + *SITE* (\"location\") *to store* **O** (\"zero\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Delight in mentioning insolent manner of worker? (9)","output":"### Answer: BEATITUDE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Delight\n\nHomophone [*in mentioning*] of **BEE** (\"worker\") **ATTITUDE** (\"insolent manner\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mark left by The Sound of Music in Jamaica (4)","output":"### Answer: SCAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Mark\n\nHomophone [*the sound of*] **SKA** (\"music in Jamaica\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Close relationship is something fitting for retirement (7)","output":"### Answer: NIGHTIE \n ### Explanation: Definition: something fitting for retirement\n\n**NIGH** (\"close\") + **TIE** (\"relationship\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Film about Greek musician and creator of gospel (10)","output":"### Answer: EVANGELIST \n ### Explanation: Definition: creator of gospel\n\n**ET** (\"film\") *about* **VANGELIS** (\"Greek musician\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sketch concealing son's stoop (5)","output":"### Answer: DEIGN \n ### Explanation: Definition: stoop\n\n**DE**(s)**IGN** *concealing* S (son)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Screen reporter's question thoroughly (6)","output":"### Answer: GRILLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Screen\n\nHomophone of [*reporter's*] **GRILL** (\"question thoroughly\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Opportune issue raised by empty library (6)","output":"### Answer: TIMELY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Opportune\n\n**<=EMIT** (\"issue\", *raised*) *by* [*empty*] **L**(ibrar)**Y"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Attacker doing time felt wronged (6,4)","output":"### Answer: INSIDE LEFT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Attacker\n\n**INSIDE** (\"doing time\" in prison) + ***(felt)** [anag:*wrong*]\n \n\n \n*In football, an inside left is an attacking midfielder."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Crude, popular lament: Burying the Unknown Soldier (9)","output":"### Answer: INELEGANT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Crude\n\n**IN** (\"popular\") + **ELEG**(y) (\"lament\" *burying* Y (\"unknown\") + **ANT** (\"soldier\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Object to confuse debugger (8)","output":"### Answer: BEGRUDGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Object\n\n***(debugger) **[anag:*to confuse*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Refuse to get on with actress having been snubbed earlier (7)","output":"### Answer: GARBAGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Refuse\n\n**AGE** (\"to get on\") *with* (Greta) **GARB**(o) [\"actress\" *having been snubbed*] *earlier"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Trouble for member of British workers' organisation (6)","output":"### Answer: BUNION \n ### Explanation: Definition: Trouble\n\n**B** (British) + **UNION** (\"workers' organisation\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Do well without having succeeded in conforming to accepted norms (6)","output":"### Answer: PROPER \n ### Explanation: Definition: conforming to accepted norms\n\n**PRO**(s)**PER** (\"do well\" *without having* S (succeeded))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Doc perhaps died following cold's recurrence (5)","output":"### Answer: DWARF \n ### Explanation: Definition: Doc perhaps\n\n**D** (died) + **<=(F** (following) + **RAW** (\"cold\")**)** [*'s recurrence]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dancing characters in the middle of silver screen (4)","output":"### Answer: VEIL \n ### Explanation: Definition: screen\n\n***(ilve)** [anag:*dancing*] where ILVE are the \"characters in the middle of\" (s)ILVE(r)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Writing that could make me propose \u2014 a contradiction in terms? (5,4)","output":"### Answer: PROSE POEM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Writing \n***(me propose)** [anag:*that could make*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Thomas, poet and Nobel Prize winner (5)","output":"### Answer: DYLAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Thomas, poet\nNot terribly cryptic \u2013 refers to **DYLAN** Thomas (\"poet\") and Bob DYLAN (\"Nobel Prize\" for Literature \"winner\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Is inclined to delete nothing from pieces of poetry (5)","output":"### Answer: CANTS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Is inclined \n*Delete* O (nothing) *from* **CANT**(o)**S** (\"pieces of poetry\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wildly romanced, clutching English or Italian love stories (9)","output":"### Answer: DECAMERON \n ### Explanation: Definition: Italian love stories\n***(romanced)** [anag:*wildly*] *clutching* **E** (English)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Nasty European immersed in ten gallons, perhaps (7)","output":"### Answer: HATEFUL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Nasty\n**E** (European) *immersed in* **HATFUL** (\"ten gallons, perhaps\") referring to a TEN GALLON HAT, made popular by cowboys, although ten gallon hats could not actually hold ten gallons of course."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Washed over front of crowd gathered together (7)","output":"### Answer: BATCHED \n ### Explanation: Definition: gathered together\n**BATHED** (\"washed\") *over* [*front of*] **C**(rowd)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Indulge, oddly, poetaster's ending \u2014 his work's limited (5)","output":"### Answer: IDLER \n ### Explanation: Definition: his work's limited\n**I**(n)**D**(u)**L**(g)**E** [*oddly*] + (poetaste)**R** [*'s ending*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dedicated lyric to listeners that's outstanding (3)","output":"### Answer: ODE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Dedicated lyric\nHomophone [*to listeners*] of **OWED** (\"outstanding\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Untrained old volunteers retreating in conflict (2,3)","output":"### Answer: AT WAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: in conflict\n**<=(RAW** (\"untrained\") + **T.A.** (Territorial Army, so \"old volunteers\")**)** [*retreating*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Reveals our country's introducing new degrees (7)","output":"### Answer: UNMASKS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Reveals\n**UK's** (\"our country's\") *introducing* **N** (new) + **MAs** (Masters of Arts, so \"degrees\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Harsh about replacing author's final piece (7)","output":"### Answer: AUSTERE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Harsh \n**RE** (\"about\") *replacing final piece* of **AUSTE**(n) (\"author\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Genuine article installed by company that signals danger (4,5)","output":"### Answer: FIRE ALARM \n ### Explanation: Definition: that signals dange\n**REAL** (\"genuine\") + **A** (article) *installed by* **FIRM** (\"company\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cut that 3, when split and reassembled (5)","output":"### Answer: SEVER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Cut\n**SE-VER** (ver-se split and reassembled, i.e the SE is put before the VER) \n\u00a0\n \nRead the clue as \"cut that verse forms (3dn), when split and reassembled\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Patriarch named in a chapter in part of OT (5)","output":"### Answer: JACOB \n ### Explanation: Definition: Patriarch\n**A** + **C **(chapter) *in* **JOB** (\"part of the Old Testament\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rhyming slang, say, is included by US author, male (9)","output":"### Answer: LONDONISM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Rhyming slang, say\n**IS** *included by* (Jack) **LONDON** (\"US author\") + **M** (male)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Starts off every poem in collection in style of Homer (4)","output":"### Answer: EPIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: in style of Homer\n[*starts off*] **E**(very) **P**(oem)** I**(n) **C**(ollection)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Boy with fishing gear, eg lines set on Westminster Bridge (6)","output":"### Answer: SONNET \n ### Explanation: Definition: eg lines set on Westminster Bridge\n**SON** (\"boy\") *with* **NET** (\"fishing gear\") \n\u00a0\n \nThe clue refers to a Wordsworth sonnet called *Composed on Westminster Bridge"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Poetic structures in novel serve in support of text (5,5)","output":"### Answer: VERSE FORMS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Poetic structures\n***(serve)** [anag:*novel*] + **FOR** (\"in support of\") + **MS** (manuscript, so \"text\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: French composition from Byron \u2014 delightful (6)","output":"### Answer: RONDEL \n ### Explanation: Definition: French composition\nHidden in [*from*] \"by**RON DEL**ightful\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Is the speaker on type of TV friendly? (8)","output":"### Answer: AMICABLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: friendly\n**AM I **(\"is the speaker\") *on* **CABLE** (\"type of TV\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Source of first introduction that rhymes? (4)","output":"### Answer: ADAM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Source of first introduction\nDouble definition \u2013 Adam was the first person introduced to the world, according to certain beliefs, and there are at least two poets with the surname Adam, although neither is particularly well known (Abdul Hameed Adam, a Pakistani, and Helen Adam, a Scot)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Humorous bio priest cut and cut (8)","output":"### Answer: CLERIHEW \n ### Explanation: Definition: Humorous bio\n**CLERI**(c) (\"priest\" *cut*) *and* **HEW** (\"cut\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ascribed source of many rhymes before long (4)","output":"### Answer: ANON \n ### Explanation: Definition: Ascribed source of many rhymes\nDouble definition, the first being an abbreviation of **ANON**ymous"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: It's found among 3, with fixed syllabic structure, similar to this (5)","output":"### Answer: HAIKU \n ### Explanation: Definition: It's found among 3, with fixed syllabic structure\nThere are 17 syllables in the clue, as in any **HAIKU** \n\u00a0\n \n*As there are in my explanation above and in this sentence too."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Radio station's broadcast about reading \u2014 and writing? (10)","output":"### Answer: TRANSISTOR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Radio\n***(stations)** [anag:*broadcast*] *about* **R** (reading) + **R** (writing, in the three R's \u2013 reading, writing and 'rithmetic)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Elegy, say, cleared up (5)","output":"### Answer: DIRGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Elegy\n**<=(E.G.** (\"say\") + **RID** (\"cleared\"), *up***)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fruit put on heap \u2014 one concerned next clue but one (8)","output":"### Answer: LIMERICK \n ### Explanation: Definition: one concerned next clue but one\n**LIME** (\"fruit\") *put on ***RICK** (\"heap\") \n\u00a0\n \nI'm not sure about the reference to \"next clue but one\"?, which appears to be ALMOND"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Nameless constable demolished barrier (8)","output":"### Answer: OBSTACLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: barrier\n***(costable)** [anag:*demolished*] where CO(n)STABLE is without an N (*nameless*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old man disturbed in tree (6)","output":"### Answer: ALMOND \n ### Explanation: Definition: tree\n***(old man)** [anag:*disturbed*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One upset about verse is completing stanzas (6)","output":"### Answer: ENVOIS \n ### Explanation: Definition: completing stanzas\n**<=(ONE**, *upset*) *about* **V** (verse) + **IS** \n\u00a0\n \n*An envoi is a concluding part of a book or poem, so \"stanzas that complete\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lots of islands having female dotty characters? (4)","output":"### Answer: FIJI \n ### Explanation: Definition: Lots of islands\n**F** (female) + **IJI** (\"dotty characters\", at least when in lower case)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Quartet's initial scheme for 2, perhaps (4)","output":"### Answer: ABBA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Quartet\n**ABBA **were a pop \"quartet\" and **ABBA** is a rhyming scheme where the first and fourth line and the second and third lines rhyme."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Frost's old-fashioned poem (4)","output":"### Answer: RIME \n ### Explanation: Definition: Frost\nDouble definition, the second being an old spelling of RHYME"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pigeon getting copper's helmet? (6)","output":"### Answer: CUSHAT \n ### Explanation: Pigeon getting copper's helmet? (6)\n\n**Cu's **(\"copper's\") + **HAT** (\"helmet\"). \n \n\n \n*Cushat is a Scottish\/Northern English word for the common wood pigeon."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Power of tot \u2013 I walk all over the place (8)","output":"### Answer: KILOWATT \n ### Explanation: Power of tot \u2013 I walk all over the place (8)\n\n***(tot I walk)** [anag:*all over the place*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wife not sophisticated, wanting head covered \u2013 this cloth could hide it (6)","output":"### Answer: WIMPLE \n ### Explanation: Wife not sophisticated, wanting head covered \u2013 this cloth could hide it (6)\n\n**W** (wife) + (s)**IMPLE** (\"not sophisticated\") [*wanting* (i.e. lacking) *head*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One German saint and one German genius (8)","output":"### Answer: EINSTEIN \n ### Explanation: One German saint and one German genius (8)\n\n**EIN** (\"one\" in German) +** St.** (saint) + **EIN** (\"one\" in \"German\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Church in weird style exhibiting happy-clappy mode? (8)","output":"### Answer: CHEERILY \n ### Explanation: Church in weird style exhibiting happy-clappy mode? (8)\n\n**Ch.** (church) + **EERILY** (\"in weird style\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Flier getting hit, needing hospital for short time (6)","output":"### Answer: SHRIKE \n ### Explanation: Flier getting hit, needing hospital for short time (6)\n\n**S**(t>**H**)**RIKE **(\"hit\", *needing* H (hospital) instead of [*for*] T (*short* T(ime))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A little drink knocked back in Italian city (4)","output":"### Answer: PISA \n ### Explanation: A little drink knocked back in Italian city (4)\n\n**<=A SIP** (\"a little drink\", *knocked back*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A Parisian maiden getting questioned becomes exposed (8)","output":"### Answer: UNMASKED \n ### Explanation: A Parisian maiden getting questioned becomes exposed (8)\n\n**UN** (\"a\" in \"Paris\") + **M** (maiden, in cricket) *getting* **ASKED** (\"questioned\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: In despair, having lost American Bob? (8)","output":"### Answer: HOPELESS \n ### Explanation: In despair, having lost American Bob? (8)\n\nThe lost American Bob is of course Bob **HOPE**."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Parties needing hard cash (4)","output":"### Answer: DOSH \n ### Explanation: Parties needing hard cash (4)\n\n**DOS** (\"parties\") *needing* **H** (hard)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Jeer, first off, showing spirit (6)","output":"### Answer: ARRACK \n ### Explanation: Jeer, first off, showing spirit (6)\n\n(b)**ARRACK** (\"jeer\" with its* first off*)\n \n\n \n*Arrack is an alcoholic drink, popular in South Asia, made from fermented coconut sap or sugar cane."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One politician wanting harmony and protection (8)","output":"### Answer: IMPUNITY \n ### Explanation: One politician wanting harmony and protection (8)\n\n**I **(one) + **MP** (politician) *wanting* **UNITY** (\"harmony\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Princess's characteristic to be absent- minded (8)","output":"### Answer: DISTRAIT \n ### Explanation: Princess's characteristic to be absent- minded (8)\n\n**DI's** (\"princess's\") + **TRAIT** (\"characteristic\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Demands of old lover met with deeds (6)","output":"### Answer: EXACTS \n ### Explanation: Demands of old lover met with deeds (6)\n\n**EX** (\"old lover\") *met with* **ACTS** (\"deeds\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fish chaps brought to port \u2013 last of fish netted (8)","output":"### Answer: MENHADEN \n ### Explanation: Fish chaps brought to port \u2013 last of fish netted (8)\n\n**MEN** (\"chaps\") *brought to* **ADEN** (\"port\") with [*last of*] (fis)**H** *netted*\n \n\n \n*A menhaden is a small saltwater fish."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Milk business not excellent \u2013 if cows are this? (6)","output":"### Answer: DRYING \n ### Explanation: Milk business not excellent \u2013 if cows are this? (6)\n\n**D**(ai)**RYING** (\"milk business\", *not* A1 (\"excellent\"))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A husband that you might get after superior religious instruction! (5)","output":"### Answer: URIAH \n ### Explanation: A husband that you might get after superior religious instruction! (5)\n\n**A H** (husband) *after* **U** (superior) + **RI** (religious instruction) and &lit."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Join up with the fellow, then yap freely inside (9)","output":"### Answer: HYPHENATE \n ### Explanation: Join up with the fellow, then yap freely inside (9)\n\n**HE **(\"the fellow\") with ***(then yap)** [anag:*freely*] *inside*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unproved statement in submission for PhD? (6)","output":"### Answer: THESIS \n ### Explanation: Unproved statement in submission for PhD? (6)\n\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Calm down \u2013 I don't want to see that chest! (4,4,5,2)","output":"### Answer: KEEP YOUR SHIRT ON \n ### Explanation: Calm down \u2013 I don't want to see that chest! (4,4,5,2)\n\nIf you keep your shirt on, I won't see your chest."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wanting company to advance money, as you might say? (8)","output":"### Answer: LONESOME \n ### Explanation: Wanting company to advance money, as you might say? (8)\n\nHomophone [*as you might say*] of *LOAN SUM* (\"advance money\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: I may be poured out by server at table (5)","output":"### Answer: WATER \n ### Explanation: I may be poured out by server at table (5)\n\nI removed from [*poured out by*] **WA**(I)**TER** (\"server at table\") and &lit."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A measure of Violet Elizabeth's malady? (9)","output":"### Answer: THICKNESS \n ### Explanation: A measure of Violet Elizabeth's malady? (9)\n\n**THICKNESS** is how Violet Elizabeth, a lisping adversary of William in the Just William stories, would have pronounced SICKNESS (\"malady\")."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Nowadays Bradman's getting into fixed routine (2,3,4)","output":"### Answer: IN OUR TIME \n ### Explanation: Nowadays Bradman's getting into fixed routine (2,3,4)\n\n**I'M** (\"Bradman's\") *getting into* ***(routine)** [anag:*fixed*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Any rested drunk could be this (9)","output":"### Answer: SEDENTARY \n ### Explanation: Any rested drunk could be this (9)\n\n***(any rested)** [anag:*drunk*] and semi &lit."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pack bananas as one of the ship's crew (8)","output":"### Answer: DECKHAND \n ### Explanation: Pack bananas as one of the ship's crew (8)\n\n**DECK** (\"pack\" as in playing cards) + **HAND** (bunch of \"bananas\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Two pages \u2013 second page gets looked at (6)","output":"### Answer: SPREAD \n ### Explanation: Two pages \u2013 second page gets looked at (6)\n\n**S **(second) + **P** (page) *gets* **READ** (\"looked at\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A longing to be the leading character in horticulture (5)","output":"### Answer: AITCH \n ### Explanation: A longing to be the leading character in horticulture (5)\n\n**A** + **ITCH** (\"longing\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Celestial object \u2013 it turned brown (5)","output":"### Answer: TITAN \n ### Explanation: Celestial object \u2013 it turned brown (5)\n\n**<=IT** [turned] + **TAN** (\"brown\")\n \n\n \n*Titan is the largest of Saturn's moons."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Light source about Aldebaran that dances (10)","output":"### Answer: CANDELABRA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Light source\n\n**C** (circa, so \"about\") + ** *(Aldebaran)** [anag:*that dances*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Store needs time to fatten pig (4)","output":"### Answer: STOW \n ### Explanation: Definition: Store\n\n**T** (time) *to fatten* **SOW** (\"pig\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Administrator initially beaten for style (4)","output":"### Answer: AFRO \n ### Explanation: Definition: style\n\n**A**(dministrator) [*initially*] + ***(for)** [anag:*beaten*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Doctor given praise about theory regularly (10)","output":"### Answer: ADULTERATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Doctor\n\n**ADULATE** (\"praise\") *about* **T**(h)**E**(o)**R**(y) [*regularly*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Intake ultimately failing to pass (6)","output":"### Answer: ELAPSE \n ### Explanation: Definition: to pass\n\n(intak)**E** [*ultimately*] + **LAPSE** (\"failing\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Conrad is dreadfully cynical (8)","output":"### Answer: SARDONIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: cynical\n\n***(Conrad is)** [anag:*dreadfully*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Meeting in such bars should be impossible (8)","output":"### Answer: PARALLEL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Meeting in such bars should be impossible\n\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Long to see husband detained in unstoppable service (4)","output":"### Answer: ACHE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Long\n\n**H **(husband) *detained in* **ACE** (\"unstoppable service\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Circle in ground is complete (4)","output":"### Answer: DISC \n ### Explanation: Definition: Circle\n\nHidden [*in*] \"groun**D IS C**omplete\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Careless attachment with men finally drawn into scheming (8)","output":"### Answer: SLOVENLY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Careless\n\n**LOVE** (\"attachment\") *with* (me)**N** [*finally*] *drawn into* **SLY** (\"scheming\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Page in second book showing butter knife? (8)","output":"### Answer: SPREADER \n ### Explanation: Definition: butter knife?\n\n**P** (page) *in* **S** (second) + **READER** (\"book\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: American climber seen on river in valley (6)","output":"### Answer: RAVINE \n ### Explanation: Definition: valley\n\n**A **(American) + **VINE** (\"climber\")* seen on* **R **(river)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Nuisance mentioned on every side in holiday region (10)","output":"### Answer: PLAYGROUND \n ### Explanation: Definition: holiday region\n\nHomophone [*mentioned*] of **PLAGUE** (\"nuisance\") + **ROUND** (\"on every side\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Response from congregation almost put right (4)","output":"### Answer: AMEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Response from congregation\n\n[*almost*] **AMEN**(d) (\"put right\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Vincent for one displays good bearing (4)","output":"### Answer: GENE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Vincent for one\n\n**G** (good) + **ENE** (east north-east, a \"bearing\")\n \n\n \n*Gene Vincent was an American musician, a pioneer of rock 'n' roll."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One to succeed bringing target into range (10)","output":"### Answer: DESCENDENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: One to succeed\n\nEND (\"target\") into DESCENT (\"range\")\n \n\n \n*Struggling to see how \"descent\" and \"range\" are synonymous."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Chap twice given a forage crop (7)","output":"### Answer: ALFALFA \n ### Explanation: Definition: forage crop\n\n**ALF** + **ALF** (\"chap\" *twice*) *given* **A"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Doctor round surgery to wilt from tiredness (5)","output":"### Answer: DROOP \n ### Explanation: Definition: to \n\n**Dr.** (doctor) + **O **(\"round\") + **OP** (operation, so \"surgery\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Left road over lakes and isle in Welsh town (8)","output":"### Answer: LLANELLI \n ### Explanation: Definition: Welsh town\n\n**L** (left) + **LANE** (\"road\") *over* **LL** (lakes) *and* **I** (isle)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Greens right to interrupt EU talks? (8,7)","output":"### Answer: BRUSSELS SPROUTS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Greens\n\n**R** (right) *to interrupt* **BRUSSELS** (\"EU\") + **SPOUTS** (\"talks\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Some tyre tracks traced back in main road (6)","output":"### Answer: ARTERY \n ### Explanation: Definition: main road\n\nHidden backwards [*some\u2026 traced back*] in \"t**YRE TRA**cks\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Broken-down Eurostar at last getting replacement (9)","output":"### Answer: SURROGATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: replacement\n\n***(eurostar g)** [anag:*broken-down*] where G is [*at last*] (gettin)**G"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Good chap in love with tasty bird (7)","output":"### Answer: OSTRICH \n ### Explanation: Definition: bird\n\n**St. **(saint, so \"good chap\") *in* **O** (love, in tennis) *with* **rich ** (\"tasty\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Jaguar car past bend an original model (9)","output":"### Answer: ARCHETYPE \n ### Explanation: Definition: original model\n\n**E-TYPE **(\"Jaguar car\") *past* **ARCH** (\"bend\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dish three bears liked in time (8)","output":"### Answer: PORRIDGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Dish three bears liked\n\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Drive up motorway heading north to college (7)","output":"### Answer: IMPULSE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Drive\n\n**<= (UP M1** (\"motorway\")**)** [*heading north*] *to* **LSE** (London School of Economics, so \"college\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Leading light left before British force (7)","output":"### Answer: LANTERN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Leading light \n\n**L** (left) + **ANTE** (\"before\") + **RN** (Royal Navy, so \"British force\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Trouble with Ruby put on pedestal (6)","output":"### Answer: ADORED \n ### Explanation: Definition: put on pedestal\n\n**ADO** (\"trouble\") *with* **RED** (\"ruby\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Food item with rocket served first (5)","output":"### Answer: VIAND \n ### Explanation: Definition: Food item\n\n**AND** (\"with\") with **V1** (\"rocket\") *served first"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Boris? He was a smashing chap (6)","output":"### Answer: BECKER \n ### Explanation: Boris? He was a smashing chap (6)\n\nSemi-cryptic definition referring to \"Boris\" **BECKER**, a tennis player, so therefore one who smashes, \"a smashing chap\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Judge bypasses Sorrento, missing a lot (8)","output":"### Answer: ASSESSOR \n ### Explanation: Judge bypasses Sorrento, missing a lot (8)\n\nHidden in \"byp**ASSES SOR**rento\" [*missing a lot*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wife visiting auction? That's great (5)","output":"### Answer: SWELL \n ### Explanation: Wife visiting auction? That's great (5)\n\n**W** (wife) *visiting* **SELL** (\"auction\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Arsonist caught making something to eat (9)","output":"### Answer: CROISSANT \n ### Explanation: Arsonist caught making something to eat (9)\n\n***(arsonist c) **[anag:*making*] where C = caught (in cricket)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sectarian bishop first to drink a pint (7)","output":"### Answer: BAPTIST \n ### Explanation: Sectarian bishop first to drink a pint (7)\n\n**B** (bishop) + **1st** (\"first\")* to take* **A Pt. **(pint)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bigwig's family at home, welcoming GP (7)","output":"### Answer: KINGPIN \n ### Explanation: Bigwig's family at home, welcoming GP (7)\n\n**KIN **(\"family\") + **IN** (\"at home\") *welcoming* **GP"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: City in which Archimedes made his discovery? (4)","output":"### Answer: BATH \n ### Explanation: City in which Archimedes made his discovery? (4)\n\nDouble definition, the second referring to Archimedes' Eureka moment."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Amateurish Pinter play about old flame (8)","output":"### Answer: INEXPERT \n ### Explanation: Amateurish Pinter play about old flame (8)\n\n***(pinter) **[anag:*play*] *about* **EX** (\"old flame\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sailors in the drink (8)","output":"### Answer: ABSINTHE \n ### Explanation: Sailors in the drink (8)\n\n**ABs** (able-bodied seamen, so \"sailors\") + **IN THE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Boyfriend from Cockney neighbourhood, you say? (4)","output":"### Answer: BEAU \n ### Explanation: Boyfriend from Cockney neighbourhood, you say? (4)\n\nHomophone [*you say*] of **BOW** (\"Cockney neighbourhood\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Second sin St Anthony's concealed (7)","output":"### Answer: INSTANT \n ### Explanation: Second sin St Anthony's concealed (7)\n\n*Concealed* in \"s**IN ST ANT**hony's\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Convict finally put in cell that's very small (7)","output":"### Answer: NEUTRON \n ### Explanation: Convict finally put in cell that's very small (7)\n\n(convic)**T** [*finally*] *put in* **NEURON** (\"cell\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Innocent Chinese doctor I killed (9)","output":"### Answer: CHILDLIKE \n ### Explanation: Innocent Chinese doctor I killed (9)\n\n**Ch.** (Chinese) + ***(I killed)** [anag:*doctor*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Guide Penny away from dealer (5)","output":"### Answer: USHER \n ### Explanation: Guide Penny away from dealer (5)\n\nP (penny) *away from* (p)**USHER"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Best friend's disgraceful accommodation? (8)","output":"### Answer: DOGHOUSE \n ### Explanation: Best friend's disgraceful accommodation? (8)\n\nCryptic definition, referring to where a person is sent in disgrace and to a home for a dog (man's \"best friend\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Open article from Paris, small amount of weed perhaps (6)","output":"### Answer: UNWRAP \n ### Explanation: Open article from Paris, small amount of weed perhaps (6)\n\n**UN** (\"article from Paris\") + **WRAP** (\"small amount of weed, perhaps\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Child born to Dubya, cute little creature (8)","output":"### Answer: BUSHBABY \n ### Explanation: Child born to Dubya, cute little creature (8)\n\nA \"child born to Dubya\" (George W Bush) could be described as a **BUSH BABY"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pale actor abysmal as tragic queen (9)","output":"### Answer: CLEOPATRA \n ### Explanation: Pale actor abysmal as tragic queen (9)\n\n***(pale actor) **[anag:*abysmal*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Excels occasionally with puff pastry (6)","output":"### Answer: ECLAIR \n ### Explanation: Excels occasionally with puff pastry (6)\n\n**E**(x)**C**(e)**L**(s) [*occasionally*] *with* **AIR** (\"puff\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Make money here, swapping cows for sheep? (5,8)","output":"### Answer: STOCK EXCHANGE \n ### Explanation: Make money here, swapping cows for sheep? (5,8)\n\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Soul of German city church (7)","output":"### Answer: ESSENCE \n ### Explanation: Soul of German city church (7)\n\n**ESSEN** (\"German city\") + **CE** (\"Church\" of England)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Impress discontented socialist, a backbencher? (5)","output":"### Answer: STAMP \n ### Explanation: Impress discontented socialist, a backbencher? (5)\n\n[*discontented*] **S**(ocialis)**T** + **A** + **M.P.** (\"backbencher?\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Crew member talking rubbish, losing head (6)","output":"### Answer: RATING \n ### Explanation: Crew member talking rubbish, losing head (6)\n\n(p)**RATING** (\"talking rubbish\", *losing head*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Actions late in being punished \u2013 with this? (3-1-4-5)","output":"### Answer: CAT-O\u2019-NINE-TAILS \n ### Explanation: Actions late in being punished \u2013 with this? (3-1-4-5)\n\n***(actions late in) **[anag:*being punished*] and semi &lit."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Soap opera that never ends \u2013 is it a sign? (3,6)","output":"### Answer: THE ARCHER \n ### Explanation: Soap opera that never ends \u2013 is it a sign? (3,6)\n\n**THE ARCHER**(s) (\"soap opera\" *that never ends*)\n \n\n \n*Sagittarius (a zodiac sign) is also known as The Archer"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Smuggler in court? He didn't win (6-2)","output":"### Answer: RUNNER-UP \n ### Explanation: Smuggler in court? He didn't win (6-2)\n\n**RUNNER** (\"smuggler\") + **UP** (\"in court\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Difficult customer . . . I forget his name (2-3-2)","output":"### Answer: SO AND SO \n ### Explanation: Difficult customer . . . I forget his name (2-3-2)\n\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Walked daintily, like lamb heading for the pot? (6)","output":"### Answer: MINCED \n ### Explanation: Walked daintily, like lamb heading for the pot? (6)\n\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The fall of Donald Trump (6)","output":"### Answer: AUTUMN \n ### Explanation: The fall of Donald Trump (6)\n\nIn the US, so to \"Donald Trump\", **AUTUMN** is known as \"fall\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Policeman in fleece (5)","output":"### Answer: STING \n ### Explanation: Policeman in fleece (5)\n\n**STING** was the lead singer of The Police, so could be described as \"Policeman\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Yo-yo game ceases to worry; win or lose, I don't mind (4,4,4,2)","output":"### Answer: EASY COME EASY GO \n ### Explanation: Definition: win or lose, I don't mind\n\n***(yoyo game ceases) **[anag:*to worry*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lard costing nothing? Is this the healthy version? (3-4)","output":"### Answer: FAT-FREE \n ### Explanation: Definition: the healthy version?\n\nFAT (\"lard\") + FREE (\"costing nothing\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tea, a little butter, and one piece of bread (7)","output":"### Answer: CHAPATI \n ### Explanation: Definition: piece of bread\n\n**CHA** (\"tea\") + **PAT** (\"a little butter\") *and* **I** (one)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: May she look after girl in empty nursery? (5)","output":"### Answer: NANNY \n ### Explanation: Definition: May she look after girl in empty nursery? \n\n**ANN** (\"girl\") *in* [*empty*] **N**(urser)**Y **and &lit."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Court calendar shows one hoping to be accepted (9)","output":"### Answer: TRIALLIST \n ### Explanation: Definition: one hoping to be accepted\n\nA list of court cases (a **TRIAL LIST**) would show up in a \"court calendar\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Working in parlour perhaps, go at it, not bothered (9)","output":"### Answer: TATTOOING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Working in parlour perhaps\n\n***(go at it not)** [anag:*bothered*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Make fun of American for rejecting sweetener (5)","output":"### Answer: SUGAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: sweetener\n\n**<=(RAG **('make fun of\") + **US** (\"American\") *rejected*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Heading off north and east at first on river that runs into the Med (5)","output":"### Answer: RHONE \n ### Explanation: Definition: that runs into the Med\n\n**H**(eading) **O**(ff) **N**(orth) **E**(ast) [at first] on **R** (river)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Extremely happy a garden cultivated this? (9)","output":"### Answer: HYDRANGEA \n ### Explanation: Definition: this?\n\n***(hy a garden)** [anag:*cultivated*] where HY is [*extremely*] H(app)Y"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One under ten confused by legal deed (9)","output":"### Answer: INDENTURE \n ### Explanation: Definition: legal deed\n\n***(I under ten) **[anag:*confused*] where I is \"one\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Edge past farm animal, to pick this? (5)","output":"### Answer: OXLIP \n ### Explanation: Definition: this?\n\n**LIP** (\"edge\") *past* **OX** (\"farm animal\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Some explore, leisurely, a fabulous Rhine feature (7)","output":"### Answer: LORELEI \n ### Explanation: Definition: a fabulous Rhine feature\n\nHidden in [*some*] \"exp**LORE LEI**sure\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wholemeal, we note, has high temperature inside (7)","output":"### Answer: WHEATEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Wholemeal\n\n**WE** + **N** (note) *has* **HEAT** (\"high temperature\") *inside"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Is it criminal, being made to stand in line here? (8,6)","output":"### Answer: IDENTITY PARADE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Is it criminal, being made to stand in line here?\n\nMildly cryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Embarrassingly ghastly French kid? (6,8)","output":"### Answer: ENFANT TERRIBLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Embarrassingly ghastly French kid?\n\nCryptic definition, its original meaning being \"a precocious child who causes embarrassment to its parents or other adults by being candid\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Material arranged to cover a container (7)","output":"### Answer: SATINET \n ### Explanation: Definition: Material\n\n**SET** (\"arranged\")* to cover* **A TIN** (\"container\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Crack about the ears? It'll bring a groan (5,4)","output":"### Answer: CORNY JOKE \n ### Explanation: Definition: It'll bring a groan\n\nA **JOKE** (\"crack\") about \"ears\" of corn, so **CORNY"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Freely I stream their wonderful music-making (7)","output":"### Answer: MAESTRI \n ### Explanation: Definition: Freely I stream their wonderful music-making\n\n***(I stream)** [anag:*freely*] and semi &lit."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Artwork that's not initially attractive (7)","output":"### Answer: ETCHING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Artwork\n\n[*not initially*] (f)**ETCHING** (\"attractive\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Seat in church where one keeps an animal? (5)","output":"### Answer: STALL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Seat in church\n\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Good marks for preparing cheese (7)","output":"### Answer: GRATING \n ### Explanation: Definition: preparing cheese\n\n**G** (good) + **RATING** (\"marks\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: I prove agnostic about cake (8,6)","output":"### Answer: VICTORIA SPONGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: cake\n\n***(I prove agnostic) **[anag:*about*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: This is how senior bishop runs a TV programme (4,5)","output":"### Answer: SOAP OPERA \n ### Explanation: Definition: TV programme\n\n**SO** (\"this is how\") **A POPE** (\"senior bishop\") +** R **(runs, in cricket) + **A"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Given strict instructions to be tidy (7)","output":"### Answer: ORDERED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Given strict instructions\n\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: He was bound to prove entertaining (7)","output":"### Answer: HOUDINI \n ### Explanation: Definition: He was bound to prove entertaining\n\nCryptic definition \u2013 the \"bound\" in the clue referring to escapology."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Gradually fade and have to be brought back for burial? (3,4)","output":"### Answer: DIE AWAY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Gradually fade\n\nIf you **DIE AWAY** from home, your body may \"have to be brought back for\" the \"burial\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fabulous Greek girl dined during festival (7)","output":"### Answer: GALATEA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fabulous Greek girl\n\n**ATE** (\"dined\") *during* **GALA** (\"festival\")\n \n\n \nThere are three different Galateas in Greek mythology, including the statue created by Pygmalion, a nereid who loved a shepherd, and a mother who asked the gods to turn her daughter into a son."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Only prepared new material (5)","output":"### Answer: NYLON \n ### Explanation: Definition: material\n\n***(only)** [anag:*prepared*] + **N** (new)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Two sizes of animal in continent? (8)","output":"### Answer: LANDMASS \n ### Explanation: Two sizes of animal in continent? (8)\n\n**L AND M** (large and medium, so \"two sizes\") + **ASS** (\"animal\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Reprimand when retro record snuck into trolley (6)","output":"### Answer: CARPET \n ### Explanation: Reprimand when retro record snuck into trolley (6)\n\n[*retro*] **<=EP** (\"record\") *snuck into* **CART** (\"trolley\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Blow to the exterior initially flattened cake (7)","output":"### Answer: GALETTE \n ### Explanation: Blow to the exterior initially flattened cake (7)\n\n**GALE** (\"blow\") + **T**(o) **T**(he) **E**(xterior)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pocket of resistance on banks of Tiber river (7)","output":"### Answer: TROUSER \n ### Explanation: Pocket of resistance on banks of Tiber river (7)\n\n**R** (resistance) *on* [*banks of*] **T**(ibe)**R** + (River) **OUSE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: UV blocker from premier Canberra address? (5)","output":"### Answer: OZONE \n ### Explanation: UV blocker from premier Canberra address? (5)\n\n**OZ ONE** (as in Australia One) could be a \"premier address\" in \"Canberra\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Secure Dutch vacation in beach shelter (9)","output":"### Answer: WINBBREAK \n ### Explanation: Secure Dutch vacation in beach shelter (9)\n\n**WIN** (\"secure\") + **D** (Dutch) + **BREAK** (\"vacation\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Shy baby owl knocked fly off the handle (5,1,6)","output":"### Answer: THROW A WOBBLY \n ### Explanation: Shy baby owl knocked fly off the handle (5,1,6)\n\n**THROW** (\"shy\") + ***(baby owl)** [anag:*knocked*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fraud on back part of orchestra (6,6)","output":"### Answer: SECOND FIDDLE \n ### Explanation: Fraud on back part of orchestra (6,6)\n\n**FIDDLE** (\"fraud\") *on* **SECOND** (\"back\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cook a bream in one? (4-5)","output":"### Answer: BAIN-MARIE \n ### Explanation: Cook a bream in one? (4-5)\n\n***(a bream in I)** [anag:*cook*] and &lit., where I = \"one\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: King left fruit and accepted cheese (5)","output":"### Answer: GOUDA \n ### Explanation: King left fruit and accepted cheese (5)\n\n**R** (Rex, so \"King\") *left* **GOU**(r)**D** (\"fruit\") *and* **A** (accepted)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Note heavy start to swim in pools (7)","output":"### Answer: LAGOONS \n ### Explanation: Note heavy start to swim in pools (7)\n\n**LA** (\"note\") + **GOON** (\"heavy\") + [*start to*] **S**(wim)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Zero information within feature about shares (7)","output":"### Answer: RATIONS \n ### Explanation: Zero information within feature about shares (7)\n\n**<=(NO** \"zero\" + **I** (information) *within* **STAR** (\"feature\") [*about*]\n \n\n \n*I don't think I on its own can stand for \"information\". It can do in phrases such as IT (information technology) or compounds such as I-way (Information highway), but not on its own."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: 24-carat earrings possibly help (2,4)","output":"### Answer: AU PAIR \n ### Explanation: 24-carat earrings possibly help (2,4)\n\n**Au** (chemical symbol for gold, so \"24-carat\") + **PAIR** (\"earrings, possibly\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lavish spread polar bears love (8)","output":"### Answer: PRODIGAL \n ### Explanation: Lavish spread polar bears love (8)\n\n***(polar)** [anag:*spread*] *bears* **DIG** (\"love\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Soldiers stage landing on moon close to canyon (6)","output":"### Answer: LEGION \n ### Explanation: Soldiers stage landing on moon close to canyon (6)\n\n**LEG** (\"stage\") *landing on* **IO** (\"moon\" of Jupiter) + [*close to*] (canyo)**N"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hold turnover of some casinos' lenders (6)","output":"### Answer: NELSON \n ### Explanation: Hold turnover of some casinos' lenders (6)\n\nHidden backwards [*turnover of some*] in \"casi**NOS LEN**ders\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Flappy sort of insect on search seen regularly (6,3)","output":"### Answer: MOTHER HEN \n ### Explanation: Flappy sort of insect on search seen regularly (6,3)\n\n**MOTH** (\"insect\") *on* (s)**E**(a)**R**(c)**H** (s)**E**(e)**N** [regularly]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Robin's hideaway scattered with her food stores (8,6)","output":"### Answer: SHERWOOD FOREST \n ### Explanation: Robin's hideaway scattered with her food stores (8,6)\n\n***(w her food stores)** [anag:*scattered*] where W = with"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Retreating crowd overcome by sailor's nasty drop (1-4)","output":"### Answer: A-BOMB \n ### Explanation: Retreating crowd overcome by sailor's nasty drop (1-4)\n\n[*retreating*] **<=MOB** (\"crowd\") *overcome by* **AB** (able-bodied \"sailor\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ignored advance by editor on exchange (6,2)","output":"### Answer: PASSED BY \n ### Explanation: Ignored advance by editor on exchange (6,2)\n\n**PASS** (\"advance\") + **BY** + **ED** (editor) changing places [*on exchange*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Country's welcoming new bar staff? (8)","output":"### Answer: TURNKEYS \n ### Explanation: Country's welcoming new bar staff? (8)\n\n**TURKEY'S** (\"country's\") *welcoming* **N** (new)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Usual exhibitionist broadcast for leader (8-6)","output":"### Answer: STANDARD-BEARER \n ### Explanation: Usual exhibitionist broadcast for leader (8-6)\n\n**STANDARD** (\"usual\") + homophone [*broadcast*] of **BARER** (\"exhibitionist\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Forced deli to bag in a different way (9)","output":"### Answer: OBLIGATED \n ### Explanation: Forced deli to bag in a different way (9)\n\n***(deli to bag) **[anag:*in a different way*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Spanish ruler's second son into religion briefly (8)","output":"### Answer: ISABELLA \n ### Explanation: Spanish ruler's second son into religion briefly (8)\n\n**ABEL** (\"second son\" in the Bible) *into* **ISLA**(m) (\"religion\", *briefly*)\n \n\n \n*Refers to Isabella, who with Ferdinand, sponsored the 1492 Columbus expedition."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Misbehaving cat lost home \u2013 dog head over heels (6,2)","output":"### Answer: ACTING UP \n ### Explanation: Misbehaving cat lost home \u2013 dog head over heels (6,2)\n\n***(cat) **[anag:*lost*] + **IN** (\"home\") + **<=PUG** (\"dog\", *head over heels*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Creature half-ugly eaten by one of Lear's (6)","output":"### Answer: DUGONG \n ### Explanation: Creature half-ugly eaten by one of Lear's (6)\n\n[*half-*] **UG**(ly) *eaten by* **DONG** (\"one of Lear's (creatures)\")\n \n\n \n*A dugong is a marine mammal, related to the manatee, and Edward Lear's Dong was famous for its bright nose.*\n \n\n \n*\"The Dong! \u2014 the Dong!*\n \n*\"The wandering Dong through the forest goes!*\n \n*\"The Dong! the Dong!*\n \n*\"The Dong with a luminous Nose!\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Solo's key line is one of two that were abandoned (6)","output":"### Answer: HANSEL \n ### Explanation: Solo's key line is one of two that were abandoned (6)\n\n**HAN'S** (\"Solo's\") + **E** (\"key\", a musical note) + **L **(line)\n \n\n \n*Hans Solo is Harrison Ford's character in the *Star Wars* movie franchise, and Hansel was one of the children abandoned by their father in the Grimms' fairy tale *Hansel and Gretel."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Language degree press endlessly sent up (5)","output":"### Answer: MAORI \n ### Explanation: Language degree press endlessly sent up (5)\n\nMA (Master of Arts, so \"degree\") + **<= IRO**(n) (\"press\" *endlessly* and *sent up*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stitched up, like this puzzle? (6-7)","output":"### Answer: DOUBLE-CROSSED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Stitched up\nThere are a couple of crosses in black in the grid."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Singer Woody gets naughtier, leading couple stripping off (7)","output":"### Answer: GUTHRIE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Singer Woody\n***(ughtier) **[anag:*off*] where UGHTIER is (na)UGHTIER with its *leading couple stripped*. \n\u00a0\n \n*Woody Guthrie (1912-1967) was an American folk singer and songwriter."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Queen Victoria's beginning to interrupt all her children, quelling excitement? (7)","output":"### Answer: NERVINE \n ### Explanation: Definition: quelling excitement?\n**ER** (Elizabeth Regina, so \"queen\") + **V**(ictoria) [*'s beginning*] *to interrupt* **NINE** (the number of \"children\" she had) \n\u00a0\n \n*A nervine is a nerve tonic, often herbal, taken to \"calm ruffled nerves\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Make a fuss to avoid a Greek island (5)","output":"### Answer: CRETE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Greek island\n**CRE**(a)**TE** (\"make a fuss\") *avoiding* A"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Whatever suggestion that was given to Adam when new animal appeared? (3,4,2)","output":"### Answer: YOU NAME IT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Whatever\n*According to Genesis, Adam named all the animals God created."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Riverside resident in provincial group (5)","output":"### Answer: NILOT \n ### Explanation: Definition: R\n**NI **(Northern Ireland, so \"provincial\") + **LOT** (\"group\") \n\u00a0\n \n*A Nilot is someone who lives on the banks of the Nile."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: See list that includes one regarded as a revolutionary hero (9)","output":"### Answer: ROCHESTER \n ### Explanation: Definition: See\n**ROSTER** (\"list\") *includes*** CHE **(Guevara) (\"one regarded as a revolutionary hero\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Restriction coming over time \u2014 it is an eye problem (9)","output":"### Answer: RETINITIS \n ### Explanation: Definition: an eye problem\n**REIN** (\"restriction\") *coming over* **T** (time) + **IT IS"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Aboard ship hurry to provide launches (5)","output":"### Answer: SHIES \n ### Explanation: Definition: launches\n**HIE** (\"hurry\") *aboard* **SS** (steam\"ship\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bishop falling into lake in African country like a shot? (9)","output":"### Answer: CHAMBERED \n ### Explanation: Definition: like a shot?\n**B** (bishop) *falling into* **MERE** (\"lake\")* in* **CHAD** (\"African country\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: European report of border activity? (5)","output":"### Answer: CZECH \n ### Explanation: Definition: European\nHomophone [*report*] of **CHECK **(\"border activity\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Row in world of Roman Church (7)","output":"### Answer: TERRACE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Row\n**TERRA** (Latin for \"world\", so \"world of Roman\") + **CE **(\"Church\" of England)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: School physics unit facing ruin (7)","output":"### Answer: GRAMMAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: School\n**GRAM** (\"physics unit\") *facing* **MAR** (\"ruin\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Very exciting Scottish team \u2014 super! (5-8)","output":"### Answer: HEART-STOPPING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Very exciting\n**HEARTS** (\"Scottish\" football \"team\") + **TOPPING** (\"super\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Like Derby, plainly? (2,3,4)","output":"### Answer: ON THE FLAT \n ### Explanation: Definition: plainly\nThe annual horse race, The \"Derby\", is run **ON THE FLAT** (as opposed to over jumps)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Boat is exposed, shipping gallons (5)","output":"### Answer: BARGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Boat\n**BARE** (\"exposed\"), *shipping* (as in \"carrying\") **G** (gallons)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Provider of polish, a grotesque comedian? (5)","output":"### Answer: EMERY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Provider of polish\nDouble definition, one relating to an emery cloth, the second to Dick Emery (1915-83), a British comedian who appeared in an eponymous TV show. \n\u00a0\n \n*I'm not sure about the \"grotesque\" bit \u2013 he wasn't particularly ugly and his comedy was no more shocking than many others\u2026"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Kicks given no censure surprisingly (9)","output":"### Answer: RENOUNCES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Kicks\n***(no censure)** [anag:*surprisingly*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Seek arrest possibly for them (bit of exhibitionism unwanted?) (9)","output":"### Answer: STREAKERS \n ### Explanation: Definition: them\n***(sek arrest) **[anag:*possibly*] where SEK is SE(e)K with [*bit of*] E(xhibitionism) [*unwanted*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Choice of letter size for keyboarder (5)","output":"### Answer: ELITE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Choice of letter size for keyboarder\nIn the days when people used typewriters, \"elite\" and \"pica\" were tow choices open to the stenographer. Elite allowed 12 characters per inch, whereas pica allowed 10. The clue is more of a straight definition\/general knowledge clue than a cryptic one though. (EDIT- *see comments below*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Feature of the gods not being concerned with supposedly lesser mortals? (13)","output":"### Answer: EGOCENTRICITY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Feature of the gods not being concerned with supposedly lesser mortals?\n(not very) cryptic definition (EDIT \u2013 *see comments below*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Desert region has near waters diverted (7,6)","output":"### Answer: WESTERN SAHARA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Desert region\n***(has near waters)** [anag:*diverted*] \n\u00a0\n \n*Western Sahara is a disputed territory on the Atlantic coast of Africa, just south of Morocco."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Statesman sees Libya torn apart (4,5)","output":"### Answer: TONY BLAIR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Statesman\n***(Libya torn)** [anag:*apart*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: People coming back see as a result of this instruction? (9)","output":"### Answer: RETURNEES \n ### Explanation: Definition: People coming back\nIf you **RETURN \"EES\"**, the \"result\" is \"see\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Native attempts to trap British on island (9)","output":"### Answer: TRIBESMAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Native\n**TRIES **(\"attempts\") *to trap* **B** (British) *on* (Isle of) **MAN"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Overlooking North American lake is a nest (5)","output":"### Answer: AERIE \n ### Explanation: Definition: nest\n**A** *overlooking* **ERIE** (\"North American lake\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: How one may lie in party game, stutteringly (5)","output":"### Answer: DOGGO \n ### Explanation: Definition: How one may lie\n**DO** (\"party\") + **G-GO** (\"game\", *stutteringly*) \n\u00a0\n \n*To lie doggo is to remain motionless for a long period of time."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cold climb posing problem for athlete? (5)","output":"### Answer: CRAMP \n ### Explanation: Definition: problem for athlete?\n**C** (cold) + **RAMP** (\"climb\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Charlie, using ganja with Rick, holding up a vehicle (10)","output":"### Answer: CARJACKING \n ### Explanation: Definition: holding up a vehicle\n\n**C **(Charlie, in the phonetic alphabet) + ***(ganja rick)** [anag:*using*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Put the mockers on jounalist's debut in Times (4)","output":"### Answer: JINX \n ### Explanation: Definition: Put the mockers on\n\n**J**(ounalist) [*'s debut*] + **IN** +** X **(times, in arithmetic)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Question 1: what's the capital of 28? That sort of thing? (4)","output":"### Answer: QUIZ \n ### Explanation: Definition: That sort of thing?\n\n**Qu.** (question) + **I** (one) + **Z** (\"the capital of\" answer \"28\"ac)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Harry Styles track endlessly played on this? (7,3)","output":"### Answer: CRYSTAL SET \n ### Explanation: Definition: played on \n\n***(styles trac)** [anag:*harry*] where TRAC is TRAC(k) *endlessly*\n \n\n \n*A crystal radio (or a crystal set) was a simple radio receiver, popular in the early days of radio."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Thirdly, puppy goes walkies regularly so look smart! (4,2)","output":"### Answer: TIDY UP \n ### Explanation: Definition: l\n\n**T**(h)**I**(r)**D**(l)**Y** (p)**U**(p)**P**(y) [*regularly* \u2013 i.e. letters of \"thirdly puppy\" regularly go walkies]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: On which I wheel away to my lectures? (8)","output":"### Answer: UNICYCLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: On which I wheel away to my lectures?\n\nA **UNI**(versity) **CYCLE** may be one way of getting to one's lectures."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Livingstone, for one, to speak loudly about East African statesman (8)","output":"### Answer: KENYATTA \n ### Explanation: Definition: East African statesman\n\n**KEN** (Livingstone. for one) + homophone [*loudly*] of **YATTER** (\"speak\")\n \n\n \nJomo Kenyatta was the first President (and first Prime Minister) of an independent Kenya."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Catalan architect getting rid of German car (4)","output":"### Answer: AUDI \n ### Explanation: Definition: car\n\n(Antoni) (g)**AUDI** (\"Catalan architect\") *getting rid of* G (German)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Zulu king holding account in Sydney worth 5cents (4)","output":"### Answer: ZACK \n ### Explanation: Definition: i\n\n**Z** (Zulu in the phonetic alphabet) + **K** (king, in chess notation) *holding* **AC** (account)\n \n\n \n*A zack is a coin worth 5 cents in Australia."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Atwitter, I yak incessantly about Japanese food (8)","output":"### Answer: TERIYAKI \n ### Explanation: Definition: J\n\nHidden in [*about*] \"atwit**TER I YAK I**ncessantly\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Others smoke in rehab (4-4)","output":"### Answer: REST-CURE \n ### Explanation: Definition: rehab\n\n**REST** (\"the others\") + **CURE** (\"smoke\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Place kiss on Ms Hird's chest (6)","output":"### Answer: THORAX \n ### Explanation: Definition: chest\n\nPlace **X** (\"kiss\") *on* **THORA** (Hird)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One employed in advertising firm making wry tripe? (10)","output":"### Answer: COPYWRITER \n ### Explanation: Definition: One employed in advertising\n\n**Co.** (company, so \"firm\") + ***(wry tripe)** [anag:*making*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Gassy lawman sounding sore (4)","output":"### Answer: BOIL \n ### Explanation: Definition: sore\n\nHomophone [*sounding*] of (Robert) **BOYLE**, the originator of Boyle's Law (although that's disputed by the French) that the pressure of a gas increases as the volume of its container decreases."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: In Monte Carlo, I join Royal couple in tug (4)","output":"### Answer: JERK \n ### Explanation: Definition: tug\n\n**JE** (\"I\" in French, so \"in Monte Carlo, I\") *join* **R** (rex) +** K** (king, in chess notation) (\"royal couple\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Southern African citizen who may have a hugely inflated opinion of his worth (10)","output":"### Answer: ZIMBABWEAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Southern African citizen\n\nThe clue refers to the hyperinflation of the Zimbabwean dollar in the early part of the 21st century."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Gaza jury cites completely exposed compound (7)","output":"### Answer: AZURITE \n ### Explanation: Definition: compound\n\n(g)**AZ**(a) (J)**UR**(y) (c)**ITE**(s) [*completely exposed*, i.e. their outer layers removed)\n \n\n \n*Azurite is a mineral and a source of copper"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Gaudy bird snatching forty winks? (5)","output":"### Answer: JAZZY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Gaudy\n\n**JAY** (\"bird\") *snatching* **ZZ** (\"forty winks?\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Caught Spock violently grabbing it in battlegrounds (8)","output":"### Answer: COCKPITS \n ### Explanation: Definition: battlegrounds\n\n**C** (caught, in cricket) + ***(Spock)** [anag:*violently*] *grabbing* **IT"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Statement of resignation broadcast by Uta on FaceTime (2,3,4,4,2)","output":"### Answer: IF YOU CAN\u2019T BEAT \u2018EM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Statement of resignation\n\n***(by uta on facetime)** [anag:*broadcast*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old time greeting in good Conservative style from way back (6)","output":"### Answer: GOTHIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: style from way back\n\n**O** (old) + **T** (time) + **HI** (\"greeting) *in* **G** (good) + **C** (Conservative)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sweet, wobbly little 'un? (5,4)","output":"### Answer: JELLY BABY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Sweet\n\n**JELLY** (\"wobbly\") + **BABY** (\"little 'un\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Like a Christmas tree cross (7)","output":"### Answer: NEEDLED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Like a Christmas tree\n\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A pair of Tibetan cattle eating English Tewkesbury peeled rhubarb (6-3)","output":"### Answer: YAKETY-YAK \n ### Explanation: Definition: rhubarb\n\n**YAK** + **YAK** (\"a pair of Tibetan cattle\") *eating* **E** + **T**(ewkesbur)**Y** [*peeled*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Airport constructed outside European capital (8)","output":"### Answer: PRETORIA \n ### Explanation: Definition: capital\n\n***(airport)** [anag:*constructed*] *outside* **E **(European)\n \n\n \n*Pretoria is the administrative capital of South Africa."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Shocking! American females (nameless) swallowing ecstasy tablets (7)","output":"### Answer: AWESOME \n ### Explanation: Definition: Shocking\n\n**A** (American) + **WOME**(n) (\"females\" without the N (name), so *nameless*) *swallowing* **Es** (\"ecstasy tablets\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Arab ruler last seen in Thirsk (Yorkshire town) having X-ray taken (7)","output":"### Answer: KHALIFA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Arab ruler\n\n[*last seen in*] (Thirs)**K** + **HALIFA**(x) (\"Yorkshire town\" with X (X-ray, in the phonetic alphabet, *taken*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: It's Rocky, ordering at least four pints (6)","output":"### Answer: QUARTZ \n ### Explanation: Definition: It's Rocky\n\nHomophone [*ordering*] of **QUARTS** (\"at least four pints\")\n \n\n \nI'm not entirely convinced by \"ordering\" as a homophone indicator, but I suppose it could be stretched to \"asking for out loud\" such as in a bar."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Type of lake beast going over front of ship (5)","output":"### Answer: OXBOW \n ### Explanation: Definition: Type of lake\n\n**OX** (\"beast\") *going over* **BOW** (\"front of ship\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: My siblings are much older, and fatter, spoilt, if kept in (12)","output":"### Answer: AFTERTHOUGHT \n ### Explanation: Definition: My siblings are much older\n***(fatter)** [anag:*spoilt*] with **THOUGH** (\"if\") *kept in"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Extremes of lethargy with taking English in? With which Eng. Lit. students are familiar (6)","output":"### Answer: LYCEUM \n ### Explanation: Definition: With which Eng. Lit. students are familiar\n[*extremes of*] **L**(etharg)**Y** + **CUM** (\"with\") *taking* **E** (English) *in* \n\u00a0\n \n*Lyceum can mean \"a place devoted to literary studies\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Saddle rug gallop turned hard (5)","output":"### Answer: PILCH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Saddle rug\n**<=CLIP **(\"gallop, *turned*) + **H** (hard)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rocky height, scorched, I had avoided (4)","output":"### Answer: TORR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Rocky height\n**TORR**(id) (\"scorched\")* avoided* by I'D (I had)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Diocesan office has installed cap from behind seat for clergy (6)","output":"### Answer: SEDILE \n ### Explanation: Definition: seat for clergy\n**SEE **(\"diocesan office\") *has installed* **<=LID** (\"cap\", *from behind*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Thrust in unwelcome fashion battered redoubt (7)","output":"### Answer: OBTRUDE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Thrust in unwelcome fashion\n***(redoubt)** [anag:*battered*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Suitable for disco? There's no charge getting in morning and afternoon (5)","output":"### Answer: DANCY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Suitable for disco?\n**N.C.** (no charge) *in* **DAY** (\"morning and afternoon\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cannon maybe? Hence e.g. fired inside (4)","output":"### Answer: BONE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Cannon maybe?\n**B**(eg)**ONE** (\"hence\") with E.G. *fired* from *inside"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fine linen fabric embroidered cathedral, eastern (10)","output":"### Answer: THREADLACE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fine linen fabric\n***(cathedral) **[anag:*embroidered*] + **E** (eastern)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Now and then (rarely) husband's taken in by a little cajolery (10)","output":"### Answer: SOMEWHILES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Now and then (rarely)\n**H** (husband) *taken in by* **SOME WILES** (\"a little cajolery\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Very old woman making wrong turn (4)","output":"### Answer: TROT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Very old woman\n**<= TORT **(\"wrong\", *making a wrong turn*) \n\u00a0\n \n*Trot is an old word for an old woman."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Nimble Scottish woman dressed in loose gown, old (5)","output":"### Answer: SWACK \n ### Explanation: Definition: Nimble Scottish\n**W** (woman) *dressed in* **SACK** (\"old\" word for \"loose gown\") \n\u00a0\n \n*Swack is a Scots word for pliant or nimble."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Paunch? When it wobbles, bad sign (7)","output":"### Answer: ABDOMEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Paunch?\n***(bad) **[anag:*when it wobbles*] + **OMEN** (\"sign\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ensnared by misfortune, a senator feeling nervous (6)","output":"### Answer: UNEASE \n ### Explanation: Definition: f\nHidden in [ensnared by] \"misfort**UNE A SE**nator\" \n\u00a0\n \n*As \"unease\" is a noun\" and \"feeling\" (in this case) a verb, I am assuming that Azed is waxing poetical, and intends us to read the phrase as \"nervous feeling\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Weed got with cash, ecstasy following (4)","output":"### Answer: TINE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Weed\n**TIN** (\"cash\") with **E **(ecstasy) *following"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Plain, as example where river enters it (5)","output":"### Answer: CARSE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Plain\n**CASE **(\"example\") *where* **R** (river) *enters it"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ancient vow, what cardinal may describe when bound by his title? (6)","output":"### Answer: HEASTE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Ancient vow\n**EAST** (\"what cardinal (point) may describe\") *when bound by* **HE** (His Excellency) (\"his title\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Acrobats accepting bumpy ride in utilities (12)","output":"### Answer: TUMBLE-DRIERS \n ### Explanation: Definition: utilities\n**TUMBLERS **(\"acrobats\") *accepting* ***(ride)** [anag:*bumpy*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Vehicle wrongly trusted with colt in capable of crashing unprompted (12)","output":"### Answer: AUTO-DESTRUCT \n ### Explanation: Definition: capable of crashing unprompte\n**AUTO **(\"vehicle\") + ***(trusted)** [anag:wrongly] *with* **C** (colt) *in"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Commercial fleet from Florida laden with large amount (5)","output":"### Answer: FLOTA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Commercial fleet\n**Fa.** (Florida)* laden with* **LOT** (\"large amount\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Autocrat, Russia's leader in unusually natty clothing (6)","output":"### Answer: TYRANT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Autocrat\n**R**(ussia) [*'s leader]* in ***(natty)** [anag:*unusually*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What Aussie must recognize during driving test, or have another try? (4)","output":"### Answer: REGO \n ### Explanation: Definition: What Aussie must recognize during driving test\nDouble definition, the first being an Australian word for a vehicle registration."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tub with helm malfunctioning, mostly foreboding upper sides' curving (10)","output":"### Answer: TUMBLEHOME \n ### Explanation: Definition: upper sides' curving\n***(tub helm)** [anag:*malfunctioning*] + [*mostly*] **OME**(n) \n\u00a0\n \n*Tumblehome is a shipbuilding term describing the inward curvature of the upper parts of the sides of some ships."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Work? Not just one will often be seen going after soap (5)","output":"### Answer: OPERA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Work? Not just one\nThe word OPERA is very often seen after \"soap\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Like Scottish rink, requiring good cover (4)","output":"### Answer: GLID \n ### Explanation: Definition: Like Scottish rink\n**G** (good) + **LID** (\"cover\") \n\u00a0\n \n*Glid is a Scots word for slippery or frozen"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Shrubby plant on river spotted rising after time, a real winner (12, 3 words, apostrophe) (12)","output":"### Answer: THE BEE\u2019S KNEES \n ### Explanation: Definition: a real winner\n**HEBE** (\"shrubby plant\") *on* (River) **ESK** + **<=SEEN** (\"spotted\", *rising*) *after* **T** (time)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Decorative work, see, covering bishop's vestment (7)","output":"### Answer: CROCHET \n ### Explanation: Definition: Decorative work\n**C** (see) *covering* **ROCHET **(\"bishop's vestment\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: About to behave lasciviously pinching woman's rear? Get a grip (6)","output":"### Answer: CLENCH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Get a grip\n**C** (circa, so \"about\") + **LECH** (\"behave lasciviously\") *pinching* (woma)**N** [*'s rear*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Needs to be treated about stroke, being in a bad way (10)","output":"### Answer: STRAITENED \n ### Explanation: Definition: in a bad way\n***(needs)** [anag:*to be treated*] *about* **TRAIT** (\"stroke\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Edible fungus, slightly warm, in pieces (7)","output":"### Answer: BLEWITS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Edible fungus\n**LEW** (\"slightly warm\") *in* **BITS** (\"pieces\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Embroidered hanging in honour of prince (6)","output":"### Answer: TORANA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Embroidered hanging\n**TO** (\"in honour of\") + **RANA** (\"prince\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rich silk or woven tamise (6)","output":"### Answer: SAMITE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Rich silk\n***(tamise)** [anag:*woven*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Who's worried re aim with this \u2013 a sommelier perhaps? (5)","output":"### Answer: MOSEL \n ### Explanation: Definition: this\n***(a sommelier)** [anag:*worried*] would give us \"**MOSEL** re aim\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Marriage venue? Sounds like I may be seeing to some chairs (5)","output":"### Answer: CANER \n ### Explanation: Definition: I may be seeing to some chairs\nHomophone of [*sounds like*] **CANA** (the scene of a wedding in the New Testament, so \"marriage venue\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Defensive wall protected by some Berber militia? (4)","output":"### Answer: BERM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Defensive wall\nHidden in [*protected by some*] \"ber**BER Mi**litia"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tight head's feature (one of two) with name or number on (4)","output":"### Answer: NEAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Tight \n**EAR** (\"head's feature\") *with* **N** (name or number) *on"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Article in Times left unfinished without a herb used in soups (3,4)","output":"### Answer: BAY LEAF \n ### Explanation: Definition: herb used in soups\n\n**A** (\"article\") *in* **BY** (\"times\", as in 4 by 2) + **LEF**(t) [*unfinished*] *without* **A"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One feeds three queens (7)","output":"### Answer: CATERER \n ### Explanation: Definition: One feeds\n\n**CAT** (\"queen\") + **ER** (Elizabeth Regina, so \"queen\") + **ER** (ditto)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: It emerges from opening a 12, initially (4)","output":"### Answer: FOAM \n ### Explanation: Definition: It emerges from opening a 12, initially\n\n**F**(rom) **O**(pening) **A M**(agnum) [*initially*] where 12 = 12ac, so \"magnum\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Drink left over in group refreshed army (6,4)","output":"### Answer: BLOODY MARY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Drink\n\n**L** (left) + **O** (over) *in* **BODY** (\"group\") + ***(army)** [anag:*refreshed*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Parent drinks a gin, disposing of one big bottle (6)","output":"### Answer: MAGNUM \n ### Explanation: Definition: big bottle\n\n**MUM** (\"parent\") *drinks* **A G**(i)**N** [*disposing of* I (one)]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tin in hamper, second container of 25? (8)","output":"### Answer: DECANTER \n ### Explanation: Definition: second container of 25\n\n**CAN** (\"tin\") *in ***DETER** (\"hamper\")\n \n\n \nThe 25 in the clue refers to 25dn."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Leader to lead with three articles (3,6)","output":"### Answer: TOP BANANA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Leader\n\n**TO** + **Pb** (chemical symbol for \"lead\") + **AN** + **AN** + **A** (\"three articles\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pale Guardian covers bestseller with renewed energy (5)","output":"### Answer: WHITE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Pale\n\n**WE** (\"Guardian\") *covers* **HIT** (\"bestseller\") and ***(with)** [anag:*renewed*] + **E** (energy)\n \n\n \nNot sure why we are getting two ways of getting to \"white\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Carpet that is ancient, small and austere (5)","output":"### Answer: SCOLD \n ### Explanation: Definition: Carpet\n\n**sc.** (namely, so \"that is\") + **OLD** (\"ancient\") and **S** (small) + **COLD** (\"austere\")\n \n\n \nAgain, two ways to get to the answer."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fruit in soft drink that's oddly part of 9, maybe? (9)","output":"### Answer: CHIPOLATA \n ### Explanation: Definition: part of 9, maybe?\n\n**HIP** (\"fruit\")* in* **COLA** (\"soft drink\") + **T**(h)**A**(t) [*oddly*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: 29's wi-fi picked up bang outside (8)","output":"### Answer: CRAYFISH \n ### Explanation: Definition: 29\n\nHomophone [*picked up*] of **WI-FI** with **CRASH** (\"bang\") *outside*\n \n\n \nThe 29 in the clue refers to 29ac."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cat grabs a radio's top sound producer (6)","output":"### Answer: LARYNX \n ### Explanation: Definition: sound producer\n\n**LYNX** (\"cat\") *grabs* **A **+ **R**(adio) [*'s top*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: PM devouring every island's dessert (5,5)","output":"### Answer: PEACH MELBA \n ### Explanation: Definition: dessert\n\n**PM** *devouring* **EACH** (\"every\") + **ELBA** (\"island\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Almost completed northern range (4)","output":"### Answer: OVEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: range\n\n[*almost*] **OVE**(r) (\"completed\") + **N** (northern)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: From memory, boy's gutted, given red card (2,5)","output":"### Answer: BY HEART \n ### Explanation: Definition: From memory\n\n**B**(o)**Y** [*'s gutted*] *given* **HEART** (\"red card\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cook stepped around lobster for one (7)","output":"### Answer: DECAPOD \n ### Explanation: Definition: lobster for one\n\n**<=(DO** (\"cook\") + **PACED** (\"stepped\")**)** [*around*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A very old poster in firm's green (7)","output":"### Answer: AVOCADO \n ### Explanation: Definition: green\n\n**A **+ **V** (very) + **O** (old) + **AD** (\"poster\") *in* **Co**. (company, so \"firm\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Most of French paper's yellow (5)","output":"### Answer: LEMON \n ### Explanation: Definition: yellow\n\n[*most of*] **LE MON**(de) (\"French (news)paper\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Coach unable to accommodate male, 16 (7)","output":"### Answer: ALBUMEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: 16\n\n***(unable)** [anag:*coach*]* to accommodate* **M** (male)\n \n\n \nThe definition is at the answer to 16 ac."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cite a fruit extract that's talked about by some (6)","output":"### Answer: ADDUCE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Cite\n\nHomophone [*that's talked about by some*] of **A JUICE** (\"a fruit extract\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Colonist guzzling new prince's dairy product (9)","output":"### Answer: EMMENTHAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: dairy product\n\n**EMMET** (ant, so \"colonist\") *guzzling* **N** (new) + (Prince) **HAL"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Austere English composer's blocking film (7)","output":"### Answer: EARNEST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Austere\n\n(Thomas) **ARNE'S** (\"composer's\") *blocking* **ET** (\"film\")\n \n\n \n*Thomas Arne (1710-1788) was an English composer, best known for \"Rule Britannia!\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Battered dish? He loathed it on toast (4-2-3-4)","output":"### Answer: TOAD-IN-THE-HOLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Battered dish?\n\n***(he loathed it on)** [anag:*toast*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Result of eating too much beef? (9)","output":"### Answer: BELLYACHE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Result of eating too much\n\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Transport about half of veal where it's sliced? (7)","output":"### Answer: CARVERY \n ### Explanation: Definition: where it's sliced?\n\n**CARRY** (\"transport\") *about* [*half of*] **VE**(al)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Staff regularly asleep? It's the drink (4,3)","output":"### Answer: PALE ALE \n ### Explanation: Definition: drink\n\n**PALE** (\"staff\") + [*regularly*] **A**(s)**L**(e)**E**(p)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cross to put outside old Islington pub (7)","output":"### Answer: TANGELO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Cross\n\n**TO** *put outside* **ANGEL** (\"old Islington pub\")\n \n\n \n*A tangelo is a cross between two citrus fruits, such as a tangerine and a grapefruit.*\n \n\n \n*The Angel, Islington appears on the traditional London Monopoly board."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Seethe a short way into series (6)","output":"### Answer: SIMMER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Seethe\n\n**A** + **MM** (millimetre, so \"short way\") *into* **Ser.** (series)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A carpenter from the south put away nearly new wine (5)","output":"### Answer: RIOJA \n ### Explanation: Definition: wine\n\n**<=(A JOI**(ne)**R)** [*from the south*, ie upwards] *put away* [*nearly*] NE(w)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lord's guard hit hard with chair support (6-3-3)","output":"### Answer: MIDDLE-AND-LEG \n ### Explanation: Definition: Lord's guard\n\n**MIDDLE** (hit hard, in cricket, i.e. strike the ball with the middle of the bat) + **AND** (\"with\") + **LEG** (\"chair support\")\n \n\n \n*Lord's is a famous London cricket ground, so the solution is related to cricket. Middle-and-leg is a stance taken by a batsman as he awaits the ball to be bowled, in which his bat is initially guarding the middle and leg stumps."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Passenger vehicle's bumper (7)","output":"### Answer: OMNIBUS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Passenger vehicle\n\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Star student class involved in massacre (7,4,5)","output":"### Answer: CUSTER\u2019S LAST STAND \n ### Explanation: Definition: massacre\n\n***(star student class)** [anag:*involved*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Holy book for cardinals? (7)","output":"### Answer: NUMBERS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Holy book\n\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Degraded silt that chokes the plant (7)","output":"### Answer: THISTLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: plant\n\n***(silt)** [anag:*degraded*] *that chokes* **THE**\n \n\n \n*I was originally unsure of \"chokes\" as an insertion indicator, but if you think of someone choking on a morsel of food, I suppose it works."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Scrapes cavities (5)","output":"### Answer: HOLES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Scrapes\n\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Car diagram shows what fan may require (9)","output":"### Answer: AUTOGRAPH \n ### Explanation: Definition: what fan may require\n\n**AUTO** (\"car\") + **GRAPH** (\"diagram\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Murderous house police to probe encrypted mail (9)","output":"### Answer: HOMICIDAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Murderous\n\n**Ho.** (house) + **CID** (Criminal Investigation Department, so \"police\") *to probe* ***(mail) **[anag:*encrypted*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Support holding piano for this player (5)","output":"### Answer: PIPER \n ### Explanation: Definition: player\n\n**PIER** (\"support\") *holding* **P** (piano, in music notation)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dicky ate nuts getting lockjaw (7)","output":"### Answer: TETANUS \n ### Explanation: Definition: lockjaw\n\n***(ate nuts)** [anag:*dicky*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Weight-lifters' stretches keeping you back (7)","output":"### Answer: PULLEYS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Weight-lifters\n\n**PULLS** (\"stretches\") *keeping* **<=YE **(\"you\") [*back*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ambassador leads a consortium in enquiry (7)","output":"### Answer: HEARING \n ### Explanation: Definition: enquiry\n\n**HE** (His excellence or \"ambassador\") *leads* **A RING** (\"consortium\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Oriental art fiddle old Parisian chum conceals (7)","output":"### Answer: ORIGAMI \n ### Explanation: Definition: Oriental art\n\n**RIG** (fiddle) *concealed by* **O** (old) **AMI** (French for friend, so \"Parisian chum\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Go out to lunch as an office? (12)","output":"### Answer: DEPARTMENTAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: as an office?\n\n**DEPART** (\"go\") + **MENTAL** (\"out to lunch\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Token note the French sent north (7)","output":"### Answer: MINIMAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Token\n\n**MINIM** (\"note\") + **<=LA** (\"the\" in \"French\", *sent north*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dilettantes chucking out 50 ink- pads (7)","output":"### Answer: DABBERS \n ### Explanation: Definition: ink- pads\n\n**DABB**(l)**ERS** (\"dilettantes\") *chucking out* L (50 in Roman numerals)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Late start for lucky creature in prestigious meeting (5)","output":"### Answer: ASCOT \n ### Explanation: Definition: prestigious meeting\n\n(m)**ASCOT** (\"lucky creature\", *starting late*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Shattering some old ash in grove (7)","output":"### Answer: DASHING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Shattering\n\nHidden in [*some*] \"ol**D ASH IN G**rove\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Greek girl drops ecstasy in claret when sloshed (7)","output":"### Answer: ELECTRA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Greek girl\n\n**E** (ecstasy) *dropped in* ***(claret)** [anag:*when sloshed*]\n \n\n \n*Electra was a central character in at least two Ancient Greek plays."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: This is said to be the precursor of a swallow (4,3,5)","output":"### Answer: DOWN THE HATCH \n ### Explanation: Definition: This is said to be the precursor of a swallow\n\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Woman perished at sea having eaten soft food (9,3)","output":"### Answer: SHEPHERDS PIE \n ### Explanation: Definition: food \n\n**SHE** (\"woman\") + ***(perished)** [anag:*at sea*] *having eaten* **P** (piano in music notation, so \"soft\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dog or elephant worker leaving in temper (9)","output":"### Answer: TELEPHONE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Dog\n\n**ELEPH**(ant) *with* ANT (\"worker\") *leaving*, *in* **TONE** (\"temper\")\n \n\n \n*Dog and bone is Cockney rhyming slang for \"telephone\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Gas will give shivering men heat (7)","output":"### Answer: METHANE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Gas\n\n***(men heat)** [anag:*shivering*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Two containers on a Spanish saloon bar (7)","output":"### Answer: CANTINA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Spanish saloon bar\n\n**CAN** + **TIN **(\"two containers\") *on*** A"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old songwriter exiles son, one given lines to read (7)","output":"### Answer: PALMIST \n ### Explanation: Definition: one given lines to read\n\n**P**(s)**ALMIST** (\"old songwriter\") *exiles* S (son)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cleric fills bucket to prove superior (7)","output":"### Answer: PREVAIL \n ### Explanation: Definition: to prove superior\n\n**Rev. **(reverend, so \"cleric\") *fills* **PAIL** (\"bucket\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: View the place we're told (5)","output":"### Answer: SIGHT \n ### Explanation: Definition: View\n\nHomophone [*we're told*] of **SITE** (\"place\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: From which you can pay someone's electricity bill? (7,7)","output":"### Answer: CURRENT ACCOUNT \n ### Explanation: Definition: From which you can pay someone's electricity bill?\n\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Youngster's boxing ring fills up (5)","output":"### Answer: LOADS \n ### Explanation: Definition: f\n\n**LAD'S** (\"youngster's\") *boxing* **O **(ring)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Nothing in school guaranteed calmness (9)","output":"### Answer: COMPOSURE \n ### Explanation: Definition: calmness\n\n**O** (nothing) *in* **COMP.** (comprehensive \"school\") + **SURE** (\"guaranteed\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Chicken roll contains mayo at last (7)","output":"### Answer: ROOSTER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Chicken\n\n**ROSTER** (\"roll\") *contains* (may)**O** [at last]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Garment that's found in Benetton but not Burton (7)","output":"### Answer: DOUBLET \n ### Explanation: Definition: Garment\n\nA **DOUBLE T** can indeed be found in BeneTTon, but not in BurTon."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What's smelt? First off, a type of fish (5)","output":"### Answer: TENCH \n ### Explanation: Definition: a \n\n(s)**TENCH** (\"what's smelt\" with it's *first off*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Spooner's finest clothes for one making limited appearance in pub? (5,4)","output":"### Answer: GUEST BEER \n ### Explanation: Definition: one making limited appearance in pub?\n\nIf uttered by Spooner, **BEST GEAR** (\"finest clothes\") may have come out as \"guest beer\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Understand bar staff's first, sadly, to become superfluous (9)","output":"### Answer: REDUNDANT \n ### Explanation: Definition: superfluous\n\n***(undertand) **[anag:*sadly*] where UNDERTAND is UNDER(s)TAND *bar* (i.e. without) S(taff) [*'s first*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: He scored Australian runs after leg breaks (5)","output":"### Answer: ELGAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: He scored\n\n**A** (Australian) +** R** (runs, in cricket) after *(leg) [anag:*breaks*]\n \n\n \n*Elgar was a composer, so \"he scored\" music."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Copper's tackling sailor about naval weapon (7)","output":"### Answer: CUTLASS \n ### Explanation: Definition: naval weapon\n\n**Cu's** (\"copper's\") tackling** <=SALT** (\"sailor\") [*about*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: This great novel is one of love that reigns (7)","output":"### Answer: ANAGRAM \n ### Explanation: Definition: one\n\nThe letters of \"this great novel\" can be rearranged to get \"love that reigns\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Drawing out European legal ruling? Not half (9)","output":"### Answer: ELICITING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Drawing out\n\n**E** (European) + **LICIT** (\"legal\") + (rul)**ING** [*not half*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Drop a stitch when talking (5)","output":"### Answer: PEARL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Drop\n\nA homophone [*when talking*] of **PURL** (\"stitch\").\n \n\n \n*Not in my Scottish accent, mind you!"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: And isn't she soon ordered to do nothing? (3,2,4,5)","output":"### Answer: SIT ON ONE\u2019S HANDS \n ### Explanation: Definition: to do nothing\n\n***(and isn't she soon) **[anag:*ordered*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: No unread novel grabs daughter, that's plain (9)","output":"### Answer: UNADORNED \n ### Explanation: Definition: plain\n\n***(no unread)** [anag:*novel*] *grabs* **D** (daughter)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One interrupts holiday to do test again (5)","output":"### Answer: RESIT \n ### Explanation: Definition: t\n\n**I **(one) *interrupts* **REST** (\"holiday\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Country fresh air can ultimately bring you stamina (9)","output":"### Answer: NICARAGUA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Country\n\n***(air can)** [anag:*fresh*] + [*ultimately*] (brin)**G** (yo)**U** (stamin)**A"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Husband leaves injured, carrying weapon (5)","output":"### Answer: ARMED \n ### Explanation: Definition: carrying weapon\n\nH (husband) *leaves* (h)**ARMED** (\"injured\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Following game, endless tea and savoury cake (9)","output":"### Answer: CROQUETTE \n ### Explanation: Definition: savoury cake\n\n*Following ***CROQUET** (\"game\"), [*endless*] **TE**(a)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: University in America with large common (5)","output":"### Answer: USUAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: common\n\n**U** (university) *in* **USA** (\"America\") *with*** L** (large)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Speaker, one using social media? (7)","output":"### Answer: TWEETER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Speaker\n\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wine collection lacks the Spanish and French red (6)","output":"### Answer: CLARET \n ### Explanation: Definition: red\n\n**C**(el)**LAR** (\"wine collection\") *lacks* EL (\"the\" in \"Spanish\") + **ET** (\"and\" in \"French\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Put up with heretic's language (9)","output":"### Answer: HUNGARIAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: language\n\n**HUNG** (\"put up\") *with* **ARIAN** (\"heretic\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Alienates sergeants in mess (9)","output":"### Answer: ESTRANGES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Alienates\n\n***(sergeants) **[anag:*in mess*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Country houses artist turned up to decorate florally (9)","output":"### Answer: ENGARLAND \n ### Explanation: Definition: to decorate florally\n\n**ENGLAND** (\"country\") *houses* **<=RA** (member of the Royal Academy, so \"artist\") [*turned up*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Disease caught off insects (7)","output":"### Answer: RICKETS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Disease\n\nC (caught, in cricket) *off* (c)**RICKETS"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Government welcomes politician to fold (6)","output":"### Answer: RUMPLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: to fold\n\n**RULE** (\"government\") *welcomes* **MP** (\"politician\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Nelly catches second wind (5)","output":"### Answer: TWIST \n ### Explanation: Definition: wind\n\n**TWIT** (\"nelly\") *catches* **S** (second)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sickie regularly taken by working offspring (5)","output":"### Answer: SCION \n ### Explanation: Definition: offspring\n\n**S**(i)**C**(k)**I**(e) [*regularly taken*] *by* **ON** (\"working\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A somewhat experimental phase (5)","output":"### Answer: ALPHA \n ### Explanation: Definition: A somewhat experimental phase\n\nHidden in [somewhat] \"experiment**AL PHA**se\" and &lit."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Key worker possibly having to pedal (8)","output":"### Answer: ORGANIST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Key worker possibly having to pedal\n\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Paltry bite to eat finally snaffled with cunning (6)","output":"### Answer: MEASLY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Paltry\n\n**MEA**(l) (\"bite to eat\", finally snaffled) *with* **SLY** (\"cunning\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Choice draught has head spinning (6)","output":"### Answer: OPTION \n ### Explanation: Definition: Choice\n\n**(<=PO)TION **(\"draught\", with its *head* (start) *spinning*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Feature youth collecting new and old currency (8)","output":"### Answer: LANDMARK \n ### Explanation: Definition: Feature\n\n**LAD** (\"youth\") *collecting* **N** (new) + **MARK** (\"old currency\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Boris eviscerated by his lot after very sad excuses (3,7)","output":"### Answer: SOB STORIES \n ### Explanation: Definition: sad \n\n**B**(ori)**S** [*eviscerated*] *by* **TORIES** (\"his lot\", assuming Boris is Boris Johnson) *after* **SO** (\"very\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Silly me having advanced capital in Asia (4)","output":"### Answer: DOHA \n ### Explanation: Definition: capital in Asia\n\n**D'OH!** (\"silly me!\") *having* **A** (advanced)\n \n\n \n*Doha is the capital of Qatar."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Gaudy bit on the side essentially sent packing (6)","output":"### Answer: GARISH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Gaudy\n\n**GAR**(n)**ISH** (\"bit on the side\") with its *essence* (central part) *sent packing"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Miserable prior to cargo transfer (8)","output":"### Answer: DOWNLOAD \n ### Explanation: Definition: transfer\n\n**DOWN** (\"miserable\") *prior to* **LOAD** (\"cargo\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Briton dispatched around Champagne regularly (8)","output":"### Answer: WELSHMAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Briton\n\n**<=SLEW** (\"dispatched\", *around*) + (c)**H**(a)**M**(p)**A**(g)**N**(e) [*regularly*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Perhaps Helen primarily in war-torn city? (6)","output":"### Answer: TROPHY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Perhaps Helen\n\n**P**(erhaps) **H**(elen) [*primarily*] *in* **TROY** (\"war-torn city\") and &lit."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Criminal history that is gender-neutral (4)","output":"### Answer: FORM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Criminal history\n\n**F** (female) **OR M** (male), so \"gender-neutral\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Doctor joins ancient crew to stop alien boarding (10)","output":"### Answer: EMBARKMENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: boarding\n\n**MB** (Bachelor of Medicine, so \"doctor\") *joins* **ARKMEN** (\"ancient crew\") *to stop* **ET** (\"alien\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old-fashioned veil made to order (8)","output":"### Answer: MEDIEVAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Old-\n\n***(veil made)** [anag:*to order*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Start where French river runs from the east (6)","output":"### Answer: OUTSET \n ### Explanation: Definition: Start\n\n**OU** (\"where\" in \"French\") + (River) **<=TEST** [*runs from the east*, i.e. from right to left]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cross close to short cut by yard (6)","output":"### Answer: TETCHY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Cross\n\n[*close to*] (shor)**T** + **ETCH** (\"cut\") *by* **Y** (yard)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Some who raved about hospital sample building? (4,4)","output":"### Answer: SHOW HOME \n ### Explanation: Definition: sample building?\n\n***(some who) **[anag:*raved*] *about* **H** (hospital)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Record loot hoarded by rank villain (9)","output":"### Answer: REPROBATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: villain\n\n**EP** (extended play \"record\") + **ROB** (\"loot\") *hoarded by* **RATE** (\"rank\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Spanish Cheers run dropped from broadcasts (5)","output":"### Answer: ADIOS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Spanish Cheers\n\nR (run, in cricket) *dropped from* (r)**ADIOS** (\"broadcasts\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Man a bit hot struggling to receive overs? (3,6)","output":"### Answer: IAN BOTHAM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Man a bit hot struggling to receive overs?\n\n***(man a bit h)** [anag:*struggling*] where H = hot, *to receive* **O** (overs, in cricket) and &lit.\n \n\n \n*For the non-cricket fans, Ian Botham was an England cricketer."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Implausible bomb might be agreed (7)","output":"### Answer: TALLIED \n ### Explanation: Definition: agreed\n\n**TALL** (\"implausible\" as in a tall story) + **IED** (improvised explosive device, so \"bomb\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Brahmin uses bottles less (5)","output":"### Answer: MINUS \n ### Explanation: Definition: less\n\nHidden in [*bottles*] \"brah**MIN US**es\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Limb trouble confines poorly animal (9)","output":"### Answer: ARMADILLO \n ### Explanation: Definition: animal\n\n**ARM** (\"limb\") + **ADO** (\"trouble\") *confines* **ILL** (\"poorly\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dog detailed twice in list (5)","output":"### Answer: LURCH \n ### Explanation: Definition: list\n\n**LURCH**(er) (\"dog\" *detailed twice*. i.e. it' last two letters (tails) removed)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One often up probably wasting money in casino (9)","output":"### Answer: INSOMNIAC \n ### Explanation: Definition: One often up\n\n***(m in casino)** [anag:*wasting*] where M = money"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Battle to restrain extremely tense car game (5,4)","output":"### Answer: WATER POLO \n ### Explanation: Definition: game\n\n**WAR** (\"battle\") *to restrain* [*extremely*] **T**(ens)**E** + **POLO** (\"car\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Translated English at humane learning institute (9)","output":"### Answer: ATHENAEUM \n ### Explanation: Definition: learning institute\n\n***(e at humane)** [anag: *translated*], where E = English"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bites knight for queen in minor protests (7)","output":"### Answer: NIBBLES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Bites\n\nN (\"knight\", in chess notation) *for* Qu. (queen) in (**N**>qu)**IBBLES** (\"minor protests\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Window mounted in abbey exorbitantly (2-3)","output":"### Answer: OX-EYE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Window\n\nHidden backwards in [*mounted in*] \"abb**EY EXO**rbitantly\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ambassador from short space cruise half-cut (5)","output":"### Answer: ENVOY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Ambassador\n\n**EN** (\"short space\" in printing) + **VOY**(age) (\"cruise\", *half-cut*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Suit could be a little lighter (5)","output":"### Answer: MATCH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Suit\n\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pictures in large book needing effort (8)","output":"### Answer: TOILSOME \n ### Explanation: Definition: needing effort \n**OILS** (\"pictures\") *in* **TOME** (\"large book\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ate fast, secured door and ran off (6)","output":"### Answer: BOLTED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Ate fast\nTriple definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stole cab involved in a sort of race (8)","output":"### Answer: OBSTACLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: a sort of race\n***(stole cab)** [anag:*involved*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Go to prison? One's a shining light (6)","output":"### Answer: BEACON \n ### Explanation: Definition: One's a shining light\n**BE A CON**(vict) (\"go to prison\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Outlaw goat and its offspring (5,3,3)","output":"### Answer: BILLY THE KID \n ### Explanation: Definition: Outlaw\n**BILLY** (\"goat\") + **THE KID** (\"its offspring\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Nick is excellent with top (5)","output":"### Answer: NOTCH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Nick\n\"top\" **NOTCH** = \"excellent\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stimulate a Svengali into action (9)","output":"### Answer: GALVANISE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Stimulate\n***(a Svengali)** [anag:*into action*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Alexander and eight of the Germans bring sailboat on shore (4,5)","output":"### Answer: SAND YACHT \n ### Explanation: Definition: sailboat on shore\n**SANDY** (\"Alexander\") + **ACHT** (eight in German, so \"eight of the Germans\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Friend from Northumberland hill country (5)","output":"### Answer: NEPAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: hill country\n**NE** (North East, so \"from Northumberland\", Northumberland being in the NE of England) + **PAL** (\"friend\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Notice quail buffeted in such gales (11)","output":"### Answer: EQUINOCTIAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: such gales\n***(notice quail)** [anag:*buffeted*] \n\u00a0\n \n*Traditionally, it is believed that there are more gales around equinoxes, for example March winds."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Nervous of attack by a force (6)","output":"### Answer: AFRAID \n ### Explanation: Definition: Nervous\n**RAID** (\"attack\") by **A** + **F** (force)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Delirious, seeing entire chaos in football club (8)","output":"### Answer: FRENETIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: Delirious\n***(entire)** [anag:*chaos*] *in* **FC** (football club)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Don't show opening of conversat\u00adion in camp programme (2-2-2)","output":"### Answer: HI-DEHI \n ### Explanation: Definition: camp programme\n**HIDE** (\"don't show\") + **HI** (\"opening of conversation\") \n\u00a0\n \n*Hi-De-Hi was a British sitcom, featuring a fictional British holiday camp."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Double-faced couple took part (3-5)","output":"### Answer: TWO-SIDED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Double-faced\n**TWO** (\"couple\") + **SIDED** (\"took part\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Noted his job is on the slide (10)","output":"### Answer: TROMBONIST \n ### Explanation: Definition: N\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rude to limit area for protecting (10)","output":"### Answer: INSULATING \n ### Explanation: Definition: protecting\n**INSULTING** (\"rude\") *to limit* **A** (area)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: I say, look at me \u2014 so disreputable (5)","output":"### Answer: SEAMY \n ### Explanation: Definition: disreputable\nHomophone [*I say*] of **SEE ME** (\"look at me\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Taking to the air, its members are bonkers (4-4,4)","output":"### Answer: MILE-HIGH CLUB \n ### Explanation: Definition: Taking to the air, its members are bonkers\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Exaggerated being in debt \u2026 (9)","output":"### Answer: OVERDRAWN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Exaggerated\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: \u2026 show approval of credit (4)","output":"### Answer: TICK \n ### Explanation: Definition: show approval\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Accomplished teacher has energy (4)","output":"### Answer: DONE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Accomplished\n**DON** (\"teacher\") *has* **E** (energy)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Not many hands on ghost ship? (8,4)","output":"### Answer: SKELETON CREW \n ### Explanation: Definition: Not many hands on\nA \"ghost ship\" may have been crewed by skeletons, hence **SKELETON CREW"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Small nail with sharp end carefully located (10)","output":"### Answer: PINPOINTED \n ### Explanation: Definition: carefully located\n**PIN** (\"small nail\") + **POINTED** (\"with sharp end\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Source of water put in a favourable position (4-6)","output":"### Answer: WELL-PLACED \n ### Explanation: Definition: in a favourable position\n**WELL** (\"source of water\") + **PLACED** (\"put\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dishy? No, he may appear like a tomboy (9)","output":"### Answer: HOYDENISH \n ### Explanation: Definition: like a tomboy\n***(dishy he no)** [anag:*may appear*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ice creams dropped on the motorway (5)","output":"### Answer: CONES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Ice creams\nDouble definition, the second referring to traffic cones, which tend to be dropped from the back of a moving vehicle when being placed on a motorway."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unhappy about hard race (4)","output":"### Answer: DASH \n ### Explanation: Definition: race\n**<=SAD** (\"unhappy\", *about*) + **H** (hard)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Poke right inside compartment (4)","output":"### Answer: PROD \n ### Explanation: Definition: Poke\n**R** (right) *inside* **POD** (\"compartment\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Reporters curb drink and exercises (5-3)","output":"### Answer: PRESS-UPS \n ### Explanation: Definition: exercises\n\n**PRESS** (\"reporters\") *curb* **SUP** (\"drink\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One gets Polish at Aldershot to step back (6)","output":"### Answer: TOECAP \n ### Explanation: Definition: One gets Polish at Aldershot\n\n**TO** + **<=PACE** (\"step\" *back*)\n \n\n \n*Aldershot is known as \"the home of the British Army\" and soldiers there would certainly spend time polishing their toecaps."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Having to deal with two foreign stamps? Not quite (3-1-3)","output":"### Answer: VIS-A-VIS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Having to deal with\n\n**VISA** + **VIS**(a) (*not quite* \"two foreign stamps\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: European fighters ring about refugees (7)","output":"### Answer: EMIGRES \n ### Explanation: Definition: refugees\n\n**E** (European) + **MIGS** (Russian \"fighter\" planes) *ring* **RE** (\"about\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fabric label on bag briefly indicating transatlantic flight? (5)","output":"### Answer: NYLON \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fabric\n\n**NY \u2013 LON** on a bag may \"indicate\" New York to London (\"transatlantic\"), although neither NY or LON are in fact airport codes."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Grill Bury before contest with Wolves initially (9)","output":"### Answer: INTERVIEW \n ### Explanation: Definition: Grill\n\n**INTER** (\"bury\") *before* **VIE** (\"contest\") *with* **W**(olves) [*initially*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bugger Reg! I've cooked \"healthy\" food (6,6)","output":"### Answer: VEGGIE BURGER \n ### Explanation: Definition: \"healthy\" food\n\n***(bugger reg I've)** [anag:*cooked*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Praise and thank beat cop after refreshment (3,2,3,4)","output":"### Answer: PAT ON THE BACK \n ### Explanation: Definition: Praise\n\n***(thank beat cop) **[anag:*after refreshment*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What arboreal picnickers did that's useful to joiner? (9)","output":"### Answer: SATINWOOD \n ### Explanation: Definition: useful to joiner?\n\nArboreal picnickers may have **SAT IN WOOD** to have their picnic."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A feature of Hampton Court floor (5)","output":"### Answer: AMAZE \n ### Explanation: Definition: floor\n\n**A** + **MAZE** (\"feature of Hampton Court\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A large item making up Reykjavik diet (7)","output":"### Answer: ALTHING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Reykjavik diet\n\nA + L (large) + THING (\"item\")\n \n\n \n*In this case, diet = parliament, the Althing being the oldest surviving parliament in the world."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Absurd papers to do with hearing absorb one (7)","output":"### Answer: IDIOTIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: Absurd\n\n**ID **(identity \"papers\") + **OTIC** (\"to do with hearing\") *absorb* **I** (one)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Poodles long to grab odd bits of jetsam (3-3)","output":"### Answer: YES-MEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Poodles\n\n**YEN** (\"long\") *to grab* [*odd bits of*] (j)**E**(t)**S**(a)**M"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cohort mature twice, shedding weight (3,5)","output":"### Answer: AGE GROUP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Cohort\n\n**AGE** + **GRO**(w) **UP** (\"mature\" *twice*, the second definition *shedding* W (weight))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Violet's stabbing pain putting down flags (6)","output":"### Answer: PAVING \n ### Explanation: Definition: putting down flags\n\n**VI** (short form of \"Violet\") [*'s stabbing*] **PANG** (\"pain\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Very probably see round Aussie now and then (6)","output":"### Answer: EASILY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Very probably\n\n**ELY** (\"see\" or diocese in Cambridgeshire) *round* **A**(u)**S**(s)**I**(e) [now and then]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Prime competition watched outside (9)","output":"### Answer: SEVENTEEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Prime\n\n**SEEN** (\"watched\") *outside* **EVENT** (\"competition\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Where thirsty horse stops, luring in another one en route? (7,7)","output":"### Answer: PASSING THROUGH \n ### Explanation: Definition: en route?\n\n**PASSING TROUGH** (\"where thirsty horse stops\")* luring in* **H** (horse indicated by \"another one\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Start off more promising element of basketwork (5)","output":"### Answer: OSIER \n ### Explanation: Definition: element of basketwork\n\n[start off] (r)**OSIER** (\"more promising\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Coach bearing fly trap (8)","output":"### Answer: CARRIAGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Coach\n\nQuadruple definition, three of which refer to vehicles (\"coach\", \"fly\" and \"trap\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fool set up foil for one means of access (8)","output":"### Answer: PASSWORD \n ### Explanation: Definition: means of access\n\n**<=SAP** (\"fool\", *set up*) + **SWORD** (\"foil, for one\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Exploit plot in gathering stock, improving plant conditions? (14)","output":"### Answer: FEATHERBEDDING \n ### Explanation: Definition: improving plant conditions?\n\n**FEAT** (\"exploit\") + **BED** (\"plot\") *in* **HERDING** (\"gathering stock\")\n \n\n \n*Featherbedding is the (now rare) practice of hiring more workers than is actually required (normally after negotiation with unions), so conditions in a plant or factory would improve, at least temporarily, for workers who may feel less pressure at first."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Nonstop ironing one might say put off Republican (9)","output":"### Answer: UNCEASING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Nonstop\n\n**UNC**(r)**EASING** (\"iron, one might say\") *put off* R (Republican)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Leaving party or a job, say, after reorganisation (8)","output":"### Answer: APOSTASY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Leaving party\n\n**A **+ **POST** (\"job\") + ***(say)** [anag:*after reorganisation*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Well-known solver in Paris breaking US laws (8)","output":"### Answer: STATUTES \n ### Explanation: Definition: laws\n\n**TU** (informal word for \"you\" in French, so \"in Paris\", the \"solver\" (i.e.you) would be referred to as TU if you were \"well-known\" to the person greeting you) *breaking* **STATES** (\"US\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Needlework's rubbish on top of this (6)","output":"### Answer: TATTOO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Needlework's\n\n**TAT** (\"rubbish\") + **TOO** (\"on top of this\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Set erected around each cold stormy location? (6)","output":"### Answer: TEACUP \n ### Explanation: Definition: stormy location?\n\n**<=PUT** (\"set\", *erected* (i.e. put up) *around* **EA.** (each) + **C** (cold)\n \n\n \n*Storm in a teacup"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Green unit fills part of church (5)","output":"### Answer: NAIVE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Green\n\n**I** (one, so \"unit\") *fills* **NAVE** (\"part of church\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Women inside satisfy and swing (6)","output":"### Answer: SWERVE \n ### Explanation: Definition: swing\n\n**W** (women) *inside* **SERVE** (\"satisfy\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: It's said to cause a smile, mostly eating last of pork chops (6)","output":"### Answer: CHEEKS \n ### Explanation: Definition: chops\n\n**CHEES**(e) (\"it's said to raise a smile\", *mostly*) *eating* [*last of*] (por)**K"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Given can, send him out to get drinks from these? (7,8)","output":"### Answer: VENDING MACHINES \n ### Explanation: Definition: get drinks from these?\n\n***(given can send him)** [anag:*out*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Broken it: left arm looks like a bishop's hat (6)","output":"### Answer: MITRAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: like a bishop's hat\n\n***(it l arm) **[anag:*broken*] where L = left"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hated duke, missing country, pissed off (8)","output":"### Answer: DESPISED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Hated\n\n**D**(uk)**E** [*missing* UK (\"country\")] + ***(pissed)** [anag:*off*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Viral content contains detailed class film (8)","output":"### Answer: MEMBRANE \n ### Explanation: Definition: film\n\n**MEME** (\"viral content\") *contains* [*detailed*] **BRAN**(d) (\"class\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Marks & Spenser talk about introducing new stores initially (6)","output":"### Answer: STAINS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Marks\n\n**S**(penser) **T**(alk) **A**(bout) **I**(ntroducing) **N**(ew) **S**(tores) [*initially*]\n \n\n \n*The Spenser in the clue should of course be spelled Spencer."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Part of six-pack: Mark carrying can out (6)","output":"### Answer: ABLOOM \n ### Explanation: Definition: out\n\n**AB** (\"part of six-pack\") + **M** (Mark) *carrying* **LOO** (\"can\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Steps in field: too much going over shoe (8)","output":"### Answer: STILETTO \n ### Explanation: Definition: shoe\n\n**STILE** (\"steps in field\") + **<=OTT** (over the top, so \"too much\", *going over*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Neat flat (8)","output":"### Answer: STRAIGHT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Neat\n\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wishing I'll give you a lift to golf (6)","output":"### Answer: HOPING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Wishing\n\n**HOP IN** (\"I'll give you a lift\") *to* **G** (golf)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Numbers racket? Discloses suspect (8,7)","output":"### Answer: COCKTAIL DRESSES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Numbers\n\n***(racket discloses)** [anag:*suspect*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fairy godmother's back after prince enters scene (6)","output":"### Answer: SPRITE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fairy\n\n(godmothe)**R** ['s back] *after* **P** (prince) *enters* **SITE** (\"scene\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Middle of day, time to stand still (2,4)","output":"### Answer: AT REST \n ### Explanation: Definition: still\n\n[*middle of*] (d)**A**(y) + **T** (time) + **REST** (\"to stand\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Larger toilets regularly reviewed and disinfected (7)","output":"### Answer: STERILE \n ### Explanation: Definition: disinfected\n\n***(lreties)** [anag:*reviewed*] where LRETIES is L(a)R(g)E(r) T(o)I(l)E(t)S [*regularly*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Get down from this? English clubs out of drink (5)","output":"### Answer: EIDER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Get down from this\n\n**E** (English) + (c)**IDER** (\"drink\" with C (clubs) *out*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ordinary against Australia \u2013 turned up exhausted (7)","output":"### Answer: VANILLA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Ordinary\n\n**V** (versus, so \"against\") + **A** (Australia) + **<=ALL IN** (\"exhausted\", turned up)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cheats caught breaking up families (7)","output":"### Answer: HOCUSES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Cheats\n\n**C** (caught) *breaking up* **HOUSES** (\"families\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Kill time with ale drunk around pub, endlessly (9)","output":"### Answer: ELIMINATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Kill\n\n***(time ale)** [anag:*drunk*] *around* **IN**(n) (\"pub\" *endlessly*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Woman visited illegal liquor shop (7)","output":"### Answer: SHEBEEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: illegal liquor shop\n\n**SHE** (\"woman\") + **BEEN** (\"visited\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dirty rim of mug used for a brew (6)","output":"### Answer: SMUDGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Dirty\n\n***(mg used)** [anag:*for a brew*] where MG is [*rim of*] **M**(u)**G"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Natural identifier of two pens: the first one has run out (9)","output":"### Answer: BIOMARKER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Natural identifier\n\n**BI**(r)**O** + **MARKER** (\"two pens\" with R (run) *out* of *the first one*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bar with a great deal: they don't cost much (7)","output":"### Answer: BUTTONS \n ### Explanation: Definition: they don't cost much\n\n**BUT** (\"bar\") *with* **TONS** (\"a great deal\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Traveller to admit following motorway (7)","output":"### Answer: MIGRANT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Traveller\n\n**GRANT** (\"to admit\") *following* **M1** (\"motorway\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pay to come down (6)","output":"### Answer: SETTLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Pay\n\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Be left at home with that woman needing sex (7)","output":"### Answer: INHERIT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Be left\n\n**IN** (\"at home\") *with* **HER** (\"that woman\") + **IT** (\"sex\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Close to engagement to one man: I touch ring at one point (7)","output":"### Answer: TANGENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: I touch ring at one point\n\n[*close to*] (engagemen)**T** *to* **AN** (\"one\") + **GENT** (\"man\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Topless model filling vacant Penthouse spread (5)","output":"### Answer: PASTE \n ### Explanation: Definition: spread\n\n[*topless*] (c)**AST** *filling* [*vacant*] **P**(enthouse)**E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One tucks into corn and butter, cooked and then some? (5,2,1,6)","output":"### Answer: BURNT TO A CINDER \n ### Explanation: One tucks into corn and butter, cooked and then some? (5,2,1,6)\n\n**I **(one) *tucks into* ***(corn and butter) **[anag:*cooked*] and semi &lit."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Where one can relax over many pints? (8)","output":"### Answer: WATERBED \n ### Explanation: Where one can relax over many pints? (8)\n\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Humble churchman shows me inside (6)","output":"### Answer: DEMEAN \n ### Explanation: Humble churchman shows me inside (6)\n\n**DEAN** (\"churchman\"\") *shows* **ME** *inside"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Help to save flier crashing here? (8)","output":"### Answer: AIRFIELD \n ### Explanation: Help to save flier crashing here? (8)\n\n**AID** (\"help\") *to save* ***(flier)** [anag:*crashing*]\n \n\n \n*Save can be used to indicate a container clue if you think of \"save\" as meaning \"to preserve\" or \"to hoard\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Suit passed that needs repair (6)","output":"### Answer: SPADES \n ### Explanation: Suit passed that needs repair (6)\n\n***(passed)** [anag:*that needs repair*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Good man breaking record with cycle dropped back (4,6)","output":"### Answer: LOST GROUND \n ### Explanation: Good man breaking record with cycle dropped back (4,6)\n\n**St. **(saint, so \"good man\") *breaking* **LOG** (\"record\") *with* **ROUND** (\"cycle\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tribal leader let sin enter via wine (10)","output":"### Answer: ELDERBERRY \n ### Explanation: Tribal leader let sin enter via wine (10)\n\n**ELDER** (\"tribal leader\") *let* **ERR** (\"sin\") *enter* **BY** (\"via\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dad taking drink makes an appearance (4,2)","output":"### Answer: POPS UP \n ### Explanation: Dad taking drink makes an appearance (4,2)\n\n**POP** (\"dad\") *taking* **SUP** (\"drink\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Singer to hold back one note (8)","output":"### Answer: BARITONE \n ### Explanation: Singer to hold back one note (8)\n\n**BAR** (\"hold back\") + **I** (one) + **TONE** (\"note\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Polish initially respected in The Sun? (6)","output":"### Answer: SHINER \n ### Explanation: Polish initially respected in The Sun? (6)\n\n**SHINE** (\"polish\") + [*initially*] **R**(espected)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Chart-topper having other arrangement previously (8)","output":"### Answer: HITHERTO \n ### Explanation: Chart-topper having other arrangement previously (8)\n\n**HIT** (\"chart-topper\") *having* ***(other) **[anag:*arrangement*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Be charitable when prospective partner holds forth (6)","output":"### Answer: DONATE \n ### Explanation: Be charitable when prospective partner holds forth (6)\n\n**DATE** (\"prospective partner\") *holds* **ON** (\"forth\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: King died confining presumably large garden invader (8)","output":"### Answer: KNOTWEED \n ### Explanation: King died confining presumably large garden invader (8)\n\n**K** (king) + **D **(died) *containing* **NOT WEE** (\"presumably large\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Missile launcher first of eight? (6)","output":"### Answer: BOWMAN \n ### Explanation: Missile launcher first of eight? (6)\n\nIn a rowing eight, the man at the bow or the \"bowman\" could be considered the first of eight."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Finish work and hit the hay (6)","output":"### Answer: RETIRE \n ### Explanation: Finish work and hit the hay (6)\n\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Vegetable container shown in list (6)","output":"### Answer: TURNIP \n ### Explanation: Vegetable container shown in list (6)\n\n**URN** (\"container\") *shown in* **TIP** (\"list\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Failed to notice deliveries made by butcher's boy (10)","output":"### Answer: OVERLOOKED \n ### Explanation: Failed to notice deliveries made by butcher's boy (10)\n\n**OVER** (\"deliveries made\" in cricket) *by* **LOOK** (\"butcher's\") + **ED** (short for Edward, so \"boy\")\n \n\n \n*Butcher's is short for \"butcher's hook\", rhyming slang for \"look\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Amateur still enthralling lover once on piano (8)","output":"### Answer: INEXPERT \n ### Explanation: Amateur still enthralling lover once on piano (8)\n\n**INERT** (\"still\") *enthralling* **EX** (\"lover once\") *on* **P** (piano, in music notation)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Horrible daughter almost satisfied after study (8)","output":"### Answer: DREADFUL \n ### Explanation: Horrible daughter almost satisfied after study (8)\n\n**D** (daughter) + [*almost*] **FUL**(l) (\"satisfied\") *after* **READ** (\"study\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bats residing in place offering clear view (8)","output":"### Answer: RINGSIDE \n ### Explanation: Bats residing in place offering clear view (8)\n\n***(residing)** [anag:*bats*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Desperate need to put a Bible in the post (10)","output":"### Answer: STARVATION \n ### Explanation: Desperate need to put a Bible in the post (10)\n\n**A** + **RV** (Revised Version, so \"Bible\") *in* **STATION** (\"post\")\n \n\n \n*The Revised Version was a late 19th century revision of the King James Bible."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Detested duke seen strangling son (8)","output":"### Answer: DESPISED \n ### Explanation: Detested duke seen strangling son (8)\n\n**D** (duke) + **ESPIED** (\"seen\") *strangling* **S** (son)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Taking up dubious point made by a party (8)","output":"### Answer: ADOPTION \n ### Explanation: Taking up dubious point made by a party (8)\n\n***(point) **[anag:*dubious*] *made by* **A DO **(\"party\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unfriendly words are not about to stick (8)","output":"### Answer: ARGUMENT \n ### Explanation: Unfriendly words are not about to stick (8)\n\n**AREN'T** (are not) *about* **GUM** (\"to stick\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: This travelling under the motorway shows false stroke (6)","output":"### Answer: MISHIT \n ### Explanation: This travelling under the motorway shows false stroke (6)\n\n***(this) **[anag:*travelling*] *under* **M1** (\"motorway\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unrefined programme reported (6)","output":"### Answer: COARSE \n ### Explanation: Unrefined programme reported (6)\n\nHomophone [*reported*] of **COURSE** (\"programme\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Back in a moment (6)","output":"### Answer: SECOND \n ### Explanation: Back in a moment (6)\n\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Araucaria's \u00a3500 crossword? (6,6)","output":"### Answer: MONKEY PUZZLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Araucaria\n\n**MONKEY** (slang for \"\u00a3500\") + **PUZZLE** (\"crossword?\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: In a blog entry, one gets put forward (5)","output":"### Answer: POSIT \n ### Explanation: Definition: put forward\n\n**I **(one) *in* **POST** (\"blog entry\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bike part from Benin? True, surprisingly (5,4)","output":"### Answer: INNER TUBE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Bike part\n\n***(benin true)** [anag:*surprisingly*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Whimsically remove 19's county from state (7)","output":"### Answer: DECLARE \n ### Explanation: Definition: state\n\nIf you *remove* CLARE (an Irishwoman's \"county\"), then *whimsically* you DE-CLARE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Teams of 6 making a comeback (7)","output":"### Answer: ELEVENS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Teams\n\n**<=SIX** [making a comeback] would give you **XIs** (\"elevens\" or teams, as in cricket and football)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unintended eating from tins is back happening? Not at home (10)","output":"### Answer: SNACCIDENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Unintended eating\n\n**<= CANS** (\"tins\", is back) + (in)**CIDENT** (\"happening\", not IN (at home))\n \n\n \n*\"Snaccident\" is not in any of my dictionaries, but I think I've come across it before somewhere to mean \"absent-minded overeating\", like when you open a big gag of crisps, then a little while later realise you've eaten the whole bag (or is it just me that does that?)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Flyer billed at length by hotel (4)","output":"### Answer: IBIS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Flyer billed at length\n\nDouble definition, the first a mildly cryptic definition of a long-billed bird and the second referring to a French-based hotel chain."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rook? It's a bird (4)","output":"### Answer: GULL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Rook\n\nDouble definition. \"Rook\" and \"gull\" can both mean \"simpleton\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Who am I, off with sister on vacation in Clare, perhaps? (10)","output":"### Answer: IRISHWOMAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Clare, perhaps?\n\n***(who am I sr in)** [anag:*off*] where SR is S(iste)R [*on vacation*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Am I nuts swimming in this? Yes (7)","output":"### Answer: TSUNAMI \n ### Explanation: Definition: this\n\n***(am I nuts)** [anag:*swimming*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Suffering ups and downs, as extremely nervous? (7)","output":"### Answer: BIPOLAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Suffering ups and downs\n\nThe extremes of **N**(ervou)**S** are North and South, as in North and South Poles, so both Poles, so by inference, **BI-POLAR"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Long-winded government-speak? Floundering fleabag fibs regularly (9)","output":"### Answer: BAFFLEGAB \n ### Explanation: Definition: Long-winded government-speak\n\n***(fleabag fb) **[anag:*floundering*] where FB is F(i)B(s) [*regularly*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Le Bon compilation? Great! (5)","output":"### Answer: NOBLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Great\n\n***(le bon) **[anag:*compilation*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Eight Miles High? One's in this guitar shop, playing before \u2026 (12)","output":"### Answer: STRATOSPHERE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Eight Miles High?\n\n**STRAT** (\"guitar\") + ***(shop) **[anag:*playing*] + **ERE** (\"before\")\n \n\n \n*Strat is short for Stratocaster, a Fender guitar."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: \u2026 beginning to smoke a chillum (new variety) (5,4)","output":"### Answer: MUSIC HALL \n ### Explanation: Definition: variety\n\n***(s a chillum)** [anag:*new*] where S is [*beginning to*] S(moke)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tweeter is Greek character with thick hair? (8)","output":"### Answer: NUTHATCH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Tweeter\n\n**NU** (\"Greek character\") *with* **THATCH** (\"thick hair\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Deport half of 11 out of 12 shortly (5)","output":"### Answer: EXILE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Deport\n\n[*half of*] **ELE**(ven) *out*(side) *of* *XI* (eleven, the answer to \"12\" ac, *shortly*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Writer was angry, maybe about Thackeray hero (9)","output":"### Answer: PENDENNIS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Writer\n\n**PEN** (\"writer\") + **<=SINNED** (\"was angry\", *about*), wrath being one of the seven deadly sins.\n \n\n \n*\"Pendennis\" is the eponymous character of a Thackeray novel, published in 1848."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Readjusted to show zip (OED) (6)","output":"### Answer: ZEROED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Readjusted to show zip\n\n**ZERO** (\"O\") + **ED"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Leftover unpalatable Scotch egg, primarily indicating a bad egg (5)","output":"### Answer: LOUSE \n ### Explanation: Definition: a bad egg\n\n**L** (left) + **O** (over, in cricket) + **U**(npalatable) **S**(cotch) **E**(gg) [*primarily*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cards passed around (6)","output":"### Answer: SPADES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Cards\n\n***(passed)** [anag:*around*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Positive indications in last of many letters (6)","output":"### Answer: YESSES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Positive indications\n\n[*last of*] (man)**Y** + **ESSES** (\"letters\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fish head removed by daughter during party? That's bold stuff (7-2)","output":"### Answer: DERRING-DO \n ### Explanation: Definition: bold stuff\n\n(h)**ERRING** (\"fish\" with its *head removed*) by **D** (daughter) *during* **DO** (\"party\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bottom spot, with blistering pace: ultimately just last on the buzzer (9)","output":"### Answer: BUMBLEBEE \n ### Explanation: Definition: buzzer\n\n**BUM** (\"bottom\") + **BLEB** (\"blistering spot\") + (pac)**E** [*ultimately*] +[*last on*] (th)**E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pair of coppers employed for a trivial sum (8)","output":"### Answer: TWOPENCE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Pair of coppers\n\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Manages to understand both Sun and Times (4,2)","output":"### Answer: GETS BY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Manages\n\n**GET** (\"to understand\") + **S** (sun) + **BY** (\"times\", in arithmetic)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Maybe 19's fate, after swallowing two tablets (6)","output":"### Answer: NOREEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Maybe 19\n\n**NORN** (\"fate\" in Norse mythology\") *swallowing two* **E**'s (\"tablets\" i.e. ecstasy)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bloomer occurring more regularly, we hear (6)","output":"### Answer: DAHLIA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Bloomer\n\nHomophone [*we hear*] of **DAILIER** (\"occurring more often\")\n \n\n \nIf \"dahlia\" is the answer, I don't like this \u2013 \"dailier\" is a nonsense word, and to us Scots, not a homophone of DAHLIA."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ineligible female included in squad (5)","output":"### Answer: UNFIT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Ineligible\n\n**F** (female) *included in* **UNIT** (\"squad\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sort of jazz dance covered by black European (5)","output":"### Answer: BEBOP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Sort of jazz\n\n**BOP** (\"dance\") *covered by* **B **(black) + **E** (European)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cut back on depleted uranium, importing one radioactive metal (8)","output":"### Answer: POLONIUM \n ### Explanation: Cut back on depleted uranium, importing one radioactive metal (8)\n\n**<=LOP** (\"cut\", back) + **ON** + [*depleted*] **U**(raniu)**M**, *importing*** I** (one)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Small children with the same pop group? (6)","output":"### Answer: SQUADS \n ### Explanation: Small children with the same pop group? (6)\n\n**S** (small) + **QUADS** ((four) \"children with the same pop\" (father))\n \n\n \n*Think the definition should be \"groups\" rather than \"group\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fellow heading off to deliver grass (6)","output":"### Answer: FESCUE \n ### Explanation: Fellow heading off to deliver grass (6)\n\n**F** (fellow) + [*heading off*] (r)**ESCUE** (\"deliver\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hung out in Herb's squalid place (8)","output":"### Answer: DUNGHILL \n ### Explanation: Hung out in Herb's squalid place (8)\n\n***(hung)** [anag:*out*] in **DILL** (\"herb\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Come to trail (4)","output":"### Answer: WAKE \n ### Explanation: Come to trail (4)\n\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lightest rain troubled Italian composer (10)","output":"### Answer: PALESTRINA \n ### Explanation: Lightest rain troubled Italian composer (10)\n\n**PALEST** (\"lightest\") + ***(rain)** [anag:*troubled*]\n \n\n \n*Refers to the 16th century Italian composer, Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Incline, with age, to catch one disease (8)","output":"### Answer: LISTERIA \n ### Explanation: Incline, with age, to catch one disease (8)\n\n**LIST** (\"decline\") *with* **ERA** (\"age\")* to catch* **I** (one)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Son needs taxi? He won't come out (4)","output":"### Answer: SCAB \n ### Explanation: Son needs taxi? He won't come out (4)\n\n**S** (son) + **CAB** (\"taxi\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Drink is knocked back by a prince (4)","output":"### Answer: RAJA \n ### Explanation: Drink is knocked back by a prince (4)\n\n**<=JAR **(\"drink\", *knocked back*) *by* **A"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Investigates a Ximenes cryptic (8)","output":"### Answer: EXAMINES \n ### Explanation: Investigates a Ximenes cryptic (8)\n\n***(a ximenes)** [anag:*cryptic*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Recordings of a TV episode broadcast (10)","output":"### Answer: VIDEOTAPES \n ### Explanation: Recordings of a TV episode broadcast (10)\n\n***(a TV episode)** [anag:*broadcast*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: She features in American newspaper (4)","output":"### Answer: ANNE \n ### Explanation: She features in American newspaper (4)\n\nHidden [*features*] in \"Americ**AN NE**wspaper\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Standard place to keep a sponge (8)","output":"### Answer: PARASITE \n ### Explanation: Standard place to keep a sponge (8)\n\n**PAR** (\"standard\") + **SITE** (\"place\") *to keep* **A"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Material, a small amount found in Czech Republic (6)","output":"### Answer: CHINTZ \n ### Explanation: Material, a small amount found in Czech Republic (6)\n\n**HINT** (\"a small amount\") *featured in ***CZ** (Chech Republic)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Picks up European car for final journey (6)","output":"### Answer: HEARSE \n ### Explanation: Picks up European car for final journey (6)\n\n**HEARS** (\"picks up\") + **E** (European)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Make less food, eating little (8)","output":"### Answer: DIMINISH \n ### Explanation: Make less food, eating little (8)\n\n**DISH** (\"food\") *eating* **MINI** (\"little\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The last time doctor turned up (5)","output":"### Answer: OMEGA \n ### Explanation: The last time doctor turned up (5)\n\n**<=(AGE** (\"time\") + **MO** (medical officer, so \"doctor\")**)** [*turned up*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Arrange the score Mozart half abandoned? (11)","output":"### Answer: ORCHESTRATE \n ### Explanation: Arrange the score Mozart half abandoned? (11)\n\n***(the score art) **[*abandoned*] where ART is [*half*] of (moz)ART"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One following boxing representative around is amateur (8)","output":"### Answer: INEXPERT \n ### Explanation: One following boxing representative around is amateur (8)\n\n**I** (one) + **NEXT** (\"following\") *boxing* **<=REP** (representative, *around*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: After distance driven carrying theologian, padre's changing spare tyre (6-3,6)","output":"### Answer: MIDDLE-AGE SPREAD \n ### Explanation: After distance driven carrying theologian, padre's changing spare tyre (6-3,6)\n\n**MILEAGE** (\"distance driven\") *carrying* **DD** (doctor of divinity, so \"theologian\") + ***(padres)** [anag:*changing*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Most sensible, wanting home in Jo'burg? (6)","output":"### Answer: SANEST \n ### Explanation: Most sensible, wanting home in Jo'burg? (6)\n\nA \"home in Jo'burg\" could be described as a NEST in South Africa, so a **S.A. NEST"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Embrace top to bottom? That's disgusting! (3)","output":"### Answer: UGH \n ### Explanation: Embrace top to bottom? That's disgusting! (3)\n\nHUG (\"embrace\") with its *top* (letter) moved to the *bottom* becomes **UG(H)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Describe English river rising in time (9)","output":"### Answer: DELINEATE \n ### Explanation: Describe English river rising in time (9)\n\n**E** (English) + **<=NILE** (\"river\", *rising*) in **DATE** (\"time\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Breathing fresh air in port's exhilarating initially (11)","output":"### Answer: RESPIRATION \n ### Explanation: Breathing fresh air in port's exhilarating initially (11)\n\n***(air in ports e)** [anag:*fresh*] where E is E(xhilerating} [*initially*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Not living at home, Australian turned up in China (9)","output":"### Answer: INANIMATE \n ### Explanation: Not living at home, Australian turned up in China (9)\n\n**IN** (\"at home\") + **A** (Australian) + [*turned*] **<=IN** + **MATE** (\"china\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tops second of pizzas with pepper (8)","output":"### Answer: CAPSICUM \n ### Explanation: Tops second of pizzas with pepper (8)\n\n**CAPS** (\"tops\") + [*second of*] (p)**I**(zzas) + **CUM** (Latin for \"with\", as in magna cum laude)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A short time to wear out clothes (6)","output":"### Answer: ATTIRE \n ### Explanation: A short time to wear out clothes (6)\n\n**A** + **T** (\"short\" for \"time\") + **TIRE** (\"to wear out\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Attack when upset, making remarks (5)","output":"### Answer: NOTES \n ### Explanation: Attack when upset, making remarks (5)\n\n**<=SET ON** (\"attack\", *upset*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lawyer regularly visited northern town (3)","output":"### Answer: AYR \n ### Explanation: Lawyer regularly visited northern town (3)\n\n(l)**A**(w)**Y**(e)**R **[*regularly visited*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: It lurks in the everglades from Georgia to heart of Florida (5)","output":"### Answer: GATOR \n ### Explanation: Definition: It lurks in the everglades\n**Ga.** (Georgia) + **TO** + [*heart of*] (flo)**R**(ida)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fellow managed prison (all names withheld) \u2013 it maintains a lively rhythm (6)","output":"### Answer: MARACA \n ### Explanation: Definition: it maintains a lively rhythm\n**MA**(n) (\"fellow\") + **RA**(n) (\"managed\") + **CA**(n) (\"prison\") with *all* Ns (names) *withheld"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Site that is missing a prisoner? Not one for that kind (6)","output":"### Answer: STALAG \n ### Explanation: Definition: Site that is missing a prisoner? \n**S**(i)**T**(e) (i.e. (\"that is\") *missing*) + **A LAG** (\"prisoner\") and semi &lit."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Narcotic, one featuring in dailies (6)","output":"### Answer: CHARAS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Narcotic\n**A** (one) *featuring in* **CHARS** (\"dailies\" as in charwomen) \n\u00a0\n \n*Charas is a narcotic, the resin of hashish."