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##ment ##uc ##sion ##it pl ##nt ##ir ##ph ##os ##yrox ##ver composi ##yroxen ##ge cl ##ock ##di te melt ##ites pres si ha sa high this ##ys ##ations ##eral dis min exp ##pp ##ues rock ##ature ##ting ##liv ##rac oliv ##igure figure res ##ther ##og olivine la were diff par samp ##ch fe ph have ##age ##opyroxen ##ical ##tr ##ili ##cc ##00 inter mineral sp low ##ari ##ved ##ely ##ous inclu ##red col ##tite show ##een ##ges ##ocl was bet temp ele ##ess ##opyroxene plag plagi plagiocl ##erature ##arn temperature plagioclase grain betw between ##2o im form ##yp ##ib ##ut en rel which ##able composition ##em ##ass bas ##les ##iment us vol cont garn ##ze ev conte garnet cal ##bs ##rou colle we rocks se gran li ##sure qu mod mant ##fic inclusion mantle ##ally pressure ##eld anal ##ence typ ##ole ##duc size flu these ##ad str exper ##ty ##low ##ap ne ##agues dep colleagues ##ong element ##ates ##ary rep ind ##itic experiment not ##cent vari met ##mal ##gh ##ust un cor frac mg ##od magma zon ##ture compositions ##row val ##ost fluid ab ##ange ##uring ##atic than per sub stu differe ##mb dat ##ble clin equ ##and ##art ##ree model ##o2 ##hed calc ##ton ##ity app samples ##ne inclusions sim isot ox ##ers ##ome ##tial ##so isotop during ##hib data can ##uld me also ##ose ##un ##atite ca it pre more ful magmas ##yd ##olu ##tive reac tw within ##ilib er ##ay ##centr concentr ##orph ##pa ##our ##vely clinopyroxene ##artz ##tem quartz po two ##ystem system been analys full resul ##con ##up amp ##for crystals ##ond ##sti sug sugges amphib gl sil basal ##zed ##otite crust ##ative grow plu ##ound ##ra ##ccur type ##nts but rich le orth ##olith lower values ##ng simil ##can obs ##zation ##ran ##ral ##vi ##ast ##ign incre obser ad h2o all image ##ases similar ##form ##ard there has no their lar pyroxen using sample fraction glass equilib crystalli ##ater grains some ##ect melts ##de ##ame bo ##tain ##ield pr may ar ##ace lay occur ##ak most condi ##ue where ac ##ide int ##ight sign zir ##ell zircon ##lis ##ies acc over amphibole ##ore ##ix host ass ##cess pluton dom orthopyroxene ##rog growth ap ##rium mon ##ient indic ##par ##atur car mic rim ##str chem calcul contents 10 range ##ocr conditions und ti ge how other maj ##ility ##ten ##ill ##ct major higher hyd volcan ##rib silic ##und content ##usion ##umul tex ##tern nor ##ack comple parti minerals magmatic sec ##ever ##ism repres both however cons contain dec erup sc ##ific gen ##ular trac ##are ##ough ##ke ##ach ##quid ##cl rati tim ##ang only observed process ##ould such phase elements ##olution table xen ##ord ##iv ##ces sour liquid ##ion ##ined ##ros imp prop ##der into ##mm melting produc ##round gre ##ating ##hedral apatite under those ##netite different ver ear ##dy ##inel hydro ##ene equilibrium consis ##tent metam rec experiments wt metamorph ve crystallization lav study smal corre ##ocryst partition represent ser prim studi vein mix spinel small ref used main fol ##osed ##led differen trace ##tures concentrations inf ##rough mat oxid bi temperatures ##est he experimental large cumul ##act mafic 20 ##semb chemical xenolith ##vel char ##bon up ##ort assemb ##ile ##aring ag ##ages ##sive signific loc granites complex reg ob ##ves one magnetite ##rich significant enrich ##ber carbon ##ration biotite analyses eff field results bec ##end sl ##stim ##ties ##olite ##olog ##all ##eri isotope meas ##rol through they coe gpa crystallis resp estim ##olved ##phi phen ##ip source na ##omp ##duction assembl intr ##olid ##elds measure 100 bearing 12 ##ub ##ance red felds zone water ##use formation feldspar ##pen co2 prov ##out tran ##ear ##ribu bul ##term our sur fractionation bound ##fore ther ##formation ##ale well ##atively formed correl am ##ry evid ##ocrysts ##ction ##och sio2 15 would present rims bulk ##ob diffusion chrom des ##ath reaction ##icient calculated satur ##ric volcanic ##ron obtain ##tical ##onent consistent phases ##ia ##ist ##acter determ crustal character basaltic do ra ##igin origin ##fficient disc ##ual analy deri xenoliths ##kal ##orite shown component mus solid ##ied ##ov ##tively ree along ##pm ##asing comm micro 13 pb comb silicate ##oci ##ically based volum each ##ines very same ##pre ##ered bel ##ian tre spec abund domin ##lec associ ##ected perid ##sr thus ##vious man ##sity af ##dition follow ##ably processes consi common could out ##yn emp derived cent il eu ##kely alkal addition set ##pl ##orted dist ##ared ##ossi relatively isotopic subduction compositional decre peridotite related arc evidence less rh time ##az deg obtained found ##ick ##2o3 its ##rix ratios expl appro matrix ig ##ory ##ded ##ech def monaz 11 ##px core interpre previous concentration ##raph possi deple ##ep ##ized contr supp pressures layers ##pentin ##ause ##ented layer because giv line partitioning mixing due ##br ##though although imes strong 14 ##vity ##50 ##rial ##ments lavas ##orth granite crystallisation associated control ##pper fin hor rate therm fo pol ##fied diss serpentin ##ail ini cool lith ni ##xim ##ised sap ##face ##ters geoch trend ##ish compared variations general studies pat ##roup ##ross rem monazite ##ability relative fur num ppm three sr veins new mgo eruption intersti coefficient deformation domain mar interstitial lim group ##tur depth ##edi ##ression shows aver km mate mpa ##den ##ove uni material sou plot acti ##ram ##ward ##tron region ##side ##arent stage anorth elec oxy phenocrysts upper ##val trans ter ##bility ##anges pyroxenites after given ste whole electron ##tal ##ectively near second cle flow while likely suggest ##ving andes metamorphic age here ##bur late ##ha ##ens sul contin ##idual ##thermal struc depend therefore 19 solu ##tered ##ertain increasing horn fo2 ##ress zoning ##hyd ##clu cores ##own chl showing cur ##ding ##tu granitic amou ##ule oce posi magn whereas ocean fluids respectively average ##blend scale further ##aps enriched distribu hornblend bon ##formed if ##ination any encl assemblage rhy nb al2o3 part ##ced ##ork deposi variation propor pattern ##ik ##ited empl bonin yield ##fe volume compar early ##resp ##cep increase ratio ##reg reported ##rogen correlation ##her displ relations neg above basalts record ##velop value cooling pet stand prob partial ##hu analysis saturation ##ither ##qui metas determined ##tural fir run presence fl lat indicate measured ga iden ##erred highly volati oxides inv ##ade depleted first ages thick ##ately feature unc result pe ilm hornblende so constr develop ##omog pyroxenite den porph ##itive ##ained ##eren about normal ##ince diag prog hydrothermal 50 mech ##ug ##thod ##osph corresp primitive standard mechan correspond ##ann ##etry metamorphism slight ##ker ##ise ##sm ##tig gra case strain assum ##sequ shock distin ##eneous ol ##ror poin suggests discus activity ophi 200 ##anite contrast 30 homog ##istr gener cpx either mass ##ling error textures sapphi cations ##enite star ##zo then ##els ##istry ##land studied initial mt ##lic ##mple har rap ##ects prof ##thern tio2 lava around ##bar ##ors ##asts ##uch separ oxyg nd ##orp ##itu estimated desc rapid ##ediment produced effect mush minor prec reactions geochem mn sing ##me ##ie ##cop partic larg natur ##istic diop ##abb primary uncertain bath appear single abs bl back bub el fer ##veral several mean intrusion below oxygen aff sy thin ##tile inves requi ##atible when dire zones diagram investig alter ##uced interac evolved much rid will ##astic evolution natural batholith ##hip dominant euhedral diopside ep kbar sch close clear pred sm suite ##ading cumulate ##ology chromite generally ##burg det end ##orb beam cao ##acement cm don fa sal slow tra boundary bu liquidus mm tit ##log ##tially ##pped times possible relationship fact tec subs grained alteration gabb long method enrichment consider ign coefficients identi µm ##eous ##ovite following fun rare ##usive hydrous many slightly tecton bar hos ##ft ##ison ##aries calib strongly const deep contact garnets ##anging δ1 ##iss exa parame few event level boundaries rates ##gin ##ven ##ps excep changes even variable basalt ##roscop surface negative mechanism ignim non ##medi ##10 ##dered simul note glasses occurs abundant solubility ignimbr sk ul ext corund assemblages chromi anorthite patterns corundum 16 ##zon ##isation ##ides incomp ##ynam ms expected analytical describ ##rome oxide systems earth distinct nuc ##cted ophiolite particular function hosted chromitite ##co should metal least cumulates characteristic commonly alkaline south chlorite oceanic nucle mid tak state decomp setting fr fac site ##per ##used mineralog import products local significantly components controlled encla ##huk hf mol post ##equ ##rated ##greg though area shal rather comparison ba ##rite ##atism sequ types inferred again interpreted gas ##amond change observ radi display ##kerhuk donkerhuk ##ms ##covite ##eng ##isting preser muscovite shallow 18 caps vs ##bic ##vo toward diamond models cann series dissolution sulf distribution ilmenite total probably ##du ##ench orbic ##ientation green ##lected number features ##aced assi quench texture textural contains oxidation analyzed domains cannot hyp ##ays chemistry ##oba detail br conclu ##ules ##lum plan spect occurred tectonic ##ynamic μm ##inous ##ists ##ogran lake ##ets typical pyroxene difference considered central hist ic wide ##zburg order shap like section degree volatile harzburg δ18 ion light ##terog ##terite dem poten crystallized differenti heterog density incompatible base ##be disl indicates ##ological ##sequent ##zoic mul parent minim lithosph peak mis suggested proposed mainly differences defined constrain larger δ18o kely lack ##erg ##assi ##osite suggesting sill poly amount starting disloc work ##mil saturated decrease approxim secondary bubble morb forming contam various poor does magnes sapphires constant kelyph images structure pum ##ental fractures accord volcano interpret predic pumic kn ##ulation fracture analysed ##raphic remain boninites hy since vary ##ok ##til alm ##struc 1000 positive k2o being measurements porphy parameters fels before ##gether disequ ##ogen metasom described ##rometer multi disequilib dun tu ##ness ##son including felsic ##pr stability residual carbonatite deposits important assimil 25 lines ##yl together fors ##iles plate zoned ##neiss ground ##ni ##ots ##tle ##ud ##ina recent provide previously disequilibrium zr ##sed ##ui ##lying altered performed ##neous increases majoritic north step geochemical example according eq phlog leuc overl transi surround ##mediate icp phlogop blu dol ##line ##opyroxenes igneous forsterite phlogopite ecl fit iron mig ##rade ##sc ##jec ##alle ins allow stress exten presented isotopes signature eclog free pop ##ren see indiv margin homogeneous faul ultr 86 bod pa ##mes ##ox ##ible refle agree solidus ##orpor decompression ##allel bro pel ##grow inte ##ths anhyd incorpor emplacement dac lher path tro ##to ##ization ##kes ##20 ##rous stre ##omal intern representative dominated ##brid gabbro lherz 17 ri ##dan ##uan ##ple ##ink anomal apparent across approach proportion profiles hybrid individual cases δ5 ##au ##av ##oth ##tice dehyd had limited continu uncertainty body ##ased conf ##ided energ plutonic effects mani invol against 300 dy ##titu coup ##lied beha she maxim systematic peridotites saldan trapped 87 mem might pow san syn ##11 off ##olites ##versity parallel alkali explain substitu reflect ir ##rent ##ark ##ances interface accou trends proportions frag ##duce orbicule band fug las tr ##over intermediate final investigated buff ax ent four you ##ote ##onstr diame ##oss spre serpentine petrog interaction demonstr fugac ##ities orientation ##ometry ##ducted calculations influ calibration observations fine later ##ior ##esis having strati ##odos coex estimates point identified nucleation troodos ed ##inc intro linear ##valent lattice cross wall ##ales anhedral induced saldanha ret ranging vers summ typically na2o dissolved ##iki ridge streng dehydration foc use ##ive ##hiki thr highest fe3 containing represents centre ##erence characteristics enclaves ##ogenic assimilation manihiki ##rees ##rop magmatism ime selected strange sources greater layering plotted discussion known maximum wid ##oid ##vail oruan ##irs olivines seem calcite microscop cumulus spectr andesites direct dislocation coupled oruanui cu cree must ##ial ##pv ##zer ##fy ##estern coar stages cham ##diorite ##assic applied pref fractional mostly southern amounts ##edimentary chromitites entr versus 23 hm ##cy ##lier repl inde lead carbonate rhyolite capsule internal stratig orogen ##bers ##iation reve stable extent mixed aggreg latter taken fugacity reveal ##mass ##ood ##ict rele ##lustr subhedral reach indicating erupted illustr ##raphy groundmass transition 40 vis ##its map ##odynamic modeling occurren current assumed broad spreading eas ##rystal ##80 ##ensi ##atch ##ents excess dete ##uminous prot ##irc ##lished complete degrees numer except facies sequence dolom laser 24 avail circ dri medi pyro rb ray ##lation ##zing exs fe2 ##ipit graph ##ogranite agreement behavi young loss ##arc exch clasts subsequent resulting thickness timesc diameter es hence peral ##ually ##olitic ##aces feo zircons grey slab thermal decreasing magnitu titan ##ength towards hol ke wa ##pro ##work modi equilibration plutons mark 86sr medium cre cam ##ner ##other ##pite ##statite ##vers include hosts geological silica reflec despite depths sulph skarn dur pri ##tein ##ason ##lement coh repro geochron strength creep available magnitude ##probe prior dark fab hann lo sect yzer ##ning ##fon island ##etric phys ##fication differentiation minimum thrust yzerfon yzerfontein gneiss situ interval enstatite northern smaller microstruc university potential 87sr 60 kh kit zed ##aish ##ium top crack sto ##que env overall sections thermodynamic nio recorded developed tuite zedang ##aishir hsr lt tech ##tero ##ences ##eric ##ank ##rometry exte majority heat supplement continental progres bars interpretation pumice almost kitts hal ##12 ##uoba ##oles composed sup ##raction units energy hannuoba ##terozoic cen fast lab ##o4 white exposed unit monzon indicated scat earlier respon phenocryst abundance corresponding required mineralogy preserved approximately multiple fall western ##cence ##anti without conc reason ##antaishir unli coron species andesite petrol account khantaishir 500 sw via ##ij ##ished compr exhib simp collected silicic intrusions levels conclusion kelyphites accur bre batch opx pse pale ##ba ##set inten injec reun ##ush ang att weak accumul estimate followed methods ignimbrites fabric pseud reunion lit sites ##zes ##erite isol suites produce ##irine modal eruptive microprobe abundances sapph gradi ignimbrite extre diamonds exchange log ##na ##bly ##30 ##inity quanti moder ablation access ##enetic located assuming history parental techni petrolog sapphirine nature ranges tri ##rad ##alu inher basis throughout dependence yielded chamber peraluminous ltg extend 70 aqu aug fore ##atory ascent hand forms evalu modelling ##stitu ##berg among porphyro discussed relationships cut pure ##mg ##aw ##isod ##sible ##opro short ##ady glassy reference foliation redox points precipit episod contamination population lherzolite supplementary little aqueous bay link ta year ##one ##elt ##sively devi ##pping diffusive intergrow adj partially province terms runs development prograde detailed heterogeneous lithosphere occurrence open pap ##ful ##enced parts grano peri recrystal characterized curve black dykes introduction ##oproterozoic bal bse far hree hpr role ##dg ##bl ##tes information areas ##iron clus enti groups anorthosite transp chlor hypoth surrounding continuous substitution environ hprd cs gv pub ##14 ##ctic ##pb ##ising colum ##omin ##ama clos clinopyroxenes ##ometer fields ##rica original deposit titanite buffer column oct ##no ##70 altern ##omag made reser granul zonation arg additional generated protolith gv10 alum him lpa ou solution ##rature ##6fe plots ##verse sie ##gest flux caused product electronic errors affected settings ultrama dolomite physical period reservo dr kt ske ##matite ##ycl deformed need added layered carri reduc term normalized polym eclogite incorporation kv py tet ##dle ##gr ##aneous whe ##ria cordi eruptions upon locally clearly particularly fault anhydrous timescales accessory entire octa ultramafic cap das ru ##ring often exclu ##ceed included variability underst depletion harzburgite predicted dunite extensive δ56fe member coarse published skele whether cordierite por ##etic ##xt ##40 ##onite ##ision conducted existing simple law diffu spot lowest location respect intru reduced provides combined explained coexisting reproduc porphyrobl 35 800 dating prom sensi vill ##vated ##orites alb color append cause amphiboles decreases possibly materials ##orption overlap attribu augite rutile appendix seen ##ma ##15 ##13 ##turing ##tead ##inated ##ants ##icul dev ##abas ##dies resolution ##assing contribu equation increased pyroxenes bodies prism accomp discre flat ##ediments mechanisms heterogene constraints instead eastern hot occ osc ##23 ##erm ##icular maps ##ranular ##vities emplaced older simulations middle shape titanomag isolated dashed skeletal diffusi titanomagnetite em lu stil ##onal stor what ##ichi never moreover noted active norm recog regard volumes belt separated rapidly basement lithospheric porphyri fragments influence geochronology inherited carried oscill still cub did good hij m2 op ts ##ln ##eol ##oy ##ged ##ctive ##ways ##oph ##tric experimentally impact implic consists involved profile ##assif pairs ##avy confir irreg ##iori unlikely hijiori doc dates down gh lite massif consequ exam difficul compositionally equilibrated calculation heavy volatiles homogen ridges events mineralogical blue irregular docum literature 90 fm fill mi myl nec nit wed ##des ##ctions ##rest ##eler sufficient reli quite complexes regions dependent sapphire diagrams schists quenched storage cation m1 mal nan pay εnd ##if ##ize ##gs ##vation ##pec ##iltr grade ##ometric shear sizes ##arily metabas calcic ##ocratic infiltr outc nearly comparable metasedimentary microscope duration break himal wedge h2 lam length sn ##ders ##ean ##wh ##ining too ##lies clast elevated princ acceler crystallised thermometry andesitic rhyolitic uncertainties exception volcanoes remains carbonatites sheets seems younger princip kine ram vie ##more ##ground another ##omic class tem restric datas calculate volcanism contained become oxyba furthermore sulfur migration bands stoichi tetra accompan himalay 900 duc hab ro zln ##ned ##go thir recon succ divalent ##rit classi showed lie fractions ##rown proper intra supported litholog requires epid thought histor dunites injection au brown certain lree ##ae ##bles ##iti ##ially thole ##ind ##ins ##arrica ##eless conver ##acent ##ety tend stron applic provided correlate determine polished generation sills leucocratic margins focused adjacent villarrica raman ductile epidote tholei 26 80 best five ##ored ##ozoic ##sh ##faces them ##theless ##edon ##aton compu stri caledon plume vertical peg absence background elong interactions sulfide synth aggregates graphite cracks conclusions sensitive attributed nitrogen restricted asi east hu net ##mic ##tim ##lization extern div ##phen sampled spati space variety ##aceous microg secs ##dera underlying spinels position appears anomaly marked exhibit 400 hem ide ks lsr vap ##sen ##unt ##gas ##ently constitu ##using craton ##umines teph disting ##opyroxenite usually resulted arch impur support ##bury ##ressed appearance direction factor potentially offset retrog progressive years transport reservoir understand recogn necess metabasites kinetic distingu 00 aure jor ##ler ##less ##tage ##ump ##7fe ##enia inst ##olcan chond voltage indep ##contin ##aturated specific centres define serpentinisation boninite porphyry ##mesbury involving directly exsolution extrem chlorine malmesbury stronti jorge independ date ##ax ##of ##ini ##ocene ##ective ##omm former enh largest signal microphen possibility limit enclave hfse pelitic summary angle difficult payenia view habit pegmatite extremely 36 gross ho mes nm nis nod ppv ##by ##vant ##veld ##26 andrad ##olv always super ##yros better caldera orthopyroxenes accre liquids 1100 regional structures 199 distributed block means considering capsules metasomatism signatures anhydrite index indeed stratigraphic behavior albite consequence documented nisyros andradite 53 700 99 cpv cgs kil nar od opp pul coun ##ulations ##atitic highl ##chists reactive amphibolite similarly condition text recycl charge 1200 serpentinised precision misor preferen deviation tholeiitic ##uminescence bond ce dynamic last pot sel sem ##nary ##73 inner extr ##ott ##sional resid pargas fully growing represented match belong degassing suppor elastic gabbrodiorite spectrum stratigraphy modified reflecting accumulation nevertheless implications infiltration external aureole grossular 55 cell epm jac squ way xr ##oh ##oor ##iang ##way ##anced ##acy ##ime ##lip exc ##omorph crystalline ##ystic imag varies monz combination explan initi ##huay separates geochemistry largely fertile syen spectroscop harzburgites pumices metasomatic eclogites espec gradients forearc drill porphyroblasts diffusivity oscillatory epma especially wil ##ld ##izing ##times ##alent ##rocc coord consequent ##imen ##resh ##tically collis enough hydrogen ##clastic apatites matok effusive 150 lesser contras fo8 yields corresponds bubbles spectrometer varying dacitic numerous environment network hematite ##rocco collision nno pt ##rup ##ject ##ency ##ans corocco conve ##igg parag basin context seg ##mbing modeled plumbing sometimes monit greens oxidized chemically locations becom ##olidus thermometer transf ##ikili standards extraction bright planar blues anomalies members visible center monzonite scatter outer