#!/usr/bin/env python3 import os import re from pathlib import Path from update_readme import generate_url, get_all_files def get_doc_dir(): k2_dir = os.getenv("K2_DIR") if k2_dir is None: raise ValueError("Please set the environment variable k2_dir") return Path(k2_dir) / "docs" class Wheel: def __init__(self, full_name: str, url: str): """ Args: full_name: Example: k2-1.23.4.dev20230223+cpu.torch1.10.0-cp36-cp36m-linux_x86_64.whl """ self.full_name = full_name # pattern = r"k2-(\d)\.(\d+)(\.(\d+))?\.dev(\d{8})+cpu\.torch(\d\.\d+)" pattern = ( r"k2-(\d)\.(\d)+((\.)(\d))?\.dev(\d{8})\+cpu\.torch(\d\.\d+\.\d)-cp(\d+)" ) m = re.search(pattern, full_name) self.k2_major = int(m.group(1)) self.k2_minor = int(m.group(2)) self.k2_patch = int(m.group(5)) self.k2_date = int(m.group(6)) self.torch_version = m.group(7) self.py_version = int(m.group(8)) self.url = url def __str__(self): return self.url def __repr__(self): return self.url def sort_by_wheel(x: Wheel): torch_major, torch_minor, torch_patch = x.torch_version.split(".") torch_major = int(torch_major) torch_minor = int(torch_minor) torch_patch = int(torch_patch) return ( x.k2_major, x.k2_minor, x.k2_patch, x.k2_date, torch_major, torch_minor, torch_patch, x.py_version, ) def main(): wheels = get_all_files("cpu", suffix="*.whl") wheels += get_all_files("windows-cpu", suffix="*.whl") wheels += get_all_files("macos", suffix="*.whl") urls = generate_url(wheels) wheels = [] for url in urls: full_name = url.rsplit("/", maxsplit=1)[1] wheels.append(Wheel(full_name, url)) wheels.sort(reverse=True, key=sort_by_wheel) d = get_doc_dir() with open(d / "source/cpu.html", "w") as f: for w in wheels: f.write(f'{w.full_name}
\n') with open(d / "source/cpu-cn.html", "w") as f: for w in wheels: url = w.url.replace("https://huggingface.co", "https://hf-mirror.com") f.write(f'{w.full_name}
\n') if __name__ == "__main__": main()