[PAD] [UNK] [CLS] [SEP] [MASK] & ' ( ) , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 _ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z · æ ð ø ı α β γ δ ε θ λ μ π ρ σ н о с є – ’ ##l ##s ##e ##w ##h ##r ##n ##d ##p ##a ##t ##i ##o ##u ##c ##z ##y ##g ##v ##5 ##4 ##b ##m ##k ##2 ##0 ##x ##7 ##8 ##6 ##9 ##q ##f ##1 ##j ##3 ##ı ##α ##σ ##о ##н ##ε ##ø ##δ ##æ ##θ ##he ##te the ##on ##in ##re ##ti ##nd ##al of ##es ##er ##en and in ##ar ##or ##ic ##ro ##tion ##it ##an ##ed ##as ##ite ##ing ##os ##ra ##is ##ol ##el ##ate ##at ##le ##id ##ul ##ag to th ##ent ##ation ##mp ##oc ##ith ##us ##ly de with is co ##ur al con ##ac ##ig re for are as ##tr be ##ow ##ure ##rom ##ve ##il min ##ter ##eral ##ati from ##ts ##her ma ##ot ##iz ##im dep by ##ted ##ated su ##ou that ##ph ##se mineral ##om ##ion ##et depos ##ce st an mag ##ock ##yr ##op ##lu ch ##ys deposit at ##ere ##if comp ##res ##ec rock ##tic ##ge sul ##od ##ich ##art pro ##ab ##cc ##og ex ##ment ##ther gra ##th ##ide dis ##ins sulf ##age ##ver ##um qu on ##ran ##tite ##ration or sh alte ##ib ##am ##mal form zon ha ##ous ##ne ##uc ore rocks ##red ##ten wh ##ies ##artz quartz ##and ##ition ##vel ##amp flu cont ##ost ##all ve cr ##pp ##ally fig ##qu ##yrite figure ##ant ##ir magm ##ine ##ong ##igh have inc ##orph ##old met ##ges pl res this ##ues fluid hy deposits se ##ut ##alc ##pl te ##ting ##usion ##ase samp ##ene were ##rou alteration ##ch low col ##ization di ##ary ##ass was rel un ##ton which sulfide ##ain ##les hyd gold hydro ##ity ##ay occ ass these str nor ##ature ##eld cl occur show ge mo isot fa fe isotop ##ace inter compos ##ical sp ab ##ri cons ##ess ev ##ved siz sub ##yp ind ##orite ##thermal ##we pres ##rac ##ill hydrothermal vol ele ##ia ##tal ##netite ##00 ##able intr high faul ##ture ne ##mb ##ad ##ang ar pyrite been bas ##ence loc bet size ##ud ##sp typ zone ##ast le ##tern ##nt ox ##ations magnetite colle samples ##can ##fic he ##ik ##ween between late veins mineralization rich ##ive ##oci im cu en associ car ##ides ##ome ##gh pre ##atic anal val ##ates composition porph ##hed has ##ull within ph ##itic ##for ##ined ##ution ##usions ##ized formation gran full ##un ##ers sil whe porphyr par ##uring ##io it sou ##ip calc ##olog ##agues colleagues mod us ##atite ##ms minerals ##ap mar zones dat temp ##con during ##ron ##our au ##bon volcan ##vely ##cent ##form ##to ad ##so ##ular ##ak ##erature crys temperature sug sugges ##iment most ##yste syste we ac also ##de carbon reg stage image vein lower ##ard rep ob dif ##ian comple bel indic associated ##tra values but grains age ##iti not ##ange main magmatic than resul data over ##ree ##fere ag where ##gen ##ments ep altered und ##opyrite ##ied ##ros ##duc asse assemb ##per ##rox ##raph me incl assembl pb ##ell distr per ##ely ##pper ##mm fluids ##iv silic ##ield ##hem ##ile all ##ist ##ale along stud complex ##ediment may volcanic some ##ater ##ral ##ign var ##imil chl ##tent gen ##ages fault ##ick sc ##ue bre ##ound ##ific ##arn analys region ##ces crus more ##olite porphyry po ##amorph rati metamorph lar ##ative ##matite mic ##ack ##round can ##uld ree sec chalc tw simil similar range other ##ioc ear formed mass gre area pos ##ond into struc sediment ##est pr ##sion sulfides lith ser unit bif ni hematite up zir zircon ##aring sign north brecc ##ser there frac ##act ##oth differe ##ren ##enite ##ose ##ole no char isotope concent fl mel vari tex app two stra pge ##ll ##ct am host ##tall chlorite sour ##ight ##ium band present 20 sur ##osed system bl ##inated ##yrox bearing ##ens ##ough ca ##tures ##tone consis chalcopyrite magma inclu lik ##ma ##st south tran bod table comm repl sk geolog both ##eldsp isotopic type acc feldsp spec ##olution ##roup ##jor ##out inclusions 10 ##ites ##acter common dom obser how ##thern ##ort mafic ##land ##tin major ##erite model ##dition thick ##oun character ol contain tre ter under af ##pre ##graph ##zo prov imp using bio ##ie rec early ##try ##assic ##ever however base biotite ##ore ##are part ##ach tra event trend repres ##zoic ##tur ages sample prec ##ating hos hig lim group concentration ##und ##row enr ##av prim ##ord ig ##tions upper geoc micro their iron ##rough they basal ##isation metal cor sl rh ##inite lay crystal only ##neous mant fol igneous ratios ##atively carbonate through related ##han such well dol ##ho ##ble km grained ##ict uran signific tec ##hib ##cl ##ath faults crystall ##ush des ##ically interpre belt she ##sib mantle ##oly ##ross ul intrusions tim ##ism prop magmas deform minor smal ##lase ##gm ref compositions ##ote orig ver showing significant pyr ##pec der oro conten feldspar ##ber ##astern ##iver ##yn proc higher mon ##ward ##ta plag hosted contents ##velop arc ultra ##iqu expl ##ived grade ##acement ##hemical ##ioclase represent plagioclase os ##vi intrusion calcite equ pd ##ibution units observed ##ither different contact ##ains source ##ance origin bec graph disc relatively ##hotite ##rhotite locally pyrrhotite orogen ores ##ould ##aceous assemblages skarn ##ix ##veld oxide marg cent ##mpl exten ap ##par ##ogen study strati bush ##2o ##orted develop ##own bushveld field out pp ##ove ##tim ##tial ##mafic ultramafic 18 process mineralisation incre bodies sch ##tain general derived graphite mine ##umul ##tural mat ##ented metamorphic ##ob bar ##ctr electr granite ##ases ##idence sedimentary ##sen epid assemblage ##ding fraction ##ret ##estern sulfur large fo super ##ame ##pog ##veral es set water primary epidote whereas possib ##ear small ##ised ##ered abund reef breccia ##ably occurs regional elements crust its eastern red fine element fer located wall contr massive tecton magn near district ##els ##ction ##duction ##astic sequ hor dr about aver ##ep ##acies ##tical silicate ##ozoic ##reg rem distribution pt contro concentrations ##den desc amp fold pe ##ility disse trace pyrox ##ince displ plac ##hedral second oxid mg man ##tively one temperatures amphib ##use analy trans analyses likely dissem plu post western ##rys chrom 13 ##ount least contin bands dolom dec ##der ##olid ir strik southern empl pgm ##aced ##erous coll evidence alth ##enetic although scale ##ory bound three seric deformation rhy ##low ##ork shear 40 ti ##oid ##inant separ ste pent due ##rib 15 ##ves ##ately respec several level calcul systems ##landite east pentlandite content drill geological def cret ##ual ##the those cretaceous dolomite ##abb results follow less river ##esite inf consistent diag interpreted apatite mid ##des ##cted ##tive el mix exp refle fels ##ared crystals average felsic would surf disseminated 19 ##fore ##ors grain indicate reac crustal based commonly strong describ copper ##ipit setting could relations mainly foot fin pale ##anging oxy ##tiv cross ##rin ##ris ##ather precipit pat stratigraph ##sive used sericite phase trending ##wall ##ified sequence ##ause fur ##xim ##fec presence very because ppm facies later brecci around ##hip ##ded ##uch terran footwall corre central developed op after relationship thus flow iden ##ps coar ##ven greens uraninite margin sal west ##ger suggest below moly ##med ##rated new types addition local black oliv schist generally further liqu ##ier oxygen cut ##opyrox 200 num so δ3 ##sk ##lying ##sequ tectonic molyb olivine produc enrich liquid condition consid analysis structural ##vious ##ina ##anges ##ited ##term many found ##pb like gabb contains studies import described above respectively conditions line ##zed deposition distin ##itive cumul ##ish ##iocene ##ub arg porphyries fractionation ##ient ##usive time processes bro ##denite ##onent ##tif ##iched ##ram shown surface 100 wt ##4s ##ons ##olved mineralog mineralized component reported molybdenite ##iss ##allel 12 result texture enriched ##kal ##hen transp shows arsen ##ities ##ogenic mes sel sand ##hes ##atu determ sulph basalt electrum ##gene ##ift estim geochemical ce long hypog basin ratio hypogene ##omer ##atures whole solution ##val deple ##hemis cur ##ays ##asts ##ision prob ##irst occurren previous extension pot ##ling including bms δ1 gener esp mm ##ke alkal ##omic northern suggests pattern rare stand relative ##ounts first ##hron basement ##sequent ##hemistry 14 cen eu same ##sm ##tile core normal la ##50 ##osp plot epither characterized decre epithermal wide ##greg ##tero examp ##wards rhyolite pluton important yield ##ination thin depth dire inclusion melt enrichment suggested meas differen crystallization er pet ##ished china ##rix matrix ##ced supp ##ental ##tral syn ##kes compared exper structures ##dle ##gl ##inity standard do intrusive include characteris abundant youn ##yl ##inc ##idual consists orogenic arsenopyrite mill ##tro ##cep therefore each sph ##alerite ##ake measure sphalerite phases amounts province possible middle 30 ##nown ##iferous textures ##opyroxene cra much ##here inte parallel metamorphism ##tained ##rag ##odi ##neiss partic activ layers pyroxenite calculated gang miocene por ##hod ##anite method contrast terrane coarse 11 ##rograph ##ters melting emplacement characteristic compris ##pping moder events barren ##lastic ##orth ##cp ##orl ##ocrys composed adular limes δ34s distinct adularia hom occurred strike pred si ##me ##nde inv actin block identif mul sr ##omati magnesite ##medi cle ms ##stone ##jec discus areas ##eren overl monz mt ##ines subduction if recent dominated zn ##lation ##hu ##iation prog section ##sed ##water ##uted ther inten dex ##rial suggesting proposed ##tail secondary analyzed ##tially ##ena ##oric ##aterial clin poor actinolite gneiss material ##nble ##esis ##tric prof spati ##sky δ18 go ##prin ##bur ##oration detail diss appear geology controll ##glomer bed obtained multi ##ric then initi ##ust ##ression phot body replacement 40ar potassic 39 ##used conc ##ilib ##eth metas lead μm association dac our ##rob conglomer veinle indicates sediments ##berg probably ##odiorite 50 meren ##tle constra typical ##io2 replaced craton activity ##nblende merensky frag ##itite typically ##ology garn light ##eous chromitite alkaline br na solid comb proxim env containing ##inantly 16 satu ##grow being while ka ##up ##co ##asing ##ogn close continental either ##work ##anic alb stock weather approx spect weathering ##ness ##ial ##ually ##erred cool stages clasts diff aggreg silica display breccias approxim cal ##ks supergene amphibolite mount ##nite ##tit total diorite mob subsequent garnet bo ##olith ##iling indicating ##terozoic bul end ##pent suite ##omal ##iron ##feren serpent uranium 000 17 cm hist rad ##omp ##atter sty anomal ##ccess sources metals equilib defined particular identified hal ##sity success forming ##raction recogn down gl icp anorth surround mesozoic limestone predom δ18o dy lake tri ##ots ##teoric ##ocene ##gest explain tit ##eng evolution resulted ##2o3 reduc hornblende placer oxidation experiment gal py ##west ##uf ##ittle intrud overprin banded gabbro environ jur ##va coun mostly meteoric ##arent jurassic ##ided ##atism ##ibuted magmatism zircons patterns controlled bulk four ins ##ara plate ##ills determined ground known pa tr ##oph map shap relationships 39ar fragments anorthos giv ##rop co2 ##ological strongly back dra worl coe unc structure world ##rent thickness increase phen ##lm ##ug ##ving ##oss mixing example ##ked ext features volum neg across exploration d2 sti ##most isotopes oxides parts collision diagram euhedral chemical ga las ##sor ##ans deg isoc ##ung precipitation greenstone ##hean ##onite top ##rome melts affec characteristics veinlets poly wid ##sure ##ind order poten interpret following initial galena fact rim ##ering orth overlying ##rosc exposed profile proximal bi gu hanging ##end ##ple ##tered ##erg intro stratigraphic ##mediate ##ists highly indicated peak triassic hf ru ##its ##qui few unders various control sandstone ten ##ino ##aries topog summ ##pped adj earl ##athic electron spectrome approximately topograph genetic oce ##rite off ##ertain ##isc ##izing ##unite when slight selec depleted komati ##ively ##ise ##isting ##oles ##other open broad phenocrys 23 plat value fractures throughout reefs horiz mineralogy current ##roscop ef med nd towards any preser elev variable feldspathic negative grow ##lic ##aqu ##one ##acent ##omag granodiorite transition ##theast considered clinopyroxene fill work ##rium poin layered amphibole homogen succession observ clear progres lin sn changes ##amb ##spec perm textural significantly extensive fields steep yielded ##eb ##au detr compar clus lithium note variation cooling adjacent detrit mn ##nary ##of ##ased deep metall boundary levels dexing multiple lack ranging sing ##oys ##field grades forms ##chist indiv pressure boundaries espino slightly pol pip vary ##ily ##ute conf ang ##ode distal plan ##ification positive lithosp younger tib ##son ##resp parag series record foliation mgo ##oidal reflect extensional constrain individual wa ##yll ##bod orebod caused margins folds salinity environment laser tibet free mining mad prospec shall resulting archean albite anorthosite given shallow lo loss ##tend ##ability dikes clos location partial dating propor transport saturation drain ill ranges ton ##arm ##ana extend resour dip univer corresp occurrences direct dacite correspond sio2 vs memb analysed number bor lav upl ##iang ##ales dete abs measured phenocrysts single case ##acts ##ograph had resp specular old geochemistry timing ##rystall greenschist ##bury country detrital ##ner largest geochron analytical chromite aggregates radi equilibrium effec 25 sit ##nw ##ty ##get sulfate ##verse phyll basalts abundance goeth predominantly ##uff polym potential goethite 500 net talc va ##shan excep ##ible contam see collected ##apor ##rosion cumulate kaol respon log ##hi ##az requi sud goldfield subs calcic deformed increasing barite separated ##arp ##athe ##aces ##heric hand contacts granites continu situ erosion here lab non round will ##ae ##ai copl ##tones intergrow intermediate ##unction ##overed ferro previously uncertain ##athered copler d1 dil dri foc ##ring ##da ##bs ##roterozoic ##echan clay occurrence mountain though cores ##set ##oproterozoic compositional dominant striking components particularly mechan ##ok intern provide possibly emplaced inferred intruded still sudbury ju ##hn ##rus ##vas ##by ##ken ##ences quater sem studied followed numerous thermal detailed quaternary ba ##ark dev class pervas accord dolerite pyroxene estimated dissolution style kaolinite bene latter mines critic play granitic silts weak complete mean chlor metamorphosed monzonite lu tell ##ycl ##gra ##ties ##ley div grey development petrograph university vaara tellur fw sw sol ##sively place ##aching produced cumulates broken decrease discussion spatial medium 22 ray ##line ##san ##ning ##ox ##10 ##ison ##abric assum interval ##formed silicates microscop photomic dated fabric lamp vers ##gr ##acl org uncon epis ##ique outc stratigraphy gangue volume lampro econ ##pers ##tire ##ult maxim deposited rele entire complexes older surrounding interpretation introduction elevated photomicrograph 300 70 bay duc ##nan ##du ##itoid ##ational ##ilization exhib ##ometry sections ##regular remain placers irregular crossc sulphide conglomerate selected critical chemistry hall nw nature rather s2 since ##iod ##ft alps period apparent recrystall primitive 187 earlier aur eocene ilm nick pow pap ##rams ##ago string interse northwest 206 original separates cutting affected preserved aus bolid ##ially toget reve orient shale diame golden norite ##ract basins heav silver accomp ##vial magnes reflec mmes methods appears boiling dyke fwgr nickel boliden together accompan rid ##led ##go ##rate dem ##urn stable anhedral change ##odes sea ablation larger techn petro serpentinite isochron drainage uplift versus austral reveal lree lens mus ##bed ##jan andes andesite ##orp plots imm granitoid usually amount ##iew trends represents ppb fertile mineralogical growth pervasive according crosscut diameter h2o li nar year ##iented ##more ##arth exs ##irc consist ##ada allow represented microp equiv correlation ##robe history observations ilmenite 80 pass pile vapor wind ##lished ##ground ##inate ##tig altern sharp ##angan volcano genesis among blan ##omagnetite ##oysite halloysite ed earth pen ##ry ##aard ##ira ##oy ##over ##upl ##ca ##alt ##ann ##ulation cob ##ime grad ##amic marine auth great models skarns paleozoic furthermore ##ength pipes beneath organic maximum ductile 206pb 60 cap circ doc tak ##vite beam exc ##ronorite accumul slip precipitated invol metasediment ##vail horizon del ke native sy sm tuff ##lite ##bor ##80 ##inum dipping ##ologies volcaniclastic oxidized reaction correl 36 fres mile ##mass ##ances disting residual even modified ##ducted position limited ##pected solutions recently ##oliths explained groundmass microprobe distingu little morph ta wides ##ki ##elle encl princ variations interaction spatially calib titan avail tin ##gely ##vo ##hest restric ##unsan largely signatures underlying vertical ##ynamic ##ylitic comprises recognized auriferous princip aqu hu ou sb ##oform ##ker inves deb ##ott dist should presented marked basaltic slab stratiform cenozoic does therm intense radiogenic phyllic contamination rounded unconform musco investig 24 lum ok pri ##sely ##onian ##ecially oriented inters subhedral strata includes ##iep propylitic pegm colloform influ especially anomaly restricted 26 ax pur ##hy almost before ##venile bornite juvenile siltstone australia narrow muscovite ##hyd ion nacl ##tz coupl another expected associations green 204 consider argu err comparison authors prior 27 lam mud sic tro ##jiang incorp carri adak signature concentrated ##pread crystallized centre superi 199 textured supported overlain concord platinum homogenization member widespread kop use ##erberg ##rand ##olitic al2o3 martite acid ##trate ##rental partly differences ##waters conglomerates ##ference parental permian available okiep coupled koperberg 90 far mig ot trac ##orat ##acing minim made ##ize state att quan northeast induc ##racted adsor weathered schists diagrams normalized stocks cluster intergrown ridge intersti 29 brin ene f2 role ##oor ##reme ##ident ##och ##ached beeb ##ilg mineralised ##abase ##ogene ##ficient granul active carbonaceous greater domain hosts highest remob folded cement broadly point tonn ferroan internal paper interstitial brines beebyn das dark eunsan length nuc pit sills ##ption ##til ##enced ##idation alunite beach ##abas white interc volcanism ##sible fo2 remo generated brittle titanite laborat accompanied demons pegmat nucle cases mac ##where ##inities ##rete ##ules ##urmal extent fluorite ##aps provided trapped moderate collisional degree orthopyroxene economic now nam yang ##log ##ging ##ining ##tition ##ense tourmal without ##acity depend proper ##thite shales zonation quartzite ##less ##contin diffic amy species term recycl 150 ##theastern examples differenti involved discussed topographic clearly lenses 204pb 35 400 fall hill ro vms wit ##tand ##ih ##kins ##fz coinc ##yric ##amber resear leaching butte ##igned cann lithof fracture thicken limit layering settings final gabbronorite estimates portion comprise moderately understand ocean polished lavas thought lithofacies acan fug ug xen zr ##lin ##inous ##enesis injec ##anz ##ety chamber unl arch porphyritic marl ##dese terranes gangdese coex spectrometer ##lications illus fresh titanomagnetite principal aqueous carried acanthite dome gas hel overal via ##ump ##ches ##atible mineralizing existing ##ams former colum ##formation distributed slur layer 18o elong expos reflected depletion generation poorly beds ##unga summary oceanic madre years ##borough ##watersrand tourmaline witwatersrand unlik overall barn date five junction led mal nod ##way ##wack ##rust ##ah ##ctions ##fte ##ju ##rem conte conver mined ##netic diat clastic preferen whether partially break lithologies skelle crystalline displays step mixed soil simpl experiments rims spectrometry lithospheric absence metasedimentary otago marlborough skellefte bav gar prom rap san ##la ##sc ##gite ##read ##alite sup ##sewhere chann ##odic reser seg feature ##aded belts consisting refract places elsewhere dissolved reduced shaped width metallogenic confir angle responsible cannot refractory bath dens hot ii ##lot ##uan ##matic ##roc ##anat ##isted ##ulong chond attr ##umented hydrous occurring performed included access aff sulphides plutons depths measurements stockwork halo glob pyro paragenetic orebodies proportions directly except focus exhibit documented barnes bavanat rapid 86 cat pub sor tab view ##li reas ##vement ##phorite ##omorph exam gray assimil tempor carboniferous overgrow lithio banding account nearby define brecciated flows difference standards millerite portions offset komatiite prospect geochronology uncertainty ##rustal completely solub attunga fugacity 28 45 wnw ##ov ##group ##man ##3s ##arling ##aneous ##ossen exh exch shri tend diam ##racrustal lateral partition charlot strain ##stan groups smalt representative sequences additional ##ject summar topography progressive recorded tibetan microscope orientation superimp difficult supracrustal lithiophorite charlotte gel nb pal ##hf ##2s ##inations ##ane chim having fluvial hydrogen fe2o3 subver basis southwest replen ##rown become linear simp bedding photograph ##titute dykes experimental filled successions ##armossen resource windarling granulite simplified shrimp smaltarmossen dunite har hills lz mer might ##ries ##tor ##ying ##gou ##be ##ful ##30 ##rad ##ising mapping clast geometry leuc flak variety systematic replacing specific dominantly esm waters smaller δ33s plutonic ##hui dextral conclu combined styles lithosphere orebody resources ##grade heavy taken solubility diamond 75 crac cath da oper pop rio rift δd ##sr cover antic prot metabas color itab southeast agains limb ##oblastic 13c marginal modern subsequently anomalies gabbroic factors varying stringer ##tze yangtze subvertical replenish against kal parent sin tian tio2 yuch ##lies ##ex ##uk ##zation ##mon ##min ##alent ##arite took coal proterozoic zoned plas belong lithological flat ##turally supergroup ferr plun reactiv decreasing million progressively closely proportion outcrop 187os equivalent key distance incorpor ##kinson exposure ##wacke density published assimilation exchange brown clu cih mor pul sier ##ored ##oong ##uil ##11 ##ero ##oritic ##osition ##olcan thole consequent beh short hyp porphy regard increases center centim homogene metasomati trig widely steeply immisc argued dashui chondrite yuchiling cihai sierra 34 ble cam dig hree must pere qin rand tong yell ##ious them ##attered concl rema reference beg ##ops dispers assess ##rian const ##anger enhan ##ometric 207 cao contained argill selv support plateau shape ##ambrian calibration minimum pegmatoidal tholei remains ky nne side ##has ##uous ##che ##ario ##uss ##luid poshi flag majority matter possibility saline products mobilization coeval madoong laboratory attributed accessory plasma madoonga did v1 weld ##cz ##onti ##rero ##errero ##itud ##ings retro ##hert ##tha ##chuan better hetero noted terms orogeny descri lesser argo blocks combination overprinted guerrero clusters devonian macro research clutha constant 207pb 21 37 350 600 b1 camp hong kab nnw pure rb rough sid turn uy wut yilg ##lied ##wana ##pro ##bog ##tead ##orm ##ulated ##aging suture ##odac zoning ##tenbog hydroly composite immedi ##trated representing discrete rhyodac product generations direction saturated diffusion recognised ##ophile komatiitic detection weakly ##aardtite intercal porphyrob uytenbog wutong yilgarn immediately uytenbogaardtite best emp ives mz nan pse ra s1 ##stones ##yi ##known ##xic ##fficient ##inces ##era ##ention ##rops ##isan toki ##odg extern que unknown moisan faulting cub sclm times outl increased folding instead corresponding continuous ##aean mechanism petrographic ##duce andesitic laminated trojan pseud away bal hole hodg k2o pel w2 yet yaqu yulong εnd ##dr ##ched ##yan ##bi ##xt ##xi ##fl ##requ inner information ##icam ##icular thrust ##ently rework sulfidation ##agem seams fav spot evolved weigh mexic characterised precious ##clastic contribution ##ressional dacitic transitional assuming lamproite distinguished adakite nucleus slurries consequently kyanite 31 87 dates hence jo lode mc pin poth ##eper ##fe ##altered ##ictic ##truc maier anton ##opal ##ysical production who diver unaltered substan volati neo heating granoblastic modal carbonates ##iana poyi surve ##tau separate plotted constrained surrounded reduction controls tenors horizons link paragenesis polymictic response required dilution semi debris mudstone properties garson pyroclastic itabir homogeneous yellow tholeiitic retrograde hodgkinson yulonggou 250 cree est lap lodes oph scan ##ses ##western ##pite ##iated often ##arily ##ishan ##atas ##ural ##odynamic produce ##iest cryp space locations ##apan floor hosting underground implications despite 188 coarser ##opyroxenite ##aturated comprising materials serpentin guana ##iscovered currently geochronological greywacke released reflects crosscutting passagem accumulation error thickened understanding coexisting flakes ##olcanic pereira kabatas porphyrobl antonio estab guanaju 01 65 bon bott dun eas lob mil nat sodic vic ##hou ##no ##col ##gold ##mit ##ka ##20 ##ido island ##ceed ##ope ##ranular ord subord neoproterozoic leached images accep agree undiscovered perme varies canada accre olig discovered reactions transported overprinting driven intersection enclosed quantit inductively demonstrate unlikely reason anticline kalgo qinling siderite hydrolytic ##drift itabirite crypt bottom blu d4 md six vis ##lay ##wide ##ned ##40 ##60 ##rous ##isms coast magnetic ##iform incomp pliocene segreg ##ching diabase until heat energ indicative perido moreover geologic surfaces laterite ##aysia ##ospheric ##orlie leading overprint true worldwide constraints freegold reflecting morphology outer diatreme simple tianshan creek ophi kalgoorlie 03 frequ gr right teth vi ##aur ##cher ##genetic ##rees ##tian ##tiary ##ald ##err ##isten ##ato conducted reverse ##etre chu ##ibility ##antay showed sizes valley adv ##duced ##hemically schem amantay ##talline caus tertiary ##cline originally apart redox erup youngest interes ##ocrystalline intensity closure exception focused recrystallization penet unconformity migration adsorption xenoliths archaean harz cathaysia ##mont porphyroblasts vicinity amantaytau 38 d3 f1 fil hess hund listed sim uz ##na ##pine ##iant ##bnite ##fluid ##tific ##tigraph ##enberg ##ratigraph ##istent ##ocite aligned alpine read recon reven ##iles ##ilized ##etall ##ostratigraph ##ird uniform moord regression alloy ##ralite upon ##ieved referred ##iques ferralite peb 198 paleoproterozoic laterally intensely extrem undersaturated earliest prospects extends episode techniques exsolution tinta argillic ##itude external mexico guanajuato natural ##istence hessite hundred revenue moorddrift 33 700 bur don fib hing jin mention nopal pac path sites tens xr ##aus ##ctive ##mi ##3c ##aland inverse ##asion ##ission ##ata deeper ##aches ##terran anti anhyd atm ##ogran ##uminous formations relict geother spher subpro ##iau left analog chalcocite isotopically spectr domes provinces implies abundances diagenetic 120 sulphur overlap mobile reducing background waiau lumwana tonnage replenishment random intercalated weighted subordinate energy subprov 34s 85 bin giant ko kil lines nec pied rot scc ze zim ##sw ##sh ##ek ##rum ##cas ##ories ##igou quad sperr hem marker wei percent sci cav precision rhod sheared becom mataur essen ##olidated estimate groundwater rutile ##aque seems divide divided assumed magnesian blanco synt nodules preferentially temporal immiscible enhanced heterogene 188os cryptocrystalline peridotite ##etallic pacific spectrum piedmont sperryl matauri dou dense lag mur til tren ##ean ##ior ##ument ##arbon ##ulf ##mpor suites stre ##tically gravel ##tena ##tening ##irs metac sampling ##chang diops spch subducted need mode act means silicified mica sector upward appro provides ##obb transg rivers mixture finally salinities considering ##hesis rarely cleav chromitites halite extracted angular loi lava absent effects petrography photomicrographs column channel segment exhum metabasalt hongge scanning sperrylite 05 44 89 a2 id iran lac last mol qf romer tor ##div ##cy ##ged ##200 ##fa ##12 ##onitic ##estion isol make ##imen fluor ##quicam ##assium unique interlay subdiv aguil others variably replace accu precise monaz calculation patches opaque potassium alkali mss planes network telluride intervals episodes powder granitoids cobalt capture circulation remobilization contempor cracks sinis chuquicam diopside romero chuquicamata 32 a3 dam ho holes kv sd tur ##lfz ##hr ##mented ##jerg ##als ##arc ##orts ##osity too alread conve conven ##igranular ash beaches ank exceed sulfos ##vers shor shangan incons cllfz modification us200 notably scattered proven deriv equigranular ##parallel ##rett rhyolitic ##oids drilling brecciation identical depositional millime ##inescent gneisses mountains mobility glass stibnite filling observation polar pipe illite polymetallic played playas entirely apparently luminescent removal promin batholith behav hypot balance extremely aguilarite sinistral already shangani 07 800 a1 cp cre fac gib jose kb lla nk song tar ##eol ##wung ##vog ##br ##jia ##ony ##onal intra ##ars ##anobb ##iding maps stability ##ressive ##odne dike norte subparallel phyric southeastern regime alloys pores structurally lithic novog flan replaces domains ##olyanobb proced monto averaging colloidal infil reached selen determine δ13c ##huin amphibolites endow gave points plane extending corresponds petrolog considerable photographs survey accepted accretion koolyanobb necess contemporaneous convention inconsistent josefa llahuin ##odnee novogodnee koolyanobbing bim et ero fron hol jia pan sie yin ##wh ##nerite ##iwung ##yu ##yre ##alts ##icts ##ured ##vered ##ilite compatible ##odal ##therm ##ths what ##plat dips movement spin ##ritic evap sized indep ##ade ##fors ##unc veining prism surian microtherm magnitude displacement 134 separation stratigraphically enrichments experi limestones progra environments degrees isoclin introduced detected oldest subsidence tellurides outcrops exsolved involving unconformably concordia recycled recycling differentiation catch summarized chimiwung ##mitted ophiolite harzbur ##tification fibrous ##ogranite zealand quadr exhumation monazite procedure bimodal independ 06 74 cf ccp emb fes mush mangan run sus slu ##well ##haps ##rim ##ctic ##cence ##gfors ##bles ##15 ##tek ##ese toward ##ifted ##ressed queb ##amoun seen ##assing unwe occasion northeastern neves cuts ##una marble added repro ##itization percol perhaps silicification allanite vargfors concentrate applied sourced southland ska ##undwe foliated discord ##2o5 displace respect paleo monzodiorite profiles good histog tonalite effect remaining stringers revealed influence concordant ##ochros ##anza elongated malundwe population selvages substantial agreement schematic jinchuan mentioned weihed rhodochros cleavage isolated nkamoun conventional unweathered nkamouna 43 67 ds fusion kn lies m2 mos mott nine ros sill tub εhf ##sz ##wn ##wise ##hor ##hang ##gmatite ##bel ##bia ##enam ##ice ##atti third covered rev reor ##omb chile ##ress proble distur sho haenam ##ands metres sampled feo spar ##ometer ##formal mariana indicat ##itised ##mme similarities massif afric precambrian extensively pegmatite finer sandstones gangjiang veinlet instr trunc ##ergaard members require goldfields situated mechanisms fabrics immob allows edge ##overy acidic ug2 ##umption sorting examined blebs potholes lapa ##no3 quantitative anhydrite subprovince cavities essentially shortening prominent eroded experienced chimiwungo skaergaard rhodochrosite 3d 55 function hw pic ponti spl ucz zan δ7 ##went ##nig ##nec ##ament ##alu ##ulsor beishan stone ##luvial chines ##iff dise flux unm feed immediate ##unas obl meters siliceous scatter cause underwent limits km2 fractional contributed remnan disseminations ##then corrected soft normalised ##osphere ##hua diffraction downward δ18ofluid 238 waulsor chloride technique useful affinity affinities superimposed metasomatism trigg outlined reworked join pink easily visible incompatible tethyan readily lagunas derivation manganese slump ##belt zanjan chinese remnants waulsortian ach burn dynamic h2s hno3 pack p2o5 qian ranger sa tight ##ef ##dh ##pigou ##var ##vity ##mer ##90 inp inher ##anced ##isp devi consequ asthen ##izes anat chang compan exists existence evident india phos physical repe ago regionally chalcophile similarly ##sional lithology 208 precur walls amphiboles calculations copperbelt identification cemented na2o proximity degassing genetically linked comparable requires uncertainties luis 187re exclu errors reserves tabular conclude conclusions roughly oligocene ankerite endowment jiapigou yinmin ##platy 68 95 bould cz cycl den em fu him krum ligh pn past pron rate xion ##sation ##ways ##ni ##ua ##fied ##tein ##ora ##inga ##istr ##elite thrus coating condu ##ilit ##iled ##ilian chah compressional qual geodynamic consolidated subm indian hydrothermally wehr ##genite silicic chlorite2 bladed microplaty explan stratified redistr contras continent bounded defining importance young ##herent brine ##ophys potentially peaks detect international exhibits cobal ##continent reservo pulses rhyodacite quetena hypothesis facilit front siegenite independent phosph precursor xiong 58 ben cx cad day fi jc jiang ml myl ##oz ##ood ##ura ##uth ##ming ##fne ##enes inst ##ics ##osulf ##ratic ##atero ##ulations tool alluvial reach ##ilatero ##omatic ##cend stret atte ##eres ##ifero project extr shift seven assay interbed spots subterran never envelop ##ipher marcas weight ##itized meg allen ##icked sche spectra modeling ##ounted ##ounced corvo feldspars 135 correction newly localities decreases pyroxenites metasomatic 170 intrude extraction extreme ##omagmatic excess distinguish elongate ##rocks stockworks global ##omorphic ##ovic dafne ferrifero reactivation centime 87sr established permeability blue advanced pebble sciences heterogeneous gravels sulfosalts prismatic isoclinal catchment quadrilatero reproduc immobile δ7li oblique 238u triggered consequence anatol pronounced contrasting marcasite 47 77 buff dau fans farm hg jas kine lan lie mun opp pod sens ums vet vug way wang yb ##s2 ##pared ##ares ##zing ##gb ##04 ##hetic ##ontein ##inning ##orting ##icate ##osing coherent ##urian connec ##ils ##opite discontin onto shang shield dioritic closed spring spread subject ##orites prepared phlog granoph silurian paringa ##ips usa volcanogenic report ##trating somewh regions fractions underl impact shearing propose became discrim ##park oxidizing irup steps follows localized producing distinctive yields syncline ##jected bright institute shapes volumes classified tellurium lamproph recrystallized correlated axes helium iii rapidly sortek superimposition ##bei operating incorporated morb assessment descrip emphas ordovic interesting recons interlayered kbar prograde stonepark qianhe input inherited lighter wehrlite veta phlogopite somewhat sortekap ordovician 42 99 900 ber fly ham ip ioc ice iles ken los nald ran rob tes une ural ##hm ##rised ##rup ##tage ##tration ##turing ##ores ##cun ##zhi ##13 ##tectic ##aled ##itable ##lear ##idine ##agabb covel ##tside ##oud start ch4 atomic ##ifting comprised ##andel plus hypers constitute evalu voltage database acicular unde peru poik pobei thicker uppermost monosulf equation ppge supercontinent contrib nearly transmitted reaches finland paleocene liquids curve curves integ distinctly controlling aggregate box unclear factor tenor classification econom relev alternatively blanca involvement 36ar outside ##kerode investigated influx induced tonnages removed depending differentiated context sanidine plunge reactivated tongcun burial becomes tilkerode metachert accurac provenance spinel discordant instrument ##nigan unmix cyclic cobaltite scheelite daugh iocg naldrett monosulfide 2a 54 57 53 63 b3 bit bord cb cer cro certain du hard kl latti mi m1 pena rise test ##si ##tak ##unt ##cada ##vsk ##16 ##esp ##eric inset ##ari ##osc ##olving ##aged ##ochemical anm question plastic colored unre unus presum ##illac pref granular marda ##reef text chlorite1 ##aves primarily verde explo equal tectono oxidised calculate finely so2 ##sko basinal ##sman directions syngenetic monzogranite 160 glac anorthosites coefficient ##lication confined continued stillwater microscopy seawater alternative taur calibrated axis gabbronorites columbia preferential segments confirmed began description ##floor volatile lobe xrf spherul randomly zimapan approach transgressive millimeter infiltration harzburgite mossman explanation cadillac reconstruc ipge covellite poikil economically relevant accuracy lattice 04 5a 680 82 aut boud cas chert chemically dong jgb khan len mas rates van wil ##lo ##worth ##don ##ipped ##cting ##vil ##volcanic ##bjerg ##mak ##alay ##itch ##osh ##rada ##issive ##elf ##eler iss ##igenetic mapped ##imber ##eto compac ##eca quen quar quite ##aman rest lowest clim clays abiti constit neu heyu carry calcare ##tood obvious epigenetic peripher similarity northwestern americ domin limbs ign equant discovery itself decay collap ##theless infill tectonics ##ientation ##tified supports ##cept ##odioritic clinopyroxenite spectroscop approximate serpentine halos affect affecting understood permissive pressures ##bsite chloritic heavier seafloor gradational horizontal deline correlate markedly investigations axial coincident injection illustrated help concluded protolith plunging favor reasonable segregation ##ostratigraphic synthetic subdivided turb gibbsite quebrada occasionally mottled reorientation shoots himalay cxoc interbedded nevertheless lamprophyre unmixing poikilitic abitibi calcareous 02 49 56 66 73 amal bat bse bri eur f3 her hut ide ku kamb lined lms pers ri sed sri ssz tons zhe ##ez ##emb ##dale ##aj ##aite ##gam ##gence ##56 ##king ##face ##ones ##alda ##orn ##rap ##isen ##idal ##ulating ##ustr ##urv reaching ascent sufficient stren compiled ##abe ##iber assigned classic geome evapor height sco scav ##ifications sedimentation upwards southwestern sket acceler implying ##rowdale crystallizing monit ##timately remark displaced finding finnigan salt argon argue rhyolites synch porous porosity naum combus equilibration predomin ##anshan orthopyroxenite tennan platreef median loaded draining borrowdale phyllite substit diluted powd petrovsk edges gradually delta morphological purified demonstrated batholiths ##rock 86sr palae trigger dispersed dispersive hundreds atmospheric ##archean review disturbed slumping achieved redistribution extrusive reproducibility discontinuous ransko daughter amalgam kambalda sedex zhejiang streng geometr tennantite petrovskaite 450 59 6a 69 b2 bran bism batter cn call cambrian drop done eight fit gm give hub iz kanger kimber lost lath mia sig sorted sense yanshan ##lor ##luss ##wu ##pt ##aw ##ax ##ave ##aments ##iomorphic ##ule ##zite ##gone ##52 ##18 ##jo ##ency andrad ##arine ##astal ##isite ##oll ##ula ##ents ##ocular com coop coastal ##ury ##romite makes depression suitable ##sets ##abil exist exact metav resemb sets clar favo span arrow ##ford acade crushed masses fracturing ternary underth underpl undergone crystallize 180 ##umulates consistently expressed 197 schistose numb probable cratons differ pairs voluminous wider biogenic offsets selection komatiites elevation snesp planar freezing countryrocks release periods orientations alternating distances remobilized namaqu illustrate populations belonging nanling frequently binocular ##arbonate ##jiaz problem company ##uaq coatings hypersthe cro3 quarry euras ##urvbjerg strength hubnerite kangerluss yanshanian cooperite metavolcanic academ snespurvbjerg kangerlussuaq 48 62 76 cd cations cren dm dab e9 eum fing fart fore god jog just kir lived pump squ ssc tet ##hole ##right ##pan ##pend ##tally ##oge ##cture ##gil ##03 ##ineral ##ening inver ##itation ##annite ##itecture ##osite ##oshan ##elly thor ##ocarbonate dend conform revers ascend ##ougil ##etres antim ##opl choc compre ##artment ##tention fluores resid resist resolution seism stronti neigh lep latest ##ronous carbonic micron upright melan 2010 undergo undertak tradition microb monomic transten describe oxyhyd opal gabbros lineation determination depletions 140 directed identify overlies ##huang appearance bedded fragment displaying calder anomalous half guang workers links metallic lacking records effective contaminated siltstones remained magnesites reveals blank debate traces intercumul architecture unlike ##remes diatremes channels overgrown merc merougil ferritch regarded selvage neoarchean bonanza viol eruption hinges geotherm geothermal analogous double trench embay displacements rosario africa boulder conduits lanka vugs turbid hutti scaveng naumannite combustion bismuth farther undertaken monomictic oxyhydrox ferritchromite 1b 46 51 aeol dest dimen eq ech ful fs2 gj gyp hang hope kang lis lhas lcz nab pum wed wilg wsw zh zero γos ##lan ##holes ##ru ##dish ##oted ##crystall ##zur ##xh ##jies andean int ##orad ##itum ##itera ##osen ##atory ##lex ##usite cotectic conj minas ##atis ##tscher ##imens ##phase ##omineral chosen ##odd grab grading gravity ##tened crxh reset seated ##chison occup ##atest add acted greatest texturally strat ##ctolite presents presently geologists specimens characterize recalc trap tims mont fractionated sett reddish oxidising decomp diagenesis precipitate flowing transpressional probability generate interacted particles overlie ##burg ##robitum cooled diffuse pyrobitum backsc rimmed hfse homogenisation ferrotscher dried devoid mediumto 220 magnesio huang purp purity incorporation adsorbed illustrating nodular exposures centimetre metasomatized cameca volatiles lobes fluorocarbonate damage behavior necessary histogram 208pb submarine siliciclastic buffer pods sensitive shangjies descriptions kenomagnetite starting ##makite compaction gmd laths numbers finger comprehen seismic intercumulus aeolian fully gyps lhasa wilgie pyrobitumen ferrotschermakite shangjieshou 09 210 78 84 aure air bra brag f4 fish foss fission gong gera kat kun litera mw pull qm site wat warm zinc ##war ##hing ##ham ##h2o ##rig ##ao ##app ##aoshan ##ya ##vation ##bre ##ku ##fontein ##esa ##ester ##oses ##olve ##oco ##ocratic coated alum conden minute ##atitic department stress chap ##yst comparing ##abound shosh why ##quesa ##uting claus spik abra card ##ometers compositionally grant marquesa regular chalced lithoge noble flake specimen providing imply slow arcs centres outline bars elemental ferric 130 deformational steel respective ##abbro expression optical cumulus transposed decreased measurement activities 110 merenskyite successive predominant counting ##ophane orthog pointed intergrowths drive ##ultaneous allowed greatly delam syenite thermo investigation laboratories injected exhal diamonds coals digenite tongchang conclusion beginning rhyodacitic queens cubic mcdon establ demonstrates simultaneous ##ostratigraphy antiform antiformal atmosphere murchison tarim selenide evaporite concentrates know ##mmetric hws pontiac package asthenospheric stretching jasp undeformed contribute preferred constitu collapse spectroscopy himalayan sketch synchronous substitution kiruna tetra antimony wedge ##crystalline stratabound magnesiohor gypsum braggite gerais condenser clausth 550 97 buc buil ded ent ecl gor garp gsi han hcl ia iv ker ncc picked qilian rifting tay trough yam zamb δ56 ##wth ##pa ##po ##tors ##uble ##cu ##cb ##cill ##gie ##bo ##93 ##fro ##ream ##tisation ##raul ##iscan ##elves ##leys ##oclase cond asc asia ##trically ##oto star statis anion athen compression ones ##range whose ##orphous metagabb ##chy hydration hydraul norites geoph fair spaces subjected neote ##ades eng ##tob ##aker obtain ##elling districts perpend volcanics variscan scen scar pore laram upgra northward thereby variability applications ameth amorphous impreg ##ief geochemically significance oscill equipped apophys scho walled manif plug strikes defines infer 193 reacted sulphidation cements 143 ershan syneres clean discuss overla clino leads solidified 177 176 ##vaal preservation growing metallogen univers uplifted ##ography ##ographic logging continuity herein playa rayas episodic lamproitic power gradual smo thermoc influenced greenland namely dependent thickening slurry converted focussed chimu colorless ##mineral flattened pseudo reworking causing penetra hinge ##brid microthermometric indicators repeated excluded emission quality ##abeep called academy pumpelly ##oplac fluorescence violarite echo nababeep pumice settling backscattered fingerprin literature abraded queensland establish jaspilite magnesiohornblende eclog garpenberg δ56fe athena geophysical neoteth perpendicular amethyst impregn oscillatory syneresis pumpellyite 280 3b 4he 64 7a 94 98 big bmb bore cy ddh gently hed ipb jeol komb mit peral qz rond sap soco tan tip wis ##lated ##lines ##eed ##ware ##nel ##nam ##tario ##ij ##iable ##mic ##molite ##14 thems ##tiform ##olati ##olgie ##ator ##idic ##usively covar always conce asy ##imetre sun ##omm stodd ##ify complic ##ogabbro ##verite onset ontario sha share ##quilib ##ights metre resin ##char ##tonic ##ained assumption interior sporad consumption evid nev ##ado basic leph collect head valleys granodioritic ##apel lowermost obsc whereby crustiform lithophile serran 2011 ##stream ##jord modeled tremolite terra termed crystallisation sheet vertically ##pect orogene explored outward tectonically tectonostratigraphy irrad correct localised 2004 lineament estimation thinly supplied program initially differs mobil radiation icpms ##ropic polyg phenocryst 230 workings intergrowth devolati chloritised ridges andesites correlations enclaves mudstones adakites coincides researcher injections confirm exhibiting reasons ##omorphs palyn systematics pelites diversity serpentinization permeable causes ##enbergite rotated murunt idiomorphic ##124 networks sd124 exceeding ##arsite petrology microthermometry percolation tube truncated disequilib feeder thrusting attemp subterranes kinematic interestingly cascada dongchuan ##ville peripheral america delineated scoon accelerating underplating hypersthene strontium lepid oxyhydroxides comprehensive gongo katangan clausthalite deduc taylor hydraulic scenario scarce overlapping hedenbergite kombolgie peraluminous ronda themselves stoddart researchers muruntau disequilibrium 00 4a 5b 750 apl bous che crop ever eales fm fj fram fjord ger gaps hz jar lying mounted nm rus uhang vir wag yuk ##wara ##dan ##down ##pd ##pu ##pot ##averite ##tly ##o2 ##cient ##zer ##zos ##gaz ##ba ##bab ##mite ##kin ##jar ##inter ##inary ##recc ##till ##ala ##eri ##ened ##eness inland ##anag ##asi ##ola ##idental ##enty det ##urrent ##imes ##immer supers ##omen ancient ath ##ifying compare ##ticular excl disrup dischar ##velength incip tem tefl diverse union noritic intercept able indeed elect highl neither collection enough phys mark adc regimes ##fered genove scales pozos ##ondik upwell signal ##rents ##ctu accomm recovered ##turned microcrystalline slop propag explains averages transformed irarsite drilled fineto precipitating corrections distinction arsenic ##valent currents esper 144 centered decrep displayed calaverite histor gives giving opening broader preserve ##omagnetic homogenous wavelength radiometric effectively logged increasingly mechanical capable taking accumulated metasediments tuffaceous correlates morphologies thermodynamic considerably lamell superior roan ##anzi breakup breakdown globules leucon crack daw colorado pulse immiscibility ##chell cubanite grt interest filter binary kilometers zimbab stream polarized petrological procedures indicator splays disease deviation reservoir beni jiangxi granophyric underlain border klondik miar anm1 coefficients lenticular neutral ignim brief evaporitic predominance powdered izanag andradite eurasian transtensional shoshonitic cardiff chalcedony laramide 177hf thermochron cyc mitchell obscured serrania bousera frame german uhangri yukon ##jarvi incipient teflon genoveva accommod zimbabwe izanagi 2d 52 61 650 72 93 aim amb bt bes bow bill bacter cell cimmer elu eche fut gp gand gross hous liber ns nist nbs pig qtz rp ric raman tc take tung vec visc voids wu w10 w11 zag ##lon ##sten ##dian ##position ##ire ##iab ##ohe ##oked ##uang ##cyn ##ctively ##ye ##bly ##ky ##teen ##ontin ##incl ##ndale ##alys ##almi ##ested ##arsen ##elen ##lendale totally aluminous congo ##ache suom mineralising ##etter states sulfidic online shore ##ami haura ##neti veined cr2o3 ##que ##iring hybrid alterations relation moved fe2 fe3 index ##adian ##adium ##angular heated prepar ##hedrite phre parame marti ##ours acqui again ##genesis epma ##elled sometim application cawth geologically 109 thickest ##ieve preced ##aving microincl manto ##gman originated pyritic monche controvers ##denum pyroxenes postd postulated sericitization ##ribed eastward ellendale mixtures 190 ##tivity opache newland molybdenum ##aturation normally yielding expert particle multiphase kawara aggregated calt boh historic equilibrated recognition overprints paas pauc ##othermal ##off confidence angles loops closer polymict dilation clayton benefic powell papers intersections petrogenesis gradient accumulations tuffs named depends property freshwater globular temporally morvar ##ussalmi cubo pothole serpentinized bluish md03 becoming streams ##jiawu flanks accretionary histograms fujiawu reservoirs facilitated phosphate instance centimeter centimeters bergman presumably hercyn riet monitor remarkable cnas comes godel kangdian intrac orthogneiss mcdonough tetrahedrite metagabbronorite england apophyses wisner polygonal devolatil every fmq jarosite rusten athabas exclusively upwelling leuconorite dawson cimmerian echelon future gpcb tungsten zagros suomussalmi hauraki preparation cawthorn microinclusions kawarau morvarid 030 6b 7b 88 83 92 bron cation cass cacl dpl ell etob fund gnan lt mira national ow p1 pall pill panz rising syl tam vict vise w8 zo zac zhou ##lith ##lim ##ets ##hnite ##ryp ##ns ##dophane ##pe ##iations ##uments ##uish ##cap ##vit ##bell ##bult ##mag ##ko ##kom ##fram ##teg theore ##inal ##nds ##aling ##alusite ##erial ##enitic andalusite intimately ##arms ##orago ##ices ##asjarvi ##lement ##ulate ##usiv ##igible fort beij ##izon ##oura ##phyric ##ombe ##etam magneti ##lun attention ##ifts ##abrecc ##abdophane graded once ##tites ##ostone ##ongsan seongsan unmineral unnam moving subvolcanic ##illips negl argen leaving ##ikeri carlin prev prehnite phillips marks marsh marbles reports objec believed otherwise amandel dominate trapping ##unders rhabdophane dolostone refer ultrapot orogens processing schli superterran escap remove distributions pyroxenitic plume sericitic additionally locality 2009 liquidus lineations cumulative transporting determinations longer generating 141 thinning petzite dots interac ##memb details concer alban mobilized ##ferences downwards ##engshan intrudes uncom thicknesses isocon rule ##istinguish platy efficient elevations ##ebjerg wave extended ##hihua dilational juxt pervasively swarms soluble ##agoorago ##ledge australian amongst caps document involves tiny huetam remobil ##continental conversion confirms examination tends operated digestion outlines pelitic orders segregated uniformly pebbles pathways xrd rotation hemati percentages sd13 convective cpx songjiaz necessarily sparse software joints saunders chahgaz anatolia munzur discrimination ##hmo ##osci unusually tauride reconstruction favorable kuhmo sufficiently findings namaquan crenulated resistant kunwar mwombe chapter kerikeri ascribed started penetrative tipasjarvi asymmetric deduced fjeld slopes esperanza lamellae klondikean miarolitic framework acquired sometimes moncheite athabasca cacl2 gnanagoorago pillow panzhihua victor visean beijing unnamed negligible amandelbult ultrapotassic schlieren superterrane ##istinguishable juxtap huetamo sd134 songjiazhuang kunwarara mwombezhi gnanagooragoo 4b 41 81 bol buf cord chen crops dav fas fran fay gud gap hur hun hbr iia ions jz kind none oval own put port ring rul rib sx sse ssw w9 wan wol worth yar you σree ##ler ##ew ##wa ##rid ##nant ##nian ##pic ##pol ##tt ##iary ##ierite ##ihu ##o3 ##oich ##gent ##kh ##01 ##fes ##tization ##nda ##eros ##erth ##aran ##rolite ##asite ##rared ##olum ##olute ##eled ##atal ##ida ##idiary town ##ocumulates ##urface alas align ##active ##igor stoich anate chill changing compe quartzites plaus resor resolved ##enew geosci moore spaced ##ria evolving subduc subtle indistinguishable ##races faulted neih prelim ##ersley suggestion oblite ##iance completed ##itively meter complexity varied scre twenty signals charge straight care thickly terraces underlies ##arela trachy slick km0 destruc ##gmented ##otec origins equations apron 185 increment tectonomagmatic transformation plumb chromat dolomitic defin infrared 196 1980 2008 125 resultant ##henium mesoproterozoic ##key plotting supporting ##incke crater ##ocrysts predic going initiated cm2 fourth interpretations selective 235 grown homogenized permo detritus metalliferous absolute seem subsidiary handp erosional labeled thermally microscopic uncons volumetrically periodic intersect intersected allowing window cobble circulating involve ionization argument 1999 tracks pitch road roof convergence promoted overgrowths partitioning simply flaky protracted metabasite replenishing shortly regardless campbell empir favoura substantially surveys lapill dunes milky md2 md04 frequency dono kilom percentage tilting actual lacustr torres subdivision accurate powdery etched holwell african pegmatites asthenosphere thrusts qualit detectable mylonitic subterrane hamersley unex evaluate integrated bitincke duration unusual glaciation spherulitic boudin climate carrying batatal ideal amalgamation geometrical favored arrows underthrust dabie conformably reversals residue traditional microbial caldera anomalously mercury turbidites scavenged conjunction aureole ##appear spike fairly ##oplacer eclogite saprolite evidenced detach 144nd gandarela ##ontinental parameters controversial paucity beneficiation intracontinental fundament miranda ##rypebjerg ##framite theoretical uncommon huronian hunan wolframite stoichi plausible neihart lacustrine 08 2σ 3a 3he 850 aho bu bud berg cher dull ese fro fan fills gou gond hab hual japan kg lg lard mis mou mous nio nchang o2 oct rod shed tl vit wra ways w14 zart zhang ##lis ##lision ##sl ##sal ##sess ##nos ##ds ##dong ##af ##aud ##axi ##tard ##zh ##zil ##zhou ##vine ##mium ##kop ##27 ##98 ##frac ##jian ##tes ##aly ##esse ##erick ##argite ##ital ##eda ##osil ##ray ##atus ##let ##lete ##idy ##agen thab come alg alta real rever react maa ##imbi ##oma styl chall chicam attain ##ife ##tica ##odite projec exo grand ##thon dismemb ##inson ##inshan quelen ##andon fluctu cruc ##queros meta resident colour reliable uns hydrox occidental clots isotropic feather interven interface sphe abandon conser conspic subcontinental industr pressed ##adag arqueros bastard ##ikat cu2s enter ensure entered enargite preva phil phuk parda modelling acqu oberth ##ianite agu underes ##ellent perth ##ivand silice alloch crushing ##olites grew greisen possess ##sions upgrade strateg amt surp southward 105 101 103 impro eventually preclu limonite limerick microd microfrac slate ##hanan uranogenic ##berian outwards 189 match barrett waterberg tectonism remnant placed manner analyzer transvaal postcol irvine employ stere stepping stronger describes paleoc paleof paleogene crossed 2002 2000 lineaments mineralogically ##kaline plutonism erku supply synformal synvolcanic doe ##cepti methodology invoked overlaps ##usty photos solidification 165 168 cooler radio downstream galaxi ##ansu ##itsin ##roscopic load ##azonian ##azimbi subsolid accordance chloritization ##oxy organ irregularly recrystallisation recrystallised aurora accompanying andesine penins penikat circular takes excellent positions 260 troctolite adakitic 1996 tracer granulites falls falling room coincide coexistence ##ahong widths hotter ##liers examine summarised leucocratic specifically cathod covers belongs incorporates regarding camel ##luids nnwto bonin dunites mild oligoclase quantity visual incomplete tethys penetrate filaments sims spherical hemisp heterogeneity actually iranian hoits convecting millimeters behavio gibson songpan ophiolites changed detector enveloped anatolian kinetic opposed springs granophyre robust integration instrumental cerianite exploited taurides dominates triggering battery sigma depressions illustrates eum1 gj16 lisitsin resetting recalculated brazil fossil delamination knowledge constituent buchanan condens covariance complicated aplite chec wagner disrupted decrepitation ignimb germany cells grossular house ##arsenide martitisation hercynite rietberg devolatilization rustenburg ellip ltd argentite marshall fjeldrypebjerg victoria chilled competent preliminary handpicked favourable lapilli detachment hualong larder mousivand nchanga octa zartman ##lisional thabazimbi chicama feathery intervening conspicuous prevailing phuket oberthur underestim allochthon microfractures postcollisional paleofluids erkuohe hemisphere 1a 560 71 8a 91 av ara alex aphyric ball cs city dupl fam gan hid hul hou jun jack jez jabil kin kram kays l2 lher land mif mich mach miss mounts nit orange rip squi samb ts trop tai ves vel vac vib vast vap wet ytt zaker ##ee ##wd ##wood ##ny ##doz ##iu ##iro ##ius ##o4 ##oke ##uce ##zi ##zone ##yed ##gan ##vanite ##mz ##kan ##0s ##rec ##tiated ##tities ##tish ##enous ##enna ##enlines anders inlet ##arit ##arch ##orf ##icates ##itory ##ants ##analys ##ason ##rating ##isaged ##ols ##atecas ##lets ##ocl dehyd isop alt alone aliab ##acos ##igne ##iguous rece ##ilent depine sum ##oupl ##etal stop stace static anast chron chunsan ##ifferen ##respec ##ectite extra disp distill disappear sulfates shan ##amazonian orepu quartzo ##amphib ##irka ##inear seal lowto die relicts relics unity clath cliff geograph motion intermit absor abbre ##rip suba subhor ##iao ##007 intrusiv next ##anged arran ##ude lee leap leach caraj valid ##fort ##ologic modifications uses ##soidal carbonati lowering ##ardite believe notation aggene agilent epoxy undifferen perfec micas canadian sectors flood apply approp applic ##lla ##strom replicate 104 108 106 implication ##arel ##achite grouped microcline corrid doler ##hoek ##ushahong ultimately monomineral pdfz margarit centred century 186 ##umulate matthe wallrock horst transamazonian 133 decoupl irish irrespec bounding 155 elim fineness ##rising opx schistosity 2005 2007 2006 lineage ##tify mesa mesothermal mme 145 centers erratic younging arsenopyrite1 porc srm mswd monzogabbro ##inescence gneissic bedrock envisaged diorites histories experimentally intruding inside granodiorites linzhi ##ambers mno constraint prospective loren losses talcose log10 driek luoma solely volumetric maxima magnesium petrogenetic smectite ##boring fresher enclosing titaniferous principally thermometry 240 narrower 1991 traced quantities dashed pegmatoids nama termination ug1 malachite convergent breakoff garne promote confirming haloes overgrowth systematically diamondiferous protoliths itabira ##uka equivalents incorporating pulver pseudos pelite divergence yellowish ophiolitic vienna erupted penetration buried treni needs molar turkey convection created targe etching panxi harzburg runs suscepti quebec occasional 679 disturb sparitic picos packages deviations denote chahdoz roby tested exploitation spherulites quench quenched geometries batteries underthrus squares thorogenic dendrite ascending neighboring melanorite undergoing guangxi blanket geothermometer embayment zhushahong graben purpose lithogeochemical ferricrete exhalative yamadag zambian ##frog upgrading school 143nd clinoamphib 176hf smooth neotethyan boreholes sporadically nevada supersaturation discharge adcumulates billstrom viscous bronces owing palladium sylvanite tamworth zacatecas ##abreccia juxtaposed alignment ##igorous slickenlines ##otectonic empirical fundamental buoy bergsl froodite altaite grandacos industrial paleochan galaxiid subsolidus peninsula cathodolum behaviour ignimbrite octahedral hidden jezirka jabiluka kramers lherz squire samba tropical aliabad stacey orepuki clathrate intermittent abbrevi subhorizon intrusives leapfrog carajas aggeneys undifferentiated appropri monomineralic matthew irrespective driekop clinoamphibole bergslagen 020 32s 4c 530 6c 9a 950 915 biz brac cate days ew fen faces flex gro hs hi hinter iberian jx jul jag jind kaps kesse ld lv lati lud lile luf m3 mut nic od oly ple pear pelle qulong rum roll rhenium s3 sides siber tb util wma xing yun zhu zihu ##lar ##lock ##long ##lites ##s8 ##equ ##hill ##htica ##rites ##rically ##nar ##dl ##dy ##dida ##pres ##ail ##ahu ##aoy ##tot ##iere ##iam ##oot ##ova ##uts ##uher ##uable ##cing ##crete ##zin ##gy ##gran ##granular ##volcan ##bl ##bir ##benberg ##moidal ##misen ##25 ##fer ##foot ##onites ##inho ##alkaline ##ert ##erc ##erical ##enc inference ##arb ##roctolite ##royed ##itr ##iting ##itous ##anes ##aner ##eden ##isition ##isons ##ishes ##olle ##atane ##atroctolite ##idate ##ags tom tout ##ocal ##ochemistry cogenetic conduc concept ##aclastic rees retained returned bend bear ##ows mind maden making ##otation ##phot ##omandel stack stained anh ann anne chain charn ##ifford ##ticolle prox ##therly gravit ##versely ##umb ##umed ongo ##rane shad shaqu shah haw happ tepe diab relate united ##tonolite hydroc strun geophys interference consens subalkaline indire ##adier arte pyrite1 ##ikia lateritic imaging cup enc enlar phaner ##unnel modes us18 ##condida augen ##tovolcan ##ignific scarc ##rounded twinning earuf positively therein concentrically flo melagabb melatroctolite appe append stratovolcan blades cahill consisted accounts imper imping impos impala recovery metaluminous coromandel slope crystallinity oroya moncada explos explore representation osmium originate apy outliers 1852 processed fractionate escondida contrasts magnification hortonolite manuher transversely postmag 132 139 decimetre collahu tien separating diagnos expand expense laterites flowed coarsely salaman 2001 numerical likewise 127 mesh meso sands alkalic firstly europ thinned erzin 115 actinolitic multicolle δ18omineral concre dacites lightfoot bras combining ends 175 cm3 surrounds insights insignific drawn orthomagmatic ##ische platform comparatively lacks shallower shallowly look illapel tonal membrane polymorph kaolin meaning sweden assume accordingly passed passive penoke 360 tails huiz investigate 262 purple 270 troilite carrier okiepian migrate difficul terminated root ##wackes conversely soils pyroph cataclastic partitioned summarizes harris operations δdfluid covering incorporate behind 340 bleached digested assessed welded εndi pinch dunstan accreted frequent viable anhydrous analogy subprovinces science transgression fluoride glassy flank contemporaneously evaporation revised ##ombic truncate splay ##efontein repetition boulders fujian conduit fire instances attest liebenberg munni spreading hammer ##rupt constitutes miosp anm2 neutr ##rapment amalgamated sigmoidal resembles jogs reversal residues traditionally mercadier embayments destroyed dimensional decompression purposes watkins ##esterly lithogeochemistry simultaneously built entra entrapment gorge metallogeny powerful fingerprint impregnations bmbs shaft collector irradiation palynomorphs attempt virt electro physic historically thermochronology cycle bacterial caltı orthogneisses fortuna unmineralized albania remobilisation ruled ##polation incremental plumbing 235u unconsolidated budget gouge gondwana habit exotic abandoned acquisition surprising radioactive mildly junctions machaoy ripley anastom subaerial arranged carbonatization applicable corridor margaritas lorenzo pseudosec chahdozdan underthrusting cathodoluminescence subhorizontal appropriate bizmisen categ hinterland kapshtica kessebir ldic lvs latit olymp zihuatane toutak charnock gravitational ongoing shaquanzi strunian consensus indirect us186 stratovolcano manuherikia postmagmatic collahuasi diagnostic salamanca erzincan insignificant penokean machaoying 320 5d 580 79 9b ai az aer cab cold dul dot diz dusty ejec ft fra fif face fri gw gb gus gase gree gases gels gained grip imb ida kh kar kot kut kup ln l1 les lands mr mere mcl mpa nu nc n1 nis nomen ped pas pad pun pond qmp rain russ rye sv sod sork tt twe ub vos vene vigorous word w15 wood xin yan ##ls ##lf ##sing ##sch ##sri ##ete ##eted ##eties ##wan ##haus ##dd ##ddh ##pi ##pen ##ipp ##oured ##uro ##core ##yang ##gs ##gar ##grin ##ganic ##vist ##bt ##mor ##mention ##kil ##24 ##02 ##xis ##75 ##qvist ##f5 ##fers ##je ##tepec ##onen ##ints ##inia ##inian ##reous ##reau ##alb ##eron ##ente ##enable ##ennan inor ##arik ##oriana ##asitic ##iterite ##ises ##isot ##istic ##olas ##ats ##atomagmatic ##ider ##idge thous ##oclastic ##usted isometric cour coord count alia ##acrys ##igu rein reed retention references forty asp asian ##ilong ##ilities ##terly ##terbury ##atisp ##izonal ##ima ##oux ##omme ##etz chur chambers ##yssal ##gend ##arton proto prolong ##abor ##abyssal existed shaded shifted shares ##ames ##mals ##neath contraction ##ostatic ##quiv ##anta ##onghe metapel resolve seam ##chun washed geo geotectonic spacing subaqu subdu subrounded indus arrange pyrites baskil typified lefro collectively healed carm carol carries carius preex prevalent valuable granule ##unn silty silcrete parasitic ##aping ##ourn augite adding adequ ##aks ##akw ##akes regia repub indication indications ##itivity ##itisation maintain agent assembly canterbury twin ##ondary lithostratigraphic charges flotation varieties strands ##llite amenable 2012 transe commenced skel skyn accounted special 107 terrig underneath afore ##zoisite impur recomme groupings microgran microphot sliver slices foliations ##blende ##clature descend monte ##iquitous centr studying 183 1890 ##obands fertil wallace hora dry drus secondly oxidative transc transform transverse dissemination chrome 137 138 dolomitised decarbon sericitized steam drillhole drillcore 1940 reacting reactive footprin paleomagnetic precipitates 2003 ##ski productive ##termost ##ishik ##tiferous transpression arsenides mesobands determining sulphate curved 146 law measuring supplement ##yla ##inches millimetre integra identifying ##nblend δ18о goks thenardite concurrent cratonic garnierite brf5 solidus 163 ##co3 aggregation 178 171 gloriana triangular counter phenomen ##ugate extract lasted rimming genetics 232 comparisons deeply singer polelle ##yllite environmental vsc vaal continuum dilute mechanically semim chlorine luox division divrig swell swarm ##oxene remainder periodically intersecting orientated heavily technology petroc mushes exsolving alternation sharply capacity circles kev aqua outermost debated propylitically pegmatitic concordance migrated track minimal clustering 290 pegmatoid terminate 359 helete paragenetically 86sri leucoxene 7500 protoc tianyu hypabyssal centimetres homogeneity bleb cameron digital peregrin dispersion argillaceous externally pseudomorphs w2ddh favour serpentinites gru gras causative reconc kilometer cavity essential synthes peridotites doubt trenches toroidal holland percolated percolating discordance rosiere shoot pontides feeders saarik companies ##iliano facilitate mylonite envelope megacrys jasper connection connected underlie discriminate descriptive emphasized unequiv bitlis presumed autoliths boudreau lensoidal periphery british remarkably powders palaeoplacer claras dabaoshan eum2 foreland square fragmentation scavenging conjugate address huangshan delaminated constituents hanley statistically manifest clinozoisite metallogenesis neotethys lepidoblastic bowden eluc liberated richer vector phreatomagmatic preceding cassiterite zoisite ##lung objective escape interactions capsule cordill faster gudonghe ribbon yarlung subducting destruction chromatography definition pitchblende mouth vitreous reactor challeng aguas strategies employed arabia alexa missing vibration vapour dehydration diemals geographical doleritic decoupling garnets disturbance abbreviations 91500 jxa jagdl shadows geophysics scarcity impossible brasiliano tonalitic pyrophyllite neutron physicochemical anastomosing pseudosecondary olympus zihuatanejo duluth dotted dizaj gbmz gaseous imbric idaho kutna lesher mclennan nomenclature padma sorkhe tweefontein ubiquitous ##mentioned inorganic ##atisporites subaqueous subdued arrangement lefroy preexisting republic skynner aforementioned recommend microphotograph descending footprint supplementary phenomenon luoxue divrigi peregrina w2ddh007 saarikyla jagdlust 060 2c 2b 3e 330 3fe 511 590 690 7d 740 ban bing bab cin cac cand cost chemis croc dach fix fring garies ganzi h2 hat hold hbl hishik ib iys jig jot jud jans kol kus kur kren lind lunn my ming mim mpl mature muk nto name oik ohm ps pu pg qi rog rav rifted ranged rls sf sher swe sia soci santa tol tel tent trib tidal urum vh von vent w7 wel wak xu ye ya yaz yapp zyl zetter ##lang ##lie ##lusite ##ster ##saw ##eit ##wakw ##har ##ruc ##rick ##nand ##nels ##nopal ##dorp ##pm ##ping ##ptive ##aved ##tar ##tola ##iorite ##iente ##oise ##une ##cd ##cogn ##zhen ##yon ##yur ##ynt ##yug ##gd ##vian ##vative ##vonen ##back ##bok ##mu ##mir ##xian ##fall ##flow ##fengshan ##1b ##39 theory ##ont ##inder ##repan ##enti ##enic ##ential ##entified andina inser inhib ##aro ##artic ##ormal ##iczite ##rothermal ##ropping ##aset ##ashan ##osurface ##ository ##ravel ##isely ##oling ##ulca ##aga ##agan ##agatti ##usberg coales copa ##urus als ##acular reju ashes aspect ##tries ##owiczite ##ilight ##imer depic suf ##pha ##omel ##etamorph stor staging antena anisot maghem ##luence chung chips attained ##ifex ##ifengshan compil compound ##ech ##eco ##econ ##odile ##ogenetic extin sulfarsenide quies quasi onaping shu shifting shuang shifts shulca formula ##ney whites ##irn metag plates sealed sept ##plate ##plored ##assed washing relief unravel hydrost assist stripped geolas mokop moeda interpolation spain ability ablated abrupt evans subz subangular indo indos ##illonite ##aday arct array locus ##fication hein heifengshan mineralizations enab enco carro ##ghand valenc siluro modest ##apvaal dataset augmented adr ada adit acme ##deposition repository overturned epizonal ##mmon ##istocene ##acks canyon secret twice twilight ##estable lithostatic flour stradd ##ctor 205 209 surv surge caue bodnar commerc ##tina characterization characterizes imposed ##ieh ##arer travel precisely corp desulf interpreting sheets sheeted verging verruc ##bert equally pdbi discrepan stratification developing ##time ##timate 1893 increments crustally ferrob fernand wallrocks magnet magnifications hornblend remel peel postulate 13a southernmost separately stem steeper 159 apatites expose 1930 paleosurface aftersh westward ##skite produces distinctively ##ubu 128 mesocumulates sandy longitud probe northernmost eutectic think thinner differential erlang dokh characterise interact 11c 112 113 invari monzonitic monzodioritic intensive initiation metash napp kaapvaal ##upole albitized albeit spectacular silicaand radial equilibria successful downhole δ18oh2o ##ufficient counts insufficient anorthositic negra ##roscale biological fewer tensional teniente summit topographically 231 transitions fillings worked working lining permit steepening ##aux noteworth confluence plants paragenes waew transportation lavigne radius 252 contaminant substrate substitute ferrous juan greywackes petrographically 221 outcropping 708 ductil accompanies alternate eds edx edwards ##imeter gradation circle documents accumulate keep syen symme smith smow smuk distinguishes widest availability tintina huge slabs 247 266 ##hydrothermal greenish arguments 1994 1998 faraday migmatite tracts minimize attached quantified quantify adsorptive nuclear macroscopic termin coincided ug3 ##linal helena stepwise chondritic pyrolusite catacl views temporarily tendency fe2o3tot merge mertola operation sinian flattening plunges behave yellagatti enhance heterolith macroand 216 373 camps intercalations nanmu raw raul pseudomorph mexican contributions john diversion linking easterly accept ##layer coastline 035 ##aldt scheme exceptionally 1984 pathway rotlie synthesis doubly metacoll columns toroid damaran ankara polarised 0704 cpy create creating facility target flanagan etch ##while spinifex evaporites isoclinally catchments quadrupole suspen 670 mottles problems instruments jointly pinkish tightly ##dhje excluding chahghand phosphates 58ni jiangnan stretched distinguishing opposite sensitivity springbok berger flysch contributing cerro kler unrelated unrecogn glacial mask maski wiluna climax american infilling infillings idea persistent droplets izmir kimberley kimberlite resemble favoured eurasia crenulation godinho inversion inversely ascended neighbo ##huanga occupy occupies montana montmor decomposition aureoles regularly slowly buck gorges zambia ##poort condestable upgraded ##iefer plugs cleaned