[PAD] [UNK] [CLS] [SEP] [MASK] ' ( ) , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z µ · º æ ø ɛ ˆ α β γ δ ε ζ η θ κ λ μ ν π ρ σ τ φ χ ω ϕ ϵ – ’ fi ##l ##a ##y ##s ##x ##p ##e ##c ##t ##i ##o ##n ##r ##0 ##2 ##g ##u ##d ##1 ##m ##h ##w ##f ##v ##b ##z ##4 ##5 ##8 ##k ##7 ##9 ##3 ##6 ##q ##π ##j ##ø ##μ ##β ##ζ ##η ##fi ##σ ##κ ##º ##æ ##ε th the ##at ##on ##er ##es ##en ##in ##ed ##al ##it ##nd of ##or ##ic ##ion ##an in ##ar ##re and ##ro ##ent ##st ##ing ##el ##as to ##le ##ct ##ur ##is ##ol ##ation ##th ##ou ##ce ##im ##ly ##ith is re ##et con ##id ##mp ##os ##ow with ##ig that ##oc ##ra for ##iv st ##il su de ##ot ##ate ##ag as ##ul co be ##la ex pro on ##if ##ter ##ch ##rom are by ##ut an from ##se ##od at al ##res ##ure ma se sh wh ##ge ##ph ##ve ##ver ##ir ##ru ##ant ##og ##est ##ial ##ment ##ated ##lu ##ical or ##ite ##om ##ist ##ction ##ity ch cont ##ere ##pp this ##ab ##qu ##am col ##ult ##ence ##igh ##ib ##cc bas we ##pe ha ##ies ##sion ##ive ##ater ##ther fa ##ues ##ition ##em ##iment te ev comp ##ort ##um res ##ad ##ud not ##ous ##ich ##ess la ##iz ##ore colle ##ld ##ations dep ##us inter have ##ediment ##ely mod inc ##ine ##ary rec ##ates ##du colleag colleagues sediment ##ran it ##ong ne ##low sub ear ##ers pres pl ge ar un ##ock ##ain ##ian ##ata high ##ism form ##olog ##ip ##ene ##ale ##op me ##ret ##ost ##art ##ast ##orm rel mag was exp ##ak ##ould these mar ##yst ind ab ##all ##ass ##and en can ##fer dur low ##ace ##anic data ##ill str which dis ##00 ##ia model sc tim imp ##gh ##ap per fault rock int during ##rust bet sur ##able pre us ##we ##ell ##ord ##ck cl ##erv ##rain ##rou ##act chan ##ures ##ution ##lo fig temp ##ific ##ff vol were ##ound so ##gg ##ween between ##reas ##one ##erat ext acc ##ik ##amp le figure but nor oce than cor ##con car ##ges depos ##pt ##elt reg magm been ##ces ##ys dif ##ard over ass ##form lar ob show sou ##ear time ##ocene ##ents ##end ##oun contin ##ect our und may earth flu has ##vel how their app ##au ##eral ##ens part ##ep ##ari pr cr crust ##raph ##osph ##ath ##so ##ide rep ##un ##face sugg suggest temperat ##ced there ##rib under tran pale ##ign ph sim ##les hy ##oss ##ites trans min stud also ##bon record ad det occ ter sp cons di up water ##ert com ##oth volc more sea ca ##ments result qu ##urr basin ##tern age ##dition ##ron ##duction ##ystem prov mant mantle ##idence sign ##ally ##oz rocks dr ##cess such carbon ##ay increas surface obs isot ##ating dist ##ight ##its km interp conc plate bec ##ient ##ern ##atic ##ift observ cal differ ##ever ##ruct interpret ##ue however ##oic am ##ory anal vari ##oci ##ied continent where met ##ozoic system ##ance ##ie they ele ##ose ##ome formation fe ##orph ##age ##pect region ##land south ##olution ##ric ##osition ##ized ##ically melt est ##ach north loc ##ative evidence tr flow other ##ause inclu bi samp ##lac most ##ros indic ##ile ##ree supp present geolog within mineral ##yn ##eld sl ##ility gre val large gen ##ust ##gin ##ively process he ##ick ##ress ##imate ##own ocean continental act bound ##de dec subduction lik ##onic along into ##rough only ##thern ##ount lower prop do ##eric ##ough temperature ##ral ##ield ##mon lith tw ##och early ##lab mo hyd ##ding ##ilar basal ##itud because 20 no ac slab similar would bed 10 ##vi struct tra ##ircon ero zircon ##ish deep ##ismic set two ##ffect ##formation fra arc zone signific through sour associ ##ined ##rop late tect if ##ac volcanic ##ential well margin const both ##gen ##osed ice composition rem ##sions ##ail ##out ##iver red ran ##ward long po ##und produ calc condition scale significant ##ork gra des prec thus its fluid af some ##osphere mic cent rates ##row all ##me ref ##ctions fl ty thick ##mal ##ase ##ry one char erosion ##ions ##rit lay east ##acter ##ub ##int org conditions grain tectonic ##atig ##quak ##atigraph sm ##ities earthquak boundary ##igin origin ##yc ##rol ##ides glac ##ke ##anism ##rupt used mi based depth deposits ##aterial material ##pec ##val corre could comple using ##ible models oceanic mid new seismic ##ular analys ##ond ##ones ##ize ##fore ther ##ger ##ization fol out ##ope ##vir sediments sil ##ber import dom ##ited cryst level associated ##eng ##emical disc cla different ##pper ##orted ##assic requ ##ack ##ons occurr ##ross ##ivity ##viron magn consist slip compar man ##ossil ##ology ##led ##ather ##ors ##ability changes magma press ##velop ##ider develop study processes upper ##ting ##ne climate equ character near occur ##itude ##ived basalt ##ograph top refle ##ise meas source faults ##water deformation observed samples ages ##lic ##ean ##ribution geoch range studies environ ##round ##ods mass ver repres isotope partic effect ##sh par exper estim sand ##iqu fur likely ag ro rate dire erupt ##ently ##str ##ps further fir inf term when vel results isotop ##ences ##erm δ1 ##ted ##ved fossil ##jor major ##mental marine pla meth crustal hist spec ##ics tur ##uch deposition first small river ap pat poss stress ##tion ##ri strong ##lob consider mat inv shal temperatures important pressure prob area values change ##estern co2 ##xy ##ength fin stratigraph interpretation ##br ##ified events glob lat ##ision micro island ##ame cyc der field ##iven arch ##ration ##ual ##ospheric ##ynam ##amin local hydro bel ##stand redu silic layer ##tal ##amorph ##ling expla id ##ological experiment kn pot rich metamorph very num impact lim will land higher hyp ##lift uplift old pol ##mm ##atively ##ural common ##ded ##ature ##ogen ##omet much cool curr control mech organic veloc sul base systems correl gran ##cted formed related ##vious sulf found ##xim init sedimentary provide ident down conclu flat complex domin ##ove ##esis ##ains ##xt ##though although ##ness cle pred biot ##iation ##nel ##red northern lithosphere grow ##als arg perm southern potential ##ink ##ctic contra ##ably therefore shallow ##ribut due examp size ##fic modern accret constrain es rid ##aceous across consistent pattern after lake ash disp determ increase 200 wa detrit ##ier ##stone fact evolution follow global ##ire ##vail addition mg decreas ##atite state peri event geological minerals ##ification green channel typ 15 ser ##ang ##ivers exist distribution represent those setting mud ##ef ##ati sequ ord 201 ##ially bre ##mb any above understand transp post zones ##cept main ##ffic doc off while elev earthquake thermal many ##rogen scal indicate point central ##etic ##lock def preserv ##ipit derived pe yr ##ox glacial mon western ##ening resp prim docu rap inst desc gener analysis reflect ##over rapid cret ##read interval previous concent ##our ##terozoic support ##ulation att precipit detrital cretaceous 100 ##atures ol youn ##ension sever rad appro clear norm plu even bur ##atism records here same ##ertain ##tle ##ina conf should ##ears flo pap ##dle carbonate rati use ##ane ##ages presence ig ##arm 19 bar mechanism ##sequ avail ##ning middle accretion block ##itic melting general isotopic ##ank recent abs terran history later end work ##work three mean turb ##ained relatively hypoth atl magmatism deg relative back west then ##ince atm does ##ior abund ##iew ##az ##east ##ok ##eter ant normal prof unc relations infer ##osit shows dens less ##action ##lying ##antic fac explain several belt emp ##lish ##isc paleo scales 12 pet ##hip ##av exh observations like eastern δ18 ##set ##per magmatic contrast atlantic spect ##ured she variations direct core mount site ##ts topograph ##cy apatite ##ulated ##lace 11 ##ley ##ram exc grains turbid sheet au sol ##stic short about quest including ##ogenic ed hol vert recon suggests estimates relationship americ known understanding pb thrust ##ases growth ##cing heat active miocene warm ##pping ##ike transition permian dates ##line ##ety ##ify spat influ ridge rift shear volum example bene ##ject ##are coll diss amp ##semb below prog ##ogene discus ##fficient structures available ga mult pub ##ano geochemical ##ae ##ead conver ##ids ##opro development cooling beneath eocene far given ##up ##ately ##ines ##olith demon section occurred predic ##ood assemb ##ulations reported activity proposed ##oproterozoic link non ##artz mark describ dynam ec jur orogen ##tr ##cond comb biotite past weather structure jurassic ##eg ##ression second thickness velocity 25 ##ench ##reg measure lit ##ha reef had seawater demonstr ##ins flux zircons magnitude metamorphic paper ##char chemical lead increased crystall δ18o 30 quartz precipitation ##par ##elf areas interpreted im ##sa ##rich ##01 soil shown plateau density ##lacement rather succ transport allow depend type stratigraphic break ep ##omp caus basins earthquakes diff larg continu 40 ##not iron resear strength tri possible research ##erg ##ided reconst ##emp contain ##he ins period each ##ves ##iss ##thermal compon america triassic 13 syn ##fa ##arn ##old ##olved ##ither dischar analy trend greater eu py ##flo quant sample facies bu bear need expl archean tib yield ##arctic ##chn extend crit ##xygen ##wa strain cannot assum lack antarctic content lav detail uncertain spatial collision might op ##han simp document radi line ##vial ##imal ret units trace weathering tibet ##west features regions order hypothesis mill sal ##uc since ##edi coe access margins current ul view condu weak modeling regional particular ##floor del ka mes sat test wed maxim microb ##faces aver gr must coast prot product mix analyses ##ether sedimentation inclusions approach assembl sing increasing concentr ##lished oxygen expect chem numer older case what characterist cap ##most ##ka ##iding distin geology el foc pac ##inc cover ##omal respect cany mot ##osity ##ortion rele ent extension single den em ta ##ason ult pacific 18 nat reve ##idual ##ract ##ull suggested seafloor basalts terrane auth question vertical 14 affect ##co ##ole ##era ##pher magmas compositions therm following sequence maximum bro ##yl ##ging ##ind phase ##neous role peak respon primary igneous bould ru ##ark anomal ##ociety fraction uncertaint response did ##inity ##oriz ##requ summ ##resh amount characterized sr ##ape ##ving ##ired times extre measured wedge ##tin ##sts ##idal resolution earl unit focus grou lo whether ##ogn whereas grad ##irc regard paleozoic element produced calcite afric experiments wave 80 host ##te fail appear preserved bearing 17 gl ##ton ##oral ##elling patterns dating close ##riction correlation argu er fer ox ##ency ##rock ##olite being subs accum lands younger pop ##pent ##restr extin extens coral effects either hot ke mm ##enn beha separ subdu highly larger prior phys volcano few trench significantly fossils methods possib plume net ##has ##ream ##ational super pli unl strata presented fract agree eruption ##ributed frequ sites wid ##ful thin ##resp neg geologic cycle serpent ratios natural circ gas horiz tak ##gon reaction inde enrich corresp drill ##restrial pliocene 50 ##pped ##rolog initial aust drain rot visc refer ##istry elevation inferred ##ination ##lem ##estig recogn estimate levels settings topography holocene microbial cm mem reach stage ##lacial layers investig clearly flood atmospheric little concentrations distinct ##ana ##isod ##ilib surfaces ##lope terrestrial occurs previously episod ##ten ##contin diam bedrock compared commonly generally absence converg years total intru least volcanism environments hydrothermal dominated accretionary behavi cre now wor ##itu anc marsh suggesting limited bul ##ires ##ner ##ump ##50 ##uration before ##lastic ##arnet dra ##aries last poor average around consequ ##iles shar ##ants indiv accessory dim garnet position ##way ##ft stable ##ules shelf techn magnet succes austral individual friction rise ##car ##rate enhan perme appar provides great ##itudes fluids ##ique decrease agg cen mig ##rated ##ival shift clay problem volume described measurements br himal ##ov ##ds altern geo ##ief authors himalay path ##glacial ##her adj probably oliv rivers solution xen iss ste ##iple account elements broad ##cent ##ually proxy colum ##ostr abundant diffu discharge analyz canyon extensive go morph nature rest ##ym though strike clos melts supported environment considered expected group extinction ##ostratigraph ts ##uan ##lack china reposit estab flows depositional experimental repository dol fron light ##son ##40 ##itive ##olites cores deposit estimated behavior bod ##pr ##rite ##ster deple subst plan intra resulting ##unda ##amination exhum dynamics critical ancient spher ##lied information conve plut exposed implic indicates crystals equilib strongly hel mis fluvial recorded silica identified generated lavas entire rupt hal por ##kes ##org crat increases variability directly cenozoic il length ##til ##ott ##agn phosph ##onds stratigraphy reduction number indeed os ##lies ##pite ##ium ##go sections northeast despite ##ometry component enhanced fill slope tru ##hy ##erate chron clim ##formed phases structural occurrence developed δ13 determined influence reveal fine ##bed beds additional lif interest subsequ include liqu opp si slow wides ##pread ##ison ##ime start ##odynam ##ambr driven geochron environmental eruptions matter mechanisms widespread ##ambrian gsa pass sw ##af ##oup ##aps deposited reduced defined bal dun h2 ##welling ##ble production indu temporal ##unam comment ##orphy oceans frag sources method limit greenland lateral tsunam fresh porphy situ ##to ##of ##ged ##ores react seg ##omorph energ obt supply produce depths preservation motion just lab ##enced forear onset ##allel ##arily southeast tectonics required typical reconstru bulk forearc 16 ast cross four ple sens ##orn ##ceed neoproterozoic extra dry crystal velocities argue world ax table trop ##des ##hib ##wh them foramin ##ives ##ulate sec sulfate multiple boulder horizon foraminif brit cause kin sufficient debr assess track requires determine typically ratio solid member aggreg δ13c debris ##atom without contents extent ##unction value acid remains require particles param ##iversity burial documented bent imm led posit ##ryst ##iving still alas alter text timing diffic comm location olig young detailed err difficult via ##ah ##now ##more tod ##eters ##ute ##ously item provided species polar profiles caused energy sk ##ients andes ##rob ##oll deb ##lay partial elect valley throughout parallel histor islands series ampl particularly glass olivine wide ##ention ##cting ##ists teth ##ights northwest lithospheric remain claim numerical respectively key issue oligocene ara cas fall rare ##yan ##ances class furthermore earlier today fan hem yet ##atory often ##ising subm arctic abst duration calculated metamorphism controlled discuss largest australia his ##ator ##arc ##roph ##eland ##olve ##ads geos difference profile linked imag diffusion abstract way ##tic ##other ##fs ##arine alk mafic seem ##istocene necess add analog deeper original edge network substant life pleistocene alaska 23 35 91 ##actions ##pl ##ience ##mod ##ho ##rog toward rev stand incor expan overall upwelling waters observation differences sandstone latitude constrained drainage heter pen pal vary ##ining forms diatom among located association ##acent crystallization adjacent clu ##ict inver ##ulf ##ada ##rang underlying supple represents again ##rium silicate dominant factors channels intervals uncertainty volcanoes unlik negative ground ##nal ##onian ang uncon dr1 variable ##rosc cycles documents atmosphere mesozoic steep column analyzed unlikely bott coup du lag wrang ##sp ##by ##lap made minor remo sequences mountain discussion ##ways chemistry extreme serpentin permeability illu wrangell gold hence ##hic ##osystem ##ots prom ##irm expand accur place concentration combined physical ##continent ft ##aur ##oids coinc except contains faulting appears spread move ##pecially comparable currents especially offset elevated warming ecosystem saturation frequency box free kar ##tm cold note recently usa indicating ##shed explained largely africa failure drilling bath fo funda hf lhas ##rope ##ols ##rad alb eval reserv enc overlying ##ected ##unity conclusion confirm ign progress characteristics apparent craton alkal nut run ##iated ##reat rework states ##ully phot carbonates longer play exhib breakup assemblages rotation lhasa 39 cur pers ##ipp ##hen ##ored map shell orient contribution plates ##apor intro studied become interpretations variation periods exclu published exhumation implications secret positive evalu 1g ce fut ##por ##oir ##ann ##urb coar contribut integ applic transfer metas ##ondw marked continuous tax recognized labor best dated ##iable ##ring online adv diag proportion constant basement displacement europe explan gradient convergence 9140 future 24 htm ide ww ##cape ##back ##301 ##enari ##ident chall basis strat scenari better importance request particle isotopes latitudes instead rapidly dissolution pubs 80301 rupture obtained geosociety illustr ft2 secretary www gulf gondw nuc ##len ##pa ##ule another interface plat applied biom basaltic ##ographic direction know existence terranes demonstrate antarctica dolom reservoir cord delt function loss san van ##xic ##xies ##ont proxies see season until implies report paleocene signature signatures feed boundaries ##ochron materials ##shore smaller examples constraints attributed amphib migration equilibrium bottom diver rough ti veg ##off ##orad ##els ##ission stream ##abric fav collected calib correct mainly predict predicted mixed tsunami benthic aragon submarine expansion day log pa pow wall ##get ##haps ##oring stead seen perhaps clou paleos watershed proven various decad hydrolog outc comparison specific identify ##oliths orogenic possibility spreading veget rain rhe ##put ##ised ##rack ##iform ##abil law geometry ##assing surround granite conclude conclusions respons relationships pyrite assumed simple views assemblage climatic subsequent ##odynamic incorpor heterogene laboratory ir nd sch step mapping forming minim concern differential terms sulfide potentially topographic combination coastal horizontal ##roscop 1gsa nit tidal ##bers ##stones ##ises incision ##ills distance propert clasts rob methane ess ##aneous abundance emplacement reconstruct salt conduct fracture tropical supplemental fundamental ft201 black wind ##erozoic ##anerozoic inher ##ased ##etry ##ommod indep accommod showed phanerozoic ##atics equival finding followed turbidites leading open linear mixing accumulation balance independ kil lived ra ##gan real ##gether never mexic mole accept grav brecc ##empor subducting widely cordill 500 cat certain ##uish ##wise ##inguish exceed anox ##izes interm interior relief expos indian dipping glaciation belts tibetan reference morphology liquid induced kinem hu society tu together contact contempor ##iber meg assump ##entially 199 help asthen away fully ##sr ##pb ##rip ##lex reason amaz feature trig ##reek discover sulfur turbidite buil needed extended affected succession himalayan convection brittle steady creek med ou wil ##oh ##oid ##ven ##laced ##vers ##istic propose ##ledge find ##ediate characteristic landsl shares standard mexico 300 aff ey pse ##sive ##equ ##ext ##ix ##ily ##ground ##ange mac make noted highl science imply prefer crater span resulted propag initiation excur summer poorly body ##where pseud 60 70 call cell coun gps ve vers ##sw ##cad ##anian ##roc ##ivation proxim maint ##apan ##loads transient space southwest glaci seismicity ##rix matrix downloads greenstone generation dissolved taken established ##rophic address dolomite vegetation properties 400 aqu date japan tens ##eth ##gm ##ma ##mes ##arch ##ctu storm seism ##ama teph ##ounds flank match anomalies viscosity ##ostratigraphic porosity against explanation gondwana aragonite provenance molec 22 75 ray ##western ##inal ##inter ##inia input why ##ortions ##izing recyc simulations locally nearly monaz approxim dynamic ultram focused oxid enriched episodes plutons true cascad scenario fing gy na ni oph ##less ##uous ##hes ##idot ##ocl stat alps shape plank ##forms 40ar components regarding circulation magnetite alternative thought spherules ##going seems mol nar pore portion ##atites ##ened ##orite ##urface concept aspect almost shale ##erature princ moreover mostly center reflection granul fractionation subsurface dune amplitude ##orado outcrop equivalent tuff narrow bacter hund kim od ##eless too ##ury context lakes abrupt enough ##iacar peridot locations sets complete turn ##ometers blocks ediacar demonstrated products else interesting coupled power hundred div wet ##lom ##ense ##stream ##olian ##theless cong styl shap intens province finally localized oldest turbidity buo millenn ##co2 enrichment dimension parameters coarse surrounding dup full wood ##afic ##flow ##olving stages dev coal substr ##iang ##ake ##ands transform distinguish hydrate frame tecton grained ##anisms ##iques belie rifting release african possibly depleted reconstructions 39ar taxa nucle delta trigger versus ultramafic air cambrian dar fit ##for ##ice conne ##osite sust exam colorado ##ologic soft thank parts mineralog 2014 transported secondary opening productivity uncertainties amounts techniques opport tethyan cp gu hom miss side ##pan ##oph ##onding ##rox ##elet ##ouse ##imes reactions ##lain ##tered allu internal uniform accord providing indicated mob hypothes questions success dependent eux draw restric exhibit diagen independent elsewhere lamin mer pul ##ture ##bt isol forest forces forcing suite project alt faun compr ##edimentary recover prism inclusion erosional occurring pollen decreases types 150 1000 burrow degassing petrolog shortening trends extensional successions front ##hyd debate electron unconform catch monazite 90 camp fabric ##eous ##tical ##iest ##nary ##rient conv proterozoic alread whole ##phys ##omin composed laur plant plants percent head decomp infill primarily images numerous population populations subducted agreement geochronology porphyrob discussed introduction seasonal minimum statist already porphyrobla 45 pco2 ##onia stra ##ended upward centers silt controls plumes program quantify salinity width ##ovic geophys phosphate fragments sensitive historical outer ever hum mt pur sink ##bo ##erve ##aser ##igen ##iforn resist unique paleogene upon driving californ calculations gradu ##ometric ridges factor ordovic sheets describe lava extrem h2o cloud ordovician cases mw snow ##man ##arian foreland sty onto ##aternary incomp surve quaternary slight ranges dispers points emphas petm coeval segment axis ##radation tephra gyps princip extremely dip mor ore ##pm ##iant ##oo ##ob ##uk ##80 theor ##uring strom stability ##otic ann evapor fluctu paleoproterozoic becom similarly ##ropri geochem ago latter predomin growing quantit denud anomaly diamonds goeth establish passive skelet laurent 000 eject rod sel siber ##lation ##gs ##86 chert mode subl ##ologies wash pert signal others included grade reflects mountains analytical radiogenic relev thermochron earliest gradients landscape xenoliths planet exception movement persist conglom duplex california ##ropriate cru dome diversity my national zon ##ler ##bles ##ze ##70 ##atible deformed alg who ##omagn nev modeled ##ikes ranging equator stresses spectrom reefs discharges assuming covered summary convergent closely ##print alkaline paleosols ach bub cut juan lun ppm vent ##pir ##cl theory ##atically ##iter andean read ##ett ##etric ##ilation begin anis mapped ##omic formations able sampled moho precambrian organisms eruptive poly correlate ##ierra serpentine depletion integrated roughness breccia ophi millennial dimensional connection denudation 26 blu cata din dest fels gab hard rar ##ax ##aw ##sen ##ious ##ms ##inic ##elag ##osaur ##ifically shield plot geodynamic ##ostatic mars scar surv clin changing figures ##ung underpl spring metal meters ##oseismic ##lands meltwater redox domain pressures existing offshore descrip means warmer soils argued argument subsidence ##ostratigraphy lightning freshwater ##rystall polarity substantial review karoo nutrient heterogeneous cordillera intermediate shaped opportunity 600 cu dram eolian opt rig sized ##side ##ex ##ection ##cence ##house ##atus reb ##ula excess alone georg regime partially phen ##ography specifically laterally background collisional boulders corresponds corresponding himalaya alteration hemis necessary accurate watersheds alluvial annual goethite nevada dou good ic medi pure ##king ##ans ##struct ##ash dem ##ote always ##rum ##rugin unk india eng surpr volat paleot amb includes remark mudstone absent influenced volumes leads quartzite synth ferrugin supercontinent frontal acidification ##abilities nevertheless according euxinic restricted geophysical style lunar georgia eas gast giant hills kre ow oae ripp tre vis ##ai ##cal ##cil ##nown ##den ##va ##ering ##anz ##rec ##ele toc ##imeter ##verse hand tex arid ##erating left originally massive silicic decreased containing retreat grass separated knowledge proximal ##roxene rodinia felsic unknown elastic ju pc rhy spe ##app ##ying ##tely ##tions thous ##ital ##itch ##ctive ##urn ##etra ##ocryst ascent ##ifer interaction incons geomorph united university ##rete carr cald mete valid heating microp completely ##berg apatites mechan decreasing 2013 defin floods westward fluxes simply delamination half reconstruction reworking contemporaneous assumption predominant ##omagnetic equatorial achie bra count dam m2 roll tend tetra μm ##ec ##wide ##90 tom ##ithospheric sup ##otrop cohes began seas shor ##amb accomp showing fluor appropriate ##unities height bedding magnetic massif velu currently 2000 2012 define monit degree ##oked spectra crystalline ##ediately ultra load circum consequence bodies ##omorphs foraminifera immediately lago contribute platform favor robust kilometers asthenosphere framework darl slightly ejecta cf drop dikes eel sierra tar wt ##log ##sk ##10 ##ball thresh ##inous retal conn ##adial unf terra variety ##ustr uppermost majority latest localities impacts controlling correlated identification config faro continued trending explos emerg technique frictional fragment angle removal evaluate anoxic excursion called gypsum stromat anisotrop threshold retallack bay crack dz et fu five ichn lan sin trough ##ays ##orth ##osm ##phere fast interse recurr artic canada accel adve distributed biological sampling mixt ##berl shales ##brate granit accreted representative ##fficients supporting deglac spectrum coefficients reveals correspond cluster foot metasedimentary exposure finger ediacaran sustained snowball sublithospheric gabb bon oh pods rim ##iu ##na ##rous asc exact makes collap subt former scient scour extru obvious continents partition marginal effective downstream waves distributions monso generate buried solub insights coefficient peaks appearance viscous ##carbon shifts aggregation ecosystems application challen biomark hydrologic rheology responsible conductivity gravity counter plankt hundreds becomes dinosaur kreep inconsist collapse 1a az cosm eros year ##ensions ##imately suture white ##abit ##udget recrystall subglacial highest disag ##igned distal northward sett gravel ##licity specim hydrocarbon downward display attemp floor useful barri causes hosted hotsp reached phosphor youngest palyn feedback inherited approximately isolated unconformity principal relevant paleotemp ferruginous 27 bend dac fil give mel s2 uh δd ##lined ##tian ##ii ##onoun ##ese ##ena ##otrophic ##ulating ##ches ##chron ##ush ##ranean subject arr regimes assert obl pronoun acqu preclu precise precision itself final microf esk represented spectral allows ironstone emission take distinctive intrusions european challeng calibration eye highlight cascadia mineralogy porphyroblasts survey theoret geochemistry pronounced 32 ack budget ##zard ##ators ##arbon ##ings ##asion ##igm ##agi ##aged ##therm faster ##opy usually spot dr2 km2 moist ##ishan consists ##neiss involved granitic concluded biotic instabilities backarc millions consequently apparently spherule revealed foraminiferal tracks tethys varying reworked curve diverse incorporated nitrogen certainly discovery maintain glaciers kimberl odp nucleation quantitative gastrop predominantly anisotropy recurrence deglaciation monsoon acknow 72 band ion ky rand vast ##yond ##iences ##oarch ##mens ##wall ##fall ##be ##bia ##ks ##ats ##ero ##ington ##urated isostatic ##igu susp beyond ##ruction chile having evolved neogene geod scat impro slop eroded fractions remained thicker reflections considering reducing complexes ##anging exists primitive allowing criter dense episodic southeastern communities imaging ##rograph duct findings accepted kinematics affinity substrate cpoc catchment fluctuations perturb rigid thousands accompan uhp ba bore dil her habit iber lines laser sizes tt ##aean ##mo ##vis ##jo thir ##inary ##eda andreas ##rot tob ##olation contamination compression compounds interglacial systematic southwestern estu decay arcs significance orders elevations reflecting availability lesser verte spatially assume released investigate sharp chronology six dunes altered error necessarily cement decades mediter ##igenic siberian washington dramatic medium caldera rollback erosive settling phosphorus mediterranean 1b 33 3he cited dike eff fuc hanging m3 yak yang ##tang ##bs ##ara ##imbr reverse force ##ateg once maast making weight hazard compet ##adian suba relation reliable abi lowest drift became indicative ##ressed pole compare erupted polym contrad greenhouse emplaced 120 ##ava excell eclog depends million canyons ultimately look dryas worldwide community ignimbr orientation idea ##roscopy essential landslides tectonically believe spectrometry beginning ##elagic springs description hemisphere speed carried article ductile fuca maastrich 2a 28 4he 77 bone dia efficient gneiss lies qiang ##ymm ##cies ##rical ##2o ##60 ##environ ##ania ##rodu ##let ##urally ##isk ##olute ##uss interactions sedimentological presum expression ability caref partly detach ##rosaur lithology slabs trapped root microstruct hydrous ##ometer initially perman representing 2011 scaling instru emplo marks insight extending deliver mesoproterozoic 14c regardless fractures horizons investigated dimensions pathways bathym amphibolite essentially molecular