// Tencent is pleased to support the open source community by making ncnn available. // // Copyright (C) 2017 THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the BSD 3-Clause License (the "License"); you may not use this file except // in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at // // https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed // under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR // CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the // specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. #include "onnx.pb.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static bool read_proto_from_binary(const char* filepath, onnx::ModelProto* message) { std::ifstream fs(filepath, std::ifstream::in | std::ifstream::binary); if (!fs.is_open()) { fprintf(stderr, "open failed %s\n", filepath); return false; } google::protobuf::io::IstreamInputStream input(&fs); google::protobuf::io::CodedInputStream codedstr(&input); #if GOOGLE_PROTOBUF_VERSION >= 3011000 codedstr.SetTotalBytesLimit(INT_MAX); #else codedstr.SetTotalBytesLimit(INT_MAX, INT_MAX / 2); #endif bool success = message->ParseFromCodedStream(&codedstr); fs.close(); return success; } static std::vector get_node_attr_ai(const onnx::NodeProto& node, const char* key) { std::vector v; for (int i = 0; i < node.attribute_size(); i++) { const onnx::AttributeProto& attr = node.attribute(i); if (attr.name() == key) { v.resize(attr.ints_size()); for (int j = 0; j < attr.ints_size(); j++) { v[j] = std::max(std::min(attr.ints(j), (::google::protobuf::int64)INT_MAX), (::google::protobuf::int64)INT_MIN); } break; } } return v; } static void set_node_attr_ai(onnx::NodeProto& node, const char* key, const std::vector& value) { onnx::AttributeProto* attr_group = node.add_attribute(); attr_group->set_name(key); for (auto v : value) { attr_group->add_ints(v); } return; } static std::vector get_node_attr_af(const onnx::NodeProto& node, const char* key) { std::vector v; for (int i = 0; i < node.attribute_size(); i++) { const onnx::AttributeProto& attr = node.attribute(i); if (attr.name() == key) { v.resize(attr.floats_size()); for (int j = 0; j < attr.floats_size(); j++) { v[j] = attr.floats(j); } break; } } return v; } static int get_node_attr_i(const onnx::NodeProto& node, const char* key, int def = 0) { for (int i = 0; i < node.attribute_size(); i++) { const onnx::AttributeProto& attr = node.attribute(i); if (attr.name() == key) { return std::max(std::min(attr.i(), (::google::protobuf::int64)INT_MAX), (::google::protobuf::int64)INT_MIN); } } return def; } static float get_node_attr_f(const onnx::NodeProto& node, const char* key, float def = 0.f) { for (int i = 0; i < node.attribute_size(); i++) { const onnx::AttributeProto& attr = node.attribute(i); if (attr.name() == key) { return attr.f(); } } return def; } static std::string get_node_attr_s(const onnx::NodeProto& node, const char* key, const std::string& def = std::string()) { for (int i = 0; i < node.attribute_size(); i++) { const onnx::AttributeProto& attr = node.attribute(i); if (attr.name() == key) { return attr.s(); } } return def; } static onnx::TensorProto get_node_attr_tensor(const onnx::NodeProto& node, const char* key) { for (int i = 0; i < node.attribute_size(); i++) { const onnx::AttributeProto& attr = node.attribute(i); if (attr.name() == key) { return attr.t(); } } return onnx::TensorProto(); } static float get_node_attr_from_input_f(const onnx::TensorProto& tp) { float v = 0.f; // float if (tp.data_type() == 1) { const float* shape_data = 0; if (tp.has_raw_data()) { shape_data = (const float*)tp.raw_data().data(); } else { shape_data = tp.float_data().data(); } v = shape_data[0]; } // double else if (tp.data_type() == 11) { const double* shape_data = 0; if (tp.has_raw_data()) { shape_data = (const double*)tp.raw_data().data(); } else { shape_data = tp.double_data().data(); } v = shape_data[0]; } // int64 else if (tp.data_type() == 7) { const int64_t* shape_data = 0; if (tp.has_raw_data()) { shape_data = (const int64_t*)tp.raw_data().data(); } else { shape_data = tp.int64_data().data(); } v = std::max(std::min(shape_data[0], (::google::protobuf::int64)INT_MAX), (::google::protobuf::int64)INT_MIN); } // int32 else if (tp.data_type() == 6) { const int32_t* shape_data = 0; if (tp.has_raw_data()) { shape_data = (const int32_t*)tp.raw_data().data(); } else { shape_data = tp.int32_data().data(); } v = shape_data[0]; } else { fprintf(stderr, "Unknown data type %d\n", tp.data_type()); abort(); } return v; } static std::vector get_node_attr_from_input_ai(const onnx::TensorProto& tp) { int size = 0; std::vector v; // int64 if (tp.data_type() == 7) { const int64_t* shape_data = 0; if (tp.has_raw_data()) { shape_data = (const int64_t*)tp.raw_data().data(); size = (int)(tp.raw_data().size() / 8); } else { shape_data = tp.int64_data().data(); size = tp.int64_data_size(); } for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) { int vi = std::max(std::min(shape_data[j], (::google::protobuf::int64)INT_MAX), (::google::protobuf::int64)INT_MIN); v.push_back(vi); } } // int32 else if (tp.data_type() == 6) { const int32_t* shape_data = 0; if (tp.has_raw_data()) { shape_data = (const int32_t*)tp.raw_data().data(); size = (int)(tp.raw_data().size() / 4); } else { shape_data = tp.int32_data().data(); size = tp.int32_data_size(); } for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) { v.push_back(shape_data[j]); } } else { fprintf(stderr, "Unknown data type %d\n", tp.data_type()); } return v; } static std::vector get_node_attr_from_input_af(const onnx::TensorProto& tp) { int size = 0; std::vector v; // float if (tp.data_type() == 1) { const float* shape_data = 0; if (tp.has_raw_data()) { shape_data = (const float*)tp.raw_data().data(); size = (int)(tp.raw_data().size() / 4); } else { shape_data = tp.float_data().data(); size = tp.float_data_size(); } for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) { v.push_back(shape_data[j]); } } // double else if (tp.data_type() == 11) { const double* shape_data = 0; if (tp.has_raw_data()) { shape_data = (const double*)tp.raw_data().data(); size = (int)(tp.raw_data().size() / 8); } else { shape_data = tp.double_data().data(); size = tp.double_data_size(); } for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) { v.push_back((float)shape_data[j]); } } else { fprintf(stderr, "Unknown data type %d\n", tp.data_type()); } return v; } static int get_tensor_proto_data_size(const onnx::TensorProto& tp) { if (tp.has_raw_data()) { const std::string& raw_data = tp.raw_data(); int size = (int)raw_data.size() / 4; return size; } else if (tp.data_type() == 1) { return tp.float_data_size(); } return 0; } static void fwrite_tensor_proto_data(const onnx::TensorProto& tp, FILE* bp) { int size = get_tensor_proto_data_size(tp); if (tp.has_raw_data()) { const std::string& raw_data = tp.raw_data(); fwrite(raw_data.data(), sizeof(float), size, bp); } else if (tp.data_type() == 1) { fwrite(tp.float_data().data(), sizeof(float), size, bp); } } static void fuse_rewrite_gather(onnx::GraphProto* mutable_graph, std::map& weights, std::map& node_reference, std::set& blob_names, int& reduced_node_count) { const int node_count = mutable_graph->node_size(); for (int i = 0; i < node_count; ++i) { onnx::NodeProto* gather = mutable_graph->mutable_node(i); if (gather->op_type() != "Gather") { continue; } auto indices = get_node_attr_from_input_ai(weights[gather->input(1)]); if (indices.size() != 1) { continue; } { // reconstruct node connections node_reference[gather->input(1)] -= 1; std::string origin_inp = gather->input(0); gather->clear_input(); gather->add_input(origin_inp); } { // update axis, starts and ends int axis = get_node_attr_i(*gather, "axis", 1) - 1; gather->set_op_type("Crop"); gather->clear_attribute(); int indice = indices[0]; set_node_attr_ai(*gather, "starts", std::vector {indice}); set_node_attr_ai(*gather, "ends", std::vector {indice + 1}); set_node_attr_ai(*gather, "axis", std::vector {axis}); } } } static void fuse_weight_reshape(onnx::GraphProto* mutable_graph, std::map& weights, std::map& node_reference, std::set& blob_names, int& reduced_node_count) { int node_count = mutable_graph->node_size(); for (int i = 0; i < node_count; i++) { onnx::NodeProto* node = mutable_graph->mutable_node(i); // weight <= Reshape(weight) if (node->op_type() == "Reshape") { // check weight if (weights.find(node->input(0)) == weights.end()) continue; weights[node->output(0)] = weights[node->input(0)]; // set weight shape directly std::vector shape; if (node->input_size() == 1) { shape = get_node_attr_ai(*node, "shape"); } else if (node->input_size() == 2) { // opset 5 shape = get_node_attr_from_input_ai(weights[node->input(1)]); } weights[node->output(0)].clear_dims(); for (int j = 0; j < shape.size(); j++) { weights[node->output(0)].add_dims(shape[j]); } // reduce node->set_op_type("noop_reducedncnn"); node_reference[node->input(0)] -= 1; if (node->input_size() == 2) { node_reference[node->input(1)] -= 1; } reduced_node_count += 1; i += 1; } } } static void fuse_weight_transpose(onnx::GraphProto* mutable_graph, std::map& weights, std::map& node_reference, std::set& blob_names, int& reduced_node_count) { int node_count = mutable_graph->node_size(); for (int i = 0; i < node_count; i++) { onnx::NodeProto* node = mutable_graph->mutable_node(i); // weight <= Transpose(weight) if (node->op_type() == "Transpose") { // check weight if (weights.find(node->input(0)) == weights.end()) continue; if (weights[node->input(0)].dims_size() != 2) continue; // perm = (1, 0) std::vector perm = get_node_attr_ai(*node, "perm"); if (perm.size() != 2) continue; if (perm[0] != 1 || perm[1] != 0) continue; weights[node->output(0)] = weights[node->input(0)]; // permute weight { onnx::TensorProto& B = weights[node->output(0)]; const int h = B.dims(0); const int w = B.dims(1); std::vector permuted_data; permuted_data.reserve((size_t)h * w); const float* bptr = B.has_raw_data() ? (const float*)B.raw_data().data() : B.float_data().data(); for (int j = 0; j < w; j++) { for (int k = 0; k < h; k++) { float vb = bptr[k * w + j]; permuted_data.push_back(vb); } } B.set_dims(0, w); B.set_dims(1, h); if (B.has_raw_data()) { B.set_raw_data(permuted_data.data(), permuted_data.size() * sizeof(float)); } else { for (int j = 0; j < (int)permuted_data.size(); j++) B.set_float_data(j, permuted_data[j]); } } // reduce node->set_op_type("noop_reducedncnn"); node_reference[node->input(0)] -= 1; reduced_node_count += 1; i += 1; } } } static void fuse_shufflechannel(onnx::GraphProto* mutable_graph, std::map& weights, std::map& node_reference, std::set& blob_names, int& reduced_node_count) { int node_count = mutable_graph->node_size(); for (int i = 0; i < node_count; i++) { onnx::NodeProto* node = mutable_graph->mutable_node(i); // ShuffleChannel <= Reshape - Transpose - Reshape // ShuffleChannel <= Reshape - Transpose - Constant - Reshape if (node->op_type() == "Reshape") { if (node_reference[node->output(0)] != 1) continue; std::vector shape; if (node->input_size() == 1) { shape = get_node_attr_ai(*node, "shape"); } else { // skip weight reshape if (weights.find(node->input(1)) == weights.end()) continue; shape = get_node_attr_from_input_ai(weights[node->input(1)]); } // 1 groups channels_per_group, height, width // reverse style = channels_per_group, groups, height * width if (shape.size() != 5 && shape.size() != 3) continue; if (shape.size() == 5 && shape[0] != 1) continue; if (i + 2 >= node_count) continue; onnx::NodeProto* node2 = mutable_graph->mutable_node(i + 1); onnx::NodeProto* node3 = mutable_graph->mutable_node(i + 2); if (node3->op_type() == "Constant") { if (i + 3 >= node_count) continue; node3 = mutable_graph->mutable_node(i + 3); } if (node2->op_type() != "Transpose" || node3->op_type() != "Reshape") continue; if (node_reference[node2->output(0)] != 1) continue; // 0 2 1 3 4 // reverse style = 1 0 2 std::vector perm = get_node_attr_ai(*node2, "perm"); if (perm.size() != 5 && perm.size() != 3) continue; if (perm.size() == 5 && (perm[0] != 0 || perm[1] != 2 || perm[2] != 1 || perm[3] != 3 || perm[4] != 4)) continue; if (perm.size() == 3 && (perm[0] != 1 || perm[1] != 0 || perm[2] != 2)) continue; std::vector shape3; if (node3->input_size() == 1) { shape3 = get_node_attr_ai(*node3, "shape"); } else { // skip weight reshape if (weights.find(node3->input(1)) == weights.end()) continue; shape3 = get_node_attr_from_input_ai(weights[node3->input(1)]); } // 1, -1, height, width // reverse style = group, -1, channels_per_group, height, width if (shape3.size() != 4 && shape3.size() != 5) continue; if (shape3.size() == 4 && (shape3[0] != 1 || (shape3[1] != -1 && shape3[1] != shape[1] * shape[2]))) continue; if (shape3.size() == 5 && (shape3[0] != shape[1] || shape3[2] != shape[0] || shape3[3] * shape3[4] != shape[2])) continue; // reduce node->set_op_type("noop_reducedncnn"); node2->set_op_type("noop_reducedncnn"); if (node->input_size() == 2) { node_reference[node->input(1)] -= 1; } node_reference[node->output(0)] -= 1; node_reference[node2->output(0)] -= 1; if (node3->input_size() == 2) { node_reference[node3->input(1)] -= 1; } blob_names.erase(node->output(0)); blob_names.erase(node2->output(0)); node3->set_op_type("ShuffleChannel"); node3->set_input(0, node->input(0)); onnx::AttributeProto* attr_group = node3->add_attribute(); attr_group->set_name("group"); attr_group->set_i(shape[1]); onnx::AttributeProto* attr_reverse = node3->add_attribute(); attr_reverse->set_name("reverse"); attr_reverse->set_i(shape.size() == 3); reduced_node_count += 2; i += 2; } } } static void fuse_shufflechannel_split(onnx::GraphProto* mutable_graph, std::map& weights, std::map& node_reference, std::set& blob_names, int& reduced_node_count) { int node_count = mutable_graph->node_size(); for (int i = 0; i < node_count; i++) { onnx::NodeProto* node = mutable_graph->mutable_node(i); // Split <= ShuffleChannel(reverse type) - Gather(0) - Gather(1) if (node->op_type() == "ShuffleChannel") { // reverse = 1 int reverse = get_node_attr_i(*node, "reverse"); if (reverse != 1) continue; if (i + 2 >= node_count) continue; onnx::NodeProto* node2 = mutable_graph->mutable_node(i + 1); onnx::NodeProto* node3 = mutable_graph->mutable_node(i + 2); if (node2->op_type() != "Gather" || node3->op_type() != "Gather") continue; if (node2->input(0) != node->output(0) || node3->input(0) != node->output(0)) continue; // axis = 0 int gather2_axis = get_node_attr_i(*node2, "axis"); if (gather2_axis != 0) continue; // indices = 0 if (weights.find(node2->input(1)) == weights.end()) continue; std::vector gather2_indices = get_node_attr_from_input_ai(weights[node2->input(1)]); if (gather2_indices.size() != 1 || gather2_indices[0] != 0) continue; // axis = 0 int gather3_axis = get_node_attr_i(*node3, "axis"); if (gather3_axis != 0) continue; // indices = 1 if (weights.find(node3->input(1)) == weights.end()) continue; std::vector gather3_indices = get_node_attr_from_input_ai(weights[node3->input(1)]); if (gather3_indices.size() != 1 || gather3_indices[0] != 1) continue; // reduce node2->set_op_type("noop_reducedncnn"); node_reference[node->output(0)] -= 2; node_reference[node2->input(1)] -= 1; node_reference[node3->input(1)] -= 1; node3->set_op_type("Split"); node3->clear_input(); node3->add_input(node->output(0)); node3->add_output(node3->output(0)); node3->set_output(0, node2->output(0)); node3->clear_attribute(); onnx::AttributeProto* attr_axis = node3->add_attribute(); attr_axis->set_name("axis"); attr_axis->set_i(1); reduced_node_count += 1; i += 1; } } } static void fuse_hardswish(onnx::GraphProto* mutable_graph, std::map& weights, std::map& node_reference, std::set& blob_names, int& reduced_node_count) { int node_count = mutable_graph->node_size(); for (int i = 0; i < node_count; i++) { onnx::NodeProto* node = mutable_graph->mutable_node(i); // HardSwish <= Add(+3) - Clip(0,6) - Mul(X,) - Div(/6) // HardSwish <= Add(+3) - Clip(0,6) - Mul(X,) - Mul(*(1/6)) // HardSwish <= Add(+3) - Clip(0,6) - Mul(X,) - Constant - Div(/6) // HardSwish <= Add(+3) - Clip(0,6) - Mul(X,) - Constant - Mul(*(1/6)) // out = x * F.relu6(x + 3, inplace=True) / 6 if (node->op_type() == "Add") { if (node_reference[node->output(0)] != 1) continue; if (i + 3 >= node_count) continue; if (weights.find(node->input(1)) == weights.end()) continue; const onnx::TensorProto& add_three = weights[node->input(1)]; if (add_three.dims_size() != 0 || get_tensor_proto_data_size(add_three) != 1) continue; float constant_add_three = get_node_attr_from_input_f(add_three); if (constant_add_three != 3.f) continue; onnx::NodeProto* node2 = mutable_graph->mutable_node(i + 1); onnx::NodeProto* node3 = mutable_graph->mutable_node(i + 2); onnx::NodeProto* node4 = mutable_graph->mutable_node(i + 3); if (node4->op_type() == "Constant") { if (i + 4 >= node_count) continue; node4 = mutable_graph->mutable_node(i + 4); } if (node2->op_type() != "Clip" || node3->op_type() != "Mul" || (node4->op_type() != "Div" && node4->op_type() != "Mul")) continue; if (node_reference[node2->output(0)] != 1) continue; float relu6_min; float relu6_max; if (node2->input_size() == 1) { relu6_min = get_node_attr_f(*node2, "min", -FLT_MAX); relu6_max = get_node_attr_f(*node2, "max", FLT_MAX); } else { const onnx::TensorProto& min_tp = weights[node2->input(1)]; const onnx::TensorProto& max_tp = weights[node2->input(2)]; relu6_min = get_node_attr_from_input_f(min_tp); relu6_max = get_node_attr_from_input_f(max_tp); } if (relu6_min != 0.f || relu6_max != 6.f) continue; if (node_reference[node3->output(0)] != 1) continue; if (node3->input(0) != node->input(0) || node3->input(1) != node2->output(0)) continue; if (weights.find(node4->input(1)) == weights.end()) continue; const onnx::TensorProto& div_six = weights[node4->input(1)]; if (div_six.dims_size() != 0 || get_tensor_proto_data_size(div_six) != 1) continue; float constant_div_six = get_node_attr_from_input_f(div_six); if (node4->op_type() == "Div" && constant_div_six != 6.f) continue; if (node4->op_type() == "Mul" && constant_div_six != 1 / 6.f) continue; // reduce node->set_op_type("noop_reducedncnn"); node2->set_op_type("noop_reducedncnn"); node3->set_op_type("noop_reducedncnn"); node_reference[node->input(0)] -= 1; node_reference[node->input(1)] -= 1; node_reference[node->output(0)] -= 1; if (node2->input_size() == 3) { node_reference[node2->input(1)] -= 1; node_reference[node2->input(2)] -= 1; } node_reference[node2->output(0)] -= 