[PAD] [UNK] [CLS] [SEP] [MASK] & ( ) , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 _ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z ´ µ · ø ı β δ ε η θ κ λ μ ν ρ σ τ φ χ ϕ – ’ ##y ##r ##o ##c ##l ##a ##s ##t ##i ##n ##g ##u ##m ##d ##b ##v ##e ##2 ##k ##p ##f ##1 ##w ##8 ##4 ##5 ##h ##x ##6 ##0 ##7 ##z ##9 ##q ##3 ##j ##μ ##ı ##ø ##δ ##σ ##θ ##τ th the ##er ##on ##at ##in ##es ##en ##ed ##al ##nd of ##it ##or ##ion in ##ar ##ic and ##an ##re ##st ##ro ##ing ##ent ##as ##el to ##ct ##le ##ol ##ou ##is ##th ##ation ##ur ##ra ##ul ##ith ##ly ##et ##om ##ow ##oc ##ce ##im ##ig st ##os with is ##id con re for ma ##il de ##iv that are ##ult ##ac ##ge ##ate su ##rom ##ter al ##am as from on ##ure ex ##if fa bas ##od be an ##ut ##ru ##ver ##se pro ##em by fault ##est se ##ot ##ated ##lu at ##la ##og ##pp sh ##ch ##ere ##av com ##ist ##pos ##ction ##ph wh ##ess or ##ment ##ite ##ther ##ity ##ir ##ri ##um this ##ant ##ial ##and ##ition ##igh ##ad cont ch sou ##ast ##ies ##ive ##low ##cc nor ##ine ##ene un ##ect ##ock ##ong ##ab ##pl ##sion mod inter ##ical we ##ore ne pr col ##ts ##ain ##ence sub res ##ag ##ely ##ations ##qu ##ran ##ud fig ##ip pl ##ave figure was ##ill ##ater ##du ##op ##iz basin ##ost ##ous ##one form ##us inc gra ##all ##ata vol rel comp str low ##ich ##ers ##iment have ##rou ##ort me ge ##art ##een ##orm ##ary ##gh rock ##ues high model ev ##rust ##can ##ediment these depos ##ak ##00 ##per were ##yst ##etw ##oun sp co ##olog di ##ace ##ism int ##ret sediment sl ##ates ##ocene ##ld ##ale sam mar ##form mag ##ree can ##fer ##ures ext not ##erv sur ##ard data val betw between ##ib rec volcan ##ass ##end ##mal per ab ##ap over north ##its ind ##ange which dis ##eld ##ide ##ges ##raph colle ##pt ##ick reg along sc cl flow loc tran ##ell dur im tim us km ##ach ob east ##thern it ##ift ##ve surf pres faults south ##ari ##ruct formation ##con than en ##ield during ##ystem system crust cal ##vel ##au ##able rocks ##ay but ##ally within ##tern stud lar magm ear lower thick cor sand region trans ##gg ##rib part dif basal ##ens ##lac ##ear sim ##ase acc range ##ath ##agues colleagues ar ##ern ##ould more ##ros le ##act show det ##pper result chan ##oth app ##ound section pale been ##tain ##ys dist pre age struct lith dep area ##ces ##ff upper ##age cr plate ass cons ad ##ck ##so ##ral where ##rain ##ke qu also ##ution most ##ie flu ##ia field fol ##ward time has subdu ##arb ##ension ##oz sugg suggest interp ##ross prov ##ments obs ##oic vari may ##ced tem ##ient min ##ile ##ozoic ##ian ##ific ##ep slip ##rough ##stone interpret dom anal mant ##yp cree mi ph am tw volcanic indic mantle cent ##ating creek ##ple ##lud ##ough observ und top fe occ ##ins fra ##ilar there ##last ##ively tra similar how bed ca he compos well ##atic ##ign surface differ ##arbon two ##port est fan ##urr ##ord ##orph ter sampl ##ome into ##res ##un ver ##ied ##oin ##ack ##val up ##ight contin out ##ron ##ined through ##ier near their ##ized li ##dition under ele ##pla sm tr other our ##ents ##ley ##ature glac ##nel bel ##ative ##own ##reas bec ##ue ##oss temper ##iver ##raphic basalt gen southern deposits fl met some calc marg 10 includ ##formation ##ement meas produ both gener all ther sour ##ose howe ##ically west ac ##ites zone channel ##fs however ages sign samples 20 moun ##ress carbon ##ict ##ecton late set deposition comple ##br ##cess lav ##yon ##ust ##idence extension consist supp act ##ismic mid ##osph ##ting ##estern ##ance subduction ##ness ##ope its ##och present strat tecton ##yn bl ##ps ##ision models values ##ology expos ##ause study depth ero ##round estim ##ry valley const such lim par ##omet miocene san ##ork water large id typ ref seismic composition using only record they ##olution analys bound clast rift sil ##yd block rate rates unit ##xim ##eng long ##iated ##rupt dec mountain ##ologic ##ible because ##ber river canyon ##atures ##pect no ##ake des ##east across land normal early conc thermal ##ility ##ond northern pe ##dle ##kely ##aces process stri one ##acies ##ular domin upl ##vi ##ones ##xt central fract zir tectonic zircon sea rep deformation middle fluid ##mon ##out ##ory compar different ice te eastern each ##ening sandstone local down oce lithosph small rem ##ish margin ocean exh ##tal basement uplift ##ental thrust pla new thickness ##cted ##lum assoc observed ep sample ##ob ##ited inf western ##pping ##raphy likely signific erosion gre stratig ##atively flows based results units refle significant af ##velop hyd ##ging isot ##ially color ##ength ##ove ##eral plateau erupt develop ##ffect mud old ##ole carbonate 15 ##par ##lust ##ides main ##place gran corre volum ##und char fold ##ual offs addition scale ##orn ##ured three ##fic ##acter associated strata aver due used character ol mineral base complex ##ger init crustal interval ##lying related temperature mm syn cool ##ons ant continental em ##red magn ##ions ##isod arc episod ##ribut ##itud ##ural ##fore intru dire consistent do cen man cenozoic mu evidence ##placement those ##row ##though although above perm δ1 ka would hist maj higher ##ration ##ica prog contain ##oints major ##ov ##oor ##rop ##omer ed ##rog topog mel strike ##ail ##ize relatively volcano ##vial clust youn ##itic ##ived ##lab ##ado occurr ap source short follow ##ities ##sions ##bl she level ##aceous transition repres colorado later surfaces desc ##ted earth clasts peak thus debr ##ified sheet ##ring ##ills analysis could cross ##tical ##ivity below mcc slab lava systems exam ##io ##ded thin constrain hydro mes ##vious debris ##ably subs sediments cret rat ##ank sedimentary cretaceous processes ##ric ##ream average common cryst dip ##land ##ogene ##ization increas interpreted trend lithosphere here ##rit ##ability calcul mass 40 line ##erm ##pped ##atch ##ince much slope disc term correl red ##tle ##etic der ##our magma grou poss 12 rid ##ences ##ctions plut ##to studies ##ribution ste regional bene ##ently facies ##cl ##ately sever magmatic previous outc stratigraphic so peri elev several num ##ec ##ological del ##ise ##ull geoch indicate ##water ##eter orig grains structure ##der ##ench prof marine mater vel occur exposed material cooling veloc dr diam ##oint extend measured offset origin 200 ##eg period ##gl geomet mountains pat rich ##ather after derived fir kn def contra beneath ##rease deep ##ferred wall influ bro if pattern ##ne ##west measure reflect mccal ##ood ##de ##ulation first fin northeast appear hor ##por ##rol active older ##ti ident mccallum structures structural pass sequ ##thermal heat ser strong evolution 14 prob orient ##eens geologic represent describ bu ##ors ##most ##ada incision relative class group 100 inv steens stress boundary yr areas unc ##cy wash event preserv trench less ##arp ##anging imp ##sc determ paleo isotop ##kes ##rock pred basins ##artz interpretation many shal appro bedrock concent core sier relations eocene ##ok meth ##ount volume end ##iation vertical ##itude method orog ##hip ##ination ##lement ##iven changes found ##atism ##ider spring earthqu mult ##oid equ lit 11 ##arct therefore rap ##rated ##li ##ai ##ane same rapid modern few history exper dominated cluster sal ##ics condition 50 effect rad ##assic ##ivid when ##ior ##ning ##eric ang mean ##ved ##icular cover displacement horiz bre joints import ##ertain ##ages support ag distribution ##orphic very ##ding ##face mafic temperatures fill zones ##enic total conf oceanic relationship ##az then andes metam 201 lavas shallow 19 maxim ##chan fans control prim observations antarct ##ah events magmatism far δ18 shortening doc drain consider lin table including fracture sierra maximum pos inst coll detail blocks curr ig lc morph ##te ##ither att while assum ##ished post ru wid ##ars belt ##iss ##omal anomal separ ##ief variations isotopic conditions docu pol pot ##anch accom quartz site ##read ##sequ mechan mem use ##emical uncon detrit ##cept ##ioc ##tered shows sections suggests occurred fur log work contact flat exhib velocity ##glomer broad ret ##yro ##ases recon depositional exhum ridge port mark glacier rh spat ##stream least diamict 25 ##elf ##verg shear edge little document cut ##led clos mon allu reserv transport continu ##are any comb provide episode ax toward conglomer mapping prec δ18o fo formed grand wide further tu ##ios map ##que compon abund analy olig initial contrast lake length ##stand stra distin ratios ##ential ##cting geo accret include discus host ##ble ##cond glacial topography crystall collision oligocene den foc ##ka ##ram anat second ##used phase mic point rough ##oir ##ina andreas press relief ##ape clin southeast described reservoir sills ##yl located great blac lay ##pond ##enced order spec ##lastic activity black fron ##allel measurements important either seg features fractures progress younger horizon 30 hyp ##way ##verse deposited spect shown sources unconform cle lack ##ties requ mapped ##ivers modeling center setting limest sequence had ##mar ##ves grad presence ##iew around cs mill pri ground deg ##char gravel location margins produced possible uncertain detrital dens ##edi ##itoid allow ##ote individ drainage anatol 16 pu plu past tri car rest ##aced change grained generally supplement dikes mix compositions granitoid reconst cam el size tal yield extensional 17 sing overlying fields four ##of ##ify ##ogn respect corres example correspond lat sw ##ject ##ually propos larg permian individual 13 cap kin ##oh reach like compared lateral geometry patterns member distinct given pet sist since ##vir ##ensive fluvial pluton single netw volcanism following ##viron network 18 side ##go reve shelf coral ##ification parallel dim gul ##lay grav dike terra calcite remain elevation ##stra faulting ##iple recent beds type silt calculated path ##sh ##gan ##urb exc estimated antarctica dol ##sr ##mod inferred ##olite trace exhumation ast gl poor exp subducting clear gradient fre ##sp ##ffic whereas element volcanoes ##charge ##lase ##aw ##inc strain ##forms overla plag ##ributed steep ##arse expect nev accum subsidence multiple prior plagioc hanging wed ##rad increase ##ronology elements analyses intrusions accommod nevada hal pa enti environ basaltic probably alluvial supplemental plagioclase bi rain test ##nary ##ey ##ft step ##aternary paleozoic quaternary indicates additional spatial back sites recogn outcrop minim underlying metamorphic tuff cir ##ico forear sum intervals direct hydrothermal forearc bur cre ##over ##iles weak preserved andesite entire ##ogenic ##plic ##akes resulting gravity ec might ##iocene ##mb pliocene estimate development aval ##amide ##avel plot enc laramide particular position lcr portion avalanch 39 grain locations timing adj typically angle density vis ##be ##oll report extensive provid experiment affect cm ts ##lin overall amount ##ression characterized strand hypoth dimension reverse tempor estimates mudstone young predict fine rather ##ifer diff profile documented accretion circ ##bf ##rops abs developed limestone ##fficient ##orite condu forel exist expl ##formed collected detach peaks approxim link potential kinem lob ##aries ##omp converg ##ossil commonly exhibit rhy analyz pressure hypothes mig ##ora rele ##arily throughout channels dominant mesozoic width sch redu radi dolom mot ##old isotope contains 40ar ##yrox component ##ofacies mis slow wal ##uct ##olith even lithofacies crest characterist oliv concentr conglomerate ##ten ##ali ##stones ##ott geological magmas understand folds does drill reveal olivine nar pb ##iers strength northwest clim rupt half narrow ##western ##50 proper zircons appears wedge il view ##2o ##ker domain therm fluids mainly earthquake front frequ ox vary ##rich ##cing ##ner succ altern ##aps provides nearly meters mov wave ##ency southwest basalts appl flux kinematic success heter will ##wall ##3c larger province number known ##man ##illo ##ynam topographic 39ar ##rat ##oad ##gon ##put about adv minor fraction metas methods detailed foot 60 bod fran ##son inver information text greater magnetic δ13c requir hill ##ful alter asse expla depend sets melting sheeting delt foreland concentrations ran ##ix appar lac tens ##urn indicating orogen unconformity sister assemb bould er pond ta mex ##cking flank mechanism ##bo ##king ##erg ##inity subsequ coarse imag ##ysical suggested recorded outcrops numer effects reconstru proposed clay dating ##itive beh feed limited minerals episodes correlation plutons expected ##radation ##yroxene aust dated ##rate ##set ##me ##medi ##ouse before composed glaciers direction salt relationships abundant horizontal alteration mexico grow year ##ture them island ##iforn fact ##sect enrich californ includes depths perme ##neous igneous circulation agg duct ##ty ##pr geom floor constraints identified serp assembla california op ##ind ##ellow ##rab ##osity ##abl bedding production silic previously gulf detachment analyzed ##line prism scal regions phases apart defined publ reported av must por ##arn ##urface except coast variable ##unam general crystal profiles series orientation tsunam mat plum ##til ##olved ##acent shell space proven magnitude termin influence springs motion la ple ##action ##vf ##ef ##ean ##eper still dipping surve quant decreas landsc respectively heterogene 70 ##estig resp ##ounts extent ampl downstream antic determined austral ##aska ##ected resolution value lead exposures decrease comparis lithospheric eruptive break anatolia triassic dolomite footwall ductile ram ##other input should moder times ratio crystallization adjacent prom resear scarp emplacement investig gravels granitoids properties permeability research jur ##ryst ##work ##arm ##rack alaska ##amination proxim weather subst suggesting terran idfs silver possib denali jurassic wt wars yellow ##ik integ differences provided walker 500 joh stand prop ##ostrat deposit sedimentation locally arch mostly geochemical geochronology occurs earthquakes current john ##ostratig hol pen porph rim though off ##reat ##amin ##ographic ##ush discharge ##ressive increases ##marine serpent non ##ised ##etter ##acite being ##rian rifting melt subsurface approach dig ##bur stream orth ##ird grab produce erupted histor talus approximately provenance last ##ycl ##cent ins anc intern resulted among track smaller ##bles primarily grande temporal ranges cur pull role ##atite ##atory dext ##istocene content obli param increasing ##iversity largely accretionary characteristics published pleistocene dextral 300 case catch fall fossil hel tru ##pb ##ara ##rodu ##terozoic chemical highly coe slight ##resh ##unction geothermal layer mixing minimum directly better key sol torn ##lier ##ipp ##ead ##entially ##ulated ##ilt ##lusions ##ption distance variability difference ##ochron trending ##idot ##aving whole close obtain crat records clusters increased convergence apparent tornillo day sn plan ##ously displa flood types strongly siltstone 22 hot ##her ##ances ##eters see peridot distal generated complete morphologic focus micro ##ylon rhyolite rot ##rict ##bed ##hore often made ##opyroxene compr earlier followed ign propag 35 dra match sr state stage proport spread extra generation consists offshore mmes growth digit just ross sill tend ##rine ##sl ##haps another shore ##opes perhaps partial diffic product parts dips influenced buck recognized landscape difficult mylon oph ve infer ##anced ##vers transect significantly eruption original again poly axis delta tsunami comparison gas horn icy ##tin ##ience ##brian ##ann without dev ##agn noted images erosional ##blend primary discuss segment terraces porosity bott gr ranging ##hen ##ice ##gether onset ##chn chem ##placed surround studied peb syncl periods understanding 80 bul dynam run ##gments ##pa ##ert ##alu alk whe submarine various interpretations caused upstream stratigraphy apatite trends farther focused segments glob hornblend bottom 23 best gard ir ro ##ire ##olcan consequ demon deeper ##ems ##lacial arg variation soft considered frequency serpentin craton 24 bay turb vent ##ational cone shift chl interface scat assess estu ##ustrine presented exposure linear discussion plucking paper encla avail whether 28 cou hom javel ostra ##cod ##bow ##ingu together super phot height techn 150 massif asthen rainbow hypothesis slightly ophi hornblende gardens demonst javelina ostracod asthenosph 87 ul ##ason ##let nearb leve nearby having ##sive ##ium ##nie ##ext ##ining ##ional ##imbr reef ##illa ##ights highest accur mount anomaly environment behav ignimbr did eb esp lies points ##ving ##ona ##ored ##aring storm aspect until forming calib eroded morphology groundwater buried rupture lacustrine years standard oblique 90 bal bath bouse fit ju ray ##ug ##wh ##he ##oria ##ety stack beg university diss paleocene ridges ##ecially northeastern impact determine roughness settings uncertainty particularly subsequent syncline especially garn lap ##ned ##not ##bers tool ##owled start sufficient sandstones compositional transitional supported instead silicic johnnie garnet 400 trough ##col ##less ##ute coinc subducted landforms separated combined yielded cases hills opp til ##well ##ines ##els ##ocryst refer ##ival ##pled formations geology establ supply constant limit reflection extended polar combination climate boulders err display available 86 blu fresh lab ##co ##ling ##ily aneg ##istry ##ectite evalu introdu slopes southwestern smectite ##omero knick migration release holocene internal bulk mob ##ls ##actions colum forms ##contin wells thinning controlled progressive inversion jac kar pack romero wides ##pread ##ises note northward uppermost ##ometric constrained ##oku roughly numerous porphy ult anegada widespread arab nd way ##atible ##ilib onto shik incor lithology typical overlain biot lobe shikoku 26 dat dam five iaz now ##carbon ##aj ##ven ##eal ##ont ##olated ##ission bearing ##ples need cannot energ qual upward place hydrocarbon extends oriented marked summ avalanches scales behavior sel sbf ##ged ##uous ##pan ##erica ##omin white ##ologies america intrusion levels anomalies uncertainties petro terrace ##plications avalanche applied amplitude spreading aqu bar c00 esc fac hund mor ou vers ##aver ##su ##into ##reg ##ilation ##ogy organ interior ##ructed distributed crater carbonates aft granite volumes mesilla covered retreat closure continuous clinopyroxene layers poorly environments metasom mechanisms anticline weathering 87sr jacinto hundred 21 pul tribut ##wise ##etts ##ild suture altered unli lowest scar amph complexes driven invol ##mediate survey graben turbid 86sr 27 75 eu pac warm ##bs ##ana ##cture project ##aves modeled regard head boundaries emplaced melts contraction identify stresses equilib mechanical geoph dimensional conduct against ebb energy bend rio wind ##era ##enocryst stable ##odior ##lap plane transfer distingu eruptions represents velocities experi ill thermochron required parameters obtained veins incorpor versus ebbetts miss sens tak ##met ##ang cones deformed ##ifts ##iform ord ##ants neg neogene diag sandy ##active trach ##bric conclud largest clearly absence body explain enriched proximal amphib 000 dacite fels ##rating ##ox ##lation ##ceed isolated ##ries ##ands ##ended disp simple amounts plain clino linked yellowstone archite coeval discussed 45 ari hann kil kora mo ut ##more ##inal ##ising almost ##ography shap interbed gray diorite abstra physical similarly seaward oldest ##itudes examples elevations impro accumulation reconstruction surrounding labor pacific felsic abstract loss oil pers rivers ##iqu ##ms ##pe ##fall inland react what intermediate intra southward indicated composite remn walls orientations predomin lines lcvf excur experiments affected substant ##odiorite bit eas ra sin scan solution ##get ##hyd ##ano ##oud maps shape princ able showed paleogene becom included signal tectonics currents continued accommodated ramp propagation global estuary aquifer architecture hannold brit td ##ss ##fl ##zona ##arc ##the ##uration conn ##ogen marble ##elds fragments intrusive mesa define frank trun knickp escarp arizona cycl nav nank wavel ##eep ##pite ##ery ##ark ##uring ##ille ##abase places overl cord partially crit sampling sourced canyons despite locality thicknesses filled logging diffus geomorphic peridotites polarity laboratory nankai wavelength felds round waves ##rd ##oe ##uc ##up ##uth ##aline ##rees conve dehyd began ##ograph ##chist suba evid cloud implications landsl localized play sequences ##yroc distinctive strands predicted assemblage australia ##ajo outer experienced illite franklin feldspar bly coun fund ga gor har net ##ino ##reen foramin ##vert ##izes indu deple ##yond differential tecol initially occurrence rapidly pathway dimensions youngest possibly ##burg scattered dispers cordill blythe tecolote away bore bank fission mou ##yle ##ma ##vent ##ita ##ores ##ash ##iding beyond contribution context accord bedded striking program descri salinity summar lobes movement taur feeder coupled quality dou everg hum mg mog medi pow zon ##lis ##load ##ique inner inactive style rework proterozoic contamination ##ipit percent account lithostratig verde seafl mm2 laterally metamorph useful logs southeastern allows remains plots ##ollon aggradation open blue kilomet depleted boreh tauride evergreen mogollon medium seafloor cas fed gum lo led load saz six ##ying ##cis ##matic ##ware ##itative inher contribut geod highl impl eastward ##dera materials finally orogens orogenic attributed closely kinematics francis moderately enclaves escarpment navajo gumbo ce gab good nature rare tet ##ton ##atically ##ense ##ime stret ##ateg exceed uniform necess abrupt scen km3 enough add centers become 10be geometries ##aneous antarctic anatolide mixed fractionation bodies assemblages respons terranes histories digital software reactiv bitlis stretch 29 33 full hence med ##pend third ##onse ##inous ##itu ##orts ##aran ##ings ##thy ##urian ##ulate ##ocent stat recharge max make gradu span recurr northwestern cores transg ##ensional variety analog folding containing majority angular assuming precipit furthermore components reservoirs require cambrian elong diffu reconstructions coastal decreases response chlorite contractional trachy becomes according scenari ##pendicular 2b 600 hole roll sant wor ##pine ##onian ##ased rev basis ##ump interaction usually enh phenocryst frame travel calculate 120 final attribut separation degree schist metasediment help homogene reference geophysical negative trunc ##yroclastic mouth recurrence brack cause go las mus ##cad ##esis stages ash sharp showing paleoc travert ##ighted remov averag terms stead breach assumed diamictite crystalline secondary reached succession requires heterogeneous snake levee taken persist princip teton santa travertine 00 cf function mol ##yu ##edral reason shar interest ##ager perpendicular discontin transient quest ##epend granitic correlate axes promin ancient scarps dehydration cascad aper file hand pop ##gen ##bing ##xist ##onal ##oration ##any ##eler tom ##ollement ##ulations ##osed ##plano mode figures inclusions independ image km2 caldera thicker foliation heating others limb park decollement comparable tex oceans clustering axial abundance analytical specific restrict petrog steeply accommodation views heterogeneity terrane ##olcano ##where porphyry biotite petrole gabb statist prominent 32 34 36 br bud crack dates hf sk vents ##erial ##enb ##osc rece ##iving ##ots compression access volcaniclastic observation smo westward stratov clastic repe localities magnet slabs concentration positive carri talara expand illust varying applic crystals argu batholith lapse interbedded predominant implies stratovolcano date fring zeal ##gre ##ex ##full ##int alti prot meager ##ptions duration depocent americ stratified correlated 2000 describe uncomp concentrated config corresponds aster gradients drilling domains imaged leading moderate begin arabia selected bankfull texas petroleum budget zealand altiplano american 07 nw nat put rise turn via ##rates ##iable ##ns ##ection ##hedral ##oram fav seems chron cob extre immedi ent quack glaciation seismicity bounding ##vium ##itudinal ##neiss measurement ##ahgre rhe progressively corresponding ##going visual geomorph shells ancest catchment catchments ##owledge c000 responsible principal ##enbush uncompahgre immediately quackenbush lou mgo right ss sg slu situ ##ician ##anc alpine orz resid incomp meg ##akoram science upon producing refra decay noise landward