--- license: creativeml-openrail-m tags: - coreml - stable-diffusion - text-to-image - not-for-all-audiences --- # Core ML Converted SDXL Model: - This model was converted to [Core ML for use on Apple Silicon devices](https://github.com/apple/ml-stable-diffusion). Conversion instructions can be found [here](https://github.com/godly-devotion/MochiDiffusion/wiki/How-to-convert-ckpt-or-safetensors-files-to-Core-ML). - Provide the model to an app such as **Mochi Diffusion** [Github](https://github.com/godly-devotion/MochiDiffusion) / [Discord](https://discord.gg/x2kartzxGv) to generate images. - `original` version is only compatible with `CPU & GPU` option. - Resolution is the `SDXL` default of `1024x1024`. - This model was converted with a `vae-encoder` for use with `image2image`. - This model is quantized to `8-bits`. - Descriptions are posted as-is from original model source. - Not all features and/or results may be available in `CoreML` format. - This model does not have the [unet split into chunks](https://github.com/apple/ml-stable-diffusion#-converting-models-to-core-ml). - This model does not include a `safety checker` (for NSFW content). - This model can not be used with ControlNet.
# [SDXL] RongHua_SDXL_8-bit: Source(s): [CivitAI](https://civitai.com/models/125634/sdxl-ronghua-or-or)
## This is an SDXL base model converted and quantized to 8-bits. 00062-1577094433.png 00899-2587132317.png 00587-3986413701.png Big thanks to these friends for the buzz tips support! (Listed in no particular order, up to 2023/10/23): 9812chenditemin561、aibernardbittler714、Anbachi2021、chirenshuomeng、Dklove、dkorbat、firisu、jeffca2525105、jiutaogong、mmcCaterpillar、mr7th、nakaaachin、Radeux、rogerwang、Sini5555、spacemonkeyx01473、TracQuoc、wordsmaster、xibik10354751、yama4343、yi_yu、yuleirem123286、zhixuan08299144​ 3.0 is out! Man, this update felt like forever. We kicked off the training on September 12th, and it's been a ride since then with so many tweaks and adjustments. My graphics card and I? We're beat. Seriously, we both need a breather. But hey, good news! I've packed 3.0 with some cool surprises for you. It's like we've started from scratch, upping the game on the training set's quality and variety. And if you're into the ancient Chinese vibe, you're in for a treat with a bunch of new tags. Plus, we've learned from our past versions, so Ronghua 3.0? It's a whole lot smoother and more versatile. 【容华】3.0发布,这次更新时间拖得很长,3.0从9月12号开始训练,期间没有过长时间停止(有很多很多次的回退和参数调整),无论是我还是显卡都到了一个极限,我们都要好好休息放松一下。言归正传,我在3.0为大家准备了非常多的惊喜,它是一个完完全全重新训练的版本,除了极大的完善了训练集的质量和种类,还扩充了非常多古风类标签,并且吸收了前面版本的训练经验,容华3.0无论平衡性还是兼容性都得到了质的提升。 古风类标签: wuxia(武侠) xianxia fantasy(仙侠幻想) light hanfu(轻汉服,偏时尚) Hanfu photography(汉服写真) ....... 3.0同样需要感谢很多朋友,感谢过的大佬我就不再一一重复了,除了前面感谢过的大佬以外,还有为容华3.0提供了部分优质美术素材的rex s和TRU REN-4574。感谢你们! 【容华】2.0发布,感谢ArienTOP的灵感(可能他本人并不知道),感谢TRU REN-4574提供了非常非常好的素材,感谢LEOSAM的安慰(?),感谢AIMZ、Bartholomeus、cakc、chirenshuomeng、dkorbat、Faispirit、forbimtungds339、jiutaogong、ladiosnet815、LYuyang、mr7th、Neo_cute、shihiu866374、Showevr、ssugar008、tonyhs、wolfcatzzz、youren......等等大佬的返图,还有一直以来支持我,替我抱不平的朋友 :-)。 ***RongHua 1.0 and 1.1 Not include NSFW content, maybe next version...*** 【容华】是一个服装、道具、化妆,都经过特化的国风模型,得益于SDXL庞大的参数量,它兼容多种画风,你可以通过不同的提示词组合画出各种风格化的图像。 Currently, [Ronghua] has not merged any other models, and the model is based on SDXL Base 1.0, which has been trained for more than 150+ hours. All materials are from the Internet. Ronghua still has many problems, welcome everyone to use it and give me suggestions. This is the first time I have done ft for a large model.Ronghua’s birth was thanks to the opinions and support of the group friends, especially Neo_cute, who gave me direction and confidence, as well as Redpriest9527, aistha, tonyhs, MengX, Faispirit, LYuyang, Maper_leaf, Kelly_V, kwResearch and many other great works that have improved Ronghua’s artistic level. There is also the creator of the paradise, Merjic, and all the brothers and sisters, who make me happy and fulfilled every day. =================================== 目前 【容华】 还没有融合任何其他模型,模型基于SDXL Base 1.0, 已训练超过150+小时,所有素材来源于网络。 容华还有很多问题,欢迎大家使用并提出宝贵意见。 第一次做大模型的ft,摸爬滚打跌跌撞撞,容华的诞生得亏群友意见和支持,特别鸣谢Neo_cute,给了我方向和信心,还有Redpriest9527、aistha、tonyhs、 MengX、Faispirit、LYuyang、Maper_leaf、Kelly_V、kwResearch 等等很多大佬的作品提升了容华的艺术水平。 还有乐园的创建者麦橘大佬,和里面的所有哥哥姐姐们,弟弟妹妹们,让我每天都很快乐充实。