recycling peridotite examine every polygon mechanical maastrichtian qiangtang ber c4 coseismic ild none ped tor wal ##ug ##hr ##bert ##ald ##icular ##elves ##urs ##rade ##odal ##ables evident residence neither plagi unus indent changed temperate overr undergo paleomagnetic occup ##ressive decline construct outside discre equation involving determining wavel barite 250 ##regular conduit weakening separate northeastern subsequently started reactivation extrap parameter textures irregular ##oclase devonian rarely underplating surprising inconsistent theoretical moisture random ##oarchean excellent 95 dust fr gou gib graph hi mart nan sst slu ton ##come ##rating ##down ##min ##vas ##bard ##itt ##iting ##itute offer toarc ##olves ##ets conod sus ##utat orb resem resolve scot intense tempor corals ##una suggestion detect come cave sliding proportions discrete clastic occurrences nearby termin places ##rients localization existed papers multi marker literature allowed yields details thinning problems assessment responses ##roscopic oxidation statistically ##board gradual laurentia conglomerate ambient visible fluoride monitoring ##ustrine footwall solubility hotspot yakutat plagioclase toarcian 800 92 bond eur lie lgm mpa nod oper pil portions right ##yant ##sc ##sch ##cill ##inite ##ora ##oration ##ories ##rovers took tots rece repe stated ##otime ##chunda sem controvers happ moderate pervas reprodu added ##itudinal bedform sourced ##acity remn producing desert smo involve probability cycling granites sulfides identical absolute abundances paleoenviron petrograph american ##areous image yielded simpl investigation consequences xenotime broadly exhumed entirely oscill porphyry segments aggregates serpentinized progressively oriented spanning stylolites buoyant phenom iceland texas meteor stromatolites granitoids challenge kyr third toba overriding discrepan hiatus totschunda 87 cum ecc gap je mention put sant vs vapor ##late ##lines ##pine ##ries ##dal ##erina ##inces ##ali ##alg ##olc stor asper cob ##tering sect ##ocked ##ips performed intr surge prevail ##ensation qual quite provinces genetic calcareous fold folding archaean layered hyper 2008 supports radiation public orogeny diffus extends denali flooding created solutions columbia intrabed filled errors substantially penins removed progressive window building landslide craters bacteria ophiolites configuration azores vertebrate employ polygonal av bran fund kg mv pt ut util vit zh ##io ##o2 ##rary ##20 ##27 ##der ##eline ##ima ##osing ##ocarbon dext ##agm ##agh prol alpine ##estim ##itect ##ibility evid complic interst modified incised preserve comments amalg ##ynth genesis actual hydration precurs stronger cyclicity architect attribut ##azo progression radiocarbon increasingly motions arguments unlike reaching intrusion geothermal pathway xenocryst opposite networks confirmed nutrients reservoirs gravit seismogenic granulite bacterial triggered homogen incompatible pcds definition planktonic cosmogenic gouge smooth peninsula dextral amalgam 31 86 bru dub dark emb fla fass fix nb pange s1 s3 zr ##ao ##yt ##cap ##iate ##dy ##bur ##any ##anced ##asp ##lear ##imp ##imodal ##osynth ##ray ##ilit devi ##ulates examination maps seam shad colon face modes ##ologically apply replacement paleoc bio actually ##ochland longmens afar glacier differentiation parent experi globally fields hydrogen dominate escape 2015 attention degradation unclear facilit yielding conducted oxides separation referred creep permeable goochland histories contributions illustrated kinematic reasonable preferentially pseudomorphs granulites outcrops divided buoyan diagenetic decompression volatile ichnof acceler disagree paleotemperature eskers challenging slopes criteria ttgs abiotic diapir gravitational fassett longmenshan 65 brack gor gpa orog pang risk sich til upt vir ##avi ##sely ##tze ##oke ##ned ##ren ##wed ##30 ##jal ##aly ##itivity ##rees tool ##ths ##occ coher anim answ atoll ##isting lac interfaces ##aken discontin prem assim transg ammon elemental ##pective northwestern heavi moving ##acies compositional century eastward originated domains clayst sandstones directions considerably limest correlations initiated bioturb contraction 2010 depending causing pyroc tests protolith capable diamond australian closure doler intrapl trun sensitivity imaged dominantly ##continental batholith runoff ft2014 anoxia amazon highlights aspects mobile successful explosive recrystallization barrier ##opyroxene boreh iberia effort yangtze detachment wavelength pervasive storage buoyancy orogens sichuan intraplate 36 croc dat gives ho hill mil mich mounds pg sides treat ven varn winter yb ##eal ##vent ##ery ##ered ##erial ##ino ##inent inner ##sters ##olid ##olitic ongoing ##uted shore residual intern plane art preced leav overlap ##ensus similarity 106 traces volcanics calculate grand thickening isotopically limits antic thrusting transitional ##aea ecological measurement 130 return weaker saturated groups ferric oxide alternatively paths plutonic geochronological clusters photosynth shells introdu exclude ideal vanill calibrated rainfall propagation veins recycled diagenesis recovery purp algae bubbles rebound ripples target connected specimens dacite microfossil gastropods geodetic conodont lacustrine varnish 85 don elu fran gover ham ub vig wider ##yal ##selves ##cial ##ti ##ua ##zing ##eran ##stood touch ##ctively ##racted stret sud ##ching che ##aman arsen unre unst ##ops implying peru ##iking carry terrain diagn metazo geologists heights ##ropic correction foliation domes plain plaus foundation follows mgo 153 postulated postglacial assembly synchron episode intrusive marshes garnets diffuse convective inversion coincident rainfor asthenospheric stylolite convention resistivity dispersal zoning easily own ##iferous geomorphic biomarkers xenocrystic experienced uptake coherent ubiqu rainforest 55 gel ooz pu rout russ sider sills tail wol ##ses ##cer ##1b ##hf ##98 thole ##leigh ##cts ##oles reas conj ##raction ##ivoc sum asymm ##ulative beach exch chl contained canary sciences understood paleocl distances concret flowing mineralization ##acy comparing manif equal parad patag importantly poles muddy pegm instance demonstrates ##issipp recognition closer planes liquids starting obtain textural debated hematite inverse prominent played metasom predictions concerns concerning megasp assumptions council molecules mississipp hypothesized recovered petrological siliciclastic juven microplate gabbro bonin scours accompanied ignimbrite indenter jeerina pangaea crocid jeerinah 21 29 bo dab dav fam fish kh kir ms men song tp vat vic word wench µm ##ey ##cell ##ty ##wan ##ker ##ken ##34 ##itz ##ices ##asma ##iguous ##ille suites deform extern contrary hawa compelling ##erson unp ##ostic ##astic scan ##endon underlain adak adap caution carbonaceous variables biosphere biostratigraphic ##acing produces directed reduce flats detritus radar confined barbert crystallized breakoff approaches hotter reaches diameter greatly pluton ##odynamics h2s extraction themselves glasses fallout ##hoe penet serpentinite stratification decadal nitrate ##ohn macro excursions cells intensity examined pulses skeletal catast achieved careful ilds graphite 87sr prolong architecture 86sr pangea shadow diagnostic tholei reasons megasplay crocidolite dabie vattern vicinity wenchuan barberton 63 bank feld har hart jo mc mus o2 sg serv varies ##aus ##mann ##well ##jection ##iny ##inate ##itted ##urian ##thal ##imeters isochron cond ##idate forward stack stadial ##laps ##mentary ##uminous intert next array strateg striking perp closed leaf overprint continue apprec thereby spin upd dr3 plateaus varied metals generating ##ished grab ##ritic mangan plastic invoked shallower displace 2009 eventually mudstones instability meaning petrogen ##ogeneous hadrosaur needs satell tested averaged grant thermodynamic ##ylv accumulated frequent drilled members intruded create dragon adjust issues tropics sufficiently δ13corg andesites diatoms serpentinization accurately albit stratified biomass accommodation cordilleran vein aqueous believed missing laminated emphasize morb readily clinopyroxene synthetic tetrap lagoon sinu advection fingerprint scientific extrusion kimberlites suspended scotia euras repeated discrepancy seamount assimilation pyroclastic venus 15386 ubiquit exchange manifest juvenile manganese 48 bival bimodal fal fert gar lu nava oa sill sval ssts tub yuk ##lia ##ave ##ca ##crit ##ih ##iop ##rid ##11 ##high ##ban ##bach ##kins ##onomic ##env ##orpt ##ica inn ##asley ##issions ##olar ##throp ##etian ##osh ##oses ##ocline dehyd beasley ##utes seal seep compaction reset relax expressed ##aking enter disapp caraw cris minimal detected volcan isotropic otherwise 105 origins newly equally sandy sands numbers constraint ways postd instant precipitate paleoge transitions ##ifying farther grenv proto chemically capt distinction entrain olivines broader climates british analogs groundwater coupling promot advance diagram amphibole diverg clouds hydrological steps accommodated contemporary peridotites burrows straight evaporation select selected exceptional bubble damage cohesive acknowledge contradic unusual slump orbital petrographic mentioned mvs evidenced borehole plausible sgp satellite navajo svalbard ##critical carawine 42 900 aut bol bif cult cast came eure gro gla mr nam ps pan pack sn tap ur ##spar ##pret ##cers ##rar ##uable ##ufficient ##8u ##6pb ##erc ##esite ##enite ##inum ##inian ##itable inhib ##ela ##ella ##osities stations ##ilization asia beam proceed whose composite compilation ##ortun presents una unequ ##asta indus indire prevent clift ##acted ##endicular ##ribed underw translation spar spine ##ronom drive observe km3 indicators lithologies moon 206pb traps ##ropical constitu calcification smith silurian considerable lattic complexity argues statement ##ankai influences demonstrating insufficient retre coex elong emissions affecting investigations brine sio2 astronom aggregate texture electrical remaining claims 238u promote coincides paleosol accommodate ##interpret fingers substrates distinguished homogeneous hypotheses fabrics convin human doubt remarkable trem cohesion unfortun terrace assertion acquired preclude perturbations presumably permanent paleoenvironmental sector quality employed amalgamation ##capes dolerite concretions prolonged feldspar perpendicular displacements crisis indirect 51 ale bow bones cess dic eth gain gases ii iran jiu kok list rising sd son tanz wr wel zero zeal δ34 εhf ##lie ##yishan ##sively ##grow ##ky ##orne ##ellow ree revers ##ospir forec ##ivated beh ##utian anthrop search shasta ##lus chond compatible uns ##opl implied perimeter ##order clar classic corall assign object ##ende paleont terti spacing conserv consensus ##urrent meter systematics ##pected hydrated construction gray folded clays effectively consideration stratigraphically derive identif ##ception mont reflectance severe contrasts spectroscopy ampull conversely links ecology researchers quantities retrog protracted capacity anomalous summar extensively physics index recognize ##umption problematic ruptures cratonic switch methodology ##orescence amplitudes albor exhibits illustrate streams rheological ft2015 amazonian flanks successive pulse forests comprises campanian tomography loading mixtures oblique banded subaerial delivered nodules bioturbation siderite external scanning catastrophic graben yukon dehydration disappear eurelia aleutian jiuyishan zealand forecast tertiary ampullospir 38 99 aim eust ganz hma living liu oreg penn self ture tribut viable δ98 ##ls ##ais ##sz ##ximate ##rates ##gian ##da ##mic ##ming ##hance ##ffer ##found ##89 ##jok think ##erly ##encies ##itly ##lete ##imeda stal ##lajok onshore ##ifact ##lun ##istan compensation resid modification incre plots highstand ablation enhance clock regular regression ##ending crin paleol spele southward biogenic geologically grew heav 204 settle remove calcium desead thickened charco newfound characterize termed apart probe latitudinal landward cooled downgoing peat precipitated approximate bars backflow petro 116 solely edges reconc gaw inside radiometric tahoe affects ##cov regarded physi fracturing worth shared brines halimeda ##afjal reacted segreg andesite revolution palae coars nucl platinum feeding exceeds exposures amazonia proximity oxidized ediacara woody deltaic humid optim engine remarkably lanfs microstructures bathymetric extrapol ##olcanic intrigu complicated interstadial precursor claystones touching songpan muscov sinuosity eurasia ubiquitous ##orption unequivoc underwent unfortunately cessation welcome δ34s oregon turee ##lajokull heavy deseado newfoundland ##afjallajokull bt done dna fed fission gang john lis mit moss naz nwa og oib pamp pfs somet tit vi yellow ##lated ##sal ##sylv ##pid ##ias ##oand ##ria ##bl ##ki ##jafjallajokull ##onal ##eren ##edral ##aluminous ##ste ##isely ##etically ##iger sun coating proced ones ##odon orth cham basic unb unamb ##ipated ##ipelagic ##aster ##andao enigm peraluminous extract carib ##ards fluorescence cry replaced underestim simult occasion presently ##ynodon actively moment volcaniclastic reman somewh ##rupted consisting ##shock parana terminal workers explains 118 rifted voluminous weathered insolation sync quantified concentrated 180 rule landscapes floodp positions brief halite porous starts extracted immediate fans hemipelagic duke perspective proportional pair schem conductive discovered wilson eyjafjallajokull turnover mineralogical guandao merc fauna faunal faunas gradually ##ariance purely oae2 tomographic supra shorter shoreline terraces emergence subtidal hydrocarbons attempt feedbacks dilution habitats walvis 95mo pillow remnants vitr attribute fixed ichnofabric ##occolith answer metazoan synchronous conventional menisc hartley intertidal updip tetrapod grenville sparse lattice dicynodon coralline ganzi pennsylv stalagm reconcile intriguing muscovite somewhat 1c 34 74 ae ai ben bir days hier jack kel lill mess nu pau pie pix rh sense tal vp wang ##lig ##ev ##ek ##cut ##tar ##iab ##iency ##oidal ##rence ##rint ##ui ##14 ##field ##fish ##44 ##ona ##inding ##inities ##rect ##roy ##ented ##uries ##isions ##isons ##oux ##etics ##raul ##ivities stim maule chr contamin contributed ##ading interact sedimentology subtle unex ##ologists ##iput relate export explic abr imprint ##ghan intact lee leach coring corrid caroux overlo overlain unders transe consumption upstream systematically fehr indication indicator slices ##raltar hydraul deeply centuries comparisons park placed plains riverbed apenn involves reduces metamorphosed uplifted biota 197 barren degrees inference densities explaining petit contrasting 110 aug shearing prediction predicts thicknesses continuing strengthening periodic pyroxene explore accessories covering authigenic popa superimp neglig creating magnetization greatest lengths geochronologic tsunamigenic secular immisc ##robe classical imagery analogous analogue encl contributing advanced deltas reports identifying lawrence reconstructed exceeding build maintained conceptual interestingly drawdown catchments statistical strait crucial algal blue survive owing interseismic mixture clustering tracksite compressional gibraltar controversial happened asperities discontinuous limestone efforts artifact franc cheela paleoclimate mississippi selective convincing eustatic 204pb charcoal gawler mercury lilliput negligible 02 05 3b 700 avir bl dism dros dfs eight effic eais eoand fro gently ionia jose los lip liber mist mck mald pra pelagic rio squ swe tree ves win wad ##aced ##ipher ##ipped ##rically ##uit ##uart ##mer ##hling ##fl ##onge ##onous ##encing ##aling ##itarian ##inge ##ingo ##leys ##lets ##urse ##thier ##igan ##raded sto suitable ##otroph coda course ##lapping exs ##che ##ched ##romeda anorth ##rest shung shocked contend ##ember evolve resour notably intercal modal gehling arise ##ipl meishan ##arte expon ##aki imposs preval uses ##erately maya ##ensis ##ozone carboniferous amorph metab bias valuable decipher ##rought lowermost ##ochemical moved novel bedforms structurally tradition constitute precisely microscopic ##rown corrected reflected parrot experience roadian speculate finer locality granger flatt permit 1500 ##efaction ##mbing monot plumbing herein papal ##aneously ##anks ##linear dissoci discussions ##olithic lacking documentation conduits delay protoc capture 140 fails ferrous accumulations accumulate extinctions unless frequently thinner circular diamict dimin planar intrac helens truly axial glassy ##fsdal incorrect angel duarte accuracy alkalinity applications inherit huge contacts preferential glaciations uniformitarian mobility drawn porphyroblast quantifying incomplete skeletons ##clas volatiles microprobe country ultrahigh cracks rims improved instrumental berthier constructed temporally involvement phenomena cobble bioge parental ##olidated leaving vigor stretching sudden terrains pegmatite tholeiitic relaxation ethiop tanzania anthropogenic clockwise mitig nazca vitrinite abrasion aviris droser eoandromeda josefsdal mistaken parrotfish berthierine bands cid cath da dah fib hp kun luc md mas natic pum puna rul rub sle variance xr μb ##lm ##acc ##ybers ##sis ##pic ##pyt ##com ##city ##iag ##ius ##nes ##rat ##rim ##ga ##graph ##ware ##ford ##bar ##bean ##zil ##zcar ##ja ##atys ##eras ##erates ##esh ##anal inboard ##stra ##static ##urg ##thing ##oustic conce ##osal stored stabil ##illus copper shaking chines fair italy geomet arran ##allon enorm entr sclm imposed preces regolith overp overt assist fluorite ##athrust reply paleose phyl adequ sponge consum comes ##othem dr4 concav interpreting slivers decoup lowering ##rald acoustic bedded 101 trap travel ##acillus wells pool calculation ##ycnal miy discrim develops masses roots infrar probable dominance ##ficial offers pointed respond precipitates turbul normalized profound 1200 holes vertically farallon linking nonlinear litt dependence diffraction buffer exploration radio deline coverage oxic takes taking ##continents migrating morphological halo ##agnet slower ##ofacies kinetics tracking northwestward 230 ##model steepness movements encomp orientations exclusively evaluation applicable scenarios illustrates reconstructing raise raised huybers megathrust median ##equilib seismically plankton molar powerful coales triggering fitzcar sustain laminae altitude comprising ##hydrite percentage decompacted infilling siltstone dispersed dips conglomerates plotted ripple subtropical scientists acknowled 7227 773 martian reproduce meteoric zheng brackish vanillin khatys spinel albitite captured ##oplank speleothem petrole sometimes enigmatic caribbean pennsylvanian paucity explicitly corridor superimposed efficiency shungite dissociation kunlun chinese precession infrared fitzcarrald 72275 khatyspyt 2b 3a 52 ak aer bit big bab bak cand dagh fles fri gd gut gaps hil hood ko kind mu mal mendon nann ok oil pick pond pump pict rha raf rises sy ten tiger wra ##loc ##grou ##df ##wood ##best ##bury ##kow ##enz ##enon ##alps ##ita ##icc ##ional inland inacc ##elastic ##thonous ##ivals ##iling ##oty asbest exert ##chist maz seven ##oma chrom ##erext ##abase ##queous ##ighb tear resolved ##ade depart neoarchean neighb relates disequilib ##ght ##ounded assigned continues ##unctions paleoseismic transm transformation detection signals dries supposed lithological ##ochthonous similarities constit remelt micron flash organ originating outboard consistently manner aged infil inflow termination speculative ##rihydrite cycl hydrograph silicified layering hyperext cooler correlates dominates esp months institute radial empir influx ##insky ##olds caps taph questioned failed 170 ferrihydrite rotated creates geotherm riversleigh ##organ fills filling ##aford porphyries situated reactive reactivated 160 solidus erratics expanded encoun excluded explanations roughly streamlined correctly decade lawton incorporate realm spans pseudo mollu comprise petrology siberia ophiolite scarp rhyth rhyolitic achieve superv connect fragmentation exactly biomarker arrivals scattered improve subaqueous eclogite bathymetry ##ugate undergoes surprisingly fraser suscept semi oscillations phenomenon santiag hyperp publication utah gorges animals trunc international photosynthesis purpose microfossils wolkow conjugate words hawaii strategy bivalves instantaneous astronomical behind retrograde crinoids pampean hydraulic maldives inheritance sleaford enormous littoral petroleum picture rhaetian wolkowinsky 37 44 750 apt aike bom brown ded ech econ fc giving hud hurr hour hanks kope lost mim mbt nm nankai om pull ring raman sa sound tat tip tell tide tight tagh vul voids ##lan ##po ##ij ##rites ##12 ##15 ##mass ##vian ##bi ##bian ##bted ##zz ##kary ##atives ##ineral ##ede inad inception ##arid ##reh ##reced ##rove ##eled tol ##lev ##olle ##thrust isua ##ida ##idae ##rand stem ##aging ase ##ulsion examin exemp ##ifies areal animal ##seismic ati ##ressions ##abad color ##ibe haw comput compreh resolving lap ##used interbed moderately plasma geometric arm highlands relict mare ens enz enab canadian durations lowe preex ##ordinate ##ikson leak corrob applying ##ensive undert spaced diox ups resultant disturb regionally flowed biostratigraphy ##iley mineralized bounded 10be designed mica microsc microscopy smb outflow outlet ##ographically ##iquity strongest derivation hydrostatic ##standing siliceous landforms sulfid initi constraining ashk displaced determination 2003 additionally serve peb confidence conflic 196 ##iscan sheared ##jected prograde ##inson continuously retro testing chemocline 175 glikson erlen separates supercritical supercontinents drained draining viscosities positioning bring substit ##organic chronostratigraphy inductively axes ##dese kinetic geosc karst cements transferred metasediment advances favored independently kilometer intermitt 1990 affinities ##sworth odds fulleren cpom ##ophyl sinking quantitatively thermochronology bluff scarps survived underplated phenocryst double demagnet england aridity tetraether gravels estuary nonetheless extrapolation 926 ##sche receiver santa homogenization acceleration transgressive treatment paradigm patagonia deforming unpreced joint hadrosaurids divergence bifs groo paleontological paleolat gangdese pfss syncline meniscate messinian overlooked apennines impossible amorphous pumice overpress flesch ##group driessche economic hudson hurric kopeh corrobor erlenbach fullerenes unprecedented 2c 62 bor bla bern bund brought cy ct c3 cis dc food gal gau germ hir held hcl iv junction ker kief lips noth nalps port pun push q50 q90 rb rip tong vect war zha ##lining ##aff ##xul ##part ##eformed ##crip ##tually ##iet ##ipping ##oxygen ##uq ##dp ##hedral ##wis ##bell ##kho ##91 ##esian ##aline ##itant ##icxul ##ani injection ##ingwe toe ##leod ##isf ##outh ##cean ##etav conduction ##owe ##rapa forced forster stok supr sukho ##otes cost coesite bea ##chetav byerly ##utla atac align mam maur shiny ##iring ##mentally ##omitant chi chort chief chicxul ##ams ##ultimate compil ##umite notion collection highs ab1b ##assed ##anics ##illed ##iao impart ##weep ##eller ##active ##ikie leave lewis carrapa ##yssal overcome overlie obst ##ends ##ectonic undeformed undergoing sporad quench interplay concomitant ##ructive whereby meta ##ricorn ##achian supplied heart proposal 207 constriction centimeter refers flor flare charge corrections clast equations topic measures measuring estimating considerations archives belong belingwe silicification experimentally mechanics correlative initiate predators disper displa wax peop month attain 1980 paleotherm 125 edific thrusts multibe conversion marking markers secondly 2500 breakdown saline grid capricorn elim emer 18o thermally fractional consequent accounted depositing equilibration equilibrated osl passage situation foraminifer claimed classes classification penultimate inverte coincide bathyal photic integrate laws heterogeneities robert raises exceeded ##ohumite macleod propagated aquatic matches 220 kimban exhibiting merely altyn campbell seasonality ##igenous resistant ##obar exceptionally persisted persistent spectrometer cataclas destruction clinohumite reviewed hillslope meteorite etc etende ##aysia ascribed partitioned counterpart dinosaurs specimen highlighted budgets kimberlite perturbation hazards contradict gneisses rooted torres operation remnant eccent prevailing avo funded dubius virtually animikie heavily milana eluc elusive govern arsenate unstable unstead oozes puzz russian chlor metasomatism gabbroic famil kirwan adapted ##lapsed taper unaweep coexisting bowen kokchetav nuclide unequivocal johnson mosses chamber remanence stalagmite hierro august metabol flattening papalutla cathaysia ruled entrants concavity turbulent mazama remelting aptian tatlow exempl comprehensive enzym preexisting dioxide hurricane kieffer nothing punctu zhao sukhoi atacama chortis chicxulub multibeam etendeka 07 589 8d 88 94 binding cs cam cort cations crop cbt categ dig eoarchean fp fate fue gs gross hinter io jag jud ku kru kbar lt lyc mos mut nom oly oah pin pit pic pel pace rely rene sab sorted yd ##aer ##ya ##pian ##othermal ##rm ##uut ##horiz ##b1 ##zen ##zel ##8der ##8model ##kos ##att ##ican ##annel ing inform inval ##aru anderson ##rost ##elines ##asm tools ##oli ##th8der isa rein reorgan foresh ##ils sulu dece deoxygen ##ulus cop ont ##cher byp alle shears ##gement ##ogram chain contour hade computed ##uscrip subordinate ##ersley ##ersuart geographic marin marble aband abyssal disloc scarc surficial prepar ##wegian soon corner corona ##ensed ##epth8der paleor adiab spite quick basinal age8model obsc ##ricity noise traced erode redist producers design charged folds outlined silva manuscrip developing studying ##ived8 majoritic plays methan stressed finite hydroxy aftershock 2002 2005 ##locking defining glaciale generations normally absorption inferences denser multip epic differs syns operating naturally anomalously ##tinent negle rotate rotating ancest technology aggradation ##ovsk accounts analyzing goal slowly passively swed swarm baltic limiting limitations positively difficulty caspian upwellings pali supplementary expanding offsets karel fo2 ignore photo exclusion evaluated ##annina contributes taxon seasonally amphibolites aragonitic hydrology surrounded incorporation heterogeneity raw wildf 3000 macroscopic propagating matched naica ##forward merid surveys laurentian planetary synthes easy trees grasslands lagoons favorable recrystallized barriers palynological bendick subjected arrival obliquity scatter poleward polymud presumed permanently pedogenic torowe occupied randomly nanop resembles controversy hiatuses diffusive diffusivity ptb utility flawed atolls premise heavier datum internally preceded preceding hamersley ooze routing tails petrogenesis innersuart paleogeographic straightforward retreating listed conservative tributaries settlement coarser leaching angeles conceiv geometries assistance paleoseism 230th huybers8 acknowledged wrae asbestos neighboring taphonomic hyperpycnal inadequ aseismic hawk ##ophyll mammal 8depth8der digital hinterland ioannina lycops olymp oahu deoxygenation hadean abandon manuscript toroweap innersuartuut 8depth8derived8 06 3d 46 450 57 73 84 950 aid ala bill bick coccolith ect fi fits fires flex het hall hoff i4 iii kot l2 lyst lens lying locked molds ooids pam pah pingo ron s4 tun var zn εnd ##lø ##lip ##solidated ##eb ##cu ##cceed ##nite ##rison ##gu ##gess ##ders ##map ##menite ##win ##worth ##f2 ##vu ##vin ##vation ##vvu ##kland ##93 threat ##atm ##atra ##ontal ##esco ##iness ##inations ##alth ##alative ##alachian ##itania ##orre ##anui ##reous ##ston ##ura ##urt ##ola ##ationn ##ouver ##osen fort ##ila succeed deal ##oted ask ##ulu ##ters anat aligned mack shack share shards whart ##iration ##irka ##mented ##istinguish chap choic ##ighter ##iberg teeth lau presc arb uniqu ##aining ##ormationn expulsion maria indistinguish enable envis strict leuc overestim overgrow overlapping larter applies appalachian ##eposition prong transformed adds distribut differing metric fe2 trd biases biozone greens valleys oceanographic acts acted acting activities bounding ##mont ##mond lithostratigraphic lithologic twice 1070 trav traject deepwater ##formational ##genetic remote longitudinal desicc refine complementary outg differentiated magnitudes estimation infrequ ##erma special invoke ##ogenesis granular 2007 evolutionary transpression pointing ##oxic genera attach burgess conflu 198 bare atlas ##oking paleob paleoec 129 exhalative excav solar reconcil dissipated gave converted critically ##wax lacks radiol retained satisf wedges ##co3 1700 keep frequencies ##fta shifted restoration mis6 misinterpret ill ilmenite chronostratigraphic opposed balanced oceanside tsunamis ##ofl ##omorphic axel solidification δ13cwax benton skin historic analogy penoke diatomite clues unconsolidated fundamentally albany encour photograph curves evaluating markedly losses favoring irre inherent helpful preferred approximation cascades shapes euxinia altipl prisms petrologic headwater infilled ##obic ##ukcu becoming washed relevance cutting venting catac destabil destroy ##axial dramatically synthesis brazil cfes configur emerging fusion lanf advective ascending palynomorphs bends melosh gastropod estuaries estuarine ##rosaurus berger martin ##ittuq putirka asperity branches funding utilization vitreous brun embed embay paleocurrent facilitated accelerated tilting successfully michigan shoreface introduced vanillic peruvian russia asymmetry chlorite patagonian boninites ##cellular ##itzer adakites condensation condensed petrogenetic adjustment fingerprinting fertile postdates constituent summarized btf yellowstone coatings nuvvu ##cutting frozen practic square ##otrophs resource dahar fibrous adequately ##oplankton baker ##otype empirical encountered susceptible santiago dedu hours demagnetization mauritania 207pb people eccentricity punctuated fpoc kruger ##horizontal scarcity quickly