--- license: cc-by-nc-4.0 --- A bigger badder Thespis and my first pass at Mixtral. Datasets Used: * Dolphin * Ultrachat * Capybara * Augmental * ToxicQA * Magiccoder-Evol-Instruct-110k * Yahoo Answers * OpenOrca * Airoboros 3.1 * grimulkan/physical-reasoning and theory-of-mind ## Prompt Format: Chat ( The default Ooba template and Silly Tavern Template ) ``` {System Prompt} Username: {Input} BotName: {Response} Username: {Input} BotName: {Response} ``` Mixtral seems to require higher temperatures overall compared to Mistral 7b, please mess with your samplers until you find a setting you like. ## Recommended Sampler Setting Ranges * Temp: 1.25 - 2.0 * MinP: 0.1 * RepPen: 1.05 - 1.10 ## Presets ( For the lazy!~ ) ## Recommended Silly Tavern Preset -> Universal-Creative ## Recommended Kobold Horde Preset -> MinP