[PAD] [UNK] [CLS] [SEP] [MASK] & ( ) , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 _ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z µ · ø ı ƒ ɛ α β γ δ ε θ κ λ μ ν ρ σ τ υ φ χ ω ϕ – ’ ##o ##e ##l ##d ##i ##n ##g ##s ##c ##r ##p ##a ##y ##w ##h ##t ##z ##v ##b ##u ##1 ##3 ##k ##8 ##m ##5 ##6 ##4 ##0 ##7 ##2 ##f ##x ##9 ##q ##ϕ ##j ##ø ##α ##δ ##ı ##φ ##θ ##σ ##υ th the ##er ##on ##at ##in ##es ##en ##ed ##nd ##al ##it of ##or ##ic ##ion in ##ar ##an and ##re ##st ##ro ##ent ##ing ##el ##as to ##is ##le ##ct ##ou ##th ##ation ##ol ##ur ##ith ##ra ##om ##et ##ly ##oc ##ow ##ig ##im with con st ##ce ##os is ##ul ma re ##iv de ##id for su ##il ##ter that ##am as are ##ru ##rom ##la ##ge from ##ate ##ch al ##se ##if se ##ut ##ure be pro ##ot ##od an by ex ##est on ##ver ##pp sh ##ated ##ite ##ve ##ist com ##og ##ity ##ess fa ##ph ##ment la at ##ir ##ere wh ##ult ##ies bas ##qu ##pl ##ud ##ri ##pos ##ta ##ction ##em ##op ##ant ##ther this ##um ##ata or ##igh ha ##ition ch ##ical sou ##ations ##ag ##all ##ism we ##ran un ##ect ne ##and ##ock sub ##con ##ore pr ##rain inter ##ence ##cc ##ive col ##ial ##ast ##rust ##orm pl ##ous ##ian ##ab res sam me ##ad ##ely ##us inc fl ##ers cont ##iz ##art mod have ##ong rock str fault ##ak ##one ##00 ev ##ues ear fig high comp ##iment ##ort ##ost vol ##pt ##oun mag these figure ##ip ##ine ##ich ##tain ##du ##ene ge low nor rel was ##form ar sp ##ediment ##yst were data ##rou ##ell ##ale ##ac sediment ##can form ##fer ##ens colle int ##ions ##ater km ##gh sl not ##ard ##etw volcan ind ##bs ##ts dis ##ill ##een co ##ary magm rec basin betw between ##ass ##raph sampl ##ib crust det ##ates ##ret ##ismic ##ld reg di ##gest zir zircon ##olog ##position ##ick which ##ear model lar grain rocks over ##oz ##erv ##end ##tern colleag colleagues us ##ros sc ##ach ##per ##ozo stud ##ozoic ##ally part ##ath ##thern qu ab dur ##ys south can loc ##ges dep sand samples ##ces ca mar cor app ##ift ter pres north ##ures ##eld age than sug acc dif ##ange ##rib cl during cons ##oth pale dist en im ##ari suggest ##ff ext thick le ##ments ##ap lower ##ound ##iss pre ##ia interp sim tim obs seismic ##its ##able but incl earth ass ##rit within ##pper am ##ents it ##ruct per ##so ##ern been ##ide ##un also lay interpret ##vel ##ocene lith ##ke subdu ##ord ##formation east along ##ield upper ##atic ##ree more ##ne ##ase ##ced sur show ##ific ##ystem system prov cal anal may ##ile observ ##quak all flu earthquak ##ose 20 has differ ##ould result volcanic ##ution ##ign gra ##ace ##ward min ##ome ##iver our ##ites vari rep ##ilar ##rupt occ depth ad ##ple ##rough ##antle vel region how mantle und val veloc struct met similar indic there includ well most ##ively ##res sm deformation occur ##yp ##au zone where ##cl fac chan fra range time ##ay tran ##gin contin tw plate formation ##vi ##alt ##ross ##pla ##ating strata ##estern ##ew li up ##ep under erupt ac ##onic two ##ically bel tr ##act ##age ##face other facies cent fol meas detrit ##ance trans ph river ##orph gre ele moun ##ue composition sour top ##idence pla consist both pos ##ain depos ##ative area subduction near sign flow ##ever dom however ##ron grains late ##ting through par gen ##ust ##ograph incre large some ##ied into ##osph detrital ##eral ##last ##ized out crustal ##cess ##rog ##dition southern ##ight faults ##ral margin slip ##ish ##ities terran 10 ##ryst early ##ough new lav te gran ##fic ##stone sil ##ness ##ined record ##port such ##ric const supp ##red present tect ##ature comple ver mountain ref analys study ##io upl set ##ry ##ck ##rop compar ##own ##neiss their velocity bec est contain ##iated ##ob ##och ##cted ##ctions layer calc geolog field tra ##olution ##ress ##ho corre tem ##row sequ unit ##allow act ##und car off northern arc ##par ##ope ##artz ##mon process deposition using quartz des mid disc ##posed they ##ones shallow ##ular ##mb base observed used thickness one uplift ##igraph tectonic fe ##atigraph bound refle ##ove ##ger based typ pop plut different sea small rift ##der ##itud ##ribut ages char ##fl ##amorph only popul mel ##ize dec ##land western magmatic ##xim ##terozoic ##ack grou assoc extens west ##acter ##kely metamorph ##rogen character gener der ##ork mineral ##itic ##omet ##ffect across ##ns po ash ##ient ##ening ##ory ##ences lithosph magma bl long youn ##ional ##nel values so subs ##pect lim produ signific ##fore ##jor major fin ##ual estim correl ##eng surface earthquake repres id pe ##val ##atively ##ause man central because orogen measure ##eric shear likely thrust wa ##ved ##bl spe cre ##ps ##assic dire press sample ##sib ##ited consistent ##tal ##roterozoic ##oproterozoic units earthquakes ##ility deposits ##ived strain stratigraph 200 ##east ##rol geoch complex significant found three studies source offs sediments rem associated each its mafic continent af dens channel pluton far ##ber models ##yd ##yn mi those isot scale no ##ors ##ides ##itude ig ##ded events ##ins ##ially layers 201 19 bi ##ases ##ization ##ty sandstone fluid ##sion zircons intru eastern do water ##ank main magn ##semb old sla ##atures local em results terrane ##ration ##ertain basalt temper ##ail unc level ##ench abund ##bon volcano he pat possib would pen ##vious ##dle above prof evidence calcul trench mu ##ole 15 desc interpreted density ##de bed mic down rates ##ured ##ted ##pping ##tact ident systems ##ography gneiss areas ##ince eros paleozoic due size ##omal anomal mountains domin related below processes derived represent exam ##velop ##lastic ##ang ##ural develop common lava middle hor ##ably variations sequence 100 ##ified after could norm ##west ##xt ##ider uncertain ru ##our conc relatively previous ##li indicate measurements mult contact ##ount including reflect ag hist formed analysis ##ength ##though although ##erm cryst num yield assemb constrain slab equ carbon if def ##ceous kn ##kes ##out addition zones mes ##xic ##ond ##ology continental pb inv ##ise aver ##orted later higher ##lay prob pressure pattern red creta interpretation cretaceous cur relations wave 12 separ much less site ##low consider ##gl sever pred deep 40 cam ##yl ##emical arch ##place normal gla ##tical thin section ##ather ##vial mater while ##umul fract material rate slope appear imp lithosphere older ##ivity changes mexic metamorphic meth dr ##anian cree gr ##por discus fur rat tu ##ately here peak ##ood grained further ##iation continu effect ##erate ##urb peri several hyd ##onian therefore follow ##ume spect assembla ##ai determ method infer event great elev mo ##ogene land core domain describ rupt mexico thus ##eter bene short trend condition ##round distin ##most ##atch ##etic ##ability control ##hip ##int salt basement ##ribution oce ##ently stri fluvial post sedimentary increas ocean populations block cross mass ##ivers contra perm observations beneath gl ##iven si ##ind evolution many average mon extend term biot very subsidence conditions ##rated ##ines relative accom prec silic exper regional ##glom ##ination relationship eruption ##edge conglom uncon appro depths occurred ##ics init ##ogen ol ##lying dev exh jur ##atism ##are lake magnitude 30 ##te lavas period jurassic belt distinct ##yon ##western ##lement ##rian tuff ga ##elf ##ocl ##idual import analy ##uced infl structure stratigraphic temperature ##rm ##ages coast depositional ##ean ##icular ste include outc isotop ##placement ##brian ##ision prot color cy rich ##ets same spat end coar located generally fron pot ##fac ##olved magmatism canyon suggests decre clast ##iqu ##br strong dikes ##ographic orig devonian bro ##ire ##ram structures flows 25 ##pe ##tle ##ami least velocities analyses erosion last group contrast ##edi ##orite layered boundary clay foc work spec uncertainty er ##go southeast vertical younger ts tri therm when interval paleo fir will basal unconform cen ##ding ##ipp change distribution terranes outcrop cr ob then ##ink inver ##ided comb structural extension line ##cy ##ah ##ada accumul origin ##ccess measured transition eruptions geological conglomerate few ta ##ison laur presence fall sr success clin focus setting example fine yr ##gi ##sh ##yro ##ado provide history 14 ##ression potent del ep ve shows port respect compositions melt brow ##olite exp exposed described ##oclase meg sources tsun ##read volcanoes mud san ##ewell population farewell ##ylv first laurent cle test ##cept prog expla larger greater support rad maxim ##ject mean compon topography compared ##mod plagi active 50 syn ##onal direct calculated beds plagioclase drain total ##lap ##chan plateau possible wedge ##inent dip ##arn ##usions stress allow fraction broad 11 13 pass ##ves ##aries seg americ concent discuss maximum cou rid she fact ##allel ##ished activity rupture il lit ##over ##2o ##oss alter haz ##stand prim ##nsylv pennsylv abs bre bore ##olith deg recent influ sw inst accret miocene hazard fre given ple ##gle conver island ##ify regions curr ##ie increase multip accommod av eocene four ser ##tz ##als speed ##ogenic important wide ##ov glac table ##ok ##led ##pers ent clasts gas requ neoproterozoic mechan suggesting profile creek elevation tsunami ut order plot collected coe comparison number multiple ##ict ##pped ##izon appar ##neous ign abundant analyz any differences poor ##ds ##ner andes preserv ##ape litholog geochemical igneous coupl 18 ##amide att white volcanism particular ##apan amph deposited colorado frequ back cm mig ##av ##iles province anomaly doc ti ##mm expl ##istocene nev detail features pleistocene amphib 16 ou ##50 laramide remain carbonate patterns assemblage clear pennsylvanian bod host mm ten vis ##uc megath miss ##eg northeast characterist nevada megathrust japan length tru use slow dispers scal sch ##oming geo el ##ument ##ither ##sequ basins basaltic identified biotite ##arri ##imal clim calder phase inferred garn ptz ##ning ##nde secon ##allization correlation dominated wind ##ream ##cont resolution ax sites ##ane element affect cata hal mat seism northwest like contains minerals olig spatial modern ##io2 ##hoe ##anging ##yrox little document ##pb ##itive expos weak ##iller horizon cenozoic bul year ##sc stand reach weather type isotopic unconformity ap ##df ##ency had volume marine suggested occurr position sequences offset strike steep ignim since tonal ##els ##cting proport earli southwest oligocene ori rh magmas locally fracture methods second orient bu ##oor ##ice orth caus following 17 turb ##eper ##ios ##pond ##hore parts adj transport supplement produced offshore cycl garnet mem ##ties shelf cord teph characterized shortening ridge bish fill mot sing ##ances even indiv quant ##ffic seismicity shown ground horn ratios coarse bishop defined pa pet ##oles ##ogn ##formed env proven err either location corres assess ill tephra 39 wid ##ka map ##ille distribut understand point triassic obtain respectively ##yroxene correspond bur link wt ##ulf ##ott lack ##ende park mesozoic single individual pri ##co ins being exist ##ounts geomet assum reported indicates text orogenic cambrian hydro ##ually sections proxim mark elements parallel recorded lithospheric probably potential analyzed prior prom vi ##oy ##oll ##iron depend ##ynam continuous glob ##faces fan kern lo ##lex ##issipp typically plutons mainly mississipp lat ##to ##alach coll appalach grande granul isotope commonly sol ##water ##eland conf proposed recogn locations flux melting developed tahoe avail standard 70 ##ey ##enced refer deeper before intern ##ible drainage accretion bulk environ appalachian ##oot toward ##ational expect inclusions minor ##hole ##iversity experiment converg provenance bath grow ret ##bor ##13 concl modeling frag general initial mechanism 60 rio trough faulting surfaces whereas profiles known permian hornbl sk sal recon beh slight parag granite archean city op rap ws ##ana shar need foliation estimates intrusion radi frequency turbid ##pon ##ville ##ble ##inc contribut southwestern metamorphism geochron mix 40ar fast upward estimated ##ving ##ological grav boundaries smaller sier relationships approach alteration apparent information tom ##ull ##ilib clust limited stratigraphy appears laurentia outer years cordiller rapid cut ed wy ##use ##ints reve foreland respon overla distance previously portion browns ##set induced youngest development entire climate caldera himal ##cu ##medi ##ley surve ##ification trace increasing characteristics wyoming himalay hf log past ##sp content mica increased requir ##arria available wsdf ran ##xas ##esis ##isod ##omin ##ocryst stat demon ##antly overall provided ##oseismic texas tempor ##ique lastarria episod hornblende paragneiss demonst bar non ##ience ##gan university clos value ##ankai exhib ##brite ##rich them ##ert ##acent ##illing grad ##clas presented extensional mesoproterozoic segment statist nankai ox ranging ##cent ##avi made ##opyroxene arg geology estimate oceanic explain component fun hyp ##lt ##ubl ##itu ##iding ##abl resear partial ##ysical diff ratio thermal documented weathering adjacent view gravity sierra research dim dating ##pr ##ival ##odi ##estig ##ander prism sedimentation subducted limest discussed ##ossil around pel ##ft ##therm erupted seafl considered supplemental reconst vers ##sr ##way ##urun ##plic ord displacement amount throughout direction anomalies borehole uturun rhy ##fficient seafloor uturuncu c00 pac ##rate ##stones ##ected cover minim occurs silt investig spectra 39ar obtained wall ##ex ##wh though ##erg condu ##rict intrus silicic c001 pacific rather ##not ##ses ##ract alas co2 times subducting resulting front ##peak tenpeak ult ##erous ##iff geod overlying center granodi temperatures ##ogeneous accumulation focused 500 bott ##hu ##king ##chist ano cannot includes consists geologic does predomin gren cycles bra ##urface mapping constraints exhum earlier hel might nar ##of ##urian should lateral effects determined directly america poorly did publ ##action state mapped ##amp ##amin ant composed displa ##othrust enrich indicating wells margins subsurface protothrust preserved ks pum rb rare situ ##ark flood appl grade emplacement domains approxim coeval ignimbrite alex hell mw ##ik ##son ##atory ##osity summ angle ##rix chemical subsequ compr imag matrix versus granodiorite alexander fc ##sl ##ense ##ica ##ason ##istry ##emistry ##resh topographic sets redu slightly ranges bottom gulf mor ##equ ##amination cores ##ometric possibly additional geometry ##ynamic 36 au ju role ##bric spac dike cliff significantly yielded frontal ##lapse tonalite motion global hypoth limestone ksn 26 bit frict ##kal ##20 except diag scor valley param histor blocks amphibolite expected dimens mc ##ten noted sampling interpretations surround behavi ##zu ##ful ##stream recryst dipping northwestern extent decrease primary current dated day sio2 vir ##ruction compos interse about terra reduced basalts vei case heter ##gely ##hed ##by ##kn ##chn shor collapse integ ##ills largely account attribut member alaska fossil hom ##ician ##reg ##entu altern enc leuc green inversion ##ovician ordovician another gu vary ##bar ##ucon ##je ##rodu alkal whe sandstones amounts difference phen feature glaucon factors series glacial understanding hellen fels myst ##alu ##eters ##terran strength rele travel generated remo penins erosional assemblages bodies prominent internal mystic 35 netw wor ##po ##aland reason incision evalu ampl camp detailed geoph felsic network coseismic las ray tak vent ##put ##ino ##inal ##orn stations proper project subterran flank ##ellow nearly increases techn creep passive width convergence fragments med ##ead ##ym ##atter ##urally spread lead compositional abundances controlled extends coupled particularly ##continent medi pow ro ra ##cal ##bed ##ining anat ##umar paleoproterozoic distal product 199 1000 again ##ief dispersed cataclas recognized mill sb ##umin incor timing underlying plains shallower produce landsc combined successions distributions growth ##thermal feld must por rest ##hyd ##bers arra intra metas phases positive separation reference published medium five key mgo pack vs yellow ze ##fre ##ute bear ##rete uppermost provides supported arcu predic strongly southeastern minimum behavior pol ##cing ##clastic ##her ##zon ##more ##ered ##ctic ##etter ##verse students cause establ ##ressive micro equilib trending accretionary whether best gal rise sel ##inity residual recover sampled silurian reflection impro sanid laser crit dam ka ##ras ##ven ##ki ##aters ##ifts chert suba ##abb contacts crystallization peaks migration scales axis batholith pumice subterrane sanidine ari es fumar kil ##spar ##mar ##eline ##olites chile highly coinc quad diffic ##arily ##igned represents crystal impact half reveal anatol feldspar difficult yac ##14 ##rem ##ety still forear ##ambrian labor ##ption ##assing variable records ##ochron plutonic orogeny discussion caused ##zufre forearc dome har now ris ##ix ##ina what ##plate diss science energ litho so2 identify precambrian ##facies clinopyroxene brecc incorpor arcuentu 300 ##ero devi ##ems neg partially among ##rograph extensive constrained coastal sheets coupling occurrence temporal phenocryst energy fut gabb hot kbar mis input ##eton start states stages super modul regression largest variation 150 continued degree trun mississippi opening exhibit grenville hellenides laboratory lock lob nature obl teton ##ling ##rat ##holes inje ##ingu stage colum deple close discrete types typical pressures orthog error hydrothermal granulite geophysical better dates hol ##side plat extra mount determine succession american petrograph surrounding ##marine future 3d fresh path tribut ##oid ##ring ##ratigraph ##bo ##inu prop ##agic arctic accur fields abundance followed landward experiments function composite properties lithofacies 24 80 dac jo side wides ##pan ##pread ##jo ##que ##agn quest thicknesses young 2011 moose moho ##2o3 influence accommodation affected proportions ##mediate recrystallization amplitude quadran widespread foot graph hatch m5 ##bur ##inem ##ollement ##iform ##ema flat ##ostratigraph limit levels separated intervals speeds horizontal proximal galema hatchet 23 elastic rivers ##cle ##ae ##ays ##70 ##inta ##omorph stack ##ives ##ilation shale lazufre plan ##izes ##ipit overpr decollement groups 2014 trends coars components degassing secondary collision environment mechanisms geochronology geodetic subsequent landscape wil cone ##ula ##gether ##sey fabric ##rites play monte synth ##where approximately bla band nd rough ##ior ##ium ##gen ##pa ##af ##atal ##anite together ##ident intermediate cool studied included mostly complete soil final channels uncertainties equival concentr body linked survey required rhyolite spacing bearing negative propag gns rot alb ##alline ##usion moder ##forms forming detach resulted variability tecton probability six experi brown statistical help friction porosity risk 75 a1 dynamic eu ero jer m2 move ow uinta ##ooth ##lies plume regard various cycle specific fractionation lithologic clearly sharp response himalaya exhumation display diagram jersey 400 86 cost cases catch fer just ##oir ##les ##ned ##actions ##uring maps seen ##otrop interbed pli reserv ##ickpo distingu ##una indicated upon place points intruded knickpo drilling precipit crat exposures mixing tomography cluster attributed kilomet reservoir 45 away cumul ir son ##wise ##ivation ##irm relief ##obile united ##flow ##rolog crystals decreas ##going absent proportion ##zona arizona concentrations moderately 33 ast ce net roll ##na ##nary ##pite ##work ##ices ##arian ##isotrop ##urr ##rad ##iforn anisotrop evolved recy scatter implic ##order californ adv structurally upstream despite correlate furthermore glass periods outcrops illino predominantly quadrangle ##inematic gnss pliocene california illinois 87 tur vp ##ht ##hen inner ##omp unt discont scen ##aps gray repe signatures finding offsets define fractures bioturb explos orientation compris glauconite peninsula spreading yellowstone orthogneiss recycl discontinu cyp dig sens ##lo ##line ##get ##wall ##18 ##ma ##mat ##etric deformed ##ote basis subst volum spar intens scient sands paleogene smect construct supply melts downward instead paper corresponding proximity needed cordillera protothrusts historical gabbro anisotropy scenari 900 eust h2o loss match ##brites ##ku inher ##stract rework seam lac whole ##ploy submarine contents geomorph relict span introdu overlap abstract ##itudes measurement ##lie invol combination buil gradient reduction parameters footwall until border ib ms pse qb tens ##eismic ##rite ##15 ##inate ##ceed mad ##ists ##aternary quar quaternary add ##view construction ##ressed fluids striking laurentian explained absence boreholes ##oliths graphite equivalent pseud rim ##erve ##ont toho propos weight sandy marsh folds ##ustr constant heat calculate dominant predict oliv falls clinoth lithologies halite seismogenic confirm cordilleran scoria array smectite tohoku 000 28 bt dark sorted ##ave ##atom ##rean ##olated ##omes step isochron shell ##elling formations qual lithic showed nearby signature ##ospheric rifting involved separate spectrom terms potentially northeastern solid environments overlain homogeneous harrat costa cyprean digit olivine 27 90 air clastic lines ##rb ##uk ##etry see exc ##empor resist note diam ackn ##osphere comparable correlated numerous thinning veins mudstone program else exposure errors interseismic zealand experienced acknow bend fit light oper pore ##aw ##weg ##up ##10 ##erial ##arm ##anced stream begin anc interface resol diorite lithology ##aceous variety similarly fram belts seaward geochemistry driven portions concentration break andesite mississippian conclud conducted narrow power tributary black gps nat sve tio2 ##pal ##ton ##bas ##60 ##40 ##era ##atically ##orweg ##omagn ##ows without fork nepal ##conorweg diatom ##rosc images outside derive descri settings scaling occurring textures turbidites shoreline removed metasediment phenocrysts roughly sveconorweg sveconorwegian 55 ##ext ##pent ##be ##ita cones consequ cham context ark space duration paleocene eruptive elect containing westward directions ##ylon hydration linear sheet ##aneous hypothesis injection platform 86sr interbedded elsewhere count ecl kinematic mylon nw opp yet ##lation ##ging ##asc ##ulated debr asc proterozoic indian mineralog 2010 198 grid silicate clino broadly accommodated marked edge siliciclastic enrichment dimensional against trunc quarry eclog debris 21 ae div hence mg ##dy ##6pb ##omanian reverse ##idal al2o3 anhyd necess ##astic mode volat 207 206pb smb granites uplifts accompan ##pec paleoge cenomanian load bottomset packages anatolia synthetic precipitation 87sr a2 du dun national sat scan tar waters ##hf inland beach comm interior thickening prefer analog grab ##epend generation soft finer 125 decreases segments primarily serpent intrusive intrusions fcb integrated leucog cataclasites full na ##cut ##bb ##19 thir ##enite ##itor often ##entially suite ##ilit arr intras displace southward smooth transe upd oldest reflects agree muddy conclusions varying selected petrographic explosive volumes leucogran 34 casc lies nod porph rah rica ##iations ##vent ##enn ##ora make ##chy began shape ##ogram fav ##ants uniform plates highest spring independ extrem 204 ##clud ##ginia correlations gneisses know require dispersal oriented surveys logs virginia lobe eroded ferro implications quality ancient natural cascad rahat cour gap md mht rand tend via xen ##ans ##elastic ##ised ##iving fort foramin sufficient ##ches almost ##iferous ##isting having unli subt wash overlie imm facilit fold detritus silty influenced himalayan reconstruct ##ikur asthen ##load ba cla cir coun catal dra ky led mom mog pers ring ##dp ##iw ##cence ##ua ##inia ##ened ##ctively isolated ##tered alps ##ots rocky ##illed ##auk upw granitic ##obar midcontinent locality representative ##angi concord yields considering analytical schist quantit views applied subaerial overprin transect random bent brit dir gond hy hum hikur ice los lid lived pill sink ##ients ##ule ##iter ##ctor station ##rum anor onset ##aco km2 index access class enh observation acqu ##tyface heav download isotopes inverse altered assuming heterogeneous ##hedral evaluate taken breccia hotsp holocene diameter displacements ferroan foraminif dirtyface gondw hikurangi heavy drop nic opt round u13 ##ily ##pm ##ware ##fra ##anjo ##lem exceed next interaction strat copper ablation ensemb thicker simple performed meters places spectrum importance tests assessment ##cox latest radiogenic clusters pelagic naranjo leading established recovered wilcox cooling craton ##ployed favor catalog moment upwelling 38 hall rob solution ##haps ##ture ##mass ##jb ##ano shap who organ chall ##rang interest figures partition cap terr accord obsc perhaps trachy empla dominantly aftersl mont extending distinctive proto delta allows amphibolites weakly apmb ignimbrites antic world starting oblique propagation distinguish findings scientific clinothems anhydrite lidar afterslip 65 crop fran hund pur ##yond ##erical tod real rece ##gean beyond contamination contempor moderate ##ake partic immedi showing deposit wavel ##sible complexes 2012 penet represented equation curves crosscut 250 schae cataclastic members shares radiometric c0011 ultra applic virt fumarole modulus locking detachment repeated