[PAD] [UNK] [CLS] [SEP] [MASK] & ( ) , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z · ø ƒ ɛ α β δ ε θ λ μ ρ σ ω – ’ ##v ##e ##r ##p ##s ##u ##l ##x ##n ##i ##t ##a ##g ##c ##1 ##0 ##4 ##o ##y ##5 ##w ##k ##9 ##d ##6 ##f ##z ##m ##b ##j ##h ##3 ##7 ##2 ##q ##8 ##ø ##α ##β ##θ ##σ ##ρ th ##te ##on the ##ti ##re ##in ##al ##nd ##er ##es ##en of and ##ar in ##or ##tion ##ro ##ic ##ed ##it ##an ##as ##ite ##ol ##ation ##is ##ate ##os ##id ##el ##at to ##ing ##ul ##le ##ith ##ag ##tr ##oc ##ac ##om de ##us ##ly with ##ent is ##th ##ur con ##ter ##ig ##am al for are re ##ati ##ure ##il ##ve be min ##pos as ##eral ##ow ##ts ##rom ##em ##ated ##im ##ph ##iz from ##ion ##ain ##op by ##ou mineral ch that ##lu ##ere an ##ted gr su at depos com ##ock ##tic ##et ##ot ma ##ec ##ys ##ab ##pl ##per wh ##res sh st deposit ##ce ##art ##ther ##ge ##old rock ##ich sul or ##ng flu ##cc pro ##ad ##og qu ##se ##um dis ##yr mag ##ver ##od ##igh ##all form fluid inc on ##age ##if ex ##artz quartz ##uc ha ##usion co gold ##ib str ##ition ##ein ##ous ##ide rocks vein ##ch ##ten ##ir have ##ost met sam this ass ##mal sulf ##qu ##ant bas ##ine ##one ##and ##alc ##ally ##red ##ues ##yp ##ill comp deposits high cont se un fig figure ##ature ##ization cr ##ut ##est ##tite ##vel were ##ment ##rou ##ations ore rel ##yd res ##ting fa pl ##yrite ##ip ##ary magm ##ies ##orph which typ im inter low faul ##lusion ##ity ##able ##ong ##ne alter cons ##ene these inclusion ##arb ev hyd was hydro ##orite ##ass ##ore veins col ##we ab alteration ##ian ##atic cl occ ##st grain nor gran ##ess ##ater bet ##ence di tem ##ges ##eld ##thermal ge occur ##itic ##ture ind ##ay ##ween ##arbon ##nt between sampl ##por ##otop mineralization hydrothermal calc isotop ##ud show ##perature ##ive intr temperature formation tr ##ize pres ##ase ##ia ##ast ar ##ical ne ##ome reg within ##ized ##ull samples vol par ##tal sub le ##ved ##oci size pre ##can carbon associ val ##00 ##ates loc ph up ##gh ##ides ##uring ##for anal compos ##ution inclusions fr ##iment has been ##ites region ##ap ##ace ##iti ##ple ##form during en colle ##so ##ones ##tem pyrite sil ##ediment ##ata full ##entr associated ##ik ##pec ap sug sulfide ##tern also ##con sulph ##ach rich ##ak indic not sou ##ystem volcan system minerals ran fluids data stage ##olog conc crys over sim ##ari zone ##rog cu struc magmatic composition sediment ##agues colleagues ac values ox ##ra ##ement au most metam may unit ##ree metamorph age ear where ##ron ##ied ele ##our cor ##ros ##emb type fe ob it ##to ##tin ##plac late ##ield me ##vely ##ound us contain grou image chl than rati ##otite faults volcanic ##rox ##ale char ##ilar ##ton ##tent similar per stud ##ack distr zones consis ##iv lower ##action ##tures ##par bo rec ##och ##ick mel more intrusion gen ##ear pb ##ments am ##iff ##are ##ogen analys tw we ##ard ##av ##ell ##ight 20 fold ##inated ##acter diff mod bre ##ign ##ond but calcite ##ov ##atite range ##ely magne ##duc ##mon character mic ##arn isotope main vari all ##ue basal ##ocl bel mass can ##ular ##pre ##ating chlorite und ep ##ose fault south bi sc porph ##ative other ##ff along ##ific comple ##opyrite ##ages two cop ##tered ##ium table there silic ##olution north app gre ##sion ##tur ad formed sec ##lud resul brecc some ##ath mar sl concentr dol ##pres te ##ll ##uld host hos ##jor major porphyr dom deform zir area grains zircon fac po copper sugges ##ix ##ces ##ote ##ie ##row ##tim ##ist ##raph lar ##ord acc into under sign ##ole event tre ##isation group bl ##dition sedimentary ag ##hed temperatures ##ism early ##erite such ##rogen complex ##ct pr ##embl ##yrox crystal both sm ##fic prec trend ##ers ##low ##pb assembl orogen 10 ratios chalc ##ser interpre ##ough ##ang common regional sp br related how ##out bar includ differe ree dolom ##oid ##aring ##thern ##velop ##tall mon repres geolog carbonate ##und ##ans ser ##ever biotite em ##try however pe crus magnetite bearing ##ber ##stone deformation ##ict ##ised ##oclase sk pos ver ol part sy hosted tan ##zo grad obser ##ined ##tural ##placement develop they ##ike es their porphyry des ##ami diss ##aus grained tanami sample ##ross tex ##zoic tim sur sand ##ial isotopic dolomite mo ##ile fol sal massive upper red water ##den trans sch sour mine sequ plag ##ioclase plagioclase ##rop metamorphic ##round deposition ##un only sr ##ens ##rough equ tec bed mineralisation metal chalcopyrite ##rite dr lim present signific ##ible west thick ##port ages minor ##elds hor geoch local through altered felds out ##olite represent ##ble ##ably skarn ##gest sulphide study ##tonic well ##cl prov significant relations ##oun disc ##ran bec no ##ically district ##ount alb units analyses ni sulfides km expl ##ogenic general ##aceous ##emical structural whereas ter ##tain lith ##ented ##tral observed ##fore ref contro using ##enetic mg ##tical orig granites crystals small ##atively proc ##kes ##ibution pge ##sen ##ren ##hip co2 types ##though although relationship eas iron ##veral ##els spec those frac ##yroxene shear produc origin bod higher ##rich rh ##ward magma op feldspar 18 ##ance ##ered compositions ##cr ##ines ##ient dep dec ##gin exten elements east ##ove contr phase fraction concentrations he ##ech ##tents about abund enrich suggest ##ub ##ish def contents granite syn basin ##ility showing indicate crystall ##ep different centr interpreted ##field rem epid ##sr epidote large ##iqu corre ##estern contac occurs rad ##ould prim pd ##ither condition structures af plu very process ##50 ##amb eastern ##ral ##erous facies ##ities intrusions ##tions seric sequence central mix relatively ##ately ##idation consistent reef post analy ##ffec found ##ork ##ipit diag conditions fine ##own goldfield scale precipit tectonic hom hem inf breccia cross one mafic mus ##ause ##ping poss ca sandstone ##posed set brecci later melt ##ram ##ta orth ##ikely ##inant margin due ##oot ##iss several mineralized evid green hematite less ##les ##lan metamorphism pyr consid strati second ##tive ##land 40 flow ##aw ##tial based estim ##rys ##graph systems three ##ases its pale incre barite because der mat western ##ier ##ory ##allel ##ported developed ##ified coar strike ##hedral assemblages ##rus contin respec eu used micro salin source ##gen 19 cle rare prob arsen descr el above folds car ii wall ##istic content gra generally wt lay so ##cted ##tric drill field dev basalts 14 import normal distribution fin ##ived ##ress sulfur refle radi mn ##nes ##zed lead sericite homogen ##2o amph characteristic primary likely ##any northern suggests dissem schist ##tively ##ret ##astic ##odi near amphib ##inc inv 200 trending would presence locally correl aver dip ##der ##ited belt ##ozoic ##onian same strong sulphides ##gm ##cep assemblage geological ##berg mount ##atis meas ##wall ##med ##hotite thin ##esis depth ##rhotite ##lying mineralog plot parallel southern pyrrhotite ir ig xen ##pr chrom she ##illi ##au black time contact important ##eter map ##umul trace setting evidence fill pat ##ev ##ared ##itoid ##iferous commonly ste metas bound ##ke calcul ores ##ob mainly peak measure ##ris ##hyd studies band ##itite ##tiv ##reg gener model crustal open cut hill pit deple base located ##ination mad plan ##placed grade foot mant ##ena core could separ shows below ##rowth 15 sol thus intrus ratio stratigraph leach after derived ##eous ##ric ##xim occurred addition results disseminated do ##atur ##eren ##abb therefore probably fels line ##olved evolution consists albite describ solution ##ious chan coarse felsic cret dy fir memb you basement contam granitoid analysis characterized average footwall cretaceous mid ##anite first young δ1 ##assic silicate ##ug ##iation ##tle ##term anhyd aus ##ual new surf follow iden ##ding ##ibr ##arent austral sph dire level end fur pol ##ction ##neous emplacement controll ##rob element igneous ##ons horn ##4s ##onent ##enite ##neiss feature musc ##atism mt ##sure component ##duction ##sional breccias magnes ##ocene ##opyroxene intrusive ##ama approx appear 13 87 gabb many ##ering events abundant approxim ##pm ##tially ##olith compris further 12 determ stock dominated graph radiogenic anhydrite killi uran ##nite ##tero initi sup ##ovite ##ors ##rown defined garn pet stages ground including ##terozoic ga light ul ##az ##ced displ contains pegm bodies arsenopyrite ##pe ##nde magmas arc garnet pt ##rad super prog seaw occurren prev indicates monz relationships muscovite gal highly parag sphal seawater call relative spati ##odiorite 86 num oxy sphalerite around zn ##ales pressure basalt ##blende precipitation 11 oxygen lam inten dikes fact ##wards long pred ##sed ##ays ##work ##oric overl oxides processes respectively devonian described ##ok ##emis result mixing thrus env 30 tur ##lin ##ince ##elop chemical chelop distin ultr chelopech cen ##rix abs shown dominant matrix hornblende galena 50 liqu sel ##ink partic least slip ##tained liquid ther replacement ##ogn record ##ounts diagram ##emistry ##vers apatite recogn pattern affec bro ppm ##me ##ished ##acl ##sequ typically oxide foliation decre identi lach por ##rian ##ae ##kal constr crust reported melting lachlan ##ms exam ##iron interpret 18o controlled if ##omp environ ##east ##ry orient compared ##medi ##prin mol vs zon forming arch orogenic fractures gneiss hal ##tit ##eng ##ilibr ##tst textures ##ambrian lav na possible salinity magnesite ax ##dle typical overprin approximately ti ##bod orebod ##itive poin enrichment surface gas ##ded ##omal anomal gray close differen callie ##ental considered mantle australia ##ped ##pond ##str ##ently value geology δ18 ##sk ##ained trap development equilibr cur each ##aris reaction ##ected ##respond frag correspond er pa ##oration alkal siltst earl include beds calculated pot tit inters preser amounts yield deep ##ibu variable section larg geochemical ##amafic ultramafic fer rub ank whole clos composed ##rograph moder reduc identif block δ18o either giv ##nown andes ##ittle ##asts ##ise exh actin particular wide poor suggested fractionation homogenization characteristics 100 ##lastic ##over ##ina total sty indicating obtained litholog secondary med magmatism contrast nd 206 texture exploration 87sr 86sr actinolite ##gene ##crop ##ided ##ocrys discus orthopyroxene mineralogy previous fl la ##its maxim mete meth ##time outcrop analyzed ##tail ##ness ##erred detail oxid pyrox ##10 xeno ba ##oph ##ert ##ingle ##omic shall ##ods acid enriched 206pb meteoric xenotime shallow mater ##trit ##aces suggesting oliv member material like os sulfidation bedding limest jas muc pan detrit reac stand proposed metall chromitite pyroxene ##west ##inite ##orl ##ters phen surround estimated fragments maximum jasper ##gan ##aries ang arg euhedral thrust four single ##ark ##ift resp produced features 000 sw ##bed before ##abas epither crystallization ankerite epithermal 39 cree growth hist py ##ex ##ctr ##idge ##ability ##ccess electr zircons rhod analytical olivine creek mes ##ean ##apor ##asing success ord ##ibuted standard tu rang display jasperoid ##ves control much bull int ##osph top veinle crossc cumul our ##yb ##oss ##izing antic intrud concentration metals spect coun jur ##mome ##idual ##verse thickness measured depleted middle initial ##mediate ##sky ##sive ##spec ##cop deg plat sediments adj signature clear dykes predom aqu cad known sn ##ire pluton detrital intro bif pic sill ##acent carbonates association timing dac ##ively ##yl ##most ##bo ##atter ##agne when metasom thermal ill δ3 ##ually ##ains across 204 graphite siltstone δ34s 70 dating nacl pop ##ald areas coll progress broad crosscut adjacent 204pb ##ritic ##ua ##opro imm 207 fracture ##o2 ##oritic ##ovic identified ##oproterozoic 207pb effec iv sti ##onal ##ertain ##olites ##stones marine body layers solid distinct ordovic veinlets ordovician mig mill ##ams shor volum microp mgo strongly ##robe exhib ##ocrysts cm caus h2o ##ision comb propor excep activ containing slight sources extensional younger aqueous go link mm mul μm being white stable prospec phases brown had any ##ograph ##ode unc few stratigraphic pegmatite bul ##mar interaction peri 40ar continental environment given microprobe ##ave ##bs ##tig ##osed towards class equiv continu reflect dipping orientation ky mech ##ences dete replaced magnetic geochemistry steep granitoids 25 down lack nature rb ##du ##ada cool location ##ake weath represents carlin spatial ranging ##ail ##alent ##oles ##ists ##thermome ##orites carbonaceous mechan free ##vas ##pro ##30 then neg parts subsequ indicated ##roscop pervas melts ##ification accomp princ irreg direct patterns irregular bor ##ried ##ute ##ko fluorite significantly rhy cadia aut il ##greg dead metabas ##ronolog possib correlation constrain 39ar 22 ke non sod sap ##ca exposed plate folded variations mob throughout margins cleav determined princip ##rim ##onite china ##gether contaminated ##rade affected earlier bullock 16 bu gl ou ##40 ##ots ##tile ##isting mining sum highest diam overlying ##ochros weak dissolution occurrence preserved phenocrysts rhodochros spectrom genetic pal will ##ty ##zation together sections trends vertical iii interpretation lavas electron hyp vug atac assum recrys mark medium intruded country bulk recrystall mc satur ##gn ins suite subduction structure mostly old levels supergene picritic kyanite back cambrian ##ivers ##tend mineralised shap volcanics variation filled bands paragenetic d2 f1 lens nar si work ##end forms restric phot apparent resulted accord underlying gabbron comprises recognized predominant equivalent cleavage native ##up ##nw ##gy ##omagne ##abel uncon consist grades uranium molyb point metabasal molybden ble dark round deposited ##plic exper sulfate poth extensive restricted marb ##uro ##rent reverse extend intermediate geome mean characterised older province 199 amphibolite monzodiorite intens particularly sapph worl ##vo ##yll ##isc demon shale ##icking planes petrograph number introduction activity slightly multi rhodochrosite palae world demonstr babel dome ##estig off cores presented ##ather observ ##ique inferred increasing investig shea changes ##oliths equilibrium potassic ##cy ##way ##man requ clasts various series generation selected decrease style history migr 300 60 cy h2 sit zr ##ah ##oy interg indiv collected concord orebody respons individual cir pen rim rather ##ties ##ana ##ulation ##ament attr exc strik altern clin ##pread northwest poten appears alkaline uncertain situ meren ##ins ##olitic ##atab conf mineralizing sequences horiz representative amphibole metasediment contamination rounded kal isoch diorite oxidation brines ##inesc made archean ##ength mechanism autocl according merensky note vary ##ving ##yur ##hn ##altered ##agyur ##uminesc unaltered pref complexes geochronolog ##ishte recorded panagyur unconform responsible panagyurishte econ loss ten ##enesis ##ustr chile chert while ##ogene granodiorite chlor folding mont salinities followed succession weathering ilm cal dau ru ##log ##lished shales univers reser clus granitic allow agu orogeny transition limited terran abundance boundaries absence example gaspe limestone ##uaq pervasive autoclave 500 del kicking sb ##iented ##ox ##38 ##ane ##ased ##ula bend ##reef basaltic horse provide final laminated current platreef bornite sodic ilmenite lo tin ##po ##ann isa intern ##aken southeast access depletion following paper jurassic 17 aur ##here ##tra ##urian ret ##atible ##abric ##chist carboniferous silica silicified textural schists overlap lithologies detailed volume accompan ##unt ##line ##ai ##yote ##80 ##ind ##itum coyote northeast resulting ##enschist increase occurrences principal narrow molybdenite h2s circ cent d1 kuro las mud parent tro vapor ##omer ##vement hand comparis nebo silurian systematic greenschist saline extension contacts boundary discussion surrounding tuff accompanied kuroko fabric latter ridge reve ##atitic dike isotopes sulphur models cann waters stockwork petro gabbronorite predominantly auriferous comparison reveal ##son ##min ##osity prop ##acke greater ##iew ##anging brand emplaced paleozoic stratigraphy change gabbro intense reactiv proportion daugh 150 32 80 av d3 ro ##mass ##arch ##olcan ##ocus ##igo ##ilation oriented distal quartzites resour sulphate earth elev underg includes banded does groundmass brandberg far focus ka mac ##tz ##af ##eric ##ings ##amite even induc cord barren contribution diagenetic consider poly titan largely prospect retrog ##itumen daughter ##olcanic 34s pur wid ##more ##ush ##ures beh ##ablan extent metamorphosed studied recent deformed again carried turb overprinted larger isochron aguablan cannot aguablanca dated sar tonal ##agas ##ade place partially encl overg positive ##unite andesitic pyroxen degree dacite atacamite 45 bou cement d5 net ##ling ##ax ##mit ##tition cover stratab partial ##itized contained perme mica microscop majority position flows methods oxidized sills steeply lenses metasedimentary bendigo troct retrograde stratabound dens little nick vo varis though ##tiary ##ematic ##umin volcaniclastic ##ffic porphyritic aggreg brittle depositional ##cline tertiary spatially moderate illustr caused negative possibly diameter attributed potential nickel oce s2 ##ven ##ired ##jec stress disting ##tening unl ##formed goldfields titanite intersec subsequent variscan distingu doc gams here ##ior ##din ##ank ##ety prof coinc compar usually belts essen mixed numerous trapped ruby reduced cooling university ocean docum 21 cap lode nw ##sum ##ning ##90 ##60 ##ora ##ult order corund genesis ##elling silicates explain furthermore portion striking corundum 400 hanging ri upl wides dex should organ proterozoic crat evolved ranges ##ardin afric gneisses axial orebodies anomaly reactions shortening sapphire widespread ioc them ##inate cham proxim extr seen partition conclusion albitite production define members 13c rubian period economic turbid ##fficient iocg cases ##tire ##enced faulting entire active ##ularia complete adularia discord measurements generations pits leaching pyroxenite laser dextral cass log sin ##volcanic ##ner ##ley ##ame alunite ##oupl fav constit ##ovo domain underst techn greenstone mineralogical mapping method ##ylitic exhibit outer geometry internal propylitic 37 luminesc ##lomer ##ma ##iterite ##oll almost minim meta interbed geo subhedral ##formation melan variety movement basins plutonic respect microthermome xenoliths separated centim zoning err mobil cassiterite cand eocene gyp home ppb swe taken vis ##path ##light ##car ##oth replac disper displacement charles slab precambrian ##una heating layer overlain anticline immisc observations avail kaol bath pse ray role ##p2 ##glomer ##aneous reach ##ression clay slates concentrated monarch dissolved influ estimate madagas ##rowths differenti craton sweet kaolinite pseud madagascar gem lac natur rift sus ##sw ##carbon ##inations consequ incor ##itis sedimentation perc analysed skarns must lateral lesser youngest pegmatitic flo pyro progressive behav density aggregates organic best vl ##ring ##mb ##ont inte ##igle mines ch4 shrim formations strain imp clim diffic original ##landite reflec reflected planar uraninite outcrops argill collision mcu palaeozoic accessory gang oy ##set ##nam ##han ##35 ##20 ##ense shan div leuc ##verall synch precipitated angular except continuous gypsum natural incorpor shrimp gangue 250 aigle blu fall overall pass pack ##ars ##act fort ##alla hydrocarbon auth silicic localized provided remain chromite cutting comprise supported previously angle jasperoids controls signatures ##duce multiple preferen vlgn 27 est hence ju ##uk ##ft ##onlight ##orth ##ances ##istral ##ust chond rele lowest sulphidation consisting ##igned adv hosts geologic moonlight hills paragenesis zoned tien intersti closely metallogenic clearly metasomatic marked intergrown sinistral interbedded case gardin hole ##ih ##water ##aria ##atin chemistry state produce strata obl largest lithosph brecciated reduction ##overy experiment uncertainty horizon comparable chamber ##pathic estab gardiner f3 nav ##suaq ##lem conglomer ##aine ##ope expos cob color phosph ##pected ##contin ##rosion amount epis depend crystalline support factor diagrams differences baim still million hypoth sio2 ##mineral gamsberg available blue chondrite cast duc hy length nb pel wy ##etry ##sc ##ially ##ways ##era ##iling ##anta ##apid account groups noted ##overed invol corresponding broadly directly ##yllite essentially fortuna navan 35 bur f2 gu last lines mang rapid use ##rier ##ily ##jar ##inity ##icular ##plified ##ird platin submar volcano perm ##turally represented sandstones localities feldspathic ##ublished greenland ##odioritic depths separation dyke monzonite factors anomalous ##existing popov crosscutting spectrometry ##omagnetite ##voir reservoir elevated tonalite understand candel interstitial submarine cath pent path tight ##ri ##pite ##ores ##terog ##ents ##igat ##abor quan exs quartzite tempor canada hosting heterog crystallized elong gravel madjar additional environments lava corresponds limestones saturated petrographic titanomagnetite documented ductile candelaria madjarovo 51 mi pure since ##ridge ##nec ##tant ##ks ##ful ##za ##hai ##til ##attered beam ##pecially ##ronous performed scales dolerite especially normalized filling ##azhai ##ophile ##omicrograph cumulate anticlin effects combined linked photomicrograph metabasalts ##ahari kalahari ##unta against river ##lemaine baimazhai castlemaine platinum ed five might np2 ram sites yac ##vada ##na information ##ort ##atory tour ##oming expected coast ##che seem resid interc evapor occurring nevada among modified included despite bedded provides plung infill stocks yielded weakly migration network ##oraite uplift synchronous pentlandite yacoraite tourmal erosion ic mal pul rot year ##eper ##rid ##iest ##tor ##other ##wise thole ##enting ##ising ##urry ##iles ##phy prot goldridge ##iber places ##ude regions ##ology accre partly transport explained terms fractionated heav ##2o3 plotted step components graphitic earliest mesozoic plutons metasomatism pothole concordant clinopyroxene terranes mudstone permeability visible difficult tholei 29 23 bir coupl li lies nnw santa wil ##val ##eb ##wacke ##zh ##tization inh ##anes ##aint having ##ibility ##ches images silver boiling break ##talline limit 144 ##eters leached lampro detection summ summar marble resources ##namic siliciclastic heterogene nec pine varies ##uous ##of ##he ##3c without contem condu ##opite ##gee ##chan basis clastic granodioritic better phlog ##itization olig olalla become syncline ##rush fields separates δ13c displays moderately poorly discussed progressively fractured exception cycl pyroxenites 144nd lamprophy contempor phlogopite 36 600 date did labor p2 published s1 ##western ##anc ##isted deeper ##emically chev ##ysical ##plied interl constant dioritic showed simplified ##luded gradient locality dips shee solutions groundrush axes trapping potass rhyolite constraints recrystallization unconformity ##mitted favor minimum microthermometric tourmaline 91 hing mk morph pow ware δd ##satur ##ires ##ctions ##where ##dor ##dol ##25 ##inary often ##roach ##itec ##ats ##ulf ##acted anti star proper discontin ##odes incomp resear plots pargee ##aps ener southwest approach blake schematic terr ##erence absent halite andesite tung buff saturation marbles required induced oblique plunging summary contemporaneous potassium 26 dil nam prom sor via ##sten ##go ##ctive ##zing ##ming ##bur inl ##orm ##orium ##roc ##ational ##ostr ##omorph conver ##atigraph ##izes anhedral ##adian coev veining colum neoproterozoic compositional massif decarbon schistosity involved polished constrained orientations ##gana illite intensity thought ##itisation divided ##anese incompatible