[PAD] [UNK] [CLS] [SEP] [MASK] & ( ) , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 _ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z µ · ø ı ƒ ɛ α β γ δ ε η θ λ μ ρ σ τ χ ω є – ’ ##e ##v ##r ##s ##i ##t ##l ##o ##w ##n ##g ##a ##p ##h ##c ##y ##u ##m ##d ##x ##z ##j ##3 ##7 ##8 ##f ##b ##4 ##0 ##k ##1 ##6 ##9 ##μ ##5 ##2 ##q ##σ ##α ##β ##θ ##ı th ##te ##on the ##ti ##re ##in ##al ##nd ##er of ##es and in ##en ##ar ##or ##tion ##ic ##ro ##ed ##it ##an ##ite ##as ##ation ##ate ##os ##ol ##is ##id ##at ##el to ##ul ##ing ##le ##tr ##ag ##mp ##us ##ith ##oc ##ly is ##ac de with ##th ##ur ##ent con ##ter co al ##ig ##ure for ##ati are be re min as ##ow ##il ##eral ##rom ##iz ##ve ##ated ##ain from ##lu ##im ##ts ##ion by ##ph mineral that dep ##om at ##ere ##se ##res ##ab an ##am ##ted ##ock gr ##ou ##ot ##od depos ##um st ##ce ##yr su ##ys ##ec ch flu ##et ##op rock ##tic sh comp deposit wh fluid ##ther ma ##ich ##ge ##cc sul ##art ##tin ##og pro dis ex or on ##age di ##usion mag ##ide ##ver qu ore ##igh ##mal ##ition form ##uc ##em sulf inc sa ##qu ##ad ##pp ##artz quartz ##ib ##alc rocks ##ost ##ine te ##ous ##one ##ues ##ant bas ##yrite ##ein ##ch ##ir vein ha ##ies this ##tal cont ##ization ##orph ##red cr met ##nt res ##tite ##ature ##ally rel pl samp se ##yd have ##ting alter un ##old ##ges ##ations str ##ity inter high magm ##rou deposits ##ut ##yp ##igure figure ##ff ##able alteration were ##ment low ##orite occ ##ran ##usions ##if ##vel occur ##ess val ##we ##ary ##ore hyd ##ass ##les intr calc car rep which col ##ong ##ene ph cl hydro gold these sulfide mineralization bet ##ap incl ##ase ##ud ##iv pre temp ##ize ##00 cons grain ge compos typ ass ar ##all was ev ##otop ##ween between ##ates ne isotop veins ##rac ##erature ##ne temperature pyrite ab pres ##ill sp ##thermal ##bon ##itic ##ra ind size ##ical ##ater ##can ##ip vol ##ture ##ence ##and ##ized hydrothermal carbon fa ##ten ##atic ##ay show samples cu values ##eld en nor ##ystal ##st ox composition formation ##ome inclusions ##ides fluids ##ata sub zone ##ik ##ari ##ive im within faul ##ull ##iti data gran minerals anal full ##ution ##ng colle ##oci it associ ##our crystal loc rich ##otite ##orm ##est ##pl ##uring ##entr mod ##gh ##ium ##ree most ##ia ##ear par conc le ##ak sil ##form ele us ##olog porph during zon ac age ##tern been ##so ob contain per me porphyr volcan ##sp also has indic stage fe than ##agues colleagues cor ##ian ##un ##lac ##sem ##ond ##tem over distr ran ##ystem ##ell system not ##arly image ##ick ##ites diff unit magmatic calcite ##atite vari main mar ##iment bi ##ast resul sug chl associated sugges bo where ca ##ers ##amorph ##rox can ##vely ##ect ##bl ##ied ##to ##low frac ##ved ##och uran but ##arn ##tered stud pb ##ros bel metamorph ##ron ##ement 10 ad ##ediment lower volcanic isotope more au mel ##duc ##pper ser ##imil ##opyrite silic ##ole ##gen ##ard ##ating other ##ound ##ist ##ll ##uld com tw reg ##ue table lar grou ##act basal ##ix ##fic ##ative gen late zones ##hed mass sou two hos ##tent related biotite ##con concentr ##sion magne app ol ##ace may ##dition ##erite chalc mic type repres intrusion ##per chlorite ##ign simil grad sec ##ose porphyry ag lim pr we ##ific rec ##mon ##ages ##tures analys magnetite ##ale prec ##av model und range sediment bre gre ##ict ##ely carbonate ##olution ##aring element ##ct differe ##out grains ##ord ##are bod ##ath struc bearing chalcopyrite ##olite ##inated sc ##try formed both ages all there ##ield some thick assem ##ight ##ang assembl north sour ##ioc dom ##osed consis sign early sample similar group comple fault dol shear along ##yrox ##ents ##raph brecc sk altered ##ens tex magma ##ined region ##row acc ##ort ##lud ep rati tim up tran ##ces ##eldsp south red ##acter ##ained into crus ##ism char sur part geolog feldsp host sulph ##ogen am metal mo po 20 area dolom mon temperatures equ character imp ##iqu such ##ble ##den ##ike how ##pre ##ser under pos uranium ##ca hosted ##lase feldspar pe br using ##tiv ##ular sulfides district common ##tur ##rough ##tions fol upper sequ ##ame ##ever however he sal obser sch ##umul plag skarn sy ##round mineralis orig plagioc 18 geoch includ ores ##cess ##ably tre crystals complex isotopic plagioclase only through sl occurs replac they ##ount intrusions ##odi ##ep origin el ##atively ##ases no des mant prov contact ##ross ver water large ##ipit ##ber prim phase present ##odiorite ##me ##ough basin source ##und interpre faults ##vi ##graph ##ither expl metamorphic ##co maj post ##ach well fraction precipit ##astern ##ack seric δ1 ##der major ##ile co2 study hor ##ivine olivine os ##cl process lay trac micro dr massive concentrations ##formation fac ##ance smal ##zed prop ##velop ##ons ##use their small grained about mat signific higher ##emical trans so trend ##onic km plu ##rich ##par ##inite ##thern different af ##tial exten significant ap ##han ##hib ni ##ress ##stone relatively condition ##kal minor produc enrich represent 40 ste ##4s ##ibution ##ren resp inf ##ented compositions ##oly ##adi ##ould ##orted calcul 15 bar sph ref sand field whereas sedimentary pp ##ris ##ke ##assic grade analyses pge pyrox ##2o analy ##tivity ##sti ##cr emp ratios zir mafic ##ible conditions zircon ##fore ##lo hem out incre ##gm ##reg ##ram ##ected ##veral indicate facies der alb ##pping wall def beca because ##gin ##tical spec ##sure crystall three develop contr mineralized ##rite sphal later ##term ##own sphalerite alkal ##ered dolomite eastern ig ##ral ##ically deposition one ##tural determ mine oxid oro diag separ ##ves belt general less mus ##ama la ##ail contro ##ived bodies salin mineralisation pd ##eous ##ial ##ory contin displ exp ##ah ##zo ##ility dec prob mantle relations ul ##med breccia oxy ##tained ##enetic ##action ##oun based granodiorite rem pressure results liqu ter ##ie orogen liquid assemblages observed after sm used units primary strati second cut ##ately event corre elements derived lith bl those scale sequence sericite 19 its ##ual deformation aver mix radi could types hom ##ibr abund ultr ##ines time centr would rh ##ote ##ward suggest flow man central por tect ##ms ##ities ##ction locally poss due fine ##aw ##els addition basalt hematite ##sen ##hip several obtained gener ##vious plut 39 mainly melting emplac ##zoic pyr ##ient ##hyd content disc distribution found ##kes ##abb sulfur margin oxygen δ3 ##ena relationship ##ove ##go depth dissem δ18 neg cross ##resp follow tr ##inant 200 eu fin ##oid ##ikely ##hedral regional drill zn ree arc presence contains corresp δ34s correspond plat limest ##amafic ##ors compris very ultramafic descr band ##rop mount base inclusion assemblage ##pen ##bod ##astic showing bound ir same ##vite ##iss orebod consistent amp gal wt super δ18o fold ##vol ##land moly ##tro ##bden ##estern molybden pot set initi ##though although ##ecti pegm probably galena ##au evid oxide average 39ar calculated amphib sel ##rh import ##cted melt body reduc iron ##ork ##tric ##ments tra ##ination copper num tak systems trace albite pyrrh pyrrhotite diss shows result below crustal geological located overl extension ##val ##greg schist disseminated ro conten precipitation ##face ##ilibr previous above ##ince tectonic ##uff ##ft ##ified apatite stock ##quent ##onite local interpreted diagram homogen contents 100 metamorphism 40ar cle ##ced basement ppm ##anic ##ters new northern processes gabb si consists ##ogenic rare ##50 shown ##aceous therefore ##medi pegmatite pat ##enite structures brecci musco describ ##olith phases generally muscovite core occurred section ##ub near refle cal normal commonly molybdenite sr mineralog level fr likely ##pb sty silicate matr correl many fels ##ones ##tif ##duction matrix 50 granite studies analysis fur mul pt ##amp plate crust equilibr 11 ##gr consid actin activity characterized cre na sol total ##lying differen ##ared whole ##allel like ther felsic ##amb ##atures ##hydrite important fir pred ##idote strong meas epidote syn controll hal ##ales ##cep constr decre first ill ##atur ##stim limestone ##erous ##ane ##omal magmas elec variable suggests green 14 do estim anomal metas stratigraph western ##ited ##ust reported ##inc arsen actinolite ##ish ##rown measure line andes det reac value ##ounts 12 ##ob ##vers characteris electr eff mid ##ert ##usive ##eren arg amounts fractionation detail either iden coar meth 30 ##yro ##tile ##neous dominated ##umulate wide ##sequent chan occurren igneous further around ##tle ##ished shap salinity ii dire respecti 13 ##anes anhydrite typical carbonates ##formed ##mediate 000 light ##xim coun ##ogene ##ibu evidence described giv events ##sm ##idual appear geochemical ang supp dipping approx surface monz proposed aqu ##oration ##emis relative ##reef larg poor enriched platreef garn mes ##ier thin ##oric indicates textures determined approxim garnet fo ##ustr stages ##ade oxides foli emplacement sing ##tive cool distin ##uch close volum layers cen cur fact ##tially ##olar plot structural analyzed orogenic ##gone parallel alkali respectively ##ays thus ##erate ##ental stress ratio initial h2o ##ric ##ug steep sandstone developed abundant ##emistry aff ##str ##esis ##acl ##neiss ##itive pyroxene cree ##gene ##yl tour dikes evolution env horn ##ok ##oph ##opyrox long mm ##up thr texture metals tourmal ##nown ##qui lead dominant ##rowth geology setting frag bed each if partic comb epither controlled method epithermal fill ##tero ##omic association least including ##nde ##ocr ##ean ##ised coe ##ains compar containing uraninite soft single strike replacement smith dissolution creek ear pet ##ering deep shall horiz shallow east pale vap will west invol ##ittle ##iron intrusive defined display ##grade coarse country ba bul mang ##ually deg typically 18o barite approximately ##lom ##ozoic ##anite ##atism map abs fl ##ots inten ##asts intermediate sulphide crystallization potassic pattern petro pse ##ift ##unite plateau environ pseud mn much ti top compared ##ology ##blende mixing discus euhedral tourmaline dy gneiss open ##taceous ##ness ##gite ##ink ##osph ##abir composed rhy cretaceous characteristic aqueous tur chemical orth itabir basalts enrichment block hyp solution ##eb contam highly interpret ##end auth ##arent trending cm end ton ##ided ##phi stable compon dip mostly aggreg surround multi tuff you forming subsequent suggested concentration recent sulphides ##ibuted ##opyroxene pit ##ake replaced orebody bulk young oce ##glom isoch when ##ccess clin ##ification gabbro hornblende ms tood areas success ##oggone toodoggone ##ision ##umm ##ometry mete extensional ##anese foliation lake variation fractures spectr possible negative reef manganese dac er ##ring ##log ##work adj breccias meteoric lav ##ven preser spect nw tit conglom ##tine indicating given thrust ka ##olved conf ##ogn extr style electron ##ded deple location porphyritic nature ##ging ##pro ##xis ##ky ##asing ##oss ##ression intrud observ secondary 300 sti intro shales intern arch ##dera hist ke known lens ##hn ##ise ##used features continental identif itabirite sw being ##ability stand assum distinct 16 mg mk ##ganic fluorite interaction ##itized recogn poin cy ##na ##az ##pr ##yll ##most ##erred isa ##rome relationships homogenization our ##uous ##ograph strik southern geochron transition bro ##wall ##acent indiv include yield ##ahe standard pyro ##omp spati melts increase contrast comprises mineralogy equilibrium volume ##ocrys 25 silica basaltic limahe exploration produced adjacent mig ##ark ##umb represents peak throughout ##wards reduced mater μm ##ij evap series analytical younger material bor mil ##cop ##eng ##aries any prog clos ##ystall across micros bands kem mill nacl xen chlor kemess then ##its ground thickness caldera occurrence duc dating ##ma ##ka ##oles organic partial marine transp skarns slight aggregates isochron spectrome 500 del dens sit ##vo alunite examp variations plutons arsenopyrite cooling conglomerate individual ductile 36 cumul mem ##ists atac ##orites sediments textural province alkaline thermal anomalies measured las vary ##be requi ##tst ##iferous record structure dolomitic possib succession ##prin situ down various extens lateral boundary supergene constrain wid ##ving ##la ##zation rele sources margins pegmatites foot internal pip rim ##de ##idation chrom ##pped isotopes siltst ##lack grades amphibole considered estimated larger patterns black ##west ##dle ##orl resis interval phot clasts fracture detailed back nb non ##tant ##o2 ##tend mean overprin apparent accord oxidation vapor growth vs ##verse interg magmatism phen radiogenic metasom contamination fer satur ##anc gra ##therm ##canic compositional parag timing strongly kaol 23 jur ##ration ##nite ##ush allow extend ##ape ##ological overlying resulted models ##iocene elong levels decrease clinopyroxene jurassic flo lam mec ##lastic ##ina ##ased ##ects excep ##raa ranging micropro propor stratigraphic horizon striking mechan microprobe four genetic sos ##ox ##ute ##ularly before ##sego unc few mark weak brittle influ development salinities generation ##ocrysts sossego ga ##tig ##ences oxidized following number middle aa pan ri ##crop ##man demon magn hand subst peri resulting studied followed selected shaped ##terozoic demonstr hard lack summ vug ##sr ##tit ##itka ##atter cores asitka she orient forms veinle seaw camp volcanics ##anging provide waters exposed solid ##ertain introduction resistivity seawater bah retro proxim carr interpretation slightly density extensive footwall 400 ##ivers ##enites significantly identified med pu sill ta ##izing ##omorph shale exhib interse stockwork correlation illite andesite environment 70 mt ##arape ##aces minim gras ##irc crat ##conform amount 206 igarape ##eper ##amite order class porphyries silicates ##avage crossc cleavage titanite cyc had mud ##ner ##isation ##abric staw sap metall parts suggesting ##ordant ppb simp observations broad atacamite bahia stawell 60 brown far nd sid worl ##led ##ties ##gether sulfidation ##veld coll constant subduction outcrop ##vestig orebodies previously according retrograde world es ##sonite ##iam together univers pref ##ometric indicated positive note takla halite smithsonite petrograph dated ##rystall ##ior ##acted deposited dike ##ada zoned marble greater reflect direct intens tonn component 206pb sapphi dark go ioc jin ##ple ##ho ##itoid ##ocene ##abas ##opite diorite highest granites portion lava kaolinite iocg 17 lod ##bed ##alia investig diame ##gest phlog perm hosting poten barren predom illustr graph phlogopite link work ##oth ##olites recrystall increasing ##oliths ##olarite affected earl av ##ins prosp exis ##tingu older changes monzodiorite recognized nod ##here ##du ##rent ##enced reve prot unconform acid augite serpen northe vertical δ13 production laser reveal 37 path reaction ##odic exper intersti ##stones cord represented sections heating geochemistry irreg overlap hypogene microscop fre rb year ##orth ##eck occurring ##edimentary complete equiv ##ique 187 member possibly craton interstitial 24 pap tec ##vas ##sed ##ning ##ding ##ala ##eric ins encl collected radiolarite ##landite discussion characteristics depleted diameter bush circ dil fabric miocene poly reser altern consist partly slab original multiple oceanic preserved lenses phenocrysts mechanism techn bushveld hanging ray ##ba ##ico ##olitic ##ulation dete bec ##iltr granitic granitoid mineralised precipitated infiltr control emplaced therm fragments comparis degree dacitic pipe veinlets free ##bs presented brine syenite trends step corresponds corresponding folds example lines ou pent ##osec ##ult ##set elev caused brines layer representative argill appears particularly pseudosec surrounding progress hu namb ##ri ##ively ##min div enti metamorphosed princ ##ather schists separated ##ija crosscut pentlandite nambija princip 35 34s econ kal rather ##cent ##ank conver state chemistry mex sequences explain abundance numerous carried medium university entire case doc loss op ##oritic ##ital deformed maxim extent ##chist ##ouran pervas hosts microtherm ##onsible responsible fragment history uncertain bon foc here led ##water ##hall ##xt ##ald ##ational ##osity conte ##ime even ##iller ##itical ##ologies accumul sulphur heav separation mkuc maximum 80 ax san sem ##eir ##tz ##tre ##altered ##atible while distal meta smaller final amphibolite reflec factors steeply siltstone minimum siderite cordiller h2 hole kl meren pgm s2 ten zr ##sky ##gy ##ground ##rete ##enic ##oll ##atong coinc ##ott segreg cav great fractionated ##ebi err point years docum merensky ##atongke austr bath ramp ##bar island mining ##vement ##ird unaltered accomp explained greenstone tonnage predominant comparison d4 hot mgo ##cy ##cumulate ##upl made restric ranges siliceous again ##enschist supported current authors marked proximal avail accompan cases em lab scan ##itite ##ua ##uan ##ils gray ##umin clus assimil spots saline pluton roo stratigraphy archean period jas ru since inte ##resh ank old generated overlain poorly filled absence dyke horizontal 22 dun fiam upl ##other ##wn ##not ##orp ##igenic depend attr suite critical place valhall ##una cannot greenschist surve mantos basins effect authigenic bornite floor δ13c valhalla 26 87 cap fresh gas sodic vict δd ##lic ##met ##zna ##til ##inate ##ishan ##acts cob anorth ##amm sulfate geo ##itization perme volcanism displays cutting rozna consider coeval intruded ##yllite potential irregular paper kalatongke ankerite blu ##ny ##hb ##inations ##imen extre strat ##ondike domain access plutonic boundaries iii methods rhyolite publ klondike pic round yang ##ai ##far ##alite off ##icts white distingu leach usually belong pyroxenite separates change restricted available jasper fiamme buff kom nar vie ##ih ##lp ##ov ##by ##onian information ##icient ##ulf images concl performed limited northwest monaz ##berg sands orogeny mixed differences earth gneisses ##ength xenoliths intergrown orientation elevated ic ##where ##mit ##jo ##aris towards ##ules ##atin ori concordant diffic signatures epis times includes layered inferred zircons continuous stratiform 199 flows mineralogical metasedimentary angouran monzonite beds spatial cycle 187os economic heavy komati draa might pul polar sfar vers varis wides ##30 ##ful though them ##inho ##ached reverse china resour phosph systematic canada adcumulate silicification signature southe position fields ##loot must remain banded reactiv occurrences spectra closure recorded substage exhibit permian graphite fragmental oriented hence latter pure prom ##sum ##ling ##grou ##ice ##omel formations platin massif mob underlying pyroxenites ##2o3 reduction argon spectrum geochronology collision australia sandsloot variscan ##group ed log pore use ##ty ##dala ##enesis detr without another ##opro magdala ##ematic unl neves volcaniclastic grey ##pread else 150 taken diagrams largely involved solutions lode argillic pervasive monazite widespread platinum 600 86 lo ##ctions ##orat ##aneous almost beam contacts ##assium color constit pyrites granny corvo define terran additional potassium does direction comparable pseudomorph confir river summary ##omelane ##oproterozoic elsewhere dome gyp kbar swe ##80 ##10 ##ulated beh prograde extern residual phik evolved induc zoning ##unction redox sequeir complexes difference orthoc mudstone directly equival mexico batholith ##upled laborat narrow icp difficult phikwe sequeirinho bran eme hr hul rap vis ##vally ##ax ##more ##field ##tim ##reh deeper cover cham exc diam ##ches metav plane overg agu prior ##aren clearly mesozoic intense discussed still spatially ##duce versus gypsum emeishan rapid metavol 32 pol paren sant ##io ##aj ##mass ##time coupled should phyll clay ##arily contained marc underst contribution comprise normalized solub furthermore filling ##omicro recently ocean million groundmass spectrometer released saturation detrital bur hf mc sb side ##ned ##ged ##ya ##unt third ##olated ##ocl ##izes modified feo genesis concentrated sandstones depths ##volcanic assumed cumulus magnes grasvally infiltration chamber parental home ju pack yell ##van ##shan ##well ##zh ##bles ##ining ##inity ##enting mines ##iling incorp basis plan geometry largest increases rhod porosity tri combined required width attributed published rounded sweet yellow cel five holes lu pel ##ex ##ta ##oort ##iter ##aced stre exam ##chuan imm partially silver determine lithologies blanc porous ##ospheric ##xisting photomicro proportion granitoids ##mineral h2s assimilation dunites uplift blue blancos photomicrograph aure bore bole day ice nec overal pow sim vo ##lm ##nomelane ##ying ##ency ##tral ##truc clar clastic tempor space volati zonation 104 hetero primitive dissolved sio2 anomalous rhyolitic surrounded stilp vugs essen earlier existing experiment ##eckite principal documented predominantly ##hbx diamond triassic necess overall stilpnomelane axis bene bord gl pa ##ially ##ued inner ##arp ##abound ##ighted ##aded ##ira spin ##ipoort ##ersatur modeling terms generations ##ophys assuming yielded milky except rooipoort stratabound accessory boleo beneath ophi rand ##lified ##nam ##nerite dev ##phyllite disco composite ##ochros consisting geologic among separate remo negro trapped reactions ##ogeneous angle center components extraction transport overprinted weakly jinchuan ##tze yangtze solubility rhodochros random dimen har morph ros six varies ##arbon ##vered seg clim hydrogen ##aps carbonic envelop included differenti bedding keith spectrometry error rutile jasperoid santa boreh rhodochrosite dimension 45 ber gang last little length now rate sect tin ##xct ##idotite ##aby produce exs ##assing collo obl peridotite ##rosion weath precision sedimentation groups account provided sericitized ##cline wallaby limestones stocks gabbron andesitic horizons environments pyrophyllite migration elongated laminated proportions nodules unconformity serpentin accompanied survey hrxct metavolcanic aureole gangue 250 bud est esp native pop pick rot site via ##ui ##40 town mineralizing ##yric incomp quartzite moder 188 afric shape support flat dykes dips dacite 36ar chromite sapphires prospect completely aguas claras ##ersaturated best camb role ##af ##cal ##uation ##fim ##bor ##tition ##arge ##itud ##thite disp ##che eval ##aria leached active feature distributed domains 207 ##turally majority matter lesser comprising trapping absent enclosed converg bonfim accumulation permeability ion ku mv nick p3 sites tu vir ##ses ##lied ##dar ##bid often ##ange ##isite toward took isolated ##abl prof quest former columb fav showed faulting moderate mica agdar ##athic sulphate oxidised expected homogeneous particular situated chromitite photograph exception preferen petrographic northeast against ##uminous 86sr essentially nickel questa agdarreh 66 dig ilm jo kar peral tab ##rid ##iya ##ctive ##bers ##ana ##attered ##ley ##ures ##ille ##umn chile column partition leuc slip depositional platform ##ective brecciated turbid erup depletion pyrocl groundwater apparently simplified broadly microthermometric episod ##namic 207pb mvt 28 31 ble cass d3 ered net pine ug ##rup ##8u ##read ##alt ##icular ##asite ##ula ##ado tend having unus calcic subs boiling silicified ##contin undersaturated ##luded portions selebi calibr constrained geochronological varying paragenetic 238u extends divided pseudomorphs establ 188os erediya 21 29 90 bal cp cam d2 erosion hy li mamm ng pur ram tong ##pite ##20 ##onitic inh ##icted ##osite ##imod mapping exh ##chl plots see seen ##anding southwest ##iques despite ##comp transf specific ##oidal traver ##obil ##erence factor ##ophile textured dominantly lavas cumulates metasomatism paragenesis sills ##bedded reserves techniques cavities clusters picr polarized external hulu heterogene ilmenite mammoth ##imodal