synsedimentary sweden meridional olympic bickford hetzel hofformationn kotla lystrosaurus pamukcu ##løfta wharton uniquely indistinguishable penokean altiplano 1d 350 43 aster bw ball bull binary cite dan divers duc f0 gate hint hole hinge ions jian jiang kenn k2o li l1 lub mn mound mitch nas nick pears ramp ried say uv uk vents vred vital vrm wit went wast yand zal ##lim ##afloor ##yb ##pes ##pres ##cale ##caster ##tally ##tonic ##iar ##iously ##ioff ##0b ##gone ##greg ##ux ##math ##mber ##mark ##hl ##homa ##wash ##vable ##79 ##jima ##atan ##onch ##edition ##icz inorganic ##elih ##asiew ##leton ##isition ##olia ##ollo ##oubted ish ##ete ##etime ##etrically ##idge ##osp ##osites ##rading story ##ilic ##ilized death asian ##last ##lains ##laux ##lahoma ##ifi ##ifers sho ##oming cha ch4 chasma ##ppe ##ques collo web ##thers compens noting notable ##ichi ##dup nek subcontinental aron arrow unal ##iance formula ##opter mei reli magdal expedition disse disrupted prelim ##ellur chance ##eratures leg undoubted ##aunal prist prone crp critic crusts ##une underp undergone simons simulation simulated simulate adding ad86 splay coming seaward caves caf2 driver drier drives ##aya concord ##ernican generic processing heated heiberg decolle lithic lithostatic hydrates noble trapping constants icehouse something refract flag ##ubduction originate ##ruption ##ossils ##ney tops room fossilized majorite turk firstly apollo patches possess mats matth invari silicates cleav argent southernmost 2006 greenstones ##efort ##ourd ends ##azz paleoflo paleoele paleocean exciting ##inescence orogenesis combine continuum 135 1300 eukary quantification bears explored opin viewed weakly protoliths protistan oxygenation brothers lob appeared separating trenches visco behaviors bulge lasted migrated alternating intraformational spherical convex implication ruptured porites ##organisms lifetime swath switzer induce justified extraord britain errone difficulties arabian classified angles promise coincidence coincided alkalic runs curved biomineral feeder logs ft2013 realistic catal buildup afford propagate aquifer tensile matching rayleigh cascade hypothesize dispersive emphasized emphasizes theories geochemically skeleton thermochronological planets cruise zoned zonation destructive hardground descriptions july rhyolite definitive tendency circumst stromatolite thresholds fuel lancaster troughs intersection granitoid gabbros obviously partitioning disaggreg attempts paleotemperatures melange acquisition esker challenged suspension scattering cemented weighted competing looking ignimbrites carefully microstructural delivery ##minated terminology simplified oscillation cumulates ##olcano hyperarid avoid ##agmatic interstit flaw deviations bracket discontinu premature limestones leaves photosynthetic unreal sumner asymmetric paradox fisher adapt stacked entrained snap constituents tremolite cohesionless wrong identifiable alborz alboran forecasting residue engineering ogoli procedure unblocking unambiguous simultaneously occasional floodplains benioff pieces talc stimulated unexpected transects immiscible enclosed dismiss liberation wadati anorthosites intercalated prevalent diamictites ethiopian ##analys fairly arrangement consumed coalescence candidate oklahoma rafted inaccur infiltr vulner interbedded undertaken microscope sulfidic pebble substitution metasediments overpressure boron cyano sporadic dispersion displays invertebrate copernican ancestral inadequate coccolithoph ronde shackleton confluence radiolarian configurations duclaux jianghan pearson riedel vredefort yandi zalasiew ##elihood magdalena preliminary undoubtedly simonson ad860b paleoflood switzerland ogolien zalasiewicz 00 01 03 53 64 66 650 action bip bacillus cit cou cul cyl ds dick dual drove fm fem functions gent gun g91 hop hub herm hind iz kw kent kom lid lighter mul mull n2 nin nuna oct ojo ppb qin rog sod som ssz tm tung um vak vall wy σ1 ϵnd ##lar ##aid ##awa ##sm ##sim ##pal ##eit ##core ##couver ##iot ##oon ##nw ##rig ##gun ##dynam ##mas ##mian ##fing ##fect ##fold ##borne ##kan ##karu ##97 ##35 ##eris ##erara ##inolite ##orbed ##anes ##aning ##anite injected ##arral ##strom ##ingly ##urbed isost stre station stock strad ##ilia dead ##ateful ##agen ##agittuq asl coop promp onward ##chy anne albed mad sept seym shan shock ##vert ##estration ##omy ##amide collapsed bases faces evolving compressive ##uminescence collectively depression ##usis ##uska modest incl subse ##ersut geomagnetic geographically unable ##ipelag express marques indones industr enables scav ##rustal preh clark ##ifications overto laramide replic underground ads conspic ##erto dr5 dr6 calama fecal triple ##lacing indications slide hein activation actinolite declining likelihood lithofacies moj ##vium tracer associations redou ##under microm centre centimeters refute flora charging ##ritten smect requiring consistency manage ##neusis equable nearshore firm fossilization globe microcontinent microorganisms archive archae archipelag hydrotherm hydrodynam ##lingsworth impacted polished northernmost 2001 statements serious sequestration 20150 reflectors plus confining 190 deglacial uncom facility spectac mounted 112 hollingsworth influencing collisions dissolve progradation multic assembled linkage 13c synneusis strains simplicity radius radiating ultr kaersut grateful protons ultimate broke focuses waveform arguing subsamp physically negatively enrichments references investigating diameters creation enhancing cenom migm brp accounting analyze morphodynamics closing chronological southeastward ##whel assessing ##ollision electric falls ##atories inverted serpentinites freezing hfse albeit confirms ignores ignored taxonomic ideally stratal platforms vancouver paired walls stepwise robinson 1992 1997 helped ##ohaline standards storms 758 na2o principle centered narrower wetter intensified devoid airborne connections isolation projected unconformably decomposition establishment reading blues optical doub icp demerara treated geomorphology validity tends supers challenges films episodicity habitat competition speeds instrument irregularly suspected detectable 929 cumulative eccs putative vsms sectors intrins windows ##ytes deviation disagreement tilt ammonium contractional trunk database michel introduce carrying conjunction hawai macrof serves appreciate falkland casts retreated elongate constructional montag ampullospirids title crypt underestimated pairs scheme pixels christ franciscan ##floral stoichi diminished biogeochemical mitigation xrf phylogen friend ##enzie hyperextended mollusk truncated sleafordian tollo examining ensure disturbance paleolatitude tonga forsterite compiled obstac sabot foreshock redistribution wildfires alamo lenses pingoes chaparral strictly greenschist outgassing cataclastic nuvvuagittuq practice lubric mitchell unaltered pristine decollement refractory matthai cleavage argentina paleoelevation opinion brotherswater lobes interstitial snapsh bipolar cylind qinling tunguska vakkaru valles albedo september seymour industrial archipelago hydrothermally 49 54 59 69 690 71 78 83 bou bot beng bsr bonding border c6 city c00 cear citing dal dow dut dwelling dict gt gis gol hr hur hik hoh hett i2 icc jol jenn java kal kle kra kaz mine math mouth pip pose roc ram rend rah ritz rounded sph sort ske sgm symm tes tides vib vern vac ward york ysr zo zim τl ##aments ##yama ##xag ##pc ##ped ##ea ##ew ##een ##ections ##cn ##iph ##oct ##ober ##nant ##nell ##nick ##nected ##ras ##rification ##rigenous ##gad ##gran ##gers ##uation ##uad ##upt ##hi ##har ##hatt ##war ##wth ##fz ##faya ##vae ##bacter ##bara ##brand ##77 ##32 ##jiang ##jections thc ##atch ##atum ##onym ##ester ##enance ##inn ##inat ##inberg ##itan ##itang ##ndip ##icles ##anan ##arb ##rea ##rew ##asy ##asi ##asing ##asis ##leading ##urang ##urning ##olis ##olly ##olome ##tholome isothermal reapp reinterpret conform ##iders stom stone static sure defic ##otectonic ##otellur aspid coaxial beard ##lasts exerc ##romatic ##utitang anonym ##odior atop seated shr wholly ##pheric ##phistic ##ogran ##ested ##omm ##iston chains chosen ##americ ##ibly weinberg ##therly ##aden ##essel depic modify incip neut nepal subcritical geodynamics arises unch unlo ##ians relies relating reliance explo expert ##allic entering ##ference stront discon disorder tims imped perfect surges ##elli sophistic ##ggen ##gged ##iki learn norwegian carl care overbur overthrust larsen larvae cred students ##bonatus adm adher terrigenous spores considers cape caco3 cawth quar quies basinward basinwide distant amoc variably trinity health declines lowered ##labor moat hydrom noire 104 103 ##roportion compositionally calcitic grazing refined organism glaciated ##ondon outward discern clades magnes magnesite consisted comparatively manih manhatt characterizing verdes agrees δ11b speciation turner smallest finely ##brates microseismic microanalys cyclic ##iveness landform ##ogenous cools granodior dominating ##xtap clemens permits permaf shallowing riding aftermath ashes dispute disproportion mgs channelized ##angian seques ##lockwise defle defect peer generates atten attained burning confused 1944 barker bartholome ##ankov working meano degrad degraded backsc inferring likewise 111 117 1100 hold holoc hollow ##etyeast rifts volumetrically describes describing ecsz combining causal insular syngenetic py5 assumes documenting radiata mesh maxima focal respective 1850 thermohaline fractionated summit srf loads loots gloss kept fractured drake dimming magnetostratigraphic magnetotellur individuals bright brings alternate analyzer morphologies grouped repository1 implicit misleading cratons phosphates chronologies δ13cc liquefaction limitation freshening fourier extracellular assessed δ13cpc acidity requirement immob cash falling submerg analogues angola steeper columnar albian encaps runout phototrophic ceased applicability advant ideas stratotype gondwanan streamflow irres nitinat brecciated huang triggers eyre maintenance addressed aquifers nappe niutitang ophir concepts tuffs divides division ##lomb ##akejima tectonism software alluvium altitudes ##hydrous silty sinks resistance emphasis evaporites persistence cuts 26al hardly rarefaction survival ##rystalline 6000 rigor rebur rebesco mediated ##ashion surprise ambiguous accordingly visual aridification juxtap droplets tarfaya ##sky emerged clustered extruded extrusive precludes ionization ##iguously sloping criterion boreal iberian competent eclogites pederson suspect resemble scotland temporarily eurameric nodule operated pilbara ##scher received icelandic discrepancies prevailed qualit publications homogenous ##burg transgression claystone milankov anticline donors governed vigo arsenic sumatra pegmatites davies penetrating stadials overprinted overprinting meaningful fertility ##banization innov resetting volcanogenic paleogeography promoted divergent bolide glaz urbanization inhibited elongated iranian enhancement physiological extrapolating lisama ##stein procedures orthog unambiguously simultaneous occasionally floodplain pixel mcke vesicular exponent traditional traditionally delayed protoconch vigorous ##gaard stabilization overturning miyakejima buffered akilia gutscher disequilibrium bombard ##biosphere lapill enabled ashkabad intermittent 1990s grooves bundles germany hirnant stoker alignment chiefly counterparts cortex ltd renewed reinfor ontong marineris conceivable pahs desiccation paleobot paleoecological brazilian nickel chaotic paleoceanographic extraordinary unrealistic cyanobacter coulomb komati ninetyeast october umbonatus ##finger prompted subseafloor redoubt hydrodynamic spectacular kaersutite cenomanian migmatites montagne botry c000 ceara downdip hikurang hettangian jenner rocas tesero ysrp ##xagonal ##granular aspidella anonymous incipient unloading strontium sophisticated overburden cawthorn manihiki manhattan granodiorite permafrost bartholomew backscat lootsberg magnetotelluric euramerica milankovitch hirnantian hikurangi 210 41 4b 550 670 98 ape aval aware bog bad bering ci cn cation cres cant cad era fung fashion gh get giv gord grot hh horn hmas ire ionic kl lh lock luminescence mir mcc mbs nic nich oes ost oman pd pene pract qaid ross riley rasm sag tn tem tian tied tdp uf von vide vessel wo wish written xiao yuc σ3 ##lit ##lore ##light ##lase ##lstrom ##slip ##ez ##eche ##cs ##crustal ##clockwise ##tz ##tration ##iations ##iwan ##o4 ##nian ##ris ##rant ##rations ##gie ##uter ##dz ##div ##mock ##hem ##fort ##fact ##vision ##bab ##zone ##41 ##kov ##75 ##js ##jar ##atal ##atable ##erupt ##encl ##inates ##inisc ##injal ##edy ##itization ##orb ##orough ##orensis ##anges inert inapp inelastic ##rey ##ente ##enter ##stension ##staff ##eler ##asc ##asnian ##olin ##olvable ##oul ##imation ##imian ##imatic ism isla ##etal ##etallic cones conven ##igaki ##ocative ##oceras ster stere ##ilities ##iloceras sut deforms ##oto ##otte bev pros ##iff anhydrous alum mah shelves shinn ##ruent ##omod ##istence chace baseline fayal ##emnite notes collections ##ussen interf interv intergrow modulated incident ##onges neo subb suboxic subhorizontal subdiv arising univers unrest meant marl marls envision lowand lowstand disaster timorensis ##apel prey clots ##rained ##load sole extr extant norway carne ##elton overlies overlaps oversim overwhel ##aripp criss crises underlies transtension transl recording spore die quasi provocative signs concurrent metapel ##ieved feo ##rick melted biod biased ##eldon genetically processed proposes ##ericlase ##ochlore bedload 108 109 ##viation trails erod eroding ##ropericlase reminisc ranged po4 allochthonous flas smfs ##ycle complement domal equipped deformational verify particulate road infle speculation mature fieldwork belemnite potassic richard landmass polyc ##ogenian grown constrains esja ridged afterslip dispar 2004 representation mudrock prime attest 195 ##avor 1170 sheeted dissim ##idson ecuad crystallize crystallographic transportation breaks breaking epoch synch quantity buck retains millimeters weakens weakened microbes coastline ell emitted taiwan 1800 questionable thermocline broken timescal lobe glendon ##tonian ferry ferropericlase behave fewer supergroup thinned drainages bulla dragged lasting magnetites frictionally migrate geob1 steel goe resting tsush equilibria pores revealing swiss ##after inducing 1600 foraminifers aggregated altering skull 231 revis revised expansions remob karlstrom playa persists dolomitic logging logged property brecciation liquidus hugh megaripp 1998 reasoning discoveries ought wilkes addresses monazites oxidizing odinite wetland intensely distinguishing nucleate ##ophile unconformities campeche plantek pco2sw segmentation principles establishing laurentide sublimation thermochronometry thermochronometers thermochronologic clinochlore reviewers optically hemispher demise easier gastald ##recipit thousand calderas ##105 fug ichnological accelerating correspondence counterclockwise planktotrophic attempted hotspots bending microfract maintaining accompanying polymetallic eclogitic efficiently ##2o3 instruments occupy occupies frasnian tonankai temporary simplest utilize dubey colonized colonization facilitate diapirs ammonites wavelengths hoorn treatments anticipated ##zinger sudbury conventionally mississippian davidson strategies albitites fingerprints bivalve false tube tubular ##kinson sealed seeps enters entrainment contradiction prevented feldspars indirectly sonar reversal chondrites clarify assignment switching increments incremental segregation segregations interstadials cryogenian supraglacial birth piece rhiz contaminated transect immiscibility mckenzie winston exsolution deciphering intracrat lucas lucente decoupled radioactive bitum nannof constitutes flashover rhythm ##point geosciences phenocrysts blair imparted paleothermometry robertson avoided elucidate chlorophyll exemplified enzymes kuros nomencl reorganization december contourite aftershocks ##ovskite lycopsid succeeding choice overestimated ##epositional trajectories infrequent misinterpreted illite embedded embayment fpocbiosphere diversification kennedy ishigaki flagstaff turkish invariably infiltrated vulnerability muller ##iota indonesia scaveng heinrich smectite management uncommon ultras ##ollisional snapshots c6cn jolla kalinjal rahaman sorting vibra zimbab carlson magnesium δ13ccarb cashman encapsulated irrespective reburial bombardment lapilli botryoidal apex cantwell givetian grotzinger ireland qaidam rasmussen tnco ufimian yucatan inappropriate fayalite carnegie oversimpl reminiscent ecuador timescales geob1105 tsushima plantekløfta gastaldo intracratonic kalinjala zimbabwe 2d 3c 380 58 61 68 76 97 96 aerial aromatic bes bil bell bord bish buch bourd cer cim cass cue census crest dend dau eph ful fang gly got gard gather gained hith ib iap imb iann jan jam jell june kat ken kemp korne lin lift lind lamination llan laden mj mla mort mun misc mcil nct oru oxy ostra pock pelt piston qw rol ros row rut rom rating rust rules roles sen sore tid tres tab tierra uran want wnw wester ##lor ##liable ##yush ##sing ##sps ##plain ##eks ##can ##cel ##cith ##cores ##tage ##oen ##oom ##oides ##oining ##ns ##29 ##gr ##gar ##gant ##gib ##uated ##ucc ##dani ##18 ##hu ##here ##hmann ##wks ##fd ##fers ##vf ##volcanic ##bly ##biv ##bank ##49 ##kin ##ked thal ##atical ##atidal ##aturated ##ontinent ##eres ##enig ##alt ##alla ##ito ##itably ##ndt ##orest ##icate ##aned ##anitic ##ancing inman inlet ##arith ##rel ##repres ##enth ##enthic ##strained ##eling ##asaw toler ##lee ##lejs ##urity ##iser ##isol ##isana ##olum ##imetry isop rey ##ette ##osw ##osited ##rays ##raps forth stru stick stump stagn cov prove projection promont anaer al2o3 sees seed shut sheldon ##rug ##oga ##omes ##ister ##istem ##istral chur chail chisana colom weeks fay ##emeral tewks evolves compound ##izations depop ##inek sedimentologic geotectonic ark unra unres unified unrec unimodal ##opes ##arto indo aber ##ander entered enlar lowto lowlands string ##008 scope scvf impression impinge perform intended ##elled ##ords ##rains figue voltage ##erative leve lethal lecith lehmann corrug carazz overbank ##endix ##veld appendix underne phil phoen transdu transcontinental adams spf spill split sponges upland caut ##ozo dr7 dried drivers observational metav elegant feel tristan biof supplies slick slides heim hexagonal dolejs hydros tracing trachy redd longitude calcic calculating grading allogenic refl thicken ##uburg newtonian output silver discip discount characterization characterizes version verification effectiveness agents roads turonian maturation invoking fines fining finds deriv derives richness poll potentials shallowest determines mg2 peripher ##anged distributional 2016 mainshock deforest westernmost responds respiration ##oura precipitating plum 1970 profiling 127 126 easternmost δ18omod 114 pbl volumetric colliding dynamically ##ego ##parallel epma epistem continuation 132 131 133 136 ##fahl bug simpler radii lineaments retain salts mesoarchean testable microbiota grants coastlines elias em3 185 author 144 143 1400 thermogenic thermodynamics srb ##iredo focusing loope wavegu 1780 glas arguably ferro accumulating keiding ##enna separately subdued superp supererupt rotations distinctly ##tenoom positional himalayas adjoining xenolithic implicated helium ##ottom chrons interested siame swamp h2om justify crossed sensor horizontally alaskan skelton debates remainder standing clump inversely groundmass angular unconstrained steeply lagos ##lapatite goldfinger promising exceptions fo93 albert confirming ignited alkali ceases integration laboratories advoc advancing 247 2444 illustration tio2 predictive logarith paced steadily outcome rheologically ##roscopically breccias 5000 1995 1999 1996 built media 4000 seismological tephro molyb kimmer abruptly turned intensification millennium ##foram guer guide laminations laminites prismatic campa widths humans hummock purs styles ##uki stroms ejected ppmv anisian blum hardie rarity scars surviving excessive ##structed ##vaal validation mechanistic brach counting shorelines fluorine monitored drops tarim ##ski fragmented cracked sinistral intersect ascended palynology palynofl 2700 dacitic precluded surveyed 320 monsoonal banding bailey herd herbiv ttg cementation ##hrmann unusually gibbs nanos offered resembl happens happening reproduc reproduced paleoenvironments simplistic meteorological cobbles branching branched homogenized bruce ##burst virgib answers dolerites purposes targeted france check unreliable metazoans pufahl paleoclimatic adakite adakitic mcm ##thalass stacking manifestations garrison promoting contradicts autochthonous culture panthalass tremor chondrite objective 999 aimed nuclides unequivocally ogasaw vienna sunlight ichnofabrics kelbert ##142 lipids liberated ##uitively exsolved monotis diamictite diminish vigorously ethiopia md01 xrd miyara discrimination buffering encompass speleothems nannoplankton exerts disequilibria transmitted supposedly rhythmic supervolcanic supervolcano echo tightly stems leakage corroborated galster kerogen vector vectors supras supratidal hearty edifice edifices unsteady unsteadiness puzzle families familiar fuego gssps paleoriver obscured methanogenesis hydroxylapatite karelian nanopow paleoseismology abandoned billion firest ##orrelated anatolian prescribed overgrowths reconciled photographs irrelev destroyed deduced gateway nasa wittenoom ##ifiers webb ##opteris meiwa criticism viscoelastic catalog circumstances gentle hopkins izu rogov ##rigation streck cooper madre intrinsic hawaiian bengal golyush kazanian skewed reappra exercise shrimp experts quiescence hydromete microanalysis holococcolith glossopteris advantage rigorous cyanobacterial komatiites 210pb 6705 mirr convenient stereo subbottom buckling hughes megaripples fugacity microfractures kurosaki besides bourdon cassel cueva daugh ephemeral garden hitherto iapet iannace jellinek korneuburg mcilroy oruanui ostrac rutile senoura uranium thalwe ##ontinental stagnant anaerobic tewksbury figueiredo carazzo underneath phoenix metavolcanic biofil deforestation δ18omodeled molybden palynoflora resemblance virgibacillus ogasawara golyusherma 04 2σ 270 360 47 660 ah awa bic ban blow blo bah bots bush ces cub dk dent dog eg eul fs fis fell fals fire fisk god gam gess gene gase gels gurn hope iod iki ji jut junctions kap kang kohn lot live lich liver moc mund mush mug miao nw nab nad noz nne nima nerc ores oak poc pear pier pef paz pav pigm poul qas ren ror rib rud round rose syl ssw tas tad tay tension tiss vising vice wat wig weld waning wgr xie yam yuan µatm δp ##lopes ##yle ##ypt ##sset ##eeler ##cz ##cive ##crystalline ##cycle ##tt ##test ##tled ##iogenic ##oor ##oxy ##nest ##rin ##rive ##rty ##22 ##2th ##gur ##gill ##gons ##uo ##uate ##usion ##ugh ##uck ##1a ##hos ##ham ##hand ##habad ##wich ##wind ##wana ##wald ##wrty ##fill ##bad ##bour ##zle ##zburg ##zuki ##kel ##71 ##95 ##64 ##63 ##jek ##æsset thins thorough thrive theraps ##atified ##atches ##onts ##erb ##erlee ##enbr ##enberg ##enæsset ##inated ##inouse ##inidae ##alc ##alo ##itation ##itting ##nda ##oric ##orient ##orogenic ##ancy inh inund inev inactive ##urities ##isal ##isite ##olic ##olub ##the ##through ##ouill ##cet reit rect reass really reject retr rechar ##eto ##mper ##ower ##occo ##ocroc stan star stop ##iler suzuki sunda decc dewater ##otile ##agher cole ##laud exac onlap ##terfield ##cha ##chlan byerlee ##utif ##utive ##utrient anate anhedral mak shed wheeler ##rub ##ante ##ogh ##oms ##istically ##ctional chit chose chung contiguous ##que ##quences colored ##therlands ##emen compress computer resur resolvable ##adas notice lachlan interrupted intergranular netherlands subgroup subvolcanic subparallel ##ersgill geodynam arkos formal magell ##aked ##akawa marav ##yster ##assiz ##illas disruption ##iavi scra timely imperv impurities ##ghsing perc pertinent perovskite rocky intuitively prep clath changhsing accru lehigh lepid lehrmann northerly corn cored ##cony carter regulated regressions ##ysotile obstructed ##endant undated ##aust ##ario priab replacing reprecipit suggestive underm underthrust paleoch hybr transfers transvaal ministry minutes adult spati spann spont consolidated dios diorite diabase ##erted comet capped quina quiet queen dred carbonation disturbed interpol feas ##achron locus bios biome biofacies ##rosa indices presenting slr ##ginia heads ##icke ##deucc declined subductionand alongside proper lithified lithification lithostratigraphy twin twent mourg nova structured tract travers tracers deepest ##ffected fram fraiser ##acial ##outz redfield calcifiers micros ##ublished smfz ##ycos ##yclic ##valleys foliations outstanding outburst discord discard differently comparative ##nec equant equivoc topaz ##ship parase sandwich agassiz ##stratigraph ##stratified ##erms plast riverine ##riatic matano maturity invent finan localize hydrof richmond impacting willenbr hypoc ##mmt ##ogenically downwelling downlap conclusive complexities predating biotas determinations wais additions muds breach anywhere postulate postseismic scaled defines deflation pec peats monte instit concentric attract olson younging burn burd confident floating floors 1950 1960 barites baringo ##nington generalized degassed ##oks ##isco ##iscipl paleovalleys 123 peters exhaust δ18osw 119 turbiditic shortcom holds warmest gao convert demonstra predicting ##trends combines ##egan seconds 252 ##charred crystallizing δ18oa dependency breakthrough causative continuity strengths insolub ##vester euhedral py4 pyrox contention millimeter conducive weakness delicate satterfield averaging coasts proton protru protect concentrate expectation chemostratigraphic numerically covers 188 187 thermobar rug ruiz timescale extremes ##ognized grades gradational hosts appearing subsiding accumulates popular ##ennial trenchward ##fully drag drastic magnetostratigraphy magnetozone shifting stein restore fronts substances convecting missions phosphorite climatically slowing passed ##ofalo justification labrad fourth benthos ledru textbo texturally commun ##aho ##ahedral ##nowing andesitic debatable amplification fallen discussing ##othermic seemingly necessit lifecycle 2300 232th diatomites columns duggen lags removing illumin placement colder batholiths foley hfo ##radiogenic confirmation ignoring nutman playing exhibited integr integrating illustrating gondwanal functional seek diversion favors paine powders vegetated incorporating schiavi minimize ft2012 winds equivalents opened linearly acceptable exposes wilde willet ##ixed macroscopically versa addressing aquila tephras molecule 2279 ophthal planktic intensities nucleated darcy darwin 20143 opportun ##ophytes uniformly comprised percentages statistics principally morocco ##ukla persistently crushed polygons optimal demand engulf ambigu hillslopes ##denbrand ##eley grasses geomorphological validated 20132 bray braid counts counted seasons formerly scoured dacites melnick ##chronous assertions highlighting theoretically ##arbonate spotila kyte chilean geodetically baa ##rotron vertebrates sharply drifted polymer pedon walker wavelet gibling slugg tonal conodonts resemb terminate repeat deserts meteorites cumulate utilizing evidently precursors attributable colonies facilitating creeping diapiric tilted virginia bioturbated boreholes ##olidus grande varnishes donjek donnington rainforests wolken ##cerol metasomat metasomatic boninitic unpublished penetrate shadowed harzburg served spinels repeatedly manifested manifestation garofalo oaes advancement contradicted slumps casting namib package packages snell proceeds unaffected coexistence koksal sonya wrink unsu ampullospiridae extrapolated ##blende chambers extracts underestimation pairwise schemes stalagmites aeolian nujiang ##uiart chrysotile contaminants interacting enclosing squar swept winnowing stopped resources prevalence protocols intraclasts naticids ruber overturn precessional gdg hildenbrand picked pickersgill chromat departure microns hyperextension espinouse mollusc connectivity echin sacony enabling initiates ashkhabad conflict tetraethers bernet warrick costa beaver quenched florida paleothermometer emerge cataclasites elucid enzymatic camera category fuegian jagoutz judging invalidate bypass dislocation prepared preparation adiabatic epicontinental swarms karelia nanopart tuned ##urtry arbit envisaged metrics travelt travouill transpressional attached bentonite encourage headwaters destabilization asteroid bwt danger compensated nektonic reliably concordant eukaryotic erroneous biomineralization afforded hardgrounds disaggregation discontinuity coccolithophore dsdp sodium isostasy stradd inclination conspicuous archaeological subsamples blueschist instrumentation phylogenetic mollusks lubrication cylindrical hrb neutron unchanged overthrusting studentship microseismicity sequestered defects degradational immobile submerged juxtaposed qualitative glazner mckeegan c0004 cadiz fungi klipp ostwald peneplain practical sagha video ##factor mahood interfacial intervening biodiversity synchrotron glendonite hemispheres nannofossil rhythmites nomenclature scavenging bishop fulgur glycerol gotland llanwrty peltier rolling soreghan tidally stumps seesaw depopulation unravel unresolved unrecognized ##artoq levee cautious hydrosphere reddish derivative periphery waveguide ferroan clumped alberta tephrostratigraph campaign hummocky purser brachiop reproducibility mcmurtry panthalassan suprasubduction firestorm irrelevant reappraisal daughter botswana bushveld cesare dkb euler fiskenæsset gessner gaseous gurnis jutogh mugrosa miaohe nozzle pigmy poulton qasr sylvester taddeucc taylor visingso ##handle inevitably recharge ##ocrocite deccan dewatering exacerb arkosic magellan maravillas impervious changhsingian lepidocrocite priabonian paleochannel hybrid spanned quinault mourguiart equivocal richmondian willenbring insoluble labrador gondwanaland 22799 ophthalmian wolkenstein travouillon llanwrtyd taddeucci 001 280 290 3n 56 740 8b 89 