This is a RoBERTa-large classifier trained on the CoLA corpus [Warstadt et al., 2019](, which contains sentences paired with grammatical acceptability judgments. The model can be used to evaluate fluency of machine-generated English sentences, e.g. for evaluation of text style transfer. The model was trained in the paper [Krishna et al, 2020. Reformulating Unsupervised Style Transfer as Paraphrase Generation](, and its original version is available at [their project page]( We converted this model from Fairseq to Transformers format. All credit goes to the authors of the original paper. ## Citation If you found this model useful and refer to it, please cite the original work: ``` @inproceedings{style20, author={Kalpesh Krishna and John Wieting and Mohit Iyyer}, Booktitle = {Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing}, Year = "2020", Title={Reformulating Unsupervised Style Transfer as Paraphrase Generation}, } ```