bit du tati ##rate ##western ##jected ##ks ##tiary ##ense ##ories ##ising ##acement al2o3 reach ##ection ##ecially compression exch ord quan plac ##ifer entr left indicative belts similarly regions monte postd diagenetic displacement remobil tertiary liquids cenozoic subsequently extracted saturated sapphire cobre distinguished leaching ##ulfide ##mitted behav equivalent especially 57 aw ath cumulate date eocene function men norites oper rift talc ##ry ##ients ##za ##karn ##inal ##ening ##ora ##mpor ##uration reas reib ash excess resolution sampled goldfield representing fractional pressures lithological discrete finally ##cept ##ographic constraints demonstrated intensely ##abasca resources climax dispers tabular athabasca reibeckite bpp bak myl norite pen right yb ##ru ##sh ##sc ##ious ##ton ##ored ##ways ##cur ##bur ##tead ##arraa ##roc ##ants ##aging ##agne anarraa chert ##ety compatible proterozoic strain strata fail ##tence cuts regard agre scap shearing schematic provides europ measurements petrolog intervals instead uncertainty contempor 87sr view unlikely pyroclastic anarraaq 350 65 bimodal rl vms ##rated ##lite ##cence ##din thole ##roded ##itec ##iterite ##oses ##oshan atten star ##ceed short sharp dist distur resear ##ranular need ener subm subord variety olig weighted monche equant microf calculations species tecton clear plotted release rims grasberg protolith axial coincid conclusions thought polished spinel sector cassiterite ngb contemporaneous tholei research moncheite 05 38 did dog fit mac ##rian ##tab ##over ##uil ##4pb ##estine ##ances ##ently ##rest grab fluct ##ibility metabas meters districts 204pb primarily mattab ##lob crystalline supergroup initially rarely effects vapour involvement gabbroic elongate influence recrystallization northeastern circulation outs progressive reflects cordillera extrem laboratory celestine exchange mattabi 33 52 dates fall k2o luc pink rid ##lation ##nw ##ao ##tively ##aled ##enes ##ices ##oskarn consequent ##ilic ##oto shri proper ##ching ##irs seven lowest geophys enc volcano ##iano 105 others break heat originally layering homogenisation decreasing estimate centime paleozoic points 36cl requires background panzh sheet jinba linked frequ focus focused geothermal ##ihua convergence travertine picrites baker shrimp panzhihua jinbaoshan aur bott cations eas ls lis sn son tens zh ##radi ##ire ##ju bend ##ett ##iest ##fficient ##ella precise precious accur replacing ##stit expos term nearby reflected predicted 120 electrum cooled orthopyroxene msz key chloritized outcrops oldest pulses southeast gabbronorite evalu heterogeneous scapolite 46 800 gu iran rough sar ##son ##iable ##tain ##haps ##yon ##matic ##faces ##onal ##ind ##anian ##osition fort asl relation interacted intercal repro clath better carbonaceous percent perhaps analysed structurally equation imply infill reference outl crystallized contributed combination degassing closely widely influx magnitud summar intersected simple microscope mechanisms cordilleran borehole ##chlore energy fluctu outside 59 700 fug hs lh oy pang ##rig ##of ##wide ##wise ##div ##inn ##inent ##erman ##eni ##iclastic ##ask ##ulations ##urge conven coff ch4 ##iber plus until abts span spring subdiv obvious diffusion bould ##ducted ##ista regime underground ##ressed laterally ##ieved 198 irradi styles estimates identical standards siltstones metallogenic worldwide preferred earliest serpentine steps victory temporal necessary weathering tholeiitic extremely consequently bottom sonju fugac coffinite eg kv mol nuc s3 ##imp ##iff ##lies ##hem ##kou ##rera ##osing ##ola conve alumb ##atized sturge ##ysel ##ops shor proced planes interbedded ##ypt caraj ablation subhedral locations corund ##iang overysel ##igned traces products determinations mixture takab styl controlling reached curral bajo flank evaporite examples prospects frequent axes prominent brannerite phyllic understanding ##shankou vo1 colloid incompatible moderately columbite tongshankou subordinate frequency fortuna magnitude nucle alumbrera sturgeon carajas corundum 27 34 75 bra bub f4 hel hund hira pal rif ss sizes ##tt ##ores ##get ##app ##mic ##ission conse grav discr diops closed ##allic carboniferous granul granular ##ngs parame ##spru ##iance caus cause limb dolost feldspathic movement slices desert basinal ##vial respect defiance superimp folding half leading coexisting turn petrography intensity revealed polymet outer context victor offset reactivation terrane harris oblique buddin bitum placer agreement listed roughly hundred discrim ##spruit polymetallic buddini bin ce dau dunite f3 hol hut mich p2 pod youn ##site ##iolite ##uted ##bic ##25 ##rees ##alts inver ##enari ##arine ##asion ##isc ##igo anhedral places occasion calcrete clast neu enhan subt mode ##ondary notably variably ##erited gradient scenari surfaces uppermost heated noted correction trig drilling importance sier equilibration paleo degrees topaz confined architec rio classification experi technique pseudosecondary constitute incorpor planar devonian segment inherited reason failure attenuation oligocene lucifer geophysical reproduc convention consequ diopside youngest 51 550 ach ban bif cat dat gem mor nam natur ##ew ##ets ##o3 ##hr ##yite ##mite ##mas ##ject ##flu ##onse ##rous ##roach ##agmatic ##useni ##terite recon anne ##tically whose ##ostatic seem unmineral interface neoproterozoic ##tening immedi analog porphyro ##unc ##ickle marbles applied approach apuseni response lithostatic negra trunc trails halo tuffs program microstruc vuggy good unconformably fabrics divrig microthermometry segregation komatiitic ##unta tungs favor distance bendigo clathrate daugh architecture consequence immediately divrigi tungsten cer call grow id tell vic wille ##turing ##wick ##aqu ##pend ##hy ##zing ##known ##ido ##ings conn ##atization ##omes ##ogram play unknown phys nearly ##illa spaced subpar bohem pbs 106 magnetic proven wallroc continued decay remains ##msz descrip mountains amphibolites involving transported intergrowth metasomatic metasomatized orientations cycles goe become collisional orthocumulate border morphology cambrian goldfields submarine properties ssz parameters daughter subparallel 54 56 71 aut bms cs dou dumm hmsz mb nons nnw pass pene sle wa ##sation ##lan ##oy ##nel ##gan ##yn ##uth ##xtral ##rec instr ##ened ##ani ##iding ##elebi ##ully ##ocite dextral discontin disapp ##iform ##atest never ##illas ##ometer concord hasanc ##unas variability 102 adak limits propose niob ##kaline remn 197 radiometric discordant follows reducing correlated synvolcanic construc shapes mesoc titan observation cycl evaporitic boron members rimmed substan detect hugo induced immisc dimensional exsolution john raman quantit away ##agnetic ridge subdivided shortening sierra conventional called bohemian goethite dummett sleeper instrum hasancelebi bism das eq gi gently glob hill lath py sickle ur zo ##ily ##genetic ##ump ##zil ##brid too decomp rees griz ##ecting exceed dioritic crack interl repe spar fe3 ##asta chalcocite scattered americ implies ##umulates isotopically precipitate evidenced 39ark ##ibute ##okite settings ##osphere hypoth tonalite clino mku yields delta pipes backsc periph exhibits intersections classified investigated illustrated alternatively detection crosscutting cavity currently scanning anorthosite considerable extreme buffering ##ovic komatiite phosphate edge colorado examined pickwick africa peraluminous calibration auriferous fugacity brazil superimposed subtyp trigg reproducibility natural porphyrobl tellur vicinity willemite penetr 47 450 dam dra give los mord nan sin ##ether ##vation ##mme ##mhbx ##jir ##fspruit ##als ##erth ##estion instit ##ita ##elet ##igan ##ured begin asp ##abil chron whether disrup onto resid colqui spaces index immediate modal ##ologic perpend varied moreover scar northwestern sourced skelet upward dolomites implic undergone ##viations ##zoisite smb 190 localized newly patch characterised angular distinctive turfspruit migm allows sheared lodes recrystallized 37ar microscopic alternating became geotherm reactivated pelitic discover rosalia ##borne profile blebs established ordovic bubble experienced nonsulfide disappear clinozoisite mordor ##jirca colquijirca perpendicular skeletal ordovician 55 61 jeb kil parent pista rub sens util y1 zald ##eel ##nary ##pyro ##molite ##tific ##orn ##orts ##ics ##asma ##eless ##tra ##ago deb ##theless condu sun shift who quad plasma ##ivar spik hydrothermally ##itisation usa perc canyon advan elemental scales moore mineralising tremolite replaces ##view osborne apart lithospheric banding ##lands brecciation correlate linear foliated ##ylitic thrus intrude possibility fractured demonstrate proximity esc reservo segregated depending remaining constitu terranes visible preferentially coincident intercalated pangui rifting occasionally scenario banat 41 76 cent cinn jig kin lc lob mz mhbx past wij ##saw ##oen ##jection ##99 ##aling ##ested ##anal ##asting ##the ##atitic ##imb ##oming ##abar ##otrop stability sufficient ##etch shasta makes ##ract ##ractal spot act differ ##roscop ##duced micas limit webs upon feldspars scheel explan explos track propylitic plum additionally ##tified ##tifractal multifractal 110 meso fo2 volumes blocks introduced transitional evaporites materials ##ystalline influenced collap existence pseudosections reflecting integr ##metamorph southeastern mobile confirm inductively streng experimental removed beryl episodes balance hybrid remobilization help giant cinnabar jigsaw scheelite cz cath ene lies liter nine roll tm tro tight vi wed wils ##nigan ##pa ##h2o ##flow ##bre ##02 ##tian ##rett ##erates inv inset ##tioned ##roph ##ularia ##aged ##igenetic ##iguration ##umines sud chall ##ogran ##ucite ##ador sampling intercept occup hydrous ##apment ##apunta assess nev spence indep ##ometers subvolcanic ##arities modification pertur adularia epigenetic characterize peb brucite replace transmitted calculate referred lamp expand probable remained blank 196 true finnigan overlies tectonics ##ubian correlations equilibria ##ishable effective curve stresses bedded dynamic endoskarn mss 160 chloritization means overprinting ferro genetically hangingwall controls progressively entirely opaqu ##timately marcapunta ophiolite discovered randomly photographs unusual mylonitic penins europe ##ilicate fluctuations catacl discontinuous 37arca zaldivar ##pyrochlore advanced wijs strength wilson independ opaque 77 98 b2 cd cem drop gain ives len pile rise trough zam ##equ ##put ##cu ##ctic ##carbon ##uk ##uts ##don ##1b ##erical ##enw ##anillas dehyd alread real atm atte atokite ##abase ##ech fluor make excl qual reset uniform highl hydrated intra carl arra abbre enough subgroup granoph ##ngenetic itac associations concluded ##akes activ cao fractions uranpyrochlore 101 added similarities wehr shears text crushed monit syngenetic slop facil product ##rise contrasting determination ##ief corrected ##hydrox distributions disseminations molybdenum lineation displaying baiano maps tio2 opening identify gave campanillas mediumto ##xtap interest viejo conclusion confirmed mcdon juxtap incorporation photomicrographs volatile experiments population townlands entrapment behavior graben evaluate springs frequently granulite bitumen incorporated ##fluid mesocumulate bismuth hypothesis explosive collapse lamproph zamora already 03 1to 73 74 900 ats cell certain dd eroded fil fiss ix ide lie pue rates sus td xr zimb ##va ##iat ##iting ##ood ##wana ##nenw ##dih ##39 ##53 ##int ##icients ##itation ##astal ##osalts ##olute ##iden ##then coah covered cogenetic coastal mined asthen ##imanite ##abwe anti ##amdih grand ##ody ##eca what ##charge pliocene seated ##fficients hydrocarbon ##ivari pree assump ##nging ##unian ##blo 107 unde sci scatter ##lude timok syenites originated providing δ11b trachy driv sof so2 km2 plunging calculation oxyhydrox lithophile arcs mountain numerical localities homogenize patches syncline 145 efficient affecting coefficients william absolute interpretations preservation distinctly nonnenw allowing flood demonstrates sillimanite illustrating overlaps dilution detected freezing pseudosection cluster ##aiunas useful ##times magnesio envelope kuh transfer mentioned rls disturbed ##uila encoun summarized pods enhanced unmineralized cyclic scarce websterite expanded dehydration abbreviations itacaiunas ixiolite pueblo zimbabwe coahuila nonnenwerth 00 2a 5a 750 95 barn cf crop et iv just kc kam lm my mold nas qf run sig sorted vard way ze zales zinc ##rus ##lig ##went ##yur ##fels ##fmas ##kop ##onous ##oncur ##err input ##ans ##anza ##istingu ##ator ##ule iss conducted review ##ilg ##luvial ##cend compare proble exist formula ##ades ##ched rest report cloncur ##allar spread ##ayi ##ometr feed otherwise thickening domin ##rows equal underwent ##ressive increased crystallisation oxidizing decarbon abundances neglig drilled folded created differential anomaly arsenic ##ishte gives appearance hornfels particles turamdih intrudes histogram keel strikes 170 potentially workers ##herent errors resource mobil burial daye cameca operating dispersed boulder stylolites michilla seems growing quantitative dashed interlay patchy ddh ##identified ##ivariant preexisting sofia williams barnes kcma vardar zalesi ##yurishte ##istinguishable cloncurry negligible 08 58 85 bbic cement eh fron hn hiat jb kerman lree mari opp sized tub yet ##ril ##rift ##hle ##mium ##magmatic ##28 ##inous ##inces ##ero ##argite ##itous ##anas ##antite ##anubian ##ostr ##istr ##lear ##agyurishte devol conform alumin always ##atiti ##atigraph reven cha chines ##eta quite ##emically quartzites tetra basic resem sets unidentified phyric prev geometr neither sperr cup enargite subpro siliciclastic chalcophile sometimes similarity redistr moord mont implying 180 slice microcline contribute law continent expressed termin lithology ##otes zns overlie rob gabbros describe napp 140 arsenide reacted 13c voluminous ##ylite ##ocratic paleoproterozoic ##ography evaporation unclear panagyurishte ##omorphic metallic investigate illustrates protore microscopy polymic distinguish buffered loaded overgrowth fillings volatiles glass rotated african groundwaters ug2 unusually exhum easily inversion neutr double nevertheless concordia immiscible migmatite explanation wedge ##uminescence nevada peninsula ##odynamic encountered hno3 hiatus ##ostratigraph revenge chinese sperrylite subprov polymictic 07 02 aer air b1 bacter crom cold cacl mott pges poles qtz sx sab tam targe ub vh ##s1 ##oti ##oted ##yan ##uz ##mz ##jan ##32 ##inas ##esian ##enn ##ara ##osen ##olid ##atory ##ulate ##usite isan alone ##omb ##ament stack chosen ##etre compe diorites seism unre unmetamorph strunian ##iforn phoen mineralizations betam ##raction indistinguishable ##andua ranch fracturing ##ochth comm biotites grading gradational ##ctonic allanite sketch ##iquitous tren ##bert ##acke analyz hematiti californ details coarser giving blocky reefs swar atacama require panj ##inson pathways 240 enclosing becomes converted bonanza semic surveys considerably magnesian package yellowstone pairs morphologies differentiation populations eruption network sarhle victoria hutti reasonable favorable niobate institute discovery ##ractory independent cemented attemp granophyric facilit front cromwell cacl2 tamandua ubiquitous vhms unmetamorphosed phoenix california sarhlef 06 42 8a aim bare dum dest fam fran foss fission ho lap mer mile mpa pix xian xav y2 ##ritic ##sd ##ipp ##lier ##aer ##aus ##path ##has ##yg ##dor ##kin ##ken thor ##tein theore injection inlier ##enk ##enitic ##ito ##ols ##isp ##lein ##agabb isop devi ##thys ##igranular ##atil ascend anion changing flux shif discharge exact ##quh ##chron string ##ify carpath neogene compositionally subun imaging acqui marl serido masses thicker equigranular postmineral sericitic refractory manif finer bounded ##auer evident normally equilibrated decrep andesites ##obile methane angles flakes endow preserve conglomerates mkd ##umba xeno allowed lamella veinlet acidic thermometry huang principally optical uncertainties phyllos immobile powder removal segments envelopes preferential exhal microfrac metabasalt centimeter exposure exposures egypt palyn dolostones played laths zoisite porphyroblasts implications literature perturb atmospheric undeformed ##anasayi xavier carpathian lamellae 48 44 49 bse c1 cation cren done fusion fib gsd hub kat mal mun nald pin ##ras ##ler ##ginite ##apping ##cill ##uter ##mer ##zu ##zone ##back ##bella ##king ##ont ##arth ##orting ##olanasayi ##idence ##lets ##usively isocl coherent aren ascent ##iles ##ilitic ##imin ##omagnetic ##amide ##odginite stained suture chond ##ticular ##tinction extinction incoming ##irk unf interf cliff assay evol ##illi norm ##static faulted obtain volcanogenic corroded notation fractal ##ochemical ##llo regression gradients prism recalc greg upflow monomic equations underl destruc manto horst osmium oscill transform plume pyroxenes ##loor deriv diagenesis remark 2005 travers correlates considering na2o predict predicts synchron halos decreases argued 130 meseta affect ##struc ##ophane contaminated isochores delam mechanical investigations reveals ##ultaneous 260 capao positions laboratories overgrown rapidly packed luis simultaneous necessarily ##afloor turbidites establish hyal duolanasayi petrological disturb zhou accurate outlined irradiation procedures discrimination reconstruc annealing microstructure wallrock description remnants constructed detector instrument urquh repeated american backscattered peripheral disappearance ##tification cathod lenticular exclusively quality oxyhydroxides kamoto ##fmasch devolatil ranchos postmineralization exhalative hubnerite naldrett monomictic urquhart 420 89 apl bh bou clu dense ecu fully hing ia ja kink l3 lach mi mur mask nc none national ot oly pock ring tres tem tant vel wb zero ##sts ##iour ##he ##hard ##yre ##uum ##bel ##47 ##kirk ##tes ##tectic ##tice ##isely ##trically ##thyan react ##ows ##imorph ##phase sup compil ##ichhard ones onset contour criter reliable seam seafloor stron hydrostatic ##allon india carbonatization modes leichhard ##aken notable pbr believed laramide concentric recove accre amb amyg poik 208 imper sybella presently ##ilet transg aps 157 bars emphas defines specular ign ##ounted trip ##oids selkirk numbers furn metasediment measurement coexis shallowly displayed flush tonal reefal migr xenolith chloritic records successions wider overprint elongation crosscuts darkwater investigation δ13cc dilational 358 d4c scans periods anorthocl belonging pulse systematics orthoclase visean excluded mcarth stret powd jasperoids rotation virgin episode purp transfiguration behaviour menet centimeters irradiated convective procedure gravity causing ach99 subtype aspects thrusting centre challeng antimon moldanubian feeder interlayered redistribution mottled mkd5 xenotime isoclinal synchronous ecuador olymp leichhardt recovered amygd mcarthur 9a acan bes cmp den hati hab hcl holl kel lv lat lince latest molar nis neck oh pi pala rus sod sides tar vg wat woll zamb ##sw ##ster ##stic ##taken ##now ##ave ##aean ##pore ##pared ##ubl ##uble ##fa ##fon ##bauer ##04 ##15 ##97 ##erz injected ##ench ##astite ##oluminescence ##istral ##isotrop ##idi ##ida ##elf ##ulic ##agn conj alp alluvial minute ##imens depression anisotrop chap shad share complic mad mapped quater ##ights ##ady ##alcite veining crypt unique interac ##velength hydra hydration prepared next enab subzone granodi modell concer lep ##erson uraniferous uranophane ##sional approp precisely alloy thereby upwards southwestern amk undertaken bras provinces explo precipitating produces producing albitized specimens termed itself finding overlapping synthe ##cepted greenstones 142 ##versely identification channel supports affinity shallower paleogene rhyolites ##venile intruding broken millime deline overprints ferri kaolin weakness intersection minimal metallogen farallon illustrate 187re diluted alternative infiltrating ##riate pervasively assimilated depends episodic mobility externally equivalents marcos marcasite ##oclastite juvenile temporally anomalously differentiated tiny colloform picked virt karak peralkaline partitioning turbidite paragenetically lherz oyu colloids causes paleoge mb02 wavelength sinistral residue jebilet sunrise integrated arrays mcdonald ideal driven lmf marias exhumation neutron ##ostratigraphic subprovince bacterial sabinas seismic ##ochthonous lapilli xiangh acquired chondrite cliffs hyaloclastite cathodoluminescence lachlan ##belt metasediments anorthoclasite besides hatillo kelley wollast ##fontein quaternary hydraulic appropriate ferrihydrite 04 030 3a 67 78 88 9b ct dtr dick ger gav gulf hisp pac ra slow sole test xin yilg zar zun ɛnd ##eed ##li ##less ##limin ##o4 ##oer ##obl ##ware ##hor ##cting ##cient ##yed ##ymme ##yotes ##mix ##jins ##fied ##kol ##2s inst inverse ##lete ##agba ##acies ##acoidal dend ##urface concept ##atiba rein asymme ##imes ancient depositing ##uman shaded why making dikol saund tear ##orphous valley calcium carib prehn prelimin geor ark encomp itaj conclude accepted diffraction martite box care 103 lowermost regimes gradual weight preced ##ortun epiclastic sulphidation amorphous mokop peyotes syl noble vertically ##bergite postulated horsts transformation apophys ##adily empa hemimorph specimen probe terr blan averages averaging 2004 consistently δ18ofluid room ##ilibrium ##ubatiba ##cepti argum ##ucha software mangan aggregate multiphase kafa archaean histor assume migrated gravel extending ##oxic sheets solidus 372 irregularly inside coincide uplif cobal anorthite permeable phosphates burro buried ##zhenk examination boreholes dimensions exsolved weathered incomplete modern kuoer digestion balk postdate mylon regarded european starting needed grabens convection colloidal dolostone hundreds holwell moroc connected physical intergrowths ##aniola sparse triggered penetrative drawn percol lobe ##roscopy sudbur wehrlite fissile xrd asthenosphere grande crops sigma eh4 chaumba geometries migmatites fossil theoretical microfractures arenites normative oscillatory jaagba pockets seams 208pb challenger target granodioritic brasil karakuz dickite hispaniola yilgarn zarsh zunyite ##jinshan dikoloti saunders prehnite itajubatiba mokopane hemimorphite ##zhenku kuoerzhenku jaagbaan 280 4a 5b 63 62 7a 7b bis bot buil dro ew ell eight fix gar gases jun kr kuna know lined lying miss pmz tl ##vant ##sor ##ius ##ipped ##lites ##oured ##wh ##pick ##press ##yers ##drift ##ja ##inned ##enium ##orad ##ania ##osalt ##ocular ##acy coop coord aligned ##iguous revers mina ##ilan ##izon ##imetre ##tsch ##omin ##sever ##odum ##umed shield compressive disequ exists ##agem quint ##adition quartzo ##tites relics sea calcare colored phacoidal assigned argen able spodum ##akh elect persever corrid differing add ##ficial graded greatest dominate regionally tims upwell surp metaluminous moesian undergo brief salt precipitates transformed soil productive steph 159 ##crystalline increment albian walls contrasts pd04 ##ieve bladed ##ualing marginal tradition eutectic selv traverse copperbelt locality frame mule ##ambers importantly decreased reactive directed thinner leads deeply orthopyrox hypers successive ##naird volumetric extended handpick hardening tonnes protoliths elevation econom accumulated document ramps dependent systematically hulbert understood celeb ophiolites ophiolitic virgen favour leucos tensile boulders victorian binocular constitutes database annealed analogous truncated adakite substantial beginning disruption ruby conduits reservoirs constituents kinnaird pebbles cataclas resetting suscepti ##vaal assumption sciences moorddrift nappe analyzer pixe subunits