kɑ the ɑ̀ and yom of ǹ ndɑ nɑ mɑ go that to ɑ wom di in he no And I Ikpɛ unto sɛ i si kulu a is n they ngɑ tɛ À fɔ yɑ bɔrɔ cii mo not kɑɑ ci gɑ for Yesu ye Ǹ be his with kunɑ shall hɛ goono was Ammɑ , him sɛ. mɑnɑ kunɑ. it cii: . as wɔ are but all zɑngɑ A them gɑɑ bɔm have from ; ? : bine which Wom him, when zɑmɑ we on were sɛ: dɔ But thou À mɑɑ Mɛsiyɑ Jesus i@@ Bɔrɔ s@@ du sendi dɑm yom. gɑɑ. s, God this one by into beerem For my ed ngei gundɑ Kpe man s said d@@ bɑ ŋmɔne who t@@ a@@ things you dɔ. N e, also had kpei ing them, hath bei ǹ ɑmmɑ sɛ, their in@@ kɑlɑ zɑ f@@ m@@ came there tu no. your tɔ e. hunu hɑli hini bɑɑ no, de out n@@ Cɔfɔ u@@ bɔm. will p@@ nɑɑne thy c@@ if at Sɑɑ re@@ you, Ngɑ me si@@ g@@ bɑndɑ w@@ di@@ k@@ our un@@ gbei even come or said, y@@ us eth e@@ t gɔrɔ dimi these sɑɑ tɛ. up Wɑ li@@ saying, may s. bu Lord hɑndunyɑ wɑlɑ God, say A@@ ko fɔndɑ e yom, S@@ be@@ Kɑ y, therefore sɑbu upon do ɑ@@ should an@@ went made what kunɑ, ɑfɔ d, nungu se@@ b@@ him. De Yuifu bɛɛnɛ hɛɛ know mee en@@ er@@ ri@@ through because Yɑ coobɑɑbɑize st@@ cɛɛ whom The ed, jɑmɑ ɑ, r@@ Biyɑ sindɑ lɑɑbu saith kɑmbɛ hundi so nge su@@ h@@ huro kpɛ Moisi ar@@ ɑ. ize before d. t, mɑrgɑ l@@ d ce on@@ th@@ ted many mɑɑsɑ fɔndɔ y kɔ Christ se koo bisɑ er es@@ ti@@ wɑngɑrɑ bu@@ cimi let gɑɑ, mo, H@@ jinɑ ɑndi kɔ@@ al@@ i. B@@ any great Now am Pɔlu fuu dulum having v@@ s; Hɛɛ es o@@ Bɑɑbɑ es, own boobo de@@ m wɑ an Hɑlɑɑlɑ heard good wɔne after T@@ ha@@ been kpetɛrɛ ɑndi. beeri y. hɑnu ly lɑɑkɑli Piɛɛ er, gu@@ sɛdɑ ɛ@@ thee men might wɔ, ers ciiti me, zɑɑ wa@@ day est called ci@@ ɑkpɛ fi@@ every u. ing, dɔntɔneize ɔ@@ saw God. against forth bɑ? u her la@@ hi@@ hinkɑ ɑntɛ mo. tunu being j@@ for@@ di. or@@ il@@ Beerem He I@@ l tɛ, bi@@ s: then sh@@ Lord, ŋmɑɑrɛ K@@ me@@ hin@@ cɛbɛ nɑm el@@ cɛ M@@ bɑndɑ. it@@ weibɔrɔ dɑbɑri ma@@ sent give hinno down now us, Hɛ sin@@ see how di, did kɑɑndɑ gɑɑhɑm hɑntum son Sendi tɑ she ea@@ ch@@ tɛrɛ cini na@@ do@@ among more bumbum ŋmɑni ent@@ mi@@ lo@@ sa@@ ne@@ bɛɛrɛ cɛrɛ Son wi@@ ’s fɔ. susu word bɑɑru ra@@ ku@@ P@@ If cɔfɔ himɑ th me. about F@@ gɑndɑ would kpɑɑrɑ ji given et@@ cast away om@@ cindi le@@ -@@ D@@ ɑn@@ as@@ Yohɑnnɑ te@@ C@@ domi them. nor bei. make E@@ fa@@ st ta@@ kɑɑ@@ con@@ gave dɔ, ni answered G@@ Ifɔ it, than took dɔntɔm lɑsɑbu si. yet tu@@ dii cindei Zɑ ŋmɑɑ over jine. ou@@ Bɑɑru d; kɑ@@ bu. love gɑnɑ. put sed ɑndebi ers, kulu. gɑnɑ jinde fɔlɔnku neither ɑduwɑ tion himself i, sp@@ jine nyɑ gu iburɑdɑm nɑ, according hã L@@ nyɑize meigu t. z@@ hɑri per@@ two hungu bɛrɛ glory kingdom much es. jɛ u, Spirit bɛ tɑm art wei behold, nd@@ hɑngɑ gɑrɑndikɔ ts ol@@ faith you. ji@@ first thee, gɑɑ@@ kpɛɛnɛ disciples tondi moo hear@@ Father Zɑngɑ certain bɑɑbɑ name at@@ m. cometh ab@@ cɛnɑ brought ca@@ wi. man, Christ, Yerusɑlɛm gomini W@@ where bɑɑkɑsine Gunɑ, d: N@@ there@@ ei ear@@ kɑɑ. ce, Y@@ ɑm@@ O@@ ent Cimi lɑlɔ tion, ge Mɑɑsɑ spake Then not, without ed. bɑ@@ e; king lɔkɑci What nɑ. take go@@ hɑmburu ve brethren, speak tirɑ dubu hɛi fɑ@@ ndɑ. found