. , nọ a the na o to ọ of : “ ” ? and re - in te kẹ jọ rẹ riẹ ma be that e no evaọ — họ u rọ ru wo is ta gbe Ọghẹnẹ Jihova i we ahwo he for ) ( his jẹ ​ ro tẹ Jehovah you kpahe with rrọ on obọ E@@ who as not rai was O@@ mai 1 inọ e@@ will se kpobi u@@ omai are bi have I it us ; rehọ ing our Jesu ’ ze dhesẹ t@@ God re@@ a@@ ed Jesus oma mẹ oware sai ohwo je sae ti The or I@@ es s@@ avọ i@@ iruo can s d@@ ẹ@@ by were gwọlọ A@@ S@@ yọ from an nana eware A c@@ fi akpọ Ebaibol their wọhọ epanọ ‘ 2 What in@@ what o@@ oke do O they en@@ eva me ọ@@ k@@ all ruẹ m@@ ! U@@ God’s b@@ w@@ 3 one whọ ẹme at enọ this vẹ Bible him t f@@ ri@@ y buobu h@@ g@@ y@@ ha hayo H@@ ae l@@ un@@ wuhrẹ ai ra How er@@ Jehovah’s wha them n@@ your v@@ R@@ had 4 ere r@@ kugbe al 5 P@@ st@@ p@@ people Nọ 6 did omẹ ar@@ T@@ hẹ In er ted M@@ so about uzuazọ Evaọ ru@@ ọvo mu gaga ly when ra@@ abọ Kọ B@@ b or@@ Ọ would ers ob@@ has via Ileleikristi eme es@@ Ẹvẹ ẹzi G@@ roro otọ Eme K@@ owhẹ time 7 ol@@ C@@ may fihọ ukoko those Ma 15 sa F@@ el@@ L@@ li@@ 9 si@@ ] [ vi ti@@ gbẹ 12 Ẹ@@ my ho life 8 an@@ al@@ yena th@@ vi@@ but ikpe 10 di@@ udu Ahwo iroro He ent emọ k kpohọ Rekọ W@@ N@@ ab@@ ro@@ lele 11 how oghẹrẹ fo D@@ ’s om@@ help on@@ fi@@ ve kọ kere rekọ Pọl ma@@ Ọ@@ make We il@@ it@@ ac@@ love usiuwoma out red egagọ good 13 onana st con@@ • some uzẹme z@@ su@@ hae her m ruọ n le 14 more op@@ uwou onọ should ts also amọfa U rri tion si ẹro ẹrọwọ aro oria obe way does ad@@ kẹe wọ such im@@ Wọhọ Paul ẹ d ha@@ things okenọ ev@@ able ea@@ ed@@ sh@@ oriruo ting 17 iẹe tions been Christians ally ọnọ sp@@ ful hi work uyoyou J@@ up at@@ aye 16 ọrọ spirit gba even many Christian ziezi emamọ Why em@@ It ds day if Fikiere ku usu nya fiki is@@ ow@@ fiobọhọ Uvie When efa nnọ keme man yo la@@ ọsosuọ 18 sa@@ inievo uruemu other Izrẹl Kristi ek@@ Kingdom said et@@ faith ine could others se@@ need pri@@ there 19 ba gb@@ ei world 1@@ vrẹ hai ch@@ ous est 20 than E l raha j@@ ring spiritual th congregation ọzae Fikieme ate uvẹ edhere first id@@ earth example p odẹ sed zihe ge If am@@ wa@@ Dede pre@@ ec@@ for@@ uye ga these As come rie odhiwu They For ch ok@@ must into thọ unu own ta@@ pa@@ Christ 19@@ ding gu@@ su because This its ated ex@@ whu she en which But lẹ eri@@ ẹgba hu no@@ like 21 ones kpe Witnesses being tive years ame da@@ ded / ot@@ 24 ori@@ 22 ga@@ pro@@ ur@@ made Isẹri Mẹ lo@@ ance heart rọwo idibo see 5@@ uviuwou ter@@ kp@@ comm@@ ci@@ woma ou@@ ning know V@@ You words ant give le@@ only over true as@@ daoma take hi@@ wariẹ ọmọ family ment mu@@ per@@ Setan ẹkwoma end od@@ bẹdẹ wh@@ c nẹnẹ ota orọo oun@@ gh@@ otọakpọ ku@@ children ilele king r Olezi dede bru ce ivẹ ke ation become du@@ Z@@ Devidi then well emu rria says gra@@ times tha gi@@ el wuzou ary kareghẹhọ ik@@ tu@@ ect iwuhrẹ 23 ya Ẹme dh@@ men ca@@ Re izi might ỌNOWO orọ be@@ Word ap@@ ẹdẹ te@@ use Job before qu@@ Y@@ truth ukọ just ear@@ Onana That ence ons whaha evawere ri kpa@@ ẹvẹ now ehru gọ ered lea@@ orọnikọ ere@@ kẹle ic@@ ings Re@@ ov@@ areghẹ uwuhrẹ dhe