fibrous recalculated derivation maski criteria accretion poikilitic triple palae complicated synthetic xianghualing gavilan pacific preliminary sylvite brasiliano kuoerzhenkuola disequilibrium calcareous spodumene perseverance upwelling 43 6a ale bt bu ballar dav german gully hg held ker lost ow pum rul rays sense tol tons van war ##ville ##right ##sis ##lated ##wish ##wacke ##ns ##ni ##nar ##aq ##pe ##pt ##pic ##hi ##ci ##cing ##ctively ##ye ##je ##jiang ##3d ##85 ##for ##0s ##kh ##teen ##onform ##alac inor intimately ##itz ##itable ##aster ##ostic ##istic ##eler ##ulph ##acite ##urian covers retained readily ##ilst atomic antic grs strom check chambers compan computed whilst ##ogabb dism diverse sulfates quartzof metap resist plank valid ##ude conser conspic arrows presents sporad ##ipel fair favo ensure subject ##itish ##akfmasch overpress ##elled uranyl ##hedrite append applic micron gradually limbs ##ctolite bodnar thickened ##anga domes completed accumulate acceler surficial sulphosalts bright symme slate explains sericitization 155 albitite defining stratified lithic lithof 1980 ##otectonic ##goi crossed sett selective takes schistose tectonically localised nauman soluble totally predate arsenides centers ##neisses deepest ortho orthog spectroscopy internally geochronologic closer chloride transpression cumulative downward extensively phenocrys fertile ##ancy ##oxide ##mano campanian pump stockworks brownish permit predomin paths dilat reserve thermodynamic surroundings huge accumulations tenn accompanying emer plutonism roof ##orption stratagem picrite polarised logs look orthocumulates excell exclud ##untza serpentinization ionization profiles columbia ramire postdates accuracy vo16 hutch wallrocks substantially tellurides nanjinshan sensitive debris conduit reservoir mesothermal rollback ##ogranite fluorine highlighted activation slope hydrocarbons zeolite aluminum tetrahedrite lawyers semiconform palynomorph luiswish disturbance devolatilization murmano ncakfmasch coexistence δ13cco2 olympic acanthite necking piuntza wattle modelling xinjiang ##oblastic careful uplifted zarshouran junctions cooperite corridor selvages celebration ballarat tolgoi ##ulphide conspicuous lithofacies naumannite ramirez semiconformable luiswishi 2σ 3d 4c 4b 650 83 97 96 92 b3 dupl duration fm gro gand kamb liber ml moss pond pron rag ross sred vents wodginite yster ##rb ##iers ##tar ##tage ##line ##oh ##worth ##nog ##gar ##aight ##pot ##hum ##cale ##down ##fl ##bly ##bean ##ker ##kins ##kbar ##rend ##aline ##alian ##alusite andalusite ##oria ##orie ##rolite ##anna ##leth ##usiv ##ussite ##ura cone alt began reten ##tswana ##phere anoxic ##ames states stabil suitable chai ##eto sho comparing maier protr exoskarn once question sulfosalt incons ##ibed metres relict placed straight calcs hydrox hydroly golden arab neo ##rand voltage subjected granoblastic collect mod1 park acad indicator fe2 fe2o3 ##iani botswana allaq somewh ##anged texturally ##eldspathic crush move pores 201 monomin healed geochemically design ##meable postc processing tracer tracks microcrystalline stere spher ##cribed emplo controvers expense probability ultimately granodiorites 2002 platanal comprised solv stratigraphically 125 ##obic directions respective approximate singhb longer longitud ##ocrystalline coefficient involve itabirites hyper contaminant cm3 histories recognition pointed pyrochlore migrate constraining chromat meaning intergranular lacking darker goanna recrystallised nodular freiber semi tenors interes duncan belongs 1998 confirms icpms pelag power glory differentiate berrend cambro 662 digital leucocratic turbiditic tendency camer reaches compressional remobilized dispersive petrologic microfabric macalac breakdown infilling ##askop spanning stylolite binary achieved cerussite idi adakites remnant globular decompression subtypes geothermometry quadril spiked escond carlos nasina decarbonation tube aeromagnetic targets ##ennian ##olidated hematitized famennian ##aerobic ##agabbron shifts huangshan phyllosilicate evolving prismatic destruction stronti impermeable tonalitic stretching enabled virtually lherzolite paleogeographic asymmetric caribbean bisulphide fixed quintos framework economically cataclasites ruled quartzofeldspathic metapel resistant fairly appendix tennantite duplic mossbauer ragged srednog ysterberg inconsis allaqi somewhat monomineral singhbhum berrendos macalacaskop srednogorie 01 340 3kbar 53 510 710 bat bart bay cc cess ecl fes fore gd gond hots kg kas klein mr mature nne oib oik ps pas rou rod rib sum uz u2 vac wan wil ways ##iver ##ierite ##loc ##lorite ##long ##othermal ##nostic ##gie ##ares ##pd ##uke ##mod ##zon ##jec ##46 ##11 ##12 ##alkaline ##ery ##eruke inward ##arg ##arch ##ica ##eden ##ash ##asc ##aset ##aspore ##ateg ##olve ##olia ##ises ##isen ##isition ##isphere ##lement ##agonal ##thyl conversely coating alm ##atis rece retur ##romagnetic ##aine ##lucent depart ##ommod ##ectite chill fluores fluvial ##etveld projected disloc dihedral dioxide diaspore ##ighter ##quisition tethyan metad unwe intercep ##ifex intrusiv republ arran neph neigh ##nek indeed enl subducted silurian acquisition obsc peru indication differs diffusive variance ##ochron comes micaceous agucha limonite ##ifications undul ##athered signals accommod upright transe 209 implied underpl petsch salts syenitic plagiocl sl1 ##ipitation microanal dry drama match transvaal translucent plun infer 153 154 hemisphere crystallinity alkalic diagnostic separating continues displaced expelled ##ounced ternary smow smectite mixtures rhomb generate discord finely platy ##issipp pegmatitic taking homogenous clean describes manyeruke 147 lineament combus methodology involves tuffaceous pits spectral transitions peaks millimetre nonmagmatic accordance 230 lamination fourth farm farms ##hoe graphitic cordierite polyg coincided markedly scanned 87rb capable δdh2o cobalt public promoted unless covering simulations spinifex devoid evaluation eruptions calibrated cpx specifically orders entrained postdated 575 awb petrology starts shortly tectonism researchers falls guide 590 vo14 dataset namely descriptions america backscatter telluride disrupted jebal utilized kinematic plumb tmice blanket ferroan droplets monitored lamprophyre issue problem opposite terminations robust stacked trenches swarms barez destabil isopleth anions stringers perturbation carpathians traverses simultaneously hinge tantalite veloc reactor compiled furnace lattice anisotropy shadows interactions lepid findings mississipp electromagnetic leucosomes owing planknek excellent excluding hutchinson palynomorphs pronounced retention calcsilicate designated postcoll longitudinal interesting escondida strontium cessation eclog gondwana hotspot psamm fluorescence unweathered intrusives republic petscheckite 2d 480 72 airc brac blob bench cres ded dren fram fire her hid hein hong ivan jap james kh ll lac lyon mut mong nit nac omitted qom rs1 song siber tan tama vent wal warp wind wsw ##ey ##eties ##rys ##rad ##sk ##sch ##sedimentary ##iro ##iated ##len ##ooth ##oining ##way ##nels ##ger ##aas ##halite ##cts ##cumulates ##yond ##ycl ##uce ##mb ##moto ##zbur ##jem ##37 ##bas ##bore ##timet ##rey ##inants ##eror ##erites andean ing ##enna ##orio ##eda ##itr ##itational ##ann ##aner ##oling ##olumb ##olitite ##ider ##idually ##ators ##ulip ##let isotrop ##thoph ##ursor conqu alum alma beyond minas ##vere ##omagne atom atlan anate anaerobic anthoph ##amo ##ouge ##oupl ##umably sto compound computer ##ogenetic proceed prolong organ diabase ##verton queb sulfosalts ##ppb carrolite phaner hydrohalite ##apiolite prepar ##alli neil abrup presumably ##cano ##andine carbonation ##tency enter subver substit ##itively ##nggar collectively locus richest parras leav leaf acted ##so4 perkins meter varieties bio book melagabbron served ##ards ##arded come regia concentrate olive recover recycl precursor ##angular signal geologically geologists sulphates 202 monot imprec positively hex hend salob salier postmagmatic osb traced microve significance ##rench infra 156 ##2o5 albion defin mush laverton continue displace decoupl smel smooth eventually 195 radio rhenium ##awn generating trond fineto δ34ss δ18oh2o potgie selen take resultant schistosity localization homogenized fring mula 11b actinolitite creating synsedimentary halogen arsenates ##obar counting supporting aqua distinction centimet curves fills paleocene baita baja maple multipl successful ##isional adjoining confidence extract extrusive recognize individually evapor borbore xenocrysts ##mao transparent relevant ferrom ##mann metallogenetic 175 linkam papers circles circular slabs thermochron argillization ##alda s24 batholiths islands embedded emission ##30b phosphoric logging unlike behave branching overgrow 324 320 understand magnesite junggar volatil harzbur sectors obliter gabbronorites serpentinized convergent 665 digested subsurface purity operated reasons tectono coincidence metabasalts 523 evaluated percentage flanks gravitational bitumens discriminate inverted named titanium titanomagne zoetveld cracks periphery dravite rubies ##roscopic tightly vienna carlin activities bismuthinite trachyte etched overgrowths deviation manifested decrepitation endowment katy munni underlain ignition habit ohmoto sodium conjunction exploited 0304 mylonitized moroccan ellip stephanian incremental hypersaline handpicked alemao david pumice inorganic dismem settling fmc kambalda academ cameron idiomorphic metapelites inconsistent barton kasolite ribbon almandine dislocation plagioclases polygonal lepidolite postcollisional aircore blob3d drenthe framb hidden ivanhoe rs18 tamaulip ##olumbite isotropic conqueror alumina atlantic anthophyllite quebec abrupt salobo potgieters borborema titanomagnetite tamaulipas 2b 380 410 6b 69 79 850 aid buc c2 cul city d1 ds1 dawn fan fos fun fund french hen ipb je jm kur ksp lati land lile llp lago mu mene mort ns nish ple pall q1 rom rene squ svan tac til tay tallar va wnw ##v39 ##iogenic ##lor ##oys ##wed ##granular ##hf ##hjem ##uity ##uable ##mites ##ds ##di ##day ##31 ##fania ##bo ##bour ##bered ##bility ##13 ##100 ##98 ##tefania ##onk ##rep ##rero ##enerite ##arid ##itated ##osedimentary ##issure ##idal ##elo ##eline tom tool today ##inger ##lem ##leted ##trial ##oclase ##enty cond ##terly coal covel arenite ret ascribed ##ilities ##iman ##omen ##omagmatic ##restrial anat grays static stagn ##ysis ##arto ##tina exo veined plates uncon unzon intermit highand figures ##essar carius reprec reports phil ##apyrox consumed artif neote ##nets spider spessar ##ips ##ipient ##tensional ##stw formational subcontin submitted ##itised modifications ##ghinite ##iao parapyrox concur zonal acicular metric indicators corro ranged caob believe adcumulates melan silicic twenty ##conn concentrates chlorites ##ignment agate rect undep allochthonous therein grouped ##ensive motion monoph equipped impro british heiani schem symp synt 185 complexity slick originating ela propag transient transtensional so4 steel steady empir outward crystallize easternmost pdb terrestrial liquidus lithosphere deformational ultras rhe 390 pyrarg crosses trap triang 2000 2006 initiated pegmat amphiboles roy ptand 143 148 141 dokh lineations electronic monzogranite cooler envis tourmalines aggregation multid pitch nwand archipel 163 recognised ##ographs brook yielding thicknesses densities 360 nbs nonconform marks demonstrating classify ##ledge estefania petrographically working ava nodule insights circulated infiltrated comparisons ##eira coincides segregations australian rampura 220 promising greywacke contributions borders pair rosa hydrogenous peridotites serpentinite budget ##caldera ##boring exceptionally columns leucogran erupted subsidi duits placers displacements dispersion ##burg regarding regardless ##ilicates 105b aurora terminated infilled nuclear michenerite unmineralised cerro 714 concordance construction immiscibility johnson instrumental global urum decomposition trigger quadr spikes thrusts escap confirming trojan troctolite occupies occupied cdt wehrlites juxtaposes lamprophyric tds assumptions efficiently ##rustal problems ddhv39 resemble swarm facilitated ##kinematic ascending manifest unfortun gregory gregorio remarkable reconstruction aplite boud specularite powdered purpose amygdales russ alpine cryptocrystalline metallogeny soleiman ##mixing instance dendritic encompass apophyses arguments gravels balkan fossiliferous susceptibility germany symmetrically liberated altai protracted hydrolytic movements spherul employed hyperarid pelagonian monomineralic waning wiluna chilled neighboring rhombo velocity japan jamesonite llamo mongolia nacle prolonged preparation imprecise hexagonal henderson trondhjem δ34ssulfide harzburgite academy potgietersrus ds125 foster jeol meneghinite svanbergite taconian taylor tallarico covellite grayscale unzoned intermittent subcontinental undepleted pyrargyrite dokhtar archipelago subsidiary unfortunately 3c 3b 4f 440 68 740 8b 9c 99 amal bell c4 cac categ dys elu face fish gap gross gouge hb him hree hbl jx juan junction ko kes kind lz lif lived mith mary mounted nn o2 ott pill pech rye sse srand tail tie tapiolite vr ves vect v39 wra y3 z2 zft zeb μg ##ethys ##rs ##si ##su ##sely ##iar ##iation ##tants ##lin ##lot ##lusite ##oo ##ool ##oul ##wd ##wane ##garia ##dish ##ze ##zel ##jui ##fine ##fect ##bi ##01 ##kα ##kwane ##5u ##tezu ##ony ##recc ##inates ##inities ##aly ##erto ##erlein andrad ##ormal ##iction ##rok ##itant ##osely ##aty ##atre ##atro ##element ##ulating ##ingly ##trich ##agros ##ocal isothermal defic ##ursion conduc coup alignment reform ##ima ##omitant ##sets anhyd ##aments ##amental suites ##ope proto proved diatre ##ucity incipient sao ##quiv tefl tekwane ##ouse ##chland contoured cryp metac metam rests relate plaus alterations unamb unmixing valuable ##oren replic replen classic hydroflu ##udi prem geos geodynamic arid arrow ##otopic nept ##racrustal indian ##ipation cupr enable ##ston oxic subround richards concomitant uses peritec meg corner ##ellar diffuse bihor botry whereby adv aug ##genesis ##lla gradation ago agree limonitic precamb modeled brejui grew gren scre alloys thickest northward accounted southward reddish amethys impur ##umulus symb mineralisations slaty elip ##meid explored ##cooling postcaldera tracers drive km3 aptian steeper barram ##keted outwards increments albitization specified crystallographic develops determining oxidising continuum expression decades ##ieh lithostratigraphic mans portezu ##awa trivariant 2003 2001 find ##issance superbas supercooling initiation selection dissolve roan clea mineralogically cream predates firstly 144 ##obrecc ##erences channels 137 ##smow mesh thinning centered curved affects ##ylvan comparatively bulgaria potassically petrogenesis contaminants multielement mswd 165 ##naissance pyrolusite ##enga progression miller chlorine lasting downwards vsc 235u lamina lamellar environmental 708 sidi prefer permits workings recrystallisation existed node insight enclose encloses dilute thermochemical hunt conversion opx opal emb ##otherms capo consideration buffer ##ova remainder loosely kbars difficulty metavolcano clayton simulation vo8 glen paucity join leucogabb subsolid subsidence erosional ##cury ##current started distances breakup zhang intercalations 595 oy28 1988 ##getown neutral reconnaissance truncation connection auto exceeds institut begins aspect chronometry discoveries kilom debate lobate actually challen assessment array slopes mcdonough ats46 fissiogenic xrf asthenospheric clustering dominance histograms tubes tetrahedral cupido contributes competent unreal unrelated commod attempted destro mercury remarkably mios supracrustal ambient transgression powders purposes antimonides holler chapter concerning millimeters wollaston wollastonite conceptual georgetown arkoses historical percolating sudburyite knowledge coordinates argentite surprise ##jeh grs37 favored phenocryst predominance dilatant ##worthy controversial meaningful kleinmeid metadacite intercepts arranged nepheline undulose transect plumbiferous isopleths eclogite subvertical leaving oliveira decoupling smelter obliterated framboidal funnel fundamental henry ##bourne condens exotic corrobor monophase symple synto slickens empirical pitchblende duitschland urumieh naclequiv kesler mithril ottawa pechenga reforma teflon plausible unambiguous hydrofluoric cupriferous subrounded peritectic precambrian amethyst symbols portezuelo ##ylvanian laminae subsolidus 4e 4h 5c 64 7c 84 ah bn bsr d5 dull eag ever esm fed fast faster fissure gn gf gilg hud hun jac kf kong kap kers ln l2 lec lud lighter md m2 mos mime mures n2 page pull pear passing q2 ron rip rabb rica sass twe ut u4 vast vo2 wol wet xu xing zagros ##vos ##vium ##vsmow ##rat ##rates ##rifer ##sterite ##iph ##iency ##tui ##tude ##litic ##oil ##wara ##nes ##gon ##gral ##aph ##hmann ##cies ##cumulus ##uo ##ukes ##xi ##zn ##jong ##35 ##fe ##bia ##ki ##19 thous ##tel ##tectonic ##onge theory ##tiated ##till ##ino ##inia ##erian ##erves anderson inwards ##arhy ##itail ##asian ##astrich ##osh ##olv ##isco ##isible ##idd ##ident ##atch ##elly ##ulsion ##lex ##leigh ##ager ##aggite ##agasc ##ocalcite isotherms ##acial decline ##thmites contig cotui aliqu alta forsterite ##atita beij beukes rework ##owater ##ilwara ##luvium ##imi depicted ##ommon att attained attain ##seyite ##amatic ##oud ##odite stated start staging suturing chemically ##etamorph shang compaction compreh ##therly maastrich ##ichi ##ogens project diab que ques quick ##uca ##uced incursion ##adium tethys happ metagabb metarhy relicts severe ##tingsite strip strict interior intercumulus ##uture ##ifying intrac calcalkaline phyllite hydrochl ##apted preval arizon washed ability spac ##rais ##rajong indire volunt ##ands carbonatite ##ayan cubic subduc subtle subhor richer ##plan lehmann acatita obduction pers volcanosedimentary hastingsite indications biogenic bierlein suggestive boqu caue ##ochlorite 10to adve adapted twinned apprec weigh recoil ##mont greisen ##arela skinned redep rediss amaz impact imposed imposs braggite ##tives ##tivities origins originate eldor novos designed verified ##undi microb microsp dramatic facing facility transcurrent enrichments refers pyroxenitic analyzing ##critical special contrary ##aho secondly litho lithologic 193 194 averaged radiation radiating mano discarded discrep δ18ocalcite δ18owater 2007 supercritical ##ectively ironstone friable likewise halogens estimation lineage 138 anglo mesoto foil ##aysimi affinities participation ##lomer absorption topographic gneissic rhyod pitfield nwto titanian confining international kewell swit 161 ##rometer volumetrically resistivities ##tantalite growths ferroc ferrifer substages lacks intersecting classical simply siderites gover 177 acids 370 dilation thermo 354 ledges heavier sanid semseyite reflective pgms tensional accompanies integral blues offsets 1996 edges visc ##fieldite ##timate overgrows polish hfse packing yellowish luz powell heterogranular essential serpentinites moderateto karst karstic partitioned eruptive bleached cpo purple operation penns agrees ridges focuses zheng 460 guaysimi outlines oy47 obviously 1989 fugacities vo130b nucleation harrisitic ceased enhances microstructures microstructural idaho autochthonous waal wave repeat 475 190os sufficiently invisible sudden pebble ferrotantalite cataclastic realistic highlight monitor juxtaposition filaments trachytic runs sigm issues formulae mobilized cements jb97 conformable conformably prevail moordrift robitail nappes sx50 trench hematitization attempt dumont franc stringer decrepitated endowed huangsh phyllosilicates crenulation crenulated interfacial delamerian bhilwara otd ach9998 rusten chapters madagasc cryptomelane amk28 delineated metallogenesis reinfor preceded terrains blanca historically sudbury reversal ##izontal traditional traditionally orthopyroxenes palaeozoic sporadic 1980s orthogneisses pumpelly permitted gandarela ##ohl shoots hydroxides collector solvus freibergite duplicate foreland mrl vacuum received 209ad discordia mississippi crescumulate deduced siberia ##skite atoms compounds entering substitution recovery microvein centimetre volatilisation elliptical dismembered kurrajong mortar renewed square tilting ##board spessartine ##connected 185re nonconformity quadrivariant russia spherulitic fosterville jxa life pillow tailings wrapped coupet anhydrous cryptic neptun indiana august impurities barramundi mansfieldite 144nd ##obreccia embay symplec eagle kapai kersantite mimetite rabbit sasso contiguous beijing ##etamorphic shangani comprehensive hydrochloric arizona indirect voluntad subducting subhorizontal impossible eldorado ferrocolumbite ferrifero pennsylvanian robitaille madagascar pumpellyite 430 7e 82 az aph bold cos cand crest carto dh dm dal dur eth fu fro font future g4 gul gam grown glomer hz ham hone hold hco hitz house ip iter ital jog juc jones jade king kim kav kath lag lady mis myr mcc nm nain nomen oz oct oval pec put rain rog rad raf rito sed slu sir sound sust satis tor tested uand write wacke yt yag za zart zend ##ev ##emp ##even ##vinc ##ries ##s2 ##iel ##tys ##tard ##las ##late ##lith ##lab ##lines ##oan ##wan ##wood ##night ##gam ##aic ##ais ##aff ##aved ##aue ##piment ##h2s ##col ##cid ##uj ##uated ##ung ##md ##zen ##zie ##fo ##f5 ##bol ##bell ##bote ##kine ##kech ##14 ##90 thms ##tet ##onz ##ontin ##tization ##retions ##alies ##alayan ##ndt ##nded ##erk ##erit ##estra inlet ##ente ##enav ##entific ##arged ##orus ##orogenic ##ican ##iclase ##icott ##iciency ##roix ##ropping ##itor ##itos ##itative ##itrite ##anth ##anne ##atero ##olle ##istine ##idic ##atti ##elves tools ##ulang ##leen ##tries ##trium ##mpop ##ushed ##ocused ##oclastic ##aca ##acoid ##acrys deal ##thal ##urut conce concep convinc count force bear rev rey read mini mind asc ##ilite ##luca ##imer ##omme ann antil grid ##otant stain stop ##econ changed ##etres ##tics ##ticolle shiz shell shonk shaly shosh maic maestra ##tines ##tinitrite disag distill exemp orpiment ongo diak divers diaph magalies quoted oregon ##adian ##ibia team bastard haw metre relates plastic sealed unp unst uneven strained interflow ##ypaas ##ifies ##ifers colors colorl colomb coloured prekinematic arav arna arndt ##new spike ##rakech volspruit ##andean cub cuba entered norte subaer subandean ##ario ##ariably ##ourt modifying concretions object objec periclase corrosion ##ianite diffract marrakech biostratigraphic boulang capping canadian butte 10a 108 melted serr serbia ##istocene regularly applying chalced agglom agua agnew pristine recomme scor scott sclm northwards dolerite ##ensland crusts 2025 mono monos equally equates imped posts pend brf5 hek schorl schoen elena interpreting ##co2 fractionating ##clature micrograph dried maturation transm soon niand producers productivity stein sphene refer sandy derive walled defocused speculate crystallizing crystallising contribu continuity expulsion ##ahigh decime remove ##iezn eventual ultra ultrahigh manner generates pyritized pyritisation δ34 traps reeypaas superp δ18ovsmow reductant trail travel traject root road ##ufficient corella normalization normalised multicolle 116 create predated syntectonic constrains electric greenish doe arsenian characterise efferves efficiency midas 136 139 counter supply supplement aquifers thins thinned ##ugate creep ##oko ##oked ##uping combining vapors baft flor petrogenetic pseudo orthomagmatic endicott clinopyrox dacites preserves spectac configuration extrap observable stikine kev keep identifying sweden 162 ##ocrystic mild xenomorphic chloritoid delt paragonite paragneisses laminations uncommon weaker ##mani shepp campbell carry carrying median puerto