bo fe@@ k, ex@@ other sɑ@@ say, ful@@ mɑɑni some Jesus, receive Ǹ y; ap@@ vi@@ se, set same le led chief Kpe, ying concerning simbɑ sintine Paul ɛ. another kɑm received o res@@ lea@@ ɛ hɑibɔrɔ us@@ e: hun@@ cɛ@@ Peter ɔ J@@ du@@ law pro@@ gunɑ hɑntumɑntɛ th, ŋmɑɑri ness tɑ@@ no@@ cee shalt Hinno ence ed@@ kɔ. hɑikusu des@@ cha@@ com@@ evil a, e? p This like ze@@ ul@@ mɑ. both men, house himmɑ fu@@ hinne Thou time Sendɑ y: again ver@@ Fɑrisi Holy te Ye ɑlikɑwɑli ize, believ@@ wi They ck@@ gu. ceeci off@@ rea@@ deizɑ par@@ ɑm days bɔm, mo@@ tor@@ dirɑ bo@@ fɑihã zɑm st, ro@@ heaven out, fee mor@@ m, ga@@ jiiri cin@@ bur@@ life ur@@ jiribi sing fɑhɑm gɑme. kpeindɑ hea@@ tunɑndi ch tɑɑbi ing. (@@ en, kpɛɛnɛ. ɔ. dɛcɛ work@@ those wat@@ Abulɛmɑ So gɔrɛ ac@@ Nungu k er. bɑɑni man@@ min@@ ved sat ing@@ bɑmbɑtɑ sha@@ Ize seven sɑbɑ jisi fell ly, mɑmɑci Christ. hast Isirɑilɑ hɔllɛ under hear while hɑ@@ Be@@ bukɔ little entered multitude dom kɑmbɛ. ir@@ Jews s? sinti sh cause tt@@ ought jiine together ndi lɑɑbu. so@@ stood eat goono. fɑ ness, hand wei@@ hɛ@@ things, ! asked ad@@ r iye grace gɑme cii, way kɑɑri kɑɑni op@@ meire able sea@@ Let bring he@@ kun@@ cii. must John kuku fɑɑbɑ all, hɑn@@ bɑrɑ th. power pray@@ world, up, ifɔ qu@@ ŋmɑɑ. Father, su Th@@ bindi nini him; kuri tion. witness ɑndi, ev@@ wɛndɛ bɑndɑ, da@@ teach@@ right mb@@ ch, kube Mee futu tɔn@@ wɑɑzu dii. tɑmtɛrɛ gɔr@@ to@@ ihinno such ji. laid t: hɛi. ɛrɛ. tɑngɑri spoken pla@@ city tur@@ ei@@ ve, ce. ɛ, ation ance place bɑɑni. Behold, the@@ t; began ɑli@@ wise ds bɛɛrɑndi ke iyom ce@@ Ngei Ni tɛyom en only become ni@@ dea@@ ɑndiyom world bɑ. angel Kp@@ done believe hɑm left enter ŋmɔne. buuru We whole har@@ gra@@ wɑnguize cooɑndikɔ war@@ Bɑ ess children thee. Z@@ yeti Gɑlile zɑmɑni bɛɛrɑndiyom ine wɑ@@ bɑn@@ bukɔei ding ɑɑ@@ yɑ, led, gɑnji manner dɑm. mon@@ ep@@ ned voice es; saith, plea@@ save hunɑ va@@ Afɔ woman bɑrikɑ known cooɑndi straightway come, cɛn@@ sion over@@ hand@@ high coo@@ w Simɔ God; can bɛɛjɛ nooru gɑrɑndi flesh feeri le, ted, each th: les@@ E ere@@ diyɑ It whose mea@@ jo@@ zɑɑ. heaven, ze saying ser@@ wor@@ until et pass, tɔ. mɑ, d? kp@@ yɑ. nothing bear earth disciples, ɑl@@ clo@@ delivered kɑn@@ fɑ. bi works ous see@@ hold hinzɑ kin@@ teji wh@@ people wɑngɑrɑ. tɛrɛ. goo@@ him: crea@@ priests zumbu gh@@ tion@@ it. no? kpe hands sw@@ tɑɑ@@ fɛɛ coming sel@@ hɔngɔ hɑlɑɑlɑntɛ body Dɑfidi gi@@ send hour Se@@ hulonzom ɛn@@ one, ther hɑi@@ fir@@ bɛɛrɑndi. si, written mp@@ Si@@ hinkɑntɛ end Pilɑtu zuuru written, ɑr@@ iz@@ ti end@@ whatsoever law, den@@ eternal her@@ pu@@ thing holy tru@@ tɑ. cannot ɑlɑmu sɛ? mar@@ tɔ@@ tɔntɔnu with@@ kɑrigɑ gɑ@@ brother words mur@@ kuwɑ Jesus. kɑɑ, co@@ whosoever hɑrihi ndɑ, part seen her, brea@@ ba@@ hɑm@@ Jerusalem, not. temp@@ bɑri@@ cɛɛnɛ bɛ@@ ded yɑɑfɑ though buil@@ o, beeni an, faith, ts, ow@@ us. tɑɑli deede raised sor@@ believed kɑlɑ. themselves tɑmmɑ ure yɑɑse cr@@ kɑmbɛŋmɑɑ sons med fɑɑ@@ him@@ kpɑrɛ then@@ str@@ lay father ee@@ pass hope ɑntɛ. followed ound@@ kɑne minist@@ sɛ@@ ed; gospel rev@@ tar@@ king@@ brethren ku dɑ kpei. b Hɑnu on, in, win@@ buulɑ thi@@ three kulu, tɑɑci gɑɑbi jɛrɛ earth, cɛyom Mɑriɑmɑ jin@@ angels whether pas@@ ered son@@ zin@@ pi@@ ble There fil@@ judg@@ hɛɛ. knew twelve hurɑ boori hɛrɛ cinɛ thr@@ sendɑ bei, ving pɑi. heart spirit hɔ ck himself, Lord. till kɑru ering thine ear suuru cap@@ all@@ ɔ, noyom R@@ clean@@ dɑ@@ x@@ another, blood seek hinn@@ Hirodu dead, me; fɛ@@ gr@@ them: biyɑ dis@@ toward ed: bu, cendi ɑ̀. int@@ bɑnyɑ sion@@ ning ey@@ cor@@ gathered ask dead apost@@ bɑ, suu@@ ever living th; deth al Yɑkɔfu pries@@ is, Be tilɑsi gɑɑbɑ Wherefore iyɑ say@@ hɛo zeeri cii@@ ɔn@@ tɛ@@ whi@@ stand gbeiteeri These Yudɑ t? sin hɑibɑrikɑ that, jɛ. Go@@ hol@@ cɛɑntɛ this, mɛtɛ kɑɑtɛrɛ binebɑɑ suuji boo@@ day, re fɑri ready lest synagogu@@ hunu. knowing God: mu@@ nɑɑne. Sa@@ gun@@ fɑri@@ ston@@ four doth tain@@ or, third heaven@@ tell ven@@ ry work eri@@ ther. Coobɑɑbɑize me: eri keep Di@@ po@@ tunu. nee prison@@ city, tra@@ became ght. Jew@@ Spirit, O se. bond@@ cetu sɑrɑɑ n, tongu@@ coun@@ sai@@ hɑm. dulumkoni told mir@@ ful Why Jɑmɑ ward hand, kpɛ@@ servant cɛɑndiyom bor@@ dɑm@@ show ng@@ When je none seeing temple standing Adɑmize, Kɑ@@ new Pharisees bear@@ prophet@@ shi@@ yourselves condem@@ zu@@ hinzɑntɛ nyɑizei, me? liv@@ full Mɑɑ@@ ting o. sendi. sɑ en. tri@@ men@@ death indeed law@@ spiri@@ dra@@ pa@@ ilɑlɔ ɑri corrup@@ very live ell@@ er; To@@ ɑndebitɛrɛ husband@@ sɑrɑ righteousness old f, also, therefore, judge ined house, fear In jingɑru up@@ ri. church@@ ght, eth, gɑnɑkɔ pɑ@@ yɑ@@ ces mine hɑlɑɑlɑ Eli@@ kpɑɑrɑ. ment zo@@ kɔnu tre@@ sinji taken fea@@ Gentiles ciiti@@ kɑm@@ ge, noyɑ. temple, faith@@ ings under@@ pre@@ kon@@ bɑtu word, nɑɑnekpɛ foo@@ bin@@ ini@@ jinɑ. k. tr@@ ment, ɑndi@@ gɑru ŋmɑɑ, truth repent@@ hund@@ um@@ heaven. Weibɔrɔ esi@@ circumci@@ didst ght@@ Who bɑri Moses ɑli sinn@@ could Ndɑ exhor@@ beeniyom gre@@ ked ah@@ suubɑ ɑri@@ open@@ hine its guuru demon@@ stra@@ Ha@@ kɑ. eyes om tun@@ fɔɔ. things. righteous yed es: te, kɑri teth ), wea@@ ness. light cire discip@@ you: servants mother men. stand@@ mouth flesh@@ know@@ sacrifi@@ house@@ dei fɑɑbɑ. Hɑi@@ begat fore@@ bɛɛnɛ. æ@@ car@@ tain eld@@ mei guruguz@@ kɑri@@ g pri@@ sɔlu uru f. rather dɔ@@ turn less stri@@ Simon life, ɑɑru garment@@ wal@@ tooru bɑntɛ ali@@ n. feeji ty oo@@ call filled lov@@ authority Al@@ rai@@ scribes sav@@ again, ent, comp@@ Blessed keth joy de, ee sick@@ came, five far away, fin@@ priest Yude ŋmɑɑr@@ kpɛ. hunutɛrɛ hɑlɑɑl@@ gɑnɑyom ɔlɔ shed sɑɑbu gunɑ. bɑyom ses Mɛtɛ fear@@ loo@@ gɑnjihɑm find sil@@ l, ko@@ U@@ fɔnd@@ Lɔkɑci ut Mary gɑɑbikoni head ant face write hundiyo Jerusalem knoweth dɑnɑm ndei Pilate bisɑ. sought Zɑ@@ Jews, mɑɑ@@ Bɑɑnɑbɑ um bineibɑɑi sɑm@@ dum@@ conf@@ tal@@ bɑɑ@@ zɑɑri tteth cɛɑndi comm@@ eth. tɑndi bɔrɔ@@ children, ph@@ stone voice, day@@ bri@@ fɔ, sion, thing, round fornica@@ ew@@ them; knowledge hɛɛ, glor@@ pra@@ mefɔ continu@@ Hɑli life@@ second Ami. wom@@ hɑikusutɛrɛ commanded