[PAD] [UNK] [CLS] [SEP] [MASK] & ' ( ) , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z ´ µ º ø ƒ α β γ δ ε λ μ ν ξ ο π σ ω – ’ ##e ##a ##c ##h ##s ##u ##b ##d ##i ##v ##o ##n ##3 ##0 ##g ##t ##r ##m ##7 ##6 ##x ##8 ##l ##2 ##p ##f ##w ##k ##y ##q ##z ##j ##1 ##9 ##5 ##4 ##º ##ο ##ν ##σ ##ø ##π ##α ##ω ##β ##δ ##μ ##he ##te ##on the ##ti ##re ##in ##al ##nd of ##en ##er ##es in ##ar and ##or ##ic ##tion ##ro ##an ##ed ##it ##as ##ite ##is ##ol ##ation ##os ##ate ##id ##ly ##at ##le ##ing th to ##mp ##ul ##ent ##us ##oc ##ac ##el ##ith is de co ##tr ##ag ##ur with con ##ter al ##ve ##ure re are for be ##il ##ig as ##ow ##ati ##rom min ##lu ##ts ##her ##im ##ion ##eral ##ain from ##ot ##ated ##om ##iz ##ock by ##ph that ##ou dep ##se mineral ##ce an su ##ted flu rock se ##res ##ab gr comp ch ##ys at ##ther depos ##am ##tic ##pe ma ##cc ##art ##ich fluid ##ge ##et ##ment st ##od ##ere deposit te ##usion on dis ##ng or ##mal inc ##og ##yr ex ##if ##ad qu ##ver rocks pro sh ##op ##qu ##um ##ib wh ##th sul ##ition ##artz quartz ##uc ##pp ore form ##ide ##ost ##ine ##age ##ature ##ir ##ous ##ally ##amp ##and mag ##ten str this ##yd ha met ##ity ##all vol ##usions bas ##igh ##ass have res ##can zon ##red ##ations which ve ##ch ##ant ##ydro vein ##ary alter hydro samp ##ies ##ting cont ##old ##ut incl cr ##yrite deposits ##alc temp ##ore car ##ess cl ##ges ty alteration ##tite rel sulf ##rou occ ##ive ##erature volcan tr temperature were ##mati ##thermal hydrothermal ##ill pl ar ##able ab ##ues un occur ##orph di inter low ##ct ##aul ##ace ##les ##ong ##bon these intr ph nor fig figure ge ne ##pl was ev ##orite col carbon ##ization grain ind ##ri compos inclusions volcanic pre ##ence gold ##ved ##ize cons en faul pres ##ene ##ical ##ates ##ture isot ##ase bet ##ution ##ian ##tal fr size ##ip le ##ne ##we high ##ap betwe between sub ##mm show ##gh ##nt ass calc ##uring loc ##00 ##ome ##con ##for it ##so been ##ari ##iment samples composition during within ##ud gran also ##ater ##ites ##ast ##matic ##ull ##ay veins ##ative ##form ##low not pyrite ##hed ##itic ##arly ##ke ##ediment full par ##eld ##iti mass fe ob ##our fluids ##cent most colle may mar ##ized anal ##ata has ##yste syste indic sil per ##io whe rich ##iv ##olog ##st ##ra sediment ##ia mineralization me ##vel chl than minerals zone formation im ##iff ##tern ##ang ##ose ##ron ##tin ##oci sulfide system type val diff ##mb associ data can ##ale li comple colleag colleagues ##ides bre ##av frac sou over rep ##pper ##hem ##est sim ##ers gen ##gges sugges reg magmatic more ##ard but image cor ##isation ##ments ##fic lar main crys ad ##to resul ac late sc ##ak contain ##pec mod ##ree fault ##ack ##olution ##ue bel vari ##ens ##tures ele typ us simil some tw pb mic we brecc where ##out ##ans sp comm complex other ##rog ##tered he und prec sulph chlorite age ox zones ##ange distr bot ##ction ##ogen ##duc temperatures ##ick sal ##uld stage ##ral two gre ##erite common along metam ##ces there dol analys ##ound ##ope porph metamorph lower isotop carbonate similar ##ell no she mi struc ##min ##lud stud table cu early ##sion massive associated ##opyrite ##centr ##par ##ole ##ign concentr rec conten ag differe ##ific ##ist 20 ##ied ap bio both ##un ##raph ep rati ##ser ##ield ##are ##dition ##act acc ##ff ##els grad silic values ##ism ##ll all related ##und region ##round grains under ##cted dolom area po pr host br obser calcite ##tive ##ight pos sy ##tall ##ros ##row dom sour large ##ond porphyr am sign they biotite ##rox mineralisation ##aring how deform maj ##ough isotope ##tim ##ating ##ber char ser ##ort magm ol into formed geolog isotopic major imp equ flow ##olite app ##ents repres part ver ##aus ##ach ##ame ##rough au sl ##ever grained up basin ##ord metal however ##velop ##cess ##try sample only trans altered range sur mel thick ##ages ##thern arc tim ##ium ##per includ hos ##ically es ##ove bearing ##acter such unit ##ular ##ably ref about ##one ##ust ##cl ##pb ree bar develop south ##ance character ##pre ##mbl their north asse sequ intrusions ##2o repl basal sedimentary ##den relative crystal 10 zir ##onic intrusion zircon assembl consis ##ris ##ms ##land ##veral ##ases ##hemical iron ##igin origin ##acement phase ratios geoc tre wall ##sib ##inity ##sen ##osed ##oid dolomite bl shear ##roup through base micro copper fol abund observed prov km smal ##rys prim faults small hig exten ##ipit precipit mafic deformation ##tain ##nite sulphide enr ##phal porphyry ##ould ##que well general ##ob tex chalc occurs domin sphal ##zo magne fels ##ble ##ised ##tur felsic sphalerite des granite belt bod orog ##sure ##ath alth although ##hib compositions lim process el ter group minor sr those one disc evid out fraction regional ##li breccia ##ail different orogen ##aw several post ##ile ##ffe ores diss present like ##ibution interpre signific magma ##zoic arsen fine less rh mine indicate pressure ##ward ##ido bec ##ross ##enetic ce tect incre corre source salinity very upper contact af cent ##ren ##atite hosted chalcopyrite red contents mix ##ves ##gin ##ocl sequence significant ##lo expl strati distric ##ep ##kes ##yrox ##astic concentrations hom mat sk rem water primary ##ount relations analyses trend plu ##graph ##ented grade ##vi ages ##ual ##me dec ##elds found contin magnetite ##ork lead sti ##tical ##ogenic possib refle higher ##hip eu ##ho ##ines ##arn ##ok inf ##orted emp close cle hor ##ately ##ov scale using ##ditions ##ause spec contr metamorphic ##ility inclusion 19 co2 contro ##cond margin evidence do its ##fore ##ala brecci crystals locally lith ##50 fluorite ##matite ##assic near commonly der ##rite prob ##uch rhy conditions set ##hedral op wt systems relationship felds ##der coar second sulfides types study tectonic fold pat dy ##ities man ##ined represent due ##ither ##asts calcul crystall same ##tial ##aced produc mainly ##tural fill ni strong epido field hal pyr ##olved stri ##ient ##tiv ##own deposition relatively stratigraph epidote gal three distribution time feldspar crus model after ##ark consid ##ena ##erous whereas ##cr ##ial fac mon ##ane ##ited section separ ##ered syn oliv district 18 ##itoid ##oly ##action because deter central ##iocl ##gen stock homogen bed olivine ##ub ##ram ##ory granitoid much ##hen so coarse ##abb local fin ##ived ##pear based seric later ##ters ##ilib ##pping hematite ##ons above aver ##sive ##ie prop arsenopyrite derived ##ince follow ##acl mant ##astern ##tent suggest pattern ##usive generally galena ##oun results fo ##ced normal gener content correl band ca andes probably gabb rare import developed num phases addition amp ##lying ##ocene la would northern elements ##up def plag meas structures dissolution empl ##amin equilib ##rho ##reg ##je ##hemis stib pyrrho ste δ1 ##ret could plagiocl pyrrhotite precipitation ##queous plagioclase ##lis apatite appear ##rystall ##hemistry diag units abundant stibnite displ ##adi level southern average ##estern ##aces ##pect disse ##atures used ##quid liquid assemblages ##yroxene dissemin ##crib measure aqueous ##duction amphib sol depth oxy barite facies ##inc showing differen interpreted ##af ##idual determin ##bod orebod neg therefore decre mid ##tric ##amb ##rix located result studies matrix ##tle ##xim initi analy activ cross compar east tra dire replacement eastern fl ##anges chrom ##aceous surf estim extension ##kal ##omal anomal ##vious sericite 12 imm ##anging consistent many important mo ##ise top mineralog intrusive body 100 40 er lens sch solution carbonates shows ##alle ##enite event geological breccias gabbro dr pe ##the ##ors sulfur metamorphism describ processes chemical iden ##esis ##rop alb ##quent arg presence element black likely ##ift shall ##tained enrich ##allel ##ozoic shale env shown ##pective ##sm ##yl ##ish plan shallow ##ittle fractures typically plut disseminated ##sr ##enn seaw inten oxid assemblage dykes occurren silicate lay wide ##uan ##val ##edi ##cep supp forming partic seawater fore ##iss alkal cut mg crustal mantle compris ##iron lod pale coe suggests geology including vms occurred activity ##ina distin contains ##rowth oxygen gl ##ran plot sediments fur ##cts ##sed ##ness reported melting dominated setting environ 11 bound ioc ##pped iocg ##inn ##iched evolution ##ared trace enriched textures mixing least recrystall ##berg secondary enrichment mv mus inv ##ains structural ear west zn ##tif respective surround ii si ##iferous hy ##tit ##ather new parallel analysis geochemical effe ir ##work orogenic you ##cov ##ained moder approx patterns described examp obtained open young approxim radi ##istic further muscov ##zed indicates silver 30 few basement discus bor fir volum complexes mount western ##omic muscovite ##han ##ric ##ones ##ink mineralized constr below calculated mvt first if kn ##dle total crust por sand ##ually typical thickness rhyolite strike mes ##ales ##ental conc mark 15 exp features ##arent characteristic controll 50 long ##wall ##ulation ##ama frag contrast giv pt possible ##ded ##rob prog cen hist var previous leach melt horn δ18 respectively 200 limest h2o ##omp ##ration thin thus clasts suggested poin trending cret sill ##ao ##ified record ##rown consists cretaceous pd any variable affe pet ul ##pr ##other association transp development fractionation ##atter whole adj 25 line rap ##az ##oph ##pond ##wa ##tially stages ##eren abs fracture emplacement tur ##anic det ##sequent super ##respond correspond foot ther core ##ounts surface 13 around bro end sing ##hron ##ox ##asing ##rium ##apor chlor poor foli drill pot ##cy ##ute ##itive ##olyb homogenization identif molyb ##rograph determined δ18o molybden 000 back each pred yield highly perm euhedral rb ##de ##lets ##ogn meth bodies relationships either fact na ##ear ##man ##lastic ##ft ##tig ##erred ##tral compon controlled cav los tu tin ##tero characterized ##loor approximately radiogenic known light ##ots ##olites ##acent metall ##wards ##34 ##ression ratio reduc detail single method ##terozoic mill ##most deple ##ccess sty parts sulphides metals far nacl oce pge stand basalts adjacent four ill phen ##pm ##ided ##abir itabir include stratigraphic initial fer ##ald ##ules areas ##vers strongly ppm ##idge deep success clin sources magmas intense garn pol xen ##greg conf compared green structure recogn silica equilibrium alkaline ultr garnet tak ##lic recent litholog considered amphibole albite changes white ##rial overl greis amounts transition dominant continental our ##onal thr trond containing standard mate ##yll magn plate indiv province ##lier material bo bul ig int ##atic assum block ##jem ##hjem ##tend ins metas sche oxide clearly measured environment individual growth work ##ctr ##tine ##ank cool order crystallization trondhjem lamin ##ling map resp ##stone variations electr note ##unite broad med ##here comb being sele intern preser parag continu granitoids middle comparis earlier greisen caus dens vary ##tile ##olith ##irc veinlets weak consider distinct intro respon 14 jas py ridge sw ##rad ##pers ##ertain ##osph place events when ##blend diagram orebodies ##amafic hornblend ultramafic bi ##ctive ##ven ##onite phosph 206 apparent basalt proposed ##prin pala δ34 ##ger inves ##olcan value overprin cord skarn reflect argill foreland given palae δ34s investig lack ##west ##ky ##tions shales composite throughout ##theast molybdenite cur brittle geochemistry bands ##lision volume 206pb dac nd ou ##ae ##onian ##omin ##ams extend ##qui ##anda diorite various slight interpret mt ##ocrys ##opyroxene even miocene mineralogy hornblende vers toge ##omer spati number ##afloor ##olcanic together had ##gl ##jo then ##ties see resulted ##2o3 zircons display fragments bulk comparison non ##au ##amond unc concentration flows horiz occurrence ##ediate affected trondhjemite latter vie ##uted ##bre ##ving ##hes ##oric ##ists ##atur collision series extensive increase defined trapped 300 mul ##field noranda correlation direct footwall foliation identified ##lite ##its maxim across grey microp filling phenocrys versus ben upl ##ael ##ffic crat ##ometry overlying history microprob genetic summ excep poten equiv basaltic example succession density microprobe mer rather ##lies tri intrud subduction marine resulting epither negative limestone electron epithermal 87 reac ##izing chile geod composed brine observ cements 199 control lode internal free since ##hyd ##over ##ences ##isting ##neiss location ##io2 filled bornite predomin ##glomer cm doc poly will ##vail ##ni ##king ##reme ##ased uni ##neous accord represents timing steep chromite surrounding igneous 86 ba hanging spect isoc peri cement schist itabirite 21 sit ##ances deg conglomer ##ressive deposited ##umines ##ible larger isotopes halite turb slightly 39 ax sm san ##cu alum magmati granites ##akh analyzed multi situ zinn ##wald ##ins mineralised fluor ##ogene indicating suggesting aggreg influ medium magmatism zinnwald ground sn ##ug ##ished ##eth orient should subsequent indicated soft introduction maximum period case pu ros ##teoric ##tra ##ability forms meteoric replaced possibly does mig pyroxene ##eng ##oration dev strain dip interm planar marked chemistry ##du ##vis ##anite ##isc phyll memb 204 accomp appears levels lenses sills cooling selected phenocrysts 500 cass circ dating mm pri dipping mostly original 204pb prior del ##less interaction position terr characteristics accompan 70 move nature reaction exhib proxim ##chan volcanism noril volcaniclastic ##tinolite variation ##sible thermal triassic gneiss kris nar ##iller phot subs ##time following boundary style craton hill mn ##cur ##ty ##aled ##alus ##iterite ##osity ##ularly ##elite tech ##verse interg ##ried mechan micros vertical folds stockwork beds simp younger ##tineberg kristineberg narrow 22 ga ho here hand myl ##itite ##hest coun reve exper perv analysed deformed stratigraphy potassic cordiller cassiterite wor year ##ding china restric interval nevis slab abundance followed solid avail go os ro ##altered dem ang seafloor ##conomic granitic older increasing final andesite point component according fab tonal ##ix ##inite ##olitic ##ley anhyd unaltered diame geother evolved acid significantly analytical flat preserved uplift 86sr fabric dil nod sb ##uas them ##ann change ##ibuted carbonic underlying decrease estimated constrain rapu lumines ##asive deb stable ##ograph altern places consist ##ification ##obil discussion recorded thrust pervasive cy dark vapor ##of often ##umul ##rian positive provide outc inferred sections scheelite responsible ero ##volcanic ##ld ##tire towards island entire ##ology orebody effects taken 39ar techni kim lav pap ##ien ##temp diamond ##avi genesis actinolite porphy pressures produced generation extensional oxidation caused univers tonalite duc fre pi rim ranging tit ##40 ##oles minim epis syenite 40ar layers equival 87sr aggregates world diameter 16 35 bur cree d2 dated ##ially disting org ##opro zoning dikes ##formation ##edimentary concentrated access ##onstr comprises leaching permian turbid demonstr ductile distingu cases ##log ##ult alp ##rome ##arth residual carried class adak active slip reef margins solutions irreg detailed interpretation uncertain intermediate restricted down jur kh must nw use ##bs ##ground ##ense ##rocl ##acts concl requi ext extr constit complete studied ame melts geochron precipitated dissolved representative hyc potential predominant luminescent pac pel wides zinc ##ple interse collected elev metamorphosed highest clear monz pluton previously petrograph magnes available anhydrite jurassic 45 gang ##sor ##by conver ##ime shri ##aps greens old ##pread sequences negro tuff methods recognized mercur ##ength mechanism widespread shrimp 23 bism hard mc sin ##iorite ##atuan tour before mina seg state distal shap ##chist ##gest pref canatuan grades basins barren northwest explain emplaced ##lished modern spectrome mercury ru ##cop ##ustr almost orth ##ude ##stones porphyritic textural layer particularly lodes mesozoic progressive cavities clinopyroxene devonian creek ##oproterozoic 60 ka lo pass ##not ##ying ##zation ##enesis ##rove ##ital ##oss ##ocus ##truc allow alunite ##ress strata clastic compositional diffic ##aneous numerous planes ##ophys movement hook outcrop 250 ti ##ring detr sem cha contamin models exploration halo plutonic occurrences yielded depleted lithologies ##rade docum cordillera extreme gangue dam tenn ##ays ##uk ##nam ##ful ##orp ##ational reser resid const ##formed massif princ largely abundances striking differenti differences anomaly anomalies mineralogical sandstone view years university documented princip date little pic sid ##7pb though ##aby basis plots entr regard ##pecially usually especially homogenisation peak reduced d1 epp fav focus gu native tell tark zr ##water ank suite clus sulfate northeast carboniferous cannot 207pb account limited ##awala mixed reflects bedding direction transport horizon member eppawala 26 bene link pit pyrox ranges ta ##read ##rent rele ##omag respect contacts carbonatite serp majority ##ordant wallaby arsenic separated normalized immisc supported superg terrane accompanied pipe kaol 17 400 flo lies rift ##led ##where off compression ##ometric partial adv dolomitic chromitite schists invol ocean degree episod organic greenschist detrital tellur tarkwa beneath 150 economic id sio2 vs ##ean ##eous ##grove ##ached ##set made ##ibility while formations inters oxides ##ickel salob ##olei texture closely coex intruded hillgrove country kimber kaolinite salobo mol pop ##ape ##hean ##inities tholei dete chang ##aria amount ##like specim err particular effect discussed ferr conglomerate debris minimum irregular nickel rif µm ##astal ##iden coastal al2o3 ##lue ##omorph tempor unlike greater brines weakly observations paper equivalent elevated bang pina ry trough ##bed ##rated ##tiary ##ceed tetra arch again signature archean hosts smaller tertiary waters 18o δ13 diagenetic measurements ##ambrian coeval recrystallized rosh accessory constant serpen bangur pinah brown ic overal rot tens ##ba ##gite ##way ##enting ##asite seen uncon contribution ##uping comparable trapping overlain orientation experiment nodules erosion alpine siderite overall gas jo las lher pink qin δd ##vo ##tian dist exs quan clast volcano systematic ##ological mean canad largest noted agree immedi hyp exposed absence oceanic multiple lherz immediately cat did ed ppb ##co ##ck ##cting ##2s ##ont ##atible ##ador space siliceous included calculations glass cavity xenolith ##fficient except isochron difficult δ13c qinling cal fres hot role ##cut ##ning ##ka ##ination ##arp ##idation took beh proterozoic perido propor banded crosscut involved porosity illite illustr jasper current ##ethys 33 f1 pg ##ton ##lied ##ising ##iscan ##osp ##odiorite loch overg heat amethys dyke stocks variscan rapid corresponding metasom metasedimentary ankerite aur fall ms pile μm ##sh ##enites ##orm ##olated mining ##yric interc evapor ##orites presented ##hedrite extent explained remain cleav specific comprise moderate examples ##omicrograph loss polym proximal photomicrograph mylon tourmal ##namic flood tetrahedrite bu ble blue har path yang ##air ##iented ##mr ##ja ##antite conve ##ety orefield ##chuan clar clay inde marble weather includes else andesites depths ##erence poorly tung laminated spatial fluorine cyc tennantite 80 ke ##ler exh plane marc salinities represented ##overed fractions districts reflected separate varies jaspers bajo circulation burial principal icp peridotite amethyst weathering 27 29 350 cp length mil s1 ##uous inte information ##tst tend ##ques encl ##nta aguas geologic upward increases 187 rarely equilibration solub difference xeno assuming geodes exhibit predominantly damang intersti fresh caul pure ##end ##dron ##ients ##arael isolated ##iform pros dike induc subvolcanic