prismatic lithologies retrograde ##huayco coroccohuayco 38 75 bott ea yel ##bo ##75 ##ka ##king ##ready ##ana ##ises ##acite ##iding ##imanite already exceed closed disper ##2o5 ##ibility mgt unders surfaces finally ternary flows 196 employ identical constrained radiogenic textured sillimanite involve broadly completely sectors intruded confirm properties caledonia vapor odp yellow 05 000 aust cp et fre oib qz round ##down ##tz ##ons inp conn ##ighted crystallog ##racted ##chist ##ilities mineralization segreg perme equiv modelled xenocr great feldspars ##turally activities depends old affect gabbros radius recently surrounded populations ##oidal behaviour essen response batches balance granulite porphyries dataset independent ##ikilitic bottom 82 bene bush est lz oper sedimentary slip tes uh vi ##lig ##taceous ##h2o ##alc ##enge ##erent composite ##cend grad ##ques chos six differ febs ##arized granular strat repe subducted ##olute fractionated overgrow assump carl corrected refer infer slc intrusive 15dg patch absent absolute subsolidus deeper plane kelyphite width cretaceous accuracy technique breakdown microphenocrysts undersaturated austral bushveld estab 22 fresh hill mc men p2o5 ques sv sti ##mens ##ai ##bir ##iented ##he ##gy ##ley ascend ##oun includes ##ado reached leading maintain foot serpentinites clemens neglig mno schem δ57fe fragment trigg spectra leads orogenic wavel sector heterogeneity clastogenic accompanied tephra accretion narrow explanation spectroscopy beneath mention negligible 01 02 29 gro ky test ##mann ##haps ##yc ##oritic ##mples ##urn compatible align ##cherm fracturing perhaps equal arrow occurring silicates grew correction primarily reflected 120 volcanics sets probe require schist identify examples differentiated plateau interest dacites relevant numerical driven reflects sulphide simpli linked paper tscherm reliable reconstruc succes jacob crystallographic tschermak 03 45 42 600 950 bur der dated gard nam pit side ##lite ##tory ##uous ##has ##6pb ##90 ##inary ##ense ##arp ##oria ##isted ##itectic ##ols ##olve ##olving mob gray whose sharp china ##itoid plastic ##ppe coll sea experi unre peritectic ##hedron mica 206pb slop correlated determination follows outside initially uniform structural separate ##orbed factors calibrated sequences observation shapes ##209 axis demonstrated subsequently sulphur responsible intensity granodi computed chondrite odp209 21 33 95 ach cyc dou dry fas pock ##kel ##jected ##wn ##wall ##enari ##ancy ##mplec ##eca oriented moun place inters evans granitoid ##apment until poikilitic left ##ordant implies 2011 empir symplec ##void magnesian tuff faults lherzolites entrapment ##versely scattered quantit moderately techniques precipitation portion filled necessary misorientation consequently becomes mentioned achie 37 51 ln ming pic sediments ##lar ##sal ##iting ##ars ##thy ##ushed proced phot seve mode ##ape unus arr scenari timing propag propose soft predomin smar localities planes contamin dyke petrography replacement reaching visc detect supers corona fabrics clusters columnar reduction archean pegmatites ##olvus transfer chosen footwall procedure jh jiang med mas mil nc pil so2 scan ves yet ##mit ##lites ##lco ##ares ##bri ##ores ##othermal ##sk ##io ##izon ##pri ##ware ##enting ##isten condu ##acing ##atis ##rip ##osh ##yssal ##ililco report variably cathod accomm vermic heating upward regression carbonates evident appropri 144 displays backsc spectrometry shaped integ apparently axes entrained pyroclastic petrological granodiorite contribution examined ##rittle synthetic huililco spatial rounded input deriv accommod backscat 27 250 ci del dome dimen jeol ka morph oh ##ds ##sw ##cumul ##anc cones isoch proble ##ighter expos ##apel metapel unzon percent assess mixture nappe rhe absorption syenite investigate orbicules dislocations ultra petrographic revealed pseudomorph hypothesis octahedral ghc auth application distinguish wavelength experienced software unzoned 04 28 air fix her just mill now o2 rise xfe ##most ##ified ##onitic ##onian ##int count ##etr compression grt changing clinopyroxenite act ##elling apart defects horizon curves enclosed partly normalised symb parameter southe magnesite demonstrate focus replaced progressively gradient evaluate cubic monzogranite segment dispersive permeability equivalent authors 54 85 jur nick sph wides ##benge ##gbs ##pend ##fu theore ##ero instr ##asion ##ima ##ection crater stab exh play expressed diffraction relation ##hedra isotopically increment somewh overlying ##pread depending rhyod distinctive hypers ##obarometer ions power preferred wave microstructures labor siebenge mylonite ideal impurity xrf contrasting frequ ##birge simplified pillow ##brian ##istence 144nd jurassic nickel widespread instrum siebengebirge fish gol ku led mac s0 δ26 ##app ##32 ##zu ##titic ##iny ##eston ##ational begin once ##tine ##therm ##ogenetic fe2o3 colour tempor immedi formul lies qual notably subst glob adven crystallize consist charges pheng ##ovolcan association emphas limeston positively mechanical backarc budg frame molar metasomati pelite incorporated systematically petrogenetic edge coars detection circulation monzonitic paleoproterozoic intergrowths closely occasion normative lamell principal oxybarometry classification stratovolcan gardar empirical exhum somewhat immediately adventive stratovolcano 34 away emb gak ib vic vac west ##melt ##3c inh inside ##rops cover ##acts isob compil sud who ##omelt ##antly resorbed ##tites ##aded neill induc able genetic ##anged differential 130 1300 distance newly ##overed enclos floor ferro considerable quenching details dacite gabbroic powder simply reproducibility colorado discrete occup fmq outcrop stoichiometric potassic squares monitored australia pockets appropriate δ26mg gakkel 06 bor fil mor ore pass ries rough wor ##aue ##ev ##taneous ##gone ##cr ##fm ##fs ##tivity ##aling plus plau feb elemental subgr prev react overpr indicative carry others undergone ##ovce outl 111 cooled remained furn steady rhyolites denote ferric constants take remaining fitting circles key camovce islands gneisses recrystallization sufficiently accelerating divided strontianite kilaue imaging wilson array supersu budget ibm world subgrain kilauea ding ero fron give hel ki lens nomin right ##avi ##uce ##kn ##60 ##25 ##went ##onoun ##aled ##lem ##agged ##action shosh incip chann ##phy sio discontin expand expression weight fluores equilibria pronoun acqui geology representing scales producing underwent heavi obvious characterised 1423 limits steep ##tually slower longer ##rometers energies buffered microscopy release microstructural comprises moderate cutting recrystallis cluster sieve promin discrep optical h2omelt himalayan counting recycling initiation essentially mobile slope mingling contaminant vermicules fisher substan phengite incipient pronounced 91 aim ah2o jun kain nain pan pur pinc ss tiny weld ##lan ##lore ##bilities ##ew ##ire ##ily ##hy ##west ##tir ##rec real comparing cr2o3 static magne orders onset mapping sized imm relict relax webs modes unkn ##odal perpend monogenetic genesis imply recovered regime carbonatitic ##raphs finding terran distributions nbo deposition yielding descrip smo cm3 simulation preservation shallower axial 238 orogeny loi reasonable ##ushing triassic episode episodic normally tetrahedral third elongate understanding preferentially supports uhp repeated carlos piton mounted predominantly exposure fixed symbols framework exhumation supersuite fluorescence pincina unknown perpendicular 31 48 64 aeol bim gu jap mari nape turn zn ##linity ##bank ##tak ##74 ##iut ##ying ##col ##inian insi ##astern ##oluminescence ##lized asc critic exist atm diorite prox proxim crystallinity phosph sps ##odic datab add trachy derive additionally controlling km3 solutions metasediments generations extracted importance ##ogranites harzburgitic allowed paths hybridisation edges widely cameca ##versal stored extreme environments polymeri devol microgran recognised blueschists cpo assumption svz ##gye faster granitoids morphology theoretical laboratory isobar furnace dinggye prominent kainiut aeolian bimodal japan napeu 44 aliv ebs kang pd pal rand sus trough wet yb ##adi ##bi ##ua ##ued ##uven ##hr ##gan ##35 ##tectic ##asma ##ice copper tot ##aged ##ured ##ulated crushed suit ones ##omer ##ritic ##ucite plasma ##dia diffusing ##trict mineralisation span enc weighted modul stra equations geobarometer refrac fold assembly coeval crystallise ##obl origins ##cept records construc dominantly considerably simultaneous brucite conclude concluded interes rio influenced crossc released ##otherm microstructure concordant coronas evaluated ##awa csd entirely octahedron nano roof histories striking pargasite etna schematic arrows granodiorites achieved cathodoluminescence spher lamellae inductively shoshonitic 238u database devolati isobaric ebsd random 32 brittle dra fram hp hanging jx rus sodic vect vict ##lated ##ah ##ses ##ired ##ipped ##ift ##ging ##frac ##inate ##ission tour ##oll isop ##urg bey atom deb make plinian sand disapp district resem resorption ##chlore ##apol ##maline percol equipped concentrated ##ours ##fort grown adv monzo ##unde ##ismic sci hydrox hydrotherm correlates explosi contrasts continent ionic allows rif rift entrain dolomitic exsolved timescale modification coherent ##ankunde halogen aluminous alumina reducing excluded regardless acceleration ##omicrog strike extrapol coordination paragneiss greenschist employed xenocrystic quantitative unusual country coarser vicinity front acquired smooth kangankunde refractory interesting crosscut framb jxa tourmaline hydrothermally 89 aut b1 bed cas dmm go hund jack jagged mich pac tar ##matic ##ael ##rim ##yr ##wing ##inite colu cone ##ura asp sty anne why dikes diversity projec ##osity shift ##rie ##quis resear phon interf spots wehr seven neoproterozoic metres ##mbite ##artland reacted ##view similarity overs hydration scoria production primocrysts upli crystallising measurement ##termost correlations discrim specif controls numbers ##wards flushing ##osphere ##iseb ophiolites 301 directions rarely describe postberg peaks workers illustrated holland swartland accurate intensive ##stitute ##fully argue argued outermost pyrite heterogeneities himalaya converg instant enhanced hills aligned photomicrog median kuiseb limestone critical straight entrainment framboidal hundred pacific columbite research 08 2σ 39 47 65 750 83 850 amb avoid cab dig dam dest m5 ng pen pas pix rt ros ten wat µg ɛnd ##late ##aub ##bag ##rate ##85 ##ition ##hf ##ken ##fi ##time institute ##then ##any ##istent ##acc reverse ##tsberg asthen compare compaction states exer dilu shor placed figures diffuse ##char ##arities basic seaw subduc ##andine ertsberg adop prp ##lish unde ##ification undergo referred consistently originated originally monazites remo transformed flz 2000 ##licate fav 1800 magnesium know almandine northwest leucogranite allowing ##iorso introduc useful detected graphitic labrad alternative granulites polymorph portions ghiorso stoichiometry oldest tested reconstructed jh1 prevent mariana beyond disappear hydroxyl specifically seawater 5a 61 66 69 72 binary day days fits kd omp s2 tonal var xc ##man ##83 ##granular ##45 ##inations ##ening injected ##ordia ##ator ##isot ##sities conversely ##acr ##ached crite statis anisot proceed onto shell incons chall ##div tethy rest interl intergranular ##arium analog abyssal subt subdiv care preclu poro pool box actually ##ientations 1050 metamorphosed ##ledge oxidizing became ##kaline voluminous speciation alkalic arcs unique solubilities program separation salina buil δ13c metals faces radial northe overla ##oxy river systematics demonstrates ##ropic pyrochlore reproduce intervals superi cenozoic injections weakly intergrowth protoliths reproduced outcrops classes historical ##itized constituent selved segregation patches established question ascending maintained triggered double propagated massive isochron rheology temporal global metasomatized plausible relaxation ascrib proxy polymerization suitable spherical instantaneous subducting tethyan 41 57 6b 68 67 barium cycl dar fet fail gsw hk luminescence nab pu pis pink rob tang tens vent ##bart ##oose ##rh ##87 ##vil took isothermal ##ecting exists atomic mole grs dike ##quit disp disgbs sampling interior ensure contacts lived quad neigh metall prepa crystallizing arri acquis intrac signs ##elled microl texturally xenocrysts hydrofrac agate regular structurally ##erences meaning epoxy preserve contaminated predict accordingly fitted migm chambers illustrating transitional occurrences titanites half concordia unlike extended intergrown alternatively devonian lambart elongated blocks convective involvement symplectites scanning conduit dimensional rhyodacite ferroan roughly heavier insigh isople ##urgua rifting caburgua removed knowledge omph criteria porosity gswa nabro piston hydrofracturing 07 09 2b 4a 43 a1 brac dt face kur myr nac nine slu vel zd ##ex ##o3 ##ru ##7pb ##iors ##feng ##tible ##inder ##ern ##oric ##ansion ##ash ##aslu ##ics ##lets cove conduc ##etan ##imer al3 atte ##ysts ##umed ##sions ##osp expense expansion feot interiors mineralized depression varied ##ostatic clino equant mete pores geolog produces undertak mixtures 207pb effective 125 providing chromites ##icked pollar ni2 transformation boninitic done ultim ##cool barometer displayed eqs extensional true eds walls summarized illustrates easily created comprise pseudos deviations papoose hypothes cape porphyritic homogenization certainly opposite preferential excell detector instrument formula stratovolcanoes simultaneously explosive ng2 roset watson introduced labrador inconsistent prepared arrival acquisition zd11 undertaken pollara 46 84 a2 du hirs ile lost mcc nist owing pack rou sediment tj talc δσ σfe ##ave ##etical ##otitic ##vf ##py ##jie ##wise ##ering ##orn ##elf ##olle ##igranular ##urs anate existence attain molec diverse ##ambrian max chile places ##chmann ##ously ##assed called ##ada neither neobl mg2 ##ometers meg ##tenburg implying seric heated intrap peridotitic itself contrary 143 polarized trending steps ##ikaub precambrian else batholiths slowly none assig magnesio interpretations migmatite extension pair pelites involves sheet powell powders substituting aggregate supra episodes alumin needed ##ophys mylon ##restrial tends impurities recognized ##olcanic strontium hook recycled residence supporting greenschists operated establish accretionary groix cycles scenarios vesic ##mitted backscattered actual hypersolvus qualit compiled enclosing discrepancy ##adily rustenburg ambient selvedge ascribed fetot omphacite kurikaub excellent hirschmann 2a 52 59 77 dab ever germ hop ham hue izu joh o1 puc rot sig tensi uran ubi vred xin xco ##bed ##efort ##ta ##ier ##yne ##kk ##fl ##teen ##inces ##enesis ##tional ##rophy ##arch ##elik ##isite ##agonal conven ##etre readily ##uses ##eck ##ressive grand diorites ##ables evolving seismic neo notable unal perv subord subcontin subject ##ney ##nean ##unity concentric orthopyroxenite observe arf aper aplites geometry geotherm geophys tracer provinces ##ochth design originate treated afar alkalis giving remov remark nearby cleav curved displacement probable assume precurs ##engths ##ogranitic ##bei polyg poorly assimilated fourna ##ropy 232 comprised angles accumulated trivalent hypothetical reservoirs porphyroblast cube ##ophile confirms tetravalent ##inds ##shovite signals opport pulses belonging ea1 stishovite kyanite succession cycle viscous jiangbei integrated ##ancies ##etrically southeastern nominally ##lemolle magnetic vector annealing projection uplift disappearance robust migmatitic ##fengjie tjelik huelemolle tensile ubiquit vredefort xinfengjie subcontinental fournaise tjeliken 2d 4b 49 58 74 kα lighter nw sole sense zh zero ##mn ##aff ##otic ##rrh ##yly ##va ##vens ##vosp ##kura ##pe ##09 ##36 ##zard ##jima ##wide ##western anders ##orre ##lection ##mpor ##iscan com ##ings ##ocity ##vement alone start exact atlan ord moments dihedral ##oto ##otach ##ights chal hapl sakura ##ilit spacing cold contempor lile next reprec ##path pore suggestive orthog similarities adm allochth overview domes tie infra 2013 surve determining characterize solidified 1323 belie afe africa finer thermoba lithostatic terrestrial stevens 197 increasingly ##ressing positions ##respective gave discuss generate masses affects simulated ulvosp ##coyne metaluminous facilit molten gascoyne 180 minimize approximation approximated leucos hybridization irrespective wider reveals illustrate ##rystalline ##ipitation holtz marks mediumto geochronological pseudotach petrology shortly alternating pyrrh homogenous ##where classified spatially microgranular distinguished blueschist ea4 employing xenocrystal patchy questions namely scenario milli ##sky problem metapelitic pseudomorphs gold beginning occasionally reactant worldwide lenses junctions welded findings modulus targ variscan xco2 isopleths megacr intraplate elsewhere dabu germany pucon unaltered subordinate opportunity ubiquitous atlantic sakurajima ulvospinel pseudotachyly pyrrhotite 1σ 3b 63 73 bard cyl dh dw dot dau fis held h13 juven kgh listed oik omelt pi pile uti wij yang ##16 ##bre ##bran ##oted ##oured ##ss ##7sm ##ca ##3o4 ##welling thems ##enti ##arised ##artine ##ories ##leigh ##elves cotectic town iss antig extin makes chill plati haw resolved intercumul spess ##oclase evolve unity abbre equigranular ##rays ##viations allanite arm arrays 103 ##ctu ##achment impro ##eneity consisting upwelling reduce determinations dominate 1150 gives 147sm find thermo foil serpentinite remn activation latent 193 densities progress ophiolitic generating started precise elbe ferrous affinity investigation favo distinctly taking sulfides greenish ##assium ##sonite overlain approaches proportional accoun ##fying circum pyrope rayleigh reasons intrude diffusivities miocene principle thirty success highlighted dynamics potassium syenites fragmentation grove accommodated backscatter overprin denotes erosion ##tirka devolatilization autolith aspect style convergence shorter adopted subdivided overlapping darker putirka insights velocity aperture cleavage chalcop haplogranite reprecipitation infrared target barda juvenile kgh2o wijbran themselves antigorite intercumulus spessartine abbreviations wijbrans 1a 5b 79 780 8a 9a 92 bin cz fut gover hz hole hcl koh lα mort nps ok put s4 tong tub wind ##med ##mem ##num ##eties ##rb ##site ##88 ##84 ##gus ##ci ##cpx ##ks ##33 ##fect ##67 ##reh inver ##ested ##arce ##arbon ##static ##igur ##ocou ##idence reversal ##atibility crd cryp antil ##tices online ##oton ##osition shaded ##rital ##versi press expect feed intercept liu varieties unex unaff perfect apply ##ersed causes ##ake monoton 1080 hydrated scarce sourced hydrostatic partitioned 2015 enrichments efficient 1500 descent ##ricity dots solidification thermocou cooler lithology lateral 1915 hornblendite petrogen grav fergus symm detrital nucleated 1832 ##oked porphyricity inset marginal broken diameters reaches currently driving keep skarns inherit extends recrystallized closer periods needles exclusively contribute emission regarding oxybarometer converted kinetics 001 nodules pulse pargasitic connected gradual mcd seafl viscosity horizontal southeast stabili inherent filter channels recrystallised substantial proximity monzodiorite discrimination covered clinozo pseudosection 143nd qualitative 232th contemporaneous survey dotted future antilles unaffected fergusonite seafloor 450 56 514 62 81 bish fro hard jade lacc mature rising tas uz vess ze θc ##mat ##1b ##lastic ##nos ##dly ##af ##aus ##aard ##bas ##orous ##uts ##gg ##varn ##cale ##cyn ##ky ##pected ##fact ##92 ##alite ##ndy ##erites ##esite ##roc ##orus ##orian ##anal cour ##ingite ##sio4 ##idate rev rect rework ##litic ##aint complic ##oped sun orange ##illi dip dioritic ##omen shri check plates ##phel ##osited disag resin resour ##ogens ##2o4 ims selec lizard fluor fluctu ##ghter ##ghini corro pers ##artment appe applying adc acid accep acicular rimmed 106 conser undercool foli hex 1250 137 volumetrically rhom explore defini 1400 finero ##haus solute gavarn diagnos homogeneity particle affecting thinning consideration identification shoulder radii minimal approximate magnesi ##prising overlaps blundy internally sanid explains coexist strengths fe3o4 aggregation labelled comprising accurately brecc paleo regarded datasets ##ritten ##itization constitute necessarily instance mesoproterozoic highlight excimer fo88 collisional convection confirmed overgrowth assumptions 15dg36 burbank nc09 conduits derivation xfe3 incremental frequency outlined ssvf terrane phosphorus address microgranite suscep construction randomly victoria paragneisses interestingly crosscutting overste photomicrographs asthenosphere statistically brack nacl assigned every pervas geophysical solely afe3o4 cylinder daughter extinction platinum hawai mortar window petrogenesis gravit clinozoisite bishop θcpp rectang shrimp lizardite gavarnie diagnostic burbankite 350 ali brough cul eight fund hno lover m3 sides tm tab written ##mented ##ls ##nch ##aan ##rating ##tt ##uish ##hi ##gler ##volcanic ##31 ##xi ##46 ##21 ##tition theria ##oration ##anis ##ats ##atus coinc tool ##ager ##ithm ##oli rechar ##lit ##liest ##ains alvi atten melted moh movement diap onanis ##abyssal shif mapped making ##dium hade spar colored coloured plagioclases selection mantles ##olet deposited department abrup perform subvolcanic causing preh porous ##ford grows ##vian allan noble whereby micron consumed decarbon imposed earliest recalc oxidised 2014 complexity effectively estimation 100mn 128 surprising evidently desired discern trench defoc 110 supply stronger 140 fin1b lithological ##ishing limiting averaged uppermost dependency 1914 ##ospheric ##smow geochemically traverse traject barro simulate locality localized ##istinguish 187 sulfate hyper hypabyssal predicts predictions fractured importantly ##nio extensively integr continued confidence sanbag summit spectral replacing cambrian swar exhibits extending precipitates balanced pyre understood em1 enhance mesozoic segregations essential overgrowths svf alignment successive jiangxi accommodate percentage frequently occasional overprint help channel recrystallisation webster websterite terranes descriptions atoms debate percolation undeformed anisotropy northeast slugg neoblasts vesicles sigma uranium conventional precursor allochthon pseudotachylytes inheritance laccolith ##basal reworking hexagonal sanidine brought hno3 loveringite hadean abrupt ##istinguishable sanbagawa sluggish 1b 2c 3c 5c 512 6a 76 88 bes bord cf dp dred esc gem hna jam jang jord kal kim lan lengths mun naslu opa ppl qtz ras rig tib tyn vit war ##mich ##minated ##lv ##nia ##db ##aro ##aerg ##bor ##bour ##eb ##solvus ##yrite ##27 ##we ##onen ##onough ##inal ##ery ine inhib ##ese ##thal ##ane ##stable ##iguous ##urian ##imens ##rometric ##lity ##usting comput alg anc befor began suture orientations moment whit dipping ##abol ##ams changed ##irly presum sikk highand ##eralic exponen lamp laure differs parabol spite ##oclastic immediate formulation enlar ##lest collection nephel indistinguishable unable unstable valence valley ##ostr ##tonic cau ca3 reacting twin ##ayed poum glomer silurian richer lea ##ranch actin mono carmich ##ocrystic majorand volcanoclastic complement ##quidus version refers folded inference inferences phenomen redist proven bounded deser ##ovsk ##pms microanal specimens defining ##raphically thermometers srm marine grouped transmitted transsolvus 2007 harr fairly skaerg southwestern plank icpms stresses pathways 3000 spread coexistence return retrie focusing cuts protracted durations loading loaded ##anks halogens concer modern foreland evaluation transported cs1 ##401 promote em2 optim examine root idea counter semi contrasted paragenesis ##bouring ##bohedral exceeding operating violet overgrown unreac unrelated granodioritic quantitatively ##ancing hercyn macroscop quality borghini discontinuous expands trachybasal troughs totally drawn sciences destab pixel interlay superior neighbouring microlites attemp feotot rosettes molecular ##rophyre removal zhang orthogneiss oikocrysts chalcopyrite mcdonough jadeite course rhombohedral overstep fundam sparse decarbonation defocused jordaan kimber naslund tynong sikkim carmichael redistribu skaergaard 3d 7c 9b 96 ao2 bom bou bak dl ded delt edi fes fed fib fused ftir gand gases kog mang pm pole pann pfu rose rule ranged s1 sx tor van worth w74 ##mer ##ming ##ngest ##dish ##aars ##aotic ##eep ##oon ##oint ##ga ##yo ##picked ##xis ##feren ##97 ##inates ##alkaline ##erous inverse inyo ##arthy ##ortion ##orithm ##ators ##isc comes ##aging ##agmat ##sio2 ##old ##ocular ##ider ##imb reversely ##romb ##lie ##liquidus compreh cruc alt stated stromb ##ilisation moves ##inement sho ##ries chr chaotic disrup ##ography ##opyroxenites spaced ##arie ##vedsonite envelop ##emical life quick ##ades ##apse indire metast mgal perovsk calcium calcalkaline sims err ##akes ##iesba monte indicators calculating geo ##tening ##tency siliceous track consistency 2012 measuring ##rolite 1245 reddish raised discordant 139 belts degassed defines lineation 141 lithophile nik universal negatively pointed 2006 scheep detachment barri calibr 1633 earthqu nucleate facility displaying plateaus dolerites faulting anomalously continuum confined behave shee accounts trap youngest thrusting microscopic pyroph kegler markers cracking falls exhibiting quantified handpicked purely precipitated continuously closest buffering himu fluxes capture excluding optically tsaars ##ophy massifs consequences accompanying ##insic ##shan asio2 ##olvable self square monitor gradually collapse unusually mildly nc10 upwards integration ##cumulates problems assessment rheological rhyodac substantially realistic description exposures proximal ##ahle extrapolated wehrlite passive conductive ultimately mccarthy anatexis aluminum arfvedsonite polygonal comagmat million megacrysts dwell accounting circumferen successfully binocular tube disaggreg accepted pervasive gravitational recharge moho discernible 187401 websterites opaque algorithm beforsite presumably caution harrison plankiesba unreacted hercynite fundamental pannonian indirect metastable perovskite scheepers tsaarsbank circumferential plankiesbaai 2g 4c 4f 57fe 71 78 ak bk barn branch dod dram econ hi hours jose kg lf lib lob mism ove pich qem qfm sens satis tun vir wal wood yar εhf μsio2 ##mom ##ll ##amp ##scan ##tland ##uter ##72 ##ifor ##gl ##group ##grometer ##yed ##ctonic ##535 ##pic ##370 ##fts ##with ##worth ##ones theory ##inating ##ori ##orts ##asil ##lear ##elle coast covers ##enta conj ##acial ##etch force ##tering ##usa ash ##erestim compe compres ##ections ##restim stau ante antic defic mobility moving proto proterozoic ##abor share chur plain ##osites ##ocking si4 disse diffgbs interfaces mineralised relates usp califor wee queb replicate variables unequ unless valid isotropic prepar preced reacti ##orphous ##upo noting ##oren apfu mont ##strong underestim decou decay scarc impossi recover smallest healed 208 objec ##ended respective phenocrystic 1280 amorphous evidenced ##obusa diffusional ##ova specimen outline distorted approached fo80 limb transpa transform enclose displaced invari thicker unclear mechanically shocked 2009 starts mushes thinned interacted sketch 1673 nucleus decomposition localised brines brighter μmgo lacks kelyphitic prediction transitions homogeneously hybridised ##avant continuity manif synch lasted fugacities retained creek aggregated numerically dried drive peralkaline kev envis reasonably coronae paleozoic angular triang precipitate taupo adjo ##grt exclude promon sensitivity luobusa recogni examination infiltrating brownish applicable mesh nodes nodular 535 highlights bonds residues residue ##omorphic monzogranites coordinated ##rupole connection greatly 8200 tests uht australian scheme vesicular ##rittlement metapelite embed embrittlement compilation outlines subgrains nominal purp immisc palae victorian going phonolite destro pixels favor proceeds shells analogous subtrac failed hkl tangent dispersed quadrupole intracrystalline johann grandite andersen believed thermobarometry leucosome armstrong remnants overprinted unexpected perfectly 183287 vessel breccia bracket swarms besides jamtland ##bourne ancient whitney complementary edific stromboli quickly calibrations barnes dodeca dramatic joseph mismatch overestim pichavant ##370ma staurolite california quebec preparation impossible 3a 320 5melt 7a 820 aphy bh big dm dong eth eess eocene fay gap hb hid h12 id ko kam kep lon lun lying linds mall meren os oli pin pie rul sin ses tt vo void vsmow ways δv σree ##micular ##biguous ##eth ##epen ##oice ##sation ##sets ##tan ##uj ##uity ##izes ##izu ##vz ##cting ##cour ##56 ##ping ##po4 ##xial ##je ##test ##inities ##ndritic ##ensive ##orm ##ano ##mposed ##ato coated come tooth ##agn ##si2o ##olves ##olfi ##igan ##ulf ##eto ##uri ##ids ##idian ##imizu compound compatibility cry anion dendritic organ motion mount grant dif ##otten ##amm ##amoto ##ambiguous shimizu incl incong charn chelle choice ##uctures ##itation clou clari exponent ##ppen phyl ##ilization interpl spr spring split enab enthal relics contro contours evap collect granophy lip fluorite strate ##ustal uncon unia unambiguous ability subsi subtle clinopyroxenites caw ##olutions quartzite suggestion crustally buttes orthoclase adve adher adequ pyroxenitic fractionating ##aki ##lisation assisted ##ocrystal undul geodynamic geothermal conspic tims vertically vermicular recomm studying correct refinement inflation assemblies significance carbonaceous 124 1223 presents analyse ##ovic ##ovalent reef 1350 combining manner eutectic rhod explo 118 supposed ##pentinisation 142 thermally dissolve dissolving km2 ##denite 190 solutes gaetan invoked uncorre 2002 harcour particles investigations ridolfi evolutionary smith endmem travers trapping gabbron hosting noteworth msh ##enging polyhedra ##tilidian multip leucogranites leucogranitic transient dolerite 177 approaching coupling offsets influences laterally coexists linearly widths revealing exchanges ketilidian modifying camer situated falling weakening isolate triple porphyroclastic termed tetr prisms hotter reliably classical oxybarometers reconc synthes enhances misorientations syenitic syenogranite 7500 grades differing repetition trigger symplectite lnk detectable procedures herasil parameterization played vacancies inhomog covering panel panels immob atmosphere ##ahari resemble monzodi bedding michou michael photomicrograph digested damage ##baghi challenging interlocking preclude superimposed cycling quadrature geologic geologically hypotheses routine hopi rotation remarkably ordovic tiebaghi facilitated fissure piec chilled tonglv symmetry stabilized complicated fluctuations foliated culm attention microns recalculated barrovian dredged kalahari nepheline leaving provenance deserpentinisation crucial lifetime sheeted lobate qemscan antecr disseminated 208pb invariably adjoining promontory embedded johannes aphyric fayalite kept lindsley toothill incongru charnock interplay uniaxial adhering conspicuous gaetani harcourt noteworthy tonglvshan 98 97 adi bary bell brie ct cited dft dynam elu eos edenite fel fos foss gt gib han hil h10 ii iand kar kos kind lange lld mu mj mw mere mist miss ot ple past port pip picked ren rod sd sob saint wr wit wire zang ##mission ##19 ##la ##nn ##dre ##bc ##bau ##otile ##sis ##tch ##uly ##ham ##hots ##gn ##vada ##kra ##55 ##04 ##34 ##zen ##2b ##qfm thous ##ality ##ara ##thorn ##astin ##lete ##elo ##atter ##isov coesite ##inger ##stained ##active ##urate ##urbed rehe ##uss ##lung stock anvil existed exhaus suev sustained ##ilst ##ilton moss whilst ##omial ##ament ##quarie ##itly classic ##diff ##yscale ##ysotile dischar reset restitic diffus ##choidal phl ##ouse wash relic basanite sealed ##olev nevada reports india indian meta uns unra permit appar applies meters ##unately poth poore amphibolites silver lowering adding notic equilibrate arti indication ##aturation carpath microm 105 geom geometric otherwise norrb scand traced ##ords ##ivoc implied productivity gren serve mixes matter matru magnetites intrinsic 12b survi ##formationnn americ volcaniclastic ##istoric characterization analyzing 13c 1373 associations ##ynomial distances finite polishing polynomial lithium niels remob remove anorthosites latest ##fe2 probability lattices sodium 2008 ##licates harker separating blan blank elim mm3 functions ##venum exceptions extrac 1690 incomplete decompressing sequen seques preserves bru tectonics constraining working hygrometer platelets ##udson northward inser insensi paired ##oxide configur shearing powdered banding buffers edm introduce summarised prefer illustration wavenum sulphate look halo quantify petrologic ##mgt closure needs albitic attribute oscillations irregularly reliability nanostr payun εnd26 snaps exceptional thirteen synthesis vapour chondritic independently ##axial microphenocryst hoformationnn node superliquidus 1996 selv extra ##imeter imaged coordinates segments exceeds exceeded confirming referti identifying reconstruct slopes 519 picture propagation dimensions 54fe incrementally instrumental macquarie temporally occupy occupied borisov passage wilsons discontinuity discrepancies aimed magneti interfacial penetr asthenospheric dilution polymorphs tonalites anisotropic proceeded careful building northeastern cyclic metallic microlite meaningful ultimate mylonites hamilton ##archean ##pathic issue autoliths governed okamoto putative inversion ##versial pressing resource fluorine adc11 conserv undercooling definition hawaiian rectangle prehistoric trajectory integrating border glomerocrysts concerning interlayered delta comprehensive chrysotile georoc disaggregated economic yarlung weeks unequivoc transparent destroyed edifice bhvo hidden merensky ruled ##epening clarify enthalpy controversial strategy cawthorn ##ocrystalline recommended immobile ordovician incongruent adiab baryte brief sobolev zangbo ##bauer ##kraal thousand suevite mossbauer poorer norrbotten nielsen 169092 nanostructures εnd2683 014 213 650 775 785 93 915 ae ai az bm bt ble bid bcr cc cac cand dang dens drop doped eg e11 ebc fusion fric fenite fif gd gi gently hin kock kress lang mree ncc px pec ring roll sz sort tree tight vib vast wan wise xing xpl zha γnio δh θx μg ##mi ##las ##losi ##nti ##nigan ##aeri ##bog ##rt ##rally ##rink ##uk ##uable ##ufficient ##89 ##iop ##iency ##high ##gassing ##ym ##cite ##cture ##52 ##ples ##punt ##3rt ##68 ##jies ##juven ##wal ##wack ##inis ##ineralic ##aline ##alistic ##enc ##erra ##esian ##arture ##arity ##thmic ##edjies ##anne ##anak ##iso coog cored ##stand ##olar ##olly conchoidal ##urel ##ula ##ulate ##etres ##etveld ##urb ##ury ##idi rejuven ##romagn ##liams compelling alo stack anker anhedra devoid sum melan melbourne ordered ##ilent diver project projected ##oming ##ometre crystalmom shield shrink ##quat maurel cher chose chance chron ##itri plays ##oses ##osing ##osci clay pressed sierra disord resolvable ##ograph ##ographs lap ##chi fe2o spl spon eng enorm usa usual seal search strath depic departure induce notation corn valuable perple subaeri equally camp magmasat twins ##forward lend adak advant thereby fractionations acet acting cargo micros chemist geosci majorite silicon decades eruptively ##acher ##cline ##ango differently corrections representation infill infinite matte heater 204 2010 ago agilent carbonated ##ologies crystallises ##ricorn microcumulates microcline special ##lectic manaslu outgassing europ decreased explic explored defect 1180 interpreting depletions finnigan polarised reminis newton limbs averaging transects transmission clean ##burton continue ##tude rhythmic comparatively floren thickening correspondence ##isey distinction olig olcpx 303rt stars minority ferti ferrite ferromagn affili affinities thinner epit cm2 cmas tradition tectonically ##gins simulating 1620 functional decompressive radiation preserving greenland concluding spectrometers ##sonian ##uities stepwise migrated migrating insufficient freezing ##rench pellets incorporate troct 176 rietveld plutonics offer edong crosses crossed preference 230 groundmasses broader protoc 2400 24mg drift holocene 86sr370ma create durango situations extents halite monzonites concave weaker quantification clustered columns argum sieved fluxing polymineralic capricorn device devitri flatten em3 downward filling mylonitic neces nanming lithologically compute dividing retrogression 007 360 hoedjies superprobe accreted 1999 532 xrd excitation initiated syenogranitic drilled williams cpfu etnean oibs equival strata mcbir stir stiff ascended tschermakite buried unrealistic intersected severe contaminants scans derivative delayed morphologies ultrahigh focuses pillows emphasize limestones morbs passed plausi eroded ##lemented discontinuities welding addressed encoun moduli debated resembles advanced scienti smoothing aspects styles phonolitic convergent straightforward hundreds penins statistical challenge carefully built meteorites hypothesised rosette package anatectic sericite john rotated exactly issues favored thermocouple thermocouples keeping frost ##factor revised selective corrobor appearing 106si susceptible afe3o4mgt aliqu diaplectic escape rigorous warburton inefficient lamprophyre laurenti enlarged actinolite microanalys macroscopic trachybasalt orthogneisses bomb baker dlz kogiso mgal2o4 nikia barrier captured rhyodacites indirectly akin ##aborate reactivation scarcity objective manifest purpose dongping mallahle piez voisey phyllosi collector lipari endmember hildre merely mistastin potholes noticed blanquat bruker insensitive snapshots magnetitite conservative unequivocally bidu θxpp ##bogie coogan ankerite strathbogie adakitic chemistries geosciences reminiscent ferromagnesian nanminghe hoedjiespunt mcbirney scientific hildreth 1c 3e 430 550 520 530 610 7b 720 8b 8e 94 ben ber bir ball cn cnd cima dv dro dil dup dict esm fh fec fou french hour h11 house hudson iv kis kfs kinds lh lac ligur mer mir mct own pli pare pall p50 passing s3 sam sink sider tb trom tell ud vp vin vul vents wo4 ƒo2 δqfm ##mant ##lo ##lain ##lacher ##nite ##da ##dence ##aa ##bt ##back ##bered ##oting ##orogen ##ras ##ster ##sch ##tze ##tang ##tford ##uy ##uth ##uted ##7f ##ived ##gado ##gassed ##ye ##yon ##yen ##yric ##cated ##ciss ##crip ##crystalline ##51 ##530 ##08 ##38 ##fj ##24 ##96 ##ont ##tiary ##tives thetford ##enberg ##erated ##anese ##asi ##ication ##iciency coating coded ##ington ##agas ##itecture ##sia congo concept ##ulsion ##ocal ##idies ##owin read review ##lieren ##usted ##usanne compressive an9 anorogen beh bear ##ops ##opard ##ceived deform deuter orient ##ilised mott dioxide ##ighting ##abilities ##aminated ##quir maar chain ##phase dissi mines expulsion resolve ##ogram ##ographic laths lausanne ##cher phre phyric intermedi mineralizing spann lowered colors enter garnwith weights ##ads metre perm subpar substr ##tonite apprec ##erson canada canyon ca2 prevail erron erased concentrates pools leopard ##canelo increments alloy arag indicator undist tip ##tener norite norway decim eruptible scall ##key ##rosite hydroly upd uptak complexly bounds ##ochemical ##ochrosite ##rick solids solidi commens microp volumetric ##ians manning outp outwards empa ##pling distal disturb exploration lineament 145 lithic marker tertiary steepening petdb flanks gaidies volatility sof soon develops developing denoted normalization assumes 2005 generates oxygens absciss elsonian synt investigating schlieren salem subset considerations calibrate deeply skin 160 takes mineralogically comparisons radiometric brid sectioned differentiates constrains constraint lacking works rivi anomalous δ57f confocal sheared saldania offers fragmented trun demonstrating influx retain circle camg durlacher physic physically situation toplis thermodynamics techn centers coronal 5000 intense attached quantities linkages csvz argues drastic carrier capo laws intruding implication difficulty homogenisation document ##iferous principles historic converge applicability caledonian division 4000 constituents architecture 004 ##umption ##ofer viewed habitus 1995 indexed naran highlighting bonding belongs fo85 becoming scattering dispersion 05b inputs operate carlo carlson 15dg40 δ57fegrt kyr burial gardner namib pocket mounts intersp intersection interstices achieve jh15 media vermicule derives delle ##cumulate exposes metapelites distinguishing xfe2 horizons focussed stabilities hypersaline golden golowin begins emphasized metasomatised coarsely vacu vacancy encloses filtered morgado carrying expanded obviously steeper repeatedly phosphate microgranites pdf ybn ##oblastic constructed devolatilisation draw vectors extrapolation bedded casc oversaturated researchers damara exert exerts dilute undegassed 694 tonalite failure disprop metallogenic pistons conductivity attest attainment molecules sericiti nonetheless designed ordinary utilis yangtze kohn cryptic monotonous inherently ##after appeared suscepti tabular pyrenean muntener exponentially volcanoclastics retrieved deduced manganese altot disrupted erratic earthquakes pyrophyl virtually deficient decoupling recovery triangles recognition immiscible subtracting dramatically josephine anions inclined subsidence rhodochrosite uncorrelated camera synthesized eluc felci fossa relicts micromon inserted edmund thousands eggins vibration ##standing rejuvenation lapilli acetone florencite protocol equivalents plausibly peninsula laurentia piezometer fh2 fecl kisters lhs liguride pliocene siderophile vulcan ##mantle anorogenic orientated ##quiring intermediates subparallel appreci erroneous undisturbed uptake commensurate 2e 270 370 6e 6c 612 8c 975 aan bad cd cast dub drops fum fam fran faint finger gain gained gga hen hum hart iter jus k2 kj kon kli kins lβ lati lpp llan lords mong mud nom o10 oman page pod pear pits pfi penta qic rely righter s6 sø sac sit stem sorted tel tort tail ug uv vg vf vig vana vlas wds xu xy xz xal xan zaf θpp ##lim ##long ##nm ##aig ##auc ##ather ##aros ##bden ##obs ##oand ##rates ##rustal ##sp ##sorbed ##tling ##ux ##uation ##uing ##uosity ##78 ##ih ##ious ##ify ##hv ##gc ##yer ##ytical ##ybden ##vc ##ctively ##kf ##59 ##pol ##posed ##point ##39 ##xon ##xab ##fine ##fies ##fold ##42 ##66 ##29 ##jib ##jimb ##wd ##wan ##wana ##telic ##tectonic ##rea ##alled ##enb ##enco ##err inform inward inacc ##estion ##essible ##rotron ##orting ##ices ##let ##lex ##attered ##inge ##ingwe tom ##sibility ##oliv conden isotherm ##ocated ##ocumul ##octa ##etrup forces ##urrent ##urned ##idal ##imuth rees requiring ##lips ani an80 beg bend beads atoll ##ceiv ##uming ##tics grading dips ##tinib ##ita ##ircl ##osome clots clarity presumed happen dish dispar dismem expose expelled resone resamp feas ##tral ##tration interdiff spe sput spand spline spaces spars lowers ##ype enters entered relate uses usnm seated likel quasi quetrup modest ##add string strict metaps metav unm unfort corvo ##odynam peru subto ##hedrally oxford meant ##unction ##unication erong ##aya quartzof glide glauc plumes leg leins leave obsc adsorbed ##ards notion noise fractionate bore arise arises ##akam zirconium accessible overr plutonism apoll aplitic months indices micas 10c 104 ##illan noritic completion partitions consolid consumption consuming ##ificant tracers ##ordance impacts underpl underlie vern verified consisted served height cumulative 2016 assembled agrees sliding ##eldspathic 1273 1268 waters characterise discs discordance