1; node_reference[node3->output(0)] -= 1; node_reference[node4->input(1)] -= 1; blob_names.erase(node->output(0)); blob_names.erase(node2->output(0)); blob_names.erase(node3->output(0)); node4->set_op_type("HardSwish"); node4->clear_input(); node4->add_input(node->input(0)); onnx::AttributeProto* attr_alpha = node4->add_attribute(); attr_alpha->set_name("alpha"); attr_alpha->set_f(1.f / 6.f); onnx::AttributeProto* attr_beta = node4->add_attribute(); attr_beta->set_name("beta"); attr_beta->set_f(3.f / 6.f); reduced_node_count += 3; i += 3; } } for (int i = 0; i < node_count; i++) { onnx::NodeProto* node = mutable_graph->mutable_node(i); // HardSwish <= HardSigmoid - Mul // out = x * hsigmoid(x) if (node->op_type() == "HardSigmoid") { if (node_reference[node->output(0)] != 1) continue; float alpha = get_node_attr_f(*node, "alpha", 0.2f); float beta = get_node_attr_f(*node, "beta", 0.5f); if (i + 1 >= node_count) continue; onnx::NodeProto* node2 = mutable_graph->mutable_node(i + 1); if (node2->op_type() != "Mul") continue; if (node2->input(0) != node->input(0) || node2->input(1) != node->output(0)) continue; // reduce node->set_op_type("noop_reducedncnn"); node_reference[node->input(0)] -= 1; node_reference[node->output(0)] -= 1; blob_names.erase(node->output(0)); node2->set_op_type("HardSwish"); node2->clear_input(); node2->add_input(node->input(0)); onnx::AttributeProto* attr_alpha = node2->add_attribute(); attr_alpha->set_name("alpha"); attr_alpha->set_f(alpha); onnx::AttributeProto* attr_beta = node2->add_attribute(); attr_beta->set_name("beta"); attr_beta->set_f(beta); reduced_node_count += 1; i += 1; } } } static void fuse_hardsigmoid(onnx::GraphProto* mutable_graph, std::map& weights, std::map& node_reference, std::set& blob_names, int& reduced_node_count) { int node_count = mutable_graph->node_size(); for (int i = 0; i < node_count; i++) { onnx::NodeProto* node = mutable_graph->mutable_node(i); // HardSigmoid <= Add(+3) - Clip(0,6) - Div(/6) // HardSigmoid <= Add(+3) - Clip(0,6) - Mul(*(1/6)) // HardSigmoid <= Add(+3) - Clip(0,6) - Constant - Div(/6) // HardSigmoid <= Add(+3) - Clip(0,6) - Constant - Mul(*(1/6)) // out = F.relu6(x + 3, inplace=True) / 6 if (node->op_type() == "Add") { if (node_reference[node->output(0)] != 1) continue; if (i + 2 >= node_count) continue; if (weights.find(node->input(1)) == weights.end()) continue; const onnx::TensorProto& add_three = weights[node->input(1)]; if (add_three.dims_size() != 0 || get_tensor_proto_data_size(add_three) != 1) continue; float constant_add_three = get_node_attr_from_input_f(add_three); if (constant_add_three != 3.f) continue; onnx::NodeProto* node2 = mutable_graph->mutable_node(i + 1); onnx::NodeProto* node3 = mutable_graph->mutable_node(i + 2); if (node3->op_type() == "Constant") { if (i + 3 >= node_count) continue; node3 = mutable_graph->mutable_node(i + 3); } if (node2->op_type() != "Clip" || (node3->op_type() != "Div" && node3->op_type() != "Mul")) continue; if (node_reference[node2->output(0)] != 1) continue; float relu6_min; float relu6_max; if (node2->input_size() == 1) { relu6_min = get_node_attr_f(*node2, "min", -FLT_MAX); relu6_max = get_node_attr_f(*node2, "max", FLT_MAX); } else { const onnx::TensorProto& min_tp = weights[node2->input(1)]; const onnx::TensorProto& max_tp = weights[node2->input(2)]; relu6_min = get_node_attr_from_input_f(min_tp); relu6_max = get_node_attr_from_input_f(max_tp); } if (relu6_min != 0.f || relu6_max != 6.f) continue; if (weights.find(node3->input(1)) == weights.end()) continue; const onnx::TensorProto& div_six = weights[node3->input(1)]; if (div_six.dims_size() != 0 || get_tensor_proto_data_size(div_six) != 1) continue; float constant_div_six = get_node_attr_from_input_f(div_six); if (node3->op_type() == "Div" && constant_div_six != 6.f) continue; if (node3->op_type() == "Mul" && constant_div_six != 1 / 6.f) continue; // reduce node->set_op_type("noop_reducedncnn"); node2->set_op_type("noop_reducedncnn"); node_reference[node->input(1)] -= 1; node_reference[node->output(0)] -= 1; if (node2->input_size() == 3) { node_reference[node2->input(1)] -= 1; node_reference[node2->input(2)] -= 1; } node_reference[node2->output(0)] -= 1; node_reference[node3->input(1)] -= 1; blob_names.erase(node->output(0)); blob_names.erase(node2->output(0)); node3->set_op_type("HardSigmoid"); node3->clear_input(); node3->add_input(node->input(0)); onnx::AttributeProto* attr_alpha = node3->add_attribute(); attr_alpha->set_name("alpha"); attr_alpha->set_f(1.f / 6.f); onnx::AttributeProto* attr_beta = node3->add_attribute(); attr_beta->set_name("beta"); attr_beta->set_f(3.f / 6.f); reduced_node_count += 2; i += 2; } } } static void fuse_swish(onnx::GraphProto* mutable_graph, std::map& weights, std::map& node_reference, std::set& blob_names, int& reduced_node_count) { int node_count = mutable_graph->node_size(); for (int i = 0; i < node_count; i++) { onnx::NodeProto* node = mutable_graph->mutable_node(i); // Swish <= Sigmoid - Mul // x * torch.sigmoid(x) if (node->op_type() == "Sigmoid") { if (node_reference[node->output(0)] != 1) continue; if (i + 1 >= node_count) continue; onnx::NodeProto* node2 = mutable_graph->mutable_node(i + 1); if (node2->op_type() != "Mul") continue; if (node2->input(0) != node->input(0) || node2->input(1) != node->output(0)) continue; // reduce node->set_op_type("noop_reducedncnn"); node_reference[node->input(0)] -= 1; node_reference[node->output(0)] -= 1; blob_names.erase(node->output(0)); node2->set_op_type("Swish"); node2->clear_input(); node2->add_input(node->input(0)); reduced_node_count += 1; i += 1; } } } static void fuse_batchnorm1d_squeeze_unsqueeze(onnx::GraphProto* mutable_graph, std::map& weights, std::map& node_reference, std::set& blob_names, int& reduced_node_count) { int node_count = mutable_graph->node_size(); for (int i = 0; i < node_count; i++) { onnx::NodeProto* node = mutable_graph->mutable_node(i); // BatchNormalization <= Unsqueeze - BatchNormalization - Squeeze if (node->op_type() == "Unsqueeze") { if (node_reference[node->output(0)] != 1) continue; if (i + 2 >= node_count) continue; onnx::NodeProto* node2 = mutable_graph->mutable_node(i + 1); onnx::NodeProto* node3 = mutable_graph->mutable_node(i + 2); if (node2->op_type() != "BatchNormalization" || node3->op_type() != "Squeeze") continue; if (node_reference[node2->output(0)] != 1) continue; if (node2->input(0) != node->output(0) || node3->input(0) != node2->output(0)) continue; // reduce node->set_op_type("noop_reducedncnn"); node3->set_op_type("noop_reducedncnn"); node_reference[node->output(0)] -= 1; node_reference[node2->output(0)] -= 1; blob_names.erase(node->output(0)); blob_names.erase(node2->output(0)); node2->set_input(0, node->input(0)); node2->set_output(0, node3->output(0)); reduced_node_count += 2; i += 2; } } } static void fuse_unsqueeze_prelu(onnx::GraphProto* mutable_graph, std::map& weights, std::map& node_reference, std::set& blob_names, int& reduced_node_count) { int node_count = mutable_graph->node_size(); for (int i = 0; i < node_count; i++) { onnx::NodeProto* node = mutable_graph->mutable_node(i); // PReLU <= Unsqueeze - PReLU if (node->op_type() == "Unsqueeze") { // check weight if (weights.find(node->input(0)) == weights.end()) continue; onnx::TensorProto& B = weights[node->input(0)]; if (B.dims_size() != 1) continue; if (node_reference[node->output(0)] != 1) continue; // axes = (1, 2) std::vector axes = get_node_attr_ai(*node, "axes"); if (axes.size() != 2) continue; if (axes[0] != 1 || axes[1] != 2) continue; if (i + 1 >= node_count) continue; onnx::NodeProto* node2 = mutable_graph->mutable_node(i + 1); if (node2->op_type() != "PRelu") continue; if (node2->input(1) != node->output(0)) continue; // reduce node->set_op_type("noop_reducedncnn"); node_reference[node->output(0)] -= 1; blob_names.erase(node->output(0)); node2->set_input(1, node->input(0)); reduced_node_count += 1; i += 1; } } } static void fuse_normalize(onnx::GraphProto* mutable_graph, std::map& weights, std::map& node_reference, std::set& blob_names, int& reduced_node_count) { int node_count = mutable_graph->node_size(); for (int i = 0; i < node_count; i++) { onnx::NodeProto* node = mutable_graph->mutable_node(i); // Normalize <= X - ReduceL2 - Clip - Expand - Div // Normalize <= X - ReduceL2 - Clip - Shape - Expand - Div if (node->op_type() == "ReduceL2") { if (node_reference[node->output(0)] != 1) continue; // axes = (1) std::vector axes = get_node_attr_ai(*node, "axes"); if (axes.size() != 1) continue; if (axes[0] != 1) continue; if (i + 3 >= node_count) continue; onnx::NodeProto* node2 = mutable_graph->mutable_node(i + 1); onnx::NodeProto* node3 = mutable_graph->mutable_node(i + 2); onnx::NodeProto* node4 = mutable_graph->mutable_node(i + 3); bool has_shape_node = node3->op_type() == "Shape"; onnx::NodeProto* node_shape = 0; if (has_shape_node) { if (i + 4 >= node_count) continue; node_shape = node3; node3 = mutable_graph->mutable_node(i + 3); node4 = mutable_graph->mutable_node(i + 4); } if (node2->op_type() != "Clip" || node3->op_type() != "Expand" || node4->op_type() != "Div") continue; if (node_reference[node2->output(0)] != 1) continue; if (node_reference[node3->output(0)] != 1) continue; if (node2->input(0) != node->output(0) || node3->input(0) != node2->output(0) || node4->input(0) != node->input(0) || node4->input(1) != node3->output(0)) continue; if (has_shape_node) { if (node_shape->input(0) != node->input(0) || node3->input(1) != node_shape->output(0)) continue; } // +eps float clip_min; if (node2->input_size() == 1) { clip_min = get_node_attr_f(*node2, "min", -FLT_MAX); } else { const onnx::TensorProto& min_tp = weights[node2->input(1)]; clip_min = get_node_attr_from_input_f(min_tp); } // reduce node->set_op_type("noop_reducedncnn"); node2->set_op_type("noop_reducedncnn"); if (has_shape_node) { node_shape->set_op_type("noop_reducedncnn"); } node3->set_op_type("noop_reducedncnn"); node_reference[node->input(0)] -= has_shape_node ? 2 : 1; node_reference[node->output(0)] -= 1; node_reference[node2->output(0)] -= 1; if (has_shape_node) { node_reference[node_shape->output(0)] -= 1; } node_reference[node3->output(0)] -= 1; if (node3->input_size() == 2) { node_reference[node3->input(1)] -= 1; } blob_names.erase(node->output(0)); blob_names.erase(node2->output(0)); if (has_shape_node) { blob_names.erase(node_shape->output(0)); } blob_names.erase(node3->output(0)); node4->set_op_type("Normalize"); node4->clear_input(); node4->add_input(node->input(0)); onnx::AttributeProto* attr_alpha = node4->add_attribute(); attr_alpha->set_name("eps"); attr_alpha->set_f(clip_min); reduced_node_count += has_shape_node ? 4 : 3; i += has_shape_node ? 4 : 3; } } } static void fuse_groupnorm(onnx::GraphProto* mutable_graph, std::map& weights, std::map& node_reference, std::set& blob_names, int& reduced_node_count) { int node_count = mutable_graph->node_size(); for (int i = 0; i < node_count; i++) { onnx::NodeProto* node = mutable_graph->mutable_node(i); // GroupNorm <= X - Reshape - InstanceNormalization - Reshape - Mul - Add if (node->op_type() == "Reshape") { if (node_reference[node->output(0)] != 1) continue; std::vector shape; if (node->input_size() == 1) { shape = get_node_attr_ai(*node, "shape"); } else { // skip weight reshape if (weights.find(node->input(1)) == weights.end()) continue; shape = get_node_attr_from_input_ai(weights[node->input(1)]); } // 0, group, -1 if (shape.size() != 3) continue; if (shape[0] != 0 || shape[2] != -1) continue; int groups = shape[1]; if (i + 4 >= node_count) continue; onnx::NodeProto* node2 = mutable_graph->mutable_node(i + 1); onnx::NodeProto* node3 = mutable_graph->mutable_node(i + 2); onnx::NodeProto* node4 = mutable_graph->mutable_node(i + 3); onnx::NodeProto* node5 = mutable_graph->mutable_node(i + 4); if (node2->op_type() != "InstanceNormalization" || node3->op_type() != "Reshape" || node4->op_type() != "Mul" || node5->op_type() != "Add") continue; if (node_reference[node2->output(0)] != 1) continue; if (node_reference[node3->output(0)] != 1) continue; if (node_reference[node4->output(0)] != 1) continue; if (node2->input(0) != node->output(0) || node3->input(0) != node2->output(0) || node4->input(0) != node3->output(0) || node5->input(0) != node4->output(0)) continue; // +eps float eps = get_node_attr_f(*node2, "epsilon", 1e-05f); // InstanceNormalization S=1 B=0 std::vector S = get_node_attr_from_input_af(weights[node2->input(1)]); std::vector B = get_node_attr_from_input_af(weights[node2->input(2)]); if ((int)S.size() != groups || (int)B.size() != groups) continue; bool instancenorm_affine = false; for (int j = 0; j < groups; j++) { if (S[j] != 1.f || B[j] != 0.f) { instancenorm_affine = true; break; } } if (instancenorm_affine) continue; std::vector shape2; if (node3->input_size() == 1) { shape2 = get_node_attr_ai(*node3, "shape"); } else { // skip weight reshape if (weights.find(node3->input(1)) == weights.end()) continue; shape2 = get_node_attr_from_input_ai(weights[node3->input(1)]); } // 1, channels, w, h if (shape2.size() != 4) continue; if (shape2[0] != 1) continue; int channels = shape2[1]; // affine std::vector affine_S = get_node_attr_from_input_af(weights[node4->input(1)]); std::vector affine_B = get_node_attr_from_input_af(weights[node5->input(1)]); if (affine_S.size() == 1 && affine_S[0] == 1.f && affine_B.size() == 1 && affine_B[0] == 0.f) { // no affine } else if ((int)affine_S.size() != channels && (int)affine_B.size() != channels) { // we only allow per-channel affine continue; } // reduce node->set_op_type("noop_reducedncnn"); node2->set_op_type("noop_reducedncnn"); node3->set_op_type("noop_reducedncnn"); node4->set_op_type("noop_reducedncnn"); if (node->input_size() == 2) { node_reference[node->input(1)] -= 1; } node_reference[node->output(0)] -= 1; node_reference[node2->input(1)] -= 1; node_reference[node2->input(2)] -= 1; node_reference[node2->output(0)] -= 1; if (node3->input_size() == 2) { node_reference[node3->input(1)] -= 1; } node_reference[node3->output(0)] -= 1; node_reference[node4->output(0)] -= 1; blob_names.erase(node->output(0)); blob_names.erase(node2->output(0)); blob_names.erase(node3->output(0)); blob_names.erase(node4->output(0)); std::string affine_scale = node4->input(1); std::string affine_bias = node5->input(1); node5->set_op_type("GroupNorm"); node5->clear_input(); node5->add_input(node->input(0)); node5->add_input(affine_scale); node5->add_input(affine_bias); onnx::AttributeProto* attr_groups = node5->add_attribute(); attr_groups->set_name("groups"); attr_groups->set_i(groups); onnx::AttributeProto* attr_channels = node5->add_attribute(); attr_channels->set_name("channels"); attr_channels->set_i(channels); onnx::AttributeProto* attr_eps = node5->add_attribute(); attr_eps->set_name("epsilon"); attr_eps->set_f(eps); onnx::AttributeProto* attr_affine = node5->add_attribute(); attr_affine->set_name("affine"); attr_affine->set_i(1); reduced_node_count += 4; i += 4; } } } static void fuse_layernorm(onnx::GraphProto* mutable_graph, std::map& weights, std::map& node_reference, std::set& blob_names, int& reduced_node_count) { int node_count = mutable_graph->node_size(); for (int i = 0; i < node_count; i++) { onnx::NodeProto* node = mutable_graph->mutable_node(i); // LayerNorm <= X - ReduceMean - Sub - Pow - ReduceMean - Add - Sqrt - Div // LayerNorm <= X - ReduceMean - Sub - Pow - ReduceMean - Add - Sqrt - Div - Mul - Add if (node->op_type() == "ReduceMean") { if (node_reference[node->output(0)] != 1) continue; std::vector axes = get_node_attr_ai(*node, "axes"); // -1 // -2 -1 if (axes.size() != 1 && axes.size() != 2) continue; int normed_axes = (int)axes.size(); if (normed_axes == 1 && axes[0] != -1) continue; if (normed_axes == 2 && (axes[0] != -2 || axes[1] != -1)) continue; if (i + 6 >= node_count) continue; onnx::NodeProto* node2 = mutable_graph->mutable_node(i + 1); onnx::NodeProto* node3 = mutable_graph->mutable_node(i + 2); onnx::NodeProto* node4 = mutable_graph->mutable_node(i + 3); onnx::NodeProto* node5 = mutable_graph->mutable_node(i + 4); onnx::NodeProto* node6 = mutable_graph->mutable_node(i + 5); onnx::NodeProto* node7 = mutable_graph->mutable_node(i + 6); if (node2->op_type() != "Sub" || node3->op_type() != "Pow" || node4->op_type() != "ReduceMean" || node5->op_type() != "Add" || node6->op_type() != "Sqrt" || node7->op_type() != "Div") continue; if (node_reference[node2->output(0)] != 2) continue; if (node_reference[node3->output(0)] != 1) continue; if (node_reference[node4->output(0)] != 1) continue; if (node_reference[node5->output(0)] != 1) continue; if (node_reference[node6->output(0)] != 1) continue; if (node2->input(0) != node->input(0) || node2->input(1) != node->output(0) || node3->input(0) != node2->output(0) || node4->input(0) != node3->output(0) || node5->input(0) != node4->output(0) || node6->input(0) != node5->output(0) || node7->input(0) != node2->output(0) || node7->input(1) != node6->output(0)) continue; if (weights.find(node3->input(1)) == weights.end()) continue; const onnx::TensorProto& pow_two = weights[node3->input(1)]; if (pow_two.dims_size() != 0 || get_tensor_proto_data_size(pow_two) != 1) continue; float constant_pow_two = get_node_attr_from_input_f(pow_two); if (constant_pow_two != 2.f) continue; std::vector axes4 = get_node_attr_ai(*node4, "axes"); // -1 // -2 -1 if ((int)axes4.size() != normed_axes) continue; if (normed_axes == 1 && axes4[0] != -1) continue; if (normed_axes == 2 && (axes4[0] != -2 || axes4[1] != -1)) continue; if (weights.find(node5->input(1)) == weights.end()) continue; const onnx::TensorProto& add_eps = weights[node5->input(1)]; if (add_eps.dims_size() != 0 || get_tensor_proto_data_size(add_eps) != 1) continue; float eps = get_node_attr_from_input_f(add_eps); int affine = 0; while (i + 8 < node_count) { onnx::NodeProto* node8 = mutable_graph->mutable_node(i + 7); onnx::NodeProto* node9 = mutable_graph->mutable_node(i + 8); if (node8->op_type() != "Mul" || node9->op_type() != "Add") break; if (node_reference[node7->output(0)] != 1) break; if (node_reference[node8->output(0)] != 1) break; if (node8->input(0) != node7->output(0) || node9->input(0) != node8->output(0)) break; // affine std::vector affine_S = get_node_attr_from_input_af(weights[node8->input(1)]); std::vector affine_B = get_node_attr_from_input_af(weights[node9->input(1)]); if (affine_S.size() != affine_B.size()) break; affine = 1; break; } // reduce