850 980 aoc aven aze aviation bb ble bral bry bang bench bonds bays borne bb1 c7 cie cup d2 dh dous doz drow dilation eat eot eut ese elabor f1 fre fle fern fral farm gil gog gould gree hs hz hes hut hant hell hun hors hual hok hitan i1 i3 ivis jen jour jfd king kak klem lw las london mb ment mism mick muted ns nn ng nel nine nub nons oc oolites ooid ozone pi pion pig pter pod pied pmap ris rings rica sv sb sent sve sver sile samb sao szil sorbed tan tel tort tall telling tiny vii ws write wsw xil yil yard yav youth zamb σc τc ##lano ##ament ##aartoq ##si ##xwell ##pot ##eenth ##cr ##tectonic ##iam ##ierat ##iors ##iho ##iolis ##oide ##nion ##nar ##nam ##rr ##ril ##rut ##rone ##rally ##right ##gene ##garn ##uine ##uary ##uven ##dru ##deley ##mu ##med ##mort ##mium ##mending ##hant ##wartz ##fu ##fon ##vents ##vie ##vare ##bru ##benthic ##zer ##zsis ##45 ##48 ##88 ##kis ##ket ##kian ##6ra ##jias ##juven thomp thunder ##ato ##atin ##atte ##aturation ##on8 ##oniform ##esy ##ession ##eno ##encer ##inas ##inely ##inution ##inized ##ales ##alian ##alai ##itidal ##orh ##oren ##oria ##icle ##ication ##anical ##anium ##ancies ine inability ##recc ##rook ##roof ##statite ##asar tough ##urable ##urtian ##isols ##isput ##olat ##olas ##olding ##ceived ##imo ##imarc isother isobar rejected rejuven ##etical ##etrical ##etani connot ##ido ##idates ##idens ##idire ##osilic ##owa ##owsky ##igam ##ocos ##ococc ##raft ##ivast ##ivari stark stuart steno sturtian ##ilian suited deicke ##otal ##otation ##otted ##agell ##agua aside aso4 ##ulong ##ulose coated coord code coals cooke beau beads begun ##lav ##laia ##ifaunal ##chi ##chill ##chists ##uting anch anab anachron ##section ##seum ##odi ##odend alto alvare maw maxwell maidens seph seab shukla whit ##phie ##phase ##run ##ogens ##estion ##estimate ##lucent orange ##omb ##omas chal chir champ ##erequ ##ami basally wear weigh weiss ##aterrestrial ##emer ##eman team evac compressed resolves ##ichn ##essible ##izo ##izz collecting interd interdu interlay interiors modulating modulus inclined incoming recomm itcz neel neog ##erslev ##ersfon plent arrays unt unradiogenic unroof ##iana formative formulation ##enekian meet ##astable ##ormal relied relatives ##akur march indust indigenous ensemb englacial enstatite ##illian strikes disint scrut improb ##ghanian ##apai perry peritidal faulted intric intimately usual clare ##loo ##erator extents leight corer coroll coriolis carn carlo carey regulating ##ardite overly overflow sought appeal applaud priest prerequ cren crist ##ospheres thereafter paleod phycos sims simulating transit translucent adop adhes adriatic terakawa spots spencer diego upro upright seaway cao cav cacc quin ##urrents ##ronorite drip dripping concur concert concrete observable calab amade variously metastable eleph ##achy ##achita trip trying biospheric suppose suppressed geologist ##ynch slime grey genus genuine hek hebs healing ##icked bounds proposition proposing lithologically twitch noa bedset ##vius traverse trailing deepening ##ropsis ##aca ##gency ##wards longest pools calcifying graded micrite allmending refraction flight charred ##intosh ##key newark ##onder foliated doming magnesian compares developments equate equates nearest topics measurable verified veracity ##shan parkinson ague rov erupts infaunal ##erman ##vedev fossiliferous majorites methyl turkey april patch finkel microcontinental microcrystalline belcher idaho richter lima willerslev hypox identity downcutting downwind conclusively flatten shallowly escap esls waitt ##ierite postmort ##rogenic preserves monter instances descent reflector attendant olive olina olenekian severely radially plun pluij ##inaimarc confine confusion barre barres absorb ended endolithic works hypothetical ##eterious anti paleohyd paleofloral δ18oplank ##perian topographically 115 113 solute shortly holbour warmth benef dissip ample prograding gaetani multivari conversions nonm nonstratified combust 251 253 transporting epifaunal 40k ##heim 137 synglacial syncl py1 pyritic lacked contentious ##hania retention accessible conducting delgad deleterious kaolin kaiho satur averages grinding protole protected protection chemo chemotrophic characteristically motivation 146 thermometry thermometers ##inds srivast looked loops waveforms hosting ##tein erature subsolidus extinct priori widen thinnest circump cm2 episodically ##teness ##umph aggrading ##ivalent brist bridge alternatives morphologically restored closest frond bodied helps helmin mission porcell slows swords fragile freshly situations 1650 crosses crossing crosscut crosscutting sensing drying axhandle ##while solidified acidic immature commenced comminution items skoor ##robi amplified classically discusses imagine substantiated substantiate stands expansive heterolithic inverting grounds grounded unconvin goldin coinciding noteworth 390 curie exclusive contributor ##ringe 246 stratospheric directional knowing cordierite amphiboles diverge tioga calibrate calibrations predictor predictable powder rheologies incorporates irid irrigation scho scher schist schwe concerned conductivities ft2016 inherently rays reality accepting kinematically huinaimarc mega megaf reasonably ouachita wilbur ##versible cellulose glacio japanese flanking 226ra inputs ultramaf status moles peridotitic divisions millennia duplic device devolat tectono airgun 20142 cpx guine guided missed mobil mobilized successively draws pullaia frontally strand strauss siltstones programme purus purkis ##mani gypsic evaporate evaporitic fluctuated fluctuata selection cherts duplexes cruz mycet ##omagnet ##etti begins dinofl hemispheric demands surprised ferruginized kreemer ##calc grassland pcd carries carrizo definit braided accomplished monitor unfilled explosion explosivity emergent anisotropic fivefold sinuous articulated advected gabbronorite bonney soluble counteract cosmic displaying filtering filters fildani arrive vastly geodesy dilat herold abiogenic microstructure wales constructive parameterization graphitic tonnes orbit orbiter terminated terminations operate receive vsm zhu zhang ##io3 precursory architectures attributes amalgamated flame pangean seams paleocurrents 20153 facilitates ichnofacies gorge gorringe assimil ammonoid hovius michigam artific anticip returned ferricrete targets hammond unrelated routinely david ##kenes plutonism macrofloral tholeiites mcphie isochrons intertropical appreciation appreciable updated hadrosaurid adjusted tetrapods seamounts ##bachian seepage postdate promotes diagrams boliv bolhar grove glad glaze named psiloceras urge inhibiting astronomically reversed reversals chondritic unsolved clarity objectives conservatively grayish identifi identifies montana summarize summarizes disappearance residents crinoid paleolake physiography palaeoproterozoic coarsening optimum optimization engineered extrapolate ganga viability ##pidodend ##steenberg orthopyroxene extracting extractable remanent syncollisional suprabed benison hierarch kelemen contaminant unexp underside undersaturated francisco dismember eighteenth wadi ##otrophy anorthosite intercalations exponential monotonic angelo suddenly dair daily dahlen masked naticoide rubble arranged adequate traveling discrimin nonlinearly delineate delineated encompassing encompassed aeros candidates koenig mueller museum malley malmani rafting synd inaccessible department transmission constitutive organized organization organotrophic infiltration cyclone espurt capsule bombs omission said sounding examines computing computational upslope conflicting bringing geoscience intermittently joints grooved paleolatitudes bundle kerp porto pushed riparian stokes beautif floras attainable 1980s emerges 2208 campbellrand cataclasite contradictory metabolic metabolism 074 crops jagersfon judd pitra pico pelitic invaluable deceased alleghanian ##ograms dislocations neglected baltica rawns synthesized paleoseismological lycopsids fiord flexural tuning variscan ##ebul anatolia mackintosh envisage leucogran overgrowth excavated irreversible rampino wentworth waste wasting shoaling nekton aronowsky reliability expeditions legacy eukaryotes erroneously bracketed bracketing discontinuities inaccurate inaccuracies culmin gunnell hubers hermann wyoming wyloo stationary stocks annealing annekov overtopping overtopped replication mojave mojzsis firmly macrofossils cryptic stoichiometry stoichiometric obstacle obstacles dutton klemper krakenes pipes sphagn vernon vacancies ##iphoniform stomatal surely depicted exploit perfectly learned credible quarry healthy disproportionately attenuation innovative orthogonal paleobotany backscatter baddeley crescent hornblende mbsf woods inertial prospect envisioned extraterrestrial overwhelming metapelites richardson polycyclic dissimilar ellsworth remobilization bitumen ultrasonic bilater bordering cerro dendritic ibm imbric january kenya linz romo westerly strugg promontory churchill impingement transducer ##ozoan slickens epistemological glasby logarithmic kimmeridge nanoscale encompasses nanopowders mirror biofilms molybdenum bicarbonate blown egypt kapton lichen nadw pearce tissues δpco2 ##uckle therapsid ##orientation reiterate rectang retrieved starved compressively geodynamical scraped feasible biosign parasequences financial attractive ##isciplinary gaojias demonstrably willett brayard sluggish metasomatized arbitrary fulgurites tephrostratigraphy bralower bangong c7n cupelli doushant drowning eaton fralick greece hesperian hantken hualalai ivisaartoq kakanui klemme mickus ngrip nelson pione sverdru siletz szilas wsja yilgarn yardang yavapai youthful zambito ##ieratane thompson ##idirectional beaufort anachronistic alvarez sephton seabed weissmann interdune unroofing industry ensemble disinteg improbable leighton corollary phycosiphoniform adhesion amadeus hebsgaard twitchett allmendinger hypoxia postmortem pluijm δ18oplanktonic holbourn delgado protolepidodend srivastava circumpolar helminth porcellanite skoorsteenberg noteworthy huinaimarca pullaiah mycetozoan dinoflagell michigamme jagersfontein rawnsley klemperer baddeleyite gaojiashania sverdrup protolepidodendropsis 08 1e 1h 1f 2e 2n 2g 2f 4a 4c 470 420 4hem 81 93 a1 aw aure aud aran ahe airc alex agency bh bin bart berg batch bdz batches cc civ cab cus cau cern c27 dy d3 dir dys dron dorn dans dash drought e2 eum erit elapsed elast fus fount fiss fring fms gan gle gow gpr gesh hn hø hin hing him hid hig hus hend hough hond house hulu hyster humph iab iowa ja jon jones jade jourd kr kv kur kam kong kata kyan kula killed keller lor lent liz lia lign logn lher lives lti ml mh mere mong myl moll melag ny ned niv nag nant nest nik name nested piv pine pain page peter pamb pfl piet placing rf rif rack rice rosh rondon s5 s9 sø sam sak soci sier sided sarn saf saw tb tant tart tie titic tank tsts trophic v1 vre viv vant vog vene vill vict wyn wmmt xu xion yar δt δσ εc μw ##lc ##lent ##lith ##lag ##lide ##lier ##linal ##lotte ##aine ##aved ##avail ##apped ##ye ##yer ##yte ##slope ##xi ##xial ##py ##ping ##pastic ##eberl ##eavor ##cata ##cun ##corder ##tis ##tive ##ira ##iates ##oa ##oi ##oqu ##opher ##oeb ##nn ##nan ##nard ##rian ##rill ##rie ##rero ##05 ##09 ##24 ##2142 ##gal ##gre ##gra ##gand ##gcun ##uy ##ued ##uve ##uum ##uwe ##uitive ##uously ##uela ##dt ##din ##dom ##dale ##dard ##hol ##hmap ##wn ##wal ##wort ##wack ##fined ##fri ##facing ##vo ##bh ##bran ##bone ##bae ##zar ##zella ##kk ##kløfta ##38 ##jon ##jarm thar thomas thakur thesis ##ony ##oni ##onite ##onell ##onard ##onitic ##eron ##espan ##esna ##eshoe ##enes ##enium ##enolic ##inistic ##alop ##albae ##itao ##ori ##orith ##orwegian ##orotal ##iced ##icing ##iction ##iculated ##ioned ##anagi ##analy inse inset injections ##arin ##reys ##rose ##roach ##roxy ##ropping ##roven ##entative ##stically ##eli ##elian ##asic ##asins ##asmod tov toxic totally ##lement ##ctor ##urized ##islav ##olt ##olae ##olym ##ationally ##thasar ##oust ##imica ##imski rees reyn reanaly ##eta ##etazo cone conch conifer ##mpt ##osa ##osc ##ospor ##ocyc ##rastruct forede stir stam store stall stating stoch ##ilob suffer decon deals ##atever ##ulin ##ulum ##ulae ##uliar cog cova coerc ##lad ##lam ##laus ##laire exotic proand proof prokary onlapping ##ife ##iful ##ifier ##ifera ##ifiable ##chger ##romagn ##utra anorogenic ##odus atomic allo aliqu alsm mach maud mamm mauna maker shel shah sherman whatever ##phoct ##rud ##luvial ##itectic ##ombe ##istone ##istration ##istoric ##ppie ##quette ##amm ##amnion ##iboust baselines basanitic ##pection favi ##embers ##ematical tehu comprom compact composing ##umn reson resil ##ado notches ##ichannel laid laun lahr lazar ##izong ##izona ##oreal collective depict intercon intercept intercontinental interruption interference modifying modifications incong incap incub ##ducted ##ranik ##ongeren neck neuwe subset subchron ##ersed arres arenite arndt arizona unm unreas unsh unimp unidirectional ##aines ##atakos highand formate formulae ##ipede ##opic ##opite ##opography ##opycnal ##ostone relic reliant marbles marino maroon marcel indoch indurated abut ##assen ##andina ene canopy ##ferrot lows lowers lowland ##illary striated ##009 ##iaxial scott scandina impose imprec impressive implement implaus ##apatite perimeters perception perceived peritectic intend intimate betic preand precon prefactor usage ##ellular ##cker ##ckert ##acters ##activity channell ##loides ##ificant so2 ##ggong ##ikalbae lei lear leaking leonard leitao ##conorwegian caro carri ##ardino overst larval soufri ##endous ours fluvi flume flush flushed apples ##erald ##ensitive ##eposited ##ariation ##athian repet suggestions ##ribing underwater underlie underrepres paleomagnet ##ignificant phre phased phlog phyt siman translated mining recorder aden admin adatte terrestr spur sput spir spike spines consolid dior upflow upwell ##othamnion caand caym quoted ##urred proving ##ozones carbonic distric concave observatory calving amagmatic amoeb metag fe3 febru ##achimski locate try trim trilob biology bioh suppress supplying sliver slice slipping slicing heine ##ickert doing lithics lithophile lithospheres lithothamnion acrop acids acadian 107 1010 tractions ##formationnn frames ##ropics iceberg redbed redeposited poiss calcified fluidized micas refining floral flotation charlotte characters ##ritization ##ubb glacially ##kekløfta completed completeness midto midcontinent folk manning manche manzella ##ossiliferous equated ##ographical ##waters paragen experiences agent ##stripped infrastruct ##ermann speculated ##loblastic invinc probes finn fineto latent microk belief reductions knuckle richer numb landers hypers foundering downslope concluding concludes clean clever cleaning predation predated predates predatory biotites argon argill permo permission escar patterning deterministic 156 serial sequential anything glacials monz monoph ##oury supportive attribution confound float 194 19th 1986 barr barros blocked blocking endm endogenous endeavor worked turborotal backfill ##oku normalization uncover densely facing facult paleohorizontal paleoalt 122 124 128 δ18odi contrasted spectroscopic 1101 solved solids solving solvent solimo shortest edx growths collins gaa multid multichannel publish converging farley nonun nonco nonorganic noncharred nonlith dynamical ##inski ##inspastic crystallinity δ18oforam strengthened insul inspection insensitive insignificant pyrope pyritization critique opens reticulated millipede salinities salado weaken delhi microbe grids prote productive approached approaching oxygenated chemolith chemostratigraphy ##kai ##kaido ellip motiv mottled releases releasing entry entities denit denotes ems tapped 186 1830 authent 145 147 ##olet thermo srs loose lophoct 178 ferropic ferrar ferromagn subsided hotly hottest keew keppie subduct possibilities superior negating indebted austria drains referenced ##leman recognizing cm3 membran intrude intruding nowhere drapes draped drastically lastly positioned technical enhances permeabilities brid brian ##ova ##ovolcano steam stepped goes going rests restriction dolan dolostone depletions planation planform spheres implicitly equilibrate helen mis3 misqu misunder rupturing porosities ##tiloides northeastward lifespan opposing slowed swell balthasar induces commentary methodologies ##toid reactants labeled sensu tracked bentley commission erratic polaron polarized electrification classify ##atoric ##rophs imagination necessity 355 pennec palinspastic amongst clue inversions angiboust bottles mountainous karstic encinas encroach ignite progressed running photomic playas excluding excludes ##ringbone constantly stratovolcano ft2008 sanislav logic logical logically paquette walled ##orings outcomes vegetative ##iformea scholar schwartz minima essence accommodates equivalence kilian mexican intermedi intermixed exposing tuolum 1991 1994 medvedev macron propagates pseudomorph pseudomy calling callison vei vehic 759 approximations approximates gyrost ##hesive molnar narrowing kimura divide diverted congruent intensive dimensionless dupont fuller tectonom nuclear fitted 20141 opportunities guides mobilization restrict restricting isolating projects altimetry petrologists ##hydrox headwall 4500 geophysically geophysics purdy gypsisol morris moraine moraines evaporite fluctuating establishes 0000 cherty pertaining thermochronometric crude algorith ##prints ##iterated readers ophiolitic gaboury harder plotting scarce clino eolianites option goodwin ##kingen ##ansas ##oteph oae3 oae1a ##anza spekk inconspic mechanically brahmap tetracorder ##eca fluorination ultracata loaded unfavor unfossiliferous explosions fragmentary cracking ichnogen sinha fastest fastovsk accelerator mixteca deglaciated boninite ohrid ascertain inconsistency inconsistencies settled attempting filter melanges arriving acquire ##opyrite ##oarchaean ##falls ##bein improving ##rographs herringbone m3s competency polymorph eclogitization diachronous detachments unused occupying french nanog offering terminates ##scombe paleoenvironment petrography petrographically oscillatory thirdly ecca cobb coblent prevails branscombe utilized prolifer xenocrysts 316 brune embry fixing fixation s12 deviatoric shaded paleocany paleocomm bioavail diapirism ##renoid premises transgress trunks hoyal hoformationnn mild pgd sidescan purported governing stretch stretched siderophile concretion boyle davis famous khz menon externally unproven penetration penetrated catastroph shadows harrison joachimski mushes isochronous strikingly veinlets sinuosities eurasian ubiquitously volcanologists postdepositional grenvillian captures svalbardia autumn cultural namely psds psamm snake urb proceeded elongation convinced tremendous sonne tanzanian searching assigning paleontology conservation retrogression switched disappeared disappearing aleutians tributive tributary thinking ##lung increment regularly settlements palaeo palaeogene humidity optimally btfs btbh ##stepping momentum supracrustal dicynodontoid bird rhynch stimulating leached riverbeds 1975 1979 periodicity exceedingly francis convincingly blind vesicles vesicle ##uito ##meria exponentially flattens permitting papalote incorrectly ##clasite mitigate fibers md97 masl stabilized consume decouple decoupling discriminate radioactivity delineating sustainable baksi friable hillaire koeberl ponded ##otypes chromium tears tearing micronutrient hydrography hydrographs espadas empirically susceptibility semiarid santiaguito truncation mimic omit ##ijk ##ollector microscale sulfidation initiating conflicts 1968 1969 1755 bernardino ctx gauge gauger ripened forsteritic compilations obstruction quenching waxing attainment eliminate eliminated government exemplifies categories gssp mutually pinpoint picritic ontario bypassing alleged adiabat hydroxyl multiples multiproxy epicenter neglecting photoferrot scatterers polymuds conceivably mammalian abandonment flexure asked choices leucos distribute distributive distributary trajectory attachment 1985 skinned embedding embayments gateways hints nascent ##osperm ##lastics colloform dissected disseminated underpin underpins ##azzi convexities disaggregated hyperaridity flaws coccolithophores dickson femur mulde sodic tmar expressing prehistoric adsorption conspicuously multicollector blueschists doubled cryptoteph christopher dutch dictate hurst hohbein mathez mathematical rendering vernal ##octahedral conformably stomata deficient disconnected impedance adherence deflected innovation orthogneiss backscattered avalonia gettering hhm lhb locking nicholas oeschger ##ranted sterilization sutures intergrown intergrowths subdivided transtensional translates erodibility flashy flashes disparate disparity revisited vibracore vibracores oversimplified cimmeria gathered katberg miscorrelated oxyhydrox pockets rowley isoprenoid colombia arkansas corrugated philipp trachyte discipline 201600 1970s superposition supereruptions guerrero herbivores supervolcanoes hydrometeors iapetan ostracods thalwegs ahead banggong blooms dogger fiskekløfta goddard gamma iodp liverwort mundulus nabesna renne task wigley inundated reassess stanley ##antepec resurfacing noticeable preponder clathrate cornue spatio spontaneous interpolated traversing discordant discarded plastosphere inventory hydrofract hypocenter peculiar burnside burdwood exhausted protruding 188os 187os textbook necessitates opportunistic ambiguity resembling wrinkle unsupp squares gdgb chromatography elucidating nanoparticles traveltime brachiopods exacerbated paleochannels bryophytes elaborate fleuve gogo hs11 horseshoe hokkaido jenkins nsf nubia pigments pterid sveconorwegian sambrook tanana ##roneity ##essional ##reccia isotherm rejuvenated coordinates anabran interlayered plentiful scrutiny priestas prerequisite crenulation uprooted calabrian elephant hekkingen flattened monterrey barremian dissipation multivariate combustion synclinal bristol iridium school schweickert ultramafics devolatilization guinea definitively orbitally artificially bolivia dismembered beautifully leucogranites sphagnum bilaterian linzizong slickenside hantkeninidae pioneering disintegration 4hemax aureoles arana aircraft alexander cusack cernina dysoxic dansgaard dashed eumetazo eritrea elastically fusulin fountaining fringing gowgand geshi hnlc høeg hinde hidden higgs husson hendy houghton hysteresis humphreys jajarm jadeite jourdan katayama kyanite lignin lherz mhz moller melagran nyos nivet nikolae pambikalbae pietranik racki rosholt tantal tartese titicaca vreeland vantongeren village wynne xiongcun yarlung ##asmodia ##olymer reynolds ##ocycl foredeep stamatakos stochastic covault coercivity prokaryotes alloys mammatus shahrud tehuantepec lahren lazaro interconnected incongruent incapable neuweiler unreason indochina soufriere paleomagnetism phlogopite administration terrestrially consolidation cayman february bioherms acropora poisson infrastructure invincible escarp monophenolic turborotalia δ18odiatom solimoes noncohesive nonlithified lophoctenium ferromagnesian keewatin misunderstanding photomicrographs schwartzman tuolumne pseudomytiloides gyrostasis inconspicuous brahmaputra ultracataclasite unfavorable fastovsky coblentz rhynchonell md972142 photoferrotrophs preponderance gowganda nikolaeva 09 3e 340 440 5e 580 560 6c 6f 6b 82 820 830 ath aph award aided arum bq bis bse bure bun bert bron bach bisc bold benn borg c2 cv cia coss crow cities ccs cocos dm dj drom dial dies dive dum deng dang dtm dorado e1 ew epe eem eld edu ease eke elic eckert fn ff fj fat fes fly fun fup fwh fgs fbs fused fatt fasc fagher fizz gos gig gru gem gall grit game gts gym gsr gicc gaging hc hv hk hou hous harm hov iat iit ips jer jar jing jet jum jac jump jung jets kol koc kut kod kore kus kamp kern kulu kolum lou let lam lud lose lile lree lope lull lump lans lena lassen m9 mary m86 muss msc mounded morgan nt nen niz nap nun nac nond nines nipp nnw oroc oolitic ocell pent pas pis pant pater pich pely pound pay pile pze pele p90 posited ptrends pachy qar qtrends qulong ry r2 rin riv rys rhen sed sit sic sce soc sse sib sine sap sau sight seld somal slack ssc sida sieved td t8 tion tag tale train tron tull torn tele tamb tips tls tbl trains tentative ujar vf vision vaz void vasc wis wom wun wake wings wijk yog yun ze zang δg μx σn τf ϵhf ##lis ##lates ##loral ##aa ##aq ##aic ##ael ##awater ##aired ##yu ##yen ##ydz ##ympt ##sed ##som ##sberg ##sio ##subduction ##xing ##xis ##xus ##pd ##pas ##pour ##ech ##eff ##eced ##even ##cp ##cially ##comp ##canian ##cosaur ##collisional ##track ##iro ##iott ##irogenic ##iosa ##oy ##oop ##oast ##ocean ##ng ##nosperm ##rs ##r2 ##rf ##rer ##ratic ##rization ##rified ##21 ##23 ##201 ##215 ##235 ##gl ##gis ##gest ##gment ##gover ##uar ##uel ##use ##uge ##ument ##ucon ##uyama ##dor ##del ##dell ##derma ##deman ##13 ##mid ##mag ##mount ##mme ##mhol ##merald ##hor ##how ##hot ##hole ##halla ##hoku ##wick ##fe ##fra ##flu ##frun ##fifera ##vy ##vk ##vist ##vus ##vik ##vens ##vally ##vature ##vink ##view ##vention ##ville ##bro ##bing ##zers ##zones ##zhen ##zzard ##zinski ##42 ##4u ##82 ##81 ##8to ##8rec ##8on8 ##kha ##kyl ##kof ##kelet ##7a ##72 ##76 ##92 ##39 ##qvist ##jer ##jill ##jia ##just ##μatm thaw ##atar ##atata ##onents ##onae ##ontin ##onomy ##eros ##erational ##erdal ##esc ##ener ##inle ##inth ##inus ##inarily ##innes ##inosilic ##eder ##eded ##alen ##alite ##ality ##iti ##itru ##itely ##itized ##ndelt ##orical ##icated ##icia ##icott ##anol ##anche inward ##arud ##reed andrew ##rothermal ##entia ##enthe ##entuated ##station ##storm ##elly ##elos ##elief tozer town tohoku ##urd ##uras ##urav ##urnal ##isot ##isper ##ispheric ##olo ##olate ##olded ##olaur ##thor ##thul ##oula ##ims ##imetric ##imoto ##iths iso isoz isach isoren rech rehe rejection ##etent ##etus ##etles ##eterm ##etina ##etts ##etten ##etkos ##etrization conject congo conforms ##idi ##idos ##idently ##mphi ##osoph ##osedimentary ##oski ##owment withd withstand ##igs ##igor ##igated ##igorite ##igerina thatcher ##ocyst ##ocoup ##ocont ##ocaly ##ocratic ##rapt fore forem forebul ##ivores sts stay stern steran stops staff stiff stinnes stetten ##ili ##ild ##ilton suction suffic sugar ##otran ##otstra ##agos ##ague asympt ##ulpt ##ulensis ##ulatum cox coqu cook cohen bethul beetles ##lapped prohib projections onco ##iffer ##terranean ##chra ##chison ##channel ##chorh ##uto ##util ##utable ##utics ##utrients anion anast anand anatom ##sey ##sek ##semo ##ode ##odano ##odzinski ##odisper al3 alde alarm almag alsek sha shu shard shores shake ##gean ##pheral ##phalop ##vements ##veget ##vember ##irn ##rue ##ialic ##mentioned ##lum ##lume orna ##omer ##omically ##omosing ##istical ##istage chon chab chips chasm chinle contest ##quence colima collaps ##ulture ##ibull ##iberately ##ibasins ##ccolith basu basically basele webers week wealth weibull hamp ##therms faith faced fandelt ##uese ##emic ##ematic evap evans compart compose compile compute ##uman resamp resides resided resurg ##adap ##adulu notation noticed lahar laccolith ##izable ##orementioned collect college deplo depolymer intersp interhem interrel modulation incur incidence incise recall recalc colleaguesng sedimentologically neem nexus neolaur subarc subterranean geys geosphere gehan geographical ung unne unten uninter unesco unwar uniaxial uneven unveget ##ainable ##ipvk ##eney ##opet ##opside meand meade meister mejill ##ostasis ##astating magall expose expelling expense expelled ##akh ##akes marie mariott abn abraded abdel ##allo ##assuit ##and8 envel canal durable durability ##aceae ##illing ##illos ##illera ##illips ##illennial disord disreg scler sculpt imper impul imposes impede impressions imperative impetus ##apu ##aping ##apocaly perth perig perfor rockies rockwell intention intuitive surmount prevents ##weather ##elles ##ordillera ##cke ##cken ##actic ##actory ##ffy soot soom ##gguan ##ggets ##eratic extensions accentuated ##ikil ##ikoski lev leco norian corro corros coronae ##conic ##conform ##conne carp carved carls ##ptic regulation regulate regulates ##ardelli overlay overestimate overlapped ##forming larch obducted southerly soupy timefra maybe maynes maynard earthsc fluffy ##veland ##auna ##auea price prydz ##osphaer ##athym ##sour repl repro ##unning therein thereof ##ribe paleove ##igneous phy phasing phillips simla simps hyps transforms translate mind minbr minibasins adam adula adverse adhere ternary spic spain spend spfs spikes spathian diet dioctahedral ##erture cays quad quade proves proved provoking signify dr8 drenthe ##cessary observatories caled calner differed interpretive amato continentally systemic ##ieth ##pectives locale triang flown bioc biozones ##laciated ##ilemu mineralizing slurr slipped valais valhalla heaman ##icking decide decision decimeter decarbon decelles properly proponents doi lithogenic twc mohr movie nov november acad acrit ##vier trach trade tracts travert ##ishingly seton framb arcuate throughgoing ##acite botha remineral ##ails ##outen redund redond longstanding poison poikil ##undal graf gracil grazers precordillera afc af1 aforementioned somehow centennial allen allan refug refuted refuge flaser tymphi thickest thickens charles easterly smear originates ##ycn ##rolite ##valuation ##ularites folsom outlines outlier outpour silts ##beria ##berry discret discoidal discocycl slips ##idermal ##neau topset verging particulates ##shing parkes sandberg agric agreed rove rooi infin inflation speciosa turc turning turinian ap1 patchy matured invasion probing finest stratigraphies microlam archety ##aminated hydroge hydroph belize reductive knies knick potrer richest richey lime limb william hypogene hypopycnal polic correlating granule granna downflow downstepping flatter cleaved cleveland ##neliths ##redict grows permitted esrs esmerald disposition disputed disprove wavy facts ##vailable peripheral greenwood 152 159 15ma ordos ordination ordinary 2018 20140 transpressive postsubduction postapocaly mainland offsw defi defens defense preserving peede ##oxites ##oxane monos monoch monument monodisper primaps install descend descends