[PAD] [UNK] [CLS] [SEP] [MASK] & ' ( ) , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 _ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z ø ı ƒ α γ δ ε θ λ μ ρ σ χ ω ϕ о – ’ ##o ##n ##s ##u ##l ##f ##i ##d ##e ##c ##m ##a ##t ##h ##g ##r ##y ##b ##k ##x ##p ##2 ##v ##z ##7 ##3 ##0 ##1 ##6 ##j ##8 ##q ##w ##5 ##4 ##9 ##σ ##α ##ø ##χ ##ı ##δ ##ρ ##о ##γ ##μ ##θ ##he ##te the ##on ##in ##ti ##re ##al ##nd ##er of ##en and in ##es ##ar ##or ##tion ##ro ##ic ##it ##ite ##ed ##an ##ing ##as ##ate ##os ##is ##ation ##le ##ol ##at to ##ag ##id ##ent ##ly th ##ul ##ith ##mp ##us ##ra with ##oc ##el ##ur is con co de ##ig for ##et ##ure ##ter ##ve ##ow ##ac are ##rom as re al ##eral st min from ##iz ##il ##ati ##im ##ated ##ot ##her mineral ##op ##lu by ##ts ##ion dep be ma ##ted ##ph ##om an that ##ce ##tr ##se ##res ##ys ##ere at depos ##ec su mag ##ou ##ock ##yr ##tic ##tite deposit ##ne ##ment ##ins comp sa or rock ##ther di dis ch flu sh pro sul ##og ##ab form ##ine ##art ##cc gra ##ich ##age ##ran ##mal ##ge ##ir ##od ##am ##ib inc ##yrite ##ous ex ##ver ##pp sulf ##ition ve ##um fluid fig figure ##usion ##ten ##ide on ##alc ##th rocks qu ##igh ha ##ct cr met samp ##tal ##ization ##ues ##ost wh se ##ations cont were ##artz quartz ##ant res te ##ally ore ##yd ##ase deposits magne ##qu ##ch ##ri this ##yp ##st ##ass have low rel pb col ph fe hyd ##les ##ges zon ##ary magnetite ##if was ##ity cu car ##ud ##red hydro pyrite ##ies ##old ##ting ##ain ##ature ##ff typ show ##ong rep ge gran ev ##and ##orph late isot isotop magm sp ##ene which ##orite cl ##usions mineralization pl ##rou ass ##ian compos ##ystal ##mb pre calc ##ical ##ad veins ##bon ele anal ##thermal hydrothermal ##ip mo ##ides occ these ab ##ved un inter ##able ##ut ##00 ##ction carbon high samples ##hed ne ##ap colle ##ize ind ##we minerals bet pres occur ##ative en us ##entr dat incl ##ess bas crystal ##atite ##ween ##ace between ##ay im ##uring intr ##nt ##ates size sub ##ang alter composition cons ##ari temp ##ill conc ##ence ##otite ##ution ##ized gold we during ##oci ##ke ##con val associ ##itic formation ox ##eld ##erature temperature ##agues sulfide colleagues str loc le ##so alteration ##ive par ##atic ser me whe ob also ##ined ##pper diff ful ##ton within ##ard has element ni full nor ##low ##our ##erite per 20 ##iment inclusions been ##tive ar sil sc ##ia ##orm fra mic ##arly ##pl data vein zn conten stud ##arn ##olog not lower ##gh ##ros stage ##ediment ##form ##uc mod ##ron image ##ale analys fluids indic sim main ##ram values bi ca li associated rich ##enite type fa ##to than distr ##ding vari metam granite grains ##opyrite ##rog ##hem ##de ##ose concentr ##all bel differe it ##aring dom ##iv ##ist where age metamorph ag ##tern can resul ##vel ##ast all zir au zircon ##ures sediment ##tem zone tw reg sys silic system ##un ##ied prec ac calcite ##pec bearing ##ond over ##ree ##ages host ##dition ##olite simil sou chalc ##ces ##olution ##mon faul ##uct sug sec sugges ##ral ##ue two ##sion may hos vol isotope other sk ##ole cor ##ell related he mar ##ser ##inated formed biotite most tra mass sample ##par ##ign la lar ##phal und ##ield ##ound obser sulfides ##zo ##phalerite ##ight rati magmatic ##ome ##iti ##xt ad sphalerite inclu ##one ##mbl bot ##ric asse using hosted ##oly assembl 10 gen ##zoic ##ers similar but ##ific ##are ##ange comple struct ##han ##ach acc sour ##ating gre ##pb early ##ick how zones ##ens spec ##row po consis repres chalcopyrite along ##fic ##ipit more ##me ##uld sur char base ##rox ##round sign com under ##ov ##acter es pr ##lac contain red ##can ##rite ##pm ##ict precipit bre ##ak ##ater ##assic ol different relative ##cted table character tran ##hedral no si ap into some rec tim app part ages both common region sl text trans elements ##raph copper porph isotopic contents ##und ##ore fol analyses concentrations ##est up ##ural ##ll geoc crystals skarn ##pre there ##thern brecc ##hib their ##ord ##vi area like ##ort ##ross porphyr pos ##ains ##pent geolog serpent os ##bd ##stone model complex stra hig ##osed compositions present ##ular magma intrusion such district micro ##ile ##ioc ##ium carbonate observed ores range ##erg moly ##ena molybd gal mg 15 af lim mel prop ##ren ##out ##ogen ##ever however upper metamorphic ##tered large represent grained ##tical crus sy sch ##ry crystall fault galena imp tour maj unit tourmal ##iss ##act molybdenite ##ered ref ratios study major source tec ##hemical hor they ver fract tourmaline well minor ##veral ##ases ##enetic ##eri thick ##velop apatite ppm sedimentary iron tre diag event only graph ##tain basin ##ility prov metal amp disc used wt mon ##ented temperatures ##nite ##lase proc ##tial analy signific prim orig abund ##ble respec ##rough ##yrox ##ism ##ough whereas she sal ##sib condition centr ##tively amphib central ##ines ##rogen those ##ob ##eng develop ##av ##acement ep ##ance ##du ##orted set ##roup basement significant field porphyry pale plag intrusions ##tonic higher cross ##ioclase plagioclase one pt ##oun conditions sulfur origin am ##gm ##anite orogen fold north trace des ##tent showing oxid equ ir follow mus incre ti ##neiss content interpre fraction second ##ub volcan ##tim through ##ress ##ack serpentine ##ments process ##oid ##rol graphite eu ##ically ##aceous deform ##duc ba dol ##ient meas trend group pd ##ory results ##ites weat south pyr post ##sem smal general small dissem separ several ##yroxene ##lis ##tin deri derived ##own emp local belt measure ##lacement ##cr contin consid silicate after garn precipitation sulph ##tig assemblages band dec ##ozoic calcul altered mud sm sti ##2o ##tions tectonic mant ##land structural likely 19 expl br found pge sb mainly km pat contr ##amb oliv possib ##kes relatively due mat ##ably out ##ward types ##reg ree ##ibution contains corre ter ##fore inv chl lay surf respectively ##ould ##hotite ##rhotite rem grain pyrrhotite ##enti stri diss primary disseminated its ##zed ig mid exten 12 fine plu ##cl three ##que olivine tri ##der mafic diagram ##tero based volcanic inf evid memb granites ##terozoic op assemblage time ru ul phos geological ##eter ##odies occurs occurren indicate addition ii ##term ##omet locally mantle aver including consistent id ##ep ##ret sr southern μm ##try ##ix coe musc ##elds 18 felds hom ##ail determ dolom muscov granitic 40 ##4s ##izon same displ sequ shows analysis muscovite ##itu stand sand marg schist pe syn ##ina basal ##vious garnet evap presence mudstone ##ear const seric hem ##erous studies gneiss ##ote exp breccia water commonly standard ##li sup lead mul ##shan coar could alth ##duction although refle sn ##tile phase cut veinle ##sen ##ffec bar scale 11 fac lith ##ha thus bec close abundant shear ##ove ##tra ##ination reported fin ##ors laterite press fractures deformation average ##tit sap feldspar each ##lm ##lation ##dle go less ##tiv ##ise ##cop arc wide ##opro shown very 14 ##inant ##ork relations ##roscop ##ik ##aris ##olved ##elite regional member 25 plot dominated interpreted ##oproterozoic rare ins ##isation supp about 100 ic def ##neous contact replac dire estim ##ogenic wol igneous cret sol tit ##estern coarse saprol cretaceous ##rich ##ately reac ##cep strong arsen suggest level grade ##anging located chlorite middle multi ##hod forming evidence ##ified previous sche surface 50 ##rown saprolite flow ste ##get ##istry carbonatite obtain triassic do hal light ##eth shal ##atures enrich ##hemistry massive scheelite ce cle el na initi fluorite dating ##ramite ##ual ##ger metas differen bed yield ##onite ##ities brecci ##ded alb ##rowth characterized ##ie ##hip ##olith core ##etrog ##abb below relationship mes rim ##ctr electr import generally dolomite sericite fl native ##val ##any ##use near inclusion reduc horizon developed stages ##crib considered facies las mn ##ression new oxy crystallization analyzed ##med ##ince ##hering mineralog ##quent oxide systems ##riched ##rop isotopes enriched green therefore fir ilm distribution secondary euhedral weathering rutile wolf first jur ##eston limeston jurassic ##hron whole setting arsenopyrite dr ##bs wolframite fur fill ##ared map ##adi ##rama calculated titanite ##gan ##idote oxides northern describ ilmenite ga ms ##the ##eren ##pping consists characteris epidote stib inte ##astern later processes dissolution ult sequence evaporite ##o2 ##gen ##ints 200 ##yl ##atis mineralized prob ##raphic identi ##ramafic stibnite ultramafic act clin surround geochemical melting crust amphibolite margin ##ox phases units electron 13 23 ##astic ##opyroxene ##ount above measured decre hematite important further cm wall salin obtained ##ited deposition fractionation ##kal depth prof ##ody result faults pattern homogen bl ##lying metamorphism around ##omp ##50 ##int ##resp corresp veinlets mate solution ##ink co2 association perm 204 gener δ1 ##az method env gabb mix ##hes normal enrichment would ##ms produc ##iron ##quid ##rial partic microscop spect pressure material ##itive ##lel liquid variations 30 ##ced ##amp ##allel textures goeth goethite environ jo num ##greg thin china radi 204pb ##inc drill four western ther top det ##iferous crustal icp described evolution series indicating permian ##ither ##ish typically ##log spati composed indicates ratio laser chemical ##ty poor identif bor bound ##ute ##des total ##vers continent our ##ause ##uss ##izing include emplacement because reduced alkal limestone ##logop cur giv uran δ3 ##nown ##ial ##acl mineralisation phlogop overl ##ounts δ34s so ##rus ##water ##rade ##sequent variable activ amphibole jin ##esis compared section slight determined pgm ##ath distin sandstone cal west ##ness ##atur parag mean initial lam por mine fluor ##umul oreb typical highly transp following long ##ays ##pr organ dikes prog stratig orogenic superg hg ##usive moder proposed zha ##isting toget ##imum 206 trending together east ##oot inten ##els features events extension phlogopite diorite ##ameter massif ##lision constra ##atism mm many sw ##ok ##ration ##ark ##orp containing probably wil ##uted ##bel ##ingle ##ilib aggreg bul em ##rix ##ology ##una crossc possible matrix clinopyroxene 206pb ##anges sele neg suggested analytical ##ux ##ling ##tially ##raction occurred studied allo ##ometry nd ##ving interg parallel ##formed homogenization 24 single ##asing suggests ##lack eastern pred oxygen jinding fact ray ##hen ##itoid ##idual deple collision granitoid when baux organic bodies black mu ranging ##asts examp unc amounts phosc replaced spectrom detail lu line thrus orient observ texture strain bulk pol ##iorite ##eous ##ven then ##onent shap estimated characteristic crosscut phoscorite 39 ##end ##ised compr ##abor metall sea contro dominant oxidation explain shallow cd py ##ple areas component shale contrast pegm levels 17 ##sive rele orth ##odiorite volum pluton albite patterns block ##hyd ##ability phot strike occurrence ##lic magmas caus active sulphide ##nde ##ided ##omic ##ogene overpr slip foli equilib ##medi continental either lat youn ##inolite ##ters replacement strat sediments monaz increase actinolite profile identified activity back dy growth pass poly ##mite ##be ##onal deep stock few arg display bauxite known nw ##rent int ##oma magmatism thickness med situ ##ased variation breccias salinity cen non ##ck ##work ##atory order collected least geochemistry supergene genetic ##aj dete zoning value ##arent ##engshan occurrences leng oce ##ertain comb ##apatite concentration esm melt banded alkaline ocean vary ##uous ##yll ##ties ##terite ##tral ablation structures horn throughout gabbro slightly er fels abs inters ##ological access geochron aggregates monazite felsic satur vs ##ibuted hand recent ##raphy intro bo if ion deg metals phosph coex uranium fluorapatite ##au cores stress ##pped subsequent reflect given orebodies ax pengshan ##uang ##ished intrusive lake followed controll ##spec ##ft ##ber ##imal ang sem subhedral silicates precipitated appear predom lens ##ug ##king ##itt ##lemite conf chrom mob acid geology direct willemite fer link ##mm ##erald being class assum timing smec surrounding distinct pyroxene wides ##ually ##ones ##ences state spot ##roxim approxim emerald smectite 300 ro rid ##ker dev ##omal anomal prospec uni poten ##pread vertical oxidized mesozoic negative widespread affec ear ##up ##hered ##osp toward cool forms granodiorite ##ystall mostly fracture monz ed while extensive solid mineralogy much dated mec retrog ##upl ##ves max ##ible ##ift ##iang neoproterozoic concord open thrust medium 16 dark effec here ##ording ##ann ##aces comparis images perid sources note textural strata comparison gang lack wor carbonates subduction ##blende strongly intersti mechan ##most ##20 ##chist significantly ##queous pegmatite aqueous hyp any clasts plan structure according strati mixing free loma ##xik ##oration see plate record representative ##cept bornite zhaxik accessory zhaxikang bro bse case cumul fre ioc varis ##arz ##osal ##aton ##veal reveal mining ##enschist environment hornblende peridotite iocg 26 brown body end ##hest leach represented province weathered halite ##mediate ##fer ##ists anhedral exs ##rium indiv webs partial performed suggesting defined selected uncertain orientation ##ring ##west ##estig coupl exc parts mica various propor separates investig diagrams metasom relationships interstitial individual gl hill ##10 ##jec ##other diameter craton phyll resulted correlation striking coeval alloys dens down ##2s ##aries isoc ##ogn sections ##ressive ##theast correspond stratiform variscan 70 bal nature ##ussion ##herz sulfosal resp encl ##edimentary discussion 40ar gangue coupled av fr ##side ##ld ##ps ##inous ##ularly ##ocene even represents development irreg rims approximately ##herzolite nacl vers ##sh ##iq sty ##ode intermediate recogn positive interpret layered cutting multiple interaction radiogenic cooling world lherzolite ##ara ##amination intrud bands foc pu tl tar prot ##qui lateral paleozoic ##ometric observations compris introduction controlled versus mill vap ##ae ##inite ##its cong ##stones ##gest subs ##ards zircons folds ##erence intense younger frag work ##sr ##ert magneti ##ification greenschist highest granitoids 39ar websterite respon ke s2 tak ##ocite stable ##imen beam summ ord ##ccess carboniferous presented chalcocite larger direction depleted equilibrium ##ittle retrograde pot petrog rb since ##str ##opside success diopside possibly peak produced example univers density 27 60 kir ##wall ##here ##apir accomp simp afric provide ##titute evaporites spatial foliation nu rot v3 ##ying ##bas ##tend ##ulation cover ##aco ##rian zoned geometry ##oidal consider layers previously lenses vapor ##itite anhyd peri ##obo latter maximum rh ##uo ##cy ##onian ##ush ##atible diapir incorp intern domain mark adj transition thermal protolith period ##ially ##veld ##80 ##oss ##rad ##igou extend resour carri plat location sulphides caused focus magnetitite cat mal pan pent sill ##hr ##wa uncon howards ##iocene salobo ##ambrian filled broad pentland ##itk compression should elev weak ##contin gneisses differences stratigraphic intergrown pentlandite hist rate ##30 ##aman ##verse occurring across copperbel separated matter layer filling potential mechanism anhydrite lan nb sel ##over ##lin ##ley ##oph ##ffic clus fields increasing still correl current saturation copperbelt 400 bush gas pure ##lastic ##hn framb resulting overlying complete ##lier predominant irregular university bushveld gr miocene pow ri ##ner ##fe ##ao ##vo ##oritic ##omer ##rane ##ung lais orogeny metasedimentary microscope overal pul ##ierite ##vall ##onding ##read ##acent consist concl 207 ##pecially especially therm spectrometer characteristics adjacent unconform laisvall overall rat ##ilation dipping metamorphosed systematic sio2 final yielded corresponding overprin length earlier avail kiruna internal ##fficient 80 aker chemistry foot ranges uitk ##lite ##aard ##ground ##vas ##13 ##90 ##hean ##icul ##icts coun demon ##omst altern compositional hosting marine recr reference measurements ##landet outc joints paragenetic intruded akerlandet uitkomst demonstr 32 laco mt mor nan tr ##nam ##tom depend usually belong among deformed cleav bedding mineralogical fragments rather cer doc huang pip ppb ##nar ##aerg ##yc ##berg ##ky ##pro ##zation ##rees ##erred ##ital conte disp fe3 dome heating serpentin propyl ##2o3 reflected beds metallogenic propylitic pri round ##ta ##ga ##til before magn exhib contamination skaerg includes ##ovic ##raphs abundance calib polished coexisting 207pb outcrop prior skaergaard cases himal lree mig nn ##led ##zi ##etra plac basins silica bottom methods leaching himalay five lines ##lomer ##oles reser siliceous melts ##lished barren reaction spatially degree towards dri h2o mv role vis xen zamb ##ument ##hi ##za had energ grey ##laced redox skarns complexes emplaced exploration invol constant decrease number boundary detailed orthog ##probe ##ood ##cence ##man ##iles porphyritic modeling ##sible reef settings plutons affected uncertainty interpretation elevated cleavage lo ou pı ta ##uction ##lies ##rys ##irc ##ude auth marble northwest brines supported recognized comprises ##bası ##narbası pınarbası 500 del ten tonal ##ping ##60 ##ald ##enced ##ana ##ached requi disting extern ##uminous control carbonaceous pervas included largely basalt exposed 238 δ18 particularly luf blocks enclosed ordovic available footwall distingu pervasive ordovician circ ts ##car ##cill ##rated ##alabor often allow made deposited phalabor nearly partially princ homogene steep particular moderate directly phyllic accompan phalaborwa princip fab hanging mac nam will zr ##uff ##enesis ##heric suite div chamb having ##formation allanite older times apparent oscill models microprobe limited diagenetic epis waters labor ##lo ##feren ##oric ##ishan ##agne though ##urian detr ##ilit changes ##arth ##umines techn sets paleoproterozoic original involved shales solutions environments numerous transport prograde crosscutting volume acidic ##ospheric proportions conglomer responsible taken carried accompanied oscillatory econ epm raman ##lied ##aneous ##etry prox formations grades sulfate respect does explained ##ystalline sulfosalts incorpor energy orthogneiss epma 75 cher gyp nod pa sin ##na ##sum ##ful ##ya ##tition ##ances meta spread imm largest genesis account species underst underlying schw schists amount solub microscopy confir concordant isochron tarim potassic 238u gypsum 86 jbel log lode myl nar nick wa ##not ##uan ##12 ##14 ##onitic ##ula minimum interval preser ##rosion modified consisting crystalline remain influ factors released devonian exhibit external 29 87 ker pop sites tur tung wid year ##by ##3c ##wald ##ules ##uru alm ##iber exh magnetic leached cannot equiv ##ducted generations mixed shaped photomic exsolution african rotation homogeneous schwarz narrow photomicrog 35 cent earth hf hence loss morph ##och indicated concentrated terrane clearly napp joint linked style nickel bt ##ma ##isted ##attered without ##etric white colum evolved 208 trapped greis noted provided ##crystalline contribution plots normalized extensional seawater stockwork assuming ##anning balance δ18o solubility schwarzwald bou date f2 far fall ill tetra ##matic ##inate off attr dist except preferen interse tempor contained transm majority increases groups surfaces standards progressive spectrometry marked resources authors detrital 22 aa led prom q2 site ##lified ##co ##cent ##15 andes ##ogran ##ibility existing quan fe2 induc old slop 199 overlain geochronology unconformity ##namic kerolite 34 cam dig zinc ##oe ##iented ##tz ##bur inag ##acts oriented shan clastic left signatures 150 limit discord baitu continuous sequences basalts veinlet closely decreasing constrain ##orption dykes geochronological prospect ##yingzi predominantly huangshan laboratory baituyingzi 38 big dra fo kr mi rub ##set ##ci ##tor ##tega ##inel mineralizing anti ortega contacts ##less showed northeast silver widely support differenti ##oxic laminated portion collisional shape anomalies bore did ground mol ##sonite ##70 ##osity conver ##vement ##ritic ##aps basis ##aria locations ##aren specific olig applied plutonic ##rowths salinities ##ussite framboidal cerussite rounded fabric 90 cambrian erosion fres mount nal pur vie ##cu ##ches ##aque ##rim ##wise ##mpor ##ustr place whether ##iao distributed agree hosts ##achite discrim smith infra displacement sandstones pressures archean halo clear difference boundaries ##unaq components axes summary malachite ##uminescence inagli boreh nalunaq cc gry kon pet pap ##bed ##inations ##ract ##phon ##therm distal gray extra ##ighted calcic difficul similarly point microtherm continu opaque determine basaltic instr replacing ##oliths detection combined appears hypot petrographic placer visible 208pb view gryphon 54 liz peral waj ##ca ##tre ##gite ##ila ##ilization ##ilian maza compatible chond ##arily ##ardite ##ologies ##rogene pore separate inferred characterised δ13c dominantly absence angular metasomatic corresponds ##ertag key simplified v3b lanping ##voir contempor dispers calibration mvt tonalite principal ##ilitag antimon smithsonite infrared lizardite wajilitag mazaertag bay bath kine kang pal side yang ##sten ##ind dip former expec unli ##toe overg skry points discuss leading define maps polym spreading tungsten years nappe greisen attributed unlike skrytoe 65 kv nat pel tin upl ##mented ##66 ##inum ##icted isol carib ##andine scanning fav greater spectra ##pms partly upward abundances folding remob margins finally icpms surrounded caled argill mechanisms lufilian divided economic incorporated almandine ##ogranite 34s 45 600 95 ble duo ice pen phen piq sized zh ##ses ##ire ##ira ##duct ##cal ##genetic ##tib ##orth ##iter ##ocrys pho ##ada enti districts bell cord hete ess paleo ##2o5 path dissolved 187 1000 cement cenozoic combination planes glob pump river pipe zambian tsav conglomerate paper hypothes peraluminous expected piqiang 28 aus best fo2 mas pv ##no ##hor ##western ##ways them andrad ##isite thir ##igu ##acity ##omagne change ##vertical ##umented sampling clim better subvertical parameter silurian graphitic ##ava oxidizing plotted elong flat profiles generation examples err revealed ##shu documented reservoir preserved mixt fresh heterogene little mari pub tan ##more ##has ##eriment ##enix ##isc ##lyite ##rack ##ellyite reach another extre quartzite restr resear clos clay carbonic partition ##elling reduction ##yroxenite ##avy fractional term chlor experiment institute reactiv ##theastern furthermore materials ##lications varying roan succession history recrystall width discordant difficult contemporaneous natural phoenix entire pumpellyite extreme 000 buff fron kl pit tens use ##sc ##ctive ##qb ##way ##ola ##ato ##iding ##odou incomp excep hydrous intercal leuc domains regim regard laodou precipitate position primitive separation calculations displays modern ##oots dyke lengshu effect plateau cherty understand tsavorite austral lengshuigou 36 eocene glac hole lip ot paren varies conducted ##phase ch4 hydrothermally inde ##unite corund ##ometer six microcrystalline representing crystallized trends smaller brittle additional ##inae brecciated horizons products boron laminae stratigraphy photog background stocks substit clusters overprinted nnw ruby parental corundum 21 sens ##ning ##hg ##hitu ##teoric ##ining ##rous ##ice ##ision ##ety ##omb ##ceed shor ##abas ##chie eval ##ands assim calcare subhor meteoric hashitu sci analysed ##veleng southeast heavy ##akh proced folded ##oids ##izontal ##aclas boil phosphorite assumed ridge downward ##iques himalayan chamber nodules waveleng column agreement chondrite andradite subhorizontal wavelength blu bary est eme fug harz ka mc qin ra ret talc ##line ##inity ##rock ##asi ##ason ##urally ##ranular exch repe spinel variability ##unerite signal underg increased