--- tags: - stable-diffusion-xl - stable-diffusion-xl-diffusers - text-to-image - diffusers - lora - template:sd-lora widget: - text: A character a cartoon of mickey mouse and a mouse output: url: image-0.png - text: A character mickey and minnie mouse in a plane output: url: image-1.png - text: A character a cartoon mickey mouse holding a sword output: url: image-2.png - text: A character a cartoon mouse and a rabbit are standing next to each other output: url: image-3.png - text: A character mickey and minnie in the airplane output: url: image-4.png - text: A character a cartoon character is standing next to a mickey mouse output: url: image-5.png - text: A character felix the cat in the hat output: url: image-6.png - text: A character a cartoon mouse is sitting on the ground next to a tree output: url: image-7.png - text: A character mickey mouse in the window of a store output: url: image-8.png - text: A character mickey mouse holding a magnifying glass in front of a mirror output: url: image-9.png - text: A character felix the cat cartoon character in a boat output: url: image-10.png - text: A character mickey mouse holding a magnifying glass in front of a colorful background output: url: image-11.png - text: A character mickey mouse and the gang in the kitchen output: url: image-12.png - text: A character felix the cat in the boat output: url: image-13.png - text: A character felix the cat in the window output: url: image-14.png - text: A character mickey mouse and minnie mouse flying in a plane output: url: image-15.png - text: A character mickey mouse and the tooth fairy output: url: image-16.png - text: A character mickey and minnie mouse in a plane output: url: image-17.png - text: A character felix the cat in the boat output: url: image-18.png - text: A character a cartoon of mickey mouse and his friends in a plane output: url: image-19.png - text: A character a cartoon cat with a hat on his head output: url: image-20.png - text: A character mickey mouse and minnie mouse in a plane output: url: image-21.png - text: A character a cartoon of mickey mouse and a bull output: url: image-22.png - text: A character felix the cat eating a piece of food output: url: image-23.png - text: A character felix the cat in the boat output: url: image-24.png - text: A character a cartoon mickey mouse is holding a shoe output: url: image-25.png - text: A character a cartoon of mickey mouse and a plane output: url: image-26.png - text: A character a cartoon cow is tied to a rope output: url: image-27.png - text: A character a cartoon of mickey mouse and a bear pulling a cart output: url: image-28.png - text: A character a cartoon character is pulling a rope to a horse output: url: image-29.png - text: A character a cartoon of a cow and a dog hanging from a rope output: url: image-30.png - text: A character a cartoon cow is hanging from a rope output: url: image-31.png - text: A character a cartoon character is hanging from a rope output: url: image-32.png - text: A character a cartoon character is standing next to a cow output: url: image-33.png - text: A character a cartoon character is standing next to a cat output: url: image-34.png - text: A character a cartoon cow being chased by a man output: url: image-35.png - text: A character a cartoon cow being pulled by a rope output: url: image-36.png - text: A character a cartoon mickey mouse and his friends are standing around output: url: image-37.png - text: A character a cartoon of mickey mouse and his friends output: url: image-38.png - text: A character mickey mouse flying on a parachute output: url: image-39.png - text: A character mickey mouse and potato bin in a room output: url: image-40.png - text: A character a cartoon mickey mouse holding a steering wheel output: url: image-41.png - text: A character mickey mouse and his airplane in a cartoon output: url: image-42.png - text: A character a cartoon mouse is holding a pig in the air output: url: image-43.png - text: A character a cartoon mickey mouse pulling a small airplane output: url: image-44.png - text: A character a mickey mouse cartoon character is looking at a box output: url: image-45.png - text: A character mickey mouse and friends in a cartoon drawing output: url: image-46.png - text: A character mickey mouse and his baby carriage output: url: image-47.png - text: A character a cartoon mouse and a cartoon mouse are in a boat output: url: image-48.png - text: A character mickey mouse and goofy mouse in the kitchen output: url: image-49.png - text: A character mickey mouse and goofy mouse in a kitchen output: url: image-50.png - text: A character mickey mouse and friends in the kitchen output: url: image-51.png - text: A character a cartoon mickey mouse is standing on a street output: url: image-52.png - text: A character a cartoon mouse and a goat are standing next to each other output: url: image-53.png - text: A character mickey mouse and friends are playing with a dog output: url: image-54.png - text: A character mickey mouse and friends in the kitchen output: url: image-55.png - text: A character mickey mouse in a cartoon with a red background output: url: image-56.png - text: A character mickey mouse and goofy mouse are in a kitchen output: url: image-57.png - text: A character mickey mouse and his friends in the kitchen output: url: image-58.png - text: A character a cartoon mouse running with a red balloon output: url: image-59.png - text: A character mickey mouse and friends in the kitchen output: url: image-60.png - text: A character mickey mouse and the kitchen output: url: image-61.png - text: A character a cartoon mickey mouse running with a gun output: url: image-62.png - text: A character mickey mouse in the kitchen output: url: image-63.png - text: A character a cartoon mickey mouse is standing next to a bucket output: url: image-64.png - text: A character a cartoon mickey mouse is standing on a boat output: url: image-65.png - text: A character a cartoon character in a hat and a shirt output: url: image-66.png - text: A character mickey mouse