import os import sys import torch from torch.autograd import Variable import torch.nn as nn #from qpth.qp import QPFunction import torch.nn.functional as F def sqrt_newton_schulz(A, numIters): dim = A.shape[0] normA = A.mul(A).sum(dim=0).sum(dim=0).sqrt() Y = A.div(normA.expand_as(A)) I = torch.eye(dim, dim).float().cuda() Z = torch.eye(dim, dim).float().cuda() for i in range(numIters): T = 0.5 * (3.0 * I - Y = Z = # sA = Y * torch.sqrt(normA).view(batchSize, 1, 1).expand_as(A) # sA = Y * torch.sqrt(normA).expand_as(A) sZ = Z * 1. / torch.sqrt(normA).expand_as(A) return sZ def polar_decompose(input): # square_mat =, 1)) # square_mat = square_mat/torch.norm(torch.diag(square_mat), p=1) # ortho_mat = self.sqrt_newton_schulz(square_mat, numIters=1) square_mat = input.transpose(0, 1).mm(input) sA_minushalf = sqrt_newton_schulz(square_mat, 1) ortho_mat = # return ortho_mat return, 1)) def computeGramMatrix(A, B): """ Constructs a linear kernel matrix between A and B. We assume that each row in A and B represents a d-dimensional feature vector. Parameters: A: a (n_batch, n, d) Tensor. B: a (n_batch, m, d) Tensor. Returns: a (n_batch, n, m) Tensor. """ assert(A.dim() == 3) assert(B.dim() == 3) assert(A.size(0) == B.size(0) and A.size(2) == B.size(2)) return torch.bmm(A, B.transpose(1,2)) def binv(b_mat): """ Computes an inverse of each matrix in the batch. Pytorch 0.4.1 does not support batched matrix inverse. Hence, we are solving AX=I. Parameters: b_mat: a (n_batch, n, n) Tensor. Returns: a (n_batch, n, n) Tensor. """ id_matrix = b_mat.new_ones(b_mat.size(-1)).diag().expand_as(b_mat).cuda() b_inv, _ = torch.gesv(id_matrix, b_mat) return b_inv def one_hot(indices, depth): """ Returns a one-hot tensor. This is a PyTorch equivalent of Tensorflow's tf.one_hot. Parameters: indices: a (n_batch, m) Tensor or (m) Tensor. depth: a scalar. Represents the depth of the one hot dimension. Returns: a (n_batch, m, depth) Tensor or (m, depth) Tensor. """ encoded_indicies = torch.zeros(indices.size() + torch.Size([depth])).cuda() index = indices.view(indices.size()+torch.Size([1])) encoded_indicies = encoded_indicies.scatter_(1,index,1) return encoded_indicies def batched_kronecker(matrix1, matrix2): matrix1_flatten = matrix1.reshape(matrix1.size()[0], -1) matrix2_flatten = matrix2.reshape(matrix2.size()[0], -1) return torch.bmm(matrix1_flatten.unsqueeze(2), matrix2_flatten.unsqueeze(1)).reshape([matrix1.size()[0]] + list(matrix1.size()[1:]) + list(matrix2.size()[1:])).permute([0, 1, 3, 2, 4]).reshape(matrix1.size(0), matrix1.size(1) * matrix2.size(1), matrix1.size(2) * matrix2.size(2)) ################# uncomment this if you have installed QPFunction and run Ridge # def MetaOptNetHead_Ridge(query, support, support_labels, n_way, n_shot, lambda_reg=50.0, double_precision=True): # """ # Fits the support set with ridge regression and # returns the classification score on the query set. # # Parameters: # query: a (tasks_per_batch, n_query, d) Tensor. # support: a (tasks_per_batch, n_support, d) Tensor. # support_labels: a (tasks_per_batch, n_support) Tensor. # n_way: a scalar. Represents the number of classes in a few-shot classification task. # n_shot: a scalar. Represents the number of support examples given per class. # lambda_reg: a scalar. Represents the strength of L2 regularization. # Returns: a (tasks_per_batch, n_query, n_way) Tensor. # """ # # tasks_per_batch = query.size(0) # n_support = support.size(1) # n_query = query.size(1) # # assert(query.dim() == 3) # assert(support.dim() == 3) # assert(query.size(0) == support.size(0) and query.size(2) == support.size(2)) # assert(n_support == n_way * n_shot) # n_support must equal to n_way * n_shot # # #Here we solve the dual problem: # #Note that the classes are indexed by m & samples are indexed by i. # #min_{\alpha} 0.5 \sum_m ||w_m(\alpha)||^2 + \sum_i \sum_m e^m_i alpha^m_i # # #where w_m(\alpha) = \sum_i \alpha^m_i x_i, # # #\alpha is an (n_support, n_way) matrix # kernel_matrix = computeGramMatrix(support, support) # kernel_matrix += lambda_reg * torch.eye(n_support).expand(tasks_per_batch, n_support, n_support).cuda() # # block_kernel_matrix = kernel_matrix.repeat(n_way, 1, 1) #(n_way * tasks_per_batch, n_support, n_support) # # support_labels_one_hot = one_hot(support_labels.view(tasks_per_batch * n_support), n_way) # (tasks_per_batch * n_support, n_way) # support_labels_one_hot = support_labels_one_hot.transpose(0, 1) # (n_way, tasks_per_batch * n_support) # support_labels_one_hot = support_labels_one_hot.reshape(n_way * tasks_per_batch, n_support) # (n_way*tasks_per_batch, n_support) # # G = block_kernel_matrix # e = -2.0 * support_labels_one_hot # # #This is a fake inequlity constraint as qpth does not support QP without an inequality constraint. # id_matrix_1 = torch.zeros(tasks_per_batch*n_way, n_support, n_support) # C = Variable(id_matrix_1) # h = Variable(torch.zeros((tasks_per_batch*n_way, n_support))) # dummy = Variable(torch.Tensor()).cuda() # We want to ignore the equality constraint. # # #if double_precision: # G, e, C, h = [x.double().cuda() for x in [G, e, C, h]] # # # qp_sol = QPFunction(verbose=False)(G, e.detach(), C.detach(), h.detach(), dummy.detach(), dummy.detach()) # qp_sol = qp_sol.reshape(n_way, tasks_per_batch, n_support) # qp_sol = qp_sol.permute(1, 2, 0) # # # # Compute the classification score. # compatibility = computeGramMatrix(support, query) # compatibility = compatibility.float() # compatibility = compatibility.unsqueeze(3).expand(tasks_per_batch, n_support, n_query, n_way) # qp_sol = qp_sol.reshape(tasks_per_batch, n_support, n_way) # logits = qp_sol.float().unsqueeze(2).expand(tasks_per_batch, n_support, n_query, n_way) # logits = logits * compatibility # logits = torch.sum(logits, 1) # # return logits def R2D2Head(query, support, support_labels, n_way, n_shot, l2_regularizer_lambda=50.0): """ Fits the support set with ridge regression and returns the classification score on the query set. This model is the classification head described in: Meta-learning with differentiable closed-form solvers (Bertinetto et al., in submission to NIPS 2018). Parameters: query: a (tasks_per_batch, n_query, d) Tensor. support: a (tasks_per_batch, n_support, d) Tensor. support_labels: a (tasks_per_batch, n_support) Tensor. n_way: a scalar. Represents the number of classes in a few-shot classification task. n_shot: a scalar. Represents the number of support examples given per class. l2_regularizer_lambda: a scalar. Represents the strength of L2 regularization. Returns: a (tasks_per_batch, n_query, n_way) Tensor. """ tasks_per_batch = query.size(0) n_support = support.size(1) assert(query.dim() == 3) assert(support.dim() == 3) assert(query.size(0) == support.size(0) and query.size(2) == support.size(2)) assert(n_support == n_way * n_shot) # n_support must equal to n_way * n_shot support_labels_one_hot = one_hot(support_labels.view(tasks_per_batch * n_support), n_way) support_labels_one_hot = support_labels_one_hot.view(tasks_per_batch, n_support, n_way) id_matrix = torch.eye(n_support).expand(tasks_per_batch, n_support, n_support).cuda() # Compute the dual form solution of the ridge regression. # W = X^T(X X^T - lambda * I)^(-1) Y ridge_sol = computeGramMatrix(support, support) + l2_regularizer_lambda * id_matrix ridge_sol = binv(ridge_sol) ridge_sol = torch.bmm(support.transpose(1,2), ridge_sol) ridge_sol = torch.bmm(ridge_sol, support_labels_one_hot) # Compute the classification score. # score = W X logits = torch.bmm(query, ridge_sol) return logits def ProtoNetHead(query, support, support_labels, n_way, n_shot, normalize=True): """ Constructs the prototype representation of each class(=mean of support vectors of each class) and returns the classification score (=L2 distance to each class prototype) on the query set. This model is the classification head described in: Prototypical Networks for Few-shot Learning (Snell et al., NIPS 2017). Parameters: query: a (tasks_per_batch, n_query, d) Tensor. support: a (tasks_per_batch, n_support, d) Tensor. support_labels: a (tasks_per_batch, n_support) Tensor. n_way: a scalar. Represents the number of classes in a few-shot classification task. n_shot: a scalar. Represents the number of support examples given per class. normalize: a boolean. Represents whether if we want to normalize the distances by the embedding dimension. Returns: a (tasks_per_batch, n_query, n_way) Tensor. """ tasks_per_batch = query.size(0) n_support = support.size(1) n_query = query.size(1) d = query.size(2) assert(query.dim() == 3) assert(support.dim() == 