intersect cratons cratonic mudstones metalliferous broader noteworthy intensities intensively 176 diameters linking works protochlorite revealing 375 insufficient circulating polym thermometer explaining fragmentation herein ##imethyl klerk segregate hotter availability horizontally capture δdfluid accessories picture yangli 1992 pulver phosphorus massifs edific narrower branches ##axial excimer solubilities packages stream examine bordered removing enveloping obliqu serpentinisation popa towns 660 digenite karatongke karoo 288 bleb ##continent 290 camg limpop purified inhom inherit travertines picritic heterogeneity dump 570 rl53 contemporaneously macra macroscopic metabasic falling pinkish geophysics breaks focusing focussed sniezn accurately infillings summarised fluctuating spans egd flanking 270 rifted holland occasional scenarios gems namibia analogy cerny provenance 543 passed niobian 1970s mesocumulates titanites cycling decomposed interlock sparry brazilian penetrated 470 sinter migmatitic geothermometer kilometers kilaue sensu constituent constituting centur actlab plumose plumasite ##metamorphic invariably assessed lenso qualitative monitors filter scientific nasc reviewed opportun aluminium resembl resembles aerial stacking commenced aims barek dumluca thorium palynological malmani pinacoid destructive boudin hinges nonetheless otago tantal ##tesian compilation ambiguous migrates migrating antimonide lvrs zambian conjugate delineation 7820 dtr30 encompassing preceding apophysis argument manganotant cobaltinitrite balkans bottle build dropped reversals argentina addressed briefly favourable buoy ##852 checked companies sporadically overpressure application accelerating transpressional looking arabia arabian quadrilatero fes2 oikocrysts routine rodinia coatings department enlarged underplating plunge cleaned combustion lacroix mutually nitric warps stoichi melagabbronorite recycling monotonous osb852 infrared radioac fringes multiplier successfully evaporated ferromagn overgrowing culm latitude pleistocene tomography reprecipitation neotethyan concurrent rectangular pegmatoid royal brooks amalgam caco3 elucid himalayan koons nnr vr01 andraditic diatreme metamict replicate replenish geosci megacrys botryoidal capoeira joints leucogabbron kilometre destroyed every gfohl hudson leco pearce twee xingu reworked maastrichtian diablo queensland questions quickly metagabbro metarhythmites spacing amazon lithoge discrepancy sanidine sigmoidal rustenburg neptuno fontbote honey hitzman jucurut kathleen nomenclature octa rogers yttrium zartman zendan ##ontinental shoshonitic exemplified ongoing diakow diversity diaphorite magaliesberg colorless colombia arnaud objectives boulangerite recommended schoenly contributing supplementary yangliuping limpopo rl536 snieznik actlabs opportunity manganotantalite jucurutu 09 2c 3e 530 630 7f 730 8c 8d 93 ak bill bari brough c3 cip cumm crous df don dual dug dreh ec eur fly fif finger fidd gor gel gly god gase gun glac gained gels gains gma h3 hop hall heden hatch iber ions jumb ks k4 kine lip lang lents lij luminescence mf mas mir mach moles nue nca own pw puc prac pike puna pinn qi qap ren ried roles rising rita rule sv stic siv stern ts tal tib tarn tang tier tule uk ve v5 ven voids v2o5 wr wy wen weld word wang waf wmz yel yuk zw zp σ3 ωm ##eit ##vity ##rick ##rites ##sb ##sho ##solidated ##iere ##tree ##tonic ##tario ##lers ##oa ##win ##war ##no ##nand ##nakh ##gs ##ga ##gence ##aite ##apped ##po ##po4 ##hes ##his ##hant ##htite ##hai ##cite ##city ##cade ##cipitation ##yab ##ybourne ##uy ##uro ##uate ##men ##mar ##del ##dam ##70 ##fu ##fro ##feng ##bnite ##bitr ##053 ##kov ##18 ##60 ##test ##onorm ##onites thems ##titic ##tities ##tiplan ##ini ##inis ##altic ##aland ##alup ##aldera ##aloidal ##alkop ##era inhib invo ##arolitic ##arwar ##ori ##orous ##orbed ##icochemical ##ediel ##anitic ##anjan ##asse ##atever ##atell ##osited ##osurface ##olation ##olving ##idy ##atya ##eled ##elaria todor ##ulo ##ulif ##ulties ##agull ##agonite ##usse ##usanne ##oca ##acting deform decl deviations ##thr ##urite ##urbed condor ##terran copre coonge alph alam altiplan ##igorous ##atives bende retre retain asian ##romic ##izable ##imhan ##imaz ##phthal depoly ##ombs ##ometamorphic ##abe ##aba ##aber anast ##amine ##ument supr chemis chief ##etches shore shades comput whatever maz ##gea ##artfontein projection orange ontario ##vert quar sulfidic saudi sayab ##quartz ##aday quartzitic quartzand quartzdi ##anto bases hazel ##redor cr2o3 metast resolv relating plays sep seal seed seep sealing search unlu unaff interbed interstic valve ##lest intrabas colour colluvial ##onga clays hydroge hydroox inclined ##asets ##ival preto consolidated constants getic gevers geometric geyn arise arises arbitr aragonite ##allels wash spain spier ##ray ##ateral ##andong noril northerly subout substr subset subterran collection ##ourn parallels leak leybourne ##aku ##ologically acn oberth perth persis perlitic ##spyrite corredor overview mars bias ca2 capped caulif ##lower adop adding admix augen serra serial ##ardjeh ##istost ##isturbed ##hedron biotiteand appe apply olsi olistost mayeda aged price recumb precaldera undiff undisturbed alloc thickly consisted consistency sketches texas ##rowodginite charge surv moves mohr moeda dolomitization monocl monument equador characterizes seques height observe schiff complexities notice desilic verging postpe microph drus faces matsu soils afs apfu stepped ##rents inflow inference calculating barre barometry barri barrett references sandand sandman ##key ##kets hematization outc albitisation albeit crystallizes contrad contraction separately lausanne salinic deciph reminis orogenesis correct 192 radial radiographs manit possess discer reeval δ34sh2s irtys initiate self localize patric calamine calvert felsites ##tify ##tiful 11a 118 114 112 ##grad solely measuring synth synand syncl greenland ##ishes measures characterises effectively ##erentiated argue coarsen 134 lightfo supplied monzonitic mesoproterozoic mesocratic mesonorm approximation foliations curv currais currents paralleling ##uger evolutionary eastwards paleomagnetic paleotectonic paleosurface baishan baimaz discuss turkey ends adjus preserving ##produc stibnite introduce historic swager assumes recognizing 251 259 ##engren chlorides spectrometric delic delim denser recording situation constraint footn photo ferrous ferrowodginite 233 fewer campo solidification retrog carrier medio puy exhibited intersects metalloids farther faraday accordingly universite reflectance tonnages going graphs avoid nodes unconformable 243 technology rayleigh progresses hump losses ##eirao h2so4 s2b tenor emeral labeled clustered rooted 221 225 attribute gaspe anorthos offsho buffers naraku earthqu difficulties continuously 1997 1999 1995 1990s komatiites promote eds editor loi 325 magnesium luf lutites pelite pelites simulate vo31 diamonds bordering gloria device roset rosengren ##arbonate climate jasperoidal 455 250to buda picking rotate ##argement chromitites exceptional 661 platforms pyroclasts 282 cassidy tends subsystem calibrations 214 liand tongue exhaus quantities cherty needle needles submic oligoclase tectonised tectonometamorphic 338 336 encour easterly sarah clathrates outline fluctuated subdivision 1985 egg molasse flanked nucleus 345 bubbles superimposition hollow experience incorporates bifs datasets morb morro analogs analogue approaches approaching truncates ##ograms physicochemical autobreccia doubly mbr mb1 passes detectable globally sparsely porphyroblast porphyroblastic nanling nanometer ##abilities scarcity geothermometers disappears utilization utilizing debated percolated spotting actual explanations czech tmh troilite violarite perturbed dynamics independently b2mhbx troughs atmosphere fluoride subgroups juxtaposing idea ##533 antiform oxyhydroxide flooding myally running zealand decarbonated decarbonatization hornfelsed mobilization prevent prevents geometrical terminate terminates glassy exhumed neutrons subprovinces b1mhbx targeting ##amento competency ##ractionated attempts facilitate dumoul france hook merwe pixel isoplot subunit marlstone perturbations malatya ##merization unfractionated evolve underlie traversed reconstructions l3h miarolitic ##owski stronie emphasized tonalites amygdaloidal denver lvd zambuj ##ublished alps depressions anisotropic interacting exploitation millimeter raise slowly dendrites george arkose cobaltite morocco percolation garnets kruger address surpris undergoing susceptible accretionary buenav kerrich anticline stromat strombol company conserved conservation favoured applicable brightness phenocrystic emerged groves gandhi chromatographic chromatography freiberg powerful microfabrics quadrilateral oikocrystic pasco pastel ##pdb ##jections ##11533 returned enlargement obscured plunges publication bracketed hercy heinrich khz window ingression anatexis anatectic proceeded organized phanerozoic definition selenides extractable thermochronology ribbons palladium q1mhbx romania vaalkop retains anatase unconsolidated artifact parapyroxenites schemes propagated ultrasonic envisaged multidiff leucogranites encompasses trondhjemitic hbr vector zebediel metacong premise advoc screened superbasins glenfine miospore fissures mosaic roncade ripley vo20 aliquots attached boqueirao redeposited redissolution dramatically rhyodacite governed 177hf blueschist viscosity huangshandong augusta candelaria dharwar glomerocrysts ipge kavital lagunas pecul slump satisf writer thmsg antilles ##economic distilled unpublished aravalli subaerial chalcedony scorodite monosulfide hekimhan transmission δ34spyrite superposition effervescence extrapolated sheppard polymict inhomogeneous inheritance macraes egd053 kilauea century boudinaged bottletree buoyancy ferromagnesian culminated amalgamation megacrysts octahedral barium brought cipw cumming croustet dreher flysch fiddlers gaseous iberian jumbo lentswe lijiang ncafmasch qapf stichtite sivas talnakh tibet tarnagull tierrero yukon zwartfontein ##hisa themselves todorokite coprecipitation coongee alamitos altiplano bendezu anastom chiefly sayabec quartzdiorites hazelton resolvable unaffected interstices intrabasinal hydrooxides geversite geynardjeh arbitrary suboutcrop oberthur cauliflower recumbent undifferentiated schiffries postpeak matsuhisa barriers reminiscent irtysh patricio lightfoot baimazhai dumoulin zambujal buenavista strombolian zebediela roncadeira tarnagulla 010 015 1s 1a 1σ 3f 310 5d 5to 540 6e 6c 610 720 94 91 aper ben big bure bab boun bombs cus cast came dous dhan dup danubian dulate ea ethyl fec fans fs2 gt g3 gent gaw gued getch hum hess hell hish hamm ikal jar jian jaw job ky k1 k5 kus kot kep l1 lom lik list loll lining lumines mw m3 mound mcl muse maria nf nch nand nak name nubian oes oil pil port pier p2o5 pushed r1 rin rud rose raw rico ramm sain sold sie sieved sorting sieve tent tuc tian taz tsum uc vity void vox viable villas vigorous win wag wadi xp xiang xiao xco2 yv yao σs σ1 ##ee ##ea ##eted ##eting ##vari ##vative ##vens ##sules ##ii ##iate ##iab ##ipping ##tonite ##lit ##lus ##lay ##oi ##oz ##off ##wt ##wth ##wig ##nest ##gi ##gent ##gart ##gies ##gical ##aa ##aft ##pin ##ped ##pores ##hg ##ham ##cel ##cion ##yres ##uating ##ualli ##mor ##mian ##dal ##xin ##znets ##jar ##jects ##juca ##jori ##33 ##34 ##36 ##frac ##bt ##biz ##bric ##ket ##kari ##kado ##kfmas ##16 ##91 ##92 ##57 thir thail thiers ##tex ##tected ##ona ##onet ##onoi thesis ##timal ##tious ##rew ##ref ##reau ##rela ##inement ##inately ##inivariant ##alar ##alach ##alky ##alysis ##esized ##esterly anders int inversely inaa ##enous ##ential ##entially ##encies ##aro ##arith ##arsite ##oring ##icit ##icto ##icontinental ##roite ##room ##rogen ##itt ##itory ##ansion ##asers ##oliated ##ister ##isch ##istered ##istically ##ato ##elm ##elle ##elitic ##ulian ##ulskite ##ingite ##ingling ##lev ##lewood ##agic ##aggy ##agrey ##agatti ##uss ##ocon ##ocalc isocon deion deves deuter ##thmic ##uric ##enta cour coated coales covari alk alber altit ##igram forces areal recharge asia ##ilian ##ilton ##ilalar ##iziling ##vehe ##lutonic ##imon ##imhall ##ional byproduc ##omated ##omena ##ombic atyp atlas ##abad ant anh ##aminated ##ockwise grin grah ##oux ##otte ##otti ##otted ##otographs ##uma ##umgart station statis ##yram sukari chach chapp chaine chrys chalky fluence ##opelitic ##oplutonic ##ticle shar shared shares shaft compares deposita whitish maimon ##tinent ##tinely disconnected maghem ##verite quies quinivariant quilalar ##emann saw saff ##quilibr ##adalup ##ppe ##ppled ##ibut ##ibram ##inear ##antada ##chists ##changed ##chroite hamp contorted cripp metagrey ##nta resin relax plant segm ##ydale ##tinga unex unimodal unrec unequ unchanged stricto interle interpl interven interfaces intermont ##yptian ##ifts ##veland ##assed colluvium phy phre phoko clark cloud clockwise hydrofrac goldh betaf ##aplus preven geographic geotectonic arm arf arunta article ##neath abiti ##illo spir spilitic speed induce ##andaj carbonated carbonatized fay ##tentr norms norway subch subaqu subalkaline subangular ##ikari imbric collections loch mod2 mod02 para lew leon lefro silva acs container perring perthite pertain perfect pertinent meeting volcanoplutonic feand ##ians ##unov ##ellite marti bioti wherever ##tooth uranogenic belle 109 adequ lowering melatro ##genite ##ardite ##istulian ##uldron twice registered genalysis concentrating appalach micrometer limon pribram precluded preclude ##ordial allochth ##angan signs earlyand earlyto skew accoun ##ludes epit epicontinental reduce moving moho pojuca dolomiti dolomitisation impure underneath brimhall brunov heaz heights schli school 189 treated complexed complexing sliver ##eposition elim verm verify primordial ##meh ##achite fractionations fractionates sericitisation ##deras tracing microlites drc drain drift drifts transmit translation apex producer representation 40are stevens 151 barr refine refined ppt empty hemipel albitic specks speciation crystallised developing sphalerite2 oxidative orogene diagonal musonoi laiziling expansion ##ahualli ultimate terrig blades 1940 flowed ##elsbergite pyritic oxygenated ##goorl dissemination negatively finland reequilibr arcuate correspondence ##ropor ##ropical bounds bounding irms irarsite ##isson supercontinent molybdenites potrero initiates selved selenium reduces ironstones overlay roots homogenising basementand northernmost ##ubu calderas frasers 506 509 119 127 ##obsite electrical effort effusive methyl 303 135 monzonites aquit aquifer mesos ##ustrine ##ugal ##stra envision mmui combine combinations baumgart flame floren mno topography opened characteristically hypidi tonne dipole surrounds multip multist pitted erz extra stippled mg0 pointing geochronometers pyrochroite 253 252 μm3 closest milling millerite milligram chloritisation ##print phenomena fernand saturate floating exceptions mechanically fourteen marking markowski magnet sheeted solids medical punta taxt 704 706 minimize ##ircular universit marbleized 173 investigates predominate links worked prospective nodal pathway circle circum alternation becoming thermogenic thermobar thermocalc argillite progressed principle kalkado kalgoorl optimal evenly sanandaj distally reflectivity tension greatly documents em39 229 dependence 263 262 capsules anorthoclase monazites icm 1994 1990 version thematic purely logged logarith load behind visual excav exclude overgrew aguil stillwater rapids santonian phyllites oceans mcmas jump rhodop luina aureoles simulated exsolving estrela flatten cambana kuznets formerly johan joint episodically 318 315 217 294 295 ##kskin reaching ordered entrapped 579 ##iously failed regards scapol viewed starra needs energies submer subordinately microfocal 388 385 dogtooth fitted metabasaltic 335 encaps encantada 105a frequencies easter easier zhubu bends 469 guadalup sarbiz reproduce outliers influxes summarizes 593 1981 1986 egyptian molec molten nucleogenic bravehe granulites 512 grows playa physically 560 715 automated passage adakitic niobium 1977 exsolutions johnston quantity quantitatively hills crackle triggering tellurium chronology chronological residues implicit implication 555 kilometer percydale escape 760 tracking mesoand integration helped rollinson occupying pebbly cataclasite cementing ##ukrok attest exclusive granophyre facilities lamprophyres ats19 granditic driving etching dominates dominican mobilised ddh11533 mariana opposed prevented distinguishing doublet ##ostratigraphy competing analyze semicircular networks facilitating famous fossils ##ippines thorogenic theoretically shifted marls 490 katanga katangan malachite prisms delamar delamination establishment devolatilisation aplitic clunes iaea nckfmas supersatur supersaturated contours imperfect transgressed emphasis furnished migratory δ13ccalcite stretched olympus denote habits soda zambia shadow concerns lepanto channeled weaknesses dtr3 dtr32 gerais raising ##2s3 reinvestig boxes terrain territory bottinga ##vantage coordinate stephanite orthopyroxenites handpicking documentation palaeoproterozoic grs97 acceleration orthogonal pumping predominates dilatation 833 ponding stabilization stabilize shoot crushing stereonet solvent batch routinely ##archean return accommodate accommodated underplated microanaly microanalysis dryness discordance combusted vo148 kinematics destabilization mississippian psammitic khar lacustrine mutual nitrogen walter walker organization books recycled monotonic osb40 definitive mushroom selenide fringe ferromonz davidite buckskin lagoonal ##lemented stagnated philips philippines artifacts parapyroxenite improve improved scheme rheology triangular 143nd envisage escaped escaping boudins boudreau rhombohedral rhombohedron category fisher vesicular deficient conducive cleaveland unrealistic unrealistically commodity commodities supracrustals corroborate slickensides ah90 gnpa hunker jacobsite ludwig q2mhbx wolf ##ratka thousands happen stripes strictly prevalence advection appreciable weighed switching luzong prevailed francisco otd14 microveinlets embayed symplectites aphanitic cartoon dalstra gulch jogs kimber misahualli rainwater sirjan sounding sustut ##anthrac concepcion convincing county shizishan shonkinite unstable cubes agglomerates 2025a postskarn trajectories multicollection florida deltaplus captured pulverized edifices obliquity township dumps interlocking lensoidal 78203 dtr308 radioactive elucidate replenishment geoscience leucogabbronorite tweefontein eurasian fifth glacial kinetics nuevo practical riedel svratka sterner ukr words wafers yelagatti ##hantuo ##fengling invoke declining alpha chemistries washing substrate subterrane leakage adopted monocline microphotographs drusy barremian delicate delimited emerald offshoots lufilian 214ad multidiffusion metaconglom peculiar cummingtonite aperture bureau bountiful doushantuo dhanjori duplex gentle gawler guedes getchellite hessite hishikari ikalukrok jarosite jianfengling jobin kotulskite kept loma luminescent museum nchanga oeste rincon rammelsbergite saint soldiers siegenite tsumeb vityk wagner yvon thailand thiersch ##lewoodite altitude atypical graham chachil safflorite cripple metagreywacke relaxation segmented unrecogn unequiv interplay intervening intermontane phokoje betafite preventing abitibi subaqueous lefroy melatroctolite skewed accounting brunovistulian heazlewoodite schlieren transmitter hemipelagic terrigenous baumgartner florencite hypidiotopic kalkadoon kalgoorlie logarithmic mcmaster kuznetsk sarbizan braveheart nckfmash ferromonzodiorite cleavelandite otd1447 1d 1b 2e 2m 2to 3g 3h 330 4i 425 432 5e 520 532 5ppb 6t 6d 6f 680 625 7d 8e 820 9d 9f 950 940 aud aided akaline bic bow brom bad bron bort bau cx c5 ced cig cum cant cited cyl cape casc cropping da dar dul drown deng dta dimin dimethyl dotted ese eue eina f2 fle fum falc flac finite fused fank fuca gv gan gab gues gari gers gard gord gie gob goss gaps gans hp hed han hour il ib iod ionic jos jock jud jav jach jup journ k3 k2 kre kir kip kett konk lt lg l4 lin les lan ling lil liz lad lib lond lign lena loren mp mj m8 mom mog mole mash mingling nu nk nic nels natro ov oc oj ok oor oven pg pc poc pve pere pich pad pest pied pena pamp pico qz r4 rar ras roch rules rind roca s4 sam sia seren sided sask satell sizable sisson tel tick u3 u6 uo2 vc vit vos vik vanc vital venting venn vitr wor went wo3 wood westerly xe xy yz yem µm δc σ2 ##ei ##eu ##ef ##eiro ##vill ##vian ##viron ##vpdb ##ratite ##riqu ##sa ##scan ##say ##stein ##sfontein ##sorption ##sanjan ##ias ##ios ##iad ##ired ##iogranite ##tug ##tana ##toria ##taminated ##l2 ##lough ##linal ##liable ##o8 ##oon ##oin ##oand ##with ##wakh ##nn ##nian ##normal ##gre ##pile ##puts ##ha ##hal ##hance ##hrey ##hmeh ##core ##cke ##cotte ##ym ##yk ##yer ##yenites ##uqu ##uities ##ml ##my ##mes ##mos ##mad ##mogenic ##miao ##dt ##des ##dan ##dem ##dale ##ddle ##xite ##xand ##xian ##xiang ##zal ##zones ##zakh ##ztug ##jacent ##3b ##84 ##81 ##86 ##82 ##fan ##fat ##fag ##ford ##funta ##ben ##bir ##ball ##bench ##400 ##klin ##17 ##110 ##600 ##5d ##27 ##qiling thorite ##temp ##tegr ##onts ##onbrid ##onaro ##tia ##titite ##tiform ##tiago ##reement ##rect ##reira ##inar ##inif ##inca ##inning ##integr ##ndall ##erd ##erts ##eritic ##ertained ##erland ##esia ##eshmeh inser ##eno ##entite ##eness ##enov ##entes ##enbauer ##environ ##arte ##organ ##orrect ##icou ##icity ##iceous ##roic ##rothermal ##edel ##edder ##iton ##itus ##ante ##anites ##anced ##asi ##aska ##ategy ##olves ##oluble ##ollement ##olotti ##isk ##ison ##istal ##isable ##isches ##isotopic ##idad ##idental ##atal ##atable ##atoric ##atche ##atsite ##atanga ##atzal ##elted ##elec ##eleira touch ##ulse ##uliani ##ularto ##leys ##trical ##aga ##agh ##mpted ##ustin ##ocol ##ocolumbite iso isometric ##acion ##acity ##acles ##acitic dem deve deif deals ##thing ##uri ##urc ##uran ##uride ##urgical ##ento cones conly coh cox coat cored cook cotectic coaxial alg aluminous alluvium alaska foram ##atia ##atistic bea bead retr retic requ rejected minus minip asb ##ilinear ##romatic ##izone ##izenbauer ##ainment ##imuth ##imetres ##tsberg ##tsdam ##pherd mineralic mineralium depicts depiction ##omon ##omain ##ombe ##omanian atud attend ##erer ##section ##ables anch anto answ ##amas ##amient grt gram graca ##ouver stains stored statistic ##cea sueno ##yss ##yser ##ysian ##yston chen chil chain chart chun chrome cheng chao cheshmeh fluvi ##etnam ##etfontein ##oped shed compact compacting maar ##gets ##gement ##gebir sultana ##ogope proof projections projects prodem prompted disse dispar disintegr orch difunta ##verine ##verty quita quench quasi ##ightest ##emens ##emnite incident incorrect saddle ##quist ##addle ##ppm ##iba ##ibly teks ##antz basically basanites ##chu ##chromatic ##irre ##iras hauter cruc crud crater craggy cristal resolved resumed plg plains seand ##yde uns unity unsu uneconomic stripped strateg strategy straddle interconnected ##rouba ##mental lowto lowered hyde ##assa calcites card cartesian repulse ##ongw clicit hydrolog ##aping ##apur ##apvaal ##uded ##ivian premetamorphic pretoria constric geograph gendall typified artesian ##allite ##allis neub ##ractive ##raclough ##ney abu abut aband abuts abnormal presenting ##illonite spite sp13 split indones industr ##ipated ##anda fawakh ##tencies cukα enlow entit enriqu enhance noritic noranda ##stan subgr subcrop subidi imaged ##itivity locate mod4 ##iak param lease leica siltite acl action accept obducted meant ##spec feas feio corona ##uniform ##lacement ##ondritic overnight overthr imagem diffus variants variables marsch biased biref biostratigraphy biedel suggestion boztug wherein caico cauldron canister ##ochroic