--- license: creativeml-openrail-m tags: - coreml - stable-diffusion - text-to-image --- # Core ML Converted Model: - This model was converted to [Core ML for use on Apple Silicon devices](https://github.com/apple/ml-stable-diffusion). Conversion instructions can be found [here](https://github.com/godly-devotion/MochiDiffusion/wiki/How-to-convert-ckpt-or-safetensors-files-to-Core-ML).
- Provide the model to an app such as Mochi Diffusion [Github](https://github.com/godly-devotion/MochiDiffusion) - [Discord](https://discord.gg/x2kartzxGv) to generate images.
- `split_einsum` version is compatible with all compute unit options including Neural Engine.
- `original` version is only compatible with CPU & GPU option.
# Note: Some models do not have the [unet split into chunks](https://github.com/apple/ml-stable-diffusion#-converting-models-to-core-ml). # Vintedois (22h) Diffusion: Source(s): [Hugging Face](https://huggingface.co/22h/vintedois-diffusion-v0-1) - [CivitAI](https://civitai.com/models/2781/vintedois-diffusion-v0-1) ### Vintedois (22h) Diffusion model trained by [Predogl](https://twitter.com/Predogl) and [piEsposito](https://twitter.com/piesposi_to) with open weights, configs and prompts (as it should be) This model was trained on a large amount of high quality images with simple prompts to generate beautiful images without a lot of prompt engineering. You can enforce style by prepending your prompt with `estilovintedois` if it is not good enough. It should also be very dreamboothable, being able to generate high fidelity faces with a little amount of steps. **You can use this model commercially or whatever, but we are not liable if you do messed up stuff with it.** ### Gradio We support a [Gradio](https://github.com/gradio-app/gradio) Web UI to run vintedois-diffusion-v0-1 : [![Open In Spaces](https://camo.githubusercontent.com/00380c35e60d6b04be65d3d94a58332be5cc93779f630bcdfc18ab9a3a7d3388/68747470733a2f2f696d672e736869656c64732e696f2f62616467652f25463025394625413425393725323048756767696e67253230466163652d5370616365732d626c7565)](https://huggingface.co/spaces/22h/vintedois-diffusion-v0-1) ### Model card Everything from [Stable Diffusion v1-5](https://huggingface.co/runwayml/stable-diffusion-v1-5), plus the fact that this is being built by two indie devs, so it was not extensively tested for new biases. You can run this concept via `diffusers` [Colab Notebook for Inference](https://colab.research.google.com/github/huggingface/notebooks/blob/main/diffusers/sd_dreambooth_inference.ipynb) ### Sample results ### Example prompts - Prompt: photo of an old man in a jungle, looking at the camera - CFG Scale: 7.5 - Scheduler: `diffusers.EulerAncestralDiscreteScheduler` - Steps: 30 - Seed: 44 - Prompt: kneeling cat knight, portrait, finely detailed armor, intricate design, silver, silk, cinematic lighting, 4k - CFG Scale: 7.5 - Scheduler: `diffusers.EulerAncestralDiscreteScheduler` - Steps: 50 - Seed: 44 - Prompt: a beautiful girl In front of the cabin, the country, by Artgerm Lau and Krenz Cushart,hyperdetailed, trending on artstation, trending on deviantart - CFG Scale: 7.5 - Scheduler: `diffusers.EulerAncestralDiscreteScheduler` - Steps: 50 - Seed: 44 - Prompt: destroyed city - CFG Scale: 7.5 - Scheduler: `diffusers.EulerAncestralDiscreteScheduler` - Steps: 50 - Seed: 44 - Prompt: victorian city landscape - CFG Scale: 7.5 - Scheduler: `diffusers.EulerAncestralDiscreteScheduler` - Steps: 50 - Seed: 44 - Prompt: prehistoric native living room - CFG Scale: 7.5 - Scheduler: `diffusers.EulerAncestralDiscreteScheduler` - Steps: 50 - Seed: 44 Thanks for the Google Developer Expert program for providing us with a GCP credits grant.