--- license: afl-3.0 --- Here, the tar file contains only the LMDB files of the training dataset and the checkpoints for HuDiff-Ab and HuDiff-Nb. For the code and further details, please visit the [HuDiff GitHub repository](https://github.com/TencentAI4S/HuDiff). Below are simple code templates for utilizing the checkpoint to humanize the sequences. ## HuDiff-Ab Humanization There are two ways to humanize an antibody, either by using a complex fasta file containing antigen-antibody sequences or by providing individual heavy and light chain sequences. ``` python antibody_scripts/sample_for_anti_cdr.py --ckpt checkpoints/antibody/hudiffab.pt --anti_complex_fasta data/fasta_file/7k9i.fasta ``` Keep in mind that you need to replace 7k9i.fasta. ## HuDiff-Nb Humanization Using the fasta file of the nanobody, our model can humanize it. If you require a higher degree of humanization, consider increasing the batch size or the number of samplings. ``` python nanobody_scripts/sample_for_nano_cdr.py --ckpt checkpoints/nanobody/hudiffnb.pt --nano_complex_fasta data/fasta_file/7x2l.fasta --model finetune_vh --inpaint_sample True ```