analyze communication dominates dominance manually settling distortion definite suppression fineto thermodynam marble universi plotting ##ramids secondly continues 1970 soluble hornblendites running flushed firstly so3 2001 2004 ##uchi separately mushy diopsi ellips salinity titration longitu µm2 ##isson fewer eventually incompatibility mswd ##co3 moles molybden barometry hypidi brine histogram mistinib hyal ##oku 253 ##ni2 ultras reflection individuals maxima syntectonic explaining substitute substitutions truly demonstrably summari replaces visual easy exsolving exsolutions graphical graphically slabs titaniferous hold creation geochronometer load lofs halos ##125 pseudo logar ##30f accessories links adjusted heterogeneously opening papale balancing ##blance granulitized fluxed periodically polymer pyramids capable promoted villaros contributed emit cuboid ##ophane homogenized m184 h25 vieux classify tendency ##she computer asia eastward huge externally ideally cratons tephras 002 limitations supercool supergroup 1998 1997 indexing pulver pulsed ceased innermost pargasites matches explanations drilling ##ldx fo87 fo82 brightness segregated permeable vii 15dg35 ##leyite wavelengths 29si successively tschermakitic sharply collerson uniformly intersect empirically mingled photographs cathode isochores problematic assessed miller grt2 theoretically emphasise emphasizes inhab sudden δ26mgcpx reactants expressions steeply purity purple ssb depositional guide insign trachyand pdfs palme ##adium encomp encircl russia atomistic resemblance advocated 8900 autom targe annealed wehrmann digit digestion paste basicity undergoing favour kdfe tonalitic analogue precluded faceting slump al3o3 meteoric mccaig roux mylonitization ##rophyres geothermometer designated removing anderson believe thermobarometric utilized improved remnant favoured governing kohler reversals feeding zeiss checked resources adc27 undercooled magnesiofer ##466 shifts surprisingly hyperfine pyrex tibet tibetan computational exponential parabola phenomena phenomenon destabilization attempt kimberlites boujib 139466 bk1 ##glass conjunction competing compressibility synchrotron envisage palaeozoic dodecahedral ethiop hb08 idding osvc session ttn ##si2o6 cryogenic organic ##ammitic cloudy advective undulose traverses 177hf culmination antecrystic gibbs missing otjimb reheating anvils exhaustion diffusant apparatus grenvil sequestration wavenumbers selvages extraord adiabatic 91500 azimuth danger giant ##wackes ##ographical enormous depicted cornell subaerial advantage explicitly affiliation troctolites devitrified flattened stirring aliquots ballhaus hourglass lacro palladium vinet ##yenogranite behind mottled dissimil spanning scalloped hydrolysis bridging camgsi2o6 physicochemical drastically 69431 disproportion susceptibility pyrophyllite elucidate appreciable dubbi justi kinship llancanelo lordsburg mongol pearce pentavalent qicun søager tortuosity vlastelic θppp ##ihood ##hv13 ##olivine dismembered resonetics spandler sparsely likelihood quetrupillan metavolcanic unfortunately quartzofeldspathic glaucophane leinster apollo consolidated ellipses molybdenum hypidiomorphic mistinibi insignificant encircled magnesioferrite boujibar hb08hv13 otjimbingwe 2n 2f 220 390 3sio4 4125 511 6d 7e 760 9c 940 bit bgy cyp crop cvf cats da dim dual dav dany ems fs fen fossi fwh gb gs gj gar gbs gond gang gual h4 hic hess i4 iod jb jo ju jsm jud kp lig lach ml m7 mim moch nf nic national oel omb orog oval ovoid omitted p1 pv pati pond piles pva rip rud stern tl tan tent tay ut v3 ven vog w1 w12 wager xi xmg yt ωx ##mar ##mor ##lor ##lus ##nb ##nor ##night ##dv ##dinal ##bric ##ez ##o8 ##oite ##oys ##oke ##orough ##oichi ##oikilitic ##oactive ##rus ##rites ##tor ##tat ##taminated ##82 ##hary ##gne ##gner ##vp ##vable ##ck ##kh ##kar ##kam ##kos ##pres ##pled ##37 ##zi ##zz ##zberg ##zca ##field ##faction ##ferous ##41 ##48 ##65 ##63 ##91 ##jects ##war ##water thum tho2 thresh thorough ##onic ##tier ##tised ##tex ##rew ##inson ##alus ##nder ##eni ##enous ##enges inland ##espl ##rov ##rox andalus ##ardi ##orated ##asberg ##astites ##ico ##icto ##elous ##eland ##ata ##atomag ##isen ##isorption ##istine ##agg ##agabb ##agranular ##agosh ##enty ##atest ##silic ##ston ##stone ##stoichi conceiv ##acer isother isometric ##iger ##igler ##igawa ##igmatic ##uli ##etall ford forward reh rein rever received ##liers ##lified ##terby ##ustite ##usher asem compact compens cru crusher alps status ann an5 an50 exotic deal suvo magenta ##ils mos moore grasberg wholly ##inear dixon prolong ont ##omit ##ometres ##tini ##amet crystallites shading shaw shards ##antz mare math incorre chi chad chang chapp ##ucer ##itch ##iric ##osch climb tegner teigler hamp hauri hakam saw saal saucer distil minu expedi ##racrustal diffrac parad fei phe ##truc ##ilized interc interbed spik spoon spider spatter coltan ##oclastites betts plagioclas imbric formations enmg enables enigmatic bast contour contrib collectively weather seam seams granoblastic liq quies stricto colleaguesng indium corner corgne persilic subl subgroup ##anduk caetan prelim twice twenty ##ondini gln ##radi leak leach leka ##vial addi adap adcumulate therein notice ##deleyite pristine ##ako acted overnight monomin ##parts micrometers chemisorption 101 102 1030 geoba geote ##keted impar implemented greyscale greatest underlain hydrolog veined mats oxidising bias charged agents regelous obduction ##berian effort efficiency slices nazca intrud intragranular 123 129 1274 redbed bulhary bounding ##ochrom ##rican obtaining characterisation microper treat trekos afc african considers ##arede 115 116 149 thermobarometer serpentines niob averages anorthosi terr stell flowing hereafter ##burgh curvil distribute recording standardi flood flakes gau diagenetic diagenesis ##ugate strains 2003 305 ##mek naturally elburg ellip predate smn buoy mmto identifi rarefaction tectonism tectonothermal nonstoichi simulates 1670 southwest nuclei nucleating radioactive planet sectioning differentiate multic minimise polyhedron magnesia predicting 2500 northwestern ultrabas paid decompressional incorporates stretch 175 hybridising ##ava dehydrated behaves 870 87rb substitutes irmm traps petrographically crossing replen replace illustrative excesses 240 242 availability drives pyrolite hollow holder keanak waves modify 86sr530 loops physics thrusts topology topography ltd labs concomit brey intensities ##ushev attachment weakness accumulations accumulating log10 705 evaluating amongst transpression chloride chloritized public ##140 closing periodic reduces terminated polymetall octahedra capac portr ##xtap spotted reproducing reproducible albarede colorless homogenize nanometre εnd535 ##pective breaks h2s kinematic room 26mg backgrounds elongation divide micrographs markedly constitutes mesosome 1993 kilometres odds opposed extrusive imagery spectroscopic metasomatically convex transferred cpos qz27 connecting viable mcm ##heated triggering burg names named uniformity douce doubly doubt fastest achievable predominance jh21 ncm ##ski ##io3 regressions accommodation dimension ohuchi percentages pseudomorphic herzberg millimeter ##etrical symbol ##pended stabilisation powerful lamellar vice vac2 sudoite occupancy helz kiel heavily aims junction guar atmospheric polymerized suspended advance smoothly casio3 goes interference interferences uplifts exerc exerted shortening prp4 undergoes favors 6932 vargas ##acrysts challenges build overlapped tangled neighbor insight bracketed myrmek pseudosections packages chilean migmatites mylonitized establishment remarks orthogonal 1971 facilitates leucosyenogranite dwars improve accounted overprinting okanduk crypto monotonically 183288 uzc revis perspective foliations coincid shifted prehnite trajectories allochthonous munster raster vitrophyre laurent parabolas spreadshe returns retrieve counterparts macroscopically redistribution fesem disruption envelope 124570 earthquake pyrophanite bk2 liberated sensu sensor satisfactor conjugate compressible plaine synchron envisaged overestimated ##ethyl ##ujondini enabled enabling granophyre uncontaminated unambiguously adequate adequately multiply tetragonal tetraborate inhomogeneous monzodiorites monzodioritic pieces charnockitization dynamically karl pipe resetting unravel artific scandian america extract sequential looking penetrative blebs candidate tightly waning ##encies engulf european cleaned 176lu arguments necessity microanalysis dilation dictated mirror parents samo vpdb phreatomag substrate prevailing aragonite updated micropoikilitic disturbance synto δ57fespl truncated vacuum vibrational vulcano baddeleyite fumaro konig latitude pods vanadium ##enbosch ##ocumulate resampled interdiffusion unmix overriding vernon universitat hyaloclastites ultraslow emitted automatic slumping rouxel dissimilar justified cyprus dimin danyushev fwhm gondwana gualda hickey juxtap judging ligand lachlan mocho oelberg ombujondini orogens patino taylor xiong ytterby ##normal thumb andalusite ##agoshi isotherms asemigawa suvorov prolonged incorrect chadacrysts chappell hakamagoshi paradox interbedded imbricated enmgs weathering persiliceous caetano preliminary monomineralic geotectonic intrudes redbeds microperth trekoskraal stellenbosch curvilinear standardization ellipse identifiable ultrabasic keanakako polymetallic neighboring satisfactorily phreatomagmatic danyushevsky 011 040 015 0xab 2o4 3f 310 314 340 3he 4π 43c 510 525 770 830 840 970 ast aph amal aside bx b4 bac buc bach berg bigg cat cate cart came cip cren dul duan dldx ee eh ecc eick ebur eject get god gun hd hr hed his hit hots hinge iw iap joint java kom kess kod khib kerr lm lc luc lys lose lumines lla mut mpy n1 ner nig n50 nakam oly oven oka ps pc p5 pig pain pou pyrox pge pater pick pushed pfj r0 r3 rond rules roles s9 sate sol s00 seld solved solvus sisson s140 tq tap till taishir tyr u14 vu v4 wo wi win wro wis w10 woll xpr xnio yz yas yate γst γni2 δx μct ψf ωl ##m2 ##men ##muc ##18 ##100 ##llite ##ny ##dt ##d3 ##din ##dor ##dong ##dagas ##aic ##bell ##eh ##eg ##emp ##eber ##o6 ##ovi ##otime ##ris ##rid ##sn ##spl ##tual ##86 ##77 ##iff ##ively ##hl ##hj ##hor ##hion ##hile ##gressive ##yar ##yuan ##v2 ##vature ##car ##cia ##cime ##kl ##kd ##ki ##kins ##pi ##pot ##ptu ##02 ##zm ##zn ##zr ##zamet ##xing ##xts ##xico ##flu ##fo2 ##fels ##fants ##faa ##44 ##49 ##98 ##jd ##jol ##jave ##wed ##wyn thorite ##onv ##ontin ##onorite ##ref ##reme ##al2 ##alen ##alated ##aldera ##ened ##enian ##ert ##ersion ##erkraal inges inlier intim inev inactive ofqui ##eses ##roand andean andradi ##arite ##arus ##orio ##thing ##astonite ##icl ##icate ##lee ##leted ##elting ##mpus ##atan ##atum ##atub ##atka ##atreme ##isely coin cosm coales coaxial ##ationally ##agic ##entally ##entric ##atever ##ithmic ##sit ##sian ##sidi ##silite ##sio3 ##olinite conduction ##acies ##acular ##igenous ##ulite ##ulli ##etus fortin forced ##urable ##idation ##idates ##idually ##imes reu retic reten ##atig ##teritic ##terfield compressed ##luvial ##resolvable alme albe alluvial stahle stalled answ an87 antang exemp beard ##ope ##opo deines suited melange melagabb ##umoto or50 ##ilise moti moor move moved mojave ##tica grid whalen whatever diatreme prote ##omes ##osilicates ##amination ##aseib shed shut shann shui shattered ##riere ##quine ##quely ##quang ##ichrom maier makk madagas incoming ch4 chong ##ucat ##phery sake sauter sauss ##ysmal mind mining ##ppled restite resist land parr ##chem ##chatka feti intercon intermit spear spini spoh spans ##arian colson elev elevation formulations ##ypical ##utable entering relies relating ##emy ##eman ##asses ##assol basan basins usu evac evolves contexts weyer liquine quater quoted analcime fluence ##aday ##ademy ##apatite neu neptu nezamet notwith variant variants unf mgcl validate abnormal subc subjected submar ##neath meter mexico caf cavities preand prevalent ##ydis concentrate quartzo po4 analyser analysing ##ondhj leeman lowermost adam alloys ##arded thereof hasb crystallizes boreh prone arte academy ##listic doming indications micrometer 1025 ti4 geographical ##teness ##illo ##ributable nord norites consens decline decorated deconv scaling scss scope traces ##achi ##clasts processed processing xenotime ##ivari underneath primocryst veinlets referen references folding inflow inflection biogenic bierkraal 201 locating obe obsidi biotiteand slov sl12 ##ologic measurable estimations estimating nav 121 12a ##uba bulging ##formational wellington correlating evidences 15c destruc ##athered ##ronorite ##istocene determines raw raises rafts discoun analyzes ##kalic reeand ree2o3 alongside microcontin microtherm microcrystalline microtex 13a 136 combine combinations specified ##lecalc century ##plus degas iggc 1130 ##epleted supplied lineages 14a finely foen polar polari polydis serpentinising remelting martini limassol groupings univers uniquely regionally transcr stere cleare 1984 1989 hornfels curvature magnet magnification bonn nbi ##fex comparably ##huenco ##hud3 run4 flake volatilecalc invis invading invoke uncomm resultant pe25 peucat dense denud normalisation progression gravity graham grayscale pointing cpxmantle ##licity hara harp precisely mn2 ferr fermi oxygenand altering interacting epr ended beamline saline trails mm2 subscrip ##issance notes chromium describes earthchem southward midto postulated postulate gasp observable radially 181 18o 184 182 totals spectacular ##etsaub iceland ionov ionization misin misery disequilibria residuals forsteritic grounds eqm leuconorite transiently inspec eclogitic seeberg individually parox peltier pelagic incorporating 178 proportionally ##othorite dehydrating maximal synformational banded trondhj entropy fourth fourier stratified stratification coexisted returned versa widest 2300 40ar visibility circular exsolve exchanged peralkalic holness holocrystalline 86sr535 cream creates darkness hannover centim centime falloon concurrent swelling exhibited simplicity siliciclastic intensively attributable accumulate isolation ##naissance tried 703 forest foreign ##awi linking deviate periphery balmuc farm faraday entities transporting chlorinity csds ##noye alternation drain termination skeleton lawsonite reproduces accomplished accomplish oscillation oscillating cubocta downwards difficulties documents 90zr miy ##dese ##gsten metabasal tetrahedron himalayas roots ##going reconnaissance lithologic strongest tholeiites 2683 ##shire caledonides asian tephrite archive transportation recognise aureoles instability instances chondrites formerly 366 nmh nodule superc superheated 1992 blocky 534 995 ceases selwyn matched matching elasticity 552 cells jacobs squared initiate wilshire fo84 fo89 1963 0001 connections 825 8272 testi gradational choshuenco 2200 stippled maintaining fragmental triggers 017 025 equals reconstruction reconstructing 458 pitzer plastically collins colloidal experience fashion 3783 arrange propagating mash masli scanned vesicul cathodo appropriately integral deriving deline isochore fixing millim sphene craters instruments macroand colours colourless formulas formulated globally globules emphasizing exhumed emborio isobars genetically occupies occupying born passes prevents helens clustering jung immersion unknowns guid guang proxies microgranitic aeolians palke suspen ##omerate octahedrons spherul drawing ##urgical percolate percolative advancing rifted bedard cash goal wehrlites 39ar penet rtln adopt subtype subdivision precluding instantaneously darling puzz ##rhenian metallurgical intracontin intracaldera isopleth nacle meteorite attained pairing aluminium qualitatively sigm uranothorite neoarchean geothermoba precursors polygenetic ##vaal allochthons 1978 millions pseudotachylyte fischer yangyuan improvement foils progresses autolithic chalcophile tonga inverted crypt monotonic efficiently 564 514hud3 frozen hardly vessels ##rock dipra dipolar selectively corroded 1377 brecci paleoarchean brackets rectangles tabulated diapiric performing barroisite integrate abruptly escap lanzo rigid inhibited inhibiting computations lamprophyres ##ostratig twinned actinolitic concerned promotes interlayering feototal kimberlite redistributed bombs boudin koga s160 torch 124567 barriers monitoring rhyodacitic branches branching lf7 satisfy tuned tungsten walsh ##oriyar competition precedes preceded decoupled 2009a immiscibility palaeoproterozoic kamchatka lunar olifants pinatub sintered sessions voids compounds granophyric unconform exploiting traversing gabbronorite gabbronorites reconcil reconcile piece culminating antecrysts conspicuously dynamical fosterite gtsi mjjd pleistocene pipes witt discharged washout carpatho carpathians geomar scandina survived american eliminate sequentially configuration refertilized bm3 densest friction frictional fifteen zhao zhai alo1 melanocratic shrinkage cherts chronometer disorder disordered sponge spontaneous perplex campbell lends 204pb oligocene oligoclase olcpx1 olcpx2 fertilization fertility epitax epitaxial traditional traditionally corroborated phyllosilicate phyllosilicates cnash duplicate esm1 fouque merc sinking ##schen ##enbergite reader deuteric softening technology namibia interspaces cascades sericitisation micromonzon famous henry klippen ug1 vigorous xalm inaccur tomography condensation ani2 begun feasible speed stringers strictly definitely thermodynamically 1970s diopsides longitudinal logarithmic polymerisation m1844 supercooling viii targeted digital ethiopian extraordinary disproportionation kinships mongolia davetsaub gangdese iodp join mimics sterner vogel threshold conceivable reinfor mosaic ontong minutes intercalated quiescence leaching additions adapted 10120 matsumoto treatment niobian anorthositic buoyancy nonstoichiometric planetary concomitant burgers guardia 69324 okandukaseib revisited spreadsheet synchronous 4πy 43ca bacon bigger catal categ cipw dull eees eccentric eickschen eburnean ejecta hedenbergite hotspot iapetus komati kessel khibiny lysterfield luminescent llaima nakamura olympus poujol pyrox2b paterson ronda satellite seldom tyrrhenian vuoriyar wiart wrote wispy wollastonite xprp yzs yasui ##dorff ##ovik ingestion inevit andraditic reticulite almeev albeit melagabbronorite shannon shuiquang makkovik madagascar chongli saussur interconn intermittent spinifex spohn quaternary neptune nezametnoye notwithstanding submarine consensus referenced slovak discounted microcontinent microthermometry iggcas martinique transcrustal uncommon inspection paroxysmal trondhjem 86sr535ma balmuccia 8272faa intracontinental pinatubo okandukaseibe vuoriyarvi shuiquangou 020 075 2h 2θ 2se 273 2melt 3m 380 312 375 4e 420 470 440 4he 490 460 5d 5e 540 573 6f 680 670 640 7d 8d 880 9d aq aid ara avo aided a12 auba bp b2 bis bol bot bric banks brick c4 cer clu cess cad cup crops cinder dx dal dari dick daw dimer eur eec ease eph eba erit eichrom fc fmes flex gm gc gal gug goss gone goy gfm gatan hom hall hatch herm hinder hgrt ij ili iab idi jr jul jou joch jaw kf kre kor kel kak kcl kend kick kbr kink kings l1 lag lid lund lasts liss lhas m4 m9 mine mam mys m50 mh2o nank nested nagas og o4 o12 oaa p0 pent pree pun poss qc q0 qmom r1 row rad rene rsc rises ragged sb sf sant song sables solar slee ty tin tur til tfactor vand vial wy wing went wari wad wels write words xcl xie xgr xiang yc yil yam za z2 zhuk zno zwan δs δt δp δfm ##mu ##mly ##mus ##lm ##l2 ##lock ##laki ##nel ##nick ##dl ##dd ##dx ##date ##dam ##day ##dmann ##aq ##aved ##bin ##bal ##bro ##bil ##bach ##bets ##bby ##eti ##eonite ##rary ##rabor ##sd ##sø ##suing ##tut ##tori ##tje ##tunately ##uh ##uin ##uer ##81 ##71 ##76 ##79 ##iro ##iver ##ienti ##iuy ##hg ##hes ##here ##hem ##hoku ##heni ##hmen ##gent ##garn ##gence ##gdan ##garite ##yal ##yan ##yzer ##yritic ##ywackes ##vin ##vine ##vari ##vinc ##cual ##kine ##kla ##542 ##pd ##pine ##plow ##pub ##3o8 ##zd ##za ##zable ##zulli ##xin ##xdi ##xten ##xisting ##f5 ##far ##fan ##fol ##feld ##43 ##410 ##99 ##ji ##just ##jiang ##was ##wich ##well ##χv2 thorian ##ona ##onites ##onia ##tian ##tized ##tison ##tish ##titised ##retion ##rech ##rents ##rell ##reywackes ##inion ##inclu ##inology ##inders ##inmann ##inburgh ##aland ##alach ##alytical ##enable ##enso ##enets ##enstatite ##enna ##enhe ##eneses ##eration ##eros ##eritic ##erup ##erned inso insti inversely inlet ##ro2 ##aru ##arry ##orad ##thene ##ani ##anbets ##asted ##asting ##assemb ##asia ##asov ##leton ##lect ##leading ##eled ##eline ##elier ##mps ##mpund ##attice ##atuses ##isph ##isade cog cop co3 code coding cook cogn cochi covari ##ingly today tohoku ##agi ##agin ##agan ##agreywackes ##entory ##iter ##si3o8 ##stances ##stones ##ola ##olo ##olper ##olym contig congl convinc ##ures ##acers isog isomer ##igo ##ulating ##ulator fortunately ##urt ##urred ##uries ##uriti ##ido ##iddy ##owustite ##owplow ##im2 ##imse ##imay rend rear reor reub ##roman ##lian ##lium ##lique ##atized ##atives ##atised asl ##eres ##ererup ##erexten comprom ##ecuted cr3 crushing cradd aland alto al2o4 alpine std strac stall stays staging stones stolper an90 an38 executed bei bears ##oporph atypical dew deem byp ##tedt ##ille ##ilvi moon mosen grab grimse ##inea diad projects ##omy ##osities ##ository ##osilicate ##tines ##abri ##abber ##abiddy ##amic shred shared shik shares ##ritical ##quimay mauriti che chak chip chines ##yrochlore plains ##nton ##irth ##irable ##irmm ##pher ##osc ##osal ##oscop ##yroxene ##gend ##gean cla ##dial ##dible ##diorites presenting siberian haase hazard said saken ##yscan distric express ##ppes resided resolving ##ogene lau diffused ##chill ##changed ##charo phan phili philli ##trical ##0011 interven interpol mineralising sporad spacers lowens lowto colder colenso washed eleg elect ##ibni ##ibana enable ensuing ##emeral bases bastitised volenti contoured garneti evolutions cal1 call ##routines weathered seism select queen quarry modally ##fications typified ##adol ##addle straddle ##aplus ##apvaal neb neogene depolym repository variance metagreywackes union unev unlo unpol univari unpub unerup unchanged corfu corrie corrid mgv mgand mgco3 mgsio3 ##rowth ##ostand abg perth pertur permil submic subphen subhedra subliquidus subroutines stubby datum clinoch equip ##reement appalach ##so4 meth ##unsw cay caal2 ital prem ##yder ##oluble reacts erf erdmann quartzites poik ampli suggestions amphibolitic glen glarus ##rapped leo leake legend leibni orthoand orthocumulate ##ngenetic ##ralski ##via ##vier adds adcumulates ##ardment novel nova nothing bots artic arun ##akov ##akibana acme accept ##ideality intact ##ello accid overc overly overlie monovalent ##parite carleton micrite 108 1070 10zd geosp geostand majka ##illonite majorites volcans texturing nordly nortje completed completeness deccan decimeter erupt erupting eruptives sc3 scot scaled genuin ##achs ##cla xenogenetic ##roscale impr imped impreg proposal underground verpl versions verify prime primor primors veining refined folds inflated inflate bif biref head healing 209 xenolithic upton locate complexities regressed regimes regrowth oblite oblique ##berabber effusion fieldwork slur ##ipated nao naal nappes ##omponent intricate 1007 1006 12c 1230 1270 feldspathic amesite am97 am91 amenable ##ochralski 15a 155 154 1550 presently bulks ##obin desulf desirable doi doing dohmen rays raising originating discarded discerned analyzer ree3 ##pmann microfrac microinclu 13b 138 134 1310 1330 1370 133c ##ociation ##ianeh trem trepmann afm outlier outstanding empty centred centuries euhedra setup distant rhen rhine ##azite possibilities contrad supplemented 1450 1430 ##506 fin10 fozo fo92 polish dissociation cools lithot nieber generalized pattison furth sr15 newman deformational march margarite anorthitic anorthoclase electrical transgressive afterwards steel steinmann secondarily flowers herein continents 195 1900 1950 1930 1987 1988 1986 ##ertained currents ##apsed ##hert neglected stands run3 flank flinders inventory ilmen ##omogen normalizing 508 505 ##ugs ##tigate ol25 30si ##linger starred ##landite harper profound profiti ##bara ##barin ##baric separator mnz ##ief particip ##abba elapsed syngenetic schof ends cmto sal1 salt sal7 sal5 salters slowand slowest mmgo tecna longish identifies barren barbarin deepest ##gino nonideality skyscan 1600 1650 1680 1648 incompati southwards statement decomposed frantz localisation postdate shales barometers gashes shallowest 1820 sulfation sulfates hyperexten brand brf5 brunsw ##ogranular likewise muller parentage minima minimally misf misleading ##erging polyt polycrystalline polyphase polyethyl polybaric workman structured remainder alm52 assimilant 25mg groundwater surrounds migrate migrates inspected insulator insoluble 867 860 pae paolo broke pathway stream streak international lherzolitic 171 170 continuing continually conflic synkine offered substituted irvine influenc edd edx edinburgh retains summation seemingly 235 23na stratigraphically orogenies easter ##ensively detecting protogranular circulating mediated pyroclasts exsolves graphic behaviors thicknesses greywackes magnitudes holes holding holds kemp modifi creating credible reflections sulphides durham ##asonable geochronologic loose northernmost potentials topic topographic envision supplemental supracrustal supererup ##ractionated labels labeled correspondingly coronitic swed switch simplistic opxmantle ##baan injecting litasov logfo2 quantity quantifying petrolog3 petrologically 707 augites augmented foregoing baynton tapped adjust papers baltica chloritic surroundings alternate argon needle reductive terminology octahedrally capability capabilities ##ringent exclusive diffusively 352 3500 promising promoting villiger ##max contributions contributing discretion easternmost ##onald opinion implicated implicitly downes fills mitigate nitric malawi nanogranite εnd370ma ##ifies ##pectral h26 laminated snowplow snyder exceptionally principally stoichiom tetrahedrally accompanies properly conversion tended applications tholeiite 260 huang divides micrograph positioned hemisph ks21 constituted 008 005 003 009 instabilities ##inier enhancing views viewpoint 365 horoman ppv11 ppv12 superposed 1991 1990 53cr 7000 kilometers kilbourne kilometre oppenhe counts counted amphiboliteto conditioned cevp seminal extrinsic residing resident 555 55mn jacques ##ohy initio initiating syenogranites convecting parageneses transfers 388 385 389 3897 ea2 ##borough 1965 1964 1962 yellowish 051 etch et12 freise fretz qz25 ##tzian connolly crystallographically 8230 lza testing vienna sixty repeat referring 15dg96 15dg78 15dg66 maintains narrower 022 schistosity simplification 032 6000 plasticity collared collaps unreasonable mounting symplectic symplectitic tuffs 518 51v pictures arrheni viscosities supersaturation jiangdong pilbara pyroclastics derivatives 27al delamination deliver kaolinite kaapvaal ohtan ##sworth ##anck isochemical assessing distinguishable hertzian 541 545 8530f hypersthene hyperspectral laborator laborato frequencies kukla macroscale formulae substanti phengitic 3400 embayed ferrosilite boron ##fs4 prevented outlasted furnaces erosional shoshonites expanding acquire heaviest panalytical purified weldborough realm relaxed frameworks 3100 487 guinea mariano turns ##741 ascertained critically phosphorous trachytic bimodality pdv palisade suitability encaps strikingly 321 advances ##ismicity science explosively extrapolations jxa85 89y goeth jackson projecting ##quisite phonolites interfinger wehrlitic seventeen oversaturation discriminate 39k ambiguous ngt pascual tension diluted diluting adopting labradoritic disappears 66zn subtraction subtracted precludes programs selvedges ascribe hkca robinson grs31 ##quito regularly a10011 depressions 1255 12573 125741 packed attaining neoblast neoblastic mg2sio4 assign pairings vesicle vesiculation hamers hammer ##tampund convenient grande seismicity pervaded remarkable polygons robustness 49ti ##vais coming facilitate megacryst megacrystic oikocryst utili yangxin chilling armienti favouring circumstances czochralski kohls expectation feedback unexposed stabilize stabilization filtering frothy tasiuy uzb zealand disagreement selecting fluctuated corrosion persists acidic accepting 137ba definitions definitively magnesiochrom magnesiowustite paleoand pervasively hawaii gravitationally culminated tabberabber ##atsaus coincides attenuation shifting recalculation swarm laccoliths 762 borders dp16 rastered rasmus ##aroon ineff enlarge twinning glomeroporph leaves desert microanalyzer srm6 optimized optimize semihedral trachybasaltic destabilisation attempted kimberlitic deduce fibrous mangaroon vanishing comprehensively altai envelopes enveloped errabiddy nikanbets hiatus lf4 libo2 tunnel virtual walther coastal anticline anticorre anticipated deficit churchill reactivated montana montmor underestimation underestimated underestimates objectives transformations manifested favorable dodecahedra overestimate biggest kozi kamenets lonquimay ttgs δvr ##jee clouds evaporation undulatory rhodonite exploit uncorrected cameron 7500a fissures fos1 karato langebaan mjen portny renzulli witter stockhert washington apparatuses artifact geometrical grenada survive remobilization remobilised eliminated configurations wavenumber haloes refertilisation 93nb aeon aegean caco3 candidates denser fifty gdn hindered vastly melanorite diverge shrinks microscale 303rtχv2 argument necessit stiffens unrealistically severely encounters encountered johnson johnston bombardment berry dropped fount tbn tromen tromsø wo40 readjust an95 permian decimetre output outputs soften abscissa abscissae namibian sericitised utilising edmundian fecl2 castro france frankf iterative nomlaki nomatsaus saccharo sittampund stems telese xanes informative isothermally bendigo happened disparate disparity metapsamm metapsammitic obscured underplated underplating 1268a histograms summarizing pulverized pulverisation trachyandes trachyandesite iddingsi grenville grenvillian lacro3 lacroix 2nf fs2 fossil h4sio4 pvt ripley rudnick tlse tentatively utrech venn ##cked thoroughly rehomogen crude an58 changle hampered distilled expeditions spikes plagioclaseto bastard sublattice leakage hydrological terrigenous flooding multicomponent replenished log10d publications capacity kinematics ncmash exercised myrmekitic artificially engulfed samoan fumarole unmixing diminished microperthite 3107 buck cartoon crenulated hitachi lmv nerc nigl psammitic pigeonite s00410 ##iclase cosmic coalescence answered exemplified motivated moorarie resistant evacuation unfractionated mgcl2 artefact obsidian destruction polydisper stereographic invisible denudated drainage metabasalts nmh34 supercritical arrangement vesiculated guidance guangji suspension spherulitic puzzle nacleq sigmoidal geothermobarometric cryptocrystalline breccias escaped boudinaged unconformably scandinavian epitaxially mercury categories saussuritized interconnected slovakian a1263 aubaud biswas brice cessation dariv eurasia ephemeral ebadi eritrea gallium guggino goyazite homovalent hatched hermann ilias idiomorphic julianeh jougdan jochum kretz korh kendrick lissenberg lhasa m975 mamonia nankai nagasakibana ogilvi pentlandite preexisting possess qc04 renewed rscm tilted vial3 waripi wadsworth welsch xgrs xiangfan yilgarn zhukova δfmq ##raborty ##felder thorianite insofar institut cognate cochiquito covariation contiguous convincing isograd reubi craddock altogether stracke deemed mosenfelder graben grimsey shreds shikoku mauritius chakraborty chips chinese ##oscopic sakeny districts phillips intervening lowenstern electro volentik garnetiferous seismically depolymeri unevolved unloading uneruptible corridor perturb subphenocrysts clinochlore equipment appalachians poikil leibniz geostandard genuinely impregn verplanck primorsky birefringent desulfidation 133cs nieberding profitis schofield tecnai hyperextension brunswick polyethylene synkinematic influencing hemisphere oppenheimer fretzdorff arrhenius delivery ohtani laboratoire jxa8530f goethe a100111 kohlstedt tasiuyak rasmussen glomeroporphyritic nikanbetsu montmorillonite koziol kamenetsky portnyagin frankfurt saccharoidal sittampundi utrecht julianehab ogilvie 0gr 0kl 1n 1d 1g 1xab 210 280 215 2h2o 2fe2 2o6 2sd 330 315 4h 4g 480 435 5f 5al 5to 580 5o4 56fe 513 5fe2 6li 623 675 660 635 7li 710 730 740 790 787 716 8g 890 884 9e 9g 9be 960 935 985 aor ath agh aud a99 bn bent bri bart bare bann babb bhas billi bold cg ces cel cus cuc crow cep casts cps d1 d0 dmp dent dere dich dust dell dyn dudson danak dani ei ejected filib file fip fme fh2o franch fuj gy ger ged gent gli gil gase git gir gues gies gale gels gps gco gets gud g45 h1 hh hj hur hse hide hither hok hint h19 hirth ia ih ire izo iberian iugs ja js ji jin jen jar jan jig jos juan j12 jump jager jones july jobin kl k0 kan kat kac kul kell kaw kane koren k56 ll lη lin lnd len let ligh lod latite lids loses mp mz mx mα mgh mene muse mule maced muan m13 mbt mitch nu n2 nq nal nen ned nat nil ntu nels nern nomen oc oth oim oph oand oreg ott pf pw pst pine pam pad pest pend peng pict push pont q1 qs qing r4 r2 rum rup rub rinds rings rls ranks rano s5 sro sor sic sat sag sve sich sver squid soci sme stim solve solving slit sga ton tat tag tant tale trial tina tark tank tds tint tvz turned tzm ui u4 uen ucc uo2 ural u12 ucla v1 vri vene vox voy viti v2o5 venting vfm vidal vim2 wac wang word w75 wo3 w97 wustite wdx xl xs xp x0 xni xfj xni2 ya yv yun yak ypo4 ygc zo zen zuc zie zav zacc zro2 µct αqfm δr δg δdv ε1 ν3 ψm ##m1 ##mo ##mt ##mon ##min ##mel ##mow ##mock ##mond ##mark ##mium ##matitic ##1h ##lith ##lot ##lates ##llis ##lines ##lining ##loric ##nth ##nas ##nam ##nized ##note ##nason ##naya ##dic ##dat ##dom ##dra ##dorp ##dales ##donald ##aign ##aft ##aven ##aean ##ahuay ##ahas ##appe ##avoid ##b1 ##bit ##bound ##bling ##ei ##ek ##eav ##eismic ##o7 ##oi ##o5 ##oti ##ool ##off ##oves ##oher ##o10 ##ooked ##ooting ##rf ##rag ##ril ##rine ##rical ##ride ##rising ##raton ##sing ##sites ##saw ##t2 ##tation ##tled ##tob ##town ##ttle ##tometer ##tler ##tosc ##uz ##uf ##ute ##uent ##uate ##uig ##uated ##utin ##une ##ufeng ##8o ##8os ##800 ##885 ##iy ##iag ##ios ##ipp ##ience ##iree ##ikal ##ife ##itites ##hol ##hot ##hou ##hong ##hand ##ger ##gam ##gue ##gene ##gian ##gomer ##gaard ##grew ##gdales ##gt2 ##ya ##yes ##yam ##ymm ##ygdales ##vance ##velling ##v2o4 ##cs ##cu ##c7 ##cer ##cation ##cing ##cog ##crib ##cke ##crystal ##cceed ##calc ##cattered ##ko ##kv ##kin ##kap ##kie ##kless ##54 ##pin ##pel ##part ##pond ##pect ##position ##persed ##pyroxene ##pc7 ##01 ##zt ##zan ##zap ##zogranite ##zka ##zhe ##zilli ##zaru ##zhou ##zkie ##xp ##xca ##fo ##fites ##fting ##figure ##fely ##fni ##fh2o ##facts ##fael ##friere ##47 ##4o7 ##69 ##28 ##22 ##9mg ##ja ##jens ##jwal ##wa ##wic ##wo4 ##wler ##wave ##warian ##γnio thor thong thsio4 ##onet ##ontite ##onne ##tio ##timent ##timal ##tization ##tiss ##tisation theri theories thesis ##tel ##teg ##tec ##ret ##re3 ##real ##reed ##re25 ##repres ##requisite ##inting ##inarily ##inator ##influ ##inert ##alism ##alik ##alai ##ndt ##nded ##eny ##enec ##entin ##ension ##enze ##ennia ##enthal ##erance ##erto ##erozoic ##erdt ##ervais inade inequ instruc inliers inert ##eson ##esov ##rose ##ropping andahuay ##arle ##arli ##arini ##arabba ##ora ##oran ##oring ##orial ##orman ##orwe ##orona ##thit ##thay ##eder ##anen ##anol ##anui ##anova ##aser ##asth ##aschi ##icated ##icacy ##icutin ##lebr ##leaved ##elor ##elter ##mper ##mpse ##mpo4 ##atov ##atomic ##atography ##isy ##isable ##isture coat coul cottle tol touch toler tomi ##aga ##agu ##entropic ##iteit ##itelain ##size ##simal ##strom ##olas ##olab ##oloration withdra conical congr ##acal isostatic ishi isovalent isenthal isentropic ##igt ##iges ##igneous ##igonal ##ulic ##ulus ##ulari ##ocarbon ##ette ##etat ##etries forim forty ##uric ##uride ##urizing ##idently ##identally ##owment ##imf ##imed ##imited ##imetric ##immel reass reo2 rehyd reading rejected reuss render reassemb reagan ##atial ##veats ##terpre ##tserr ##ushu ##uszka astime aseismic asymm compares complicate compressing composites composing ##econd ##ecpx ##ecorona ##lutonic ##ressible ##rescattered crich crist crush crons criff alf al2 alley sta stations stout stok an20 anlier an30 an40 anka anio an60 an85 an45 an88 an97 an89 an78 an100 an44 exagg beach beij ##opx ##oper ##opic ##oping atl debr devo dealing deepening suff sutr suzu succeed melane bytown ##seismicity ##umon ##umont ##tedtite orland orvil ##iling ##iline ##ilises mo6 motor moiree moisture ##ticell ##ticular grating grids wholes ##ineous ##ineering dia diab dipar promp prove proton onwards ##ota ##otomy ##omon ##omically ##ffler ##ighing ##tins ##tinent ##ab1 ##aba ##ami ##amau ##aments ##amuig crystally shad shade shaft shervais ##quate ##quilib ##quillo maas mait maun maars inch incidentally ##ouni chen chich chand chack chalc chains chatter ##mentation ##ucity ##ito ##itz plat placing plata placer plesov ##iral ##phnite ##osulf ##osecond ##vertical ##versed ##gevity ##geotherm clerm ##diti ##diary ##diamond ##diogenic tefl happ hauy hayes hafni say sauer safely highs disin disks disappe expelling expressing expended ##pples ##ppard reside resides ##ogical ##ographically lath laden lapo4 laumon laouni para parat paralle paricutin ##charn ##chov ##cheng ##chemical ##champ ##cheg ##chloric feg feig feand femg fev2o4 ##trality ##ilizing ##00lv interleaved spain spill spacer spiral betaf template ##esset plagiogranites ##arning plagioclaseand ##ypes ##ibly ##utre ensemb en46 relief ##ematic ##emann ##emontite ##assen bastite bassian baseline ##imentary usage contorted contraction evoked calder calls calabri collecting weerdt weighing sealing searle live lives li2b liamuig mantling ##ficial ##adonite ##adepleted strained stradd neon neod neiges depress depressed colleagueseration repub indust indones notori metaborate metadol unpre unresolvable unavoid uninflu ##oder zonal fluidand ablated pertain percep perman perceived periclase pertinent subhed subequ subjec subarc subjects subhor subdom subfigure subvertical equates equiline ##andian ##arta calcs calcare ##tonello ##netic oxtob ##tial1 ##tials isotopolog ##hibole mev meinert ##ung ##unch caand capped ca10 caille cathay caveats ito preval prema pretori prepond prerequisite moreand ##oluted twenti erases concentrating concentrically ##ourse quartzand poikili poisson ##conorwe ##upo4 ##upta amplified ##onds silva crusts crustand plug plung plucked plumper ##raulic richet lee leuven le04 orthoph orthopyroxenites ##ngat ##ranted ##ranged ##ranean ##astor ##ardo ##ardite thereafter hasting noisy equilibrating ##aterrestrial ##dexing book borec boorman arab arising arato arisen arzilli arranged ##aking wherein wherever actively intui ##lism overwh oversh overhe overpres overgrew ##ixes assuring assist ##rogram ##rogabb apex april monocl monomer monochrom montserr monticell monosulf moncheg carsw cardiff micritic calculates 107 109 1010 1020 1015 1060 undes undulations undepleted tio tiff gee geohy geolas geographically ##tensional ##tentials ##illing hydraulic volcanology volcanological silicification ##ternary norfol magmatically secular containers decoration declining decarli sco scr scre scoh screw sclm scaven tracing ##achnaya ##cl3 ##clature ##ordancy ##ivalent ##ione impac imprec ##mmgt2 underor underbin underpin underrepres vergent hydroflu hydrolith hydrochloric ##eneities recurrent recourse correcting representations serp serious infracrustal bio he1 maficity 2085 charlier uprising assemble agent agreed locates complexation regulated ##bert ##beri ##beration carbonation efforts efficacy slates slice ##allon ##eria ##roll ##rological ##phitization naand measures 127 1220 1240 1285 ##ubian feldsparand provision ##ears bulanova ##termined ours surficial wells am10 amster amygdales 151 15d 153 152 159 1530 1540 1575 1546 ##oboth ##obalite chromatography deschamp saturate obtains ##istol characterizing characterizes rao raise rafael discovered discoloration analyte solidifies ##ovsmow ##ovatov reequilib microph microcumulate microseismicity microdiamond 131 13d 135 1390 1360 1388 pbe pb2 combines ##ocities belcher tremor trellis specie speculate domino dominating ##leci associate outliers centrally ilima illus ##plic disturbed decrep arctic arcuate igalik deflected 11a 11b 117 113 1126 1173 1190 1160 1125 ##raphical depletes suppress suppressed suppressing lineage 146 1432 ##50pd thermof fo70 fo73 forescattered serpentinized lithostratig niolivine ##tersberg ##tersdorp ##ishaw remote sr9 marl marbles marsh martian interstitials soufriere activated oxytherm oxycalc transect transba transverse transmit translates transtensional terra steiger lateto depended dependencies 1980 1973 ##owned oceanites hornblendes ifs anyway ##cedented patterned ##ikov ##ikamau ##fe2o4 ##cepts displace displacing standpoint probed firmly flo flc flaw flash gao gaf gawler thickened uncover pele peier petersberg sox developments denomin denoting 509 50en ##ugo corresponded olz 30a ##istral ##lingen thenardite ##lands harmer harkless rapaki profiting ##orsk ndand rapidity mn3o4 absorbed blob blatter blobs blurred elan ferri ferry ferriere ferrogabb meantime afford ##tilevel whenever directed investigates alterations riding epoch schmit schwar school schilling smow smit smok smelter endother endeav endowment cao12 cmash salts salient salinities slowing facto factory subspher methodology ignition funn tectonized tectonostratig barr barris barberi fewest eventual ##ps12 evenly ##roscopic nonline skuz 161 16o 168 169 1659 1682 1654 incompressible analyticaland describing earths characteristically takahas decompose decomposes fring fringe fraser frimmel facts facets mineralogie localize molality bao 185 186 1810 1830 188os cannat hypoc bring brass braschi bristol spectrogram icdd ordering orderly orderings shaping δ18ovsmow ionian demarc demeny ##beumont multilevel minimized minimisation kelyphitization lacked polyhedral polyvalent polyatomic worker approximates accordance interpretative knoll knife alm56 alm55 multitude multiphase ##printing 25a 25b zrn zrc zrsio4 northwards overlays overlooked phlogopiteand ##jection insets stressing freeze ##renen ##rency ultrason ultradepleted bode bodinier paucity intended strecke 172 1700 1790 ripples proportionately dehydrates confining confinement confidently behaved shejwal sheppard 875 synand offline offsh offering irre irresolvable lasting lasers trust trinc trains trigonal axially axios entrapped ##oteph demonstration edax linearity wallrock summaries focore discussions microscopically cu0 cu2 cufe2o4 prefixes southernmost 2350 2367 ##ictory relevance 407 405 4096 visually ##itsev broadest easier 243 circa drifts ess greywack titanium holm holyc holaki holzhe kea kelem waditi modifications marking 86sr542 mediumand crest cambro skarnoid cohes coherence priori loos loyal ##iumi topas stoffler ##ankhong hallis centered fastand labram responsive concur concern concordancy reasoning swue swif simpson simplest paleomag paleocene intention weakened accumulates pseudopo isolating extremes logging logγnio ##na0 ##307 triton trielo triocta 7032 7046 7043 70506 70885 augitic ##mgx ##mgmgx precipitating bayankhong tait taosh ##oney deviates papua baltosc farther farallon ##tesy chlorites cs0 octo4 arguing argentin ultramafites drc dragged dr18 terminal terminates terminating dash excludes understaturated porphyroblastic 35cl promise village coloration contributes flattening middleand middleto emerging lux luth lujiang goodness opacite optimal impactor impactors implicit examining homogenised fm1 filler mi1 mi2 nitride nancy εnd530 metabasite outcome outcomes outcropping