If there are some things that contributors would like to change that is okay.

DALLE mini org

Thanks a lot for it.

For the limitations and bias can we just use for now what we have on the app?
Then ideally it will evolve over time but it needs some work and will be better in the model card directly.

And for original DALL·E it's better to directly call it OpenAI DALL·E with a link to their paper.

Yeah that's smart. I'll make the suggested changes and resubmit? or would you rather just do it on your own? :)

puffy310 changed pull request status to closed

BTW you can always push on the same PR to update it if you wanted it too (but you need the clone the repo locally)

Doc: https://huggingface.co/docs/hub/repositories-pull-requests-discussions#how-do-i-manage-pull-requests-locally

we are working on building out a detailed model card for this model -- @puffy310 is ok with you if we incorporate your model card into that one, which also includes a more detailed bias and limitations section? (cc @sasha @meg @Es-O)

Of course you can! Thank you so much!

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