research tungsten ##ostratigraph 00 38 cam hot ice led ##tre ##zdol ##onitic ##rees ##ocite island another ##sewhere ##chie ##tence compe seg ##arie similarities moreover domains accumul aggene chalcocite ##crys elsewhere 143 direction pyrob cumulates population spectrometer investigated penins situated overgrowths vozdol geothermome behavior coupled heterogeneous chevrier aggeneys peninsula 350 cem gi oih sid view ##ned ##aqu ##cence ##div ##onse ##icts ##iter ##aced alp ##ils golden ##chev unmineral interval regard subs subdiv volcanism recently great tend heat postd homogene stratiform paleoproterozoic descrip layered correlated sheet surfaces australian dominantly architec axis points ferro response jurament short oldest ##omagnetic metabasalt confir coincid proximal energy coeval ##crystalline juramento 90 her holes ion ##rind ##avel ##15 ##kov third ##iltr ##illera ##stan ##udu arr silicification lithic shearing fractions orthoclase soak plane 120 oxidised surrounded dacitic immob plateau demonstrated rutile clusters centre parental ##uminous batholith hydrocarbons manganese permian understanding miocene raman birrind 143nd pyrobitumen birrindudu 34 bene crop har mile ##xt ##nan ##cle ##dish ##met ##inal ##oria took mined ##imen quar former extre need volati amb porphyries brine surve reddish limb remo primitive reefs infiltr orthog estimates generated keith assuming shaped rims geochronological lithospheric hypothesis coastal siderite 01 24 65 800 away btz d4 fw lake now oper pink scan tar ##ru ##iated ##bl ##rel ##rete ##inces arenite repe ##ime chang anorth ##ott abl feo tetra underl chalcophile ##oidal proced ##cepti pressures zonation halos overprint cycle suscepti wyoming sem saint vict zinc ##pen ##put ##nge ##olated ##istence ##elane ##omelane ##phyllite chill ##ples exchan cove assim play ##arby sampling nearby carbonic phyll belong scattered smaller specific remob plunge distinctive graywacke glass vugs photograph blebs underground unlikely discordant immiscible pyrophyllite authors intercal oligocene homogeneous architecture removed exchange remobil ell fres hann jo kv lree men nade ton ##gent ##mic ##mod ##hu ##haps ##70 inner ##isen ##osite ##ulated ##aded immedi interf consort perhaps bould mode variably dolost provinces albitized deriv separate portions experi concordia oceanic percent conglomerate accretion ##ostratigraphic cemented beneath hannan immediately id lie ms rob sens sense ##ether ##lite ##nian ##asite ##lex read ##ilic aspec ##tically whether magn ##ighted compatible valley space times originally abundances drilling amphibolites mantos ##dington materials effect proportions rhyolitic ##cynian geochronology reactivated conclusions inlier hercynian quarry susceptib fresh bush eq kb ##eas ##uth ##ja ##tein ##arp input toward deb ##position existing left upward front simple ##arily scatter greisen em1 driv limits mgn basinal laterally 198 elats ##cept leachates linear center examples halo anomalies difference alkali yields closed stib combination detected subsequently intensely cluster microscope distinguish error lamprophyre chilled dolostone elatsite ce give hf just kamb pac spar six wavel ##view ##ratic ##no ##ierite ##turing ##grou ##wn ##zeld ##by ##ason ##ids too ##ocratic conte ##pose ant ##ady hazeld residual implic colo granul tri applied others prism ##ersdor spence spectr fracturing feldspars correlate groundwater standards ##alda shape penon chloride terrane ##herent cordillera boudin troctolites distinguished africa completely argillic laboratory ##saturated giant immobile tetrahed boulder stibnite kambalda ##group hazeldene 52 700 aff cav dam hund iles mor qe right ##lo ##iable ##curry ##wide ##tec ##oncurry ##tine ##orn ##itable isolated alt grav ##ysel sharp dist ##allic ##ipe cloncurry noril calcare intra never regime analog overysel structurally corte corrid ##lude faces ##erited bright tecton outl evident ##umulate settings comprising turtle offset varying unconformably petrolog polymet enclosed ##dinsky dispersed gravels ##zhdinsky inherited necess interlay ##burg column victoria assimilation nadezhdinsky context tetrahedrite hundred polymetallic 440 dig day fre kin pene site squ tens ##vden ##uble ##qert ##arc ##orogenic ##olve ##ida ##usy ##ops sho fluor critic sampled subord subvolcanic ##itised magnetization sector drusy spectra products ##ishan remov sericitic mixture tectonics paleocene homogenisation controlling determine hypogene assumed worldwide alternating calibr petrovden reactivation african constitu remaining pelitic tholeiitic ablation derivation experienced susceptibility wavelength qeqert altay 75 bitumen ene nod omb siber va wnw xr ##vc ##vious ##eal ##sh ##ung ##led ##xian ##dies ##ara inst ##anced ##ules ##igenetic suitable ##rest stre ##iform expres segreg until ##iapo meters distributed belie epigenetic porphy copiapo blanc isotopically term considering microf leading lineament identical endow selec recognised siltstones ferdies blocks flat pegmatites possibility demonstrate excess ridgeway constitute climax ##arssuaq preferentially released hyper favorable segment covered kbar ##eastern distance penetr critical qeqertarssuaq 02 31 71 bism cum eh hol rough side tong wm wol ##ija ##mme ##ining ##ndicular ##eless ##theless aligned recon ##ille stability proble queb extern assess compression see immediate diops locations enhan perpe northam domin agre redox transg transpres discrete ironstone product heated synvolcanic increased finally erup styles lithological classified freezing vuggy petrography horizons ##387 circulation intersection 37cl consequently oy387 package advanced horizontal established quanti wilson sheeted orthogneiss spectrum cortegana blancos bismuth perpendicular bms bgn den foss hg hcl nu oolitic yang ##eishan ##pa ##gu ##co ##foot ##fried ##zge ##matic ##bir ##82 ##ready ##roded ##itude ##asion ##osc ##aged ##aging ##usite alta already repl ##imb ##tice ##addle ##ogor ##ogran exp coexisting ##ostatic uniform colour intraz ##apel envelop feed districts ##parallel diffr representing serpen transported discovered ##renfried opaqu ##ubility arsenic solubility chann lightfoot prograde turn overprinting curve erzge modern identify successive degrees good key glob apparently ##vention profiles luminescing replacing pseudomorph integ reflecting depending morphology ##ulfide ##rock subdivided infiltration implications ##ersdorf interlayered subordinate vaigat ehrenfried agreement ##birge intrazone opaque erzgebirge ehrenfriedersdorf bore dilation hong mur myl mhu pi pgm ra sred way ##rup ##ses ##lish ##nogor ##iations ##b2 ##tead ##let ##ured distur metapel ##veld geoph subparallel upwards indicat notably acqu obvious latest weighted 208 modelling southwestern accur ##oids synt transmitted explo increases mountain initially decreases ##aean textured argu electrum platform exhibits instead bleida stockworks undergone focused width troctolite profile mobilisation differentiation temporal elongate icp heavy hinge survey bushveld porphyrob diopside nuus srednogor srednogorie bal fit gond lodes namb san saddle tas ves vers xin yell ##rate ##rites ##ption ##io ##iro ##wana ##ken ##back ##tium ##agn ##the ##uration chines ##otrop make who ##ogram ##illa indep calcic arunta upon unde slope emeishan crush discrim albitization termed referred reference homogenized polar suppor affect decreasing archaean half paula median introduc potholes extends mechanisms transitional resource cements floor experiments burial anticlinorium seems protolith properties extrem repeated intercalated sensitive corridor frequ cumming nambija yellow chinese independ 550 64 aure du fore kip k2o listed mich ns n1 pile pods rom ssc sizes ##py ##ood ##ynamic ##ice convention alumin always ##eto qual existence basic crack evap traces param concluded similarly undersaturated precious monaz foliated sourced ##unc ##unction ##ranular remains ##iques consistently diagenesis cao walls correlations directed gave program cenozoic selv porosity molar tio2 distinctly millim ##ographic periph diamond alternatively reserves purple techniques collisional years cyclic competent ellip pacific gravity calcareous removal siberian roughly wmn boreh 208pb extremely monazite 280 48 az cf certain gul hen hall kil nne pock tag wsw ##efficient ##sa ##sch ##less ##xan ##nary ##tach ##yon ##ying ##ontium ##aled intim ##roy ##asma ##olute ##osing ##elf ##luv sufficient ##ceed ##ado ##yric coefficient strontium ##ands plac plasma impl granular hasling indicative augen slate monta lithostatic shears producing ##uban brecciation matter sheared broken equilibrated ##orlie prospects classification continued buxan atacama recrystallized require kalgo currently ##aflo cordierite influence consequence incorporated cobre conduits discontinuous unmineralized mention readily magnitude outlined enhanced geophysical gondwana tasman versus haslingden montauban kalgoorlie 44 450 53 79 95 92 alex cause dou eff hw lat lath oagn past ##rac ##pn ##sal ##utit ##lim ##gs ##gar ##dal ##tian ##anza ##isite ##istr ##omes al2o3 alluv ##tside ##etre ##ectite whose stoy displaced ##uction ##ucoy coherent ##ching ##ira resolution able trunc regionally enc enough ##akh ##ario ##oclinal sci smectite precision niutit optical 187 coarser microcrystalline so4 calculation lithology ##itsa acidic cumulus accompany outside sapphires inductively considerable widely turbiditic melanorite reflects establish exposures description array ##bla antucoy nevertheless wolf argued independent ##afloor ##pnomelane stoykov niutitang antucoya 238 33 bay cer gently lland mv norite pill pron qvc sized tab ##ply ##sively ##ares ##ground ##keng ##known ##alu ##erial ##ency ##itchie ##istent ##idal ##atchev town conj conform rep reason chemically mao propose ##ighter ##char sets unknown relation ##ipped clath ark ##ometric subver composite entr ##akitchie ##ological ##tonite similarity box americ micas siliceous spot salt equation presents ##ounced discovery becomes explan defin paleo absolute equilibration bullakitchie browns genetically background observation clino systematics ##ushi unlike proximity extracted logatchev centimeter immiscibility differentiated flood episode exsolution residues summarized territ promin sorted alpine coincident changpo triassic segregation tongkeng external quantities replace serpentin ##thetic cummingtonite kipushi conventional selvages alexand 238u llandovery pillow pronounced 43 82 bra bald cacl dach hel lived mil peral pad pges punta rise roll wal wan zh ##ville ##rated ##sl ##nest ##iting ##tage ##get ##oted ##wh ##bb ##335 ##onum ##alusite ##enberg andalusite inver ##ics isoc ##urs conduc ##igan review suites ##uck evalu trach presum neo voltage preexisting prelim phys ##ford morena twin canyon crushed redistr transp transten extensively syncl radial europ rarely calculations soluble lineations newly elemental called centered styl ossa reactive metalliferous goonum weathered mobility revealed illustrating albitites entirely discordance melanorites oy335 exposure reservoirs evaporation pulse pulses rotation affinity ##tectic kinematic porphyrobl introduced henry lattice wolfram mvt clathrate subvertical cacl2 dachang preliminary goonumbla 28 66 73 cre ham j1 lad mpa pum rate rand tell win ya yet ##ga ##well ##ds ##bi andean ##arm ##ories ##ano ##anana ##oluminesc ##ission ##osk ##agab isoclinal ##terly ##ila ##opyrox mineralising chate projec onto coal covel coex assigned ##quarie ##antagab seated unus ##ipp hydrogen clays occasion geor true subpro substan phyric frame acted ##aves grey ##fication 102 grading ##uns equal equations geochemically became decay fractional crystallisation remark correction probable layering distributions patches peaks solv follows ##raded ernest ferric chromitites ##beds histogram goantagab pervasively shapes chlorine allowed fabrics room macquarie ##tze permeable partitioning reached incorporation rapidly ##orescence ##necke dilution decarbonization played aspects prismatic expressed transgress yangtze diffraction hongge indicators nuussuaq halls implies territory prominent transtensional porphyroblasts wolframite covellite subprov 03 56 57 aim bon ber bord cat dimen fiss kug mer spread vic vand zeal ##vation ##rong ##went ##welling ##ka ##zer ##zburg ##bin ##bor ##itation ##isotrop ##ulse ##omarie ##igg ##igen report repro ##imod anisotrop ##ressional shd coomarie compressional ##ips arm upwelling cupr act acadian aubin recovered scen underwent blank ##anguaq sandsl salta limbs species contributed corrected precipitating ##rustal microcline soft deviation importance 20010 ##aux mapped modeling dynamic determinations supergroup pair preservation reacted metallic meso collap migm detect investigations tension load titanium illustrated technique replaces pseudo leucon preferential hyal useful residue conduit mku accumulation geothermometer crops harzburg underlain tonnes cavities global dilational mylonitic metapelites xinrong wmn10 alexandre tellur ##oluminescence ##oskarn chateaux framework kuganguaq vicinity zealand reproduc ##imodal sandsloot 54 55 69 63 790 85 99 dbs eight eroded fo2 ho hur land pab sx talc vi ##eed ##ration ##pared ##sd ##lpnomelane ##aal ##aerial ##ged ##gian ##gence ##gra ##cumulate ##erves ##icted ##itated ##iding tool ##ulations ##acrustal detach iss real ##iled asuk supr fluorescence ##ogang incl highl sea ##tites hydrost ##wegian hydrothermally calcium trigg subaerial prepared physical book differ adcumulate marc bars uppermost contrasts fineto disseminations nearly ign patch stratigraphically directions endoskarn 110 ##versely curves ranged stilpnomelane causing downward ##plicate strikes uncertainties confined overlaps ##axial hangingwall involving quantit subsid ferrous scanning photographs driven sparry colored boudinaged calibration endowment quebec michilla quality tasmania efferves repulse paddington ladder random yaogang solvus subprovince armoric cupriferous collapse hydrostatic yaogangxian 310 aer apl bat bacter cot done dates giles kar mos n2 none rul rus rif tal tree tub wr wacke ##eth ##ux ##55 ##fels ##mp ##hes ##tes ##orption ##edonian ##osal ##eler ##agmatic ##acity conve ##izon grim ##etres ##ect ##abil shot shif shila ##adium quite onset metres compaction unique relict clast frank ##aka cub obtain pers modal characterize scav ##ief acceler smith sket ##zoisite texturally thicken proven km2 ironstones decom synthetic primarily musgra paleomagnetic eutectic maps describe hornfels approximate uranogenic initiated thrusts interpretations intersected ferru closure reducing exhal swart topaz volumes constraint sodium 160 migrated mudstones microscopic luminescence leucocratic experimental temporally powd discontinu namely convergent postdate ##nantite volatile ##ottom procedures accretionary necessary instance believed altaids ##ogranite acquired aureole mentioned accompanying cerro clinozoisite peraluminous trachy transparent winnecke unusual bonanza scenario reproducibility hurric supracrustal cotton musgrave ferrugin 2b 5a 62 650 88 ath big bottom cs cation d6 drop fund ko ksd man ple pore pipe sold ##equ ##rised ##sulfide ##nected ##aic ##gite ##yond ##ymme ##wach ##64 ##magne ##onous ##inous ##err ##ery ##oses ##osilic ##atanana tomic ##ulate ##acy ##omiro ##ilu beyond asymme anc shift statis flux ##verwach ##odoluminescence once onverwach exceed compare comprised cryp relev reliable ##iang occup norwegian geosc tra traced ##ometer regression ##ives concentric dominate facil preced spin significance providing ##ounted easily corrections radomiro so2 finer 2004 2002 ##berget bounded intrusives lineation affects affecting deeply gives details metallogen spectroscop predomin ##ography negra bleach intergrowths preferred econom tennantite allows reveals pyroxenes interest cathodoluminescence anticlinal camp alps volatiles join roby microfrac channel synto vesic parameters ellipso gully rollback redistribution vandenberg detachment marcasite patchy hurricane ferruginous onverwacht geosci 46 buck bimodal cul ded dav eg fil kn kom lan lem mir norites pall willi yun ##uit ##ls ##nigan ##ging ##king ##froy ##hor thorogenic ##ontin ##enia ##ants ##omen depres connec rework ##ilst ##ouche chug anast suture attem ##eck whilst quater disrup ##ify ##tency sulfates cris criter favo abiti index calcilu neu lefroy apart volcanogenic acl accep objec peru ##ochth biostratigraphic northwestern ##turned ##lla ##ieux ##ctu precise span brun syen 180 orthoc marginal soils homogenous invok 2001 stere ##tivity leachate poles ##pms overlie centers therm thermome examined fragment giving ##isey oxidizing argon effective ##tigouche reflectance cooled keays principally instit workings gabbronorites pothol potentially caledonian ##oxic ##untza tuffs boud voisey ##anka dispersive influenced percol imply release episod photomicrographs edge icpms buffered fws anorthos procedure petrology shoots nodules xrd transpressional fossil piuntza disturbed romeral evaporites hws ##saline alluvial arkose explanation isocon conducted george ignimb effervescence aeromagnetic shotover frankenia economically lemieux williams chugov attemp quaternary abitibi 47 68 76 78 83 crom dest db2 ger iber kd kaz mas nan nuc nbs oz page ren rain spl sse tun van μg ##right ##law ##iers ##cent ##18 ##fer ##fied ##jected ##till ##ested ##ices ##ania ##ider ##ulating ##urra concept ##vements cher grand sud why stret ##ngenetic ones excl ##tenberg seafloor cruc reset imper hydrox trail arrow neither subhor phil upright frans ##aking fe2o3 variability masses southeastern ##sions prior precurs spil spaced deformational syngenetic graded gradational decoupl reman remnan 140 finding finnigan 2000 arcs prevail lamell identification examination na2o ##abasca δ34ssulfide populations periods mechanical mobile mediumto backsc paragenetically geometr demonstrates rimmed alternative overlapping centres contributions 455 microscopy partitioned turbidite geothermal influx ##swick climate argillaceous cobal exsolved networks rotated cycles unmineralised ferroan confirm percentage morb hypersaline integrated accuracy supports borehole intimately stylolites migmatite tube ##izontal athabasca ancient crypt microfractures anastom criteria brunswick invoked anorthosites cromwell subhorizontal remnants 08 290 42 59 67 84 bse ball cd cren dc dat datab duk fes fug function gam hu hof hno iib j2 jin lech lighter mut miss oly raw sed spor wales zin ##ew ##pq ##sely ##xta ##nant ##ctively ##16 ##mand ##be ##hom ##ham ##hem instr ##rous ##ols ##istine ##osh ##oster ##ele ##active ##ommod ##usive altenberg retain ##atized begin began ##izonal ##eta maas maev shad share fluctu ques ##ucted haem ##chu seven restigouche colorl indeed ##otopic calcites arra argen prepar sulphosal conclude ##tina ##elled micros varied otherwise northeastern added sometim somewh slop concentrates ##ista accommod pristine spaces empl symb gradual destr movements redbeds equipped specimen boddington 188 eastward remained orthopyrox itself increment finely radio correlates mountains mineralogically fillings gabbros determination paragonite laminations thrusting turonian records recognition ##stra preserve yielding closer ##ophane picrites buil inset ##nwald molybdenum 1998 palaeoproterozoic investigation requires successions allowing papers systematically purity wider illustrates ##ject intersections essential extraction turbidites microthermometry centimeters errors mobilised gemm implying falls passes juxta lithosphere conglomerates pathways elongated maligat hinges property decarbonized regarded petrological ##ungri lineaments reconstr ##pyungri cracks waning presumably occasionally inclination shifts scaveng sketch relevant spinel egp komati ##ontinental crispe accepted nucle precursor lamellae anastomosing dukpyungri hofstra hno3 lecho olymp sedex sporad zinnwald ##homogen instrum maevatanana colorless arrays sometimes somewhat 04 07 4he 77 825 97 bing bud fores gs gon gases gms hpq j3 lap lanka nann oil oph sa sau ta vg vir vap yil york ##rb ##nag ##oil ##ya ##wade ##worth ##fe ##fu ##fon ##zil ##mix ##enti ##arat ##orbed ##itt ##olina ##ident ##trich ##acena ##oms ##omple demagne ##amental ##amidal alc align ##phas ##oper chap chronolog comm ##ocking makes ##geour maghem string strained compress unrel resin intercept ##orer abraded geod trip aracena ##ape ##pleted applic ##achite simult meter weight scrim thereby slurry concentrate 104 spr dolomitisation emp emission emphas este sri explains lithostratigraphic controvers ##rench enrichments defines precipitates possess ##lands clean carolina normalised 20030 ##oblastic banding ##ugate 130 monzogranite decrep ##titution overprints alkalic shallower mesoproterozoic displayed ivb voluminous goat whitelaw metasediments circum 320 coincide rio favour luminescent ##itish passed lengths involvement anomalously edges malachite heavier steps sheets powder ##rocks geothermometry descriptions confirmed changed anorthosite belonging john aspect driving coloured digenite constituents dominates ##8264 feeder undepleted peripheral laths tabular conjugate conformable reasonable brazil inversion substantial catacl 200108 pairs hyalophane armorican russ rifting grimwade fundamental vesicles kazakh remanent database fugacity maastrich preparation employ lapilli nanny sauberg vapour ##nagh compressive simultaneous scrimgeour 200308264 maastrichtian 05 1a 2h 340 41 49 5b 815 bes cations dro ding dense duration eng f4 fly foster je jar jam kim lost liber mcc nr pick qf test take ug ##sm ##iver ##iary ##iogenic ##tally ##taken ##gral ##12 ##oing ##oke ##yg ##ware ##di ##molite ##bers ##33 thor ##ona ##erozoic ##ico ##anian ##anerozoic ##ash ##olid ##atest totally ##aga ##tron conversely minute ##ows ##owled ##imens ##phase ##izable anoxic atlan atomic complic ##ockwise ##ota ##oto what ##ades quad incons incomple exists ##uced ##ched metag compilation seism fair faulted consum clots clockwise diox india subround subgroup associations phanerozoic ##akes means chloritic amyg ##ellent epma epizonal bio scap greatest accounts undertaken tremolite agree tims localised specimens decalc contras contraction contribu showings infer ##tau ##issipp 190 197 carry wallrock devoid find mno importantly calculate opening corella ##erences magnesium appearance 87rb predate thermod recognizable ##kaline gneissic gashes ferrom ##ocryst discuss swarm intrude bifs iva causes goeth links assume equivalents 1999 excluded excellent chilean delta look loelling circulating centur overgrowth ##olla minimal centimetre pyrocl packages colorado wygral evaporitic tholeiites antiform needed phyllites remobilization analogous shoe nodular stream selective colourless murgana pocket 187os definitive hamp border ##borne subsidiary aplite swartberg statistically preceded spectroscopy deduced disrupted orthocumulate institute tunks trails cryptomelane mississipp argentina symbols gemmy forest gonz yilg ##fontein alignment triple springs flysch jarosite atlantic seismic subrounded thermodynamic goethite loellingite wygralak 210 240 260 3a 330 360 3he 590 630 74 72 93 98 bv care came dull efficient fen fib fut gun hyb ions j0 kra kov lined mound oh ps pil pear rest rates rose sts taking ɛnd ##eite ##ets ##s2 ##stein ##uter ##uts ##uish ##lic ##las ##long ##iate ##oo ##yan ##hl ##alach ##erpo ##edral ##itr ##itz ##oscop ##lear ##acing ##omas ##usively ##ural cond ##amm alma rehomogen ##imne chrys chimne making shaf shosh stained ##cend ##ngth ##sey ##iford exact ##oney unmix hydrous indisting ##ayed intrac ##edimentary notable cup cuerpo fe2 differs differing canadian chlorites approp appalach slow domes bladed dolomitic emer pebb ##berley symme tanz dissolve sando sandiford motion noble explorer originated