eustatic digital acknowled aegean 207pb hundred immediately schaefer 22 br good hem pul ppm sjb vents ##oys ##back ##11 ##ken conn conne ##ully shift chemistry subpar left ##kee plain reflections decad longer ##bles effective spatially ##iques dips concentrated sheep filled episodes thought c0012 alkaline techniques catchment substant ##omagnetic downloads subparallel 32 cra dow eff fund ic ram run zon ##ledge ##sions ##cial ##ways ##80 ##char faun haw hand ##enschist enough percent valid greenschist majority 2009 reflecting ##layered elevations allowed remains distributed insar bathym demonstrated summar worth predicted question sparse metasedimentary 204pb circ rounded halloys wavelength halloysite 43 diver mpa rog sy soc sizes uta varian ##ygen ##ug ##inter ##edition ##stic ##osite ree deb ##rua ##ifically ##alled unique resolved ##izing slices scar repla centers transfer blues ide farther equal additionally specifically accumulated expedition accreted islands plots apparently tirua earliest existing fans skills mixed oxygen auth heterogene roof ##uminous deviation ##bury kilometers lacustr graben third immobile emplaced utah lacustrine coc fully his m1 m3 pap sap way ##lis ##ckee ##ying ##hes ##atu ##atite ##alk too toe ##osed review sem sevi ##ried chl plane evap reli overlies abrupt eng ##apel assigned eastward volcanics gravel metapel others phosph bounded derivation created truckee transported quantify petrolog salinity reveals imaged products cumulative ##roscop software pillow cocos sevier big tit ##less ##90 ##inations ##ales ##rock ##olitic ##imeter ##ulation reactions fores ascent atm ##irly ##rium ##ously ##aching ##achita presum transg transient become contained carol tectonics find fining bedded multi numerical contrasts delamination currents preservation ouachita characteristic geochronological requires bitlis fossils deplet decreasing constructed downd ##charge saprol 600 bol dz date dilling ever go nam sense ##iop ##rates ##ax ##hic ##ti ##xy thole theory ##ators ##ola ##uration concept defic ##terbury aspect ##ructions ##vers compens art disrupt canterbury thank preex systematic providing ##ework phot association finite waves 2000 identification examined silica expand supports means currently remaining groundmass widely assumed latter latitude convergent retrog fragment turbidite overlapping argu ##equilib ##regular restric criter critical column irregular bioturbated recycling resistivity framework accompanied serpentin according dillinger tholei preexisting 53 800 aer aff bank cot oki pan sard uw ##rating ##bg ##mg ##reat ##rade ##oma ##igu react ##ilt ##chron seven ##itect fail ##ptions forms similarity similarities underg pheng compositionally compare layering track peb employed height possibility problem architect grb extended supporting window buoy burrow dependent contribute diffuse exhumed comprise encla improve ##ostratigraphy coarser comprises geomorphic propose spectrometry paleogeographic agreement montana acknowledg blueschist uwrb dick dense fil gi kg lamin sses tan varies εnd ##eck ##bone ##inah ##ased ##olian ##estim shan ##ired ##ples ##ights ##acy indu recently assim physical differential ##ometer thrusts magnet slabs localized averag elevated hazards useful axial apatite steeply episodic demonstrate siltstone enriched imaging cliffs scores guer establish residuals ##board movement sonora madinah weighted ringbone robust partitioning sardinia cru gor gases liv none ok vul yuk δ18 ##ier ##rero ##bia ##ub ##ored ##eless tool ##ising ##theless ##ime ##osc reaction aseismic unkn ##ectonic contribution modeled paleoc observe pert phil characterize 2015 crystalline lesser describe controls controlling perme calderas orthopyroxene responsible closely reconstructions summary hypothes parameter ess dissolution depleted rotation rollback turn watershed clays crack downdip guerrero yukon δ18o unknown 29 72 aqu bh hanging lens mol ramp µm ##lin ##yle ##uan ##ste ##igen ##ament ##seismic shield law ##allon ##ranean ##andes former km3 slop ##assiz overr simpl ##ordinate report complet producing 2006 itself afric farallon localities agassiz progressive factor ilm reaching release mediter ##queous intensity address target unlikely subtyp anorth gondwana today diverse variance heterogeneity carolina restricted cotta gorge perturb mediterranean 54 95 batch cities dry list lone mer morph mds ni r5 vect zr ##oh ##nes ##sely ##cata ##ering ##ann ##ulate sun suture ##ame proced ##otic ##ods exclud ##antic cold floor modified ##ologic partly canada capt moreover added foliated sourced signal flowed ##ficial becomes carried calculations carboniferous grant initially crbg expression swarm comparisons visco true reaches collis brack floodpla campanian espec bands scenario seamount introduction eclogite necessary trachyandes phengite acknowledgments philipp viscoelastic especially balt hue jack mus sn serv sulf yav ##ries ##16 ##52 ##99 ##enc ##ala ##rec ##thrust excess atl ##emically never subject intercal lowest impl ##apai assume increments correlative create yielding curve species paleoflow glacio explan visual texture ultim removal equilibration dacite ##ostratigraphic tectonism owen knickpoint knickpoints chamber hotspot assimilation aquif overriding floodplain yavapai 05 37 aust cod gib mt ses til umg wrang zero ##ec ##ls ##ler ##iate ##rid ##17 ##12 ##30 ##ator ##atible ##inces ##anent ##ancy ##stood ##ention static read ##idote alone ang ##quid ##table ##ellia discharge cohes ##ission inclusion provinces calib parent somewh ##ropri ##engood noise 2016 ems examples normalized thinner materials drilled epidote util visible causes granules contributing situated moran bittern terraces creeping medfra diagrams inherited reworked conclude electron mineralogy course kyus benthic ensemble frank ultracata every livengood vulner hueco atlantic somewhat 46 47 give hole hills ion jaco lu mature pal root spl εhf ##xta ##ery ##olation ongoing ##agle webb highl arm ##bsite ##bsville ##athic appropri distances gradu meter liquid understood folded folding consisting constit discord ##dera complexity head bedrock downstream carbonates ruptures monitor inversions allowing ridges andesitic positions illust assumption depending fluxes ##spathic closer rhyolitic juan juxta dimensions encomp equilibrium cement scattered beginning ascend updip porphy contemporaneous hundreds rogaland saprolite bolson deficit serpentinization tholeiitic architecture tanana paleocurr completely wrangellia jacobsville 56 bou flex hcl koh nix right wd wf ##iy ##gow ##hou ##bank ##uvial ##asgow took stable style ##osa extern complic neogene princ plum ##usive highland ##ostatic enter amb indicators lie underthrust trig increment quartzite ##ometry 2008 magnetic magnitudes camera glasgow precision stead original ##shore progress instru mechanical geoid rhe groundwater subsequently relev million improved revealed incorporated questions fabrics resolve country volatile loading asthenosphere faunal hawai bathymetric authors gibbsite nixon wfb barri dynam eagle fro ham lps nape pin rig tib xr ##greg ##pend ##vill ##ky ##85 thous ##ito ##itch ##old dehyd ##ama seems proxy ##ota lao lab ##empt ##umines subordinate ##cons interg incoming flor evident compilation datab ##positional able paleomagnetic leaching prepar ##ritic perpend centur arcs lime finally heave aftersh laterite herein tuffaceous discussions coefficient visc elong climatic axes reached steepness tonalitic orientations corresponds edific investigation grenvill ##equa frictional alternative alternatively locked stacking reworking qb1 clinoforms independent knowledge quantitative foraminifers decades icp foreset buoyancy implies kyushu appropriate trigger lpsa napeequa tibet thousand ##uminescence perpendicular aftershock grenvillian 48 42 700 apt called dil hidal s1 sant ##eed ##gent ##bing ##73 ##ings ##olcan ##raction makes dem sumat ##lah ##ifest ##estri shore lag ##iri chron check ##allized resem ##ipel geographic indeed recurr sugar image systematically volcaniclastic graded reprodu fractions ##ayo acou silts ##mber seawater manifest thrusting heating calculation representing developing deepwater initiated inflation ##brid trip influx migrated details horizons adjust ##ollon loaf appalachians open tomogram oxide functions exception ##caldera recovery accurate accuracy orthogneisses scenarios consequence mylonites divided mda xenoliths mogollon hybrid shaped terrestri purpos connected titanite vulnerability external laohu aptian hidalgo sumatra 350 62 ara bis eolian hi hill ls lear perv rut squ tel ##lines ##gr ##ged ##vz ##med ##inary ##arch ##let ##olid ##eto ##imod iss forest ##ila alle aligned once onto ##rie interplate ability cao accoun paleoseismic ##ckland calcare geologists micas reflectors assembly 120 separates fracturing imped driving determinations massive permanent precise conglomer obvious originated originally accommodate burial buried oxides walls histories glauconitic polar coarsening qb2 pseudose rims description extreme overprinted brittle enhanced acquired application hemipel presumably depletion austral angular franklin ultracataclas princip rutile ##imodal calcareous hemipelagic ach certain eight ii ves ##ias ##aho thresh ##ington ##ctu conve ##osol forward alread alumin ##utan ##ria interactions colla plant ##abil module compil ##ortun ##ibility regular ##eldspathic minimal regionally nearest traces actual quartzose metamorphosed significance idaho shears directed stratigraphically emp tuffs combining andesites seismically weathered assessments depends turbidity rapidly argue reconstruction juven terrace networks anatolian dissolved sensitive involving ##bee truncated commun intrasalt leucogranites draw raman atmospheric argued burrows enclaves inductively oklah bhutan collisional brackish baltica encompass steady relevant database pervas allegh achie already juvenile oklahoma 94 aut bo ben bal esc fo jun nove pil pyro sag sill tong zag ##lined ##iet ##ground ##hor ##kel ##man ##erc ##elt ##ash ##asma ##imeters cond asia sector ##utions haiy chiw subtle interact plasma relax ##forming ariri ##achy northward clou imbric surpr smear otherwise phys plaus calcite ##hood quartzof feo melange blue 2007 196 laterally considerable imply ruptured initiation object fractional entrain attempt causing cyclic confined ##ocrystalline statistically investigated predominant peninsular ##continental cataclasite arrays metasom fumaroles coincident lobes decreased persist ##aukum pulses effort reliable criteria aerosol undergone permeability essentially ilmenite terrestrial november pyroclastic haiyuan chiwaukum quartzofeldspathic 03 450 58 a4 done esp fri hinter iod sa vic wood ##ren ##rim ##ply ##uqu ##erque ##inder ##itoid ##org inf ##arc ##arag ##ential ##asy ##lear ##ctile ##omic ##imes stra ##osic making ##ild ##lacial seem ##otectonic ##phy ##anto lowstand ##ellent usually newly uplifted remn microp hydrolog unconformities ##ahu tested primitive instit background hosted lengths motions marks faster tomographic cutting episode exhibits pelitic homogen subaqueous breccias planes albuqu kilometer bioturbation recycled shells excellent ##owski arkosic clinoform ductile analogous ##191 arrival human nicarag challen virtually summarized lenses slopes ultimately aquifer split plumbing instrument dynamics rigid viscosity santos bisbee empir tonga zagros hinterland vicinity albuquerque 68 64 a3 bpt den dol emb free hon iron kir mou mobile pyroxene wal ##eformed ##lied ##iences ##gam ##pi ##pine ##ymm ##tically ##uth ##mo ##ati ##atus ##eseismic ##algam ##struct ##raul conod ##ivities asymm unf compatible geosc georg sedimentological scvz simply amalgam fluctu foliations flowing outlet southernmost granitoid supplied differentiation so191 maintain knob ##gles fractured hydraul moj postd postcaldera experience gave thermobar accumulate epic expressed slower apart dependence look granulites retur covered investigate mcgr alkali reasonable venta package columbia dacitic environmental euhedral ##radation building descriptions ##chester receiver pebbles batches trachyandesite philippine nevertheless explanation kohala highlands ambient frost dehydration recurrence teleseismic micaschist pseudosection ultracataclasite pilot iodp mcgrath 78 76 91 az gently iow miller nb trem ##ection ##div ##zal ##uer ##uable ##37 ##inting ##inities ##aly ##ories ##anola ##rees ##enter ##ctive ##omen stret ##osen maz ##lab ##lain ##ateg alg alam ##otachy ##istic compl fairly chosen subun incip voluminous notable notably disag ##illi quite preserve thickest assist alluvial eruptives outlined corrected ##mont generate longitud subset correlates manchester emph identical reflective agu defle eventually contraction ##shu deline coeffic remained ##ucing ptzs affecting ##oya globally international saline behind contributed demonstrates barren closed imagery spaced trunk freshwater planar played albian tectonically regarding discontinuity seamounts pseudotachy volatiles preferred organic connections substantial circulation retrograde ##iguous averaged subtype anorthosite jackson ##encies readily surprising espanola empirical georgia iowa incipient coefficients pseudotachyly 00 52 cell dat dall ech ke kur kah mn nac nels pure tir wed wider ##eous ##ihood ##cm ##cation ##press ##35 ##ats ##atzal ##ores ##cts ##racted conj ##ulations mac ##idel forces ##illa align alpine ##see shock ##iston face baseline ##plano ##agayo interlayered modification comput formal regime student prevent peru varied occup undeformed indicative likel underlies underestim ##lasts vertically trapped correct desmo discrim decomp extensively characterization limits 2004 densities unclear bedding numbers defin deepest tupi greatly moved postseismic monocrystalline ##inesian siliceous unconformably deliver broader lithological tennes steepening insights referred sky salts approaches temporally gradients diffraction antiform flooding morrow bitch leucos road coincide impacts joh europ regardless ##basinal kinematics cascadia ##ansas washington facilitated concordant u1352 synde replaced papagayo ##atubo evaporite ##iltna vector snake sesia entering pinatubo edifice acoustic impedance hydraulic stretch mazatzal emphas kahiltna nelson likelihood desmoinesian tennessee 04 2d 31 550 615 damp hing js lying mk mbs mention ooz ojo pract rar ripp s2 sauk ties tip wet warm ##city ##rison ##pass ##pilli ##wan ##inated ##icate ##ars ##anc ##anta ##eler ##elves ##imanto ##imuth storm reed onshore shimanto lapilli unlayered subdiv interfer mead modes relate spot ##acryst disequilib overpress terrain variably acid riverbank granular recording ##cken became ##obari correction discover bounding westernmost blank production manual sheared foundation mixt 2013 bih deeply determining methodology inference isotopically protoliths workflow speculate megacryst tsunam synchron plotted geotherm existence recognition paragneisses c0019 reduce diagen mcd alkalic millions incorporation inputs injections extracted petrography distinguished sonobari node overprinting crops connection chlorite metapelite sulfate tilting cohesive paleocurrent barrier interglacial shoreface hiatus fo2 nicaragua honshu azimuth longitudinal pseudotachylyte mbsf 08 07 2b gig ho hz hu mal mich put r4 rou rib rende tal tied trop ##nw ##went ##waters ##head ##tas ##tland ##zv ##bul ##ms ##mill ##ffer ##inel ##inates ##oration intact ##ster ##olute ##etically rev ##ivals ##amb come ##ople chief china neo ##ockwise subbas ##conomic norway collection ##iber usa accounts ens prev item interpreting ##cline continue underlain underwent accept ##ained intrude trenches downgoing ##angular thinned thermochron williston cris stresses brecken orthometric burro textural promot differs centered ##huang displays shorter evaluated coincides deviations reservoirs rollover discontinuous opportun satell arrivals independently county nicoya crosscutting virtual zoning percentage phosphatic conceptual disrupted molten ##stepping african perturbations intercalated ##ridge monitoring rheology label ##archean condens kirtland fluctuations morrowan mentioned ribbon rendezv chiefly breckenridge rendezvous 49 920 bival brie cp cath cres eas eth file ionian l1 lost sides war ward ##oke ##iar ##iant ##ners ##sum ##rical ##ya ##he ##38 ##8u ##matic ##79 ##onts ##orites inform inject andean ##stically ##robe ##rovers ##olin ##ray stor ##osil ##ida sus ##ams asian ##chiop alber ##utai ##ecting neigh ##conform plus resour controvers modal compaction ##pton geograph ##acity collectively ##ender marble caled grading adve valuable continues underpl plastic northernmost reflected ##landia longest manila bias dominance defining spectroscop greatest distinction permit stronger clayey absolute ##oka 160 matter quantified petrogen assessed insight editor statistics ##ables prisms braz brachiop morrison augen ##fully released technique raised millenn damage moduli obliqu paths pathways 238u overprint detached owing catchments advanced discontinuities lacuna involve spectrometer concluded sheeted opposite dunhuang porphyro mdas asthenospheric counter mogutai quantitatively obscured deltaic fundament validation chlor cracks ##igenous highlight constitut hampton achieved relaxation physi conodonts alamo compliant decompression skylandia europe syndepositional satellite brief crescent ethiop 09 6a ber bom bay cub dram days efficient gam gpa hou lou oil pict r1 sort somet siber vit ##nual ##cos ##aqu ##hio ##bian ##513 ##ford ##95 ##eru ##aluminous ##itized incons ##ises ##leys ##ett confl isostatic dext sust always ##ifact why cha unre subangular stratal compression relation detected cape corners terti preced simulations changing changed centimeter topset tradition discre ##ometers produces fineto consistently 2005 channelized easternmost heavi patch anomalous normally implying drive determination crest transitional deltas clean serve migrating explic amphibole tonalites illumin lacks growing radiol upwards approaching increasingly gradational antler powder dammed ##ixel misf m28 m29 movements comprising geomorphology madre chambers reconstructed substantially england gravels named artifact disruption excluded code luis headwaters tibetan thousands ##olcanic purposes compiled ##horizon plausible microprobe asymmetric mojado disaggreg crisp easily alberta spectroscopy inconsist dextral 2a 650 71 apl bud cand cac dou edu fed hud holes k2o lamp nine null nann ohio pz pick sized tab u1 ##ek ##lim ##gs ##guer ##ratic ##aign ##wide ##vo ##onoun ##inn ##arbon ##ani ##ella ##elines toky ##olis ##urs ##urated ##urization ##rap ##igas conce stall reequilib ##idot suites ##atepec ##odynamic annual bypass exact shik ##tai unus neither subhorizon prone pronoun ##adian contour arid coher depart apprec conserv grand thereby centimeters placed complement refine sett geologist traverse activities care shallowest fe2o3 shearing geochemically remark emiss concret multigas constraint probable reducing consideration appearance workers thermodynamic combine fewer draining fractionating 110 absor degrees swirly ##oku preserves lithologically catahou turbul exists solutions internally contributions cuts entirely investigations aug surrounded recrystallized integration campaign taking intraplate predictable poly kaolin tributaries eustasy built addressed confirmed frame consequently mineralogical na2o british classification terrigenous particle effusive zoned soci idea transgressive compensation filtered procedures mush utilized bouguer flexural incremental elongate resemble australian convection collaps pervasive sagami frio ##ahuatepec embay rarely synchronous malone routing ##bulge cpx ##osilicate ethiopian louis sorting tertiary traditional discrepan heavily explicit candid cacahuatepec lampro tokyo shikoku catahoula 1b 51 63 66 614 99 aure cass dong dust fam fiss gh gyp hild jing jose luminescence mut malk os pi tear tight you ɛnd ##ca ##cular ##cov ##app ##helf ##vc ##batu ##39 ##84 ##mit ##inted ##esian ##enu ##enian inund ##ania ##reth ##enters ##isition ##omple ##etical conform convent ##ules debrites sum suit beam ##ump ##ighting chill chemically unex unamb neut plun ##iana resor ##usively incised incomple rockhead ##acu slide sliding indones regressive cored paleod lowermost preclud fluores ##plex meta ##aya transcontinental tops plays ##ioff comparatively template people orogenesis doas localization 1500 dominate examine ##erman crystall month protracted broken accumulating taper liter influences instruct ##ifying 1800 cm2 migmat explore elim seismological apvc 170 pair lacking geometric geometries conclusion overlaps argill orders ultras public approximate ##slope reasonably projected 1992 chilean superficial extrap accurately involves 285 operations ##awa arkansas necessarily scanning smoothed nodes cascades courses acquisition challeng particip funding transgression aspects affinity failure filter procedure muscov calibration discordance illustrated porphyritic progressively triggered accounted polarity principal alleghenian benioff efforts institute mouth tropical labeled porphyrob physiography ##erupt chaotic hudson pzus subhorizontal pronounced emissions kaolinite society discrepancy dongbatu gypsum hildreth jingtai malkowski fluorescence muscovite 06 69 85 bould cf cer cinder dak ey economic fear fix gt h2 izu ll liver mas ns pdf rin treat u14 van ##oa ##lated ##selves ##carbon ##wis ##ming ##46 ##fall ##ester ##itz ##orogenic ##icont ##thy ##olle ##ithm ##raded ##etna ##lys ##ocratic ##iguration reor deforming ##cha secular angles excl exotic shifts fauna ##ultaneous basic ##ember cho unp unal resur evid highs ##ensive intr coord ##ibas detect ##ologies overestim ##ended quick consolid lewis ##apes prelim simultaneous assign amar amurian peraluminous minibas ##ewater grew 105 ##cky ##ressions feed differentiate manually 2003 microsc anomalously commons reflector agg defines considerably mexican coreholes blocky termination 14ya respective expan drained pennsylvania swift ##oked 180 attenu frequencies backst weaker supplementary links hydrous exhibited oxid diffusion dimin covering walled ##ofossil auckland alternating landscapes incorporating dacites joint sensit sparsely scientists tensor proposal diatoms mylonite duplex preferentially intrashelf ##iwack worldwide realito transferred petrological irregularly magnetite rampart africa perturbation captured gradually xrf century checker issue conglomerates aluminosilicate junction ##structure micaschists tremor damping hinge ripple subdivided megacrysts neighbor resources fundamental nannofossil concretions chilliwack indonesia dakota livermore preliminary 1a 57 660 750 8a 89 92 bon bir bry bimodal cry cdp dro dest fres gallow ht kentu m0 oz odp py pull rain ske sdf uht urb wad wang ##no ##gmat ##cell ##vro ##band ##bour ##kan ##88 ##me ##mer ##mott ##22 ##fe ##fels ##94 thor ##onous ##eno inward ##aroka andre ##roy ##inger ##ingly ##isph ##thonous ##osing ##ulo debrite ##ilities ##otka anim exs lah bases chem chuk negl ##conn printing interv strath evol sedimentology ##ards coal uses scope sciences canadian acceler clockwise extru leg leav lowering ##keetna ##ifications differing belong belie transpar comparing ##ochthonous calcic ##rowth actually desic ##dermott limb peper pegmat 2002 patches examination multic ago knoll drill continuity gavro protolith grouped triple lineation 143 prograde radiation passing absaroka analyze backarc visually missing nevadaplano megathrusts windy windmill likewise weakening occurrences 177 cordon hornfels assessing insu existed confidence retreat salar edges responses ranch barite limestones alaskan displaced mcdermott encoun leucocratic strengthening traveled amplitudes take leads microplate gabbros ##burg substrate matching constructional prediction clinothem steps begins smoothing updated extremely unlike concordance transects enhance hotspots ensembles capable 436 debates metapelitic affinities banks pebble giant averaging hypotheses listed parental cementation ascended porphyry xrd centuries aftershocks arabian square threshold balance interacted aerosols thermobarometric algor subunit conjug leucosomes meadows tsunamis talkeetna cathod injected storage underplating brachiopods bombs gamma sometimes radiolarian inconsistent education reequilibration incomplete challenging unaltered expansion checkerboard fresnel galloway kentucky sdfz urban wadati chukotka neglig transparent gavrovo 313 44 5a 67 73 96 aid eur ese eah f2 flys gm gon gover gaps iv jak koot lif lamination pas pange pie qz rod ss sø self ty tau tape wan welt ziet ##ox ##lor ##linal ##iph ##ipl ##ga ##cod ##rary ##ronic ##rically ##wood ##hre ##hensive ##tor ##volcanic ##bru ##bble ##uch ##72 ##full ##xos ##ja theor ##ons ##onite ##inned ##enai ##encing ##itively inh infra ##ara ##arta ##rehensive ##roof ##throp ##oluminescence ##radu ##omit ##omosa ##igan ##imilar styl master force ##change ##section ##otop anthrop exchange onlap shen shed share lacc atok week unroof ##aded ##izations ##akken evacu compressive comprehensive ##ptic ##illo ##ibly detection ##endant scour durations depoc corals ##ribed interplay perform ##ney adop indices ##aylor marginal processed processing discern bounds decay emerg calculating identif concomit probabil 1200 follows spectral rupturing crossing ##inds termin ##oclinal