mica signatures hosting brecciation product mgo million recently paragenetic investigated spatially directly porphyrocl amec elsewhere interstitial cauldron ##araelakh aqu earth mac ##ner ##nian ##ony ##acted mineralizing anhedral gra oriented ##ifer ##iber parti siltst still 198 folding separation bedded generated surfaces estimates erup metallogenic broadly kharaelakh kimberlite changba xenotime 600 das led lmr raf satur ##ua ##oy without exceed ##ipher ##itization ##stand domain auth elong homogene decreasing anomalous factors argillic reveal titanite shaped cand ri ##eper ##tky ##heng cores sharp occurring interf phys necess ##apment regime variety partly primitive tecton define petro ##oxi dacite summary geotherm ##tempor bismark thought entrapment tholeiitic error rytky rafael aus bore ecu jin net woxi ##gy ##line ##path ##iter ##istral ##ats depend seams chann short zoned ##ching locations magnetic orogeny additional environments conclud ##azite therm depletion lavas sinistral archae solubility ##temporaneous austral ecuador five lab now ray vent ##bar ##20 ##western ##ora ##roph reas dispers div peripher ##avy ##pected belts variably shee ##una species lateral amphibolite chloride components varying summar techniques magnesium segment spectrometer contamination ##omagne bath fil her ling ##cri ##sation ##arge ##itude ##ulations contemporaneous ret ##iling compatible attr ##ami exc shape ##ands zonation need colour faulting subhedral ##atively feature ##ueb sulphur fields generations step support ##ranular recrystallisation ##brera alumbrera intergrown distinguished idri partition dates might pene ##aj ##cence ##ns ##pic ##ken andean ##osing ##osure ##ulated ##elaria cover sea metres volati resear granodiorite obli perme sedimentation contained essen elm groups monazite lake distinctive glen boiling continuous outer agreement intercal cleavage claras porphyroclasts candelaria idrija 24 cher dunite est eden log pse s2 sites tal wid wil ##equ ##hand ##aries ##anced ##ision ##ostr cobre rees exch existing uniform geometry martite others saline termin lesser separates oxidized boundaries sandstones ##cynian assumed ##augh steeply converg serpentin catacl boreh jinchuan pseud away best cre pow penn round ##ah ##bul ##ious ##xt ##ynamic ##til deeper consequent mines incorp ##allon resour sulfidation trail never southeast ##pects spread heavy discre increased remains remobil andesitic topaz cutting paleozoic earlies surrounded potass farallon combination punta ##duce turbidites constitu unlikely unconform marcasite homogeneous earliest 31 gams hut ion ice jian malus pent pub um via waul ##ches ##back ##med ##pite ##ening ##ict ##tional ##atory rey mined interl intra colum enc ##ney ##ario feed peru meters heating bott apophys terms evident flank constrained limestones confir paragenesis continued seems angle intersection ##sortian pico rifting archaean retrog penetr estab potassium malusok waulsortian 1a cer camp cumul dome pas ##haps ##sc ##ote ##inian ##ants ##ask coinc antim expected former plat subm obvious perhaps precambrian ##landite provides despite intens points preferen immiscibility canada authors oblique ##ostrati pentlandite 90 bir daugh hund l1 wol ##has ##bur ##bles ##nw ##rate ##60 ##inous ##elly ##imin ch4 ##etres evap better ##iston understand ##ordin times ##oidal afric infill rhyolites depositional 120 forebul polished swar pump constraints frequent differentiated advanced temporal tourmaline batholith hutti bottom ##ostratigraph daughter hundred 3a 75 chen fim fund hence il mal ##hydro ##bic ##fe ##ining ##eron andalus repe mapping ord extern indio calcites ##itised ##angan precious implies slic characterised microther ##turally ##lie displacement ##ambres settings corresponds background styles confined axis pelambres xenoliths milky siltstone australia hercynian pennine rounded antimony fimiston andalusite goss h2s morph prom ##ump ##mine ##lot ##zing ##argite ##ito ##itch ##och condu ##etall ##ogran stra sampling ##matitic unus diat enargite ##itized indicat differ lie spher ##mines determine ##rystalline widely 115 silvermines mountain combined apparently reactions outcrops ##uki polymetall microtherm polymetallic aff hø mangan nb pur site sod ##ze ##14 ##ilic ##romite ##imian stron crack occup arr nearly ##mme ##itisation images moreover belong hete silicates domains olig reference southwest replac provided ##vie crystallized absent thrus diagrams horizons hangingwall influence gneisses adakite joh metasomati cycle reason taln trails apophysis birimian ##ellyite pumpellyite cheni eib last pueb rise side sami talc ##30 ##80 ##yan ##isten ##ured reverse another ##tically star collo showed granular partially modified ##rogene trends emphas crystalline liquids initially drilling ##manus groundwater migration good completely pacmanus passive haloes coexisting specimen induced filam essentially heterogene talnakh samiuki colloform 700 che certain dou em ipb kot pges pron sense ##ik ##ipp ##go ##rup ##mass ##mented ##ko ##arbon ##itted ##atit ##cend chond produce whale break similarly silicic plume nearby products additionally estimate plotted portion fragment intensely reactiv uncertainty conclusion required monzonite orthopyroxene supergroup lherzolite river ##pathic intercalated consequently ilm whaleback dri gar hel k2o latit mobil wa ##ument ##upl ##70 ##inal ##ana ##isted beam ##imil ##ressed ##odal ##ird having hydrothermally porphyries consisting mixture reflecting finally ##ieved cao recrystallization iii ##ways magnitude laminae palaeozoic outs freezing groundmass simple rims pyroxenite liese tarkwaian distance behavi interes graph sheeted attributed chert external gossan ilmenite bould kil land sel ##hti ##son ##ned ##gd ##rus ##more ##wise ##arine ##isite ##osilic ##ings ##imodal suites ##abar ##ydal volcanics left feo meg great applied reduction ##lications blocks viejo exception conclusions extremely ferritch harz labor exchange published retrograde submarine intensity wolf forebulge ##ostratigraphic høydal pueblo ##istence ferritchromite bif bimodal cause cinn kay neron oph pal pan rio ton tio2 ##sten ##di ##ta ##liden ##ind ##als ##enst ##estion ##orth conven ##omm ##phase sets ##ogram ##addle rese veining relation phlog ##atest subordin ##ralan ##aren ##times equation ##obile limb discordant correction possibility ##hores rhyolitic ##ramite plutons alkali coeffic ##rowths six furthermore borralan polar response extends isochores influx phyllite microscop revealed dilution entirely load reserves calib evaporation tungsten eibenst outside wolframite phlogop coefficients eibenstock bord kine ram uwa ##aque ##sch ##div ##icular conse recon ##iong ##amber ##pend prof until leuc subdiv assimil sometimes ##ansfield unde ##ducted bransfield descri fractional ##mec ##alahti folded monte dominantly phosphate fabrics geochronology residue exsolution systematics photomicrographs petrolog peripheral width convergence interlay kotalahti cinnabar descrip fpic lad lree nam uk vic ##hnite ##nes ##pit ##kari ##ese ##rope ##attered third ascend sukari grav chamber styl hydrogen sampled caraj interbed neves golden ##contin whether breves ##hemically corvo precise distributed underground bright charlot imply microc limit postd remo ##ounced mountains prograde centime na2o transitional dacitic observation geothermal ##bster pacific tuffs clusters population rotation auriferous network divided ##omagnetic pronounced chondrite subordinate carajas charlotte 32 bbic eocene ire iber lu men saddle tub ves vis ##ai ##ih ##ier ##ood ##mes ##put inher ##rock tow toward coupl ##igenetic asy sufficient ##etre excess critic closed play prehnite enhan calcium ##arily pers performed ##raz precision ##igned ##unn tren ##oids shears corrected opaque production half normally ##rett displays ##ambers moore peg ##theastern greenstone standards conglomerates alumin room demonstrated petrography petrographic rutile necessary research boreholes discrete cerro frequently john ophi consequ ireland bari cf d3 f2 kbar lines paren smec ##dish ##iable ##na ##ry ##fte ##tium ##enced ##ency ##roy ##anc ##osk ##ula cour ##aging rev antic chambers make stress clath traced phyric ##rie ##ritic envelop epigenetic poien precipitates fractionated become redox reddish remn decay leading marginal opal tectonics youngest concordant metalliferous overlap schematic overprint axes ##cua subsequently technique useful linked involving ##omorphic laser pgm permeability resources pascua manganese ##view filaments conventional interbedded asymme smectite poieni aure ail eq hyd kar lø ok pore sen ten uran wed ##ex ##kken ##arc ##osite ##lefte ##ellow ##eluping ##ellefte stret shad ##umulation coll scen mile agate bioz accumulation silicification surve proven ##liuping stratiform skellefte stratigraphically decrepit immediate comprising moderately ferro seem collisional successions dips proximity subsid layering tieluping cluster quantit yangliuping aquifer partitioning gamsberg platform repeated strait strontium oligocene metasomatism heterogeneous boulder removed parental løkken 3b 800 bub day give hf hole iris je nne oper siber ##sum ##ior ##oa ##oured ##mix ##lified ##yre ##10 ##tific ##rees inner input ##orts covel ##uration ##izes chim ##tening ##ctu ##ctor color subver 208 ##unction syenites ##cline originally ##hibao elats centre lithosp finn ##ennian center centers histogram clino overprinted mylonite ##ographic lava constitute progressively exhal dashibao exclud volatile column phlogopite vicinity iberian coupled critical barium irish covellite elatsite 34 bal dense hree lamp mp mud miss natur pip rates tro vel vise yellow ##num ##fr ##yp ##tead ##ancy ##olid ##acer always fluctu ##geb proper proble quartzof ##ighted contour ##illed suba subje calcic ##arities ##udes indicative ##anga webster chlorites amy slates referred discovered outl ##eldspathic europe modeling correlate correlated importance peb ##yllite instead considerably skarns argillite geode focused tellurium channels feeder understanding ##ogranite diatreme affinity ##oskarn visean quartzofeldspathic 28 38 aut ber braz cin d4 eng ju jia lj pul rad right rlic s0 tight venting ze ##sw ##bi ##ierite ##wh ##went ##yond ##zi ##rel ##inent ##ols ##olute ##ulate beyond ##igan ##heric gray ##odac discontin added spin spar precur shearing cuts apart underwent synt ##ovec replace destruc limits cemented brecciated rhyodac volumes absolute recognised lithological considerable situated phyllic distinguish supergene compressional crosscutting saturation incorpor ##hydrox prominent ##diamond inherited enhanced wedge scenario amygd brazil act biocl cap fair just latest nald rhen scan xiong yet ##iar ##iocene ##no ##tus ##ma ##mitted ##zgeb ##ontal ##erial ##iding ##ulin ##ush conne segreg question ##irge meta volcanogenic pliocene lowest geophys span sheared ##mineral accur gradient sourced representing terran uppermost manus synvolcanic localities laterally propyl correlations appearance oxyhydrox moulin erzgeb ##theless overprints cordierite dacites fluoride orientations simplified intervals angular diamonds horizontal episodes against experimental proportions nevertheless constituents established evaporites spherules resemb assimilation mention clathrate stretching siberian ##oaia pipes troct naldrett erzgebirge 42 6a fail ide ml nav pog rand run sed tm ##cher ##iation ##turing ##anfe ##let ##ura attemp exoskarn quite shift plati unmineral ##iang ##apura assess ##ometer marbles means ##ronous ##ension similarities salanfe dolerite structurally recovered ##unc regionally text patches fo2 equilibrated identical centim linear potentially microsc goeth porphyrob oldest episode proportion mylonites key physical preferentially fundoaia morphology thrusting undeformed ladinian uktus senapura 208pb terranes pogo random aiti bag bank gi gou parent slow ##ares ##h2o ##oz ##ging ##titic inver intim ##orge ##ories ##athe too ##ulf ##ocite ##acu conform rehe ##igranular mineralising onto disl existence metav trunc ener front ##ometers ##ford fe2o3 analog ##anged valley fracturing heated accumul underg among implications thickening northwestern originated trem wallrock microb precipitate explo explan matter remained plung ##ovic deriv 188 argu argon oxidizing ##issipp paleomagnetic exposure superp 13c overprinting exhibits frequ extracted geochronological detection specimens experiments indeed serpentinite driven garne laboratory kinematic recons centimeters subvertical mississipp natural propylitic navan microscope goethite aitik metavolcanic 05 37 5a call cath cacl ec ghan kg rav sis sap sans vi yb ##uth ##br ##dad ##iting ##gan ##rb ##fl ##kins ##jirc ##ering ##ara ##orogenic ##ice ##roduc ##asi ##isian ##olving ##osition ##acrys isop ##ago review ##imension ##seafloor ##abil ##eto ##odynamic disap exam ##ade qual quad proced shor ##charge traces colqui ##ians leached highl subseafloor ##stan ##rae scattered micas hematitic grading domes isotopically equigranular applic arcs microdiamond chalcocite ##zoisite probable pyritic feldspars localized gabbros ##jection determinations immobile layered glob marks turn factor takes plateau pyroph members 160 mcrae telluride contributions hypot edge 187re 187os summarized wiluna ##handao conduits microthermometric started siliciclastic reactivation latitudes megacrys interlayered description stylolites ailsh survey clinozoisite properties precursor bagdad ##athered disloc undergone tremolite frequency ghana sapro sanshandao ##jirca colquijirca pyrophyllite 2a 240 dimension floor fug gari hcl kol liter ot oroy pack rough rob tes vap wood zheng ##sund ##dh ##ores ##nary ##ged ##tice ##inces ##ico ##ita ##lex anti suit ##ado ##opl quartzite ##irt assigned accep mode somewh spaced underl ##roscop southwestern provinces ##oclinal monoph follows approximate porous lineations identify millim itabirites workers intrude rosia photograph alternating alternatively demonstrate 238 semi differentiation regarding released immiscible populations detected ##omorphs aurora mylonitic bleached convection convective saturated thermodynamic ordovic 1158 trench revsund provenance bubble cinovec mentioned platinum energy disappear quadr fugac literature oroya somewhat monophase ordovician 1b 7a 84 95 drop ddh eight ham hess lath mor nuc rate spl vug viter way ##dan ##gar ##xtral ##litic ##tist ##alu ##alts ##enes ##eric ##idic ##aty dextral cop ##trically ##vec aspects anorth ##abas grab chines ##ifted ##ops ##opyrox ##ctonic evalu carbonaceous reproduc preced preclud dolost similarity ##elling accomm graded silicified ##ismic upon bars replaces ##lands km2 term coarser crushed diagenesis ##adily determination mesoproterozoic program leachate transported permo reducing miller phenom poles distinctly phosphorites chilean controls markedly reefs uncertainties ametist segments reservo remaining independ concluded remobilization encoun unusual sodic cracks array doub raman aureole biozone lithosphere england amygdules fairly cacl2 procedure gariep hessite viterliden chinese accommod ametista reservoir 85 bn bin bak cren crop fly lying nnw osm pen past pheng sus svec tor targe xr yao ##eb ##ca ##iomorphic ##xial ##zir ##tities ##rec ##ened inst ##eden reach ascent anc supr extin prot what closure relic ##illo intracl obtain variability heavi salt americ appro wallace ##turned lithostratigraphic ##ief generate describe ##ropri opening portions fractured yields instit palaeopl investigation curve extending ##overy axial zinnwaldite gave experien alternative cycl titan ##arthur classified ##roclastic mechanisms mcarthur shapes ##ossil pyroxenites offset quantities illustrated pgms enclosing elongated ##nship swarm indicators ##osilicate subdivided township asymmetric jezir chimney lamproph spinel incorporated rhenium geophysical derivation sisters isopach suitable disappearance nucle independent flysch osmium penins experienced jezirka 46 bse fam nine pair rans til tunn wnw ##cala ##ses ##raction ##limin ##zcala ##ji ##orting ##ises ##atab ##ochemical ##ocarbon ##elf alread real rework ##omb seismic compe chap stre ##uminous ##illow unmix neu prelimin framb subpar notably mezcala southeastern ##ards believed shel slope basinal geochemically dominate becom explos decomp specular producing synch disseminations eventually concer metallogen clinopyrox materials book greisenisation pyroclastic extensively snow bismuth preferred favor relev release carbonatites chromitites temporally hypogene ##ospheric prospect macro geothermometry conclude confirmed cumulus african swarms graphite pegmatite consequence quantitative ##tification finnigan veloc subaerial discontinuous segregation porphyrobl explanation 188os garnets called shortening kolb underlain quadril peninsula ransko already preliminary subparallel 01 56 55 ach c1 cib flex ger gel gap mis mole name pillow ung ural ##economic ##hor ##imp ##vation ##oge ##long ##flu ##khand ##yn ##aling ##erical ##ars ##oria ##rous ##anj ##itz ##asion ##ola ##atero ##ulent concep readily ##lume grid ##ifford sho who ##ostatic clifford true neoproterozoic ##platy ##ria ##velength scatter pbr weighted gradual dolomitised implying microplaty discr ##oked speciation itself crystallisation crusts ##ounted numerical decreases concord affect superimp chloritization taking environmental greisenised genetically reached schistosity turbulent mno ##ofennian turbidite classification adakitic require regarded involve ferrifer overgrowths prospects interface ##equiv powder africa occupy replacing replacive wavelength behavior gravity microcrystalline visible anticline fluctuations ljp giant inversion superplume reconstruc mississippi megacrystic roughly 238u laths encountered svecofennian extinction ##ropriate shelf synchronous quadrilatero ferrifero 00 4a 72 big bacter ces cambrian dig fib gorge hab hope lat lac listed rom sd yans ##su ##lan ##kn ##zu ##anse ##anch ##olve ##acke isoclinal begin ##iles ashan anast atten stability discharge ##ogenetic protr why ##thite rest cr2o3 transe ##apo subduc substan fe3 valle overlie add spaces symb amu equations apprec slick transmitted northward blank chalced presently ##oclase remov 197 halogen facil correlates ##lish apatites solute directed 409 110 construc gives lineation ##ophile chlorine foliated blocky forelands investigations volumetrically 1999 spectroscop acidic eroded spectrometry residues favour exsolved lherzolites buoy enclosed eruption spreading malanj indicator microscopy ascending exhalative outlined bioclastic sedex banket gouge saprolitic otavi anorthosite dolostone velocity superimposed cesn yanshan ashanti malanjkhand 08 450 aph ded done function fossil grow his mos mob ow vents zh ##down ##ire ##iapo ##ored ##37 ##lin ##tes ##text ##retion ##err ##icted ##ident ##atu ##acrus ##aged conducted context ##atis depart chron chiar stone ont onset orange excl ##adia ##ande hydrous plates plaus unkn carbonati presum frame parame masses ##rays mex diffraction ##ackes microg spi complexation unders sulphidic miar regions appropriate significance ##rench mixtures leads calculation strikes 180 manto albitite supports transpression 130 molybdenum metallogenetic preservation ##ctively geodynamic document cementation influenced dilational ##ography requires allows ##omagmatic currently rapidly metasomatic buil exhum tectonically channel dispersed colourless unconformably emu interest leucogranite scanning randomly plunging photographs copiapo phengite ancient supracrus palaeoplacer porphyroblasts ungay yanshanian chiaradia unknown supracrustal 340 57 71 brie dull dest emb easi gd hg hol hun iv kir lig pand squ sized wan ##ave ##uce ##bal ##va ##mer ##la ##lp ##wackes ##ker ##zen ##90 ##hetic ##ino ##oritic ##ani ##asp ##oses ##use ##uska ##acy ##acies com minas ##omel ##omosing seven ##amell exact