conclusions compare icec initiation herein classification 1000 preservation portions spectra steps create radiogenic australian pebbles karakoram amphibole landslide counter metamorphism maxwell transgressive steady 65 cum hem k2o lie moh mora ##cer ##les ##glacial ##6pb ##esite ##eline ##section ##opro ##izing canoe sampled smith 206pb teph infilt voluminous ##ovician potentially contacts marks spectrom latest paths oxid advance factors enrichment plume rotation proportions asthenosphere established ordovician cordillera francisco removed ##xisting ancestral moraine bran iz joint pree vic ##cence ##iac ##vised ##ken ##hu ##ena ##iled ##ives ##sey byrd ##rix resist ##ologically preferred caus complet longitudinal progra ediac elevated extending represented paleoge equation 2015 widely broadly dominantly imagery matrix alkaline ostracode ignimbrite homogeneous shares sgpr cumul branch ediacaran diver ful gany mc national ##rf ##ub ##by ##oring ##reement ##isian ##ray align fast ##irt rockfall cook clif calaver ##ieved verg bounded ##parts granodiorite synth ##io2 confir ##anchi frontal cs4 sisters pair burial created ##iferous aggl thought solid proportion products mylonitic ##agnetic introduction tributary clinoforms kilometers precipitation restricted vicinity ganyanchi calaveras 08 700 cat hay lam mird pin sat varies ##cut ##tic ##60 reactions sup suite ann ##rum ##empor seen seism shale ##raphically prefer indicat underw signature longer soil horizons 250 reaches networks overlap mission ##board numerical comprises devonian ophiol calibration mobile excursion brittle convex laser natural preexisting completely fully mirdita cru gom herm mism pure ##ygen ##flow ##ened ##olian dem china valves scoria partly acceler produces seawater download uplifted initiated progradation occurring deliver geochem diameter offsets proble equival distributions pressures clinoth reduced reveals oxygen explained quantitative decreasing integrated polygon dynamic irreg techniqu ophiolite dissolution freshwater evaluate organic smooth agglomer mismatch irregular techniques 55 bands certain ever jump light law nam sul ##sm ##schist ##tes ##nown ##dy ##known ##arine andean too ##ctu once shor complic contents contour unus unknown ##illed evolved ##elded transt left lithologic varied domes outs calcschist ##rown ##ropri reflects reflectors 2013 cs2 existing convergent alternative boulder opening surveys oppos error database power world phenocrysts predominantly incompatible ##oproterozoic tephra 37 ack big divid m3 nvf vict ##mock ##zburg ##ero ##aled ##ention ##eless ##theless ##uram ##ets stan states shuram modification ##ibility thank earli minet feature signatures ide green muddy complexity directed directions knowledge agreement controls exhumed accreted denud else propose ##shore textures dependent plumbing possibility dynamics tilted window rounded harzburg induced dispersed hummock reworked borehole slush downloads ackn earliest 05 85 king pur sides tam tib yet ##off ##80 ##inces ##ula read maar deb prox ##rium ##ained subtle incised intens ##othills appropri paleose heav southernmost acqu idf silica silurian folded intruded exhibits alluvium foothills greatest limestones latter accumulated providing reduction radiometric subsequently exception quantify promot investigate buckley mylonites ostracodes asthenospheric unlikely euhedral shaped substantial zoning scenario enhanced hermit elsewhere gu haz junction ms s1 ##cal ##sz ##eed ##wana toe ##oles ##raul ##imeter sus ##luence interf weighted reset wasatch compressive flowing paleos lithologies assim provinces generate constructed hydraul mineralogy episodic consistently sheets currently assume accompan degrees yields ecsz proximity pebble consequently ignimbrites distinguish remnants raf averaged louisian moho confirm supra geochemistry hazard hydraulic louisiana ach categ gond hu hai jap na none osc tar ##colith ##lope ##afic ##ses ##mu ##day ##back ##70 ##elag today ##urge ##urally ##idal mead spaced recently ablation student arr indicative continent united arcs examined thinner massive structureless broken built brecc confluence 199 attem separate members dense spectral tuffs revealed alternatively laccolith integration penet chemistry tilting columb hundreds pulse knickpoint ##ographs metasedimentary independent equivalent agglomerate victoria japan oscill 2a ess hy hurr h2o pore s2 sig serv tas zero ##log ##hf ##inter ##isla ##iger styl conce ##acing fair ##rier collap ##ortun sparse systematic assign dome ##lands groups geometric representative involved means ##issipp transported conglomerates swarm remaining visible experimental ##lines ##ynamic ##burst ##olcanic balance mississipp diagram utah summarized address depocenter beginning puturge underwent stanisla denudation tibet ##elagic hurric collapse stanislaus aut cy eff ecl fut lid lull lying sio2 virt wood ##ym ##iations ##volcanic ##equ ##20 ##fossil ##inia inlet ##arthy ##annel ##thrust devi ##ambrian fabric ##posed contempor never neote ##agmatic plat geosc recycl paleom ##ordin terti infill mccarthy constraint imply importance month precambrian plutonic 1800 glass entirely ruptures scaling ortho accurate headwater equilibrium solutions critical diffusivity description review configuration assimilation gondwana styles hurricane eclog future tertiary bern haw sort veg wl welded ##lant ##tures ##gs ##mass ##fm ##12 ##ering ##erto ##lex ##thys ##oming ##idine makes faun unf unique modified placed compet compilation recover performed regime usa heights carboniferous sanidine longmu ##onde apw ##ricorn calculations identical equal filling assumption anomalously cutting collisional camp capricorn exclud adjust explan serpentinite balanced started conductivity sensitive concluded ##ogenetic overlies foraminifer diffusion hayward indicators polygonal every appropriate wlb 03 amal cp dry eur free list lakes ore pal pediment pyroclastic sac sense tip ##oy ##cov ##iences ##gam ##ground ##eh ##pass ##ract ##rament ##osa ##ifers atlant comm ##abil interactions next subject ##quartz ##opi grade compatible coars collect sands paleoch terr rifted thrusts characterize crosscut probability buil lesser 2010 instru ##queous unconformities allowed latite petrol minimal plotted ##bfz absent characteristic deltas stillwater orthog true grid needed summary easily fundam median framework carried residual infiltration prograde complicated divided mississippi bernard amalgam sacrament paleochannel sacramento auth bra brown dark ion lich lile lun lane ronde ti µm ##ras ##rite ##lim ##tz ##mit ##den ##ks ##xie thous ##itz inh referred revers making ##acy alone beach bypass seam ##quid plates dixie flowed enter partition array disturb amb liquid belts redox find stronger preserve multi reconstructed climatic depending substrate ##aminated fossils planes serpentinites calibrated establish errors packages turbidity scanning subaerial pathways lithostratigraphy geodynamic elongate muscov cfb favor refraction acknowled orthoquartz bernardino lichen lunar cand call div dest gpa gneiss ii lree mature nbf opt rb ris si sem uav ##lated ##np ##nah ##pts ##fit ##19 thom ##erature ##storm ##oust ##ided susp alps ##lus ##lusion cham ##ector ##rete sliding displace ##eller imbric imnah thickening transform fluctu mixt phil similarities measuring remote marginal mudstones edific calculation literature instit spatially sheared ##shed rainstorm positions strengthening ##gonio texture peridotite chlor demonstrate siliciclastic ultram unlike diagen gorgonio argued ssnp vergent paleoseismic paleomagnetic euras imnaha beng cyp ebfz frict gently kb lived somet vs ##10 ##weg ##wash ##8u thal ##itch ##orogenic ##arch ##enth ##imes ##osen asc onshore ##ifically ##ements season ##lain interact cold compiled highstand coher dior overpr ##rosc quite traps continues underlain trig meter ##ectonic mueller 198 details monoc monogenetic precise spectrum groundmass reveille background ##urned ponds ##ables ##ostratigraphic grabens 238u room distinguished incorporated conclude ##ventional loading rollover truncated goal population cobbles cumulative accompanied ##ymmet muscovite philipp bengal thalweg bom dil dram hing mp soc ##rary ##oval ##aqu ##onoun ##ories ##olve fores ##ilit ##ame ##uted faulted seem chain unsu neither pronoun ##aines ##ipelagic presum butte partic simult added supports reflections apron discrete defin representing confined detritus cuts specifically cs5 latitude tests conducted explos alternating flanks islands ramparts historic curv snow planar microfossil comprise enclave photographs lapill opportun package metasomat pulses connect stretching reasonable gabbro statistical repeated hemipelagic resistant transtensional opposite idea hummocks oscillatory neotethys ##ehue orthoquartzite coherent pronounced 54 barn eure oper rob ripp sizes tv util wsm ##lined ##iate ##gor ##hor ##jave isochron exch excess proced atm che chosen ##ective neck subd marie extru ##ibab ##apai overt item quies occas occup ##ometry waters strikes removal maintain kaibab ##glas passive eventually radioc shallower workers straight deglacial puerto triple remained released factor parameter draw massifs juan moraines involving mojave evident necessary question cascades extreme outside kingman contemporaneous sorted oregon suspended chloride lapilli eureka radiocarbon 48 62 63 brain dro drop fer fiss iron luc mine panc rifts tight ##yric ##rical ##ao ##uj ##ba ##bt ##bott ##wood ##jon ##atun ##aling ##oric ##icts ##ster took ##leys ##isot ##urated ##omen ##igor ##ident fail ##odal ##position who ##agg ability abbott obvious transferred structurally ##rained pheng topological ##urrent additionally cooler correlative numbers deline delamination reflecting horse isotopes effective 2014 considering rub lacking allowing 1650 ##linal existence ##erged amplitudes leads focusing drape chemehue assessment levees accuracy starting sufficiently ##welling column barrier regarding gorge douglas inherited petrographic fringing diverse shoreline heavy interfaces essentially atlantic amalgamated ultramafic metasomatized barnac exchange pancake chemehuevi fish hi hart pace rico tls tidal ##cle ##nw ##ua ##uil ##pic ##enn ##aly ##roph ##olute ##imodal concept conventional fabr anisot seven ##chron contributed chall unaw ##pervised marc regression ##ieve phys somewh 204 ##ressed estimating design normalized melange transitions hydrous geochron originally deeply influences finer finding considerable postglacial δ18oost specim puka backarc explore migrating reduce moving apparently terminal insights curve consequence scatter begins moritz tributaries remnant cloudburst highlight reactivation reactivated discontinu icecap spectrometer sulf unusual suscept concealed nevertheless authors displacements eurasia unsupervised atmosph quiescence phengite anisotrop somewhat 01 04 38 51 58 64 95 bid bri ct cement dun flex gave gap his join lad mart nod pyroxene rar sfm van xrf zr ##ymet ##iety ##bi ##hio ##30 ##jection ##ctor ree real reaction alread algor extern ##laps ##erext chac chile modest intersection geographic copper scient cored regionally paleor variably tracer cajon upwelling elect itself landform correct examine thinned 1200 originated 2009 influx sierran assumptions postd exhibited return monz preclud species hyperext centered deglac gulch elemental visc exploration drilled coefficient flooding shifted demonstrated coincides facing facilit metasomatic projected shapes improve knickpoints overlie subaqueous foraminifers contribute bracket discontinuous aperture apertures tomographic pinch achieved apwp inhib mixture dioritic hinge society overturned fabrics unaweep marcath brief already algorith cla cour dul d2o ech eolian fix give jo kg ken krab mound niger po rt ##rim ##lm ##lom ##app ##14 ##wor ##zin throw ##room ##ingly ##urent ##omagmatic conv asymmet ongoing anim shield ##istic cha unre ##plate intersect necking subround resour reliable speed valleys lee assist ##raining otherwise became ##osequ acid ##ochronology tectonosequ parent watershed desert processing comparing correction synorogenic cooled magnesite correlations steeper 2002 closed cs1 cs3 160 plun reaching expon biogenic recognition absolute depends orogeny erzin imaging behind plumes laurent inputs insight extracted ##slope alkali root juven datum connected evidenced gradual gradually trachyand rheology megas izu readily attempt deviation geoscience building acknowledgments trigger bombs ##aquin curvature hiat joaquin krabbi erzincan 49 52 57 82 800 a1 aug bord dv lag lillo mpa mild nc nne pick pont pract rand εnd ##oet ##ler ##eformed ##ply ##asons stim conver forced ##ilized ##acity sust beaver ##ruction prol ##istral ##andon ##ighb chronology modal neighb former ##usible ##erson rocky evap valid ##asses abandon scores ##conform lowermost simpl simply accoun changed preced tops underg undergo consisting ##ochi construct ideal ##berry stratigraphically corrected ollom lineations finite classified classroom shales 11ss ##ahochi ruin retro closer precision ##inae ##ways tested recognize creating thermochronology frequently ##fully tensor terminations approaches ##agnet grant bathymet easy sinistral cycles contributions percentage attribute 002 ##yuan questions receiver causes laminae annual debate intensity cycle platform months explanation listed fundamental ambient edifice check bidahochi dulce juvenile hiatus dvfs lillooet pontides random ollomont 96 bum band box benth crop d3 eight efficient hons ic ke mer ming mom mica ok perv yer ##tically ##gons ##mi ##bg ##vine ##kin ##wed ##inh ##inned ##altered ##ices ##ans ##roy ##ulating ##etry ##imeters stored fort basic ##odacite ##estim ##ched ##ired ##aster unaltered incons volat compaction ##ountain co2 diat perouse sciences accounts depart crbg volcanics undeformed tradition traject vertically tectonically differentiation magnitudes edges ##gles 14c build buena ago 2012 separates reconc conglomeratic contrasting unconformably million plug 175 ##urbation excav weakening temporally rhyodacite tsunamis investigations orthopyroxene curves polygons argue estuarine ultim clinoform substantially rampart tdm brackish breaches cliffs ophiolitic purpos haiyuan fairly tibetan eclogite coarser risk chamber ##horiz ##picuous rarely chaco deglaciation ncb retroarc bumber honshu moment pervas yerba 31 350 41 44 46 aff ahe cost him jer jun jack kı lon lens laminated nb ow pip pie rising vector ##oo ##gr ##mou ##ki ##kara ##ontal ##inary ##itable inform ##thon star iss isost conj conne reasons ##aca subhoriz resem marls thickest moreover ##yss distances deplet foliations obsc fe3 tract terrain outp limits decomp concord dominate uplifts passage 140 110 radial instruct broader abundances contrasts micrite lacks plus capt capture fremou overlapping encoun encomp conduits hypothesized inverted taper feedback prisms matter weathered shoreface runoff aspects standards hillslope turbidites regardless thermochronologic excursions necessarily paleocurrent received entrained paleogeographic cliff clinothems minette resetting arrival veget fauna thousands overprin philippine opportunity ripple anisotropy external fixed jersey fremouw 53 air bimodal cos fil fun fert katun lif lift m2 move py ring sar u14 vp vide vigor ##yan ##yote ##rse ##cs ##core ##mir ##hp ##hir ##73 ##inement ##organ ##ella ##ols ##olation stre station congo forcing suitable always ankara ##ember sev ##mented ##mental ##rial contrary neoproterozoic graph coyote diabase ##ibbe ##apes overwash disaster sclm students transverse detect centur traced 103 stratification decad conclusion dominates ##xta westernmost occurrences identification seric ends foundation aguj primitive markers priest caribbe restraining expressed exists slowly frequent textural silicate terminate investigation investigated ##rystall porphyroclastic ##extensional fitting juxta damage equilibration cycling criter diffusive lithostratigraphic diffuse attributes tomography gabbros illustrate geomorphology icecaps oxidation izmir ophiolites accelerated clinothem tasman diagrams virtually orthogonal reversal called thomas sometimes robust hyperextended rtop ##worth mildly neighboring benthic jackson kırse subhorizontal ##yssal katung aguja caribbean kırsehir 3d 4b bol ball bioc cess count din fountain gm gal gives hack jean lost lamination md ngr oak pg patch rout uhp wet ##ride ##sbe ##ng ##men ##down ##bon ##ko ##wa thresh ##atw offer inund ##ared ##robe ##asal ##asma ##elon ##olitic ##olving static conform forward deform ##ams bee angles shad comes ##ists ##phas ##astroph unst ##pling interst prone incoming reli marl collection lithic phyric observe verte ##valley outboard mete generations tectonism ##ometer compositionally fractured reprodu downward thrusting newly synextensional emphas magnes ##roprobe follows masses defining deepest probable grouping trenches determining anomalous retre mont microprobe greatly linkage oxide successions landscapes anticlines breakup focuses extrap 282 technique accurately ##nedy tools coincident involves thermochronometric descriptions analogous persistent repeat spectrometry paleogeography catastroph preferentially progradational proxies breccia sigsbe assigned lidar recycling infilling collectively optim semi fluctuations cypride frictional kbar lucine rubble atmospheric monzodiorite viscosity course echelon kennedy icp mingling ultimately encountered u1419 boliv bioclastic cessation hackberry threshold vertebr sigsbee cyprideis 02 78 bo cer et lu lust mtz ni nnw oman pp p1 plast pix rou rene rice ty trees tonal yinh ##ritic ##ax ##mely ##bial ##bia ##kel ##11 ##inations ##ese ##itance ##anyon ##reh ##struct ##rose ##aso ##eto ##ocated ##imb ##illow ##estones seab ##ader modify intercal subpar ##ips plasma ##opite grape compound strath strateg lowstand spacing perched abyssal induct impos ##ache artic prevolcanic conspicuous domey phreat phlog thereby traces generating ##ressions ##ochthon estimation construction limbs concern downcore remob plausible doe apache hydroge stepped appearance passing washing andesites δ18osed quartzite retained lengths carved reconstruct ##jected capacity excell expression accumulations accommodate stepover approximate schader misfit oxides moved waveforms comparisons archean penins microbial rotated comprising tends cratonic homogen supervised stacked summer involve thermochronological improved inheritance geodetic spanning traveled schistes paleocanyon skinned accessory extremely geomorphically oxidized causing demagnet minettes harzburgite proxy unfilled ##osaur terrest braz candona presumably fissure barnacle 204pb specimens stimulation inconsist depletion captured vertebrate lustres ppm yinhao seabed subparallel grapevine inductively domeyko phreatomagmatic phlogopite ##ochthonous 43 66 7a az diversity effic ham ku mw nine slum tear tmb tagg winter ##yok ##rica ##lide ##min ##for ##hrf ##90 ##ered ##enk inac ##ancing ##analy ##isition ##ules ##etric ##imuth ##imarine stor onlap ##sected proto ##ested seas ##otectonic shifts shyok why chr ##asting ##onged resolve ##rang ##ranular ##duction ##uss inclined compreh geologically ##akh splay recre ##apaca uses eng argon changing paleol lithological flume amaz travers similarity ##arbonation ##plain glacimarine 207 presently expose recording decarbonation ##berg downslope reflected africa characterization hydrolog lineation correlates 2008 passed 14atw grouped ##aneously 2016 retain microg camer camera capable accumulate testing migrated ##oliths successive inversions terminus tracks obliqu helps displays matching assessing photo conductive ##angular reworking boreholes ceased abruptly compressional magnetite application synthetic synthesis delivery acquisition promoting tarapaca hyper lulls hawley recovered petrolog partitioning diagenetic geochronologic findings susceptibility cemented ladakh mounds resources exponential trachyandesite prolonged pervasive decades gmhrf meteoric plaster routing intercalated peninsula terrestrial azimuth taggart amazon 5a 5b 56 bad bores cow cave cerv cros fits gull hp hard hier iter jam ky kal lis lms lmi nsr rig rod sy sb spl tel vug wan ##cial ##mogenic ##ban ##bro ##bay ##ping ##wide inset ##arru ##icial ##asing ##leigh ##olid ##isely ##uri strom stations ##ilization decc ##ivation ascent ##otic come unable ##ocking ##ockwise ##opter highs spots coordin surge pert imm surficial ##conn entered apply ##ieb variables ##eps twice centimeter occs ##inson heated ##uni upsection 102 ##formational accept decou dominance ##obar grew synchron drive defle reflector identif invok determination supporting confidence 2011 continuity combining precisely degradation 180 dimin backthrust weaker weakly predictions ##yroxen slower property advances tensile feeding researchers ##ostratigraphy penarru serpentine streams internally layered matches transects demonstrates rayleigh dissolved bioturbation warmer incorporate missing orders moenk sink wavelengths playa dispersal percentages applications stratovolcanoes branches lamb delivered certainly windows confirmed hazards columbia headwaters excluded ##mitted entering disturbances seasonal ##roscop simultaneously assistance laurentia megaslide triggered lonestones isostatic decompression vegetation cosmogenic fertile vigorous sevier criteria katungites bolivia tonalite excellent effici storage recreation lisbon nsrd deccan penarrubia moenkopi 06 77 73 bru bench care fri gro gent hue n1 option pam pict rent sag sau sized ten take tape δd ##rid ##oon ##cu ##cation ##crit ##lor ##spect ##na ##ners ##gis ##band ##vant ##py ##with thins ##erres ##encing ##orad ##anent ##anite ##stood ##olites ##etical ##iguous suites exer exact anne ##vertical prospect ##ogram share chief interv relation sporad slides index college scour locus ens buttes ##ribed simulation art leh prepar prevent prelim adequ frag heft complement completed blank bounds noble normally deformational teach association muds 159 embay arcgis manif permo contained discover diamond 144 paleoflow ##arctic ##aihe saline effectively covers breuil attention ##ception flats marker hosts hosted crystallized pluck restored ell affecting analyze hypothesize ##olithic ##ratified fractional dependence ##box ##ushu nonmarine meltwater increasingly extraction digitized surrounded alkal irrad turbul photos environmental storms raywood ##ugal stacking limitations evaluation mobility arabian metasomatism intraformational scans british cyclic played look highlights ##thyan scenarios metasediments mollus fringe alignments seismically problems worldwide tamar rafted columbian serve autom recycled crosscutting paleochannels seamount seamounts favorable institute interacted dramatic explosive connectivity dropped nodes paleoriver algorithm sustained abandoned accounted concordant dinosaur renewed washington demagnetization inconsistent microgranular petrologic cervinia hierarch kyushu rigid stromb hueco rentaihe ##critical annealing preliminary hefty 42 68 99 bis bow dick dust daw dbt gpb giving jh jim oro p2 ped pan pap pun push paso tf tit tor ves war wol wrang xen yav εhf ##rically ##rared ##gt ##ds ##press ##fits ##ford ##45 ##zal ##zone ##eran ##ionally inception ##argo ##rovers ##enton ##elt tots ##urations ##omic ##ocy stem stere reorgan forest ##ilities seated sector ##chund ##therly ##antarctic ##ander controvers unex neotectonic subt subvertical resolved ##rane ##ipient ##oper ##iza incipient ##allon relate computed ##aki ##aker spin coal march notably ##ibas recrystall perform overpress india disrupt user object presents ##concent caled corners transp transmitted transantarctic simulations detected applying quad minibas doms topology differing verging continue outlet underl understood believed 107 ##brid acting ##isional constit thermally localization remark infrared grey hydration develops developing 1500 emv emer profound preserves paleovalley farallon instance accompl marking continuously clean carr rests camargo sweep switch networkgt dolost accommodates rainfall crev absor forelimb links releasing relevant widths thermobar advective decreased nonconform historical falls hotsp tendency inference toolbox coincide displayed ##continental identifying sensit taking interbeds convection highlighted spans accordingly truncation averaging accessible cobble c0002 pairs problem smoothing named unusually calcschists acquired huerres haiyan penetrated hybrid efforts