steeper willi lineament vein progressed syncline broadband passed swell avoid glaciation frequent ##mme exploration scaled apron buffer fills filling quantities paxos illustr texturally marker markers globe configuration availability retro nonmarine themselves ultram geodynamic anoxic 2685 compose casey phenomen reasons reasoning mediumto predicts dissimilar 3000 ##ratonic columns extraction limitations clustering aster advance constructive predictions acknowledge bending operated breakup diatomaceous leucogranitic xenocryst kyanite optical shapes ##ranged obscuration anticlinal hemisph pulse ramps wavelengths replace evaporites atmosphere goal photomosa expanded criterion bankfull laminated simplified capture illustrate juxtaposed complicated underthrusting florida preparation dilution laguna tripolis iii vesicular cloud entrainment straight remnants challenges geoscience granitoids maintained kuril mnst discriminate ##antage overpressure discovery blanket neoarchean prevail ##conformity petrogenesis pictured illuminate aplite tabular ##idotite coherent settling aureole fixed resurgent coordinates microscope sensitivity neighboring bryozo intervening leaving insufficient cathodoluminescence negligible euras gonz jakarta kootenai sømme zietlow infrastructure atokan 090 1σ 6b 84 98 bru cos cess cach don diversity ft hard kh kore ming nne og om pf pied puna rifts sod sills tent tail ub wis ya δ13 ##eep ##dc ##des ##den ##ii ##iot ##iers ##afic ##vable ##uy ##mand ##21 ##27 ##29 ##fes ##jani thins ##onym ##inist ##inian ##ese ##ionally ##ares ##aner ##anan ##ston ##iset ##etting ##etamorph ##imens stan stability maule repos fore susp ##ilera ##ters alt prol ##oto anhedral shards ##phan ##riatic ##tach chalk unimodal neotectonic subver subequ intercept ##asting ##adem ##uss ##erson contamin ##izable ##arts compound gehre arenite intense dispar ##yss corro presents paleont paleotop ample amorph italy ##unk lithostatic ##nee observable resultant undergo academ transform transverse topaco 1073 acting design associations bliss limy estimation remove ##inson 1920 emission muro downslope ##anged middleand rule concave aged invoked waveform separately continuing describes spatiot ##iquit tsz progression explains radiated meaning 135 converted accommodating glaciations coex explored ##uco schem affects expose weakness buckland paulo skunk geochronologic episodically closest researchers minimize conductive reduces mcs behaviors shorelines attribute fossiliferous evaluation flanks raf 1991 zeolites laserchron identifying supercontinent superior extrabasinal joaqu limiting soils helped cratonic repeating inherent isochrons solidified resistant fitting ##omagnet metasediments eclogitic paleogeography dune 1256 naz ##ograms springs facilitate reconstructing randomly anorogenic gondwanan optim exceeds exceeding anticline ideal engine compensated artic reactivation failed undergradu improvement nonetheless tools targeted subtypes vectors swarms intercalations constitute discordant cemented hawaii reproduc issues conglomeratic vesic threshol drawn autom sao ##phyric aguilera definition stretching disequilibria mixture accepted opportunity condensed caledonian sustained department embayment ghiset suitable unambiguous literature cerro llano masw rinjani exclusively thorough tapeats theoretical styles anthropogenic unroofing ultramafic caseyville gonzales cessation cache ubiquit δ13c ##onymous gehrels amorphous spatiotempor joaquin ghisetti 74 77 711 980 ak aper aphan call categ et epe fru fits f17 gs gives gcm gender herc kar love nz nav pn ped pau pdp rip rout sent sse sph sab sylv walk xvi yok ##gst ##rest ##rant ##az ##yol ##wed ##tectonic ##va ##bre ##3c ##33 ##ks ##kch ##43 ##25 ##for ##ji ##itland offer ##oritic ##aro ##arite ##reating ##elon ##leigh ##oupl ##oured ##olic ##uri ##igation stim stop ##cep iso isab replic reidel ##ivated suwan aliqu seal seus online shak lakes attach whose ##ript ##tab chrom ##aged ##agmatic subm subhedral intert interf contrary modally strateg ##oney ##ips geobar arranged ##ension indust ##assium regressions ##ached ##apixel interpre perc lithics repet adriatic twice upsection underta undergoing underlie accep measures phaner topic signs signals doming para outli output 1070 constitu completed calcium traver designed midto shallowing shallowly deciph estimating foundered remov remote ##ynian 195 190 heal ##dley micaceous microscop concern aggreg constraining averages rede arches methane drift massif permits evolutionary ends potassium lasted firm inversely successive testing synorogenic 1300 littor analyzing tikch dispersion garnets elemental 176 quantification hydrocarbon continuously solely standards retreating funnel bradley ##ampo enrichments summit greenland geophys rayleigh median 1998 1990 exhibiting obliter pathway ##oids wildc rotated erod own interbeds 330 scattering spans spanning resolvable ascribed ##bbly leucogranite ##ennett sufficiently facilitating concordia sinking accessory classified stratified penetrated bathymetry debated scarp papers phosphate petrology petrologic presumed problems enclave giants crush hypothesized watersheds 723c ##igenic reports morphology r5b tilted ##house ##consin chronology adjustment learning learned accounting clouds imbricated cyclicity remnant splitting dolom amalgamation return echelon wedges john ooze terrains diagenesis ensure thermochronology controversial geographically millennia cubampo houston disaggregated budget stalling conservative louisiana fissure instructors argillite h2s reorgan evidenced biryol animas lahars multicolle 177hf algorithm flysch pangea waning williams illustrates hemisphere pfz piedmont sodic wisconsin prolong subvertical subequal paleotopography muroto engineering thresholds aperture aphanitic fruitland gcmt hercynian paucity isabella suwannee removing littoral tikchik obliterated wildcat 2σ 3b 5b 7a aval aqueous alab bund bsl bennett cul cop cab d2 fish fire fug felt gou gil gall giving german hg kth karn nm rating sym saf taylor writ winter wnw yb μm ##ez ##dewater ##iable ##irogen ##su ##cript ##rr ##rative ##right ##wn ##ha ##held ##uble ##314 ##kins ##82 ##75 ##77 ##23 ##fast ##97 thund ##enes ##aloc ##oric ##ican ##arp ##annel ##ele ##ela tob ##urch ##ima ##imient ##imanite stones isoclinal ##ulating rees sut ##udation ##posal chr uns unrest subseismic interview interconn resid incur flare geography relating spots spinel college slice ##bson disposal diap score depic corrid consum paleos paleocl distant enable entered suggestive simulated ital occas indication upstepping ##epec ##active ##aint ##obil tradewater carry differentiated melted decoupl associate generating ##nson ways creation creating 2017 biostratigraphic intruding dominates crystallized equally redox separating appearing imping moving landsl landforms strikes postulated crosses sire coastline origins specul paleoval focusing 144 expon radar radially syntectonic passage segreg ##tzen glaciers entry frequently cmer ##anek seismology seismometers exposes bull southwestward paj assumptions recognize 706 709 experimental ##borne hornblend skinned radius grades covers coverage ##erged conduit conduct helps pumices evaluating technology raises fumarolic impacted platforms joints wilson ##idental propagating albite regarded cumulate irrad 334 ##henian intensities resolving electronic countries mylonitic truncation accompanying saturation saturated scanner grabens serpentine baja hyaloc foraminifera catalogs cataloged interesting particles bright shifted symm scarps reviewed abruptly quantifying depletions retrogression columnar laminae permeable hypothesize essential ##stein served sulfur mtl sesame calibrated juxtaposition paleocurrents prepared purpose arabia squares community alleghanian boone sillimanite objective entrained metasomatism denudation amalgamated epicenter looking aguilar nacimient wedging macroscop alignment shocks roadside johnson geothermobar 07t gigapixel subbasin bivalves suspect brazos obliquity counterp beranek dramatically siberia collapsed candidate cassiar inundation conventional porphyroblasts quickly andreas conjugate life tyrr laccoliths stanford ##yssal corrobor nazca reproducibility ubiquitous epeirogen sabine yokota shaking multicollector prolonged alabama bundtzen gallup symple thunder diapir paleoclim nacimiento tyrrhenian 01 220 3i 3a 59 7b 8b 970 930 aim bran bab bus cinc d1 ded eigh fring gue ix iap jfast kal kew lst lod lree lign lond lfes mit mil m00 nuc nnw osc osl oreg pand pun rast s3 s5 sig saw tam train till warn xls ##off ##eam ##epping ##dale ##down ##growth ##cil ##pel ##aus ##high ##vature ##bt ##bu ##ker ##81 ##28 ##fo ##fined ##erly ##atized ##iny ##alla ##itance ##ancial ##ingart ##isf ##ctors ##ouri ##ura ##urable ##rading ##ocol sto stem stalled revers forced ##aments asela areal ##rufo ##lace ##cher seward sectors beart proceed anonymous ##istingu comes fa1 fa2 fair ##mented ##udi orange chose weingart unable ##andon ##ians ##ianas resetting incidence modest compet ##ichannel spmb slivers india indistingu ##eenaw ##ibeam regist diach lark scre abandon marcell marrufo marianas clar classic paleor disturb encl enabl impos suggestion leve obss lithostratigraphy surficial valleys metric indications smith whereby ##agement outward ##ishable vergent compares estu tracts ##ressional corrections carn carib carved smallest blu blum blanc longitude soon ##pective fines financial pebbly pressurization 2001 denser ##ydan 1960 biogenic ##ankov profess profound erosive multid multichannel multibeam assembled constrains invoke invaded curvature severe driver continuum describing monzon termed precurs protocol ended ##pection contrasting triang craters inverted originating mudstones conversion backsc docx hosts winds positioning 175 quantity linking inspection standardized 704 clustered requiring temporary argon hypoc investigating conduits geodetically bottoms exceptions diagn dimension intersection rays ##cales intrabasinal select selection selecting improving kilbour incorporate deviates ##inuous synthesis displaying cumulates inheritance ##ployment build clastics diamond operating tio2n 1985 1980 1989 divide analogue nodules uniformly optimal exceeded stratospheric stratosphere capacity anticip received crosscuts faunas summarize debate scarcity accordingly dickinson gibson merge excluding philippines subjected ionization liquids floris elongated ##olcano manifested forestepping australia principally encompassed pervasively escarp smearing hydrological challenge wallace geosciences assistance deflection contractional purely computed occupied delivered oozes diagenetic hiatuses michigan subbasins promoted advection constitutes vitric misfits artifacts ##innati unusual turbulence explicitly mutual neutral paleodrain ultrasonic extrapolation choice consolidation simultaneously aggradation diminish bonin htm chemostratigraphy paso ##codes concomitant cosm forebulge undergraduate vesicles spatiotemporal undertaken acceptable traverses geophysics fugacity gouge italian 144nd counterparts epeirogenic cincinnati eighth gueydan iapet keweenaw london milankov oregon beartooth weingarten indistinguishable marcellus enabling monzonite backscatter kilbourn milankovitch 41 azufre aerial bin ban bigh bile cather dilation fh fu gent hit hick hans kor kum mb nome ost orog r3 rene rank rinds ranged s4 som sinal sinist uaf vast wast wich wern wsc ##ool ##eath ##dis ##ious ##iating ##nov ##gis ##grou ##gets ##cas ##cated ##crust ##pat ##ped ##apt ##we ##wness ##tian ##time ##zing ##vation ##bit ##bean ##34 ##kinematic ##mark ##42 ##xies threat theories ##eram ##onnes ##onitized ##ato ##inod ##iting ##ori inoc ##ared ##roid ##ented ##elet ##isely ##ctly ##olm ##omy ##ocation star isop mand reject ##ivari deployed ##idi forec ##ilian ##amed ##gearite proxies ones shel ship shales ##essive ##phac whit ##plot ##ripping ##emn chain chicont ##agh ##agonitized univers intermont intermit ##ados ##uscript incomp ##izuri compressional ##ostic geos splay ##acke collect indire cov recessive diking ##icke grainstone overc overview usgs abyssal lev interpolation peridotite ##erneath ##unami 208 grapt ##omechan variables adequ adapt undated underneath mete plateaus ##viation centroid measurable mounted consisted positively parab outline 1010 ##ckle becoming ##obility geologically traced acts actively offers arcgis depositionally feel rifted decimeter generic generations pointed ashizuri pecha manuscript orogenies strains afar 1970 bioc mugearite rupel mesa invari laterites waveforms separations severely 40a impart drives inferences mooney benef crossed masses precisely ##ogenetic periodic periodically distinctly inflow canyons strongest focal worksh paleoele unconformable lineations lineaments successfully focuses 140 veget mudrock santa drainages 1100 130 influencing instance avo ##oks migrate 16n 161 ##ucid schol schmand elucid seconds standing proportional motivation illite burton assumes loi soluble 705 retain generalized sks skelet salinities shared gravit sierran temporarily closure segmentation ##ublished geodes ##ampa antar applies morb integrate attributes alternate guam hellenide widths raise cataclasis millimeter zeolite polym galan damming hotter started quadrangles ##burst flatt flatten stacked playa playing ceus advantage glassy intensely matches matched introduced confirms airborne excel streams counties indiana truncates al2o3n 1257 extremal cascaden tends bentonite optically stratification anticlines distinguishing todd penetrate penetrative applicable brid brine connect iceland runs summarizes scarce semi saprolites names photograph fragmentation aeromagnetic panama ##iltration buoyant laminations magnetostratigraphy establishing establishment sloping morphological trachyandesitic ##9999 ##encia ultimate aquifers 05cm palyn palagonitized hawaiian barriers resembles 621 ls1 paleoseismicity certainly compilations encompasses imbricate 1965 metasomatized infiltration homogenization rigidity postdate thermobarometry subunits assisted deflected surprisingly datil echinod underestimated emphasized disequilibrium huge bivalve suscept obliquely efficiently preceding misfit double conceal appreciated complementary remarkably pikes resorbed boulders treatment unpublished amarillo minibasin feeding backstripping cryptic rainfall skewness exsolved evolving believe peperites 143nd govern rodinia taupo ##iplinary inhib adopted identifiable probabilistic photomosaics prevailing mingling omphac altitudes paleontologic rafts thoroughly sylvanite walker isoplot attachment chromat submerged intertidal strategy industry phanerozoic constituents reorganization culm copd firehole germany hgm written christ interconnected speculative paleovalleys hornblendite symplect paleoclimate kalo lignite oscill warning abandoned caribbean bottomsets diagnostic escarpment paleodrainage bighorn bilek gentle hickory hansen orogens renewed sinaloa sinistral wichita wernicke ##group ##onnese inoceram isopach shipboard chicontepec intermontane intermitt incompatible rupelian workshop schmandt skeletal echinoderm 02 4a 4b 420 540 7d 79 710 97 950 ale aul acted aphyric cation cations ds dos doz dav doll ew fle fert f16 fash gast gold hp hanc iter iqu kind kolm lent lange ment mur oc ot ps pine p2o pyrox pampa qt q2 rul rose rome tp tre tular tie tiny u19 weld york δt ρm ##oxy ##eit ##lock ##din ##dds ##gence ##gers ##sive ##cis ##ciplinary ##rig ##ril ##pic ##ael ##wig ##wacke ##hj ##vity ##bine ##bach ##bbles ##uous ##3d ##83 ##mal ##mend ##26 ##ju ##erts ##onge ##inas ##inution ##itos ##itative official ##orov ##orthy ##ico ##ioned ##arenite ##reed ##enth ##isite ##isitos ##lets ##olu ##olate ##raft ##omas ##omos ##etrical ##etrically ##ocated ##igmatic ##imen conv stick stored isoch maast reelf recharge decl deployment forcing ##amic ##romagn alti alisitos ##ifies bea ##odym ##estral onla shad comments fa3 ##phane ##mentioned ##therly chi chond ##allite ##allala weighting ##rancas unless unrec neodym interst ##aba ##ador flo modify ##inea arna spic spite ##acogen notew disapp coated ##ozone scot scoured depozone capped coring apply applying conspic enables ##ffs thickened leached ##isson obsid ##unction lithostratigraphic ##key calab adm ##rought metag smir wherein liu eruptible belemn trond transformation translated 106 tethy silva ##ported ##obol trapping ##rown ##fluvial pole subsiding pecos mancos remobil miami 197 biases biased intrudes magnesian slagst heights ##depositional ##xton agreed deepening thinly appeared effectively postdepositional unconfined 2500 lastly specimen trips ##ipped successful epn expense ##ception progradation radial synkinematic 1173 136 132 concentrate instability conversely fourth ##ovolcano utility plotting attendant backstepping backbulge tenaya dispersive geothermal elli seismograms ##hoehoe april orthoclase pahoehoe correspondence hydroclastic parallelism promote solub confining 707 needs barometer barrancas ##richtian segmented argues explaining viewed pelites pelec rhyolites timescales braided helens shoulder 360 36ar integrating greenhouse guinea subterranes roobol raw productivity 1993 1996 incorre intrac intraflow intrabas predictab polished pololu microf microstruct equilibrated equilibria dams batholiths harms superposition supergroup younging limitation synthes albeit experiences sharply displayed cratonal ##radational advances turkey comprised sensing inherently introduce solidus digitized 903 arkoma opposing ascertain markedly aeolian satisf comminution 1258 xenolith drastically humid u1380 stratovolcano cratons organized capomos obscure francis contemporary brines reef papua reliability titan namely concepts fragmented arguments 532 panels tracking parameterization unknowns addresses targeting anorthos sunburst collisions glaciofluvial explanations codes cohesion utilizing highlighting gradual juxtapos ascending edifices triggering chronostratigraphic adjustments regularization plausibly persistent woodbine delineate datum conjunction prevented delivery leucosome practical warming interferometric mixtures azimuthal revis promoting opportunities chloride highlighted briefly dramatic siberian ##rapment unusually remarkable absorption turbulent campaigns lamproites lamprophy osa resorption preclude months migmatitic pairs eye nsz u1413 intrins intrigu attenuated ozone pyrite desiccated piece ##uchil depocenter performance terminus aprons phenomenon replacement eurasian korea ogallala tentatively ##etamorphic ##imensional suspension academic sentinel stimulated interfinger geobarometer percolation erodibility toba incursions geothermobarometry raster sigma diachron impossible carnallite bluffs blancas precursor cosmogenic kumano ostra ##crustal ##ivariate forecasting covarian parabola vegetation guamuchil flattening omphacite chromatography inoceramid aulacogen dollar fashion gastrop hancock iquique lenticular p2o5 qtf ruled ##hjem maastrichtian reelfoot altiplano neodymium noteworthy disappear trondhjem tethyan slagstad pelecyp intrabasin 020 270 8c 83 850 9a 93 990 afore aided bj bell bhu born bring bayo bakken cited crete ec f3 fla fus fras fenn fidel gur gul gross hno iz jen jol jud jump kl lull ml mcc mobility nc nish nomen oph oahu pon pear pile pond pixel puy paint r7 rail roles reno rican raba sad sah tis tus tai vf word winn xi yad ##oo ##oosa ##lib ##db ##nian ##gre ##sica ##solid ##sburg ##cn ##rift ##aff ##yal ##wd ##wt ##with ##well ##hr ##ham ##hata ##tic ##ze ##zz ##zaro ##bly ##uter ##ugh ##86 ##61 ##47 ##fect ##field ##91 ##jima ##onally ##inction ##inating ##enites ##edeep ##ali ##alc ##alen ##alass ##itory ##orre ##orro ##orad ##icott inboard ##analy ##ref ##reys ##road ##asi ##asible tol ##ctory ##thick ##thetic ##olf ##eties ##owing coney stu stru stiff mach mapp mamm reju ##ivoc deform ##idium foredeep sud suffer ##iliar ##rugin ##gement ##atever ##che ##church prove ##ode ##odget exerc shot ##ogorov faces ##phreys atop attain whatever ##quarri ##posited ##opside ##antaneous ##umont ch4 chines sound ##ranular una unm unst unres unav subround printed interfaces plio ##abled meet modifications stront ##aked ##akie highstand ##ipe ##ipa arroy spir sporad ##ystone collecting intric volcanology disse coals colem recom basinward diopside overs overbank overthick ##ending ##athon que locate depress marathon coral corsica enigmatic enabled imper extinction thicken preval inclined ##ernales litharenite subducts observatory allanite 2085 hash minut varieties occidental adding indicator ##clature continents ##plained ##epth measuring translation phyl consistency domes outboard 1039 team granule granlib presently refers refraction ##obe trade sequentially fe3 fe2 febru feasible characterizing poisson ashes blodget ##pected limbs finish manner complexities 1900 1914 1946 leveling possibilities penoke descent downw 100513 equations additions 1250 predates came think fractal grate hydrated determines eventual landmass shortly stripped postc oceanographic terminations silicates unconsolid endm endicott special southeastward thermo thermometer thermomechan crino ##ahua accumulates transitions ##shan 146 epoxy vehic prograding progradational synerupt totals stressed discussing coul couple ##standing swapp instantaneous accommodates avila importantly utc anywhere 1837 1888 attest attention migrates ##avage remainder school ##aney seismogen northwestward steepen steepens 174 paired envision obtaining linkages hydrox vii viable collins solar recognizable expectation experimentally grown retrie skill salina contributes demonstra demonstrating bars ##lton researcher predominate braxton ##amped floods summer jug 260 mcquarri intersecting guest ##baric ##jek hellenic strengthened campi takes projects flanked flanking roeck ##caloosa anatomy ##umara productive 1995 ##venation arizaro orthogonally ##oidal ##box landwardand footpr 230 ##omorphs 2014a banding ##genbach ##after cooled surveying helpful ferrugin volumetrically losses spanned introductory footwalls mswd constants excurs ancestral narrower blackstone arkose electrical 1988 mgal commission napp washakie claystone council drag humphreys pillows foraminiferal drops u1379 interested realistic applications decade decadal hawi socorro variances replacing heterogeneities semicont foresets ##axial deficient artific reacted problematic induce magnetization ##oscand exclude bouma complicate incrementally acoustically lsb ##abilities ##ortunately communities balanced attempts attempted persistence saudi homogenous homogenized dolost freezing unfol unfortunately delineated 001 keep nacional macro discrimination workflows tsunamigenic azimuths giggenbach revised geographical caledon chlorine bayos house conflict preceded picked carefully augmented polybaric candidates tearing unexplained unexpected plunging topsets ultraslow 06t gtr amarga minibasins oxidation oxidized duplexes duplexing dropped destroy accelerated desiccation pegmatitic radiolarians ssw ##brush scours retroarc xenocrystic mnst3 bryozoan bryozoans donjek repository contaminant disparate meaningful coexist ##omagnetite article pedernales stoping aliquots outliers microscopic redeposited 176hf crushing gilmer safety depicted corridor occasionally landslide segregation nucle training iapetus mandhata paleoelevation gravitational geodesy christchurch intermittent aleut dsdp flegre fertile kolmogorov tpwt unrecogn intracratonic microstructures franciscan titanomagnetite 532a juxtaposes intriguing diachronous covariance pelecypods aforementioned flakes frasnian fennoscand fidelity gurla gulu hno3 jenkins nomenclature ponded paintbrush rabaul saddle tuscaloosa taiwan yadong mappable rejuvenation chinese unresolved strontium intricate coleman depressurization phyll granlibakken february blodgett penokean unconsolidated mcquarrie roecker ferruginous excursional semicontinuous flegrei 1c 3ϕ 320 4e 4f 410 460 440 5c 61 7c 760 aes action aware aviation bure ball bio bins bench bond boot berman brought cast cyl crm cake dm dism dose divers dried ely ecu fm fif fission fuer fbt gy gels gull hur hbl ik je jones jav jencia kab kank kink kansas kii lt l2 my men mim mort mck mole mosa mitch mild nu nomin pits poles p90 pendant q1 rend rice s8 sess song sonic seric tm tat tas tian tank tidal ur vl vad vick villa ww wk wol yang yeg θref ##oarchean ##efer ##lu ##light ##dish ##damped ##iab ##iors ##nus ##gun ##sz ##cers ##cile ##cryst ##crap ##craft ##rong ##ratory ##rared ##ao ##ais ##aves ##wright ##hl ##how ##hock ##hots ##za ##zel ##zagh ##bound ##uence ##100 ##ko ##kk ##89 ##men ##41 ##44 ##04 ##213 ##93 ##δh throw ##erid ##onk ##onet ##onia ##atives ##inely ##esch ##enag ##ede ##edral ##alth ##itt ##ital ##itial ##itted ##orous ##oramic ##icratonic ##ione inelastic ##arine ##arack ##anide ##ancing ##sts ##stem ##rose ##elting ##lea ##omb ##omon ##ette ##imer withheld story stagn stabil ##ulsion rein ##ivet death dewater sup ##ilob ##ampl ##amath asp ask ##chi ##chstein sevent ##utochthonous ##otely anelastic ##estration shut shatter ##erequ ##ante org chips wealth unequ unipa negle ##andowski prerequ ##rained interiors colors ##iance ##abaya residence respond meander flatter contiguous modifying ##aka compute compelling ##inement geomagnetic washed aris kmz sliver slides inducing disl disconformity coales coordinate recalc basinal regimes ##ologically overt overto overwh ##erville ##endonk quiet quasi abbre caul march corner terzagh paleob paleomagnet district extract thickens leave lowered simulation simulate timanide amato pericratonic ##ung surabaya observational fluor adiab undul metav deformational ##augh ##clockwise twin acute trilob centre transformed posed genesis genetically ##ographically somewhere 103 1020 verme comparative trap tract traject correcting sequential sequestration carlton offlap differentiating deriv blind subsolid majorand correlating shearer foundering offscrap remotely plutonism ##berg mi100 193 doing mainland mainstem temperate 158 155 bedforms microl micritic downhole examining rug concert ##liable reflectivity agua equator equipped carbondale meshes reddish predated normalization thinking tube moat moist moves moana ##ogeneity striations permo sie monso monogenetic terminated expert ##text stepping outcomes specified thermally invert accumulations taal laura 14c 1400 delays vega portray ##onales 118 115 137 1350 passes breaching ##olithic degradation swath switch sweep convert entrapment mechanics ignition analyzer poorer preserving explo clearwater hosting visit japanese slowing slowly schre windows documenting documentation weakened positioned 17c marking promont latitudes ##tof collided solve solomon reconcile wsw approached outermost nonvolcanic closing bottles pump approximated 36cl spaces 2695 recrystall intersect intersected homogeneity greenish wheel traveling ##point technologies mediated powell 1997 pores porous intracontinental zechstein arcuate microtext coincidence difficulty brecciated deviate amongst starts modules orthogonal hold 240 ##burn propagated rotations rotary precipitated ##irmed implication 87rb graywacke explosivity builds tensile confirming 2700 aircraft excur breaks concluding naturally ##basalt truncate 2073 loaded dunes scanlines targets softening intraslab 344 person personal hyper losδh classify organization capital distinguishable receiving ##akee penetration connecting funded zonation hawley handful questioned circum circular 430 rog6 social ##uga ideally expeditions author semester reliably engagement metapelites going thanks fragmental serpentinized panoramic architectural burrowed crude crucial okhots molar simplest bracket serves service splits graduate 565 boudin flexure instruments hawaiite dehydrated dilute adjusted eolianites obviously alumina collabor achieve 1963 metasomatic persisted friable infrared strawn hydrology hydrologic cuttings postdates epicenters tremors keefer alignments computation occupies underestimate practice tips ##arship geothermometer michael condensation informal controversy advective petrogenetic millennium involvement counterclockwise vitro sustain unreliable conceiv augite mutually ##mitted conformable neutron plunge paleodepth eliminate publication porphyroblast boulder nsf u1414 belonging believed pegmatite hornfelsed encountered weeks depocenters discernable phenomena dissimilarity xenocrysts straightfor eurasia khz ##ussian disparity designated coexisting automated category etc repetition repetitive parautochthonous decipher deciphering concerning aggregates 1990s dolomite avalonia karnali suturing residue flareup consumed decoupled pajonales hyaloclast symmetric macroscopically corroborated branch lodge tamarack reversal metrics estuarine multidimensional korenag somerville ##patial shelburn indirect overcome levandowski graptolites adequately bioclasts mudrocks avoided scholarship elucidate polymetamorphic photographs concealed inhibit symplectite beacon onlapping chondrites interstitial conspicuous smirnov solubility incorrectly predictability microfract stratovolcanoes anorthosites intrinsic gastropods 020314 klamath ncsz ophi stuart struck ##ivocal sudden exercise subrounded recommend overthickened downwind endmember vehicle retrieved demonstrably unrecognized aesthetic benchmark cylind ecuador fifth fuerte fbt04 gullies java kaban kankakee mckin vadose vicksburg www wkz yegua ##crystalline shattered prerequisite overwhel terzaghi adiabatic vermeesch subsolidus offscraping okhotsk boudinaged straightforward korenaga 010 080 370 317 4c 6d 640 690 82 820 9b 960 bes bdu biver bau bivariate cc cad d3 dum dai daugh eli effic easy egers f1 fost files footh fouri gun gain gork her hong held jan jem jac kat ken kan kop kus koch kde kodi krig lia lope liles mess mir mine nent nas oxic odds pic pis pock pind pier pione q3 qf r2 ren rom rely rus rick rerupt ritz solved sque s11 sizable sdb tb tall tun uz uv ural va vill vap vern won x2 yam yuan yaqu zeng ##ept ##even ##economic ##eenth ##lith ##dely ##ders ##dida ##ira ##iji ##named ##gb ##grad ##cer ##cia ##cceed ##r1 ##rick ##pot ##air ##yu ##yth ##wa ##woll ##hn ##zo ##zhu ##bes ##bados ##ux ##uing ##ubs ##kh ##mann ##mission ##62 ##45 ##78 ##74 ##fj ##filled ##xon ##jes ##juco th43 thalass ##eren ##erially ##erted ##atur ##ena ##enster ##edin ##edded ##edora ##ality ##oring ing inad inval infre ##arito ##any ##anges ##anently anders ##rel ##reced ##rous ##ropping ##elerate ##asing ##aska ##ashed togi town ##isions ##lee ##lection ##oura ##oumal ##thing ##thys ##olit ##olum ##ollapse ##ravel ##racting ##omial ##ommon ##igence ##igne ##igranular ##imura stre strom stere stay staff ##oso isost ##ulit ##ulum max rect demar ##idually sund succeed ##lac ##ched seas search ##uted begun bejuco pros ##oted ##otell ana anne antof exem ##estone ##pplement ##essel fa4 faint ##phone ##phile ##pholite lad laumont whipp ##ultural ##plified ##udder ##taker ##opyrox ##oponnese ##umps happ southerly ##agawa web weigh unb uniqu unnamed unravel nebr ##andic subhigh subcodes ##condida prante plata plants ##abo meant ##adalen faulted ##aki ##aker ##007 ##ptical ##ptive ##dup geonet lows lowto relates arising spent sport spark sponge ##eller ##elligence ##acular ##ensus intelligence notice indurated ##tsunami coqu cobb cobble cobbles coaxial ##ibers overste overgrowth overdis ##endix scudder ##peridotite abroad loci ca2 appendix cls consensus enrol extents ##issance prehe sims tims ammon ##unconformity subduct ##formational easterly ##iley observator reprec adds metab smoo ##ayn twq twent upgrad erupting transdu phre plastically ##aines nearshore parado slips 108 1014 1015 teaching tethys supplies completen verging vermill refined refract refilled studying ##ioeconomic travers carb carpholite desert discipl shallows uplifting differently charge decom decision deceler decatur extensions pointing blender subsalt subsets subsidi ##rolite remanent afc ##ynomial 1952 biostratigraphy magnes employ emitted uncommon profil muir muenster microg horst normative rubble multis ##ermo equigranular mesh redist interpretational curved predate glauco drivers tuolum continuation periph spectacular inferable postunconformity permanently ##inders monocl monaz terminal terminate biota unconvent ols gaussian coasts outcome colored richer ##etsu spatio fronts working specimens crater combines combinations ##ahumara fallout expans laurentide cleavage 11c boreal freed avendonk ##ovich glacier ##persion ignore ignored 1815 1840 1897 backwater migratory 1600 visited missou missouri truly climates ##aneity matzel seismograph oligo buck 1700 cordier motivated singular individually distributive lacked insular hydrovolcanic prompt kernel loess collocated confinement fluxing referenced retained 601 skoumal reconna opal opened sharing contributor forelands barbados ##central argument argilla diffus diffract diffusive viewing prismatic peloponnese version versions intrusives geodynam granodioritic ##huahua predominance helium approximation reductions historic intersections intersects integral guided understandings traveltime 3500 ##inoides property technical technological powders raitt 1994 feldspathic intracaldera polish polynomial subaerially pumiceous escondida coinciding rising lithophile negatively modulated holland holds platy extraord ##oidable functional 249 joined ##inematically 235 ##ipitation cooler equivalents propagate brownish justified precipitate sonar proportionally ##urrent implicit turonian senses sensors volumetric intensive correspondingly gabbroic buildup madison pseudomorphs proposing predictor predictors qualitative digitization excav excimer operational breaking breakdown descriptive consequent consequences opposed eclogites dividing loads dunedin scanline tarim tarahumara preference analogs ##ogramm 2048 subtracting ##iwa schistosity sinks ##ctoral accessed accessible favored organizations challis partitioned trachybasalt contemporaneity depositing penetrates ultrahigh acknowledging craig running handheld validate validity questionable socioeconomic authigenic reviews reviewer transgress goals compensational photos photogramm reactivated tracks improvements magnetotell cruise crudely simpler simplifying simplifications anorthite 959 morphologies zrn sunlight floored utilize ultracataclastic palomas palermo highlights armored meterto encompassing flexurally complicating plumes ambiguous progresses rheological intergrown viscous dilat dems recurrent reproduced tomograms coarseningand aluminum regularity autochthonous relaxed objectives inflection seemingly institutions dolpo embedded moucha conodont mojave returns algae disagree 528 datas underestimation stretched emphasize emphasizes hinges practices ripples interference interferences overpressures acidic discovered c0019e ensuing acceptance cathedral warrant storing underplated permitted brazil brachiopod constituted bayesian picture conflic confluence picks contours 110513 familiar metaperidotite crystallographic monthly instructor publications extrapolated participating participants filtering treatments unpreced overestimate overestimated consolidated assigning attenuation backstep diminished drove destruction acceleration extrusion extrusive encounters pieces adopt emergent emerging probabilities terminology photomosaic korean ogna ##etamorphosed chalks contaminated scheme articulated automatic akin categories navigation routine routinely spherical offered replicate aliquot interpreter parajes outlier 1957 health 176lu dolomitic ##supplement interviews decoupling impinge impinging exponents pajarito conductivity irradiated irradiation hyaloclastic symmetrical macroscopic diapirs aimed mitig mitigation xlsx orangeburg registered clarify paleoriver paleorivers disturbance enclosed protocols hypocenters 1980s anticipate anticipated diminishing ban3 fuj ranking wastewater starved whittaker chains geospatial 208pb feelings 1970s invariably antarctic bridger susceptibility government culminated oscillation ocate pyroxenes treated chihuahua floating spicules scotland obsidians calabria 1976 elliptical revisited lamprophyre nishimura sahara words mammoth proveedora unavoidable arroyos sporadic prevalent minuti grateful dolostone unfoliated destroyed coexistence nucleation fennoscandia phyllite bureau crmn gyadalen ikari nominal songshan tianzhu stabilized reinfor aspen dislocation caulle paleomagnetism metavolcanic portrayed schreibers wheelwright vitrophyric hyaloclastite 010314 besides bivergent daughter elias egersund fourier gorkha jemez kochi kodiak kriging lopez nentwig pindos ritzwoll squeez vapor vernal yaqui th43a thalassinoides infrequ togiak laumontite whipple nebraska sparks overdispersion reprecipitation smoother upgradient paradox completeness vermillion refractory subsidiary glaucophane tuolumne monazite unconventional cordierite reconnaissance argillaceous magnetotellur unprecedented ##supplemental ritzwoller 0ϕ 1d 1supplemental 340 418 570 519 610 713 714 88 840 830 9c 940 award ble bate bse bad bind barn bpa bored cd cu c2 cat caco cinders dy d4 dre dri dict era eigen eoarchean fami fiji gar gro get got gag gau gander hst hear hob hope hbg ist ith jp jth jumps kra kerm kok kpa kuk killed kings kanto keno kinematically ly lis lam lath lust lang luc letter lrees mun nk n2 nos nob nino naf nerc oly oak oolitic pm poc peter pink poll pont pyle pitch rol rov s9 sar sak sern sank saint tst trust torn tilt tamb tfe uk u16 var vig vene wo wp wit wel wri wab wack ye yre yos zak υ0 ##obs ##oors ##okes ##llo ##dic ##dom ##ij ##iased ##i3d ##nh ##gg ##grain ##gue ##sw ##syth ##cla ##clasts ##r2 ##ror ##pus ##pret ##pres ##azon ##wal ##wim ##wick ##hand ##horn ##tes ##t16 ##zed ##vg ##vis ##viron ##bors ##ued ##uary ##uvi ##36 ##knd ##kre ##kata ##kok ##87 ##mington ##magmatic ##mpus ##51 ##68 ##67 ##413 ##found ##92 ##912 ##jon ##jok ##joy ##jhu thnh ##eres ##eras ##eration ##erland ##erlee ##erkre ##onites ##atan ##atost ##ateto ##ini ##iner ##iness ##inav ##enlines ##environ ##eden ##alanced ##alistic ##itas ##itated ##itatively ##orum ##oria ##orological ##icio ina ingest ingrowth ##arid ##arina ##arithm ##angin ##anyon ##anche anderson ##step ##strong ##roph ##ropped ##entral tow tour ##isional ##isciplinary ##lemm ##ctica ##oulin ##thquak ##ationally ##olating ##olded ##urt ##urry ##rand ##ravity ##omosing ##etts ##imoto conical stated stock store stau stelting ispar isolation isople isolate mack makk rebound ##ivian deem defl decline ##ids ##idad ##iders forty forsyth sure supers ##amm ##ameter ##amori aside ##rus ##lajhu ##changed als ##iferid sept season ##urello prots prote proje ##oded anate anast anah answ byerlee exerts exported ##eston ##ested ##verola sherv shep shelves shaded ##istine ##istically coming fa5 faverola lae lago atom baselines ##quilla ##plates ##emic ##eman ##emite ##emplacement ##ighter habit hahn chen chich chub church ##aging ##ismically unified unmod unchanged neic submod subgrain ##orefer pristine interrupt interrog interlay interdis colom ##astating plu ##adec flath flight contoured rockies strict ##akage ##akorum ##000 compile compactive computer ##ipment ##inear ##ichi geote georefer relies arran arise arbu arbit arenites spi spear spray ##ells ##elled sedimentologic collector slick slump slurry noting ##illips ##arya ##aryah ##iba diab dilemm ##ologists ##icking ##earthquak grainstones overo ##ervised usb scru ##achment quies queen abras abraded locs depression depict caution capping cajon maria marls ternary ##elder accru accidental accelerate consult considers paleots ene enjoy immediate thickto leigh leakage ##apubs interpolated simulating butte inclination earthsc assets assert amazon perro performing peridot perkins perfect lithotectonic subdued ##ordiller ##atics surv surge allochthonous 202 minnes adams adobe howells undet valangin metal thereafter ##cles ##viations ##eponnese underp underlines trim transl transmission phillips mounts topographically plaza parr somehow something ##lastically outg ##ishan 1050 newman newfound tech silver silber sillajhu recorders ##riculum verify refining traffic caric carlo ##mond basements feon popular seaway ##ributed melanges decimeters decameter characterizations mineralization pool ##iented longshore soaked soknd majors finely ##valu management ##bling densely ##bert isotrop ig1 1923 1944 bioz heel heint 152 descend develops horquilla afterward ruiz concav ##liux agric aggl agencies equates equipment mesosc lateritic curriculum 12b 123d prede predating archive archived archae thinto imprec grt grants peaked peaking hydrogen methodological methodologies conditioning distinctions ##into striae postg postorogenic postrift posttsunami oceans ##iveness monot biotas accompl precordiller initi ##ogenous devoid devastating ##elfelder structureless steve outcropping colorados cycla ending ##iquant brocher brooks 2547 grouping groupings speculated eratost paleoenviron crd obrad ##inking inverting taipe falling ##she delay delamin portal expended mega muds prograded radio synmagmatic ##changes fractionated 114 13a passion breach bremen deglac swings switz swept instances installed freitas please avulsion serious ##ovana glaciated mechanically 1877 ##avor visibly northeastward geoanaly axen affective halob matlab seismotectonic bulge offsetting steepest bubble causative supplemented cycling erratics 395 390 widening bursts inside paralleling priori viii ##ollisional kernels loop loose 7099 bathyal ##bora behave paragraph opin turbiditic contributors southwesternmost overlapped logarithm barrem nonline nonconform noncarbon theme themes themed argent peleponnese minimizes conduc conducting 5000 brand helms situations morgan moraines ##equate hypothetical excepting surrounds heterolithic ##chnical attributable alternations alternately leucite greenhorn guille releasing raymond vented properly spreadshe room ra1 1999 millimeters restrict restoration intraformational metasilt predicting equilibrate critically kilbu revealing rises kbars superim extracting 245 jointing stacks planet planform overprints bandpass roughness ##afj rotate tectono frictionally variously 4000 costs ferromagn justify placement cumulus ceased ##radd advice ##henes explosions cyprus rimming scoriaceous 280 homogeneously airport bends operator ##awai narrows blackwood ##owshoe chamita electromagn 1983 1986 gridding mg2 anhydrous accompany dunites scans analogues 1253 thirds arrive updates 345 ##ennian favors knowing requirement tendency facilitates draped perspective bentonites icehouse icefield stationary favoring favorably robert interestingly trachytic emplaces france penetrating repeatedly percentages validated societ ##interpret reevalu bluesky ideas reviewers semiquant planeze pillowed foreshock downdropped 6000 retrograded restricts tholeiite tholeiites 535 afford panel ##iguously acknowledged lamina shanaka assimil vulcan paleocanyon cracking bhg formerly 5470 drying baltic snowshoe servicio implied reader 465 armstrong monitored rheic relevance frohl preparing lags checked reproduction reproduces manifestation exceptionally 120513 polarized pseudosections ultracataclasites convective collage communic drawing june junctions ##horst ##keley interacting imbrication physics 1966 objectively attempting hydrologically nicaraguan 641 walking walvis postdated returning returned buildings alamos delineation delineating cells mno computing occupy definitive definitively delivering emphasis 04t16 rarity warmer subdivision meadow acidification michelfelder revision comeau prevents thermochronometric neighbors resource brazilian fundamentally chlorides constituting berkeley bomb cubic sometime unrelated crests powdered disaggregation aplitic doubt bypassed exactly departures complemented refinement absorb absorbed collapsing embayments famennian fissures tightly inundations conformity unambiguously plunges precluded crystallize literacy migmatites eliminating argillitic ##esterly detector 14ya1 14ya11 crypt ozawa ##bourne ##meable exsolution evolve encounter conjugated eah11 ivandic pasco inhom evacuation evacuations identifies concomitantly buffered buffering advancement mnst5 prevails mingled repose suspended schemes schematic weaknesses optimally etna gsi3d gsapubs karl karakorum nz14 nz15 sphene outputs healing microscopically firmly funneled avalanche karnes sutures paleoshor occasional landslides segregated 07t23 branches busan fringing lodore m0027 tambora stoichi competent registration disturbed levee levees estuary professor professional multidisciplinary triangles hypocenter diminishes mb13 waste universidad adapted meteorological invariant imparted benefits antarctica palynology palynological workshops echinoderms dozen dozens iteratively mentawai murray tulare tularosa welds isochoric declination shadow administ metagabb belemnite poleward reefs ostracod ostracodes trondhjemitic bjerkre bornhorst fused jolivet puye winnowing tolovana stiffness highstands spiriferid dissected impermeable hashimoto postcollapse thermomechanical crinoidal syneruptive attesting seismogenically envisioned hydroxides footprints nappe artificial caledonides aleutian kinked mosaic mitchell renders sericite village stagnation dewatering asked anelasticity unequivocal recalculated overtur abbreviations undulatory trilobites trajectories derivative microlith rugose moisture promontory recrystallizing microtextures excursion authority collaboration 080213 ccvg dumoulin daily efficacy foster foothills hongliux january kanamori kopf kuskok mirror nascent roman russo ricketts reruptured wonji yamag inadequate invaluable demarc seasonal antofalla exemplified uniquely sports oversteep enrolled ammonites twenty decomposition microgravity redistributed expansive 235u excavated photogrammetry disagreement dataset impingement infrequent magnetotellurics bateman bindeman caco3 family gagaryah gauge hearne krakata kermadec koketsu kukarina nktz nafud olympus trusted tamburello veneer wackestone yreka ##jokull staurolite isparta isopleth makkah deemed deflation september protska anastomosing shervais shepard chichon chubu submodern subgrains interdisciplinary flathead geotechnical georeferenced arbuckle slickenlines dilemma paleotsunami earthscope minnesota valanginian newfoundland silberling sillajhuay sokndal heintz concavity agglut precordillera eratosthenes obradovich taipei switzerland geoanalytical barremian nonlinear noncarbonate kilbuck ferromagnesian electromagnetic frohlich bjerkreim hongliuxia kuskokwim krakatau 015 060 1ϕ 2ϕ 2θ 213 210 290 3c 310 4h 4ϕ 414 411 5d 520 517 6c 620 680 673 7ϕ 81 9d 9ϕ 935 aic aist aud bd bc bw bite bens bates bun bord bacter bbl bah bsh bpr borre baker cz c3 ck ced cow cite cum crou card cred cns cvz cogenetic cultural din dock dale dual daw dash dashed eps eber eds fs fis fem fift frit fern frog food fulf fellow fatal fusion f18 fasc finger gb g2 gel gut gog gree gay gof gully gara golf g62 hr hin hil hun hree home hour hbr hok hsl hug iin ias jc jon jean kv ku k3 kon kid kam kla kod kai kempt kash kamed lm lj lic lan lig lud lop lect live lend lile lank lane lott lives lustr lfe linds longe liner mv mf mist mant mism male mend math mull mason nn nag nbs nami n30 nanta nested ov o2 ore oct osh okal option oax pu pit pus pour papan porder pods rsc riet rms render russ raney rgb sri sism sock sided sinem saylor sinuous tl tell tap tides tang tire tma tls tachy tighter ucc upla u15 ven vib vict vann vanc vacu voids vessel wc wen wag wire wetter winder westerly xu x3 xan xian yon yem yuc zen zey ƒo δhe θk σ3 ϕk ##oph ##oak ##oft ##ophane ##octoral ##ea ##eth ##eismically ##lope ##lson ##leston ##dat ##dor ##doors ##ixt ##ika ##iples ##ng ##nar ##nut ##norm ##nayn ##gur ##gess ##gary ##graded ##ser ##sin ##sol ##sized ##ship ##cock ##current ##rations ##rature ##py ##ping ##path ##p91 ##aque ##yward ##ywood ##ws ##wid ##wak ##hg ##hist ##here ##hart ##heen ##hib ##hyu ##tar ##tally ##town ##t12 ##zin ##vrom ##vian ##vens ##veld ##vap ##vantage ##bro ##bial ##bility ##bted ##bey ##uel ##uce ##uments ##uka ##uatu ##120 ##kin ##kana ##kara ##838 ##mir ##mere ##mock ##mai ##minated ##53 ##55 ##64 ##637 ##03 ##filling ##fold ##xa ##982 ##jafj thomas ##eries ##erior ##onitic ##atka ##inos ##inid ##inery ##eness ##aling ##alop ##aldera ##itation ##itely ##orth ##orations ##orial ##icudi ine incon inactive innov inception ##aran ##anis ##anical ##anag ##anco ##anbul ##rey ##strom ##stant ##strained ##roe ##rost ##rote ##ingering ##eli ##eled ##elope toch toys ##isan ##isad ##isbury ##leaf ##ouver ##ouac ##oubted ##thor ##thest ##thew ##oli ##olly ##urate ##urity ##urred ##ithms ##rah ##racrustal ##omer ##omar ##ombs ##omagmatic ##etachment ##occ ##owed ##igata ##immer conject conforming stern stitch ##cember ##osh ##osely ##ulla ##ulinid mavrom reyn reinc reception reanaly ##ivate ##ivia december ##idance ##idire forem suction suited ##ils ##ilon ##ilin ##ilized ##aman ##amity ##amoto aseismically ##rusive ##lays ##geographic ##chemical ##chatka alph alto almand aliased ##seum ##segur seep sears seabo ##utran bevel beck beishan ##otes ##otanical ##odes anse ankara byp exxon exchanges ##estion sho shill shaw shrim shats ##istan ##istical ##istage ##oga ##ogle fa6 fayal ##phalop ##mental laid ladds atomic ##iric ##irka whom wh84 ##rial ##tage ##take ##ctional ##opy ##opes ##opic ##opolis ##uma ##umes ##umed ##atability hauter haugh hayward chute chester ##ager ##ague ##isms weights unwe unlock uneven ungraded ##ectable ##andinav subc subreg subcontinental subvolcanic subcrustal sublith interm interbl interlea colder ##ormous plank ##ianopolis reson reset resided resampl resumed samoa ##ads ##aday ##advantage ##usella flas flora contorted ##izu ##artic ##aks ##aku ##aken ##akhand evans evarts highand comprom compact volun ##ounted ##ichich ##duction geist geosphere lowe norian northerly reliance spica spuri splays ##yster ##elli ##acles ##aculit format formamide intended slate ##arding volcanological discon disast disadvantage cookes coiba magmatically recall ##assett ##ibilities detecting regen regul regrowth diorites ##ologia larson overdamped colleaguesng user usable scott scandinav ##athers ##athym quinta abl ablated southcentral canopy sandier sandbox caval mariana cori corne accutran clues clark ##othidium paleol paleose enormous imple imposed ##ario ##apa ##aped ##apsh prem preand precess prehist interpolate simplic simons ito perple perched ##veless lithified ##orden ##asequ surges suruga proved calient calgary calamity allophane 203 205 differed ##ignific mind minute ours ouray variants variograms ad14 ##antley unders undoubted valves metrop metaluminous weller ##respective wherever ##clinal chance chances ##aybar transt liken upslope