uranoan belemnite 10b adit adsor adiab advantage adsorption melange melbourne seriate seriously ##istown regular regress ##fication ##ficially lateto ##hedra hosston magnetitite applies oliver micritic secular agents agrup limiting precludes ##aveng undisco ##ctor ##arez chalcopyrites scope scml scaveng somewhere ##angle sourcing doming complement doleritic skin accounts accidental epox southwards crustiform charged surges geologia moved moyston potsdam poverty moncl impar impart impreg impala imposing ##iquan underlies postemp peter brighter salient schm plagiogranite 186 geochem treat complexly sl2 replacive elba elatsite noting desulf descend mantles mantled verde ##ipitated prime ##co3 majdan sericitised ##dermit studying ##cla ##clastic processed microhe microtex matches matching transverse sovere trendlines plumas plugs ##parts differently apron 405 steens respects 158 152 barring barraclough refractive sanded sanding ppge zirconium ##lovite outboard ##ramite wallace defle ##termost generalized lazen continually expon decollement remote terre ##ieving orogenies stratification secondand corrections correcting lithification lithotectonic 191 1950 radiograph homogene timeball centrif maniar ##respective trista trickle trimethyl drillcore irwin irrespective superior supergi potter evidences evidently amphibolitic reductants traceable extensions roedder contentious apatites stockpile localisation 40arr sioul siemens normalizing mineralogic mineralogies frantz correlating 505 50to plateaus 111 115 considers solfat solomon ##amba prediction synform illitization 149 stratigraphical westernmost ##incor arsenate 126 122 ##obamba coarsely 304 132 counts counted angel supplemented foils forest distinctively cenomanian plotting stressed steepened ##strained ##geneous ##terogeneous ##eanas comparative creeks shallowest eastward westward baima absorbed flour flatter rhythmic turner turned turpin turcotte itabiritic cm2 ended aggregated pitombe isochore isochemical ernest ertsberg ##logsfontein titration kazakh kaapvaal confines confident extrusion ##xistent swell switz 16o 168 164 166 fluorites ##naphthal ##copic closes ##kai transposed transporting spectrometers delhi lasted ##tstanding structured releasing nonuniform phenomen metasomati ferru ferreira ##ancies paragenes 231 ##ushi floyd marker markers panxi pangea rivers rietfontein magnification shepherd orientated bahamas footwalls mediated sillito tappe tauride 705 2063b ordering simplest universal universidad prefix petrographical ##rystalline goat ##itoids ##abasic permil illustration increasingly proton acidity irregularto 241 ##nings polychromatic alternate alternatives stepwise outermost outstanding progressing ##riasian principles 356 352 35cl doce opens ##aldson ##imetric heavily 808 sanuk santiago h2co3 s2a documenting restriction accompany em8 emap em91 fiamma attribut δ13cvpdb 267 268 265 870 permeabilities considerations bluish piccol offers offsw distinguishable northwestto episyenites 1993 1991 positioning edax detritus volcaniclastics loizenbauer pseudomorphic pseudomorphed domeyk behaved visually coverage ##chester aguirre 323 329 polito ##omicrolite mcken mcdermit sb2s3 packet widths lutite pele strecke examines examining immature proportionally ##mineralized sims vo30b clarke temporary bordonaro glide paulo amongst rosiere sixth enveloped berriasian gabbronoritic serpentines surveyed rotating ##born dispropor kurok profound profiling photographic photographed 664 ##rupole subsiding 216 296 balanced cpos camscan liu tongtian transferred bittern duke duarte quantified entrainment postdeposition behaves 574 penhal ybn rl60 attention attenuating sharply oligo tectonized coinciding tholeiites fluctuation extremity 521 lucas 105pd centimetric lsz termination 463 guang ##indanes infills outlier summarize spanned 1984 shorter evaporiteand nuclei 275 272 346 helium palmer gravitation gravimetric granulitic parameter harrisite discriminated binchuan f353 f382 hollandite calcretes enhancing sierras paleoenviron reproducible 519 banatitic bifurc catch names naturally reconc reconf truncating programs idding idmhbx ##pended connect physico 541 565 autunian csiro doubt passive ##ganically discontinuities 1978 1974 construct detectors instruments bismite dasi giuliani ##umption exceeding cracking hypothesized deltaic penetrate damage draw sinian chronologic chronometers chronologically resident residence indexes geothermobar 551 617 sensibly sensitivity utilizes quadrupole spikings lobes integrating hybridization cathysian nineteen tmcla vietnam invoked sudan occupy assessing nevoria 1968 1960 peninsular strengthened 779 realized fluorination highlights sloping 735 certainly files filament susp suspended science scattering drives 005 cfb etc kamenov nash reviews spreading feedback dominating interlayer jb11 jb100 jb110 devolatization conforms chaucha redistributed montmor robinson hiatuses 024 airie sx100 targeted ##ennan seismogenic unreliable ubiquitously family franklin thorough thorianite ##enko deviates deviatoric ascended fluxing shifting exactly acquire marlstones microfracture 483 495 cationic crenulations fibers munich pinch sutured interfing interfering recalculation transforms transformations delaminated disturbances reconstructed 8900 aplites bhatia clues murray masked temora velay ##heated ##470 criterion accreted poikil transgressive emphasised ignimb antimony denoted hclo4 hollin necks modelled concerned millimetric kaolinitic kaolinitization paleogeography slower instability instances caribe manganiferous manganoan manganocolumbite mylonitization building builds drove garven krib missing shielded undergoes leucosome alexand germanium pumiceous warm ##pek ##formal ##forward inorganically anticlines anticlinal ##ogabbro validity conservative overpressuring overpressured albitites settled orthoand permitting 960 groove liberation questionable straightforward neoarchean stereographic controversy hyperfine pelagic huangshanxi duplicated 534 ccd receiver departamento intercepting arrangement obscure accommodating 147sm publications robustly destabilising psammite psammopelitic hongqiling siberian warped windy ##gerich proceeds phanerocrystalline melagabbronorites microveins smoothing 1957 radioisotopic centimetres multiplied thermochronometers volatility 03048 03049 ellipses 692 culmin lagoa pleochroic pallatanga q1stw roman ##lemaine retarded stagnant uncontaminated reprecipitated neotethys rectangle propagation ultrasound rheological triangle multidomain brookian leucogranitic manifestation grossular vectors zebra deficit advance grenville grenvill superbasin clearest 7089 challenge challenging miospores condensed corroborates unambiguously federal hunan q2stw utct wolverine thousand altaite attainment happened striped intracrystalline prevalent persist persists advected weighing microbanding microspect switch repeats francistown otd470 reinforces azimuth cosmogenic fuentes gamma gameleira iteration iterations myriad rafts rafsanjan sedex ##lateau concealed revised ascertained annual staining disaggreg disagreement diffractometer diffractograms serrations serraria impedance schorlite decimeter counterparts clinopyroxenes spectacular spectacularly keeping 176lu 176hf 288ma resembling tantalum tantalates stoichiometric concurrently lithogeoch lithogeochemical billion donaldson dugdale gorge glycol godlev h3po4 hopper hedenquist lipman maslovite machine pucara pinnacles venado wyborn ##point depolymerization suprapur computation mazatzal ##quartzite metastable septentr interbeds hydrogeology marshall admixture olistostromic survived sequestered desilicified outcropping contradict manitou discerned ##gradational synthesis synclines coarsening adjusted footnote humphrey attributes anorthosites earthquakes rosettes liandratite exhausted submicroscopic encouraged subdivisions eggers tmhh surprising stromatolitic hercynian advocate satisfact tibetan anastomosing babia castlemaine ethylene fecl2 hellenic kuscu lollingite mclennan portugal tentatively ucz voxel winchester xiangshan intact deionized deuterium course alberta grinding chappelle maghemite quiescence plantain unexpl interleaved phreatic goldhaber spiral fayalite subchondritic pertaining martitization adequate appalachians drainage barrier reequilibration aquitanian mesoscopic multistage erzgebir fernando universitat thermobarometry aguilera jumping scapolitization submerged encapsulated molecules supersaturation dtr385 dtr327 reinvestigated kharrouba wolframite 7820353 washington unequivocal bicarbonate baddel bortolotti cigar cumay cantal dengying einaudi falconbrid flac3d fankou garden giegerich gobi gossan gansu joslin javoy jachym jupiter kipushi kettara konkola ltd lingxiang lizardite london lignite lorenzo mogogope nutr nelson ovoid ojala oorlogsfontein pocobamba padilla pestle pampeanas rarity rastered samson siah saskatche satellite u3o8 vancouver vennemann vitrinite δcalcite ##greenschist ##fagasta ##benz ##iniferal insert deveci foraminiferal reticulate miniplateau antofagasta ##amiento statistics chaotic prodeminca disparate disintegration orchin incorrectly teksim hauterivian crudely cristalino strategies hydrological geographical neubauer abandon indonesia fawakhir entitled enriquillo subidiomorphic overthrust marschik birefring biedelman adsorbed adiabatic regressing oliveros agrupamiento undiscovered scavenged epoxy monclova impregn postemplacement elbaite descending majdanpek microheterogeneous sovereign plumasites lazenby supergiant sioulot kazakhstan switzerland ##naphthalenes phenomenon ferrugin parageneses sillitoe tappeh sanukitoids attributable piccoli offswith domeyko mckenzie mcdermitt streckeisen disproportion kuroko tongtianmiao postdepositional penhalonga rl605d paleoenvironmental jb114 montmorillonite alexandre grenvillian godlevskite septentrional erzgebirge falconbridge jachymov saskatchewan 080 002 1c 1ka 1pyro 1wt 2i 2g 2h 2f 2ti 2fe 2quartz 3u 3σ 4t 4g 4d 4j 4lith 5f 580 6h 640 620 697 780 8g 8m 81 84s 880 915 ae ay aoc ails ah2o akin austin bs bol biz bess ball bip bik boch bgr bert bola bump bmhbx bostic bourn cis cab cad cost cay cep casting db dos dow dab dore dach days dinar doped ey ent ende edu ejected ejection einas eye fx fra fand fount fift fiber flex fonts gh g1 git giz get gib gall gah guan gui guil hm hon his hac hur hart hog hond hick hust hlp hind hero hann husse hilton iz iow item ioko ji jen jul jus jard jose jord jah jean jci kt kw k7 kb k6 kro kol kow kand kup kend ketch kpt klem kidd lb ler lig lut lull latite lland lish logn lists luna longe m1 mein marly mist mism mca mack mumin maced misc master nh nin nes ning nay nist nose nah nug nyl n30 od o4 oac ove oph och oand oun omit oakes pf ped pig pir pne pand ppl pak pun pages pail peng poll qe qα qmd ry rm rd r3 r2 row rush rice rises rwth s1 sat sag sent sure som sess seld sik soci stem seng tes tig tnt tand tun tav tah tms tacl tina tsr tabas tula task tiles tsch tropical uv uh um uem v2 von vas vil vam vad vib vene viv veld vare vial vinc v2o3 vumba villi vpdb wd wer wit wac wur wot wein waring wales worth wisp wonga xz ya yı yes yam zk zro zur zanjan ƒs2 ##ez ##ek ##eth ##eur ##evas ##eyite ##vs ##var ##vogen ##vido ##vallis ##rical ##rystal ##rie ##rime ##rty ##sing ##sest ##sbs ##sanal ##iq ##iop ##iian ##iably ##iho ##iott ##iwan ##iente ##iuro ##tum ##tach ##tane ##talcite ##tapiolite ##lb ##lle ##lts ##lock ##lations ##lates ##lsr ##lank ##oel ##otr ##oac ##oom ##oting ##oform ##oble ##ober ##ovol ##orest ##oire ##oule ##oherent ##wu ##wal ##witz ##nin ##nan ##nys ##net ##nut ##nick ##ners ##nement ##nard ##nier ##gus ##gian ##gun ##gare ##gonite ##gui ##gung ##gaba ##guric ##aan ##aase ##ault ##arest ##aurite ##averite ##ping ##pow ##part ##pell ##perite ##poration ##puk ##pans ##polation ##ht ##hac ##hyp ##hama ##hla ##house ##huy ##helm ##hombic ##cn ##coc ##com ##come ##cial ##cences ##cks ##cceed ##cmar ##yen ##yor ##yle ##ytic ##yang ##yman ##yana ##uf ##uing ##uting ##uap ##uber ##uah ##uhe ##uato ##uverite ##m1 ##m2 ##main ##mous ##may ##mak ##mond ##mile ##mented ##matter ##mulated ##melted ##do ##dy ##xon ##xts ##xam ##xist ##xeu ##zte ##zur ##zentr ##zond ##zers ##zanite ##zanas ##ji ##jes ##jada ##jima ##38 ##3gr ##73 ##fers ##fort ##fors ##foliated ##bul ##bts ##band ##berite ##bach ##bott ##bicular ##bromic ##43 ##48 ##41 ##km ##kstr ##koy ##kinson ##know ##6b ##213 ##qing thm thund thresh ##tec ##tean ##tect ##teani ##ontite ##onents ##onkin thet theses theories ##tized ##titive ##tieth ##tisanal ##rea ##relement ##inization ##inder ##inbur ##alth ##alunite ##alde ##nda ##ndal ##ndor ##nding ##erg ##erol ##ergen ##eranza ##ermont ##ermak ##eses ##esitic ##escop inac inherent intimate injections ##enne ##enci ##encing ##enzie ##entieth ##arite ##aras ##arran ##arill ##arst ##arsen ##arjeh ##organic ##orhombic ##icle ##icum ##rook ##rode ##roidal ##ede ##edee ##itas ##itate ##itree ##itty ##itann ##anges ##anub ##anhydrite ##anilla ##anani ##asic ##ationn ##osi ##osic ##osilicate ##oshi ##oscale ##olic ##olas ##olly ##olam ##olinite ##olidation ##isian ##isana ##ids ##idt ##idel ##idized ##idium ##idised ##idently ##idito ##idgian ##ats ##atra ##atogenic ##atoph ##elin ##elting ##eliho toc tocop tomic ##ulite ##ulas ##ultr ##ulong ##ulates ##inga ##ingement ##lea ##lean ##leum ##tration ##tray ##trict ##agan ##mped ##mpei ##uses ##ustry ##ocap ##ocron ##octa ##lysis ##lygonite isom isobar isolation ##aco ##actin ##acites ##acios dew decc dewater dealing ##thab ##thene ##thrus ##throws ##urs ##urization ##urable ##urring congo ##terud ##terpre ##terisk co3 coin copl code cohes codes als alun alask alger aliph ##iger ##igmatic ##iguing ##urer formal forward forced ##atile ##atisation beata beak beard beach begun reb reju reorgan rehama rearran miner miners minnes asterisk ##iliation ##erals ##eralite ##romes ##izer ##vez ##ainian ##lux ##imented ##imech ##ions ##phyr ##phalian ##omark ##omiro attar ##erestim ##seite ##sendor ##abyss antig anony anorogenic anqing ##amc ##amic ##amura ##amiak ##ockite grguric gritty ##otyp ##oda ##odec ##umi ##ummon ##umble stw sta stan stau suff suess succeed ##yses ##ysts ##eces ##ectiv ##ectivity cho chem chad chess chale chack chance champ chih chomel chips chenta cherts chicou cheralite ##etat ##oplo ##oplank rocky shah sheb shakh shonkin compart compens wholes wholly ##therham max mauna mavogen ##geo sulu ##tinov ##ogumm prox proff protected progradational disk discl distant disks exert orbicular onwards online ##agement diver diap diente dirty dixon diocta maglo ##vern ##vera quen ##mala ##malite formulated ##uco ##emassa incon incised incoherent sax said saur saved sawed ##ques ##quen ##queb ##ading ##adcumulate ##ibirs ##ibayi ##onets bastite baso4 ##cher ##chem ##chbe ##chuk ##chief ##iring ##irine ##irable ##irism ##irons veinand haut hajar hauss criss metab metaps metagabbron resto resolve restitic resorbed resumption restrict relic relies relvas relief plain plai plio alters unable unra unav unox univariant unstrained unmelted ##olds ##oldt struverite interre intersp interact interconn interpolation highs highto magmatogenic ##uta ##utterud ##igured ##ffen ##ffite ##fform lows lowand lowens ##ranted ##ifi ##iford valenta ##wegung ##orer ##oremen intrap intratell intriguing carc carro carval carmen colima ##eney phl phill clan clots clermont hydrotalcite hydrobromic bettach ##apot ##apatite ##apsed ##apov ##uda ##udoin ##iving ##000 consens consolidation gets geoci geob gezond geocron geffen typify arr arco argo arrh arising artific artisanal arapov ##allo ##otopographic neody neuma nearest ##neis ##necea pyrite2 abad abra abak abuk ablated presumed prescribed spark spott spray ##raz indented industry ##ipt ##ipate ##ipulated ##iplan ##ipontite volk ##andian ##andesitic hydrothermalism carbonization carbonized carbonatitic carbonatisation fauna cu2s cuevas eng enorm ensem encr enigmatic norsem ##stad ##standing oxford subse suboph subeconomic subzones subgreenschist subbott ##ivered ##itidal collective associate ##ght ##iakov parr parana paroo paringa concise concave lee levi leitz ##aking ##akourt silt ustinov ##ologisches acts acting acme acamp acute acmite acknow perce perched perimorph peroxide peritidal mej meion meurer meimech volcanology volcanoclastic indices fei feg fe0 feel fekα coral corals corvallis cortum corporation ##onds overs overtur overbur overwh overcome overthrus ranks ##ystematic ##elli notwith diffused variant varioel mainand maintain martin marath bioclastic biomark caution cawth cazanas ##ersed ##ersion ##ersley canoa ##blastic ##took ##ochs uranoth pb2 ##rosmalite metamorphogenic admit mela melgare serve seritized serrated serbo silicon silicated ##istan ##istane comagmatic twinning twentieth regressed ##uegui massa southerly concentrically olmos olvido maybe microm ##ignific agent agpa prat prince prices pristane recrystal magnetites ##avi ##ava ##avorite undated undistinguishable underestim breached brenda ##athan ##athco scp allier complemented dolerites ##yroxene skal skutterud alteredorganic ##ensen ##ensity texcoc epma epstein epizone epochs upsection charco charlot surging geologisch sulphosalt ams ammon amanc amster amarill moorn moesia pool pooling poorest poorer 20s 20to montro monash monnet equate characterization impingement ##denmay undertook peach peyg peperite peedee bru bring britann sequentially head heathco syne 182 1898 slide slates slivers sliding elan elmer elapsed notion novo nothing desired desirable verma vergent ##berts ##berment ##mek explore ##coeur majias postvolcanic postkinematic postmetamorphic ##aching ##achment fractionate sericites hory horse oscc osmond ##clasts ##clinal traction microg micropl drs druse drumm drummon ##formational faced facings smallest proposes proponents propensity ##onsolidated mat25 translated translith translates soares soamiak afc aforemen apamc ##resses steadily stella stendal ##rence infier informal ##olytic barites sphere refining refinement sandoux sandiford ##keting ##crystall ##crasite ##cript hematitic outg output outputs albitised defant definite default crystallaria alkalis ##ralan separator beltana generalised musoshi laurite lajes ##ailable continents expect express exposes expensive decision decimetre probabilities mantleand remelting terras orogens secondor cutoff lithocap lithotyp blind blaine blurring 1919 radiol radiography ultrabasic rhombic flowing manually manipulated portray pyritization ##hydrothermal ##kesworth crossing try trat trains trival trilinear 2008 eugen euxin fining finish reexam δ34sanhydrite platformal iridium ample ampli galiuro superjacent superficially foldbelt potosi ##auth 39arca selecting selectively numbered numerals takht dissolves dissipate crustally ##valleys rotherham roberts homogenised 1000 ##terskop newest sioule patrick ##uba reflection caled calama calaverite srm correlative correlatable ##tifying furong equilibrate 113 ##graded creation creede najinshan naphthal solved totals ##ambool predic stronger measurable synorogenic greenockite 14a dov dob dozen ##ustations detachment reactivity 12a 12c 128 121 129 ##oba efforts effectiv argues coarsest chanthab 133 ##smore appearing supposed supplying monzogabbro mesob mesobreccia thinly ##orican fo9 curtin parallelism parallelograms ##aysian ##ugation steepen steepening abundantly afford affiliation pyroxeneand ##ylbenz tourna ##oking ##okuz mmto ##upta ##upaas ##upaase tourmalinite tourmalinization particle ##ocrytic coevally coexist comparably replacements paleote paleocl paleoto westphalian baoshan degassed flipped flash flushed petroleum environnement pseudoh mna topic dynam gneissosity orthorhombic itabira hypabyss ##ebian ##ebird author ending dipeta dipyram multimineral younging hornblendeand meteorites conflic confinement confidently extracts extracting extruded deplete stimulated keays ##isey swir swapping swann stands standpoint 167 mgand recognizable recognisable ##azer ##ographically southernmost geochronometer broke brousse pyroaurite pyrolysis 258 256 ##ije boris borralan millimetres chloroform transposition transpressive isochrons 500m delivers delivered densely 364 lasaga possibilities situations downthrows footprint chromium resistive photon nbf nonaltered nonfoliated phenoand phenocrytic ferric ferrand fergus ferberite saturating paragneiss float floored lambert fournier ##oxene influences gao aaa panel rios periodic hardly shea sheath oriental carries puys taand tao4 taiwan ##omorphically 703 709 ##nerites sapph metallurgical 603 60to collage collided essa intensive intensified 178 171 172 investigating permo graphically recrystallize avoca ##insk monzodiorites protuber 378 37ark 248 246 2400 papua insoluble insignific polyte polycrystalline polymerization thermometric thermof thermometers thermodec ##bsite brineand correspondingly argillized argillaceous 355 converting statement mexican optim optically optics bonao boniat contexts ##imeter heavitree 807 sanche semiquan ##eiras ##tzite metaev metaquartzite metaultr tenuous teniente tenmile cavitation erratic merenskyite d4a restricts em10 em34 em36 em43 labs ##uminosity jasp interelement 223 227 226 dependant attract δ13cfluid 264 caption capacity freshly freshest freshwater gasbench ##ammites geofors bluebird stratovol yangxin yangzte ##aired offer offered leaches belonged ##ovkoy ##ulfides conclusive earths mighty pulsed pulped polarization widest ##3041 phosphorite phosphorites positioned reactivate promotes edx edinbur greyish 150to 8600 loa lovera constituted pseudomorphing sweep sweeney induction inducing laboratoire branco branched brannerites ##axially ##timi diamic diamante 328 polyde poliakov santo ##ajuato clayand marcoux millions burke hfo2 thirdly juarez planche pellets ##exagonal strelts immersion proportional simmon voisey ##lmazer ##tructural heterolith experimentally glare glance paas innermost spinels devitr removes transportation harold harraz climates climatic differentiates differentiating 452 bernard lastly lengths tintina precisions budgets espace espaly esperanza rotates flattening ##after tuyor tuneis tuokuz favors preference northeastward nickeline 663 666 digest karlsr peraluminosity ##ridge columnar leucite leucoxene 281 286 285 blending bleaching neto ug1 ugalde ##rupted tending subscript 218 297 291 904 cpm1 liq nguba purification tongling transfers bituminous duuring exchanged exchanges quantification quantify quantifying entrance montejan monteiro postdating remobilised remobilisation 573 57co 57fe operate operator bakker mylonite pennin ##burne ##rock europium views 653 651 655 attenuated subordinated microfoss microfissure tectonosedimentary tectonomagmatic tholeiite 38ar dognecea macro mac12 ##overian outsize 337 331 527 528 525 fallick properly seventh 105c breakoff bottcher easiest lisburne snp snow sonora evaluations 468 guthr guyana guemassa iranian sarm ##indrical intercalation percentages magnitudes 598 ##innigan ##enius 1983 convecting vo17 vo181 nucleated nucleates nucleating 273 344 754 helmy palacios ssw granule ##ngszentr discriminants bini binding f332 f392 holt michoac invert neuquen subtly subtropical triga trigonal paleohydrothermal paleovalleys incorporate incorporating reasonably 513 516 515 datum morteani namurian porphyroclastic truncate haloes favoring ceramic idaite ##aquan connectivity physi physics descriptive 544 564 7115 nonsulfides ##nelly ##ynarjeh ##ynclinal discontinuity 1973 1971 discordantly substantiated globules urad exceeded exceedingly repetition penetration penetrates 479 losert nanoscale sinuous disrupt residuum 190ad kilogram rubbly utilize zalduegui sunnys spiky advances escarp 414 763 spotted micaschists limitations website plumes mesoadcumulate collapsed hybridized helpful cathaysian tmc viability invades invading