reflective ##ourneau attack attracted normative plug evenly burs burgs hereafter ##inae confus conflag confidently floored papua ##aney ##aneh ##anek igcp 1989 barsemo accretional endowment threefold meanp degas degrade backwash backtrack doesn ##aze ##azulensis ##oko ##okes ##okar antip antenn antiform antec anteced antigorite profundal uncomp uncorre paleoflow 12c 121 1250 peten ##aves ##avoid ##avsky ##ramik excitation solfifera shortened edwards vertisols warmed collie collage collided dissolves multigen multistage ##anov converting faros ##upne linkages nonf nonconform ##artzites ecm ##trend ##ega 256 litter reefal ##insley crystallographically δ18o8rec dependencies epoxy epidermal strengthen strengthens insert synaps syntectonic ##faced discharged py3 pyrr quantifies buzzard exploring tiberina critics radiated radiative lineations lineage lineages retaining miller coevally deliberately kapp meseta mesoarchaean sato weddell microbi griqu proteg singular expectations capabilities capillary ##kao elves motivated motagua entra extensionally eman tape 182 183 1840 1815 natal questioning 142 thermodynam thermochemical thermocoup ##inder ##indalen didn loih ##ircular 176 17th 1750 1710 glt subside populated kea keels ##ennian priority physic superocean widening negates initials austermann rotates viscously microbialites memory intrudes behavioral crew worst marshland draft draupne dims technically technologies clayey problematical alternation alternations geoid geotherms morphologic morphometric restoring environmentally groupings ##ostratigraphically planning planavsky intracontinental intracellular intragranular implicating helmhol miscon misrepres misorientation halt halites porter ##agnac osmium chronic chronose ##bedded liquef geochronometric passes swings commented fragmental ##orescent reacts reactor reacting reactivity energies 16o 165 169 astrobi astaneh crossbedded pleased sensors dryer assessments δ13cforam acidified paramount parametrization immense ##rysts ##rystite textured oligotrophic ##ahgre historically amplify arabia ##yania classifier fanning hemax submillennial alken 235 234u ##plots ##plored ##rogate revise heterotrophic pena pengguan palma palustrine ##ulfide grounding uncont unconfined steepening couple duf ##spiration ##lapa ##irms ftir fo89 reserves encla ignition progresses phototrophs player curious curiously curtis curvature personal perspectives cease cephalop contributors ##ondwana advent 241 platy platt dolomites seeing seeking reporting feeds amphibians diversions rougher ti4 favia predictors logistical pavements powell ##getation paleoshor specificity scholl schists schmin schmid schouten minimally robles saltation conductance ft2011 ##ased8on8 kilauea raising realized realization accepts acceptors reliefs huene contacting contemporaneously discovering builds medial wild wilkinson willapa affine macroph preference pseudot pseudostratigraphy pseudomorphic pseudosedimentary 705 7041 celled cellular ##rocal ##rophication ##archs storminess seismology flanked recycle approximated approximating gytt nautil molena contextual wetting wetlands congrat dimensionally woodland devastating coaly tectonostratigraphic tectonothermal fitting softening guiding missoula ##ophyte ##roxenite accordance restrictions merge pulchra isolate forested projecting projectile altimeter burrowed electrons convolute percentiles straits upwards californian graduate incompetent morelos ##pms ##obatra evaporative predominance predominately pertains pertatata persisting conglomeratic cruises crushing myobatra zonal nevadap achneliths ##iterates reader 260 hardey ##aware ##osaurus descriptive reviews reviewer reviewing cuyania excesses excessively correspondingly icpms paleotopography remarks rippled visually handful tex86 pc2 pc1 rhyolites ##urned achieving achievable braarud county ultrapot circumference robustness frameworks droplet unfraction etourneau fuelled fukao intersects footprints ascend subtropics monsoons solubilities erosivity gravelly displayed phosphorous film filtration filament melott subjectivity arrived asserted oblig obliterated acquiring precluding 322 325 ##opyroxenite odp6 odp98 ionized ##beck suspensions rigidity accompanies baff baitu dilate dilational diluted dilatan herds thirty tobin cementing mediumto 330 effaced competitive drifting 284 gneissic employing everywhere pedogenically toroidal ##uguese constructing parameterized irregularities gouges tonale detecting caveat multiphase operational ##schvink semic semail pervasively reproducing simplify jeol diffusing avulsion funds zhurav complicate complications actualistic definitions bruker dubious deviates colony colonial paleocoast bioeros experiencing 201527 ichnofossils accelerations virga ##occoliths ammonite ammonoids heaviest shoreward artesian anticlines anticlinal returns introduces introducing rebounded hamilton touches arsenopyrite unrepres ##opsis plausibly synchronously ubiquity puget route routed 2977 book boiling books bootstra famennian kirschvink wordian deformations scanner macroand prolongation tholeiite 635 services appreciated grabens plasticity adjustments fertilization garlock volcanology promotion contradicting slumping autogenic cultured cultivation culturing cameca groove glaucon psd packed packet tapering urch inhibit inhibition inhibits ##ellae unavailable preventing lattices ethanol wright reevaluation behaves objects ampullospirins liuqu residues regularity speleogenesis worthy worthwhile segregated engineers mossman pampian sometime titan titration orthoqu caribou briefly pennsylvania 747a aegean birds birket message talus stimulate chris interacts unexplored underscore underscores hydraulics apennine 1977 1976 1103 augment artifacts 7000 blan blank blurs frodeman sweep sweeney winnick contends uniformitarianism biogeographic mitigating mistakenly cathod naticid naticidae ruling ##coming conceal stabilizing geometrical 1019 1016 travels traveled responded turbulence radioisot ##modelext coalesce coalesced akin aerobic biggest kindred pumpelly syros ##enzinia chromites hydrographic taphonomy geothermometer connecting improvement improvements 3700 fcs mimics mimerdal mimicking tells vulcanian ##pool lapse lapout armored ensialic disturbances initiative pebas substituting overpressures corroborate corroborates blaine berner galicia gauging hirth ivanov portuguese ripon costly sporadically metaigneous constrictional belonging displaces elimination eliminates invertebrates 2209 cataclasis contradictions governs puzzled puzzling mosha mosaic moschorh muto mutual nomogram pitaru picrites renee sabkha ingle reorganizations foreshore alleviation obscure designated methanogens taxonomically wildfire syntheses synthesize datums ectothermic hallmark varve fortuit prescribing leucocratic overestimation appalachians desiccated infrequently 1983 paleobathym excavation reconciling satisfy satisfies keeps encouraging destabilizing asteroids bw11 ballistic balloon hinting jiangnan kennicott ##marks ##ilicic colloids colloidal arrows arrowsm turkana possesses invariant catalina circumstance wrongly dismissed vulnerable substitutions citation culminated dickinson fmq femg gentler huber hinder izanagi kwanza lidar mulch isostatically straddle inclinations prehnite prehuman replicated adsorbed micrometer micrometers archaeopter 1906 multicellular doubling doubts supersilicic intrinsically macrofossil bipolarity cylinder 78235 dicty huronian ramgar render symmetry symmetric symmetrical vacuum ##ewalla reinterpretation deficit ##ogranite disconform admit admitted discernible disproportionate mgsio3 submergence qualitatively glazes mckeon reinforce reinforces avalanche crests mccubb ##jarv aluminosilic universal universally 1096 inflections inflected landmasses attests dissimil revisit rhizomorphic bituminized oversimplification bucher lifted mortality munindalen rosis tabular ##kinematic tolerance covariance covariation colombian arkose enlarge performance lecithotrophic lecithotrophy spillover spillway elegantly disciplines discounted pollard 143nd superplume supereruption advocated guerin hydrometeor iapetus thalweg await awaits baham cubic fsb falsified jiama piercing pavoni watson welded welding yamano ##oxyl ##thein anatectic anatexis chitina chitistone accrual reprecipitation dredged twenty twentieth sandwiched institution 1960s shortcoming shortcomings breakthroughs pyroxenite pyroxenes weaknesses rugae communication illuminate integrity integrative polymerized tonalites harzburgite molluscs straddles straddled klippe klippen unraveling campaigns 8based8on8 avenues bleach benchmark dozens eutrophication fernand gilbert hutchison hunen journal lwc mentions mismatch nn9 piedmont risen sentence tortonian ##benthic8 thunderstorm ##isputed isobaric connotations anchored chirp champagnac weighed ##ichnus interdisciplinary neogondwana intricate carnivores appealing cristales cavities quinone triploblastic bedsets escaping plunging absorbing paleohydrothermal nonmarine 137cs unconvincing megafloral assimilant anticipate hierarchy aerosol syndepositional culminating crescentic cerroazulensis imbrication struggled rectangular biosignatures doushantuo siletzia yardangs helminthopsis dinoflagellate awramik audley civil dirks dronning ganino gleaned honduras krinsley kuril kongsberg lorenzinia lizardite lognormal mongolia mylonitic nedin nagel pivot rfms sømme samoa societal sierran sarnthein vivid veneer ##05modelext ##dinage stirring suffered deconv cogn aliquots sheltered faviids resonance resilience launched intercepts incubation necking marinoan implausible leiosphere repetitive phytoplankton district metagab trimline trilobites paragenetic finnigan microkrystite hypersaline monzogranite endmembers uncovered facultative paleoaltimetry insulator motivate emsbo bridges steaming misquoted encroachment stratovolcanoes scholarship intermediates vehicle tectonomagmatic ichnogenera cobbold proliferation embryonic paleocanyons paleocommunities bioavailability leucosomes orthogneisses oxyhydroxides reassessment hydrofracturing unsupported anabranching hindeodus melagranites tantalizing unreasonable aphanitic arumberia bqfz bertodano biscay cvetkos cossu dromart dialkyl dumitru dengying epeirogenic fatty funnel fuping fwhm fbs5 fattah fagherazzi fizzy gigantic grund gallagher gritty gts201 gymnosperm gicc05modelext hovikoski iitk jumbo jungfrun kodama korea kampman kernel kolumbo lopez lansjarv nenoxites nizina nippewalla ocellata paso panteller paterson pichilemu pelycosaur pachyderma qarun rivularites ryskin rhenium sedex scec seldom slackwater tullis tornqvist teleconne tambora ujarassuit vascular womble wunsch yogodzinski yunkai zangbo ##sio4 ##govern ##hotite ##8to8 isozaki isachsen isorenieratane ##osophical ##raptus foremost forebulge steranes stinnesbeck ##otranspiration asymptotic bethulie oncoids anastomosing aldehy almagro chabot baselevel fandelta evapotranspiration resurgence interspersed interhemispheric interrelations neolaurentia gehannam unnecessary untenable uninterrupted unwarranted unvegetated meandering mejillones magallanes mariotti envelope disordered carlsbad timeframe earthscope paleovegetation simpson hypsometry minbrie acritarchs remineralization redondo poisoning gracilis outpourings potrerillos esmeraldas postapocalyptic offswith peedee monodisperse primapsiloceras burgsvik conflagration barsemoi backtracking antennas antecrysts antecedent uncompahgre uncorrected multigenerational δ18o8record synapsids pyrrhotite thermodynamically thermocouple loihi helmholtz misrepresent cephalopods paleoshoreline gyttja molenaar pertatataka myobatrach nevadaplano braarudosphaer ultrapotassic unfractionated filamentous dilatancy zhuravlev bioerosion bootstrap glauconite orthoquartzites pumpellyite mimerdalen moschorhinus arrowsmith ramgarh mccubbin aluminosilicate 8based8on8benthic8 cvetkoska gts2012 086 010 015 1n 1r 240 3m 480 490 410 460 479 5m 5b 540 590 520 530 6d 67 610 630 79 780 715 811 9b ay aul alab aka ava aips a1b awash awar aleman bp bm bf bag bigh bus bret bons blob bbr bosit bagn born boh bob beller bospor borings c5 ck cly crom cens cites cert cose cros coch camb c30 cbl c29 cmmt cropping dos dru dib dop dall dik damp dose delling d50 diking drown dotted divalent eq eon eag eam eric ects f7 f6 fet fru fost frust felt fep fift foci fond fenn frog fiber fellow fiction gc gi g6 gpe gale gart gay gough gley gwa gull gets ganges hg hq hat hit hor hod hest hab home hree heng hann hara ie iw ian ioc iter iby iconic js jtr jason jiny jams kt ki k1 kk k7 kiz kran kill kase kond kather kerm karm kots koh kob kung kii kats ly ln lf lv l5 les ling liv lib loci lust lined lund leng lual lang lining liang liant losing loses llano m1 mall mend merg mold mores mung m10 m11 mbl moul nil nog nere npp nive nem nong nose nield nav nuan naf nama nomin nino nrm naked ot oi o6 omp oven oomic oax orograph oki px pf pk pge ppp pak pill pari pits pome pause posed pank pind pana piles ponds ponding p2o posing poses pdf qatar ri rer rst rast ride rie rae rival rats rams rinds ses sar spp sad sess sain sip sop send sail sited sah sake says sylv sfd tg t1 ting ties tess till treas tau tso trib tric tac tier tang tread trove tighter ud ure uch uph uint umb va vh vil vine vass vign voss vork vase vann vander vocont wer wag wut wong worm wign wors wise wire wyl wads wfs wanz wuy xl ye yin you yary ytt yuy za zion zach µct ºc ɛndt δc δm δv δco3 κη ρf τp χr2 ωcalc ##lin ##los ##lut ##lason ##lark ##lorite ##lora ##losilic ##aig ##aph ##aqu ##ault ##aera ##away ##aque ##yg ##yon ##yed ##yce ##yow ##ych ##yance ##yme ##ypic ##yrin ##s8 ##sin ##sight ##sory ##sina ##sives ##ssen ##smic ##xa ##p2 ##pro ##pel ##ported ##pena ##polar ##picked ##ee ##eve ##eens ##eust ##cm ##cin ##cation ##cite ##cross ##cules ##caps ##coring ##crack ##current ##ciously ##cardelli ##circular ##tes ##tland ##time ##tempor ##tax ##turn ##tinson ##iom ##iret ##iating ##ixt ##iably ##iosity ##iometer ##iams ##oe ##ois ##oil ##oot ##oge ##oem ##oley ##nic ##num ##nata ##nne ##r1 ##rif ##rik ##rys ##rants ##rorad ##rmann ##2s ##2d ##2008 ##gent ##gow ##gong ##gend ##gments ##gressive ##gren ##gional ##grew ##grains ##uth ##uale ##uger ##uthal ##ufact ##uggets ##dh ##don ##date ##dated ##dles ##16 ##mog ##melt ##mels ##mosaurus ##h6 ##hed ##hur ##hum ##hous ##hue ##head ##hosm ##habit ##haping ##wu ##wit ##with ##written ##wester ##fen ##fast ##fric ##filled ##folding ##vt ##vity ##via ##vard ##vially ##vpd ##vigor ##ba ##bre ##bom ##band ##bau ##bros ##bral ##box ##burn ##banks ##b15 ##borough ##boreal ##zed ##zos ##zberg ##5n ##54 ##59 ##8b ##87 ##8al ##8pb ##8rates ##849 ##8and8 ##kt ##km ##klo ##kyn ##kaya ##9009 ##31 ##33 ##65 ##joc ##jem ##jast ##jak ##juan thing thall thand ##atown ##atural ##atitic ##atfield ##atisf ##atittuq ##atypic ##ono ##onk ##onious ##onna ##onetti ##onishingly ##onuggets ##erk ##eror ##eration ##erae ##erpent ##ercial ##errat ##erpot ##erife ##eske ##esets ##escap ##enic ##enos ##eness ##enable ##enerate ##enlines ##ini ##inin ##inch ##inating ##inium ##edes ##alance ##alae ##alands ##alhosm ##itor ##itim ##itom ##itib ##itage ##itaxial offic official ##orial ##orov ##orls ##oriously ##ico ##icity ##icron ##icrite ##icto ##ictic ##ionuc ##anites ##anically ##answ ##anets ingen inject informed ingrow inescap ##aring ##arle ##arth ##arag ##arite ##arity ##arran ##array ##arino andrea andrill ##roken ##rostatic ##enters ##entral ##entions ##entiated ##stan ##sting ##ingen ##inging ##ingham ##ingklo ##elect ##ask ##asal ##asse ##asian ##asha ##ashe ##asov ##asalt toes tooth ##leby ##ctate ##urra ##uria ##urization ##urished ##isy ##isch ##ispec ##isible ##isochron ##islog ##isiana ##oly ##oling ##olut ##olod ##olating ##olac ##olina ##oliter ##olinite ##olyb ##oluminescence ##olitan ##olitization ##thur ##thys ##thora ##thiom ##cemented ##iman ##imet ##imited ##imension ##imarine ##imuthal ##lysmic isocl reent reid rever reem rept recher reanalys reorientation reiterates rearran ##etland ##etamorph ##etna ##et8al conund conjo conifers conference ##idic ##idale ##idun ##iduous ##idgian ##mpro ##osely ##osomal ##osols ##osella ##oskelet ##owater ##owires ##owitz ##igar ##igalian ##ocal ##ocular ##oconch ##raw ##raine ##ractions foref forty forego foresets ##ivial ##ivian ##ivors stain stear stub stood stores stake stasis stunning ##ilock ##illay ##ilians ##ilcha ##ilkaya sua sue suit suff deu dealing ##otion ##oting ##otam ##otely ##otemp ##oteth ##otopic ##atemal ##atethys ##agg ##agous ##agers ##agger ##agraptus asyn asera asking asks ##ulle ##ulla ##ulata ##uliformea cope coau coath coach coined coven coordinate cogenetic cofactor coleman ##lained ##laminated exosphere exopl exogenous exoskelet onland ##iface ##iffs ##iflora ##terly ##terdale ##chia ##chard ##chond ##chemical ##chbach ##chanical ##chlorite ##romes ##uta ##utan anth anions an49 ##odes ##odiss ##odym ##odacite ##odilians atoms alf alley alike ##urek master maalhosm sex seh seis seale sext seye sevier shag ship shane shaf shots shrub shetland whene whitt whiting wholes whorls ##geb ##geois ##gearite ##phel ##phytes ##verage ##vertical ##verty ##irong ##irational ##rued ##ruce ##rump ##antle ##antis ##antarctic ##ogi ##ogra ##estyle ##lux ##luve ##luoric ornata ##omi ##omous ##omia ##omatic ##omogeneous ##omotion ##istost ##istics ##istorical cho chong chick chapp ch2o chug chilled chuar child chatfield contigu ##ppes ##ppers ##ppler ##abank ##abreccia ##qua ##quick ##quez ##question ##quilcha ##amar ##ameter ##ametric ##amoto colgan coloration collabor colluvial ##ultz ##ibers ##ibrous ##ibald basanite basket basanites webs weislog ##pez haida ##ieson ##iesbachian faial fa90 ##itions ##itional ##emistry ##emann ##emsk ##imental teard tejon compan ##ortant ##uma ##umin resin reside reshaping ##aded ##ados ##adow ##adec ##adonna ##uda notoriously ##essor laud lactate lampro ##oregressive depr depressions ##usetts interle interfer interacted interlocking interlabor interfinger interchannel modulates incon incising incurred recess recip recessional colleaguesne sedimented sedimentologists ##rane italian neil neoteth neodym nephel suband subcell subvert subzone subzones subpolar subcircular subchond subvertical subantarctic presumption plata plasmodia geot geop geomic arp arnot arms arrest arenig arenic union unity unpa unob uncharred unweather unavoid unansw uncemented unquestion ##ainfall ##ianop ##ismically formally formulations formulating ##ologized ##ologize ##ipt ##eneutics ##aley ##oped ##opoll ##opoga ##opolitan ##opotam meets meggen meyer ##retory ##artina ##astrous ##ormally expul ##aks ##akab ##akua marly marone mariana induan indisput indeterm aborted abbre abitib ##assler ##andia envelop canon canning canarian cancell canfield durham lowell lowrie ##aceans ##illation strip strath stripping stricto disk disrupt disastrous ##iae modelers modelext scre scab scamb impediment impinging ##ghe ##apagos percept perren faulty rocker inta intral intram betics surfaced surrogate preor preglacial preformed prealps preboreal user usarray ##ellata ##cks ##ckled cls clov cliff clague ##loited figured tempting template templates ##fferson soega sobral ##gging ##ggisch ##oney ##eratively ##eratids accident ##ikawa ##ikgad leogene leeder lebom leverage butler noril norite corrient corvo corinth corchia ##contempor carot carolina ##elt2 regrow regressive regenerate ##yson ##ysil ##ysdale oversh overcom overwash overview overgrew overwritten objections obidos ##enda ##endar ##ectic ##ectus ourselves undist undulating undulatum undiffer undisputed mayme fluvially haso howle apportion ##aux ##auchi ##ensity ##ensibly crn crash crustally crustaceans ##athic ##athus ##athoxyl ##sover ##soidal repose repub replace replete repaired underco underlined underlines undercutting underwhel underestimate paleokar ##ignano simatic simonetti hyal hyoliths transme transients transverse transcrustal transcurrent minute student detr deter territ spall spits spurred spruce spartina died dile dipped diurnal diopside upside upsection waterways comets ##otheli morey cay ca2 cawood caulle quake quote query queens quillay ##ront mantled mantling dryn drips drysdale ##cessed carbonated ##ayo ##ayape distrub distillation interpolation ##ifted callus calvin calvert calendar differencing interpretable ##uez ##oice amenable variant ##iedrich wherein metall metcal ##ieve ##ieval fei feat ##landite ##olutions ##rictions estados ##ache ##achi ##achusetts loch locomotion tried tritic trivial flowerpot inclusive bioir biologic biologically suppression ##ynian ##ynev slid slate slash valve valence ##ustom hebr heki heaney heemsk acta activated ##def ##debrand decel decays decimeters declar deceler deciduous propensity door doct doppler ##ericin lithotectonic lithogenous twins ##ochimica moot moore moves moiet moyen 205 2020 2030 208pb noah noachian noisy bedmap 102 10th 1011 1097 1029 ##violet trail erodes deepen setup ##ffective framing arcward arcgis ##ropel ##acities ##acoren construed constrictions icecaps remember remagnet reminds reminder remotely redress redef redeposition rank ranks poised pooley poverty calcrete calculates conditionally grapes deserve desorption desira precious itsaq fluidization aft af2 afield micritic centrally centrif alliance ##meal ##meable ##meuse refines refutes refolded flind flipped flipping flinch flaring typh tyrr thickets charn charring ##ube ##ubo ##ubert ##into grainstone grainstones graindor smok smirn origination ##ycline ##roll glacimarine ##keetna ##pecific completion complemented news newberry analysed ##ondalite outline outlining outstripped outnum siloxane ##berland ##bergen ##berger ##bergs imported discred discour discoid clade differentiates requisite manip managed manufact managers pressing pressurized developmental equating nearand topmost geochimica massignano massachusetts verde versions particip ##shire ##shev ##sheron parab parench parsim parcel parvie paratethys sandeb furn ag2s agathoxyl agacoren roof rohr roeske erupting fired infant δ15n histogram turmo rivera apron apolar apfu aperture apologize apsheron patt patterdale stressing stressors stressful ##lobbing mattinson invite invokes invisible probabil probabilities globiger lato microt microph microand microte microcontinents archer archived archaea archibald locales localizing hydrox belfast reducers silicon knight potent potter numeric willner williston williams landfall hypogenic hypericin uplifts uplifting polson polysil ##ometrically currie sulfates founded founding foundations downc downlapping downcore downsection downturn cleans cleaned ##rediction ##inkage contract ##ficially esl esi escapes escs ridg afterward disputes disputable 20080 waf factored evolutions channeled channeling typified 157 1520 seriously ##angxi mudcrack sequentially sequencing 2019 20101 bread transpiration transpirational postulates posttectonic postcollisional ##locked deflated default preservational peeled peeling monoun monts primelt2 instructive instigated descended rapidity attending 1002 olistost severity radionuc clearer pluger plumas buries shouldn floated flourished ##anez ##armigan 19f 1900 1940 1920 barc barely barometric barnes barrel barbad ##nings blocky blocker generalization absorpt absolut laterites ending endosp endothermic meanwhile hypothetically atlantis backstripped backfilled thenardite ##oka ##oki antiquity antitaxial antidun professional professor uncorrelated uncapped ##ositely densest lesson emplace empty emperor ##iscale paleoequ 1260 1277 petch petite peterson ##hips ##avut δ18or δ18oice spectometry spectrally spectrorad mounting ##leyite ##ramer excretory augen aucan solve solves solutes shortand holland holistic holder vertisol americas heats transitioned influential ##aregional collide collagen dissolving prograded gauss multitude multivalent multispec multiscale ##anova ##eaded converge farah ##olithos sectional sectioning nonpar nonrot nonwash nonstation nonisochron nondef ecologically combinations ##egang ##egradation ##egrub 25m ##enching measureable demonstration ##insic ##insbachian fluxed chemicals δ18obenthic 301 quartzites quartzose ##parable transports dependably epidot epitom diffract ##ergence ##ergistic ##hexagonal ##hezhen insulation inserted periodically ##issive ##issance 138 139 1350 synorogenic syngene synkinematic syntax synergistic ##fault analytic py2 pyram pyrogenic quantifiable buggisch buynev needles explores opb operative opaque opache documentary lineament traceable mills salients ##ucchi accessing dels delaware kahe kaena kaaden kaoko kaolinite meso mesotrophic mesocos mesopotam mesotheli testate testify microbially microbreccia grist griesbachian grieve protists protodiss chemosynth chemotrophs elle entity entiret deny denomin denying denaturation tapping ##asonal pacifica 184 18th 1827 1875 148 149 ##olecules thermoph thermometer ##ylated ##yllum peaking fractionating resolutions loess loosely waveand failures 177 173 1701 1740 1775 1771 glen glance gliding eras erased ferment fermeuse oxford oxycline subsides coralgal kev behaved subducts trenching superb supergene superficially unlimited strataform fractoem widened thinly circle circulated enriches ##rological austin rotational microbialite flooded floodwater totaling intrusives worris bulges bulloides ##nerkof draping sharing technological magnetometer permeameter apparatus aggrade agglut miguel bras brink alterniflora geobi geob15 xenolith steve steppe stevens broadest broadening broadband morphodynamic restitic ##yma ##ostratigraphies tsis fronds lightly lightsour exhuming conveyance misident misapp halves hallet halogens phosphide phosphatic ##hyodacite chronometry chronologic chronometric climat climes climactic lifestyle oppositely matters swash swaley balkan dunbar ##ofluvial reactiv energetic labeling labyrin 16s 161 164 168 166 1690 1660 astro astonishingly plethora pleinsbachian sensible extractions thematic trackline δ13cvpd ##atomagmatic acidifying requirements ledrew commence commercial erratically sky sket skolithos andesine deblobbing electrically electrostatic claiming araoka classopoll submicron ##atorial ##elandiae diffusional abstracts ##otherms alkanes alkylated standpoint heterococc penrose palingklo ##ictyon invert supplement supplemented unconvention dr12 columnata bottjer dug duces laguna ##spathic removes illuminated wrangellia golden goldilock promises excepting spreads boxplots freeze coldest bathonian ##radational albite reservations encrust encased encasing confirmatory photographic photography curling curiosity ##henian 1gc 1garnet ##porites ##annon ##urbated transferring advice proportionally 24e 24r 2420 stratum stratosphere stratiform illustrative ft2009 biomes biomolecules dolomixt cordon sanrik sanjuan ##xican ##ontological seeks bottoms diverging tipping ##abrics caliber predictably paw paul paved powers outcropping rainwater surrounds responsive heterogeneously scheff schultz schubert minimized minimization minimizes nitrates saltating conductively fundamentals ft2010 accommodating kilwa kilograms rajast realistically acceptor acceptance cataly certainty huka tugend megalands megabreccia meguma 1993 reasoned featureless successional creeks wilf ##ohue ##versus landsliding standardized affirms preferences preferring pseudopl 7063 7048 calls calliph veil veils vexing maintains transiently southwestward glaciological glaciogenic glaciofluvial aquit tensor seismograph seismometer seismologists 221 7500 raymo cascading naive nappes ni2 ##lessly thoughtful molding molten molasse porewater porewaters conception granulitic tuffaceous narrows odd wettest stylolitization intensively surroundings woodie woodlark transformations distinguishes tectonites africanum nucleus ##foreland ##ologico thanks 201401 guy guad guatemal guayape homogene hominin homologized ##ophon ##elets drawback laminite merger merrill pulled pulling forcings burrowing petrologically campo convince convolutions heading headlands siltand purcell purulla resisting cloudina snowmelt ##manites ##obenthic ##ukyu theorem annular annually evaporated evaporates evaporating geochemists predominate denuded goethitization goethitized rodinian rodrig pertain perturbed planetology duplexing crucially myth ##zey alga spectrometers achurra ##clou readjust polyp polyphase serpentineand 265 2600 dinocyst destro felsite ##osaurs shielding geodynamicists survivors metaluminous options rebut annualized mediating ##kington ##ashi demets engend english engaged ferruginization oae1b ##reciated handley handpicked unknowns pc72 rhyoliter speaking speckled ##appreciated geomorphically validate validates micropalae 20131 201332 brazos countless damaged tetrahed μm2 μmol ##907 ##ambe accomplish massifs ultraviolet circumvent favorably cfe cfbs dropstones unfounded terracing faroe explosively bayesian etween fueled sinian intersections intersecting recurrent advectively gabbott bona bonadonna rimmed ascribe subtly counterint counterflow counteracted planktotrophs planktotrophy azimuthal cosmopolitan cosmochimica yearly palynologic palynologists 271 273 2740 2720 filaments uht ##eseismic ##eseke subjective asserts microfolding 326 kimberlitic odp9 720 722 721 ##eroon improves accompany bajoc bairong herrmann herzberg heritage habitable thirds interglacials 3300 efflux yakima hazardous polymeric polymodal polymictic 1209 excellence looks 281 2800 777 779 77215 liesegang ##2oapatite ##environments ##roduct insightful delivering pedotype walter ##ugal ##ugten indenters indentified override occupation irregularity dusty friedrich gibson martrat nanometer nanmu nanonuggets nanowires slug slugs detector footwalls 8000 liegeois nodular operations pilcom pilkington receives semantic seminal smoother simplifying oscillated meteoritic cumulus cumberland jefferson puts storrar aspera ##ipses hypercalc diffuses diffusively avian branch ptarmigan utterly utilizes zharin ##205 prolific complicates complicating smoothed smoothly smoothness amalgamate 313 brucite brueseke dubbed darker embra fixers zr4 ##aspid deviate faceted facets 201512 ichnofauna brackets gorgon pangaean