upright upstep uptake underwater underdamped acadian trying ##actory transp transit transposed transpor transcurrent greg sourcing topics signify parinas genus ##erald outp outstanding outdoors outsized 102 1040 1011 1035 1025 1082 lavigne teague teichich recordings ##ricane suppressed ##redic completing verm verified vergence refute ##cki ##cks ##ropical geologies geologia traits traps tracing templates ##rows carries carlson carpath arco midpoint ##mbol typify smallto charleston populated melbourne ##lands grouse generates deriving ##ometrically ##nswick ashfall blanco subsumes mani mann thrusted wav ##pson pressed ##talot strained 20000 remember afm densest channelization farthest faraday ##yden miy mike novel ##inski 1950 1940 1979 1975 biwak localizes uncorre heise heywood patton patchy mueller museum 15b 151 descending ##deposition microm micron downes downcut ruch ##ource ##lieren multil multivariate multistage agent agglom agitated equant carbonaceous meso probe probing 129 12th 1275 lessons considerations 40k 40are campos archives ##athered impending dr1 drinking ##poration hereafter hydrate ##aira moore ##ogeneities landon landform corehole ##intrusive salton posta posterior sixt mono monoclinal biotites precaldera unconstrained initiating 3061 ##teenth analyte inflated coastlines steam stevens protected colorless richter spatter endc potter potassic 255 ##tleback erosionally erase erzin southeasterly thermometry paleoalt paleoplate paleoearthquak firmg originate tapping tapped successively clinopyrox 142 149 1450 expelled testable maxima ##modal sync synform synrift synemplacement synclinal synintrusive ##lapel dipole fractionate broadening 11d 11b 112 1140 1177 13b 133 134 concentric factory illapel swelling sweden install instruction instabilities accreting converge converting serrated enti uttar apparatus ignoring 189 1835 1833 1883 attend attended backfilled cm3 documents tioga nevado 168 carbonateand clearest ##ucchi scaly schists schlieren geof ell elsin matt matsu matthew exposing weakest stands apenn buckle bubbles causal 179 1730 transporting memory grounds ##oleski envis provenances 397 widens distributary burgess linkage insol insens inserted insignific geometrically hydrod hydroge parallels promise promising dependency loosely loveless solving recognizes recognizing 701 references retention conclusive 604 salado salisbury paragenes opaque needles rapids cutoff edenite himalayas hfse hfses logically logistical barely nonm nonconformity nondeposition ##richnus statistic viewpoint ##print ##ossiliferous pellets ##fti minimization minimizing silti investigators ##ractured predominates helada antith antelope situation approximates approximating ##ikola ##slopes ##icaoz moreno july hypothetically 2622 2675 bitter exceptional historically dimensionally mcconn composing composites integrates attributing encoura greenstone guard guidel guidance ##bara alkalis strengths releases campito geophones projecting raising restorations ##hydrite bears ##moreite microseismic microcline microbial damaged subaque coincided quadrant quadrature feldspars incorporates superc superposed 1505 platte petrographically surroundings freshly graphs graphically graphitic 232 2300 2337 planolites planothidium banded bandwid intermediateand cools concentrates surveyed spacings rotating moderateto tectonostratigraphic tectonomagmatic experiencing risks eroding specifics ferry 458 457 irre irrespective 3300 cephalop advoc advancing turned turkana turtleback repeat repeatability digestion ##1821 ##matis substit intensification smectites geomorphological introduces ms1 ms4 ms12 qbu tension ##1567 pseudo rimmed predictive 284 ##atomagmatic stepover stepwise qualitatively solidification airy airfall resistive fitz operation ##aware resolutions powerful blackleaf forks linearly mineralogies 1981 1987 1982 eclogitized divides division anhydrites preferential 1259 serpentines thirteenth intraseries smoothness 343 nodular requirements ferrous fortun subtracted claim circle persists persisting schistes hyuga humla hummock classes enhances enhancing acquire u1381 favorable catalogue momentum 38000 robock capability accordance trachyte purple receive 226 brantley hematite pulver shifting faunally circa divergence rogers symbol ##ugawa debre debritic evaporation phosphorite petrologically bolivia goes google systematics photon expands expanding arguably 539 8000 affirmed panth reactant phengites tracked induces nonevap toolbox 29b 295 296 297 molnar completion addressing 54838 541567 954 merges morphotectonic morphologically nias niigata ##ologico captures capturing baltican snow serving services visualization visualizing chamberlain 376 372 austin cohesively kyushyu everywhere vulnerable 4694 478 luther palisad roots discordia kohn ##banks complications principles enters steadily hawaiites dynamically hamm hamper pinn rigaku florianopolis databases elongation 425 7000 diluted demand reproduce manifests terrestrially eolianite hirose hillslopes ls6 ls4 learn tele ##gren impeding ##ctuated convex auton autogenic box board book benmoreite escaped surprises smeared lowstands institution homogenize instrumental instrumentation instrumentally denote denotes kirk moufti asymmetry asymmetrical unfossiliferous unfractured fluctuated postdoctoral epiclastic epicentral lookout 767 algal 005 529 keel kept nacl ##illaco preventing occupying underestimates correctly antiformal european 3100 meade 2013a megacrystals gigapan hoek putative putana putirka routed thermochronometry rollovers ribbons sidescan ##heating ##3885 informally injecting porphyroclasts physiographic bertalot radiolarite budgets picking ##ellae stalls coherence appreciation appreciate settled career august polycrystalline polymodal mushy collapses 664 aureoles piute tears ##8474 conformities precludes crystallizing migmatization eliminated eliminates participant filters ##eruptive eyjafj llulla masse rincon vanuatu reoriented choose evidently detectable detectors overestimation overestimates assignment assignments feeder aggrading 14ya15 jointly skeptic skewed chemostratigraphic extruded belongs peperite peperitic enhancement algorithms eah39 eah34 governing lifet evacuate emerged 090513 981 986 98t12 brunswick hardening khaybar tentaculit ya3 yaede compounds paleontology undergoes academy optimum optimize undergraduates spatiotemporally 7111821 calling gsds karheen navdat sealing attached chromian geobarometry industrial interprets interpreters phaneritic constituent 1951 aggregate redeposition erodible crushed cabanis gilbert tobin unsat residents depicting consumption carrying exponentially 7098474 geothermobarometers 07t22 suspected corroborates deduced deduce m0029 m0028 nuclear punky punctuated sawai ##allajokull ##urajima proceeds proceeded fairbanks competing screen screening screened 7043885 iapetan backscattered backscattering koroleski threatened rejected shelly whitney indirectly levies graptolite adequate adaptive meteoric feeley benefit avoiding scholz bridge connectivity ##99999999 symplectites oscillatory doser david davison iterative mental pyroxenite trehu ##maline officials convict chiusella spicul obsidian calabrian belemnites remobilized remobilization synthesize ascertained lamprophyres trondhjemite bringing fusulinid grossly izmir jolley judge judgement pearce ponds ponding puysegur railway winnowed ##cnal machinery attained unmix meeting spirit disseminated quepos imperfect landmasses postcollisional thermomechanically syneruptively coulomb seismogenesis footprint nappes artificially caledonide 06t9 aleutians biofacies dismember hurst hurricane jeff menlo mortality mildly session sessions tmi tatun tatina task vlfe vlfes supervised supracrustal seventeen shutdown neglecting responding coalesced overtopping overtopped paleobotanical paleobathym equatorial sieved monsoon switching exploited hyperarid hyperpy rog640 bracketed achievement conceivable conceivably branching microfractures ophiolites ophiolitic benchmarks cylindrical cylindrichnus mckinley mckinney overwhelmed jacinto katmai messinian pockets piercing qfa ##fjorden ingv andersen ##olitan stromb stereographic isostasy maxwell prospect ladicaoz unraveling noticeable overgrowths preheat observatorio metabas transducers phreatomagmatic traversing carbonic disciplines magnesio profiler multisource meshlab peripheral monoclines freedom missoula prompted geodynamics polishing extraordinary conflicting mitigating fujisan reinforced drier istanbul ithnayn jpg lamellae laths lustres langford rolled sakurajima tfe2o3 vigorous wabash yosemite ##uvium inaccess ingested tourmaline ##ammitic protection anahi atomodes unmodified interrogation strictly arrangement slumping diabase survive undetectable outgassing isotropic ig1ea mesoscopic predepositional archaeological postglacial monotid accomplished delaminating radioactive breaches deglaciation 7099982 opinion argentina conducive brandon spreadsheet metasiltstone superimposed semiquantitative 547094 communication inhomogeneities karlstrom paleoshoreline stoichiometric administration microlithon yamagiwa 060912 517007 93512 audet bdw benson borrego cedar crouse credence dashpot epsilon eberhart fischer female fritz froger fellowship fatalities fingerprint hugging iinuma iasp91 kamchatka kodaira kempton kashinos kameda ljs ligurian ludwig lanka lotto lustrino longevity mfs mismatch nagoya namiki nantay ovoid puzz papanikola rscm rietveld socket sinemurian tapers tirel tmax tachyhydrite upland vannucchi vancouver vacuum wagner wireline windermere yemen yucatan zeyit ƒo2 tochilin conjecture mavrommatis reyners reanalyzed ##idirectional foremost alpha almandine seaboard shillong shrimp shatsky fayalite laddsdale hauterivian haughton unweathered sublithospheric interblock interleaved volunte cavalie cornejo accutrans simplicity caliente undoubtedly likeness transportable teichichnus biwako downcutting agglomerate erzincan firmground uttarakhand elsinore matthews parageneses mcconnell guidelines subaqueously bandwidth 548382 46941 palisades llullaillaco skepticism hyperpycnal kashinosaki papanikolaou 070 016 2e 3f 3φ 318 312 4g 416 417 412 4r2 5e 5n 5ϕ 5to 510 595 6ϕ 613 611 612 630 637 635 695 6r1 7e 7i 780 712 730 7r1 885 835 8r2 9h 984 ao a0 aru ala aot aus ahead bp bor bil bog bill bern bread bille boll bagn binder binned ci cb c4 civ cous cros cogn cott counts cull cgg cradd da dx dar dru dot dod dies ders dich dend dys dough dred drow danian dull dann dump diana dwell eh ez eel eul eph eject elastically fal fing ful fate fiz fell fred fuc ferg f11 fier frant fassett gru gem gone gase gob gets getter gomes garc gett ganey givet gerald hs hc hk h0 hen het him hut hod hog hart hend hors hoy hana hints hier hinder iat ire iphone jr jes jar jig jim jam jot jog jous jay job jaw jenn jetting kr kı ker kin kel kow kut kist kand kip kau kress kram kik kula kuna kinds kool kraft kobe ln lb l4 l7 lon lion lul lcc lined lund lland lind ledge lmm lym lists ligu lame mr m8 m9 mong mene mary mound mto milling merg mosc mash merged ner nin ned nol nut nem nant nak nich nick night nto n20 n70 n60 nno niwa nurt ota osp oven oolites oyster pd p1 pk pig piv pend pose page pain p20 pjb piston p21 qm ry r0 ron row rum rish ross rav rauk rake rash rules rico sin sit sas sle sall sale sac sits seng srm sarn sned s10 s52 s12 sgs savage tg ton trou tach trit tide tint t20 tpi tagh ul uh uch uph uran u18 u17 vg vc vb vm von vas vid vag vac vide vestig vug vantage wr wra wales women wasting wright wrong wrote xv xmg xks yance yager zo zi zh zf zig zong zip zne zhou zha zeller zimmer δd δn δh δ34 ρc ωm ##o4 ##oan ##opl ##oides ##oxic ##oelastic ##eh ##ees ##eval ##eby ##eavor ##lan ##log ##lum ##lites ##lund ##lins ##lark ##lburg ##da ##dra ##dam ##dell ##deen ##day ##dict ##depend ##detachment ##iac ##ipper ##ipping ##iogenic ##iously ##ihe ##non ##nin ##net ##nell ##nik ##nier ##nagle ##nidirectional ##gu ##gom ##gall ##gab ##gill ##gional ##good ##gonal ##gson ##sess ##sue ##sps ##schist ##ski ##saw ##sdam ##cf ##cion ##cul ##cick ##cke ##cribed ##clastically ##ciously ##ris ##rone ##ratch ##rants ##rigation ##reras ##pes ##pro ##pas ##pop ##prit ##p10 ##pinel ##pcion ##aq ##aut ##aver ##aph ##auna ##yer ##yes ##yang ##yote ##wer ##war ##weld ##wartz ##wash ##worth ##har ##hall ##hath ##helves ##hasting ##tt ##t3 ##t4 ##tos ##tect ##tely ##tine ##tonic ##tled ##ttor ##tario ##zen ##zay ##zner ##zero ##zaw ##zman ##vs ##vf ##vos ##vations ##vac ##vally ##vities ##vai ##vador ##bø ##bat ##bel ##bou ##bated ##ball ##bath ##bable ##brad ##bidium ##bagawa ##balanced ##uf ##upp ##uum ##ups ##uously ##uters ##1s ##373 ##kar ##kas ##katch ##kki ##kowski ##kulo ##koura ##820 ##mn ##min ##mes ##mre ##mur ##mith ##met ##mich ##monic ##mey ##mooth ##mobil ##moidal ##mette ##58 ##56 ##54 ##535 ##541 ##63 ##670 ##622 ##02 ##24 ##270 ##f2 ##fter ##fers ##feld ##fellow ##finder ##figuration ##xis ##xter ##xus ##9d ##9a ##jun ##jacent ##jcick thing thud thak thib thail thie thix theses ##erated ##erative ##erty ##erco ##ercial ##erillo ##eroded ##erdeen ##erbated ##onation ##ondu ##onell ##onac ##onso ##onstone ##onwood ##onnier ##onaut ##atts ##atured ##atrem ##atonac ##inis ##inou ##inite ##inally ##inado ##inolite ##inels ##inarily ##enna ##enckle ##eda ##eded ##edad ##aled ##alle ##aline ##alities ##alland ##alkal ##alpine ##itness ##itors ##itization ##iterate ##itives ##itches ##orate ##orio ##organ ##orium ##orily ##orini ##orporation ##icates ##icondu ##ionized ##ionville in3 inch inability informed inorgan ##arl ##arer ##aron ##arat ##array ##aroa ##arranged ##arapa ##anites andy andres andaman ##real ##reous ##reational ##repres ##rebø ##static ##stats ##strap ##stacles ##room ##rocal ##robat ##roalpine ##ente ##enta ##entrapment ##ingsh ##elan ##elim ##elted ##elton ##elinski ##asch ##asant tok tottor ##iske ##isory ##isible ##lead ##leck ##leher ##outs ##ouchi ##ougall ##thm ##thand ##thora ##thoides ##olving ##urations ##urus ##urating ##urized ##urik ##ompon ##etization ##eteenth ##etena ##ocus ##ocyst ##oconic ##ocino ##ocarbon ##owitz ##iger ##igneous ##igawa ##imp ##imately ##imetric ##imped withdra conse conrad stir stone stace stain stoch stably stark stik stub stained stradd ##osities isobar isolating ismet ##ulas ##ulates ##ulco ##ullah mains maori rever repl rechar reaff reinterpret reheating reyes reiterate ##ivi ##ivates ##ivile ##ivolcano dead deact deforms deionized ##ido ##idents ##iday ##idano ##idden ##idimensional forelim ##ilent ##ilut ##ilah ##ilton ##iloids ##ilionville ##tering ##terolf ##amas ##amiliar ##amette asper ##rug ##rup ##lack ##labor ##lague ##geote ##geosphere ##chern ##chonell al3 alan alert alicudi ##sein ##ifi ##iflex seated seag seigan ##uto ##uting ##utiloids ##urefj beams beyss beads prohib ##otion anem ante bybee exac exerted exogenous ##estment ##estack ontario ##ppers ##ppelling ##pponnier sherid shizu ##vey ##istemic comsol ##ogy ##essart faith faurefj ##phys ##phase ##phistic ##photo ##mento laplace atac atots ##ird ##irp ##iralt ##irarapa whene whale wholes whalen wholly ##ulture basically basanites ##udied ##udio ##riel ##rients ##riales ##posing ##taj ##tand ##tail ##emy ##emeral ##embed ##emont ##ematically ##oper ##oped ##opter ##opite ##optic ##antepec ##umann ##umerated ormen hack chad chart cheng child chronic chulit chiric cherty chelan ##agu ##agos ##agonian ##agogy ##allis wear weis weiss wehr weathers ##rance ##ranites unin union unrad unload unlith unobs uneroded unimped unifi ##ects ##ectic neon nept ##ocking subchron subthrust submitted subdetachment subpop ##cones ##conic ##orealistic prk print price prices printer prerupt privile prestack inters interand intermedi interflow interdepend interlabor ##ccia ##ccerillo colinear pl2 plug plinian ##abyssal resin resupp memento ##ade ##adw ##adake ##uson ##using income flute flash flocc ##ersaline contend contreras modifies string ##akivi evano highway compass company computers ##imentary voltage ##ountain ##iper ##iprocal ##duvai geomechan lowers lowlands norikur relocated relocking arica arises arrows spines spik spenc spons spinels spiske spessart ##elles ##aley ##acan ##acies formula ##ensen ##ensor ##ensity ##ensional ##ensurate intention intimately ##ateral ##ght ##ghian notion notori notwith ##arded volcanogenic volcanologists indent industr indigenous indented disint disconform disartic disembed ##illes coh coating coint cook coyote recreational reciprocal ##asses ##assen crusts ##rety regolith regulating died dior diaz dioritic diao diatrem ##positionally ##icked ##earoa overlay overlo overfilled ##endtect colleague colleaguesgeosphere us1 users usual usarray scav scratch party parties partner quoted quetena abnorm aberdeen canc canales cannon locates locating cave captions cawood caugh cavities marit marbles corros corps coronitic corrug apple territ presume prescribed northand northto northcentral clump clicking engl enkulo enumerated ##aria ##ffet ##ffnagle lee leon lever levi legs leaves ##apagos ##ounding ##issed ##issive interpol simpson timmre incline assal ##ritical amp ames amen ##ructive percept perimeter ##une ##unho ##ordered alongside moreira ##neth ##negi ##cedent surf calixt calaver analyst maya maybe observing observables allmend alluvium 209 2040 2095 2094 differenced graham graciously minoan ourselves variant repets republ repair ads adam adher admitted ##plets unde valve valdiv valencia valued metaps wellbor smart smalland ##clide ##clusive facing facility facilities fraile fracf fraunho rangefinder ##ayered ##viates stratabound ##ewan ##eways ##ewitness liq underlined acrobat try ##actorily ##ageomin transients transforming transfers ph2o phlog greb mounting ##uez topmost placing plague posit posited possess nearer signifying domal parasequ genu genetic outlines outwe outlets outwash ##cessed marginally ##ishments 10d 10b 101 1060 1019 1080 1030 1041 1078 10t4 news tehu teams tecn ##ficially ##ricia constrict suppress supplying ##redict verg vera verge refracted refrig refolded setouchi ##cking ##rope ##ober ##ochin calcitized calcschist calcilut traction tracy tracers trails ##resses ##hovers ##hoods activation activated actinolite ##unds carap carson carmich carnegi quartzand quartzites quartzitic desal desire midand midcrustal discount discounted discarding feot feand featured reflex ##gerite seaways charles charpent charged ##flood ##amorphic decays decisions decelles ##ximander characterizes generously ##ometamorphic ##ffected ##nsalt poik ashy blow blurred softer sophistic subside subsided subscales ##pectives finse finest finney estimations correlatives idding peer peat peede pearya peinado peccerillo manning manuf mangerite wax wairarapa ##bled creates pressing pressurized ##sibility stratigraphies founded offswith remelting remolded reminis itsaq afs farmington ##berger ##berton ##ynchonell mie nois nova ##orship ig2 ##insar 2018 1918 1911 1917 1912 1973 1938 1922 1972 1943 1934 1942 biom biology fluidal fluidized doctoral ##ankton mainten magnification eman employment emotion uncover leveled heated paterson patrick patricia pennin calculates trenching trenchward 15a 1550 1520 15ks 1593 ##deformation ##degab micrite downstepping downtown identifications gneissosity sizeable examines commonalities middleto horse 100413 normark rubric rubbly rubidium concrete concurrent multivolcano agv agate agency agung agilent ##ermined equate equivocal equidimensional mesic mesilla mesoarchean invas invites invisible investment probed redbed curry curie 12a 128 124 122 1293 separator severity deepen deepened 405 406 404 409 cameras archer archule normality normalizing glazner sectional material1 impounding creeps grin grind raton tubes continually inferring eleven mov mohr moonstone moffet shortest shortened trended conditional stripes postulate posteruptive postentrapment oceanus contradic permission permissive glomer sikk siwal monroe monitors terminates preca experts initiate olive ollague olduvai device exhume 303 3028 distinctively inflate ##rmann steel steven stechern endor endemic endeavor frond potsdam ##bride ##brero brotz ##iregional 256 257 252 2550 ##peed lasting contrasted clayton worked speciation tried trial triaxial thermok paleokar willamette cren obstacles obviates lineated ##cycles transitioned transitioning fewest taxa taurus tapponnier taconic lauruss fineand ##giaro 14e 14b 141 145 147 14f 1430 delic delph delicate deligne delaware epistemic veis expensive expressions expulsion mudand maximize 501 508 505 506 504 502 synoptic bedsets drains fractionates 11a 11ad 13d 13c 131 1311 passively seggiaro ridolf ridente ##overy altering hazy prime breached switches instructions hazardous plexus pleasant plethora convers conversions ##iecki multiplying avouac sergeote ##ova glacially ##oki ##oking ##persdor entity utm utep utica ordered coevally 18o 188 1880 1886 1868 attract whitebre backfilling 16i 16g 16a 163 164 162 1650 tenets tenuous visiting ##ucent northeasterly lengthening slowest dispersants scalable schlum schwartz scharer elusive cataclastically halleck matsum matuy maturity seismogram horizontally bulls yearly apm rhombs rhynchonell secondly buff orthopyrox orthoph orthoconic 1780 1746 1797 adjo supplementing cyclical cyclostratigraphy shelfal tephrost grounded paas paid petro provencal 394 widest ##kaido ##illeta distribute burica ##ulfed parker insp insulated geometrical textured hydrolys hydrophone hydrostatic paralleland priority vienna latite collated colliding colloidal appalachia solute soledad confusing 7038 ##eyko grows ##135 conclusively generalizations troughs sket salvador reconcil reconfiguration behaves paragonite opendtect rapakivi wsu radiometer radiometrically radiocarbon ##blemont responded responsibility overlaid overlays traceable logger ##ominium paragneissic barometric barbed barker barrel barbara barberton nonzero gradationally segmenting oxford argus hypidi hypabyssal hypersaline diffusively prismatonac peloid pellet peloids peloidal pelagonian ##thermometric rhythm minimally minimized timespan frontier centerline ##huch predominately helen helmin shoulders publish antilles pumps pumped helleren ##ikp summing summation fc3 morell morots ##ometrics 365 aubou 264 267 2600 2650 2684 2688 2694 2683 2686 mcmur mcbride composes shorthand homonymous alternated encoded greenstones guad guide guiding guzman ##jee ##roduct wheeler ##terrane removes peninsulas 355 ##points amplified campus campidano lasalle raymo ##inoid ##orno medieval poway rohr royden rappelling ##calito growths porcell poroelastic porosities resting restite restless packstone yellowish poland pollack microt microstructure microbre microcrystalline microthermometric galapagos recoverable improves improbable damaging kawe crystalizing feldsparand difficulties laborator hariri harrison harmonic nowhere risen ##ixed dissip negras negriales futagawa misinterpret mislead supereru supercycles superterrane modulating tetons ##ratified holt holding holocrystalline holmes fresher freshest ##ringe ##ratigraphic ##boa ##bois ##books propensity functioning 241 248 808 join ##agnetization 233 ##omorphic plans planning 2014b coarsen coarsens environmentally monteith blades equivalency propagates rotational albany detachments helping erode m27 owl regards ferric justin ##otropy precipitating 453 456 4500 iris irrigation sonne 333 337 cea ##rades anisotropic implicating advanta advisory glasses turns turner explosion discontinuously sensed ##182 substrates sparingly scientist constructing seams geomorphologic bordering msz ms3 ms5 ms6 ms7 ms2 tensional quarries quarters quartering additives strikingly rimbey 2800 darker spectrometers digitizing ##ukyu seeks resistivities operate operative ##10b streamer narrowing blackoak spaceborne sheeting sheetflood ascension mineralogic grids gridded siliciclastics truncating quarrying divins divisions paleogeographically duplic dubois dunlea saturating scanned comming commenced commencing commercial commensurate preferences analogy fuller naoh nautiloids ##cutive ##bbing thirty southwards smoothly transecting update 34s cascade cascading subtidal subtropical immers immature immobility baj baas bailey baxter claudio circles counting drape moments perspectives rings britain losinsar accessibility classical classifies classroom downloaded nicol u1378 ##pms copperas catalogued hallmark robotic shaping shapeways organize organisms capabilities obscuring montgom montaron montreal anticlin 656 657 purity purified purification pursu purported pursue realm reality realism receivers ##akejima wavelet penetrations ultrapot applicability acknowledges 225 2200 brenckle goodfellow puls ##backs ##blesome substantiated 325 3200 crags downey icpms ramon runoff handling circulations 438 synsalt syringe socratic transferring idefjorden roofs semantic semicondu semiregional evaporitic reliant engulfed phosphorites bigger titration ##9092 carolinas multipl depletive dzstats goeth name ##versus compensate compensates thanked photorealistic fragmentary arguing irregularities frameworks serpentinite 530 5337 539092 aerially aeronaut cotectic panaly ##iguity reactor reactive reactivity burrowing blueschistor blueschistto ##eckner usefulness cruz liveli nonex cracked 728 725 727 7219 bha bhvo molds shields shielding sloped 5425 dryness listric morphometrics brackets