in a colorful circle with a mickey mouse head output: url: image-67.png - text: A character a cartoon mickey mouse is standing next to a bird output: url: image-68.png - text: A character a cartoon of mickey mouse and a bird output: url: image-69.png - text: A character felix the cat in the boat output: url: image-70.png - text: A character mickey and minnie mouse dancing in a cartoon output: url: image-71.png - text: A character a cartoon dog and a cat are standing on a bench output: url: image-72.png - text: A character a cartoon cow hanging from a rope output: url: image-73.png - text: A character mickey mouse hanging from a rope with a mouse and a bird output: url: image-74.png - text: A character mickey mouse pulling a rope with a mickey mouse head output: url: image-75.png - text: A character mickey mouse swinging on a rope in a pink background output: url: image-76.png - text: A character mickey mouse in the kitchen with a red background output: url: image-77.png - text: A character a cartoon character is standing next to a mouse output: url: image-78.png - text: A character mickey mouse and minnie mouse in the kitchen output: url: image-79.png - text: A character mickey mouse and goofy mouse are standing next to each other output: url: image-80.png - text: A character a cartoon of mickey mouse and friends in a room output: url: image-81.png - text: A character mickey mouse and his friends in the kitchen output: url: image-82.png - text: A character a cartoon cow being pulled by a man output: url: image-83.png - text: A character a cartoon of mickey mouse and his friends in the kitchen output: url: image-84.png - text: A character mickey mouse and friends in the kitchen output: url: image-85.png - text: A character mickey mouse and friends in the kitchen output: url: image-86.png - text: A character a cartoon of mickey mouse and his friends in the kitchen output: url: image-87.png - text: A character mickey and minnie mouse flying in a plane output: url: image-88.png - text: A character mickey mouse reading a book with the words how to fly output: url: image-89.png - text: A character a cartoon of mickey mouse and his friends in the kitchen output: url: image-90.png - text: A character a cartoon of mickey mouse and his friends in the kitchen output: url: image-91.png - text: A character mickey mouse and goofy mouse in a kitchen output: url: image-92.png - text: A character mickey mouse flying through the air output: url: image-93.png - text: A character a cartoon mouse is laying on the ground next to a pig output: url: image-94.png - text: A character a cartoon character is hanging from a wall output: url: image-95.png - text: A character a cartoon mouse and a mickey mouse fighting output: url: image-96.png - text: A character a cartoon character is flying in a balloon output: url: image-97.png - text: A character a cartoon of a cat laying on the ground with stars output: url: image-98.png - text: A character a cartoon mickey mouse holding a sword output: url: image-99.png base_model: stabilityai/stable-diffusion-xl-base-1.0 instance_prompt: A character license: openrail++ --- # SDXL LoRA DreamBooth - codelion/public-domain-mickey-mouse ## Model description ### These are codelion/public-domain-mickey-mouse LoRA adaption weights for stabilityai/stable-diffusion-xl-base-1.0. ## Download model ### Use it with UIs such as AUTOMATIC1111, Comfy UI, SD.Next, Invoke - **LoRA**: download **[`public-domain-mickey-mouse.safetensors` here ๐Ÿ’พ](/codelion/public-domain-mickey-mouse/blob/main/public-domain-mickey-mouse.safetensors)**. - Place it on your `models/Lora` folder. - On AUTOMATIC1111, load the LoRA by adding `` to your prompt. On ComfyUI just [load it as a regular LoRA](https://comfyanonymous.github.io/ComfyUI_examples/lora/). - *Embeddings*: download **[`public-domain-mickey-mouse_emb.safetensors` here ๐Ÿ’พ](/codelion/public-domain-mickey-mouse/blob/main/public-domain-mickey-mouse_emb.safetensors)**. - Place it on it on your `embeddings` folder - Use it by adding `public-domain-mickey-mouse_emb` to your prompt. For example, `A public-domain-mickey-mouse_emb character` (you need both the LoRA and the embeddings as they were trained together for this LoRA) ## Use it with the [๐Ÿงจ diffusers library](https://github.com/huggingface/diffusers) ```py from diffusers import AutoPipelineForText2Image import torch from huggingface_hub import hf_hub_download from safetensors.torch import load_file pipeline = AutoPipelineForText2Image.from_pretrained('stabilityai/stable-diffusion-xl-base-1.0', torch_dtype=torch.float16).to('cuda') pipeline.load_lora_weights('codelion/public-domain-mickey-mouse', weight_name='pytorch_lora_weights.safetensors') embedding_path = hf_hub_download(repo_id='codelion/public-domain-mickey-mouse', filename='public-domain-mickey-mouse_emb.safetensors' repo_type="model") state_dict = load_file(embedding_path) pipeline.load_textual_inversion(state_dict["clip_l"], token=["", ""], text_encoder=pipeline.text_encoder, tokenizer=pipeline.tokenizer) pipeline.load_textual_inversion(state_dict["clip_g"], token=["", ""], text_encoder=pipeline.text_encoder_2, tokenizer=pipeline.tokenizer_2) image = pipeline('A character').images[0] ``` For more details, including weighting, merging and fusing LoRAs, check the [documentation on loading LoRAs in diffusers](https://huggingface.co/docs/diffusers/main/en/using-diffusers/loading_adapters) ## Trigger words To trigger image generation of trained concept(or concepts) replace each concept identifier in you prompt with the new inserted tokens: to trigger concept `TOK` โ†’ use `` in your prompt ## Details All [Files & versions](/codelion/public-domain-mickey-mouse/tree/main). The weights were trained using [๐Ÿงจ diffusers Advanced Dreambooth Training Script](https://github.com/huggingface/diffusers/blob/main/examples/advanced_diffusion_training/train_dreambooth_lora_sdxl_advanced.py). LoRA for the text encoder was enabled. False. Pivotal tuning was enabled: True. Special VAE used for training: madebyollin/sdxl-vae-fp16-fix.