hawai ##abilization petrology liquids foresets definition procedure occasionally physi electron chair tectonosequence bathymetric reconcile 1755 issue obscured inundation conformable catastrophic paleolake 207pb hyperconcent vugs pampa chiefly fragment plucked ellip tamarugal hierarchical dawson jhep wrangell yavapai totschund hyperconcentrated totschunda 4he ba bring cist ded elastic gam gover hong hual hopi ki l2 l1 lear mil mention nu oj ohio ranch ryu squ sold women wasting xuni yb ##rift ##city ##tress ##uel ##basal ##van ##veld ##ville ##kyu ##ped ##piza ##wus theor ##ator ##inities ##repan ##oug ##isc ##thest ##urf ##omorph ##igible stability ##idge conch rein forces maz ##ivities alt projection ship choic weight negl colon subun subordin plio lows highlands intact intense notable overland indist indust clar systematically buttress corrid ##gged ##ensively sectional depict conserv quick domed phen capped output belong temperate meta actual noond remove plains initiate synform eman emerged topographically discrepan redist buoy coverage andesitic 2017 shallowing consideration tupiza ##inawa ##ylvan progression supplementary ells yielding 176 170 130 asturian expan steepening wedges hydrothermally prediction differs hypotheses schieb reduces dolomitic ##2o3 advanced floors public avoid breakdown penns lasting curved falling solely devoid gren globally stacks knickzone ultra qualitative petrof turbidite geophys bends cordilleran kilometer contributing stretched trachybasal breaching petrogen cracks illustrates configurations ssw counterparts rockfalls 0860 convexity purely lawson sulu contours promoted category nonetheless virtual competing division ##oustic institution diagenesis monocline dramatically tvs utilized ferry discontinuity clays asymmetrical subrounded preceded undergone classrooms okinawa diatom purposes lenses pieces functions centuries country remobilized brazos comprehensive crossey coordinates ##connected gentle picture intervening strombolian carrara dolostone sensitivity cistern hongge hualapai learning ojp ryukyu soldier xuniwus negligible subordinate noonday ellsworth schiebout pennsylvan xuniwusu 1a 450 74 750 88 91 aa ban bill bush cod dar done edu gate gpr kel myst mck mile nant od pit pene pillow tur tay wr wider zj ##cies ##lopes ##af ##skin ##tally ##uable ##ufficient ##mer ##bly ##ked ##kiers ##we ##wan ##alla ##itor ##itively anderson ##inger ##urun ##ulid ##ulates stock cond convers reanaly maars ##terrane asl failed bea ##utes shut ##pher ##phase whit orb ##rie unload interglacial collaps subcontinental respond plank basinal incre graded highway spill ##erville abut clockwise ##ached presc thickens transl transpar simulate lees cry quar interplay cao 104 acoustic actively ##ydacite afric empl permit lineam discrim termed delay driving diamicts deflation fineto 1480 classes classify implying determinations predicts ##oidal controlling morphologies polyl cutoff transporting discussions southeastward trips carol 177 swim likewise silty exclus weakness affects detachments approximated reducing motions misfits movements willi ranged growing serpulid laings standing johnson insufficient rotations extract buckskin gaskiers serpentinized linearly 280 coule technology porphyric ways summit surveyor warming trachydacite uturun landslides mediumto uniformly thirds cascade independently applicable protru depocenters chronologies ##neisses c0001 situated counterp aligned vergence saturation saturated annually shorter target attempts commun instrument gneisses particip simultaneous procedures subdiv extrusive occasional occupy challen challeng preclude practical 11ss1 volatiles department costa resemble instructor encompasses galena interstratified emphasize typh ##roseize traverses obliquity gullies split ##olidated immature efficiency sporadic embayment turbulent dickinson transpression thermobarometry shipboard quickly banning bushveld mystic nantroseize conversely reanalyz african exclusively laingsburg uturuncu 2d 3a 4a 5c 8a 84 aim bon baker cns ds dav fills gar gps gold gaps gpts hus hold jr ks kum lip lend mt mim morn nic pc poin pah qa qpl sse tong tab treat uran wy xrd ##ris ##sible ##ij ##grou ##usion ##ming ##bit ##ek ##kana ##fect ##erly ##onite ##onti ##ats ##atzal ##inate ##inite ##enu ##encer ##edition ##orough ##ancy ##elet tow ##lear ##ola ##olves ##urate ##omon ##igorite stir mac ##ilus ##ulty ##ama ##odoch beam seeps shrim complications ##umps chert ##astic intermit neut neph collu subm ##illips ##ops stronti geograph spars spencer cooper ##isms slices marsh marbles extensively ##ardite ##assing percol overestim indeed ##ptoch score imple thickened translated arbit ##rosite ##roshio leaving depression ##agement ##ifications interpreting analogy ams trapped upr upd trenton glacially flor 106 sett consisted parker longest ##bergs icebergs easternmost ##ishable mineralog antigorite edc termination benefit sequential springerville 1173 fewer experience clustered radar radiation 195 drainages attenu poster rugged documents flatten rhodoch continuing combine distinctions geother microsc denser carry came correspondence expedition overlaps backst forearcs visit visually ##ollisional temporary dolomit fluxes successful heterolithic explains ponded maturation anticlinal promote approaching solomon digitization vein deltaic chemostratigraphic runs consequences ##inguishable supercritical ##ugate introduced columns karoo porphyritic faculty ##supp organisms intraplate doubt exceeded analogue elongated rollback 001 statistics skelet cumulates paired catal problematic transtension categor categories divide destroy destabilization iii imbricated goals foreset explosions gabbroic ##sterite failure conceptual sulfate jointed scientists briefly border picked traditionally trajectories conjugate connections streptoch deforming pixel ##eseismic impossible concerning kuroshio cameras teleseismic synchronous teaching alkalic orocl titanite hotspot mentioned mazatzal choice indistinguishable corridor expansion taylor unloading transparent williams typhoon reanalyzed cnsb kumano morning uranium wyoming shrimp intermitt strontium sparsely rhodochrosite destroyed streptochilus 69 79 8c 98 93 aid aerial bare cn cu cell cited crow crops ccs dism e2 econ eros fam g1 her hon hood hinter iod kern kpa khu lg liz living mas nop naz nuc oib pum pole plastic rica rises saw tm tai tilt var viable ##rig ##oke ##cri ##cogn ##collisional ##lock ##aff ##tian ##tening ##tectonic ##ih ##eap ##15 ##13 ##het ##inct ##eschist ##enous ##environ ##edeep ##nda ##itically ##ione ##icol ##anson ##stem ##eled ##ctory ##olating ##oured ##there ##urity ##uly ##etch ##oweap ##ocean ##igenous ##idam reb foredeep maast areal baseline beard ##ppable ##ctional ##phem ##phere ##umines ##adem ##adalu chis chines southerly norm interfer interlay resurf plant comput coach diach sedimentological notice surpr valuable peru indian disk displaced disapp ##ptive regressive ##ellite implic items formational transformation detection lithologically mantled indication ##uniform throughgoing underestim smear believe calcitic suppl actually blind exposing deci processed reports mainstem volumetric emp embed management kaol shortly crossing mesh mesoproterozoic ##ricult calculating stepping passes 143 buer unclear paleoenviron ##lemental covering agree agricult 190 drained considerably postcollisional mechanically flattening retention distinction anatase speculate horizontally miller grounded anatolian talc gravit gloss hangingwall diffra explo linking kinematically schm schem radius narrower viewed ##richtian textured δ13cost ##urnal quantities yellowish nonuniform streamwise helium propagating productive devil consequent superterrane demonstrating impacts hillslopes blueschist c0012 ##sub scarce europ regarded ##angong intraocean zoned franciscan analogs populations bridge illustrated budgets favored situation alignment faster pink satellite acceleration name opposing harzburgites harzburgitic exceptionally guadalu rafts geosciences adjustments explanations terrigenous ##limb thousand multiphase candid imbricate friction dilute chains tightly delineated scientific postdates facilitated inhibit convective unrecogn plunging boxwork efficiently traditional trajectory juxtaposition shadow reproduc retreating hydrologic perturb invoked lehman automated toroweap warner wolf reorganization recrystallization constitute accomplished crevasses physiographic wrangellia square theoretical 176hf lawsonite planktic 177hf counterpart bonin husband qaidam tonghet neutron flattened geotherm microscope ##supplemental ccsf hinterland iodp nopah pumice maastrichtian ##uminescence chinese coachella disappear embedded intraoceanic guadalupe tonghetai 3he 47 59 650 7b 72 71 bival cast cars cub dor dict drops docking e3 ese ephem fro fellow gi gain gun happ ione iber jud jumps kh lent lord ncc nick nomen pier pyroxen raw road s3 son sieve taran ur ww wil york μm ##yal ##rant ##cers ##cular ##litic ##lination ##solidated ##ias ##iating ##ubs ##moidal ##vement ##view ##pit ##fa ##hes ##xa thorough ##erozoic ##inn ##inder ##ester ##alay ##itia inad ##ani ##anerozoic ##rec ##ston ##entally ##radu ##raded ##randa ##ocon ##imposed stag ##idt forsterite master ##ila aliqu ones ##ifact bases ##otstra ##lusc shed shan ##phenocryst whose org chen una ##abe ##plating modes interl ##opia ##izable ##izuri grading compens evolve evolving ##aken diurnal intras canada ##endix perfect dischar disagg regimes ##elling imposed obduction ##vection ##athers arid arise appendix paleot paleoproterozoic preval structured depressions adding advection suggestive obser phyl phillips phanerozoic topset feas ##inski ##lasts hex fanglomer outburst outlined likel calcium measures genera generates allochthonous academ erod erode limn lime refine northernmost ##mont differentiated tethyan locales associations hydrated colored granites averages mms synrift syntectonic cools apex subsiding 2006 2007 145 describing predate multicol ##oids metamafic 197 ##ahari morphological rule widening unconsolidated works working diamictites closest fo2 millions grounding restoration fourth ##ifying respective swath 13a kinetic siltstones ##shing tuffaceous creation encrust circum existed detached ruptured alternate ponding maturity please ramps integrating 5000 offers amongst 3000 cratons days planitia floods 220 microplate propagate grants roof vented superimposed limiting evaluated introduce needs c0011 morb craters sensing utopia perspect raises gauss summarize metamorphosed elongation enhance attributable schists mouths going breached mollusc carrier protolith refractions mcm paleosol paleosurface rafting napp breccias sigmoidal cyther adjustment fundamentally residuals enters partitioned sometime seasonally monoclinal dilution seemingly particles 541 extrusion maintained flexural martel postdate algorithms chaotic tectonosequences watersheds august evaporation simplified undergradu volatile himu himalay june connection outpaces filter life video videos detectable sericitic reliably magnesian bootstra cerro strategies article hydrogeology inaccess kalahari accepted decoupled benchmar artifact adequate punctu xenoliths ##ocythere subtra objective caledon minibasins hawaiian milpit buttressing petrofacies geophysics petrogenesis odp peneplain crypt carolyn challenging pointed town stirling settling erosive nucle taiwan ##cript ##ihood chisos normative supplied schmidt unrecognized carson ephemeral nomencl taranaki urban www intraslope disaggreg likelihood undergraduate milpitas 1b 3b 67 7c 9b ae alex bh bin bla bus bau bund brad cra city dre dot dard files gs gig gyp gather hı hud hanc houst koll keep oolitic pm pav png pione pangong rav rose rank tc tort tide tied tail tio2 vi ws ##lo ##ll ##si ##sed ##irog ##iors ##nı ##uate ##mant ##melt ##dr ##dely ##doug ##ea ##ein ##eirog ##kra ##kom ##pes ##pel ##fai ##40 ##43 ##ham ##house ##alach ##orre ##orate ##anell ##ropping ##thal ##uric ##ravel ##rastruct ##etically ##omple ##omorphic ##ocyp ##ima ##igmatic sto stagn ##osing ##idote repos replacement mai mand mappable ##iling sut albe al2o3 ##ifies ##ods ##otell attain ##child ##ister ##istine ##ados chi chrom norway ##inea ##inez unp unravel interse intersected collab colocated subgrou residence ##illing ##oping inclination incomple relies compelling meander geys ##aks ##aking slide ##ards ##iboust recess ##assium ##ending abras ##apubs overc oversp overview indent disper disconform dissected regular scope ##achita enigmatic calient calving ##augh thicken transformed translation simulated detector paleont paleosc distant distort distribut adop ##key ##wards varieg ##rought domal doming miranda phel observable topic tracers capping fanning version outwash nearest metab ##fspan consistency ##psite exposes parag longitude decimeter ##pected stripped fracturing compares differentiate epeirog epidote infrastruct ##ffected mineralization emission mankom permanent kawe majorand mccull discern periph drift aftersh deepening ##ney northeastward appeared strongest 1400 classic impreg concentric angiboust instability separating polished potassic potassium quartzose spatter shearing documenting monto reserves collisions spectroscop gradational densely carving campsite 174 latitudes gulkana gulfspan glomer creates positioning conduit explored exhibiting radiative strengths movie δ13csed clayey directional porous exceptions solub drapes buckling veining inferences roots 240 shifting ulten 260 dams upwards hydrocarbons ouachita 210 270 projects oils becoming ##uca funded funding harry programs double loess contributes exceeds precipitated rolling sharply persisted interesting cascadia statistically magnetization magnetotell batholithic rheological mcdoug synthes seismogenic indicator crudely debated heavily guinea arriving penetrating tasmant fairchild effort apwps ##oyed commer ##abilities crosscuts buildu instruments orthogneisses disturbed optical thomson chambers imbrication ascribed overprint philippines definitive snowmelt operating straightfor drove barnacles dunes martinez realistic facilitate asymmetric shielding unrelated plunge conversion 11ss6 bathymetry hiatuses randomly kept diatre excavation excavated tdmc affinity pipes conjunction instructors feedbacks overprinting overprinted filtered stationary fountaining reliability retreated montana etc articulated hampel badlands ##brook ##opteris deflection diminish brun exerted ensure blanket irradiation mollusks papers vesic controversial disrupted remarkably gamma ##omorpha grenville education collapsed lineament coulee participants transpressional garlock colluvium percolation mineralogical attenuation dismember khufai lizardite rebound decipher kaolinite agricultural gravitational glossopteris lenticular pierce ##esterly unaffected paleotop multicolle cytheromorpha punctuated cryptic dotted dardanell gsapubs gyps hını hancock houston kollars ravinement albeit caliente paleoscarp variegated epeirogenic infrastructure mankommen kaweah mccullough aftershock impregn mcdougall tasmantid straightforward dardanelles hınıs 2c 76 8b 81 83 9a 97 aph aqueous b3 bes bond brought dt du don doz dirt e1 eag fm faces g2 gis gru grate gathers held july ker kane lv mend nond oolite pump rut sod sib tp ton tre tent tid tree tap tents tread ub vit vene wa wis writ wnw zip ##ren ##rick ##riding ##lf ##lst ##sf ##ship ##tong ##iy ##ule ##uter ##uven ##uptive ##mo ##mong ##do ##df ##des ##ders ##bes ##bank ##vizuri ##85 ##83 ##high ##horn ##hinia ##xson ##je ##juven thole ##erian ##atter ##atites ##eno ##enite ##iter ##orated ##icopter ##rect ##rob ##roof ##olat ##ison ##thm ##urdo ##etime ##omain story stabil ##osh ##ida rey rect replaced rehe rejuven fore fork force mach ##ilay ##acu ##acular ##acryst sun alvizuri ##amb ##ampling asian ##iff face ##eman search atwater ##pha ##aday chose unless unroof web week pristine subal ##aged ##agonal ##ude ##izations ##usive inclusion strict evolves ##ologists diap sedimentology slick mars overto overriding indurated disag dispar disconnected ##raphs clara imper usgs km4 obst italy ##ructive ene enthal lowered lowering corner ark arran arising lev appalach district precess consum whereby fluores suggestion healing compose ##ords continents outward ##ronous underthrust ##play metal 108 105 settle ##ustatic activities ##isions constitu ##ometers refers deceler decimeters ##bert downlap smallest plays granules offswith characterizing synvolcanic arcuate manus manner manuel muav permiss crossed examination constrains subset ##ricity discord derivation 126 ##clide soon 2004 knoll broxson finn ended multiv multilay equations equally 115 ##liers angmong meaning confining 196 193 faraday collins attached widest monte continuation hosting specul special fronts spectacular millimeter densities individually trip elim accumulating accommodating halite biologic recognizable ##plicate cm3 temporarily rhythm schol radiographs successfully ##mann advant advancing tapped flanking behave salton ##print opx silicates generalized terminates heterogeneities holm holbrook helicopter floodplain microdr rotating propagated polym devolat runout ##erta ird serpentinization availability supercontin photomic dissip impacted coincidence opposed bluff labeled evaluating introductory mobilized mobilization karlst selection equilibrated incorporates incorporating amphibolite signals trunk evidently induce aggradational loop loaded uniformity responses mediated transgression helped music persists molten sketch smoother expandability visualize visualization megacryst prograding soils crucial ideas hummocky acknowledge purple quantifying promotes paleosols huerta na2o essential s2s autochthonous deviations exclude cpx palm palyn coarsening edifices presumed subdivid subdomain fissures ##positional delineate physically designed specimen sulfur 517 reefs modestly precludes bracketed inhibited pools animated megasplay converted sustain abandonment accounting undergoes constructing ##ansen purpose pipe piece tracts lifetime streaks graphite ballistic unstable magnesium hydrogeologic reconstructing paleocanyons tearing inacc waning diminished saucer scours preparation complementary manifest manifested discovery discovered 144nd panel stereon overpressure underlie reinfor altitude subunits industry depicted phenom buoyancy trachybasalts diatoms condens quarter challenges tabular nepheline submerged dolomitized hoodoo interlayered diachronous surprising 143nd diffraction candidates cubic froude fellowship giant nickel observers feasible hexagonal limnocythere perspective mcmurdo inaccessible benchmarking nomenclature bauhinia ##kraal reposit abrasion dispersion adopted phelan magnetotelluric commercial multicollector gypsum fmq lvz rutile siberian tonto tidally ubiqu ##lf0 tholei slicken enthalpy appalachian settlement permissible multilayer photomicrog karlstrom megacrysts subdomains 6c 9c 94 au ara aoc aub b1 b7 bif bain bone cation cul clu cav cott cements cocon db d2 dct dies dai dora dash eth era ecc fence fift fug fuj flaps falla finger get gib hree hansen jenn kt kre kok kings lath lher lfa mn ment mist mole nit nac nong pic piv pau page pelagic pdf qal qay rely sad sits self tass tie tun takes tang vast villa witch wax yog zag ##yrian ##rations ##rative ##oen ##oil ##oley ##ais ##aim ##sel ##ipl ##ious ##no ##nam ##gent ##map ##ee ##ew ##22 ##26 ##pastic ##ffer ##fined ##fey ##faction ##18 ##16 ##win ##welded ##ha ##hoe ##74 ##zi ##zinski ##95 ##qe ##onic ##aturated ##ints ##eded ##alpine ##itness ##itization inverse insp inboard ##arag ##icarbon ##anites ##requ ##rels ##roalpine ##entiated ##ele ##elbe toll ##lets ##ouri ##isphere ##through ##rays ##racted ##rade ##etav ##ocino ##igan stated ##idian conical conven rejected mack maden ##ilely dece ##ivoc alb alban alpha ##ampled exotic ##iffer basanites ##odzinski beij ##vertin atop ##lau ##ogle shel shosh ##chk ##chetav ##isto ##ighter chart chilled sound ##lowa ##ineering univers unequ ##ecting ##abit subhedral ##opyroxen basinward ##ostic incise compact geelbe cooley ##ismological intr intrab notion ##assed ##apel overthrust ##elli durfey easterly encl enables corrob ##ensus ##athrust arises arroy armin leaves chang paleod crn cr0 assyrian consensus ##iao fielding obsidian mines creep phoen twent twig centimeters undated undulations undiffer ##inspastic traverse travertin caution composing ##reso uplands upslope nearer liu undert undergoing underplating trim trlf0 metapel calcified calcification channelized mounted lavinia ##pson eroding parental idah blocked decam differently remanent epoch epox ##obe inflow infrequ erupting mmb manual progreso editor transitioning debrites constraining mesas discard 125 so4 originating 2005 influencing fining horst 14b 147 representation describes bub isotopically coreh equant 11a 118 salinities ##icularis confinement 1960 farthest draining postulate ##arship poll unconfined furthest monit continuum ##arez tubes seconds ##ylitic specified progresses progressed grades millenn 1600 carlo 173 captures distinctly 185 expense accumulates bias positioned predictable circular rhyolitic rhyolites wallowa strengthens climbing waveform applies austroalpine permeable ductilely geomagnetic breakthrough substit possibilities integrate propylitic holes rims nonwelded inside insulated fossiliferous ##eady flooded hotter microstruct productivity chemically 230 couple ##leton juarez troughs markedly aquifers organization 215 missouri negle losses easier sinu tds tdp inducing summarizing powder powders zonation loose contributor implied medial trachyte revised google bright expanded protoc protracted entry rheologically c0006 c0007 louann megathrust solidus underwood gomsi irregularly namely powerful dividing greenish paleoseismological 1990 laccoliths sigma service conceiv ##ortunately infillings glassy reviewed vegas faunal unfortunately competition competence recovery excluding adjusted palinspastic tips subjected subjective reversed establishment transformations monoclines microfossils opportunities occupies occupied drawn failures geochronological ctm jointing node electrical coefficients inhibits pool animal resource speeds laurentian rooted trachyandes augmented borders banded affinities own owing starts starved issues resembles terrains funnel lifted pyram century sericitically mdd patchy routine unsteady reproduce extrapolation extrapolating luis azimuthal waned decoupling identifiable friant grover exactly prepared cyclicity biserial bowers underlies absorption dedu conservative synformal discrepancy discrepancies redistribut publications institutions pennsylvania pennsylvanian mckee aslan orbicularis prescribed discrimin polylines aimed davis mimic nicarag macro geographical implemented arbitrary upright florida intermittently resurfacing empir exploit european reproducibility khatun sonora staging chenmo perfectly prevalent outbursts nappe bootstrapped disaggregated bht bradley pavement pioneer wsfs ##ocypris maira intersections incomplete geyser recessive overcome spectroscopy glomerocryst buildup brunhes aphyric mendocino sodium veneer ##jections unroofing diapir fluorescence manuscript scholarship microdrilled supercontinent subdivided stereonet phenomena photomicrographs bifur bainaim culmin clues coconino daily dashed fuji jenny kokchetav lherz nonglacial paucity saddle tassi village witcher yogodzinski ##selves tollhouse beijing geelbek phoenix undifferentiated travertines idaho epoxy gomsiqe nicaragua bainaimiao 2σ 2θ 3c 460 550 6a 61 7d 8e 9d 900 a2 aw aided b2 bars baj cau cath cia counts dow drier ey eustatic fif fru gou gast guth ho hun hour house hild hint hno jan jav kl kj kiger lic los lamin mir morm mun mbs merged nomin nub nsf pel pied ptz rd r2 r1 ros rind roles rigor sa sit spp sab sale ske splic symmet tir vap wra wins wake wai wild willow words zhe ##rin ##rene ##rill ##rally ##rites ##rified ##rise ##rench ##ool ##othermal ##ca ##cceed ##crystall ##lith ##lson ##logy ##sa ##sis ##sives ##iot ##nic ##gas ##gel ##gence ##gone ##gps ##uer ##uary ##ubl ##med ##mond ##dell ##dden ##vin ##eby ##25 ##kit ##pret ##4d ##hr ##hg ##65 ##ze ##96 thur ##eried ##onwood ##esian ##encies ##ala ##alities ##nder ##orient ##orium injection injected ##ican ##icella andrill ##anges ##ango ##rean ##reth ##static ##stein ##asinal toc toler toiy ##olai ##oluminescence ##ouring ##iscan ##thrown ##etrically ##ommon ##owu ##oclinal ##imilar ##igosa stark ##osic ##osities isother reorient mam maowu ##ilated ##ilian dead defic ##geological succeed export explic ##odoluminescence bear bevel anisian ##rus ##ruent bygone ##lag ##lapping ##ppan shack shards shrin coming comments ##istical orange ##irc ##ria ##ried ##uminous ##antaneous ##andra ##ade contiguous unimodal unnam ##ocked ##plan interg interrupt interconnected ##orefer prf subarc subangular resum resolving ##ague figs ##ipment ##ducted ##opy ##izone ##alled volt relay relating computer strigosa meet geologists georefer ##artite highland spi spir diagn slid marino extinct noting ##endant indire displ collecting ##icked scoured clark flowers locate immediate ##ariate ##ariant envelop calved ##auea ##enschist colleaguesng leg resultant ##ounded prev cristo assert queried ##ieving foliated interpolation variance temora mina mini observables unders undisc feo healed upland nearshore lique glaciated flo calcic calcare carbonaceous ##bryon tectono tectonomagmatic tectonomorphic refined concave peach ##ularis seaway repet team downgoing oceanographic significance greenschist isotrop colors 153 corrections volumetrically ##orne ##ficial complexities emerg embryon intrudes intrusives manually ##rows permits crosses hydrology hydrostatic discipl derive ##class outcropping origins periodic geometrically brother reflective reflectance 149 buffer uncommon imping equipment 116 1100 509 bread agents fillmore confl 1970 ##ahua linton positively instances instantaneous attendant assumes postulated postvolcanic mechanics workflow retrog 2500 closing monter monitor anywhere combinations ##standing strad crystallinity speciation hypocent degassed 161 167 triang triangular swale swanson 1300 caps kinds ##ohaline remainder ##urbated strains steepen expectation priori biological biostratigraphy backlimb ##overed ecological stranded conduction lobate analyzing migrate crests concentrate climates rupturing illum thermo footprint tensors assembly tappan abundantly themselves prismatic breaking penn international layering drag drast matched extracting digitally difficulties polygen chemostratigraphy synclines dynamically runkel globe irrig argent assessed photogram balancing dissimilar toolkit coincided kargel incorrect bioturbated nowell barren escape ##sued scarcity conductively winds thermochronometry incorporation missed kilauea reactor predominance principle connell escarpments ##oehoe human inherent adds 296 330 graduate homogeneity steadily shared interestingly 320 340 360 expanding argument zealandia 0720 chrons entrain hemisphere mohave infiltrating ##huahua resistivity confirms ##cutting annularis ##rump crude crushing demographic smoothed ##smow acquire ##caldera wasatchian paleoslope accompanying achieve brecciated 1999 served ##interpret swarms effusion contemporary neotethyan platforms eclogitic vega faunas cuttings cpo atlantis instructional grids mixtures cyprean ascended 1987 1983 particle 540 operated utilize ##horse extruded drawing ##uila discontinuities discontinuously susceptible atmosphere 640 dune flexure animation intersects assisted attempted 579 evapor evaporite merge fortun informally encompass tapered arrivals pyrite pyrene juxtaposed patches book ##axial impose homogenize slumping christ chrys engineering cameron photogeological badger iterations perturbation identifies invoking carefully friable sauk prospective ##ograms adequately irradiated molluscan vesicular spinel spinelli emerging nonconformity nonconformably ellipso governed colony colonies subunit outputs emanating buoyant ultrahigh 08603 darwin whiteman orbicella incremental employed polyline cutoffs protrusion communic subdivide jrc pahoehoe pahrump overestimate posterior skeletons catalog catalina orocline oroclinal cnm economic lgm nazca variscan noticeable paleoenvironmental ##subduction perturbations dorsey gunn happened inadequ aliquots ##phenocrysts compensated discharging phyllitic fanglomerate academy gaussian himalayan subtracting alexandra busby bundles gathered stopped chihuahua distortion metabasal periphery solubility diatreme dismembered paleotopography dozens eagle gratefully tentatively rectangular machine sunrise overtopping arkosic levy multivariate speculative polymict devolatilization inaccurate repository aragon auburn cottonwood laths unequivoc intrins undertaken decameter infrequent neglected sinuosity deduced macrofossil cathodoluminescence downd fifth gouge gastrop guthrie hildreth hno3 january java mirr mormon mbsf nubra saleeby vapor winslow wildhorse toiyabe explicit beveled shackleton unnamed diagnostic marinoan indirect undiscovered calcareous isotropic embryonic polygenetic irrigation photogrammet 07201 310 4c 470 6b 8d ak a5 action bell barb bones batch berg boug ci ced cose cram cima dog dorm dual e0 elu eject ejected fem fush fash fusible fusion gagn gained hr hen hok hanson jm kim kula lan lud lah lang luminescence locked muted nph null n30 ooids pw p3 pse pret pits ppt pose pica pint poured qt qai rul rom sv sle sole sider saf tt tan tall tension tides trop tank uint vir went westerly xenocryst yos zi z2 zh zap δr δfm σ1 ##yard ##rarily ##oan ##oph ##oides ##cn ##cas ##cel ##cos ##crust ##lingu ##ae ##aal ##ael ##ault ##aque ##tice ##iop ##iary ##ipped ##iples ##nut ##norm ##gn ##gm ##gin ##gruent ##uing ##uch ##uously ##mor ##mas ##mber ##matism ##dict ##bel ##blasts ##borne ##vens ##vember ##ez ##eous ##eath ##2th ##kaline ##pat ##pin ##pack ##17 ##wal ##wich ##hur ##head ##hrels ##67 ##78 ##zger ##33 thack thail thesis ##erty ##ony ##oni ##att ##atan ##atives ##ini ##enc ##alan ##ito ##itt ##itial ##itous ##itna ##orement ##ioned informs informed inorgan ##arts ##aract ##arico ##areno ##anes ##rema ##reoides ##stances ##roport ##entricity ##asse ##elief ##olate ##isite ##rading ##ithid ##omm ##imer ##imate ##imetric stru store stems isla issued congruent reent rechar replicate forth ##ilic ##ilim ##ilite ##ilations dewater ##acon ##gean ##rome ##rometer alc alam ##amorph asia onion ontong exit exchan fabers ##rubs proceed ##emite ##emont ##estructive ##ota ##otely ##otrema ##lays shot sharing shaking shrubs ##chus ##chier ##avage ##irka ##riatic contend cherty sousa ##loway une unma unamb ##ectively ##plored intersp interactive interlimb interiors nez ##agmatism ##ipa formal formula grave relates relict relax compass compilations lowand ##ersed ##orted meand gebel gehrels ##artic ##ght ##000 spik splays intensive ##rety sloping surges ##ibly recomm perce abraded ##apace ##apec overbur overarch overbank indus ##raphies scott tranel ##ellar tims obducted ##ariously env calder sandron ##gging ##ribe arm arres arrays ##erneath departs crp cr19 adobe adriatic wherein queen fieldwork subdued suggestions interpre provinc ##iently mind ##iance amagmatic amagmatism underneath topics feat trap traction tracing heath ##urrents terlingu ##una versions outg outliers genesis metzger calcifying channeled activation tectonostratigraphic blanc estimations constrict refinement decline decorre november desic concert fluidal comparatively downcutting remotely associate epilim erosionally aforement 152 granular initiating empt emiss intrude mancos majors ##ovian apatites descent sheeted mesosc ##ricts redwall 12a 1280 stevens elevate drone driver know defines mccalpin financ passchier 148 classical impressive impract ##oked methodology 114 conditioned radio anguila confines shallowly 1950 docx instabilities morphometric attitude attitudes ##issance poles logged logistical worksh ##yroblasts reconna spatiot ##ledo monu precariously strait accreting micas rougher importantly cleavage millimeters degassing carapace elmi talarico 1700 singular ##ofossil lattice 135 kind petrified 1812 astreoides ##awalla expectations entirety biostratigraphic rainier ##eyapec stepwise minimize cirque burro weakens weakened plotting experimentally ##linorium hypothetical migm migrates ##olds misery walnut evenly strengthened properly ilmen thermohaline successively advocated invert taxa directionally aggreg opaque scaled exceptional coasts coastline mats termini terminated springsure quantity quantified amplified anticlinorium penrose porphyroblasts orthopyroxen solve obtaining snap ignored draping extraordin difficulty ophicarbon device 232th ventilated homotrema technical behaved calibrations fitted rays raymond begun coinciding freshly ultras surveyed headward bending illitic ##metamorph amphibalan disproport improving principles signaling navig critically feldspars counted ##mapper ##vention summarizes humid inherently trachytic worth revision helping brackets paleoclim removing principally moles reasonably interested petrography 36ar brines magnetostratigraphic arguing arguments fringes protoliths 071 naturally putirka chronological entrench geomorphological c0004 situations resided resistance divergence cataract hayden supai ##emporal seismology preference preferential laserchron crushed accelerating thanks greener greenland intensely intensification s11 susitna distinguishing arrived laccolithic penetrative columbus oscillations systematics assignment effusive woody unfault competent recoverable everywhere commens collector instrumental amalgamation author braided ambiguous liquidus establishing callovian rbgn semic fluctuating eurasian cyprus ascertain interacting diorites 1989 definitively curvatures snowfall connecting robledo utilizes isochrons isochronous dropstones designated highlighting martin reality chilean paleorelief monzonite hyperextension claim courses convinc plunges attempting 529 practice practices converge preceding precedent checked banding merely merging okay departure reconciling pervasively afford juncture informal obscure outpaced detectors galloway shaded interstitial montague optimal cerithid lucy pix4d modifying strategy slumped ##analytical hydrological obliquely kalsub roden centimeterto acceptable ##roscopic prospectivity indexed artific lehigh preventing papua pushawalla ##ocyther stereo controversy unexposed unexpected overpressures caledonian quadru minibasin remarkable emerges fragmentary elliptical dedaj govern ki3 ##omorphs altos claremont conservation belonging emanated code kelvin turkey wright wrench spillover delayed weaknesses targets community challenge holds jrcs geographically implement arbitrarily posteruptive carrying skeletal categorized intermittent cuest econom honor lgb nazareno interference computing implication underestimate paleoenvironments scheme devils bivalve bivalves casts iberian judged pyroxenes pyroxenite interlaminated interlocking erodible encrusted circumstances caledonia urbanized aegean blair cracking stagnant mandeyapec attained unpubl collaboration subgroup overspilling indentation disconformity paleontology diminishes vesicles beside grunder kerogen nondestructive wispy written reheating rejuvenation subalkaline strictly disparate arranged precessional underthrusting knolls finnigan advantage palmata palynomorphs surprisingly ubiquitous tholeiitic slickenline cavities eccentricity fifteen fugacity mentoring molecular nitric waxing zagros mackellar december shelly intrabasinal enclosed trimble discarded coreholes couplets protocol 1990s trachyandesitic discriminant empirical glomerocrysts laminations piedmont sabine thurston isotherm mammal interrupted spiraled prevail undersaturated liquefaction repetition breadth conflict 1970s monterey illuminate argentina fortunately darwinula communication macrofossils downdip gastropods batches bouguer cedar coseismic cramer dogie female fushe fashion gagnone nphi pwai pseud pintados siderite ttc virgin yosemite zapata δfmq ##crustal thackray thailand inorganic dewatering faberskraal unambiguous interspersed graveyard relaxation gebelin spiked overburden overarching calderas sandroni provincial terlingua blanca decorrelation aforementioned emissivity stevensoni impractical reconnaissance spatiotemporal elmira ilmenite ultraslow ##metamorphosed amphibalanus pix4dmapper kalsubai mandeyapecua unpublished 1c 1d 1supplemental 3j 580 780 89 850 830 890 945 aer ait ale aur apl arol ben bav bial bip bard bacter boh brine bored cro cape cogn cogenetic dm dd dk dw dak dgps eps ejection fly fused fild flap fuca gc gil gem grit germ garc glau hz hie hott hints habit iv je jets kw kat kir klin krd ll ln lot lass lach lined lank ml m4 mh mur mul mut mort milit ny n0 n7 nin nann nbs n20 n10 och oval pock pak pange pear pank psu pinal pyroc qg qao rr rm roc rend raz raso s5 sent sri sited tin tad ties till tile training ucc vas xu xls yu yp yı yum yak yuc yns yuca zen ##ya ##yre ##yama ##rity ##rase ##rint ##oos ##oge ##oise ##oying ##ci ##cul ##com ##cid ##cil ##cam ##lan ##loc ##aur ##aam ##aus ##ser ##sen ##sch ##side ##ski ##iar ##iates ##ni ##nik ##gro ##gle ##gers ##uf ##uz ##uclide ##uyama ##mmon ##dom ##bid ##bard ##vill ##vially ##eenth ##epositional ##kl ##pension ##fe ##finder ##ws ##wig ##westerly ##84 ##86 ##48 ##46 ##47 ##hist ##hill ##xed ##76 ##zo ##za ##qt ##jar ##jia ##jacent theory ##erb ##erboard ##ontin ##onym ##atibility ##atories ##inney ##escent ##enf ##ndepositional ##itful ##ori ##orth ##ionuclide ##ares ##anal ##anam ##anian ##rew ##rous ##ingers ##ingham ##entine ##entory ##asy ##asi ##elh ##eloid toes topped ##ctors ##ctah ##olla ##oura ##isu ##isf ##ationally ##ura ##ulds ##ithetic ##ett ##etent ##etti ##omogene ##omosing ##ocycl ##imant ##igenic ##osystem ##osilic ##ido ##ids ##idently ##idiary rees reid reyn reinterpret demar ##ivated areally ##ultimate suited sudden alm alum alto ##amath aside asked faulds bears beacon anch anast anza anonym ##utin ##uting ##utian ##utillo ##rug ##ructions prod projections ##estion seep seft secular sectors ##lusive ##ogens ##ppers sho shma shores ##cha ##ching ##istically ##posing ##phot ##riers ##umb ##umont ##andean contamin contex contaminated contested contorted cho chus chips sought norte northerly ##abric ##abled ##plot modules modifications intert interm intercept intermont wehr prather subare subchron subcritical sublith resor resus ##ranean placing wasser ##oprase ##ostatic comprom compute compatibility geos geography evans ##ystone spot spont spele cov cole coated cohen coesite coats coaxial diops sliver canopy canutillo notch notwith surm surv ##ardt ##ardi valentine recons recirc periss perenn abajo overs overwh disequ ##idea ##pton regressions flower durations users ##achment ##concel enabled calte magmatically earl ears corning transpor rangefinder aris arnot leave leak leap leuc apprec ##ounding sectioned lithics lithium lithostatic crt cred plateaus adare ##rains queens quasi ##ieth fluvially ##iaans variously ##cedent mined mining mantling indications ##atings observatory undist topologically fe2 fe2o3 frac fractions therein trail traits trapping howard bedforms ##igns tera verify upvalley upthrown underco trying glaci genus genetic flights flared meterto 10b allen allogenic channeling signs signify 202 carbonic complements supplying supposed acts ##ochnik presenting stratal studying pargas boundstone blocky ##berts novel desired comparative tefl localizes downs thrusted newer hydrog coloration ##parany granodior granule additions characterizes olive olson antithetic emble intruding mangro ##oves melanges ##bling ##rington subsidiary commonalities calculates correlating 12c 124 stew steam ##clockwise delith diameters 2001 2003 geometrical contradict deepwater broke brook reflectivity fines groupings invariant inventory uncorre trenching impediment imprint predated predates endm equipped 11b 113 ##liot radiance radionuclide aged confidently ##azite ##azanam shallows shallowest considerations collided postsp postrift postsubduction widens ##isson separately potochnik ##reading unconventional logical retrie documentation closures monazite transportation tube lengthening geoanalytical focal ##kaido specie segreg 30ar hypers spectrally plugs carn carries resting restoring supplemented campa campan elk elliot 171 swe proposal 13b 1350 capability parallels ##urbed glen glenn overlays steepened halogens pajar biased rainout recognizing minima minimized burrows ecosystem encoura 390 grainstones visited vischk reporting cmto ts1 ts3 dimensionless predicting circle exploring approximation linkages school radiating radiography radiograph motif motivation misclass slowed revealing strengthen northwestward climb thermometry thermometer alternations heterocypris willden minority france texturally requiring orogenesis behead feeds grows enrichments aggrading avul avila porites porosities matuyama terminating quantification footwalls integrates integrity stands archive lasted insulating insolation fallout helland 2200 tended ##sler buckland mylonite segmentation pebbly running 2300 royal roberts ##irez ##irectional 2400 bayesian 283 coupling superior superposition photography photograph leveed behaviors dissolving impacting 4000 limitation polarized polarities displaying jacob notewor ##ilibrium 262 damping damaged summing whitehill barriers organized involvement 2700 equilibria experiences experiencing sensed negate amphiboles graymer improb improv improves improvement riverside predominate predominately raised dehydrated clouds council funds ##vertently induces opened loos loyal exceeding exceedingly 290 337 mediter trachytes enhancing phenocrystic paleocurrents persistence persistently 005 cfm popular populated hfse skarn magnetometer carriers ##intu turns favors chronometer rheologies slugs incompetent mega counterclockwise counterintu hematite hempton oxidizing ##kenberg prograded paleogeothermal branching diverted mcs mcg mcph solidified 0845 0843 satisf seismological seismometers seismograms geochemically equivalents smoothly agglomerates irregularities lawlor stanford reading appropriately ##cales episodicity supraglacial 1992 1998 1997 1993 serves tasks addressed autogenic paleomagnet reviews eclogites foraminifera listric ##osaic terror ionic ionization inhomogene reverses risen riscan ultramylon ascending triga 1985 hinges repeatedly operations ripples necks maintains questionable 623 635 ##omenon delineating rubrum scattering dunite flexures externally correctly precluding viscous facilitates echo kenya poison ##lmaz animations unreal 825 827 augite bordering pickering validated validating simplest idealized checkerboard boxes inconspicuous costs owens piping tapering vegetated overprints fertility sevan criterion katungite county dinar route routines offered emphasis extrapolated catastrophe optimum optimally etched tye straths stepovers homogenous homogenized homogenization hampson slump whychus england traversing retains retaining caveats gullied hardly iterative iteratively rodiles sycam syndepositional deflected backthrusts efficiencies careful grooves n15 n13 exerts prevented looking pederson puna pushed performance emvs emerge accomplish switching crevasse absorbed hawaii fragmentated brings bringing games nuclide phenomenon redistribution avoided grenvill petrofabric geophysically trachybasalt petrogenetic billion mckinney stocks ##pherical responds increment translates employing permitting lineaments delays coulees subdivisions mimics pc2 tabulated ##ijk nepheloid overestimated uprising update updated 1954 expeditions backstri dolomitization famous family honors masking resurfaced computational noticeably implicit exploited schematically europe inhibiting shadows reproducible perturbed dictate iberia inadvertently aliquot phyll fanglomerates academic erodibility kinetics filtering caledonides nucleation nucleate aeolian craig gigas giggle hudson chromat collabor subgroups overspill indenter distributive paragneisses permanente discernible synthesized vesicle impregnated pumping tremor tapers vital wait stabilizes forethrust webster disagreement obstructions consuming constituent constituents discordance meaningfully elimin manifestation reinforce condensate nacional ##ewitness shoshonite compacted corroborate arroyo metapelitic bubbles pollard monitoring millennia microstructures tdpeps conceivably pyramidal bifurc culminated lherzolite caucas eyewitness fruitful hours klamath licci loses nominal rdaam rinds skewed ##crystalline deficient succeeded ##planar resumed voltage displacing float retrograde triangulated entrainment evaporites pyrenees christmas chrysoprase gunnison inadequate aragonite unequivocal photogrammetry barbados dormant e0r elucid ejecta henry hokkaido ludwig qtqt slemmon tropical uinta wentworth xenocrystic zipper ##hurst reentrant recharged uneven envision featured outgassing constrictions desiccation financial workshop monument extraordinary disproportion paleoclimate 07173 unfaulted semicontin artificially ##ocytheridea wrightwood cuestas prevailing aleutian aplite arolla baviaans bialas bipartite bardane cognate dakota fildani gilbert garcia hiebing hottest klinkenberg lassen lachlan mulinia nannofossil pangea pankhurst razor rasoazanam tadini vasconcel xlsx ypvf yılmaz yucatan yucaipa zenisu ##ctahedral ##ocyclic reynolds altogether anchizone anastomosing anonymous sefton shmax contexts chuska intermontane subchrons resuspension wasserburg spontaneous speleoth notwithstanding reconsider perissocytheridea perennial overwhel disequilibrium caltech transports leucite queensland pargasitic teflon hydrogen uncorrelated postspreading segregation campaigns campanian pajarito vischkuil noteworthy loyalty mediterranean 08458 08435 sycamore grenvillian licciardi slemmons rasoazanamparany vasconcelos 09 1e 2e 3g 3h 380 312 4d 4e 480 410 430 570 660 760 8f 9g 92 ai a6 aud award a12 akin bb ber bent blow bata bart bach bight biver blum berm bull brian boud bots bering baca benton cc c2 c1 cit cant cations cort cay cyn cyl cup copi cropping dl da dent dac dend daugh dried ew ease elab eric eli elaps eais ft f3 fal fou fell faced flag gb gk gw ger gon gir gend ht han hid hod hog hak hend hick hope hake hcl harp hik hub hoy hinder hae i2 ix ire ily jar jach jones ko kv kend kun kbf kerg kyan ly les lect loz lose love laps lump mb m6 mit mial mok miles mash mitch nag nun nik oc o2 oes ost osl oven options pi pou pest pad pined pwa qilian rg rk rin rol rud rip rater rib rsc r12 rules russ rican renf s6 som sph sore seld say sile sull sieved sided sieving tiles taugh trains vu vf vess vort vivid vinc vice voids vacu vsmow wu wre wast ward wack wada wah wrack wetter wire wbfz wander winn witness wijk yc yang yws δ8 σ3 σfe χ2 ##yer ##rm ##rif ##rone ##rys ##ratic ##rutin ##octor ##octahedral ##cale ##cell ##current ##lest ##lely ##lass ##lie ##loric ##lieb ##sd ##sw ##sell ##tor ##test ##tise ##tempor ##tlely ##ien ##iomorphic ##nur ##nest ##gy ##ui ##mes ##magmatic ##dt ##dlest ##bal ##bas ##bod ##bach ##bold ##vc ##va ##vation ##vable ##ev ##eismic ##epping ##eks ##ky ##kari ##kins ##kler ##pich ##prop ##pened ##picked ##fig ##fter ##field ##fold ##filled ##wave ##warp ##81 ##8pb ##4u ##500 ##hq ##hear ##hola ##64 ##77 ##zz ##97 ##3u ##3d ##δ18 thaw ##err ##erite ##eruptive ##once ##onitic ##onte ##atac ##ators ##inic ##inav ##inum ##inely ##inian ##incy ##inolite ##esy ##esc ##enulation ##enhe ##edy ##alo ##alc ##ald ##ales ##alic ##aluminous offic ##itation ##itter ##itates ##itatively ##itably ##oro ##orations inlier inliers injections ##aro ##arill ##arker ##iced ##icent ##anence ##rea ##reements ##recedent ##stri ##stad ##statite ##strained ##staff ##rocess ##ingberg ##ente ##asm ##asp ##asive ##elum ##eland ##elve ##elson ##lee ##lection ##lepack ##olo ##olit ##oling ##olas ##olly ##olari ##olvable ##isible ##issions ##issc ##iskraal ##throp ##urer ##uris ##racu ##ulite ##eta ##eties ##etary ##omagnetic ##omosaic ##omarker ##owitz ##ocular ##oclase ##imetry ##igu stu stop stone stoch stars stabilization isopro ##iders convention repl reass reused reject reinh reimer ##ilent ##ilizing deem depl decon death dems ##ivan ##ivate ##acities ##aclastic ##gement ##amp ##amic ##aming ##ample asp aseismic onward onlapping exag exert ##ifiable ##ode ##odynam beat bead beau beams anion annot anorth answ anthrop ##utonic ##verized ##secting proof ##emen ##estic ##estone sept sealed ##otal ##oting ##otyp ##lun shots shimant ##chi ##che ##chronology ##chitt ##chloric ##erex ##erequ ##avala ##avango compl ##iston ##poses ##phant ##phone whipp ##antula ##andinav chap chutes cholla uns unav unres unten unext unmetamorphosed ##ocks ##abases ##abrian ##plified ##plutonic modulated intertong weights weeks nept nebr pr0 prfs pryd prorated