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Face mostly disfigured with boils? They can change the way one looks (8)","output":"### Answer: BIFOCALS \n ### Explanation: Definition: They can change the way one looks\n***(fac boils)** [anag:*disfigured*] where FAC is FAC(e) [*mostly*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Slating material, furious in being written out (4)","output":"### Answer: RAGG \n ### Explanation: Definition: Slating material\n**RAG**(in)**G **(\"furious\" with IN *written out*) \n\u00a0\n \n*A ragg is a large rough slate."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Choirboy to quiver missing mass (6)","output":"### Answer: TREBLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Choirboy\n**TRE**(m)**BLE** (\"quiver\") *missing* M (mass)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Former disgrace, portent (not the first) \u2013 goodness me! (6)","output":"### Answer: IGNOMY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Former disgrace\n(s)**IGN** (\"portent\", *not the first *(letter)) + **O MY**! (\"goodness me!\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Aids this barge being refitted \u2013 lakeside possibly (4)","output":"### Answer: KEEL \n ### Explanation: Definition: barge\n*(aids **KEEL**) is an anagram [*refitted*] of LAKESIDE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Whisky liquor that is taken after cocktail of bad rum (8)","output":"### Answer: DRAMBUIE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Whisky liquor\n**i.e.** (\"that is\")* taken after* ***(bad rum)** [anag:*cocktail of*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Can't stand to let off e.g. MOT? (6)","output":"### Answer: DETEST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Can't stand\nNot sure of the parsing here, but maybe Azed is suggesting that if you **DE-TEST,** you are doing the opposite of testing"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A despicable person (6)","output":"### Answer: TOERAG \n ### Explanation: Definition: A despicable person\nAzed invited solvers to provide their own cryptic clue: \n\u00a0\n \ne.g. Kick and take the mickey out of tramp (6)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Former PM in charge of ideal state (before fall) (6)","output":"### Answer: EDENIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: of ideal state (before fall)\n(Anthony) **EDEN** (\"former PM\") + **IC** (in charge)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Noah's beginning to leave pens at being prepared for flood (5)","output":"### Answer: SPATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: flood\n***(pes at)** where PES is PE(n)S (*Noah's beginning* (N) *to leave*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ex-president (English not American) has installed Chinese interpreters (8)","output":"### Answer: TRUCHMEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: interpreters\n(Harry S ) **TRUM**(a>**E**)**N** (E for English not A for American) has installed **Ch.** (Chinese)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Permit (one assumes) required before start of excavating Turkish borate (10)","output":"### Answer: PANDERMITE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Turkish borate\nNot sure how to parse this: I can see **PERMIT** *before* [*start of*] **E**(xcavating). Is it possible that Azed wants us to read PERMIT as P AND ERMIT?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Isn't beginning to discount danger, trembling and deeply worried (11)","output":"### Answer: ANGSTRIDDEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: deeply worried\n***(isn't d danger) **where D is [*beginning to*] D(iscount)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Heat varies in lofted space, less squelchy part of bog (7)","output":"### Answer: PEATHAG \n ### Explanation: Definition: less squelchy part of bog\n***(heat) **[anag:*varies*] *in* [*lofted*] **<=GAP** (\"space\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Never stood for spicy meat en brochette (5)","output":"### Answer: SATAY \n ### Explanation: Definition: spicy meat en brochette\n**SAT AY** = aye sat = \"never stood\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bit of immature creature, part replacing one in farm animal (6)","output":"### Answer: PROLEG \n ### Explanation: Definition: Bit of immature creature\n**ROLE** (\"part\") *replacing* I (one) *in* **P**(i)**G** (\"farm animal\") \n\u00a0\n \n*A proleg is an insect larva's abdominal leg."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What's mass of clay in New York, producing a sort of 'bong'? (7)","output":"### Answer: NARGILY \n ### Explanation: Definition: a sort of 'bong'?\n**ARGIL** (\"mass of clay\") *in* **NY** (New York) \n\u00a0\n \n*A narghily is a Turkish smoking pipe."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Water running into shore's rotten \u2013 could be 'dead' hippo (8)","output":"### Answer: SEAHORSE \n ### Explanation: Definition: 'dead' hippo\n**SEA** (\"water\") *running into*** *(shore) **[anag:*'s rotten*] \n\u00a0\n \n*The 'hippo' here would be the hippocampus, a legendary sea monster of ancient mythology."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Chorale may be translated from this odist, Latin (6)","output":"### Answer: HORACE \n ### Explanation: Definition: odist\n**HORACE** L (Latin) is an anagram [*may be translated from*] of CHORALE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: I'll escape from a fire that's activated alarm (4)","output":"### Answer: FEAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: alarm\n***(a fre) **[anag:*that's activated*] where FRE is I *escaping from* F(i)RE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Recommended by dieticians \u2013 unlike much of what it serves? (5)","output":"### Answer: LOCAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: it\n**LO-CAL** (i.e. low-calorie) would be \"recommended by dieticians, but what is served at the LOCAL (pub) mostly would not be recommended by them."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Falconer's bird? Deal in the latest, cracking experience mostly (11)","output":"### Answer: TASSELLGENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Falconer's bird?\n**SELL** (\"deal in\") + **GEN** (\"the latest\") *cracking* **TAST**(e) (\"experience\", *mostly*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Awful mess \u2013 double-headed besom's wielded with it (8)","output":"### Answer: BOMBSITE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Awful mess\n*(b-besom it) [anag:*wielded*] where B-BESOM is a \"double-headed besom\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Isotope: it's discovered in notable achievement, independent of pH (7)","output":"### Answer: TRITIUM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Isotope\n**IT** *discovered in* **TRIUM**(ph) (\"notable achievement\", *independent of* pH) \n\u00a0\n \n*Tritium is an isotope of hydrogen of triple mass, hence the tri- part of its name."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Beneficiary set up a limit for trust maybe (7)","output":"### Answer: LEGATEE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Beneficiary\n**<=GEL **(\"set\", up) + **A** + **TEE** (the letter T, \"a limit\" (first or last) \"for T(rus)T, maybe\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Chaps engaged in major book of words, portentous? (6)","output":"### Answer: OMENED \n ### Explanation: Definition: portentous?\n**MEN** (\"chaps\") *engaged in* **OED** (Oxford English Dictionary, so \"major book of words\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: King set out for audience, one resisting conquerors from abroad (6)","output":"### Answer: KLEPHT \n ### Explanation: Definition: one resisting conquerors from abroad\n**K** (king, in chess notation) + homophone [*for audience*] of **LEFT** (\"set out\") \n\u00a0\n \n*The Klephts were Greeks who retreated to the hills when the Turks invaded their country and then spent centuries as brigands and outlaws."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Assistant brought up young parasitic worm (5)","output":"### Answer: REDIA \n ### Explanation: Definition: young parasitic worm\n**<=AIDER** (\"assistant\" *brought up*) \n\u00a0\n \n*Redia is a larval form of a digenetic nematode."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Jock's stall \u2013 is this his den ransacked for merchandise? (5)","output":"### Answer: CRAME \n ### Explanation: Definition: Jock's stall\nhis den **CRAME **is an anagram [ransacked] of MERCHANDISE \n\u00a0\n \n*In Scots, a crame is a booth or kiosk."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sherry's medium in tradename large schooner (4)","output":"### Answer: TERN \n ### Explanation: Definition: large schooner\n(sh)**ER**(ry) [*'s medium*] *in* **TN** (tradename) \n\u00a0\n \n*A tern is a three-masted schooner."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sure boat at sea is a destroyer (8)","output":"### Answer: SABOTEUR \n ### Explanation: Definition: destroyer\n***(sure boat)** [anag:*at sea*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: After endless smooch, satisfied with one's lot! (6)","output":"### Answer: KISMET \n ### Explanation: Definition: one's lot\n*after* [*endless*] **KIS**(s) (\"smooch\"), **MET** (\"satisfied\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Main song line directed at the audience (5)","output":"### Answer: ASIDE \n ### Explanation: Definition: line directed at the audience\nThe **A-SIDE** of a record was the one with the \"main song\" on it, so the song became known as the A-side."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: In part, USA makes revolutionary guide to good relations (4,5)","output":"### Answer: KAMA SUTRA \n ### Explanation: Definition: guide to good relations\nHidden backwards [*in*, *revolutionary*] \"p**ART USA MAK**es\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Not in the pink, maybe somewhat blue (3-6)","output":"### Answer: OFF-COLOUR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Not in the pink\nCryptic\/double definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Decree carrying a lot of weight with American (5)","output":"### Answer: FATWA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Decree\n**FAT** (\"carrying a lot of weight\") + **W** (with) + **A** (American)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unproductive member of the nobility, we hear (6)","output":"### Answer: BARREN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Unproductive\nHomophone [*we hear*] of **BARON** (\"member of the nobility\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pull swimmer back in sheltered area (7)","output":"### Answer: LEEWARD \n ### Explanation: Definition: in sheltered area\n**<= (DRAW** (\"pull\") + **EEL** (\"swimmer\")**)** [*back*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Passing water duct in old city with churned earth (7)","output":"### Answer: URETHRA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Passing water duct\n**UR** (\"old city\") *with* ***(earth)** [anag:*churned*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Female writer of a vacuous lyric going too far (6)","output":"### Answer: ALCOTT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Female writer \n**A** + [*vacuous*] **L**(yri)**C** + **OTT** (over the top, so \"going too far\") \n\u00a0\n \n*Louisa May Alcott's most famous work was *Little Women *(not *Uncle Tom's Cabin* as I originally wrote) (only excuse was the early hour!)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Waste drink with considerable volume (5)","output":"### Answer: CHAFF \n ### Explanation: Definition: Waste\n**CHA** (tea, so \"drink\") + **FF** (fortissimo (very loud in music notation) so \"with considerable volume\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A virus stops criminal having cash to splash (9)","output":"### Answer: AFFLUENCE \n ### Explanation: Definition: having cash to splash\n**A** + **FLU** (\"virus\") *stops* **FENCE** (\"criminal\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bandicoot, say, camouflaged in puma's lair (9)","output":"### Answer: MARSUPIAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Bandicoot, say\n***(pumas lair)** [anag:*camouflaged in*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: It was pledged to be red hot (5)","output":"### Answer: TROTH \n ### Explanation: Definition: It was pledged\n**TROT** (Trotskyite, so \"red\") + **H** (hot)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Still keeping extremely lovely 17th- century recorder (6)","output":"### Answer: EVELYN \n ### Explanation: Definition: 17th- century recorder \n**EVEN** (\"still\") *keeping* [*extremely*] **L**(ovel)**Y** \n\u00a0\n \n*John Evelyn was a diarist who kept a diary for over 60 years, providing a chronicle of his life and times between 1640 and 1706."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hen possibly a dotty little creature (8)","output":"### Answer: LADYBIRD \n ### Explanation: Definition: dotty little creature\nA \"hen\" is a female bird, so a **LADY BIRD"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dog Bill's entered into competition (6)","output":"### Answer: SHADOW \n ### Explanation: Definition: Dog\n**AD** (\"bill) *entered into* **SHOW** (\"competition\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Document holder that won't hold the cops up long? (9)","output":"### Answer: BRIEFCASE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Document holder\nA **BRIEF CASE** \"won't hold the cops up for long\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Liberating moment of joyful truth he arranged (3,6,2,4)","output":"### Answer: THE FOURTH OF JULY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Liberating moment\n***(of joyful truth he)** [anag:*arranged*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A little drunk now, number 3 in maths? (7)","output":"### Answer: UNKNOWN \n ### Explanation: Definition: 3 in maths?\nHidden in [*a little*] \"dr**UNK NOW N**umber\" \n\u00a0\n \n*The 3 in the clue refers to 3d, [the fourth of] (Jul)Y, and the letter y is often used as an unknown in algebra, geometry or trigonometry."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: \"I'll do what I like\", it could be said on 3 (3,1,4,7)","output":"### Answer: IT\u2019S A FREE COUNTRY \n ### Explanation: Definition: I'll do what I like\n3 refers to 3dn, when Americans did declare \"**IT'S A FREE COUNTRY**\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tiny little piece, Mozart's final composition (5)","output":"### Answer: MOTET \n ### Explanation: Definition: composition\n**MOTE** (\"tiny little piece\") + (mozar)**T"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Two things golfer wants, the first picked up in tin (3,5)","output":"### Answer: TEA CADDY \n ### Explanation: Definition: tin\nHomophone [*picked up*] of **TEE** and **CADDY** (\"two things golfer wants\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Oblivious to the right marks in a test (6)","output":"### Answer: AMORAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Oblivious to the right\n**M** (marks, as in the old German currency) *in* **A ORAL** (\"test\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Merchant of Venice gets flipping cool director (9)","output":"### Answer: ANTONIONI \n ### Explanation: Definition: director\n**ANTONIO** (\"Merchant of Venice\" in Shakespeare's play) *gets* [*flipping*] **<=IN** (\"cool\") \n\u00a0\n \n*Michaelangelo Antonioni (1912-2007) directed films such as *L'avventura* and *Blowup"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rubbish bishop with messy hair, mostly (8)","output":"### Answer: BUNCOMBE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Rubbish\n**B** (bishop) + **UNCOMBE**(d) (\"with messy hair\", *mostly*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Drivers' group fixing vehicle's motor problem (6)","output":"### Answer: ATAXIA \n ### Explanation: Definition: motor problem\n**AA** (Automobile Association, so \"drivers' group\") *fixing* **TAXI** (\"vehicle\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Forage in area by Florida, doubling back (7)","output":"### Answer: ALFALFA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Forage\n**<=(A** (area) *by* **FLA,FLA** (\"Florida\", *doubling*)**)** [*back*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Routine drug overdose (6)","output":"### Answer: METHOD \n ### Explanation: Definition: Routine\n(crystal) **METH** (\"drug\") + **OD** (overdose)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Getting jazzy, eager to harmonise (5)","output":"### Answer: AGREE \n ### Explanation: Definition: to \n***(eager) **[anag:*getting jazzy*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Supplement taken around clubs creates unhealthy need (9)","output":"### Answer: ADDICTION \n ### Explanation: Supplement taken around clubs creates unhealthy need (9)\n\n**ADDITION** (\"supplement\") *taken around* **C** (clubs)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Band in hotel criminal guild protects (5)","output":"### Answer: THONG \n ### Explanation: Band in hotel criminal guild protects (5)\n\n**TONG** (Chinese \"criminal guild\") *protects* **H** (hotel)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tortured soul immersed in river to purify (7)","output":"### Answer: DELOUSE \n ### Explanation: Tortured soul immersed in river to purify (7)\n\n***(soul)** [anag:*tortured*] *immersed in* (River) **DEE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Biased mate cunning one roped in (7)","output":"### Answer: PARTIAL \n ### Explanation: Biased mate cunning one roped in (7)\n\n**PAL** (\"mate\") with **ART** (\"cunning\") + **I **(one) *roped in"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Frenchman in bank about to send cash (5)","output":"### Answer: REMIT \n ### Explanation: Frenchman in bank about to send cash (5)\n\n**M** (monsieur, so \"Frenchman\") *in* **<=TIER** (\"bank\", *about*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Romeo in bits without line to submit in play (5-4)","output":"### Answer: ELBOW-ROOM \n ### Explanation: Romeo in bits without line to submit in play (5-4)\n\n***(romeo)** [anag:*in bits*] *without* **L** (line) + **BOW** (\"to submit\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Turkish commander edges away from infidel (3)","output":"### Answer: AGA \n ### Explanation: Turkish commander edges away from infidel (3)\n\n[*edges away from*] (p)**AGA**(n)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Puzzling over piano, choirs retuned instrument (11)","output":"### Answer: HARPSICHORD \n ### Explanation: Puzzling over piano, choirs retuned instrument (11)\n\n**HARD** (\"puzzling\") *over* **P** +***(choirs)** [anag:*retuned*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Grip wheel and make turn here (7,4)","output":"### Answer: HAIRPIN BEND \n ### Explanation: Grip wheel and make turn here (7,4)\n\nHAIRPIN (\"grip\") + BEND (\"wheel\")\n \n\n \n*Not sure I have the parsing correct here, was I can't think of an example of \"bend\" and \"wheel\" being synonymous?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Beer they say makes you sicken (3)","output":"### Answer: AIL \n ### Explanation: Beer they say makes you sicken (3)\n\nHomophone [*they say*] of **ALE** (\"beer\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Beatles reformed to involve one hot girl (9)","output":"### Answer: ELISABETH \n ### Explanation: Beatles reformed to involve one hot girl (9)\n\n***(beatles)** [anag:*reformed*] *to involve* **I** (one) + **H** (hot)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Start denied playwright in Bury (5)","output":"### Answer: INTER \n ### Explanation: Start denied playwright in Bury (5)\n\n[*start denied*] (p)**INTER** (\"playwright)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Some American naiad running round house (7)","output":"### Answer: IDAHOAN \n ### Explanation: Some American naiad running round house (7)\n\n***(naiad)** [anag:*running*] *round* **Ho**. (house)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Morally impure relative Jane undressed (7)","output":"### Answer: UNCLEAN \n ### Explanation: Morally impure relative Jane undressed (7)\n\n**UNCLE** (\"relative\") + (j)**AN**(e) [*undressed*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Embarrassing display observed we hear (5)","output":"### Answer: SCENE \n ### Explanation: Embarrassing display observed we hear (5)\n\nHomophone [*we hear*] of **SEEN** (\"observed\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Attractive sort, see good chap over in valley (9)","output":"### Answer: LODESTONE \n ### Explanation: Attractive sort, see good chap over in valley (9)\n\n**LO** (\"see\") + **St.** (saint, so \"good chap\") + **O** (over) *in* **DENE** (\"valley\"), so **LO-DE(ST-O)NE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tree more bare: bark initially removed (5)","output":"### Answer: ALDER \n ### Explanation: Tree more bare: bark initially removed (5)\n\n(b)**ALDER** (\"more bare\" with B(ark) [*initially*] *removed*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Puzzle upset cover girl (7)","output":"### Answer: DILEMMA \n ### Explanation: Puzzle upset cover girl (7)\n\n[*upset*] **<=LID** (\"cover\") + **EMMA** (\"girl\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Royal household cool about second romance (9)","output":"### Answer: COURTSHIP \n ### Explanation: Royal household cool about second romance (9)\n\n**COURT** (\"royal household\") + **HIP** (\"cool\") *about* **S** (second)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One freelanced working in European location (3-2-6)","output":"### Answer: ILE-DE-FRANCE \n ### Explanation: One freelanced working in European location (3-2-6)\n\n**I** (one) + ***(freelanced)** [anag:*working*]\n \n\n \n*Ile-de-France is the region of France in which Paris is situated."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Surface on cloth sends pot wrong way (3)","output":"### Answer: NAP \n ### Explanation: Surface on cloth sends pot wrong way (3)\n\n**<=PAN** (\"pot\") [*wrong way*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Chuck cover over furniture (5)","output":"### Answer: THROW \n ### Explanation: Chuck cover over furniture (5)\n\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Gold coin forged \u2014 nothing for this banker (7)","output":"### Answer: ORINOCO \n ### Explanation: Gold coin forged \u2014 nothing for this banker (7)\n\n**OR** (\"gold\") + ***(coin) **[anag:*forged*] + **O** (nothing)\n \n\n \n*The \"banker\" in the clue is my least favourite way of clueing a river."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lass circling ancient sea gets first prize (4,5)","output":"### Answer: GOLD MEDAL \n ### Explanation: Lass circling ancient sea gets first prize (4,5)\n\n**GAL** (\"lass\") *circling* **OLD** (\"ancient\") + **MED** (Sea)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dog plus horse seen in spring (6-5)","output":"### Answer: BASSET-HOUND \n ### Explanation: Dog plus horse seen in spring (6-5)\n\n**ASSET** (\"plus\") + **H** (horse) *seen in* **BOUND** (\"spring\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Castle hit \u2013 destroyed for sport (9)","output":"### Answer: ATHLETICS \n ### Explanation: Castle hit \u2013 destroyed for sport (9)\n\n***(castle hit)** [anag:*destroyed*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fraud articles for those affording personal cover? (9)","output":"### Answer: CODPIECES \n ### Explanation: Fraud articles for those affording personal cover? (9)\n\n**COD** (\"fraud\") + **PIECES** (\"articles\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Do I lie with another having embraced sex appeal? (7)","output":"### Answer: IMITATE \n ### Explanation: Do I lie with another having embraced sex appeal? (7)\n\n**I **+ **MATE** (\"lie with another\") *having embraced* **IT** (\"sex appeal\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cunning Italian author entertains duke in style (3,4)","output":"### Answer: ART DECO \n ### Explanation: Cunning Italian author entertains duke in style (3,4)\n\n**ART** (\"cunning\") + (Umberto) **ECO** (\"Italian author\") *entertains* **D** (duke)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Person in attendance cleared out home (5)","output":"### Answer: ABODE \n ### Explanation: Person in attendance cleared out home (5)\n\n**BOD** (\"person\") **in** **A**(ttendanc)**E** [*cleared out*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tint from crimper in Sevenoaks (5)","output":"### Answer: RINSE \n ### Explanation: Tint from crimper in Sevenoaks (5)\n\nHidden in [*from*] \"crimpe**R IN SE**venoaks\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Raul Sanguineti beaten all ends up for nothing (3)","output":"### Answer: NIL \n ### Explanation: Raul Sanguineti beaten all ends up for nothing (3)\n\n[*all ends]* of (rau)**L** (sanguinet)**I** (beate)**N** [*up*], so LIN > **NIL"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A married Parisian is visiting city to find forgiveness (7)","output":"### Answer: AMNESTY \n ### Explanation: Definition: forgiveness\n\n**A** + **M** (married) + **EST** (\"is\" in French, so \"Parisian is\") *visiting* **NY** (New York, so \"city\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Failed drug test, inconclusive for tramps (7)","output":"### Answer: TRUDGES \n ### Explanation: Definition: tramps\n\n***(drug tes) **[anag:*failed*] where TES is [inconclusive] TES(t)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stop cakes turning (4)","output":"### Answer: SNUB \n ### Explanation: Definition: Stop\n\n**<=BUNS** (\"cakes\", *turning*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dwarf planet absorbing odd bits of meteor mass \u2014 astronaut's opening tinned food? (4,6)","output":"### Answer: PLUM TOMATO \n ### Explanation: Definition: tinned food?\n\n**PLUTO** (\"dwarf planet\") *absorbing* [*odd bits of*] **M**(e)**T**(e)**O**(r) + **M** (mass) + **A**(stronaut) [*'s opening*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Film company boss joining impresario on vacation (6)","output":"### Answer: STUDIO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Film company\n\n**STUD** (\"boss\") *joining* **I**(mpresari)**O** [on vacation]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rival poet is performing work at the start (8)","output":"### Answer: OPPOSITE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Rival\n\n***(poet is)** [anag:*performing*] with **OP** (opus, so \"work\") *at the start"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Newspaper felt cutting photo could be sensible (9)","output":"### Answer: PRAGMATIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: sensible\n\n**RAG** (\"newspaper\") + **MAT** (\"felt\") *cutting* **PIC** (\"photo\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cover song with verse in the middle (5)","output":"### Answer: DUVET \n ### Explanation: Definition: Cover\n\n**DUET** (\"song\") *with* **V** (verse) *in the middle"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hack making computer's first operating system stall (5)","output":"### Answer: KIOSK \n ### Explanation: Definition: stall\n\n**KI**(c>**OS**)**K **(\"kick\", making C(omputer) [*'s first*] OS (operating system)), so, in other words, take KICK and replace the C with OS."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Craft putting stoat's tail on pelt stole (9)","output":"### Answer: SPEEDBOAT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Craft\n\n(stoa)**T** [*'s tail*] *on* **SPEED** (\"pelt\") + **BOA** (\"stole\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Protection from turbulent bull market \u2014 almost losing grand (8)","output":"### Answer: UMBRELLA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Protection\n\n***(bull mare)** [anag:*turbulent*] where MARE is [*almost*] MAR(k)E(t) *losing* K (1,000, so \"grand\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Demand from current, reported growth (6)","output":"### Answer: INSIST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Demand\n\n**IN** (\"current\") + homophone [*reported*] of **CYST** (\"growth\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stupidity of Italy having stripped tops off \u2014 kept fit inside (10)","output":"### Answer: INEPTITUDE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Stupidity\n\n**I** (Italy) + *having* **NUDE** (\"stripped\") with (k)**EPT** (f)**IT** [*tops off*] *inside"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Join forces every year (4)","output":"### Answer: ALLY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Join forces\n\n**ALL** (\"every\") + **Y** (year)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: You would go cross-eyed looking at this strangely worded page (7)","output":"### Answer: DEWDROP \n ### Explanation: Definition: You would go cross-eyed looking at this\n\n***(worded) **[anag:strangely] + **P **(page)\n \n\n \n*The dewdrop in question is not the early morning dew on a blade of grass, but the much less romantic drop of mucus dripping from one's nose when one has a cold and no handkerchief."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lightly touch on that woman's achievement first (7)","output":"### Answer: FEATHER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Lightly touch\n\n**HER** (\"that woman's\") with **FEAT** (\"achievement\") *first"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Regulator into lowering current a little in Missouri River (7)","output":"### Answer: MONITOR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Regulator\n\n(i)**N(I)TO ***in* **Mo. **(Missouri) + **R** (river) where NITO is INTO with I (current) *lowered a little"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lay journalist receiving honour (5)","output":"### Answer: EMBED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Lay\n\n**Ed. **(editor, so \"journalist\") *receiving* **MBE** (Member of the British Empire, so \"honour\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Time with au pair or char, occasionally making pudding (7)","output":"### Answer: TAPIOCA \n ### Explanation: Definition: pudding\n\n**T** (time) *with* **A**(u) **P**(a)**I**(r) **O**(r) **C**(h)**A**(r) [*occasionally*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Religious education class is key once more (6)","output":"### Answer: RETYPE \n ### Explanation: Definition: key once more\n\n**RE** (religious education) + **TYPE** (\"class\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Liberal MP is bad \u2014 without question, a disappointment. (4,5)","output":"### Answer: DAMP SQUIB \n ### Explanation: Definition: a disappointment\n\n***(mp is bad) **[anag:*liberal*] *without* **Qu.** (question)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Style to seduce using chatline essentially, instead of clubs (7)","output":"### Answer: ENTITLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Style\n\n**ENTI**(c>**TL**)**E** (\"to seduce\" (entice) with TL (chaTLine, *essentially*) *instead of* C (clubs))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Serious complaint originally brought up by our corporal in New Guinea (7,6)","output":"### Answer: BUBONIC PLAGUE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Serious complaint\n\n[*originally*] **B**(rought) **U**(p) **B**(y) **O**(ur) + **Cpl. **(corporal) *in* ***(guinea)** [anag:*new*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Nintendo ports a game over partially \u2014 it moves slowly (9)","output":"### Answer: GASTROPOD \n ### Explanation: Definition: it moves slowly\n\nHidden backwards [*over partially*] in \"ninten**DO PORTS A G**ame\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Great memes in Twitch (7)","output":"### Answer: IMMENSE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Great\n\n***(memes in)** [anag:*twitch*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Phone company taking in six pounds on executive toy \u2014 ultimately, it's a bad look? (4,3)","output":"### Answer: EVIL EYE \n ### Explanation: Definition: it's a bad look?\n\n**EE** (\"phone company\") *taking in* **VI** (\"six\") **L **(pounds) *on* (executiv)**E** (to)**Y **[*ultimately*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Free love at sea, following sailors (7)","output":"### Answer: ABSOLVE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Free\n\n***(love)** [anag:*at sea*] *following* **ABs** (able-bodied seamen, so \"sailors')"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lob extremely deficient paint all over the place, one lacking pigment (6)","output":"### Answer: ALBINO \n ### Explanation: Definition: one lacking pigment\n\n***(lob ain)** [anag:*all over the place*] where AIN is [*extremely deficient*] (p)AIN(t)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hardly any name dropping's entertaining (5)","output":"### Answer: SCANT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Hardly any\n\n**SCAT** (\"dropping\") *entertaining* **N** (name)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: War planners try to avoid this church oddball (7,5)","output":"### Answer: MISSION CREEP \n ### Explanation: Definition: War planners try to avoid this\n\n**MISSION** (\"church\") + **CREEP** (\"oddball\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Leaderless congregation on song in chamber (7)","output":"### Answer: AIRLOCK \n ### Explanation: Definition: chamber\n\n[*leaderless*] (f)**LOCK** (\"congregation\") *on* **AIR** (\"song\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Trinket from Ely on TV broadcast (7)","output":"### Answer: NOVELTY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Trinket\n\n***(ely on tv)** [anag:*broadcast*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dutch world German inhabited (5)","output":"### Answer: DWELT \n ### Explanation: Definition: inhabited\n\n**D** (Dutch) + **WELT** (\"German\" for \"world\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Girl east of capital briefly gets work (8)","output":"### Answer: MADRIGAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: work\n\n**GAL** (\"girl\")* east of* (i.e to the right of) **MADRI**(d) (\"capital\", briefly)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Assassin maybe destroyed lair on time (10)","output":"### Answer: ELIMINATOR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Assassin maybe\n\n***(lair on time)** [anag:*destroyed*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Flyer mailed, initially a single one returned (4)","output":"### Answer: MYNA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Flyer\n\n**M**(ailed) [initially] + **<=ANY** (\"a single one\", returned)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Check what your cardiologist wants to hear (4)","output":"### Answer: TICK \n ### Explanation: Definition: Check\n\nA cardiologist would like to hear the \"tick\" of your heartbeat."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One who's been down the aisle too often (10)","output":"### Answer: SHOPAHOLIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: One who's been down the aisle too often\n\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mains gas supply coming together (8)","output":"### Answer: AMASSING \n ### Explanation: Definition: coming together\n\n***(mains gas)** [anag:*supply*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: See you with something rolled in gold (5)","output":"### Answer: ADIEU \n ### Explanation: Definition: See you\n\n**DIE** (\"something rolled\") *in* **Au** (chemical symbol for \"gold\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Remove bumps from transport to venue (4,3)","output":"### Answer: EVEN OUT \n ### Explanation: Definition: R\n\n***(to venue)** [anag:transport]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Number caged in staff shelter: a tiger's revenge? (7)","output":"### Answer: MANHUNT \n ### Explanation: Definition: a tiger's revenge?\n\n**N** (number) *caged in* **MAN** (\"staff\") + **HUT** (\"shelter\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Strange Scottish books turn editor wild (12)","output":"### Answer: UNCONTROLLED \n ### Explanation: Definition: wild\n\n**UNCO** (\"strange\" in \"Scottish\") + **NT** (New Testament, so \"books\") + **ROLL** (\"turn\") + **ED** (editor)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Citizen is superior to King raised on island (7)","output":"### Answer: ISRAELI \n ### Explanation: Definition: Citizen\n\n**IS** *superior to* (i.e. above) **<=LEAR** (\"King\", *raised*) on I (island)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Small insect that is circling over drink (8)","output":"### Answer: SMOOTHIE \n ### Explanation: Definition: drink\n\n**S** (small) + **MOTH** (\"insect\") + **I.E.** (id east, so \"that is\") *circling* **O** (over, in cricket)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Boorish lot's heartless boarish noises (4)","output":"### Answer: OIKS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Boorish lot\n\n[*heartless*] **OI**(n)**KS** (\"boorish noises\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Elaborate lace put on a fruit (10)","output":"### Answer: CANTALOUPE \n ### Explanation: Definition: fruit\n\n***(lace put on a)** [anag:*elaborate*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lithe juvenile crossing Channel verified (5)","output":"### Answer: ELVER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Lithe juvenile\n\nHidden in [*crossing*] \"chann**EL VER**ified\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Extremely peevish on stage, setter's full of cold? (7)","output":"### Answer: PHLEGMY \n ### Explanation: Definition: full of cold?\n\n[*extremely*] **P**(eevis)**H** *on* **LEG** (\"stage\") + **MY** (\"setter's\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Prince mixes up crew on main royal vessel (6,7)","output":"### Answer: PADDLE STEAMER \n ### Explanation: Definition: vessel\n\n**P** (prince) + **ADDLES** (\"mixes up\") + **TEAM** (\"crew\") *on* **ER** (Elizabeth Regina, the queen, so \"main royal\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Nobleman entombed in rotten clay slab reportedly (2,3,8)","output":"### Answer: BY ALL ACCOUNTS \n ### Explanation: Definition: r\n\n**COUNT** (\"nobleman\") *entombed in* ***(clay slab)** [anag:*rotten*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: State of dirty items not being spun (10)","output":"### Answer: WASHINGTON \n ### Explanation: Definition: State\n\n**WASHING** (\"dirty items\") + **<=NOT** [*being spun*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Shell various planes blockading empty hangar (8)","output":"### Answer: SHRAPNEL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Shell\n\n***(planes)** [anag:*various*] *blockading* [*empty*] **H**(anga)**R"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Beverage doubly acceptable in castle (7)","output":"### Answer: CHATEAU \n ### Explanation: Definition: castle\n\n**CHA** + **TEA** (\"beverage\", *doubly*) + **U** (\"acceptable\", originally from upper class)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rest of fleet is regularly taken out, of course (7)","output":"### Answer: LEISURE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Rest\n\n(f)**L**(e)**E**(t) **I**(s) [*regularly taken out*] + **SURE** (\"of course\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Endure mostly being interrupted by old Greek (5)","output":"### Answer: STOIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: Greek\n\n**STIC**(k) (\"endure\", *mostly*) *being interrupted by* **O** (old)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Governor finally spoke on Russian station (4)","output":"### Answer: EMIR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Governor\n\n[*finally*] (spok)**E** *on* **MIR** (\"Russian\" space \"station\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Admitting defeat, gang returns to develop well (7)","output":"### Answer: BLOSSOM \n ### Explanation: Definition: to develop well\n\n**<=MOB** (\"gang\", *returns*) *admitting* **LOSS** (\"defeat\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Agitator from firm's foremost US site (7)","output":"### Answer: FUSSPOT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Agitator\n\n**F**(irm) [*'s foremost*] + **US** + **SPOT** (\"site\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Market more than 50 lines after public store depleted (7)","output":"### Answer: OUTSELL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Market more than\n\n**L** (fifty, in Roman numerals) + **L** (lines) *after* **OUT** (\"public\") + **S**(tor)**E** [*depleted*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Free places to go, one gathers, in Paris (7)","output":"### Answer: UNLOOSE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Free\n\n**UNE** (\"one, in Paris\") *gathers* **LOOS** (\"places to go\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Company pressure stops workers backing charity collections (9)","output":"### Answer: COMPENDIA \n ### Explanation: Definition: collections\n\n**Co.** (company) + **P** (pressure) *stops* **MEN** (\"workers\") + [*backing*] **<=AID** (\"charity\"), so **CO-M(P)EN-DIA"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: UK banker first to take payment for letter (5)","output":"### Answer: TRENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: UK banker\n\n[*first to*] **T**(ake) + **RENT** (\"payment for letter\")\n \n\n \n*Banker (as well as flower and river) tends to mean \"river\" in Crosswordland."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: You're aiming to do it alone, with very little input (5)","output":"### Answer: SOLVE \n ### Explanation: Definition: You're aiming to do it\n\n**SOLE** (\"alone\") *with* **V**(ery) [*little*] *input"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Evergreen in Eliot's verse 'withered with no trace of sun' (5,4)","output":"### Answer: OLIVE TREE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Evergreen\n\n***(eliot vere) **[anag:*withered*] where ELIOT VERE is ELIOT(s) VER(s)E [*with no trace of*] S (sun)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Requested section authorised in dictionary (9)","output":"### Answer: SOLICITED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Requested\n\n**S** (section) + **LICIT** (\"authorised\") *in* **OED** (Oxford English \"Dictionary\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Nameless Russian leader's about to delay retirement (3,2)","output":"### Answer: SIT UP \n ### Explanation: Definition: to delay retirement\n\n**<=PUTI**(n)'**S** (\"Russian leader's\" with no N (name), so *nameless*) [*about*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Instrument, one exported from African country (5)","output":"### Answer: GAMBA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Instrument\n\nI (one) *exported from* **GAMB**(i)**A **(\"African country\")\n \n\n \n*A gamba is a stringed instrument of the viol family with as similar range to the cello."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Grand American brought back mysterious crop from tropics (5,4)","output":"### Answer: SUGAR CANE \n ### Explanation: Definition: crop from tropics\n\n**<=(G** (grand) +** US** (\"American\")**) **[*brought back*] + **ARCANE** (\"mysterious\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Statesman partly responsible for abuse Nato received (7)","output":"### Answer: SENATOR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Statesman\n\nHidden in [*partly responsible for*] \"abu**SE NATO R**eceived\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hazardous substance from canister, unstable when temperature drops (7)","output":"### Answer: ARSENIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: Hazardous substance\n\n***(caniser) **[anag:*unstable*] where CANISER = CANIS(t)ER with T (temperature) *dropped"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Paint left large streak (7)","output":"### Answer: PORTRAY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Paint\n\n**PORT** (\"left\" on a ship) + **RAY** (\"large streak\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Queen once taken in by judge hides here, perhaps (7)","output":"### Answer: TANNERY \n ### Explanation: Definition: hides here, perhaps\n\n**ANNE** (\"Queen once\") *taken in by* **TRY** (\"judge\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: On screen, Eleanor leaves wild ponies semi-trained (7)","output":"### Answer: BRONCOS \n ### Explanation: Definition: wild ponies semi-trained\n\n(Eleanor) **BRON** (a film and TV actress, hence \"on screen\") + **COS** (lettuce, so \"leaves\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Best possible period not quite set in stone (7)","output":"### Answer: OPTIMAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Best possible\n\n**TIM**(e) (\"period\", *not quite*) *set in* **OPAL** (\"stone\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Location reporter's visited (5)","output":"### Answer: SCENE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Location\n\nHomophone [*reporter's*] of **SEEN** (\"visited\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Inept tailor made incomplete pants (9)","output":"### Answer: MALADROIT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Inept\n\n***(tailor mad)** [anag:*pants*] where MAD is MAD(e) [*incomplete*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rural deity first to appreciate local wildlife (5)","output":"### Answer: FAUNA \n ### Explanation: Definition: local wildlife\n\n**FAUN** (\"rural deity\") + [*first to*] **A**(ppreciate)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dried food, veg or apples? It's bananas! (5,4)","output":"### Answer: SPLIT PEAS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Dried food, veg\n\n***(apples it) **[anag:*bananas*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Trailblazer, one plugging seaside attraction (7)","output":"### Answer: PIONEER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Trailblazer\n\n**ONE** *plugging* **PIER** (\"seaside attraction\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: For which Shaw wrote two articles, three on odd occasions (7)","output":"### Answer: THEATRE \n ### Explanation: Definition: For which Shaw wrote\n\n**THE** + **A** (\"two articles\") + **T**(h)**R**(e)**E** [on odd occasions]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One fascinating Frenchman sent up drinking song (9)","output":"### Answer: ENCHANTER \n ### Explanation: Definition: One fascinating\n\n**<=RENE** (\"Frenchman\", *sent up*) *drinking* **CHANT** (\"song\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Receiving jab, pub worker becomes sore (9)","output":"### Answer: INDIGNANT \n ### Explanation: Definition: sore\n\n**INN** (\"pub\") + **ANT** (\"worker\") *receiving* **DIG** (\"jab\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Matter raised after Mark joins service (5,2)","output":"### Answer: SIGNS UP \n ### Explanation: Definition: joins service\n\n**<=PUS** (\"matter\", *raised*) *after* **SIGN** (\"mark\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: River creature from the south with thin bony scales (7)","output":"### Answer: LAMINAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: with thin bony scales\n\n**<=(R** (river) + **ANIMAL** (\"creature\")**)** [*from the south*, i.e. upwards]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Origins of Tim Rice musical for radio (7)","output":"### Answer: TRANNIE \n ### Explanation: Definition: radio\n\n[*origins of*] **T**(im) **R**(ice) + **ANNIE** (\"musical\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Inclined to admonish a child found in quarry (7)","output":"### Answer: PREACHY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Inclined to admonish\n\n**A** + **Ch** (child) *found in* **PREY** (\"quarry\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Acerbic couple of kings in state (5)","output":"### Answer: SARKY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Acerbic\n\n**R** (Rex) + **K** (King), so \"a couple of kings\" *in* **SAY** (\"state\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Surfaced from bathe, any number having sunk (5)","output":"### Answer: RISEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Surfaced\n\n**RI**(n)**SE** (\"bathe\") with its N (\"any number\") *having sunk* (i.e gone to the bottom) becomes **RISE-N "} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Beg athlete or jockeys in play area (5,7)","output":"### Answer: GLOBE THEATRE \n ### Explanation: Definition: play area\n\n***(beg athlete or)** [anag:*jockeys*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One holding a blade in fight with rugby player (7)","output":"### Answer: ROWLOCK \n ### Explanation: Definition: One holding a blade \n\n**ROW** (\"fight\") *with* **LOCK** (\"rugby player\")\n \n\n \n*The blade in the clue is an oar."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rather rotten cold food that Bill tucks into (7)","output":"### Answer: CADDISH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Rather rotten\n\n**C** (cold) + **DISH** (\"food\") *that* **AD** (advertisement, so \"bill\") *tucks into"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Range of paintings, but not millions (5)","output":"### Answer: URALS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Range\n\n(m)**URALS** (\"paintings\") with no M (millions)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Piece of meat's cut, eaten by small guy (5,3)","output":"### Answer: SPARE RIB \n ### Explanation: Definition: Piece of meat\n\n**PARE** (\"cut\"),* eaten by* **S** (small) + **RIB** (\"guy\", to make fun of)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Seen or held away kit of Bayern? (10)","output":"### Answer: LEDERHOSEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: kit of Bayern?\n\n***(seen or held)** [anag:*away*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Service vehicle going around yard (4)","output":"### Answer: NAVY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Service\n\n**<=VAN** (\"vehicle\", *going around*) + **Y **(yard)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Where one may eat jam or pickle (4)","output":"### Answer: MESS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Where one may eat\n\nDouble (or triple) defintion"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cook a lot of meat, entertaining one top minister (5,5)","output":"### Answer: CHIEF RABBI \n ### Explanation: Definition: top minister\n\n**CHEF** (\"cook\") + [*a lot of*] **RABBI**(t), *entertaining* **I** (one)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Joining royal touring part of UK on the wagon (8)","output":"### Answer: KNITTING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Joining\n\n**KING** (\"royal\") *touring* **NI** (Northern Ireland, \"part of UK\") + **TT** (teetotal, so \"on the wagon\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Awful debacles could make this star sad (5)","output":"### Answer: CELEB \n ### Explanation: Definition: star\n\n(**CELEB** sad) is an anagram of *(debacles), so [anag:*awful*] DEBACLES could make \"CELEB sad\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Recent month drinking posh water from Evian (7)","output":"### Answer: NOUVEAU \n ### Explanation: Definition: Recent\n\n**NOV** (November, so \"month\") *drinking* **U** (\"posh\") + **EAU** (French for water, so \"water from Evian\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Precious metal on crockery for high table (7)","output":"### Answer: PLATEAU \n ### Explanation: Definition: high table\n\n**Au** (chemical symbol for gold, so \"precious metal\") *on* **PLATE** (\"crockery\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Big tool shelf fixed by phoney fellow (12)","output":"### Answer: SLEDGEHAMMER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Big tool\n\n**LEDGE** (\"shelf\") *fixed by* **SHAMMER** (\"phoney fellow\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bird kept in bag where there are no hills (7)","output":"### Answer: LOWLAND \n ### Explanation: Definition: where there are no hills\n\n**OWL** (\"bird\")* kept in* **LAND** (\"bag\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: People contemplating buying some software (8)","output":"### Answer: BROWSERS \n ### Explanation: Definition: People contemplating buying\n\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Counter finally disappearing in a puff of smoke (4)","output":"### Answer: TOKE \n ### Explanation: Definition: a puff of smoke\n\n**TOKE**(n) (\"counter\" with its last letter missing, so *finally disappearing*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Like a cryptic puzzle, hence cracked with pride (10)","output":"### Answer: ENCIPHERED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Like a cryptic puzzle\n\n***(hence pride)** [anag:*cracked*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Abroad, you rejected staff for Elizabeth's house (5)","output":"### Answer: TUDOR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Elizabeth's house\n\n**TU** (You in French, so \"abroad, you\") + [*rejected*] **<=ROD** (\"staff\") \n \n\n \n*The Elizabeth in the clue is Elizabeth I of England."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: African country raising flag on tip of Africa (7)","output":"### Answer: ERITREA \n ### Explanation: Definition: African country\n\n[*raising*] **<=TIRE** (\"flag\") + **RE** (\"on\") + [*tip of*] **A**(frica)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Awkward time before work in the Moscow Mint? (13)","output":"### Answer: TROUBLEMAKING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Awkward\n\n**T** (time) *before* **ROUBLE MAKING** (\"work in the Moscow Mint\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Do they keep the peace in Chelsea's youth team? (3,4,2,4)","output":"### Answer: THE BOYS IN BLUE \n ### Explanation: Definition: they keep the peace\n\n**THE BOYS IN BLUE** is another term for the police, and cryptically could describe Chelsea's youth team, as Chelsea traditionally play in blue shirts."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Obtained bird food around European port (10)","output":"### Answer: GOTHENBURG \n ### Explanation: Definition: European port\n\n**GOT** (\"obtained\") + **HEN** (\"bird\") + **<=GRUB** (\"food\", around)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Trumpet call, as is regularly included in concert (8)","output":"### Answer: PROCLAIM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Trumpet\n\n**C**(a)**L**(l) **A**(s)** I**(s) [*regularly*] *included* *in* **PROM** (\"concert\", as in the BBC Proms)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Two sons admitting return of schoolboy errors (4-3)","output":"### Answer: SLIP-UPS \n ### Explanation: Definition: errors\n\n**S** +** S** (two sons) *admitting* [*return of*] **<=PUPIL** (\"schoolboy\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bishop and two Old Testament figures in credit (7)","output":"### Answer: BELIEVE \n ### Explanation: Definition: credit\n\n**B** (bishop) + **ELI** and **EVE** (\"two Old Testament figures\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Subject of article by FT contributor (5)","output":"### Answer: THEME \n ### Explanation: Definition: Subject\n\n**THE** (\"article\") + **ME** (the compiler of this puzzle, hence \"FT contributor\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fish stocked by shop, a halibut (4)","output":"### Answer: OPAH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fish\n\nHidden in [*stocked by*] \"sh**OP A H**alibut\"\n \n\n \n*The opah is also known as the kingfish."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Book on small creature not all my own work (3,5)","output":"### Answer: JOBSHARE \n ### Explanation: Definition: not all my own work\n\n**JOB** (\"book\" of the Bible) *on* **S **(small) **HARE** (\"creature\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Behaviour in Aldi somewhat lacking \u2014 the ladies won't have it (6)","output":"### Answer: URINAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: the ladies won't have it\n\nHidden in \"behavio**UR IN AL**di\" [*somewhat lacking*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Not playing \u2014 indeterminate illness (4)","output":"### Answer: AGUE \n ### Explanation: Definition: illness\n\n(v)**AGUE** (\"indeterminate\"), [*not*] **V** (versus, so \"playing\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A bit backward, going to teach PE when qualified (3,3,4)","output":"### Answer: OFF THE PACE \n ### Explanation: Definition: A bit backward\n\n**OFF** (\"going\") + ***(teach PE)** [anag;*when qualified*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Reproductive organ's extremely short, I agree (6)","output":"### Answer: STAMEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Reproductive organ\n\n[*extremely*] **S**(hor)**T** + **AMEN** (\"I agree\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Right, could a gasman finally get to change boiler? (8)","output":"### Answer: CAULDRON \n ### Explanation: Definition: boiler\n\n***(r could a n)** [anag:*to change*] where R = right and N is (gasma)N [*finally*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Charges at retreating rabble \u2014 half vanished (6)","output":"### Answer: TARIFF \n ### Explanation: Definition: Charges\n\n**<=AT** [*retreating*] + **RIFF**(-raff) [*half-vanished*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rejected swain's temperature rising (6)","output":"### Answer: REVOLT \n ### Explanation: Definition: rising\n\n[*rejected*] **<=LOVER** (\"swain\") + **T** (temeperature)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Playwright's second terrifying story (8)","output":"### Answer: SCHILLER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Playwright\n\n**S** (second) + **CHILLER** (\"terrifying story\")\n \n\n \n*Refers to Friedrich Schiller (1759-1805), a German playwright."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Guided tours initially cancelled \u2014 flip! (3,3)","output":"### Answer: SEE RED \n ### Explanation: Definition: flip\n\n**S**(t)**EERED** (\"guided\") with T(ours) [*initially*] [*cancelled*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Strand building shortly due for demolition? (10)","output":"### Answer: SANDCASTLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Strand building shortly due for demolition?\n\nCryptic definition \u2013 most sandcastles are built on a strand (beach) and most will be wiped away by incoming tides."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Look to accommodate Romeo \u2014 pretty active for an old guy (4)","output":"### Answer: SPRY \n ### Explanation: Definition: pretty active for an old guy\n\n**SPY** (\"look\")* to accommodate* **R** (Romeo)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: State TV channel back in North Korea at last (6)","output":"### Answer: NEVADA \n ### Explanation: Definition: State \n\n**<=DAVE** (\"TV Channel\", *back*) *in* **N** (North) + (kore)**A** [*at last*]\n \n\n \n*For the non-Brits, Dave is a light entertainment TV channel."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Someone like me who toes the line but's a bit twisted (8)","output":"### Answer: COMPILER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Someone like me\n\nCOMPLIER (\"someone who toes the line\") with [*a bit twisted*] becomes **COMP-IL-ER"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Model not a sensible person? No need for that! (6,2)","output":"### Answer: FORGET IT \n ### Explanation: Definition: No need for that!\n\n**FORGE** (\"model\") + **TIT** (\"not a sensible person\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Key material originally redacted (4)","output":"### Answer: ISLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Key\n\n(l)**ISLE **(\"material\", *originally redacted*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: It's crazy drinking here (6)","output":"### Answer: SALOON \n ### Explanation: Definition: drinking \n\n**SA** (sex appeal, so \"it\") + **LOON** (\"crazy\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Toilet possibly? Previously you needed to go in river (8)","output":"### Answer: OUTHOUSE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Toilet possibly?\n\n**THOU** (\"previously you\") *needed to go in* **OUSE** (\"river\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Place of entertainment in school \u2014 capital! (10)","output":"### Answer: HIPPODROME \n ### Explanation: Definition: Place of entertainment\n\n**HIP** (\"in\") + **POD** (\"school\") + **ROME** (\"capital\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Largely inept contractor's number two is cowboy (6)","output":"### Answer: GAUCHO \n ### Explanation: Definition: cowboy\n\n[*largely*] **GAUCH**(e) (\"inept\") + (c)**O**(ntractor) [*'s number two*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Remove from F1 (6)","output":"### Answer: EFFACE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Remove\n\n**EFF** (F) + **ACE** (1)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Adversely affected staff employing one union member (7,3)","output":"### Answer: MARRIED MAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: union member\n\n**MARRED** (\"adversely affected\") *employing* **I **(one) + **MAN** (\"staff\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bloke on course that's collapsed (4,4)","output":"### Answer: FELL AWAY \n ### Explanation: Definition: collapsed\n\n**FELLA** (\"bloke\") *on* **WAY** (\"course\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Party running the show out of time and ideas? (8)","output":"### Answer: THEORIES \n ### Explanation: Definition: ideas\n\n**TORIES** (\"party\") running (t)**HE** (*out of* T (time))\n \n\n \n*Not convinced by this parsing."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: In centre it's flipping hot (6)","output":"### Answer: EROTIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: hot\n\n[*flipping*] **<=(IT** in **CORE** (\"centre\")**)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Henry's coming in about rented house (6)","output":"### Answer: CHALET \n ### Explanation: Definition: house\n\n**H** (Henry) *coming in*** Ca.** (circa, so \"about\") + **LET** (\"rented\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: 19's sordid, Troy admitted (6)","output":"### Answer: STEAMY \n ### Explanation: Definition: 19\n\n**SEAMY** (\"sordid\") with **T** (Troy) *admitted*\n \n\n \n*The 19 in the clue refers to 19dn (EROTIC)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Impaler going round and picking up pointers (4)","output":"### Answer: SPIT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Impaler going round\n\n[*picking up*] **<=TIPS** (\"pointers\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Catch person not eating around middle of Lent (8)","output":"### Answer: FASTENER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Catch\n**FASTER** (\"person not eating\") *around* [*middle of*] (l)**EN**(t)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Neglect run-down region (6)","output":"### Answer: IGNORE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Neglect\n***(region) **[anag:*run-down*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: North American runs well regarded, related events (8)","output":"### Answer: NARRATED \n ### Explanation: Definition: related events\n**N** (North) + **A** (American) + **R** (runs, in cricket) + **RATED** (\"well regarded\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Musician perhaps succeeded, having left Dire Straits (6)","output":"### Answer: ARTIST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Musician perhaps\n***(strait) **[anag:*dire*] where STRAIT is S(succeeded) [*having left*] STRAIT(s)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Disgust leads to Unionists executing those imprisoned in Peasants' Revolt (8)","output":"### Answer: NAUSEATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Disgust\n***(ueeasant) **[anag:*revolt*] where UE is [*leads to*] U(nionists) E(xecuting) and EASANT is [*those imprisoned in*] (p)EASANT(s)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tone of church is encapsulated by religious teaching (6)","output":"### Answer: CERISE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Tone\n**CE** (\"Church\" of England) + **IS** [*encapsulated by*] **RE** (Religious Education, so \"religious teaching')"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Criminal trial never reveals material? Absolutely not! (10)","output":"### Answer: IRRELEVANT \n ### Explanation: Definition: material? Absolutely not!\n***(trial never)** [anag:*criminal*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Publicity helping to secure revolutionary author's respect (10)","output":"### Answer: ADMIRATION \n ### Explanation: Definition: respect\n**AD** (\"publicity\") + **RATION** (\"helping\") *to secure* [*revolutionary*] **<=I'M** (\"author's\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Start to eat without beginning to ask (6)","output":"### Answer: LAUNCH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Start\n**LUNCH** (\"to eat\") *without* [*beginning to*] **A**(sk)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: When something should happen by fate (4,4)","output":"### Answer: TIME SLOT \n ### Explanation: Definition: When something should happen\n**TIMES** (by, in mathematics) + **LOT** (\"fate\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Police captain displays really cool head (6)","output":"### Answer: ICECAP \n ### Explanation: Definition: really cool head\nHidden in [*displays*] \"pol**ICE CAP**tain\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lose young female fish we caught (8)","output":"### Answer: MISPLACE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Lose\nHomophone [*we caught*] of (**MISS** (\"young female\") + **PLAICE** (\"fish\"))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Inter Milan's wingers to be fouled (6)","output":"### Answer: ENTOMB \n ### Explanation: Definition: Inter\n***(mn to be)** [anag:*fouled*] where MN is M(ila)N [*'s wingers*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cracks in picture\u00a0exposed with little consideration (8)","output":"### Answer: SNAPSHOT \n ### Explanation: Definition: exposed with little consideration\n**SNAPS** (\"cracks\") + **HOT\u00a0**(in)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Heartless verdict is punishing financially (6)","output":"### Answer: FINING \n ### Explanation: Definition: punishing financially\n[*heartless*] **FIN**(d)**ING** (\"verdict\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Shoot up in drunken stupor (6)","output":"### Answer: SPROUT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Shoot up\n***(stupor)** [anag:*drunken*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Staff in shelter turned over protective cover (6)","output":"### Answer: ENAMEL \n ### Explanation: Definition: protective cover\n**<=(MAN** (\"staff\") *in* **LEE** (\"shelter\")**)** [*turned over*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Those who have a say choose to speak (10)","output":"### Answer: ELECTORATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Those who have a say\n**ELECT** (\"choose\") + **ORATE** (\"to speak\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Terrible danger exposed hero as person involved in plot? (8)","output":"### Answer: GARDENER \n ### Explanation: Definition: person involved in plot?\n***(danger)** [anag:*terrible*] + [*exposed*] (h)**ER**(o)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: First soldier stopping at home gets spoken about (8)","output":"### Answer: ORIGINAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: First\n**GI **(\"soldier\") *stopping* **IN** (\"at home\") *gets* **ORAL** (\"spoken\") *about"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Terms of service weaken formal agreement's appeal (8)","output":"### Answer: ENTREATY \n ### Explanation: Definition: appeal\n[*terms of*] (i.e. ends of) (servic)**E** (weake)**N** + **TREATY** (\"formal agreement\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Removal from office put down ultimately to wearing skirts (10)","output":"### Answer: DEPOSITION \n ### Explanation: Definition: Removal from office\n**DEPOSIT** (\"put down\") + **IN** (\"wearing\") *skirts* (t)**O** [ultimately]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What can enhance digital presentation and fix Powerpoint document? (4,4)","output":"### Answer: NAIL FILE \n ### Explanation: Definition: What can enhance digital presentation\n**NAIL** (\"fix\") + **FILE** (\"Powerpoint document?\") \n\u00a0\n \n*Digital here refers to the finger, more specifically the fingernail."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lose resistance to rash affecting lip and cheek? (8)","output":"### Answer: IMPUDENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: affecting \n**IMP**(r)**UDENT** (\"rash\", *losing* R (resistance))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Officially announce reason for backing \u00a3100 target (8)","output":"### Answer: PROCLAIM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Officially announce\n**PRO** (\"reason for asking\") + **C** (100) + **L** (\u00a3) + **AIM** (\"target\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Recipe for butcher's preserve? (4,2)","output":"### Answer: KEEP UP \n ### Explanation: Definition: preserve\nA butcher's is a look (rhyming slang: butcher's hook), therefore **KEEP UP** is a recipe for (i.e. an instruction for how to make) PEEK (\"butcher's\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Humble achievement has to fade (6)","output":"### Answer: BLEACH \n ### Explanation: Definition: to fade\nHidden in [has] \"hum**BLE ACH**ievement\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Provide evidence of case for adult trial (6)","output":"### Answer: ATTEST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Provide evidence of\n[*case for*] **A**(dul)**T** + **TEST** (\"trial\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Carry on Australian bird series which was put back (6)","output":"### Answer: RESUME \n ### Explanation: Definition: Carry on\n\n**<=(EMU** (\"Australian bird\") + **Ser. **(series)**)** [*which was put back*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Attacks pies, does badly (8)","output":"### Answer: EPISODES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Attacks\n\n***(pies does)** [anag:*badly*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Half a pill for every player (5)","output":"### Answer: PIPER \n ### Explanation: Definition: player\n\n[*half a*] **PI**(ll) + **PER** (\"for every\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Diminutive cat not unknown around a play (9)","output":"### Answer: PYGMALION \n ### Explanation: Definition: play\n\n**PYGM**(y) (\"diminutive\", *not* Y (\"unknown\")) + **LION** (\"cat\") *around* **A**\n \n\n \n*The George Bernard Shaw play that was adapted for *My Fair Lady*."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Like wife buxom, naked, and ready for some Arabs (7)","output":"### Answer: UXORIAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Like wife\n\n(b)**UXO**(m) [*naked*] *and* **RIAL** (unit of currency in Iran, Yemen, Oman etc, so \"ready for some Arabs\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Campaign for vote against return for baseball players (7)","output":"### Answer: YANKEES \n ### Explanation: Definition: baseball players\n\n[*return*] **<= (SEEK** (\"campaign for\") + **NAY** (\"vote against\"))\n \n\n \n*The New York Yankees are a baseball team."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Labour reverse course with Liberal and co-operate to play this (4)","output":"### Answer: BALL \n ### Explanation: Definition: co-operate to play this\n\n**<=LAB** (Labour) [*reverse course*] *with*** L **(Liberal)\n \n\n \n*If you play ball, you co-operate."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Most of 10 across arranged for group singing \"Yakety-Yak\" (8)","output":"### Answer: COASTERS \n ### Explanation: Definition: group singing \"Yakety-Yak\"\n\n[*most of*] **TE**(n) **ACROSS **[anag:*arranged*]\n \n\n \n*For the benefit of the younger generation, the Coasters were an American vocal group of the late 50s, who are still around today, although with different group members, and their most well-known hit was \"Yakety-Yak\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Condiment South African butcher's missing, oddly after bishop leaves apology (3,5)","output":"### Answer: SOY SAUCE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Condiment \n\n**SA **(South African) + (b)**U**(t)**C**(h)**E**(r) [*'s missing oddly*] *after* RR (Right Reverend, so \"bishop\") *leaves* **SO**(rr)**Y** (\"apology\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Maybe pine for Beerbohm? (4)","output":"### Answer: TREE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Maybe pine\n\nDouble definition, the second a reference to Sir Herbert Beerbohm Tree (1852-1917), an English actor and theatre director."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Play game (7)","output":"### Answer: OTHELLO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Play\n\nDouble definition, the Shakespeare play and a board game."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: With difficulty, cover rent and do another makeover (9)","output":"### Answer: RECONVERT \n ### Explanation: Definition: do another makeover\n\n***(cover rent) **[anag:*with difficulty*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pointed arch with no play (5)","output":"### Answer: OGIVE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Pointed arch\n\n**O** (no, as in \"zero\") + **GIVE** (\"play)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pain 19 treated with mild laxative (8)","output":"### Answer: APERIENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: mild laxative\n\n***(pain tree)** [anag:*treated*], TREE being the solution to \"19\" across."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old football player, say, grabbed by a much older player (6)","output":"### Answer: KEEGAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Old football player\n\n**e.g.** (\"say\") *grabbed by* (Edmund) **KEAN** (\"a much older player\")\n \n\n \n*The \"old football player\" is Kevin Keegan, of Liverpool and England fame, and the \"much older player\" is Edmund Kean (1787-1833), an English Shakespearean actor."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Puts in new pipes with bumpers left off (8)","output":"### Answer: REPLUMBS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Puts in new pipes\n\n***(bumpers l)** [anag:*off*] where L = left"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Playwright's shop close to collapse (9)","output":"### Answer: SOPHOCLES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Playwright\n\n***(shop close)** [anag:*to collapse*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Initially, Ricky Gervais featured in the most important side (6)","output":"### Answer: MARGIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: side\n\n[*initially*] **R**(icky) **G**(ervais) *featured in* **MAIN** (\"the most important\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Player gets lively chap to fry eggs (5,8)","output":"### Answer: PEGGY ASHCROFT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Player\n\n***(chap to fry eggs) **[anag:*lively*]\n \n\n \n*Dame Peggy Ashcroft (1907-1991) was an English actor of stage and screen, who won a Best Supporting Actress Oscar in 1985 for *A Passage to India*."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Playwright born a Native American (7)","output":"### Answer: SHAWNEE \n ### Explanation: Definition: a Native American\n\n(George Bernard) **SHAW** (\"playwright\") + **NEE** (\"born\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Medical man setter has shot in play (5)","output":"### Answer: DRIVE \n ### Explanation: Definition: shot in play\n\n**Dr. **(doctor, so \"medical man\") + **I'VE** (\"setter has\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Extremely reasonable hospital is in Versailles (6)","output":"### Answer: SANEST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Extremely reasonable\n\n**San**. (sanatorium, so \"hospital\") + **EST** (\"is in Versailles\" i.e. the French for \"is\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Blood flowing here ruins play \u2013 mourn 40% of investment (9,4)","output":"### Answer: PULMONARY VEIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Blood flowing here\n\n***(play mourn inve)** [anag:*ruins*] where INVE is [*40%* *of*] INVE(stment)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stone doing his usual thing walking along (9)","output":"### Answer: STROLLING \n ### Explanation: Definition: walking along\n\n**St**. (stone) + **ROLLING** (\"doing his usual thing\", i.e. a rolling stone, as in the band or the proverb)\n \n\n \n*You could argue that most stones don't roll very often, so \"rolling\" is not \"their usual thing\". They tend to just stay in one place most of the time, until disturbed."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Play this poem about fruit contrariwise (8)","output":"### Answer: MELODEON \n ### Explanation: Definition: Play this\n\n**ODE** (\"poem\") *in* (rather than *about*, indicated by *contrariwise*) **MELON** (\"fruit\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: We get upset finding a eulogy oddly missing (3,3,1)","output":"### Answer: YOU AND I \n ### Explanation: Definition: We\n\n[*upset*] <=(f)**I**(n)**D**(i)**N**(g) **A** (e)**U**(l)**O**(g)**Y** [*oddly missing*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Every hundred years, 20 successfully play (5,1,7)","output":"### Answer: SCORE A CENTURY \n ### Explanation: Definition: successfully play\n\n**SCORE** (20) **A CENTURY** (\"every hundred years\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Browser starts to chew hawthorns to the north of city (6)","output":"### Answer: CHROME \n ### Explanation: Definition: Browser\n\n[*starts to*] **C**(hew) **H**(awthorns) *to the north of ***ROME** (\"city\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: New area for mollusc production (5)","output":"### Answer: NACRE \n ### Explanation: Definition: mollusc production\n\n**N** (new) + **ACRE** (measurement of \"area\"), which is produced by a mollusc."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Upset a bath with last of water in (7)","output":"### Answer: PERTURB \n ### Explanation: Definition: Upset\n**PER** (\"a\") + **TUB** (\"bath\") *with* [*last of*] (wate)**R** *in"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cooking sauce, ingredient for miso (Japanese) (4)","output":"### Answer: SOJA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Cooking sauce\nHidden in [*ingredient for*] \"mi**SO JA**panese\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One exercising: Jock's love with mine going round on run (6)","output":"### Answer: JOGGER \n ### Explanation: Definition: One exercising\n**JO **(Scots word for sweetheart, so \"Jock's love\") *with* **<=EGG** (\"mine, going round) *on* **R** (run, in cricket)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mixture of strong beers packed quite a punch (6)","output":"### Answer: COOPER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Mixture of strong beers\nDouble definition, the first referring to a mix of stout and porter ale, and the second to a coper, a boat used to get illegal drink (\"quite a punch\") to deep-sea fishermen."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Attractive females mostly admitting sin naughtily (7)","output":"### Answer: WINSOME \n ### Explanation: Definition: Attractive\n**WOME**(n) (\"females\" *mostly*) *admitting* ***(sin)** [anag:*naughtily*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Plunge in like active boxers? That's invigorating (8)","output":"### Answer: RENEWING \n ### Explanation: Definition: invigorating\n**ENEW** (\"plunge in\") *in* **RING** (\"active boxers\" would be in a ring)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hanging of old, something that stops lives (5)","output":"### Answer: TAPIS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Hanging of old\n**TAP** (\"something that stops\") + **IS** (\"lives\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tough guy, guy going after reversal of damage (5)","output":"### Answer: RAMBO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Tough guy\n**BO** (\"guy\") *going after *[*reversal of*] **<=MAR** (\"damage\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Something like pottage to feed on women left out (5)","output":"### Answer: BROSE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Something like pottage\n**BRO**(w)**SE** (\"to feed on\") with W (women)* left out"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Like a pie, delicacy (usually one of several) containing fungus (8)","output":"### Answer: CRUSTATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Like a pie\n**CATE** (\"delicacy, usually one of several\" i.e. cates) *containing* **RUST** (\"fungus\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dramatic heroine given latitude in court bench introducing explosive stuff (7)","output":"### Answer: BLANCHE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Dramatic heroine\n**L** (latitude) *in* **BANC** (\"court bench\") *introducing* **HE** (high explosive, so \"explosive stuff\"). \n\u00a0\n \n*Refers, I assume, to Blanche DuBois in *A Streetcar Named Desire*."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cooking Torode encouraged (6)","output":"### Answer: ROOTED \n ### Explanation: Definition: encouraged\n***(torode) **[anag:*cooking*] \n\u00a0\n \n*This clue doesn't work for me as \"rooted\" needs to be followed by \"for\" or \"on\" to mean encouraged. I checked Chambers and it agrees with me."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Thinker going round in flat naked (4)","output":"### Answer: KANT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Thinker\nHidden backwards in [*going round in*] \"fla**T NAK**ed\" \n\u00a0\n \n*Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) was a German Enlightenment philosopher, who according to Monty Python, was \"a real pissant who was very rarely stable\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sign of breathlessness around limit? I'll be seeing doctor (7)","output":"### Answer: PATIENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: I'll be seeing doctor\n**PANT** (\"sign of breathlessness\") *around* **TIE** (\"limit\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The old scrawl on version of Serb bible inscribed by Catholic (10)","output":"### Answer: BESCRIBBLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: old scrawl\n***(serb bible)** [anag:*version of*] *inscribed by* **C** (Catholic)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bullfighting technique to copy going round Spain and Japan (7)","output":"### Answer: REJONEO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Bullfighting technique\n**RONEO** (\"to copy\" using an old copying machine known as a Roneo)* going round* **E** (Spain) *and* **J** (Japan) \n\u00a0\n \n*A bullfighting technique where horseback riders use rejones (lances) to fight bulls."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lacking a tin, dividing up fruit (6)","output":"### Answer: GRAPES \n ### Explanation: Definition: fruit\n**<=G**(a tin)**RAPES** (\"dividing\" *up*, *lacking* A TIN)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fur to display turned up below head (6)","output":"### Answer: NUTRIA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fur\n**<=AIR** (\"to display\" *turned up*) *below* **NUT** (\"head\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tense, being framed? (5)","output":"### Answer: DRAWN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Tense\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Number dividing for and against (close) without delay (6)","output":"### Answer: PRONTO \n ### Explanation: Definition: without delay\n**N** (number) *dividing* **PRO** (\"for\") *and* **TO** (\"against\") \n\u00a0\n \n*I think the \"close\" in the clue is superfluous."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ride round this meadowland will get place affording best views? (4)","output":"### Answer: INGS \n ### Explanation: Definition: meadowland\n\"Ride\" *round* **INGS** *gets* RINGSIDE (\"place affording best views\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Part of Africa supplying dress, old, for taking away (4)","output":"### Answer: TOGO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Part of Africa\n**TOG**(a>**O**) (\"dress\" with O (old) instead of [*for taking*] A (away))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: I produce something you can rattle up and down in a box (7)","output":"### Answer: CHEMIST \n ### Explanation: Definition: I produce something you can rattle up and down in a box\n**HEM** (\"something you can rattle up and down\") *in* **CIST** (\"box\") and &lit. \n\u00a0\n \n*I have a faint recollection that \"rattle up a hem\" is a phrase, but I may be misremembering?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Article put on women to display bodily quality (4)","output":"### Answer: THEW \n ### Explanation: Definition: bodily quality\n**THE** (\"article\") *put on* **W** (women)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Peer should be given honour? That depends on the listener! (7)","output":"### Answer: EARLOBE \n ### Explanation: Definition: That depends on the listener!\n**EARL** (\"peer\") *should be given* **OBE** (Order of the British Empire, so \"honour\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tree one's captured in illustration (7)","output":"### Answer: PLATANE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Tree\n**AN **(\"one\") *captured in* **PLATE** (\"illustration\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Prescription ready? Odd ones for each inside (6)","output":"### Answer: RECIPE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Prescription\n**RIPE** (\"ready\") with [*odd ones for*] **E**(a)**C**(h) *inside"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Palm tree: excrescence on it is reduced by half (6)","output":"### Answer: BURITI \n ### Explanation: Definition: Palm tree\n**BUR** (\"excrescence\") *on* **IT** + **I**(s) [*reduced by half*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Physicist puts up with satisfactory input (6)","output":"### Answer: STOKES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Physicist\n**<=SETS** (\"puts\" up) *with* **OK** (\"satisfactory\") *input* \n\u00a0\n \n*Refers to Sir George Stokes (1819-1903), an Anglo-Irish physicist."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stuck in sequence of voitures, a tailback, tried to pass again (5)","output":"### Answer: RESAT \n ### Explanation: Definition: tried to pass again\nHidden in [*stuck in sequence of*] \"voitu**RES A T**ailback\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cadenzas, maybe strong except for the end (4)","output":"### Answer: SOLI \n ### Explanation: Definition: Cadenzas, maybe\n**SOLI**(d) (\"strong\", *except for the end*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: State touching US state to the north (4)","output":"### Answer: AVER \n ### Explanation: Definition: State\n**<=(RE** (\"touching\") + **Va.** (Virginia, a \"US state\")**)** [*to the north*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pud that was iced initially found in napkin holder? (4)","output":"### Answer: NEIF \n ### Explanation: Definition: Pud that was\n**I**(ced) [*initially*] *found in* **NEF** (ornamental stand for cutlery or napkins, so \"napkin holder\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cooked chips benefit European dog (10)","output":"### Answer: SCHIPPERKE \n ### Explanation: Definition: dog\n\n***(chips)** [anag:*cooked*] + **PERK** (\"benefit\") + **E** (European)\n \n\n \n*The schipperke is a breed of dog which was originally used as a guard dog on barges in Belgium and the Netherlands."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ring works: \"Sorry, I slipped up\" (4)","output":"### Answer: OOPS \n ### Explanation: Definition: \"Sorry, I slipped up\"\n\n**O** (\"ring\") + **OPS** (\"works\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Skip odd features of blues and heavy metal (4)","output":"### Answer: LEAD \n ### Explanation: Definition: heavy metal\n\n[*skip odd features of*] (b)**L**(u)**E**(s) **A**(n)**D"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Turn off \u2013 this can end disastrously (10)","output":"### Answer: DISENCHANT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Turn off\n\n***(this can end)** [anag:*disastrously*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Terry's stage partner's Irish, very good in parts (6)","output":"### Answer: IRVING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Terry's stage partner\n\n**Ir.** (Irish) + **IN** *parts* **VG** (very good)\n \n\n \n*Henry Irving was a Shakespearean actor, who often played opposite Helen Terry on stage."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Uneducated Italian lady doesn't start books (8)","output":"### Answer: IGNORANT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Uneducated\n\n(s)**IGNORA** (\"Italian lady\", *doesn't* *start*) + **NT** (New Testament, so \"books\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bar manager meets a German milk supplier (8)","output":"### Answer: HOLSTEIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: milk supplier\n\n(Gustav) **HOLST** (composer, so one who \"manages\" musical \"bars\") *meets* **EIN** (\"a\" in \"German\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Singer? Get her to quit completely (4)","output":"### Answer: ALTO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Singer?\n\n(get her) *to quit* **ALTO**(get her) (\"completely\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Nicholas was the last to survive a revolution \u2013 initially (4)","output":"### Answer: TSAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Nicholas was the last\n\n**T**(o) **S**(urvive) **A R**(evolution) [*initially*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Where to toast order of battle (4,4)","output":"### Answer: OPEN FIRE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Where to toast\n\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cold wind limiting one's defective hearing? (8)","output":"### Answer: MISTRIAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: defective hearing?\n\n**MISTRAL** (\"cold wind\") *limiting* **I'S** (\"one's\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ham and eggs inspiring composer briefly (6)","output":"### Answer: OVERDO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Ham\n\n**O** and **O** (\"eggs\") *inspiring* (Giuseppi) **VERD**(i) (\"composer\", *briefly*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: For one morsel he'd circumvented taboo (10)","output":"### Answer: PROHIBITED \n ### Explanation: Definition: taboo\n\n**PRO** (\"for\") + **HE'D** *circumvented* (**I **(one) + **BIT** (\"morsel\"))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Disapprove of entrance to Kenyan reserve (4)","output":"### Answer: BOOK \n ### Explanation: Definition: reserve\n\n**BOO** (\"dissaprove of\") + [*entrance to*] **K**(enyan)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Yard's free? Not quite (4)","output":"### Answer: SPAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Yard\n\n[*not quite*] **SPAR**(e) (\"free\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Surprisingly, we enrolled slacker (4-2-4)","output":"### Answer: NE\u2019ER-DO WELL \n ### Explanation: Definition: slacker\n\n***(we enrolled)** [anag:*surprisingly*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Olympiacos character always retained ball so long (7)","output":"### Answer: CHEERIO \n ### Explanation: Definition: so long\n\n**CHI** (Greek letter, so \"Olympiacos character\") *retained* **E'ER** (\"always\") + **O** (\"ball\")\n \n\n \n*Olympiacos is a Greek football team."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Malagasy native interrupts third night heading north (5)","output":"### Answer: INDRI \n ### Explanation: Definition: Malagasy native\n\nHidden backwards in [interrupts\u2026heading north] \"th**IRD NI**ght\"\n \n\n \n*The indri is the largest species of lemur found on Madagascar, its name coming from the Malagasy for \"there it is\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Poke about in waste to find roots? (8)","output":"### Answer: PEDIGREE \n ### Explanation: Definition: roots?\n\n**DIG** (\"poke\") + **RE** (\"about\") *in* **PEE** (\"waste\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dangerous game that involves spinning round (7,8)","output":"### Answer: RUSSIAN ROULETTE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Dangerous game that involves spinning round\n\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Climatologists study this in one complex around Lima (2,4)","output":"### Answer: EL NINO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Climatologists study this\n\n***(in one)** [anag:*complex*] *around*** L** (Lima, in the phonetic alphabet)\n \n\n \n*El Ni\u00f1o is a climate pattern that describes the unusual warming of surface waters in the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Shedding uniform, rugby player grabs woman's spouse (5,4)","output":"### Answer: OTHER HALF \n ### Explanation: Definition: spouse\n\n[*shedding*] U (uniform) **O**(u)**T-HALF** (\"rugby player\") *grabs* **HER** (\"woman's\")\n \n\n \n*I don't think I've come across out-half before. I know the position as fly-half."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Seed set outside in small space (7)","output":"### Answer: PINE NUT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Seed\n\nPUT (\"set\") outside IN + EN (\"small space\" in printing)\n \n\n \n*All three dictionaries that I use have PINE NUT (4,3) rather than PINENUT (7), so I think the enumeration is wrong."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: It carries the injured artist's frame (9)","output":"### Answer: STRETCHER \n ### Explanation: Definition: It carries the injured\n\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Not much time before journalist's reassigned (8)","output":"### Answer: SECONDED \n ### Explanation: Definition: reassigned\n\n**SECOND** (\"not much time\") *before* **ED** (editor, so \"journalist\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Get excited about radical supporter at Epsom? (7)","output":"### Answer: STIRRUP \n ### Explanation: Definition: supporter at Epsom?\n\n**STIR UP **(\"get excited\") *about* **R** (radical)\n \n\n \n*I can't see R = radical in Chambers, but it is in the OED."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Flyer regularly held up in wind (7)","output":"### Answer: REDPOLL \n ### Explanation: Definition: F\n\n[*regularly*] (h)**E**(l)**D** (u)**P** *in* **ROLL** (\"wind\")\n \n\n \n*The redpoll is a small finch."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Thamesside tower etc, British, being restored (3,3)","output":"### Answer: BIG BEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Thamesside tower etc\n\n***(b being)** [anag:*restored*] where B = British\n \n\n \n*Technically, Big Ben is the bell inside the Thamesside tower, but the tower and the clock have become known as Big Ben through repeated usage."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: English bishop visits humble joint (5)","output":"### Answer: ELBOW \n ### Explanation: Definition: joint\n\n**E **(English) + **B** (bishop) *visits* **LOW** (\"humble\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Predatory type not approved by union (7)","output":"### Answer: WILDCAT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Predatory type\n\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Summon everybody to enter competition (4,2)","output":"### Answer: CALL UP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Summon\n\n**ALL** (\"everybody\") *to enter* **CUP** (\"competition\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Vast sum Nero wasted: nothing saved (8)","output":"### Answer: ENORMOUS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Vast\n\n***(sum nero)** [anag:*wasted*] with **O** *saved* (i.e. invested]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Shatter in manifest cold (6)","output":"### Answer: SHIVER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Shatter\n\nDouble definition (don't think I knew that \"to shiver\" can mean \"to shatter\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Linesman appointed at Palace (4,8)","output":"### Answer: POET LAUREATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Linesman\n\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Estrangement from a people embracing untruth (10)","output":"### Answer: ALIENATION \n ### Explanation: Definition: Estrangement\n\n**A NATION** (\"a people\") *embracing* **LIE** (\"untruth\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Attack is in good shape (3)","output":"### Answer: FIT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Attack\n\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A doctor's round for relative (3)","output":"### Answer: DAD \n ### Explanation: Definition: relative\n\n**DD** (Doctor (of Divinity)) *round* **A"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Disputing remark on profit (10)","output":"### Answer: GAINSAYING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Disputing\n\n**SAYING** (\"remark\") *on* **GAIN** (\"profit\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Coming out for air, regret it's cooler (12)","output":"### Answer: REFRIGERATOR \n ### Explanation: Definition: cooler\n\n***(for air regret)** [anag:*coming out*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Nick a translation of Sartre (6)","output":"### Answer: ARREST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Nick\n\n***(sartre)** [anag:*a translation of*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Shocked when a page got boring (8)","output":"### Answer: APPALLED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Shocked \n\n**A** + **P** (page) + **PALLED** (\"got boring\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Best time for mowing meadow, do we hear? (6)","output":"### Answer: HEYDAY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Best time\n\nHomophone of **HAY DAY "} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Currency invested in support for plant, a hot one (7)","output":"### Answer: CAYENNE \n ### Explanation: Definition: plant, \n\n**YEN** (\"currency\")* invested in* **CANE** (\"support\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Question about energy that goes into cheese-making (4)","output":"### Answer: WHEY \n ### Explanation: Definition: that goes into cheese-making\n\n**WHY** (\"question\") *about* **E** (energy)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: John, name for diver (4)","output":"### Answer: LOON \n ### Explanation: Definition: diver\n\n**LOO** (\"john\") + **N** (name)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sort of interest in enclosure (8)","output":"### Answer: COMPOUND \n ### Explanation: Definition: Sort of interest\n\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wounding remark finally hurt relative (5)","output":"### Answer: TAUNT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Wounding remark\n\n[**finally**] (hur)**T** + **AUNT** (\"relative\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A horse moves on to dry land (6)","output":"### Answer: ASHORE \n ### Explanation: Definition: on to \n\n***(a horse)** [anag:*moves*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Romance is nothing connected with business (4,6)","output":"### Answer: LOVE AFFAIR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Romance\n\n**LOVE** (\"nothing\") *associated with* **AFFAIR** (\"business\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A proportion of leaf carrying recent damage (10)","output":"### Answer: PERCENTAGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: A proportion\n\n**PAGE** (\"leaf\") *carrying* ***(recent)** [anag:*damage*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: From airline, gift for primate (6)","output":"### Answer: BABOON \n ### Explanation: Definition: primate\n\n**BA** (British Airways, so \"airline\") + **BOON** (\"gift\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Not so hairy \u2014 rubbish! (10)","output":"### Answer: BALDERDASH \n ### Explanation: Definition: rubbish!\n\n**BALDER** (\"not so hairy\") + **\u2013** (dash)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One that kills for pride by swooping around (4,2,4)","output":"### Answer: BIRD OF PREY \n ### Explanation: Definition: One that kills for pride by swooping around\n\n***(for pride by) **[anag:*by swooping around*] and &lit."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Go with some extra velocity? (6)","output":"### Answer: TRAVEL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Go\n\nHidden in [*some*] \"ex**TRA VEL**ocity\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mark a pig going over some wood (8)","output":"### Answer: MAHOGANY \n ### Explanation: Definition: wood\n\n**M** (mark) + **A HOG** (\"pig\") *going over ***ANY** (\"some\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Seat is bad for sleep (6)","output":"### Answer: SIESTA \n ### Explanation: Definition: sleep\n\n***(seat is)** [anag:*bad*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ginger, perhaps reduced and added to a jelly (5)","output":"### Answer: ASPIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: jelly\n\n**SPIC**(e) (\"ginger\", perhaps, *reduced*) *and added to* **A"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Aircraft's detailed schedule (4)","output":"### Answer: PLAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: schedule\n\n**PLAN**(e) (\"aircraft\", *detailed*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: It is an advantage to go slowly (4)","output":"### Answer: EDGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: advantage\n\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Second best comedian (6)","output":"### Answer: SCREAM \n ### Explanation: Definition: comedian\n\n**S** (second) + **CREAM** (\"best\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Drug getting diluted is blow (8)","output":"### Answer: UPPERCUT \n ### Explanation: Definition: blow\n\n**UPPER** (\"drug\") *getting* **CUT** (\"diluted\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Accommodate long-suffering figure in scam (3-2,3)","output":"### Answer: PUT-UP JOB \n ### Explanation: Definition: scam\n\n**PUT UP** (\"accommodate\") + **JOB** (\"long-suffering figure\" in the Bible)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Some journalism on the left (6)","output":"### Answer: REPORT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Some journalism\n\n**RE** (\"on\") + **PORT** (\"the left\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What's hidden by mogul's terrific old coat (6)","output":"### Answer: ULSTER \n ### Explanation: Definition: old coat\n\nHidden in \"mog**ULS TER**rific\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dreamy sort's appeal drawing in excited ladies (8)","output":"### Answer: IDEALIST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Dreamy sort\n\n**IT** (\"appeal\") *drawing in* ***(ladies)** [anag:*excited*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cake and ale, eating doughnut for reward (7,5)","output":"### Answer: BROWNIE POINT \n ### Explanation: Definition: reward\n\nBROWNIE (\"cake\") + PINT (\"ale\") eating O (doughnut)\n \n\n \n*A British term for an imaginary social currency gained for doing something good for someone. In the case of a married man, these are definitely imaginary as no matter how many you earn, they can immediately be wiped out by one careless remark!)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Colour green helping makeover (12)","output":"### Answer: REDECORATION \n ### Explanation: Definition: makeover\n\n**RED** (\"colour\") + **ECO** (\"green\") + **RATION** (\"helping\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Setter's two different ways to be brash (8)","output":"### Answer: IMMODEST \n ### Explanation: Definition: brash\n\n**I'M** (\"setter's\") + **MODE** + **St**. (street) (MODE and STREET are \"two different ways\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bare back in Prada party clothes (6)","output":"### Answer: REVEAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Bare\n\n[*back in*] (prad)**A** *clothed by* **REVEL** (\"party\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Where wine may be found, should the need arise (2,4)","output":"### Answer: IN CASE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Where wine may be found\n\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Grab outfit from Milan and set off (8)","output":"### Answer: INTEREST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Grab\n\n**INTER**(nazionale) (football team, so \"outfit\" from Milan) *and* ***(set)** [anag:*off*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Reckon one million's invested in property (8)","output":"### Answer: ESTIMATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Reckon\n\n**I** (one) + **M** (million) *invested in* **ESTATE** (\"property\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: \"Dubious relations\" is appellation given to Harry and Meghan (6)","output":"### Answer: SUSSEX \n ### Explanation: Definition: appellation given to Harry and Meghan\n\n**SUS** (short for suspicious, so \"dubious\") + **SEX** (\"relations\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Join the French Revolution, at first (6)","output":"### Answer: COUPLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Join\n\n**LE** (\"the\" in \"French\") with **COUP** (\"revolution\") *at first"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Calm hosting information technology fair (9)","output":"### Answer: EQUITABLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: fair\n\n**EQUABLE** (\"calm\") *hosting* **IT** (information technology)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One serving PM, with party second (5-4)","output":"### Answer: MAJOR-DOMO \n ### Explanation: Definition: One serving\n\n(John) **MAJOR** (\"PM\") *with* **DO** (\"party\") + **MO** (\"second\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old Italian \u2013 I'm not sure he wasn't the Messiah (7)","output":"### Answer: UMBRIAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Old Italian\n\n**UM** (a sound made while hesitating, so \"I'm not sure\") + **BRIAN** (who \"wasn't the Messiah\" in *Monty Python's Life of Brian*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Prize money in contract (5)","output":"### Answer: PURSE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Prize money\n\nDouble definition (for the second, think of \"pursing your lips\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Drive back from Rochdale, perking up (5)","output":"### Answer: REPEL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Drive back\n\nHidden backwards in [*from\u2026up*] \"rochda**LE PER**king\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mirabeau finally forcing a revolt (8)","output":"### Answer: UPRISING \n ### Explanation: Definition: a revolt\n\n(Mirabea)**U** [*finally*] + **PRISING** (\"forcing\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: American legislator's current measure (3)","output":"### Answer: AMP \n ### Explanation: Definition: current measure\n\n**A **(American) + **MP** (Member of Parliament, so \"legislator\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Airline welcomes grand moves abroad (9)","output":"### Answer: EMIGRATES \n ### Explanation: Definition: moves abroad\n\n**EMIRATES** (\"airline\") *welcomes* **G **(grand)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: More vino's drunk \u2013 they put everything away! (9)","output":"### Answer: OMNIVORES \n ### Explanation: Definition: they put everything away\n\n***(more vinos) **[anag:*drunk*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Perhaps American word for endpoint (8)","output":"### Answer: TERMINUS \n ### Explanation: Definition: endpoint\n\n**TERM IN U.S.** (\"American word, perhaps\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rogue in Conservative Party Political Broadcast, say (3)","output":"### Answer: CAD \n ### Explanation: Definition: Rogue\n\n**C** (Conservative) + **AD** (advertisement so \"party political broadcast, say\")\n \n\n \n*For the benefit of non-Brits, party political broadcasts are short TV advertisements extolling the virtues of a particular party (or more often these days, gainsaying the policies of a rival party) which can be shown at any time, but which become more common on the run up to an election."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dancer's picked up one-step? (7)","output":"### Answer: ASTAIRE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Dancer\n\nHomophone of [*picked up*] **A STAIR** (\"one step\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Film star in Hollywood area's oddly suited (6)","output":"### Answer: LASSIE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Film star\n\n**LA's **(\"Hollywood area's\") + [*oddly*] **S**(u)**I**(t)**E**(d)\n \n\n \n*Technically, Lassie is a film ***character***, not a film star, as the dogs who played Lassie on film were actually called other names in real life, such as Pal, Boy, Lucas etc (even though Lassie was a bitch)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: European country's out of bounds for Arab (5)","output":"### Answer: OMANI \n ### Explanation: Definition: Arab\n\n(r)**OMANI**(a) (\"European country\" missing (*out of*) *bounds* (boundaries))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: English with last word about evacuation procedure (5)","output":"### Answer: ENEMA \n ### Explanation: Definition: evacuation procedure\n\n**E** (English) *with* **<=AMEN** (\"last word\" *about*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Slip, perhaps, if turning round tree (7)","output":"### Answer: FIELDER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Slip, perhaps\n**<=IF** [turning round] + **ELDER** (\"tree\") \n\u00a0\n \n*In cricket, slip is a fielding position behind the batsman and wide of the wicketkeeper."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: For every reversal, stand up and go through it again! (7)","output":"### Answer: REPRISE \n ### Explanation: Definition: go through it again\n**<=PER **(\"for every\" *reversed*) + **RISE** (\"stand up\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Listen, Do You Want To Know A Secret? (pop song with some terrific leads) (4)","output":"### Answer: PSST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Listen, Do You Want To Know A Secret?\n**P**(op) **S**(ong) + **S**(ome) **T**(errific) [*leads*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Late but no one cares (9)","output":"### Answer: UNMOURNED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Late but no one cares\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Jolly nasty female replacing king with prince (5)","output":"### Answer: HAPPY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Jolly\n**HA**(r>**P**)**PY **(\"nasty female\" (harpy)) *replacing* R (king) *with* P (prince)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One has to stand by Washington in restrained approach to the house (8)","output":"### Answer: DRIVEWAY \n ### Explanation: Definition: approach to the house\n**I'VE** (\"one has\") *to stand by* **Wa** (Washington) *in* **DRY** (\"restrained\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Gets on and leaves top off (4)","output":"### Answer: AGES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Gets on\n(p)**AGES** (\"leaves\") with its *top off"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: MacGregors' leader plunged into burn for cover (5)","output":"### Answer: SMEAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: cover \n**M**(acGregor) [*'s cover*] *plunged into* **SEAR** (\"burn\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Block and (in Paris) street surrounding it (4)","output":"### Answer: SETT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Block\n**ET** (\"and\" in Paris) with **St. **(street) *surrounding it* \n\u00a0\n \n*A sett is a granite paving block."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unconscious after dropping off front of ledge, losing blood externally? (8)","output":"### Answer: SLEEPING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Unconsciou\n[*front of*] **L**(edge) with **SEEPING** (\"losing blood?) [*externally*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Faculty fellow has secluded place (5)","output":"### Answer: FLAIR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Faculty\n**F** (fellow) *has* **LAIR** (\"secluded place\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: She's accepted responsibility for a minor crack (the dorm's affected) (9)","output":"### Answer: GODMOTHER \n ### Explanation: Definition: She's accepted responsibility for a minor\n**GO** (\"crack\", as in \"have a crack\" = try) + ***(the dorm)** [anag:*affected*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hack's first letter goes on record (4)","output":"### Answer: EVER \n ### Explanation: Definition: on record\n(s)**EVER** (\"hack\" with its* first letter gone*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: It turns plug when new drive head is inserted (7)","output":"### Answer: SPINDLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: It turns\n**SPILE** (\"plug\") *when* **N** (new) + **D**(rive) [*head*] *is inserted* \n\u00a0\n \n*A spile is a small wooden peg used as a stopper for a cask."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Snout stuck in pipe? (7)","output":"### Answer: TOBACCO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Snout stuck in pipe?\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: 'Smack' in Greek is 'skampili' (4)","output":"### Answer: KISS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Smack\nHidden [*in*] \"gree**K IS S**kampili\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Aquatic creature apt to play around yard in addition to going outside (8)","output":"### Answer: PLATYPUS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Aquatic creature\n**PLUS** (\"in addition\") *going outside*** *(apt) **[anag:*to play*] *around* **Y** (yard)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Buy and eat fresh peach (6)","output":"### Answer: BEAUTY \n ### Explanation: Definition: peach\n***(buy eat)** [anag:*fresh*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dicky's exempt from ordinary jurisdiction (8)","output":"### Answer: PECULIAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Dicky\nDouble definiton, the second referring to a parish or church exempt from the jurisdiction of the diocese in which it lies, and subject to the direct jurisdiction of the monarch or an archbishop, examples being Westminster and Windsor."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Vincent possibly accepts knight as royalty (6)","output":"### Answer: PRINCE \n ### Explanation: Definition: royalty\n**PRICE** (\"Vincent, possibly\") *accepts* **N** (knight, in chess notation)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Took a stimulant, being exhausted (4)","output":"### Answer: USED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Took a stimulant\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bust might end around top of leg or between knee and ankle! (3-6)","output":"### Answer: MID-LENGTH \n ### Explanation: Definition: between knee and ankle\n***(might end)** [anag:*bust*] *around* [*top of*] **L**(eg)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The philosopher and the man come together (5)","output":"### Answer: HEGEL \n ### Explanation: Definition: philosopher\n**HE** (\"the man\") + **GEL** (\"come together\") \n\u00a0\n \n*Refers to Georg Hegel (1770-1831), a German idealist philosopher."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Trying to get more behind? (5)","output":"### Answer: AFTER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Trying to get more\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Like salt, for instance, covering one battered roll (8)","output":"### Answer: SAILORLY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Like salt\n**SAY** (\"for instance\") *covering* **I **+ ***(roll) **[anag:*battered*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Shows no character when depressed (5,3)","output":"### Answer: SPACE BAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Shows no character when depressed\nCryptic defintion"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Conclusion: don't start improving (6)","output":"### Answer: ENDING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Conclusion\n[*don't start*] (m)**ENDING** (\"improving\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hide line crease (6)","output":"### Answer: FURROW \n ### Explanation: Definition: crease\n**FUR** (\"hide\") + **ROW** (\"line\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Break free eventually and look amazed? (4)","output":"### Answer: GAPE \n ### Explanation: Definition: look amazed\n**GAP** (\"break\") + (fre)**E** [*eventually*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Carve the rocks around cave's entrance (4)","output":"### Answer: ETCH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Carve\n***(the)** [anag:*rocks*] *around* **C**(ave) [*'s entrance*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bits hanging out? Professional error (8)","output":"### Answer: PROLAPSE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Bits hanging out\n\n**PRO** (professional) + **LAPSE** (\"error\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: He's too stupid to appease (6)","output":"### Answer: SOOTHE \n ### Explanation: Definition: to appease\n\n***(he's too)** [anag:*stupid*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Carla touring east of small Asian state (6)","output":"### Answer: BRUNEI \n ### Explanation: Definition: small Asian state\n\n(Carla) **BRUNI** *touring* **E**(east)\n \n\n \n*Carla Bruni is a singer-songwriter who is also the wife of Nicolas Sarkozy, the ex-president of France."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Admits you and me and her are immoral (6,2)","output":"### Answer: USHERSIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Admits\n\n**US** (\"you and me\") + **HER** + **SIN** (\"are immoral\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Semi-informal facts (4)","output":"### Answer: INFO \n ### Explanation: Definition: facts\n\n[*semi-*] **INFO**(real)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fat isn't nearly half bad \u2013 end of story! (5,5)","output":"### Answer: THAT\u2019S FINAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: end of story!\n\n***(fat isn't hal)** [anag:*bad*] where HAL is [*nearly*] HAL(f)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Topless dress in sheer strain (8)","output":"### Answer: PRESSURE \n ### Explanation: Definition: strain\n\n[*topless*] (d)**RESS** *in* **PURE** (\"sheer\")\n \n\n \n*\"Topless\" to indicate removing the top (or first) letter should only be used in down clues in my opinion."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: How to address the Queen Mother and her reflection (4)","output":"### Answer: MA\u2019AM \n ### Explanation: Definition: How to address the Queen\n\n**MA** (\"mother\") *and* **<=MA **[ma's (\"her\") *reflection*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sound system in the middle of this office (2-2)","output":"### Answer: HI-FI \n ### Explanation: Definition: Sound system\n\n[*in the middle of*] t(**HI**)s + (of)**FI**(ce)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Reform Club admitting one after Republicans sell shares (2,6)","output":"### Answer: GO PUBLIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: sell shares\n\n***(club)** [anag:*reform*] *admitting* **I** (one) *after* **GOP** (Grand Old Party, the \"Republicans\" in the US)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Not faltering, advanced through lesser evil (10)","output":"### Answer: RELENTLESS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Not faltering\n\n**LENT** (\"advanced\") *through* ***(lesser)** [anag:*evil*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Starts to look into speech problem (this one) (4)","output":"### Answer: LISP \n ### Explanation: Definition: this one\n\n[*starts to*]** L**(ook) **I**(nto) **S**(peech) **P**(roblem)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Professor of mathematics? (8)","output":"### Answer: CALCULUS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Professor\n\nProfessor **CALCULUS** is a character in the Tintin series of animated adventures."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Finally verified genocide reports by Pol Pot, half-forgotten dictator (6)","output":"### Answer: DESPOT \n ### Explanation: Definition: dictator\n\n[*finally*] (verifie)**D** (genocid)**E** (report)**S** *by* (pol)**POT** [*half-forgotten*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Alternative to Imperial College opening with exceptional merit (6)","output":"### Answer: METRIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: Alternative to Imperial\n\n***(merit)** [anag:*exceptional*] *with* **C**(ollege) [*opening*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Change sides in elaborate design, going one's own way (8)","output":"### Answer: SECEDING \n ### Explanation: Definition: going one's own way\n\n**C**(hang)**E** [*sides*] *in* ***(design)** [anag:*elaborate*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Insurer unlikely to cover repeat (5)","output":"### Answer: RERUN \n ### Explanation: Definition: repeat\n\nHidden in [*to cover*] \"insu**RER UN**likely\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Got us an order, queuing for seafood? (11)","output":"### Answer: LANGOUSTINE \n ### Explanation: Definition: seafood\n\n***(got us an)** [anag:order] *in* **LINE** (\"queuing\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Indicate Pinot cryptically (5,3)","output":"### Answer: POINT OUT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Indicate\n\nCryptically, PINOT is ***(POINT)** [*OUT*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Like Cambridge graduate guesthouses, leaving you old punts (8,7)","output":"### Answer: EDUCATED GUESSES \n ### Explanation: Definition: punts\n\n**EDUCATED** (\"like Cambridge graduate\") + **GUES**(thou)**SES** (\"you old\" (thou) *leaving*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Artless Christmas pudding, causes rift (6)","output":"### Answer: SCHISM \n ### Explanation: Definition: rift\n\n***(chisms) **[anag:*pudding*] where CHISMS is CHRISTMAS without the letters ART (*artless*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The FT's essentially not sure (3)","output":"### Answer: OUR \n ### Explanation: Definition: The FT's\n\n[*essentially*] (n)**O**(t) (s)**UR**(e)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lack of coordination, mostly after freezing rain \u2013 get a ride (4,1,4)","output":"### Answer: HAIL A TAXI \n ### Explanation: Definition: get a ride\n\n**ATAXI**(a) (\"lack of coordination\", *mostly*) *after* **HAIL** (\"freezing rain\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Setter is Lib-Dem, so I gathered, and incapable of shifting (11)","output":"### Answer: IMMOBILISED \n ### Explanation: Definition: incapable of shifting\n\n**I'M** (\"setter is\") ***(lib-dem so i)** [anag:*gathered*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Repeat strange rite heartlessly, time after time (9)","output":"### Answer: REITERATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Repeat\n\n***(rite)** [anag:*strange*] + **T**(im)**E** [*heartlessly*] *after* **ERA** (\"time\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Long story about one git is delivered by instalments (8)","output":"### Answer: EPISODIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: delivered by instalments\n\n**EPIC** (\"long story\") *about*** I **(one) + **SOD** (\"git\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rabbit? Alice's type (6)","output":"### Answer: ITALIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: type\n\nHidden in \"rabb**IT ALIC**e\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Court in session \u2013 banks collapse (5)","output":"### Answer: SWOON \n ### Explanation: Definition: collapse\n\n**WOO** (\"court\") *in* **S**(essio)**N** [*banks*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Vehicle rejecting roadside assistance? (3)","output":"### Answer: CAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Vehicle\n\n[*rejecting*] **RAC** (Royal Automobile Club, who provide \"roadside assistance\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Crime writer \u2014 one with wicked output (8)","output":"### Answer: CHANDLER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Crime writer\n\n(Raymond) **CHANDLER**, and a CHANDLER is someone who makes candles, so \"one with wicked output\" (ie one who produces something that has a wick)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Flamboyant jumper worn by choice, oddly (6)","output":"### Answer: ROCOCO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Flamboyant\n\n**ROO** (kangaroo, so \"jumper\")* worn by* (i.e. covering) **C**(h)**O**(i)**C**(e) [*oddly*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mushroom feast (6)","output":"### Answer: SPREAD \n ### Explanation: Definition: Mushroom\n\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rover corporation's retaining a lawyer with personal hygiene issue (8)","output":"### Answer: GADABOUT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Rover\n\n**GUT** (\"corporation\") *retaining* **A DA** (district attorney, so \"lawyer\") *with* **BO** (body odour, so \"personal hygiene issue\"), so **G(A DA-BO)UT"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Credit petrol company over bioenergy reserve fund \u2014 ultimately, it's inward-looking (5-4)","output":"### Answer: CROSS-EYED \n ### Explanation: Definition: inward-looking\n\n**Cr** (credit) + **<=ESSO** (\"petrol company\", *over*) + (bioenerg)**Y** (reserv)**E** (fun)**D** [ultimately]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: How's your father after little brother sent back cycle? (5)","output":"### Answer: ORBIT \n ### Explanation: Definition: cycle?\n\n**IT** (sex, so \"how's your father\") *after* **<=ORB** (*little* brother) is *sent back"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Insect breaking in to ferret's food store (6)","output":"### Answer: PANTRY \n ### Explanation: Definition: food store\n\n**ANT** (\"insect\") *breaking into* **PRY** (\"ferret\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Swedish on vacation love cycling to clear stuff away (6)","output":"### Answer: SHOVEL \n ### Explanation: Definition: to clear stuff away\n\n**S**(wedis)**H** [*on vacation*] (i.e. being emptied) + **(OVE)L** (\"love\" *cycling*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: First part of play has touching effect (6)","output":"### Answer: ACTION \n ### Explanation: Definition: effect\n\n**ACT I **(\"first part of play\") *has* **ON** (\"touching\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Temporarily take refuge \u2014 appropriate for all to ring (6)","output":"### Answer: BORROW \n ### Explanation: Definition: Temporarily take\n\n**B**(u>**O**)**RROW** (\"refuge\") with U (universal, so \"appropriate for all\" at the cinema) changed* to* O (ring)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Transport runs on iron railway (5)","output":"### Answer: FERRY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Transport\n\n**R** (runs) *on* **Fe** (chemical symbol for \"iron\") + **Ry** (railway)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ant 'n' Dec say really good jokes without cracking (2-7)","output":"### Answer: CO-WORKERS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Ant 'n' Dec say\n\n**W\/O** (without) *cracking* **CORKERS** (\"really good jokes\") \n \n\n \n*For the benefit of non-Brits, Ant 'n' Dec are a pair of TV presenters who are rarely seen apart."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Nurse fits in coil, say, rejecting all potential for breeding? (4,4)","output":"### Answer: GENE POOL \n ### Explanation: Definition: potential for breeding?\n\n[*rejecting all*] **<=(EN **(enrolled \"nurse) *fits in* **LOOP** (\"coil\") + **e.g.** (\"say\")**) "} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: 2 and 4 expressed as a 12 (2,4)","output":"### Answer: IN LIEU \n ### Explanation: Definition: 12\n\nHomophone of [*expressed*] **IN** (\"hip\" (2dn)) + **LOO** (\"ladies' room\" (4dn)), and IN LIEU roughly means REPLACEMENT (12dn)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Suspended journalist on board (6)","output":"### Answer: STAYED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Suspended\n\n**ED** (editor, so \"journalist\") *on* **STAY** (\"board\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Perhaps Shearer offers this nose around German and Italian training for starters (8)","output":"### Answer: PUNDITRY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Perhaps Shearer offers this\n\n**PRY** (\"nose\") *around* **UND** (\"and\" in \"German\") *and* **I**(talian) **T**(raining) [*for starters*]\n \n\n \n*Ex-footballer Alan Shearer is now a TV pundit, commenting mainly on Premier League football on \"Match of the Day\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Make changes to help pair secure operation (3,11)","output":"### Answer: HIP REPLACEMENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: operation\n\n***(help pair) **[anag:*make changes to*] + **CEMENT** (\"secure\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Essential items named before marriage (introductions to dating sites) (5)","output":"### Answer: NEEDS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Essential items\n\n**NEE** (\"named before marriage\") + [*introductions to*] **D**(ating) **S**(ites)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Spill lime and soda over men returning to supply toilets (6,4)","output":"### Answer: LADIES ROOM \n ### Explanation: Definition: toilets\n\n***(lime soda) **[anag:*spill*] *over* **<=OR** (other ranks, so \"men\" *returning*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stuck-up doctor eating egg I cooked (6)","output":"### Answer: RIGGED \n ### Explanation: Definition: cooked\n\n[*stuck-up*] **<=(DR** (doctor) *eating* **EGG I)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Travel about collecting papers (4)","output":"### Answer: RIDE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Travel\n\n**RE** (\"about\") *collecting* **ID** (identity \"papers\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Charlie joins a book club \u2014 he should know his way around (3,6)","output":"### Answer: CAB DRIVER \n ### Explanation: Definition: he should know his way around\n\n**C** (Charlie, in the phonetic alphabet) *joins* **A** + **B** (book) + **DRIVER** (golf \"club\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pugilist's complaint about shoulder, essentially \u2014 I'm afraid of boxing shame? (11,3)","output":"### Answer: CAULIFLOWER EAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Pugilist's complaint\n\n**Ca.** (circa, so \"about\") + sho(**UL**)der [*essentially*] + **I FEAR** (\"I'm afraid\") *boxing* **LOWER** (\"shame\"), so **Ca-UL-I F(LOWER)EAR"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The topless ladies' man turned up with an ecclesiastical scholar (10)","output":"### Answer: THEOLOGIAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: ecclesiastical scholar\n\n**THE** + **<=(g)IGOLO** (*topless* \"ladies' man\", *turned up*) *with* **AN"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Biden regularly on time visiting Conservative after no bad publicity (9)","output":"### Answer: NOTORIETY \n ### Explanation: Definition: bad publicity\n\n(b)**I**(d)**E**(n) [*regularly*] *on* **T** (time) *visiting* **TORY** (\"conservative\") *after* **NO**, so **NO-TOR(I-E-T)Y"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Preen Oscar for university ball (6)","output":"### Answer: DOLLOP \n ### Explanation: Definition: ball\n\n**DOL**L (u>**O**)**P** (\"preen\" with O (Oscar, in the phonetic alphabet) *for* (i.e replacing) U (university)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Put kilo on, occasionally full of fig pudding (5)","output":"### Answer: KULFI \n ### Explanation: Definition: pudding\n\n**K** (kilo) [*on*] [*occasionally*] (f)**U**(l)**L** (o)**F** (f)**I**(g)\n \n\n \n*Kulfi is a frozen dessert from the Indian subcontinent, similar to but thicker than ice cream."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Court date leading to deal, maybe (4)","output":"### Answer: WOOD \n ### Explanation: Definition: deal, maybe\n\n**WOO** (\"court\") + **D**(ate) [*leading*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Spread in French newspaper abridged arresting copper's side (5,4)","output":"### Answer: LEMON CURD \n ### Explanation: Definition: Spread\n\n**LE MOND**(e) (\"French newspaper\", *abridged*) *arresting* **Cu** (chemical symbol for \"copper\") + **R** (right \"side\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fall sick after swamp's drained (5)","output":"### Answer: SPILL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fall\n\n**ILL** (\"sick\") *after* **S**(wam)**P** [*drained*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: It's not difficult reviewing issue with lunch (2,5)","output":"### Answer: NO SWEAT \n ### Explanation: Definition: It's not difficult\n\n[*reviewing*] **<=SON** (\"issue\") + **W** (with) + **EAT** (\"lunch\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Peel a sticker found inside stretchy material (7)","output":"### Answer: ELASTIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: stretchy material\n\n*Found inside* \"pe**EL A STIC**ker\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Leaves note with key (3)","output":"### Answer: TEA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Leaves\n\n**TE** (alternative spelling of ti, so \"note\") +** A** (a \"key\" in music)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: English country squire's retaining American realtor (6,5)","output":"### Answer: ESTATE AGENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: realtor\n\n**E** (English) + **STATE** (\"country\") + **GENT** (\"squire\") *retaining*** A** (American)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hear way in which lovers meet (5)","output":"### Answer: TRYST \n ### Explanation: Definition: in which lovers meet\n\n**TRY** (\"hear\") + **St.** (street, so \"way\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Vicar's retiring very shortly (3)","output":"### Answer: REV \n ### Explanation: Definition: Vicar\n\n[*retiring*] **<=VER**(y) [*shortly*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old lady regularly sizzles corn on the cob (5)","output":"### Answer: MAIZE \n ### Explanation: Definition: corn on the cob\n\n**MA** (\"old lady\") + [*regularly*] (s)**I**(z)**Z**(l)**E**(s)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Husband intercepted pints order sent out for someone else (5,6)","output":"### Answer: THIRD PERSON \n ### Explanation: Definition: someone else\n\n**H** (husband) *intercepts* ***(pints order)** [anag:*sent out*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Might perhaps be out (3)","output":"### Answer: MAY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Might\n\n**MAY**(be) (\"perhaps\") with BE *out"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Embarrassed about route used to dismiss player (3,4)","output":"### Answer: RED CARD \n ### Explanation: Definition: used to dismiss player\n\n**RED** (\"embarrassed\") + **ca.** (circa, so \"about\") + **Rd. **(road, so \"route\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mocking luxurious hotel abandoned after located on island (7)","output":"### Answer: SATIRIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: Mocking\n\n**RIC**(h) (\"luxurious\" with H (hotel) *abandoned*) *after* **SAT** (\"located\") *on* **I** (island)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: High-class new hair product's dear (5)","output":"### Answer: ANGEL \n ### Explanation: Definition: dear\n\n**A **(\"high-class\") + **N** (new) + **GEL** (\"hair product\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Labour over wind sculpture (4,2,3)","output":"### Answer: WORK OF ART \n ### Explanation: Definition: sculpture\n\n**WORK** (\"labour\") + **O** (over, in cricket) + **FART** (\"wind\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Exercise round track for a heavenly body! (6)","output":"### Answer: PLANET \n ### Explanation: Definition: a heavenly body\n\n**PT** (physical training, so \"exercise\") *round* **LANE** (\"track\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Agent says Emir's corrupt (8)","output":"### Answer: EMISSARY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Agent\n\n***(says emir)** [anag:*corrupt*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Keen for dentist to be prepared before going in (10)","output":"### Answer: INTERESTED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Keen\n\n**ERE** (\"before\") *going in* ***(dentist)** [anag:*to be prepared*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fairly abrupt exit (4)","output":"### Answer: QUIT \n ### Explanation: Definition: exit\n\n**QUIT**(e) (\"fairly\" *abrupt* (i.e short))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Words that describe these times and aims lose old boy (10)","output":"### Answer: ADJECTIVES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Words that describe\n\n**AD** (anno domini, so \"these times\") *and* (ob)**JECTIVES** (\"aims\" *lose* OB (old boy))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: China is aiding part of uprising here (4)","output":"### Answer: ASIA \n ### Explanation: Definition: here\n\nHidden backwards in [*part of, uprising*] \"chin**A IS A**iding\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Drop long working title (6)","output":"### Answer: LITTLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Drop\n\n**L** (long) +** *(title)** [anag:*working*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: British want Bond in formal attire (5,3)","output":"### Answer: BLACK TIE \n ### Explanation: Definition: formal attire\n\n**B** (British) + **LACK** (\"want\") + **TIE** (\"bond\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Said no to decreased volume (6,4)","output":"### Answer: TURNED DOWN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Said no to\n\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Royal Engineers leave main unit more shot, bullets, shells etc (10)","output":"### Answer: AMMUNITION \n ### Explanation: Definition: bullets, shells etc\n\n***(main unit mo)** [anag:*shot*] where MO is MO(re) with RE (Royal Engineers) *leaving"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Experiment without stress in lesson (8)","output":"### Answer: TUTORIAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: lesson\n\n**TRIAL** (\"test\") *with* ***(out)** [anag:*stress*] *in"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Enduring setter's Monday test \u2013 entertaining time? (8)","output":"### Answer: IMMORTAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Enduring\n\n**I'M** (\"setter's\") + **M** (Monday, on a calendar) + **ORAL** (\"test\") *entertaining* **T** (time)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Half of skin round jab filling with purple colour (6)","output":"### Answer: INDIGO \n ### Explanation: Definition: with \n\n**DIG** (\"jab\") *filling *[*half of*] (sk)**IN** + **O** (round)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: During holiday set up child with crafts (6)","output":"### Answer: YACHTS \n ### Explanation: Definition: crafts\n\n**Ch,** (child) [*during*] **<=STAY** (\"holiday\",* set up*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Log initially cut to hold wheel rod (4)","output":"### Answer: AXLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: wheel rod\n\n**AXE** (\"cut\") *to hold* **L**(og) [*initially*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lively ferret about to go under front of sofa (4)","output":"### Answer: SPRY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Lively\n\n**PRY** (\"ferret about\") *to go under* [*front of*] **S**(ofa)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The gun he left behind? It's nothing (6)","output":"### Answer: TRIFLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: nothing\n\n**T**(he) **RIFLE** (\"gun\") with HE *left behind"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Boozer providing sanctuary for Charles? (5,3)","output":"### Answer: ROYAL OAK \n ### Explanation: Definition: Boozer\n\n**ROYAL OAK** is a common pub name, and the future King Charles II sought refuge in a tree, now dubbed the Royal Oak, while escaping the Roundheads after the Battle of Worcester"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cultivate the stars (6)","output":"### Answer: PLOUGH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Cultivate\n\nDouble definition, the second referring to a group of the seven brightest stars in the Great Bear constellation."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fruit from American tropics going off (8)","output":"### Answer: APRICOTS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fruit \n\n**A **(American) + ***(tropics)** [anag:*going off*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Teacher raced out unexpectedly (8)","output":"### Answer: EDUCATOR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Teacher\n\n***(raced out) **[anag:*unexpectedly*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Look! A goose! (6)","output":"### Answer: GANDER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Look\n\nDouble definition, the first a colloquialism."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wander round dictator's capital (4)","output":"### Answer: ROAM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Wander round\n\nHomophone of [*dictator's (*think \"dictation to a PA\" rather than Mussolini)] **ROME** (\"capital\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Censor pornographic writer (4-6)","output":"### Answer: BLUE-PENCIL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Censor\n\n**BLUE** (\"pornographic\") + **PENCIL** (\"writer\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Girlfriend giving you an E? (10)","output":"### Answer: SWEETHEART \n ### Explanation: Definition: Girlfriend\n\nThe **HEART** (i.e, middle (letter)) of **SWEET** is \"E\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Couple having tea (4)","output":"### Answer: MATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Couple\n\nDouble definition, the second referring to a South American infusion."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Was appointed bishop by reactionary church? Answer me! (6)","output":"### Answer: BECAME \n ### Explanation: Definition: Was appointed\n\n**B** (bishop) by [revolutionary] **<=CE** (\"Church\" of England) + **A** (answer) + **ME"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cover naked flesh, you say? (8)","output":"### Answer: BEARSKIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Cover\n\nHomophone [*you say*] of **BARE SKIN** (\"naked flesh\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Game allowed to block path (8)","output":"### Answer: ROULETTE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Game\n\n**LET** (\"allowed\") *to block* **ROUTE** (\"path\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sailor holding vicar back, foolishly perhaps (6)","output":"### Answer: ADVERB \n ### Explanation: Definition: foolishly perhaps\n\n**AB** (able-bodied seaman, so \"sailor\") *holding* **<=REVD **(reverend, so \"vicar\", *back*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Successful chap running European archive (8)","output":"### Answer: ACHIEVER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Successful chap\n\n***(e archive)** [anag:*running*] where E = European"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Annoy junkie using this? (6)","output":"### Answer: NEEDLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Annoy\n\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: TV show describing Panama thus? (3,4)","output":"### Answer: TOP GEAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: TV show\n\nA hat could be described as **GEAR** for the **TOP** (head)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: To guard against infection I clean out wound (9)","output":"### Answer: INOCULATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: To guard against infection\n\n***(I clean out) **[anag:*wound*]\n \n\n \n*Wound = past tense of wind"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: FBI agent tailing the French errand boy (6)","output":"### Answer: LEGMAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: errand boy\n\n**G-MAN** (\"FBI agent\") *tailing* **LE** (\"the\" in \"French\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rings when dumped by husband? Oh dear (4)","output":"### Answer: OOPS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Oh dear\n\n(h)**OOPS** (\"rings\" *dumped by* H (husband))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: I'm worried, a soldier said, heading off (8)","output":"### Answer: AGITATED \n ### Explanation: Definition: worried\n\n**A GI** (American \"soldier\") + (s)**TATED** [heading (i.e. *first* letter) *off*]\n \n\n \n*The \"I'm\" in the clue refers to the answer, as if the answer were talking to us. I haven't seen this device often in crosswords, but it is common in other word games."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Nothing written by congregation in times past (2,3)","output":"### Answer: OF OLD \n ### Explanation: Definition: i\n\n**O** (nothing) *written by* **FOLD** (\"congregation)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bird among quickest released (7)","output":"### Answer: KESTREL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Bird \n\nHidden in [*among*] \"quic**KEST REL**eased\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pitman increasingly happy with new leader (7)","output":"### Answer: COLLIER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Pitman\n\n(j>**C**)**OLLIER** (\"increasingly happy\" (jollier) *with new leader* (i.e. first letter))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Encourage woman to acquire English guile (7)","output":"### Answer: HEARTEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Encourage\n\n**HEN** (\"woman\")* to acquire* **E** (English) +** ART** (\"guile\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Excellent teacher but an addict (9)","output":"### Answer: CRACKHEAD \n ### Explanation: Definition: an addict\n\n**CRACK** (\"excellent\") + **HEAD** (\"teacher\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: MP teased about career (8)","output":"### Answer: STAMPEDE \n ### Explanation: Definition: career\n\n***(mp teased)** [anag:*about*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Southern peninsula, a place of exile (7)","output":"### Answer: SIBERIA \n ### Explanation: Definition: a place of exile\n\n**S** (southern) + **IBERIA** (\"peninsula\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Honour east German city, overthrown and left half-abandoned (7)","output":"### Answer: ENNOBLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Honour\n\n**E** (east) + **<=BONN** (\"German city\", *overthrown*) and **LE**(ft) [*half-abandoned*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Contract defaced? It makes you cross (6)","output":"### Answer: BRIDGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: It makes you cross\n\n(a)**BRIDGE** (\"contract\" *defaced*, i.e. having its front removed)\n \n\n \n*I'm not sure a bridge MAKES you cross, it LETS you cross, but there's rarely any compunction about the act of crossing a bridge."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Where one might seduce Conservative? That's a sore point (5)","output":"### Answer: COUCH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Where one might seduce\n\n**C** (Conservative) + **OUCH**! (\"that's a sore point\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Some nasty eye infection (4)","output":"### Answer: STYE \n ### Explanation: Definition: infection\n\nHidden in [*some*] \"na**STY E**ye\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Avoid times to die (6)","output":"### Answer: BYPASS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Avoid\n**BY** (\"times\", as in 4 by 2) + **PASS** (\"to die\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hairstyle to test out in court (8)","output":"### Answer: TRIBUNAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: court\n**BUN** (\"hairstyle\") with **TRIAL** (\"to test\") *out*(side)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Playwright drunk inspires a couple of lines on the way back (2,5)","output":"### Answer: DE LILLO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Playwright\n<=(OILED (\"drunk\") inspired LL (\"a couple of lines\")) [on the way back] \n\u00a0\n \n*Refers to Don Delillo, an American author much more famous for his novels (such as *Americana*, *White Noise* and *Underworld*) than for his plays (he has only written five plays but has published 18 novels)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Former president's party joined by confused university Blue (6-1)","output":"### Answer: DOUBLE-U \n ### Explanation: Definition: Former president\n**DO** (\"party\") *joined by* ***(u blue) **[anag:*confused*] \n\u00a0\n \n*I assume this refers to George W Bush, but I think it's a stretch as he was known as W. I appreciate that W and Double U are synonymous, but Bush was definitely W."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dragon breath (4)","output":"### Answer: PUFF \n ### Explanation: Definition: Dragon\nDouble definition, the first referring to \"Puff the Magic Dragon\", a song by Peter, Paul and Mary."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Vacating place service affected small demonstrations (5,5)","output":"### Answer: PEACE CAMPS \n ### Explanation: Definition: demonstrations\n[*vacating*] **P**(eat)**E** + **ACE** (\"service\") + **CAMP** (\"affected\") + **S** (small)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Spies infiltrate very liberal party (6)","output":"### Answer: SOCIAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: party\n**CIA** (\"spies\") *infiltrate* **SO** (\"very\") + **L** (liberal)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fatefully compromised trade union leaves blank sheet (7)","output":"### Answer: FLYLEAF \n ### Explanation: Definition: blank sheet\n***(faeflly)** [anag:*compromised*] where FAEFLLY is FA(t)EF(u)LLY with TU (trade union) *leaving"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Small child wearing hat in short supply (7)","output":"### Answer: LIMITED \n ### Explanation: Definition: in short supply\n**MITE** (\"small child\") *wearing* **LID** (\"hat\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: First month at school for folk guitarist (6)","output":"### Answer: JANSCH \n ### Explanation: Definition: folk guitarist\n**JAN** (\"first month\") *at* **SCH** (school) \n\u00a0\n \n*Refers to Bert Jansch (1943-2011), a Scottish folk guitarist, hardly a household name, but guessable from the wordplay."