productive origins crystallised ortho estimation respective elip drilled averaging thinly thinning thinner measurement overlies absorption anker exhum shallowly likewise detritus rhodope displaying ##alde mullet unclear ##roscopic marker recrystallised mcd ##gyz geometric 1990 propag focussed considerably encloses intersect advant phosphate episodes involves cathedral tightly ##fully evaporated protoliths started starra buffer named subdivision postdates extreme needles ambig targe specifically interflow groundwaters tectono strength penetrative problems fossils envelope balance frequently frequency millimeter pockets coefficients doub encoun ##charge entrap american europe ##igenous software leuconorites tellurides viol realgar highligh quantitative mosaic facilitated bleached ellipsoids favored episodic ignimbrite stretching exclusively decoupling backscattered 188os binggu virt alcalde geodynamic kazakhstan employed kimberley inconsistent incomplete century hampton gonzales yilgarn future hybrid ##uishable indistinguishable appalachian 1b 2a 3b 7a 8a aph achie bis bill binary cold cell db dim ech flex gn ged honey ip kg lu lod liter lying mb mts math mole nc nas nac oun omitted rid runs sardin tm tay vh von yb ##pow ##piment ##uce ##ler ##lor ##aip ##gg ##cill ##14 ##oform ##kin ##kko ##94 ##down ##bel ##hf ##31 ##ndaga ##ero ##eson ##arid injec ##ita ##itant tom ##acite ##omitant iso connected ##igranular forill ascend ##phot anat atoms atlas ##eca stated stain ##therly orpiment prolong distill ##chemical comparing seal sealed sekko plus ##strom norway granoblastic subject carbonatite ##formal ##itively ##achev concomitant whereby charl recoil ##ochemical modes modification micron varie slick grouped 105 ##anged emb vergent desilic salts bedrock metaluminous drisc localization ##cl2 easterly fractal depart head remnant postulated precipitate greenish pyramidal coarsely microl arsenide normally radiation radiometric ##rett amphiboles averages irish ##umulus fills steph manto magnesian determining uraniferous supple numbers longxian resultant distinction ##meable crustally oscill phenocryst argue thicknesses degass cm3 activation downwards ##305 220 marks recrystallisation 1996 chloritized loaded tuffaceous gabbroic rober macroscopic polycrystalline document capable understood replacive phosphates buried paths ##riate intercumulus accreted breakdown lamprophyres 365 laborat terrigenous dilute segments accumulated regarding tends coincidence surveys operated operating phyllosilic debate haloes granulite damara necessarily hyperarid erupted disturb accurate polarized supporting periphery placer america remarkable histograms anisotropic triggered decomposition powders metallogeny yunndaga depression ##ochthonous boudins chugovista germ resetting impermeable hydroxides findings jinchu olympic budget demagnetization maghemite unrelated jeol qfp complicated fairly dioxide scapolite contrasting bv305 gunpow kraaip kovachev pearce intracontinental appropriate tanzania virtually gedrite literature ounces ridges taylor vhms ##ggai forillon distilled desilicated driscoll longxianggai oscillatory jinchuan gunpowder kraaipan 5c 6b 7b 89 8b 94 bent fam font fb2 gro hed hun kath kink lα len los lfu my mis mann mounted nm nong qtz rum tl vel war wood zam ɛhf ##va ##rf ##sz ##lines ##lipe ##iott ##tors ##cting ##13 ##otic ##kovo ##de ##dz ##day ##fag ##memb ##bote ##bble thall ##oned ##onts theore ##tieite ##reh ##inants ##aling ##eron ##enes ##eness ##itud ##anch ##ises ##osen ##elon ##eline ##lein ##trically ##ocolla ##acu ##ommon ##omena dehyd ##terite alg aluminous revers ##atit chon check anto attained ##abong staging sullipe ##ngoing ##sets exist exotic cour stra strang metav assay seams evol abrup diab diverse ##asta subst carbonatic ##acey enter collectively siluro apach overpres overview simply cuts mega ##ocho webb ##ards ##ellon allanite ##oclastic scar adams sectors eventually aged complexing ##ficial spain spik pebble positively desert moz transformation transect equant drive discover termin mgcl2 specular produces oppos depicted remove diagn ##ierra 195 wallrocks ##2o5 2005 muscocho ultim pegmat superim monzonitic particip ##mend porous constructed alkalis osborne angles veinlet anticlines colloform ivan exhibited exhibiting uncommon lacking irregularly rhyod glomer extended extending 1993 increasingly isochores delam international 170 roof elevation elevations tonalites enclaves positions 370 centimetres batholiths interes difficul author 270 jung infilling ##ebra summarised power ##saturation approaches buffering convergence columb cameca intervals fwp2 belongs elliott ide idi clustering columns squares fluorine constituent xrf believe endowed constitutes recons problem dominance envelopes pseudomorphs syntaxial exploited undeformed repeatedly foreland aluminum boreholes kilom placers serpentinite help zheng synclin coexist harzburgite pabellon endoskarns randomly cubic acceleration geoscience filament mirkovo potholing destabil nanling vanadium crucial gamele beginning shadows fluctuations question destruction incremental scavenged 20010825 ugab ##owledge pyroclastic chrysocolla shoshonitic encountered entrapment billabong echelon ipge mbz ##photograph anatase prolonged germany fontbote manner zamora ##fagasta thallium antofagasta sullipek metavolcanic abrupt gameleira 06 070 1to 3d 4a 4b 6a ai b4 bin bak bari count cpy cgs das ever faint gh gab gross iia ipb jim kerr mu ml mary nts national oco ooids ongoing pc tons tested vent visc v33 wave xi yar zw zart ##ract ##sible ##lig ##aved ##17 ##oh ##oge ##wer ##ky ##db ##fb ##moto ##jel ##h2o ##ono ##alen ##erical ##erlein ##esterly ##ened inverse inherent ##itat ##anitic ##aset ##asons ##oluble ##isition ##ateg ##ostic ##leen ##lets ##agnes ##trical ##trial ##tracted ##ocular ##acies isop ##urrent ##igs ##amorph alone fors reasons ##romat ##romine ##oug chosen anne comagmatic ##ticular ##ett ##otte ##aburra ##restrial shelf static ##artfontein ##ichi proto ##adition ##adale quoted incong ##ifens quartzo coated compreh seam unre unrad relief resist resorbed plates ##orphous norm northerly calcitic intracl tradition neigh ##ometry paroo carbonation fronts ##apatite ##apped ##ikil ##akaka ##ologies overturned acicular augite ##ourne corroded metric usa perid permit lowermost recom recalc mela amorphous webs ##ava magneti microm biogenic bierlein scarc greifens ##turbed add deformations poikil copperbel suggestion ##otes ##rows ##rowite ##raphitic laram blsz ##ctor orogenesis 101 ##angular dolomites monit seriate em2 syenite text transfer thicker outline discer becoming terrestrial lithof refer originating plume crossed evidenced stratified 405 matsum maturation microchemical 1980 probe probability carr soil 142 reflection leads characteristically schistose southernmost ##itites pitted doe ##abbro younging petrogen ##azare ##rada longer longitud predicted ##oka ##okaburra envis port closures swit mesoscop ##ospheric counting plutonism thermally brownish continuum lacks cooler neglig ilakaka 225 insoluble workers offsets ##oyant intergranular exclude ##inson granodiorites tiny avoid ##archean ##afjel purified tonalitic enclosing voh coincides uplands chamosite melanocratic displacements reaching dependent guang exsolve mkuc mkfb sorrel ##omorphic researchers 001 competency orthogonal taradale ##ruent intercalations ideal robust debris ceased ##tectonic tectonism hundreds hollandite quebrada eruption eruptive acquisition obviously balk vesicular discrimination n110 evaporite azzer intimate sciences townlands conjunction entrained definition evaluate neoarchean pump dimensions fissures harzburgites pabos issue bacterial ruled convection thickening exhalative discontinuity discontinuities kookaburra soldado david calcilutite neutral objective iberian rainf geometries ballarat crenulation dc2 dataset mutual haematite ophi ##entific drople nrm ferromagnes looking ohmoto psamm shaft appalachians aphanitic nasafjel staining embayed stephen laboratories groves kathleen nongraphitic dehydration reversal straight strangways apacheta overpressure scarce diagnostic delamination synclinorium binocular barium cgss kerril yarrowite zwartfontein zartman comprehens unradiogenic greifenstein copperbelt lithofacies matsumine mesoscopic negligible nasafjellet 2θ 235 420 710 838 820 900 b0 ben barb cas city carb c16 dor dow days fire gull gap gover his hab jel jap jigs ken kir kram ming mort muns nes nine nald nazare ow ok pg pir pip pull pond qp rou run sac sides sah ssw venting wat wag warm ze ##vaal ##rick ##pi ##pdb ##su ##si ##uad ##ns ##nc ##night ##iag ##iph ##iocene ##gua ##o3 ##ye ##ycl ##95 ##face ##ban ##bach ##bitt ##jo ##jack ##hou ##23 ##inities ##alkaline ##enc ##ening andran ##arms ##eda ##edon ##ito ##asz ##aska ##isa ##osm ##osec ##aty tower ##ulite ##ocal ##activity ##urities ##urface conden alice almand ##ilight ##possible ash asia ascr ##imeter ##izhou chu chamb changing anth anion anton grab atm attain comes shik shaded stacey stromat oran que ##seafloor ##ife ##ifted extin cooke ##changed ##quet ##illo unf ##estable relate resembl resolved fail pliocene impro impossible intercon clar granoph diorites indian mineralizations trac ##ometers pardi subt subduc subjected subseafloor phyllite ##fort framb ##plex ##so4 richards overnight ##emble recycl twilight diffus diffusion ##ondary characterization alloch southward completed ##luding marchev accident ##hedra smok spacing brighter synd gradually ##auss surficial sandpi redden equigranular ##portun generalized ternary rhe rhom opportun hend syntectonic ##ambo inference pyritic ##ieritites coarsen microb microphotograph arsenian elsh deviations xenolith chromat generate contaminants initiation supplied ##azono supersaturation 115 116 predates ##verses recognize brook brochan ##titude pointed preserves andesites swarms 390 histor rhodop topography predominate ##board metasomatized 708 collage millerite environmental continuity glen rhodochrosites backarc darker investigate migrate situation noteworth circular handp 325 805 road farther focusing cordieritites purpose isochrons ##agasy covering densities ##venile erratic dispersion reaches pseudosec behavi impurities continuously passive authigen juvenile ##ukitoid obliter guizhou cathode ##neca ##cheon ##cheider stockscheider synchronously malagasy inhib 36ar gradients names subsolid shortly ionization harris ambient tarim phyllic remobilisation granulitic prisms square calibrated wavelengths expense pseudomorphed raul sanukitoid discriminate medians duplex millimeters sufficiently ##daloidal truncated ##charoidal milky inverted twinned created remarkably mesothermal leuconorite wmn1031 sxrf accelerating asymmetric traverses predominance joints knowledge palladium reworked reworking attempt nbsasz renierite cherneca philipp spilitisation cobaltite sulphosalts slopes orthopyroxenite komatiite chronology esteban controversial johnson simultaneously jameson quadt decalcification mississippian fibrous ##steinberget condestable symmetric ankeritic bisulfide carbonatites supplejack degassing roberts bv305d ##atitude checked discoveries ultimately superimposed participation ivanov reconstitution kilometres dashed ##amorphic incongruent peridotite scarcity petrogenesis longitudinal davidson rainfall droplets ferromagnesian comprehensive doris gullsteinberget jelev japan jigsaw kramers mortar munster nesbitt naldrett nazareno okcheon pirgua saccharoidal almandine ascrib shikazono extinction pardiac sandpiper elshitsa brochantite noteworthy pseudosecondary authigenic subsolidus 010 1σ 5to 680 840 835 96 amal boc bres bgy cp cow camb cvc dong dra dick dunite fc fo fdz gar gain hard hitz ire jow jog kα kan king kou kyr kore kind lis lob mein mature nist ome p5 ped rising s4 s3 sen sos slu sited tos tail util ve v5 vast wab zb ##viations ##etical ##rasion ##pie ##she ##sedimentary ##uf ##lm ##nor ##nakh ##cer ##ctonic ##19 ##oon ##oys ##oichi ##yre ##yko ##59 ##ker ##kle ##kum ##kers ##dy ##fes ##fold ##ze ##zyl ##mer ##bre ##bric ##je ##jie ##hall ##hnite ##2s ##teen ##rey ##inates ##erton ##erland ##enge ##ential andrad ##arite ##arian incep informal ##icer ##anal ##asant ##olati ##isely ##osts ##osities ##idic ##idium ##ulent ##ulian ##leum ##truc ##ocated ##ocap deion deuter ##usted ##thrus ##uri ##amp reop rebo replicate returned ##atives ##ilite ascent ##ems ##imanite ##imhall ##lucent ants grant sun ##etown ##plate ##play whitish shore shield shoot shicer stone staw protracted ##sego magpie incip coales cooper metre metan assisted ##quartz company unp relicts resemble placed imbric interplay lowto abrasion abbre clou divers triang regolith parkes subalkaline lep preore preto valid locus pheng fring ##itiv enab pyrites apoph richer indication concer compositionally metamict ##ackes ##ival ##parkes modelled ##ignific ##ondambo characterise ##prec undis undul sclm northparkes ##turning slivers ##otect ##otectonic ##rowing signs smn smow preclude precisely orogenies 109 chalcedon ##angle spots brief brimhall vertically esc design reduce translucent sche schem drag dried lithium litherland references depoc ##ublic synth synsedimentary crystallinity correct ##ambran ##ambano sericitized mixtures ca2 continents 141 fining fineness radiating homogenize plotting stein ##obar 151 154 155 additionally anhydrites polars 122 supply displace supersaturated selen particles liquids replacements orientated traps curved correspondence closest flag ##ophase muckle metallotect swed orders crosscuts sillimanite effectively linkam classify kyzyl downs insignific narromine bleb 1991 domeyko ##manus migrating ##ahu circl tensional ##ustrine cherty ##oxene 175 volumetrically petroleum kaap macro macetown consideration behind turbulent overgrown pyroxenitic aggregate unless intersects uplifted extrusive logging mobilization visual availability lacustrine behaves division leucoxene june releasing ##riers elongation 512 5118 edific ##naird rotations stepwise oligoclase morphological starting inliers converted 385 giulian viewed ##aqueous 345 anorthite underlies underlie remobilised tonn mss debated 1989 1987 pacmanus granulites affinities intraplate analogue kinnaird instances problematic transgression altaid pseudomorphic crushing aureoles cfb 791 alluvium scientific mild walshe kinematics coexistence substantially aims dimensional detector highlighted batch talnakh powdered pleasant soldiers calcilutites syenites thermometric percolation conceptual accommodated radioactivity juxtaposed juxtaposition reconstruction sporadic sporadically chapter stringer cleaned russia besides thorough ##otaite amygd contribute ##hlen chimneys unmixing exhumation mcdon advantage ambiguous flexural mathur sardinia injection varieties department hunan lenticular rumsey theoretical algal chonolith opposite interesting filaments resistant normative recommend recalculated poikilitic monitor 1980s 235u benambran barberton kenya mingling owing pipes sahambano wagga ##iagenetic andranondambo chuqu chambers anthoph antonov orange granophyre framboidal allochems accidentally opportunity coarsening philippines ascribed dickite hitzman ireland jowett meinert omeo sossego v58 inception reboul stawell incipient abbreviations apophys muckleford kyzylkum insignificant giuliani 1c 2c 230 58 510 560 61 7c 850 810 air bt bm brough bank cc cited crest dun dug e2 eth eure ese fro fed ful fum fusion fred fast fs2 gt gd gall grown gained gauss hb hin hold hum hein hree hope jh ker ked kur kap kup lond lile lince latitude m1 mald nit nos n50 nau npo n60 n70 nomen ov ot od oik oolites pw pin picking pira p2o5 ros rip sq sig sak sie sierra tel til trough ur viable voids vacu wo wed wind wrench yig zun zaz zero ##vac ##eit ##rua ##sing ##lv ##lar ##los ##lusite ##gam ##cess ##cote ##ool ##oand ##wa ##wth ##wackes ##kl ##97 ##98 ##600 ##fs ##fl ##fers ##ferous ##zations ##jang ##jno ##jiang ##hart ##hance ##36 thorium thomas ##ini ##alth ##erc ##eran ##ersion ##aran ##arra inactive inboard ##orous ##oriented ##orru ##icam ##edim ##itate ##anill ##astites ##oled ##olle ##osely ##idas ##elite ##eling ##elly ##ulak ##ague ##ombe isotrop ##thday condor rend repor beech minnes ##poses ##imi chale chips suff ##yssal ##abec ##abyssal shed stoichi ##ceyan proceed ##adse quorn ##umb discharge ##odere ##iforn ##ifying extra ##uch ##ucity coating covers ##ibut striations ##tened metast ##quhart ##anto ##anding compares unra unbl cr2o3 ##utt reli relax relics resorption failed plastic impre interact evolve ##atically cliff grainstones ##porting neph neves next subtle subangular leon carbonatized ##aped enhance silt silty ##conc ##akov overwh overthrus overturning ##raes corvo feot consistency botry rect recovery melted ##arel twins ##avor ##ovvac ##mont micaceous alligat epit scot silicon ##ludes ##athcote marsch slaty facing ##ordillera grouping agate agglomer complexity precordillera orogens spike spider bran bracke british monom monocl geologically geologists served crusade ##berab skew vergence oliver sylv rediss sequential ##unately equally presently ##clature albeit lithophile lithocap spectral opx 18osm decade healed heathcote crystallographic centrally remote plum sericitised analyzing tectonically hematitic pyritized increments continent continues continue microanal so3 soon devolati dissemination invari ##dera measuring ##pruit chromium bounding ##obands opened describes ##terman polyb magnesio arcuri superior prevent ##aysimi ultrason construction graybeds ##ska paucity deepest deepwater fertile rubidium flore outcropping phenomen phenomena surrounds argum argues mesobands intrudes counter degeling platy 7055 broader immersion causative exceptions interactions classical 255 229 cleavages 163 buoyant ##otsy weakness willman hypabyssal assumption mck insight siting accordance 1994 petrographical multiphase ##manland attribu clinopyrox tenidas californ caldera clustered aguas deline loosely internally ##untau circulated centred troilite 323 farm macraes ##afotsy polyphase sarah cementation troctol comparative capped technical gems suspen pyrolusite ##mbrua impact juovvac markedly phosphorite phosphoric phosphorites depends hypothes hypothetical ##mineralized involve guaysimi mangano titanomagnetites miar ramp birthday summarizes sormbrua ##ostratigraphy ##chiefer accumulations geothermometers regardless greatly confirms ##kovska arrival immobility cropping infiltrated operations remobilized interference magnet bushmanland distinguishing sharply selection selectively penetrated externally transpression transpressive denay ##8250 enveloping diffract channels integral muruntau raised indicator forearc roman certainly gulch kilometer double science tabberab explanations evaluation presumed physi synclines create transgresses transgressive mernagh spreading anisotropy 200108250 detectable loading loadings hyalocl subsidence battle rule persistent thickened trachyte metallogenesis campanill joint channeled culmin palladse neutron potholed percolating 768 iberia masterman cherts arrows prevailed prevailing cobalt sulphosalt microstruc sloping instrument instrumental stringers empir decrepitation cataclasite 2003082647 mccoy consumed bioti carrying rehomogenization cuprite pebbles explorers violarite highlighting achieved ascending charlodere slickens phyllosilicate disturbance pearceite courceyan entering glomerocrysts idiotopic county every gaby ocoita magnetizations address laramide discern portug balkan psammitic carbine habit kirk ##encing interconnected syndiagenetic historically behaviour amalgam bocabec breskovska kyrgyz tosdal unpublished cloudy ##itivity undisturbed scheelite scheme circles edifice chuquicam anthophyllite brought dugald eureka fully gaussian humid heinrich kedron kupfers nosy naujang nomenclature pirajno urquhart woods yigit zazafotsy isotropic reports minnesotaite chaleurs unravel impregn overwhel overthrust botryoidal alligator marschik skewed 18osmow devolatil polybasite phenomenon california juovvacorru campanillas palladseite chuquicamata kupferschiefer naujanguit 09 380 480 530 750 990 ak b1 b2 ban boun bub cis cab categ dal et f5 fip fish gres gosc hid hus held jac kr kcl kev kurra lag lock lud lamb lrees lomas msw mls nap n10 n40 nutt pages ring rivers rye sate sira ty tes tac tent tam tver uk varian wet weld word wds xb yans yuk ##ead ##pan ##pyrite ##pore ##ui ##uo ##uz ##uted ##lith ##lot ##nar ##nerite ##nier ##iar ##iere ##ioph ##iency ##tario ##gie ##gram ##11 ##46 ##48 ##o4 ##oting ##yn ##ym ##yer ##wick ##wang ##westerly ##kat ##99 ##638 ##fz ##zonal ##ben ##bot ##ju ##just ##hc ##hy ##har ##hant ##haus ##horn ##h2s ##340 ##7sm ##ør thous thir thars ##tel ##onomic ##tish ##rene ##reau ##inic ##ineral ##inian ##alite ##ndt ##erv ##erd ##erto ##erick ##arth ##argite ##orb ##roic ##rolite ##rotron ##itan ##aser ##asis ##aspore ##osurface ##idized ##ator ##atom ##atant ##inger ##ulic ##ulsion ##lean ##aguad ##occo ##acitic ##omian ##usc ##usti ##ustal ##then ##ura ##urite conce ##amia ##aminated aloh alaska retained recharge ##ilian asthen ##emalla ##imilar ##pherd ##opan ##opold chall chron ##lune ##eres anorogenic annagh grid atten attach ##ticut ##ettes ##otonous ##economic ##abe ##peranza shak shares shiph sta states stabil fluv ##ading ##ogenetic quick dispro dismemb magaguad formul formula incaic ontario ##ifies haw haast ##ibb ##ibone stria ##uese ##illos compound compiled highlight unex unfort uneconomic figures craw resedim plaus impar intermit interacted intercrystalline alterations constric conserv hydra cline diaspore ##tured indire industr ##ayan trond travel ney neogene regular subm submic subaqueous leav leopold prehnite france fraser ##apted entered ensure enargite collection apprec ##ternas indications notation ##arivo magmatically corrosion obsc usgs perth ##acked ##ochroic ##icked ##aren weemalla ##avic ##mony allibone epic bioclastic append grew adh adapted slices concentrically ##llite domal pooled treated blades agrees ##ficit ##ersen 106 monograph monotonous serve magnetites sym esp esperanza dissimilar timok transient transporting school seques ##ensland westward localisation outwards notice explor lithioph refold refract specul special producer bodnar optically 182 ##crustal decades decimeter defining synorogenic crystallising radar processing analyzer ##owna caution cawth sett secondly flowing estimating eugu salinic 196 soamia 145 147sm northernmost 2003 ##cepts irrad sheaves shepherd traceand steam generating 156 153 157 firstly anhydrous 135 approximation grounds ##radalen superposition monzodioritic paragenes 112 oxygenated predic ##okite turfs porosities examine interpretative ##tstanding laval pointing ##ski ##skin equilibria blocky ##ocrystic ##ocrystalline flakes ##ingley shallowing panzh react phenoand swir ##abasic historic pyrene mesh topics cumulative intruding dacites ##boom δ34spyrite immature activities mmb multic bulgar ##marstrom equivocal boron rhyth rhyolites autochthonous metabasic keep nonmineralized principle 166 outstanding markers works workben monzodiorites multiply ##anai excluding confid config accordingly daugyz delim ##oxy discussions 328 undergo focuses purposes illustration illustrate stresses cape capill capitan cratons extrusion logs technologies interbeds mobilized slabs differentiate climatic argillite synchrotron passing 274 275 advocated ##ihua experimentally cobar pelite pellets guide permits catheline ##chey heavily 295 wilde neck antimony 262 dilatant promoting ##bury hotter substitution ##153 ambat scans target repeat semi glasses interface robb scattergram sparse triplicate caves damaran morocco calcarenite corridors digit fluoride expression terminated holland holwell denotes replen ##ogranites expand