localities good decreases porosity luhr observation chromitite ##osphere recorded considering ##continent grunerite pulses illustr temporal slope instrument ##ocrysts pvp calcareous baryte emeishan 55 dong dau gn hmb liber nne right rift εnd ##col ##aging almost ##luded anoxic compar shri seven geother latest play ##ghter ##ronorite variety sedimentation adv ##ressed remains ##cline rarely generated intens alloy prospects concordia investigated powder outer techniques exhum uplift restricted research evalu harzbur daughter hmbs shrimp 350 bene vent ##uk ##ipped ##molite ##pt ##tead ##tice took ##ockwise discontin extent exceed onto carlin tremolite discre equipped must 120 barite lithospheric instead suppor gabbronorite depletion broadly conclusions country xenoliths 86sr ##tze yangtze boiling estab 2a 44 apl dates dilation last pse sigu xyc ##ored ##iation ##bre ##va inner ##itted ##itude ##eden ##ank ##anal ##ants ##osite devi beha proterozoic ##iri ##tening critic relation ##ade cav regression great propose tecton shel garnierite brine super reactions overprint ##ajas subsequently classified ridges effects million magnetitites demonstrated photomicrographs kras batholith pelitic isolated exception ##aclasites exchange pseud siguiri 43 da dp fm h2s parent sqb vi ##lian ##ier ##yn ##zing ##1b ##wide intra information ##arm ##arp ##asma ##ago ##ets ##acite chr ##ogram space clockwise plasma composite highl neu meters mode canada ##igned ##fication transg geologic possibility correction corrected ultra syngenetic constrained release genetically detect saturated phosphate mobile pegmatites worldwide weakly trig discussed ##avaara published otago qinling beneath 37 cp duc gu gase lv listed rap tib xr ##nary ##sk ##ump ##lay ##cts ##arc ##asion ##ularia ##eler ##ellow consequent ##etall rees reverse ##ils short sharp exam residual teg cup hydrox repro ##arities simao heat adularia mgo ##rench synt provides primarily volcano members optical evaporitic experi estimate albitite depths paragenesis moderately backsc situated oceanic frequent glass circulation thought tetrahed discrimination hypothesis third australia shortening gaseous tibet 33 31 cap don hree liter might om sus yb ##son ##sation ##rate ##ka ##vite ##ala ##idic reason ##tston ##ography lowest coll feo fe2o3 ##iform need subord variably moreover slab crystallizing ##duce lithologies laterites flo horizontal lamell constraints orthopyroxene recently s26 rhy required distinguished andesite unlikely favor substitution fugacity discontinuous ##etallic literature bord iber k2o kuru san ##gu ##pite ##65 ##where ##99 ##era ##ency ##oll ##olia stability ##atitic ##luvi ##cend ##trum ##erek plus weighted nio siltston ##hemian accumul spectrum signature break syenite despite terms infill synch reducing ##odynamic poorly erlian bohemian edges hypogene freezing seems proportion styles stillwater morphology cordierite mariins regime comparable exhumation critical rapid consequently tegerek tetrahedrite hing md test ##ule ##cri ##11 ##wyn ##inent ##alent ##anit ##urite atm phys movement occasion uniform never enhan wehr obvious agains similarities specimen mgp limonite hora 250 cemented initially mesoproterozoic overlap axis classification monzonite platinum selwyn ##ophile greyw pair population prominent polymetallic front incompatible geotherm mariinsky against 56 aur d3 gb ki sid tub ##of ##cas ##habas ##85 ##altered ##arized ##ulf ##ust ##acke mines ##imens athabas dioritic sampled ##ching color repl analog unaltered veining indicative cao specimens follows fractionated oxyhyd limestones orebody spots anomaly fractured edge exsolved sulfosalt successive focused morb serpentinized magnes immisc mixture tanz understanding blue aplite shelf fmc chrm reproduc wehrlite athabasca oxyhydrox 64 away dacite fj ji sse sod ##iqu ##bo ##xi ##jiang ##wn ##wana ##ico ##ulic ##raulic iss deb ##aced mined ##sewhere product ##irun ##ighter hydraulic neo microg ##ronous domes volati limits crushed monit expos bars 110 elsewhere spectroscop intergrowths lattice deeper detected mobil devol earlies monzogranite cumulates extends overprinting steeply episode 87sr turn inductively differentiation phenocrysts ##omagnetic heterogeneous recrystallization harzburgite transgressive floor kiirun reproducibility fjord earliest kiirunavaara 2b 3d bc bin bad cations crack hot hund ken net nec pink russ tus ural ##uble ##lan ##las ##mz ##ax ##gonal ##yen ##put ##went ##ons ##alite ##ense ##ising ##isition ##ission ##olve ##ator coated ##lude produce ##ama quyen resolution ##quisition hydrogen hydrocar ##illed silicic silicified acquisition ##itization underwent ##cany microanal crystallisation implies implications southwest iii lithological step yields depositional py1 polygonal millim petrography ##overy magnitude migration offset kinematic caribe blebs parameters closure klakh indeed sciences frequently lamellae greywacke auriferous hundred hydrocarbon 01 05 centi eq ets give guang jar ku kin luminescence ml myr oct p2o5 rates rise xia zo ##iag ##ean ##hf ##ging ##aled ##entical inher ##ulated coinc stret mineralised anorth atte projec resid lateritic places trapping ##itized underground ##oblastic epig ##tinian calculation patches identical brecciation 2000 overla orientations center predomin cumulus ##imension fillings selv completely conclusion involving episod preferentially quantit continued remobilization elongated assimilation kaol discrete behavi cavities krasna suscep subordinate synchronous gbmz tuscany centime etss kintinian zoisite 02 800 bra cass dimension fi fato lab mif miss rif rough s0 ze δ65 ##sw ##shen ##hous ##gress ##kins ##known ##onia ##ering intim ##icular ##etre ascend ##omes ank anat anion sufficient dips chines ##ographic ##tence seg ##chy ##stan reli phan feature cub ##ystallis unknown interf interlay ##atively constitute associations precise precambrian faulting ##ounds ##ova prism monte salt paleomagnetic descri oper srp 188 reflects bedrock interes curve curves foliated chromite potentially frequ v3a cluster recrystallis distinguish centre distur intersection microthermometric dispersive extremely intercalated dongshen played backscattered octa epigenetic kaolinite fatoya δ65cu chinese descrip 1a 42 58 6a 71 aqu dam day dunite eh falc hz ju tab ##sor ##ler ##long ##hu ##pd ##pa ##jing ##ineral ##estion ##iterite ##inga ##osc ##istence ##ows ##imorph dike chilled ##ights ##ctu zonation unm entra ##nta valley diffraction percol scattered ##toq ##unction acade ##ondo sector ##parallel ##achment surve ##gmiao northwestern ##ambo strikes ##queira ##overed flows flood greenstone integ actm particles distinctive means transported factor absent ridang punta target intervals equivalent transmitted progressively caledonia global error undergone intensity experienced replace necess susceptib cassiterite ankerite dongshengmiao falcondo academ 47 72 done gc gond nm teth via yellow ##oted ##nan ##nec ##ai ##yan ##pick ##vs ##tif input ##ics ##itable ##osk ##ational ##ured alluvi ##izes ##ott ##ouanit grad ##umm haouanit ##stage report granul indep envelop subparallel perme schem simul cause belts domin acceler regions ##raphically serpentines providing postd locality decay dolomitic hemimorph become multistage porous ##endent comprise shallower volumetric ##ajik handpick coreston uncertainties directions peaks africa periods ##leyite demonstrate mylonitic borehole chloride reactivation advan pairs microanalys overlapping susceptibility independent hemimorphite 1b 57 53 73 84 call cell cyc kar kup lrees mil ncc pts s1 slow yun εhf ##o4 ##ni ##uth ##iambo ##ctic ##62 ##onous ##rob ##roph ##rocl ##ans ##asqueira ##lement toc coast aspec mapping ##omorph ##trient shoots formula gradu carajas occup abbre intercept immedi imaging arhous ##deleyite dominga precur slate isotopically microcline saline equal localized sulphidic mudstones ##ikajik enrichments greenland metalliferous py2 angle opening response simple nutrient extending resource panasqueira load proximal ##ochth preferential mountain koniambo kangikajik photographs examined iberian spectroscopy baddeleyite siliciclastic xiahe roughly octahedral tabular academy gondwana abbrevi immediately 3a 4a 97 dil fs kos nc pic pack yet ##ores ##ctively ##af ##vity ##zn ##alut ##roded ##osition ##olcan ##raes cob ##acama revers anc atacama fluctu shad ##ibute ##ppalut clays ##ips until enc constit golden ##tonite ##istan auppalut precision volt others structurally syl diagenesis disseminations plun consistently lesser estimates steps amphibolites sweden 248 causing mobility cumulate cataclasites pulse pipes outcrops himalaya macraes confirm falls groundwater hinge occasionally enhanced volatile 188os survey ncb auppaluttoq 04 550 77 98 dou drop ls lighter nist o2 tes wat xish ##ijing ##bles ##ening ##ane ##ash ##olid condu star ##iltr ##opyroxenite beijing ##phi sut chron chile shield ##ibul tend hydrost granular spar prev elemental scap sclm sims ##hemically southeastern ##itisation fracturing ##duced dolost plug expressed lithost δ11b identify alkali uraninite soft supergroup absorption introduced ions angles semic mediumto ##ferberg investigate comprising diapiric platform framboids boreholes ccp extracted 187os climate buffer phosphorites siltstone siderite bcg jarvs frequency alluvial precursor abbreviations kosise cobal ancient voltage xishimen jarvsand 07 51 67 az aff bm ber cre der function gi hcl ide now rain ##oh ##lig ##lated ##ique ##gy ##ware ##ont ##tization ##istr ##idd ##ulang ##ochemical conven fors asian ##ilic ##omire ##tically shift production qual quar colomb enst subg ##angan nori marcas ##itiomire propag paleocene ptfe sms 198 terr ternary remark triang infiltr coefficient shears replaces multiphase ##theless probe microscopic detachment ##okas neglig linear boulang appearance room planar correlated currently alternating depending document driven antimony palokas ##no3 procedure liberation supports established deviation pseudos dp7 trigg ##umption hydroxides omitiomire border nevertheless tanzan advanced called kupferberg ##ochthonous ##olcanic scapolite semicond marcasite negligible boulangerite 5a 6b 78 aut che d2 dur lhas mong opp ophi q1 sang δ20 ##lim ##ahi ##hat ##xing ##path ##pend ##hetic ##inces ##rec ##ream injec ##tional ##asp ##asahi ##olitic too island dem ##igranular rework al2o3 ##opl depression ##econd suitable ##tension segreg relicts ##ained mineralizations diffusion lowermost modal metamict silicification acqui precipitates transtension porphy microb uppermost implying referred provinces 197 explan km2 evident idi sericitic 140 144 ##hodol nearby lascar gave marginal stratigraphically 246 degrees axial controlling semi anomalous darker excluded nuasahi cathodol sills histogram controls ##loor immob influence oligocene experimental sensitive ##chiefer neutral ductile xrd ##archean d3s tube magnesian quantitative behavior schematic corestones hydrostatic enstatite semiconduct lhasa 3b 5b 63 bs bur cin du eight fit fran hno3 ky kb lala qz sor sole zk ##oz ##lon ##ex ##eties ##che ##aud ##hnite ##gz ##bir ##zuo ##42 ##ona ##ention ##oring ##itz ##racted conse connec coating always ##atized ##imne ##oth suites compounds chimne ##ichi metap reset ##assium clast prehnite ##ape ##apse subjec meter diffract varieties accep hezuo marbles tradition ##ersatur similarity accre characterize apart applic regionally presents epither tio2 explo determination rimmed ##valent ##ropical identification clinopyroxenite voluminous youngest ferrous potassium diapirs incorporation context zambia confirmed induced molar oligo displacements microthermometry antimonides ##continental collapse sodic kenya guangxi inherited selvages interlayered suture lithostatic software cathodoluminescence consequ epithermal 48 59 69 700 85 aim bacter ger hel mw mur past rob rands trough xing ##oved ##oichi ##floor ##avi ##rid ##17 ##813 ##erozoic ##ened ##ings ##osing ##lear ##olas ##aged ##uli ##ulations ##rains ##ocular ##urn cove alum bee ##oms diasp who rese unus substan conclude differ northeastern frame micas notably lamp 106 spectral sometim appro equigranular ##rolog pyritic removed additionally feldspath becomes ##titude yielding flak 130 producing liquids portions seafloor relev equilibration centim smectites unique records summarized rio thermodynamic 325 reserves apparently photomicrograph digenite petrolog porewater palae partitioning evaluate cpgz immiscibility binocular stretching episodes reliable phanerozoic unmineral handpicked reversal watkins dolostone forsterite tanzania ##pendicular microbial immobile ##entioned consequence randschiefer covered diaspore sometimes 03 06 79 99 achie cb cad certain das gent mold mott pac pile pyroxenite run sant tuff tasi trench tropical ##uments ##cd ##herent ##enn ##arape ##anne ##osen ##ident thorite ##ratig ##ury ##etown arenite stoichi ##otal atoms chrys chosen onset ##ctor cris seen repub clath ##ipher compositionally percent lived favo heavi trac traces laz unde ##ightly sourced ##aken tims proper basinal ##ubu ##ubian emphas contras remn igarape ##clusive 180 constants barra titan na2o ##adily transpression swarm details polyphase monzodiorite mechanical freetown 260 excess metasomatism unconformably dependent belonging outs name remaining ##urui distance camec ##ilaq overgrowths synthetic jiurui devolati gc813 granulite picrite conduit giant conventional pseudosecond triggered acquired relevant unmineralized dashed tasiilaq republic pseudosecondary 41 66 68 650 82 88 aure bj bit bub b66 d1 damp ever fle hu hol hous iv kat kul oly rand siber ssw une v2s wed zhes ##dh ##ched ##mass ##taken ##honitic ##rup ##ben ##kh ##2hg ##ja ##tiary ##enum ##ortal ##oshonitic ##lets ##ols ##ators ##ulu ##igen asia recon stren ##ilt ##imanite ##ots ##ech ##insula chibul shoshonitic ##ame extr ##uma ones hawe crater metav ##ries cuts pyrites subd ##anged fully arm regular heated traps trails undertaken redistr transformed osz microf imply verm discovery shearing originally tectonics tectonically tertiary volcaniclastic lithology finding soluble stere ##ief interacted laterally radiometric topaz gives giving transparent aggregate ##venile shapes argon argue displaying reflecting ##ittance affecting extensively plane seem reveals accompany sillimanite correlations nanortal involvement populations transmittance extraction caledonian peninsula regarded physical ##ulfide oxyhydroxides rifting recrystallisation juvenile necessary microanalysis sylvite sparse ideal mongolia δ202hg kbar accepted lamproph feldspathic moldan clathrate cameca olymp random zhesang streng chibuluma hawea nanortalik 00 49 91 b6 dest emb efficient eroded fidd gord holes je lin mun miles nico rl rows s4s ub wu μg ##sic ##lers ##ipp ##ds ##mium ##xtral ##pn ##welling ##wler ##teen ##onic ##time ##reci ##alative ##arian town ##uras dextral minute ##imity beg ##ticles ##abase ##arting ##ranes exclusive ##ctonic resin relict cuona gem closed assigned prep prefer interbed inclined objec perpendicular 205 arsic ##ghan care belie ##rows comm appreci upwelling afghan proven discovered respective dolerite southwestern decomp bright ##entially 125 evidenced leads coarser supplement wollas reaches ce3 ce4 ##abbro newly gawler ##oxy topography ##yllite distinctly 160 investigations metasomatized nuuk compressional requires lufubu proximity exhalative stockworks intersected ##cio differentiated converg dispersed 65cu tiny remobil 187re sensiti tectono ##skoe segment prismatic disturb tethyan accelerating ##omorphic explanation 144nd kyanite solely approach flakes ##ratigraphic contrasting every house katangan moldanubian strength fiddlers milesov arsiccio 46 7a 750 bud bak bism eche euras gap lies man mpa nine ow pric util van way warm ##si ##uent ##ura ##une ##uoma ##dan ##cing ##ged ##rb ##bid ##kola ##inal ##inning ##ales ##ndiag ##erical inver ##arce ##organ ##leigh ##uling ##elf ##urrent conj rek alps ##ilent ##ima atlan sue chann ##abound ##iberg examination existence contam resist ##assing assess assumption calcium ##adium unre neigh indian usa datas 2013 2012 indicators fair agilent ##olites chalcophile pras modeled syndiag ##issipp epoxy ##ounted europ localization measurement banding contribute itself plume supra importance ##ropic ##then numerical overlies rayleigh controvers volumes causes stratabound dynamic ionic phosphatic confined ferric avoid taking protoliths lanuoma correlate ##nera systematics ##tai migm understood mylon influx groundmass purp argillaceous zhou ##tibite reservoirs reactivated procedures retained repeated illustrating detector cuprite atmospheric network residue predominance centimeter braz mississipp interface description permeability cycles affinity remarkable porphyrob accretion framework cristal outside kulitu wedge metavolcanic subdiv accompanying lamprophy ubiqu exclusively believed sensitivity bismuth echelon atlantic syndiagenetic 1d 2d 76 74 89 bri buc crop ene ell ft fib french gol gross ho hpd ilin kond lp mentioned nuc nbs oh ric roots s3 sorption sizes tro vac wn yaman ##nig ##sm ##site ##sedimentary ##uting ##uish ##lasts ##iut ##eb ##mo ##taneous ##haps ##yor ##ba ##zent ##ini ##eric ##erry ##eness ##itous ##anch ##aster covel coherent dew dend ##igue ##eto ##action asthen ##opar antic ##truction ##mental dianne sha ##ogabbro ##ibia ##ouss exists seal sperry unp nept subm valid parana perhaps arf ##rostibite maintain agate again aurostibite adit ##rowing apuan texturally porphyries molybdenum crush symb impur significance ##aves pt3 equation remov finely 18o synsedimentary superi lithosphere fineness arcs defining reached mesh normalised program thrusts textured passive handan degassing mobilization ferro ##linal ##ophys ##iculite nanopar true depends serpentinization technique mylonite oldest digestion converted specifically purple kinetic essentially pathways errors reaching establis highlighted rapidly atmosphere russia hundreds intimate anatolia interesting percolation ##oski ##ummiut simultaneous aspects gradual dilution anglesite propagation triangle cinzent chimneys xingtai pacific heavier undeformed transpressional bubble redistribution vermiculite gorda jeol prepared disturbance conjug neighb fairly brazil ubiquitous ilinnera kondyor wnw yamanigue covellite sperrylite neptune cinzento yamaniguey 09 3c 320 315 93 box cz dare easi fast fule gouss hab hrees kn kil lap mort mounted pin pick tun vic wood ##flu ##ias ##cat ##hou ##rical ##yuan ##bers ##ko ##pment ##worth ##onn ##init ##enari ingress ##orogenic ##osci ##atter ##idal ##idian ##idence thole ##ulae conod concept readily alread stack starting ##izhu ##luding attitude sax shizhu formulae grading graben exist sulfates quite quad methan ##ostratigraphic tepl ##quilib ##ria relate carry geosci spaces spaced collectively subducted concluded weight scarce scenari lie metamic laurite undersatur added ##ipitation underl olive transformation upon develops americ irrad mush tien sulphur 190 terranes reman ign ultr fineto feldspars ##tivity insights supply defec douling halos walls homogenized δ199 ##ishi westward paragneiss paragonite ##istinguish selection uncom unclear lineations metallic ##bean coexist affect phyllit irregularly recognised interactions congo intensely alternatively nno drift involves allowed influenced contributions dravite ##torn mountains konkola ##ractures caribbean upwards zhang repetition illustrated rhyolite debate neoarchean cracks millimeter kuummiut ascending aquif lss quarry reworked transtensional traditionally bacteria unusual achieved stoichiometric tracer properties appreciable wollastonite owing rektorn channel prasinit porphyroblasts golightly grossular dewulu pt3fe nanoparticles establish conjugate neighboring goussaud mortar vicinity tholei already shizhuyuan methane δ199hg ##istinguishable 280 290 370 52 6c 62 8a bow barn chen dell d4s dense egress mer nk n30 pi pz pron rul sed song tian wul wang xil yin yering ##dian ##tle ##yg ##ks ##75 ##54 ##hero ##tectic ##alus ##nded ##ersion andean ##aran ##itoe ##aslow ##let ##olute ##aggy ##idation ##ulun ##ratic ##oclase ##octa ##etnam ##vection stream ##imer ##omically anth att ##ney compaction diverse proble ##abu ##ams ##amulun relics hydration cari ##ongshan gems geodynamic sp2 plastic ##ado move unf subter peripher 2014 notable bias ##allium preced sket track ads accura ##ovy sie thereby osi straight melange sheets ##rogenesis paleop paleogene fractions eutectic emplo 193 contributed outl dissolve displaced 11b finnig 147 255 defin half fla flaggy greenish describe 237 cm2 homogenous generate radial overlaps soil intergrowth poll pegmatitic displayed chromat approximate peridotites excimer sillitoe powd power systematically alternative 32a dispersion serpentinised delta tension allows chambishi economically nodule confirms turbid temporally quanti petrogenesis kangdian overgrown tinti argillite climax leucogranite positions supporting ##vaal supercontinent vietnam intracontinental detectable needed favorable sanu oxyhydroxide monitor monitored exposures anorthos constitutes entrapment postdates mild yunlong constituent doub started deriv ##ilicates colombian idiomorphic semiconductors ##birge metapel ##urned reversals favored namely microfractures budget pricovy dataset controversial mississippi lamprophyre fibrous ##anchabu symbols superimp woods geosciences ultraslow uncommon barnes della ruled wulanchabu xilamulun yerington ##octahedral accuracy finnigan 220 83 92 bid brough cation cyl chemically den dry ek f1 fet fil gad h2 heden hitz k1 lc les lath mang mack ok sar sides vec δ66 ##ui ##uv ##uts ##down ##ef ##ew ##rin ##rating ##ze ##18 ##inting ##tian andalus inverse ##arite ##ora ##eder ##anian ##ancy ##isp tod thallium ##ulate alin alunite aligned comparing compare chao fluence fluores ##gebirge quater ##cting quartzites colour hydrated spac sphero next collector suboxic obli pers arch scales ##ologic modelling indices biogenic liu concentrates agent ##elled hex healed martite trachy masses essen sikh recalc approp transfer ##view ##ortun geologically serpentinite 1500 metaluminous originated ##obar developing sulphate brid contrary olivines volcanics facilit 143 halok metasediment drc gao ##atisation 13c 230 235 blank fourth intensive ##oked absolute lacking freiberg lherzolites ketil marks platin ##ophyllite ##etrative take deline tonalitic namurian proxy morphologies columb ##co3 95mo penetrative mixtures heterogeneity useful glacier signals liberated venting ultracat tibetan ##olla debated micrograins urals centimeters fias intimately cubic operating interest gradient volumetrically kars loaded azurite bmg beryl depressions burial centimetre gently mottramite bittern olympic careful inversion czech saxoth tholeiitic fetotal hitzman δ66zn andalusite chaotic quaternary oblique essential sikhote appropri freibergite ketilidian ultracataclasites 210 900 950 b1 brack cas ech fut fore f2s foss gd gib hin hum ib jing lying muc manite norite nug pock pits rod squ sff sense tell ##oa ##oured ##nov ##sch ##sky ##uja ##fu ##io ##iers ##d1 ##dag ##cies ##chemical ##go ##yed ##koski ##pir ##100 ##je ##with ##what ##hez ##heless ##ino ##inage ##enes inst ##arbon ##ories ##oses ##olving tool ##enty ##mple ##rain ##ocolla conduc cobre ##etheless react ##imb ##imash ##otog ##omme ##insic compe diam chigou flux ##irical online question ##chberg ##udes replic geometric ##andon spl spid classic assay ablated abandon interm neither india indistinguishable database basic ##uringian concre valence stron differs ark scav microm ##plate modification camp concentric dominate ##istine allochthonous zirconolite regularly acted ##ometers adop 105 accur po2 pristine precipitating somewhat transform melany symple eventually ##inesis ##ounced destruction processing baimash ##lishan empirical continues calculate patchy invoked infer synorogenic ##lie mulias lithophile became