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Medieval local officials who scored centuries? (10)","output":"### Answer: HUNDREDERS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Medieval local officials\n**HUNDREDERS** were local officials who held jurisdiction over hundreds in medieval England. A hundred (roughly 1200 acres) would typically have 100 households."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: German almost ready to eat bag (4)","output":"### Answer: GRIP \n ### Explanation: Definition: bag\n**G** (German) + [*almost*] **RIP**(e) (\"ready to eat\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pause journey, very excited initially to be in Return of the King (7)","output":"### Answer: LAYOVER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Pause journey\n**V**(ery) **E**(xcited) [*initially*] *to be in* [*return*] **<=ROYAL** (\"of the king\") \n\u00a0\n \nPause journey is \"lay over\", so this clue is not grammatically correct in my opinion. It should be \"pause IN journey\", or the enumeration should be (3,4)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One of us oddly missing that people are things in themselves according to Kant (7)","output":"### Answer: NOUMENA \n ### Explanation: Definition: things in themselves according to Kant\n(o)**N**(e) **O**(f) **U**(s) [*oddly missing*] + **MEN** (\"people\") + **A** (are, as in the land measure)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Engrossed by choice between muscles and a teaching qualification (8)","output":"### Answer: ABSORBED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Engrossed\n**ABS OR BED** (\"a choice between ABS (\"muscles\") OR BED (Bachelor of Education, so \"teaching qualification\"))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: We should start releases (4,2)","output":"### Answer: LETS GO \n ### Explanation: Definition: releases\n**LET'S GO** (\"we should start\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: City bankrupt as lawyer exercises intervention (8)","output":"### Answer: BUDAPEST \n ### Explanation: Definition: City\n**BUST** (\"bankrupt\") with **DA** (\"lawyer\") + **PE** (physical \"exercises\") *intervening"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cheap books to destroy if pupil not about (4,7)","output":"### Answer: PULP FICTION \n ### Explanation: Definition: Chea\n***(if pupil not c) **[anag:*to destroy*] where C = about"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Second kind of lawyer (4)","output":"### Answer: SILK \n ### Explanation: Definition: lawyer \n**S** (second) + **ILK** (\"kind\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Anger about director on hospital department's mockery (8)","output":"### Answer: RIDICULE \n ### Explanation: Definition: mockery\n**RILE** (\"anger\") *about* **D** (director) *on* **ICU** (intensive care unit, so \"hospital department\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sad to arrest worker (4-6)","output":"### Answer: BLUE-COLLAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: worker\n**BLUE** (\"sad\") + **COLLAR** (\"to arrest\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: African runner loses footing and gets nothing (3)","output":"### Answer: NIL \n ### Explanation: Definition: nothing\n**NIL**(e) (\"African runner\", i.e. river)* loses footing *(i.e. last letter)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Despicable creep imprisons independent woman (6)","output":"### Answer: LOUISE \n ### Explanation: Definition: woman\n**LOUSE** (\"despicable creep\") *imprisons* **I** (independent)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Place to stay after golf (5)","output":"### Answer: HOTEL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Place to stay\n**HOTEL** comes \"after golf\" in the phonetic alphabet"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Implies boxes possibly restrict temperature in rough city area (4,7)","output":"### Answer: MEAN STREETS \n ### Explanation: Definition: rough city area\n**MEANS** (\"implies\") + **TREES** (\"boxes, possibly\") *restricting* **T** (temperature)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: He'll transport one down to the Thames, perhaps under stress (4,6)","output":"### Answer: TAXI DRIVER \n ### Explanation: Definition: He'll transport\n**I** (one) + **D** (down) *to* **RIVER** (\"the Thames, perhaps\") *under* **TAX** (\"stress\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: German detective gutted, upsetting French cop (8)","output":"### Answer: GENDARME \n ### Explanation: Definition: French cop\n***(german de) **where DE is D(etectiv)E [*gutted*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What to play in hot pea soup (3,5)","output":"### Answer: THE PIANO \n ### Explanation: Definition: What to play\n***(in hot pea)** [anag:*soup*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Woman covering her head with strange metal (6)","output":"### Answer: THELMA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Woman\n**H**(er) [*head*] *covered with* ***(metal)** [anag:*strange*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Imposing, with old king on top (5)","output":"### Answer: GRAND \n ### Explanation: Definition: Imposing\n**AND** (\"with\") with** GR** (George Rex, so \"old king\") *on top"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Book in prompt 27? (4)","output":"### Answer: CUBE \n ### Explanation: Definition: 27?\n**B** (book)* in* **CLUE** (\"prompt\") \n\u00a0\n \n*27 is the cube of 3"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sure your electric Skoda starts? (3)","output":"### Answer: YES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Sure\n**Y**(our) **E**(lectric) **S**(koda) [*starts*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Evil master has drink with leaders of Farc in Columbia (7)","output":"### Answer: MALEFIC \n ### Explanation: Evil master has drink with leaders of Farc in Columbia (7)\n**M** (master) *has* **ALE** (\"drink\") *with* [*leaders of*] **F**(arc) **I**(n) **C**(olumbia)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bird chewing a pencil (7)","output":"### Answer: PELICAN \n ### Explanation: Bird chewing a pencil (7)\n***(a pencil)** [anag:*chewing*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One giving fellow at university gold (5)","output":"### Answer: DONOR \n ### Explanation: One giving fellow at university gold (5)\n**DON** (\"fellow at university\") + **OR** (\"gold\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Teams represented by band getting the upper hand (9)","output":"### Answer: MASTERING \n ### Explanation: Teams represented by band getting the upper hand (9)\n***(teams)** [anag:*represented*] *by* **RING** (\"band\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Minister put instrument into new ranch (10)","output":"### Answer: CHANCELLOR \n ### Explanation: Minister put instrument into new ranch (10)\n**CELLO** (\"instrument\") *into* ***(ranch)** [anag:*new*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Container for plant covering large part of garden (4)","output":"### Answer: PLOT \n ### Explanation: Container for plant covering large part of garden (4)\n**POT** (\"container for plant\") *covering* **L** (large)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Search and rescue by operations leader into nasty gasses across large part of the North Atlantic (8,3)","output":"### Answer: SARGASSO SEA \n ### Explanation: Search and rescue by operations leader into nasty gasses across large part of the North Atlantic (8,3)\n**SAR** (search and rescue) *by* **O**(perations) [*leader*] *into* ***(gasses)** [anag:*nasty*] +** A** (across) \n\u00a0\n \n*It's a pity that the clue and solution both have GASS in the same order, making this clue more or less a write-in."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One end of cake covered in stuff from the dairy (6,5)","output":"### Answer: SINGLE CREAM \n ### Explanation: One end of cake covered in stuff from the dairy (6,5)\n**SINGLE** (\"one\") + [*end of*] (cak)**E** *covered in* **CRAM** (\"stuff\") \n\u00a0\n \n*The definition is weak, unless it is meant to be \"stuff from the dairy\", in which case \"stuff\" is doing double duty."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pressure to leave friendly colleague (4)","output":"### Answer: ALLY \n ### Explanation: Pressure to leave friendly colleague (4)\nP (pressure)* to leave* (p)**ALLY** (\"friendly\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wealthy professionals drinking super old cocktail (10)","output":"### Answer: PROSPEROUS \n ### Explanation: Wealthy professionals drinking super old cocktail (10)\n**PROS** (professionals) *drinking* ***(super o)** [anag:*cocktail*] where O = old"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Second small fib about Democrat's fall from grace (9)","output":"### Answer: BACKSLIDE \n ### Explanation: Second small fib about Democrat's fall from grace (9)\n**BACK** (\"second\") + **S** (small) + **LIE** (\"fib\") *about* **D** (Democrat)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Jockey free to meet queen \u2026 (5)","output":"### Answer: RIDER \n ### Explanation: Jockey free to meet queen \u2026 (5)\n**RID** (\"free\") *to meet* **ER** (Elizabeth Regina, so \"queen\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: \u2026 left at home with spouse forming connections (7)","output":"### Answer: LINKING \n ### Explanation: \u2026 left at home with spouse forming connections (7)\n**L** (left) + **IN** (\"at home\") *with* **KING** (\"spouse\" of queen from previous clue)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Spaces hosting essential part of repeat performances (7)","output":"### Answer: ENCORES \n ### Explanation: Spaces hosting essential part of repeat performances (7)\n**ENS** (\"spaces\" in printing) *holding* **CORE** (\"essential part\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Piece of writing about short official order for health professionals (6)","output":"### Answer: MEDICS \n ### Explanation: Piece of writing about short official order for health professionals (6)\n**MS** (manuscript, so \"piece of writing\") *about* [*short*] **EDIC**(t) (\"official order\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Get gold carriage (6)","output":"### Answer: LANDAU \n ### Explanation: Get gold carriage (6)\n**LAND** (\"get\") + **Au** (chemical symbol for \"gold\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: American forces let out of living quarters for the ship's crew (10)","output":"### Answer: FORECASTLE \n ### Explanation: American forces let out of living quarters for the ship's crew (10)\n***(a forces let)** [anag:*out*] where A = American"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Start to chase unruly male animal (5)","output":"### Answer: CAMEL \n ### Explanation: Start to chase unruly male animal (5)\n[*start to*] **C**(hase) + ***(male)** [anag:*unruly*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Piece of music over before spoken introduction to evensong (9)","output":"### Answer: PASTORALE \n ### Explanation: Piece of music over before spoken introduction to evensong (9)\n**PAST** (\"over\") *before* **ORAL** (\"spoken\") + [*introduction to*] **E**(vensong)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Shelter given to base of weak vegetable (4)","output":"### Answer: LEEK \n ### Explanation: Shelter given to base of weak vegetable (4)\n**LEE** (\"shelter\") *given to* [*base of*] (wea)**K"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Swindler chosen to play Hooray Henry? (8,6)","output":"### Answer: CHINLESS WONDER \n ### Explanation: Swindler chosen to play Hooray Henry? (8,6)\n***(swindler chosen)** [anag:*to play*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Drink close to optic found in bar (8)","output":"### Answer: NIGHTCAP \n ### Explanation: Drink close to optic found in bar (8)\nI can only get this to work by having \"close\" doing double duty, so: \n\u00a0\n \n**NIGH** (\"close\") + [*close to*] (opti)**C** *in* **TAP** (\"bar\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One cart adapted to carry troph\u00adies returned lacking balance (10)","output":"### Answer: ASYMMETRIC \n ### Explanation: One cart adapted to carry troph\u00adies returned lacking balance (10)\n***( I cart)** [anag:*adapted*] where I = one,\u00a0*to carry* **<= EMMYS** (\"trophies\", *returned*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Group covering English cloth in tape? (9)","output":"### Answer: RECORDING \n ### Explanation: Group covering English cloth in tape? (9)\n**RING** (\"group\") *covering* **E **(English) + **CORD** (corduroy, so \"cloth\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Saint broadcast short mass in Turkish city (8)","output":"### Answer: ISTANBUL \n ### Explanation: Saint broadcast short mass in Turkish city (8)\n***(saint)** [anag:*broadcast*] + [*short*] **BUL**(k) (\"mass\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Articles about German left in charge of the Church of England (8)","output":"### Answer: ANGLICAN \n ### Explanation: Articles about German left in charge of the Church of England (8)\n**AN** + **AN** (\"articles\") *about* **G** (German) + **L** (left) + **IC** (in charge)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Egyptian god with large flag (6)","output":"### Answer: OSIRIS \n ### Explanation: Egyptian god with large flag (6)\n**OS** (outsized, so \"large\") + **IRIS** (\"flag\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Vegetable seed scattered around bottom of hedgerow (5)","output":"### Answer: SWEDE \n ### Explanation: Vegetable seed scattered around bottom of hedgerow (5)\n***(seed)** [anag:*scattered*] *around* [*bottom of*] (hedgero)**W"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Drink in plastic container (4)","output":"### Answer: ASTI \n ### Explanation: Drink in plastic container (4)\nHidden in [*in\u2026container*] \"pl**ASTI**c\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lad on estate perhaps shows bottle (6)","output":"### Answer: CARBOY \n ### Explanation: Definition: bottle\n**BOY** (\"lad\") *on* **CAR** (\"estate perhaps\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sick boss swallows remedy and hides (8)","output":"### Answer: OBSCURES \n ### Explanation: Definition: hides\n***(boss)** [anag:*sick*] *swallows* **CURE** (\"remedy\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Host is firm \u2013 Nancy's mum must keep quiet (7)","output":"### Answer: COMPERE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Host\n**Co**. (company, so \"firm\") + **MERE** (\"mother\" in Nancy, France)* must keep ***P** (piano, in music, so \"quiet\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: For instance blocks roads going to the West Country (7)","output":"### Answer: SENEGAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Country\n**e.g. **(\"for instance\") *blocks* **<=LANES** (\"roads\", *going to the West* (so from right to left))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Head back with a member of school? (4)","output":"### Answer: TUNA \n ### Explanation: Definition: member of school?\n**<=NUT **(\"head\", *back*) *with* **A"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Oscar replaces article in flat for one westerner (10)","output":"### Answer: OCCIDENTAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: westerner\nO (Oscar) *replaces* A (\"article\") in (a>**O**)**CCIDENTAL** (\"flat\", for one) \n\u00a0\n \n*In music, an accidental can be any note (sharp, flat or natural) that is not in the key signature."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Popular favourites around part of Wellington? (6)","output":"### Answer: INSTEP \n ### Explanation: Definition: part of Wellington?\n**IN **(\"popular\") + **<=PETS** (\"favourites\", *around*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: So to speak, take the shine off pleasure? (7)","output":"### Answer: DELIGHT \n ### Explanation: Definition: pleasure\n**DE-LIGHT** could possible mean to \"remove the light from\" or \"take the shine off\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Staunch Democrat candidate finally elected (7)","output":"### Answer: DEVOTED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Staunch\n**D** (democrat) + (candidat)**E** [*finally*] + **VOTED** (\"elected\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hound's tooth (6)","output":"### Answer: CANINE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Hound's\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Where Scrabble players find characters having a lively night out? (2,3,5)","output":"### Answer: ON THE TILES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Where Scrabble players find characters having a lively night out?\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Predict some heated objections when making U-tun (4)","output":"### Answer: BODE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Predict\nHidden backwards [*some\u2026when making a U-turn*] in \"heat**ED OB**jections\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: On vacation, Vince is trapped by a storm? Typical (7)","output":"### Answer: AVERAGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Typical\n[*on vacation*] **V**(inc)**E** *is trapped by* **A RAGE** (\"storm\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Over the phone, local authority offers advice (7)","output":"### Answer: COUNSEL \n ### Explanation: Definition: advice\nHomophone [*over the phone*] of **COUNCIL** (\"local authority\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A surprisingly decent love story (8)","output":"### Answer: ANECDOTE \n ### Explanation: Definition: story\n**A** + ***(decent o)** [anag:*surprisingly*] where O = love"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Penny meets film actor (6)","output":"### Answer: PLAYER \n ### Explanation: Definition: actor\n**P** (penny) *meets* **LAYER** (\"film\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Male turned up drunk, carrying a screwdriver? (8)","output":"### Answer: COCKTAIL \n ### Explanation: Definition: screwdriver?\n**COCK **(\"male\") + [*turned up*] **<=LIT **(\"drunk\") *carrying* **A"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: With modern clothing, short skirt's suggestive (11)","output":"### Answer: REMINISCENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: suggestive\n**RECENT** (\"modern\") *clothing* **MINI'S** (\"short skirt's\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Warning: women only! (4)","output":"### Answer: OMEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Warning\nO = zero, so **O MEN** would be \"no men\", so \"women only\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dog is brought round in basket (8)","output":"### Answer: BASSINET \n ### Explanation: Definition: basket\n**BASSET** (hound) (\"dog\") *is brought round* **IN"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Complete idiot, boring clot (10)","output":"### Answer: CONGENITAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Complete\n**NIT** (\"idiot\") *boring* **CONGEAL** (\"clot\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Regularly trying to find doctor (3)","output":"### Answer: RIG \n ### Explanation: Definition: doctor\n[*regularly*] (t)**R**(y)**I**(n)**G"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Thus see nurses left alone (6)","output":"### Answer: SOLELY \n ### Explanation: Definition: alone\n**SO** (\"thus\") + **ELY** (\"see\", as in diocese) *nurses* **L** (left)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Scrub up from sauce boat (5)","output":"### Answer: KETCH \n ### Explanation: Definition: boat\n*scrub* *UP from* **KETCH**(up) (\"sauce\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Free kick, a shot securing victory with unknown scorer (11)","output":"### Answer: TCHAIKOVSKY \n ### Explanation: Definition: scorer\n***(kick a shot)** [anag:*free*] *securing* **V** (victory) *with* **Y** (\"unknown\", in algebra) \n\u00a0\n \n*Scorer is this clue refers to \"one who scores\", so a c composer."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ben heard of riots in advance (10)","output":"### Answer: BEFOREHAND \n ### Explanation: Definition: in advance\n***(ben heard of)** [anag:*riots*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Part of Temple Bar I'm missing (8)","output":"### Answer: PEDIMENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Part of Temple\nI\"M *missing* from (im)**PEDIMENT** \n\u00a0\n \n*The pediment is the large triangular structure that sits astride columns on the front of a Greek building, especially a temple."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ring merchant, maybe to ridicule keeping healthy (8)","output":"### Answer: JEWELLER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Ring merchant, maybe\n**JEER** (\"to ridicule\") *keeping* **WELL** (\"healthy\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Change Aston Villa's final composition (6)","output":"### Answer: SONATA \n ### Explanation: Definition: composition\n***(aston)** [anag:*change*] + (vill)**A** [*'s final*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Get female to eat out (5)","output":"### Answer: FETCH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Get\n**F** (female) +** ETCH** (\"to eat out\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Part of ship's outer covering (4)","output":"### Answer: HULL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Part of ship\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A looker? Yes, we're told (3)","output":"### Answer: EYE \n ### Explanation: Definition: A looker?\nHomophone [*we're told*] of **AYE** (\"yes\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cut short series of performances by contralto in gallery (8)","output":"### Answer: TRUNCATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Cut short\n**RUN** (\"series of performances\") *by* **C **(contralto) *in* **TATE** (Gallery)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Preserve business degree in wooden frame (6)","output":"### Answer: EMBALM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Preserve\n**MBA** (\"business degree\") *in* **ELM** (\"wooden\") *frame"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Former pupil's recovery is uncertain (7)","output":"### Answer: OBSCURE \n ### Explanation: Definition: uncertain\n**OB'S** (old boy's, so \"former pupil's\") + **CURE** (\"recovery\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Being practical, puts forward close working style (5,2)","output":"### Answer: HANDS ON \n ### Explanation: Definition: Being practical\nTriple definition (I think?)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Examine gold divided into three crowns (5)","output":"### Answer: AUDIT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Examine\n**Au** (chemical symbol for \"gold\") + [*crowns* of] **D**(ivided) **I**(nto) **T**(hree)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Initial advantage given in race that reads badly (4,5)","output":"### Answer: HEAD START \n ### Explanation: Definition: Initial advantage given in race\n***(that reads)** [anag:*badly*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mistaken for a monster, out\u00adspoken scientist drops initial interest (12)","output":"### Answer: FRANKENSTEIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Mistaken for a monster\n**FRANK** (\"outspoken\") + **E**(i)**NSTEIN** (\"scientist\" drops [initial] I(nterest)) \n\u00a0\n \n*\"Mistaken for a monster\" refers to the fact that many people think that the monster was called Frankenstein, whereas it was its creator that bore that monicker."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dim Tuscan cop gets busted \u2014 one might joke about it (5,2,5)","output":"### Answer: STAND UP COMIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: one might joke about it\n***(dim tuscan cop)** [anag:*gets busted*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Oath sworn by president once got deleted from the record (9)","output":"### Answer: EXPLETIVE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Oath\nCan't parse this beyond EX P (\"president once\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rulers erased the central elements, providing means of control (5)","output":"### Answer: LEASH \n ### Explanation: Definition: means of control\n[*central elements*] of (ru)**LE**(rs) (er)**AS**(ed) (t)**H**(e)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Proceeds cautiously as model returns, embracing unconventional poet (7)","output":"### Answer: TIPTOES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Proceeds cautiously\n**<=SIT **(\"model\" *returns*) *embracing*** *(poet) **[anag:*unconventional*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Promote rebel after American intervention (5,2)","output":"### Answer: RAISE UP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Promote\n**RISE UP** (\"rebel\") *with* **A** (American) *intervening"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Long boring speech illustrating singular belief \u2026 (6)","output":"### Answer: SCREED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Long boring speech\n**S** (singular) + **CREED** (\"belief\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: \u2026 which helps heel get into Oxford, perhaps (8)","output":"### Answer: SHOEHORN \n ### Explanation: Definition: which helps heel get into Oxford, perhaps (8)\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cromwell, for example, shot a revolutionary when holding mass (6)","output":"### Answer: THOMAS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Cromwell, for example\n***(shot a)** [anag;*revolutionary*] *when holding* **M** (mass)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Advantage gained by leading team (6)","output":"### Answer: UPSIDE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Advantage\n**UP** (\"leading\") + **SIDE** (\"team\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Came back with European socialist support for census (9)","output":"### Answer: COUNTERED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Came back\n**E** (European) + **RED** (\"socialist\") *supporting* **COUNT** (\"census\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cook ignites the pan, creating minor problems (8,5)","output":"### Answer: TEETHING PAINS \n ### Explanation: Definition: minor problems\n***(ignites the pan)** [anag:*cook*] \n\u00a0\n \n*\"Minor\" = \"young\" here, as teething pains are definitely not a minor pain."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Take away sign created by head of McDonald's in America (5)","output":"### Answer: MINUS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Take away sign\n[*head of*] **M**(cDonald's) **IN US **(\"America\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Idiot reportedly prosecutes moderates (8)","output":"### Answer: ASSUAGES \n ### Explanation: Definition: moderates\n**ASS** (\"idiot\") + homophone [*reportedly*] of **WAGES** (\"prosecutes\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Single theatrical award shows lack of diversity (8)","output":"### Answer: MONOTONY \n ### Explanation: Definition: lack of diversity\n**MONO** (\"single\") + **TONY** (\"theatrical award\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Troubled over Anne visiting moor \u2014 it's the perfect place (6,2,5)","output":"### Answer: HEAVEN ON EARTH \n ### Explanation: Definition: it's the perfect place\n***(over anne)** [anag:*troubled*] *visiting* **HEATH** (\"moor\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Form of art devoured by spry elderly setter? (5,4)","output":"### Answer: STILL LIFE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Form of art\n\"There's **STILL LIFE** in the old dog\" may be said while describing \"a spry elderly setter\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old civil orders to detain criminal set producing toxin (8)","output":"### Answer: ASBESTOS \n ### Explanation: Definition: toxin\n**ASBOS** (anti-social behaviour orders. so \"old civil orders\")* to detain* ***(set)** [anag:*criminal*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Seed carried in rickety barge \u2014 one making lots of noise! (8)","output":"### Answer: BAGPIPER \n ### Explanation: Definition: one making lots of noise\n**PIP** (\"seed\") *carried in* ***(barge)** [anag:*rickety*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Like part of anecdote Kathy put up (4,2)","output":"### Answer: TAKE TO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Like\nHidden backwards [*part of\u2026put up*] \"anecd**OTE KAT**hy\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Composer spoken of as 'performance god' (6)","output":"### Answer: CHOPIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Composer\nHomophone [*spoken of as*] of (**SHOW** (\"performance\") + **PAN** (\"god\"))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Express strong feeling, using term Goethe oddly rejected (5)","output":"### Answer: EMOTE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Express strong feeling\n(t)**E**(r)**M** (g)**O**(e)**T**(h)**E **[*oddly rejected*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Terribly idle German swung the lead (10)","output":"### Answer: MALINGERED \n ### Explanation: Terribly idle German swung the lead (10)\n\n\n***(idle German)** [anag:*terribly*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: They are usually spotted in Nordic environments (4)","output":"### Answer: DICE \n ### Explanation: Definition: They are usually spotted\n\nHidden [*in*] \"nor**DIC E**nvironments\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Female embracing Oscar in Oxford, say (4)","output":"### Answer: SHOE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Oxford, say\n\n**SHE** (\"female\") *embracing* **O** (Oscar, in the phonetic alphabet)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Skin around navel? (6,4)","output":"### Answer: ORANGE PEEL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Skin around navel?\n\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Period of abstinence starts to incrementally lower pulse (6)","output":"### Answer: LENTIL \n ### Explanation: Definition: pulse\n\n**LENT** (\"period of abstinence\") + [*starts to*]** I**(ncrementally) **L**(ower)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Well-trained teacher that is in on time (8)","output":"### Answer: OBEDIENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Well-trained\n\n**B Ed** (Bachelor of Education, so \"teacher\") +** I.E.** (id east, so \"that is\") *in* **ON** + **T** (time), so **O(B Ed i.e).N-T"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tyneside-born artist maintaining pose in US state (8)","output":"### Answer: NEBRASKA \n ### Explanation: Definition: US state\n\n**N.E.** (North East, so \"Tyneside\") + **B** (born) + **RA** (member of the Royal Academy, so \"artist\") *maintaining* **ASK** (\"pose\")\n \n\n \n*Of course, Tyneside is only NE if you're English; to me it's South \ud83d\ude42"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: How sad! Abandoned railway is crooked (4)","output":"### Answer: AWRY \n ### Explanation: Definition: crooked\n\n**AW**! (\"how sad\") + [*abandoned*] **R**(ailwa)**Y"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Avoid barbarian on Sabbath (4)","output":"### Answer: SHUN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Avoid\n\n**HUN** (\"barbarian\") *on* **S** (Sabbath)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Revolutionary accepts English church indulgence (8)","output":"### Answer: LENIENCE \n ### Explanation: Definition: indulgence\n\n**LENIN** (\"revolutionary\") *accepts* **E** (English) + **CE** (\"Church\" of England)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lad initially given prison sentence for lark, perhaps (8)","output":"### Answer: SONGBIRD \n ### Explanation: Definition: lark, perhaps\n\n**SON** (\"lad\") + [*initially*] **G**(iven) + **BIRD** (\"prison sentence\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Introduce Liberal behind organised sit in (6)","output":"### Answer: INSTIL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Introduce\n\n**L **(liberal) *behind* ***(sit in)** [anag:*organised*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Brothel lodging women in awful youth hostel by river (5,5)","output":"### Answer: BAWDY HOUSE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Brothel\n\n**W** (women) *lodging in* **BAD** (\"awful\") + **YH** (youth hostel, on a map) *by* (River) **OUSE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sailor taking on the Spanish is first to die? (4)","output":"### Answer: ABEL \n ### Explanation: Definition: first to die?\n\n**AB** (able-bodied seaman, so \"sailor\") *taking on* **EL** (\"the\" in \"Spanish\")\n \n\n \n*In Christian mythology, Abel was the first person ever to die, murdered by his brother Cain."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Exploits of two cardinals captured by American (4)","output":"### Answer: USES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Exploits\n\n**S** + **E** (south + east, so \"two cardinals\")* captured by* **US** (\"American\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Car enthusiast introducing Henry to dodgy pot dealer (10)","output":"### Answer: PETROLHEAD \n ### Explanation: Definition: Car enthusiast\n\n**H** (Henry)* introduced to* ***(pot dealer) **[anag:*dodgy*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Naked man allowed in The Sportsman (7)","output":"### Answer: ATHLETE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Sportsman\n\n[*naked*] (i.e. without outer covering) (m)**A**(n) + **LET** (\"allowed\") *in* **THE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Incompetent independent trust holds record (5)","output":"### Answer: INEPT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Incompetent\n\n**I** (independent) + **NT** (National Trust) *holds* **EP** (extended play \"record\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Setter in Slough butchered husband? Horrific! (8)","output":"### Answer: GHOULISH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Horrific\n\n**I **(the \"setter\") *in* ***(slough)** [anag:*butchered*] + **H** (husband)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Debates Labour on dubious grounds for acquittal (10,5)","output":"### Answer: REASONABLE DOUBT \n ### Explanation: Definition: grounds for acquittal\n\n***(debates labour on)** [anag:*dubious*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Attorney forces engineer to turn over weapon (6)","output":"### Answer: DAGGER \n ### Explanation: Definition: weapon\n\n**DA** (District Attorney) + **G** +**G**(-force twice, so \"forces\") + **<=R.E.** (Royal Engineer, *to turn over*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Copy political party and lie about whip (9)","output":"### Answer: DUPLICATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Copy\n\n**DUP** (Democratic Unionist Party, so \"political party\") *and* **LIE** *about* **CAT** (\"whip\"), so **DUP-LI(CAT)E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Charlie put on less fat daily (7)","output":"### Answer: CLEANER \n ### Explanation: Definition: daily\n\n**C** (Charlie, in the phonetic alphabet) *put on* **LEANER** (\"less fat\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Frenchman wanders around Spain supplying outlaws (9)","output":"### Answer: RENEGADES \n ### Explanation: Definition: outlaws\n\n**RENE** (\"Frenchman\") + **GADS** (\"wanders\") *about* **E** (internal vehicle registration code for \"Spain\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unconventional protagonist of another novel about India (8)","output":"### Answer: ANTIHERO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Unconventional protagonist\n\n***(another)** [anag:*novel*] *about* **I **(India, in the phonetic alphabet)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pipes captain aboard whilst blockading harbour (7)","output":"### Answer: HOOKAHS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Pipes\n\n(Captain) **HOOK** (a ship's captain, so \"aboard\") + **AS** (\"whilst\") *blockading* **H** (harbour)\n \n\n \n*I've not come across \"h\" for \"harbour\" before, but as I am on a short break, I have no access to a paper dictionary and can't confirm. It's not in the Chambers app, and it's not an Ordnance Survey abbreviation\u2026"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Strike artilleryman as a fanciful idea (7)","output":"### Answer: CHIMERA \n ### Explanation: Definition: fanciful idea\n\n**CHIME** (\"strike\") + **RA** (Royal Artillery, so \"artillerymen\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Politician touring islands almost has accident (6)","output":"### Answer: MISHAP \n ### Explanation: Definition: accident\n\n**MP** (\"politician\") *touring* **Is** (islands) + [*almost*] **HA**(s)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stockpile wood at bottom of street (5)","output":"### Answer: STASH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Stockpile\n\n**ASH** (\"wood\") *at bottom of* **St. **(street)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Confesses personal matter, upon reflection (4,2)","output":"### Answer: OWNS UP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Confesses\n\n**OWN** (\"personal\") + **<=PUS** (\"matter\", *upon reflection*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rushing wind postponed start of mission (5-3)","output":"### Answer: BLAST-OFF \n ### Explanation: Definition: start of mission\n\n**BLAST** (\"rushing wind\") + **OFF** (\"postponed\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Prevarication unlikely in serenade (8)","output":"### Answer: STALLING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Prevarication\n\n**TALL** (\"unlikely\" as in \"tall tale\") *in* **SING** (\"serenade\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: On German lake, last of the morning sun shimmers (6)","output":"### Answer: GLEAMS \n ### Explanation: Definition: shimmers\n\n*On* **G** (German) + **L** (lake), [*last of*] (th)**E** +** A.M.** (ante meridian, so \"morning\") +** S** (sun)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One thing or a couple? (4)","output":"### Answer: ITEM \n ### Explanation: Definition: One thing\n\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bloke that is limiting expense, essentially (6)","output":"### Answer: MEANIE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Bloke that is limiting expense, essentially\n\n**MAN** (\"bloke\") + **I.E.** (id est, so \"that is\") *limiting* (exp)**E**(use) [*essentially*] and &lit."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Animated character's loud warning cry turned attention (4,4)","output":"### Answer: YOGIBEAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Animated character\n\n**<=(BIG** (\"loud\") + **OY** (\"warning cry\")) [*turned*] + **EAR** (\"attention\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tiniest particle in balance (8)","output":"### Answer: REMOTEST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Tiniest\n\n**MOTE** (\"particle\") *in* **REST** (\"balance\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Disorder created by politician in government (6)","output":"### Answer: RUMPLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Disorder\n\n**MP** (Member of Parliament, so \"politician\") *in* **RULE** (\"government\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rationalise current business (10)","output":"### Answer: STREAMLINE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Rationalise\n\n**STREAM** (\"current\") + **LINE** (\"business\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Nothing in Lancashire town demolished (4)","output":"### Answer: NOWT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Nothing in Lancashire\n\n***(town)** [anag:*demolished*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Very unhealthy, like large country houses (6)","output":"### Answer: VILLAS \n ### Explanation: Definition: large country houses\n\n**V** (very) + **ILL** (\"unhealthy\") + **AS** (\"like\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Remain fair, but refuse to pay penalty (4,4)","output":"### Answer: KEEPFINE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Remain fair\n\n**KEEP** (\"refuse to pay\") + **FINE** (\"penalty\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Give a hand to catch bull (8)","output":"### Answer: CLAPTRAP \n ### Explanation: Definition: bull\n\n**CLAP** (\"give a hand\") + **TRAP** (\"to catch\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Metal content of cage? (6)","output":"### Answer: SILVER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Metal\n\n[*content of*] (c)AG(e) is Ag, the symbol for **SILVER"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: How flawless execution proceeds, despite all one's efforts? (4,3,4,4,2,3,5)","output":"### Answer: WITH THE BEST WILL IN THE WORLD \n ### Explanation: Definition: despite all one's efforts\n\nThe executor of an estate may be supplied **WITH** **THE BEST WILL **(i.e. testament)** IN THE WORLD"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wise man's got millions, working unaided to begin with (7)","output":"### Answer: SOLOMON \n ### Explanation: Definition: Wise man\n\n**M** (millions) + **ON** ('working\") *with* **SOLO** (\"unaided\") *to begin with"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pharisee admitting ignoble end for gentile is right (9)","output":"### Answer: PRIVILEGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: right\n\n**PRIG** (\"pharisee\") *admitting* **VILE** (\"ignoble\") + [*end for*] (gentil)**E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Valiant attempt to repress one's initial prejudice (7)","output":"### Answer: BIGOTRY \n ### Explanation: Definition: prejudice\n\n**BIG** (\"valiant\") + **TRY** (\"attempt\") *to repress* **O**(ne) [*'s initial*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Several seaweeds good in salad uncovered close to shore (5)","output":"### Answer: ALGAE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Several seaweeds\n\n**G** (good) *in* (s)**ALA**(d) [*uncovered*] + [*close to*] (shor)**E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One particular doctor choking to death (3,4)","output":"### Answer: THETOMB \n ### Explanation: Definition: death\n\n**THE** (\"one particular\") + **MB** (Bachelor of Medicine, so \"doctor\") *choking* **TO"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What could make any fellow claim a discontinued benefit? (6,9)","output":"### Answer: FAMILY ALLOWANCE \n ### Explanation: Definition: discontinued benefit\n\n***(any fellow claim a)** [anag:*what could make*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pressman backing into barn with small cultivators (9)","output":"### Answer: GARDENERS \n ### Explanation: Definition: cultivators\n\n**<=ED** (editor, so \"pressman\", *backing*) *into* **GARNER** (\"barn\") *with* **S** (small)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Finished drink, partly a coincidence (7)","output":"### Answer: OVERLAP \n ### Explanation: Definition: partly a coincidence\n\n**OVER** (\"finish\") + **LAP** (\"drink\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Devise fine trophy for orators (5,2)","output":"### Answer: THINK UP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Devise\n\n**THIN** (\"fine\") + homophone [*for orators*] of **CUP** (\"trophy\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Attentive guard taken short (7)","output":"### Answer: MINDFUL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Attentive\n\n**MIND** (\"guard\") + **FUL**(l) (\"taken\", *short*)\n \n\n \n*Full and taken as synonyms? Closest I can come up with is \"all the spaces in the car park are full\/taken\", but I would use \"have been filled\" before \"are full\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: 13 swears regularly behind setter's back (5)","output":"### Answer: MISER \n ### Explanation: Definition: 13\n\n**S**(w)**E**(a)**R**(s) [*regularly*] *behind* **<=I'M** (\"setter's\", *back*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Diarist has a furtive look, they say (5)","output":"### Answer: PEPYS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Diarist\n\nHomophone [*they say*] of **PEEPS** (\"has a furtive look\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Billie occasionally visiting dealer in Bloomsbury perhaps (9)","output":"### Answer: PUBLISHER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Bloomsbury perhaps\n\n**B**(i)**L**(l)**I**(e) [*occasionally*] *visiting* **PUSHER** (\"dealer\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Previously more like a man of noble birth (7)","output":"### Answer: EARLIER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Previously\n\nA nobleman could be an EARL, like a nobleman could thus be EARLY, so \"more like a\" nobleman could be **EARLIER**\n \n\n \n*There should be a question mark at the end of the clue, in my opinion."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old boys harbouring desire for figures such as these? (7)","output":"### Answer: OBLONGS \n ### Explanation: Definition: figures\n\n**OBs **(old boys, as in former pupils) *harbouring* **LONG** (\"desire\")\n \n\n \n*The \"such as these?\" is superfluous"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A busy place? (6,7)","output":"### Answer: POLICE STATION \n ### Explanation: Definition: A busy place?\n\nCryptic definition, \"busy\" being a slang word for a policeman."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pretentious Penny booted out by Tories for one (4)","output":"### Answer: ARTY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Pretentious\n\nP (penny) booted out of (p)**ARTY** (\"Tories for one\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A Parisian off his head \u2013 or in perfect shape? (9)","output":"### Answer: UNTOUCHED \n ### Explanation: Definition: in perfect shape?\n\n**UN** (\"one\" in French, so \"a Parisian\") + **TOUCHED** (\"off his head\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Meddle in current rent-free arrangement (9)","output":"### Answer: INTERFERE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Meddle\n\n**I** (symbol in physics for electric \"current\") + ***(rent free)** [anag:*arrangement*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Press knocking back the brandy (4)","output":"### Answer: CRAM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Press\n\n[*knocking back*] **<= MARC** (\"brandy\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Down with the same bug as Polly? (4,2,1,6)","output":"### Answer: SICK AS A PARROT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Down with the same bug as Polly? \n\n(Not very) cryptic definition."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Estates controlled most of the game (7)","output":"### Answer: RANCHES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Estates\n\n**RAN** (\"controlled\") + [*most of*] **CHES**(s) (\"game\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Followers of Her Majesty holding couple back (7)","output":"### Answer: RETINUE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Followers\n\n**<=(ER** (Elizabeth Regina, so \"Her Majesty\") *holding* **UNITE** (\"couple\")**)** [*back*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: River pasture he cultivated (9)","output":"### Answer: EUPHRATES \n ### Explanation: Definition: River\n\n***(pasture he)** [anag:*cultivated*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: I believe in Latin, as almost all the boys do (5)","output":"### Answer: CREDO \n ### Explanation: Definition: I believe in Latin\n\n[*almost all*] **CRE**(w) (\"the boys\") + **DO**\n \n\n \n*There isn't really a definition in this clue, just a derivation of the solution and a cryptic indication."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Look! There's a mouse by piano! (4)","output":"### Answer: PEEK \n ### Explanation: Definition: Look\n\n**EEK** (\"what someone may cry when they see \"a mouse\") *by* **P** (piano, in music notation)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Vagabond's precipitate movement (11)","output":"### Answer: PERIPATETIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: Vagabond\n\n***(precipitate) **[anag:*movement*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Guard started to cross lake (6)","output":"### Answer: SHIELD \n ### Explanation: Definition: Guard\n\n**SHIED** (\"started\", as in recoiled)* to cross* **L** (lake)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ready to drop? This might help (9)","output":"### Answer: PARACHUTE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Ready to drop? This might help\n\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Where one on drugs might go for kicks? (5)","output":"### Answer: BOOTS \n ### Explanation: Definition: kicks\n\n**BOOTS** is a chain of dispensing chemist's shops, so \"one on drugs might go\" there."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Reporter's local group conspiring (2,6)","output":"### Answer: IN LEAGUE \n ### Explanation: Definition: conspiring\n\nHomophone [*reporter's*] of **INN** (\"local\") + **LEAGUE** (\"group\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dynasty's influence failing in the end (3)","output":"### Answer: HAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Dynasty\n\n**HAN**(d) (\"dynasty\", *failing at the end*)\n \n\n \n*The Han dynasty ruled China for over 400 years."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: In some homes it's a problem of course (6,4)","output":"### Answer: RISING DAMP \n ### Explanation: Definition: In some homes it's a problem of course\n\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Incinerate husband perhaps? He's got it coming! (11)","output":"### Answer: INHERITANCE \n ### Explanation: Definition: it\n\n***(incinerate h)** [anag:*perhaps*] where H = husband.\n \n\n \n*Difficult to pinpoint the definition here. It can't be \"he's got it coming\" as that would be INHERITOR."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Exotic pastries I originally enjoyed here (10)","output":"### Answer: PATISSERIE \n ### Explanation: Definition: here\n\n***(pastries i) **[anag:*exotic*] + [*originally*] **E**(njoyed)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Reference work ambassador's placed in house (9)","output":"### Answer: THESAURUS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Reference work\n\n**HE's** (\"ambassador's\", as in His Excellency's) *placed in* **TAURUS** (\"house\" of the Zodiac)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Child's hero under pressure to become a man of God (8)","output":"### Answer: PREACHER \n ### Explanation: Definition: a man of God\n\n(Jack) **REACHER** (\"hero\" of a series of novels by Lee \"Child\") *under* **P** (pressure)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lorry carrying Charlie's very cold (6)","output":"### Answer: ARCTIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: very cold\n\n**ARTIC** (short for articulated \"lorry\") *carrying* **C** (Charlie, in the phonetic alphabet)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Attraction of girl from the south (5)","output":"### Answer: ASSET \n ### Explanation: Definition: Attraction\n\n**<=TESSA **(\"girl\", (reading upwards) *from the south*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Leading man a little lecherous (4)","output":"### Answer: HERO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Leading man\n\nHidden in [*a little*] \"lec**HERO**us\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tip vessel over (3)","output":"### Answer: NAP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Tip\n\n**<=PAN** (\"vessel\", over)\n \n\n \n*A \"nap\" is a racing tip."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: West of France is just awful (9)","output":"### Answer: FRIGHTFUL \n ### Explanation: West of France is just awful (9)\n\n**F** (France) + **RIGHTFUL** (\"just\")\n \n\n \n*Surely, the RIGHTFUL is ***EAST*** of F, though? If you imagine that F is the starting point, then RIGHTFUL is to its left, therefore its east?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Large animal in river (5)","output":"### Answer: HIPPO \n ### Explanation: Large animal in river (5)\n\n**HIP** (\"in\", as in trendy) + (River) **PO"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Reduction in river effluent's first put into effect (7)","output":"### Answer: EXECUTE \n ### Explanation: Reduction in river effluent's first put into effect (7)\n\n**CUT** (\"reduction\") *in* (River) **EXE** + **E**(ffluent) [*'s first*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ignoring government, leave the country for Dubai? (7)","output":"### Answer: EMIRATE \n ### Explanation: Ignoring government, leave the country for Dubai? (7)\n\n*Ignoring* G (Government), **EMI**(g)**RATE** (\"leave the country\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cut down second large tree (5)","output":"### Answer: SLASH \n ### Explanation: Cut down second large tree (5)\n\n**S** (second) + **L** (large) + **ASH** (\"tree\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tells gripping tale \u2013 not half! \u2013 story initially untold (9)","output":"### Answer: COUNTLESS \n ### Explanation: Tells gripping tale \u2013 not half! \u2013 story initially untold (9)\n\n**COUNTS** (\"tells\") *gripping* (ta)**LE** [*not half*] + **S**(tory) [*initially*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Apartment block (3)","output":"### Answer: PAD \n ### Explanation: Apartment block (3)\n\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Alfredo's heart captured by Violetta \u2013 or different Verdi opera (2,9)","output":"### Answer: IL TROVATORE \n ### Explanation: Alfredo's heart captured by Violetta \u2013 or different Verdi opera (2,9)\n\n(alf)**R**(edo) [*'s heart*] *captured by* ***(violetta or)** [anag:*different*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hanging small plant outside \u2013 that's awkward (11)","output":"### Answer: EMBARRASSED \n ### Explanation: Hanging small plant outside \u2013 that's awkward (11)\n\n**ARRAS** (\"hanging\") + **S** (small) with **EMBED** (\"plant\") *outside"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: When returning, spot a fox (3)","output":"### Answer: TOD \n ### Explanation: When returning, spot a fox (3)\n\n[*when returning*] **<=DOT** (\"spot\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Yorkshire town's players tucked into kebab (9)","output":"### Answer: DONCASTER \n ### Explanation: Yorkshire town's players tucked into kebab (9)\n\n**CAST** (\"players\") *tucked into* **DONER** (kebab)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Conservative leads Labour split (5)","output":"### Answer: CLEFT \n ### Explanation: Conservative leads Labour split (5)\n\n**C** (Conservative) *leads* **LEFT** (\"Labour\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Is one renewed restraining order unpleasant? (7)","output":"### Answer: NOISOME \n ### Explanation: Is one renewed restraining order unpleasant? (7)\n\n***(is one)** [anag:*renewed*] *restraining* **OM** (\"Order\" of Merit)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Complaint with one moving food (7)","output":"### Answer: ALIMENT \n ### Explanation: Complaint with one moving food (7)\n\nA(I)LMENT (\"complaint) *with* I (one) *moving* could become **AL(I)MENT"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cup Final in following year is close (5)","output":"### Answer: MUGGY \n ### Explanation: Cup Final in following year is close (5)\n\n**MUG** (\"cup\") + [*final in*] (followin)**G** + **Y** (year)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ring a bell, possibly, to keep snitch regularly alert (2,3,4)","output":"### Answer: ON THE BALL \n ### Explanation: Ring a bell, possibly, to keep snitch regularly alert (2,3,4)\n\n**O** (ring) +***(a bell)** [anag;*possibly*] *to keep* (s)**N**(i)**T**(c)**H **[regularly], so **O(NTH)EBALL"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Delivers a work of art for the audience (5)","output":"### Answer: FREES \n ### Explanation: Delivers a work of art for the audience (5)\n\nHomophone of [*for the audience*] FRIEZE (\"work of art\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One country or another with Catholic for king (7)","output":"### Answer: ICELAND \n ### Explanation: One country or another with Catholic for king (7)\n\n**I**(**C**>r)**ELAND** (\"another' (country)) *with* C (Catholic) *for* (i.e. replacing) R (king)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Novel a huge hit? Right to be relatively proud (9)","output":"### Answer: HAUGHTIER \n ### Explanation: Novel a huge hit? Right to be relatively proud (9)\n\n***(a huge git)** [anag;*novel*] + **R** (right)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Something to eat? Sant\u00e9! (6,5)","output":"### Answer: FRENCH TOAST \n ### Explanation: Something to eat? Sant\u00e9! (6,5)\n\nSant\u00e9 (meaning \"health\") is a toast in France, hence **FRENCH TOAST"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Press make up story (3)","output":"### Answer: LIE \n ### Explanation: Press make up story (3)\n\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Not the first time, believer reveals crime (5)","output":"### Answer: HEIST \n ### Explanation: Not the first time, believer reveals crime (5)\n\n(t)**HEIST** (\"believer\") without *the first* T (time)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Prole catching a cold is given old, useless medicine (7)","output":"### Answer: PLACEBO \n ### Explanation: Prole catching a cold is given old, useless medicine (7)\n\n**PLEB** (\"prole\") *catching* **A** + **C** (cold) *is given* **O** (old), so **PL(A-C)EB-O"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Deliveries threaten to exceed budget (9)","output":"### Answer: OVERSPEND \n ### Explanation: Deliveries threaten to exceed budget (9)\n\n**OVERS** (\"deliveries\") + **PEND** (\"threaten\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unlikely to notice university head needs domestic help (11)","output":"### Answer: UNOBSERVANT \n ### Explanation: Unlikely to notice university head needs domestic help (11)\n\n**U** (university) + **NOB** (\"head\") + **SERVANT** (\"domestic help\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Deviously dupe my son, giving false name (9)","output":"### Answer: PSEUDONYM \n ### Explanation: Deviously dupe my son, giving false name (9)\n\n***(dupe my son)** [anag:*deviously*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Habit-forming cocaine concealed in food colouring? (9)","output":"### Answer: ADDICTIVE \n ### Explanation: Habit-forming cocaine concealed in food colouring? (9)\n\n**C** (cocaine) *concealed in ***ADDITIVE** (\"food colouring?\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One flies flags (7)","output":"### Answer: BUNTING \n ### Explanation: One flies flags (7)\n\nDouble definition, the first referring to the small bird."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Son wants heater off around May? (7)","output":"### Answer: THERESA \n ### Explanation: Son wants heater off around May? (7)\n\n***(heater)** [anag:*off*] *around* **S** (son)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pain is extremely nasty after a run (5)","output":"### Answer: AGONY \n ### Explanation: Pain is extremely nasty after a run (5)\n\n[*extremely*]** N**(ast)**Y** *after* **A GO** (\"run\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Amount to nothing, thanks to crack habit hell ultimately (5)","output":"### Answer: TOTAL \n ### Explanation: Amount to nothing, thanks to crack habit hell ultimately (5)\n\n**O** (\"nothing\") + **TA** (\"thanks\") *to crack* (habi)**T** (hel)**L** [*ultimately*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Green is among palette colours (3)","output":"### Answer: ECO \n ### Explanation: Green is among palette colours (3)\n\nHidden in [*is among*] \"palett**E CO**lours\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: RAF for instance scrambled above Britain (12)","output":"### Answer: ABBREVIATION \n ### Explanation: Definition: RAF for instan\n\n***(above britain) **[anag:*scrambled*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dialect good with English whatever it takes? (7)","output":"### Answer: GEORDIE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Dialect\n\n**G **(good) *with* **E **(English) + **OR DIE** (\"whatever to takes\", as in \"do or die\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Standing across river in cloud (7)","output":"### Answer: STRATUS \n ### Explanation: Definition: cloud\n\n**STATUS** (\"standing\") *across* **R** (river)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Commons speeches to omit nothing at first (7)","output":"### Answer: RATIONS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Commons\n\n(o)**RATIONS** (\"speeches\") *omit* O (nothing) *at first"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Excessive about accepting present in addition (7)","output":"### Answer: THERETO \n ### Explanation: Definition: in addition\n\n**<=(OTT **(over the top, so \"excessive\", *about***)** *accepting* **HERE** (\"present\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Second eleven to provide driving force (5)","output":"### Answer: STEAM \n ### Explanation: Definition: driving force\n\n**S** (second) + **TEAM** (\"eleven\", in cricket or football)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fine houses for spymaster of course (2,7)","output":"### Answer: NO PROBLEM \n ### Explanation: Definition: of course\n\n**NOBLE** (\"fine\") *houses* **PRO** (\"for\") + **M** (\"spymaster\" in the James Bond universe)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Very rude about bust? (9)","output":"### Answer: INSOLVENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: bust\n\n**V** (very) with **INSOLENT** (\"rude\") *about"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Politician after tea sees winner (5)","output":"### Answer: CHAMP \n ### Explanation: Definition: winner\n\n**MP** (Member of Parliament, so \"politician\") *after* **CHA** (\"tea\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Firm into money-changing offers cheapest travel (7)","output":"### Answer: ECONOMY \n ### Explanation: Definition: cheapest travel\n\n**Co.** (company, so \"firm\") *into* ***(money)** [anag:*changing*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Vessel shooting across the waves? (7)","output":"### Answer: GUNBOAT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Vessel shooting across the waves?\n\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bad-mannered son twice sent back to hospital (7)","output":"### Answer: YOBBISH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Bad-mannered\n\n**<=(SIB BOY)** (\"son\",* twice sent back*) *to* **H** (hospital)\n \n\n \n*Not convinced by \"sib\" = son, as the status of being a sib relies on having a brother or a sister, rather than a parent."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: No-one taking part \u2013 that's offensive (7)","output":"### Answer: NOISOME \n ### Explanation: Definition: offensiv\n\n**NO** + **I **(one) *taking* **SOME** (\"part\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Having a turn, our boss reset obsolete browser (12)","output":"### Answer: BRONTOSAURUS \n ### Explanation: Definition: obsolete browser\n\n***(a turn our boss)** [anag:*having reset*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Send beer outside for missionary (7)","output":"### Answer: APOSTLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: missionary\n\n**POST** (\"send\") with **ALE** (\"beer\") *outside"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wicked pupils showing unacceptable behaviour (3,4)","output":"### Answer: BAD FORM \n ### Explanation: Definition: unacceptable behaviour\n\n**BAD** (\"wicked\") + **FORM** (\"pupils\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: From that day forth, on any occasion, wrong at church (4,5)","output":"### Answer: EVER SINCE \n ### Explanation: Definition: From that day forth\n\n**EVER** (\"on any occasion\") + **SIN** (\"wrong\") *at* **CE** (\"Church\" of England)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Day for teachers producing smaller diagram (5)","output":"### Answer: INSET \n ### Explanation: Definition: Day for teachers\n\nDouble definition, the first relating to a training day for teachers in the UK."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Such a fish as sinks beneath the waves? (7)","output":"### Answer: TORPEDO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Such a fish\n\n**TORPEDO** fish are related to skates and rays, an of course a torpedo is an underwater missile."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pale brown marks in opal here and there with blue (7)","output":"### Answer: OATMEAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Pale brown\n\n**M** (marks) *in* **O**(p)**A**(l) [here and there] *with* **TEAL** (\"blue\"), so **O-A-T(M)EAL"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Vigorously mixing liver and eggs say (12)","output":"### Answer: AGGRESSIVELY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Vigorously\n\n***(liver eggs say)** [anag:*mixing*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Morsel pretty poor for an oceanic bird (6,6)","output":"### Answer: STORMY PETREL \n ### Explanation: Definition: oceanic bird\n\n***(morsel pretty)** [anag:*poor*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old man travelling again to arid tableland (9)","output":"### Answer: PATAGONIA \n ### Explanation: Definition: arid tableland\n\n**PA** (\"old man\") + ***(again to)** [ang:*travelling*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Slaver statue initially seen has one throwing up? (7)","output":"### Answer: SLOBBER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Slaver\n\n**S**(tatue) [*initially seen*] *has* **LOBBER** (\"one throwing up\" i.e. lobbing)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Thai neighbour taken north to a loch by Scotsman (7)","output":"### Answer: LAOTIAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Thai neighbour\n\n**<=(TO A L **(loch), *taken* *north***) **by **IAN** (\"Scotsman\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: More skilful narrative's opening in Racine novel (7)","output":"### Answer: CANNIER \n ### Explanation: Definition: More skilful\n\n**N**(arrative) [*'s opening*] *in* ***(racine)** [anag:*novel*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Feeling love in a room excited American (7)","output":"### Answer: AMOROUS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Feeling love\n\n***(a room) **[anag:*excited*] + **US** (\"American\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Philistine always knocked over? Goliath finally ducks (5)","output":"### Answer: YAHOO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Philistine\n\n**<=AY** (\"always\", *knocked over*) + (goliat)**H** [*finally*] + **OO** (\"ducks\" or zeroes in cricket)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hand in dictionary that is left out (7)","output":"### Answer: OMITTED \n ### Explanation: Definition: left out\n\n**MITT** (\"hand\") *in* **OED** (Oxford English \"Dictionary\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Move away from taking this to attempt repair? (4,3)","output":"### Answer: BACK OFF \n ### Explanation: Definition: Move away\n\nIf you \"attempt\" to \"repair\" certain things, you may start by taking the **BACK OFF"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Following a story that has no end is disastrous (5)","output":"### Answer: FATAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: disastrous\n\n**F** (following) + **A** + **TAL**(e) (\"story\" *that has no end*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Second sign of hesitation to enter filthy house (9)","output":"### Answer: MONASTERY \n ### Explanation: Definition: house\n\n**MO** (\"second\") + **ER** (\"sign of hesitation\") *to enter* **NASTY** (\"filthy\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Eloquent, sliding in car on ice (10)","output":"### Answer: CICERONIAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Eloquent\n\n***(in car on ice)** [anag:*sliding*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Make quiet money (4)","output":"### Answer: DOSH \n ### Explanation: Definition: money\n\n**DO** (\"make\") + **SH** (\"quiet\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Magazine's serious debating topic (3,3,5)","output":"### Answer: THE BIG ISSUE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Magazine\n\nA serious debating topic could be considered **THE BIG ISSUE**, and *The Big Issue* is a magazine sold by some homeless people in the UK to help them earn some money."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Direct view here in the fog is nil, unfortunately (4,2,5)","output":"### Answer: LINE OF SIGHT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Direct view here\n\n***(the fog is nil) **[anag:*unfortunately*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unprepared to survive, so small (4,6)","output":"### Answer: LAST MINUTE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Unprepared\n\n**LAST** (\"service\") + **MINUTE** (\"small\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Quietly use a rope to get around in thick fog (3-6)","output":"### Answer: PEA-SOUPER \n ### Explanation: Definition: thick fog\n\n**P** (piano, so \"quietly\", in music notation) + ***(use a rope)** [anag:*to get around*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Extremely upset about snake, an unseen attacker (1-4)","output":"### Answer: UBOAT \n ### Explanation: Definition: an unseen attacker\n\n[extremely] **U**(pse)**T** *about* **BOA** (\"snake\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cross, but showing wit as well as anger (7)","output":"### Answer: SALTIRE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Cross\n\n**SALT** (\"wit\") *as well as* **IRE** (\"anger\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: How to cook new hatchlings from the bottom of the sea? (4-3)","output":"### Answer: DEEP-FRY \n ### Explanation: Definition: How to cook\n\n**FRY** (\"new hatchlings\") from the **DEEP** (\"bottom of the sea?\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Workplace starting to warm up? (6)","output":"### Answer: OFFICE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Workplace\n\nIf something has been on ice, and is taken **OFF ICE**, it will \"start to warm up\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: It can't fail to become whole (6)","output":"### Answer: INTACT \n ### Explanation: Definition: whole\n\n***(it can't)** [anag:*fail*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Endurance, suffering toenail rot (10)","output":"### Answer: TOLERATION \n ### Explanation: Definition: Endurance\n\n***(toenail rot)** [anag:*suffering*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Very skilful person made money boxes (5)","output":"### Answer: DEMON \n ### Explanation: Definition: Very skilful person\n\nHidden in [*boxes*] \"ma**DE MON**ey\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Team getting on with protecting injury (9)","output":"### Answer: BANDAGING \n ### Explanation: Definition: protecting injury\n\n**BAND** (\"team\") + **AGING** (\"getting on\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Start to search inside hollow part of tooth (4)","output":"### Answer: CUSP \n ### Explanation: Definition: part of tooth\n\n[*start to*] **S**(earch) *inside* **CUP** (\"hollow\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Weston-super-Mare, such a mean place? (3-5,4)","output":"### Answer: ONE-HORSE TOWN \n ### Explanation: Definition: such a mean place?\n\nThere is one mare (horse) in Weston-Super-Mare, so it could be described as a \"one-horse town\". Not sure why Vulcan has used the word \"mean\", as an average town would surely be big enough to have required more than one horse?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Handbill that can be used to keep the rain out (8)","output":"### Answer: FLYSHEET \n ### Explanation: Definition: Handbill\n\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hand out inspector's words of approval (10)","output":"### Answer: DISTRIBUTE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Hand out\n\n**DI'S** (Detective \"Inspector's\") + **TRIBUTE** (\"words of approval\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Very simple, like a shepherd's meal? (4,2,3)","output":"### Answer: EASY AS PIE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Very simple\n\n*The meal referred to is \"shepherd's\" pie"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Puts play off, its bill being remarkable (8)","output":"### Answer: PLATYPUS \n ### Explanation: Definition: its bill being remarkable\n\n***(puts play) **[anag:*off*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: This childish fight can escalate rapidly (8)","output":"### Answer: SNOWBALL \n ### Explanation: Definition: escalate rapidly\n\nThe \"childish fight\" is a **SNOWBALL** fight."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: About to smack, intercepted (3,3)","output":"### Answer: CUT OFF \n ### Explanation: Definition: intercepted\n\n**CUFF** (\"smack\") *about* **TO"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Way into actual robing room (6)","output":"### Answer: VESTRY \n ### Explanation: Definition: robing room\n\n**St.** (street, so \"way\") *into* **VERY** (\"actual\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Short of energy, resistance overwhelmed by United (5)","output":"### Answer: TIRED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Short of energy\n\n**R** (resistance) *overwhelmed by* **TIED** (\"united\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One marsh turns up in desert (4)","output":"### Answer: GOBI \n ### Explanation: Definition: desert\n\n**<=(I** (\"one\") + **BOG** (\"marsh\"), *turns up***)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Temple of Zeus perhaps old man guards (6)","output":"### Answer: PAGODA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Temple\n\n**PA** (\"old man\") *guards*** A GOD** (\"Zeus, perhaps\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Save on small item one strikes with (6)","output":"### Answer: RESCUE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Save\n\n**RE** (\"on\") + **S** (small) + **CUE** (\"item one strokes with\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Busy agent on duty for vessel (7)","output":"### Answer: TONNAGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: duty for vessel\n\n***(agent on)** [anag:*busy*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Run down piano is in key (7)","output":"### Answer: DEPLETE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Run down\n\n**P** (piano, in music notation)* is in* DELETE (\"key\" on a computer keyboard)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A party member putting party first is enlightening (10)","output":"### Answer: REVELATORY \n ### Explanation: Definition: enlightening\n\n**A TORY** (\"party member\") *putting* **REVEL** (\"party\") *first"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Island overwhelmed by globalisation (4)","output":"### Answer: BALI \n ### Explanation: Definition: Island\n\nHidden in [*overwhelmed by*] \"glo**BALI**sation\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tight covering originally taken off wound (5)","output":"### Answer: OILED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Tight\n\n**C**(overing) [*originally*] *taken off* (c)**OILED** (\"wound\"). \n \n\"Tight\" and \"oiled\" are synonyms of \"drunk\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Trapped deer wandering onto crop (8)","output":"### Answer: CORNERED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Trapped\n\n***(deer)** [anag:*wandering*] *onto* **CORN** (\"crop\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Charge Mark for posting Paradise Lost finally (8)","output":"### Answer: STAMPEDE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Charge\n\n**STAMP** (\"mark for posting\") + **EDE**(n) (\"paradise\") [*lost finally*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Muscular things overheard getting kisses (5)","output":"### Answer: PECKS \n ### Explanation: Definition: kisses\n\nHomophone of [*overheard*] **PECS** (\"muscular things\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Live next to a new bit of 21 down (4)","output":"### Answer: BEAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: bit of 21 down\n\n**BE** (\"live\") *next to* **A** + **N** (new)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Large prize hard to return after comic's retirement (10)","output":"### Answer: WITHDRAWAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: retirement\n\n**<=(L** (large) + **AWARD** (\"prize\") +** H) **[*to return*] *after* **WIT** (\"comic\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Criminal got into part of Wandsworth (7)","output":"### Answer: TOOTING \n ### Explanation: Definition: part of Wandsworth\n\n***(got into)** [anag:*criminal*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Flier in continuous usage passed around (7)","output":"### Answer: PEGASUS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Flier\n\nHidden backwards [*in\u2026around*] \"continuou**S USAGE P**assed\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Official in room feeding newborn? (6)","output":"### Answer: FORMAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Official\n\n**Rm.** (room) *feeding* **FOAL** (\"newborn\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Aim high when half of pirate visible at last (6)","output":"### Answer: ASPIRE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Aim high\n\n**AS** (\"when\") [*half of*] **PIR**(ate) + (visibl)**E** [*at last*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Use of Latin for section in writings is commoner (5)","output":"### Answer: PROLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: commoner\n\n*Use o*f L (Latin) *for* (i.e. instead of) S (section) in PRO(s)E (\"writings\") becomes **PRO(L)E** (\"commoner\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Well-bred egret not regularly missing fish (7)","output":"### Answer: GENTEEL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Well-bred\n\n(e)**G**(r)**E**(t) **N**(o)**T** [regularly missing] + EEL (\"fish\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Simple process to collar doctor over a stroke (3-6)","output":"### Answer: DOG-PADDLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: stroke\n\n**DODDLE** (\"simple process\") *to collar* (**GP** (General Practitioner, so \"doctor\") *over* **A**)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rival discovered bits of DNA many essentially overlooked (5)","output":"### Answer: ENEMY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Rival\n\n**ENE** (element for nuclear expression, which I presume is \"bits of DNA\") + **M**(an)**Y** [*essentially overlooked*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Standard brace fixed across tips of lower incisors (7)","output":"### Answer: CALIBRE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Standard\n\n***(brace)** [anag:*fixed*] *across* [*tips o*f] **L**(ower) **I**(ncisors)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: People who praise Dead Ringers? (9)","output":"### Answer: EXTOLLERS \n ### Explanation: Definition: People who praise\n\n\"Dead (bell-)ringers\" could be described as **EX-TOLLERS"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: It's painful sitting inside this French compartment (9)","output":"### Answer: COUCHETTE \n ### Explanation: Definition: compartment\n\n**OUCH** (\"it's painful\") *sitting inside* **CETTE** (\"this\" in \"French\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: 24's slower option perhaps while in transit (2,3,4)","output":"### Answer: ON THE HOOF \n ### Explanation: Definition: 24's slower option perhaps\n\nDouble definition, the first referring to Pegasus being slower on the ground than in the air."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Speed ends up in Paris repackaged (9)","output":"### Answer: RAPIDNESS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Speed\n\n***(ends)** [anag:*up*] *in* ***(Paris)** [anag:*repackaged*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Herman's other name for cheese (7)","output":"### Answer: MUNSTER \n ### Explanation: Definition: cheese\n\nDouble definition. Herman **MUNSTER** was a character in an American comedy TV series, and **MUNSTER** is a cheese from NE France."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bread and butter maybe dunked into drink (7)","output":"### Answer: CHAPATI \n ### Explanation: Definition: Bread\n\n**PAT** (\"butter, maybe\")* dunked into* **CHAI** (\"drink\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Brass curlew on garden fencing (5)","output":"### Answer: WONGA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Brass\n\nHidden in [*fencing*] \"curle**W ON GA**rden\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Extreme characters on river becoming quite blue (5)","output":"### Answer: AZURE \n ### Explanation: Definition: quite blue\n\n**A** and **Z** (\"extreme characters\") *on* (River) **URE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Where prisoners could buy booze and tipsily slosh gin with dash of pop (13)","output":"### Answer: WHISTLING-SHOP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Where prisoners could buy booze\n***(slosh gin with)** [anag:*tipsily*] + [*dash o*f] **P**(op)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Host excitedly making room for marriage bed may be more welcoming with them (7)","output":"### Answer: HOTTIES \n ### Explanation: Definition: bed may be more welcoming with them\n***(host)** [anag:excitedly] *making room for* **TIE** (\"marriage\") \n\u00a0\n \n*I assume that Azed is referring to the informal term for hot-water bottles, but the other definition of sexually attractive people would also work!"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Be full of conceit, as a regretful miss before end of romance (7)","output":"### Answer: EGOTISE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Be full of conceit\n**e.g.** (Miss) **OTIS**, as in the Cole Porter song *Miss Otis Regrets*, *before* [*end of*] (romanc)**E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Quite a lot of table talk that's beyond ripe? (4)","output":"### Answer: BLET \n ### Explanation: Definition: beyond ripe?\n*Quite a lot of* \"ta**BLE T**alk\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Primitive organism, reverse of type that's undivided inside (7)","output":"### Answer: MONERON \n ### Explanation: Definition: Primitive organism\n[*reverse of*] **<=NORM** (\"type\") with **ONE** (\"undivided\") *inside"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Measure of explosive force, too unstable in oven (7)","output":"### Answer: KILOTON \n ### Explanation: Definition: Measure of explosive force\n***(too)** [anag:unstable] *in* **KILN** (\"oven\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: On twice heading for promotion, study repeatedly (6)","output":"### Answer: REREAD \n ### Explanation: Definition: study repeatedly\n**RE** + **RE** (\"on\", twice) + **AD** (\"promotion\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A copy making comeback after jack boot (6)","output":"### Answer: JEMIMA \n ### Explanation: Definition: boot\n**<=(A MIME** (\"copy\", making comeback)**) ***after* **J** (jack) \n\u00a0\n \n*A jemima is an elastic-sided boot."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Punt's propelled thus, we hear, suffering extremes? (7)","output":"### Answer: BIPOLAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: suffering extremes?\nHomophone [*we hear*] of **BY POLER\u00a0**(\"punt's propelled thus\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A club having French art pinched \u2013 bad luck (7)","output":"### Answer: AMES-ACE \n ### Explanation: Definition: bad luck\n**A MACE** (\"club\") *having* **ES** (\"art\" i.e. are in \"French\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Very old garment, only 50% well- organized (4)","output":"### Answer: TOGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Very old garment\n[*only 50%*] **TOGE**(ther) [*well-organized*] \n\u00a0\n \n*Toge is an obsolete form of toga"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Shelters lettuce, green inside (7)","output":"### Answer: COVERTS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Shelters\n**COS** (\"lettuce\") with **VERT** (\"green\") **inside"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Was recording short of Welsh instrument of old? (4)","output":"### Answer: ROTE \n ### Explanation: Definition: instrument of old\n(w)**ROTE** (\"was recording\") *short of* W (Welsh) \n\u00a0\n \n*A rote was a medieval stringed instrument."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Nocturnal birds, alias parrot's head, found in Greek island (7)","output":"### Answer: KAKAPOS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Nocturnal birds\n**AKA** (also known as, \"alias\") + **P**(arrot) [*'s head*], *found in* **KOS** (\"Greek island\") \n\u00a0\n \n*Kakapos are rare nocturnal parrots from New Zealand. "} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Travel lodge of old, house with season following (7)","output":"### Answer: HOSPICE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Travel lodge of old\n**Ho.** (house) *with* **SPICE** (\"season\") *following"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Like infected hive that could create debt possibly, bees lost (10)","output":"### Answer: STYLOPISED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Like infected hive\n***(det possily) **[anag:*that could create*] where DET POSSILY is \"de(b)t possi(b)ly\" with *Bs lost*. \n\u00a0\n \n*A stylopised hive is one where the bees are infested with a parasite of the *Stylops* genus."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: This cloth's a heavy fabric: I lay under it briefly (5)","output":"### Answer: TIBET \n ### Explanation: Definition: This cloth's a heavy fabric\n**I** + **BET** (\"lay\") *under* **'t **(\"it, briefly\") \n\u00a0\n \n*Tibet (cloth) is a heavy goats' hair fabric."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A bit spent in Athens once? Show you know about origin of Parthenon (6)","output":"### Answer: LEPTON \n ### Explanation: Definition: A bit spent in Athens once\n**LET ON** (\"show you know\") *about* [*origin of*] **P**(arthenon)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Antelope of Nigeria is this, i.e. if wild (5)","output":"### Answer: NAGOR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Antelope\n*(of Nigeria) [anag:wild] gives i.e. if **NAGOR"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Navy getting sentimental about albatross (6)","output":"### Answer: GOONEY \n ### Explanation: Definition: albatross\n**N** (navy) *getting* **GOOEY** (\"sentimental\") *about"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Locks bull to cut up? (4)","output":"### Answer: HAIR \n ### Explanation: Locks bull to cut up? (4)\n\n**<=(H**(ot) **AIR)**\u00a0*up* with TO *cut"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One with sponsor lacking crust? Criminy! (4)","output":"### Answer: ODSO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Criminy!\n(g)**ODSO**(n) (\"one with sponsor\" *lacking crust*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What (as a joke) powered old radio Roger clumsily installed? It suggests solidity (10)","output":"### Answer: STEREOGRAM \n ### Explanation: Definition: It suggests solidity\n**STEAM** (\"what (as a joke) powered old radio\") with ***(Roger) **[anag:*clumsily*] *installed"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dead eagles found in ransacked nest, being delicate (10)","output":"### Answer: TENDERNESS \n ### Explanation: Definition: being delicate\n**D** (dead) + **ERNES** (\"eagles\") *in* ***(nest)** [anag:*ransacked*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A cattle-robber at large? Could be one such, belter (7)","output":"### Answer: ABACTOR \n ### Explanation: Definition: one such\n***(a cattle robber)** [anag:*at large*] gives BELTER ABACTOR, \"abattoir\" bring another word for a cattle-thief."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hotel abroad? It's occupied by evil spirit (6)","output":"### Answer: IMARET \n ### Explanation: Definition: Hotel abroad\n**IT ***occupied by* **MARE** (\"evil spirit\") \n\u00a0\n \n*An imaret is a Turkish inn."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Liturgy, universal in Italian, led by rector (6)","output":"### Answer: RITUAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Liturgy\n**U** (universal) *in* **Ital.** (Italian),* led by* **R** (rector)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Performer, contralto in soaring rondo (5)","output":"### Answer: ACTOR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Performer\n**C** (contralto)* in* **<= ROTA** (\"rondo\", *soaring*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Callisthenics round wood revealing Will's codpiece? (5)","output":"### Answer: POAKE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Will's codpiece?\n**PE** (physical exercise, so \"callisthenics\") *round* **OAK** (\"wood\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: There's nothing in a bit of sponge to nibble (4)","output":"### Answer: MOOP \n ### Explanation: Definition: to nibble\n**O** (nothing) *in* **MOP** (\"bit of sponge\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Some tremble over rising maenadic shriek? (4)","output":"### Answer: EVOE \n ### Explanation: Definition: maenadic shriek?\nHidden backwards in [*some\u2026rising*] \"trembl**E OVE**r\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Complained of exercise in this square? (6)","output":"### Answer: GRIPED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Complained\n\n**PE** (physical \"exercise\") *in* **GRID** (\"this square\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Thought fun is late starting (6)","output":"### Answer: MUSING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Thought\n\n(a)**MUSING** (\"fun\", *starting late*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Criticises financial centre; forgets what to say about it (7)","output":"### Answer: DECRIES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Criticises\n\n**DRIES** (\"forgets what to say\" on stage) *about* **EC** (City of London postcode, so \"financial centre\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Makes off, seeing current end-of-year measures? (7)","output":"### Answer: DECAMPS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Makes off\n\n**DEC**(ember) (\"end-of-year\") + **AMPS** (\"current measures\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unwelcome gift made undrink\u00adable coffee, hated from the start by girl (8,7)","output":"### Answer: POISONED CHALICE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Unwelcome gift \n\n**POISONED** (\"made undrinkable\") + **C**(offee) + **H**(ated) [*from the start*] **by** **ALICE** (\"girl\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hastened to adopt disguise for auditors (4)","output":"### Answer: HIED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Hastened\n\nHomophone *[for auditors*] of **HIDE** (\"to adopt disguise\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Toff in uniform was in the army secretly (10)","output":"### Answer: UNOBSERVED \n ### Explanation: Definition: secretly\n\n**NOB** (\"toff\") *in* **U **(uniform, in the phonetic alphabet) + **SERVED** (\"was in the army\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Farmer being punched by small gang (10)","output":"### Answer: HUSBANDMAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Farmer\n\n**HUMAN** (being) *punched* *by* **S** (small) + **BAND** (\"gang\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Parasite's brief panic about pound (4)","output":"### Answer: FLEA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Parasite\n\n[*brief*] **FEA**(r) (\"panic\") *about* **L** (pound)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Translating English literature, pens second half of proverb (6,2,7)","output":"### Answer: REPENT AT LEISURE \n ### Explanation: Definition: second half of proverb\n\n***(e literature pens)** [anag:*translating*]\n \n\n \n*Marry in haste, repent at leisure."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Man alone before child (7)","output":"### Answer: EREMITE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Man alone\n\n**ERE** (\"before\") + **MITE** (\"child\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A feeble prosecutor, so walk (7)","output":"### Answer: ALAMEDA \n ### Explanation: Definition: walk\n\n**A **+** LAME** (\"weak\") + **DA** (district attorney, so \"prosecutor\")\n \n\n \n*An Alameda is a public path or avenue."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: In safe space, nothing is to tease (4,2)","output":"### Answer: HAVE ON \n ### Explanation: Definition: to tease\n\n**O** (nothing) *in* **HAVEN** (\"safe space\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Summer weather coming in, button up dress (6)","output":"### Answer: SHEATH \n ### Explanation: Definition: dress\n\n**HEAT** (\"summer weather\") *coming in* **SH** (be quiet, \"button up\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Chairs about entrance to cabins on ships (9)","output":"### Answer: RECLINERS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Chairs\n\n**RE** (\"about\") + [*entrance to*] **C**(abins) *on* **LINERS** (\"ships\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: It may have wings, but absolutely not power to rise (6)","output":"### Answer: PRISON \n ### Explanation: Definition: It may have wings\n\n**<=(NO SIR** (\"absolutely not\") + **P** (power)**)** [*to rise*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Observed screen did go haywire (9)","output":"### Answer: DISCERNED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Observed\n\n***(screen did)** [anag:*go haywire*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Red Dwarf is beneath me (5)","output":"### Answer: MEDOC \n ### Explanation: Definition: Red\n\n**DOC** (one of Disney's Seven \"Dwarf\"s) *beneath* **ME**\n \n\n \n*Medoc is a red Bordeaux wine."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Philosopher's very cheap cars (8)","output":"### Answer: SOCRATES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Philosopher\n\n**SO** (\"very\") + **CRATES** (\"cheap cars\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: New measure of computer storage filling two clouds (5)","output":"### Answer: NIMBI \n ### Explanation: Definition: clouds\n\n**N** (new) + **Mb** (megabyte, \"measure of computer storage\") *filling* **II** (two)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Skilled with scalping, hotel make one pay a bomb (5,6)","output":"### Answer: DEPTH CHARGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: a bomb\n\n[*scalping*] **ADEP**(t) (\"skilled\") + **H** (hotel) + **CHARGE** (\"make one pay\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Visiting sister, went and arrived with a progress check (5,6)","output":"### Answer: SPEED CAMERA \n ### Explanation: Definition: progress check\n\n**PEED** (\"went\") + **CAME** (\"arrived\"), *visiting* **Sr. **(sister) *with* **A"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Manifest expectancy in stands ringing large field (2,3,4)","output":"### Answer: BE ALL EARS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Manifest expectancy\n\n**BEARS** (\"stands\") *ringing* **L **(large) + **LEA** (\"field\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rodent not lacking stomach eating a sort of light pastry (3-2-4)","output":"### Answer: VOL-AU-VENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: pastry\n\n**VOLE** (\"rodent\") + **N**(o)**T** [*lacking stomach*] *eating* **UV** (ultra-violet, \"a sort of light\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A thousand queuing to catch a fast train here? (4,4)","output":"### Answer: MAIN LINE \n ### Explanation: Definition: fast train here?\n\n**M** (\"a thousand\") + **IN LINE** (\"queuing\") *to catch* **A"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Irrational to criticise thief (6)","output":"### Answer: PIRATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: thief\n\n**PI** (\"irrational\" number) + **RATE** (\"to criticise\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mondrian's first to abrogate a religious genre (5)","output":"### Answer: PIETA \n ### Explanation: Definition: a religious genre\n\n**PIET** (Mondrian) + [*first to*] **A**(brogate)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A little late, intentionally avoided any restaurant (3,2)","output":"### Answer: ATE IN \n ### Explanation: Definition: avoided any restaurant\n\nHidden in [*a little*] \"l**ATE IN**tentionally\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stop with Oscar to acquire book and ring requiring quite a hefty sum? (1,3,2,3)","output":"### Answer: A BOB OR TWO \n ### Explanation: Definition: quite a hefty sum?\n\n**ABORT** (\"stop\") + **W** (with) + **O** (Oscar, in the phonetic alphabet) *to acquire* B (book) *and* O (ring)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Former aviation entrepreneur is more flamboyant by the sound of it (5)","output":"### Answer: LAUDA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Former aviation entrepreneur\n\nHomophone [*by the sound of it*] of **LOUDER** (\"more flamboyant\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unusual reason to save time for a political representative (7)","output":"### Answer: SENATOR \n ### Explanation: Definition: a political representative\n\n***(reason)** [anag;*unusual*] *to save*** T** (time)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wandering inspector enters much of Monaco nervously (7)","output":"### Answer: NOMADIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: Wandering\n\n**DI** (Detective \"inspector\") *enters* ***(Monac)** [anag:*nervously*] where MONAC is [*much of*] MONAC(o)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Blue tag regularly found in pasture (3)","output":"### Answer: LEA \n ### Explanation: Definition: pasture\n\n(b)**L**(u)**E**(t)**A**(g) [*regularly found*]\n \n\n \nI don't like this clue \u2013 surely, LEA is found in BLUE TAG. The setter has twisted this around for the purposes of making the surface sound better, but in doing so, he is no longer \"saying what he means\" as Ximenes would have put it."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Initially, assistance is given face to face (2,5,4)","output":"### Answer: AT FIRST HAND \n ### Explanation: Definition: face to face\n\n**AT FIRST **(\"initially\") + **HAND** (\"assistance\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Something employed to an extent in turning point (5)","output":"### Answer: HINGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: turning point\n\nHidden in [*to an extent*] \"somet**HING E**mployed\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lazy sort missing second shot from back of the court? (3)","output":"### Answer: LOB \n ### Explanation: Definition: shot from back of the court?\n\n(s)**LOB** (\"lazy sort\") *missing* S (second)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Easy goal engineered in part without resistance (3-2)","output":"### Answer: TAP-IN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Easy goal\n\n***(in pat)** [anag:*engineered*] where PAT is PA(r)T *without* R (resistance)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Note one heartless bunch warring in succession (2,3,6)","output":"### Answer: ON THE BOUNCE \n ### Explanation: Definition: in succession\n\n***(note one buch)** [anag:*warring*] where BUCH is [*heartless*] BU(n)CH"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Prince in heart of Bath? That's fitting (3)","output":"### Answer: APT \n ### Explanation: Definition: fitting\n\n**P** (prince) *in* [heart of] (b)**AT**(h)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Recall gentleman with argument about online concerns (7)","output":"### Answer: WORRIES \n ### Explanation: Definition: concerns\n\n[*recall*] **<=(SIR** (\"gentleman\") *with* **ROW** (\"argument\")) *about* **E- **(\"online\", as in e-commerce)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Small bit of bread scattered on court (7)","output":"### Answer: CROUTON \n ### Explanation: Definition: Small bit of bread\n\n***(on court)** [anag:*scattered*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Thing a cowboy might use shortly if returning close to cattle (5)","output":"### Answer: NOOSE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Thing a cowboy might use\n\n**<=SOON **(\"shortly\", if returning) + [*close to*] (cattle)**E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Meeting has institute replacing company? That's a lie (9)","output":"### Answer: INVENTION \n ### Explanation: Definition: a lie\n\n(co>**I**)N**VENTION** (\"meeting\" with I (institute) *replacing* Co. (company))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Soprano is wearing least exotic ornamental tuft (6)","output":"### Answer: TASSEL \n ### Explanation: Definition: ornamental tuft\n\n**S** (soprano)* is wearing* ***(least)** [anag:*exotic*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Staggering amount in an excess of products (8)","output":"### Answer: MOUNTAIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: an excess of products\n\n***(amount)** [anag:*staggering*] + **IN"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Break veteran arranged after first of campaigns in operation (10)","output":"### Answer: CONTRAVENE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Break\n\n***(veteran)** [anag:*arranged*] *after* [*first of*] **C**(ampaigns) + **ON** (\"in operation\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One that's revered by Irish excited reaction (4)","output":"### Answer: STIR \n ### Explanation: Definition: excited reaction\n\n**St.** (saint, so \"one that's revered\") *by* **Ir.** (Irish)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A set of drinks before a lot of dressing in a type of competition (5,5)","output":"### Answer: ROUND ROBIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: a type of competition\n\n**ROUND** (\"a set of drinks\") *before* [*a lot of*] **ROBIN**(g) (\"dressing\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Choice fruit (4)","output":"### Answer: PLUM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Choice\n\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A French medic is enveloped by cheers in Arctic environment (6)","output":"### Answer: TUNDRA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Arctic environment \n\n(**UN** (\"a\" in \"French\") + **Dr.** (doctor)) *is enveloped by* **TA** (\"cheers\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Take a shine to Scandinavian ignoring European flashy sort (5,3)","output":"### Answer: FANCY DAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: flashy sort\n\n**FANCY** (\"take a shine to\") + **DAN**(e) (\"Scandinavian\" *ignoring* E (European))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Support clubs, maybe, to do the same (6,4)","output":"### Answer: FOLLOW SUIT \n ### Explanation: Definition: to do the same\n\n**FOLLOW** (\"support\") + **SUIT** (\"clubs, maybe\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Short drink supplied by fashionable place first off proves apposite (2,3,5)","output":"### Answer: TO THE POINT \n ### Explanation: Definition: apposite\n\n**TOT** (\"short drink\") *supplied by* **HEP** (\"fashionable\") + (j)**OINT** (\"place\" with its *first* (letter) *off*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Deceive English poet with women in front of kiosk (8)","output":"### Answer: HOODWINK \n ### Explanation: Definition: Deceive\n\n(Thomas) **HOOD** (\"English poet\") *with* **W** (women) + **IN** + [*front of*] **K**(iosk)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Latin TV presenter tucks into French bread and fruit (8)","output":"### Answer: PLANTAIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: fruit\n\n**L** (Latin) + **ANT** (\"TV presenter\", one half of Ant 'n' Dec) *tucks into* **PAIN **(\"French\" for \"bread\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Trustee defending poor working as lethargy (6)","output":"### Answer: TORPOR \n ### Explanation: Definition: lethargy\n\n**Tr. **(trustee) *defending* ***(poor)** [anag:*working*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Figure followed by worker is no permanent dweller (6)","output":"### Answer: TENANT \n ### Explanation: Definition: no permanent dweller\n\n**TEN** (\"figure\") *followed by* **ANT** (\"worker\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pair in site memorably (4)","output":"### Answer: ITEM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Pair\n\nHidden [*in*] \"s**ITE M**emorably\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Chap found in mutual agreement (not half) (4)","output":"### Answer: COVE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Chap\n\n**COVE**(nant) (\"agreement\", *not* (ie. missing) *half*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Space for change bowler given second over from the other end (5,4)","output":"### Answer: ELBOW ROOM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Space\n\n***(bowler)** [anag:*for change*] *given* **<=(MO** (\"second\") + **O** (over, in cricket),* from the other end* (i.e backwards)**)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Where Epicurus came from when rejecting spicy snacks? (5)","output":"### Answer: SAMOS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Where Epicurus came from\n\nSAMOS(as) (\"spicy snacks\" rejecting AS (\"when\")\n \n\n \n*Is it not the spicy snacks that are rejecting \"when\", though?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One injured ankle in thrills? (9,6)","output":"### Answer: ADRENALIN JUNKIE \n ### Explanation: Definition: One injured ankle in thrills?\n\n**A** (one) + ***(injured ankle in)** [anag:*thrills*] and &lit."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Man in field badly wants a pee (4,4)","output":"### Answer: LONG STOP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Man in field\n\n**LONGS TO** (\"badly wants\") + a **P **(pee)\n \n\n \n*A cricketing position almost directly behind the wicketkeeper, although near the boundary."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Brand the Goddess of Pop 'a looker'? (8)","output":"### Answer: SEARCHER \n ### Explanation: Definition: 'a looker'\n\n**SEAR** (\"brand\") + **CHER** (\"the Goddess of Pop\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A sea chest, possibly? Possibly, possibly (2,3,4,3,2)","output":"### Answer: AS THE CASE MAY BE \n ### Explanation: Definition: possibly\n\n***(a sea chest)** [anag:*possibly*] + **MAYBE** (\"possibly\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lamb Chop-Orville double act from this pair's island? (5,3,6)","output":"### Answer: LEWIS AND HARRIS \n ### Explanation: Definition: island\n\nRequires significant general knowledge of late 20th century UK ventriloquists \u2013 Lamb Chop was a sheep created by Shari **LEWIS** and Orville a baby duck created by Keith **HARRIS"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: With obvious strain one bears warrior's sword (8)","output":"### Answer: BALDRICK \n ### Explanation: Definition: one bears warrior's sword\n\n**BALD** (\"obvious\") + **RICK** (\"strain\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Possible reason we can't cross the river here? One's left work, in short (8,7)","output":"### Answer: ABRIDGEDVERSION \n ### Explanation: Definition: work, in short \n\n**A BRIDGE D**(i)**VERSION** (\"possible reason we can't cross river here\") with I (one) *left"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stop dead: cougar to the left (3,2)","output":"### Answer: DAM UP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Stop\n\n**D** (dead) + **<=PUMA** (\"cougar\", *to the left*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Longing for England, Browning now reviewed parade? (5,4)","output":"### Answer: MARCH PAST \n ### Explanation: Definition: reviewed \n\nRobert Browning's poem *Home Thoughts from Abroad* begins:\n \n\n \n\"Oh, to be in England, now that April's there\u2026\"\n \n\n \nTherefore, **MARCH** is **PAST"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Correspondence taken up in Parliament (5)","output":"### Answer: EMAIL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Correspondence\n\nHidden backwards [*taken up*] in \"par**LIAME**nt\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: This 'title' could be 'tile' (7)","output":"### Answer: BARONET \n ### Explanation: Definition: title\n\n\"ti(t)le\" **BAR** (i.e. without) **ONE T** becomes \"tile\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Desire, but with little morality (8)","output":"### Answer: WANTONLY \n ### Explanation: Definition: with little morality\n\n**WANT** (\"desire\") + **ONLY** (\"but\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Thirteen Enigma Variations Elgar originally pictured within Nimrod puzzled composer (10)","output":"### Answer: MONTEVERDI \n ### Explanation: Definition: composer\n\n**T**(hirteen) **E**(nigma) **V**(ariations) **E**(lgar) [*originally*] *pictured within* ***(nimrod)** [anag:*puzzled*]\n \n\n \n*Refers to Claudio Monteverdi, a late Renaissance Italian composer."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Not, say, spaghetti hoops on a round of toast? (6,4)","output":"### Answer: SQUARE MEAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Not, say, spaghetti hoops on a round of toast?\n\nCryptic defintion"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Spooner's swimmer might seize the chance (4,3)","output":"### Answer: MAKE HAY \n ### Explanation: Definition: seize the chance\n\n**HAKE** (fish, so \"swimmer\") + **MAY** (\"might\"), but \"Spoonerised\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Kentish Town station's entrance surveyed by female eagles (9)","output":"### Answer: SHEERNESS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Kentish Town\n\n**S**(tation) [*'s entrance*] surveyed by (i.e. overlooked by, so under) **SHE** (\"female\") **ERNES** (\"eagles\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: As bespoke tailor did? (8,2)","output":"### Answer: MEASURED UP \n ### Explanation: Definition: As bespoke tailor did?\n\n(barely) cryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dressing paper boy in bag in the van (5,5)","output":"### Answer: SALAD CREAM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Dressing\n\n**REAM** (\"paper\") with **LAD** (\"boy) *in* **SAC** (\"bag\") *in the van* (i.e. at the front)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: As Fellini said to directors, 'Quickly, get on!' (3,6)","output":"### Answer: ALL ABOARD \n ### Explanation: Definition: 'Quickly, get on!' \n\n**ALLA** (Italian (hence \"as Fellini \"said\" for \"to\") + **BOARD** (\"directors\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dangerous customer and what he's disguised as something transitional? (7)","output":"### Answer: WOLFRAM \n ### Explanation: Definition: something transitional?\n\n**WOLF** in **RAM** (i.e. sheep)'s clothing is potentially a \"dangerous customer\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: This wine would struggle to be nastier (7)","output":"### Answer: RETSINA \n ### Explanation: Definition: wine\n\n***(nastier)** [anag:*would struggle to be*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Opt for a grape? (5)","output":"### Answer: PINOT \n ### Explanation: Definition: a grape\n\nO(P)T is **P IN OT"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Like 11's visionary feature of colonnade? (8)","output":"### Answer: OVERARCH \n ### Explanation: Definition: feature of colonnade?\n\nA searcher (see 11ac) could be seen as a **SEER** (\"visionary\") *over*** ARCH** (\"feature of colonnade\") and semi &lit."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The point of employment? (8)","output":"### Answer: POSITION \n ### Explanation: Definition: point\n\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Actors sounding like a bunch of baboons (6)","output":"### Answer: TROUPE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Actors\n\nHomophone [*sounding like*] of **TROOP** (\"bunch\" of animals, in this case \"baboons\")\n \n\n \n*Troupe and troop are essentially the same word, both coming from the French word for a group or flock."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Argue noisily in Bath perhaps (3)","output":"### Answer: SPA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Bath perhaps\n\nHomophone [*noisily*] of **SPAR** (\"argue\")\n \n\n \n*Not a homophone in my accent, but I suppose it must be in England, and almost certainly in Bath."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Catch photographer looking embarrassed? (3,7)","output":"### Answer: RED SNAPPER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Catch\n\n**RED** (\"looking embarrassed\") + **SNAPPER** (\"photographer\")\n \n\n \n*Think \"catch of the day\" for fish."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Half of them having crackers and cheese (8)","output":"### Answer: EMMENTAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: cheese\n\n[*half of*] (th)**EM** *having* **MENTAL** (\"crackers\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Occasionally causes trouble in attack (6)","output":"### Answer: ASSAIL \n ### Explanation: Definition: attack\n\n[*occasionally*] (c)**A**(u)**S**(e)**S** + **AIL** (\"trouble\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Blood signalling end of game? (4)","output":"### Answer: GORE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Blood\n\n\"end of game\" is either **G OR E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rival happy to describe detailed attempt (10)","output":"### Answer: CONTESTANT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Rival\n\n**CONTENT** (\"happy\") *to describe* [*detailed*] **STA**(b) \"attempt\"\n \n\n \n*I've seen \"describe\" as a container indicator before, but not sure how it's supposed to work?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fresh poser facing current right- winger in Treasury (10)","output":"### Answer: REPOSITORY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Treasury\n\n***(poser) **[anag:*fresh*) *facing I* (symbol for electric \"current\") + **TORY** (\"right-winger\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Revolutionary snoozes for a while (4)","output":"### Answer: SPAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: a while\n\n[*revolutionary*]** <=NAPS** (\"snoozes\")\n \n\n \n*As in \"a span of time\", I presume."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wild dogs' noise disappears, they say (6)","output":"### Answer: DINGOS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Wild dogs\n\n**DIN** (\"noise\") + homophone [*they say*] of **GOES** (\"disappears\")\n \n\n \n*All of the dictionaries I have to hand (Chambers, OED & Collins) have the plural as dingoes, though\u2026"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Point at which one's sentence ends (4,4)","output":"### Answer: FULL STOP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Point at which one's sentence ends\n\n(barely) cryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old one's hotel? Surprisingly it's free (2,3,5)","output":"### Answer: ON THE LOOSE \n ### Explanation: Definition: free\n\n**O** (old) + ***(ones hotel)** [anag:*surprisingly*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Age of Beano editor on retirement (3)","output":"### Answer: EON \n ### Explanation: Definition: Age\n\nHidden backwards [*of\u2026in retirement*] in \"bea**NO E**ditor\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: English theologian grabbed by teacher \u2013 and seduced (6)","output":"### Answer: BEDDED \n ### Explanation: Definition: seduced\n\n**E **(English) + **DD** (Doctor of Divinity)* grabbed by* **BEd** (Bachelor of Education, so \"teacher\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Letter for someone on way up? (8)","output":"### Answer: ASCENDER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Letter\n\nDouble definition, the first referring to letters such as d,h,k which have a part that extends upwards."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Traveller needing permit to meet English monarch (9)","output":"### Answer: PASSENGER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Traveller\n\n**PASS** (\"permit\") *to meet* **Eng. **(English) + **ER** (Elizabeth Regina, so \"monarch\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Celebrity band backing alternative to Johnson? (7)","output":"### Answer: STARMER \n ### Explanation: Definition: alternative to Johnson?\n\n**STAR** (\"celebrity\") + **<=REM** (\"band\", *backing*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mathematician on a trip, missing nothing (6)","output":"### Answer: TURING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Mathematician\n\n**T**(o)**URING** (\"on a trip\", *missing* O (nothing))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Amount made by one who's excluded? (3,3,3)","output":"### Answer: ODD MAN OUT \n ### Explanation: Definition: one who's excluded?\n\n\"amount\" is an anagram of \"man out\", so **ODD \"MAN OUT\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Spooner's crucial capture: bit of a mouthful? (7)","output":"### Answer: TEACAKE \n ### Explanation: Definition: bit of a mouthful?\n\nIf uttered by Spooner, \"teacake\" may have come across as **KEY** (\"crucial\") **TAKE** (\"capture\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Little and Large? They're said to attract (9)","output":"### Answer: OPPOSITES \n ### Explanation: Definition: They're said to attract\n\n*Little and Large were a comedy double act of the late 20th century."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Share of wine no one rejected (7)","output":"### Answer: PORTION \n ### Explanation: Definition: Share\n\n**PORT** (\"wine\") + **<=(NO** + **I** (one), *rejected*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Protracted scandal involving Musk and daughter (9)","output":"### Answer: ELONGATED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Protracted\n\n**ELON-GATE** could be a \"scandal involving\" Elon Musk (a la Watergate, Pizzagate, Irangate etc) + **D** (daughter)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Our tutors carelessly causing pain (9)","output":"### Answer: TORTUROUS \n ### Explanation: Definition: causing pain\n\n***(our tutors) **[anag:*carelessly*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Son abandoned pretension, becoming kitchen assistant (3,6)","output":"### Answer: TIN OPENER \n ### Explanation: Definition: kitchen assistant\n\n***(pretenion)** [anag:*becoming*] where PRENTENION is PRETEN(s)ION with S (son) *abandoning"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Model impressive but not constant, in my opinion (7)","output":"### Answer: EPITOME \n ### Explanation: Definition: Model\n\n**EPI**(c) (\"impressive\", *but not* C (constant)) + **TO ME** (\"in my opinion\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rather badly stained (7)","output":"### Answer: INSTEAD \n ### Explanation: Definition: Rather\n\n***(stained)** [anag:*badly*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: P for puffer on a spliff? (7)","output":"### Answer: POTHEAD \n ### Explanation: Definition: puffer on a spliff?\n\nP is \"**HEAD** of\" **P(OT)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Claim upset setter's drinking beer? On the contrary (6)","output":"### Answer: ALLEGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Claim\n\n**ALE** (\"beer\") *drinking* [*upset*] **<=GEL **(\"setter\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One might wind up this actress as April 1 lark! (6,9)","output":"### Answer: SPIRAL STAIRCASE \n ### Explanation: Definition: One might wind up\n\n***(actress as April i)** [anag:*lark*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Horrify adult resident of N Scandinavia heading west (5)","output":"### Answer: APPAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Horrify\n\n**A** (adult) + **<=LAPP** (\"resident of N Scandinavia\", *heading west*, i.e. from right to left)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Standard trade association card (5,4)","output":"### Answer: UNION JACK \n ### Explanation: Definition: S\n\n**UNION** (\"trade association\") + **JACK** (\"card\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Putting up a fight with Sterling playing (9)","output":"### Answer: WRESTLING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Putting up a fight\n\n**W** (with) + ***(sterling)** [anag:*playing*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Small stringed instrument not perfectly tuned (5)","output":"### Answer: SHARP \n ### Explanation: Definition: not perfectly tuned \n\n**S** (small) + **HARP** (\"stringed instrument\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Left, waving \"au revoir, Nice\" le superstar de Cannes? (8,7)","output":"### Answer: LAURENCE OLIVIER \n ### Explanation: Definition: superstar de Cannes?\n\n**L **(left) + ***(au revoir nice le)** [anag:*waving*]\n \n\n \n*Not aware of any particular link between Cannes and Olivier, but according to the Cannes Festival website, five of his movies have been presented at the Festival."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One raked by fire? (5)","output":"### Answer: EMBER \n ### Explanation: Definition: One raked by fire?\n\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pah! Tim's mad \u2013 angry, reactionary, grasping Scottish economist (4,5)","output":"### Answer: ADAM SMITH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Scottish economist\n\nHidden backwards in [reactionary, grasping] \"pa**H TIM'S MAD A**ngry\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Weak power \u2013 battery unfortunately died (6,3)","output":"### Answer: PRETTY BAD \n ### Explanation: Definition: Weak\n\n**P** (power) + ***(battery)** [anag:*unfortunately*] + **D** (died)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: British inventor of bomb factories (5)","output":"### Answer: MILLS \n ### Explanation: Definition: British inventor of bomb\n\n*Double definition, the first referring to William Mills, inventor of the Mills bomb, the hand grenade used by the British during the First World War."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One in mourning embraces aged, retired man's best friend (6,9)","output":"### Answer: GOLDEN RETRIEVER \n ### Explanation: Definition: man's best friend\n\n**GRIEVER** (\"one in mourning\") *embraces* **OLDEN** (\"aged\") + **Ret. **(retired)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old Sierra Ford, roomy, transporting Pound (a great poet) (5,5)","output":"### Answer: OSCAR WILDE \n ### Explanation: Definition: a great poet\n\n**O** (old) + **S** (Sierra, in the phonetic alphabet) + **CAR** (\"Ford\") + **WIDE** (\"roomy\") *transporting* (i.e.carrying) **L** (pound)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hollow, faint pulse regularly taken (6)","output":"### Answer: DIMPLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Hollow\n\n**DIM** (\"faint\") +** P**(u)**L**(s)**E** [*regularly taken*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Swiss speciality car rolled, upsetting German driver (5 down) (8)","output":"### Answer: RACLETTE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Swiss speciality\n\n**<=CAR** [*rolled*] + [*upsetting*] (Sebastian) **<=**(v)**ETTEL** (\"German (F1) driver\", with *V *(5)* down*, i.e. dropped)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hirsute chap's son taking a dip in water in Dieppe (4)","output":"### Answer: ESAU \n ### Explanation: Definition: Hirsute chap\n\n**S** (son) *taking a dip in ***EAU** (\"water in Dieppe\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: NaHCO 3 an ingredient of Nacho? (6,4)","output":"### Answer: BAKING SODA \n ### Explanation: Definition: NaHCO 3\n\nDouble definition?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: University controlled American body in space (6)","output":"### Answer: URANUS \n ### Explanation: Definition: body in space\n\n**U** (university) + **RAN** (\"controlled\") + **US** (American)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ask again about Fat Man's goal (8)","output":"### Answer: NAGASAKI \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fat Man's goal\n\n*(ask again) [anag:about]\n \n\n \n*\"Fat Man\" was the code name for the type of nuclear bomb dropped on Nagasaki in 1945."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Muscle contracted on King Gregory? (4)","output":"### Answer: PECK \n ### Explanation: Definition: Gregory?\n\n**PEC**(toralis) (\"muscle\", *contracted*) *on* **K** (king)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Where solvers are encouraged to seek counsel? (2,8)","output":"### Answer: IN CHAMBERS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Where solvers are encouraged to seek counsel?\n\nCryptic definition, with the Chambers in question being the crossword solver's favourite dictionary, rather than the judge's room at court."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Those buying tea consumed by ships' officers (10)","output":"### Answer: PURCHASERS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Those buying\n\n**CHA** (\"tea\") *consumed by* **PURSERS** (\"ships' officers\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Something to keep you dry? Let me see, Brother Fitzgerald (8)","output":"### Answer: UMBRELLA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Something to keep you dry\n\n**UM** (\"let me see\") + **Br.** (brother) + **ELLA** (Fitzgerald)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Island mansion being renovated \u2013 the cause of long, exhausting nights (8)","output":"### Answer: INSOMNIA \n ### Explanation: Definition: the cause of long, exhausting nights\n\n**I** (island) + ***(mansion)** [anag:*being renovated*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: River mammal \u2013 basically a rat (6)","output":"### Answer: ROTTER \n ### Explanation: Definition: a rat\n\n**R** (river) + **OTTER** (\"mammal\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Smitten, I have contracted to cover Nelson occasionally (2,4)","output":"### Answer: IN LOVE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Smitten\n\n**I'VE** (I have, *contracted*) *to cover* **N**(e)**L**(s)**O**(n) [*occasionally*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Leaders of punk's oldest groups organised a dance (4)","output":"### Answer: POGO \n ### Explanation: Definition: a dance\n\n[*leaders of*] **P**(unk's)** O**(ldest) **G**(roups) **O**(rganised)\n \n\n \n*This takes me back to my teens; the pogo was a \"dance\", which basically involved jumping up and down, associated with punk music."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Daughter consumed fruit (4)","output":"### Answer: DATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: fruit\n\n**D** (daughter) **ATE** (\"consumed\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: City's query regarding morality of monk (9)","output":"### Answer: ISLAMABAD \n ### Explanation: Definition: City\n\n**IS LAMA BAD**? could be a question about the morality of a lama (\"monk\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Growth in borders of poppy crop returned (5)","output":"### Answer: POLYP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Growth\n\n**<=(**[*borders of*] **P**(opp)**Y** + **LOP** (\"crop\")**)** [*returned*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Priest wearing black and white sent by Tube (5)","output":"### Answer: PIPED \n ### Explanation: Definition: sent by Tube\n\n**P** (priest) *wearing* (i.e. enveloped by) **PIED** (\"black and white\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Some led an Alps expert around area for a walk (9)","output":"### Answer: ESPLANADE \n ### Explanation: Definition: a walk\n\nHidden backwards [*some\u2026around*] in \"l**ED AN ALPS E**xpert\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Essence of co-operation lost as Met trashed Priti (4,6)","output":"### Answer: TEAM SPIRIT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Essence of co-operation\n\n***(as met)** [anag:*lost*] + ***(priti)** [anag:*trashed*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Danish export sex cryptically! (4)","output":"### Answer: LEGO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Danish export\n\n**LEG** + **O** (over), gives \"leg-over\", so \"sex\" *cryptically"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Carbohydrate source oddly grew (7)","output":"### Answer: SUCROSE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Carbohydrate\n\n**S**(o)**U**(r)**C**(e) [*oddly*] + **ROSE** (\"grew\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Call up vet's centre having wounded avocet (7)","output":"### Answer: EVOCATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Call up\n\n(v)**E**(t) [*'s centre*] *having* ***(avocet)** [anag:*wounded*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rutte possibly hosts starts of campaigns here (7)","output":"### Answer: UTRECHT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Rutte possibly hosts starts of campaigns here\n\n***(rutte)** [anag:*possibly*] *hosts* [*starts of*] **C**(ampaigns) **H**(ere) and &lit.\n \n\n \n*Mark Rutte, as PM of the Netherlands, could possibly start a campaign in Utrecht."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: State of Ford seen on films (7)","output":"### Answer: INDIANA \n ### Explanation: Definition: State\n\nHarrison \"Ford\" plays **INDIANA** Jones in \"films\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Seizure in back of Flying Scotsman (4)","output":"### Answer: GRAB \n ### Explanation: Definition: Seizure\n\n[*back of*] (flyin)**G** + **RAB** (Scottish version of Rob or Robert, so \"Scotsman\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Evenings after work with small entitled men (10)","output":"### Answer: WEEKNIGHTS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Evenings after work\n\n**WEE** (\"small\") + **KNIGHTS** (\"entitled men\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Artist regularly in shed (that guy will make trouble) (5,4)","output":"### Answer: RAISE HELL \n ### Explanation: Definition: make trouble\n\n**RA** (member of the Royal Academy, so \"artist\") + [*regularly*] **I**(n) **S**(h)**E**(d) + **HE'LL** (\"that guy will\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Turn on good film to see beginning (3-2)","output":"### Answer: GET-GO \n ### Explanation: Definition: beginning\n\n**GO** (\"turn\") *on* **G** (good) + **ET** (\"film\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: This may require a double hamper (5)","output":"### Answer: STUNT \n ### Explanation: Definition: This may require a double\n\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mocking island state involved in sham trials (9)","output":"### Answer: SATIRICAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Mocking\n\n**I** (island) + **CA** (California, so \"state\")* involved in* ***(trials)** [anag:*sham*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Contribution from leader at home being promoted (5)","output":"### Answer: INPUT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Contribution\n\nPUTIN (\"leader\") with IN (\"at home\") *promoted*, i.e. moved up, becomes **IN-PUT"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Performer friend spun atop reindeer (3,6)","output":"### Answer: LAP DANCER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Performer\n\n**<=PAL **(\"friend\", *spun*) *atop* **DANCER** (Santa's \"reindeer\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Nearly too much said about knack for making money (5,5)","output":"### Answer: MIDAS TOUCH \n ### Explanation: Definition: knack for making money\n\n***(to much said)** [anag:*about*] where TO is [*nearly*] TO(o)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Direct route from empty birdcage cat initially avoided (7)","output":"### Answer: BEELINE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Direct route\n\n[*empty*] **B**(irdcag)**E** + (f)**ELINE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Strip of road holding record that lasts a while (7)","output":"### Answer: DEPRIVE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Strip of \n\n**DRIVE** (\"road\") *holding* **EP** (extended play \"record\", so \"record that lasts a while\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Singer with Indian accompaniment hasn't left (4)","output":"### Answer: PIAF \n ### Explanation: Definition: Singer\n\n**PI**(l)**AF** (\"Indian accompaniment\") *hasn't* L (left)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Desert pasture extremely valuable (5)","output":"### Answer: LEAVE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Desert\n\n**LEA** (\"pasture\") + [*extremely*] **V**(aluabl)**E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Events assistant fixes female on sign (9)","output":"### Answer: PHENOMENA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Events\n\n**PA **(personal \"assistant\") *fixes* **HEN** (\"female\") *on* **OMEN** (\"sign\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Aged fellow punches red-headed man with the 3 (10)","output":"### Answer: GOLDFINGER \n ### Explanation: Definition: man with the 3\n\n**OLD** (\"aged\") + **F** (fellow) *punches* **GINGER** (\"red-headed\")\n \n\n \n*In the theme song for the Bond movie, *Goldfinger*, Goldfinger is described as \"the man with the Midas touch\" (the answer to 3)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Idle bunch hit security personnel leaving university (9)","output":"### Answer: SLUGGARDS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Idle bunch\n\n**SLUG** (\"hit\") + **G**(u)**ARDS** (\"security personnel\" *leaving* U (university))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Uninterested adult on course recalled quote (9)","output":"### Answer: APATHETIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: Uninterested\n\n**A** (adult) *on* **PATH** (\"course\") + **<=CITE **(\"quote\", *recalled*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old Greek wine is finally imported by America (7)","output":"### Answer: THESEUS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Old Greek\n\n(win)**E** (i)**S** [finally] *imported by* **THE US** (\"America\")\n \n\n \n*Theseus was a mythological king who killed the Minotaur."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ten bolt kits faulty, evaluation on the cards? (3-4,4)","output":"### Answer: INK-BLOT TEST \n ### Explanation: Definition: evaluation on the cards?\n\n***(ten bolt kits)** [anag:*faulty*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Acceptable to support Kate on Radio 4 for so long (5)","output":"### Answer: ADIEU \n ### Explanation: Definition: so long\n\n**U** (\"acceptable\") *to support* (Kate) **ADIE** (\"Kate on Radio 4\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Raised hard in country school (5)","output":"### Answer: SHOAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: school\n\n[*raised*] **<=(H** (hard) *in* LAOS (\"country\")**)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bill's on cover but nothing inside newspaper (7)","output":"### Answer: TABLOID \n ### Explanation: Definition: newspaper\n**TAB** (\"ill\") *on* **LID** (\"cover\") with O (nothing) *inside"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Member of West Indies cult movement, one embraced by South America (2,5)","output":"### Answer: ST LUCIA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Member of West Indies\n***(cult)** [anag:*movement*] +** I** (one) *embraced by* **S** (South) + **A** (America)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fit wrapping round King's Row (5)","output":"### Answer: ARGUE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Row\n**AGUE** (\"fit\") *wrapping around* **R** (Rex, so King)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Chairperson, possibly, con\u00adfronting potential killer for entertainment (4-5)","output":"### Answer: LION-TAMER \n ### Explanation: Chairperson, possibly, con\u00adfronting potential killer for entertainment (4-5)\n\nTraditionally, a **LION TAMER** would use a chair (hence chairperson) to confront a lion (\"potential killer\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Memo composed by a family in outskirts of Hong Kong: 'No longer just a female role' (10)","output":"### Answer: HOMEMAKING \n ### Explanation: Definition: '\n***(memo)** [anag: *composed*] *by* **A KIN** (\"family\") *in* [*outskirts of*] **H**(ong) (kon)**G"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Refined grade 'A' ore almost becomes a driving passion (4,4)","output":"### Answer: ROAD RAGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: a driving passion\n***(grade a or) **[anag:*refined*] where OR is [*almost*] OR(e)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lacking gravity, that's plain (12)","output":"### Answer: UNATTRACTIVE \n ### Explanation: Definition: plain\nSomething \"lacking gravity\" would be unable to attract (so **UNATTRACTIVE**)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Butler juggling with claret \u2014 it's trajectory is clearly visible (6,6)","output":"### Answer: TRACER BULLET \n ### Explanation: Definition: it's trajectory is clearly visible\n***(butler claret)** [anag:*juggling*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Turning aside cast in Cold Feet (10)","output":"### Answer: DEFLECTION \n ### Explanation: Definition: Turning aside\n***(in cold feet)** [anag:*cast*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One's referee is closest (9)","output":"### Answer: IMMEDIATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: closest\n**I'M** (\"one's\") + **MEDIATE** (\"referee\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Someone getting on Circle line by exit (5)","output":"### Answer: OLDIE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Someone getting on\n**O** (circle) + **L** (line) *by* **DIE** (\"exit\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Talk on 50A light (3,4)","output":"### Answer: GAS LAMP \n ### Explanation: Definition: light\n**GAS** (\"talk\") *on* **L** (50) + **AMP** (A and AMP both short for ampere)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pound tip of blade into unyielding weapon (7)","output":"### Answer: HALBERD \n ### Explanation: Definition: weapon\n**LB** (pound) + [*tip of*] (blad)**E** *into* **HARD** (\"unyielding\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Poor quality tree entered in test (6)","output":"### Answer: TRASHY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Poor quality\n**ASH** (\"tree\")* entered in* **TRY** (\"test\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Twice the trouble and strife in such a state? (6)","output":"### Answer: BIGAMY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Twice the trouble and strife in such a state?\n\"Trouble and strife\" is Cockney rhyming slang for wife."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Started to welcome care, being tolerant (4-6)","output":"### Answer: OPEN-MINDED \n ### Explanation: Definition: being tolerant\n**OPENED** (\"started\") *to welcome* **MIND** (\"care\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Who's enemy of drink in Denmark? (5)","output":"### Answer: DALEK \n ### Explanation: Definition: Who's enemy\n**ALE** (\"drink\") *in* **DK** (International Vehicle Registration for Denmark)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Off course, land without a dog (9)","output":"### Answer: SCOUNDREL \n ### Explanation: Definition: dog\n***(course lnd)** [anag:*off*] where and is L(a)ND *without* A"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Broadcast spoils instrument (4)","output":"### Answer: LUTE \n ### Explanation: Definition: instrument\nHomophone [*broadcast*] of **LOOT** (\"spoils\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Morning person protected by spies in the country (8)","output":"### Answer: CAMBODIA \n ### Explanation: Definition: country\n**AM** (ante meridian, so \"morning\") + **BOD** (\"person\") *protected by* **CIA** (Central Intelligence Agency, so \"spies\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cut in the sack covering makeshift grid (8)","output":"### Answer: ABRIDGED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Cut\n**ABED** (\"in the sack\") *covering* ***(grid)** [anag:*makeshift*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Piercing cry that hurt head of little bird (7,3)","output":"### Answer: SCREECH OWL \n ### Explanation: Definition: bird\n**SCREECH** (\"piercing cry\") + **OW** (\"that hurt\") + [*head of*]** L**(ittle)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: By which to read chart left by a member? (5,4)","output":"### Answer: TABLE LAMP \n ### Explanation: Definition: By which to read\n**TABLE** (\"chart\") + **L** (left) *by* **A MP** (\"member\" of Parliament)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ravenous celebrity, Violet needs good sources (8)","output":"### Answer: STARVING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Ravenous\n**STAR** (\"celebrity\") + **VI** (Violet) + **N**(eeds) **G**(ood) [*sources*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wage battles with arms, as tests of military strategies? (3,5)","output":"### Answer: WAR GAMES \n ### Explanation: Definition: tests of military strategies?\n***(wage arms)** [anag:*battles*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rook carried out and led off (6)","output":"### Answer: DIDDLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Rook\n**DID** (\"carried out\") + ***(led) **[anag:*off*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Definitely how a thought may be acted out (6)","output":"### Answer: INDEED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Definitely\n\"A thought may be carried out\" **IN DEED"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: General has chain for hanger-on (5)","output":"### Answer: LEECH \n ### Explanation: Definition: hanger-on\n(General) Robert E. **LEE** *has* **Ch. **(chain)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Impression Brummie had drink? No time! (4)","output":"### Answer: IDEA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Impression\n**I'D** (\"Brummie had\") + (t)**EA** (\"drink\" with *no* T (time))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tree belonging to Henry in country where 17 landed (3,2,6)","output":"### Answer: BAY OF WHALES \n ### Explanation: Definition: where 17 landed\n\n**BAY** (\"tree\") + **OF** (\"belonging to\") **H** (Henry) *in* **WALES** (\"country\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Reduces price of lettuce (3)","output":"### Answer: COS \n ### Explanation: Definition: lettuce\n\n[*reduces*] **COS**(t)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: With some medicine around, try finding water (5)","output":"### Answer: DOWSE \n ### Explanation: Definition: try finding water\n\n**DOSE** (\"some medicine\") *around* **W** (with)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Study game with coach taking note, reflecting on having been out too long? (9)","output":"### Answer: SUNBURNED \n ### Explanation: Definition: having been out too long\n\n[*reflecting*] **<=(DEN** (\"study\") + **RU** (rugby union, so \"game\") *with* **BUS** (\"coach\") *taking* **N** (note)*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Go wrong blocking brown eggs for 25's ship (5,4)","output":"### Answer: TERRA NOVA \n ### Explanation: Definition: 25's ship\n\n**ERR** (\"go wrong\") *blocking* **TAN** (\"brown\") + **OVA** (\"eggs\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cat we saw may lose at first, getting eroded (3,4)","output":"### Answer: ATE AWAY \n ### Explanation: Definition: eroded\n\n(c)**AT** (w)**E** (s)**AW** (m)**AY** [lose at first]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Swinger hero doing wrong (4,5)","output":"### Answer: DOOR HINGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Swinger\n\n***(hero doing) **[anag:*wrong*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: 17's ship was French-American (4)","output":"### Answer: FRAM \n ### Explanation: Definition: 17's ship\n\n**Fr.** (French) + **Am.** (American)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Possibly Bruce and Ray on the ship's downwind side (3,4)","output":"### Answer: LEE BEAM \n ### Explanation: Definition: on the ship's downwind side\n\n(Bruce) **LEE** + **BEAM** (\"ray\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Very German and healthy (5)","output":"### Answer: SOUND \n ### Explanation: Definition: healthy\n\n**SO** (\"very\") + **UND** (\"German and\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wrongly catalogue way to get lost, you say? (9)","output":"### Answer: MISASSIGN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Wrongly catalogue\n\nHomophone [*you say*] of **MISS A SIGN **(\"way to get lost\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Break stride and run, being calm (9)","output":"### Answer: UNSTIRRED \n ### Explanation: Definition: calm\n\n***(stride run)** [anag:*break*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Order computers society doesn't mention (5)","output":"### Answer: OMITS \n ### Explanation: Definition: doesn't mention\n\n**OM** (\"Order\" of Merit) + **IT** (Information Technology, so \"computers\") + **S** (Society)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Occasionally selfish characters (3)","output":"### Answer: EFS \n ### Explanation: Definition: characters\n\n[*occasionally*] (s)**E**(l)**F**(i)**S**(h)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ingeniously grow our thin fencing material (7-4)","output":"### Answer: WROUGHT IRON \n ### Explanation: Definition: fencing material\n\n***(grow our thin) **[anag:*ingeniously*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Poor beaded covering for stone furniture item (8)","output":"### Answer: BEDSTEAD \n ### Explanation: Definition: furniture item\n\n***(beaded)** [anag:*poor*] *covering* **St**. (stone)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: We try to restructure phone company's plants (3,5)","output":"### Answer: YEW TREES \n ### Explanation: Definition: plants\n\n***(we try)** [anag:*to restructure*] +** EE'S** (\"phone company's\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Woman has nothing in colour? Quite the opposite! (5)","output":"### Answer: FREDA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Woman\n\n**RED** (\"colour\") *in* **FA** (f**k all, so \"nothing\"),the \"opposite of\" FA in RED"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Man's Conservative past (7)","output":"### Answer: HISTORY \n ### Explanation: Definition: past\n\n**HIS** (\"man's\") + **TORY** (Conservative)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cord some wrapped in fat (7)","output":"### Answer: LANYARD \n ### Explanation: Definition: Cord\n\n**ANY** (\"some\") *wrapped in ***LARD** (\"fat\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Where 17 and 25 were headed, only carrying unfashionable sauce (5,4)","output":"### Answer: SOUTH POLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Where 17 and 25 were headed,\n\n**SOLE** (\"only\") *carrying* **OUT** (\"unfashionable\") + **HP** (Sauce)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Heartlessly preserving corporal punishment (6)","output":"### Answer: CANING \n ### Explanation: Definition: corporal punishment\n\n[*heartlessly*] **CAN**(n)**ING** (\"preserving\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Second snake is further down (6)","output":"### Answer: SADDER \n ### Explanation: Definition: further down\n\n**S** (second) + **ADDER** (\"snake\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: I'm surprised to receive drivel disguised as comprehensive theory (5-4)","output":"### Answer: WORLD VIEW \n ### Explanation: Definition: comprehensive theory\n\n**WOW** (\"I'm surprised\") *to receive* ***(drivel)** [anag:*disguised*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Poet loses second fact-checker (8)","output":"### Answer: VERIFIER \n ### Explanation: Definition: fact-checker\n\n**VER**(s)**IFIER** (\"poet\") *loses* S (second)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sun named adventuring explorer (8)","output":"### Answer: AMUNDSEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: explorer\n\n***(sun named)** [anag:*adventuring*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old instrument promoted after 1100 makes the 23 of 25's landing (7)","output":"### Answer: MCMURDO \n ### Explanation: Definition: 23 of 25's landing\n\n**<=(O** (old) + **DRUM** (\"instrument\")**)** [*promoted*] *after* **MC** (1100 in Roman numerals)\n \n\n \n*McMurdo Sound (23) was where Scott (25) landed on his ill-fated trip to the South Pole."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stray unfortunately got sold (4,3)","output":"### Answer: LOST DOG \n ### Explanation: Definition: Stray\n\n***(got sold)** [anag:*unfortunately*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Shrewd like Old King Cole in the end (6)","output":"### Answer: ASTUTE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Shrewd\n\n**AS** (\"like\") + (King) **TUT**(ankhamen) + (col)**E** [*in the end*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Is sceptical of missing particle searches (6)","output":"### Answer: QUESTS \n ### Explanation: Definition: searches\n\n**QUEST**(ion)**S** (\"is sceptical of\", *missing* ION (particle))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Explorer's bed in the way (5)","output":"### Answer: SCOTT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Explorer\n\n**COT** (\"bed\") *in* **St,** (street, so \"way\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Possible treatment for snakebite from Antigua cobra (5)","output":"### Answer: GUACO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Possible treatment for snakebite\nHidden in [*from*] \"anti**GUA CO**bra\" \n\u00a0\n \n*Guaco is a tropical plant that reputedly can be used as an antidote to the bites of certain snakes."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lake? Dip a rod in its fringes (6)","output":"### Answer: LAGUNE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Lake\n*Dip* **A GUN** *in* [*fringes of*] **L**(ak)**E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: TV recorder in truth requiring outlay of capital? (4)","output":"### Answer: VERA \n ### Explanation: Definition: TV recorder\n**VERA**(city) (\"truth\" *requiring outlay of* CITY (\"capital\")) \n\u00a0\n \n*VERA stands for Vision Electronic Recording Apparatus"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Olympian? First-class, followed by another such? (6)","output":"### Answer: ATHENA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Olympian?