fingerprints sporadic nevis mobilisation ##danowiczite propagated historical thermochronological cycles accommodate accommodated pigment richest vectors fe3o4 phreatic bohdanowiczite metagabbronorites magnetitites prevent bufa davies fayalite portug waning anatexis resorbed ##enewaldt geosciences obliterated screening careful 1980s kilometres qualitatively boudinaged stoichiometry wrapped dismembered conservative improved loading boninites avoid michaud taihua ##archaean ##analysis distilled disappearance leachate ##arelian eliminate pulverized targets harzburgites buoyant paleochannels brack groves hiatus jindo mutual pleistocene pearce pellets diablo hydrocarbon phanerozoic appendix concretions looking huiznopal virtually indirectly aeromagnetic greece kupfers merely sodium aspiring prolonged carmacks carolusberg terrigenous impurities microgranodiorite slivers centrif transcurrent decarbonation goksu gruenewaldt cordillera bingham caco3 crocodile dachang hishikari jigsaw jansson krennerite lunnon mingling mplh mukwakw ohmoto qiyug rogers siah tribut urumieh yazyur zetterqvist rejuven maghemite extinction quiescence shuangfengshan shulcahuanga hydrostatic mokopane arcturus encomp verrucos ferrobas fernandez aftershock erlangen dokhtar invariably noteworthy parageneses waewae heterolithic rotliegend neighbouring montmorillonite huiznopala mukwakwami qiyugou yazyurdu 050 040 1c 2θ 2fe 430 460 520 610 7f 710 780 96 aper azur bc bb b6 bom bog bull brough bung c3 ced cess chem came cited dg dick dram drag dulong eye fon fti fisc facing gn gd gent gain gansu hr his ja jen jil jsz jiam journ kf kα kan kra kap kore kcl kurn kru lat lign lub letter lakes mu mree mole mla nas nig nak night nno nils oh oc ov oib omitted pil pges pier piles qiang ry rag rig rose renew sate sve sib stern tm ting tred tang tron tree traction tills tract tunnel um umb vg vv vil vall vial win wen wul wirst wds westerly winches x8 xil xfes yu yinshan δ60 ##ln ##lins ##lain ##lms ##loch ##lami ##sis ##ev ##wat ##nes ##nae ##nosc ##do ##dal ##dorf ##phe ##pical ##posed ##ahe ##aid ##auc ##tl ##tang ##imp ##iot ##ired ##iors ##oi ##oand ##oining ##oapan ##otization ##otime ##uy ##uter ##ups ##cal ##cis ##cts ##cou ##cri ##ziz ##yin ##yard ##yuan ##gu ##gus ##vally ##view ##5to ##45 ##bx ##bar ##bie ##bility ##blastic ##bada ##mo ##meng ##kn ##kach ##karelian ##89 ##62 ##qie ##fq ##fand ##fue ##19 ##100 ##jiu ##heh ##tell ##onk ##onie ##iniferous ##titic ##titions ##tibnite ##altic ##alpi ##erto ##ennian inbo ##aric ##arra ##aria ##oriented ##icles ##icao ##rogen ##roidal ##itat ##itant ##anmi ##edded ##iteria ##ingen ##inggou ##osm ##ratonic ##iston ##isible ##olves ##oloapan ##eli ##leigh ##leton ##idian ##idiomorphic ##identified ##ulun ##ulskite ##agh ##agheh tod toeto tokach thorite ##enth ##entina cohe coag ##urg conse ##acities ##igenic ret requ retur reyn reward rejected aster aspec ##romag ##veyard ##ilst ##terud ##atives max ##otop ##imanite ##imetres ##imanes depicts mineralium ##omena ##omitant ##ether stated stub anox antig deposita depositing ##iforn ##resolved ##tics ##ticed promp proceed ##ogou ##oglu ##ogether expect grapt graveyard disag ##umin ques quick quoted ##ranca ##amulun hair ##oushan ##tency whol whiti whilst ##anding ##andian contours ##allo cris criteria ##antug ##orphyr ##olds plant plans resting restites ##utonie ##utterud ##chiefer lows lowand unless unoriented unidentified unresolved hydrated ##aya ##ayer strict striations noril cl1 clifford geometric gejiu fail feot interle intercep intergranular spite spider subt subtro subgra sublayer ##wezi ##illo neares nept ##ads basanite ##uded ##udation ##spru leaves leave ##ficial hek ##ikholes richard ims carr carlo ##atically ##forms ##unity partitions ##ioblastic ##ologically usgs ##apa ##apolite marche marking ##cons auand auros adop ##akh regolith overview agglomer ag2s ##gences ephem undulating ##rostruc pertur perched allocl ##istine ##edimentary maybe ##icking scapolite breached po7 microm microscale microstruc gren prisms prints upstream northwards ##serite nokom noticed concentric floy fl01 flames melted apprec strained strauss chlorites 20c capped caimanes consistency skew skutterud accoun specul ##lands characterisation terr tervonen impure biozone recumb biotites traverse trails ##ava uranophane ##cl2 shell shelf sheikholes refining mono discounted orogenesis matching barranca epidotization esfand easternmost redep rediss reduce fergus horse drastic drift secondand mgcl2 analyzing transfer westernmost chromium continues continue dolomites decades irups collage collided stella 153 eastwards defoc reflection 195 1960 strongest find paleoplac paleotop patchy opti optically salts ##opyroxenes producer ##termined ##ubath argentina ##heng ##hesserite ce4 ceased cebada longest longwood curvil extensions δ11b stands normalisation erda miller millimetres δ34salu predate ##meable invasion invisible intens intensively concomitant conglomeratic brit 16a 166 kafue ##upine ##cokarelian albitic albitization differing diffract aggregations californ ##titude 172 173 glauc predominate tridy shapinggou draw drained phenomena negatively gao ga18 ##ansville degrad polyphase bias guo introduc adjoining electronic offer opened platiniferous progressed linnae linziz perman metallogenetic recording constraining prospectivity closest 253 phyllosil 5000 sudden subsurface situations labrad labelled rounding ##aea drives driving strikingly bajo bajiaz bafq devitr meanwhile luz lump ##grad petrographical discussions 225 rayleigh ##oxide crosscuts ##rates demand democratic liu narrap winds ##ryer cobres authigenic circum horizontally keays symmetric enclose encloses titanium huutonie thermochemical consideration considerations 275 1992 1997 1990s farms migrating otta tracing 292 ##ocha cementation tonnes darker lengths removing nuclei nucleated differentiate coincidence limiting fugacities xenocrysts xenotime coexist exposes nodule ##ahari attrib focuses focusing focussing cata examining assimilated overgrows ##ovgrad palm leuco leucogabbro anticlines kalahari millions hypidiomorphic randall tongshan begin begins 214 hongzhen hydrolysis continuously 314 diverted divergences scans serpentinised dunitic islands 033 advant advances eruptions eruptive penetrated f1b readers 1987 1986 jinyin spherules hematitic weiya streaks approaching cleavages channelised idioblastic molec fluorine replacements captured sulfosalt 070 cp2 intraplate infiltrating selenides fronts pantell 742 embedded reproduced paleohydrothermal knock knife sillimanite tuba tubes picritic pontide joint ##isporites changchun czech denser denudation emerg fuel krumovgrad submic phosphoric dayaoshan mega megabreccia vuggy tests testing uneven urals uralian evaluated undetermined 532 639 reconstructions autolith vancou wilson issues dominance ignition collapsed spectroscopic 665 batches rios scoates monitored orthopyroxenites deltaic palaeoproterozoic reviewed brannerite kimberlites ##joen exactly underplated namaqualand hypersthenite cdt thorough dendritic dendrites transtension calderones guangdong guangzhou destor dimension dimensions listric fossils watkinson ##brera ##kuh alumbrera chapters slower build hannan yamansu ##cutive statistical manifested 176lu universitat establishing borehole conceiv concealed conceicao headwaters terrain terrace terrains irradiated ##interpre highligh highlights physically adcumulate briefly ambient ambiguous bt1 besides besapan bacteria caltam cassidy magnetitite prevents capsules hematitisation buffered francis fayek kindred youanmi alaskan anatectic geoscience 185re predicted kilometre subdivisions qualitative unexposed stoichiometric cherty lg6 stylolite attainment fluctuations crucial spheroidal philipp preclude microdiorite photosynt check checked grossularitic underestimated ballhaus duplic famennian hulu kinloch nitric velhas vacu andersen altogether perfectly porcupine susceptible lherzolite fennosc julia luders odman utilized xingmeng annealing proxy shahre arteaga encoun impermeable explosive mesoarchaean multicollector electroly latitud charnockite ejection framb fifth kotulskite pedogenic rainfall russia ttg veneer words ##albin thousands course metapelites geoanalysis 232th petrochemical reconcile unequivocal elucidate padmaite babak oikocrysts puerto ravna society teloloapan vhms welkom depicted ##omelane compilation ##economic whiteschist subzones indosinian valenciana commercial corporation pdbi2 discrepancy remelting 1930s longitudinal migmatites nanmuqie metacolloidal 070400 targeting pigmentation bracket hydrocarbons kupferschiefer centrifug siahkuh rejuvenation ferrobasaltic aperture azurite bombs bogala brought bungalbin cedros cessation dickite ftir fischesserite gentle jilin kraubath kurnalpi kruger lignite nascent naked nilsson qiangtang ryansville renewed svecokarelian tredoux trondhje viljoen wulantug wirstam winchester xilamulun inboard toetoes tokachka consecutive requiring return reynolds aspects anoxic antigorite graptolite subtropical nearest neptune ##spruit richards marchev aurostibnite ephemeral alloclasite nokomai floyd skutterudite accounting recumbent sheikholeslami barrancao esfandagheh paleoplacers curvilinear diffractometer tridymite degradation linnaeite linzizong bajiazi huutoniemi jinyinbie pantellerite vancouver francisco fennoscandian wulantuga 1and 2o2 3s 3c 3to 5c 660 7c 715 8d 8b 9c aw ampl aerial ammon bn bx b7 bot bub bai bird barton ct cul cock cres cart cix cyl cresp candel dw dre dan dog dir dill dare dict dual era ether eme ebur emi fr fed fec fia fast fove fiss fused gh gom gers gains goss hen hit held hik hind harm hlins ire iaea jm jac jaw kul keral kran kong kay kwe lom lond life leco mys mcc mir mold mik math muse mumin n2 nels nish nann oz oes ove oun pz pion pock pene prac pits poles punga picking qaid rt r2 row rou ram ramp rud rout s0 sir sess sad sfz sieved td tie tische tpm uk vill viv voise wand wmb wann wisp xp xig xia xik xie xiao yn yong yare zang μg ##lab ##lier ##sa ##ematite ##wis ##wart ##wang ##hai ##hombic ##rs ##nace ##normal ##nillo ##dat ##dun ##dynamic ##ped ##pub ##aic ##ais ##ault ##aocha ##tam ##iet ##oin ##otr ##ui ##ux ##uated ##uai ##ze ##za ##zens ##ztau ##zln ##zakh ##yer ##ykh ##yztau ##gow ##gong ##vio ##vinc ##bas ##bted ##bula ##mes ##mative ##merite ##mund ##mix ##mann ##kles ##kai ##kdun ##2о ##250 ##xag ##66 ##63 ##92 ##qin ##fx ##fite ##fol ##fts ##fold ##fact ##fson ##jacent ##3o ##н2о ##hez ##head ##tere ##tected ##teenth theories ##onic ##onge ##int ##inion ##inates ##inium ##rey ##reed ##rella ##tis ##tice ##ndorf offered ##erro ##erment ##eria ##erophile ##entific ine inward inferences ##arie ##arks ##orz ##orith ##orhombic ##ico ##icester ##roe ##ita ##iton ##itter ##itated ##itability ##ancy ##edi ##edict ##ash ##as2 ##ascal ##ingly ##rays ##rawang ##ister ##issen ##isberg ##oluble ##elain ##atere ##atarie ##ids ##idates tomic thi thom thail ##entrum ##ocity ##ocumulate decline deuter isof co3 coetz ##urization ##ursion alber ##igan retain reinterpre ashan ##trial ##truded bears ##romat ##ilicate mina miners minist ##tery ##atito mao maar ##oty ##oton ##oting ##izers ##izhu ##imu ##immerite bypro suitability ##oubted ##sea ##oms ##omiro ##ett ##etals ##cement stab stump storm stope stabil stromat anker answ chi chich chart champ chong chief chatarie at3 atlan ##erer ##ifahe compressive compelling ##restim ##restrial ##tices prove proved projected protected protruded grande ##than discon quir quiet onwards onwat oriss shik shizhu ##amict ##ammite zonal hamp haematite ##uck ##andesite ##ampton fluvio contrad ##antaneous ##ongy ##ighton incident incursion metap metabreccia metabor metamict plain plains rests resumed sev seab segmented ##ples ##chlor colinear coloured diap unamb unchang unfort unpub sulfideand ##aint ##lesse gold2 gold1 goldand hydrodynamic ##ayjan assays assump assisted strip norra northerly normative clock cland geomorph geoz moz move failed fazln interf intercon interlock sprin spans spek spongy abnormal construc consols evolve subgroup subsea indones press intrigu highs ##mber ##ador ##anga ##angsan arid artic arrays basically leg lebed lewis leicester oxford magnetiteand hend hexag ##ikeng ##ikosh richchlor enable cardon prevail prerequ ##uller ##unately southerly ##ipuy modify ##apted datum adiab adapted suggestive webs ackn carbonated ##arded obduction belle ##trained ##tratified butcher notable overpres agate ag4s agreed wherein undul undist undoubted ##rost assembled perkin silicon ##hematite mayeda scot ##ounde analyser crusher poe po2 po1 pools larson microme ree3 twenti pristine lithologic ups upd northam thereof notice flor fl03 strait pgeand surficial cai ##stage ##stykh replicates spectral spectro 10a observes ##ortunity terrestrial limu ##undi micrograph corrob cornel rhodes rhombic crystallite crystallizes ultr ultimate refers verma monoton ##tafson ##iquan originating graphitic oxideand extents ##2ob outflow ultramafics mats matches matched mathez ##obe ##sening fractionations superposition settle contrary tectonostratigraphic horoz ##epite ptas2 peat peter peters dissected mg2 mg3 mgco3 manus manuf maniot analyse transl plumes postdeposition chromites decipher rhyth shears steyn 156 1500 calculating drillholes inflow midlands elan mixes paleoplacer ##tiveness furong furnace option optim opinion coarsening sooty ##ube ##ubduction molybdenites ##issance 12a 123 transparent transpressive sulpharsenide curl 148 149 la2o3 ##ospora ##gregated dozens ##ylation millilite craig craters particip predates predict clinop clinopyroxenes profound gover dissoci multistage leader constrains brits solids combinations envision 162 169 161 karee kazakh albinson alborz diffusive diffused calipuy ##ksdorp boiron book 174 radomiro ##ompo hales halogen successively glen glomer glitter glimmerite δ18oi δ18ohematite explaining insoluble ##uginous lasting ##indaro orthoclase orthorhombic biostratigraphic guide adjusted preserves progress steepened deeps deepest metallurg angerer loop boron borate uplifts geochronologic effectiveness 251 exceptions seeming ##aze continuing continuation nonm semic bailong devon classifications classify chloritized luque fw2ob solwezi ##oxing uncontam lamproites 705 irregularities nwto nickeliferous technologies revealing exsolve sharpe volcanoes edific pentek author 60ni cape circulated excav excimer kemi ##borate 365 366 fresnillo principle aquif huifahe 249 273 laminations 1995 1993 acids quantification 295 nucleation properly termite terminations 354 358 fractured xenolith inject injecting chamberlain formerly exposing mala malartic reserve densities attrition graywacke overgrowing 283 southwestward southwestwards ##tori ##bek leucogranite 752 anticlinal metabasalts sink ferruginous porphyro metasomatised 344 camera enhances retrog 212 375 kabompo siderophile porphyroblastic nansen raises unknowns outlier weights mcm guanajuatito 018 655 easy ordered oligo reasonably cryptomelane ##nedy ##40ar segregating peridotitic 034 simon ##naars ##naissance reconnaissance 1988 1989 1981 1983 exsolutions pathf analogies ##shore ##ekfontein quadran rhodope metaclastic needed needles actlab approaches exhumed 443 laco toroids torlesse interlayering sdbx polarizers prominently hypothes creighton ##brites infiltrated selenium endowed petrologic ##platinum fes2 running suspect schematically 432 m2a mosaic roset reoriented reorgan problematic truncates hwaw hwangsan picture split achieve evidently exclude 685 himes explanations continentally facilitating benedict cx98 jiangshan mylon mylonites instantaneous tools interbeds anatolide munster opposing opportunity discontinu emphasize 99ru kennedy ##hmann evaluation peruvian boxes 570 bordered bordering certainly dune duke hardly ##takel ##oscale glaci autoclastic boudins casino mash vanadium quenching climatic constituting dominion herber ku27 persist persisted classically evaporated substituting discontinuously 59co branch andraditic resembling 197au academic inverted thorium resistance strontianite undergoes turbidity bismuthinite oxyhydroxide gj20 occupied addressed huangba centimetreto kunlun warmer warming aluminum aluminium spikes steelpoort exhalation exhalites mcdonald tetraborate ivanic statistics fairfield ##tobalite schoepite manifes 1931 repeatedly ddh80 covariation shaoxing evidences collectors attempted kinematics virg wager temascal highlight ##ctuated decrepitated ignimbrites liberation nist6 ##uangshan shoreline indexes preceded postdate postdated postdates monitoring unmineralised objects concerns pillowed cordierite davis frantz gudmund ribe sx100 alaska trachyandesite km093 definitive cherts rods algorith reversed projections dismemberment hydroxides entering philips possesses 1894 troctolites boninitic incompletely penetrates condensation duplicate jackson vesicles velocity received stoping chronometer cliffs perfect 1869 porcelain galaxiids lherzolites matthews lufilian lufubu siberia siberian yunkai ##arbayjan hawkdun happened enlarged float melagabbro appeared impinge expanded europe polymorphs difficulty difficulties transgressions miospore miospores category azarbayjan cabri friable gustafson pasava punctuated county reinfor adequate twinned skeletal druses 146nd δ18он2о concurrently grasberg megacrysts ribbons challenging imbricated recommended candidates chemistries fringes hattori jotunite kurrawang mimics psammite sf6 tolstykh tentatively yaounde insert inhibited coalesced suffered storage compounds metagrey evanston straddles survived travelled desulfurization hornblendite nappe terminology johnny klerksdorp unrecognized buckling portugal tributaries verrucosisporites aftershocks bcr bb1 bullion jahn jiama journal piercement raglan satellite tangbula umbrella vvr winnaars ##dorffite ##osmow today disaggregated quickly hairline cristobalite strictly interleaved subgrain perturb po724 skewes speculative defocused erdaogou california ottawa advantage molecular 07040 knockroe conceivable philippines vacuum electrolyte latitudes awatere amplitude cockade carto cixi crespo candelaria drew dirks dillon etheridge emeishan eburnian foveaux gomwe gersdorffite hikuai harmer hlinsko ireland kulikosh kerala kweekfontein london mystery mathur museum nishio overestim ounces pione pockets pungaere qaidam sirjan session saddle tischendorf voisey wispy xigaze xikuangshan xiaoqin ##erroplatinum thailand deuteric isoferroplatinum coetzee ashanti ministro byproduc stumpfl ankeritic chiefly atlantic disconform onwatin orissa shizhuyuan metaborate unambiguous unchanged unfortunately assumptions geozentrum fazlnia interconnec interlocking sprinkles spektakel indonesia lebedev hexagonal richchloract cardona adiabatic webster acknow overpressure ag4sse undoubtedly twentieth corrobor cornelissen maniototo postdepositional milliliters kazakhstan seemingly bailongjiang uncontaminated actlabs hwawon cx9816 huangbaikeng temascaltepec gudmundite winnaarshoek xiaoqinling 1to 2h 2g 2h2o 2cu 4f 490 5g 5f 53c 620 615 720 8c 830 aac aware bj bis bil bir bess bang bun b11 bagh cc c6 c1 ces cos cus crom cast cso dp dar ding dus dur dow dim dop dod dum dout daz drops daly dusted dhar daint ea eb emm ema eman fd fos fel fsp fuch fift funnel fryer gs gur get gun grin gsr gns hm h3 hil heral hart hum home hack hither hinc hok hrees hcb hours il iod js jan jens kw k2 king kle kou kys kans krap kelly karel konk ly lb lent lig lop lang latite lough linc lrees lomb mp mv mb men mess mang mort mung merg misc marton m89 ng nf nin ning nac nain nimu oak oman pi pv pm pq pus pts pine pay pik pages pole pie piston rı ras rut rale rush rings robb rwth rusty sj sar sag sent siv sole sans stena tas tag tide till tap tedi uw ud uq u3o void vsm v2o5 wd wal wus wass wad write wales waves wire xl xs xi yuan yane zheng ##lp ##len ##loc ##litic ##liv ##lov ##lane ##lishan ##s1 ##she ##site ##sest ##sley ##sedimentary ##em ##empl ##emed ##wal ##wig ##wach ##westerly ##hom ##hion ##hir ##h2s ##rh ##ror ##rich ##riferous ##nn ##nb ##nf ##nen ##nis ##nate ##nab ##night ##dp ##db ##del ##dung ##pr ##aes ##tb ##tm ##town ##take ##tinson ##ias ##iel ##iration ##oj ##uite ##uage ##ugh ##cs ##ck ##cen ##cos ##cil ##cies ##cell ##zr ##zie ##zca ##yo ##yond ##gre ##gyrite ##gang ##gomer ##vill ##vard ##vack ##vium ##vime ##vador ##57 ##44 ##bal ##ben ##bol ##bour ##bian ##brand ##bitr ##miss ##mark ##mfontein ##karn ##keng ##keto ##22 ##29 ##07 ##xing ##xene ##xiang ##xplored ##74 ##70 ##87 ##97 ##96 ##qi ##ff ##fal ##far ##flu ##193 ##ık ##hey ##heless ##tera ##teel ##ono ##oning ##inely ##innigan ##tia ##tized ##nding ##ndip ##ndering ##nderg ##alic ##alth ##aline ##erid ##erts ##erted ##erock ##erburg ##enly ##enge ##enges ##entially inund ingu inlier inhom ##arith ##arper ##argyrite ##orre ##orland ##icou ##icity ##rove ##rook ##roft ##ito ##itob ##itax ##anar ##anse ##ania ##anian ##anub ##analy ##edition ##aser ##ingshan ##osl ##osa ##oskarn ##osteel ##rat ##isk ##istill ##istivity ##ollement ##ela ##elve ##atable ##atub ##atya ##lean ##uli ##ulas ##ulent ##ulang ##ulsion ##ager ##agite toc topl touch tourn thir thud ##mperature ##occo ##oclin ##ocroc dead decan decl deficient deemed iso isob coat cored ##urc ##urbed ##urisberg alm aliz alters alpha alerts concep convinc ##action ##acture ##acive ##acık ##ighed ##igmatic ##igator ##igler ##igenous reop rendering formal forward asi asbol ##truk bets beak beaker bends beaud beads beyond ##owater ##uret ##vein ##vere ##ili ##eralda ##atipu ##tsberg ##tsubduction ##hermal mah depo sutures suited suturing ##oming ##omorp ##ometamorph ##etnam ##etheless angl ##yriz ##opic ##luvium chh cho chin chil chadian chicou attitude atoms ##erexplored compati ##resses ##gement sulu sultepec sulliv ##odot ##odong ##ichang ##artine ##ablan ##ogol ##ogram ##ograp exempl graup disk disord dispar disposition disloc dismiss ##insilicate ##verwach ##umar onverwach shi sham shak shack shades sharper ##iba ##ibles ##ibuting ##amad formulas hawe ##ouse quartzof ##anda ##andaj ##amples fluence contour contoured ##allels veget crin figures ##irm ##ongdong inca incong ##olded methan metaqu plc plays residence resorp resistivity ##uese hyal hyper sealing severe ##pla ##planar te2 teigler ##cha ##chond lowry divalent dioxide ##arya ##asses ##assive wastes reli relies relating relatives unf unav goldst ##ayan ##ayed occlu norie nordb clav geor geographic mooi isothermal feas intersp composing spess spear abl consum evolves subst subjec subset subzone subeconomic subjacent subgre ##ype induce indigenous ##ractive ##illimeter eleven ##iaoz ##00n intrins highland neand nephe neyriz ##ading ##adiferous ##angshan ##angju arf arri artif arisen arizon arbitr bethen lees lehmann levack magnetites ##ika lateto imaged cups enigmatic carb carac ##ometeoric preand prenderg vale ##hedra formationis ##unen ##unites ##ersed wheal parisite parallels ##ipapa modifying marcos ##rona volcanology admix ##aka ##aku ##akan ##akabe suggestions wealth weighed action ##debrand carbonation carbonatitic reprec complemented bela magmatically overc overnight ag1 epitax underexplored mete meyer inclination ##elli ##eller pert ##mmes ##hemian ##iletes alligator ##istan genalys faultkin scope crusts micaceous micritic canon twelve ##iocarbon greves postsubduction price lithophys lithologically serra serves bifs bifurc uptake up193 northland northwesterly differed ##rence notion fl04 fl02 melange melonite melilite variolitic variogram applying applies ##ctatisporites ames presenting 2013 ##enschist caand caples ##maz ##stown ##standing southwards skin ##eldspathic speculated 10b 1050 doming tera afe imprin impacts biotiteand trail traver traject ##undum ##avities ##avlov ##ordinary microc microto microcontinent microlith microanalys microvein corrosion corundum slice km3 ##clinal ##clifford crystallographic descent design designed refined ##otemperature verify pyrargyrite monts monom monoclin ##tains plagi ultrabas explode calciteand pdb differently originates becker graphs graphic graphitized discover apical ##owna outg ##timi ##timo 18a generalized generalised mattinson electric superco supercri possibilities smallto tectonometamorph magnitud sequential sequentially hornf petruk traceable displaces mg4 manually manning managed manitob chromian 131 decimeter decollement irms irmm colloids separator stead 15d 158 respects calculates defec ##ualpan midwest midway elip elmer expelled expedition 191 1950 ##orsk finest paleometeoric paleotemperature ##rish coarsest salvador westwards additions localization olivines liquef soon ##skaya olivineand considers ##ishi ##ishiquan ##ubar argide brook 1000 12d 12b sandw sandaocha estimating ce3 longitude deplete laid laur laura laoj importantly ertsberg supplying synor synform synsedimentary synclinal standardized characterises abundantly milled milling ##troduced measures craw portra portimo 111 characteristically ##ocrystic predated sira sialic ##ndeformation discusses monzonites mt1 progression sectional profitable dissip photograp potassically concavities 505 nazca 16o 164 diffusiv approximation approximated caled totals boer boulang bohemian ##ilings ended radiocarbon anomalism recognise recognize anorthite triple trivalent evolutionary pyram ##vaara groundwaters pair triton ##ropy drains coevally ga11 ##anshi isochemical topic topaz orthocumulates orthoand orthocumulate biased introduce ##itsa undersaturation variously tension ##inova spectrometers offshore selecting 237 236 platina media mediated grows ##onets pointing homogenize permission ##ofinnigan deepening lacked polish conflic paragneiss reflectance waira waipapa correspondence radii radially phyllites polymetal vaesite seek logs logarith ##azı ##azono subsamples situation nonand nonnen nonetheless william d1a d1b ##rington internally baft baima baishiquan classical critically weakened chlorides luoning divides solv ##106 version surroundings 707 exhibited irregularity papunen northwestward accompany microporphyr equivocal passing edvard earthqu 607 capane doctor excel exciting ##ronorites accumulating delicate delayed syndeformation smirn 364 positioned tailings calibrate hunt huilong debatable thermometer thermofinnigan interstratified purcell ionic 278 271 27al muds muddy adsorb 296 29si ##ochl cementing whitewater macfar maclean names dependence amygd roo coinciding limitation limitations xenocrystic elongation malle malatya breaks gariep promoting sanandaj supra channelled globally 860 publications 282 ##mania exchanged summarizing summarize paler palma palme simpson harley esmeralda concluding cracked daigne replenishments sinosteel ##minating proportional brownfield clues morova morocco ##eroon 341 cameroon conclusive enhancing calibrations tholeiite tholeiites ##ussur macrody 213 374 372 37ar turned rhyodacites diffusional intercalation nanyang raith raise rafts pseudomorp baltic pele pelag w25 ##yanide favours spotty weighing 315 870 johan pinatub volatil serpentinisation porphyroblast accepting 038 grid vietnam schemes filtered filament simulations uzbek 1985 1982 extremities fibers hinggan paths xrpd ##ogranites analogues bineli scientific street columnar channeled channeling channelized segmentation 8900 lastly molten interlayer interlayers monazites remobilizations damaoshan hoering ashing ashley ashwal sulfoselen shorter behaviors hypothe cream flanked flanking selenian holm jiaodong ##adeh programme programmes independently mushketo sustain suspected suspend ##rimie dsdp nineteenth tubingen feo1 sparry ##mmetry massifs hwob piche δ7lis ##niguang unmetamorph scattering ##huahua triggers slumped acharya burnham qianlishan saussur inputs ##ispora deviate changwu jiapigouben 95mo denver submillimeter redistributed redistributing detectors cobaltiferous facilitates phosphor fias attes seventeen envelopes megabrecc distinguishable heterogeneously reproducible 475 buffels lanthan ybn connect lamprophyric emphasised emphasizing emphasise emphasizes 42ca robinson testify hypersaline evaluating integral influxes daughyztau 547 57fe certified hardness kln unreason prefer spherulite reconstructed wilkinson issue compacting dominating delineates delineating favoring turbulent himalayas 564 batch herrington ideas ripp evaporative sketches accelerated monitors predominating predominately reviews 599 branches cnsa kimberlitic comment clarke favouring 1970s namaqua squee conformity conformable fluorescent microns melano melanorites microbially microbands opaline fragmental calderas geothermometric destabil kangding zhong zhao grabens recalculate montgomer decomposed huangniguang comprehensively 099 849 alumina cardrona chalcedonic expressions syenites contributes building anionic metagabbro apophysis schoenly universite universities penetrating ##bridge eclogites impregnation impregnated saprock complicate headward mobilised palynostratigraphic lepidolite lepidocroc 001 aplitic chelms detached supersuite discharged temora electrost propagation propagating crackle coloradoite filtering streaming germanium 2dm 61ni bt2 beside eluted pige viscosity ##arsenides 1097 10975 190os hercynian devolatilisation 839 owens zacualpan ##lithospheric escaping interacting efficiently documenting documentation hematisation 419 fashion jz04 ruling yarrimie ##fes2 subduct trachyte km06 destructive 1968 prediction unconstrained accurately unexpected unexplored misar moutere rodinia tlc wrapping ##zhai reverted styldrift projection fluctuating crucibles spheres conserved ensured aguablan strategy 103rh microdistill 1891 stereonets organically fossiliferous nitrogen tss8 taiwan vesicular ##woodite isoprobe altay stoped chronological extraordinary distillation absorb absorption validated 108pd targeted harzburgitic susceptibility denotes dendriteand buoyancy paleochannel intermittently july ludwig niche odds rumble yunnan ##anesberg tomkins stacked stacking annular annual proxies artefact cupriferous floors melagabbronorites appearing explosion apy1 european kaolinitised meaningless 2705 entrained surprisingly categories latitude charnockitic cabral gwangju gusts khurisberg karamad nujiang nc20 nc16 n130 punctatisporites ponding svz xinjiang coordinates reintroduced contractional industry adequately transect transects skelmfontein 107ag fertility drusy integrate semimetals semimassive 7500i protocol synthesized synthesised megacrystic manifestation challenged imbrication microphotographs cinan cinnab costin fixed fixation judging kuscu kusakabe lindsley sweep wakatipu yeongdong ##phaerid anisotropic anisotropy shuik enabled carrollite 209bi metashale metashales permitted ductilely keeping syenogranite symmetrically ug3a cataclas cataclasite suspension suspensions preventing carefully 2feo 71025 chemex dramatically jenkin kfs kanowna korean lubric mueller nigeria ovacık pilanesberg rigaku tinggong vallatisporites vials ##dalen ##tlely coherence coagulation stubby prompted questions wholerock whitianga ##ayern failure intercepts hekou adopted agglomerates micromass microstructures grenville appreciable territory shells redeposition fergusonite horsetail drastically 1960s paleotopography optima intensifying brittlely glaucodot ga187 introducing permanently phyllosilicates labradorite devitrification attribute emergent submicroscopic thoroughly highlighted photosynthesis duplication encountered framboidal 0704001 trondhjemite 3s4 ammonium botogol bubble culminating cylinder dwars doganse emii fissure gossan hindered lomie mirror moldanub nelson nannihu village vivallo xiaobe zangbo ##aisian ##otriletes ##zaoglu ##foliation thomas alberta reinterpreted stabilized answer chihuahua chichindaro chongjiang shikazono metapelite seventy seabrook diapir unpublished clockwise abnormally constructed prevailed prerequisite undulose undisturbed noticeable florida micrographs ultrason vermaak monotonous petersen manufacture rhythmic clinopy profoundly glomerop metallurgical excavated porphyrocl quadrant rosette reorganization mylonitized discontinuity glaciers manifests virginia nist612 ribeira algorithm metagreywacke pioneering byproduct disconformity unambiguously 53cr aachen besshi baghouse cromwell csob dusting downdip doped doutch dazi dharwar daintree emmons email foster fifty hildebrand hackney hitherto hinchey iodp jsfz jensen kouda kyser kansanshi krapez karelia konkola lentz lopolith lincang lombaard mortar mungall miscibility nfr ninety ptsns pike rızaoglu ruthenium raleigh sivas sanshui tasmania tagil uwg uqac u3o8 vsmow wasserburg yanez ##dungra inguaran inhomogene toplis tournaisian thuddungra decanted isobaric asbolane betsi beakers beaudoin anglo chicoutimi sullivan graupner disparate onverwacht shamva shackleton hawea quartzofeldspathic metaquartz resorption ##chondritic goldstar nordbayern clavo mooihoek interspersed spessartine subgreenschist ##iaozi nepheline artifact arizona arbitrary betheno prendergast reprecipit epitaxially genalysis grevesse lithophysaes up193fx trajectory monoclinic ultrabasic discoveries supercooling supercritical tectonometamorphic magnitudes hornfels manitoba liquefaction photographed diffusivity boulangerite ga115 logarithmic williamstown microporphyry capanema smirnov huilongyu macfarlane daigneault macrodykes nanyangtian pseudomorphed pinatubo filamentous uzbekistan mushketovite suspended δ7lisolid unmetamorphosed jiapigoubenqu megabreccias lanthanide unreasonably squeezed montgomery lepidocrocite chelmsford electrostatic aguablanca microdistillation karamadazı cinnabar ##phaeridium dogansehir moldanubian xiaobeigou 003 1d 1σ 2s 2f 2to 2log 2s2 2nb 3h 3y 3g 3f 310 3log 33s 4e 4h 4g 4ag 410 480 440 416 5e 510 5fe 540 512 513 5h2o 6e 6d 6f 6li 63c 7i 7g 716 880 820 840 980 9s8 ao ay aes aas airc airs aiding akin ahead bd bent bac brom bain bad bian biv bioc bare bays bind bone brand bourn baux cw cel coc cum cia cip cale camb cags din dred dyn dura dimer drove eh eg ease ende emin eluvial emmon fre fle fid fow fts fies fong falc fso fount feng fits facts frim fumar firm gt gy g4 ged gol gul gly got gab gue gort gore gering gilg ganz hop hue hug hark hira hoch hagem henes hco3 ican iug jus jian jels jsm jung jimber jinshan kr kor kis kel kod kam kase kri kie kav kara kend keb koong kings kerr kuller kakan lc lm lit lul lus lil lot liz let lib lill lad list lue lach logn lists lope lna liles longe mj mph mog mong m00 mack meng mca mird muller n0 nel nase nun nip nose node nodes og om oen oil oma ozer pw puc pamp pong pang pange pix pidge pima pinches qing qiu qlp r1 rhe rin ren rar rif rage rix rake rup ross rgr rational roy r14 rigorous roux ss s6 sø son sle sith stic sab sam sred seld sak sale sob sided sits sanger satis sgs tos tall tene tular tund tanz tsc tips talb uh uit urad vl v2 ven viz vass vess vented vents vinho venti vcs wr wi wy war wur wher wake wox woll w19 x7 xun xiti xiang yal yud york yao ymz zb zeng zald zaf zwart ##l1 ##lı ##los ##lus ##lides ##lers ##lob ##lomer ##loric ##lana ##lpoort ##ste ##suring ##stek ##stein ##eu ##etric ##eman ##whe ##win ##wite ##with ##washan ##wishi ##ha ##hg ##hb ##hk ##hro ##hab ##hold ##hills ##have ##rd ##r3 ##rit ##rase ##rill ##run ##rime ##rasion ##riding ##nation ##nus ##nick ##nier ##nett ##di ##din ##dna ##ply ##probe ##parer ##azo ##ahi ##away ##afe ##tus ##tter ##top ##tton ##tug ##tville ##toushan ##iop ##iogenic ##iagite ##oh ##oul ##ouring ##oort ##ompl ##oep ##okes ##oks ##oime ##uz ##uic ##uate ##uiz ##ugm ##urated ##uitive ##uters ##uformation ##uvil ##uitively ##uosa ##cg ##cite ##colite ##cross ##cote ##cked ##cceed ##zn ##zyl ##zman ##zek ##zhang ##zadeh ##ztug ##yb ##yk ##yf ##yta ##yishan ##gg ##gon ##gne ##gant ##gine ##gren ##gcas ##gressive ##gabbro ##gnate ##vate ##vue ##vites ##vsky ##viron ##5c ##55 ##5s8 ##46 ##41 ##4ni ##bu ##bit ##ban ##bite ##bow ##brom ##bous ##bale ##bau ##bax ##basite ##bray ##bilities ##mg ##mar ##mel ##mog ##map ##mised ##mines ##mans ##moy ##miaozi ##kα ##knd ##kor ##kas ##kite ##kow ##kart ##kau ##kker ##korn ##kabor ##kayan ##21 ##2se ##xd ##xin ##xia ##xiao ##73 ##7sm ##7gd ##627 ##95 ##91 ##fine ##fang ##fo2 ##farb ##1f ##jes ##jarn ##just ##3o4 ##æstek ##heen ##heres ##helms ##heili ##tex ##tect ##test ##onc ##onally ##onia ##onberg ##onbridge ##iner ##inas ##inis ##inel ##inted ##inment ##inution ##inct ##inisation ##inately ##inata ##inator ##integ ##inants ##inert ##rel ##rea ##reim ##reated ##rell ##repres ##rerill ##tid ##tik ##tier ##tious ##tiago ##titization ##ndar ##ndbl ##erley ##errat ##eno ##environ inn inel insp inger inval inwards informal inherent inliers inert intimate ##arin ##arked ##arju ##arrig ##aratus ##ortion ##oring ##orically ##oritoid ##orov ##orious ##organ ##orova ##ica ##iceous ##icratonic ##iculi ##roded ##rogra ##rophyric ##rovian ##itc ##itor ##itos ##itog ##itates ##itance ##itana ##itching ##itories ##ansion ##anca ##anchang ##ede ##eded ##edman ##edee ##asp ##asu ##astr ##aster ##astite ##aston ##asian ##ashor ##osal ##osely ##osited ##osities ##osits ##rave ##razek ##iser ##isable ##isphaeridium ##isjes ##oli ##olis ##olet ##olla ##atly ##atant ##aturing ##atogenic ##lek ##leted ##lewoodite ##idro ##idization ##idad ##idized ##idually ##idaz ##idda ##ulu ##ulite ##ulph ##ulif ##agar ##agne tot tops touret touz thres thins thio thund tho2 thayer ##entric ##mpimp ##ocally ##ochemically ##ocque ##oclinal ##ocrase ##ocolla ##ithme ##ushan ##usible ##usispora ##usotriletes deer dech dealt deforms dehb isa isomorph isov isodynamic isidro coming coax codel coff cognate ##urally ##urity ##urized alter alog aliqu alric alax cone conod conch congl conrad ##acal ##acate ##acam ##actis ##iger ##igneous ##igured reag retr reten reappear reeco reanaly retains force forces forno forster arenite ##trical ##trip betic bekker ##owing ##owall ##urer ##romator ##vec ##vember ##ilic ##ilton minis minter minable minden minera ##eralkaline ##atibly ##tstown ##hermak maur maot maand maqu maung maastr ##otal ##othed ##otach ##otover ##imited ##imeng ##imba succeed sundbl ##outs ##seong mineralic ##omechan ##eting ##etah stp stal stan stag stain stay stark stars stoff stresses ances angm anode an60 ##opres ##opartic ##lucent ##luca ##lumo ##lumaz cha chack chrys chills chai ##ysite atten atacam ##ifants ##ifangshan compact compens compli compressed compares compartment computers competing ##ressively ##eces rocky ##ticable ##geux ##geqi ##ods ##ody ##odity ##ichtian prohib ##ables ##abases ##abilization ##ograms exert exerc exerted exfoliation grams graca graham graphe gravime ##throp disreg disks disinteg ##umiao ##umasu quil orb shine shay shared shaw shashor shotover ##ibia ##amme ##amora ##amaker ##amothermal ##amundi ##malab formulated zonations haigou ##neux ##ucl ##ucial oreti ##teness ##tensen ##iesner quartzitic ##andine ##andstone ##andzadeh fluvi ##allon cry ##ppard figue ##quend ##quera ##anto ##anton ##antang ##antina magmatogenic ##inea ##inement ##onglomer incon incised metad metamic reside resisted fluidized hyll hymap seas sever severed season ##utable ##utla ##utinga ##pland ##play ##plane tetera ##asets ##asemi sampler ##enekal ##chi ##chambers ##chloric colon colors colours colluvium ##izations diach dioritoid ##assay relates relied relax unst unbur unspec unox unbi unifying uneconomic ##tonics ##aines ##lest hydrom hydrate goldfarb hydrolog hydroflu hydrobrom hydrochloric norry norway cl2 clampton gets moist moves mofz mooime fails farell feel feij featuring interrupt interlob interplay compose sp01 sp02 sponge abio aborted abrasion abiogenic ##rier ##riks consumed subun submitted subplanar sublithospheric subchambers indio indist indium indoch indiana indurated ##weight pressing ##racing ##racting ##illan volspruit elegant ##iada ##000 ##00x intricate neill neogene nearer neatly ##adan ##angite ##anginian arv arm arund arising arises arithme bases loci locate locating ##spora leo lehr levit lending leimeng collecting ##canes heap heaz heights lately ##ivered ##iveira cue cun cu2 cube cupro cukα ensuring carhu carbar carleton cartier prem preto preval preference prevec valanginian porphyrite ##forts ##forward formationc formationand formationcons formationhave ##unshan ##unched ##erson silva pardo parrish paridaz ##ipment ##ipoort calcium modder usage ##ape ##apatite ##apatu maran marinova maritana databases datasets ##ronoritic ##ouri volcanoclastic ##centration ##forma adits ##so4 ##soid ##sored ##soft ##aki ##akub sugary acet acting acute acrit carbonand carbonized register reputed replumaz obo object obrazek ##iances completion bell belem indices ##tratal ##trative noting notorious mainand maintained overly overwhe overriding aging agand agcl agrees agno3 agency agents aggressive wherever ##genous epr epd eps1 undep metric meek meinert meurer inclined pb10 ##ella perform pertain percep perspec perthite peroxide percen perubar pericratonic ##ivar complexing complexly mayum volcanicand somewhere geng scor scott scaled scaling ##arna analysing pool poore pokorn larocque michen chalcoph twyf greiner ##ondyl ##esta ##estine ##estjarn prn prices præstek lithocl serv serro serve hematiteand zirconolite zirconium fractal ##olevsk novel nobles november noamundi flame flatter flaps flora melanges melestjarn variables apparatus twofold pgemineral amu amdo amanda sourcing presentation surges surmised blown blowing ##ensides ##ensson cave caves cairn caulif ##max southampton commun comminution commodity replacive skiagite skidda geologie accent accidental accompl speciation 10to 10nis observe characters olimp olifants oliveira containers treat treated underand afc implement impeded biotitization ##ieb ##ieber ##iefl ##tryoidal ##achi traps eventual ##atings hosler limon limonitic grouping ##avia iggcas geocentric microsp microorgan microsoft corn correg corner corgne cortex corroded slide slides slates sliding slave rhomb mantos mantled carbonateand ##hof kmag km11 km106 uraniferous tech ##atharra crystallites crystallised shel shen sheaf sheppard ##sibly timmer proposes smallest refractive refinement ##otect vermic vergent pyritization pyritised derive orocline contention contentious ##berger ##yness monoch monash ##tah arcuate ##iquid ##iquely exploring oslo equipment pd2 discer discount orogenies apiculi ##ogenically ##2o4 develops outok outpo 182 181 1800 1850 1880 18osmow schoch schiff schonberg schieber generalizations matters matric maturity barra barium barram barrick barrovian baragar ##retusispora sulfuric foil foote foowall superchondritic supercote eskabor setup redbed ferromag tectonites tectonothermal magnitog sequester horsc drum drying driesner dryness ##eposits remarks reminis remarked ##denburg pend peop peura peking peedee dissecting displacing placing oxidizes mgand manque mankayan analyte analytically analyze translucent pluming plucked postulating ##rysts 13e leastand dolomitisation decision decade decarb deckart colliding ##lower ##loway ti2o tiantang stein stewart 15e 154 157gd deflation dolomiteand rivera infills inflated infolded elena eliop expands expulsion expansion 194 1924 describing fines fining paleod ##rison precipitator patch patrick sericiteand footwalls opens identific salinas westmore westfal molyneux oxygenated so4 sof sohn soknd soheili ##sequential conditionally ##inawite lineages ##ishti argues ##tifying ##onsolidated mineralogists reportedly 124 122 126 ##hens transposition arsenide arsenical mesched mesoto mesoscale self ##hesne sulpharsenides ceob ceases ce2o3 longgang longtoushan curv curvi probabil potra potrerill generates ##keted ##keys alkalis 147sm euxin normalization lapland launched laforma ##osporites ##ospinel measura petrop petdat suppl suppose synand ##kesworth experts ##gli ##glas arsenopyrites arsenopyrite2 millig sphalerite1 305 304 302 307 308 309 intends activate activation porters 114 11b 118 116 ##tersdorp homoclinal invaded identifiable mulgine clearing clearer msl1 mtdna zns programs clinochl δ18osmow δ18owater ##burn ##burgite dissolving dissolve bedard multiply initiating ##ustration photo photochemically 390 concur metasandstone μm2 μm3 ##robes ##robands bring brun brugm nai nafz solidify solidifying combine combines 167 kauformation ##co2 albian ##nessite diffus ##titut garnetand boztug botryoidal bulgar bulaway bulbous ending endmemb endoskarn 00000 radium equilibrate equilibrates ##ractionated recognisable downth downlo anorthitic anorthoclase tried triang ##enga reductive galmoy pyrop gabbroid ##vais counters countries council fourto fourier fourteen fournier insight institut plateaus pau try trust ##ophyta ##roportion dravite drape draped ##lman ##ossenekal negro collisions degassed affects polycrystalline polybasite ##inders biorad gutry guinea ##endonk peaked hfw hfses summing electronics offers selectively phenocrystic 239 233 23na effort efforts anywhere preserving works worksh homogenes homogenised observable progresses ##ambo ##ambu comparative mn4 mn2 mn3 metallotect individually pollen polito confident configu angola paragraph waifangshan loose loosely drainages illustration borra laval uplifting ##ographically respiration timings radiating 254 contaminations contaminants subsiding substratal ##arping labs nonto nonmag nonius ##aev ##aipla ferrodi ferrogabbro drivers ##okan ##oking jump baoshan devoted criticisms playing chloritisation chlorapatite luhr luzhi luku ##grams dividing swan switch switching mediumand 224 226 223 2252 ##oxylation ##102 photomicrogra fabrica versa ##grs releases 3000 701 7052 7039 7063 7046 bayan duchesne ##itoids hallberg hallbau 1874 1870 papua stringy intersects northwestto oriental diameters heaviest silvermines magnesior ##ledged technological technische lensand narryer narbale microprobes passes passage sharpness earthy penny cobbles gradations ##amics beams delimited delivered ##borne ##borazo ##8056 correlative 3600n freshest positioning tao tail tapped ##voite restrictions huashan ouro thermomechan unconformities muscovites 244 242 private interstices influences 268 narrows coupling greenhills arguing 276 2715 2752 2745 lambert mudban 1990 90zr farrow farallon otter minimized statement inducing 293 granulitic whiteness whitehor removes demonstrating macra macrobands economics yangchun differentiates 352 roossenekal coincidental oceanography xenomorphic archive coexists coexisted illustrative gashes ##umpu 18ov barnico malacate ##juhua converge breaking stephens simplistic simplicity santiago ##scape accessed accessories 865 864 cataly viewpo offsetting solubilities 285 284 287 ##ovskaya diamantina superimposing chimimba chimborazo subvertically replenished linearity photography ##toral leucite leucodiorite leucoto esmyang 75as daily operates popular δdwater protocumulates kalassay sinuous tianj plasmalab flats reactivity brownish mortensen moraines morrison behaved hypoco hyperalkaline regards 345 342 346 bleaching digest tongues conclusively assessments constants argillite kyzyl sidewall heterogranular heterogenous 215 370 3752 campanian nnwand turnover empa empty nanoscale nanopartic nanambu rao rapp raised s1b cubes pseudomorphic pseudotach bald balane pelon w27 ##drum favors 319 joins joined joining mcu mcg mcin mcgow linkage linkam ophitic scanned 1884 015 017 6500 65cu easiest naturally vice subordinated subordinately quantitatively md13 visually magnetically incompatibly segregations energies grd griff grigor ##aurs causal exceptional 382 38ar film films filters simulation ##naird reader reconcentration uniformity extremes 335 burst burtville fibre antiforms ##ogranitic analogue 120o 34sh2s 855 kilbr kilograms necks rotational zeolite zeiss ##ekreim synto douglas lags lagarrig murck ##ulfide needle approval approached transgress transgressively 055 444 441 89y 894 idocrase molnar mollus qfp tornos ##125 isolate isolation makeup fluorinated fluorination subdivide contemporary 325 damingshan hook convey exceeds derivative derivatives behaves 074 cp1 creede nkana songma lithicand selenous seleniferous surveyed necessitates conventionally holling holocrystalline holloway panel sieve yinzh ##adeite experience chimiwungu 065 064 069 745 746 embracing sustained percolate paleoge monzodioriteand monzodioriteto 431 674 678 knox mosquera mottling nineteen tubular thirds chilean sparsely truncating requirement requirements immobilized 558 picrites splits ##iffraction fluxing feeding feedback obliquely dynamics saaipla inheritance ##ispheres ##ispondyl anatase repeat 208u excludes 688 denzh emu lightest ratelpoort ##nihe 588 bench benham bennett cadia fired fimpimp ##ozonal ##osulfate stretch extrusion enveloping megaz 472 470 47ti 77se 7730 7700x buffers buffering hg11 podiform ##s22 connecting connections connectivity shanghang shangfang shields springer spreadshe underlined discriminated discriminant brightness emphasis reconstit 425 423 berberian hamilton kenorland losero robat ##hmandzadeh undetect supercontinents transmittedand boxwork unmixed cyclicity 545 543 576 635 ceramics cropping