stell bedded albitisation electrum flank numbers topographic so4 meaning fluorine emission polar comprised pegmat overprints argu centers nons nonetheless coexists monzogabbro isoclinal baltic interpretations substitute workers orders considerable thermoc counting ##tah calibrated placed require macroscop chert logk remained wider boud slopes ##apsed fabrics petajas 5410 argillic cordill cementation ##omagnetite elongate experiments regarding glaciation index assimil wavelengths undergo deviations dp10 xrf reasonable rhyod accumulation breakdown immiscible 110cd russian anorthosite attemp aqua integrated envelope yunnan ##roclastic rainf quality terrigen infiltration coefficients check demagne resetting subjected application beebe substantial chrysocolla aureole munchberg beginning preferred afghanistan supplementary easily undersaturated underlain pronounced sketch flake pollone chromatography superimposed cylind ekuja fluorescence spheroidal recalculated halokinesis metasediments appropriate bracket future muchez nugget baimashigou muliashi petajaskoski terrigenous 2c 310 4c 410 61 amb bu bes bsr et ese fu fila hy har hard ia ilim ioa just lod lang lumines mh mounts qian rc rhe rad rhod sd tail wet yan ##oy ##ozo ##ster ##sted ##fs ##dy ##den ##cot ##aw ##ave ##app ##affec ##ham ##hole ##garn ##yon ##yond ##ymm ##berite ##ken ##pc ##pine ##zer ##05 ##83 ##inia ##tisation ##reenschist ##ndian ##erge ##enz ##ascar ##istral ##leg ##atinum ##ulian ##ulsion ##ocal conform ##iguous ascent asymm real aliqu aldan alpine statis minim beyond make madag anast attain atlas sud maghem ##tices orange dise disord chat fluvi share prolong ##oge ##aba ##ichang ##odal incip once ##ighting whose coloured ##ify geophys lateri ##ianite moa able unaffec indoch presum enough ##aya concer concurrent arran ##platinum indicator cave varied ##ista twenty ##paration lava special speciation poik charcot redd characterise recomme ##llite geochemically tourmalines refold referen mont volcanism ##crus mantos 19a ##kespir averaging syncline garnets evapor 116 lithium deformational 145 252 inside defines clean elapsed meso 2006 2005 clinozo electronic δ114 thinning drilling totally westphal fluoride longer selective polarized young angara ferberite roof solids retrogression maxima 1600 effective effectively worth accordingly broken environmental investigation isocon balato enclaves kirkespir rotated rotations carrier layering correlates counter ##bergite fe3o4 exhibits hangingwall macro sinistral wave illite quantif 1997 camer fo90 penet zhu downwards exceeding greatly neutr ultrabas trigger accumulations infilling uniformly geothermometer exposure mobilised hottah missing anions segments operated disturbed targets ##oskarn gradational karst prevail cobalt subgreenschist opposite ophiolite ##oplot connection diffractometer exploited germ murrin resemb cbpc tuffs lazuli bjerge armoric interbedded objective subdivided brief nucle shaft removal lapis conceptual defects tianshan anthophyllite subterrane adsorption paleopole outlined anorthosites mildly metapelites gadd mangari today spacing 235u saxothuringian gibbs tellur accurate madagascar anastom maghemite prolonged incipient unaffected indochina poikil clinozoisite 450 ae aer amal bim bran bbd ct cand ds dun dick ew fal fing fay fund faster hir hod hilt jil land n2 nad ping q3 root vel varian xin ##nos ##sb ##solid ##uce ##flow ##dor ##cury ##mann ##tors ##hl ##h2o ##gam ##ris ##ycl ##ball ##brid ##xa ##pge ##16 ##ji ##wu ##well ##56 ##40 ##45 ##tein ##inary ##oro ##roko ##roplatinum ##edded ##osilicates ##oling ##agmatic thor thous ##ulating covers fornov ##owled reop alas stated static ##oto ##ope ##ludes depart beh began ##omian ##trial ##restrial ##oupl cha shif ##ogoro grande grapt ##amm sulfidation ##tention ##thrus ph05 hydroly reprec geomet plates preparation moving abino nev enab engu subduct arrows caution caob concentrate concentrically twice marker traced adak pores apy transvaal therein ##hiba microorgan mg2 limb impact imprec fractal diagnos origins sheared measuring smok 196 explains correct termed 1230 fineand timeball ultim iie srm ##earance ##otes multic 111 facility ##hays ##tracted finland inset reactive greenalite probable surrounds electrons gabbros ##iales soils laminations zhao zhaert eastward pyroclastic foliations coexistence assume rooted cumulative ##ferroplatinum cathays malman thermometry alternation morogoro nano belongs roundness pervasively circles named 7500 markedly andesitic drainage recrystallized buffered glaciers instrumental intensities duck hydroxide synto siltstones breakup analogous devolatisation binary millimetre kinematics ##iagou attested dimensional ##oscale aspect gradually fs3 fluctuations shadows cobaltite territ duration histograms zk1 coatings robins ##olasco cadomian percentage remnants titanomagnetite gc813c siberia unequ reconstr randomly embedded eurasian utilized vanadium resistant supracrus purpose unpub ##fluid tepla ##quilibrium scenario america mercury nkana periphery bidini hedenbergite mackenz hexag 143nd platinova karstic ##d160 replicate spider adopted stella nonsulfide hybrid qianlishan ##appearance disordered chatkal reddish cameras neutron germany armorican gibbsite anastomosing amalgam bimodal dickite fayalite hiltaba thousands fornovolasco ##owledge ##oupling ph05d160 enguiales microorganism imprecise diagnostic zhaertai malmani supracrustal mackenzie 08 213 3g 380 8b 9a 9b bon bat bould cumm eg elu eff fusion fission gh imb jk jiang kh lost lob mk meren nit none national orocl pges qm qing ren rip roll sx tu tt tor tent tons tips verg vug yen yil zink zhen ##uum ##fold ##fellow ##iac ##iated ##eh ##aas ##gs ##gal ##guo ##rations ##rug ##bra ##pid ##peri ##press ##24 ##vil ##zgebirge ##86 ##wd ##wh ##tectonic ##inn ##inian ##tium ##tized ##aly ##icate ##iteria ##ingtonite ##ashan ##oluble tom ##aga ##ocratic ##eline ##urse course ##etam ##terites review states mineralising bear beichang makes ann atomic disappearance cham changed chief protracted ##gean ##amine sulfidic veits cr2o3 criteria metabas why ##chuk ##ype relief pb2 pbin cold colored phill cue ##anding span spher prelim unamb en90 usgs wheeler diffuse 2015 arra scre ##ucted belperi whereby overthrus overpress ##ignment law complement ##memb charge ##ovskoe characterizing slur porphyric microph microchemical 1585 refer horst thickening treated salts northward pd7 decoupling smow outline terrestrial 127 128 trioctahedral margarite syntectonic hemisp reflection 1100 146 insoluble directed estimation steel carbonatites differential firstly fills 2007 actual cm3 jointing radiation drilled bounded continents calamine constrains bauxites lineated thrusting explaining cdt pyro erup erzgebirge interstices linkam emeralds ediac herein websterites downhole ##aean congoles fragment successful 270 275 focuses focusing thermo availability moroc huangsh ##tility migrated nn42 driving reefs allowing principally conglomerates century nappes 340 drawn instruments 54100 batholiths bleb closer chlorine entirely intercalations leucos regimes photograph goodfellow daw cupola 335 tanzanite neoformation microgranular offsets coincides coincident ascended unknowns 588 damara tethys yellowish permeable cycle fluctuating encomp plunging double chronology colombia subgroup autochthonous injection segregations neutralization diffractogram robust resembl palaeoproterozoic runs remnant flex ##rupole destno convergent contaminated unrelated europe mylonitized asthenosphere simultaneously knowledge quadrupole irradiation remanence sedex employed definition quantities laths concretions strontium scaveng assimilated besides luminescent disequilibrium fluvial recommended aegean funda pingguo unequiv hexagonal cummingtonite jkpn merensky oroclinal zinkenite zheng ##etamorph chamosite phillips unambiguous belperio hemisphere ediacaran congolese 2g 2σ 330 4b 420 5c 512 915 aran bg bic bos bour bach bcr cs cf cren cacl dupl ecl fus fia fiss gel glis gulf growing kala kni lt mbs ny nuna px pak qtz ring rib swe so2 td tm va vign yuan yuk zeng δ56 ##o3 ##otime ##nonite ##ls ##lpn ##ih ##ious ##ddle ##core ##cibia ##mg ##tl ##hari ##hive ##rize ##rskoe ##ki ##kou ##kers ##pol ##zel ##zhi ##zhou ##36 ##57 ##98 ##tes ##onge ##ested ##orn ##ormal ##icting ##icochemical ##astal ##ateg ##osinian ##isot ##olle ##ats ##ata ##elane ##uration isoplot coop cogenetic coastal ##tering stre minimal ##ilite ##ilities mapped ##omelane anisot ##econ sun chon chang ##abrskoe veined ##tency seated ##anta ##stream relic collo feeder ##iff wash eva ##andong clar mole collection indones indosinian baseline ##ayed intrinsic constr ##illan mende ##arded peric silty micron ##ologically bio overlie otherwise corrosion ##ellent laur lavas completed ##rites complexity strains microd mgn limbs ##yroxenes originating amyg orogenesis oxidised equations grouped sulphates stilpn 1980 1990 km3 ##entific 1200 trivalent rule averaged determinations ##otectonic arsenic multisolid stepping cements elastic initiation mno mswd interact 2002 decreased radiol ##tyabrskoe crosscuts intergranular muful lineation 170 179 photo equilibrated polycrystalline centered acids acidity fertile spotted road cooled monzonitic solidus noteworth hyper excellent densities enclosing focuss puy tlg takes 274 covering extended powell nanling dried xenolith xenotime look tsa division 87rb morphological greisens tetrahedral transmission promoted camera conversion cc1 continuation paths globules contemporaneously harzburg cavity tectonism highlight ultrap cpx lvc experience physicochemical occasional obviously geothermometry successively 640 inherit project selvage sufficiently distinguishing necessarily envelopes occupy package plunge prevent ophiolitic sangster sangrize segregation idioblastic france ##ozonal connected exploit german alumin beehive substantially petrologic petrological cadmium barrandian siberian findings decomposition convergence migmatitic ellip richer troct vacuum anticline maintained impurities aquifer bowles doubly oktyabrskoe saraya jinggu square ##arbonate conductivity ##otograph competent diamond micrometer meaningful argued cordillera rainfall checked cylindrical bracketing langshan cleaned westphalian poikilitic jilove ##sb3 reprecipitation nevada subducting imbric yilgarn ##while chiefly pbinital preliminary slurries pd7sb3 huangshandong 541002 leucosomes encompass resembling 91500 arancibia bicarbonate bournonite cacl2 eclog glisza kalahari knipping pakistan tdm vignes yukon δ56fe colloform indonesia menderes stilpnomelane mufulira noteworthy 313 580 530 620 610 670 ben bang ball clu cess dm ded dwell gj hb hen jac jam jxa k2 kj kov kaz kola lz lig lud mis mounds ng n1 pn ps pec puc pall rose sent sve sink tres tight ves vass vms wsw xiao δd σ3 ##ns ##nes ##sess ##uker ##lization ##cumul ##mer ##aus ##rd ##kop ##xico ##27 ##vrent ##zigou ##199 ##jsh ##47 ##49 ##95 theore ##onts ##rehen ##ese ##esonite ##argite ##orts ##orad ##rollite ##ican ##itant ##ansh ##anzi ##asite ##ises ##istic ##istent ##olv ##ollement ##athered tot ##agu ##idi ##idate thai ##ulo ##uska ##eled cond conce cou coord dehyd ##acitic ascrib read alone stab ##ili ##atit ##imuth maok making ##oming ##omitant complic comprehen disrup dismemb chall shoot sh17 proto graded figures ##tenberg ongo metre metres metric sealed seams resolved tem ##chsite ##standing carrollite ##tingsite evolve evolving isotropic sp3 spite spicul assays ##ades ##adian eleven moz uns unwe enargite ##ession ##atites ##ayashan subcontinental concomitant oxic serve mexico hastingsite perchuk arid scatter micrite noting notation indications simav richards agg canale ##unc overt ##reef corroded marbo travers traverse ##ignific lavrent add adap advection adui assemb 104 ##ifications accord accounts characterization characterisation transe nooy apfu recovered applying slates possess 1570 impure implic tourmalinite ampl ##aving crossed ##ounting equally ##resses decollement brighter bruker contrasts remove 185 determining dolomites sericitization expulsion ##shanian lithoge find finer 1400 plotting insignific ##cepts stronger flowing mesoscale 2004 ##atised importantly ##kaline generating normally particle 305 johan ##ussia activation ##lisional select 245 ##henium poles metallogen ##plex releases monazites deepest arguments oceans ionization confidence chromium fertility links prospective eds 265 brownish endow cratons downstream intrude subsolid fragmented keays ordered 273 periodic panjsh broader elevation thermochemical lengths trunc loelling namibia laborator transportation orthogneisses 759 preserve tunguska centres farther q2a 1992 1996 came constraining oligoclase hypothesized ##ischer experimentally successions leucamp australian returned evaluation tectonostratigraphic highlighting backscatter glassy capacity ybn reasons borders geothermometers sider jiayashan mobilized pinkish hydrocarbons stretched projected projections residence episodic labeled ##kinson anatase reliability descriptions ##hua entrained percolating equivalents gc199 dominating dominican ##ni0 occupies loading encoun constituted goldener plunges droplets tested tends azimuth created rainwater qualit injected reworking duplex franc sorbed help santa emphasized devolatization devolatilization embayed efficiently decompression european accretionary buck crops troilite dendritic sealing crushing impurity conodont conodonts millimeters carius unfortun preceding powders derivation broughton vector ##uvian agents facilitated delineated foreland hinton humid pockets abandoned symplectic baltica macroscopic buil fuchsite lodes radice yanshanian asymmetric concerning references mesoarchean ultrabasic tellurides candel falke finger hodder variance department ultimately multicolle robinsonite amalgamation microorganisms batches ghc pyroch successfully dawson unambiguously bachu ltd nyf cooperite anisotropic chonolith changdu periclase laurussia amygd cessation jacare jamesonite vassbo ascribed maokou comprehensive sh176 ongoing spicules unweathered marboy insignificant subsolidus panjshir loellingite laboratories gc1993 unfortunately 2h 3k 312 460 514 7b 785 850 830 811 96 ay ail bac bif bong bav dul dog fif feng fire ht h3 her jus jins kal kam kors kfs lland lind latit mree manit nqb oval pm pg ple pim pod port qf row rout rabb rhenium slu sard sint session tal tas tul ug vo vir voids vista wind xu xy zart δdh ##o5 ##oin ##otile ##ng ##nr ##sis ##shiba ##leri ##fl ##face ##fied ##ihan ##iency ##eu ##ey ##cher ##ctite ##cipitation ##mar ##mor ##may ##ares ##topl ##hun ##h2s ##hara ##gar ##gium ##rt ##ytopl ##kan ##vard ##volcanic ##zinc ##76 ##32 ##19 ##jim ##96 ##inating ##tier ##tification ##alt ##aland ##ero ##enge ##encies ##arine ##arch ##orre ##itus ##ittent ##osic ##oshi ##lean ##olian ##agen ##aghi ths ##ulif ##ulry ##rap ##rand ##ocated ##urbed converse convection copre dee ##igm ##ettle ##acai rect retention stor stan ##izer ##iled ##atib ##otten mao maier ##omineral ant anate ##restim ##yric ##tics compressive compilation saihan inca incons existed exoskarn hamp cruc contraction contrad tear ##chang pb1 colluvi phytopl fei ##ifying ##iforn cuand hydrozinc geolas ##andian sp1 spain spring sponge sporad clou clots ##aded motion interl carbonatitic nep neogene ##weenaw immediate subround subtle subvolcanic consumption valleri para meg norrb ##lower pert peruvian scan scott ##ucity indication simulation biostratigraphic caulif lile belgium itacai ##isturbed agrees ##unas precious faulted suggestion coron undisturbed observe ##xtap botry ##ersed accounting speculate consistency ##ficial comes notice apenn recomb append 155 syen crystallinity impos studying wells thicker thickest sheet paleod designed oxidising musoshi incremental tieb secondly ##uba processed eux separating manto 192 contrib ##ambique outward terra terrains invari inference ##ixed 18oh dolomitization dolomitized syncol ##liers supersatur 112 lithologic ##tives 148 253 supplied reacted doe metasand mesozonal mn2 mineralogically distributions ##hronology ##oxide 13a 134 homogenize methodology john curved phlogopitic distinction californ meanwhile transparen ##print organized ##ooth massifs selectively 240 muzo mujim 177 orthoclase ##beji argenti thicknesses mediter situation gabbroic phosphor coexisted config ferrug affects solidification retrogressed excluding metasomatised ##othermal phyllosilicates isoch 707 kev keweenaw summar transitional platreef ##itkettle histor clustered correlating ##ranean conclusive paragenetically cerro calibrations placers energies authigen tennan paucity logging remainder exhibiting 292 296 almad exsolutions tetraferroplatinum attribute digested continuously draw purity continuing polymorph uplif thirty tantal terminated fronts ##akhstan mcm mcbir repeat chromitites geothermal evaluated exceeds lastly ##ankton behave millions dah shortly examine capable needs rhyolitic mdf 5632 tubes colorless analogy sodium issue volatiles mobilisation cracking neto uralian guangzhou attest predominates synchronously dimensions rifts zeolite zealand cubes interference recrystallised juxtap ##pdb ##paas integral ##nantian dominance postdate handpicking microanalyses 57fe fs5 testif starts ##ilicate subject traditional applicable aims helium gentle mottled santo chrysotile gc813a fleischer rl6 ##arians provenance remobilized segmentation bakker eurasia manif contributes purposes asthenospheric submarine validity arfa programs habits picking tunis metamictization ignimb zhangshiba aquifers piet cariaco movements sieved 147sm powdered archaean bridge columbite columbia gradients fossils reactor intermittent arkosic pegmatoidal thermochronology attempt demagnetized ambient rhodonite ##legre geophysical arranged refolded resemble dunites hirnantian nadoll alaskan behind chaishan graptolites ##ammites geometries morocco fundamental fissures vaulry ##economic radiolarians harzburgitic ultrapure henry kovdor kazakhstan ligands palladium theoretical complicated mozambique overturned traverses adapted assembly metallogeny buckling candelaria multicollector ayishan ailao bongara bavaria jinsha korshun llandovery pimelite qfm rabbitkettle sintroko zartman δdh2o conversely coprecipitation rectang colluvium phytoplankton hydrozincite valleriite norrbotten cauliflower itacaiunas botryoidal tiebaghi 18oh2o syncollisional california transparency mujimbeji mediterranean ferruginous authigenic tennantite mcbirney korshunovskoe 3e 490 5d 560 6d 612 7c 720 760 8d 8c 9c 94 980 ak alegre b60 c1 cres cys cosc categ dh db dob dav d2s ddh earn f3 f4 fen fri fenn gat gth hl han hur hec hou hart ham held hun hengshan hco3 ire ilu iran ipge js julian kle kcl kays kind len lct lined lgu lagu mcc mature mian mut meng mangan ns n20 n80 ove orog pc pill ppt roc rud ried romp rising ranged sz ster sib shed tb tet til tay tilt vene vena vise v2o5 wal war wds wo3 xiang yt zao zero δg ##nerite ##noe ##sd ##sed ##sson ##uti ##uert ##la ##lor ##lore ##fo ##fts ##fang ##ford ##ferous ##fels ##ien ##iams ##iwu ##da ##ev ##emp ##ema ##cou ##cmb ##cke ##mt ##men ##ming ##millan ##tland ##tanzi ##hom ##halite ##gus ##gian ##gens ##gasite ##ras ##rly ##rates ##ye ##yer ##bol ##bul ##bell ##kel ##kke ##xic ##po ##vent ##zu ##zz ##zava ##71 ##qen ##92 ##ørly ##heim ##tel thems ##ontin ##inic ##inted ##inites ##inrich ##till ##rete ##ential ##encing inhib inga inhom ##arms ##orwe ##ropping ##itation ##itney ##itect ##ediz ##ancies ##osa ##oshan ##lete ##letier ##olig ##olves tofo toxic ##ager ##agou ##ague thg thms ##rac ##ocr ##ela ##elve ##elves ##urb ##urface ishi conduction coal ##vein ##active ##acities rey altenberg mind ##otype ##lue ##lucent depicting beaud ##phanian ##omen ##omati ##ombe anna anvil ##truct ##trium ##selet ##respec ##yss ##ysis ##eco suff ##ouple ##ocking ##ticular computed sak sazava divers diabase dioxide disks distill chi chiv changing chongshan gravity ##ametric ##ibly ##ousin exact exemp ##umen ques quoted quanta metad whis what whitney ##chuan ##assie relates phl phil feot ##arya carr ##redon hydroge hydrohalite reports geog geographic geotectonic granoblastic evans ##orphous isother spear clcmb assisted prevalent moved unid intercepts highs ##apoh indus ens suba consens ##connec ##conorwe leaving ##so4 pargasite served oblite noril norway perapoh argen scb scand scans micros micaceous zn2 notwith modelled ##alea canyon augus twelve regia precluding acker sectors suggestive ##uez ##olekop corn corrid heights heinrich travel larga undul adm bottin 107 103 10to grew ##icken pointed surpr prague recovery recycl applications translucent osmium presently microcontinent microplate galo 1590 afm limousin scho crystallographic majiagou thickened discover monot analyze shexing ##obic sulfuric amorphous descend irrespec volcanogenic eupaas baibul generalized continue decim decipher decades smooth ##lands 195 explos explored ##kesterite terrain 12b triple averages ##epth ##rett sandy schistose schistosity pegu syncl evaporation hematitic barri becoming ##iseb ##ika ##arised 2500 inspec 505 stephanian initiated oxygens ga15 gauert mss 2003 actually 135 233 blond produces drillcore ##dese alkalis ##aclastic δ34ss δ34sgal jinxing pgms transposition ##prints constraint swarms 247 249 shallowly py3 pyroph photos lattanzi deepening median combines combining hornfels accessible stresses chrome ferry surroundings device prospecting edenite opened ##anner ##anned gangdese anyema leachate excav exclude glen evenly intrudes subsurface workings magnetization nujiang v3s considerably rhomb international panaly grid riet counts alternate demonstrates morav morila amongst cleavages visually orthogonal loolekop tenor tenors externally circum circulating homogeneity macmillan williams chambers detritus conglomeratic incorporate paas sinus popov 1993 1994 1999 341 ##burg rubies purified discriminate cc2 540 chondritic overgrows overgrowing pelletier favors globular 285 climatic publications clayey partitioned incomplete exceptions leucogran regardless glacial scientific columns fugacities mclean return 440 shelves krasno exceptional pseudomorph viable highlights corrections lvs ##arctic needles sanjiang enhances geothermobar spectroscopic ##axial millimetric jarosite kuiseb coincide predominately bracke zebra cuba precisely 718 ##oscandian integration granulites dominates 840 milky packages shades lsg ##anema ##ashia sparite infiltrated autom opportun democratic 1976 1979 chimney metapelite bacterial mwombe mwashia troughs unusually palaeozoic ##cdt emphasize 8230 aureoles bjørly huili ##ameenite extrusion olympus 497 warming networks subdivision buca richest vacancies unpol ferroan ferrokesterite picket tunn stacked metamictisation irradiated ignition channelways attached problem turbidite constituents brought k1rd k1eu architect bridges echassie fossil instance split arkose thermocouple rhyodacite demagnetization filament filaments rheic tailings statistical minimize lateritization lateritisation montredon quantify quantified prevailed prevailing reopening hydrolysis enables smoky cathaysian territories unpublished boulders eluc jiangxi mk75 ttn tentatively vergent ##ehab ##pidoblastic arrays scavenging unequivocal jkpn00 fused sweep constructed focussed inheritance exploiting 541002a eclogitic bangong cluzel sentinel sveconorwe condens concealed count dehydration disrupted agglomer accordance johansson encountered qualitative pyrochlore routine slump sardinia tulameenite virt window antarctic inconsistent coronation apennine appendix paleodepth euxinic contributing invariably supersaturation metasandstones polymorphs juxtaposed jinshajiang rectangle cystic coscuez fennoscandian hect hengshanling ilua julianehab laguila mianlue manganese overestim orogens pillow riedel rompas taylor visean yttrium zaozigou themselves ingaas ishihara beaudoin diversity chivor exemplified metadol consensus ##connected