\n**A THEN** (\"followed by\") **A **(\"another such\" (A))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dog some day needs training (7)","output":"### Answer: SAMOYED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Dog\n***(some day) **[anag:*needs training*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: 'Love' inscribed in ring, mostly with simple elegance (6)","output":"### Answer: SOIGNE \n ### Explanation: Definition: with simple elegance\n**O** (love)* inscribed in* **SIGNE**(t) (\"ring\", *mostly*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sort of insect, female going for husband like a rotter! (9)","output":"### Answer: CADDISHLY \n ### Explanation: Definition: like a rotter\n**CADDIS** (f>**H**)**LY** (\"sort of insect\" with F (female)* going for* (i.e. being replaced by) H (husband))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Repeating Brit ack-ack gun (6)","output":"### Answer: POM-POM \n ### Explanation: Definition: ack-ack gun\n[*repeating*] **POM** (\"Brit\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One from among notables worsted \u2013 such as Brutus? (7)","output":"### Answer: NOBLEST \n ### Explanation: Definition: such as Brutus?\n***(notbles)** [anag:*worsted*] where NOTBLES is NOT(a)BLES with A (\"one\") *removed* \n\u00a0\n \n*In Shakespeare's *Julius Caesar, *Marc Anthony describes Brutus as \"the noblest Roman of them all\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Central American closed left eye (6)","output":"### Answer: TOLTEC \n ### Explanation: Definition: Central American\n**TO** (\"closed\") + **L** (left) + **TEC** (short for detective, so (private) \"eye\") \n\u00a0\n \n*Toltecs were a Central American people who were defeated by the Aztecs."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Craving what's bad for you, not entirely atypical (4)","output":"### Answer: PICA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Craving what's bad for you\nHidden in [*not entirely*] \"aty**PICA**l\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Typical of Greek poet, one of the people, college ingested (6)","output":"### Answer: ALCAIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: Typical of Greek poet\n**A **(\"one\") + **LAIC** (\"of the people\") with **C** (college) *ingested* \n\u00a0\n \n*Alcaeus was an Ancient Greek lyric poet."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: I cut cooked meat in e.g. service (8)","output":"### Answer: EVENSONG \n ### Explanation: Definition: service\nI *cut* (from) **VEN**(i)**SON** (\"cooked meat\") *in* **E.G."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Minimum from relative in what you inherit, making you sneer? (5)","output":"### Answer: GERNE \n ### Explanation: Definition: sneer\n[*minimum from*] **R**(elative) *in* **GENE** (\"what you inherit\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Something like a poncho, in Peru an 'anorak' (5)","output":"### Answer: RUANA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Something like a poncho\nHidden [**in**] \"pe**RU AN A**norak\" \n\u00a0\n \n*A ruana is a woollen outer garment worn in South America."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Clippings of dishevelled and grubby sheep, what shearer removes? (4)","output":"### Answer: DAGS \n ### Explanation: Definition: what shearer removes?\n[*clippings of*] **D**(ishevelled) **A**(nd) **G**(rubby) **S**(heep) \n\u00a0\n \n*A dag is a dirty clot of wool in a sheep's fleece."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: It was used to disguise obscenity applied to noun in US city (5)","output":"### Answer: NONNY \n ### Explanation: Definition: It was used to disguise obscenity\n**ON** (\"applied to\") + **N** (noun) *in* **NY** (New York, so \"US city\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Those who've tied the knot, unnatural in poetic language (6)","output":"### Answer: THEWED \n ### Explanation: Definition: unnatural in poetic language\n**THE WED** are \"those who have tied the knot\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Versatile cookery ingredient, what lumberjack suggests to audience (4)","output":"### Answer: SOYA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Versatile cookery ingredient\nHomophone [*suggests to audience*] of **SAWYER** (\"lumberjack\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: First in perspicacity? Nonsense! (5)","output":"### Answer: PRATS \n ### Explanation: Definition: First in perspicacity? Nonsense! \n[*first in*] **P**(erspicacity) + **RATS** (\"nonsense\") and &lit."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Vicar getting Helen up \u2013 it signals break of day (8)","output":"### Answer: REVEILLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: it signals break of day\n**Rev. **(reverend, so \"vicar\") *getting* **<=ELLIE** (\"Helen\", *up*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One entering ripped a hanging garland (6)","output":"### Answer: TORANA \n ### Explanation: Definition: hanging garland\n**A** (\"one\") *entering* **TORN** (\"ripped\") + **A"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One showing astonishment about girl on piano, producer of polished finish (10)","output":"### Answer: GLASSPAPER \n ### Explanation: Definition: producer of polished finish\n**GAPER** (\"one showing astonishment\") *about* **LASS** (\"girl\") *on* **P **(piano, in music notation)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: ARA dismissed by old king? That's disgusting (4)","output":"### Answer: PHOH \n ### Explanation: Definition: That's disgusting\n**PH**(ara)**OH** (\"old king\" *dismissing* ARA)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Obnoxious fellow protecting a scheme for red-light district (8)","output":"### Answer: SOAPLAND \n ### Explanation: Definition: red-light district \n**SOD** (\"obnoxious fellow\") *protecting* **A PLAN** (\"a scheme\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Exercising veto I'm showing purpose (6)","output":"### Answer: MOTIVE \n ### Explanation: Definition: purpose\n***(veto im)** [anag:*exercising*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Decay? Counteracting treatment's anti this (4)","output":"### Answer: DOTE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Decay\nA \"counteracting treatment\" would be an anti**DOTE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fierce bird's youth, accordingly accompanied by temper (6)","output":"### Answer: SORAGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fierce bird's youth\n**SO** (\"accordingly\") *accompanied by* **RAGE** (\"temper\") \n\u00a0\n \n*Sorage is a word for the first year of a hawk."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dried fruit, some in pie including dash of booze (5)","output":"### Answer: MEBOS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Dried fruit\n***(some)** [anag:*in pie*] *including* [*dash of*] **B**(ooze) \n\u00a0\n \n*Mebos are dried apricots"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: British composer failing to finish piece no longer current (5)","output":"### Answer: BELGA \n ### Explanation: Definition: piece no longer current\n**B** (British) + **ELGA**(r) (\"composer\" *failing to finish*) \n\u00a0\n \n*A belga was a 5-franc coin in Belgium used between 1926 and 1945."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Number in grip of drink move with tottering gait (5)","output":"### Answer: SWING \n ### Explanation: Definition: move with tottering gait\n**N** (number)* in grip of ***SWIG** (\"drink\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lively Scottish slang (4)","output":"### Answer: CANT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Lively Scottish\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Deploying weather eye could make one this (tee-hee!) (4)","output":"### Answer: WARY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Deploying weather eye could make one \n*(weather eye) [anag:deploying] would give (tee hee) **WARY **and semi &lit."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hurry to join mums in the club (6)","output":"### Answer: MASHIE \n ### Explanation: Definition: club\n\n**HIE** (\"hurry\") *to join* **MAS** (\"mums\")\n \n\n \n*A mashie is an old golf club, roughly equivalent to a 5-iron."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Snack \u2014 you've nibbled one when entertaining Hamish? (8)","output":"### Answer: BISCOTTI \n ### Explanation: Definition: Snack\n\n**BIT** (\"nibbled\") + **I** (one) *entertaining* **SCOT** (\"Hamish?\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: American soldiers first to enter the lists (5)","output":"### Answer: MENUS \n ### Explanation: Definition: lists\n\n**US **(\"American\") + **MEN** (\"soldiers\"), but with MEN *first"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Danish ace reorganised estates (9)","output":"### Answer: HACIENDAS \n ### Explanation: Definition: estates\n\n***(danish ace)** [anag:*reorganised*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: It's obvious what cricketers don't want \u2014 to risk injury in nets? (9)","output":"### Answer: OVERTRAIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: to risk injury in nets?\n\n**OVERT** (\"obvious\") + **RAIN** (\"what cricketers don't want\")\n \n\n \n*For non-cricketers, the nets is an area where cricketers practice batting and bowling."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: News stories of two couples? (5)","output":"### Answer: ITEMS \n ### Explanation: Definition: News stories\n\n**ITEMS** (\"two\" (or at least more than one) \"couples\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tiger Moth has to fly last bit of the journey (4,8)","output":"### Answer: HOME STRAIGHT \n ### Explanation: Definition: last bit of the journey\n\n***(tiger moth has to)** [anag:*fly*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Smear son \u2014 isn't one person without any faults apparently (7,5)","output":"### Answer: PLASTER SAINT \n ### Explanation: Definition: person without any faults apparently \n\n**PLASTER** (\"smear\") + **S** (son) + **AIN'T** (isn't)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A poor actor with nothing wandering around beach (5)","output":"### Answer: OMAHA \n ### Explanation: Definition: beach\n\n[*wandering around*] **<=(A HAM** (\"a poor actor\") *with* **O** (nothing))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Logically decide what could produce a snore (6,3)","output":"### Answer: REASON OUT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Logically decide\n\n***(a snore)** is an anagram of REASON, so could cryptically be described as **REASON OUT**."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Beautiful old lover, who in Paris is given designated place (9)","output":"### Answer: EXQUISITE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Beautiful\n\n**EX** (\"old lover\") + **QUI** (\"who\" in French, so \"in Paris\")* is given* **SITE** (\"designated place\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Eats possibly, as some in France outside home (5)","output":"### Answer: DINES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Eats possibly\n\n**DES** (French for \"some\") *outside* **IN** (\"home\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tiny tree developing \u2014 it never stops (8)","output":"### Answer: ETERNITY \n ### Explanation: Definition: it never stops\n\n***(tiny tree)** [anag:*developing*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sets of opinions society rejected, socialist getting squashed (6)","output":"### Answer: CREDOS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Sets of opinions\n\n**<=SOC.** (society, rejected) *squashing* **RED** (\"socialist\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A thousand winged creatures seen around in the morning \u2014 they are huge (8)","output":"### Answer: MAMMOTHS \n ### Explanation: Definition: they are huge\n\n**M** (\"a thousand\" in Roman numerals) + **MOTHS** (\"winged creatures\")* seen around* **AM** (ante meridian, so \"in the morning\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Signs of hope with reformed businessman abandoning sin (8)","output":"### Answer: SUNBEAMS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Signs of hope\n\n***(buessman)** [anag;*reformed*] where BUESSMAN is BU(sin)ESSMAN *abandoning* SIN"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Picture opportunity for children to have a day off school (5)","output":"### Answer: INSET \n ### Explanation: Definition: Picture\n\nDouble definition, the second referring to a day in the school calendar when teachers do **IN** **S**ervice** E**ducation and **T**raining, and children get an extra day off school."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Belonging to Tory team, class thinking of no one else (13)","output":"### Answer: INCONSIDERATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: thinking of no one else\n\n**IN** (\"belonging to\") + **CON** (Conservative, so \"Tory\") + **SIDE** (\"team\") + **RATE** (\"class\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Treasures former PM's wife's keeping shut up (9)","output":"### Answer: CHERISHES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Treasures\n\n**CHERIE'S** *keeping* **SH** (\"shut up\")\n \n\n \n*Cherie refers to Cherie Blair, the wife of ex-PM Tony Blair."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Asian performance said to be put in order? (6)","output":"### Answer: TIDIED \n ### Explanation: Definition: put in order\n\nHomophone [*said to be*] of **THAI** (\"Asian\") + **DEED** (\"performance\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Take a firm line with trendy little girl \u2014 end of argument (6)","output":"### Answer: INSIST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Take a firm line with\n\n**IN** (\"trendy\") + **SIS** (\"little girl\") + [*end of*] (argumen)**T"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Safety device earthed badly \u2014 struggle to get into it (4,9)","output":"### Answer: HEAD RESTRAINT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Safety device\n\n***(earthed)** [anag:*badly*] with **STRAIN** (\"struggle\") *in it"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Leaping as non-U greeting (9)","output":"### Answer: SALTATION \n ### Explanation: Definition: Leaping\n\n[*non-U*] **SAL**(u)**TATION** (\"greeting\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Abandoned drunk is being given shelter (8)","output":"### Answer: DISOWNED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Abandoned\n\n**DOWNED** (\"drunk\") with **IS** *being given shelter"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pro-centralising politicians \u2014 figures not in charge (8)","output":"### Answer: STATISTS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Pro-centralising politicians\n\n**STATIST**(ic)**S** (\"figures\" *not* IC (in charge))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: You may follow top cleric, a comic fellow (6)","output":"### Answer: POPEYE \n ### Explanation: Definition: a comic fellow\n\n**YE** (\"you\")* may follow* **POPE** (\"top cleric\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What sounds like protective layer in ship (6)","output":"### Answer: BARQUE \n ### Explanation: Definition: ship\n\nHomophone [*what sounds like*] of **BARK** (\"protective layer\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lowly soldiers embarrassed about rank (5)","output":"### Answer: ORDER \n ### Explanation: Definition: rank\n\n**OR** (other ranks, so \"lowly soldiers\") + **<=RED** (\"embarrassed\", *about*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Record French song containing one denial (10)","output":"### Answer: DISCLAIMER \n ### Explanation: Definition: denial\n\nDISC (\"record\") + LA MER (\"French song\") containing I (one)\n \n\n \nLa Mer *was a French song first recorded in the 1940s, and released in English as \"Beyond the Sea\" by Bobby Darin."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Star's confession of carrying out fraud (4)","output":"### Answer: ICON \n ### Explanation: Definition: Star\n\n**I CON **(what someone \"carrying out fraud\" may say when \"confess\"ing)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Entering low, dry ground, dress in blue (5-5)","output":"### Answer: WORLD WEARY \n ### Explanation: Definition: blue\n\n**WEAR** (\"dress in\") *entering* ***(low dry**) [anag:*ground*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Catch Nigeria's capital entering decline (4)","output":"### Answer: SNAG \n ### Explanation: Definition: Catch\n\n**N**(igeria) [*'s capital*] *entering* **SAG** (\"decline\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Carpeting is installed by virtuous people before time (12)","output":"### Answer: CHASTISEMENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Carpeting\n\n**IS** *installed by* **CHASTE** (\"virtuous\") + **MEN** (\"people\") *before* **T** (time)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Linguistically convincing graduate has silly clothing (9)","output":"### Answer: IDIOMATIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: Linguistically convincing\n\n**MA** (Master of Arts, so \"graduate\") *has* **IDIOTIC** (\"silly\") *clothing"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Brownie points American rou\u00e9 mostly rejected (5)","output":"### Answer: KARMA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Brownie p\n\n**<=(Am.** (American) + **RAK**(e) (\"rou\u00e9\", mostly)**)** [*rejected*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Be successful, cutting large wooden peg (5)","output":"### Answer: DOWEL \n ### Explanation: Definition: wooden peg \n\n**DO WEL**(l) (\"be successful\", *cutting* L (large))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Following delivery of letters somewhere in Africa once (9)","output":"### Answer: POSTNATAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Following delivery\n\n**POST** ('letters\") + **NATAL** (\"somewhere in (South) Africa once\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Back specialist doctor or rich entertaining piano player (12)","output":"### Answer: CHIROPRACTOR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Back specialist\n\n***(or rich)** [anag:*doctor*] *entertaining* **P** (piano) + **ACTOR** (\"player\"), so **CHIRO(P)R-ACTOR"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fictional canine is short and round (4)","output":"### Answer: TOTO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fictional canine\n\n**TOT** (\"short\") *and* **O** (round)\n \n\n \n*Dorothy's dog in *The Wizard of Oz*."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sheep from valley in southern part of UK (10)","output":"### Answer: SWALEDALES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Sheep\n\n**DALE** (\"valley\") *in* **S** (southern) + **WALES** (\"part of UK\")\n \n\n \n*Swaledales are a breed of domestic sheep named after a valley in Yorkshire."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Queen slips out of jacket in bar, in the main (4)","output":"### Answer: REEF \n ### Explanation: Definition: bar, in the main\n\nER (Elizabeth Regina, so \"queen\") *slips out of* **REEF**(er) (\"jacket\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Trio removing hot pants in parts of planes, say (4,6)","output":"### Answer: TREE TRUNKS \n ### Explanation: Definition: parts of planes, say\n\n**T**(h)**REE** (\"trio\", *removing* H (hot)) + **TRUNKS** (\"pants\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Which end of shinbone is sensitive? (4)","output":"### Answer: SORE \n ### Explanation: Definition: sensitive\n\n**S or E** (*ends of *S(hinbon)E)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sailor's mistress had lay composed by poet (4,8)","output":"### Answer: LADY HAMILTON \n ### Explanation: Definition: Sailor's mistress\n\n***(had lay)** [anag:*composed*] *by* **MILTON** (\"poet\")\n \n\n \n*Lady Emma Hamilton was an actress who was mistress to a series of wealthy men, among them Horatio Nelson."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Articles in Times in need of editing (5)","output":"### Answer: ITEMS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Articles\n\n***(times) **[anag:*in need of editing*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What Cockneys listening to music do for phone parts (9)","output":"### Answer: EARPIECES \n ### Explanation: Definition: phone parts\n\n**'EAR PIECES** (\"what Cockneys listening to music do\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Set aside kind of wine drunk by politician and judge (10)","output":"### Answer: CONSECRATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Set aside\n\n**SEC** (\"kind of wine\")* drunk by* **Con.** (Conservative, so \"politician\") *and* **RATE** (\"judge\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Leg, one a bit wonky, on the table (10)","output":"### Answer: NEGOTIABLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: on the table\n\n***(leg one a bit)** [anag:*wonky*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Kiss suitable to maintain good set of relationships (7,5)","output":"### Answer: PECKING ORDER \n ### Explanation: Definition: set of relationships\n\n**PECK** (\"kiss\") +** IN ORDER** (\"suitable\") *to maintain*** G** (good)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Person who justifies and defends V-sign (10)","output":"### Answer: VINDICATOR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Person who justifies\n\n**V** (the shape made by fingers when giving the V sign) + **INDICATOR** (\"sign\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Something played in new card game, wearing hat (3,7)","output":"### Answer: TIN WHISTLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Something played\n\n**N** (new) + **WHIST** (\"card game\") *wearing* **TILE** (\"hat\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Great artist's last work, one producing pictures (3-6)","output":"### Answer: TOP-DRAWER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Great\n\n(artis)**T** [*'s last*] + **Op**.(opus, so \"work\") + **DRAWER** (one who draws, so \"one producing pictures\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Drop young animal in lake within grotto (5)","output":"### Answer: CALVE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Drop young animal\n\n**L** (lake) *within* **CAVE** (\"grotto\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dash that's put in pasture-land (4)","output":"### Answer: ELAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Dash\n\nHidden in [*that's put in*] \"pastur**E-LAN**d\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Single family member in current conditions (2,2)","output":"### Answer: AS IS \n ### Explanation: Definition: in current conditions\n\n**A** (\"single\") + **SIS**(ter) (\"family member\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: On the radio: state bombs archipelago (10)","output":"### Answer: SEYCHELLES \n ### Explanation: On the radio: state bombs archipelago (10)\nHomophone [*on the radio*] of **SAY** (\"state\") + **SHELLS** (\"bomb\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fails to ignore 50 dandy dressers (4)","output":"### Answer: FOPS \n ### Explanation: Fails to ignore 50 dandy dressers (4)\n**F**(l)**OPS** (\"fails\") *ignoring* L (50)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Giant blunder on pitch disheartened Rice (4)","output":"### Answer: OGRE \n ### Explanation: Giant blunder on pitch disheartened Rice (4)\n**OG** (own goal, so \"blunder on pitch\") + [*disheartened*] **R**(ic)**E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: European Arab protecting monarch in Knock (10)","output":"### Answer: POMERANIAN \n ### Explanation: European Arab protecting monarch in Knock (10)\n**OMANI** (\"Arab\") *protecting* *ER* (Elizabeth Regina, so \"monarch\") *in* **PAN** (\"knock\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: An heir put out causing damage to corporation? (6)","output":"### Answer: HERNIA \n ### Explanation: An heir put out causing damage to corporation? (6)\n***(an heir)** [anag:*put out*] \n\u00a0\n \n*Corporation, in this case, refers to the belly."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: In Beirut perhaps an inhabitant\u00a0there? (8)","output":"### Answer: URBANITE \n ### Explanation: In Beirut perhaps an inhabitant\u00a0there? (8)\n**AN ***in*** *(Beirut)** [anag:*perhaps*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Disgust where Heather defends expletive (8)","output":"### Answer: LOATHING \n ### Explanation: Disgust where Heather defends expletive (8)\n**LING** (\"heather\") *defends* **OATH** (\"expletive\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Female having Irish mother (4)","output":"### Answer: IRMA \n ### Explanation: Female having Irish mother (4)\n**Ir. **(Irish) + **MA** (\"mother\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Small taxi: one shouldn't pick it (4)","output":"### Answer: SCAB \n ### Explanation: Small taxi: one shouldn't pick it (4)\n**S** (small) + **CAB** (\"taxi\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Scotsman to invest capital short after run on bank (8)","output":"### Answer: RIPARIAN \n ### Explanation: Scotsman to invest capital short after run on bank (8)\n**IAN** (\"Scotsman\") *to invest* **PARI**(s) (\"capital\", short) *after*** R** (run)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Shy right away from utter nonsense (8)","output":"### Answer: SHEEPISH \n ### Explanation: Shy right away from utter nonsense (8)\nR (right) *away from* **SHEE**(r) (\"utter\") + **PISH** (\"nonsense\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ruminant eating everything green (6)","output":"### Answer: CALLOW \n ### Explanation: Ruminant eating everything green (6)\n**COW** (\"ruminant\") *eating* **ALL** (\"everything\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mikado for instance sending one manager into stupor? (5,5)","output":"### Answer: COMIC OPERA \n ### Explanation: Mikado for instance sending one manager into stupor? (5,5)\n**I** (one) + **COPER** (\"manager\") into **COMA** (\"stupor\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hard to interrupt unstoppable service \u2013 it's long (4)","output":"### Answer: ACHE \n ### Explanation: Hard to interrupt unstoppable service \u2013 it's long (4)\n**H** (hard) *to interrupt* **ACE** (\"unstobbale service\" in tennis)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Discussed division of the church in land surrounded (4)","output":"### Answer: ISLE \n ### Explanation: Discussed division of the church in land surrounded (4)\nHomophone [*discussed*] of **AISLE** (\"division of the church\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Simple copper perhaps suspicious when wife leaves (10)","output":"### Answer: ELEMENTARY \n ### Explanation: Simple copper perhaps suspicious when wife leaves (10)\n**ELEMENT** (\"copper perhaps\") + (w)**ARY** (\"suspicious\", *when* W (wife) *leaves*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Renouncing identity Coleridge confused painter (2,5)","output":"### Answer: EL GRECO \n ### Explanation: Renouncing identity Coleridge confused painter (2,5)\n***(colerge)** [anag:*confused*] where COLERGE is COLER(id)GE *renouncing* ID (identity)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Completely innocent (5)","output":"### Answer: CLEAN \n ### Explanation: Completely innocent (5)\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stress English politician has income support at first (8)","output":"### Answer: EMPHASIS \n ### Explanation: Stress English politician has income support at first (8)\n**E** (English) + **MP** (Member of Parliament, so \"politician\") + **HAS** + **I**(ncome) **S**(upport) [*at first*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Member with desire: see her excited about cold dairy product (9,6)","output":"### Answer: LIMBURGER CHEESE \n ### Explanation: Member with desire: see her excited about cold dairy product (9,6)\n**LIMB** (\"member\") *with* **URGE** (\"desire\") + ***(see her)** [anag:*excited*] *about* **C** (cold), so **LIMB-URGE-R(C)HEESE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Good man with garment for flasher at disco (6)","output":"### Answer: STROBE \n ### Explanation: Good man with garment for flasher at disco (6)\n**St.** (saint, so \"good man\") *with* **ROBE** (\"garment\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Connoisseur seen around home is money wizard (9)","output":"### Answer: FINANCIER \n ### Explanation: Connoisseur seen around home is money wizard (9)\n**FANCIER** (\"connoisseur\")* seen around* **IN** (\"home\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ghost from Hampton wandering about (7)","output":"### Answer: PHANTOM \n ### Explanation: Ghost from Hampton wandering about (7)\n***(Hampton)** [anag:*wandering about*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Drink with meal can give one wind, expert admitted (5,4)","output":"### Answer: TABLE WINE \n ### Explanation: Drink with meal can give one wind, expert admitted (5,4)\n**TWINE** (\"wind\") with **ABLE** (\"expert\") *admitted"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Modern philosopher gathering momentum (5-3)","output":"### Answer: SPACE-AGE \n ### Explanation: Modern philosopher gathering momentum (5-3)\n**SAGE** (\"philosopher\") *gathering* **PACE** (\"momentum\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: League accountant shows impatience when driving (7)","output":"### Answer: CAHOOTS \n ### Explanation: League accountant shows impatience when driving (7)\n**CA** (Chartered \"Accountant\") + **HOOTS** (\"shows impatience when driving\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Second drink from anonymous person? (7)","output":"### Answer: ANOTHER \n ### Explanation: Second drink from anonymous person? (7)\n**A.N. OTHER** (\"anonymous person\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Detective Inspector needing European aerial (6)","output":"### Answer: DIPOLE \n ### Explanation: Detective Inspector needing European aerial (6)\n**DI** (Detective Inspector) *needing* **POLE** (\"European\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rose suddenly turned pale with temperature (5)","output":"### Answer: LEAPT \n ### Explanation: Rose suddenly turned pale with temperature (5)\n***(pale)** [anag:*turned*] *with* **T **(temperature)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Video of nun wandering around Portugal essentially wasting cardinal's money (4,5,4)","output":"### Answer: FIVE POUND NOTE \n ### Explanation: Definition: money\n***(video of nun) **[anag:*wandering*) *around* **P** (Portugal) + [essentially] (was)**T**(ing)** + E** (east, so \"cardinal\" (point))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Frenzied attack upon retired clergyman opening fair? Sick! (8)","output":"### Answer: OVERKILL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Frenzied attack\n[*retired*] **<=REV** (reverend, so \"clergyman\") *opening* **OK** (\"fair\") + **ILL** (\"sick\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Writing exercise follows extremely schematic lesson (6)","output":"### Answer: SCRIPT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Writing\n**PT** (physical training, so \"exercise\") *follows* [*extremely*] **S**(chemati)**C** + **RI** (religious instruction, so \"lesson\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Advertising is about trust in impressions (6)","output":"### Answer: PRINTS \n ### Explanation: Definition: impressions\n**PR** (\"advertising\") + **IS** *about* **NT** (National \"Trust\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A twisted jibe about gallery in troubled state (8)","output":"### Answer: AGITATED \n ### Explanation: Definition: in troubled state\n**A** + [*twisted*] **<=DIG **(\"jibe\") *about* **TATE** (Gallery)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Salvation Army quarters behind home for mentally disturbed (6)","output":"### Answer: INSANE \n ### Explanation: Definition: mentally disturbed \n**SA** (Salvation Army) + **N** +** E** (North and East, so \"quarters\") *behind*** IN** (\"home\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Exert power over husband and son by traditional method (4,4)","output":"### Answer: HOLD SWAY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Exert power\n**H** (husband) *and* **S** (son) *by* **OLD +WAY** (\"traditional method\"), so **H-OLD+S-WAY** \n*Thanks to Steerpike for this parsing."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wrongdoings of church in parts of Eastern England (8)","output":"### Answer: OFFENCES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Wrongdoings\n**OF** + **CE** (\"Church\" of England) *in* **FENS** (\"parts of Eastern England\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wanders off and runs into reinforcements (6)","output":"### Answer: STRAYS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Wanders off\n**R** (runs, in cricket) *into* **STAYS** (\"reinforecements\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Men wrestling with girl's problems (8)","output":"### Answer: GREMLINS \n ### Explanation: Definition: problems\n***(men girls)** [anag:*wrestling*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Drunk starts to lecture youth in an extravagant manner (6)","output":"### Answer: LUSHLY \n ### Explanation: Definition: in an extravagant manner\n**LUSH** (\"drunk\") + [*starts to*] **L**(ecture) **Y**(outh)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mountainous region in South Africa one's entered by mistake (6)","output":"### Answer: SIERRA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Mountainous region\n**I** (one) + **ERR** *in* **SA **(South Africa)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Adventures of former international included in storylines (8)","output":"### Answer: EXPLOITS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Adventures\n**EX** (\"former\") + **I** (international) *in* **PLOTS** (\"storylines\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Obstacle circumvented by rogue in Evil Dead movie (4,3,3,3)","output":"### Answer: LIVE AND LET DIE \n ### Explanation: Definition: movie\n**LET** (\"obstacle\") *circumvented by* ***(in evil dead)** [anag:*rogue*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Temperature in Fahrenheit on day before beginning of Ramadan (5)","output":"### Answer: FEVER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Temperature\n**F** (Fahrenheit) *on* **EVE** (\"day before\") + [*beginning of*] **R**(amadan)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tribesman detailed to guard queen covered entrance (7)","output":"### Answer: VERANDA \n ### Explanation: Definition: covered entrance\n**VANDA**(l) (\"tribesman\" *detailed* (i.e. having its tail removed)) *to guard* **ER** (Elizabeth Regina, so \"queen\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Papa, having lost wife, cries buckets (5)","output":"### Answer: PAILS \n ### Explanation: Definition: buckets\n**P** (Papa, in the phonetic alphabet) + (w)**AILS** (\"cries\",* having lost* W (wife))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Peacekeepers seal off hospital for free (7)","output":"### Answer: UNLEASH \n ### Explanation: Definition: free\n**UN** (\"peacekeepers\") + ***(seal)** [anag:*off*] + **H** (hospital)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Students record independent album on hollow experiences (9)","output":"### Answer: DISCIPLES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Students\n**DISC** (\"record\") +** I **(independent) +** PL** (\"album\" is LP??) *on* [*hollow*]** E**(experience)**S** \n*According to comment 1 by the setter himself, this clue\u00a0was amended post-submissio, but as the clue is printed, it's wrong as LP needs to be reversed."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Conquerors of Poles hoisting standard on top of arsenal (7)","output":"### Answer: NORMANS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Conquerors\n**N** + **S** (North and South \"poles\") *hoisting* **NORM** (\"standard\") *on* [*top of*] **A**(rsenal)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Attempt to hide protective gear commandeered by terrorists in Irish town (9)","output":"### Answer: TIPPERARY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Irish town\n**TRY** (\"attempt\") *to hide* **PPE** (\"personal protective equipment\", so \"protective gear\") *commandeered by ***IRA** (Irish Republican Army, so \"terrorists\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Entire FT spread about India's royal consort (9)","output":"### Answer: NEFERTITI \n ### Explanation: Definition: royal consort\n***(entire ft) **[anag:*spread*] *about* **I** (India, in the phonetic alphabet)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: CIA handle criminal's fare from Mexico (9)","output":"### Answer: ENCHILADA \n ### Explanation: Definition: fare from Mexico\n***(cia handle)** [anag:*criminal*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Regularly tells mate about English timber supplier (3,4)","output":"### Answer: ELM TREE \n ### Explanation: Definition: timber supplier\n[*regularly*] (t)**E**(l)**L**(s) **M**(a)**T**(e) + **RE** (\"about\") + **E** (English)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hang from post outside American battleship's base (7)","output":"### Answer: SUSPEND \n ### Explanation: Definition: Hang\n**SEND** (\"post\") *outside* **US** (American) + (battleshi)**P** [*'s base*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Take retaliatory action regarding South Atlantic (7)","output":"### Answer: RESPOND \n ### Explanation: Definition: Take retaliatory action\n**RE** (\"regarding\") + **S **(South) + **POND** (term for the \"Atlantic\" ocean)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lose one's faith in large part of church structure (5)","output":"### Answer: LAPSE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Lose one's faith\n**L** (large) + **APSE** (\"part of church sculpture\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: In general, IT headhunter is flexible (5)","output":"### Answer: LITHE \n ### Explanation: Definition: flexible\nHidden *in* \"genera**L IT HE**adhunter\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Husband enters to wreck party (6)","output":"### Answer: THRASH \n ### Explanation: Definition: party\n\n**H** (husband) *enters* **TRASH** (\"to wreck\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Largely woolly letter from abroad? (6)","output":"### Answer: LAMBDA \n ### Explanation: Definition: letter from abroad?\n\nMost of the word (so *largely*) **LAMBDA** is LAMB (indicated by \"woolly\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sort of pipe Spooner couldn't confuse! (7)","output":"### Answer: CORNCOB \n ### Explanation: Definition: Sort of pipe\n\nAs CORN and COB start with he same letter, a spoonerism wouldn't change the word."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hint to politicians in the know (5,2)","output":"### Answer: CLUED UP \n ### Explanation: Definition: in the know\n\n**CLUE** (\"hint\") + **DUP** (Democratic Unionist Party, so \"politicians\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Job done, cabbie, but now I'm confused (5,3,2,5)","output":"### Answer: YOU\u2019VE GOT ME THERE \n ### Explanation: Definition: now I'm confused\n\nA cabbie should get you there."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Level in cup match, right? (4)","output":"### Answer: TIER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Level\n\n**TIE** (\"cup match\") + **R** (right)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Celtic fan, perhaps, sawing a leg off (10)","output":"### Answer: GLASWEGIAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Celtic fan, perhaps\n\n***(sawing a leg)** [anag:*off*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Come ashore, admitting being a laird? (10)","output":"### Answer: LANDOWNING \n ### Explanation: Definition: being a laird?\n\n**LAND** (\"come ashore\") + **OWNING** (\"admitting\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: School is excellent, but beginning to go bad (4)","output":"### Answer: HIGH \n ### Explanation: Definition: School\n\nTriple definition, the first being a type of school rather than a straight definition."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Many thousands of moves taking ages (1,5,2,7)","output":"### Answer: A MONTH OF SUNDAYS \n ### Explanation: Definition: ages\n\n***(many thousands of) **[anag:*moves*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What children learn early: they can get through a door without opening it (7)","output":"### Answer: LETTERS \n ### Explanation: Definition: What children learn early\n\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: An increasing problem ties boy in knots (7)","output":"### Answer: OBESITY \n ### Explanation: Definition: An increasing problem\n\n***(ties boy)** [anag:*in knots*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Believe this may be on the cards (6)","output":"### Answer: CREDIT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Believe\n\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Size of old temporary housing (6)","output":"### Answer: EXTENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Size\n\n**EX** (\"old\") + **TENT** (\"temporary housing\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Extraordinarily powerful article Poirot was on to (9)","output":"### Answer: HERCULEAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Extraordinarily powerful\n\n**AN** (\"article\") with **HERCULE** (Poirot) *on"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old soldier heading off demonstrator (6)","output":"### Answer: ARCHER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Old soldier\n\n[*heading off*] (m)**ARCHER** (\"demonstrator\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mischievous spirit to depart, limpin' around (9)","output":"### Answer: HOBGOBLIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Mischievous spirit\n\n**GO** (\"to depart\") with **HOBBLIN**' (\"limpin'\") *around"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Doctor taking holiday: that's a relief (5)","output":"### Answer: LOCUM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Doctor taking holiday: that's a relief\n\n(not very) cryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Policemen in some unit reorganised (8)","output":"### Answer: MOUNTIES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Policemen\n\n***(some unit)** [anag:*reorganised*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Automobile seen in Kansas City (5)","output":"### Answer: DODGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Automobile\n\n**DODGE** City is in Southwest Kansas, and will be well-known to anyone who likes a good Western."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sphere in which your fortune may lie (7,4)","output":"### Answer: CRYSTAL BALL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Sphere in which your fortune may lie\n\n(not very) cryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unrealistic expectation of high tea? (3,2,3,3)","output":"### Answer: PIE IN THE SKY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Unrealistic expectation\n\n**PIE** (\"tea\", as in a meal) + **IN THE SKY** (\"high\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Beach pebble or rock (9)","output":"### Answer: SANDSTONE \n ### Explanation: Definition: rock\n\n**SAND** (\"beach\") + **STONE** (\"pebble\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Copy restriction? Not at first (9)","output":"### Answer: IMITATION \n ### Explanation: Definition: Copy\n\n(l)**IMITATION** (\"restriction\", *not at first*, i.e. with its first letter removed)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Nanny's nanny? (8)","output":"### Answer: GOATHERD \n ### Explanation: Definition: Nanny's nanny?\n\nSomeone who looks after a \"nanny\" goat"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Put money in, having lost one's shirt? (6)","output":"### Answer: INVEST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Put money in\n\nIn the UK, if you are only **IN** a **VEST**, you are not wearing a shirt."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: External route diverted (5)","output":"### Answer: OUTER \n ### Explanation: Definition: External\n\n***(route) **[anag:*diverted*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Start getting leg fixed (5)","output":"### Answer: ONSET \n ### Explanation: Definition: Start\n\n**ON** (\"leg\" side, cricket) + **SET** (\"fixed\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One has a job keeping King in retreating soldiers' line (6)","output":"### Answer: WORKER \n ### Explanation: Definition: One has a job\n\n**R** (rex, so \"king\") *in* [*retreating*] **<=(RE** (Royal Engineers. so \"soldiers\") + **ROW** (\"line\"))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Talked incoherently and is flushed following injection (8)","output":"### Answer: JABBERED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Talked incoherently\n\n**BE RED** (\"is flushed\") *following* **JAB** (\"injection\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old article has point about space in it (7)","output":"### Answer: ANCIENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Old\n\n**A** (article) *has*** N** (north, so \"point\") + **C** (circa, so \"about) + **EN** (printer's \"space\") *in* **IT"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tutor sees child in a tree playing (7)","output":"### Answer: TEACHER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Tutor\n\n**Ch.** (child) *in* ***(a tree**) [anag:*playing*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wrestling with problem zip (4)","output":"### Answer: SUMO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Wrestling\n\n**SUM** (\"problem\") + **O** (nothing, so \"zip\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Scripture grade by pupil in Lincoln's outstanding (10)","output":"### Answer: REMARKABLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: outstanding\n\n**RE** (religious instruction, so \"scripture\") + **MARK** (\"grade\") *by* **L** (learner, so \"pupil\") **in** **ABE** (Lincoln)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Use any compound tense (6)","output":"### Answer: UNEASY \n ### Explanation: Definition: tense\n\n***(use any) **[anag:*compound*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Boy by lake's given duck more crumbled bread (7)","output":"### Answer: BLOOMER \n ### Explanation: Definition: bread\n\n**B** (boy) *by* **L** (lake) *given* **O** (duck, in cricket) + ***(more) **[anag:*crumbled*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Nowadays poetry's antagonistic (7)","output":"### Answer: ADVERSE \n ### Explanation: Definition: antagonistic\n\n**AD** (anno domini, so \"these days\") + **VERSE** (\"poetry\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dog's heading off after good run in field (6)","output":"### Answer: GROUND \n ### Explanation: Definition: field\n\n(h)**OUND** (\"dog\" heading off) *after* **G** (good) + **R** (run, in cricket)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Undersea eco-system examination in Florida results in big argument (4-3-3)","output":"### Answer: FREE-FOR-ALL \n ### Explanation: Definition: big argument\n\n**REEF** (\"undersea eco-system\") + **ORAL** (\"examination\") *in* **FL** (Florida)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dad invested in ring with large gemstone (4)","output":"### Answer: OPAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: gemstone\n\n**PA** (\"dad\") *invested in* **O** (ring) *with* **L** (large)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Setter's contrary wiles have uses! (7)","output":"### Answer: EMPLOYS \n ### Explanation: Definition: uses\n\n**<=ME** (\"setter\"*'s contrary*) + **PLOYS** (\"wiles\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Most trendy carbon spectacles in case (7)","output":"### Answer: COOLEST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Most trendy\n\nC (carbon) + OO (pair of \"spectacles\", in cricket) + LEST (\"in case\")\n \n\n \n*In cricket, if a batsman is out for a duck in both innings, it is called a \"pair\" because OO resembles a pair of spectacles."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Discuss work issues off duty in social after negotiations (4,4)","output":"### Answer: TALK SHOP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Discuss work issue\n\n**HOP** (\"social\") *after* **TALKS** (\"negotiations\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Girl's gutted with horrid zit taking last opportunity to be glamorous (6)","output":"### Answer: GLITZY \n ### Explanation: Definition: glamorous\n\n**G**(ir)**L** [*'s gutted*] *with* ***(zit)** [anag:*horrid*] *taking* [*last*] (opportunit)**Y"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Exhausts listener with first incomplete point (5,3)","output":"### Answer: WEARS OUT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Exhausts\n\n**EAR** (\"listener\") with **W** (with) *first*) + [*incomplete*] **SOUT**(h) (\"point\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Give a good review on company's first major repair (9)","output":"### Answer: RECOMMEND \n ### Explanation: Definition: Give a good review\n\n**RE** (\"on\") + **Co.** (company) + [*first*] **M**(ajor) + **MEND** (\"repair\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Heard setter had studied (4)","output":"### Answer: EYED \n ### Explanation: Definition: studied\n\nHomophone [*heard*] of** I'D **(\"setter had\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: In fact, posh colleague's supporting show (8)","output":"### Answer: ACTUALLY \n ### Explanation: Definition: In\n\n**U** (posh) + **ALLY** (\"colleague\") *supporting* **ACT** (\"show\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Miss Bishop's going ahead with governors to show old classroom feature (10)","output":"### Answer: BLACKBOARD \n ### Explanation: Definition: old classroom feature\n\n**LACK** (\"miss\") with **B** (bishop) [*going ahead*] *with* **BOARD** (\"governors\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Treatment for addiction uses a herb remedy (5)","output":"### Answer: REHAB \n ### Explanation: Definition: Treatment for addiction\n\n***(a herb)** [anag:*remedy*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Moved quickly and was brave enough to grab terrorist's foot (6)","output":"### Answer: DARTED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Moved quickly\n\n**DARED** (\"was brave enough\") *to grab* (terroris)**T** [*'s foot*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Go up on street rising sharply (5)","output":"### Answer: STEEP \n ### Explanation: Definition: rising sharply\n\n**<=PEE** (\"go\", up) *on* **St.** (street)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Life's changed around old haunts in part of London (4,2,4)","output":"### Answer: ISLE OF DOGS \n ### Explanation: Definition: part of London\n\n***(lifes) **[anag:*changed*] *around* **O** (old) + **DOGS** (\"haunts\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Supplies online joke intended to be read aloud (9)","output":"### Answer: EQUIPMENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Supplies\n\n**E**\u2013 (online, as in e-mail) + **QUIP** (\"joke\") + homophone [*to be read aloud*] of **MEANT** (\"intended\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Affected posers swallowing drugs with Italian coffee (8)","output":"### Answer: ESPRESSO \n ### Explanation: Definition: I\n\n***(posers)** [anag:*affected*] *swallowing*** Es** (ecstasy, so \"drugs\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Papers have a look-up time-line on icon worship (8)","output":"### Answer: IDOLATRY \n ### Explanation: Definition: icon worship\n\n**ID** (\"papers\") *have* **<=(A + LO** (\"look\")**) **[*up*] + **T** (time) + **Ry**. (railway, so \"line\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cause very loud echoes around court (6)","output":"### Answer: EFFECT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Cause\n\n**FF** (fortissimo, so \"very loud\") *with* **E** + **E** (echo, in the phonetic alphabet, twice, so \"echoes\") *around* + **Ct.** (court)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pull off getting parking by chance (5)","output":"### Answer: PLUCK \n ### Explanation: Definition: Pull off \n\n**P** (parking) *by* **LUCK** (\"chance\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Throw out complex Pelham bit (5)","output":"### Answer: EXPEL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Throw out\n\nHidden in [*bit* (of)] \"compl**EX PEL**ham\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Scream seeing wolf briefly straying behind hotel (4)","output":"### Answer: HOWL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Scream\n\n***(wol)** [ang:*straying*] where WOL is WOL(f) [*briefly*] *behind* **H** (hotel)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Painting of couple by river in boat (7)","output":"### Answer: ARTWORK \n ### Explanation: Definition: Painting\n\n**TWO** (\"couple\") *by* **R** (river) *in* **ARK** (\"boat\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: 80% of 3 \u00f7 4? In the end, class does well (7)","output":"### Answer: THRIVES \n ### Explanation: Definition: does well\n\n[*80% of*] **THRE**(e) *divided by* **IV** (4) + [*in the end*] (clas)**S"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Direction, perhaps north, to retreat and run away (5)","output":"### Answer: ELOPE \n ### Explanation: Definition: run away\n\n**E** (east, so \"direction\") + **<=POLE** (\"perhaps north\", *to retreat*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: They might be fancy, sleek \u2014 can be worn by many? (9)","output":"### Answer: NECKLACES \n ### Explanation: Definition: They might be fancy, sleek \u2014 can be worn by many?\n\n***(sleek can)** [anag:*fancy*] *worn by* **C **(100, so \"many\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tasty fruit left out? It's rotten, one's no good (10)","output":"### Answer: APPETISING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Tasty\n\n**APP**(l)**E** (\"fruit\" with L (left) *out*) + ***(its) **[anag:*rotten*] + **I **(one) + **NG** (no good)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Everybody returns to embrace old woman (4)","output":"### Answer: LOLA \n ### Explanation: Definition: woman\n\n**<=ALL** (\"everybody\" returns) *to embrace* **O** (old)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Paper transformed by spies into fake review (12)","output":"### Answer: APPRECIATION \n ### Explanation: Definition: review\n\n***(paper)** [anag:*transformed*] *by* **CIA** (Central Intelligence Agency, American \"spies\") + ***(into)** [anag:*fake*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Science to record way of thinking about 1001 (12)","output":"### Answer: EPIDEMIOLOGY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Science\n\n**EP** (extended play \"record\") + **IDEOLOGY** (\"way of thinking\") *about* **MI** (1001)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: H. Kane's Spurs teammate gives up his soul to be an artist (4)","output":"### Answer: DALI \n ### Explanation: Definition: an artist\n\n**D**(ele) **AL**(l)**I** (\"H. Kane's Spurs teammate\") *gives up* L (his soul?)\n \n\n \n*Dele Alli is a teammate of Harry Kane at Spurs. This is a really clumsy clue and very unfair on non-football fans."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: For one number following 1 + 5 + 0 + 4? Complicated (2,6,2)","output":"### Answer: IN FAVOUR OF \n ### Explanation: Definition: For\n\n**I** (one) + **N** (number) + **F** (following) + **A** (1) + **V** (5) + **O** (0) + ***(four)** [anag:*complicated*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Forgotten nationalist voted in to overthrow government (9)","output":"### Answer: NEGLECTED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Forgotten\n\n**N **(nationalist) + **ELECTED** (\"voted in\")* to overthrow* **G** (government)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Guide cattle \u2026 (5)","output":"### Answer: STEER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Guide\n\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: \u2026 back to pursue quiet ways (7)","output":"### Answer: STREETS \n ### Explanation: Definition: ways\n\n**<=STEER** [back] *to pursue ***ST** (hush! or (be) \"quiet!\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Company function recalled by wild yeti (7)","output":"### Answer: SOCIETY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Company\n\n**<=COS** (cosine, so \"function\", *recalled*) *by* ***(yeti)** [anag:*wild*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pea soup carried by hand to primitive human (6)","output":"### Answer: APEMAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: primitive human\n\n***(pea)** [anag:*soup*] *carried by* **MAN** (\"hand\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Soldiers take up cricket, say, to catch ball (6)","output":"### Answer: TROOPS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Soldiers\n\n[*take up*] **<=SPORT** (\"cricket, say\") *to catch*** O** (ball)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Writer's captivated by Depp, too \u2014 made up like a tart? (4-6)","output":"### Answer: OPEN-TOPPED \n ### Explanation: Definition: like a tart?\n\n**PEN** (\"writer\") *captivated by* ***(Depp too)** [anag:*made up*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Royal family takes the lead and finally admits flaws (5)","output":"### Answer: KINKS \n ### Explanation: Definition: flaws\n\n**K** (King, so \"royal\") *with* **KIN** (\"family\") [*taking the lead*] + [*finally*] (admit)**S"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Let China clay initially be moulded by expert (9)","output":"### Answer: TECHNICAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: expert\n\n***(let china c)** [anag:*be moulded*] where C is C(lay) [*initially*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Count on getting extremely lucky (4)","output":"### Answer: RELY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Count\n\n**RE** (\"on\") *getting* [*extremely*] **L**(uck)**Y"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Queen's champion upset artificial intelligence (8)","output":"### Answer: VICTORIA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Queen\n\n**VICTOR** (\"champion\") + [*upset*] **<=AI** (artificial intelligence)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Feed small bears (8)","output":"### Answer: SUSTAINS \n ### Explanation: Definition: bears\n\n**SUSTAIN** (\"feed\") + **S** (small)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fear overwhelms German defeat, taking a very optimistic view (10)","output":"### Answer: PANGLOSSIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: taking a very optimistic view\n\nPANIC (\"fear\") overwhelms G (German) + LOSS (\"defeat\")\n \n\n \n*The word comes from Dr Pangloss, an exceedingly optimistic fellow in *Candide* by Voltaire."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Reading, then seeing it translated by Kindles again (2-7)","output":"### Answer: REIGNITES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Kindles again\n\n**R** (reading , one of the three Rs) *then* ***(seeing it)** [anag:*translated*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Inside, theologians each study blind alleys (4,4)","output":"### Answer: DEAD ENDS \n ### Explanation: Definition: blind alleys\n\n**EA** (each) + **DEN** (\"study\") *inside* **DDs** (Doctors of Divinity, so \"theologians\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One in Hamlet has beer after 6:50 (8)","output":"### Answer: VILLAGER \n ### Explanation: Definition: One in Hamlet\n\n**LAGER** (\"beer\") *after* **VI** (6) +** L** (50)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: New English author (6)","output":"### Answer: GREENE \n ### Explanation: Definition: author\n\n**GREEN** (\"new\") +** E** (English)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Americans imprison very loud Republican leading Yankee riot (6)","output":"### Answer: AFFRAY \n ### Explanation: Definition: riot\n\n**A** + **A** (Americans) *imprison* (**FF** (fortissimo, so \"very loud\") + **R** (republican)) + [*leading*] **Y**(ankee)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Assistants like eating fish (5)","output":"### Answer: AIDES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Assistants\n\n**AS** (\"like\") *eating* **IDE** (\"fish\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Just about setter on top (4)","output":"### Answer: MERE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Just\n\n**RE** (\"about\") with **ME** (\"setter\") *on top"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Menacing symbol vexed British figures (10)","output":"### Answer: CROSSBONES \n ### Explanation: Menacing symbol vexed British figures (10)\n\n**CROSS** (\"vexed\") + **B** (British) + **ONES** (\"figures\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Work of art essential to Requiem Mass (4)","output":"### Answer: EMMA \n ### Explanation: Work of art essential to Requiem Mass (4)\n\nHidden in [*essential to*] \"requi**EM MA**ss\"\n \n\n \n*I assume that the *Emma* referred to is the Jane Austen novel."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: By the sound of it, draw clothing for dancer (4)","output":"### Answer: TUTU \n ### Explanation: By the sound of it, draw clothing for dancer (4)\n\nHomophone [*by the sound of it*] **TWO-TWO** (a \"draw\" (in a football match, for example)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: English leaving a granite holiday home for club (5,5)","output":"### Answer: ASTON VILLA \n ### Explanation: English leaving a granite holiday home for club (5,5)\n\nE (English) *leaving* **A STON**(e) (\"granite\") **VILLA** (\"holiday home\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sacked Republican, heading for ignominy, beat it (6)","output":"### Answer: RIFLED \n ### Explanation: Sacked Republican, heading for ignominy, beat it (6)\n\n**R** (Republican) + [*heading for]* **I**(ignominy) + **FLED** (\"beat it\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Yorkshire river banks grand for building (8)","output":"### Answer: OUTHOUSE \n ### Explanation: Yorkshire river banks grand for building (8)\n\n**OUSE** (\"Yorkshire river\") *banks* **THOU** (short for thousand, so \"grand\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Maoist secretary eats along with Chinese native (3,5)","output":"### Answer: RED PANDA \n ### Explanation: Maoist secretary eats along with Chinese native (3,5)\n\n**RED** (\"Maoist\") + **PA** (personal assistant or \"secretary\") *eats* **AND** (\"along with\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Buccaneer's with irrational African warriors (4)","output":"### Answer: IMPI \n ### Explanation: Buccaneer's with irrational African warriors (4)\n\n**I'M **(\"Buccaneer's\") *with* **PI **(\"irrational\" number)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Study what lines of verse should do (4)","output":"### Answer: SCAN \n ### Explanation: Study what lines of verse should do (4)\n\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Filipino touring north is to come as well (3,5)","output":"### Answer: TAG ALONG \n ### Explanation: Filipino touring north is to come as well (3,5)\n\n**TAGALOG** (\"Filipino\") *touring* **N** (north)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Club man without appropriate indoor garment (8)","output":"### Answer: BATHROBE \n ### Explanation: Club man without appropriate indoor garment (8)\n\n**BATH** (rugby union \"club\") + **ROBE**(rt) (\"man\" without RT (right, so \"appropriate\"))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: City for better whiskey getting name and fame (6)","output":"### Answer: RENOWN \n ### Explanation: City for better whiskey getting name and fame (6)\n\n**RENO** (\"city\" in Nevada) *getting* **W** (whiskey, in the phonetic alphabet) *and* **N** (name)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Flat, perhaps in Iceland, cat vandalised (10)","output":"### Answer: ACCIDENTAL \n ### Explanation: Flat, perhaps in Iceland, cat vandalised (10)\n\n***(Iceland cat)** [anag:*vandalised*]\n \n\n \n*In music, an accidental is a note that is not a member of the scale, such as a flat or a sharp."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: American's not eating in African country (4)","output":"### Answer: TOGO \n ### Explanation: American's not eating in African country (4)\n\nIn the US, **TO GO** is the equivalent of the UK's \"takeaway\", although it is becoming popular as a phrase over here. especially in coffee shops."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Revolutionary wrong to turn to the left (4)","output":"### Answer: TROT \n ### Explanation: Revolutionary wrong to turn to the left (4)\n\n[revolutionary] **TORT** (\"wrong\")\n \n\n \n*Not aware of TROT meaning \"to turn to the left\". Become a Trot, possibly, but not trot on its own. Buccaneer may be asking us to do something with TO RT (to the right, being \"wrong\", so to the left, but if so, it's not obvious from the wordplay."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Banal comment from learner in hard- working class (10)","output":"### Answer: PLEASANTRY \n ### Explanation: Banal comment from learner in hard- working class (10)\n\n**L **(learner) *in* **PEASANTRY** (\"hard-working class\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Turn in, having tucked into course (7)","output":"### Answer: ROUTINE \n ### Explanation: Turn in, having tucked into course (7)\n\n**IN** *tucked into* **ROUTE** (\"course\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Partner of 1 in row that's overheard (5)","output":"### Answer: SKULL \n ### Explanation: Partner of 1 in row that's overheard (5)\n\nHomophone [*that's overheard*] of **SCULL** (\"row\")\n \n\n \n*The 1 referred to is CROSSBONES (1 ac) \u2013 i.e. SKULL and CROSSBONES (as seen on the Jolly Roger)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Make mixed gin? It may require an iron (8)","output":"### Answer: BRANDING \n ### Explanation: Make mixed gin? It may require an iron (8)\n\n**BRAND** (\"make\") + ***(gin)** [anag:*mixed*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A heat-intolerant imbecile plays here (8,7)","output":"### Answer: NATIONAL THEATRE \n ### Explanation: A heat-intolerant imbecile plays here (8,7)\n\n***(a heat intolerant)** [anag:*imbecile*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Seizing nincompoop, utter good sense (6)","output":"### Answer: SANITY \n ### Explanation: Seizing nincompoop, utter good sense (6)\n\n**SAY** (\"utter\") *seizing* **NIT** (\"nincompoop\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Leader, one involved in trade and oil supply (9)","output":"### Answer: EDITORIAL \n ### Explanation: Leader, one involved in trade and oil supply (9)\n\n**I **(one) *involved in* ***(trade oil)** [anag:*supply*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Weakling makes the most of some music (7)","output":"### Answer: MILKSOP \n ### Explanation: Weakling makes the most of some music (7)\n\n**MILKS** (\"makes the most of\") + **Op.** (opus, so \"some music\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Long job for one who believes in everything (9)","output":"### Answer: PANTHEIST \n ### Explanation: Long job for one who believes in everything (9)\n\n**PANT** (\"long\") + **HEIST** (\"job\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: For instance, good car fare from Chinatown (3,5)","output":"### Answer: EGG ROLLS \n ### Explanation: For instance, good car fare from Chinatown (3,5)\n\n**E.G. **(\"for instance\") + **G** (good) + **ROLLS** (Royce, \"car\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Opportunist not unknown in court (7)","output":"### Answer: CHANCER \n ### Explanation: Opportunist not unknown in court (7)\n\n*No* Y (\"unknown\", in algebra) *in* **CHANCER**(y) (\"court\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One with alternative lifestyle heard any speculation (3,4)","output":"### Answer: NEW AGER \n ### Explanation: One with alternative lifestyle heard any speculation (3,4)\n\nHomophone [*heard*] of **NE** + **WAGER** (\"speculation\")\n \n\n \nIs ANY is a homophone of NE? I say ANY as sounding like NA, not NE."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Daughter having advantage, given a makeover (4,2)","output":"### Answer: DONE UP \n ### Explanation: Daughter having advantage, given a makeover (4,2)\n\n**D **(daughter) *having* **ONE UP** (\"advantage\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Beyond the pale, going south or north? (3,2)","output":"### Answer: NOT ON \n ### Explanation: Beyond the pale, going south or north? (3,2)\n\n**NOT ON** reads the same way if you read it from the \"south\" (i.e. upwards) or from the \"north\" (i.e. down)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Body protection for one who's paid to slice one (5)","output":"### Answer: APRON \n ### Explanation: Definition: Body protection\n**PRO** (\"one who's paid\") *to slice* **AN** (\"one\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Atoms spinning round in north-eastern state (9)","output":"### Answer: MINNESOTA \n ### Explanation: Definition: state\n***(atoms)** [anag:*spinning*] *round* **IN** + **N.E.** (north-eastern)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Right-wing leader \u2014 poor soul's in 60s' wear! (9)","output":"### Answer: MUSSOLINI \n ### Explanation: Definition: Right-wing leader\n***(souls) **[anag:*poor*] *in* **MINI** (\"60s wear\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Protective wear clashes (5)","output":"### Answer: SPATS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Protective wear\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tunic or nightie? Not tight, that is a fabulous creation (7)","output":"### Answer: UNICORN \n ### Explanation: Definition: a fabulous creation\n(t)**UNIC OR N**(ight i.e.) *not* (without) TIGHT + I.E. (\"that is\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Confiscate drugs (cocaine) with passion (7)","output":"### Answer: ESCHEAT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Confiscate\n**Es** (ecstasy, so \"drugs\") + **C** (cocaine) *with* **HEAT** (\"passion\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A hand needed to secure second military bar (5)","output":"### Answer: CLASP \n ### Explanation: Definition: military bar\nCLAP (\"hand\") needed to secure S (second) \n\u00a0\n \n*A clasp is a horizontal bar on a medal ribbon."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rib woman when Guardian has leader cut (3)","output":"### Answer: EVE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Rib woman\n(w)**E'VE** (we have, or \"Guardian has\") with its *leader cut"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Art form involved with origins of the underworld and source of rainbows? (5,4)","output":"### Answer: TROUT FARM \n ### Explanation: Definition: source of rainbows?\n***(art form t u) **[anag:*involved*] where T U are the [*origins of*] T(he) + U(nderworld) \n\u00a0\n \n*The rainbows referred to in the clue are rainbow trout."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: With which to do a chemical test on a public toilet? Not quite (7)","output":"### Answer: REAGENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: With which to do a chemical test\n**RE** (\"on\") + **A** + **GENT**(s) (\"public toilet\", *not quite*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Be sure to turn round Monsieur's tongue (7)","output":"### Answer: BURMESE \n ### Explanation: Definition: tongue\n***(be sure) **[anag:*to turn*] *around* **M** (monsieur)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hippy gatherings \u2014 not very English, showing genital area! (5)","output":"### Answer: LOINS \n ### Explanation: Definition: genital area\n**LO**(ve)-**INS** (\"hippy gatherings\", *not* V (very) + E (English))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Italy cutting canal to a distressed European region (9)","output":"### Answer: CATALONIA \n ### Explanation: Definition: European region\n**I** (Italy) *cutting* ***(canal to a)** [anag:*distressed*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Speech-related examination includes a trio composition (9)","output":"### Answer: ORATORIAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Speech-related\n**ORAL** (\"examination\") *includes* ***(a trio)** [anag:*composition*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Maybe the right sort of wife (robust) (5)","output":"### Answer: WHALE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Maybe the right sort\nW (wife) + HALE (\"robust\") \n\u00a0\n \n*The right whale is a species (or sort) of whale."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Plant producing underwear is backed by state (8)","output":"### Answer: BRASSICA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Plant\n**BRAS** (\"underwear\") + **<=IS** [*backed*] *by* **CA** (California, so \"state\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Gun dog bounds off, free (4)","output":"### Answer: UNDO \n ### Explanation: Definition: free\n(g)**UN DO**(g) with its *bounds* (outer limits) *off"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: B movie opening and closing cinema presentation to create mood (8)","output":"### Answer: AMBIENCE \n ### Explanation: Definition: mood\n***(b e cinema)** [anag:*presentation*] where B E is B(movi)E [*opening and closing* (letters)]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Team batting at the Queen's pleasure? (6)","output":"### Answer: INSIDE \n ### Explanation: Definition: at the Queen's pleasure?\n**IN** (\"batting\") + **SIDE** (\"team\") \n\u00a0\n \n*\"At the Queen's pleasure\" is a euphemism for being in jail, or \"inside\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tormentor who would make Shelley more smart, when read out? (10)","output":"### Answer: PERSECUTOR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Tormentor\nHomophone [*when read out*] of (**PERCY**\u00a0(Shelley) + **CUTER** (\"more smart\"))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A grand entrance in residence gains respect (6)","output":"### Answer: HOMAGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: respect\n**A** + **G**(rand) [*entrance*] *in* **HOME** (\"residence\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rex comes off wagon at saloon opening times! (4)","output":"### Answer: DAYS \n ### Explanation: Definition: times\nR (rex) *comes off* **D**(r)**AY** (\"wagon\") *at* S(aloon) [*opening*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Saul certainly suppresses corrupting influence (5)","output":"### Answer: ULCER \n ### Explanation: Definition: corrupting influence\nHidden in [suppresses] \"so**UL CER**tainly\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tentatively propose sin as a tyrant's thing (10)","output":"### Answer: OPPRESSION \n ### Explanation: Definition: a tyrant's thing\n***(propose sin)** [anag:*tentatively*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Start to tuck in old hat label (5)","output":"### Answer: TITLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: label\n[*start to*] **T**(uck) *in* **TILE** (\"old\" name for a \"hat\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Prepare to fight graduate in US city, having lost head (8)","output":"### Answer: EMBATTLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Prepare to fight\n**MB** (Bachelor of Medicine, so \"graduate\") *in* (s)**EATTLE** (\"US city\" *having lost* its *head*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Round sort of canine, a native of Polynesia? (8)","output":"### Answer: OCEANIAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: native of Polynesia?\n**O** (round) + ***(canine a)** [anag:*sort of*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Beastly male, one covered in dye (6)","output":"### Answer: ANIMAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Beastly\n**M** (male) + **A** (\"one\") *covered in* **ANIL** (\"dye\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Approach of one contralto after tense performance (6)","output":"### Answer: TACTIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: Approach\n**I** (one) + **C** (contralto) *after* **T** (tense) + **ACT** (\"performance\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Person of note from Grease turn\u00aded up with Newton-John at last (4)","output":"### Answer: LION \n ### Explanation: Definition: Person of note\n**<=OIL** (\"grease\", turned up) *with* (newton-joh)**N** [*at last*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lots of blades involved in making this cloth (4)","output":"### Answer: LAWN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Lots of blades involved in making this\nDouble definition, the first referring to a patch of manicured grass, and the second to a fine linen fabric."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ex-vice president good to go once more (4)","output":"### Answer: ANEW \n ### Explanation: Definition: once more\n(Spiro) **A**(g)**NEW** (\"ex vice-president\") with G (good) *to go"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hospital modern-day treatment is safe (4,3,3)","output":"### Answer: HOME AND DRY \n ### Explanation: Definition: safe\n\n**H** (hospital) + ***(modern day) **[anag:*treatment*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Guard with a penchant for a burger? (9)","output":"### Answer: BEEFEATER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Guard\n\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Some obstetricians don't change (4)","output":"### Answer: STET \n ### Explanation: Definition: don't change\n\nHidden in [*some*] \"ob**STET**ricians\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Not laying eggs with six and half a dozen being the same (10)","output":"### Answer: VIVIPARITY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Not laying eggs\n\n**VI** (six) + **VI** (six, so \"half a dozen\") + **PARITY** (\"being the same\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: High-flyer is to secure limo, possibly by the 2nd of August . . . . (6)","output":"### Answer: ICARUS \n ### Explanation: Definition: High-flyer\n\n**IS** *to secure* **CAR** (\"limo, possibly\") *by* [*the 2nd of*] (a)**U**(gust)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: . . . . for his father, lauded as revolutionary (8)","output":"### Answer: DAEDALUS \n ### Explanation: Definition: his father,\n\n***(lauded as)** [anag:*revolutionary*]\n \n\n \n*In Greek mythology, Daedalus was the father of Icarus, and the designer of the wings that proved fateful to his son."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Obvious insect seen inside banana (8)","output":"### Answer: PLANTAIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: banana\n\n**PLAIN** (\"obvious\") with **ANT** (\"insect\") *seen inside"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Primarily ignorant, bigoted old goat (4)","output":"### Answer: IBEX \n ### Explanation: Definition: goat\n\n[*primarily*] **I**(gnorant) + **B**(igoted) + **EX** (\"old\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: It's the worst type of people that will rise to the top (4)","output":"### Answer: SCUM \n ### Explanation: Definition: the worst type of people\n\n**SCUM** *will rise to the top"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Beginning to enjoy morgues, possibly? (8)","output":"### Answer: GRUESOME \n ### Explanation: Definition: Beginning to enjoy morgues, possibly?\n\n***(e morgues)** [anag:*possibly*] where E is [*beginning to*] E(njoy), and &lit."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Queen's problem finding room to host broadcast by Brexit chief (4,4)","output":"### Answer: HAIR BALL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Queen's problem\n\n**HALL** (\"room\") *to host* **AIR** (\"broadcast\") *by* **B**(rexit) [*chief*]\n \n\n \n*The queen in the clue is a cat, not a monarch."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: No team backing for this original thinker (6)","output":"### Answer: EDISON \n ### Explanation: Definition: original thinker\n\n**<=(NO** + **SIDE** (\"team\")**) **[*backing*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Magic reported from this or that boat? (10)","output":"### Answer: WITCHCRAFT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Magic\n\nHomophone [*reported*] of **WHICH** (\"this or that\") + **CRAFT** (\"boat\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Artistic range after religious minority (8)","output":"### Answer: CULTURAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Artistic\n\n**URAL** (mountain \"range\") *after* **CULT** (\"religious minority\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Phil into sex and karate, initially out to thrill (10)","output":"### Answer: EXHILARATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: to thrill\n\n(p)**HIL** *into* (s)**EX** *and* (k)**ARATE** with all their *initials out"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Current chief demoted: it's visual (7)","output":"### Answer: OPTICAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: visual\n\nTOPICAL (\"current') with its *chief* (i.e. first letter) *demoted* could become **OP(T)ICAL"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Elite fighter getting entangled with dentist for St Valentine's Day (4,4)","output":"### Answer: NAVY SEAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Elite fighter\n\n***(st valentines day)** [anag:*entangled*] would give \"**NAVY SEAL** dentist\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unequal combat when six intercept father on leave in unstable Thailand (5,3,7)","output":"### Answer: DAVID AND GOLIATH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Unequal combat\n\n**VI** (six) *intercept* **DAD** (\"father\") *on* **GO** (\"leave\") *in* ***(Thailand)** [anag:*unstable*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: We are delighted to find ground pipe you once covered (6)","output":"### Answer: YIPPEE \n ### Explanation: Definition: We are delighted\n\n**YE** (\"you, once\") *covered* ***(pipe)** [anag;*ground*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sign supporting right to board public transport as financial assistance for scholars (9)","output":"### Answer: BURSARIES \n ### Explanation: Definition: financial assistance for scholars\n\n**ARIES** (\"sign\" of the Zodiac) *supporting* **R** (right) *to board ***BUS** (\"public transport\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tune she played for rave (7)","output":"### Answer: ENTHUSE \n ### Explanation: Definition: rave\n\n***(tune she)** [anag:*played*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Designer manicure on fingernail, ultimately digital? (9)","output":"### Answer: NUMERICAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: digital?\n\n***(manicure)** [anag:*designer*] *on* (fingernai)**L** [*ultimately*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Adolescent hostelry getting renovated later (8)","output":"### Answer: PUBERTAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Adolescent\n\n**PUB** (\"hostelry\") *getting* ***(later)** [anag:*renovated*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: To start computer, laptop and various IT equipment requires a keyboard (7)","output":"### Answer: CLAVIER \n ### Explanation: Definition: a keyboard \n\n[*to start*] **C**(omputer) **L**(aptop) **A**(nd) **V**(arious) **I**(T) **E**(quipment) **R**(equires)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Low and old city centres thus illuminated at night (7)","output":"### Answer: MOONLIT \n ### Explanation: Definition: illuminated at night\n\n**MOO** (\"low\") + (a)**N**(d) (o)**L**(d) (c)**IT**(y) [*centres*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Being held captive by Nicaragua checkpoint is awkward (6)","output":"### Answer: GAUCHE \n ### Explanation: Definition: awkward\n\nHidden in [*held captive by*] \"nicara**GUA CHE**ckpoint\", except of course it isn't \u2013 this is an obvious error GUACHE rather than the intended GAUCHE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Since discarding clothing, you are said to suffer (5)","output":"### Answer: INCUR \n ### Explanation: Definition: to \n\n(s)**INC**(e) [*discarding clothing* (i.e. outer layers)] + homophone [*said*] of **YOU** + **ARE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Toes treated with proteins for internal displacement (12)","output":"### Answer: ENTEROPTOSIS \n ### Explanation: Definition: internal displacement\n***(toes proteins)** [anag:*treated*] \n\u00a0\n \n*Enteroptosis is the medical name for downward displacement of the intestines."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Man admits love with mum \u2013 one's predictions are distinctly 'earthy' (7)","output":"### Answer: GEOMANT \n ### Explanation: Definition: one's predictions are distinctly 'earthy'\n**GENT** (\"man\") *admits* **O** (\"love\", in tennis) *with* **MA** (\"mum\") \n\u00a0\n \n*A geomant is someone who divines using shapes formed randomly, for example when earth is thrown on to a piece of flat ground or paper."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dog (origin unspecified) needing shampoo, rear half first (4)","output":"### Answer: APSO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Dog\nSO-AP (\"shampoo\") with its *rear half first* becomes **AP-SO** \n\u00a0\n \n*The full name of the dog breed is Lhasa Apso."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: You may find gardener is transplanting red one? (7)","output":"### Answer: SERINGA \n ### Explanation: Definition: You may find gardener is transplanting red one?\n***(gardener is)** [anag:*transplanting*] would give \"**SERINGA** red\" \n\u00a0\n \n*Seringa is a name given to at least two different plants, one a rubber tree and the other the mock orange."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Major church chap introducing doctor coming in to cure (9)","output":"### Answer: CATHEDRAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Major church\n**CAT** (dated word for \"chap\") + **Dr.** (doctor) *coming in* **HEAL** (\"to cure\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Once bitten and angry, one disposed of pet, heartless (5)","output":"### Answer: GRYPT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Once bitten\n(an)**GRY** with AN (\"one\") *disposed of* + **P**(e)**T** [*heartless*] \n\u00a0\n \n*An old form of the word gripped."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Leafy outgrowth, tender, round flower's extremity (5)","output":"### Answer: FROND \n ### Explanation: Definition: Leafy outgrowth\n**FOND** (\"tender\") *round* (flowe)**R** [*'s extremity*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Some sharks Jock's to prepare, unusually large (5)","output":"### Answer: MAKOS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Some sharks\n**MAK** (Scottish form of \"make\", so \"Jock's to prepare\") + **OS** (outsized, so \"unusually large\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Coach taken in by rich Arabs (5)","output":"### Answer: CHARA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Coach\nHidden in [*taken in by*] \"ri**CH ARA**bs\" \n\u00a0\n \n*Think \"charabanc\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sign of cold weather in part of mid- April? One'll need a second coat (6)","output":"### Answer: PRIMER \n ### Explanation: Definition: One'll need a second coat\n**RIME** (\"sign of cold weather\") *in* [*part of mid-*] (a)**PR**(il)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Risk creating gaffe, avoiding motorway initially (5)","output":"### Answer: STAKE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Risk\n(mi)**STAKE** (\"gaffe\" *avoiding* M1 (motorway) *initially*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: SA creature, not heading for the Cape? (5)","output":"### Answer: ELAND \n ### Explanation: Definition: SA creature\nAn **ELAND** is a South African antelope (not sure of the parsing though?)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hand washer applied to edge of face for shave? (7)","output":"### Answer: EPILATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: shave\n(Pontius) **PILATE** who, in the Bible, washed his hands before a crowd to signify that he was not responsible for Jesus's death, so \"hand washer\" *applied to* [*edge of*] (fac)**E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Vegetables planted among the hippeastrums (4)","output":"### Answer: PEAS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Vegetables\nHidden in [*planted among*] \"hip**PEAS**trums\" \n\u00a0\n \n*I don't think the \"the\" in the clue is necessary and hidden clues don't normally have such \"dead\" words."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Borough, it's origin found in sprawling hamlet (7)","output":"### Answer: LAMBETH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Borough\n**B** (the *origin* of B(orough)) *found in* ***(hamlet)** [anag:*sprawling*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Prince maybe with bird, English, on deck relaxing, not plunging? (12)","output":"### Answer: HALTERNECKED \n ### Explanation: Definition: not plunging?\n**HAL** (\"Prince, maybe\") *with* **TERN** (\"bird\") + **E** (English) *on* ***(deck) **[anag:*relaxing*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Enrich stews with power of kidneys (7)","output":"### Answer: NEPHRIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: of kidneys\n***(enrich p) **[anag:*stews*] where P is power"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Like tripe or trifle mum swallowed (5)","output":"### Answer: TOSHY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Like tripe\n**TOY** (\"trifle\") *swallowing* **SH** (\"mum\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old coat mostly turned up with nothing below collar (6)","output":"### Answer: RABATO \n ### Explanation: Definition: collar\n**<=(TABAR**(d) (\"old coat\", *mostly turned up*)**)** *with* **O** (nothing) *below"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Aforetimes, quantity of paper in production (8)","output":"### Answer: ONSTREAM \n ### Explanation: Definition: in production\n**ONST** (dialect form of once, so \"aforetimes\") + **REAM** (\"quantity of paper\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Arbitrator interrupting meal \u2013 it's not allowed on Jewish menu (6)","output":"### Answer: TEREFA \n ### Explanation: Definition: it's not allowed on Jewish menu\n**REF** (\"arbiter\") *interrupting* **TEA** (\"meal\") \n\u00a0\n \n*Terefa is another word for \"not kosher\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old poet, good on love, cause of global upheaval but not the first (4)","output":"### Answer: OVID \n ### Explanation: Definition: Old poet, good on love\n**OVID** wrote *Ars Amatoria (The Art of Love)*, but I can't parse the rest of the clue."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Gardenin' has disinterred this local onion, red (5)","output":"### Answer: INGAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: l\n*(gardenin) [anag:has disinterred] would give \"**INGAN** red\" \n\u00a0\n \n*Ingan is what my grandmother called an onion."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cop deployed against mobs, bung deviously secreted in paunch? (10)","output":"### Answer: GANGBUSTER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Cop deployed against mobs\n***(bung) **[anag:*deviously*] *secreted in* **GASTER** (\"paunch\", more accurately the abdomen of certain insects)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Nonsense (10)","output":"### Answer: BALDERDASH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Nonsense\nAzed invites us to provide a clue for this. \n\u00a0\n \nMy effort \u2013 Tree in the outskirts of Bedford has tree rot \u2013 ALDER in B(edfor)D has ASH"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The heavens, timeless void about one (8)","output":"### Answer: EMPYREAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: The heavens\n[*timeless*] **EMP**(t)**Y** (\"void\") + **RE** (\"about\") + **AN** (\"one\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Large reptile prowling in Aligarh? (7)","output":"### Answer: GHARIAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Large reptile\n***(aligarh)** [anag:*prowling*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: School's head called in by governing body showing discernment? (7)","output":"### Answer: SENSATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: showing \n**S**(chool) [*'s head*] *called in by* **SENATE** (\"governing body\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Put fresh front on shift, turned-up iron plugged in (6)","output":"### Answer: REFACE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Put fresh front on\n**RACE** (\"shift\" as in move fast) with [*turned-up*] **<=FE** (chemical symbol for \"iron) [*plugged in*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Change address for number in former province (6)","output":"### Answer: RENAME \n ### Explanation: Definition: Change address\n**N** (number) *in* **REAME** (old form of realm, so \"former province\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Draw on Press Association for material for paper (5)","output":"### Answer: TAPPA \n ### Explanation: Definition: material for paper\n**TAP** (\"draw on\") +** PA **(Press Association)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: During normal working days we make out without money (5)","output":"### Answer: AWEEK \n ### Explanation: Definition: During normal working days\n***(we ake)** [anag:*out*] where AKE is (m)AKE *without* M (money)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Settled in a form of worship \u2013 any absent? (4)","output":"### Answer: ALIT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Settled\n**A LIT**(any) (\"form of worship\" without ANY)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sausage sandwiches with it in drink \u2013 thanks (9)","output":"### Answer: CHIPOLATA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Sausage\n\n**HIP** (\"with it\") *sandwiched by* **COLA** (\"drink\") + **TA** (\"thanks\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Chicken so attired probably not headless (5)","output":"### Answer: CAPON \n ### Explanation: Definition: Chicken\n\nA chicken with a **CAP ON** is unlikely to not have a head."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Artist in devout company holding cross (7)","output":"### Answer: PICASSO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Artist\n\n**PI** (\"devout\") + **Co.** (company) *holding* **ASS** (not sure about this)\n \n\n \n*I wonder if Neo is thinking of MULE rather than ASS. I don't believe an ASS is a cross, whereas a mule is."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hat good on Spanish man briefly without uniform (7)","output":"### Answer: HOMBURG \n ### Explanation: Definition: Hat\n\n**G** (good) *on* **HOMBR**(e) (\"Spanish man\", *briefly*) *without* (i.e.outside) **U** (uniform, in the phonetic alphabet)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Summer for one Mafia leader not applicable (5)","output":"### Answer: DONNA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Summer for one\n\n**DON** (\"Mafia leader\") + **n\/a** (not applicable)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Not fair burning a sixteenth-century pope? (9)","output":"### Answer: INCLEMENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Not fair\n\n**IN** (\"burning\") + **CLEMENT** (\"a sixteenth-century pope\")\n \n\n \n*I'm not sure about IN = burning. \"In\" can mean \"hot\", as in trendy, but I don't know that \"burning\" has the same connotation."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Digital feature starts with treatise on electronics (3)","output":"### Answer: TOE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Digital feature\n\n[*starts with*] **T**(reatise) **O**(n) **E**(lectronics)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Well expressed, with changing characters, but no stories (11)","output":"### Answer: GRAMMATICAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Well expressed\n\n(ana)**GRAMMATICAL** (\"with changing characters\") *but no* ANA (collection of anecdotes, so \"stories\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Being chosen one, carry out something shocking (8,3)","output":"### Answer: ELECTRIC RAY \n ### Explanation: Definition: something shocking\n\n**ELECT** (\"chosen\") + ***(I carry)** [anag:*out*] where I is \"one\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Speaker's gift Gladstone brought back? (3)","output":"### Answer: GAB \n ### Explanation: Definition: Speaker's gift\n\n**<=BAG** (\"Gladstone\") [*brought back*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Anxious chap ends affair (9)","output":"### Answer: CONCERNED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Anxious\n\n**NED** (\"chap\") *ends* **CONCERN** (\"affair\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Governor has regret about Left \u2013 and Right (5)","output":"### Answer: RULER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Governor\n\n**RUE** (\"regret\") *about* **L** (left) + **R** (right)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Judge a rook by vicious dog? (7)","output":"### Answer: ARBITER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Judge\n\n**A** + **R** (rook, in chess notation) + **BITER** (\"vicious dog?\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Adrian taken badly, with temperature, glowing (7)","output":"### Answer: RADIANT \n ### Explanation: Definition: glowing\n\n***(Adrian)** [anag:*taken badly*] *with* **T** (temperature)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Letter to Greeks found in Rotherhithe tavern (5)","output":"### Answer: THETA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Letter to Greeks\n\nHidden in [found in] \"rotherhi**THE TA**vern\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tower employee brings carp to diner (9)","output":"### Answer: BEEFEATER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Tower employee\n\n**BEEF** (\"carp\") + **EATER** (\"diner\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Plain-clothes cops arresting happy lover-boy (5)","output":"### Answer: CUPID \n ### Explanation: Definition: lover-boy\n\n**CID **(Criminal Investigation Department, so \"plain-clothes cops\") *arresting* **UP** (\"happy\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Anger that smoulders in church service (7)","output":"### Answer: INCENSE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Anger\n\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Monarch flees further carnage in attack (9)","output":"### Answer: ONSLAUGHT \n ### Explanation: Definition: attack\n\n**ON** (\"further\") + **SLAUGHT**(er) (\"carnage\") with ER (Elizabeth Regina, so \"monarch\") *fleeing"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lawless Moab \u2013 one country being evil (11)","output":"### Answer: ABOMINATION \n ### Explanation: Definition: being \n\n***(Moab)** [anag:*lawless*] + **I** (one) + **NATION** (\"country\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: This volcano gives out when hot (3)","output":"### Answer: ASH \n ### Explanation: Definition: This volcano gives out when hot\n\n(not very) cryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: French aristocrat to arrive drinking Tango (5)","output":"### Answer: COMTE \n ### Explanation: Definition: French aristocrat\n\n**COME** (\"to arrive\") *drinking* **T** (Tango, in the phonetic alphabet)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Composer has piano, and no clue surprisingly (7)","output":"### Answer: POULENC \n ### Explanation: Definition: Composer\n\n**P** (piano, in music notation) *and* ***(no clue)** [anag:*surprisingly*]\n \n\n \n*Francis Poulenc was a prolific 20th century French composer."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dark suit shortened for disco (5-4)","output":"### Answer: NIGHT-CLUB \n ### Explanation: Definition: disco\n\n**NIGHT** (\"dark\") + **CLUB**(s) (\"suit\" *shortened*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fellowship of real ale drinkers entertaining a Democrat on lake (11)","output":"### Answer: CAMARADERIE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fellowship\n\n(**CAMRA** (Campaign for Real Ale, so \"real ale drinkers\") *entertaining* **A**) + **D** (Democrat) *on* (Lake) **ERIE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ditch worker perhaps being incisive (9)","output":"### Answer: TRENCHANT \n ### Explanation: Definition: incisive\n\n**TRENCH** (\"ditch\") + **ANT** (\"worker perhaps\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Spanner by a trailer initially up on high ground (3,6)","output":"### Answer: TAY BRIDGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Spanner\n\n**<=(BY A T**(railer)**)** [*initially*]) [*up*] *on* **RIDGE** (\"high ground\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Raise meaning of belief occasionally (7)","output":"### Answer: ENNOBLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Raise\n\n(m)**E**(a)**N**(i)**N**(g) **O**(f) **B**(e)**L**(i)**E**(f) [*occasionally*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Romeo's lass cut top off plant (7)","output":"### Answer: GALLANT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Romeo\n\n**GAL** (\"lass\") + [*cut top off*] (p)**LANT"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: More than usually wide? (5)","output":"### Answer: EXTRA \n ### Explanation: Definition: More than usually\n\nDouble definition, the second being a cricket term."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Root bats, getting runs, but this one turns (5)","output":"### Answer: ROTOR \n ### Explanation: Definition: this one turns\n\n***(root)** [anag:*bats*] *getting* **R** (runs, in cricket)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Poke fun at wife (3)","output":"### Answer: RIB \n ### Explanation: Definition: Poke fun at\n\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stalwart of space programme? Well, his Martian is fluent (7,7)","output":"### Answer: WILLIAM SHATNER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Stalwart of space programme\n***(well his martian)** [anag:*is*\u00a0*fluent*] \n\u00a0\n \n*William Shatner played Captain Kirk in the original *Star Trek *TV series."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Father, taking temperature, sticks his nose in (5)","output":"### Answer: PRIES \n ### Explanation: Definition: sticks his nose in\n**PRIES**(t) (\"father\" *taking* T (temperature))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Clever clogs regularly sampling some craft beer, cold (5,4)","output":"### Answer: SMART ALEC \n ### Explanation: Definition: Clever clogs\n[*regularly sampling*] **S**(o)**M**(e) + **ART** (\"craft\") + **ALE** (\"beer\") + **C** (cold)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Once again assess tons pinched from treasure Julius buried (9)","output":"### Answer: REMEASURE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Once again assess\nT (tons) [*pinched from*] (t)**REASURE** with **ME** (Julius) *buried"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Last bit of fish, half skinned (5)","output":"### Answer: FINAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Last\n**FIN** (\"bit of fish\") + (h)**AL**(f) [skinned]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One who nicks those nicking knickers? (5,9)","output":"### Answer: STORE DETECTIVE \n ### Explanation: Definition: One who nicks those nicking knickers?\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: I've served 20 different ministers devoted to this work (7,7)","output":"### Answer: REVISED VERSION \n ### Explanation: Definition: ministers devoted to this work\n***(I've served nosir) **[anag:*different*] where 20 refers to 20ac (NO SIR)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: More inquisitive European deported? Certainly not! (2,3)","output":"### Answer: NO SIR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Certainly not!\n**NOS**(i)**ER** (\"more inquisitive\") with E (European) *deported"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One is used to time spinner cutting sample of cloth (9)","output":"### Answer: STOPWATCH \n ### Explanation: Definition: One is used to time\n**TOP** (\"spinner\") *cutting* **SWATCH** (\"sample of cloth\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Odd redaction doesn't bother me (1,4,4)","output":"### Answer: I DON\u2019T CARE \n ### Explanation: Definition: doesn't bother me\n***(redaction)** [anag:*odd*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Make an appearance, always poetically holding part of the 18? (5)","output":"### Answer: ENTER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Make an appearance\n**E'ER** (\"always, poetically\") *holding* **NT** (New Testament, so \"part of the REVISED VERSION (18 ac))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Chapter from Kerouac pulped \u2013 time to get rid of the leaves (4,3)","output":"### Answer: RAKE OUT \n ### Explanation: Definition: to get rid of the leaves\n***(keroua)** [anag:*pulped*] where KEROUA is KEROUA(c) with C (chapter) *out* + **T** (time)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sticky stuff Marcel every so often covered with ash? (7)","output":"### Answer: TREACLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Sticky stuff\n(m)**A**(r)**C**(e)**L** [*every so often*] *covered with* **TREE** (\"ash?\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sitting in VW, I personally use these in wet weather (6)","output":"### Answer: WIPERS \n ### Explanation: Definition: use these in wet weather\nHidden [*sitting*] *in* \"v**W I PERS**onally\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Spraying toilet with Vim is a repetitive theme (9)","output":"### Answer: LEITMOTIV \n ### Explanation: Definition: a repetitive theme\n***(toilet vim)** [anag:*spraying*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: This month start to activate social network, as the kids say (5)","output":"### Answer: INSTA \n ### Explanation: Definition: social network, as the kids say\n**Inst.** (\"this month\") + [*start to*] **A**(activate) \n\u00a0\n \n*Insta is short for Instagram"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Foolish schoolmarm reportedly took the lead (9)","output":"### Answer: MISGUIDED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Foolish\n**MIS** (\"schoolmarm\" (MISS) *reportedly*) + **GUIIDED** (\"took the led\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Small step where Armstrong was? (5)","output":"### Answer: SPACE \n ### Explanation: Definition: where Armstrong was?\n**S** (small) + **PACE** (\"step\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: New camera has this gold, soft alloy lined with old copper (9)","output":"### Answer: AUTOFOCUS \n ### Explanation: Definition: New camera has this\n**Au** (chemical symbol for \"gold\") + ***(soft)** [anag:alloy] *lined with* **O** (old) + **Cu **(chemical symbol for \"copper\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: New year, on one's tod, unwrapped something found in stocking (5)","output":"### Answer: NYLON \n ### Explanation: Definition: something found in stocking\n**N **(new) + **Y** (year) + (a)**LON**(e) (\"on one's tod\", *unwrapped*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Having remembered name, actor Oliver comes round (8)","output":"### Answer: RECALLED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Having remembered\n**CALL** (\"name\") with (Oliver) **REED** (\"actor\") *coming round"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Turkey entering dispute supporting Rhode Island strong drink (9)","output":"### Answer: RISTRETTO \n ### Explanation: Definition: strong drink\n**TR** (Turkey) *entering*** SET TO** (\"dispute\") *supporting* **RI **(Rhode Island) \n\u00a0\n \n*A ristretto is a very strong coffee."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Those running a fast time in stretch of tidal water (3,6)","output":"### Answer: THE SOLENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: stretch of tidal water\n***(those)** [anag:*running*] + **LENT** (\"a fast time\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One very still, regarding the equilibrium in the earth's crust (9)","output":"### Answer: ISOSTATIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: r\n**I **(one) + **SO** (\"very\") + **STATIC** (\"still\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Border row after the majority of Norfolk gets upset (8)","output":"### Answer: FRONTIER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Border\n**TIER** (\"row\") after ***(norf)** [anag:*gets upset*] where NORF is [*the majority of*] NORF(olk)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Caught husband trafficking gear for a price (6)","output":"### Answer: CHARGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: a price\n**C** (caught, in cricket) + **H** (husband) + ***(gear)** [anag:*trafficking*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Those spreading the gospel about old pediatrician (5)","output":"### Answer: SPOCK \n ### Explanation: Definition: pediatrician\n**SPCK** (Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, so \"those spreading the gospel\") *about* **O** (old) \n\u00a0\n \n*Refers to Benjamin Spock, an American paediatrician who wrote the bestselling book, *Baby and Child Care*."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Begin long-running TV series killing off Queen, Earl & King (5)","output":"### Answer: START \n ### Explanation: Definition: Begin\n**STAR T**(rek) ('long-running TV series\") *killing off* (R (regina, so \"queen\", E (earl) and K (king, in chess notation))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: At which point wife's present (5)","output":"### Answer: WHERE \n ### Explanation: Definition: At which point\n**W** (wife) + **HERE** (\"present\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Deny what's said about female company (9)","output":"### Answer: DISAFFIRM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Deny\n\n***(said)** [anag:*about*] + **F** (female) + **FIRM** (\"company\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A clot? Speed is of the essence! (4)","output":"### Answer: ASAP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Speed is of the essence\n\n**A** + **SAP** (\"clot\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Writer's sources (5)","output":"### Answer: WELLS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Writer\n\nDouble definition, the first referring to H. G. Wells."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Grass playing well before being cut (9)","output":"### Answer: INFORMANT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Grass\n\n**IN FORM** (\"playing well\") + **ANT**(e) (\"before\" *being cut*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Swinish ogre hiding in tree (7)","output":"### Answer: PORCINE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Swinish\n\n**ORC** (\"ogre\" in Tolkien works)* hiding in* **PINE** (\"tree\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The other side of a circle shown by black lines (7)","output":"### Answer: OBVERSE \n ### Explanation: Definition: The other side\n\n**O** (a circle) *shown by ***B** (black) + **VERSE** (\"lines\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Beat gas protection forecast (13)","output":"### Answer: PROGNOSTICATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: forecast\n\n***(gas protection)** [anag:*beat*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Possibly used to produce book: Running With The Crowd (introduction missing) (8,5)","output":"### Answer: PRINTING PRESS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Possibly used to produce book\n\n(s)**PRINTING** (\"running\" with its *introduction missing*) + **PRESS** (\"crowd\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Set up English duke to take Crete break (7)","output":"### Answer: ERECTED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Set up\n\n**E** (English) + **D** (duke) *to take* ***(Crete)** [anag:*break*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Union-related state trial fixed (7)","output":"### Answer: MARITAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Unio\n\n**MA** (Massachusetts, so \"state\") + ***(trial)** [anag:*fixed*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ceremonial clothing stocks not popular? (9)","output":"### Answer: VESTMENTS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Ceremonial clothing\n\n(in)**VESTMENTS** (\"stocks\", *not* IN (\"popular\"))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Overrun, lethal housing standing empty (5)","output":"### Answer: UNLET \n ### Explanation: Definition: standing empty\n\nHidden in [housing] \"overr**UN LET**hal\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Extraordinary singer's last appearance live (4)","output":"### Answer: RARE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Extraordinary\n\n(singe)**R** [*'s last*] + **ARE** (\"exist\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hut accommodating officer before being given asylum (9)","output":"### Answer: SHELTERED \n ### Explanation: Definition: given asylum\n\n**SHED** (\"hut\") *accommodating* **Lt. **(lieutenant, so \"officer\") + **ERE **(\"before\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Blue briar possibly offers a conduit for rainwater (8)","output":"### Answer: DOWNPIPE \n ### Explanation: Definition: a conduit for rainwater\n\n**DOWN** (\"blue\", as in sad) + **PIPE** (\"briar, perhaps\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Take flight, holding line of the sun (5)","output":"### Answer: SOLAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: of the sun\n\n**SOAR** (\"take flight\") *holding* **L** (line)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The latest slavish followers of sitcom vanish, if convulsed! (7,7)","output":"### Answer: FASHION VICTIMS \n ### Explanation: Definition: The latest slavish followers\n\n***(sitcom vanish if)** [anag:*convulsed*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A cold distant attitude is around since moving (7)","output":"### Answer: ICINESS \n ### Explanation: Definition: A cold distant attitude\n\n**IS** *around* ***(since) **[anag:*moving*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sham aims of one providing hoods (7)","output":"### Answer: MAFIOSI \n ### Explanation: Definition: hoods\n\n***(aims of i)** [anag:*sham*] where I = \"one\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Beach sunbathers might appreciate this vodka cocktail (3,6)","output":"### Answer: SEA BREEZE \n ### Explanation: Definition: vodka cocktail\n\nSunbathers may appreciate a SEA BREEZE, either the gentle wind to cool their bodies, or the cocktail which comprises vodka, cranberry juice and grapefruit juice."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wizard person at the wheel (6)","output":"### Answer: POTTER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Wizard\n\nDouble definition, the first referring to (Harry) **POTTER"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Game of Thrones revival immediately starts with bottle hunt (7,7)","output":"### Answer: TRIVIAL PURSUIT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Game\n\n**T**(hrones) **R**(evival) **I**(mmediately) [*starts*] *with* **VIAL** (\"bottle\") + **PURSUIT** (\"hunt\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Organise poor to crush iron dictator (9)","output":"### Answer: OPPRESSOR \n ### Explanation: Definition: dictator\n\n***(poor) **[anag:*organise*] *to crush* **PRESS** (\"iron\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One abused, without love and quite alone (8)","output":"### Answer: ISOLATED \n ### Explanation: Definition: quite alone\n\n**I** (one) + **SLATED** (\"abused\") *without* (i.e. outside) **O** (love, in tennis)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: News of unconscious forces present in objects after hydrogen removed (7)","output":"### Answer: TIDINGS \n ### Explanation: Definition: News\n\n**ID** (\"unconscious forces\") *present in* **T**(h)**INGS** (\"objects\" with H (hydrogen) *removed*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Spread meant as a greeting (7)","output":"### Answer: NAMASTE \n ### Explanation: Definition: a greeting\n\n***(meant as)** [anag:*spread*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: City retreat upset churchman (6)","output":"### Answer: DENVER \n ### Explanation: Definition: City\n\n**DEN** (\"retreat\") + [*upset*] **<=REV.** (reverend, so \"churchman\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Salt put over the French silver coin (5)","output":"### Answer: TALER \n ### Explanation: Definition: silver coin\n\n**TAR** (\"salt\") *put over* **LE** (\"the\" in \"French\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Plane low in south (6)","output":"### Answer: SMOOTH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Plane\n\n**MOO** (\"low\") *in* **Sth.** (south)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Develop mock stone to make city (8)","output":"### Answer: BUDAPEST \n ### Explanation: Definition: city\n\n**BUD** (\"develop\") + **APE** (\"mock\") + **St. **(stone)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Admirer of eg diamonds and gold (6)","output":"### Answer: SUITOR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Admirer\n\n**SUIT** (\"eg diamonds\") *and* **OR** (\"gold\", in heraldry)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Third of Xmas crackers erupt on opening (8)","output":"### Answer: APERTURE \n ### Explanation: Definition: opening\n\n[*third of*] (xm)**A**(s) + ***(erupt)** [anag:*crackers*] + **RE** (\"on\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Brought back kilo, roughly, with tan bag (8)","output":"### Answer: KNAPSACK \n ### Explanation: Definition: bag\n\n[*brought back*]<=**(K** (kilo) + **Ca** (circa, so \"roughly\") + **SPANK** (\"tan\")**)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Three obese Europeans all disregarded pulses (6)","output":"### Answer: THROBS \n ### Explanation: Definition: pulses\n\n**THR**(ee) **OB**(e)**S**(e) [*all* E (Europeans) *disregarded*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Second-rate part of crossword, not the first down (4)","output":"### Answer: BLUE \n ### Explanation: Definition: down\n\n**B **(\"second-rate\") + (c)**LUE** (\"part of crossword\", *not the first*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lacking sustenance, eating poorly and empty (8)","output":"### Answer: UNFILLED \n ### Explanation: Definition: empty\n\n**UNFED** (\"lacking sustenance\") *eating* **ILL** (\"poorly\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Party on island left in cutter (8)","output":"### Answer: MANDOLIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: cutter\n\n**DO (**\"party\") *on* (Isle of) **MAN** (\"island\") + **L** (left) + **IN"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Denials from lousy anarchists backfired (4)","output":"### Answer: NAYS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Denials\n\nHidden backwards in [*from\u2026backfired*] \"lou**SY AN**archists\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Alarmed fish netted by Poles (6)","output":"### Answer: SHAKEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Alarmed\n\n**HAKE** (\"fish\") *netted by* **S** + **N** (South and North \"poles\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Duck errand, showing disregard (8)","output":"### Answer: OMISSION \n ### Explanation: Definition: disregard\n\n**O** (\"duck\" in cricket) + **MISSION** (\"errand\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Gem in bust found outside former pit (4,4)","output":"### Answer: GOLD MINE \n ### Explanation: Definition: pit\n\n***(gem in) **[anag:*bust*] *found outside* **OLD** (\"former\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Climbers agreed to turn back regrettably (6)","output":"### Answer: KOALAS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Climbers\n\n**<=OK** (\"agreed\" *to turn back*) + **ALAS** (\"regrettably\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tangles containing silver wires (8)","output":"### Answer: MESSAGES \n ### Explanation: Definition: wires\n\n**MESSES** (\"tangles\") *containing* **Ag** (\"silver\" on the periodic table)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pass most of traffic getting fuel (6)","output":"### Answer: DIESEL \n ### Explanation: Definition: fuel\n\n**DIE** (\"pass\") + [*most of*] **SEL**(l) (\"traffic\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Keen poet's start to day in auditorium (5)","output":"### Answer: MOURN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Keen\n\nHomophone [*in auditorium*] of **MORN** (\"poet's start to day\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wide-open rolling pasture surrounded by woods regularly overlooked (9)","output":"### Answer: OUTSPREAD \n ### Explanation: Definition: Wide-open\n\n***(pasture)** [anag:*rolling*] *surrounded by* (w)**O**(o)**D**(s) [*regularly overlooked*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Plant-based starters of rolls bearing filling get better (6)","output":"### Answer: HERBAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Plant-base\n\n[*starters of*] **R**(olls) **B**(earing) *filling* **HEAL** (\"get better\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Team of dark and light dogs (9,6)","output":"### Answer: BLACKBURN ROVERS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Team\n\n**BLACK** (\"dark\") and **BURN** (\"light\") + **ROVERS** (\"dogs\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Colouring no good, accepting the old way (8)","output":"### Answer: DYESTUFF \n ### Explanation: Definition: Colouring\n\n**DUFF** (\"no good\") *accepting* **YE** (\"the old\") + **St.** (street, so \"way\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Boy having time between back-to- back school lessons (5)","output":"### Answer: PETER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Boy\n\n**T** (time) *between* [*back-to-back*] **PE** (physical education) and **<=RE** (religious education), PE and RE being \"school lessons\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Quiet person massaging unknown growth (9)","output":"### Answer: SHRUBBERY \n ### Explanation: Definition: growth\n\n**SH** (\"quiet\") + **RUBBER** (\"person massaging\") + **Y** (unknown, in maths)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Vile stewed meal so hot (9)","output":"### Answer: LOATHSOME \n ### Explanation: Definition: Vile\n\n***(meal so hot)** [anag:*stewed*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Artwork drops on head (9)","output":"### Answer: LANDSCAPE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Artwork\n\n**LANDS** (\"drops\") *on* **CAPE** (\"head\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Learner cutting bandage is excellent (8)","output":"### Answer: BLINDING \n ### Explanation: Definition: excellent\n\n**L** (learner) *cutting* **BINDING** (\"bandage\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Searched when missing leader is endangered (6)","output":"### Answer: RISKED \n ### Explanation: Definition: endangered\n\n(f)**RISKED** (\"searched\", *when missing leader*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Turf our land all round laurels (5)","output":"### Answer: KUDOS \n ### Explanation: Definition: laurels\n\n**<=(SOD** (\"turf\") +** U.K.** (\"our land\")**)** [*all round*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Harangue love cheat with ecstasy (5)","output":"### Answer: ORATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Harangue\n\n**O** (love, in tennis) + **RAT** (\"cheat\") *with* **E** (ecstasy)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Australian conservationist seen in Mayfair window (5)","output":"### Answer: IRWIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Australian conservationist\n\nHidden [*seen*] in \"mayfa**IR WIN**dow\"\n \n\n \n*Refers to Australian Steve Irwin (aka The Crocodile Hunter), who died in 2006."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Eccentric, Beryl? Hope that's exaggeration (9)","output":"### Answer: HYPERBOLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: exaggeration\n\n***(beryl hope)** [anag:*eccentric*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Holding note, regular shot to pieces staring down this? (3,6)","output":"### Answer: GUN BARREL \n ### Explanation: Definition: staring down this?\n\n***(regular)** [anag:*shot to pieces*] *holding* **NB** (nota bene, so \"note\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Just back to pinch right cheek (5)","output":"### Answer: NERVE \n ### Explanation: Definition: cheek\n\n**<=EVEN** (\"just\", back} *to pinch* **R** (right)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Female, one wearing dresses on expeditions (7)","output":"### Answer: SAFARIS \n ### Explanation: Definition: expeditions\n\n**F** (female) + **A** (\"one\") *wearing* **SARIS** (\"dresses\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: 0 plus (-50) plus 500? On reflect\u00adion, that's the product of a higher power (4,3)","output":"### Answer: OPUSDEI \n ### Explanation: Definition: t\n\n**O **(0) + **P**(l)**US** (*minus* L (fifty)) + **D** (500) + [*on reflection*] **<=(i.e.)** (\"that's\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Member unwrapping Italian ham (3)","output":"### Answer: ARM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Member\n\n[*unwrapping*] (p)**ARM**(a) (\"Italian ham\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Longs for order during main revolution (5)","output":"### Answer: ACHES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Longs\n\n**CH **(Companion of Honour, so \"order\") *during* **<=SEA** (\"main\") [*revolution*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: 'Earth and Mars Rocks' by American scholar (7)","output":"### Answer: ERASMUS \n ### Explanation: Definition: scholar\n\n***(e mars)** [anag:*rocks*] *by* **US** (\"American\") where E = earth"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Look over moves to suppress mad cow disease (7)","output":"### Answer: OBSERVE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Look\n\n***(over)** [anag:*moves*] *to suppress ***BSE** (bovine spongiform encephalopathy, or \"mad cow disease\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: President upset writer touring Delaware \u2026 (5)","output":"### Answer: BIDEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: President\n\n[*upset*] **<=NIB **(\"writer\") *touring* **DE** (Delaware)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: \u2026 going back over call about electronic victory by Democrat (9)","output":"### Answer: REWINDING \n ### Explanation: Definition: going back over\n\n**RING** (\"call\") *about* **E**\u2013 (electronic, as in e-mail) + **WIN** (\"victory\") *by* **D** (Democrat)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Area 51 fact: army uncloaked nine aliens, originally left of the birds in a region (9)","output":"### Answer: AVIFAUNAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: of the birds in a region\n\n**A** (area) + **V** (5) + **I** (1) + **F**(act) **A**(rmy) **U**(ncloaked) **N**(ine) **A**(liens) [originally] + **L** (left)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: In one hand, old bridge partners get clubs (5)","output":"### Answer: IRONS \n ### Explanation: Definition: clubs\n\n**I** (one) + **R** (right, so \"hand\") + **O** (old) + **N** + **S** (North and South, \"bridge partners\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Small characters leave playground equipment with branch (4)","output":"### Answer: WING \n ### Explanation: Definition: branch\n\nS + S (small) *leave* (s)**WING**(s)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Doctor unwise to inject fluid with infection (5,3)","output":"### Answer: SWINE FLU \n ### Explanation: Definition: infection\n\n*Inject* **Fl**. (fluid) *into* ***(unwise)** [anag:*doctor*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Woman's garment wants belt (4)","output":"### Answer: ANNA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Woman\n\n(band)**ANNA** (\"garment\") *wants* (i.e. lacks) BAND (\"belt\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Maria's bowled over after church appeal (8)","output":"### Answer: CHARISMA \n ### Explanation: Definition: appeal\n\n***(marias)** [anag:*bowled over*] *after* **Ch**. (church)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: God loves hugging liberals after returning each year (6)","output":"### Answer: APOLLO \n ### Explanation: Definition: God\n\n**O** + **O** (loves) *hugging*** L** + **L** (liberals) *after* [*returning*] **<=PA **(per annum, so \"each year\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: We eat brown fruit, mostly in front of animals (5-5)","output":"### Answer: ORANG UTANS \n ### Explanation: Definition: animals\n\n**US** (\"we\") *eat* **TAN** (\"brown\") with **ORANG**(e) (\"fruit\", *mostly*) *in front"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Black businessman ran scams to cut cash on delivery (6)","output":"### Answer: CONRAD \n ### Explanation: Definition: Black businessman\n\n***(ran)** [anag:*scams*] *to cut* **COD** (cash on delivery)\n \n\n \n*Conrad Black is a Canadian-born business and fraudster."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Messenger, for example, climbing north face of Everest (4)","output":"### Answer: GENE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Messenger\n\n**<=e.g.** (for example. *climbing*) + **N** (north) + [*face of*] **E**(verest)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pen extremely legible type (5)","output":"### Answer: STYLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: type\n\n**STY **(\"pen\") + [*extremely*] **L**(egibl)**E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: As part of the army, about to tear ligament (10)","output":"### Answer: REGIMENTAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: As part of the army\n\n**RE** (\"about\") +** *(ligament)** [anag:*to tear*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Offspring is a girl (5)","output":"### Answer: ISSUE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Offspring\n\n**IS** + **SUE** (\"a girl\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Out of this world dance move (8)","output":"### Answer: MOONWALK \n ### Explanation: Definition: Out of this world dance move\n\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Guitarist's fantastic writing harmonies without me (8)","output":"### Answer: HARRISON \n ### Explanation: Definition: Guitarist\n\n***(r haronis) **[anag:*fantastic*] where R = \"writing\" (in the three Rs) and HARONIS is HAR(m)ONI(e)S *without* ME"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Insecticide found in illegal drink (6)","output":"### Answer: ALDRIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Insecticide\n\nHidden [*found*] in \"illeg**AL DRIN**k\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: F-fit? (6)","output":"### Answer: STRONG \n ### Explanation: Definition: fi\n\nF = forte (loud or \"strong\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Short boy munches a vegetable (4)","output":"### Answer: BEAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: vegetable\n\n**BEN** (\"short\" for Benjamin (\"boy\")) *munches* **A"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Singer-songwriter composing eulogy in Norway (4,5)","output":"### Answer: NEIL YOUNG \n ### Explanation: Definition: Singer-songwriter\n\n***(eulogy in N)** [anag:*composing*] where N is Norway\n \n\n \n*Very topical, considering his current spat with Spotify."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Main point of government \u2014 it's complex (4)","output":"### Answer: GIST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Main point\n\n**G** (government) +** *(it's)** [anag:*complex*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Paramilitaries holding essentially pointless, routine parades (6)","output":"### Answer: STRUTS \n ### Explanation: Definition: parades\n\n**SS** (Schutzstaffel, so \"paramilitaries\") *holding* [*essentailly*] (poin)**T**(less) + **RUT** (\"routine\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: 26 left in sink (8)","output":"### Answer: FLOUNDER \n ### Explanation: Definition: 26\n\n**L** (left) *in* **FOUNDER** (\"sink\")\n \n\n \n*The 26 in the clue refers to the solution to 26dn (FISH)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Excessively emotional chap Doris abandoned (9)","output":"### Answer: RHAPSODIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: Excessively emotional\n\n***(chap doris)** [anag:*abandoned*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hunter from Iowa breaking nature's code (5)","output":"### Answer: DIANA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Hunter\n\n**IA** (Iowa) *breaking* **DNA** (\"nature's code\")\n \n\n \n*Diana was the Roman goddess of hunting."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Jack, say, is entertaining fellow (4)","output":"### Answer: CARD \n ### Explanation: Definition: Jack, say\n\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Play to crowd of one thousand plus on street (10)","output":"### Answer: GRANDSTAND \n ### Explanation: Definition: Play to crowd\n\n**GRAND** (\"one thousand\") + **AND** (\"plus\") *on* **St.** (street)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A knight on large horse twisted cord around neck (7)","output":"### Answer: LANYARD \n ### Explanation: Definition: cord around neck\n\n**A** + **N** (knight, in chess notation) *on*** L** (large) + **<=DRAY** (\"horse\", twisted)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Listener detailed geek's moneymaking scheme (6)","output":"### Answer: EARNER \n ### Explanation: Definition: moneymaking scheme\n\n**EAR** (\"listener\") + [*detailed*] **NER**(d) (\"geek\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Communist newspaper that is printed by the French (6)","output":"### Answer: LEFTIE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Communist\n\n**FT** (Financial Times, so \"newspaper\") +** i.e**. (id east, so \"that is\") *printed by* **LE** (\"the\" in \"French\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Loathe to retreat after revolutionary spotted killer (7)","output":"### Answer: CHEETAH \n ### Explanation: Definition: spotted killer\n\n**<=HATE** (\"loathe\" to retreat) *after* **CHE** (Guevara, \"revolutionary\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Doctors gather in auditorium besieged by students? Dummies! (10)","output":"### Answer: NUMBSKULLS \n ### Explanation: Doctors gather in auditorium besieged by students? Dummies! (10)\n\n\n**MBs** (Bachelors of Medicine, so \"doctors\") + homophone [*in auditorium*] of **CULL** (\"gather\"), *besieged by* **NUS** (National Union of \"Students\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Architect backed innovative housing reforms, initially (4)","output":"### Answer: WREN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Architect\n\n[*backed*] **<=NEW** (\"innovative\") *housing* **R**(eforms) [*initially*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Scrap exposed doorman (5)","output":"### Answer: OUNCE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Scrap\n\n[*exposed*] (b)**OUNCE**(r)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Detest moderate limits on either side of motorway (9)","output":"### Answer: ABOMINATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Detest\n\n**ABATE** (\"moderate\") *limits* (**ON** *either side of* **M1**(\"motorway\"))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Spoilt, grasping, heartless Tory is put to death (8)","output":"### Answer: MARTYRED \n ### Explanation: Definition: put to death\n\n**MARRED** (\"spoiled\") *grasping* [*heartless*] **T**(or)**Y"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Beasts Greek character traps in Sweden (6)","output":"### Answer: RHINOS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Beasts\n\n**RHO** (\"Greek character\") *traps* **IN** + **S** (international vehicle registration code for \"Sweden\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Reportedly, one-eyed lyricist treated entertaining tenor harshly (8)","output":"### Answer: STRICTLY \n ### Explanation: Definition: harshly\n\n***(lyricst) **[anag:*treated*] *entertaining* T (tenor) where LYRICST is LYRIC(I)ST with only one I (homophone [*reportedly*] of \"eye\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Back diversity and change (9)","output":"### Answer: REARRANGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: change\n\n**REAR** (\"back\") + **RANGE** (\"diversity\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Experiment Tesla set up (4)","output":"### Answer: TEST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Experiment\n\n**T** (Tesla) + ***(set)** [anag:*up*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Permit parasites to surround enclosure (7)","output":"### Answer: LICENCE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Permit\n\n**LICE** (\"parasites\") *to surround* **Enc.** (enclosure)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Novel Verne used to defend Germany is unwarranted (10)","output":"### Answer: UNDESERVED \n ### Explanation: Definition: unwarranted\n\n***(verne used)** [anag:*novel*] *to defend* **D** (international vehicle registration code for \"Germany\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Scots drink to overcome a crisis (5)","output":"### Answer: DRAMA \n ### Explanation: Definition: crisis\n\n**DRAM** (\"Scots drink\")* to overcome* **A"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Artist takes stick in country (6)","output":"### Answer: RWANDA \n ### Explanation: Definition: country\n\n**RA** (member of the Royal Academy. so \"artist\") *takes* **WAND** (\"stick\") *in"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fuss embarrassed beloved (6)","output":"### Answer: ADORED \n ### Explanation: Definition: beloved\n\n**ADO** (\"fuss\") + **RED** (\"embarrassed\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Part of church shocked by a priest embracing model (10)","output":"### Answer: BAPTISTERY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Part of church\n\n***(by a priest)** [anag:*shocked*] *embracing* (Model) **T"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Put in retinue after king leaves harbour (9)","output":"### Answer: ENTERTAIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: harbour\n\n**ENTER** (\"put in\") + **T**(r)**AIN** (\"retinue\" *after* R (rex, so \"king\") *leaves*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: CNN lash out about electronic sounds (8)","output":"### Answer: CHANNELS \n ### Explanation: Definition: sounds\n\n***(cnn lash) **[anag:*out*] *about* **E** (electronic, as in e-mail)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Regularly sends up church gathering at school (7)","output":"### Answer: EDUCATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: school\n\n[*regularly*] (s)**E**(n)**D**(s) **U**(p) + **CE** (\"Church\" of England\") *gathering* **AT"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Herbivore devours everything green (6)","output":"### Answer: CALLOW \n ### Explanation: Definition: green\n\n**COW** (\"herbivore\") *devours* **ALL** (\"everything\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: International standard protects origin of Filipino grass (6)","output":"### Answer: INFORM \n ### Explanation: Definition: grass\n\n**I** (international) + **NORM** (\"standard\") *protects* [*origin of*] **F**(ilipino)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tramp turned up outside northern stately home (5)","output":"### Answer: MANOR \n ### Explanation: Definition: stately home\n\n**<=ROAM **(\"tramp\", *turned up*) *outside*** N** (northern)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Swimmer trapped in surf is helpless (4)","output":"### Answer: FISH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Swimmer\n\nHidden [*trapped*] *in* \"sur**F IS H**elpless\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mrs Jellyby, for one, should improve, speaking ungrammatically (2-6)","output":"### Answer: DO-GOODER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Mrs Jellyby, for one\n\n**DO GOODER** (\"improve\", *speaking ungrammatically*)\n \n\n \n*Mrs Jellbyby is a philanthropist in Dickens' Bleak House."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fast direction out of city (6)","output":"### Answer: PRESTO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fast\n\nN (north, so \"direction\") *out of* **PRESTO**(n) (\"city\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Made a sharp noise, talking in a trance (4)","output":"### Answer: RAPT \n ### Explanation: Definition: in a trance\n\nHomophone [*talking*] of **RAPPED** (\"made a loud noise\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cut being painful, get on computer to cancel golf (10)","output":"### Answer: TENDERLOIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Cut\n\n**TENDER** (\"painful\") + **LO**(g) **IN** (\"get on computer\" *to cancel* G (golf, in the phonetic alphabet))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Superfluous measure, so I took some back (6)","output":"### Answer: OTIOSE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Superfluous\n\nHidden backwards in [*some back*] \"measur**E SO I TO**ok\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fill with enthusiasm to revolut\u00adionise green lives on Earth (8)","output":"### Answer: ENERGISE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fill with enthusiasm\n\n***(green) **[anag*:to revolutionise*] + **IS** (\"lives\") *on* **E** (earth)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Club swam the Serpentine (4,3)","output":"### Answer: WEST HAM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Club\n\n***(swam the)** [anag:*serpentine*]\n \n\n \nRefers to West Ham United, currently sitting in the top four of the Premier League in England."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tenor joins singing group during quiet day off (7)","output":"### Answer: SABBATH \n ### Explanation: Definition: day off\n\n**T** (tenor) *joins* **ABBA** (a \"singing group\") *during* **SH** (\"quiet\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Appalling racism \u2014 it can be very wounding (8)","output":"### Answer: SCIMITAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: can be very wounding\n\n***(racism it)** [anag:*appalling*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Glimpse a drum kit, half missing (6)","output":"### Answer: APERCU \n ### Explanation: Definition: Glimpse\n\n**A** + **PERCU**(ssion) (\"drum kit\", *half missing*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Agent finally disowns politicians, a spooky set (3,7)","output":"### Answer: SPY STORIES \n ### Explanation: Definition: a spooky set\n\n**SPY** (\"agent\") + [*finally*] (disown)**S** + **TORIES** (\"politicians\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sellers say 'Don't stop' (2,2)","output":"### Answer: GOON \n ### Explanation: Definition: 'Don't stop'\n\n(Peter) Sellers was one of the **GOON**s in the radio show of that name."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Drinking too much, bishop goes off dribbling (6)","output":"### Answer: OOZING \n ### Explanation: Definition: dribbling\n\nB (bishop) *goes off* (b)**OOZING** (\"drinking too much\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Extremely selfish, muscular Atlas did (8)","output":"### Answer: SHRUGGED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Atlas did\n\n[*extremely*] **S**(elfis)**H** + **RUGGED** (\"muscular\")\n \n\n \nAtlas Shrugged* is a dystopian (and rather depressing) novel by Ayn Rand"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: I look up one article on another fairy tale (8)","output":"### Answer: IOLANTHE \n ### Explanation: Definition: fairy tale\n\n**I** + **<=LO** (\"look\" *up*) + **AN** *on* **THE** (\"one article\" on \"another\" (article))\n \n\n \n*In Gilbert and Sullivan's comic opera, Iolanthe was a fairy, so Iolanthe could be described as a \"fairy tale\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Time to joke, entering into extra financial burden? (8)","output":"### Answer: MORTGAGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: financial burden?\n\n**T** (time) + **GAG** (\"joke\") *into* **MORE** (\"extra\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A little poem for Proust's girl? (6)","output":"### Answer: ODETTE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Proust's girl\n\nIf a small kitchen is a kitchenette, then \"a little poem\" or ode could conceivably be an ODETTE.\n \n\n \n*Odette de Cr\u00e9cy is a character in *A la recherche du temps perdu *by Marcel Proust."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Noble rank open to knight: earl (7)","output":"### Answer: GRANDEE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Noble\n\n**GRADE** (\"rank\")* open to* **N** (knight, in chess notation) + **E** (earl)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Strangely, a peer and me touring Hungary may fly together (8)","output":"### Answer: EPHEMERA \n ### Explanation: Definition: may fly together\n\n***(a peer me)** [anag:*strangely*] *touring* **H** (Hungary)\n \n\n \nFor the definition, the setter instructs us to put \"may and \"fly\" together to get \"mayfly\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One lawyer in casual dress beneath consideration (10)","output":"### Answer: NEGLIGIBLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: beneath consideration\n\n**I** (one) + **BL** (Bachelor of Law, so \"lawyer\") *in* **NEGLIG\u00c9** (\"casual dress\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Looks for audience: they fit in well (6)","output":"### Answer: STAIRS \n ### Explanation: Definition: t\n\nHomophone [*for audience*] of **STARES** (\"looks\")\n \n\n \nFor the definition, think \"stairwells\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Confident visionary said alternative's not on at first (10)","output":"### Answer: OPTIMISTIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: Confident\n\nHomophone [*said*] of **MYSTIC** (\"visionary\") with **OPTI**(on) (\"alternative\", *not* ON) *at first"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Granted that a large idea may fall short (8)","output":"### Answer: ALTHOUGH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Granted\n\n**A** + **L** (large) + **THOUGH**(t) (\"idea\", *short*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Be inactive, as old vein's opening in heart (4,4)","output":"### Answer: TICK OVER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Be inactive\n\n**O**(ld) **V**(ein) [*'s opening*] *in* **TICKER** (\"heart\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Goat is ready to start getting drunk, a debauchee (7)","output":"### Answer: ORGIAST \n ### Explanation: Definition: a debauchee\n\n***(goat is r)** [anag:*getting drunk*] where R is R(eady) [*to start*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Kidnapper's instruction to make a turn in vehicle (6)","output":"### Answer: CAPTOR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Kidnapper\n\n**PTO** (please turn over \u2013 an \"instruction to make a turn\")* in* **CAR** (\"vehicle\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ridiculous way muscles bend at the top (6)","output":"### Answer: ABSURD \n ### Explanation: Definition: Ridiculous\n\n**Rd.** (road, so \"way\") with **ABS** (\"muscles\") + **U** (-bend) *at the top"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: 31 back after band makes the charts again (6)","output":"### Answer: REMAPS \n ### Explanation: Definition: makes the charts again\n\n**<=SPA** (\"resort\" \u2013 answer to 31ac) *after* **REM** (\"band\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pens airs rendered terribly by cats (8)","output":"### Answer: PERSIANS \n ### Explanation: Definition: cats\n\n***(pens airs)** [anag:*rendered terribly*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Funding penalty hampers party (7)","output":"### Answer: FINANCE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Funding\n\n**FINE** (\"penalty\") *hampers* **ANC** (African National Congress, a political \"party\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: 25 regularly enable common sort of transplant (7)","output":"### Answer: CORNEAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: common \n\n**CORN** (\"grain\" \u2013 solution to 25dn) + [*regularly*] **E**(n)**A**(b)**L**(e)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Butter first of grilled 25 (4)","output":"### Answer: GOAT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Butter\n\n[*first of*] **G**(rilled) + **OAT** (\"grain\" \u2013 solution to 25dn)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cunningly evaded a man, getting credit in East London (4-3-3)","output":"### Answer: ADAM-AND-EVE \n ### Explanation: Definition: credit in East London\n\n***(evaded a man)** [anag:*cunningly*]\n \n\n \nAdam-and-Eve is Cockney rhyming slang for \"believe\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Flatter earth never unlikely (6)","output":"### Answer: EVENER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Flatter\n\n**E** (earth) + ***(nerve)** [anag:*unlikely*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Little John perhaps cheated about muscle (7)","output":"### Answer: DELTOID \n ### Explanation: Definition: muscle\n\n**DID** (\"cheated\") *about* (*little*) **ELTO**(n) (John, perhaps)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Some slogans were a solution (6)","output":"### Answer: ANSWER \n ### Explanation: Definition: a solution\n\nHidden in [*some*] \"slog**ANS WER**e\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Services majority leader as he sighs sadly (4,6)","output":"### Answer: HIGH MASSES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Services\n\n***(m as he sighs) **[anag:*sadly*] where M is M(ajority) [*leader*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Very new, good low price (4)","output":"### Answer: SONG \n ### Explanation: Definition: low price\n\n**SO** (\"very\") + **N** (new) + **G** (good). \n \n\n \nAs in \"going for a song\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: 25% rum has knack of replacing energy (7)","output":"### Answer: QUARTER \n ### Explanation: Definition: 25%\n\n**QU**(e>**ART**)**ER **(\"rum\" (QUEER)) with ART (\"knack\") *replacing* E (energy))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Look disgusted setter's an expert on 25 (7)","output":"### Answer: GRIMACE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Look disgusted\n\n**I'M** (\"setter's\") + **ACE** (expert) *on* **Gr.