risky upturned answering transgressions bioturbating pyroclasts pyroclastics amazonas crocodilians datas datable databank michael pga venera winters ##inoian ##inoides residuals precede 1067 1069 idealized purple targeting 8500 donohue hammer hamakua stretches arsenian 15382 synchronized synchronicity puye routine wolf asymmetrical beaches manifold obtaining juveniles 212 216 21ne boat famat family fishes fishery kholod khondalite kirkland kirtland ##3401 ##itzinia ##endonk cautioned penetrates banks feldspathic harsh harper harris join mcs mcdani mcgovern servo serving service perplex leafed appreciably ##ylvania lagoonal falc falcon fallac garing garvin luth luke silled tuberc yuki ##117 relaxes volcanological postdated instantaneously capturing entrains entraining selecting orbitaland 423 9000 autoc autoregressive bolster cultures names psu panama packing packets snails tapered unequal underwood smithian coexist astronomy doubtful unfortunate 519 516 bowl gaining sonora wrenching reversing beheaded anthropological anthropogenically searched unsatisf clarification assignments ##endez paleontologic graywack montane montpel switches forecasts ampullospirid aims eustasy highstands charcoals gawthor physiology segregate palaeozoic palaeosal coarsest optimize optimistic optimizing federal johnston lisan lisitzinia mitov mossbau titanium viola orthopyroxenite unbiot unbroken cryosphere underestimates underestimating proportionality schematic schematically pillowed menisci intriguingly 3400 745 748b benowitz jacket jacksina kelp kelvin pauly rhone talents talkeetna ##evett ##149 ##143 interactive imprints corridors underscoring 1971 1974 augmented enclose builders blends dfss maldivian prager praebul sweetina swezey ##flora exsolve impossibility amorphization metabasic monotid monotonous protocol intracrustal inheritances biogeoch hpo md9009 rubber fairbanks entrant assisted paleoseafloor paleoseawater phylloc phylotypes phyllosilic concavities 1018 profoundly delineation sustaining acknowledges precessionally 522 52cr akimoto aerially aerodynamic bitter babs frieling hildebrand kinds mugearite okita pumped syrin tenet tenuous tenfold tenerife wraps asbestiform exerted neighbors paleoseismicity transmit transmitting cyclically cyclization cyclostratigraphic cyclostratigraphy influxes capsules 1702 geothermometry encountering encounters pseudohexagonal achievement connector hyperpycn 445 dedicated fcf mimicked omitted ringwood sounder inadvert tolerate stemming aseasonal hawkins computations computationally interbeds interbedding armor armadas leaky leaks 1964 1965 retrode retroarc retroforeland geoscient ##ophyllia bluffs demagnetized jointly corroborating galapagos gauged germanium hirono ivf ivory portable portray ripening tongue warning warthe warrants beaud maurice chiosella florianop disperse waxes monthly roberts eccentrically avoiding chlorine chloride metabolized 947 949 csf camg cameroon categor gsd grossly jagged kuh moscardelli mutation pinning pitfalls pelite pelites pellets ##aeromorphs ingred ingested ingestion informative invalid reinvigor byproduct contouring dislocated paleorivers paleorelief adiabatically obscuring redistribut designation methanotrophs hydroxyapatite multiplied neglect neglects 847 846 alamosaurus billingen flexible pahrump threats ##orrelation ##urajima fortun fortesc succeeded dealt mackenzie mackevett arboreal arborescent prongs refinement refinements outgassed 1988 paleoecology excavations reconciliation satisfied satisfactory misinterpretation illinoian encouraged cataclysmic nuvvuatittuq deduce deduction bw12 ballistically danube diversities hinted uvr ukraine witness ishikawa ##osperms compensates dissecting ##elluri underpredict concordia concordancy possessing paleoceanography convexity extraordinarily biominerals biomineralized affords flawless unrealistically paradoxical adaptation adaptability dismissing infiltrating cyanophytes 007 5300 53cr 6508 citations citcom dickens hoped hubbard hermatypic hermeneutics hindered mullions rogers stockwork deadly cooperatively expresses indonesian scaven replicate micromete 2015097 2015075 2015088 uncomfort multicycle subsampled subsampling supersaturated supersaturation christle phylogeny phylogenies friendly lubricant snapshot 547 5400 788 7800 bouma boudinage benguela dalhous gislason gisp2 kleegrub krapez kazakh piper ramon rammels sphen sphaeromorphs skew wardman yorkshire ##eaval ##gadikgad ##328 reinterpreting reinterpretations deficiency exercised shrinkage depicting neutral unchanging exploited impedes impeded credibility admits adherents quarter quarries quiescent discerning mgsi mgsial mgsipvk sequesters deflect attenuated degradative holococcoliths glossy brightness immobilized advantages huangjia rigorously visualize juxtaposition vesicularity reinforcing paleobotanical paleobotanically cyanobacteria c0008 983 bogs fungal ghats ghsz gorda gordo gordon gordia mccaig nicely nicobar niche oesleby ostensibly penecontempor videos wooly inertia ##olini sterane sterols sutured suturing prospective alumina aluminum mahoney interfluve universities meantime marlborough lowstands extrinsic overwhelm translating translational metapelitic biodegradation erodible po43 complementing inflection polycrystalline mudrocks 1954 1959 epochs synchroneity ellipses glendonites ferryland restinga skulls 231pa remobilized piecemeal rhizomorphs nannofossils rhythmite scavenged ultraslow 685 bellwood buchheim cimomia ibanez imbalance james jamieson kato linden lindgren mortem munoz miscibility oxythiom pockmarks roseland romans tabulate ##181 ##eresse ##rella tolerant forthcoming struck sticky promontories seeds aberrant enlarged enlargement corrugations philosophical transducers dr7b slickenlines trachytic outputs silverquick pollution 201601 epistemology 1857 144nd glasgow swampy swamps advocate advocates logarithm kimmeridgian herbivore checked diminishes nanopowder catalogs mirrors biofilm molybdenite 2707 ahistorical bahrain cubes denton dentitions fischer falsify godoy hopefully jiulong kanguk livermore nabro pavlis ribbon ribbed ribosomal rudist rudists tasmanites tensional watkins wigg ##rinus thoroughly inhabit inhomogeneous stanford makers makgadikgad noticeably percolation percolating prepare clathrates accrues reprecipitated undermined undermines underthrusting spatiotemp spontaneously cometary dredging twinning twinned traverses microspect discordance hydrofluoric downwellings breached breaching instituto burdigalian 1950s protrusions protective 187re thermobarometers rugosity textbooks illuminating engulfed engulfing 2013270 polymerization tonalite resembled harzburgites namibia unsuitable overturns overturned echinoids echinophyllia elucidated traveltimes dangerous neutrons unraveled brachiopod firestorms eulerian avenue blebs dh2oapatite dozen eutectic freely ferns kingdom lwith mismatches pipe podolia piedra risks sentences teleseismic tortuous talling thunderclou inefficient ineffective isobarically ##ococcites aso43 anchor altogether mawm mawson whitby chalk chalks chiral evacuated evacuate ##ichnites recommend recommended untapped meetings intricacies adopt adopting spotsylvania quinones ##achyly methylation escaped plunge confinement absorbance benefit saturate saturates 146sm unconvinced glacioeust duplicate duplicative mobilize mobilizing strands stranded counteracting dilatational anticipating hierarchical unexplained unexploited naticoidean naticoideans discriminant discriminator aerosols quarrying prospecting overwhelmingly struggle rectangle biosignature doushantou nelsonites dinoflagellates binned binocular bartonian bartolini bergstrom ccic caught fissure fissures hinges lenticular nantuo nests painted sakurajima tankard vogt victor victoria ##wacke insects inseparable reanalyze ##oscandia machine compromised subchrons arresting arrested unmixed unshocked unimpeded unimportant relicts scandinavian scandinavia imprecise implementing precondition leonardian carrier carriers overstep fluvio fluviolac underrepresented phreatic phreatomagmatic sputter spiral diorites dioritic upwelled amoeba argillic confounding multidisciplinary nonunique nonuniform protein proteins chemolithotrophic elliptical ellipsoidal denitrification denitrified authentication ferropicrites membrane membranes lifespans macronutrient macronutrients pseudomorphous 2014135 00002 algorithm algorithms clinoform clinoforms nanograins transgresses mildly psammichnites urbanism urbanek cryptotephra cryptotephras philippine philippines 2016001 liverworts pteridinium pteridosperms eumetazoa fusulinid fusulinids lherzolite escarpment escarpments rhynchonellata rhynchonelliformea bisectus bronze bachmann c2h6 dangling dtms ewing education elicitation fjord flysch fascinating housed harmful jersey jarosite jinghezhen jacob kolmog kocurek kusky louisiana lamellae lumping m9907 maryland mussels nunavut nacl nondeposition pentlandite pisoids paying p90res ryukyu rinded sicily social sapropel somalian taleghan training trondh vazquez wisdom ##ontinuous reheating conjectural suffice coquina anatomy alarming shuangxi shakeout ornamented chonos collapses hampered faithfully compartmental resampled deployed depolymerization incursions geyser abnormal disregard sclerophyll sculpting impermeable impulsive periglacial perforated surmounted ##ckenburg levkov corrosion corrosive replotted reprocessed phyla spicules dietrich caledonian bioclastic slurry novaze academic trachytes travertine framboidal redundancy poikilotopic refugia discocyclinidae agriculture infinitely turcotte microlaminae hydrophobic policies defensible monosulfide monochromatic installed bursik confusing antipodal nonfibrous nonconformities insertion microbiological griquatown protegulum 142nd physicochemical misconception haltomi chronosequence alkenones 235u uncontaminated dufek enclaves schmincke schmidt macrophagous pseudotachyly nautiloid congratulated obligate odp983 baffin baitugen semicontinuous unrepresented urchin blanckenburg blankets cathodoluminescence concealed radioisotope fortuitous paleobathymetric ballooning archaeopteridale dictyococcites disconformable admittedly dissimilis bahamas bleaching fernandez thunderstorms civilizations vividly metagabbro grunder pantelleria teleconnections aldehyde interrelationships myobatrachids braarudosphaerids aulac alabama akaogi awareness bighorn bositra bagnold bohem bellerophon bosporus ck95 clynne crommium certified coseismically crossover dibenz dikelets eamont ericaceae foster frustules fepy fifteen fennoscandia fellowship giants gartnerkof gleyed gwaii hesta homeostasis hengshan ieu iwate iocg ibyka jinya kizilkaya kranendonk kondopoga katherine kermadec karman kotsina kobe kungurian katsura leslie linguliformea livs lualuale merged moresby mungall nilpena nereites niveau nemagraptus nonglaciated navarino nuanced namaqua nominally omph oomicrite orographic ppps pakistan pillar parietal pomez pankhur panafric p2o5 ripe rastered ridewick rieu ratschbach ramsay sessile sipfu sopale sahara sylvan tinggong tesserae treasure taupo tsoyow tribo tacit upheaval uinta umbrella va2008 vhms villa vassallo vigneresse vossel vannucchi vocontian werfen wagner wutai wignall worsley wireline wyllie wadsleyite wfsd wuyi yaryshev yttrium yuyang zachos δcj δmat δco32 ωcalcite ##prof ##donald ##westerly ##jemite thalli office officials ingrowth inescapable ##olybdate ##imeterto ##imensional reemergence conundrum forefront foregoing stearns suffers asynchronous coachella covenant exoplanets maalhosmadulu sealevel shaffer shrubland whenever wholesale chongjiang chickasha chappell chugach chatfieldian contiguity collaborative weislogel teardrop interlaboratory reciprocal neotethys neodymium subcells subvertically subchondritic geopetal geomicrobi arnott arenicolites unpaved unweathered unavoidable unanswered indeterminate abbrevi abitibi cancellations scambelluri intralithospheric intramantle clovis soegaard lebombo corrientes regrowth overcomes undifferentiated maymecha apportionment republic undercooling underwhelming transmexican territory spitsbergen queensland quillayute dryness metcalfe triticum bioirrigation hebrard heemskerk deceleration moieties bedmap2 desirable flinders tyrrhenian graindorge smokers smirnov outnumber discredit parenchyma parsimonious sandebugten agathoxylon rohrssen turmoil probabilistic globigerinoides microtekt montserrat olistostromes radionuclide barrell barbados absorptions absolutely antidunes paleoequatorial spectroradiometer aucanquilcha collagenous multispecies nonparametric nonwashed nonstationarity epidote syngeneity syntaxis buynevich mesocosms mesopotamia mesothelioma protodissoconch chemosynthetic entirety denominator thermophilic oxfordian fractoemission worrisome agglutinated geob1523 lightsource labyrinth δ13cvpdb classopollis heterococcoliths palingkloof unconventional goldilocks dolomixtite sanriku sanjuanensis scheffler rajasthan megalandslide pseudoplasmodia calliphyllum guatemala merrillite rodriguez readjustment rhyoliterhyodacite micropalaeontological tetrahedra bajocian pilcomayo hypercalcification zharinam puyehue kholodn mcdaniel tuberculata graywackes montpelier gawthorpe palaeosalinity mossbauer unbioturbated praebulloides md900963 phylloceratids phyllosilicates syrinx hyperpycnally inadvertently florianopolis fortescue uncomfortably dalhousie kleegruben kazakhstan rammelsberg huangjiawan mccaigi penecontemporaneous oxythiomolybdate jiulongwan makgadikgadi spatiotemporal fluviolacustrine kolmogorov trondhjemite shuangxiwu novazeelandiae gartnerkofel lualualei pankhurst panafrican ratschbacher tsoyowata 090 020 093 1t 1mm 1carbon 1km 1chlorite 2x 2h 2π 2ζ 2le 2sio4 2chlorite 3p 3f 3β 3le 3to 386 370 310 4l 4e 4g 4m 4h 4k 4j 498 412 5c 5th 510 593 6a 6e 640 680 686 679 6cn 677 7a 7w 7b 7th 770 710 760 730 714 712 793 795 8a 8c 840 880 870 810 827 812 893 9a 9c 9n 940 960 930 9328 aa ao a2 a4 aur ace ave aru aom aus aia actions aids aiding aires aitch aicc ahar a1a acet arose aoki bk bim bith bud bous bast breas bard boun bau bari bosph bie berm bae belling brad bann bident blen binal bless bms bigu brest brick bhu binds bidirectional bs8 bingham c1 cj cion cel cos coc cil cot cir cere cib cous cism cart corm cyst cerat cun cde cgen cull cream cten cfs ciated cze c10 couver cunning cega cinder coccoliths custom cramer dl dt dv dit dor dro dst ding dth dith dot dul dod dge dich ders d00 drough dbr dreg dull dana dott dives dots dann danian dma dco2 digen dgs dying docked dwell dave dosen dwar drew drey dapu ea ee eo eb ely erom ether e00 edition eating eme eber euch emm eaw elands ective ebs erect efl eiler f2 fw fen fid fow fag fif fab ffer fia fard fear fide foz fie file fick fined flying fulf fuk f2o fias ff2 fatal frey gp gm gur gir gom gong gia glo gys gens gath geld gust gages g01 gfa guan greek gans galy gery gards gosen ht hd hon hen han hse hog hib hort hong hene hect heral hoth hern hie hang hco herve hung hans hamb haged hosing hille hosh hco3 hagen hessel hcr hori hagg hassler ict ith iqu iiz ices ield iaxial iaa isting jd jin jor jas jim jul jial jere jab jard jens jay jean j01 jium jah joll jake job jans jks j11 jgr jxa jvt kd k3 kj kor kan kro kas kow kul kla kite kast kend kau kay kac kne kink kank kare kerg karn kuc kump kime kring kpa kash kdz kjs kukla kodi kerman kopet kassler kramer ls lz l4 lø lon ler lal lic lig lul lut lated lgg lend loth lance love lour linc lote lustr lush ligu lets lrees listing luminous longe loma lends lopes leman lili lcross lumin m4 m8 m7 mct mou mch mru mog mene myst mia mys mens mert mits mree moch mons merm mcar mpr myan mediate msw melet mcl m14 myster mpd mumin mendez np n1 nf ner nal nent ning nis nid nig nite nort nak nass nord nath night nue nie nile nosphere nger nmb nank nano ncar nival npr nsr nometric n60 nodal n30 nyal niger ngu n32 nifera nrf n42 nuria n117 o1 o3 oor ool och ood oost oyst owe oso oval otr ooliths oolithic oyster ovens ovt ojak pp p0 p1 pv pz p3 ping pch pir pist pess pus pong pall pand pik pps pto pans pudget pitted p22 pendant pisco pfu pizz pycn pinto ql qan qem qian qiu qilian qgis qtrend rp rc rt r0 rd rm rv r3 rø rat rag rated rum rous rost race rau roth rue rick rods rame rural rains raz rav rup rying ramb rna rena raster rij ribe rowe rican rosen ryb riser rozo rizz rationally rakh rico ss sx sf s8 s7 s6 sj sid sla sir sial siz sock sene sale slo sween sard sie sork sals sang sav sedi sogn sights sarc sounds sax sphere saman sorption s97 sitting slav ssed sask sigar tl t2 tz t4 t5 t7 t3 t6 tin tation tut tite tore tus twe tund tint tack tons tification tsa tump tills tma tended tats tional trained tartoq tamar tyson troll ua uc ust ures ution udes ucl urea vc vt vo vin ved vag vist vad vick vish vail vint vrol vav vinc vestig vana voo vote vug viking vo4 wi w1 wf wη wes wim wog wort wich wip wop welt wern writ wond wane wark wants wished weren wisely wanes weldon waned wuki wonder wingham wakab xs xx x0 xer xan xig xue xeric xining yu yes yan ying yur yif yod yab yud yok yare yold yana yosh yuq ypres yemen yoko yonk zi zz zen zig zun zane zinc zft zhen zania zeb µx ˆe αgh δx δz δ33 λ1 λb μj μatm πr2 ρa ρ2 ρ1 ρpb σt τi χ2 ωarag ##li ##lid ##lod ##liment ##lers ##lene ##lass ##lites ##lits ##loch ##losed ##lassic ##lons ##link ##litic ##lination ##lants ##lometric ##lgs ##lorescence ##latives ##losw ##life ##lpool ##a1 ##aes ##aoc ##aut ##aver ##air ##aud ##aous ##aich ##aces ##aires ##aolo ##yx ##yp ##yi ##yr ##yth ##yun ##yang ##ymb ##yton ##yrate ##yuan ##ybed ##yao ##ylus ##yards ##yggen ##yasar ##ss ##sn ##sd ##sich ##sations ##sop ##serv ##sys ##sform ##sun ##system ##sized ##sons ##sivity ##sines ##self ##ska ##sima ##sica ##snest ##sbru ##saturation ##selian ##subo ##sosaurs ##xl ##xil ##xie ##xley ##xpl ##x09 ##pi ##pu ##pat ##pon ##pin ##pur ##pation ##pet ##pos ##pla ##pse ##pru ##pant ##pment ##pical ##pass ##pun ##pert ##pie ##pland ##posed ##pire ##pension ##pired ##pores ##pray ##plus ##pstra ##eur ##ece ##eph ##eib ##ecc ##epe ##eus ##ept ##eep ##ecess ##eating ##echn ##eby ##eob ##eying ##ebe ##ehoe ##eformational ##eurized ##ecker ##eaux ##cle ##cis ##cated ##clu ##cort ##cene ##cast ##cia ##crust ##cating ##cern ##count ##cott ##cels ##cake ##crete ##cany ##cche ##collision ##craft ##culum ##colate ##cokar ##cynian ##cannon ##cambe ##tot ##ties ##tain ##tia ##table ##tles ##tose ##tically ##town ##tted ##tling ##temp ##tiss ##timal ##tying ##tops ##iel ##ioc ##iite ##iem ##iak ##iof ##iased ##ioh ##iotic ##ijo ##i2o ##iomorphic ##ieli ##ienda ##o3 ##oos ##oard ##ooth ##oint ##oeng ##oons ##oher ##oof ##oatom ##obt ##oya ##nt ##ni ##nj ##nen ##nit ##nor ##net ##nge ##nult ##nib ##nous ##ners ##nip ##nale ##nap ##nik ##nect ##night ##nits ##nac ##nier ##nav ##nold ##nium ##nison ##nah ##natal ##noi ##no3 ##rd ##ror ##rent ##riz ##rine ##rory ##rative ##rish ##rase ##rved ##rina ##rids ##raries ##rules ##rime ##rarily ##ratory ##rased ##rman ##rmic ##riger ##rivalent ##ritional ##rifted ##04 ##079 ##26 ##200 ##211 ##249 ##282 ##gt ##gd ##g8 ##gro ##gas ##gly ##gate ##gical ##gom ##gence ##grain ##gals ##g01 ##gold ##gner ##gores ##giant ##graded ##uh ##uz ##uic ##uing ##uur ##uity ##uqu ##upe ##uating ##uoch ##usions ##uka ##uging ##uana ##ukes ##uille ##ught ##uwin ##umented ##uasi ##di ##dre ##dod ##day ##drop ##dled ##dott ##dison ##dmann ##dita ##dney ##diff ##d09 ##doxyl ##disputed ##dr1 ##darth ##diman ##1n ##17 ##19 ##100 ##180 ##186 ##1temp ##my ##m1 ##m8 ##mar ##mith ##mul ##mere ##mies ##mich ##mik ##mile ##mack ##mina ##mok ##mination ##mills ##minous ##mulative ##muq ##minescence ##mermann ##metamorph ##h1 ##hid ##hag ##hene ##hop ##hak ##hun ##hub ##heng ##haz ##htang ##hio ##hder ##hua ##hagen ##hiti ##himoto ##hnge ##wi ##wat ##wid ##wig ##wra ##wain ##wart ##wast ##word ##warm ##wcad ##wski ##wilian ##wild ##wauchi ##wyth ##fo ##far ##fol ##fly ##fla ##fits ##fied ##feld ##fork ##fond ##fors ##fting ##fted ##four ##fker ##f11 ##farb ##fitting ##fabrics ##vz ##vat ##vor ##vre ##vot ##vest ##vations ##vary ##vell ##vits ##vably ##vka ##velling ##vident ##voring ##vade ##vils ##villian ##variation ##vimetric ##bk ##bor ##bas ##bet ##big ##bod ##bog ##bern ##bgen ##bout ##base ##bled ##bench ##bson ##bung ##budget ##boli ##baked ##brook ##basic ##blad ##belief ##za ##zy ##zu ##zal ##zag ##zik ##zagh ##zmer ##zani ##zuela ##zgeb ##ztown ##ziel ##znet ##zhub ##46 ##414 ##4205 ##55 ##53 ##56 ##581 ##83 ##8in ##8ch ##8not ##8co ##8used ##8section ##8et8al ##8laminated ##8system ##8variation ##846 ##kl ##ko ##kat ##kar ##kre ##kly ##kir ##kog ##kop ##ksh ##kmo ##kadian ##keley ##kapu ##koe ##kachi ##knings ##kpat ##krmic ##kuh ##73 ##700 ##740 ##789 ##7414 ##96 ##900 ##37 ##350 ##310 ##330 ##311 ##318 ##6x ##62 ##61 ##68 ##67 ##600 ##qen ##qul ##qiang ##jen ##jver ##jud ##jran ##jard ##jaz ##jada ##jug ##jda ##jiro ##jcm ##jamar ##jnor ##øy ##øe ##fining ##εc ths thor thil throw thare thief thix thrown tholis thtot thwart therop theme thetis ##aten ##atis ##atost ##atric ##atonic ##atoch ##atization ##ativity ##atier ##atka ##aturb ##attered ##atibility ##atlan ##atubo ##atzal ##onent ##onus ##onso ##onide ##onites ##onically ##onile ##onologic ##onolitic ##onui ##onnec ##onomous ##erion ##erst ##erated ##erations ##erary ##erable ##erry ##ereng ##eryl ##ervers ##erida ##erstanding ##erovskite ##erque ##er8rates ##eristics ##erøe ##esape ##esov ##esizing ##enit ##enan ##enas ##enet ##enian ##envi ##enesis ##enka ##enoids ##enistic ##enensis ##enheim ##enieratane ##enova ##enko ##inver ##indu ##inable ##inites ##inally ##inization ##initive ##inators ##inbur ##inlets ##inensis ##inney ##inophyte ##inhabit ##eding ##edith ##edom ##edia ##edisc ##edule ##edune ##edon8 ##alk ##alin ##alate ##alter ##alum ##allow ##aland ##alized ##alinity ##alto ##alpine ##alupe ##iton ##iten ##itment ##itical ##itite ##itous ##itimate ##itatively ##itrogen ##itime ##itives ##itrant ##itfully ##itrified ##ndates ##nders ##ndown of8variation ##oro ##oran ##orro ##orid ##oroc ##orus ##orall ##orced ##orites ##orang ##orok ##orha ##oroid ##orily ##orans ##orena ##orbs ##orini ##ici ##icon ##icion ##icid ##icul ##icep ##iculation ##icately ##iculate ##icists ##icious ##icopter ##icatum ##iculatum ##iculture ##icerion ##icorena ##ionate ##ionite ##ionary ##anid ##anos ##anog ##anus ##anoic ##anomal ##anensis ##anshan ##anxil ##ancia inqu inact inso inline inext inga inasm ##arant ##arill ##aria ##arable ##arsh ##arivers ##arison ##arths ##arede ##aratum ##arrays ##aragua ##arrie ##arvus ##aromatic ##arvat ##rez ##reen ##reation ##reve ##rection ##reatic ##reened ##related ##reported ##reibers andra ##rok ##roly ##roch ##roqu ##rocon ##ropt ##roduction ##rostruct ##rovian ##rovert ##roalpine ##ento ##entation ##entric ##entang ##sten ##sted ##stru ##stated ##stem ##stud ##stop ##stern ##stick ##stec ##stoy ##strue ##sthene ##inga ##ingent ##ingle ##ingling ##elon ##eles ##elle ##elou ##elve ##elite ##elity ##elast ##elie ##elope ##elior ##elium ##elius ##elunder ##elotte ##elwain ##asure ##asive ##asediment ##asia ##asured ##ascar ##asho ##asby ##asms ##askan ##asinophyte tow tour told toome tomm togo towed toomb tokachi ##leq ##lection ##leable ##leto ##leteness ##lebung ##ctis ##ctost ##ctory ##ctase ##ctivity ##ctual ##ctobenthic ##ctooth ##urer ##urate ##urch ##urge ##uride ##urance ##urise ##urling ##urfaces ##urans ##uranium ##urvus ##uristics ##urcating ##isz ##isen ##isation ##isce ##isse ##isant ##isive ##isites ##isening ##isostatic ##isorption ##isbury ##islan ##isova ##isitely ##isposed ##oln ##olen ##olan ##olest ##olom ##olish ##olics ##olake ##oloration ##olhu ##olito ##olellata ##olgical ##olmack ##olvably ##olonnec ##thest ##thquak ##thones ##thors ##think ##thyan ##ouk ##oule ##ouch ##ouard ##oumer ##oudinage ##ouminescence ##cea ##cein ##ceph ##ceps ##cete ##cefully ##imant ##imated ##imore ##imine ##imates ##imill ##imally ##imits ##imps ##imogenic ##imistic ##imoles ##imanite ##imnion ##imony ##imedes ##imyr ##lyans ##lysis ##ly8laminated ##ithes ##ithwa ##ithonian isn isis isra isom isoch isomer isogra rea reich reun reint reemp rehan reformed reforms reaw reex reocc reacc reequilib reaff reiterated reforming rehder reisz rethink ##etes ##eting ##etod ##eties ##etally ##etano ##etries ##etogenesis ##etnam ##etpas ##etails conter conse confer conced conrol coney confining ##idon ##idst ##idist ##idine ##idents ##idend ##idites ##iday ##idase ##idences ##idually ##idarian ##idelines ##idblad ##mpatric ##osis ##osol ##osive ##osound ##osub ##osymb ##owen ##owing ##owits ##owai ##owmik withstood ##igas ##igid ##igree ##igley ##igious ##igms ##igitation ##igratory ##ocs ##ocate ##ocations ##ocost ##ocino ##ococcolith ##oclast ##ocalc ##ocenters ##ocrinus ##ocumented ##ocorall ##raic ##rades ##raised ##rawn ##rawal ##rafted forens forever forset forams forami forjaz foredune ##ivi ##ivide stw stif stab stell stamp stau stoss stach stones stably stef stained staur stoh stans stays stoke staging staining stuck stubb stakes stagger staes stolen ##ilo ##ilst ##ilated ##ilely ##ilari ##ilize ##ilina ##ilov ##ilds ##iliated ##ilai ##ilamb ##iliate ##ilastic ##ilosophical sums suitably suisse deem defer deck deino deuter dexing deeve dearth deept ##ota ##otu ##otus ##otian ##otically ##otral ##otting ##otograph ##otina ##otax ##otella ##otomy ##otelian ##otithonian ##atex ##atech ##ago ##agle ##agres ##agam ##agraph ##aghan ##agination ##agasta ##agawa ##aguad ##agued ##agulum ##agascar asa asi asd asph asynch asflu ##uli ##ullu ##ulite ##ulable ##ulco ##ulds ##ulatory co3 coat coor cove coates coding copr coble coenz coppers coqen cootral beck bevel beier begs beards beij becker begging beukes bewild bebout beagle ##laint ##lamin ##laston exter exqu exits exited exogen exeter exiting exothermic exocont exagg exagger exaratum prow proud progen procl prokof proversus onor onent onus onand onential onaping ##ifing ##ifum ##ifique ##ifax ##ifune ##terol ##terall ##terids ##terrane ##teryggen ##terfly ##chs ##chak ##chik ##chuk ##chler ##chio ##cherma ##chlor ##chroneity ##chemistry ##chpin ##chatka ##church ##cholest ##chouk ##romic ##roment ##rometer ##romator ##romallo byrd ##utter ##utum ##utina ##utants ##utochthonous ##utotrophs ##utilized ##utyun anr ances anov anker anhydrite anita anelastic anoxygen an38 aneur aniak anhua anvils an55 anceps ##seth ##seck ##seval ##oda ##odo ##odome ##oderm ##odified ##odisc ##odont ##odlines ##odiag ##oderma ##odophytes ##odosols ##odictyon ##odimensional atom atwood alan alph alive aless alert algin aluminous aliph alonso ##resence ##resne ##ureen maar mail macc maip mays mapper maier mamb maox maha maze mandates maowen maureen seine secon seize searle sebk seimogenic seatex shen shir shru shab sham shib shik shire shang sharm shark shaw ships shaken shosh shaked shimo shrun shannon shashi shattered shreve shimant whic whim whir whale whund whales whiffs whilst ##gements ##geographic ##phe ##phen ##phid ##phast ##phia ##phaz ##phyl ##phthal ##phaera ##phasal ##phidic ##philosophical ##vey ##vear ##veinlets ##verb ##iry ##iri ##irge ##irates ##irian ##irled ##irts ##irpation ##ruz ##ru3 ##ruence ##ruff ##rubed ##rucis ##ruitment ##antan ##antra ##antial ##antine ##antyn ##antled ##antify ##antole ##antitatively ##antly8laminated ##ogle ##ogis ##ogam ##oglob ##ogging ##ogawa ##ograptus ##estic ##estry ##estructive ##luh ##luid ##lucon ##lude ##lune ##luded ##ludes ##luvium orca orchard orror ##oman ##omar ##omated ##omain ##omian ##omogenic ##ombed ##omeles ##istak ##istance ##istries ##istered ##istotelian chart chia chik chau chath chun chac chry cheng chink choked choles chalc chagos chilling cherry chesape chagres conti conto contended contested contingent ##eree ##ereau ##ppa ##ppel ##pple ##ppella ##ppolito ##aba ##abund ##abited ##abamb ##abraded ##abyssal ##abasic ##quist ##quartz ##quilib ##quanshan ##quarrie ##quantify ##amu ##amat ##amel ##amine ##amura ##ametti ##amerida ##amitous ##amotu collab colors colour coltic collinear colville colluvium ##ultural ##ighami ##ibout ##ibration ##ibrium ##ibilities ##ibito bass basing basil weir weich wegen weights wehr weij weaver wegner weedon8 ##peaked hain haass hapt hadle haots hamper hacker haiti havre hasten haphaz ##ivearths ##aterrane faint fainter fauger faerøe faisce faulds ##itioners ##emy ##ems ##emism ##emists ##emetry ##emarle ##imentary teach teased teepe tejada eva evisc evoked evokes compiles computes compacted compiling compounded compressions compliment complaint ##orts ##orte ##ortable ##ortium ##ortchouk ##umes ##umont ##umder ##umnes ##umoto resort resus reseal resumption resorbed resolvably resumes ##ador ##adir ##adley ##adium ##adriatic ##adonite ##adiite ##adrina ##adhun ##ude ##udes ##udal ##udad ##udry ##udri notch notions notwith not8used ##iche ##ichele ##ichomous ##essential ##essful lain lapt lays laup lachn laings lakm ##iza ##izon ##izer ##izant ##izapu ##izyg ##orefer ##orecon depau depress depressed depaolo depocenters ##uses ##usen ##ussion ##usus ##ussions ##uscher interreg interrog interann intermont interrogate intergovern interlocked interlink interrelated interlamin interludes modifies modifiers moderation incred incarn incont incisions incoher incidents ##inear ##ineering reco recount recons recession recomb recrys recreation recurvus recruitment ##ductivity colleague colleaguessh colleaguesowing ##rance ##raneous ##ranches ##ranched ##ransform ite ##ongy neal neill neap neuk neoto nearto neander neoarchaean nectobenthic ##lowska ##lower8rates subop suberat subcon subari subun sublac subde subround subgrou subhedral subhoriz subnan subgrains subhum subgrain ear09 ##ersen ##ersible ##ersdor presage presided prespa prespan presolar plough plinian pl14 plinth plague pl16 plesov plicatum plagued gee geiss geography geote georoc geomar georefer geersen armb aryl arena arthrop arlaud arctost arisen arutyun aristotelian univer unme unset uncond unreg unchar unresp unident unma unstruct unsc unifying uninterpret unmodel unatt unparallel unorient unstratified unnam unjust unaware unfault unappreciated unobt unrifted