whose string basic occasion trig arrays unequiv dioritic ##ongy enough ##ips subg subhor parana ##avrian overturned report simulations acted modal micron healed ##unas transf transform 106 walls ##obar ##obago outline sket ##vial controvers ##alai lithostatic manif halos modeled localised finland ##usively flavrian identification shallowly paleoproterozoic ##othermal 257 chloritic chloritized lithology botry assume instr ##hesis 1990 smok simply adakites directions canadian overgrown tunguska integ volatiles cataclas incorporation flanks penetrative establish preferential malobago ##umption unusually reasonable breakdown kilometers border namib remnants shadow subsidence mpa ##olidated websterite destructive accuracy unmineralised ##ulfide argued vapour antiform fugacity reproducibility institute lamprophyre reworked lattice anastomosing symbols slickens removal facilit department exclusively undersatur brief easily pandalai unequivoc subhoriz 1c 36 48 550 8a apl baul bao bush care den fusion french g14 hu holes iia jog ku mian nuas ra sole tag ##cito ##ste ##sedimentary ##uo ##o2 ##oys ##nge ##nomel ##enitic ##erc inset andrad ##icate ##olation ##osinian devi dehyd ##trum ##trask ##urian began suture flux sealed ##abr compare ##odong ##adas ##adian ##ucatu metabas veinlet relict abaw diops phil neogene indosinian ##tina valid associations simult laram varied spongy botucatu thereby ##ounds sheet recalc alloys sky plunge continent stilp spectrum optical ##crus synsedimentary fineto laur midlands enrichments oxidised particles bounded recrystallised voluminous expressed controlling giving varg varian horntrask farther consideration considering ouach reaches polyg polyphase degrees aggregate substit ##tyabr microstruc 220 cordilleran intersected tourna allowed serpentine glassy xenolithic overgrow specifically buff cycles 290 cpo dispersive pseudomorphs created ##ahi unconformity confirm conduit microthermometry ##rupt selen calibration tube envelopes oktyabr decrepitated balance jiaodong pulses sparse resemble examined accepted graben unmixing fibrous subducting vallecito mobility framework exhumation subhorizontal baula nuasahi ##nomelane abawso simultaneous stilpnomelane tournaisian 06 320 360 51 aim bes bis dur ese eff ell efficient gent gyp hing hix jacu mach pine port sant tab test virt ##ec ##ctic ##ched ##diorite ##vite ##oted ##gs ##rites ##filled ##wuo ##rene ##ert ##ested ##arce ##orn ##olumines ##atus ##atanga thinn ##ulating ##acing coast cobal ##agmatic cond conj alone reys ascrib ##oto compaction att mapped making stated stack stabil ##odolumines distur incomp ##ibute ##ights clos sulfates abrupt ##cture intrac subeconomic ##fors obsc indication percent ##ersley usa twins esc characterize generalized texturally ternary became contrasts probe crush syncline numb measurement initiated shaley paleo hyal mesob mesothermal pointed ultim broken ##oxic backsc causing introduc pyrene uplifted unique ##trapped intergrowths root buried alps extraction elongation anomalously steps cataclastic evaporite sodium check behaviour palyn tonn tonnes profile petrology vesicular pebble ##related centimetres cathodolumines application dislocation robust millimetre hamersley crenulation xrf instance heavier german spectroscopy growing ontario plausible parameters miarolitic botryoidal instrument shadows slickensides andradite dehydration diopside vargfors selenium gypsum hixbar jacui tabular reysn cathodoluminescence 44 54 68 cel cold chem dav fis gers len mcc none nama pin rou sens sizes tsum vac ##ete ##aic ##axial ##cill ##radi ##mg ##lvite ##fied ##ontin ##eritic inverse ##aner ##anian ##ash ##iteria ##istr ##isot ##oli tom ##aca cog coaxial ##agua ##uri conduc alask reed ##lucent ##imyr ##aint ##omically ##oud ##see ann anisot grande computed chain atm stur ones ##ngenetic ##ades proto shang share hydrox crater criteria ##tites ##illas placed neither prevail ene entrapped lees subducted ##conc ##conomically compositionally silillas canete ##erson scre ##acks weight head salto ##ellent concentrates accretion gradients dolomitisation sylvite syngenetic upwards transten transformation translucent primarily precipitating termed orogenesis postulated spectra lithophile ##ucha faces propose mantover defines estimation consistently marker cenozoic ##oxide permocarbon ##mann ##herent 215 periods positions stockworks oscill demonstrates geochronolog d1b taimyr involves uncons distances volcanoes 330 evaporitic tourmalin tends gravel dashed elongate reveals tectonism geothermometer excellent needed researcher camps ##otectonic ##burg purple ##yanwuo emphasize interesting ##osilicates ophiolites remnant uranogenic contours subjected ##ziyanwuo synthetic connection oxyhydroxides troctolite failure reheated analogous exposures quality doubly cyclic isopachous pairs chapter explosive specularite namely involvement habit protracted mosaic presumably mexico microgran laramide ouachita virtually tonnage anisotrop mantoverde permocarboniferous researchers 02 47 52 88 amal aconc cul came dra dick dun et economically ful face h2 ky kal kom lis list liber n0 n2 n1 oh o2 peral rus xmg ##uble ##dor ##nar ##gam ##tak ##ru ##lites ##fb ##flow ##fels ##ware ##wacke thems ##tiated ##alac ##essee ##orad ##osen ##acama ##acai ##elves iss concess reor ##igen sup seated seam ##restim chilled chadian chosen attain atlan atacama statis stalac disequ disrup exist examin ##ada ##uced formul carats clark arrow argen dioxide phaner next evolving franc itacai ##rared diffuse li2o regular additions lateto scarce commerc concentric accounts gradational pris brad syenitic equant ##aching upflow ##clines 10a providing dominance remark infrared calculate distributions ##jected argue glac invoked ##tified hornfels petrog ##erences foliations permit details workings continuity argillaceous extended displaying smith intergrowth debate converted orthoclase tennessee take idiomorphic join meaning illustrating erupted necessarily depends depending dependent periphery ##critical cataclasite borehole ##xtap resource ##going reactivated heladas calibrated microcrys ##ihua played hydr porewater decrepitation subject juxtap rhyodacite ecfb ##kinson microdiamonds zhengziyanwuo america tunnels becomes relevant ##fluid concept beginning constructed deduced kiruna transfer sketch jogs ellip cobaltite introduced vacas ##ontinental cogenetic alaskan oscillatory amalgam aconcagua peraluminous themselves concession disequilib phanerozoic itacaiunas 07 2b 64 av amb b1 box cited caled cze du ever ebur fro fan gh gover kv kri lost m3 mut raul void war σs ##affe ##carbon ##ster ##ung ##uish ##bia ##iqu ##iary ##iences ##veld ##tz ##tze ##mic ##lor ##lore ##wide ##heen ##onitic ##aly ##ential injection ##orlie ##any ##aster ##lear ##ocrystalline cove ##trate asb ##owled ##oma ##ometres fluores complic changing depositing ##thrus stratab metag metap classic trip unwe unrelated ##ctors ##aulic ##plan indisting isother ##nean ##heden perthite ##ifferen scap modification weathered spore spots complexing undifferen ##icked lowermost ##elled equal timok ##2o5 deformational dominates desm discovery ##awa finely ceased explains ##ception gloria nah ##manland successive overla maps electrum selective international 144 sweden argillites palaeoproterozoic lacking curves displayed unclear mediumto software accompanying movements substrate dilat kimheden episy equivalents worldwide extrap sinian favoured tellurides kimberlites rifts tension edific yangtze paragenetically eruptive dispersion divide terminations constituent obviously l11 ##goorlie mobilized kilometres microscopic aluminosilicate ophiolite ferroan subsidiary excluded ##frac problem european autom oxyhydroxide troctolites ideal intimate intimately accumulated ravliden phenomena accommodated bakers concerning achieved substantial appreciable smoky undersaturated bushmanland metabasalts recalculated bisulfide celad atmospheric transtension kyanite kalgoorlie lisheen bradley hydraulic disequilibrium caledonian czech eburnean ##uishable fluorescence stratabound indistinguishable undifferentiated 66 7b 83 92 900 b2 bon bat bms cs dram fix hots ions jose jav ker kes kcl luan lank mask oc opp pamp pole ried ranch sri sorted tay tians ur ubi vid visc yen ##eep ##ha ##bo ##vian ##gent ##myr ##lid ##26 ##alach ##alkal ##eni ##estr anderson ##ormal ##itous ##istent tool ##useni ##active dend defic coating come coherent ##trical conce contig aliqu force ##ilitic ##iguration chan ##ticular ##geon sto tefl once ##ify ##ifers queb prolong shield ##quitous ##ibson ##ppo ##inea reset ##redeep hydrocarbon plus able diverse diasp ##lesse northeastern conspic faulted subround subtle subty assumption granoph ##aya notable fe2 perc ##static ##osecond corn scot sporad hem cub apuseni biotitic undertak dolomites prism biotites geologically appalach vertically transg thickest esp southward 105 outward arsenian correct stratified plumes continues infer clean special 196 lithof lithoge sett dynamic synclines so2 sericitization foredeep caue displaced ##ambo ##isei elemental envis shallower ##cepti supplied 118 knowled 2002 ##ompass supercritical predicted deeply polish configuration laminar causes densities biards bippo investigate uncomm cratons reacted ##ugate delta subsolid nodular positively papers irregularly khatanga 230 orthog lozen difficul chai chaucha ##fully changed rotated ##co3 ##co2 illustrates exceeding sheets permeable terminated convergent pseudosecond powd discrep encompass infilled thrusts fragmental help gravit postdate consequences karoli uranium websterites spanish attempt truncated ravlid global morb preceded suscepti torlesse target intraclasts titanium competent clinopyroxenite ##itzman aphyric zhang waning comagmatic aplite philipp polygonal besides conjugate incompatible intracontinental numbers mesobands checked germany instrumental lenticular sturgeon geochronologic microgranite dunites fully komati atlantic francolite covered asbian triple unweathered desmos 144nd celadonite dramatic hotsp kesler riedel ranchos taylor tianshan ubiquitous yenisei ##myran ##alkaline contiguous aliquots teflon diaspore conspicuous subrounded undertaken lithofacies knowledge uncommon subsolidus pseudosecondary ravlidmyran 2σ 49 53 63 65 74 93 97 98 ban bally bud b40 cc chemically dan duration ecl ebs font hitzman lamell mobile mounted nac nyl pits qtz ric rub ske stern saint van wr wit wals xub ƒo2 ##colite ##hia ##sz ##sal ##site ##sky ##vity ##oj ##o4 ##09 ##then ##tarc ##lope ##wd ##worth ##hel theore ##tization ##tish ##remes ##arch ##roko ##anz ##asma ##itecture ##osh ##idence ##atories thorogenic ##ularia covers forster asthen ##imes ##otten ##ceyan anoxic antarc sum sector ##abys ##pek makes ##get ##odoz ##ifts projection ##quisite ##ouse strun carr ##ession clout reliable plastic plasma ark unaffe norrb figures grainstones india ##rio prev fron frontal ##force pyrites ##iob ##angular valve diffusion lived ##estable regimes ##ficial adularia modes twinn sphe spain otherwise undul ##ffite poik signal majdan ##berforce imposed slate surp sequential microfrac bodnar orogens outwards rhomb reduce redistr skorp emplo ##tivity ##abbro finer sericitic mantos generating ampl displace amphiboles decreased activities motion pend ##smow radiometric transparent 256 millime greenish working cooled 143 phosphatic palaeo interpretations reactive predominance situation circulating intergranular 226 counter organ monzodiorite ##orption reserve principally 170 175 advoc episodic architecture hypabys edges aquifers siltstones exceeded interfing needles continuously wilberforce uniformly unconformities cumulative coincides coincident fundam ##ogranites belonging latitude laboratories loaded luz sufficiently course courceyan shaded collap histograms 34s mpodoz berg radial replacements destruction actually resembles centimetre reheating hypothe dimensions vuggy protore approach neutral decompression metallogenesis shoot discrimin roman buoyancy spike squares stringers occasionally controversial kuroko deviation ##crustal substitution condestable ascribed stacked ultimately gersdor hydroxide unconsolidated anisotropy draw dickite disrupted commercial scapolite dendritic prolonged 1188 hotspot walshe antarctic unaffected norrbotten majdanpek microfractures skorpion hypabyssal mpodozis gersdorffite 280 5b 99 a1 bri b09 cd cation cations cell dro dales ey egy f3 gains kram lue oz rid s3 sig sass tong vast wet yil δ37 εnd ##ake ##cd ##ule ##uum ##brown ##bote ##ij ##ience ##ool ##ga ##gor ##garn ##td ##tally ##tay ##tbrown ##rates ##ratic ##moto ##lation ##lig ##pt ##fring ##with ##kin ##yth ##17 ##44 ##tectic ##tis ##reat ##rehen ##refring ##alent ##aland ##enon ##arith ##ropping ##edded ##olom ##osalts ##usi ##ocratic ##actinolite ##eler coated comes ##agic ##ury ##ural alm alto align altay minute ##imination ##omian fluvial comparing comprehen maestr ##ichi ##ett stace ##aded que ##oped ##oping ##thon magusi metre hydrostatic cryp clots relate relief occlud ##mative ##illac unp unre ##orphous interacted interior phreat geo geometric coloured prere preand fring franz leav ##apatite ##souri ##udinal indications perpend differs overthrus reports adequ modelling whereby spot spores sulphidation ago ##ifications acceler allanite bran ##tively amorphous geologists applying upd transformed thickened tims refer ##rising microcr limbs ela grouped dissolve likewise rhod increment afz continue eutectic horne contributed 190 1970 ##dera productive mont homogenized coarsely averages averaging defining neglig eastward traverse albe surrounds newly discuss longer progress centered 2001 ##aoying adjo ##azno tinto recognition overlies insco median preserve paragenes 140 biphase birefring lacks fillings 87rb 1998 schistose degass alumina devoid circles ##versely mechanical pervasively pellets plutonism magnesite damara residuum entrained regardless favored 260 textured 18oh2o brownish caldera mswd cleavages blebs paths inductively summarised ##omagnetite stepwise logarith exchanged 310 infilling morpholog ##ochthon straight arranged chelope certainly emer greatly subdivision vesic courtbrown ferroactinolite hfse operated constitutes pebbles sparry failed exploit hypothesis package evaluation phenomenon reservoirs relics famennian framboidal favorable missouri bacterial attention address chalcedony chronological embedded namibia unequivocal solely simultaneously durazno gently disturbed closer crushing culm ohmoto russ examination ambient nahcolite extrapolation luanchuan lanka vidrio stoichi powdered discrepancy fontbote nyliden strunian employ fundamental hypothetical british kramers ozark ridges yilgarn δ37cl comprehensive maestrat stacey phreatomagmatic perpendicular microcracks negligible parageneses chelopech 43 62 73 76 78 91 94 ah bh cres cess eur ft fit funn gross giles heden king ln ltd mun meren nan pond p2o5 rath ssw tent tac tap teth vh wang waf yrie ##aved ##chemical ##hi ##sess ##uel ##uments ##unta ##ds ##dow ##iab ##iatus ##tage ##tola ##rid ##ract ##my ##phe ##pes ##far ##face ##kine ##zh ##just ##teen ##inition ##inawa ##erites ##ics ##eda ##itor ##ittent ##asse ##asia ##isp ##oll ##ato ##atable deception ##agu ##urface conversely ##vere ##uren retain bear ##iltr ##igra mini ##izations ##oupl depression anorogenic sun severe grun graca compil compounds company ##therly ##amid ##gered states stones staging ##ode ##ods ##odite ##odior exists ##ads ##ady ##anding metast voltage zonal veined carb carry cloud trad triang artic arund diab diach geome indium prepar france leak ##neath ##apunta subalkaline assay ##formal granul oblite imaging completed overp simulation corner corrid admix michen spil noble recovery agrees gradually alloy underlies underfilled price possess amaz implic upr melag thicker references barney barnes microcline ##oblastic desert evidenced centres matric infiltr contrary feldspathic fills separately synkine so4 locality caution lauren definition stere steady determining activation eastwards importantly gabbrodiorite shallowing ##enna intensive comprised coefficient invis irradi sands expense characteristically leachates 2000 records affecting 255 drillh δ18ofluid predates depletions poland ign inside comparisons phosphates greywackes mertola intrudes 1997 1992 multiphase migrated intermittent interactions 704 availability angles increasingly anhydrites dilute ##umulus ##iency minimal downward pelagic elevation rule contaminated guinea detect erosional illustrate fallout intercumulus blend marcapunta 270 prospective 1988 reasons granodiorites wider penetrate coincided hundreds orders diatremes strongest crackle corrections polarized kinetic postdated postdates networks tubular pegmatitic aluminum karst okinawa operating exclude yellowish problematic pulse zealand idea unmineralized conformably wallrocks echel vienna qualit highlight dislocations testing woods vugs procedures targets relicts nucleation realgar stream neutr metallogeny uralian discrimination concordia concordance attenu transect chalcedonic owing hunter ligands triggered manifested 2576 cataclasites facilitated briefly variance machaoying portug attached tsumeb accretionary faceted liberated issue stalactitic prismatic petrogenetic microcrysts avoid every complicated overlapping episyenite edifices viscosity deficient subtypes lithogeochemical philippines eclog lamellae forsterite pendants 143nd sasso tonga unpub albeit adjoining cessation funnel merensky rathdow taconic tethyan yrieix grunerite ##odioritic arundian michenerite matrices synkinematic echelon rathdowney 03 5c 630 77 89 ate aer amm bol bold b30 bgd cos cam cast dot dirt datab eg effic fa fip gain gels hua jp junction kd kent kep kink ligh logn mr m2 mish nm ove pa picked rul rip song sides tort tail taw tons v2 vacu wain wadi wsw ##ev ##hance ##uin ##uter ##ias ##oon ##oot ##ovie ##38 ##tland ##ras ##mi ##pd ##piment ##faul ##kas ##jiang ##19 ##45 ##tectonic ##ona ##inih ##alite ##era ##erves ing ##org ##ictic ##icochemical ##anal ##edder ##itudinal ##ider ##idas ##idel ##idine ##ators thor ##ulc ##agau ##agranular condition alta aljust react retained ##ilities ##romag ##romorph ##omon ##sets seal sealing ##abor comput chand chief attained atomic stump disp orpiment incip incons ##ogens quen quater proved shifts ##tened strat strict ##allah alterations inclined cris carpath clays placer unnam intragranular grainstone ##rias goldfield envel enhance ##ipation ##neys ##fort ##formable notwith marign siles silurian ##stood meter ##ronorite canagau ##aves repub adiab acicular schem scales scien sciences scyth spite spann spring spacing ##ogenesis grew greatest shetland cup accounted understood symme ##bert served impact implied augite aukas surficial arctic refers blan discer centred century ##oclas reman remove decim eugen inference empir contras 195 194 manner representation halogens soon soil sericitized ##ieve fox generates cape capped gabbronorite steph soluble solovie resultant crosses crosscu topographic drain albitised albitisation supporting particulate participation paleocene ##bergite effectively opened constrains longitudinal pdb ends yielding tintina metallic deepest worked noteworth broader selection caustic ##venile phosphorite phosphogenesis greywacke phenocryst 1993 1996 210 sanidine fluorapatite miguel phyllosilicate terrain counting roedder flattening constraint extrusion extrusive intersect monzogranite conversion ##copic allowing viewed picritic peaks 262 taihua coexist molar tholeiites errors ##beds experimentally remainder polymictic bleaching pathways aqua ##standing riet physico physicochemical essential intercalations termination remobilized ordered differing affinities purp belongs metasomatized emphasized double garven mobilisation mobilised selv bordered profiles petrological