breaking h2so4 sn2 accelerated classically restricting tetrahedra tetraethyl accompany habits roeder rooney thirds property au50pd ##itised ##indrical convert 2600 26to 2611 802 pegmat pegmatitic eastwards ks3 ks12 cratonic tephri archaean recognisable kinetically ##lerud installed strontian ##axis ##axitic ##initial1 limitation 363 3600 3620 3630 3670 3640 hoose meso mesocumulate supergene superposition indexation 538 537 998 999 kilometer pull bonded lastly extrusion extraterrestrial elastically grossularite 557 xrμ ##imeters excel excited imagined fo83 fo86 environmental networks collisions ptx paragenetic segmented monitors ##board ##kaido disperse undersaturation 0511 00038 etc qz30 roundish ##tzmann connect connects behaviours 822b operator sixteen sixfold granularity inferring 15dg50 15dg72 15dg37 222 freshness mcg ##aiova ##head footnote schemes δ57fex δ57feirmm sectoral mentioning 016 293 grooves kyushu requirement simplify 031 039 4513 nams namus mobilisation mobilised mobilized collated unrecog observational 3376 intersecting 3780 517 5130 picosecond ##larwe photos photograph predominant detectors superscrip supersonic medard mediter mask milman milano ncx so225 scanner ##briand ##ioff ##izontal ##istency delay delaminated delimited ohap assessments distinguishes fixes herbeumont mills millennia millimeters nowhere ##etruszka parameterized parameterisation focussing 542 8500 sphere stabilised stabilise contrastingly frequent kuleci macris macdonald budgets metasomatize 3450 embay westrenen induces inducing 1309 powdering δ26mgol δ26mgspl 0629 film films filament morgan ##crn ##fmasth ##fs13 outlining supersuites fronts helps hellebr prominently substantively aiming purged ##ews realized immune descriptor smokey perpendicularly 317 642 ascension phosphates sps1 sps3 addressing trachyte microgranophy japanese 446 pdn palma suspect wetter encour constructions constructing schematically devolatization drake isopachs isoplot beyer debret sandstone sandwich sandstones disappoint resembling percolated scienze hydroxides extrapolate smoothed beds dmm1 michigan michikamau projections phonoteph scoriae discriminating discriminator 392 4767 839 damaged penrose tenth watts diluent shortest favours introduces usefulness 663 664 69ga 727 inconsistency analogy subtly subdivide boxes questionable doublet 678 679mg tango disparities ensures neighb neighbour intracraton migmatized 098 faceted velocities ##exp ##ashita ##ashiro clinoamp clinoenstatite labradorian packing route sericitic sericitization assigning aluminosilicates aluminosilicate hooks 528 52cr 59k 5900lv hopp hopper hopping hopkins hamburg hammond o18o convenience apertures geothermometry geothermobarometer geothermometers geophysically geophysics designate cleavages 2dm 495 742 zheng comte admix surveys afeomelt 1976 1972 1802 180hf leucosomes intraplateand cylindrical dh67 dh39 dhkl dh02 dauph fisk omeltγ piemontite pietruszka yangs extinct 1038 ##ctuated successful 793 7809 92na0 cz3 czech putting tongan tubes inversions pressuring pressurizing feeder unexpl symmetric symmetrically symmetrical keeps mcdade contemporaneously 514pc7 514ps12 hardening jadeitic task tasman zeh zeolite zeolites ##cynian ##rockf courtesy revision complication ##phelinite fluoride fluorapatite persist persistent 1068 conserved conservation 1379 rhombic magnesioh overstepping hawaiite windows rectangular tmo tmt coincide coincided ##litter mohan 187os hyperprobe helpful 5128 8800 88sr beside gemoc lanin rastering vitric vitrophyres warren ineq inhibit computation anczkie whitlock parabolic nephelinite monoand microanalytical icpmsdat optimum optimization counterpart exceedingly trachybasalts destabilized attempts attempting redistributing bouvier baked bakker dedicated deltaplus federal gandler poleta torr torres torngat toriumi erratum tracked sheeting selfrag disaggregation economically lfper library walker woods yarlarwe εhf535 ##lluric ashes ashwal si4o8 week validity preceding montgomer montpel underestimate transparency triangle triangular recognize recognizable purposes destroy favoring subtractive unexpectedly edifices dodecahedron mismatches overestimation dongbo ethanol koitelain kameni longest lonmin longevity mallmann pinch pinwarian sintering sinistral voigt ##si2o8 cryoscopic organization mountain inclination phyllites splitter splitting evapor evaporitic subsidiary advection advected exploited 118sn supposedly 142nd endmembers gabbronoritic multiplying multiplier synthesised 7500s 7500cs inhomogeneity inhomogeneities charnockite ctln felted fosset gibson muro muted missed ottonello plechov renishaw renowned rods wright witness ##193 reheated ##ussaq exhausted discharge discharges diffuser metaigneous unsolved unravelling unradiogenic permitting micrometre survival blanket eliminating extracting incompletely sequestered ##oxidegeotherm configurational edmonds selvage refertilization penetrate adiabats briefly aztec cacl2 caciag dangling hinted langmu peculi peccer rollback rollinson ##iopyrochlore ##ymium stacks stacked diverges divergence chronology clayton engineering enormously searches subaerially campaign lending advantages microsparite infilling infinitely infinitesimal 2048 204hg europe 176hf 230th devitrification stirred stiffer corroborating aliquot microanalyser mgal2o4sp manifestation benard benioff beryl berndt droop duplex dictates ivrea mctz parenth telluride udachnaya wo47 an99 deforming deformable deuterons phreatic entertain permits substratum aragon decimetres updoming δ57fecpx retaining interspersed vacuo cascade attests utilises utilised micromonzo fecl3 vulcanian fingerprinting human hummock iterations klippe vg2 vigour inaccurate begue feasibility sputter sputtered sputtering usnm11 stringy obscures micaschists thermodynamical diopsidic longitude summarize visualised pseudoternary logarithm polymerised m1846 supercooled inhabit inhabited encompassing encompasses targeting ethiopia iddingsite extraordinarily mongolian daphnite emslie fenites fossils gsd gsj garson kp30 kp31 nicols ponded rudimentary tlf tanzan tentative utah ventersdorp ##dvr ##khan ##agger rehoboth reversed reverberation compensation compensated annen annot mathematic mathews chiarabba changzhou hampering distillation expedition diffracplus diffractometer spiked plagioclasecorona bastnas sublay geobarometers geobarometric imparts imparting 1274a gauge stretching hollows 70532 transpressional publication capacities portray portrayed ncmas dimensionless exercise myrmekite coincidental artificial samoa fumaroles unmixed juxtaposing incorrectly paradoxical microperthitic 0xab2 aphthit amalia amalgam bx41 bachmann berger bergantz ehime godel hr800 lucenec lucassen mutual mutanen okahand pco2 paine painted picking s9a solomon tapered u1439 winding γst1 γst2 ##horst ##zmare intimate intimately retention protected fetioxidegeotherm elevate elevations basanites basanitic neutral neutrality subcretion cafres adamastor borehole boreholes deconvolution deconvoluted 2017 obeys obeyed navarta microtextures microtextural polariz universally universiteit clearer clearest ferrand ferriss subscripts 181ta 182w misinterpre misindexing 178hf centimetric centimetre centimeter concurrently cuboctahedral cuboctahedron miyashiro jacobsen testify testifies delineate delineated millimetre drawings cashman penetration penetrated ##rockinitial1 reconciled reconcilable micromonzonites inaccuracy inaccuracies reinforced komatiite inevitably intermittently trondhjemite trondhjemitic 8272faa25 3m5 arakap avoiding bollinger botcharn ceramic clumps cadmium cups dalou dawn gossan ijolite kakanui lagos lundstrom mysen punctuated radically sleeves turner vander wyers xclent yamashita zaitsev cogenetic copious conglomerate rendering reoriented compromised stalling bypass claimed phanerozoic philips interpolation sporadic elegantly unpolarized univariant unpublished submicroscopic methane cayol caal2si2o8 italian premise glenburgh article accidental overcome geospatial nordlys scotland imprint impedance primordial bifur obliterated slurry nao0 microfracture microinclusion tremolite rhenoher contradictory lithotypes furthest ilmenites participation incompatibilities brandt misfit polytopic streaky conflicts 235u modifiers supereruptions sweden switching stoichiometrically collapses laboratories substantiated encapsulation 125739 utilizing magnesiochromite tabberabbera inefficiency srm610 anticorrelation fountain readjustments teleseismic metapsammite trachyandesitic vennemann rehomogenised polydispersity electrode perturbation aghia audetat barton barely banno bhaskar billion celadonite cepo4 dmp09 dentritic derez dichotomy dusty della danakil daniel filiberto franche fujian gertiss gedrite gentle glimpse gillet gaseous gittins guess giesting gcoh gudnason huraiova hitherto hokkaido iaab ihpv ireland izokh jiufeng jinlu jigsaw j127 kaczmare kullerud keller korenaga lenticular lightest lodders meneghini museum macedon mitchell nenimf nedo nernst nomenclature ophitic oregon ottawa pst9 padron pestle pictorial pontbriand qinghu rupture sveconorwe sichen sverjens society smeared tony tinaquillo tarkian tintaya uenzaru urals u1256 vrije veneer voxel voyer vfmc w75re25 w97re3 wdxrf x07 yauri yvon zoom zucca ziegler zavkhan zaccarini δdvsmow ##bounded ##iyama ##cribed ##zapf ##wicz thorium thongmon ##timento theriak ##alaiyam inadequate inequigranular instructive andahuaylas touching tolerance tomiya congruent ##ocarbonatite rehydration astimex asymmetric crichtonite cristobalite cronstedtite criffell stokes exaggerated beijing debris devoted suzuki succeeded melanephelinite bytownite orlando orville motorized wholesale dipartimento protons shadow maitre mauna chandelier chacko chalcogens chatterjee plesovice clermont teflon hafnium sauerzapf disappeared parallelism spillway betafite ensemble calderas calabrian li2b4o7 liamuiga neodymium republic indonesia notoriously metadolerites unprecedented unavoidable uninfluenced perceptible permanent subhedreal subequal subjective subhorizontal subdomains calcareous oxtoby isotopologues prevalence pretorius preponderance twentieth poikilitically plunging orthophosph borecore overwhel overshooting overheating overpressure monochromatic montserrat monticellite monchegorsk carswell geohygrometer norfolk underbinding underrepresented hydrofluoric hydrolithic provisional am101 amsterdam deschamps reequilibration ilimaussaq illusory igaliko lithostratigraphy oxycalciopyrochlore transbaikal flawed peierls denominator rapakivi schmitt smoking endothermic subspherical nonlinear skuzovatov takahashi knolls ultrasonic streckeisen shejwalkar offshore trincal greywacke holycross holzheid kelemen 86sr542ma loyalty concerns swifts paleomagnetic pseudopotentials trieloff trioctahedral bayankhongor taoshan baltoscandian argentina tetraethylorth au50pd50 pegmatoidal unrecognized 337640 mediterranean hellebrand microgranophyre disappointment intracratonic clinoamphibole ##rockfinal anczkiewicz whitlockite icpmsdatacal yarlarweelor montgomery montpellier koitelainen caciagli langmuir peculiarities peccerillo mgal2o4spinel parenthesis hummocky bastnasite aphthitalite amalgamation okahandja misinterpretation arakapas botcharnikov rhenohercynian gertisser sveconorwegian sverjensky 010 080 070 073 074 0125 1e 1i 1h 1x 1j 1bar 1gr 1xdi 2o 2r 2al 2fe 2log 211 214 226 2bo 275 2mn 2v2 2xdi 2tio 2mgmgx 3o 3r 3h 3g 3µ 3o2 3fe 3o4 373 325 3o6 3xca 3mgmgx 4n 4d 4gr 423 426 475 474 4140 5o2 570 5gr 515 523 526 575 590 583 5nb 6i 6or 6and 620 630 614 6gr 626 63c 6xca 715 713 723 732 725 745 784 8f 8th 8gr 8h2o 9f 9th 920 980 930 925 983 987 972 aa ao ah av aσ aal aen aes ale aoc ari aos aran avi aten amm aeri aka aware awar ahead bc b3 ban bing bag bure bow bab bam bos bous brou blow bange bour bra bang bled bry bha buch bench bsc bpv b32 bern bouse banak b02 batan bivari bfh2o bunch bivalent c1 cv c0 c2 cis cly cli cres cum cit cred carn cass cust city civ ceri cpm cpl cinc celer crown dn db d8 dc d3 d4 d2 dj dα dδ dre dic dli dce dyp dut dost dak dill dare dsm dna dax dime dh2o daling d21 docking dorm d52 d51 dsp d41 dichrom ddl dsd dabba doping dagger ey ej ere esi eure eig eve eam eri ech eut eales eif eby eons egg eye eupo4 ebert fn fi f6 fan fic fing fly fid fres fuc fers fond fined fist fick fade files f20 fcr fire fired fission fyne g1 gn gk gle gel gsi gly gig glu gou gnt gass gad gmb gill gct gov gian gaps ghu geren giles g11 gof gott gores gero goto g68 g24 g66 g63 gata gasses goran glitter ht h8 h7 h9 hon hat hig hus hib hong hod hub hout hob hik hsc hbl h14 hovered hier hco3 hung hugo hagger ian iis ice ich ibar iki jd jæ jag jol jant jich jies jins jint jah jaro j27 juli j98 jugo kk k3 kw kin ken ker kro kth kle king kent kus kase kary kne kun kay kup kub kram kik kft kok kush komag kif lr ls lk l3 lx l9 lq les lor lis ling lent lop lot los lock lem lust list lyn love leng liles lud luan lrees lank lind lense loren leto losing llo lda lupo4 md my mβ mur meen mbs mue matur mach mcl mia mug mft michi muce mbc maturation mco3 mpi merging nn nt nk nre nes nas nich nib nut nbs nne native name night nion nip nish nade nets nuan n75 nfm nuj nasi nyal nubian om oz oes ost oac oil otero okk pz p2 p9 ped pid pir pph prac pog pose pak pcl pmm posed polid porpor punt pump pacing pushing pier posited pagan pnam pione qa qr qp q2 qre qili qian qms qiang qfrac rr ry ran ris roc rain rom rib rut rale ross rind rru rash r04 rarity rye rita radd risen ryan rzt sed sis sure sli sop sse sri sound svi sack sough sov sossi sorb seng somal sided sque sorption soph somm senari ssw s16 solves s52 sorting sonne smpo4 saba t1 tn tc tk t2 tac tam tch trou tand tect tach try teng tink talu tind tons tying torn tats tamic tmpo4 um uo uu uc uk u0 unt upp u00 uct uher uhu uink ueber vl vr vt v5 von vas vys vies v2o3 vented vug vise vmg vanc vetre vga vdv vugs vagu wp w3 wre wag wol wul wim wri ward wade wets wyl wales wavy woh wars wake wvz wrench wads wards wuh wirth wrapped wmt warning xm xn xb xt xg x5 x3 xf x2 xsi xain xand x50 xsc x12 xh2o xcr xfl xls xsio2 xidi xmu yu yy y3 yin yem yard yud yav yering ytt yoder z1 zy z3 zer zur zand zell zinc zaw zind zhe zima zimb zeros zmax zipp ɛsr ɛhf ɤfe2 ɤm2 αd αdvr γm γd γfe2 γm2 γmmgt2 γdvr δn δd δe δem δni δo4 δbi δss δmax εd εsr ε14 εgbs εdiff λ2 μl μa ξand σn σx ψg ω2 ωld ##m3 ##mag ##mite ##mid ##mately ##manite ##mto ##mott ##menting ##modic ##minations ##metre ##muth ##monic ##mulli ##mhol ##1l ##17 ##1g ##150 ##1rb ##189 ##1kd ##lp ##lon ##lab ##lich ##lge ##lers ##lay ##lined ##lating ##lves ##lov ##lling ##lini ##lwall ##lomer ##linal ##lava ##lawi ##lomerate ##lhorst ##nen ##nes ##ntion ##nan ##nst ##nac ##nig ##nce ##nges ##nand ##nne ##nack ##nke ##nest ##nised ##nish ##nady ##nash ##norm ##ncanelo ##dm ##don ##dad ##dill ##dood ##dof ##dh2o ##dldx ##dido ##ao ##aver ##aide ##arol ##apped ##ao3 ##aesset ##bu ##bes ##bid ##bow ##bted ##bable ##bates ##bond ##bide ##bled ##bend ##box ##bins ##beck ##b09 ##bano ##botten ##e1 ##ef ##eed ##eet ##eter ##eted ##eble ##elec ##ezing ##element ##eken ##eye ##etermined ##o1 ##oq ##oin ##oen ##oes ##oul ##oop ##oine ##oib ##oort ##ober ##oqui ##oft ##oons ##oomer ##oeb ##o18 ##oek ##ooi ##orological ##rl ##r2 ##rain ##rum ##rant ##rust ##ratic ##rative ##ratory ##rhe ##rushed ##ser ##sat ##sens ##shu ##scop ##sterite ##ska ##sbank ##s02 ##t0 ##tx ##tø ##tally ##tad ##tue ##tale ##tors ##tarc ##tner ##tmann ##tories ##taxitic ##uo ##uti ##uas ##uite ##uit ##utite ##uary ##ugh ##utive ##uvi ##ude ##uder ##uating ##uene ##uded ##uitive ##utile ##urous ##uhe ##uenco ##utian ##uille ##uineous ##8μ ##892 ##8si2o ##7a ##imp ##iite ##iet ##iqu ##itions ##itite ##ike ##itively ##iech ##iash ##ifying ##iquidus ##iwan ##ipher ##iocarbonatite ##hm ##hn ##hle ##hom ##hill ##hual ##hann ##hanging ##hara ##house ##htang ##hadol ##haba ##hdldx ##hoek ##g1 ##gro ##gies ##gang ##gress ##gium ##girine ##gned ##gupta ##gmanite ##y2 ##yte ##yle ##yce ##ytic ##yang ##yenite ##yms ##ytes ##yae ##v4 ##vle ##vly ##vig ##vard ##vents ##vko ##vimetric ##cx ##cδ ##cle ##cel ##cate ##case ##cod ##core ##cular ##care ##comp ##cry ##cpm ##cps ##cible ##cking ##cibility ##cio ##ctible ##cipitation ##cinating ##cfmasth ##kr ##kon ##kow ##klu ##kil ##kou ##kit ##kty ##kers ##kinel ##kish ##ktron ##kher ##kij ##koph ##kinite ##kuts ##koses ##kfmasth ##5a ##5c ##527 ##597 ##5o18 ##pt ##pg ##pq ##pes ##pate ##pst ##pure ##pated ##pture ##pies ##pack ##port ##pically ##pina ##pired ##pex ##pdb ##puted ##pfh2o ##plutonic ##poort ##0s ##037 ##3m ##3d ##3s ##3f ##3nd ##3ch ##3py ##zent ##zim ##zated ##zations ##zie ##zui ##zler ##zenge ##zai ##zlar ##zsch ##zger ##zagu ##x2 ##xal ##xite ##xus ##xue ##xene ##xmg ##xoh ##xiang ##xtral ##xamination ##xeye ##f3 ##f2 ##fal ##fer ##fes ##fted ##fil ##flow ##fay ##file ##fug ##five ##fits ##fley ##finite ##fern ##fgang ##4al ##4si ##411 ##4uo ##6u ##600 ##612 ##638 ##2a ##2i ##2co ##214 ##2hg ##93 ##94 ##9th ##9si ##913 ##967 ##jo ##ju ##jing ##jann ##jua ##jnack ##qc ##qen ##qiech ##win ##wer ##wab ##wass ##wart ##wov ##written ##αcry ##μδ ##ønd ##γmmgt2 ##δt ##ła ths th2 thre thab thomp thail thorn things ##oned ##onas ##onow ##onous ##onally ##onduc ##onance ##onized ##onclu ##onolites ##onium ##onberg ##onzogranite ##onoran ##tie ##tiated ##tige ##tity ##titive ##tifor ##tipl ##tiven ##tifully ##tio3 ##tiously ##tility ##titch ##titors theme theses ##tee ##tere ##tech ##tect ##teady ##tegr ##reat ##rets ##reted ##ream ##reous ##relement ##rett ##rexp ##rexamination ##inar ##inic ##inac ##inid ##inted ##inable ##initic ##inome ##inct ##intu ##inately ##inna ##inuted ##alth ##alic ##alum ##alations ##along ##alun ##alization ##alta ##alify ##alm1 ##alo1 ##al4si ##nde ##nding ##ndant ##nderson ##enor ##eness ##ential ##en50 ##enters ##enval ##enha ##en30 ##entine ##en46 ##en55 ##en49 ##encla ##en47 ##enhorst ##era ##ertion ##eran ##eras ##erted ##erge ##erable ##eriment ##ertial ##eries ##erpentin inor inac inval incep inui ingrow inject inapp inwards innum inosilicates invia inboard ingress inertial ##esh ##roa ##roi ##roic ##rost ##rots ##rored ##rora ##roding ##rook ##rotherm ##rochar ##rolitic ##rosilite ##rochemical ##roalun and10 andrade andrew ##arro ##aran ##arag ##arts ##arwar ##argue ##or2 ##ortions ##ority ##orating ##orance ##or13 ##orini ##orlite ##ortional ##orls ##orutile ##thys ##three ##thora ##eda ##eds ##an7 ##anas ##anab ##anitic ##anov ##anorth ##anson ##anchi ##antini ##anagi ##antee ##asis ##asites ##asch ##asie ##asolidus ##aska ##asmodic ##aspina ##ica ##icine ##icting ##icchi ##iccated ##iconduc ##levant ##lekh ##letized ##lende ##eli ##elon ##elag ##elite ##elly ##elli ##elve ##elou ##elze ##elity ##elines ##elung ##elaide ##mpio ##mpalaiyam ##mparts ##atable ##atsky ##atake ##attø ##attie ##isl ##isa ##iser ##isis ##issi ##isites ##isch ##isitic ##isers ##istical ##isens ##issible ##isolidus ##isio ##istivity ##isks ##isny ##ispersed ##isputed coo cole cost codi copre couch cosc covalent coba codes cott cobal cocrystal cooper coroll couder ##ationic ##ationary toe toop topa toled tops to10 tools toky toll tolm tough tokon ##ago ##ags ##agh ##agent ##agos ##agers ##agons ##agado ##agonian ##agawa ##agenesis ##entral ##entuated ##atech ##atelluric ##iterated ##iterite ##sim ##sider ##sified ##sify ##sivities ##sio6 ##sio5 ##silon ##stop ##stra ##staff ##stream ##olz ##olent ##olfor ##olard ##olten ##olian ##olson ##ollement ##olished ##olds ##olarian withstand conform conjec converse concepts conpex ##acas ##acong ##acture ##acancy ##accept ##acncanelo ##acenor ##acaran ##lytic ise ishib isopro isla ##igation ##iggs ##iguity ##iguing ##ulas ##ulos ##ulick ##ularities ##ulpture ##ulsified ##ocone ##eta ##etts ##etration ##etta ##ettch ##ettner forth fortr fortu forcing fortel fornac forcible ##uron ##urin ##urity ##urface ##urning ##urring ##urds ##urprising ##idic ##idite ##idated ##idam ##idity ##idized ##idynam ##identi ##owledge ##imate ##imbi ##imolar really reassi revers ready reapp reuts receiv requisite rejection rewritten remparts reagent reiterated ##romite ##liet ##lify ##lility ##atities ##ativity ##atitisation ##ativly ##vey ##vec ##vements ##terad ##terably ##terland ##terbotten ##terisks ##tsem ##tski ##tsdam ##usy ##usal ##ustion ##usely ##ussed ##usoidal ##uscrip ##ussian ##usetts ask asaki asterisks compos compose compress compacts company compartment compston ##ece ##ectivity ##ecutive ##ectiven ##lun ##luro ##luence ##luidynam ##resolved crn cr2 crank craw cr1rb crpg crisis aln alv al4 alid al2o alty alves altipl alalta alaska allende stp stach stably story stained stone stds staff stake stoped stamp stagn stops stoping stasis stationary anh an0 anor anast anov anox anto an26 an73 an75 an74 an83 an92 an72 an55 an34 an52 an68 an51 an24 an66 an65 an77 an81 antler an22 antarc antifor exit exso exiting existent exacer beer beis beak beau beattie ##opher ##opsis atf attitu attes atlex ##cement deer dead deans deuts dewater dextral devey suver suther sutures supr sucked suhadol melson melcher mellini ##seen ##sewich ##uma magix or1 orch orian orav or85 or51 or47 orteg ##ild ##iled ##ilite ##illes ##ilank ##ilwa mo5 mo4 moo2 morocco mohr moo3 mouss mouh mooin grated grit grie gruj gr24 grimes gruene griggs whm whiti whakam whorls ##inements ditr dihyd diking dieck diversi diolivine dielec dikty proved proves proof prolate prosp prokoph ono ongoing onuma ##otti ##otop ##otri ##otch ##otra ##otard ##otax ##ottites ##oturb ##otographs ##omas ##omis ##omole ##omorian ##omosing ##osian ##ositions ##ffs ##ffi ##ffer ##ffle ##igham ##tinely ##tinised ##abant ##abund ##abria ##abwe ##abilisation ##ab42 ##ab48 ##abytes ##amas ##amite ##ameri ##amme shot shir shand shast shang sherg shanks shaking shimp ##rion ##rian ##riate ##rity ##rified ##riyan ##rifug ##antum ##quite ##quartz ##quard ##quivalent ##qualify mapp maip makal maher