brothers ’@@ any ght faithful erọ Ma@@ lẹliẹ isiuru David ukpe sion John 25 ying And keep 6@@ roma Pita ẹjiroro death show Wha ẹsikpobi am sure new great kpọ h fa ent@@ ty tly after name serve awọ ans used fully read pres@@ Th@@ ness Jọn ity etoke esuo ely cu@@ today ter ther Whọ ess apostle der uzou uzi through siọ owhai soso da k’omai go ria mae ebe ges ged part ined Se An@@ most os@@ ogaga ned dhẹ To ovao another Itẹ uvi war@@ son study rec@@ Do Abraham kie obaro over@@ 28 ministry wa rẹ@@ ne@@ fa@@ par@@ bo@@ each holy 30 oniọvo bọ eg@@ ebẹbẹ Oware orẹwho why old 4@@ uwhu otu Rom * against kele word two much 7@@ tri@@ imuẹro ikọ very himself ah app@@ Read yẹ Who eb@@ learn find ofa worship ziọ edẹ sing ents fodẹ Ọsẹ av@@ otoriẹ though Israel act feel where dec@@ ẹe parents However ak@@ Satan olẹ young udevie urere ọfa news ep@@ Peter found ating mi@@ ba@@ vuẹ means dikihẹ cation rẹriẹ ry ohrẹ ovo man@@ ẹwẹ kpako disciples bu har@@ self ki@@ wrote eria gine tra@@ ekpako ks important Na human go@@ erere view preaching person pl@@ uw@@ rẹro mi right pe@@ ited 27 say ni@@ ure ways course ph@@ res Mosis 26 ei@@ 29 uvie koko Je@@ let erẹwho lọhọ otẹrọnọ ves servants ulogbo No hope One get ,000 Yọ eyaa dẹ So place 33 g 8@@ mind uni@@ nwene de@@ ibe Ẹ oni@@ mar@@ od upon Aizaya exp@@ fikinọ esa ọghọ S itieye enẹna doing 31 never service Didi ates des@@ x ection Eva long set ele ss ig@@ wholo als bl@@ vevẹ Father bu@@ udhusoi ering pu@@ obufihọ dis@@ Okenọ kẹdẹ me@@ the@@ yeri ourselves given ovie ever uru ẹruore taure didi same book whowho oka put ẹwho ses ho@@ ovuẹ want mo@@ ẹmo told ruẹrẹ ohẹriẹ udhedhẹ too loving ected Ikereakere Ghele Ohwo vọ power ver@@ bẹbẹ ects anointed ith@@ By days fellow during wife ginẹ ran@@ Psalm salọ eriariẹ eh@@ Ju oja After consider ọmọtẹ ck less jo@@ Scriptures ang@@ eri dist@@ kiẹ kpotọ knowledge ghale At Oghẹrẹ ently became kpare erẹ ey@@ ved ow ors led live ababọ usi under Moses gbẹ@@ ohwohwo Oleleikristi okp@@ iz@@ muẹrohọ Me age ewuhrẹ among ny@@ gave oni Ab@@ ren@@ ore att@@ rro Iruẹru oyena inc@@ rem@@ eyae gaviezọ ẹbẹbẹ k’@@ 20@@ sti@@ fe King obọ@@ kru ked every rọ@@ tic peace sel@@ ọsẹ ologbo our@@ making whom fin@@ yọrọ ou rea@@ Our emp@@ so@@ ill@@ les cont@@ vo jiroro Matiu In@@ Eware ten@@ Some C.E away En@@ came ving res@@ 9@@ eruẹaruẹ Let siwi rẹrote ọfuafo cl@@ Israelites wor@@ prayer bro@@ back bel@@ His isukulu eru@@ ib@@ 32 out@@ thihakọ Ọmọ ments okẹ ps often kurẹriẹ marriage home oru@@ 200@@ deli@@ ging personal anwae joy Uzẹme sin@@ eal ces down ko elders later ality Ol year are@@ enana living shed Yes kpomahọ ene tru@@ felt uzoẹme humans tọ Son order themselves owọ began obọdẹ Matthew ẹvẹrẹ sh yed ruiruo rite ening igodẹ counsel ties rev@@ cri@@ sha@@ ghẹ cre@@ odibọgba sọ side atten@@ reason ders Jerusalem ward fac@@ sin do@@ iruẹru muhọ ẹsi@@ vẹre ekwakwa On il rọkẹ face gbagba ali@@ Fikinọ ezae ters ye udh@@ toward off@@ ani@@ com@@ kparobọ Is Hibru still ref@@ gre@@ ths always idhere 00 oro idhe 2@@ ezi There With look 40 ero adhẹẹ hand ing@@ esi@@ tre@@ ember ini@@ oreva house Otẹrọnọ ẹn@@ iei serving century du righteous ough enti@@ ong@@ disc@@ Ev@@ uku ruo ened appro@@ mon@@ heaven giving ture ously Jo@@ ọkpokpọ de 34 id sted wicked wi@@ while expres@@ Yet full Na@@ ess@@ ezọ mil@@ ple eriwo Un@@ ari@@ ema@@ however purpose relationship rọo hea@@ land rin@@ future She three stri@@ ver took au@@ 37 article odibo point meetings less@@ heavenly rac@@ ọye ye@@ think fact Jerusalẹm without fore@@ cor@@ n’@@ ogb@@ Sh@@ Then oma@@ possible experience tional called ọs yare wise uyero Li@@ oki@@ riwi Iz@@ questions both proph@@ bring ul@@ together message prot@@ anc@@ ebẹdẹ share rovie 35 bea@@ v mankind something et close fied emb@@ needed mis@@ ingly igbunu ask whẹ requi@@ ese present makọ Many wisdom having continue uk@@ Con@@ Emuhọ helped kare kri asked benefit ẹgwọlọ kindness tuduhọ erue kpemu discus@@ fikiere Oke Even respon@@ jiri ear omo@@ dre@@ ,@@ ẹyao rance sig@@ Ch@@ aff@@ otiọye ement result nations jariẹ teaching sta@@ early ugho indi@@ ewoma ozọ ori all@@ thing vievie husband ir@@ Iruo father zọ ikp@@ wẹ Isaiah sions brother kpehru fine pe ther@@ mor@@ Timoti jọnọ omariẹ rugba ẹkwotọ ona ud@@ bẹ na@@ eyes done kuvẹ ohrọ w attitude Kẹsena efe Ẹhẹ Ovie avro clo@@ Al@@ Luk All ell@@ cho@@ gba@@ ef ghaghae Mar@@ ruabọhọ ima@@ sur@@ stud@@ really d’s plea@@ tain ar light Jọ oh@@ 14@@ desire ble fear ct@@ aya nwane between tes ọm@@ ovu@@ fy happy eth@@ ities koyehọ ju@@ oho wọso hrọ understand support kpo den ins thi@@ kuomagbe omosasọ tually pla@@ publi@@ Ofariẹ eki@@ Eli@@ learned ọmọzae .@@ ign fuafo Be@@ oghọghọ best associ@@ Orọnikọ Ẹzi ad tic@@ iruemu Mo@@ New omobọ sl@@ kẹhẹ gs qui@@ ẹsejọ ll@@ ind to@@ baptized Timothy Uzi ns ten lives sia served ner zi@@ kẹse woman care speak avoid umu@@ enc@@ ara kuhọ wea@@ oth@@ vuhu certain t’ẹme lead Because N 0@@ unu@@ receive matter reawere mod@@ pos@@ idu From Kọrint includ@@ Fa@@ kind Law Enọ coun@@ Those por@@ vuhumu mother bad Luke egọmeti Uwou shi@@ dha St@@ ile followers and@@ ach last haro eghale ọvọ inv@@ eka hrẹ pp@@ city ger parti@@ co@@ hu@@ esẹgbini prom@@ follow Wo ao Joshua osa ejọ system T ily food These prophet prov@@ ẹru@@ igb@@ iy@@ ship head respect nation slave ide Fiki 3@@ Wh@@ Ukpoye idh@@ Ọnowo utioye uzioraha um@@ sons prove tation situation fe@@ conduct 0 gener@@ enjoy members Ọnọ fo@@ rel@@ attention rela@@ hold under@@ again aha direc@@ Go@@ egbẹnyusu moved jo Acts fu@@ sheep fikieme owha viere ikuigbe ua@@ righteousness okugbe answer va oruẹ iki@@ My cannot remain Adamu Consider sol@@ apostles someone arly ẹl form ẹri trust Obe ory ofu ach@@ hard lish mean Joma cha@@ ond account iri@@ zẹ tubẹ dedi@@ ys went ọruẹaro ron@@ pray NỌ om eli@@ B.C.E language peri@@ ining tal@@ law omọvo emaha ẹkp@@ rul@@ spiritually Ẹsejọhọ temple comman@@ Jews ice sense temp@@ dev@@ dra@@ list@@ different Am@@ rely reading hiẹ viẹ position ort sẹro subj@@ imava following gheghe stru@@ saying nor imitate child sacrifice Sa@@ hẹrẹ died mọ ubi teach@@ Your