unwra unvary uninhabit unabraded univearths ##ockite ##ianae ##ataks ##atactis highland highto highveld formulated formulate ##ologial ##ologues ##ipi ##iper ##ipes ##iping ##ipment ##ipans ##ipterids ##eneous ##enegro ##alewski ##oping ##opia ##opause ##oplac ##opods ##oplastic ##oporphy ##optic ##opographic ##oplasts ##opasc ##oprecipit ##opolymer ##oporoid ##opelite meer meiss meij mevedev meigs meadow ##reted ##rettable ##ostoma ##osteph ##ostelium ##arta ##arted ##artpun ##asts ##astrop ##astery ##astigerina ##astoderma ##astems ##orms relics relativity religious relocations magadiite wasn wasatch exported expedi expressions expensive ##aku ##aker ##akar ##akil ##akot ##akus ##akening ##akaz ##akened ##akman ##akivi maren marion marra marian marath marani maruyama maraich margold maritime marroqu ##ysts ##ystosperm ##ystwyth indio abound abram abaqu aboard abzu abolish ababa abakus ##alloped ##associ ##assium ##andro ##andstones enso engin enfor enjo enthal enamel canf canic canari canals canaries cancer cancel cannib canaria ##feroni dura durda durisova duripans ##acek ##aceaous ##iller ##illance ##illagua strated strive strips striations dislo disks disgu dislod disbelief disallow disentang disassoci ##005 ##0023 ##002d ##iaco ##iapert scf scant scub scores scrip scraps scoria scori scoop scroll scalloped timates timeline impover impract impressed imposing impending impaired ##ghinian ##ghuasi ##api ##apod ##aplus ##apasc ##apvaal ##apaskan ##apulco perish perox performs perched perovsk perister pervade rocket rockfalls intent intake intcal intentions intelle ##ruster beta surging surplus precept preva prebi prevention prefolding preece prejud preindu prelude usivity usher useless usgs ushak ##ells ##ellones ##orded ##cka ##cky ##ckie ##ckhe clan cliffs cloos clogging ##erves ##rainages ##acts ##actants ##actinia ##actorily chances ##loid temper tempted ##ificed ##ffen ##ffle ##ffey volyn volpi ##ounding so4 sovi sovis soeta so186 sohnge soppa ##gger ##ggett ##ggren between849 ##onei ##oneis ##onega ##erati extral extirpation extraneous accustom ##ika ##iked ##ikule ##ikeli ##amped ##amples ##ampled ##ampton lea lean leoproterozoic lexic leica lepland leckie figure1a butyl button butyrate butterfly norites norrman corg coric corset corpor corruption corsica corystosperm ##concent ##consin carnot carving carpent carbo carva carolin carcin cardiff carmich cariaco deposystem ##pta ##ptas ##ptichnus regained regassing regressed regalla register regener registered regrettable ##ysm ##ysis ##ardo overand overinterpret overste overfish overstepping overcomp oversight overhead oversaturation overnight overabund asso asset assists assisting assolid assurance larson obso obduction obvi objection obeying obolellata sout ##earance ##earthquak ##endipit continual undef undisc undulated undulations undatable undesc undeterm undocumented mayum earthly fluorescent hashimoto howard theirs appropri appraised ##aurop ##auwater ##erals ##erally ##ensen ##ensor ##ensbachian ##ensurate party partway ##epened ##epths ##eparvus ##arius prp priet pringle prasinophyte crc crcl cronus crusted ##osphaera ##athed ##athead ##athians ##soil ##soever ##idean reposition replen reperc repicked reputable repair repagulum ##unct ##unite ##unean ##unnes ##unori ##unzhub ##ceded ##cedony underline underway underto underflow undercut underlining underappreciated undercount underfitting underreported understud underutilized tranverse paleopro paleored paleowater paleoped paleogis paleorecon ##ignan phi pheng phrase phonolitic simu ##lesmere hyolith hyppolito ##itesimally transvers transylv transcrip transuranium mini mines minus minnes minister adduction advers adelie adverb detour occam occident occluded terre terface terrig terpstra terzagh spent spac speng spons spok spark spires spaw spicular spurs spilled spurt spiti spoil splits spaces sporang spasms spodosols sports spongy spakman spiked consciously conspire consortium diets dixie diaromatic diabasic diastems upval upgoing uplands upcoming upgraded watery waterlog ##erty ##erturbed ##erticep comagmatic morecambe seawat caval cacy capping cajon cairn cappella qub quint quotes quotation quech quoting quigley quizapu quillagua ##urrently ##urrrent ##ronting ##ystems provision signifying ##oza ##ozircon ##ozonal dryc drury drille dripped carbonatite carbonatites ##ayered ##ayashi ##aynap obsrved observers distort distrust distrib distally distorted distortion ##ighted interplate interpenet concoct concaten conciliate concurrently ##ient8 ##erno ##ernation ##atic8 ##iftly observes observing observator callow calyp calcein calamitous caliche ##ructure interprets interpretating interpretative ##ueira ams amx am2 amu ames amber amina amont amyg ameob amg8 amarill amelior amidst variants varieties continential wherever whereup metac metry metagen meticul ##iec ##iev ##iego ##iegra ##oseira ##oseawater ##omechanical formational feg feis feet feand feather fewest fe2o3 ##orphic ##orphism ##ageo ##pectral southwesterly southampton ##ricia ##ricted ##ricably ##ositions ester esters esther estancia ##achous ##achable ##achile ##achyl northto northwesterly locates locating tries triaxial trento trichomous trizyg flowage biopro biostr biochron biologists biochemical biogenous biostratigraphically biostratigraphies bijug biopolymer biozonal samplers sampetod ##lacogn ##lacoot ##rosynth ##rospray ##rosaurop ##ileo supposing supplier suppositions presentation ##ynski ##elde slx slater gregores greisening greactants valved valves genic genco genese ##ustainable heck heath hexi heckert heeded hexa hebgen heuristics ##icka ##ickii ##ressible ##ressibility oceanward oceanography oceanographically actuo acteristics ##deen ##deep ##deglacial ##defined ##dezhen decan decided decimal decoration decribed decisions decouver decorrelation decimeterto declination decisive decodified decapod propelled propionate doin do14 dobson dojran ##oughlin temperatureand ##ralow ##monium lithium lithotrophic lithifying lithophyll lithostratigraphically twist twtt twigs twelve twodimensional ##ocho ##ochial ##ochip ##ochnale ##ochheng earlyto ##labeling moor moine moments moons moats moo4 moorings mohole mokapu hydrol hydrating 20n 202 20th 2040 2021 2031 203401 noor novo acre acme acores acute acarin acatlan acutum acapulco slabbed wouldn bedard bednar 10s 10x 10b 1050 1080 1090 1020 1089 1014 1044 traction traffic tractional trauth zirconium ##ishly ##ishment ##ishaw ##ishna deepwa deepcalc twoand fraught arcing arcane arcmap associate ##ropyl ##roplants latex ##acou ##acryst ##acophyll ##acini ##aculite ##acodictyon ##acruz volcaniclastics marginally ##gences ##gencies ##genheim icebergs reminding ##outing redness redhouse redraw redrafted ranger ranero ranked longshore longquanshan po2 pope popper poise poka poole pouring calcids calculus calculable conditioner conditioned grai gram grays graaff graham grazer graciously grakrmic gracefully grapple desk desulf desaguad deserves precollision precipt preclassic precipi af3 afores someone somewhere micra micity microl micaceous mictic microscopically microlite centrip centimetric ##rowed allison allanite ##meur ##meij refit refill refresh refracted refilling refractions refriger referee flute flips flutes florescence flims flvz flocs flathead thicket onega charges characodictyon erosionally ##ritc ##ritt ##rittled eastor eastwest ##acterized ##ubulus ##ubducted smit smow smoking ##ycles glacy glacigenic mire miura miami mioge material1 ##pecified ##valenko correcting couldn midst midwest midway midlands midcrustal midhol midcrust newer seismics ##ularia analysing ##ondi ##gerite outset outsk outgroup outwash outflu outdated outli outsized silent silcrete ##berations ##berish domed domestic crystic leveling discs discu discoloration claw cladoxyl differentiate differentiating ##onsive magnified magnification magnifications consistencies manual manix managing mangal manuela manjer manjiro mangerite ##ossiland ##orsed presses pressured pressurization ##idered upperand ##tings ##nection ##neys ##negan ##neville ##necke equals equids equidist equipment nearer nearing occured topo topical topology topomod topsoil reflex ##isecond ##isegment ##lication geochro geochip rangea rangeomorph verifying veritable verifies vergent vergence verhagen verosub verrucis veracruz vermeij effected ##sha pared paris parents parry paramorph paroo parva parks paraly paraa parvus paraph paraoc parsons parcels parrish pargas parvident paragraph parseval parochial estimations sandbach sandbian sandbox sandbod ##iquantitatively fursich furthest agar agour agape agenda agno3 agrawal agadir roo roerm rovers royal rohrmann royer rohtang rojnor eruptible ##strial ##strength ##stratal ##psisol furthering firuz infers infinity infinite inflated terming velo veloci velaa isotopologues ##ermost ##ermature ##ermico majorand marine04 plaas plaster plaque plafker histological histosols specified specification specify specious speculates specifies speciations turtles ##uchi ##uchoides ap5 apical aplites patom patino patricia ##tionaries ##riel ##riwilian ##loboqu matlab matte maturing matzel matuyama invia invigor invagination probed probst changeover co2sys finish finolhu stratigraphers interpretational ##bras ##brig ##bride ##bright ##brera globk globules globigerina globularia lately microto microphys micrograph micrograins microchemical microfault microenvironments microarrays microveinlets microquartz microearthquak cycads fielding arches arching archimedes localizes hydrothe hydrolysis hydrochlor bella ##stands reductase silicifying silicothermal silicilastic silicificed ##lings iden idiomorphic id350 knut knoll knapp knipping knuth potwar potsd potrok potassium richards metamorphics metamorphosing metamorphosis numerator nummul numerals impactor limnic wills lander landing landmark landfalls hypidi hypabyssal oldow polk poland poloidal political ##mma ##mmet ##mmetric ##mmetti ##ogeny ##ogeneric ##ogenetic muchdisputed coolest organicand velocimeters sulphidic correlatives granules founder identically identifications downan downhole downchannel downwast complexing dominion dominici clement cleary predate predator predepositional predecess predisposed biotechn ##alsifiable permissive contractions contracted contracting shallows shallowed shallowversus accrete accretes accreting accretions escal escort ridden riddles riddled afterwards ashy ashton ashfall ashworth ashikule disposal disputing 20000 20050 20090 20060 wawa waiting wafers waianae ##ierrez facto mgand mgcl periadriatic eventual channelization channelfill typify typcial typifying typifies 15n 151 15m 155 158 1564 1524 15cm serum serenit serendipit ##anga ##angas ##angpo representatives mudfl mudpo mudpool ##efully ordinarily 2017 brevity breeding ##mbol ##mbospor anyone understandable understandably transposition transposed transpired transpower poster postulation postulations postemp postback postex postkinematic postcollision postnatal postolonnec postdeglacial mainstream mainstem offs eleven elevate elevates elevating manyi scaly scalar defra defend defended defec defeating peck pecha pevear ##oxing ##oxanes ##oxili mono monto montic monoliths monnard monashe monowai monograptus monoplac monastery monogeneric respired respiring prima rapitan rapakivi generically reflectivity reflectivities ##overs rapids crete cretaceaous attend attains attraction attritional olve olga olcott radical radular approval approches clearest pluvial plummet evenness burtr burton burden burying burned burwood bursting burndown ##inaires confir confines confounded confuse confocal confronting floats ##armite 19s 191 1914 1915 1935 1932 1929 1949 1948 1939 barge barff barents barrat barney barnac barrovian ##sequential ##ninghe middleton generalizing generalizations absorbed absurd terranovic laterite lateritic endured endency enduring endemic endotherms endobenthic endemism endorsed workings degrading degrades backed backward backdrop backstop westaway ##iorating ##iews antof normality normalizing profusion profiler uncited uncren uncoop uncurling infered inferentially ##ositetra densification densifying lessens lessons lessening facie explainable empire emptying paleobi paleoatm paleohabit paleoflora paleoenvi 12e 12d 1201 1240 1280 1220 petten petrie ##aving ##avian ##avand δ18owater δ18olake δ18ocalc δ18oprecipit δ18ozircon δ18oseawater ##sets ##perate ##periment ##perovskite spectrog sheath directivity topographies 1150 1190 1112 soled solum solvation solvents solwcad shorten edith edward edited edged edget editing edmont edifi edenian edinbur holding holmes holdf holders hollis holloch holcene holbrook holiday reconna pbo2 heaton transitionally dates1 shearer beneficial collides collages collimated amphid ##sembly progradational gahag gaudry multifact multiface multimill multisegment publicity ##anoichnus converter converts conversations faru faring farber farfield farellones ##upi ##upu ##upied sectioned predicated nonimp noncom nonhydrous nonvolcanic noncrystalline nonradiogenic noncomp noncollisional nonprof nonessential nonavian dynamo dynamite dynamism eco ecologies ecopet ecoge jury juracek pasteris pasteurized weatherable weatherby 255 258 259 2580 2560 2520 2576 literate littered literary literally ##hai ##hausen reefbudget hadrosaurop ##insgo ##insonia ##inskoe fluxgate ##charova crystallizes 304 305 307 303 306 3070 3075 quartzine ##parik ##paritic imlgs imf11 ##richthyan transportable depended dependant breakage epither epita epiph ##ompete ##omponent ##omparison causally continuations continually 40m 406 4091 4071 ##notia ironically triumph trioctahedral triphyl researching containers insar insulated insulating inspected insistence inspired ##issi ##issivity 13n 134 1390 1327 1344 1341 synand synforms synerupt synfolding synmetamorph synoptic ##older discharging analytically trend8to8 eu2 eu3 eucl eucal eugene eugly euanomal py6 pyrites pyrolite pyroly pyrosynth quanta quantum quantax quantifi quantfied bua buf buato buenos bucche buseck buickii needlessly tibia tibwith ##chner ##chnical strainor straining collisionand opx opal opaline ##hansha radiometry lineation retraction retractions ordered milled milling millero millimeterto millimoles millisecond millbrig salic salar salton saltm salida salpas salinization salisbury ##ucoph viewing viewpoint weakest delivers delving delays delaminated delaney deloro delicately deloule delimits delighted delacou kawash kawar kawauchi kaislan kaigas kaapvaal mesa mesic mesof mesohaline mesoto mesosc mesopycnal mesostasis mesodiag satans testified testimony maximize maximilian microbasins microborings microboudinage microbranches grits grasp grims gratier grasby protopl prototype protaspid mixes assemblies singh singano concentrates concentrating expects chemoand chemeron chemostratigraphically chemostratigraphies chemisorption chemosymb chemotax chemistries whatsoever capa caprock captions capitor capacities caperovskite distinctions eless ellen elouard elru3 eliza elardo ellesmere pacing pacaud mottle mottling entomb entombed entrance denote denoted denmark denatural em2 emu em1 emit emic emulating em20 eminent emorb emitting emilian emerald emissive emirates emissivity taih taconic tahiti tajcm taimyr ##asonically ultralow 18s 181 1870 1891 1893 1835 1832 1845 ##racture ##ractus authored authigen 14n 141 1498 1434 1477 1418 1471 1488 ##pheres ##pherical magmas1 thermof thermomagnetic thermopet thermogra thermomechanical maximums brook brogan broecker peaked peakall responding ruh ruape rugged ruido fractioning fractionate fractionations summed summing summation srbs timespan wedgeand unitary focussed loa loi looping ##ognomy gradations gradstein gradignan ##ircling ##irculation elementally waveor wavefield wavebase ##teen ##tebrate failing bearings 17s 172 179 1786 1760 1730 1795 1721 glomer ##tonite ##rictional ern erm erform ercent ergo erban erwin erba erimental erdmann erzgeb eratost oxcal oxalate subslab subsidi subspherical landsat populate popocate keating keiffer mmol ##ennand separations trenched nets ##hasizing superficial supercrustal superbly supercomp superflu superlatives supergiant superterrane superceded plio pliensbachian fractof agreee agreeing widest widens negate negated circles circulate circulating circuit circulatory gasbench gasparik drillcore 50l 505 506 5030 ##rology initialize austroalpine viscida viscoplastic referable refertil referring referencing ##lemant ##lemann recognised recognizes recognizable memoir memorial floodwaters terrestrialized terrestrialization diammonium totals totality crean crevas worn worse ancillary bulging bullet bullets drafting poorer poorest sharper individually dimichele dimorphism technologically magnete magneto magnetized magnetize magnetospheric magnetof magnetozones magnetitite australis australasian permeated permeates agglom aggraded cenogram migrations clayand clayto brgd brighami brennand ##ds1 alternates alternately geobar geoelect geohaz geophilosophical ##heri adjunct olivin issued stew stepping steven steered stephen steffen broadens analyzable goat gobi gogeb gobern google morphing morphocl morphotypes restores ##ymsky ##ymchuk thoughts closes closures ##ostratigraphical tscherma tsuchi tsangpo experimentalists dollar fronting fronted lights ##403 ##4077 bodele ##sterite depleting deplete depletive depletes substage substages substitute substructure plans planated planforms planned planorb planners planteryggen intrafol intrastratal convected convectively conveyer implicates helene helices helioc helicopter helanensis helanoichnus misra mispl misloc misused misgu missour misdated misfits misdefined mislabeling halley halogenic halophyte halifax porritt illog iliam lengthy lengthen ##agnathus numbered oses osed ositional osamu northeastwards componentry fillings truthing trucken chronometers chronologically chronofacies chronometrically chronostratigraphical climax climbing δ13ctooth liquified oppel opposition oppenheim si4 sio4 siwal slowand slowness slowdown geochronometry geochronometers geochrononologic geochronolgical geochronologial mattered passing swith swelling swirled swartpun swiftly ##aflos bald balances ballast balfour balanid dunite dunne dunitic dunsin duncannon productions commenting fragilari methodological lateralis porphyrite porphyritic ##of8section ##ofurans ##ofractus ##oreseen reactant segnit energetically energetics justifi justifiable labs label labile labex onsets forearcs 167 1630 1645 asthe astoria astounding crossers crossline crosswind fournier fourpeaked fourteen pleading pleuger pleasure pleurise senses ##ornly ##ornblende extrabas drygals crystalize crystalines axa axen axberg tropospheric tropsch tropopause themes themochron security kinetically assesses solidated solidii δ13calk parametric immaterial imminent immersed immedia ledges positing stillstands texts command commend commended commerc commensurate erratum ##ahari ##nowable todd todays todorok polarised polarizing polarstern sks skip skills skips skidblad ##robiota debating debouch electricity electrospray parallels paralleled parallelism parallelograms amplifying ampliapert keyword arab arago casi cased casing casual caswell casio3 casipvk classifying classifications hematitic submature submeter submission submitted submersible abstracted ##arcated ##rophenan imager imagined imaginable alkane alkanoic seemed addi addis additive additives originality substantive substantively substantiation substantiates substantiating 239 233 2338 353 3500 3512 3564 910 915 ##plot towards revived revision revival revolve revises revisions revamped expanse expanses expansivity hetero heterolith heterosite heterotrophs heterococcolith heterodont heteromeles penelope palms pallet palette palomas pallad palimps paludal diatomaceous ##ulfidic ##rangle ##rangian supplements unlikelihood angolan unconnected unconcern dr1a dr1b ##roscale steepen steepest steeprock steepened bottlene couplet couplets duction duck duced ducea lagging lagerst lagrangian minority illusory goldring goldberg goldfield goldstein goldfarb ##osystems expands coincidences excepted freeways freeboard freezer ##tmeters ##tmiller drillings bathed bathing foam fo91 fomented fo92 lhasaterrane albania albuqu albarede albemarle reservation encircling alkalis runner runaway photon phototroph players 394 3940 3960 3912 3968 curnow curators cursory curtiss ##henes ##henius mapocho exclusions secreted secretion secreting evaluates futures coarsen coarsely contributory integral integrates transferable metasandstones taxum advise diagonal proportionately explanatory 244 245 248 2400 2490 2460 2411 2479 2464 stratotypes illustrations ft2005 ##pa0023 plattin biomicrite knows dolomicrite deltaplus functioning sanford sanidine vanished vanishingly vanadium ##ontally ##ontology ##ontuur seeber untilting feeders amphibious amphibolitic bottomsets diverged divergences roughens roughening tiers tipper tipped tiamat vega streamer streaming streamlining daylight daytime log10 paid paces pays paused pawar paolo payson pa4205 paphia pauses wallis wallinga steadiness paleosalinity paleosurfaces provencal decadally hydrologically outcropt outcompete vegetational rainy rainier rhein rheic rheomorphic ##racks lawver irm iris irene irinensis irifune ndau ndwi nderstanding schlag scheib schedule schreibers schlune stepovers minimus differentially sulfideand nitrification robe robotic salty saltier saltpan conductor conductances fundamentalists blackwall windward windiness equivalently independence kilobar kilburn kiliman kiloatom raft rauscher ##gansk realities realize realizing gravimetric catlos catunean exceedance intermingling indiana hugo huai hugging huxley huilai huggett huaynap tugen tuamotu megaer megaturb megarivers megirian megapasc megachile megacryst helping amazing trigonal sulfuric sulfurand builth medical medano medieval oujda willow wilks wilkin willam ##ohastigerina ##oida standardize standardization affiliated eyafjallajokull macerate maceration macdonald macroplants macrobiota macroscale preferably cratered cratering spanish propagator pseudospor pseudopods pseudohastigerina 607 7027 7076 70282 7062 callipterids veined versant ##swick ##cadalto proximities spacecraft southwestto glaciochemical takena aquents aquita aquilina tensors ##ma8 stormy stormand seismites seismometers seismostratigraphy seismogram seismograms viscosityand 222 227 229 2200 2210 756 75th 7553 rayner raymond dynamicists oxidative oxidase oxidize oxidants oxidised cascaded cascadian gyr gyre gypse gyroch nao naand naoh naoki naasho naphthal nio ##heses ##oclinal ##oclimatic staten statistic statoil molal molts mollex molybed conceptually ##eratureprof centerline centerpie granulana granulometrically narrowed narrowest bacterium contexts abruptness powerline dividing divorced dividend wetted wetto congolian congolom congruence stylolitic shaping intensifies intensifi woodlands woodhead woodruff devations devise devised devices devitrified coalified coalbed substratum transforming distinguishable believes nucleates nucleating nucleaires airy airstream airfall airburst darg darby darondi darriwilian fit2d sustains thanked mineralogies 201427 201430 201434 201411 201412 201435 2014142 2014205 2014149 2014181 openings opportune guarant guidelines guilds homology ##ophere ##ophore ##ophiles ##ophycos ##ophyton ##ophorans alluded alludes uniformis uniformity accords accordion hypothesizing successor drawings restricts diagenic diagenetically lamina laminar laminate merit merian merges merits meraspid meredith merapi pulsing isolates altai altitudinal faunachron recovers recoverable 150900 1000μatm burrowers frontier ##hydrates ##hydrophenan catchy campos fabricated fabricators convolved conventions lauren laurin laurasian laurasia planted percentile headward headless decomposed decomposes infillings minimums 454 459 453 45º pco2atm stray strahl strably siltto programs geophysicists evergre purified purification purper purify ##boa resisted resistive factories extremophiles cloudii mwp incompatibility incomparable incompleteness incompressibility surveying surveillance dispersing emphasizing segmented gypsiferous gypsisols dipole diploblastic dipstick diploid moran morse morning morency morocc morrison morelli moretti morakot ##obrecc ##obalite theoretic stromboli stromquist stromatactis fluctuation fluctuate geochemist denude goethites skeletally 0004 rodi rodenas selong selkir ##gsio3 ##gsi2o ##86a ##8611 sublimate sublitt washburn signaling included8to8 thermochronometer crux myally myd09 zontal ##omagnetics cutine cutoff cutler cuticles cuticle luna lunt lung vented venture ventifact ventura ventilated ventersdor ready polybar polygenetic polyceph polyphasal millennialand 26s 269 2640 2680 2670 2620 2645 2631 blunt dinitrogen destinations felsitic gabet gabriel hardening shields shielded marsili marsyang clinopyroxenite figuresdr1 underplate metalimnion meltwaters 600m cuvier eolianite rigour ##expon ##examples rebounds rebecc phenolic phenolics douce dougl goodness ica icrostruct icositetra ##ansdott demographic demosp demarcated unknowable engel volatility paleotropical paleotropics paleotransform paleotopographic remarked owen owens trepass trevor treptichnus visited visinsgo ##caling handa handling siliciclastics juina pc18 speak speaks ##ocrystic ##iferum geomorphologically geomorphologists calderon microplates 201330 201312 2013143 2013079 floodscapes westwards halfway halfnium braithwa braunite counties dams damery damste damaging dammed damwal damavand m2s m29 rolls rollion tetrads ##ecahedral ##ecient8 tomasov supermature ##otropic fluorites 2000s 200020 201210 201205 201213 2012249 2012180 2012pa0023 ultrabasic ultradeep ultrastrength circumvents circumnav robustly cfb dropstone tarasov ##skal ##10700 unfashion unfolding unfolded unfalsifiable unforeseen uppermost87 configured fragmenting stromatoporoid dzk dzik etna etches etudes fuse fuelling fuels fuzz fujak ichnology ichnologists langenheim sinbad sinninghe intersected recurred recurrences articles articulate accelerate accelerati advecting samplings boniface bonjard bonferoni bonneville ohakur ascends ascribing subtract subtracted scientifically scientifique scouring extrusions solubilization counterexamples dinosaurian kreepy azs cosmos cosmorha erosively disagrees downwards downwardand usefulness phosphoric paleotemperture 275 2750 2710 2754 27200 filth filtered melas melter melia melones melendez melicerion δdwater δdrock ##chrons ##chronology ##chronologically arrhenius obliterates acquires microfabric microfibers microfabrics eyewit 321 328 327 329 3200 3230 3249 ##thermia dr2b moister odp92 odp849 odp846 bandel bandwid ionize ionizing ##bey ##bekmo suspicion primitiveor ductility ductilely perturbs perturbing bacon bajo baja dilated dilute herding herzen hereto herwartz hercynian habitably laserchron ttom ##moor ##rotubulus decayed decaying sharpen sharpening sixth mediumand calderaforming 331 334 3350 effi efflorescence effusions hangingwal yakymchuk ##araq compete abiogenically abiotically polymers 1205 12041 eclogitized maastrichitan 289 28dt 772 778 776 7700 diachroneity ##ymmetrically ##607 ##environmental ##roducts ##iskoe presume detaches detached rooting rootless permanence 201112 201122 2011311 instrumentally employs everything berlo berndt berardelli beranek berkeley berggren noneth nonexpl nonequl nonequilib pedum pedogenesis pedigree toro toray torfs torques torque torosa walk wallace walked plagiogran unusable indented indentation indentations indentors occupancy discreet discrepant parameterize parameterizations 954 959 dusts frid frigid frizon gibberish graphic graphical graphically hietpas marti marticorena nanying nanoplankton nanmuq slugl tonarin orbiting scotese detectors caveats termini terminating terminological terminologies 800m 925 928 927 bonded nodes operculum pilot ##scan ##sciously ##scdt ##screen ##schelde receivers receiving receipt repeating repeats repeatable semidi semiquantitatively controversies controversially happen pervasiveness petrographical petrographiques simplification simplifies simplifications oscillating meteorology cumulated cummulative jehl mentioning putting santos santorini vaporized vaporization ##daloidal ##algae ##olcanism storied intraregional intrasediment qualifier hypercap hypersthene hyperthermia 200824 2008149 publicly peninsular avoids avontuur kglass ptand utw ##209 ##2780 ##agmatism evidential evidences complication architectural attributing gravitationally homogenizes smoothing 312 314 315 318 317 319 864 865 866 bruin dubiof dublyans darken darkly darkness embrittled flament flavoring zrsio4 ##asperm ##raywacke deviated seamlessly shade colonise colonizing faceting facetted paleocontinental paleocontin paleocirculation bioand bioalter parentis parentheses hydrogenous hydrogenases 2015142 2015215 2015117 2015143 2015181 buoyancies decompressional ichnofossil accelerates disagreements 6500 6516 gorby gorghe panguana tilts tiltmeters ##309 ##306 ##3071 ##alytical toolbox coherence coherently answered lacerticep premised premagmatic ammonia pyroclast batholithic 363 3620 hopper holey hoey hoadley hilltops milk miliam pgc venice venerable wintertime shorefaces precedes 1066 10626 anticlockwise photosynthetically photosynthesizing introductory idealizes donor donated donington franchi frankly govers hammock hamnen hamza vigran sudan chew chezy ##amanika unreported unreachable ##opsids ##opsians diagnosed diagnosing metazoa plausibility synchrony coincidental owners 555 553 puerto routes russell sideritic tailed tailored wolff wolbach wollaston ##9895 tholeitic ##olesi reassembly conjured sumita asymmetrically asymmetries exchanges exchanged paleoclimates paradigms metasomatically megaspores crocidolitic 218 219 21st 2100 213401 2110700 292 293 2900 2950 boon boost boast board boils boomer boyce famously khoman kirby kiruna kiritim kirkpat kirchner msl menant wording ##tycha ##kerksh ##itzky deformable unperturbed scanstation adapts cautioning radargra penetrative decadalto macroev macroorganisms macroflora macroinver