invoking ##ogranitic expands blanks 1963 1967 1960s ferrotapiolite ferroactin strengths 770 987 981 drops ##ukwe reality realgar exclusion uniformly 1018 10180 juxtaposed bismuthide ats20 cells ideally sustained grandite undetected scatterpl trachytes trachyandesitic mountainous mountainland flooded 001 molded moldanub zeolites problematic restoration dominion mobilise interlayering 583 cementation eht jb12 conforming chavez cups cupric cupolas cupidito montpell 072 aeros bacteria colder mottles sabina ##yano stacks competitive trenching semiconsolidated facilitates 067 424 barely francoeur hofform lapa xianshan ##dorffite thorogumm isoprime deviate decrepitate endowments powdery powderized 488 444 491 c17 munzur muntean pinching pinabe ##meridgian ##ontologisches arenaceous chondritic unfoliated interference interferences obtaining regressions oscillating derivative traversing establishing hyalophane repeatedly bhp bhvo clue kinked miyano otavi pocket velhas ##heating reactant amblygonite transgresses emphasize emphasizes ignoring trips furnishes coexists flushing ach9980 ach9915 ach9916 ach9984 challenged synchronously ecuadorian amygdale denotes habahe pieces palaontologisches sodically alpers complications enables enabling channeling delineate kaolinization kaolinized kaolinitisation virtue virtual lherzolites lherzolitic idealized xianghuap 03033 673 675 gerf raised raises soleyman ##oblasts reinterpre arkosic 103rh blanketed blankets blanketing uplifting cobaltine cobaltian incompletely mylonites zarshuran 629 bisulfide botroidal built drosendor ewing ellis elliott eighty krcmar tls coordinated ##tschmar quintupled orthopyroxenite hypersolv hypersthene cataclasis buena kerogen kernel keratoph vanad vanadium warranted ##khorn ##asterly anticipated stromatic ##ogabbros dismiss applications accelerator symmetrical orthogneiss emerging emergence emergent excludes hutchison carefully conspicuously 970 fmq groat kambove rossing questioned hydroxide hydroxyl hydrolysis collectors acadian crusher 201hg stereoplo stereonets employs chromatogram camera idiomorphically metapelitic inconsistencies 7109 7102 batman batches batatal bayerite ccp rods vacuo vacancies ##zoni metadacites nephrite obscuring peruvian transects microanalyses inferring millimetreto plumbing destabilises velocities interestingly eclogitic brackets bracket crescent tanzanite windich ingred phaneritic ##canoes subvertically substitute biozone 202hg decoupled smelterskop 1958 1954 evaporative thermochronologic 03044 davidson dismemberment ribboned framboids buckhorn c22 latir lagoeiro muerto morton squee ##repitated anatolia stagnation spessartite melanorite melanocratic melanogabbros pegmatoidal nonconformable manifestations russell spherulites hyperaridity trondhjemite trondhjemites intermittently 99ru amalia caco categor categories dysle dysoxic dysaerobic dyscrasite hb3gr kojima vrije andradite conductivity protores diatremes metacarbonate metamic replicating replenished premier geosynclinal concomitantly botryoids grenoble preferable capoeiras leucogabbro instituto kilometres challenges condensation ahmad jacare kfs kongling md4 utm vo26b ##3525 aliquot altaids attaining intracontinental carbonatites boquillas redeposition redissolved novosibirs microband microspec rhyodacitic govern blueschists viscous polishing prevailing huangshaping reinforcing embayments symplectitic kersantites indirectly azul aphebian cosmic cartoons durations durchbe ethiop frost froodite gulson hamilton hamisana hamersley holders hco3 italy italics jadeite kimmeridgian myrmek ozchem radomiro sirius sustain torres torch conceiv concepts convincingly bears reader stainless stopes stopped shizhuy hawiian hawkesworth unevenly 2025b impedances postsedimentary pendant pendants decimeters traveling trajectory multicollector counterpart clinopyroxenite mildly pulverised edifice obliquely townsville interlocked lensoid filtering resemblance 78203525 dtr309 buildup stoichiometry radioactivity elucidated replenishing geosciences leucogabbronorites tweezers akanani billiton donnelly ecole eckstr fingerprint glynn gunpow hopping hedenbergite langworthy mfd mirr pinnate tsavorite veizer vencel wyoming wenzel wenlock ##gaard inhibit retreat retreated depolymer computational quarry metastability septal seeds interbedding perthitic persisted persistence admixtures appealed olistostromes allocated allocating survive sequestration noticeable outcome contractional decipher deciphered manitoba discern reevaluated synclinal coarsened 134xeu curvature curviplan adjusting footnotes photoelec 233u retrogression retrogressive anorthositic earthquake rosette subsystems submicrometer holloway surprisingly hercynite ultrasonically advocated thmsg600 benches biggest hammarst kyle likeliho mounds nfs naked nakamura pilot piercing rudnick tucson tucuman tianshan tazakourt ##ozi thirty thirteen andersonian ##ischer coalesce covariation alkyl byproduct byproducts statistical statistically ##yramidal chrysocol chrysober sharman hamper hampered phytane cloudy hydrofracture hydrofracturing armorican imbricate imbricated paraiba lewis lewchuk perfectly biotitic limonitized limonitization allochthon allochthons epitaxial dolomitising dolomitiques eliminated eliminate vermicular 1940s selvedge selvedges methylanthrac envisioned multiply multiplying mg03041 milligrams circumgranular 229th excavated rhodopian flattens flattened johann guadalupian microanalytical rhombohedrons kimberlitic ukraine ukrainian metaconglomerate metaconglomerates duplexes unrecognized audetat bromide bauxite cedro cylindrical cascade duluth drowning diminishes eueupaase fleischer fuming ganino gabgaba guest garimpei gersdorffite gordon hedral hanor hours judging journal kretschmar lgn lindenmay lanzoni lilac ladolam moments nkana natroalunite piedra sereno telescop vcdt vitric vosteen vikre woodhouse yemaquan ##uquan isotherm democratic algal beaudoin retrieved requiring minusinsk asbian attendant answer childe chartagh fluviatile dissected ##chungszentr craters unsystematic cardiff ##ongwozi constriction industrial subgrain parametamorphic feasible diffusing imparted petersen schmidt geochemist treatment desulfurization microtextural exponential homogeneity centrifugation solfataras pitombeiras swelling metasomatised docegeo guangji gravitationally bifurcate catchment reconfiguration iddingsite geothermobarometers nineteenth suspected thoroughly interfingering 8900r poikiloblasts ignimbrite kribek culminates 70895 microspectroscopy disaggregation lithogeochemically satisfactory 78203535 baddeleyite nutrient abandoned birefringence impregnation ferruginous disproportionation 1kaolinite 1pyrophyllite 3σm2 84sr 91500 ailsh bizim besshi bipyramidal bikini bochum bertoud bostick bournonite cayman dowling dabie dachang dinaride endeav eduard einasleigh fraipontite fountain fifty ghost gitanilla gibbsite gahnite guanajuato guiyang guilbert hacqueb hurwitz hondo hickey huston hannan hussein iowaite items jiuquan jennings jardim jahn ktb kwak kolb kupfers kendrick ketcham klemm lerouge ligands llandoverian lishe lognormal longevity meinert mismatch mca2 mackenzie macedonian ninio ningwu nayband naha odds overes ophitic omitting pedogenic pneum punct paila pollard qeynarjeh rowe somincor seldom tigre tandem tahir tacl5 tinaja tulaergen tschermak uemoto v2mhbx vilhelm vammala vadose vibora vivallo velde varet vincentite villiers wdx wacs wurtzite wotongwozi weinoldt wisps yaog yılmazer zro2 zurich ##uahua ##fortably threshold ##erolles inaccur ##encias ##arsenides tocopilla isomer isobaric deccan dewatering coplen cohesion aliphatic formally beaker beardsmore rejuven reorganization rearranged minnesot antigorite anonymous staurolite suffered succeeded chemex chadwick chessboard chaleurs chacko champion chihuahua chomelix chicoutimi ##oplankton sheba shonkinites wholesale mavogenes proffett disclosed diapirism dioctahedral magloire ##chiefer haussinger metapsammites restored unravel unavailable interspersed interconnection lowenstern intraplate intratelluric carvalho phillips bettache consensus geociencias geocronite arrhenius artificially neodymium neumayr abakan abukuma spotty enormous ensemble encrustations norseman oxfordian subophitic subbottom leviathan acampamento meimechites cortume overburden overwhelm overthrusting notwithstanding marathon biomarkers cawthorn melgarejo agpaicity underestimate skutterudite alteredorganicmatter texcoco charcoal charlotte amancio amsterdam amarillos moornambool montroseite peygerolles heathcote majiashan drummond drummonlea mat252 translithospheric soamiakatra aforementioned infierno informally lithotypes trivalent euxinic ampliacion naphthalene effectiveness chanthaburi tournaisian paleoclim pseudohexagonal hypabyssal dipyramid conflicting ferguson essaifi protuberant insignificant thermofinnigan thermodecrepitated boniato sanchez semiquantit metaevap em108 geoforschungszentr stratovolcanoes ##ovkoye edinburgh polydeformed planchets streltsovkoye heterolithic devitrification bernardan tuokuzibayi karlsruhe montejano penninic microfissures mac127 guthrie michoacan sunnyside ferroactinolite moldanubicum jb121 montpellier hofformationn thorogummite pinabete ach99166 xianghuapu reinterpreted drosendorf krcmarov hypersolvus keratophyre stereoplots squeezed ahmadabad novosibirsk durchbewegung ethiopia shizhuyuan eckstrand gunpowder vencelides wenlockian curviplanar photoelectric hammarstrom likelihood chrysocolla chrysoberyl eueupaaseupaas garimpeiros lindenmayer telescoping woodhouseite hacquebard kupferschiefer geoforschungszentrum 0to 04s 050 040 1n 1st 1fe 1ppm 2o 2j 2k 2θ 210 2so4 2co2 2sb 3s 3i 3to 3ca 3pb 3h2o 3hydrox 3he 4l 4o 4p 4k 4to 4o2 428 4kbar 4si 5g 5al 5ms 6to 6o2 628 647 685 6si 7h 725 797 7fe 8as 8and 8to 810 828 812 8ppb 813 816 9g 9to 9ca 920 997 912 ai a3 a1 a2 aq aσ aas ave ace aad aand auld aach akes aven ayers bv bg bc bx bb b4 b6 b5 bos bing bag boc bent bock bog bous bone bull bue bav bross bach bcl bcr blo bama boss bank bald binn beni bivari bivariant bmz bfl benav busse bento bonds cw cn cg c7 c8 c6 c9 cin cit cas cati cart cuc cib cred crou cyp cear cak crow cress cels c50 crown c30 c10 c40 c20 cson c25 citing c39 c53 citation c28 c32 cumba c47 c46 c37 c31 c35 crook dg dp dc dz d7 d8 d6 dan dim dion dock dich dch dut dong dall dgh dale dict duff dub dental dyl dla duan damm dai danian dani darg dmb e1 eti ere eph ether eif era eers earn eden eman ety eluvial ebert eames fd f1 fal fas fate fel fow fom fres fide fusions feld fell fers fist fct fang fris foid fuch fits fenites famm fulf f30 f20 fenn fash fasc frais fbt felted gc gy gk g2 ged gol gis gat ging goc gur gig gut gene gud gill gour gast gort gust gla gird gsc giles gallon gilet gonz gotte gauth ht hc hd h1 hite hat hod hage hine hif hect hout hither hack h4s hie hark hina herman hech hans hso4 hope ik ire iat iag iqu ira iris igm idle irand jy jd j2 jal jow jil jim jab jack jamb jsm jbs jiang jacke jager jensen kα kβ kan kos kab kut kore kass kay kron kca kund kcl kress kris kral kory kie kamp kays kok kering kiam kri kamm kru kita kenw krus kans ksd kras kirk kucha koh klet kstw krok kiel knight kyser lp lj lf lic lus lock lou let lop lyd liv loci lear lose lund lither lance libr lpb lamb lanc lense linn latitic lomb liles lanth lori lightest m7 m4 m9 mq mit mim mere mse mif mess mik mull mour mree math mald mfa m04 mamo mhf nv nl nx nj n4 n6 n5 nos nth nil nom nab nou nich nad nut nik nond nell nto nav ngo natures n10 n15 nomin n85 nancy n35 n70 n18 n60 n86 natal niger om oas owe oco oka oso4 ostw pn px p1 pq pon ping pus pain pam pou pium pia pose paz push pins pique patin piling pirs pind paster pmd paired q3 qan qing qiz rr rt r8 rf r5 ral ration rol rig riv rond rick rama rgr ramb rug rup raz raj rao romb rows rakh risen rigorous ritt ricou ryde rumble raking sg sd s8 sf soc sac sot syr sich sib sally syd sore sard sach sile sonic somal sited sinc ssm semis squi sink sits slack sira sora s04 sorption s100 soren sga s70 tp tc tb t6 tas tos tag tmp tith tere ties tap till tical tip tia tied tale tort tau temis tumb tma tape toll tuan tighter tidal tips tightest tumi ud u1 uq uti uit uct ural uvas utre ucur uchu v3 vb vor vog vide vill vick vink vaz vank vinho vice ville vinent vista villa vmhbx vivar vey vsmow vlas ws wu wm wf wain wab wop wine wut worm wto wav wack wren wpr wri wulf walt wire wmsz wright wrench wds wool wuj wmd witt wulong xv xi xl xg xa x8 xf xich xia xie xstr xuan xh2o xso4 xh2s xcom yin yan yak yun yard yale yaz yuan ylp yeel ypo4 ywith yulong zu z3 z7 z8 zb z4 z1 z6 z9 z5 zen zac zad zap zak zink zhere zeck z30 z10 zaf z20 z25 z28 z32 z15 z11 z12 z31 z13 z19 z14 z18 zulo z33 z16 z17 ɛsr γos δf δ2 δθ δso4 ηa μa μiq χq єnd ##eg ##eon ##ead ##eap ##ease ##eble ##etical ##eonite ##eared ##eological ##eza ##ealed ##ethyl ##eger ##etrich ##existent ##euses ##vl ##vig ##vitic ##vik ##vest ##via ##vanite ##vision ##vational ##vador ##vianite ##v213 ##rl ##rin ##rit ##rag ##ruc ##rone ##rally ##rap ##rond ##rating ##rame ##rust ##rink ##rador ##rator ##ritos ##ss ##sn ##s6 ##ste ##sin ##sar ##smp ##sth ##sse ##sop ##stin ##side ##stal ##sik ##spl ##solution ##sial ##sanite ##siferous ##sonian ##schl ##surge ##saq ##srand ##sgaard ##iy ##ien ##iac ##iow ##iom ##iations ##iene ##iap ##ience ##ipper ##iastic ##iasing ##iences ##iarities ##iye ##i27 ##iaping ##iwal ##tor ##tan ##tas ##tos ##tone ##tch ##tud ##tpre ##tke ##tors ##tains ##tolitic ##tagne ##tash ##tung ##turo ##toplankton ##lα ##lar ##lain ##lou ##lap ##liv ##lides ##lak ##last ##loch ##lerite ##lict ##lance ##linite ##lke ##lie ##lamb ##lane ##lished ##large ##lifications ##lifies ##lava ##ltung ##o1 ##oite ##oas ##oiz ##oet ##oir ##oves ##oited ##oeb ##oise ##oapatite ##oethyl ##wic ##wle ##wine ##wanite ##wald ##warp ##wett ##wyn ##wave ##wright ##westerly ##nm ##non ##nate ##nac ##nom ##nec ##nage ##nip ##nau ##namb ##nwall ##neck ##nique ##nonian ##nice ##nett ##nelled ##nnand ##nha ##ntia ##ncn ##gu ##gz ##g2 ##gas ##gow ##gil ##gere ##gou ##gold ##gra ##gium ##gia ##gak ##glac ##gites ##gative ##gular ##gross ##gier ##gada ##gasite ##gressive ##gacy ##ggon ##glas ##gassed ##girine ##guta ##gupta ##gnac ##a1 ##ael ##aul ##aig ##aass ##azo ##aunas ##aev ##auldron ##aats ##pg ##pm ##pf ##p2 ##pan ##pate ##pec ##pene ##pand ##posed ##port ##prop ##poort ##pathic ##pelin ##pyroxene ##piap ##hu ##hz ##hit ##hel ##hir ##hran ##hia ##hear ##hering ##hring ##hua ##hih ##hsh ##hara ##haus ##hdi ##h11533 ##hlke ##ck ##cre ##cer ##cas ##cation ##cil ##cated ##cou ##cut ##cides ##centr ##cian ##cordant ##cita ##coming ##common ##court ##cdt ##candian ##yi ##yte ##yay ##yme ##yren ##yward ##yenite ##yaz ##ybur ##yhe ##yleth ##yager ##yrosmalite ##ytoplankton ##ux ##uit ##uel ##uion ##uine ##uir ##utite ##uene ##une ##ugh ##uably ##ugin ##uational ##uosity ##uitous ##utious ##uiquan ##uvianite ##mt ##m3 ##mf ##mq ##mβ ##mation ##ming ##mati ##mse ##mou ##mich ##mem ##mir ##mill ##moch ##mined ##mber ##mund ##manic ##mology ##menting ##magnetic ##meca ##moon ##muir ##dc ##dig ##dod ##due ##dled ##doming ##daph ##deposition ##delli ##dridge ##xed ##xial ##xby ##xoskarn ##xhle ##xtet ##xei ##xidised ##xpand ##zi ##zd ##zer ##zar ##zite ##zat ##zere ##zene ##zall ##zard ##zens ##zca ##zamb ##zinc ##zille ##ziano ##zuk ##zmer ##zanne ##zento ##zerer ##zyme ##jt ##jd ##jin ##jas ##jel ##jing ##jati ##jeld ##jih ##jective ##jecting ##jave ##325 ##339 ##332 ##3sbs ##3sn ##74 ##720 ##7uran ##88 ##89 ##8o2 ##840 ##812 ##fg ##f2 ##fal ##fer ##fite ##fol ##fted ##fold ##fall ##fides ##forth ##frey ##fino ##fallite ##finder ##frame ##fjeld ##b2 ##bit ##bing ##bus ##bted ##bet ##bide ##bous ##bran ##bist ##bove ##bors ##buff ##bust ##bitt ##brator ##4r ##4a ##44 ##49 ##45 ##410 ##4400 ##0b ##040 ##020 ##kv ##kk ##kβ ##kan ##kel ##kom ##kad ##kch ##kap ##kers ##kish ##kanes ##kabir ##kless ##krb ##kker ##keto ##knight ##1e ##199 ##67 ##64 ##65 ##62 ##612 ##6100 ##96 ##μm ##51 ##5pb ##5sb ##5sbs ##5last ##54r ##2c ##23 ##21 ##22 ##2q ##2th ##2co2 ##2400 ##262 ##qiao th4 thro thom throw thomp thumb tho2 ##tek ##te2 ##tees ##teling ##tempor ##te35 ##tetec ##teux ##onide ##onant ##onally ##onized ##onably ##onial ##oneta ##oniow theme thetys ##tiz ##tier ##tily ##tiating ##titions ##tio3 ##tisation ##tillo ##tiave ##tidal ##ret ##reo ##rek ##ream ##requ ##regen ##requent ##revers ##reppe ##recrystall ##iny ##inter ##inally ##inting ##inary ##initic ##incan ##inides ##inating ##incl ##inoph ##inde ##innite ##inty ##inta ##inently ##inovic ##inators ##inha ##inions ##ali ##alag ##alent ##allu ##alog ##alitic ##alik ##alier ##al2s ##alysts ##alkanes ##nds ##ndy ##ndered ##nderg ##eri ##erc ##erin ##eras ##eration ##erted ##erod ##erys ##eries ##erations ##erra ##eratic ##erie ##erde ##erinho ##erophile ##erboard ##erwood ##erpo ##erproduc ##ercial ##erhaus offic officially ##esi ##ests ##esome ##esium ##esizes ##estruc ##espans andor and70 inas inso insp ingen inland inval invas inmixing inboard inev inputs inkai inexistent innate ##eny ##enter ##enom ##enide ##enable ##enian ##ension ##entile ##enka ##enline ##enburg ##enanth ##enbul ##enbach ##arc ##aran ##aritic ##arach ##arging ##aroidal ##arza ##arson ##arched ##arumba ##arsts ##arolic ##orro ##orate ##orith ##orff ##orne ##orgen ##orient ##orters ##orily ##orianite ##orlux ##oroethyl ##orbing ##tional ##ication ##icated ##icam ##icting ##icles ##icia ##icative ##icao ##icara ##icaba ##iccation ##roy ##rove ##rored ##roitic ##roached ##rothite ##roof ##rostatic ##rogea ##robust ##eds ##edad ##edova ##edimented ##itre ##itter ##itge ##itary ##itates ##itten ##itak ##itably ##itance ##itons ##itors ##itru ##itao ##itopelitic ##itrea ##itjel ##ano ##anan ##anol ##anted ##antic ##anide ##anif ##ansp ##anca ##anke ##anob ##anthite ##ansh ##antina ##anxian ##antia ##anistan ##itect ##iteration ##as2 ##aser ##asus ##asitic ##asia ##asites ##asca ##ascop ##asonably ##asinoph ##atech ##atered ##ateau ##atexite ##atecas ##osure ##osted ##oside ##osch ##oscan ##osium ##ospar ##osamp ##osisp ##osilicates ##ostructural ##oscandian ##osmati ##olati ##olom ##olec ##olet ##olome ##olian ##olished ##olised ##olson ##olito ##oliar ##isted ##isia ##istry ##isited ##isade ##isberg ##ische ##isonal ##isterite ##islen ##istiave ##idar ##idas ##idge ##iduc ##idization ##idges ##idity ##idates ##idst ##idist ##idire ##iduk ##idura ##idotti ##atu ##atus ##atac ##atum ##atuff ##atomic ##atroc ##atomagmatic ##atolytic ##ela ##elab ##elop ##eland ##elsp ##eltered ##elinite ##elines ##elho ##elih ##electing ##elva ##elze ##elung tot tout topl tomas touz tomb ##uly ##ulil ##ulites ##ulto ##ulsed ##ulai ##ulomb ##ulze ##ulhac ##ingun ##ingenetic ##ingness ##ingitized ##ingworth ##ingfan ##ingmill ##lee ##lef ##lema ##lebs ##leton ##triz ##trated ##trative ##trace ##track ##trup ##tracted ##traf ##agı ##agar ##agou ##agers ##ague ##agram ##agenetic ##agranular ##agli ##aghi ##mperature ##mpkin ##mpaas ##uso ##usum ##usib ##ustal ##usani ##usotr ##usiastic ##ocum ##ocally ##ocumulate ##oco2 ##occur ##ocroc ##ocols ##ocont ##lyer ##lyzed is2 isis isog isra isomorph isopro ishih ##acos ##acow ##actic ##acture ##actions ##active ##actically ##acourt ##acicaba ##acitance dee dece dead deines degr devo dealt deatil dearth deino demar degrad demineralized dehsh dereppe ##tha ##thyd ##thitic ##thke ##thalite ##thoud ##theses ##thorne ##tholome ##thusiastic ##ural ##urated ##urlu ##urity ##urral ##urier ##uritized ##urrent ##urry ##urics ##urlen ##entop ##entang ##entory ##entlandite ##entuated conch conical conden conduction conformed coniac conroy ##terre ##terites ##terberg ##terito ##terworth ##terrey coet coand coined coval coupl coals couture cotec coirons coauth coggon copiap codeposition cokβ coulomb cooccur alata alive alto alme alvo alice alao aluk alente aliasing alicia ##ige ##igr ##igm ##igong ##igneous ##iglob ##igler ##iguity ##urentia ford fortal forde forster ##atisp ##atidal beil beren beau beyss bekker bethke beurlen beige reed really reun reyn ready reversely retsch reham reheated reheating rejecting rendered reisberg minig mince minut minable minera ministry asw asf asam asand askh ##owed ##owodginite ##owiak ##ili ##iled ##ilent ##ilites ##ilitized ##iltites ##iltas ##ilteux ##romate ##romet ##romorph ##romised ##romator ##izi ##izale ##izonal ##izabe ##izzard ##vec ##luro ##luence ##lucite ##luoroethyl ##imation ##immed ##imbor ##imans ##imaus ##imanto ##tsu ##tsant ##phine ##phten ##phylitic ##phistic ##phasic ##phelin ##phenanth mineralizes depict depau ##omian ##omeric ##omaj ##omosing ##omaro ##omfortably atbs atoll ##erees ##erely ##eresse ##search ##sehir ##resa ##resent ##resto ##resolved ##resoluble ##rescences ##restier ##abber ##aboration ##abind ##abani ##abrook ##abdelli ances ango antif antit an40 anton antar annels anxi an70 an60 anhedron animation ##ams ##ami ##amed ##amate ##amem ##amarine ##amans ##amisk ##ocker grant grap grun graz grits grima gruy gruene ##ouville ##oufl ##ougil ##ouzat ##oubted ##otal ##otation ##otland ##otka ##ode ##odel ##odov ##odoz ##odonts ##uming ##umov stuc stall stay storm stach stabl stops stump stalac stony staff storing statable stpf stalag ##cement suzo suited suzu suzuk sufides suerc sutsu ##ysik ##ecado chu chou chorite chip chick chard chose chang chains cheni chew chey chev chung chaca chipping chuqu chiba chagan cheap chrond chateau chelop chimbor chodov ##etti ##etus ##ople ##oplac ##oprox ##oppen shu shen shan shas shot shut shaf shire sherman shores shards shelves shaking shrink shiny sherwood sheltered shimanto compacted compressed compagn compston computing compromised depositt fluidal fluidization ##therlands maf mapp mauch maok maks madin mahring makap marek maitre ##gebauer ##georgen ##ccion ##cciation ##cchac sulaw sulliv sulitjel ##oground prove progen prohib prodel prophyr prophylitic disad disch disconform disease disgu disentang exolution exits exothermal exfol exerted exocont orlic orbic ortiz onion onca onla ##agetic diaz dihedra diabasic dietrich dialog diatexite dioside ##verin ##verns qui quem quant quix quistiave oreille orecks oredod ##ighting formulas ##ucer ##ucus ##uconite ##ucki ##uctors ##ucasus ##eman ##emeral ##emons ##emie ##emool sulfidized sulfarsenides incap incision incoh incaic savel saya sauss sakai savar sahara saucer ##quan ##quant ##quari ##question ##quita ##quito ##quilibrium ##quentially ##adth ##adec ##adran ##adonite ##adley ##adito ##adsgaard ##adagı ##adigm ##adowed ##ademie ##ppers ##pported quartzes ##ibles ##ibilities ##alcification ##ostotal ##inea ##ineering tearing teapot tehran teigler ##ousin ##onegative ##uese ##antai ##antling ##antley ##antza basanite bassanite ##cht ##chou ##chemical ##chke ##chematic ##checkite ##chorn ##chantite ##chaca ##chison ##chnique ##chlebs ##iration ##irradi ##irline ##irabad ##irrie ##irmation veinor hapl hayward hakk hairline ##iesses ##iespoort ##redict crc crass critic crand craw cruz crumble craig crpg cracow metach metatur metark metatuff reside restite resut rescan resediment resorption resealed resonant resedimented relieved relieving reliably plated plge plata seward seals seo4 sept sextet sezerer searched seabrook severin ##yden ##ydized ##tings altering union uniqu unpre unco uncl unpro unnam unradi untes unwan unspec unglac unbuff uninter unroof unidire unresolved unquestion unirradi ##geson strz stria strath stripping striations intermon interser intermedi interacts interchron intercepted intermix interplan intergradational interclasts interrupted intertidal interatomic highlands ##rouhla ##utated ##utomicrolite ##ypets ##ffer ##ffey ##ffregen lowell lowlands occlud occluded ##rana ##rance ##ranian ##ranites ##ranean ##ifier ##ifiable ##velj ##velin ##essy vale valles valja valleys vallance ##wei ##wealth ##oreef ##oresearch hydr hydrates hydromet ##assified intrins intragranular calcitic calcification calcocite calcitisation carter carap carlo carters cards caraca carney carmich carbide carleton reporting repaired repolished coloration colonial coleman ##ongy phd pholog phara pheon cline clout claus clotted hydrovolcanic hydrody hydrogross hydrozinc goldfar goldstein sulfideor sulfideand sulfidemineralized inclination ##udu ##udong ##ivate ##ivia ##ivative preor preand precon preex prebre preorogenic preheated prehyp prerequ prenderg prevec ##00s ##003 ##004 ##006 consult consols consumption consuming geand geoth geomorphic geomagnetic gebel geomin geobar geotherms geyser geode compositon compositons typifies assist assign assays assignment assisted arne arau armit armen arlit arturo arltung ##allation ##allurgical evans evensen ##otopography nets neand nebul nepelin netherlands ##races ##raced ##netite ##nejo ##negan ##neiform ##neburg abound aberr ablate abdel ablations pressed preselecting ##illed ##illimetre ##illway spine spak spers spicular spry spont spawn splay spoet spilitized spongy spallation spillway ##bondo ##raal ##rafted indium indane indidura indurated sizeable ##icals ##icalite ##canes ##canos ##canoclastic ##canaba ##cantek ##ipe ##iplin ##encement ##andl ##andium ##andless ##andalup ##anderie hydrothermalized hydrothermalites faure faun faunas faye ##tened ##tenite ##tenance ##tenstone ##tensen ##tenoom ##ayo ##ayed ##aymas cuo cuney cunha cuerpo cuatroc cuadran cuneiform engin enters ensial enzyme enthusiastic nora noran noria norna norils norvar ##ystals ##stance ##stances ##stream oxydized formationval formationbet ##idesite ##ataxial subcon subequ suboxic subbas subsets subjacent subsection subhedra subcre subtracted ##iki ##ika ##ikou ##ikian ##ikantia ##arian imlay ims6 ##itiram grants granulation fuller fullagar ##ngary collecting iturral associates ##ours ##ouri ##ourably locating richter richness ##orman ##estos ##estable ##estment ##estones ##place ##entrated modify mod01 modifies modo1 ##ghton ##ghanistan ##iazu ##iaxed paris parlak pargasite parasitic paratac paradigm concen concludes lean leave legacy lends ##aks ##aky ##akis ##akabe silts silty siltites siluro silesia silicalite elected eleven usable usual usgs acari acyl acrit ##so1e objects objective perform persp perma perple perspec perimeter pertains pernamb peristerite mev meb meet meyer mehdi meiduk metsant volcans volcanological ##spach ##spoort hashed haschke indicies fehn feather feeble thank thanks colleaguesered colleagues199 corder corbella corners cornwall cornejo ##unolite ##unately ##unzu ##unxian ##unication ##unano ##lach ##ondal ##onductors overlo overrid oversh overheated overrode overheating distribute rank ranaw ranking ranstad ##ello ##eller ##ellingite systemically diffusiv unitaxial calciteand calciteb2 ##atites mainto maintained maintenance marsh marger marketed marini maroon margnac marziano marinovic ##imentary biot biologic bienn biphase biorad bi2s3 bijih biospar biphasic ##astroph sugary suggestions bois boots botel bojar bohlke bokan boosted cavi caesian cavern cautious caf2 caal2s caicara cailteux caverns caucasus canber canfield caney canga canoas ##bler ##bled ##iedman ##toire ##lowian ##ochand ##ochromator uranous uranyle buttes butterworth students pband pbmβ pb5sb ##rostructural belo belief belgium belkabir 10s 10g 1010 1020 10ppb 10ppm 10hz adu aden adame adits adsh adhes adrag adhering adusum adams melonite melane meladito ##ductile ##ppert serp serves serving serration serpuk ##imilians silicoph siliceuses ##genity ##llised ##llurics como coming comments commin comfortably twins twyer twinnite regolith regimen ##uez larry ##ixo ##ixmeca genkin genius genuine lateand ##hedrally souza sought ##cona ##conser ##concel magnetization apprais olary ##aceus chalcanthite micrite microme ##perate ##peritic ##pervas chloriteand ##ignie graduated graduational secure agt agata ag50 agades ag2s agustin aglα aggressive ag3sbs ag5sbs agterberg agilent agamem lime limagne limonites limouzat limousin prone prize prized priab printing prasinoph prague private wealth recast rectil recipient rectify recurrent analyser ##alei ##alez precord precauldron ##aves ##aving ##avant ##avian ##av10 ##avkov ##avalent ##avourably undulations undocum undoubted undemons sedimentological breves brenan bretagne brennand breadth greens greves ##ctolites grainsize ##arem ##arenite ##arelle ##athoid scant scour scail scoria scpo4 scoon scoped scrap scolec scotland scandium allen allsop thereof thereafter sometime thicken thickens assembly ##ango ##angxian assembled northings northwesterly ##iocenter domal consistencies signaled signify signifies grouping complements faultor dolnice alongside skp skα skaer skye skoda skipper sk51 ##ensitive ##ensii ##rowinning accident accentuated epb epizonal timur uptur upson upgrad up213 upgraded upsurge upwarp updoming uprafted upstream trancurrent tranomaro redated redden redef ##acterial ##isms charts charges charlou surgical surmeh surfer party feldspathoid amade amarg amoeb amenable amidst amirabad metaland mote motions mohant mokai mojada mozamb mojave poza pools pohla pophyr poorman 20m 20and 20na 205pb dolomitized dolomitised month monem monolith montre monterrey monochromator equidist equiaxed characterizing impression imposes imposition implemented imprin impetus ##sera underco underpress underpin undermined poses posits postex postentr posthyd pee peat pegere people peperitic brc brug brings bruk bratis bruce brno brightest bridges bradley brantley ##tivent commonwealth commonplace sequential sequencing sequerinho heal heart healing heidel hewle hezar salite salas salvador salgada schau schrey scheu scherer schulze schlema schandl skarnization skarnand skarnified skarnification synde syenom origeny 183 18b 184 181 oreskes treating trellised complexation slt slg sld slad slides slabb sl02 slmd slmt slfg slurry slavkov ##epo ##epohl elastic elvan elvia eloise eldridge elizabe elaboration novel noirs noxidised descl descent deserves desiccation provision provider vera verren verification vermic vergence verruc waterpro waterberg largeau ##berry ##berabber primelab presentation ##meo ##meyer basinand interprets ##viated explorat explicit metamorphically postulate posttectonic postorogenic postmain postcrystall postgold postductile ##aches ##achita ##achiles wells sericitation ##derivative ##iletes ##ileiras co2of horset horses olivineand osu osmos ##cl4 ##cl2 ##clic ##clusive microand microto microcr microcontin microlite microvial microdi microcontinent micropores microorgan microincl drag drained drivers dripping ##formationnn proposition proposing mats mato maton matters matched mat262 maturity transvers transits transylvanian soxhle sophistic kmhbx plug pluck afar afro afterm afanitic afghanistan ##tiality extents ##hanan ##hibolites nio conditioned minority 403 40k 406 409 40km 40μm steam stepping steenk stefan steiger stegier ##4s11 ##renes ##renoid respond responds infras inferences infrequent ##adiya calculates 15a 1500 15to 15ppb 15wt 15kv barra barros barke barbar barita barril barker barrat barcel bartholome spherical refines reflux referees sandto sandloot ##risco pgeand analyse analytic ##stified ##crysts ##crustal empresa mafics ##lover ##loaded ##lorescences hemley outflow ##ramento deri dercourt derugin wallis ##gina speculated specify speciated crystalloclastic crystallographically developments contribut sphalerites lateritic ##owna alkalinity dolomiteand determines oxidizes orofino diagonally lesson musgra ##amaha ##amafite laugh laitak laurier laurentia ##ails pdand pd02 pd31 pdsb pd3sn continual continuation displaces expel expose exported expanding expans expulsed ##ahi decimetres decalcification ulrich ##ouncement granodioriteand remap remodel pressured liquef terra terling terraces ##ieu ##ieze afterwards smc smf smok smsmp smoliar seconds lithium lithified lithostratigraph lithologically lithostructural litharenite blast blake blidar blizzard scaleand 1915 1937 1914 1900s mixes radii radius radiated radially radiolytic ultrade ultrapot timeframe rhombs ##otellurics flower manning manometer manhe managem manuf management porven porkch tectonite ##ctional ##awayan ##senite generator 393 397 394 399 emplace pyritised pyrrothite discounted discomfortably marginally oxygens ##goedova negating crossbar tration tries tried trinite trial trade truth tribute truter trinta truly trimmed 2009 eu2 eurove financ finishes finlay finnegan drills drillbit zno znse znkα zncl4 reeand arctic arcto arcuri δ34sfluid δ34scdt corresponded ultramafics banderas ##ropyrosmalite ##pension ##bodia irn irras irrevers irresoluble ##issive ##issiere amph galenite galarza superb superficial supervision superlarge ##volcanos ##landites potts potok setup initiating pegmatiti ##aux ##augite amphibolised selα select selley selwyn reductions ironand trav albiteand pyrrhotiteand dissipation dissolving overlapped roaring rojo rohr robert roxby royden contention contentions localise diagrammatic homogenise 100s 100m 100th 10000 100and 100to ##cedented basements newer newberry ##509 patos patula muscovitic describing ##olithic muscoviteand sectioned sectioning calin normalize srs srikantia mineralogie mineralogisches mineralogcial frs friction fruta frpm fruit friedman matrices correlatives felsitic 507 501 multpre multivent ptt pty ptx ptpd pt33 ptte2 ptas2 ##ampsk ##amphibolites platelets 11c 11d 1100 11to 1150 1130 1132 11ppb ##grain ##grained actinides creates creaser na1 naoh nazca najd naphten naumov solar solute solitary totaling totalling differentially ##ambeds firsth predating synrad syncaldera synkinematic synmetamorphic synformal synataxial controller halter halybur construed illites illitized ##aturated ##anee ##aneity ##anefjeld greenwood 14d 14b 146 1447 1411 doom dobs doyle dozens anomalism metasyen metasiltites reportedly ##ishing ##ishaw lineaments andesine detached reacting 123 12b 1200 1250 electrons electronegative efflorescences midand midto midway midnight midcontinent midgreenschist midcrustal ##erty ##ertains argide arguably argentop identit identific methyleth 307 301 309 302 ##yroclastic channelled iiic direccion 13a 13d 13b 131 1317 000s 0005 0002 00002 00018 00027 000ppm 000003 lightly lightand lightning countries council ##ogeneities angli suppose suppress supporters monzogran aquamarine mesa mesas mesobrecc think thinking thinnest approximated approximates fox foose fo91 fojt fo89 forestier singles cools curving cursor curiously initialized h2oand ##uguese steepest steepens sandstoneand affirmation ##stripping pyroxeneor environs horni ##oki ##okarsts mm1 mmhb fragua bedrock particulated participated ##ndee comparision uraniniteand softand petten petalite pettke petrostructural shallowing shallowater paleont paleotopographic paleolati paleoplac paleokarsts willman willingness westwards westfal ##ironstone coarseto coarsegrained baij bajada baiy baadsgaard baixo bulge bulbous bulawayan bariteand mapable mapasing absorbing flag flare flinc flames flaggy flotation flaky ##otsy sulphideand potassicand petrochemical pseudoreef mn2 mno2 mnkα mntio3 tien tiff tiand tipped tireo tielines tops topology topographically discusses gneissose openings ##osphate rhythmites turonian turkish orthorp orthpyroxene orthoprox blocking ##ebosch contaminate authogenic cmb cm4 endmem dipoles aggregations multiste multigrain pitches youngs isochrone ##ccessful clinof msms successor successively spectron erased erba erlan ertan eritrea eradiya laval ##veniences preservational spectroscopic conglomeratic ##tineberg kao confine confused confiden confocal configured conflict confluence extractions depletions naturelle observing observably stibi stitch arching archive archeological architect identifies identifiable swamp swingmill 169 mg2 mgkα mgcl2 mk3 mkpd mkm3 recognising cyf cyanob ##nai ##aza ##yllium brocal brochantite standardized ##ocryst 254 255 2532 miguel ##arks peaked peaking μmol ##ijne evapotr borate borra borosilicate miles milita milagros millev milieu anyone anywhere microshear microsyenite xenotopic xenocryst chlorian chloritised chlorapatite ##itsi grounded ductily datings ##olescu transparen transposing slighty isochrones 5000 500to deliver del13 del18 delbove delayed situtated ##voite arsenopyrites 369 3600 cumulating lasers ##prints downs downloaded variously widen widening widgi releases ##deer chromiferous photometry backed backarc backtrack backstripping nbs1 nb2o5 noncomp noncarbon nonline nonref nonmineralized nonhyp nontect nonpene nonmagnetic nonrecrystall nonrobust nonconser nonpervas ##o2000 accordion phengite ferran ferrian ferropyrosmalite grao grauch paragenic 237 234 236 239 232th flores floors laminas laminar ##lastics excepting horizonte strikingly fourier fourty ##oxigong market weakening weakened influencing ga2o3 gauss panels panthal pannonian panantza rietveld ##manus ##mania magnified magnifications handling handspec substance substances demonstrable demonstrably harder hardness hardened hardpans lacked summer summation summaries summaris shetian sheffer sheaves camps campto campinas solidified solidifying solidifies bahira bahabad retrograded proximally carrasca carrizale 400f 400to ##iversary medial mediter puzie silland taerde taulhac ##omorphological shaley exhibiting 701 70to 70ppb 7034 7057 7074 minimally minimizes 2062 orderly classes classifiable cycf muddy mudjati sapecado metalloid simplic simpler simplifications broadest broadens 604 609 605 farquh faraco siderophile ##ledged collar collages essay escanaba notes petrographie marbleization intensifier goal goyaz jinsh ##hovian 174 ##beds investigator permissive graphic graphitization graphics linkage workbench recrystallizes prospecting existent protocol protocols unconformities augiteor serpentization serpentenite northeasterly δ13oco2 377 371 376 pathfinder interstitially heatingand hypogeneand microscopia microscopically freely ##orthy ##orthocumulate 187ostotal 244 245 242 tecnai ##nington insb insensitive enclosure discussions circulations circulates dilated fabricacion polycy polyphase polynom alternations alternately technical technologies rayed ##bax ##baikou detecting detects becerra infiltrate thermo2000 freeze freeport ought ouachita pentlandites elevations argillites huhn huerg huelva huvelin hungary huppert divide division dividing entities kalya kalguta convert mediums entirety opals opaline opacity opinions optional maximize fragmentary bona bonote bonito bonatti boninitic hereby hereafter ledlie ##watersrand ##illera accumulates accumulating 802 80krb axios semiduc semiglob ##tzisp ##trell metaanthrac metaosmati metaigneous metaironstone kln tenth ##enice segregates segregating austria austrian accomplished restricting emi emd emulsion em92 em64 emitter labrador laborlux labotka scanners assimilate salineand rooyen periodically jasmor jasenice ruiz ruhr intestin ankara 224 dunitic dunlap dunnage ##wnne dependency attribution attracted attracts attractive ##unai 266 269 2657 873 879 captures capability capturing caprock capitao capacitance fresher gashes δdvsmow ##ammer geoanal permeate permeated permeates potentials paperback blundy ##hbanan accessible accessibilities iii3 publish pictures roundish ##aii ##aiya ##farlane offering offler leachable leachates kombol narcea viejas ##ovation ##ovian ##ovitization ##ulfate northwestly northwestand northwestward iceland ##mito oriente timescale 187oscommon polars polarity versa variscides ##306 ##fully phosphatic southeasterly reactivating closures graphiteand henceforth promoting prominently platinized edward edited edwards editors loges logical detritic 150nd 865 862 loose lozere loellingite beams colorada terrance pseudomorphoses riverbeds gypsiferous ##104 residuals induces equivalence batholithic laboratorio narrows narrowing branch branca brancanes hradec huludong ##axp ##fields ##timated coverts chambon chamosite exciting excitation excursion diamantina aguabl aguayo aguachiles gypsumand metavolcanoclastic 326 3200 322co2 poland polita pollucite parentheses santos ##io4 ##io6 ##ajka shoulder phyllonitic clayey groundmasses burt burstal burdig buritiram hfses mcinn mcnau mcgow mcfall mcknight mcinty sbf sband thirds thirdand chambery chamberlain june packard packets ##vansay ##zhou ##zhai planus planted planned plantees triarsenides celal celadonite fivefold luanga lutitic lumped luv213 lumpkin peltetec ##taishan streaks streambeds immobil immense simon simons simulating simulates voyager voissiere ##tructure ##tructures clarity clarified heterogenity necessitates glaber paul pauses devin devices centering rhodochrosites harlow harmed harbi harrat morphological rosario rosglas sixty sixteen ##arbonates 4500 bernd berza berzel bergak berkel berthoud bermeo beryllium tinto exsolve exsolves obliteration serpentinised serpentinizing serpentinising metavolcanics metavolcaniclastics 250ms rotary rottenstone flats prospecto prospectors bestow cambax cambridge ##afson ##caletti dispute disposition disputed ionizing kuhn kubler kuhbanan tuva tuamdih tuoked virii ##bidites homogeneously particularity northeastand 66zn digging digests karsts karato karstified tabulated tabulate taboa tabberabber ##rido chilean turbidity 287 289 2825 28wt 28325 284a 313 314 316 312 blewett ugurlu subscribed calibrate 219 293 298 299 292 29mf 902q baltic cps cpy camoufl cambodia hyvern nguy purify purifies purdue ramly ramsay ##2070 seek seeking cavitiesand heterogeneities bitotite duket dutriz ordinary placing montel remobilize remobilizing 577 571 576 572 aw020 awesome mention menoy menchaca ##ryen excessive bakhit peny penge penecon penitas penaran yb15 yb12 ##shuiquan ##scape ##burgite stratavolcanos agreed schematically petrologists contemporaneity viewpoint 657 658 65cu rln starved shortage shortwave shortcoming sharpe sharpness distorted submillimetre microfolds microflamb tectonisation tectonostratigraphic tectonomorphological coincidental 057 058 059 055 05ppb 384 386 382 macroscop macint mac97 macfl macropor maclean macfallite mac67 macusani macquari macfarlane ##uiluz metabasics recrystallizations outsides extremities 33s 333 334 339 332 524 522c lucia lucky lucero ridley riddled property encase encased encroached volcanoes 105pt breaking backgrounds focusses easy eastings listing lisbon zhu bending accuracies 1201 keyed evaluates evaluating heterogeneously scapoliteand 467 464 462 guides guidel guidotti guinea guandalup guaymas sara sarvest ##taine ##indric fortuitous fortunately aslα summarise fluctuates 597 599 59co hsu pangyurishte ##ofed conveners conventions convenience subdivide diffusional 1987 1982 irradiations bottomed eguiluz kvanefjeld molles ##implifies convex shortest shortened subhedraland stylolitic nucleate 277 274 343 348 341 349 753 759 75as 7500 bravoite bubbled hellyer helgeson helikian palm palin palmas paliwal palisade palingenetic palmito rifts ##getation consecu graves diopsidic granulometry causative feldspathicand offsetting harrisites discriminators cezall dauphine f345 holness holocene p250 podmore podiform ##2596 ##isciplin ##igoon neuve neugebauer architectures segmentation reasoning reproducing conventionally consequential 514 5128 512596 achaean achieve achieving banshan banatites catalysts catagenetic catastroph gemstone gemstones gemmy gemfields morvan morgan morterito mortensen moravian seemed seemingly analogues porphyroclasts programmer programmes daughters cerbia cerritos callovian idstw tellerhaus vicinities vicentite willemites willemse ##hyantic ##idoblastic connate connors connecting playon playford bohemia pbsl 106pd metasomatically goethitic borderline 54e 545 542 567 717 711 7138 71332 71104 automorphic autosamp autochand cs44 doubts mbx mb0 passively peneplan ##oyant ##neling disappoin disappeared 1976 1979 1975 197au titanate titaniferous titanowodginite titanaugite cyclical substantiating bismutite bismutomicrolite dashes dasgupta globule pyx py2 pyke py1b pycn pyrosmalite pyromorph decompose decomplex cracked interlaminated repeating repetitions sparitic hypotheses hypothetical peripheries triggers tellurian penetrating 471 472 damian nanoplankton nanhua nanjing sino aspy chronometer chronostratigraphic chronicle disrupts implicated 1908 patched patchwork patchily angularity migmatization geothermometric geothermochron 554 6100 61ni kilometric parentage rubin senses sensors utilise quadt ##ivarint spiking percents percival percentile thrusted constitutive coincidentally 413 417 419 412 centres kinloch mzdi wijbran ##998 websterites explosion explosively plumlee multifractals 1108 mesoarchean fo2ph integrate integrity integrates strengite beryls hybridizing helps czamans czajka cathles catheline tmi trobe troctolites violet vielze wedges wedging wedged wedepohl ##tianling invaded inventory investment assesses nevis perturbs lamproitic 1964 1966 1969 1962 endoskarns 160to ferrobas hangingwalls peninsulas discontinuously 777 775 7700 985 droplet gaining ##ctica ##utsumi dehydrates realm ##echite fluorides fluoroapatite highlighting intraformational carlson carlsb abbreviated itacaunas activated 101e 1019 1015 101ru syngenetically productora juxtapose bismuthinides hypothesised 0384 0323 03004 733 731 732 7310 7357 73006 743 748 744 749 745 742 7457 900oc cellier cellulai certainty ddw film filtered films filho suspension grandacos preexistent undetect undegassed softer absolutely usefulness magnesiofo encounter encounters cyclicity 004 0086 0048 00812 951 ivc ivb lmi lmu lmz moldova nascent qfz zeo zeitge restore restoring ##ometrically feeds feeders dominanted hornfelsic mobilize mobilizing mobilisation mobilising ddhh11533 086 085 588 584 586 585 582 5890 fronts jb5 maritimes tubingun alumino aluminosilicate chaixmeca geometrically cuprite cupola redistribute montana glasses 077 023 airborne bacterially bacteriogenic coldwell motton sabkh ##otitic ##32a ##321 ##amentally competence seismically unreasonably commences commingling commercial commencement commanderie communication analyzes analyzable hematitie requirement semiconductors 065 421 4236 aimed aiming dumitru franz francu hoering hooked hoformationnn lapo4 merge merges merged merien merougil mercantek xianshuiquan thorne isoprenoid deviating anionic fluxes fluxed stringed anglesite mkd13 mkd49 xenotimes xenoblastic exhalites microfracturing centimeterto perturbing 481 489 485 482 443 446 4473 44te35 497 496 492 bsei c13 c18 c14 c11 c16 c19 c15 c12 crenulites fibres malting malay malope munster pinches pinacoidal ##zuela ##backs isoclinally arenaceus unfaul unfavourably interfinger clifford assayed assaying evolves recalculating underline underlay underlined oscillations transforming derives derivatives remarked 2005a predictable predictably synchronicity disturbing reconstruct cathode cathodes devolatilize 897 890 891 896 895 aplogranitic bhsm bouger bouabdelli clumped jaeger jaffey kinks lachaux murchison nonexistent nonexpand nonequilibrium otates ot10 temb veliki reactants supra contouring seamed ##akenly ambiguity impercepti emphasizing ignored tripod coexisted coexistent migrations xenolithic anorthoclasites stretch virginia behaviours ach9985 ach9981 amygdules denuded denoting hollard hollinger hollister hollingworth lvr latu latrisco pialli tarim vg54r wat34 watkinson watchorn zambrana ##stick ##157 chapelle shading madre granodiotitic concern lepidoblastic brasileiras exploits synthetically channelization channelized delineating kaolinisation kaolinitised karakul paleogeothermal idealised 0436 03040 03035 677 670 672 782 8800 88sr 9bi27 dtr22 gera germain germanic gavia pacmanus rae raul xinfeng xintianling dendrite reiners reindeer asymmetry asymmetries asymmetrical tears preliminarily georgia georgina boxed carey precede