eal@@ ard kɑkɔ sit angel@@ ques@@ you; table Wɔne church world. ec@@ hur@@ er: subjec@@ ce; ̃ Gɑɑ@@ hour@@ night ɑni bei@@ hɑɑ@@ tɔnɑndi ment@@ cried munu How Ci@@ ibɑ bir@@ tɛku miilɑ p, nes@@ peace Phili@@ re. dom, dɑmyom dɛrɛyom fur@@ sɑɑrɛ kil@@ zɑm@@ preached fruit promi@@ ft@@ send@@ been@@ taketh people, tu. named ried abide he, ke, sur@@ Verily binekɑɑne beeri. bɑnɑ fun@@ born tions ri long suffer together, Jiribi ous@@ bine, trea@@ kɑmbu Coobɑɑbɑ, pp@@ multitudes ze. ord@@ Ibilisi binebɑɑkɔ bɑkɑrɑ dɔbu will@@ bread cour@@ pea@@ door@@ bi. wherein Mar@@ wom. tw@@ ver worthy Timo@@ ɑ? cal@@ hɑikus@@ rise sed, long@@ dark@@ d’s bɔm@@ kill dee nigh tɑm. lɑm@@ Go les. cee@@ ten ciini soul@@ hɑɑli du. dɛ@@ Filipu man. My Sil@@ kube. ght walk come. sins faithful baptized lear@@ days, gɑɑrɛ bundu sow@@ cɛɛ. heart, tuubi decei@@ kpɑɑsi den except pray st. les ust gɑndɑkpɛ flesh, Ikpɛ. hɑwi why divi@@ Is Ti@@ loved ble@@ kɑsu Nɑɑne cl@@ greater death, gɑn@@ not; Binekɑɑnekpɛ cend@@ iri@@ Hɑndunyɑ gone hinkɑ. ged ings, sea, sɑmbɑ yo ɛrɛ@@ stumbl@@ Father@@ judgment show@@ Ikpɛ, nd follow ah dei@@ elders sabbath righteous@@ ened tly ing: repro@@ land sɛdɑ. remem@@ years pow@@ cer@@ persecu@@ going cire. kɔkɔrɔ gu, wisdom Lɑ@@ never hɔ@@ Ni, Nyɑizei, w, ɑ̀, forth, sancti@@ ns hɑrihiɑ yo@@ hor@@ bound opened use midst el, bɔn@@ blasphe@@ gla@@ drink Bine, need An@@ noyɑ body, hundi@@ ɑlɑ@@ trou@@ le. thir@@ ci, last down, wɑidi abideth perish@@ Son, ce: signs witnes@@ kunye kɔ, unu som@@ rejoi@@ kept perfec@@ sɑrɑ. tomb@@ others ber@@ land@@ truth, hɔll@@ Gɑrɑndikɔ all. Bɛɛnɛ departed Teacher, giving feet Nge fo@@ sum@@ rest worship idol@@ read tation answered, moo@@ brethr@@ Ma@@ voi@@ receiveth sea Adɑmize gɑnɑ, fru@@ tɛrɛ@@ judgment@@ ɑndikɔ life. cometh, eni thousand@@ Yosɛfu prophets And@@ ber fy well feeri. desire wr@@ not: ly. Peter, in. guuri beginning loveth lɑɑ@@ ɑmɑ@@ blessed Mɛsiyɑ. Bine ɑmɑ selv@@ sɑr@@ lor@@ La@@ commandment@@ ence, leave our@@ ced doeth lord ves@@ us; hundi. scrip@@ John, ever. wɑngu All oo answ@@ away. ye, Setɑm fellow-@@ fulfilled coven@@ ing; mercy kɑsu@@ cea@@ iri gri@@ thank@@ usu see. zɑngu Take cre@@ chil@@ oi@@ h commandment healed seed guruguze ob@@ soever ceeci. cros@@ sure buru found@@ cit@@ bɑnɑndi ciiti. zinɑ ces, ds, zeeri. bɛɛr@@ sɔmbu dum fɔ@@ hinɑb@@ hɑlɑci Wi@@ thus bod@@ Gɑ@@ wife Wɔ binesɛrɛ Of Mɑ@@ mou@@ looking low@@ deed@@ ish@@ inher@@ Re@@ gar@@ Galil@@ hel@@ false kuru@@ ge@@ ho@@ fɑɑre exceeding wond@@ sel glory, spirit, arose mirɑndi ses, hop@@ hunɑ. believeth duje women yɑɑ@@ kpeindɑɑ̀ sin, ɑlɑɑdɑ ship rul@@ Sɑm@@ always .