descriptions namurian centimeter ##ihinih aluminosilicates ##royed aureoles ##arcillo clustering chimneys colorless finnish mudstones juvenile jiaoj rhyodacites actual connected accurate microbial exploited highlighted millimetres evaluated crops intraclast pegmatites shoots digestion buoyant carbonatization destabil destroyed ligand manifest cataclasis ##stein hinges ##orny obscured hyaloclas backscattered pyrenees rootless david fissure protoge ##igenous supra formulae argentina juxtaposed froodite mutual isothermal bmss fixed josef javoy maski chanarcillo resetting hydrocarbons granophyric envisaged lozenges gravitational ebsd richest theoretical twinning sphene poikilitic surprising redistribution amplitude collapse egypt prerequisite leaving logarithmic crest vhms metastable cloudy tradition invisible qualitative neutron unpublished ammon dirtlow database egp huax lognormal mishra overestim tawallah wainihinih aljustrel chandler stumpfl incipient quaternary strictly unnamed envelope notwithstanding marignac republic adiabatic scythian soloviejo crosscuts noteworthy jiaojia wainihinihi 380 420 59 6b 67 650 bow bmm bsr bcd cate cad cost caps da duan dni dried dimin elu fed gro gand gases hage held izu jins ko ken kum lon lan lif lud lang mort nit nas nis ov oct oolitic p2 rhe rib rising sred soci sust session tos tang trop uc util vf xin yt yuk ##ematite ##cot ##cking ##crystalline ##ham ##shan ##bank ##da ##dr ##dal ##iy ##iably ##vil ##vron ##venn ##oan ##nog ##naya ##35 ##gg ##gate ##tocrystalline ##rain ##mo ##men ##mora ##ls ##lines ##lane ##22 ##25 ##ping ##pared ##ki ##korny ##13 ##15 ##tea ##onformable ##tism ##retions ##estions inorg ##orie ##ication ##iconformable ##roid ##rolite ##itas ##asina ##olit ##olas ##idium ##idiomorphic ##leum thous ##acting ##acers cov coales code ##trium ##agou ##urable ##urrias allu aligned read bears beads ##ilst ##herm ##otation ##oms ##izonal mineralizations anate anhydro sud sear ##resc ##ressure ##respective ##aba grueb static stau ongoing expect questions ##verton shaf shosh ##umb ##umm ##ibut whilst ##andon ##tenberg ##tency haematite resolution resist vectors hydrolog cla cliff ##illa ablation unf uniden ##lest necking prepared presents prestea isotrop subset subangular calcare ##soid ##ayan collection collectively ##ivalent ##iaxial overview regression maintained acqui acade scav modifications sperr oxic ##icking salts ##ignific concentrate concentrically 209 epox epoch epizonal ##arela ##acturing underneath pores pokorny branch serra verging metaluminous transient characterization consisted originate treated treak blake generalised elastic cevenn maturation decoupl reflection ##ovsmow contribute crystallographic ##ientation galley homogenize finding propag banding bandurrias laverton measurable initiation comparatively flotation 125 tops drastic peper ##ylite ##valent supply ##issance alkalic distinction glide westward zno effective irrespective 305 sandy thicknesses concretions expression histor δ18ovsmow transporting drilled ferric ferromag deepening confidence lithologic overlaps boy insignific cooler trondhjemites paragneiss pyasina swamp phosphoria investigators ##omineral greyish 1995 cm3 documents accordance migmatite migrate migmatitic phyllites phyllitic deline terrigenous 707 subsurface techn narrower roof freiber downwards magnesian look semiconformable contaminants d1c focuses guide coexistence molasse δdh2o systematically ##ontane behave evaporated keep peridotites tendency macfar 1980 petrochemical petroleum australian linglong attribute serpentinization powell columbia flanked confirms intersections penetrated intensities ##ocha spherical purified reasonably filament heterogeneity chevron driving megas panigra polarised reconna leucocratic tubes ##ancos anticlines enveloping tenidas biozones lithospheric columnar ##fracturing problems subaqueous radiaxial discontinu synthesis bioclasts justa scans ##no3 425 runs attempts accumulations microbands plunges arguments ybn applicable dimensional tested accept split preceding preclude precludes binary reaching protolith american independently tilting tunnel ##jiagou framboids becoming decomposition relevance discontinuously flexural urals reconstructed transpressional build integration namibian unequivocally mianlue ##steen variants microstructures microstructural buffered efferves hinge hyaline backscatter pyreneean palynomorphs tourmalinized cameca arrows glacial meaningful porewaters dilatational transtensional bonin prisms orthogonal komatiite ballysteen budget naci asthenospheric undulose interfingering alignment cryptocrystalline overthrusting adequately ##ochthonous employed ah2s grossular tapada severely diabase preparation granulite obliterated overpressure corridors melagabbro blenda merenskyite camera efficiency lighter vacuum chiefly drainage huaxiong bmmb bcdc gandarela hagemann ribbon srednog tosdal tropical xinjiang yttrium yukon inorganic alluvial anhydrous gruebler staurolite shaft unidentified isotropic calcareous academy sperrylite epoxy cevennes macfarlane panigrahi reconnaissance effervescence srednogorie 04 1σ 3d 440 460 58 69 750 96 air aerial blu csc dow dust days eros eman fs fou fitted gon gan got get gase gibson hs hen house hiatus hno3 juc juan lob law lenn lands lomb mk misc nn nap naz nuk od oj oly oak omitted p3 pq pis put pual puna rig rod ramp rose rings sa sv slu tl tel uv vess viable wb wal wales ways wind xco2 ##aos ##ahedral ##cul ##cap ##cceed ##hom ##haj ##huin ##sn ##side ##ugin ##berite ##bility ##bric ##dam ##nos ##36 ##gence ##gie ##ray ##met ##mont ##last ##pan ##fs ##ks ##yi ##ym ##yite ##18 ##92 ##500 ##tia ##titi ##reens ##int ##inho ##eness ##enburg ##ero ##erra inser ##arz ##arani ##orre ##orous ##orbed ##anitic ##itr ##itant ##ission ##osc ##ossible ##idized ##atoph ##atography ##letal ##lection thars totally ##used ##ocent ##aches ##acocha ##eland coordin alao beak asp asia ##imas ##omitant ##izi depicted anion succeed compressive compares ##tics ##tices madi temora ##ngo ##ngth existed ##ifying ##ados proff shifted ##opes quartzites ##uca ##ppes ##andine ##chstein hydrofracturing contoured cruc carne clim relates sulfosalts ##illips abiti uns unex interpl ##ctly phillips normative george geobar geotectonic neigh consens consolidated lee subun locus ##cona para parad ##itivity obje obuas marsh silt richard ##ives imbric ##angshan liand lijiagou ##ava suggestion suggestive regia ##fication adamell scope scarp modelled spider commun sulphate metamict therein cubic recumb epic underpl underlie pool bridge signs charged serve imper impossible applies ##ordance transcrustal melted refract ##ustations develops 10b blades microbre microdiorite km3 ##phalian processed discordance ##atites stratification speculate lithified producer produces stronger separating synform syntectonic bedrock sericitisation foresc caver amphibolites amphibolitic solv negra crossing flt chromatography moz moine moved moeda mineralogically gabbroic drift peace pecul mvts invari westphalian sierr mesoz concur concomitant recording affects transposed absorption 134 ended nappes tint tiny fourth ferberite xenomorphic greisens transitions bohem insight growths introduce pyro swell ##raded biostratigraphic palaeocene curved maxima equivoc predominate 213 smow intermontane phyllosilicates delicate 705 thermally 225 herein slabs flattened ##uashan luminescence ##ographically alternate outcropping turbiditic petrographically tuffaceous 235 ##ustrine loi passing passage residence constants d1a focussed guided guarani 266 links pyroxenes tahuin offsets ##eanas interstices coexists moller ferrugin rifted iceland behind falls index exhaus porphyroclast 1983 eruptions exceeds homogeneity sharply tectonomagmatic geothermometers thermometry ecuadorian needs needle wilkinson serpentinized create publications columns feeders cumulate pasco formerly ##burgite forebulges batholiths spherul 1159 occupies occupying johns starts starting ##iki mobilization waite graphic harzburgite resembl borders assimilated interlayer ##nesian visual ##ieras persists revised ailaos hydration surveys quantity repeatedly bubbles jeol mudstone outlines zechstein rhyodacitic distinguishable conformable kinematics metavolcanics 375 viol fugacities splay splays xrd heavily approaches famous tilted chapters strength explosion snowcap pillowed bacteria lacustrine transected solutes favourable aphanitic own carbonatitic building square stringer subgreens microns transformations g1444 validity laurieras effusive thinner attack obscure escape chemogenic davis sensitivity annual prevailed tourmalinization interestingly ##ruent statistically warm automatic keratoph pampeanas quebec sporadically hemisp cubanite appalachians transgressive settled difficulties susceptibility rubidium skew rhombo displacements millimeter advocated luzonite drawn almandine fringes accelerating 1970s degassing stoichiometric tentatively carbide article diachronous amazonian upright attenuated dotted jp0 ruled ##pdb ##aborate cristal scheme scientific springs discern empirical ammonoid jinshaj kumasi octahedral shoshonitic scaveng peperitic ferromagnesian boyle insignificant erosive fs2 fouillac gaseous juchem lobate lennard lombador nneto nappe nazca nukay ojancos olymp tharsis madiyi proffett carnegie abitibi consensus subunit obuasi adamellite recumbent refractory microbrecc forescatter peculiar sierras mesozonal ferruginous ailaoshan subgreenschist hemisphere jinshajiang 1d 2c aas austr bay boud cite city ciob dion dab dud dcl ew eus fused grown h3 him hamp hust huashan kind lg lp lα lin les lining mit mas mature mio mcl mov mounds mash nol oval pom pall pales pods rene ranged sx sar sited sink sorting sibson tsc voids widen wsz wool zun zambo ##ele ##ax ##che ##col ##cing ##come ##hb ##hn ##hal ##hol ##hire ##sb ##sl ##sis ##ui ##uvian ##be ##bys ##ii ##iop ##iho ##ipped ##iocarbon ##oite ##nillo ##31 ##39 ##gun ##t92 ##rum ##mas ##mop ##72 ##61 ##xi ##los ##light ##fi ##found ##faf ##foot ##wed ##welling ##kan ##kel ##zer ##16 ##96 ##94 ##heless ##onites ##onial ##onca ##timati ##tiform ##till ##rey ##inations ##inoid ##arape ##ori ##ortion ##orus ##ican ##roso ##anu ##an0 ##ede ##itten ##asian ##isiv ##oluble ##ationally ##idate ##lysis ##ator ##lean ##leton ##ington thorite thomp ##enty ##entrum ##usives ##ochan ##ocomian ##elites isog issu decline ##trained conv conn algar rect recharge bend ##ilian ash ##atil ##atives mindan ##tscher ##tsdam ##ockwise ##section anne sutures ##abroso grao computer chao chips attend atoms ##amm ##etheless strom distill ##ogochan quick quoted projected quartzand formula ##inement ##ira ##amphib happ hafaf vologochan bases resin resur vector ##chy alters hydroplan hydrolysis ##uture cru carri sulfidized track traps arn arise unable unsu unradi unfort interacting intrusives geosc neo neocomian evolve colonial indire conser consumption encr encrus pressed lep lew subidiomorphic calciocarbon locate ##conne ##forsch granoblastic feand marsch marcona pertain perfe ##ivan ##stage imang simulate maintain ##akes modest typified usgs pbsl brecciform complexed chloriteand ##angement gregg alongside notice ##parts recover agu agg agents agua undergoing potsdam prac bras serbia impro impreg equipped aug slopes upsection transcur melange este estimati replicate 103 origins bladed ##obre sphaleritic processing elip arsenides rhom increments explore skonca plugs ##mej ##meable decades leader ##okou infier marginally lithic lithification derbys patchy calculating crystallizing crustiform ##crt92 monito monomineral 185 homogenous ##ubo find correlatable ca2 capping lau northernmost stein steeper diagnos solvi solomon crossed travel travers chromites 126 121 moon topography drag drive drumm peter oxidising supple particle 11a bounding evolutionary ##titude newfound radiating firstly mesh expans ##robo anywhere transpressive 132 135 chlorides identifying molybdenites predic lightfoot mills itabira successfully confining recognize plateaus igarape insoluble lamination combinations 147 148 ##rading ##andaokou ##glas nonetheless collisions multic bench merge negatively 1991 1994 bahia aluminous ##ugu orientated migmati migrates circular accompanies exhibited handp restriction going diameters islands ##iente creep monzogranites mcd loja passed contaminant picos gutscher guandaokou ankerites 261 linkam vsc tholeiite detector erratic gashes distant quantif glasses hotter proportional polymict harb pathway clayton freshwater maclean 1986 authigen revealing thermo ##206 colouration serpentinites pseudo pseudomorph remobilisation ionization evidently penetrating cumulates coincide wollast ##ostratigraphy repeti promote ##loth manganiferous arrangement oligoclase emphasis douglas fragmentation waal boulders exceptionally harzburg polaris phlogopitic underestim petrologic named ascended stylolite limitations 325 vesuvian town persisted trenching ophiolitic hydromorph teniente colloidal colorados excluding beryl zeolite spinels synto capac questioned attempted assessment porphyroblastic ##arest truncation fe2o3t 13cval mississippian examine packed precluded doubt isopachs bismuthinite reconstruction reconstructions digenite romeral sd34 substantially addressed blankenburg fossils ##aniel occasional trigger subgrain careful denote raised overgrows sparsely gentle santonian disturb abruptly escabroso pinch routine tsumoite conducive conductivity screw reorgan supcrt92 formulas remarkable remarkably joint amalgamation dufaul ghad governed ##ungsz metagray metagrey metapelite opposed pampitas urugu ##board coatings quebrad scott scotland sporadic appalachian cleaned settling 230th difficulty susceptible dramatically b40a written fronts 2562 counterparts organized discriminate b09a cells dropped eyes sigm ##olomitised occluding geoforsch branching updated birefringence exploitation eurasia hedenbergite nanisiv wafers compiled leakage implication infiltration laurentian intensively drillholes detectable aeromagnetic boliden cosmop songpan tortolas ingress reactor inconsistent carpathian goldfields silesia symmetric contrasting selvages fissures traditionally capsules groves kenomagnetite life mortar society ##ville ##olitan thousand covari ##hermak anatectic searle claim acquired epochs decoupling historically keeping bluish ganzi slump coordinates interplay pooled impermeable caverns invariably equivocal johnson resemblance ciobanu eusn hampered huston lgb moving nolloth renewed tschermak woolley zunyite zamboanga ##collision thompson isograd issued algarrobo mindanao hafafit unradiogenic unfortun encrustations marschik imangda impregn transcurrent estimating infiernillo derbyshire monitored monomineralic drummond newfoundland authigenic wollastonite vesuvianite hydromorphic dufault ##ungszentrum geoforschungszentrum nanisivik cosmopolitan 09 1to 4c 4b 430 61 82 850 9a 950 a2 aes azu boc buc bron bail biss cac cart camb canga dh din dor dred eve fri fuch fah fire future gall gill gond gulf ht han hid hop hold hud hush i4 iib jfr kα kut kenn kaz kerr l2 lap lump mu mim mold mbr nans nbs niob ooids pun pie pup pedi rg raw sg sos sav saw tc tan tas tul tms tformation ut vc vg v1 vass wip wra word xie yu yan yud zero δna μ2 ##emp ##eties ##afic ##ci ##cion ##hp ##hum ##hold ##hua ##s0 ##s1 ##sur ##satur ##bor ##bnaya ##dly ##i3 ##iro ##ius ##iors ##iams ##iographic ##iatites ##vic ##viv ##oil ##oher ##oke ##nace ##night ##3fe ##gal ##garia ##tg ##tab ##rin ##rat ##rating ##rust ##moy ##66 ##64 ##lab ##livan ##27 ##f3 ##fined ##furi ##filian ##wana ##kov ##yres ##zent ##zzi ##97 ##99 ##hear ##heating ##onet ##tier ##rew ##inion ##inia ##enberg ##enkins ##ery ##ester ina inac injected ##arg ##icz ##icung ##roite ##roded ##edy ##itain ##itum ##itance ##itory ##itors ##aska ##isen ##iscent ##isio ##issure ##olating ##olatil ##osal ##oscopic ##ida ##idosite ##atal ##atment ##inga thms ##mpe ##ulus ##ulang ##octa ##elter ##elitic cox coal cored ##tries ##trun ##trial ##agh ##agi ##agne ##urities als aluk alaska rece reten remin returned beij begun ##iger ##iguous aspect ##atitic mind ##tsch ##ims ##imanite ##ott ##othia ##omme ##oug depocent ##sego anji animas supers sectors ##restrial compute compelling chu chiv chihua ##ysis ##amic ##ament ##amorph ##amata ##gend ##gevity ##ettes station stops ##odep ##odym tetr disord inca exter exemp ##ifies ##ifting ##adolom quims ##verde prox proje proceed shan shared ##quest ##ibly ##ibur ##thier ##thrust sullivan ##ucky ##ample ##andless strained metadolom basically resolved resorbed ##cho ##chlore ##antz ##antom ##antai hydroge hydroflu crude crandon crinoid carlin carius clan trap trach artes abbre ##uese unst unless uneconomic unmet die divers intercep interven lowered ##lesmer ##ongo intrins phantom northerly geographically nev neil nephe waste indian golding entered ##eneys ##tured fraz frantz ##neado ##webster ##apted subp suboxic assump loci ##forward granodioritic ##ediments paringa ##ourn maricung ##ioactive richters ##strom ##velj imag ##ociation valverde likel southerly overbur overfilled oversatur overnight ##arded adsor adapted action science ##akar ##akov varieties ##ensland elect somewhere twenty micritic weigh weights ##ansas commenced complexity healing undolomitised sulphates metamafic lowering noting recoil recomme 202 20to biotiti epidosite ##arel accoun britain signals ##berton impart improve impurities applications verde ##acha upg upwelling timor ess refined ##cl2 barri developing characterise 107 108 104 zirconium treatment microanal provoked magnetization descend ellesmer terrestrial ##lieren postcollision dissolving dissociation presentation correa centr redbeds matsu matched europ horse ##ovolcan contribut lithium lithotectonic opinion crystallize crystallinity galmoy mono monitor synorogenic sof finite normalised correlative defe defant definite deflection measuring ##aminated amphibol ##amba initiate analyzer chromium 122 schlieren ##ropes albian albitized alkalis paleoge plotting furnace traceable mvm sierra hyper hybr ##tity parallelism younging ##inka knox totals crustally mesoscopic markers expon exposes pt3fe ##robands progressed thinly sillimanite pdsb 252 251 turonian detached superior singhb standing illino successful xenocrys conflic greenstones recogniz magnification boulang boothia bulgaria insights scheelites trondhjemitic medial combining preserves continuation considerations 146 pyrope pyropes bias ##venik phosphoric phosphorus volumetric phenocrystic exceptions triocta intruding williams smelter ##akhstan multistage ##inson periodically devolatil circle delim terrains accompany 708 701 exhibiting gneissic photo microsphe 2200 worth roy acids nodule constraining 354 accessories turbidity khantai pelites monzonitic monzodioritic magnesio converge sinuous ruins allowable ##ressing favors ankeritic pitch pitting coexisted rye rybnaya tetrahedral lasted behaved ##osphere mylonitized harberton ##mrl convecting kempe 292 mildly enclose encloses solubilities millions macroscop macrobands 1987 1981 1989 1985 physiographic tectonostratigraphic ##atsu concluding summarising films contemporaneously partitioned covering outermost cherts logging terminate creation cream creating power ##aha remobilised constituting jiang interlaminated encour apophyses platy ##bury repeat externally morphological promoted purity occupied emission chondritic drives helgate graphitic self panulc tonne polars ramberg petrologically widths thirds precisely lufilian inheritance excessive persistent enveloped schematically asymmetry asymmetrical uraninite collided operation colorado subvertically clinoamphib exhalites densely veliki fluctuation autochthonous bermej cinzent ljub radioactive tightly zeolites actlab rhenoher questionable metawebster mlakar assessed gouges slowly inverted conformity