certainty ##espo ##ariate ##oscopic unreal unreactive unrepres presume prefers exploits exploiting ##skoe syngenetically reconstructing 822 autlan donggou dongxiang master masked wille wilhelms ##loot ##logeux ##ecahedral quarter obviously helped himalaya 025 49ti 4987 566 666 66zn 734 737 735to kuiti persists personal acceleration saltation saltating synchron synchysite combusted palaeoge 592 596 696 branco branched brancanes fitting ##awa ##18o andradites comments clarity clarified clarify clarifying spanning 1975 1978 1976 numbered ##jiazuiz 484 eumseong forearc ##oplots resistate neighbour lepanto lepispheres melanocratic 2010a 140ce geothermometry embayed bouldery turbidite turbiditic 469 514 destabilization echinata gj15 hangzhou lisheen pumiceous ##ruent intact occupying adds recalculation recalculating montbray settled backscatter huangnihe 094 096 784 bravoite fossilized gongju mwl watkeys shoshonite spiked ferricyanide orthogonal orthogonally synchronously substitutions clausthal 970 gorgon kerman troughs yamarna ##po4 ##book ascertain engulf inferring cleaning discussing universal universally smokey smoothed pseudoreef pumiceand fingerprinting 642 986 ddh74 tank tanana wiscons asymmetry complicates correctly mobilizing icpmsdat devolatization attempts lepidophyta 005 008 virlogeux ##reccia ##eriite supersaturated disruption electromag market propagate esperanca lamellar klondike miarolites zimbabwean 7219 aims aimed amberley billion eluant houshmandzadeh nbs98 nbs21 piggy rpm wuyi wuzhou wuzhang wuyishan ##ontinuous ##queira hybrids parameter paucispondyl beneficial rietveld everywhere rustenburgite 88sr bronzite palladiferous sylvite tamara ##nsenite ##vitably ##komst argentiferous referring refertil escaped 141pr concern concerning concerned albanian remobilised remobilizing hematitization hematitized victorian 8100 bollman kinds putahi portable sx50 wanaka youjiang ##ridge ##olumetric towns resorb obliterate screen screened straightforward trachytic slickensides km062 km092 ##otectonics plumbotectonics chromatographic 1967 predictions periodicity empirically boudinage idealized fundamentally 084 buddin gouges gondwan habits misrepres vitrophyric ##salik ##aff ##after algae challenges projects crucially metawacke metaigneous unsu unsaturated hydroxylation sphene abandonment ensures acquiring surpac 105pd 101ru improve precludes precluded microdiffraction stereographic stereoplots 165ho organized visualisation visualised visualise condensor condensed ellipse elliptical ellipses ellipsoidal conspicuously underestimate underestimates allochthonous arabian alexo famous family hulan hulbert kinnaird landmark landscape michigan tss22 vibrating vapors ##nyaya ##archs ##oclastite dehydrated isoplot isoprime receive receiv chronostratigraphic extrapol extrapolation disposed disputed disproportion disappears geographically absorber flooding 106pd dolerites 1862 decoupled eliminated garnetiferous promotes pulveriser disturbances smoothly abbreviation bracketed flexure flexural flexuosa grove hsu hietah jinduic mutually niccolite pearcite pellet s3pd xingxing ##ailable ##encies ##agshoek ##agssalik tomography conduct conductive bended bending annually annealed hawai hawkesworth happens enlargement imperative impinged impinging 139la decimetreto meshwork sandsloot multicollection concretion 175lu huizenga rootless cataclastically harrison entrapped entrainment electrodeposition 796 ejections fifteen friedman khao karak kotov landslides n150 russian svr3 svensson ttn xinzhai yanwashan ##hausen thousand courtb coordination coordinate ##imahi metapelitic spacings maintaining transformations 1940s millimetreto integrating 163dy 178hf counterint divisions swells petrochemistry kevitsa 7500a protocrust protocratonic grasvally reconciled unequivocally recommendations 3feinsilicate 511125 banmiaozi candidate chemists hatched holders jotunites kolmog kurum lindgren matured sherlock shervais sweet tolman tentative venture wakapatu ##cdt ##ormality washington unraveling unravelling geolaspro heinrich enables straddling 205tl 2096 survive desulfidation hornblendes 1123 nappes substitutes ductility symmetrical flyschoid klerk unrecognised portuguese tributary encompassing encompasses verrucosus camebax dramatic gnpa gdg jenner kα1 korea latsky lubwe ocular ocelli sibao sibumasu tml tinge umangite valleriite wengeqi ##nesian ##iredo ##cript ##guen ##628 coagulated retusotriletes stubs prompts proceeded quesquend wholly whitish ##orphyritic feototal intercepted subtype agglomerate grenvill 20c2 territories redeposited redissolved ferguson 153eu paleotopographic optimal standstill britain 166er 172yb glauconitic ga188 permanent phyllosilicate labrador devitrified nucleii attributable tongshanling unevenly highlighting photosynthetic duplicated encounter framboids 0704003 centrifuged trondhjem baijuhua baijiazuiz crest crests dictated fraser fedorova feco3 ghasemi henan hitzman hitachi jacutinga kranendonk kongling mccrea miki pz27 peneplane practicable ramberg rudnick routine routinely td8056 wmbs wanni wannamaker yongping ##gowra ##2507 inefficient inevitably thiosulfate stromatactis champion champagne at37 at31 quirt quiruvil hampered contradict stripy geomorphological movements interfering intriguing intriguingly article articles hendriks henderson bellevue scotland scottish micrometers upsur upside updated matsu manuscript translates optimized optimize participation governed dissociate dissociation envisioned 169tm nonmarine semiconsolidated semicontinuous edifice edifices aquifer aquifers 2735 retrogression retrogressed mcmaster mcmillan pathfinder pathfinders hypotheses splitting herberton herbertstown ku27627 ku27628 ddh804 impingement reinforcing vvr39 perturbation 0704015 0704022 cartoon cartoons overestimation interconnection websterite acknowledge acknowledged corroborate corroborated 6202 bjekreim bisulfide bilishti birnessite bunbury cesium cosi darwin dimin dodecahedral emanating fuchsite grinding h3po4 herald humid lydenburg ligands language mp1 mvt menzie messina merged ningwu pieces pushed payne rastered sargaz sagging tillites udokan walker wustite yuanxiao inundated ##elaar touchang thirty declining almandine alizarin concepts convincing reopening mahimahi chh01 chinamora compatibility exemplified disorder dislocation shaken vegetation crinoidal incongruent methane hyaloclastite reliability unfractionated unavailable george feasible ablating substances subjects intrinsic arrival carbide caraca admixture overcome skinned afeosil imprint traverses ##avlovskoe microcrysts microlithons microanalyses microveinlets designated montserrat monomict plagiogranite outgassed steadily defects expeditions 1950s sandwiched laurite laojunshan portrays caledonia pyramids conflicting wairakau nonnenworth solvent earthquakes 2785 amygdales rooipoort malleable pelagic johannsenite volatilized 0384 sulfoselenide hypothetical saussuritisation phosphorus attesting ripple pigeon 109753 km061f sweeping shuikoushan cataclasis diapiric ultrasonic clinopyxene glomeroporphyritic porphyroclasts fosterville inhomogeneity metaquartzites reprecipitated 3logafe 63cu ayutla airstrip bianchi bivariate bioclastic bindura bournonite bauxite celestine cocos cumming cipw calendar cambridge dredges dynamothermal eminers fiducial fowlers ftsch fiesta fongen falconbridge fso2 fountain frimmel gyfz gollumo gulch gueguen gortdrum geringer harker hochste hagemann heneshk icanche iugs jelsma junggar jimberlana kisters kasemann kieft kavital keban kullerud kakanui lmyr littoral lulworth lizardite letters libr laden lachlan lognormality lopez longevity mongol mackinawite mirdita nelkow naseby nunat nipah omaui pucella pampa pongkor pangea pidgeon rarity rifean rossing royal sødalen sonju sleeman sithole sticky sabal samail srednyaya seldom sobolevsk sangerhausen tenement tulargen tundra tanzania tschermak talbot uitkomst ventersdorp vassallo ventilation wakefield woxi wollaston xunwu xitian yalgowra yudovskaya zbh zaldivar zwartfontein ##hrov ##parerua ##oulos ##4ni5s8 ##environment inspired informally ##ravebjerg ##isjesfontein touzain threshold thunder dechow dehbid isomorphous isovolumetric coaxial codelco coffinite alog10 alaxa conchoidal retrieved reappearance reanalyzed forsterite maotanchang maandagshoek maungparerua maastrichtian succeeded sundblad ancestral angmagssalik ##opressure chacko chrysocolla atacamite compliant compartmental graphene disregarded disintegrated shayakub shashorin figueiredo hyllingen diachronous relaxation unstable unburnt unspecific unbiased hydrologic hydrofluoric hydrobromic mooimeisjesfontein farellones feijao interlobate abiotic subunit indistinct indochina arundian arithmetic lehrman leimengou heazlewoodite cuprous carhuaz prevalence formationconsists paridazong modderfontein acritarchs belemnite notoriously overwhelm undepleted meekatharra pb105c perspective percentile poorer pokorny michenerite twyfelaar præstekravebjerg lithoclasts noblesse pgemineralized cairncross cauliflower skiddaw olimpiada implementation microorganisms corrego km114 timmermans vermiculite monochromator apiculiretusispora outokumpu outpouring schiffries matrices barramundi supercotectic eskaborner redbeds ferromagnesian magnitogorsk horscroft reminiscent decarboxylation eliopoulos identifications westmoreland westfalische sohnge sokndal meschede potrerillos euxinic petropavlovskoe petdatabase msl1102 clinochlore brugmann kauformationnn bulgaria bulawayan endmember pyrope workshop confidently configuration nonmagnetic luzhijiang photomicrogragh hallbauer narbalek pennyweight thermomechanical mudbank whitehorse barnicoat viewpoints esmyangene hypocoatings 37521 nanoparticles pseudotachylitic mcgowan griffin kilbride lagarrigue yinzhubu saaiplaas denzhigou fimpimpa shangfanggou spreadsheet undetectable palaeogeographic montbrayite gorgonisphaeridium wisconsin icpmsdatacal electromagnetic nbs987 piggyback wuzhangshan paucispondylus buddini disproportionation hietaharju jinduicheng xingxingxia courtbrown kolmogorov quesquenda grenvillian baijuhuajian baijiazuizi td8056a quiruvilca yuanxiaotian gollumoides hochstetter nelkowski sobolevskite wollastonite shayakubov 0d 010 080 011 090 004 1e 1g 1f 1is 1the 1rob 1clifford 2e 2o 2ag 2and 2ma 211 2si 2fes 2o4 2fes2 3i 3m 3j 3ra 3ma 380 3s2 3o2 3fes2 3rd 4s 4r 4p 4m 4th 411 4fe 420 412 415 418 4h2o 4o2 4pi 4clifford 4fes2 5h 5n 5p 5o 5and 5con 5to 515 5nis 6r 6n 630 640 612 613 618 6h2o 6clifford 7e 7n 7li 730 760 790 713 718 714 7pd 8e 8h 8p 8m 8f 8h2o 8o2 9d 9f 930 990 9fes ae a4 a6 aq aj aro aid aph ace aran aist azo aish arand a20 awa akan ahar aumin auck akas bs bg b4 bate bure bou bally bak bjor bund babb bris bier bram b10 bann bfz bump bams bsz bomb baker baga cv c4 cq cig cred cir cyp cnt cites cels ciss ches casts c50 cosp cco cfe cerr csi celer ctot ccd cgd cosm canga cyanide dl dh dt d5 dos dart dang dron dto dmm dren dough dund dub dental dust dup deng dug dales dfz dump drem darling dorm dna dhr dals dwell dabe dodd dream dahong dumb dpm dorland dmax eo ec e1 eot eigh eun earn eina eda ethan eucl fp fy f5 fk fis fim fse fand fain fles fick flying fals fisons faint frost fusible gv gis gil gph glu gres gth gall gir gene gast gome ghan gush gps gathered gbs gams getter glet gigan gasses gieb hb hin hes hly hec hins hell hie hob hots herg hamb hoform hidal hester hinder hso4 ic ior iic iat iib iand ital iolite ips ilf itera jp ji jb jor jing jel jou jab jins jct jav jord job jub jons jcp jana jones jami joff jaf jumb james jadeite kı kes kro kos kid kent kog kum kib kne kad kell kens kord kho kep kory kather kuf kino k10 kuk kata kars ksz kunt korn krig kola kdl kont karelian kister kiel kumar kcg ll ls lh lor ling lid lif lne lally lut lain lull lak lde lund lgm lta lasts lomal loph listing lof lodg lifted leca lodd lester mh mot myr mart mgh mio mian mond mish muf muff muan myan mishan mission mplaty mpd mbx nr nt ny nte nti nes nid nag nation nil nom nich nold nik nav nons nug nung nurn n40 nsw nabil nyst n25 nags nishik n45 n70 nading n55 n95 n000 oy oran oand oso oven ook oolitic ozone oulu pc px p7 phe pte ping pra page pne pain pnt pso pediment pater push pause pina peng pug pung pind pfa psi pavlov panton pco2 q2 qib q30 q29 rc rg r4 r3 ron rit rol ration rts rins rant ried riv rick rie rating rhen romp rug rodd rifts r63 ruck s4 ses sac sure som sich spp sally say sight sort sav seren stit satter seng soles sarm sorp sah sari s52 sags sonic sister sika seno t2 tx tal tate tith tig tiz tce tum tant told tut trou tain tace tio tard tale tarn tsen trin tyl tca turmal tsr tishan tunc toll tlan tagh tambo ur uc u4 u6 ure ull urag uo2 uo3 ueno utah vn vp vy vb v3 ved vag vim vys vab vred vand vad vision v2o3 vau velle vba vugh v96 vokes vcdt wf w3 wes went wab wran want wud wack wond wren wish wbs wmi wgb wrap winter wetter wo3 wads wpr w44 warping wadeite xg xb xian xist xue xinc xh2o xichang xco2 ys yc ying yag yiz your yak yav ycl yug yonc zw zx z1 z3 zin zor zed zas zwe zie zach zara zind zeb zaw zij ð18o α1 γnd δr δ57 μx оen со єs єf ##lv ##lid ##lac ##lles ##liment ##lict ##lance ##lps ##laman ##liao ##lidge ##litsa ##liquid ##sn ##sb ##sin ##sted ##suc ##sence ##sio ##sian ##sites ##sden ##sors ##shu ##sug ##shi ##sburg ##selves ##steen ##saturation ##ssal ##sidian ##silicate ##spla ##ea ##ei ##ey ##eg ##eite ##eve ##eter ##eph ##eom ##eity ##eism ##eterm ##eberg ##eanic ##eks ##e10 ##eiro ##efort ##euro ##eaks ##egang ##wi ##wb ##wer ##wed ##wul ##wand ##wates ##word ##wyn ##wob ##wered ##wah ##wares ##wave ##werth ##wash ##wett ##w07 ##warping ##h2 ##h3 ##hon ##hre ##hal ##his ##hat ##hall ##high ##hch ##hyp ##hud ##hik ##hue ##hites ##htin ##hach ##hual ##hme ##hara ##harite ##haj ##hagen ##hiefer ##hicles ##hube ##ras ##riz ##rran ##rut ##rical ##riched ##rittle ##ruous ##r2o4 ##ng ##net ##nment ##nall ##nut ##nad ##nik ##nak ##nard ##nest ##nie ##nore ##note ##naceous ##nesite ##nada ##nesse ##notation ##niston ##nagh ##nakh ##nomelane ##nochl ##nica ##natant ##dow ##dom ##dable ##dang ##dren ##dites ##derite ##dgl ##dosh ##diorite ##py ##pte ##por ##pure ##pts ##pher ##pou ##part ##pins ##pir ##pong ##pour ##piment ##poly ##pious ##press ##plun ##prising ##passed ##pelli ##aa ##aan ##aol ##aib ##aous ##aine ##aign ##aust ##afz ##awh ##aoz ##afloor ##aont ##aiba ##tk ##tation ##tou ##tock ##tod ##tine ##torite ##tad ##tland ##tory ##tke ##tung ##tgr ##tno ##tarc ##tje ##twoodite ##tnet ##ios ##iate ##iat ##ipl ##iature ##iating ##iels ##iuch ##ipping ##ihi ##iences ##iometer ##iye ##ioglu ##iples ##iqi ##i2o4 ##oo ##oon ##oen ##otion ##oom ##oho ##ohedral ##oqui ##oeb ##oula ##ojarvi ##ooked ##ooming ##oeg ##uo ##ued ##uing ##uis ##uation ##uge ##utite ##uration ##upp ##uates ##uinity ##urand ##util ##uyan ##ujarvi ##uohe ##uitous ##uhmann ##uinely ##uayan ##ugli ##c5 ##cx ##cin ##cer ##cro ##cul ##cion ##cet ##cock ##calc ##cast ##cio ##cipit ##cris ##cai ##cope ##cribed ##colites ##crip ##cospora ##croft ##cibia ##cnochl ##zz ##zte ##zon ##zes ##zen ##zam ##zne ##zand ##zri ##zinc ##zitite ##zno ##zometer ##zburg ##zsch ##zenge ##ym ##yot ##yres ##ych ##yell ##yenite ##yana ##yox ##yko ##yagite ##ymmetry ##ga ##gat ##gul ##gur ##gment ##gles ##gers ##gell ##gory ##gram ##gung ##gner ##gai ##gdu ##gxi ##giant ##gress ##gave ##gasite ##ggy ##gorsk ##vp ##vb ##vos ##vis ##vene ##vare ##vented ##vina ##vise ##vapor ##vrogen ##v74 ##vospinel ##51 ##5pb ##47 ##439 ##bw ##bb ##bro ##bag ##bus ##bop ##bich ##but ##bad ##bull ##bach ##bors ##boric ##bara ##bits ##bane ##bald ##bird ##bnerite ##bents ##baoshan ##baker ##baran ##bows ##banding ##mn ##md ##mt ##m3 ##mos ##mat ##mid ##mou ##mse ##met ##mous ##mad ##mard ##mond ##moth ##mens ##mach ##mically ##mately ##mons ##mara ##minate ##mli ##micular ##mission ##mura ##meca ##matitic ##m25 ##marks ##mushan ##kos ##kel ##kid ##kou ##kum ##kamp ##kitic ##kites ##kox ##klo ##kola ##kwood ##kdal ##kava ##kspruit ##2d ##2b ##23 ##2te ##2cl ##213 ##262 ##2100 ##266 ##2hg ##05 ##06 ##xon ##xue ##xial ##x2d ##76 ##71 ##7to ##730 ##713 ##7s8 ##700n ##86 ##8200 ##825 ##65 ##67 ##644 ##641 ##997 ##qing ##qiang ##qigou ##qingshan ##fi ##fg ##fit ##fart ##fran ##fri ##four ##found ##fusive ##ferred ##fshan ##fring ##fley ##fract ##fying ##ffe ##fals ##fluvial ##fs2 ##flex ##fspruit ##figured ##1m ##198 ##173 ##1sb ##176 ##ja ##jer ##jite ##jing ##jel ##jver ##jud ##jack ##jie ##jina ##jana ##jirc ##jaur ##jinshan ##jhab ##jwah ##3a ##34 ##37 ##38 ##33 ##3ln ##355 ##3000 ##ıoglu ##εnd ##hend ##heated ##hever ##heating ##helf ##hevsky ##hepong ##tem ##teca ##tempor ##texis theta theme theba thessal ##onas ##onts ##onom ##ontite ##onides ##onto ##onbi ##onald ##onotriletes ##onsored ##iny ##inin ##inar ##inan ##inos ##inage ##inally ##inting ##inable ##inides ##inative ##inberg ##inarily ##inchang ##inigan ##invaara ##inavia ##rek ##reud ##reats ##reoli ##refring ##tied ##tise ##tiges ##tist ##tierite ##tita ##tives ##titive ##tison ##tispora ##tiqueira ##tieite ##ndt ##ali ##alen ##alab ##ality ##alized ##alak ##alities ##alup ##alara ##alone ##alova ##alabor ##alakw ##alillo ##alkid ##esz ##eses ##eser ##esan ##esine ##estions ##eschist ##eshi ##estones ##estead ##escribed ##ertion ##eran ##erate ##erus ##eries ##erization ##erable ##ertained ##erisp ##erua ##erkop ##erhof ##ener ##enit ##enig ##enow ##enia ##entive ##enko ##enriched ##enkamp and12 andreoli inac inform inability informed inade inactive inxd inaa ingress ##arz ##arag ##arve ##arts ##arted ##arad ##arian ##arches ##arov ##arching ##orter ##orum ##orient ##orogenic ##oramic ##orxene ##orasp ##icy ##iction ##icit ##iced ##ication ##icop ##icio ##icto ##icie ##icep ##iches ##icules ##ichert ##icibility ##ichever ##room ##roth ##rover ##rored ##roll ##roism ##roix ##roves ##roko ##rott ##rogran ##rooms ##royo ##rouli ##roasian ##tionally ##itas ##itus ##itou ##itally ##itard ##itore ##itths ##itko ##itcrete ##itney ##itania ##itskaya ##itaki ##ani ##anan ##antite ##anne ##anay ##aness ##ansp ##anitic ##anore ##antim ##ansky ##ancz ##anchuan ##anmak ##antified ##anabe ##ancies ##anitos ##eds ##edan ##edim ##edder ##edrypebjerg ##ask ##asted ##asse ##asound ##asically ##asuse ##asured ##ashing ##asnian ##aso3 ##asterly ##asphaeridium ##asqueira ##asbaran ##ashevsky ##itech ##itelain ##iterran ##ingent ##ington ##ingered ##ingdon ##osit ##oscan ##osized ##osalt ##ostruc ##osalts ##osedimentary ##osaurs ##osyenite ##raal ##race ##raton ##ramm ##raft ##rabe ##ratically ##rabar ##ravime ##rainage ##isch ##isations ##isens ##istone ##isma ##isites ##ispec ##isks ##istered ##isits ##isker ##isov ##istically ##isko ##isdorf ##issored ##olu ##olor ##olic ##oled ##olom ##olys ##olie ##olished ##olson ##olize ##olitised ##olica ##oliquid ##oltno ##olfi ##oltita ##olarian ##olitths ##ele ##elb ##elis ##elec ##elum ##eland ##eline ##eless ##elia ##elta ##elines ##elof ##elmer ##elkop ##aten ##atech ##atong ##atap ##atoly ##ators ##atons ##atational ##attnet ##lec ##leq ##lein ##leum ##lemm ##lected ##lemented ##leths ##leading ##idim ##idio ##idolite ##iderite ##idating ##idised ##idlow ##idanite ##idson ##iduous ##idelines ##uly ##ulen ##ulting ##ulia ##ulira ##ulaque ##ulatus ##agus ##agons ##agah ##agnetic ##agmatic ##agba ##agami ##agneti ##aglong to1 tooth totall toup to10 toft toxic toged th4 thon thand thri thuring thms throw thrown thars thtot thames thrott ##entation ##entative ##entory ##ationnn ##mpath ##mpsburg ##mpujarvi ##ocs ##ocate ##ocation ##ocom ##ocont ##oceanic ##ithide ##usa ##usi ##using ##uster ##ustite ##ushed ##uscent ##ushes ##usanne ##lyn deion dece defic decep deals dealing dewa deyell deqing withst withstanding withnall ishi isostatic ishik isostruc coo coin coge coined coms coater copre coesite codes coded coke coup cook cope copen coats cotton cowb copious covene coffe ##uri ##urra ##uries ##urch ##urring ##urrus ##urry ##urds ##ursions ##urprising alene alap alto aliv alvi al01 al02 alente altitude alluvium aljust alvare conne conical conduction conced contend contig connate connotation ##acher ##acted ##acio ##aciated ##activity ##actites ##acocha ##acuated ##acuyan ##ige ##igenite ##igatory ##igoon ##igalara rey reass reard rect reina recep reformed reitera rechar reisberg reaff reheating retispora reisch fora forced forties areally arenaceous asl as1 as3 asher asand ashed astim asio2 as2se aseism ##tr1 ##trall ##trally ##trict ##trance ##tronite ##trira ##trued ##trask beth behen beaded beatti beech beitou beaten beige ##owai ##romin ##romangan ##veins ##veau ##vective ##ila ##ille ##ilts ##ilia ##ilites ##ilient ##ilising ##ilpa ##ilicates minap minto minxian minnes mineria minita miniature minm25 ##tert ##tering ##teris ##terfontein ##teriors ##atia ##atial ##atian ##atile ##atisation ##tsu ##tson ##tsomati ##tsov ##tswana ##herts ##herton ##herical mares mapp maine mamed maki maisk mavrogen marek ##ota ##otrac ##otations ##otub ##otanic ##otocite ##otype ##izite ##izable ##izhou ##izhai ##izalillo ##imum ##imhan ##imaz ##imator ##imurra depart depict depress departs bytown bypassed suceed suichang sutton ##ouration ##ouple ##ouchang ##oukop ##oujer ##phas ##phir ##phanite ##phrates ##separ ##section ##seca ##seef ##omon ##omar ##omed ##omated ##omyl ##omaterial ##omings ##ometallic ##omanian ##ional ##ionucl ##etm ##etus ##etration ##etary ##etched ##etgat ##cemented station stall stating stains stays stof stoch stored stones strogen staff stdgl stbw sturch anar anch anto antif anling anning anodic anony an29 anthrop aneuro antarc anorogenic magam magix ##ockite ##ockburn ##yrch ##opx ##opian ##opile ##opole ##opetal ##opedi ##lutonic ##luminate chr chun chip chak chance chris chamb chuk chao chire chunn choi chico chuck chiefl chalkid ##yson ##ysia ##ysynt depositto atyp atok at39 attains atherton ##ifi ##ifel ##ifies ##iferus ##ifusa computer compliment ##resa ##rested ##eckite rockand ##tico ##ticle ##tichen ##gean ##geable ##geological ##geug ##gebre ##gezh ##gevis ##oding ##odum ##odome ##odian ##odified ##odoz ##odelta ##arting ##arthed progen proustite ##aba ##aby ##abad ##aboud ##abouts ##abpour ##abolize ##cca ##cciated ##ogang ##ogens ##ogging ##oglen ##oglac ##ogravime exolved exother exiant exolving exiting exoskarn exocont exteriors ##mentary ##thers ##therms ##therford gram grays ##thly ##thins ##thitic ##thier ##thrust ##thiu discl disjo dishab ##insilicates sulfite sulfarsenides sulfidization sulfidized sulfurand ##verton ##umes ##umens ##umba ##umbly ##umontite ##umerable ##umatoly ##umacher quell quiro quanta quoting questa onal onshore ##rani ##rants ##ranitic ##rances ##rational orpiment shred shand shir shut shist shatter shira shche shaly sharks shrun shpir alterated ##ibian ##ibole ##iberg ##ibson ##ibbe ##ibalized ##ama ##aming ##amell ##amble ##amossen ##ammon ##ametre ##amosing ##amagnetic ##malzri formative haup hainan ##ousova ##new ##neys ##neuf ##neville ##neider ##nebaker ##ucin ##ucites ##ucki orefield orenada oreille ##tens ##tence ##tenable whom whak whare wholes whichever whitney whisker ##ieshan quartzor quartzand quartzose ##ander ##andite ##andless ##andler ##andinavia ##ampi contouring contingent contacted veits vehicles crs crf crud criti crist crude cripp crashing crumbly ##pps ##ppiss ##ppled ##quate ##quartz ##quez ##quidian ##quantified ##irit ##irons ##irua magmato ##ongal ##ongdu ##onglin inch incap incision incax incorre incoh incentive ##orphism ##orphyric ##olding metast metabolize placement plerisp resing resided residing resorting resolving rescul resedim restrict resilient resumes fluidinc sees seat seward seville search sepi seager septe seoho seym searches seeds seigenite ##uttal ##utors ##utomorph ##plier ##plish tear tegner ##tinga ##tingsite ##chase ##chud ##chron ##chbe ##chindaro lowers cole colac coloration colqui colouration diad dietz diasp dilek diener dielec dilemm ##assi ##assy waste washes relic relying relogging unite uniqu unob ungl unme unans unpro unparallel unbre unpol untes unrounded unimp unfol unbal unzon unbro unenriched unetched uncemented untenable unquantified hydromag hydrates goldy goldstein hydrosilicate hydrozinc hydrofract hydrosepar hydrogeological hydrotherms ##ayp ##aying ##ayered ##ayolu occured assign assort asserted assertion stria strick strue striation stripping stricto norman noranda norrish noritoids nortje clout clark cloud clonc occurrances gems geist geore geared gemin geomorphic geovic geography