# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved. from typing import Tuple import torch from torch import nn as nn from torch.autograd import Function from ..utils import ext_loader from .ball_query import ball_query from .knn import knn ext_module = ext_loader.load_ext( '_ext', ['group_points_forward', 'group_points_backward']) class QueryAndGroup(nn.Module): """Groups points with a ball query of radius. Args: max_radius (float): The maximum radius of the balls. If None is given, we will use kNN sampling instead of ball query. sample_num (int): Maximum number of features to gather in the ball. min_radius (float, optional): The minimum radius of the balls. Default: 0. use_xyz (bool, optional): Whether to use xyz. Default: True. return_grouped_xyz (bool, optional): Whether to return grouped xyz. Default: False. normalize_xyz (bool, optional): Whether to normalize xyz. Default: False. uniform_sample (bool, optional): Whether to sample uniformly. Default: False return_unique_cnt (bool, optional): Whether to return the count of unique samples. Default: False. return_grouped_idx (bool, optional): Whether to return grouped idx. Default: False. """ def __init__(self, max_radius, sample_num, min_radius=0, use_xyz=True, return_grouped_xyz=False, normalize_xyz=False, uniform_sample=False, return_unique_cnt=False, return_grouped_idx=False): super().__init__() self.max_radius = max_radius self.min_radius = min_radius self.sample_num = sample_num self.use_xyz = use_xyz self.return_grouped_xyz = return_grouped_xyz self.normalize_xyz = normalize_xyz self.uniform_sample = uniform_sample self.return_unique_cnt = return_unique_cnt self.return_grouped_idx = return_grouped_idx if self.return_unique_cnt: assert self.uniform_sample, \ 'uniform_sample should be True when ' \ 'returning the count of unique samples' if self.max_radius is None: assert not self.normalize_xyz, \ 'can not normalize grouped xyz when max_radius is None' def forward(self, points_xyz, center_xyz, features=None): """ Args: points_xyz (Tensor): (B, N, 3) xyz coordinates of the features. center_xyz (Tensor): (B, npoint, 3) coordinates of the centriods. features (Tensor): (B, C, N) Descriptors of the features. Returns: Tensor: (B, 3 + C, npoint, sample_num) Grouped feature. """ # if self.max_radius is None, we will perform kNN instead of ball query # idx is of shape [B, npoint, sample_num] if self.max_radius is None: idx = knn(self.sample_num, points_xyz, center_xyz, False) idx = idx.transpose(1, 2).contiguous() else: idx = ball_query(self.min_radius, self.max_radius, self.sample_num, points_xyz, center_xyz) if self.uniform_sample: unique_cnt = torch.zeros((idx.shape[0], idx.shape[1])) for i_batch in range(idx.shape[0]): for i_region in range(idx.shape[1]): unique_ind = torch.unique(idx[i_batch, i_region, :]) num_unique = unique_ind.shape[0] unique_cnt[i_batch, i_region] = num_unique sample_ind = torch.randint( 0, num_unique, (self.sample_num - num_unique, ), dtype=torch.long) all_ind = torch.cat((unique_ind, unique_ind[sample_ind])) idx[i_batch, i_region, :] = all_ind xyz_trans = points_xyz.transpose(1, 2).contiguous() # (B, 3, npoint, sample_num) grouped_xyz = grouping_operation(xyz_trans, idx) grouped_xyz_diff = grouped_xyz - \ center_xyz.transpose(1, 2).unsqueeze(-1) # relative offsets if self.normalize_xyz: grouped_xyz_diff /= self.max_radius if features is not None: grouped_features = grouping_operation(features, idx) if self.use_xyz: # (B, C + 3, npoint, sample_num) new_features = torch.cat([grouped_xyz_diff, grouped_features], dim=1) else: new_features = grouped_features else: assert (self.use_xyz ), 'Cannot have not features and not use xyz as a feature!' new_features = grouped_xyz_diff ret = [new_features] if self.return_grouped_xyz: ret.append(grouped_xyz) if self.return_unique_cnt: ret.append(unique_cnt) if self.return_grouped_idx: ret.append(idx) if len(ret) == 1: return ret[0] else: return tuple(ret) class GroupAll(nn.Module): """Group xyz with feature. Args: use_xyz (bool): Whether to use xyz. """ def __init__(self, use_xyz: bool = True): super().__init__() self.use_xyz = use_xyz def forward(self, xyz: torch.Tensor, new_xyz: torch.Tensor, features: torch.Tensor = None): """ Args: xyz (Tensor): (B, N, 3) xyz coordinates of the features. new_xyz (Tensor): new xyz coordinates of the features. features (Tensor): (B, C, N) features to group. Returns: Tensor: (B, C + 3, 1, N) Grouped feature. """ grouped_xyz = xyz.transpose(1, 2).unsqueeze(2) if features is not None: grouped_features = features.unsqueeze(2) if self.use_xyz: # (B, 3 + C, 1, N) new_features = torch.cat([grouped_xyz, grouped_features], dim=1) else: new_features = grouped_features else: new_features = grouped_xyz return new_features class GroupingOperation(Function): """Group feature with given index.""" @staticmethod def forward(ctx, features: torch.Tensor, indices: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """ Args: features (Tensor): (B, C, N) tensor of features to group. indices (Tensor): (B, npoint, nsample) the indices of features to group with. Returns: Tensor: (B, C, npoint, nsample) Grouped features. """ features = features.contiguous() indices = indices.contiguous() B, nfeatures, nsample = indices.size() _, C, N = features.size() output = torch.cuda.FloatTensor(B, C, nfeatures, nsample) ext_module.group_points_forward(B, C, N, nfeatures, nsample, features, indices, output) ctx.for_backwards = (indices, N) return output @staticmethod def backward(ctx, grad_out: torch.Tensor) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: """ Args: grad_out (Tensor): (B, C, npoint, nsample) tensor of the gradients of the output from forward. Returns: Tensor: (B, C, N) gradient of the features. """ idx, N = ctx.for_backwards B, C, npoint, nsample = grad_out.size() grad_features = torch.cuda.FloatTensor(B, C, N).zero_() grad_out_data = grad_out.data.contiguous() ext_module.group_points_backward(B, C, N, npoint, nsample, grad_out_data, idx, grad_features.data) return grad_features, None grouping_operation = GroupingOperation.apply