ma15 mahot mavko mawer maroa inca incidence incurred inconclu ##ouk ##ouver ##ounts ##oupled ##oubted chn ch2o chick chau chev choose choked chico chief ch3ch chinna chisny chagos chilwa magmato magmagenesis ##uck ##ucken ##itated ##itous ##itzer ##itaro ##itarian ##italization plg plated plage plann placement pluri ##irre ##irite ##irong ##irism ##irling ##irming ##irhead ##pham ##phaz ##phased ##phonolites ##osis ##osure ##osted ##oslic ##osinian ##osparite ##osmow ##osnig ##versible ##verstone ##geon ##geological ##gender ##gearite cl2 clot clastic clays classif clmelt cl35 clf3 climate ##dik ##dive ##diform ##diferous ##divia tear tema tethys preset presaged presumption prescribed sits siand siber siqui siwal siro2 sialic siluro haup hazen hajnack haphaz saje sadd sadof highf highfo2 highlands ##ysen ##ysed ##ysing ##erald ##erals disch disad discl disreg disassemb disqualify mini minus minsk minisc minicl minette expell expensive ##ppine ##ppian ##ppler rocking ##aturely ##tinga ##races ##ractual ##rachem olivin figure5c restr resolv restites restrict resumed resolves resolutions restruc resonance resistivity ##therly ##ogad ##ogra ##ogabb ##ogued ##ogiite ##ogosian la2o3 launch laeter lafay laurin park parav parcel parinac ##cha ##chite ##chison ##chier ##chuk ##chez ##chuenco ##chanab ##chromite ##chouk ##chuck fe1 fe0 fein feather fepyroxene femto feeble phd phi ph2o phree phosc phipp phoen ##tructures ##iliar ##iliation ##ilize ##ilizes ##004 ##00fe interand interact interpen intermitted interming interphase intercepts intermulli interwov minerale mineralic minerallic spent spend spall splic spike speriment spasmodic lowand ##ario ##arik colonized wasser tempted eleven elektron ##ess9 plagiogranite plagioclasemat grainsize ##2o7 imai formality formalism ##iba ##ibles ##ibalism ##utor ##utan ##utting ##utoch ##utzen ##utoq ene envi en50 en35 en45 en72 en34 en52 en42 en82 en41 en49 en69 enami energe engender relied relativly whichever ##emore ##emistry ##assopo ##assnes basu basile basically bastites usability usgs contractual eva evo evz contender contention garnetand calk cal3 cal2 calmer calanchi calabria collective collections wears weaver wealth sei seym seeds granules li1 liz lift likes lifting liotard quint quoti quantum mantled ##ficially mantleand pressured pressureand analcite typos typify ##ducers fluency ##adere ##adays ##adbury ##adsky ##adelou strings ##api ##ap2 ##aping ##apix ##apalaiyam ##ap1kd ##apxoh nea neat neil neare nekv ne7a depict colleagueso element2 repolished indoch indiff indigenous indosinian notch metatur metacher metagabb mettler metacong ##mall ##ghi ##ustrine unten united unox unav untes unsh unanal unwe unanne unshe unwar unheated unbounded unbend unaccept unidenti unresolved unseen corde cordill cortad fractal fracutre mg3 mgor mgkd mgso4 mg4al ##oding ##odite ##odol ##odacite zonations valve valentine valdivia ##ostones fluidor ab5 aband abra ab80 abrad ab67 abuts abnorm abutting thanks perl perterm perug person peroxy permitted perci permission perimeter perkin perdido perkinel perisolidus perchuk subcon subang subpl subram sublim submetre stubs differed datable clini clinofer equate equator equimolar ##anda ##andapalaiyam ##reef ##o2h calcites calcitic calciocarbonatite ##nees simon simonet isotropy oxi ##ersen ##ersutite ##soever datafile mei mevel meyer mezger melekh ##osem ##unistic ##unok ##ungs ##atites caa ca0 caal caob cavity ca3c ca21 cauli causal cailles precon preven preto preston prevec fulfil reactively twelve erase erta erpo4 ertel ernst ##centric ##paitic ##paha poise pohl potsdam podiform ##concentric ##uplicates amperes ##forsch ##ondo ##onded ##stised sugary sugiyama glaz gliding glacial plut plugs plunges plucking ##raven ##rawn richter richest leys leary leven lepr leached lebas lethal leices leitz learning lebow leica orthopro orthocumul orthpyroxene orthoslic lowercase ##ngpfh2o ##rance ##ranites ##ranox ##raliquidus ##viating ##viken ##violet observes observing ad70 ad90 ad85 ad56 ad100 ad98 adachi ad76 adhere adulari ad94 adelaide h2o2 h2oand allovalent imagemag ##forms ##formable ##ardly ##ardini hasencla larri fractionates glassly equilibrates crystallizated sometime something boost boily boeh bohem boiling bohle boyce boettch boosted ##ielded prl prat maybe mayuan mayeda arct arden arshan ardenite arbit arkoses arrochar layne ##aka ##aks ##aked ##akkers acts acron ackn acquiring acute intuitive signify ##ells ##ellus ##lising accentuated overor overbur overlies overarch oversize overhanging overabund amphiboleand ##orey asset assertion orthopyroxeneand growths aplite apophys apagado monoph monocrystalline monchi monola indicted ##partite carroll carbide caricchi caracas micaceous rimward ##strained chemale 10d 10a 10b 10be 10na 1023 1075 1090 1085 1045 1016 1088 1029 1077 ##ocrst ##ocrust undated undistinguishable undiff undisputed undoubted tied tiand tips tipping tio3 gev ge4 geiki geomorph geodic geostatic gehl geotop howell majiash ##tenni ##tensen ##illat ##illation ##illard ##ctor hydrate volcanically norther norms complements complemented secure sects secrets security consang conspired consecutive decep decade decided decipher decorating decollement decoding erupts sc2o3 scail scrip scru scori scpo4 sculpture genetical geneses tracking tracks ##aren ##arer ##aret ##keite ##keting ##aches ##achments ##achusetts timeline xenon xenos xenocryst xenomorphic xenoblastic ##iving ##cessible impart impose impression impover implement impediments proposition ##derick ##dermott ##mmnash greves greau greisens greece apatiteand underto underlies underacc underlined underuti verde verging vertex vergence verifies verbano verifying earle ##dynam hydrocod hydrogeological hydrodynam metamict metamonzogranite recast recall recasting vega vexing serrated serrate primed priming primocrystic mix1g mixg1 spineland refining refuted refute refrain refinements mainz mainland traceelement infers inflec infinity infras matric matzen oxidations oxidative oxidise biels biased bipy bi150 bizim bioturb bipartite he2 heart heard heise hebert henderson heterad experimentals ##actor 20f 20th 2050 2080 2074 2036 202hg ##velot ##velocity charts charging ##bons up193 ##ortchouk aged aging ague ag50 agency aggl aggressive agpaitic locus locock regolith regia registr regmi regrett oba obstruc oblig oblong obata obviating ##vesicular magnetitess carboniferous carbonatized carbonatised effused effectiven ##endations slate slim slabb slags slap2 ##ologically ##alling ##allam ##allotri gpa2 crystallisations respects responded phenocrystal ##ipette na4 na2 nava navier intrins intratelluric intriguing 1002 12μ 12and 1275 1290 1232 1225 1235 1284 1265 12crn 12214 ##ubbin redder redlich redetermined redondo redrawn formational co2or provoke ##outz bulges surge surplus correlative ama ams amu am0 amore am13 amgo am1l amoeb ##ochron ##ochemistry 15b 157 1510 15na 1514 1573 1545 1555 presentation ##obrook diffusionand chrome chromian descend desiccated ##athed ##athrust saturates ##iai ##istopher characters characterising dozen doyle rae rapp raft ramps raude originates discover discordia discounts analytic analytically analyzable componentry ##ovo ##ovich ##ovinian reefs ##pme commence commenced community comminuted micropl microto microtime microlitic microbal microfol microdiorites microcrystal microchemical microvesicular 13g 13f 1320 1340 1313 1375 1389 1386 1344 pbo pband pbo2 pbcl3 combustion belins belaya belarus belgium belomorian speculation specpure associates ##sruhe manual manometry manometer managed manuf manthree managers manuscrip afo afield ##ditioned commonpl commonality outward outlying outmost outboard outflow centring centrifug illum euo eu2o3 eudial eurotherm alkalies settle ##plp ##plats ##plication ##plicate ##planorth ##ortedly distorting distortions subductionand decrement arculus rho rhs rhc ##azawa ##azaki ##azimbi degrad degasses founded foundation exploring deflation defective definable defrost 114 1120 1112 1170 1140 1113 1175 1167 1146 1134 1139 1149 1199 1193 depleting ##epke suppl supplying supplier suppliers givonne lineaments 148 1440 1426 1473 1460 1455 1465 ##5034 controllers fino finest finish finland finlay horst horison horita horiba thermometric thermochemical thermonoran thermogra thermochron fox fo75 fo90 fo60 fo74 fo67 fo72 fo59 fo65 fo91 fo77 fo71 fo79 foidite polat poland polars polarity dissected dissolves serpentinization ##ailable litho lithoph lithification sapatite ##tersburg trendline trendlines ##isher ##ishment generality generalised generalize generalizing patagonian remade remelt furush numbered numerals sr3 srtio3 srilank newer newest newwave mgofe eruptional interstital interstitially martin marange marlar marls marquard limonite grouping ##turi kmol kmtt kmt0 uniphase southerly ##ramidal electric oxyhyd translation transversely transvaal transducers tera territ terraces stepped stepping steadily steepen stelling stewart steatitisation electrons electroneg seconds cleaved flowed andesine agee ##burn sultan dependences 19f 19am 1974 1983 1945 1956 1955 1959 1929 1981 solubil zonings ##hydrological chlmic curtin curious ##tudes ##tudinal posit posibil oceanite ##blende distributes bonito anyima nb5 nb2o3 nb2o5 ##cedents variational ##ikat ##ikame ##ikawa employs comparative earlyand negate negates petry petographical petrochemical standrad probes ##hua metasediment firm run2 flame flare flaring flav flush ga3 gaussian gaillard invasion thickest featured featureless uncrushed uncoupled pelee ilme ilmat hornblendeand soil sokk soils so193 soaked construed denmark ##erentiated normality normalising normalize diagonal diagonally progressed progressing hydrothermalism 501 50e 504 506 ##ugger standardisation ##sman ##smelt shockwa shockwave distinctions distinctively olm discusses 200to 30s 306 302 30na generic cpx1 cpx2 massachusetts starved ##zoate ##zohedral thence ##elson mto harmonic harlov harvard rapopo profiling profusely profiled ndpo4 precious precinct geochemial mnfe singh singly ##iebeck ##coplastic ##isticated bathym appearances singleor blc blade blax bl04 bloomer blurring blotch blodite backed backing backward backpack backstop elmer elaborate elardo ferrit fernand meanwh affirming sylv sylves thins thinking thinnest interacts ridley wills eps epic epsilon schott schmid schwab schonberg schroding schorlite schosnig predates sm1 smz smiet detached detachments endogenic beams beamsp caoand cmca donor donai father salite slowcomp trail traversed buka buhn buettner mmg mmes subsystem subsets subsolvus subsurface longstaff ignore ignited ignored ignoring ignorance rarer tectono tectonites barite barring barager barkar ##isser ignimbri nonbond nonsens nonconcentric ##102i abundantly skora skattø ulrich ulaan ulmer 162 1610 1640 1615 1683 1645 1619 1652 1624 1637 1649 1681 16o2h ##zona mss msc earthref ##covian nucleates midst midand midline midway midpoint takagi decompress decomposing facq faced facilities ##perini ##periclase hf4 hfo2 hfses mollo postulation postgl thoughts bau bai ba3 barometric baf2 gasperini radiate radiating radiography radiographs radiolarian ##msdorff 183 18μ 1840 18oand 1863 cannibalism sulfidation sulfurous totaling orbicular greenand quenches hypohy ##obarometers br1 brl bray bratis bruce brilli brigham brabant bradbury brugger conclusive concludes planets planck spectrometric spectrexamination spectrachem μm3 μm2 pyroxeneor pyroxeneand shapeless δ18osmow δ18odol ionically ionized ionised lightand lightness demets ##befort minimization minimizing minimizes misastin miscibility δ18orockinitial1 δ18orockfinal ##ergoes polythermal polyakov polyphased workable variously magnesior accords predictive knots knr2 almg alm69 positiveand metasomatites multivalent multiplic multiplication dunes dunitic dunbar dunkel tuan tuutoq ##print carbonatiteor assimilate assimilating 251 25e 256 2550 2590 2591 254uo ##ylene ##nier ##niak ##niferous ##otskij ##inautzen zr4 zrand ##uire northto eq3 leuco leucite leucomicrog leucoand transitory phlogopites bluer bluish dol1 doleritic dolosparite dolostones irons migmatic migrant ##scape insulate allowable allowance stressed eclogitized freeport populated ##rens ##rence seek marginally faulted paulick pavements paillat ##oxalo1 reflex brophy broached broderick pelletized interelement tropper troilite ##toid ##kesworth ##204 ##20pd ##bridge 17b 174 1750 1723 1773 1775 1760 1755 1782 ##plets hybrids hybridism ##auxite confer confusion confluence couple couples shea sheath shearer maximised saldanian 877 powered sano sank sanchez synplutonic synopsis offsw irini irradi irscop irkuts interfaceand fragmenting bandelier fugatities tru trape tridi trønd trinid trucken intermediateto axs entrop entropic entrance fourto fourfold youth ##otelluric petrographical retard retreat returning summed na2oand ##ivered thrn thrusted ##ropyrochlore ##ropyroxene ##ropriate widen widens ##oids ##irsai seemed cu1 cufes coarset chambefort prefactor entrant entrada 231 234 239 236u indefinite orogenesis ##berson releases reachs illustrations 403 404 4070 4097 vision visibly viscoplastic broaden broadening ##atchev detectible protocrust ##ircase 24a 245 circulated drier driver dripped drifting pyrolites fe23 ##ipitate losses espres feo1 holders holwell hololab keay keef keppler wahl wafer ##probes markov mediums camscan cambridge ##neros ##versy reflective sulphidic durant reproduction geochronometry strengthens darken darkest loop looked lozenge loomis islandand gneissic 608 603 609 60ni khz khmt khomas khitaro kit59 topological topographical topotax topologically halder halbach ##12μδ supraliquidus centenni whitehouse scatters scattere responses westernmost ##antis concurs swd swing swell swiss swift swings swapped sweet swanson switzer swirling ##ijima simpler accuracies breached bremen breaches ##bax intensify angola weakens fabricated pseudobrook litao3 isolates sapphrine logical logically lognormal logfo logistical logatchev ##304 ##302 ##30th quantifications petrologia natures triplic triplicate 701 70s 704 706 70to 70na 7070 7040 7075 7090 7074 7033 7031 7034 7051 7039 7029 7037 7048 7077 7028 70307 70967 70302 aqua augen augment august augmentation handle handles handful ##stituted porphyroclasts cutter cutoff ##away shortness shortto precipitations episodically tapping taura taxon taiwan yearly deviated diffusiveand adjusting opened blackish blackfo baltic balances ballistic farms farina entitled chlorides chloritoid chlorapatite chloritised environs csv gvkv ##1431 october ##noff ##7075 alternations alternates alternately reserve argide argillation alumineous ouro outs sieving dr4 drained drime drury drusy ktp kt11 skewing skewed terminations polymodal kvassnes pyalong ##dley ##gr43 ##gr3py wheeler cordierites faultbounded ultramafics capitalization dasi dasgupta rupaha ##rington δ56feirmm porri ##409 spotty 351 357 355 359 3571 sensibly albitization albitites albitite attribution attributing attributes ##1312 ##1324 devine ##abasca discretised discretized flattest flattish hotly occured oscv ##ermund middlemost diffusiving titanomagnetites emi emf emulsified emerald luhr luffi whatsoever norman regards stillwater opus options tsuk tsunok ##oyears ##oyakkers ##ophorite irregularities downstream gh2o ghost ghana homogenizing homogenously homogenizes homogeniser irregularity documenting 907 fillings nitrate wedges reliant reliance cationic m1307 malenco malvin malargue malaspina maldive nanometer nanogranites nanocrystalline nanolab nanyang nanjing nanosem εnd542 ##pecified metabasic infiltrated breakage breakup h2omole lamda laminar sns snelling accelerate ramos ramesh viete classed restriction 9000 ductility hab20 hab23 hab21 hab24 roza roasting rooib roermund rooyakkers thirlwall reconstitute reconsider reconstituted ##rittled classifying intraand epidotic historically aurora au20pd certainty ##aequi ##itimately ##indara converting converges converged converging tending tendah ductilely epidoteand 264 2630 2690 2660 2688 2621 2679 26892 80s fivefold computing computes stripped stripping stripes verticalto nitrogenand asio asimow huber divacancy microglomer spinelss positioning ideas ks8 ks4 ks6 ks11 ks15 ks24 constituting arching archiving factoring 006 specifics extremity ##axalm1 viewer viewing 367 3650 3690 3683 grossly grossulari hoern hoering hooper hoffer mesoto mesoscopic ppvt ##vantage ##269 superficially accreting 531 533 539 990 994 992 kilogram kilburn kiloyears narrative opposition opposing pulled counties amphiboliteand conditioning textual misoriented ce2o3 cexp cementation selverstone semiconduc ##731 extraneous extruded ##otta residua matchless belonged 5500 55fs 55fs4 ##iangkou imaginary monzogranitic monzogabb spectroscope drillcore willow willem wilhem wilfley coordinate 150γ 150nd 150mly fo81 networking ##ansky conveying paragonite paragraphs 3800 38fs 3860 755 bottrell ea5 ea3 eahm ##bo3 ##anaesset dispersivities 1968 1967 1966 1969 1960s yellowand yellowstone 057 053 05an 000t 0005 00001 000037 000004 austrhe cpy frey freer freely frezz oiband connectivity segregate permeated permeating permeabilities granuliteto benefits lzb operation tescan vielze violent ##alcic ##erently gradation choschuenco sixth sixiangkou stratoand stratocone repetitive overgrows inferrence patchwork 225 2213 229th freshest mci mcken mcdermott quest stitch ascends footprint schema schematised δ57fey δ57feopx accretional narrows narrowest 01cps 02a 028 024 029 02269 291 298 290 292 2950 groa groos kyle aligns alignments 1206 120º 120sn simplifying simplifies succesfully successions 03s 038 033 0384 0333 03o10 451 452 4500 45sc 45spl 45en46 425 424 429 burst burning burwell burakov burkeite pitted mobilization mobilise mobilizing mobilize grayish sharpe collar collage collates collided colliding colloqui unreversed sloping 21b 2100 2170 2160 21o3 337 3345 958 955 954 95mo doubled fastening fascinating intersects intersections 2011a symplecitites tuffisites entrapmental 37cl 3796 516 lns ln2 lnsmelt mingle mingles picro picotite piccol picritic picarro ##sala ##arsson ##arsgaard photon photons photoluminescence timings propagate propagates predominate predominating smartsem medicine mastin maske mascare masotta milky nca nckf nckfmasth vesuvi vestige ##istensen ##atisation ##atisfied appropriated 1448 integro integrity synthetics accommodating 271 278 274 276 2700 2780 2713 2741 deltech delameri delivered jeol82 kao kadik kaersutite ohlhorst ohnish ##dstein percents rheic ultraviolet pseudomorphing pseudomorphism pseudomorphosis authority 045 04o10 04409 287 283 284 286 2800 2832 2819 2859 airlock herc hervig milled milling millerite nowadays o2melt xfeo xfeo2 xfeoxalo1 compressional actlab horizontally symboli focusses segmentation 547 546 85rb spheres cratering stabilises stablility exhange playa somewhere hypersolidus powerfully ideality idealised fishione goldstein kuuj ##zuka temporary formulate globar globular emphasis emphasised metasomatizing occasions lamella 34s 343 344 342 3431 3455 embrittled vicca vaca westwards westfal coverage compilations sudorite whoi induction 1307 1304 enclosures ferrodiorite ferrobasal ferrodiorites ferropericlase occupant δ26mggrt δ26mgopx 06b 063 0667 borne borghi filakov filaments morse morado morcle mortensen passc passchier ##fs5 ##fs14 ##fs17 plusses reactor dingwell erosive eroding frontal frontier helical helium helmhol fluorescent acquires steepest steepness moderateto discrepant 917 916 91spl junge juncture kainosite pananal panza panallotri purification ssff ##ewise ##ewski ##hyaxis realisation realize realizing statically magnetically mappings immature immersed website descriptive smoother 31p 316 31crn 485 489 643 6490 guo guides guided guinier guzui guadelou marianas zn2 zncl3 ##748 proxied phosphoric sps8 sps7 sps2 databases trachytes trachytoid devolatisation isobarically 441 444 4418 kangmar palmi suspected wetting wetzlar ybpo4 ##adive ##ganic totalling suitably ##omerates spanish encased encoder modulating straub straighter refractive construct interested crosscuts concordantly roofs roofing schematics devolatilized 32s 322 3200 3275 hpy debates debatable sandy resorptionor percolates percolating explosion explosions extrapolates extrapolating greenschistto framboid 891 895 892 899 auto autochth casted caso4 jacketed jackstra michel taramite projectile phonon interfaced interferes interfacenor uplifted discriminated discriminates specifies 086 397 394 3920 39o5 39fs13 39fs14 47ti 47en50 47or2 6500 65cu 831 833 8503f ambiguity cabo cabez digest digits damaping m56fe penikat roskil rosenha rossman tenable tensional tenuous tenfold watt ##kenaesset reverseor subduct prp7 prp9 prpo4 undetermined undetect undeformable removes remoteness flzs 2000s introducing polymorphic hydroxylapatite 661 66v 666 669 698 691431 691324 72ge daye kdcl kdca s2b s2and tonalities xcao xcaxalm1 criterion proceeding restabilisation analogues porosities pooled pooling boxed boxbox builds δ13crockinitial1 δ13crockfinal δ13cpdb overlaid pyrochloreand questioned isochrons isochrones 418 57co 57fs4 681 682 68zn 68aq 671 676 672 cycled cyclical cyclonic darrington puys tangible tangency tangcheng tangential grs32 grs36 grs16 grs33 dikelet disputed dispositions quadratic metallogenetic metalloids prepare arrive acquisitions intracrystal regularity meanings meaningless predictable migmatised 079 0936 0967 43en49 a12o3 brachyaxis dtm dt1 dtαcry kurz nineteen slug velay velona ##orican ##ashi conductively conducive attendant clinoand meteor meteoritic meteorological geologists 1252 12572 transformational hypothesized hypothesise hypothesize excellence 46d 463 469 46en47 843 duv mccrea mccubbin nist612 packet packets rouqiech routinely tje1 ##jiexue ##ornblende ##ollector attains mg2si2o mg2v4 mg2al4si megaw megathrust sericitized intraplutonic intraplating 527 52fs4 593 59co 778 776 772 7700 dabie