node->set_op_type("noop_reducedncnn"); node2->set_op_type("noop_reducedncnn"); node3->set_op_type("noop_reducedncnn"); node4->set_op_type("noop_reducedncnn"); node5->set_op_type("noop_reducedncnn"); node6->set_op_type("noop_reducedncnn"); node_reference[node->input(0)] -= 1; node_reference[node2->input(0)] -= 1; node_reference[node2->input(1)] -= 1; node_reference[node3->input(0)] -= 1; node_reference[node3->input(1)] -= 1; node_reference[node4->input(0)] -= 1; node_reference[node5->input(0)] -= 1; node_reference[node5->input(1)] -= 1; node_reference[node6->input(0)] -= 1; node_reference[node7->input(0)] -= 1; node_reference[node7->input(1)] -= 1; blob_names.erase(node->output(0)); blob_names.erase(node2->output(0)); blob_names.erase(node3->output(0)); blob_names.erase(node4->output(0)); blob_names.erase(node5->output(0)); blob_names.erase(node6->output(0)); node_reference[node->input(0)] += 1; if (affine == 0) { node7->set_op_type("LayerNorm"); node7->clear_input(); node7->add_input(node->input(0)); onnx::AttributeProto* attr_eps = node7->add_attribute(); attr_eps->set_name("epsilon"); attr_eps->set_f(eps); onnx::AttributeProto* attr_affine = node7->add_attribute(); attr_affine->set_name("affine"); attr_affine->set_i(affine); reduced_node_count += 6; i += 6; } else // if (affine == 1) { onnx::NodeProto* node8 = mutable_graph->mutable_node(i + 7); onnx::NodeProto* node9 = mutable_graph->mutable_node(i + 8); node7->set_op_type("noop_reducedncnn"); node8->set_op_type("noop_reducedncnn"); node_reference[node8->input(0)] -= 1; node_reference[node9->input(0)] -= 1; blob_names.erase(node7->output(0)); blob_names.erase(node8->output(0)); std::string affine_scale = node8->input(1); std::string affine_bias = node9->input(1); node9->set_op_type("LayerNorm"); node9->clear_input(); node9->add_input(node->input(0)); node9->add_input(affine_scale); node9->add_input(affine_bias); onnx::AttributeProto* attr_eps = node9->add_attribute(); attr_eps->set_name("epsilon"); attr_eps->set_f(eps); onnx::AttributeProto* attr_affine = node9->add_attribute(); attr_affine->set_name("affine"); attr_affine->set_i(affine); reduced_node_count += 8; i += 8; } } } } static void fuse_flatten(onnx::GraphProto* mutable_graph, std::map& weights, std::map& node_reference, std::set& blob_names, int& reduced_node_count) { int node_count = mutable_graph->node_size(); for (int i = 0; i < node_count; i++) { onnx::NodeProto* node = mutable_graph->mutable_node(i); // Flatten <= X - Shape - Gather - Constant - Unsqueeze - Unsqueeze - Concat - Reshape if (node->op_type() == "Shape") { if (node_reference[node->output(0)] != 1) continue; if (i + 6 >= node_count) continue; onnx::NodeProto* node2 = mutable_graph->mutable_node(i + 1); onnx::NodeProto* node3 = mutable_graph->mutable_node(i + 2); onnx::NodeProto* node4 = mutable_graph->mutable_node(i + 3); onnx::NodeProto* node5 = mutable_graph->mutable_node(i + 4); onnx::NodeProto* node6 = mutable_graph->mutable_node(i + 5); onnx::NodeProto* node7 = mutable_graph->mutable_node(i + 6); if (node2->op_type() != "Gather" || node3->op_type() != "Constant" || node4->op_type() != "Unsqueeze" || node5->op_type() != "Unsqueeze" || node6->op_type() != "Concat" || node7->op_type() != "Reshape") continue; if (node_reference[node2->output(0)] != 1) continue; // if (node_reference[node3->output(0)] != 1) // continue; if (node_reference[node4->output(0)] != 1) continue; if (node_reference[node5->output(0)] != 1) continue; if (node_reference[node6->output(0)] != 1) continue; if (node2->input(0) != node->output(0) || node4->input(0) != node2->output(0) || node5->input(0) != node3->output(0) || node6->input(0) != node4->output(0) || node6->input(1) != node5->output(0) || node7->input(0) != node->input(0) || node7->input(1) != node6->output(0)) continue; // axis = 0 int gather_axis = get_node_attr_i(*node2, "axis"); if (gather_axis != 0) continue; // indices = 0 if (weights.find(node2->input(1)) == weights.end()) continue; std::vector gather_indices = get_node_attr_from_input_ai(weights[node2->input(1)]); if (gather_indices.size() != 1 || gather_indices[0] != 0) continue; // axes = (0) std::vector unsqueeze_axes = get_node_attr_ai(*node4, "axes"); if (unsqueeze_axes.size() != 1) continue; if (unsqueeze_axes[0] != 0) continue; // axes = (0) std::vector unsqueeze2_axes = get_node_attr_ai(*node5, "axes"); if (unsqueeze2_axes.size() != 1) continue; if (unsqueeze2_axes[0] != 0) continue; // data = -1 if (weights.find(node5->input(0)) == weights.end()) continue; std::vector unsqueeze2_data = get_node_attr_from_input_ai(weights[node5->input(0)]); if (unsqueeze2_data.size() != 1 || unsqueeze2_data[0] != -1) continue; // axis = 0 int concat_axis = get_node_attr_i(*node6, "axis"); if (concat_axis != 0) continue; // reduce node->set_op_type("noop_reducedncnn"); node2->set_op_type("noop_reducedncnn"); // node3->set_op_type("noop_reducedncnn"); node4->set_op_type("noop_reducedncnn"); node5->set_op_type("noop_reducedncnn"); node6->set_op_type("noop_reducedncnn"); node_reference[node->input(0)] -= 1; node_reference[node->output(0)] -= 1; node_reference[node2->input(1)] -= 1; node_reference[node2->output(0)] -= 1; // node_reference[node3->output(0)] -= 1; node_reference[node4->output(0)] -= 1; node_reference[node5->input(0)] -= 1; node_reference[node5->output(0)] -= 1; node_reference[node6->output(0)] -= 1; blob_names.erase(node->output(0)); blob_names.erase(node2->output(0)); // blob_names.erase(node3->output(0)); blob_names.erase(node4->output(0)); blob_names.erase(node5->output(0)); blob_names.erase(node6->output(0)); node7->set_op_type("Flatten"); node7->clear_input(); node7->add_input(node->input(0)); reduced_node_count += 5; i += 5; } } } static void fuse_pixelshuffle(onnx::GraphProto* mutable_graph, std::map& weights, std::map& node_reference, std::set& blob_names, int& reduced_node_count) { int node_count = mutable_graph->node_size(); for (int i = 0; i < node_count; i++) { onnx::NodeProto* node = mutable_graph->mutable_node(i); // PixelShuffle <= Reshape - Transpose - Reshape // PixelShuffle <= Reshape - Transpose - Constant - Reshape if (node->op_type() == "Reshape") { if (node_reference[node->output(0)] != 1) continue; std::vector shape; if (node->input_size() == 1) { shape = get_node_attr_ai(*node, "shape"); } else { // skip weight reshape if (weights.find(node->input(1)) == weights.end()) continue; shape = get_node_attr_from_input_ai(weights[node->input(1)]); } // -1, 3, upscale_factor, upscale_factor, height, width if (shape.size() != 6) continue; if (shape[0] != 1 && shape[0] != -1) continue; if (shape[2] != shape[3]) continue; if (i + 2 >= node_count) continue; onnx::NodeProto* node2 = mutable_graph->mutable_node(i + 1); onnx::NodeProto* node3 = mutable_graph->mutable_node(i + 2); if (node3->op_type() == "Constant") { if (i + 3 >= node_count) continue; node3 = mutable_graph->mutable_node(i + 3); } if (node2->op_type() != "Transpose" || node3->op_type() != "Reshape") continue; if (node_reference[node2->output(0)] != 1) continue; // 0 1 4 2 5 3 std::vector perm = get_node_attr_ai(*node2, "perm"); if (perm.size() != 6) continue; if (perm[0] != 0 || perm[1] != 1 || perm[2] != 4 || perm[3] != 2 || perm[4] != 5 || perm[5] != 3) continue; std::vector shape3; if (node3->input_size() == 1) { shape3 = get_node_attr_ai(*node3, "shape"); } else { // skip weight reshape if (weights.find(node3->input(1)) == weights.end()) continue; shape3 = get_node_attr_from_input_ai(weights[node3->input(1)]); } // -1, 3, height, width if (shape3.size() != 4) continue; if (shape3[0] != 1 && shape3[0] != -1) continue; if (shape3[1] != shape[1] || shape3[2] != shape[2] * shape[4] || shape3[3] != shape[3] * shape[5]) continue; // reduce node->set_op_type("noop_reducedncnn"); node2->set_op_type("noop_reducedncnn"); if (node->input_size() == 2) { node_reference[node->input(1)] -= 1; } node_reference[node->output(0)] -= 1; node_reference[node2->output(0)] -= 1; if (node3->input_size() == 2) { node_reference[node3->input(1)] -= 1; } blob_names.erase(node->output(0)); blob_names.erase(node2->output(0)); node3->set_op_type("PixelShuffle"); node3->set_input(0, node->input(0)); onnx::AttributeProto* attr_group = node3->add_attribute(); attr_group->set_name("scale_factor"); attr_group->set_i(shape[2]); reduced_node_count += 2; i += 2; } } } static void fuse_reorg(onnx::GraphProto* mutable_graph, std::map& weights, std::map& node_reference, std::set& blob_names, int& reduced_node_count) { int node_count = mutable_graph->node_size(); for (int i = 0; i < node_count; i++) { onnx::NodeProto* node = mutable_graph->mutable_node(i); // PixelShuffle <= Reshape - Transpose - Reshape // PixelShuffle <= Reshape - Transpose - Constant - Reshape if (node->op_type() == "Reshape") { if (node_reference[node->output(0)] != 1) continue; std::vector shape; if (node->input_size() == 1) { shape = get_node_attr_ai(*node, "shape"); } else { // skip weight reshape if (weights.find(node->input(1)) == weights.end()) continue; shape = get_node_attr_from_input_ai(weights[node->input(1)]); } // -1, 3, out_height, block_size, out_width, block_size if (shape.size() != 6) continue; if (shape[0] != 1 && shape[0] != -1) continue; if (shape[3] != shape[5]) continue; if (i + 2 >= node_count) continue; onnx::NodeProto* node2 = mutable_graph->mutable_node(i + 1); onnx::NodeProto* node3 = mutable_graph->mutable_node(i + 2); if (node3->op_type() == "Constant") { if (i + 3 >= node_count) continue; node3 = mutable_graph->mutable_node(i + 3); } if (node2->op_type() != "Transpose" || node3->op_type() != "Reshape") continue; if (node_reference[node2->output(0)] != 1) continue; // 0 1 3 5 2 4 std::vector perm = get_node_attr_ai(*node2, "perm"); if (perm.size() != 6) continue; if (perm[0] != 0 || perm[1] != 1 || perm[2] != 3 || perm[3] != 5 || perm[4] != 2 || perm[5] != 4) continue; std::vector shape3; if (node3->input_size() == 1) { shape3 = get_node_attr_ai(*node3, "shape"); } else { // skip weight reshape if (weights.find(node3->input(1)) == weights.end()) continue; shape3 = get_node_attr_from_input_ai(weights[node3->input(1)]); } // -1, out_channels, out_height, out_width if (shape3.size() != 4) continue; if (shape3[0] != 1 && shape3[0] != -1) continue; if (shape3[1] != shape[1] * shape[3] * shape[5] || shape3[2] != shape[2] || shape3[3] != shape[4]) continue; // reduce node->set_op_type("noop_reducedncnn"); node2->set_op_type("noop_reducedncnn"); if (node->input_size() == 2) { node_reference[node->input(1)] -= 1; } node_reference[node->output(0)] -= 1; node_reference[node2->output(0)] -= 1; if (node3->input_size() == 2) { node_reference[node3->input(1)] -= 1; } blob_names.erase(node->output(0)); blob_names.erase(node2->output(0)); node3->set_op_type("Reorg"); node3->set_input(0, node->input(0)); onnx::AttributeProto* attr_group = node3->add_attribute(); attr_group->set_name("stride"); attr_group->set_i(shape[3]); reduced_node_count += 2; i += 2; } } } static void fuse_expand_broadcast(onnx::GraphProto* mutable_graph, std::map& weights, std::map& node_reference, std::set& blob_names, int& reduced_node_count) { int node_count = mutable_graph->node_size(); for (int i = 0; i < node_count; i++) { onnx::NodeProto* node = mutable_graph->mutable_node(i); // Add/Sub/Mul/Div/Min/Max <= Expand - Add/Sub/Mul/Div/Min/Max if (node->op_type() == "Expand") { if (node_reference[node->output(0)] != 1) continue; if (i + 1 >= node_count) continue; onnx::NodeProto* node2 = mutable_graph->mutable_node(i + 1); if (node2->op_type() != "Add" && node2->op_type() != "Sub" && node2->op_type() != "Mul" && node2->op_type() != "Div" && node2->op_type() != "Min" && node2->op_type() != "Max") continue; if (node2->input(1) != node->output(0) && node2->input(0) != node->output(0)) continue; // reduce node->set_op_type("noop_reducedncnn"); node_reference[node->output(0)] -= 1; if (node->input_size() == 2) { node_reference[node->input(1)] -= 1; } blob_names.erase(node->output(0)); if (node2->input(0) == node->output(0)) { node2->set_input(0, node->input(0)); } else { node2->set_input(1, node->input(0)); } reduced_node_count += 1; i += 1; } } } static void fuse_lstm_gru_rnn(onnx::GraphProto* mutable_graph, std::map& weights, std::map& node_reference, std::set& blob_names, int& reduced_node_count) { int node_count = mutable_graph->node_size(); for (int i = 0; i < node_count; i++) { onnx::NodeProto* node = mutable_graph->mutable_node(i); // LSTM(bi) <= LSTM(bi) - Transpose - Reshape - Transpose if (node->op_type() == "LSTM" || node->op_type() == "GRU" || node->op_type() == "RNN") { if (node_reference[node->output(0)] != 1) continue; if (i + 2 >= node_count) continue; onnx::NodeProto* node2 = mutable_graph->mutable_node(i + 1); onnx::NodeProto* node3 = mutable_graph->mutable_node(i + 2); if (node2->op_type() != "Transpose" || node3->op_type() != "Reshape") continue; if (node_reference[node2->output(0)] != 1) continue; if (node2->input(0) != node->output(0) || node3->input(0) != node2->output(0)) continue; std::string direction = get_node_attr_s(*node, "direction"); if (direction != "bidirectional") continue; // 0 2 1 3 std::vector perm = get_node_attr_ai(*node2, "perm"); if (perm.size() != 4) continue; if (perm[0] != 0 || perm[1] != 2 || perm[2] != 1 || perm[3] != 3) continue; std::vector shape; if (node3->input_size() == 1) { shape = get_node_attr_ai(*node3, "shape"); } else { // skip weight reshape if (weights.find(node3->input(1)) == weights.end()) continue; shape = get_node_attr_from_input_ai(weights[node3->input(1)]); } // 0 0 -1 if (shape.size() != 3) continue; if (shape[0] != 0 || shape[1] != 0 || shape[2] != -1) continue; // reduce node2->set_op_type("noop_reducedncnn"); node3->set_op_type("noop_reducedncnn"); node_reference[node->output(0)] -= 1; node_reference[node2->output(0)] -= 1; if (node3->input_size() == 2) { node_reference[node3->input(1)] -= 1; } blob_names.erase(node->output(0)); blob_names.erase(node2->output(0)); node->set_output(0, node3->output(0)); reduced_node_count += 2; i += 2; if (i + 1 < node_count) { if (node_reference[node3->output(0)] != 1) continue; onnx::NodeProto* node4 = mutable_graph->mutable_node(i + 1); if (node4->op_type() != "Transpose") continue; if (node4->input(0) != node->output(0)) continue; // 1 0 2 std::vector perm4 = get_node_attr_ai(*node4, "perm"); if (perm4.size() != 3) continue; if (perm4[0] != 1 || perm4[1] != 0 || perm4[2] != 2) continue; // reduce node4->set_op_type("noop_reducedncnn"); node_reference[node->output(0)] -= 1; blob_names.erase(node->output(0)); node->set_output(0, node4->output(0)); reduced_node_count += 1; i += 1; } } } for (int i = 0; i < node_count; i++) { onnx::NodeProto* node = mutable_graph->mutable_node(i); // LSTM(uni) <= LSTM(uni) - Squeeze - Transpose if (node->op_type() == "LSTM" || node->op_type() == "GRU" || node->op_type() == "RNN") { if (node_reference[node->output(0)] != 1) continue; if (i + 1 >= node_count) continue; onnx::NodeProto* node2 = mutable_graph->mutable_node(i + 1); if (node2->op_type() != "Squeeze") continue; if (node2->input(0) != node->output(0)) continue; std::string direction = get_node_attr_s(*node, "direction"); if (direction == "bidirectional") continue; // 1 std::vector axes = get_node_attr_ai(*node2, "axes"); if (axes.size() != 1) continue; if (axes[0] != 1) continue; // reduce node2->set_op_type("noop_reducedncnn"); node_reference[node->output(0)] -= 1; blob_names.erase(node->output(0)); node->set_output(0, node2->output(0)); reduced_node_count += 1; i += 1; if (i + 1 < node_count) { if (node_reference[node2->output(0)] != 1) continue; onnx::NodeProto* node3 = mutable_graph->mutable_node(i + 1); if (node3->op_type() != "Transpose") continue; if (node3->input(0) != node->output(0)) continue; // 1 0 2 std::vector perm4 = get_node_attr_ai(*node3, "perm"); if (perm4.size() != 3) continue; if (perm4[0] != 1 || perm4[1] != 0 || perm4[2] != 2) continue; // reduce node3->set_op_type("noop_reducedncnn"); node_reference[node->output(0)] -= 1; blob_names.erase(node->output(0)); node->set_output(0, node3->output(0)); reduced_node_count += 1; i += 1; } } } for (int i = 0; i < node_count; i++) { onnx::NodeProto* node = mutable_graph->mutable_node(i); // LSTM <= Transpose - LSTM if (node->op_type() == "Transpose") { if (node_reference[node->output(0)] != 1) continue; // 1 0 2 std::vector perm = get_node_attr_ai(*node, "perm"); if (perm.size() != 3) continue; if (perm[0] != 1 || perm[1] != 0 || perm[2] != 2) continue; if (i + 1 >= node_count) continue; onnx::NodeProto* node2 = mutable_graph->mutable_node(i + 1); if (node2->op_type() != "LSTM" && node->op_type() != "GRU" && node->op_type() != "RNN") continue; if (node2->input(0) != node->output(0)) continue; // reduce node->set_op_type("noop_reducedncnn"); node_reference[node->output(0)] -= 1; blob_names.erase(node->output(0)); node2->set_input(0, node->input(0)); reduced_node_count += 1; i += 1; } } } static void fuse_multiheadattention(onnx::GraphProto* mutable_graph, std::map& weights, std::map& node_reference, std::set& blob_names, int& reduced_node_count) { int node_count = mutable_graph->node_size(); for (int i = 0; i < node_count; i++) { onnx::NodeProto* node = mutable_graph->mutable_node(i); // MultiHeadAttention <= MatMul(q) - Add // - MatMul(k) - Add // - MatMul(v) - Add // - Mul // - Reshape - Transpose // - Reshape - Reshape - Transpose - Transpose // - Gemm - Softmax - Gemm - Transpose - Reshape - MatMul - Add if (node->op_type() == "MatMul") { if (i + 19 >= node_count) continue; if (node_reference[node->output(0)] != 1) continue; onnx::NodeProto* node2 = mutable_graph->mutable_node(i + 1); onnx::NodeProto* node3 = mutable_graph->mutable_node(i + 2); onnx::NodeProto* node4 = mutable_graph->mutable_node(i + 3); onnx::NodeProto* node5 = mutable_graph->mutable_node(i + 4); onnx::NodeProto* node6 = mutable_graph->mutable_node(i + 5); onnx::NodeProto* node7 = mutable_graph->mutable_node(i + 6); onnx::NodeProto* node8 = mutable_graph->mutable_node(i + 7); onnx::NodeProto* node9 = mutable_graph->mutable_node(i + 8); onnx::NodeProto* node10 = mutable_graph->mutable_node(i + 9); onnx::NodeProto* node11 = mutable_graph->mutable_node(i + 10); onnx::NodeProto* node12 = mutable_graph->mutable_node(i + 11); onnx::NodeProto* node13 = mutable_graph->mutable_node(i + 12); onnx::NodeProto* node14 = mutable_graph->mutable_node(i + 13); onnx::NodeProto* node15 = mutable_graph->mutable_node(i + 14); onnx::NodeProto* node16 = mutable_graph->mutable_node(i + 15); onnx::NodeProto* node17 = mutable_graph->mutable_node(i + 16); onnx::NodeProto* node18 = mutable_graph->mutable_node(i + 17); onnx::NodeProto* node19 = mutable_graph->mutable_node(i + 18); onnx::NodeProto* node20 = mutable_graph->mutable_node(i + 19); if (node2->op_type() != "Add" || node3->op_type() != "MatMul" || node4->op_type() != "Add" || node5->op_type() != "MatMul" || node6->op_type() != "Add" || node7->op_type() != "Mul" || node8->op_type() != "Reshape" || node9->op_type() != "Transpose" || node10->op_type() != "Reshape" || node11->op_type() != "Reshape" || node12->op_type() != "Transpose" || node13->op_type() != "Transpose" || node14->op_type() != "MatMul" || node15->op_type() != "Softmax" || node16->op_type() != "MatMul" || node17->op_type() != "Transpose" || node18->op_type() != "Reshape" || node19->op_type() != "MatMul" || node20->op_type() != "Add") continue; if (node_reference[node2->output(0)] != 1 || node_reference[node3->output(0)] != 1 || node_reference[node4->output(0)] != 1 || node_reference[node5->output(0)] != 1 || node_reference[node6->output(0)] != 1 || node_reference[node7->output(0)] != 1 || node_reference[node8->output(0)] != 1 || node_reference[node9->output(0)] != 1 || node_reference[node10->output(0)] != 1 || node_reference[node11->output(0)] != 1 || node_reference[node12->output(0)] != 1 || node_reference[node13->output(0)] != 1 || node_reference[node14->output(0)] != 1 || node_reference[node15->output(0)] != 1 || node_reference[node16->output(0)] != 1 || node_reference[node17->output(0)] != 1 || node_reference[node18->output(0)] != 1 || node_reference[node19->output(0)] != 1) continue; if (node2->input(0) != node->output(0) || node4->input(0) != node3->output(0) || node6->input(0) != node5->output(0) || node7->input(0) != node2->output(0) || node8->input(0) != node7->output(0) || node9->input(0) != node8->output(0) || node10->input(0) != node4->output(0) || node11->input(0) != node6->output(0) || node12->input(0) != node11->output(0) || node13->input(0) != node10->output(0) || node14->input(0) != node9->output(0) || node14->input(1) != node13->output(0) || node15->input(0) != node14->output(0) || node16->input(0) != node15->output(0) || node16->input(1) != node12->output(0) || node17->input(0) != node16->output(0) || node18->input(0) != node17->output(0) || node19->input(0) != node18->output(0) || node20->input(0) != node19->output(0)) continue; std::vector q_B = get_node_attr_from_input_af(weights[node2->input(1)]); std::vector k_B = get_node_attr_from_input_af(weights[node4->input(1)]); std::vector v_B = get_node_attr_from_input_af(weights[node6->input(1)]); std::vector o_B = get_node_attr_from_input_af(weights[node20->input(1)]); if (q_B.size() != k_B.size() || q_B.size() != v_B.size() || q_B.size() != o_B.size()) continue; int embed_dim = q_B.size(); // 1 0 2 std::vector perm9 = get_node_attr_ai(*node9, "perm"); std::vector perm12 = get_node_attr_ai(*node12, "perm"); if (perm9.size() != 3 || perm12.size() != 3) continue; if (perm9[0] != 1 || perm9[1] != 0 || perm9[2] != 2 || perm12[0] != 1 || perm12[1] != 0 || perm12[2] != 2) continue; // 1 2 0 std::vector perm13 = get_node_attr_ai(*node13, "perm"); if (perm13.size() != 3) continue; if (perm13[0] != 1 || perm13[1] != 2 || perm13[2] != 0) continue; // 1 0 2 std::vector perm17 = get_node_attr_ai(*node17, "perm"); if (perm17.size() != 3) continue; if (perm17[0] != 1 || perm17[1] != 0 || perm17[2] != 2) continue; int softmax_axis = get_node_attr_i(*node15, "axis"); if (softmax_axis != 2) continue; // 1/-1, seqlen * num_heads, embed_dim / num_heads std::vector shape8; std::vector shape10; std::vector shape11; if (node8->input_size() == 1) { shape8 = get_node_attr_ai(*node8, "shape"); } else { // skip weight reshape if (weights.find(node8->input(1)) == weights.end()) continue; shape8 = get_node_attr_from_input_ai(weights[node8->input(1)]); } if (node10->input_size() == 1) { shape10 = get_node_attr_ai(*node10, "shape"); } else { // skip weight reshape if (weights.find(node10->input(1)) == weights.end()) continue; shape10 = get_node_attr_from_input_ai(weights[node10->input(1)]); } if (node11->input_size() == 1) { shape11 = get_node_attr_ai(*node11, "shape"); } else { // skip weight reshape if (weights.find(node11->input(1)) == weights.end()) continue; shape11 = get_node_attr_from_input_ai(weights[node11->input(1)]); } if (shape8.size() != 3 || shape10.size() != 3 || shape11.size() != 3) continue; if (shape8[1] != shape10[1] || shape8[1] != shape11[1] || shape8[2] != shape10[2] || shape8[2] != shape11[2]) continue; int num_heads = embed_dim / shape8[2]; // 1, seqlen, embed_dim std::vector shape18; if (node18->input_size() == 1) { shape18 = get_node_attr_ai(*node18, "shape"); } else { // skip weight reshape if (weights.find(node18->input(1)) == weights.end()) continue; shape18 = get_node_attr_from_input_ai(weights[node18->input(1)]); } if (shape18.size() != 3) continue; if (shape18[2] != embed_dim || shape18[1] * num_heads != shape8[1]) continue; // reduce node->set_op_type("noop_reducedncnn"); node2->set_op_type("noop_reducedncnn"); node3->set_op_type("noop_reducedncnn"); node4->set_op_type("noop_reducedncnn"); node5->set_op_type("noop_reducedncnn"); node6->set_op_type("noop_reducedncnn"); node7->set_op_type("noop_reducedncnn"); node8->set_op_type("noop_reducedncnn"); node9->set_op_type("noop_reducedncnn"); node10->set_op_type("noop_reducedncnn"); node11->set_op_type("noop_reducedncnn"); node12->set_op_type("noop_reducedncnn"); node13->set_op_type("noop_reducedncnn"); node14->set_op_type("noop_reducedncnn"); node15->set_op_type("noop_reducedncnn"); node16->set_op_type("noop_reducedncnn"); node17->set_op_type("noop_reducedncnn"); node18->set_op_type("noop_reducedncnn"); node19->set_op_type("noop_reducedncnn"); node_reference[node2->input(0)] -= 1; node_reference[node4->input(0)] -= 1; node_reference[node6->input(0)] -= 1; node_reference[node7->input(0)] -= 1; node_reference[node7->input(1)] -= 1; node_reference[node8->input(0)] -= 1; if (node8->input_size() == 2) { node_reference[node8->input(1)] -= 1; } node_reference[node9->input(0)] -= 1; node_reference[node10->input(0)] -= 1; if (node10->input_size() == 2) { node_reference[node10->input(1)] -= 1; } node_reference[node11->input(0)] -= 1; if (node11->input_size() == 2) { node_reference[node11->input(1)] -= 1; } node_reference[node12->input(0)] -= 1; node_reference[node13->input(0)] -= 1; node_reference[node14->input(0)] -= 1; node_reference[node14->input(1)] -= 1; node_reference[node15->input(0)] -= 1; node_reference[node16->input(0)] -= 1; node_reference[node16->input(1)] -= 1; node_reference[node17->input(0)] -= 1; node_reference[node18->input(0)] -= 1; if (node18->input_size() == 2) { node_reference[node18->input(1)] -= 1; } node_reference[node19->input(0)] -= 1; node_reference[node20->input(0)] -= 1; blob_names.erase(node->output(0)); blob_names.erase(node2->output(0)); blob_names.erase(node3->output(0)); blob_names.erase(node4->output(0)); blob_names.erase(node5->output(0)); blob_names.erase(node6->output(0)); blob_names.erase(node7->output(0)); blob_names.erase(node8->output(0)); blob_names.erase(node9->output(0)); blob_names.erase(node10->output(0)); blob_names.erase(node11->output(0)); blob_names.erase(node12->output(0)); blob_names.erase(node13->output(0)); blob_names.erase(node14->output(0)); blob_names.erase(node15->output(0)); blob_names.erase(node16->output(0)); blob_names.erase(node17->output(0)); blob_names.erase(node18->output(0)); blob_names.erase(node19->output(0)); std::string qw = node->input(1); std::string qb = node2->input(1); std::string kw = node3->input(1); std::string kb = node4->input(1); std::string vw = node5->input(1); std::string vb = node6->input(1); std::string ow = node19->input(1); std::string ob = node20->input(1); node20->set_op_type("MultiHeadAttention"); node20->clear_input(); node20->add_input(node->input(0)); node20->add_input(node3->input(0)); node20->add_input(node5->input(0)); // q node20->add_input(qw); node20->add_input(qb); // k node20->add_input(kw); node20->add_input(kb); // v node20->add_input(vw); node20->add_input(vb); // out linear node20->add_input(ow); node20->add_input(ob); onnx::AttributeProto* attr_embed_dim = node20->add_attribute(); attr_embed_dim->set_name("embed_dim"); attr_embed_dim->set_i(embed_dim); onnx::AttributeProto* attr_num_heads = node20->add_attribute(); attr_num_heads->set_name("num_heads"); attr_num_heads->set_i(num_heads); reduced_node_count += 19; i += 19; } } for (int i = 0; i < node_count; i++) { onnx::NodeProto* node = mutable_graph->mutable_node(i); // MultiHeadAttention <= MatMul(qkv) - Add - Split // - Mul // - Reshape - Transpose // - Reshape - Reshape - Transpose - Transpose // - Gemm - Softmax - Gemm - Transpose - Reshape - MatMul - Add if (node->op_type() == "MatMul") { if (i + 16 >= node_count) continue; if (node_reference[node->output(0)] != 1) continue; onnx::NodeProto* node2 = mutable_graph->mutable_node(i + 1); onnx::NodeProto* node3 = mutable_graph->mutable_node(i + 2); onnx::NodeProto* node4 = mutable_graph->mutable_node(i + 3); onnx::NodeProto* node5 = mutable_graph->mutable_node(i + 4); onnx::NodeProto* node6 = mutable_graph->mutable_node(i + 5); onnx::NodeProto* node7 = mutable_graph->mutable_node(i + 6); onnx::NodeProto* node8 = mutable_graph->mutable_node(i + 7); onnx::NodeProto* node9 = mutable_graph->mutable_node(i + 8); onnx::NodeProto* node10 = mutable_graph->mutable_node(i + 9); onnx::NodeProto* node11 = mutable_graph->mutable_node(i + 10); onnx::NodeProto* node12 = mutable_graph->mutable_node(i + 11); onnx::NodeProto* node13 = mutable_graph->mutable_node(i + 12); onnx::NodeProto* node14 = mutable_graph->mutable_node(i + 13); onnx::NodeProto* node15 = mutable_graph->mutable_node(i + 14); onnx::NodeProto* node16 = mutable_graph->mutable_node(i + 15); onnx::NodeProto* node17 = mutable_graph->mutable_node(i + 16); if (node2->op_type() != "Add" || node3->op_type() != "Split" || node4->op_type() != "Mul" || node5->op_type() != "Reshape" || node6->op_type() != "Transpose" || node7->op_type() != "Reshape" || node8->op_type() != "Reshape" || node9->op_type() != "Transpose" || node10->op_type() != "Transpose" || node11->op_type() != "MatMul" || node12->op_type() != "Softmax" || node13->op_type() != "MatMul" || node14->op_type() != "Transpose" || node15->op_type() != "Reshape" || node16->op_type() != "MatMul" || node17->op_type() != "Add") continue; if (node_reference[node2->output(0)] != 1 || node_reference[node3->output(0)] != 1 || node_reference[node3->output(1)] != 1 || node_reference[node3->output(2)] != 1 || node_reference[node4->output(0)] != 1 || node_reference[node5->output(0)] != 1 || node_reference[node6->output(0)] != 1 || node_reference[node7->output(0)] != 1 || node_reference[node8->output(0)] != 1 || node_reference[node9->output(0)] != 1 || node_reference[node10->output(0)] != 1 || node_reference[node11->output(0)] != 1 || node_reference[node12->output(0)] != 1 || node_reference[node13->output(0)] != 1 || node_reference[node14->output(0)] != 1 || node_reference[node15->output(0)] != 1 || node_reference[node16->output(0)] != 1) continue; if (node2->input(0) != node->output(0) || node3->input(0) != node2->output(0) || node4->input(0) != node3->output(0) || node5->input(0) != node4->output(0) || node6->input(0) != node5->output(0) || node7->input(0) != node3->output(1) || node8->input(0) != node3->output(2) || node9->input(0) != node8->output(0) || node10->input(0) != node7->output(0) || node11->input(0) != node6->output(0) || node11->input(1) != node10->output(0) || node12->input(0) != node11->output(0) || node13->input(0) != node12->output(0) || node13->input(1) != node9->output(0) || node14->input(0) != node13->output(0) || node15->input(0) != node14->output(0) || node16->input(0) != node15->output(0) || node17->input(0) != node16->output(0)) continue; std::vector qkv_B = get_node_attr_from_input_af(weights[node2->input(1)]); std::vector o_B = get_node_attr_from_input_af(weights[node17->input(1)]); if (qkv_B.size() != o_B.size() * 3) continue; int embed_dim = o_B.size(); // 1 0 2 std::vector perm6 = get_node_attr_ai(*node6, "perm"); std::vector perm9 = get_node_attr_ai(*node9, "perm"); if (perm6.size() != 3 || perm9.size() != 3) continue; if (perm6[0] != 1 || perm6[1] != 0 || perm6[2] != 2 || perm9[0] != 1 || perm9[1] != 0 || perm9[2] != 2) continue; // 1 2 0 std::vector perm10 = get_node_attr_ai(*node10, "perm"); if (perm10.size() != 3) continue; if (perm10[0] != 1 || perm10[1] != 2 || perm10[2] != 0) continue; // 1 0 2 std::vector perm14 = get_node_attr_ai(*node14, "perm"); if (perm14.size() != 3) continue; if (perm14[0] != 1 || perm14[1] != 0 || perm14[2] != 2) continue; int softmax_axis = get_node_attr_i(*node12, "axis"); if (softmax_axis != 2) continue; // 1/-1, seqlen * num_heads, embed_dim / num_heads std::vector shape5; std::vector shape7; std::vector shape8; if (node5->input_size() == 1) { shape5 = get_node_attr_ai(*node5, "shape"); } else { // skip weight reshape if (weights.find(node5->input(1)) == weights.end()) continue; shape5 = get_node_attr_from_input_ai(weights[node5->input(1)]); } if (node7->input_size() == 1) { shape7 = get_node_attr_ai(*node7, "shape"); } else { // skip weight reshape if (weights.find(node7->input(1)) == weights.end()) continue; shape7 = get_node_attr_from_input_ai(weights[node7->input(1)]); } if (node8->input_size() == 1) { shape8 = get_node_attr_ai(*node8, "shape"); } else { // skip weight reshape if (weights.find(node8->input(1)) == weights.end()) continue; shape8 = get_node_attr_from_input_ai(weights[node8->input(1)]); } if (shape5.size() != 3 || shape7.size() != 3 || shape8.size() != 3) continue; if (shape5[1] != shape7[1] || shape5[1] != shape8[1] || shape5[2] != shape7[2] || shape5[2] != shape8[2]) continue; int num_heads = embed_dim / shape5[2]; // 1, seqlen, embed_dim std::vector shape15; if (node15->input_size() == 1) { shape15 = get_node_attr_ai(*node15, "shape"); } else { // skip weight reshape if (weights.find(node15->input(1)) == weights.end()) continue; shape15 = get_node_attr_from_input_ai(weights[node15->input(1)]); } if (shape15.size() != 3) continue; if (shape15[2] != embed_dim || shape15[1] * num_heads != shape8[1]) continue; // reduce node->set_op_type("noop_reducedncnn"); node2->set_op_type("noop_reducedncnn"); node3->set_op_type("noop_reducedncnn"); node4->set_op_type("noop_reducedncnn"); node5->set_op_type("noop_reducedncnn"); node6->set_op_type("noop_reducedncnn"); node7->set_op_type("noop_reducedncnn"); node8->set_op_type("noop_reducedncnn"); node9->set_op_type("noop_reducedncnn"); node10->set_op_type("noop_reducedncnn"); node11->set_op_type("noop_reducedncnn"); node12->set_op_type("noop_reducedncnn"); node13->set_op_type("noop_reducedncnn"); node14->set_op_type("noop_reducedncnn"); node15->set_op_type("noop_reducedncnn"); node16->set_op_type("noop_reducedncnn"); node_reference[node2->input(0)] -= 1; node_reference[node3->input(0)] -= 1; node_reference[node4->input(0)] -= 1; node_reference[node4->input(1)] -= 1; node_reference[node5->input(0)] -= 1; if (node5->input_size() == 2) { node_reference[node5->input(1)] -= 1; } node_reference[node6->input(0)] -= 1; node_reference[node7->input(0)] -= 1; if (node7->input_size() == 2) { node_reference[node7->input(1)] -= 1; } node_reference[node8->input(0)] -= 1; if (node8->input_size() == 2) { node_reference[node8->input(1)] -= 1; } node_reference[node9->input(0)] -= 1; node_reference[node10->input(0)] -= 1; node_reference[node11->input(0)] -= 1; node_reference[node11->input(1)] -= 1; node_reference[node12->input(0)] -= 1; node_reference[node13->input(0)] -= 1; node_reference[node13->input(1)] -= 1; node_reference[node14->input(0)] -= 1; node_reference[node15->input(0)] -= 1; if (node15->input_size() == 2) { node_reference[node15->input(1)] -= 1; } node_reference[node16->input(0)] -= 1; node_reference[node17->input(0)] -= 1; blob_names.erase(node->output(0)); blob_names.erase(node2->output(0)); blob_names.erase(node3->output(0)); blob_names.erase(node3->output(1)); blob_names.erase(node3->output(2)); blob_names.erase(node4->output(0)); blob_names.erase(node5->output(0)); blob_names.erase(node6->output(0)); blob_names.erase(node7->output(0)); blob_names.erase(node8->output(0)); blob_names.erase(node9->output(0)); blob_names.erase(node10->output(0)); blob_names.erase(node11->output(0)); blob_names.erase(node12->output(0)); blob_names.erase(node13->output(0)); blob_names.erase(node14->output(0)); blob_names.erase(node15->output(0)); blob_names.erase(node16->output(0)); std::string qkvw = node->input(1); std::string qkvb = node2->input(1); std::string ow = node16->input(1); std::string ob = node17->input(1); node17->set_op_type("MultiHeadAttention"); node17->clear_input(); node17->add_input(node->input(0)); // qkv node17->add_input(qkvw); node17->add_input(qkvb); // out linear node17->add_input(ow); node17->add_input(ob); onnx::AttributeProto* attr_embed_dim = node17->add_attribute(); attr_embed_dim->set_name("embed_dim"); attr_embed_dim->set_i(embed_dim); onnx::AttributeProto* attr_num_heads = node17->add_attribute(); attr_num_heads->set_name("num_heads"); attr_num_heads->set_i(num_heads); reduced_node_count += 16; i += 16; } } } static void fuse_binaryop_with_scalar(onnx::GraphProto* mutable_graph, std::map& weights, std::map& node_reference, std::set& blob_names, int& reduced_node_count) { int node_count = mutable_graph->node_size(); for (int i = 0; i < node_count; i++) { onnx::NodeProto* node = mutable_graph->mutable_node(i); // Add/Sub/Mul/Div/Min/Max/Pow(a, x) if (node->op_type() == "Add" || node->op_type() == "Sub" || node->op_type() == "Mul" || node->op_type() == "Div" || node->op_type() == "Max" || node->op_type() == "Min" || node->op_type() == "Pow") { if (weights.find(node->input(0)) == weights.end()) continue; const onnx::TensorProto& scalar_b = weights[node->input(0)]; if (scalar_b.dims_size() != 0 || get_tensor_proto_data_size(scalar_b) != 1) continue; if (node->op_type() == "Sub") { node->set_op_type("RSub"); } else if (node->op_type() == "Div") { node->set_op_type("RDiv"); } float b = get_node_attr_from_input_f(scalar_b); node_reference[node->input(0)] -= 1; std::string input = node->input(1); node->clear_input(); node->add_input(input); onnx::AttributeProto* attr_with_scalar = node->add_attribute(); attr_with_scalar->set_name("with_scalar"); attr_with_scalar->set_i(1); onnx::AttributeProto* attr_b = node->add_attribute(); attr_b->set_name("b"); attr_b->set_f(b); } } for (int i = 0; i < node_count; i++) { onnx::NodeProto* node = mutable_graph->mutable_node(i); // Add/Sub/Mul/Div/Min/Max/Pow(x, b) if (node->op_type() == "Add" || node->op_type() == "Sub" || node->op_type() == "Mul" || node->op_type() == "Div" || node->op_type() == "Max" || node->op_type() == "Min" || node->op_type() == "Pow") { if (weights.find(node->input(1)) == weights.end()) continue; const onnx::TensorProto& scalar_b = weights[node->input(1)]; if (scalar_b.dims_size() != 0 || get_tensor_proto_data_size(scalar_b) != 1) continue; float b = get_node_attr_from_input_f(scalar_b); node_reference[node->input(1)] -= 1; std::string input = node->input(0); node->clear_input(); node->add_input(input); onnx::AttributeProto* attr_with_scalar = node->add_attribute(); attr_with_scalar->set_name("with_scalar"); attr_with_scalar->set_i(1); onnx::AttributeProto* attr_b = node->add_attribute(); attr_b->set_name("b"); attr_b->set_f(b); } } } // truncate layer/blob names when they exceed 255, which is the upper length limit when parsing param in src/net.cpp static std::string trunc_name(std::string name) { static int trunc_idx = 0; static std::map name_trunc_map; const int max_len = 255; if (name.size() <= max_len) { return name; } if (name_trunc_map.count(name)) { return name_trunc_map[name]; } std::string concat_name = name + "_t" + std::to_string(trunc_idx); std::string trunc_name = concat_name.substr(concat_name.size() - max_len); trunc_idx += 1; name_trunc_map[name] = trunc_name; return trunc_name; } int main(int argc, char** argv) { if (!