precedes epiclastics sylvanite blanco blanquita 2004b percolate percolations kuoerzhenkuoa 634 635 6310 621 botros bottrell droop dropping droppers fixation fixating garrett garnetite garrido junkers knowing tlf cooperation reversed electrode electrostatic electrowinning corridors surpassed briefed selvage mulege orthopyroxe volumetrics economical economists celebrating virgenes favours favourably palaeotopographic palaeoground palaeotopography 431 davis davies davisson kerler kermad owyhe owensii ruling warmer ##ni0 grs32 stromatitic checks checkerboard companion companhia dismantling quartzofelsp metapyroclastic resistance planktonic plankneck validate validated ##udev ensures overpressures appendices microns accelerated symmetry symmetric orthoquartzite orthoamphibolites transpressionally predominating dilatancy tennant emerge emerges excellence 976 96s 966 969 grove grooves ponds ponded pronost rossa altay retentive stabilized stabilities stabilizing stabilisation shoe protrusion protrusions protrude calcsilicates hydroxy hydrolyzed neoand neoformation designation postcumulus stereoscan spheroid spheroidal spheroids employ controversies solvents 125te longitudes meaningless interested quadrilatro escondido strontianite duplication duplicates monominerallic 018 0185 533 536 535 7105 71025 71012 battle bartos bayan bayoneta ccf forez foreign foreground gdi gda kasemann mrc mrf mrini matured pascal route rodingitized ribeiro sums summed uzun waned wanted wilkinson wilhel ##longgou ##469 ##archs ##ashear ##ashya almond receiving returning returns departure dislocated metadacitic nephelinite neighbour neighbors obscures undulous undulating undulatory transecting 209bi underplate plagioclasite sl13 microanalyser matchstick homogenously cleaning combustions fourthly cordieriteand polygon plumbomicrolite destabilize destabilisation lepidocroc postcollisonal eclogites psammitopelitic 722 brachyantic crescumulates deduce dedicated dedolom herron herring herja hervig hongge honghu japanese khusib llhr mongol nacional songpan tanana tanami venture walnut waltzisp wswto ##eyites ##ski ##gerine ##jemites ingress ingrown ingrowth stokes stoffregen compounded prolongation organisation preparations substituting leaves leavitt meterto biozones melagabbronoritic recoveries recoverability imprecisely hexavalent hendrick definable mushket mushketo 195pt trondjemites δ34ssulfate selenoand multiplicative evaporates evaporatic harzburgites obliterate obliterates 03041 03042 moroccans pumiceand dismembrator academic abruptly potgietersrust 690 696 695 793 795 792 buck buckets buchanan c23 c27 c24 c21 c26 c29 fanay funnels fundamentally henrie jmt kuru kurai latitud landin landward landais landscape mueller pallid romo renewal tilts tilted vaav10 ##oysite ##diagram ##314 ##1000b ##elobondo tomkins condestable coalification retusotr anatolian anatomosing unconstrained philosilicates spiderdiagram concurs concurrence corrodes melanorites melanterite melanogabbro monophasic improvement symposium syntactic 1851 slickenline propagate so42 empirically outwardly ultrasaline rheologies rheologically triangles triangulo 2006a pegmatoids electronica multidisciplin 220m leucogranulite duitsland dispersions urumiye quadrant quadrivarint escapes boudined rhombohedra nacleq 440ma 689 740720 c43 c48 c44 c41 c49 c45 c42 eluted eluant grossschl kinds lzl lifespans nnre nneto pillar sseto vesicle vesuvianite vesicles vesignie wrapping z23 z27 z24 z21 z26 z29 z22 zftz deficiency conductive conductor couples anhydritic incipiently crypto metacarbonates classically premain neptune megascop megashear augites gradationally screw screens screening impurity barramiya mansouri cleaved creamy multielements progressions 7087 70846 70888 70821 preferably insightful embraced neutralization tetrahedralvs competently destroy destroys transgressions fundamentals condensate condensing condensates corroborating symplectic slickenside slickensided slickensiding slickenslides ah2s d5000 gniesses gfz hudsonian jacarez kfsp lnp2 lecuy luders ludden ludlowian md01 mosabani mosquito pearly ronze ronneburg ripening tweequ utah wetted wetting xinglonggou ##raton ##nesburg ##uozi ##tilli forsteriteor reworking attack attains attainable maastrichian diabases queen quesnel incursions metagabbros metarhyolites severely strictu intracrustal intracraton spacings appreciated appreciate appreciably amazonian microbial microbially microsparite microsparitic specialised 193ir 1949 discrepancies 2007a mesotoorthocumulate ##lomeratic thermoochemical thermoelec sanidines luzero powellite monitoring juxtapositioning sigmoid prevails trenchward rustenburgite reinforce reinforced microveinlet jxa840 lifetime pillowed neptunistic embayment symplectite 827 824 8200 azurite candidates dmi dmo dmn dmlb dmrl dalma dalanasayi durbach durango ethanol furo fuel fuelled froze frozen glomerocrystic holds holding ipges italic italia kavalier lagao misidentified misorient mccoy mccourt mcclay mccrea mccallu mccandless peccer putting putative radar radoun radoniow radicals rito5last sedge sedimented sedmoch sluice satisfied torr torsion writers ##mdc ##onzonite dealers conceicao revolution revival revisited reading readings ascertain ascension ascertains annaber announcement anniversary antillean grids stoping shellnut distillation hawthorne hawaii plastically plasticity unpredict unstained unstressed aravallis cuban cubanite subaerially chalcedonic agglomerate agglomerations scorza monosulphide impeded pendlandite hekatech micrographs micrographic transmision referring decimetric superposed traveled rootless roadcut greenishto effervescences clinopyroxenites extrapolation deltas deltaxp sheppy polymorph pictured inhomogeneities dumped macrae 543e kilauean centuries scientifically resembled boudinage buoyant stoichiometrically ferromagnesium amalgamated megacrystic everyone everything honeymoon octahedrally 096 095 aktash akkad akarem c33 c38 c34 c36 dfd dfz duggen ecvs eurasia fifteen fingerprints gorny gorged godinho godfrey gunther gunung glaciom halls haller halloysite ksl ks040 kinetic langer langmuir mfc mfb masuda mirim mir10 mirrored macho machines nueva owned pw17 pw4400 pw2400 pucov pucella practice rename renardite renamed renishaw renovation rieder svf ts600 tsamaha tsutsumi ukranian vega vendee vegetation wrong written wenner welded welding worden wafer yeleg ##nojar ##frost ##kovice inhibited inhibits inhibiting invokes deforming deformations declined alphabe retreating retaining supratidal supragetic chemisorption ##geaud quarter quarters quarries seedorff seeps seepage colouration colluvials hydrogeologic hydrogeochemical geometrics washita substratum subterranes leaked acnk persistent adopting augens appeal appeared appeals allocate monoclinal noticeably desilicated desilicification microphytoplankton drusic inflowing barrel contradiction contradicting deciphering correctly possesses reevaluation reevaluate reevaluating 118m synthesized synthesizes curvilinear discussing delicately delimiting retrogressed universiteit avoided emeralds offshoot lufukwe 282306 282469 exhaustion exhaustive encouraging encouragement morrocan antiforms addresses addressing stromatolites stromatolic definitions multidiffuion metaconglomeratic peculiarities slumping satisfy satisfies egd053c anastomose anastomoses 015ppb 94ni0 benzene babak cuspate castle camebax ethylprop feco3 humite humates humber humidity hellenide hammer hammerlein kyanite kusakabe likened likeness listwanite lollar linings mwashya mclimans nf32a pilon pilote portuguese pierres pierce rudists rudimentary tentative tianjin tazava tazacourt ucn voxels vigorously winter xiangfan andersitic deionised deuteric courcy coalescence coalescing covariant covariance alkanes alkenes alberoda antuco antlerite antanif antunano grinenko stationary chappell sharma sharlef maghemitized quiescent sawlan sawkins unexposed interleaving phycom phreatomagmatic goldhammer armantai spirakis fayalitic subchambers martitized biotitites biotitization bellezanne belleterre adequately appalachian epitaxially epitactically 189os vermiform vermelho barragan reequilibrated 50948 methylindanes methylnaphthalenes aquitards mesostructures multistaged erzincan mg0339 mg02070 25386 fernandez magnetostratigraphy magnetotellurics 7049 70418 704998 7067 7062 universitate linksys circumstances thermobarometer optimally loading visualization visualize visualized excavation excavations aguilas rhodopes rhodopean johannesburg jointly 3155 scapolitisation submergence encapsulation guadalupe guadalupana molecular 51265 512321 512314 passageways implicitly 760to 76038 supersaturate dtr330 dtr326 reinvestigation microanalyse microanalyzer kharit improvements happenstance kimberlite kimberlites ##anthracenes 78203509 museums unrecognised unrecognisable unequivocally audio bowers bowser bowman bromine bronson bronze bronzite c51 c52 cedral cylinder cascades darcy darlot darcian dulski drowned diminishing dimethylindanes dimethylbenz dimethylnaphthalenes eueu fleet fumarolic ganze gabon guessed gorda hedouville hannington ilusion ilimaus iodide iodine iodometric judged journals kretz kiruna kirwin kirsehir lgca liner lanphere ladder liberate libyan liberty mpv mpnm mpodoz mjg moment nicely nicols nicolescu natrobist ocelli oculto oklo okrouhla okelobondo pgt pcigr pereira perello peregoedova pichoir pichowiak pichavant piedmont roche rocha roches serenu telluro vitkov vosges viky worse worst wortel woodallite yemen ##4000 touches touching isoalkanes demarks cohs cohen coherence algorith beaver beads retrieving requia asbestos attending anchi anchored anchizone answers gramado childs chunnett chuniespoort fluvio proofs dissects crucible crucial crucibles unsorted unsuitable unsupported unsuccessful cardinal ##ongwuozi constricted abutting splitting industries subgrains subcrops paramount acceptable feasibility diffusely domingo dominguez imparting schmocker 1863 geochemie desulfidization microtextures aprons steenstrup barrington deflection deflections deflects exponentially homogeneization centrifugal trimethylindanes trimethylphenanth trimethylanthracenes solfatara 149sm 1221 angeles angelay angelica flourite pitombeira swells metasomatizing 7056 prefixes em87 em88 em89 guanglinite bifurcates catchments reconcile reconciled reconcentrated reconfigured iddings csirotrace doubtful drawing drawbacks geothermobarometric suspect pinchi interfingered poikiloblastic ignimbritic kribeck warming culminating romanechite advancements microspectrometer azimuths disaggregated lithogeochemistry contradictory satisfactorily unexplained unexplored unexploited 78203537 baddeleyites gossanous nutrients abandoning birefringent impregnations ferruginized disproportionated 2fe0 3u4 4dv 4litho 4lithoresearch 8mg2 aegirine aegerine ayagh ayuso bolaghi bolivia balls cisul cisil cabral cabresto cadmium cadomian cepo4 cepaas dosimeter eyes entwine entails flexure flexures getting gallium gallery honors honours histoire hartley hindered hindrance izmir izmdc july julius justified justify joseite jordan jordaan krogh kroondal kowary kowalik lbf mistamisk mistakenly miscible miscibility nh4 nests nesbitt nist612 nugget nuggets n30e ochrous ochoa ounce ounces pigment pigeonite piramide piracicaba pandey pakistan rythmic rychlebs rm1000b sagging sagenitic surely session sessions sikukwe siksik society sociedad stemming sengor sengupta testing testify tunisia tunneling tavares tavaza tms92 uhp uhdc vasconcel vasudev veneer venezuela vials werner wernec wittenoom witwatersrand yesuda yesiltas yamatu yamadagı zk35 zk157 ##iqiao ##lationship ##oomfontein ##aanspoort ##dozed ##btsova ##kmanite thunder thunderer ##acoes dewatered alunites alaskan alaskites algeria algerian rebound rebagli mineracoes stair stairs stannite stanley choice choosing shahr shahinde compartment compartmenting compensate compensated maximilians proxy proxies diverge divergence quenching quenched inconclusive inconveniences saxena saxonian saurshan metablastic metaborate metagabbronorite metagabbronorites unoxidized unoxidised interrelated interrelationship carcara carcarelle carroll carroza carmencita geobio geobiocenter arrive arrival sparks sparked volkening volkova engaged engineering ##stadt subseafloor subsequentially acknowledge acknowledged perceived perceiving perimorphs mejita mejitas meionite meionitic oversaturated oversimplifies overturn overturned maintaining uranothorite uranothorianite micromoles micrometres pratt recrystalization recrystallyzed ammonoid ammonoids pooled bruijne brugeaud bringing britannia britannian synexoskarn elan6100 vermaak microgram microgranites microplate microplates outgrowth outgassing definitely decimetreto terraspec radiolaria radiolarian portrayal portrayed eugenio eugenii reexamined reexamines caledonian caledonide predictions predictive dovyren dovryen dobes dobrogea 128xei 121sb mesobanding mesobands fo93 fo94 affords afforded ##ylbenzene ##ylbenzenes paleotethys paleotemperature dynamically dynamothermal authority borisenko sappho sapphirine 2400e polytetraf polytechnique optimized optimised metaultramafic metaultramafite erratically jaspilite jaspilites sweeps diamictite diamictites simmons microfossil microfossils 38arcl macroand physiographic physiotectonic escarpment escarpiere scatterplot scatterplots aerosol aerosols ach99158 ach99155 vanadates vanadinite hydroxylated 71024 ingredient ingredients categorized categorised metamictized metamictisation government myrmekite myrmekitic sustainable conceivable conceivably mirror mirrors depolymerized depolymerizing discernable discernible alkylnaphthalenes alkylderivative methylanthracene methylanthracenes johanngeorgen johannsenite geochemisty endeavor endeavored overestimate overestimated pneumatic pneumatolytic punctual punctatisp yaoganxian yaogangxian inaccurate inaccuracies rejuvenation rejuvenated minnesota minnesotaite unraveled overwhelming overwhelmingly paleoclimate paleoclimatic semiquantitative semiquantitatively metaevaporite metaevaporitic mac127a mac127b 04s3 2o7uran 2kfe 2sb3 3sio 3caa1 3pb2 3hydroxypets 5al0 6o21 6si8o2 7fe0 8as0 9ca0 aiello a1si aqso1e aσs aasm acetone aachen akesayi avenue bx50 boskovice bingham bagai boccaletti boussera bulldozed buey bavaria brosses blobs bamazhai bossi banks baldwin binns bivariate benavidesite bussey cnk cinzento citl casita catial cartographic cucarach cibao credits crouzille cyprus ceara cakα crowded cresson celsius csontos dpss dcb dzp danti dimmer dionex docking dichromate dch4 dutrow dongling dallmeyer dictates dufferin dubessy dylen daily daniel dargahi etienne erebus ephemeral etheridge eifel eersteling earnest edenite emanated etymology falkmanite fastest felipe fowler fomations fresco feldpathic fersmite friske foidites fuchsite fammenian fulfilled fennoscandian fashion fascinating fraisse gcf gywnne gkp gedrite gatan ginguro gocad gurvansay gutzmer geneva gudmund gilligan gourd gaston gorton gustafson glauconite girdles giletti gonzalez gauthier ht2 hc2 hatched hodein hagemann hifar hectometric hitherto hackspach h4sio4 hieani harker hermanos hecht hansley hopefully ikunolite ireland iagod iquique iraq irish jalerys jowett jilin jimunai jabali jackpot jambor jacketed kanowna kosanke kabenbul kutucus korean kassas kronenburg kundelung kristineberg kralove koryu kievl kampunzu kayseri kokanee keringal kiamichi krivelj kammar kruth kenworthy krusne kansansh krasnojar kirkland kletno krokowski lpx ljf licomeric luster locked loucks lopolithic lydon lives learned litherland lancefield library lambdaph lancaster linnen lombador lanthanide m4n mimic msec messrs mikucki mullenbach mourao mathez maldonite m04ncn mamoes n69 n55 nominal naboomfontein noua nicholson nadrett nutman nikon nondestruc navan ngoyi n15e nominally n70w n18e n86e natalin omnip oasis ocotillo ostwald pq2 ponce pingtaishan pusilla painter pamour pouchou patinas pirsson pindos pasteris q3mhbx qanaiya qingbaikou qiziqiao ral3 rationale rollover rigid rivals rondebosch rickard ramboz rugged rupture razi raja rombach rakha rittmann sd6 socorro sacramento sotolito syria sichuan sibson sydney sorena sardinia sacharoidal silex somalia sincerely ssmz semischematic squire sinking sorensen s70e tcpl t64000 tasmania toscon tmph tithonian teresa tieshan taper tiaomaj tortuosity taupo temiscou tumbarumba tollmann udepo uqac uitkom urals utrecht ucurum uchucchac vbx voros vogel video villagers vickerod vazante vanko villeret vivarais veytia vlasov wsgs wmc wainwright wabigoon wopenka wutongwuozi wavy wackestones wrenching writing wulfenite walton woolanga wujiaping wulongquan xgf xaingfan xichang xiaoxigong xstrata xuanwei yinzu yanamate yakabind yunnan yardley yazd yuanmou yeelirrie zentilli zacatecas zadni zapala zinkenite zherebtsova zuloaga δfmq δ2θ ##vikite ##sartine ##splaats ##ienegas ##oizite ##wicz ##waldt ##aassmpaas ##centration ##yayla throats thomas thompson ##temporaneous ##erproductive office andorinha insofar inspired ingenika invaluable invasion inevitably ##icamata ##anspiration ##osisporites ##islenitsi ##elihudu toutain toplis touzlar tombulil isograd israel isomorphous isoprobe ishihara december deadtime degrades devoted demarcated degradation dehshir conchoidal condense coniacian coetaneous covalent coupling cotectically coauthors copiapo cooccurrence alatau altogether almeida alentejo fortaleza forsteritic beilieze berenjeh beautiful beyssac reunidas reynolds rehamna minceva minutus askhatin ##luoroethylene ##phelinites depauperate ancestral angoules antiformal antitaxially antonio antarctica anhedrons graptolitic grunerite grimaud gruyter gruenewaldt stuckless stalled staying stachel stablished stumpfl stalactites stalagmites suzoki suzuoki suzuki chicken chardon changzhou chewton cheyenne chevron chacaico chippings chuquicamata chrondrite chelopech chimborazo shafts shirey shrinkage compagnini mappable maucherite maokou maksaev makapaanspoort sulawesi sullivan sulitjelma progenitor prohibits prodelta prophyries disadvantage discharging disconformably disguised disentangling exfoliation exocontact orlica orbicules onlapping dialogue quemado quanta quixaba oredodies ##emooltha incapable incohatus savelli saussuritized savarsin haplogranitic hakkourt crassus criticism crandallite metacherts metaturbidites metarkoses metatuffaceous resutured rescanned resedimentation septum uniquely unprecedented uncovered unclassified unproven unnamed unradiogenic untested unwanted unspecified unglaciated unbuffered uninterrupted unroofing unidirectional unquestionable unirradiated striae strathcona intermontaine intersertal intermediated interchronometer intermixed interplanar occluding hydrometallurgical intrinsic carapace carmichael phologopite pharaonic pheoncrysts clausthalite hydrodynamic hydrogrossular hydrozincite goldfarb preconcentration preexsolution prebrecciation prehypogene prerequisite prendergast geothite geominera geobarometry compositonally assignments araujo armitage armenian arltunga nebulized nepelinitite abounds aberrant spakman sperssartine spontaneous spoetl faunal cuatrocienegas cuadrangular engines ensialic enthusiastically formationvalue formationbetween subcontemporaneous subequal subbasins subcreted ims6f iturralde ##iazuizi paratacamite acylindric acritarchs perspective permafrost perplex perspectives pernambuco metsantan feathery colleagues1992 corderoite overlooked overriding overshadowed ranawat diffusivity margeride biennial biosparite botelho caviar caal2sio6 canberra pb5sb4s11 adamek adshead adhesive adusumili melanephelinites serpukhovian silicophosphate comminuted twyerould appraisal micrometers ag50w agadesii ag3sbs3 ag5sbs4 agamemnon priabonian prasinophyte rectilinear precordillera undocumented undoubtedly undemonstrated greensone grevesse scaillet scraped scolecodonts allsopp dolnicek skaergaard accidentally upturned upgrading reddening redefined amadeus amarga amoeboid mohanty mozambique pophyry monolithologic montreal equidistance imprints undercover underpressure underpinnings postexoskarn postentrapment posthydrothermal brugger bruker bratislava heidelberg hewlett schaubs schreyerite scheuber syndeformational syenomonzonite slabby elizabeth descloizite provisionally verrenass vermiculite verrucosisporites waterproofed exploratory explicitly postcrystallization horsetail horseshoe osmosis microcrystals microcontinents microvials microdiorite microorganisms microinclusions transversally soxhlet sophisticated plucked aftermath steenkampsk stefanova infrastructure infrequently barkevikite barbara barcelona contributor musgrave laughlin laitakarite expansive liquefaction terlingua smoky smsmpaassmpaas lithostratigraphical ultradeep ultrapotassic manheim manufacture porvenir porkchop crossbars eurovector financing irrasus irreversible pegmatititic rohrlach frictional fruitland multprep ptpdbi naphtenic firsthand halyburton 14473 dobson metasyenogranite argentopentlandite identity identifications methylethylbenzenes 13174 angliers monzogranites mesobreccias paleontological paleolatitude paleoplacer westfalische baijiazuizi baiyunxian mapasingue pseudoreefs orthorpyroxene orthoproxene endmember multistepped clinofrom erlangen confidentiality stibiomicrolite stitchtite architectural swingmills mkpd15 cyanobacterial 25324 evapotranspiration militares milagrosa millevaches microshears transparency delivery del13c del18o widgiemooltha nbs127 noncompacted noncarbonated nonlinear nonrefractory nonhyperproductive nontectonized nonpenetrative nonrecrystallized nonconservative nonpervasive gaussian panthalassa handspecimen summarising shetianqiao carrascao carrizalejo mediterranean puziewicz mudjatik simplicity farquharson goyazite jinshandian fabricaciones polycyclic polynomial huergelihudu kalyaev 80krbr semiductile semiglobular metaanthracite metaosmatizd jasmorian intestinal 26577 geoanalysis kombolgie excursions aguablanca burstall burdigalian buritirama mcinnes mcnaughton mcgowan mcintyre immobilization harrats berzelianite bergakademie berkeley tuokedalei tabberabberan 282590 camouflage hyverneresse nguyen duketon dutrizac aw02025 menoyre peneconcordant submillimetreto microflamboyant macroscopically macintosh macflincor macroporosity macquarie guidelines guandalupian sarvestan consecutive cezallier 512873 catastrophic morgans tellerhauser autosampler cs44lb peneplanation disappointing pycnochlorite pyromorphite decomplexed nanjingshan geothermochronometry wijbrans czamanske cathelineau vielzeuf ferrobasaltic carlsbad 73576 cellulaires undetectable magnesiofoitite 00864 zeitgeist sabkha 42368 447300 unfaulted nonexpandable imperceptible hollingworthite wat34410 04362 palaeogroundwater kermadec owyhee quartzofelspathic wilhelms neighbouring lepidocrocite brachyanticline dedolomitization honghuagou waltzispora hendricksplaats mushketovitization mushketovite henriete latitudes retusotriletes spiderdiagrams multidisciplinary urumiyeh grossschloppen megascopically jacarezinho lecuyer thermoelectrically jxa840a durbachites kavalieris misorientation mccallum peccerillo rito5lastgz sedmochislenitsi annaberg shellnutt unpredictable glaciomarine pw1700 tsamahaans yelegatti alphabetical ethylpropylbenzene antucoya antanifotsy phycomata mg03393 512658 dimethylbenzenes ilimaussaq mpodozis natrobistantite algorithm steenstrupine trimethylphenanthrenes 4lithoresearchquant rychlebske siksikpuk vasconcelos wernecke yesiltasyayla rebagliati shahindezh polytetrafluoroethylene johanngeorgenstadt punctatisporites 2o7uranpyrochlore 3hydroxypetscheckite 6si8o22 cucaracha gurvansayhan gudmundite hackspacher kabenbulake kundelungu kievlenko kansanshi krasnojarsk licomerice lambdaphysik nondestructive omnipresent qanaiyaq rondeboschje tiaomajian temiscouata uitkomst uchucchacua yakabindie tombulilato beiliezeke steenkampskraal