--- license: cc-by-sa-4.0 datasets: - cjvt/cc_gigafida language: - sl tags: - word case classification --- --- language: - sl license: cc-by-sa-4.0 --- # sloberta-word-case-classification-multilabel SloBERTa model finetuned on the Gigafida dataset for word case classification. The input to the model is expected to be **fully lowercased text**. The model classifies whether the input words should stay lowercased, be uppercased, or be all-uppercased. In addition, it provides a constrained explanation for its case classification. See usage example below for more details. ## Usage example Imagine we have the following Slovenian text. Asterisked words have an incorrect word casing. ``` Linus *torvalds* je *Finski* programer, Poznan kot izumitelj operacijskega sistema Linux. (EN: Linus Torvalds is a Finnish programer, known as the inventor of the Linux operating sistem) ``` The model expects an all-lowercased input, so we pass it the following text: ``` linus torvalds je finski programer, poznan kot izumitelj operacijskega sistema linux. ``` The model might return the following predictions (note: predictions chosen for demonstration/explanation, not reproducibility!): ``` linus -> UPPER_ENTITY, UPPER_BEGIN torvalds -> UPPER_ENTITY je -> LOWER_OTHER finski -> LOWER_ADJ_SKI programer -> LOWER_OTHER , -> LOWER_OTHER poznan -> LOWER_HYPERCORRECTION kot -> LOWER_OTHER izumitelj -> LOWER_OTHER operacijskega -> LOWER_OTHER sistema -> LOWER_OTHER linux -> UPPER_ENTITY ``` Then we would compare the (coarse) predictions (i.e., LOWER/UPPER/UPPER_ALLUC) with the initial casing and observe the following: - `Torvalds` is originally lowercased, but the model corrects it to uppercase (because it is an entity), - `finski` is originally uppercased, but the model corrects it to lowercase (because it is an adjective with suffix -ski), - `poznan` is originally uppercased, but the model corrects it to lowercase (the model assumes that the user made the mistake due to hypercorrection, meaning they naïvely uppercased a word after a character that could be punctuation), The other predictions agree with the word case in the initial text, so they are assumed to be correct. ## More details More concretely, the model is a 12-class multi-label classifier with the following class indices and interpretations: ``` 0: "LOWER_OTHER", # lowercased for an uncaptured reason 1: "LOWER_HYPERCORRECTION", # lowercase due to hypercorrection (e.g., user automatically uppercased a word after a "." despite it not being a punctuation mark - the word should instead be lowercased) 2: "LOWER_ADJ_SKI", # lowercased because the word is an adjective ending in suffix -ski 3: "LOWER_ENTITY_PART", # lowercased word that is part of an entity (e.g., "Novo **mesto**") 4: "UPPER_OTHER", # upercased for an uncaptured reason 5: "UPPER_BEGIN", # upercased because the word begins a sentence 6: "UPPER_ENTITY", # uppercased word that is part of an entity 7: "UPPER_DIRECT_SPEECH", # upercased word due to direct speech 8: "UPPER_ADJ_OTHER", # upercased adjective for an uncaptured reason (usually this is a possesive adjective) 9: "UPPER_ALLUC_OTHER", # all-uppercased for an uncaptured reason 10: "UPPER_ALLUC_BEGIN", # all-uppercased because the word begins a sentence 11: "UPPER_ALLUC_ENTITY" # all-uppercased because the word is part of an entity ``` As the model is trained for multi-label classification, a word can be assigned multiple labels whose probability is > T. Naïvely T=0.5 can be used, but it is slightly better to use label thresholds optimized on a small validation set - they are noted in the file `label_thresholds.json` and below (along with the validation set F1 achieved with the best threshold). ``` LOWER_OTHER: T=0.4500 -> F1 = 0.9965 LOWER_HYPERCORRECTION: T=0.5800 -> F1 = 0.8555 LOWER_ADJ_SKI: T=0.4810 -> F1 = 0.9863 LOWER_ENTITY_PART: T=0.4330 -> F1 = 0.8024 UPPER_OTHER: T=0.4460 -> F1 = 0.7538 UPPER_BEGIN: T=0.4690 -> F1 = 0.9905 UPPER_ENTITY: T=0.5030 -> F1 = 0.9670 UPPER_DIRECT_SPEECH: T=0.4170 -> F1 = 0.9852 UPPER_ADJ_OTHER: T=0.5080 -> F1 = 0.9431 UPPER_ALLUC_OTHER: T=0.4850 -> F1 = 0.8463 UPPER_ALLUC_BEGIN: T=0.5170 -> F1 = 0.9798 UPPER_ALLUC_ENTITY: T=0.4490 -> F1 = 0.9391 ```