3) assert(query.size(0) == support.size(0) and query.size(2) == support.size(2)) assert(n_support == n_way * n_shot) # n_support must equal to n_way * n_shot support_labels_one_hot = one_hot(support_labels.view(tasks_per_batch * n_support), n_way) support_labels_one_hot = support_labels_one_hot.view(tasks_per_batch, n_support, n_way) # From: # #************************* Compute Prototypes ************************** labels_train_transposed = support_labels_one_hot.transpose(1,2) prototypes = torch.bmm(labels_train_transposed, support) # Divide with the number of examples per novel category. prototypes = prototypes.div( labels_train_transposed.sum(dim=2, keepdim=True).expand_as(prototypes) ) # Distance Matrix Vectorization Trick AB = computeGramMatrix(query, prototypes) AA = (query * query).sum(dim=2, keepdim=True) BB = (prototypes * prototypes).sum(dim=2, keepdim=True).reshape(tasks_per_batch, 1, n_way) logits = AA.expand_as(AB) - 2 * AB + BB.expand_as(AB) logits = -logits if normalize: logits = logits / d return logits def SubspaceNetHead(query, support, support_labels, n_way, n_shot, normalize=True): """ Constructs the subspace representation of each class(=mean of support vectors of each class) and returns the classification score (=L2 distance to each class prototype) on the query set. Our algorithm using subspaces here Parameters: query: a (tasks_per_batch, n_query, d) Tensor. support: a (tasks_per_batch, n_support, d) Tensor. support_labels: a (tasks_per_batch, n_support) Tensor. n_way: a scalar. Represents the number of classes in a few-shot classification task. n_shot: a scalar. Represents the number of support examples given per class. normalize: a boolean. Represents whether if we want to normalize the distances by the embedding dimension. Returns: a (tasks_per_batch, n_query, n_way) Tensor. """ tasks_per_batch = query.size(0) n_support = support.size(1) n_query = query.size(1) d = query.size(2) assert(query.dim() == 3) assert(support.dim() == 3) assert(query.size(0) == support.size(0) and query.size(2) == support.size(2)) assert(n_support == n_way * n_shot) # n_support must equal to n_way * n_shot support_labels_one_hot = one_hot(support_labels.view(tasks_per_batch * n_support), n_way) #support_labels_one_hot = support_labels_one_hot.view(tasks_per_batch, n_support, n_way) support_reshape = support.view(tasks_per_batch * n_support, -1) support_labels_reshaped = support_labels.contiguous().view(-1) class_representatives = [] for nn in range(n_way): idxss = torch.nonzero((support_labels_reshaped == nn),as_tuple=False) all_support_perclass = support_reshape[idxss, :] class_representatives.append(all_support_perclass.view(tasks_per_batch, n_shot, -1)) class_representatives = torch.stack(class_representatives) class_representatives = class_representatives.transpose(0, 1) #tasks_per_batch, n_way, n_support, -1 class_representatives = class_representatives.transpose(2, 3).contiguous().view(tasks_per_batch*n_way, -1, n_shot) dist = [] for cc in range(tasks_per_batch*n_way): batch_idx = cc//n_way qq = query[batch_idx] uu, _, _ = torch.svd(class_representatives[cc].double()) uu = uu.float() subspace = uu[:, :n_shot-1].transpose(0, 1) projection = subspace.transpose(0, 1).mm(, 1))).transpose(0, 1) dist_perclass = torch.sum((qq - projection)**2, dim=-1) dist.append(dist_perclass) dist = torch.stack(dist).view(tasks_per_batch, n_way, -1).transpose(1, 2) logits = -dist if normalize: logits = logits / d return logits class ClassificationHead(nn.Module): def __init__(self, base_learner='MetaOptNet', enable_scale=True): super(ClassificationHead, self).__init__() if ('Subspace' in base_learner): self.head = SubspaceNetHead elif ('Ridge' in base_learner): self.head = MetaOptNetHead_Ridge elif ('R2D2' in base_learner): self.head = R2D2Head elif ('Proto' in base_learner): self.head = ProtoNetHead else: print ("Cannot recognize the base learner type") assert(False) # Add a learnable scale self.enable_scale = enable_scale self.scale = nn.Parameter(torch.FloatTensor([1.0])) def forward(self, query, support, support_labels, n_way, n_shot, **kwargs): if self.enable_scale: return self.scale * self.head(query, support, support_labels, n_way, n_shot, **kwargs) else: return self.head(query, support, support_labels, n_way, n_shot, **kwargs)