expulsion serpentine mylon explored exploitation porphyroblastic polarity polarised 642 duplic aluminium aluminosilic millimetre truncate truncates encour centimeterto serpentinised pillowed helium wanaka reviewed evaluated physically physico synclinal european 662 hammarstrom pumice projection projects projections occasional greywacke fissile mertieite actually dynamics mesoand lander issues bookstrom armoricain nonetheless talbot cubes provenance swartkl drops pleochroic asymmetrical occupy bleaching buckskin culebra connecticut syenitic thermo boudreau chugovitsa splay sudden sudbury philips huge accommodate said commenced emphasis controversy possesses decrepitated favourable engulf metagabbro amygdaloidal contractional pillune rehomogenized pebbly 1990s propagation propagated targets doubly highlights dimin tomingley famous evolving substage spiked pegmatoid difficulties junggar columbia idea isoplot intraclasts neighbor websterite envisaged pumpelly ophiolite casquet dowex ponding ##rickx ##ncite atmospheric stromatolitic queensland resembles failure clarity hendrickx handpicked sanukitoids drawn kanowna kouboom korean listric pedersen senonian slum antsir lepanto concerning undulose designated depocen sweden junee amygdules mcdonough frederick hinchey kurama london maldon ovoid odds vacuum zuny unblocking epitaxial scottish bracketed ultrasonic florencite mckay clinopyroxenite suspension manganoan physiochemical portuguese kirkham overwhelming banat cisternas goscombe hidden huston kurrawang mswd mls153 satellite tverradalen words yukon ##katra ##638d ##hornblende tharsis attached shakanai shiphead magaguadavic striae compounds unfortunately resedimented intermittent hydraulic indirect leaving appendix lithiophorite refractory cawthorn eugui soamiakatra parageneses turfspruit panzhihua bulgarian workbench daugyztau cathelineau swartklip pumpellyite 040 060 3c 4c 410 430 425 520 6e 640 730 720 8c 830 9d aro aided b3 bts bue clu dus dys dous dca dfz ej eur eto eina effic fp fu fi fan fix flan fanc fash gate gid gel gou got gard gersdor growing hil hod hous hut hub hana hunt jun justi ku kat kam kum kang kund kok ln l2 lec lab loci latite lining mere mong mones mov mue nons n90 o2 omit oven own pas pec pne pun pfe public rt rin rig rush rls sz sper ts tir tark uc uz vec vague vatom wack wear wang ways wark zerr z94 zebra z638d ##pol ##sis ##shan ##uel ##uke ##lers ##xa ##nate ##note ##ios ##iet ##iomorphic ##tana ##aul ##ault ##gr ##gonal ##gson ##core ##cotte ##off ##ygm ##kn ##ket ##kins ##kai ##91 ##92 ##dt ##da ##d5 ##dong ##dale ##69 ##fania ##zi ##zen ##zoned ##mers ##bles ##bung ##bitr ##jas ##jem ##has ##halla ##hjem ##200 ##86 thomp throws ##tected ##onet ##onge ##tiform ##tized ##inter ##inae ##als ##alo ##alistic ##ndritic ##erites ##erchev ##eruke ##enza ##arole inversely ##tionation ##iton ##itas ##itra ##itau ##antite ##ancy ##ola ##olly ##ison ##isph ##isible ##osedimentary ##idiomorphic ##ela ##elan ##elve ##elung ##tries ##ocation ##acting ##acular dendritic ##ustry ##usev ##enty isomer isother isalo conv ##terio ##amena ##amatically alk altitude aljust forward rees reed ##atization ##ilated ##ilities aster ##tsi ##romife ##empar ##emplified ##imal ##oub cha chem ch10 chadian ann grun atyp ##tices ##ticulate ##etamorphic mak ##ects ##yst ##plan ##respec sher shell sultana propos projected ##add ##ados ##adem ##ump ##umat disl displac disequ ##verine ##odite ##ighed ##ights incident onc exchanged exemplified ##uctive cov goldstone ##ibib ##ibory strip strict stripe ##oushan ##cher ##tenburg sulfidic ##andry ##ype ##illips ##illeran computer highs contour una unmod unzoned ##estone orefield ##yde rests imposed imaging lowered ##lusions ##enew hydrated washed hydrof abnor geodes industry ##portionation ##udi triton arid arbitr neil neand parkers sublith lease leak ##004 phillips upg fry ##apot enorm collector ##pect aptian apices sulphates ##aks ##aku ##akat volcanoclastic volcanosedimentary concurrent overc acts ackn academ elect coron corrob corner fe3 feas feand mex container perce perched consisted boiled amanta ameth twice wealth weighed ##arded ##avay breche ##ondromife ##ova microg micritic variant allochth alloys beltau epoxy bias biocl ##ffite northwesterly applying adequ marls ##pressed tetr porphyric doming zirconium ##istan ##istocene ##ordinates treat agitat precluded precludes 10to spann speed barrier barriers barakat dolomitized dolomitised monos monophase crustiform ##beran version verging tank desulf desempar surpr moved foliations transc transform transected metamorphics srm srspec dry drape dramatically limonite outward ##ounting albitised ##taining lithostratigraphy refined smallest ##kesworth ##rents producers option opposed 185 ##ginbung synand pdb afc postulate foundering hemisph crosses laterite ##issene greenstones flowed paleoc derive match microve microinc 1960 cleaved arsenate iiib drillcore devils 146 invisible 2006 irm irrespec chromites ##umulates steel metasand depletions footnote separating describing midlands ##termost newmont spherical poll manyeruke approximated suppressed ptygm supercontin progression prevented prevalent numerical 114 117 intensive longford thrusted turk turcotte ultrabasic selved recording decreased ##rylite molten ##ilibrium nahc pointe grayish equilibrate currents rubies ##rographic totals lithologic medial acids acidity acidification olivenza ##abasin meson successfully tops topic topographic ##ossils spectacular platon adjusted aquif cadomian ##boh 707 progressed miller combining 252 negatively irregularities ##utes saprolite buena outermost ##upin uncont 1995 1997 1992 intensities intensively intergrowth penn excitation alternate clinal losses ruins universite universities transitions tinto accessories retre volumetric ##inda circle roz focussing maclean cordilleran polyakov polygonal enclose bougu s2a profound comparatively capacity explaining thematic extract candana clayton suspected climates ##hanian incorporate falling packed remainder preference guerchev ##tilpnomelane amongst plunges erosional coupling inher breaks summarize interlocking antithetic starts terrains cameron competence cementing tendency postdating confirming batholithic 347 ambondromife ambinda 655 operation pinkish repetition ##imetric assimilated phyllitic innermost sensitivity 1988 antler cavity analogy digested squire constituting siberia ##shaal streaks termination microfossils wolverine enhanc ##ogranitic uniformly feedback globules raise metapelite nuusuaq discriminated duplicate michigan n160 alumino azul kilometers requirements discontinuously 187re establishing bayas conformably walhalla zhang twinning redistributed stylolite project transgressively fissure actual mesozonal wmn1018 632 inclined trigger aplitic batches bacteria karst karibib rustenburg grimsey manit pleistocene statistical occupies traverse facilitate predominates campanian ellipsoidal geosciences culm davis yunkai stereo thermometers fragmentation episodically destroy rainb grande spilitised geometrical ballhaus mutually ##bek haematitic destructive orthopyroxenes radioactive build reconstructed scavenging ##aratra application applicable estefania 2003082644 besopan england fosterville liberated picked pickwick ##olidated quadr metagrey decalcified deltaic mississippi careful carefully chimney emergent orthoand exhumed mcdoug advantages subdivisions ambigu tectonothermal doubt cells charlotte phyllosilicates hyperaridity rhyodacite rhyodacitic difficulty ghost ghosts jims muerto viscosity forster forsterite annealed annealing unrealistic traditional traditionally avoided vohibory guangdong zeolites ##bachs improved tracer subducted recycling diffuse reddening rhombo microbial chromatography rhodopes fc1 jogs andraditic informally deuterium coalesced phengitic chalcedonic escape selenides kaapvaal tonnage mildly ##hlenbachs recommended banks fumarole hbr rosettes tilted wedge suffered stoichiometric metastable relaxation cliffs nepheline agglomerate branches monomineral sylvite magnesiohornblende diffractometer tabberabberan 2001082507 culminations empirical kyrgyzstan devolatilization bouncer jacob lambeck welded yanshanian ##hantuo thirty ##uscovite fluvial quickly disproportionation dismembered formulae hawkesworth plausible imparted constriction conservative industrial trondhjem submill submicron pyrenean multicolle rhythmic configuration digital diminish neighboring overwhelmingly buey dusting doushantuo einaudi efficiency fancamp fashion gidginbung gouge gersdorffite hodgson hubnerite hanaoka junctions kumtor kundelung kokshaal monesterio muehlenbachs omitting pasava pneumat rinsed sperrylite tirso tarkian uzbek vector vatomandry weardale zerrissene thompson ##interpre ##usevtsi isomertieite isotherms aljustrel grunerite atypical disequilibrium unmodified abnormal enormous corrobor amantaitau desulfidation desemparados hemisphere microinclusions irrespective nahcolite bouguer guercheville ambondromifehy mcdougall kundelungu 030 020 2to 3to 338 335 315 490 5e 5d 6g 6h 780 760 81 880 aas ail acan aerial akin bs bol biv barn bun bitum cac cus cogenetic dm dot dog docking dns e1 ew elu eun fif face fell fits fission french gog gera han hat hind himal ib iae jian jones jety jsm jxa kf kh kong kep lig laus lun law lips m2 mach mree mott ng nf nied nond nels nama n15 nimb n55 oro ove p6 pod pest pav pist pole pupin qz ris ried raf ribb renew s0 sant saken tt tol tant twe tarent tae torn tierra tapped ub uch uchu vin vos vill vess void vms vents vect vitr wit woll witt westerly xz x8 xstr yavor zuf ƒs2 σs ##vian ##vised ##ey ##eve ##eater ##etric ##efontein ##rish ##pable ##pell ##ptions ##plying ##probe ##ste ##sts ##sbo ##silic ##sberget ##sjo ##uw ##uable ##uang ##li ##lab ##lide ##lorite ##xi ##xy ##nel ##nment ##ipl ##iors ##tot ##tress ##tants ##aig ##gi ##gus ##gated ##gran ##garia ##cale ##coll ##crete ##cui ##100 ##02 ##44 ##45 ##43 ##47 ##oe ##oti ##ook ##ooth ##oured ##oapatite ##ytic ##yme ##56 ##wig ##wyn ##ku ##ki ##kar ##kop ##kinson ##kelan ##fy ##f3 ##flu ##fact ##fect ##zies ##mo ##mak ##mented ##manite ##bas ##bol ##bations ##bok ##bae ##bush ##bax ##bara ##bourne ##bulak ##ji ##jan ##jomen ##hr ##her ##hac ##hae ##hisa ##77 ##21 ##27 ##øsberget thms thems ##ream ##inally ##inned ##inarivo ##erb ##eries ##estion ##enqu ##enites ##enna ##ennan andil ##arilla inac ##orted ##organ ##roso ##edder ##itance ##anne ##annite ##asse ##asian ##oln ##olving ##olytic ##istered ##osa ##idate ##idine ##elves today ##inga ##ington ##ule ##ulph ##lected ##lection ##itheater ##agon ##agen ##agic ##agle ##agong ##agery ##ocity ##acon ##oma ##omo dean dewater ##used ##usser ##lysis isog iskar ##thite ##uric ##urity ##urna connate ##igram ##iguous alay aliqu force rever retur reticulate revised befor mind astur ##emented ##emann ##imes ##imuth chal chen chain chip chave chew ##ereal anch anhae grams depositing come ##ette ##etus ##etone ##ysh ##ysville ##peritic whit wholly ##restim shang shep shared start stacked ##arton ##gend ##geography ##cchac proved propr protected proxy ##ador ##ogabbro quen ##ums disposed distant disks dishar inclin existed cotectic coaxial coordinates goldmanite strains strings strateg stradd ##chalc ##chell ##chond ##chison ##teness ##irc ##ostook assarel sulfosal ##oneous ##anda compart computed search unid unst unamb united unox unequ unoriented ##estan relates ##tinga plain plio plomo imagery intercepts ##ney hydr ##asses collin coloration abagong ##iance cla classic ##stage normand norrish ##essar temora geomagnetic geographic geobar ##aya ##weenaw ##poration ##udes intrabasin track tracing pressed ##astonite arund arndt regia registered regimes paringa substr subset lev leyb preor carbonatis valuable ##ghona ##ghuang ##itiferous ##plec collect ##ikson richly ##akum ##akurna ##ologically ##ariate sedimentological action accept acetone ##raven mayo corporation feysville meg permitted students lowering ##pard ##parts boord recumb recemented melbourne morelos ampl amboh amarilla twelve twenty 209 202 buttress ##ovsm ##mons ##monic characterizes micrite allochthonous underes northwards ads adit adding maroon ##pression tefl ##ievo larsen ##ordinary signal blind complexation prd smooth ##erson 103 107 ##angement sp4 spur spring spessar branch brusevtsi barites barram dolomic dolomitization ##undi ##anson emsbo petr ##bert skjomen skinned designed moose mould moev transverse transformed transvaal ##ropical ##ropods ##unapot bedard limiting westwards thickest geochemis ##blend wellington discarded niob generalised lithoge co2and speciation speculate 186 depict extents eastwards contrary contribut fractionate height healing crystallize crystallograph centrif ##fields radka afs plumb easternmost sericitization postmineral postorogenic postcoll ##ffected infra cave ##isson pyritisation 40m matsu maturity ##genite 1900 1970 arsenates arsenides carpath carrier graara drillh devon 149 finish amphitheater ##astically invaded 2007 parallelism xenocrysts xenotopic chromitiferous mappable metasil solør ##abbron ##abbros evolutionary albiteand chanarc contaminant footwalls ##ibrittle sphene endmemb poland hornblend 137 132 123 1200 1270 initiate supplying ##rads ##radian superprobe prevents 864 119 118 lamo lamination laminae predict 302 distinctively selwyn molasse halogen halsjo differential δ18ovsm ##skite paisa interstices preserving ankaratra medet flush flame metallur fourteen ##excess rhodonite creeks mesocratic ##osphere aqua sillito ##bouring ##agnetic δ34schalc 7070 poplar solids solidification mills shorter ##isional combine going prospecting prospective bulgaria continuation detecting ##30a 224 keweenaw nonplan gla glikson hypidiomorphic assumptions mcz mcarth ##gnan insights naraku rounding meaning palaeo palaeoge palaeosurface observable migrates h2so4 rimming ##amentally alternation northwestand kalat prefer geochronologic geochronologically tenors tennant chloritoid chloritization chloritisation calama reserve loi loose accessible reactivity proportional 803 roots rooted roedder ##igoon farghona ##afford evenly induces polymic behave moderateto intersecting profess documents strikingly organisation extrap periodic periodically turbidity discordia favors methodology erroneous gypcrete visually lacc laced sustain sustained percolated impure passage packstone 2730 juju interstitially phosphatic ##continental dependence baima stillwater bluebush burgu guil heterogranular purely ##ksan anticlinoria residence tourmalin protoc transportation 291 292 239 liu heterogeneity necks necking ##heated exceptional exceptionally interlimb morphologies antiformal contemporaneously promoted promotes ##going decarbonation 002 383 substit postdated homogeneity architectural coincidental ##kovitsa arrangement harts ##metamorphic needs 658 ablated semibrittle glassy menzies nadeficit interfing experience reader susceptibilities 1984 1986 sparsely 524 analogues tectonostratigraphic digestion fluorides fluorapatite fluoroapatite removes select flattened penetrate penetrating denver denote denser ##oscale expelled colours feeders channelled murchison pii ##lishina widths fitted sanidine xinjie sscs qualifies paramount parameter diamonds azimuth placing tasmanides encomp establishment boxwork 823 peralkaline walraven zhou isocons transparen europium 666 creating georgie beryl bernier berkovitsa dimension blanks migmatitic wmn1013 telluride tellurium hooper hoeve vienna quantity quantitatively karakum talas wrap wraps convecting persisted persistence scavenge sketches exhalation fundamentally manif ##magnetite exceeding occupancy traject spectroscopic predominately vesicle buckling knøsberget lantin sutured favoured orthocumulates stereonet thermometry ignimbrites attempts 6830a master split splays vanadian backscatter cdt huang retaining microspar built building extractions komatiites nuclei nucleated olympus 078 ophitic chapters applications emphasize ##renchosa brazilian cataclastic 20010820 russian drove liberation contributing camebax efficiently fenitisation fenghuang mounds pilbara exactly emerging orthoquartz targeting colder db1 sardinian ybn injections isothermal variegated microlitic microlites mantoes disturbances famil hedenberg hedenqu misinterpre velocity warakurna ##anchi diablo spikes terminology pegmatoids powerful ideally idiomorphic destabilization aii baker faintly ##racturing neighbouring carries envisage government routine wattle condensed grabens attaining improve tracers subtropical subducting recycled smoker reddened rheology rheological rhomb obliterated cowal cambana garrenchosa utilized wabu wabigoon deionized deionised reopened reopening imbricated diversity fringe fringes enabled synthes synthesis divisions thoroughly apophyses apophysis bmcui dunham ethereal froodite federal holds kapunapot nitrogen oikocrystic sqp sigma siegenite window extraordinary reliability rectangle monoclinic plumose microanaly arguments counterparts attributes troctolization gemsbok miarinarivo hyaloclastites slickenslide addressed amalgamated impregnated dalradian fisher ludwig nappe testing taconian tentatively tamar variants thousands asthenospheric challeng attention unexposed appreciable epiclastic adhering symplec exploring speculative confidence ambatomena replenish duplication aluminosilicate slumping antsiranana zunyi aroostook clues dysoxic ejeda fixed garden hilton publications z94004 ##2000 makmal ##umps unaffected leaked upgraded overcome mexico amethyst allochthon agitators spanning surprising transcurrent 1960s pollard supercontinent turkestan mesonorm uncontaminated retreat enhancement manitou destroyed quadrangle ambiguity monomineralic multicollector diminishes pneumatolytic uzbekistan aileron acanthite bivariate barnes bituminous caco3 cusp dotted himalayan iaea jiangnan jetym kept lausanne machine mottled nfm namaqu nimbuw overestim pestle pavlishina pistacite riedel rafts renewed tantal tweefontein tarentaal taebae tornos uchucchac vinini vectors vitrinite wollastonite xstrata yavoritsa zufre ##granulite themselves andilamena isograds ##iguously reversed beforona chavez chewings anhaeusser shangkelan sheppard disharmonic inclinations ##chondritic sulfosalts unstable unambiguously unequiv collins normandy arundian leybourne recumbent underestim teflon barramundi geochemists niobium plumbing postmineralization matsuhisa carpathian chanarcillo endmember δ18ovsmow paisaje sillitoe δ34schalcopyrite nonplanar mcarthur palaeogeographic polymictic jujuy burguillos transparency georgieva trajectory fenghuangshan hedenquist kapunapotagen z94004q nimbuwah taebaeksan uchucchacua 050 2d 2na 2fes 3e 3h 3fes 4f 460 435 540 580 6c 610 638 635 625 612 9a 9c aq aper ah2s bh bag bom bip bess bare bell bagas barton cin cel cock cost cred cip cess cull c80 cnc costs ds dop dual d91 danchi ec ef edition eden eye fid fel fot fren flem foil gf gb gent gil garb goss gains hr hi hz hm hag hour hok holl hust iand ital iap iug iank iota jag job jolla kp kite kus kem kot kine kje kexcess ll lm lβ luc lone lip lance lub laz lover label lumin lady life lher mp mj mem mys mik mond mun mcl mounts manka mda nic nation nil nant nand nik nak nug om oct ostr oroy pn p0 pap pach pell pue pors qv rag rog rud rug rods ross rode roy ripped sat sve sab sib syd sary stern satis singer tb tor tic tres tigh tear tie tier tald tula tai tds takes ut uy ural uo2 utre v1 ven vad vall vive viv vend v2o5 vpdb wu wer wor wis wand wav wren wyb worth waul xig yv yt yag yong zar ɛsr εnd σree ##vant ##vens ##vanian ##vpdb ##ee ##eo ##ef ##ria ##raction ##rating ##rique ##ritz ##pt ##puts ##sp ##sor ##sth ##sur ##suring ##solidated ##uan ##uated ##uge ##ugm ##xag ##xistent ##nr ##ny ##nad ##nites ##noch ##nels ##iples ##td ##tysh ##ao ##aut ##aub ##arest ##ajas ##gre ##ger ##gyrite ##gies ##gical ##gang ##com ##cour ##crest ##cdt ##cnoch ##08 ##49 ##495 ##ois ##ored ##othermal ##ooma ##win ##war ##wan ##kh ##ked ##kul ##93 ##das ##dig ##dem ##dida ##62 ##far ##farb ##fia ##found ##flow ##filian ##zes ##zone ##zolite ##zman ##zhn ##zyme ##mite ##moidal ##magmatic ##bes ##bicular ##jia ##jacent ##hi ##hel ##hash ##halite ##32 ##24 ##28 ##qiling tho2 ##teropods ##onic ##tis ##tiferous ##recc ##revo ##inately ##inna ##inski ##alan ##alac ##alys ##aland ##ndroso ##erul ##erst ##eritic ##escop ##enium andre ##arr ##arith ##aratanana inn ing inwards inspec inning inlet inequ injected inorgan inputs ##orus ##orian ##orrel ##orano ##roix ##roof ##ica ##ican ##ication ##icate ##icated ##icting ##icore ##ictization ##icochemical ##eddas ##itous ##itational ##anan ##ansion ##asi ##aso ##aster ##astite ##asitic ##olar ##olas ##olation ##olia ##olves ##olley ##oliated ##isua ##isotopic ##osic ##osinian ##idel ##idale ##idoblastic ##idava ##elo ##eland ##elakh ##ato ##atus ##atable todor ##ulou ##ulates ##ulsen ##uliar ##ulskite ##uleddas ##leys ##leading ##ithostatic ##ithwa ##ago ##trusion ##trium ##ocalc ##ocally ##ocating ##ocorrel ##acts ##acia ##acons ##acods ##acios ##omagmatic ##ometamorphic ##omuscovite ##omoln deal demar ##enta ##ths ##than ##urated ##urable ##ursion contend congo ##igonian ##igmatic ##igdaloidal ##amed ##amph ##amau alum alst fortin forbes areal areval rein rece recep reoriented ##atier ##atizing bets bears beacons minas minota minicore ##rome ##eminated ##imis ##imass ##izar ##ional ##opia ##oux chou chris chai ch56 ##erezhn aniv ##tedly grap att attes coming commod ##ocked ##tics ##etal ##otur mah mandroso ##ece ##ysite ##ysics ##aby ##ables ##plogranitic whin ##rested shms stop storm stannite stafford ##gets ##ichkov orbicular proch prodem ##adas ##aday ##adrevo ##ogabbron ##umet disap disposition dischar ##yramidal ##verized ##alli ##allo formal formally exerc quartzand quartzose quartzof ##ucl ##uconite hap haplogranitic goldfarb ##iba ##ibia ##ibole strath stripped veined ##chl ##cht ##chem ##chot ##chak ##chinson ##chrome ##iring ##ostasis assign sulfidized ##quev ##quakes ##quito ##antation ##antab basket ##andoned compelling compact highand seed union unev unnam unimodal unroof crud ##uttle ##mentary reside resolve fauna ##ipment imping implied interpar interven interpol interdig interzone ##onggi consens constants hydrate hydration wasser hydrolysis hydrohalite abandoned clf3 grainstone dihedra indoch induce indosinian indurated ##ayer calcrete calcsilic intrins triv ##asets arizon arises arrested nearest park subcontinental subjacent leo lend leones legend preand carbonatization valang valenta ##008 upd ##apure ##apaqu ##itizing enlar enzyme enigmatic collective ##soidal ##connite ##condida ##aki ##akites ##akabe sound ranots ##ologic concave overbur overste simplic ##rogenetic cuand acacia oxic metamictization wherever ##rons ##tov volcanicand pertur perspec peritec perturbed pertaining perfect ##acket ##ivity ##parg bois reco ##ochronolog amp ameng amounted amigdaloidal analyser analysing twidale ##eller modifying ##onde button characterizing maintain maintained variables canber undisc undoub biased biotur scope scott scoti ##ifications complementary twofold therein northward apply gren adve adop adela adakites marl marsh slice sliver sl13 concentrating hostrock pores pohl poulsen suggestive ##orda accounting underling tren ag1 ago agent ag50 ##hedrons complexities ##fications 10b interpreting interpretive ##anga ##anganese brugm bracket monogenic serv pend peperitic crusts magnetiteand developing esm esquev escondida porphyrytic desir surnad moore moelo salem rede transl transcrustal ##unya equim equipment drains drastically thickly ##eldspathic horsts localizing output representation skarnified skarnification wells discol discount discounted notion nio tera refers easy speculated originate originates rhenium optim ##crack deciph eastoe contrad