macroalgae 6300 harland harley harlen harbour hargra harvard harvest harbor harvey hartmann hartsop hartkop joe joan joined joyce mcdonald mcnult mcelwain mcquarrie mcbride sg32 condense stacks strategically overprints overprintings spinner plasticor 200918 2009008 meaningless hadrosaurs hadrosaurian satellites granted adjusting fingerprinted manifests 487 4800 garces garrid garita garbled luiz lucky luochheng sillimanite tubes tubew ##cahy ##kinsop ##orptive innsbru innermost ##throperyl dehydrate dehydrating sealing seeping relaxing entertain disappears disappoint crisium volcanos volcanically volcanologico postdating paleogeographically paleogeographical captain groundwaters couplings selectively 424 429 4200 autoor autonomous automated autobrecc autocrystic bolt bolling bifurcating cultivated eureka glaucoph naming namling psps psych panel panhandle panxi pancake pannotia panalytical tapers tapestry urgent urkre beams beamline proceeding spared spineand km3of smithies insufficiently coexists tremolitic 5122 5124 51328 51318 51209 bowed bowers bowring bowman cesspool dictionaries ethane kokaly kokoxili listric sonoda sonarmite welcom zeroed zeroing δ34scdt reversely reversible beholder chondrules chondrichthyan unsorted unsilic unsucc unserpent unsampled unsustainable unsubducted unspecified unsymmetrically clarach clarke clarified clarifying clarifies clarifications clarifing corallite corallites assigns objectivity paleontologically montgom montlucon montenegro retrogradation retrogradational indexed ampullospirinae 382 383 3800 3888 ganziping penninic thinks stalks residences residuum incrementally regularized regularization paleolakes speleogenetic southwards southwardand 2044 petrochemical petrofabrics petrochemistry petrobras 1165 reconciles physiographic physiologically physiologists physiochemical physiognomy worthless revolutions revolutionary revolutionized revolutionizing palaeosol palaeopasc palaeontology palaeoclimatic coarsened optimized extrapolations intrigued muscovites fedortchouk johnsen lisa lisbon liselotte nazas nazario ognj oibs pampa titanian titanite violet violate vijver vietnam yellowish yellowto sunk sunlit sunbaked sunscreen orthorh unbending unburned unblocked unbiased unbranched enigmas enigmatically enigmophyton extractive remanen pairing pairings mercator supraexpon vitrify vitrinites meniscus meniscae meniscatus 342 742 aeolis benus birch jackson kelly kelud kelsey messages nuggets rhine rhomb rhodes rhodophytes rhacophyll tallebung ##cutive ##1491 ##44a ##onautics stimuli subtleties explicit explicable abrasive imprinted leeuwin leachable overlook overlooking overlooks overloaded undersells apenninic 1978 periodicities superimpose superimposition 026 0281 055 057 053 blick blended blanks dismembers dismantled efficacy frost froder froude lipid lipman mckinney praedisc praeparvus sweet swepos vesiculation winch wadstein wadni ##mercial ##merkar stopping stoppers exsolves ##chei anorthite anorthoclase shungites intercalation intercalate modalities impossibly prevalently amorphize metabasal metabasalt biasing deciphered decipherable monotids monotonically dissociate protocatech diminutive planarlaminated intracrystalline intracomparison biogeography biogeosc biogeoeng mitigates abrasional fibula lucassen masi mask masking masks masuda mascle masakaz mashansha pumices pumicious ruby ruban rubidge rubicon sleeve ##picious ##raton concealing stabilize fairer fairview fairweather geometrically arrange enormously entries overpredict overprediction overtop overtops phylochip consumes consuming concavo decouples 1012 1015 1017 1013 miyagi discriminates responder responders littler delineates megathrusts medians sustainability acknowledgment acknowledgments petroleo akutan akkadian aeromagnetic aerosp aeromagnetics aeronautics bituminous bigger bigfort bigfork flesh gdh1 gutter gutenberg gutzmer gutierrez hilary hilina hilley hildre koppel kovalenko kindly muon mukai muzik malformation malformed malvin maloof malleable mallacoot nanno okamoto okmok okanog picks pickwick pondering pondered pumping syers sympt sydney syvits sympatric symbol tenable tenuoch wrap asbesti mazatzal mazumder chrome chromite chromous departs departing departures neighborh constitution constituted constituting remelted micronutrients organisation cyclones cyclotella cyclosteph hydrographically geothermo geothermally 1609 rhythms achievements supervised supervolcanism connects hyperprobe truncate truncating purposeful pampeanas 372 378 3750 3710 3733 3756 446 4400 750μatm aptly bommies brownish dedicate echelon echosound hourly hourgl omits omissions omori omnip ringnes saal saved saalian sautter tatalin tiplines telluride tightening taghanic vulcan ##ijiri ##122 ##biophere ##ineralic tolith tolstoy exempt colorless computation comprehend armoring relictual ensuring ensuing enzyme preexistence undertake undertaking undertakes undertracks dioxin upsurge upscaling disturbing outflows initiations initiatives 2003122 pebbles 1962 1963 1966 1752 substitutes intermittantly8laminated phenocrystic doublet demagnetizer grooving pumiceous overpressured hurricanes 625 borers borah borrowed blame blasted blaauwater bernashe cypru cyphast cymbospor ctd c31n dcp dc2 dc1 dc18 galactic galileo gauges german germane germination hcls ivan ivrea kerr kermeur portrays pushing q50trend q90trend warping warranted ##affrey costal costanza beaumont aligning mamaku imparts imparting lewisian heartlands florence chargeable belonged dispersions waxed peoples peopling 1256 emersion emergency emergencies operationally puzzles chlorophytes chloroplasts chamberlain metabolically metabolizable exemplar exemplifying punctuate punctuating 073 887 88m8 9410 cs22 csiro csm1 cameras camilo camgsi2o cortes cortical cortices cortijo categorical fp7 judgment judgments kuhl kuznet kuiper kruskal mos42 mosheri mutagen nomograph nominal pinus pinches pinned pinched pinjar pinhole pinatubo pitfall picometers pelona pelleto relying renew ingression reinet reinstated reorganized reorganizing copious coprecipit bypassed contours mariner marineto scarcely preparati paleorainfall paleorenieratane adiabats obscures redistributed designs designate designates methanol multiply multiplying multiplication epiclastic epicentral epicycles synsubduction ancestry ancestors swedish photoaut taxonor taxonomy rawsn meridian synthesizes synthesizing obliquityand scatterplots scatterplot straightforwardly paleoseismologists asbestosis inadequacies inadequacy mammals olympia 064 0635 468 578 5754 732 739 848 849 billions billiton ectotherms fiords flexed halloran i4b l2κ lensoid ronov tune varia varved varves ##guer ##guard ##uluu ##uluh mackay mackie shackelton chapter chaplin prescribe prescreened arbutif arbuckle envisions overestimates pronged greenschists infrequency specialists specialty granularization 20071491 confluences 1981 1984 1987 paleoecosystems 1297 excavate excavating radiolysis satisfying satisfactorily keeping mis6e misinterprets misinterpretations illites illness historicism encourages photographing cuttings destabilized destabilize destabilizes configurational gastropoda bergeron martini brunhes brunswick practices practiced deductions fpocbiophere asteroidal asterocycl ballantyn bulls bullard danmarks danakil diversified jiangshan lubis mn5 mitchener nickling ramps ramped rampone saying witter witwaters wasted ##ybasalt ##mathee ishman ##eteenth ##ospitable deaths shoal shoved shoals shook shopping shoichi chaiten chaudri websterite compensate compensating compensatory unalike dissection legend legitim legitimate pristane criticized criticize criticizes criticizing ##uneh underprediction concordance decollements noblehouse refractor flagella flagship flagellae possessed matthew cleavages argentine paleoelevations opinions lobate viscoelast alternatingly swaths biomineralizing feederand catalysts affording circumstantial disaggregate interstitially prematurely paradoxically fisheries adaptations tremoliteor dismisses inaccuracy infiltrations pebbleand coccolithophorid radiolarians 002 00310 031 03g01 6400 664 663 650f 6509 coulometric culled culmination dsf dickinsonia duality femag femora femtose gunung gunnison hopes hermes hinders hindering hindsight hindcast komar mulinia mulgra mulcahy n200 nineteenth octahedral roger somatism tmi umir ##aido ##3570 isostastic street streets streaks strada cooperative prompt onwards madrone maddison madagascar modestly subsea marquesas clarkina adsorb adsorbs adsorptive dr5a dr56 dr6a dr6d heinemann redouble micrometric micromech smectites smectitic archaeologists hydrodynamics 2015060 2015029 2015059 2015096 1902 1908 spectacuar 1122 1129 1123570 multicomponent ultrato ultrasonically kaersutitic gratefully creationists cenomian migmatitic stepwise8ch supersized superswell supersedes hawaiite macrofaunal macrofracture montague cryptodome christie christoph christchurch christensen foreshocks lubricated lubricating cylinders 492 4950 545 543 599 717 7100 7181 71306 833 boul bouden bouvard bouchard bouguer c6c dalziel dictated dictates gischler golay golfo huron hurdle joliff kalahari kleemann klemmetti krafla krakat mathis piped pipette poseidon ramiform ramifications renders rendered rahim vibrating vacancy zooplankton zoophycos zimmermann ##uptions ##brandt ##atchment ##innigan reappears reappearance reinterprets reinterpreted conformable depiction depicts neutrally nepalese uncharted exploits exploiting expertise ##allicrinus disconnect disconnection impeding carlos career credit creditable admired adheres adhered adhering hydrometer hydromorphic 1033 outwards discernable magnesioh microanalyser microanalyses aftermaths disproportionation sequestering deflection deflections deflects attenuate attenuating degraders 1119 1172 causality meshing brightly δ13cco2 immobilization cashu encapsulating irresolvable huang8et8al reburied visualized juxtaposes meaningfully protoconchs lapillistone reinforced komatiite komatiitic botryococc c0007 lootsbergian 4100 41330 982 avalofractus bogoria badly badpla beringia ciudad cns cnk cnidarian cationic cadia cadomian ghc gharaq getting gettered getters hhpp klζ klonk lhs lhunzhub lockup mirdita mccoll mccrory mccaffrey nicolas nicolet nicarag nicaragua niches nichols pdfs practically practitioners rossby rossman sagami sagantole woefully ##kovian ##jaro ##anges8in convenience stereom alumbrera intervention interviews incidental incidentally subbotina subdivide subdivision subdividing subdivisions unrestricted extraregional overwhelmed diehl metapelite 1088 erodability erodibilities roadless polycarbonate attesting 1952 1958 1957 1953 bucket ellis taiwanese restingolites revisiting remobilize megaripple hemispherical hemispherically fugacities microfracture rhizomorph rhizoids rhizocorall kuroshio nomenclatures nomenclatural uncommonly ultrasound oversimplify ecuadorian zimbabwean 380μatm 585 684 6800 765 767 bilinear bilayered borders bordeaux bishnoi buchur buchet cerling cerastoderma cimera crestlines dendrites dendrocal fulbright glycolate gathering janet janiec jamuna jammed jamstec katz kennec kenogam liners linchpin liftoff linda lindberg llanos morte mortar munich munnecke miscorrelation oxyguard peltasperm rolfe rosenth rosario rusty soreq tidy tabor tabriz wanting westerlies westerschelde tolerated tolerances isoprime isopachous isopropyl reyes covary seeded seedlings shuts shutting shuttle shutoff shutdown compounding depopulated unravelling unresolvable unrecorded aberration aberhan aberrations aberystwyth aberdeen stringent stringers stringently levees lethality lecithotrophs corrugation spilling splitting cautiously ##ozoans dr7a dr7f hydrospheric reddening roadside derivatives polluted pollutants mg2sio4 peripheries plumlee 1146 em3002d 1438 waveguides clumps angularity tephrochronology hummocks pursued brachina 3208 herbivory nanosize nanosims reproducibly checking mcmurd panthalassa 999a diminishing echoed suprasolidus hydroxylapatiteand firestone irrelevance criticisms viscoelasticity catalogue catalogued cooperation reappraise advantageous daughters ostracod ostracode ostracodes metavolcanics 046 3602 6609 bicellular banning banakar blooming bloodlines bahama cuban dentrification dentoglob egestion falsely fireball gamit gametogenesis geneous geneva kapthur kangra kangding kangba lichens mundo mundil nadina oakover pocbiosphere pearl pierre pierce pierced paves renieratane renishaw ruddiman rudimentary roundish tissue watts yamakawa yamamoto yamauchi ##yptus ##czynski ##2297 ##fillan ##9541 ##642 therapsids ##alcareous inhabited inhospitable inundation inundating reiterating rectocost reassure reassert retrieval starvation makua makimine sheds resurfaced resurrection geodynamically formalized scraping percolate percussion accruing corners reprecipitates undermine undermining underthrusted dredge interpolations interpolating feasibility biosedimentary biomechanical microspores microsystems microsparitic microspheres parasequence plastically plastids inventive inventories financially hypocenters hypocentral downlaping peclet pecatonic montecin institutes ##isciplinaires exhaustive holdsworth gaoyao demonstrable protecting thermobaric thermobarometry thermobarometric thermobarometer rugose popularity steinberger fourthly ##ahoehoe necessitate necessitated illuminates 2014311 2014315 2014371 2014338 2014337 2014361 opportunist opportunists ambigua ambiguities 2013248 2013283 201326x braidplain polymerase sluggan tonalitic repeatability metasomatizing harzburgitic namibian wrinkles wrinkled squared squarely gdgt gdgts chromatograph chromatographic molluscan echinoid echinoderm preparedness nanoparticular nanoparticulate arbitrarily concordantly dsdp607 fulgurite tephrostratigraphic exacerbate exacerbates hybridized hybridization 7405 8900 bryozoans benches borneo dh1 dhkl elaborated freiberg freeman freedom flecks gilboa gilfillan gogama hs1 hutton huttonian hellenistic hunt hunter horsetails hokonui jenkyn journey journeys kingston lasail mbari mentation nn4 nnx09 nubian nonsubduction nonskelet nonserpent nonspecific nonsulfidic ooidstones piocene pioli piromallo pigment pterosaurs podlad sb21 svecokar sambagawa telolo telemetry tallized viii ##48740 ##atinomic ##on8et8al toughness isotherms rejuvenation connotes connoted coordinators anabel mawbey whiten whitman whitney ##runcated ##ombic chalcedony championed champsosaurs weighing evacuation interdigitation interdisciplinaires interlayer recommends neogastrop neogloboqu plenty untested untrue untruncated meeting scrutinized carnic carnallicrinus overflowed overflowing prerequisites crenulated cristo cristobalite paleodictyon paleodivide paleodistance paleodrainages paleodepths adopted uprooting cavity cavens dripstones calabria elephants tripled greywacke hekla methylhop patchwork patchily monterey barreled paleohydrological paleohydrology benefits benefited benefitting dissipates multivariant nonmetric nonmigratory combusting synclines saturday 1467 cm200 bristy frondose crosscuts powdery iridis schoene schistes schweitzer megafauna megafossiland glacioisostatic ultramafites duplicates devolatilized 2014286 2014212 2014241 2014287 2014267 guineo mobilizes cruziana ##omagnetite definitely counteracts dilatent dilatant dilatency orbiters 2015350 2015320 2015311 2015338 2015313 gorgeous assimilate assimilated ammonoidand artificial bolivian unexposed naticoidea discriminating syndrip syndeformational beautiful metabolisms 0749895 leucogranite culminate culminates sphagnales orthogonality ellsworths bilaterians imbricate imbricated linzhi slickensided egyptian hantkenina nelsonite pioneer disintegrate helminthoides helminthoida 2gsa 2garnet 2gεc 816 awakened audrey bhp bhw bhutan bhowmik bergametti ccp ccfs civilization cabs cabana cabeus cauca caucete dyke dirty droning glean hinged himself hondt houseman jonckhe krishna kurz kamenos kamchatka kamagnathus kammerkar kongling loripes lentils lizards lognormally monger mylonites nagoya nantro nantrose nesting pivotal paint paintings peterse rfm s57 saksun sakumoto societally sierras sarnoff safe safod safely safety sawmills tbc tbk vivienda vogel vogue venezuela xujia ##oautotrophs tharsis ##aloptycha toxicity reanalyzing reanalyzed conchological conchologically stalled suffering deconto cogent aliquot machined shelter faviid compromise compromising compacting resonant resilient launch incubated necked unmetamorph unmistak unshaded unshifted abutting abutted scottish imprecision imprecisely implementation implausibly intender preconception preconceived leiospheres leonardo overstated overstressed flushing repetition underrepresents underrepresentation phytane adenostoma spurious sputtering sputnik spirit spirited districts amoebae amoeboid metagraywacke trimming trilobita suppresses paragenesis finno microkrys beliefs hyperspectral cleverley argonne argillite argillisols 1561 monzonite 1947 1943 1946 barrera endmember facultatively paleoaltimeter multidimensional multidomain publishing insulators chemolithoand chemolithoautotrophs motivates 1862 1861 authentic authenticated 147sm 1785 ferropicrite ferropicritc bridging misquote swells encroaching scholars intermediary pseudomorphed pseudomorphically vehicles fullerene tectonomagmatism 2014140 2014110 headwalls 00003 00006 ichnogenus ascertained polymorphs nanograin nanogrids proliferated paleocanyon paleocommunity bioavailable transgressively catastrophe catastrophes catastrophism catastrophically psammite psammopelite palaeoenvironments palaeogeographic palaeoenvironmental maslin pinpoints pinpointed leucosome underpinning underpinned underpinnings oxyhydroxide 2016005 2016007 hydrofracture peculiarly unsupportable anabranc eumetazoan eumetazoans hindeotus lherzolites lherzolitic melagranite tantalum unreasonably 8200 atho athapaskan athamanika awarded bisulfide bureau bunch bungin bunches bronnits bachler bennison c25 crowley crowsnest djibout diester dangers ewand eemian eldon eldorado edule elicit fjords fasciculatum gosau gosling gosnold gemoc gemstones gamez houses jerolmack jarvis jingdezhen jacinto jumps kolhum kocsis kutnah kutztown kutjamar kusakab louise lamotte ludlow ludden ludwig lumpings mussel ntaflos naples nunataks nacleq nondestructive orocline oroclinal orocopia pentamerida pisoliths rincon sicilian socorro sibling sibson sibao saponite sauk sauber saunders sightings somali tagus tagging tagged trona vazante wisconsin zeiss zeeder zeebe μxrf ##aq44a ##effecient8 ##uelen ##brodt thawed thawing ##ataracts ##urdoo isoetes reheated conjecture ##idosuchoides withdrew withdraw withdrawn ##ocysts foreign stayed stiffness suffices coquinas prohibits prohibited prohibiting anionic anatomizing alarmingly shaft shaanxil shaoxing shuffle ornament collapsing hampering faithful compartments resampling lahars deploying depolymerized incursion recalling recalculated recalculating recalcitrant geysers ungulates ungraded unglaciated unevenly abnormally ##and8jen disregards scleractinia sculpted imperfect impulse perigee perforations levantine corrode corrosiveness carpets carpathian carpathians overlaying replotting reproduction phylum spicer dietary quadra quadrivalent quadrangle caledonide triangle triangles triangular biocalcareous slurries decimeterand decarbonation decarbonated decarbonatization novaculite academy trachybasalt travertines framboids redundant poikilon graftonite refugium smeared smearing discretized discretization discretionary discocyclina agricultural infinitesimally microlamination archetypes archetypal archetypical hydrogeological hydrogeologic hydrogeomorphic hydrophone knickzone knickpoint knickzones policy 1525 2014030 2014072 2014065 defenses monospecific monochromator installation descendants attacks bursary confuses igcp581 antipode antiformal 125024 ##avoid8system edwardsville nonfrictional nonconformity inserting kappa microbiology griqualand protegular entrapped entrapment entrachrons emanation emanate emanating 1767 1766 176hf physicists misconstrue chronosequences liquefy liquefied liquefiable astrobiology astrobiologic astrobiologists alkenone uncontested dufresne enclave 241am schminke wildlife macrophyte pseudotachyl 7057 70588 70559 nautiloids contextualized congratulations obliged odp677 odp664 odp663 odp982 baffle baitugansk semicircular paleocoastline paleocoastlines 2015271 2015277 2015279 unrepresentative urchins inhibitory wrightwood titanomagnetite 1976b 1103403 augmenting blanco blanketing sweeps sweeping cathodouminescence radioisotopic lapouts fortuitously paleobathymetry ballooned archaeopteryx multicellularity dictyostelium disconformity mgsio3perovskite reinforcement dissimilatory colombiano hydrometeorological bahamian institutions institutional bleached fernandes deconvolution deconvolve deconvolving cognizable cognisant cognizant metagabbros funneled grundfors pantellerite teleconnection ##8to8quantify aldehydes misrepresentation myobatrachid braarudosphaerid 086ds1 1rj 3mgsio3 7151 71573 ayers aydin bfc bfar bagas busily bushes brett bretz bbr45 bbr39 c5c censor censoring cocha cochabamb cambro cambrotubulus c30n c29n dosages druker drucker dallas dallimore damped dampened eqn eagar eagerly fetched fruiting fruitfully fondap frogs fictional gaylad gullies gullivers hitachi horse horita hodell hodges haber habits hannan hannah iterations iteratively kiel kiyasar kohistan kohfeld lyell lycka lvdt library libraries lustre lustrous linings liantou liantian malls mallina mendocino mendoza m10n moulas moulins nogami nogueira otolith otago oaxaca oaxaqu pkp pk3 pindus pindell rerun rerouting sesia sessions saracini saddle saddles saint saini sailed tillite tricks tricky tangent tangential treads udden uchida uchupi vineyards vorkut vorkuta wanzi wanzhai xl30 zaire zaonega ##aphylus ##witonei ##brosphaera ##8rates8 ##8and850 ##8and8subo ##kyns8 ingenious ingenuity injects injecting ##electrification isoclinal isoclinally reentry reentrant reverting reverberations reptation reptiles recherches recherche reanalyses reanalysis rearranging rearrangements conjoin conjoining ##igarhi stainless stubby suitability deu2 deu3 coauthor coauthors exoskeleton exoskeletal anthill anthony alf3 alfred sexual seisomogenic sexton sexton8et8al shipboard whittled whittaker choose choosing children companion companies ##adowed laudan laudable lamproites lamproitic depriving deprivation interleaved interleaving interfered interferences inconclu inconsequential recessed nepheloid nephelinite subandes geotimes geotermico unobstructed unobserv unquestioning unquestionably expulsions expulsed indisputable indisputably enveloped enveloping canonical strathbog disruptions screens screening scabland scablands perceptive perceptively figuredr1 norilsk carotene carotenoids overshoot overshadowed undisturbed undistrubed paleokarst paleokarstic hyaloclast hyalocysts detrended detrimental deterred deteriorating spalling spallation dilek dilemma cayambe cayetano distrubance distrubances metallogenic metallogeny featured featuring lochkovian decelerate decelerating declared declaration doorways doctoral doctrine remagnetized remagnetization redefined redefines centrifugal centrifuging typhoon typhoons charnia charnockite discourages discouraged manipulation manipulate manufactured manufacturer participate participants parabolic paraburdoo furnace furnished δ15norg aprons pattan pattison microtidal microtopography microphases microphotograph hydroxide hydroxides hypericinoids polysiloxane polysiloxanes downcurrrent downcatchment cleansed cleansing ridgwell ridgelines 2008042 2008092 wafig wafigs mudcracks mudcracked 2010122 2010165 breadth 1920s barclay barcode endospore endospores emplacements δ18orock δ18orainfall gaussian nonrotation nonrotational nondefinitive nondeflection epitomized epitomize diffractometer diffractograms pyramid pyramidal ellef 177hf fermentation fermentative brasier brasilia geobiological geobiologists misidentified misidentification misapply misapplied climatology climatological reactivations reactivating 1647 1660s astrochronologically commencement sketch sketches standpoints encrusted encrustations pawlosw pawlowska catalytic catalyze aquitard aquitards seismographs 2014018 2014013 guyana guyodo guadalupe guadelou homogeneity homogeneously drawbacks mythical polyplacogn dinocysts destroys destroying survivorship engender engendered 2013175 2013163 2013324 2013325 counterintuitively counterintuitive odp980 odp927 embraced embracing 2015124 2015129 gorgonio gorgonians dataset datasets michaelides 8500f famatina famatinian perplexing perplexity falcone falciferum fallacy fallacious lukewarm autocorrelated autocyclic coexisted unsatisfying unsatisfactory jacketed biogeochemistry biogeochemists ringwoodite armorican retrodeformation retrodeforming geoscientist geoscientists portrayal beaudet categorized categorization kuhlemann ingredient ingredients invalidated reinvigorated reinvigorates redistribute redistributes fortunate fortunately witnesses scavenges scavenger micrometeorite micrometeorites sphenophyll sphenodisc 2016010 2016014 kimmeridgianotithonian cubesat ribbons wiggles wiggler inhabiting inhabitants microspectroscopy microspectrometer thundercloud thunderclouds mawmluh mawmuluh glacioeustatic glacioeustasy vogtii victorian preconditions preconditioning urbanismo sapropelic compartmentalization compartmentalizes disregarded sclerophyllous pseudotachylyte pseudotachylytes archaeopteridalean archaeopteridaleans metagabbroic aulacogen aulacoseira bohemian bohemia dibenzo dibenzofurans fifteenmile omphacite omphaloptycha pillars triboelectrification wfsd1temp geomicrobiology geomicrobiologists abbreviated abbreviations outnumbered microtektite microtektites protodissoconchs labyrinthine rajasthani kholodninskoe kholodniskoe 0909541 0934077 1true 1carbonates 2x10 2πr 2leaf 4l2 7w1 7148and850 9328ma8 aoife aurora aceh aruanus auspicious aitchison aharon acetate bk1 bimineralic bithynian budding boussines bastion brease bounces barium bosphorus bermuda baez bellinghausen bradtmiller banno bidentata blenkinsop binalud blessing bmsl biguereau bhuj cioni celadonite cosumnes cocoon ciliates cotterall cirque cerebrosphaera cibicid cousens cismon cartoon cormose ceratopsians cunha cdex cgenie ctenophore czech cunningham dvts ditto doruneh dropped dithionite dulski dodd dichotomy d008611 droughts dbrda dregs danny dmax digenesis dgs4 dosenmoor dwarfing dreyer ea600 eeonile ebb eromanga e007414 emeishan eberle euchre emmageo eawag elandsberg ebsd eflash fenster fidelity fowler fagereng fifth fferent fardeep fiebig fulfilling fukuyama gproducts gurney girilamb gomberg glove gyspsisol genske gelder gusts g013071 gfaj guanghuasi ganser gerya gardsjon honoring henry hannegan hoggar hibernation horticulture hongo henehan hector heralded hothouse hernan hieptas hamburg hagedorn hillebrandt hoshino hco3concent hesselbo haggerty ictidosuchoides iquique iizuka icesat jinaghan jorge jasper julia jiali jeremy jablons jardelunder j012297 jiumenensis jahkel jolliff jobs jansson jgrf kdti k3c korup kanpur kroh kasatoch kowalewski kulshan klamath kastens kendall knew kankan karega kerguelen karnieli kucinski kimeu kdzr kodiak lzanagi løseth loner lerbekmo lallemant licensor liguria luliang lutites lggr lothagam lourens lincoln lustrino liguro longevity liliocrinus luminosity mouths mchugh mru5 mogods meneghinian mystery mysen mensa mertis mitsikeli mocha mermia mcarthur myanmar mswd meletlid mcloughlin mysterious np19 neritic nental ningqiang nisbet nidymsky nigl norton nakamura nassarius nordic nathan nuevo niekerksh ngerprints nankaido nprs nyalam nigeria nguyen n325 ooled ochre oysters otrøy ovtcharova ojakangas p06 pingyuan pch4 pirsa pistolesi pessimistic pushes pongola pallister pande pikwitonei ppss p222780 pizzuto pycnocline qanats qemscan qianjiang rpif rmally r320 røss ratifies ragged rumenova rousse rostrocon raub rothwell ricketts ramezani razor ravages rupelian ramboz renaissance rijn ribeiro rosenberg rybczynski rizzo rakhigarhi ssna sx100 sjunnes siddarth slave sirius sialsima sizova socket senegal saleeby sloane sardinia sieving sorkh salsa sangay savitzky sarcopside saxony samaniego slavishly saskia sigaretina tl142 tzoumer tuttle tuscany tweaked tundra tintina tackled tsai tumpane tatsunori tamarugal ucsc viniegra vedde vagile vista vadose vickery visher vailuluu vintaned vrolijk vavilov vinci vestiges vanaheim wiener wesnous wimmer wogelius wortel wichita wipijiri wopenka wernicke writing wonders wakabayashi xeromorphic xanthones xigaze yuri yifeng yoder yabuta yudoma yokogawa yoldia yoshifum yuqia ypresian yokoyama yonkers zenith zigzag zunyi zhenghe zebraic µxrf δ33s ρpbl ωaragonite ##petl ##iemi ##dodecahedral ##votn ##8not8 ##8coeffecient8 ##kningsfond thorium thiladhun thixotropic tholisporites thwarts theropods inquiry inactivation insofar inextricably inasmuch ##arvatn ##rovertibly ##structions tourism toomey tommotian toombullu israel isomers isochore isomerization isograds reichow reunion reintroduction reemphasizing rehanna reawakening reexamine reoccupied reaccreted reequilibration reaffirms rethinking conterminous consecutive conferences concedes conrols ##owitsch forensic stifling stellar staurolite stachowitsch stefansdott stauroneis stohl stansberry stubbornly staggering staeschei deemed deferred deck41 deuterium deevey deeptime asphalt asynchroneity asfluid coprates coenzyme coppersmith cootralantra beveled beardsmore beijing bewildering exterior exquisitely exogenously exocontact exaggerating exaggerated progenitor proclivities prokofiev ##chikov ##cholestanes ancesters anovas ankerite anoxygenic aneurysm aniakchak alpha alessandro alginite aliphatic maccoll maipo maysvillian mamba maoxian mahaffey seconded sebkas shirvell shrubs shabanian shamberger shibantan shikoku shirey shangsi sharma shoshonitic shakedown shimoyama shrunk shimanto whirlpool whaleback whundo orroroo chiapas chikyu chauvel chatham chunks chacos chryse cholesterol chalcopyrite chesapeake collaboration coloured coltice collinearity weichselian wegener wehrlitic weijers weedon8and8jen haptophyte hadley