** (grain (solution to 25dn))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Golfer essentially jeered boning fish (5,3)","output":"### Answer: ERNIE ELS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Golfer\n\n[*essentially*] (je)**ER**(ed) (bo)**NI**(ng) + **EELS** (\"fish\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tourist destination in Turkey increased all returns (6)","output":"### Answer: RESORT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Tourist destination\n\n**<=(ROSE** (\"increased) *in* **TR** (international vehicle registration for \"Turkey\")) [*all returns*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: User fee revision involving golf unsettled people (8)","output":"### Answer: REFUGEES \n ### Explanation: Definition: unsettled people\n\n***(user fee)** [anag:*revision*] *involving* **G** (golf, in the phonetic alphabet)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: 25th in table, Anne's game is off (9)","output":"### Answer: MANGANESE \n ### Explanation: Definition: 25th in table\n\n***(anne's game)** [anag:*is off*]\n \n\n \nManganese is element No 25 on the periodic table of elements."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: \u00a325 premium on Nobu's yakitori starters (4)","output":"### Answer: PONY \n ### Explanation: Definition: \u00a325\n\n**P**(remium) **O**(n) **N**(obu's) **Y**(akatori) [*starters*]\n \n\n \nA pony is a slang term for \u00a325, which is believed to have originated from a picture of a pony that featured on a 25 rupee note in 18th century, although other theories exist."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Staying for the night in eastern North Dakota, American politician visits church (8)","output":"### Answer: ENCAMPED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Staying for the night\n\n**A** (American) **MP** (Member of Parliament, so \"politician\") *visits* **CE** (\"Church\" of England\") *in* **E** (eastern) **ND** (North Dakota), so **E-N(C(A-MP)E)D"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: 25 needs order performing 26 (10)","output":"### Answer: SERENADING \n ### Explanation: Definition: performing 26\n\n***(grain needs)** [anag:*order*], where 25 is the solution to 25dn and 26 the solution to 26ac"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: 25, her album a key to Spain (5)","output":"### Answer: ADELE \n ### Explanation: Definition: 25, her album\n\n**A** + **DEL**(delete \"key\" on keyboard) + **E** (international vehicle registration number for \"Spain\")\n \n\n \n\"25\" was a very successful third studio album for Adele."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Live news grid director organising 25-year celebration (6,7)","output":"### Answer: SILVER WEDDING \n ### Explanation: Definition: 25-year celebration\n\n***(live news grid d)** [anag:*organising*] where D = director"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Advances large objects (5)","output":"### Answer: LENDS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Advances\n\n**L** (large) + **ENDS** (\"objects\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Point in the middle distance (10)","output":"### Answer: CENTIMETRE \n ### Explanation: Definition: distance\n\n**TIME** (\"point\") in **CENTRE** (\"the middle\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: 2 on tape crunching vegetable (3,6)","output":"### Answer: NEW POTATO \n ### Explanation: Definition: vegetable\n\n***(two on tape)** [anag:*crunching*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Singer extravagantly rents limo to drop round (8)","output":"### Answer: MINSTREL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Singer\n\n***(rents lim)** [anag:*extravagantly*] where LIM is LIM(o) *dropping* O (round)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: 25 cloth-collectors featured in newspaper (8)","output":"### Answer: FRAGMENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: 25\n\n**RAGMEN** (\"cloth-collectors\") *featured in ***FT** (\"newspaper\")\n \n\n \nFragment = grain (solution to 25dn), as in \"a grain of truth\" (kinda)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: I leave quiche cooked essentially perfectly as payment (6)","output":"### Answer: CHEQUE \n ### Explanation: Definition: payment\n\n***(quche) **[anag:*cooked*] + [*essentially*] (perf)**E**(ctly) where QUCHE is QU(i)CHE with I *leaving"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Soldier dismissing soldier worsted? (5)","output":"### Answer: SERGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: worsted?\n\n**SERGE**(ant) (\"soldier\") *dismissing* ANT (\"soldier\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Texture artist, in spirit (5)","output":"### Answer: GRAIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Texture\n\n**RA** (member of the Royal Academy, so \"artist\") *in* **GIN** (\"spirit\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Shakespearean heroine beat off 25 (4)","output":"### Answer: RICE \n ### Explanation: Definition: 25\n\n(beat)**RICE** (\"Shakespearean heroine\" with BEAT off), 25 referring to \"grain\", solution to 25dn\n \n\n \nBeatrice appears in \"Much Ado About Nothing\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Regret having ordered variable, boring Rebus novel about hard-drinking copper (6,7)","output":"### Answer: BUYER\u2019S REMORSE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Regret having ordered\n\n**Y** (variable, in mathematics) *boring* ***(rebus)** [anag:*novel*] + **RE** (\"about\") + **MORSE** (\"hard-drinking copper\").\n \n\n \nInspector Morse, in the Colin Dexter books, had a penchant for real ale."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Acting playfully, legendary US TV host forgets lines (7)","output":"### Answer: LARKING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Acting playfully\n\n**LAR**(ry) **KING** (\"legendary US TV host\") *forgets* RY (railway, so \"lines\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: An element of vitriol? (7)","output":"### Answer: SULPHUR \n ### Explanation: Definition: An element\n\nSlightly cryptic definition, vitriol being a sulphate of a metal."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Test idiot. Always (5)","output":"### Answer: ASSAY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Test\n\n**ASS** (\"idiot\") + **AY** (\"always\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ran off emotionally damaged, clutching empty purse (9)","output":"### Answer: SCARPERED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Ran off\n\n**SCARRED** (\"emotionally damaged\") *clutching* [*empty*] **P**(urs)**E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Make fun of Charlie, that female bird- fancier (8)","output":"### Answer: TWITCHER \n ### Explanation: Definition: bird- fancier\n\n**TWIT** (\"make fun of\") + **C** (Charlie, in the phonetic alphabet) + **HER** (\"that female\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Elevated seats for The Ring? (6)","output":"### Answer: CIRCLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Elevated seats\n\nDouble definition."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Show faith in sacred Italian collects (6)","output":"### Answer: CREDIT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Show faith in\n\nHidden in [collects] \"sa**CRED IT**alian\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: British Energy unit regularly farms out oil producer (8)","output":"### Answer: BERGAMOT \n ### Explanation: Definition: oil producer\n\n**B** (British) + **ERG** (\"energy unit\") + [*regularly*] (f)**A**(r)**M**(s) **O**(u)**T"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Being dad, puffing when touring Rome on vacation (9)","output":"### Answer: PARENTING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Being dad\n\n**PANTING** (\"puffing\") *when touring* **R**(om)**E** [*on vacation*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rubbish leader of government consumed by peevishness (5)","output":"### Answer: BILGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Rubbish\n\n[*leader of]* **G**(overnment) *consumed by* **BILE** (\"peevishness\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hence comic may get unlimited paeans? (7)","output":"### Answer: ENCOMIA \n ### Explanation: Definition: paeans\n\n(h)**ENC**(e) (c)**OMI**(c) (m)**A**(y) [*get unlimited*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Perhaps no2 husband censored following broadcast (7)","output":"### Answer: HAIRCUT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Perhaps no2\n\n**H** (husband) + **CUT** (\"censored\") *following* **AIR** (\"broadcast\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Merriest imp messed about in high office (5,8)","output":"### Answer: PRIME MINISTER \n ### Explanation: Definition: high office\n\n***(merriest imp) **[anag:*messed*] *about*** IN"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Heads of local football association hosted by an icon of Manchester City (7)","output":"### Answer: BELFAST \n ### Explanation: Definition: City\n\n[*heads of*] **L**(ocal) **F**(ootball) **A**(ssociation) *hosted by* (George) **BEST** (\"an icon of Manchester\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Royal couple modelling hosiery going round county (9)","output":"### Answer: YORKSHIRE \n ### Explanation: Definition: county\n\n***(hosiery) **[anag:*modelling*] *going round* (**R **(regina (or rex)) + **K** (King)) (\"royal couple\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wet fish to eat at home (5)","output":"### Answer: RAINY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Wet\n\n**RAY** (\"fish\")* to ea*t **IN** (\"at home\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Record list (8)","output":"### Answer: REGISTER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Record\n\nDouble definition, although I don't think there's much difference between the two."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: PM is hapless \u2013 trousers a disaster (6)","output":"### Answer: MISHAP \n ### Explanation: Definition: a disaster\n\nHidden in [trousers] \"p**M IS HAP**less\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Israel GNP revised, getting weaker again (9)","output":"### Answer: RELAPSING \n ### Explanation: Definition: getting weaker again\n\n***(Israel GNP)** [anag:*revised*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Her Majesty embracing the mythical concept of heaven (5)","output":"### Answer: ETHER \n ### Explanation: Definition: mythical concept of heaven\n\n**ER** (Elizabeth Regina, so \"Her Majesty\") *embracing* **THE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: It cools grid forged in iron (6)","output":"### Answer: FRIDGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: It cools\n\n***(grid)** [anag:*forged*] *in* **Fe** (chemical symbol for \"iron\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: I am aching to travel somewhere in Asia (6,3)","output":"### Answer: CHIANG MAI \n ### Explanation: Definition: somewhere in Asia\n\n***(I am aching)** [anag:*to travel*]\n \n\n \n*Chiang Mai is a city in Thailand."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Conservative corrupt politics down south involving male taking part in dodgy activity (9)","output":"### Answer: COMPLICIT \n ### Explanation: Definition: taking part in dodgy activity\n\n**C** (Conservative) + ***(politic)** [anag:*corrupt*] *involving* **M** (male) where POLITIC is POLITIC(s) *down* S (south)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Art of Chinese engineer; quiet, upper- class entering Grand Prix (4,4)","output":"### Answer: FENG SHUI \n ### Explanation: Definition: Art of Chinese\n\n**Eng.** (engineer) + **SH** (\"quiet\") + **U** (upper-class) *entering* **F1** (\"Grand Prix\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Caught hospital A&E in the US masking internet protocol code (6)","output":"### Answer: CIPHER \n ### Explanation: Definition: code\n\n**C** (caught, in cricket) + **H** (hospital) + **ER** (Emergency Room, so \"A&E in the US\") *masking* **IP** (internet protocol)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The Speaker, possibly a user of a social medium? (7)","output":"### Answer: TWEETER \n ### Explanation: Definition: The Speaker\n\nDouble definition."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Angry denunciation of reported attack in 14? (6)","output":"### Answer: TIRADE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Angry denunciation\n\nHomophone [*reported*] of **THAI RAID** (\"attack in Chiang Mai (solution to 14dn))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Run over, step, run over (5)","output":"### Answer: RECAP \n ### Explanation: Definition: run over\n\n**R** (run, in cricket) + **<=PACE** (\"step\", *over*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tossing \u2013 I note \u2013 1lb pancake (5)","output":"### Answer: BLINI \n ### Explanation: Definition: pancake\n\n[*tossing*] **<=(I + N** (note) + **1LB)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Larval protection that can yield fit sprog? (8)","output":"### Answer: FROG-SPIT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Larval protection\n***(fit sprog)** [anag:*that can yield*] \n\u00a0\n \n*Frog-spit (aka cuckoo-spit) is a froth secreted by certain insects on plants, surrounding the insect larvae for protection."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Country swell enveloped by compliments (4)","output":"### Answer: PLIM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Country swell \nHidden in [enveloped by] \"com**PLIM**ents\" \n\u00a0\n \n*Plim is a word meaning \"to swell\" in certain dialects."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Enzyme regrettably consumed in viand (8)","output":"### Answer: CATALASE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Enzyme\n**ALAS** (\"regrettably\") *consumed in* **CATE** (\"viand\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Coarse thread I used to join parts of fish with hands in Scotland (5)","output":"### Answer: GUIMP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Coarse thread\nI *used to join parts of* GUMP (\"fish with hands in Scotland\") \n\u00a0\n \nGump is a Scots word for guddle (catching fish with your hands)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ape in perfect condition, with dull coating (5)","output":"### Answer: MAGOT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Ape\n**GO** (\"in perfect condition\") *with* **MAT** (\"dull\") *coating"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Body opening's almost repaired (6)","output":"### Answer: STOMAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Body opening's\n***(almost)** [anag:*repaired*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Deity reversing a hindrance with injection of energy (6)","output":"### Answer: GANESA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Deity\n[*reversing*] **<=A SNAG** (\"a hindrance\") *with injection of* **E** (energy)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: High card following lower one ? It may facilitate finesse (6)","output":"### Answer: TENACE \n ### Explanation: Definition: It may facilitate finesse\n**ACE** (\"high card\") *following* **TEN** (\"lower [card]\") \n\u00a0\n \n*In bridge, a finesse is an attempt to win a hand with a lower card than another in one's hand, and menace is a combination of cards that allows this move to take place. I don't play bridge, so that may or may not be an adequate explanation \u2013 apologies if not!"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Solitary flower framed by mullion (11)","output":"### Answer: MONASTERIAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Solitary\n**ASTER** (\"flower\") *framed by* **MONIAL** (\"mullion\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Primitive latrine converted from chalet store (11)","output":"### Answer: EARTH-CLOSET \n ### Explanation: Definition: Primitive latrine\n***(chalet store)** [anag:*converted from*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Girl suggesting divine beauty, mostly in the saddle? (6)","output":"### Answer: ASTRID \n ### Explanation: Definition: Girl suggesting divine beauty\n[*mostly*] **ASTRID**(e) (\"in the saddle\") \n\u00a0\n \n*Astrid is a girl's name that means \"divinely beautiful\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Navigation system one introduced cut short (6)","output":"### Answer: SHORAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Navigation system\n**A** (\"one\") *introduced* (to) **SHORN** (\"cut short\") \n\u00a0\n \n*Shoran is a system of navigation which uses the time taken between radar signals."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Scholar scribbled bit of Homer out in cloistered studies (6)","output":"### Answer: CAROLS \n ### Explanation: Definition: cloistered studies\n***(scolar)** [anag:*scribbled*] where SCOLAR is SC(h)OLAR with [*bit of*] H(omer) *away* \n\u00a0\n \n*A carol is part of a cloister which is used as a study (also known as a carrel, which is what an individual study space at my University's library was called)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: House I got back ? it's a long story (5)","output":"### Answer: ILIAD \n ### Explanation: Definition: it's a long story\n**<=(DAIL** (Eairann, the lower \"house\" of the Irish Parliament) +** I)** [got back]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What'll start falling off limes in autumn? (5)","output":"### Answer: FOLIA \n ### Explanation: Definition: What'll start falling off limes in autumn?\n[*what'll start*] **F**(alling) **O**(ff) **L**(imes)** I**(n) **A**(utumn)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What Scots do if cross-eyed ? or goggle-eyed in part (4)","output":"### Answer: GLEE \n ### Explanation: Definition: What Scots do if cross-eyed\nHidden in [*in part*] \"gog**GLE-E**yed\" \n\u00a0\n \n*Glee (or gley) is a Scots word for \"squint\". As a proud Scot, my mind goes to Burns' *To a Mouse*, where the Bard suggests that \"the best laid schemes o' mice and men gang aft agley\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Following foreign gent, these excited rubberneck? (8)","output":"### Answer: SIGHTSEE \n ### Explanation: Definition: rubberneck?\n***(these)** [anag:*excited*] *following* **Sig.** (short for signor, a \"foreign gent\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: In local speech 'truly' say is replacing US for 'howdy-do' (4)","output":"### Answer: FEGS \n ### Explanation: Definition: In local speech 'truly\n**F** (us>**EG)S** where e.g. (\"say\") *replaces* US in FUSS (\"howdy-do\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Foreign pick-up in novel for store's delivery guy (8)","output":"### Answer: ROUTEMAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: store's delivery guy\n**UTE** (utility vehicle, a truck in Australia, so \"foreign pick-up\") *in* **ROMAN** (\"novel\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ramp maybe, one with leg on each side (5)","output":"### Answer: ONION \n ### Explanation: Definition: Ramp maybe\n**I** (one) *with* **ON** (\"leg\" in cricket) *on each side* \n\u00a0\n \n*Ramp (also known as wild garlic) is a member of the onion family."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Grand girl in novel accompanying knight, an old fellow (6)","output":"### Answer: GEMMAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: an old fellow\n**G **(grand) + **EMMA** (\"girl in (Jane Austen's) novel\") *accompanying* **N** (knight, in chess notation) \n\u00a0\n \n*Gemman is an old version of \"gentleman\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cancel sleep, being restless and losing colour (11)","output":"### Answer: PALLESCENCE \n ### Explanation: Definition: losing colour\n***(cancel sleep) **[anag:*being restless*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Spicy dish cheers man (6)","output":"### Answer: TAMALE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Spicy dish\n**TA** (\"cheers\") + **MALE** (\"man\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Flat design artist's come up with (6)","output":"### Answer: PLANAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Flat\n**PLAN** (\"design\") + **<=RA** (member of the Royal Academy, so \"artist\" *has come up*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pils ? that's about it for those nicking what's not theirs! (5)","output":"### Answer: LAGER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Pils\n(pil)**LAGER**(s) (\"those nicking what's not theirs\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Suitable for regular traffic? Hard to believe in grassland, we hear (8)","output":"### Answer: METALLED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Suitable for regular traffic?\n**TALL** (\"hard to believe\") in homophone [*we hear*] of **MEAD** (meadow, so \"grassland\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Drunk, one in cling uncomfortably showing effect of corsetry (11)","output":"### Answer: TIGHT-LACING \n ### Explanation: Definition: effect of corsetry\n**TIGHT** (\"drunk\") + **A** (one) *in* ***(cling) **[anag:*uncomfortably*] \n\u00a0\n \n*Compression of the waist caused by tight clothing, according to Chambers."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Forming braids, special, in ringlets, not left plaited (8)","output":"### Answer: TRESSING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Forming braids\n**S** (special) *in* ***(ringets)** [anag:*plaited*] where RINGETS is RING(l)ETS (*not* L (left))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Reckless conspirator, name associated with mutiny, fired up inside (8)","output":"### Answer: CATILINE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Reckless conspirator\n**CAINE** (\"name associated with mutiny\") *with* **<=LIT** (\"fired\", up) *inside* \n\u00a0\n \nThe Caine Mutiny* is a book by Herman Wouk, and a film adaptation of the same name starring Humphrey Bogart as the commander of the WWII minesweeper, USS Caine."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: More than one such will be bundled up in harvest (6)","output":"### Answer: THRAVE \n ### Explanation: Definition: More than one such will be bundled up in harvest\n***(harvest)** [anag:*bundled up*] would give THRAVES (\"more than one\" THRAVE)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unknown in the Underworld, we're always to be seen in the Bull (6)","output":"### Answer: HYADES \n ### Explanation: Definition: we're always to be seen in the Bull\n**Y** (\"unknown\" in mathematics) *in* **HADES** (\"the Underworld\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Local swell tutors delinquent (6)","output":"### Answer: STROUT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Local swell\n***(tutors)** [anag:*delinquent*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: It looks to have been wet, making love in the mud (5)","output":"### Answer: MOIRE \n ### Explanation: Definition: It looks to have been wet\n**O** (\"love\", in tennis) *in* **MIRE** (\"the mud\") \n\u00a0\n \n*Moire is a cloth designed to look wet."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Some bread, but no banger (5)","output":"### Answer: ROLLS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Some bread\nDouble definition, the second referring to a Rolls-Royce"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Letter from Tel Aviv date shown in unsealed enclosure? (4)","output":"### Answer: SADE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Letter from Tel Aviv\n**D** (date) *shown in* **SAE** (stamped addressed envelope, or \"unsealed enclosure\") \n\u00a0\n \n*Sade is the 18th letter of the Hebrew alphabet"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ecstasy to take back when leaving clubs (7)","output":"### Answer: RAPTURE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Ecstasy"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fugitive taking cover in eastern diocese (7)","output":"### Answer: ESCAPEE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fugitive\n\n**CAP** (\"cover\") *in* **E** (Eastern) + **SEE** (\"diocese\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Scheme to involve one banking expert? (5)","output":"### Answer: PILOT \n ### Explanation: Definition: banking expert?\n\n**PLOT** (\"scheme\") *to involve*** I** (one)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stay out longer than you meant to? (9)","output":"### Answer: OVERSLEEP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Stay out longer than you meant to?\n\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Blow having made deal without gain (5,4)","output":"### Answer: TRADE WIND \n ### Explanation: Definition: Blow\n\n**TRADED** (\"having made deal\") *without* **WIN** (\"gain\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stadium region to accommodate any number (5)","output":"### Answer: ARENA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Stadium\n\n**AREA** (\"region\")* to accommodate* **N** (\"any number\" in mathematics)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Go with current meaning (5)","output":"### Answer: DRIFT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Go with current\n\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stand-off in centre of political power (6,3)","output":"### Answer: NUMBER TEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Stand-off\n\nDouble definition, the first referring to an alternative name for the rugby union fly-half, who wears the number 10, and the second referring to 10 Downing Street."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Variant mallard duck keeping one species protected (9)","output":"### Answer: ARMADILLO \n ### Explanation: Definition: species protected\n\n***(mallard)** [anag:*variant*] + **O** (duck, in cricket) *keeping* **I** (one)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Go diving in southern republic (5)","output":"### Answer: SCUBA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Go diving\n\n**S** (southern) + **CUBA** (\"republic\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Expire in a uniform: farewell (5)","output":"### Answer: ADIEU \n ### Explanation: Definition: farewell\n\n**DIE** (\"expire\") *in* **A** + **U** (uniform, in the phonetic alphabet)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ship in a sea in sight coming about in channels? (4,5)","output":"### Answer: MASS MEDIA \n ### Explanation: Definition: channels?\n\n**SS** (steam\"ship\") *in* **A** + **MED** (\"sea\") *in* **<=AIM** (\"sight\" coming about)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: 20 past eight for food? (9)","output":"### Answer: SPAGHETTI \n ### Explanation: Definition: food\n\n***(past eight)** [anag:*anagram* (the solution to 20dn)]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Our moves keeping Juliet from Romeo as panellist (5)","output":"### Answer: JUROR \n ### Explanation: Definition: panellist\n\n***(our)** [anag:*moves*] *keeping* **J** (Juliet, in the phonetic alphabet) *from* **R **(Romeo, in the phonetic alphabet)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Evidently no nudist's item of furniture (7)","output":"### Answer: DRESSER \n ### Explanation: Definition: item of furniture\n\nSomeone who dresses (a dresser) is not a nudist."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Attention brought to monk on line in Essex? (7)","output":"### Answer: EARLDOM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Essex?\n\n**EAR** (\"attention\") *brought to* **DOM** (\"monk\") *on* **L** (line)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Said to be placed in tall grass (7)","output":"### Answer: REPUTED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Said to be\n\n**PUT** (\"placed\") *in* **REED** (\"tall glass\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Heavy metal venue (9)","output":"### Answer: PALLADIUM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Heavy metal\n\nDouble definition, the second referring to a London entertainment venue."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Female relative, seen topless, let loose (5)","output":"### Answer: UNTIE \n ### Explanation: Definition: l\n\n(a)**UNTIE** (\"female relative\", *topless*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Loving learned book about Scottish island on loch (9)","output":"### Answer: EMOTIONAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Loving\n\n**<=TOME** (\"learned book\" *about*) + **IONA** (\"Scottish island\") *on* **L **(loch)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Polish people news boss brings in (5)","output":"### Answer: EMEND \n ### Explanation: Definition: Polish\n\n**ED** (editor, \"news boss\") *brings in* **MEN** (\"people\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Walton's advice perhaps succeeded for some percussion (9)","output":"### Answer: CASTANETS \n ### Explanation: Definition: some percussion\n\n**CAST A NET** ((Isaak) \"Walton's advice perhaps\") + **S** (succeeded)\n \n\n \n*Izaak Walton wrote the classic *The Compleat Angler*."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Annoy first wife after class in gym (5)","output":"### Answer: PEEVE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Annoy\n\n**EVE** (\"first wife\") *after* **PE** (physical education, \"class in gym\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Say why more attractive lover was sought? (7)","output":"### Answer: EXPLAIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Say\n\nIf one's **EX** was **PLAIN**, a shallow person may seek a \"more attractive lover\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: She dug the ground for Mytholmroyd poet (3,6)","output":"### Answer: TED HUGHES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Mytholmroyd poet\n\n***(she dug the)** [anag:*ground*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Who's drummer to show virtuosity and spirit (9)","output":"### Answer: MOONSHINE \n ### Explanation: Definition: spirit\n\n(Keith) **MOON** (The \"Who's drummer\") + **SHINE** (\"to show virtuosity\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Loudly threatened with undereducated displays (9)","output":"### Answer: THUNDERED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Loudly threatened\n\nHidden in [*displays*] \"wi**TH UNDERED**ucated\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Built up a trick shot on snooker table area (7)","output":"### Answer: AMASSED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Built up\n\n**A + MASSE** (\"a trick shot\" in cue games) *on* **D** (\"snooker table area\", the D-shaped marking on a snooker table from which one must make the break at the start of a frame)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What makes soccer player score, leap and cry? (7)","output":"### Answer: ANAGRAM \n ### Explanation: Definition: What makes soccer player score, leap and cry?\n\n*(soccer player) = *(score leap cry) i.e. they are **ANAGRAM**s"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Neo is given long time to create impression (5)","output":"### Answer: IMAGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: impression\n\n**I'M** (\"Neo is\") *given* **AGE** (\"long time\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Travel quickly to river after second (5)","output":"### Answer: MOTOR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Travel quickly\n\n**TO** + **R** (river) *after* **MO** (\"second\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Important aborigine not one to accommodate Jack (5)","output":"### Answer: MAJOR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Important\n\n**MAOR**(i) (\"aborigine\", *not* I (one)) *to accommodate* **J** (Jack)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Minor problem getting horse into river (6)","output":"### Answer: NIGGLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Minor problem\n\n**GG** (\"horse\") *into* (River) **NILE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Politician in obvious statement of political idiocy (8)","output":"### Answer: TRUMPISM \n ### Explanation: Definition: political idiocy\n\n**MP** (Member of Parliament, so \"politician\") *in* **TRUISM** (\"obvious statement\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wimp has scoop about friend coming back (4,4)","output":"### Answer: BETA MALE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Wimp\n\n**BALE** (\"scoop\") *about*** <=MATE** (\"friend\", *coming back*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Underwear found in shopping area aboard ship (6)","output":"### Answer: SMALLS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Underwear\n\n**MALL** (\"shopping area\") in **SS** (steamship) so *aboard ship"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Being gutless, meddle with Bowie's arrangement (12)","output":"### Answer: DISEMBOWELED \n ### Explanation: Definition: gutless\n\n***(meddle bowies)** [anag:*arrangement*]\n \n\n \n*Disemboweled is not the usual English spelling of this word, but it is the American way of spelling it."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Double act that's no longer with us (4)","output":"### Answer: DODO \n ### Explanation: Definition: that's no longer with us\n\n*Double* **DO** (\"act\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Declare large city locked in? Not after that! (2,6)","output":"### Answer: AT LATEST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Not after that\n\n**ATTEST** (\"declare\") with **LA** (Los Angeles, so \"large city\") *locked in"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Draw foes out \u2014 it should stop a beating (4,4)","output":"### Answer: SAFE WORD \n ### Explanation: Definition: it should stop a beating\n\n***(draw foes)** [anag:*out*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Objectives of European nations disturbed some leaders (4)","output":"### Answer: ENDS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Objectives\n\n**E**(uropean) **N**(ations) **D**(isturbed) **S**(ome) [*leaders*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Look after small personal problem for careless shepherd (6,2,4)","output":"### Answer: LITTLE BO PEEP \n ### Explanation: Definition: careless shepherd\n\n**PEEP** (\"look\") *after* **LITTLE** (\"small\") + **BO **(body odour, so \"personal problem\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Illegally approaches player? Fight back is winning (4,2)","output":"### Answer: TAPS UP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Illegally approaches player\n\n**<=SPAT **(\"fight\", *back*) + **UP** (\"winning\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Type of service available en route to popular escape (8)","output":"### Answer: INFLIGHT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Type of service available en route\n\n**IN** (\"popular\") + **FLIGHT** (\"escape\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: City of noted square singer who lit up sick soldiers (8)","output":"### Answer: FLORENCE \n ### Explanation: Definition: City\n\nReferences **FLORENCE** Nightingale (The Lady with the Lamp) who lit up sick soldiers, and a Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old religious type takes crucial lead from nature (6)","output":"### Answer: ESSENE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Old religious type\n\nC(rucial) [*lead*] *taken from* **ESSEN**(c)**E** (\"nature\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cut up as daughter falls, being murdered (4)","output":"### Answer: ICED \n ### Explanation: Definition: murdered\n\nDICE (\"cut up\") with D (daughter) *falling* becomes **ICE-D"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Reading so liberally is quite pretentious (9)","output":"### Answer: GRANDIOSE \n ### Explanation: Definition: quite pretentious\n\n***(reading so)** [anag:*liberally*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pass by the Spanish church feature (6)","output":"### Answer: ELAPSE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Pass\n\n**EL** (\"the\" in \"Spanish\") *by* **APSE** (\"church feature\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Loud males in heat somehow made them suicidal (6,3,6)","output":"### Answer: THELMA AND LOUISE \n ### Explanation: Definition: them suicidal\n\n***(loud males in heat)** [anag:*somehow*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fantastic sunlit surroundings for river that's pristine (8)","output":"### Answer: UNSPOILT \n ### Explanation: Definition: pristine\n\n***(sunlit)** [anag:*fantastic*] *surroundings for *(River) **PO"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Training expert in silence, perhaps (5)","output":"### Answer: PEACE \n ### Explanation: Definition: silence, perhaps\n\n**PE** (physical education, so \"training\") + **ACE** (\"expert\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cut team coming second? (10)","output":"### Answer: SILVERSIDE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Cut\n\n**SIDE** (\"team\") *coming second* would get a **SILVER** medal."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What's more, many back taking on Brussels, for example (2,3,2,3)","output":"### Answer: TO CAP IT ALL \n ### Explanation: Definition: What's more\n\n**<=LOT** (\"many\", *back*)* taking on ***CAPITAL** (\"Brussels, for example\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: It's a stretch to get privates on the ground (3,6)","output":"### Answer: THE SPLITS \n ### Explanation: Definition: It's a stretch to get privates on the ground\n\nCryptic definition \u2013 if one does the splits properly, one's privates may well touch the ground."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Detective's joke sounds a bit crude (8)","output":"### Answer: HOMESPUN \n ### Explanation: Definition: a bit crude\n\nHomophone [*sounds*] of (Sherlock) **HOLMES' PUN** (\"detective's joke\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Picture earl with flies undone (6)","output":"### Answer: SELFIE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Picture\n\n***(e flies)** [anag:*undone*] where E = earl"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Thin core becoming small \u2014 it could shock you (5)","output":"### Answer: TASER \n ### Explanation: Definition: \n\n**TA**(p>**S**)**ER** (\"thin\" (taper) with its *core* (middle letter) *becoming* S (small))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Avoid car accident when temperature drops (4)","output":"### Answer: SHUN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Avoid\n\n**SHUN**(t) (\"car accident\" with T (temperature) *dropped*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Nonsensical language mostly used by sailors (6)","output":"### Answer: ABSURD \n ### Explanation: Definition: Nonsensical\n\n**URD**(u) [\"language\" [*mostly*] *used by* **ABs** (able-bodied seamen, so \"sailors\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mixed mood aboard Nordic conveyance (8)","output":"### Answer: SHUFFLED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Mixed\n\n**HUFF** (\"mood\") *about* **SLED** (\"Nordic conveyance\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Damage rare coin with tip of archaeological instrument (9)","output":"### Answer: HARMONICA \n ### Explanation: Definition: instrument \n\n**HARM** (\"damage\") + ***(coin) **[anag:*rare*] *with* [*tip of*] **A**(rchaeological)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Olympic organisation welcomes reintroduction of popular Greek dialect (5)","output":"### Answer: IONIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: Greek dialect \n\n**IOC** (International Olympic Committee, so \"Olympic organisation\") *welcomes* [*reintroduction of*] **<=IN** (\"popular\")\n \n\n \n*I assume that the setter intends reintroduction to mean \"introducing back\", but that's a set too far for me."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Polish boy's rear is red (4)","output":"### Answer: RUBY \n ### Explanation: Definition: red\n\n**RUB** (\"polish\") + (bo)**Y** [*'s rear*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Decadent peers call underworld figure (10)","output":"### Answer: PERSEPHONE \n ### Explanation: Definition: underworld figure\n\n***(peers**) [anag:*decadent*] + **PHONE** (\"call\")\n \n\n \n*In Greek mythology, Persephone was the Queen of the Underworld."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Betrayed only uncertainty in speech (4,3)","output":"### Answer: SOLD OUT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Betrayed \n\nHomophone [*in speech*] of **SOLE DOUBT** (\"only uncertainty\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Romeo enters stage delivering line of dialogue (6)","output":"### Answer: PHRASE \n ### Explanation: Definition: line of dialogue\n\n**R** (Romeo, in the phonetic alphabet) *enters* **PHASE** (\"stage\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Love musical about island in East Asia (6)","output":"### Answer: ORIENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: East Asia\n\n**O** (love, in tennis) + **RENT** (\"musical\") *about* **I** (island)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Reactionary spotted object beside a road behind hospital (7)","output":"### Answer: DIEHARD \n ### Explanation: Definition: Reactionary\n\n**DIE** (\"spotted object\") *beside* **A Rd.** (road) *behind* **H** (hospital)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: He swears sheep lamb around middle of April (10)","output":"### Answer: BLASPHEMER \n ### Explanation: Definition: He swears\n\n***(sheep lamb)** [anag:*around*} + [*middle of*] (ap)**R**(il)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Drunk overcome by remorse, essentially (4)","output":"### Answer: WINO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Drunk\n\n**WIN** (\"overcome\") *by* (rem)**O**(rse) [*essentially*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A gumshoe tailing fair creature (5)","output":"### Answer: OKAPI \n ### Explanation: Definition: creature\n\n**A** + **PI **(private investigator, so \"gumshoe\") *tailing* **OK** (\"fair\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Raiments of monarch seized by retreating highlanders (9)","output":"### Answer: STOCKINGS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Raiments\n\n**KING** (\"monarch\") *seized by* [*retreating*] **<=SCOTS** (\"highlanders\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Female workers touring northern drinking establishments (8)","output":"### Answer: SHEBEENS \n ### Explanation: Definition: drinking establishments\n\n**SHE** (\"female\") + **BEES** (\"workers\") *touring* **N** (northern)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Reliable research sustains professor's conclusion (6)","output":"### Answer: STURDY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Reliable\n\n**STUDY** (\"research\") *sustains* (professo)**R** [*'s conclusion*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Maxim of a government department adopted by solid type (8)","output":"### Answer: APHORISM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Maxim\n\n**A** + **HO** (Home Office, so \"government department\") *adopted by* **PRISM** (\"solid type\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hack riles BBC reporter initially (9)","output":"### Answer: SCRIBBLER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Hack\n\n***(riles bbc) **+ **R**(eporter) *initially*\n \n\n \nThis clue doesn't work as \"hack\" looks like it may be doing double duty as both definition and anagram indicator."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bird scoring Charlie off criminal (4)","output":"### Answer: ROOK \n ### Explanation: Definition: Bird\n\n[*scoring*] C (Charlie, in the phonetic alphabet) *off* (c)**ROOK** (\"criminal\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Shove over to accommodate journalist bearing a warning (5-2)","output":"### Answer: HEADS UP \n ### Explanation: Definition: warning\n\n**<=PUSH** (\"shove\", over) *to accommodate* **ED** (\"journalist\") *bearing* **A, **so** H(E(A)D)S-UP"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Female murderer is clutching earl's trinkets (10)","output":"### Answer: FRIPPERIES \n ### Explanation: Definition: trinkets\n\n**F** (female) + **RIPPER** (\"murderer\") +** IS** *carrying* **E** (earl)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Discovered alien language (5)","output":"### Answer: LINGO \n ### Explanation: Definition: language\n\n[*discovered*] (k)**LINGO**(n) (\"alien\" in the Star Trek universe)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Native Americans supporting extremely divisive statute (6)","output":"### Answer: DECREE \n ### Explanation: Definition: statute\n\n**CREE** (\"Native Americans\") *supporting* [*extremely*] **D**(ivisiv)**E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dumb revolutionary is allowed outside Norway (6)","output":"### Answer: SILENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Dumb\n\n[*revolutionary*] **<=IS** + **LET** (\"allowed\") *outside* **N** (Norway)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: No country includes Puerto Rico in accolade (5,5)","output":"### Answer: NOBEL PRIZE \n ### Explanation: Definition: accolade\n\n**NO** + **BELIZE** (\"country\") *includes* **PR** (Puerto Rico)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Shopkeeper mixes 20 with it (9)","output":"### Answer: STATIONER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Shopkeeper\n\n***(treason it) **[anag:*mixes*] where TREASON is \"20\" down's solution"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Strangely heartless, collecting debts in despicable manner (8)","output":"### Answer: ODIOUSLY \n ### Explanation: Definition: in despicable manner\n\n**OD**(d)**LY **(\"strangely\" *heartless*) *collecting*** IOUs **(\"debts\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Model given cause for offence (7)","output":"### Answer: TREASON \n ### Explanation: Definition: offence\n\n(Model )** T** *given* **REASON** (\"cause\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Spirit of protest consuming a nationalist (6)","output":"### Answer: DAEMON \n ### Explanation: Definition: Spirit\n\n**DEMO** (\"protest\") *consuming* **A** + **N** (nationalist)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A bishop ships article out to monks (6)","output":"### Answer: ABBOTS \n ### Explanation: Definition: monks\n\n**A** + **B** (bishop) + **BO**(a)**TS **(\"ships\" with a (\"article\") *out*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stone portal south of Anatolian capital (5)","output":"### Answer: AGATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Stone\n\n**GATE** (\"portal\") *south of*** A**(natolian) [*capital*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Satirical piece set in Hell's Kitchen (4)","output":"### Answer: SKIT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Satirical piece\n\nHidden in [set in] \"hell**S KIT**chen\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Branch of medicine in US city set record for foreign money? (9)","output":"### Answer: NEUROLOGY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Branch of medicine\n\n**EURO LOG** (\"record for foreign money\") *set in* **NY** (New York \"city\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unhurried passage of old vessel on lake (5)","output":"### Answer: LARGO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Unhurried\n\n**ARGO** (Jason's ship in Greek mythology, so \"old vessel\") *on* **L** (lake)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One of a trio of writers in the family omitting pairs of leading characters (5)","output":"### Answer: EMILY \n ### Explanation: Definition: One of a trio of writers\n\n(th)**E** (fa)**MILY** [*omitting pairs of leading characters*]\n \n\n \n*Emily Bronte was one of a trio of writers in the family, although it could be argued that their brother was also a writer (he wrote poetry and translations, although without the success of his sisters)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Account swallowed by public editor exaggerated, in part (9)","output":"### Answer: OVERACTED \n ### Explanation: Definition: exaggerated, in part\n\n**A\/c** (account) *swallowed by* **OVERT** (\"public\") + **ED** (editor)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Divine female's initially extremely bad repute (7)","output":"### Answer: EUTERPE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Divine female\n\n[*initially*] **E**(xtremely) + ***(repute)**\n \n\n \n*Euterpe was the Greek muse of music."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: King sheltering solitary hopeless person (5)","output":"### Answer: GONER \n ### Explanation: Definition: hopeless person\n\n**G.R. **(George Rex, so \"king\") *sheltering* **ONE** (\"solitary\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bad way to start my statement of intent (3)","output":"### Answer: ILL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Bad\n\n**I'LL** (I will \u2013 \"way to start my statement of intent\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One inhabiting island, part of Asia Minor (5)","output":"### Answer: IONIA \n ### Explanation: Definition: part of Asia Minor\n\n**I** (one) *inhabiting* **IONA** (Scottish \"island\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Period in which monarch managed to create order (7)","output":"### Answer: ARRANGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: to create order\n\n**AGE** (\"period\") *in which*** R** (Rex, so \"monarch\") + **RAN** (\"managed\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Herb in duck and orange concoction (7)","output":"### Answer: OREGANO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Herb\n\n**O** (zero, so \"duck\" in cricket) *and*** *(orange)** [anag:*concoction*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dessert, possibly Russian, in US city (9)","output":"### Answer: CHARLOTTE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Dessert\n\nDouble definition, the first referring to CHARLOTTE Russe, a dessert that dates from the 18th century, and the second to the largest city in North Carolina."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Financial support part of UK turned over for part of Asia (5)","output":"### Answer: INDIA \n ### Explanation: Definition: part of Asia\n\n**<=(AID** (\"financial support\") + **NI** (Northern Ireland, so \"part of UK),* turned over*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cricketer's family? They embodied youth, beauty and elegance (3,6)","output":"### Answer: THE GRACES \n ### Explanation: Definition: They embodied youth, beauty and elegance\n\nThe family of English cricketer, W. G. Grace would be **THE GRACES"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Princess with three siblings, mostly appropriate (4)","output":"### Answer: ANNE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Princess with three siblings\n\n[*mostly*] **ANNE**(x) (\"appropriate\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Vengeful group that is wrapped in winter clothing (6)","output":"### Answer: FURIES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Vengeful group\n\n**I.E.** (id est, so \"that is\") *wrapped in ***FURS** (\"winter clothing\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dreadful older phony that's more than two-faced (10)","output":"### Answer: POLYHEDRON \n ### Explanation: Definition: that's \n\n***(older phony)** [anag:*dreadful*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Happy girl with 26 13 across, person I'm addressing second (6)","output":"### Answer: JOYOUS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Happy\n\n**JO** (March) (\"girl with\" three sisters (solution to \"26, 13\"in Little Women) + **YOU** (\"person I'm addressing\") + **S** (second)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Namely, he gets excited about marriage (8)","output":"### Answer: HYMENEAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: about marriage\n\n***(namely he)** [anag:*gets excited*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: So-called essayist creating role of princess after 8 (4)","output":"### Answer: ELIA \n ### Explanation: Definition: So-called essayist\n\n(cord)**ELIA** (\"princess\") where CORD is the solution to 8dn.\n \n\n \nELIA was the pen name [hence the \"so-called\" in the clue] of essayist Charles Lamb"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Gun covering almost 26 members of fraternity (8)","output":"### Answer: BRETHREN \n ### Explanation: Definition: members of fraternity\n\n**BREN** (Gun) *covering* [*almost*] **THRE**(e) (answer to \"26\"ac)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Half of device for storing data in binder (4)","output":"### Answer: CORD \n ### Explanation: Definition: binder\n\nA CD (compact disc) is a \"device for storing data\", so **C OR D** would be one half of CD"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: English writer upset about first letter from Greece \u2014 or a later one (5)","output":"### Answer: SIGMA \n ### Explanation: Definition: a later one\n\n(Kingsley or Martin) **<=AMIS** (\"English writer\", *upset*) *about* [*first letter from*] **G**(reece)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Following mass movement, tries terms \u2014 as in US (10)","output":"### Answer: TRIMESTERS \n ### Explanation: Definition: terms \u2014 as in US\n\n*Moving* the M (mass) in TRIES TERMS gives us **TRI(M)ES TERS**, and semi &lit."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Plenty of time to muse (5)","output":"### Answer: ERATO \n ### Explanation: Definition: muse\n\n**ERA** (\"plenty of time\") + **TO**\n \n\n \n*Erato was the Muse of erotic poetry and mime."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Names of two girls sharing mother in this part of France (8)","output":"### Answer: NORMANDY \n ### Explanation: Definition: part of France\n\n**NOR(MA)** and (**MA)NDY** (\"names of two girls sharing MA (\"mother\"))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One daughter being what makes her who she is (8)","output":"### Answer: IDENTITY \n ### Explanation: Definition: what makes her who she is\n\n**I **(one) + **D** (daughter) + **ENTITY** (\"being\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Kitchen device that, for a writer, is often dear? (6)","output":"### Answer: OPENER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Kitchen device\n\nA letter \"writer\" would often open with \"**DEAR** xxxx\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: It's different in a car, if it has a horn (6)","output":"### Answer: AFRICA \n ### Explanation: Definition: it has a horn\n\n***(a car if)** [anag:*it's different in*]\n \n\n \n*The Horn of Africa is that part of the continent that is formed by the peninsula that includes Djibouti, Somalia, Eritrea and Ethiopia."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Painting turned up after century, source of inspiration for historian (4)","output":"### Answer: CLIO \n ### Explanation: Definition: source of inspiration for historian\n\n**<=(OIL **(painting)* turned up*) *after* **C** (century)\n \n\n \n*Clio was the muse of history."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: King Edward the humorist (4)","output":"### Answer: LEAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: King\n\nDouble definition, the first referring to Shakespeare's *King Lear*."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Like pie, or a piece of cake (4)","output":"### Answer: EASY \n ### Explanation: Definition: a piece of cake\n\nAs **EASY** as pie"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Grown-up name for male character (6)","output":"### Answer: NATURE \n ### Explanation: Definition: character\n\n(m>**N**)**ATURE** (\"grown-up\" with N (name) *for* (I.e instead of) M (male))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: European city oozes middle and upper class with money to burn (6)","output":"### Answer: ZURICH \n ### Explanation: Definition: European city\n\n(oo)**Z**(es) [*middle*] *and* **U** (upper class) + **RICH** (\"with money to burn\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Smell of smoke after half of gasper (7)","output":"### Answer: PERFUME \n ### Explanation: Definition: Smell\n\n**FUME** (\"smoke\") *after* [*half of*] (gas)**PER"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Beat English runs by very small margin (7)","output":"### Answer: WHISKER \n ### Explanation: Definition: very small margin\n\n**WHISK** (\"beat\") +** E** (English) + **R **(runs, in cricket)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Notice cabinet member's conduct (10)","output":"### Answer: ADMINISTER \n ### Explanation: Definition: conduct\n\n**AD** (\"notice\") + **MINISTER** (\"cabinet member\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dead good working with Adele at last (4)","output":"### Answer: GONE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Dead\n\n**G** (good) + **ON **(\"working\") *with* (adel)**E **[*at last*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Considered doctor's case for operation (5)","output":"### Answer: MUSED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Considered\n\n**MD** (\"Doctor\" of Medicine) encasing [*case for*] **USE** (\"operation\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Medicated dressing's drawn out lice on patient's head (8)","output":"### Answer: POULTICE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Medicated dressing\n\n***(out lice)** [anag:*drawn*] *on* **P**(atient) [*'s head*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Exhausted girl tried to recover after party (3-5)","output":"### Answer: DOG-TIRED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Exhausted\n\n**G** (girl) + ***(tried)** [anag:*to recover*] *after* **DO** (\"party\")\n \n\n \nG for girl is not in Chambers or Collins"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Each first lady's ultimately jittery entertaining Queen (5)","output":"### Answer: EVERY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Each\n\n**EVE** (\"first lady\") + [*ultimately*] (jitter)**Y** *entertaining* **R** (regina, so \"queen\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: During exercises ship used to attract attention (4)","output":"### Answer: PSST \n ### Explanation: Definition: used to attract attention\n\n**SS** (steam\"ship\") *during* **PT** (physical training, so \"exercises\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Suspend policemen with abridged dossier rejected in dock (10)","output":"### Answer: DISQUALIFY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Suspend\n\n**DIs **(detective inspectors, so \"policemen\") *with* [*abridged*] **<=FIL**(e) [*rejected*] *in* **QUAY** (\"dock\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Chucking in rubbish pub in Crosby (7)","output":"### Answer: BINNING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Chucking in rubbish\n\n**INN** (\"pub\")* in ***BING** (Crosby)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Celebrity organised smart do (7)","output":"### Answer: STARDOM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Celebrity\n\n***(smart do)** [anag:*organised*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Outdo former lover's vocal CD (6)","output":"### Answer: EXCEED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Outdo\n\n**EX** (\"former lover\") + homophone [*vocal*] of **C** (cee) + **D"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lay out sumptuous meal (6)","output":"### Answer: SPREAD \n ### Explanation: Definition: Lay out\n\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lots of complicated encoding but no CGI (2,3)","output":"### Answer: NO END \n ### Explanation: Definition: Lots\n\n***(enodn)** [anag:*complicated*] where ENODN is EN(c)OD(i)N(g) with *no* CGI"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Friendships contain sour and sweet things (7)","output":"### Answer: TOFFIES \n ### Explanation: Definition: sweet things\n\n**TIES** (\"friendships\") *contain* **OFF** (\"sour\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Vestiges of last revolutionary uprising (9)","output":"### Answer: REMAINDER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Vestiges\n\n**REMAIN** (\"last\") = **<=RED** (\"revolutionary\", *uprising*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Singer who's seen at wedding (5)","output":"### Answer: USHER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Singer\n\nDouble definition, the first referring to the American singer who had 4 UK No1s between 1997 and 2010"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Deep understanding of home situation expressed (7)","output":"### Answer: INSIGHT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Deep understanding\n\n**IN** (\"home\") + homophone [*expressed*] of **SITE** (\"situation\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Clamour for colour red initially in Candy Crush (3,3,3)","output":"### Answer: HUE AND CRY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Clamou\n\n**HUE** (\"colour\") + **R**(ed) [*initially*] in** *(candy)** [anag:*crush*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Silliest exam round at university with papers son's seen before (9)","output":"### Answer: STUPIDEST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Silliest\n\n**S **(son) *seen before *(**TEST** (\"exam\") *round* **UP** (\"at university\") *with* **ID** (papers))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hooch gives low point lustre (9)","output":"### Answer: MOONSHINE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Hooch\n\n**MOO** (\"low\") + **N** (\"point\" on a compass) + **SHINE** (\"lustre\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Good suggestion to go through entire broadcast on lifting depression (6,3)","output":"### Answer: USEFUL TIP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Good suggestion\n\n**USE** (\"to go through\") + homophone [*broadcast*] of **FULL** (\"entire\") *on* [*lifting*] **<=PIT** (\"depression\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Huge Oscar-winning film (7)","output":"### Answer: TITANIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: Huge\n\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Increase in general stress (7)","output":"### Answer: ENLARGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Increase\n\n***(general)** [anag:*stress*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Scrambled and caught key ball (5)","output":"### Answer: DANCE \n ### Explanation: Definition: ball\n\n***(and)** [anag:*scrambled*] +** C** (caught, in cricket) + **E** (a musical note or \"key\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Deep inlet found in part of Jordan (5)","output":"### Answer: FJORD \n ### Explanation: Definition: Deep inlet\n\nHidden in [*part*] \"o**F JORD**an\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: In hospital with curtain round after a bad fall (9)","output":"### Answer: AVALANCHE \n ### Explanation: Definition: bad fall\n\n**H** (hospital) *with* **VALANCE** (\"curtain\")* round after* **A"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Turn computers into a dishonest business (4)","output":"### Answer: SCAM \n ### Explanation: Definition: a dishonest business\n\n[**turn**] **<=MACS** (\"computers\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Poet mislaying his third watch (5)","output":"### Answer: VIGIL \n ### Explanation: Definition: watch\n\n**VI**(r)**GIL** (\"poet\" *mislaying his third* (letter))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Type of company stock (9)","output":"### Answer: REPERTORY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Type of company\n\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Let cash fall out of bag (7)","output":"### Answer: SATCHEL \n ### Explanation: Definition: bag\n\n***(let cash)** [anag:*fall out*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Anyone at first, latest in long sequence sick in crowded tenement (7)","output":"### Answer: ANTHILL \n ### Explanation: Definition: crowded tenement\n\n**A**(nyone) [at first] + **NTH** (\"latest in long sequence\") + **ILL** (\"sick\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Left TV programme, missing the forecast of good weather (3,3,2,5)","output":"### Answer: RED SKY AT NIGHT \n ### Explanation: Definition: f\n\n**RED** (\"left\") + (the) **SKY AT NIGHT** (\"TV programme\", *missing* THE)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Following plant surveys, ordered this one? (6,3-4)","output":"### Answer: VENUS\u2019S FLY-TRAP \n ### Explanation: Definition: this \n\n***(f plant surveys)** [anag:*ordered*] where F = following"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Agreed to return after short dip (7)","output":"### Answer: CURTSEY \n ### Explanation: Definition: dip\n\n**<=YES** (\"agreed\" *to return*) *after* **CURT** (\"short\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One in flight of birds finally falling to rook (7)","output":"### Answer: AVIATOR \n ### Explanation: Definition: One in flight\n\n**AVIA**(n) (\"of birds\", finally falling) + **TO** + **R** (rook, in chess)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Examiner buttons lip for a term (9)","output":"### Answer: TRIMESTER \n ### Explanation: Definition: a \n\n**TESTER** (\"examiner\") *buttons* **RIM** (\"lip\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Skewer doll on back of truck for return (5)","output":"### Answer: KEBAB \n ### Explanation: Definition: Skewer\n\n**<=(BABE** (\"doll\") *on* [*back o*f] (truc)**K**) [*for return*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Superior-sounding greeting (4)","output":"### Answer: HIYA \n ### Explanation: Definition: greeting\n\nHomophone [*sounding*] of **HIGHER** (\"superior\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sees great possibility in Roman exploits (3,6)","output":"### Answer: RES GESTAE \n ### Explanation: Definition: exploits\n\n***(sees great)** [anag:*possibility*]\n \n\n \n*Res gestate is Latin (hence the \"Roman\" in the clue) for \"exploits\", but can also mean the facts relevant and admissible in a legal case."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Warning notice: face cover finally mandatory (8)","output":"### Answer: ADVISORY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Warning\n\n**AD** (\"notice\") + **VISOR** (\"face covering\") + [*finally*] (mandator)**Y"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Goes to the gallows, not the first time, in dread (5)","output":"### Answer: ANGST \n ### Explanation: Definition: dread\n\n(h)**ANGS** (\"goes to the gallows\", *not the first* (letter)) + **T** (time)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The body of male college mem\u00adbers useless with scrambled egg (3,3,5,3)","output":"### Answer: ALL THE KING\u2019S MEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: The body of male college mem\u00adbers useless with scrambled egg\n\nCryptic definition \u2013 **ALL** **THE MEN** of **KING'S** college (i.e ALL THE KING'S MEN), who were useless in putting together Humpty Dumpty (the \"scrambled egg\" after his fall)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Circular band nearly full of golden petals (7)","output":"### Answer: COROLLA \n ### Explanation: Definition: petals\n\n**COLLA**(r) (\"circular band\", *nearly*) *full of* **OR** (\"golden\" in heraldry)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Resolve to be complicated now? (7)","output":"### Answer: EXPLAIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Resolve\n\nIf something is \"complicated now\" it may have been plain once, hence **EX-PLAIN"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Boy in church worried his rector (9)","output":"### Answer: CHORISTER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Boy in church\n\n***(his rector)** [anag:*worried*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Prime minister's surreptitious bug (6)","output":"### Answer: MAYFLY \n ### Explanation: Definition: bug\n\n(Theresa) **MAY** (\"prime minister\") + **FLY** (\"surreptitious\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pop wants gradually to remove Thatcher at the beginning, that prickly character (3,5-6)","output":"### Answer: MRSTIGGYWINKLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: prickly character\n\n**IGGY** (Pop) *wants* **WINKLE** (\"gradually to remove\") with **MRS T** (Thatcher) *at the beginning"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: To extend my range as Duke, I write poetry (9)","output":"### Answer: DIVERSIFY \n ### Explanation: Definition: To extend my range\n\n**D** (Duke) + **I** + **VERSIFY** (\"write poetry\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Falstaff, say, with bulge not even ready for surgery (8)","output":"### Answer: OPERABLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: r\n\n**OPERA **(\"Falstaff, say\") *with* **B**(u)**L**(g)**E** [not even]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unscrupulous type locked in cells, hysterical (7)","output":"### Answer: SHYSTER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Unscrupulous type\n\nHidden [*locked*] *in* \"cell**S HYSTER**ical\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old cabs provided reversed over a wide area (7)","output":"### Answer: FIACRES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Old cabs\n\n**<=IF **(\"provided\", *reversed*] *over* **ACRES** (\"a wide area\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Taps closed, gas turned up for warming drink (6)","output":"### Answer: SCOTCH \n ### Explanation: Definition: warming drink\n\n**<=(C + H** (cold and hot \"taps\") + **TO** (\"closed\") + **CS** (Gas)**)** [*turned up*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Apocryphal story very much shortened (5)","output":"### Answer: TOBIT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Apocryphal story\n\n**TO BIT**(s) (\"very much\" as in \"I love you to bits\", *shortened*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Game board flipped with a note of disapproval (8)","output":"### Answer: PEEKABOO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Game\n\n**<=KEEP** (\"board\", *flipped*) *with* **A **+ **BOO** (\"note of disapproval\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Drive three-quarters inebriated (6)","output":"### Answer: HAMMER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Drive\n\n[*three-quarters*] **HAMMER**(ed)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Remark about Edgar being dishevelled (7)","output":"### Answer: REGRADE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Remark\n\n**RE** (\"about\") + ***(Edgar)** [anag:*being dishevelled*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bivalves discovered near quarry? It's a bit fishy (7)","output":"### Answer: LAMPREY \n ### Explanation: Definition: It's a bit fishy\n\n(c)**LAM**(s) (\"bivalves\", *discovered*) *near* **PREY** (\"quarry\")\n \n\n \n*A lamprey is a jawless fish, so \"it's a bit fishy\" is a bit loose as far as definitions go, in my opinion,"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stable source of protein (9)","output":"### Answer: HORSEMEAT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Stable source of protein\n\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Agent retired finally to become writer (5)","output":"### Answer: DEFOE \n ### Explanation: Definition: writer\n\n**<=FED** (\"agent\", *retired*) + [*finally*] (t)**O **(becom)**E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Part of Ship Street regularly out of herring (5)","output":"### Answer: STERN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Part of Ship\n\n**St.** (street) + [*regularly out of*] (h)**E**(r)**R**(i)**N**(g)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Defender starts to intimidate opposite number after bite (8)","output":"### Answer: CHAMPION \n ### Explanation: Definition: Defender\n\n[*starts to*]** I**(ntimdate) **O**(pposite) **N**(umber) *after* **CHAMP** (\"bite\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wind instruments collected by eastern church vanish (8)","output":"### Answer: EVANESCE \n ### Explanation: Definition: vanish\n\n**VANES** (\"wind instruments\") *collected by* **E** (eastern) + **CE** (\"Church\" of England)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Plant species is alien to some extent (5)","output":"### Answer: SISAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Plant\n\nHidden [*to some extent*] in \"specie**S IS AL**ien\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Child skinning both snakes and amphibians (5)","output":"### Answer: SPROG \n ### Explanation: Definition: Child\n\n[*skinning*] (a)**SP**(s) (\"snakes\") *and* (f)**ROG**(s) (\"amphibians\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Scary girl mistaking Rouen for another city (9)","output":"### Answer: MELBOURNE \n ### Explanation: Definition: another \n\n**MEL B** (\"Scary\" Spice, one of the Spice Girls) +***(Rouen)** [anag:*mistaking*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Misery of O'Connor and Lynam collaboration? (7)","output":"### Answer: DESPAIR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Misery\n\nDES O'Connor and DES Lynam could be considered a pair of Des's or a **DES-PAIR**\n \n\n \n*Des O'Connor was an English comedian and presenter who died in 2020 and Des Lynam is a sports presenter and former host of *Countdown*."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Juvenile eaten up and giraffe eviscerated (7)","output":"### Answer: TEENAGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Juvenile\n\n***(eaten)** [anag:*up*] *and*** G**(iraff)**E** [*eviscerated*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sturdy vehicle obscured by rhubarb (6)","output":"### Answer: ROBUST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Sturdy\n\n**BUS** (\"vehicle\") *obscured by* **ROT** (\"rhubarb\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Poetry on record is in instalments (8)","output":"### Answer: EPISODES \n ### Explanation: Definition: instalments\n\n**ODES** (\"poetry\") *on* **EP** (extended play \"record\") + **IS"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Acquire funds when full of drink (8)","output":"### Answer: PURCHASE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Acquire\n\n**PURSE** (\"funds\") *when full of* **CHA** (\"drink\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One who is damn enthusiastic, so to speak (5,6)","output":"### Answer: EAGER BEAVER \n ### Explanation: Definition: One who is damn enthusiastic, so to speak\n\nA pun on \"dam\" and \"damn\", as a **BEAVER** may be **EAGER** about \"dams\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Busy man hosts contest working for king (9)","output":"### Answer: AGAMEMNON \n ### Explanation: Definition: king\n\n***(man)** [anag:*busy*] *hosts* **GAME** (\"contest\") + **ON** (\"working\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Huge round insects having turned tail (5)","output":"### Answer: OBESE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Huge\n\n**O** (\"round\") + **BE**(e)**SE** (\"insects\" (bees) *having turned tail* (i.e. last two letters reversed))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Version of 7 journalist is packing (5)","output":"### Answer: ARMED \n ### Explanation: Definition: packing\n\n***(mar)** [anag:*version of*] where 7 refers to ARM (solution to 7dn) + **ED** (editor, so \"journalist\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Boozer ultimately overcome by mother's ruin (3)","output":"### Answer: MAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: ruin\n\n(booze)**R** [*ultimately*] *overcome* *by* **MA** (\"mother\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Verses maybe in Frost broadcast (5)","output":"### Answer: RHYME \n ### Explanation: Definition: Verses maybe\n\nHomophone [*broadcast*] of **RIME** (\"frost\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cohabitee left feeding Big Mama briefly (8)","output":"### Answer: FLATMATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Cohabitee\n\n**L** (left) *feeding* **FAT** (\"big\") + **MATE**(r) (\"mama\", *briefly*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: New roofer's lad around noon fetching a 22 5? (5,6)","output":"### Answer: FOOLS ERRAND \n ### Explanation: Definition: fetching a 22 5?\n\n***(roofers lad) **[anag:*new*] *around*** N** (noon) and &lit.\n \n\n \n*A fool's errand is a practical joke often played on an apprentice (for example, being sent out to buy tartan paint or a long stand or in this case a GLASS HAMMER (solutions to 22dn and 5ac))."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fabric caught on tree at top of lake (8)","output":"### Answer: CASHMERE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fabric\n\n**C** (caught, in cricket) *on* **ASH** (\"tree\") *at top of* **MERE** (\"lake\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Suckers in jumpers put on the wrong way? (9)","output":"### Answer: PUSHOVERS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Suckers\n\nA PULLOVER (\"jumper\")* put on the wrong way* could be a **PUSH-OVER"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Carriages should primarily shelter reps in transit (8)","output":"### Answer: SLEEPERS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Carriages\n\n**S**(hould) [*primarily*] + **LEE** (\"shelter\") + ***(reps) **[anag:*in transit*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Diviner welcomes daughter's ceremonial meal (5)","output":"### Answer: SEDER \n ### Explanation: Definition: ceremonial meal\n\n**SEER** (\"diviner\") *welcomes* **D** (daughter)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Witness algae engulfing upturned vessel (5)","output":"### Answer: GLASS \n ### Explanation: Definition: vessel\n\nHidden backwards in [*engulfing turning*] \"witne**SS ALG**ae\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Respite from the French 7 in Revolution (3-2)","output":"### Answer: LET-UP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Respite\n\n**LE** (\"the\" in \"French\") + **TUP** (the answer to 7,* in revolution*)\n \n\n \nTUP and RAM (MAR reversed, so \"7 in revolution\") are both sheep."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Queen leaving banger for relative (3)","output":"### Answer: SIB \n ### Explanation: Definition: relative\n\n**Qu.** (queen) *leaving* **S**(qu)**IB** (\"banger\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Uproar after losing current leader of South Africa in disorder (6)","output":"### Answer: FRACAS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Uproar\n\n***(s afrca)** [anag:*in disorder*] where S is [*leader of*] S(outh) and AFRCA is AFR(i)CA *after losing* i (symbol for electrical \"current\" in physics)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Thing that has old man embracing old boy in greeting (6)","output":"### Answer: PHOBIA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Thing\n\n**PA **(\"old man\") *embracing* **OB** (old boy) *in* **HI** (\"greeting\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Person arranging work schedule policemen once backed (7)","output":"### Answer: CURATOR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Person arranging work\n\n**<=(ROTA** (\"schedule\") + **RUC** (Royal Ulster Constabulary (now defunct), so \"policemen once\", *backed*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Writer is tense after counter-attack (7)","output":"### Answer: DIARIST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Writer\n\n**IS** + **T** (tense) *after* [counter] **<=RAID** (\"attack\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Case of apparent corruption involving staff acquisition (10)","output":"### Answer: ATTAINMENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: acquisition\n\n[*case of*] **A**(pparen)**T** + **TAINT** (\"corruption\") *involving* **MEN** (\"staff\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bit of poetry penned by William Blake (4)","output":"### Answer: IAMB \n ### Explanation: Definition: Bit of poetry\n\nContained in [*penned by*] \"will**IAM B**lake\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Work of author concealed end of novel in daring neologism (5,3,5)","output":"### Answer: BRAVE NEW WORLD \n ### Explanation: Definition: Work of author\n\n[*end of*] (nove)**L ***concealed in* **BRAVE** (\"daring\") **NEW WORD** (\"neologism\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: School dinners comprising tiny portions in the main? (8)","output":"### Answer: PLANKTON \n ### Explanation: Definition: School dinners comprising tiny portions in the main?\n\nCryptic definition, with the school in the question referring to a school of whales, for whom plankton is food."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: American got rid of following pages in dictionary (5)","output":"### Answer: OFFED \n ### Explanation: Definition: American got rid of\n\n**FF** (following pages) *in* **OED** (Oxford English \"Dictionary\")\n \n\n \nThe \"got rid of\" in the clue refers to offing someone (killing them) in gangster-speak."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Song that man heard (4)","output":"### Answer: HYMN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Song\n\nHomophone [*heard*] of **HIM** (\"that man\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lawyer's writing ignored body of work (10)","output":"### Answer: PROSECUTOR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Lawyer\n\n**PROSE** (\"writing\") + **CUT** (\"ignored\") + [*body of*] (w)**OR**(k)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Shell's concession involving summons (7)","output":"### Answer: SCALLOP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Shell\n\n**SOP **(\"concession\") *involving* **CALL** (\"summons\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What is true, notwithstanding a bit of fiction? (7)","output":"### Answer: FACTUAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: What is true, notwithstanding a bit of fiction?\n\n**ACTUAL** (\"true\") with [*a bit of*] **F**(iction) and &lit."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: State blocks 60% of press articles (6)","output":"### Answer: ESSAYS \n ### Explanation: Definition: articles\n\n**SAY** (\"state\") *blocks* [*60% of*] (pr)**ESS"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Refuse to reduce debt and risk (6)","output":"### Answer: DEBRIS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Refuse\n\n[*to reduce*] **DEB**(t) + **RIS**(k)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Error made by football manager last month (5)","output":"### Answer: FAULT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Error\n\n**FA** (Football Association, organisation that \"manages football\" in England) + **ULT.** (an outdated term for \"last month\" in formal correspondence)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: State of several articles punctuated by large black marks (7)","output":"### Answer: ALABAMA \n ### Explanation: Definition: State\n\n**A A A A** (\"several articles\") *punctuated by*** L** (large) + **B** (black) + **M **(marks)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Decoration comprising a small circle worn by members of Royal Navy? (9)","output":"### Answer: ADORNMENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Decoration\n\n**A DOT **(\"a small circle\") *worn by* **RN MEN** (\"members of the Royal Navy\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What's used to raise army to protect Italy (5)","output":"### Answer: HOIST \n ### Explanation: Definition: What's used to raise\n\n**HOST** (\"army\") *to protect* **I **(international vehicle code for Italy)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fare from Mexico City's centre charges the earth almost (7)","output":"### Answer: BURRITO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fare from Mexico\n\n(c)**IT**(y) [*'s centre*] *charges* **BURRO**(w) (\"earth\", *almost*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rallied American behind me, turned and ran (9)","output":"### Answer: ASSEMBLED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Rallied\n\n**ASS** (\"American behind\") + [*turned*] **<=ME** + **BLED** (\"ran\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bias in operation is intimidating (7,2)","output":"### Answer: LEANING ON \n ### Explanation: Definition: intimidating\n\n**LEANING** (\"bias\") + **ON** (\"in operation\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Complain beautiful woman has commandeered vessel briefly (9)","output":"### Answer: BELLYACHE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Complain\n\n**BELLE** (\"beautiful woman\")* has commandeered* **YACH**(t) (\"vessel\", *briefly*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Spooner's only greeting is indiscriminate (9)","output":"### Answer: WHOLESALE \n ### Explanation: Definition: \n\nFor Spooner, **SOLE HAIL** (\"only greeting\") may have come out as HOLE SAIL (homophone of WHOLESALE)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hotel abandons seemingly spartan floor (7)","output":"### Answer: NONPLUS \n ### Explanation: Definition: floor\n\nH (hotel) *abandons* **NON-PLUS**(h) (\"seemingly spartan\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Whistleblower recalled being filled with desire to cause embarrassment (7)","output":"### Answer: FLUSTER \n ### Explanation: Definition: to cause embarrassment\n\n**<=REF** (\"whistleblower\", recalled) *being filled with* **LUST** (\"desire\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Substitute player who's paid by year (5)","output":"### Answer: PROXY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Substitute\n\n**PRO** (\"player who's paid\") + **X** (\"by\" as in 4 x 4) + **Y** (year)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sanctions really limiting pointless dialogue after revolution (5)","output":"### Answer: OKAYS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Sanctions\n\n**<=(SO** (\"really\") *limiting* **YAK** (\"pointless dialogue\"), *after revolution*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Favoured puritan concealing repulsive ends occasionally (10)","output":"### Answer: PRIVILEGED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Favoured\n\n**PRIG** (\"puritan\") *concealing* **VILE** (\"repulsive\") + **E**(n)**D**(s) [*occasionally*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Motley Crue ultimately in decline \u2013 it's over (4)","output":"### Answer: PIED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Motley\n\n(cru)**E** [*ultimately*] *in* **<=DIP** (\"decline\", *over*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pass from 8's number 7 in 1966 (4)","output":"### Answer: BALL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Pass\n\nDouble definition, the first relating to a pass in football and the second to Alan Ball, who was England's No 7 in the 199 World Cup Final."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Say at exhibition centre salesperson returned profit (10)","output":"### Answer: PERCENTAGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: profit\n\n**<=(e.g.** (\"say\") + **AT** + **NEC** (National Exhibition Centre) + **REP** (\"salesperson\"), *returned*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: London thoroughfare: bear right to make entry (6)","output":"### Answer: STRAND \n ### Explanation: Definition: London thoroughfare\n\n**STAND** (\"bear\") with **R** (right) *making entry"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Message from Mrs Simpson allowed to be read back (8)","output":"### Answer: TELEGRAM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Message\n\n**<=(MARGE** (\"Mrs Simpson\" on TV) +** LET** (\"allowed\")) [*to be read back*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Looks around old place adjoining extremely deficient forest? (8)","output":"### Answer: EXPLORES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Looks around\n\n**EX** (\"old\") + **Pl.** (place) *adjoining* [*extremely deficient*] (f)**ORES**(t)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Be jogger? It's no good without kit (4)","output":"### Answer: NUDE \n ### Explanation: Definition: without kit \n\n**NUD**(g)**E** (\"be jogger\") with *no* G (good)\n \n\n \n*The jogger in the clue is someone who jogs the memory."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Port served in a speakeasy? (4)","output":"### Answer: ADEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Port\n\n**A **+ **DEN** (\"speakeasy\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: On warpath in uniform, spike the guns (2,2,4)","output":"### Answer: UP IN ARMS \n ### Explanation: Definition: On warpath\n\n**U** (uniform, in the phonetic alphabet) + **PIN** (\"spike\") + **ARMS** (\"the guns\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Surprise greatly \u2013 like 3? (8)","output":"### Answer: ASTONISH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Surprise greatly\n\nThe 3 refers to VILLA (the solution to 3dn). ASTON Villa are a football team, so **ASTONISH **could be \"like Aston (Villa)\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Audacious in drag when dancing (6)","output":"### Answer: DARING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Audacious\n\n***(in drag)** [anag:*when dancing*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bat droppings all around hit American in Cuban city (10)","output":"### Answer: GUANTANAMO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Cuban city\n\n**GUANO** (\"bat droppings\")* all around ***TAN** (\"hit\") + **Am.** (American)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fuddy-duddy vaguely remembered losing a grand (4)","output":"### Answer: FOGY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fuddy-duddy\n\n**FO**(g)**GY** (\"vaguely remembered\") *losing a* G (grand)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: British always getting pint (4)","output":"### Answer: BEER \n ### Explanation: Definition: pint\n\n**B** (British) + **E'ER** (ever, so \"always\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stormy weather set for ducks? (10)","output":"### Answer: SWEETHEART \n ### Explanation: Definition: ducks?\n\n***(weather set)** [anag:*stormy*]\n \n\n \n\"Ducks\" is sometimes a term of endearment."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Reportedly travelled zigzag courses \u2013 imposition on driver? (4,3)","output":"### Answer: ROAD TAX \n ### Explanation: Definition: imposition on driver?\n\nHomophone [*reportedly*] of **RODE** (\"travelled\") + **TACKS** (\"zigzag courses\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Holiday home in very rough area (5)","output":"### Answer: VILLA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Holiday home\n\n**V** (very) + **ILL** (\"rough\") + **A** (area)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Circuit record where one takes first place in concise style (8)","output":"### Answer: LAPIDARY \n ### Explanation: Definition: in concise style\n\n**LAP** (\"circuit\") + (**I**)**D**(i)**ARY** (\"record\" (diary) with I (one) taking first place)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: 8 20 has tough target after beating Spain (6,9)","output":"### Answer: GARETH SOUTHGATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: 8 20\n\n***(has tough target) **[anag:*after beating*] + **E** (international vehicle registration for \"Spain\")\n \n\n \n*The 8 20 in the clue refers to the solutions to 8dn and 20dn."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lives comfortably in Dumfries's outskirts (6)","output":"### Answer: DWELLS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Lives\n\n**WELL** (\"comfortably\") *in* **D**(umfrie)**S** [*'s outskirts*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: American region: area thrice opting out (9)","output":"### Answer: PATAGONIA \n ### Explanation: Definition: American region\n\n***(aaa opting)** [anag:*out*] where AAA is A (area) *thrice"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Glenda Jackson finally restored country (7)","output":"### Answer: ENGLAND \n ### Explanation: Definition: country\n\n***(glenda n)** [anag:*restored*] where N is (Jackso)N [*finally*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Laird wants hill encircled by road and river (9)","output":"### Answer: LANDOWNER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Laird\n\n**DOWN** (\"hill\") *encircled by* **LANE** (\"road\") *and* **R** (river)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: So doctor about to crack clue: the last (8)","output":"### Answer: HINDMOST \n ### Explanation: Definition: the last\n\n**<=(SO** + **MD** (Doctor \"of Medicine\", *about*) *to crack* **HINT** (\"clue\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Row D is located above E (7)","output":"### Answer: DISPUTE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Row\n\n**D** + **IS** + **PUT** (\"located\") *above*** E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Staff argue regularly and run for supervisor (7)","output":"### Answer: MANAGER \n ### Explanation: Definition: supervisor\n\n**MAN** (\"staff\") +** A**(r)**G**(u)**E** [regularly] + **R** (run)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Essential elements in six stories English banned (6)","output":"### Answer: VITALS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Essential elements\n\n**VI** (six, in Roman numerals) + **TAL**(e)**S** (\"stories\" with E (English) banned)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Security provider with stock to plunder (5)","output":"### Answer: RIFLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Security provider with stock\n\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Trim round notice for procession (6)","output":"### Answer: PARADE \n ### Explanation: Definition: procession\n\n**PARE** (\"trim\") *round* **AD** (\"notice\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Screams, mixed up with a slaughter (8)","output":"### Answer: MASSACRE \n ### Explanation: Definition: slaughter\n\n***(screams a)** [anag:*mixed up*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: To line, add a new tree (5)","output":"### Answer: ROWAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: tree\n\n*Add* **A** + **N** (new) *to* **ROW** (\"line\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Manipulator jerks toe in a very big way (9)","output":"### Answer: OSTEOPATH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Manipulator\n\n***(toe)** [anag:*jerks*] *in* **OS** (outsized, so \"very big\") + **PATH** (\"way\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: House arrest restricts woman's assembly (9)","output":"### Answer: GATHERING \n ### Explanation: Definition: assembly\n\n**GATING** (\"house arrest\") *restricts* **HER** (\"woman's\")\n \n\n \n*Gating is a punishment at public schools, a bit like grounding."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: As medic, I locate some back pain (5)","output":"### Answer: COLIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: pain\n\nHidden backwards [*some back*] in \"medi**C I LOC**ate\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Even Shylock didn't demand this extravagant payment (2,3,3,1,3)","output":"### Answer: AN ARM AND A LEG \n ### Explanation: Definition: extravagant payment\n\nIn *The Merchant of Venice*, Shylock only requested a pound of flesh."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hedge a market, struggling to succeed (4,3,5)","output":"### Answer: MAKE THE GRADE \n ### Explanation: Definition: to succeed\n\n***(hedge a market) **[anag:*struggling*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Monsters making a lot of progress (5)","output":"### Answer: OGRES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Monsters\n\nHidden in [*making a lot of*] \"pr**OGRES**s\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Prohibit giving publicity to old writer (9)","output":"### Answer: PROSCRIBE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Prohibit\n\n**PR** (public relations, so \"publicity\") *to* **O** (old) + **SCRIBE** (\"writer\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One gets severe criticism here, where wine is corked (2,3,4)","output":"### Answer: IN THE NECK \n ### Explanation: Definition: One gets severe criticism here\n\n\"get it in the neck\" means to be criticised."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Feature on a country (5)","output":"### Answer: CHINA \n ### Explanation: Definition: country\n\n**CHIN** (facial \"feature\") *on* **A "} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Reprimand, as Conservative holds site for redevelopment (8)","output":"### Answer: CHASTISE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Reprimand\n\n**C** (Conservative) + **HAS** (\"holds\")** *(site)** [anag:*for development*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fungal infection beginning to weaken otter at sea (3,3)","output":"### Answer: WET ROT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fungal infection\n\n[*beginning to*] **W**(eaken) + ***(otter)** [anag:*at sea*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Land soldier who's dropped, not straight, clutching uniform (8)","output":"### Answer: PARAGUAY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Land\n\n**PARA**(trooper) (\"soldier who's dropped\") + **GAY** (\"not straight\") *clutching* **U** (uniform, in the phonetic alphabet)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Having drunk water, ask for bloody food (3,5)","output":"### Answer: RAW STEAK \n ### Explanation: Definition: bloody food \n\n***(water ask)** [anag:*drunk*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Poet sounds exhausted (5)","output":"### Answer: DONNE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Poet\n\nHomophone [*sounds*] of **DONE** (\"exhausted\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Album full of possibly illegible signs? (9,4)","output":"### Answer: AUTOGRAPH BOOK \n ### Explanation: Definition: Album full of possibly illegible signs?\n\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: But there is no whisky in this bar snack (6,3)","output":"### Answer: SCOTCH EGG \n ### Explanation: Definition: But there is no whisky in this bar snack\n\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Baby's bed, which is let down from top of building (6)","output":"### Answer: CRADLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Baby's bed\n\nDouble definition, the second referring to a gondola used by maintenance people and window cleaners on tall buildings."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Moral behaviour from the start in every true heart, it's common sense (6)","output":"### Answer: ETHICS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Moral behaviour\n\n[*the start in*] **E**(very) **T**(rue) **H**(eart) **I**(t's) **C**(ommon) **S**(ense)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Train expert in roses in a different way (6,7)","output":"### Answer: ORIENT EXPRESS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Train\n\n***(expert in roses)** [anag:*in a different way*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Statesmen changed limit on welfare (5,4)","output":"### Answer: MEANS TEST \n ### Explanation: Definition: limit on welfare\n\n***(statesmen)** [anag:*changed*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Witch's cat perhaps may be very recognisable (8)","output":"### Answer: FAMILIAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Witch's cat perhaps\n\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Appropriate vehicle hired again outside (8)","output":"### Answer: RELEVANT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Appropriate\n\n**RELET** (\"hired again\") *outside* **VAN** (\"vehicle\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Where a virgin is after a lion? (6)","output":"### Answer: ZODIAC \n ### Explanation: Definition: Where a virgin is after a lion?\n\nVirgo follows Leo in the astrological calendar."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: South African plant makes for refreshing drink (6)","output":"### Answer: PROTEA \n ### Explanation: Definition: South African plant\n\n**PRO** (\"for\") + **TEA** (\"refreshing drink\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One saddled with a set of songs (5)","output":"### Answer: CYCLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: One saddled\n\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Head appearing stoned in India, back in the day? (5,2,3,5)","output":"### Answer: JEWEL IN THE CROWN \n ### Explanation: Definition: India, back in the day?\n\nJEWEL (\"stone\") IN THE CROWN (\"head\") \n \n\n \n*During the days of the British Empire, India was seen as the most valuable of Britain's overseas \"assets\", and was nicknamed the Jewel in the Crown."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Robber gang seizing equipment (7)","output":"### Answer: BRIGAND \n ### Explanation: Definition: Robber\n\n**BAND** (\"gang\") *seizing* **RIG** (\"equipment\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Change down into this mean outfit (3,4)","output":"### Answer: LOW GEAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Change down into this\n\n**LOW** (\"mean\") + **GEAR** (\"outfit\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: In grief stop listening (3)","output":"### Answer: WOE \n ### Explanation: Definition: grief\n\nHomophone [*listening*] of **WHOA** (\"stop\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Better grind out time in the middle here? (5,6)","output":"### Answer: TRENT BRIDGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: time in the middle here?\n\n***(better grind)** [anag:*out*] \n \n\n \n*Trent Bridge is a cricket ground in Nottingham, and spending time in the middle refers to batting."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Believe me, if you have a hearing impairment \u2026 (4,2,4)","output":"### Answer: READ MY LIPS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Believe me\n\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One bound to be partial to browser (Firefox) (4)","output":"### Answer: SERF \n ### Explanation: Definition: One bound\n\nHidden in [*to be partial t*o] \"brow**SER F**irefox\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: African is talking to whom? (4)","output":"### Answer: HUTU \n ### Explanation: Definition: African\n\nHomophone [*talking*] of **WHO TO** (\"to whom\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Young Australian? He must be about 70! (4,6)","output":"### Answer: BABY BOOMER \n ### Explanation: Definition: He must be about 70!\n\nA boomer is a kangaroo, so I suppose a **BABY BOOMER** could be described as a \"young Australian\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old reptile's power badly tore foot (11)","output":"### Answer: PTERODACTYL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Old reptile\n\n**P** (power) + ***(tore)** [anag:*badly*] + **DACTYL** (\"foot\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Black for one short layer of coal (3)","output":"### Answer: SEA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Black for one\n\n[*short*] **SEA**(m) (\"layer of coal\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Parking not easy to get in van or car (7)","output":"### Answer: HARDTOP \n ### Explanation: Definition: van or car\n\nIf it's **HARD TO P**(ark), then \"parking's not easy\")\n \n\n \n*This is a bit convoluted as P stands for PARKING, not PARK, and so the clue's grammar doesn't really work properly."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Scrap broadcast about jazz (7)","output":"### Answer: RAGTIME \n ### Explanation: Definition: jazz\n\n**RAG** (\"scrap\") + **<=EMIT **(\"broadcast\", *about*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Saying pale child, name concealed, is perhaps now 11 books ahead (5,3,4,3)","output":"### Answer: WASTE NOT WANT NOT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Saying\n\nWAN (\"pale\") + TOT (\"child\") with N (name) concealed, but I can't parse the rest."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Proper wages for unhelpful official (9)","output":"### Answer: JOBSWORTH \n ### Explanation: Definition: unhelpful official\n\nIf you're given \"proper wages\" you're getting what the **JOB'S WORTH"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mounting a stage that is wide, making a bloomer (7)","output":"### Answer: WEIGELA \n ### Explanation: Definition: a bloomer\n\n[*mounting*] **<=(A **+ **LEG** (\"stage\") + **I.E**. (id east, so \"that is\") + **W** (wide, in cricket))\n \n\n \n*Weigela is a flowering shrub with white, pink or purple flowers."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Length of wait spelled out in detail, maybe to extremes (4,4)","output":"### Answer: LEAD TIME \n ### Explanation: Definition: Length of wait\n\n***(detail)** [anag:*spelled out*] +** M**(ayb)**E** [*to extremes*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Elbow say brownish, seen from underneath (5)","output":"### Answer: NUDGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Elbow\n\n**<=(E.G.** (\"say\") + **DUN** (\"brownish\"), *seen from underneath*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Serious consequences as that fellow will always secure first place (4,2,3)","output":"### Answer: HELL TO PAY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Serious consequences\n\n**HE'LL** (\"that fellow will\") + **AY** (\"always\") *securing* **TOP** (\"first place\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: No hero takes care of a room full of the sick (6)","output":"### Answer: COWARD \n ### Explanation: Definition: No hero\n\n**C\/O** (\"care of\") + **WARD** (\"room full of the sick\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: More than time one was put on to bowl? (7)","output":"### Answer: OVERDUE \n ### Explanation: Definition: More than time one was put on to bowl?\n\nIn cricket, if a bowler has not been used for a while then his **OVER** may be **DUE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Viking raid \u2014 no help is secured by hooter (5)","output":"### Answer: NORSE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Viking\n\n**R**(aid) (no aid (\"help\"))* secured by* **NOSE** (\"hooter\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Owns article one sort of dog ate, so getting another dog (5,4)","output":"### Answer: LHASA APSO \n ### Explanation: Definition: another dog\n\n**LAP**(dog) *ate* **HAS** (\"owns) + **A** (\"article\"), + **SO"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Definite final word: leader in television is Sky (9)","output":"### Answer: FIRMAMENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Sky\n\n**FIRM** (\"definite\") + **AMEN** (\"final word\") + [*leader in*] **T**(elevision)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Protein in body once developed to limit rising bile (8)","output":"### Answer: COLLAGEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Protein in body\n\n***(once)** [anag:*developed*] *to limit* [*rising*] **<=GALL** (\"bile\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ultimately smart suit needed for creative activities (3,4)","output":"### Answer: THE ARTS \n ### Explanation: Definition: creative activities\n\n[*ultimately*] (smar)**T** + **HEARTS** (\"suit\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: In bombing raid perhaps, fail to wipe out southern end of Scottish island (7)","output":"### Answer: MISSION \n ### Explanation: Definition: bombing raid perhaps\n\n**MISS** (\"fail\") t*o wipe out southern end of* **ION**(a) [\"*Scottish island*\"]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Raised mark on skin round dry blotchy area (6)","output":"### Answer: MOTTLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: blotchy area\n\n**MOLE** (\"raised mark on skin\") *round* **TT** (teetotal, so \"dry\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Contemptuous expression puts playwright under pressure (5)","output":"### Answer: PSHAW \n ### Explanation: Definition: Contemptuous expression\n\n(George Bernard) **SHAW** (\"playwright\") *under* **P** (pressure)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cast finished speaking (5)","output":"### Answer: THREW \n ### Explanation: Definition: Cast\n\nHomophone [*speaking*] of **THROUGH** (\"finished\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Think Britain has terrible wet weather (10)","output":"### Answer: BRAINSTORM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Think\n**B** (Britain) *has* **RAINSTORM** (\"terrible weather\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Blue drinks bottles where rubbish is left (4,2,3,5)","output":"### Answer: DOWN IN THE DUMPS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Blue\n**DOWNS** (\"drinks\") *bottles* **IN THE DUMP** (\"where rubbish is left\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Writer about to conclude clear novel (2,5)","output":"### Answer: LE CARRE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Writer\n**RE** (\"about\") *to conclude ****(clear)** [anag:*novel*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Weaselly type of European given lash (7)","output":"### Answer: POLECAT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Weaselly type\n**POLE** (\"European\") *given* **CAT** (\"lash\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Manoeuvring has begun to secure duke one minor title (10)","output":"### Answer: SUBHEADING \n ### Explanation: Definition: minor title\n***(has begun) **[anag:*maneouvring*] *to secure* **D** (duke) + **I **(one)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Strokes leopards around the middle (3)","output":"### Answer: PAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Strokes\n*Around* (i.e. roughly) *the middle of* \"leo**PAR**ds\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Seeing daughter feeling animosity towards Cockney (6)","output":"### Answer: DATING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Seeing\n**D** (daughter) + **'ATING** (\"feeling animosity towards\", in the style of a *Cockney* (i.e. dropping the H))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: How many driving aids there are on the wagon (8)","output":"### Answer: TEETOTAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: on the wagon\nThe **TOTAL** number of **TEE**s is \"how many driving aids there are\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Anchor to remain beside sea (8)","output":"### Answer: MAINSTAY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Anchor\n**STAY** (\"to remain\") *beside* **MAIN** (\"sea\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Might they be cool by river, beginning to soak? (6)","output":"### Answer: HIPPOS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Might they be cool by river, beginning to soak?\n**HIP** (\"cool\") *by* **PO** (\"river\") + [*beginning to*] **S**(oak) and semi &lit."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One known for fighting got off without time (3)","output":"### Answer: ALI \n ### Explanation: Definition: One known for fighting\n**ALI**(t) (\"got off\" the ground) without T"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Struggling pub calling for training targeted at issue (10)","output":"### Answer: UPBRINGING \n ### Explanation: Definition: training targeted at issue\n***(pub) **[anag:*struggling*] + **RINGING** (\"calling\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Maybe Gary Lineker is a menace to the game! (7)","output":"### Answer: POACHER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Maybe Gary Lineker\nDouble definition, the first referring to a footballer who scores goals by spending a lot of time in the penalty area, as Gary Lineker did, and the second referring to people who shoot game illegally."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Show eg obstetrician medical procedure for delivery (7)","output":"### Answer: AIRDROP \n ### Explanation: Definition: delivery\n**AIR** (\"show\") + **Dr. **(doctor, so \"e.g. obstetrician\") + **OP** (operation, so \"medical procedure\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Etonian PM partied energetically, covering this up (4)","output":"### Answer: EDEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Etonian PM\nHidden [*covering this up*] in \"parti**ED EN**ergetically\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fast runner to run fast (4)","output":"### Answer: BOLT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fast runner\nDouble definition, the first referring to Jamaican sprinter, Usain Bolt."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Reckon a number gets divided by one hundred (7)","output":"### Answer: ACCOUNT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Reckon\n**A** + **COUNT** (\"number\") *gets divided by*** C** (one hundred, in Roman numerals)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Partners who bid for a literary work (5,3,5)","output":"### Answer: NORTH AND SOUTH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Partners who bid\nDouble definition, the first referring to the game of bridge, and the second to an 1854 novel by Elizabeth Gaskell"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Coppers gained by redistribution of wealth (3,3)","output":"### Answer: THE LAW \n ### Explanation: Definition: Coppers\n***(wealth)** [anag:*redistribution of*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Grass skirts couple stitched up (8)","output":"### Answer: REPAIRED \n ### Explanation: Definition: stitched up\n**REED** (\"grass\") *skirts* **PAIR** (\"couple\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Head's back in charge, firm about position (7)","output":"### Answer: OCCIPUT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Head\n**<=(IC** (in charge) + **Co**. (company, so \"firm\"), *about*) + **PUT** (\"position\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Scientist's funny turn, penning article on stars (10)","output":"### Answer: NATURALIST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Scientist\n***(turn)** [anag:*funny*] *penning*** A** *on* **A-LIST** (\"stars\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Like a thief with torch, say, implicated in crime (5-8)","output":"### Answer: LIGHT-FINGERED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Like a thief\n**LIGHT** (\"torch\") + **FINGERED** (\"implicated in crime\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Chap's outstanding feature very gently covered in water (5,5)","output":"### Answer: ADAM\u2019S APPLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Chap's outstanding feature\n**PP** (pianissimo, in music notation, so \"very gently) *covered in* **ADAM'S ALE** (\"water\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: President's vehicle to get hot, storing energy (3,5)","output":"### Answer: VAN BUREN \n ### Explanation: Definition: President\n**VAN** (\"vehicle\") + **BURN** (\"to get hot\") *storing* **E** (energy) \n\u00a0\n \n*Martin van Buren was the 8th president of the United States."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ape is that thing found in India and China (7)","output":"### Answer: IMITATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Ape\n**IT **(\"that thing\") *found in* **I** (India) *and* **MATE** (\"china\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Item used to cook good stuff \u2013 it's very characterful! (7)","output":"### Answer: PANGRAM \n ### Explanation: Definition: it's very characterful\n**PAN** (\"item used to cook\") + **G** (good) + **RAM** (\"stuff\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Year oddly in free hotel in the capital (6)","output":"### Answer: RIYADH \n ### Explanation: Definition: capital\n**Y**(e)**A**(r) [*oddly*] *in* **RID** (\"free\") + **H** (hotel)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Opening words of \"Ode to a Manx Cat\", perhaps, in this work (4)","output":"### Answer: OPUS \n ### Explanation: Definition: work\nThe opening words of \"Ode to a Manx Cat\" may be **O, PUS**(s) (Manx, indicating that the PUS(s) has no tail."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Image of Bill deep in conversation (7)","output":"### Answer: TABLEAU \n ### Explanation: Definition: Image\n\n**TAB** (\"bill\") + homophone [*in conversation*] of **LOW** (\"deep\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Prince's saying more protection (7)","output":"### Answer: PADDING \n ### Explanation: Definition: protection\n\n**P** (prince) + **ADDING** (\"saying more\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Simpson losing head in drinking spree? He may be a facilitator (9)","output":"### Answer: BARTENDER \n ### Explanation: Definition: He may be a facilitator\n\n(b)**ART** (Simpson)* losing head in* **BENDER** (\"drinking spree\")\n \n\n \n*A bartender may facilitate a drinking spree."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Current resistance breaking around capital (5)","output":"### Answer: ACCRA \n ### Explanation: Definition: capital\n\n**A\/C** (alternating \"current\") + **R** (resistance) *breaking* **Ca.** (circa, so \"around\")\n \n\n \n*Accra is the capital of Ghana."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Spat hard bit of sausage out (4)","output":"### Answer: TIFF \n ### Explanation: Definition: Spat\n\n(s)**TIFF** (\"hard\" with [*bit of*] S(ausage) *out*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bighead Romeo coming in \u2014 he loves being on the job (10)","output":"### Answer: ERGOMANIAC \n ### Explanation: Definition: he loves being on the job\n\n**EGOMANIAC** (\"bighead\") with **R** (Romeo, in the phonetic alphabet)* coming in"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Island that's good for religious leader (6)","output":"### Answer: MULLAH \n ### Explanation: Definition: religious leader\n\n**MULL** (Scottish \"island\") + **AH**! (\"that's good!\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Singer Jones carries on, not yet proven (7)","output":"### Answer: ALLEGED \n ### Explanation: Definition: not yet proven\n\n**ALED** (Jones, \"singer\" and TV presenter) *carries* **LEG** (the \"on\" side in cricket)\n \n\n \n*For non-UK solvers, who may have seen the TV animated adaptation of Raymond Briggs' *The Snowman *(a Christmas staple here), Aled Jones was the treble voice who sang *Walking in the Air *(the song also reached No 5 in the UK charts in 1985) His daughter Emilia was recently nominated for an Oscar for her role in CODA."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Killer from Portugal caught \u2014 arrested by state police (7,4)","output":"### Answer: PRUSSIC ACID \n ### Explanation: Definition: Killer\n\n**P** (Portugal) + **C** (caught, in cricket) **arrested by** **RUSSIA** (\"state\") + **CID** (Criminal Investigation Department, so \"police\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Maybe you can finally, you said, have children? Not so! (6)","output":"### Answer: EUNUCH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Maybe you can finally, you said, have children? Not so!\n\n(mayb)**E** (yo)**U** (ca)**N** [finally] + homophone [*said*] of **YOU** + **Ch**. (children) and semi &lit."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Physical coming-together? Duke is accepting restraint on movement (10)","output":"### Answer: FISTICUFFS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Physical coming-together?\n\n**FIST** (\"duke\", as in the expression, \"put your dukes up\") + **IS** *accepting* **CUFF** (\"restraint on movement\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Vicar obliged to hold tree (5)","output":"### Answer: CAROB \n ### Explanation: Definition: tree\n\nHidden in [*to hold*] \"vi**CAR OB**liged\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Take off after sign of approval \u2014 lounge finally is carpeted (6,3)","output":"### Answer: TICKED OFF \n ### Explanation: Definition: carpeted\n\n**DOFF** (\"take off\") *after* **TICK** (\"sign of approval\") + (loung)**E** [*finally*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Comic actor's hugging widow (who might get the hump) (7)","output":"### Answer: DOWAGER \n ### Explanation: Definition: widow (\n\n**DOER** (\"actor\") *hugging* **WAG** (\"comic\")\n \n\n \n*A dowager's hump is a curvature of the spine below the neck."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: English poet who's liable to lash out? (7)","output":"### Answer: SPENDER \n ### Explanation: Definition: English poet\n\nDouble definition, the first referring to Stephen Spender, the second to someone who likes to spend money."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Thailand? I'm confident it's mainly Buddhist (5)","output":"### Answer: TIBET \n ### Explanation: Definition: it's mainly Buddhist\n\n**T** (Thailand) + **I BET** (\"I'm confident\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Time went quickly when discussing complaint (4,3)","output":"### Answer: BIRD FLU \n ### Explanation: Definition: complaint\n\n**BIRD** (\"time\" in prison) + homophone [*when discussing*] of **FLEW** (\"went quickly\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Incident not beginning in Trafalgar Square (4)","output":"### Answer: EVEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Square\n\n**EVEN**(t) (\"incident\" but *not* the [*beginning in*] T(rafalgar))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sale's not open? (5,3,7)","output":"### Answer: UNDER THE COUNTER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Sale's not open?\n\nAn \"under the counter\" transaction is not normally one that takes place out in the open."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Coffee planters destroyed son's private property (8,7)","output":"### Answer: PERSONAL EFFECTS \n ### Explanation: Definition: private property\n\n***(coffee planters)** [anag:*destroyed*] + **S** (son)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fail to pick prize up \u2014 fifty in stock (4,1,5)","output":"### Answer: DRAW A BLANK \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fail\n\n[*pick up*] **<=AWARD** (\"prize\") + **L **(fifty, in Roman numerals) *in* **BANK** (\"stock\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Really wanting bishop to avoid making spiteful comments (7)","output":"### Answer: ITCHING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Really wanting\n\n(b)**ITCHING** (\"making spiteful comments\") *avoided* by B (bishop)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Looked good impaled (7)","output":"### Answer: GLANCED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Looked\n\n**G** (good) + **LANCED** (\"impaled\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stig mostly capable racing around though it's not good for the environment (7,3)","output":"### Answer: PLASTIC BAG \n ### Explanation: Definition: it's not good for the environment\n\n***(stig capabl) **[anag:*racing around*] where CAPABL is [*mostly*] CAPABL(e)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Female, one in school, is looking humourless (2-5)","output":"### Answer: PO-FACED \n ### Explanation: Definition: looking humourless\n\n**F** (female) + **ACE** (\"one\") *in* **POD** (\"school\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Open hosting North American team (7)","output":"### Answer: UNSCREW \n ### Explanation: Definition: Open\n\n**US** (\"American\") *hosting* **N** (North) + **CREW** (\"team\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: His missus being unfaithful makes him horny (7)","output":"### Answer: CUCKOLD \n ### Explanation: Definition: His missus being unfaithful\n\nThe expression, \"to wear the horns\" means to be cuckolded."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Kill fellow getting closer outside (2,3)","output":"### Answer: DO FOR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Kill\n\n**F **(fellow) *getting* **DOOR** (\"closer\") *outside"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Told Pip to give up (4)","output":"### Answer: CEDE \n ### Explanation: Definition: to give up\n\nHomophone [*told*] of **SEED** (\"pip\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fix stamp on and he delivers (7)","output":"### Answer: POSTMAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: he delivers\n\n***(stamp on) **[anag:*fix*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Everything in programme's lacking depth (7)","output":"### Answer: SHALLOW \n ### Explanation: Definition: lacking depth\n\n**ALL** (\"everything\") *in* **SHOW** (\"programme\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Delight in lute playing to eat by (5)","output":"### Answer: EXULT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Delight\n\n***(lute) **[anag:playing] *to eat* **X** (multiplied or \"by\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Finally get judge's agreement \u2013 court to stop road intersection (1-8)","output":"### Answer: T-JUNCTION \n ### Explanation: Definition: road intersection\n\n[*finally*] (ge)**T** + **J** (Judge) + **CT.** (court) *to stop* **UNION** (\"agreement\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Prompts EU action at the highest level (9)","output":"### Answer: UPPERMOST \n ### Explanation: Definition: at the highest level\n\n***(prompts eu)** [anag:*action*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Notice odd parts of dot-com on increase (3,2)","output":"### Answer: ADD TO \n ### Explanation: Definition: increase\n\n**AD** (\"notice\") + [*odd parts of*] **D**(o)**T**(c)**O**(m)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Enjoyed Conservative leaving beaten (5)","output":"### Answer: LIKED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Enjoyed\n\nC (Conservative) *leaving* **LI**(c)**KED** (\"beaten\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Recall artist repaired organ that's church's pride (9)","output":"### Answer: ARROGANCE \n ### Explanation: Definition: pride\n\n[**recall**] **<=R.A.** (member of the Royal Academy, so \"artist\") + ***(organ)** [anag:*repaired*] + **CE** (\"Church\" of England)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Drink ale the bar brewed (6,3)","output":"### Answer: HERBAL TEA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Drink\n\n***(ale the bar)** [anag:*brewed*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Grassed areas have new rules to comprehend (5)","output":"### Answer: LAWNS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Grassed areas\n\n**N** (new) *comprehended* (as in \"grasped\") by **LAWS** (\"rules\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Barbecue half of grub poorly (5)","output":"### Answer: GRILL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Barbecue\n\n[*half of*] **GR**(ub) + **ILL** (\"poorly\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tip liquid in basin drain regularly, it gives a nice smell (3,6)","output":"### Answer: POT POURRI \n ### Explanation: Definition: it gives a nice smell\n\n**POUR** (\"tip liquid\") *in* **POT** (\"basin\") + (d)**R**(a)**I**(n) [*regularly*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ease brief passage through the borders (9)","output":"### Answer: ALLEVIATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Ease\n\n[*brief*] **ALLE**(y) (\"passage\") + **VIA** (\"through\") + **T**(h)**E** [*borders*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Endlessly laud revolutionary country in poem (5)","output":"### Answer: HAIKU \n ### Explanation: Definition: poem\n\n[*endlessly*] **HAI**(l) (\"laud\") + [*revolutionary*] **<=U.K.** (\"country\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: 500 images initially spread out for exhibition (7)","output":"### Answer: DISPLAY \n ### Explanation: Definition: exhibition\n\n**D** (500 in Ruman numerals) +** I**(mages) [*initially*] + **SPLAY** (\"spread out\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Expect payment to protect mineral deposits (7)","output":"### Answer: FORESEE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Expect\n\n**FEE** (\"payment\") *to protect* **ORES** (\"mineral deposits\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Backstory is Queen in Peru furious with the Spanish (7)","output":"### Answer: PREQUEL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Backstory\n\n**Q** (queen, in chess notation) *in* ***(peru)** [anag:*furious*] *with*** EL** (\"the\" in \"Spanish\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Learn to reduce jabber in card game? (4,5)","output":"### Answer: STUD POKER \n ### Explanation: Definition: card game?\n\n**STUD**(y) (\"learn\", *reduced*) + **POKER** (\"jabber\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Gauge to measure temperature rising inside (5)","output":"### Answer: METER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Gauge\n\nHidden backwards in [*rising inside*] \"measu**RE TEM**perature\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hang on! Over 100's very quick (3,2,4)","output":"### Answer: NOT SO FAST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Hang on!\n\n[*over*] **<=TON** (100) + **SO** (\"very\") + **FAST** (\"quick\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Almost certain last of group's in time for jet (5)","output":"### Answer: SPURT \n ### Explanation: Definition: jet\n\n[*almost*] **SUR**(e) (\"certain\") with [*last of*] (grou)**P** *in* + **T** (time)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Perhaps Michael's a moderate between two sides (9)","output":"### Answer: ARCHANGEL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Perhaps Michael\n\n**A **+ **CHANGE** (\"moderate\") *between* **R** + **L** (right and left, so \"two sides\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Landowner set's repressing resistance (5)","output":"### Answer: LAIRD \n ### Explanation: Definition: Landowner\n\n**LAID** (\"set\") *repressing* **R** (resistance)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Succeed in part by charming (7)","output":"### Answer: WINSOME \n ### Explanation: Definition: charming\n\n**WIN** (\"succeed\") *by* **SOME** (\"in part\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Late stage to get completely even (4,5)","output":"### Answer: DEAD LEVEL \n ### Explanation: Definition: completely even\n\n**DEAD** (\"late\") + **LEVEL** (\"stage\", as in a computer game)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Worker tucked into pan fried topside for Sunday dinner (5,4)","output":"### Answer: ROAST BEEF \n ### Explanation: Definition: Sunday dinner\n\n**BEE **(\"worker\")* tucked into* **ROAST** (\"pan\") + [*top side*]* *of* ***F**(ried)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Present rosier version, it's not a problem (2,7)","output":"### Answer: NO WORRIES \n ### Explanation: Definition: it's not a problem\n\n**NOW** (\"present\") + ***(rosier)** [anag:*version*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Difficult catching a horse that's stressed (7)","output":"### Answer: HAGGARD \n ### Explanation: Definition: stressed\n\n**HARD** (\"difficult\") catching **A** + **GG** (\"slang term for \"horse\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Makes sure you're pronounced fit (7)","output":"### Answer: SEIZURE \n ### Explanation: Definition: fit\n\nHomophone [*pronounced*] of **SEES YOU'RE** (\"makes sure you're\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Keys found in gaps between seats when heading off (5)","output":"### Answer: ISLES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Keys\n\n(a)**ISLES** (\"gaps between seats\", *heading off*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Exercise over a kilometre and you start being sick (5)","output":"### Answer: PEAKY \n ### Explanation: Definition: sick\n\n**PE** (physical \"exercise\") *over* **A** + **K** (kilometre) + **Y**(ou) [*start*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Different characters appear during psychotherapy (5)","output":"### Answer: OTHER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Different\n\nHidden in [*characters appear during*] \"psych**OTHER**apy\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: America, China and half of Russia trained Olympic athletes originally? (8)","output":"### Answer: AMATEURS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Olympic athletes originally?\n\n**A** (America) + **MATE** (\"china\", rhyming slang \u2013 china plate = mate) + ***(rus)** [anag:*trained*] where RUS is [*half of*] RUSsia"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Film soldiers returning to infiltrate security agency (6)","output":"### Answer: CINEMA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Film\n\n**<=MEN **(\"soldiers\", *returning*) *to infiltrate* **CIA** (\"security agency\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Catholic church protecting priest is thing of the past (5)","output":"### Answer: RELIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: thing of the past\n\n**RC** (Roman \"Catholic church\") *protecting* **ELI** (Old Testament \"priest\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Most unsavoury case of grift fosters corrupt relationships (9)","output":"### Answer: GROTTIEST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Most unsavoury\n\n[*case of*] **G**(rif)**T** *fosters* **ROT** (\"corrupt\") + **TIES** (\"relationships\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Start day with, for example, appearance of Venus? (7)","output":"### Answer: GODLIKE \n ### Explanation: Definition: appearance of Venus?\n\n**GO** (\"start\")** **+ **D** (day) + **LIKE** (\"for example\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Row about stray dog (7)","output":"### Answer: TERRIER \n ### Explanation: Definition: dog\n\n**TIER** (\"row\") *about* **ERR** (\"stray\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Drawing power of team member's stopping game happening (15)","output":"### Answer: DRAUGHTSMANSHIP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Drawing\n\n**MAN'S** (\"team member's\") *stopping* **DRAUGHTS** (\"game\") + **HIP** (\"happening\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rich in fat but no trace of carbohydrate or roughage (7)","output":"### Answer: OPULENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Rich\n\n(c)**O**(r)**PULENT** (\"fat\") with *no trace of* C(arbohydrate) or R(oughage)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Decent charitable spread, but no free bar (7)","output":"### Answer: ETHICAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Decent\n\n***(chaitle)** [anag:*spread*] where CHAITLE is CHA(r)IT(ab)LE without the letters of [*free*] *(bar)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: That man had initially grumbled and cursed about country's borders (9)","output":"### Answer: HEDGEROWS \n ### Explanation: Definition: country's \n\n**HE'D** (\"that man had\") + [*initially*] **G**(rumbled) + **<=SWORE **(\"cursed\", *about*)\n \n*\"Country\" in this case is \"countryside\" rather than \"nation\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Banking's not concerned with spreading misleading information (5)","output":"### Answer: LYING \n ### Explanation: Definition: spreading misleading information\n\n(re)**LYING** (\"banking\", but *not* RE (\"concerned with\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Spitting image of Quasimodo? (6)","output":"### Answer: RINGER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Spitting image\n\nDouble definition: the first is more commonly a \"dead ringer\", and the second refers to Quasimodo's job in *The Hunchback of Notre Dame*."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Consignment of aid is sent, sparking protests (8)","output":"### Answer: DISSENTS \n ### Explanation: Definition: protests\n\nHidden in [*consignment of*] \"ai**D IS SENT S**parking\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: She acts benevolently in good faith with merry disposition (5,9)","output":"### Answer: FAIRY GODMOTHER \n ### Explanation: Definition: She acts benevolently\n\n***(good faith merry)** [anag:*disposition*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unsuccessful US agent welcomes trouble (6)","output":"### Answer: FAILED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Unsuccessful\n\n**FED** (\"US agent\") *welcomes* **AIL** (\"trouble\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fine art work is attractive (8)","output":"### Answer: FETCHING \n ### Explanation: Definition: attractive\n\n**F** (fine) + **ETCHING** (\"art work\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Distress man got in after break-up (13)","output":"### Answer: FRAGMENTATION \n ### Explanation: Definition: break-up\n\n***(man got in after)** [anag:*distress*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Screen part of secret lifestyle following revolution (6)","output":"### Answer: FILTER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Screen\n\nHidden backwards in [*part of\u2026 following revolution*] \"sec**RET LIF**estyle\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Member of school admits always showing agitation (8)","output":"### Answer: FEVERISH \n ### Explanation: Definition: showing agitation\n\n**FISH** (\"member of school\") **admits** **EVER** (\"always\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Man's student, through sport, imbues article with meaning (14)","output":"### Answer: ANTHROPOLOGIST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Man's student\n\n**THRO** (\"through\") + **POLO** (\"sport\") *imbues* **AN** (\"article\") + **GIST** (\"meaning\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Inexhaustible resource that may be taken as constant (10,3)","output":"### Answer: BOTTOMLESS PIT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Inexhaustible resource\n\n**PIT, **if **BOTTOMLESS** (i.e. missing it's bottom or last letter) would be PI (\"constant\" in maths)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Generous sailor and German soldier? (8)","output":"### Answer: ABUNDANT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Generous\n\n**AB** (able-bodied seaman, so \"sailor\") + **UND** (\"and\" in \"German\") + **ANT** (\"soldier\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Person lacking belief or insight is regularly ignored and put down systematically (8)","output":"### Answer: NIHILIST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Person lacking belief\n\n(i)**N**(s)**I**(g)**H**(t)** I**(s) [**regulary ignored**] + **LIST** (\"put down systematically\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Key caught in opening of boot? (6)","output":"### Answer: EYELET \n ### Explanation: Definition: opening of boot?\n\nHomophone [*caught*] of **ISLET** (\"key\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lawyer acts for her legal right to appear in court (6)","output":"### Answer: CLIENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Lawyer acts for her\n\n**LIEN** (\"legal right\") *to appear in* **Ct.** (court)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Open golf course that's open for lunch? (8)","output":"### Answer: SANDWICH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Open golf course\n\nOne could have an \"open\" SANDWICH for lunch, and Sandwich is a golf course in Kent, more commonly known as Royal St George's, which has held the Open Championship 15 times, including last year's competition."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Channel Islands left back's parallel (6)","output":"### Answer: TROPIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: parallel\n\n**<=(CI **(Channel Islands) + **PORT** (\"left\")**)** [*back*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Instinct lacking in teacher's work (7)","output":"### Answer: TUITION \n ### Explanation: Definition: teacher's work\n\n(in)**TUITION** (\"instinct\") *lacking* IN"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Like some nails? Ring now \u2013 put in order (7)","output":"### Answer: INGROWN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Like some nails?\n\n***(ring now)** [anag:*put in order*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sandy's routine task moving round to the front (5)","output":"### Answer: OCHRE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Sandy\n\nCH(O)RE (\"routine task\") with \"round\" (O) *to the fron*t becomes **O-CHRE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rare pair of foreign articles prof examined first (9)","output":"### Answer: UNDERDONE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Rare\n\n**UN** + **DER** (\"pair of foreign articles\") + **DON** (\"prof\") + **E**(xamined) [*first*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: They could be trained as trowel- makers maybe (12)","output":"### Answer: METALWORKERS \n ### Explanation: Definition: They could be trained as trowel- makers maybe\n\n***(trowel-makers)** [anag:*trained*] and &lit.\n \n*It's a shame that KERS appears in both the fodder and the solution\u2026"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dope spread product from mill across island (12)","output":"### Answer: SCATTERBRAIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Dope\n\n**SCATTER** (\"spread\") + **BRAN** (\"product from mill\") *across*** I** (island)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: After a bath TV lord returns plant (9)","output":"### Answer: ASPARAGUS \n ### Explanation: Definition: plant\n\n*After* **A** + **SPA** (\"bath\"), **<=SUGAR** (\"TV lord\", *returns*)\n \n*The TV lord is Sir Alan Sugar, who is the entrepreneur candidates try (and often fail) to impress in *The Apprentice*."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Foxtrot with limping lover (5)","output":"### Answer: FLAME \n ### Explanation: Definition: lover\n\n**F** (foxtrot, in the phonetic alphabet) *with* **LAME** (\"limping\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Understanding's close to being achieved (7)","output":"### Answer: INSIGHT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Understanding\n\n**IN SIGHT** (\"close to being achieved\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bursts in Irish game puts United off (7)","output":"### Answer: IRRUPTS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Bursts\n\n**Ir. **(Irish) + **RU** (rugby union, so \"game\") + **P**(u)**TS** with U (United) *off"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Inferior bunch of skiers at Zermatt (6)","output":"### Answer: ERSATZ \n ### Explanation: Definition: Inferior\n\nHidden in [*bunch of*] \"ski**ERS AT Z**ermatt\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Frenchman recalled his local escape routes (8)","output":"### Answer: EGRESSES \n ### Explanation: Definition: escape routes\n\n**<=SERGE **(\"Frenchman\", *recalled*) + **SES** (\"his\" in French, so \"his local\" when referring to the Frenchman)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Meet company initially making programme (6)","output":"### Answer: SITCOM \n ### Explanation: Definition: programme\n\n**SIT** (\"meet\") + **Co.** (company) + [*initially*]** M**(aking)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Northern crews dropping first of two Arab big noises? (6)","output":"### Answer: NEIGHS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Arab big noises?\n\n**N** (Northern) + **EIGH**(t)**S** (rowing \"crews\" *dropping* [*first of*] **T**(wo))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Intense activity with new English part of competition (5,4)","output":"### Answer: WHITE HEAT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Intense activity \n\n***(with)** [anag:*new*] +** E** (English) + **HEAT** (\"part of competition\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Various arc lights on, flooding jail? No hope of exercising these privately! (8,6)","output":"### Answer: CONJUGAL RIGHTS \n ### Explanation: Definition: these\n\n***(arc lights on)** [anag:*various*] *flooding* **JUG** (\"jail\")\n \n*Again, it's a shame that the fodder and the solution share so many letters in the same order. in this case IGHTS and ON\u2026"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Message received: \"See him after jolly on brigantine, say\" (5)","output":"### Answer: ROGER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Message received\n\n**ROGER** is seen after \"jolly\" on a pirate ship (its flag being the Jolly Roger)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Concert books top female backer (8)","output":"### Answer: PROMOTER \n ### Explanation: Definition: backer\n\n**PROM** (\"concert\") + **OT** (Old Testament, so \"books\") + **ER** (Elizabeth Regina, the Queen, so \"top female\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: College needs no changes to contract (8)","output":"### Answer: CONDENSE \n ### Explanation: Definition: to contract\n\n**C** (college) + ***(needs no)** [anag:*changes*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cosmetic display or display of cosmetics? (6-8)","output":"### Answer: WINDOW-DRESSING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Cosmetic display\n\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Check army's put more beef in (9)","output":"### Answer: REINFORCE \n ### Explanation: Definition: put more beef in\n\n**REIN** (\"check\") + **FORCE** (\"army\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A nation defends popular element (8)","output":"### Answer: ASTATINE \n ### Explanation: Definition: element\n\n**A STATE** (\"nation\") *defends* **IN** (\"popular\")\n \n*Astatine (atomic no 85) is the rarest naturally occurring element in the Earth's crust."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Plucky players, rare characters abroad wearing headgear (8)","output":"### Answer: HARPISTS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Plucky player\n\n**R** (rare) + **PIs** (\"characters abroad\" i.e. in Greece) *wearing* **HATS** (\"headgear\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Oscar's successor crosses first of many small plains (6)","output":"### Answer: PAMPAS \n ### Explanation: Definition: plains\n\n**PAPA** (\"Oscar's successor\" in the phonetic alphabet) *crosses* [*first of*] **M**(any) + **S** (small)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Count is aware of being caught (6)","output":"### Answer: CENSUS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Count\n\nHomophone [*being caught*] of **SENSES** (\"is aware of\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Man of many words, I set up in arts centre (5)","output":"### Answer: ROGET \n ### Explanation: Definition: Man of many words\n\n**<=EGO** (\"I\", *set up*) *in* (a)**RT**(s) [*centre*]\n \n*Peter Mark Roget published his first thesaurus in 1852."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: For example, interrupting tardy representative (6)","output":"### Answer: LEGATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: representative\n\n**E.G.** (for example) *interrupting* **LATE** (\"tardy\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Religious alliance in turbulent age he and you'll put together (4,6)","output":"### Answer: HOLY LEAGUE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Religious alliance\n\n***(age he you'll)** [anag:*turbulent*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Closed with rite in unusual order, like monks in monastery (10)","output":"### Answer: CLOISTERED \n ### Explanation: Definition: like monks in monastery\n\n***(closed rite)** [anag:*in unusual order*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Follower of uniform writer of history? (6)","output":"### Answer: VICTOR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Follower of uniform\n\nDouble definition, the first referring to V in the phonetic alphabet and the second referring to the idea that history is written by the winners."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Like some puzzles in mathematics (8)","output":"### Answer: THEMATIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: Like some puzzles\n\nHidden [*in*] \"ma**THEMATIC**s\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Resisted leader of flock repeatedly going outside closed circle (6,3)","output":"### Answer: FENDED OFF \n ### Explanation: Definition: Resisted\n\n[*leader of*] F(lock) [repeatedly] = **FFF** *going outside* **ENDED** (\"closed\") + **O** (circle)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One old-fashioned object of veneration (4)","output":"### Answer: IDOL \n ### Explanation: Definition: object of veneration\n\n**I **(one) + ***(old)** [anag:*fashioned*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Caught, unlike priests \u2014 in court, sort of (4)","output":"### Answer: CLAY \n ### Explanation: Definition: court, sort of\n\n**C** (caught) + **LAY** (\"unlike priests\")\n \n*Tennis, especially around this time of year in the run-up to the French Open, is sometimes played on a clay court"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ecstasy among RC saints confused scriptwriter (9)","output":"### Answer: SCENARIST \n ### Explanation: Definition: scriptwriter\n\n**E** (ecstasy) *among* ***(rc saints)** [anag:*confused*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Elected with no change in Washington, pure and simple (8)","output":"### Answer: INNOCENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: pure and simple\n\n**IN** (\"elected\") *with* **NO** + **CENT** (\"change in Washington\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Figurative expressions translated by 11, 21, and 27, say, apart from first page (6)","output":"### Answer: TROPES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Figurative expressions\n\n**Tr.** (translated) *by* (p)**OPES** (\"Victor, Innocent and Martin, say\", *apart from first* P (page))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A period of fasting among sources of fruit and sweeties (10)","output":"### Answer: VALENTINES \n ### Explanation: Definition: sweeties\n\n**A** + **LENT** (\"period of fasting\") *among* **VINES** (\"sources of fruit\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: American throne for English king (4)","output":"### Answer: JOHN \n ### Explanation: Definition: American throne\n\nDouble definition, the first referring to a toilet."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Religious aid on which one can count (6)","output":"### Answer: ROSARY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Religious aid on which one can count\n\nCryptic(ish) definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Swallow cocktail the second one's left (6)","output":"### Answer: MARTIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Swallow\n\n**MARTIN**(i) (\"cocktail\", with the *second* I (one) missing [*left*])"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Like some big game one bungled in series (7)","output":"### Answer: LEONINE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Like some big game\n\n***(one)** [anag:*bundled*] *in* **LINE** (\"series\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A fifth of money put in collection so far (2,3)","output":"### Answer: AS YET \n ### Explanation: Definition: so far\n\n**A** + [*fifth of*] (mone)**Y** *put in* **SET** (\"collection\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Not successfully treated, a priest abroad died (7)","output":"### Answer: UNCURED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Not successfully treated\n\n**UN CUR\u00c9 **(\"a priest\" in French, so \"abroad\") + **D** (died)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Time to remember rising in Dublin and Rome? (6)","output":"### Answer: EASTER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Time to remember rising in Dublin and Rome?\n\nRefers to the Easter Rising of 1916 and the story of the resurrection of Jesus Christ."