(argc == 2 || argc == 4)) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [onnxpb] [ncnnparam] [ncnnbin]\n", argv[0]); return -1; } const char* onnxpb = argv[1]; const char* ncnn_prototxt = argc == 4 ? argv[2] : "ncnn.param"; const char* ncnn_modelbin = argc == 4 ? argv[3] : "ncnn.bin"; onnx::ModelProto model; // load bool s1 = read_proto_from_binary(onnxpb, &model); if (!s1) { fprintf(stderr, "read_proto_from_binary failed\n"); return -1; } FILE* pp = fopen(ncnn_prototxt, "wb"); FILE* bp = fopen(ncnn_modelbin, "wb"); // magic fprintf(pp, "7767517\n"); const onnx::GraphProto& graph = model.graph(); onnx::GraphProto* mutable_graph = model.mutable_graph(); int node_count = graph.node_size(); // node reference std::map node_reference; // weight node and weight reshape node std::map weights; for (int j = 0; j < graph.initializer_size(); j++) { const onnx::TensorProto& initializer = graph.initializer(j); // fprintf(stderr, "weight = %s %d\n", initializer.name().c_str(), initializer.data_type()); weights[initializer.name()] = initializer; } // topological sort { // name -> producer node index std::set producers; for (int j = 0; j < graph.input_size(); j++) { const std::string& input_name = graph.input(j).name(); producers.insert(input_name); } for (int i = 0; i < node_count;) { onnx::NodeProto* node = mutable_graph->mutable_node(i); bool swapnode = false; std::string missing_input_name; for (int j = 0; j < (int)node->input_size(); j++) { const std::string& input_name = node->input(j); if (input_name.empty()) continue; if (producers.find(input_name) == producers.end() && weights.find(input_name) == weights.end()) { swapnode = true; missing_input_name = input_name; break; } } if (!swapnode) { for (int j = 0; j < (int)node->output_size(); j++) { const std::string& output_name = node->output(j); if (output_name.empty()) continue; producers.insert(output_name); } i++; continue; } // find node that produce missing_input_name int q = i + 1; for (; q < node_count; q++) { onnx::NodeProto* nodeq = mutable_graph->mutable_node(q); bool found = false; for (int j = 0; j < (int)nodeq->output_size(); j++) { const std::string& output_name = nodeq->output(j); if (output_name == missing_input_name) { found = true; break; } } if (found) break; } if (q == node_count) { fprintf(stderr, "cannot find node produces %s but node %d requires it\n", missing_input_name.c_str(), i); return -1; } // fprintf(stderr, "swap %d %d\n", i, q); // swap this node with q onnx::NodeProto* nodeq = mutable_graph->mutable_node(q); onnx::NodeProto tmp = *node; *node = *nodeq; *nodeq = tmp; } } // global definition line // [layer count] [blob count] std::set blob_names; for (int i = 0; i < node_count; i++) { const onnx::NodeProto& node = graph.node(i); const std::string& op = node.op_type(); std::string name = node.name(); if (name.empty()) { name = node.output(0); } if (op == "Constant") { onnx::TensorProto tensor = get_node_attr_tensor(node, "value"); weights[node.output(0)] = tensor; } for (int j = 0; j < (int)node.input_size(); j++) { const std::string& input_name = node.input(j); blob_names.insert(input_name); if (node_reference.find(input_name) == node_reference.end()) { node_reference[input_name] = 1; } else { node_reference[input_name] = node_reference[input_name] + 1; } } if (op == "Dropout") { const std::string& output_name = node.output(0); blob_names.insert(output_name); node_reference[output_name] = 0; continue; } for (int j = 0; j < (int)node.output_size(); j++) { const std::string& output_name = node.output(j); blob_names.insert(output_name); node_reference[output_name] = 0; } } // include Input node int input_node_count = 0; for (int j = 0; j < graph.input_size(); j++) { const std::string& input_name = graph.input(j).name(); // check weight if (weights.find(input_name) != weights.end()) continue; blob_names.insert(input_name); input_node_count++; } // for (auto a: node_reference) // { // fprintf(stderr, "a = %s %d\n", a.first.c_str(), a.second); // } // op chain fusion int reduced_node_count = 0; fuse_weight_reshape(mutable_graph, weights, node_reference, blob_names, reduced_node_count); fuse_weight_transpose(mutable_graph, weights, node_reference, blob_names, reduced_node_count); fuse_shufflechannel(mutable_graph, weights, node_reference, blob_names, reduced_node_count); fuse_shufflechannel_split(mutable_graph, weights, node_reference, blob_names, reduced_node_count); fuse_hardsigmoid(mutable_graph, weights, node_reference, blob_names, reduced_node_count); fuse_hardswish(mutable_graph, weights, node_reference, blob_names, reduced_node_count); fuse_swish(mutable_graph, weights, node_reference, blob_names, reduced_node_count); fuse_batchnorm1d_squeeze_unsqueeze(mutable_graph, weights, node_reference, blob_names, reduced_node_count); fuse_unsqueeze_prelu(mutable_graph, weights, node_reference, blob_names, reduced_node_count); fuse_normalize(mutable_graph, weights, node_reference, blob_names, reduced_node_count); fuse_groupnorm(mutable_graph, weights, node_reference, blob_names, reduced_node_count); fuse_layernorm(mutable_graph, weights, node_reference, blob_names, reduced_node_count); fuse_flatten(mutable_graph, weights, node_reference, blob_names, reduced_node_count); fuse_pixelshuffle(mutable_graph, weights, node_reference, blob_names, reduced_node_count); fuse_reorg(mutable_graph, weights, node_reference, blob_names, reduced_node_count); fuse_expand_broadcast(mutable_graph, weights, node_reference, blob_names, reduced_node_count); fuse_lstm_gru_rnn(mutable_graph, weights, node_reference, blob_names, reduced_node_count); fuse_multiheadattention(mutable_graph, weights, node_reference, blob_names, reduced_node_count); fuse_binaryop_with_scalar(mutable_graph, weights, node_reference, blob_names, reduced_node_count); fuse_rewrite_gather(mutable_graph, weights, node_reference, blob_names, reduced_node_count); // reduce common const weight node_reference for (int i = 0; i < node_count; i++) { const onnx::NodeProto& node = graph.node(i); const std::string& op = node.op_type(); if (op == "BatchNormalization") { node_reference[node.input(1)] -= 1; node_reference[node.input(2)] -= 1; node_reference[node.input(3)] -= 1; node_reference[node.input(4)] -= 1; } else if (op == "BiasGelu") { node_reference[node.input(1)] -= 1; } else if (op == "Clip") { if (node.input_size() == 3) { node_reference[node.input(1)] -= 1; node_reference[node.input(2)] -= 1; } } else if (op == "Conv") { node_reference[node.input(1)] -= 1; if (node.input_size() == 3) { node_reference[node.input(2)] -= 1; } } else if (op == "ConvTranspose") { node_reference[node.input(1)] -= 1; if (node.input_size() == 3) { node_reference[node.input(2)] -= 1; } } else if (op == "EmbedLayerNormalization") { node_reference[node.input(1)] -= 1; node_reference[node.input(2)] -= 1; node_reference[node.input(3)] -= 1; node_reference[node.input(4)] -= 1; node_reference[node.input(5)] -= 1; node_reference[node.input(6)] -= 1; } else if (op == "Gemm") { float alpha = get_node_attr_f(node, "alpha", 1.f); float beta = get_node_attr_f(node, "beta", 1.f); int transA = get_node_attr_i(node, "transA", 0); int transB = get_node_attr_i(node, "transB", 0); if (alpha == 1.f && beta == 1.f && transA == 0 && transB == 1) { // InnerProduct-like A * B + C node_reference[node.input(1)] -= 1; node_reference[node.input(2)] -= 1; } } else if (op == "GroupNorm") { int affine = get_node_attr_i(node, "affine", 1); if (affine) { node_reference[node.input(1)] -= 1; node_reference[node.input(2)] -= 1; } } else if (op == "GRU") { for (int j = 1; j < node.input_size(); j++) { node_reference[node.input(j)] -= 1; } } else if (op == "InstanceNormalization") { node_reference[node.input(1)] -= 1; node_reference[node.input(2)] -= 1; } else if (op == "LayerNorm") { int affine = get_node_attr_i(node, "affine", 1); if (affine) { node_reference[node.input(1)] -= 1; node_reference[node.input(2)] -= 1; } } else if (op == "LSTM") { for (int j = 1; j < node.input_size(); j++) { node_reference[node.input(j)] -= 1; } } else if (op == "MatMul") { if (weights.find(node.input(1)) != weights.end() && weights[node.input(1)].dims_size() == 2) { // InnerProduct node_reference[node.input(1)] -= 1; } } else if (op == "MultiHeadAttention") { if (node.input_size() == 5) { node_reference[node.input(1)] -= 1; node_reference[node.input(2)] -= 1; node_reference[node.input(3)] -= 1; node_reference[node.input(4)] -= 1; } else { node_reference[node.input(3)] -= 1; node_reference[node.input(4)] -= 1; node_reference[node.input(5)] -= 1; node_reference[node.input(6)] -= 1; node_reference[node.input(7)] -= 1; node_reference[node.input(8)] -= 1; node_reference[node.input(9)] -= 1; node_reference[node.input(10)] -= 1; } } else if (op == "Pad") { if (node.input_size() >= 2) { node_reference[node.input(1)] -= 1; } } else if (op == "PRelu") { node_reference[node.input(1)] -= 1; } else if (op == "Reshape") { if (node.input_size() >= 2) { node_reference[node.input(1)] -= 1; } } else if (op == "Resize") { if (node.input_size() == 2) { // opset 10 node_reference[node.input(1)] -= 1; } else { // opset 11+ node_reference[node.input(1)] -= 1; node_reference[node.input(2)] -= 1; if (node.input_size() >= 4) { node_reference[node.input(3)] -= 1; } } } else if (op == "RNN") { for (int j = 1; j < node.input_size(); j++) { node_reference[node.input(j)] -= 1; } } else if (op == "SkipLayerNormalization") { node_reference[node.input(2)] -= 1; node_reference[node.input(3)] -= 1; node_reference[node.input(4)] -= 1; } else if (op == "Slice") { if (node.input_size() >= 2) { node_reference[node.input(1)] -= 1; node_reference[node.input(2)] -= 1; if (node.input_size() >= 4) node_reference[node.input(3)] -= 1; if (node.input_size() >= 5) node_reference[node.input(4)] -= 1; } } else if (op == "Upsample") { if (node.input_size() >= 2) { node_reference[node.input(1)] -= 1; } } else if (op == "adaptive_avg_pool2d" || op == "adaptive_max_pool2d") { if (node.input_size() >= 2) { node_reference[node.input(1)] -= 1; } } } // for (auto a: node_reference) // { // fprintf(stderr, "b = %s %d\n", a.first.c_str(), a.second); // } // count all weight node with zero reference int zero_reference_weight_node_count = 0; for (std::map::iterator it = weights.begin(); it != weights.end(); it++) { const std::string& input_name = it->first; // there may be some weight nodes in initializer but none of the graph node use them // add them to blob_names so we could get proper blob count later blob_names.insert(input_name); int refcount = node_reference[input_name]; if (refcount == 0) zero_reference_weight_node_count++; } // we always treat constant node as weight or binaryop_weights // do not count it twice for layer_count int constant_node_count_moved_to_weight = 0; for (int i = 0; i < node_count; i++) { const onnx::NodeProto& node = graph.node(i); const std::string& op = node.op_type(); if (op == "Constant") { constant_node_count_moved_to_weight++; } } // some op may have anonymous input // LSTM sequence_lens blob_names.erase(""); node_reference.erase(""); // remove node_reference entry with reference equals to one int split_layer_count = 0; int splitncnn_blob_count = 0; // split node reference std::map split_node_reference; for (std::map::iterator it = node_reference.begin(); it != node_reference.end(); it++) { if (it->second > 1) { split_layer_count++; splitncnn_blob_count += it->second; split_node_reference[it->first] = it->second; } } fprintf(pp, "%zu %zu\n", node_count - constant_node_count_moved_to_weight + weights.size() - zero_reference_weight_node_count - reduced_node_count + input_node_count + split_layer_count, blob_names.size() - zero_reference_weight_node_count + splitncnn_blob_count); int internal_split = 0; // place Input at the beginning for (int j = 0; j < graph.input_size(); j++) { const std::string& input_name = graph.input(j).name(); // check weight if (weights.find(input_name) != weights.end()) continue; fprintf(pp, "%-16s %-24s 0 1 %s\n", "Input", trunc_name(input_name).c_str(), trunc_name(input_name).c_str()); int refcount = node_reference[input_name]; if (refcount <= 1) { continue; } char splitname[256]; sprintf(splitname, "splitncnn_input%d", j); fprintf(pp, "%-16s %-24s %d %d", "Split", splitname, 1, refcount); fprintf(pp, " %s", trunc_name(input_name).c_str()); for (int k = 0; k < refcount; k++) { std::string split_name = input_name + "_splitncnn_" + std::to_string(k); fprintf(pp, " %s", trunc_name(split_name).c_str()); } fprintf(pp, "\n"); } // place MemoryData next for (std::map::iterator weight_it = weights.begin(); weight_it != weights.end(); weight_it++) { const std::string& input_name = weight_it->first; int refcount = node_reference[input_name]; if (refcount == 0) { continue; } fprintf(pp, "%-16s %-24s 0 1 %s", "MemoryData", trunc_name(input_name).c_str(), trunc_name(input_name).c_str()); const onnx::TensorProto& M = weights[input_name]; if (M.dims_size() == 0) { fprintf(pp, " 0=%d", get_tensor_proto_data_size(M)); } else if (M.dims_size() == 1) { fprintf(pp, " 0=%d", (int)M.dims(0)); } else if (M.dims_size() == 2) { fprintf(pp, " 0=%d", (int)M.dims(1)); if (M.dims(0) != 1) { fprintf(pp, " 1=%d", (int)M.dims(0)); } } else if (M.dims_size() == 3) { fprintf(pp, " 0=%d", (int)M.dims(2)); fprintf(pp, " 1=%d", (int)M.dims(1)); if (M.dims(0) != 1) { fprintf(pp, " 2=%d", (int)M.dims(0)); } } else if (M.dims_size() == 4) { fprintf(pp, " 0=%d", (int)M.dims(3)); fprintf(pp, " 1=%d", (int)M.dims(2)); fprintf(pp, " 2=%d", (int)M.dims(1)); } fprintf(pp, "\n"); fwrite_tensor_proto_data(M, bp); if (refcount <= 1) { continue; } char splitname[256]; sprintf(splitname, "splitncnn_%d", internal_split); fprintf(pp, "%-16s %-24s %d %d", "Split", splitname, 1, refcount); fprintf(pp, " %s", trunc_name(input_name).c_str()); for (int k = 0; k < refcount; k++) { std::string split_name = input_name + "_splitncnn_" + std::to_string(k); fprintf(pp, " %s", trunc_name(split_name).c_str()); } fprintf(pp, "\n"); internal_split++; } for (int i = 0; i < node_count; i++) { const onnx::NodeProto& node = graph.node(i); const std::string& op = node.op_type(); // fprintf(stderr, "op = %s\n", op.c_str()); if (op == "noop_reducedncnn") { continue; } std::string name = node.name(); if (name.empty()) { name = node.output(0); } int input_size = node.input_size(); int output_size = node.output_size(); for (int j = 0; j < (int)node.input_size(); j++) { const std::string& input_name = node.input(j); // check weight if (weights.find(input_name) != weights.end() && node_reference[input_name] == 0) { input_size--; } if (input_name.empty()) { input_size--; } // fprintf(stderr, " input = %s\n", input_name.c_str()); } /* for (int j=0; j<(int)node.output_size(); j++) { const std::string& output_name = node.output(j); fprintf(stderr, " output = %s\n", output_name.c_str()); } */ if (op == "Abs") { fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "UnaryOp"); } else if (op == "Acos") { fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "UnaryOp"); } else if (op == "Add") { fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "BinaryOp"); } else if (op == "Asin") { fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "UnaryOp"); } else if (op == "Atan") { fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "UnaryOp"); } else if (op == "AveragePool" || op == "MaxPool") { std::vector kernel_shape = get_node_attr_ai(node, "kernel_shape"); if (kernel_shape.size() == 1) { fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "Pooling1D"); } else { fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "Pooling"); } } else if (op == "BatchNormalization") { fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "BatchNorm"); } else if (op == "BiasGelu") { fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "BiasGelu"); } else if (op == "Ceil") { fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "UnaryOp"); } else if (op == "Celu") { fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "CELU"); } else if (op == "Clip") { fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "Clip"); } else if (op == "Concat") { fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "Concat"); } else if (op == "Constant") { continue; } else if (op == "Conv") { std::vector kernel_shape = get_node_attr_ai(node, "kernel_shape"); if (kernel_shape.size() == 1) { fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "Convolution1D"); } else { int group = get_node_attr_i(node, "group", 1); if (group > 1) { fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "ConvolutionDepthWise"); } else { fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "Convolution"); } } } else if (op == "ConvTranspose") { int group = get_node_attr_i(node, "group", 1); if (group > 1) { fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "DeconvolutionDepthWise"); } else { fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "Deconvolution"); } } else if (op == "Cos") { fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "UnaryOp"); } else if (op == "Crop") { fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "Crop"); } else if (op == "DepthToSpace") { fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "PixelShuffle"); } else if (op == "Div") { fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "BinaryOp"); } else if (op == "Dropout") { fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "Dropout"); output_size = 1; } else if (op == "Elu") { fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "ELU"); } else if (op == "EmbedLayerNormalization") { fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "EmbedLayerNormalization"); } else if (op == "Erf") { fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "Erf"); } else if (op == "Exp") { fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "UnaryOp"); } else if (op == "Flatten") { fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "Flatten"); } else if (op == "Floor") { fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "UnaryOp"); } else if (op == "Gelu") { fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "GELU"); } else if (op == "Gemm") { float alpha = get_node_attr_f(node, "alpha", 1.f); float beta = get_node_attr_f(node, "beta", 1.f); int transA = get_node_attr_i(node, "transA", 0); int transB = get_node_attr_i(node, "transB", 0); if (alpha == 1.f && beta == 1.f && transA == 0 && transB == 1) { // InnerProduct-like A * B + C fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "InnerProduct"); } else { fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "Gemm"); } } else if (op == "GlobalAveragePool") { fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "Pooling"); } else if (op == "GlobalMaxPool") { fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "Pooling"); } else if (op == "adaptive_avg_pool2d" || op == "adaptive_max_pool2d") { fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "Pooling"); } else if (op == "GroupNorm") { fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "GroupNorm"); } else if (op == "GRU") { fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "GRU"); } else if (op == "HardSigmoid") { fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "HardSigmoid"); } else if (op == "HardSwish") { fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "HardSwish"); } else if (op == "ImageScaler") { fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "Scale"); } else if (op == "InstanceNormalization") { fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "InstanceNorm"); } else if (op == "LayerNorm") { fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "LayerNorm"); } else if (op == "LeakyRelu") { fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "ReLU"); } else if (op == "Log") { fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "UnaryOp"); } else if (op == "LRN") { fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "LRN"); } else if (op == "LSTM") { fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "LSTM"); } else if (op == "MatMul") { if (weights.find(node.input(1)) != weights.end() && weights[node.input(1)].dims_size() == 2) { fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "InnerProduct"); } else { fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "Gemm"); } } else if (op == "Max") { fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "BinaryOp"); } else if (op == "Min") { fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "BinaryOp"); } else if (op == "Mul") { fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "BinaryOp"); } else if (op == "MultiHeadAttention") { fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "MultiHeadAttention"); } else if (op == "Neg") { fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "UnaryOp"); } else if (op == "Normalize") { fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "Normalize"); } else if (op == "Pad") { fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "Padding"); } else if (op == "PixelShuffle") { fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "PixelShuffle"); } else if (op == "Pow") { fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "BinaryOp"); } else if (op == "PRelu") { fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "PReLU"); } else if (op == "Reciprocal") { fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "UnaryOp"); } else if (op == "ReduceMax" || op == "ReduceMin" || op == "ReduceMean" || op == "ReduceProd" || op == "ReduceSum" || op == "ReduceSumSquare" || op == "ReduceL1" || op == "ReduceL2" || op == "ReduceLogSum" || op == "ReduceLogSumExp") { fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "Reduction"); } else if (op == "Relu") { fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "ReLU"); } else if (op == "Reorg") { fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "Reorg"); } else if (op == "Reshape") { fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "Reshape"); } else if (op == "RNN") { fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "RNN"); } else if (op == "RDiv") { fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "BinaryOp"); } else if (op == "RSub") { fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "BinaryOp"); } else if (op == "ShuffleChannel") { fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "ShuffleChannel"); } else if (op == "Sigmoid") { fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "Sigmoid"); } else if (op == "Sin") { fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "UnaryOp"); } else if (op == "SkipLayerNormalization") { fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "SkipLayerNormalization"); } else if (op == "Slice") { fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "Crop"); } else if (op == "Softmax") { fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "Softmax"); } else if (op == "Softplus") { fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "Softplus"); } else if (op == "Split") { fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "Slice"); } else if (op == "Sqrt") { fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "UnaryOp"); } else if (op == "Squeeze") { fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "Squeeze"); } else if (op == "Sub") { fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "BinaryOp"); } else if (op == "Sum") { fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "Eltwise"); } else if (op == "Swish") { fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "Swish"); } else if (op == "Tan") { fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "UnaryOp"); } else if (op == "Tanh") { fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "UnaryOp"); } else if (op == "Transpose") { fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "Permute"); } else if (op == "Upsample" || op == "Resize") { fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "Interp"); } else if (op == "Unsqueeze") { fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "ExpandDims"); } else { // TODO fprintf(stderr, "%s not supported yet!\n", op.c_str()); fprintf(pp, "%-16s", op.c_str()); } fprintf(pp, " %-24s %d %d", trunc_name(name).c_str(), input_size, output_size); for (int j = 0; j < (int)node.input_size(); j++) { std::string input_name = node.input(j); // check weight if (weights.find(input_name) != weights.end() && node_reference[input_name] == 0) { continue; } if (input_name.empty()) { continue; } if (split_node_reference.find(input_name) != split_node_reference.end()) { int refidx = split_node_reference[input_name] - 1; split_node_reference[input_name] = refidx; char splitsuffix[256]; sprintf(splitsuffix, "_splitncnn_%d", refidx); input_name = input_name + splitsuffix; } fprintf(pp, " %s", trunc_name(input_name).c_str()); } for (int j = 0; j < output_size; j++) { const std::string& output_name = node.output(j); fprintf(pp, " %s", trunc_name(output_name).c_str()); } if (op == "Abs") { int op_type = 0; fprintf(pp, " 0=%d", op_type); } else if (op == "Acos") { int op_type = 13; fprintf(pp, " 0=%d", op_type); } else if (op == "Add") { int op_type = 0; fprintf(pp, " 0=%d", op_type); int with_scalar = get_node_attr_i(node, "with_scalar", 0); float b = get_node_attr_f(node, "b", 0.f); if (with_scalar) { fprintf(pp, " 1=%d", with_scalar); fprintf(pp, " 2=%e", b); } } else if (op == "Asin") { int op_type = 12; fprintf(pp, " 0=%d", op_type); } else if (op == "Atan") { int op_type = 14; fprintf(pp, " 0=%d", op_type); } else if (op == "AveragePool" || op == "MaxPool") { std::string auto_pad = get_node_attr_s(node, "auto_pad"); int ceil_mode = get_node_attr_i(node, "ceil_mode", 0); std::vector kernel_shape = get_node_attr_ai(node, "kernel_shape"); std::vector strides = get_node_attr_ai(node, "strides"); std::vector pads = get_node_attr_ai(node, "pads"); int pool = op == "AveragePool" ? 1 : 0; int pad_mode = 1; if (auto_pad == "SAME_UPPER") { pad_mode = 2; } else if (auto_pad == "SAME_LOWER") { pad_mode = 3; } if (ceil_mode == 1) { pad_mode = 0; } fprintf(pp, " 0=%d", pool); if (kernel_shape.size() == 1) { fprintf(pp, " 1=%d", kernel_shape[0]); } else if (kernel_shape.size() == 2) { fprintf(pp, " 1=%d", kernel_shape[1]); fprintf(pp, " 11=%d", kernel_shape[0]); } if (strides.size() == 1) { fprintf(pp, " 2=%d", strides[0]); } else if (strides.size() == 2) { fprintf(pp, " 2=%d", strides[1]); fprintf(pp, " 12=%d", strides[0]); } if (pads.size() == 1) { fprintf(pp, " 3=%d", pads[0]); } else if (pads.size() == 2) { fprintf(pp, " 3=%d", pads[1]); fprintf(pp, " 13=%d", pads[0]); } else if (pads.size() == 4) { fprintf(pp, " 3=%d", pads[1]); fprintf(pp, " 13=%d", pads[0]); fprintf(pp, " 14=%d", pads[3]); fprintf(pp, " 15=%d", pads[2]); } fprintf(pp, " 5=%d", pad_mode); if (op == "AveragePool") { int avgpool_count_include_pad = get_node_attr_i(node, "count_include_pad", 0); fprintf(pp, " 6=%d", avgpool_count_include_pad); } } else if (op == "BatchNormalization") { float epsilon = get_node_attr_f(node, "epsilon", 1e-5f); const onnx::TensorProto& scale = weights[node.input(1)]; const onnx::TensorProto& B = weights[node.input(2)]; const onnx::TensorProto& mean = weights[node.input(3)]; const onnx::TensorProto& var = weights[node.input(4)]; int channels = get_tensor_proto_data_size(scale); fprintf(pp, " 0=%d", channels); fwrite_tensor_proto_data(scale, bp); fwrite_tensor_proto_data(mean, bp); // apply epsilon to var { const float* v = var.has_raw_data() ? (const float*)var.raw_data().data() : var.float_data().data(); for (int j = 0; j < channels; j++) { float ve = v[j] + epsilon; fwrite(&ve, sizeof(float), 1, bp); } } fwrite_tensor_proto_data(B, bp); } else if (op == "BiasGelu") { const onnx::TensorProto& B = weights[node.input(1)]; fprintf(pp, " 0=%d", get_tensor_proto_data_size(B)); int quantize_tag = 0; fwrite(&quantize_tag, sizeof(int), 1, bp); fwrite_tensor_proto_data(B, bp); } else if (op == "Ceil") { int op_type = 3; fprintf(pp, " 0=%d", op_type); } else if (op == "CeLU") { float alpha = get_node_attr_f(node, "alpha", 1.0f); fprintf(pp, " 0=%e", alpha); } else if (op == "Clip") { float min; float max; if (node.input_size() == 1) { min = get_node_attr_f(node, "min", -FLT_MAX); max = get_node_attr_f(node, "max", FLT_MAX); } else { min = weights.find(node.input(1)) != weights.end() ? get_node_attr_from_input_f(weights[node.input(1)]) : -FLT_MAX; max = weights.find(node.input(2)) != weights.end() ? get_node_attr_from_input_f(weights[node.input(2)]) : FLT_MAX; } fprintf(pp, " 0=%e", min); fprintf(pp, " 1=%e", max); } else if (op == "Concat") { int axis = get_node_attr_i(node, "axis", 1); fprintf(pp, " 0=%d", axis > 0 ? axis - 1 : axis); } else if (op == "Constant") { // never reach here } else if (op == "Conv") { const onnx::TensorProto& W = weights[node.input(1)]; int num_filter = W.dims(0); int has_bias = node.input_size() == 3 ? 1 : 0; std::string auto_pad = get_node_attr_s(node, "auto_pad"); std::vector kernel_shape = get_node_attr_ai(node, "kernel_shape"); std::vector dilations = get_node_attr_ai(node, "dilations"); std::vector strides = get_node_attr_ai(node, "strides"); std::vector pads = get_node_attr_ai(node, "pads"); int group = get_node_attr_i(node, "group", 1); fprintf(pp, " 0=%d", num_filter); if (kernel_shape.size() == 1) { fprintf(pp, " 1=%d", kernel_shape[0]); } else if (kernel_shape.size() == 2) { fprintf(pp, " 1=%d", kernel_shape[1]); fprintf(pp, " 11=%d", kernel_shape[0]); } if (dilations.size() == 1) { fprintf(pp, " 2=%d", dilations[0]); } else if (dilations.size() == 2) { fprintf(pp, " 2=%d", dilations[1]); fprintf(pp, " 12=%d", dilations[0]); } if (strides.size() == 1) { fprintf(pp, " 3=%d", strides[0]); } else if (strides.size() == 2) { fprintf(pp, " 3=%d", strides[1]); fprintf(pp, " 13=%d", strides[0]); } if (auto_pad == "SAME_UPPER") { fprintf(pp, " 4=-233"); } else if (auto_pad == "SAME_LOWER") { fprintf(pp, " 4=-234"); } else { if (pads.size() == 1) { fprintf(pp, " 4=%d", pads[0]); } else if (pads.size() == 2) { fprintf(pp, " 4=%d", pads[1]); fprintf(pp, " 14=%d", pads[0]); } else if (pads.size() == 4) { fprintf(pp, " 4=%d", pads[1]); fprintf(pp, " 14=%d", pads[0]); fprintf(pp, " 15=%d", pads[3]); fprintf(pp, " 16=%d", pads[2]); } } fprintf(pp, " 5=%d", has_bias); fprintf(pp, " 6=%d", get_tensor_proto_data_size(W)); if (group > 1) { fprintf(pp, " 7=%d", group); } int quantize_tag = 0; fwrite(&quantize_tag, sizeof(int), 1, bp); fwrite_tensor_proto_data(W, bp); if (has_bias) { const onnx::TensorProto& B = weights[node.input(2)]; fwrite_tensor_proto_data(B, bp); } } else if (op == "ConvTranspose") { const onnx::TensorProto& W = weights[node.input(1)]; int has_bias = node.input_size() == 3 ? 1 : 0; std::string auto_pad = get_node_attr_s(node, "auto_pad"); std::vector kernel_shape = get_node_attr_ai(node, "kernel_shape"); std::vector dilations = get_node_attr_ai(node, "dilations"); std::vector strides = get_node_attr_ai(node, "strides"); std::vector output_padding = get_node_attr_ai(node, "output_padding"); std::vector output_shape = get_node_attr_ai(node, "output_shape"); std::vector pads = get_node_attr_ai(node, "pads"); int group = get_node_attr_i(node, "group", 1); int num_filter = W.dims(1) * group; fprintf(pp, " 0=%d", num_filter); if (kernel_shape.size() == 1) { fprintf(pp, " 1=%d", kernel_shape[0]); } else if (kernel_shape.size() == 2) { fprintf(pp, " 1=%d", kernel_shape[1]); fprintf(pp, " 11=%d", kernel_shape[0]); } if (dilations.size() == 1) { fprintf(pp, " 2=%d", dilations[0]); } else if (dilations.size() == 2) { fprintf(pp, " 2=%d", dilations[1]); fprintf(pp, " 12=%d", dilations[0]); } if (strides.size() == 1) { fprintf(pp, " 3=%d", strides[0]); } else if (strides.size() == 2) { fprintf(pp, " 3=%d", strides[1]); fprintf(pp, " 13=%d", strides[0]); } if (auto_pad == "SAME_UPPER") { fprintf(pp, " 4=-233"); } else if (auto_pad == "SAME_LOWER") { fprintf(pp, " 4=-234"); } else { if (pads.size() == 1) { fprintf(pp, " 4=%d", pads[0]); } else if (pads.size() == 2) { fprintf(pp, " 4=%d", pads[1]); fprintf(pp, " 14=%d", pads[0]); } else if (pads.size() == 4) { fprintf(pp, " 4=%d", pads[1]); fprintf(pp, " 14=%d", pads[0]); fprintf(pp, " 15=%d", pads[3]); fprintf(pp, " 16=%d", pads[2]); } } if (output_padding.size() == 1) { fprintf(pp, " 18=%d", output_padding[0]); } else if (output_padding.size() == 2) { fprintf(pp, " 18=%d", output_padding[1]); fprintf(pp, " 19=%d", output_padding[0]); } if (output_shape.size() == 1) { fprintf(pp, " 20=%d", output_shape[0]); } else if (output_shape.size() == 2) { fprintf(pp, " 20=%d", output_shape[1]); fprintf(pp, " 21=%d", output_shape[0]); } fprintf(pp, " 5=%d", has_bias); fprintf(pp, " 6=%d", get_tensor_proto_data_size(W)); if (group > 1) { fprintf(pp, " 7=%d", group); } int quantize_tag = 0; fwrite(&quantize_tag, sizeof(int), 1, bp); int maxk = 0; if (kernel_shape.size() == 2) { maxk = kernel_shape[1] * kernel_shape[0]; } else { maxk = kernel_shape[0] * kernel_shape[0]; } int weight_data_size = get_tensor_proto_data_size(W); const float* weight_data = 0; if (W.has_raw_data()) { weight_data = (const float*)W.raw_data().data(); } else if (W.data_type() == 1) { weight_data = W.float_data().data(); } for (int g = 0; g < group; g++) { // reorder weight from inch-outch to outch-inch int num_filter_g = num_filter / group; int num_input = weight_data_size / maxk / num_filter_g / group; const float* weight_data_ptr = weight_data + g * maxk * num_filter_g * num_input; for (int k = 0; k < num_filter_g; k++) { for (int j = 0; j < num_input; j++) { fwrite(weight_data_ptr + (j * num_filter_g + k) * maxk, sizeof(float), maxk, bp); } } } if (has_bias) { const onnx::TensorProto& B = weights[node.input(2)]; fwrite_tensor_proto_data(B, bp); } } else if (op == "Cos") { int op_type = 10; fprintf(pp, " 0=%d", op_type); } else if (op == "Crop") { auto starts = get_node_attr_ai(node, "starts"); fprintf(pp, " -23309=%zu", starts.size()); for (size_t j = 0; j < starts.size(); ++j) { fprintf(pp, ",%i", starts[j]); } auto ends = get_node_attr_ai(node, "ends"); fprintf(pp, " -23310=%zu", ends.size()); for (size_t j = 0; j < ends.size(); ++j) { fprintf(pp, ",%i", ends[j]); } auto axis = get_node_attr_ai(node, "axis"); fprintf(pp, " -23311=%zu", axis.size()); for (size_t j = 0; j < axis.size(); ++j) { fprintf(pp, ",%i", axis[j]); } } else if (op == "DepthToSpace") { // pixelshuffle int scale_factor = get_node_attr_i(node, "blocksize", 1); std::string mode = get_node_attr_s(node, "mode"); fprintf(pp, " 0=%d", scale_factor); if (mode == "CRD") { fprintf(pp, " 1=0"); } else if (mode == "DCR") { fprintf(pp, " 1=1"); } } else if (op == "Div") { int op_type = 3; fprintf(pp, " 0=%d", op_type); int with_scalar = get_node_attr_i(node, "with_scalar", 0); float b = get_node_attr_f(node, "b", 0.f); if (with_scalar) { fprintf(pp, " 1=%d", with_scalar); fprintf(pp, " 2=%e", b); } } else if (op == "Dropout") { // no-op } else if (op == "Elu") { float alpha = get_node_attr_f(node, "alpha", 1.f); fprintf(pp, " 0=%e", alpha); } else if (op == "EmbedLayerNormalization") { const onnx::TensorProto& words = weights[node.input(2)]; const onnx::TensorProto& positions = weights[node.input(3)]; const onnx::TensorProto& W = weights[node.input(5)]; const onnx::TensorProto& B = weights[node.input(6)]; fprintf(pp, " 0=%d", get_tensor_proto_data_size(B)); fprintf(pp, " 1=%d", get_tensor_proto_data_size(words)); fprintf(pp, " 2=%d", get_tensor_proto_data_size(positions)); int quantize_tag = 0; fwrite(&quantize_tag, sizeof(int), 1, bp); fwrite_tensor_proto_data(words, bp); fwrite(&quantize_tag, sizeof(int), 1, bp); fwrite_tensor_proto_data(positions, bp); fwrite(&quantize_tag, sizeof(int), 1, bp); fwrite_tensor_proto_data(W, bp); fwrite(&quantize_tag, sizeof(int), 1, bp); fwrite_tensor_proto_data(B, bp); } else if (op == "Erf") { // no-op } else if (op == "Exp") { int op_type = 7; fprintf(pp, " 0=%d", op_type); } else if (op == "Flatten") { int axis = get_node_attr_i(node, "axis", 1); if (axis != 1) { fprintf(stderr, "Unsupported Flatten axis %d!