fractionations hexag defects defiance synkin differently ##fieldian ##srand epidotes ##iquitous prime processed ##ambique ##amboyant ##ralithostatic diagonal inflow inferences mush ##tawa marginally ##issures ##isseminated evidences greenfields ##lesford ##lane pyritization flower ##awa estimations paleogene paleont matric westernmost eu2 euhedra microcrack elim carriers carlos carajas wallaby sofia fieldwork devoted 148 mn4 ##nesburg leadville homogenise ##inca ##incor invoke ##gmented ##atised measurable thinto thinned paralleling irb irtysh traceable steeper stevens calculating ##obritz ##obrecc ##oberezhn measures ##ristilpnomelane ##tives modeled pitting baseand mantled 152 solved solely solutes additions midcrustal ##uged newcrest newfound sphere spherul ends ended furong polyde ##ctional emplacements appearing 134 12a 125 graphically graphitised supra supralithostatic petrogenetic ##radation paragneiss 111 longzh predated predating predicts ##okri 303 ultrapure self particle liquidus molong gasteropods paul paired sectioned ferristilpnomelane δ18oh2o andesine actinolitic lithologically mediated 86sr340 flour flamboyant laurite maximal methane oxidise panel reacting reactor swan 395 histories pycnoch mesophase mesostasis ordinary ##ybulak counted countries ##irectional picrite ##ylene ##ylvanian metasomatizing δ34sh2s 7097 collomorph collahu stir miguel milling milligram activated goode linkages ##ographical continuing kyonggi 251 259 256 lacked mechanically freeze principles borates borov borax boromuscovite autocorrel autobrecc constraining 227 noncarbon nonmagmatic 161 16o 169 spectrometers palacios mediumand inside d2dz narooma siiv working photo photos unconsolidated ##uroku shaley multid multistage offers ##mani 602000 concordance responses penns attracted attribut alternatives clinally confl merenskyite prefers unconformable unconformities tenorite tenuous montagne calumet universitat aguil bends bending bendigonian ##poin 17a 173 178 aurum overlapped lasting handler reactivations 326 801 earthquakes undergoing farms faraday macfar polychrome 34scdt sarria overgrows overgrowing 451 bouma bouchot ##mitan aggregations herein coincided 219 caps ordering logarith sinian technology propylitically 376 378 minimise ##formational melange candidate clayey cratonic gemstones lacroix floyd reflectivity argillized oy08 ##hannesburg ##205 leucogranite leucogabbron synchysite incorporates incorporating packstones cuttings 278 ##watersrand exposes cobbles phosphorous phosphorus pelagic 356 burt guides lastly permo catholuminescence pathf ##rio temporarily 514 5120 5117 ##ksberget eds infilled mala malo malmani pulverized protore tholeiite 231 wilhel ##ebration ##chester limitations ##head δ13cvpdb 362 ##ancing chevron 913 mkd5 morphologically starved energies approaching terrain 265 269 263 namibia promp conversion 004 003 384 accumulate regards subsurface tending descriptive ferroparg coinciding thirds 341 formerly volatil ambre limbunya infiltrating keithconnite 246 tetrahedral procedural susceptible semimass victorian johannesburg interferences boulders percentages robinson debavay debatable 1985 1983 distinguishable hfo ##byite granulometric 521 affil gravimetric gravitational intraformational analogies tectonised outlines outlier interlayering daylesford freiber squared fluorination subordinately ##shore ##araelakh instability segregated segregations microfabric microfissures hypersth penetration 021 311 313 712 cumay tongues reconc assessed dominador quantify denoted hgf ##co3 expansion integration integrating hongqiling raises metapelitic geophysics xinjiang introducing frequent 6400 kipchak n140 n120 conventionally crackle programs selvage ellipse elliptical ellipses 485 488 azurite certainty henrique implantation 448 531 533 effusive hwz pasto ##ractured truncation certi tabulated republic arkoses arkosic boxes paleogeography clinoamph serpentinites braithwa helped paduleddas zhao reviews ##ucki physicochemical 285 289 733 pumped winchester ##biotite coexisted unusually greywackes berry bordered bordering meroug ##zerland wmn1092 sx50 sx100 tools triggering ignition bacteriogenic mosquito nonexistent rifted tubes wrapped persists decompression trachytic 88495 dropped asymmetry fluxes fluxing exceeds exceeded relevance preceding channelised dedicated davisson filters miranda depressur connection connecting indexes objects stereogram thermochronolog fragmental institut attempted 787 german masked ozchem renamed splits ##tillas stretched exclusive crucible impervious spilitic cryptocrystalline 085 675 crenulated datable datasets gammons jinping shading questions radioisotopic builds reconstruc komatiitic nucleus ##homogenized budgets ##feo demagnetized chappell chronologically commencing unreliable emphasizing cleaning circumst cataclasis russell 2h2o liberating mccolley ugz consume inferring 1974 1978 ferromanganese pyroclastites antiforms fibro restoration ##oscope shafts slower symmetrical targeted millimeterto violet incompletely flexures lufilian mathinna nacle tomkins ascended degassed robert hedley hunter lensoidal misahu misleading velichkov woodall ##onedo theoretically chonoliths course evolves diabase substages overviews mozambique opposing jungle columbite 2001082519 2001082527 metavolcanics abruptly bakker grossular viscous isopach seamount intraclast webster micrometric laramian portable switzerland vohidava guangxi balkhash ophiolites psammite reversals overpressured governor watson zeolite ##uador graben stromatolites queen unfavor resembling subtype diffusivity henderson microbands xenolithic rhodopian handpicking roads inhibit inhibited harrison peridotites fc2 jogokri lobe lobate veget andradite deuteric imbrication diversification triangle triangular enables chalcedony briefly steiner macroand 5127 tonnages interestingly frozen gdn galleries nitric ottawa oikocrysts sigmoidal telescop windows ##cessible renders rendering reliably ##apedia rectangular microanalys invariably argument attribute delineated hypothesize hyaloclastite microstructural biotitites slickensides amalgamation bubble cabral category xb9 xb99 concealed chronometer staff stairc espisua sequestered noticeably refolded settling 1967 irradiation irradiated keeping markersbach delimited capillitas scattergrams expanded mylonitised saidu engulfed depocenter depocenters intermittently indirectly eurasian house hutchinson justified kuhn lectures merely mongolia moving peculiar puntillas szomoln tsaratanana wackestone ##ietary ##grt ##hasina convinc alkane proposing dislocation displaces covari stripping hydrofracturing arbitrary sublithic concurrently acknowled academy electro coronas feasibility microgabbros bioclast adequately treatment monosulfide paleocontinental microvein metasandstones ptygmatic selvedges aquifer pennine rozenite inheritance zhangjia culmination rainbow metagreywacke rhombohedral trondhjemitic submillimeter corroborated bunkers gerais hindered kharaelakh ligand niederb nondisseminated nelson n155 orocline ribbon ttg ubiquitous uchkul witwatersrand ##fluid inaccessible dewatering aliquots asturian chalmers proprietary quenching strategies straddling compartment unidirectional unoxidized hydrates levoberezhn carbonatisation amplitude buttresses adsorbed dolomicritic mouldic crystallographically centrifuged postcollisional infrared 1970s drillholes metasiltst hornblendite halsjoberget flushing metallurgical glauconite extrapolation guilbert protocol piii orthoquartzite families hedenbergite misinterpret challenger replenishment unequivocally besshi barely celebration cipw cessation doped ecuador fotadrevo frenette gentle garba gossan hokuroku hustlers iapetus iugs jobin kusakabe kotulskite kjeksberget lancefieldian lazulite lovering labeled luminoscope lherzolite mysore mikucki mondonedo mclennan nugget octa ostracods oroya pachapaqu pelloids qv2 ragged rogers rugged rodeo sydney sarytau satisfact ticlla tightened taldybulak utrecht vadose viveiro vivallo vendian wernecke wortel wavy wrenching wyborn waulsor xigeda yvon yttrium yongnam zarmitan inningarra inequigranular inorganic todorokite demarc alston arevalo received receptive beaconsfield minotaur anivorano grapt mandrosohasina prochaska prodeminca discharged exercised quartzofeldspathic uneven unnamed unroofing crudely intervening consensus wasserburg indochina calcsilicate arizona leonese valanginian ranotsara overburden simplicity perturbations peritectic amengual canberra undiscovered undoubtedly scotia adelaide ag50w brugmann esquevin hexagonal synkinematic paleontological matrices ##obritzsch newfoundland polydeformed longzhoushan pycnochlorite collahuasi autocorrelation pennsylvanian attributable macfarlane logarithmic semimassive hypersthene henriquez clinoamphibole braithwaite merougil 88495008 depressurization thermochronology misahualli velichkova staircase szomolnokite zhangjiajie niederbobritzsch uchkulach levoberezhny pachapaqui waulsortian 0m 0min 035 025 094 1grt 2e 2k 282 2magnetite 2biotite 4e 4s 4x 4d 438 4fe 4si 5g 525 570 5fes 6f 660 6h2o 6quartz 735 715 8e 8d 8to 882 812 9e 9b 935 920 ae aid acon bx bit bure bow bot bold bour bard bond bross bcr bsr boric bromine bourne bavay cz ces csr crown casts cca cgo crock cantab dab dres dore deng dah daf daig dumps ete eich eib ecl elan eagle eucl fb fis fog fuc fans fami fines fenite fired fuk fulf fused g1 g2 gor gis gly glu get god gud grow gau gpm gulf garc grows gorda h3 hain hart hib hanc hrees hbl hco hso4 hanson iter iod ihlen ikop jen jav junction jerr jiang jacu ki kw kro keral kand kian koch kun kran kret karel kaya lg ly ld lic lol lul let lir lik list lena lods latitic luna lott lillo lumps mw mα myr mall mull mack mard mans milli mason mung mds macey mitra nl nt nis nag nab nene nie nca n80 name nsw n20 ngu noses oc oolite oko px p1 pm ply pig pam pim pain pou put pater pix pier pales pont patin pird punc puz qi qg qap rv rl rg rc rm rat riz rod roch roles rox rules rds roper ryan ronde sv sg song stem scep sink sake sax sør sibb sayan songe tere tib tip tian tull tap tav tund tms tont tars tort tuttle uv um uit uis uta umb vas vul vig vil vog vak vie vial vier vru villa vice veta vista wf wad wong wri wires waal wuch wacon xj xian xie xb2 x12 ye yg yape zi z1 zo z3 z2 zur zentr zech zamb zaf zeb zimb μl ##vp ##vig ##vik ##vales ##eu ##ende ##eonite ##etically ##eille ##egang ##ror ##rat ##rap ##ritized ##raine ##rillos ##ragon ##pg ##p1 ##pic ##pet ##part ##pear ##pens ##piro ##piring ##sro ##site ##stic ##sates ##ship ##uate ##uil ##uine ##utite ##uay ##uating ##uping ##ufficient ##uhu ##uio ##lx ##ln ##lac ##loch ##like ##layer ##xs ##xinic ##nap ##nace ##nik ##nina ##nonite ##nemann ##ias ##iogen ##io2 ##tan ##table ##tcl ##take ##tops ##toushan ##tadas ##aa ##aard ##aev ##g0 ##gon ##gel ##gass ##gement ##gerr ##g600 ##cu ##cel ##co2 ##cera ##1a ##160 ##114 ##42 ##494 ##oan ##oeb ##yag ##yoka ##yuan ##5a ##57 ##5pb ##wt ##wis ##with ##wich ##wad ##wong ##wood ##wanian ##kα ##kom ##krou ##kitic ##k00 ##kula ##970 ##dl ##d3 ##don ##dam ##dlu ##doch ##d205 ##6u ##6n ##65 ##66 ##67 ##68 ##f5 ##fal ##fod ##fik ##ferred ##fying ##flection ##facts ##zu ##zz ##zik ##zonite ##zacite ##zuel ##zinski ##mg ##men ##mid ##mich ##mund ##mined ##mark ##mocratic ##mission ##mobar ##muscovite ##ba ##bad ##bog ##ball ##bian ##bell ##jing ##jina ##ho ##hm ##hic ##hole ##hau ##hann ##hope ##hero ##300 ##2e ##2h ##2th ##84 thail thio thtot ##test ##tell ##tezuel ##onom ##onites ##onko ##onza theories ##tie ##tious ##tised ##tidal ##rea ##rew ##rero ##rele ##requ ##reath ##rell ##rect ##retions ##reme ##rehomogenized ##reflection ##inav ##inaw ##inder ##inty ##inya ##inho ##alence ##alillo ##ndale ##eris ##erovo ##erophile ##esite ##estral ##enas ##enian ##enov offic andac andov anders ##aral ##aras ##artic ##arpe ##araka ##aroka ##argyrite inward inland inmet inaa inyoka ##orised ##orial ##orwegian ##rored ##rocl ##rovian ##iced ##ictite ##icia ##iclin ##eds ##edec ##itter ##itch ##itten ##itron ##itran ##anic ##anas ##anted ##anies ##anca ##asom ##asch ##asco ##asured ##asilian ##askop ##olin ##olum ##olerite ##olitisation ##isch ##isks ##ische ##atex ##oso ##osoph ##iday ##idolite ##idio ##elic ##elos ##elec ##elih ##atac ##atly ##atto ##atreme toc toul tocr topm tocop toki ##ingly ##uly ##ulty ##legh ##leaved ##lendale ##iths ##agada ##trim ##trally ##oca ##oco ##octa ##ocont ##aca ##acong ##acrys ##actically ##acanch ##actured ##ominated ##omrio decl demand dearth deficit democratic ##ustion ##usew ##usnina ##lyrian ##entory isan isocl isonza ##thest ##thier ##uru ##urc ##ursions cong conod conch concepts ##teriors ##iga ##iger ##igab ##igne ##ames ##amyl alm al3 alto aliv alber altit alizar allegh forced forty arenites reag reten reord reward reven reversely reprec reidel ##atib ##atified ##ilent ##ilations ##ilob ##ilreath ##vey ##vere beg beest beard beeson mina miners asl asc ascer aspiring asio2 ##erald ##tswana ##romatic ##romagnetic ##emic ##emist ##imation ##imena ##imetamorphic ##izhu ##aintrusion ##oplac ##outov minerales mineralic chom chcc chum chib chine chand chau chung chief chwan cheille ch114 ##luence ##lumin an5 anatex antrim grs grie suited sums sutcl atoll compl complicate ##ocks ##etan ##etnam ##etrographic ##etasom ##otype max maier maks ##ecyp ##ecular ##yshan ##aber ##abwe ##aboration ##abraded ##pled ##plates ##plier ##pera ##perary whene ##resolved shen shock shick shires shaking shards sharpe shizhu stuc stub stars stope strel stagn ##cea ##artville ##thermobar ##gean rocky ##ichang orang orusew prove proton proposition ##adra ##adays ##advant ##adolerite ##ogo ##ogite qu8 quech disadvant ##odies ##odong ##odep ##odistr ##odym ##odzinski ##allon incred incursion exogenic expect exteriors ##ucar haas hayd cox cored coora coahu coerc goldstr ##ibly ##ibles ##ibend strat strand striation straddle ##ouse ##cha ##chment ##chick ##chland ##chberg ##chemistry ##chado ##choff ##tenbog ##iri ##irbas metaw metabor metaps metacong metadolerite samson assemb assures sulfophile ##que ##quilibr ##quija ##antada basanite bastil ##onets ##andale ##andinav comput compacted companies compilations contoured contorted sey seiff severe uns unim unable unav unither unsk unsu unchanged unabraded unresolved cry crater crude craig ##utos ##estation ##estones ##estown relating resur restite resting respond resorb ##tings ##tington fails plant plans plains plenti ##ipel whichever typology imprin imped interstr interior intervention interiors interleaved ##ongo ##ongov ##ongke ##neault consolidated conspic ##eney evans evacu evandale waste hydrolog hydrochl ##assen colmo ##wealth abra ability aborted abatto ##iana clark claren ##statite ##stream ##ession diver diap diach diaz diatreme ##geson geomorph geotectonic geographical indi indented ##ayam ##aykov ##ayco ##nton ##uded intrag intraintrusion try tran trid trium trains traves triclin presenting ##iao ##iaping arti artic arne ardle arise armit arri arna arda nee nej neub neatly neodym paraut parasitic paratac partings subreg subdu subjec submitted subequ subtracted submer subconc subchondritic subeu lee learn leaf legs lewis leeds preconc premetamorphic pregranulite vale valve valves valleys ##00r ##00c locate locating phon upflow uptake ##ght ##ghual ##forward franc friable frutos hasodong ##apes ##aping ##apace ##forms enable ensu enstatite collecting ##so2 ##soana ##iked aps apfu ##conorwegian ##aching ##achem richest ##aky ##akanga indices southerly concise concretions overrid simpl simulations ##arios cu2 cuev cuadra acting oxford ##rawong aue aug augus augmented mayer mayeda metamorphogenic earn ##ronz ##ours coral corren ##rostilpnomelane ##roscale ##ember feather oberon ##tob ##tinent ##tinely ##tinela meant ##oundments uses containers ##alei ##alez perform perkin perpet pertinent student ##ivia boerst botswana recover ##ochemistry ##ochann ##icks ##ickle melende pband amplified ampan amoeb ##iffe ##arenite analyse wehr ##avour ##avalent ##ello 205pb diffusive modest modify modifications ##ovski magnee micrographic micritized ##arnified mainand mainland alloy ##oclasts canon undiss undeter epr epi epoch southwards biode bireflection scie scarp scream ##ffe ##ffin ##ffours greves greece secc marin marly martin marina maritsa slur slides sliced dolerites doleritic teth team teagle teaching ##lles hostrocks deforms deforming facility faculty poorer copperand ##rowed ##rowchick ##ordant accounted underway undersaturation tremend groupings blow blau blade agnes agents agitation agico agilent prone pragmatic prices practically prickle smartville precluding ##pbell 10a 108 1020 chalcantite ##angan commonwealth sps spiro spoon bring brak briar brf5 br84 brasilian barr bartine barrett barrick barometers barfod barrovian reequilibr mono monoch monocrys monche carbonateand serie serval serrated eman embed empa emerald peterm pe59 peyer ##bery ##ictory skuk positron verge symp sybell gradation observe develops desulph dissected timely surv sandy sandwich mokula moodies salv salar salars redbed redback transferred transmission schro schaub schwar schmid ##ropelic ##unter ##unov ##unication equi drift driver draped lime limy presentations westfal geochemist locals localize localise throughgoing outboard ##bleibend studying discre discounting ##ranean km3 explore tercera ##tains lithotype lithoclasts refraction mgt mg2 mg43 speculation productivity opens 1830 1860 1815 1845 depicting decam decolle december eastto eastonian fractionating heap heats ##ubanite definite deflected deflection synmetamorphic crystallise crystallizing remapped ##iquely radzik afz afeo ##ambie sericites mixes postgranulite analyze ##ipitated ##owned homoclinal infinite caunter lateritic orthomagmatic pyrargyrite considers stratification secondand 404 408 ##graphite paleol paleosurface paleoplac paleodep matches euxinic microbe microplates 1930 1920 cleo elburg elmer elura carlo carls carapace graham soolin deviate 1400 normalize finest finland leadand homogenizing ##2o2 amphibol inventory correlating correlative correlatives stronger thins irsr igno igdlu xenocrystic chrome chromian sheen ##auq ##auer ##augh blackstone patapedia patsoana ##eva ##evsky ##itoids bounds boundstone boundstones ##key ##obinary ##rison ##tiveness openings hilltops plants planina mantover separately separator 159 solar doyon dozen evolutions chanaral coarseand dynam midto ##ugo ##uger levele ending endocont furnace polo ##robable 136 13graphite 870 126 12b 12muscovite determines graphical graphitoids supposed gao gahnite lightning ##aza ##azel ##azawa arsenopyrites ##pean ##ndeka arcuate garnetand ptfe superlab superheated superchondritic monzogranites galore galenas galicia paraguay sphalerites 860 86sro 11a 11c 1194 longtoushan ##aysian ##oki ##okonko 301 305 309 307 30to turkey distinctions ultra ultramyl centinela absorbed absorb galenaand particulate slipping recognise broke brovales ##meiling ##mekitic identifications portezuel examines examinations 18ofluid ##prints moless molecular halong naoh gash gasquet graywackes curie currawong erongo deeps deepening ferr fertil fergus ferrostilpnomelane closing reduces 100to totaling media mediter 86sri actinoliteand discusses flatter flames flaky laure ##itschland meteor oxidising baffin ##ophosph 206pbrad shallowest ##trital reacts standing metalloids metallogenetic angers argent fourth fournier 0000 00000 00033 398 pyrom rhodes meshes mesoscale successively successful standardization intact introduce bifurc picture ##book metasomatised δ34sbor 705 7082 7017 7059 7032 popular collated collabor colloidal collimation collaboration 207pbrad effectiveness solidified micropetrographic causal combusted combustion linking multitude μm2 prospection prospectivity ##ographs fewer bullendale reflector mechit steepness steepening 254 253 downhole coolac neglected ##roscopy autom autonom illyrian illumin metabasite 221 kee keket nonaqueous nonrehomogenized sapropelic platelets 165 168 buen diamictite weaker paler ##tyuz assumes marking market recrystallise mcgerr mcinty mcilreath insulated insufficient structureless narcea worked metabasaltic intensifies ##voite ##iscus ##iscipl petrographically multilayer multiplier palaeotectonic demonstrating offer offshore investigates ##mann requisite variously cyan h2co3 ##aha individuals penge attraction attractive excludes excursions situations confusion conflic confocal confluence kalmak kalalan autoclastic tenor chloro chlorides montana calm caleta deliver sb2 loz tintina 174 176 177 accompanies ##indian lasted lasaga muds handling surroundings petrochemical petrochemistry revealing gabbrodol gabbrodi daughters 1507 324 802 avoca roaring rojas farats farrell farallon macgee macedonian macfl macalac macroscale considerations titania retrograded purch purify widest widened behaved sarmich enclave overgrow 454 neto ##linger ##lingite coverage troctolitic densely diameters s24 stressed documenting 215 217 capping capability captains dextrally organization extruded logged sinuous 375 ##lomerates ##ollo geothermobar melanogabbro mobilize mobilities mobilising disperse influencing differentiates pseudobinary gemstone gemcom naturally consequent consequences incorrect percents floating vlaykov impoundments improbable reflections oy16 ##hanti divides divalent dividing leucogranites fallick fortuit 271 277 juan juva chondritic advent advocating ##iho ##ihy conglomeratic expose exposing cobble pelecyp ##scape correspondingly 354 355 352 3550 burano burrowed guzh platinized volcanoes permil cathaysian pathway exsolving 513 5115 mioge purest beamline seemingly infillings iceland stepped 293 297 236u 232th liesegang wiluna wilga wilkinson ##zhou ##anesberg silverand summarizing ##heim clastics δ13cpdb cyclical 144nd340 s13 interlaminated interlocked favoring mktd antilles stara approached schematically 261 266 26magnetite dilor promote sorting convert coevally decarbonated researched 005 381 389 camera camg0 campbell hotazel heterogeneously siderophile tended 905 herbl hervey ionisation thirdly arrive arrived arranged 343 benef harmon harman harcour ##imensional quarz quarter needle remoteness 24quartz fwp1 fwhm nowadays operate operative ##ruently ##rels underlined victory chilling discordantly homogeneously menuge meniscus tonne tonkin interfaces interfinger dolostones derivatives ideas sensu reading magnified freshwater greisenization hfse sparite sparitic wavellite antanan implication granule granulestone triocta spectrachem boudinage 527 cavitation morg morongov morrison distances cortex tectonized tectonometamorphic offsetting necessity digest kinloch squee fluorophosph removing calibrate calibrations constituted 755 758 7500c ##shock ##shaping expressions porphyrocl microfaul flattening excessive penetrates 319 7138 hollinger tongue wmc assessing seek diopsidic dominating quantification bismuthides denominated yangli yangmeiling altayshan ##imblan uniformity colouration arsenicand identifying globally murphy murdoch mylonite exploit exploits exploitable arguing arguably platforms bali balancing gondwanian saddleback task versa crusher discriminants polarities introduces duffours duitschland foreign foregoing nsutite n130 n135 n170 qualit wmn31 azpiro azucar halloys kilogram requirement tasmanian 444 443 795 douce douville effl hwhu ##dalen truncating encantada precisions 1871 establishes 333 337 332 township conforms reasonably spotting territories prominently serpentinization serpentinisation alexandrite 436 433 821 824 braun bravoite helgeson walz wanvik isocubanite conducive conductive ##ucky trachyd neoformed physics 664 cream hammers laden pumices yao coals clayst 1021 subprovinces 575 576 berlin borders catalys catchment merge merged anisotropism actlab scenarios usefulness