german hopo4 puck rotations sigurds uraninite ##archical ##eckner grands unalterably pervading subordinately tracery designates precursory trivalents opportunistic robustly ubiquitously 2dr 497 496 49en30 58fe 7471 nwa zhi zhou zh04 comment ordinated chalot haplogranites contemporary contemporane reprecipitate admits believing afe2 thermobarometers stevenson 1977 197au discussing alternatingly blueschistand xenocrystals goldoff targets 6300 738 737 dh14 dh40 dh21 dhs02 dharwar fiskenaesset oikocrst pioli piolard utilization yangxing ##16o cotectics platinised platiniferous hawkesworth armenia armorican improving improbable upwellings 1931 proportionality circumvents overprints 791 795 7900 binning govern mortars okhots tubing tubular windhoek ##882 ##843 ##cpxca ##ksy ##ksfj inverting pressuri expectations 2015a 15000 petrogenitic gravimetric kineticsand mcdonald southeastto clinozoisitic 232th16o 568 565 569 5600 56ab42 621 62ni 8100 8173 harder hardeb laccadive uza ##factory ##922 reworked complications complicates complicating dipole fluorination fluctuation fluctuating persistence persuas acids 1065 conserve conserving hexagons 1378 magnesiocarbonatite sanidines paleohydrological addresses 3508 alike aliovalent eightfold funded tml tmti coinciding coincidence toolkit ##oliated recharged recharging attenuated diapirs diapirism sparging micronizing decarbonate recalculate 2014c 1289 discernibly defocussed 140ce hyperion hypervelocity hyperprobes integrations pyrenees helpfully channelize channelway laccolithic 512597 512638 512913 512304 512843 765 bordered dredge dredges dredging escalations gemeric gemfield gemstone gemstones jambon jameson kali kalak kalsi3o8 munker opaques rigs tiburon vital vitreous vitrified vitturi warm warmer warranted inhibitive inhibits inhibition computationally algeria beforsites presuming enlarges enlarging nephelinitic cautiously ca3p ca3al2 glomerocrystic actinide phenomenological ##ovskaya transmittedand harris retrieval ##40178 optimised optimisation optimising counteract counteracts counterbal counterintu unreactive hercynian discontinuously destabilises destabilizes fundamentally sikkimese redistribute redistributes 963 96ab1 deltapix ediacaran fedortchouk fibrolite mangerite mangeritic pm3m poletski sx51 sx100 sxfive vanished worthy ##mingly ##mingtonite crucible crucibles strombolian christopher christensen enveloping quicker mgal204 geotimes geoforsch 2012a 1394 139la nikogosian calibrant realistically disaggregate cautioned cautionary fundamentals 4fh2o 7180 akms akita akamas lfb lfpy liberation lobes sensing satisfied satisfactory virtue walton walraven coastline forcefully competitors antecedents anticlines anticlinal deficiency protoenstatite disseminations unequal unequigranular validated validates precede scarcer scarcely scarceness recovering invariable sketches adjoins promontories meshes vesicularity embedment purportedly palaeo favorably subtract subtracts overestimates bhutan dmlp hidaka koe ko0 ko10 koepke kamtch lonplats merenksy oslo oli5 oli3 oli4 olive oli20 olimpio pinned pineta pietersburg ruling sinθ sinusoidal ttg δvt ##tanate ##5600 comei ##agnan compounded organized organizing ##ammites cloud clarified exponents spr7 spr4 spray springs enthalpies controversy evaporite evaporites evaporated collectors granophyres strategies unconstrained subsided cawo4 undulating geodynamics recommendations correctly exploitation 2002a smithsonian multiples 1779 reconciles reconciliation synthesize inhomogenous immobilisation atmospheres beddings ordovican piecewise incongruently charnockites charnockitic charnockitized 989 98mo 97kd bellsbank elusive eluvial foster fostered gibbins hansen hilly karson koster langevin llds muzt mukher muffle muirhead mugearite mississi otago plexus pleonas plethora renbu renatech rodingite ##194 ##19sp ##drett ##zenbach reheat stocks stockhol exhaustive discharging diffusants phloi washes relictic relicura metaquartz unsaturated unsuit unsteady unserpentin unsurprising unspecified unsatisfied pothole noticing artifacts carpathian 1058 1057 geomap geometries volcaniclastics polynomials remobilized remobilise remobilizing ##fe22 blanketing blanked extracts extracrustal sequester brueckner insert inserting insensitivity preferable preferably haloed snapshot selvagg magnetism penetrates penetrating carefulness conservatively unequivocal adiabat 2137 939 93ab1 ae1 aegirine bleached bleeken blending ccd ccp caco densely eger fifth gdpo4 giardini hints hintzmann hinterland langtang langenhorst langjiexue px1 vibratory ##ukcu ##ymchuck ##wald ##waldt rejuvenated melanosome divergent shields shrinking chert cherry cherniak chernoff chronic chronometers splines england depicts depicting corners cornubian campos campito acetylene cargoes microsyen microsyenogranite microsyenite infills infilled matteo europium explicit explicable florence affiliate affiliated functionals troctolite troctolitic 1766 protocols 24mg2 flattens equivalence stiffen stiffness plausibility encounter encountering straightforwardly peninsulas frostviken corroborate corroborates afe3o4mgtγmmgt2 rigorously laurentian microanalyses mgal2o4olivine piezometric 7206 9498 benn beni benzoate birch cnk cnds dvr dvmgt dropping droplets dilor dilational dupal esm4 esm2a ivanov lacustrine merge merges merapi mirrored pallasites s3a samis samarium sinks tbpo4 trommsdorff teller telltale udm vincent wo44 wo46 ##backs ##uyazawa ##96189 coatings conceptual an91 an93 behrens deuterium mottles chaine dissipated spanned permo permissible ca2nb prevailed decimal decimetric scallops hydrolytic solidifying micropod micropipette outpaces abscissas syntaxial syntaxis 1601 bridgmanite truncation truncate influxes camgsi physico technic technically technological divisions interspace drawdown drawbacks cascading disproportional susceptibilities erratically pyrophyllitic elucidates micromonzogranite appreciated erroneously badu cdv cdma cd1h fumarol family familiar henley henrian humeros humidity hartnady iteratively k216 kjarsgaard konter latitudinal relying sitting sitkin tel5 tel4 tails ug3 uganda vanadiferous xalt ##2900 ##wani ##wanian ##enbachs inwardly tomographic tomkins condensed condenses bends bended bending resampling interdiffuse speaking speaks usnm96189 unmolten legacy legacies legitimately obscure ##akami overrun vernadsky universidad hyalodacite ultrasoft summarizes visualisation visualization visualize emitter 0028 viiina viiim2 inhabits inhabiting encompass encompassed 8900rl automated digitally slumped iddingstised advantageous dissimilarities disproportionate disproportionately justification 3903 3sio4olivine 511527 511411 511748 511882 davis fenitized fenitised gbw gbpq gsb garbe garrid ganguly iodide joined jsm5600 kpt mlz mimic nicely nicarag nicotra ponding ripening tancheng vogt xmgo xmg2 xmgm2 thresholds ##roxide conceivably ##ulizer reinjection reverts compensate cruz cruise annular an57 an53 dealt moscovian ontario mathez sawyer minute diffracting intercationic contributor quiescent subgroups leaked additives adapting noticeable noticeably geobarometry imparted hydrology hydrologic matsuh 1157 115in 149sm niobate anorthosititic terrain terraplus gauges buoyant nonstoichiometry multichann multicollector paidassi stretches stretched 175lu replenishing replenishment replacements concomitantly 7057 70521 portrays burgisser guarantee advancements 69322 buildup okandukasie revisit coincident coincidences coincidentally spreadsheets synchronously inhomogeneously karlsruhe unraveling engulfing ultraslowand automatically diminish diminishing juxtaposed juxtaposition juxtaposes ligands 0113 51065 51028 aphiric aphanitic bx40 bx51 bucovinian cartoons camebax crenulation godard godwin hdldx hrtem kodake lc4 lc1b lcpme neritic nigeria okaia psammites pigmented pickering r0506 r0600 r05034 r040178 r3m solix solvation s005 tapers u1438 u1442 wo32 winchite windley δxfe δxmg ωlhdldx ##egie ##snano ##hlenbachs ##kdar cosmochemistry coalesced retentive retentivity answer exemplify motifs protect protective resistance landsat landforms landscape parrish fetio3 evacuating unfoliated subcreted subcalcic caf2 adamello artefacts nordlinger nordlingen nordsim obsidians navrots navigation destructive polarisers polarization polarizing polydispersed stereonet hornfelsic magnetotelluric invisibility denudation subscript subscripted gasparik 184w icelandic centimeters centimetes 70375 draining accomplishes 90zr2 miyagi miyazaki metabasaltic nmh01 supercells jacobsite arrangements vesiculate integrals millimetric millimetres jungfern guidelines guangdong suspensions spherulites subdivisions puzzles naclequivalent sigmarsson geothermobarometry 1978a cryptoto brecciated escaping boudinage unconformity scandinavia spongey spontaneously epitaxy esm1a esm1i esm1g esm1f mercer micromonzonite micromonzonitic vigorously xalm1 digitalized reinforces reinforcement mosaicism catalyst catalytic catalysing catalogued category komatiites komatiitic inevitable inevitability makkovikian saussuritization interconnections neptuneplus slovakia 8272faa5 8272faa19 0754 aidt arai avoided boltzmann bottinga cerova clues cadman daldx dawsonite fcbe fc2900 flexure flexible flexibility gmt gc2b hallmark kelly kelley kelvin kakhtang kinking l1102i lagabri lundgaard mineev m50e o4fe22 puna rowe rowland santa santos santorini songwe sleeve ty16 turkish vandergoes wyoming wingate xclapxoh ycf yamamoto ##brodt ##bilt ##bachik ##aniam ##astingsite coggan copeland conglomerates rendered reorientation compromise beizai bypassing cheek clapham phaneritic philippine interpolated sporadically elegant quarrying nebel nebula nebulizer unpolished univariate unpubl perthite perthitic submicron methyl cayley caal2sio6 italy prematurely erfcx amplify amplitude amplitudes leo922 botswana botswanian articles accidents overcoming geospeed nordlysnano decimeterto scottish imprinted impedances primorje obliterate slurries naal3 naalsi3o8 1550vp microfractures microinclusions tremors setups rhenish contradicting 1430vp polisher lithotype furthemore marchisio steelpoort 195pt ilmenorutile mnz15 mnz08 participants incompatibly misfits polytype 171e conflicting kempirsai modifier envisioned supereruption swedish switched 707731 adjustable 3500n stoichiometries 1990s 7000f etched etching etchant repeatable collapsing laboratorio substantiate 3400n encapsulated 125736 mg2sio4olivine mg2sio4olfor assignment comingled comingling utilize magnesiochromites tabberabberan ineffective enlargement srm612 vanishingly anticorrelated necessitate necessitated necessitates fountains wo40en55 decimetreto softened teleseismicity metapsammites trachyandesites iddingsitised iddingsitized iddingsitisation rehomogenisation log10do polydisperse possessing isograds electrolytic depolymerize depolymerized depolymerizing perturbations poikilocryst poikilocrysts poikiloblastic impregnation impregnate impregnated 0gr7 0gr3 1xabxdi 4hcl 5alsi3o8 5al9si 710194 7166 88475 atho athabasca bns bnv britain british cesare cesium cusps cuspate cucl cucl2 crowded crowley gyirong girard girdle hhd hht hideaway jaoul jsb09 jena jenkins jarring jarrell jansen january joshua klb1 klonow kanagawa kanchanab katz katophorite kawai kawakami kaneko llp llacncanelo linnen linbo3 letting letters latites mpt mghco3 mghsio3 m1380 m1356 nuovo nqo nqs naldrett natroalun natropyrochlore nelson nelsonite ocelli ocellus othropyroxene pfa pamandapalaiyam pamukcu pendant pendants pushes rumble rumdood ruby rubin saguy stimulated stimulus tatric tattitch tagh tantalite tantalum wo38 wo39 xseries yunshan yunnan yakutian yakymchuck zenikame δg1 δg2 ##bitt ##eii ##otitanate ##wo41 ##wo42 ##tegrated coulson coulometric tolansky tolbachik withdrawn withdrawal ishihara ishizuka isenthalpic isenthalpically reassess reasserted readings reassembly reassembles crushable al2sio5 stavelot staircase beaches atlantis suffer suffered sutra sutramet diablastic diablo prompt prompts crystallyzing crystallyzes chichinautzen chichijima platy platreef happens happening disintegr disintegrated laumonier laumonnier parautoch feigelson straddles straddling industrial industries pertaining subfigures cathaysia cathaysian hastingsite hastingsites books arabia arabian intuition intuitively assistance monoclines monoclinic monosulfide monosulfides 1095 undesired undescribed screen screens scavenged scavenging impacting impactite imprecise imprecision underpinning recurrently serpont microphoto microphotographs microdiamonds decrepitation decrepitated thermofluidynam thermofisher oxythermometers oxythermobarometers transmitting ifs88 displacements float floating 50en33 50en34 blobby blob3d ferrogabbros ferrogabbroic afforded schwarzsch schwarzenbach endeavor endeavour funnelling funnelled tectonostratigraphic tectonostratigraphical 16o1h fringes fringing 186w 1830s hypocenters hypocentral demarcate demarcates irrelevant irreversible essence essene cohesive cohesively looser loosely intentionally 70328 70464 tephriphonolites mesoarchean paragenetically mcgill mcguire 513066 513079 superscript superscripts masked delaying 8500f embayment ##fs13wo42 encouraged encouraging sandwiched phonotephrite phonotephrites tenthorey neighbors neighbours 59kna admixed admixtures dhkl0 dauphas dauphine fiskanaesset omeltγfe2 omeltγm2 unexplained unexplored revisions persistently magnesiohornblende magnesiohastingsite 512880 512812 weekly pinched evaporate evaporative ctlnk witnessed micromonzodiorite micromonzodiorites humanitarian usnm117075 usnm111312 tanzania tanzanian annotated annotations mathematica mathematical sublayer sublayers 705329 polarizers polarizability centimetreto cuboctahedrons vanderklu vanderbilt caal2si2o8planorth bifurcated bifurcation ilmenitess fountaining kaczmarek kaczmareck wdxrfa shadowed orthophosphate orthophosphates overwhelmed overwhelmingly tetraethylorthosilicate tetraethylorthotitanate 0733 1xfe2 1gr22 2almg 2fetio 2260 2mn0 2xdi2 3rd 3µm3 4nbo 4gr0 5o20 5grkr 5nb2 6or0 6gr11 63cu 7136 8gr14 ah20 avogad aσngpfh2o aal2o3 arizona aosawa aranovich aviation atencio ammonium aerial akaogiite awaruite banco bingham bagley bureau bowl babich bosse bousera brounce bangemall bourdon bravais bangong bryan bhawani bucholz bouseily banakites batanova bivariate bfh2oexp cv3 c03 c2max cisneros clynne cliffs cummingtonite citranox credence carnegie cassiterite custom civetta cerium cinca celerity dαl dδcδ dicrystal dceq dypo4 dutta dostal dakota dsm3 daxdl d218μ dormant dichromate dsdp dabbahu eyzagu ejb erected eureka eigenval everest eamt eriksfj echelon eutaxitic eifel eggler fn3 fiamme fictive fingers flysch fidelity fresher fuca fersmite fondis gkt gleeson glycol gigabytes glue gouge gassan gadolinite gmbh govindara gianola ghuts gerenite gottard goresy goranson honours hattori higgins husen hibberson honghual hodges hubei hobbs hikari hierarchical hungary haggerty ichinome ibaraki jæren jagoutz jollands jantos jicha jieshaba jinsha jahn jarosewich julien kk04 k3na kwong kinzler kenyan kerrick krogh klein kusanagi kasemann karykow kneading kunlun kupriyan kubasch kramers kikuchi kokobin kushiro komagatake kiflawi lxm l914 lqs lesne lorand lister lingxiang lopez locked lemoine lustre lynxeye lovegro ludden luana lankan lindas lorenz letojann lloyd myhill murchison mbsl muehlenbachs maturity machine mclaren miarolitic michieli mucek nnw ntot nkcfmasth nrecon nesbitt nascent nicholson nibelung nions nipd nishiyama nadeau nuanced nfmash nujiang nyalam omori ozawa ostwald okkura p987 pedersen pidgeon pirard practice pogson pakhom polidispersed porportions punta pumpelly piercing pioneered qaidam qrtz qreaction qilian qiangtang qfracutre risback rocroi roman ribbons rutter raleigh rossiter rruff rashoop raddled sistem sliver sopcha sought sorbadere sengupta somalian squeezing sophisticated sommata senario tnco t2dm taconic tamagnan tchur trouw tandem tectosilicates tachikawa tinkham talukdar tindari tornado tatsuyazawa umx2 ucz u010 untypical uppsala u005a uinkaret ueberwass vlassopo vrch vtv vasterbotten vysotskij visean vancouver vaguely w312μδ wreath wagner wolfgang wulff wimmer writing wyllie wohlge warsaw wadsleyite wuhan xmcpm xgf x500fe x3y2 xainza xscpst xh2odh2o xflash yinzu yemen yardley yudovskaya yavr yerington yttrium zeroth zurich zellmer zindler zhejiang zimbabwe zipplingen γm5 δnno δemi δniδt δbiotite εdisl ε143nd λ230th σxmp ψgb ω2υ ωlddl ##bidites ##shuiqu ##txsit ##8si2o20 ##yaev ##zentrum ##xaltxsit ##xmgm1 ##2coo ##juaq thread thabazimbi thompson thailand thornber inorganic inaccessible invalidated inception ingrowth inappropriate innumerable andrews ##or13an7 ##ische costantini codified coprecipitation cosca covalently cobaw cottrell cobalt cocrystallising corollary coudert topaz toledo tokyo tollari tolmie tokonami conjecture ##actured ishibashi isoprobe fortran fortuitous fortelle fornaciai reassigned reverses reappears reutsky receives compostions crawford altyn altiplano stachel stamper stagnation anastomosing anovitz anoxic antarctica antiformal exsovle exacerbates beakers beautifully attitudes attesting deutsch dewatering suvero sutherland suprasolidus suhadolc magixpro orchardo oriano oravita or51ab48 ortegal moussallam mouhat mooinooi grieve grujic gr24a gruenewaldt whitish whakamaru ditrau dihydrate dieckmann diversified dielectric diktytaxitic prospectively shiryaev shasta shangshuiqu shergottites shimpo mappable maipo makalu inconclusive chicken chauvel chevkinite chiefly ch3ch2coo chinnampalaiyam planning clastics classifies cl355 siberia siquieros siwalik hauptmann hajnacka haphazardly sajeev saddler sadofsky dischler disadvantage disclosure disregarded disassembly miniscule restrains resolvably restructuring paravauxite parinacota phreeqc phoscorites phipps phoenix interpenetration intermingled intermullion interwoven spallation splicing sperimentale wasserburg elektronic plagioclasematrix enviro en45fs13wo42 en42fs17 energetic basilei seymour quintuplicates quotient ##ap1kdcl nearest nekvasil indochina indifferently metaturbidites metachert metagabbros metaconglomerate untenable unoxidized unavailable untested unshielded unanalysed unweathered unannealed unsheathed unwarranted unacceptably unidentified cordeirite cordilleran cortaderas mgkdcpx mg4al8si2o20 abandoned ab80or13an7 abraded abnormally pertermann perugini personal perciato perkinelmer subconchoidal subangular subplot subramaniam sublimate clinoferrosilite equatorial melekhova ##ungszentrum cauliform preconditioned preventing poiseuille glazner levenberg leicester lebowa orthoproxene orthocumulates orthoslice ad56gr43 adherents adularia imagemagick hasenclaver boehnke bohemian bohlender boettcher arcto ardenne arbitrary acronyms acknowledge overburden overarching overabundant apophyses monophase monchiquite undifferentiated undoubtedly geikielite geomorphology gehlenite majiashan consanguineous deceptively scailliet scripts scrutinised scoriaceous impoverished implementation ##mmnasht grevesse undertook underaccretion underutilized hydrocode hydrodynamically inflections infrastructures matrices bielsa bipyramidal bi150γ bizimis bioturbation heteradcumulates 203644 up193he agglomerate registration regrettably obstructions obliged effectiveness slabbed navajo intrinsically 127511 122142 am131 am1lnd amoeboid descending discovery microplate microbalance microfolded microcrystals belinsky manufactured manuscript commonplace centrifugation illuminated eudialyte settlement degradation 111240 113498 horisontal thermogravimetric thermochronologic lithophiles furusho srilanka mgofeo marlargue marquardt kmt0exp oxyhydroxide territory electronegativity 1974a solubilites chlmicaequi posibiltity anyimaqen flavours sokkary shockwaves ##iebeckite bathymetric blaxland bl04b1 blotchy ferritchromite fernandez meanwhile sylvite sylvester schottky schmidt schrodinger smietana beamsplitter donaire slowcompared bukała longstaffe ignimbritic nonbonding nonsensical skattøra postglacial hypohyaline bratislava brilliance magnesioriebeckite knr210 alm69gr3py multiplicity leucomicrogranites offswith irradiation irscopeii irkutsk trapezohedral tridiem trøndelag trinidade truckenbrodt entropically cufes2 coarseto indefinitely espresso keefner wahlen khitarov topotaxy centennial scatterer swiftly switzerland pseudobrookite triplicates 70406 703335 70518 703940 70371 taxonomy blackfoot tsukuba tsunokawa h2omolecular rooiberg reconsideration au20pd80 tendaho 268927 microglomerocrysts grossularitic hoernle semiconductor 55fs3 monzogabbro willemite wilhems 150mlyv 38fs15 austrheim frezzotti vielzeuf mckenzie stitched burakovsky colloquially 21o38 piccoli mascarene nckfmmnasht vesuvianite delamerian jeol8200 ohnishi 28325 actlabs symbolizes kuujjuaq viccaro westfalische ferrobasaltic filakovo helmholtz pananalytical panallotriomorphic guzuizi guadeloupe palmierite autochthonous jackstraw 39o53s cabeza roskilde rosenhauer undetectable xcaxalm1xaltxsit 125724 rouqiechun mg2al4si5o18 sigurdsson contemporaneity okhotsk pressurizations hardebeck persuasive counterbalanced counterintuitively sxfivefe geoforschungszentrum kamtchatsky muztagh mukherjee mississippian pleonaste ##19spess9 stockholm metaquartzites unsuitable unserpentinised selvaggi microsyenites ca2nb2o7 cd1h0 fumarolic garrido nicaragua xmgm2xmgm1 matsuhisa multichannel okandukasiebe r050651 r060020 r050341 navrotsky jungfernberg lagabrielle xclapxohap1kdcl beizaizi caal2sio6cpxca geospeedometric mg2sio4olforsterite wo40en55fs5 5al9si1 klonowska kanchanaburi natroalunite rumdoodle disintegrate parautochton thermofluidynamical schwarzschild vanderkluysen caal2si2o8planorthite avogadro aσngpfh2orexp dδcδr eyzaguirre eigenvalues eriksfjord govindaraju honghualiang karykowski kupriyanov kubaschewski lovegrove letojanni nibelungen pakhomova pumpellyite ueberwasser vlassopoulos w312μδplp wohlgemuth xmcpmt shangshuiquan en42fs17wo41 alm69gr3py19spess9