prerequ colder colpich subper subglacial subvolcanic subjacent resh resin resur resides resolves resampling resolvable ##aging ##agog ##agran ##agun ##udad ##iper ##ipro ##ipori plants ##iller ##illes ##illion ##illar ##opic ##ople ##ostroph ##oneous ##using ##ussler incap incident relics relocated compan compart lowlands ##ichael ##imentary geote ##arted ##orman ##ghan highand ##aka ##akia spar spess spite spain spaces spann spuri cohes coplanar diet intric intended intrig sedimentologic slivers slice sloan marian canary extin extant extents notation surug valence valenc ##ibert ##ibilities ##iburis receded recumb recipro volcani ##ends pertain perkin perimeters peraluminous abnorm overst overflow northland disput disint disks disartic disloc ##eldsp ##pting regis scra scul scene scouring scrutin scandinav clan durango timote obl southwesterly ##contempor enabl enstatite ##ayaqu coring sandier transm transit transcurrent ##ggy ##ensis ##ensity simplic simulates ##asequ ##athic ##athus ##rosaur ##roshear leat legs leached ##acturer chance ##ysis preand prehist lithoph crescent crenulation crissc conspic considers adams admin ##ckle ##sover quench quincy quiburis ##ieu flushing proved provisional varieties miners minutes ##iley ##ilevel ##ificant domestic mi1 mirab mioge ample amber ammon amund twins twelve centrif observing undet underex topuz ##lastics tracking bedload heun composes wellman ##ignificant differed ##urrently ##une verm verified ##valleys upflow upwarp outline outflow outlets underm underflow elephant truly glaciations glacigenic belief genetically flight flare flame metric metaclastic metagran 10s 10d 101 109 1050 1090 ##formationon ##formationister measur generic allanite allstad acrop 208pb carbonation complemented suppressed acted actinolite midway ##ospheric subductions tectonite blanch paris parado paralic parasequ idiomorphic clastics clastogenic silts ##beris concur concurrent concurrently ##ondo pegm pecul people repa repur reprec downflow remanence epicent ##obile inflation inflated inflection westerner hydrome hydroshear 151 granulite charco charles initiates synand synplutonic antilles empe episodically manning manuf permission kapp kawich histogram ##ovitch ##ovsmow ##ovski edwards topographies ##ails apvc shortest ##bled transitioned laterites lateritic earthsc crosslines examining think thinly thinnest hydrox hydrochloric subsets subsided subscript subsampled subscale ratt ratchk ##ankovitch hereford possess 129 1250 1290 ##tooth beneficial softer profess drivers offsetting ##egie periodically richer richard richness firm ##deep ##depositional finely appearing heats evolutionary 14a 142 probe buell invoke invasive washed washover preserving imped impeded ##scatter determines paleovalleys predating sierras multib multisc multilevel 111 expertise salmon angel imported agilent fillings confident confounded confounding thenardite 1920 1973 maxima ##chanical priming farmer δ18ovsmow posit install installed collier collingham morphologically morphodynam attest attested postorogenic posttest postdepositional widen widened separations quartzof unconstrained worked broadband returned portray diamicton 252 255 monot fo84 tuxed straighter crystallographic pressur southeasterly speculated blackbod progressing unconformable puzz carter carmen restricts mixes campe elmer 17b 179 ##ognathus latitudinal swales 13f 137 133 plutonism 18d gullying gravimetric ##shire exclusion dolerite expensive expands expressions ##awan straining overlapped steepness wedging wedged weddell halformationon paul paid biod biomarker rainwater testable ##ftig backscatter minimally minimizing ecology 396 tsate tsush predictive conducting hypothesizes schw reductions radiolari slowdown wald wales concentrates pbp climatically viewing alternated moves ##rator advis fractionated inverting explaining tapping mexican flanked feeders ##meable grown aggraded aggrade ##prises floored ##inders silicon siliceous mustard pores terminology 705 706 anticip australas breaks ##otherium investigating propensity depositing archives johns holding penultimate porphyroc digestion streamer orthomosaic lastly insar insignificant tracked coexist coexisting planform planning 225 226 229 2220 seek seeking microphenocrysts microcrystalline rotate rotates comprised ignores draf draped dragging statement proportional digitizing justified inferring ##versal poly3d ##annon devon segmented ##chnical surrounds 808 bulging globula 235 233u argues bayan 288 supergrou superele superficial technologies ebsd standardized constants erroneous introduces karst packed packstones datacu databases damara dampened energetic selective selectively sellepack petrostruct barometric facility facilities versa pulverized 271 275 7500 windlass thermochronometers ordinary amphibolites architect ariki moist moore utep laboratories intraplating sinking sinuous sinks sinha brittlely diffusivities outermost counting harris dispersive moulin ##ashear doubro doubly doubling humbold powell ##ipitation lithostratigraphically usefulness loi geodetically geodesy goodness necessity necessitates stretches 295 statoil makeup 6000 worst revis travels traveling homogeneously truncate truncates ashes functional molar molino handpicked petrographically 325 34b 345 brid skolai magnetostratigraphy carrizo illustrator applicability arguably protected chronostratigraphic visualized geomorphologic megashear refractory tephrites infiltrated oxidize advancements mcelh aligns fastest 7000 hayes lamp saturate cruces cruise hermann demand accelerate delivering mismatches mismatching irregularity laws names complicate complicates victor thanked ideally kingdom purification ready readings intensities guided guayaqu suspect suspected interfing interfinger paleosurf confirmation achie achieving huang tarim tarantula continentally penetrate japanese s21 mississippian autoliths autocyclic orthophot reviewing eclogitization excludes palms commenced orthogneiss gridded tipping ##tzia inhabit bypassed enterprises favorably acknowledging acknowledged orthoquartzites divides divisible destruction destructive suspension transforming fluctuated ascend 1981 1988 rollovers bomb diluted connects tvu utilizing excessive maintaining 62a 625 dropping ferrug lucines lucchitt columnar 204hg designation sulfide sulfides susceptibilities anisotropic 017 585 hispan joining ladder chacarill paleoridge electricity postdoctor returns deglaciating bracketing pinching claystone poisson shields shielded acidified exponents rooting 490 822 augment picks picking stimulated prolate prolific formerly validity simplify iceland merges okavango excavations ultimate 311 315 313 junctions juniper lonavala informing isostasy outpace decompaction concordia concordance encompassing matters 531 airborne graphs decade sericite tasmania fountains routinely inundated conformably unstratified emphasizes 2823 ceramic etching compounded constructional remobilization brazilian slumps chrm ##rangle splaying cowan crossover symb syracu immobile ##connect synchronously deflect 778 optional tapeats exerc sporadically ensured ensuring blanks teacher 1446 turbulence automatically dinosaurs bisecting bowing pedogenic pedagog warrant ##elta reorganized unexplored recrystallized performing objectively quadratic quadrangle cleaned hotspots ellipses governing kii ki2 milankovitch ##uelen ##iscides weighting industries industrial belongs redistributed publication publicly codakia darker darling educ kelemen pitman penecontempor turning turkana beaumont collapses increments prescribe translations translational quarry employ discrimination discriminate extracts protruding participated subdivision challenged splitting david ksg lends pc1 pc3 treatment macroscopic colluvial cooperative updip floriskraal mineralogically benefitted backstep categorize famil hoodoos kernel mask sawtooth tmm variscides beardmore diachrone surprise underestimates 1434 candidate dorland dictates judging wilson ##inny prevalence apexes encrustations molluscs nappes himalaya disaggregation binnie binocular drew huddlest tcf tortilla tortuous tidewater stagnation ##isterre unprecedent paleontological distortions distribute peripheral synthesize diatremes diminishing dismemberment paleotopographic impregnation besides duplicate nondiff waipori writing stabilize subalbid impermeable arrangement precession consumption metaluminous decelerated decelerating discordant finnisterre spectacularly eliminate rhythmic rhythmites sketches condensed ubiquity tholeiites slickenlines db16 ethiop gibba mistaken picritic tuned tangential inspection inspired convenience conveniently albite albania shoshonitic soundings universal arroyos paleodiv cr05 cr07 twenty trlf01 trlf05 bubble pollen monitored 1857 substitution microstructural 230th powdered conceivable funneled pyramid redistributing exploitation diapirs bifurcation culminating baja hooper hoformationister hunt munsell ptzw rigorous sapping splice spliced wrapped waihola reorientation shrinking figs2 figs1 georeferenced enveloping assertion emergent emergence disciplines buffered straddle hypocenters penninic penniston drastic drastically demographics ellipsoidal metabasalts metabasaltic intrinsic intrinsically mirror explicitly ciudad kimana lanphere lahars langenhe ruled svm taller ##patially alamo unmapped meanders recommended interpreter epilimnic empty 12a33 radioactive migmatites aggregates orthopyroxenites snapsh ophicarbonates navigation entrenched commensurate ascertained convincingly economically mammalian conflicting aeromagnetic aurila bohannon germany glaucon kwagun lanka mhd mortar ninet pearson qg2 rrt tinkler ##analysis ##osilicate reinterpretation almirez prodelta intertidal subarea sublithospheric geospatially surmise arisen leaky undisturbed 202hg granodioritic embleton stewart contradictory brookite endmember retrieved hypersaline carnegie elkhorn swept improbable improvements loosely counterintuitive mcpherson paleomagnetism unrealistic websterites envisioned disproportionate semicontinuous reconsidered overwhelm bataille bachmann bivergent boudin botswana cantabrian cynognathus dlp daughter fourier flagstaff girdle hakkari hendry hubbard hindered haeussler ireland ilyocypris jachens koppers kendrick kunlun kerguelen kyanite lyman leslie lecture lozos mitig miall mokelum mitchell nikolai pestle pinedale pwae rkb raterman ribbon rscm russia renfrew soreghan seldom siletzia sullivan taught vuggy vfts vacuum wreck wasted wireline winnow ##balanced ##δ18o office stochastic isoprobe reassess reinhardt deemed deployed exagger anthropogenic shimanto whipple untenable unextended neptune nebraska prydz prerequisite colpichthys subperpendicular ##ostrophic incapable geotechnical spanned spurious intriguing mariana suruga valencia recumbent disinteg disarticulated ##eldspathic scandinavian timoteo enabling simplicity prehistoric lithophile crisscross conspicuously administ mirabilite miogeoclinal amundsen heuningberg upwarping allstadt acropora blanche paradox pegmatite peculiar reprecipitation charcoal empexa manufacturer earthscope ratchkovski multiscale morphodynamics quartzofeldspathic portrayed tuxedni blackbody campeche tsushima porphyroclasts supergroup datacube petrostructural doubrovine humboldt mcelhinny guayaquil paleosurfaces orthophoto ferruginous lucchitta chacarillas postdoctoral syracuse penecontemporaneous diachroneity huddleston unprecedented nondiffusive subalbidus ethiopian langenheim kwagunt mokelumne 012 095 1σ 2g 3e 3f 4g 4f 5d 5e 5to 560 520 530 5supplemental 6i 6d 670 610 7e 770 720 712 710 730 711 820 9e 9j a4 a7 aor ayd aeg arad aker awards b6 bat bor boc bot bins bish bio bai b3c bird benn b14 bangong bicarbon cd c4 c0 c3 cis cult cad cab cib carb cust clum cream cather clement crab caves cuc casting cinder cze dy df dx dal dud dyn dob dpar dred drow dug dub drum dani dais es eik erect egy fi fu f2 f1 f6 fle fate fost fari fier food fuc fras fuss fatt gv g3 gau gord gaz gases gof gott getter gery gets ganges gyre gorman h3 hit hou hur hous hern harb heral holl haff hgm hkl hinders ij iran iap iki iasp jy jul jig jem jay jager jxa jobe jade k2 k1 kra kru kers koch kather kli kash ketch lt lm l3 lone lyst lib lau lign liver lope luth lrees lives locking lwith losing laugh lighter my mow mong mary mick mosa mimb michael nt n5 n6 nst nand nad nab nix nms nonde n40 n25 nrm nelson os oh oth pt pf p4 pas pine pag pud pell pay pile pob peter p2o pines pcs pember pods ponce qfm rv ration row rop rus rins ried rfs rake rail rush rings rosen rilling riley sj sø sen sic sas sid sir sain sage seng sah schar sik sabe sending slag spherical tro tac tum tag tern tian tack tular tik tensional tiger trained tiff tighter uz upt udden vc vn vul vac vial vect viz void venic vestig vgps vdt villar wat win wif want weld warp wang xi xest ys yon ypp yun ze zion zig zak zob zuc zeta µl δc δm δf δ47 λi σn σ2 σ11 σ22 ##yh ##yph ##yres ##yka ##yang ##yehue ##yritic ##rs ##rar ##rason ##riger ##rha ##oa ##oard ##oins ##oarch ##oisite ##ooked ##cive ##cus ##cata ##cay ##cating ##coming ##crete ##cotherium ##lar ##las ##lites ##lases ##aa ##aan ##aum ##aack ##sk ##sin ##site ##sri ##sely ##saw ##sson ##sfm ##teen ##tary ##tail ##tled ##tub ##iet ##ius ##iably ##iometric ##iola ##nion ##nus ##nace ##ga ##gar ##gst ##gra ##gory ##geral ##uro ##upp ##uad ##uvial ##uilt ##mf ##mat ##mst ##mis ##mand ##mend ##mble ##mme ##mvf ##mbled ##db ##dp ##dies ##data ##dish ##dynamic ##bul ##bru ##bag ##bous ##bins ##bout ##bey ##vity ##vall ##vai ##vaal ##eat ##eas ##eam ##ecess ##eka ##event ##eustatic ##21 ##24 ##29 ##23 ##270 ##215 ##213 ##kal ##kas ##kle ##pet ##pot ##pop ##pole ##point ##pool ##fol ##fill ##fers ##fort ##found ##file ##fork ##fring ##fne ##1σ ##wi ##wis ##wac ##wits ##wined ##witz ##4b ##44 ##hl ##hom ##here ##hand ##hous ##hire ##hler ##hmap ##xon ##xing ##xus ##xls ##63 ##zh ##zel ##zhu ##zgeral ##91 ##98 ##qi ##jock ##jonian ##joy thund thread ##erat ##erts ##erlee ##onk ##onge ##onable ##onally ##onso ##onbach ##aten ##atra ##atology ##atural ##ateto ##inx ##inis ##inos ##iness ##inning ##inarily ##inking ##inements ##esel ##esth ##eska ##espan ##ener ##enst ##enues ##enable ##edom ##alt ##alian ##ndon ##itant ##itary ##itized ##itime ##ituted ##itler ##orro ##orprop ##ionized inas inel inward inval inapp inev ##aru ##arth ##arus ##arcon ##around ##arls ##arrie ##icated ##icity ##icip andres andino ##rey ##rel ##reens ##revers ##related ##rell ##refring ##rejonian ##stley ##roid ##road ##rode ##ingle ##ington ##asain ##asub ##asieu ##elman ##elek topp towed totally ##lead ##letal ##leached ##oloc ##olver ##olest ##ouzi ##ouchi ##isal ##iscal ##ths ##thing ##thons ##theska ##urning ##urries ##urtic ##raea ##racotherium ##raisal ##ulator ##ithm ##ete ##eted ##etus ##ette ##omial ##omburg ##ombia ##omitant ##owater ##ocou ##ocates ##ceous ##ims ##imps ##imensional ##implified ##iglacial stall stale stern stoss stakes stump stub staff stiff stalled staal stony ##oses isab isip isop isothermal isoclinal ##idic ##idale ##idarc ##idirectional converse conject reh reest really reun reactive reex reapp reiter reanalysis ford forec mad maff mauna ##iler ##ilon ##ilize ##iltered deuter deionized ##ivwits arete ##ultz ##acustrine ##acama ##acerb ##atever supr sutures ##romagn ##ters ##tersf ali alg alf aless alive albed albert alibert alarcon ##ami ##amine ##among ##amme asa onla online onlaps exits exited exogen exacerb ##ifa ##ifical ##ifier basically ##oda ##odon ##odus ##odont beak bearp beeh beyer bemis bebout anhedral anorogenic anthon ##utra ##utral ##rupts ##verage ##semble prove ##emper ##emplacement ##emaker byerlee faultkin sec seal sevent sealing seasons searls ##otach ##otape ##luvial ##lucent atyp atacama ##lace ##ogranular shen shake shao shocks shivwits ##chemical ##choff ##chards ##chiop ##cholest comment comagmatic ##istan ##phy ##phering ##phinct whites wholes wholly whatever orchards ##therford ##iration ##irce ##irine ##riel ##riad ##umer ##umann ##andler ##itions ##adan ##adas ##adata ##adian chal chir chond chasm ##astatic ##astings ##astraea norcholest unqu unreas unmod uniqu unident unbro unwe unlith uninterpret unbalanced unidirectional ##ects ##abyssal ##ploria ##plots modulation modulate modulating interd intervent interband interandean interevent interrelated weir weigh weathers neand neve nebo neoarch prince colman colton colombia submit submitted subterrane subcrustal subandean resediment resampled ##agu ##ques ##quoise ##quarrie ##rance ##rangles ##udied ##iped plac wassu ##illite ##illera ##due ##ducting ##duvai ##oporph ##opoles ##opolit ##izer ##izabe ##oste ##onek format formative formulation ##usetts ##usibly inclin ##allen compress string stringers lowers lowland lowenst ##ichannel ##ichnus ##ortium meets geostrophic geopolit ##artin ##gher ##ghes ##ghlin rockwell rockjock evacu ##canyon ##edimentary ##akitic ##pered ##perite ##peridot ##ounted spe spent spons sparing spss spilled sponge spandler cox co3 cooke coatings die dipped diabl dioctahedral diploria intu slate slot slack sl13 slurries ##ldoz sama samar maria maritime mariscal cann canwell canaan canadian notes noticed ##ardrop ##ibia ##ibian recoil recalc volcanos volcanically volcanology volcanological ##endar ##endations ##endeka ##endonk perple pertin perox perlitic periglacial aboard ##apt ##apvaal overly overlay overfilled overrode northand northto indo indones indio induration disord dissect dissection disconnect ##raphical ##pted ##icki regist scoping scamb screens clip clift clare clots cltz clams locale transecting ##ells ##elluri usage km1 km5 kmz ##acho ##aching ##achusetts obvi eastand italian presupp ##cones ##condition ##consin ##conducting envel enable ensu ensemble crusts calve calendar magmastatic cork coryph corvall sandwich transits transposed transversal transfers translucent ##ggle ##ggish ##enses ##earth sims simulating simulator ##athymet colleaguesne colleaguesuvial colleaguesxls arrow artes arenite arrows leith lewis leverage leaching ##activity chances apps paleob paleowater paleopoles ##tains distilled districts precondition lithoh lithification depressed areaerr ##fferson ##ffett ##ffalo cronbach consolid consolidated consortium adfne adakitic ##cken ##ckland ##soon wherever quaqu quinn quien fluvi flush flushed foland ##ozoisite interpolated interpolating tempting minute slips interpretive ##ypes ##ypoints phon phosph amin amid amorph amenable amotape twinned twinning twidale centroid creeks ##plexing undulating feel feet febru thereaf traer trailing ##igneous differencing estarc ##urring ##ordillera ##resa verge upside up213 ##rons ##ronus throughs neared underp sm2 sm6 smart trish glacio tempered flora flute flash flutes flares flaming metach metadata calcasieu 10a 1011 alloch allmend thermod sourcing westand acute 205 2070 ##ressible carbonated ##iction setouchi depositions completing suppress activated midland midto ##osphere ##tington ##oche stratum ##ynomial blur blick bliss ##pshire para parad parish parada parana ##ometrically idding idnur typified typify refresh refining refriger refinements silva silcrete blocking longitudes longshore longacho decisions ##berger riverbank no2 nokle deserv desolation landmass normalization conclusive concomitant pepper peirce peperite stripping dominating ##viation iceberg tech tecn teardrop downt downsection downthrown downlapping remaking reminis oceanography uplifting plausibly newberry newwave newfound epizone infinite greedy gregory afar hydrates hydrometer colorless oldow ##oleberis 155 15h 1567 ##ficially olmst olduvai temperatureand synrad synsubduction synmagmatic antiqu emended emissions magnification arcmap doing mans mangan managed muff muerto mukas ##rowths kaapvaal majala majoritic ##ropod edit edenite edmap edgar eddies melted melilite ##ailable younging ##labeled laterite lateritically descends crossings crossplots mccour mccrea slabbed hydrophone hydrodynamic mesaver subscales subspherical calculator massachusetts discs redra reddish deriv deriving derives ##ourne 12d 122 1270 1212 steel steiger benefits ##cles outcome numeric delim delaminated profiler material1 velocimetry drinking ##egradation patrick ##athered knaack knesel deepen walled ##nebly ##neutral firstly firstand finest northeasterly structuresolver sequentially 141 1450 buffalo ##orsen incisions classifications 100s stressed impressions imprec impounded imparted paleof paleohigh ##kesworth predecess methane endolithic methodologies orographic founded foundering foundered multis multip multichannel equid equate equates equator litter littor 1150 1120 1145 1174 salar salado 501 504 radially agw agave agrees totals totaling confine 1900 1980 1946 controller primed farming drains lincol posed posits posited colliding collocated collinson curric curricular ##text ##teenth attract attachment postcaldera postemplacement rutherford ##issed polynomial quartzand quartzites quartzitic furnace reconfig exhuming portable markov 258 253 shears monaro monsoon alluviation continually precordillera contrasted strahler accrete denver secondly micros microl microscop micrometer microscopic microns clinopyroxen clinozoisite ##ylites layman 302 309 hypabyssal centerline gradation millard millidarc degraded ##chara densification 16o 165 1670 puyehue triad carve carling carlson restore restitic restorations reconstituted elves ellis elizabe talley 17atw fourteen corresponded swith swir proposition 132 131 136 139 1310 1326 capit capsu kinesth peters petrel singletary 182 1850 1819 1843 shelfal paralleling gully ##strably ##gann excel excels excimer dolores dolenc glance glomero expans clearest freely freedom ##awau steepest plagioclases nevadaplano halves paita paibian biology biograph birefring rainer backed backward cirques circles sumatra burrow burying burdell crew weaken ecuad ##mbein 394 adjoins visibility visibly ts2 ts6 tsuch predictor predictors conducive approximates analyzer releases schomburg schnebly radii radiometer radiometrically dolomites motivated missions miscell mislead slows slowing slowest walsh walking walton characteristically concentrating ##teness thermotectonic thermocou oxford ##nerable alternately alternatives southwestward successor willis numbered ##ratonic advent advected advice advectively advocates bodie inversely texturing assembled depended ##ixed lacoste orogenies bouldery erased ##boy ##ergence numerically salta saltoro permeabilities ##prints opal opens ##indrical ##raborate ##ablished avenues avendonk generalizations matt matthe spaceborne provenances laf quantifies quantitatively 702 704 707 7050 amplification ramos moderateto timespan timescales promise promising substrates johnston pena rimming ##amint approached digging streamflow orthoclase historically insulation insert curious contentious paramagnetic catchings helete soles solar solitude solves solving solute solitary snoke snails planolites planetary peridotitic microcl microcontin microcore rotational ##beds ignition propagates dragged src srmvf extracaldera justify buckle mylonitization polymer polyphase polymetamorphosed ##annual devices ##blende discussing 806 bulge bulbous bulldoz runyon ##paq hornblendes bottomset 234u iris irving irrevers demonstrably argilla argillite 242 248 247 ventilation assessments coulson homan homoc superconducting superficially ##letier calibrate 906 bald bathtub fitzgeral dissolve garnets ##coli ##ocrystall references ##ivalent erratic 86sri freshest ##cox anegadan evaluations packstone packets ultrason 264 265 2600 2670 damuth damming dammed nowicki ##ontan placement summers selenite petroph petrochemical barely barometry barrels c0018 facets moretti 278 755 753 eucken warmest heads headwall equilibrate bendana sensu sensor ##angi ordinarily negro concludes 00000 utility surroundings reacted intrac intracaldera intracanyon rapp raft raising sinus scanned tdpl connor ##eepening overlooked cordon diffusely rounding roundness convey dehydrating dehydrates ##ographically subawards playing illiteand harv harness harker deplete ##ashan accordance descript descriptive ##iquefaction lithostratigraphies caskey loam loaf ledges contributors gabriel tetraborate reactivate 294 293 2950 339 medard analogues precipitate requirement worse worzel revisions helpful truncations musgra ashizuri paleocean removes 007 009 reasoning transients cascaded handful ##xistent parks parkfield tex86 petrographical petroleo 328 