frameworks reproducible 541 696 697 692 landscape vietnam realistic marcoux downwardly effervesce bacteriogen karur karoo mosita ruling rifts written convective ##abilities shifted shifting cubanite obtaining persist smiths decompose eutectics hornfelses hornfelsed exhalite exhalites trachyand athens csiro kohero koeris manuf ancaster cryptic occupying precede camps microfracture geoscientific 469 filter filtered know knyag mirror mirrored palladian depressions connect connects disrupt disruption cristob object objectives peruvian syenogranite syenogranites stereographic stereonets stereographs percolate fossiliferous attempting 831 gergel kazkh masirbas nancy nanoscale nanjing nbs28 rennes renowned raina tunnels ##lawn granditic crucibles hydroxy hydroxide philosoph fe2o3tot decouples decoupled remanence geometrically migmatites 427 591 599 84sr crenulations dc1 dcm dc3 feso4 gamigab huile missing begins fluctuating quesnel argentiferous microspect microscale symbol orthopyroxenites gemmological nucleate nucleogenic instruments 075 775 bingham gs970 ##fe0 chronological commerc communication maghemitization geodic possessed decrepitate favours employing 2003082642 2h2s 414 417 495 engine jeong james jamestown liberate mccrea nrlx qfm thorpe thornton consumption dioxyde contrasted contributes 1975 1976 59077 744 987 fenestral pilanesberg rosebery ##itrievo condie condores chryso unmixed cups cupola cupolas slowly emerged ankerites strengthen entrapped hybridization hybridized aphyric achieve achieving bischoff dbd3 dimorph dimitrievo luzonite nc5 naco3 ##147 tomkinson departure departments microlam microliths supplemented documentation 948 myall velasco warr warren woodlawn algae ##atitudes diabases diabantite terminate terminating ultimate superimposition participants glomerocryst interested columbian kilometre destabilisation destabilised destabilizing 2001082517 2001082511 aiello baksi gaberovo murowchick venture viscosities xialei ##ougamau unreason resistance permitting recomb recalculation micromass micrometer micrometers poikilotopic monitors discerned switch switches switching guangzhou straightforward 7106 carbide governed kirchberg route routinely ##95d5 ##joen ##encia condenser condensates ashton anions atmosphere attains unfoliated unfavour interconnec clarke smoky smokers microphotographs chromatograph chromatographic brooks historical behaviors obliteration obliterate inhibits duplexes 01025 cowra cambro draw garrels kanimblan kouzman korea kinds lobes p5and slump tailings utilisation vehic ##196 shoreline coalescence cooperation triangles lepidoblastic validate phengite concerned undulatory escapes depocent correctly ##obaric selenium swedish 51186 amygdales mcdonald poikilitically airborne ccp dunites e26n gdp gallite gallery hopefully kerrich kapodistr otago pinch pinpoin pintadas ripple ripidolite sakar sieved telbel troughs wedges ##981 suffers stoichiometry proceeds proceeded coatings metastability relaxed ##concelos ##akova branching monomict monocline oliveros sylvanite redissolution redissolved redissolves invariant invariable counterpart delineate troctolized hypotheses hypothesized miarolitic magnetometric diffractometry tabberaberan 2001082505 culminating sulphosaltand microstructure microstructures biotitized discernable unraveling devolatilisation 096 093 akita aktyuz bubbles cabin categorised etched krstic krassen kruger lagoon luders tynagh tests tacaza tentative variance ##ymite thousand asthenosphere challenge attenuated stabilisation unexchanged travelled obscure obscured monographs sympath noticeable refolding speculates settled prediction predictive keeps delimit undergoes capillary repeatability replenished mylonites aluminosilicates encourage encourages encouraged engulfing slumped antsirabe zunyite fiji flank flanks hutton katangan kamona kamenov kangma kangayam lnxs leco mongrel moves nonsilic nonselec pecomrio punctu rt1 rigid rigorous rushes wackestones ##polar ##olaev convolute alkanes asterisks chemogenic annular sherman sherwin dislocated displacing oncolitic oncoids coveney strictly arbitrarily sublitharenite acknowledge electromagnetic feasible bioclasts adequate tetravalent monosulph srm981 dryness 1851 metasandstone ptygmatically selvedge aquifers 7075 7073 pennines culminated rainbird metagreywackes forsteritic trondhjemite abnormally corroborate bss bolivia dml dogbol eluents hanor hatch risk ristigouche santonian santosh sakeny sakenites tollu tolmer village vessel vessels ##janbulak ##janakanga return returns anchizonal ##umsay claim geobarometry substrate megacrys boordu boorder ambohitran 202pb spurr spessartite spessartine petrasch petrunov lithogeochemical lithogeochemistry contributors 1900s predictable keweenawan meaningless kalatonge kalatongke professor professors laccolith laccoliths tourmalinization liujiang substitute interfingering encompass encompasses wrapping manifested manifestation huangshaping 2001082036 2001082021 rhombic synthesizes microanalytical microanalyzer symplectite manitouwad cuspate namaqualand overestimate tantalum underestimation aqso aperture baguio bombs bipyramidal cinchado cockades effort edenite fidele felt gbd205 gilmore hiatus hagemann holliday italy iankaroka jagodzinski kempe kinetic llhr nicely nantoco nandan nikolaev puebla satanic sveconorwegian sabatier sibson tierrero taihe utopia uytenbog uralitisation vennemann vallini wiso ##efitra ingress inspection ##ocalcite alumina betsimis choukrou attacked attesting commodities mahenge stopped disappear happens strathmore interparticular interpolation interdigitated intrinsic trivial parkerite updated enlargement overstep perspective recoiled ampato bioturb grenville advection adopted marshall trenches services pendragon desirade surnadalen equimolar optimum decipher contradictory microcracks eliminated spherulitic milligrams borovia autobrecciated noncarbonate multidiscipl conflict aguilas capsules oy08c leucogabbronorites pathfinder wilhelms prompted ferropargasite volatility affiliation freiberg microfabrics 311ln reconcile certified stereograms germanium reconstructions circumstances nacleq hedleyite websterites unfavorable vegetated telescoping xb995 convincing covariation acknowledged microveinlets metasiltstone misinterpretation octahedra satisfactory graptolites 0max 4s13 aegean aconquija bureau bowers bottinga bournonite bardoc crocket cantabrian dabovski dresden dengying daheishan dafulou daigneault etendeka eichrom eclogite eucl4 fuca family fukazawa fulfill goranson getchell gudmund gauthier gpmr garcia haines hibonite hancock iterative ikopa javoy jerritt jacutinga krogh kerala kianjanakanga kochbulak kranidio kretz karelia lollingite lulzacite letters lirios likelih myrmekitic muller mackinaw mardjanbulak mansi mungall ntgs nagambie neneis nieva plyusnina pigeonite pampa pima painter paterson pierina pontpean patino pirdop puncuhu puzz qgng ratnap rizzi roche roxbyite roperch sceptics sørdalen sibbald songea teresa tibetan tipperary tavua tunduru tontos tortuous uitkom utah umba vasconcelos vigorous viljoen vogel viera vruh writing wuchiaping waconichi xianghual xb2k00 yeats ygx yapeenian zoisite zurich zechstein zebrap zimbabwe ##aardtite thailand andacollo andovokonko toulouse tocracanch topmost tocopilla isoclinally conchoidal altogether alberta altitudes alizarin alleghanian reprecipitated beestons ascertained chibougamau chiney chauv chwaning cheilletz griegite sutcliffe maksaev whenever shickshock shizhuyuan stubby strelcha orangeto orusewa quechua disadvantages incredible haydoutov coahuila coercitivity goldstrike metawacke metapsamm metaconglomerates assembly bastille ##andinavian computational seiffen unitherm unskarnified craters plentiful imprint impeded interstratified conspicuous hydrochloric abattoir clarence diapir triumph triclinic ardlethan armitage arriagada arnaud neubauer neodymium parautochthonous paratacamite subregional subdued subjective subequal subconcordant subeuhedral preconcentr francois ensuing overriding corrensite perpetuating recoverable ##ochannels melendez ampanihy amoeboid wehrlite undissolved biodetrital sciex screamer grevesse tremendous blaubleibend spooner briartite brasiliano monocrystal moncheite servalan embedded petermann pe59b peyerl skukum sympt sybella desulphidation mokulaevsky schaubs schwarz schmidt westfalische decollement paleoplacers microbeam 1930s carlsbad ignored igdluk mantoverde dynamothermal endocontact superlabram portezuelo fertility fergusson mediterranean δ34sbornite autonomous keketale mcgerrigle mcintyre conflicting kalmakyr kalalani gabbrodiorites faratsiho macgeehan macflincor macalacaskop geothermobarometry fortuitous pelecypods guzhumsay herblon harcourt antananarivo trioctahedral morongovsky fluorophosphates porphyroclasts microfaults yangliuping murdochville azpiroz halloysite hammersdal catalysts actlabs bacteriogenically manufactured knyaginya gergelchev kazkhstan fe2o3total microspectroscopy gs9702 nrlxrf dbd395d5 kouzmanov vehicle kapodistrian monosulphide dogbolter megacrysts ambohitranefitra petrascheck manitouwadge uytenbogaardtite betsimisaraka choukroune multidisciplinary gudmundite kranidiotis likelihood mackinawite puncuhuayco ratnapura uitkomst wuchiapingian xianghualing zebraputs tocracancha blaubleibender 12o2 2s 2n 2o 2j 2σ 2al 2au 2nr 2grt 2mg 3r 3k 3f 3and 4g 4h 415 470 416 4h2o 4so2 5h 5o2 538 5h2o 5wt 6p 6k 6m 6ch 6to 690 620 615 682 6s2 613 7e 7g 7to 740 8m 816 817 8feo 9g 9f 950 940 980 9so4 aa a1 ay aσ ate aes aor ait aul ale ace ach aand aach afore ayl aja aids aille aila akaline awa aconc ahar aucl aromatic aoki bn bg bc bw bite bate bos bus brom bim bain bum buc bib bous bred bong bach bund bug baz bsk batter bake bival bgr badd bf3 bizar bdl bronz bindian cv c8 cag cig ciz cain cres cod cyp cay cites cari cogen card carn crow cerite cels cities creg counts cams code csa cds coster c12 cosm c19 c36 cedim cxa c02 c2h dx dz dj din dtr dion dir dost dill dies dren d10 dods dai dzh dorm dsd dfu dash drey dusted dhar duric ey ez ero eid eve eph ether ecc eigh eut ent ease eau eric erad egu fv fk ff fh fal fate fos fle fiz fec fand fia fard fist fun fount fift fiber filtr fung flet fphotograph finger fading f69 fimis gc gm gq ges gan gle gac gus gig gum gir gill gene gay gase gov gath gole gers gile gorn gga gsd gdi g600 gfz gasses gimena galez hs hh hρ hon hit hul hou hud hso holog hue hout hech hither hgm hoy hpa hett hicks ix ia iw i3 iour iolite iran igm iana iverall jr ji ja j6 jb jor jach jour jord jamb jaw jau jae jup jah jacke jade jaqu jabil jorda july jocks jugo ks kt kc kk kon kes kol kos kel kly kent kys kib kill kut kak kely kers kob kather kai kont kars kpa krous klein katy kamp kfs kuch khant kiba kronz khanti ls lc l1 lf lj lin les lor lil lts liz lif lib lut lick lign lose lang love lish linc libr lons lists lute lane lust lyon lands lakes lazare lifted lhc lhas loub lupin lums ltd laki litch lugo lucky latitudes mr mf mz m3 mit mom ment mim mec mold mog mess miti moch mist mord mund mike meng mits mosc mission myan mamm money mumb n0 n4 nz nh n7 nin ner nom nent nion nain ncc nad nto nov nose ntim nang nans n30 n35 nanc nno nitr n95 n45 og o4 oor ous oet oib och oand ooid oolith o20 oval ooster oakes p4 pk pis pere ppl pous palc pied piv pie pang paus paw peren pug pina push pimen pisa ppt pogo qt qa qc qd q2 q8 qin qing qian qiti qord qiang rd r2 ral rar ric rent row rab rous rations ria rata rick rami root rays rink r10 rams rake rail rup rational rice roses rona rural rises rosen rwth rica ss s5 s8 son sro sas sing sain sir sass sween soci stent sell sov stim sole sial sines saw somp seng sits sush sank sort sured sgs soto ssz sauss santo seller session tp tc td tf tz tith tus tth tich tad tum tuc tost tone till tive tach tack tick tarn taf tax tmic tsch tetre tidal tipped tuck t18 tele t02 tule tisch uo u9 uts ust ull uct urad ube ujina vv vp v3 vor vit vag viz vou vold vide vity vare vard vented vibr vision vara vaugh wa wb wate wing went want wond waring wish weng wyl waf wax wux wo3 wackes wuz warton wsp wawa wpg waugh xs xu xo xpl xral xco2 xmg xichang xiao yz ym yin ying your yamb yany yering yoh yichang zc zf z7 zen zro zag zim zap zald zhe zhu z97 ƒo2 δm δ66 λ8 λ18 μa σ1 σ3 ##vi ##vus ##vally ##vill ##vature ##vable ##vanite ##viron ##venty ##volum ##ez ##een ##etic ##eir ##eting ##ease ##egin ##eep ##eared ##eks ##etes ##eaking ##efort ##eums ##rr ##rs ##rt ##rati ##ril ##riz ##rain ##rab ##rum ##ride ##rine ##rone ##rally ##rill ##ries ##ray ##rides ##race ##rink ##rapid ##rpq ##rita ##rini ##raped ##rator ##risson ##riba ##rantab ##rmann ##pes ##pel ##pion ##page ##pide ##pting ##pass ##ptive ##pperitic ##paso ##pidoblastic ##ppled ##piked ##sn ##s5 ##s8 ##san ##sation ##sel ##sam ##side ##sest ##say ##sson ##sistent ##silite ##sauq ##uen ##uve ##uir ##uting ##uip ##uwe ##uber ##utive ##upr ##uuaq ##util ##uash ##uises ##uerto ##uenew ##utious ##lt ##lel ##lure ##lop ##lich ##lature ##lass ##litic ##lides ##lites ##lie ##lang ##lance ##lau ##lort ##lishan ##lics ##lievo ##xon ##xin ##xes ##xts ##xie ##xious ##xna ##xsi ##xbyite ##xfeo ##ni ##n0 ##non ##nig ##nock ##nab ##nce ##nst ##nia ##ntin ##nick ##nond ##nov ##nial ##namb ##nah ##nosc ##ntian ##nico ##nillo ##nutt ##niere ##nolly ##ien ##ioc ##iac ##ius ##iop ##iab ##iant ##iocl ##iating ##iolite ##iably ##ihyd ##iover ##iety ##ienting ##iometer ##tti ##tus ##top ##tog ##tound ##tang ##town ##tchev ##tulite ##tlich ##aq ##aur ##aou ##aver ##air ##aud ##aie ##aont ##aics ##auric ##affe ##gz ##gor ##gas ##gle ##gold ##gory ##gatis ##garis ##gings ##game ##gera ##gaves ##gration ##gacy ##glas ##guric ##gaber ##cz ##cm ##cal ##col ##cur ##cil ##cts ##cock ##calc ##cian ##cke ##cious ##cales ##cok ##cogn ##cences ##cup ##cken ##cceed ##caling ##cosm ##ciere ##cidate ##circ ##1e ##1b ##1ig ##1ab ##180 ##135 ##1205 ##01 ##010 ##41 ##4f ##4b ##4ac ##412 ##498 ##446 ##oa ##o8 ##oul ##oag ##otr ##oet ##oten ##oyd ##oix ##okes ##oons ##oise ##oire ##otra ##oza ##otization ##otically ##oja ##ools ##ozonal ##oulou ##yte ##ynd ##yen ##yed ##yite ##yle ##yce ##yong ##yath ##yang ##yamb ##yzed ##ytchev ##54 ##w1 ##wic ##wak ##word ##wered ##wave ##wara ##witz ##kon ##kast ##kond ##kely ##kden ##kier ##kev ##kosk ##kya ##kamp ##khas ##9b ##980 ##982 ##911 ##9s8 ##9w1 ##dd ##des ##dro ##dan ##dain ##dip ##dron ##dick ##diff ##drop ##dman ##dlers ##dyst ##d147 ##drill ##6w ##6q ##650 ##612 ##fo ##fq ##fat ##fib ##feld ##fay ##fron ##fjor ##fined ##fson ##frey ##foliated ##zic ##zel ##zow ##zia ##zick ##zodiorite ##zung ##zsch ##znik ##zaha ##zcz ##mi ##my ##mor ##mas ##mel ##mag ##mature ##map ##merite ##mict ##mount ##mels ##mines ##mover ##mins ##minesc ##mott ##mco ##mpy ##mgs ##meca ##much ##mayer ##muir ##mn0 ##bos ##brom ##bain ##band ##bia ##bull ##bak ##bound ##blan ##bars ##brier ##bottom ##bett ##bnerite ##bysh ##bride ##jin ##jen ##jol ##jul ##jith ##jom ##jik ##j23 ##juri ##jkosk ##hs ##hre ##hit ##hite ##hol ##hain ##hous ##hia ##hard ##hov ##huk ##hood ##hoe ##haber ##haie ##3e ##37 ##320 ##3o4 ##3o8 ##7c ##71 ##79 ##72 ##7re ##740 ##782 ##7rb ##75a ##7650 ##29 ##240 ##290 ##215 ##216 ##2si ##248 ##262 ##2co3 ##267 ##26w ##qc ##qaq ##q4f ##88 ##8s5 ##øen thre thib thai th12 thco2 thioc thmgs ##tee ##tean ##tect ##tesc ##tega ##tefacts ##tegration ##ony ##onan ##ontal ##onance ##onitised ##onics ##onova ##onzodiorite theory theses thesis ##tia ##tier ##tiom ##titic ##tipl ##timal ##tired ##titions ##tiped ##tiave ##tiana ##tijar ##tification ##tidt ##tizes ##titious ##rez ##rend ##reve ##reta ##reened ##reatom ##rerillos ##repide ##recious ##inz ##inos ##inat ##inion ##inif ##inable ##initi ##inak ##inement ##inov ##inisc ##initization ##inby ##intine ##innigan ##inois ##intrusion ##inoza ##inyong ##integration ##alon ##alal ##alten ##alised ##alder ##alkal ##alently ##aleto ##alava ##alsi ##alski ##alleys ##alanga ##alpel ##al2si ##ndy ##ndrick ##eras ##eration ##erve ##erted ##eria ##eroles ##erational ##erhor ##erhaus ##ermo ##ermak ##erinho ##erocks ##erfeld ##eses ##esir ##esitic ##eschist ##estruc ##eshite ##eni ##enst ##encl ##enters ##enched ##enigs ##enhead ##enheim ##environ ##enfib ##eneration andb andrian androy anderson andriba ##aro ##arle ##aride ##arten ##arros ##arape ##arhy ##arzi ##araland inas intent inser intents inert intend inline inade insets inrs intiom ##orr ##oro ##orf ##or2 ##oral ##oras ##orat ##orith ##orock ##orage ##oride ##orting ##orable ##orne ##orates ##orating ##orff ##orient ##orob ##orious ##orama ##orms ##orah ##orily ##orchev ##orara ##orio ##ortium ##orbers ##orona ##orodite ##tional ##tioned ##road ##roll ##rohotite ##rode ##rolites ##icit ##icop ##icately ##iconite ##icline ##icio ##iculate ##icapped ##icator ##icola ##ictional ##eder ##edee ##itain ##itlu ##itted ##itata ##itating ##itany ##itric ##itors ##itters ##ani ##ante ##anin ##anac ##anand ##anay ##anical ##anberg ##antit ##anex ##anling ##anabe ##anmen ##asu ##as2 ##asen ##asted ##asia ##asites ##asound ##asub ##asinite ##ashan ##aso4 ##asipl ##asvally ##olm ##olom ##olab ##olates ##olial ##olidation ##olatis ##olitite ##olitization ##ollet ##olava ##olanas ##olvus ##olerocks ##isse ##isations ##isable ##isov ##isens ##isposed ##isches ##istency ##isker ##is300 ##istiave ##atero ##atever ##ategy ##ateful ##atelop ##osi ##ospar ##osane ##oshan ##osomes ##oso4 ##ido ##idam ##idian ##idates ##idell ##idist ##idised ##idered ##ideto ##identi ##idencia ##idgle ##elin ##elle ##elein ##elting ##elong ##elay ##elia ##element ##elick ##eltered ##elines ##elau ##elected ##elinite ##elko ##elgo ##elorn ##elco ##elinski ##attr ##atog ##atum ##atten ##aturing ##atters ##atson ##atoria ##atotectonic ##atonic ##attie ##atrace ##atmover tof toole totall totor touch todt todd ##ulus ##ulif ##ultz ##ulna ##ulgaris ##lee ##leite ##letic ##leigh ##level ##lema ##leths ##lewic ##lehre ##ithers ##agar ##agement ##agami ##agua ##aggreg ##ag20 ##aggi ##agger ##agjul ##tration ##tride ##trand ##tria ##triment ##trace ##trie ##trons ##trilob ##trakova ##ocs ##octh ##ocou ##ocys ##ocogen ##ocronolog ##ocomian ##ocumulates ##ocque ##ocyath ##ocanex ##acre ##actic ##acites ##acap ##acial ##acities ##acoot ##acles ##acai ##aciogenic ##aculite ##aclean ##acitance ##actis ##omy ##omon ##omad ##omatic ##ompres ##omech ##omyl ##omogene ##omaro deem decc deved defic demineralized deals detriment ##use ##usot ##uspec ##ushed ##uskya ##useni ##lyph witherite ##entation ##entative ##entuated isim isabel isostatic isobaric isolates isis300 ##them ##thill ##thitic ##thick ##tholed ##thwick ##thalite ##thropods ##uris ##urch ##urations ##urst ##urides ##uriferous ##urai ##urri ##uritisation ##urleite conund converse contig conven conjec cono3 connolly ##tera ##tering ##terization ##terie ##terfield ##tersr ##terland ##igite ##igold ##igene ##igneous ##amid ##amans ##americ ##amont ##amosing ##amira ##amura ##amanan ##amanca ##aminif ##amanin ##amatelop als al1 al0 alph alper allusion alard alco alican aldan alj23 altipl ford forum forrest fortitude fortesc foraminif arenig reass reta rezed rehe recept rejo reanal returning reju recher rearr reutil rebound retired reorient retrie ##atitised ##ili ##iler ##ilis ##illy ##iland ##ilater ##iliter ##ilatero ##ilactis bear bech beak beix beau behn beja beuz bezaha beidell beattie minus minable minera minero mineria ##posal ##posing ##posited aso ask asph aspl aside asian astime asks asbian ashanti asrr astound asgz astride ##owiss ##owball ##tsbur ##tscher ##tsdam ##eman ##emeral ##emens ##emnite ##emurian ##emannite ##emetal ##emptive ##imer ##imas ##imant ##imand ##imatic ##imetry ##imeters ##imara ##imiro ##imetre ##imova ##immerite ##phitic ##phra ##phistic ##phaz ##phaps ##phyric ##phuric ##izer ##izite ##izalillo ##ionally ##ainment ##opar ##ople ##optic ##oporph ##optil ##opdb ##opetal ##oparas ##opuerto ##opelko ##ouch ##oudal mineralisations chr chi ch7 chere chab chack chough chemis chink chains chime chimb chapel chipped chico choja cheshite chashan church ##luid ##luten ##luorescence ##luminesc ##luoride ana an2 analc anav ances annite an90 an15 anhu an55 an64 an46 an48 an44 an56 anacon an1ab anjom animas grit gram grum gries grating grids gratitude grabbron gruenew grguric grasvally grateful sutures suzu succeed suphuric attitude attest atanas comet commit commend comterie ##tica ##ticed ##ticing ##etti ##etyp ##etary ##etana ##etaneous ##otal ##otation mab maver mair maud mahan maher mafik maznik ##eces ##ecting ##ecomp ##ecopar ##yston ##ysilic ##ystine ##abitumen ##abetical ##ablature ##abotr ##pling ##plot ##plies ##plating ##plish ##played ##peror wholes whalen whelan wholerocks whisker whatever ##resse shut shann shaken shimen shipped shelly shuttle shrink shaleto sheltered std stm stay stones stack stating stably stau stavel stump stored stalac status stuwe stalder storage stamatelop ##cev ##therhope ##geographic ##olds rockies rockport rockley ##iche ##ichhard sulvanite ora org or0 ornam orienting ortega fluoritic proposes ##adite ##adth ##adines ##adidge ##adox ##adily ##adrine ##oges ##ogum ##ogine ##oggs ##ogono ##ogoff ##ogogo quart quie quanta quiet quair quinby quasipl quistiave quelorn quetana ##sever ##umber ##umalanga ##umasu disk dispar disord distor disused disease disintegration disaggreg disposal ##yritic magh magenheim ##verton ##vermore ##odoxy ##ightest ##alling ##allels ##allabor format formulate fluidal fluidization inca incite incised incision incompres onwards ##ifex ##ifero ##ifrey ##ifluorescence exch expor exits exother existent exoskarn exporting exli exerted exagger eximer quartzitic quartzification quartzville ##uco ##ucun haie haphaz co3 coater cook coats cohes coetaneous goldrush goldstein goldhaber ##iboka straw striated strash strauss strategy veinor veinand ##chat ##chik ##chard ##chang ##chaf ##chakova ##chulna ##chlema ##checopar ##tens ##tensively ##tenaso ##iry ##irine ##irne ##irond ##irrow ##irrel ##irnov ##ostatis metarhy sambain assist assays assured assemble ##ques ##quate ##quad ##quiv ##quenched ##quelle ##antz ##antai ##antaneous bases basically basuk basque bastrakova basemetal ##inex ##inea ##inear ##onev ##andian ##andean ##andyte ##redict ##redient ##redeep ##uesos ##ypes ##ypool ##illou ##illary ##illonite ##illermo compass compile compens compacting compatib compluten highway highways sei seth segh seward seaflo se98 seym sebas segmented seventy seoul sebrier unity unwe unive unans unaw unpo unmet unbi untes unifying uninterpre unsilic unheated unsp unmined uniquely unmel unattr unilater unquenched ##izational crafford crpg cruises ##estake oreand oregon rely relic relies relied relying relayed relocation reliance ##ydymite resided resins resisted resolving resonance resorting ##tingen faun pless plays plelau plogoff ##ipated ##ipih ##ipetal ##iprecious magmatotectonic ##iese typified typify imple imiter imposition impression interation interrog intercr intercep intermed intermineral interrel interacting interacts intertidal interband interintrusion lows lowor lowand lowell ##onges ##ongil ##ongarra ##ongarr ##nets ##netite ##neath ##neider ##nejo ##neboh ##neuil ##nebottom altering consang constan consortium consolidation ##eneuve hydothermal hydrocl hydrosulfide hydrosaline hydrobrom ##assa ##assb ##assionally ##orentin colg colors colpa colluv colville coloso coleman colinear ##weig ##wezi abe abg ab97 ab43 aberfeld ##ianas ##ianciere cland claus cleland clicit occluded occassionally ##star ##stoichi ##standing ##staffe noritic norms noranda granate grants granting granole granada granof ##essment ##essive diode diabasic dixon tema tempar tempera tempting gev gee geos geant geand geerite geode geography geoms gehlen geyer geji geiger geolab geocronolog geowiss