geo2 geiger geopressure geomar geopetal motions moho mohaj moonbi faure fades faune feg fe1 feand fe4ni5s8 isotopy ##acements ##aceaous interfere interser intermont interrup interfered interferences intercontinental interflow interiors intermix interrel composes sps spn spore spind spok spry spilite spaw speed spetz spont speaks sponsored spodum spandler spirit abu abanic abrup abingdon abuttal ##rie ##riot ##riers ##rivi ##rivalent ##riasian ##riveau ##ripps ##riquez consent consang constric consulting evo evoked evacuated evander ##vedges subsp subequ subbit ##ypes indented indentified ##wegung president presupp ##racies ##rachem ##racks ##illa ##illed ##illites ##illoblastic ##illisma hydrothermalists volc ##iazi ##iaxial ##00m ##00f intrically intralab highsc neil neody nepou neafz nezam nemli neocom neotocite ##mbie ##mbols ##mbosporites ##adra ##adney ##adeposits ##adalup ##ango ##angos ##angle ##angcha arger artific armi ararc arthrop arsn arkos arndt arroyo arasbaran arrested pyrite2 pyriteand locale locatisation ##udi ##spn ##spathic typomorphic zoneand leak leake leaf legend lebow lemura ##ternary oxi oxic oxus ##ationship college collections hemm heath hehu hemi healing ##ikp ##iki ##iko ##ikohe ##ikko ##ikwa ##ikaka lateor richters imf imager cuo cuand cuale cu2o enst engl enters entit enorm entrance engebre associate carap carls carrick carlos caridad caraiba caribbe ##idescent ##ght ##ghan prefec pretor premineral prejud preamble valve valence valves porphry phones phoen phalabor ##force ##forth ##forded formationgave grants granosyenite ##unis ##unks ##unnig ##ersthe ##ersfontein ##ersutite porphyritc parr para parry pariat pargasite parfour paramagnetic ##io4 ##iovaara ##iofluvial southe sought ##ipas ##ipate ##ipulation ##iproc calcically calciferous calcrete ##ologie colleagueso colleaguesng colleagues198 modally modares modelled modikwa usual usuage useless ##mstra ##apai ##apolis ##apouri ##aprivi maria marcon mariti marmatite maruy marids tempting temperate ##roneous au3 auge volcanosedimentary ##toul ##tooth ##tober ##took ##toquidian adams admitted adkitic adeline advective adamell ##soil ##ako ##aky ##akia ##akian ##akiv ##akah ##akero ##akfontein ##ystematic weix weeks webb weinberg actively acup ##debe carbonization carbonatite regressed registered reporting repolished obvi obducted obsidian difract ##iants completeness complementary beller belousova ##trand ##trace ##trably ageing ##ititic ##itimately notations notwith nothof overtur overbur overtop oversaturation overpress overarching overthrust ##reement aged agip agard ag50 ag2se ag2cl agnew whereabouts ##genic ##genoeg ##genfri epi epoth epoch epstein epeiro eposit undistinguishable undescribed undolom ##opyrite1 ##rosive ##rosaurs assets ##perthitic ##roxene memor meff meea meerhof meisdorf metsomati inclusive pbs pb1 pbse ##ellasphaeridium pertin perple perov perforce ##ivia ##ivikko silication silicites siliclastic silicious ##hematically ##ilee ##iley allogenic allocation student studley students complexed complexation maynard volcanically ##ateral variances variants gena genix gencal genuinely geneses scree schen scarp scrap scrat scrut scissored scurrus scandinavia scripps breach breaching brevity brecha brewer ##ounding crush moreno morena morelos porphyryor poured pooling poerua metamorphisms larget microw canvas canning canmet ##uldron reeand seco secular chalcopile twins ##iochemical gregg gregory greisens greyson ##ondrial ##ondalite ##estan ##estfontein print printed priderite litho lithified lithons lithification lithostratigraphy lithotype served serrin serrate seryot niu niwa niumiao nixon nippiss hematiteor upwar upflow up213 signs northand thereafter ##acturing ##othorite ##oseafloor noise noongal charred charco charging charged charlier charrier concentrating flf flush flathe flash flushed flotations melbour variant texas textr1 apple apples appoin stratal ##llis ##llart ##llites ##llenic ##ctly ##ctors ##ctolitic amv amino amira amazonian amapa amoeb ##tallisation chloriteand presentations 20o 20x 203 2050 202hg surnak ##osedly bliss blake blind blais blaine blooming blichert bloukop ##ensive ##ensitivity caution caob cafz cauldron chalcopyriteand likeli ##maque ##mahon ##maesan ##state ##stances commented community skarp skalak geologia bothnian feldspath specially specmin speculations speculating speculate 10s 10e 10c 102 10pb 10be 1012 1013 1018 10h2s 10h2 commonalities ##ortant maficto thickens characterizing oliver olsen olson olv74 container treating treven trellis underline underway undercu underpins underutil undertook afro afores afsin afifi afforded ##graphic ##zoa provinc provoke provoking imported implic impover impla imposition implied imprec imparted impetus imparting biotitic ##iey ##ieti ##ieite ##ieten ##iefors ##iebek recrys recry recover rectified recomm recurrent recurring reciproc earlyand earlyto basements biotiteor ##oreau ##aret trailing trafal limy limahe ##undy enriches ##avor ##avsky ##avoura ##avarra ##avnica prime primory ignan microand micropar microlite microbe microdr microlites microgranular microplate microanalysis microanaly micrograms microenvironment coroll coronas coroglen corriveau corrosive slush slits slov slansky ##initely crystaland ##hans ##hantian ##hoop ##hores ##hood uran1 uranyl uranothorite teck ##cled ##clusive crystallographically ##ushu desert desired desulph desmos interprets beltau shea sheath sheep sheba shewith shepher shetland sheraton mantleand ulvospinel timisk timbop timucin propyl proposing proposal deforming deformations smalberger ##gmatitic refuted refute refolded refolding verme vermont vergence verifying verbal vernad vermicular vergenoeg showings pyrhotite pyritized pyrito derby ##bergen ##ivers ##ynton monolith months monthly arcuated arcelia ultravi ultrafine ultrahigh ultrapure ultratrace explicit plagioclaseor oshi ossa osborne equates equino equals equaled equidim pds pd8 pds1 becasuse graphites discs discard discarded discipl oreskes skarnified ##ixo ##ixmeca margaret centuries centromin apt apex aptian aptly apulia ##parts ##2o7 fieldwork fieldspec outla outwash ppt ppges 18о 1820 1860 1856 18opl 18owater 1847 schwell schwar schiel schuhmann schmid schreud schroll schidlow schumacher schmalzri schneider mineiro maturation mat262 matjhab mathematically ##oboling ##obreccia ##obotanic barrem barbar barika barrier barchud barriers electrical electrons granite1 graniteor fractionnation foam fo93 fo92 fo91 fox2d superia supercontinental superficial superjacent superflu superprobe supernatant supergiant supervise superheated ##ametric esz esford escu essence ##ears reef2 regionalto redder rediscovered redire fineand fermi ferropic ferromangan wallbridge wallaby tectonite tectonized magnified ##elskop sequenced horiba drc drisc drifted drifts remote rememb remagneti pt0 ptx ptand ptfe ptbite amph amphi foldand foldbelt petero peats peyer petik displacive seconds oxidant oxidization oxidisation oxidize oxidants mgt manual manhes manjiaz mantiqueira manneville manipulation manapouri amphibolitic analyzes transit transmit translated transfers transforms translithospheric transmission transferred disseminate post3 postpe chromic chromel chromititic 13d 13p 13b 136 continually decide decided decuss deciduous decametre decametric ##derburn irras irrational iridescent employs emplacements colloid collared collars colloqui collimator sericites sericitised sericitisation shearcalc 40k 403 tiand ##oidable stel stepped stewed steenkamp stephanite pentax pentagons pentandite ##ribe 15a 15b 152 151 1540 ##vester pentlanditeand drillco drillbits defant deflected definitely cretaceaous ##thetic ##thest ##thening infers infinite infinity inflation infrequ infesta diagramm midas midto midland midsection elbows mixteca exported exponen expensive 192 1910 1920 1912 1916 1952 1919 reacts footnote fino finish paleotectonic paleopressure paleoseafloor paleobotanic ##tivities crossing crossand ##riss ##rise patters patyk pattison stratigraphical furthest veryhach laterization brecciating ##uchas opaqu optics flower flowage flowbanding greenstones marginally salton salars molydenite newton newmont newfound localizing localising blackwall blackbird ##ieri oxygens cutoff numeric so3 soap sompujarvi ##ska ##skraal producers enriching liquidand conditional ##inae ##terman foundation foundering foundry gabbronoritic distinctions ##ishing ##ishment argolis broke brothers ##onents ##ramore ##ramoep ##onses mineralogies mineralogie ##issipp 12c 129 1200 1250 1280 12h2o 121sb transporter arsenate ##ogenication mesohe mesocumulate mesozonal mesoscopic selby selley selwyn seluohe selvedges sander sandst sandcher sandaoz determines determinator determinable sulphidic sulphosalt estimations longnan longsh longstanding ratioed ##valley ##valleys depleting curtin curie curtis ##aysian potter potgie potasically ##lington mml mmgb ##kee ##keq ##keen alkalinity ##omicroscopic rarer standpo standalone firstand 14c 14b 1400 1430 cenlan cenomanian eurove euhedra euroasian euphrates normalizing laos laox lafl lahar laugh laeter lahtin lafran lausanne laverton laumontite ##50x ##gregor rhyoliteand plutonov thinnest eric erase erasing erzur erba erdosh ergai erbut erratically erroneous petalite petford pettke suppress supplemented supposedly ##tralia synap synops syntexis expertise ##glai standardisation doering ##ylammon ##incs ##incor orogenicand milli 30p 303 301m cradd craggy muchangos parallelism ##ragonal activated activator gangjing portal porosities porpor poritskaya coarseand 1198 11700n ##tersrus ##ocryst δ34scdt homestead homogenication predicts predeterm predboric siika siivikko invented invading invokes invoking inventory blocking srsz ms6 ms1 overlays overlooked overlaying monzogranites monzogranitic mt2 ##inescen ifm ##huada intentionally gneissosity δ18omagnetite δ18ocarbonate goal goad goals gohar dissolves dissanay controllers bedlo multilayer multiwave multiplier photochemical photolys 39k 393 3952 concave concetration ourselves ##odiorites 50s 50w 503 fragile brt brings bryo bruese br266 brushes brassi naf naoh naeser solidifies comby combust environs 16d 16c 16omineral kahat kaikohe kaersutite ##uplu ##upiye ##asinghe stocklin stockhert spectrachem cools diffgra diffracted calas calderite ##kstrand amphiboliteand ##titatively totaled boil bozh boarded books bojite botswana boynton ##ilingtou bulge bultitude endogene endoand endako serpentines 0004 0001 000to 000007 00006 17c 17b 1700 1790 1796 cm2s radar radically radionucl radiaxial anomalus ##ccessful halter halide halved halbich halogens recognizing recognising recognizes recognises recognizable downs downwarping downplun glide glance glimmer gladney δ18ov δ18of δ18oquartz dykel lakefield trivial titration titana titled reduces reductively placerists galenite pya pyi py1 pyrome pycnochl gabbrodiorite counted insensitivity platelets grounds paar paid trb trch truck truly trunks truchas ##ophon ##ophot ##ophiles shapiro ##ropods backs backed backarc draper coeur uncovered uncorre structured ##ugite ##ugol ##ugyztau ##ossakero extracting explorationists stilp stippled stiavnica gaung gaisko ##anshang degas isocons isochores topics topsoil polyhedral widening ##indrical rimed riming orthoor orthopyroxenes ##roscropic biand biases biologically biogenically birefring guided guyana guelb guidelines guizhou guadalup hangingwall ##erged highlyto highly18o peaking hfc hfpm ruo ruiz rutherford ruossakero tenure tenet tenorite tenuous tenfold tennesse ##inoo summers spectrometric oceans offline offsw ##ischer select openand opencast broadbents plata platformal platarsite platinova effusive mediation medial mediterran nd2o3 anyone elevates negativeδ ##oney transitioning workable observational linings ##ambres ##speck ##spectral permain permits steepens ##eba ##ebo ##ebbed comparably clustered notes notebook mno2 mnsio ##ofabric singular poland policy polysynt confusion confuse confining configured conflict confounding planning planetary recordable individuals waight waihi waitaki waimum waikaka ##yllium laserchron madison prospecting loa loelling looked looks lozenge illitic illigalara borah borno borisov boroujer uplands detecting singleand responses specularite ##rystalline greenschistto geochronometers chromiteand radiations radiolarian radiotrac effected 255 257 258 256 25mg sitting ##nwald ##tyre phyllically polymineral polymerization potentials neto excepting seeking logistic logfo2 logfs2 logkeq ##azigou ##azulu goldfieldite subside subsided subsumed subscrip handful continuations hereby hereafter labels labram labophot nonbre noncrystalline nonfer nonsequential nontronite roundish ##aiyang intermediateto ferroax ferrohyp dilatant dilatational driefontein focal mountainous ##oku ##okeng ##okov sudburyite juts juiz juices juvonen ##rusted ##kening ##kenberg ##kenzie seminal semiquan bao ba2 baishan bawi bajwah baimaz bailey baixo devil devise devices classed classifying benefit criticism players weaker weaken weakest weakness meanings mean176 luxi luzh luanchuan luoding luoboling ##yclone ##yclopedi ##grain ##leyite greyish tellurantim fw8 swamp swath swift swings swager solar solve solute solwara solomon 222 227 228 2204 ##oxidation ##oxiba assumes microscopes fabrication versatile ##acluster unconvinc 70o 702 705to 7091 7065 7037 bayos criticality hallmarks nwn nwt naturelles s2in periodical recrystallizing recrystallize 1870s aurorasp nicknore powered auspic revett ##ractable reflections ridley technical petroleum isochrons isochrones muskox andestite andesitas immature immicibility h2ofluid liq liupiye narbar ##arthy ##arthur 80o 805 passively windy windward windimurra ##tigial alternates blanks edam edging editor earths penoles penecon pencil penniston pennebaker penglai ##oye ##oyang ##cairn ductileto 605 60m 606 capability capital circulate taklaman excursions dele delinate delesse delivers keith keys ketil keats syform sympath symbols smoli smears tuffites ##804 367 361 36εnd evenly tahue tafart tairua taieri taoxiba principles tinto aquitard huh huadian huzi hukeng huili huichang huanan huaglong huanshang huaiyang debates distant distort shoulder thermogenic thermometers thermosci thermogravime thermophiles roundedness investigates investigating investigators 245 248 246 243 24to 24mg lumsden oku 264 267 261 2644 2670 2697 axio axios purification purifications purplish purchase narrowing ionisation ##tzite greenfield greenockite 204hg arguably priori 274 272 279 2710 2740 2797 2796 lamsw lamaque laminar laminae mudfl trout troger trodhje trocolites trompsburg troctolitic ##jiangpu centrelines centremaque acidity 903 migling migmatitic otanmak tracers ##oratory ##oratina minima minimally minimise statements attack attraction attracted attractive quantifying northeastwards adsorbs stocksche interstitially 298 299 2900 eneand ##ochamber ##ochroism ##ochondrial dash lengthy pitre pitted pitcairn whitehead remoteness demonstrably nucleogenic macroscale namoi namibia namibian yangzte tourmalinite tourmalines tourmalinisation dependant dependency amygdu terminal differentiating 355 353 35cl fallen fallick fallback roaring roots roedder roelof witwates wittichen ##ihik cannell cannibalized portioning oceanward oceanwards xenomorph xenomel xenocs zrn ##linospora ##anzhud unlayered archived marls marlstone domeyko gasca helicop columbite columbus 18oopx elongations reflectedand dateable malay malaysia malinin ##rustations contested converts converges simpler bavaria garze garayp promise promotion rapakiv sanjiang sanuk sanem sanbag channelling featured densely densosporites hotly hottah hotinvaara ##rochemical chondrites accessible globs globule 861 8600 catb catalys cattierite catolica public publication sorgenfri tabs tabriz viewed ##liable grayish temporary accountable flowstones prospector solubilising 286 289 28to 2827 2825 2824 282507 45o wnwand ##ovative ##mano ##mannite exhaus exhaled exhaust exchanges shrijver tended tending tendencies smaltamossen supracrustals gelong palmi palkan paloep palaont chimage chimwung chimneys photographic granuliteto harat harsh harancz merit merlin mernagh mertieite ##30f ##radie mappings clastand leucogran leucogranites leucrogran concludes 75o 759 cracking cathles cathysia cathaysian daxing daxiang dajinshan daugyztau daebo riofine rioja δdh2o coverage anticlock anticipate protolitths protomyl metabasic metabasites colorada southeastand southeastwards kalumb kalgur kalatong parentage sinters sintering tianli tianashan yuchon coalfield plasmic belonged flattens ferrar ferritc ferritcrete proportionally exchangeable morado pulped tholeitic behmoth hypozonal trigonal 347 349 bleach blending blewett digester digestions digitally digikp qinzhou tongoy tongkeng dispersal assessing argillo argillization kyin kyushu nneand ##hastingsite diducites v1veins ##ingsleyite heteropoly constantly 217 218 2173 b12 campo campos campaign camptod hongshan hongshu hongqigou purest rbd sidaocha turnbull directional bestvina emptied nanhua nanping nanosized nanotub nanomaterial nanofabric rauret raipas ##entional queen quetico outlasted correspondingly petrographics pseudope balanced baltica balkan balmat hodgson pelambres w24 ##biat innermost spotted 31p 316 3100 877 henceforth mcy mciver mcgold mcque mcwat mcdow mcmahon mckee mcgregor mckenzie mcarthur pinching pinhole pinpo potholed ##fey ##fe3o4 ##fe4ni5s8 ##fe7s8 diverge diverting diversely diversions substantively substantive neoarchaean linkham semior pyroclastics itabiritic itabirites homogeneously yellowstone yellowkn yellowjack 2506 creep creeks laptop crypto 1882 1888 1889 012 019 0130 654 658 653 bonn boninite duncan dunhua easier lobate natal ##noa ##kaishan ##kaido ##kawa ordinate agreeing permeated accrecion kalgoolie cryptodome blucher blueschist mds mdf mdsz md3a sixth sixteen sixfold sixteenth ##nedah ##60grs ##60lv segregates energia 037 frequencies grs grassy grundy tethian viability ##aldson ##istencies chuqui chuhrov chulec advent advance advised advocate erupt erupting interested closures 385 384 388 381 filed filgen filtration simulated simulate simmons readjust readouts reconfigured ##etallurg regressions pebbly 332 338 339 331 333 burgers donaldson fibres jinzhai jinbaoshan mentioning pacaj tensor tensile antiperthitic antithetic formationsilts relictual spectrorad domestic 1201 backgrounds tonnagea 8556 8557 8538 8500f 8530f giantand koh koenig koitelain koillisma kilian necked necking rota rotary zeolites ##swick quadrivalent hemlo percents rhodium rhodopian heterogeneities 188osi sperrylites doubles doucet murrouli murmano tilted trenching streaky gravelly metaconglomer metacherts diopsidic needing micaand micaeous transgressed channelization 054 052 057 058 056 059 05to 442 448 890 891 893 lacroix molal mollase molla molasse qfm toronto ##128 aguila sinistrally 322 328 326 329 321 damara damaged damiaozi hoef hoeve turner tursuc turfspruit convex conveniences ashto ashcroft shortened inconsistencies provenances derives millimetric polarity polarizing behaving 071 800to creation creates creaser gibert kbars songxian songliao tarbiat intraand intrafoliation intraoceanic intragrain procedural infiltrate endowments planeand necessity etc etouchang erode eroding hollandite holub holocene holzer holistic pansky panaly panski panoramic panasqueira sieving siebert siemens yinyan spinels spindle evapotr ##unciation microthermochamber prograding independant independence 063 743 cfwob embers embody embrittle embrace embebbed mushy mushkin mushroom manganiferous manganef susu sluc slugg ##rimetm ##blesome skaaprivi paleoenvironment paleovalleys monzodiorites goodness rhodochrosites 435 4300 675 672 676 671 dsfz knoll liesegang m21 mostert sillicates ##bela revisits ##ombeshi shores feoh3 sparks ##mmetrically truncation immobility immobilization 559 553 55mn functioned hwa picard picrite ##nigri fluxes fluxed fluxion unmined unmodified obligatory scattergrams ##thenites softwares usefulness packing packaged said save saved safa ##905 inheriting ##ispo deviated deviant consequences consequential changle changchuan changpo changba changkeng compania phosphorite repeating repetitive precursors luiswishi 684 686 954 9563 cycled cycling cyclically denmark dentist denali emia emulsion emitech emispec fuwan himu pronunciation ##nius thrusted submerged wehrlites contrasted continents youngs youngson 587 586 589 583 bente benches cadmium dayangcha fiu fiamme jianggxi ##ozari ##ozonotriletes instability stretches extruded assayed megatons megaboud megadeposits megacluster scheel schellart pebbleand reproduces reproductivities contrastingly 477 478 476 777 779 dauphas farmer hg804 jaspers munro opponents sensu wayward wangxian wangshe ##icatemineral connects connector spreads granophyres ##ipsis underlines underlining discriminator discriminative brightly 426 421 999 berlin berriasian beryllium flyspeck hamadan hamedan hamlyn ipges loses loseros rank ranks ranked teslin testifying unearthed covelite pluses hypersthenites evaluates poikilloblastic contributors economou relevance accuracies discordantly instrumentation 549 541 575 572 578 637 633 bituminous bitterfontein bitumens borders cbn cerium croatia duuring hardy ##sii ##espan ##arios questioned questionable unrecrystall unreliable presumable prefix textbook so2liquid glaciated glaciofluvial taurus volatileand xrfs millimeterto reconstruct poikiloblastic 045 042 041 825 824 825to automorph autonom automated autobreccia casted lensoid masonglin masterman vanadiferous wild wilk wilfley wildebe ##worthite ##making issuing compacted climates constituted epigenetically americana ignore ignored ignacio decayed infilled clinopyroxenites delineation helpful favorably poikilitically 022 028 029 021 495 496 499 4900 565 563 664 667 669 739 731 733 73to 7340 battle bathans eursian f3a hutton hutchison ideally kuiqi kuzne kuroko person persistence srikan ##ezi ##ezthins ##urvattnet scotia scavenge scavenges sketched accelerate argonne naumanite naummannite equilibrations predominates palaeo palaeozoic palaeocene palaeoto palaeomagnetic palaeosl palaeopole amalgamating strengthening geometrically 595 598 695 692 699 branca branching bismithide cns cnk calls callacuyan fitted miao miaoling sigeom sigurds ##aveco ##523 comision comagmatic ##abilities resembled resemblance clarly clarification spanish spanski 1974 1970 1977 1979 1971 metavolcanics 4800 4860 625 628 629 62ni 767 cds crenulations dabieshan fingers foreign foreword kirrun kirkwood pumps pumped tetragonal invert inverts inversed thorne conforming antimonian antimonides comprehend seismogenic neighouring neighbors melanogabbro melanoand 2010f microbanding microbreccia opalites halfway intercumulate violent geothermometers scavengers bismutho bismuthian 463 51v 5100 eqs eqlid gj05 kangma kangaro lister naboom nabatian wedderburn zhai zhaib zhilingtou ##lani intuitive intuitively cotectics resetted addison addresses stratosphere recalculations montanore decompressed 220v magnesiohastingsite purported gypsiferous 095 781 785to 845 844 841 airfall airborne braid brake braided braetz brakspruit f4he katz kataki kunov literatus mwobe mwombeshi pullman watch watanabe alumel minutes shoshonites abrading steelmaking 1108 establishes jaspilites magnesiohornblend 976 deduce hanski hancock hanmushan iaesz ivon kerogen kermad tayoltita zambezi ##curacies ascertained ascribe starts starved anions hydraulically engines obtaining scenarios scarps laramian laramidian upgradable 1937 193fx overlapped 1762 metallogenically universidad smoother thermocalc thermocouple pseudoternary penetratively emissions violariteand eclogitic eclogitized impregnates impregnating 644 6400 6460lv 984 987 981 bigger biggest cymbosporites ddh45 ddh713 ddh641 ddh173 mitochondrial sapphir ##1400 covariances asymmetrically sunrise shafer shafts shaoyang metreto basicity heads headings headlands obscure serrano irradiance irradiating mobilize mobilising mobilizes mobilisations polygon polygons 230th confirmation confirmatory palynology palynological palynomorph palynostratigraphy exceedingly attempting kinematically deduction deducing deducted 009 00s2 aplites chelinospora fmw fjw07 fjedrypebjerg jarosl rushes ##potts athough exclusion disrupt disrupts discharges discharging temagami electrochemical physiochemical markers upwellings sloped sloping homogenously leuconorites dawber streamed anm1a neutralized neutralize