3200 341 348 36cl cracked ##enbaum receive receives ##otsna illustrating batholiths dateable prototyp 2000s turned turnaround chronologic cobb entra entrance rheic rheologic correspondingly visualsfm louis sgs sluggish resident residues residential residua incompressible refracted decayed decaying counters mohr tephras infiltrate infiltrates preext ##huashan ##enaa resistivities causative completion cumulatively diversion divergent mclau mcquarrie mcgann solids solidifying solidifical proportionally 083 pinstri preferably demise accelerator 555 lighting namibia complicating outsized ##ropriate tephrachronology 370 3700 featureless greenhous denuded denudational windowed 051 purdue tibald readout debret debates heavier guide guatac guyang s12 s10 interfluvial resettled assimil distinguishable rafael confirming supracrustal hazardous gondwan huge hugo hugging huckle hughes naumann nonexistent ##much arrive brecciation 1991 1994 1996 penetration hyracotherium s22 serving services conceal assigning addressing wooden deviates platt platinum 1800s glasses reviewers hawkesworth sorting unfiltered recoveries adjusting euryh freeze lists palau palustrine palawan pediments commence coarsest collects collective brahmap brandon brachiop brownstone darken ##tze beaches bypasses disturbing disturbance ambigu multipl muscovites acknowledges candon gneissic optically sixt uavs thompson fluctuate institut chloritoid ascribe highstands 1984 thalwegs dilational dilutes social socorro snowpack operate operates operational operator rippled checking overtop quiescent occupying straightener drawdown questioned 489 634 630 ferro ferric ferrous ferrar ferromagn lucero fails obviously delineation delineates rubbly ##rophyre ##rophyres regressional physics physocyp backarcs anisotropies 011 018 3800 384b 518 513 584 bidirectional dunitic dunne flexed joined laden nodular rarity reeval realm realistically scientist paleorivers 2009a postdated facilitating pinches fixing nigeria rtk convolute convecting conviction asymmetry acidic exponent exponentially datums triggering 575 lagoon laguna beavertail neighbors validation validate simpler simplification 11ss9 965 benthos keith keys keken keypoints merc mingled ##ansas ##roya builds reconciled excavating owe starvation isostatically depletes obscures outpacing outpouring decompact 1405 capturing encounters 539 lifespan lifting juxtaposing juxtaposes reversals shades meteor reproduced downwards magnesio montastraea extrapolate 2825 28240 repeats optimization optimistic icpms bolivian thresholds 788 786 787 etendeka pixels renewal tyonek ##kelman strategic strategically ##osaurus brazil inconsistency 4300 hampered hampshire kukes mwth comprehension comprehensively engaging paleoliquefaction hydrologically hyperpy petrological cowhead caveat iteration james roda splines tele telesc wanes ##broke ##olidus coordinate 10224 accepting ##obarometric identifier identifiers backthrusting 066 bruker benches career groove gentler n18 sauropod blankets embayed alkalis alkalinity looks lookout automatic rigidity strombus 685 996 993 bischoff bowen bowed pedro panamint torrejonian wolman xenolith xenolithic ##zales subtypes coales disruptive transpressive quadrant quadrangles constitutes profoundly switched absorb thermobarometer nonconformable cobbleto c0002p hybridization physiography physiographically electronic fragmentation dedicated squares theoretically reinjection mazama choices colonize indistinct clarity clarified clarify clarifying buttresses corridors depiction depictions phenac metaperidot metaigneous emanate expansive ultrapot trachybasaltic 08602 08604 08605 08606 885 coded coding pitt turquoise wrest ##keda condie condamine whitish whitney responded responding spillway spillways abuts abutting presciently translating cryogenic quarried permitted caroline swimming serpulids protrude counterpoint targeted aims dsdp golden mtcs nicole pointing towns stirred submergence cooperation marshy percolating floras settled 1953 attenuated backstepping visitors veinlets doubtful categorically 791 985 cnrs cups cells dismissed herrington honoring kpa4 kpa5 khuff masked ##1550 rebuilt interferometric interlayering implicated underestimated deciphering empire empresa kaolin agriculture 1903 gravitationally diffractions schematic husbandry disappears disappeared 478 dictated happen khar nickerson roadless sonic wilks wilshire thoroughly ##oconcha staghorn shanaka ##phenocrystic chenin compensation discharges discharged observer feasibility 1972 1974 1976 circumfer circumneutral perspectives augustin bootstrap inaccessibility artifacts subtraction subtracted nomenclatural bladed bundle hudec keeping pmp pavements tortoise violate wsw stopping mandatory sutra sutter sutural attains chromite chromium unraveling interseismic geysers recessively overviews disconformably regularly metaborate paraglacial spectroscopic glomeroporph solubilized buildups brunton aftershocks impregnate 817 81col 837 b3i duplic duplexing donna dozen eagar grune grateful pumped treated tentative vitrophyre wisconsin ##iyama ##8583 ##hornblende ##iterated reyes rectified reheis rejuvenated foreign searching websterite weekly strictu overtopped disagreements disparity imperative imperfect obstruction arkansas levander multiview meaningful meaningless 1966 1967 1934 1933 speculatively millimeterto advantages devolatilizing dissipation dissipates dissipating sustaining sustainable inaccur reinforced quarters repositories auckland ethnic ecca fugacities fingerprint fingerprints giba nitrate nacl picrites piccoli tungst waxed ##ziel decease albian albanese universally intrabed corroborated paleodam paleodrain twenter twentieth metapelites epochs corehole 1960s millennium substituting tdpwi brightly protocols animals trachyandesites funneling redistribute redistributes empirically glomerocrystic diapirism lherzolites bajadas caule fruita hunze hintz licenses municip nominally pelletal pelletier ptzi rdc rosenbaum rigorously sitting skew symmetry symmetric wraps ##crystallization tolerate tolerance reorientations deficit exported shrink ##planade intergrown intergrowths relayed georeferencing spike spikes displaces clarkfork envelopes legacy floating discipline impinge stradbroke hypocenter triangulation incorrectly evaporative pyrenean christie ellipsoid polymictic aragonitic unequivocally mirrors indirectly photogrammetric bergen bergman jmars lahontan preto pretectonic ruling roman romberg saffer safari zhao ##cnal ##normal ##wald strung struggle exiting exchanger proceeds proceeding unmappable formulae meandering ##article armored interprets epilimnion mesoscale mesoscopic morphometrics kindly migmatite aggregate orthopyroxenite ophicarbonate navigate entrenchment commensur claimed convincing affordable quadrupled quadrupole government economics pseudo pseudotach bacterial bacteria crooked dwar dwyka epsilon flysch gcps gemstone gritty jeol jefferson kirk murray murphy mutual military nyberg n045 n097 ocher pocket pakistan pakawau render yuk yuma yumtheska ##jiawa ##jiazhu ##erbird demaris seepage shoemaker contaminant contaminants choose intermountain wehrlitic wehrlites resorption resorbed compromise compromised covariant coleman diopside diopsidic survive recirculation recirculating oversimplified appreciable fracpaq undercoatings undercooling supposedly downsampling mangrove mangroves delithification impediments 1138 encouraged motifs misclassification beheaded avulsion avulsions photographed megaphenocryst megaphenocrysts mcgill mcgary satisfy inhomogeneous ultramylonites dinaric dinarides accomplishing incrementally backstripping phyllosilicate chromatography collaborating eliminated eliminates caucasus caucasian eyewitnesses elucidate speleothem speleothems audience barton berms bentonites cortes cylindrical copious dacitic dendro ewing elaborated elias elapsed fals gbds gerstley gonzales gender htd hanifa hidden hodge hogback hickman hiko ixl lovejoy lumped mbb nagorsen nunata oc270 ostenaa poulson rinke rolled ripsey sphinx vessels vortex vincente wackestone wahrha yc1σ yangtze ##basin ##ontein ##rocessed stuiver deconv aspen beatty beaufort anorthite september complimentary chapin unavailable unresolved intertonguing reshape resurgent companion compartmental spessartite cohesion dietrich extinction reciprocal abnormally oversteepening disputed dislocation scraped scrutinized obliterated transmission ##rosaurus mi1aa ammonia undetected underexplored vermillion undermining metrics metagranite measurable parasequence repair repurposing hydromechanical kappa hydroxide rattler professor impedance multibeam installation monoton pressurized biodegradation radiolarian advisable anticipated australasian 229th drafted 235u superelev architectures revisited bridges lamprophyres victorian interfingering achievement huangjiawa hispaniola symbols exercise warranted families paleodivide snapshots glauconitic nineteenth overwhelmingly boudinage mitigate winnowing reassessment exaggerated disintegration administration aoraki aydin aegirine akera boron bocas bottle bishop bicarbonate cabin carbide custom clumped clemente cucamong czech dyes dalziel dynode drowned daisy esplanade eikonal egypt fiamme farias fierstein fucino fraser fusselman fattarus gauge gordon gazel gottlieb gerya hurwitz housed hernani heralds hollister ijs iapetus iasp91 jyotsna jigsaw jemez jadeite krumbein kersant kochel katherine klipp kashinos ketcham lystrosaurus library lignite liverpool lopez laughlin myriad mickey mosaicked mimbres nstrain nabelek nixon othrys pagoda pudasain poblet p2o5 pemberton rationale ropar russo rinsing riedel railroad rosenwald sømme sirrine saint sengor sikouzi slagtersf taconic ternary tulare tiffanian uzkeda vcd vnir vulnerable vacancy vectors venice vestiges villarroya watkins winkelman wife welding warped xestoleberis ysg yunchara zoback zucali δfo ##wacke thunderbird inasmuch invaluable inappropriate inevitably ##asubduction staley stumpy stubby isabella conjectural reestablished reunion reexamination reappraisal reiterate maffione deuterium suprasubduction albedo onlapped exogenous exacerbated beakers bearpaw beehive anthony shakeout shaojiazhu ##phinctes whiteschist wholesale chondrite norcholestanes unreasonable uniquely unbroken unweathered unlithified interventions neoarchean resedimentation wassuk inclinations lowenstern geopolitical evacuated sponsored sparingly diablo recalculated pertinent peroxide indonesia disorder scambelluri cltzs envelope ensuing coryphodon corvallis artesian paleobathymet lithoheat areaerrorprop quaqua phosphoric amorphous february thereafter estarca trishear glacioeustatic flamingo allochthons allmendinger thermodynamic iddingsite idnurm refreshed refrigeration nokleberg landmasses reminiscent newfoundland olmstead antiquity mukasa mccourt mesaverde 12123 predecessor littoral lincoln attractive microscopy clinopyroxenes millidarcies elizabeth capsule kinesthetic excelsior expansivity biographies birefringent ecuador tsuchiyama schomburgk miscellaneous misleading matthew insertion bulldozed irreversible argillaceous fitzgerald ultrasonic musgrave mclaughlin pinstripe greenhouses tibaldi guatacondo gondwanan huckleberry euryhaline brahmaputra ferromagnesian physocypria hyperpycnal telescoping ultrapotassic glomeroporphyritic tungsten clarkforkian pseudotachylites wahrhaftig cucamonga fattaruso kashinosaki pudasaini slagtersfontein shaojiazhuang 050 090 1t 1n 1ab 1back 1supp 2supplemental 2δ18o 3o 3l 3i 3m 319 3inh 3supplemental 4i 4n 4h 4j 412 4supplemental 5l 5i 5n 5m 5f 5h 5j 5τ 5th 5by 510 6e 6k 6h 680 620 614 690 615 6supplemental 7g 7f 7supplemental 896 8δ18o 9i 9f 9h 970 920 910 925 a9 a3 aul arom aure apt ager aka aram aef aik aware arose aranda bt bk bp bf b4 b5 b0 bic bing bet bac bate brom bure bse bog bir bab bag bost bous bolog bism bree blast bry bob born brow bah bios bram bora bold bbo bert bense bened boy binned bgr bhp b4d borne bacon bingham bocks bleached bourne cb cv ck c8 cite cag cip cop cart cari cient cured cities carp crad cpr cik cush caving cert cables crane c25 cinders dc dp d1 d8 d4 dz dic dan dos dut dir dial dave dill dop dous dough dres deng dental dsc drab dots dles dhu dsm dwelling dfa drought dhr dumont diller e5 epp eigh eus eich eust eto egan esm ereh ehr erupts fc f4 f5 fj fat fas fos fla fum fus fates fue flying fred fences ferg fire fuel fij frant felling french fingers frm gh g7 gj gly gos gut gri gud gone gates gree gass gay gould gross gome gres gust gvi gxt gred gmb gali grat gurn gns game guss gatan gelh gallen hc ha hd h2 hj hin hoc hil hav hect hall hach hau hust hbl hartz hoh herg harm hilt hug hsu hss haines hcs haf hitt hastings ih iq ist iab ifs ions ichn ibers iez jas jet jess jab jill jak jord jose jbr jove jorn jank jour jok jane jare joe jaff jansen jew jae kf k3 kit kor kly ket koc kate kab kore kop kary kap kau kley krit koh komin kang koe kame kimb keran krie krig kostic krus korman konso lp len lal lel let lig liv live lop lard lange leng lund laced lof liles lox lub lips linger lumps lenf mv m1 m5 men mal mth mical miz mall male math mating mue mps matures mcl mull myl mof mold mush mera melds mns malach mala mosaic ng np n3 ner nal nan nut nem nest nies nations nath nile nose nons n50 n60 nodal nuss nester n83 n22 n26 n48 om oar oct ole ora oly oyst ooz ooid oases oik osm omo osa octahedral ps pn pis pra pig pter pod pere pir pill pend pff pyn pout pomer pai pyro pyl piles p50 pann pang purian pelag p10 pitch pans p90 pending pocked pounded pillar qc ql qs qd qb qar qing qad qbf ry rf r8 r4 rx r6 r3 rer ron riv rac rog rag rale rick rah rita rosa ritz ritch raster ryan ropy rationally ritter rasm riet roche sd s8 s4 sx s7 s9 sce sess sial sine song siz sak sift sys sie sack sval sight syd sake sob sne sars sare sque sinc solved saving sym s30 sphere sisson tl tg t0 t3 ting tant tand tus tart tale tell tari tau tally tact tep tord tres tier tons tors tying tenth tenn troy tshire uo um uk uw ulu ute urad uba urea v4 vor vav vist vib voic vision veter vrol vsh varn vines ville vint vanc vng vaugh vague vagu wc wi wk wes wing wand wine wag wiz worm wak wick wound warb wond wish wills wise woh welds wup wings wards watter wade watt wiped xl xm xp xh x6 xib xining x500 yar you yag yap yaz yering ysi yule yez zo zor zing zul zack zeng zoo zimb zuni zplot δt δan εsr λ1 ρr ρg ρb ρw ρma ϕn ##yi ##yg ##ye ##yf ##yth ##year ##yram ##ythere ##yenite ##ycn ##rt ##rb ##rer ##ril ##rence ##rard ##right ##rory ##ratively ##rto ##rina ##r2o ##rillo ##rival ##rera ##rinite ##r33 ##o4 ##oast ##oib ##ooth ##ofs ##ober ##oited ##oons ##okes ##oples ##oplot ##cin ##car ##cated ##cla ##cain ##cib ##carb ##clast ##coss ##cially ##cada ##count ##cape ##clastic ##cson ##cium ##cup ##ciot ##currents ##clusive ##capt ##curring ##cronus ##late ##lod ##lating ##lins ##light ##lars ##a0 ##aer ##aic ##aet ##aure ##apping ##aea ##aew ##airc ##sy ##sat ##sor ##sing ##scan ##spar ##sica ##satory ##sby ##sedimentary ##ta ##tar ##tis ##tam ##tse ##tely ##tari ##table ##typ ##tron ##tica ##tto ##trol ##tte ##time ##tax ##tford ##turbed ##iw ##iel ##iog ##iab ##ipping ##iogenic ##iyuan ##iella ##iurnal ##iodont ##nes ##nith ##nab ##nous ##nell ##nay ##night ##nier ##nites ##nake ##nail ##note ##nold ##nected ##nium ##ngs ##g3 ##git ##gene ##gins ##gun ##gomer ##gah ##gram ##gway ##gson ##grown ##grained ##grains ##uo ##uk ##uit ##uan ##uac ##uge ##urom ##use ##uated ##uine ##uag ##ugh ##uates ##uating ##ups ##usions ##uble ##uka ##uption ##uille ##umented ##mg ##mm ##mur ##mith ##mud ##mus ##mall ##mier ##mob ##mund ##mah ##mium ##mpic ##master ##mese ##michael ##mixed ##dv ##dw ##dal ##das ##del ##dul ##dly ##dock ##dak ##dick ##dities ##dles ##drite ##dicts ##dhur ##datac ##dimensional ##bic ##bir ##bts ##ball ##bound ##bted ##bec ##burn ##bores ##buil ##broom ##belt ##boidal ##borough ##bducted ##bourne ##vs ##vp ##vor ##vis ##voc ##vog ##vits ##vally ##vian ##vron ##vance ##vestig ##vaj ##volcano ##vais ##volo ##vmf ##e1 ##eq ##eth ##eul ##eav ##eater ##eform ##eau ##eys ##eish ##effect ##epped ##e15 ##ecedent ##eckle ##eerat ##ebec ##2d ##2e ##2σ ##273 ##283 ##281 ##kh ##kar ##kro ##kow ##kri ##kland ##kty ##kles ##kinson ##kowitz ##po ##pal ##pul ##pac ##pse ##pere ##pment ##pell ##pian ##pres ##points ##pah ##pean ##pik ##produ ##pdf ##process ##polo ##particle ##f2 ##fin ##fla ##fied ##fley ##fformation ##fting ##facies ##fto ##fli ##fluence ##fract ##fonte ##fiel ##160 ##wo ##wl ##wn ##wu ##wd ##won ##wth ##want ##wad ##ween ##weld ##wick ##wable ##woll ##wster ##wans ##wright ##8b ##82 ##845 ##874 ##416 ##57 ##516 ##hic ##han ##hre ##how ##hem ##hant ##had ##hop ##hall ##hied ##hole ##herm ##hood ##haw ##hman ##hilt ##hling ##hoku ##holes ##hmi ##hans ##hlau ##hade ##hardt ##hastings ##hmus ##hdrite ##xen ##xil ##xial ##xual ##61 ##667 ##629 ##040 ##08b ##75 ##7ap ##730 ##765 ##zı ##zer ##zon ##zen ##zot ##zale ##zie ##zier ##zones ##zner ##zman ##zns ##zaki ##zirc ##zsch ##zanian ##zr2o ##99 ##93 ##945 ##925 ##98583 ##qiza ##qpac ##31 ##38 ##34 ##37 ##3he ##313 ##377 ##jo ##jc ##ja ##jok ##jaf ##jalla ##μm ##ørto thir threat thirt thras thords thumb theme thetford ##eron ##eres ##eration ##erge ##eram ##erlu ##ercan ##eria ##erically ##erance ##erially ##erted ##erillo ##erhans ##onical ##onath ##onia ##onnel ##onance ##onker ##onwal ##onui ##onclusive ##onfluence ##aty ##atat ##atly ##atri ##atical ##atable ##attain ##atio ##atto ##atlant ##atlus ##atki ##atolitic ##atops ##aturity ##atistical ##iner ##inel ##inle ##inth ##inod ##inem ##inable ##inally ##inding ##inroy ##inberg ##inocythere ##inelli ##inorium ##inosilicate ##inye ##inkles ##esse ##esch ##eske ##estered ##esdell ##escas ##enes ##enro ##enow ##eness ##enqu ##enone ##enish ##enning ##enka ##enesis ##enberg ##enzo ##enultimate ##eniably ##eniodont ##enhall ##enzie ##eden ##edean ##edule ##alth ##ality ##alum ##alib ##alley ##alization ##alah ##alina ##alty ##alton ##ndt ##iton ##itom ##item ##itment ##itely ##itran ##itage ##itiated ##itted ##itability ##itoh ##itton ##itives ##itrite ##itrified ##oret ##orge ##orial ##orates ##orimeter ##orotal ##orhom ##orangi ##orhood ##oralization ##ionary inch inability inject inert inlines inequ ings inlets inallen inactivity ineffect ##arl ##arid ##arap ##arell ##arites ##arina ##array ##aroles ##arenite ##arithm ##aratio ##areness ##icy ##icit ##icate ##icine ##icable ##icorn ##icina ##icaps ##icratonic ##icciot andy andre anders andmud ##aned ##anol ##anul ##anitic ##anane ##anof ##anged ##angles ##anola ##reed ##refs ##repres ##sta ##sted ##star ##stepping ##stitions ##studied ##rost ##roys ##ropped ##roto ##rocy ##roachment ##rotor ##rooting ##roclastic ##ingled ##entin ##entive ##entang ##entuated ##asu ##aser ##asic ##ascal ##elle ##elect ##elab ##elia ##elier ##elley ##elope ##elry ##elten ##eload ##elines ##elms ##eltz ##ellus ##elastic ##elofs toqu tome tokara touch tobag tough tohoku ##ctive ##ctolitic ##ctherm ##lef ##leav ##leau ##leged ##lema ##leaf ##lemand ##olic ##olent ##olut ##olata ##olates ##olia ##olded ##oloration ##oluted ##olacustrine ##oluble ##oux ##ouver ##outs ##oubey ##oubted ##isy ##isor ##isus ##isage ##isara ##ispa ##isaca ##isols ##isni ##isposes ##isphinctes ##tho ##thur ##thick ##thora ##thful ##thinned ##thieu ##urk ##urch ##urance ##urization ##urics ##urved ##urpr ##urice ##urangi ##rael ##racon ##rafic ##racting ##raverse ##ragon ##raven ##racture ##racial ##raham ##raftig ##raga ##ravity ##ravolo ##ulity ##ulum ##ulsion ##ulus ##ulative ##ulose ##ulatory ##ulsive ##ulhlau ##ithful ##ithium ##itheater ##lyon ##lysis ##etm ##eting ##etate ##etso ##etstone ##etail ##etrack ##etzal ##omy ##oma ##oms ##omed ##omically ##omict ##omsc ##ombe ##omarine ##omposition ##omanian ##omboidal ##ows ##owment ##owong ##owell ##owdhur ##oco ##ocation ##ocone ##ocian ##ocative ##ocarp ##ocused ##ociate ##ocoph ##ocolla ##ocusing ##occurring ##ocumented ##cein ##imen ##iman ##imatic ##imne ##imulated ##imbs ##imella ##imped ##imony ##imette ##impse ##imedean ##igl ##igm ##igle ##igrain ##igley ##igma ##igious ##iguously stain stip stick stay stating stones stably storing stitch stumps stops stoke stubs stamp stairc stelten sturch stowell ##osis ##osam ##osie ##ositic withstood isog isack isoch isometric isolation isolating isolate isoplot ise1 israel ##idu ##idance ##idental ##idences ##idium ##idiurnal conge conse conant conund conway conforms conrad convert conifers conocoph rear reem reop reus reper rept revel reple replace reformed rehyd reyond reint reaff reatt reaming reusing reuse reoccurring forty forster forested forbes forsch maers macon maced mable macle maule mahl maurice ##ilion ##ilam ##ilica ##ilitic ##iliation ##ilience ##ilius ##ilacustrine deer deal dear defer dealing dearth ##ivial ##ivable ##ivating ##ivately areolata ##ults ##acion ##acle ##acap ##aclast ##acond ##accept ##acoll ##acoustic ##accom ##acotherium ##aceted ##gee ##geoch ##gevity ##gearites ##atemal suther suff sunda suffer suitability ##romagnetic ##romilled ##terall ##terior ##termann als alab alley albr alber alme alcov alonso alleged ##ament ##aments ##amull ##amaz ##amillo ##amson ##amik ##amples ##ametric ##amping ##ampy ##amaged ##ameta asu ask asking ashe asks asmer onland oneto onwards ontari ##uret ##urek ##urets exem exfol exxon exterior ##iful ##ifeng ##ifract ##ifaceted faction fayal fagher fadak fahmi faithful bass basing basements basanite bassi baseload ##odoz beer becc begg beyss anh anad anah anox anhyd an74 an78 an76 anodont anelastic anigma anacond ##utat ##utan ##utbl ##utics ##utochthonous ##utinate ##utzner ##utiful ##rue ##runo ##ruitment ##verstone ##verde ##verma ##sees ##seum ##seismic ##semin proust proute proton proffett ##emic ##emian ##emado ##embers ##emistry ##emurian ##eminski ##emiller ##emnites ##ematical byron byker byprodu fault1 ##ests ##estment ##estock ##estack ##estions ##estyle sean sech seager seeded seibert seyf sepik ##oti ##otes ##oted ##otations ##otran ##otile ##otecton ##otraverse ##lung ##luids atch atlas atomsc ##lah ##lage ##lahom ##lagher ##ogab ##ogue ##oglacial ##ogonally ##ografic shab sherv shout shang ships shuf shiller shultz shingled ##cher ##ches ##chal ##chall ##cheg ##changing ##chsler ##chfiel ##eree ##avson ##avolcanic comision commented ##istant ##istran ##istone ##istage ##isteg ##phe ##phosph ##phones ##phane ##phacite ##phyric ##phurets whom whene whelley whetstone ##esson ##esses ##essful ornith ##mentation ##therura ##iry ##iri ##iring ##irants ##irms ##ircle ##irhead ##rip ##rially ##rioz ##rients ##ripts ##riptive ##rietary ##ripet ##umm ##umen ##umite ##uminocythere ##antom ##antified ##antitative ##anda ##andro ##andstone ##andaj ##adh ##aded ##adel ##adine ##adorite ##adium ##advant contended contouring contigu contrer contiguously ch4 chill chich chian chun cheng chik chute chint chinn chatter chilic choked chalc chinle chelms choubey chowdhur chimne chilam chifeng souha ##astating ##astically ##astrous ##asteau ##iesdata ##ccerillo ##ccessful noril norge norite norther norian normar norms norton nordt norfol nordly ##inee ##inear ##inean ##eney unper unve unia unrupt unified uncl unchan unsp unrad unman unbi unorgan unzi unclass unlabeled unrival unmixed unwant unzon unattain unthinned unimped unaccept unchanging ##ockers ##ongruent ##ongqi ##abo ##abay ##abun ##aburi ##abwe ##abola ##pler ##plated ##plates ##plank ##plasma ##plitter ##ploited modifies modifier modulus interqu intercon interlin interposed interplate intervention interconnect interrupts interannual interbasin interclast interitem interleav weil weaver wegen weinberg wealth wechsler ##orecrystallization neal neap neprop nebul nexus neocrystall nepal nexen neatly neotecton neorecrystallization prin prash print prints private privately prestack colise colgan collage ##ainal ##ainse subcent subreg subvert subinter subequ subarctic subzone subclass suboph suborth subbas subpop subannual subnormal subgrains reside resurface residing resection reswith resonance resilience ##agation ##ag00 ##agne ##aguni ##aghre ##agonia ##qua ##quet ##quil ##quakes ##quila ##quiry ##range ##ranites ##ranitoid ##udi ##udities ##ipe ##ipal ##ipty ##ipulate plata planch plinian plinth wassm ##illan ##illos ##illary ##illari ##illery ##illonite ##dung ##opf ##opak ##opically ##oplastic ##opold ##opods ##izens ##izably ##ostatistical ##ostracon ##ostoma formally formulate ##user ##usson incidence inclusive inconce incaic inconclusive incisor incongruent gram graub graham grauch ##alling ##allanes volga volkh relied compile compressed strings lowe lowell lowaccom ##ichiometric ##ichichnus ##ersible ##ership ##orting mehling geolog geob geopro geolas geoloc geosphere geobarometric geonath george geotraverse geografic geostatistical ##artile ##artites ##ormous ##arya ##ghsing highsp modelers evgr ##cany ##ako ##aked ##007 ##009 ##0013 ##00dv ##pern ##pertin ##ystones ##ouni spore spits spurr spider spark spray spoke sprays spalling coh coating coord coah coppers coeruptive cofin ##ologous ##ologia died dieg dieh diek diode dikty diako ##acean intents intcal ##retized ##retionary slit slurr slipped sliced slipping slaty samuel samoa marly marli mariss ##formity magog magond magoon magallanes canil canber canob canmet canonical ##uresque extrab extrane notori surpass ##ardo ##arded data2 datapoints valve ##ibu ##ibel recall recalled recurved recruitment volcanogenic ##assy ##endly ##endum ##endale perry perov percept perception perkins percus perpet perinelli pericratonic perisphinctes pertermann perches peripty abers abush ablated ablate abdul abraham ##apo ##aped ##aping ##apted ##apitation ##apascal overext overgen oversm overrid overwe overdeep overfill overnight overgrown overthick northrop northings northwesterly northbound ##itsanul indium ##angement dish disreg dissecting dislod disentang dissemin disadvant disastrous collections ##ptok ##ptowitz ##ptichnus ##ptvog ##ptoms regress regolith regulate register regimen alongand alongshore alongside scree scarb scored screen screw scyth scripts clam cloth cloos clamp clicit locating tranquil durkin durham durrell imana imparts imbalanced timely usoff usarray km6 ##achs ##achi ##achuca ##achrome ##achoti obo obey objected obeys oberhans eastings southand southto ##arii ##arius ##ariance envi envir engor enfor ensued enlar enumer enquiry enormous systemwide calico calvert calorimeter ##velon ##auch ##aunay ##austed rockslide larkin larsen earning corros corpor corestones corrick corrug corsica corelab sander sandto sandoval sandbox transited transience transmit transposition transdimensional transatlant ##ggat parties ##ensory ##ensitive ##ensburg ##ensibly ##enshied ##laciation simone simpson simcox simeul accentuated accidental accrue ##athy ##athian colleaguesngs colleaguespdf colleagueseration colleaguesows arts argan armit arithm arnold arndt arthur leake lefto leaned leopold leptok leggat ##actic ##acters ##actory chango changhsing appeal paleote paleopro ##ysics ##ysuz distally prepond preorogenic premier ageostrophic structuring lithified lithotectonic lithotyp depress depolo deplace ##ffels ##ageable crary cr20 cr2o3 cr15 crg3 asserts assurance adl adb aden adult adverse adhere adapt adsor adiab adapted ##cki ##cke ##ckled ##ckler ##raltar whereup ##kee quey quang query quiet quebec quentin quetzal quigley quemado quotations ##iehe ##ievent fluence hasn hasbid subduct ##oza ##ozone ##ozoan interparticle interpolates proves provost provoke provocative obss varian variant variances variants variabil mayer ##cedony tempts template templates ##iential ministry minnes ##ileberis ##iano ##iane ##ifica ##epiped ##epenultimate ##roughness interpretable interpretative domeng analyst creeping mio mi2 mike miami phetch phantom phitsanul amf amh amos amend amilib amounted amboy amyg amelia amanda twt tweed volcaniclastics indices mantleor mantleand centrally centimetric centripet observational observatories undular undef undeform undeniably undoubted undulatory undocumented undamaged topas topock topfer toplap feather fecal feigl occam fracking fraqpac ##lastonite tray trade tractional travis trainee bedform cai cawood caf2 cawth caudities heave heerm healy heims heuret wellhead wellington wellbores ##igny ##ported fanroughness ##orphs ##omechanical ##respect ##unean ##ungen ##ungs verme vertic verifiable ##oined ##acked ##vals up19 uprooting continual outlier outlines outfit outstanding outbuil ##rona ##ronorite ##ronomically lienka underand underway underlay underline underlap undercut underground underlined undercutting underfilled understudied underplated ##plained sms smn sm1 smatter try trl trm trinity trenth trillion trivalent trivial ourselves ##leyville glacilacustrine belmon belemnites genare flies flour flaring flint flips flaser metrop metaz metavolcanic somewhere somehow calcarenite 10c 10j 1070 1015 1017 producers alluring allocyclic ##osecond ##osexual westland westway acs acarp acrob acetate acuminocythere channelization channeltron channelbelt signified signifies 20n 209 203 20μm mounts carbonating setup depositionally completeness ##bras ##broric ##ustion ##ustein supposing suppdata supptext suppcapt supprefs acton activate activating midst midcrustal midrange presentation stratocone tectonized blond blob blatter blurring blisni constancy limonite limpop paraff parabola sanz sangre sancay sanbag sanisaca sanandaj waterways waterford refute refines refuted refilling refuting refocusing referee recorders ##ydeformed ##engineering longitud longstanding decent decision declin declines decided declination decimate decomposition decapitation mountainous ##ologica ##beri ##bersees rivera riverbed canyoncar ##pectral noor nobles noises noisy desire landing landlock landsat normality normalizing earlyto concretionary peer peai pecha peoples pekar peccerillo strip striated striations striae oneor oneand ##viplanar fractal reply reputed republ reprocessed repenning middleto middleton ##mony ##monts ##monton ##outed differentially differentiable differentiating icefall icehouse tea tease tethys tejon teitler tequila teichichnus localizing downed downwelling downlaps downvalley downhole downstepping lithospheres remakes remagnet remedy remeas ##ishes oceanward exhausted newmont newcom ##lumberger associating epstein epitom ##oboth infills infilled infolds inflating gregor reflex hydrating ##erals ##eralic ##eralization plateaux olds oldman ##olemur carbonateand 15c 15a 15g 158 156 1519 1510 15500 ##parametric mainland mainten granger correcting charge charts characters ##ualize threefold avery characterizations olsson mineralized baseflow ##gerat ##gerian mmto synor synto synops syneruptive synaer synsedimentary coolest ##onsolidated antiform antigor antenn antler antuna antecedent antelope antimony antepenultimate continentaland emendations emeish emitted emilius ##redict arco doane cenomanian mann manometric manners manats manih managing maneerat manzot manicina manipulate manageable mugl muroto mugearites museum muirhead permaf permissions kaip kaiyuan kahilt kaisara histograms ##icahu proglacial majorite ##ovich ##ropical eds edible edited edmonton ##aillet api apmb apices april shortage shortcut shortcom shortwave shortcoming ##blin ##blance sheer leveled leveling descend descending earthtime peaked peaking debrite debritic sheet1 ##ringa mccall mccoy mccrory examines thinto thinking hydrofract meso subside subsides subsampling subsample subsolidus subsamples ##rices commonality dipyram ##ritos ##ritton calculable massively 408 4010 4014 lineated ##erms ##ermined discount discounted discoloration discretized correlatives redire redlands redondo redbeds deranged derangement grouse 12b 12e 121 128 127 1230 1215 1213 1283 ridged ridgway steve stehman steckler severe severely soap soaps so12 soaking so18 soaked elevating numerals ##ecr ##eca ##ecology ##ecified delivers delmas delfonte delicate deleting delaunay ##iseuille ##deroux profiling marine13 velle drc drifts drives extendable originates 200m ##egraph mountainside patina patruno patagonia richter afterward afterflow afterwards fired firing knox knots kneller knockers defant deflated defiance defloc defects defocused contradicts contractive deepens deepened wallis influential brocher ##nei ##nection ##neville measureable ##dek northeastto ##rology passively passages passcal sequestered serial serrate serious serrocy 14d 146 1460 1420 1417 probabilities oriental representatives buerres ##orsing ##orship incisional classed classifies 1008 1007 10020 100273 10099 invite invokes investment invaded uncalib washes washburn eventual trenchward lessens ##arpment impart impound impover impounding impulsive ##screen determinable paleoand paleofl paleoposition paleohoriz paleoesc paleoalt paleoearth paleoeq paleoecology isotopx predisposes interpretational ##oker ##okinem ending enduring endpoint endeav endowment endemic endorsing ##iationcrystallization methodical ##inational ##iveness foundational multimeter multigrain multifaceted multistage multievent multinational equi equating equivoc littered 112 117 1180 1170 1119 1190 1126 1125 1178 1176 1177 ##lium ##liable experts experiential salient salada 502 506 effectiveness radically radiated radimella ##erico ##ericity angola brem bremen brewster importing agent agate agard agency agua agencies agitation agreements confused confusion conflo confusing ##azzi andesine shallowed 194 1945 1915 1944 maximizes maximizing ##chanics prime ##ahue farley farner farrington lindas poses collinear curry morphometry ##tev attending attracting attacked posters postinter postextensional postulates posttectonic postmagmatic postprocess ruff rubric ruby ##arsiella separator poli politically policy polydeformed pots memory memorial uncontrol unconnected ##ceptional furrow furcata furuka logan logically logarithm workman flatter flatness flatlands broaden broadened broadleaf returning retentive retarded ridgeor portal portrays portaal rhaet rhomboidal spatio 2570 2581 254u 2563 ##vergne cutbank ##ledere closes monolith monomin moncada monomict reserve transportable continuations anyway anything anyhdrite combing combipal combustion precollisional fox foil fo85 fo78 grandell grandwash tuba tufa tukl tucson tuysuz analytic oligo oligohaline oligoclase lengthy lengthen lengthened stray straaten geoge geohyd geohist geoengineering glacials crystallize crystallizing denotes secondhand micritic micrites micogranular micromilled pressured pressuring clinoh clinometers ##yline ##ylene ##yllium lays ordered specially specify speculating specifies blackweld blackhaw 304 307 303 3050 3020 3090 cleaver lacked hadrosaur ##marks ##marked gradations gradstein ##iewed millimetric milliman prieto degrad degrading locational locationand allowable ##otees drainagebasin 162 164 166 169 1660 1680 1610 1630 1690 1640 1665 1667 1682 puercan plunder triaxial trioctahedral triangles carleton carcium carmichael carvaj carlyon caromed rested restite restores restarted supplementfig camscan cameca elan elbe sizeable talent talking talwan 17c 17a 172 1760 1770 1720 1730 1781 fourfold fourteenth fournier ##ofinn respects latent latum swing swand swell swift swash swamp swingle swells sweden swampy swipe proposes proposing largo individuals individualized individualize 13c 13i 13g 13e 138 1370 1320 1330 1340 1385 1348 1347 capabilities capacities captains capistran kink kinan kinsey kinetically kinabo petit plutonics 18o 18c 184 189 1880 1870 1874 1848 1875 1831 sidewall corals parallelism parallelepiped dimpled dimming gravimeter calciteand siltto siltston ##sher ##shan ##shui ##gans ##ganyi dolan dollars ##modation tracey traceable astm asturi asturic astronomically glide glaring glitter glimps glimpse poorer express exp313 expulsion cleared clearing frey freeman ##spiration element2 ##awa ##awak ##inci strained plagiog nevado accumulative wedget ##rado ##rads ##radiometric halting halides halogen halmah halpern paused supplementaltable biome biochron biochronology biasing biosphere biemiller rains testified testament ##eye ##eyite backwater backflow backlim backcount recognizably minimizes tuffy tuffzirc sums sump sumner bury burst buries burling burma burden burmese burchfiel buraburi weakest ecors ##mbly plioceneand encaps encasing encroachment encircle avalanching 392 3960 adjoin ##beam experimented cmand ts4 tsle tsay fineor fineand diffused circulated circulating circulates circuit absolut forelimbs explorations detaches detaching approximating converged miggins relevance schell scholl schme schnur schultz schumer schonwal schedule schumm schopf schlumberger radiate radiant radiates motivate ##oldi misplaced mislabeled misrepres slowness walk walter walked walkey wallace walraven crestk crested olivier understandable drillers northweststri climbed climatology climactic halfway narrows narrowed narrowing iloil ilmat thermomechanical thermofinn frontally frontier oxcal oxisols succinct alternation alternates movetm heterosexual ##3ca numbering ##oaded ##puturge advised advecting fractionate fractionating metasandstone footnote 604 605 60col frances franke ##sonian δ13cvp altering alterative dependency ranero rangit ##ixing lacombe orogenically erg erase erica taos taxon taeniodont ##kings imager imagers ##radational austin beforehand saltation saltwater themes themed facts factory californian permeate ##prism flooring ##indo ##rabasic silicified ##linear scalability publish reportedly avard avispa porter porcel porcup poropak generalizable matsu maturing matthieu matrices plumose plumbed ##tilized ##tilization laid plexus plethora ##efraga stillstand quantum quantachrome 7070 7085 7074 7095 7065 7078 7076 70874 amplify amplifications amplifying amplifier resolutions leadership breakout breakages breakouts raman ramberg ramifications ramirez inputting inputcronus shoulder shouldering moderating prompted investigators investigacion researcher proximally substances silverton ##iki ##ikov ##ikurtic ##ikilitic integral integrative standhardt proprietary arched arching archived archival archiving archimedean johnstone hollow penkro penalty rimmed offlap offlapping nonco nonmass nonvertical nonrig nonanal noneruptive nonleached nonnormal nonparametric nonradiometric nonlinear digested digifract digestions ##bury streambeds orthorhom lasts insb inswith inspected inserted insoluble insensitive ancillary interns trackkey curie curving curator curtains curtis curviplanar pullman contention paramys catches fallen helenes helendale helgans trupul truesdell ##pba ##roduced chemicals coevally geothermally solonker dayana snr snell snail snapping planation planet planned planets floodand floodto siltstoneand 22c 22b 221 228 2210 2290 distality microflow microcontinental microfa microanalytical microanalysis microphenocrystic microseismic microphyric microbeam rotary ignoring 355 359 353 3500 drags srvmf spreads extractions extraformational extracell growths digitize justifications rossetti tending bucket buckles bucknell buckeye mylonitically mylonitized ophitic veering vehic ##versally polyak polyphem polytyp polyeth gasi horning hornbrook devised devitrified devoted devastating devotees ##agnola segmenting bottles grisc griff grinding grutzner grassy synclinal synclinorium 807 bullet bulqiza runup runups ##pa000 ##ertation alkanes alkenone wheeler whealton globules globorotal hornblendic bottoms bottoming 237 2350 garden gardiner irvine irmm iridium irrespect roasting robert rooib roeske roelofs argus cratonal 24a 24b 241 245 246 243 2470 ventures assesses linearity linearized paperand 281 285 286 289 2800 2850 2815 2886 2864 coulom homa homes homoclinal homologous superto superco superposed superjacent supervolcano superstitions photographic technically technician technologically 150nd demonstration 872 870 87rb accuracies behaves espanola ##onautics untilting groundwaters standardizing 901 908 balances balcones baltica bathe bathed bathyal fitful juro raythe ##uged begs dissolves dissociate dissertation impactful siliciclastics coincidences hillside hillsborough hillshade tilmann ##elsen referring referenced refertilized supplyand constantly polarstar 860 bluish freshening freshmen laberg ##coatlus ##cophane introducing southwesternmost knickzones mobilities mobilize packing packet ultrabasic nd8 wayne biotic 269 datil dataratio damped nowhere ##ontally needle energix qualitatively summa summation summits select selby selecting selkowitz selverstone whitewater petrobras aquarius bark barou barring barchan barrington baranof c0010 escapes escartin escaping faceted moran moring moreno morainal moriano ought ouimette ##suit organize organics retreats metasomatically 212 211 214 216 217 213 2100 2150 2120 2185 2122 2195 2165 pulsatory scarcer amphitrite amphitheater amphisteg turbiditic 272 2717 pacing warms warmth projecting geophone geophones dimensionality conducts conductors illitization illescas missile senses ##angqi ##anguine negatively concluding explainable amphibolitic 00074 felsite dispel dispels 4500 4596 hannah hannover kilogram kilbourne moat moose moffett utica uttam shaping interbedding grayish grayback graywacke improper laboradorite personal personnel ##iquantitative ##msky intracontinental intracrystalline intraparticle intraprism predominated substantive substantiated substantiates bitumen raise rapha sinter sintered sinemurian scanner ##getated shapefile ramping rampant britain tdop tdpba connolly ##ogenian ##ogenesis trunks cyclical cyclone ##arko critique samplings diffuses conveys dehydrate ##chists subaerially cloudy landsliding playas players countered fundy ga1550 gorges hariri harmony neta netzsch induction differentials moucha moulins ##ventful ##ashi ##ashelf contextualize accords programme programming programmed summaries taurides doubts hump humic humite humites mgal mg3ca zonations percentile percentiles metamorphosing mediumgrained casner caspian fedmap federico loa loops loeltz loads loadings sixth eastwards cease gabe gabald gabbroric tetragon scenes additive additives addendum digitaland reactivations bitlisputurge 298 297 299 2900 29000 338 333 3300 3350 medicine status spanish recurring angularity requirements elongations rollers santonian worris revived revising enhances 1202 truncating goes goff paleocoast paleoconfluence assumedly leveeand 004 0020 functioned molded molena molasse mollema sharman ##ependence prominently file1 handy handled handicaps independence restricting restrictions gabbronorite statistic 322 3250 342 3450 3486 3421 365 367 budrock skin skip sklar skyline ##oscopic recementation accessing accessibility repeating magnetized magnetically magnetozone expandable fringed ##example ##inturk protogranular protects protozoan uncompaghre moderateand 0711 putative putatively putnam ##nswick ##oramic favoring chronologically chronometry chronostratigraphy chrondr cobalt extremen entities entries entrec entails entwined visualizing geomorphologists ancestry ancestors c0008 c0009 principality ssm ssf sluice residue megamull decays counteract countercurrents counterexample 654 655 cumulate hemi hemlock hemmed ##lescent ##lesnake smithsonian advancement jointly vicente resisted resistive resistors causal 2015a cumulus branched divert diverge diverges diverting fulfill mcarth mcnab mcinroy mcgee aligning agglutin agglutinate solidification solidifies proportionate 088 085 cataclast catterall catunean pinning pinned pinuel pinpoint ##cuts ##607 ##6060 annells seismometer seismokinem preferable crucib crusher crumbly deming demoting demartin demoralization accelerates downloaded equivalence oxygenation oxygenated smoothness agglomerations mismatched 552 551 jumped jumping lightly lightto lawton lawrence naming sulphurets shorelines contourite contourites unknowns 2013b opposition powered thankful greenstone greenville greenhorn slushy 856 8500 85jc kingston purified purifications purported pursuit tamworth tiberon readiness debey debatable debauch proxrt intensively intensified intensifies appropriaten paleosecular heaven acquiring guest guiding guerr guzman guidance guatemal guesses ms2 mswd s1and s133 ##calaure susan interfere interfaced interfingers paleoslopes paleosoil assimilated accompany accompanies distinguishes hued huachuca naidu taracap ##muir meadow 1995 membership penetrates penetrations penetrometer penetratively pulseek oscillate oscillates oscillating essence hyops s27 task tasked stylolites concepts assigns addressable hurricanes autoret autosam cycla cybersees effusions virtue woodhouse woodhead woodside ##equer ##205 ##2023 deviate contemporaneously platoro platikurtic monthly reviewer bernet ##1276 unfeas unfolded compete competency recovers campus campground campagne adjusts everything 031 035 03hq drying drydown lister listing palo palimps commission commencing ##abilizes subjects ##quartzite coarsely 2010a instrumented petroliferous orthogonally frameworks amalgamating authigenic braun brauer bravoc tipped reversely bypassing seamus partitions ambivalent ambostracon finds multiplate multiyear multihem multirotor multiracial establishes lichenometric calls destroys destabilizes optics risers siand seminal sempere semitran semidiurnal semiquantitative ##197 fluctuation fluctuates philip chloritization vsv ##104 ##103 ##10103 ascension interactively coldest coherence ##roscale ##roscope trigonal triggers 1982 backgrounds bomem bombay dilated dilithium mplus mpodoz forester foreshore foreslopes seemed unsuitable unsubducted unsuccessful presume presumes presuming particulates definitely explosion explosives snowmass snowball snowfla lapillistone opportunistic metasomatize metasomatization 543 barnes operative operators robinson robcom robbins rippon tva utilization exchequer excessively procedural chew chevron chevelon overtaken occasions triplets parameterized parameterization draws drawings 488 484 485 486 4800 4822 626 632 636 dropout fertilization fissile ##btion ##orican ##isotopes failing ##positions phengites delineations 2014a 2014b rubino rubatto fishes fishing hike hartlieb tidalites ##uaensis ##enna conceptually conceptests fabrice ##chronologically challacoll unaware marcellus designate designations hydrousand geochronoloc discontinued sulfates atmospherically 014 015 013 01can 385 3830 511 515 582 581 583 648 95th dunites dunham dunkl flexing flexible flexured flexurally lady ladders ladinian martian martner nodules rarer vanadium zrhe ##302 realized scientifically electromagnetic corrects influxes monzogab precluded viscosities viscoplastic pinchout claws claesson claystones duluth echinod kenyan poised poiseuille poikilitic throws convolution convinces convoluted unreliable assisting acidification laurentide juveniles hiatsu 495 4950 523 578 576 573 823 8200 8000 bordered laga lags practicable stimulate stimulating converts conversions neighborhood evaporated evapotran simplistic simplifications simplifies constructs retrodict precisions platformal checks 967 bandelier boxed eightto eighteenth keel keck keels kevin keystone keween merit merger mingus oklahom departing departures departmental 2012a 2012r33 reconciliation purposive 316 415 417 4180 41377 416060 445 447 449 4477 466 4680 affords costly himup jungers jacking kızı lonestone longevity lensoidal nbmg owes owen piper informative conjoined subhorizontally resembled resemblance depletive tractable 1107 11098 captions cliffy clifford vegetative 535 533 5300dv airgun coso cosine cosaturated cosanguine filip filaments lifestyle lifton moveout python pytte sarawak u1437 vpdb videography vigorously ##yani street forcings graphic graphically graphitic detects detectible 103215 sericitized tasmanian robustly robustness robustaur balls ballistically gm1550 gallagher jeanne pgctherm patchett patcharap routes routed wetlands inundate inundates deformations deformable shade shading unstudied unstimulated interstate interstices reliant montane montmor montgomer montpell 28243 28226 282000 282281 282845 282416 282667 282765 282009 282607 282205 282197 282302 coincidentally repeatable catastrophically optimized optimize optimizing bolivina vertebrates 021 024 023 boast board boiling ceratops etcheg luptowitz nieminski nielsen nnwto omani plastically router renewable tonalites tonalities ##keley ##11b ##etofore intercalations compounds lowstands imposing concerns concerned remobilizing remobilize hydrogeological reconstructs excellence excellently peninsular homogenizing demagnetized demagnetizations demagnetizer ##osaurs terrestrially inconsistencies phreatomagmaticand 438 efficacy hamblin kuo ku2 ku1 kukri tears winters winterset ##901 storstein seascape chris christine christo ##ussen splayed recreate engle engine engage engie engagement engadine paleolocation traversed microgravity microgranitoid photoelect photoacoustic acquisitions hyperarid azimuths amazonas 561 563 5616 