@@ wom, bɑr@@ sight drew afrai@@ mind Wh@@ tunɑndiyom beeni. li sintin@@ spr@@ ong one. im@@ wɔ. Or off tɛ? child bold@@ ɑɑ ther@@ wurɑ hɛ. wife, Li@@ sɔngu fuuɑ tɛgbei cɛbɛ@@ til@@ heed is@@ ikpɛ cimi@@ fɑrisi ken ff@@ hɑlɑli tion; By serve tɑlikɑ Christ; al, passed Bɑɑbɑ, gift@@ hɑmbur@@ kɑɑru think tɑ, dr@@ hɑlɑci. tuu@@ etɛrɛ kɔnu. sɑsɑb@@ beloved prophets, speaketh ɑnzɛrɛfu bɑɑ. side behol@@ lu@@ oru ong@@ woo@@ ɑɑrɑ worl@@ betra@@ hundred ye@@ fall Abraham tɔ, whereof sɔl@@ dɑɑ@@ understand@@ ziib@@ apostles wilder@@ Yu@@ thee? sendi, Spirit. tter@@ Davi@@ Su@@ lus@@ f light@@ kɔr@@ x giveth Paul, beseech ɑɑri cus@@ resurrection Mɑni Ali@@ sã King kɑɑn@@ dwell Kɑlɑ Do ny@@ hiji jiri@@ feet@@ To countr@@ pres@@ ɑrɑ son, sta@@ hand. ness; of@@ other@@ fast ere row ize. fiel@@ house. Dɑ@@ hɑnd@@ great@@ mei@@ bes@@ ŋmɑɑ@@ ɑnɑ Kɑisɑ thin@@ ei, spea@@ here@@ nin@@ tugu zenji time, parab@@ genera@@ brother, man’s He@@ circumcision tɔnɑndi. bɔ@@ himmɑ. dɔntɔm. kɑnji hundikoni hã@@ kunɑ? testimony les; tiyom multitu@@ de. taught water Eziputu cɑu Therefore day. recei@@ appointed command@@ yɑm@@ bulu ɛrɛ Eli him? speak@@ cu@@ fire defil@@ ɑru@@ stre@@ Hinnɑ Elij@@ ched Na@@ bor now, dɛrɛ nɑm. bɑɑn@@ fre@@ dev@@ fee@@ moodumɑ let@@ fɑn@@ ci. fied bisɑ, feet, tɑndɑ deliver sitting peop@@ ɑmu thousand disobedi@@ abund@@ le: tree posses@@ siɑ ved, adulter@@ sake consci@@ pec@@ seth profi@@ mɑɑsɑ. el tted manifest present thing@@ mɔ@@ anything hine. nyun@@ way, unclean Cɛ@@ ood beerɑ nɑ@@ goono, Salute Even promise nodi mɔng@@ Sɑuli bles@@ sig@@ love, truth. multitude, zɑɑ@@ ereth verily, also. und@@ tom@@ self weenu suffered lɛz@@ tubu wɑtom ouldest utɛrɛ touching Yerusɑlɛ@@ lin@@ “@@ gɑɑŋmɑɑ cruci@@ spa@@ dirɑ. au@@ prin@@ Simon@@ ist@@ besought fish@@ dul@@ tions, guusu bine@@ wrath cked hɑiwɑsu Whi@@ Hi@@ God? bi, bɑrikɑntɛ us: ciifi ves proph@@ prophet, wiciri wi, nothing@@ ɑyom Yea, zee dumbukɔ ɑru jine, zi@@ reth fitilɑ gift cɛmbɛrɛ susu. bɑɑ, bra@@ Nazar@@ teaching ɑize rich year@@ Galilee, No@@ white death. ’@@ Gentiles, testi@@ here ten@@ gɑɑrɑntɛ Christ@@ hɑmburu. David myself gol@@ forbi@@ ni, bl@@ ti. spo@@ dom@@ jɑ ity les, dden ned, ɑɑsɑ Macedoni@@ Koo citi@@ Every en; reason@@ dɛn@@ and, read@@ counci@@ glorified beeni, sign blin@@ goonoyom sick Bɔmdɑɑrum thysel@@ Esɑyi on. prepar@@ yom@@ charged munɑfi@@ aled proclai@@ name, Jaco@@ dead. led. mind, zɑ@@ koo@@ Feejiize young dɛcɛyom bɑtu. rose nyɑizei ihinkɑ ɑlikɑsi gɑm@@ pe@@ tɛkɔ you? hinz@@ rebu@@ blind worketh As fuu. binetɔnɛ mountain@@ mɑɑ. worshipped persu@@ journe@@ ’ labor@@ hɑnyɑ ate crow@@ ture desir@@ throne y? whol@@ dɑɑri hɔndɛ ses@@ kɑnji. one; neigh@@ der@@ ima@@ died sabba@@ ɔr@@ ɑsi shor@@ Gɑrɛku gɔrɛ. gain rejec@@ afflic@@ De@@ sheep touched salu@@ times interpre@@ ome bɑɑyom back ru@@ esi peace, evil, ound true earth@@ tabernac@@ preaching book So@@ neerɑ uyom br@@ himsel@@ villa@@ kunɑ@@ ibɛrɛ ye. fully people. kuuru ziibi binekɑɑn@@ hɑm, Tɑ@@ hunkunɑ Jes@@ ) thyself hence@@ accep@@ like@@ ster dɑmbɑn@@ rob@@ hearts hɑndu Kpe. bɑtumɑ eri, yɑɑrɑ percei@@ lɑɑkɑl@@ tunɑndi. Mɑsedoni Lord: themselves, ted. saints, commi@@ neyɑ. sɑɑ@@ boori. Verily, appeared mee@@ count ɔl@@ kuru minister marvel@@ bɑtu@@ Herod Tir@@ Andebi ɑfɔ. cov@@ kpɛɛnɛ: smo@@ sti@@ lawful ever@@ Cæsar@@ Hero@@ tɑm@@ passo@@ earnes@@ dɛrɑndi. der Pharisees, fulfil@@ suff@@ need@@ another@@ yea, evil@@ ang@@ friend@@ returned mer@@ Whosoever lɑ@@ deizɑkpɛ once kuɑ utɛrɛ. above Ciini fast@@ fɔɔ sibi gɑɑbi. Spiri@@ bran@@ things? now@@ hu@@ gure dilig@@ gul@@ mighty dɑ? walk@@ reason forgive righteousness, do, hungu@@ ling whence bulɑɑl@@ ilɑ preach Wɑnguize icɛnɑ Jerusalem@@ gɑri killed sɑɑbu. Gomini jinehune raise if@@ por@@ ished loa@@ streng@@ isɑ will, ground@@ Pɔlu, words, ly; manifes@@ ess, af@@ fɛn@@ gɑndɑ. coo Mir@@ witness, spiritual Hɑlɑɑlɑ. nation ɔngɔ yom? hypocri@@ ate, teach repor@@ tter gɔ tɑɑm@@ Christ: ally ndei. heavenly seeking suffer@@ tribe gover@@ twel@@ pur@@ diyom id@@ ence@@ ɑriyɑize zɛn@@ ear, cimi. ɑnd@@ Lor@@ mɑɑ, wrought kne@@ dun@@ beheld Sɑ@@ possi@@ awa@@ sorrow@@ hɛrɛ. Juda@@ bɛɛrɛkpɛ bɑrikpɛ rio@@ ɑlɑu ɔrɔ dendeni kɔmɑ veth bread, ll@@ hɑizici Moses, earth. star@@ tɔntɔnu. reig@@ susu@@ depar@@ Judæa fɑihã. blood, high@@ eateth vo@@ confid@@ meehɔ number moved eter@@ and@@ obedi@@ kɑmbɛ@@ looked ili@@ wo@@ ni. wra@@ proce@@ rejoice Awo. sold Greek@@ fathers meigu@@ god@@ within col@@ wɑɑsi Fe@@ rema@@ dɑɑbu Bar@@ turned fɑi@@ sla@@ don@@ thou, ɛr@@ prophet drin@@ cɛsusu tɑkɑ@@ tɑkɔ owbeit nɑɑnekɔ fathers, buyom throne, Genti@@ ɑndi? Savi@@ wilt Do@@ Nyɑize decl@@ centuri@@ offi@@ salvation some@@ dumbu fol@@ ter Israel, bɛrɛ. Am@@ cho@@ tɑbɑtɑndi et, publican@@ ning, begotten ŋm@@ weep@@ yea dɛrɑndi tɑɑsi behal@@ gunde justified yɑmu thee; servant, je@@ thee: wine sokoni lɑɑbu, roo@@ mysel@@ boor@@ ɑb@@ depart van@@ est, tuurinyɑ well@@ them@@ vin@@ scripture ch. Judas as, fɔlɔnku. beiyom bro@@ elec@@ honor@@ speaking destroy ini Amen. nɑɑne, sɑ, another. feeriji tuuri belov@@ wiyom ry, nodi. ɑncɛ cup hinnɑndi su. ŋmɑn@@ binebɑɑ@@ first@@ hear, Hɑn@@ betu knowest Ari@@ Si haply bɛrɛɛ Give oft@@ koni deiz@@ zumɑndi ikɔ ̃@@ tɑru tɑkubɑ out. jɛ@@ Paul@@ ble, Buuru rew Cæsa@@ cini. bea@@ fellow@@ tow@@ your@@ sɑnkulu goeth well-@@ righteou@@ mai@@ sed. forty fute country weenu@@ thor@@ dow@@ most tes@@ Lord; hɑlɑci@@ works, comfor@@ relea@@ pɑti ers; way@@ Bɑɑ@@ ket@@ go, sɛll@@ moor@@ Rom@@ guru@@ sm@@ measure tɑn@@ kɑni judged ves, red ful, there, first, stoo@@ sak@@ ough@@ James amaz@@ bukɑ Til@@ Tifɑnu fum@@ suppo@@ jɛrɛ@@ daughter godlin@@ ano@@ hɑnfɑni nee. sun Woe good, Fɑɑbɑ@@ kɑi@@ be, hearing boobo. Wo pal@@ parable Israel kɑɑyom mother, Bet@@ Beth@@ demons kpɑr@@ drink@@ heaven; again. look faith. wherewith Satan nation, ven Mo@@ marria@@ cɛbɛ. bɑɑnɔ rulers teeri purpo@@ pie@@ am@@ glori@@ dom. After cɛnɑ. hɑmɑ. ely ɔng@@ commit jee orɑ sle@@ kpei, bumbum, tou@@ fɑyɑn@@ I, things; gro@@ darkness kɑm. smi@@ Come cur@@ vers kɑriji doorikom wherefore behold disp@@ ɑrɑn@@ die Isaiah given@@ praise TH@@ ji, gbeiize Hundikpɛ supplica@@ Wɑlɑ lex@@ baptiz@@ loud thed days. hiji, regi@@ Egyp@@ dow Azi scri@@ tɔnyɑ dɑɑmɑ members maketh isɔ six@@ Wɑn@@ perceived ani@@ salva@@ name. fied. every@@ beg@@ compas@@ cɛ. presence bul@@ Abraham, father, fɑnsɑ bɑtukɔ follow@@ kɑru. exceeding@@ Art ɑi en: Are baptis@@ gɑziɑ lan@@ mour@@ yomɑ Coo@@ done, myster@@ bɑɑbɑ. parent@@ Fear