perapohja argentite notwithstanding augusto ackerselet bottino shexingping irrespective baibulong peguera ga1550 δ34sgalena anyemaqen panalytical bracketed mwombezhi bjørlykke architecture echassieres sveconorwegian 1c 2f 2e 2θ 2to 360 4d 5e 520 685 711 8m 81 815 aw bn bd bx b2 bv bron cos cra cel cab cant cree cycl dj deng eas fed fan fly flac fanning gro git gou grown ghat hp hit his hop hut hyc ko kg kur kim kun kob kli ld ly lon lac lock luc lining mz mere mir mach mosc nang nov nald oib own pad pole pyroxenes rt rin rene romer sate sag sigm tig tong tuc tren tightly ulu uo2 vc vr vill wr wes wop xl ##oti ##nab ##ss ##sl ##sts ##stein ##silicate ##uy ##uite ##ufficient ##uasi ##lorite ##lines ##fes ##for ##found ##feng ##flon ##iola ##ez ##cel ##cides ##current ##mod ##mentioned ##metamorph ##aqu ##ahl ##tog ##ho ##hia ##hoe ##gra ##guru ##gcas ##rig ##yite ##ymite ##kine ##kovic ##pu ##pen ##position ##pancy ##van ##vest ##zhen ##zitite ##3d ##1hg ##67 ##jial ##jiagou ##87 ##ques ##wed ##wan ##48 ##44 ##heline theory ##inav ##incl ##inels ##intil ##alo ##als ##alash ##alkaline ##ndahl ##enic inser ##esite ##ests ##ars ##arra ##arsen ##aruite ##ica ##ices ##icrus ##anc ##ingly ##asitic ##lex ##leite ##lected ##idium ##ulong ##ulites ##usted ##ushed ##rable ##occ ##ocity ##ocumul ##eland ##urization ##urleite iso conve contig co3 code ##ighed ##vere ##acies ##aches asbol rece requ alene aluminous altitude alignment std stds minas ##izhou ##atization ##imie ##imetric bend ##omagmatic ##resh ##eces sum ##ouite ##ourable compens compelling computing sad saff saintil diab diver divalent dioctahedral disk shang shore shuang ##ogenetic ##abo ##artine ##rant ##gement ##irn ##iring ##aminated ##ously extin ##verized ##ppes ##uman ##thite cr13 cr18 metag ##osta search quartzo resolv teflon ##quist ##queland ##char lowto feas ##lesse ##ifies cuo carb hydrolog ##onga spe spess spans spinels pliocene plaus assist assignment ##iano ##adong interven interpol carbonated ##aping indire usms ##essonn ims imf imaged intrag subt subtra subeconomic ##illo weighed parad parasitic memor obuasi ##tonation niqueland 2011 2017 arti siles scarc micritic znand ##uced ##uctive modifications agu canadian augite twinning preclude precludes acicular corrob ##ellite height hekou marking undulating ##itised adula 1050 ##achi specular speculated pool redep reduce apophys appe slave transcurrent upd ##llis complexly straddle microvein ##erged 157 153 151 limonitic symm schor schli crystallize crystallised molybdenites refraction horndahl version ##erial trellis discarded monoph monoch monomineral ##oba fieldwork pt2 design desert showings fractionations ##ackes eu2 bahia southward separately localised afterward decametric brag sbfl match matching reequilib iggcas 1280 plumb informal evidences optim iiia ##termost southernmost coeur sandalash synkine sericitized hemlo gneissic barre 118 lithof lithotype saprock 142 14nr 251 insufficient estimating arsenides steadily ceased elim rimming flushed flocc lasting newfound furn northernmost describes laterization 132 232 wallrock resultant ##inka normalization producer liquidus 302 303 306 thinner radius borne uranoth δ34sv so42 activated activities swit swell ##lingworth easternmost depletions phoscorites metallogenetic 176 175 ##licting equilibria deeply argues nwand ionisation phosphates ##imali semim predominate ##ugou conflicting chromiti ##upu cooler concordance comparisons lacks interstitially planation variscides revealing 2662 2627 ended endoskarn exsolve excludes diameters phyllitic balmer encloses recognition intruding puzz vapour subsidence working summarised 276 608 considerations anhydrous markers ##radymite cataclastic catheline mali panel elevations selley 4000 grv grin ##fe2 pulverized thermoch 323 serpentinites serpentinisation migrate xenoblastic involve ##mania loulo outermost 5000 tenorite δ18ov dividing proxies incorporates nodular sinian sinuous immature waal narrower centri earthtime hfse intersecting q2b 346 discordance krn erosional purification haloes ccd ccms views 543 ##cairn δ13cfluid antimonide bayin polymict favourable 34sh2s pathway globally pitcairn 36ar substituted nnwto bluish kaf raw retain instrumentation advance advocated discrepancy 442 dilational superprobe 4300 fmq intraplate transgression guid ##ski ##skite sharply 317 favoring substitutions ibero ##ollavaara accumulated replen analogue magnesium exposes ##lani kurama projection residues quantitatively behaviour labessonn interlayers frequencies descriptive 425 unmetamorph percolate flooded enveloped simulations acceleration corestone occupying diluted fs2 picritic packed shaded shadow sylvest confirming 981 conduits chronological prevented create derive ##idden ptfe3 1984 remarkably triangular documentation duricrus opposed injections ##oplots porphyrocl explanations semiconducting cinnab sorting accreted helheim murky centimetric lazurite bitumen hollingworth reconc extrud stereogram stereoplots 002 b63 b61 destab linn wuhan interbeds 205tl commod nineteen resistance nuclear dendrites shares boxes knob kilomet scenarios american remanent pieces problematic definitive powerful turbidites quantification dryness filtered h2so4 vectors ##ederation transferred intensively echo pocket rodinia instances splays abandonment campbell transformations symplectite flanks substitutes macroscopically boudin 541017 rhyodacitic harris sdo conformable conformably aliquot aliquots statistically presumed presumably concurrently arrangement evaporated resembles briefly velocity xinjiang shifts hydrolytic adakite adakitic smoker cathaysia territory egrig loberg tuollavaara torlesse metabasal spherical spherulites overthrust overpressure complementary microphotograph blebby diffractograms flexure flexural bosse crenulation duplic gelado ribbon yuanjiagou zengjial streak 1980s xenolithic germanium aluminium ellipse imbricate encompasses deduced peculi pucara stabil dismembered implication amplitude lithogeochemical siderophile azimuths fifteen manitou portug tasmania ugn storuman stannite ##atibility crucial nepouite subrounded syenitic impossible argentiera configuration isochores attributes uplifted tantalite dahongshan tunisia crescumul gataga ireland lenticular mutual tetradymite warren ##iente ##ontinent inhomogene thmsg ##ocrystalline questions philips hydrogeological subaerial scandinav cornwall corridor undulose inspection δ34ssphalerite pyrophyllite excavations rietveld moravo automated opportunity unpolished elucidate slumping hectometric awaruite bronzitite djurleite flysch flac3d gitonga gouge ghats hitachi klippes lyons longest merelani moscow nangimali naldrett padrt rincon sigmoidal tigre tuckers trenches uluguru wopmay ##metamorphic ##inclusions ##arsenides contiguous asbolane requiring safflorite saintilan diverg extinction spessartine intervening indirect memorial niquelandia scarcity corrobor apophyses schlieren monophase monochrom synkinematic lithofacies 14nrs newfoundland uranothorite cathelineau thermochimie labessonnie unmetamorphosed sylvestre cinnabar hollingworthite egrigoz zengjialong 030 014 1g 32s 4e 480 5f 511 7f 7d 880 890 860 9e aid air ade austr bz b3 bol bure bom bold bond berg bms cn ci c2 cul coc cart city cip cosal caco cista dl d8 dow dot dram dug dump dupu e0 ems effic fes fitted font gt gon gar gly gig gir gand gard gases gagne gust gpa hes hud hoe hump hongshan hidden ital jon jiz jack jones junction jager kα kra kap kyl kink kans kki ln lol lus lom lum listr mb m2 mother myan mosa malea manner nj nac nav nsh oak orogene pq ped pun piao ppge qi qe qiz rm r2 ros ration rick rae rings raster s8 sas smp stem sack senn tain till tron tonn uk uv u4 ull vg v4 var vog void ww wit wand wabo xue ya yar ying you yam yulong zul zig zimb ##oon ##ohedral ##sz ##silicates ##uate ##uter ##uir ##uable ##uities ##ln ##lab ##liao ##fz ##fol ##fra ##fast ##fers ##ior ##iro ##ived ##itively ##iogenic ##ioritic ##iata ##eg ##ek ##eit ##eir ##eva ##cer ##cant ##centi ##mn ##mc ##mow ##mir ##mark ##moto ##aer ##tx ##tang ##tari ##tocrystalline ##hant ##rally ##yi ##yw ##ynt ##yang ##yzer ##ban ##bent ##bens ##kα ##kon ##kin ##kitic ##koe ##per ##poration ##persed ##22 ##vin ##vosp ##vimetric ##zag ##3tl ##64 ##jin ##jie ##82 ##81 ##84 ##wis ##59 ##460 ##hetical ##hekou ##teg ##text ##terol ##onet ##onadong ##inis ##inates ##inities ##inants ##tiated ##tious ##titions ##tish ##reat ##recc ##aling ##aline ##alitic ##aloidal ##alysis ##eran ##erves offer ##enter ##enna inland inward inherent inorgan ##arme ##arvi ##arina ##orting ##orchy ##ita ##itat ##ano ##antite ##anap ##anling ##aser ##asco ##ategy ##oso ##osulfide ##ister ##isky ##isco ##lemented ##olo ##atus ##agnes ##entory thresh ##ithic ##usha ##usanne ##rao ##ocally ##ocont ##ocenter ##uri ##uride ##ursion islets conv conical conduct cored come dewater ##igs ##igediz forced ##etres ##terly ##acc rev rew reyp alcant stored miners ##imil ##oting ##othor ##oturb ##oping ##opyroxenes ##lung depocenter beak beau beishan beira ##ommod anox anling anaer ##rest ##rescent atten attention sunite ##ticed compiled compatibility computer sao saul saddle rocky diez dispar chal ship prote proud ##ogou ##abwe ##ablan ##abrecc ##inement gravel grabens gravimetric ##ranitic ##odang ##amic ##amats ##amellite ##iba ##ibration ##ibean incorre exer exert ##pple sulfarsenides ##umeb ##umbent fluidized ontari haw cry cryp crude seques severe rest resto ##quartz ##chblende ##chists ##stable ##asson ##assive relating magnetites ##ifferen cukα cuonadong hydrody ##olds geo geus ##anded spi spra spur spanning splay cla plain assign ##mboidal pref calcsilicate ##ading unstable interconnected highand neand neody nebul collect indo induce enorm enterol uses subbas subidi ##anga construction ##arium ##iller ##illus ##ociation ##key valuable strict strategy leak lewis partitions paranap serv serra meet meiwu obri obduction obsc differing ni2 norm perform perspec percenti 209 203tl arri arizon arbo artif arusha scaled scope ##plier contentious ##rosite ##ucite modest biological bioturb caf likel ##toft ##ives wherever canister alloc au2 zirconium twenti regolith reguir silicon accept overbur overview twofold corporation marsch marls marcou biotites ##parkes lausanne undifferen adits adsor adamellite 1060 genalysis ##aching ##achtal ##achang accident accommod ##ensis pointing ##mekitic signs coming ##ovalent ##lacial ##aki ##akoski differently noise si2o5 apex recumbent timanian slit ##raphical upflow positively geologists strained presenting microinclusions microtext 159 1586 melted impro refined refers refinement hory horses vertically ##tained monosulfide analyzer prime shell sheaf ##ober ##avite ##avail epr epeir sett paleoge crosses originate amd amiata northparkes desulf oxidize irish ##uber dolni pyritisation dissemination beltrao calculating smv mantled brucite matoso outliers inventory ##entified dissimil dissociation mider extents 12a 121 optically ulvosp iiib 40k standing peb synmetamorphic sericitisation hemati expelled expanded standardization barb 117 faces ##haogou ##titut ##titudes 2576 insets solov solute multiplier steven albeit greenstones ilmenites gaolig ##yla ##oxid 139 1300 abovementioned blanc envis ##mscan 304 309 thinly radii fourteen evolutional evolutionary ##ishment curtin uranothor δ34scdt distinctively ##aturated paragenes transporting progress progresses mm64 aggregated emulsion ##lingite predate predates oxygenation ##henour luansh luodang pollu 395 178 1762 orthocumul orthomagmatic blocky photon photons passed polyfra ##bei argument nwr intact ##omaoling combinations interspersed geochronologic vsmow boeh phosphoric fluorapatites stressed confocal ferri classes roo devoid ##upka edvard 167 plans stratification freeman ##atonic 2612 excitation metasomatites ##2si 703 704 balda ##shire ##iqiao protoc ##aea works keep petrogenetic peaked universitat 2700 603 simply nuk ##basalt consideration rhine diapirism adjust transitions ##ossite carries carriers platy cataclas catarina malin malanite self selved gashes purely grt ripple ##fe3 ##ungu pull thermometer spectrometers 801 footprint 324 3214 morgan nanchang dependence ceramic ##berger ##tawa migrating drive visual constantly loose author delamination delaf delicate tsumeb steeper orthogneissic paul solubilities isochrons logf influences 297 298 turkey ##ochrosite falling intersect 225 promote promotes promoting ##cooling 1995 kerolites 345 digital clastics limiting limitations drap forest krkon krupka convert freshest ##ustrine kon1 difficulties continuity hypothetical viewed contemporary sidewall 652 isolation argillites 34sv pheng phenomen 286 mashiba pvtx andraditic elongation marias marialitic researcher closest termination widths buffering pitchblende intercalation leucogabbro 3650 ottawa photography photograp ##ombard science mcf rafts illustrates 55mn dongmen exhumed evaluating vents discontinuities discreet gabbronorites tectonothermal superposition exceptionally pseudo daxing vienna neufang ultrafast detectors guizhou ##sko reproduce syntax 336 319 collage feooh lamellar iberia sanhaogou breaks infills hinges hinggan 5649 tubular ##oflu analogs magnesio ##iquan ##board debris neoformed micrograin mobilize microanalyzer 017 kuroko myrmekitic xiaomaoling anorthite rifted zeiss anatolian clustering intersections 423 entrayg simulate accelerated postdated advancing 578 slower ##626 packets ##orest ##after fluctuation encased 7700 testing chronometer dolostones plugs 519 affinities berner creation creating giulian idea quarter propagating 1988 1989 infiltrating documenting pseudosingle chev durham δ201hg demand semiconductor duke zk460 ##ridge alumina micaschists petrology achieve running stoichiometry favoured heavily emphasis titanium titaniferous 2608 picrites 66zn 825 huge holm holland unex ##dhje extrinsic b61b destro munoz objectives 2057 commenced remobilisation approaching baker baklan ##si6 ##si2o5 inverted contaminants assessed assessment avoided migmatites mylonites centimeterto bismuthinite british hook ohmoto ##baoshan dendrite removing interestingly habit habachtal kilometer kilometers pinch ##onnet teplice carrying defect westwards densely songliao yinachang attachment problems peripheral preceded siele supercontinents ##uvianite trachyand facilitate blanks centimetreto carefully caso4 hinder rods squares ##otographs geometrically classically polarity pegmatoid boudins cordilleran rainforest rhodochrosite realistic minimise attaining sudden geophysics specialized refolding evaporate macroand penetration penetrating triggering dsn xinjie thorium thorough reopened alaska shifted graptolite geometrical 7500a reconstruction reconstructed boulder effort qinghu ripley tentative vugs ##folding ##ville ##inned tomkinson anniv annual array screened overthrusted microphotographs referring eruption scavenged unequivocally bos3c duplicate ##ihood streit washout clarity microdiff interacting divisions aluminosilicates troctolites bench luders nguba psammites vesuvianite xiaohekou ##anshi coordinated challenge endowed 2737 periodicity truncated francolite francisco building fingerprints amygdaloidal justification kaltoft kamen latitudes pods anatectic hampshire sporadically cloudy megabrecc recombination historical almadine ignimbrites intermittently dobs hurky hamamats kinds rocles rudn sterling sibao tilting ##yssal suffered distilled whiskers carribean geographically unidentified ensure obliterated microstruct recycled microcontinents discoveries barrier glenorchy sinusoids leucogranites krasnoarme pseudomorphs geothermobarometry subdivisions tunnels condensed agglomerates antarcticite metadolost bvf craw cabeco creek cyclic easy hopping hutous kimber kobyla lacustrine locked renewed satellite village ##kovice isoferroplatinum sadiola shangdan resolvable hydrological speed interpolation silesian aguablan appeared microveinlets symmetry schorl monomineralic reequilibration plumbing barrel furnace 232th semimassive chromitiferous replenishment duricrust porphyroclasts reconcile extruded b63a streaks peculiar scandinavia indirectly monochromator adequ austria bureau cnk culm cochenour cipw cosalite dotted dramatic dupuis emss efficiency glycol girdle gagnevin gustavite heshan hoefs jonasson jizera jackson kylakoski kansanshi lollingite lumwana listric myanmar mosaic nju pedro qemscan qiziqiao rationale rickard sennari trondhje vogtland ww0 yarlung youjiang zulova zigzag zimbabwe inorganic ##agnesian threshold dewatering reypaas alcantara beauvoir anoxia anaerobic attenu proudkovice incorrect ontario cryptocrystalline hydrodynamic neodymium nebulizer enterolithic subidioblastic strictly leakage paranapanema percentile arizona arborescent artifact likelihood twentieth overburden marschik marcoux undifferentiated adsorbed accommodated microtextural horseshoe epeiric ulvospinel gaoligong uranothorianite parageneses luanshya polyframboidal boehmite 32143 delafossite krkonose phenomenon researchers photographed entraygues giuliani zk4602 hamamatsu krasnoarmeisky aguablanca 012 1to 2o2 3f 3m 3mg 4f 4h 4g 470 499 5to 590 570 566 599 6h 680 660 7g 730 8f 8g 820 816 9d 930 ara action ake alex bb bis bab bill bram bena bobo buo bhat barium cv cite cct chem camb cix cropping cagou dc dx d4 dro dion dual dmm dust duble dots dini d83 dacitic docking eb eis elm eby fc fred fale fix flm fixed federation gp gw geral gyr gong gari gall gun gers ghan gains gaps gained gsd hh hr hk h1 hw hif hong hour hell hco hind hamm ite iib iand iap iia iolite jit jat jud jap jsr jung jason jsm jigs kre kor kot kou kab kri kip kron kram kare kund kord kep kula koh k54 komati lot lad list liang lann ldh lombard my mp mj mim mary mene moles merged nh n0 nes ning nas nos nom n50 nels n70 nova oe ov o9 oro oik oman ootes pp pion page pene put pang pix pie pau prac qiang rs rig rom rak rms rye s4 sen sit sle sph sri ske sorted slack s10 s15 saga tc ton tag tud tip um uz ucc uch ugu vag vul vig vad vast vaz vital v2o3 villan vpdb wan wra wur wav ways wire wavy xc xte xian xpl xik xie xstr xiag yel york zang zie γos ##oi ##otic ##oand ##oactive ##ny ##nolog ##nova ##sa ##she ##sanal ##ua ##uz ##ued ##uil ##uza ##lination ##f5 ##fen ##fit ##fan ##fis ##fone ##fug ##ii ##iy ##ij ##iet ##ired ##iable ##iapir ##don ##dal ##dis ##dong ##donite ##diff ##ely ##eted ##etent ##eering ##centr ##cang ##come ##cens ##cases ##ciano ##mic ##mus ##mins ##ait ##ament ##aign ##aho ##tree ##tach ##tuy ##taminated ##honite ##holes ##hagen ##g2 ##gul ##gim ##gaard ##rr ##ror ##right ##ruent ##yenite ##yuang ##bi ##bow ##bach ##back ##kov ##kha ##xx ##xis ##pic ##pan ##pyrite ##posed ##po4 ##pans ##puts ##2b ##23 ##26 ##28 ##25 ##vally ##volved ##viron ##zh ##zale ##zman ##zinka ##77 ##79 ##31 ##34 ##3cc ##3si2o5 ##04 ##68 ##600 ##610 ##jian ##89 ##qing ##wp ##wick ##wula ##55 ##46 ##hel ##teent theart ##onically ##onites ##inas ##inter ##inization ##initic ##indle ##inately ##inert ##integ ##tiform ##ref ##rex ##reau ##rended ##reyw ##alnoe ##nder ##ndip ##ern ##erl ##erra ##eride ##eritic ##erme ##erico ##enb ##environ inliers inev inactive ##arge ##aratus ##orf ##oral ##ortion ##oran ##roite ##role ##roof ##ictite ##iton ##itably ##itability ##itudes ##eding ##ani ##ante ##ansion ##anthite ##aste ##atever ##atest ##ateral ##osol ##osities ##osecond ##istered ##isible ##lem ##leton ##olly ##atant ##atna tools ##agn ##agang ##agund ##idine ##ull ##ulously ##ushan ##usives ##raded ##racts ##ochemistry ##ocean ##elting ##elungu ##urt ##uric ##urated isopro isometric islet isobar cona cov coat cood codes coales colet copen defic ##ige ##iger ##iguan ##igmatic ##ether ##etrical ##uren ##teritic ##vec ##acher ##acites arena ##romagnesian asrr aln alph algal altog strom stain stace stober mina ##izable ##ilure ##ilations ##ilst ##ilateral ##ims ##immed ##otte ##otti ##lum ##iong ##ional depicted maur ##omorp antit ##tries ##tructive ##sey ##eret attitudes suited suoi ##oule ##ticle ##ticulously depositing ##neite ##never ##mentally ##insberg company complications compares compilations say sab saw save orch orna ##therly disreg disinteg chain chap chose chih chicken shared shaf prove protonation ##ogte ##ogut ##ogmus ##abon ##abour ##abrian ##abyssal ##inea ##artalnoe gram graham ##malite ##malulu ##odioritic ##ibian incong incident exha exocont exotic ##vert ##verine ##ppled vendian ##umed que quen quick queb happ hapar ##ctro crun metatur metaps ##ostok whatever wholly whilst seed contour contorted resone team ##quar ##quet ##cha ##changed ##chflow ##chantite ##ypes ##stances phyric feand femt zonations ##ifers washed cu2o cube cardiff ##udorf hydrochemical hydrosilicates ##olded ##ffin ##ffite ##ongy geomorph geobar grant granole granodioritic ##anda sput spanned spongy assump ##ians composing prem precon pretor preex ##ady ##adate ##aday ##adia electro hydrothermalism moore moves ability abraded unrad unavail unoxid unroof unchanged interferen intercrystalline intercumul interior ##utus carbonatized carbonatization ##hedong ##hedrally neudorf ##apvaal collecting indium indurated ##weizer eng enter enable enigmatic datum inclination basu bast intrigu intrusives subper alterations consolid ##illac concluding wei weighting ##conian formational string strateg leg leone leaf lepidoblastic ##souri park serves mega meinert meticulously whenever norford perth perov 2016 arrow silt michen ##rosive ##rosmalite ##uca modes simulated biased biof ca2 liassic fahl failure ##hemeral concentrating belle differed domal ##istocene metamorphogenic registered silician ##unshan precluded acosta acanthite calcites overs overr overcome ##mony secular skinned corner head marl trap massa ##particles lakes undistinguishable sphalerites ##rices ##ricity 10b 1087 ##ersaline butt complemented sourcing greatest ##ickens howard poyi alongside charles charged ##ovsky rediss ##aku ##aka no3 noticed norex sio sierra apert apwp recording apparatus sliding slice slicken slickens transient upright thereafter ##ortment os1 microp microenviron microparticles ##iochemical molybdite galbra 152 1550 1580 1575 afyon melan ##rence crusts crustiform schie schleg schweizer crystallizes implied improb imperme tourmalinites ##issance refract tecnolog horsts verify graphitisation discard discern montre shea sheeted salv salton salado amphiboles ##enging ephemeral paleoc paleover paleont crossing originates amu ##gmented traceable desolv descens destructive oxidative equant irmm iridium mushes interpreting fractionating ##timo baima baogut ##lisation empa localize ##cratonic considers decade declination 194 1900 1950 1970 1954 brno brf5 brindle maturation matrices outboard invisible dissolving dissolves 129 ##quehonite ##dera inflow inflation evidencing option opens opacity idaho ##ixing 183 1800 18ov 18oflu displaces sequential stands margeride peate gneissosity expon expansion coarset barwa barcel 113 lithic litharge ##haw finite sapph ##isey arcuate 149 ##ikal 256 2547 suppose supposed 1002 definite replacive wolverine solvent saprolitic saprolites arsenian chlorites scheuber steiger steady obtaining doz shalagang eld elba namalulu albitic albert albitized ##iev meshes reduces lasted drus ##bsko describing 2001 2009 ##ylite ##ylene ultramafics actlab clinopyroxenes marginally 133 136 1350 234 2300 decrep bladed blatna ##ompo mateki permit permiss 2044 δ13cc ##azaki ##hesis ##hesne productivity microscopes joined radiating radioactive topas detrended identifying identifiable borate bounds bounding totals totalling uraniferous sof soon activate activates jinchuan jinbaoshan ##atholitic caldera longitude progressed mmm swat ##oks emu eman neglected ##ractionated 242 243 predicted oxygenated lineament orientated polys metalloids seaways pyrosmalite 1700 releasing orthoph orthopyroxenite ##hydrite replacements backside dyje passing passage polyhedral fewer nwto combine ##uously ##yllium hornig erratic geochronologically ##uangshan chromian ferromagnesian linking emeraldand 3000 devoted edax solidified maxim 163 peridiapir gangcha lacked mechanically hypabyssal hypersaline stratified brochantite iocgs 267 2614 2675 coupling variously investigating glomer ##ject phyllites downsl isoclin 708 705 respond enclave discussions recognize protoch millerite subset subsidi summer 60ni accomplished simpl ##ushi thermally catal maldonite panzhi uncontaminated broadened weaker historic histories potentials lanka lancang increasingly gru gras ##fe0 correspondingly footn countries demonstrating 327 nanoscale triton trimmed cervan documents huangjin huangtuy disposed magnet magnification priori ##zije himalayas reserve visc visibly xenocrys xenocrysts ##mannite tafone delim teniente tonalites δ18о circular names namche namibian zrn ##arthur technology technice incorporating cherts paulo ##naissance preserving preserves 295 2950 29si 2918 turlin tungst magnetically 2085 faraday distances andesine 1991 343 344 inagly limitation discordia 385 drav molnar discriminant discriminating petrole papers extract extrapol peralkaline ##cavel ##indong formerly overgrowth greisenization greisenized kvartalnoe bleaching phengite phenocrys ##irak paleofluid paleoaqu 1000ln cementing 283 2857 ##iguity marie tank clayton terminal chlorides chloritization recrystallize buffers buffalo tensile incompetent leucocratic positioned 3690 substituting 216 ##ceeded shorter blum kaapvaal mcdon raises retreat illustrate illustration gn1 comparative 444 aplites ##vaara deviate critically regressions garnierites supercri superficial krasnova batholithic pseudomorp 434 439 viability 376 3700 duchesne guides gueret guinea cupolas hydroxy albitites 333 318 caption donang sustained subordinated subordinately slabs floating bordered sanidine sanhedong accumulate accumulating syenites infilled infillings synchisite ##118 physico physiochemical enhancing greywackes 641 645 sodalite productora heterogeneously keno kenyan russell ##isingly quantity behaviors labelled labuza zeolites ##house cubanite interfolded interlayer operation bedrocks microthermometrically octahedrally 583 586 716 damage ##ctuated entrapped surveys flooding targeting 7200 ##vsky ##tify alluvium schemes simulating postdating 533 535 848 s160 slowly occupied occupancy py2a py2b nutrients nutrientand ##ochthon fs86 reversed encour constituting drops tests sutures chronologic chronologically chilean beryllium rainbow convention forsteritic qualities 1986 triggers tanzanian ophiolites acquire sericitically anomalously 636 buried franconian kyle zk118 accepting applicability 596 694 7000 murgul xingu aluminum approaches flaky centimetres 7900 tuffaceous tracers property 2609 devolatilisation 683 8200 bubbles unevolved ##enumbers reconnaissance extrusive armoring vermicular stereoplot seemingly b63c linfen rl2 gemstones appreciably wollaston 1603 everywhere manage manciano utility ##si1 contaminant unreal controversy ferricrete mylonitization mississippian lamprophyres 740 bucher anticlines submic easier lapland pinto pinching picked ##onnoe stacks stacking quadrant metamictic undersaturation 190os paragneisses establishing 526 bowl attains unfractionated subterranes tracks sieve straightfor employing outlines 2551 tensional anorthositic doubt derives metapelitic bidny denver denote denotes filters filtering lcz inversely colourless trachyte trachytic trachybasalt platiniferous karstification cascavel humic jingxing norites diamictite concretion strongest scavenge campinas flanked polars arguing undergoing attempts cylindricity nuggets ambiguity built harvard rheological radical tails realgar attained concerns referenced montmins westphalen penetrate ultrabasites nuclei nucleus tellurium aeromagnetic aerosol brannerite hodges velasco ##dorffite ##olinghe behaves chaillac enabled ultimate 7500c robinson reconstruct 380a 380b boni boninitic efferves khiller nitrogen nitrate renne sx100 verging yenigediz ##pidolite tomography reviews screening lawrence reflections 2701 moroccan jkpn1b crenulated ribe yuanzije clarify microns ##entifics focussing looking preventing elliptical troctolite diamonds 541002b eclogite tdm2 ballard gj1 k2re k2cu missouri pucks trescases coordination reader challenging temora unsu address addressed transect implicit amplitudes 185re lithogeochemistry endowment truncates build fingerprint amygdules bacillus h3po4 hercy justify lindaas latitude pleistocene voi voisey deemed anatexis contradict sporadic interlocking noticeably terraces phosphorus phosphorous summarize summarizes historically almaden repeatability 563283 563296 attesting testifies manifest ignimbrite pietras categories dh2 davis fenitization fenitized friable hlv hanski hunan js4 kle40 venezu xiangshan inhibit mindola sakarya chieng feototal isothermal isotherms surprise school monotonous monotonically descending decimetre explosion explosive synclinal rhombic rhombohedral circumstances returns jkpn001 jkpn001b virtual virtually paleodepths cantabrian groves kurase kunyang machine vrbsko westerly ##fengpo insert ##arsgaard convecting received bending diablo shuangyuang metagreyw feasible plausibly intragranitic artisanal redeposition updated designated afterwards braggite eliminated flocculation switched puzzle 2763 centrifug bayinwula kafue guidotti destabil commodities kilometre boudinaged harrison metabasaltic duplicates ribbons stabilized portugal crescumulates ##ontinental inhomogeneity divergence corroborated 14nrs0 0307 bonds cientifics cartoon caco3 downdip dumps gonzale gandhi hudson lomagund navan punctuated ullmannite wander yaolinghe yingen ##ynthetic convinc beaker restore spike claim preference enormous subbasins service arrived bioturbated caf2 shells settled hematitization soloviev envisaged pollution ferrihydrite nukutus cataclasis malinovskoe selvedge morganti logfo2 draped phengites syntaxis chevron destroyed microdiffraction kamenka megabreccia rudnick microstructures metadolostone hutousi kimberlite adequately trondhjemite ww09 attenuation 566626 ake04 alexand bisulfide billion brame benavent boboti bhattach cixian dublet d8395 eisgarn frederico faleme flmd gyrong gongora gersdorffite ghana hifar hellenic hindered itera jitang jatuli judging japan jsrf junggar jigsaw kouzman kabompo kipushi kroner kramers kundelungu kordonnoe kept k545 lannigou nesquehonite o954 orocline oikocrysts pioneering qiangtang rigaku s155 sagaing tudigou vulcan vadose vazante villanova wurtz wavenumbers xco2 xikuangshan xstrata xiaguan yeliguan zangbo ziemann ##centration ##gimfis ##teenth inevitably ##oceanic isoprobe isobaric colettes copenhagen deficiency alpha altogether stacey orchard ornamental disregarded chihong shafts ##abourneite exocontact quebec haparanda crunchflow metaturbid metapsammites resonetics femtosecond granolepidoblastic assumptions preconcentration pretoria preexisting unradiogenic unoxidized unroofing interferences intercumulus intriguing subperpendicular consolidated perovskite michenerite biofil fahlore redissolve aperture slickensides microenvironments galbraith schlegel schweizerland improbable refractory tecnologics montreuil paleovertical paleontological descensum baogutu 1970s brindley 18ofluid coarseto barcelona alberta actlabs δ13cco2 orthophotograph peridiapiric downslope isoclinally protochabourneite subsidiary panzhihua huangjinwa huangtuyao xenocrystic petroleum extrapolated phenocryst paleoaquifers mcdonough supercritical pseudomorphed labuzaika straightforward effervescence pietrasanta venezuela shuangyuangou gonzalez lomagundi bhattacharya kouzmanov 0m 020 013 02si 1e 1t 1σ 2s 2i 2al 2zn 2h2o 3i 3h 314 3ni 4j 485 5h 5g 585 6f 6m 6j 630 690 614 63c 666 6fes 7e 710 713 712 714 8e 8k 812 814 8si6 9f 990 960 911 9mg a2 aig aph ach ari aram aval aware bh bp b8 ban bus bir bod bun bory boss bons b62 bonnet bagn bilateral cg cro cit cag cet crom ciz cost cay ches casts caps csm costa dg d5 dus dim dab dict dck duan daly dusted doping ete ees eth euc elis eye fis fou fich fren f4s fring fits fung gk g2 gv ghe goc get gil glu gres gud gain gmb gree grow gpm gob gup ghr gets grows ganzi gediz goran gabon hs hess hde hall hub hok hug hann hice hls ip iic ike iherzolite iaea jc jian job jump jmc kes king kas kol kent kus kyr kut kiv khan kitt kash koy lh l2 lor lit los lis lent lou lif lill lun lond lish litt lift lyn lense lyon mr m3 men mot mog mct mgh mond mound mance mcl mik mung mrees maria mca mpd nr nin nag nich nand nto nak natur n10 n60 nubian nomen neritic null od oz o5 oes ooid oka pas pis pil pine pand pater pest pinite p30 piles pont pima pige qa qt qiti rg rp rar ras rag rus rou rins raj r10 ross roles rank rambo ruling rises sg sq s5 sing sine sich sir soci seld stern sme sob sque seren satis soph sato s1b tn tg tp tol tel ttr tam tang tall txt tular teng tabor tuv tazaki ud ur urb umt vu vh vy ven vor viv vox vcdt vibration vims vostok ws w6 wis wass wies wisp w24 winn xn x8 xtra yu yc yv yix yala yalea yek zhe zach zind zaf zinn zait μa σ1 ##o7 ##ooming ##oogte ##nc ##ned ##nate ##nel ##nian ##nip ##nest ##nakh ##nier ##nasite ##nika ##sin ##senite ##sors ##sley ##swana ##uer ##uay ##utral ##lar ##lle ##lith ##lide ##lad ##lia ##loch ##fa ##fy ##fib ##fined ##frog ##field ##flic ##fract ##forth ##fenn ##faction ##formal ##ios ##iop ##ires ##iver ##iolite ##ixt ##ivers ##df ##dic ##dite ##dat ##dom ##dell ##dling ##eum ##equ ##ezed ##cin ##cro ##cation ##cap ##cale ##cun ##cular ##cav ##c40 ##cceeded ##mv ##mec ##mou ##mant ##mian ##mme ##mak ##mund ##manite ##murian ##mini ##magmatic ##aa ##aq ##air ##aip ##aolo ##tun ##turian ##total ##type ##tcher ##t92 ##hy ##hp ##hon ##hite ##hob ##homb ##hmann ##hugou ##gd ##gati ##gou ##gyrite ##gain ##graph ##genti ##gster ##run ##rints ##rky ##rarily ##rasion ##rinka ##rsko ##yu ##ym ##yk ##yag ##yant ##ygm ##yugou ##yindong ##bu ##bar ##bor ##bic ##bit ##bly ##bted ##bian ##bered ##bote ##bie ##bug ##bula ##badia ##brun ##kro ##kab ##kir ##kli ##kistan ##kras ##kurt ##krsko ##xh ##xiang ##xman ##xili ##xifying ##pe ##pg ##py ##pac ##pass ##piment ##perg ##ported ##pert ##pinel ##29 ##vol ##viv ##vets ##vosc ##zr ##zic ##zne ##zong ##zard ##zers ##zka ##zstan ##zkurt ##72 ##74 ##38 ##35 ##098 ##1c ##110 ##69 ##612 ##6si6 ##jmc ##jarvi ##juca ##88 ##qc ##qiao ##wite ##was ##wig ##wich ##wood ##4b ##4o7 ##94 ##σs ##ık ##henite ##hevo ##hekov ##hevsky ##tek ##oni ##onom ##onclusive ##inor ##inet ##inct ##inder ##inner ##inna ##inburg ##tiles ##tierite ##tible ##titization ##tism ##titized ##tidal ##timony ##reed ##requ ##reatic ##reme ##reald ##rela ##alic ##alach ##allum ##nders ##ndants ##erc ##ery ##ertion ##eration ##erment ##erland ##erburg ##enable ##enberg ##enko ##enze ##enmay andorite andree anders inse inlier innov inputs inequ ##esitic ##escop ##esner ##espans ##aro ##arte ##arts ##arted ##arne ##arov ##arlan ##argyrite ##orous ##orff ##orized ##oria ##orbed ##orlie ##oriy ##orhomb ##room ##rored ##rotonation ##rodite ##iction ##ication ##ictic ##ictive ##icia ##icule ##icontinental ##iccation ##itanian ##itype ##ede ##edder ##edish ##anar ##anent ##anies ##anitic ##inge ##asure ##ashi ##ashevsky ##osch ##osited ##osedimentary ##osilicate ##ostruct ##isk ##isable ##isput ##istically ##isio ##iskoe ##ishaw ##lek ##leted ##lectite ##lezne ##oled ##olang ##olson ##aty ##atment ##atore ##atsk ##atreme toz ##agin ##agan ##agion ##ido ##idam ##idional ##idogmus ##entina thomp thier thaya ##ulin ##ulph ##ulov ##ulty ##itholite ##mpop ##mphas ##ustion ##usting ##ratically ##ocus ##ocuss ##oclinal ##ocarbon ##urg ##urity ##uries isa isog isovalent istitut contend concepts connate coul copl coded cohes cowork coats coaxial deto deby dealing ##igong ##igneous ##igau force forth forces forty ##eting ##etus ##etone ##acy ##acal ##acted ##acting ##activity ##acchar areal ashg aspidolite asturian reid reass reale reorgan rehob alge alto align alta alleg stt stb station stot start staging minera ##izi ##izot ##izers ##iliter ##iliated ##imented ##imeter ##otop ##otom ##otassic ##oped ##oporph ##opyite ##lun ##lutin byt ##tson ##tsands depict deportment depaolo deprotonation bead belem bevets maf mai mand mahen mazu ##phane ##ombs ##omitite ##omanian ##omaping anne antig anorogenic anarra ##tronite ##sev ##sected ##seaf ##seyite ##resa ##resolved ##yst ##ysite ##ysts ##yshevo atkinson ##ecki sude suitability succeeded magic ##ouard ##oubted ##ocks ##yritic ##ticity ##ticulate ##tichenite ##tites deposita ##neath ##netif ##nemann ##neutral ##inson compst compressed companies competing compacting saund saphane oriss orpiment dia dilek diatreme disulfide disconnected dischar dissected chan chur chou chart chong chad chance chack chiang chakh chips charting chomitite fluency fluxing shim shany shade shui protr proved ##ogens ##ogail ##oglacial ##abe ##aber format ##cci grand graves ##geted ##iration ##irond ##irrow ##ircl ##odsk ##amart ##amaz ##aminations ##amoto ##ibl ##ibas ##ibatholitic incursion inconclusive exaf ##umon ##umite fluidand onsh ##thues ##thierite quati quasi quiet hauy hazard criter metak ##uese ##uesdell sear seas season segmented quartzor quartzitic resided residing resolve teresa orefield ##quillo ##ch2o ##chagin ##std ##strom ##asso lowand lowens lowered relax colg colin coloration colmo phi pham phree phreatic feeding hyde hydrom ##lest zonal magnetiteand cui cug cu2 carved cardu carrol ##ongri geor geo2 geyer geij granule evolves ##ande lateto spark spirak spicule clark plg plur plant plains plays assertion ##mber preto prefolding prevec prerequ calcrete calcalkaline ##adinite ##bone ##ipated ##ipates mo6 mohant mokrsko occuren abl abrup abrasion abbadia unret unnam unrec uneconomic unwan unacc unresolved interpl interfer intertek ##utochthonous ##ctional carbonatisation highsc highlands ##hedra nex neil nemec nekras ##apila ##apfrog industr entered entry engen entering usage usual ##essed ##essible bases ##ntano subare subalkaline subseaf conser conspic consumed ##arias ##illimeter concur goldstein weinsberg ##ocities ##consin valving valdic oxford sulfideand colleaguesng colleagueseration lep leones leaves leave leica lehmann lebrun leapfrog ##sob parra serrated mewith meyer meek diffusive ##ardy niu nie niand niob nord norfol peru perv perthite perkin peribatholitic 202 2010 arise article arbit scs sciss scanner scoti scss scaling ##iak framed framv ##plus veinaz zno lowering ##ghual ##ghinite ##rospinel ##formably ##ucu ##ucky modify ##ronen analysing simonet biagion cai cauti lique limpop richterite failed ##rogressed ##oseev ##alladinite beliss doming ##ivi ##ivity ##istulian ago ag2 agno3 agreed allochthon auxili sedimentological twins twining regained ##unov ##unoba ##unication actively acetone southerly ##mont ##monist sugary skirrow ##olet corrosive ##eller hewa helex hearne mariano trail ##parts laiwu laumon larsenite largenti undep undisc undoubted magmatically adirond ##onegati botswana 10a 102 10th 1062 1024 1036 1084 ##arer complements ##achay earlyto ##icky ##ickness ##ensen specially poore pokro pojuca consisted morena surplus signifies comagmatic underpl underlies underplate underlie undercooling underneath ##ovnika esi esms espo escap ##lacers ##laciation precipitations brentano ##aking ##akabe ##akivi ##aterinburg noble si2 si4 apical aptian sometime recall apply appalach sl1 slivers slaty transverse ##estine up10 upta ##llo ##lluric ##vik ##vived os2 ossa modeler complexed complexing complexation complexities microor microquartz microcav ##ergram galicia mgt mgama mgco3 1595 ##ogenian ##ogenically ##ogenesis representation impl implemented imprints tourmalinization refute refining refocuss horiba verde verified apatites ironstone trebic treatment diagonal eventual provo discoidal monts month monovalent monvert analyte analytically ##blend respects ##isms shetian shetland saltern saliferous ##sibly conditioned amphibolitic developments ##avalent ##avrky ##avodsk epicontinental setup basements paleomagne paleoth ptygm amaz amenable desorption desilic desired desiccation desulph oxidant equator museum fractionate ##uban ##ubert volcanosedimentary eu3 eugster euhedra baolid bazhen baikal measures measura grouping pdf pd1 pdand weather pyritized postde postmagmatic emplectite ##crystal ##crt92 ##crysts garnier garnwith sulphidation decarbon muds mudfl smn stippled 1960 1985 1962 1947 explic explore bring brgm bratsk britholite brunov patch possibilities matt math matched maturity reemphas tera remote reminis remelting grainy striae dissipates igno midlands middling 123 1223 ##cl0 ##clature olivineand triaxial opx optics rupt ##eters idir μm3 coevally muschel 181 189 1880 homoclinal 403 ##4si ##4s13 displace sandwich pee pearce pendants synform ##inawite constancy sericitised expression expense ##liable supersed supcrt92 baraco barometer baronnet 114 1115 faculty lithologically ##hai becker ##ovec finch ##orsinga ##titative sapphi saponites goal going goad arctic arcand 14b ##roscope 254 25th 2562 institut suppress supplying supplemented deflected estimations soler solve title titration coarsely coarseand reacting arsenates arsenopyite middlemost multilay stein steam stepped steely doing halogen halogens shaly enriching massively ceven elan nai nahon albitization ##ieu ##ieite mesothermal electronegati flot flora mnz oxybar mineralogie ##ropies greenhouse wolfram drastic gaas gays gaiskoe msz stibiop ultram ##genbach 2008 ##atising probability ultramaficand clinoh 137 239 2398 ##kalk ##odynam blr blades blooming blamart ##omponent ##intan permanent 2048 generates ##azh productive microscopically 307 301 ##amples jok numbered fourier fournier topic topog totaling alkalic alkalinity curving δ34spyrite δ34sσs sokli ##ruszka activators jinya ##atharra ##aturation lamination lamotte porosities portimo fluorocarbon transposed organisms 2060 ##elskab extensions diorites swim swelling switz swedish ##okan ##okina wilkinson bull bulg bulagou emit negro intergrowing parallels 244 24mg predil predated predict predicting ##henian ##henocrysts mueller uncorre phoscoritic luanch luzong linearly politype ##venuti 394 cd2 pyite 1750 1730 1766 1742 1783 1745 orthoand photochemical ##liced ##lication ##licity ##ndeka ##omicroscope equilibrate lattices younging polytype ##bekistan argentina cenomanian nontronite ##aja combustion ##tieselskab horner hornsey hornblend erl erratically books bozkurt ionpac degas deglacial deglaciation phosphogenesis reflectance axs axios ##beritization semiquan semseyite ##ugtoq confine confusion confident confederation chromel chromoph ferral ferberitization linkage classical classifications statement rozinka roedder devices devouard granodiorites edx solidifying 165 1690 1685 peridoti mechanics hypozonal plants brook cumulated freyss 262 263 261 264 269 2600 endmemb ##fergebirge ##ringbone excursion individuals glsz hills hillocks phyllosilicate ##2s3 isochemical ##ognized correspondence 709 70ge 7070 baluba respiration enclose avila fraser ##shoots ##shuban recognizable recognisable targeted miller milled milliliter congshuban subsamples workflow ordos potter rbn universite universid 272 27al 2782 simplest simplicity rotating coverage rhombs internally market adjusting periodically ##radian cataly cattierite malyshevo pans panels panzi unconsolid shoulder weakness selen correlative ##hno grø grine ##fe1 ##voite thermobar thermodynam footprints alternations alternates outcropping 322 329 moritz nanjing nanxing nanban nanotom tras truesdell cerqueira dispute disputed calibrating migdis nnp drier drives driesner xenotop ##zai loi lois taita tauride taquar delibas 238pb footwalls circulated tsnig accompanies principle principles principio macanal macarthur namaqu divides chambara ##formational timescal episyenite watershed 755 75th paid paomaping sinter metaigneous spreadshe schwartz concordantly 863 logged wafers ##124 299 873 ##waldite equivocal 354 359 3500 centred centuries earthy henceforth losses morphostruct nickeline nickeliferous 2082 δ18oamp δ18oh2o δ18ofluid bougain farm illin tetravalent offers offered offshoots distant distortion 222 224 promising q2r ##cofenn ##cooled ##ogranitic induces 1998 cameb camg2 digest digenesis digging digests ##bury ##burne leftand 383 3871 drains draping foil fo57 fo76 miargyrite rubidium ##cier northeastward differentiate differentiating grounds converting converging 90th discriminated discriminates cc3 kon2 konak grayish difficulty 542 544 chondrodite δ13cpdb kinetically kangmar kangkel kangerl yangyugou expect discussing polymictic greisenised natal pellets isoline caribou favour 6000 951 95monist bleiberg zhong ##irectional ##tibnite photic 1874 tsavo hypothesize 284 aust masks climates ##shui freshly publication ##iscoidal restrict terminating discordantly frontal fronds pitted pitanga intercalibration 3600 3698 glacially lips sixteen 2113 shortite southeastward procedural boiled subhorizontally estrela mcph qinlishan raibl retains exchanges 552 dongzigou dongchuan gn2 liberate liberates comparatively seventeen advances venture ##uki exceeded supportive 443 441 ##analysis behaved supercooling supermini supercooled pseudomorphic intracrystalline intrafol intracratonic intraoceanic triga 375 374 cpy cpfu guided guaran guolang lvand rapakivi reversely examining tegner cuprospinel synthesis volcanoes 311 316 3100 cape capt caples capanema capitanian donor omg omitted ##sonburg collins collaps colliding horizontally synchysite proportional ##cript 56fe auri gbw ##ofis ##ulfides colorado magnesite 648 649 jiapila issued neoarch micrograph micrographs monitors monitoring exposing devolatising turniak bc1 baden badham hotter kenomagnetite necks acquisitions stepwise kinematically 016 guangdong mlc coincided coinciding coincidence stretch 2000s overlapped episodically susceptible 021 029 brain brand bravoite lab6 labro labrad zeh zelezne ascends anatol anionic interfaced prisms montes monteiro recrystallising distinguishable 428 717 7100 damiao damaran daye june tabulated ##longzai ##pds unmixing integrating academic 471 4700 726 72ge nm2 gradstein enveloping scheme microanalyser independently 532 737 736 735 842 845 844 calls cells kupfers precursors equals 976 979 dilute dilatant packet ##afile reversing fluctuated encircl groundwaters 044 983 nist610 tescan testimony ##oliden stars hydrostratigraphic lithostratig platforms cobaltian 5114 673 6700 67zn azad affiliated berns creates derflic nowecki ##gyzstan quarries quartiles subgrain propagated 1983 1981 remarks triangles planarity borderland 783 788 autoc autonom chew chetel chehugou mongolian ##hata islands segregated segregating 1972 1971 1978 197au evidently neutralized burman duarte duogail fitting frantz qz1 sorts sorokina ##ozavodsk ##423 exploitable 483 59co 695 aimed alumel micaschist uniquely porewaters palaeo 034 993 certainly crisis favouring tracing lazarov undefined emphasizes contrasted 1808 titano outskir 661 669 68zn fletcher huay hollow holocene ivory kulis uneven wedges subdiscoidal armored redistributed microfolds stereographic stereonet stereomicroscope radiometrically idealized lamprophyric 001b b67 liner linha rl7 begin begins begbie preferably objects 2055 2054 205pb commence commencing decomposed brightness remobilize remobilizing remobilised budagan lieseg manually manxman nineteenth prices utilization utilizing vancou vanadate warmer ##sio4 channels unreported unreliable indiana datasets 2012a prasad dynamics migmatization influxes repeatedly 76ge 894 hohn ##baolig anticlinal anticipated submitted submerged submillimeter symbol superior passively kinetics 931 ##cata underlines ignore channelized establishment tholeiite 2806 521 bowieite chenzhou mercier nkc40 pzc prone sedg sedimented songpan attack plastically unfilled precede sketches paleopoles employs pollard chromatographic argilliteand doubts deriving superimposition cationic denmark filter gadds hedenquist lesozavodsk mackinawite okrug okamoto ##rineri spacings persisted persistent hexavalent sulphateand facilitating delineate delineating δ66znjmc 2102 casiti cascata ##fuge ##goorlie ##jequist conducive conductive competency questioned questionable splits spidergram intermetallic intermixed micrometre campaign adopting transforms infertility stellenb pegmatoids nonsulfides boudinage boudreau 541045 541022 541059 541055 undergoes rhyodacites attempting ambiguous beside etc etching etched fujian hardly rheinis sd098 wether yanbei ##dyke ##deniz asymmetry asymmetrical realm realms aliquants makeup atlasic fluvioglacial recommend montana evaporative mesoand worthwhile counterparts macrodyke nucleated poikiloblastic aerobic branch branched branquet candidate dunka false fingall hirdes hirata landry nadan velocities variants xinpu ##hlen ##4500 thorianite departure shifting reprecipit nevoria enabling subductable 1963 correctly multicomponent 7500ce unpubl hybridization amalgamated boninites batch efforts lobe lobate mk71 nitrates qinganling renishaw rollback sx50 tuol torreald vuggy yenidogmus reviewed metabasites reliefs 2015a screen overpressured erupted eruptions fragmentation 2758 dawsonite coincidental fundamentally 51245 fushan fissure swept tmi ##lsperg ##ihoogte ##iously molecular microdr microdiorite 1990s radiolarite 1792 harzburgites ultrapotassic exploitation troctolitic sarayaquillo micrometers imbricated encompassed benvenuti clues hbl hbr k2cro kjarsgaard ludwig n110 n170 psd peccer svecofenn sinks sinkholes vesic δdv ##isticated condorsinga couple stabilization disruption dismemberment unsaturated unsliced serveis richardson agglutin addresses transected transects possesses siderian qualitatively helpful decompressional humidity pyrochroite 2h1 2hco3 bacaja dull fengfeng fengzhen herringbone kalgoorlie lindsley lindenmay manitoba please podiform talnakh taltson ##193 deem storage hampered contradicts springs clouds interlaminations nepal parautochthonous recombines 1551 impossibly 2535 argentiferous isochors 70718 conclusively uplifts tantalum dahar testify manifested manifests tunisian pietruszka pietrineri aktieselskab akdeniz category dh3 dobra david hansonburg hurtig hartmann hunza js3 klemme mccallum mengla roches rudashevsky szubert sibson tilted veneers walter ##bull ##telgebirge inhibited ##omatiite suffer sakhno distillation exactly whisker geographical unidirectional industry ensured traveled admitted admixt 107ag surprisingly recycling schoene descends decimeters smoothing synclinor barriers 2497 glencore circumneutral sinusoidal incompletely leucogranitic lsg0 lsg4 tunnel splitting sweeps condensation county antarctica overestimate overestimation metadolerite celestine cantung fedoseev kozi kunlun mirror mirrored machado novo novak polelle sagging tongren tongling wrong westhues xl30 ##ssugtoq ##fes2 ##graben compensate compensated diabases shuanglongzai feasibility plausible subtropical subtypes subtract subtracting paradox paradigm artificial redeposited update pt2fe bragg informally optimize optimized eliminate flocculate grinding grinded centrifuge bayinbaolig kafubu retaining stereograms destabilization commodity kilometres metabasalts duplication stabilize portuguese crescumulate inhomogeneous thmsg600 divergent boliv bolila bombs fes2 fontbote garnetif gigcas giggenbach garde garda italics junctions kα1 kraaip luster lusati mbt oaktree pq16 pq110 r2p tainiolite tonnage tonnages varma wittichenite conductors revised revision disparate disparity exerts cryogenic cryogenian geoanalysis spray sprays collectors obscure obscured normative perspective perspectives allocation accidentally improve improved paleogeography desulfidation desulfurization dissimilar dissimilatory pebble pebbly barbara barbosa 1178 orthocumulate orthocumulates nwr193 rooiberg rooihoogte protocol protocols keeping rhinegraben adjustments visualization sidewalls leucogabbroic mcfarlan 564936 564938 unexposed trachyandesite trachyandesitic thoroughly culminated dramatically glycolated 570423 arabian buoyant dc1 dxk droop dionisio elmer fcs gwinner gallery hkl iapetus krezer korchagin krivosc karelian kohistan komatiites ladder meneghinite ningwu nasavrky nossob nominal nelsonite ovoid pangaea pixel practical romeral rakovnika slender uzbekistan uchian vagar vigier wrapped xianghual ##2b4o7 ##interpre ##astello covari coodardy coalesce stromat staining maurizot antitaxial sabkha chapel gramado incongruent exhausted queen quenching happened seedorff geobarometry sputtering unavailable bastnasite stringers strategies legacy oversaturation overriding massawa slickenfib microphenocrysts schiefergebirge impermeable discarding discernible salvatore paleocontinent desolvating 1900s exponential sapphire definitely dozens eldridge elbaite drusy decrepitation permissive softening polysynthetic glomeroporph grasberg footnote cervantes magnetometer delimits tungstate paleofluids 1000lnα bluml fs86a encouraged management unrealistic submicron concretionary ribeira hercynian manifestation metagreywackes centrifuging convincing nukutusvaara alexandrinka iterative wurtzites xiaguanfan metaturbiditic biofilms 02si2 63cu aiglsperg aphanitic aramachay bp1 bustin bodnar buntsands b62d bagnore citronen cetac cromafile cayman chess capsules dusty dimin dabie etendeka euclide eliska fichtelgebirge frenzel fringes gkt ghent gocad gresens gudmund gmbz gpmr hessite hdehp hubnerite hughes hannover ipgm ikehata jcpds jianfengpo kesler kasigau kolb kentucky kusakabe kyrgyzstan kivalo khanchuk kashmir koyunoba lifespans lilljequist london lishishan littoral motorized mogok mondal manceau mungall ninety nagssugtoq nicholson naturally nomenclature pisa paterson pestle pigeonite qaidam qitianling rarity ragged rinsed rankin ramboz singular sinemurian sichuan sirm seldom squeezed serena satisfy sophisticated tggimfis telescop txt3 tulargen tengge udokan urban umtk vuoriy vennemann vorticity vivianite voxel wisconsin wasserburg wiesloch wispy w247 yvon yalaxiang yekaterinburg zhejiang zacharias zindler zinnwaldite zaitsev ##datacal ##mouradian ##hyolite ##graphite ##bulake ##wasam andreev andersen inequigranular ##orhombic thompson thiery isograd istituto coplanar cohesive coworkers detoxifying debye ashgill reassessed realeza reorganization rehoboth algeo alleghenian mineraux belemnite mahenge mazuell antigorite anarraaq compston saunders orissa chacko chakhmouradian shanyang shuiyindong exafs onshore hauyne criterion metakomatiite lowenstern relaxation phreeqc carducci carrolite geijer sparks spirakis prerequisite mohanty occurences abrupt unretrogressed unnamed unrecognized unwanted interplay interfering highscore nekrasov engeninna subseafloor conspicuously valdicastello leonese meekatharra niobium norfolk arbitrarily scissor scotia framvaren veinazes biagioni cautious liquefaction limpopo belissont allochthonuous auxiliary hewawasam largentiere undepleted undiscovered undoubtedly adirondack poorer espoo appalachians uptake microcavities refocussed shetianqiao paleomagnetism paleothickness ptygmatic amazon desilicification desulphurization baolidao bazhenovsky measurable decarbonation brunovistulian reminiscent middlings muschelkalk superseded baracoa sapphires multilayer cevennes electronegativity stibiopalladinite clinohumite bloomington fluorocarbonates switzerland uncorrected luanchuan semiquantitative confidently peridotitic freyssinet panzihua unconsolidated thermobarometric thermodynamically migdisov xenotopic taquarucu tsnigri namaqua timescales spreadsheet morphostructural bougainville camebax kangkelin intrafolial guarani neoarchaean kupferschiefer lithostratigraphy bernstein derflice autonomous chetelat duogaila outskirts liesegang vancouver okrugin stellenbosch rheinisches torrealday k2cro7 peccerillo svecofennian agglutination lindenmayer admixture synclinorium bayinbaolige garnetiferous kraaipan mcfarlane krivoschekov xianghualing slickenfibers aiglsperger buntsandstein euclidean gudmundite kentuckyensis nagssugtoqidian vuoriyarvi yalaxiangbo 0to 010 015 070 066 02o5 065 085 062 1f 1o2 1sd 1fe0 2m 2x 2as 2ces 2ga 215 2o4 2sb 2ch2o 24si 2124 3ta 3co 366 3cas 3si 3h2o 3rd 3h2s 3ch2o 3fes2 4k 430 413 414 43c 465 4h2o 4fe3 4xh 5i 5m 5x 515 5ca 5zn 5fe1 6l 6i 6e 6th 6o2 699 611 662 6h2o 7l 7i 7h 7k 762 8u 8i 8h 8y 8x 8q 8w 810 818 9h 9al 920 914 9co 970 92o5 999 962 917 9h2o 940 9fe1 ah a3 a6 a9 aχ aro aic aud aik aided aley aiding a17 alem b4 bent bins bog bain bess bare bort bonding baren bind bank bident bd1 bns bfz bombard basso boliden c3 cw cate cus cig ched cso cites ccl cep crown cities cited cpr cps cva cnr cacc dn dv dz dq dre dal dnd dar dan dres dous dum dud dut dill darn dall dub drown days dapatite dsr dung doric d70 duk dpt dropping dacites doped ef ea eon ero eag ece eog ecc eich eib ease eand esem eina eck ejec e80 e14 eluvi e11 eaf easter efs e05 e86 eely erosive eburne fd fb f7 f5 fα fro fel fow fec fins fart fam fene face fist fell fers file flying fish fuss files fank filtr fwh fese fischer faded fading faste fuca fande gf g1 ges gis gle gus got gop god gam gues gri gene gut gia gros gale gue gach gub gamb gail gbs gels gps guo goss gvo gice garp garc gmz gams gallium giff gurb gfz gull ggimfis hi hd hc hm hat hag hul hus het hock hog hth hues hst hold hang horm home hob hint hms hark hung hanning hier holl hof hores hyg hisp hope honge holds huber hinsberg h4si il iy iz iρ ias ipp iles ito irand ihlen ja jer jas jet jow jim jom jir jut jach jav juan joch jade jama jean jasp juli jolla jaw jagu julin jaber ks kt kp kw kı ked kan kid kel ket kom kib kost kase kud kong kand kay kers kak kore kry kiss krus kend kush kung kuan koe kila kier kama kumm khat kasp kja kech kummiut kimb lm lw let lil lec lib ligh lst loci live larn lose lign lach lund lub lamb lual lince lbs logn lherz lyc liles lustr lust lights lech ld1 lenz lighting lope longe lrt leco lintan mf m1 m8 m4 m9 ming mts mom mou mart mum marly mist mell mile merg mact mcr mitu mie mck mft m10 mits moss m12 misc mention mounting nz nis nig nve niz nere nir nant nif nose nun night nuss nice nade nurn n75 nchang nests oil oph och oand oub o10 ooidal oky ohf okh oulu oyu p5 pag pmp pus pra pere pou pam pud pay perite pia piv pond pages pict peter pep pelite pinc paj pann push petra pira pech pflu piled panned pasco p31 p1c ql qit qilian qrt qln rr ry r3 r1 ran rol ril rations rut rang rav raz rules rila rico renn rmg rss rabo risk ss sf sv s6 sro sat sig sure syr sene sip s00 sied sight siss seng sote sany squid sish sided s2s sara sga s12 somme sizhou sizable sacchar tz tti ting tis tac tart tass tad tides tap tess tnt tso tia tarn tied tone tav tors teren tark tones tsr tonian tana tajik tropic talus tnr tatib tande uc ut u1 uti ust ume ums uvite uof utah urug vd vp v7 von vit vid viz vys vib vred vess vang venti vial vau vyc vice vlad wo wd wg wen wite wate wag went wus wir wud wad wut wied word wo2 wunite wrench wrap wager winter wushan wires wpg xs xd xg xb x3 x1 xj xan xas xion xip xuan xma xh2o xii xxx x34 xiong xxh xpert xigong yr yag yac yud yue y2o3 ywith yidi ypaas yadong yeg yindong yongri zi zd zb zx zv zar zag zher zhed zap zhan zack zps zsh zigu zech ziente zixing zizi ƒo2 γγ δt δ57 δxx μs μl ρrock σ2 σpge ##oj ##oite ##oan ##oil ##off ##oates ##oak ##ofe ##o12 ##o15 ##oining ##oice ##oons ##ooh ##ooked ##oagu ##nb ##nas ##nation ##niz ##nom ##nog ##nich ##nant ##nold ##nay ##nard ##nia ##night ##namb ##nik ##nels ##nology ##nao ##nava ##nowledge ##normal ##nlands ##natant ##sn ##sg ##sar ##san ##sing ##smp ##sun ##sell ##stig ##srand ##sifies ##snc ##stibnite ##uit ##uly ##uig ##uim ##uated ##utite ##uant ##ucon ##uerite ##uvi ##uuse ##uo2 ##uitive ##upr ##uosity ##uinity ##ujiang ##uji ##uchang ##uwan ##uqing ##lc ##lv ##lı ##lop ##lou ##lock ##lod ##lass ##liment ##liv ##last ##lick ##lict ##lites ##lwall ##loric ##laps ##lockwise ##lcany ##lave ##lalt ##located ##lheim ##laminated ##l2b ##l4b ##fon ##fel ##fig ##from ##fec ##fting ##five ##fall ##fact ##foot ##fok ##fengshan ##flo ##fitable ##fractures ##f95 ##finder ##iate ##ius ##iere ##iog ##iab ##iations ##iant ##iene ##iian ##iens ##iob ##ielite ##iqui ##iometer ##iado ##ihua ##iaping ##iuchang ##dd ##dt ##dq ##dar ##dous ##dies ##d00 ##dang ##diorite ##dner ##dala ##dogmus ##dieu ##ea ##eq ##ete ##eal ##ees ##ele ##eres ##ege ##eves ##eberg ##evite ##etically ##ekh ##eks ##eville ##eformational ##cite ##cur ##cass ##cess ##ciment ##cell ##clac ##cise ##certain ##cambrian ##cato ##crete ##mh ##m2 ##min ##mis ##met ##mine ##mitic ##merite ##menite ##mose ##minated ##mign ##miss ##mines ##maz ##miao ##made ##mics ##mitz ##modal ##mela ##mesite ##marium ##m25 ##mulov ##munication ##ah ##aite ##aan ##aine ##aver ##aved ##aut ##apper ##afic ##aise ##afer ##aara ##airc ##aai ##auride ##aiba ##auric ##tf ##tm ##tg ##tant ##tke ##tton ##tains ##tley ##tung ##tanding ##tropies ##hm ##h6 ##hre ##hap ##hall ##hist ##htra ##hanging ##hlel ##hring ##hled ##hlo ##haber ##g1 ##gin ##gor ##gas ##gis ##gel ##gop ##gne ##gred ##gund ##gdu ##gerous ##gli ##gbe ##gae ##growths ##glas ##gabbro ##gged ##ginia ##gnerite ##grant ##ghel ##gleton ##gurt ##gl2b ##r2 ##rag ##rib ##rum ##rity ##rred ##ruc ##rty ##rcd ##ruously ##rık ##yin ##yal ##yur ##yil ##yres ##yrol ##yie ##yark ##yck ##yroclastic ##yxa ##ymt ##bt ##bin ##bet ##bot ##bous ##bost ##bud ##benite ##bites ##bath ##bands ##bakh ##bank ##bolas ##born ##bras ##btree ##bacher ##bylite ##blad ##kl ##k1 ##kite ##kol ##kat ##kher ##kart ##kay ##kang ##kill ##karn ##karing ##kelite ##kox ##kamp ##kup ##klin ##kberg ##kled ##kinel ##kech ##koxy ##kaya ##kinites ##kigediz ##kkov ##kulin ##knowledge ##km2 ##xp ##xer ##xel ##xts ##xene ##xia ##xenite ##xiv ##xolite ##xial ##xby ##xhg ##xey ##pf ##pte ##pin ##pes ##ply ##pure ##pop ##pole ##pression ##phero ##pez ##250 ##213 ##262 ##vic ##vation ##voc ##vig ##vine ##vart ##vature ##vap ##vative ##vive ##vale ##vond ##vince ##vug ##vann ##vator ##venty ##vpdb ##vaches ##vski ##zy ##z7 ##zon ##zen ##zac ##ziz ##zion ##zere ##ztal ##zang ##zde ##zishan ##zna ##zsz ##zym ##zuki ##zmics ##730 ##724 ##781 ##3t ##37 ##3in ##3al ##313 ##362 ##354 ##371 ##07 ##01 ##019 ##63 ##620 ##jo ##jt ##jig ##jari ##jia ##jde ##jun ##jovic ##jirc ##jna ##jno ##jeb ##jinn ##jals ##qion ##qtz ##qiong ##whe ##wal ##wes ##wil ##wart ##wth ##will ##wink ##wushan ##51 ##58 ##566 ##535 ##5r2 ##41 ##4in ##4al ##480 ##9b ##9ag ##970 ##976 ##δg ##μm ##hei ##heen ##heic ##heres ##hene ##heting ##head ##heating ##held ##heva ##te2 ##test ##tected ##terogen ##telo ##tempor ##teracted ##tested ##terand ##tefan ##tecrysts ##tefact thematic theses theria ##ony ##onan ##onos ##onies ##onides ##onso ##onuc ##onker ##onta ##onator ##oncur ##onborn ##onkinites ##in2 ##inod ##inally ##inari ##inology ##inley ##inarily ##inator ##influ ##infor ##inberger ##tie ##tia ##titic ##timent ##titive ##tipl ##tioids ##tize ##tio3 ##tised ##tisl ##tidt ##rea ##rer ##rey ##retion ##reting ##requent ##relement ##remo ##revoc ##alat ##alac ##alot ##alop ##alth ##ality ##allow ##alto ##alore ##alance ##alik ##alham ##alidate ##alifies ##alteg ##alsko ##alpy ##alenko ##ndy ##ndel ##ndur ##ndia ##nderg ##ndama ##ndlands ##ndblad ##erate ##eros ##erve ##erlu ##erts ##erth ##erant ##erso ##erto ##erms ##erna ##ertoq ##erational ##erstanding ##errant ##eritised ##eridional ##ermont ##erbites ##erzang ##erqiong ##entic ##enst ##enges ##enov ##enriched ##enza ##enby ##ennan ##enitz ##enech ##encer ##enyi ##enberger ##enfel ##enius ##enerational ines inas inad inability inert inlets inlet inacc inactivity ingred ##eson ##estite ##arre ##arith ##arst ##armon ##arometric ##arson ##arsite ##arsis ##arreau ##araka ##arhyolite ##orate ##orid ##orse ##oride ##orable ##orov ##orie ##orbs ##orised ##orosity ##orama ##oriously ##orbath ##orxenite ##orheic ##tionable ##roic ##roil ##rocc ##ropped ##robo ##rooms ##rocite ##ici ##icon ##icated ##icip ##icto ##icately ##iconite ##icities ##icularly ##iclay ##icator ##ictional ##icero ##ito ##itan ##itas ##itate ##itated ##itch ##itri ##itative ##itates ##itso ##itard ##ittim ##itory ##itumen ##itohedral ##itcin ##edes ##eded ##edim ##edman ##ediation ##edback ##edony ##anu ##anon ##anol ##anical ##anied ##anov ##anced ##anking ##anae ##anson ##ancas ##answ ##antics ##aniola ##anadate ##inged ##as9 ##asus ##asil ##astr ##asse ##asting ##aska ##asova ##asjarvi ##asjo ##atelluric ##oser ##osts ##osion ##osib ##osene ##osable ##oscop ##osamp ##ostibite ##osyenite ##osynthetic ##isy ##isen ##istal ##isch ##ishes ##isula ##isade ##istivity ##isdor ##iswell ##isorse ##ationally ##leq ##lere ##letal ##lead ##leck ##leman ##leans ##leaved ##levaches ##olou ##oltic ##olib ##olum ##olay ##olized ##olov ##olina ##olitized ##olova ##olarite ##oliated ##ollisional ##olunshan ##atum ##atong ##atto ##atak ##atomic ##atoph ##atnoe ##atani ##atarts topl topm to13 toged toppled tokay ##ags ##agar ##agos ##agent ##agul ##agod ##agree ##agli ##agrap ##ids ##idated ##idec ##idates ##idolite ##idually ##idimension ##entation ##entree ##entuated ##lyn ##lyte ##lyph ##lytic ##lych tho thiv thail think thuringian thiob thalham tharsis ##ult ##ulite ##ulage ##uland ##ulative ##ulates ##ulari ##ulcill ##uluk ##ularities ##ulskite ##ulazh ##ultipl ##ithful ##mport ##mpie ##usn ##usu ##user ##used ##ustive ##ustra ##uskop ##uscript ##ray ##rait ##raite ##raine ##ravel ##raven ##raping ##ractive ##rapment ##rayw ##rakech ##raxolite withst withstanding ##oco ##ocate ##ocopyrite ##ochan ##ocating ##ocque ##oclastic ##ocline ##ocrocite ##elo ##eli ##elin ##elles ##elong ##elitic ##elines ##elastic ##eliang ##elberg ##elier ##elplatinum ##urra ##urig ##urum ##urations ##urides ##urces ##urpr ##urning ##urgy isis isop isov isomorphic isstd isertoq cone conti connot conject coin copp coff coding cook coup copro coimb cotton coleman coagul deal deion dewe dexing ##igr ##igene ##igang ##igsh ##iglia fork forward forsh fortun ##etl ##ett ##etal ##etary ##etrich ##etachment ##etries ##etals ##etani ##urel ##urent ##terre ##terisk ##vey ##vees ##veau ##vember ##owan ##owing ##owater ##ownite ##acam ##acong ##actically ##acillus ##acık areva areson ##romineral ##romises aside asphal ashes astime aspir aspy as2s3 ascertain ashtra asterisk rely reith rever rebel rejec reyn reappearance reticular rezh render reject renders reticulate revived reinterpre reheating reinfor reagent alther almal aland aliv alik alger al2s altai alias alludes algar allegre alenic altitudes alfa altotal aldous algae alacam ##erals stn stp stos stut stub styl staz stark stumm stained staud storing stotal stope status stoping stagn stadia stoped staking stairc stalac minh miner ministry minima miniere minm25 ##izal ##izav ##izuo ##izga ##ild ##ilin ##iler ##ilar ##ilou ##ilong ##iland ##ilized ##ilitic ##ilka ##iltston ##ilitized ##illere ##atie ##atile ##atives ##ime ##imone ##imator ##img2 ##immerite ##imhall ##otos ##otland ##otapatite ##otometer ##otsk ##otka ##otskite ##otypes ##otactically ##heral ##herches ##hernich ##herrer mineralium ##opi ##optim ##oplastic ##opiet ##oplacers ##opetal ##luvaara bypass ##tsch ##tseva ##tseq depicts depresses beart beach beish beaded bevan beige bearer maw maich mair maub mauth madis mahaw makkov maastr ##tedtite ##phy ##phnite ##phlogop ##phased ##phrag ##omon ##omas ##omical ##omena ##ommunication ##ominator ##omediation ##omultipl ans anu anch annite ano2 an30 antil anci an66 ancas answ an67 an59 an25 anqing an72 antecrysts ##tran ##tration ##trong ##tright ##trance ##see ##seen ##section ##separation ##segund ##resent ##resgrant ##ysmal ##ysuz atyp attra attend attracted ##eck ##echua suits suzuki sundblad suolunshan maghre ##oue ##oum ##ouy ##ouchang ##ouda ##ouensis ##ougou ##ockite ##ocked ##ockand ##ockitic ##yrhyolite ##ticellite ##nee ##neis ##nement ##negan ##nevo ##nebo ##neeva ##neaite ##neterre ##insically ##instry ##inscence ##inskaya compart comput compile compact compex compliment compromises saf said saum samb sake saint safe sakh sahara saucon samarium savann orland orca orberger orleans dik dien diand dipar diach dianc dirty dietrich disab disten disqu discon distom disorgan dismant dislocated dismiss disjun disagree chu ch2 chum chif chip chut chard charn chains chav chown chimal chaman chuan chapp choule choice chiclay choco fluencies shl shd shine shary shred shut shms shung shire shax shche shiquan shmulov shonkinites shilong proff proof proceeded proenza sulu sulliv ##oga ##ogt ##ogond ##ogub ##ogors ##ogabb ##ogued ##ables ##abut formally formulated ##inetic ##ineering ##arturite grao grafit grahite ##icha ##ichtian ##ichnoe ##ichmanite ##ranted ##ranch ##gend ##gemela ##irine ##irli ##irmm ##irline ##irsk ##irdner ##odite ##oded ##odus ##odong ##odde ##odoz ##amite ##ammite ##amura ##ibles ##ibut ##ibniz ##ibranch incub incidence ##ousova exob exother ##vertent ##vermann ##verned ##ppa ##ppel ##ppard ##pported sulfo sulfote sulfdies vende veeco vegas ##umo ##umide ##umba ##umbull ##uminscence fluidization figuig ##tens ##tened ##tental ##tenbury ##tengel onof onlaps ##alca ##alcanal ##thitic ##thick ##thora ##thmic ##thwick ##thalpy ##tharturite quest quechua ##ighan hapl haines hawa hauri hauz hauerite hahist hajna haolib hailar hairline cr6 crons crpg metast metabor metae metaclastic metacher metarhyolite metacong ##izations whiti whites sehe sees sembl seism seep searc sekarn septe seventy seiland severmann contracted contoured contracts quartzand quartzof ##antage rests resins reside resting resides reston resorption resolving resumed resurg resonator resistivity teque tepe telych ##ydsd ##ydbenite ##ydenov ##asev ##quor ##quan ##quil ##quity ##quizga ##chite ##chill ##change ##chamb ##chann ##chronous ##chler ##chnology ##chuant ##chloric ##chiaping ##chyrhyolite ##rift ##riyan ##ripol ##rifts ##riveau ##riphlogop ##yprop ##stc ##stra ##stands ##stoichi ##strand ##stracts ##stroom ##sthene ##asses ##assed lowes relies relay relied relocating pbo pbs pbco3 colors colqui colonies colopiet phreat phaser fek fe2s fe2si feoni feedback hydrate hydrations ##lesiente zong magnetiteor ##ifusion ##ifique ##iferes waste cuto cu2s cupro cuney cufes2 cumpie cars carver carval carlo carna carola carsw carpath cartes carmen carpen carmign carolina ##udi ##udation ##uddan ##redox ##redited hydrolic hydroflu hydrosilicate hydrofract hydrofractures hydroseparation pyriteand ##iest ##olding ##tinga ##ainling typifying gee ge4 geik gehr ge11 geores geofis geopetal grano granoph granules grantioids granosyenite evo evensen evstig ##andel ##andri ##andean ##orphyritic spz spall sparing spik sphere splin spheric spex spheres spencer ##enez ##orites clp cline cland clara cliff cloncur clermont clockand plv plural plaque planned pliens assortment compose composites composited ##mbarometric preor preand preval pretil premetamorphic prenderg calcined calcsilicates ##ados ##aderi ##adonite ##adno ##adui ##adden ##adzu ##adalcanal ##ipe ##iphering ##ipeg ##ipaan ##ipelitic mohr moo3 moyang moyie moonta moorbath moelo abiti aborted abuts abio abiogenic abyssal abnormal aberrant abstracts ##vedsonite unity unia unified united unpro untre unno unlim unques unchar unilateral unlith unzon untested uninflu unansw unravel intercep interridge interquar intermont interleaved interchange ##utable ##utors ##00r ##000 ##004 ##00xp carbonation highto highfrom highstands ##hedules neor neoto nehring nejde ##apu ##apalot ##apagos ##apalca college indist induction indisput indentation ##weiler presput encrus enkin en89 enlar entropies enzym entrance enthalpy usuki ##entry ##entrated ##entricities datable inclines basined basically basque baso4 ##aying imager ##uringia intricate intricately intratelluric intrinsically subari suboph subpro subeu subcratonic suboceanic subtidal subandean ##ango ##anger ##angwa ##angping ##angchuan ##anghant ##anguinity consort consanguinity ##ariwise ##illi ##illing ##illard ##illism ##illites ##illotte concert concession concede goldd goldhaber weix weights weeks weaver weinberger wealth wendur ##kee vale ##itical formationm formationδg colleagueso stricto locus locale locating lee lepre lebed legu leitz lepid lepidolite levig leisen levees legend leibniz leydsd ##sohn ##soidal ##sources ##ivered paris parak parox paralic pardieu serial serving seriously mehg mendel meighan obo obducted oberc oberth diffrac diffuser fulvic ##tones ##ardarra nile ni2si ni3si2o5 nikulin noran norsem norms norman northerly perpend perched perflu peroxide perkinel perito perchloric 201 20th 2050 2080 2098 2019 2092 201hg arl arshan arms arised arfe arning arises arnold artefact argemela silification silva silcrete scie scrap scanned scoates scrib scraping scotland scherrer schedules ##iai frape fraclac ##plain ##plates ##plored ##placed ##plicate veinand veinto zns znpb contention studley ##ologia notoriously ##rosilite ##roscale ##formula ##ucasus modules module modulated ##rons ##ronick imagej ##alek analyser indicted mainz mainland maintains ##ramont ##ramidal bien biole bioph biored bivalent bienn biorad biomineral biref biogenically bixby bioclastic bieliang biomediation ca1 caand caix cahen caup caex cawood ca3al cawth caillere caucasus lio2 living li2b4o7 lixiv liquor richter faun fauna fahlo faithful ##tored ##tovo thank thanks distribute ##dington variant variables metamafic graniteand ##rogues ##rography ##hemie ##hemists ##hemont ##deiro ##demir ##allic ##alling belogub belousova itremo domenech ##iving ##ivably ##ivula ##ivostok metamorphose ag1 aged aging ag2s canol canber canning canals canaa ##veland ##astoplastic allocated zirkelite au1 au8 auand augen au20 au30 au18 au16 augmented au35 au37 sedimentology sedimentray twinned regress regards regoliths regulates silicatic systemic ##unba ##unnia ##iedzic precinct precollisional acts acme acute acadian acknowledge ##pected ##ondi ##ondrite ##ondalite overly overnight overhanging overwhe overoptim overseen overthick hostrock souid chalcedony chalcostibite ##mons ##monton ##monium secretion ##uea twovol mayari mayme maybe otherside sk6 sk4 skyl skute sklod skalsko ##olev ##olell corfu corgne corriveau cordeiro ##elli ##ellated hey heart heav heyl heigou hexi headed heading hebei henders heuland marign marches marmor martel martimo martitization martitized marcass marittim maranon marrakech marumo ##servator traject trazy trachyrhyolite laeter lazn laoh lauras laoy lauren laoj lakang laurent larocque unders undiss undulations undisput observing magmaticand ##ometerand ##itial ##itius ##ititang ##ititites adr adhered adds adela adiab adoum botanical bottinga ##ricate assembled 10e 10c 101 1080 1013 1099 1011 1083 1026 10km2 109ag geng genis genus ##erske butler ##ifice ##arete completion ##hanen ##hanensis ##hannel ##achments ##achita accounted accentuated grezz gregor greentree earlyand ##icka ##icking howarth ##ensland ##ensitive ##enstein ##enstengel specified specify specifies speciations speckled speculative pobe poya poured poona poien pobei pohled povond po724 ##ficit ##ficially ##ficiation moreto ##mei ##meyer surficial surviv survived survive surficially charco charging signed comenius underor underline ##ovich ##ovak ##ovolcan eskola eskigediz estefan prc ##laco redund redbed redfit ##ictyon breven breves brenan bremen brevart ##akite ##akkola ##akashi ##aterrestrial oliver characterizes tranvaal tranpression tranquil notion noisy november sialic apron apidote apices aputite recover recrack recurrent recoil reclass recedes recherches recoded timna timofe appold appinite applies appleton slg sl13 sl14 slices slaai slags slime slovak textual textbo translated transba transacted transamaz transitory ##raphiques ##understanding ##orementioned ##orenc follm ##estary up1 upthrus upstream upgra up213 uperna upsection ##llites ##lluride geochemists skarnification ##orda ##orded ##ordinary ##viers ##violet likewise poses postent geologist osterm oslo osba osaka osmian osservator ##bdo straze ##ularity districtand microand microto microbe microlas microper microlith microcrystal microvug microchann microplates galale galana galkha galapagos mgand mgcl mg3si2o5 158 154 1530 1545 1547 1567 1548 1544 1582 15as9 afc afield afonso aforementioned lima proposing proposes ##rency ##ogenous crusher sybakh schott schiller schmitz schonborn schalteg ##ryite ##ryav crystallites crystallzed crystallography crystallising faultkin galenaand impart imposed imported impreg impression impressive impacts imparting impeding impair imparts imparted impinge impacted impeded impinged ##issivity refracted refracts refractive tectog ver3 verkh verifying verruc veritas verviers thickly thickand trees trelo treasure graphic graphically metaland amph discs discount discounted discredited mono monzo monoto monica mononuc monolay monticellite ##nited analyzing significative primocrysts primorie sheli sheng sheppard salty salau salars conditional amphibolized ##rogenous ##obs ##obu ##oblasts ##obanu ##obadui ##avorable epizon epido ##dup ##dule paleok paleotectonic paleowater plagiog pt0 pt1 ptand ptin2 amamb ameth ammass amagmatic amitso ammonium orogenies descent desira deserves desbor desorbed deserve oxidization oxidants oxidizes oxidizers equates equimorph equidimension equalling irhr irref irvine irrevoc irarsite irumide muskox musakashi increment incrementally tio seconds ##ubia ##ubici ##ubichnoe graphiteand euheral deforming deformations deformative bao bau bai baix baox baish ba13 baoch baigu baoshan baica baiy baij baoule baffin bauer bafok bajia baatarts dolines doleritic dollar dolgop trendicator pdc pd4s pd3in pd4in southwes pyritization pyritohedral postgenetic postcol postulated postorogenic postulate postfolding generalities generalizations separations separable separator ##lised empty localizers beltana ##crystall continually silicateor silicateand silicateto sulphosal sulpharsenides ##tigating ##tigenerational decree decimal decline decolle deckart decarreau decorate deciphering muda mudrock muddy smelting stirred mantling mantover 191 1930 1914 brt bril bruna brux britt brune bruce brasil brimhall foundation pgeand sbn sb0 sb8 sb2s3 paton patten patched contrarily contrariwise ##ambashi ##kesworth mato mats matches matlab mat26 mat262 outok outlier output outputs outgrowths ##wards ree3 reeand reeval invia invade invasion invading invalidate chloritic chlotapatite remagne ##entists striated stripes igu iguts igsnc iglesiente ignited midto midalkaline 124 1250 1210 1290 1270 12h2o 1240 1245 1224 1248 12fe2 plumose ##clasts ##clockwise ##clair threefold ##queya triolite triplicate ##derode diagrammatic ##terozic infancy infrequent membrane granitesis opting opitz opea rui ruand ruichang rugged ruyil ruangwa ulwd ul9b ##termoser ##ometre ##ometries ##ometallic mantleand ##epy ##epail ##rety srco3 srtm srz7 μm2 μmol ##eldspath 18h 18b 186 1850 1820 1890 1870 1865 1854 1818 1836 1827 1867 1848 determines determinate muscovitic muscovitization 407 401 408 40fe3 sequentially ##ituan sandvol pele pearson synand synfolding synformal synrift syncrystall ##otempor ##otelluric ##otechnology expose expands expanding brecciaed ##liand suprad leaded multitude multigenerational coarsen reflex barro barometry barber barring barandian barrett barresh baragar 11d 11c 11a 11g 115 119 1150 1110 1180 1185 1154 1183 1156 1127 11ni0 11o5 1155 11si1 facing facets facilities lithification lithotectonic lithotypes ##haizi beck fining finest finish finnegan ##orsed pressed ##titang ##titution saponite saprop ##lmingly goes goff goyll governed arcgis arckaring ##oproterozic 14a 141 1480 1485 1424 14ni0 ##orkdal ##roscopic ##iker ##arising ##arisquizga 257 258 2550 2520 25mg 2519 2581 2577 2579 rarer insure insist insight inselberg insensitive instigating institution supplies 1007 10000 ics icdd defense defini wolkberg sola solver solves solonker solomon arsenide multisc multiface multidom multiply scheele 50e 502 506 50w 50to 5010 50ni0 5029 flowed steef stewart steenfel carbonatitehas doi doyur halpin lightfoot ##ethylene ceb ceo2 ce2o3 cleft clearer cleveland elstd elsmp elztal elizav elastoplastic ellaco na5 nafz na2b4o7 nazion na4al naodong naydenov initiating ##ualage ##gero ##gera ##gerty metasedim metasiltston differentially albian albany albitised ##ieba ##olithic mesoto mesocumul mesoscop mesoproterozic rimondi electric electrical sericite40 flint flinc flame florid flanking flasjo florenc ##anyind ##cribe lasaga mns mnacl mntio3 newer ##rope ##ropogenic ##roportion ##roporosity enrichedmant greenvale greenockite drink druz furong mapiqui ##adial ilmeniteor gauss gaerqiong gaetani gairdner msdatacal stibiconite intended interac interelement dissolutions ##genic ##intsevite 200μm ##ylonitic ##ylvan probes identity ultramaficto acting amphiboliteand amphiboliteto electroniques 13f 13e 13b 131 138 13th 1320 1310 1360 1312 1315 1385 13ni0 13fe3 1377 13si1 231 2320 2380 2340 2369 ##ountain cml cmca wallaro profound profitability patterning bloc blood blind blaise blancas blagod blobs ##ompanied ##5042 permo permits permitted generic ##aza envision ##heses ##hesized normalise producers particulate microscopies spectroph spectrography 308 30and 30to 3099 environnement joel joins joao numerals thinned thinnest radiate radially radiometry radiagen radiogenically ##inck drillhole thermbarometric topology topological topotactically detachments crustally crustaland evolutions ##ishing spatiotempor ##tynite ##tyao identifies borates bornava borthwick ##ussua curl curvature currency uranyl ##aclasts phlogopites phlogopitisation overlooked overlaying δ34sh2s δ34sfes so3 soak ##rusite ##watersrand activating activator amphiboleenriched jinogond jinchuant sandstoneand calas calner paragraph paragraphs paragenic paraguay meantime laminates porpez fluorides fluorination fluoroand longtom longzi longzh organization organometallic progression supergiant zhai mm2 mmes swan swart sway swelled swallow ##okwu ##okstrom wiluna wilber wilkins wildf wilderode aggregation bulge bulbous em2 em1 emits emmet emilka emirli emmons negated negating ##uxe alloying ndyag paralleled paralleling parallelism 2400 2430 2454 24ni0 predicts predisp prediction predictive predeformational factory ##henga depleting depletes collisions bauxitic organicand blackbir muva mukher uncovered uncoupling spectrometries lump luque luoss luoz luanga luonan luolou luobadui thrusted textureless poland polarities polarised polyprop political polliand polishing ##ventional ##venjarvi characteristically 397 393 390 39ark 3996 metalloid metallurg seaward seaway shallowing shallowto pyrob pyorxenite pyramidal pyrope 172 173 171 174 1720 1780 1790 1760 1799 1740 1786 1747 1749 1723 1728 1746 ortho orthopyroxenes orthorhombic blocking photored photomultipl causal causative sulphideand equilibrating equilibrates lathe stratoid stratotype stratovolcan growths passes polynom polyxene polyatomic polyphased polychronous polyethylene polygenic ##bea deepen deepwater deepened argilitized intuitive intramont ##omajian media mediation mediated mediate cenicero nonfer nonecon nonfract nonlaminated nonmodal nonstoichi nonformula ##cks ##cker ##ckova ##works supergeneously combusted esmerald oceanographic gabbrodiorite erba erze ergo ertel ernest erasure erdogmus absorbed absorbs accessed accessories geochronometer vsestary handle handmade handheld introduce bo3 boats boynt bohai bohlen boekh boyark bookstrom degrad degassed phospho phosphores ##auer ##auro stressing axinite ##bermine angelier semantics semifusion semipelitic confines conflict confused chromo chromitic chromites acidified ferrite ferrian ferrob ferris ferrand ferrosilite ferronick linkham classify assumes smectitic pyroxeneand widest spotty approximation approximates 300x 300sar roque rozna roasting devitri prospection unimport negatively cools monzonites monzogranitic edong edmonton edifice edwards mecca mechernich ##vester maximal ##iangsi 16o 161 166 1620 1615 1665 1654 1656 1648 1646 hereafter gangou subductions interstice interstitional ##202 hyposal planalto planetary structured plateaus recorders broke brooks brocker cumulitic 2650 2660 2665 2636 2671 2634 ends ending endured endogranitic enderbites endorheic endorsed leachates haliteand ##ferriphlogop exsolving exsolves individually ##ringent excite excel excited excape excreting investigates gloss gloagu glimmerite hiller ##108 cratonic phyllite strikingly downlo downflow ##2s5 corresponded correspondent 7020 7090 70zn 7054 7047 7049 7092 7044 7081 705042 balta balzers balanced balaza respaut fritz irregularities rimstidt versa versatile ##shun ##shishan interpretable pujals puerto tlf tlc tl3 tl0 protocr mills milling ##aeite congruent subsist subsided subsiding subsistence subsident subswith subsaturated subscript subsphero subscribe worked magnetized greenschistto keys summit summarising ordinary ##ccessful potarite potsd potholes petrographical petrographiques universal universally 271 279 2711 2724 27fe0 nui nuheting rotary rotton vaporor vaporization rho rhuddan ##ushuwan internationally adjoin adjoining transitioning ##80lv ##ossils carriere platformal malaw malicky malitch panorama panulcill silled ##hris ##wave unconventional broaden broadens pentlandites shoulders elevate ##amaninite copperbelts anhydrites anhydriteand lancel nb2o5 selby ##ophyc 400to gash gasand gasben ##hni framboid grit grum grating ##feate ##feooh ##feirmm laisan pulsing 2072 2075 thermometric thermoh thermofis thermodde unconformable ratsch rattenbury 806 808 804 ##grounds ##9024 counted counters counteracted alternated alternately outcropped 328 3220 3230 mtm moro morave moraine morrocc nanshan nancy nanof nanpan nanochan nanotechnology truly tribut trumbull depended dependant dependency belonged beddings beddingand cerna certif certovo cerrusite huanglong huangtyao ##aergen ##bergitic contexts disposable disproportion magnified magnititites calibrate prioritised migmatic migrations migrates nneto placing ##lomerate driver drifts drifting mvts visco visibility viskup greyto greyish orthogneis loam lozere outright ouachita taxa taihua taurides tauxe northwestand northwestward delayed deloule deliver delivered tenke tenuous tenfold tennes tennant ##pinggou ##anax δ18omineral distinguishes circle circulations tscher steepens steepest faboliden hangingand macroph maclean macpass macroscale macroporosity naming namur zr2o divide timesaving timespans oscillation laborato ##loq detritic technologies conglomerat incorporations 75as chermak chernog paolo paakkola sinuosity sinclair ##naesite metaquartz spreads immersed accountable isochronic 864 869 logs logtung logarith narchill ##126 ##128 ##1200 ##141 preservation influential influencing 293 2900 2920 2996 877 870 kerrich kermesite kerosene keratoph popularity turbost widening widened exhalite rotational schwarzsch schwarzenstein narrowly 352 357 351 355 354s 3595 35ni0 hfs ##ochroic nickeloan ##mahe whiteor columnar columbo 2087 2089 δ18oqtz bouton bouhlel dateable faro illitization illustra tetrabor tetraauric tetraferriphlogop offcu offline attribution distorted intersects temporarily transmissivity 22h 227 223 221 228 229 2200 ##coite andesites oldam sloped sloping 342 cama camuti camsell ##buryite shanxi clasticand leftor leftmost 150to discordances discordancy prospectors huangshanxi 386 384 389 3848 bigger drained draining foose fo70 fo67 fo81 fo79 fo68 krl kruuse kristal mira mirand rubin rubicon antique antiparallel antiquity silvery silvermines molten molasse molydbenite molasses converts converge converges 909 90zr fresher fresia purged purcell vieillard agreeing infracambrian konigs konigsh pettke papua ##ractogram distally grayed extraordinary continua continuum 54r 546 548 5400 54fe3 δ13cs δ13ci δ13cgra δ13cgraphite δ13cvpdb metasomatically keye keyed keyue contemporane dispersal dispersing dispersivity bayan bathyal kangbug kanggurt kangerlu palm palma palmer palisade palandri sidebands yangbin overgrow polymeric polymyxa greisenisation 656 654 659 65to natale pelly pelites upland isolate isolations isolates isolating icpmsdatacal caledonides argillization 34sstibnite 45o 452 457 459 4567 95o5 bleached blended icehouse penas penecon penns penisula phenomena phenakite zhmod zhulazh ##itertie entities entirety heterogenous paleoeros paleoredox pathfinder 1876 1875 pumps pumped tsavolite hypotheses 287 281 2800 2817 28ni0 2884 2894 28250 mash mason masking masurel pvdf thirteen thirteenth thirlwall flatreef flattens erratum heterogeneities tananae tanelli ##racken restricts restriction restrictive researches closing ##yroxenites terminate terminology chlorate chlorapatite chloritisation reactivations 0002 00066 00028 000019 000004 kln klp klapper klaska klimg2 klinck pita tensor ##scape incompatib incompatibility leucogabb 362 363 361 365 3620 3670 3675 3649 3696 3689 3688 otter otto backgrounds nnwand corundums 217 211 218 2100 2120 sensu senses shorlite calcarenite scienze scientists blundy kairak kappa kafeate mcs mcarthur raise raised raede raiswell retsch retarded talcsch ##asonically exchanged repeating repeats repetitive undergrowth temporality 553 558 5557 5559 dongping dongwu dongpo gnpa nneand comparably playing playas advocate advantage intensified intensify exhume exhumes evaluations evaluates beneficial beneficiation discretization 1201 447 448 4400 445r2 aplo apline aplitic innermost ##anka ##ankind critics tectonized superposed supernatant pseudorhombic 431 435 dahl daerzang daigang davey daphnite dpd dp07 parentheses viii violet violarite ##liani intravein intraclasts ##armac ##etsch ##etsky chrt transgresses ultraviolet syngenetically trigonal 371 378 379 3794 cpn cp14 duclou guy guen guir guide guidd guichi guavi gutenberg guaiba guzmics gujari guilin guadalcanal guardarra guanyind xrpd ##umpu ##archen ##etallurgy shortfall shortwave examines examinations cupric synthesized glasser glasses tetrahedrally tetrahedrons thirds thirdly 332 337 331 338 334 capital capistr donate omz omac omnip sustain suspend suspen ##kaido reasonably colloid collided collapsed collars collimator fe2o3total needle floated lamellibranch rhythmic rhyolithic favorov favorably discontinuously bordering sansegund sanpinggou ##guin ##eraie accumulates breaking mariinskite criticality hinged mdsg ##1174 physically uniformity wehrlites platinumand geothermometric 562 567 561 d3lo gb3 kiel ##859 ##ustamite colorada colorados analogues morband bluebell shelfor reproduced 646 64cu 6480lv jiulong jiujiang jiepail sodically ##bouring ##xiu issmp issues minedrifts microgram microgranitic mobilise mobilising mobilizes turned turnovec turnbull transgressively fjords bc1174 cracked hotly kenoran kenieba necking tuscan ##onsville resolutions hydrogenous stepanov hydrocarbonate 01si2o5 01si1 055 054 eqs kutseq mla octane attests projects projecting residuum epigentic overlaid centerline predominating kaolinization 025 bratisl cassitertie fired labs labr labram missed roughrid ankara reliably cuban interfaces ##ovaara montecin montebras monterey paleomagnetically operative operates 1884 recrystallise recrystallises dongsheng 427 429 5800 7183 7177 aquitard damang july ##lerc ##huobu dikelets unmixed sectoral sectorand integrate integrity transmittedand necessitates susceptibilities cassiterites 475 474 722 723 721 728 724 7219 gondwan nmmb ##yancy gradation granulometric granulitization permeate accelerate decayed decaying 573 571 576 575 5750 537 538 534 539 53cr 5310 732 733 731 738 73ge 7319 7392 73fe2 847 841 callie karamaz karasev kupriyan milashan millevaches s1s slowed slowing slowest ##nio coastlines loads siliciclastics abbreviation abbreviated 975 974 9744 diluvi fsp kositcin picroil packing ##olcanics ancylite claystones constitution precisions sylvester 248and 04o5 04362 773 771 774 77se 7789 982 987 986 988 984 douglas lsx lsvec nist612 watson chrono shielded shielding tendency tendencies scapolitized plugin lithostratigraphic semicontin cobaltharturite 073 076 0749 07ni0 51v 516 675 67fe2 azzer afforded berthierite bernard cream creaser derre derbylite hclo4 ideally convenient qualification quarters enstatie subgrains propagate propagates smsp 1982 1987 terrigene triangulated infiltrate infiltrates trigged scapolites semiconductive 782 786 automorphic autoflu autochthon autosamp cheqion d2m durations durban durasova durango mongol opposing sangxiu ##limate inject demouy segregate porphyroclastic microbes microbic 1973 1974b 140to 2467 cathodoluminscence immobility immobilized neutrality neutralised tubeand 638 635 634 6383 63fe2 6382 bssm bsg1 burt burg burbank burisch cinovec duoba eighty franklin kba sorb sorte sorbs soroak zk10 zk18 zk57 ##chewan ##gzhuobu ##429 connecting connections metapyroclastic metapyroxenites subjects subjecting subjective meterto diffracting clinopyroxenites consequences 489 4800 4815 59to 692 697 698 851 858 854 8500 8599 85fe0 aiming germs helz helix mwm mwambashi murzinka murphy roberts ##173 ##813c alumino 1067 1063 1064 feldspathization feldspathoids relevance 3256 palaeogene palaeoto palaeoplacers palaeophyc unmineralised 035 0331 068 06o5 792 797 796 795 997 994 99o5 achieving cadjeb certainty molds pacer pacifique pyroxenites runoff tuffite stoichiometries chrysober crisp clathrates lazenby lazulite underestim undetected emphasising 1801 180w barrandia monzodiorites outstanding cameco devolatizing devolatize gc813ft 416 418 667 664 686 650f 826 886 884 889 88sr aureil bjorkdal bituminous d1s fleet huhn huashan huaka huyck holness holwell holocrystalline housed katanax ##massa ##benberg ##khin ##khoe reconfig extrudes extraterrestrial craters metavanadate metavolcanics armors regularity redistribute microfocus microfolding microfossils stereocont sillimaniteor sparsely moldanubia camecaims strengthen 007 003 004 0012 00o5 0079 00124 009024 496 495 4950 4968 91zr gordon gordonsville jebra jegd linxi linwu linxia linziz linneaite munster municip rl3 rl5 rl4 ubc wuji wuchiaping ##ippines ##ariance towns townley minutes gemoc preparing prepare interbeded object 2058 believe commun commerc communication 1251 1258 1254 125te 1602 remobilise remobilizes sensitizing disturbing arsiccioite 467 463 4600 buddington baksa bakshe manuscript owens owner price vanhanen conjunction contaminating resistate assessing assessments calciumand unreplaced neighbouring dataswith 2013a 2013b supratidal suprapure migmatite migmatized migmatisation mylonization brazilian porphyroblastic porphyroblast ubiquity bismuthand 768 74ge 89y 893 8931 8958 8900r briug eneand fibers fibror golubichnoe grossulari nbs98 rica richemont s360 s3000 vache vacancy ##smow ##uishi dewandel anticlockwise submeridional validation arfvedsonite maintaining apuane pt3in removes ferroand ferrooxid ferrobasalt nanoparticle establishes conjugated neighbors ubiquitously wnwand 091 098 0984 3co2 936 935 939 9386 93nb boxworks fastflo habitus knetl kilometric kilometerand kilvenjarvi lapilli tuned tuning tunkill woodhead ##fluoride ##iashan ##houhou saxo quadrate quadratic quadripol teplicky geoscienze liebenberg underlined mushroom 1904 remanences ignoring ultrasonically uncomformably channeled channelway mortars 2909 3701 3706 3705 525 524 529 5280 628 62to 6220 6263 bowerso chengdu merge meridional nkomati pijiang pirogues sedlcany songma tianbaoshan tianyu tianshui wangyin yinyan yinhua yinmin yinmahe ##ygresgrant streams anthrac anthraxolite anthropogenic plasticity unfoliated unfavorable 2014d precedures tracked sieving paleoplacers 11bh 1479 2555 flaw flaass pegmatiticto turbiditic turbidities doubled derivative derivatives 837 831 836 835 8329 923 925 929 9298 cylinder denticulate denominator denudation ekman f1s films hedenbergitic k1cl mangang mangare mackinn okay vectored ##efort ##zema todd todt fluorescent colours spheroids persist archived hexafer trachytically recalculation bridging 1432 halokinetic 13cfluid delineation delineates