truncate explored reconstit highlights globally globules megacrysts tests drops hamamid reproducible programme accommodation accommodate bakker torneado cycling titanomagnetite tilito competency unmixed clinopyroxenites clinopyroxenes flexure concepcion wavelengths synchronously habits ##zuoping amulet appreciably blanks supracrustals gdsn exactly controversy facilitate undersaturation philips laurite buffering thinned thinning condens stabilize closest percentage ultimate palynological mccandless namaqu routhier protores prevailing h2co3 n070 issues reorientation attaining statistics stalactites pristine petrogenesis smiths smithies conceptual elliptical ellipsoid krivelj mutually ##asterly metapelitic automated batten batatal opposite conceiv corners cubes orthogneiss banatitic skeletal arkoma arkansas millimeters romania 1188a b09b drovenik eye sigma quemont queensland rhodonite incremental birefringent morphologies morphologically straightforward vesicles bh4 ponding triangles irradiation irradiated ignition realgarand portugal portuguese eclogitic b30a kentucky kept v2b thorough altaite stratovolcan spanning blanco remanent decimetre stephanite rietveld purpose destabilization hyaloclastite protogeode categor longevity luders nascent ##roids sudbury resistant hydrological 1980s discontinuities landsat uvm vessels window beakers objective communication underplated bohemian pyrochlore spherulitic skewes rhombohedral austria dionisio dabie dudinka ##ihood connate chaotic stromat quickly resurgent geosciences encrusted lewisian calciocarbonatite aggeneys diagnostic traverses expansion handpicked harbour capacity ghadir metagreywackes sigmoidal isograds unfortunately azuf bailes bissig cartoon cambro dorr everett fahlore hidden hudson kennedy kazakhstan nansatsu niobium pupin pedipl sossego words xiezuoping δna2o ##i3o ##ratonic retention reminiscent beijing depocentre anjiacha supersatur chihuahua ##amorphosed ##odepth metadolomite hydrofluoric artesian abbrevi unstable unmetamorphosed intervening intrinsic nepheline frazer assumptions maricunga richtersveld likelihood overburden recommend biotitized accounting ellesmerian postcollisional europa hybrid singhbhum illinois boulangerite trioctahedral devolatilisation microspheroids khantaika panulcillo clinoamphibole bermejal cinzento actlabs rhenohercynian stratovolcano 2k 3to 32s 370 4h 4d 41 470 5to 530 6g 640 714 ae a3 ak arom ayan akin bt bm bac brom bill blow brough benn bgs bfi cas cock cams cropping don dat dog dub dupl daniel eh eyre fel fang f206 gor gene gained hb hm hat hul hall hong hour hann h20 hco3 iter i14 jul jac jap jean journ kid kaw kup krup kicking kfs kangshan kubo lc ll lw lose lined loma my m1 mell mime nc nx nio om oil oun ps pm ple pus pock qing ring rises sj sat sab swe say sque sie sams sieved satis tv tar tig tass tie tann tambo ure vk vill vard vial vaz v2o5 vibur wu wy w1 wat wavy xl xing x500 zart δk ω2 ##ezed ##aq ##cies ##cove ##cidate ##hr ##hy ##sid ##suring ##sio ##sors ##ski ##uate ##uill ##uable ##bas ##bly ##bel ##bec ##bitr ##dig ##dale ##iu ##iep ##iogenic ##ivers ##ioch ##vince ##venite ##viron ##vpdb ##o3 ##oen ##nites ##nande ##normal ##nagh ##gad ##gai ##gruent ##rich ##rations ##rap ##rains ##mor ##mens ##mons ##menting ##xcove ##81 ##ln ##lorite ##lomer ##pin ##ption ##po4 ##f2 ##fers ##ferous ##fler ##facies ##kh ##kho ##ynt ##yang ##zn ##zne ##zonian ##juca ##93 ##9f ##48 ##41 ##σs ##heline ##tex ##onard theory ##tisation ##tiplan ##rem ##reted ##inari ##inoz ##alistic ##aloidal ##nder ##enb ##entially ##enitization ##environ ##erland injo inception inactive inhom ##arin ##arite ##arra ##arhy ##orb ##orf ##ictional ##icamata ##rok ##ropped ##rovince ##ante ##analy ##aset ##asnian ##isa ##istin ##ishes ##olu ##olian ##osa ##osedimentary ##osulfide ##idy ##idad ##lem ##lete ##lequ ##leigh ##leonard tocop ##ulsion ##enthal ##ocho ##ocont ##acular deal deals coop ##tri ##tris ##agos ##agonal conod congruent alle alvi altiplan reag retur arequ arenite beidel ##ila ##ilia ##igmatic ##ighed ##ions ##aining ##ainment ##omanian ##izer ##izona ##ocking mineralium answ search ##resa ##resis ##ables ##abwe chr ##amari ##amoan maar mapp stained stored staining ##odes deposita teresa disag incorre ##ograp exer exert exocont ##iforn ##adium shock ##opp ##quis ##quity ##quist ##queron ##quicamata whiti ##thal ##anded strass haoping metarhy ##allen ##alloped ##char ##chron ##chists ##chief ##antage ##tingsite crd cry crds caramoan ##essor ##geson sulfidic volcanosedimentary ##illi ##illites aru arri ar40 ar39 arbitr arizona abru abnormal unro unamb unfr divis divalent diamic diakov dixcove interconne interiors phs neov nearest neodym colmo indur induce prem preto prevalent consum enorm enhydro enigmatic ##iana ##iance ##tals frictional frasnian ##ipa ##neresis highand ##aped ##apagos suboph subcrustal subfacies assign ##arios ##hedra ##itiferous obsid martin margar hastingsite perform percy ##ologist ##ologically ##ologists sedimentological meime ##angping ##roneous ##tinolitic canas lile complement repos ##hemeral magmatically button corroded adve actinolitic scarc scalloped modify believe variant usual twice microm micrograph weighed spo commod ##rogen heath undulations sulphosalts ##ductivity salado salgad gregor thereaf doleritic metamorphogenic carbonateand ##eller ##ellaneous shell sheath cuaba agent 2090 ephemeral accreted ##llite undergo underthrust pojuca brid bring brun brann bracke observe symp symons syneresis ##rosite amd amga biotiteand deformations charge charcot equally vergent ##achite ##achment slides slov sliding slivers transm transama survi thicken ##perthite ##oney ##clin ##cled northwards assemb originating blenkins microf microve microtex microanaly microperthite microclin smallest ##obic chalcophile limonite elv elimin eldr discover discarded fractionations ##liers dissip cementing ##rents redep matthe plumb ##memb decided decime continents possibilities ##hovian cleaved ##ova ##ovich 192 1960 doe dots optim feldspath secondly crystallizes producers pyritization pyritised galapagos crusher facing ##actionated ##ube localisation fining fineness proposal andesine defocus equilibria ##jector steel stepping steele ##incor ##incing differential crossbeds comparative comparably trajector flon flin flame chrome chromitiferous estimations 128 topics 1000 erl erroneous schne dry pech ##thest identity argument ##ishan plants shallowest ##srand oxidative supposed forearc paleof paleomagne gloss furthest 112 ii14 paralleled radius 306 ##omictic sandia meso concretion concave 156 expulsion fragmented progression cenomanian histories sillito linearly lineament ##ophyllite turned turgai detachment endow δ18oh2o methane reduces ##ccessful fernande clinoch confinement ultrabas boqueron bulge igno assumes metasediments laminations broadlands media combus internally continuing continuum weakness 141 switz ##persed biogenic biopro argillised palaeogene palaeoge palaeoto palaeodepth δ34sp δ34sσs currents evenly benleonard cratonic merino doce polycrystalline unimp 216 212 219 2100 multipl situations fluorination ##ugou cassidy circum mechanically simplest 222 224 solids solidus goal goes roots robert accordingly acidity diluted nodes ##umulate pike demonstrating extrem intersecting monzonites magnesioch tuffites hardness mcn prefix preference spectrometric ruiz ##ukhovian picrites entrainment guidel ##watersrand clustered horizontally 267 pitted serpukhovian offer advance advantage interspersed johan pinkish δdfluid exsolving lherzolitic cataly catheline isochrons δ13cvpdb californ peridotitic overgrowth ##shore losses harraz orefields ketris 276 293 enclaves purely macfl rios interflow interfaces interference interfering interferences geothermometric geothermobar errorchron dependence shortly thermoc labelled rayleigh obliquity 243 247 245 logan logged terminology creates 317 315 umv interlocking retrogression campanian coinciding coincidence platformal platanal batholithic malachite gossans h2saq ##ochrosite emphasizes kotui helgeson selby ##alsi3o sixteen polarization microscopically loading calibrations profession professor brightly postdating 321 persistence trenches d3a ##ulauan kara okiep tenor stretched ferrous quantitatively heterogeneously givetian exhalation baltic missing naturally velhas pebbly 389 autobre jung radically precursors distinguishing incorporate amygdaloidal brazilian capable fairbank segregated geophysically ideally sedler banks analogy microbe microbanding explanations superposition cathles reviews reviewed shorter micaschists 16041 hypothes saprolite packages robb vapors droplets grabens evaluate dolostones crenulations phengitic suspect instances institut palaeoplacers nuclei nucleus realm realistic reworking competing framboid concert macrodiamond macrocrystalline misar molec pillows 001 005 digested sd6 sd10 1977 1976 spectroscopic favours presumed mexican built 711 embay holub holker hunan subgroup sketches 2573 2579 1990s smoker integral integrated bushveld carefully huang metabasal recalculation laurasia 5126 aims beside machado santo conjunction stabilization incomplete intracratonic numbered mesobanding 685 fission gerstenberg mccoy annular shangdan screen heading unconstrained gravelly connections anisotropic culmin et0 listvenite reoriented seamount joints microcrystals juxtaposition amalgamate amalgamated frozen govern governing warran dilatant episyenitization edifice idealised java concealed chanar granophyre percolation percolating cornwall espino espinoz so28 lozenge encompassing gravitationally komatiites 533 naclequ wright witten witwatersrand ##archae asthenosphere projections carrying plastically prevent prevents prevented frontier undulatory luzon unrealistic branches rhodochrosite degassed subdivisions vesicle russia russell stoichiometry eurasian hedenquist wafer ##aguro zonality triangular geometrical geometries admixture spilitization laurentia stereonet drillhole ignim intermittently avoidance eclogite b30b faunas kepulauan mrp computation disposition quenched quenamari spanned cupola remanence decimetres 1958 rietz purposes manifestations hyaloclastites protogeodes poikilitically surprisingly overestimated 675 bowers cadomian cadillac elucidate nitric nitrogen ovoid sustain sustained ucx coalesce propagated migmatites delineated technology freiberg freibergite looking megascopic protoliths buildup downd goniatites miscellaneous rigorous rodinia telmo wbad succeeding ##ngoi crucial climax geobarometry paradise epiclastic solvus 235u automatically cristales scavenged olympus microbreccias h3po4 mitche pallatanga saraguro convincing rectangular annealing attendant distilled hydroplaning cruises arnberg unsuccessful indirectly perfect noticeable brasilia improved rhombs multicol mcdoug thermoquest repetitive harzburgitic 13cvalues reorganization metagraywacke uruguay quebrada bronces dinar gilligan gondwana kutcho lapilli pieces tulame wipfler yudovich ##esterly ##itumen received chuquicamata chivato stationary disordered exterior quimsacocha proxy hydrogeological trachy diversity subprovince oversaturated adsorption electro weighing upgrading essarra barrier microanalysis matsuh recognizable delimited namaqua bh460 categorized pediplains supersaturation aromatic ayanfuri blowes brought camscan dataset dublin fanglomer geneva hours jacob japan kidd kawere kupfers krupka kuboos mellito ounces psamm satanic squeezed samson tassinari urengoi village vardar vazante viburnum watkinson xingu zartman δk2o ##environment injoque inhomogene tocopilla altiplano arequipa beidelman mappable incorrect whitish strassberg ##chiefer arrival abruzzi unambiguous unfractionated neovolcanic neodymium enormous enhydros subophitic margarite meimech scarcity salgadinho gregorio thereafter brannon amgaon sloven transamazonian survived blenkinsop eldrich defocused trajectories glossary concretionary sillitoe fernandez clinochlore ultrabasic ignored switzerland bioproductivity palaeodepths benleonardite cathelineau california macflincor autobrecc fairbanks holkerian gerstenberger espinoza naclequivalent mitchell mcdougall essarraj kupferschiefer 080 2d 2to 3c 5e 5g 580 6e 6c 680 734 770 710 8b aig auc acan aided bic bure bou bog bra bhan boss bongo cq cz coc clu cum cang cue cala casts cyl dar dus dong drown d40 dump daly daha ea ef eme fen fif fast frie fash faint fuca gb g2 gp g1 gur gaus guan gora hq hin hati hart hum hort huan hump hird hind hier hbr hmi hint honey ix iod iand iles jx jar jack jun jaw kb kre kun kuan kran kelly kings komb kucha kci kagi keller ls lf let lib lach lame lance lrees md mα mur mom myr mull mound mist medi mora nu nic nom nand ninn nao nomin nug national n70 nancy nsw nested oy oolite o10 pc pw p1 p4 pon pum page pir pull pages pium peng qz q1 qiy r8 rain rog romer rays rasp roll sro sate sle sac sher sver sater shed sob solved sao sided tp tip tsr taz ttg uti urb vag viz vity vio viv w7 w2 westerly xh2o yunn zim zov εν σ3 ##em ##ely ##eity ##even ##emed ##efs ##aal ##aer ##auan ##cab ##core ##cris ##crys ##colith ##cobar ##hole ##hai ##house ##hs0 ##sp ##sil ##sample ##uts ##uting ##ukes ##ufficient ##ben ##bro ##bted ##day ##dynamic ##i2 ##iere ##vas ##vature ##oo ##otr ##oom ##oamp ##oand ##otia ##nr ##ny ##nides ##nest ##nard ##nerite ##0mrl ##gon ##gies ##tke ##toun ##tva ##rar ##riding ##rillo ##mar ##mid ##ming ##mian ##may ##68 ##600 ##xos ##xmi ##xagonal ##87 ##late ##lith ##lay ##lala ##posed ##pool ##fall ##feng ##ws ##wan ##well ##kite ##kis ##kha ##ya ##yon ##yans ##yme ##yazite ##zy ##zman ##zany ##jd ##jar ##jens ##jacent ##114 ##57 ##51 ##42 ##tein ##test ##onto ##onolith ##oncur ##tiago ##titization ##rero ##reras ##inter ##inta ##ali ##alen ##alayan ##ndering ##enable ##encl ##entile ##eror ##erth ##erto ##errero ##eson ##esite inhib inherent inboard ##artine ##oring ##oride ##orage ##orium ##orientation ##orzany ##icheng ##roat ##roites ##anne ##anora ##anovec ##anbergite ##itt ##itus ##itary ##itates ##itories ##itards ##asy ##asitic ##asberg ##olar ##olves ##osities ##ostruc ##osynt ##atever ##idised ##atoma ##leite ##ingly thi thl thom thres thir throat totall today ##mprok ##usite ##ustin ##ustry ##ochem ##ocular ##ochemistry ##ocumulate ##actis ##elcome isometric decl deuter deemed coat coole coup ##tran ##aggite ##urally ##ursion ##urbed ##tering ##termin ##terito alu altenberg algal rely reass revers rejected requisite rendering aren areally fort forward forced forno beukes ##igou minsur ##tsk ##herje ##hermer ##imest ##imented ##otal ##omes ##omix ##izal ##phroite ##oubted depict depressed anto anisian suff suited rockies sev sep seand ##abri grasberg compan compens chonolith atyp ##ticed mad mao ##cco2 ##gets sta stan start stoped stopp storage tepl tephroite disreg dismemb ornam incong incursion ##yritic excur ##ifel ##ifug ##aden ##ading ##adito quies quell ##verite prove progen shore shalle shank shares ##quartz ##quilib ##umann whatever ##thalite sulu ##uck ##ostress ##ircled ##andite magcobar strate straddle ##allo ##alled ##ighting restite respects resolving ##canaba ##anto hydrodynamic sampler ##iest ##olded ##orer ##essartine cland claus clockwise clf3 cloncur reliably ##ivered tracer trivalent ##illos plant plays placing placers artif arau arns arises abr abut aborted abandon unra uneven ##orphyritic diver diast interrup lowto ##acek intramin phb phg phoen northe norway norbec neud nebul ##plained wash washed wastern indented industry precon enl enst ensure pressuring frank frind lend leob leave lecture ##nee ##never ##nejo highlands subplan subjacent ##ghanian asser assist calcalkaline ##formative ##udi ##udo ##uding ##udose ##aymas ##forms ##lowicz nothol parasitic oberth collector marques marls indices silty pertur perlitic perkin whenever ##ston ##stances ##raes meet memor ##velleite imaged ##roneity diffract liu bremen ##aviest overcome overriding simulated regressive regularly morelos corona cornejo adit adop acting acute latex lateritic scotia schermer ##aked ##aklala ##pecting modulus ##olutions bell ##ensen ##ensis eleanora typology user usage microw micaceous weiss ##ansen spir spans spilitic spessartine commence hein hexagonal heaviest undated undist undulating undoubted sulphidised ##ogenous twoand dolerites metamorphically notion noticed cupr ##olev recy recur ag1 agglomer differed 201 205 20th 2080 apical epi ##arer accident ##llo allt allochthonous underway underthrus underheating poorer brach brings braggite synd ##rows amar amid amenable ##ortant geologist improb impacts flower apply verify verkho auand augen auhs0 upta metalimest ##tryite transverse translation surges surviv melan meladito thickens arcuate escanaba refr refraction ##clockwise reequilib barrie characterises replen consistency originates treinta blasts microcontin copperbel prime magnetism descent orogene elaborate outlier outboard fractionate differently postulate dissimil interpreting mixes ##ocline ##oclastic explic matches mat26 mattab remel plug plum decipher ##oking emperor ##ovo specul speculated contraction 1915 ##501 fluorites probability option optically crystallising pyramid stripping ##ialing month monograph monarch monitors monosulfide monomictic separator synand olivines 186 homogenised ##ubian localising finest mantled normalization caf2 laxmi steadily stekh stemprok southernmost liquidand solitary showings midto flakes 12a 12c 127 129 124 immature moves moho erased ernest schmid describes ##ropong ##roportion argues ##ennan seaward suppressed particul oxygenated 117 116 119 114 mush invoke ##tiferous ii48 si31 ##athermal parallels paralleling irars radiation radiolar muscovites 304 fewer borg borne 159 expanded longitude ptacek ##robitumen historic 2003 thins pettke ##prus adjust 2550 supercontin correspondence 136 138 brock endoskarn endoand chloritoid drillcore ##cycl ##cynides predate predict permis permitted naxos najd ##manite ##mania millerite oceans illites confident amphiboleand trondhe standardization magnet board intact blocking instruc insufficient works ordering lamina selectively greisenizing weakening 1450 pyromorph pyrobitumen swit ##radation hornblendites ##venites phosphogenic reflectance palaeomagnetic palaeomix curral curvature ou72 outrun diorites variously hornblendeand ##gler nonand maximal uplifts summit exceptional mernagh reacting observable predominately ##nik surroundings 861 860mrl baumann spectacular 218 degradation smoot santiago ##insas grounds ##uguan rosettes rosiere migrating devised ##duicheng delbr delivered 706 702 photograp subsided simpl hoefs handsample counts worm solidification goyazite tonalitic ##ixmec dilation debatable alternatives cyprus papua ##temperature frei pires rimmed titled minimize equivalence 16o 161 356 355 d2a accessible residuals classical actively downhole khudose pelitic intersects elevations petrographical ganga mckins statement explaining ruyang passes ##ressur detritus chaixmec ##aysia differentiate views dateable picrite sider guil guoj guzman guerrero guaymas 178 floze floored offs offers advances populated δ13cco2 rotations rotational tensile ##bax joined exsolve quantified meanwh edale editor ##2s3 calk freshest behaves 335 ##shang polymorph convex clarified clarice marbleised tungauan kev keith 273 275 cpy prospecting inducing productora amecand aquitards partitions 1984 author physically necessitates jinduicheng thermochemical thermobar labels labrad nowhere summarizes summarises bathyme hercynides retre elmer chernaya logs s2og wilson ##ostriatus terminating ##aughton crerar ##tility remobilize homogeneously 314 ##ictory intraand encaps picotite penetration cervelleite pasava infillings funded slices fimistonand affil cracking occupancy puebla emphasised groundwaters emii prone breaking breakage breakup wax wave interested landenberg mega