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A lover of priestess carrying cross for great king (9)","output":"### Answer: ALEXANDER \n ### Explanation: Definition: great king\n\n**A** + **LEANDER** (the \"lover of\" Hero, a \"priestess\" in Greek mythology) *carrying* **X** (cross)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Prophetic text in final letter going into East European port (7)","output":"### Answer: EZEKIEL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Prophetic text\n\n**Z** (\"final letter\") *going into*** E **(East) + **E **(European) + **KIEL** (German \"port\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Gift I can point out \u2014 what preacher's good at (13)","output":"### Answer: PONTIFICATING \n ### Explanation: Definition: what preacher's good at\n\n***(gift I can point) **[anag:*out*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Role for Catholic woman once in charade \u2014 a con, essentially (9)","output":"### Answer: DEACONESS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Role for Catholic woman\n\nHidden [*in*] \"chara**DE A CON ESS**entially\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Curate muddled about name for mythical creature (7)","output":"### Answer: CENTAUR \n ### Explanation: Definition: mythical creature\n\n***(curate)** [anag:*muddled*] *about* **N** (name)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Name of woman the Devil upended with triumphant expression (7)","output":"### Answer: NATASHA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Name of woman\n\n**<=SATAN** (\"the Devil\", *upturned*) *with* **HA** (\"triumphant expression\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Monarch once put foot down on female party member? (7)","output":"### Answer: STEPHEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Monarch once\n\n**STEP** (\"put foot down\") + **HEN** (\"female party member\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: First in a certain line, second cutting in \u2014 bother! (6)","output":"### Answer: PESTER \n ### Explanation: Definition: bother\n\n**S **(second) *cutting in*(to) **PETER** (\"first in a certain line\" i.e of Popes)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ring on bishop, with gemstone, ornamental article (5)","output":"### Answer: OBJET \n ### Explanation: Definition: ornamental article\n\n**O** (ring) *on* **B** (bishop) *with* **JET** (\"gemstone\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fully commit to Cenotaph being renovated in 2000? (4,7,4)","output":"### Answer: KEEP NOTHING BACK \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fully commit to\n\n***(cenotaph being)** [anag:*renovated*] *in* **KK** (2 x 1000, so \"2000\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Winning teams' advantages (7)","output":"### Answer: UPSIDES \n ### Explanation: Definition: advantages\n\n**UP** (\"winning\") + **SIDE'S** (\"team's\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Getting a stricture? Cramps? That's to do with the stomach (7)","output":"### Answer: GASTRIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: to do with the stomach\n\nHidden in [*cramps*] \"gettin**G A STRIC**ture\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Silent kid turned out most pleasant (9)","output":"### Answer: KINDLIEST \n ### Explanation: Definition: most pleasant\n\n***(silent kid)** [anag:*turned out*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Religious scholar in retirement bored by island beach location (5)","output":"### Answer: MIAMI \n ### Explanation: Definition: beach location\n\n**<=IMAM** (\"religious scholar\",* in retirement*) *bored by*** I** (island)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Vote for Leslie Scott every now and again (5)","output":"### Answer: ELECT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Vote\n\n(l)**E**(s)**L**(ie)**E** (s)**C**(o)**T**(t) [*every now and again*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fessing up \u2013 unmitigated disaster leaving EU (9)","output":"### Answer: ADMITTING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fessing up\n\n***(nmitigatd)** [anag:*disaster*] where NMTIGATD is (u)NMITIGAT(e)D with EU *leaving"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lissom, nimble naked French president shaking \u2013 a bit cold (9)","output":"### Answer: ACROBATIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: Lissom, nimble\n\n[*naked*, i.e. without covers] (Emmanuel) (m)**ACRO**(n) (\"French president\") + ***(a bit)** [anag:*shaking*] + **C** (cold)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Step back following Republican review (5)","output":"### Answer: RECAP \n ### Explanation: Definition: review\n\n**<=PACE** (\"step\", *back*) *following* **R** (Republican)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Doctor Baker's stuffing a bird (5)","output":"### Answer: DRAKE \n ### Explanation: Definition: a \n\n**Dr. **(doctor) + (b)**AKE**(r) [*'s stuffing*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: 21 mist formed stains left on the harbour wall (9)","output":"### Answer: TIDEMARKS \n ### Explanation: Definition: stains left on the harbour wall\n\n***(drake mist)** [anag:*formed*], DRAKE being the answer to \"21\" across"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Copy note found in international art gallery (7)","output":"### Answer: IMITATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Copy\n\n**MI** (\"note\") *found in* **I** (international) + **TATE** (art gallery)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Olive might be in this westbound streetcar in Italy (7)","output":"### Answer: MARTINI \n ### Explanation: Definition: Olive might be in this\n\n[*westbound*] **<=TRAM** (\"streetcar\") + **IN** + **I** (Italy)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Big fish horror film studio bosses listen to? (10,5)","output":"### Answer: HAMMERHEAD SHARK \n ### Explanation: Definition: Big fish\n\n**HAMMER** (\"horror film studio\") + **HEADS** (\"bosses\") + **HARK** (\"listen\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dunk chicken tossed with slaw which packs quite a punch (7,8)","output":"### Answer: KNUCKLE SANDWICH \n ### Explanation: Definition: which packs quite a punch\n\n***(dunk chicken slaw)** [anag:*tossed*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Heart and soul of German city church (7)","output":"### Answer: ESSENCE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Heart and soul\n\n**ESSEN** (\"German city\") + **CE** (\"church\" of England)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: North American boy, rising tennis star (5)","output":"### Answer: NADAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: tennis star\n\n**N** (North) + **A **(American) +** <=LAD** (\"boy\", *rising*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Maths figure cares about entering exam (9)","output":"### Answer: TESSERACT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Maths figure\n\n***(cares) **[anag:*about*] *entering* **TEST** (\"exam\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Some heavy metal number I acquired touring (5)","output":"### Answer: INGOT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Some heavy metal\n\n**I** + **GOT** (\"acquired\") *touring* **N** (new)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: New megastore's energy supplier (9)","output":"### Answer: GASOMETER \n ### Explanation: Definition: energy supplier\n\n***(megastore)** [anag:*new*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Vehicle for hire taking the flyover to avoid the traffic jams? (3,4)","output":"### Answer: AIR TAXI \n ### Explanation: Definition: Vehicle for hire\n\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Robbing Ray Davies at gunpoint, according to Spooner, is creating a fuss (7,2,1,5)","output":"### Answer: KICKING UP A STINK \n ### Explanation: Definition: creating a fuss\n\nIf expressed by Spooner, STICKING UP A KINK (\"robbing Ray Davies at gunpoint\") might have come out as **KICKING UP A STINK"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A tranche of fine, raw Elba tuna served up on this? (9)","output":"### Answer: TABLEWARE \n ### Explanation: Definition: this?\n\nHidden backwards [*a tranche of\u2026 served up*] in \"fin**E RAW ELBA T**una\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Blacktop on A1 knocked over tree (9)","output":"### Answer: MACADAMIA \n ### Explanation: Definition: tree\n\n**MACADAM** (\"blacktop\") *on* **<=A1** [*knocked over*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ingres on vacation introduced to the country a style of painting (7)","output":"### Answer: REALISM \n ### Explanation: Definition: a style of painting\n\n**I**(ngre)**S** [*on vacation*]* introduced to* **REALM** (\"country\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Isaac is rock climbing around part of France (7)","output":"### Answer: CORSICA \n ### Explanation: Definition: part of France\n\nHidden backwards in [*climbing\u2026 around*] \"isa**AC IS ROC**k\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Choppers initially taxi eastward exiting the heliport (5)","output":"### Answer: TEETH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Choppers\n\n[*initially*] **T**(axi) **E**(astward) **E**(xiting)** T**(he) **H**(eliport)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Customs, additional checks, finally (5)","output":"### Answer: MORES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Customs\n\n**MORE** (\"additional\") + (check)**S** [*finally*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Historical dance with swords mostly fitting involving adult (8)","output":"### Answer: MATACHIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Historical dance with swords\n[*mostly*] **MATCHIN**(g) (\"fitting\") *involving* **A** (adult)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Your setter's accepting what may represent himself, confused (4)","output":"### Answer: MAZY \n ### Explanation: Definition: confused\n**MY** (\"your setter's\") *accepting* **AZ** (\"what may repress himself\" (Azed))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Resin, last from tree, rotten (5)","output":"### Answer: EPOXY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Resin\n[*last from*] (tre)**E** + **POXY** (\"rotten\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Deceitful old newly-wed, taking one in (6)","output":"### Answer: BRAIDE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Deceitful old\n**BRIDE** (\"newly-wed\") *taking* **A** (\"one\") *in"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cook goose with steamer, being ready for eating? (8)","output":"### Answer: DONENESS \n ### Explanation: Definition: being \n**DO** (\"cook\") + **NENE** (\"goose\") + **SS** (steamship, so \"steamer\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A poet's line recast, i.e. put out ? he uses too many words (8)","output":"### Answer: PLEONAST \n ### Explanation: Definition: he uses too many words\n***(apotslne)** [anag:*recast*] where APOTSLNE is A PO(e)T\"S L(i)NE with I & E* put out"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Assertion aye held by one divulging little (5)","output":"### Answer: CLAIM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Assertion\n**I** (aye (homophone?)) *held by* **CLAM** (\"one divulging little\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: TV control turning on head? (5)","output":"### Answer: TUNER \n ### Explanation: Definition: TV control\n[*turning*] **<=(RE** (\"on\") + **NUT** (\"head\")**)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Calvin's upset when going into price for cardinal's aide (10)","output":"### Answer: CONCLAVIST \n ### Explanation: Definition: cardinal's aide\n***(Calvins)** [anag:*upset*] *when going into* COST (\"price\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Like leafy growth, star-shaped, I observed on centre of poppy inside (10)","output":"### Answer: STIPELLATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Like leafy growth\n**STELLATE** (\"star-shaped\") *with*** I** *observed on* [*centre of*] (po)**P**(py) *inside"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sanctimonious person's friend ? it's revered by Buddhists (5)","output":"### Answer: PIPAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: it's revered by Buddhists\n**PI** (\"sanctimonious person\") + **PAL** (\"friend\") \n*Pipal is another name for the bo tree, which is a holy tree to Buddhists"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Indian peasant when retiring sheltered by family (5)","output":"### Answer: KISAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Indian peasant\n**<=AS** (\"when\", *retiring*) *sheltered by* **KIN** (\"family\") \n*Kasin is a Hindi word for peasant."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cat trapped in alarm creating minor set-to once (8)","output":"### Answer: SCARMOGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: minor set-to once\n**MOG** (\"cat\") *trapped in* **SCARE** (\"alarm\") \n*Scarmoge is an older version of skirmish"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fine Easter feature in unaccompanied pieces ? vocal exercises required (8)","output":"### Answer: SOLFEGGI \n ### Explanation: Definition: vocal exercises\n**F** (fine) + **EGG** (\"Easter feature\") *in* **SOLI** (\"unaccompanied pieces\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cast in assorted capers (6)","output":"### Answer: ANTICS \n ### Explanation: Definition: capers\n***(cast in)** [anag:*assorted*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Veteran's move stealthily opposite to con lines (5)","output":"### Answer: PROLL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Veteran's move stealthily\n**PRO** (\"opposite to con\") + **LL** (lines) \n*Proll is an older form of prowl"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Occupant of many a school, one's not yet flown the nest (4)","output":"### Answer: NYAS \n ### Explanation: Definition: one's not yet flown the nest\nHidden in [*occupant of*] \"ma**NY A S**chool\" \n*Nyas (or eyas) is an unfledged hawk"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Changes name of uneasy Dennis? (8)","output":"### Answer: RESTYLES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Changes name of\n**RESTY** (\"uneasy\") + **LES** (Dennis) (English comedian and actor)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wine I objectively preferred with fish served up (5)","output":"### Answer: MEDOC \n ### Explanation: Definition: Wine\n**ME** (\"I objectively\") *preferred* (i.e. above) + **<=COD** (\"fish\", *served up*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A parrot surmounting picture showing huge barrel organ (11)","output":"### Answer: APOLLONICON \n ### Explanation: Definition: huge barrel organ\n**A** + **POLL** (\"parrot\") + **ON** (\"surmounting\") + **ICON** (\"picture\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Two-wheeler carried on board boat on Ganges? (5)","output":"### Answer: TONGA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Two-wheeler\nHidden in [*carried on board*] \"boa**T ON GA**nges\" \n*A tonga is a light two-wheeled vehicle in India"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Chop, delicious without last dash of spice, uncontaminated (6)","output":"### Answer: AXENIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: uncontaminated\n**AXE** (\"chop\") + NIC(e) (\"delicious\" *without last dash of* (spic)E)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The ale drunk on pub's opening? There's a bit left in glass (7)","output":"### Answer: HEELTAP \n ### Explanation: Definition: There's a bit left in glass\n***(the ale) **[anag:*drunk*] *on* **P**(ub) [*'s opening*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Brand's original source detectable in cribs, endlessly (5)","output":"### Answer: IBSEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Brand's original source\nHidden [*detectable*] *in* \"cr**IBS EN**dlessly\" \nBrand* is a play written by Henrik Ibsen"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: German scientist, wise man accepting 'first' from Nobel (6)","output":"### Answer: MAGNUS \n ### Explanation: Definition: German scientist\n**MAGUS** (\"wise man\") *accepting* [*first from*] **N**(obel) \n*Refers to Albertus Magnus, a 13th century Dominican friar who wrote many scientific treatises"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old-fashioned helping? I had one after dividing e.g pork? Not me (6)","output":"### Answer: AIDANT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Old-fashioned helping\n**I'D** (I had) + **AN** (\"one\") *dividing* (me)**AT** (\"e.g. pork\", *not* ME)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tides changing about noon, fish free from intermingling (11)","output":"### Answer: DISENTANGLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: free from intermingling\n***(tides)** [anag:*changing*] *about* **N** (noon) + **ANGLE** (\"fish\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A Greek letter inscribed in container of Mesolithic era (7)","output":"### Answer: CAPSIAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Mesolithic era\n**A** + **PSI** (\"Greek letter\") *inscribed in* **CAN** (\"container\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Crumbly gravel's what makes rock slippery (7)","output":"### Answer: VERGLAS \n ### Explanation: Definition: what makes rock slippery\n***(gravels)** [anag:*crumbly*] \n*Verglas is a layer of ice."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: My young had a tough upbringing, showing interest in it? (6)","output":"### Answer: SPARTA \n ### Explanation: Definition: My young had a tough upbringing\n**PART** (\"interest\") *in* **SA** (sex appeal, so \"it\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: It's a newly-built bordering road ? it's more spacious than it looks (6)","output":"### Answer: TARDIS \n ### Explanation: Definition: it's more spacious than it looks\n***(its a)** [anag:*newly-built*] *bordering* **Rd.** (road) \n*For those who may not be familiar with Dr Who, the TARDIS is Dr Who's time-travelling \"ship\", which from the outside has the dimensions of a police box, but is considerably larger on the inside."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Uniform, vivid, length made right? (6)","output":"### Answer: LIVERY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Uniform\n**LIVE**(l>**R**)**Y **(\"vivid\" with L (length) *made* (into) R (right))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Vintage drink? Sounds of disapproval accompanying last in store (5)","output":"### Answer: BOOSE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Vintage drink\n**BOOS** (\"sounds of disapproval\") *accompanying* [*last in*] (stor)**E** \n*Boose is an archaic form of booze."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Vocalic sign I found in margins of scroll (5)","output":"### Answer: SEGOL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Vocalic sign\n**EGO** (\"I\") *found in* [*margins of*] **S**(crol)**L** \n*A segol is an 'E' sound in Hebrew"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: They get driven in smart Lancia with no car mat, all over the place (5)","output":"### Answer: NAILS \n ### Explanation: Definition: They get driven in\n***(slani)** [anag:*all over the place*] where SLANI is S(mart) LAN(c)I(a) *with no* CAR MAT"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sign of very independent move to crush queen (5)","output":"### Answer: VIRGO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Sign\n\n**V** (very) + **I** (independent) + **GO** (\"move\") *to crush* **R** (Regina, so \"queen\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Vegetable served up by inn outside Northern Ireland retreat (9)","output":"### Answer: AUBERGINE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Vegetable\n\n**AUBERGE** (\"inn\") *outside* **<=NI **(Northern Ireland) [*retreat*, i.e. go backwards]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Source of story of Egyptian god scam (true version) (9)","output":"### Answer: RACONTEUR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Source of story\n\n**RA** (\"Egyptian god\") +** CON** (\"scam\") + ***(true**) [anag:*version*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Composer about to back away from gun carrier? (5)","output":"### Answer: HOLST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Composer\n\n<=ER (\"about\" *to back*) *away from* **HOLST**(er)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Freely confess: 'Ridiculous bonus over short time' (7)","output":"### Answer: UNBOSOM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Freely confess\n\n***(bonus)** + [*over*] **<=MO** (\"short time\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Smith, the singer, has song for a biblical region (7)","output":"### Answer: SAMARIA \n ### Explanation: Definition: a biblical region\n\n**SAM** (\"Smith, the singer\") *has* **ARIA** (\"song\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lay hands on book of not so great size (5)","output":"### Answer: BLESS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Lay hands on\n\n**B** (book) + **LESS** (\"of not so great size\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Though possibly Adam, right? Under no circumstances (3,4)","output":"### Answer: NOT EVER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Under no circumstances\n\n**NOT EVE** (\"though possibly, Adam\") +** R** (right)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Departure from idea thrills (5)","output":"### Answer: DEATH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Departure\n\nHidden in [*from*] \"i**DEA TH**rills\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Laid-back court accepts English as a form of language (7)","output":"### Answer: DIALECT \n ### Explanation: Definition: a form of language\n\n**<=LAID** [back] + **Ct.** (court) *accepts* **E** (English)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mavericks getting female to keep in good shape? (7)","output":"### Answer: MISFITS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Mavericks\n\n**MISS** (\"female\")* to keep* **FIT** (\"in good shape\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cherished origins of royal and ancient tourist destination (5)","output":"### Answer: PETRA \n ### Explanation: Definition: tourist destination\n\n**PET **(\"cherished\") + [*origins of*] **R**(oyal) *and* **A**(ncient)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Two-sided legislation about a rate change (9)","output":"### Answer: BILATERAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Two-sided\n\n**BILL** (\"legislation\") *about* ***(a rate)** [anag:*change*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Literary heroine, awfully gung-ho on the inside, but lacking good resilience (9)","output":"### Answer: TOUGHNESS \n ### Explanation: Definition: resilience\n\nT**ESS** (of the D'Urbervilles, a \"literary heroine\") with ***(ungho)** [anag:*awfully*] *on the inside*, where UNGHO is (g)UNG-HO lacking G (good)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lyricist's after power charge (5)","output":"### Answer: PRICE \n ### Explanation: Definition: charge\n\n(Tim) **RICE** (\"lyricist\")* 's after* **P** (power)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Very hot situation: cubicle door finally blown (8)","output":"### Answer: CRUCIBLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Very hot situation\n\n***(cubicle r)** [anag:*blown*] where R is (doo)R [*finally*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Far right in Texas involved in notorious trial town with a new representative (8)","output":"### Answer: SALESMAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: representative\n\n[*far right in*] (texa)**S** *involved in* **SALEM** (\"notorious trial town\") *with* **A** + **N** (new)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Be protected by a plant, a tufty one (6)","output":"### Answer: IBERIS \n ### Explanation: Definition: a tuft\n\n**BE** *protected by* **IRIS** (\"a plant\")\n \n\n \n*Iberis is a genus of plants that includes the candytuft."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Scientist from Syracuse building bridges across island and sea (10)","output":"### Answer: ARCHIMEDES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Scientist from Syracuse\n\n**ARCHES** (\"bridges\") *across* **I **(island) + **MED** (\"sea\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Daisy, perhaps, works on US TV series (6)","output":"### Answer: MILLER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Daisy, perhaps\n\n**MILL** (\"works\") *on* **ER** (\"US TV series\")\n \n\n \nDaisy Miller* is a novella by Henry James"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Broadcast about hospital department deputy initially being put away (4,4)","output":"### Answer: SENT DOWN \n ### Explanation: Definition: put away\n\n**SOWN** (\"broadcast\") *about* **ENT** (Ear, Nose and Throat, a rather outdated \"hospital department\") + **D**(eputy) [*initially*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Withdraw tender without any prompting? (5)","output":"### Answer: UNBID \n ### Explanation: Definition: without any prompting\n\nIf you BID when you tender, then logically, to \"withdraw\" a \"tender\" would be to **UNBID"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: English audacity, with opponents getting laundered cash (10)","output":"### Answer: SASSENACHS \n ### Explanation: Definition: English\n\n**SASS** (\"audacity\") *with* **EN** (East and North, \"opponents\" in bridge) *getting* ***(cash)** [anag:*laundered*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: When embracing Latin American hero is painful (5)","output":"### Answer: ACHES \n ### Explanation: Definition: is painful\n\n**AS** (\"when\") *embracing* **CHE** (Guevara) (\"Latin American hero\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: If paint is this, it produces discomfort (8)","output":"### Answer: TIMELESS \n ### Explanation: If paint is this, it produces discomfort (8)\n\n\nIf pain(t) is without T (time), so \"timeless\", it produces pain (\"discomfort\")\n \n\n \nThere is no definition for \"timeless\" here, so could just as easily have been \"tailless\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One lot of detectives having shower, possibly cause of bad atmosphere (4,4)","output":"### Answer: ACID RAIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: possibly cause of bad atmosphere\n\n**A **+ **CID** (Criminal Investigation Department, so \"lot of detectives\") *having* **RAIN** (\"shower\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hit film comedy, Garfunkel, followed by second half of biblical epic (6)","output":"### Answer: ARTHUR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Hit film comedy\n\n**ART** (Garfunkel) *followed by* [*second half of*] (Ben) **HUR** (\"biblical epic\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Handy device prescribed by the doctor? (6)","output":"### Answer: TABLET \n ### Explanation: Definition: Handy device\n\nA **TABLET** could be a pill \"prescribed by the doctor\" or a handheld device."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Way to hit hard (4)","output":"### Answer: PATH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Way\n\n**PAT** (\"hit\") +** H **(hard)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Small shark's peak energy (4)","output":"### Answer: TOPE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Small shark\n\n**TOP** (\"peak\") +** E** (energy)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hull element turns up for Peak District town (4)","output":"### Answer: LEEK \n ### Explanation: Definition: Peak District town\n\n**<=KEEL** (\"hull element\", *turns up*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sound surprised when shortlist's brought in edited (7)","output":"### Answer: WHISTLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Sound surprised\n\n***(list) **[anag:*edited*] *brought in*** WHE**(n) [*short*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Take so long repressing iron on fine silk (7)","output":"### Answer: TAFFETA \n ### Explanation: Definition: silk\n\n**TATA** (\"so long\") *repressing* **Fe **(chemical symbol for \"iron\") *on* **F **(fine)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Feel embittered amid rampant confusion (5)","output":"### Answer: MELEE \n ### Explanation: Definition: confusion\n\nHidden backwards [*amid rampant*] \"f**EEL EM**bittered\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sailor's association moved forward with standard for use at sea (5,4)","output":"### Answer: UNION JACK \n ### Explanation: Definition: standard for use at sea\n\na JACK UNION may be \"a sailor's association\" and *moving* UNION *forward* gives **UNION JACK"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Noted case solved with personal testimonies (9)","output":"### Answer: ANECDOTES \n ### Explanation: Definition: personal testimonies\n\n***(noted case) **[anag:*solved*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Half of girls in review love new hair studio (5)","output":"### Answer: SALON \n ### Explanation: Definition: hair studio\n\n[*half of*] **<=LAS**(ses) (\"girls\", *in review*) + **O** (zero, so \"love\", in tennis) +**N** (new)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Look after fellow priest in Turkey (4)","output":"### Answer: FLOP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Turkey\n\n**LO** (\"look\") *after* **F** (fellow) + **P** (priest)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tiresome person endlessly argued and scrounged (8)","output":"### Answer: BORROWED \n ### Explanation: Definition: scrounged\n\n**BOR**(e) (\"tiresome person\", *endlessly*) + **ROWED** (\"argued\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unlucky number have seven deducted from score (8)","output":"### Answer: THIRTEEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Unlucky number\n\n\"seven deducted from score\" (twenty) = **THIRTEEN"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Crop's cut in America after fall ends (4)","output":"### Answer: FLAX \n ### Explanation: Definition: Crop\n\n**AX** (American spelling of axe. so \"cut in America\") *after* **F**(al)**L **[*ends*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Browse earliest of George Ezra's work (5)","output":"### Answer: GRAZE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Browse\n\n[*earliest of*] **G**(eorge) + ***(Ezra)** [anag:*work*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Try describing energy diagram and finally clarify subject (9)","output":"### Answer: GEOGRAPHY \n ### Explanation: Definition: subject\n\n**GO** (\"try\") *describing* **E** (energy) + **GRAPH** (\"diagram\") *and* [*finally*] (clarif)**Y"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Care of ladies recklessly swallowing cocaine is unsympathetic (4,2,3)","output":"### Answer: COLD AS ICE \n ### Explanation: Definition: unsympathetic\n\n**C\/o** (care of) + ***(ladies)** [anag:*recklessly*] *swallowing* **C** (cocaine)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Place on Kenya vacation's gone (5)","output":"### Answer: KAPUT \n ### Explanation: Definition: gone\n\n**PUT** (\"place\") *on* **K**(eny)**A** [*'s vacation*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Constable adopts bemused tone with variable efficacy (7)","output":"### Answer: POTENCY \n ### Explanation: Definition: efficacy\n\n**PC** (police \"constable\") *adopts* ***(tone)** [anag:*bemused*] *with* **Y** (\"variable\", in mathematics]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Australian baby carrier's top grade model (6)","output":"### Answer: WOMBAT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Australian\n\n**WOMB** (\"baby carrier\") + **A** (\"top grade\") + (Model) **T"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Weak drug's key in hospitals for chronic condition (3,6)","output":"### Answer: ILL HEALTH \n ### Explanation: Definition: chronic condition\n\n**ILL** (\"weak\") + **E** (drug) + **ALT** (computer \"key\") in **H** + **H** (hospitals)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Keep an eye on circling river current (5)","output":"### Answer: TREND \n ### Explanation: Definition: current\n\n**TEND** (\"keep an eye on\") *circling* **R** (river)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Leave bright and early, beginning ahead of fair (9)","output":"### Answer: EQUITABLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: fair\n\n**QUIT** (\"leave\") + **ABLE** (\"bright\") with **E**(arly) [*beginning*] *ahead"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Attempts taking boy away from gangs (5)","output":"### Answer: TRIES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Attempts\n\n*take* B (boy) *from* **TRI**(b)**ES** (\"gangs\")\n \n\n \n*B = boy doesn't appear in any of the three dictionaries on my bookshelf."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Eat last bit of fish fin stew (6,3)","output":"### Answer: FINISH OFF \n ### Explanation: Definition: Eat last bit\n\n***(of fish fin)** [anag:*stew*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mike has trouble with partner over online message (1-4)","output":"### Answer: E-MAIL \n ### Explanation: Definition: online message\n\n**M** (Mike, in the NATO phonetic alphabet) *has* **AIL** (\"trouble\") *with* **E** (East, \"partner\" in bridge) *over*\n \n\n \n*Not convinced by the E = East, but can't think of another explanation"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Finding out when Family Guy's starting (6)","output":"### Answer: ASKING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Finding out\n\n**AS** (\"when\") + **KIN** (\"family\") + **G**(uy) [*'s starting*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fine china with intricate pelican drawn in gold (9)","output":"### Answer: PORCELAIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fine china\n\n***(pelican) **[anag:*intricate*] *drawing in* **OR** (\"gold\" in heraldry)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Organise support around huge redwood, finally past its best (3,2,4)","output":"### Answer: RUN TO SEED \n ### Explanation: Definition: past its best\n\n**RUN** (\"organise\") + **TEE** (\"support\" for ball in golf) *around* **OS** (outsized, so \"huge\") + (redwoo)**D** [*finally*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Testing questions for former American politician reap storm (4,5)","output":"### Answer: EXAM PAPER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Testing questions\n\n**EX** (\"former\") + **A** (American) + **MP** (member of parliament, so \"politician\") + ***(reap)** [anag:*storm*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ghastly puce cover for horse's food container (3,3)","output":"### Answer: EGG CUP \n ### Explanation: Definition: food container\n\n***(puce)** [anag:*ghastly*] covering **GG** (gee-gee, so \"horse\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Have a go dividing tree climbing shrub (6)","output":"### Answer: MYRTLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: shrub\n\n[*climbing*] **(<=TRY** (\"have a go\") dividing **ELM** (\"tree\")**)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Reportedly much to share out (5)","output":"### Answer: ALLOT \n ### Explanation: Definition: to share out\n\nHomophone [*reportedly*] of **A LOT** (\"much\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Repair rig machinery, scrubbing inside \u2013 it's filthy! (5)","output":"### Answer: GRIMY \n ### Explanation: Definition: filthy\n\n***(rig)** [anag:*repair*] + **M**(achiner)**Y** [*scrubbing inside* (letters)]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Disreputable men used to work in the garden (5)","output":"### Answer: RAKES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Disreputable men\n\n**RAKES** are \"used to work in the garden\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bad sprain? Take one tablet (7)","output":"### Answer: ASPIRIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: tablet\n\n***(sprain)** [anag:*bad*] *taking* **I** (one)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Drop line (7)","output":"### Answer: DESCENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Drop\n\nDouble definition, the second referring to ancestry"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Is Lassie on vacation saving a good dog? (6)","output":"### Answer: BEAGLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: dog\n\n**BE** (\"is\") + **L**(assi)**E** [*on vacation*] *saving* **A** + **G** (good)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: In books, Peter Pan gets acting work (8)","output":"### Answer: OPERETTA \n ### Explanation: Definition: work\n\n*In* **OT** (Old Testament, so \"books\") ***(Peter)** [anag:*pan*], *gets* **A"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Some like sandwiches (honey?) (3)","output":"### Answer: MEL \n ### Explanation: Definition: honey\n\nHidden in [*sandwiches*] \"so**ME L**ike\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Former F1 driver takes pole position in shade (6)","output":"### Answer: SIENNA \n ### Explanation: Definition: shade\n\n(Ayrton) **SENNA** (\"former F1 driver\") *takes* **I** (number one, so \"pole position\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The French hate cooking that's ready on the outside and tough (8)","output":"### Answer: LEATHERY \n ### Explanation: Definition: tough\n\n**LE** (\"the\" in \"French\") + ***(hate)** [anag:*cooking*] + **R**(ead)**Y** [*on the outside*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rulers, slide rules, algebra, statistics, trigonometry \u2014 all initially rejected (5)","output":"### Answer: TSARS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Rulers\n\n[*initially rejected*] **T**(rigonometry) **S**(tatistics) **A**(lgebra) **R**(ules) **S**(lide)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Abstract? See, I completely agree (9)","output":"### Answer: PRECISELY \n ### Explanation: Definition: I completely agree\n\n**PRECIS** (\"abstract\") + **ELY** (See)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Coup deposes king for progress (9)","output":"### Answer: EVOLUTION \n ### Explanation: Definition: progress\n\n(r)**EVOLUTION** (\"coup\") deposes R (rex, so \"king\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Get on with 100 + 1 + 100 + 1,000 \u00f7 50? (5)","output":"### Answer: CLICK \n ### Explanation: Definition: Get on\n\n**C **(100) + **I** (1) + **C **(100) + **K** (1,000) *divided by* **L** (50)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Gloomy character's blowing top over drugs and monstrosities (8)","output":"### Answer: EYESORES \n ### Explanation: Definition: monstrosities\n\n(e)**EYORE'S** (\"gloomy character's\") [*blowing top*, i.e. first letter) *over* **Es** (ecstasy, so \"drugs\")\n \n\n \n*Eeyore is the rather depressed donkey in the Winnie the Pooh stories"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wildcat gatecrashing a navy function? (6)","output":"### Answer: ARCTAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: function\n\n**A** + **RN** (Royal \"Navy\") *gatecrashing* ***(cat)** [anag:*wild*]\n \n\n \n*Arctan is short for arc tangent, a mathematical function"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cliff's not very small trunks (3)","output":"### Answer: TOR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Cliff\n\n**TOR**(sos) (\"trunks\") but *not* SO (\"very\") + S (small)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: King George IV clings to throne, ultimately in era of trouble (8)","output":"### Answer: AGGRIEVE \n ### Explanation: Definition: trouble\n\n**GR** (George Rex, so King George) + **IV ***clings to* (thron)**E** [*ultimately*] *in* **AGE** (\"era\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: With indoor launderettes, outer layers get spins (6)","output":"### Answer: WHIRLS \n ### Explanation: Definition: spins\n\n[*outer layers*] of **W**(it)**H I**(ndoo)**R L**(aunderette)**S"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: After losing billions, Russian drinks alcohol for starters (7)","output":"### Answer: ORIGINS \n ### Explanation: Definition: starters\n\n[*after losing* B (billions)] (b)**ORIS** (\"Russian\") *drinks* **GIN** (\"alcohol\")\n \n\n \n*I think the setter could have used another Boris, given that drinking alcohol is involved\u2026"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Silliest place to find eggs? (7)","output":"### Answer: INANEST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Silliest\n\nYou may \"find eggs\" **IN A NEST"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sort of biker regularly wearing glasses (7)","output":"### Answer: SPECIES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Sort\n\n(b)**I**(k)**E**(r) [*regularly*] *wearing* **SPECS** (\"glasses\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Usually a leg spinner's angry when powerless to dismiss Stokes at first (2,7)","output":"### Answer: IN GENERAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Usually\n\n***(a leg inner) **[anag:*angry*] where INNER is (sp)INNER *without* P (powerless) or S (S(tokes) (*at first dismissed*))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cold killer who finally arrived on Broadway (6)","output":"### Answer: ICEMAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Cold killer\n\nAn **ICE MAN** is a professional assassin, so a \"cold killer\"\n \n\n \n*Refers to *The Iceman Cometh*, a play by Eugene O'Neil that opened on Broadway in 1946"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: English fashion, eg clean style (8)","output":"### Answer: ELEGANCE \n ### Explanation: Definition: style\n\n**E** (English) + ***(eg clean)** [anag:*fashion*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: European test report (5)","output":"### Answer: CZECH \n ### Explanation: Definition: European\n\nHomophone [*report*] of **CHECK** (\"test\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Eccentric aunt carrying type of bomb in both hands \u2014 it's normal (7)","output":"### Answer: NATURAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: normal\n\n***(aunt) **[anag:*eccentric*] with **A**(-bomb) *in* **R** + **L** (right + left, \"both hands\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Local resort repaired Queen's Ride (6,7)","output":"### Answer: ROLLER COASTER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Ride\n\n***(local resort)** [anag:*repaired*] + **ER** (Elizabeth Regina, so \"queen\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Division over Spanish article in Variety (9)","output":"### Answer: SELECTION \n ### Explanation: Definition: Variety\n\n**SECTION** (\"division\") *over* **EL** (\"Spanish article\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Nationalist not sure rioting seizes government (8)","output":"### Answer: STURGEON \n ### Explanation: Definition: Nationalist \n\n***(not sure)** [anag:*rioting*] *seizes* **G** (government)\n \n\n \n*Refers to Nicola Sturgeon, current leader of the Scottish National Party and, coincidentally, as of today, Scotland's longest-serving First Minister"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One travelling a long time during very ordinary year (7)","output":"### Answer: VOYAGER \n ### Explanation: Definition: One travelling\n\n**AGE **(\"a long time\") *during* **V** (very) + **O** (ordinary) + **Yr. **(year)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Prince Henry taken into vehicle by aliens, oddly vanishing (7)","output":"### Answer: CHARLES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Prince\n\n**H** (Henry) *taken into* **CAR** (\"vehicle\") *by* (a)**L**(i)**E**(n)**S** [*oddly vanishing*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Australian city turning inward (6)","output":"### Answer: DARWIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Australian city\n\n***(inward) **[anag:*turning*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Quiet game starting to get gesture of indifference (5)","output":"### Answer: SHRUG \n ### Explanation: Definition: gesture of indifference\n\n**SH** (\"quiet\") + **RU** (rugby union, so \"game\") + [*starting to*] **G**(et)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Move on board but keep location (6)","output":"### Answer: CASTLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Move on board\n**CASTLE** is both a chess move (\"move on board\") and where you might find a keep (\"keep location\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Content to design it in green kindling (8)","output":"### Answer: IGNITING \n ### Explanation: Definition: kindling\nHidden in [*content to*] \"des**IGN IT IN G**reen\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Turn largely intimate in dark (6)","output":"### Answer: GOTHIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: dark\n**GO** (\"turn\") + [largely] **THIC**(k) (\"intimate\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: John dead in coffin is comparatively gory (8)","output":"### Answer: BLOODIER \n ### Explanation: Definition: comparatively gory\nLOO (\"john\") + D (dead) in BIER (\"coffin\") \n*A bier and a coffin are two different things, though\u2026"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hear a quaint case (4)","output":"### Answer: ETUI \n ### Explanation: Definition: case\nHomophone of **A TWEE** (\"a quaint\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Naval in-trays organised by region (12)","output":"### Answer: TRANSYLVANIA \n ### Explanation: Definition: region\n***(naval in-trays)** [anag:*organised*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Number with credit maybe returning mid-July with a villain (5,7)","output":"### Answer: COUNT DRACULA \n ### Explanation: Definition: villain\n**COUNT **(\"number\") *with* **<=CARD** (\"credit maybe\", *returning*) + [mid] (j)**UL**(y) *with* **A"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Praise God in speech (4)","output":"### Answer: LAUD \n ### Explanation: Definition: Praise\nHomophone [*in speech*] of **LORD** (\"God\") \n*Only for those who don't pronounce their Rs\u2026"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Core problem for the R & A (5)","output":"### Answer: HEART \n ### Explanation: Definition: Core\n***(the ra)** [anag:*problem for*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Don't bother with small sleep (4)","output":"### Answer: SKIP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Don't bother with\n**S** (small) + **KIP** (\"sleep\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dance move with small steps for man (8)","output":"### Answer: MOONWALK \n ### Explanation: Definition: Dance move\nCryptic definition, referring to Neil Armstrong's words when he stepped on to the moon's surface."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fireman sent first to king and queen (6)","output":"### Answer: STOKER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fireman\n**S**(ent) [*first*] + **TO** + **K** (King) + **ER** (Elizabeth Regina, so \"queen\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Most loud and upset signatories lose rag (8)","output":"### Answer: NOISIEST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Most loud\n***(sintoies)** [anag:*upset*] where SINTOIES is SI(g)N(a)TO(r)IES *losing* (the letters of) RAG"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Medic signs for a round (6)","output":"### Answer: DRINKS \n ### Explanation: Definition: a round\n**Dr.** (doctor, so \"medic\") + **INKS** (\"signs\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Think vital part of system maybe wore away (8)","output":"### Answer: COGITATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Think\n**COG** (\"vital part\") + **IT** (information technology \"system maybe\") + **ATE** (\"wore away\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Seen leaving Easter Sunday assembly the day before (8)","output":"### Answer: SATURDAY \n ### Explanation: Definition: the day before\n***(astruday)** [anag:*assembly*] where ASTRUDAY is (e)AST(e)R (s)U(n)DAY without the letters of SEEN [*seen leaving*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Othello incensed part is cut (4)","output":"### Answer: LOIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: cut\nHidden in [*part*] \"othel**LO IN**censed\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Abandoned economic control of benchmark (4,8)","output":"### Answer: GOLD STANDARD \n ### Explanation: Definition: Abandoned economic control\nDouble definition, the first referring to an erstwhile monetary system based on the value of a fixed quantity of gold, and the second referring to a goal to be achieved if one wants to be among the best at something."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Press club's tough element (4)","output":"### Answer: IRON \n ### Explanation: Definition: Press\nTriple definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: No use organising seditious fools (6)","output":"### Answer: IDIOTS \n ### Explanation: Definition: fools\n***(sditio)** [anag:*organising*] where SDITIO is S(e)DITIO(us) without the letters of USE [*no use*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Finally Daniel Craig arranged protection from 19 (6)","output":"### Answer: GARLIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: protection from 19\n***(l craig)** [anag:*arranged*] where L is [*finally*] (danie)L \n*The 19 in the clue refers to VAMPIRES (the solution to 19dn)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Producers of sound novels I'll coo about (12)","output":"### Answer: VIOLONCELLOS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Producers of sound\n***(novels ill coo) **[anag:*about*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Alphabet soup chosen over tasty first course (5)","output":"### Answer: ASCOT \n ### Explanation: Definition: course\n**A**(lphabet) **S**(oup) **C**(hosen) **O**(ver) **T**(asty) [*first*] \n*Ascot is a racecourse in Berkshire, famous for its Royal Ascot meeting in June."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Completion of cycle without first gear damaged fingernails (5,5)","output":"### Answer: FINAL RINSE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Completion of cycle\n***(finernails)** [anag:*damaged*] where FINERNAILS is FIN(g)ERNAILS *without* [*first*] G(ear)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Material relative is after dollars (8)","output":"### Answer: BUCKSKIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Material\n**KIN** (\"relative\") *is after ***BUCKS** (\"dollars\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Measure of current powers held by extortionists (8)","output":"### Answer: VAMPIRES \n ### Explanation: Definition: extortionists\nAMP (ampere, so \"measure of current\") held by VIRES (\"powers\") \n*VIRES is the plural of VIS (\"law\") and indicates the extent to which a court or judge may be allowed to do something."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fell over Coniston pensioner (3,3)","output":"### Answer: OLD MAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fell over Coniston\nDouble definition, the first referring to The** OLD MAN** of Coniston, the highest point in Lancashire."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Actor of 20 luckily got silent parts (6)","output":"### Answer: LUGOSI \n ### Explanation: Definition: Actor of 20\n[*parts*] of **LU**(ckily) **GO**(t) **SI**(lent) \n*Refers to Bela Lugosi, the Hungarian-born actor who first played Count Dracula (answer to 20ac) in 1931."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Asian flower scattered throughout Kuwait (4)","output":"### Answer: KWAI \n ### Explanation: Definition: Asian flower\nThe letters of **KWAI** are [*scattered throughout*] **K**(u)**WAI**(t) \n*The Kwai is a river in Thailand, made famous by the book and film, *The Bridge on the River Kwai*."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Headline act could begin to jar (4,4)","output":"### Answer: STAR TURN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Headline act\n**START** (\"begin\") + **URN** (\"jar\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Injury from run in country (6)","output":"### Answer: SPRAIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Injury\n\n**R** (run) *in* **SPAIN** (\"country\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Women at church party meeting German ombudsman (8)","output":"### Answer: WATCHDOG \n ### Explanation: Definition: ombudsman\n\n**W** (women) + **AT** + **Ch.** (church) + **DO** (\"party\") + **G** (German)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Female ruler is weaving spells (8)","output":"### Answer: FLURRIES \n ### Explanation: Definition: spells\n\n**F** (female) + ***(ruler is)** [anag:*weaving*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Machine workers initially broke into parts of plant (6)","output":"### Answer: ROBOTS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Machine workers\n\n[*initially*]** B**(roke) *into* **ROOTS** (\"parts of plant\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Associated Press division stifles a trainee's original spirit (10)","output":"### Answer: APPARITION \n ### Explanation: Definition: spirit\n\n**AP** (Associated Press) + **PAR**(t)**ITION** (\"division\" *stifles a* T(rainee) [*'s original*])"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Discovered Europeans stink (4)","output":"### Answer: REEK \n ### Explanation: Definition: stink\n\n[*discovered*] (g)**REEK**(s) (\"Europeans\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Liberal set in place by sly historian (8)","output":"### Answer: PLUTARCH \n ### Explanation: Definition: historian\n\n**L** (liberal) *set in* **PUT** (\"place\") *by* **ARCH** (\"sly\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Earl's preceded by page wearing blue suit (6)","output":"### Answer: SPADES \n ### Explanation: Definition: suit\n\n**E's** (earl's) *preceded by*** P** (page) *wearing* **SAD** (\"blue\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Waylay British doctors returning to American hospital (6)","output":"### Answer: AMBUSH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Waylay\n\n**<=BMA **(British Medical Association, so \"British doctors\", *returning*) *to* **US** (\"American\") +** H** (hospital)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Matching items lad briefly tinkered with on desk (4,4)","output":"### Answer: BOOK ENDS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Matching items\n\n**BO**(y) (\"lad\", *briefly*) + ***(on desk)** [anag:*briefly tinkered*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: It's consumed in most of Uruguay (4)","output":"### Answer: TOFU \n ### Explanation: Definition: It's consumed\n\nHidden [*in*] \"mos**T OF U**ruguay\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rushes around whirlpool with bachelor's toys (5,5)","output":"### Answer: TEDDY BEARS \n ### Explanation: Definition: toys\n\n**TEARS** (\"rushes\") *around* **EDDY** (\"whirlpool\") *with* **B** (bachelor)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Queen entertaining former lover in new wing (6)","output":"### Answer: ANNEXE \n ### Explanation: Definition: new wing\n\n(Queen) **ANNE** *entertaining* **EX** (\"former lover\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Drive home point with model in court (8)","output":"### Answer: INSTINCT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Drive\n\n**IN** (\"home\") + **S** (south, so compass \"point\") *with* (Model) **T** + **IN** + **Ct.** (court)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Company department experiments on ordinary objects (8)","output":"### Answer: PROTESTS \n ### Explanation: Definition: objects\n\n**PR** (Public Relations, so \"company department\") + **TESTS** (\"experiments\") *on* **O** (ordinary)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bears wandering idly around eastern Sierra (6)","output":"### Answer: YIELDS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Bears\n\n***(idly)** [anag:*wandering*] *around*** E** (eastern) +** S** (Sierra, in the NATO phonetic alphabet)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old educational establishment essentially hampers growth (5)","output":"### Answer: POLYP \n ### Explanation: Definition: growth\n\n**POLY**(technic) (\"old educational establishment\") + [*essentially*] (ham)**P**(ers)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tenor breaking into song in chambers (5)","output":"### Answer: ATRIA \n ### Explanation: Definition: chambers\n\n**T** (tenor) *breaking into* **ARIA** (\"song\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Comparatively loud siren goes off outside old institute (7)","output":"### Answer: NOISIER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Comparatively loud\n\n***(siren)** [anag:*goes off*] *outside* **O** (old) + **I **(institute)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Venomous snake concealed in pine (7)","output":"### Answer: WASPISH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Venomous\n\n**ASP** (\"snake\") *concealed in* **WISH** (\"pine\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Romeo squeezed into skimpy underwear for crowds (7)","output":"### Answer: THRONGS \n ### Explanation: Definition: crowds\n\n**R** (Romeo, in the NATO phonetic alphabet) *squeezed into* **THONGS** (\"skimpy underwear\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: On Ecstasy, the brain struggles to remain inactive (9)","output":"### Answer: HIBERNATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: to remain inactive\n\n*On*** E** (ecstasy), ***(the brain)** [anag:*struggles*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Convalescent cruising Aegean, say, accepts physician's conclusion (2,3,4)","output":"### Answer: ON THE MEND \n ### Explanation: Definition: Convalescent\n\n**ON THE MED** (\"cruising Aegean, say\") *accepts* (physicia)N [*'s conclusion*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: He mocks a politician getting old in solitary (9)","output":"### Answer: LAMPOONER \n ### Explanation: Definition: He mocks\n\n**A** + **MP** (Member of Parliament, so \"politician\") *getting* **O** (old) *in* **LONER** (\"solitary\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Belligerent nutter raving about endless craze (9)","output":"### Answer: TRUCULENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Belligerent\n\n***(nutter)** [anag:*raving*] *about* [*endless*] **CUL**(t) (\"craze\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sexy teachers in nurseries (7)","output":"### Answer: HOTBEDS \n ### Explanation: Definition: nurseries\n\n**HOT** (\"sexy\") + **B.Ed's** (Bachelors of Education, so \"teachers\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Snob upset about detective seizing knight's weapons (7)","output":"### Answer: BODKINS \n ### Explanation: Definition: weapons\n\n***(snob)** [anag:*upset*] *about* **DI** (\"detective\" inspector) *seizing* **K** (knight)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unopened trunk on ship eventually emptied for voyage (7)","output":"### Answer: ODYSSEY \n ### Explanation: Definition: voyage\n\n[*unopened*] (b)**ODY** (\"trunk\") *on* **SS** (steam\"ship\") + **E**(ventuall)**Y** [*emptied*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Force overseas team to stay in the Spanish quarter (5)","output":"### Answer: EXILE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Force overseas\n\n**XI **(eleven, so \"team\", as in cricket XI)* to stay in* **EL** (\"the\" in \"Spanish\") + **E** (East, so \"quarter\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Embarrassed about account being rushed (5)","output":"### Answer: RACED \n ### Explanation: Definition: rushed\n\n**RED** (\"embarrassed\") *about* **A\/c** (account)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Small Australian songbird crossing northern horizon (7)","output":"### Answer: SKYLINE \n ### Explanation: Definition: horizon\n\n**S** (small) + **KYLIE** (Minogue) (\"Australian songbird\") *crossing* **N** (northern)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Maybe Homer's gone out to chase one of his letters (6)","output":"### Answer: PIGEON \n ### Explanation: Definition: Maybe Homer\n\n***(gone)** [anag:*out*] *to chase* **PI** (\"one of his (i.e. Homer's) letters\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Julius invited to tea with Trotsky, a fickle person (9)","output":"### Answer: CHAMELEON \n ### Explanation: Definition: a fickle person\n\n**ME** (\"Julius\", the setter of the puzzle)* invited to* **CHA** (\"tea') *with* **LEON** (Trotsky)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Caper 14 (ignoring fast bits) (5)","output":"### Answer: ANTIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: Caper\n\n(f)**ANT**(ast)**IC** (solution to \"14\", *ignoring* F + AST (bits of fast))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Group without access to the web (5)","output":"### Answer: NONET \n ### Explanation: Definition: Group\n\nIf you have **NO NET**, you have no \"access to the web\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Offering to swap cars in the event of slippery roads? (9)","output":"### Answer: SACRIFICE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Offering\n\n***(cars) **[anag:*to swap*] + **IF ICE** (\"in the event of slippery roads\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Come up with a new word for \"thin- sounding, slender\" (8)","output":"### Answer: REDEFINE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Come up with a new word for\n\nHomophone [*sounding*] of **REEDY** (\"thin\") + **FINE** (\"slender\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Writer Thomas Hardy's first impressions given gold covers (6)","output":"### Answer: AUTHOR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Writer\n\n**T**(homas) **H**(ardy) [*'s first impressions*] *given* **Au\/OR** (both \"gold\") **covers"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Climb American Sierra a bit? (6)","output":"### Answer: ASCENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Climb\n\n**A** (American) + **S** (Sierra, in the NATO phonetic alphabet) + **CENT** (\"a bit\", in the US)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Big name in Italian fashion left for a time to become a comedian (3,5)","output":"### Answer: BEN ELTON \n ### Explanation: Definition: comedian\n\n**BENE**(t>**L**)**TON** (\"big name in Italian fashion\") with L (left) *for a* T (time)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Firmly established, as the boss of Gardener's World might describe himself? (9)","output":"### Answer: IMPLANTED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Firmly established,\n\nThe boss of Gardener's World might describe himself as **I'M PLANT ED**(itor), although it's a magazine h's editing, not a plant\u2026"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fairy daughter of the south replaced by papa (5)","output":"### Answer: PIXIE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fairy\n\nThe D (daughter) of DIXIE (\"the south\") replaced by P (papa, in the NATO phonetic alphabet), giving **P-IXIE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Massive soldiers? (5)","output":"### Answer: GIANT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Massive\n\n**GI** (American \"soldier\") + (soldier) **ANT"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old country pub, one I renovated by Langley? (9)","output":"### Answer: PHOENICIA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Old country\n\n**PH** (public house on a map, so \"pub\") + ***(one i)** [anag:*renovated*] *by* **CIA** (\"Langley\")\n \n\n \n*Langley, Virginia is the HQ of the CIA, the (not at all ironic) George Bush Centre for Intelligence."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Alas, no catering on board winter transport (3-3)","output":"### Answer: SNO-CAT \n ### Explanation: Definition: winter transport \n\nHidden in [*on board*] \"ala**S NO CAT**ering\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Farewell item secured at the 10 did you say? (7)","output":"### Answer: GOODBYE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Farewell\n\nAn item secured at the clearance sale (solution to 10dn) could be a \"good buy\", a homophone [did you say?] of **GOODBYE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bill might get this Home Counties Tory fearful (6,7)","output":"### Answer: SECOND READING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Bill might get this\n\n**SE** (South East, so \"Home Counties\") + **CON** (Conservative, so \"Tory\") + **DREADING** (\"fearful\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Longed for money, finally obtained fair and square (7)","output":"### Answer: YEARNED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Longed for\n\n(mone)**Y** [*finally*} + **EARNED** (\"obtained fair and square\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Find Perth essentially dead (5)","output":"### Answer: INERT \n ### Explanation: Definition: dead\n\n(f)**IN**(d) (p)**ERT**(h) [*essentially*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: I must log out of game during, say, vespers (8)","output":"### Answer: EVENSONG \n ### Explanation: Definition: vespers\n\nI *must log out of ***VEN**(i)**SON** (\"game\") *during* **E.G.** (\"say\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: In pieces regularly after dad loses it (6)","output":"### Answer: PANICS \n ### Explanation: Definition: loses it\n\n(i)**N** (p)**I**(e)**C**(e)**S** [*regularly*] *after* **PA** (\"dad\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Appreciation of playing guitar with Ted (9)","output":"### Answer: GRATITUDE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Appreciation\n\n***(guitar ted)** [anag:*playing*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Leave starter of most savoury layer of eggs (7)","output":"### Answer: OSTRICH \n ### Explanation: Definition: layer of eggs\n\n[*leave starter of*] (m)**OST** + **RICH** (\"savoury\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Key to French Arsenal ace moving here for a bargain (9,4)","output":"### Answer: CLEARANCE SALE \n ### Explanation: Definition: here for a bargain\n\n**CLE** (\"French\" for \"key\") + ***(arsenal ace)** [anag:*moving*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Aficionado beginning to taste Italian wine cold \u2013 wonderful! (9)","output":"### Answer: FANTASTIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: wonderful!\n\n**FAN** (\"aficionado\") + [*beginning to*] **T**(aste) + **ASTI** (\"Italian wine\") + **C** (cold)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A kind of rush to build Donegal Hospital at the start (8)","output":"### Answer: HEADLONG \n ### Explanation: Definition: A kind of rush\n\n***(Donegal)** [ang:*to build*] + **H**(ospital) [*at the start*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Officer suitable to probe notorious murderer (7)","output":"### Answer: CAPTAIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Officer\n\n**APT** (\"suitable\")* to probe* **CAIN** (\"notorious murderer\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Vehicle temperature about 11C, starts to apply brakes (7)","output":"### Answer: TAXICAB \n ### Explanation: Definition: Vehicle\n\n**T** (temperature) + **A **(about) + **XI** (11) + **C** + [*starts to*] **A**(pply) **B**(rakes)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Don't press top Italian trousers (4,2)","output":"### Answer: STOP IT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Don't\n\nHidden in [*trousers*] \"pres**S TOP IT**alian\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Slate opening of terrible old theatre piece (5)","output":"### Answer: PANTO \n ### Explanation: Definition: theatre piece\n\n**PAN** (\"slate\") + [*opening of*] **T**(terrible) + **O **(old)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Match official swore to hold ball, having changed viewpoint (10)","output":"### Answer: REFOCUSSED \n ### Explanation: Definition: changed viewpoint\n**REF** (\"match official\") + **CUSSED** (\"swore\") *to hold* **O** (ball)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Second vehicle for Mark (4)","output":"### Answer: SCAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Mark\n**S** (second) + **CAR** (\"vehicle\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Foresight of French occupying region (10)","output":"### Answer: PROVIDENCE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Foresight\n**DE** (\"of\" in \"French\") *occupying* **PROViNCE** (\"region\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Initially looked in toilet for online journal (4)","output":"### Answer: BLOG \n ### Explanation: Definition: online journal\n[*initially*] **L**(ooked) *in* **BOG** (\"toilet\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Aviator's gang suffering more than one provocation (12)","output":"### Answer: AGGRAVATIONS \n ### Explanation: Definition: more than one provocation\n***(aviators gang)** [anag:*suffering*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sausage exploded over traitor and wife (9)","output":"### Answer: BRATWURST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Sausage\n**BURST** (\"exploded\") *over* **RAT** (\"traitor\") *and* **W** (wife)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Colour is variable in a river (5)","output":"### Answer: AZURE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Colour\n**Z** (\"variable\" in mathematics) in** A** + (River) **URE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: More mature tree (5)","output":"### Answer: ELDER \n ### Explanation: Definition: More mature\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Plan had name (9)","output":"### Answer: DESIGNATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: name\n**DESIGN** (\"plan\") + **ATE** (\"had\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Daredevil son to clean fastener with tip of rag (12)","output":"### Answer: SWASHBUCKLER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Daredevil\n**S** (son) + **WASH** (\"to clean\") + **BUCKLE** (\"fastener\") *with* [*tip of*] **R**(ag)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Reluctant to drop opening promise (4)","output":"### Answer: OATH \n ### Explanation: Definition: promise\n(l)**OATH** (\"reluctant\", *dropping opening*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Measure of clue I found revolting (5,5)","output":"### Answer: FLUID OUNCE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Measure\n***(clue I found)** [anag:*revolting*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Murdered a large number (4)","output":"### Answer: SLEW \n ### Explanation: Definition: Murdered\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stewards with a time to look after workers? (10)","output":"### Answer: ATTENDANTS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Stewards\n**A** + **T** (time) + **TEND** (\"to look after\") + **ANTS** (\"workers?\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rent note ready (4)","output":"### Answer: RIPE \n ### Explanation: Definition: ready\n**RIP** (\"rent\") + **E** (note)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hit game returns (4)","output":"### Answer: FLOG \n ### Explanation: Definition: Hit\n**<=GOLF **(\"game\" *returns*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: About to call European dignitary embarrassing (12)","output":"### Answer: CRINGEWORTHY \n ### Explanation: Definition: embarrassing\n**C** (circa, so \"about\") + **RING** (\"to call\") + **E** (European) + **WORTHY** (\"dignitary\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Clip quiet organ (5)","output":"### Answer: SHEAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Clip\n**SH** (\"quiet\") + **EAR** (\"organ\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Digs up old wine with note on top of stopper (9)","output":"### Answer: EXCAVATES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Digs up\n**EX** (\"old\") + **CAVA** (\"wine\") *with* **TE** (musical \"note\") *on* [*top of*] **S**(topper)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Left over quail prepared by colonel without formality (10)","output":"### Answer: COLLOQUIAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: without formality\n**L **(left) + **O** (over, in cricket) + ***(quail)** [anag:*prepared*] *by* **Col. **(colonel)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Noted, say, first queen in scarlet (10)","output":"### Answer: REGISTERED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Noted\n**e.g.** (\"say\") + **IST** (1st, so \"first\") + **ER** (Elizabeth Regina, so \"queen\") *in* **RED** (\"scarlet\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Gold enthrals terribly giving complete power over someone (12)","output":"### Answer: STRANGLEHOLD \n ### Explanation: Definition: complete power over someone\n***(gold enthrals) **[anag:*terribly*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bugs former pupil attending meetings (10)","output":"### Answer: OBSESSIONS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Bugs\n**OB** (old boy, so \"former pupil\") *attending* **SESSIONS** (\"meetings\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Smooth man that may be found on beach (10)","output":"### Answer: SANDCASTLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: that may be found on beach\n**SAND** (\"smooth\") + **CASTLE** (\"man\" on a chess board)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Swimmer embarrassed by hairstyle (3,6)","output":"### Answer: RED MULLET \n ### Explanation: Definition: Swimmer\n**RED** (\"embarrassed\") *by* **MULLET** (\"hairstyle\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cut knuckle near index finger exasperates initially (5)","output":"### Answer: KNIFE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Cut\n**K**(nuckle) **N**(ear) **I**(ndex) **F**(inger)** E**(xasperates) [*initially*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Men on adventure rising up, hiding immediately (4)","output":"### Answer: ANON \n ### Explanation: Definition: immediately\nHidden backwards in [*rising up, hiding*] \"me**N ON A**dventure\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Black rock hits small flies (4)","output":"### Answer: JETS \n ### Explanation: Definition: flies\n**JET** (\"black rock\") *hits* **S** (small)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Home not yet marvellous? (6)","output":"### Answer: PREFAB \n ### Explanation: Definition: Home\n\nIf something is **PRE-FAB**(ulous) it is \"not yet marvellous\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Heat-resistant layer quickly brought to vehicle (8)","output":"### Answer: CARAPACE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Heat-resistant layer\n\n**APACE** (\"quickly\") *brought to* **CAR** (\"vehicle\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Doctor having to admit tense Scottish politician (8)","output":"### Answer: STURGEON \n ### Explanation: Definition: Scottish politician\n\n**SURGEON** (\"doctor\") *having to admit ***T **(tense)\n \n\n \n*Refers to Nicola Sturgeon, the current First Minister of Scotland"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fix and mix blue drink (6)","output":"### Answer: DOUBLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: drink\n\n**DO** (\"fix\") + ***(blue)** [anag:*mix*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fragment Oxford copper left (6)","output":"### Answer: MORSEL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fragment\n\n(Inspector) **MORSE** (fictional \"Oxford copper\") + **L** (left)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Former barrister has no time for model (8)","output":"### Answer: EXEMPLAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: model\n\n**EX** (\"former\") + (t)**EMPLAR** (\"barrister\" with *no* T (time))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: First-class mail? Guy's written in another guy's address (12)","output":"### Answer: APOSTROPHISE \n ### Explanation: Definition: address\n\n**A** (\"first-class\") + **POST** (\"mail\") + **HIS** (\"guy's\")* written in* **ROPE** (\"another guy\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Down finished and set to go up? (5-7)","output":"### Answer: FULLY-FLEDGED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Down finished and set to go up?\n\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Returning quietly, do penance in church monument (8)","output":"### Answer: CENOTAPH \n ### Explanation: Definition: monument\n\n[*returning*] **<=(P** (piano, so \"quietly\") + **ATONE** (\"do penance\")) *in* **Ch. **(church)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Subtlety is thrown out from trial (6)","output":"### Answer: NUANCE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Subtlety\n\nIS** ***thrown out from* **NU**(is)**ANCE** (\"trial\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mineral compound strong ale naturally contains (6)","output":"### Answer: GALENA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Mineral compound\n\nHidden in [*contains*] \"stron**G ALE NA**turally\"\n \n\n \n*Galena is the most common ore of lead."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Drop into grave, radioactive ultimately: that's fall out (8)","output":"### Answer: DISAGREE \n ### Explanation: Definition: fall out\n\n**SAG** (\"drop\") *into* **DIRE** (\"grave\") + (radioactiv)**E** [*ultimately*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Beneath ocean, endless anti-rust treatment needed (8)","output":"### Answer: UNDERSEA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Beneath ocean\n\n[*endless*] **UNDERSEA**(l) (\"anti-rust treatment\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: In which scene one would see Merchant of Venice? (6)","output":"### Answer: RIALTO \n ### Explanation: Definition: In which scene one would see Merchant of Venice\n\n(barely) cryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Budget speech missing start? (6)","output":"### Answer: RATION \n ### Explanation: Definition: Budget\n\n(o)**RATION** (\"speech\", *missing start*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Prevent everyone supporting Nottingham team? (9)","output":"### Answer: FORESTALL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Prevent\n\n**ALL** (\"everyone\") *supporting* (Nottingham) **FOREST** (football \"team\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Scarper when dice game finished (6,3)","output":"### Answer: BEETLE OFF \n ### Explanation: Definition: Scarper\n\nBEETLE (\"dice game\") + OFF (\"finished\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Agree Tories lure, sending out diamonds (7)","output":"### Answer: CONSENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Agree\n\n**CONS** (\"Tories\") + **ENT**(ice) (\"lure\", *sending out* ICE (\"diamonds\"))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bird losing wing and crest (5)","output":"### Answer: RIDGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: crest\n\n(part)**RIDGE** (\"bird\") *losing* PART (\"wing\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Round left in quiz (5)","output":"### Answer: PLUMP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Round\n\n**L** (left) *in* **PUMP** (\"quiz\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Slip beneath mountain pass and fall down (8)","output":"### Answer: COLLAPSE \n ### Explanation: Definition: fall down\n\n**LAPSE** (\"slip\") *beneath* **COL** (\"mountain pass\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cleaner Frenchman put to work (3)","output":"### Answer: MOP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Cleaner\n\n**M** (monsieur, so \"Frenchman\")* put to* **Op.** (opus, so \"work\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Runner, old, unexpectedly regains lead in race (9)","output":"### Answer: ORGANISER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Runner\n\n**O** (old) + ***(regains)** [anag:*unexpectedly*] + [*lead* *in*] **R**(ace)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bush ranger skinned and eaten by Lernaean monster? (9)","output":"### Answer: HYDRANGEA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Bush\n\n(r)**ANGE**(r) [*skinned*] *eaten by ***HYDRA** (\"Lernaean monster\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Nazis rue having redeployed for Overlord (8)","output":"### Answer: SUZERAIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Overlord\n\n***(nazis rue)** [anag:*having redeployed*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Still one must escape Himalayan monster (3)","output":"### Answer: YET \n ### Explanation: Definition: Still\n\nI (one) *must escape from* **YET**(i) (\"Himalayan monster\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: European died in grip of Asian land mammal (7)","output":"### Answer: ECHIDNA \n ### Explanation: Definition: mammal\n\n**E** (European) + **D** (died) *in grip of ***CHINA** (\"Asian land\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Contrasting detail in brogue (6)","output":"### Answer: ACCENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Contrasting detail\n\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Alumnus represented at centre with large corporation? (5)","output":"### Answer: OBESE \n ### Explanation: Definition: with large corporation?\n\n**OB** (old boy, so \"alumnus\") + (repr)**ESE**(nted) [*at centre*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Gather tea's brought up in the morning (5)","output":"### Answer: AMASS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Gather\n\nASSAM \"tea\" with AM (\"in the morning\") brought up could become **AM-ASS"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dismal time on regularly uphill journey (10)","output":"### Answer: PILGRIMAGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: journey\n\n**GRIM** (\"dismal\") + **AGE** (\"time\") *on* [*reguarly*] (u)**P**(h)**I**(l)**L"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Prevent loads of dosh being returned (4)","output":"### Answer: STOP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Prevent\n\n**<=POTS** (\"loads of dosh\", *being returned*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Digger that hasn't run dry (5)","output":"### Answer: TOWEL \n ### Explanation: Definition: dry\n\n**T**(r)**OWEL** (\"digger\" *that hasn't* R (run, in cricket))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Trauma as king misinterpreted manual? (9)","output":"### Answer: KAMASUTRA \n ### Explanation: Definition: manual\n\n***(trauma as k)** [anag:*misinterpreted*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Drug half of elephant's biscuit (8)","output":"### Answer: CRACKNEL \n ### Explanation: Definition: biscuit\n\n**CRACK **(\"drug\") + [*half of*] **NEL**(lie) (the \"Elephant\", as in \"Nellie the Elephant packed her trunk and said goodbye to the Circus\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fish put back by court order (5)","output":"### Answer: EDICT \n ### Explanation: Definition: order\n\n**<=IDE** (\"fish\", *put back*) *by* **Ct.** (court)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Leaves to collect seaweed for fuel (4,3)","output":"### Answer: COAL GAS \n ### Explanation: Definition: fuel\n\n**COS** (\"leaves\") *to collect* **ALGA** (\"seaweed\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: River flower near to river from the east (7)","output":"### Answer: POTOMAC \n ### Explanation: Definition: River\n\n**PO** (\"river\") + **TO** + **<=CAM** (\"flower\" i.e. river, from the east i.e backwards]\n \n\n \n*This clue simply doesn't work unless I am missing something. The only part that is \"to the east\" is the flower, so the \"to the east\" needs to be close to \"flower\" in the clue."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ale experts better after draining jugs (7)","output":"### Answer: BREWERS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Ale experts\n\n**B**(ette)**R** [*after draining*] + **EWERS** (\"jugs\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: In favour of recalling title \"Gaffer\" (7)","output":"### Answer: FOREMAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Gaffer\n\n**FOR** (\"in favour of\") + [*recalling*] **<=NAME** (\"title\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Crockery gift maker stored in empty depot (5)","output":"### Answer: DELFT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Crockery\n\n**ELF **(\"toy maker\" at Christmas) *stored in* [*empty*] **D**(epo)**T"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Former pugilist with additional Highland weapon (8)","output":"### Answer: CLAYMORE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Highland weapon\n\n(Cassius ) **CLAY** (aka Muhammad Ali) (\"former pugilist\") *with* **MORE** (\"additional\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Terribly civil about threesome? Quite the opposite (9)","output":"### Answer: VITRIOLIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: Quite the opposite\n\n***(civil)** [anag:*terribly*] *about* **TRIO** (\"threesome\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Nick at home being a crime fighter (5)","output":"### Answer: ROBIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: a crime fighter\n\n**ROB** (\"nick\") + **IN** (\"at home\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hunter leaving gold to be transported (4)","output":"### Answer: RAPT \n ### Explanation: Definition: transported\n\n**RAPT**(or) (\"hunter\") *leaving* OR (\"gold\" in heraldry)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Shoes given away across western coasts (10)","output":"### Answer: FREEWHEELS \n ### Explanation: Definition: coasts\n\n**FREE HEELS** (\"shoes given away\") *across* **W **(western)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Record briefly over final bit of The Crown (4)","output":"### Answer: PATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Crown\n\n**<=(TAP**(e) (\"record\" *briefly*, *over*)**)** + [*final bit of*] (th)**E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Small type of cow maybe squashing bag (5-4)","output":"### Answer: LOWER-CASE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Small\n\n**LOWER** (\"cow, maybe\" i.e. something that lows) *squashing* **CASE** (\"bag\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Part of squirrel iconised as something holy (5)","output":"### Answer: RELIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: something holy\n\nHidden in [*$$part of$$*] \"squir**REL IC**onised\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Thousands surrounding yard soon toppled Greek place (7)","output":"### Answer: MYKONOS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Greek place\n\n**M** +** K** (\"thousands\") *surrounding* **Y **(yard) + *(soon) [anag:*toppled*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Gay mates both extremely on edge in school dress (3,4)","output":"### Answer: GYM SLIP \n ### Explanation: Definition: school dress\n\n**G**(a)**Y M**(ate)**S** [*both extremely*] *on* **LIP** (\"edge\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tattooist uses the ten inks originally all at once (5)","output":"### Answer: TUTTI \n ### Explanation: Definition: all at once\n\n**T**(attooist) **U**(ses) **T**(he) **T**(en) **I(**nks) [*originally*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Adult in silent pic possibly is modelling material (10)","output":"### Answer: PLASTICINE \n ### Explanation: Definition: modelling material\n\n**A **(adult) *in* ***(silent pic)** [anag:*possibly*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Come in to support fool who might agree to all sorts (8)","output":"### Answer: ASSENTER \n ### Explanation: Definition: who might agree to all sorts\n\n**ENTER** (\"come in\")* to support* **ASS** (\"fool\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One who checks tanks before going to bed? (5,5)","output":"### Answer: SCUBA DIVER \n ### Explanation: Definition: One who checks tanks before going to bed?\n\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Moving target essentially for kite flyer (5,3)","output":"### Answer: GREAT TIT \n ### Explanation: Definition: flyer\n\n***(target)** [anag:*moving*] + [*essentially for*] (k)**IT**(e)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Revolution of island capital master easily recollected (9)","output":"### Answer: MEMORABLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: easily recollected\n\n[*revolution of*] **<=(ELBA** (\"island\") + **ROME** (\"capital\") + **M** (master)**)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lay copper end of spool inside special organ (7)","output":"### Answer: SECULAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Lay\n\n**Cu** (chemical symbol for \"copper\") + [*end of*] (spoo)**L** *inside*** S** (special) + **EAR** (\"organ\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Partner initially is actually not coping in charge (7)","output":"### Answer: FIANCEE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Partner\n\n[*initially*] **I**(s) **A**(ctually) **N**(ot) **C**(oping) *in* **FEE** (\"charge\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Relief from dispute likely in recession (3- 2)","output":"### Answer: LET-UP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Relief\n\nHidden backwards in [*from\u2026in recession*] \"dis**PUTE L**ikely\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Figure of 8 dance upset husband (5)","output":"### Answer: MORPH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Figure of 8\n\n**<=PROM **(\"dance\", upset) + **H **(husband)\n \n\n \n*The 8 in the clue refers to 8d, plasticine. Morph was a plasticine man who featured in a series of stop-motion animations on British TV, starting out as a \"guest\" in Tony Hart's shows, then getting his own series."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Britain avoiding extra responsibility (4)","output":"### Answer: ONUS \n ### Explanation: Definition: responsibility\n\nB (Britain) *avoiding* (b)**ONUS** (\"extra\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: City invested in finance that's productive (6)","output":"### Answer: FECUND \n ### Explanation: Definition: productive\n\n**EC** (\"City\" of London postcode) *invested in* **FUND** (\"finance\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: You should feel bad supporting artificial energy (3,5)","output":"### Answer: FOR SHAME \n ### Explanation: Definition: You should feel bad\n\n**FOR** (\"supporting\") + **SHAM** (\"artificial\") + **E** (energy)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Legendary sailor's succinct religious view? (6)","output":"### Answer: SINBAD \n ### Explanation: Definition: Legendary sailor\n\n**SIN **is **BAD** (\"religious view?\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One worries about uncontrolled movement on new currency (8)","output":"### Answer: NEUROTIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: One worries\n\n**TIC **(\"uncontrolled movement\") *on* **N** (new) + **EURO** (\"currency\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Classical city built from always fashionable stone, reportedly (14)","output":"### Answer: CONSTANTINOPLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Classical city\n\n**CONSTANT** (\"always\") +** IN** (\"fashionable\") + homophone [*reportedly*] of **OPAL** (\"stone\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Groom employs art to deliver competitive recital? (6,4)","output":"### Answer: POETRY SLAM \n ### Explanation: Definition: competitive recital\n\n***(employs art)** [anag:*groom*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: It goes around the edges of gloomy ravine (4)","output":"### Answer: GYRE \n ### Explanation: Definition: It goes around\n\n[*the edges of*] **G**(loom)**Y R**(avin)**E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Straight flush? Smooth! (4)","output":"### Answer: EVEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Straight\n\nTriple definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Uncertain place to go, when retreating into background (10)","output":"### Answer: AMBIVALENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Uncertain\n\n**<=LAV** (\"place to go\", *when retreating*) *into* **AMBIENT** (\"background\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Worried host deploring a wasteful chap after returning home (3,8,3)","output":"### Answer: THE PRODIGAL SON \n ### Explanation: Definition: wasteful chap after returning home\n\n***(host deploring a)** [anag:*worried*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Doctor rages after Freedom of Information exposes controversial food (4,4)","output":"### Answer: FOIE GRAS \n ### Explanation: Definition: controversial food\n\n***(rages)** [anag:*doctor*] *after* **FOI** (Freedom of Information)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fairly standard community? (6)","output":"### Answer: PARISH \n ### Explanation: Definition: community\n\nPAR is \"standard\" so **PARISH** may be \"fairly standard\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Turner embarrassed, getting flustered (8)","output":"### Answer: LATHERED \n ### Explanation: Definition: flustered\n\n**LATHE** (\"turner\") + **RED** (\"embarrassed\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Undernourished family in southern US state (6)","output":"### Answer: SKINNY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Undernourished\n\n**KIN** (\"family\") *in* **S** (southern) + **KY** (Kentucky, \"US state\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Duke is captivated by foxtrot and tango (4)","output":"### Answer: FIST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Duke\n\n**IS** *captivated by* **F** + **T** (foxtrot and tango, in the NATI phonetic alphabet)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Excuse criminal getting cheated (7)","output":"### Answer: CONDONE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Excuse\n\n**CON** (\"criminal\") *getting* **DONE** (\"cheated\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One left his anorak after scrambling for rescue boat (5,3)","output":"### Answer: NOAH\u2019S ARK \n ### Explanation: Definition: rescue boat\n\n***(hs anorak)** [anag:*after scrambling*] where HS is H(i)S with I gone (\"left\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Blatant attacks said to cause financial difficulties for company (11)","output":"### Answer: OVERTRADING \n ### Explanation: Definition: financial difficulties for company\n\nHomophone [*said*] of **OVERT RAIDING** (\"blatant attacks\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Maroon hair (6)","output":"### Answer: STRAND \n ### Explanation: Definition: Maroon\n\nDouble definitions"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Goldcrest surgically gutted \u2014 it should establish cause of death (7)","output":"### Answer: AUTOPSY \n ### Explanation: Definition: it should establish cause of death\n\n**Au **(chemical symbol for \"gold\") + **TOP** (\"crest\") + **S**(urgical)**Y** [*gutted*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old building material containing rubbish tip waste (9)","output":"### Answer: EXCREMENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: waste\n\n**EX** (\"old\") + **CEMENT** (\"building material\") *containing* **R**(ubbish) [*tip*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Took on title, as king abdicated initially (7,4)","output":"### Answer: ASSUMED NAME \n ### Explanation: Definition: Took on title\n\n*{I can't parse this one to my satisfaction.}"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Input fell dreadfully; it's quite common (9)","output":"### Answer: PLENTIFUL \n ### Explanation: Definition: quite common\n\n***(input fell)** [anag:*dreadfully*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hotel sign including everything to indicate quality (8)","output":"### Answer: HALLMARK \n ### Explanation: Definition: to indicate quality\n\n**H** (hotel) + **MARK** (\"sign\") *including* **ALL** (\"everything\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Poet, for example, among fifth-rate celebrities (7)","output":"### Answer: ELEGIST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Poet\n\n**e.g.** (\"for example\") *among* **E-LIST** (\"fifth-rate celebrities\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sex at home without love \u2014 it wears things out (7)","output":"### Answer: EROSION \n ### Explanation: Definition: it wears things out\n\n**EROS** (god of love and \"sex\") + **IN** (\"at home\") *without* (i.e. outside) **O** (love, in tennis)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: How the Irish speak of knave crowned by Britain? (6)","output":"### Answer: BROGUE \n ### Explanation: Definition: How the Irish speak\n\n**ROGUE** (\"knave\") *crowned by* **B** (Britain)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hypothesis that has no alter\u00adnative for these people (4)","output":"### Answer: THEY \n ### Explanation: Definition: these people\n\n**THE**(or)**Y** (\"hypothesis\") *that has no* OR (\"alternative\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Forced point following endless waffle (6)","output":"### Answer: DRIVEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Forced\n\n**N** (north, so compass \"point\") *following* [*endless*] **DRIVE**(l) (\"waffle\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Divulge, and indeed question, article about island (8)","output":"### Answer: ACQUAINT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Divulge\n\n*In* **ACT** (\"deed\"), **QU** (question) + **AN** (\"article\") *about* **I** (island)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Brave boxer put in against six-footer (7)","output":"### Answer: VALIANT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Brave\n\n(Muhammad) **ALI** (\"boxer\") *put in* **V** (versus, so \"against\") + **ANT** (\"six-footer\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Boots maybe for man pursuing lead in cowboy film (7)","output":"### Answer: CHEMIST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Boots maybe\n\n**HE **(\"man\") *pursuing* [*lead in*] **C**(owboy) + **MIST** (\"film\")\n \n\n \n*For non-UK solvers, Boots is a chain of high-street pharmacies (drugstores)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Notice some training issues in review (4)","output":"### Answer: SIGN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Notice\n\nHidden backwards in [*some*\u2026*in review*] \"traini**NG IS**sues\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: High excitement always after kick-off in Fulham ground (5,5)","output":"### Answer: FEVER PITCH \n ### Explanation: Definition: High excitement\n\n**EVER** (\"always\") *after* [*kick-off in*] **F**(ulham) + **PITCH** (\"ground\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fill retired commanding officer's mug with last of brandy (6)","output":"### Answer: OCCUPY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fill \n\n[*retired*] **<=CO** (commanding officer) + **CUP** (\"mug\") *with* [*last of*] (brand)**Y"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Offends boyfriend returning 40% of gifts (7)","output":"### Answer: REVOLTS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Offends\n\n**<=LOVER** (\"boyfriend\", *returning*) + [*40% of*] (gif)**TS"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Arranged for personal contents to be removed before old queen died (7)","output":"### Answer: PLANNED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Arranged\n\n**P**(ersona)**L** [*contents to be removed*] *before* **ANNE** (\"old queen\") + **D** (died)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Jog wearing gilet (6)","output":"### Answer: JERKIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: gilet\n\n**JERK** (\"jog\") + **IN** (\"wearing\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Everything about her, time and time again, is really fashionable (3,3,4)","output":"### Answer: ALL THE RAGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: really fashionable\n\n**ALL** (\"everything\") +** T** (time) + **AGE** (\"time\" *again*) *about* **HER"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Distort sample from slow arpeggio (4)","output":"### Answer: WARP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Distort\n\n[*sample from*] \"slo**W ARP**eggio\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lift broken, leave note (7)","output":"### Answer: ELEVATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Lift\n\n***(leave) **[anag:*broken*] + **TE** (musical \"note\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Talk about life \u2013 what about mine with a prince? (7)","output":"### Answer: EPITAPH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Talk about life\n\n**EH** (\"what\") *about* **PIT** (\"mine\") *with* **A **+ **P** (prince)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Studied irregular verbs in reference work (8)","output":"### Answer: OBSERVED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Studied\n\n***(verbs)** [anag:*irregular*] *in* **OED** (Oxford English Dictionary, so \"reference work\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rip packet and eat a little bit (4,2)","output":"### Answer: PECK AT \n ### Explanation: Definition: eat a little bit\n\n***(packet) **[anag:*rip*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Difference of opinion in group (8)","output":"### Answer: DIVISION \n ### Explanation: Definition: Difference of opinion\n\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Short story about soldier in pub's nonsense (9)","output":"### Answer: ILLOGICAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: nonsense\n\n[*short*] **<=LI**(e) (\"story\", *about*) + **GI** (\"soldier\") *in* **LOCAL** (\"pub\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Knock back beer and start on neat spirit (4)","output":"### Answer: ELAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: spirit\n\n[*knock back*]** <=ALE** (\"beer\") + [*start on*] **N**(eat)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Spaniel fed heartily on large male bird (8)","output":"### Answer: COCKEREL \n ### Explanation: Definition: male bird\n\n**COCKER** (spaniel) + (f)**E**(d) [*heartily*] *on* **L** (large)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: In France, a former policeman's taken over rape case not yet investigated (10)","output":"### Answer: UNEXPLORED \n ### Explanation: Definition: not yet investigated\n\n**UN** (\"in France, a\") + **EX** (\"former\") + **PLOD** (\"policeman\") *taking over* **R**(ap)**E** [*case*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Addition's complicated and not for dunce (5)","output":"### Answer: IDIOT \n ### Explanation: Definition: dunce\n\n***(ditio)** [anag:*complicated*] where DITIO is (ad)DITIO(n) without the letters of AND (*and not*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Grumpy having to engrave inside edges of trophy (6)","output":"### Answer: TETCHY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Grumpy\n\n**ETCH** (\"to engrave\") *inside* [*edges of*] **T**(roph)**Y"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tees off with middle of fairway drive (5)","output":"### Answer: STEER \n ### Explanation: Definition: drive\n\n***(tees)** [anag:*off*] *with* [*middle of*] (fai)**R**(way)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Flying high above earth, awfully thin atmosphere (2,2,3,3)","output":"### Answer: UP IN THE AIR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Flying\n\n**UP** (\"high\") + ***(thin) **[anag:*awfully*] *above* **E** (earth) + **AIR"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Surprise stand by America on aid (4,5)","output":"### Answer: TAKE ABACK \n ### Explanation: Definition: Surprise\n\n**TAKE** (\"stand\", as in \"tolerate\") *by* **A** (American) *on* **BACK** (\"aid\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rescue dog has missing tail (8)","output":"### Answer: RETRIEVE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Rescue\n\n**RETRIEVE**(r) (\"dog\") [*has no tail* i.e. last letter]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Loses temper over sexy photo (8)","output":"### Answer: SNAPSHOT \n ### Explanation: Definition: photo\n\n**SNAPS** (\"loses temper\") *over* **HOT** (\"sexy\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Look! Old book's turned up in summerhouse (6)","output":"### Answer: GAZEBO \n ### Explanation: Definition: summerhouse\n\n**GAZE** (\"look\") + **<=(O** (old) + **B** (book)**) **[*turned up*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Trolls take on reserve after own goal (5)","output":"### Answer: OGRES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Trolls\n\n**RES** (reserve) *after* **OG** (own goal, in football)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Vegetables and cooked eels contain potassium (5)","output":"### Answer: LEEKS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Vegetables\n\n***(eels)** [anag:*cooked*] *contain* **K** (chemical symbol for \"potassium\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Intelligent questions on the radio? (4)","output":"### Answer: WISE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Intelligent\n\nHomophone [*on the radio*] of **WHYS** (\"questions\") in some accents, at least"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mortgagor ill-advised to accommodate thug (7)","output":"### Answer: GORILLA \n ### Explanation: Definition: thug\nHidden in [*to accommodate*] \"mortga**GOR ILL-A**dvised\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Manuscript account taken from pope's office by Russia (7)","output":"### Answer: PAPYRUS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Manuscript\nA\/c (account) *taken from* **PAP**(ac)**Y **(\"pope's office\") *by* **RUS** (Russia)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Give up on university (5)","output":"### Answer: REMIT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Give up\n**RE** (\"on\") + **MIT** (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, so \"university\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Go-ahead king seduced by risk, losing last of wealth (9)","output":"### Answer: CLEARANCE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Go-ahead\n(King) **LEAR** *seduced by* **C**(h)**ANCE** (\"risk\", *losing* [*last of*] (wealt)H)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Journo goes after church involved in misguided offer to indoctrinate (5-4)","output":"### Answer: FORCE-FEED \n ### Explanation: Definition: to indoctrinate\n**ED** (\"journey\") *goes after* **CE** (\"Church\" of England) *in* ***(offer)** [anag:*misguided*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tea service returned following introduction of annulment (5)","output":"### Answer: ASSAM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Tea\n**<=MASS** (\"service\" *returned*)* following* [*introduction of*] **A**(nnulment)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tedium induced, essentially, through unlimited court action? (5)","output":"### Answer: ENNUI \n ### Explanation: Definition: Tedium\n(ind)**U**(ced) [*essentially*] *through* [*unlimited*] (t)**ENNI**(s) (\"court action\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rumpy-pumpy with poor Kiki moving twice this fast (3,6)","output":"### Answer: YOM KIPPUR \n ### Explanation: Definition: this fast\n*(rumpy po ki) [anag:pumpy] where PO and KI are PO(or) and KI(ki) \"moving twice\" \n*If I have parsed it correctly, this is nonsense.- [edit \u2013 see comment no 2 below]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cut off fungal growth in between toes (at the top) (9)","output":"### Answer: INTERCEPT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Cut off\n**CEP** (mushroom, so \"fungal growth\") *in* **INTER** (\"between\") **T**(oes) [*at the top*] \n\u00a0\n \n*\"at the top\" works better as an initial indicator in a down clue."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ground hosting final of competition? (5)","output":"### Answer: ARENA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Ground hosting final of competition?\n**AREA** (\"ground\") *hosting* [*final of*] (competitio)**N** and &lit."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Worth having sides of uniform straightened for regulator (5)","output":"### Answer: VALVE \n ### Explanation: Definition: regulator\n**VAL**(u>**V**)**E **(\"worth\" with the* sides of* U (uniform) *straightened* (to form a V))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Servant secures right to free gift from Carol (9)","output":"### Answer: PARTRIDGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: gift from Carol\n**PAGE **(\"servant\") *secures* **Rt.** (right) + **RID** (\"to free\") \n\u00a0\n \nThe first of the *Twelve Gifts of Christmas* was a PARTRIDGE in a pear tree"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Order troops to disrupt most of festival (9)","output":"### Answer: CARNIVORA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Order\n**OR** (other ranks, so \"troops\")* to disrupt* [*most of*] **CARNIVA**(l) (\"festival\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: I'm like a cat, say, knocking back fish (5)","output":"### Answer: GENET \n ### Explanation: Definition: I'm like a cat\n**<=E.G**. (\"say\", knocking back) + **NET** (\"fish\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Indecent part of former pupil's act? (7)","output":"### Answer: OBSCENE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Indecent\n**OB** (old boy, so \"former pupil\") + **SCENE** (\"part of act\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Destroy rodents circulating disease (7)","output":"### Answer: ENDEMIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: disease\n**END** (\"destroy\") + **<=MICE** (\"rodents\" *circulating*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Government department once implicated in blunder is one of high standing (7)","output":"### Answer: GIRAFFE \n ### Explanation: Definition: one of high standing\n**IR** (Inland Revenue, now HM Customs and Excise, so \"government department once\") *implicated in* **GAFFE** (\"blunder\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Artist must change image to accommodate mass market in the end (9)","output":"### Answer: REMBRANDT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Artist\n**REBRAND** (\"change image\") *to accomodate* **M** (mass) + (marke)**T** [*in the end*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Drink flat white after sustaining losses on both fronts (5)","output":"### Answer: LATTE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Drink\n(f)**LAT** + (whi)**TE** [*after sustaining losses on both fronts*] \n\u00a0\n \n*If I have parsed this correctly, then I don't like the clue, as it is asking the solver to remove different numbers of letters from each source word without any indication of how many letters, which is not fair on the solver."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: First model to bend over backwards on top of classic Jag (9)","output":"### Answer: ARCHETYPE \n ### Explanation: Definition: First model\n**ARCH** (\"to bend over backwards\") *on top of* **E-TYPE** (\"classic Jag\" i.e. Jaguar car)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One refuses to be seen in tartan without naked sex appeal (5)","output":"### Answer: PLEAD \n ### Explanation: Definition: appeal\nI (one) *refuses to be seen in* **PLA**(i)**D** (\"tartan\") *without* (i.e. outside) [*naked*] (s)**E**(x)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: 90% appreciate being represented by heads (3,6)","output":"### Answer: PER CAPITA \n ### Explanation: Definition: by \n***(appreciat)** [anag:*being represented*] where APPRECIAT is [90%] APPRECIAT(e)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: New ruse in Scrabble? Marked tiles! (5)","output":"### Answer: RUNES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Marked tiles\n***(n ruse)** [anag:*in scrabble*] where N = new"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Vessel needs time in deep water, both home and abroad (7)","output":"### Answer: STEAMER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Vessel\n**T** (time) in **SEA** + **MER** (\"deep water\" in English and French, therefore \"both home and abroad\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Jew from Eilat is disgruntled with religious education (9)","output":"### Answer: ISRAELITE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Jew\n***(eilat is re)** [anag:*disgruntled*] where RE = religious education"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Way to transport Manx politician around? (9)","output":"### Answer: MOTORCADE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Way to transport\nCan't parse, sorry! [edit \u2013 see comment 2 below]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Spurious name setter's rejected for sobriquet (9)","output":"### Answer: PSEUDONYM \n ### Explanation: Definition: sobriquet\n**PSEUDO** (\"spurious\") + **N **(name) + **<=MY** (\"setter's\" *rejected*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Outside term-time, university is granted nothing without specific application (2,5)","output":"### Answer: IN VACUO \n ### Explanation: Definition: without specific application\n**IN VAC** (\"outside term-time\") + **U** (university) *is granted* **O** (nothing) \n\u00a0\n \n*Vac is an abbreviation for vacation, especially within the university environment, according to Chambers."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Free from contamination after a month in charge (7)","output":"### Answer: ASEPTIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: Free from contamination\n**A** + **SEPT** (September, so \"month\") + **IC** (in charge)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fun to be had, as poet's not at home (5)","output":"### Answer: LARKS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fun\n(Philip) **LARK**(in)'**S** (\"poet's\" *not* IN (\"at home\"))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Test for the value of banks? On the contrary (5)","output":"### Answer: PROVE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Test\n**PRO** (\"for\") + [*the banks of*] **V**(alu)**E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Papers providing support for doctor's firm (5)","output":"### Answer: RIGID \n ### Explanation: Definition: firm\n**ID **(identity \"papers\") *providing support for ***RIG** (\"doctor\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Find junk dealers here go metric? (9)","output":"### Answer: SCRAPYARD \n ### Explanation: Definition: Find junk dealers here\nIf you \"go metric\" you might **SCRAP YARD** as a unit of measure in favour of metre."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Male going into spasm a slave to Earl Grey? (5)","output":"### Answer: THEIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: a slave to Earl Grey?\nHE (\"male\") going into TIC (\"spasm\") \n\u00a0\n \n*A theic is someone who drinks too much tea."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Soldiers in old company showing common character? (7)","output":"### Answer: ORINOCO \n ### Explanation: Definition: common character?\n**OR** (other ranks, so \"soldiers\") + **IN** + **O** (old) + **Co.** (company) \n\u00a0\n \n*Orinoco was one of the Wombles, who lived on Wimbledon Common, hence \"common character\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Meat carried in spoon finally wiped clean (7)","output":"### Answer: SHAMPOO \n ### Explanation: Definition: clean\n**HAM** (\"meat\") *carried in* **SPOO**(n) [*finally wiped*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ultimate in excitement in bubbly composition (5)","output":"### Answer: MOTET \n ### Explanation: Definition: composition\n[*ultimate in*] (excitemen)**T ***in* **MOET** (brand of champagne, so \"bubbly\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Current details American on satellite finds clever (9)","output":"### Answer: INGENIOUS \n ### Explanation: Definition: clever\n**IN** (\"current\") + **GEN** (\"details\") + **US** (American\") *on* **IO** (\"moon of Jupiter, so \"satellite\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rower in loud cry when losing lead (3)","output":"### Answer: OAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Rower\n(r)**OAR **(\"loud cry\" *losing head*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: By law mother might be culpable (11)","output":"### Answer: BLAMEWORTHY \n ### Explanation: Definition: culpable\n***(by law mother)** [anag:*might be*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One to elicit pity generated in plays? (11)","output":"### Answer: TRAGEDIENNE \n ### Explanation: Definition: One to elicit pity generated in plays?\n***(generated in)** [anag:*plays*] and & lit."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fish and chips one decides to start with (3)","output":"### Answer: COD \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fish\n**C**(hips)** O**(ne)** D**(ecides) [*to start with*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Priest in sermons ignored (9)","output":"### Answer: MONSIGNOR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Priest\nHidden [*in*] \"ser**MONS IGNOR**ed\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Brown as pie in the cooking? (5)","output":"### Answer: SEPIA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Brown\n***(as pie) **[anag:*cooking*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fruit became more fashionable (7)","output":"### Answer: ROSEHIP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fruit\n**ROSE** (\"became more\") + **HIP** (\"fashionable\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Anorak from free catalogue \u2013 no thanks! (7)","output":"### Answer: CAGOULE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Anorak\n***(calogue)** [anag:*free*] where CALOGUE is CA(ta)LOGUE with *no* TA (\"thanks\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One absorbed by Sun flight feature (5)","output":"### Answer: STAIR \n ### Explanation: Definition: flight feature\n**I** (one) *absorbed by*** STAR** (\"sun\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Knight in anger to manage withdrawing (2,7)","output":"### Answer: IN RETREAT \n ### Explanation: Definition: withdrawing\n**N** (\"knight\", in chess notation) *in* **IRE** (\"anger\") + **TREAT** (\"to manage\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Maybe violent blow to one side in S&M (5)","output":"### Answer: STORM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Maybe violent blow\n**TO** + **R** (right, \"one side\") *in* **S** + **M"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: French king having way with queen in revel (7)","output":"### Answer: ROISTER \n ### Explanation: Definition: revel\n**ROI **(\"French\" for \"king\") *having* **St.** (street, so \"way\") *with* **ER** (Elizabeth Regina, so \"queen\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Purse with list one pocketed? (4,5)","output":"### Answer: POOL TABLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: one pocketed?\n**POOL** (\"purse\") *with* **TABLE** (\"list\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Curse crowd rising that interrupts road race (11)","output":"### Answer: ABOMINATION \n ### Explanation: Definition: Curse\n**<=MOB** (\"crowd\" rising)* that interrupts* **A1** (\"road\" heading north from London) + **NATION** (\"race\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hops the twig having expended energy in soul venue? (3)","output":"### Answer: DIS \n ### Explanation: Definition: soul venue?\n**DI**(e)**S** (\"hops the twig\") *having expended*** E** (energy) \nNot sure about the definition \u2013 I assume Neo is referring to the lowest levels of Hell in Dante's *Divine Comedy."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Two tons on farm transport (5)","output":"### Answer: TWAIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Two\n**T** (tons) *on* **WAIN** (a wagon once used on a farm, so \"farm transport\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Divorcee one in bed offering adventure (7)","output":"### Answer: EXPLOIT \n ### Explanation: Definition: adventure\n**EX** (\"divorcee\") + **I** (one) *in* **PLOT** (\"bed\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Not seeing straight when annoyed, Neo would say? (5-4)","output":"### Answer: CROSS-EYED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Not seeing straight\n**CROSS** (\"annoyed\") + homophone [*say*] of **I'D** (\"Neo would\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Trader inexperienced and more vulgar reportedly (11)","output":"### Answer: GREENGROCER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Trader\n**GREEN** (\"inexperienced\") + homophone [*reportedly*] of **GROSSER** (\"more vulgar\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tricks from Truss to corrupt old woman dragged in (9)","output":"### Answer: OUTSMARTS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Tricks\n***(truss to)** [anag:*corrupt*] with **MA** (\"old woman\") *dragged in"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Left commentator's position in error (9)","output":"### Answer: OVERSIGHT \n ### Explanation: Definition: error\n**OVER** (\"left\") + homophone [*commentator's*] of **SITE** (\"position\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Forgetting men travelling in the continent (7)","output":"### Answer: AMNESIA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Forgetting\n***(men) **[anag:*travelling*] *in* **ASIA** (\"continent\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Take restorative to overcome fit (7)","output":"### Answer: CAPTURE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Take\n**CURE** (\"restorative\")* to overcome* **APT** (\"fit\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Church in Eire turning up divine liquid (5)","output":"### Answer: ICHOR \n ### Explanation: Definition: divine liquid\n**Ch.** (church) *in* **<=ROI** (Republic of \"Ireland\", *turning up*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dodge an animal doctor crossing river (5)","output":"### Answer: AVERT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Dodge\n**A VET** (\"an animal doctor\") *crossing* **R** (river)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Greek character seen in Shorter Collins? (3)","output":"### Answer: PHI \n ### Explanation: Definition: Greek character\n[*shorter*] **PH**I(l) (Collins)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Get ambassador to make tea? Language! (6)","output":"### Answer: HEBREW \n ### Explanation: Definition: Language\n\n**HE** (His Excellency, so \"ambassador\") + **BREW** (\"to make tea\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Make surgeon fall ill and have a perfect fit (8)","output":"### Answer: DOVETAIL \n ### Explanation: Definition: have a perfect fit\n\n**DO** (\"make\") + **VET** (\"surgeon\") + **AIL** (\"fall ill\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Secure golden carriage (6)","output":"### Answer: LANDAU \n ### Explanation: Definition: carriage\n\n**LAND** (\"secure\") + **Au** (chemical symbol for \"gold\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Female priest, a senior manager (8)","output":"### Answer: DIRECTOR \n ### Explanation: Definition: a senior manager\n\n**DI** (short for DIANE, so \"female\") + **RECTOR** (\"priest\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: History of disc \u2014 part of it first (5,6)","output":"### Answer: TRACK RECORD \n ### Explanation: Definition: History\n\n**TRACK** (\"part of it\" i.e (record) + **RECORD** (\"disc\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What may catch trespassers, some returning to island (7)","output":"### Answer: MANTRAP \n ### Explanation: Definition: What may catch trespassers\n\n**<=PART** (\"some\", *returning*) *to* (Isle of) **MAN"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dismiss assembly and switch off (4,3)","output":"### Answer: TURN OUT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Dismiss\n\nTriple definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Captivating orator to read out letters, having file of documents (11)","output":"### Answer: SPELLBINDER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Captivating orator\n\n**SPELL** (\"to read out letters\") *having* **BINDER** (\"file of documents\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pleasure seeker wandering into shed (8)","output":"### Answer: HEDONIST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Pleasure seeker\n\n***(into shed) **[anag:*wandering*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unit is reorganised without moving (2,4)","output":"### Answer: IN SITU \n ### Explanation: Definition: without moving\n\n***(unit is)** [anag:*reorganised*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Clever woman has underwear stored away? (8)","output":"### Answer: BRAINBOX \n ### Explanation: Definition: Clever woman\n\n**BRA IN BOX** (\"underwear stored away\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: To have a lot on their plate is healthy for politicians (6)","output":"### Answer: GREENS \n ### Explanation: Definition: politicians\n\n\"having a lot of **GREENS** on their plate\" could be considered \"healthy\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Comment on Matthew's successor (6)","output":"### Answer: REMARK \n ### Explanation: Definition: Comment\n\n**RE** (\"on\") + **MARK** (\"Matthew's successor\" \u2013 Mark follows Matthew in the New Testament)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: As far as I can see, story mostly is on the level (10)","output":"### Answer: HORIZONTAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: on the level \n\n**HORIZON** (\"as far as I can see\") + **TAL**(e) (\"story\", *mostly*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Resistance worker put off accepting death (8)","output":"### Answer: DEFENDER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Resistance worker\n\n**DEFER** (\"put off\") *accepting* **END** (\"death\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Break point in game (4-4)","output":"### Answer: HALF-TIME \n ### Explanation: Definition: Break point in game\n\n(mildly) cryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Speaking, forbade reflective girl to wear this? (8)","output":"### Answer: BANDANNA \n ### Explanation: Definition: this?\n\nHomophone [*speaking*] of **BANNED** (\"forbade\") + **ANNA** (\"reflective\" (i,e, palindromic) \"girl\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A spin out in this? (4)","output":"### Answer: AUTO \n ### Explanation: Definition: this?\n\n**A** + ***(out)** [anag:*spin*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fat boy eating last of burger (4)","output":"### Answer: LARD \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fat\n\n**LAD** (\"boy\") *eating* [*last of*] (burge)**R"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The look on the face of one on holding up a train? (10)","output":"### Answer: EXPRESSION \n ### Explanation: Definition: The look on the face\n\n**I** (one) + **ON** *holding up* **EXRESS** (\"a train\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Find pole to agitate frogs, for example (4,4)","output":"### Answer: POND LIFE \n ### Explanation: Definition: frogs, for example\n\n***(find pole)** [anag:*to agitate*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Prize rams in new enterprises (5-3)","output":"### Answer: START-UPS \n ### Explanation: Definition: new enterprises\n\n**STAR TUPS** (\"prize rams\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ringing senator, confused about name (8)","output":"### Answer: RESONANT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Ringing\n\n***(senator)** [anag:*confused*] *about* **N** (name)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Do nothing for stricken region (6)","output":"### Answer: IGNORE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Do nothing for\n\n***(region)** [anag:*stricken*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fish caught at busy centre (4)","output":"### Answer: CHUB \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fish\n\n**C** (caught) *at* **HUB** (\"busy centre\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Thought almost perfect (4)","output":"### Answer: IDEA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Thought\n\n[*almost*] **IDEA**(l) (\"perfect\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Inventor backed group affiliated to city (5)","output":"### Answer: TESLA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Inventor\n[*backed*] **<=SET** (\"group\") *affiliated to* **L.A.** (\"city\") \n*Refers to Nikola Tesla (1856-1943)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dishes sprouts out regularly right by ovens (3,6)","output":"### Answer: POT ROASTS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Dishes\n(s)**P**(r)**O**(u)**T**(s) [*out regularly*] + **R** (right) *by* **OASTS** (\"ovens\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Clippings collected in this digital centre (4,3)","output":"### Answer: NAIL BAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Clippings collected in this digital centre\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Spear equine, say, in front of exposed lair (7)","output":"### Answer: ASSEGAI \n ### Explanation: Definition: Spear\n**ASS** (\"equine\") +** e.g. **(\"say\") *in front of *[*exposed*] (l)**AI**(r)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One who might enjoy a spot of cricket (13)","output":"### Answer: ENTOMOPHAGIST \n ### Explanation: Definition: One who might enjoy a spot of cricket\nCryptic definition \u2013 an entomophagist is an insect-eater."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Nordic circuit finally replicated (4)","output":"### Answer: LAPP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Nordic\n**LAP-P** (\"circuit\") with its last letter [*finally*] *replicated*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bulimic changed by American feature on abdomen (9)","output":"### Answer: UMBILICUS \n ### Explanation: Definition: feature on abdomen\n***(bulimic)** [anag:*changed*] *by* **US** (\"American\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Name hot beverage mostly after cold tart (9)","output":"### Answer: CHARLOTTE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Name\n**TE**(a) (\"hot beverage\", *mostly*) *after* **C** (cold) + **HARLOT** (\"tart\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Royal residence failing comfort test (4)","output":"### Answer: ORAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: test\n(balm)**ORAL** (castle in Scotland used by the Royal Family, a \"royal residence\") *failing* (i.e. missing) BALM (\"comfort\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Nice trainees somehow saving very ill people here (9,4)","output":"### Answer: INTENSIVE CARE \n ### Explanation: Definition: ill people here\n***(nice trainees)** [anag:*somehow*] *saving* (i.e. holding) **V** (very)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: On record, old rock mainly is of its time (7)","output":"### Answer: EPOCHAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: of its time\n*On* **EP** (extended play \"record\"), **O** (old) + **CHAL**(k) (\"rock\", *mainly*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Jazz fan on bed recalled a musical piece (7)","output":"### Answer: TOCCATA \n ### Explanation: Definition: musical piece\n**CAT** (\"jazz fan\") *on* **<=COT** (\"bed\", recalled) +** A"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Obits due for correction by her ultimately? (9)","output":"### Answer: SUBEDITOR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Obits due for correction by her ultimately?\n***(obits due)** [anag:*for correction*] *by* (he)**R** [*ultimatley*] and &lit."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Components of computerised organs (5)","output":"### Answer: UTERI \n ### Explanation: Definition: organs\nHidden in [*components of*] \"comp**UTERI**sed\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fish expert who can use forks, some might say (4)","output":"### Answer: TUNA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fish\nHomophone [*some might say*] of **TUNER** (\"expert who can use forks\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rest shot that could be potted (6,5)","output":"### Answer: SPIDER PLANT \n ### Explanation: Definition: that could be potted\n**SPIDER** (\"rest\" in snooker) + **PLANT** (\"shot\" in cue games)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Religious men in program sporting muscles (6)","output":"### Answer: ABBOTS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Religious men\n**BOT** (automated computer \"program\") *sporting* **ABS** (\"muscles\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Film company putting military person atop horse (9)","output":"### Answer: PARAMOUNT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Film company\n**PARA** (\"military person\") *above* **MOUNT** (\"horse\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ex-president essentially replaced by adult in March (5)","output":"### Answer: TRAMP \n ### Explanation: Definition: March\n**TR**(u>**A**)**MP** (\"former president\" (Trump) [*essentially replaced by* (i.e. with his middle letter changed to) A (adult)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Crossing citadel, cats boldly climbed barrier (8)","output":"### Answer: OBSTACLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: barrier\nHidden backwards in [*crossing*\u2026*climbed*] \"citad**EL CATS BO**ldly\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Drop progressively in share value regrettable (3)","output":"### Answer: SAG \n ### Explanation: Definition: Drop\n[*progressively* (i.e first letter, then second, then third) *in*] **S**(hare) (v)**A**(lue) (re)**G**(rettable)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Nervously modelled this kilt in centre of Rosyth (10)","output":"### Answer: SKITTISHLY \n ### Explanation: Definition: N\n***(this kilt)** [anag:*modelled*] *in* [*centre of*] (ro)**SY**(th)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cool motor outside of cottage judge put away (11)","output":"### Answer: INCARCERATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: put away\n**IN** (\"cool\") + **CAR** (\"motor\") + [*outside of*] **C**(ottag)**E** + **RATE** (\"judge\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Spirit producer originally sat on fortune (10)","output":"### Answer: PLUCKINESS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Spirit\n**P**(roducer) [*initially*]* sat on* **LUCKINESS** (\"fortune\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Guard in Tower 11 maybe stabbed by fellow (9)","output":"### Answer: BEEFEATER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Guard in Tower\n**BEE-EATER** (bird which eats bees) *stabbed by* **F** (fellow) \n*The 11 in the clue relates to 11 ac."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Half of cheese with vanilla coating turned white (8)","output":"### Answer: BLANCHED \n ### Explanation: Definition: turned white\n[half of] **CHE**(ese) *with* **BLAND** (\"vanilla\") *coating"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Language channel in France mostly acceptable (6)","output":"### Answer: MANCHU \n ### Explanation: Definition: Language\n(La) **MANCH**(e) (English \"Channel\" in French, *mostly*) + **U** (\"acceptable\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Piece of land has a tenant (5)","output":"### Answer: ISLET \n ### Explanation: Definition: Piece of land\nIf something has a tenant, it **IS LET"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Gift deliverers in Greece Amazon may initially upset (4)","output":"### Answer: MAGI \n ### Explanation: Definition: Gift deliverers\n**<= (I**(n) **G**(reece) **A**(mazon) **M**(ay)**)** [*initially upset*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Singer once having stolen one kid's ball (3)","output":"### Answer: ORB \n ### Explanation: Definition: ball\n(Roy) **ORB**(ison) (\"singer\" once) *having stolen* (i.e. taken away) I (one) + SON (\"kid\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sign programme's finishing early (3,6)","output":"### Answer: THE ARCHER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Sign\n**THE ARCHER**(s) (radio \"programme\" *finishing early*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Look, fellows, current's coming in! (4)","output":"### Answer: MIEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Look\n**MEN **(\"fellows\") with **I** (electrical \"current\") *coming in"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Get on well with one posh bloke after bonk (3,2,3)","output":"### Answer: HIT IT OFF \n ### Explanation: Definition: Get on well\n**I** (one) + **TOFF** (\"posh bloke\") *after* **HIT** (\"bonk\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A lot of cleaning staff to keep home going for actor (6,7)","output":"### Answer: DUSTIN HOFFMAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: actor\n[*a lot of*] **DUSTIN**(g) (\"cleaning\") + **MAN** (\"staff\") *to keep* **H** (home) + **OFF** (\"going\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Will one want people getting on with the job? (6)","output":"### Answer: AGEIST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Will one want people getting on with the job?\nCryptic definition \u2013 an ageist may think twice about hiring someone who is \"getting on\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Enforcer-in-chief's right \u2014 extremist spilling his guts (8)","output":"### Answer: MARTINET \n ### Explanation: Definition: Enforcer\n**Rt. **(right) *in* **MAIN** (\"chief\") +** E**(xtremis)**T** [*spilling his guts*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: It could be an Oxford way of speaking (6)","output":"### Answer: BROGUE \n ### Explanation: Definition: It could be an Oxford\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Can mean trouble, as Billy the Kid was (8)","output":"### Answer: NICKNAME \n ### Explanation: Definition: as Billy the Kid was\n**NICK** (\"can\" as in prison) + ***(mean)** [anag:*trouble*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Small vessels in which one crosses over river (8)","output":"### Answer: AMPOULES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Small vessels\n**A** (\"one\") + **MULES** (\"crosses\") *over* (River) **PO"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mate, I nearly forgot to back more than one English runner (6)","output":"### Answer: SPOUSE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Mate\n[*to back*] **<=PS** (postscript, \"I nearly forgot\") + **OUSE** (the name of *more than one* English \"runner\" (i.e. river))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: With flattery, talk round Eastern European living in desperation (8)","output":"### Answer: INVEIGLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: With flattery, talk round\n***(e e living)** [anag:*in desperation*] where the Es stand for Eastern and European"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Plays with old money children dropped (6)","output":"### Answer: DRAMAS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Plays\n**DRA**(ch)**MAS** (\"old money\" in Greece) with CH (children) [*dropped*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bird told me to go halves, taking back note (6)","output":"### Answer: TOMTIT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Bird\n**TO**(ld) **M**(e) **T**(o) [*go halves*] *taking* [*back*] **<=TI** (\"note\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: That's frightening about fan's collapse (4,4)","output":"### Answer: KEEL OVER \n ### Explanation: Definition: collapse\n**<=EEK** (\"that's frightening\", *over*) + **LOVER** (\"fan\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Almost a disaster \u2014 point to what should prevent a shock (4,5)","output":"### Answer: NEAR THING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Almost a disaster \n**N** (\"point\" of the compass) + **EARTHING** (\"what should prevent a shock\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: OK member of the bourgeoisie receives black mark (2,7)","output":"### Answer: NO PROBLEM \n ### Explanation: Definition: OK\n**NO PROLE** (not a member of the proletariat, so \"member of the bourgeoisie\") *receives* **B** (black) + **M** (mark)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Leaving? Rousing cheer initially let out (7)","output":"### Answer: EXITING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Leaving\n**EX**(c)**ITING** (\"rousing\", with C(heer) [*initially*] *let out*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: No money for accommodation on square? Spend the night here (5)","output":"### Answer: ROOST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Spend the night here\n*No* M (money) *for* **ROO**(m)**S** *on* **T**(-square)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cardinal's displeasure at court summons originally is diverting (9)","output":"### Answer: REDIRECTS \n ### Explanation: Definition: is diverting\n**RED** (\"cardinal\") + **IRE** (\"displeasure\") *at* **Ct.** (court) + **S**(ummons) [*originally*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Undertaking counterpart of 8, might one say, that's timeless? (7)","output":"### Answer: MISSION \n ### Explanation: Definition: Undertaking\n**MISS I**(t) **ON** (\"counterpart\" of HIT IT OFF) (see 8 ac) without the T (time) so* timeless"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Skin deep wound \u2014 one kept getting careless taking E's (9)","output":"### Answer: EPIDERMIS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Skin\n***(deep) **[anag:*wound*] *kept* **I** (one) *getting*** R**(e)**MIS**(s) *taking* (i.e. removing) E + S"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: No reason to be worried about end of term feature (5,4)","output":"### Answer: ROMAN NOSE \n ### Explanation: Definition: feature\n***(no reason)** [anag:*to be worried*] *about* [*end of*] (ter)**M"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tell blonde nurses to come around (9)","output":"### Answer: ENLIGHTEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Tell\n**LIGHT** (\"blond\") with **EN** + **EN** (enrolled \"nurses\") *coming round"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Row about home getting low rating (3-4)","output":"### Answer: ONESTAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: low rating\n**OAR** (\"row\") *about* **NEST** (\"home\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Climax during drink! What did you say? (5,2)","output":"### Answer: SPEAK UP \n ### Explanation: Definition: What did you say?\n**PEAK** (\"climax\") *during* **SUP** (\"drink\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Having sustained success, Ronaldo left for Germany, surprisingly (2,1,4)","output":"### Answer: ON A ROLL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Having sustained success\n***(ronallo) **[anag:*surprisingly*] where RONALLO is RONALDO with L (left) *for* (instead of) D (international vehicle code for \"Germany\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Diamonds I repeatedly show a Spaniard (5)","output":"### Answer: DIEGO \n ### Explanation: Definition: a Spaniard\n**D** (diamonds) +** I **+ **EGO** (\"I\") [*repeatedly*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Before leaving north, live where the best players are (1-4)","output":"### Answer: A-TEAM \n ### Explanation: Definition: where the best players are\n**A**(n)**TE** (\"before\" with N (north) *leaving*) + **AM** (\"live\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Doctor not a feminist holding a sign (13)","output":"### Answer: MANIFESTATION \n ### Explanation: Definition: sign\n\n***(not a feminist)** [anag:*doctor*] *holding*** A"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Flowers, first class, in Greek countryside (7)","output":"### Answer: GARLAND \n ### Explanation: Definition: Flowers\n\n**A **(\"first class\") *in* **Gr.** (greek) + **LAND** (\"countryside\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Magistrate on the rocks? (7)","output":"### Answer: JUSTICE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Magistrate\n\nA drink with **JUST ICE** in it could be described as \"on the rocks\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: I provide drugs for model (5)","output":"### Answer: IDEAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: model\n\n**I** + **DEAL** (\"provide drugs\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What you might take if crook in Wagga-Wagga? (4,5)","output":"### Answer: SICK LEAVE \n ### Explanation: Definition: What you might take if crook in Wagga-Wagga?\n\nIn Wagga-Wagga, as in the rest of Australia, \"crook\" means ill."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Indicate support (5,3)","output":"### Answer: STAND FOR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Indicate\n\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Still visiting Taipei fleshpots in retirement? (6)","output":"### Answer: SELFIE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Still\n\nHidden backwards [*visiting\u2026in retirement*] in \"taip**EI FLES**hpots\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Chic girl, an inhabitant of Jaipur? (6)","output":"### Answer: INDIAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: inhabitant of Jaipur?\n\n**IN** (\"chic\") + **DI** (\"girl\"'s name) + **AN"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pearls can be so sophisticated! (8)","output":"### Answer: CULTURED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Pearls can be so\n\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sally ignoring large group of yokels (9)","output":"### Answer: PEASANTRY \n ### Explanation: Definition: group of yokels\n\n**P**(l)**EASANTRY** (\"sally\", *ignoring* L (large))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: End of Boris, facing right-wing plot? (5)","output":"### Answer: STORY \n ### Explanation: Definition: plot\n\n[*end of*] (Bori)**S**, *facing* **TORY** (\"right-wing\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Case history of bum I imprisoned (7)","output":"### Answer: DOSSIER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Case\n\n**DOSSER** (\"bum\") with** I **[*imprisoned*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Trendy bishop booted out of seaside town (5,2)","output":"### Answer: RIGHT ON \n ### Explanation: Definition: Trendy\n\nB (bishop) *booted out of* (b)**RIGHTON** (\"seaside town\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Loss of copper's looks (13)","output":"### Answer: DISAPPEARANCE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Loss\n\n**DI's** (Detective Inspector's, so \"copper's\") + **APPEARANCE** (\"looks\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Idiot having more than one drink? That's me (7)","output":"### Answer: MUGGINS \n ### Explanation: Definition: me\n\n**MUG** (\"idiot\" ) *having* **GINS** (\"more than one drink\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Childminder's uni dreams shattered (9)","output":"### Answer: NURSEMAID \n ### Explanation: Definition: Childminder\n\n***(uni dreams**) [anag:*shattered*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Feeble female storyteller keeling over (5)","output":"### Answer: FRAIL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Feeble\n\n**F** (female) + **<=LIAR** (\"storyteller\", *keeling over*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old Swedish novel providing a distraction (8)","output":"### Answer: SIDESHOW \n ### Explanation: Definition: a distraction\n\n***(o Swedish)** [anag:*novel*] where O = old"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hopeless protest after change of leader (6)","output":"### Answer: ABJECT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Hopeless\n\n(o>**A**)**BJECT** (\"protest\") [*after change of leader*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rude about Victor being broke (9)","output":"### Answer: INSOLVENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: broke\n\n**INSOLENT** (\"rude\") *about* **V** (Victor, in the NATO phonetic alphabet)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: New song about capital of Nigeria (5)","output":"### Answer: NAIRA \n ### Explanation: Definition: capital of Nigeria\n\n**N** (new) + **<=ARIA** (\"song\", about).\n \n*Naira is the Nigerian currency, so \"capital of Nigeria\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fall back, about to surrender (6)","output":"### Answer: RECEDE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fall back\n\n**RE** (\"about\") + **CEDE** (\"to surrender\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Carts maid off, creating a scene (9)","output":"### Answer: DRAMATICS \n ### Explanation: Definition: a scene\n\n***(carts maid)** [anag:*off*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lost a number reportedly obtained in LA (9)","output":"### Answer: FORGOTTEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Lost\n\nHomophone [*reportedly*] of **FOUR** (\"a number\") + **GOTTEN** (\"obtained\" \u2013 past tense of \"get\" in the US, hence \"in LA\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Perk for those on board, having nothing on? (4-4)","output":"### Answer: DUTY FREE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Perk for those on board\n\nIf you're free of duties, you could be described as \"having nothing on\" (i.e. having nothing to do)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Troublemaker Eddie occasionally seen in bar (6)","output":"### Answer: IMPEDE \n ### Explanation: Definition: bar\n\n**IMP** (\"troublemaker\") + **E**(d)**D**(i)**E** [*occasionally seen*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Senior female robbed, money grabbed (7)","output":"### Answer: DOYENNE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Senior female\n\n**YEN** (\"money\") *grabbed* by **DONE** (\"robbed\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cause pedant to withdraw, giving tail a twist (4,2)","output":"### Answer: STIR UP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Cause\n\n**<=PURI**(st>**TS)** (\"pedant\") [*to withdraw*, i.e. backwards] and with it's *tail* (last two letters) *twisted"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: New Yorker's behind publicity for the president (5)","output":"### Answer: ASSAD \n ### Explanation: Definition: president\n\n**ASS** (\"New Yorker's behind\") + **AD** (\"publicity\")\n \n*Refers to Basha al-Assad, the president of Syria."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A sweetener for someone who might hire you? (5)","output":"### Answer: SUGAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: A sweetener\n\n(Sir Alan) **SUGAR** is the boss in the UK version of TV's *The Apprentice*, who is actually more likely to fire you than to \"hire you\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Way of meeting online, mostly new \u2014 once divorcee goes out to bag fellow (15)","output":"### Answer: VIDEOCONFERENCE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Way of meeting online\n\n***(ne once divorcee)** [anag:*goes out*] where NE is [*mostly*] NE(w), *to bag* **F** (fellow)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Second half of Kama Sutra covers ground that's hot! (7)","output":"### Answer: SUMATRA \n ### Explanation: Definition: ground that's hot!