trachyandesites snapsh servilleta ##165 ##529 subjects subjective explanatory visualize 0537 37ar austroalpine coded ##302 readings angel caliber calibrate utilities franklins graduating heading illustration contemporaneously 564 flexing kohler kohistan ##iyah externally complication ambiguity lieu underthrusted hammer hamilton pinhole pinches rigorous intergrowth intergranular floral 488 486 428 dilating santorini demerc chronostratigraphy checkers resembling manifestations 625 learner squared impede franklinian principle certainty convectively regularly regularize empire drawdown drawbacks bhutanese 941 boe boem benowitz balances balcones escape escorial juncalito sagduction condie condominium subtlety imbrications physic 1968 1962 objects persistently 03adw 584 friend saes saito woodlark infilling strand micropores challenger empirically 643 645 6421 denver denolle denoted honor wald walsh walpersdor unfavor unfamiliar hydraulically postdating looks looked tremolite compliance complimentary assistant longitudinally deflections ##shuihe pseudotachylytes 006 002 0077 0081 echo kura kurile kurtos kurzaw ##cmin macd macochin aligns computational peruvian definitely antiforms syndepositionally 046 dampen damped practically s2s wetting storms interferometry overpressuring discoveries 2013b synchronization synchronously 082 hopper hoeven hooper hoffnagle huene huang tropics ensuring thermochronologic crisis promotion 491 49182 warping warrants ##383 ##raywacke ##osilicates controversies advecting plasticity biasing millennial counterbalanced ethiopia cubes games gamboa chaito unreason unrealistic precedes cleaned cleaning illuminated illuminating disaggregating inconsistencies 7113 budhath doubling educ nannopl concepcion reequilibrate appreciable conserved conservation conservatively careers careful concretion augment polygonal polyphase lamproite 634 662 cassel famous famine famines osolin osgood piemont conformably convention conventions conventionally suitably suitability unexpl incompletely precluding metaigneous crystallites crystallizes tapered migmatite pairwise challenged participate participated 69383 857 ceramic cindery eyewitness nserc exclusive choices unpredic resurgence coordinated quicker microscale 14ya19 attenuating backstop sensitivities nannofossils 891 8900 bonnet droplets ozark pyrope pullen pulling pullman rains ##noff ##8850 ##meal ##fee andrews animation exsolving lahar chemex evolves accelerating pegmatites multicompon urbanized 444 442 675 676 968 eah03 eah10b flyspec pangean rodinian ss3 ss4 tye ##7235 weekly evacuated scouring discerned discernible william veinlets swells retrodeformation dissimilarities hemispheres vesicularity mnst6 blanketed 090213 bruese brueckner hardly omnidirectional tentative tails ya5 ##uyan ##2718 altyn altitude corroded academia designation rafting rafted optimization reproducible vesiculated automatically definitions ubiquitously 7700 711637 akaki ak135 nz0 navig pedagogy sphere sylvite ##gsten offering ##oritics stimulation stoped isothermal replica replicas replicated submeter interfingering strategies percolated acceptab travertine 1907 1902 concerns concerned aggregated drifted drifting reorganized culprit cabos cabled fisher saffer winters chris unsmooth interviewees interconnect residuum incursion corrida corridors consuming paleosurface paleoslope paleoshelves paleovalley exponential 7063 07t3 symplectic paleoclimatic babcock babeyko business dedicate fringe fringes fringed puntas rasters sigmoidal sawatch trained ##allacia ##isfactory stopped reversed competition diachrone clarity clarke enclos enclosing impose leveed bluish blanca professorship profoundly triangulation windspeed 704a selective keweenawan banana fuji sombrero vastly ##patrick threats starr starvation universally geosoft overcomes meteoritics bioclastic paleoelevations elucidated retains gravitationally flattened photographed susceptible susceptibilities inhibited culminates intermittently ewing murphy murcia oc270 psammitic welded convolution isochores declined forcings beaumont onlapped shadowing interstratified float scotia conspicuously admiralt metagranites metagraywacke smirnoff fourthto elliptic solubilities 7077235 incorrect predictably synthesized satisfy satisfactorily anorthositic revisions intrinsically piecemeal gastropod disappears bjs ec2 grossular mccoy mccann pearse pearson railroad saharan ##alassa machines mammal suffered ##odeau attaining sounder unaffected unmetamorphosed unstable unstrained unstudied arroyo sporadically oversim quebrad prevalence tradeoff gratefully specialists thermoelastic thermoarl crinoids coulter 174a hydroxide dolostones unfolding keeping macroand unexpectedly 06t10 06t16 nucleate fennoscandian biogeographic bonds bootstrap casts castle dmto dismissed diversified diversification hbl2 jeol ltd mimic mimics mortar mitchum rendered tasks wolfe woldegab ##howitz throws ##roseize ##ampled seventy neglect responds abbreviation extracts fluorides undulose twinning trilobite trajectory derivatives 1932 microlites rugged sieving monsoonal exploitation promontories pumping microtextural excursions capitalize circumst rog639 sustainable boulderto microfractured overwhelming cadomin caddell gains herrmann kenya kenneth picabo pisco pocket pierce pioneer pioneering qfm tallorno tuned tungsten urals uralian vaac villas villiger ##certing ##zoan ##khola ##enaar ingress ##rella streaks isostatically rectangular sundell succeeded succeeding prospective anaximander happens happened weighed weighing unbalanced subhighs noticeably coquinas coquinoid observatories metaborate transducer phreatic traversed carbide discipline deceleration magnesium profiling horstwood multisensor monocline missourian seismographs buckling singularities diffusivity diffractometer geodynamical extraordinarily photosyn dilatant conflicts squeezed squeezing 519541 7142718 awarded barnes drew dictated dictates garzon grove lyell lisiecki lucas munich nobi pollen pollitz pontide pontides sernap sernageomin wo38 wojcick witness welts ##ijk ##mingtonite thnh1 thnh2 towns storeys surely projection projections anatectic anatexis answer lagoons churchman interrupted interlayers interlayering colombia colombian plugin arbitr arbitrary spike spikes scrubbing quiescent quiescence abrasion abrasive accrued enjoyed amazonia peridotites peridotitic perfectly 202hg trimble trimmed translucent parrish caricature biozones biozonation descends agricultural agriculture imprecise imprecision initiates cyclades cycladic paleoenvironmental delayed halobid halobous loops paragraphs logarithmic logarithmically nonconformable nonconformably guillet guillemette restriction planetary societal societies reevaluated affordable assimilated vulcano cryptocrystalline metagabbro metagabbros overturn overturned demarcates oversteepened isopleths agglutinate agglutinated bcr bwip bungo borders bahlburg cummingtonite cardinal dinocyst docked dawes fifteen fulfill gbds goguel greece hinagu hours hokkaido jcz kuiper konstant kidd klakas kaikoura license langhian lopolith lecture lindsay mistaken mantles mendocino mathematically mullis nnz october oshima sismologico vibration victoria wenlock xianshuihe yonkee zenith ##brooks ##1207 ineffect inconclusive innovative ##anagi ##thorpe reincorporation seepage beveling beckman byproduct exxonmobil unlocking subcrop intermixed planktonic resonant resampling flashovers compromised spurious disconcerting disaster regenerative regulators scottish scandinavia ablations paleolat paleoseism implemented precessional prehistoric itoigawa undersc metropolitan transtension transpressive outpace vermilionville carpathians wavy miyakejima uncorrected micromass multilayered sixteen endcaps paleoaltitude paleoearthquake clinopyroxenites installation entirety geofis ellip apennines insoluble insensitive insignificant hydrodynamic nonmetamorphosed antithetic microseismicity supercritical 232th irrever cephalopods advocate substitute fortunately hummocky pulverized panthalassa nonevaporite hammah hampering demanding telephoto autonoma kirkpatrick eyjafjallajokull lifetimes tentaculitids unsatisfactory spiculite dismembered paleobathymetry strombolian magnesiohasting inaccessible atomodesma puzzle uplands volunteers 637165 8858 arun aotearoa ausbrooks billets bollinger bagnold cousens cottonwood cullerco craddock dxr dotted dershowitz dysoxic doughnut drowning euler ephemeral ejecta fulthorpe fizzing fuca ferguson fierstein frantz gaseous gobi garcia gettemy givetian hutch hodgson hogback henderson horses hoyanagi hanaore ireland jesse jigsaw james jotun joussein kır kinetic kelleher kowallis kutterolf kistler kandilli kauai kramers kikai koolau luling lundgren llandovery lyman liguro mrs mongol menefee maryland mounded merging moscoso neritic nineteenth nedrebø nutrients nantroseize nickel n70e otago osprey pkikp pivot pendants ryukyu ronde rowe rishel raukumara saskatch sallares saleeby saclay sengor srmvf sarna snedden tonankai troublesome triton tintic ulvos uphole uranium vidale video vestiges vugs yancey zielinski znew zhao δnno δ34s ##pasa ##welded ##meyer thakkhola thibodeau thailand thieblemont thixotropy ##alkaline inorganic tottori withdrawal consecutive stirling stacey staining stochastic stikinia stubby isobaric ismetpasa mainshock replen recharging reaffirmed forelimbs asperities seagull beyssac anemometer antecedent exacerbated sheridan shizuoka faurefjell atacama atotsugawa whenever wholesale childhood chulitna chiricahua wehrlites unradiogenic unloading unlithified unobserv unimpeded neptune subpopulation prerupture intermediary interlaboratory resupply flocculation evanoff geomechanical norikuradake spiked spencer sponsors spessartine notoriously notwithstanding industries disinteg disarticulated disembedding diatreme scratched clumped english levied timmreck perceptions calixto calaveras allmendinger repetski republic valdivia wellborn fracfocus fraunhofer phlogopite parasequences outweigh tehuantepec refrigeration calcilutite carmichael carnegie charpentier sophisticated iddings peedee manufact reminiscent maintenance penninic redbeds archuleta grinding sikkim siwalik brotzu thermokinematic paleokarst laurussia ridolfi sergeotecmin attractive whitebreast schlumberger matsumoto matuyama rhynchonellid orthopyroxenes tephrostratigraphic hydrolysis hypidiomorphic prismatonacreous helminthoides morotsuka aubouin mcmurray rohrer porcellanite microbreccia kaweah laboratories supereruptions advantages montgomery anticlinorium ultrapotassic semiconductor 533727 aeronautics panalytical livelihoods 542546 0537670 intergrowths demercian walpersdorf unfavorable kurtosis kurzawski budhathoki nannoplankton piemontese unpredictable multicomponent brueseke 7116374 unsmoothed diachroneity admiralty woldegabriel wojcicki konstantinou magnesiohastingite cullercoats saskatchewan ulvospinel 013 040 017 012 085 073 027 025 023 1n 1g 1h 1th 1we 2g 2c 2h 2k 2x 214 218 215 2supplemental 3e 3n 3st 319 3he 4d 415 419 480 4gr 4he 446 5g 5s 5h 5f 513 518 515 516 579 599999999 6e 6n 670 618 619 616 699 7g 7s 720 740 717 785 779 795 8e 8d 8s 880 816 852 899 884 822 821 825 9j 918 915 910 919 916 999 938 979 995 933 975 ay aor ais aran aach alast actions ape azu aki alem arose ayth awa bn bb b1 bm bq bic bet bow biv brom bot bri bum bial bast bart brou bib bick boz bally bites bue bob bmb bang bour berm blay burb bare brm bals bpb bert bsr berg bras bma bering bani bump baner bsu bico boso baines cn ct c1 c5 cro cel cist cult cem cant cart cues cyst cater cerv cable cds cert cpo cash cables cuch casting citing cche cropping croe cuyan dn dg dp dt db dj dan dent ding dul dog dess dop dive dial dian dart dalt deng dyn dyon dah d50 darri dream dabb dives daly dani drought drown dham dais dgb eb e1 e2 ef ein eoc eos ela eure eri ecc ets eld eun ease egan eaf ebing eaz fr fv fen fel fet fist fog fib fough fang flying fals fives f15 fried fzz fountain fallacia gd gv g1 g5 gf gj gat ged gan gis gle gly gos gant gian gene gale gros gift gord gole gang gather giles gills gans gila gained getting gerson g81 g89 ganges gathers giday gird h3 hat hed han hos hir hect hus hort hath hase halt hough hartz herm hint hither hof hark hatter hua hrees honey hips haney hsts hessel hinders heden hyster hvac hidden hoped haley ip ia ih ian iib ivi iber iolite iav ible ibur iyer itaj jb j1 jm jic jet jos jell jass jord joch jour jah jomar jensen jhuch kd kw kt kb k2 kα kit king kul kran kers kiz kong kost kill kend kiss kun kue kob kather kav kenn kats kennett kato komar kimmer kaken krup khuch l5 les lal lom lut lot lir lem lene lys lun lord lose lover lsc lsr lining lina luk listing lighting lori lomb lingering lelli lingsh lassen mh mse miz mart mcl mish moch mout mond moss moll msl mills mbar muna m10 milit menu mobil nr ny nit nel nist nud nations nad nath nun nile native nones nond nrm nsc nik n40 nmg nub n16 ngs n33 naked nobe naka neres ngu np10 n54 o3 oes oal oas oib ober odle ope oolite omar ooid oman osum omit ooids odb omitted o56 pw pt p3 p4 p0 p2 ping pou pam pest pere pag pad pak pene prib pace pue pown pope pause pang pai polite pav ppb pice pana pabl pans pxy pala prades qi qr qal qian ques qilian qingsh rc rw rt r8 r6 ration ros rated rine roth rust roch rps rins rour rind rie rok riller rios roy rills r33 russian riley rasch sz s7 sed sor sis sul sist sop sys say sage snel sval sited sang soles sinc sull sodi sinu sula save sake sinter squid sitch siri s39 seno sips siting sisson srand sird sassen sversus td tc tt t3 tes tic tro tid tum torm tac tary tick tree tonian tedi tah tds tiles tpb tiff tamp telling t19 tying talk t21 tsts tinto uy u2 ura uts umb ute umm uway uche uppers vo vy vz v8 v4 vest v00 vort vign vrol void vinta v10 vasc vidal vno vaz wi win wre went wite want wort wage wied wallow wise wink warri watter wake wier wvz wgs wrap winson wacke wrought wipe wessel watan wapsh watts wijk xp x1 x4 xop xral x12 xsps xmn yu yol yil ypp yong yun yank your yaw yering yester yoked yampa y26 ypres yoak zd zu zem zell zach zun zonal ziw zold zhuang zoo zomb µa δl δϕ δθ δυ δha ρa ρt σe σn σc σt ##oes ##oos ##oil ##oene ##oval ##oited ##ook ##othermal ##ojokull ##oacan ##ee ##ei ##ev ##eas ##eus ##ease ##ections ##eco ##ecut ##event ##ecial ##eonite ##ehn ##ealed ##l2 ##len ##lic ##lar ##lro ##lod ##lical ##lari ##lia ##lun ##lood ##lason ##lining ##litt ##lomer ##do ##dr ##dz ##dm ##data ##drop ##dins ##dled ##dmore ##daz ##dullah ##diyah ##iq ##iro ##ioc ##iag ##ike ##iably ##iency ##iute ##iastic ##iencies ##iomorphs ##iung ##ny ##nt ##nal ##nest ##nock ##nace ##night ##nok ##nually ##nium ##nament ##nellia ##nitz ##nolle ##node ##naugh ##noso ##gw ##g0 ##gid ##gru ##god ##gri ##gant ##gian ##gone ##gross ##ggl ##ggle ##garm ##gman ##gawa ##gcas ##gorov ##grown ##gipe ##gmann ##gerald ##ss ##s3 ##s8 ##sm ##s5 ##sis ##sch ##sional ##sider ##sonian ##ssp ##sives ##sula ##sden ##scher ##sberg ##seness ##siung ##cg ##cs ##cz ##cor ##car ##cra ##cce ##cate ##cot ##cite ##cies ##cely ##ciz ##cale ##cree ##come ##cumul ##cmod ##cible ##cson ##comp ##cake ##cator ##colation ##colle ##cillo ##rl ##rp ##rata ##rard ##rally ##rys ##rari ##rins ##rified ##rera ##riving ##rigan ##rwith ##rinking ##risms ##rf2 ##rinite ##pq ##pul ##pure ##pant ##pick ##pile ##pron ##pied ##piles ##pastic ##probe ##picking ##partic ##predict ##aa ##a4 ##aj ##ait ##aate ##ault ##acc ##aved ##apped ##aft ##ajo ##aishan ##yt ##yin ##yen ##yor ##yra ##ych ##yir ##year ##yne ##yay ##yder ##yto ##yritic ##yfield ##yko ##yette ##yzed ##wu ##win ##wes ##wich ##wage ##wined ##wyn ##willing ##wered ##wae ##wsey ##wave ##wenn ##wilian ##westerly ##hi ##h1 ##hk ##han ##hing ##hir ##houn ##hill ##hear ##hia ##hue ##hrm ##hicular ##hanging ##hler ##hold ##hara ##honey ##holm ##hemite ##henta ##hyt ##tu ##t5 ##tin ##tent ##teen ##tun ##tight ##tner ##tices ##times ##tiny ##toli ##tilized ##tresses ##zi ##zs ##zit ##zul ##zag ##zah ##zie ##zof ##zcal ##zier ##zelt ##zawa ##zoo ##ztof ##vp ##voc ##vant ##vine ##vale ##vard ##via ##vents ##vially ##vability ##vages ##vestig ##vaya ##varo ##bow ##bid ##bla ##bite ##bad ##bell ##bard ##bner ##bott ##bbed ##buco ##bious ##bung ##brand ##biyah ##uw ##uos ##uil ##uve ##uoy ##uzon ##uki ##uero ##uitively ##uela ##uviation ##uetsu ##uclide ##1d ##114 ##160 ##3a ##3h ##31 ##32 ##360 ##380 ##316 ##3he ##kr ##km ##kon ##kat ##kth ##kum ##kand ##kty ##kert ##kamp ##koney ##kinematically ##kurt ##ktu ##870 ##835 ##829 ##897 ##8007 ##my ##mt ##mel ##mou ##mation ##mid ##mus ##mens ##map ##mute ##m70 ##milla ##mended ##munds ##magnetization ##57 ##500 ##519 ##582 ##69 ##635 ##688 ##672 ##677 ##6535 ##6582 ##4a ##48 ##420 ##415 ##09 ##013 ##015 ##7a ##71 ##700 ##711 ##799 ##717 ##779 ##784 ##744 ##215 ##238 ##243 ##28850 ##2s3 ##fu ##fit ##fil ##fri ##fine ##fron ##fire ##fram ##files ##fley ##firmed ##furt ##fauna ##fnium ##frera ##xam ##xial ##xitic ##x16 ##xl2 ##xcor ##900 ##920 ##990 ##972 ##925 ##jic ##jet ##jad ##jia ##just ##jack ##jamin ##j20 thal thom thum things theod thesis ##eron ##erge ##erver ##erely ##erick ##erally ##erift ##eria ##erke ##erically ##erized ##erob ##erto ##ergan ##ereton ##errat ##erlin ##erwood ##erlund ##erarat ##erholm ##onas ##onqu ##onents ##onough ##onfl ##onization ##onuc ##onto ##onolites ##onna ##onnee ##onker ##onarid ##onika ##oncillo ##att ##atel ##atop ##atoll ##atidal ##aturated ##atinian ##attach ##attab ##attian ##atwright ##atulum ##ateness ##atlan ##inle ##inot ##inqu ##inant ##inall ##infer ##inozo ##inents ##inization ##inately ##inning ##inik ##inero ##inigan ##inlan ##esen ##eset ##esby ##escia ##enor ##enge ##enia ##enne ##enace ##enough ##enber ##enesis ##enik ##enbur ##eneto ##enhe ##enidium ##enberg ##enworth ##enhall ##edes ##edyne ##nder ##ald ##alate ##alta ##alone ##alib ##alys ##alia ##alative ##alized ##alassic ##aligned ##al18 ##alaya ##alistically ##albara ##almation ##itat ##itar ##itre ##iture ##itta ##itates ##itments ##itage ##itably ##itivity ##itanian ##itled ##itarian ##itario ##ituto ##itrified ##oral ##oran ##orge ##orated ##orical ##orus ##orized ##orosity ##orously ##orca ##oroids ##oriented ##ici ##iced ##icol ##icated ##icip ##icine ##icula ##icists ##icoff ##icious ##icopter ##ionale ##ionary ##ionuclide inqu inord inli inyon ingo inline inlet informing inapp ingers innok ##aru ##arre ##arro ##aray ##arides ##arcu ##arson ##arita ##archy ##ar16 ##arante ##ariness ##araman ##arelli ##arova ##arbiyah ##anies ##anence ##anson ##anix ##anha ##anova ##analys anderholm ##reated ##recc ##rels ##sto ##sted ##stra ##sties ##sters ##still ##stable ##stown ##stack ##stification ##strat ##stened ##stroph ##strata ##roic ##roken ##roxy ##rochron ##rocos ##robasalt ##roachment ##rovian ##rochemical ##rocessed ##enting ##entions ##entric ##entatively ##entrant ##ingill ##ingency ##ingered ##elos ##elid ##elve ##elect ##asic ##asian ##asia ##ashes ##asported toy toon topla toured tomm toler tozit toeset ##iso ##isive ##iscan ##isrupt ##isance ##iska ##isling ##isotop ##isdict ##iscate ##leq ##lein ##leic ##leum ##lements ##leans ##lective ##levant ##ctan ##ctate ##ctants ##oul ##ouse ##ouches ##oudin ##ouzi ##ousto ##tha ##then ##thal ##thus ##thong ##thitic ##thang ##thane ##thesis ##thief ##thinned ##thrown ##ols ##olon ##olar ##olan ##olition ##olari ##olai ##olding ##olves ##olotectonic ##olises ##olgorov ##uran ##uris ##urge ##urers ##urbs ##urance ##urpr ##urman ##uritized ##urtic ##uracies ##urnal ##itherm ##rae ##rael ##race ##ractions ##rader ##raise ##racy ##rable ##raised ##raying ##raham ##omical ##omput ##omylon ##omolari ##ete ##etz ##eted ##etian ##etary ##etyp ##etones ##etrich ##etrograph ##etaph ##etermined ##etmute ##etenik ##lya ##ocations ##ocian ##ocry ##ociated ##ocular ##ocument ##occu ##ocorre ##oculco ##oconarid ##oceneto ##owell ##owater ##ige ##igion ##igou ##igorite ##igmat ##iglacial ##igurations ##imm ##imate ##imum ##imoz ##imay ##imbour ##imestone ##imhall withstood withstanding withjack coning conqu conta conformation congo connot conven conforms conrey coniac congru stil stif stip stach stood stipp strad stake stories st84 stair stroph sturge ##cei ##cea ##ceived ##ceby ##cemented ##ceousto ##osive ##osediment ##osillo ##ositely ise isn isle isla isod isose isoseismic isles isbell israel ##ulen ##ulds ##ulator ##ularia mao maar mair macc mader maoma mahood maars macken mahe mahar mahoney maitre reo reid reut reest reag reus reass reposition really reun reign reex reje rejo reiter reapp reocc rearranged reordered reentrant reoccu ##ivan ##ivoli deal dealt deck deino deploy deoxy deept deux dealing dewar ##idian ##idia ##idized ##idional ##idgian forth forens foreg forging forster forbes sue suff supr suemn suwa ##ilf ##iling ##illy ##ilies ##ilac ##ilance ##ilitic ##ilient ##ilde ##ilding ##ilof ##ilcha ##ilinear ##ilateral ##terrain ##terson ##terior ##ample ##amps asi asyn asking asym asama aslea arequ areally ##rupl ##ruited ##rusion ##runo ##romate ##lao ##labs ##lapping ##lapped ##laki ##laugh ##lado ##lavia ##gements ##geco ##chin ##chor ##chia ##chout ##china ##chler ##chman ##chronic ##choff ##chico ##chbow ##chitta alr aliv alive aliss alarm aluminous alias altai alerts alxa alonso alvaro alm70 ##sement ##secki ##sefjorden ##sehir ##ifer ##ifac ##iflow ##ifier sean seab seely sext sepm sewage seuw seoul ##uta ##utt ##utes ##utation ##utely ##utonic ##utice ##utina ##utious beer bepp beav becky beche beij beeh bekki beige proposition projet ##otation ##otia ##otyp ##otte ##otonal ##otomy ##otpoints ##oda ##odri ##odac ##odetic ##odiversity ##odomes ##odox anp anell anke anew animal anita an80 ancha an72 anza an36 an51 annually anchor byu byk bytown exposition exempt execut exterior ##estic ##estock ##estable ##estructive onand onward onco onboard ##verde ##vertent ##pps ##ppel shi sha shy shied shino shaf shots shosh shrinking sherwood shuran ##itectic ##veget ##vector ##vemeyer ##isto ##iste ##isti ##ista ##istent ##istol ##istened comend comagmatic ##ogens ##ogolite ##ograd ##oggers ##oglod ##esses ##essed faiz faced fastand fabu fayette faulds ##phin ##phen ##phra ##phard ##pheric ##phlets ##phidium ##ph160 ##mentation labs laki lahf lauzon atalaya ##iry ##iring ##iration ##irted ##irang ##irky ##irito ##ircular ##ereau wh18 wh82 ##ulte ##ulty ##ultimate ##quet ##quine ##quads ##quimay ##quilcha ##plit ##plone ##plification ##ploys ##plifies ##plosive ##plutonic ##uda ##udem ##riad ##riku ##rizo ##rietary ##ripps ##pospheric ##tages ##tawan ##tacce ##taxitic ##emics ##embers ##emisph ##emaru ##emthong ##opun ##oporph ##opause ##opography ##opax ##opods ##opolitan ##oprisms ##anti ##antes ##antas ##antla ##antite ##antics ##therlands ##umn ##umm ##umination ##atable orang or90 ormand orphan orbit ornament oronto orleans ##igham ##ightand haus hade haines hagst hagg hayden hairp haeus havoc hakoney hafnium hastened ##itioner ##itioning chow chand chene chach chap chern chord chase chryst choy chey champ chatter chix chero chilled chato cherts chico chapa chirp chev chuetsu chattian chinle chomolari chuta sought soufri ##agar ##agast ##agik ##agua ##aglia ##agalmation ##alls ##alloped ##allojokull ##ismal wei weil weap weber website wegmann weerarat ##ranitoid unac unass unend unia unred unsh unify unset unzon unrem unpa unident unma unans unchar unequilib unlined unifying unox unifies unorth unaware unidirectional unwelded unwilling unthinned uncemented unilateral unveget neil neill neob neuch necks nehenta netherlands ##anda ##ocks suburb subcontinent subfacies submill sublim subsection subgroup subcrystalline subclasts suboph subnorm subjacent subalkaline subbott subarcu suburbs ##cone ##condition ##conception pritch preston pryor prerift pratt ##raining intervent intercontinental interarc interming interlock interevent intercumul ##cco ##ccale ##ccounted ##ccuracies colin colchester colberg colpron colonization ##asts ##astrid ##ormack ##ormalized pl3 plink pliny plescia ##ianand ##iannual ##abe ##aben ##abad ##abonian ##abiting ##abouts ##aboudin resort reside resides residing resochron resident resilient sambagawa mext meiji meaker meyer mekki mezcal meisling ##ading ##ad40 ##adonite ##adriatic ##adigmatic ##adonna ##adotte ##uso ##uses ##ussion ##uscs incap incise incub incidents incisive flop flip flipped ##ersen ##ership ##ersonal ##ersdor contex contingency ##izler ##izawa ##arto ##arted ##artmental ##artitioning modifier ##ongues ##ongyang rockdale rocklabs strick strides ##akh ##akes ##aking ##akites ##akman ##akha ##oneous ##008 ##00000 evoke evoked evoking ears earp eargle earning earned figuero highto highground companies compartmental ##ortment ##ortium ##oste ##osts ##ostroph ##pty ##ptok ##ptotic ##ptiste maghre maghemite ##ipant ##ipino ##ipulated ##ipora ##inek ##ineca ##iche ##icht ##tained ##taining ##eneuve gee geotectonic gebre geerts geomar gebel george geoprisms geersen geostroph lowand norite norry norpel norbert relic relay relied relamination relays relocation relinqu religion wasn wasser arima arena arjun ardmore arenace arctan spur spate spits spare spilling spont spaw spoke spss spilde spakman ##ystified data1 datable ##rouz ##alez ##aleont ##aleans ##aca ##aces ##aced ##acar ##acle ##acock ##acore ##acio ##acoids ##acao sedimentologists ##canquilcha formally formative formulated formulation