inversions saxothurig saxothuringia obliquely appropriately castelo casapalca echinod forearc hindu humans humankind jingbulake noritegabbro rodding teller ##io5 ##goi ##jee instant instability reactant competition competes diametre fluxer fluxes questioning replication replicates classics assaying intermingle intermountain micromass micrometric camptonite campiglia 10500 accurately inferring meaningless polarization polarizing arguably requirement requirements indexes indexed assimilate assimilates assimilating attempted cylinders 2cgraphite buhn et535 etouchang fujig hyalop harmon harley hargra harmony hardness hardgrounds langfang luminesces luminescing qianji rheology radically rhodope sdd sd970 tailing yanji yankee ##dyanka conformity statistics minimizing minimising sudbury sudoite sudburyite disease diseminated disorder chataign geophysically presuming presumable concern caveat lavaflow reddog referencing evaporates 1163 1451 1455 2527 2529 cleaning mesoarchen 2005a roofor roofed counterclockwise fe3o4pop macrocrystalline macrofa macrocrystal macrocrysts cameron penetrated neutrons ultrabasite oppositely germanite armorica nucleate nucleation nucleogenic nucleosynthetic conceptualization anthophylliteand telluride anastomosed poikiloblasts aeolian aerated aeronian aerden branco brantley candidates ds11 dunn dunlop ewand ewto falsifies fingers fundao jili jilin landauro landscape naden nadok pingshun velay ##16o thorne reopen behaving chaumba ##ammar adakites 1967 1961 1968 1964 1969 1961c srm610 srm612 srm313 srm976 multichannel 111cd eastwards pyroclastics nano3 nanoand nanoinclusions cobaltites unequally hexagons spidery 082 3gold bonson bonneterre egb eggleton elute elution eluent eluted effusive ghosts ghaderi imbalance jiangfengpo khalt kh87 khalat kharaka khomas khondalite lobes niton nitric nonequilibrium qingling qinghai qingbulake qingfengshan renierite ripa ripidolite roller rollinson sxfive tuerl tuwushan tuysuz ttg torch tornebo tornio vergence yilmaz ##249 reviewing bears annular metabasic metabasite metabasalt pb2bi pbinitial coldwell preliminarily screw overthrusts overpressuring overpressures overpressurization lawley slurry microphotos northwards pd7te2 146nd 2007a pyrolytic erupt eruptives 2708 2704 2709 2759 huangshaping 54100a chlorineand leucosome encompassing robustness resemblance definitions jkpn1 51242 51244 51228 51234 512371 512108 cssz cfm crenulate ltg mbsl nyungu ribasso sweet va1 vaesite ##3600 cooperate anisotropies chonta changpu washing claras clarifying collections construct constricted constrictional pericontinental biotic bioavail biotitization biotitized bioactivity laurites microdioritic amygdule elastically 1793 1791 hyperbolas hypersthene 2748 2744 powellite looks 6403 prevents germanate ellipses diamondiferous imbrication imbrications 3133 3134 benches benham bangbu bangalore balloon ballrooms dm4500 deduce dedicated deditius hbms henne kovalenko kazdag lzr ligand ludow ludgero miskovic misfit misinterpre mislead misunderstanding ngala n1el n180 pnand psammite pechenga palladian sinking sinkhole vesicular vesuvian wswand xiaojiang xiaohaizi δdbt ##nsenite ##ausen ##ausible ##rda ##273 ##959 theoretically conceals conceivably coordinates dehydrated dehydrate readers stabilities complicates dismembering challenges protore protores unsurpr aridus overturning traversing adapter assemble accords transecting possessing findable johannes johannsenite 2452 metallogenesis endowments truncate 7594 siderophyllite encounter encountering duplexes buckled vectoring forelands buildup candela multicollection nyfand cooperites chonolithic amygdales baccato bacterogen bifs duluth fifth fifty fengzh fengzishan ht10 h3sio4 herat herzen kalatong kami kamoa kamoto plethora pleochroic portrait routines sludyanka sardloq sessions taltal talviv talbot task tulaergen vokes virginia winds xuela xuelong xyz ##morhap ##orrelated stanworth stanford antophyllite incaic inconspic hampers crucible crucibles contractional contradicted contradicting cloutier interlaminated interlocked paraffin meguna megagrap megaclasts perturb perttun lileand coronae noticeable apennines recombine appended 1555 syenodiorite syenogranite paleodictyon euxenite 1922 1923 1926 192os contributors outwards invariant supersaturated 112566 metasandstone johnson distinctions 1772 1778 177hf phosphoria configured configurations 7073 7079 70774 707429 keweenawan summarizing 2963 draws drawings drawdown mcmaster mcmarmac 563266 sodiumand juxtaposition testified testifying rectangles 7207 7201 720480 720249 720273 9400xp 980to akin aktog crest categorised dh1 dbpf davdar frieberg friedman frietsch gathering hlp hanley hamlet hamlyn hunter irece js1 klein lensoidal mccann mcclay mccrea mccracken mutually mengye menganson nsand pc1 pco2 pcigr sterger sterryite sheds tetley veneer walk walz waluba walraven warranted xiangshui xiangdala xiangquan δg0 ##utiite ##yernoe ##boli ##929 inhibits inhomogenous toxicity toxicological sakha quesnel philippines feotot carrillo carrizal hydrogeochemical subaqueous obliteration obliterates scandium microsize microscale cornell corridors travelled undulatory admission admixed surprising schoenberg discovering decimetres deciphers 1958 1955 triplet synclines inspected 233u δ34sstibnite 2473 pyrophanite hornfelsed excavated rietfon moravian 5406 44069 pseudomorphosed pseudomorphically geothermobarometric geothermobarometer 71887 lsg7 lsg1 automatic opportunities unpolarized fossiliferous filamentous filamentary elucidated sweeping bangonghu agglomerate agglomerated routinely slumped hectometre overestimated overestimates argentites 2eusn 7119 bnm bdl bd3 bd4 bdrcd bx50 bx51 bx41 cosmorhap crabtree celina celestite celadonite cabral creep cycling denghei easygresgrant fedj federal grove grota hp4500 hopaas hutti koillism koivula kurtz kursun kobbermine ldb ld2 ld6 ld01 locker mzq mzgo mzdq novosib renewal satellites sagain sagiang tongcun vrm vrch villamaninite xl3t ##slagen ##force ##hoogte ##hoek ##positional insertion inserted convex convective receives receiving stdgl2b summed compensation sadisdor shangni shoreline metagabbro metagrayw resolvably carbide hydrologic speaking interpolated intragranular intragrain subtropic subtraction paradise silesia aguas appearing 1577 157gd 1535 symmetrical schorls pt2fe2 pt2fec reequilibrated plumbotectonic optimum barremian 118sn insufficiently furnas 1325 wallrocks switch switching 176hf 1751 1755 semimetals chromititic puzzling puzzled cataclastically grinenko δ18ovpdb δ18ovsmow advancement guidui guidelines ##skiite replenished behaviours duricrusts porphyroclast centimetricto reconcentrated extruding linnaeite symplectites streaky peculiarities scandinavian flyschoid corroborate corroborating monochromatised 14nrs202 14nrs173 030620 511730 511859 511929 berger bergmann bergquist bergslagen ciobanu c2h6 cartoons dlmp dowex e07 e01 e08 e09 fontana gtk gt46 goniometer garlick garutiite gandun hudec humps humphris italic italian krauskop kraipaan lomonos m257 nac1 nacleq navarre punita qiushuwan rmd rosia rosell rosua rosenstengel rastering sasaki saskat smpaas stems taina tainolite ukraine ullmanite vg354 vg1200 vg3600 varanger witness witwatersrand yauli yingan ##marks ##hantuo ##banshan inwards convolute conducting beakers computerized chalice chalocopyrite chalapu chalokwu protection protected protective protects exerted exercise hawong hawley hawleyite hawkesworth sequestered sequesters sequestering sequestration restarted restored cukα1 spikes splayed splaying claoue assignments prefired enormously subbasin services meeting performing performance 2091 209bi arrival modestly bioturbation allocate allocating au2pd acceptor acceptable accidental 1593 settling paleogeographic paleogeothermal 121sb hematitised solovova solutes envisage pollutant 178hf devoided 16736 7038 7035 adjustment adjustable cataclasite malinovsky selvedges 32440 visualised loosely paulista drapes phengitic mcfinley mcfadden syntaxially 7700ce 1988a chevillotte unexplored unexpected destroys hindering reconstructions microdiffractogram benchmark kamenetsky megabreccias rudnogors microstructure metadolostones hutoushi kimberley adequate culmination culminating glycolation trondhjemitic ww08 attenuated 012781 2o29 3mg2 3mg3si2o5 araxa babi buoyancy cvz chemex chemostratigraphic chemocline cambro cambridge cambiado dc6 dx4 drove dionex elmwood fixes fixation gariepy gallena hhs hongge hongnip hongshishan hours hourly hammer hammered hammouda kretsch kornevo kotui kotzer kotulskite krienitz karelia kohler komatiitic lotze lottermoser ladinian liangdang ldh2 ldh3 ldh1 myers mpx mpodoz mimics mimetically mimicking meneghel nh3 nh4 ningzhen nasciment nominally nelshoogte ovacık peneplain pixcel piece practice roman rakvere s4d sentence senior senarmon siting sitchler sleeves skewed skeleton skeletal tagil uchi vigorous vastly waning wraps xplora ##bachian ##wickii ##refining ##enbeck ##oralkoxy covariance coodnamb coalescent stromboli stainless ##lumination ##iongdong mauritan antithesis sabot disintegration disintegrated disintegrating chapter ##abonne incongruously exhaustive queensland quenched quickly happens geomorphology geomorphological geomorphologically geobarometer sputtered premise premier premises electrode electrolyte electrorefining unavailability engines engineering entertained bastnaesite strategic leafed megaquartz perthitic 2016b oversaturated overridden 108796 slickenlines microporphyritic melanterite melanocratic melanorites schieferberg impermeability sheahan salvy paleoclimate desolvation 194pt 1950s optionally 1837 exponentially sapphirine supposedly dozen elders druses decrepitate permitting permissible softened emanation emanated emanating polysacchar maximize maximizing maximised glomerocrysts 70820 7052 responds simplification simplify simplifications catalao catalyst catalogued lancangjiang grasvally footnotes cervantite magnetotelluric viscous viscosity viscosities delimitated δ18оh2o tungstates dravitic dravites dravitization extractable 4393 hydroxyand hydroxyapatite hydroxyfluoride 716959 fs86b encouraging conventionally managem unrealistically submicroscopic 7500cs reconstructing ribeiro unsuitable unsupported unsuccessful hercynite manifestations inhibiting inhibitors jkpn001a metagreywacke centrifuged destabilize destabilizing destabilised 14nrs065 14nrs022 14nrs068 convincingly alexandrite iteratively japanese vulcanologia wurtzite xiaguanfang alpha1 metaturbidites biofilm 0131 2s3 2s4 2al3 2al6si6 2zn5 3ni2 7105 714626 8si6cl0 8si6o15 9mg2 achaean achondrite arif ariege avalonian avalonia awareness bhvo bhsm banbu banbanshan bird bossabut bonnetti cglo cg813c cro3 crocoite cags cagsr cizr cizv costagli costabonne dictated dictating ethylene ethanol fisher fouquet fougerous fungi fungurum getting gilg gilman glued glukhoe greek greece gobi gupta guposhan hsu hallmarks hokie hokkaido jobin jobyn jumping kingdom kutah lhs loris lorand litter loscol lisburne lisheen lentz lentoid louann loucks lynch lynxey mrc mrg menus menhouhou mclure mclennan miki mikulov nrf nrm naked nakamura odd odds ozdemir ozyernoe oeser pascal pasava piling pilot pandeli pandurra rgl4b rgstc rasimone rusk routhierite rouxel rajees rajapalot sgfz sgiker s5and social societe sterner sobotka sobolev tnso tolerant tolgoi tamlalt tamusu tangdan urn urubici vhx vhms winnowing winnipeg xnacl xnoliths yubdo yixun yixunite ##ymov ##ykina ##yagintsevite ##bugt ##6si6o12 insect insects innovation innovative isaac coulometry coulomb altaite altaid stationary bytownite mandate mandatory anneal anneals sudetic sudetes diaphrag discharging discharged churchite choulet chadwick shimazaki shimadzu protrude protrudes searle searches seasonal seasons hydromagmatic hydrometallurgy cuiaba george georisorse clarkina plurimetric pluridec ablations ablating unaccessible unaccompanied nexus nexion industrial industrially subareal subareas conserved conservative leptites leptynite niuititang niutitang nordre nordli pervaded pervading scs45 scs36 simonetti ag2co3 ag2so4 laumontite laumonier pokrovsky pokrovski underplated underplating escapes escaped recalls sl130 sl113 implosion implausible provoke provokes monthly postdeformational postdepositional mudflat mudflats 1960s explicit explicable bringing mattinson mattauer mathur mathieu reemphasize reemphasizing ignores ignored rupture ruptured 254uo2 flotation flotran oxybarometer oxybarometers wolframate wolframites drastically gayskoe ultramagnesian ultramylonitic ##azhuang jokum topographically topographical swimming bulgaria bulgunnia emitter emitting hornblendes hornblendites erlichmanite erlangping chromophores chromophorous ferralite ferralitic 1653 brookite 2639 endmember endmembers 707070 707025 milliliters universidad universidade catalyzed catalyzers weaknesses selenium selenuim grønlands grøndlands illinera illinnera diggings kangerluluk kangerlussua expectation austro austromineral mcphail mcphie cpy2 capture captured collapses collapsing 56fe16o auriat bc1128 bc1141 badenweiler brandt labrador labradorite anatolide anatolides 7100f damiaoite juneau 735b dilutes encircled encircling 04414 04415 511462 511475 autoclave autocorrelated huayu huayangchuan unevenly commencement sedgwickii casitio casitio5 spidergrams campaigns sd09830 sd09842 wetherill wetherwill recommends reprecipitate reprecipitated tuolugou tuolluvaara microdrilled microdrilling microdiorites vesicle vesicles dullstroom davidson lsg012 lsg011 wrongly paradoxical bolivian bolivia lusatia lusatian pq1102 pq1105 spraychamb karelianite covariations covariability stromatolite stromatolitic paleocontinents glomeroporphyric glomeroporphyritic 1000lnαcer 1000lnαwil chessboard chessylite diminish diminished telescoped telescoping urbanization isograds mazuelloid mazuelloids 0107 0666 1o29 2xfeooh 2as4s13 2cesn 2sb4s13 24si2 3661 3caso4 3sio2 43ca 4fe3o4 5ca0 5znco3 9al5 91488 9999 ahmed a6a a9a aχb arose auditable aikora a1772 alemao boggy bainiuchang besshi barely bortnik barents bidentate bnsz bombarding cwr catete custom cigano chedeville cepaas cvaas dn11 dv30 dziedzic drew dalba darcy danell dresnay doushantuo dumbea dudykina dutrow darnley dallmeyer dubitative drowning d707 dukouensis erokhin eagl ecemis eccentricities eichrom eibenst einaudi eckstrand ejecta eluvial eafz easterly eelya eburnean fbg froodite felipe fowler feco3 finsch farthest famous feneyrol fersman fusswink fankou filtration fwhmh fesem fastest fandeur gleeson godel gamma guest griffin geneva guttenberg grosso guemassa gachala gubelin gamba gailigong gossan gvozde garpenberg garcia gamsberg gifford gurboga hatch haggerty hulley huston hetzel hockley hogarth hthr holders hormoz hobart hmsz harker hungary hannington hierro hofstra hygiene hispaniola h4sio4 illumination iyzsz izmir iρiai iasz ippatit jahn jersey jaskol jowett jimenez jomda jiru jutting jachymov javoy jochum jadeite jeanpert jaspillites julivert jaguarete ksituan kwak kırık kedougou kidney kelupu ketris komolo kibaran kostov kasejovic kudryav kongqueya kersantite korea kryza kissin krusne kendjt kuanping koeppel kilauea kierovaara kamaishi kummuit khatun kasperske kjaarsgaard kechika kimban lmu lwtf leclerc libre lightest larnite lignite lundstrom lubricate lambert lualenyi lognormal lherzoltic lycian lustrino lustrous lechler ld19 lopez longevity mfk1 mingling moment mouat martin mumin mistaken mello merging mactung mckinstry mitsuishi mossi m127 miscommunication mentioning nz1 nisbet niggli nizhni nereites nanting niflheim nunatak nighttime nussir nicely nadeficit nurnberg nchanga ophitic ochre oubulage ohfuji okhotsk pagel prades pereval pouba pamir pudasjarvi payzac peritectic piaui pivotal ponded pictures peperitised pinches pajala pannonian petrackova pirajno pechanga pflugbe qitainling qlnf rrf ryton ransko rolled ruthenium rangla ravines razin rennell rssz svensen sattran sigma syringe senegal sipilou s00126 siedleck sisson sengor sotelo sanying sishichang sarah saccharoidal tzf95 tingri tacit tartan tassinari tadpole tapering tessellated tiaomajian tavsan torsvik terenos tarkwa tajikistan tatibinskaya tandem uttental utilised umean uofa uruguay vd22 vitro vidly vizualage vysotskite vibrations vredefort vessel vangorda ventilation vials vaugnerite vycor vladivostok wool wenlock witec waterand wagner wustite wirrda wudang wadjinn wutong wiedenbeck words xdl xbse x33 xjf xanes xiongera xipo xuanhanensis xmax xiongcun yacopi yudovich yuemei yegorov yindongya zipper zbh zxk zvyagintsevite zarman zagros zheri zhedang zapadno zigueline zechstein zientek γγo δ57feirmm δxxxhg ##upride ##lchemie ##d009 ##tgart ##budak ##vaporitic ##jirca ##temporaneous theriault ##timento inadvertent inaccessible ingredient ##olumetric ##olovka toplis topmost togeda thiviers thailand thiobacillus thalhammer withstood ##elastically isopaches isovolumetric connotations conjectural coppola coffinite couples coproduct coimbra coagulans deionized dewey forshammar fortunately aresonpyrite asphaltite astimex aspirated ashtray reverts rebelatto rejected reynolds reinterpreted reinforced altherr almalyk alikouss algeria al2sio5 algarrobo alenicheva stuttgart stubby stylolites stazzema starkly staudacher stagnant staircase stalactite bypassed beartooth beishagou maichuqing maubach mauthausen madison mahawat makkovik maastrichtian anchored antilles anciens ancaster answering atypical attractive attendant maghreb compartment computations compliments saumur samba sakhara sauconite savanna orlandi dipartimento diachronous diancang disabled distensive disqualifies disconformably distomodus disorganised dismantled dismissed disjunctive disagreement chumar chifeng chutas chardon charnockitic chavence chimalong chuanjing chappaz choulec chiclayo sharygin shreds shuttle shungite shirey shaxiongdong shcheka shmulovich proffered sullivan incubated exobatholitic exothermic sulfotelluride vendee onofre questa haplogranite hawaiian hauzenberger hahistu haolibao cronstedtite metastable metaborate metaevaporitic metachert metaconglomerate whitish whiteschist semblance seismic seeping searched sekarna september quartzofeldspath resurgence tequendama tepee telychian colquijirca colopietro phreatomagmatic fe2si2o5 cutoff cuproauride carvalho carnaiba carswell carpathians cartesian carpenter carmignani hydrofluoric hydrofracturing geikielite gehrig ge111 georessources geofisica granophyric evstigneeva spalled sparingly spiked splinters sphericity cloncurry plurality pliensbachian prevalence pretilt prendergast moyango abitibi abiotic uniaxial unprofitable untreated unnoticed unlimited unquestionable uncharted unlithified unzoned uninfluenced unanswered intercepted interquartile intermontane interchangeably nejdek indistinct indisputably presputtered encrusted enlarging enzymes imagery subarieal subophitic subprovince subeuhedral ##anghantan weixi wendurmiao lepretre lebedeva leguere lepidocrocite levigliani leydsdorp paroxysmal mendelsohn oberthur ni2sio4 norseman perpendicularly perfluoralkoxy perkinelmer 201960 armstrong sciex scraped scribner znpbsio4 bioleaching biophilic bioreductive biennial biomineralization birefringent bieliangjin caixiashan caexcess ca3al2 cawthorn lixiviation faunal fahlores distributes canberra regressing overwhelmingly overoptimistically overthickened twovol2 maymeicha skylark skutec sklodg ##olella heaviest henderson heulandite marignac marchesi marmorized marcassite marittima trajectory laznicka laohushan laurasia laoyanghantan laurentia laojunshan underscore undissolved undisputable adelaide adiabatic grezzoni gregorio pobeguin poieni povondraite surviving charcoal eskolaite estefania redundancy redbeds brevenne bremeno aputiteq recracked reclassified timofeeva sl139 sl140 slaaihoek slovakian textbook transbaikal transamazonian follmi upthrust upgrading upernavik postentrapment osterman osbahr osservatorio strazek microbeam microperthitic microlithon microvugs microchannels galkhaite mgcl2 schaltegger impregnation tectoglyph verkhnee verrucano treloar mononuclear monolayer shengla epizonal epidotized paleokarst plagiogneiss amambai amethyst ammassalik amitsoq desirable desborough equimorphic equidimensional irrefutable irrevocably baixintan baoxiangsi baishiquan ba136 baochun baiguowan baicaoping baiyunshan baijia bafokeng bajiazi baatartsogt dolgopolova pd4snas southwesterly postcollision sulphosalts decollements mantoverde 1930s brunauer bruxelles brittany bruneau brasilia mat261 outokumpu reevaluate remagnetize igutsait syncrystallization supradetachment coarseness barberton barreshagen sapropels goyllarisquizga arckaringa inselbergs definitively multiscale multifaceted multidomain steefel steenfelt doyuran elizavet nazionale na4al6si6o12 metasedimentry metasiltstones mesocumulates mesoscopically sericite40ar flincs florida florencite enrichedmantle drinkable druzy mapiquiroite gaussian interactivity ##ylvania wallaroo blagodatnoe spectrophotometer 309980 radiagenic spatiotemporally jinogondolella jinchuantang porpezite longzhongri swallowing wilberforce wildfires predisposition blackbird mukherjee luossavaara luozha polypropylene metallurgical pyrobitumen photoreduction photomultipliers stratovolcano polynomial intramontane nonferrous noneconomical nonfractured nonstoichiometric esmeralda erzebirge boynton boekhout boyarko degradation phosphorescent ferrobustamite ferronickelplatinum devitrification unimportant hyposaline gloaguen download 70903 70923 protocratonic subspheroidal potsdam rhuddanian malawi panulcillo lancelot gasbench thermohaline thermofisher thermoddem ratschbacher moravek morrocco nanofocus nanpanjiang nanochannels tributaries certified huanglongpu disproportionation viscoelastically viskupic delivery tennessee tschermak macrophotograph laboratoire chernogolovka metaquartzites logarithmic narchilla keratophyres turbostratic schwarzschild illustrative tetraborate tetraauricupride tetraferriphlogopite offcuts kristallchemie miranda konigsberger konigshain δ13cgrahite contemporaneity kangbugunba kanggurtag kangerluk penecontemporaneous pennsylvania zhmodik zhulazhaga paleoerosional 282508 tananaeva klapperkop incompatibly leucogabbronorite kairakty raedeke talcschists 555700 555900 dahlkamp daigangshan ducloux guiddoti guavio guardarraya guanyindazhuang capistrant omnipresent suspended suspension lamellibranchs sansegundo mdsg600 jiulongnao jiepailing bratislava roughrider montecinos 718326 717714 gondwanan 731944 739216 karamazar kupriyanova diluvium picroilmenite semicontinuous 0749l terrigeneous autofluxer autosampler cheqiongzhuobu burbankite soroako palaeophycus cadjebut chrysoberyl underestimation huakaizuo reconfiguration stereocontour strengthens 007980 jebrak jegdalek linzizong municipality wujiaping wuchiapingian commercial baksheev fibroradial grossularitic nbs981 ferrooxidans fastfloat tunkillia quadripolar bowersox wangyinpu anthraciferes mackinnon hexaferrum saxothurigian echinoderms fujigatani hyalopilitic hargraves qianjiadian sd9705 chataigneraie lavaflows fe3o4popymt macrofauna macrocrystals srm3133 khaltaro sxfivefe tuerlagen tornebohm pb2bi2s5 changpuqing bioavailable misinterpreting vesuviano unsurprisingly baccatoio bacterogenic fengzhishan herzenbergite kalatongke talvivaara inconspicuous megagrapton perturbation perttunen aktogai mengyejing xiangshuihe rietfontein 718878 bdrcdd009 cosmorhaphe koillismaa kursunlu kobberminebugt novosibirsk stdgl2b2 sadisdorf metagraywacke pt2fecu krauskopf lomonosov punitaqui saskatchewan rudnogorskoe hongnipo kretschmar kornevoe mpodozis nascimento senarmontite coodnambana mauritanide polysaccharides 2al6si6cl0 costagliola fougerouse fungurume kutahya lynxeye rajeesh diaphragm pluridecametric kangerlussuaq spraychamber bortnikov eibenstock fusswinkel fwhmhkl gvozdev jaskolskiite kırıkbudak kasejovice kudryavtseva niggliite pflugbeil siedlecka tavsanlı wadjinny quartzofeldspathic na4al6si6o12cl