ilogbo Jud@@ ong yet individuals of@@ rọnọ zi min@@ gover@@ ut@@ needs f ety ọwhọ nyaze Epọvo kwa oruaro 10@@ erae suffering emu@@ dition yoma sc@@ Emu ibuobu using thinking Thus oc@@ encoura@@ ction etẹe awa@@ saw number ẹriẹ wha@@ likely Jerimaya dhere D yourself Mai ever@@ ack ọrivẹ accomp@@ etẹmpol tion@@ iyoma going isu resurrection ale gives dem@@ Daniẹl pur@@ refu@@ Ex@@ isi@@ lear@@ omaurokpotọ thus little false few gl@@ problems cated pi@@ left enẹ ome received far ears Of Rri pati@@ known knew Be ọkobaro po@@ Eviavia case car@@ sisters pas@@ Per@@ ens ef@@ ọhọ hwa form@@ orro oz@@ qualities especially def@@ mukpahe ehri religious dep@@ joma strong Although tere rit@@ ace tran@@ Ho@@ Ha@@ 50 matters taking tice iwou principles provide adv@@ question secu@@ ruẹse ọruẹrẹfihotọ Lord aru@@ okohọ ọdawẹ assu@@ iru@@ inter@@ fl@@ ee@@ feelings better look@@ ekp@@ kake coming women teach off kingdom On@@ turn change lar believers ẹrẹreokie uke wrong everlasting cal igbo uy@@ ẹri@@ iti@@ Paul’s dly Kọ@@ rep@@ exc@@ oẹme ọnana kẹ@@ kpenọ vro Christ’s loy@@ expla@@ care@@ ẹrẹe prophecy works Pro@@ bi@@ Revelation uduotahawọ difficult omuomu perfect cause fievahọ muomu arran@@ otofa uth@@ married ove ọgb@@ 38 happ@@ brought lim@@ stan@@ concer@@ cen@@ elo noi Adam thought gho uti@@ prepa@@ ands prayers der@@ mate t’@@ kẹsena born ikere uwhremu und@@ loyal tain@@ presen@@ eal@@ James us@@ azẹ ẹd@@ ini Riẹ ancient ẹsejọhọ disa@@ ọrigbo ah’s iw@@ ẹnyaharo ations No@@ Romans gaz@@ emuhọ ached oko avivẹ Satan’s sive gift rere invol@@ ẹse whether godly Y ọkpọvio since yoẹme allow@@ ọre ọsẹgboni Ru@@ great@@ blessings shows ọt@@ Gal@@ minist@@ real tube ective egba gar@@ Rather ọkpako 36 ests zizie Corinthians whole di okọ circumstances turned para@@ proved siobọno ọn promise friends answ@@ demonstra@@ Such uyo Uyoyou offi@@ ẹk@@ ẹrẹ kpobọ exi@@ until Orọ 1914 comes body outh sei See w’@@ Roro vu@@ similar Ser@@ medi@@ nat@@ Eroro suff@@ seen itee table egb@@ taught strength esẹ dness x@@ inspired mer@@ elẹ R makes ẹwo 199@@ Solomọn Proverbs foc@@ ẹsenọ cul@@ Devil Since displa@@ stand ery ufuoma Ar@@ stra@@ Com@@ ichọche raro uwoma oye sen@@ examples witness sts ima verse shepher@@ ẹta Does privilege ina epaọ ji fav@@ ọvuọvo ▪ glory Noa cla@@ comp@@ thers next exam@@ reason@@ umutho ileta posi@@ Epanọ free ẹdhọ Are tẹrovi Keme ugogo gbaẹmo ruẹaro supp@@ nor@@ thr@@ clear utu certainly exerci@@ edhọ omar@@ rou@@ hon@@ jaje Da@@ truly Daniel end@@ succ@@ evi@@ loved fia involved Hi@@ sister Edhere ol Ivie BE cap@@ heard Like Mesaya ster material organization mudhe hab@@ ets older Olori igho arri@@ sent nwani maintain accept sto@@ r’@@ Bro@@ lov@@ As@@ comfort satis@@ ọkwa okpẹwho Babilọn kiọkọ Scriptural kiehọ divine wat@@ emo@@ kọ@@ believe occu@@ tell rule wanted abọ@@ sight AR@@ night ms high@@ Ijipti Watchtower emetẹ bẹ@@ La@@ 39 dawo Ne@@ kie@@ conven@@ fiẹ sub@@ understanding bur@@ ilezi edawọ along em im confidence ral pite Jemis plac@@ regarding ws While states wae clean blessing est@@ resul@@ ọfariẹ omomọvo Au@@ ches Sp@@ ea integrity yere eless ubro preach provided ehaa Ca@@ gboja poin@@ Wha@@ ez@@ rying lies odi cations ozighi try around brin@@ gue Can willing ser@@ anger fea@@ vẹrẹ Lo@@ cate mentioned blood draw oll@@ udhe ẹle becom@@ tee enjo@@ gu ably sal@@ uyoma Griki including tu decisions Ta@@ ants apply soon ibi ikoko ized Today sasa ọgaga public isoi special Akpọ claim@@ whọ@@ deep@@ cial action ell allow dise Ob@@ tical eren@@ sear@@ interest ise Gre@@ ghọghọ challen@@ ic lo 45 eva@@ Ẹdhọ ability page standing illustra@@ acc@@ gain overse@@ immor@@ ofẹ ir izieraha ano greater here ẹgbakiete authority view@@ dead eff@@ ẹkparomatha Uz@@ opportunity valu@@ ivie den@@ effect evuẹ deep ut hearts AN@@ ọk@@ ọg@@ World gwae shing ji@@ lic@@ ines z Ru maha evidence fail@@ deser@@ showed olo ge@@ ọri@@ eed rema@@ forever nyae Josẹf ja ghẹ@@ pat@@ aso ili@@ taken ia return Solomon whrehe kness af@@ appointed justice daugh@@ iting ogbotu ghae May nothing Oniọvo kept direction vital fre@@ nyaharo sible Di@@ honor họre milli@@ det@@ ound sting wotọ effort karo person@@ ọz@@ identi@@ ord 44 ransom mat@@ liter@@ yaa therefore gen@@ romavia Ere Still Instead ada happiness deal@@ bo control prosp@@ izoge standards Neh@@ paradase move courage Mal@@ sk@@ stated beg@@ ugb@@ Ọny@@ Wor@@ speaking edu@@ destro@@ congregations resi@@ bir@@ iyẹrẹ judgment oriọ ogbe unity field shall ana high based tim@@ eds viol@@ Bib@@ ately heavens near wobọ Samuẹle uẹ remin@@ powerful efforts respond promises awa repor@@ grow@@ ey recorded str@@ obey reas@@ talk wid@@ ose kiyọ wonderful Makọ Ori@@ sing@@ ukpokpoma ruẹsi meaning wee@@ ki vẹvẹ RI@@ So@@ versa@@ accu@@ earthly omarokpotọ emezae ugboma Emọ ọtadhesẹ Ivi omodawọ helps ub@@ mag@@ anwọ second doubt 42 ern pic@@ fru@@ Juda conv@@ fir@@ med@@ past hotọ serious ọjọ experienced every@@ h’@@ eeping beli@@ Hebrew flesh ẹvo reli@@ ghty ọkpọ value dekọ appreciation L Hebrews int@@ determined ọwẹ accep@@ j’@@ angels igh@@ ọe Greek ihrẹ covenant egbe adm@@ Not paren@@ Now mee@@ ọthọ kugbei ẹtanigbo sis small pra@@ flo@@ omọfa imp@@ okpẹtu real@@ school muẹro speci@@ ination oy@@ regard ish ọvrẹ ech tives rejo@@ spoke abọjọ W eat prob@@ Ababọ 41 Ọzae up@@ unevaze religion ext@@ remember omarai once anyone listen iwoma Eph@@ seek hẹriẹ ẹgọ uvumọ faith@@ tho group Uwhremu ghele ẹdẹjọ pioneer ord@@ og@@ gri@@ written ․ nment offer – cles dea@@ viuwou money Ju@@ meeting erao foretold psalmist 60 Hence Indeed ann@@ according Gi@@ ewegrẹ kaki progre@@ Uwuhrẹ ries than@@ inten@@ itation won@@ maero Joseph ites ental tively Su@@ sou@@ Acc@@ water information baptism conf@@ gbiku Ikpe le’s Mak ements ruẹ@@ priv@@ lik@@ Avọ ok Creator Ad@@ praise Jeremiah edada 70 walk oyoyou sins Kẹ strengthen seri@@ uses wants ọvona already ibi@@ Will kporo Aiz ILE Oma WH@@ Mark ẹhọ During men@@ war perhaps four rity nya@@ Rọ dia ọd@@ assig@@ tting iwh@@ okokohọ decision Sọl health proper ekuhọ asp@@ Meri inwene promised jud@@ Mat iwu Ẹkwoma kpo@@ trials gbo disp@@ med conc@@ ezeza events 119 ọv@@ ass@@ egaga Enẹna ree ource even@@ role ẹgb@@ jẹrehọ Esuo ty@@ Inievo ware emama ched ara@@ Tim ọraha stu@@ dies manif@@ lost wo@@ America amara illustration ower ater complete People endu@@ ste@@ actions seba Ọn@@ within ozodhẹ reach Judah thoughts evid@@ jaja righ@@ ences physical bẹsenọ plan@@ imperfect conscience ọyena bru@@ ail@@ precious eyoma activities ovona ọvẹ ill ern@@ ọm working hor@@ rather house@@ wow@@ zed enwoma ade edhẹ iness ount gran@@ famili@@ ogbẹnyusu responsibility neighb@@ owezẹ orọwọ building got Ok@@ orọnọ Rus@@ Mi@@ guidance salvation leave char@@ ọwọsuọ omam@@ ekpehre chapter ẹv@@ kiẹrẹe Mary harmony gement lied hear Did instance oziẹ ghare ọth@@ reasons mirac@@ ekpe contribu@@ sit Their cal@@ rej@@ oruọzewọ AG@@ sch@@ Ẹfẹsọs ph lived guọlọ soul gọe strength@@ rest Keep endure appreciate Bo@@ Eu@@ Pr@@ ecting comfor@@ Jewish kẹre Nẹnẹ mission@@ posed continued resurrec@@ Ugb@@ decla@@ happened everything thous@@ Matt tever odawọ resp@@ Wuhrẹ Therefore udi ẹdhoguo anwẹdẹ uyẹ anything formed y’s edhe Eve sy@@ letter ven@@ dered my@@ Des@@ 43 helping hands obedience zie ajọwha elder simply uz@@ SONGS poli@@ affect Genesis clearly amu reet reflect ext ca fulfillment Ono kuo okpokpọ HO@@ ono ọs@@ rom@@ dhozọ servant couple Rọkẹ brea@@ Em@@ ind@@ pain iẹ mov@@ Ẹsi@@ large Ọg@@ keria discipl@@ showing oyoma friend meet usiwo influence chang@@ United Just Can@@ fill lier issue hol@@ ie poss@@ orote Jon@@ iriruo ute practic@@ perf@@ osu concern accepted Noah odiri ogha Pha@@ sures kly isẹri jẹle ould Moreover Ikọ rate ọo frien@@ ghel@@ ede rich travel@@ work@@ Ps erg@@ logbo inheri@@ lands quic@@ THE deal erous compa@@ develop@@ dship ghinẹ further agre@@ complet@@ ọyomariẹ First one@@ arọ whose feel@@ ogbẹ@@ ikpegb@@ omaa continu@@ tribulation obei soci@@ compas@@ True oruo instruc@@ derly nyaku bri@@ begin@@ pursu@@ Uzuazọ forth wakwa discer@@ ejẹ Philipp@@ ential firm Ẹsejọ teachings tur@@ sequ@@ longer anxi@@ build spe@@ guard ope Jac@@ Kareghẹhọ oti@@ expression sym@@ 195@@ Elaeja individu@@ AV@@ fulness Fili@@ wọwọ ll bruoziẹ Eg@@ explained humility ided ẹmeọta ẹr@@ offered muọ bed Christ@@ descri@@ igbe pione@@ kpa slav@@ ino contra@@ unuovẹvẹ call@@ read@@ IN@@ afe ọso thọrọ Egypt aku@@ available humble Ra ekpokpọ Love clean@@ Uruemu Germany ghout alone nẹ line advice call aruoriwo enyẹ heart@@ worshippers please pages wri@@ ubi@@ bes va@@ utho Have clusi@@ carry bac@@ H desires glori@@ mercy Bethel ER@@ poor regular started success@@ believ@@ sexu@@ provides oned consider@@ oghale imishọnare er’s stat@@ estab@@ training slation ems held considered sugg@@ practical crowd iku some@@ Ano@@ Hab@@ deed Iziewariẹ oved blessed warning seeking refl@@ Ken@@ ewha motiv@@ fulfilled Dh@@ sy lished zeal@@ consi@@ enemies ẹmeoyo sion@@ evẹrẹ knows ẹm@@ daily ot produc@@ recogni@@ fill@@ origin@@ weze cultivate bear ẹw@@ destruction ewise whai sacred oted gathe@@ regularly sacrifices TH@@ ling ọkora alize choose kpokpo Emamọ else local Ebẹtẹle etenẹ aching esha thabọ ohọre dẹ@@ Rehọ fic interests 65 itate Eri@@ ezẹ ọna bran@@ tau@@ determ@@ ke@@ cam@@ ert Saul let@@ Babylon izerẹ occasion aa fri@@ oper@@ proc@@ stay Samuel challenge 18@@ ẹnẹ 48 oura@@ intere@@ Ze gag@@ evil nific@@ lẹ@@ common gg@@ activity adul@@ omu tures ẹkpẹ@@ sely esiwo amuo Ez@@ tedly takes stood Rom@@ Messiah know@@ raised fore named seba@@ ground mea@@ tells sinc@@ provisi@@ tains compani@@ develop country Would aruọwha open ton@@ assignment prin@@ Brọda Isa@@ repent@@ described easy kuyo Simil@@ mal itted ifo@@ trans@@ quality Stud@@ okpekpe urru acts lọlọhọ humuo ording laws necessary vision various sil@@ thy Ap@@ quali@@ fruit@@ Oyibo accoun@@ MA@@ sovereignty Bri@@ fying class grow history eb encouragement ended voice Họ ody ago ag@@ imoni wokugbe Taure Man@@ conclud@@ ode jah ire ẹlẹ refer@@ die emorial hand@@ worthy nei@@ TI@@ tou@@ iwhowho oviẹ oli@@ heal@@ sees creation assi@@ dom@@ behalf ecu@@ prayed thẹ worldwide confid@@ wil@@ egrẹ iruiruo veness uzoge exten@@ ọrẹri jegbe rẹkri persecution Muẹrohọ eidhe obọte steps obedient tor Qu@@ ẹfuọ benefits ọrue ena ress ast@@ ew@@ ọga alty M Kpahe VA@@ freedom Obọ otion scriptu@@ dering survi@@ pose force pr@@ encourage edi@@ faced An ose@@ changes gbunu etha walking seed personality ealed publish@@ ther’s Kp@@ start itness Usiuwoma sec@@ ready idi gagọ ous@@ gr@@ experienc@@ ff@@ will@@ kpokpọ fihotọ disci@@ kpar@@ follow@@ ised ghts sist@@ kulu stance ita Ot@@ Davi@@ isu@@ Is@@ worl@@ kind@@ eye buil@@ prac@@ cour@@ sw@@ omahọ row ead princi@@ ọlọ muo ẹrẹ@@ lọ@@ nw@@ import@@ we@@ Tru@@ ote dar@@ mp@@ dibo sue ọkẹ haps aha@@ q@@ coura@@ ọgba els WO eep ft langua@@ ful@@ gh usi@@ ẹjọ ken ard appreci@@ ẹrọ@@ obu@@ star@@ help@@ itness@@ sit@@ rist@@ val@@ oge Ẹd@@ Ela@@ reat@@ ka@@ obu eghe differen@@ auth@@ cov@@ siuwoma guid@@ pt can@@ areghẹhọ ẹme@@ sm@@ wene vie@@ ọvu@@ h’s instru@@ persecu@@ ON@@ tiv@@ oung apost@@ main@@ situa@@ gin@@ suọ serv@@ dom ith Abra@@ duc@@ eci@@ uo pers@@ tem@@ tle husb@@ uhrẹ Sam@@ ·@@ god@@ aruẹ titude Lik@@ centu@@ inu@@ eruẹ@@ opport@@ organiz@@ ẹre oth spea@@ ques@@ row@@ rokpotọ influ@@ materi@@ worshi@@ Ik@@ izi@@ hakọ gogo recei@@ ority sla@@ chil@@ ng oko@@ desi@@ zae responsibil@@ Christi@@ omu@@ Wat@@ recog@@ orts see@@ obi cer@@ sacrifi@@ eph@@ hum@@ circu@@ pointed G doub@@ ples kiete iah lar@@ crip@@ ept fee@@ Aiz@@ Abraha@@ kpoye lasting writ@@ ome@@ F cou@@ ogbo if@@ spi@@ tell@@ ousness ja@@ ariẹ oraha ghẹnẹ div@@ ora ies odh@@ Messi@@ Mu@@ wọ@@ pow@@ occa@@ wi mean@@ chool obọhọ fam@@ ẹrẹfihotọ half ete vo@@ per Sim@@ Ẹk@@ hel@@ wọlọ ether otọ@@ enem@@ conduc@@ Ghel@@ wal@@ ẹt@@ pti@@ consci@@ adhẹ@@ anci@@ lood fell@@ uzi@@ any@@ story ọvio avo@@ ee stead oyou earth@@ Pet@@ ruemu hear@@ overe@@ dw@@ vel@@ Lu@@ grou@@ Israel@@ crow@@ Babyl@@ wou oyehọ diff@@ tis@@ ⁠ LE Ac@@ regar@@ difficul@@ oda@@ Isra@@ cy ,00@@ inist@@ ọkọ num@@ provid@@ Evi@@ eza spiri@@ oi ogh@@ Phili@@ an’s benefi@@ inted wan@@ worshipp@@ Do@@ Jer@@ ital ʹ@@ physi@@ spiritu@@ evẹ ẹro@@ dibọgba vari@@ itnesses benef@@ bor@@ whi@@ religi@@ wic@@ nec@@ ffi@@ jẹ@@ abil@@ dhẹ@@ knowled@@ inspi@@ eld Pe@@ erm@@ ames ọn@@ Ger@@ avi@@ bil@@ ọta fles@@ ribu@@ egha@@ exer@@ port@@ gan@@ evie wis@@ kak@@ Ebẹ@@ Egy@@ titud@@ K 00@@ chap@@ The@@ ness@@ jus@@ who@@ rẹri fter ich@@ nam@@ tribu@@ ven odi@@ ur ign@@ Ph@@ sci@@ compl@@ Uy@@ odhẹ post@@ cultiv@@ ugbe wish ẹgbini bs eha@@ simil@@ Jose@@ kes ereakere eme@@ bet@@ lation ọkp@@ rifi@@ uazọ circum@@ dren ozi@@ gbẹnyusu Ra@@ pray@@ need@@ —@@ with@@ long@@ suo udu@@ ọy@@ roma@@ preci@@ fur@@ Joh@@ evo Solom@@ uhọ é ene@@ Ameri@@ Ji@@ erful ano@@ standar@@ fuọ Dev@@ eep@@ Corin@@ alities V C cc@@ bli@@ vice J B Izi@@ ghẹrẹ í@@ imi@@ fal@@ eti anw@@ edly epher@@ Scriptu@@ ọda@@ Bec@@ ẹm ovẹvẹ ua wom@@ ọvi@@ ẹrọnọ relation@@ sm oto@@ sibil@@ tioned sosuọ ehre tivity P Gen@@ ibo fulfill@@ ọtẹ emori@@ grega@@ ek Tim@@ there@@ Sin@@ é@@ rection ẹdh@@ hwo simp@@ vie judg@@ thin@@ lọ Dani@@ Jeri@@ hat dest@@ oti oyo whre@@ è@@ Gri@@ iku@@ Rev@@ Pau@@ ises vumọ fic@@ sasọ l’s yao lems ọl salm ustra@@ evaze kpokpoma Kpa@@ There@@ heri@@ hal@@ etan decisi@@ esp@@ led@@ Ema@@ ọche numb@@ kparomatha ẹgboni contro@@ ọru@@ :@@ embers lu God@@ tadhesẹ Jos@@ Sau@@ liẹ Mat@@ sẹ NO@@ op lel@@ yl@@ ld Ol@@ messa@@ nyusu lele@@ bless@@ ü@@ Du@@ Jeremi@@ bapti@@ formation gbakiete omau@@ marri@@ sel essa@@ orọ@@ Mos@@ lezi tainly gbei vation regu@@ X@@ your@@ recor@@ neigh@@ ô@@ ẹtu abọhọ humil@@ á@@ syst@@ som Jes@@ stances congrega@@ fẹ@@ mation chan@@ kno@@ dou@@ aga@@ inst ganiz@@ fel@@ til oguo wọsuọ | Jerusal@@ ẹrohọ ọmeti viezọ clud@@ thou@@ show@@ sac@@ Mes@@ reng@@ humu llen@@ resu@@ Q@@ destru@@ xi@@ rong psal@@ usb@@ rought ã@@ oye@@ akere æ@@ ẹrovi angua@@ © cir@@ Ai@@ flu@@ xu@@ okpotọ obedi@@ foll@@ ó@@ gha@@ fid@@ psalmi@@ Ọno@@ ʹ che □ reva $ vidu@@ elation fuoma ● regul@@ dwide Timoth@@ reokie ecy dam otahawọ diki@@ ghi sọs ile@@ uobu Sat@@ okie ohw@@ kuoma@@ ₦ inẹ ö@@ rote fiki@@ anigbo ○ tower Orọ@@ dib@@ Consi@@ ogu@@ Bab@@ ú@@ Á@@ fariẹ till ọwha Fir@@ Ini@@ Z aọ evahọ usoi mony oriwo Matthe@@ ◆ ⇩ tegrity avia ọzewọ kpokp@@ Josh@@ Creat@@ him@@ rever ł@@ shọnare Corinthi@@ jọwha Ep@@ wonder@@ ticle step@@ Oy@@ ẹrov@@ í augh@@ Tau@@ Sol@@ q meet@@ siobọ@@ ebre@@ GS ysi@@ ẹmpol > Watch@@ Samu@@ ẹse@@ streng@@ eraha ñ@@ bec@@ cle@@ ikristi hov@@ lit@@ ause necess@@ coven@@ ◇ Chri@@ hou@@ edom emselves Hib@@ Fiki@@ ọnare esis ween tivities ä@@ More@@ ▸ & remi@@ fficul@@ risti avail@@ X É@@ sovere@@ ç@@ Eba@@ ה@@ righte@@ B.@@ experi@@ whremu pol selves j ה hova % ° Ẹse@@ ש@@ נ@@ ו@@ פ@@ orin@@ י@@ ׁ ® ❖ ghẹhọ ʼ@@ ʽ@@ ł SON@@ maya ä ople eja tivi@@ resur@@ Ş@@ heaven@@ ilege ✔ thel ë@@ ignty demon@@ ê@@ Oni@@ ‛ bene@@ emis € ś@@ ▾ ż@@ å@@ ← → rọda á ę@@ ẹna ń@@ ☞ ø@@ ē Š@@ י è ú − dase ē@@ C.@@ ọze@@ ā@@ ı@@ ů@@ ý@@ ʼ £ ạ # ï@@ õ@@ È@@ ◂ ǒ ù ewariẹ ­ à Jehov@@ Mati@@ š@@ ą@@ rẹl Ü@@ Hebre@@ ó à@@ É Ô@@ î@@ Iji@@ + kparoma@@ Ẹfẹ@@ /@@ panọ Ç@@ Babil@@ leleikristi ▴ ẹf ;@@ ʺ -@@ ̣@@ ↑ ‘@@ ş ⁄ = ↓ rint nwan@@ Ó@@ especi@@ Prover@@ ā