formulating ##fera ##ferential ##ensated ##ensification ##ensibly ##ensbach colleges collections collett intuitively intentions ##ghe ##ghes ##ghis ##ghills slend sloss slov slumps slipper slipping noto notes notation notions notike noticed volcanically volcanosediment indo indenter ##tson ##tsville ##tsmann ##tserrat dish disk disper disposed disreg disjo disorder dishes disconn dissection disks dispro disordered disease ##illon ##illou coin coath coval coax coppers recur recurred receded recapped recalib recruited basinwide ##assed ##ibab ##ibia ##ibout ##iberate ##ibuoy crusted crustand crustally detrick detections ##rett ##retized ##retionary regr regan regis regain regressed regalla die dias dique diox dixon dikty dietrich diplone ##ickert ##eared larghe overand overthrust overstep overfilling overheating overrepres overnight overgrown overpredict overhanging ##ozari ##endeen ##endments ##enditure colleagueso us4 us2 usband usssp ##rospar ##rospective scant scene scire scrap script scandic scaph scilly sclavia scripps scalloped ##achi ##acher ##achal ##achert ##peration ##perly ##ozoisite studded ##athy ##athrate quench quanta quinlan quilf quotation quirky abilities ababa abdullah abgarm durang durability southland canon canner canane cancell locus locale lochk depressions depriving sandand sandto sandbian sanderson sandoval sandwich caust capr cavity cailey caf2 cautious marl marta marone margo marley marcos marca marnoso marsden marmilla martha marrett corp corund coralline corporation cornell corrigan corfu coronas appealed appraise tera terry presque preseismic presub presubs northing northwesterly agepick accidents ##ribes ##ribonuc clip cline clink clots clara claro clipper clipping cloos clocks clathrate consortium ##othy ##othems paleoch paleosol paleowater paleograd distantly engin envelop engle enfor enlight entail enlar enthus enigmat imbed imilac imogolite ##arias ##ariations ##arius suggestions ##ffield ##ffles ##ffroy extant extrins thickand lei leach leco leaf leake leaked lefeld lecolle lethal lechler leptok ##apter ##apatite ##apulco ##aputina lowerand lowerings ##ounds ##issible ##issium ##issimum prepon prekinematic preeruptive prearranged precondition interprwith interpersonal simon simian simkin timber timothy observer seismics butcher buttes buttresses inclinations asset assyn assisting assurance assortment aml amri ambr amoles amply amaz amagmatic amunds amcg amagalmation amassed amendments itl items itrf2 itanha perug perimeters perplex perception perkin peralkaline perlro peralta perthitic periglacial perceived peritectic pertaining ##so4 ##sover ##soidal ##erns ##ernas ##erness ##ernail ##erney ##ernsey ##unique ##untoli layout layouts interpretive interpretative ##vela lithification lithium lithons litholotectonic ##keham subdue ##ordial ##formationn eastor easting eastand upperto ##nections ##next ##news ##nejad ##aseys surficially proves proving providence provision proviso calved caliph calhoun calbuco caletones callao caliche analine analcite observes observably alles allen allogenic allocation allmann fluence fluvi fluvially 20th 20ne 2050 2080 2052 2033 2036 ##utionary grail gravey mini mined mining minas miniflex mineria minchin varieg variogram variabilities reply repsol repasch reprocessed reputation repartitioning aden adana adverse advers adria adele adhere adakites adapter velha howard undone undulations undisrupt undocument vales valpar valenta structured meting metals metzelt metachert wellington wellmann smashed smiley whereabouts ##cl2 ##clidian facet facets faculty chang chango chancell changb channell timeand timefram ##ayani ##ayuch ##ayyir continual twt twins tweto twelve ##viate ##viole ##atings ##ewinot liuy likert liquine upflow up19 upzs ##eping underto underway underplate underrepres undercomp underhill acu acron acme acrote acatlan acoculco acutely acapulco twoand belief belmont trish trenber trasported trivoli ##acted ##acters ##agean ##ageable centenn folk transited transforms transvers transpress transmit transmitted transposing phased phyto phonolites phacoids riverine riverbed gregg grevemeyer elegant topcon consistence poses posits posament ##ainable deposystem deposode flower ##everde domestic ##rones ##ronomical ##tington throughgoing parada parana parpa paralia paradigmatic genre genghis ##ustion ##ustainable ##osphate ##osphoric ##lastonite outlying outflow outgoing outbre outgrowth outbu outburst ##cessor ##ishi ##ishes ##ishment ##ishanta 10i 10g 10s 10c 10a 104 107 1013 1018 10be 1090 1016 1017 1085 1084 1094 1033 1043 1097 1089 1093 1092 10529 ##rystallized newer newvents teacher teewinot granob silcone ##nessing recordable ##portionally ##rices ##ricity constance constantly constructions suppression supplements presenting presentation complements verde verte vertices veronika mountainous refrain refines refilling reflood refolding settle setup setups ##ryonic ##ryoconarid ##ckily ##ckman ##ropy ##ropics ##neisses container ##obrecc ##oboda ##ochs ##ochemical ##ochroic calcitic calcarenite fieldwork tray tracer ##ressing tempo temora sequester ##allowtail activate ##undy carr caris carly carnel carpent carls carbox carrizo offline offlapping arcing arcmap ##mons depositionary descon deserve desired deserts desira desperation midor midst midway midcrust disciplinary discarded discretized shallowand shallowto ##mbull fee feels fecal feuch feuil ##gert typified typology popa popup differentially ##derance charnock charcot characters ##flight ##floral populate populous decide deciding decelerate ##lander westerngeco westport ##acteristically generous generically generator ##orkers ##orklund mineralizing ##itics poage poole ashgill ashanti ##ientation ##ientists magmaand blo blur blong blown blamed blasi blowing bloggers blereau blundy longitudes longstanding longwave sole soja so42 subscript limier producers finished finds finley financ ##ualize ##engers surfaceand peers pepper pease peace peering pecher peeled pecul peacock ##value mangan mankh manuel manager manipulated manageable orogenically wait ##blwith creative ##psed ##sibly straining ##rolitic geochem complexly foundations threefold remy remind reminder remelted remeas remanence continentally afield afyon afonso densify densifies channelize channelbel farms farrance ##bergen ##ydyd ##ydeformed miura novi nolet noises novac noaa novaya ##idescent igs iggcas ##inspastic 20170 19s 19th 1919 1930 1937 1939 1933 1928 biological biodiversity doors doyle dobson watered watertight mainz magnified magnani olds slaugh locales localizing emits emplace emulate emery em302 emerge emulator employs empty ##ailability uncoupl ##bons heame healy heidel hefe heaves hexam heightand heizler patents patoka patterson patruno pena pencil penultimate abovementioned profitably calculator mugu muzay muggl muerto 15h 153 156 157 159 1514 1580 1538 1579 1586 1562 descended ##debrand microspar downlap downthrown downlapped identity identically gneiss1 gneissic domino dominican relatedness representation representations ##angle developments commonplace middleton horning 1002 1009 ruined ruby rukh rubey ruetenik concur concurs multitude multitudes multimeter multimodal multivari multiflex multifac reflectance agder agrees histograms ##ermer numeric numerically equals carbonatic carbonateto ifm defect defense defiance defects defnode knott knobs knotpoints knaben pband invite inviting invokes invade invoking invading probes pressureand redeformed redetermined cretaceousto curving curators currie curious wavefield 12c 121 123 126 1270 1210 1260 1284 1246 1294 1228 1242 1245 1268 1264 12700 considerate deepens 403 40ca camps campb cambro camiro cameron ##yles ##ylitic ##yllo archie archetyp normalize gladc thinnest materially impure impediment impression impressed imputed dr2 drone drifts grass griff grimes grimm gratings furrows furnace ratioc tule tubing tuamoto tucson furthers continua continuance effectiveness ##urbations periadriatic hydrating spectrograph ##aire ##aike inferentially inferential moira moyen landmark ##eteries beneficial conditioned ##atchee ##etics ##intosh saltier strips stripe posted posters postlac postemplacement postpro postversus postmagnetization poststack postflight oceanography blocking crossline crossings crossstrata massively massingill contract contraven contradict glenn gloria glimp glistened si4 sira siever monk monument montaj monometamorphic montserrat precomp regionaland unconfirmed approval ##ogenianand olil oliver olesen devon devoted devils devitrified exhalative jurisdict ##arevs 306 3072 3029 3051 3068 ##tec ##tev beltrand gao ga15 gaudem imported analytically inflations ##rmek ##eanor steens steink steered steiner stephen protecting protomylon protrusion prototyp colorized richards endured enduring endogenous endemics coarset ##brate broke broome broxton broyles ##irement ##ramide 254 259 2560 2567 2564 2532 foci works workings specify speculation erd erased erinn ergod ##goas trials paleoand paleotherm paleoequ paleoarchean paleofloral fired willing ##ippo distributional crn crb crds crdp crashed crinozo crashes cristo obey obje obduction theng combustion ##aha ##ahit ##ahue ##ahedral ##aharay ##ahantas originates tax tajima taxon taenidium laurin laurasia fallstable srcmod clinometers clinozoisite ##giorg ##shot ##shelf 14d 14i 14h 148 1412 1484 1422 1481 1453 14aj deliber delaney delete deliberate eponymous epwu epitherm epochs veered veobs vehicular ports portland portug portraying respects meltwater browne browning express expresses expenditure megaland megaf megapixel megasequ megaboudin sanbes sanbagawa sanriku cleaves clemens clemons ##cepting supportstone radical radionuclide maximizing maximilian meaned meanwh meanings plagiogram activeand 50w 503 509 5045 5036 509a synor synerg syncata synkinematically synchronic ##onald totaling ##inental alloway broaden broadness 11s 111 113 116 117 1120 1115 1119 1139 1133 1125 1181 1174 1164 11km 13e 1370 13ya 1372 1321 1334 1344 1387 13ad40 passcal ##vester americas riddled sheer shephard facts alters hazelton primed priming primordial brewer ##olithography degasses degrades influential swing swith swoll swamp swamped swede swaley swanson swamps swoboda swallowtail instants frezon plead pleochroic ##ieth multiply multipath multiproxy avaate avraham fourfold seriate sergipe ##tzer ##tzman ##ovas ##ovian ##okai ##persed entities entrance entitled entropy gash gaschn request mechanostratigraphic creeks utr ut1 ut2 ordering ##ictic ignace ignacio abundantly analyzes anyway anytime anything 185 186 184 187 1820 1811 1817 1830 1838 1879 1895 1872 1842 1861 1853 18sps attic attracted whiteaker amphora amphipora backand backshore backlim backdrop ##avia ##avlu ti4 tierney exploring amphibolitic amphibolit 16l 16c 16h 16b 165 166 167 169 1620 1638 1629 1642 1641 1687 1658 ##503 ##504 ##5040 clearer bodele mm2 tenure tenera tenfold visibility visuos ##ucarias megathust missed mission northeastto characteristically truth trupul trumbull slows slowed slowand dispersing scalar scalaro scholl schrie schwe schlee schumann schoene schaft schmus schrader schutt schulte schumm schermer geoarch geoffroy elk elles elmer elko eluted eluting elphidium ##sequential biotiteand climatically climbing ##contempor ##continents axios catastroph hales halla haland halogen halama haloes matured matrices seismo seismometer seismometry seismologists northwestto bulging buller ##scales standalone standstill hadi hadder hadlari strikeout steepened tonalities rhomb oriental orientated buzz bukth buurman buchia causality 17a 17b 173 1713 1714 1710 1719 1737 1735 1779 1727 1723 1783 1787 turbines cycled cyclone cyclically cyclopter cyclothems memories memorial cordait cordovas tephras tephrochron motor motif motagh motivate mottled motivates evenly groundwaters paor pais paul pazz pawsey pauses petten petrel petroph peturbations erratically erroneous correspon assesses illuviation illumination 39k 396 399 3920 3972 widen widened map215 bury burst buries burns burning burying burnt parks singleor individuals priabonian inset insure inspect insulation insolation insulating textbooks hydrotherm hydrofra hydrozoan proximate markus paralleled parallelto potentials priorities ##oyang ##oyama ##ollinear depended ##ynamics loved loehn latarria ##toed collerson colloids collocation colluvium collsional granulometry solonker solitario solutes ##elands ##elandite confines confident confusion configurations confounds recognise fluxed tahoeand standardize standardization 703 702 7050 7060 7090 7037 7035 7095 7088 7072 7029 7043 70897 referring refertilized beforehand bulking environs expectations expectable minority experimentation converged converging retest retards retarded retrospective retirement fragile 605 602 609 skipped skolai skirted salta salmon salient salinian salair reconsider behead behaved paragenesis opx opus opens rapeli sharrah needle radiative ##bleached ##incing geochronologically fastest gravimeter sierro ediac edmunds wyld wykeham ##cuiting logic logical logging logistically contention contentions ##ocrysts statically statoil demonstration demonstrative barra barites barry barring barcodes barrovian baragar nonstruct nontectonic nonref nontsunami nonchemical nonwelded noncree nonpartic nonacc nonstrat nonterrain nonunique nonbleached gradation gradstein ##clasis madeira argide ##ablished diffractions viewpoints ##prp10 ##ossils pelite pelean pelkum peloncillo peltzer seafloors ##waykh ordinal ordinary directionality rhyodac c0002 pacs siltstones investigates investigator conduction conductively ##note timescale frontiers granodiorites 500744 ##huo ##hua doesn bravo braden brayfield helland helex helicopter narayani ##ofly ##ofallacia ##actional statement statements statewide antigorite antibuoy displaces displacing pumyra ##arkers ##arkable flooded applanix heller mw7 ##ikun summaries imagined fc1 ##sler ##slide reductants morvel morator morris moresby 363 368 366 369 36ari 3647 369a auker aucanquilcha spacious hypothetic 261 268 266 26al 2614 2670 2615 2640 2611 2616 2635 2682 2681 2626 2691 2689 2678 2674 2663 ##kalk ##20a scored mcme mcgill mcnaugh mclaugh mcintosh mcavlu ##tenkalk northwesternmost daytime heterastrid ##byists shores shortage shortand shortages integrative homes homelands ##regosa alternatives encase encaps encased encode encroachment leucotonal guy guides guang guarat guarante guchico guesses guernsey alkalies wheat phenocry glauconitized felsites ##alupe strengthens traveltimes 354 352 3579 worst worries ##po4 amplification campion campfire laskowski lascar takada takats takeda takaharay venting ventersdor technic medial media mediation medicine ##eadiness spreads leadership rohl roeh rae raft raung raimbour ##calc cataclasized millar milliw restored restores restrained restraining restarted intraor intraclastic intrabath packed packets packstones packaging bearhead politics polydeformed studentship microcontinent microbe microbes microdom microplates microearthquak microchemical microdr microcra microatoll microanalys selenites selwyn selvages recovering improperly sanidines kaip kaoh kawan kaurik kazah kaibab subaward batholithic pumiceand esi kilobar quadrup quadrupl anatolides ##14799 stillwater domeyko harmed harrah harris harvey harvard harald harnessing ##ixes ##inawa dissolves energies brecciation ##eroidal deviated ##rographs hotlines miser misin misident misimp misaligned misoriented misantla misconception superhe superjacent superposing superficially superprobe supercontinents modulates 150x grenvilleand hollow holistic holstein holser holiday platt plattenkalk ##boat propelled proprietary propylitic accuracies 244 2475 802 dacryoconarid joel joins joerg ##quez youngstown footnote graphed graphitization m54a flats ##ostratigraphically 239 ##aea ##aeum ##aeology ##701 ##707 planert planners planarto coarsest coarsely wilks wilfley fabricate montegross bandung ndand ndof ##iorso ##iums ##afites equivalence equivalently concentrating propagator gns120 rotates albion detaching tectonites tectonostratigraphy tectonometamorphic sixe sixth brownian 757 752 759 7540 a1a a11 a16 a12 a19 euclide euclidian erodes owe owens specificity specifications sharpen 860 869 costly costume ferrari plioceneto pliensbach ##unawa precipitates 451 cumulating ironic irish irvine iridescent sonoran 331 335 339 astis astronomical ceja ceasing rolls ##worked ##radorite recycle implicate implicated advant advising advocated 878 turning turco turrah vpdb untreated untestable scenery repeats explosively glauconiteand digested sensu sensor ##maz ##otephra sparry sparser sparseness intensified constructs seamarc lacoste geomorphically introductions introducing builder ms8 ms9 mscl qbut tensors ##1510 ##1511 ##1527 ##15622 madden quarztof addis additive ##viewer pseudomorph pseudopun pseudofallacia ##ontinental proposes proposals marshall olivines confirmation 0001 0008 000015 288 282 2870 2821 2833 isochrones isochronous qualifying solidi solids solidify solidifying harrats olivineand 275 279 2750 2770 2718 2760 2711 2736 90th airways airgun airbourne ##ukas seek excited exciting excitation resistance resistors notebooks diameters fitted lightning operates operable operators ##awi ##wegs ##upward ##upervised ##101 ##107 ##1029 streamers streamlining resolves resolvability frames seawards narrowed narrowness powerline blackmon blackball tio2mn ##603 ##602 ##6037 ##407 554 552 5529 55677 contextualize electrochemical electricity linearity nwor nwand opponents oppenhe oppositely ##ulateddata ascii ascribes dimensionality truncations 216 212 21st 2100 2121 2161 aektu diving anhydritic necessity necessitated necessitates paleogeodetic dug duches duzel dubious ducea duffield duwaykh duns duncan dungan dunbar dunghills sato saturate tara tarball ##hfire beaches commence commitments preferably analogously soften 1255 leucogneisses naish naples naumann ##bbell ##bbard thirteen ##itories ##ilitically arrest arrived arriving intrasample smooths transected agreeing 341 348 347 342 nodal ##ennan makeup shapefiles uniformitarian independence 2042 204hg knowingly courtes mdnd randle tended foramininfer foraminfera subtly subtler subtropics washing washout imminent immense folders bacon baptiste baffles clautice circuiting counted catalina catalyzed drastic dragert kyoto kylander mogk ##iwara upwind upwarp concordantly randomize britann hump humps humorously loses accessories classifying classifications acquiring heterogeneously foraminifer options optics optique roundness u1351 u1353 u1354 ##lemand exceedingly catalogues momentarily upwellings 381 388 386 380 38th 3800 3850 organizing interests figures1 figures3 figures2 partitions capes capstone accords obscures obscurity obscurations montrest monteverde apmbor worlds 653 655 franco purdy purcell todt realize realization realms realizations receives contemporaries particulate 2504 membership c0011d ultrafast ultrapure ultraviole 223 228 222 2240 brereton brimhall bristol brigham goodness goodenough goodnews connolly decadeto thoughtful c0012c substantiate 321 322 329 3250 3210 3228 329d dowex fundacao icdp icao ramey runge runup ##809 ##8061 ##8056 hands handy handle handpicking percentile validates validating greenschists bathymetrically circulated circump circulating circulates 433 435 432 439 divert diverge divergent diverged rog03 rog09 syros syria synext sociop socquet debouches scars scarcely transferable transferability transferrable oxygenated authigen thirdly sapinero reviewing seminal semipel semiar semidi seminav semantics semiannual evaporated engage engaged engaging gravelly phosphates phosphoric phosphatized phosphoria phosphorus boundedness biggs title titled ##9029 presuming transgressed transgressions transiently carolin carolinia carolinian findlay finingor finingand multiples multihorizon multiphys multiyear bold bolts bolster bolivian bolsters dateable govela namg nambung namibia ##axitic conception conceptions conceptually deficiencies compensating artur disrupting photo photic photomic retrogressed retrogradation 533 534 537 5395 5343 5377 5334 5342 531511 afflic cotopax panning pancake sardinian reacting reactivate ##chronously fails failing failures phengitic trackchanges architectures blueschistand filament filaments filicudi filipino giuntoli laminar tan1510 induction magnetometer magnetostratigraphically guerra establishes robusta robustly robustness cruces crucible gorges livid livestock okanag okyay okinawa ##ubic ##ubility toolbar ##isingly aseismicity paleoconfl pertinent philoso 29n 298 294 292 2900 726 722 729 7210 aquatic aquitanian bhattach molasses molenaar molokai ramping shielded laws overrides overridden simplify simplifies reporting completions factoring 543 545 542 5400 5439 5494 5493 5455 54672 549029 951 955 9500 batching merely merits merger mercator meridional mertzman morphostratigraphic morphometry sunk sunny sunagua procedural flooring signaled granted granting floodplains eclogiteand philippot viscoelasticity huebner jackpile jackstra snell snook snyder sulfide sulfides ##9995 ##9994 atlanta intercalation visualized 055 054 059 0538 05380 371 373 375 3758 cody coder coding gibbs gibbons wrangel ##ecin ##ecollement ##17a4 ##129 ##128061 ##3048 static1d ready readers readjust angry angolan angayuch cohesiveness calibrating calibrations parentage ##ropriate emsian utilizes electronically electronique frankfurt vulnerabilities 463 466 467 4670 46622 475 477 479 4743 4791 ions ionized luke luft luckily luhuo palms palinspastic rooted rootless spline armero armoring appropriately appropriateness graduated headed headward headwater headline headwall ascends porphyries bolsons 563 569 5600 5626 boudins flexible hclo4 ##iya ##iyosh ##iyarova complicates entertained underthrusts triga steadman progressions rheologic rheologically volatilecalc dynamical dynamothermal froze frozen hamill pinchout ##853 labile labah labradorite floras florence paleomagnetics prepare preparatory qb1t 482 423 427 429 4200 42ca s1d s1h1 santo santiag ##olcanics demise democratic demagnetization demolition demystified demeanor chronological chronometer chronometers chronologies chronologically checking checkshot resembled reproducing triply influxes adjusts adjusting adjustable openly hybridization 624 622 62920 arai arauco araucarias bisected bisdom bisects hiking hillslope ls7 ls2 ls10 pervade squaw teledyne ##arche ##archical forestep alleviate 120413 impeded polarities polarization polarizations coarseningthen coarseningupward australasian angularity eighteen eighteenth vesuvi convey aluminosilicates ##abilization achieving achievable 948 949 autocorre autumn autobrecc boese boatwright boiling bena benyon benjamin baldin escuela escalate fo90 fo89 fo92 fo71 juno piled pilots sags saga sagiya tongue ##mania ##manah ##eltje ##ashita condit condense sectorial interacts relaxing northwards cloudy physically 1961 1964 1969 entraining metasomatically coincidental pyroclastics 03a 032 03373 031207 03g0 03t5 03360 582 espolon espirito iodine said sauss woody infills infilled infancy infinite strabo strauss straighter stracke seemed ##phyres ##phycos micropore microporous microporosity micropetrograph micropaleont instituto clinoformal ##191a humanize instrumentations hinterlands 683 682 689 642 deny denali dolphin embrace embryonic freeze honam kirchoff walter ##uthis unfault geoscientists amalgamations amalgamating fluctuate maintaining mojavia postdetachment thermobarometers epicratonic epicontinental pilotaxitic 76637 76ar16 azouzi aztec ##zalina ##3728850 ##omenid stretches mazza algonqu assistants emphatically deflect deflecting deflects delineates planarity incipiently 007 0012 0022 0029 0045 523 525 527 datatable keir keys keetna keulen kurtoed nacleq nacozari macrae aligning shocked computes formalized discriminating discriminant decompaction decompressional decompressing roads roadcut roadways syndeformational 048 042 0472 3150 3170 550d hinged practitioner ripped tipolis warmest ##wani stormand subdivide subdivisions interferogram interferograms overpressurization acidimetric riverbanks discovering blankets mixteco bihemisph megacrystic geothermometers c0019b mcdougall mcdonough mcdowell 081 0847 075 hook hooke hoja hooft hoei hui huayn huzay hughes huelandite hubbard mali malawi michoacan puts talc talents talented taltson talwani tropopause tropaeum ##watersrand ##headed revived revise ensures ensured promotes satellites conceptualized condensing condensates 498 496 497 easier warped ##heic injector alberts geographix advect advected spectroscopic permitting 1602 matters insightful editorial spectrometery counters chloritic constitutive decompressionor briefing 098 096 092 09ph160 berrocos bayon cuba loucks vital vitrinite vitouse ##aquia ##hioka conflated conflating unreported unrepres unrealistically unreacted unreworked tertiarius precede centimeterto traditionally discrepant heavier explicable illuminates radiolaria powdering disaggregate inconsistence inconsistency 7114799 budach doug doubly doublwith educated federation hudnut nulls pzbs tabulated tabulate u1b conceived reequilibrated bypasses subhorizontally pronounce aridity aridification coherency departure appreciably refinements settles remarks emissivity absorbs absorbing polytun kaolinitization sociology embayed cpx2 discrepancies 631 63316 665 