badland baddel coward cowpat cervicorn harder hierro iterates jamal kyr kalimant kalamaz rigsby rodger rodinia rodgers rodinian syvits syverma syringa splits splash telegraph vugular stromatolitic coordinated immaturity 1023 10248 synchrony synchronicity deflecting sinkholes seasonality ##roscopically 06je 06hq 0610103 777 7700 7757 732 735 736 bruce brush brushing brunei brunswick carey fria friability friendly grove grotto grodek n167 optionally pampean pictured picturesque sagmat sagami tenure ##ridge prospecting intervene interviewed indexes ensures artillery preparing fragmented 1595 embayments diamonds 1444 1440 14426 ellensburg irradiations photoshop looked mollusk tamarindo hierarchy 425 427 423 4200 6800 997 bisector biskra biscay bowles dickson dickenshied p210 pedum pedcarb pedogenesis panels panama panthal panamik panoramic papuan punta pushbroom titley titration titled torosa warr wolff wollastonite xenocon ##omicroscope stereoscopic stereomicroscope reorganizations forests controversies unexplained unexceptional subtly subtract subtropical spiny spindle spinileberis coals coalbed coalescent recrystallizations overpressured overpressuring disruption disrupting useriesdata objectives 1071 constituted constituting remarked greywacke cleaner cleanly cleaners carreno sweeping dolostones rainfalls absorptions absorbtion nonconformities sensitivities c0002n hybridism hawaiitic definitions ellipse bailey gamberi ki1 kij kiel l2b l1b l10013 nuanced nuplasma rancheria squared theorized ##iscipl reiners reinius reinvestig reinitiated altyn claron conserved conservatively metaquartzite actualistic emanates 1761 176lu 170e15 grenada ultradeep institutional diatomite cisterns 749 743 882 881 883 918 9173 91500 billiton codes darin eduardo gateway kelin kelts kelley kelsey keletso mckay mckenzie odds oddities odrioz pitted pillowing tayrona wrinkles zjr zjc zjl zja zji zjg zjd zjb zje zjk zjf zjh zjj stockton condense beautiful shutting shuttle whitmore whittington whitetail interglacials collapsing abutment prescriptive translate transparency cryogenian 1040 delaying classifying carolina 1771 williamson insufficiently protrusions protrudes targeting communities participating practicality typhoons reanalyze 840 843 84sr aiming bonneville dsn dsms davila davinci garita garlands garris goldstein husing mimicked nicely nicolas nicovich pca tonga treatments macroscale macroscopically neutrally submagmatic submersible percolated overestimation overestimates uprise updating 1958 1956 1959 attenuate posteruption ruggedness geotherms microscopes backstop backsteps backstops skeleton categorizing categorizations sulfateand 695 982 937 aids cnl cnk cn5 cube cupertin cellulose erosivity g17ap herbert herrera heritage heretofore masse masks nuclear sawed sawcut sawyer varves varicol ##cripts ##135 ##ademia chisana interferes interfering interferometry interferometer interlayer computation computationally peruvian underestimating supplies meshlab 1901 1904 diffracting schmoker nonuniformly blueschists blueschistand unrecognizable shadowed wolfe neutrons neutronenqu geothermometry geothermobarometric pumiceous 479 592 591 595 597 7200 71104 casted castagnola cuba cubes doriane dictating frost frozen giants gijon gains gaining guns gungor happel happens ibero judith judson khoza piercing roadcuts s3000 sonne wilcox wilkinson wilfley ##viewer ##aniel staged forsteriteand shedding chenaillet unaided compensate compensational aridity aridification paleotemper topsets ##inskii hexameta erodes limnocyther limnoge 1458 1454 multicolored 1975 1977 1979 encrusting encrustation enhancement mcmc mcmillan cytherura himuand himalayas bootstrapping benchmarks benchmarked punctuate caledonide cryptocrystall nucleates nucleating urbanization 675 6700 6798583 alexander bhto bhutan blade blaustein busbey business busigny bauers bundling bradbury dreger gigapascal gathering keeps pioneering pioneered ranks tortola tails tailor vii violated violation violating violent vienna ##402 stoichiometric stagno repose mandible sutured suturing sutton attaining chroma unprocessed unraveled incompleteness incompletely abrasive overcoring overcoming dispersions disconformal disconformities regularization paleontologists distributes distributary adopts phelps metabolic paragneiss paragraphs paragenesis decimeterto discerned discerning discernable drifting spattering directionality solubilities magnetotellurics syntheses synthesizing commercially blanketed blanketing decipherable piercements multicollection gypsiferous 766 8100 831 97δ18o aphanitic b3g b3d b3b bonds bondre bonding donors donahue grusy kerr kerry kerrick mendenhall soderlu trevor treptichnus treads vitrinite vitroclastic venegas waibel wisdom ##renoid ##ulets ##8596 ##8340 stabilized reheated rejuvenating forebul machined machette sunland sunlight ##ambres searches searched unroofed webb weekend diapers marsden marschall disagree disagreed disparities imperial obstructed obstacle consumed fluorescein underthrusted metals deceleration decelerate manuscripts discordances 1269 sooner 1964 1965 1963 196zr2o 1931 monteverde specializations tripathy elimination rhythmite rhythmically scholar holmes microdrilling polymeric polymorphs supercontinents dissipate dissipated bluffs ideascad palmoconcha palynological palynostratigraphic palynostratigraphy subdividing sustainability piecewise manifests manifestations stereonets reinforces reinforcing condenses quartermaster gypsumand ##lf01 appalachians photomicrograph augments auvs auxil auvergne arava aubrey b7a b7g b7k b7f b7h cavitation cavosie cottian dbh dbts ethanol ethridge fifteenth fiftieth getty gibling gibraltar kt1 lathrop mnich mentions mentorship naco pivotal relying tunes tuning tangent tangentially tangtse vastly zagging ##ewar ##181 ##hauser ##hoefer ##959 inspiration convenient albion albation albanian albanides shelved shelton sounding universities unequal compacting intrashelf overthrusting enclose encloses corroborates cr02 liupan undertaking trimline trimmed trlf04 metapelite decametric inflowing infrequently so42 horsts 147sm millennial 1736 substituted substitutes neglect sinuosities tdpis googleearth pooled pooling centuryor luisa deduce discriminated discriminatory macrotext bhtc diapiric diapirically scholarships lherzolitic awr awareness b2b bajocian eye eyjaf huntington hourigan klar laminar munich pellets pelambres piedmonts ptze rosas roskow rosalina rosillos saes saitoh saudi siting saburom symmetrical symmetrically tirit tirith wrapper ##nicythere ##656 thurber tolerant tolerances starkly isotherms mamainse succeeds succeeding exporting exportable ##lagac shrinks comingled intergrain interglaciation interruption resumes resuming ##opyrite voltri voltages relays meeting georeference spiess spikings spiraling clarkson enveloped prevents assertions undersampling liquefied repetitive 1532 disciplinary brothers 1492 1493 149sm impinges impinged impinging impingement 1169 conflicts workflows retrogressive retrogradational montero straddles hypocentral capsules illumination thermoarl argentinean 360b 540r fortunate chrysocolla chrysotile vesicularity ellipsoids communicates posteriori inadequately inadequacy decameterto downdropped gastropod mirrored akers akay ak135 akademia barbara bergs ciravolo dormancy elusive henrys hokonui jmj kimura lanzh lancones ludlow langston langmuir pretest qtot romani sleep tanana tanzanian tanqua tanganyi uintan xenocrysts ziwu zheng zhang zhongqi ##uchev ##ezing ##patrick ##1783 ##ittacotherium struck reentering recharges forthcoming alamosa alamosaurus exchanges exchanged exchangers proceeded uneventful formalizing ##00010 recommend recommendations envisage armors armoring armorican featuring outgassed constricted desiccating downcuttings 15247 15244 granularity emptied emptying mesoscopically 12a13 12a16 financially radioactivity radioisotopes 1950s workshops monuments micaschists singularly ##ofossils kindred extraordinarily headwardly disproportional paleoclimatology 0711276 unfaulting rbgn7 rbgn3 semiconsolidated martinique claims afforded cerithids artificial stereoplot unexpectedly quadrupling governmental implementing implementation cuesta mammals prevailed pseudosecond 8970 aeronautics aitik auriferous benmore benowitz bohemian croix crozier gcp gemoc german glaucophane habitat habitus kato katie katrina katzer kirst kirwans llc llano lankford mhz mutti mutually morton militar militating nyland nyachoti n71 n75 ninety ochoa ochoco pockets pockmarked pearlescent pinaleno pyroclast pyroclasts pyroclastics pyroceram qg3 rrm rocchi renders rendering sentinel tiny tillite yuan yakutat ##culants ##4622 toeset ##osilicates demarcating demarcated alumina aluminum aluminosilicate beaconensis prodigious ##estionably shoal shooting ##photos choosing choowong ##plotter intertwined intermixed intermixing subareas sublithofacies geosep covary covariance notches surmount survived survival oversaw oversaturated arisphinctes appreciated appreciably credit credence credible credulity undistorted fe2o3t fe2o3and trails glaciology glaciogenic glaciolacustrine glaciomarine downsampled downsample granodiorites emblematic 12498 delithified delithify contradiction endmembers 1135 retrievals hypersolidus carnian sweeney ecosystems encourages encouraging 3903 misclassified misclassifications beheading beheadings robertson jacobs jacobi improbability improvisus looser popularized skarns counterintuitively mcphillips satisfying satisfactory paleomagnetically inhomogeneity inhomogeneities ultramylonite ultramylonitic echoes unrealistically n155 n153 petrofabrics backstrip backstripped phyllite phyllosilicates chromatographic chromatograms collaborative collaborator bifurcate bifurcated bifurcates bifurcating floatstone elucidated elucidating disproportionately semicontinuously aleutians nannofossils reconsideration overwhelming 091 09hq 4308 a64622 audrey bergerat beryllium berkeley bentley blown blowing bartington bentonitic c2an c22023 c1n citing citadel citizens cortina cylinder copiapo da3 dair daigle dacites dendritic ew040 elaborate elium elapses falkland gbmf gerard gonzale genders hanley hiden hodgson hickey hclo4 harpoon hikurangi jarrell jarrard jaramillo lapszns naghad nunns ocrf ostensibly oslo pike pioche pouderoux padre padman paddy rgb rincon rolland rudstone rudstones rudimentary sphericity vessel vorticity vividly vincenzo wuhan wackestones wahraftig witnesses witnessed yc2σ ##aspina ##olitan stuart replica replacing replenish rejecting deconto aspirants beads beauvais beamsplitter annotation annotated anorthositic answer answers answered septum compliationcrystallization chapman unsure unsampled unsurpr unavco unreset intertongue pr08 pr04 pr09 reshaped resurgence companies compartment spessartites cohesive intricate intricacies intricately extinctions reciprocity abnormal overstepped dispute dislocations scraps sculpts sculpting sculpted scrutinize oblate transmountain quenched quenching mi1b ammonites centrifugal centrifuge centrifuged undetermined underexploited vermilion undermined underflows metagranodiorite measurably parasequences repaired repurposed epicenter epicenters epicentral hydromechanics hydroxyl subscripted rattlesnake possessed 1294 professional richardson impede multibend angela angeles attests attesting monotony pressurizing puzzle puzzled puzzling 1334 1335 1338583 biodiversity schwartz schwenk schwingle radiolaria waldien waldrip waldhauser advisors 70596 70517 70564 anticipate australasia 2261 drafting proportionality superelevation karstic karstified 7500a architectural moisture harrison revisit functionality molarity bridgerian demanding interfingered achieves inhabitants suspensions hispanic 282330 282343 282378 symbol deflects exercises 1446a pedagogies pedagogical pedagogically educated educational educators employment davidson familiar 1434945 1434402 1434656 mistakenly paleodivides twentyfold substitutions huntite snapshot glauconite ninetieth boudinaged mitigation winnowed exaggerate disintegrative crisscrossing administered paradoxostoma peculiarities 012516 095215 095283 71264 71263 71084 71097 71138 b6d b6b battered batillari biofacies biogeoch baikal bennett cdg c3n c31 culture cultural cadia cadmium cibola df4 dfas dxf duda dudleyville doblas dobbins dredging dredged dubinski dubious drummond daniel danielson fusions fuels fleets fleming foster fostered getters hitting hitachi houpt harbor harbour iranian julie julian jaydeep krasta krautbl ltd lmwl lauer luthi mowed mowatt monger mongolia n68 nandewar nadir nad83 nmsb nondeposition nondepositional ohm ptt pfaff pasos pasco pelloids pellicciot payne rvo rowling sjb sjvf senate senonian sicily saser sidor sidetrack sahinturk sahnicythere scharer scharman trove troctolitic tumbling tumalo tagh tianshan tackled tikoff tikorangi upturned upturning vizcain xihuashan yonaguni yonkee zeolite zeitler δmg δmgo ##cussions ##skite ##skoy ##mandia ##29e ##hlberger ##zhinskii ##eratops inelastic inelastically toppled toppling stalling stiffness isopachs isoprenoid rehoboth forecast forecasting madre alike aliased alfred alfaro alessio alessandro alberta seals seventy seventeen atypical atypically chalky chalcedony chiricahu chirikov unquantified unquestionably unmodified unmodeled unidentified unidentifiable uninterpreted uninterpretable interdependence interdiscipl weighed ##aguay placer placerville compresses compressibility speaks speckled co32 intuitively intuitions slackwater cannat cannao volcanosedimentary perplexed dissects registers registered clifton obviate obviates presupposed presupposes sandwiched preconditioned consolidation consolidate fluvio fluvioglacial phonon phonolites underpins underpredict smartphones metachert metacherts 205pb parautochthonous paradise paradigm deserve deserves tecnologia tecnologica downtown downturned manganese manganui muffin muffins editing editors redrafting redrawn derivative derivatives delimit delimited 1450730 imprecision imprecise paleofracture paleofluids paleohighs multisensory multispectral multiplying multipycn equidimensional equidistant equatorial 1980s curricula curriculum reconfiguration reconfigurations microsampling microsyenite microlites microloaded capital capitol 1827 glomerophenocrysts glomerophenocrystic burrowed burrowing thermocouple thermocouples mattie lafon lafay 70495 70496 7072 70712 70501 timespans microcline microclimatic microcontinent microcontinents 248tho homocline homoclines baldwin petrophysical petrophysics 000004 000005 intraclasts intracratonic rappel sinusoid sinusoids tdplr tdpld conveyers conveyance harvard harvested harnessing descriptor descriptively paleoceanographic paleoceanography prototype prototyping entrapped entrapment mohrplotter preextension preextensional 0838596 0838340 assimilate assimilating brachiopod brachiopods ambiguity ambiguities multiplied multiplier candonid candonids sixty sixteen instituto socialist ferrohornblende 0189 reevaluate reevaluates mercier mercator decompacted lifespans meteorology magnesiohornblende magnesiohastings 282523 282593 282401 282401783 icpmsdatac telephone televiewer 0668 coalesced coalescence phenacodus phenacolemur metaperidotite metaperidotites wrestling wrestles nicolet kaolinization kharaka khardung 1974a circumference circumferential duplicates duplicating wisconsinan inaccuracies inaccuracy ethnicities paleodrainage paleodrainages municipal municipalities commensurability commensurately dwarf dwarfs kirkham kirkpatrick yukon yukatat dendrochronology dendrochronologically falsify falsifiable nunatak nunataks deconvolution deconvolved compartmentalized compartmentalization monotonous monotonically superelevated superelevating customized customize ijs08b ijs11b kersantite kersantites klippe klippen δfo2 paleobathymetric paleobathymetries quaquaversal quaquaversally 090925 1two 1background 1supporting 3inhalley 41221 aulbach aroma aureole aptian aramco aikt b4e b5f betty baccalaure bateman bromfield bureau birth babenro bags bostock bousquet bologna bismark breeching bryan bobbed borneman browning bahat biosilica brammall borax bertoldi benseman benedetti boyer borneo cvlf01 cagney cipw copus cartwright carilee cientifica carpathian craddock cushmandia certified dcp d422 dicot dosimeter dutton dirks davey doped doushant doughboy dresden dlese dhuime eppes eighth eusarsiella eichrome eustasy esmf erehwon ehrmann fc1 fjørto fatalities fascin fosdick flawed fumaroles fuscata fuego frederic fergusson fueled fiji frantz frenchman ghosh glycol gosse gutenberg grikes gudmund greece gasson gayatri gomez gustavson greda gmbh galiuro gratitude gurnis gussinye gelhar haaker h2s hinz hilley havasu hectometer hallmarks hachured hauptvog hartzell hohi hergt hilton hugs hssw hafnium ihs isthmus ifsar ichnofossils ibersims iezzi jasper jessup jabri jakob jordan joseph jornada jankaew journey jokulhlau janecke jarecki jaffe jewelry jaeger korzhinskii klyuchev kettle kocurek kabis korea koptev karymsky kapuni kaufformation kritosaurus kohler kominz kangarina koepp kimbrough keranen krieger kriging kruskal konsoer lenwood lallemand lela ligands livestock lopolith lardarell lenguaensis lofted loxoconcha lubenow lenfest menlo malaspina micallef mizpah mallard mathematical muehlberger mclin muller mylar moft moldic malachite malaita npdw n35 neritic nalgene nanhuashan nutrients nemuro nestled niespolo nathaniel nonsieved nusselt omphacite october oleanane oracle olympic oyster ooze oikocryst osmosis psittacotherium pisgah praefraga piggy pterosaurs podocarp perez pirard pillars pendants pffz pyne poutini pomerleau paiute pyrolysis pyles pannonian pangaea puriana pelagonian ql2 qda qarun qingshui qadv qbfo ryoke rxo rerouted ronadh rivulets racial rogan ragged raleigh rahman ritzwoll ritchie rastered rasmussen rietveld scec session sialic siziw sakarya sieves sackungen svalbard sydney sobrado sneffels squeezing sincere savings symptoms tg1 tingey tantalum tandem tuscany tartara tarija taupo tepley tordrillo tierra tennesse tshirege umhoefer vorren vavg vista vibrations voice veterinary vrolijk varnish vintage vancouver vaughan vaguely wcf wiest wesnous wandering wagner wizard wakabay wickens warbritton wondered wohl wupatki watterson x62 xibiehe x500fe yarlung youthful yazledere yerington yezo zoom zorritos zingg zuluag zooplank zimbabwe zplotit ρgcoss ##oothing ##a061 ##sparent ##taxitic ##grams ##mobil ##daloidal ##1601 ##wadum ##jokull ##jallajokull thirteenth thirteen thrasher thordsen thumbnail injectite inequitably ineffective andersen andmudstone toquima tomek touchscreen tobago toughness stainless stipends stitched stampfli staircase sturchio isograds isacks isochemical congeal consejo conundrum conocophillips reemerge reopening reusch repercussions reptiles revelations replete rehydrate reyonds reintroduced reaffirms reattachment forsteritic forschungs maersk macedon macleod mahlmann sutherland suffers suffered alabama albritton alberto almeida alcoves allegedly asheville asmerom ontario exemplified exfoliation exxonmobil fayalite fagherazzi fadakar bassiouni beccarii beyssac anadarko anahuac anoxic anhydrous anodonta anaconda prouteau bykerk byproduct sechura seyfried atchley atomscronus shabbir shervais shufelt ##phosphate whenever ornithopods contiguity contreras chichibu chiang chunks chikyu chintaguay chilicotal chalcopyrite chelmsford chowdhury chimneys souhaite ##asteaux normark norfolk nordlys unperturbed unvegetated uniaxial unruptured unclamping unchanged unspecified unradiogenic unmanned unbiased unorganized unzipping unclassified unrivaled unwanted unzoned unattainable unimpeded unacceptable interquartile interconnection interlinked interleaved wegener nepropagation nebulizer neocrystallized neotectonics prashad coliseum subcentimeter subregional subvertically subinterval subequal subclassification subophitic suborthogonally subbasins subpopulation ##ag0030 planchet wassmer inconceivable graubard volkhard lowaccommodation geologist geobob geolocation geonathaz geografico highspeed spurred spidergrams sparks coordination coahuila coppersmith diego diehl diekmann diktytaxitic intcal13 slurry marliyani marissa magondi canberra canobolas extrabasinal extraneous notoriously surpassed perovskite perceptions percussion perpetuating periptychus abushalah abdullah overextension overgeneralization oversmoothing overridden overweight overdeepened overthickening northropi disregard dislodging disentangle disseminated disadvantage scarborough scythian usoffshore oberhansli enviro environs engorged enforce enlarge enumerated corrosive corporation corrugated transatlantic simeulue colleaguesngside arganglas armitage arithmetic leftover leptokurtic changhsingian appealing paleotethys paleoprofile preponderance lithotype depressurization deplacement adaptation adsorbed adiabatically whereupon queyras quangwadum quetzalcoatlus hasbidito variabilis minnesota domengine phetchabun phitsanulok amilibia amygdaloidal centripetal undefined undeforming undoubtedly tradeoff cawthorn heermance heimsath vermeesch vertices up193he outfitted outbuilding lienkaemper smattering trentham belmontes genareau flourishes metropolitan metazoan acrobat suppcaptions blondes blobs blisniuk limpopo paraffin sanbagawa longitudinally declining canyoncarving noblesse landlocked reputedly republic icefalls remagnetization remeasured newcomb epitomizes gregorio 1550034 maintenance synopsis synaeresis antiforms antigoritic antennas emeishan manatschal manihiki manzotti muglib permafrost kahiltna edmontonian shortcomings hydrofracturing dipyramidal 40147 redirected 1215959 so125 so188 knoxville deflocculants serrocytherura 1002029e 1002732e 1009946 uncalibrated impoverished paleoflood paleohorizontal paleoescarpment paleoaltimetry paleoearthquakes endeavors equivocal 1119629 postintervention postprocessing uncontrolled furukawa logarithmically rhaetian 254uo cutbanks monolithologic monomineralic monomictic grandwashensis tuklon geohydrology geohistory clinohumite blackwelder blackhawk degrades carciumaru carvajal supplementfig1 talwani 1348007 1347901 capistrano 1870s sidewalls parallelepipeds siltstoneto asturias glimpses plagiogranites wedgeto halmahera biochronologic backlimbs backcountry burlington encapsulated absolutely schmeeckle schonwalder misrepresent northweststriking iloilo thermofinnigan δ13cvpdb rangitata taxonomy porcelain porcupine matsuzaki 70709 70658 70789 penkrot noncoaxial nonmassive nonrigid nonanalogue orthorhombic curatorial trupulse microfaults microseismicity extracellular vehicle polyphemus polytype polyethylene griscom griffin bulletins ##pa0004 globorotalia irrespective rooiberg coulomb supercooling supervolcanoes technicians raytheon amphistegina raphael gabalda tetragonal worrisome paleocoastline molenaar 0711181 chrondrites extremeness entrecasteaux megamullion mcarthur agglutinated cataclastized catuneanu pinuela seismokinematic crucibles proxrt2 appropriateness guerrero guatemala paleosoils taracapa pulseekko hyopsodus autoretreat autosampler cyclades unfeasible 03hqag0030 palimpsest bravoceratops multihemisphere semitransparent mpodozis snowflake robcompositions challacollo marcellusgas geochronolocal monzogabbro echinoderms evapotranspiration retrodiction keweenawan oklahoma 2012r33ecr 41606043 kızılagac 1109826 cosanguineous 1032156 robustaurila pgctherm2d patcharaporn montmorillonite montgomery montpellier 282433 282263 ceratopsian etchegoin christophe photoelectric 56166 baddeleyite cervicornis kalimantan kalamazoo syvitski 1024850 06je1 06hqa061 pampeanas sagmatocythere 1442665 pedcarbphotos panthalassic xenoconformity l100131601 reinvestigation odriozola garrison cupertino g17ap00010 varicolored neutronenquelle paleotemperature hexametaphosphate limnocytherids limnogeology cryptocrystalline 67985831 soderlund forebulge auxiliary aravaipa macrotexture eyjafjallajokull roskowski saburomaru lanzhou tanganyika 1524796 1524495 pseudosecondary 1249885 09hqpa0004 ew0408 gonzalez lapsznski naghadeh replenishment unsurprising 0952154 0952834 batillaria biogeochemistry krautblatter pellicciotti vizcaino chiricahua interdisciplinary multipycnometer magnesiohastingsite icpmsdatacal 0909254 baccalaureate babenroth doushantuo fjørtoft fascinating gudmundsson hauptvogel jokulhlaups klyuchevskoy kaufformationn lardarello podocarpacean qingshuiying ritzwoller siziwangqi tennessee wesnousky wakabayashi zuluaga zooplankton ρgcosss