--- license: cc-by-4.0 --- ``` this is a 48 layers model based on mistral architecture sft by vicgalle/alpaca-gpt4. template is "{instruction} {inputs} \n {output}" ``` example output ``` write me a story aboyt yosemite. Here is a short story about the beauty and wonder of Yosemite National Park: As the sun rose over the mountains, its warm golden rays illuminated the once- shadowed walls of the grandeur that was Yosemite. The early morning hush was broken by the sound of birds singing and the gentle rustling of leaves as the wind blowing through the trees. In the heart of this natural wonder, there lived a young girl named Sarah. She had grown up in the village at the edge of the park, and her parents were some of the few who had made their homes there. They were farmers, but their real love was for the beauty of the land around them. One day, while exploring the woods, Sarah stumbled upon a hidden clearing. It was filled with wildflowers, and in the center stood an old oak tree, its branches stretching out to provide shelter to many bird species. As she sat down under the tree, taking in the beauty of her surroundings, she heard a soft, melodious call. It was a baby deer, and it had fallen into a narrow stream. Its mother was frantic with worry, calling out to her child from the shore. Sarah quickly ran to help, and with the help of a group of travelers passing through the park, they managed to save the baby. From then on, Sarah would often visit the clearing, and soon, the animals began to trust her. She would sit and listen to the birds chirp, watch the butterflies flutter by, and even play with the curious foxes. Years went by, and Sarah grew up to become a renowned conservationist, dedicated to preserving the beauty of nature. And so, thanks to her efforts, generations of people have been able to explore and appreciate the wonder of Yosemite. The sun set over the mountains, casting long shadows across the landscape. As Sarah walked back to her village, she knew that she would never forget the memories she had made within those mountains, and that the magic of Yosemite would always remain with her. And so, the cycle of life continued, with each day bringing new adventures and discoveries within the vast expanse of the beautiful and timeless Yosemite National Park. ```