\n", axis); } } else if (op == "Floor") { int op_type = 2; fprintf(pp, " 0=%d", op_type); } else if (op == "Gelu") { fprintf(pp, " 0=1"); } else if (op == "Gemm") { float alpha = get_node_attr_f(node, "alpha", 1.f); float beta = get_node_attr_f(node, "beta", 1.f); int transA = get_node_attr_i(node, "transA", 0); int transB = get_node_attr_i(node, "transB", 0); if (alpha == 1.f && beta == 1.f && transA == 0 && transB == 1) { // InnerProduct-like A * B + C const onnx::TensorProto& B = weights[node.input(1)]; const onnx::TensorProto& C = weights[node.input(2)]; fprintf(pp, " 0=%d", get_tensor_proto_data_size(C)); fprintf(pp, " 1=1"); fprintf(pp, " 2=%d", get_tensor_proto_data_size(B)); int quantize_tag = 0; fwrite(&quantize_tag, sizeof(int), 1, bp); fwrite_tensor_proto_data(B, bp); fwrite_tensor_proto_data(C, bp); } else { // gemm fprintf(pp, " 0=%e", alpha); fprintf(pp, " 1=%e", beta); fprintf(pp, " 2=%d", transA); fprintf(pp, " 3=%d", transB); } } else if (op == "GlobalAveragePool") { int pool = 1; int global_pool = 1; fprintf(pp, " 0=%d", pool); fprintf(pp, " 4=%d", global_pool); } else if (op == "GlobalMaxPool") { int pool = 0; int global_pool = 1; fprintf(pp, " 0=%d", pool); fprintf(pp, " 4=%d", global_pool); } else if (op == "adaptive_avg_pool2d" || op == "adaptive_max_pool2d") { int pool = 0; if (op == "adaptive_avg_pool2d") { pool = 1; } int adaptive_pooling = 1; const onnx::TensorProto& out_shape_tp = weights[node.input(1)]; std::vector out_shape = get_node_attr_from_input_ai(out_shape_tp); fprintf(pp, " 0=%d", pool); fprintf(pp, " 7=%d", adaptive_pooling); if (out_shape.size() == 1) { fprintf(pp, " 8=%d", out_shape[0]); } else if (out_shape.size() == 2) { // out_w fprintf(pp, " 8=%d", out_shape[1]); // out_h fprintf(pp, " 18=%d", out_shape[0]); } } else if (op == "GroupNorm") { int groups = get_node_attr_i(node, "groups", 1); int channels = get_node_attr_i(node, "channels", 1); float eps = get_node_attr_f(node, "epsilon", 1e-5f); int affine = get_node_attr_i(node, "affine", 1); if (affine) { // discard affine-less S=1 B=0 std::vector affine_S = get_node_attr_from_input_af(weights[node.input(1)]); std::vector affine_B = get_node_attr_from_input_af(weights[node.input(2)]); if (affine_S.size() == 1 && affine_S[0] == 1.f && affine_B.size() == 1 && affine_B[0] == 0.f) { affine = 0; } else { affine = 0; { for (int j = 0; j < channels; j++) { if (affine_S[j] != 1.f || affine_B[j] != 0.f) { affine = 1; break; } } } } } fprintf(pp, " 0=%d", groups); fprintf(pp, " 1=%d", channels); fprintf(pp, " 2=%e", eps); fprintf(pp, " 3=%d", affine); if (affine) { const onnx::TensorProto& scale = weights[node.input(1)]; const onnx::TensorProto& B = weights[node.input(2)]; fwrite_tensor_proto_data(scale, bp); fwrite_tensor_proto_data(B, bp); } } else if (op == "GRU") { const onnx::TensorProto& W = weights[node.input(1)]; const onnx::TensorProto& R = weights[node.input(2)]; const onnx::TensorProto& B = weights[node.input(3)]; int hidden_size = get_node_attr_i(node, "hidden_size", 0); std::string direction = get_node_attr_s(node, "direction"); int direction_type = 0; if (direction == "forward") { direction_type = 0; } else if (direction == "reverse") { direction_type = 1; } else if (direction == "bidirectional") { direction_type = 2; } int weight_data_size = get_tensor_proto_data_size(W); fprintf(pp, " 0=%d", hidden_size); fprintf(pp, " 1=%d", weight_data_size); fprintf(pp, " 2=%d", direction_type); int num_directions = direction_type == 2 ? 2 : 1; int quantize_tag = 0; // reorder num_directions-URN-hidden-size to num_directions-RUN-hidden-size { fwrite(&quantize_tag, sizeof(int), 1, bp); int weight_data_size_g = get_tensor_proto_data_size(W) / 3 / num_directions; const float* wptr = W.has_raw_data() ? (const float*)W.raw_data().data() : W.float_data().data(); const float* uptr = wptr; const float* rptr = wptr + weight_data_size_g; const float* nptr = wptr + weight_data_size_g * 2; fwrite(rptr, sizeof(float), weight_data_size_g, bp); fwrite(uptr, sizeof(float), weight_data_size_g, bp); fwrite(nptr, sizeof(float), weight_data_size_g, bp); if (direction_type == 2) { uptr += weight_data_size_g * 3; rptr += weight_data_size_g * 3; nptr += weight_data_size_g * 3; fwrite(rptr, sizeof(float), weight_data_size_g, bp); fwrite(uptr, sizeof(float), weight_data_size_g, bp); fwrite(nptr, sizeof(float), weight_data_size_g, bp); } } // reduce U and R bias except N // reorder num_directions-URN-hidden to num_directions-RUN-hidden { fwrite(&quantize_tag, sizeof(int), 1, bp); int bias_data_size_g = get_tensor_proto_data_size(B) / 2 / 3 / num_directions; const float* bptr = B.has_raw_data() ? (const float*)B.raw_data().data() : B.float_data().data(); const float* wuptr = bptr; const float* wrptr = bptr + bias_data_size_g; const float* wnptr = bptr + bias_data_size_g * 2; const float* buptr = bptr + bias_data_size_g * 3; const float* brptr = bptr + bias_data_size_g * 4; const float* bnptr = bptr + bias_data_size_g * 5; for (int j = 0; j < bias_data_size_g; j++) { float vb = wrptr[j] + brptr[j]; fwrite(&vb, sizeof(float), 1, bp); } for (int j = 0; j < bias_data_size_g; j++) { float vb = wuptr[j] + buptr[j]; fwrite(&vb, sizeof(float), 1, bp); } fwrite(wnptr, sizeof(float), bias_data_size_g, bp); fwrite(bnptr, sizeof(float), bias_data_size_g, bp); if (direction_type == 2) { wuptr += bias_data_size_g * 6; wrptr += bias_data_size_g * 6; wnptr += bias_data_size_g * 6; buptr += bias_data_size_g * 6; brptr += bias_data_size_g * 6; bnptr += bias_data_size_g * 6; for (int j = 0; j < bias_data_size_g; j++) { float vb = wrptr[j] + brptr[j]; fwrite(&vb, sizeof(float), 1, bp); } for (int j = 0; j < bias_data_size_g; j++) { float vb = wuptr[j] + buptr[j]; fwrite(&vb, sizeof(float), 1, bp); } fwrite(wnptr, sizeof(float), bias_data_size_g, bp); fwrite(bnptr, sizeof(float), bias_data_size_g, bp); } } // reorder num_directions-URN-hidden-hidden to num_directions-RUN-hidden-hidden { fwrite(&quantize_tag, sizeof(int), 1, bp); int weight_data_size_g = get_tensor_proto_data_size(R) / 3 / num_directions; const float* Rptr = R.has_raw_data() ? (const float*)R.raw_data().data() : R.float_data().data(); const float* uptr = Rptr; const float* rptr = Rptr + weight_data_size_g; const float* nptr = Rptr + weight_data_size_g * 2; fwrite(rptr, sizeof(float), weight_data_size_g, bp); fwrite(uptr, sizeof(float), weight_data_size_g, bp); fwrite(nptr, sizeof(float), weight_data_size_g, bp); if (direction_type == 2) { uptr += weight_data_size_g * 3; rptr += weight_data_size_g * 3; nptr += weight_data_size_g * 3; fwrite(rptr, sizeof(float), weight_data_size_g, bp); fwrite(uptr, sizeof(float), weight_data_size_g, bp); fwrite(nptr, sizeof(float), weight_data_size_g, bp); } } } else if (op == "HardSigmoid") { float alpha = get_node_attr_f(node, "alpha", 0.2f); float beta = get_node_attr_f(node, "beta", 0.5f); fprintf(pp, " 0=%e", alpha); fprintf(pp, " 1=%e", beta); } else if (op == "HardSwish") { float alpha = get_node_attr_f(node, "alpha", 0.2f); float beta = get_node_attr_f(node, "beta", 0.5f); fprintf(pp, " 0=%e", alpha); fprintf(pp, " 1=%e", beta); } else if (op == "ImageScaler") { std::vector bias = get_node_attr_af(node, "bias"); float scale = get_node_attr_f(node, "scale", 1.f); int channels = (int)bias.size(); fprintf(pp, " 0=%d", channels); fprintf(pp, " 1=1"); for (int j = 0; j < channels; j++) { fwrite(&scale, sizeof(float), 1, bp); } fwrite(&bias[0], sizeof(float), channels, bp); } else if (op == "InstanceNormalization") { float eps = get_node_attr_f(node, "epsilon", 1e-5f); // discard affine-less S=1 B=0 std::vector affine_S = get_node_attr_from_input_af(weights[node.input(1)]); std::vector affine_B = get_node_attr_from_input_af(weights[node.input(2)]); int channels = (int)affine_S.size(); int affine = 0; { for (int j = 0; j < channels; j++) { if (affine_S[j] != 1.f || affine_B[j] != 0.f) { affine = 1; break; } } } fprintf(pp, " 0=%d", channels); fprintf(pp, " 1=%e", eps); fprintf(pp, " 2=%d", affine); if (affine) { const onnx::TensorProto& scale = weights[node.input(1)]; const onnx::TensorProto& B = weights[node.input(2)]; fwrite_tensor_proto_data(scale, bp); fwrite_tensor_proto_data(B, bp); } } else if (op == "LayerNorm") { float eps = get_node_attr_f(node, "epsilon", 1e-5f); int affine = get_node_attr_i(node, "affine", 1); if (affine) { // discard affine-less S=1 B=0 std::vector affine_S = get_node_attr_from_input_af(weights[node.input(1)]); std::vector affine_B = get_node_attr_from_input_af(weights[node.input(2)]); int affine_size = (int)affine_S.size(); affine = 0; { for (int j = 0; j < affine_size; j++) { if (affine_S[j] != 1.f || affine_B[j] != 0.f) { affine = 1; break; } } } if (affine) { fprintf(pp, " 0=%d", affine_size); } } fprintf(pp, " 1=%e", eps); fprintf(pp, " 2=%d", affine); if (affine) { const onnx::TensorProto& scale = weights[node.input(1)]; const onnx::TensorProto& B = weights[node.input(2)]; fwrite_tensor_proto_data(scale, bp); fwrite_tensor_proto_data(B, bp); } } else if (op == "LeakyRelu") { float alpha = get_node_attr_f(node, "alpha", 0.01f); fprintf(pp, " 0=%e", alpha); } else if (op == "Log") { int op_type = 8; fprintf(pp, " 0=%d", op_type); } else if (op == "LRN") { float alpha = get_node_attr_f(node, "alpha", 1.f); float beta = get_node_attr_f(node, "beta", 0.5f); float bias = get_node_attr_f(node, "bias", 1.f); int size = get_node_attr_i(node, "size", 1); int norm_region = 0; fprintf(pp, " 0=%d", norm_region); fprintf(pp, " 1=%d", size); fprintf(pp, " 2=%e", alpha); fprintf(pp, " 3=%e", beta); fprintf(pp, " 4=%e", bias); } else if (op == "LSTM") { const onnx::TensorProto& W = weights[node.input(1)]; const onnx::TensorProto& R = weights[node.input(2)]; const onnx::TensorProto& B = weights[node.input(3)]; int hidden_size = get_node_attr_i(node, "hidden_size", 0); std::string direction = get_node_attr_s(node, "direction"); int direction_type = 0; if (direction == "forward") { direction_type = 0; } else if (direction == "reverse") { direction_type = 1; } else if (direction == "bidirectional") { direction_type = 2; } int weight_data_size = get_tensor_proto_data_size(W); fprintf(pp, " 0=%d", hidden_size); fprintf(pp, " 1=%d", weight_data_size); fprintf(pp, " 2=%d", direction_type); int num_directions = direction_type == 2 ? 2 : 1; int quantize_tag = 0; // reorder num_directions-IOFG-hidden-size to num_directions-IFOG-hidden-size { fwrite(&quantize_tag, sizeof(int), 1, bp); int weight_data_size_g = get_tensor_proto_data_size(W) / 4 / num_directions; const float* wptr = W.has_raw_data() ? (const float*)W.raw_data().data() : W.float_data().data(); const float* iptr = wptr; const float* optr = wptr + weight_data_size_g; const float* fptr = wptr + weight_data_size_g * 2; const float* gptr = wptr + weight_data_size_g * 3; fwrite(iptr, sizeof(float), weight_data_size_g, bp); fwrite(fptr, sizeof(float), weight_data_size_g, bp); fwrite(optr, sizeof(float), weight_data_size_g, bp); fwrite(gptr, sizeof(float), weight_data_size_g, bp); if (direction_type == 2) { iptr += weight_data_size_g * 4; optr += weight_data_size_g * 4; fptr += weight_data_size_g * 4; gptr += weight_data_size_g * 4; fwrite(iptr, sizeof(float), weight_data_size_g, bp); fwrite(fptr, sizeof(float), weight_data_size_g, bp); fwrite(optr, sizeof(float), weight_data_size_g, bp); fwrite(gptr, sizeof(float), weight_data_size_g, bp); } } // reduce xc and hc bias // reorder num_directions-IOFG-hidden to num_directions-IFOG-hidden { fwrite(&quantize_tag, sizeof(int), 1, bp); int bias_data_size_g = get_tensor_proto_data_size(B) / 2 / 4 / num_directions; const float* xcbptr = B.has_raw_data() ? (const float*)B.raw_data().data() : B.float_data().data(); const float* xiptr = xcbptr; const float* xoptr = xcbptr + bias_data_size_g; const float* xfptr = xcbptr + bias_data_size_g * 2; const float* xgptr = xcbptr + bias_data_size_g * 3; const float* hiptr = xcbptr + bias_data_size_g * 4; const float* hoptr = xcbptr + bias_data_size_g * 5; const float* hfptr = xcbptr + bias_data_size_g * 6; const float* hgptr = xcbptr + bias_data_size_g * 7; for (int j = 0; j < bias_data_size_g; j++) { float vb = xiptr[j] + hiptr[j]; fwrite(&vb, sizeof(float), 1, bp); } for (int j = 0; j < bias_data_size_g; j++) { float vb = xfptr[j] + hfptr[j]; fwrite(&vb, sizeof(float), 1, bp); } for (int j = 0; j < bias_data_size_g; j++) { float vb = xoptr[j] + hoptr[j]; fwrite(&vb, sizeof(float), 1, bp); } for (int j = 0; j < bias_data_size_g; j++) { float vb = xgptr[j] + hgptr[j]; fwrite(&vb, sizeof(float), 1, bp); } if (direction_type == 2) { xiptr += bias_data_size_g * 8; xoptr += bias_data_size_g * 8; xfptr += bias_data_size_g * 8; xgptr += bias_data_size_g * 8; hiptr += bias_data_size_g * 8; hoptr += bias_data_size_g * 8; hfptr += bias_data_size_g * 8; hgptr += bias_data_size_g * 8; for (int j = 0; j < bias_data_size_g; j++) { float vb = xiptr[j] + hiptr[j]; fwrite(&vb, sizeof(float), 1, bp); } for (int j = 0; j < bias_data_size_g; j++) { float vb = xfptr[j] + hfptr[j]; fwrite(&vb, sizeof(float), 1, bp); } for (int j = 0; j < bias_data_size_g; j++) { float vb = xoptr[j] + hoptr[j]; fwrite(&vb, sizeof(float), 1, bp); } for (int j = 0; j < bias_data_size_g; j++) { float vb = xgptr[j] + hgptr[j]; fwrite(&vb, sizeof(float), 1, bp); } } } // reorder num_directions-IOFG-hidden-hidden to num_directions-IFOG-hidden-hidden { fwrite(&quantize_tag, sizeof(int), 1, bp); int weight_data_size_g = get_tensor_proto_data_size(R) / 4 / num_directions; const float* rptr = R.has_raw_data() ? (const float*)R.raw_data().data() : R.float_data().data(); const float* iptr = rptr; const float* optr = rptr + weight_data_size_g; const float* fptr = rptr + weight_data_size_g * 2; const float* gptr = rptr + weight_data_size_g * 3; fwrite(iptr, sizeof(float), weight_data_size_g, bp); fwrite(fptr, sizeof(float), weight_data_size_g, bp); fwrite(optr, sizeof(float), weight_data_size_g, bp); fwrite(gptr, sizeof(float), weight_data_size_g, bp); if (direction_type == 2) { iptr += weight_data_size_g * 4; optr += weight_data_size_g * 4; fptr += weight_data_size_g * 4; gptr += weight_data_size_g * 4; fwrite(iptr, sizeof(float), weight_data_size_g, bp); fwrite(fptr, sizeof(float), weight_data_size_g, bp); fwrite(optr, sizeof(float), weight_data_size_g, bp); fwrite(gptr, sizeof(float), weight_data_size_g, bp); } } } else if (op == "MatMul") { if (weights.find(node.input(1)) != weights.end() && weights[node.input(1)].dims_size() == 2) { // InnerProduct const onnx::TensorProto& B = weights[node.input(1)]; int weight_data_size = get_tensor_proto_data_size(B); int num_output = B.dims(B.dims_size() - 1); int num_input = weight_data_size / num_output; fprintf(pp, " 0=%d", num_output); fprintf(pp, " 1=0"); fprintf(pp, " 2=%d", weight_data_size); int quantize_tag = 0; fwrite(&quantize_tag, sizeof(int), 1, bp); // reorder num_input-num_output to num_output-num_input { const float* bptr = B.has_raw_data() ? (const float*)B.raw_data().data() : B.float_data().data(); for (int j = 0; j < num_output; j++) { for (int k = 0; k < num_input; k++) { float vb = bptr[k * num_output + j]; fwrite(&vb, sizeof(float), 1, bp); } } } // fwrite_tensor_proto_data(B, bp) } else { // default matrix multiplication } } else if (op == "Max") { int op_type = 4; fprintf(pp, " 0=%d", op_type); int with_scalar = get_node_attr_i(node, "with_scalar", 0); float b = get_node_attr_f(node, "b", 0.f); if (with_scalar) { fprintf(pp, " 1=%d", with_scalar); fprintf(pp, " 2=%e", b); } } else if (op == "Min") { int op_type = 5; fprintf(pp, " 0=%d", op_type); int with_scalar = get_node_attr_i(node, "with_scalar", 0); float b = get_node_attr_f(node, "b", 0.f); if (with_scalar) { fprintf(pp, " 1=%d", with_scalar); fprintf(pp, " 2=%e", b); } } else if (op == "Mul") { int op_type = 2; fprintf(pp, " 0=%d", op_type); int with_scalar = get_node_attr_i(node, "with_scalar", 0); float b = get_node_attr_f(node, "b", 0.f); if (with_scalar) { fprintf(pp, " 1=%d", with_scalar); fprintf(pp, " 2=%e", b); } } else if (op == "MultiHeadAttention") { int embed_dim = get_node_attr_i(node, "embed_dim", 0); int num_heads = get_node_attr_i(node, "num_heads", 0); fprintf(pp, " 0=%d", embed_dim); fprintf(pp, " 1=%d", num_heads); if (node.input_size() == 5) { const onnx::TensorProto& qkvw = weights[node.input(1)]; const onnx::TensorProto& qkvb = weights[node.input(2)]; const onnx::TensorProto& ow = weights[node.input(3)]; const onnx::TensorProto& ob = weights[node.input(4)]; int weight_data_size = get_tensor_proto_data_size(ow); fprintf(pp, " 2=%d", weight_data_size); int quantize_tag = 0; fwrite(&quantize_tag, sizeof(int), 1, bp); // transpose qw { const float* wptr = qkvw.has_raw_data() ? (const float*)qkvw.raw_data().data() : qkvw.float_data().data(); const float* bptr = qkvb.has_raw_data() ? (const float*)qkvb.raw_data().data() : qkvb.float_data().data(); for (int j = 0; j < embed_dim; j++) { for (int k = 0; k < embed_dim; k++) { float vb = wptr[k * embed_dim * 3 + j]; fwrite(&vb, sizeof(float), 1, bp); } } fwrite(bptr, sizeof(float), embed_dim, bp); } fwrite(&quantize_tag, sizeof(int), 1, bp); // transpose kw { const float* wptr = qkvw.has_raw_data() ? (const float*)qkvw.raw_data().data() : qkvw.float_data().data(); const float* bptr = qkvb.has_raw_data() ? (const float*)qkvb.raw_data().data() : qkvb.float_data().data(); bptr += embed_dim; for (int j = 0; j < embed_dim; j++) { for (int k = 0; k < embed_dim; k++) { float vb = wptr[k * embed_dim * 3 + j + embed_dim]; fwrite(&vb, sizeof(float), 1, bp); } } fwrite(bptr, sizeof(float), embed_dim, bp); } fwrite(&quantize_tag, sizeof(int), 1, bp); // transpose vw { const float* wptr = qkvw.has_raw_data() ? (const float*)qkvw.raw_data().data() : qkvw.float_data().data(); const float* bptr = qkvb.has_raw_data() ? (const float*)qkvb.raw_data().data() : qkvb.float_data().data(); bptr += embed_dim * 2; for (int j = 0; j < embed_dim; j++) { for (int k = 0; k < embed_dim; k++) { float vb = wptr[k * embed_dim * 3 + j + embed_dim * 2]; fwrite(&vb, sizeof(float), 