\n\n**SUTRA** *covers* [*second half of*] (ka)**MA"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Slipped disc, finally sent up on last pair of crutches (7)","output":"### Answer: ESCAPED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Slipped\n\n(dis)**C** [*finally*] + **APED** (\"sent up\") *on* [*last part of*] (crutch)**ES"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ladder with its step shortened (3)","output":"### Answer: RUN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Ladder\n\n**RUN**(g) (\"it's step\", *shortened*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Might one break clay when firing? Or has potter messed up? (4,7)","output":"### Answer: TRAP SHOOTER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Might one break clay when firing\n\n***(or has potter)** [anag:*messed up*]\n \n*Trap shooters aim to hit discs made of clay."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One planning romantic breaks with American husband (10)","output":"### Answer: MACHINATOR \n ### Explanation: Definition: One planning\n\n***(romantic a h)** [anag:*breaks*] where A = American and H = husband"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pulls in stomach muscles following end of liposuction (4)","output":"### Answer: NABS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Pulls in\n\n**ABS** (\"stomach muscles\") *following* [*end of*] (liposuctio)**N"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Second note put in score is wrong (10)","output":"### Answer: SUPERTONIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: Second note\n\n***(put in score**) [anag:*is wrong*]\n \n*The second degree of the diatonic scale (according to Chambers \u2013 I never studied music)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Vegetable is raw, needing seasoning (5,6)","output":"### Answer: GREEN PEPPER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Vegetable\n\n**GREEN** (\"raw\") + **PEPPER** (\"seasoning\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hang back to talk (3)","output":"### Answer: GAS \n ### Explanation: Definition: to talk\n\n**<=SAG** (\"hang\", *back*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Desire to be wealthy? Caviare is served (7)","output":"### Answer: AVARICE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Desire to be wealthy?\n\n***(caviare)** [anag:*is served*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Character who discovered Treasure Island after a large cut, we hear (3,4)","output":"### Answer: ALI BABA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Character who discovered Treasure\n\n**I** (island) *after* **A** + **L** (large) + homophone [*we hear*] of **BARBER** (\"cut\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Food from scattered seeds: crop that might be corny? (9,6)","output":"### Answer: PROCESSED CHEESE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Food\n\n***(seeds crop)** [anag:*scattered*] + **CHEESE** (\"that might be corny\" as in a cheesy joke)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: My servant works for church committee member (9)","output":"### Answer: VESTRYMAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: church committee member\n\n***(my servant)** [anag:*works*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tory MP virtually led into taxi following party (7,4)","output":"### Answer: DOMINIC RAAB \n ### Explanation: Definition: Tory MP\n\n[*virtually*, i.e. almost] **RA**(n) (\"led\") *into* **MINICAB** (\"taxi\") *following* **DO** (\"party\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Top revealed belt (8)","output":"### Answer: OUTSTRIP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Top\n\n**OUT** (\"revealed\") + **STRIP** (\"belt\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sailor also called port in Japan (5)","output":"### Answer: OSAKA \n ### Explanation: Definition: port in Japan\n\n**OS** (Ordinary Seaman, so \"sailor\") + **AKA** (also known as, or \"also called\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Releases colour, like a peach? (9)","output":"### Answer: FREESTONE \n ### Explanation: Definition: like a peach?\n\n**FREES** (\"releases\") + **TONE** (\"colour\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Think tank ultimately concerned with Conservative squeezing (6)","output":"### Answer: RECKON \n ### Explanation: Definition: Think\n\n**RE **(\"concerned with\") + **CON** (Conservative) *squeezing* (tan)**K** [*ultimately*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Flipping rubbish hotel that mostly is solvent (7)","output":"### Answer: NAPHTHA \n ### Explanation: Definition: solvent\n\n[*flipping*] **<=PAN** (\"rubbish\" as in to criticise) + **H** (hotel) + **THA**(t) [*mostly*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Billed one with some ingredients rising (5)","output":"### Answer: EIDER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Billed one\n\nHidden backwards [*some\u2026rising*] in \"ing**REDIE**nts\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A lovely head showing wisdom (9)","output":"### Answer: ACUTENESS \n ### Explanation: Definition: wisdom\n\n**A** + **CUTE** (\"lovely\") + **NESS** (\"head\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Second leg: in the dressing rooms? (9)","output":"### Answer: BACKSTAGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: in the dressing rooms?\n\n**BACK** (\"second\") + **STAGE** (\"leg\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Creature mainly living from fir nuts collected by squirrel (8)","output":"### Answer: STARFISH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Creature mainly living\n\n***(fir**) [anag:*nuts*] *collected b*y **STASH** (\"squirrel\")\n \n*The \"mainly\" in the definition refers to the main, i.e. the sea."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stingy thing following sale, shelled out at the start: it might be in stock \u2026 (7)","output":"### Answer: BEEFALO \n ### Explanation: Definition: it might be in stock\n\n**BEE** (\"stingy thing\") + **F** (following) + (s)**AL**(e) [*shelled*] + **O**(ut) [*at the start*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: \u2026 it reminds you to buy new silver product (7)","output":"### Answer: NAGWARE \n ### Explanation: Definition: \u2026 it reminds you to buy\n\n**N** (new) + **Ag** (chemical symbol for \"silver\") + **WARE** (\"product\")\n \n*Nagware is computer software that is free for a while, but frequently reminds the user to pay for its continued use."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Private home page (6)","output":"### Answer: INSIDE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Private\n\n**IN **(\"home\") + **SIDE** (\"page\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Understanding of golf pars when going round (5)","output":"### Answer: GRASP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Understanding\n\n**G** (golf, in the NATO phonetic alphabet) + ***(pars)** [anag:*going round*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tartan Army's leader wearing top to support Portugal (5)","output":"### Answer: PLAID \n ### Explanation: Definition: Tartan\n\n**A**(rmy) [*'s leader*] *wearing*** LID** *to support* **P** (Portugal)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Do up catches around edges of fascia at the front (6)","output":"### Answer: FASTEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Do up\n\n**<=NETS** (\"catches\" *around*) with [*edges o*f] F(asci)A [*at the front*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pretty down after former bridge partner's killed (8)","output":"### Answer: EXECUTED \n ### Explanation: Definition: killed\n\n**CUTE** (\"pretty\") + **D** (down) *after* **EX** (\"former\") + **E** (East, so \"bridge partner\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Permit to catch urchin and sea snail (6)","output":"### Answer: LIMPET \n ### Explanation: Definition: sea snail\n\n**LET** (\"permit\") *to catch ***IMP** (\"urchin\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mother and I, eating at home, take on a large dinner (4,4)","output":"### Answer: MAIN MEAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: dinner\n\n**MA** (\"mother\") *and* **ME** (\"I\") *eating* **IN** (\"at home\") *take on*** A** +** L** (large)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fianc\u00e9 gets back tax taken care of (8)","output":"### Answer: INTENDED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fianc\u00e9\n\n[*back*] **<=NI** (National Insurance, a form of \"tax\") + **TENDED** (\"taken care of\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hard trailing strike on City that's electronically sophisticated (2-4)","output":"### Answer: HI-TECH \n ### Explanation: Definition: electronically sophisticated\n\n**H** (hard) *trailing* **HIT** (\"strike\") *on* **EC** (postcode for \"City\" of London)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Clam bakes do contain some meat (4)","output":"### Answer: LAMB \n ### Explanation: Definition: some meat\n\nHidden in [*do contain*] \"c**LAM B**akes\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Perhaps Leo is dozing, miserably nursing a cold (6,4)","output":"### Answer: ZODIAC SIGN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Perhaps Leo\n\n***(is dozing)** [anag:*miserably*] *nursing* **A** + **C** (cold)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fraud detective embarrassed over shambolic notes (10)","output":"### Answer: DISHONESTY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fraud\n\n**DI** (Detective (inspector)) + **SHY** (\"embarrassed\") *over*** *(notes) **[anag:*shambolic*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Friendly women's section (4)","output":"### Answer: WARM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Friendly\n\n**W** (women) + **ARM** (\"section\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sample of classic liqueur for exclusive little group (6)","output":"### Answer: CLIQUE \n ### Explanation: Definition: exclusive little group\n\nHidden in [*sample of*] \"classi**C LIQUE**ur\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Borderline F's concerning in reading level (8)","output":"### Answer: FRONTIER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Borderline\n\n**F** + **ON** (\"concerning\") *in* **R** (reading, one of the three Rs) + **TIER** (\"level\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stimulated a wide advanced knowledge with education (8)","output":"### Answer: AWAKENED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Stimulated\n\n**A** + **W** (wide) + **A** (advanced) + **KEN** (\"knowledge\") + **ED** (education)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Throw away bag for ordinary double knit needle (6)","output":"### Answer: BODKIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: needle\n\n**BIN** (\"throw away\") *bag for* **O **(ordinary) + **DK** (double knit(ting))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Help centre with distribution of notice for poll (8)","output":"### Answer: ELECTION \n ### Explanation: Definition: poll\n\n(h)**EL**(p) [*centre*] *with* ***(notice) **[anag:*distribution of*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: More discovered about extra-terrestrial rock (6)","output":"### Answer: METEOR \n ### Explanation: Definition: rock\n\n***(more)** [anag:*discovered*] *about* **ET** (extra-terrestrial)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Go down with something bad following trip (4,3)","output":"### Answer: FALL ILL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Go down\n\n**ILL** (\"something bad\") *following* **FALL** (\"trip\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Very satisfied with half knocked back now and then (9)","output":"### Answer: SOMETIMES \n ### Explanation: Definition: now and then\n\n**SO** (\"very\") + **MET** (\"satisfied\") with **<=SEMI** (\"half\", *knocked back*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Observing energies Yankee invested in golf (6)","output":"### Answer: EYEING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Observing\n\n**E** + **E** (energies) with Y (Yankee, in the NATO phonetic alphabet) *invested* + **IN** + **G** (golf, in the NATO phonetic alphabet)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ten are initially in line for diagnostic procedure (1-3)","output":"### Answer: X-RAY \n ### Explanation: Definition: diagnostic procedure\n\n**X** (ten) + **A**(re) [*initially*] *in* **Ry.** (railway \"line\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tory immorality includes number with influence (8)","output":"### Answer: CONVINCE \n ### Explanation: Definition: influence\n\n**CON** (Conservative, so \"Tory\") + **VICE** (\"immorality\") *include* **N** (number)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bottom of dress encircled by musical note motif (5)","output":"### Answer: THEME \n ### Explanation: Definition: motif\n\n**HEM** (\"bottom of dress\") *encircled by* **TE** (\"musical note\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lido resort's keeping PH neutral for sea creature (7)","output":"### Answer: DOLPHIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: sea creature\n\n***(lido) **[anag:*resort*] *keeping* **PH** + **N** (neutral)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rally floating voter after general election starts (3,4)","output":"### Answer: GET OVER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Rally\n\n***(voter)** [anag:*floating*] *after* **G**(eneral) **E**(lection) [*starts*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Nervous using jack thing with burst tyre (7)","output":"### Answer: JITTERY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Nervous\n\n**J** (jack, in cards) + **IT** (\"thing\") *with* ***(tyre)** [anag:*burst*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Beset by problems, popular choice tucking into beer (2,1,6)","output":"### Answer: IN A PICKLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Beset by problems\n\n**IN** (\"popular\") + **PICK** (\"choice\") *tucking into* **ALE** (\"beer\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Picked up new significance surrounding memorial (8)","output":"### Answer: MONUMENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: memorial\n\n**MOMENT** (\"significance] *surrounding* homophone of [*picked up*] **NEW"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: State cleared criminal (7)","output":"### Answer: DECLARE \n ### Explanation: Definition: State\n\n***(cleared)** [anag:*criminal*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Schooner finally given free rein under master seaman (7)","output":"### Answer: MARINER \n ### Explanation: Definition: seaman\n\n(schoone)**R** [*finally*] *given* ***(rein)** [anag:*free*] *under*** MA** (Master (of Arts))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Zones out, nothing's interrupting sleep (6)","output":"### Answer: SNOOZE \n ### Explanation: Definition: sleep\n\n**O** (nothing) *interrupting* ***(zones)** [anag:*out*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Furious with current pay (5)","output":"### Answer: IRATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Furious\n\n**I **(symbol for electric \"current\") + **RATE** (\"pay\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Leading man's immersed in the role (4)","output":"### Answer: HERO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Leading man\n\nHidden [*immersed*] in \"t**HE RO**le\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Outstanding performer? Margate's thrilled (8)","output":"### Answer: MEGASTAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Outstanding performer\n***(margates) **[anag:*thrilled*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What may be piping hot, making one curse? (4)","output":"### Answer: OATH \n ### Explanation: Definition: curse\n**OAT** (\"what may be piping\") + **H** (hot) \n*An oat is a musical pipe made out of pipe-straw, or a shepherd's pipe."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Comic interlude, very old, filled with pulp mostly (10)","output":"### Answer: ANTIMASQUE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Comic interlude\n**ANTIQUE** (\"very old\")* filled with* **MAS**(h) (\"pulp\", *mostly*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Betrayed first sign of senility, getting on (4)","output":"### Answer: SOLD \n ### Explanation: Definition: Betrayed\n[*first sign of*] **S**(enility) + **OLD** (\"getting on\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: 'Hush'? That's 'mum', put another way (5)","output":"### Answer: STUMM \n ### Explanation: Definition: 'Hush'? That's 'mum', put another way\n**ST** (\"hush\") + ***(mum)** [anag:*put another way*] and &lit."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Clever dick? Reverse of studious person ? quite (7)","output":"### Answer: KNOWALL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Clever dick?\n[*reverse of*] **<=WONK** (\"studious\" person) + **ALL** (\"quite\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Coverage in The Scotsman , say, rants nobleman penned (9)","output":"### Answer: SPEERINGS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Coverage in The Scotsman , say\n**SINGS** (\"rants\") with **PEER** (\"nobleman\") *penned* \n*To speer (or speir) is \"to ask questions\" in Scots, so \"speerings\" could be newspaper interviews."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Head of Rugby no lad's messed with? (6)","output":"### Answer: ARNOLD \n ### Explanation: Definition: Head of Rugby no lad's messed with?\n***(r no lad)** [anag:*messed with*] where R is [*head of*] R(ugby) and &lit. \n*Refers to Thomas Arnold, head of Rugby school between 1828 and 1841"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Scientific geek absorbed in dispute chiefly (6)","output":"### Answer: TECHIE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Scientific geek\nHidden [*absorbed*] *in* \"dispu**TE CHIE**fly\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Extremely frosty exchange? (6)","output":"### Answer: BALTIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: Extremely frosty\nDouble definition, the second referring to the Baltic Exchange, a membership-only trading organisation based in London"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Jock's one to admit hoax and feel disgrace as before (6)","output":"### Answer: ASHAME \n ### Explanation: Definition: f\n**AE** (Scots for \"one\", so \"Jock's one\") *to admit* **SHAM** (\"hoax\") \n*Ashame is an old word for \"to feel shame\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Road sign needs to be this round start of excavation (9)","output":"### Answer: ORGANISED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Road sign needs to be this round start of excavation\n***(road sign)** [anag:*organised* (\"this\")] *round* [*start of*] **E**(xcavation) and &lit."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: In which you'll see more than one slope arms and get drilled (7)","output":"### Answer: MANSARD \n ### Explanation: Definition: In which you'll see more than one slope\n***(arms and)** [anag:*get drilled*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old philosopher, one mostly kept in readiness (5)","output":"### Answer: IONIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: Old philosopher\n**I** + [*mostly*] **ON IC**(e) (\"kept in readiness\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Middle of September? Heavens, it's often fine for a picnic (4)","output":"### Answer: ESKY \n ### Explanation: Definition: it's often fine for a picnic\n[*middle of*] (sept)**E**(mber) + **SKY** (\"heavens\") \n*An Esky is a type of coolbox."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: They were plotting part of bowling green in street strangely (10)","output":"### Answer: TRINKETERS \n ### Explanation: Definition: They were plotting\n**RINK** (\"part of bowling green\") *in* ***(street)** [anag:*strangely*] \n*\"Trinketer\" is an old word for someone involved in a plot."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What's associated with Milton (centrally)? Blindness may have affected such (4)","output":"### Answer: EYNE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Blindness may have affected such\n(k)**EYNE**(s) (\"what's associated with Milton\", *centrally*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Search Scots in quick movement? They may do that (8)","output":"### Answer: FRISKERS \n ### Explanation: Definition: They may do that\n**SKER** (\"Scots\" word for \"search\") *in* **FRIS** (a \"quick\" Hungarian dance \"movement\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Deer e.g. avoiding marshy ground (4)","output":"### Answer: MUSK \n ### Explanation: Definition: Deer\nEG *avoiding* **MUSK**(eg) (\"marshy ground\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dance making you miss work (5)","output":"### Answer: GALOP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Dance\n**GAL** (\"miss\") + **Op**. (opus, so \"work\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Troubled pal taken in by jocular Australian subtitle? (9)","output":"### Answer: STRAPLINE \n ### Explanation: Definition: subtitle\n***(pal)** [anag:*troubled*] *taken in by* **STRINE** (\"jocular\" word for Australian\" English)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Noble nag was at the front of the field (6)","output":"### Answer: TITLED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Noble\n**TIT** (\"nag\", a worn-out horse) + **LED** (\"was at the front of the field\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Talisman, a cross with letter associated with one? (6)","output":"### Answer: AMULET \n ### Explanation: Definition: Talisman, a cross with letter associated with one?\n**A **+ **MULE** (\"cross\") *with* **T** (\"letter associated with one\" i.e. a cross (tau-cross)) and &lit. possibly"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hiding head was expensive for Dick ? being one such? (7)","output":"### Answer: OSTRICH \n ### Explanation: Definition: one such?\n[*hiding head*] (c)**OST** (\"was expensive\") + **RICH** (\"Dick\", both short for Richard) \n*Ostriches famously hide their heads when chased."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pale blue component of Paraquat (4)","output":"### Answer: AQUA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Pale blue\nHidden in [*component of*] \"par**AQUA**t\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Male sitter, recognized locally? One deserved hanging (8)","output":"### Answer: HEMPSEED \n ### Explanation: Definition: One deserved hanging\n**HE** (\"male\") + **MP** (one sitting in Parliament, so \"sitter\") + **SEED** (dialect word for seen, so \"recognized locally\") \n*In Shakespeare, a hempseed was someone who deserved to be hanged."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Felt-tip, one creating circles Margi scrawled (10)","output":"### Answer: MAGI-MARKER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Felt-tip\n**MAKER** (\"once creating\") *circles* ***(Margi)** [anag:*scrawling*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Former assemblies mostly screened, broadcast in postscript (9)","output":"### Answer: PRESENCES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Former assemblies\n***(screene)** [anag:*broadcast*] *in* **PS** (postscript) where SCREENE is [*mostly*] SCREENE(d)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Follower of Huss curtailed forbidden liturgy (8)","output":"### Answer: TABORITE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Follower of Huss\n[*curtailed*] **TABO**(o) (\"forbidden\") + **RITE** (\"liturgy\") \n*The Taborites (aka Picards) were a faction within the Hussite movement in medieval Bohemia."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Like sea creature's fur? Sailor I spotted clothed in one (7)","output":"### Answer: OTARINE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Like sea creature's fur?\n**TAR **(\"sailor\") +** I** *spotted in* **ONE** \n*An otary is an eared seal, and otarine is the adjective which describes its silky fur."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Top of helmet I found in Crimea, battered, rear piece missing (6)","output":"### Answer: CIMIER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Top of helmet\n**I ***found in* ***(crime)** [anag:*battered*] where CRIME is CRIME(a) with its *rear piece missing"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Perch causing head of splinter to pierce bottom (5)","output":"### Answer: BASSE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Perch\n[*head of*] **S**(painter) *to pierce* **BASE** (\"bottom\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Eponymous hero appearing in early page (not English)? (4)","output":"### Answer: PNIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Eponymous hero\n**P**(age) **NIN**(e) (\"early page\", not E (English)) \n*Pnin is an eponymous hero of a Vladimir Nabokov novel, published in 1957."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Blond may change? Yes, looking at latest colours (4)","output":"### Answer: DYES \n ### Explanation: Definition: colours\n(blon)**D** (ma)**Y** (chang)**E** (ye)**S** [*looking at latest*, ie, last letters]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: About a hundred damaged trees are hidden (6)","output":"### Answer: SECRET \n ### Explanation: Definition: hidden\n***(trees)** [anag:*damaged*] *about* **C** (\"a hundred\" in Roman numerals)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Capital stimulus a kangaroo produces (6)","output":"### Answer: LUSAKA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Capital\nHidden in [*produces*] \"stimu**LUS A KA**ngaroo\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mean to state the time (7)","output":"### Answer: AVERAGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Mean\n**AVER** (\"to state\") + **AGE** (\"time\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Last incomplete exam penned by firm (7)","output":"### Answer: SURVIVE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Last\n[*incomplete*] **VIV**(a) (\"exam\") *penned by* **SURE** (\"firm\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Following triathlon, exhaustion's starting to be replaced (2,3,5)","output":"### Answer: ON THE TRAIL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Following\n***(triathlon e)** [anag:*to be replaced*] where E is E(xhaustion) [*'s starting*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Order members' pigeons (4)","output":"### Answer: NUNS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Order members'\nDouble definition, the second referring to a type of pigeon whose head feathers look like a nun's hood."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Eat a lot or nothing preserving energy (5)","output":"### Answer: FEAST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Eat a lot\n**FAST** ((eat) \"nothing\") *preserving* **E** (energy)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: With canteen opening early, Protestants made a mistake (6,2)","output":"### Answer: MESSED UP \n ### Explanation: Definition: made a mistake\n**MESS** (\"canteen\") + [*opening* (of)] **E**(arly) + **DUP** (Democratic Unionist Party, mainly \"Protestant\" party of Northern Ireland)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Congratulations for charitable actions (4,4)","output":"### Answer: GOOD WORK \n ### Explanation: Definition: Congratulations\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sign over letter after removing a terrible detail (5)","output":"### Answer: TILDE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Sign over letter\n***(detil) **[anag:*terrible*] where DETIL is DET(a)IL *after removing* **A"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Light flame of passion in sack (4)","output":"### Answer: FIRE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Light\nQuadruple definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Succeed by following beat (3,7)","output":"### Answer: WIN THROUGH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Succeed\nTHROUGH (\"by\") following WIN (\"beat\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Heavens! Trick produces bird (7)","output":"### Answer: SKYLARK \n ### Explanation: Definition: bird\n**SKY** (\"heavens\") + **LARK** (\"trick\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wolves' leaders to count on yellow outfits to excite supporters (7)","output":"### Answer: COYOTES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Wolves\n[*leaders to*] **C**(ount) **O**(n) **Y**(ellow) **O**(utfits) **T**(o) **E**(xcite) **S**(upporters)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Force to turn into don (6)","output":"### Answer: DURESS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Force\n**U**(-turn) *into* **DRESS** (\"don\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Order NY team to return after story ends (6)","output":"### Answer: SYSTEM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Order\n**<=METS** (\"NY team\" return) *after* **S**(tor)**Y** [*ends*] \n*The New York Mets are a baseball team."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: First Lady points out sins count (5)","output":"### Answer: SEVEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: sins count\n**EVE** (\"First Lady\") with **S** + **N** (south + north, \"points\" of a compass) *out*(side) \n*Refers to the seven deadly sins."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Spies seizing port with tip-off for treecreepers (7)","output":"### Answer: CERTHIA \n ### Explanation: Definition: treecreepers\n**CIA **(Central Intelligence Agency, so \"spies\") *seizing* (p)**ERTH** (Australian \"port\" with its *tip off*) *[EDIT \u2013 may be (b)ERTH?]* \n*Certhia is the genus of birds that includes treecreepers (not in any of my three go-to dictionaries, but found on Wikipedia)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Why I get to change number (6-3)","output":"### Answer: EIGHTY-TWO \n ### Explanation: Definition: number\n***(why I get to)** [anag:*change*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Normal to find saunas odd in mid- July (5)","output":"### Answer: USUAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Normal\n[*to find*] **S**(a)**U**(n)**A**(s) [*odd* (letters thereof)] *in* [*mid*] (j)**UL**(y)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Loan leading to progress (7)","output":"### Answer: ADVANCE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Loa\nTriple definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Exploit coming over the river (9)","output":"### Answer: ADVENTURE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Exploit\n**ADVENT** (\"coming\") *over* (*the river*) **URE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bill creating trouble for short Malawi leader (9)","output":"### Answer: LAWMAKING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Bill creating\n***(malaw)** [anag:*trouble for*] where MALAW is [*short*] MALAW(i) + **KING** (\"leader\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Had fun finding \"wet\" in French dictionary (9)","output":"### Answer: FROLICKED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Had fun\n**LICK** (\"wet\") *in* **Fr.** (French) + **OED** (Oxford English \"Dictionary\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bit of maths problematic for the oyster (3,6)","output":"### Answer: SET THEORY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Bit of maths\n***(the oyster)** [anag:*problematic for*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Little bit of excitement in rather boring fighter (7)","output":"### Answer: DUELLER \n ### Explanation: Definition: fighter\n[*little bit of]* **E**(xcitement) *in* **DULLER** (\"rather boring\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Beware of guard (7)","output":"### Answer: LOOKOUT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Beware\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Labour's compositions (5)","output":"### Answer: WORKS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Labour's\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Brilliance of jungle ambush (5)","output":"### Answer: GLEAM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Brilliance\nHidden in [*of*] \"jun**GLE AM**bush\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Keep quiet about little Italian restaurant by river steps at Aviemore? (10)","output":"### Answer: STRATHSPEY \n ### Explanation: Definition: steps at Aviemore?\n\n**SH** (\"keep quiet\") *about* **TRAT**(toria) (*little* \"restaurant\") *by* (River) **SPEY**\n \n*The Strathspey is a traditional Scottish dance, hence \"steps at Aviemore\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wrong . . . . or, in time, ultimately right (4)","output":"### Answer: TORT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Wrong\n\n**OR** *in* **T** (time) + [*ultimately*] (righ)**T"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Notice loss of resistance in circuit (4)","output":"### Answer: OBIT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Notice\n\n[*loss of*] R (resistance) *in* **O**(r)**BIT** (\"circuit\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Condition restricting movement is secured by finance provider following discharge (10)","output":"### Answer: RHEUMATISM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Condition restricting movement\n\n**IS** *secured by* **ATM** (automated teller machine, so \"finance provider\") *following* **RHEUM** (\"discharge\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Refuse to join woman out with teacher on the rebound (6)","output":"### Answer: DEBRIS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Refuse\n\n**DEB** (debutante, so \"woman out\") *with* **<=SIR** (\"teacher\" *on the rebound*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Look at Bottom \u2013\u2013 unconstrained, asinine, and beginning to heehaw. Would a fairy call for this? (3,5)","output":"### Answer: EYE TOOTH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Would a fairy call for this?\n\n**EYE** (\"look at\") + ***(otto)** [anag:*asinine*] + *[beginning to*] **H**(eehaw), where OTTO is (b)OTTO(m) *unconstrained"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: European once in prison needs exceptionally large place for business (8)","output":"### Answer: JUGOSLAV \n ### Explanation: Definition: European once\n\n**JUG** (\"prison\") *needs* **OS** (outsize, so \"exceptionally large\") + **LAV** (lavatory, so \"a place\" to do one's \"business\", euphemistically)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rustic claims he's the unidentified horned beast (4)","output":"### Answer: IBEX \n ### Explanation: Definition: horned beast\n\n**I BE** (\"rustic\" way to say \"I am\") + **X** (\"unidentified\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: It's not good of the French to take on very loudly (4)","output":"### Answer: DUFF \n ### Explanation: Definition: It's not good \n\n**DU** (\"of the\" in \"French\")* to take on* **FF** (fortissimo, so \"very loudly\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Serve the lot right to impose silence (8)","output":"### Answer: THROTTLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: to impose silence\n\n***(the lot rt)** [anag:*serve*] where RT is right"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unfortunately, corn here's run short around 1st April. One must keep stock (8)","output":"### Answer: RANCHERO \n ### Explanation: Definition: One must keep stock\n\n***(corn her)** [anag:*unfortunately*] *around* [*1st*] (of) **A**(pril), where HER is HER(e) *run short"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Drink first couple of beers after author's declaration of personal impartiality (6)","output":"### Answer: IMBIBE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Drink\n\n[*first couple of*] **BE**(ers) *after* **I'M BI **(\"author's declaration of personal impartiality\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: They establish connections and maintain them without revealing the point (6,4)","output":"### Answer: SAFETY PINS \n ### Explanation: Definition: They establish connections\n\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Supply eats? (4)","output":"### Answer: SATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Supply eats?\n\n***(eats)** [anag:*supply*] and &lit."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lament line finally adopted by Livingstone? (4)","output":"### Answer: KEEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Lament\n\n(lin)**E** [*finally*]* adopted by* **KEN** (Livingstone) (ex-Mayor of London)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Electronic data gathered about people going west. In these? (6,4)","output":"### Answer: ESTATE CARS \n ### Explanation: Definition: In these?\n\n**E** (electronic) + **STATS** (\"data\") *gathered about* **<=RACE** (\"people\" *going west*, ie from right to left)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One of St Paul's letters describes clever dramatic effect (7)","output":"### Answer: TABLEAU \n ### Explanation: Definition: dramatic effect\n\n**TAU** (\"one of St Paul's letters\") *describes* **ABLE** (\"clever\")\n \n*St Paul wrote in Greek, and tau is a letter in the Greek alphabet."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Perhaps bend Hamlet's ear every now and then (5)","output":"### Answer: ALTER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Perhaps bend\n\n(h)**A**(m)**L**(e)**T**(s) **E**(a)**R** [*every now and then*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Insensitive promotion in marketing firm leads to some embarrassingly lengthy litigation (4,4)","output":"### Answer: HARD SELL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Insensitive promotion in marketing\n\n**HARD** (\"firm\") + [*leads to*] **S**(ome) **E**(mbarrassingly) **L**(engthy) **L**(itigation)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One such as Betjeman recollected patriots in verse (15)","output":"### Answer: PRESERVATIONIST \n ### Explanation: Definition: One such as Betjeman\n\n***(patriots in verse)** [anag:*recollected*]\n \n*As well as being a poet, John Betjeman was well known as a preservationist, closely associated with a range of heritage organisations in the UK."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rabbit novel sent up to occupy youngster on vacation (6)","output":"### Answer: YAMMER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Rabbit\n\n**<=EMMA** (Jane Austen \"novel\", *sent up*) *to occupy* **Y**(oungste)**R** [*on vacation*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Inca by profession's a needlewoman? (9)","output":"### Answer: TATTOOIST \n ### Explanation: Definition: needlewoman?\n\nHomophone [*by profession*] of **INKER"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Prize pupils bored by mindless repetition? On the contrary (7)","output":"### Answer: ROSETTE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Prize\n\n**SET** (\"pupils\") *in* **ROTE** (\"mindless repetition\"), *contrary* to SET *bored by* ROTE\n \n*A set is a class of pupils of similar ability."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Actor's base offence in play involves son in real life (3-6)","output":"### Answer: OFF-SCREEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: in real life\n\n***(r offence)** [anag:*in play*] *involves* **S** (son), where R is (acto)R [*'s base*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Potential guide for TES production line found in loft? (5,3)","output":"### Answer: TRAIN SET \n ### Explanation: Definition: l\n\nTRAIN (?) + *(tes) [anag:*production*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Siege-gun: a war engine used to some extent in the dark (7)","output":"### Answer: UNAWARE \n ### Explanation: Definition: i\n\nHidden [*to some extent*] in \"siege-g**UN A WAR E**ngine\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: I could be in deep water, having given criminal a fresh start (7)","output":"### Answer: LOBSTER \n ### Explanation: Definition: I could be in deep water\n\n(m>**L**)**OBSTER** (\"criminal\" *given a fresh start*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Spooner's drink ready? Correct! (6)","output":"### Answer: RETYPE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Correct\n\nSpoonerism of **TEA RIPE** (\"drink ready\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Like \"fundamental\" it's tetrasyllabic, but not latterly used in translation (5)","output":"### Answer: BASIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: fundamental\n\n***(asbic)** [anag:*in translation*] where ASBIC is tetrASyllaBIC without the letters of \"latterly\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Leaflet about United Kingdom being more fortunate (7)","output":"### Answer: FLUKIER \n ### Explanation: Definition: more fortunate\n\n**FLIER** (\"leaflet\") *about* **UK** (United Kingdom)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Element drunk? That man's round the bend (7)","output":"### Answer: LITHIUM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Element\n\n**LIT** (\"drunk\") + **HIM** (\"that man\") *round* **U**(-bend)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Our man of letters? (4)","output":"### Answer: PAUL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Our man of letters?\n\nCryptic double definition referring to St Paul (who wrote NT epistles) and Paul, one of the Guardian's crossword setters"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Can see him struggling to equip with armoured vehicles (9)","output":"### Answer: MECHANISE \n ### Explanation: Definition: to equip with armoured vehicles\n\n***(can see him)** [anag:*struggling*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Among other things, I learnt design in Italy and Austria (5,4)","output":"### Answer: INTER ALIA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Among other things\n\n***(I learnt)** [anag:*design*] *in* **I** (Italy) and **A** (Austria)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Girl saves boy living by the sea (8)","output":"### Answer: MARITIME \n ### Explanation: Definition: living by the sea\n\n**MARIE** (\"girl\") *saves* **TIM** (\"boy\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Story about fish close to ocean (4)","output":"### Answer: YARN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Story\n\n[*about*] **<=RAY** (\"fish\") + [*close to*] (ocea)**N"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Excitement of Euripides's last epic novel (5)","output":"### Answer: SPICE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Excitement\n\n(Euripide)**S** ['s last] + ***(epic)** [anag:*novel*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rub down with a bit of spit to begin with (4)","output":"### Answer: SAND \n ### Explanation: Definition: Rub down\n\n[*bit of*] **S**(pit) + **AND** (\"with\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stop composer penning endings to round off sonata (4,4)","output":"### Answer: HOLD FAST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Stop\n\n(Gustav) **HOLST** (\"composer\") *penning* [*endings to*] (roun)**D** (of)**F** (sonat)**A"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Honest fellow managed onset of kleptomania (5)","output":"### Answer: FRANK \n ### Explanation: Definition: Honest\n\n**F** (fellow) + **RAN** (\"managed\") + [*onset of*] **K**(leptomania)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Candidate's party has money (9)","output":"### Answer: CONTENDER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Candidate\n\n**CON**(servative) (\"party\") *has* **TENDER** (\"money\", as in legal tender)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Might they produce tears or tiers? (4)","output":"### Answer: ROWS \n ### Explanation: Definition: tiers\n\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mixture of large men rioting leaving Reading (7)","output":"### Answer: MELANGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Mixture\n\n***(lage men)** [anag:*rioting*] where LAGE is LA(r)GE with R (reading, one of the three Rs) *leaving"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Trumpeter releases Mountain Man (7)","output":"### Answer: HERBERT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Man\n\n**HERB** (Alp)**ERT** (\"trumpeter\") *releases* ALP (\"mountain\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Male heir holding box back, containing king's bones (8)","output":"### Answer: SKELETON \n ### Explanation: Definition: bones\n\n**SON** (\"male heir\") *holding*** <=TELE** (\"box\", back) *containing* **K** (king)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Delivery of drink around morning (6)","output":"### Answer: BEAMER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Delivery\n\n**BEER** (\"drink\") *around* **AM** (ante meridiem, so \"morning\")\n \n*In cricket, a beamer is a fast ball bowled (i.e. a delivery) which reaches the batsman above the waist without touching the ground."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: I greased wheels in conflict (8)","output":"### Answer: DISAGREE \n ### Explanation: Definition: conflict\n\n***(I greased)** [anag:*wheels*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Economy too hot results in Financial Times tips (6)","output":"### Answer: THRIFT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Economy\n\n**T**(oo) **H**(ot) **R**(esults)** I**(n) **F**(inancial) **T**(imes) [*tips*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ridge directly obscures Norway (4)","output":"### Answer: DUNE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Ridge\n\n**DUE** (\"directly\") *obscures* **N** (Norway)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Put away 1000 1000 1000 1 times 500 takes energy? (9)","output":"### Answer: COMMITTED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Put away\n\n**C** (100) + **O** (0) + **M** (1000) + **M** (1000) + **I **(1) + **T**+**T** (times) + **D** (500) *takes* **E** (energy)\n \n*Nonsense clue."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Number 10 cover up deceived state (5)","output":"### Answer: IDAHO \n ### Explanation: Definition: state\n\n**I** (1) +** O** (0) *cover* [*up*] **<=HAD** (deceived)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Head of school wears fur coat in capital (5)","output":"### Answer: MINSK \n ### Explanation: Definition: capital\n\n[*head of*] **S**(chool) *wears* **MINK** (\"fur coat\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One in fashion pages is very modern (5-3)","output":"### Answer: SPACE AGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: very modern\n\n**ACE** (\"one\") *in* ***(pages)** [anag:*fashion*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ringo's exotic buy? A precious stone (4,4)","output":"### Answer: STAR RUBY \n ### Explanation: Definition: A precious stone\n\n(Ringo) **STARR** + ***(buy)** [anag:*exotic*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Horse able to be Shakespearean character (6)","output":"### Answer: DUNCAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Shakespearean character\n\nDUN (\"horse\") + CAN (\"able to be\")\n \n*Duncan is the king of Scotland killed by Macbeth."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cast starting tragedy fail to remember something (6)","output":"### Answer: FORGET \n ### Explanation: Definition: fail to remember something\n\n**FORGE** (\"cast\") + [*beginning to*] **T**(ragedy)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Gang abandoning base in Cheshire town (4)","output":"### Answer: CREW \n ### Explanation: Definition: Gang\n\n**CREW**(e) (\"Cheshire town\") with its *base abandoned"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Woman with gold married a creep (4)","output":"### Answer: WORM \n ### Explanation: Definition: a creep\n\n**W** (woman) *with* **OR** (\"gold\" in heraldry) + **M** (married)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Churches grasping a new opportunity (6)","output":"### Answer: CHANCE \n ### Explanation: Definition: opportunity\n\n**Ch.** (church) + **CE** (\"Church\" of England) *grasping* **A** + **N** (new)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Start to shroud face with cape, revealing conceit (8)","output":"### Answer: SMUGNESS \n ### Explanation: Definition: conceit\n\n[*start to*] **S**(hroud) + **MUG** (\"face\") *with* **NESS** (\"cape\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Musical group overwhelmed by endless nasty, harsh criticism (7)","output":"### Answer: VITRIOL \n ### Explanation: Definition: harsh criticism\n\n**TRIO** (\"musical group\") *overwhelmed by* [*endless*] **VIL**(e) (\"nasty\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Editing loses volume, then turns louder (7)","output":"### Answer: NOISIER \n ### Explanation: Definition: louder\n\n[*turns*] **<=REISION**, where REISION is RE(v)ISION {\"editing\" *losing* V (volume))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Standard portion of protein or meat (4)","output":"### Answer: NORM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Standard\n\nHidden in [*portion of*] \"protei**N OR M**eat\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Italian citizen staggering into a plane (10)","output":"### Answer: NEAPOLITAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Italian citizen\n\n***(into a plane)** [anag:*staggering*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ruling on information technology, primarily (6)","output":"### Answer: REGENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Ruling\n\n**RE** (\"on\" ) + **GEN** (\"information\") + **T**(echnology) [*primarily*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: On the whole, boring thing rang out loud (3,4)","output":"### Answer: ALL TOLD \n ### Explanation: Definition: On the whole\n\nHomophone [*out loud*] of **AWL** (\"boring thing\") + **TOLLED** (\"rang\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Introduce American narcotic with nothing taken out (5,2)","output":"### Answer: USHER IN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Introduce\n\n**US** (\"American\") + **HER**(o)**IN** (\"narcotic\" *with* O (nothing) *taken out*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Proceeds company invested in abandoned mine (6)","output":"### Answer: INCOME \n ### Explanation: Definition: Proceeds\n\n**Co.** (company) *invested in* ***(mine**) [anag:*abandoned*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Coward, perhaps, unusually wary in sticky situation (10)","output":"### Answer: PLAYWRIGHT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Coward, perhaps\n\n***(wary)** [anag:*unusually*] *in* **PLIGHT** (\"sticky situation\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Nick's positive response in Germany and Israel (4)","output":"### Answer: JAIL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Nick\n\n**JA** (\"positive response in German\") + **IL** (International Vehicle Registration code for \"Israel\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A series of four letters entertains an Asian (7)","output":"### Answer: AFGHANI \n ### Explanation: Definition: Asian\n\n**A **+ **FGHI **(\"series of four letters\") *entertains* **AN"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Boy captures French director in channel (7)","output":"### Answer: STATION \n ### Explanation: Definition: channel\n\n**SON** (\"boy\") *captures* (Jacques) **TATI** (\"French director\")\n \n*In this instance, \"channel\" is a TV channel (station)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Exercises for singer if legs go wobbly (8)","output":"### Answer: SOLFEGGI \n ### Explanation: Definition: Exercises for singer\n\n***(if legs go) **[anag:*wobbly*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Box, for example, in extremely soft way (6)","output":"### Answer: STREET \n ### Explanation: Definition: Box, for example\n\n**TREE** (\"box, for example\") *in* [*extremely*] **S**(of)**T"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Keen to take over outlet in place of exile (8)","output":"### Answer: COVENTRY \n ### Explanation: Definition: place of exile\n\n**CRY** (\"keen\") *to take* **O** (over, in cricket) + **VENT** (\"outlet\")\n \nIf you ignore someone, you are said to send them to Coventry, hence Coventry could be considered a \"place of exile\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Curiously agree with lots of trusted friends (5,4)","output":"### Answer: ALTER EGOS \n ### Explanation: Definition: trusted friends\n\n***(agree lots)** [anag:*curiously*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Josh is under Charlie's bed (4)","output":"### Answer: CRIB \n ### Explanation: Definition: bed\n\n**RIB** (\"josh\") *is under*** C** (Charlie, in the NATO phonetic alphabet)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cut back in funds? Nothing replaces European domination (8)","output":"### Answer: MONOPOLY \n ### Explanation: Definition: domination\n\n**<=LOP** (\"cut\" *back*) *in* **MON**(e>**O**)**Y** (nothing (O) *replaces* E (European) *in* MONEY (\"funds\"))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Piece of office equipment popular after many become involved in craft (10)","output":"### Answer: GUILLOTINE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Piece of office equipment\n\n**IN** (\"popular\") *after* **LOT** (\"many\") *become involved in* **GUILE** (\"craft\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Live departures with a twist in the tail (5)","output":"### Answer: EXIST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Live\n\nEXITS (\"departures\") with its *tail* (i.e. last two letters) *twisted* becomes **EXI(ST)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Upcoming races taking in northern beach (6)","output":"### Answer: STRAND \n ### Explanation: Definition: beach\n\n[*upcoming*] **<=DARTS** (\"races\")* taking in* **N** (northern)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Many ships are fast (5)","output":"### Answer: FLEET \n ### Explanation: Definition: Many ships\n\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Knit pants I wear, even tighter at the front (10)","output":"### Answer: INTERWEAVE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Knit\n\n***(I wear even t)** [anag:*pants*] where T is T(ighter) [*at the front*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Calling on one to protest in very good surroundings (8)","output":"### Answer: VISITING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Calling on\n\n**I** (one) + **SIT IN** (\"to protest\") *in* **VG** (very good) *surroundings"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ring wife about large rears becoming muscular (4-4)","output":"### Answer: WELL-KNIT \n ### Explanation: Definition: muscular\n\n**<=(TINKLE** (\"ring\") + **W** (wife) *about* **L** (large)) [*rears*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Special crest associated with southern states (6)","output":"### Answer: SPEAKS \n ### Explanation: Definition: states\n\n**S** (special) + **PEAK** (\"crest\") *associated with* **S** (southern)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Spirit that's surrendered on dying? (5)","output":"### Answer: GHOST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Spirit\n\nCryptic definition \u2013 dying could be described as \"giving up the ghost\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Heavenly messenger turning up in musical, eg \"Nativity!\" (5)","output":"### Answer: ANGEL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Heavenly messenger\n\nHidden backwards in [*turning up in*] \"musica**L EG NA**tivity\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Reportedly overcrowded settlement (4)","output":"### Answer: PACT \n ### Explanation: Definition: settlement\n\nHomophone [*reportedly*] of **PACKED** (\"overcrowded\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Turf hunk out of Britain with tendency for trouble (4,3)","output":"### Answer: SOD\u2019S LAW \n ### Explanation: Definition: tendency for trouble\n\n**SOD** (\"turf\") + **SLA**(b) (\"hunk\" *out of* (i.e. without) B (Britain)) + **W** (with)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old-fashioned drier whiskey \u2014 double! (7)","output":"### Answer: WRINGER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Old-fashioned drier\n\n**W** (whiskey, in the NATO phonetic alphabet) + **RINGER** (\"double\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Doves sport with great rook from the east (9)","output":"### Answer: PEACENIKS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Doves\n\n**PE** (physical exercise or \"sport\") *with* **ACE** (\"great\") + **<=SKIN** (\"rook\" *from the east*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Turkish bigwig's yearly investing has bombed (5)","output":"### Answer: PASHA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Turkish bigwig\n\n**PA** (per annum, so \"yearly\") *investing* ***(has)** [anag:*bombed*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Refuge of PM once, saving face (4)","output":"### Answer: LAIR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Refuge\n\n(Tony) (b)**LAIR** (\"PM once\", *saving* (i.e. except for) *face* (i.e. front))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Criminal admits that hurt ability to turn a profit (5,5)","output":"### Answer: MIDAS TOUCH \n ### Explanation: Definition: ability to turn a profit\n\n***(admits)** [anag:*criminal*] + **OUCH** (\"that hurts\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Intently watching, but missing a series (6)","output":"### Answer: STRING \n ### Explanation: Definition: series\n\n**ST**(ar)**RING **(\"intently watching\" *missing* A)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ruled about case of snake oil provider (7)","output":"### Answer: LINSEED \n ### Explanation: Definition: oil provider\n\n**LINED** (\"ruled\") *about* [*case of*] **S**(nak)**E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Guy's partner, one meeting DiCaprio? The earth moved for him! (7)","output":"### Answer: GALILEO \n ### Explanation: Definition: The earth moved for him!\n\n**GAL** (\"guy's partner\") + **I** (one) + **LEO**(nardo) (DiCaprio)\n \n*Galileo famously angered the church by postulating that Earth moved around the Sun, rather than the establishment's view that the Sun moved around Earth."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fabric coat from Versace with grim look (6)","output":"### Answer: VELOUR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fabric\n\n[*coat from*] **V**(ersac)**E** *with* **LOUR** (\"grim look\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Race around dodgy bars with gin in mum's cups (7,3)","output":"### Answer: NURSING BRA \n ### Explanation: Definition: mum's cups\n\n**<=RUN** (\"race\" *around*) + ***(bars gin)** [anag:*dodgy*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Good service, tennis ace (4)","output":"### Answer: GRAF \n ### Explanation: Definition: tennis ace\n\n**G** (good) + **RAF** (Royal Air Force, so \"service\")\n \n*Refers to Steffi Graf, a German tennis ace, who won multiple Grand Slam tournaments."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Periodical suffering, lumbago's back! (5)","output":"### Answer: HELLO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Periodical\n\n**HELL** (\"suffering\") + (lumbag)**O** [*'s back*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lorna likes men and women with time to make an expected contribution (2,4,3)","output":"### Answer: DO ONES BIT \n ### Explanation: Definition: to make an expected contribution\n\n(Lorna) **DOONE'S BI** (\"likes men and women\") *with* **T** (time)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Try pirouettes without success in matching clothes (7)","output":"### Answer: TWINSET \n ### Explanation: Definition: matching clothes\n\n**<=TEST** (\"try\" pirouettes) *without* **WIN** (\"success\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: In need of cracking fish in desperate need (7)","output":"### Answer: ENCODED \n ### Explanation: Definition: In need of cracking\n\n**COD** (\"fish\") *in* ***(need)** [anag:*desperate*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Changing direction initially, Asian country makes a bit of a bloomer (5)","output":"### Answer: SEPAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: a bit of a bloomer\n\n(n>**S**)**EPAL** (\"Asian country\" *changing direction* (North (N) to South (S)) *initially*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Papers about musician, say, releasing tango for recorder (7)","output":"### Answer: DIARIST \n ### Explanation: Definition: recorder\n\n**<=ID** (identity \"papers\" *about*) + **AR**(t)**IST** (\"musician, say\" *releasing* T (tango, in the NATO phonetic alphabet))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: National symbol's a revelation, it's said (4)","output":"### Answer: LEEK \n ### Explanation: Definition: National symbol\n\nHomophone [*it's said*] of **LEAK** (\"revelation\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Serving, give up point and play without purpose (7,3,5)","output":"### Answer: WAITING FOR GODOT \n ### Explanation: Definition: play without purpose\n\n**WAITING** (\"serving\") + **FORGO** (\"give up\") + **DOT** (\"point\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Darn! Flipping husband entirely rendered powerless in song (2,5,8)","output":"### Answer: WE SHALL OVERCOME \n ### Explanation: Definition: song\n\n**<=SEW** (\"darn\", flipping) + **H **(husband) + **ALL** (\"entirely\") + **OVERCOME** (\"rendered powerless\")\n \n*\"We Shall Overcome\" is a gospel song associated with the civil rights movement in the US."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Suggest bottling old wine without any strength (10)","output":"### Answer: IMPOTENTLY \n ### Explanation: Definition: without any strength\n\n**IMPLY** (\"suggest\") *bottling* **O** (old) + **TENT** (a Spanish red \"wine\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sign I'm surprised crossing northerly tracks (7)","output":"### Answer: GESTURE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Sign\n\n**GEE** (\"I'm surprised\") *crossing* [*northerly*] **<=RUTS** (\"tracks\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hit a socialist, punching another (7)","output":"### Answer: REACHED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Hit\n\n**A **+ **CHE** (Guevara) (\"socialist\") *punching* **RED** (\"another\" socialist)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Football club I sense is very bad (10)","output":"### Answer: VILLAINOUS \n ### Explanation: Definition: very bad\n\n(Aston) **VILLA** (\"football club\") + **I** + **NOUS** (common \"sense\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Report composed ought to include partners in play (7)","output":"### Answer: GUNSHOT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Report\n\n***(ought)** [anag:*composed*] *to include* **NS** (North and South, \"partners in play\" (i.e. in bridge))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mythical creature in mythology, tall tale with a twist in the tail? (7)","output":"### Answer: LORELEI \n ### Explanation: Definition: Mythical creature\n\n**LORE** (\"mythology\") + **LEI** (\"tall tale\" (LIE) *with a twist in the tail*, i.e. it's last two letters twisted)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Man in nude possibly could be so described (7)","output":"### Answer: UNROBED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Man in nude possibly could be so described\n\n**ROB** (\"man\") in ***(nude)** [anag:*possibly*] and semi &lit."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rank of Iron Duke, holding appeal up (5)","output":"### Answer: FETID \n ### Explanation: Definition: Rank\n\n**Fe** (chemical symbol for \"iron\") + **D** (Duke) *holding* **<=IT** (sex \"appeal\", *up*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Best to leave a reversing car (4)","output":"### Answer: MERC \n ### Explanation: Definition: car\n\n**<=CRE**(a)**M** (\"best\" *reversing*, with A *leaving*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Girl to chatter idly about love and vanish (9)","output":"### Answer: EVAPORATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: vanish\n**EVA** (\"girl\") + **PRATE** (\"chatter idly\") *about* **O** (love, in tennis)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Volatile chemical bonds without shell (5)","output":"### Answer: ETHER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Volatile chemical\n(t)**ETHER**(s) (\"bonds\" *without shell*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Kiss with reclusive star ingesting ecstasy? It makes a change (7)","output":"### Answer: GEARBOX \n ### Explanation: Definition: It makes a change\n(Greta) **GARBO** (\"reclusive star\") *ingesting* **E **(ecstacy) *with* **X** (kiss)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Musical nun sustaining note brings complaint (7)","output":"### Answer: MALARIA \n ### Explanation: Definition: complaint\n**MARIA** (the \"musical nun\" in *The Sound of Music*) *sustaining* **LA** (\"note\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fish skin showing no sign of phosphorus (3)","output":"### Answer: EEL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fish\n(p)**EEL** (\"skin\" *showing no sign of* P (chemical symbol for phosphorus))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old court to stiffen caution for motorists (4,7)","output":"### Answer: STAR CHAMBER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Old court\n**STARCH** (\"to stiffen\") + **AMBER** (traffic light \"caution for motorists\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Maryland city where there's no more curry? (5)","output":"### Answer: BALTI \n ### Explanation: Definition: curry\n**BALTI**(more) (\"Maryland city\" *where there's no* MORE)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One swoops near ground, moving left to right (3)","output":"### Answer: OWL \n ### Explanation: Definition: One swoops\nLOW (\"near ground\") *moving* its *left*most letter *to* the *right* becomes **OW-L"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Nature god banking silver for his devotee? (5)","output":"### Answer: PAGAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: his devotee?\n**PAN **(\"nature god\") *banking*** Ag** (chemical symbol for \"silver\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One new insult with people causing resentment (11)","output":"### Answer: INDIGNATION \n ### Explanation: Definition: resentment\n**I** (one) + **N** (new) + **DIG** (\"insult\") *with* **NATION** (\"people\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Men from the east caught enormous bird (3)","output":"### Answer: ROC \n ### Explanation: Definition: enormous bird\n**<=OR** (other ranks. so \"men\", *from the east*, i.e. right to left) + **C** (caught, in cricket)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unidentified illness keeps Italian in service (7)","output":"### Answer: LITURGY \n ### Explanation: Definition: service\n**LURGY** (\"unidentified illness\") *keeps* **It.** (Italian) *in"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Choking smoke beginning to burn Basil? (7)","output":"### Answer: POTHERB \n ### Explanation: Definition: Basil?\n**POTHER** (\"choking smoke\") + [*beginning to*] **B**(urn)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Any number stay drunk and abusive (5)","output":"### Answer: NASTY \n ### Explanation: Definition: abusive\n**N** (any number) + ***(stay)** [anag:*drunk*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pole ground contains where Henry's buried (9)","output":"### Answer: STANCHION \n ### Explanation: Definition: Pole\n***(contains)** [anag:*ground*) with **H** (Henry, the SI unit of inductance) *buried"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bravo! Keen-eyed bird sees dog (6)","output":"### Answer: BEAGLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: dog\n**B** (Bravo, in the NATO phonetic alphabet) + **EAGLE** (\"keen-eyed bird\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Corresponding but never meeting (8)","output":"### Answer: PARALLEL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Corresponding\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sculpture in future going up (10)","output":"### Answer: COMBUSTING \n ### Explanation: Definition: going up\n**BUST** (\"sculpture\") *in* **COMING** (\"future\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Person unknown from a Crown Dependency (4)","output":"### Answer: MANX \n ### Explanation: Definition: from a Crown Dependency\n**MAN** (\"person\") + **X** (unknown, in maths)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Strangely evil crime pinching pound for food (10)","output":"### Answer: VERMICELLI \n ### Explanation: Definition: food\n***(evil crime)** [anag:*strangely*] *pinching* **L** (pound)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Buzz from live lines (4)","output":"### Answer: BELL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Buzz\n**BE** (\"live\") + **LL** (lines) \n*Buzz and bell are both terms for phone call, as in \"give me a buzz\" or \"give me a bell\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Church leader out in Peru, bishop finds winged child (6)","output":"### Answer: CHERUB \n ### Explanation: Definition: winged child\n**Ch** (church) + [*leader out in*] (p)**ERU** + **B** (bishop, in chess notation)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Function after hearing test (5,3)","output":"### Answer: TRIAL RUN \n ### Explanation: Definition: test\n**RUN** (\"function\") *after* **TRIAL** (\"hearing\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Revelation in a curtailed ballad Poe's penned (10)","output":"### Answer: APOCALYPSE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Revelation\n**A** + [*curtailed*] **CALYPS**(o) (\"ballad\") *penned by* **POE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Staff writer's time in a secure environment (10)","output":"### Answer: ALPENSTOCK \n ### Explanation: Definition: Staff\n**PEN'S** (\"writer's\") + **T** (time) in **A** + **LOCK** (\"secure\") *environment"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Swimmer appearing angry when losing time (8)","output":"### Answer: BRISLING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Swimmer\n**BRIS**(t)**LING** (\"appearing angry\" *when losing* T (time)) \n*A brisling is a Norwegian sprat."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bush in suitable place one assumed originally (8)","output":"### Answer: GARDENIA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Bush\n**GARDEN** (\"suitable place\" for a bush) +** I** (one) + **A**(ssumed) [*originally*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Temperature in river good man can't stand (6)","output":"### Answer: DETEST \n ### Explanation: Definition: can't stand\n**T** (temperature) *in* (River) **DEE** + **St.** (saint, so \"good man\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Copper bars \u2013 they're surely found in Havana (6)","output":"### Answer: CUBANS \n ### Explanation: Definition: they're surely found in Havana\n**Cu** (chemical symbol for copper) + **BANS** (\"bars\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fish in streams (4)","output":"### Answer: RAYS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fish\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: It's a fool that covers king in some butter (4)","output":"### Answer: PRAT \n ### Explanation: Definition: fool\n**PAT** (\"some butter\") *covering* **R** (Rex, so \"king\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Clown might start to break wild animal? What a nut! (4,2,3)","output":"### Answer: COCO DE MER \n ### Explanation: Definition: a nut\n**COCO** (the Clown) + M(ight) [start] *to break* **DEER** (\"wild animal\") \n*The coco de mer is a rare palm tree."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Act in your own best interests: perform singles with comics at fair (4,4,5,5)","output":"### Answer: PLAY ONE\u2019S CARDS RIGHT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Act in your own best interests\n**PLAY** (\"perform\") + **ONE'S** (\"singles\") + **CARDS** (\"comics\") + **RIGHT** (\"fair\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Horse racing establishment ultimately in decline (8)","output":"### Answer: TROTTING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Horse racing\n(establishmen)**T** [*ultimately*] + **ROTTING** (\"in decline\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: College poet's superior to church bully (6)","output":"### Answer: COERCE \n ### Explanation: Definition: bully\n**C** (college) + **O'ER** (\"superior to\") + **CE** (\"church\" of England))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Just what a smoker needs: Henry to go off the rails (6)","output":"### Answer: ASTRAY \n ### Explanation: Definition: off the rails\n**AS**(h)**TRAY** (\"just what a smoker needs\" with H (Henry) *going off*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ladies do climax when holding nylon skirts! (3,5)","output":"### Answer: HEN NIGHT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Ladies do\n**HEIGHT** (\"climax\") *when holding* **N**(ylo)**N **[*skirts*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Artist has to combat endless depression (6)","output":"### Answer: WARHOL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Artist\n**WAR** (\"combat\") + [*endless*] **HOL**(e) (\"depression\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Uncool underwear (8)","output":"### Answer: THERMALS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Uncool underwear\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Confess drinking wine is outrageous (8)","output":"### Answer: SHOCKING \n ### Explanation: Definition: outrageous\n**SING** (\"confess\") *drinking* **HOCK** (\"wine\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Imperfect article on Jack \u2014 twisted etc (6)","output":"### Answer: REJECT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Imperfect article\n**RE** (\"on\") + **J** (jack) + *(etc) [anag:*twisted*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Head back with close friend in America, showing easy good nature (8)","output":"### Answer: BONHOMIE \n ### Explanation: Definition: easy good nature\n**<=NOB** (\"head\", *back*) *with* **HOMIE** (\"close friend in America\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Barber upset oil initially on cloth provided (6)","output":"### Answer: FIGARO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Barber\n[*upset*] **<=(O**(il) [*initially*] *on* **RAG** (\"cloth\") + **IF** (\"provided\")**)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Desert feed involved hollowed-out coconut (6)","output":"### Answer: DEFECT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Desert\n***(feed)** [anag:*involved*] + [*hollowed-out*] **C**(oconu)**T"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: US city in south, one that is protected by alien god (3,5)","output":"### Answer: SAN DIEGO \n ### Explanation: Definition: US city\n**S** (south) + **AN** (\"one\") +** I.E.** (\"the is\") *protected by* ***(god)** [anag:*alien*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Vision of Barney nursing sore wound (9)","output":"### Answer: FORESIGHT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Vision\n**FIGHT** (\"barney\") *nursing* ***(sore) **[anag:*wound*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Discharge sailor in arch ploy (7)","output":"### Answer: CATARRH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Discharge\n**TAR** (\"sailor\") *in* ***(arch)** [anag:*ploy*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: In code it yields Hades, perhaps (5)","output":"### Answer: DEITY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Hades, perhaps\nHidden [in] \"co**DE IT Y**ields\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stein's latest criminal picture? (7)","output":"### Answer: MUGSHOT \n ### Explanation: Definition: criminal picture\n**MUG'S** (\"stein's\") + **HOT** (\"latest\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: About to run race? She'll tell you all about it! (9)","output":"### Answer: RACONTEUR \n ### Explanation: Definition: She'll tell you all about it\n***(to run race)** [anag:*about*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cover charge? (7)","output":"### Answer: PREMIUM \n ### Explanation: Cover charge? (7)\n\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lush local choir improvised no end (9)","output":"### Answer: ALCOHOLIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: Lush\n***(local choi)** [anag:*improvised*] where CHOI is CHOI(r) [*no end*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Quiet spot, one in outskirts of Aachen, for a museum (9)","output":"### Answer: ASHMOLEAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: a museum\n**SH** (\"quiet\") + **MOLE** (\"spot\") +** A** (\"one\") in [*outskirts of*] **A**(ache)**N"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Motel: it's about providing a recurring theme (9)","output":"### Answer: LEITMOTIF \n ### Explanation: Definition: a recurring theme\n***(motel it)** [anag:*'s about*] + **IF** (\"providing\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Notebooks where one enters criminal riches (7)","output":"### Answer: CAHIERS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Notebooks\n**A** (\"one\") *enters* *(riches\") [anag:*criminal*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Gang member's beastly sound overwhelming quiet (7)","output":"### Answer: GREASER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Gang member\n**GRR** (\"beastly sound\") *overwhelming* **EASE** (\"quiet\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stimulating sort of 8? (7)","output":"### Answer: JOGGING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Stimulating\nDouble definition, the 8 referring to the answer to 8ac."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Admirers cherish grand feature of Dracula (5)","output":"### Answer: FANGS \n ### Explanation: Definition: f\n**FANS** (\"admirers\") *cherish* **G** (grand)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Message saying Mrs Simpson allowed to return (8)","output":"### Answer: TELEGRAM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Message\n\n**<=(MARGE **(\"Mrs Simpson\") + **LET** (\"allowed\")) [*to return*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Degenerate runs off, finding way out (6)","output":"### Answer: EGRESS \n ### Explanation: Definition: way out\n\nR (runs) *off* (r)**EGRESS** (\"degenerate\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Criticise a society in decline (5)","output":"### Answer: ROAST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Criticise\n\n**A** + **S **(society) *in* **ROT** (\"decline\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mysterious giant mice all over the place (9)","output":"### Answer: ENIGMATIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: Mysterious\n\n***(giant mice)** [anag:*all over the place*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Quickly recovered from affair with nobleman, you say? (9)","output":"### Answer: OVERNIGHT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Quickly\n\n**OVER KNIGHT** (\"recovered from affair with [*homophone* (*you say*) *of*] nobleman\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Israelis occasionally leading one a dance (5)","output":"### Answer: SALSA \n ### Explanation: Definition: a \n\n(i)**S**(r)**A**(e)**L**(i)**S** [*occasionally*] *leading*** A **(\"one\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Layabout actor entertaining guards (6)","output":"### Answer: DOSSER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Layabout\n\n**DOER** (\"actor\") *entertaining*** SS** (originally Hitler's \"guard\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Idiot in a helmet? (7)","output":"### Answer: NUTCASE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Idiot in a helmet?\n\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: R for Rufus? (7)","output":"### Answer: REDHEAD \n ### Explanation: Definition: Rufus\n\nR is the \"head of\" R(ed), and Rufus means **REDHEAD"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Raged wildly, caught in flagrante delicto (6)","output":"### Answer: RANTED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Raged wildly\n\nHidden [*caught*] in \"fla**GRANTE D**elicto\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cockney injured carrying a gun? (5)","output":"### Answer: ARMED \n ### Explanation: Definition: carrying a gun?\n\n**'ARMED** (harmed (\"injured\") to a \"Cockney\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Doctor I consult about male agony aunt? (9)","output":"### Answer: COLUMNIST \n ### Explanation: Definition: agony aunt?\n\n***(I consult)** [anag:*doctor*] *about* **M** (male)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Moo's niece struggling to cut costs (9)","output":"### Answer: ECONOMISE \n ### Explanation: Definition: to cut costs\n\n***(moos niece)** [anag:*struggling*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Teach gunmen to grab cash? The opposite (5)","output":"### Answer: TRAIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Teach\n\n**RA** (Royal Artillery, so \"gunmen\") *in* **TIN** (\"cash\"), rather than \"the opposite\" (i.e. RA *grabbing* TIN)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hard of hearing? (6)","output":"### Answer: TRYING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Hard\n\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Get rid of scrounger nicking the rum (8)","output":"### Answer: DETHRONE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Get rid\n\n**DRONE** (\"scrounger\") *nicking* ***(the)** [anag:*rum*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Blunder by scientist ultimately creating a monster (6)","output":"### Answer: TERROR \n ### Explanation: Definition: a monster\n\n**ERROR** (\"blunder\") *by* (scientis)**T** [*ultimately*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Property deal he almost lost somehow (9)","output":"### Answer: LEASEHOLD \n ### Explanation: Definition: Property\n\n***(deal he los)** [anag:*somehow*] where LOS is [*almost*] LOS(t)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Work hard \u2013 have a little snooze? (3,4,4,4)","output":"### Answer: GET ONE\u2019S HEAD DOWN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Work hard\n\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: State imprisoning English vigilante (7)","output":"### Answer: AVENGER \n ### Explanation: Definition: vigilante\n\n**AVER** (\"state\") *imprisoning* **ENG** (English)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Is it all over for Emma Raducanu? (4,3,3,5)","output":"### Answer: GAME SET AND MATCH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Is it all over for Emma Raducanu?\n\nCryptic (ish) definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Praise partner once confronting reactionary group (5)","output":"### Answer: EXTOL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Praise\n\n**EX** (\"partner once\") *confronting* [*revolutionary*] **LOT** (\"group\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Thus judges must confine Tory thinker (8)","output":"### Answer: SOCRATES \n ### Explanation: Definition: thinker\n\n**SO** (\"thus\") + **RATES** (\"judges\") *must confine* **C** (Conservative)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Top hotel in Paris? (6)","output":"### Answer: HILTON \n ### Explanation: Definition: Top hotel\n\nDouble definition, the first referring to a hotel chain, the second to Paris **HILTON**, the media \"personality\" who is a great-granddaughter of Conrad Hilton, who established the Hilton hotel empire."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: This coffee has surprisingly nice aroma (9)","output":"### Answer: AMERICANO \n ### Explanation: Definition: coffee\n\n***(nice aroma)** [anag:*surprisingly*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: American woman in Nice is generous in the extreme (8)","output":"### Answer: BROADEST \n ### Explanation: Definition: generous in the extreme\n\n**BROAD** (old-fashioned name for a \"woman\" in the US) + **EST** (\"is\" in French, so \"in Nice\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fraud? English drawn to it at end of year (6)","output":"### Answer: DECEIT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fraud\n\nE (English) *drawn to* **IT** *at* **DEC** (December, so \"end of year\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A little quarrel I eventually break up (7)","output":"### Answer: RELIEVE \n ### Explanation: Definition: break up\n\nhidden in [a little] \"quar**REL I EVE**ntually\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Agreed to snort cocaine together (2,4)","output":"### Answer: AT ONCE \n ### Explanation: Definition: together\n\n**AT ONE** (\"agreed\") *to snort* **C** (cocaine)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Irritable setter encountering delay on vacation (5)","output":"### Answer: MOODY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Irritable\n\n**MOO** (\"setter\") *encountering* **D**(ela)**Y** [*on vacation*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Act with naturalness after stumble in street (10)","output":"### Answer: STRIPTEASE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Act\n\n**EASE **(\"naturalness\") *after* **TRIP** (\"stumble\") *in* **St.** (street)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Celebrity runs away from set (4)","output":"### Answer: FAME \n ### Explanation: Definition: Celebrity\n\n**R** (runs, in cricket) *away from* **F**(r)**AME** (\"set\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Make another change to study only (8)","output":"### Answer: READJUST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Make another change\n\n**READ** (\"to study\") + **JUST** (\"only\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bill incorrectly finished attack (10)","output":"### Answer: OVERCHARGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Bill incorrectly\n\n**OVER** (\"finished\") + **CHARGE** (\"attack\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Spit in the demon drink? (6)","output":"### Answer: IMPALE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Spit\n\n**IMP** (\"demon\") + **ALE** (\"drink\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Crazy nut cares for old Italian (8)","output":"### Answer: ETRUSCAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: old Italian\n\n***(nut cares)** [anag:*crazy*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Alight by centre of heronry to see bird (8)","output":"### Answer: FLAMINGO \n ### Explanation: Definition: bird\n\n**FLAMING** (\"alight\") *by* [*centre of*] (her)**O**(nry)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Curse husband after breakfast unfinished? (4)","output":"### Answer: OATH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Curse\n\n**H** (husband) *after* [*unfinished*] **OAT**(s) (\"breakfast\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Heaters perhaps grouped on a table (8)","output":"### Answer: ELEMENTS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Heaters\n\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Not a soul around dry part of craft (4,4)","output":"### Answer: NOSE CONE \n ### Explanation: Definition: part of craft\n\n**NO-ONE** (\"not a soul\") *around* **SEC** (\"dry\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Farmers once put warning on ends of sty and stable (6)","output":"### Answer: YEOMEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Farmers once\n\n*put* **OMEN** (\"warning\") *on* [*ends of*] (st)**Y** *and* (stabl)**E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Share rudest bit travelling across island (10)","output":"### Answer: DISTRIBUTE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Share\n\n***(rudest bit)** [anag:*travelling*] *across* **I** (island)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Man possibly in area of supermarket overheard (4)","output":"### Answer: ISLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Man possibly\n\nHomophone [*overheard*] of **AISLE** (\"area of supermarket\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Church worker leaving college soon (4)","output":"### Answer: ANON \n ### Explanation: Definition: soon\n\nC (college) *leaving* (c)**ANON** (\"church worker:)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Harry turning scarlet maybe an unbeatable sequence (5,5)","output":"### Answer: ROYAL FLUSH \n ### Explanation: Definition: an unbeatable sequence\n\n(Prince) **HARRY** (a \"Royal\") + **FLUSH** (\"to turn scarlet\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Current article mother held in both hands (7)","output":"### Answer: THERMAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Current\n\n**THE** (\"article\") + **MA** (\"mother\") *held in* **R** *and* **L** (right and left, so \"both hands\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Donations raised to support home country (5)","output":"### Answer: INDIA \n ### Explanation: Definition: country\n\n**<=AID** (\"donations\" *raised*) *to support* **IN** (\"home\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cheap tenement was originally available north of city (8)","output":"### Answer: TWOPENNY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Cheap\n\n**T**(enement) **W**(as) [originally] + **OPEN** (\"available\") *north of* **NY** (New York \"city\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Alternative version of \"Gee babe, after you\" (3,6,6)","output":"### Answer: AGE BEFORE BEAUTY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Alternative version of \"Gee babe, after you\"\n\n***(gee babe after you)** [anag:*alternative version*] and &lit."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Slope decelerates car? Presumably to some extent (6)","output":"### Answer: ESCARP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Slope\n\nHidden [*to some extent*] in \"decelerat**ES CAR P**resumably\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Indicates shade needed for part of path (9)","output":"### Answer: FLAGSTONE \n ### Explanation: Definition: needed for part of path\n\n**FLAGS** (\"indicates\") + **TONE** (\"shade\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Relative stopping with German traveller (7)","output":"### Answer: MIGRANT \n ### Explanation: Definition: traveller\n\n**GRAN** (\"relative\") *stopping* **MIT** (\"with\" in \"German\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Threadbare fellows accepting free hot tea (4-5)","output":"### Answer: MOTH-EATEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Threadbare\n\n**MEN** (\"fellows\") *accepting* ***(hot tea)** [anag:*free*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: I'm happy with that in the pink (4,4)","output":"### Answer: VERY WELL \n ### Explanation: Definition: I'm happy with that\n\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tutor discovered instrument with 20% off: perfect! (7)","output":"### Answer: UTOPIAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: perfect\n\n(t)**UTO**(r) [*discovered*] + **PIAN**(o) (\"instrument\" *with 20% off*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lattice starting to tilt on twisted ledge (7)","output":"### Answer: TRELLIS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Lattice\n\n[*starting to*] **T**(ilt) + **RE** (\"on\") + [*twisted*] **<=SILL** (\"ledge\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One replacing last penny in metal office machine (6)","output":"### Answer: COPIER \n ### Explanation: Definition: office machine\n\n**I **(one) *replacing last* P (penny) *in* **COP**(p)**ER** (\"metal\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Window mounted in horrible ironworks (5)","output":"### Answer: ORIEL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Window\n\nHidden backwards [*mounted in*] \"horrib**LE IRO**nworks\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One of twelve on the board, maybe ? should purge the system (12. 2 words) (12)","output":"### Answer: BLACKDRAUGHT \n ### Explanation: Definition: One of twelve on the board, maybe\nDouble definition, the first referring to the board game, the second to a purgative medicine (although that is two words)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Like shrubby plant, as of old in a course sown wild (9)","output":"### Answer: RUTACEOUS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Like shrubby plant\n**UT **(\"as\" *of old*) *in* ***(a course)** [anag:*sown wild*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Personal article? Fool's beginning at the end (4)","output":"### Answer: OP-ED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Personal article?\n(d)OPE with it's *beginning at the end* becomes **OP-E(D)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Keep on about repair, men needed (4)","output":"### Answer: DING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Keep on\n(men)**DING** (\"repair\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hamburger's additive often, rather rare in the middle (4)","output":"### Answer: HERR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Hamburger's additive often\nHidden [*in the middle]* in \"rat**HER R**are\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Like devout Muslim, endlessly, if such after conversion (5)","output":"### Answer: SUFIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: Like\n***(if suc)** [anag:*after conversion*] where SUC is SUC(h) [*endlessly*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: After regular cutbacks armies rearm for a bit of a step up (5)","output":"### Answer: RISER \n ### Explanation: Definition: a bit of a step up\n[*after regular cutbacks*] \"a**R**m**I**e**S** r**E**a**R**m\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sandwich made with e.g. kipper involving oven (7)","output":"### Answer: TOASTIE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Sandwich\n**TIE** (\"kipper, e.g\") *involving* **OAST** (\"oven\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Not a prima ballerina, have great fun dancing round fringe of Bolshoi (9)","output":"### Answer: FIGURANTE \n ### Explanation: Definition: N\n***(great fun) **[anag:*dancing*] *round* [*fringe of*] (bolsho)**I"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: People I see in flood of feeling demonstrating psychological breakdown (9)","output":"### Answer: MENTICIDE \n ### Explanation: Definition: psychological breakdown\n**MEN** (\"people\") + **I** + **C** (see) *in* **TIDE** (\"flood of feeling\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One nurses phobia in such a terror (5)","output":"### Answer: HATER \n ### Explanation: Definition: One nurses phobia\nHidden [*in*] \"suc**H A TER**ror\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Opera's broadcast, not over? See symbol in vocal score (5)","output":"### Answer: PRESA \n ### Explanation: Definition: symbol in vocal score\n***(peras)** [anag:*broadcast*] where PERAS is (o)PERAS without O (over)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: African minstrel expending love within? It was true on screen (4)","output":"### Answer: GRIT \n ### Explanation: Definition: It was true on screen\n**GRI**(o)**T** (\"African minstrel\") *expending* O (love, in tennis)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Depression shown by end of passion in old poem (4)","output":"### Answer: DINT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Depression\n[*end of*] (passio)**N** *in* **DIT** (old \"poem\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Volume in fiction about vice (4)","output":"### Answer: EVIL \n ### Explanation: Definition: vice\n**<=(V **(volume) *in* **LIE** (\"fiction\")**)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Regarding scraps left, I give last out (9)","output":"### Answer: VESTIGIAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Regarding scraps left\n***(I give last) **[anag:*out*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Maid, around end, awfully lined, showing resolve (12)","output":"### Answer: DETERMINEDLY \n ### Explanation: Definition: showing \n**DEY** (\"maid\") *around* **TERM** (\"end\") + ***(lined) **[anag:*awfully*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: British wine, seasoned brew (5)","output":"### Answer: BROSE \n ### Explanation: Definition: seasoned brew\n**B** (Britsh) + **ROSE** (\"wine\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Spun pulu found in flax, yielding sedative (8)","output":"### Answer: LUPULINE \n ### Explanation: Definition: sedative\n***(pulu) **[anag:*spun*] *in* **LINE** (old name for \"flax\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old Scottish porter judge preferred to English (5)","output":"### Answer: CADIE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Old Scottish porter\n**CADI** (Islamic \"judge\") +** E** (English)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Non-religious believer avoiding our circuitous path round lives (5)","output":"### Answer: DEIST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Non-religious believer\n**DET**(our) (\"circuitous path\", *avoiding* OUR) *round* **IS** (\"lives\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wry humour I dropped describing unappealing old woman (6)","output":"### Answer: RONYON \n ### Explanation: Definition: unappealing old woman\n(i)**RONY** (\"wry humour\" with I *dropped*) + **ON** (\"describing\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: How visitors behaved, stew being ruined in appearance (9)","output":"### Answer: GUESTWISE \n ### Explanation: Definition: How visitors behaved\n***(stew)** [anag:*being ruined*] *in* **GUISE** (\"appearance\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mouldy old tart woman scrapped (4)","output":"### Answer: HORE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Mouldy\n(w)**HORE** (\"tart\") with W (woman) *scrapped* \n*HORE or HOAR is an obsolete word for \"mouldy\", hence the \"old\" in the clue."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mundane lapse in the midst of grief as of old (7)","output":"### Answer: TERRENE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Mundane\n**ERR** (\"lapse\") *in the midst of* **TENE** (\"grief\", *as of old*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Member of wind section hit seventh note in vivace (9)","output":"### Answer: FAGOTTIST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Member of wind section\n**GOT** (\"hit\") + **TI** (\"seventh note\") *in* **FAST** (\"vivace\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Reserve pedrero fired with entry of king (8)","output":"### Answer: PREORDER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Reserve\n***(pedrero)** [anag:*fired*] *with entry of* **R** (Rex, so \"king)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Showing fossilized insect bits in mug, us included (8)","output":"### Answer: INDUSIAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Showing fossilized insect bits\n**IN** + **DIAL** (\"mug\", as in face) with **US** *included"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mercury in form of Fido's deity such as Dagon (7)","output":"### Answer: FISH-GOD \n ### Explanation: Definition: deity such as Dagon\n**Hg** (chemical symbol for \"mercury\") *in* ***(fidos)** [anag:*form of*] \n*Dagon is a Philippine deity who appears as a merman."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Writing I'm assigned to brought up what links religion and the law (6)","output":"### Answer: NOMISM \n ### Explanation: Definition: what links religion and the law\n**<=(MS** (manuscript, so \"writing\") + **IM** + **ON** (\"to\"), *brought up***)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Opposed to going after tons ? it's no longer worthwhile (5)","output":"### Answer: TANTI \n ### Explanation: Definition: it's no longer worthwhile\n**ANTI** (\"opposed to\") *going after* **T** (tons) \n*Tanti is an archaic word for worthwhile."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Like old undyed cloth, say, in mostly pale or dull (5)","output":"### Answer: GREGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Like old undyed cloth\n**e.g.** (\"say\") *in* [*mostly*] **GRE**(y) (\"pale or dull\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Where was he? Laying lines in track (5)","output":"### Answer: WALLY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Where was he?\n**LL** (lines)* laid in* **WAY** (\"track\") \nWhere's Wally?* (or *Where's Waldo?* if you're in the US or Canada) is a series of picture puzzle books created by Martin Handford."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Put down-payment on grass by outside shed (4)","output":"### Answer: ARLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Put down-payment on\n(b)**ARLE**(y) with BY *shed"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mastermind's last series mostly broadcast live (6)","output":"### Answer: RESIDE \n ### Explanation: Definition: live\n***(d serie)** [anag:*broadcast*] where D is (mastermin)D [*'s last*] and SERIE is SERIE(s) [*mostly*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Reportedly cause damage to one part of the alimentary canal or another (6)","output":"### Answer: RECTUM \n ### Explanation: Definition: another\nHomophone [*reportedly*] of **WRECK **+ **TUM** (\"one part of the alimentary canal\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Imparts knowledge to schoolchildren here (7)","output":"### Answer: INFORMS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Imparts knowledge to\n\"schoolchildren\" can be found **IN FORMS"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Character from the Old Testament and New Testament starts getting stubborn (7)","output":"### Answer: ADAMANT \n ### Explanation: Definition: stubborn\n**ADAM** (\"character from the Old Testament\") + **A**(nd) **N**(ew) **T**(estament) [*starts*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Heavy metal intros to rock opera: loud explosions an important part (4,4)","output":"### Answer: LEAD ROLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: an important part\n**LEAD** + [*intros to*] **R**(ock) **O**(pera) **L**(oud) **E**(xplosions)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Talked of retreat, a traitor's game (8)","output":"### Answer: BACCARAT \n ### Explanation: Definition: game\nHomophone [*talked of*] of **BACK** (\"retreat\") + **A** + **RAT** (\"traitor\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sticky stuff, 21 down, doesn't make infernal paving? (4,10)","output":"### Answer: GOOD INTENTIONS \n ### Explanation: Definition: infernal paving?\n**GOO** (\"sticky stuff\") + ***(doesn't innit)** [anag:make] where INNIT is the answer to \"21 down\" \n*The road to hell (\"infernal paving\")is paved with GOOD INTENTIONS"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Like the crows and ravens to get my plant (7)","output":"### Answer: CORVINE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Like the crows and ravens\nCOR (\"my\") + VINE (\"plant\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: By itself, it's the measure of the puzzle (7)","output":"### Answer: FIFTEEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: By itself, it's \nI'm not 100% certain this is correct, but I can't think of another word that fits here. The puzzle is **FIFTEEN** by fifteen, hence the name of the blog."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A piece of pastry is turned in layers (6)","output":"### Answer: STRATA \n ### Explanation: Definition: layers\n**<=A TART'S** (\"a piece of pastry\") [*is turned*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Jeyes fluid around the top of Rhode Island (6)","output":"### Answer: JERSEY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Island\n***(jeyes)** [anag:*fluid*] *around* [*the top of*] **R**(hode)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Variety of peeled oranges (5)","output":"### Answer: RANGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Variety\n[*peeled*] (o)**RANGE**(s)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: This may ruin the fun part of a sportscar (7)","output":"### Answer: SPOILER \n ### Explanation: Definition: This may ruin the fun\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Belittle the FT's attitude (9)","output":"### Answer: DEMEANOUR \n ### Explanation: Definition: attitude\n**DEMEAN** (\"belittle\") + **OUR** (\"the FT's\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: We hear why there's no more to be said (3,2,5)","output":"### Answer: END OF STORY \n ### Explanation: Definition: there's no more to be said\n\"Why\" is a homophone [*we hear*] of Y which is **THE END OF** (**STOR**)**Y"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Glass for Jill? (7)","output":"### Answer: TUMBLER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Glass\nDouble definition, the second referring to the nursery rhyme, *Jack and Jill*."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Taking care of object throughout (9)","output":"### Answer: MINDFULLY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Taking care\n**MIND** (\"object\" as in \"I don't mind\") + **FULLY** (\"throughout\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Awful tat, verily? (7,2)","output":"### Answer: REALITY TV \n ### Explanation: Definition: Awful tat, verily?\n***(tat verily)** [anag:*awful*] &lit."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Noisy and extremely casual loving (9)","output":"### Answer: CLAMOROUS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Noisy\n[*extremely*] **C**(asua)**L** + **AMOROUS** (\"loving\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Early Russian roulette's 5th and 6th shot (2,7)","output":"### Answer: AT SUNRISE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Early\n***(russian et)** [anag:*shot*] where ET is (roul)ET(te) [*'s 5th and 6th*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rogue state body (7)","output":"### Answer: CADAVER \n ### Explanation: Definition: body\n**CAD** (\"rogue\") + **AVER** (\"state\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: As poet, I misused drugs (7)","output":"### Answer: OPIATES \n ### Explanation: Definition: drugs\n***(as poet i) **[anag:*misused*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Isn't it commonly a feature of tinnitus? (5)","output":"### Answer: INNIT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Isn't it commonly\nHidden in [*a feature of*] (T)**INNIT**(us)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Born with disability, but not content to be poor (5)","output":"### Answer: NEEDY \n ### Explanation: Definition: poor\n**NEE** (\"born\") *with* **D**(isabilit)**Y** [*but not* (it's) *content*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: First suggestion of downfall, perhaps \u2014 and Prior goes wild (8)","output":"### Answer: RAINDROP \n ### Explanation: Definition: First suggestion of downfall, perhaps\n\n***(and prior)** [anag:*goes wild*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Penned order for silence (4,2)","output":"### Answer: SHUT UP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Penned\n\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: When retired, ponder being puzzled (7)","output":"### Answer: BEMUSED \n ### Explanation: Definition: puzzled\n\n**MUSE** (\"ponder\" ) in **BED** (\"when retired\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Popular Star Wars character, unwelcome visitor (7)","output":"### Answer: INVADER \n ### Explanation: Definition: unwelcome visito\n\n**IN** (\"popular\") + (Darth) **VADER** (\"Star Wars character\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Singular desire to be smart (5)","output":"### Answer: SWISH \n ### Explanation: Definition: smart\n\n**S **(singular) + **WISH** (\"desire\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Billionaire to take charge of northern town (9)","output":"### Answer: GATESHEAD \n ### Explanation: Definition: northern town\n\n(Bill) **GATES** (\"billionaire\") + **HEAD** (\"to take charge of\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: On fancy paper, shares preliminary work (12)","output":"### Answer: PREPARATIONS \n ### Explanation: Definition: preliminary work\n\n***(paper)** [anag:*fancy*] + **RATIONS** (\"shares\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: March often features this fast start (3,9)","output":"### Answer: ASH WEDNESDAY \n ### Explanation: Definition: fast start\n\n(not very) cryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Short underclothes no good, but staying on (9)","output":"### Answer: LINGERING \n ### Explanation: Definition: staying on\n\n[*short*] **LINGERI**(e) + **NG** (no good)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Have a feeling that may be common (5)","output":"### Answer: SENSE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Have a feeling\n\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Perhaps Belgian name given to everyone in court (7)","output":"### Answer: WALLOON \n ### Explanation: Definition: Perhaps Belgian\n\n**N** (name) *given to* **ALL** (\"everyone\") *in* **WOO** (\"court\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Having run of success, one's name honourably entered here? (2,1,4)","output":"### Answer: ON A ROLL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Having run of success\n\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cover front of television (6)","output":"### Answer: SCREEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Cover\n\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Add one vote? It's no use to anybody (8)","output":"### Answer: APPENDIX \n ### Explanation: Definition: It's no use to anybody\n\n**APPEND** (\"add\") + **I** (one) + **X** (\"vote\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sturdy vehicle covered in rubbish (6)","output":"### Answer: ROBUST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Sturdy\n\n**BUS** (\"vehicle\") *covered in* **ROT** (\"rubbish\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: I am writer of such verse? (6)","output":"### Answer: IAMBIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: such verse?\n\n**I** + **AM** + **BIC** (make of ballpoint pen, so \"writer\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Set free, director is to attack (9)","output":"### Answer: DISCHARGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Set free\n\n**D** (director) + **IS** + **CHARGE** (\"to attack\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Income source opening as dole is replaced (3,3,7)","output":"### Answer: OLD AGE PENSION \n ### Explanation: Definition: Income source\n\n***(opening as dole)** [anag:*is replaced*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rash places to find honey (5)","output":"### Answer: HIVES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Rash\n\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Very enticing cooking, fried too (2,3,3)","output":"### Answer: TO DIE FOR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Very enticing\n\n***(fried too)** [anag:*cooking*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The setting for Milton's lost poem? (8)","output":"### Answer: PARADISE \n ### Explanation: Definition: The setting for Milton's lost poem?\n\n(not very) cryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Like-minded collection of moneylenders? (8,5)","output":"### Answer: INTEREST GROUP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Like-minded collection of moneylenders?\n\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Explain why I am still stuck on platform? I must leave (9)","output":"### Answer: TRANSLATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Explain\n\n**TRA**(i)**N'S LATE** (\"why I am still stuck on platform\" with I *leaving*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Poet's idle ways corrected (3,5)","output":"### Answer: DAY LEWIS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Poet\n\n***(idle ways)** [anag:*corrected*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Clubs' manager, a dealer in goods (8)","output":"### Answer: CHANDLER \n ### Explanation: Definition: a dealer in goods\n\n**C** (clubs) + **HANDLER** (\"manager\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Not informed of such countless wealth? (6)","output":"### Answer: UNTOLD \n ### Explanation: Definition: Not informed\n\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Automatic reaction of so-called dog biting some footballers (6)","output":"### Answer: REFLEX \n ### Explanation: Definition: Automatic reaction\n\n**REX** (name for a dog, so \"so-called dog\") *biting* **EFL** (English Football League, so \"some footballers\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Start to crumble? Not entirely 'zero defects' (5)","output":"### Answer: ERODE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Start to crumble?\n\nHidden in [*not entirely*] \"z**ERO DE**fects\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fine distinction going round is something that annoys us (8)","output":"### Answer: NUISANCE \n ### Explanation: Definition: something that annoys us\n**NUANCE** (\"fine distinction\") *going round* **IS"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ghosts begin to shudder, encountering hell (6)","output":"### Answer: SHADES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Ghosts\n[*begin to*] **S**(hudder) *encountering* **HADES** (\"Hell\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Female repeatedly wearing short garment that's yellowy orange (7)","output":"### Answer: SAFFRON \n ### Explanation: Definition: yellowy orange\n**FF** (female, *repeatedly*) *wearing* [*short*] **SARON**(g) (\"garment\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: This setter's over the hill \u2014 a serious difficulty (7)","output":"### Answer: IMPASSE \n ### Explanation: Definition: a serious difficulty\n**I'M **(\"this setter's) + **PASS\u00c9** (\"over the hill\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Nothing grim that we might sense (5)","output":"### Answer: ODOUR \n ### Explanation: Definition: that we might sense\n**O** (nothing) + **DOUR** (\"grim\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Being in love changes demeanour (9)","output":"### Answer: ENAMOURED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Being in love\n***(demeanour)** [anag:*changes*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fear of treater of nippers (perhaps nip too bad \u2014 ooh, nasty!) (12)","output":"### Answer: ODONTOPHOBIA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fear of treater of nippers (perhaps\n***(nip too bad ooh)** [anag:*nasty*] \n*Chambers has odontophobia as \"the fear of teeth\", but odontophobia doesn't appear in my Collins or one-volume OED. However, the internet has several mentions of odontophobia as an alternative to dentophobia (also not in any of the dictionaries) meaning \"fear of dentists\", so the \"treater of nippers\" in the clue is a dentist, I guess."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Chorister apt to go wrong in a musical environment (9,3)","output":"### Answer: ORCHESTRA PIT \n ### Explanation: Definition: a musical environment\n***(chorister apt)** [anag:*to go wrong*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old Irish king and bishop relaxed in arbour (5,4)","output":"### Answer: BRIAN BORU \n ### Explanation: Definition: Old Irish king\n**B **(bishop) and ***(in arbour)** [anag:*relaxed*] \n*Brian Boru was an eleventh century King of Ireland, who is credited with removing the Vikings from the island."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Particular star's upward movement, receiving medal finally (5)","output":"### Answer: SOLAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Particular star's\n**SOAR** (\"upward movement') *receiving* (meda)L [*finally*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Answers concerning legal wrongs (7)","output":"### Answer: RETORTS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Answers\n**RE** (\"concerning\") + **TORTS** (\"wrongs\", in law)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Political critic given two British honours by broadcaster (7)","output":"### Answer: CHOMSKY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Political critic\n**CH** (Companion of Honour) + **OM** (Order of Merit) (\"two British honours\") *by* **SKY** (\"broadcaster\") \n*Refers to Noam Chomsky (b.1928), an American linguist, philosopher, social critic and political activist."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Harped on with rot about king making comeback (6)","output":"### Answer: YACKED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Harped on\n**<=DECAY** (\"rot\", *making comeback*) *about*** K** (king, in chess notation)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Today's naughty children must be completely successful! (8)","output":"### Answer: UNBEATEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Today's naughty children must be\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Legendary king has home with gold foundation (6)","output":"### Answer: NESTOR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Legendary king\n**NEST** (\"home\") *on* **OR** (\"gold\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Entry of one political party that's mean (6)","output":"### Answer: INFLOW \n ### Explanation: Definition: Entry\n**I** (one) + **NF** (National Front, so \"political party\") + **LOW** (\"mean\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Broadcast game that's enjoyed by those about to fly? (3,6)","output":"### Answer: AIR BRIDGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: that's enjoyed by those about to fly?\n**AIR** (\"broadcast\") + **BRIDGE** (\"game\") \n*Not sure about the \"enjoy\" bit \u2013 most air bridges are soulless places that are often used as a queuing area these days. Interestingly Chambers has AIR-BRIDGE meaning \"a link by air transport between two points\", but doesn't have AIR BRIDGE, the bit between the gate and the plane at an airport (which is in Collins and OED)."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Opposing democratic countries getting expressions of disapproval (13)","output":"### Answer: CONDEMNATIONS \n ### Explanation: Definition: expressions of disapproval\n**CON** (\"opposing\") + **Dem.** (democratic) + **NATIONS** (\"countries\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wild beast from India very quietly smuggled into house (5)","output":"### Answer: HIPPO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Wild beast\n**I** (India) + **PP** (pianissimo, so \"very quietly\") *smuggled into* **Ho. **(house)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Outline of one book contained in rambling screed (8)","output":"### Answer: DESCRIBE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Outline\n**I **(one) + **B** (book) *contained in* ***(screed)** [anag:*rambling*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Intense climbing in rock sport (8)","output":"### Answer: SPEEDWAY \n ### Explanation: Definition: sport\n**<=DEEP** (\"intense\", *climbing*) *in* **SWAY** (\"rock\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: I dance endlessly around as fantastic terpsichorean (7,6)","output":"### Answer: ISADORA DUNCAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: terpsichorean\n***(I danc around as)** [anag:*fantastic*] where DANC = DANC(e) [*endlessly*] \n*Isadora Duncan (1877-1927) was an American dancer."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Welcome given to Jagger? It's a bit icy (9)","output":"### Answer: HAILSTONE \n ### Explanation: Definition: It's a bit icy\n**HAIL** (\"welcome\") *given to* (Mick) Jagger (a Rolling **STONE**)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Part of Italy, see, getting irritable with invasion of British (8)","output":"### Answer: LOMBARDY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Part of Italy\n**LO** (\"see\") + **MARDY** (\"irritable\") *with invasion of ***B** (British)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Religious upset in unorthodox Celtic circle (8)","output":"### Answer: ECLIPTIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: circle\n**<=PI** (\"religious\", *upset*) *in* ***(Celtic)** [anag:*unorthodox*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fail in court to reveal secret (6)","output":"### Answer: CLOSET \n ### Explanation: Definition: secret\n**LOSE** (\"fail\") *in* **Ct.** (court)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What drawer uses to give touch of colour to material? (6)","output":"### Answer: CRAYON \n ### Explanation: Definition: What drawer uses\n[*touch of*] **C**(olour) *to* **RAYON** (\"material\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Coolness of river with compacted snow around (5)","output":"### Answer: NERVE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Coolness\n**R** (river) with **N\u00c9V\u00c9 **(\"compacted snow\") *around* \n*Dictionaries suggest that NEVE is snow on a glacier not yet compressed into ice."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wife tucking into Danish swirl (cold packaged snack) (8)","output":"### Answer: SANDWICH \n ### Explanation: Definition: snack\n\n**W** (wife) *tucking into* and** C** (cold) *packaged* by ***(danish)** [anag:*swirl*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Madame securing laboratory, about to prepare cadaver (6)","output":"### Answer: EMBALM \n ### Explanation: Definition: to prepare cadaver\n\n**<=(Mme** (madame) *securing* **LAB** (laboratory)**)** [*about*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: By gum! Coal trains regularly left Gulf state (7)","output":"### Answer: YUCATAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Gulf state\n\n(b)**Y** (g)**U**(m) **C**(o)**A**(l) **T**(r)**A**(i)**N**(s) [*regularly left*]\n \n*Yuvatan is a state of Mexico on the Gulf of Mexico, therefore a \"Gulf state\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: On board, Turkish and BA grant one small item of luggage (7)","output":"### Answer: HANDBAG \n ### Explanation: Definition: one small item of luggage\n\nHidden in [*on board*] \"Turkis**H AND BA G**rant\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Out of time, soldiers reverse track (5)","output":"### Answer: SPOOR \n ### Explanation: Definition: track\n\n[*reverse*]** <=(**t)**ROOPS** (\"soldiers\" *out of* T (time))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Clumsy mother and boy run riot (9)","output":"### Answer: MALADROIT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Clumsy\n\n**MA** (\"mother\") *and* **LAD** (\"boy\") + ***(riot) **[anag:*run*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Waste our bitcoin acquiring new Time subscription (12)","output":"### Answer: CONTRIBUTION \n ### Explanation: Definition: subscription\n\n***(our bitcoin)** [anag:*waste*] *acquiring* **N** (new) + **T** (time)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Grizzled convict goes crazy over stuffed bird (7,5)","output":"### Answer: GREYLAG GOOSE \n ### Explanation: Definition: bird\n\n**GREY** (\"grizzled\") + **LAG** (\"convict\") + **O** (over) *stuffed* into ***(goes)** [anag:*crazy*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Instruction to reader left English grad in charge of 16 scientist (9)","output":"### Answer: PTOLEMAIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: of 16 scientist\n\n**PTO** (please turn over, so \"instruction to reader\") + **L** (left) + **E** (English) + **MA** (Master of Arts, so \"grad\") + **IC** (in charge)\n \n*Ptolemy (c100-c170) was an Egyptian polymath, so the 16 in the clue refers to the solution to 16d (EGYPTIAN)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Uranium found in red freshwater fish (5)","output":"### Answer: TROUT \n ### Explanation: Definition: freshwater fish\n\n**U** (chemical symbol for \"uranium\") *found in* **TROT** (communist, so \"red\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What UK constituencies have to prosecute? (7)","output":"### Answer: IMPEACH \n ### Explanation: Definition: to prosecute\n\n\"UK constituencies have\" **1 MP EACH"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: 'e's looking more pasty having suffered a setback\/deterioration (7)","output":"### Answer: RELAPSE \n ### Explanation: Definition: deterioration\n\n**<=(E'S PALER)** (\"e's looking more pasty\", *having suffered a setback*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: S American poet Peru quietly expelled bound by gagging order (6)","output":"### Answer: NERUDA \n ### Explanation: Definition: S American poet\n\n(p)**ERU** with P (piano in music notation, so \"quietly\" *expelled*) *bound by* **NDA** (non-disclosure agreement, so \"gagging order')"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Further education journalist returned criticism (8)","output":"### Answer: FEEDBACK \n ### Explanation: Definition: criticism\n\n**FE** (further education) + **ed. **(editor, so \"journalist\") + **BACK** (\"returned\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Most cunning second lieutenant definitely captured (6)","output":"### Answer: SLYEST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Most cunning\n\n**YES** (\"definitely\") *captured by* **S** (second) + **Lt. **(lieutenant)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: In Tijuana, chose an accompaniment for 9 (6)","output":"### Answer: NACHOS \n ### Explanation: Definition: an accompaniment for 9\n\nHidden [in] \"tijua**NA CHOS**e\"\n \n*The 9 in the clue relates to CHILLI CON CARNE (the solution to 9dn)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Perhaps duck Buddhist temple flower arrangement (9)","output":"### Answer: WATERFOWL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Perhaps duck\n\n**WAT** (\"Buddhist temple\") + ***(flower)** [anag:*arrangement*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: \"The Art of Film-making\" broadcast March 16 receiving Oscar (14)","output":"### Answer: CINEMATOGRAPHY \n ### Explanation: Definition: \"The Art of Film-making\"\n\n***(march Egyptian)** [anag:*broadcast*] *receiving* **O** (Oscar, in the NATO phonetic alphabet)\n \n*The 16 in the clue refers to 16dn (EGYPTIAN)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Object reportedly dug out of the ground (5)","output":"### Answer: MINED \n ### Explanation: Definition: dug out of the ground\n\nHomophone [*reportedly*] of **MIND** (\"object\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: American boy band serving up first class delicious food (8)","output":"### Answer: AMBROSIA \n ### Explanation: Definition: delicious food\n\n**Am.** (American) + **BROS** (80s\/90s \"boy band\") + [*serving up*] **<=A1** (\"first class\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Measure of explosion's size worrying to gasmen (8)","output":"### Answer: MEGATONS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Measure of explosion's size\n\n***(to gasmen)** [anag:*worrying*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: I say; got a cold nose Mr Schwarzenegger? This'll warm you up! (6,3,5)","output":"### Answer: CHILLI CON CARNE \n ### Explanation: Definition: This'll warm you up!\n\nHomophone [*I say*] of** CHILLY CONK ARNIE** (\"a cold nose, Mr Schwarzenegger\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Poor student eating shell of langoustine hasn't been paid (9)","output":"### Answer: UNSETTLED \n ### Explanation: Definition: hasn't been paid\n\n***(student)** [anag:*poor*] *eating* [*shell of*] **L**(angoustin)**E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: African beginning to experience pain ain't having surgery (8)","output":"### Answer: EGYPTIAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: African\n\n[*beginning to*] **E**(xperience) + **GYP** (\"pain\") + ***(aint)** [anag:*having surgery*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Feeling rough, though apparently on course to deal with it OK! (5,3)","output":"### Answer: BELOW PAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Feeling rough\n\nIf you're **BELOW PAR** \"on (a golf) course\", you're apparently doing OK."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Spanish mag featuring topless policewoman is fair game (4-2)","output":"### Answer: HOOP-LA \n ### Explanation: Definition: fair game\n\n**HOLA** (the Spanish equivalent of *Hello* magazine, so \"Spanish mag\") *featuring* [*topless*] (c)**OP** (\"policewoman\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cut of meat infused with a dash of rum; a dash, barely (6)","output":"### Answer: STREAK \n ### Explanation: Definition: a dash, barely\n\n**STEAK** (\"cut of meat\")* infused with* [*a dash of*] **R**(um)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Breaking news from NZ: sounds like horned beast running wild (5)","output":"### Answer: ELAND \n ### Explanation: Definition: horned beast running wild\n\nHomophone [*sounds like*] of NEWS *breaking from* (new z) **EALAND"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Like ten to four on some watches (8)","output":"### Answer: OPPOSITE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Like ten to four on some watches\n(Not very) cryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Outlaw returned four-poster, say, under arrest (6)","output":"### Answer: NABBED \n ### Explanation: Definition: under arrest\n**<=BAN **(\"outlaw\", returned) + **BED** (\"four-poster, say\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Time put into needlework producing not a lot of note? (8)","output":"### Answer: CROTCHET \n ### Explanation: Definition: not a lot of note?\n**T **(time) *put into* **CROCHET** (\"needlework\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Volume finished with old size of paper (6)","output":"### Answer: QUARTO \n ### Explanation: Definition: size of paper\n**QUART** (a measure of \"volume\") *with* **O** (old)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Contrive, in April, reorganised event featuring Irish quarters (15)","output":"### Answer: INTERPROVINCIAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: event featuring Irish quarters\n***(contrive in april)** [anag:*reorganised*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Reversal of plain boundaries not proceeding in upright way (2,3,5)","output":"### Answer: ON ALL FOURS \n ### Explanation: Definition: not proceeding in upright way\n[*reversal of*] **LLANO** (\"plain\") + **FOURS** (\"boundaries\" in cricket)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Inside normal UFO, possibly, covering space and time (4-11)","output":"### Answer: FOUR-DIMENSIONAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: covering space and time\n***(inside normal ufo)** [anag:*possibly*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: In very small piece, it's certainly not square (4,2)","output":"### Answer: WITH IT \n ### Explanation: Definition: not square\n**IT** *in* **WHIT** (\"very small piece\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Male quadruped breaks barricades (8)","output":"### Answer: RAMPARTS \n ### Explanation: Definition: barricades\n**RAM** (\"male quadruped\") + **PARTS** (\"breaks\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sign name over two others, one of four famous ones (6)","output":"### Answer: LENNON \n ### Explanation: Definition: one of four famous ones\n**LEO** (star \"sign\") + **N** (name) *over* **N**+**N** (\"two other\" (names))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Four up, ominously, as the end approaches? (8)","output":"### Answer: HORSEMEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Four up, ominously, as the end approaches?\nCryptic definition, referring to the four **HORSEMEN** of the Apocalypse"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Economical inclusion of key in opening part of an Italian composition (7)","output":"### Answer: SPARING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Economical\n*Inclusion of ***A** (\"key\") *in* **SPRING** (\"opening part of\" The Four Seasons (\"an Italian composition\"))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Native from one quarter runs to here when thrown out (10)","output":"### Answer: SOUTHERNER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Native from one quarter\n***(runs to here)** [anag:*when thrown out*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: eg sole four-letter word, in itself, is harmless (4)","output":"### Answer: FISH \n ### Explanation: Definition: eg sole\nA \"four letter word\" hidden [*in*] \"itsel**F IS H**armless\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Become aware of crew reportedly being summoned (4,3)","output":"### Answer: SENT FOR \n ### Explanation: Definition: being summoned\nHomophone [*reportedly*] of **SCENT** (\"become aware of\") + **FOUR** (\"crew\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Not just 25% of invested capital held by one rich country (10)","output":"### Answer: INIQUITOUS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Not just\n[*25% of*] **IN**(vested) + **QUITO** (\"capital\") *held by* **I **(one) + **US** (\"rich country\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Quartet unchanged by upsetting spell (4)","output":"### Answer: ABBA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Quartet\nIf you spell **ABBA** backwards (or upwards in this case), it still spells ABBA."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One of four players, not a good one, in football club (4,3)","output":"### Answer: WEST HAM \n ### Explanation: Definition: football club\n**WEST** (\"one of four (bridge) players\") + **HAM** (\"not a good one\" (player))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Making easier page without fourth line I penned in old language inside (10)","output":"### Answer: PALLIATING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Making easier\n**L** (line) + **I **penned in **LATIN** (\"old language\") *inside* **PAG**(e) [*without fourth*] , so **PA(L(L(I)ATIN)G"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Four-wheeler put away, held by agent still? Not so (10)","output":"### Answer: CARBONATED \n ### Explanation: Definition: still? Not so\n**CAR** (\"four-wheeler\") + **ATE** (\"put away\")* held by* (James) **BOND** (secret \"agent\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Reasons with number of Romans in specs, so to speak (7)","output":"### Answer: MOTIVES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Reasons\n**IV** (four, a \"number of Romans\") *in* **MOTES** (\"specks\" a homophone [*so to speak*] of SPECS)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Husband wearing suit in domestic circles (7)","output":"### Answer: HEARTHS \n ### Explanation: Definition: domestic circles\n**H** (husband) *wearing* **HEARTS** (\"suit\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Part of format the writer used for book (7)","output":"### Answer: MATTHEW \n ### Explanation: Definition: book\nHidden in [*part of*] \"for**MAT THE W**riter\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Needle that's four inches in length (4)","output":"### Answer: HAND \n ### Explanation: Definition: Needle\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Observe 19's follower (4)","output":"### Answer: MARK \n ### Explanation: Definition: Observe\nDouble definition, the second referring to the book in the bible that follows Matthew (the solution to 19dn)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Greek character on boat interrupting traitor's cocktail (6,4)","output":"### Answer: MOSCOW MULE \n ### Explanation: Definition: cocktail\n\n**MU** (\"greek character\") *on* **SCOW** (\"boat\") *interrupting* **MOLE** (\"traitor\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Target centres on popular drink (8)","output":"### Answer: BULLSHOT \n ### Explanation: Definition: drink\n\n**BULLS** (\"target centres\") *on* **HOT** (\"popular\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ways one can break fishing equipment (5)","output":"### Answer: ROADS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Ways\n\n**A** (one) *can break* **RODS** (\"fishing equipment\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Superhero saw someone male, so he says (9)","output":"### Answer: SPIDERMAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Superhero\n\nHomophone [*so he says*] of **SPIED A MAN** (\"saw someone male\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cocktail muddle is unexpected (8)","output":"### Answer: MUDSLIDE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Cocktail\n\n***(muddle is) **[anag:*unexpected*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ivory way back across river (5)","output":"### Answer: TUSKS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Ivory\n\n**<=St.** (\"way\", *back*) *across* (River) **USK"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Drink runs equalities organisation (7,7)","output":"### Answer: TEQUILA SUNRISE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Drink\n\n***(runs equalities)** [anag:*organisation*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Party's vocal disapprovals on the increase (5-2)","output":"### Answer: BOOZE-UP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Party\n\nHomophone [*vocal*] of **BOOS** (\"disapprovals\") + **UP** (\"on the increase\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Nothing in box after second look for cocktail (7)","output":"### Answer: MOLOTOV \n ### Explanation: Definition: cocktail\n\n**O** (nothing) *in* **TV** (\"box\") *after* **MO** (\"second\") + **LO** (\"look\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Drunk? I'm within the boundary (5)","output":"### Answer: LIMIT \n ### Explanation: Definition: the boundary\n\n**I'M** *within* **LIT** (\"drunk\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Very ordinary Yankee, elderly, on a journey (8)","output":"### Answer: VOYAGING \n ### Explanation: Definition: o\n\n**V** (very) + **O** (ordinary) + **Y** (Yankee, in the NATO phonetic alphabet) + **AGING** (\"elderly\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Angry about fashionable clothes shop wanting support for arms cocktail (9,5)","output":"### Answer: SINGAPORE SLING \n ### Explanation: Definition: cocktail \n\n**SORE** (\"angry\") *about* **IN** (\"fashionable\") + **GAP** (\"clothes shop\") *wanting* **SLING**\n \n*GAP is no longer a \"clothes shop\" in the UK as it went online instead, although I believe there are some concessions in Next shops."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Maybe Marvin, backed by a couple of unknowns, imbibing god-king's cocktail (5,5)","output":"### Answer: HANKY PANKY \n ### Explanation: Definition: cocktail\n\n**HANK** (\"maybe Marvin\") *backed by* **Y** + **Y** (\"a couple of unknowns\") *imbibing* **PAN** (\"god\") +** K** (king)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Can inspiring resistance be Bloody? (4)","output":"### Answer: MARY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Bloody?\n\n**MAY** (\"can\") *inspiring* **R **(resistance)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Band ordering us to squat (6,3)","output":"### Answer: STATUS QUO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Band\n\n***(us to squat)** [anag:*ordering*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Succeeds in eliminating our short time on board ship (5)","output":"### Answer: OUSTS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Succeeds in eliminating\n\n**OU**(r) [*short*] + **T** (time) *in* **SS** (\"on board ship\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Roman empress abandons a large port (7)","output":"### Answer: MESSINA \n ### Explanation: Definition: port\n\nMESS(al)INA (\"Roman empress\") abandons A + L (large).\n \n*Messalina was Claudius's third wife, and Messina is a port on the island of Sicily."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Waits around to untangle solitaire without using AI (7)","output":"### Answer: LOITERS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Waits around\n\n***(solitre)** [anag:*untangle*] where SOLITRE is SOLIT(ai)RE *without using* AI"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Beautiful music saves genus of trees (5)","output":"### Answer: ULMUS \n ### Explanation: Definition: genus of trees\n\nHidden in [saves] \"beautif**UL MUS**ic\"\n \n*Ulmus is the genus of trees that includes the elm."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Jersey sort pines over lev\u00e9e breaking (4,6)","output":"### Answer: LONG SLEEVE \n ### Explanation: Definition: J\n\n**LONGS** (\"pines\") *over* ***(levee)** [anag:*breaking*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Possibly nightwatchman the Spanish asked to bat earlier (8)","output":"### Answer: SENTINEL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Possibly nightwatchman\n\n**SENT IN** (\"asked to bat\") + **EL** (\"the Spanish\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: During periods of inertia, goat reportedly reaches equilibrium (10)","output":"### Answer: STABILISES \n ### Explanation: Definition: reaches equilibrium\n\nHomophone [*reportedly*] of **BILLY** (\"goat\") *during* **STASES** (\"periods of inertia\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mixed drinks case tied up (4,4)","output":"### Answer: ICED TEAS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Mixed drinks\n\n***(case tied) **[anag:*up*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Books satellite in space, understanding stupid nit's purpose (9)","output":"### Answer: INTENTION \n ### Explanation: Definition: purpose\n\n**NT** (New Testament, so \"books\") +** IO** (\"satellite\") *in* **EN** (printer's \"space\") *understanding* (i.e. standing under) ***(nit) **[anag:*stupid*], so **INT-E(NT-IO)N**\n \n*Io is the third largest moon of Jupiter."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dog-trainer needing a dessert (7)","output":"### Answer: PAVLOVA \n ### Explanation: Definition: dessert\n\n(Ivan) **PAVLOV** (\"dog-trainer\") *needing* **A**\n \n*Ivan Pavlov (1849-1936) was a psychologist whose experiments in conditioning involved dogs."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Former PM said to be lacking authority in Cambridge celebration (3,4)","output":"### Answer: MAY WEEK \n ### Explanation: Definition: Cambridge celebration\n\n**MAY** (\"former PM\") + homophone [*said to be*] of **WEAK** (\"lacking authority\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Staff try fruit (5)","output":"### Answer: MANGO \n ### Explanation: Definition: fruit\n\n**MAN** (\"staff\") + **GO** (\"try\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fill tank for American going up in space (3,2)","output":"### Answer: GASUP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fill tank\n\n**<=US** (\"American\", *going up*) *in* **GAP** (\"space\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Enemy, gutted, straddles horse wearing whites? (4)","output":"### Answer: EGGY \n ### Explanation: Definition: wearing whites?\n\n**E**(nem)**Y** [gutted] *straddles* **GG** (\"horse\")\n \n*Weak definition."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: US footballer paid for an iffy doctor, according to Spooner (11)","output":"### Answer: QUARTERBACK \n ### Explanation: Definition: US footballer\n\n*To Spooner,* **QUARTERBACK**, would be BOUGHT A QUACK (\"paid for an iffy doctor\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fix Canadian truck (3)","output":"### Answer: RIG \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fix\n\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Child is a boy (according to Johnny Cash) (5)","output":"### Answer: ISSUE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Child\n\n**IS** + **SUE** (one of Johnny Cash's most famous songs is \"A Boy Named Sue\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Contagious disease? Alternatively, knocks back mineral (9)","output":"### Answer: FLUORSPAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: mineral\n\n**FLU** (\"contagious disease\") + **OR** (\"alternatively\") + **<=RAPS** (\"knocks\", back)\n \n*Fluorspar is another name for fluorite, or calcium fluoride."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Family doctor, inexperienced, new, wearer of shell suit (4,5)","output":"### Answer: KING PRAWN \n ### Explanation: Definition: wearer of shell suit\n\n**KIN** (\"family\") + **GP** (general practitioner, so \"doctor\") + **RAW** (\"inexperienced\") + **N **(new)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mysterious driver transporting northern rock star (5)","output":"### Answer: STING \n ### Explanation: Definition: rock star\n\n**STIG** (\"mysterious driver\") *transporting* **N** (northern)\n \n*The Stig is the helmeted mysterious driver on BBC's *Top Gear*, and Sting was the lead singer of the Police and subsequently a successful solo artist."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: At home, hates being made to work hurriedly (2,5)","output":"### Answer: IN HASTE \n ### Explanation: Definition: hurriedly\n\n**IN** (\"at home\") + ***(hates)** [anag:*being made to work*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Daughter introduced to posh boy working here at Dents (4,4)","output":"### Answer: BODY SHOP \n ### Explanation: Definition: working here at Dents\n\n**D **(daughter) *introduced to* ***(posh boy)** [anag:*working*]\n \n*This clue doesn't quite work for me, as \"working\" is doing double duty. It is the anagram indicator, and it is also necessary for the definition, because \"here at dents\" would not be sufficient to indicate BODY SHOP."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Diva out of bed, taking ecstasy to improve her mood (5,2)","output":"### Answer: CHEER UP \n ### Explanation: Definition: to improve her mood\n\n**CHER** (pop \"diva\") + **UP** (\"out of bed\"), *taking* **E** (ecstasy)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Joey sat without a perch (5)","output":"### Answer: ROOST \n ### Explanation: Definition: perch\n\n**ROO** (\"joey\") + **S**(a)**T** *without* A"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Former requirement for care of new car that's arresting? (7,2)","output":"### Answer: RUNNING IN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Former requirement for care of new car\n\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Invited round to demolish sak\u00e9 and port? (5,4)","output":"### Answer: ASKED OVER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Invited round\n\n***(sake)** [anag:*to demolish*] + **DOVER** (\"port\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Turn away commercial, needing day off (5)","output":"### Answer: AVERT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Turn away\n\n**A**(d)**VERT** (\"commercial\" *needing* D (day) *off*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cathedral city, English with lovely walls (3)","output":"### Answer: ELY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Cathedral city\n\n**E** (English) *with* **L**(ovel)**Y** [*walls*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A worker in 18, 15, the winner of What's My Line? (5,6)","output":"### Answer: PANEL BEATER \n ### Explanation: Definition: A worker in 18, 15\n\nIn the old TV game show, What's My Line? the \"winner\" would BEAT the PANEL, and a **PANEL BEATER** works in a BODY SHOP (the solution to 18,15)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Botch job for speedy F9? (5,3)","output":"### Answer: QUICK FIX \n ### Explanation: Definition: Botch job\n\n**QUICK** (\"speedy\") + **F** + **IX** (9, in Roman numerals)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Arabs in Thessaloniki partial to a drink? (8)","output":"### Answer: ABSINTHE \n ### Explanation: Definition: a drink\n\nHidden in [*partial to*] \"ar**ABS IN THE**ssaloniki\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: European inland port shipping out an idiot (5)","output":"### Answer: TWERP \n ### Explanation: Definition: idiot\n\n(an)**TWERP** (\"European inland port\") *shipping out *AN"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Notes circulating Florida to stimulate the economy (7)","output":"### Answer: REFLATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: to stimulate the economy\n\n**RE** + **TE** (musical \"notes\") *circulating* **Fla.** (Florida)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Former student Paul Hulme regularly trashed Rising Sun (7)","output":"### Answer: ALUMNUS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Former student\n\n(p)**A**(u)**L** (h)**U**(l)**M**(e) [*regularly trashed*] + [*rising*] **<=SUN"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ben Stokes almost fails to collect runs \u2013 one goes by the wayside (9)","output":"### Answer: KERBSTONE \n ### Explanation: Definition: one goes by the wayside\n\n***(ben stoke)** [anag:*fails*] *to collect* **R** (runs, in cricket) where BEN STOKE is [*almost*] BEN STOKE(s)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rock, rap, reggae put in song in workplace of Mike and the Mechanics? (6,6)","output":"### Answer: REPAIR GARAGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: workplace of Mike and the Mechanics?\n\n**Put** **AIR** (\"song\") *in* ***(rap reggae)** [anag:*rock*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Crammed, Devon & Cornwall got exciting after leaving hotel (7,2)","output":"### Answer: SWOTTED UP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Crammed\n\n**SW** (South West, so \"Devon and Cornwall\") + (h)**OTTED UP** (\"got exciting\" *after leaving* H (hotel))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Poor German in this newspaper piece (8)","output":"### Answer: FRAGMENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: piece\n\n***(German)** [anag:*poor*] *in* **FT** (\"this newspaper\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Single lady (Miss) pins Terylene trousers (8)","output":"### Answer: SPINSTER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Single lady\n\nHidden in [*trousers*] \"mis**S PINS TER**ylene\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Crudely put, your electric commercial vehicle is capital (7)","output":"### Answer: YEREVAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: capital\n\n**YER** (\"crudely put, your\") + **E**\u2013 (electric) + **VAN** (\"commercial vehicle\")\n \n*Yerevan is the capital of Armenia."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Playing clarinet missing one key (7)","output":"### Answer: CENTRAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: key\n\n***(clarnet)** [anag:*playing*] where CLARNET is CLAR(i)NET *missing* I (one)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Golf service? See my Korean guy in dirty overalls (6,6)","output":"### Answer: GREASE MONKEY \n ### Explanation: Definition: guy in dirty overalls\n\n**G** (golf, in the NATO phonetic alphabet) + ***(see my Korean) **[anag:*service*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Angry rodent that is going around (5)","output":"### Answer: IRATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Angry\n\n**RAT** (\"rodent\") with** i.e.