tɛrɛkpɑrɛ borne wɔ? destro@@ Hɑmburu jiyom hei@@ One bɑɑru. call@@ gather beire synagogue sake, pr@@ nations kings viney@@ meat gɑrɑ cont@@ cri@@ kɑmbɛwo fallen nder mɑni Father. ignor@@ sɑbɑbu owe sun@@ exa@@ Fɔ@@ Barnabas sleep@@ Le@@ qui@@ Timote tures tting occa@@ carried fire. comme@@ Hɑlɑɑl@@ thereof. bɔrɔ. soul Neither obey Com@@ gɑɑ? evil. power, salute elo@@ father@@ broken Ni@@ Bɛ@@ bringing yɑmɑrɑndiyom eth; prof@@ accus@@ fɔɔ, Jo@@ ɑlɑ char@@ bodi@@ um, Ze@@ Jin@@ bɑnd@@ prophes@@ heal@@ Antio@@ perfect accompli@@ thou? ourselves low tɑɑb@@ Joseph@@ Joh@@ riches deny bɛrɛ@@ sɑɑle honor dou@@ glorify re; justi@@ ers. partak@@ stedfast@@ kɑkpɛ hɑmini bringeth place, soldi@@ Bɑɑkɑsine meigu. fall@@ bow@@ denden@@ enemi@@ sɑɑbuyom patience prea@@ boi abroa@@ jɛrɔ dimiize dumɑ insomuch sheep@@ shepher@@ tɑɑl@@ fɑrisime neyɑ morrow dɑɑbu. fruit@@ jiibi tribul@@ strang@@ jing@@ kpein@@ working weitɑɑci ans bɑngu@@ jɛndɛ kɔnkɔ@@ Apol@@ bɔ mid@@ Where doctr@@ boat, sɑ. door tukunsi sound pati@@ gɑɑbɑ@@ gɑme, ell foolish@@ longer yeen@@ bo, mbl@@ ndɑ? transgres@@ b, verily ss dɑmbɑngu n: Lo@@ chi@@ free bla@@ lifted bas@@ ded, gɔrɔkɑsine sca@@ Isa@@ bare thank establi@@ ndɑɑ̀ quick@@ gɑɑr@@ Yo@@ lɛ@@ sal@@ eyes, Ku@@ ily light, gɑrɑndi@@ charge est@@ gunɑ, supp@@ Judæ@@ )@@ ity, Samari@@ sɑbɑ. Bu@@ casting Je@@ ɑndiyom. knowled@@ Asi@@ biri@@ tɑlifi rich@@ arra@@ uru@@ olom@@ glory. sol@@ manifested eat, ŋmɑɑrɛ. ministered aby@@ gospel@@ heareth Yesu. Sɑl@@ brother@@ her. dem@@ hɑru@@ Brethren, Nɑzɑrɛtu mother@@ kpeɑ Sintine tɑkɑri dwell@@ ing? hɛrɛ@@ gɑɑkɑsine servan@@ bɑɑkɑsin@@ dwel@@ bɔrɔhinnotɛrɛ answering jɛndɛbiri word. Isɑɑkɑ contr@@ ction ds. beast cine ther, fied, any@@ bɑmbɑtɑ. mount edi@@ cei@@ l. four@@ dufɛ comfort cen@@ Ly@@ reckon@@ wind kuluu neces@@ wrote beast@@ Mɛsiyɑ, hɑlɑɑlɑndi Sy@@ ”. men; Antiɔku yourselves, crucified dɛɛnɛ Deizɑ tɑbɑ@@ calleth everthe@@ tres@@ after@@ tɑbɑi Ca@@ siikɑ tes Not widow@@ ɛkpɛ ale@@ bɛɛnɛ, mɑɑni. ped Kɑsɑriɑ disciple tidings keep@@ poor feared Israel. ered, you@@ wɑtɛ toge@@ Cor@@ kpɛɛnɛ, kɑnkɑmi only, open bindi. dɔntɔ@@ ye? eat. Dimi plagu@@ nyunu than@@ Jesus: better up. gɑɑrɛ. eep alt s’ tu, Mɑmɑci res bar@@ jɛkom cimɑndi by, poured mercy, husband tɑngɑri@@ yu ɛndɛ vest ruler soldiers Jerusalem. Da@@ law. sɑwɑrɑ mee. libe Rab@@ Lamb@@ ir, abode Oò, risen gir@@ servants, accuse zeenɔ ɛrɛɛ wɑɑsi. ɑɑni ciro own, Kɑito where@@ immediately thanks ump@@ Jam@@ ɑsi@@ ve. cɛnsɛ Ephes@@ dig@@ le; wɑɑ@@ Wherefore, season@@ Ween@@ sake. gɑ. mooru hɑlɑ@@ ard, Adɑm@@ ching zɑmbɑ ekpɛ kpɛ, held Abraha@@ ŋmɑɑyom ner ei. hune ɛ? wis@@ rɔ hat@@ Pi@@ kpɑɑr@@ zar@@ Kɑi@@ xi@@ fr@@ zinɑ@@ fi zɑkɑ gosp@@ ɑɑdɑntɛ ter@@ woman, ɑɑr@@ yɑrutɛrɛ might@@ yond Hund@@ ld gɑnd@@ ŋmɔn@@ kɑnkɑm@@ ɑruɑ weimɑ childr@@ again@@ dɑɑr@@ bukɔ@@ row@@ wikɔ bloo@@ reme@@ whereunto ɑdu@@ thereof@@ ɛnd@@ grea@@ erna@@ Yohɑn@@ ɔll@@ nɑɑn@@ san@@ yɑmɑr@@ ven, wɑngɑr@@ tom abi@@ pt gener@@ ose wri@@ mes also@@ saint@@ Hɑnd@@ bɔr@@ enti@@ dest fooli@@ accor@@ ku. ɑi@@ ɑɑl@@ hon@@ mi c be. ɑɑli hɑri@@ Pet@@ Pha@@ gɑɑbi@@ ò lik@@ Gun@@ author@@ bɛɛ@@ ã@@ chur@@ worshi@@ moun@@ dir@@ ey fore, fɛ Israel@@ kpɛɛnɛ@@ ikɑ gɑr@@ dee@@ thou@@ ene@@ cɑ@@ fu Hin@@ jii@@ zom wɑli eng@@ dɛr@@ inde@@ kɑs@@ ɑɑru. Yɑ@@ cast@@ ir hɑntu@@ begin@@ Isi@@ ɛnɛ alway@@ wil@@ cip@@ hou@@ Pharise@@ resurrec@@ tɑng@@ Is@@ wɔ@@ Jose@@ sci@@ Galile@@ eri. kpɑɑ@@ sus@@ ɑm. fec@@ publi@@ lif@@ zen@@ deli@@ jour@@ ɑɑ. Mɛ@@ Yɑkɔ@@ merc@@ can@@ bac@@ ̀@@ eech appear@@ feeri@@ bines@@ dst apti@@ abo@@ rep@@ gɑnɑ@@ Yes@@ ake ud@@ daught@@ ook yɑn@@ bapti@@ ese hal@@ ulonzom wo my@@ zum@@ ef hɑntum@@ nor@@ ” bes hã. miize mɑr@@ guize ciri kɑsin@@ goono@@ nɑɑne@@ bumbu@@ ster@@ zeen@@ oul@@ kul@@ Nɑ@@ tak@@ des Teach@@ F righ@@ cti@@ Gree@@ il ost@@ Sɑul@@ uɑ zii@@ bɑɑbɑ@@ Mɑri@@ youn@@ Bine@@ clea@@ ught@@ kom marv@@ rise@@ cir@@ appoin@@ oud Fee@@ — Nɑzɑrɛ@@ boobo@@ Barna@@ sou@@ ] tɑku@@ jus@@ app@@ trans@@ kno@@ Pil@@ burɑdɑm ire num@@ tro@@ Fa@@ mul@@ lisi ow hɑl@@ fɔlɔn@@ hy@@ memb@@ sub@@ pped sted@@ fore nyɑ@@ beli@@ Sim@@ kɑl@@ biri jud@@ wif@@ ile Ar@@ fel@@ bɛ. rɑ@@ ɑlikɑ@@ hi ɑngɑ Where@@ gbei@@ [ selves, gh stum@@ ɑnɑm zɑn@@ S ne aft@@ ɑbɑ mɑɑn@@ nyɑiz@@ strai@@ pol@@ sɔn@@ multi@@ M sy@@ aff@@ U ama@@ Pa@@ zi poin@@ Sal@@ bɑm@@ fal@@ Aw@@ inter@@ ught obe@@ ough Bin@@ suppli@@ belie@@ thered fri@@ rec@@ wro@@ ria@@ tilɑ@@ Set@@ dar@@ deliver@@ wɑsu gɑzi@@ Gal@@ acc@@ aul ɑɑbɑ cim@@ hink@@ ɑnu Filip@@ dɑ. cet@@ uri sɑw@@ Hiro@@ spiritu@@ een@@ ɔm@@ tukun@@ ɑru. jiize ɑɑn@@ ɛku mediat@@ seco@@ ft litt@@ uu either ces@@ sɑn@@ rɑ Jud@@ ulɑ immediat@@ ind ɑlif@@ gen@@ ily, tab@@ G Abulɛ@@ Wo@@ ɑnde@@ ree@@ clean izi@@ cerning hold, kɔn@@ jine@@ Ɛ vil@@ fɑɑr@@ hɑrihi@@ yɑr@@ —@@ ,@@ dulum@@ uch :@@ teou@@ Egy@@ Yosɛ@@ bba@@ Pɔl@@ manif@@ gund@@ bitɛrɛ oured yet@@ unɑfi@@ Ande@@ ulon@@ dɑɑrum lic@@ writt@@ Eph@@ ndɑ@@ ɑfi@@ gotten zu Esɑ@@ bɑk@@ ɔfɔ bɔrɔhinno@@ Fili@@ ɛrɛyom Nɑɑn@@ dumbu@@ ò, kɔrɔ tilɑ Antiɔ@@ sɑbɑ@@ old@@ lon@@ wit@@ cum@@ Anti@@ she@@ ify ute Phi@@ Her@@ accomp@@ uci@@ fted sup@@ ig@@ tran@@ lai@@ ould Ch@@ hatsoever esta@@ Sp@@ Ŋ@@ D tten Ja@@ ɑidi at, wɑn@@ Ibi@@ ŋ@@ Isai@@ testimon@@ ether kɑsine Chri@@ dɔntɔnei@@ z Q@@ tid@@ Gi@@ fai@@ straight@@ ea, Gɑr@@ hap@@ ndɛ ”@@ ton@@ ɛndɛ@@ ɔkɑ@@ ros@@ gres@@ tan ò@@ fɔl@@ sand ange@@ ungu wur@@ unti@@ ɑɑdɑ Ɔ doc@@ ɑnz@@ bɑɑbɑ, burɑ@@ jihɑm cep@@ fɑni ept bɑrik@@ ɔne Isɑɑ@@ unyɑ tɑlif@@ oc@@ Ezipu@@ bɑmbɑ@@ dɔn@@ zɑr@@ nei@@ Sint@@ hɑizi@@ Isirɑ@@ urinyɑ ɑlikɑ sɑb@@ each@@ Yuif@@ Nyɑiz@@ mbu@@ ɑɑrɛ tɔntɔn@@ 1@@ bɛɛn@@ ɑtu usb@@ Ɔ@@ aga@@ pher@@ gurugu@@ Mɛsi@@ bund@@ bas selves Isra@@ urrec@@ ikom confi@@ nde@@ V@@ owbe@@ led@@ Aft@@ exce@@ Tif@@ Ɛ@@ ɔnɛ cumci@@ adul@@ inu@@ ^@@ Moi@@ erɑ gɔrɔ@@ ween@@ ɑriyɑ@@ cedon@@ dɑntɛ Dei@@ ɑnzɛrɛ@@ eep@@ eibɑɑi Hɑm@@ mari@@ sand@@ sedoni Brethr@@ Bɑɑn@@ dend@@ eibɑɑ@@ R omi@@ á ɑlɛ@@ tɔnei@@ roa@@ etɔnɛ 6@@ ?@@ erem kɑɑnekpɛ jec@@ jɛndɛ@@ dili@@ bring@@ [@@ ree fɑrisi@@ somuch bli@@ 4@@ ;@@ medi@@ Nyɑ@@ ɛɛ clai@@ ɑ̀@@ secu@@ doni uda@@ Hol@@ Dɑfi@@ Æ@@ pos@@ ɔkɑci