1, bp); } } fwrite(bptr, sizeof(float), embed_dim, bp); } fwrite(&quantize_tag, sizeof(int), 1, bp); // transpose ow { const float* wptr = ow.has_raw_data() ? (const float*)ow.raw_data().data() : ow.float_data().data(); for (int j = 0; j < embed_dim; j++) { for (int k = 0; k < embed_dim; k++) { float vb = wptr[k * embed_dim + j]; fwrite(&vb, sizeof(float), 1, bp); } } } fwrite_tensor_proto_data(ob, bp); } else { const onnx::TensorProto& qw = weights[node.input(3)]; const onnx::TensorProto& qb = weights[node.input(4)]; const onnx::TensorProto& kw = weights[node.input(5)]; const onnx::TensorProto& kb = weights[node.input(6)]; const onnx::TensorProto& vw = weights[node.input(7)]; const onnx::TensorProto& vb = weights[node.input(8)]; const onnx::TensorProto& ow = weights[node.input(9)]; const onnx::TensorProto& ob = weights[node.input(10)]; int weight_data_size = get_tensor_proto_data_size(qw); fprintf(pp, " 2=%d", weight_data_size); int quantize_tag = 0; fwrite(&quantize_tag, sizeof(int), 1, bp); // transpose qw { const float* wptr = qw.has_raw_data() ? (const float*)qw.raw_data().data() : qw.float_data().data(); for (int j = 0; j < embed_dim; j++) { for (int k = 0; k < embed_dim; k++) { float vb = wptr[k * embed_dim + j]; fwrite(&vb, sizeof(float), 1, bp); } } } fwrite_tensor_proto_data(qb, bp); fwrite(&quantize_tag, sizeof(int), 1, bp); // transpose kw { const float* wptr = kw.has_raw_data() ? (const float*)kw.raw_data().data() : kw.float_data().data(); for (int j = 0; j < embed_dim; j++) { for (int k = 0; k < embed_dim; k++) { float vb = wptr[k * embed_dim + j]; fwrite(&vb, sizeof(float), 1, bp); } } } fwrite_tensor_proto_data(kb, bp); fwrite(&quantize_tag, sizeof(int), 1, bp); // transpose vw { const float* wptr = vw.has_raw_data() ? (const float*)vw.raw_data().data() : vw.float_data().data(); for (int j = 0; j < embed_dim; j++) { for (int k = 0; k < embed_dim; k++) { float vb = wptr[k * embed_dim + j]; fwrite(&vb, sizeof(float), 1, bp); } } } fwrite_tensor_proto_data(vb, bp); fwrite(&quantize_tag, sizeof(int), 1, bp); // transpose ow { const float* wptr = ow.has_raw_data() ? (const float*)ow.raw_data().data() : ow.float_data().data(); for (int j = 0; j < embed_dim; j++) { for (int k = 0; k < embed_dim; k++) { float vb = wptr[k * embed_dim + j]; fwrite(&vb, sizeof(float), 1, bp); } } } fwrite_tensor_proto_data(ob, bp); } } else if (op == "Neg") { int op_type = 1; fprintf(pp, " 0=%d", op_type); } else if (op == "Normalize") { float eps = get_node_attr_f(node, "eps", 0.f); int scale_data_size = 1; fprintf(pp, " 1=1"); // channel_shared fprintf(pp, " 2=%e", eps); fprintf(pp, " 3=%d", scale_data_size); fprintf(pp, " 9=1"); // TODO hardcode pytorch style const float scale_data[1] = {1.f}; fwrite(scale_data, sizeof(float), 1, bp); } else if (op == "Pad") { std::string mode = get_node_attr_s(node, "mode"); float value = get_node_attr_f(node, "value", 0.f); std::vector pads; if (node.input_size() == 1) { pads = get_node_attr_ai(node, "pads"); } else { pads = get_node_attr_from_input_ai(weights[node.input(1)]); } int type = 0; if (mode == "constant") { type = 0; } else if (mode == "edge") { type = 1; } else if (mode == "reflect") { type = 2; } int pad_size = (int)pads.size(); int top = 0; int bottom = 0; int left = 0; int right = 0; int front = 0; int behind = 0; if (pad_size == 8) { //NCHW top = pads[2]; bottom = pads[6]; left = pads[3]; right = pads[7]; front = pads[1]; behind = pads[5]; } else if (pad_size == 6) { //NHW top = pads[1]; bottom = pads[4]; left = pads[2]; right = pads[5]; } else { //NW left = pads[1]; right = pads[3]; } fprintf(pp, " 0=%d", top); fprintf(pp, " 1=%d", bottom); fprintf(pp, " 2=%d", left); fprintf(pp, " 3=%d", right); fprintf(pp, " 4=%d", type); fprintf(pp, " 5=%e", value); fprintf(pp, " 7=%d", front); fprintf(pp, " 8=%d", behind); } else if (op == "Pow") { int op_type = 6; fprintf(pp, " 0=%d", op_type); int with_scalar = get_node_attr_i(node, "with_scalar", 0); float b = get_node_attr_f(node, "b", 0.f); if (with_scalar) { fprintf(pp, " 1=%d", with_scalar); fprintf(pp, " 2=%e", b); } } else if (op == "PixelShuffle") { int scale_factor = get_node_attr_i(node, "scale_factor", 1); fprintf(pp, " 0=%d", scale_factor); } else if (op == "PRelu") { const onnx::TensorProto& slope = weights[node.input(1)]; int num_slope = get_tensor_proto_data_size(slope); fprintf(pp, " 0=%d", num_slope); fwrite_tensor_proto_data(slope, bp); } else if (op == "Reciprocal") { int op_type = 15; fprintf(pp, " 0=%d", op_type); } else if (op == "ReduceMax" || op == "ReduceMin" || op == "ReduceMean" || op == "ReduceProd" || op == "ReduceSum" || op == "ReduceSumSquare" || op == "ReduceL1" || op == "ReduceL2" || op == "ReduceLogSum" || op == "ReduceLogSumExp") { int op_type = -233; if (op == "ReduceSum") op_type = 0; else if (op == "ReduceSumSquare") op_type = 2; else if (op == "ReduceMean") op_type = 3; else if (op == "ReduceMax") op_type = 4; else if (op == "ReduceMin") op_type = 5; else if (op == "ReduceProd") op_type = 6; else if (op == "ReduceL1") op_type = 7; else if (op == "ReduceL2") op_type = 8; else if (op == "ReduceLogSum") op_type = 9; else if (op == "ReduceLogSumExp") op_type = 10; fprintf(pp, " 0=%d", op_type); std::vector axes = get_node_attr_ai(node, "axes"); int keepdims = get_node_attr_i(node, "keepdims", 1); if (axes.size() > 0) { // if axes set, reduce according to axes fprintf(pp, " 1=%d", 0); fprintf(pp, " -23303=%zu", axes.size()); for (size_t j = 0; j < axes.size(); j++) { if (axes[j] == 0 || axes[j] > 4 || axes[j] < -3) fprintf(stderr, "Unsupported reduction axes !\n"); fprintf(pp, ",%d", axes[j] > 0 ? axes[j] - 1 : axes[j]); } } else { // if axes not set, reduce all axes by default fprintf(pp, " 1=%d", 1); } fprintf(pp, " 4=%d", keepdims); fprintf(pp, " 5=1"); } else if (op == "Reorg") { int stride = get_node_attr_i(node, "stride", 1); fprintf(pp, " 0=%d", stride); } else if (op == "Reshape") { std::vector shape; if (node.input_size() == 1) { shape = get_node_attr_ai(node, "shape"); } else { shape = get_node_attr_from_input_ai(weights[node.input(1)]); } if (shape.size() == 1) { fprintf(pp, " 0=%d", shape[0]); // should never reach here } else if (shape.size() == 2) { fprintf(pp, " 0=%d", shape[1]); } else if (shape.size() == 3) { fprintf(pp, " 0=%d", shape[2]); fprintf(pp, " 1=%d", shape[1]); } else if (shape.size() == 4) { fprintf(pp, " 0=%d", shape[3]); fprintf(pp, " 1=%d", shape[2]); fprintf(pp, " 2=%d", shape[1]); } else if (shape.size() == 5) { fprintf(pp, " 0=%d", shape[4] * shape[3]); fprintf(pp, " 1=%d", shape[2]); fprintf(pp, " 2=%d", shape[1]); } } else if (op == "Resize") { std::string mode = get_node_attr_s(node, "mode"); std::string align = get_node_attr_s(node, "coordinate_transformation_mode"); std::vector scales; std::vector sizes; if (node.input_size() == 2) { // opset 10 scales = get_node_attr_from_input_af(weights[node.input(1)]); } else { // opset 11+ scales = get_node_attr_from_input_af(weights[node.input(2)]); if (node.input_size() >= 4) { sizes = get_node_attr_from_input_ai(weights[node.input(3)]); } } int resize_type = 1; if (mode == "nearest") { resize_type = 1; } else if (mode == "linear") { resize_type = 2; } else if (mode == "cubic") { resize_type = 3; } if (scales.empty() && sizes.empty()) { fprintf(stderr, "Unsupported Resize scales and sizes are all empty!\n"); } float h_scale = 1.f; float w_scale = 1.f; if (scales.size() == 2) { w_scale = scales[1]; } else if (scales.size() == 3) { h_scale = scales[1]; w_scale = scales[2]; } else if (scales.size() == 4) { h_scale = scales[2]; w_scale = scales[3]; if (scales[1] != 1.f) fprintf(stderr, "Unsupported Resize scales !\n"); } int output_height = 0; int output_width = 0; if (sizes.size() == 2) { output_width = sizes[1]; } else if (sizes.size() == 3) { output_height = sizes[1]; output_width = sizes[2]; } else if (sizes.size() == 4) { output_height = sizes[2]; output_width = sizes[3]; } int align_corner = 0; if (align == "align_corners") { align_corner = 1; } fprintf(pp, " 0=%d", resize_type); fprintf(pp, " 1=%e", h_scale); fprintf(pp, " 2=%e", w_scale); fprintf(pp, " 3=%d", output_height); fprintf(pp, " 4=%d", output_width); fprintf(pp, " 6=%d", align_corner); } else if (op == "RNN") { const onnx::TensorProto& W = weights[node.input(1)]; const onnx::TensorProto& R = weights[node.input(2)]; const onnx::TensorProto& B = weights[node.input(3)]; int hidden_size = get_node_attr_i(node, "hidden_size", 0); std::string direction = get_node_attr_s(node, "direction"); int direction_type = 0; if (direction == "forward") { direction_type = 0; } else if (direction == "reverse") { direction_type = 1; } else if (direction == "bidirectional") { direction_type = 2; } int weight_data_size = get_tensor_proto_data_size(W); fprintf(pp, " 0=%d", hidden_size); fprintf(pp, " 1=%d", weight_data_size); fprintf(pp, " 2=%d", direction_type); int num_directions = direction_type == 2 ? 2 : 1; int quantize_tag = 0; fwrite(&quantize_tag, sizeof(int), 1, bp); fwrite_tensor_proto_data(W, bp); // reduce xc and hc bias { fwrite(&quantize_tag, sizeof(int), 1, bp); int bias_data_size_g = get_tensor_proto_data_size(B) / 2 / num_directions; const float* bptr = B.has_raw_data() ? (const float*)B.raw_data().data() : B.float_data().data(); const float* xiptr = bptr; const float* hiptr = bptr + bias_data_size_g; for (int j = 0; j < bias_data_size_g; j++) { float vb = xiptr[j] + hiptr[j]; fwrite(&vb, sizeof(float), 1, bp); } if (direction_type == 2) { xiptr += bias_data_size_g * 2; hiptr += bias_data_size_g * 2; for (int j = 0; j < bias_data_size_g; j++) { float vb = xiptr[j] + hiptr[j]; fwrite(&vb, sizeof(float), 1, bp); } } } fwrite(&quantize_tag, sizeof(int), 1, bp); fwrite_tensor_proto_data(R, bp); } else if (op == "RDiv") { int op_type = 8; fprintf(pp, " 0=%d", op_type); int with_scalar = get_node_attr_i(node, "with_scalar", 0); float b = get_node_attr_f(node, "b", 0.f); if (with_scalar) { fprintf(pp, " 1=%d", with_scalar); fprintf(pp, " 2=%e", b); } } else if (op == "RSub") { int op_type = 7; fprintf(pp, " 0=%d", op_type); int with_scalar = get_node_attr_i(node, "with_scalar", 0); float b = get_node_attr_f(node, "b", 0.f); if (with_scalar) { fprintf(pp, " 1=%d", with_scalar); fprintf(pp, " 2=%e", b); } } else if (op == "ShuffleChannel") { int group = get_node_attr_i(node, "group", 1); int reverse = get_node_attr_i(node, "reverse", 0); fprintf(pp, " 0=%d", group); fprintf(pp, " 1=%d", reverse); } else if (op == "Sigmoid") { // no param } else if (op == "Sin") { int op_type = 9; fprintf(pp, " 0=%d", op_type); } else if (op == "SkipLayerNormalization") { const onnx::TensorProto& W = weights[node.input(2)]; const onnx::TensorProto& B = weights[node.input(3)]; const onnx::TensorProto& B2 = weights[node.input(4)]; fprintf(pp, " 0=%d", get_tensor_proto_data_size(B)); int quantize_tag = 0; fwrite(&quantize_tag, sizeof(int), 1, bp); fwrite_tensor_proto_data(W, bp); fwrite(&quantize_tag, sizeof(int), 1, bp); fwrite_tensor_proto_data(B, bp); fwrite(&quantize_tag, sizeof(int), 1, bp); fwrite_tensor_proto_data(B2, bp); } else if (op == "Slice") { std::vector starts; std::vector ends; std::vector axes; std::vector steps; if (node.input_size() == 1) { starts = get_node_attr_ai(node, "starts"); ends = get_node_attr_ai(node, "ends"); axes = get_node_attr_ai(node, "axes"); steps = get_node_attr_ai(node, "steps"); // TODO } else { starts = get_node_attr_from_input_ai(weights[node.input(1)]); ends = get_node_attr_from_input_ai(weights[node.input(2)]); if (node.input_size() >= 4) axes = get_node_attr_from_input_ai(weights[node.input(3)]); if (node.input_size() >= 5) steps = get_node_attr_from_input_ai(weights[node.input(4)]); } // assert step == 1 for (int i = 0; i < (int)steps.size(); i++) { if (steps[i] != 1) fprintf(stderr, "Unsupported slice step !\n"); } // filter out N-dim axis if (!axes.empty()) { for (int i = 0; i < (int)axes.size(); i++) { int axis = axes[i]; if (axis == 0) { starts.erase(starts.begin() + i); ends.erase(ends.begin() + i); axes.erase(axes.begin() + i); break; } } } fprintf(pp, " -23309=%d", (int)starts.size()); for (int i = 0; i < (int)starts.size(); i++) { fprintf(pp, ",%d", starts[i]); } fprintf(pp, " -23310=%d", (int)ends.size()); for (int i = 0; i < (int)ends.size(); i++) { fprintf(pp, ",%d", ends[i]); } if (!axes.empty()) { fprintf(pp, " -23311=%d", (int)axes.size()); for (int i = 0; i < (int)axes.size(); i++) { int axis = axes[i]; if (axis == 0 || axis > 3 || axis < -3) fprintf(stderr, "Unsupported slice axes !\n"); if (axis > 0) axis = axis - 1; // -1 for skip N-dim fprintf(pp, ",%d", axis); } } } else if (op == "Softmax") { int axis = get_node_attr_i(node, "axis", 1); fprintf(pp, " 0=%d", axis - 1); fprintf(pp, " 1=1"); } else if (op == "Split") { int axis = get_node_attr_i(node, "axis", 0); std::vector split = get_node_attr_ai(node, "split"); if (axis < 1) fprintf(stderr, "Unsupported split axis !\n"); fprintf(pp, " -23300=%d", output_size); if (split.empty()) { for (int i = 0; i < output_size; i++) { fprintf(pp, ",-233"); } } else { for (size_t i = 0; i < split.size() - 1; i++) { fprintf(pp, ",%d", split[i]); } fprintf(pp, ",-233"); } fprintf(pp, " 1=%d", axis - 1); } else if (op == "Sqrt") { int op_type = 5; fprintf(pp, " 0=%d", op_type); } else if (op == "Squeeze") { std::vector axes = get_node_attr_ai(node, "axes"); if (axes.empty()) { fprintf(pp, " 0=1"); fprintf(pp, " 1=1"); fprintf(pp, " 2=1"); } else { fprintf(pp, " -23303=%zu", axes.size()); for (int i = 0; i < (int)axes.size(); i++) { if (axes[i] == 0 || axes[i] > 4 || axes[i] < -3) fprintf(stderr, "Unsupported squeeze axes !\n"); fprintf(pp, ",%d", axes[i] > 0 ? axes[i] - 1 : axes[i]); } } } else if (op == "Sub") { int op_type = 1; fprintf(pp, " 0=%d", op_type); int with_scalar = get_node_attr_i(node, "with_scalar", 0); float b = get_node_attr_f(node, "b", 0.f); if (with_scalar) { fprintf(pp, " 1=%d", with_scalar); fprintf(pp, " 2=%e", b); } } else if (op == "Sum") { int op_type = 1; fprintf(pp, " 0=%d", op_type); } else if (op == "Swish") { // no param } else if (op == "Tan") { int op_type = 11; fprintf(pp, " 0=%d", op_type); } else if (op == "Tanh") { int op_type = 16; fprintf(pp, " 0=%d", op_type); } else if (op == "Transpose") { std::vector perm = get_node_attr_ai(node, "perm"); if (perm.size() == 3) { if (perm[1] == 1 && perm[2] == 2) fprintf(pp, " 0=0"); // w h else if (perm[1] == 2 && perm[2] == 1) fprintf(pp, " 0=1"); // h w else if (perm[0] == 1 && perm[1] == 0 && perm[2] == 2) fprintf(pp, " 0=0"); // w h else if (perm[0] == 2 && perm[1] == 0 && perm[2] == 1) fprintf(pp, " 0=1"); // h w } else if (perm.size() == 4) { if (perm[1] == 1 && perm[2] == 2 && perm[3] == 3) fprintf(pp, " 0=0"); // w h c else if (perm[1] == 1 && perm[2] == 3 && perm[3] == 2) fprintf(pp, " 0=1"); // h w c else if (perm[1] == 2 && perm[2] == 1 && perm[3] == 3) fprintf(pp, " 0=2"); // w c h else if (perm[1] == 2 && perm[2] == 3 && perm[3] == 1) fprintf(pp, " 0=3"); // c w h else if (perm[1] == 3 && perm[2] == 1 && perm[3] == 2) fprintf(pp, " 0=4"); // h c w else if (perm[1] == 3 && perm[2] == 2 && perm[3] == 1) fprintf(pp, " 0=5"); // c h w else fprintf(stderr, "Unsupported transpose type !\n"); } else if (perm.size() == 5) { if (perm[1] == 1 && perm[2] == 2 && perm[3] == 3 && perm[4] == 4) fprintf(pp, " 0=0"); // wx h c else if (perm[1] == 1 && perm[2] == 3 && perm[3] == 4 && perm[4] == 2) fprintf(pp, " 0=1"); // h wx c else if (perm[1] == 2 && perm[2] == 1 && perm[3] == 3 && perm[4] == 4) fprintf(pp, " 0=2"); // wx c h else if (perm[1] == 2 && perm[2] == 3 && perm[3] == 4 && perm[4] == 1) fprintf(pp, " 0=3"); // c wx h else if (perm[1] == 3 && perm[2] == 4 && perm[3] == 1 && perm[4] == 2) fprintf(pp, " 0=4"); // h c wx else if (perm[1] == 3 && perm[2] == 4 && perm[3] == 2 && perm[4] == 1) fprintf(pp, " 0=5"); // c h wx else fprintf(stderr, "Unsupported transpose type !\n"); } } else if (op == "Upsample") { std::string mode = get_node_attr_s(node, "mode"); std::string align = get_node_attr_s(node, "coordinate_transformation_mode"); std::vector scales; if (node.input_size() == 1) { scales = get_node_attr_af(node, "scales"); } else { scales = get_node_attr_from_input_af(weights[node.input(1)]); } int resize_type = 1; if (mode == "nearest") { resize_type = 1; } else if (mode == "bilinear" || mode == "linear") { resize_type = 2; } else if (mode == "trilinear") { fprintf(stderr, "Unsupported Upsample mode !\n"); } float h_scale = 1.f; float w_scale = 1.f; if (scales.size() == 2) { w_scale = scales[1]; } else if (scales.size() == 3) { h_scale = scales[1]; w_scale = scales[2]; } else if (scales.size() == 4) { h_scale = scales[2]; w_scale = scales[3]; if (scales[1] != 1.f) fprintf(stderr, "Unsupported Upsample scales !\n"); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Unsupported Upsample scales !\n"); } int align_corner = 0; if (align == "align_corners") { align_corner = 1; } fprintf(pp, " 0=%d", resize_type); fprintf(pp, " 1=%e", h_scale); fprintf(pp, " 2=%e", w_scale); fprintf(pp, " 6=%d", align_corner); } else if (op == "Unsqueeze") { std::vector axes = get_node_attr_ai(node, "axes"); fprintf(pp, " -23303=%zu", axes.size()); for (int i = 0; i < (int)axes.size(); i++) { if (axes[i] == 0 || axes[i] > 4 || axes[i] < -4) fprintf(stderr, "Unsupported unsqueeze axes !\n"); fprintf(pp, ",%d", axes[i] > 0 ? axes[i] - 1 : axes[i]); } } else { // TODO op specific param for (int j = 0; j < node.attribute_size(); j++) { const onnx::AttributeProto& attr = node.attribute(j); if (attr.type() == 1) { fprintf(stderr, " # %s=%g\n", attr.name().c_str(), attr.f()); } else if (attr.type() == 2) { fprintf(stderr, " # %s=%lld\n", attr.name().c_str(), (long long)attr.i()); } else if (attr.type() == 3) { fprintf(stderr, " # %s=%s\n", attr.name().c_str(), attr.s().c_str()); } else { fprintf(stderr, " # %s %d\n", attr.name().c_str(), attr.type()); } } } fprintf(pp, "\n"); for (int j = 0; j < output_size; j++) { const std::string& output_name = node.output(j); if (node_reference.find(output_name) != node_reference.end()) { int refcount = node_reference[output_name]; if (refcount > 1) { char splitname[256]; sprintf(splitname, "splitncnn_%d", internal_split); fprintf(pp, "%-16s %-24s %d %d", "Split", splitname, 1, refcount); fprintf(pp, " %s", trunc_name(output_name).c_str()); for (int k = 0; k < refcount; k++) { std::string split_name = output_name + "_splitncnn_" + std::to_string(k); fprintf(pp, " %s", trunc_name(split_name).c_str()); } fprintf(pp, "\n"); internal_split++; } } } } fclose(pp); fclose(bp); return 0; }