geopetal geostatis indio indigenous indentation ##aymas ##ntd calcification calcalkaline calcitlu ##udite ##udied ##udfon ##peratures intrap intraf intracrustal intricate intramont formationor formationtem tria tried traction trave trade trimodal trista truly triga trilob tricks truspec pressing pressuring prespiked preselected ##iaire ##iaux arden arald arising arisen arica arnond artefacts arthropods nex nets neare neotectonic neocomian ##ometrically regress regulate regeneration ##ullaou voltal volyn para parasite paracon parlance partitions paradox parallels subout suboph sublim subpan subgr subidiomorphic subgre subtidal subvolum subcirc subwave sublevel subandean lees leob leased leaves leaking leaved leica legacy leblan leichhard ##ocities prelude premix pretectonic preheated prerequ pretulite premature pretrilob preemptive carbono carbonated carbonand carbonised carbonyl carbonitisation associate valency valeva valencia ##009 ##003 ##0000 ##006q locale locrio phree phyl phreh phreatom upsw upset upstream ##uringian ##forth ##forts ##force ##forces analar composing frontal frictional frantz friese ##apstones ##apaty ##apaca ##apintine ##aparros ##itidal ##itizes ##formable entry encr entit eneto en86 ensuring enasen enticing ##soonal silkier fullchulna ##entric ##ikite ##ikle ##ikova ##ikyamb apical apron apex april apuseni applies ##cona sulphuro sulphidic ##acho ##achere ##achiop ##aker ##akop ##akia ##akely ##akman ##aketa ##akoff indicent notch notwith notorious sought souchard ##ystematic volcanites volcanology volcanotectonic rankin ##ologisches concur concert concrete concluding concession overly overrides overthick sims simon simulation simonet cucc cukα cu9s8 cu8s5 sedimentology sedimentologic acf actively acute acker ##rajith aucc auand au80 auhs mayang wherein ##ronite ##ouration cork cortice corfu corona cortices corbett corrode cornejo ##embered fear feel feass fegre feorock featuring obduction obatog itacai ##tober ##took ##toula lateto meff meath meix meish meeting meikle usage usable users usual thank volcanically ##roxite ##roxide charge charco charnock chartrand ##tonous perman perring perkins perused pernamb pericline perphaps persever peritidal ##ivar ##ivable ##ivolati ##parrini bored boast bohem booms bohl boyle boorara recur recast recurrent reclass recalling recessive ##ochile melonite melaine melcher meloux genove genalys genuine geniculate pbs pbo pbcom amu amis ammon amaz amagmatic amelia ##arek twyer twiga weir weave weeks ##arde ##ardite ##avi ##avo ##avating ##avista ##elli 201 20h brewer brecken breadth ##ondiana butler calciteand ##oves ##ovil ##ovites ##ovative ##ovolcan ##ovinos ##ovalleys ##ovakia ##atites ##elyite characters characterisation characterising micrites maintaining mainstage maindron allard allocating allenhead allocth ##ocline ##oclimatic belen belle belman belambo belemnite massively canob cantera chloriteand undulated undesir undolom undecomp epstein epimetamorphic epifluorescence southand southto southeas southwesterly biological biostratigraphy biologically bixbyite bialkal bielick sc1 scand sciss scores scoria scoured screw scandinavian scraped screened scalpel scorodite scatters alongside completion completeness siliclastic northing northeas northumber appeal appeared gregory greisens greigite ##turation ad9 adob adits admix ad86 ad62 ad24 ad68 adiab ad29 adirond somewhere ##athered ##athyme march maria marke martine maronan marigold maroparas marianas slh slit slanted slovakia dolospar ##pressional ##presentative tej teams teplic teapot tephra ##llo ##llurides ##uldron majors majorand faced facts po4 pob poj potion pool poinc pools pobers poki pozz potsdam poullaou suggestions ##ixmeca ##otellurides ##iev ##raphic laronde larsson larocque larapintine accentuated underlin underline underwater undersc underthrus undersam underplating underneath undertook signaling signals treuil tregon tregor blaine blanca blocs bloggs agcl ags2 agoudal agnetite ##hedrally ##isms earlyand complexly complexization price prague pritch prianciere smoke smirnov ##ficates trendicator ##ersley ##erschlema ##lows ##lower ##pbd assembled 10k 10d 1018 ##angi ##angian ##angarra ##anggang ##angsan spz spite spear spans spier spah sponge speaking spaggi sponges spakman brg bril brass briqu brinc brilli brann brings bruns bryan bruce briover brynd britain brightest brachiop howley barian barker barcel bartington barkev dolomitis dolomitizing ##oidable ##veloped ##tallizational monte month monie monomic monash monocap monocrystalline monaster months monsoonal monakoff monovolcan geologia geologisch ##ansas ##anski serra serial serbian serfat serbia biotites biotiteand emil emsl emulating emitter emitted emperor petit peters pezz pepperitic peytchev peedee people crusted ##berry ##beryl ##berforce sky skaya skirrow poses posed posadas verified verma verify verifying verneuil olive olmed olacap synde symons ##zoan esw essay desired deslim descend descaling deserve dissects dissolving dissolves dissanay ##aust timmins surges surpass sands sandto sandbars dolomiteand moine mohl moorb moxie moyston ##iley salitic salton salob salamanca redor redstone redder redisc redoub watercour ##denmayer transects transecting scheller schools schultz schneider sequeir sequerinho plagiocl plagioclaseand ##rounding ##unas ##unzu srand ##ensed ##ensitive ##enshain ##enschaf equates equating equator equidist tech tectog metales metaland drier drink drying lima limonites presentation ##portant horan horst horiba horgaber geochronite localand localising outlying outpo outflow outgass representations representatives sulphideor sulphideand ##clied ##clme ##clinally provisional providencia discard discounts ##rance ##ranitic ##ranites noise nokov noxious noticed albitisation albitizing niand niassa sulfideso kmno ##taine litho lithons lithosomes refine refining refutes refractured refinement mgso mg55 mg64 mg59 mg47 mg77 mg65 mg66 mg54 ##senite ##rence types1 easier ironand ##elsagar speciated specify fracturation bodeo options opposition optimal opinion 181 1800 1820 1825 1870 1816 1823 1859 1898 1891 1893 18ocalcite 18opdb ##crt ##crasite depicts decided decision decame decimal decimetric decimeters ##ginia ##ginco fractionates hey hetero headed heights heithers ##echst abundanc enriching ##ubija ##ublics defocus defect synor synform syncrys synthe synforms synoptic crystallites crystallizes ##eppen ##epened ##epalski centrale centripetal remap reminisc remelting reminex remembered epidotization ##iquity ##iquantit corrects radical radically radonova pdand conditioned afton plugs processor ##507 ##50vp sericitisation centralian postore postulates postgold analytically analyzes diaguit goldfieldite scalehedrons homestake hematization hemipel hemihyd infers infrac infancy infrequ infrati brecciaand crossing crossac crossroad mushes museums caa caue cafe caexcess cawood cautious caal2si caulif cauldron setterfield setouch ##rams ##tafson orthometamorphic orthodoxy ##issible ##issance evidently greenalite greenmount lessons pyritised pyrito pyrals pyrrohotite pyramid secondor 40k 407 401205 ##aws ##aways estimative paleob paleopro paleof paleochannels paleovalleys paleoclimatic bariteand derbysh maturing mat25 matthe matching matapedia mat262 matagami coarset coarsest ##rusts continual continually eu3 euhedrally microand microcontin microdi microphot microorgan microcontinental microcosm microdrill microencl ##genbach ##genkamp ##generational 194 19w 193 19th 1950 1925 1955 1912 1914 1917 1936 1911 1942 rarer arsenical arsenault elm elbe eldon elpaso eloise carlow cargo carthe caritat grauch wtrend layout sophistic soapstones drills device devitr deviating devolatis 1497 1450vp normalization finite finances radii radiate radius radially radiometer radiometrically mn2 sericiteor homogenising ##2o8 nearshore amphibolitic invalu invarian invading invokes averaged dipand dipyramidal ##dermott beltana ##gmr ##berger thinness thinnest mineralogie irup iridium irrele irreve igarape ##pryrite sheath blackwood timeball mapasing map215 patric patry patri patagon steve ste40 steady stella steiger steadily ##kendt ##obridge ##hydrite ##hydroxide studiesa banda banderas bandurri generates generative crustalto openand cutoff cutovinos pitches depletes madan madrid maddington madelein madurai planetary footprints mantles mantling corem 15a 158 1500 15to 1550 1520 1555 1595 solve solway solving solomon leaches leachings afterwards ##ricant dots ##aturity ##aturating ##erents felsites albite93 dye dyer dyed firm contaminates midand midland mid10 midmemb firstand youngs silicateand ##ugal ##uguaq austria newton australasian spheres directing enderb endemic furthest furthem polaris polley polysilic polydymite ##robes ##robitumen ##onsky muscovites mtorr magnesitisation 13e 13a 13b 13to 1390 879 873 872 abundantly approximations 121 124 129 12d 128 1250 12h2o 12biotite 12feo determinable graphs graphitizing ##terozic initiating supcrt ##orssuaq garner garnaut petzel gaassb lightly ulrich ##aziland ##cedes ##peared arco arcto ##rading ##radorite supersed supercy superficial supersu supernate superbas supercedes progradation seaway preventing prevalence prevalently monzogranitic monzogabbro galer galifrey seawaterclme 865 869 866 867 868 oxyatmover oxyhydroxide znw znand pressured 11e 11b 1100 1148 oxygenand lamtrace longitude longido longstaffe predisposed overlays ##oko ##okaf ##okhope ##okhov 306 30si turned chemicals ultrah ultrasound ultratrace ultraclean centime centiped absorbers matrixto hornblendeand 501 506 503 50to 5069 504b selmi ##inkled slippage liquidand ##versiere brousevtsi ##aclastic lachance porter porcel porgera porcup ##riana ##aeocyath examining ifondiana ##omponent ##ryne ##ryonic mols molares molasses molsp zonenshain archipel archetyp archaeocyath gneissosity hald halides ##tituted ##engren ##engui lavigne nah naand axi axil tiand ti2o tiemannite tiengui gasparrini ##strained δ18omagnetite δ18ocalcite δ18oso4 ##skov ##skaya equilibrating curtin curtail curvature fragmented corresponded erlang erudite paar paid pavements alkalinity alkalinities potter potarite potgie potrerillos potosi titration titrator titmag yieldings sectional ferry ferri rubane closet closeness reductant reductants identifed identifies blocked blocking δ18ofluid ##iseb actinolitisation particularity fractionational 1000 1004 totalizing medison nd1 ndoto explorationists 86sr290 actinoliteor ##cropping flinc flake flurry flats flash flincor floras flushed flotation laos laid lafay lahit laverton maxima maximize maximised maximilian meteoritic methylene oxidization oxidative oxidizes oxidises ##101 bafq bahia bailer bailey acidified shallows shallowto olivo olivines oszcz ostensively jason pane pannec panned pantell panorama panameric stands pyroxeneand ##tersdor phenocrystalline phenocys anglog anglo angelay angavo 0006 00010 00002 00077 swings sw59 swakop swaziland 391 396 397 392 39ark pyke ##ccessful electrical rhodo rhodizite mesof mesoper mesoto mesocumulates ##eanographic successes successor ordo ordling ordinates standardised tuzo tukl jasperoidal intake intrepide topical topograph topographical ##ybasinite anticipated spectrographic counters counties council initials degas degradation snand snap sncl2 snowball ##ireth picos pictured picitric ##ylite ##ylated metasomatites illitic illinois graphiteand δ34spryrite 709 7050 7080 7031 7046 7048 7099 7069 7047 7065 70446 ##aldt colloid collared collophane progressing broadsc immaturity fractureand effected ivory stike stippled ##ertaining solidus solidify solidifying milled millimetric milliliter shorten micropore microprobes mgoh h2o2o2 combines combinations combusti excepton activator slighty goal goes goongarr linkage linkman linkham mm30 whiteand brownfields hadden haddon anyone anymore anywhere classes equivalence magnetically steepened 258 25o2 2514 downstream downplayed rb2o ##ailable mechanics ##308 ##3040 ##3055 thenardite ##roscopically director irregularity borne borisov borthwick autochth automorphic ila ilias iljina ilchik iliev metabasites possibilities 226 228 kendrick nonto nonvolcanic nonhomogenized nonpolar nonrapid nonfoliated nonluminesc nonstoichi soda saponite saprocks saprolites plateaus 162 1625 1647 glad glitter gloag glitters glaciogenic glimmerite ought ##4057 ##otsipih sumy diamante dissolutions spectrometre spectrometric palyn palaont paladines wills willis willner verticalizing hypozonal recrystallizes mc02 mcnutt mc01 mcdermott saturations insulating insensitive structured oldman backdrop f1and lenslike si3 si2 siand siemens workable ##endaal ##endorf restriction restrictions photosh accords gabbronoritic unconvention unconstrained blew ##plicated ##plicative experts ##rently meanwh amphiboliteand intensified intensification sapphirine petrographies multielement multigenerational multiplicative palaeocene palaeomagnetic palaeoto palaeochannels demonstrably offered offler observing investigating sheahan ##mania ##mannite request requiring migrabitumen 604 605 607 602 608 602e 60ni cygan sitting ##ahara ##ahanand ##oyi responsibility individualised circa pentec rimed ##anao attractivity excel excised excision exciting excursion excavating alternations clinoptil northwestto merenks ##inscence conference conflo confident horizont amphiboleand kalsilite kalimant isochore isochemical autoclaves notes prefered geochronologie tenfold chertor chlorapatite montpell montmor ilmenites caledon calaver caliche dauversiere ruzick ruisse universal universally transitionally 5000 delay delayed delny delicate delicately sb1 ##oxide ##aneity loess loire loedec tint ##po4 accessed accessing 17c 171 17o 179 17d 17b 172 ##traverse retarded silicaand ##inders ##indara ##itumens narrows narrower narrowed h2s0 circuit centaur mudrocks vaporisation handful handbook handicapped comparisons greenschistto extensions fabricated sulphuric canning cannell ##minable gabbroids reactivating proportionally 150nd 150to 32s 321 327 3230 3260 3216 320000 807 avon avnik roex rotherhope rookhope ##archaean earths earthy eleven elevating faro faride farthest kaji kaoko macdiff macroscopically ##afchie ##afluoride induction cordex diagenetically polymineral polymod polyeth polymict retrogradation 34ssulfide purification purged purilactis purplish widmann sargass sarqaq overgrew 459 456 452 458 d500 ##lington ##axitic permeate microscopically positioned positioning voulgaris variscian moderateand nickeloan oceans s25 ##venated ##jection titaniteand hereøen ##dini ##ankovil profitis profiling comparably comparability oceanographic 214 213 212 218 caption capabilities capacitance nwdip ##602e ##orazo riocanex riochile organically champion extracting extrabasin extraclastic 13cpdb 13cpbd cassilis logical sino sinterization sinemurian ##nerable technological 374 377 ##ollas minimize metaigneous metazoan geoenviron geotraverse melanges respectable microthermometrically microthermometrical candidates swept visit visibly ##pathetic ##carora ##othill ##othemic ##othuringian dispersal kaolinitization bathed batholitic bathurst rayner rayleigh clayre differentiating cratonward gemos laco lacroxite susana suspect ##sways float flores floats floored pyrolysis pyrochl behaving organicand bestree interele impart impulse impacting impetus climbs collisions mcui divide leucoand leucogranitic leucogabbro bluish blundy blueschist passively packing packaging ##arsville fortunately 2755 2759 henceforth ##uka ##ustation advance advances advancing advisable geologico casey ##atina statement statements statemap obliquely obliquity navarra ##lemite cobres cobriz phosphogenic episyen dependant hypothetically castano ductal ductil hyangsan nbz pelada pellet peltier pelletic pelchat wyman 353 35911 burma burned burlington guo guard guidel guanac guimara guinea guillermo guaymas guoyi mangari manganite mangana mangamp mangchang permissible popovich candela catholuminesc catholum pentoxide pentafluoride ##riant ##riamanan ##orest ##orescences ##aborate quantron temporary 519 516 518 5125 5123 51196 51180 ##ronously anticlinorial edith edward edwards edgar edwin ediac eddyst editors fivefold ramifications rammels ##naissance coastline ##chejiang resident evaporative infilland malay malartic rotate rotlie yearly ##tori protomyl protogine stepping concordantly 299 296 29si 234 233 2328 li2co3 livermore wildman wilberforce willemite ##zhishan inhomogene silvermines breaking breakup breakaways lamprophyric summing summers summaries siliciclastics heterogeneities ##ofu ##ofinnigan oligioclase cycling cyclothemic contemporary contemporaneity 364 363 368 36h2o 6000 didy p2cu s12 s18 ##ancies constantly sheeting potassically 914 915 916 912 hingst morphologic powered δdh2o ##atsu ##ulfian antiparallel antipolar antipathetic incompatib researches ##apsulates terraces terrigene tunguskya buffers 2638 2614 dilated dilatory diluted namurian promise promising soria sorrounding ##burton converge converting decarbonize researcher tungstenite 006 008 0050 0015 0014 0036 00cm 00782 3800 campa camanch camague camacho ledent leduc competed competition accumulates pyrobit pyrobitumens geothermometric views viewpoin ##aquartz ##chevskaya subsolvus postdike postdiagenetic sheetlike ferrohornblende ferrotscher 907 902 90to herrmann ionic ##151 ##157 ##1500 lithics orthoclase97 1201ig 349 346 342 beneficial hargaves needlel ambalava infiltrate rimstidt hypothesise 013 018 0146 01160 24m 247 242 248 2400 2469 654 657 652 800to nowhere operational scanned tarry tarapaca ##blo ##bled repetitious ablating feoh tetraflu tetraauric underlines semnon semiprecious semivolati semiquantit ##pening playa playon playas belonged glassand photography photographed intercalation remobilise remobilizing fresnillo joined johann menon mentions menera ##huo ##701 interferes interfacial derives deriving derivative experiencing ms2 sensation sensitiv ready readers readings readjust magneto magnitud spaceborne freshness kbars ##utha ##jao deborah ##positional scattering drives 1982 linearly haloed stibiconite distinguishes ceases cekα hfz sixty sixfold contexts antarc antagon antongil ##adymite implicit implicate implicated triolite triplicated spectrau spectronics tetrahedrita 522 700to 7007c damage damaged damaraland moro morad morogor moritz morrisson rightly rightand altamira gravimetry calcarenites intraarc cortez brightly tectonomagmatic outliers outlasted petrologic necessitating interlayer columnar diggings dayanmen freely freyer peneplan squid squaw squires squirrel tensile shoal shoobridge critically constitutent qeqertarr nodule vaesite ##shaw ##shend ##shelf ##unguaq instabilities instantaneous strecke express expressing segregates segregating untilting believers believes porphyre blanco microfracturing endowments selecting flattens hyperbol 024 316 317 312 716 718 7100 7120 7118 7112 7123 7119 7111 7146 7148 7191 7169 7186 7145 7147 7162 71494 7175a 713055 ehd holt holm holter holser holistic holocene holocrystalline hollows tongling tongchejiang wmz reconclied reconnaissance quebrantab assesses assessment dominican agreed transgranular quantifications quantifying orthogneisses bismuthide bismuthinite bismuthotellurides perpendicularly hgrt yangxin altaite expels expelling expands diffracting channelling turns turnbull goodall goodgame goodarzi globular globule pseudomorphous pseudomorphism pseudomorphosed integrate borefield murrab piet piece pieces pirobitumen pgms raising ##rupted accurately exploiting nuusauq nuusuuaq balue balanced fitch fitting sanction makeup undetected undefined undetect discriminant discriminates discriminat polaron halfway extremities independant independence independently 644 646 648 duan dupre foreword forefron michaud michicola nsos nsand n100 roms rombak qualify cracking paramagnetic programme programmer peripheries purpleand cyclicity competently pacifico 489 azuf cfbs gulong hallmark kilias kilbride tagiri wswto ##schweig ##lessness plasmaquad implanted slatey 445 447 442 534 536 537 799 796 798 928 alexo douglas doubled hwanggang lato lattan ##racite ##racing ##racture ##gsy ##dala resolutions encapsulates scienti smectites 1876 1873 so42 wolfe 334 336 3300 33to 33fe0 cerros cerrillos mv23 ##idala townshend republics unknowns arkansas subvertically entrances entrainment spotted spotty definitively paleogeographic absolutely flooding coincidentally serpentinized alexander pillows 439 braunite brauns helena helicop roller rolled walter walther walker walkden walshaw zhong ##slaw conductively conductor reviewers evaluating trachybasinite presume twinnite transtension europa stylolitic stylolitization kinematically porphyroblast wolframoix 286 661 663 667 731 737 73fe0 creates hamersley randriamanan tellerhaus ##issions chateaub coexists occasions georges greyish 1022 equals decayed remarks solvi solvent ferricrete ferricyan ferricopia 031 037 563 5600 579 57mn0 aimed aiming boninite boncev bergen berza berndt berger beraketa catching catalan fissural merwe meridian spreads vandegin vanderhor ##iggel anisotropies armantai cupric act2 blanket pairing mesoarchaean collapsed migmatised detectors harzburgitic wmn1030 tellurideto zealander 543 542 551 557 695 639 636 6300 85to 997 992 998 eighty hook hoatson hoechst hurwitz landis landform landmark landforms talcuna viability ##grafo detached detachments realm realised asukand suprasub seaward triggers bookshelf patchwork patchily effervesced aerially aeropuerto aplites karlievo karagjul mos2 mosaics ruler talus taltal wright ##555 ##559w1 ##tesberg convect convected convectively conveyed cuba provenances decomposed decomposing decompressional exhalations exhalitive trachytes hurrican ferruginized 621 623 628 883 888 88sr 8800r cs3 cs2 cs2o cationic koul kotia koenigs koongarra koeppen manus manually managing manometer mantell management maniry manikyamb poreor porewater ##647 ##osilicates ##iluz asymmetries fluxed occupied occupancies traits regressions facilities spindle spinner spinifex 2002a spectroscope predominating economy channelization channelize channelized channelways ellipsoid geoscienti 465 buckle deddick egg eggenkamp knife kombol kominz lanthan yunan ##ontinent ##ontinents depressed connective connectivity anastamosing criterion favouring indexing neutrons accepts accepting objectively spanish brunhes homogenously invoking thermomagnetic thermochemical thermotectonic thermocalc thermobaric thermcalc thermocou thermomech thermofinnigan thermometer fragmentary institution percolates anorthositic ignimbritic 475 476 473 681 685 689 686 68wt 789 786 834 destor kd32 kd37 masura nuclides nbs982 reniform tunnel ##tilli ##tillot chernico sudetes stretch ##tenberger cruces imperfect impersistent hydroxylated trailing precursors prevails lamella na2o2 influxes cobaltiferous confirmation anastomose 084 089 083 290740 421 423 594 59600 674 676 677 846 crenulates databases feso fugacities functioned huber huelgo huili jinba mutafchie ##ews ##ewing ##ewald ##eleyite retains beginner shades shadow fluctuation fluctuate fluctuated haematitised seventeen preparing microscales accommodation accommodating employs 1884 incrementally sketched nuclear zinnwaldite 041 045 043 071 074 073 779 77se 974 975 972 97004 97009 forests gsz goniometer oilfield ophir saul saved sa30 sa14 ta2o5 vg602e viring virginia yili ##omplexes alcurra alcaparros chronologies commence commences maghematization applicability sprinkled empire emphasise emphasizes 320100 320300 320101 powdery powdering johnstone cataclasites 2003082649 053 0572 2h2 2hbl 419 491 499 496 besse engines mcclure mccoyd nrnr ##okeels thorian thorogum ##ashi complicates complicating inconsistency incompleteness metagabbros metagray metagranites fairview fairstar consumes consuming biogeography scapolitic