bifs ophthal paler ##indr ##ograms discordantly loads leucogranites leucomon montecris lady laden names vice ascends stylolitic removes 328 322 iberia menard visually tows towed coupling enhancing persist precisions peggy aluminium ##ancies anticlin stresses clathrates usefulness hydrate kars senonian wedges collage scenarios platforms operative siberia exhalite excludes 345 balanced balaklala lamproites muds 286 ##swick ##olsdr ##noe segregations running sedimented tmh platin assessing gii parentage conforms truncating analogues analogue accumulating derives garnetiferous kinematically 057 cathair cathaysia sister ##brites ##bray examines highlighting globostriatus otago packing robinson woodhouse antiformal convectively thermodynamics morro morris morterito splits precedes precluding binocular baker suspected toronto ancaster supras obtaining approaching titanites titaniferous lamprophyres famati streams decomposed pyroclastics macrocrys porphyroblast achieve flexurally misorientation ##horn ##equivalent bacteriogenic hopetoun laccolith ##suing begins protruding transects valleys adds 1973 1974 constructing deduce chronometer ontong plausibly spikes spiking documentation holocrystalline huni wanni comment transferred antiforms 487 aplitic huge huhn kuzne raise deviations sutured substituting confirming aimed durga macho ascribe stabilities escaped vesicularity robustness 545 coldwell chemosynt lensoid rouges sensitive tomas sturtian prevails geochronologically gravels 025 camebax etch etching listvenites liberate n060 n160 n137 ##dorf attains statistical disruption argentite commercially hornfelsed permitting meaningless injections isotherms overlapped batch ##haizi conceal subtype percentile transgression espanto dynamics envisage philippine uncommonly 657 banos ballynoe budgets b40c b40b sterner theoretically carrizal twinned spheroid poikil rhomboids redistributed counterclockwise advocate collapsed draws 1188f cdt wetting almaden occluded geoarchae adequate acceleration incrementally montana montbray progresses emergent emergence russian munha nanoamp ponded tentative ##zhangshan ##zhuguan depressions sunlight compilation diachroneity admixtures spilite amazon upramp infiltrated stereographic avoided everywhere boliv castleton songji torta tails tailings ##evc ingred thorium altaid disproportion inconsisten stratal enhancement silesian contrasted stephanian selvage destabilizing manifestation traditional overestimate categ diminish diminished federal koistin nisf ovoids rheology rheological utilized vfc vfd ##iya ##159 coalescence sudden resistance hydrologic contributes findings propagation paragneisses discontinuity ribbons downgo dusty emanating gotze henry hiatuses odp pisoids rigid svanbergite svinsas walker insert inserted ##arzun succeeded unexposed geobarometric neighbor paradis marshall richardson imbricated synforms exhaustion violarite keratophyric jp064 cristalino discernible scavenging olympic boudin boudins ewbank himalayan lesher mioge mclennan pomorzany widening bending happened conserv lepid pertaining maintaining augustin 185re moonbi moonlight supplemented 147sm migmatisation quantify quantifying promotes underestimate disturbance routinely covariation slumping tschermakite tschermakitic impregnated bocatoma caci2 dredged friend fuchsite hopper muerto tanana tasmania utah vasskis wrapped yuhaizi μ2and inapp inaccur tetraborate exemplified proceeds intercepted nevada imagery ##arelian centrifug contributors softer defects paleogeographic xenocrystic conflicting macroscopic powerful encouraging ljubevc metawebsterites reconstituted condensed smithsonite conceivable stromatactis azufreras hudsoni abbreviations 6gtva akropong billion bennett cockade duplication hbl julia journals sj17 sabkha tigrillo vials wuzhangshan ##uilles cooperite conodont alleghanian answer chrm exerted exocontact metarhyolites abnormally unroof diamictite interconnected indurated obsidian advection micrographs commodities brunswick assembly microtextural microclinization elvans discoveries matthews plumbing decidedly feldspathizing pechora paleofissure paleomagnetism combustion δ34spyrite unimportant multiplier extremity magnesiochromite mcnaughton guideline thermochron professional baltica junggar hypotheses embayed huangzhuguan government wittenoom unrealistically ignimbrites downdropped tulameenite trachyand matsuhisa fanglomerate psammites ##environmental meimecha aiguilles aucl acanthite bureau bouma bossi cz3 clues cangshang cueva calaverite cylindr dahaizi emeishan fenitisation frietsch fashion gpa gurney gauss hatillo horton huancab hirdes jxa jarosite kuanping kingsgate kombat libras lachlan lameyre lancefield moment nomencl ninnis naoh nominally oyarzun qiyugou rogers satellite slender sverjens sobolev utilis urbanovec vityk vioolsdr vivallo yunnan zovcan ενd ##yansk ##jarvi thomas threshold declining cooleen reassess reversals ##herjee suffered atypical stopped teplice dismembered incongruent excursion quiescence quellen shallee shankar clausthalite cloncurry artifact araujo arnsberg abandoned unravel unevenly diastathermal intramineral phoenix neudorf wasternack enstatite franklin leoben lecturer subplanar notholt oberthur marquesas memorial schermerhorn microwave undisturbed undoubtedly accidentally underthrusting brachiop improbable verkhoyansk uptake reequilibration copperbelt dissimilar mattabi stekhin schmidt irarsite supercontinent pyromorphite palaeomixing ou72501 smooth delbridge photographed khudosei mckinstryite chaixmeca guojialing meanwhile landenberger ophthalmian leucomonz montecristo anticlinorium woodhouseite macrocrysts kuznetsk chemosynthetic spheroidal koistinen downgoing centrifuged huancabamba nomenclature vioolsdrif 050 020 070 010 1e 1or 2e 234 3e 3f 3sio 4j 410 5d 6f 670 637 690 7e 7c 780 8c 8m 81 840 820 830 880 890 9c 970 910 a4 aid ape aud akes aka azn b3 bing bart bost bous bip bour biv bund bob buch bau bhand b42 ct c2 c5 cro cag cred cant ccl camin chemis cheng cigan circled df dul dli dabas dulc dobre drew dressing ead ech emm eina etend e99 eisen easterly eolian easy fm fos fing fay fines fried fann favi fami gy gul geral god gib gir gong gree gaby gabri hon hed hog hine hov hamb hina hde hiber ia i3 iw iz ily ira ionic ihp jol jus jud jay jord jsm jones jann jude jade jorn jaffe jiu jensen k2 kf kon kas kle ket kad kib kne kra kren kok kala kark kinn kao krus krous kabwe kalsi3o lh lv l8 lard laus lither lamb lug leng lind lanc lagu lott mf mw mω ment moc mam mere mum mir mong mari mree mack muld meng moss maria mott ns nos nag nil nto nue nun nath naf nagu nigra niger ond oib owe oco pk ped pil pig pod puc paul pange pidge pickel push pco2 picking pocho praes qil r6 rl rf r9 ren ras rol rag rup ramb rank rational raj ritch rods r25 rakes r66 sf son ses sent sam sich sir sold stim sort saus sms sok saf sorption sneath saha snee ts tb td tf t1 tol tid ting tib tuc tamp trou tio tiv talus tillites ull va v3 v4 ven vit vas vig vav vign vented vau vanc vinho vitr vpdb vallen victory wl wer wher wad wand want wto warp wacke wrench wo3 welcome xi xn x8 xy xia xue ya yo ying ysn zar zag zwe zaw zub zie zamb zind zarz µg δh δb δt δm δ206 σ1 σree σcl ##ey ##ez ##ees ##eite ##ets ##eum ##eka ##eismic ##efined ##ais ##aig ##aution ##aara ##c7 ##cp ##cos ##cich ##calc ##ctite ##cates ##cile ##crop ##cao ##cape ##chemically ##cai ##hl ##hag ##hou ##hab ##hore ##hill ##hari ##haw ##hler ##hco3 ##halite ##sts ##sim ##som ##sons ##syl ##uz ##uti ##uine ##utite ##unt ##uang ##uhedral ##uger ##uhti ##uji ##uatu ##uaca ##uosa ##bes ##bite ##bane ##bors ##bby ##babwe ##don ##dil ##dity ##dare ##disc ##dstrom ##dotal ##iate ##iac ##iated ##iver ##ipl ##ikal ##iocho ##iwan ##vin ##vine ##vally ##vive ##vador ##vants ##vanian ##ouring ##oia ##off ##oise ##ozing ##oice ##nic ##nel ##nock ##nous ##nold ##nels ##note ##nko ##nocent ##3nr ##0s ##087 ##gic ##gur ##gut ##gill ##gian ##gium ##gross ##gram ##gasite ##gangping ##tor ##tad ##tonite ##tadas ##tmann ##tung ##tawa ##tori ##rand ##run ##racing ##rny ##mon ##mac ##mim ##mels ##made ##magmatic ##master ##76 ##730 ##62 ##6cao ##xin ##xic ##xis ##xitic ##lj ##len ##lock ##lour ##laus ##lusite ##2b ##po ##pg ##pher ##ples ##porites ##pora ##pension ##produc ##pani ##paster ##fa ##fon ##fold ##fact ##fried ##fformation ##facts ##fuji ##w5 ##win ##wig ##wyn ##whel ##kle ##ket ##kuc ##kitic ##kish ##kaya ##kham ##kmim ##ynd ##yer ##yur ##yuan ##yko ##qian ##qaal ##zon ##zos ##zong ##zia ##zale ##zuki ##jia ##jde ##jita ##1a ##12 ##100 ##9sm ##981 ##47 ##πσ ##hev ##hez ##heid ##hene ##heco ##hears ##heiro ##teg ##tel ##tean ##teent ##tect ##tesm ##tezu ##tefacts ##onas ##onable ##onides ##onough ##onically ##onotr theories ##tiel ##tise ##timal ##tives ##tised ##tieite ##ream ##requent ##inen ##inally ##inary ##inav ##inaw ##inlets ##alve ##aline ##alto ##almi ##ndall ##ndez offic ##entif ##enogranites ##encing ##enhag ##erro ##eras ##eration ##erac ##erged ##esian ##escop ##eshaw inges inval inwards inex inlet informal inliers ineson informative innocent ##arao ##arara andrew ##or1 ##organ ##oroon ##icting ##icto ##iceous ##ictisation ##roir ##rode ##ano ##an1 ##anas ##antit ##anovic ##anida ##anagi ##edad ##itation ##itly ##itat ##itating ##itably ##itob ##itudes ##asm ##asom ##asonic ##asque ##asov ##ashan ##asible ##ashear ##asonable ##isu ##isk ##ister ##isive ##isbane ##olate ##oling ##olia ##olidation ##olitization ##osic ##osts ##osites ##osited ##osulf ##osurface ##ids ##idou ##iday ##idio ##idually ##idental ##idometer ##idsite ##atase ##atubo ##leys ##lector ##lectite ##inging thuch thier throws tools ##ulo ##ulph ##ulatory ##ulitch ##entory ##ussite ##occ ##ocin ##oceras ##acow ##acch ##achev ##elo iso isab isocl isof isobar isolation isacks dece dewater dealing deidad co3 coin cook coded cooke cotab codig count ##tray ##aga ##agger ##agami ##agyur ##uru ##urb ##urg ##uries ##urcates conje contend connot coniac ##tera alph alab aliv alcl alpers al2s aldan algor altitude alkmim retic rever reop revis rechar reinter reocin formal beaty belem ##ilite ##ilov ##ilton ##iliar ##illex ##igill asian astur ashes as57 aseismic ##atile ##atism ##atinum miners minami minerac ##lumin ##luoride ##luids ##tsov ##herton ##imorph ##imans ##imeng ##imalmi ##ionite ##oth ##oty ##otoma ##oming ##omoz ##izhou ##izaga ##ocks byproduc ##ouver ##ouples depo depressur depicting mineralic ##ceix anh anth antig annot anec anaer ansil anatase suzuki fluvi seas ##abian ##aboration grit grand grant graz grits compl compound compact complied compiles compston chur chart champ chose chilic challen choice atom atud atok attit atkinson attitude attest atherton ##ames ##amed ##amate ##amozing ##ticosa ##pet ##peared max maz mand maury mauger maqaal ##ichmanite ##geo ##etan ##etasom stall stub stains stair stressed ##odian depositand team teck onshore disk dispar disconne ##ogabbro ##yramid exo exerc existent exolutions quar proton shi shand shack shaz shaly sharara ##opio ##opulo ##quant ##quantit ##uma ##uman ##ibrny whol wholes ##thor ##than ##thick quartzose ##ucite ##ucity ##uchez ##ucticosa ##ppell oregon ##inear ##irre ##iric ##iras ##iradi ##irman ##oushan ##amples ##ampton ##andak ##andinav strands stricto stribrny ##yda hay haas metac metab ##alles ##allad ##asses ##assive resorption veever ##chuk ##chier ##chinson ##chlorite hydrohalite hydrogross ##tings ##uta criter craig cracow ##alcoll ##orenko carat ##esson clou clog closing closes relax relvas occidental volcanoclastic trade tracing tracks triradi ##matised ##illary ##illime plain plio plaque arl arid artig artific artefacts arabian abos ability abuse abuts union unity unob unlo unfilled unfrac unlith unzon diec interp interrelated interdig ##ault ##bone intraf intricate intrashear phr norte nordstrom gem geope geof geographic gezong neck neomorphic nejde ##plate ##platinum coloration carbonatic indones industr ##rique composing preor preven preset goldfar goldstein consolidation enter enable enters enables ensuing presenting president beta ##ianas fr61 fructicosa fryda sizeable ##iping ##ipel ##ipment ##iporites leg leism legend lebas leimeng ##netic highland highley ##aping ##apva ##apaca sube subtr subwa subdu subequ subcritical subbas ##ghong assarel ##00e ##000 ##007 ##contemporaneous ##so4 ##uded granules granada granule ##astopulo notation pyriteand parsons pargasite parlour partings ##itian feel feasible obduction obducted ##ouries collect marink martiti mariana marianas perse perth pertin ##io5 ##ioff richards ##styl ##sthene ##stream ##rais ##rako sedimentand ##iao meath mejita ##velo formational ims ##angle ##tini ##tiny ##tines valuable valimalmi ##mber canning canyon liq complemented breached fractur fracta overheating overwhel overthick reply ##esta simulating ##ersdorf ##erskaya genuine ##ardena corp coronas larson mainz adding admitted ##tobal ##tovelo acquis lateand scour scru scherm scalen scandinav ##aks ##aki ##aken modifying modifies ##ackins bella belgium variables ##enstein eleven typify uses usable sometime twist micrites web wherein spor spic spur spasov commented height heyl heights heij precaution ageing oxford ##ickia salient salton salvador twoor twofold gren metamictisation analyser analysing ##ella sheaf shepher miami mikuc ##centration ##oleucite ##igno recalled contention aged ag2s agudo ##istocene 2034 aptian append biotitization epita ##served ##fferson ##fflorite allochem ##under ##undant underling underco poiss pools pozos pric pras przy brab brynd brisbane brackins observers syenogranites ##rowicz domal amagmatic signifies biotiteto howards deforming ##timonite ##berts ##berry ##berode charted charnock serrated serious servic seriate magmato impar imple impose impression implos imprin implaus impinging equipment apple appold verma vergence slc sls sloped sloping sl13 transvers surge survive surgut timoc refold referen refinement ##cling ##clair barram barker characterizes ##pret northing northand seques sequestr sequentially ##denmay 109 10to blr blau blind microand microbi microdil copperand provision smalldale extents mafics ##queen generalization generalizations dominican felsics design desilic designed desulph elan elder elsm elabor eliana elaboration minorand src7 output outliers ##liable orogenies ##awardena postmagmatic ##iletes interprets becker ce4 cele cemer afc afm afia centuries ##rence ##renfried chalcopyriteand redefined redundant ##lohr exploring homoclinal homocline mats match matching matlock matagami skinn sk10 sk2b skouries remote trendall ##mekitic deck decarbon decade decisive foundered eu2 euxin ##hoe ##hoots ##okarelian ##okherjee infers inflate infrequent empty clearest clearer hory horst ##ovite specified specks contrad 19a 193 19th 1950 1934 1920 1938 1925 marginatus doing ##alaf lithostratigraphy lithostruc derive ##uchi rhyth rhyolit opens optimal ##deros seconds studying dynam managed manitob representatives crystallised nikish epidotization fieldwork ##tivities galen galle crustification facility monro monot monche sectioned syntect 18a 183 182 1860 1880 18114 homogenise homogenizing homogenising bedforms ##ubduction sotiel sooty coarseand ##abbros localization finish sericitised averaged arsenopyrites mantles correlating banda cai ca1 cafe rarer numees laid laizhou dissolutional ##amination equilibrate steam stepped ##pectrome liquidus dissemination solving ##inches ##afine determines determinant negate midway ##ambias matrixto ##tleberode analyzing analytics activated easternmost flus flag flour flinc flatter flocc chromian 123 immers motions mookherjee topographically 100s 402 schor schust school drifting peel pearce peede petrun ##thetic albitization ##ishte ##ishment planalto silicateand foresets alkalies alkalinity cutoff mgcl2 paleopro coevally ##rana 111 1140 recrystallises museum invaded invoking inventory earls zn2 hypers effected irn irms irbo approximated 301 borra borget westernmost ##hanj ##hannel ##inked knoll porc portezu portovelo mesost mesocratic mesocumulate marking 15a 153 158 151 155 154 15th expands expressing 507 longmen longmens ptn leachable horny 200to pointing ##aoyuan pdbi ##othermic 254 lineated absorbed absorb fractureand superpit superficial footnote 13a 133 ending endogenous chloritite chloritisation chloridometer potter potma ##itively identifiable backarc backbone predated permits ##def factory naequivalent ##mannite ##tigated ##tigrain tuodian tinted tinand ##teroic methodology milling millenb farola fourni fourteen fertile ferrian fertility ##alda deepand polyd ##gregation greenland greenfield recognise ultrah ultrasonic ultrafine ##lication lithologically ##rialite platelets individually boots bulb bulgar igla instigated schematised ##tinean ##ankerite ##ankara cools laminas electronic electrons broadening medet combine combines middleand greisenization weaker 14a 145 149sm jason diagrammatic hornblendite biological biorad 2063 ##gerine argillization palaeostress δ34scd δ34sgal curvil ouro outst outran ##quitites mt2 mt1 versa nonto nonline ##auer ##author uncor uncoupl multitude multigrain benches benioff benigno uplifting mertak triquitites 879 reacts freeze freehold predominated predominates cma polycycl willden ##nikov ##niya accords steepening steepened 8600 spectroph isochore 214 2130 2110 2122 393 390 axi sanmen ##cutive multidisc multiauthor influences snand snout sno2 ##uga ##ugann periodic puig puts rosa devoted ##isco ##ische accomplished 5000 5009f circulated positioned positioning territory 7014 7080 proximally volcaniclastics subsample subsamples cratonward hills hillocks ##tynites microshears microspectrome gaal hoits hofformation experience expertise pervade pervaded ##dington restricting solidified solidifying rooted roberts demon demands demagne angara angola tonalites acidified dilor nodal sbf debated ##ographical alternation alternations discussions darker darkly outcome ##iencies universally universities universidad universitat titley 16a 167 165 353 352 burrow burrus ##formational accessibility demonstration demonstrably distinguishes classes classifications slips khin khalaf conclusive extremes extracts extruded geochronometry pacheco pelton pellet pelletal ##bylowicz converting 231 harder mcq mcgill mcmaster mcqueen sino sinter sinclair prefer orthopyrox orthomagmatic orthotectonic 606cao kaapva loops passchier ##tructure clastics tierra semq chappell chairman damon principle principles picture pictured entrance entraps regards focusing guid guiy guandak tarkian northeastward transportation 268 265 pitching pitanga pyroxenitic taiwan taxitic kaolin 172 174 offered offshore advanc episodically 150nd ida idrialite molnar popov troughs diagenetically rotate rotasp rottleberode gash lasting δdsmow distortion clastand hypocrystalline hypidiomorphic eds ##ckenstein calanas illustration 333 f145 pgd amethysts falling mss ##shueb buik blebby harper harris pathf clarity clarke indetermin 80x keels kendall icpms amethystand 278 cpx lengths 1870s earths macint macuchi partida 1982 dash ##oyu ##oyo candidate necessity tectono tectonites ##gyan channelling concludes thermometric archaeologist archaeologists labile ##bara dividing summarize filter herz ##argement attribut colours featured featureless sulphurand penecontemporaneous ##nsonite ##osingle permeated elmto 248 cherty estrel talov talma talviv widmer terminates pseudoleucite pseudosingle creede pennsyl ##ahl 313 318 publication reynold intraplate intraformational feeding feedback peruvian retrograded penetrates certified cerovo cerussite domeyko antimonides submerged submillime obliquely bird africana 75th fundoia illumin ##hydrostatic ##liegend diatomoz lieben hø1a manganoan nband soda oligo southwestward thrusted lastly talcuna emphasise emphasizing goodpaster che10 douville ##arbonate supergroups rivera helmy