--- tags: - pyannote - pyannote-audio - pyannote-audio-model - audio - voice - speech - speaker - speaker-diarization - speaker-change-detection - speaker-segmentation - voice-activity-detection - overlapped-speech-detection - resegmentation license: mit inference: false extra_gated_prompt: "The collected information will help acquire a better knowledge of pyannote.audio userbase and help its maintainers improve it further. If you are an academic researcher, please cite the relevant papers in your own publications using the model. If you work for a company, please consider contributing back to pyannote.audio development (e.g. through unrestricted gifts). We also provide scientific consulting services around speaker diarization and machine listening." extra_gated_fields: Company/university: text Website: text I plan to use this model for (task, type of audio data, etc): text --- We propose (paid) scientific [consulting services](https://herve.niderb.fr/consulting.html) to companies willing to make the most of their data and open-source speech processing toolkits (and `pyannote` in particular). # 🎹 "Powerset" speaker segmentation The various concepts behind this model are described in details in this [paper](https://www.isca-speech.org/archive/interspeech_2023/plaquet23_interspeech.html). It has been trained by Séverin Baroudi with [pyannote.audio](https://github.com/pyannote/pyannote-audio) `3.0.0` using the combination of the training sets of AISHELL, AliMeeting, AMI, AVA-AVD, DIHARD, Ego4D, MSDWild, REPERE, and VoxConverse. It ingests (ideally 10s of) mono audio sampled at 16kHz and outputs speaker diarization as a (num_frames, num_classes) matrix where the 7 classes are _non-speech_, _speaker #1_, _speaker #2_, _speaker #3_, _speakers #1 and #2_, _speakers #1 and #3_, and _speakers #2 and #3_. ![Example output](example.png) ```python # waveform (first row) duration, sample_rate, num_channels = 10, 16000, 1 waveform = torch.randn(batch_size, num_channels, duration * sample_rate # powerset multi-class encoding (second row) powerset_encoding = model(waveform) # multi-label encoding (third row) from pyannote.audio.utils.powerset import Powerset max_speakers_per_chunk, max_speakers_per_frame = 3, 2 to_multilabel = Powerset( max_speakers_per_chunk, max_speakers_per_frame).to_multilabel multilabel_encoding = to_multilabel(powerset_encoding) ``` ## Usage ```python # 1. visit hf.co/pyannote/segmentation-3.0.0 and accept user conditions # 2. visit hf.co/settings/tokens to create an access token # 3. instantiate pretrained model from pyannote.audio import Model model = Model.from_pretrained("pyannote/segmentation-3.0.0", use_auth_token="ACCESS_TOKEN_GOES_HERE") ``` ### Speaker diarization This model cannot be used to perform speaker diarization of full recordings on its own (it only processes 10s chunk). See [pyannote/speaker-diarization-3.0.0](https://hf.co/pyannote/speaker-diarization-3.0.0) pipeline that uses an additional speaker embedding model to perform full recording speaker diarization. ### Voice activity detection ```python from pyannote.audio.pipelines import VoiceActivityDetection pipeline = VoiceActivityDetection(segmentation=model) HYPER_PARAMETERS = { # remove speech regions shorter than that many seconds. "min_duration_on": 0.0, # fill non-speech regions shorter than that many seconds. "min_duration_off": 0.0 } pipeline.instantiate(HYPER_PARAMETERS) vad = pipeline("audio.wav") # `vad` is a pyannote.core.Annotation instance containing speech regions ``` ### Overlapped speech detection ```python from pyannote.audio.pipelines import OverlappedSpeechDetection pipeline = OverlappedSpeechDetection(segmentation=model) HYPER_PARAMETERS = { # remove overlapped speech regions shorter than that many seconds. "min_duration_on": 0.0, # fill non-overlapped speech regions shorter than that many seconds. "min_duration_off": 0.0 } pipeline.instantiate(HYPER_PARAMETERS) osd = pipeline("audio.wav") # `osd` is a pyannote.core.Annotation instance containing overlapped speech regions ``` ## Citation ```bibtex @inproceedings{Plaquet23, author={Alexis Plaquet and Hervé Bredin}, title={{Powerset multi-class cross entropy loss for neural speaker diarization}}, year=2023, booktitle={Proc. INTERSPEECH 2023}, } ``` ```bibtex @inproceedings{Bredin23, author={Hervé Bredin}, title={{pyannote.audio 2.1 speaker diarization pipeline: principle, benchmark, and recipe}}, year=2023, booktitle={Proc. INTERSPEECH 2023}, } ```