666 997 992 cassier famatinian families fissured ghpq gharbiyah ghosts ghiorso mutti osaka osagean piret piracy piramide youjun inundate inundated sumiyosh chillos unexposed neutrally indonesian paleodecollement metazoan metaplutonic 1500s crystallinity tapering 1800s elimination 1707 pairing argillites publicly extrapolate extrapolating mouths 063 0688 061207 855 bouldery cerros eyes eyed eyafj fixing treats vanacore vanishes ##4679 ##4629 ##466535 ##falls reorientation exclusion choosing evidences quicken consolidate lewisian assignation 1057 feeds feeders feedback aggrade aggraded aggradational 14ya21 14ya27 14ya28 expanse 1802 attenuate oxidize oxidization diminution intrashelfal neighborhood 575 893 925 926 929 bonney bonze bonadonna bird birth bryan cryogenic cryogenianand droop destined destructive destabilization ozacar pychron pyritic pyrolite pyongyang pyrolitic raines ##merian ##222 andrea andreia animations lahren intervene accelerates extrude extrusives legacy leavenworth multicollinear drillers 14345 insubric pebbleto cathode urbanization negligibly 448 4400 4412 678 674 731 733 7325 965 aids governs governed piezo qz2 rodgers rodrig roddaz ss2 ssin tygone taup taught wanes waned ##iphyllo ##uchi ##7257 theoretically inhabiting ##raduate stylolites forceful anthropology shenyang laccolith laccolitic laccolithic unroofed evacuating emergence identifiers termini frequentissimum illustrating illustrative retroactive retrofit ultramafites advancements replacements straightening mnst2 prevailed insufficiently gonzalez 09082 09083 0908850 090114 090925 843 845 844 84sr bruce brush bruker brudz cosα cosets cossey donahue harder hardness khan khattab khodri khakh omission omineca pfu piedra soderlund wisdom ya4 ya2 yazoo ##iike ##274 ##2939 stanley reposes repositories foreign foregoing forefron suspicious prolific ##otoquads subvertically subequant intercepts contaminants compounded compounding paleontological paleotopographic transformations transformers muroi meaningless 1359 nazas nazionale optimized idealized engineer articles vesicle thresholding 741 747 7479 77prp10 71128 71126 7116582 711238 akaroa akciz akaike calls categorized etched et535 epeiric gsd karstification nz16 nz17 navajo navarre pedro pederson pedregosa ripens ripening ripened route routes spheroidal sabinas sylvester yokoyama ##gstate ##azici ##3347 ##ksson ##258 stimulate stimulations stopcock isotherm replicates sealed shaker ##tabulateddata submantle intertropical intertwined intertongues interfere interfingered strategically geobarometric interpretable percolating percussion undertake undertaking dominguez 1958 1906 healed microscopy aggregating redefined redefine massifs firmest hydrocarbons geophysically geophysicists erodibilities crusher dolomitized reorganizations multicollection flyschoid prolongs avalonian coping copr1 cabo cabin cabez caborca fishing fugmann gouges gilkes hgcl2 karner ratings safe safely writer writing wintertime winterfeld wnwto ##cripted ##2326 ##971 ##annels suttner unsolved unsampled unsurpr unsplit unsustainable unsupervised incurred flareups depicts paleoshelf italics impinged speculates speculatively exponent 7065 7064 70630 70626 70669 7065040 709c 7091527 7091029 7094679 hornblendes hornblendites conductivities irradiations electronics 07t1 07t9 counterpart corroborate corroborating epeirogeny diapiric diapirism 591 aims baba babuyan busch busby bushes bushfire dedicated dedensification kalbas lsts lignites oscarson oslo punchbow punakha s5a s54 trains stopping stokes stoeltje stemmed reversely reversals proceeding fairness fairway fairways modestly competency registering screens abandonment clarus disturbances enclose smithii smithsonian caribou precursory precursors triangle triangulated triangulate triangulating 1751 1755 1754 704b 7044 argontabulateddata hypocentral diagnetic selects diamonds escarpments neutralization paleodrainages diminishment cosmione cosmopolitan 4150 binocular ban1 banthane fuku fuhrm kumamoto ostensibly ranked rankings s47 s4s5 somme ##patially threatening ##atoides mandal mandated rejects forecasts ##iliano whitmeyer universal universities universitat geoscan geospatially covariations overcoming 2086 adaptation centroids parabolic decimeterto bioclast mesaverde benefited benefitted inflowing vegetated 1307 elucidates 7051 7055 7056 geodesists millimeterto polymetamorphosed polymerized polymictic flattest advantageous bridges connects connectors icelandic ##9999972 palynomorphs concealment governments inhibits omphacites isoplotr chromatograph culmination culminating christian christensen interconnectedness oscillations inoceramus isopachs echinodermand 4204 540274 7912 7103 7106 7104629 7103347 971 978 aleinik davis davao ewert ew900 flew fertilized goldhar iterations kindly kolmolgorov mentor oc529 ottawan psdm psych weldon welding δtn ##2670 ##2600000 convolved convolute convincing stickle isochore isochemical declining declared shades shadows chondrite chondritic unrecrystallized floors scotchman admixt admissible liupan belemnoid remobilize remobilizing 1971 1974 elliot 7071 7076037 intraclasts microfossil microfauna microstructural syntheses synthesizes synthesizing satisfies satisfied satisfying satisfactory humidity francisco reefoid titanium juxtaposing revisiting intriguingly piecewise tobacco diachronously covariances disappearing disappearance trondhjemites pelecypod 831 936 bjorklund bellanova brings ecological ecologic izett judy jumped jumping kluth lulls mlz mccave mccombs mccormack nishika nishizawa ophitic railways vfw ##cnica ##weller ##zzin ##865 ##867 ##9115 toll tolan tolerate stubs struggle machine machette ##ivocally suddiyah exercises sounding soundly soundings unaccounted unmelted unsteadiness unavco unavailability meetings recommended oversized oversampl oversaturated overthickening queens queva minutes minutissium fe3o4 downwelling endmembers crinoid 146sm vehicles coulometer coulometry couplet couplets instantaneously attests 174ax envisioning hydroxyl retrieve demonstrable dragged macrofauna coexisted unrecognizable phyllosilicate phyllosilicates 3209 bureaus ballistic balluco biophys bonding dismay diversify gyratory hbl3 ikoma jeju mygi mygw myriad myrmek meniscate mimicking mimicked morton molecul mosaics mosaicked nuances nuka nuisance nominally sericitic sericitized tmcl tasmania tianshan ursula villages wolff wollastonite ##aiso ##hlke stagnate stagnant stabilization dewatered aspinall seventh shuts unequal unequivocally neglected meandering compellingly dislocations coalesce coalescing coalescence recalculate recalculating overtly overtones cauliflow paleomagnetostratigraphy fluorine fluoride fluorination fluorapatite metavolcanics 1031 ##bergite 1587 sieve monsoons expertise vega3 1158 switched sweeps exploit visitation schreiber recrystallize recrystallizes capitalized circumstant circumferential rog642 authorities bracketing collaborative collaborators computationally vitrophyres sustaining neutrons hyaloclastites microfracturing recommendations overwhelm 37063 6405 bauer dumbbell efficiency fostering foothill herda heritage herendeen janet katz katoh kanipe koptev kusky messens message mirnejad nasa picarro picrobasalt picuris pisias pisoidal pisarevs pioneered renzul renormalized romberg relying rushing rerupturing tbp talling tallest tuning vaalbara villeneuve wonder yamamoto ##459994 inadvertent invalid ##olitical street streets streaking stromatic stromatop stereonet stereolithography stayed staying stafford maxn rectify rectilinear rectangle demarcation sunda sunday sunderlin ana2 anaerob anneal annealing annealed antofagast exemplifies faintly ladinian ladrones happening weighs unbending unbiased unbroken uniqueness ##0076 coquina cobbold cobbleto overstepped enrolling preheated preheating ammonite ##aynik twentieth decomposed decelerated decelerates decelerating employing uncommonly microgranitoid redistribution periphery peripherally olsen expansivity 1840s buckley buckles diffuses diffusional diffusivities diffracts holdsworth 249829 implicitly excavations transgressing photogrammetric dilatation dilatata dilatancy datasets warranted warranting mitigate mitigated fujie fujiwara bridgerbath reinforce reinforcing squeeze infrequently magnetotelluric 519222 7130 71302 7130076 7147257 7142670 840a blew bleed blebs bleached badly badger badda barnard barnett cdrp cups cattle cattin dykes dyckman drip eigenvector eigenvalue garlock garrels groove grocke gottsmann hobart hobday hoblitt hobbyists istituto jp2600000 lytt lysefjorden lisle lisbon lamarche lathwork luster langila lucero lucchitta letters munising municip nobel noble oakley pocahantas pinkor pitcher pitching roland sakarya tfeo varga varicol variscan vigilance wp61 wp41 wp62 wp24 witkowski witwatersrand welcome welirang wabiska yoshioka ##ijm ##eresse inaccuracies ingestion towers stocks stockpiles storey superseded supershear supersedes superscripted ##ammite alsace protegid anahim answers answered lagoon lagoonal atoms habitat habitations habitable chenjia unmodeled interruption interrogate plucking pluijm stricto arrangements spearheaded diabasic scrutiny scrubbed depiction cautioned accrue accrues consulted consulting consultations enjoyment assertion assertions surviving undetermined metalimestone underpins underpredic underpredict underpinning translate translates phillipsite outgas caricatures caricchi isotropy mesoscale predecessor archaeology grt2 hydrogenetic postgraduate postrifting monotonic accomplishments initiative initiatives paleoenvironment paleoenvironments delaminated radioisotop deglaciations seismotectonics 7099707 opinions argentinian conduciveness brandt spreadsheets metasiltstones superimposition airports reevaluation reevaluating semiquantitatively foreshocks afforded assimilant assimilative vulcanologia vulcanologico 547055 communications absorbance cryptodomes cryptotephra encountering inhomogeneous paleoshorelines m0027a stoichiometrically administered puyehue spiriferids microlithons romanzof yamaguchi demarcate demarcating seasonality oversteepen oversteepening 2108 4140 bc711 bwr bordered bacteria bacterium bacteriomorphs bahamas cowan cowie coworkers cardozo dinarides docking dawson fs9 fsst fs11 fifteenth ferns fernandes fulfilled fascination fascinated fascinating gellein gutters gutscher gutenberg greek gayland gofar hinthor hilts hilgen hildebrand hunter huntsville huntington hokurik kuwae koning kidney klaver kairouz lmt lmkr licor lanzo lopoliths lectures lindsley mistake mantled mendenhall maths muller nnx16 octahedral oshika oaxacan oaxaca oaxaquia pitfalls push pusilla puskon russell sismologia tangible tangaroa venue venkat venetz vibrant victorio wci wenatchee yonemaru ##hibited inefficient inconsequential innovation ##rostrella stitching reincised altogether seeps bevels becker bypassing shoals shoaling shoofly shawinigan shawahit chesterian unevenly subcircular subregion subregions subregional intermountain plankton resonetics resampled flasks ##izuki compromise spuriously disconnections disasters regeneration regulatory scottville scandinavian ablate paleolakes paleoseismically implementation premetamorphic precession prehistorical simonsen 205pb undersampled metropolises transtensional transpression gregory gregorio outpaced vermicular carpathian waveto miyashita 1950s 1940s uncorrelated micrometers microns multilocation 1298 posteriori sixteenth steamboat endcap paleoaltimetric paleoearthquakes clinopyroxenes 1450s syncollapse syncollisional 133853 1348007 instructional entiat 1896 attendance geofon ellenbur mattinson matsuo matsuoka matsuzawa apennine 179hf envisat envisage envisaged insolubility insensitivity insignificantly hydrodynamics hydrogeology hydrogeological hydrogeologic cutoffs nonmetamorphic antithetically encourage encouraging encouragement supercomput irrelevant cephalopod advocating substituting fitzgerald fortunate claims hummocks pulverizing symbols 539603 panthalassic nonevaporitic niigataken snowy snowmel hammered hampered pinnacles pinnularia pinnacle televiewer autonomy boxes bookend bookshelf kirkham keeling augusta eyjafjallojokull rinconada lifetime tentaculitid unsaturated ##999999999995 davidson spiculitic dismemberment jefferson shutdowns paleobathymetric stromboli prospects metabasic metabasites metabasalt inaccessibility atomodesmid puzzling alpha500 volunteer firmgrounds 070912 3125 510990 5957 712870 7128056 835519 alagoas borne borosilicate bilham bilateral bogs bogazici billions bernard bernadotte ciencia civil civilian crossover crosweller cognition cognitive daidia daoyang darren darfield druhan druppel dodd dodick dichromate dichotomy dendritic dendrostrella dredging dredged danny dannowski ezt3 ez3h false falher fingered fingernail freda frederick grujic grunder gemini gemelos henry henrys hetch hetchy hierarchy hierarchical hindering jarrard jarbid jimmy jogs jenny jennifer kristi kerogenous kerogens kipuka kipukas lnvs lnvp lbz lonergan lonquimay lindas lindgren lameve nolina nolwenn nemeth nemaha nakai nakagawa niche nichols nighttime n20w nurtures nurturing pdxl2 pigeonite pigsties painted painfully qm1 qm2 rumford rummanah ravn ravinement rashid rashidi sinan sintered sitting sleetmute sleeping s106 tacher tachydyd uchide uchida vba vaske vaselli vagaries vaca vacation wrench wraps wrapped wrongly zoisite zoecial zhang zhikun zfao zigzag ##warah ##zenko ##1s1s ##820459994 andresen tokai tokachi straddling straddles reverend reverses reinterpreted reinterpretation deactivation deactivates prohibit prohibited faithful faithfully hackley hackney chadwick chronicle chronicles weisen uninvestig uninhibited subchrons printers privilege privileged intersx interspersed interdependent interdependencies plugged arrowsmith indentations disconformable disconformably cohort cohassett coatings diorama dioramas overlooked overlooks scavenge scavengers abnormal abnormally cancel canceled caught caughey maritime maritimes corrosion corrosive corpses corrugated corrugations territory territories leverage leveraged interpolations interpolates amenable amenities surfing 209542 adhering adherence undeforming undefined metapsammitic metapsammite smartphone genuine genuinely tecnico tecnologia constriction constrictional suppressing vergences vergnolle carapace carapaces desalination desalinization poikilitic poikilitically waxes waxing noisy noisier ig2n biomass biomarkers emanate emanating uncovered uncovering horsethief invasion invasive 1242939 1249115 grinded grinsted contradicts contradicted glomeroporph glomerocrysts precautions precautionary endorsement endorheic crenulated crenulation delicately delicatulum 506302 11ad3a 11ad20a plexuses conversation buffers buffler orthophosphoric orthophotoquads adjoined adjoining petrofacies petroleum inspired inspiration 70384 sketches sketched reconciled reconciling rhythmites rhythmically guadal guadalupe microtidal microtopography dissipation dissipate misinterpreted misinterpretation misleading misleadingly holtkamp 233u duplicate duplicated commingled commingling immersion immersive bajada bajocian classrooms pursuit pursuits pulsed pulsing multiplied multiplier goethe goethite nonexistent nonexplosive 7219701 7219809 snapshot snapshots angelo angeles boeing boehlke physicist physicochemical 03adw415 03adw407 friends strandline unfamiliarity macdougall macdonald unreasonable unreasonably 7113820 7113013 educational educators unexplored unexploited nz01 nz06 navigate navigational sylviteand acceptably acceptability interconnectivity interconnectivities encloses enclosure oversimplified oversimplification quebrado quebrada circumstance circumstances overwhelmingly vaacs villasenor photosynthetic photosynthesis witnesses township plugins arbitrarily arbitrariness dinocysts mistakenly vibrational ineffective ineffectiveness disconcertingly paleolatitude paleolatitudes paleoseismology paleoseismogenic underscore underscores geofisica geofisico ellipse ellipsoidal irreversible irreversibly arunachal hutchison hutchinson jotunite kırka kırsehir mongolia pivotal pivoting replenished replenishments unobserved unobservable disintegration disintegrated iddingsite iddingsitized manufactured manufacturers siwaliks 0176 073243 1the 2140 419503 4grs8 513107 518779 5999999999999972 91500 919999999999995 ayuso aorangi aislado aranovich aachen alastair apex azufrera alemania aythah awaji bnu bbd bmu bqr bicubic beta bowers bivouac bromine bottle brizalina bumthang bialas bastow bartley brouwer biblical bickford bozkurt buehler bmbf bangs bourbon bermuda blaylock burbank balsas bertling bergen brasiliano banerjee cnif ctd c5cn crozier celadonite cisternas cultivation cemeteries cantu cystiphyllo cervantes certify cashman cuchillo cuyanos dnc dgmt dbxcor djibout denticula dingus duluth dessimoz doping diane dartmou dalton dynode dyonode dahlen darriwilian dabbahu danielid dhamar daisy eburian ef1 einstein eocambrian elapsed eureka eriksson eccentric eunotia ebinger french fenestral felty feti fibrous fought fanglomer falsely friedrich fountaining g1101 g59 gfz gjt3 gattacce gedrite gansecki gislason gleason glycolation gosiute gantry gianfil geneva grosse gordon gangetic gathering gansu gilair gersonde girdling h3po4 hedgman hanford hosgri hires hectare husson horton hathm hasegawa halted houghton hartzell hermosillo hitherto hofformationn harker hatteras haneyama hesselbo hedenbergite hysteresis ipcc ih128061 iviagik iberian iavcei iblean ibura itajai jmc jicarita joshua jellinek jassah jordan jochems journey jahn jhuchuy k2so4 kitts kingdom kulshan kranendonk kersantite kizugawa kongsberg kostoglod kendra kissock kunlun kueishanta koby katherine kaven kenny katsura kimmeridgian kakenhi krupnik khuchaynik leslie lallemand lomnitz lutetian lirima lemitar lunayyir lordsburg loverna linaje lukies lombok lelliott lingshi mhz mizunawa marti mclennan mishkin mochizuki moutonnee monday mosses molluscs mslq munawarah military mobilized nrg nitrate nelchina nude nad83 nathilah nunn nonesuch nondestructive nrms nscz nikon nmgrl nubala ngss nobeoka nakajima nereson n54a oasis oberland odleiv opea omitting o56a p0835 poulton pamphlets pestling perez pagli padang pakistan penecontempor pribilof puebla pownceby pangaea politecnica pavlis piceance pablo palazzin pradesh qiu qrz quesnellia qingshigou rwm rationale roswell rinex rothsch rusty roche rinsed rourke riegl rokko royal raschig szcz sedigraph sorely sisco sulcata sisters sopwith snelson svalbard sangre sincerely sullivan sodium sinuosity sulawes sintering sitchler sirdal sassenach ttn t317a4 tescan tropospheric tidally tumbled tormann tacora taryn tedious tahkand tiffany tampico uyeda urayd utsu umbrella uwayrid uchee upperslope voice vye v002 vortex vigneresse vrolijk vintage vascular vnobs vazquez wiest winston wreaked witec wortel wiederke wallowa winkler warrior watterson wgs84 watanabe wapshilla xoplaki yolanda yilmaz yunya yanks yerington yesterday ypresian yoakum zd14 zuccale zemlya zellmer zuni ziwu zoophycos zombie δυs ##iqullah ##holders ##420413 ##j207a thalwegs thompson thumb theodolite ##al18g inquiry inordinately inliers inyoni inappropriate ingersoll innoko ##electric toplap tommy tolerances tozitna ##etaphosphate conquista contacted connotation convenience coniacian congruent stilbite stiffer stipulates stachnik straddle stakeholders strophomenid sturgeon isodepth isoseismal maccathy maomao mackenzie maheo reutilized reestablished reagent reushia reassessed repositioned reunion reexamination rejection rejoin reiterating reappraised reoccur reoccupied decker deoxyribonuc deepto forensic foreground forsterite suffixes supratidal suemnicht asynchronously asymptotic arequipa alissa aliasing seabed seelyville sextant beppu beavan beijing beehive bytownite executed onwards oncoid shinohara shafiqullah shoshonitic comendites faizabad fabuel lahfid orangeto orphaned orbital ornamented hauser hadean hagstrum haggart hairpin haeussler hakoneyama chandler cheney chachani chapin chernicoff chrystalls cheyenne chatterjee chixi cherokee chevron soufriere weapons weeraratne unaccepting unassociated unendurable uniaxial unreduced unsheared unsettled unzoned unremarkable unpaired unidentified unmapped unanswered uncharacteristically unequilibrated unoxidized unorthodox unvegetated neoblasts neuchatel submillimeter sublimation subophitic subnormal subbottom subarcuatoides pritchard interventions intermingling interlocking intercumulate residential mezcalera incapable incubated contexts strickland figueroa highgrounds compartmentalization maghrebian gebregiorg geertsen gebelin geostrophic relinquishment wasserburg arjuno arenacea spitsbergen spontaneous spawned collettini slenderness slovenia slippery notikewin volcanosedimentary disperse disregarding disjointed disconnect disproportionally covalent coaxially coppersmith recalibration dioxide diktytaxitic diploneis overrepresenting scraped scaphopods quenched abgarmi durango cannery cananea cancelled lochkovian caustic caprarelli marcaillou corundum presubmission presubsidence clinkscales paleochannels paleogradients engines envelopes enforced enlighten enlarged enthusiastic enigmatically imbedded extrinsic lefeldt leptokurtic preponderance preconditioned timberline assynt ambraseys amazonian amundsen itrf2008 itanhaem perugia perlroth provisionally caliphate fluvio graveyard variegated adversely undisrupted undocumented valparaiso metzeltin chancellor changbaishan timeframes liuyuan up193he undertook underrepresented undercompensated acronym acroteuthis trishear trenberth centennial transversal transpressional phytogeographic posamentier parpaillon outbreaks outbuilding outbursts 1052989 granoblastic vertebrate reflooded carnelian carpenter carlsbad carboxen desirable feucht feuil1 charnockites subscripts financially peculiar mankhemthong remeasuring channelbelts 20170258 1930s slaughter uncoupled heidelberg hefei hexametaphosphate muzayyin muggler rukhq multivariable multifaceted 1246971 1245717 campbell archetypical gladczenko griffith ratiocalc postlacuna postprocessed contravenes contradiction glennie glimpse precompactional jurisdictions beltrando ga1550 gaudemer steinkerns protomylonitic prototyping coarseto ergodic paleothermometers paleoequator crdpj crinozoan objections taxonomic 14226 14ajj207a deliberately epithermal portugal megalandslide megafossils megasequence sanbesan meanwhile plagiogramma 504591 503655 synergistically syncataclasis synchronicity 1119635 11394 13ya1 13ad409d swollen swamping avaatech gaschnig 18sps3 backlimb amphiboliteto 16291 visuospatial trupulse schrieber schweickert schaftenaar geoarchaeology ellesmerian catastrophists rhombic bukthiyarova cyclopteroids cordaitaleans tephrochronology pazzaglia petrophysical corresponded hydrothermally hydrofracking 7090867 7095373 7088865 7072784 7089713 beheaded rapelius ediacaran nonstructural nonreflective noncreeping nonparticipant nonaccretionary nonstratospheric rhyodacite c0002p antibuoyancy moratoriums mcmechan mcnaughton mclaughlin heterastridium encapsulated leucotonalites guaratiba guarantees guchicovi phenocryts takatsuki takaharayama ventersdorp roehler raimbourg milliwatts intrabatholithic microdomain microearthquakes microdrilling microcracks microatolls microanalysis kaohsiung kawanishi kazahaya kilobars quadrupole quadrupled misidentification misimpression superheated montegrossi gns1204 euclidean pliensbachian ##15622420413 quarztofeldspathic pseudopunctate 282160 552987 556774 oppenheimer duchesne duwaykhilah uniformitarians courtesy foramininferal upwarping britannia montresta ultraviolet circumpolar rog033048 rog092326 synextensional sociopolitical authigenesis semipelitic semiarid semidiurnal seminavis multiphysics photomicrographs 539595 534325 537789 533473 534214 afflicted cotopaxi okanagan paleoconfluence philosophy bhattacharya 543900 549485 549317 545597 546729 meridionalis sunnyvale jackstraw 0538129 0538094 readjustment angayucham 562682 santiago 6292015622420413 vesuvius autocorrelation autobrecciated baldini 0337351 03g0191a 0336070 saussuritized micropetrographic micropaleontological unfaulted 76637466535 76ar16c ##37288505 algonquin 04726 bihemisphere 0847688 hoja1s1s huaynaputina huzaym 09ph160a berrocoso vitousek unrepresentatively polytungstate 63316820459994 sumiyoshiike 068831 eyafjallajokull multicollinearity 1434550 piezoelectric rodriguez retrofitting 0908281 0908324 0901148 0909254 brudzinski forefront 7112800 7112635 7112389 copr1602 cabeza unsurprisingly 7066952 punchbowl cosmioneis fuhrman aleinikoff ew9009 goldharvester psychology admixture nishikawa oversampling biophysique myrmekitic moleculaire cauliflower circumstantial pisarevsky renzulli stromatoporoids anaerobic antofagasta 24982937288505 bridgerbatholith jp26000002 lyttelton municipal varicolored wabiskaw protegidas underpredicted underpinnings radioisotopic bc71112 hinthorne hokuriku nnx16al18g venkataraman ellenburger supercomputing snowmelts 7128704 ezt3hyt fingernails jarbidge tachydydrite uninvestigated glomeroporphyritic 0732436 cystiphylloides djibouti dartmouth danielidis eccentricities fanglomerates gattacceca gianfilippo kostoglodov kueishantao penecontemporaneous rothschild szczecin sulawesi t317a470 tahkandit wiederkehr deoxyribonucleic gebregiorgis 76637466535504 hoja1s1s2s3 633168204599944