** (id east, so \"that is\")* going around"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Language starts to go up in pitch (6)","output":"### Answer: TONGUE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Language\n\n[*starts to*] **G**(o) **U**(p) *in* **TONE** (\"pitch)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rash move capturing Queen about to end in defeat (8)","output":"### Answer: OVERCOME \n ### Explanation: Definition: defeat\n\n***(move)** [anag:*rash*) *capturing* **ER** (Elizabeth Regina, so \"queen\") + **C** (circa, so \"about\") + (t)**O** [*end*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Get in drunk after it's beginning to get light (6)","output":"### Answer: IGNITE \n ### Explanation: Definition: light\n\n***(get in)** [anag:*drunk*] *after* **I**(t) [*'s beginning*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Happy kids in best clothes (4,4)","output":"### Answer: GLAD RAGS \n ### Explanation: Definition: best clothes\n\n**GLAD** (\"happy\") + **RAGS** (\"kids\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Government study reported current energy rate initially making more hungry (8)","output":"### Answer: GREEDIER \n ### Explanation: Definition: more hungry\n\n**G** (Government) + homophone [*reported*] of **READ** (\"study\") + **I** (in physics, the symbol for electric \"current\") + **E**(nergy) **R**(ate) [*initially*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Everyone recalled Cockney girl with universal charm (6)","output":"### Answer: ALLURE \n ### Explanation: Definition: charm\n\n**ALL** (\"everyone\") [*recalled*] **<=('ER** (\"Cockney girl\" *with* **U** (universal))\n \n*The \"Cockney\" in the clue suggests dropping the H in HER as that's how Cockneys pronounce HER."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Analyse sample (4)","output":"### Answer: TEST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Analyse\n\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Book collection's crude ribaldry out of date? (7)","output":"### Answer: LIBRARY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Book collection\n\n***(ribalry) **[anag:*crude*] where RIBALRY is D (date) [*out of*] RIBAL(d)RY"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Gather it's acceptable changing sides (7)","output":"### Answer: COLLECT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Gather\n\nCO(rr)ECT (\"acceptable\") [*changing sides*] (i.e R (right) changing to L (left))would become **CO(LLECT)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: First of early Kandinsky artworks finally rejected as forgery (4)","output":"### Answer: FAKE \n ### Explanation: Definition: forgery\n\n[*first of*] **<=(E**(arly) **K**(andinsky) **A**(rtworks) **F**(inally), *rejected*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A small building for animals (6)","output":"### Answer: LLAMAS \n ### Explanation: Definition: animals\n\n***(a small)** [anag:*building*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Punctually, man would nip round after working (2,3,3)","output":"### Answer: ON THE DOT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Punctually\n\n**TOT** (\"nip\") *round* **HE'D** (\"man would\") *after* **ON** (\"working\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Big audible breaths before heading in drink (8)","output":"### Answer: SIZEABLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Big\n\nHomophone [*audible*] of **SIGHS** (\"breaths\") + **B**(efore) [*heading*] in **ALE** (\"drink\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cry over old boy retiring with nothing in house (6)","output":"### Answer: BOOHOO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Cry\n\n**<=(O** (over) + **OB** (old boy)**)**, *retiring*) *with* **O** (nothing) *in* **Ho**. (house)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Linger half-heartedly, concealing irritation with needlework (8)","output":"### Answer: TAPESTRY \n ### Explanation: Definition: needlework\n\n**TA**(r)**RY** (\"linger\" with its *heart* (middle letter) removed) concealing PEST (\"irritation\")\n \n*Half-heartedly doesn't work in this clue, as it indicates removing one of two middle letters. In this clue we're being asked to remove one of three middle letters."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Attracts casual workers \u2013 mentioned tea breaks! (6)","output":"### Answer: TEMPTS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Attracts\n\n[*mentioned*] TEA (so **T**) *breaks* **TEMPS** (\"casual workers\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Drive too close and finally hit trouble with barrier (8)","output":"### Answer: TAILGATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Drive too close\n\n[*finally*] (hi)**T** + **AIL** (\"trouble\") *with* **GATE** (\"barrier\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Negative points seen mistakenly as rubbish (8)","output":"### Answer: NONSENSE \n ### Explanation: Definition: rubbish\n\n**NO** (\"negative\") + **N** + **S** (north and south, so \"points\" of the compass) + ***(seen)** [anag:*mistakenly*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: NI duty process is shambolic (6)","output":"### Answer: UNTIDY \n ### Explanation: Definition: shambolic\n\n***(ni duty)** [anag:*process*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Base has some deliveries held up (4)","output":"### Answer: VILE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Base\n\nHidden backwards in [*has some\u2026held up*) \"d**ELIV**eries\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Revolutionary's prepared for state of emergency (3,5)","output":"### Answer: RED ALERT \n ### Explanation: Definition: state of emergency\n\n**RED** (\"revolutionary\") + **ALERT** (\"prepared\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Obscure old tablet's not Latin (6)","output":"### Answer: OPAQUE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Obscure\n\n**O** (old) + **P**(l)**AQUE** (\"tablet\", but *not* L (latin))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Consumer's over-stocking, primarily for holiday weekend (6)","output":"### Answer: EASTER \n ### Explanation: Definition: holiday weekend\n\n**EATER** (\"consumer\") *over* S(tocking) [*primarily*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Transport check's detailed on Chile trip (7)","output":"### Answer: VEHICLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Transport\n\n**VE**(t) [*'s detailed*] (i.e. has it's tail removed) *on* ***(Chile)** [anag:*trip*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fresh crab cooked at home's grand (7)","output":"### Answer: BRACING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fresh\n\n***(crab)** [anag:*cooked*] + **IN** (\"at home\") + **G** (grand)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: With no wife, always found in sad confusion at the moment (8)","output":"### Answer: NOWADAYS \n ### Explanation: Definition: at the moment\n\n**NO** + **W** (wife) + **AY** (\"always\") *found in* ***(sad)** [anag:*confusion*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Has way to stop joint pain (8)","output":"### Answer: HARDSHIP \n ### Explanation: Definition: pain\n\n**Rd**. (road, so \"way\") *to stop* **HAS** + **HIP"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Nimble in spandex trousers (8)","output":"### Answer: DEXTROUS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Nimble\n\nHidden [*in*] \"span**DEX TROUS**ers\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Look ready to support Conservative cabinet (6)","output":"### Answer: CLOSET \n ### Explanation: Definition: cabinet\n\n**LO** (\"look\") + **SET** (\"ready\") *to support* **C** (Conservative)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Make more inspiring music with impromptu finale on piano (4,2)","output":"### Answer: JAZZ UP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Make more inspiring\n\n**JAZZ** (\"music\") *with* (imprompt)**U** [*finale*] *on* **P** (piano, in music notation)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Support for Queen's behind unruly North taking on English (6)","output":"### Answer: THRONE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Support for Queen's behind\n\n***(north)** [anag:*unruly*] *taking on* **E** (English)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Endless hype for Britpop band (4)","output":"### Answer: BLUR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Britpop band\n\n[*endless*] **BLUR**(b) (\"hype\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: It gets patients high (3,9)","output":"### Answer: AIR AMBULANCE \n ### Explanation: Definition: It gets patients high\n\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Drop first-class group game (7)","output":"### Answer: ABANDON \n ### Explanation: Definition: Drop\n\n**A** (\"first-class\") + **BAND** (\"group\") + **ON** (\"game\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Vacancy after one replaces Head of Equities for expressing views (7)","output":"### Answer: OPINING \n ### Explanation: Definition: expressing views\n\nI (one) *replaces* [*head of*] E(quities) in **OP**(e>**I**)**NING** (\"vacancy\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ask for assistance reportedly for ocean vegetation (3,4)","output":"### Answer: SEA KELP \n ### Explanation: Definition: ocean vegetation\n\nHomophone [*reportedly*] for **SEEK HELP** (\"all for assistance\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One covers sporting legend broken up (7)","output":"### Answer: TRAINER \n ### Explanation: Definition: One covers sporting legend broken up\n\nA **TRAINER** *covers* one's foot (LEGEND *broken* up becomes LEG END, i.e.foot) while \"sporting\" (playing a sport)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: He was reportedly tight as he made up plot! (5)","output":"### Answer: OATES \n ### Explanation: Definition: he made up plot\n\nTITUS [*reportedly* TIGHT AS] **OATES** was an English priest who fabricated (\"made up\") the \"Popish Plot\", a supposed Catholic attempt on the life of Charles II."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Doctor paid her to be a symbol of love (9)","output":"### Answer: APHRODITE \n ### Explanation: Definition: a symbol of love\n\n***(paid her to)** [anag:*doctor*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Person in the job is popular, with Latin flair (9)","output":"### Answer: INCUMBENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Person in the job\n\n**IN** (\"popular\") + **CUM** (\"Latin\" for \"with\") + **BENT** (\"flair\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old style piece found in treasure trove (5)","output":"### Answer: RETRO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Old style\n\nHidden [*piece found*] *in* \"treasu**RE TRO**ve\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Worker, with pride perhaps, surrenders (5,2)","output":"### Answer: HANDS IN \n ### Explanation: Definition: surrenders\n\n**HAND** (\"worker\") *with* **SIN** (\"pride, perhaps\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Soothe pulse during recess (7)","output":"### Answer: APPEASE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Soothe\n\n**PEA** (\"pulse\") *during* **APSE** (\"recess\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Upset travellers come back carrying silverware (7)","output":"### Answer: SCUPPER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Upset\n\n**<=(REPS** (\"travellers\")**)** [*come back*] *carrying* **CUP** (\"silverware\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: I left playwright during fantastic time away (7)","output":"### Answer: ABSENCE \n ### Explanation: Definition: time away\n\nI *left* (i)**BSEN** (\"playwright\") *during* **ACE** (\"fantastic\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What supposedly makes a man check out damaged store unit (12)","output":"### Answer: TESTOSTERONE \n ### Explanation: Definition: What supposedly makes a man\n\n**TEST** (\"check out\") + ***(store)** [anag:damaged] + **ONE** (\"unit\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Firm has corrupt data about staff (7)","output":"### Answer: ADAMANT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Firm\n\n***(data)** [anag:*corrupt*] *about* **MAN** (\"staff\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Compensate for what nudists do eventually (7)","output":"### Answer: REDRESS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Compensate\n\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Flyer produced by master with Napoleon complex (9)","output":"### Answer: MONOPLANE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Flyer\n\n**M** (master) *with* ***(Napoleon)** [anag:*complex*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dumb loyalty regularly needed to serve on such a vessel (1-4)","output":"### Answer: U-BOAT \n ### Explanation: Definition: vessel\n\n(d)**U**(m)**B** (l)**O**(y)**A**(l)**T**(y) [*regularly*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Restless French film director turned up during a shot (7)","output":"### Answer: AGITATO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Restless\n\n**<=(**(Jacques)** TATI)** (\"French film director\") [*turned up*] *during* **A** + **GO** (\"shot\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Vital force opposing Italian region (7)","output":"### Answer: CHIANTI \n ### Explanation: Definition: Italian region\n\n**CHI** (\"vital force\") + **ANTi** (\"opposing\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: It has grocer's unusual story of path to fortune (4,2,6)","output":"### Answer: RAGS TO RICHES \n ### Explanation: Definition: story of path to fortune\n\n***(it has grocers)** [anag:*unusual*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Redesign faded green on first couple's home (6,2,4)","output":"### Answer: GARDEN OF EDEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: first couple's home\n\n***(faded green on) **[anag:*redesign*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Strike march to have the most popular records released (3,6)","output":"### Answer: HIT PARADE \n ### Explanation: Definition: the most popular records released\n\n**HIT** (\"strike\") + **PARADE** (\"march\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Denounce Conservative guarantee (7)","output":"### Answer: CENSURE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Denounce\n\n**C** (Conservative) + **ENSURE** (\"guarantee\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: High-class glove Spooner found in front of stage (4,3)","output":"### Answer: MOSH PIT \n ### Explanation: Definition: found in front of stage\n\nTo Spooner, a POSH MITT (\"high-class glove\") would possibly have been a **MOSH PIT"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Achieve success in port wine making technique (7)","output":"### Answer: RIPASSO \n ### Explanation: Definition: wine making technique\n\nPASS (\"achieve success\") in RIO (\"port\")\n \n*Ripasso is a technique for using the skins in a second fermentation of Valpolicella to give the wine more intensity."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One under 12 supplies some of the extra I need (7)","output":"### Answer: TRAINEE \n ### Explanation: Definition: One under 12\n\nHidden in [supplies some of the] \"ex**TRA I NEE**d\"\n \n*The 12 in the clue refers to the solution to 12 ac."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Obsessives who knew murder cases by heart (5)","output":"### Answer: NERDS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Obsessives\n\n(k)**NE**(w) (mu)**RD**(er) (ca)**S**(es) [*by heart*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Gold purchases ? transactions included at least 200 centavos (9)","output":"### Answer: AUSTRALES \n ### Explanation: Definition: at least 200 centavos\n**Au** (chemical symbol for \"gold\") + **SALES** (\"purchases\") with **tr**. (transactions) *included*. \n*The austral was an old currency unit in Argentina, equal to 100 centavos."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Chatter quietly with conductor (7)","output":"### Answer: PRATTLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Chatter\n**P** (piano in music, so \"quietly\") *with* (Sir Simon) **RATTLE** (British-German \"conductor\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Plenty imprisoned, shut up, doing nothing (5)","output":"### Answer: SLOTH \n ### Explanation: Definition: doing nothing\n**LOT** (\"plenty\")* imprisoned by* **SH** (\"shut up\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Predecessor on the throne, English, branching out? (8)","output":"### Answer: FOREKING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Predecessor on the throne\n**E** (English) *with* **FORKING** (\"branching\") *out*(side)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Odd guy giving one a punch (5)","output":"### Answer: RUMBO \n ### Explanation: Definition: a punch\n**RUM** (\"odd\") + **BO** (\"guy\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Offshoot completely extracted from leek (5)","output":"### Answer: SCION \n ### Explanation: Definition: Offshoot\nALL (\"completely\") *extracted from* **SC**(all)**ION **(\"leek\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Motoring crush OTT? Here's a quicker route (8)","output":"### Answer: SHORTCUT \n ### Explanation: Definition: a quicker route\n***(crush ott)** [anag:**motoring**]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Evergreen shrub? Numbers welcoming return of heat (6)","output":"### Answer: NERIUM \n ### Explanation: Definition: E\n**Num**. (Numbers, the book of the Bible) *welcoming* [*return of*] **<=IRE **(\"heat\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Act, but dithery, showing hesitation (5)","output":"### Answer: DOUBT \n ### Explanation: Definition: hesitation\n**DO** (\"act\") + ***(but) **[anag:*dithery*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Whip-round pocketed by patron callously (5)","output":"### Answer: TRONC \n ### Explanation: Definition: Whip-round\nHidden in [*pocketed by*] \"pa**TRON C**allously\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mac's cast for fish in Windermere? (6)","output":"### Answer: SKELLY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Mac's cast\nDouble definition, the first referring to a Scots word for a squint (in one's eye) and the second, a freshwater fish found in the Lake District."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Perth's neat finish? In Perth, honestly (8)","output":"### Answer: DINKYDIE \n ### Explanation: Definition: In Perth, honestly\nDINKY (Scots word for \"neat\", hence Perth (Scotland's) neat) + DIE (\"end\") \n*Dinky-die is an Australian (hence Perth again) term for \"honestly\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Not attributes to be found in penitentiary (5)","output":"### Answer: ENTIA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Not attributes\nHidden in [*to be found in*] \"penit**ENTIA**ry\" \n*In philosophy, new (pl. entia) is a separate entity, as opposed to an attribute, which is inherent to an entity."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One pursuing plan? Court somehow rejected dull spiel (5)","output":"### Answer: PROSE \n ### Explanation: Definition: dull spiel\n**PROSE**(cutor) (\"one pursuing plan\") with *(court) [anag:*somehow*] *rejected"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Saddle covers in school, worthless, extra-large (8)","output":"### Answer: GAMBADOS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Saddle covers\n**GAM** (\"school\" or pod) + **BAD** (\"worthless\") + **OS** (outsize, so \"extra-large\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Practice learned after university (5)","output":"### Answer: USAGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Practice\n**SAGE** (\"learned\") *after* **U** (university)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Marines at sea? This denoted the family (7)","output":"### Answer: SIRNAME \n ### Explanation: Definition: This denoted the family\n***(marines)** [anag:*at sea*] \n*Sirname is an old version of surname."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Produced first book quickly, English well thought of (9)","output":"### Answer: GENERATED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Produced\n**Gen. **(Genesis, so \"first book\" of the Bible, *quickly* i.e. abbreviated) + **E** (English) + **RATED** (\"well thought of\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Put out about franc on being paid in advance (7)","output":"### Answer: UPFRONT \n ### Explanation: Definition: paid in advance\n***(put)** [anag:*out*] *about* **Fr. **(franc) + **ON"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tailor's material to employ with circling bands, right inside (11)","output":"### Answer: TROUSERINGS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Tailor's material\n**R** (right ) *inside* **TO USE **(\"to employ\") *with* **RINGS** (\"circling bands\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Close interest (4)","output":"### Answer: WARM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Close\nDouble definition, the first referring to being \"warm\" or \"cold\" in a treasure hunt."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bite ran out of control? This might treat it (7)","output":"### Answer: ATEBRIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: This might treat it\n***(bite ran)** [anag:*out of control*] \n*The \"it\" in the clue refers to the bite, as atebrin is used to treat malaria."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hamlet's sword wound? Laborious, a V cut (5)","output":"### Answer: SLISH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Hamlet's sword wound?\n**SL**(av)**ISH **(\"laborious\" with A V *cut*) \n*Slish was a variation of slash."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Thin sun out, unusual around end of June (7)","output":"### Answer: TENUOUS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Thin\n***(sun out)** [anag:*unusual*] *around* [*end of*] (jun)**E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A reader missing denouement? She was furious (6)","output":"### Answer: ALECTO \n ### Explanation: Definition: She was furious\n**A** + **LECTO**(r) (\"reader\", *missing denouement*) \n*Alecto was one of the Furies in Greek mythology."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Part of grass flower ? see, bright climbing one (8)","output":"### Answer: LODICULA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Part of grass flower\n**LO** (\"see\") + **<=LUCID** (\"bright\", *climbing*) + **A** (\"one\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bypass to avoid needing to be on time (5)","output":"### Answer: SHUNT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Bypass\n**SHUN** (\"to avoid\") *needing to be on* **T** (time)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Foreign money hidden in book, causing concern (11)","output":"### Answer: TROUBLESOME \n ### Explanation: Definition: causing concern\n**ROUBLES** (\"foreign money\") *hidden in* **TOME** (\"book\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Female worried matron on start of nativity ? he's presenting (8)","output":"### Answer: FRONTMAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: he's presenting\n**F** (female) + ***(matron)** [anag:*worried*] *on* [*start of*] **N**(ativity)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One appearing under headscarf in Muslim school (7)","output":"### Answer: MADRASA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Muslim school\n**A** (one) *appearing under ***MADRAS** (\"headscarf\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Prepare for press? Step yet to be readied (7)","output":"### Answer: TYPESET \n ### Explanation: Definition: Prepare for press?\n***(step yet)** [anag:*to be readied*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What's run often fixed by darner (6)","output":"### Answer: ERRAND \n ### Explanation: Definition: What's run often\n***(darner)** [anag:*fixed by*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Disinfect mattress from below that's disgusting (5)","output":"### Answer: DEBUG \n ### Explanation: Definition: Disinfect\n**<=BED** (\"mattress\",* from below*) + **UG** (\"that's disgusting\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lively as child with age (not adult) (5)","output":"### Answer: KIDGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Lively\n**KID** (\"child\") *with* (a)**GE** (\"not\" A (adult))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Inject mass within maximum, first off (5)","output":"### Answer: IMMIT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Inject\n**M** (mass) *within* (L)**IMIT** (\"maximum\", *first off*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Orcadian estate of a kind, without superior character? (5)","output":"### Answer: ODAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Orcadian estate\n(m)**ODAL** (\"of a kind\", *without a superior character*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: I'm amazed: Greek character put to work in agency and mine (10)","output":"### Answer: CORNUCOPIA \n ### Explanation: Definition: mine\n\n**COR** (\"I'm amazed\") + **NU** (\"Greek character\") + **op.** (opus, so \"work\") *in* **CIA** (Central Intelligence \"Agency\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Exist without cold water in farm unit (4)","output":"### Answer: ACRE \n ### Explanation: Definition: farm unit\n\n**ARE** (\"exist\") *without* **C** (as seen on a \"cold water\" tap)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Innocent monkey's first secured in place for experimentation (4)","output":"### Answer: LAMB \n ### Explanation: Definition: Innocent\n\n**M**(onkey) [*'s first*] *secured in* **LAB** (\"place for experimentation\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Genetic structure doctor thus covered in shiny coat (10)","output":"### Answer: CHROMOSOME \n ### Explanation: Definition: Genetic structure\n\n**MO **(medical officer, so \"doctor\") + **SO** (\"thus\") *covered in* **CHROME** (\"shiny coat\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Going out for example on ship (6)","output":"### Answer: EGRESS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Going out\n\n**e.g.** (for example) + **RE** (\"on\") + **SS** (steam \"ship\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: English lord stirring trouble in fabulous location (8)","output":"### Answer: ELDORADO \n ### Explanation: Definition: fabulous location\n\n**E** (English) + ***(lord)** [anag:*stirring*] + **ADO** (\"trouble\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Husband a broken cheat leaving daughter and wife abroad (8)","output":"### Answer: HAUSFRAU \n ### Explanation: Definition: wife abroad\n\n**H** (husband) +** A** + **U\/S** (unserviceable, so \"broken\") + **FRAU**(d) (\"cheat\" with D (daughter) *leaving*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wise perhaps to avoid one bird of prey (4)","output":"### Answer: ERNE \n ### Explanation: Definition: bird of prey\n\n**ERN**(i)**E** (\"Wise, perhaps\" *avoiding* I (one))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Alliance formed when bar not closed (4)","output":"### Answer: BLOC \n ### Explanation: Definition: Alliance\n\n**BLOC**(k) (\"bar\", *not closed*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Guitar lost in extremely large band (8)","output":"### Answer: LIGATURE \n ### Explanation: Definition: band\n\n***(guitar)** [anag:*lost*] *in* [*extremely*] **L**(arg)**E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Westminster denizen's game up: one jerk imprisoned (8)","output":"### Answer: POLITICO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Westminster denizen\n\n**POLO** (\"game up\" i.e on horseback) with **I** (one) + **TIC** (\"jerk\") *imprisoned"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Australia's Air Force: impressive (6)","output":"### Answer: AUGUST \n ### Explanation: Definition: impressive\n\n**.au** (internet code for \"Australia\") + **GUST** (\"air force\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Something of golden colour in little shaped cases? (10)","output":"### Answer: TORTELLINI \n ### Explanation: Definition: cases?\n\n*(or in little) [anag:*shaped*] where OR is \"something of golden colour\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Said to be in power shower (4)","output":"### Answer: RAIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: shower\n\nHomophone [*said*] of **REIGN** (\"to be in power\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Take time in fine weather to bowl over (4)","output":"### Answer: STUN \n ### Explanation: Definition: to bowl over\n\n**T** (time) *in* **SUN** (\"fine weather\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Idiot's returned to new satellite city (3,7)","output":"### Answer: SAN ANTONIO \n ### Explanation: Definition: city\n\n**<=NANA'S** (\"idiot's\" *returned*) + **TO **+ **N** (new) + **IO** (\"satellite\")\n \n*Io is the third largest moon of Jupiter."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Problem with ears and homesickness poles apart? (7)","output":"### Answer: OTALGIA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Problem with ears\n\n(n)**O**(s)**TALGIA** (\"homesickness\" *apart from* N & S (north and south, so \"poles\"))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Head seen on pound, English coin (5)","output":"### Answer: NOBLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: coin\n\n**NOB** (\"head\") *seen on* **L** (pound, pre-decimalisation) + **E** (English)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bird with crow certain to be arrogant (8)","output":"### Answer: COCKSURE \n ### Explanation: Definition: arrogant\n\n**COCK** (\"bird with crow\") + **SURE** (\"certain\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: It's always going up: more potential for development (9,6)","output":"### Answer: PERPETUAL MOTION \n ### Explanation: Definition: It's always going\n\n***(up more potential)** [anag:*for development*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Spanish force maiden into a drama school (6)","output":"### Answer: ARMADA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Spanish force\n\n**M** (maiden, in cricket) *into* **A** + **RADA** (Royal Academy of Dramatic Art, so \"drama school\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Porous breastbone all but shattered (9)","output":"### Answer: ABSORBENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Porous\n\n***(breastbon)** [anag:*shattered*] where BREASTBON is [*all but*] BREASTBON(e)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fast 6's taken right up north (7)","output":"### Answer: RAMADAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fast\n\n(**R**)**A**(r)**MADA** (\"6\" with R (right) *up*) + **N** (north)\n \n*The 6 in the clue refers to the solution to 6dn."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sexton in constant danger almost snatched by Devil (9)","output":"### Answer: SACRISTAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Sexton\n\n**C** (constant) + **RIS**(k) (\"danger\", *almost*) *snatched by* **SATAN** (\"devil\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rural river feeds into Niagara explosively (8)","output":"### Answer: AGRARIAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Rural\n\n**R** (river) *feeds into* ***(niagara)** [anag:*explosively*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Appearance in public produces concern (7)","output":"### Answer: LOOKOUT \n ### Explanation: Definition: concern\n\n**LOOK** (\"appearance\") + **OUT** (\"in public\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Composer admits small error to French king (7)","output":"### Answer: ROSSINI \n ### Explanation: Definition: Co\n\n**S **(small) + **SIN** (\"error\") *admitted to* **ROI** (\"French\" for \"king\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Scene at first shocking in WC (6)","output":"### Answer: FIELDS \n ### Explanation: Definition: WC\n\n**FIELD** (\"scene\") + [*at first*] **S**(hocking)\n \n*The definition WC refers to the comic actor WC Fields."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Actor once filling sugar bowls and cigar boxes (5)","output":"### Answer: GARBO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Actor once\n\nHidden in [*filling*] \"su**GAR BO**wls\" and \"ci**GAR BO**xes\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Perhaps tomorrow Rufus sets cryptic (Saturdays excepted) (6)","output":"### Answer: FUTURE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Perhaps tomorrow\n\n***(rufu et)** [anag:*cryptic*] where RUFU ET is RUFU(s) (s)ET(s) with S's (Saturdays) *excepted"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Shakespearean character's not large drunk male (6)","output":"### Answer: BOTTOM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Shakespearean character\n\n**B**(l)**OTTO** (\"drunk\", but *not* L (large) + **M **(male)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: King's vehicle reversing in the other direction (4)","output":"### Answer: BACK \n ### Explanation: Definition: in the other direction\n\n**<=(K** (King) + **CAB** (\"vehicle\")**)** [*reversing*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Nato abandoning borders one time with difficulty (2,1,7)","output":"### Answer: AT A STRETCH \n ### Explanation: Definition: with difficulty\n\n(n)**AT**(o) [*abandoning borders*] +** A** (one) + **STRETCH** (\"time\" in jail)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Good looking American robber (6)","output":"### Answer: BONNIE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Good looking\n\nDouble definition, the second referring to **BONNIE** Parker, the female half of Bonnie and Clyde."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Scientist, one mistakenly called a monster, not honest about ego (8)","output":"### Answer: EINSTEIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Scientist\n\n(Frank)**ENSTEIN** (\"one mistakenly called a monster\", *not* FRANK (\"honest\")) *about* **I** (\"ego\")\n \n*The name Frankenstein is often mistakenly given to the monster created by Dr Frankenstein."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fruit stolen for ammunition (9)","output":"### Answer: GRAPESHOT \n ### Explanation: Definition: ammunition\n\n**GRAPES** (\"fruit\") + **HOT** (\"stolen\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Magazine to investigate many European leaders (4)","output":"### Answer: TIME \n ### Explanation: Definition: Magazine\n\n**T**(o)** I**(nvestigate) **M**(any) **E**(uropean) [*leaders*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Books about sport going over circuit (4)","output":"### Answer: TOUR \n ### Explanation: Definition: circuit\n\n**<=OT** (Old Testament, so \"books\") [*about*] + **<= RU** (rugby union, so \"sport\") [*going over*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Healthy wife cooks sole in residence (9)","output":"### Answer: WHOLESOME \n ### Explanation: Definition: Healthy\n\n**W** (wife) +** *(sole)** [anag:*cooks*] *in* **HOME** (\"residence\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Embodying the ultimate in style, an older model car (8)","output":"### Answer: DELOREAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: car\n\n***(an older)** [anag:*model*] *embodying* [*the ultimate in*] (styl)**E**\n \n*Another possible &lit., as the DeLorean was considered stylish by some people."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fancy Borgian clothing enhanced human (6)","output":"### Answer: CYBORG \n ### Explanation: Definition: enhanced human\n\nHidden in [*clothing*] \"fan**CY BORG**ian\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: It gets a raise if it does its job well (6,4)","output":"### Answer: BAKING SODA \n ### Explanation: Definition: It gets a raise if it does its job well \n\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stone axes have zero rebound (4)","output":"### Answer: ONYX \n ### Explanation: Definition: Stone\n\n**<=(XY** (\"axes\", in maths) *have* **NO** (\"zero\")) [*rebound*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Maiden title included in new deal (6)","output":"### Answer: DAMSEL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Maiden\n\n**Ms. **(\"title\")* included in* ***(deal)** [anag:*new*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Following retirement, group takes over pub game (6)","output":"### Answer: TENNIS \n ### Explanation: Definition: game\n\n[*following retirement*] **<=(SET** (\"group\") *takes over* **INN** (\"pub\")**)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Relish 4 \u00f7 (50 + 1 + 5) (7)","output":"### Answer: FLAVOUR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Relish\n\n**FOUR** *divided by* (**L** (50) + **A** (one) + **V** (5))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Number 10 receiving fine of no real value (5)","output":"### Answer: TOKEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: of no real value\n\n**TEN** (\"number 10\") *receiving* **OK** (\"fine\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bookworms are tipsy serving up wine and a little Scotch (7)","output":"### Answer: READERS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Bookworms\n\n***(are)** [anag:*tipsy*] + [*serving up*] **<=RED** (\"wine\") and [*a little*] **S**(cotch)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: University objects when husband and son leave for trip (6)","output":"### Answer: OUTING \n ### Explanation: Definition: trip\n\n**OU** (Open \"University\") + **T**(h)**ING**(s) (\"objects\" *when* H (husband) *and* S (son) *leave*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Emotional behaviour of cast with their acting (9)","output":"### Answer: THEATRICS \n ### Explanation: Definition: E\n\n***(cast their) **[anag:*acting*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: I break speed of sound after ditching ordinary engine (7)","output":"### Answer: MACHINE \n ### Explanation: Definition: engine\n\n**I** *break* (into) **MACH** (o)**NE **(\"speed of sound\" *after ditching* O (ordinary))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Be naked and free (4,7,2)","output":"### Answer: HAVE NOTHING ON \n ### Explanation: Definition: Be naked\n\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Excite uranium in lump to make this (9)","output":"### Answer: PLUTONIUM \n ### Explanation: Definition: this\n\n***(u in lump to)** [anag:*excite*] where U = uranium (on the periodic table)\n \n*This may be an &lit., but I'm no scientist, so I don't know if plutonium can be made that way."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hydrate corrupt London police here? (3,4)","output":"### Answer: THE YARD \n ### Explanation: Definition: London police here?\n\n***(hydrate)** [anag:*corrupt*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Provide milk for lost cat recently found outside (7)","output":"### Answer: LACTATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Provide milk\n\n***(cat)** [anag:*lost*] with **LATE** (\"recently\") *found outside"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: They suffer writing penned by smartypants? (7)","output":"### Answer: MARTYRS \n ### Explanation: Definition: They suffer\n\n**R** (writing, one of the three R's) *penned by* ***(smarty) **[anag:*pants*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Foreign article on Tory peer doing away with hard competition (6)","output":"### Answer: LEAGUE \n ### Explanation: Definition: competition\n\n**LE** (\"foreign article\") *on* (William) (h)**AGUE** (\"Tory peer\" *doing away with* H (hard))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: British bank close to German ex-chancellor (5)","output":"### Answer: BROWN \n ### Explanation: Definition: ex-chancellor\n\n**B** (British) + **ROW** (\"bank\") + [*close to*] (germa)**N"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Revolutionary leader introduces doctor to dance (5)","output":"### Answer: MAMBO \n ### Explanation: Definition: dance\n\n(Chairman) **MAO** (\"revolutionary leader\") *introduces* **MB** (Bachelor of Medicine, so \"doctor\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Copycat musical makes a comeback after author's appeal (9)","output":"### Answer: IMITATIVE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Copycat\n\n**<=EVITA** (\"musical\", *making a comeback*) *after* **I'M** (\"author's\") + **IT** (sex \"appeal\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Book cool position in court (9)","output":"### Answer: JUDGESHIP \n ### Explanation: Definition: position in court\n\n**JUDGES** (\"book\" of the Bible) + **HIP** (\"cool\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pluck exhibited by women in Dynasty (5)","output":"### Answer: TWANG \n ### Explanation: Definition: Pluck\n\n**W** (women) *in* **TANG** (Dynasty)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Change more ornate key (7)","output":"### Answer: REMODEL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Change\n\n***(more)** [anag:*ornate*] + **DEL** (delete \"key\" on a computer keyboard)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One of us picked up drink from pub (7)","output":"### Answer: INSIDER \n ### Explanation: Definition: One of us\n\nHomophone [*picked up*] of **INN CIDER** (\"drink from pub\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lots of dogs heading off (6)","output":"### Answer: OODLES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Lots\n\n[*heading off*] (p)**OODLES** (\"dogs\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Weeks of decline in retirement not entirely retaining honour (8)","output":"### Answer: DECEMBER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Weeks\n\n**<=RECED**(e) (\"decline\", [*not entirely*] *in retirement*) *retaining* **MBE** (Member of the British Empire, so \"honour\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unlike a coin to be biased (3-5)","output":"### Answer: ONE-SIDED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Unlike a coin\n\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Address of No 1 boarding school (6)","output":"### Answer: SPEECH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Address\n\n**PEE **(\"no 1\") *boarding* **Sch.** (school)\n \n*A No 1 is a pee in British slang. I won't explain what a No 2 is at this time of the morning."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Not the same cycling around outskirts of Everest towards a specified place (7)","output":"### Answer: THERETO \n ### Explanation: Definition: towards a specified place\n\n(o)**THER-O **(\"not the same\", *cycling*) *around* [*outskirts of*] **E**(veres)**T"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: New path surprisingly leads to heavy artillery compound (7)","output":"### Answer: NAPHTHA \n ### Explanation: Definition: compound\n\n**N** (new) + ***(path)** [anag:*surprisingly*] + [*leads to*] **H**(eavy) **A**(rtillery)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Faith originally held by communist (5)","output":"### Answer: TROTH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Faith\n\n[*originally*] **H**(eld) *by* **TROT** (\"communist\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Break team's opponents in game (9)","output":"### Answer: ELEVENSES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Break\n\n**ELEVEN'S** (\"team's\") + **E**+**S** (east and south, \"opponents\" in bridge)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Matter in the main well liquefied? (9)","output":"### Answer: MELTWATER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Matter in the main well liquefied?\n\n***(matter wel)** [anag:*liquefied*] where WEL is WEL(l) [*in the main*] and &lit.\n \n*Chambers has MELT-WATER hyphenated."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Change of heart makes little sense (5)","output":"### Answer: SMELL \n ### Explanation: Definition: sense\n\nSM(a)LL (\"little\") with a [*change of heart]* becomes **SM(E)LL"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Official is second to support party led by PM (5-4)","output":"### Answer: MAJOR-DOMO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Official\n\n**MO** (\"second\") *to support* **DO** (\"party\")* led by* (John) **MAJOR** (\"PM\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Signal translator exposed casual worker tracking Government department (5)","output":"### Answer: MODEM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Signal translator\n\n[*exposed*] (t)**EM**(p) (\"casual worker\") *tracking* **MOD** (Ministry of Defence, so \"Government department\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Finished composition before time? No! (7)","output":"### Answer: OVERDUE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Finished composition \n\n**OVER** (\"finished\") + **DUE**(t) (\"composition\" before T (time)) and semi &lit."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Headline-cropping Ed. up to snuff (6)","output":"### Answer: INHALE \n ### Explanation: Definition: snuff\n\n***(healin)** [anag:*up*] where HEALIN is HEA(d)LIN(e) *cropping* ED"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Spoilt devil having top quality wine (8)","output":"### Answer: IMPAIRED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Spoilt\n\n**IMP** (\"devil\") *having* **A1** (\"top quality\") + **RED** (\"wine\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Performer in Dire Straits trimmed programme's finale (7)","output":"### Answer: ARTISTE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Performer\n\n***(strait) **[anag:*dire*] + (programm)**E** [*'s finale*] where STRAIT is STRAIT(s) *trimmed"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Berlin not right to be upset about car that's too quiet (9)","output":"### Answer: INAUDIBLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: too quiet\n\n***(belin)** [anag:*to be upset*] *about* **AUDI** (\"car\") where BELIN is BE(r)LIN [*not right]* (i.e. without the R]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Longing to do good in role of saint in festival (5)","output":"### Answer: EAGER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Longing\n\nG (good) *in role of* ST (saint) in EA(st)ER (\"festival\") becomes **EA(G)ER"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: For Germans, the earth is charged by the Spanish for fuel (6,3)","output":"### Answer: DIESEL OIL \n ### Explanation: Definition: fuel\n\n**DIE** (\"for Germans. the\") + **SOIL** (\"earth\") *is charged by* **EL** (\"the\" in \"Spanish\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Trial run without judges is bona fide (9)","output":"### Answer: REHEARSAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Trial run\n\n**REAL** (\"bona fide\") *without* (i.e. outside) **HEARS** (\"judges\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: I provide evidence of depression obscuring recollection of denial (8)","output":"### Answer: DEPONENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: I provide evidence\n\n**DENT** (\"depression\") *obscuring* [*recollection of*] **<=NOPE** (\"denial\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Reserve last of tickets (by whatever means) for Frozen? (3,4)","output":"### Answer: ICE SHOW \n ### Explanation: Definition: Frozen?\n\n**ICE** (\"reserve\") + [*last of*] (ticket)**S** + **HOW** (\"by whatever means\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Studs used to make connections by spiking drinks (7)","output":"### Answer: POPPERS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Studs used to make connections\n\n**PER **(\"by\") *spiking* **POPS** (\"drinks\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Segment of burrowing earthworm's working effectively (2,4)","output":"### Answer: IN GEAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: working effectively\n\n[*segment of*] \"burrow**ING EAR**thworm\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Symbol of note embodied by cat (5)","output":"### Answer: TOTEM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Symbol\n\n**TE** (musical \"note\")* embodied by ***TOM** (\"cat\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Style hint (5)","output":"### Answer: TASTE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Style\n\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Duck upset about erect garden plant (5)","output":"### Answer: LUPIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: garden plant\n\n**<=NIL **(\"duck\", *upset*) *about* **UP** (\"erect\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Managing, or playing with, Clinton (2,7)","output":"### Answer: IN CONTROL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Managing\n\n***(or Clinton)** [anag:*playing*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hidden eastern prisoner tried to break outside (9)","output":"### Answer: RECONDITE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Hidden\n\n***(tried)** [anag:*to break*] *outside*** E** (eastern) + **CON** (\"prisoner\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Heroin in the morning? Well over the top (5)","output":"### Answer: HAMMY \n ### Explanation: Definition: over the top\n\n**H** (heroin) + **AM** (ante meridiem, so \"in the morning\") + **MY** (\"well\", as in \"my, my\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: About sexual partner with depression: the result of earthmoving occurrences (4,3)","output":"### Answer: CLAY PIT \n ### Explanation: Definition: the result of earthmoving occurrences\n\n**C** (circa, so \"about\") + **LAY** (\"sexual partner\") *with* **PIT** (\"depression\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Game: if lost, it would make you mad? (7)","output":"### Answer: MARBLES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Game\n\n\"losing your marbles\" = \"going mad\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Follow writer, but not Penny Townsend, say (5)","output":"### Answer: ENSUE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Follow\n\n(p)EN (\"writer\", but not P (penny)) + SUE (Townsend, say)\n \n*Sue Townsend was an author whose most famous creation was Adrian Mole."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: It's often potted and propagated with top removed (3)","output":"### Answer: RED \n ### Explanation: Definition: It's often potted\n\n(b)**RED** (\"propagated\" *with top removed*)\n \n*In snooker, there are 15 red balls, so it is the colour most often potted."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pole accepts the church over style and ornamentation (5)","output":"### Answer: DECOR \n ### Explanation: Definition: style and ornamentation\n\n**<=(ROD** (\"pole\") *accepts* **CE** (\"Church\" of England), *over***)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Nutty quality refined and introduced to stew (7)","output":"### Answer: MADNESS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Nutty quality\n\n***(and**) [anag:*refined*] *introduced to* **MESS** (\"stew\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Perhaps the young Mozart's expert crack at symphony's finale (7)","output":"### Answer: PRODIGY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Perhaps the young Mozart\n\n**PRO** (\"expert\") + **DIG** (\"crack\") + (symphon)**Y** [*'s finale*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: At first, convict turned grey in the pen (5)","output":"### Answer: CAGED \n ### Explanation: Definition: in the pen\n\n[*at first*] **C**(onvict) + **AGED** (\"turned grey\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Monsieur Simenon excited about college for the art of memory assistance (9)","output":"### Answer: MNEMONICS \n ### Explanation: Definition: the art of memory assistance\n\n***(m simenon)** [anag:*excited*] *about* **C** (college)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Britain enters whopper motor event quite freely (9)","output":"### Answer: LIBERALLY \n ### Explanation: Definition: quite freely\n\n**B** (Britain) *enters* **LIE** (\"whopper\") + **RALLY** (\"motor event\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Disagree about line taken by Wood (5)","output":"### Answer: CLASH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Disagree\n\n**C** (circa, so \"about\") +**L** (line) *taken by* **ASH** (\"wood\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Obscure book recommendation \u2014 book withdrawn (4)","output":"### Answer: BLUR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Obscure\n\n**BLUR**(b) (\"book recommendation\" with B (book) *withdrawn*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Constables cooked plaice aboard ship? (8)","output":"### Answer: SPECIALS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Constables\n\n***(plaice)** [anag:*cooked*] *aboard* (i.e. in) **SS** (steam \"ship\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What to expect from, say, an uncooperative Frenchman soon? (4)","output":"### Answer: ANON \n ### Explanation: Definition: soon\n\nAn uncooperative Frenchman's refusal would be **A NON** (a no)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bury's opposite side: tin production, right? (8)","output":"### Answer: DISINTER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Bury's opposite\n\n***(side tin)** [anag:*production*] + **R** (right)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Funny person quit protecting aide's back (6)","output":"### Answer: SCREAM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Funny person\n\n**SCRAM** (\"quit\") *protecting* (aid)**E** [*'s back*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Possibly another one in party, broadcasting (2,3,5)","output":"### Answer: ON THE RADIO \n ### Explanation: Definition: broadcasting\n\n***(another)** [anag:*possibly*] + **I** (one) *in* **DO** (\"party\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: First border described by China (6)","output":"### Answer: PRIMAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: First\n\n**RIM** *described by* **PAL** (\"china\")\n \n*For non-Brits, \"china plate = mate\" is an example of Cockney rhyming slang."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Parking was to be found for Candida, perhaps (4)","output":"### Answer: PLAY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Candida, perhaps\n\n**P** (parking) + **LAY** (\"was to be found\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Best college sheets (5)","output":"### Answer: CREAM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Best\n\n**C** (college) + **REAM** (\"sheets\" of paper)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: They would be crowned before getting on boats (10)","output":"### Answer: PRETENDERS \n ### Explanation: Definition: They would be crowned\n\n**PRE**\u2013 (\"before\") + **TENDERS** (\"boats\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Right time to turn back during eg ramble (5)","output":"### Answer: STRAY \n ### Explanation: Definition: ramble\n\n**<=(R** (right) + T (time)**)** [*to turn back*] *during* **SAY** (\"e.g.\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Organic compound put into water gets egg producer extremely youthful (8)","output":"### Answer: DIPHENYL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Organic compound\n\n**DIP** (\"put into water\") + *gets* **HEN** (\"egg producer\") + [*extremely*] **Y**(outhfu)**L"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unemotional Clinton not turned away by one state (8)","output":"### Answer: CLINICAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Unemotional\n\n**CLIN**(ton) (\"not\"* turned away*) *by* **I** (one) + **Cal.** (California, so \"state\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: In Florida? Go bag a Sri Lankan shrine (6)","output":"### Answer: DAGOBA \n ### Explanation: Definition: a \n\nHidden [*in*] \"Flori**DA GO BA**g\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Just start to simmer and make insinuations (6)","output":"### Answer: SIMPLY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Just\n\n[*start to*] **S**(immer) + **IMPLY** (\"make insinuations\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Indifferent military officer on date (4)","output":"### Answer: COLD \n ### Explanation: Definition: Indifferent\n\n**Col. **(colonel, so \"military officer\") *on*** D** (date)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Feel leaderless? That's painful! (4)","output":"### Answer: OUCH \n ### Explanation: Definition: That's painful!\n\n(t)**OUCH** (\"feel\", *leaderless*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old hunting cry that's heard in part of central London (4)","output":"### Answer: SOHO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Old hunting cry\n\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Free issue entertains Charlie with current page (10)","output":"### Answer: EMANCIPATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Free\n**EMANATE** (\"issue\") *entertains* **C** (Charlie, in the NATO phonetic alphabet) *with* **I** (symbol for electrical \"current\") + **P** (page)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What attention-seeker says in Bishop's Stortford (4)","output":"### Answer: PSST \n ### Explanation: Definition: What attention-seeker says\nHidden [*in*] \"bisho**PS ST**ortford\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Horse getting fed single humbug (7)","output":"### Answer: BALONEY \n ### Explanation: Definition: humbug\n**BAY** (\"horse\") *getting fed* **LONE** (\"single\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Country in Middle East, to the west, up in arms (7)","output":"### Answer: EMIRATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Country\n**<=ME** (Middle East, *to the west*) + **IRATE** (\"up in arms\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Servers with great hair (10)","output":"### Answer: WAITRESSES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Servers\n**W** (with) + **A1** (\"great\") + **TRESSES** (\"hair\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Husband chasing secretary? I'm appalled! (3)","output":"### Answer: PAH \n ### Explanation: Definition: I'm appalled!\n**H** (husband) *chasing* **PA** (personal assistant, or \"secretary\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Get up weary, needing a tea we hear to start with (6)","output":"### Answer: ATTIRE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Get up\nHomophone [*we hear*] of** A T** (\"a tea\") + **TIRE** (\"weary\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hiding from Democrat causing friction (8)","output":"### Answer: DRUBBING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Hiding\n**D** (Democrat) + **RUBBING** (\"causing friction\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Gold stolen by American friend without ethics (8)","output":"### Answer: AMORALLY \n ### Explanation: Definition: without ethics\n**Am.** (American) + **ALLY** (\"friend\") *steals* **OR** (\"gold\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stranded sailor, one leaving pleasure trip touring round (6)","output":"### Answer: CRUSOE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Stranded sailor\n**I** (one) *leaving* **CRU**(i)**SE** (\"pleasure trip\") *touring* **O** (round)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Nice way perhaps to experience sorrow (3)","output":"### Answer: RUE \n ### Explanation: Definition: to experience sorrow\n**RUE** is the French for \"street\", so \"way\" in Nice (the French city)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Jazz musician, say, is stopping one getting better (10)","output":"### Answer: IMPROVISER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Jazz musician, say\n**IS** *stopping* **IMPROVER** (\"one getting better\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Singer has divine gift, holding note (7)","output":"### Answer: MADONNA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Singer\n**MANNA** (\"divine gift\") *holding* **DO** (\"note\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Labour Party losing energy in the end (7)","output":"### Answer: TRAVAIL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Labour\n**RAV**(e) losing E (energy) *in* **TAIL** (\"the end\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Coward in Spanish city making a retreat (4)","output":"### Answer: NOEL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Coward\n**<=LEON** (\"Spanish city\", *making a retreat*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What driver might do to generate rage? (6,4)","output":"### Answer: CHANGE GEAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: What driver might do\nA reverse anagram \u2013 if you **CHANGE** the letters of **GEAR** , you \"generate RAGE\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Where Napoleon was clever following revolution (4)","output":"### Answer: ELBA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Where Napoleon was\n**<=ABLE** (\"clever\", *following revolution*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ultimately ingesting drug, if nothing else (2,5)","output":"### Answer: AT LEAST \n ### Explanation: Definition: if nothing else\n**AT LAST** (\"ultimately\") *ingesting* **E** (ecstasy, so \"drug\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Business people limiting firm's dismay (13)","output":"### Answer: CONSTERNATION \n ### Explanation: Definition: dismay\n**Co.** (company, so \"business\") + **NATION** (\"people\") *limiting* **STERN**\u00a0(\"firm\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: They're paid to notice gas rising up (6)","output":"### Answer: PAYEES \n ### Explanation: Definition: They're paid\n**<=(SEE** (\"to notice\") + **YAP** (\"gas\"), *going up***)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Exchange rate bound to offer value (8)","output":"### Answer: TREASURE \n ### Explanation: Definition: value\n***(rate)** [anag:*exchange*] + **SURE** (\"bound\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Acute case of ignorance about possible pet (4-3)","output":"### Answer: SHAR-PEI \n ### Explanation: Definition: possible pet\n**SHARP **(\"acute\") + **<=(**[*case of*] **I**(gnoranc)**E**, *about***)** \n*A shar-pei is a muscular Chinese dog with a distinctive face"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Environmentalist, one like Selma or Masha? (4-6)","output":"### Answer: TREE-HUGGER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Environmentalist\nBoth (s)ELM(a) and (m)ASH(a) could be described as **HUGGING TREES"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Defiant U-boat crew here rationed after rioting (13)","output":"### Answer: INSUBORDINATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Defiant\n**IN SUB** (\"U-boat crew here\") + ***(rationed)** [anag:*after rioting*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Parisian greeting large army moving north, one on horse (10)","output":"### Answer: CAVALRYMAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: one on horse\n**\u00c7A VA**? (\"Parisian greeting\") + **L** (large) + ***(army)** [anag:*moving*] + **N** (north)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Facial adornment \u2013 careless (8)","output":"### Answer: SLAPDASH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Facial adornment\nDouble definition, the first referring to roughcast ( a plaster mixed with stones, used to coat (adorn) the outside walls (faces) of a building. \nHovis @2 has provided an alternative parsing to this (ie. SLAP (\"make-up\") + the \u2013 in the clue (\"dash\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Conspicuously outstanding depth in new oeuvre (7)","output":"### Answer: OVERDUE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Conspicuously outstanding\n**D** (depth) *in* ***(oeuvre)** [anag:*new*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What's leaked in instruction to view document? (7)","output":"### Answer: SEEPAGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: What's leaked\n**SEE PAGE** (\"an instruction to view document\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Figure found under most of seat cushion (6)","output":"### Answer: SOFTEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: cushion\n**TEN** (\"figure\") *found under* [*most of*] **SOF**(a) (\"seat\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Slight noise made by drinker, not quiet (4)","output":"### Answer: SLUR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Slight\n**SLUR**(p) (\"noise made by drinker\", but *not* P (piano, so \"quiet\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Broadcast scandal involving most important supporter? (9)","output":"### Answer: PROPAGATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Broadcast\n\n**GATE** (\"scandal\" as in Watergate or Partygate) *involving* **PROP A** (\"most important supporter\") becomes PROP-A-GATE"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Member first to occupy unsettled place? (5)","output":"### Answer: LIMBO \n ### Explanation: Definition: unsettled place?\n\n**LIMB** (\"member\") + [*first to*]** O**(ccupy)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ready to receive what one deserves that's not yet paid (7)","output":"### Answer: OVERDUE \n ### Explanation: Definition: not yet paid\n\n**OVER** (\"ready to receive\", on a walkie talkie, say) + **DUE** (\"what one deserves\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Communists welcoming Socialists shunning Democratic Right (7)","output":"### Answer: REDRESS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Right\n\n**REDS** (\"communists\") *welcoming* **RE**(d)**S** (\"socialists\", *shunning* D (Democratic))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sailor returning adult's sheepish call (3)","output":"### Answer: BAA \n ### Explanation: Definition: sheepish call \n\n**<=AB **(able-bodied seaman, so \"sailor\", *returning*) + **A** (adult)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Use result of sport commercial screening national race (4,3,4)","output":"### Answer: WEAR AND TEAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Use\n\n**WEAR** (\"sport\") + **AD** (\"commercial\") *screening* **N** (national) + **TEAR** (\"race\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Moving rook out of skewer exposes bishop? (5)","output":"### Answer: PIECE \n ### Explanation: Definition: bishop?\n\n[*moving*] **R** (rook) [*out of*] **PIE**(r)**CE** (\"skewer\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Blue tit regularly arranged flowers and leaves (3)","output":"### Answer: LEI \n ### Explanation: Definition: arranged flowers and leaves\n\n(B)**L**(u)**E** (t)**I**(t) [*regularly*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Constant craving to hide (5)","output":"### Answer: CACHE \n ### Explanation: Definition: hide\n\n**C** (constant) + **ACHE** (\"longing\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Type of hedging, when entering and leaving home, that calms fears (11)","output":"### Answer: REASSURANCE \n ### Explanation: Definition: that calms fears\n\n**AS** (\"when\") *entering* **RE**(in)**SURANCE** (\"type of hedging\", with IN (\"home\") *leaving*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Recently recruited reporter's experienced (3)","output":"### Answer: NEW \n ### Explanation: Definition: Recently recruited\n\nHomophone [*reporter's*] of **KNEW** (\"experiences\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: This type of crisis suggests uncertainty (7)","output":"### Answer: MIDLIFE \n ### Explanation: Definition: This type of crisis\n\nThe **MID** of **LIFE** is IF, which \"suggests uncertainty\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: International smuggler gets hold of more fluid (7)","output":"### Answer: RUNNIER \n ### Explanation: Definition: more fluid\n\n**RUNNER** (\"smuggler\")* gets hold of ***I** (international)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Articles in French journal about speed of light being relative (5)","output":"### Answer: UNCLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: relative\n\n**UN** + **LE** (\"articles in French\") *about* **C** (speed of light)\n \n*The \"journal\" in the clue is redundant, but does add something to the surface."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What misrepresents the author's position? (9)","output":"### Answer: IMPOSTURE \n ### Explanation: Definition: What misrepresents\n\n**I'M** (\"the author's\") + **POSTURE** (\"position\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lap dancing upset mob's composure (6)","output":"### Answer: APLOMB \n ### Explanation: Definition: composure\n\n***(lap)** [anag:*dancing*] + ***(mob)** [anag:*upset*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: We hear toilet's features have reduced standing (4,4)","output":"### Answer: LOSE FACE \n ### Explanation: Definition: have reduced standing\n\nHomophone [*we hear*] of **LOO'S** (\"toilet's) + **FACE** (\"features\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: People controlling estates almost score drugs (10)","output":"### Answer: LANDOWNERS \n ### Explanation: Definition: People controlling estates\n\n[*almost*] **LAN**(d) (\"score\") + **DOWNERS** (\"drugs\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Moderate support for artist finishes prematurely (4)","output":"### Answer: EASE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Moderate\n\n**EASE**(l) (\"support for artists\" *finishes prematurely*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Play about Life, The Universe and Everything (10)","output":"### Answer: RECREATION \n ### Explanation: Definition: Play\n\n**RE** (\"about\") + **CREATION** (\"Life, the Universe and Everything\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Good boy is very willing (4)","output":"### Answer: GLAD \n ### Explanation: Definition: very willing\n\n**G** (good) + **LAD **(\"boy\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Claim pedestrianisation curbs delay (6)","output":"### Answer: IMPEDE \n ### Explanation: Definition: delay\n\nHidden in [*curbs*] \"cla**IM PEDE**strian\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Interpret arguments against in an accurate fashion (8)","output":"### Answer: CONSTRUE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Interpret\n\n**CONS** (\"arguments against\") + **TRUE** (\"in an accurate fashion\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Doctor recalling closure of theatre giving rise to rows here (10)","output":"### Answer: ALLERGENIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: giving rise to rows\n\n***(recalling e)** [anag:*doctor*] where E is [*closure of*] (theatr)E\n \nThe \"rows\" referred to are the first and last in the grid (ALLERGIC REACTION)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What should lead to item splitting troubled residence? (6,4)","output":"### Answer: DECREE NISI \n ### Explanation: Definition: What should lead to item splitting\n\n***(residence i)** [anag:*troubled*] where I is [*lead to*] I(tem) and &lit."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Soldier married our beloved (8)","output":"### Answer: PARAMOUR \n ### Explanation: Definition: beloved\n\n**PARA** (\"soldeer\") + **M** (married) + **OUR"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: America's omitted from uninterrupted musical accompaniment (8)","output":"### Answer: CONTINUO \n ### Explanation: Definition: musical accompaniment\n\nUS (\"America\") *omitted from* **CONTINUO**(us) (\"uninterrupted\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cite in evidence university dons to sum up void case (6)","output":"### Answer: ADDUCE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Cite in evidence\n\n**U** (university) *dons* **ADD** (\"sum\") + [*void*] **C**(as)**E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Person who supervises retreat in the aftermath of battle (6)","output":"### Answer: WARDEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Person who supervises\n\n**DEN** (\"retreat\") *in the aftermath of* **WAR** (\"battle\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Impractical person wants to systematically write down thought (4)","output":"### Answer: IDEA \n ### Explanation: Definition: thought\n\n**IDEA**(list) (\"impractical person\") *wants* (i.e. lacks) LIST (\"to systematically write down\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Transported in carriage with top down (4)","output":"### Answer: RAPT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Transported\n\nTRAP (\"carriage\") with *top* (i.e. first letter) *down* would become **RAP-T"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bag Kelvin put down by fire (8)","output":"### Answer: KNAPSACK \n ### Explanation: Definition: Bag\n\n**K** (Kelvin) + *put* **NAP** (\"down\") *by* **SACK** (\"fire\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Essential part of service in part of ship (6)","output":"### Answer: KERNEL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Essential part\n\n**RN** (Royal Navy, so \"service\") *in* **KEEL** (\"part of ship\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Take the Spanish female supporters back (7)","output":"### Answer: SNAFFLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Take\n\n**<=(EL** (\"the\" in \"Spanish\") + **F** (female) + **FANS** (\"supporters\")**)** [*back*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Best to choose single mother (7)","output":"### Answer: OPTIMUM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Best\n\n**OPT** (\"to choose\") + **I ** (\"single\") + **MUM** (\"mother\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Former deed, strictly accurate (5)","output":"### Answer: EXACT \n ### Explanation: Definition: strictly accurate\n\n**EX** (\"former\") + **ACT** (\"deed\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: American brought in instead, unexpectedly went through (9)","output":"### Answer: SUSTAINED \n ### Explanation: Definition: went through\n\n**US** (\"American\") *brought in* to ***(instead)** [anag:*unexpectedly*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hostile? Worker perhaps acting so, I suspect (12)","output":"### Answer: ANTAGONISTIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: Hostile\n\n**ANT** (\"worker, perhaps\") + ***(acting so i) **[anag:*suspect*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pole has lodgings next to river in Cardiff (12)","output":"### Answer: QUARTERSTAFF \n ### Explanation: Definition: Pole\n\n**QUARTERS** (\"lodgings\") *next to* **TAFF** (\"river in Cardiff\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Runs away from cattle farm in a valley in flood (9)","output":"### Answer: AVALANCHE \n ### Explanation: Definition: flood\n\n**R** (runs, in cricket) *away from* (r)**ANCH** (\"cattle farm\") *in* **A VALE** (\"valley\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Relative's soiled article disposed of (5)","output":"### Answer: UNCLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Relative\n\n**UNCLE**(an) (\"soiled\", with AN (\"article\") *disposed of*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stir too vigorously making rice dish (7)","output":"### Answer: RISOTTO \n ### Explanation: Definition: rice dish\n\n***(stir too)** [anag:*vigorously*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Personal target in move that backfired? (3,4)","output":"### Answer: OWN GOAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: move that backfired?\n\n**OWN** (\"personal\") + **GOAL** (\"target\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sister outside a church in shade (6)","output":"### Answer: NUANCE \n ### Explanation: Definition: shade\n\n**NUN** (\"sister\") *outside* **A** + **CE** (\"Church\" of England)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hit man when given cheek at work (8)","output":"### Answer: ASSASSIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Hit man\n\n**AS** (\"when\") *given* **SASS** (\"cheek\") + **IN** (\"at work\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fate of king is settled (6)","output":"### Answer: KISMET \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fate\n\n**K** (king) + **IS** + **MET** (\"settled\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Film a vessel on a river (6)","output":"### Answer: AVATAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Film\n\n**A** + **VAT** (\"vessel\") *on*** A** + **R** (river)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Nasty, feet slipping \u2013 this should save you (6,3)","output":"### Answer: SAFETY NET \n ### Explanation: Definition: this should save you\n\n***(nasty feet)** [anag:*slipping*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A four-by-four dodgy character stole (7,7)","output":"### Answer: CHELSEA TRACTOR \n ### Explanation: Definition: A four-by-four\n\n***(character stole)** [anag:*dodgy*]\n \n*For non-Brits, Chelsea tractor is a nickname for a 4\u00d74 driven almost exclusively in an urban setting, typically by parents dropping kids off at school."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Spare more (5)","output":"### Answer: EXTRA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Spare\n\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mention a ridiculous name (8)","output":"### Answer: NOMINATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: name\n\n***(mention a)** [anag:*ridiculous*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Passenger to avoid following spicy meal (4,4)","output":"### Answer: LAME DUCK \n ### Explanation: Definition: Passenger\n\n**DUCK** (\"to avoid\") *following* ***(meal)** [anag:*spicy*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Favouritism in the workplace some may interpret as sexist (4,3,3,4)","output":"### Answer: JOBS FOR THE BOYS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Favouritism in the workplace\n\n(not very) cryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Complaint in New Zealand advanced about alternative fuel (9)","output":"### Answer: INFLUENZA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Complaint\n\n**IN** + **NZ** (New Zealand) + **A** (advanced) *about* ***(fuel)** [anag:*alternative*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Small bike runs over large group of people (8)","output":"### Answer: SQUADRON \n ### Explanation: Definition: large group of people\n\n**S **(small) + **QUAD**(bike) + **R** (runs, in cricket) + **ON** (\"over\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mali, say, a foreign country (8)","output":"### Answer: MALAYSIA \n ### Explanation: Definition: country\n\n***(Mali say a)** [anag:*foreign*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Legendary magician's falcon (6)","output":"### Answer: MERLIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Legendary magician\n\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Some latticework in room (5)","output":"### Answer: ATTIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: room\n\nHidden in [*some*] \"l**ATTIC**ework\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Someone helping at Old Trafford without computer assistance (8)","output":"### Answer: MANUALLY \n ### Explanation: Definition: without computer assistance\n\"someone helping at Old Trafford\" could be seen as an ally to Manchester United, so a **MAN U ALLY**."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Marsupial's time in sleeping place (5)","output":"### Answer: ROOST \n ### Explanation: Definition: sleeping place\n**ROO'S** (\"marsupial's\") + **T** (time)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Vulgar supporter returns at start of football (4)","output":"### Answer: NAFF \n ### Explanation: Definition: Vulgar\n**<=FAN** (\"supporter\", *returns*) *at* [*start of*] **F**(ootball)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pipe up with strangely poetic hymn (7,3)","output":"### Answer: CHIMNEY POT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Pipe up\n***(poetic hymn)** [anag:*strangely*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Given alcohol, Charlie tucked in and made a face (6)","output":"### Answer: WINCED \n ### Explanation: Definition: made a face\n**WINED** (\"given alcohol\") with **C** (Charlie, int he NATO phonetic alphabet) *tucked in"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Beer long brewed in French city (8)","output":"### Answer: GRENOBLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: French city\n***(beer long) **[anag:*brewed*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Make several arrangements for each person unable to speak (7)","output":"### Answer: PERMUTE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Make several arrangements\n**PER** (\"for each\") + **MUTE** (\"person unable to speak\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Shout at infant, a wuss (7)","output":"### Answer: CRYBABY \n ### Explanation: Definition: a wuss\n**CRY** (\"shout\") *at* **BABY** (\"infant\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Having eaten, die in agony as prisoner (8)","output":"### Answer: DETAINEE \n ### Explanation: Definition: prisoner\n***(eaten die)** [anag:*in agony*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One is engaged in concluding this agreement (3-3)","output":"### Answer: PRE-NUP \n ### Explanation: Definition: One is engaged in concluding this agreement\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hard-up daughter stirs gluey porridge (4,6)","output":"### Answer: UGLY SISTER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Hard-up daughter\n***(stirs gluey**) [anag:*porridge*] \n*Cinderella's stepfather in pantomime is Baron Hardup."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unusual pressure in seat (4)","output":"### Answer: RUMP \n ### Explanation: Definition: seat\n**RUM** (\"unusual\") + **P** (pressure)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: In this part of the UK everyone is an Irishman (5)","output":"### Answer: NIALL \n ### Explanation: Definition: an Irishman\n**NI **(Northern Ireland, so \"part of the UK\") + **ALL** (\"everyone\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Advertise post, a dishonest scheme (3-2,3)","output":"### Answer: PUT-UP JOB \n ### Explanation: Definition: a dishonest scheme\n**PUT UP** (\"advertise\") + **JOB** (\"post\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Explosive material in this publication (8)","output":"### Answer: MAGAZINE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Explosive material\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Slap on the wrist (4)","output":"### Answer: CUFF \n ### Explanation: Definition: Slap\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Peaceful location finally lost identity (6)","output":"### Answer: PLACID \n ### Explanation: Definition: Peaceful\n**PLACE**(e) (\"location\", *finally lost*) + **ID** (\"identity\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Char wraps your medical instrument (7)","output":"### Answer: SYRINGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: medical instrument\n**SINGE** (\"char\") *wraps* **yr.** (your)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Relative was sorry about nobility (8)","output":"### Answer: GRANDEUR \n ### Explanation: Definition: nobility\n**GRAN** (\"relative\") + **<=RUED** (\"was sorry\", *about*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stuntman struggling duly boobed (4,6)","output":"### Answer: BODY DOUBLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Stuntman\n***(duly boobed) **[anag:*struggling*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: First to see abusive poster as constitutional (6)","output":"### Answer: STROLL \n ### Explanation: Definition: constitutional\n[*first to*] **S**(ee) + **TROLL** (\"abusive poster\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: It's a two-seater, as the saying goes! (7,3)","output":"### Answer: COMPANY CAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: It's a two-seater, as the saying goes!\nCryptic defintion, assuming the saying is \"two's company\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Material could be felt (8)","output":"### Answer: TANGIBLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Material\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A rare occasion, being depressed, to wander listlessly (4,4)","output":"### Answer: BLUE MOON \n ### Explanation: Definition: A rare occasion\n**BLUE** (\"being depressed\") + **MOON** (\"to wander listlessly\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Secret police fiddling postage (7)","output":"### Answer: GESTAPO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Secret police\n***(postage)** [anag:*fiddling*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Delacroix shows some European DNA (6)","output":"### Answer: EUGENE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Delacroix\n**Eu.** (European) + **GENE** (\"some DNA\") \n*Eug\u00e8ne Delacroix (1798-1863) was a French romantic painter and muralist. His most famous work was probably *Liberty Leading the People*."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Marine predator, one in the Caribbean? (6)","output":"### Answer: PIRATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Marine predator\nDouble definition, the second referring to the film franchise starring Johnny Depp."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Stringy Rovers' striker eats a bit of pasta (4)","output":"### Answer: ROPY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Stringy\n**ROY** (of the Rovers) *eats* [*a bit of*] **P**(asta) \n*For non-Brits, Roy Race, aka Roy of the Rovers, was a footballer in an eponymous comic strip which first appeared in a comic called *Tiger *in 1956, but which eventually became a comic of its own."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Article on spy making you fume (6)","output":"### Answer: SEETHE \n ### Explanation: Definition: fume\n\n**THE** (\"article\") *on* **SEE** (\"spy\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Doctor first to welcome a revolutionary (6)","output":"### Answer: MAOIST \n ### Explanation: Definition: revolutionary\n\n**MO **(medical officer, so \"doctor\") + **1st** (first) *to welcome* **A"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Guzzling gin cocktail after escape (7)","output":"### Answer: BOLTING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Guzzling\n\n***(gin)** [anag:*cocktail*] *after* **BOLT** (\"escape\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: United finally escaping relegation? Such excitement! (7)","output":"### Answer: EMOTION \n ### Explanation: Definition: Such excitement\n\n(unite)D [*finally*] *escaping* (d)**EMOTION** (\"relegation\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: S for one approaching retirement? (10)","output":"### Answer: SLEEPYHEAD \n ### Explanation: Definition: one approaching retirement?\n\n\"S\" is the **HEAD** (capital, so first letter) of **SLEEPY"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Igloos occasionally getting hot? My goodness! (4)","output":"### Answer: GOSH \n ### Explanation: Definition: My goodness!\n\n(i)**G**(l)**O**(o)**S** [occasionally] *getting* **H** (hot)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The same policeman getting too much, on reflection (5)","output":"### Answer: DITTO \n ### Explanation: Definition: The same\n\n**DI **(detective inspector, so \"policeman\") *getting* **<=OTT** (over the top, so \"too much\", *on reflection*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Key language that's a bit of a mouthful? (8)","output":"### Answer: ESCARGOT \n ### Explanation: Definition: a bit of a mouthful?\n\n**ESC** (\"key\" on a keyboard) + **ARGOT** (\"language\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old lag quietly faking Renoirs (8)","output":"### Answer: PRISONER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Old lag\n\n**P** (piano in music notation = \"quietly\") + ***(Renoir's)** [anag:*faking*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Students backing a grand PM (5)","output":"### Answer: SUNAK \n ### Explanation: Definition: PM\n\n**<=NUS** (National Union of \"Students\", *backing*) + **A** +** K** (1000, so \"grand\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rogue cut short a fraudulent scheme (4)","output":"### Answer: SCAM \n ### Explanation: Definition: a fraudulent scheme\n\n**SCAM**(p) (\"rogue\", *cut short*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Having a bite to eat in Barking? (3,2,5)","output":"### Answer: OUT TO LUNCH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Having a bite to eat\n\nDouble definition, the second referring to being \"barking\" mad."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cobbler capturing a snake (7)","output":"### Answer: MEANDER \n ### Explanation: Definition: snake\n\n**MENDER** (\"cobbler\") *capturing* **A"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fortune teller visiting restaurant, I see (7)","output":"### Answer: DIVINER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fortune teller\n\n**I** + **V** (vide, so \"see\") *visiting* **DINER** (\"restaurant\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Uncomfortable bed put everyone in a bad mood (6)","output":"### Answer: PALLET \n ### Explanation: Definition: Uncomfortable bed\n\n**ALL** (\"everyone\") *in* **PET** (\"a bad mood\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: TV presenter Jack might drop it (6)","output":"### Answer: ANCHOR \n ### Explanation: Definition: TV presenter\n\nDouble definition, the \"jack\" in the second referring to a sailor."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Music one hears in Asian capital (5)","output":"### Answer: SEOUL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Asian capital\n\nHomophone [one hears] of **SOUL** (music)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Beg nurse to support unmarried men (7)","output":"### Answer: ENTREAT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Beg\n\n**TREAT** (\"nurse\") *to support* (m)**EN** [*unmarried* = without M (married)]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: During which one might see sweetheart with bare bottom? (9)","output":"### Answer: HONEYMOON \n ### Explanation: Definition: During which one might see sweetheart with bare bottom?\n\n**HONEY** (\"sweetheart\") *with* **MOON** (\"bare bottom\") and &lit."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Frightened gangster fleeing, carrying a gun (5)","output":"### Answer: ARMED \n ### Explanation: Definition: carrying a gun\n\nAL (Capone) (\"gangster\") *fleeing* (al)**ARMED** (\"frightened\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Perhaps 20 men initially sacked by disorderly regiment (7)","output":"### Answer: INTEGER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Perhaps 20\n\n***(regient) **[anag:*disorderly*] where REGIENT is REGI(m)ENT with M(en) [*initially* *sacked*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Weighed up situation, as rustler did? (4,5)","output":"### Answer: TOOK STOCK \n ### Explanation: Definition: Weighed up situation\n\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pay tribute to a notable judge (9)","output":"### Answer: CELEBRATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Pay tribute to\n\n**CELEB** (\"a notable\") + **RATE** (\"judge\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ridiculously priced hat \u2013 very inexpensive (4,5)","output":"### Answer: DIRT CHEAP \n ### Explanation: Definition: very inexpensive\n\n***(priced hat)** [anag:*ridiculously*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The Guardian offering a discount on renewal (9)","output":"### Answer: CUSTODIAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Guardian\n\n***(a discount)** [anag:*on renewal*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Influential student group changing political allegiance? (7)","output":"### Answer: SEMINAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Influential\n\n**SEMINA**(r>**L**) (\"student group\") *changing* from R (right) to L (left) (\"political allegiance\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Further honour Ishiguro has accepted (7)","output":"### Answer: NOURISH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Further\n\nHidden in [*has accepted*] \"ho**NOUR ISH**iguro\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fat old cow's complaint about European (5)","output":"### Answer: OBESE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fat\n\n**O** (old) + **BSE** (\"cow's complaint\") *about*** E** (European)\n \n*BSE is bovine spongiform encephalopathy, more commonly known as \"mad cow's disease\"."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unload vehicle carrying case of Lafite (5)","output":"### Answer: CLEAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Unload\n\n**CAR** (\"vehicle\") *carrying* [*case of*] **L**(afit)**E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: CIC? I'm apt for training around him, combining characteristics (11)","output":"### Answer: AMPHIMICTIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: combining characteristics\n***(cic im apt)** [anag:*for training*] *around* **HIM"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sandy's stated condition for hairstyle (5)","output":"### Answer: QUOIF \n ### Explanation: Definition: hairstyle\n**QUO**' (Scots form of quoth, therefore \"Sandy's stated\") + **IF** (\"condition\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old Scandinavian line, one for fastening nets (6)","output":"### Answer: NORSEL \n ### Explanation: Definition: one for fastening nets\n**NORSE** (\"old Scandinavian\") +** L** (line)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Autumn time ? strange breeze featuring in fringes thereof (8)","output":"### Answer: BRUMAIRE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Autumn time\n**RUM** (\"strange\") + **AIR** (\"breeze\") *featuring in* [*fringes of*] **B**(reez)**E** \n*Brumaire was the second month of the French revolutionary calendar, mid-October to mid-November."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A king swathes heart of ch\u00e2teau in 'lumpy' coating (5)","output":"### Answer: ARTEX \n ### Explanation: Definition: 'lumpy' coating\n**A** + **REX** (\"king\") *swathes* [*heart of*] (cha)**T**(eau)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Serving prince, deceased (5)","output":"### Answer: PLATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Serving\n**P** (prince) + **LATE** (\"deceased\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Carol and Jackie, maybe, offspring (7)","output":"### Answer: CHANSON \n ### Explanation: Definition: Carol\n(Jackie) **CHAN** + **SON** (\"offspring\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Spiritual leader, one caught in heated criticism, making comeback (5)","output":"### Answer: KALIF \n ### Explanation: Definition: Spiritual leader\n**I **(one) *caught in* **<=FLAK** (\"heated criticism\", *making comeback*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What was dizzying? Appalling cost ? well I never! (7)","output":"### Answer: SCOTOMY \n ### Explanation: Definition: What was dizzying\n***(cost)** [anag:*appalling*] + **O MY**! (\"well I never!\") \n*Scotomy is an old word describing dizziness and dimness of vision."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sore lip after battering? It gives the game away! (7)","output":"### Answer: SPOILER \n ### Explanation: Definition: It gives the game away\n***(sore lip)** [anag:*after battering*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Link in bracelet or chain (5)","output":"### Answer: TORCH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Link\nHidden [*in*] \"bracele**T OR CH**ain\" \n*Link is an old name for a torch made of pitch and hemp material."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Old horse with pedigree? See harness frame (7)","output":"### Answer: PAD-TREE \n ### Explanation: Definition: harness frame\n**PAD** (an old word for a \"horse\") *with* **TREE** (\"pedigree\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Access via code ? observe trap (5)","output":"### Answer: LOGIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Access via code\n**LO** (\"observe\") + **GIN** (\"trap\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Chemical combination ? page includes it for support (5)","output":"### Answer: TRONA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Chemical combination\n(pa)**TRONA**(ge) (\"support\") \n*Trona is a combination of acid and sodium carbonate."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Forceps lulls Eva being operated on (8)","output":"### Answer: VULSELLA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Forceps\n***(lulls Eva)** [anag:*being operated on*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Give animation to wild ones, duly free of curbs? (6)","output":"### Answer: ENSOUL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Give animation to\n***(ones)** [anag:*wild*] + (d)**UL**(y) [*free of curbs*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hoppers emptied fields bagging ale's components (5)","output":"### Answer: FLEAS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Hoppers\n[*emptied*] **F**(ield)**S** *bagging* ***(ale)** [anag:*'s components*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A fib (11)","output":"### Answer: TARRADIDDLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: A fib\n*Azed invites us to come up with our own clue for this one."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Right hand used in Pompeian artwork (not left) ? unidentified material (6)","output":"### Answer: MURRHA \n ### Explanation: Definition: unidentified material\n**RH** (right hand) *used in* **MURA**(l) (\"Pompeian artwork\", *not* L (left))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: There's a smell endlessly round mobile lat or \u2026 this? (8)","output":"### Answer: PORTALOO \n ### Explanation: Definition: this\n**POO**(h) (\"there's a smell\", *endlessly*) *round* ***(lat or)** [anag:*mobile*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fine porcelain greeting oriental Buddhist (5)","output":"### Answer: HIZEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fine porcelain\n**HI** (\"greeting\") + **ZEN** (\"oriental Buddhist\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Opossum some damaged grabbing limb (7)","output":"### Answer: MARMOSE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Opossum\n***(some)** [anag:*damaged*] *grabbing* **ARM** (\"limb\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: By the sound of it you are in pub to prepare for tea (probably not!) (5)","output":"### Answer: INURN \n ### Explanation: Definition: to prepare for tea (probably not!\nHomophone [*by the sound of it*] of **YOU ARE** *in* **INN** (\"pub\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Azedders battling for preferment? It's an old conspiracy (7)","output":"### Answer: COMPLOT \n ### Explanation: Definition: an old conspiracy\n**COMP** (competition, as in the Azed puzzle)** LOT **could be a way of describing Azedders, I suppose."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Singers may hum it contralaterally in part (5)","output":"### Answer: TRALA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Singers may hum it\nHidden in [*in part*] \"con**TRALA**terally\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Working at clothiers? Ah, toil with such snips maybe (5)","output":"### Answer: CERTS \n ### Explanation: Definition: snips\n*(at clothiers) [anag:working] would yield AH TOIL **CERTS"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Spot leaders taking shelter in dozy- looking lot (11)","output":"### Answer: SLEEPYHEADS \n ### Explanation: Definition: dozy- looking lot\n**SPY** (\"spot\") + **HEADS** (\"leaders\") *taking* **LEE** (\"shelter\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dodgy old doctor, mercurial? I'll go for one twice (11)","output":"### Answer: QUACKSALVER \n ### Explanation: Definition: Dodgy old doctor\nQUICKSILVER (of mercury, so \"mercurial\") with I *going for* (being replaced) *twice* by A (\"one\") would become **QUACKSALVER"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rusty flex around was annoying (8)","output":"### Answer: CORRODED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Rusty\n**CORD** (\"flex\") *around* **RODE** (\"was annoying\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One strolling pathway in warm coating (7)","output":"### Answer: FLANEUR \n ### Explanation: Definition: One strolling\n**LANE** (\"pathway\") *in* **FUR** (\"warm coating\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Crop in conveyance moved slowly (7)","output":"### Answer: CRAWLED \n ### Explanation: Definition: moved slowly\n**CRAW** (\"crop\") + **LED** (\"in conveyance\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Measure of old grain a client ordered I shifted (6)","output":"### Answer: CENTAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Measure of old grain\n***(a clent)** [anag:*ordered*] where CLENT is CL(i)ENT with I *shifted"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What palmist may read that's put on (5)","output":"### Answer: MOUNT \n ### Explanation: Definition: What palmist may read\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Peak like this may be seen in Old Man (5)","output":"### Answer: VISOR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Peak\n**SO** (\"like this\") *may be seen in* **VIR** (Latin for \"man\", so \"old man\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cloak from past enveloping everything (5)","output":"### Answer: PALLA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Cloak\n**pa.** (past) *enveloping* **ALL** (\"everything\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What's left in loose earth raised in a fine stream once (5)","output":"### Answer: TRILD \n ### Explanation: Definition: in a fine stream once\n**L **(left) *in* **<=DIRT** (\"loose earth\", *raised*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Daughter is chased by pig that's let out (8)","output":"### Answer: DISGORGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: let out\n\n**D** (daughter) + **IS** *chased by* **GORGE** (\"pig\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Here's a surprise about the French overture from Ravel? It's not an overture (6)","output":"### Answer: BOLERO \n ### Explanation: Definition: t's not an overture\n\n**BOO** (\"here's a surprise\") *about* **LE** (\"the\" in \"French\") + [*overture from*] **R**(avel)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rung number? Most of class engaged, possibly (6,3)","output":"### Answer: SPOKENFOR \n ### Explanation: Definition: engaged, possibly\n\n**SPOKE** (\"rung\") + **N** (number) + [*most of*] **FOR**(m) (\"class\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Feminine reserve about husband's file (5)","output":"### Answer: FICHE \n ### Explanation: Definition: file\n\n**F **(feminine) + **ICE** (\"reserve\") *about* **H** (husband)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Set subsequently including father has to fail (2,4,3,3)","output":"### Answer: GO DOWN THE PAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: t\n\n**GO DOWN **(\"set\") + **THEN** (\"subsequently\") *including* **PA** (\"father\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Love to have sex, not about to retreat (4)","output":"### Answer: EROS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Love\n\n**<=S**(c)**ORE** (\"to have sex\", but *not* C (circa, so \"about\"), *to retreat*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Star culture mostly irregular of form (10)","output":"### Answer: STRUCTURAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: of form\n\n***(star cultur)** [anag:*irregular*] where CULTUR is [mostly] CULTUR(e)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Argument about curtailment of embroidery to finish church feature (4,6)","output":"### Answer: ROSE WINDOW \n ### Explanation: Definition: church feature\n\n**ROW** (\"argument\") *about* [*curtailment of*] **SEWIN**(g) (\"embroidery\") + **DO** (\"to finish\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Scent trace of oranges in country near Australia (4)","output":"### Answer: PONG \n ### Explanation: Definition: Scent\n\n[*trace of*] **O**(ranges) *in* **PNG** (Papua New Guinea, a \"country near Australia\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dislike about university's hint to suppress one crime? What's cooking, seriously? (5,7)","output":"### Answer: HAUTE CUISINE \n ### Explanation: Definition: What's cooking, seriously?\n\n**HATE** (\"dislike\") *about* **U** (university) + **CUE** (\"hint\") *to suppress* **I** (one) + **SIN** (\"crime\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Motivation beginning to recede in downmarket bar (5)","output":"### Answer: DRIVE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Motivation\n\n[*beginning to*] **R**(ecede) in **DIVE** (\"downmarket bar\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Feel something of a blow to experience second sight thus? (3,6)","output":"### Answer: SEE DOUBLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Feel something of a blow to experience second sight thus?\n\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Discriminating person is engaged in a purchase (6)","output":"### Answer: AGEIST \n ### Explanation: Definition: Discriminating person\n\n**IS** *engaged in* **A** + **GET** (\"purchase\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Wrong to besiege Troy without end (8)","output":"### Answer: IMMORTAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: without end\n\n**IMMORAL** (\"wrong\") *to besiege* **T** (troy)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ready to cheat mum (4)","output":"### Answer: DOSH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Ready\n\n**DO** (\"to cheat\") + **SH** (\"mum\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Small quantity in narrow opening (4)","output":"### Answer: SLOT \n ### Explanation: Definition: narrow opening\n\n**S **(small) + **LOT** (\"quantity\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: US state with mines mostly worked out? (6)","output":"### Answer: OREGON \n ### Explanation: Definition: US state\n\nWith all the **ORE** **GON**(e) [*mostly*], the \"mine\" will be \"worked out\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Suggestion to ditch leader unfortunately blocked by eccentric toff with the ability to speak unknown languages (4,2,7)","output":"### Answer: GIFT OF TONGUES \n ### Explanation: Definition: the ability to speak unknown languages\n\n***(uggestion)** [anag:*unfortunately*] *blocked by* ***(toff)** [anag:*eccentric*] where UGGESTION is (s)UGGESTION with its \"leader ditched\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Little item in proposal not entirely complete, not entirely pure (3-5)","output":"### Answer: OFF-WHITE \n ### Explanation: Definition: not entirely pure\n\n**WHIT** (\"little item\") *in* [*not entirely complete*] **OFFE**(r) (\"proposal)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: More space arranged around old game venue (6,4)","output":"### Answer: ESCAPE ROOM \n ### Explanation: Definition: game venue\n\n***(more space)** [anag:*arranged*] *around* **O** (old)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Green picked up correspondence \u2014 nothing to replace a study of the sea (10)","output":"### Answer: OCEANOLOGY \n ### Explanation: Definition: study of the sea\n\n**<=ECO** (\"green\", picked up) + **AN**(a>**O**)**LOGY** (\"correspondence\" with O (\"nothing\") *replacing* A)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Dismissed old fellow leading second eleven to finish exhausted? (3,3,2,5)","output":"### Answer: RUN OUT OF STEAM \n ### Explanation: Definition: exhausted?\n\n**RUN OUT **(\"dismissed\" in cricket) + **O** (old) + **F** (fellow) + [*leading*] **S**(econd) + **TEAM** (\"eleven\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Heartbroken to block dubious trade in pyramids (10)","output":"### Answer: TETRAHEDRA \n ### Explanation: Definition: pyramids\n\n***(heart)** [anag:*broken*] *to block* ***(trade)** [anag:*dubious*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One amongst majority to get prominent about source of ugly work with cosmetics? (10)","output":"### Answer: MOISTURISE \n ### Explanation: Definition: work with cosmetics?\n\n**I** (one) *among* **MOST** (\"majority\") + **RISE** (\"to get prominent\") *about* [*source of*] **U**(gly)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: They'll carefully select social media users getting variable for time (8)","output":"### Answer: TWEEZERS \n ### Explanation: Definition: They'll carefully select\n\n**TWEE**(t>**Z**)**ERS **(\"social media users\") *getting* Z (variable) *for* T (time)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Keen on repeating second half, considering everything (2,4)","output":"### Answer: IN TOTO \n ### Explanation: Definition: considering everything\n\n**INTO** + **TO** (\"keen on\", *repeating second half*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Passing comment? Nothing had an effect (4)","output":"### Answer: OBIT \n ### Explanation: Definition: P\n\n**O** (nothing) + **BIT** (\"had an effect\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: German composer I overlooked successfully (4)","output":"### Answer: WELL \n ### Explanation: Definition: successfully\n\n(Kurt) **WE**(i)**LL** (\"German composer\") with I *overlooked"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Child you heard checking memory exercises makes notes for recital? (9)","output":"### Answer: IMPROMPTU \n ### Explanation: Definition: notes for recital?\n**IMP** (\"child\") + homophone [heard] of **YOU** *checking* **ROM** (read only \"memory\" in IT) + **PT **(physical training, so \"exercises\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Words prefacing explanation of couple finding love (3,2)","output":"### Answer: DUE TO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Words prefacing explanation\n**DUET** (\"couple\") *finding* **O** (love, in tennis)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Factory's reason for dismissing leader that's shiftless (7)","output":"### Answer: WORKSHY \n ### Explanation: Definition: shiftless\n**WORKS** (\"factory\") + (w)**HY** (\"reason for\", *dismissing leader*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Crazy, in fact, about Romeo? (7)","output":"### Answer: FRANTIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: Crazy\n***(in fact)** [anag:*crazy*] *about* **R** (Romeo, in the NATO phonetic alphabet) \n*\"Crazy\" is doing double duty in this clue, unless the setter intends it to be an &lit. \u2013 not convinced personally."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Daily grind does engender this (3)","output":"### Answer: RUT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Daily grind does engender this\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One earning more than a jobsworth reportedly means to fire gutless idiot first (11)","output":"### Answer: MOONLIGHTER \n ### Explanation: Definition: One earning more than a jobsworth reportedly\n**LIGHTER** (\"means to fire\") with [*gutless*] **MO**(r)**ON** (\"idiot\") *first"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Object in turn to Pierre's or Tom's expression (5)","output":"### Answer: MIAOU \n ### Explanation: Definition: Tom's expression\n**<=AIM** (\"object\", in turn) *to* **OU** (\"or\" in French, so \"Pierre's or\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The essence of Gregory I? (3)","output":"### Answer: EGO \n ### Explanation: Definition: I\n[*the essence of*] (gr)**EGO**(ry)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Opening 50% of shy people missed (5)","output":"### Answer: INTRO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Opening\n[*50% of*] **INTRO**(verts) [*missed*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Monet's spaces nearly all served as counterbalances (11)","output":"### Answer: COMPENSATES \n ### Explanation: Definition: counterbalances\n***(monets space)** [anag:*served*] where SPACE is [*nearly all*] of SPACE(s)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fellow's eager, but only half-heartedly so (3)","output":"### Answer: KEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fellow\n[*half-heartedly*] **KE**(e)**N"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Notice probe after removing covers and changing positions of automated device (7)","output":"### Answer: ROBOTIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: of automated device\n(n)**OTIC**(e) + (p)**ROB**(e) [*after removing covers*] *and changing positions* becomes ROB-OTIC"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Read racy novel lacking right provision for youngsters? (3,4)","output":"### Answer: DAY CARE \n ### Explanation: Definition: provision for youngsters?\n***(read acy)** [anag:*novel*] where ACY is (R)ACY *lacking* R (right)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sign of edited literature making a comeback (5)","output":"### Answer: TILDE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Sign\nHidden backwards [*of\u2026making a comeback*] in \"edit**ED LIT**erature\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Clean up scandal of former contracted notice of contentment? (9)","output":"### Answer: EXPURGATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Clean up\n**EX** (\"former\") + [*contracted*] **PUR**(r) (\"notice of contentment\") + **GATE** (suffix that indicates a \"scandal\" since Watergate, so Partygate e.g.)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Show little hesitation supporting what could be Private Eye (6)","output":"### Answer: VIEWER \n ### Explanation: Definition: what could be Private Eye\n**VIEW** (\"show\") with **ER** (\"little hesitation\") *supporting"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Times article elevates work before light entertainment (8)","output":"### Answer: OPERETTA \n ### Explanation: Definition: l\n**TT** (time twice, so \"times\") + A (\"article\") *elevates* **op**. (opus, so \"work\") + **ERE** (\"before\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Pest requiring division of school computer equipment (5,5)","output":"### Answer: HOUSE MOUSE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Pest\n**HOUSE** (\"division of school\") + **MOUSE** (\"computer equipment\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bring down the curtain on production of Cats? (4)","output":"### Answer: SPAY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Bring down the curtain on production of Cats?\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cut lead off damaged covering (6,4)","output":"### Answer: DUFFEL COAT \n ### Explanation: Definition: covering\n***(cut lead off)** [anag:*damaged*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Thought most of the best (4)","output":"### Answer: IDEA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Thought\n[*most of*] **IDEA**(l) (\"the best\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Recording interrupts order to reinstate group (6)","output":"### Answer: SEPTET \n ### Explanation: Definition: group\n**EP** (extended play \"recording\") *interrupts* **STET** (proofreader's \"order to reinstate\" the original)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Composition of union is next to zero (8)","output":"### Answer: CONCERTO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Composition\n**CONCERT** (\"union\") *is next to* **O** (zero)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: In one respect, strangely enough, it's well known (4,6)","output":"### Answer: OPEN SECRET \n ### Explanation: Definition: it's well known\n***(one respect)** [anag:*strangely enough*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: They dispute philosopher's calling out of prophets a priori (10)","output":"### Answer: GAINSAYERS \n ### Explanation: Definition: They dispute\n(A.J.) **AYER'S** (\"philosopher\") with **GAINS** (profits \u2013 a homophone of \"prophets\", as indicated by *calling out*) [*a priori*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Steep cost of ground spice? (8)","output":"### Answer: MACERATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Steep\n**MACE** (\"ground spice\") + **RATE** (\"cost\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mistake a wayfarer having eaten here? (8)","output":"### Answer: TAKEAWAY \n ### Explanation: Definition: eaten \nHidden in [*having*] \"mis**TAKE A WAY**farer\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Means of transmitting outside broadcast is limited by distance (6)","output":"### Answer: MOBILE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Means of transmitting\n**OB** (outside broadcast)* is limited by* **MILE** (\"distance\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One wants heckler to drive Liberal away (6)","output":"### Answer: NEEDER \n ### Explanation: Definition: One wants\n**NEED**(l)**ER** (\"heckler\" *to drive* L (Liberal) *away*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Starts to travel regularly (every Easter) in plane? (4)","output":"### Answer: TREE \n ### Explanation: Definition: plane?\n[*starts to*] **T**(ravel) **R**(egularly) **E**(very) **E**(aster)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Information's intermittently dropped when editor's around (4)","output":"### Answer: DOPE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Information\n[*intermittently*] **D**(r)**O**(p)**P**(d)**E** where DROPPDE is \"dropped\" with the ED (editor) *around"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Acts like a farrier and drives off noisily (5)","output":"### Answer: SHOES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Acts like a farrier\n\nHomophone [*noisily*] of **SHOOS** (\"drives off\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Quite agreed setter has books as compensation (9)","output":"### Answer: ATONEMENT \n ### Explanation: Definition: compensation\n\n**AT ONE** (\"quite agreed\") + **ME** (\"setter\") + **NT** (New Testament. so \"books\" of the Bible)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Duke not stuffy with fellow member, a milk producer (5,4)","output":"### Answer: DAIRY FARM \n ### Explanation: Definition: a milk producer\n\n**D** (duke) + **AIRY** (\"not stuffy\") *with* **F **(fellow) + **ARM** (\"member\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: In Spain, little point in one's getting hungry (5)","output":"### Answer: EMPTY \n ### Explanation: Definition: hungry\n\n**E** (international vehicle registration code for \"Spain\") + **pt.** (little point) *in* **MY** (\"one's\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A classic car craze? Working at it (7)","output":"### Answer: BUGATTI \n ### Explanation: Definition: A classic car\n\n**BUG** (\"craze\") + ***(at it)** [anag:*working*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: See what's being said of cheek scan (3-4)","output":"### Answer: LIP-READ \n ### Explanation: Definition: See what's being said\n\n**LIP** (\"cheek\", as in insolence) + **READ** (\"scan\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lunar cycle related to a bone (5)","output":"### Answer: ULNAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: related to a bone\n\n***(lunar)** [anag:*cycle*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: The Guardian has women going for a female first (3)","output":"### Answer: EVE \n ### Explanation: Definition: a female first\n\n(w)**E'VE** (\"The Guardian has\" with W (women) *going*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Spruce up second half cold treat with one (5)","output":"### Answer: PICEA \n ### Explanation: Definition: Spruce\n\n[*second half* of] (u)**P** + **ICE** (\"cold treat\") *with* **A** (one)\n \n*Picea is the spruce genus"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sudden financial gain means ruler overcomes misfortune (7)","output":"### Answer: KILLING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Sudden financial gain\n\n**KING** (\"ruler\") *overcomes* **ILL** (\"misfortune\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Baronet welcomes alternative school soup (7)","output":"### Answer: BORTSCH \n ### Explanation: Definition: soup\n\n**Bt.** ((baronet) *welcomes* **OR** (\"alternative\") + **Sch.** (school)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Performing with German in state dance (5)","output":"### Answer: CONGA \n ### Explanation: Definition: dance\n\n**ON** (\"performing\") *with* **G** (German) *in* **Ca**. (California, so \"state\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Combination of city and sea, not a representation (9)","output":"### Answer: SYNDICATE \n ### Explanation: Definition: representation\n\n***(city and se)** [anag:*representation of*] where SE is SE(a) [*not* A]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Nile-dweller's pupils in formation? (9)","output":"### Answer: CROCODILE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Nile-dweller's\n\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Drive time in upland area (5)","output":"### Answer: MOTOR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Drive\n\n**T** (time) *in* **MOOR** (\"upland area\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Exhausted, soaked \u2014 do's off (4)","output":"### Answer: USED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Exhausted\n\n(do)**USED** (\"soaked\" with DO *off*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Emotional about upping sticks? (6,2)","output":"### Answer: MOVING ON \n ### Explanation: Definition: upping sticks?\n\n**MOVING** (\"emotional\") + **ON** (\"about\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: A cast that's tree-like (4)","output":"### Answer: ASHY \n ### Explanation: Definition: tree-like\n\n**A** + **SHY** (\"cast\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lives in a row of shops \u2014 bliss! (8)","output":"### Answer: PARADISE \n ### Explanation: Definition: bliss\n\n**IS** (\"lives\") *in* **PARADE** (\"a row of shops\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Form of Roman law, not a western standard (6)","output":"### Answer: NORMAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: standard\n\n***(roman)** [anag:*form of*] + **L**(aw) [*not* A + W (western)]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Safe with a musician? It's hard to say (5,5)","output":"### Answer: PETER PIPER \n ### Explanation: Definition: It's hard to say\n\n**PETER** (\"safe\") with **PIPER** (\"a musician\")\n \n*The clue refers to the tongue twister that starts \"Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled pepper\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Heartless perverse pole dancing individuals (6)","output":"### Answer: PEOPLE \n ### Explanation: Definition: individuals\n\n[*heartless*] **P**(ervers)**E** + ***(pole)** [anag:*dancing*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Brace of trout initially confiscated by state (4)","output":"### Answer: STAY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Brace\n\n**T**(rout) [*initially*] *confiscated by* **SAY** (\"state\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bar advanced during mass (5)","output":"### Answer: BAULK \n ### Explanation: Definition: Bar\n\n**A** (advanced) *during* **BULK** (\"mass\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One ends period at home by a hill (10)","output":"### Answer: TERMINATOR \n ### Explanation: Definition: One ends\n\n**TERM** (\"period\") + **IN** (\"at home\") *by* **A TOR** (\"hill\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hated fancy curtains (5)","output":"### Answer: DEATH \n ### Explanation: Definition: curtains\n\n***(hated)** [anag:*fancy*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fortified, Brummie turned up and performed aircraft manoeuvre (8)","output":"### Answer: EMBANKED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fortified\n\n**<=EM **(\"Brummie\", *turned up*) *and* **BANKED** (\"performed aircraft manoeuvre\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Victim of offhand attempt to abandon centre (8)","output":"### Answer: CASUALTY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Victim\n\n**CASUAL** (\"offhand\") + **T**(r)**Y** (\"attempt\" with its *centre abandoned*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Famous group member's news welcomed by Trotsky? (6)","output":"### Answer: LENNON \n ### Explanation: Definition: Famous group member\n\n**N** + **N** (new twice, so \"news\") *welcomed by* **LEON** (Trotsky)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Talk given by drunk, describing Victorian streets after dark? (6)","output":"### Answer: GASLIT \n ### Explanation: Definition: describing Victorian streets after dark?\n\n**GAS** (\"talk\") *given by* **LIT** (\"drunk\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Informal address given by pioneer of bacteriology to an audience (4)","output":"### Answer: COCK \n ### Explanation: Definition: Informal address\n\nHomophone [*to an audience*] of (Robert) **KOCH** (\"pioneer of bacteriology\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: 'Foot' is how Biden introduces himself, initially? (4)","output":"### Answer: IAMB \n ### Explanation: Definition: Foot\n\n**I AM B** is an unlikely way for Joe Biden to \"introduce himself\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Grey, perhaps, almost before one's time (4)","output":"### Answer: EARL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Grey, perhaps\n\n[*almost*] **EARL**(y) (\"before one's time\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Back-up cop's first to stop fight in tour of boozers (3,5)","output":"### Answer: PUB CRAWL \n ### Explanation: Definition: tour of boozers\n[*back*] **<=UP** + **C**(op) [*'s first*] *to stop* **BRAWL** (\"fight\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Set off in boat after Anglo-Saxon attack (6)","output":"### Answer: ASSAIL \n ### Explanation: Definition: attack\n**SAIL** (\"set off in boat\") *after* **AS** (Anglo-Saxon)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One swam dubiously around a mermaid (8)","output":"### Answer: SEAWOMAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: mermaid\n***(one swam) **[anag:*dubiously*] *around* **A"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Ultimately con one in a hundred people (6)","output":"### Answer: NATION \n ### Explanation: Definition: people\n[*ultimately*] (co)**N** + **I** *in* **A TON** (\"a hundred\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Temperature satisfactory for wine (5)","output":"### Answer: TOKAY \n ### Explanation: Definition: wine\n**T** (temperature) + **OKAY** (\"satisfactory\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Finger and foot briefly make contact (5,4)","output":"### Answer: TOUCH BASE \n ### Explanation: Definition: briefly \n**TOUCH** (\"finger\") + **BASE** (\"foot\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: 10 politicians we'd enjoy locking up (6)","output":"### Answer: SWEDEN \n ### Explanation: Definition: 10\nHidden in [*locking up*] \"politician**S WE'D EN**joy\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Defeated United 1-0 to move into first place (7)","output":"### Answer: OUTDONE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Defeated\n**Utd.** (united) + **ONE** (1) with **O** (0) *moved to first place* (i.e to the front)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Flattering Henry, wealthy but not married (7)","output":"### Answer: HONEYED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Flattering\n**H** (Henry) + (m)**ONEYED** (\"wealthy\", but *not* M (married))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One pillaging cases of Rioja imported by monarch (6)","output":"### Answer: RAIDER \n ### Explanation: Definition: One pillaging\n[*cases of*] **R**(ioj)**A** *and* **I**(mporte)**D** *by* **ER** (Elizabeth Regina, so \"monarch\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Minor offender nibbled Cockney's ear, says Spooner (9)","output":"### Answer: LITTERBUG \n ### Explanation: Definition: Minor offender\nTo Spooner, BIT 'ER LUG (\"nibbled\" her \"ear\") may have come out as **LIT(t) 'ER BUG"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Danger for every single Liberal (5)","output":"### Answer: PERIL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Danger\n**PER** (\"for every\") + **I** (single) +** L** (Liberal)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Skin problem? Give us a ring! (6)","output":"### Answer: CALLUS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Skin problem\n**CALL US** (\"give us a ring\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Seats intemperate old chap next to son (8)","output":"### Answer: OTTOMANS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Seats\n**OTT** (over the top, so \"intemperate\") + **O** (old) + **MAN** (\"chap\") *next to* **S** (son)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Adage remaining timeless (6)","output":"### Answer: SAYING \n ### Explanation: Definition: Adage\n**S**(t)**AYING** (\"remaining\") without T (time), so *timeless"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bishop and setter have a go at brigand- age (8)","output":"### Answer: BANDITRY \n ### Explanation: Definition: brigand- age\n**B** (bishop) **AND I** (\"setter\") + **TRY** (\"have a go\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Plebs regularly consumed revolting old Spanish bread (6)","output":"### Answer: PESETA \n ### Explanation: Definition: old Spanish bread\n**P**(l)**E**(b)**S** [regularly] + **<=ATE** (\"consumed\", *revolting* (i.e. rising up))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: British pasty shortage's rising, something quite unpredictable (5,4)","output":"### Answer: BLACK SWAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: something quite unpredictable\n**B** (British) + **LACK'S** (\"shortage's\") + **WAN** (\"pasty\") \n*The \"rising\" in the clue tells us that LACK'S is above WAN."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Voluminous jumper belonging to me (5)","output":"### Answer: ROOMY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Voluminous\n(kanga)**ROO** (\"jumper\") + **MY** (\"belonging to me\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: US novelist who pens things creative and new (7)","output":"### Answer: WHARTON \n ### Explanation: Definition: US novelist\n**WHO** *pens* **ART** (\"things creative\") *and*** N** (new)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Scoff rudely at the pigs (9)","output":"### Answer: SPAGHETTI \n ### Explanation: Definition: Scoff\n***(at the pigs)** [anag:*rudely*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Adult and juvenile cat start to attack dog (5)","output":"### Answer: AKITA \n ### Explanation: Definition: dog\n**A **(adult) + **KIT** (\"juvenile cat\") + [*start to*] **A**(ttack)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: I slipped out of underwear \u2013 duke was reluctant to leave (8)","output":"### Answer: LINGERED \n ### Explanation: Definition: was reluctant to leave\nI *slipped out of* **LINGER**(i)**E **(\"underwear\") + **D** (duke)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Origins of lacrosse, unpleasantly dangerous ball game (4)","output":"### Answer: LUDO \n ### Explanation: Definition: game\n[*origins of*] **L**(acrosse) **U**(npleasantly) **D**(angerous) + **O** (ball)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Chewed nut, dreary fare (3,6)","output":"### Answer: DAY RETURN \n ### Explanation: Definition: fare\n***(nut dreary)** [anag:*chewed*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Respond too strongly with regard to damaged crate (9)","output":"### Answer: OVERREACT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Respond too strongly\n**OVER** (\"with regard to\") + ***(crate)** [anag:*damaged*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Drinking cups reach Alice Springs stores (8)","output":"### Answer: CHALICES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Drinking cups\nHidden in [*stores*] \"rea**CH ALICE S**prings\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Leaving university, coming out in negative financial state (4)","output":"### Answer: DEBT \n ### Explanation: Definition: negative financial state\nU (university) [*leaving*] **DEB**(u)**T** (\"coming out\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Great eccentric cheers boat race (7)","output":"### Answer: REGATTA \n ### Explanation: Definition: boat race\n***(great) **[anag:*eccentric*] + **TA** (\"cheers\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sentimental drunk embraced by society's outsiders (6)","output":"### Answer: SLUSHY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Sentimental\n**LUSH** (\"drunk\") *embraced by* **S**(ociet)**Y** [*'s outsiders*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Head of Tech and associate are in agreement (5)","output":"### Answer: TALLY \n ### Explanation: Definition: are in agreement\n[*head of*] **T**(ech) *and* **ALLY** (\"associate\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Haughty professional nude discarding clothes (5)","output":"### Answer: PROUD \n ### Explanation: Definition: Haughty\n**PRO** (professional) + (n)**UD**(e) [*discarding clothes*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Order to appear Monday featuring in calculations (7)","output":"### Answer: SUMMONS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Order to appear\n\n**Mon.** (Monday) *featuring in* **SUMS** (\"calculations\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: One's prepared to welcome returning soldier, well-groomed (6)","output":"### Answer: SOIGNE \n ### Explanation: Definition: well-groomed\n\n***(ones)** [anag:*prepared*] to welcome [*returning*] **<=GI **(\"soldier\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Simple housing as alternative to extremely choice in China (9)","output":"### Answer: PORCELAIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: China\n\n**PLAIN** (\"simple\") *housing* **OR** (\"alternative\") + [*extremely*] **C**(hoic)**E"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fleshy fruit, pleasing initially (5)","output":"### Answer: PLUMP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fleshy\n\n**PLUM** (\"fruit\") + **P**(leasing) [*initially*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: With no support at the outset, call time on period in charge (5)","output":"### Answer: REIGN \n ### Explanation: Definition: period in charge\n\n**RE**(s)**IGN** (\"call time\") with no S (S(upport) *at the outset*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Source of flavour in foreign pantries impressing Monsieur? (9)","output":"### Answer: SPEARMINT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Source of flavour\n\n***(pantries)** [anag:*foreign*] *impressing* **M** (monsieur)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Odd bet, yearly after vacation, could make 1950s guy (5,3)","output":"### Answer: TEDDY BOY \n ### Explanation: Definition: 1950s guy\n\n***(off bet yy)** [anag:*could make*] where YY is Y(earl)Y [*after vacation*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Article by artist? Right to a certain degree (6)","output":"### Answer: RATHER \n ### Explanation: Definition: to a certain degree\n\n**THE** (\"article\") *by* **RA** (member of the Royal Academy, so \"artist\") + **R** (right)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Channel showing leading couples in training, English champions (6)","output":"### Answer: TRENCH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Channel\n\n[*leading couples in*] **TR**(aining) **EN**(glish) **CH**(ampions)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Fielder's error and downfall (9)","output":"### Answer: OVERTHROW \n ### Explanation: Definition: Fielder's error\n\nDouble definition, the first referring to a mistake made by a fielder in cricket, where he or she throws the ball beyond the stumps."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: National misread quip \u2014 nothing odd in that (5)","output":"### Answer: IRAQI \n ### Explanation: Definition: National\n\n[*nothing odd in*] (m)**I**(s)**R**(e)**A**(d) **Q**(u)**I**(p)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Large group from South, cordial (5)","output":"### Answer: SWARM \n ### Explanation: Definition: Large group\n\n**S** (South) + **WARM** (\"cordial\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Unexpected gratuities European left for musician (9)","output":"### Answer: GUITARIST \n ### Explanation: Definition: musician\n\n***(gratuitis**) [anag:*unexpected*] where GRATUITIS is GRATUITI(e)S with E (European) *left"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Call, ultimately dodgy and not genuine (6)","output":"### Answer: PHONEY \n ### Explanation: Definition: not genuine\n\n**PHONE** (\"call\") + [*ultimately*] (dodg)**Y"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Eg corgi, lively, in this rural poem? (7)","output":"### Answer: GEORGIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: rural poem\n\n***(eg corgi)** [anag:*lively*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: In play, strip out issue having no basis in reality (13)","output":"### Answer: SUPERSTITIOUS \n ### Explanation: Definition: having no basis in reality\n\n***(strip out issue)** [anag:*in play*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Mike came after Victor's gone with a partner (7)","output":"### Answer: MARRIED \n ### Explanation: Definition: with a partner\n\n**M** (Mike, in the NATO phonetic alphabet) + **ARRI**(v)**ED** (\"came\" after V (Victor, in the NATO phonetic alphabet)* is gone*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Huge quantity of copy, editor annoyed naturally at first (5)","output":"### Answer: OCEAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Huge quantity\n\n**O**(f) **C**(opy) **E**(ditor) **A**(nnoyed) **N**(aturally) [*at first*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Speaks sharply, furious, in quick appraisal (8)","output":"### Answer: SNAPSHOT \n ### Explanation: Definition: quick appraisal\n\n**SNAPS** (\"speaks sharply\") + **HOT** (\"furious\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sort of pudding divided by Poles in final stage (6)","output":"### Answer: SUNSET \n ### Explanation: Definition: final stage\n\n**SUET** (\"sort of pudding\") *divided by* **N** + **S** (North and South, so \"poles\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Key incoming item needing worker's support (9)","output":"### Answer: IMPORTANT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Ke\n\n**IMPORT** (\"incoming item\") *needing* **ANT** (\"worker\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Feed sorted out in hours (7)","output":"### Answer: NOURISH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Feed\n\n***(in hours)** [anag:*sorted out*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Sort of management pattern, heartless, top people in charge? (13)","output":"### Answer: PATERNALISTIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: Sort of management\n\n[*heartless*] **PAT**(t)**ERN** + **A-LIST** (\"top people\") + **IC** (in charge)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: He has many chats at sea? (9)","output":"### Answer: YACHTSMAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: He has many chats at sea?\n\n***(many chats)** [anag:*at sea*] and &lit."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: 150 having fun (8)","output":"### Answer: CLOWNING \n ### Explanation: Definition: fun\n\n**CL** (150, in Roman numerals) + **OWNING** (\"having\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Setter in conversation with tree? Nonsense (7)","output":"### Answer: EYEWASH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Nonsense\n\nHomophone [*in conversation*] of **I** (\"setter\") + **W** (with) + **ASH** (\"tree\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Having reversed direction, Berkshire team ahead (7)","output":"### Answer: LEADING \n ### Explanation: Definition: ahead\n\n(r>**L**)**EADING** (\"Berkshire town\" with R (right) becoming L (left), so *changing direction*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rugged \u2014 shout about recycled gag (6)","output":"### Answer: CRAGGY \n ### Explanation: Definition: Rugged\n\n**CRY** (\"shout\") *about* ***(gag)** [anag:*recycled*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Insect victim, a goner? Not entirely (5)","output":"### Answer: IMAGO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Insect\n\nHidden in [*not entirely*] \"vict**IM A GO**ner\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Poorly dressed seafood possibly stuffed with steak (8)","output":"### Answer: FRUMPISH \n ### Explanation: Definition: Poorly dressed\n\n**FISH** (\"seafood possibly\")* stuffed with* **RUMP** (\"steak\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Good westbound road which hasn't united city (6)","output":"### Answer: GENEVA \n ### Explanation: Definition: city\n\n**G** (good) + [*westbound*] **<=AVEN**(u)**E** (\"road\" *which hasn't* U (united))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Appear at intervals with contingent of theatre curators (5)","output":"### Answer: RECUR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Appear at intervals\n\nHidden in [*with contingent of*] \"theat**RE CUR**ators\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Launched outfit outside of shop, one with diamonds? (9)","output":"### Answer: SPACESUIT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Launched outfit\n\n[*outside of*] **S**(ho)**P** + **ACE** (\"one\") *with* **SUIT** (\"diamonds\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Short prayer before 8 in place of pilgrimage (9)","output":"### Answer: GRACELAND \n ### Explanation: Definition: place of pilgrimage\n\n[*short*] **GRAC**(e) (\"prayer\") *before* **ELAND** (an antelope, so \"8\" (solution to 8dn))"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Little rascal followed by the Spanish force (5)","output":"### Answer: IMPEL \n ### Explanation: Definition: force\n\n**IMP** (\"little rascal\") *followed by* **EL** (\"the\" in \"Spanish\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: What stags do over in pub, one after another (2,4)","output":"### Answer: IN TURN \n ### Explanation: Definition: one after another\n\n**<=RUT **(\"what stags do\", *over*) *in* **INN** (\"pub\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Rural parish initially welcomes reformed rogue for Mass again (7)","output":"### Answer: REGROUP \n ### Explanation: Definition: Mass again\n\n**R**(ural) **P**(arish) [*initially*] *welcomes*** *(rogue) **[anag:*reformed*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Reference point essential to musicians? (6,1)","output":"### Answer: MIDDLE C \n ### Explanation: Definition: Reference point essential to musicians?\n\n**C** is the **MIDDLE** of \"musi**C**ians\" and MIDDLE C is the first note that beginning pianists are taught to find, so it's a \"reference point\"), making the clue an &lit."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Leaving retreat when leader not in attendance (6)","output":"### Answer: EGRESS \n ### Explanation: Definition: Leaving\n\n(r)**EGRESS** (\"retreat\", *when leader *(first letter) *is not in attendance*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Problems returning section of Borg game (5)","output":"### Answer: AGGRO \n ### Explanation: Definition: Problems\n\nHidden backwards in [*returning section of*] \"b**ORG GA**me\""} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Tale about mother in dress of Hindu ex- resident at 12 (4,5)","output":"### Answer: LISA MARIE \n ### Explanation: Definition: ex- resident at 12\n\n**LIE** (\"tale\") *about* **MA** (\"mother\") *in* **SARI** (\"dress of Hindu\")\n \n*Refers to Lisa Marie Presley, Elvis Presley's daughter, the 12 in the clue being Graceland, the solution to 12ac."} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Same-sex partner, one from British Isles (9)","output":"### Answer: HEBRIDEAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: from British Isles\n\n**HE-BRIDE** (\"same-sex partner\") + **AN** (\"one\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Live in revolutionary Iran after end of 22 (2,3)","output":"### Answer: ON AIR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Live\n\n***(iran)** [anag:*revolutionary*] *after* [*end of*] (aggr)**O** (\"22\"ac)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Actor fitted with new tooth (6)","output":"### Answer: CANINE \n ### Explanation: Definition: tooth\n\n(Michael) **CAINE** (\"actor\") *fitted with* **N** (new)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Lauded one perhaps put on this cycle around estate (8)","output":"### Answer: PEDESTAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Lauded one perhaps put on this\n\n**PEDAL** (\"cycle\") *around* **Est**. (estate)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Search for gold and silver hidden by 26 in table (6)","output":"### Answer: FORAGE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Search for\n\n**OR** (\"gold\" in heraldry) + **Ag** (chemical symbol for \"silver\") *hidden by* **Fe** (iron, atomic number \"26 in\" the periodic \"table\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Cue in hand changed for free (9)","output":"### Answer: UNCHAINED \n ### Explanation: Definition: free\n\n***(cue in hand)** [anag:*changed*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Poet's continual readings maybe an impossible set-up (9,6)","output":"### Answer: PERPETUAL MOTION \n ### Explanation: Definition: an impossible set-up\n\n**PERPETUAL** (\"continual\") readings of (Andrew) **MOTION** (\"poet\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Continue moving as units (7)","output":"### Answer: SUSTAIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Continue\n\n***(as units)** [anag:*moving*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Plant in flat trendy doctor grew across border (7,8)","output":"### Answer: EVENING PRIMROSE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Plant\n\n**EVEN** (\"flat\" ) + **IN** (\"trendy\") + **GP** (general practitioner, so \"doctor\") + **ROSE** (\"grew\") *across* **RIM** (\"border\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Finale of The Who in Paris requires power supply (5)","output":"### Answer: EQUIP \n ### Explanation: Definition: supply\n\n[*finale of*] (th)**E** + **QUI** (\"who in Paris\") *requires* **P** (power)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Plate One developed to see animal (8)","output":"### Answer: ANTELOPE \n ### Explanation: Definition: animal\n\n***(plate one) **[anag:*developed*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Badger turned on the German waterfowl (6)","output":"### Answer: GANDER \n ### Explanation: Definition: waterfowl\n\n**<=NAG** (\"badger\", *turned*) *on* **DER** (\"the\" in \"German\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Strict sort of bobby regularly eschewed help (9)","output":"### Answer: OBSERVANT \n ### Explanation: Definition: Strict\n\n(b)**O**(b)**B**(y) [*regularly eschewed*) + **SERVANT** (\"help\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Understanding politician accepted in principle (8)","output":"### Answer: EMPATHIC \n ### Explanation: Definition: Understanding\n\n**MP** (Member of Parliament, so \"politician\") +** A** (accepted) *in* **ETHIC** (\"principle\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Contractors? They may require delivery at farm (6)","output":"### Answer: CALVES \n ### Explanation: Definition: Contractors?\n\nDouble definition, the first presumably referring to calf muscles, which can contract?"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Perfume from city cruise on vacation (7)","output":"### Answer: ESSENCE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Perfume\n\n**ESSEN **(German \"city\") + **C**(ruis)**E** [*on vacation*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Bird left beneath the Rock with tail twisted (6)","output":"### Answer: PETREL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Bird\n\n**L **(left) *beneath* (Saint) **PET**(er>**RE**) (\"the Rock\" *with tail* (last two letters) *twisted*)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Country chatter extremely overblown (5)","output":"### Answer: GABON \n ### Explanation: Definition: Country\n\n**GAB** (\"chatter\") + [*extremely*] **O**(verblow)**N"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Some olives are wasted (6)","output":"### Answer: STONED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Some olives are\nDouble definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Had a laugh when jilted around the third of July (8)","output":"### Answer: CHUCKLED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Had a laugh\n**CHUCKED** (\"jilted\") *around* [*the third of*] (ju)**L**(y)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: 'Grow up pal', she said, 'you are in' (6)","output":"### Answer: MATURE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Grow up\nHomophone [*she said*] of **YOU ARE** *in* **MATE** (\"pal\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Hot Romeo spotted in local (8)","output":"### Answer: TROPICAL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Hot\n**R** (Romeo, in the NATO phonetic alphabet) *in* **TOPICAL** (\"local\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: From bad to worse in terms of eating and heating? (3,2,3,6,3,4,3,4)","output":"### Answer: OUT OF THE FRYING PAN INTO THE FIRE \n ### Explanation: Definition: From bad to worse\nCryptic definition"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Innocent king follows ethnic diversity (2,3,5)","output":"### Answer: IN THE CLEAR \n ### Explanation: Definition: Innocent\n(King) **LEAR** *follows* ***(ethnic) **[anag:*diversity*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Young Simpson nudging along a spoilt child (4)","output":"### Answer: BRAT \n ### Explanation: Definition: spoilt child\nBART (\"young Simpson\" from the animated TV show, *The Simpsons*) with *A nudging along* becomes **BRAT"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Appealing and periodically acquitted (4)","output":"### Answer: CUTE \n ### Explanation: Definition: Appealing\n[*periodically*] (a)**C**(q)**U**(i)**T**(t)**E**(d)"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Was uncertain about old elastic pants (10)","output":"### Answer: OSCILLATED \n ### Explanation: Definition: Was uncertain\n***(old elastic)** [anag:*pants*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Brief account round home (8)","output":"### Answer: BULLETIN \n ### Explanation: Definition: Brief account\n**BULLET** (\"round\" of ammunition) + **IN** (\"home\")"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Legitimate appalling successor to Elizabeth the second (6)","output":"### Answer: LAWFUL \n ### Explanation: Definition: Legitimate\n**AWFUL** *successor to* (e)**L**(izabeth) [*the second*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: Simple job to enquire after Yeats edition (4,4)","output":"### Answer: EASY TASK \n ### Explanation: Definition: Simple job\n**ASK** (\"enquire\") *after* ***(yeats)** [anag:*edition*]"} {"instruction":"You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.","input":"### Clue: African-American mostly pursuing knowledge (6)","output":"### Answer: KENYAN \n ### Explanation: Definition: African\n**YAN**(k) (\"American\", *mostly*) *pursuing* **KEN** (\"knowledge\")"}