--- language: - ko tags: - classification license: mit datasets: - nsmc widget: - text: "불후의 명작입니다! 이렇게 감동적인 내용음 처음이에요" example_title: "Positive" - text: "시간이 정말 아깝습니다. 10점 만점에 1점도 아까워요.." example_title: "Negative" metrics: - accuracy - f1 - precision - recall- accuracy --- # Sentiment Binary Classification (fine-tuning with KoELECTRA-Small-v3 model and Naver Sentiment Movie Corpus dataset) ## Usage (Amazon SageMaker inference applicable) It uses the interface of the SageMaker Inference Toolkit as is, so it can be easily deployed to SageMaker Endpoint. ### inference_nsmc.py ```python import json import sys import logging import torch from torch import nn from transformers import ElectraConfig from transformers import ElectraModel, AutoTokenizer, ElectraTokenizer, ElectraForSequenceClassification logging.basicConfig( level=logging.INFO, format='[{%(filename)s:%(lineno)d} %(levelname)s - %(message)s', handlers=[ logging.FileHandler(filename='tmp.log'), logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout) ] ) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) max_seq_length = 128 classes = ['Neg', 'Pos'] tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("daekeun-ml/koelectra-small-v3-nsmc") device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") def model_fn(model_path=None): #### # If you have your own trained model # Huggingface pre-trained model: 'monologg/koelectra-small-v3-discriminator' #### #config = ElectraConfig.from_json_file(f'{model_path}/config.json') #model = ElectraForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained(f'{model_path}/model.pth', config=config) # Download model from the Huggingface hub model = ElectraForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained('daekeun-ml/koelectra-small-v3-nsmc') model.to(device) return model def input_fn(input_data, content_type="application/jsonlines"): data_str = input_data.decode("utf-8") jsonlines = data_str.split("\n") transformed_inputs = [] for jsonline in jsonlines: text = json.loads(jsonline)["text"][0] logger.info("input text: {}".format(text)) encode_plus_token = tokenizer.encode_plus( text, max_length=max_seq_length, add_special_tokens=True, return_token_type_ids=False, padding="max_length", return_attention_mask=True, return_tensors="pt", truncation=True, ) transformed_inputs.append(encode_plus_token) return transformed_inputs def predict_fn(transformed_inputs, model): predicted_classes = [] for data in transformed_inputs: data = data.to(device) output = model(**data) softmax_fn = nn.Softmax(dim=1) softmax_output = softmax_fn(output[0]) _, prediction = torch.max(softmax_output, dim=1) predicted_class_idx = prediction.item() predicted_class = classes[predicted_class_idx] score = softmax_output[0][predicted_class_idx] logger.info("predicted_class: {}".format(predicted_class)) prediction_dict = {} prediction_dict["predicted_label"] = predicted_class prediction_dict['score'] = score.cpu().detach().numpy().tolist() jsonline = json.dumps(prediction_dict) logger.info("jsonline: {}".format(jsonline)) predicted_classes.append(jsonline) predicted_classes_jsonlines = "\n".join(predicted_classes) return predicted_classes_jsonlines def output_fn(outputs, accept="application/jsonlines"): return outputs, accept ``` ### test.py ```python >>> from inference_nsmc import model_fn, input_fn, predict_fn, output_fn >>> with open('samples/nsmc.txt', mode='rb') as file: >>> model_input_data = file.read() >>> model = model_fn() >>> transformed_inputs = input_fn(model_input_data) >>> predicted_classes_jsonlines = predict_fn(transformed_inputs, model) >>> model_outputs = output_fn(predicted_classes_jsonlines) >>> print(model_outputs[0]) [{inference_nsmc.py:47} INFO - input text: 이 영화는 최고의 영화입니다 [{inference_nsmc.py:47} INFO - input text: 최악이에요. 배우의 연기력도 좋지 않고 내용도 너무 허접합니다 [{inference_nsmc.py:77} INFO - predicted_class: Pos [{inference_nsmc.py:84} INFO - jsonline: {"predicted_label": "Pos", "score": 0.9619030952453613} [{inference_nsmc.py:77} INFO - predicted_class: Neg [{inference_nsmc.py:84} INFO - jsonline: {"predicted_label": "Neg", "score": 0.9994170665740967} {"predicted_label": "Pos", "score": 0.9619030952453613} {"predicted_label": "Neg", "score": 0.9994170665740967} ``` ### Sample data (samples/nsmc.txt) ``` {"text": ["이 영화는 최고의 영화입니다"]} {"text": ["최악이에요. 배우의 연기력도 좋지 않고 내용도 너무 허접합니다"]} ``` ## References - KoELECTRA: https://github.com/monologg/KoELECTRA - Naver Sentiment Movie Corpus Dataset: https://github.com/e9t/nsmc