incipiently accommodation accommodating 525 524 529 527to 6100 725 728 723 935 93nb 9357 ambigu bowl bowen bowieite billiton billingsleyite elution gandhi gandolfi housed liberate liberating nsto tcg viscosities wuhan hybridized martitic martitization martitized acquire sometime 109ag precedes precedence monchegorsk controversies controversially postdating 1905 gradients centimeterto rietz intracratonic intracrystalline orthogneissses rustenberg athabascan 0302 835 831 bronzitite elliot ellipsis funded mirabela pallas sylvester tamazigou zoizite zoomed ##limatic ##etsch ##rypeberg ##koaness ##frames theoretically fortuitous magnetized prevented objectives localityand interactively interactive concert concerted albano albany uncomfort fjeldrip fjeldrypeberg pillows juxtapose juxtaposition juxtaposes 41w boltwoodite bolanitos bolivia chencai davidson fascin france frankenberg putative putuo portneuf wanning worthy worthwhile yarbu ##waenite ##khard alaskite alaskites alignments competence subductions preliminarily obliteration obliterating obliterates meterto screw carey trachybas destructed aprons incrementally plumbotectonic chromatograph chromatographically 1965 1964 1966 1961 1963 125te predictive absolutely handpicking argumentation roads favourably lapillistone 083 buick cherny frozen fancy japanese lg7 miscons misinterpre misanton misorient misleading tlip vitric wraps zhangping ##sladag ##981 ##9889 ##osilicatemineral ##raywackes algal algare algoma algarve altaid realm realization realgar realistic revert reversely reversibly reactant stylolites stylolitised challenge attaining projecting grandispora fluctuated fluctuates unsolved unstrained unstratified unsilic unsurprising unsystematic hydroxide hydroxidation hydroxyox hydroxylammon conservation industries philpotts greisenized 103e10 improving improvement precluding 1895 1892 1899 employing stereoscopic stereoscan stereomicroscopic paleoclimatic 2000250 ##ceptible 1684 radioisot radioactivity galaxias ##oxyland organo organization organisation organisms organometallic peninsular cathodelum visualized behavioural kinetics condenses condensates ignimbritic grossularite elliptic ellipsoid octahedra underestimation 7100 avg avoids avnik balls ballard ballrooms gannan junior jacketed kink kinked landward landrover michard machos missouri mississipp nitro ripidolite tshepong tsnigri vestiges vestigial vacant vacuous vacancy vacancies vastly ##iuhe anderssen isopleths isoprimetm altyn recemented stopes stopped anastamosing dispel dispelled disposal shannan diego absorbed subautomorph leachates carbonatized applicability 108cd 106cd corridors margarita 1861 eliminates 2005a 2006b srm981 lorenz pulverised pseudosedimentary susceptibilities chahdozadan underthrusted cathodoluminescen behaviours subhorizontally appropriately ewers fenis fenico feni2o4 flexible jx8 jagersfontein nico nicolas nicarag please pleochroism utilization utilizing utilising xinghua yunkaishan ##lockian tomographic conducts conducive conductors conductivity conceptual bendenow ##photometry anneal shadow shahr shahzand shahabpour happen happening diabases diabantite hydrocarbonate hydrocyclone geophysically cuprite cupola encrusted encyclopedi encrustations enlarge enlarging phaneritic phanerocrystalline scarcely floating melagabbronoritic appeal appended appendices imperceptible impossibly explorer apy2 139m 1279 mesoand mesoarchean europium 1159 multicollectors brasilia endsubar tonalites kaolinitic kaolinized meaningful pyrophanite neutrons entraining virtue virtual electrodes physico acquisitions anastomose pseudosections categorically hinterlands olympic zihuataneho azules azimu azulaque aerially coldwell fragmented fraugh frietsch greek khondalite karlı karoo kupel lnα l150 landsat mrc5 merelani nuuk ncube n120 n175 niskava peds pedogenetic paste pasco pasteris ponded rainaud rainbow sodically vosiey veneers venetia woody woodhead xintian xinjie yanbei yanacocha ##garri ##759 ##7592 ##atsu reedy aspy prolongation geo20 carmen carolina 2012b transected terrigeous impurity microgranodioritic montecris centrally fertilization fertilized fertilised fertilising transcrustal transformational 137ba decarbonated lawlor lawrie integrative integrates goksun 1784 countering counterpart counterparts semimetal 7500ce 7500cx bleband gruau grasvalley synthesize jasperlite manifestations elucidation elucidating cordilleran vibrational jxa8200 subaqueously 3feosil 3fe3o4 511p 511997 banco banxi banvill banska babaev fringe fringing h2te h2co3 h2so4 holds holder judge judgement judgment kolb kolker kolwezi koloula lindqvist mimic mimosa oikocryst psych puzz pgt pgc pgms ravines sherman sheridanite swept social teleph venting welin wakinoo yeu yeats yaogang yaokeng inserts inserted inhibition inhibits coalesce coalescing depicting suffer sufosalts storø storms compilations compounded shui whiteshch metagranitic metagraywackes subzero indotrira indosinia enabling carrol carrot carroll valencia modestly adr70 adr60grs 205pb commercially discrepancies magnetostratigraphic remelted 159tb longitudinally successfully permitting 708t ductilly keeps syenitoid syenogranitic syenodiorites symmetry 2665 2668 terminates terminating enhancement pseudomorphing pseudomorphically pseudomorphism johnson acceptable metacolloid 0704007 cpy2 etchabilities buckled fe3o4mag avoided avoiding buoyantly brackish kupfershiefer centrifuge siahkou rejuvenated encompass encompassed ferrobasalts 2feosilicatemineral 520to 7102507 968 96zr bbm bulliferus chemetall chemostratigraphic fonseca facings gaining hrgb hrtem jaagba jiamusi journals kanalen kapai kapowai lathes lattices muva mugeug niggli nigramoep october ovoid ovoidal pilot pilbara pierina ragged rigid rigolet satellites sibbald sterner tmvb umtk umkoaness umbellasphaeridium winding wenxian wenlockian yucca yuanzhud ##linske ##dohr ##aricum todt cohesion cohesive retreated retreats retractable rewarded asterisk asterisks proceeds proceeding expectation disagreement cristal interleaving subtracted subtracting subtypes subgrains hekatech hekimhan carrizalillo adopt adopts perturbed ##istineberg po727 micrometre micrometres microstructure microstructural appreciation appreciate 20cf 20cfes 20cfe7s8 skewness speculates redissolution redissolving redissolves transferring defocusing 1958 1959 195pt erdaodian intensities intensification 1661 californian drawings drawback introduces introductory narrapand circumvented circumstances 1992a ottawan palmar 3143 advantages 1986a 1986b molecules 742355 knockseef emerged emergence submicron submicroscropic megaphyric conceivably philippine vacuumed electrolytic latitudinal bracketing centrifugal centrifuging centrifugation 1andesine ammonoids bx50 bx40 bx41 bx51 bottinga bubbles birds culturally cylindrical dwts danube daniel daniels dogtooth dictates dictyo era23 frg frasnian fecr2o4 fecunis fissile ghat ghost gossans henry henriquez hinders jacare jacob kranspla kranidio lomiko mccandless mccarthy mirrored mikkola mikucki nelsonite nannine ozgul pz2 practical practices rt90 route rouyn routes routhier ramifications ramdohr ramps ramped rudist rudashevsky td825 td9889 villages vivid wander wandering ync ynq yn11 yongding yongdang ##66b ##factory ##itaion ##idsjaur thiol thiospinel thomson albernoa reinterpretation stabilization stabilities stabilize stabilising stabilizes stromatolite stromatolites answered chiarad chichon shikoku zonality hamper hampshi contradicts contradiction incidentally metaplutonic seventh seabed diapirs striped geomorphology geomorphologic interfaced interfingered construction subgroups pressurized legal legris legault legitimately lewisian prerequisites whereinxd undulates undistorted perkinelmer micrometer micrometric updoming updomings floras caiqiang spectrograph spectrogram spectrophotometry micrographic ultrasound monotonically settlement peterson petersburg manufacturing translating transluscent rhythmically participated participants predictable clinoproxene governing government glennie glomerocrysts metallurgically nonmetallic nonmetals 7058 7053 excavating xenolithic 28314 28325 283250 28333 porphyroclastic quadrangles hypothesized hypothesize fes2py rosettes reorganisation pictured 6859 mylonitization instantaneously discontinuities glaciogenic 59co40ar manifesting ddh807 ddh806 virgin nist610 ribeiro algorithms floatation floatstones reinforce reinforced metagreywackes vvr29 vvr66b perturbations overestimated overestimates pioneer byproducts disconformities interconnected interconnections websterites overpressured 2h2 2gibson bjurvattnet bisulph bilateral birth bangong bangpu banggong bunch cesare costs dp71 darkening dingying durham durchbe durango dimroth dodge dumlu dumont dumluca eafz ea3000 ebv ebfg emanate felspathic fuchsites gsd gunay gunnedah grinenko h3aso3 heralded humic hokko hokiefl hokkaido ille iljina illuminate kwitko kwazulu k2cro kingdom klemm klemd lycospora lbv lb439 ligang mpodoz mentions message mango mangroves mangakah merging ngawh ningyuan nacleq nacional nacozari pq2 pusillites pieter piece piezometer rashoop sagged tape udoratina walmach wushan writer wireframes xl40 xiqingshan yuancha ##deley ##balgarri ##22m ##0701 inundation ##orrection ##oslavia thirteen deadtime declines alizadeh conception convincingly reopened mahoney chh02 choose choice choosing chinchindaro chilu chilena children compatibilities exemplarily disordered dislocations dismisses dismissed ##insilicatespn shiwand shaking vegetated crinoids incongruous methanol hyaloclastic hyperion hyperprobe hyperspectral severely reliably unfavoura unavoidable occluding occludes occluded georges feasibility ablations consume consumes consumer substance subjective intrinsically arrive carboxyland caracoles admixing ##akanya overcorrection meteorite meteoritic meteorically bifurcate bifurcation bifurcated ##mazalova skinner afe3o imprints travertine microcracks microliths microanalyser designate monometallic plagiogranites outgassing steady defect elipses argideand sandwich laurites laojinchang synorogenic crawford portrayed 111cd dissipate dissipated dissipates caledonian pyramid polishing conflicts paragneisses wairau nonnenwerth solvated versions earthquake amygdules rooiberg malleably suprachondritic 28286 282523 peleoproterozoic pelagonian johannes volatility 8900r sulfoselenides hypothetically sustaining sustainable saussuritic phosphorous attested hardnesses ripples destabilizing destabilising destabilizes zhongqu zhonggezh 61ni40ar pigeonite 109750 109756 109745 109759 fashioned km061b unexpectedly tss85 tss84 tss86 explosions shuikou cataclasites 7102587 lubricant lubricity lubricants failures attributes mirroring diapirically ultrasonically manufactured clinopyorxene glomeroporphyric porphyroclast lopolithic inhomogeneous shamvaian metaquartzite reprecipitation 1dmax 2s4 2sio4 2logf 2logfo2 3fespo 5feinsilicates 5feinsilicatespn 512644 512905 51315 aircore aircraft bentonite bacuri bacilla bromide bromine bainiuch badly baddeley barely bonev brandon brandriss cwob dinaric dinosaurs durable durazno egp eglington endemic endeavor freely freitch fleet fleischer fumarole fumarolic g400m g422m gedrite gedlinske glycol glycer gabon gaboreau ganze ganzai hopper hopping huebnerite hugely hughes justa justified kristineberg korce korbach kelian kelley kodera kodaro kama kamoto krivsky krienit karaj kendal kendall koongara koongarra kingston kingsborough kerrich luster luswishi lille liloise lilloise lilliefors listwaenite lueyang luexue lnaf lnafe3o4 mphibole moghre mogalakw mengason n075 n095 ogmaesan omr omrani oenpelli pw1400 pangaea pixe pixel qingtian qinghai rheological rheologically rincon rintoul renbu rix2100 rupture rupturing rationalizes rigorously rouxel ssat sakai sakmar salekhard satisfying satisfactory tosae tosdal uhp uht vlakfontein vessel vessels writing wiid wires wyley wyoming warmed warrants wurzburg wurtzite wherry wherlites xiangshan xiangdong yaohe ##bitt ##tidis ##tidium ##tikka innumerable innovative invaluable invalidate inherently inertness topsham isaq isaac altering aliquot aliquots conodont conodonts conglom conradie reagent reagents retentive retentivity forceful ministry ministere mauricie mauritania stalks stalactites stanley stanford stagnant stagnation staining stainless staying stoffelkop stoffelskop chaumba chaixmeca attenuated attenuation compensate compensated prohibited prohibitively exercised exercise gravimetric gravimetrically quilty quilatap orbicular orbicules shawinigan fluviodelta fluvioglac cryogenic cryogenically ##onglomerates inconsequential inconclusive metadunite metadunites metamictisation metamictization seasonal severance colonies colonial unoxidized unoxidised hydromorphism hydrometallurg arvin arvidsjaur armenia levitan levitski carletonville premier premnus formationcreated formationconglomerates maranon maranhites acetate acetone reputedly performance pertaining perception perceptions scoria scorodite chalcophyrite chalcophilic service servicio caveat communality communication accentuated accentuates accomplished accomplishment treatment treatments ##iebeckite microsparite microspcope corners cornell rhombohedral shelter sheltered shenberger contentiously discern discerned 182w 181ta barrambie sequestering drummond drumkeen pendant people peoples decisions 1548 1949 paleodeposits paleodrainage softer softened transpositions curvature curvatures curviplanar probabilities probabilistic measurable measurably milligram milligrams 114m clearings photooxidation bruni brunswick nafziger diffuses diffusely 0000093 0000066 downthrow downthrown download downloads triangles triangulatus hfw106 hfw67 homogenesation homogenesitaion paragraphs ferrodioritic ferrodiorites ##grs30 magnesioriebek magnesioriebeckite taohuada macraes catalytic catalyze tianjin tianjanshan kyzylkum sidewalls mcu1 mcgill mcgunnig mcinnes mcintyre 65cu40ar transgressing mollusc molluscs hollinger hollingworthite paleogeography paleogeographic knoxisporites megazone megazones hg1134 hg11128 reconstitution reconstituted unrealistic unrealistically unrepresented unrepresentative willemite willemse synchronicity synchroneity engulfed engulfing ddh742 ddh749 refertilization refertilising township gondwanan gondwanaland misrepresents misrepresentation unsuitable unsuccessful improvements receives receiving extrapolate extrapolated flexures s3pd730 s3pd759 hawaii hawaiian concretionary karakim karakorum svr31 counterintuitive counterintuitively 3feinsilicatepo oculars 20c2f 20c2fe4ni5s8 labradorian trondhjemitic trondhjemites jacutingaand contradictory upsurge upsurging matsuura matsuhis diminishes diminishing chh01a chh01b 3logafeosil 63cu40ar fountaining library libraries mongolia mongolian nunatak nunataks tschermakitic forsterite93 compartmentalization compartmentalised overwhelming overwhelmingly 0dmin 0041 1robb 2o6 2ag2te 2si2o7 3raith 3o2fluid 4s3 4r2 5nispo 5p2 5conradie 7pd0 9fespo aegean ajjana arola aphanitic acetic arancibia azores aishihik aranda a205pb awaits akanani aharon auminza auckland akasaba bateman bureau bouma ballysteen bakyrch bjorkdal bundarra brisbane bierlein bramador bannockburn bamsar bagaumiao cigar credence circled cypriot celsian cissarz cheshme c5050 cospatial cfeob cerritos csiro celerity cgdk cosmochemical dt07 dartmou dangchang drennan doughnut dundonald dublin dupuis dumped dremel dormant dalstra dabeishan doddakanya dahongshan dumbbell dpmfz eoarchean eckstrand eotvos eighteen earnest einaudi edax ethanol euclidian fyfe fisher fimiston faintly flesh fickian falsified gilder glue gresham galleries girnius geneva gastropods gomez ghana gushti gamsberg gletcher gigantic hintikka heshantian hectorite hinsbergen hellinides hiemstra hobart hotspot hergt hambro hoformationnn hidalgo iceland italics ipsz ilfeld iterative jpz jorc jingangshan jelev joubert jaber jinsha javoy jordaan jobin jubilee jonsson jcpds janaf joffre jaffey jumbled kısladag keshube krogh kosler kidney koglin kibaran kneaded kadıoglu kellojarvi kensington kordestan khoharite kepezthins koryu katherine kufjord kinogevis k1050x kuklitsa karslı kuntz kriging kdlp kontas kumarasinghe llhr lht lorand linghou lifespan lneg lulls lakang lundberg lomalampi lophozonotriletes loftus lodged lodders motor martin mianxian mondal mishra mufulira muffle myanmar nrcg nyong ntel ntims nesbitt niditus nagyagite nominal nicholson nikon navifusa nonsubduction nugget nungbalgarri nurnberg nystrom nagssug nishikhal n45w oranges oso3 ookiep p77592 phelps pterosaurs pingitore prathiu pneumatoly painted paterson pungare pindos pavlovsk q240 qibaoshan ronde ritapolis rolling rationale rinsed rantzsch riedel riviere rickard rieger rhenish rompas rugospora roddick r633 rucklidge sacramore surely somincor sichuan savard serena stitch satterly sengor sarm7 sorpresa saharicum talnakh tithonian tigre tizapa tcea tumela tantalite tutluca troublesome tainiovaara tardy talebian tarnished tseng trinity tylan turmalinisation tunceli tollari tlanilpa ullrich uraguayan vnm3 vymazalova vedre vague vims vysokov vredefort vandfals vadose vaughan vellet vughs westralia wabigoon wrangell wudaol wackestones wonderkop wrench winterveld xianhual xistos xincun yingwul yizhang yakuplu yavapai ycl0701 yugoslavia yoncayolu zwieten zinnwald zedong zasymmetry zweifel zieg zachmann zarafshan zindler zebra zijinshan δ57fe μxrd со2 ##halli ##tungstate ##tgrube ##cipitation ##mardi ##kloof ##jirca ##temporaneous thebaud thessalian ##inosum inaccuracies informative inadequate ##iceps ##anspiration ##rabetsu ##rabarti ##oltnoe ##agaha totalling toupugol toxicity togeda thrives thuringen tharsis thtotal throttling deionised december deficit deception dewaele withstands ishihara ishikawa isostructural cogema comstock coprecipitation couple copenhagen cowboy coveney coffee alapieti alentejo aljustrel alvarez connemara concede contends contiguous reassess reardon rectangle receptive reiterative rechargeable reaffirm reischmann astimex as2se3 aseismic ##trallization bethal behenate beattie minaport minnesota maresongdu mappable mamede maiskoye mavrogenes depressiceps bytownitic suceeding stalled stofkloof stochastic stdgl2b sturchio anchizonal antifom anonymous anthropogenic aneurospora antarctica magamatic chunjiangpu chakrabarti christidis chambishi chukhrov chaotically chunnett chieflakian chalkidiki atypical progenitor exothermic exiantang exocontact disclosed disjointed dishaba quellaveco quiroga shreds shandong shirley shuttle shiraz shcheka shrunk shpirt hauptgrube orefields whakara wharekawa wholesale veitsch crudely critique cristatisporites cripple magmatohydrothermal incapable incorrectly incohatus metastable plerispinosum resculpts resedimented sepiolite september seymour colquijirca dietzel diaspore dielectric dilemma uniqueness unobvious unglaciated unmeasured unanswered unproven unparalleled unbrecciated unpolished untested unimportant unfoliated unbalanced unzoned unbroken hydromagnesite hydrozincite hydrofracturing hydroseparator assignment assortment striae stricker strueverite cloudy cloncurry gemstone georeference geminospora geigerflex geopressured mohajjel intersertal intermontane interrupted intermixed interrelationship spindles spokane spawned spetzugli spontaneous spodumene abanico abruptly consanguinity constricted subspherical subequal subbituminous presupposes intralaboratory highscore neodymium nepouite nezamabad neocomian artificial armijo ararcalc arthropods arsnopyrite1 arkosic leakage legendre lebowa lemurata hemming hehuaping richtersveld imagery enstatite english entitled enormous engebretson carapace carlsbad carrickittle caribbean prefecture pretoria premineralization prejudiced phoenix phalaborwa ##ersthene pariatambo parfouru southeasterly colleagues1989 marcona maritime maruyama adamellite weixiazi weeksite acupan obviates obsidians difractometry bellerophon notwithstanding nothofagus overturning overburden overtopping overpressurized epothin epeirogenic undolomitised memorial meffre metsomatism pertinent perplex perovskite gencalioglu schenck scraped scratches scrutiny brewery largeto microwave greggsii serrinha seryotkin nippissing upwarps charcoal flushing flathead melbourne appointed amoeboid bloomington likelihood skarpelis feldspathized 10h2svapor 10h2oliquid trevena undercuts underutilized aforesaid provincial implicated impoverished implausible imprecise recrystrallization recrytallisation recommenced reciprocals trafalgar primorye ignancio microparticle microbeam microdrilled microanalyzer microenvironmental corollary slovakia desulphidization shepherd timiskaming timbopeba propylitized vermeulen vernadite pyritohedra monolithic ultraviolet explicitly oshirabetsu equinox equidimentional pds120 disciplinary outlaw 1860s 18oplag schwellnus schwarz schmidt schreuder schidlowski schmalzried matjhabeng barremian barbarin barchudarov superfluous esfordi escuadra redirection ferropicritic ferromanganese driscoll remember remagnetized amphiolite peterographic peyerl petiktrask manjiazhai transmitting postpeak decidedly decussate irrasus colloquially shearcalctm steenkampskraal drillcores infrequent diagrammatically exponential 1910s veryhachium opaques newfoundland mesohellenic sandcherry sandaozhuang longshoushan potgietersrus standpoint 1430vp eurovector laoxinshan laflamme laughlin lahtinen lafrance plutonovolcanic erzurum erbutu synopsis craddock porportions predetermines predborice siivikkovaara dissanayake bedload photolysis concetrations bryozoa brueseke kahatagaha diffgrab bozhushan bookshelf endogeneous 17903 179689 radionuclide downplunge glimmerites dykelets titanaugite pyrometer pycnochlorite uncorrected stilpnomelane gaungdong gaiskoe birefringence guadalupe tennessee offswith mediterranean mnsio3 polysynthetic waimumu loellingite bornova boroujerd radiolarians radiotracers polymineralic logistics subscripts nonbreached nonferrous ferroaxinite ferrohypersthene semiquantitatively baishanzhen bawiec baimazhai benefitted mean176lu luzhong tellurantimony 22048 unconvincing auroraspora nicknoret auspicious liupiyegou narbarlek penecontemporaneous ketilidian sympathize smoliar huziyan thermoscientific thermogravimetric 279718 lamswood mudflat trodhjemite otanmaki stockscheider amygdule roelofse witwatesrand wittichenite xenomelt helicopter promotional rapakivi sanukitoids sanematsu sanbagawa catalysed 282766 282516 28246 exhausted palmietgat palkanmardi paloeproterozoic palaontologie chimwungo haranczyk leucogranodiorite leucrogranite daxiangou riofinex anticlockwise protomylonite kalumbila kalgurli kalatongke ferritcromite behmothian heteropolytungstate camptodrome hongshuizhai nanotubes nanomaterials nanofabrication pseudopegmatitic mcgoldrick mcqueen mcwatters mcdowell pinpointing yellowknife yellowjacket accrecionary readjustments burgersfort pacajake formationsiltstone spectroradiometer koitelainen koillismaa metaconglomerate hoefs tursucu panalytical evapotranspiration embrittlement manganeferous sluggish skaaprivier knolls megaboudin wangxianling poikilloblastically unrecrystallized autonomous wildebeestfontein kuznetsov srikantia palaeoslope sigurdsson kirrunavarra kangaroo naboomspruit zhaibei mwobezhi magnesiohornblendes kermadec ddh459 sapphirine jaroslavsky ambiguity uncomfortably fjeldripebjerg fascinating trachybasalt chernyaev misconstrued misinterpreted misantoni misorientations unsilicified hydroxyoxides hydroxylammonium 103e103ln radioisotopic cathodeluminescence mississippi cathodoluminescenence nicaragua encyclopediac melagabbronoritics endsubarray azimuths azulaquez fraught karlıova niskavaara montecristo 3fe3o4mt psychological puzzled telephones yaogangxian whiteshchists indotriradites adr70grs30 adr60grs40 siahkouh 2feosilicateminerals jaagbaan niggliite umkoanesstad yuanzhuding erdaodianzi knockseefin danielson dictyotidium kransplaats kranidiotis td8254 chiaradia hampshire caiqiangzi bisulphide durchbewegung hokieflincs k2cro7 mpodozis mangakahia ngawha yuanchaogou shiwandashan incongruously unfavourable 282864 zhonggezhala bainiuchang baddeleyite glycerolor krienitz lnafe3o4mag moghrein mogalakwena sakmarian quilatapia fluviodeltaic fluvioglacial hydrometallurgical magnesioriebekite taohuadao mcgunnigle matsuhisa ajjanahalli bakyrchik cheshmeh dartmouth keshubei kepezthinskas nagssugtoquidian pneumatolytic vysokovoltnoe vandfalsdalen wrangellia wudaoliuhe xianhualing yingwuling zinnwaldite maresongduo interrelationships