scapolitite 1905 1909 190os 1977 1972 197au ferromagnetic discussing looks centuries centimetreto hampered gonzalez yilgangi 59079 59088 749 727 722 7219 931 981 984 carey cameasured fenites fenitised fennosc fibers krause kovalen pss pilote pearly restudied stss ɛnd340 ɛnd320 shoshinite shoshonites intracrat appropiate emerges emergence symmetrically tanzanian ankeritisation ankeritised propagate strengthening doubts doubling encounters encountering violation violence 188osiniti virtue geodynamics achievable biske billion db4 dimo dimpled echo flexuring honeyblende ipges luis luofu mbic mathews nc1 ncb ncsr nc21 nc494 nc498 nc267 nc559w1 nascent nasdala nacional naciri vontov ##149 ##1480 ##9449 tommo ascendant anatomy stainless prolongation seals plusquelle concomitantly microns slickenfib 105a 105c 105b embryonic embracing heading stephanite stephanian supplement laboratoire laboratorio 893 8900 8900r bentonite bentley famatina grooves kathryne kinks misidenti nmc nongra tlh velinov velocities warping warped warming woodhead woodcock woodhous ##dek dehydrat algorith reverses courtillot strait strangsways evolvement evolutive substance substances entertaining apache overpressuring scarred spiking discovering terminal terminations terminates diagnose 1954 1953 1952 1958 pegmatoidal ivanhoe rhyodacites glomero glomeroporph delamarian roofed interests ideogram fluorineand reconsidered reconstituted helps helpful synclinoria destabilizes questioned questionable 2001082515 0668 baked dashes evergre gabon grossly jimmy muir mueller muginco ocoa ocoitic ocoitas pcd pc99 pc980 ventures ventoso ##oha isopleths ##amorphosed ##romator statically incongruently unreactive unrecogn unrepresentative intraclastic peridoti websites magnetizing magnetizer magnetisation micromonzodiorite scarcely ##ctorial 1011 textbook transferring discerning referring carrigan carrizalillo petrogeneses longerich longitudinally switched vohimena vohitany 0014057 idealized definitions neutralization neutralized neutralisation rainforest ophiolitic droplet ferromagnesium overpressures comprehensively 7104 7108 71023 bench barba casa casting castel downgoing habits habitat keno mingled owner pgsk pg44 pg43 pipelines pulled ponded rouez running sahara watt watanabe wagner warmer zeolitisation ##iagenesis andranomad condense asher ashley ashele ashburton chuos chambefort anthracite anionic orani unfraction unfractured clarifying granophyric subtly subtypes framboids diffused diffusional allochtonous smoking syndicate syndiagenesis rheologic opportunities microband rhodopean 7084 7085 7086 7087 7088 70880 70849 circularity erratically obliterating inhibiting philippine ascribe 01090 962 amalia boccal breslau cowell cowarra camborne cambokeels fo90 fo92 fo86 fo93 fo71 foredeep foothill gargatis garnets hardy hardly lisle lister matured nist612 pedro pedipl sener senior toscon tails utilised utilises vegas vejen veizer ##ufeng ##cerol ##kerli ##folds ##merman ##jeol ##entiality antsabotr antsahanand stoneware coalesce unpredict imbricate clouded diversified phengites enabling undisrupted 109ag escaped scheuber schemes dragged selenide blebby circled macroto macrophotograph macrofolds visualization visualised juneau 51217 51246 51267 512248 512149 51181 51187 511850 511860 edifices transgressions alluviums conceptualize conceptualised advantageous chonolithic recommendations chuqui anthophylite incipiently 584 airie bm160 cc7650 dunitic ethylene fumeroles fumani freda gtv gtplot hbgmr hinterland holder jhc kerry kerham kernels kerkh kerhuo kuridala kapai londonite maldonite ov2 otter otavi odp pw11 pw240 pw3040 pw1480 pinolites rosero rosengren sqm sakenite sakamena sakoa sakalal sakahara sieve telhaie telachere tilt tilting vacuoles zunny render beechworth sheds proceedings ##umba ##umbashi ##uchope unblocked nephelinite subtleties ##arelian epitactic scotland agglomerated agglomerations brackets monoclines redissolve remotely plumes plumelin plumlee continentally ultrasonically florence 1632 mckelve clinopyroxenites delineation delineating troctolisation suspensions miargyrite magnetostratigraphic magnetometer magnetometry physiographic jointly empiric empirically biotitite biotitised addresses portugal balkanide kirkolm unraveled unravelled impregnation impregnate impregnates overwhelmed 99030 99025 99033 99023 99027 akira bounce bubner cabri categories daltry etc etching etchecopar jacques laguna lagerst lagoons lagarde napier nappes tyennan tynebottom tames tamdro ukraine welding yanshann ##pancy ##panjie ##lithic ##ymov thirteen ##inerallic conceive conceived conceivable chronometers stabilization stabilized stabilised stabilities fluvio disproving dismembering formulas hawk crawford plausibly imparting constrictions conservatively industries trondheim traveled submadrine submicroscopic franceville ensures appreciation appreciably obscuring obscures perthitic epicontinental epicenters adherence adherents 1062 espana espinoza sequester sequesters sequestration explorations exploratory specialist 1821 decimeterwide settlers 1961 1966 153xna predicated predictions pyrenees multicomponent boronand rhythmite 166xsi confidently confidentiality configurations delimiting capillaries extrusions 2754 2756 2753 2752 262rpq ambato ambatotsipih digitally mylonitized duplicated duplicates suddenly engulfs diminished neighborhood 410701 4251 aroh clunes dyscrasite ejc eurasia euraust fuels fiacre fiorentin flanking gotze gottingen gottesberg gardien hilly housed houston justify justifying kuark kuiseb katz katskov kangding lnp2 labile labram labradorite latites merel nonsaturating owners publicly rt24 rigaku szu sz3 tsonev ts1500 ucd ucz z94006q chaotically chauris chaudfon chaixmeca chaumba chemex chemostratigraphic chemostratigraphy annual annulus makkon sherana shells proposal proposals oncolites stripes strictu contours unauriferous hydrofractured hydrofracture aridity leakage upgrading overcoming academic academia coronation coronadite mexican perceived amethystine microgranitic micrograms allochthons tetrad tetraborate tetradymite domingo treatments agitator spanned speedy surprises transcandinavian transforming transformations 185re paleoceanographic paleocontinents microveins microveining 146nd pollen supercontinents turkic mesonorms 7074 uncontroll 1995a retreated rozanski rozendaal extractable inherit inheriting enhancing manitdl quadrilatero ambiguities doubtful unrealistically rhombohedra rhombohedrons monominerallic submilligram submillimetre multicollection digitalized diminishing pneumatolitic aasm bolindian boltsbur buninyong eluted elucidate fifth fifield fifteen fifarek gogogogo hanley hatched hattori hindrance kfp khaki ligands lunar lawrence lawlessness ngwak niederschlema nondestruc nelspruit oroclinally podiform poddy ribband ttgs ubn uchida villamanin villeneuve ##makite ##21b thms600 thmsg600 inaccur aliquot forcefully mindanao asturreta chalophile chipchakova anchito anchimetamorphic whitford whitney whittington whitaker ##gends propriety quenched strategic straddles ##chelles compartments unidimensional unoxidised hydride claire claypool geobarometric geobarometers substrates substratum levresse carbonatised collectors meggen megaquartz amplify ambohitra ambohimand 209bi adsorb prd1 prd6 prd7 prd2 smoothly spurious dolomicrite moulds contributor contributory crystallographical centrifuge postcollision drillhole devonain metasiltites hornblendes halogens halsjoberg metallurgy glazed extrapolated erroneously sustainability guilin tourmalinized tourmalinisation protocontinent substitutes substituting interfingers interfingered azimuths boxworks dimensionally splitters huanglong microsparite microsparitic orthoquartzites isothermally familiar hedenbergitic misinterpreted rhomboids synthesize synthesised tamarugal challenging epiclastics symplectites symplectitic replenishing cuspated namaqua namaquan overestimation overestimated tantalites tantalizing unequivocal underestimate underestimated 2naals 2naalsi 2fes2 3hbl 3hso4 3fes2 3feso4 435vp apertures bht bhvo bh135 bagby bomb bipolar belliere belligne belltop cinnab cockade costa costatoria credit credible credibility cullen culling culloch efforts fiddlers felted gfa gilman haggan hours hollis italian iankiana jagat kempt kinetics lmu lucas lucia lucette lubin lubricant lubumbashi lifetime mp1 mpumalanga memory memorial memorable munich munjuri muntean nicollet nationally nantuo nikon naked nakano nakamura omz omits omissions papke papua pueblo rudd rudny rudnick satzung svecok sabkhas sibumasu sterner toro torneboh torokhov tearing taiwan utmco uyt urals ventersdor vallance wuzhishan wispy wander wandoo ##nrwith ##49d ##zmann andreas innova innovative innangarra ingredient inspected ##asoq dealers contends contended reinvig reinforces reinjection ##atierra betsiboka christie christiana christoula attack attests commodity mahery stopes stormer disappeared happening strathcona assignation seedorff impinge impinged impinging interparticulate interpolating interdigitizes intrinsically trivalent lends update enlarged oversteepened perspectives perfectly recoils ampitata buttons bioturbations grenvill advective adopt marlstone marlstones trench servicio pendants desirable surnadal redeposition redeposited redeveloped translate translates translocation equimoral discoloured discolored discolouration optimized deciphering contradicting eliminate spherulites paragneisses pauling 70979 70976 stirred stirling borovitsa autobrecciation noncarbonaceous multidynamic conflicts aguilera oy08a leucogabbronorite pathfinders 51204 512080 512098 51177 51172 51178 wilhelm 2639 prompts 0034 003647 ferropargasitic volatilisation affiliations freibergite 7129 71224 reconciled certificates 733jeol instituto reconstruct circumstance fibrolitic naclequiv grossularitic unfavorably vegetation 51273 51278 telescoped microanalyse microanalyser microanalysis xb99449 xb99216 xb99507 xb99308 convinced covariant acknowledges electrode electrodes microveinlet compartmentalised metasiltstones misinterpretations octahedral qv2a qv2b satisfactorily demarcated demarcates demarcating graptolite unevenly synkinematically 28286 4fe2o3 4fe3o4 4sio2 715151 bx50 bittern bonds czech czamans cesare cesium eibenst fb1 fb3 fisons fischer fogs g2r glycol glycerol glues glued godon godfrey h3aso4 h3po4 hartley iodide iodometric jenner jenkins jiangxi kielsagar kwak kunene kunzmann lg80 lyall lyons ldp licencing licensed mallacoot mallapaty mds600 nabiao nabarle ocular october pmcu poujol pouillou pixe pixel qiu qapf rgntd rc412 rm2000 svarten svanberg sgf songpan stems stemming sinks sinking saxony saxothuringian tianshan tianjin tullis tulloch tapping tms92 tmsg600 umr umu vulcan vulnerable vakinak vakkerli viets viejo vials wonga xj10 xj9b zielinski zentrum zentrallabor zambian zambia ##vigite ##uineous ##damt ##fika ##mentioned ##baum officer officially ##arasay ##articule declines declining congruent congruently conodont conodonts reagent reagents retention retentive reorder reordering rewarding revenge revenue begun ascertaining chomitite chomitites chandler chandrajith chiefly an51 anatexite anatexis compliment compliant ##etasomatic ##etasomatism stucture stuctures stagnation stagnant stratal stratoid strandja metaborate metaborates seychelles severely unsolved unsystematic unimin unimportant unavoidable unavailable unsuited unsuccessful cryolite cryometric craigmont resurgent resurgence resorbtion evacuation evacuated hydrologic hydrological divergent divergence diachrone diachronously geomorphology geomorphological intragranular intragrain tranomaro tridimensional tridymite artifact artifacts article nejdek submerged submerging learning phonolite phonolitic simplest simplistic cuevas cuevitas oxfordian august augusta augustine earnslaw performing performance alloyto undetermined undeterminable scarps seccombe marinovic marinoan slurried slurries tethys tethyan reequilibration reequilibrated monochromatic monochromator emanations emanating gradationally survive survived sandwiched salvador salvatierra schroeter schroeder discreet discrepancy 1860s decameter decametre definitely paleolatitude paleolatitudes paleodepth paleodepths 1920s amphibolitized amphibolitised ultramylonitic ultramylonitised absorbtion absorbing ferriferous ferrifero laurent laurentian argentoten 000020 000025 0000012 0000033 0003330 0003348 pyrometer pyrometasomatic bifurcate bifurcating 70550 70538 70171 collaborating collaborative automated autometasomatism illuminate illuminates keeffe bueno buenavista cyanide cyanidation attractions 176lu 177hf gabbrodolerites gabbrodoleritic purchasing purchased s24to 51156 51152 miogeoclinal miogeocline icelandic mktd13 mktd36 campbelltown benefit benefited harmonics quarzite quarzites morgans morganite squeezed squeeze 713844 713841 exploitations qualitative qualitatively efflorescence efflorescences braunschweig trachydacite trachydacitic claystone claystones berlinite realistically smithsonian smithsonite trachyandesite trachyandesitic cristobal cristobalite hydroxyapatite philosophy philosophical binghamton commercial commercially engineers engineering chrysotile chrysoberyl nc523 nc526w microlaminations microlaminae warrant warrandyte unreasonable unreasonably recombined recombines micrometerto unfavourable unfavourably interconnecting interconnectivity slumps depocentre depocentres pinpoint pinpoints sakaraha sympathy sympathetically nonsilicate nonsilicified nonselective nonselectively punctuate punctuated rigorously dmlb claims claimed encompassing aqso1e aqso3e disappears disappearance bioturbation bioturbated 311lnxfeo xb99540 xb99536 fulfilled fulfilling puzzle puzzling xb2k001a xb2k001b chauvin chauviere metapsammite metapsammites diapirism arnaudov arnaudova preconcentration preconcentrated symptoms symptomatic schwarzenberg igdlukuguaq igdlukunguaq 2also 2nrnrwith 2mgso4 6chlorite 6s23 740157 9so42 ayalon aorg aitken aulocogen alemania acetic achankovil aachen aforementioned ayliff ailleres ailao await aconcagua aharon aucl2h bgsk bcs bateman bosnia bustin bromoform biminerallic bumper buchan bibikova bousquet bongolava bundles buggsy bazoges battery bivalve baddeleyite bizarre bronzewing c81 cags cigar cainozoic crespo codelco cyprus cayley carius cogenesis carnoet crowded celsius cregu camscan costerfield cosmo cedimin c2h6 dx600 dziggel djurleite dinaride dionex dirt dostal dilles drenthe d104 dodson daily dzhulfian dormant dsdp dreyer dharwar duricrusts eyes ez638d eroding eidfjor everett ephemeral eccentric eighteen eutaxitic entablature eradication eguiluz fvt fh2 false fostered fleet fizelyite feco3 fardon funnel fountain fifty filtration fungi fletcher fingerprints fimiston gmlt gqd147 ges4 ganze gleeson gacilly gustafson giggenbach gumiaux girdle geneva gayna gaseous govindara gathers goleby gerstenberger giletti gorny gsd196 hρg honorat hulbert houdini hudson holographic huebnerite hechi hitherto hettangian ixer iwate i3a iourirne igme ianapera jr5a jiufeng jaireth j6a jbh jorc jachymov jourdain jordisite jambol jaune jaeger jupiter jahn jackets jaques jabiluka jordaan ktn konopelko kesler kolwezi kosaka kelley kly3 kentucky kyser kutnah kakkond kelyphitic kersantite kobeite katherine kaiyang konttijar karstification krouse kampunzu kucha khanty ljubija lindenmayer lesven lorraine lilov lizio lifelong libya lutzow lickfold lignite langmuir lisheen lincoln library lonsogono lutetium lustre landsat lazareva lhasa loubous lumsden litchfield mzdi mitchell moment mentors mimics mecca molde mogok messages mititus mocha mistaken mordenite mundt mengku mitsio myanmar mammoth mumbidgle n070 n464 nzd nh4ac n75 ninety nernst nominal nenthead nions ncca naden novaculite ntims nanguip nansatsu nancollas nitrates ogata ooradidge ousis oetl ochres oolithic oosterbos pisutha perello palca piedmont pivotal pangui pauselli pawlewic perennial pushback pimentel qaidam qinling qianlishan qitianling qordlort qiangtang rdn ralb rarity ricou rentzsch rabies roussel ratajkosk rickers ramirez rinks r1021b ramsay railway rupture rationalise rosenbaum ssdu sonoma sasaki singewald sainthill sirms sassolite sweeny social stentor sellarsville soviet stimulating sialic sinestral sawyer sengor sushchevskaya sureda saussuritisation tdm tithonian tuscarora tichimova tadjik tumi tucson tostado tillites tivey tachdamt tackled tarnished taf5 taxco tmice tschermak tetreault tucker telegrafo tischendorf u9555 ustarasay ullmannite ubekendt v3b vorokaf vitally vouedec voldet video vityk varet vardar vibrations varajao vaughan wauchope wateq4f wingate wonder wylong wafers wuxu wuzishan xoagn yzb yingpanjie yambah yanyuan yerington yoho z749d zentilli zro2 zagorchev zimmerman zapopan zaldivar zhejiang zhuang z97003 δmusc δ66so2 λ87rb λ187re ##upride ##uashih ##tliches ##0101a ##kastrop threeto thibault thiocomplexes ##altenes andriankely androyan inasmuch inserts inadequate intiomale ##oroborates ##attenlehre totalling totoralillo deemed deccan deficiency detrimental ##lyphs isimanchi isabelle conundrum contiguous conventions conjectural ##tersrust alphabetical alpers alardyce alcohol alicante alj23mpy altiplano fortescue foraminifera reassessment retaud rezeda reheating receptacles rejoined reanalyzed rejuvenated recherches rearranged reutilization reorientation retrieved bechtel beakers beixiang beaufor beuzec beidellite asphaltenes aspler astimex astounding ##imirov chabu chacko chemistries chinkuashih chainsaws chimborazo chapelle cheshitev churchill analcite anavoha ancestral anhui an1ab99 anjomakely griesen gratings grabbronoritic gruenewaldt suzuoki succeeded atanasov committee commendite maverick mahanoro mafikeng maznikov wholesale shannon shrinkage stacking staurolite staveley stumpfl stalactites stamatelopoulou ornamented quietening quanta200 quairading quasiplastically quelornet disparity disordered distorting disaggregate incompressible exchanging exporters exothermic exoskarns exlii exaggerated haphazard cohesion strawberry strashimirov ##tenasoa metarhyolites sambaina basuki compensating compatibly complutense seghand seafloors se98as2 seymour sebastian unweathered univectorial unanswered unaware unpotholed unmetamorphosed unbiased untested uninterpretable unsilicified unspiked unmelted unattractive unilateral faunal plessis plelauff implemented interrogate intercratonic intercepted intermediaire interrelated interbanded consanguineous constantine hydroclastic hydrobromic colluvium ab43or2 aberfeldy clausthalite granolepidoblastic granofels temparature temperaures gejiu geolabs geocronologia geowissenschaf geostatistical calcitlutite intraparticule intrafolial intramontane formationtemperatures triako traveusot trilobites ardennes araldit nearer regressed voltalef volynskite paraconformable suboutcropping subophitic sublimates subpanels subgrain subgreenschist subvolumes subcircular leoben leblanc leichhardt premixed prerequisite pretrilobitic phreeqc phylosilicates phrehnite phreatomagmatic upswing encrustation entity sulphurous notwithstanding concretes overthickened simonette ackermand au80ag20 fegreac obatogamau itacaiunas meffan meixner meishucun charcoal charnockites permanent pernambuco perseverance bohemian bohlke reclassified genoveva genalysis ammonites amazon twyerould breckenridge maindronniere allenheads allocthonous canobolas undesirable undolomitised undecompacted southeasthern bialkali bielicki scissors northeasterly northumberland appealed adobe admixture adiabatic adirondack ##athymetric marketing martinez maroparasy dolosparite teplice poincare pobershau pokiok pozzolanas poullaouen underlining underscore underthrusting undersampling tregony tregornan pritchard smokey spiering spahievo spaggiari briquettes brincat brilliant brannerite brunsvigite brioverian bryndzia brachiopods barcelona barkevikite dolomitising monomictic monocapillary monastery monovolcano emslie pezzotaite peytcheva vermaak olmedo olacapato syndepositional desliming descending dissanayake mohlosane moorbath salobo rediscovery redoubtable watercourse schellerhau sequeirinho plagioclasite equidistant tectoglyphs drinking horgaberg outpoured outgassed kmno4 1820s 1870s decametric heterolithic heithersay abundancia defocused syncrystallizational synthetizes reminiscent diaguita hemipelagic hemihydrate infracrustal infrequently infratidal crossroads cautiously caal2si2o8 cauliflower setouchi pyritohedrons pyralspite paleobathymetric paleoproterozic paleofluid derbyshire mat252 matthey coarseto microcontinent microdiorite microphotos microorganisms microdrills microenclaves elpasoite carthew wtrending sophisticated devitrified devolatisation invaluable invariance irups irrelevant irreverently mapasingue patricia patriot patagonia ste405 bandurrias madeleine midmembers enderbites furthemore polarising polysilicon superseded supercycle supersuite superbasin seawaterclmeasured oxyatmoversion ultrahigh centimetric centipede porcelain porcupine molspin archipelago archetypal archaeocyatha curtailing erlangen potgietersrust ferrihydrite lafaye lahitte maximilians oszczepalski pannece pantellerite panamericana phenocysts anglogold 000026 0007780 mesofolds mesoperthitic ordlingasoq tuklonsky topographically broadscale milliliters combustible goongarrie autochthon nonluminescent nonstoichiometry gloaguen palynological palaontologisches photoshop unconventional meanwhile pentecost clinoptilolite merenksy horizontally kalimantan montpellier montmorillonite caledonides calaverite ruzicka ruisseau centaurus kajiwara polyminerallic polymodal polyethylene sargasso nwdipping riochilex geoenvironment pyrochlore interelement cobriza episyenitization ductilely hyangsanri guidelines guanaco guimaraes mangampeta catholuminescent catholuminscence quantronix 512398 ediacaran eddystone rammelsberg rotliegends protomylonite inhomogeneous incompatibility terrigeneous 003657 00cm0101a campaign camanchaca camaguey viewpoint ferrotschermakite needlelike ambalavao tetrafluoroborates tetraauricupride semivolatiles semiquantitative johannsenite sensitivities readjustment magnitudes antarctica antagonism morogoro peneplanation qeqertarrsauq streckeisen hyperbolic 711844 71123 714623 714842 quebrantabuesos murraba undetectable discriminators forefront azufres hallmarks hwanggangri lattanzi scientist mv2300 helicopter wolframoixiolite randriamanantenasoa tellerhauser chateaubriant ferricyanide ferricopiapite vandeginste suprasubduction karagjuleva koenigsberger koeppenkastrop mantellic manikyamba geoscientists kombolgie lanthanum thermocouple thermomechanical chernicoff 2907406 596000 huelgoat jinbaoshan mutafchiev alcaparrosa thorogummite metagraywacke fennoscandian kovalenko intracratonic 188osinitial nc21sn vontovorona tommotian plusquellec slickenfibers misidentification woodhouseite dehydratation algorithm glomeroporphyritic evergreen mugincoble pc99147 pc98014 unrecognized peridotitic 710237 pg44b pg43a andranomadio unfractionated boccaletti pediplain antsabotraka antsahanandriana unpredictable 512462 bm160e kerkhof pw1130 pw2404 sakalalina zunnyite mckelvey lagerstattenlehre tamdrost yanshannian 153xna2o 166xsio2 ambatotsipihana fiorentini chaudfontaine makkonen uncontrolled manitdlat boltsburn ngwako nondestructive inaccuracy ambohimandroso 2naalsi3o8 bipolarity belltopper cinnabar svecokarelian tornebohm utmcoordinates ventersdorp ingredients reinvigorating ampitatafika grenvillian naclequivalent czamanske eibenstock mallacoota nabarlek svartenhuk svanbergite vakinakaratra vakkerlien diachroneity argentotennantite eidfjord govindaraju kutnahorite kakkonda konttijarvi lonsogonoi nanguipa ooradidgee oosterbosch pawlewicz qordlortorssuaq rousseliere ratajkoski tadjikistan tschermakitic vorokafotra geowissenschaftliches