latitudinal ##anaidou behaviors interests graphically kiln kilograms landward seltmann selwyn bifurcates bimodality palmer palmas panels panasque panagyur ##inds convenience polarity influxes calibrate bordering rammels ramanaidou consecutive reconcile profound subdivide undefined exsolutions interlayers interlayering descriptive uk22 gravities chamberlin interbeds 323 luo luoyu playa enhances perspective halfway baritite ##anca ##oski anticip clathration envelops opaline concordantly eq3nr okulitch senior shadli collides collaps seemingly jefferson operations innermost 2086 346 342 balkan lampa lamproite mudm piper fluctuated fluctuating outlining 288 38b 382 auto autochthon bern english pulver zeiss ##sworth ##olsky grayback graywackes incorporating prominently amygdales capital ##maa connect connects geophysics accurately mentioning tmco tmco2 attempting proportionally slows slower slowed analogies accumulate amongst microbes exploiting superposed 0538 372 vii viel ##utha isoplot procedural applicability marksheid plateaux hclo4 ottawa packstones antipin antithetic underlined 2386 semiquantit 84sr hamilton copenhag anorthite anorthosites programmer gariepian 859 crenulated nnwto suspension svecokarelian instability extinct protons intraclastic approached ##ropriately cyclically ##ossils ##ossiliferous lamprophyric nuclear nucleated 467 familiar nineteen tilton wnwand ##jiashan realized concerns concerned prospectors macrostyl velocities 564 achab flexed flexuosa gerais gelcich misra ungraded uralitization ##ynclines concepts scattering concordancy turbulently requirements reconstruct 723 bigger biggest digital fibres sdf anastamozing protrusions fe3o4 symbol slickolites removing 1971 1979 1975 facilities construction favourably saprolitically fossiliferous hispani mos2 mobrun zhou zhong zhaoyuan ##tesberg chronostratigraphy chronologically carbonatised parameter microgranular micrograins miaroles exhumed channeled channelisation unknowns 575 712 715 embracing hg0 hollow holling holbro huns ivan ivory kirkham waned coming seventeen triga subgrains controversies botryoids instruments integrate establishing establishment borderline slickenside facilitates facilitating aplo career denver denoted denali denghong g1445 g1436 g1451 huuhti huacch kuopio rapp raistr laramian continentward laurasian ouachitas polygon polygons substitute microstructure overgrowing buffer buffers 5117 bisat durations efflu efficiently santagu santoyo ascribing stacking stabilized stabilizing paleoenvironmental introducing uniquely palynomorph instrumentation 442 445 chemostratigraphic chemex fisk mcclay pinon pinching pintadas pinheiro pinatubo sensu senses inversely ##oliated annually annulus hydroxides craters screens screening screened transtensive microgranites 47a etc ettad fulvic komsom liberation n010 n045 n1159 ohfuji atlantis examining argentinean francisco remarks glacier glaciation hornfelses ellipse ellipses 645 boxes boxwork ghosh ghosts complication metagabbro isotherm scapolitization nahco3 dilatation extrapolated tensional autometasom 666 925 fixation joseite kernels kermade luanchan lankan masks urvants urigill vidal ##haube ##bouring deficiency cornish cornuta hemimorph espoo cleaning specialized 1968 1969 lithogeochemistry powders discrepancies encompasses encompassed helps helped 494 635 748 7496 987 981 banat banxi danba eclip ebsp lamellar rica rubber rubbe vanadian vanadium vanuatu witt sumisu carries arkosic frontera diffusional amplitudes pending organisation advocates interfinger interfingers bergmann neutralization discriminated substitutions egyp vastly ##tists ##tispora alignments unreasonable unreliable prerequis fringing leaves overthrusted spotted update updating eutecticum discussing progressing 1404 logarithm emerge emerging vesiculated ozarks 786 91500 bharg munoz muntean munizaga wangjiashan ##zhuang retaining articulated diablo geometrically preparing leaked corridor admixing spilites implicated melagabbros stereogram 2551 7048 kinetics attenuation aerobic cosalite faure jp100 kinked kinking paucity ripley riphean ##faulted ##199f ##ulcata computations computational cristobal carpathians schemes scientists cupolas cuproir symmetrical blanke blanquant discerned empirically 1941 2105 davidson suprahydrostatic ammonoids overestimation bowl costly capsule daqian diminishes elutri fedorenko koons longest lanthan ludwig morton rheologically sociedad tangula uc20 utilised utilizes thousands reader readers anatexis searching claesson unfav unfossiliferous unfoliated regressions decoupled reflections historical delineation 7076 70799 technical looks attributes megashear megasynclines acceptor acceptable grossularite overpressured emanate gonzale gottesm gottesberg laws lawver landscape mkq miscibility odds oddity oaky oakley oakleys pisutha safflorite telescop vessel walton beaker crucero unsorted unstrained unexpected unexplained neighbors neighbouring marshak imbrication imbricate epicontinental underplating bridgeman concurrent bohemia pyrolusite 2132 exhausted exhaustive spherulites violent violet owners attacked obscures keratophyre keratophyres rhombohedra diachronously jp031 jp068 microbreccia lindenmay linderos mason mascot mclimans pomarao palladium sx50 ##haline ##bey ##kanmaa ##orily rectangle ashton annealed attending distillation happens hydroplaned cruise carrier carriere carriers indirect conservation leptynites pertains perfectly recovering recoverable aguita aguirre practical practically rhombic travels dragging petersen supplement predictive predictions multichannel mcdonough erratically thermohaline pseudomorphous harzburgites underestimated 13cvalue triggering reorganisation metagraywackes uruguayan quebradita covariations impregnation bocotoma bucium buckle dredging friable fuchshueb gulfs hanor hopkinson holdsworth kerrich kerrick mimic mimics moldic nbs981 sg26 savillex sawkins tms1 utm vassile wrapping yanacocha yanamate inaa ##argyrite alsi ##tschmar computes tetrad exempl project projecting diego intercept nevado imagine 2029 descends descending centrally contributor monitoring defect definitely amphibolitisation paleogeography hypersthene knoxiporites exponential exponentially macroscopically creamy encouraged polarstern ljublj metawebsterite reconstitution flexures conceivably orthogneisses thoroughly decimetreto stromatolitic azufres 32sval aegerine bacon bromide bfi199f caso4 donor ehrenfried felted gorges gorceix hatched hattori hulbert halliday hongzhuang hannington llambias lw2 lw1 mimetic mimetically nx14 nx19 omtg pleistocene pusillites pocket pockets qinghe qinggangping swex sweep siemens satisfied satisfact tarapaca tanneron tannenberg xl30 ##enthalpic reagent reagents return returning disaggregation cryolite arbitrary arbitrarily division divisions premier consumes consumed performing repository repositories micrometres micrometre bridle bracketed symplectite transmitt microfissure microfossils microveinlets microanalytical eliminate dissipated redeposition redeposited decimeter decimeters 192os optimum 1000ln erlangping erlichmanite schneider schneckenstein endowed endowment palaeogeography docegeo circumstances 224w5 johannsonite catalytic catalyzed geothermobarometric ##alsi3o10 microbeam molecular molecules metabasalt metabasaltic culminated et0730 warrants warranted buildups rigorously wbad087 arnbergites multicollection multicollector dinaride electroly jacobs inhomogeneous slovenian slovenia autobreccia autobreccias 7101 bicarbonate boganida braided cumba darcy dusel drowned d4096 effort fifth humid hindered hieratite kretschmar kranidio letniya myrmekitic muller mistaken nugrus ponce pumiceous pirkanmaa romero raspas rollback tazaki vague zimbabwe ##falla inherently thiosulf thirty totalling deuteric antofalla sevastopulo septa companion compensate chonoliths madre stannite disregard ornaments progenitor strategies abrasion divergence phbd northeasterly nebulizer preconcentration enlargement lending assertion perturb diffractometer adopt weissliegend spiral heinrich cupriferous recycling recurrence agglomerate syndicate amarilla metalimestone surviving refractive replenishment microcontinental explicitly mat262 remelting plumose speculative mushket radiolarians brocken permissible trondheim instructive outrunner simplification ##temperatures siderophyllite guilbert offshoots polymorphic thermobarometry labradorite bathymetric retreating encapsulated affiliation waxing platinoids suprasubduction famatinite laccolithic lensoidal n1377 poikiloblastic geoarchaeologist nanoamps bolivia ingredients inconsistency categories neighboring boudinaged miogeoclinal conservatively lepidoblastic inappropriate inaccuracies cockadeand unroofed trachyandesite cylindrical momentum sverjensky utilising reassessment arnsbergensis intramineralization brachiopods leucomonzogranite 234u apex akeshi aznalcoll bingham bouska bipyramid bivalve bobrowicz bhandara caggian camino chenghai cigano dabashan dulcinea dobretsov eadington einaudi etendeka e99007 eisenlohr fmq finger fayalite fanning faviere family girrako gongcai greece gabriel hogarth hovin hamburg hdehp hibernic izanagi ilyin irai ihpv judging jayawardena jannas jaffey konongo kasuga keta kadugann kneeshaw krennerite koktal kalahari karki krusne krouse kalsi3o8 l800 larder lausanne litherland lengjia laguar mentor merely mumin mirr mackinaw mulden mottled nuevo nathaniel naguayan nigerian ondulatory oweiss ocoite pedogenic pilbara podiform pucara pangea pidgeon pickelhaube praesulcata qiliping rastered rambler ritchie sonne sestini sichuan sirm soldado saussur safely tidal tibetan tucuman tampere trouw tivi vigorous vavrin vauze vancouver vitrinite vallenar wherlite wadati warped xnacl xuefeng yooroon zaruma zweifel ziegler zambrana zindler zarza δbao δmgo δ206pb ##uacaja ##iplinary ##teenth ##onotriletes ##erroplatinum invaluable thucholite thiery isabel isoclinally isoferroplatinum isobaric dewatering cotabato codigem connotations coniacian alpha alcl3 al2sio5 algorith reticulate reversed reopening revisited recharged reinterpret belemnite asturian minamiite byproduct depressurization anthophyllite antigorite annotated anecdotal anaerobic fluviatile grandia champion chilica atokan attitudes stubby disparate shackleton shazly wholesale veevers hydrogrossular criterion relaxation triradiatus artigas artificially unobserved unloading unfractured unlithified unzoned dieciocho interdigitating geopetal geofluids nejdek ##riquez preventing goldfarb leismann leimengou subwave subdued subbasins martitised pertinent fracturation overthickened acquisition scrutiny schermain scaleno scandinavia heijlen shepherd mikucki appendix allochems undercooling poisson przybylowicz bryndzia charnockitic services implosion implausible transversal referenced barramiya sequestration blauenthal desilicification desulphidation elderfield elsmore src744 cemernik skinned decarbonation euxinic lithostructural manitoba nikishin moncheite syntectonically 1811400e cafemic peedee petrunov paleoproteroic hypersaline portezuelo longmenshan millenbach fournier greenfields ultrahigh bulgarian δ34scdt δ34sgalena curvilinear outstanding mertakoski polycyclic spectrophot multidisciplinary microspectrometer hofformationn demagnetization burruss peltonen orthopyroxenes kaapvaal guiyang guandakou advancing rotaspora indeterminate macintosh attributable estrela talvivaara widmerpool pennsylvanian reynolds illumination diatomozonotriletes panasqueira panagyurishte rammelsberg uk222 05389 marksheiderskaya copenhagen macrostylolites hispaniola holbrook huuhtijarvi huacchuacaja raistrickia santaguida ettadom komsomolsky autometasomatism kermadec urvantsev hemimorphite rubbely prerequisites bhargava cristobalite cuproiridsite daqiangyan gonzalez gottesmann lindenmayer fuchshuebel ljubljana ehrenfriedersdorf gorceixite satisfactorily transmittance kranidiotis thiosulfate weissliegendes mushketovite aznalcollar caggiano girrakool hibernicoceras kadugannawa lengjiaxi mackinawite yooroonah 0as 0and 0to 060 014 090 0an1 1h 1m 1x 1w 1an 1an0 2s 2i 2f 2te 2ac 2h2o 2o4 2cot 2sb 2an0 2πσ 2an1 3he 3are 3fe 3an0 3alsi3o10 4s 4p 4f 4he 4ab 4h2o 437 490 419 416 4f2 5h 5δ 5ab 5th 5de 540 520 514 510 5an0 5or1 5alsi3o10 6h 6d 6i 6j 6th 620 660 610 617 6an0 7h 7d 7g 7j 7to 740 730 737 7or1 8h 8ab 826 9ab 940 920 960 980 990 aa ai ay az aj a5 aac ave ace agh avel amin award aval awa aven aik aiding alex avec aks alem bs bg bx bf bit bos bate bid bent bus bain bom bad bib ball bence bale bare bond bort bise binn bots bals baren banj bouse bresc bivalent bitum bourn bitumen cv c3 c4 cmp cys cet cmm cso caw cities cald ches cien coss cami citing cash ctd cumm cnr cabri citation ds dv dn dg dm dx dl dq dj dal ding dock dich dum dir dall dut dmm deld dang drys dual dup dsm dinn dao dcu dug drove dinal digenetic datable dode d500 dsp dcp dhanj dahl eo e3 ek eot epe eth era eber eust ede eck eony ejected eifel fh fu fd fi fy f4 fte fon fti fes fate fle fow fart fet fide fand fusions falc fans file fie fift fish fenn fits fier fellow fulf fade fitz fuse fij gs gn g3 gt gf gw gate gle gag gig glu gum gay gort game gord gust gould gather gao gatic gau gbs gorny gila gasses hc hi hx hp hw hk h4 hil hrom hack hob hark hub hug heng hco hami h14 hrees hoped h18 houg hube hugou huck hansen hagger houshan hso4 ib ik i1 i5 ihe iced iran iape ianovic iinked jf jain jot jum jcl job jane jub jup jamb jenn joli jenkins jansen james kc kr kl kq khe kus kel kur kain kam kif kand kore kong kip kwe kang kron kav karn kov kret kamb kors krop khan kuk kont kih kosk kush koz kita kapo kash kru kodym kln karelian ld lr ly lz lβ ler lit lag lock lou luc lnt lund lond love lone latite lub lacl linn lama lomer lists laps luk lamber llan lwith lls lives latites lakes lyon lilov liao mh mb mq m4 mμ ming mich mib mall miti mout mould mala mother mounts muk mwh munc mung master mule mumm mamm muchez nh ng nt nl nf nq nº nat niz nou ncc nich nog niti nak nick nist nels nons namb niron n40 n60 n30 n10 nice n90 noses neritic nash n45 n36 nf3 naked nubian npo n000 oo oen oif ocl oman oolites oven o20 ooidal omg o18 pv pn px pf ping poc pts pich pay pto pick pied pep puch pined pena pinn polyb pix pann paj pah pfe pinal pounds ppt p13 pediments pinches qd qi qian qiu qsp qitian r3 rt r2 rp r4 rin ral ran row riz rum rost rive rail rpm rams rug rodal r22 rocha rivan risen risk rinds sq s9 s4 sor soc sure sot som sph sse sted stic spe scc sge sad sib sst stin sard sack sick sme sark sabb sae sible seng says saj sah sabar sush szu sga sieve smej salles tn t3 t0 t2 tith tain tres tet tum tally tall tigh tant tene tnt tia tick trow tacl tup tones tien tethys trock tacu tdh tips tische u0 uy u1 uro ucy ueda uhp u114 ufa v7 v5 von vor vse vide vir vaul vri vank viller vital voy vaugh vco2 vsmow vila voise valles wc wo wm wf wz wen wis wing went wig wou wab wass wong weld wack waw wren write wie wise wish wink wyll wands w70 wards wire wackes wgs wij wds wisp w72 wpg winches xu xd xo xt xz xian xiqu ye yh yd yv yk yz yin yel yag yam yich yng yap yav yak york yane yering yards ylp yitian za zd zi zx zl zan zur zil zhen zaps zzy zquartz µl αmineral δ3 δchlorite δankerite σand ##ei ##ej ##epl ##etric ##eberg ##eanic ##eman ##eva ##emer ##eker ##emen ##ekite ##aan ##aol ##aing ##aver ##aide ##aut ##aub ##aques ##aplan ##audo ##cal ##cite ##cis ##cation ##ciment ##cia ##cale ##cell ##cular ##cipit ##ctiv ##chen ##chemistry ##ctric ##cules ##certain ##cosp ##comm ##catus ##ctivity ##corre ##cumulate ##comes ##ctives ##cdef ##h6 ##hf ##har ##hat ##hod ##hyr ##hir ##hay ##hav ##holite ##haus ##hris ##hao ##hau ##holes ##hca ##haded ##huashan ##sa ##ss ##s6 ##sity ##sall ##sest ##sphal ##sial ##sberg ##sback ##ssch ##self ##sbo ##slope ##skite ##uh ##uu ##uv ##uar ##uro ##uit ##uid ##uly ##uing ##uated ##uage ##uates ##une ##ugh ##uay ##uber ##uably ##uial ##uters ##utile ##uven ##uky ##utites ##uato ##uhler ##uitively ##bol ##big ##brom ##bet ##ball ##bold ##bra ##bound ##bell ##bach ##bris ##bble ##bok ##brite ##bration ##barth ##b2s ##bago ##borg ##banded ##buhler ##do ##dp ##dy ##dar ##dus ##dom ##dill ##dian ##dala ##die ##dified ##dhjem ##dahl ##iq ##iel ##ires ##ipe ##iant ##iian ##iites ##ike ##iers ##iatite ##iability ##iques ##iott ##iolu ##vl ##vos ##vus ##vres ##vir ##vant ##vill ##vorite ##vio ##vium ##vised ##vanic ##vanite ##vice ##vsmow ##oe ##oti ##oes ##oit ##oul ##oel ##oting ##oines ##oik ##ools ##oeb ##ooms ##oiho ##ohca ##nh ##non ##nor ##nan ##nosed ##nning ##nice ##nci ##niger ##novo ##nrode ##32 ##3ass ##320 ##3o4 ##044 ##057 ##gm ##g1 ##geral ##gated ##gou ##gir ##gant ##gold ##gyrite ##gong ##gites ##gers ##gens ##gare ##gman ##gdu ##gash ##gonitic ##guill ##g600 ##gachev ##tx ##tar ##tan ##tated ##tted ##tros ##tably ##tone ##tonic ##tren ##town ##tons ##tonal ##tfully ##tui ##rd ##rit ##rig ##rity ##rant ##ries ##rane ##rink ##rins ##rustations ##rillos ##rhyr ##mite ##mly ##mus ##mow ##mod ##mad ##mess ##mill ##mable ##mase ##mites ##mast ##mack ##mist ##mond ##math ##mark ##morites ##mair ##micular ##mored ##magne ##miao ##73 ##75 ##74 ##6b ##69 ##65 ##xonian ##xially ##xton ##xzn ##xamination ##82 ##85 ##893 ##lle ##lag ##lides ##lility ##lined ##lwall ##lifer ##litisation ##lars ##lwith ##lados ##lamic ##2a ##23 ##29 ##2te ##2th ##2rel ##219 ##215 ##2000 ##pi ##p2 ##py ##plu ##part ##pens ##pob ##pile ##pastic ##ported ##pala ##pie ##pins ##prising ##pds ##p99 ##puts ##puar ##fw ##f5 ##fer ##fes ##fts ##fib ##feld ##fund ##fited ##fellow ##wu ##wo ##wer ##war ##wing ##wich ##wib ##wari ##wra ##wick ##wkes ##wiched ##woxi ##wood ##wett ##warz ##westerly ##witt ##welcome ##w044 ##ked ##kit ##kwe ##kie ##kenite ##kird ##kola ##k17 ##kras ##kava ##karin ##kfon ##kuh ##ye ##yw ##yte ##yor ##yat ##yne ##yers ##yerite ##yell ##yros ##yuk ##yta ##ycher ##yroclastic ##ykava ##qing ##qiang ##za ##zz ##zap ##zone ##zonite ##zend ##zade ##jen ##jhem ##jov ##jovec ##jayan ##jci ##juven ##jmite ##1t ##98 ##91 ##9la ##931 ##5b ##59 ##55 ##560 ##5bi ##43 ##46 ##4tes ##σn ##hele ##heated ##hematic ##heva ##heads ##heuhedral ##tec ##tecc ##tected ##tems ##teced ##tels ##teks ##teborg ##tetec ##onor ##onation ##onos ##onts ##onim ##onom ##onge ##onous ##onut ##ontite ##oncl ##onnite ##oniatites ##onjhem theun theme ##tio ##tiac ##tious ##tired ##tiles ##tians ##tierite ##tible ##tiometry ##tiometric ##tika ##tison ##tibi ##tiansen ##tibite ##rea ##rek ##real ##reic ##rele ##reng ##reous ##rera ##regen ##rects ##repit ##reira ##rerillos ##ini ##inz ##inan ##inas ##inted ##inod ##infor ##inisation ##inder ##inoph ##inty ##inding ##inarily ##inoids ##inert ##inburg ##inctly ##integ ##al0 ##al1 ##al4 ##allu ##alog ##ality ##alard ##alunite ##alysis ##alteg ##alankara ##ndt ##nden ##ndian ##nderson ##ndorf ##ndano official ##enor ##enter ##enab ##enge ##enque ##enie ##encies ##enwood ##eri ##eran ##eris ##erock ##eries ##erance ##erms ##erido ##ernes ##erillo ##ermann ##erburg ##erkin ##erdare ##erhau ##erbuhler ##esi ##esion ##esites ##escrib ##espan inag inad inward inlier inability inequ innes inert inev inhab inasm ##aro ##aric ##aran ##artite ##arst ##arsen ##arok ##aramb ##arck ##arson ##aroa ##arged ##arico ##ariance ##arwar andac and20 ##oran ##oros ##orated ##orse ##orary ##orable ##oray ##orke ##ortive ##orgen ##orje ##orama ##orious ##orana ##orara ##orapatite ##orodite ##orhom ##orhod ##ortierite ##orini ##ica ##icts ##icated ##icity ##icates ##iclin ##icaba ##iccation ##tionally ##tionable ##roism ##roduction ##roduce ##rozen ##roaching ##rovian ##rollite ##rocite ##roalunite ##anase ##anites ##anob ##antian ##aneda ##anubian ##antimonite ##eds ##edes ##eded ##eding ##edrite ##edade ##edanne ##itc ##itan ##itated ##itom ##itting ##itable ##ittal ##itris ##ithen ##itules ##aser ##asis ##asted ##aso3 ##iteit ##ison ##iser ##isop ##isth ##isations ##isch ##isable ##isitic ##istry ##issen ##isbro ##isdorf ##istel ##isheva ##olt ##olam ##olum ##olates ##olome ##olism ##olland ##ollo ##olial ##oluted ##olitisation ##olatit ##olson ##oliar ##oltz ##olova ##olvus ##olanites ##osu ##oso ##osus ##osch ##osable ##osize ##osome ##osyste ##osium ##osols ##osha ##osuture ##osomes ##osmow ##osoros ##atelet ##idates ##idens ##idating ##idolite ##idered ##idanite ##idomorphic ##idimension ##idade ##idire ##idiob ##atz ##atti ##atong ##atron ##atters ##atna ##atuse ##lee ##leted ##leth ##leuc ##lect ##leans ##leaved ##lemet ##leira ##leading ##lendez ##leithen ##ingo ##ingk ##ingers ##ingtonite ##ingmill thv thm thim thay thio thail thie thsm think thread thco things thco2 thunder tou tot toul touc tomb toms toque token to14 toxic toepl ##mpos ##mpted ##mpto ##mpie ##mpled ##ulite ##uling ##ulved ##ulari ##ulites ##ulsen ##ulco ##ularities ##entation ##entally ##entuated ##ussion ##usok ##ussive ##usingly ##usmannite ##ocon ##ocation ##ocyr ##ocass ##ocaps ##ocean ##ocontin ##ocolate ##oceanic ##ocenter ##ocrocite ##acite ##acher ##acion ##acab ##acet ##acles ##acitic ##acale ##acial ##accep ##acularly ##acana ##acmas ##acali ##acohca ##acicaba ##elv ##eles ##elos ##elve ##elain ##elich ##eline ##elles ##elines ##elman ##elkhand ##elva ##elaide ##ithified ##ithostatic isz isles ishib isov isomer isodynamic isostatic isla isii isenthalpic islamic isolates deion decc dezo deines dehydrox deformative dewitt coy coass copar coff copre coats cooney cobble codified cotui cooray ##trati ##trong ##trap ##trans ##trient ##tronite ##tracts ##triation ##trieve ##ager ##agar ##agge ##ague ##agatti ##urum ##urst ##urah ##urdy ##urprising conch conia contempor coney ##teris ##terch ##terian ##terros ##terran ##terisk ##terrane aliz alam alun alber alder alco algeb alkan alf3 alotr alike ##vet ##vered ##veque reid reun reward reval recep rejection retrapped rehom request render retispora rebound rejuven retired reinfor retrieve areal areval arenites ford forces forwards fortran forbes beig beth beud beach beau beizi beiya beaudo bereng ##ilar ##iled ##ille ##ilac ##ilman ##ilarite ##ilpi ##ilithified ##igas ##igram ##igoon ##iguing ##igoniatites as1 asten ascertain asked ashele asterisk ##owia ##oward ##owiss ##owski ##owei ##atia ##atiq ##atios ##atized ##atinous ##romise ##romitite ##romangan minus minam minia minie minera minettes ministry ##lun ##lund ##lution ##lurob ##luvium ##tsab ##hering ##herie ##herches ##imer ##iman ##imary ##imaz ##imals ##imassive ##imzade ##imontite ##ional ##ionella ##ainal ##ainable ##otte ##otti ##otom ##otop ##otroph ##otyp ##otography ##otani ##ototal ##oturb ##oman ##omane ##ometh ##omorp ##omainal ##izu ##izers ##izzo ##izenb ##phin ##phic ##phine ##phides ##phail ##phased ##phyric ##phyllite ##phorus ##phyta ##photography ##oux ##ouy deport depressive depaol depocenter ##sem ##sequ ##sepp ##separ ##seman ##seye mineralwater mineralisations ##ceived ##cemented anch annite anane anton antil an64 an62 anaplan an55 anteced anonim animals sump succ suffic suturing suphides flute fluence fluvio seab sever semin seism seward se30 searc se22 secular sefw ##rested ##resolved ##ab3 ##abreg ##abled ##ab20 ##abria ##abec ##abaya ##ab27 ##ablility grs grt gram grip grap griff grands grinds grinding gratz compart compacted compressed computers compromise chin chip chiti chame chance chris chov chala chains chau chances chua chorre chuck chanca chalard chatelet chocolate chacana chilpi ##yser ##ysia ##ystall ##ysulfide athen attes ataca ##aments ##amath ##amote ##ametres ##americ ##amani ##amics ##amontane ##tick ##pez ##pered maia maask maoch marek maidens mausok ##ccerillo ##ichsee fluidisation ##gei ##getically ##etat ##mentation stp stf stow stant stark story stann strome stoch strel stani staked sthat ##oda ##odum ##odged ##odec ##odiab ##erene tea te2 tear teaching te2s3 tewari onwards ongonitic disten discon disper discl dissen disput disrupt disks dischar disorgan disinteg ##ngala ##nghao ##ngerbuhler ors oral orific orients or80 or72 or61 or97 or76 or69 or82 orleans ##male ##malite ##malinisation incise inches incision incoming incrustations inconcl ##ogy ##ogou ##ogad ##ogranular ##yrrho exogenic exited extra exogenous exagger exothermic ##ifed ##iford ##ifier ##ifluoride ##adiferous ##adams quie quasi quarz quimas questa quilman ##verance ##vertent ##verake proth proof prolifer protected prompted sharing shms shaw shattered shores shards shany shifting shaan shuid shrink sholtz ##opx ##opay ##opang ##oplo ##ophen ##oporphyritic ##opallad ##opyros ##quet ##quifers ##queness ##quoise ##quilar ##umen ##umonite ##umoto ##umdar ##ibas ##ibole whalen ##thys ##thierite ##thorn ##thwick sulvanite ##uconite ##pple ##pported ##ppled ##ppler ##ppolt orefluid formulation ##ostly ##ostrome ##irable ##iraj ##ousin ##ously ##ander ##andall ##andian ##andenburg magmatite ##tence ##tensen strath strains ##ydacitic haap haack hawa haake haugh havl hapuar hawkes hausmannite metath metaps metress metaborate ##alla ##allister volkov basu basification bastar baseline ##ighter ##assed ##assions rests reside resides resto respond resolve ##canes zonens ##redon ##ationship veen veget veizer vehar vejen vendian ##chi ##chment ##chting ##chang ##change ##chond ##chaf ##chberg ##chanic ##chased ##chambers ##chlor ##chfi ##chakov ##chison ##antones ##antaneous veinlwith ##arya altering alterated hydrochemical hydrosp hydrobrom ##iess ##tinga contorted contortion contouring ##utt ##utary ##utang ##utotroph crav crink crump cripp crino crumb crpg crinoids crandall ##alca carl carap carlo carnian caraca carlos carleton carrollite carabaya clt clock claren tyler tynagh tyumen relies relay relied relating reliance reliability relocation sulfo sulfosal occassions ##iveira volcaniites trist tract trains trained tracts trude tribute tracers tribut truly trnovo tronjhem triclin trifluoride ##matitin ##illon ##illing ##illonite ##illador plc plata placement plentif arth aries arms arape arising aradas aragua ardill artfully armored araneda arrested abl abio ab94 ab97 ab93 abbey abcdef ab98 abenab aberdare unite unam unne unav unord united unox unques unimodal unbi unrec untes unru unev unarg uninter untung unfaulted unmist unwelcome unheated unidire unaccep untrans uncemented unresolved unchlor dik dias diap diking diana dimpled diametres interact interrel interactive interbanded interleaved interchange lowe lows lowand lowell lowtemperature ##ctured ##ctural ##ctoward ##aults ##bones intrabas intriguing intramontane phl ph2o phara phthal phorphyritic phyrrho norm noran norite norseman geary geist geared gebre geostatic geiki geographical georgen geosuture geowiss nee neix neuk neomorph neote neomineral nearer nekras neosome ##plot ##placed ##plish evans evacu evoked evolu evolves evensen evoking cole colg colored colusite colvine coloso colluvium carbonation carbonated grainy indigenous indistin indentation ##ritisation volcanicand preval preex pretectonic goldand goldhab constric entry engend entity ensuring entering encycl ensim enriquez ensial entren enabled presages ##enec ##eney ##enemase betts bettison ##iane ##ianfuri frape fritz fryer frames framed fruit frizzo ##iper ##ipes ##ipia ##ipote leca leitz leube levres leinz leeds leistel leveque ##nected ##neix ##negan ##nemann ##necia ##wei highs highor ##apure ##apsed ##apai ##apulco ##apalca suband subst subasing subarc subev subias substances subcalc subcrop subzone subheuhedral subidomorphic subterrane subchambers ##mmer ##ghu ##ght assisting assisted assert assynt assoti locating ##001 ##ometrically ##ometrical ##forts ##sour ##soft ##ariolitic ##iments ##udation ##udsepp granny ##ateral ##aterinburg ##ulla ##ayambo ##lowski notorious pyriteto pyritemus ##itical ##key ##keinen ##keenie ##edimentray park parish parson parry paracale ##itin ##itize fe1 feass fecl feather feining feely feototal obib obra oblong obey obenemase ##ourt ##ourable college collecting mayer mayuan mayeda maynard mayanovic mayurb mayacmas marl marti marion marred marians marino marmora martitization marston marsa margare ##ataka silts siluro perkins peroxide perpet perdahl perceived ##io3 richly richness ##ivity ##ivare ##ologic ##ologies ##states ##raic sedimentology sedimentologists meant metric meade meuz mendez meyers meinert melendez meatiq mechanic thanks mineralsa formationfund ima ##iffe ##iffer ##iffries ##anghe ##anginian ##osely ##rons ##rony ##ronts ##ronym ##tined ##tinian ##tinberg vale valu valkeinen valanginian diffusive diffussive ##mbo associate canon canar canary canber canmet canister liagh lihir lippolt complements colleague colleaguesne colleagueseration colleagues2000 brevis breiter breemen brenan ##avo ##avation ##aving ##avai ##avkov ##aville southe sought overor overly overlo overste overthrust overcomes reperc reproduce ##estos ##estones sims simon simonet ##ersper ##ershan ##ersible genkin genalysis suggestions regan registr morenci ##ardi ##ardo ##ardation ##ardrite butte butcher buttes buttons corg corund corrob corde corals corrode corbet coryell cortecc ##ficially larap larry mainand mainland mainstage adr adversely adcumulate adelaide adhering ##took ##tohav ##tofib acb acts acme ackn acadian acrit acapulco acronym latent lateritisation score scail scie scote scoured scaly scori scrins scorodite scatters ##aky ##akable ##akko container ##pection ##pecado ##pectives modena module ##reement ##olutionized ##uezi ##ueira bellis bells variogram ##ensitive ##ensville ##enschaf electric elegant eletros typologies ussr similary twin twit twisted twelve pband micrite weisen wehr weishan weaver wendt weisbro weitin wherever whereup ##outan ##ansu ##ansonnite sp3 spent spence spaw spont spik spry spitz sprays spoon spycher sponge spodum spiess sprons commission commencing complexly complexities hey heald hebr heino heidel hebe hebec heigou henderson hematitin undp undep undulated undulate undescrib precord sulpharsen chloriteor bottinga ##ctional ##ogenization ##icka ##icksen ##ickuv salar salim salvi salty salients salutary salardi ##ralithostatic greg commonality metamorp dolej dollars dolphin carbonateor nov novel noire nova shen sheff sheaves shenghao miosp mioto miariolitic ##mins students cuo cu2o cuney cunning cu3ass earlyand ##parquet concentrical concentratios recall recounts recipe reclined recedes recherches recystall recipes contentious ag8 agates agno3 agcl2 agrok agitated ##isty 203 2070 2038 2025 apw apron appeared biobe ##unal ##unen ##unter ##unity ##raphs epito epsil ##arembo ##ditioned accentuated ##ffregen ##elsic gradation gradations gradationally silicon silicifed ##isms ##ismuth ##ismutite ##llenb ##llerhau allard allochthon allenwood underor undercorre underpins undertook dolomitization dolomitized dolomitc areaa po4 potent poinc pohl poyat poulsen prl printed prague bril brug brasse bruck brgm brf5 brandenburg brighter brillador observer observing calciteand posed sy4 sytems ##rosilite ##rostibite domingo sourcing souriraj amco amster amoeb amnh signify biotiteor ##timentif ##bery ##bertal charac charoy serving service ##ortunity magmtism olsen oliver olisth oliveira geologia geologiques majorand impure impressive imposition imprec imposes impede impeded equate equity equals equiang equitably equidimension flown flowing appressed apprais appropriately vervi vergen vernikov vermicular verlag ##achs ##acht ##achuan ##achchi au5 au90 au13 auersper aurostibite sled slush slade slaty slavkov uprising upstream basinmod metaline metalutites ##cessary ##cessible transba transiting transdan transitory translate surficially melville melasy thickly thickto archer timocite timelines timmins ##pert hosking escond esker ##acterial refine refining refolded refilling about10 ##usta ##ustan ##ustainable ##clath ##clinal ##cliffe reeft ree2o3 reexamination bark barros barret barley barrett barrand barbey barrig barrovian baragar developments southto southwards southampton characterisation characterizing characterising characterisitic northto northrup northampton northwesterly sequester replicates basalto 10d 102 101 10na 1037 1015 assembled ##rise ##rison ##rises ironand geochemis treating trevorite wallbre ##sening ##seness blob blancos blanca blooms blacet shearley throughgoing baseand basements microto microfaul microtectonic microfracturing microenvironment microlith microorgan microtonal microleuc microphotography microsoft abundanc proves proving smallto porphyrytic welled generalize generalise ##obol ##obromite ##obamba ##obudi ##obismutite texsem domination felsite felsitic ##blemont deserves despob desiccation desirable destined lima limiting limonitic limousin elimination eliop elapsed grouping groupings srs srm discs discounted outputs regionaland ##liography ##ailable orogenically ##awan postand postto ##ilee ##ileiras dissolves presentations arsenide arsenoth fineand rhass mineable mineiro pressured ##idophyta beckie ce3 ceases corrects afanase cento centro redmond redcliffe ##ginia ##ocl1 ##oclaves ##loo ##epening ##eposition ##yroxenitic homogranular matted mattered matters mattray mathematic matoutan skyl skaer remedi remagne pluij plummer ##metric ##meyer founded foundation foundering continual continually magnetiteand ##orkel leaders stiff stille stippled reflective eua euhedra ##hoff ##hohn ##okarst infinity inferences infras infolded infesta infralithostatic cleo cleaner clegg clefts clenden hora horses horsts ##ovski ##ovkite speculation spectral specially specifying contrarily contracting 191 1930 1917 1919 1913 1936 1918 co2to controling marginifer doi dozen douling brecciate lithons lithostrati lithics lithifying lithocaps lithotyp dergachev ##uchas opaques coarsest coarsening secondor secondand secondarily dyn manhes manches manih managing manometer manila mansour ##aststri crystallation crystallites crystallise crystallochemical niu niol niass ni18 nieva epidotic halt halsall halbach pyritized pyrals striation striated striations stripped depositionally epidotes galan galvanic galerkin timely timefr feldsparand aftersh aftermath considers ##craped monaz monoclinal monash monocrystalline monterros montsab monocl1 ##anema ##anephorus separable synor synformal syncollision synplu synclinal olivella districtand 18ο 1850 1890 1894 1866 1893 18ocass ##olytung ##actions ##genite stockhol stockpile stockwer olivineand ##ubchuk ##ubacher so3 softe sohn soaked coarseto localize fink finished finning financed finigan finds finnegan sericites laterite ##tersburg hematiteand ##onses ##ieving proposing mantling fo96 fo75 normality normalizing generic caand cahill cahco3 cauti caelles caunter amply ampibole laje laude lazn lazne lafon laumonite laubacher ##upine defiance deflect plagiop equilibrates equilibrating ##regional ##jele stibine stibiop stibnites stibiolu pyrrhotitic stems stellenb plagioclases apatiteand ##rystallized diagnosed abundantly displacing ##pectacular dissection ##cribe measures solve solver soledade soliman oxyflu oxygens differentially ##afson determinants negates negros midland ##ambault matrixes analyte analyse analytic analyze analytically analytika eastoe flic flip flush flint flaky chromel extensions extensionally sericiteand sericitealtered 1200 1250 1270 12πσ immune moot mozo moesian mooiho moelv mineralogies mineralogisch 100to 100xzn 405 erba ericksen schiss schult scholl schools schwarz schalteg schiffries eventual gabbroamphib drying drifted peat pepe pearly pecher pearson peimontite peccerillo petersburg sulfuric ##ropolytung alba albay albitic albouy enriching envision ##ylation ##isha planck planning shallowed disseminatedand oxidations oxidant oxidizer silicateor ##edius suppose suppression supplier suppress supplan supportive foreign foreground mg2 mgal mantleor mantleand paleont paleoa paleotectonic paleodepth paleostruc paleostress paleosurface paleolatit paleocean paleokarst distinctiv glance glomer glopp furong ##nessed 11d 113 1126 bounds ##innabar evolutions recrystallize musa musc invites invited invasion invades westwards zns zncl znhco3 ##tify si3 si2 siting siiv siocon newberry iridium ir2s3 irvine irrele ##covite ##covian openings approximation approximating radiometrically muscovitized 30a 303 307 302 309 30º 3030 3094 discusses born boron boric borosilicate borcos borolanites borthwick firming firmly ##omicitic ##omicrite ##hanaya ##hanmiao ##ricated ##ricorn ##inking know knight knitting totaled porger porcher porfi porosities portray porpy sanders sandeman sandwiched sandiford mesonor concise market 15c 157 152 1500 1566 expand expose expels express exposing exposition expelled controllers 508 502 509 longsh longford pty ptpd ptpds ##roblast prograded prograding vara varaj δ18och δ18opl δ18osmow δ18opx h2oand silling pdld pd5bi anyway anymore petford ulwd ulrich ##primary transposing transparen transports transposition transposes fractionational 259 2580 2581 2587 lineage lineaments ##ophosph absorp absarok abstracts turi turning turner turns turmalinisation turquoise turkey detaching superde supercrustal supervised superterran correspondent footprin foothill 13d 13th 1300 1335 13an0 139la 13ctoward brod brocal endmemb endorse singer singular singled ##oxene chloritised chlorflu chlorapatite potash potrerillos identifies δ18oquartz δ18oankerite 000s 0003 0007 0001 00030 predating predisp rbt ##deley ##debr ##ognised naa nauru ##fty ##tigial caves losing tuwu lightly metallote ##348 millers milliq milligram depleting fourier illitic illitisation phenocyr itabiritic ferreira ferromangan ferrosilite deepened pollution polysulfide political ##gregor conference confused confesion confusingly confronts greenwich recognises recognisable ultra garnetand overlay thrive trondjem standardized magna magneto magnifier boat bohai boorara boiled bulging igm igcp intuitively ##atical inspected inspection insensitive metasedimentray schellerhau environmentally ##ctron orderly ##lingite mapable map215 respaut responses notes broadened medians medalla combes select selectivity preserving paragonite paraguay paragraphs continuities greisenized greisenising causal causative denser densosp ##olithionite ##irchen weakened 14c 1490 pyh pym sww swath switch swingmill ##raduate hornblendeto biased biostratigraph biogenetic biologists biochemistry bi4tes bioturb biomicrite phosphor phosphorous phosphatized 2060 basaltand ##gerode skarnrec argillitic argillized palaeof palaeomagne palaeosurface palaeopang δ34ssphal δ34sfes investigating lacked curti curtin ##aea ##aeite ##aeff ##omination interpretable interpretative mt3 ##ocrysts version versatil versions thence noncomm nonmagne nonfer nontronite nonchond uncover uncorre uncouples viehoff ##hesize ##itsa maximizing micropoik benoit microprobes summed potentiometric merges merits merging mercos mertieite merolia triolite subductional 870 874 87al1 observably observational freely borniteand predominating cmf polycarbon polyphased willams uniqueness steepens 869 baia baimas baikal bauru baimaz spectrograph spectacularly isocon isochemical schistosities 217 211 21st 2140 2180 2170 2190 2135 2112 sitting degrade degraded degrading conglomeratic 392 391 395 smail smyth smoliar sanbor ##cule alumel magmatitic multilay ##inspastic fluorocarbon aggregation influencing mediumor mediumand sn2 snf sn4 snap sncl sncl2 snorkel ##uginea ##ugorb oriental shoulder puy puzz pungala rosario ##trapping migmatic migoll deva devitr intermedius ##iscus ##isches 5001 cassedanne datings mmc mm3 mmhb prioritize deliver delamination terraced territories accompaniments 703 7040 7060 7070 7035 7066 7093 gneissose kristinberg narcis ##illera photos subside subsides subsolvus subscribe cratonwards hillside mn1 mn3o4 ##type microspec microshear stockworked narrowest 223 227 228 221 2250 2297 2291 gays gahnite hoernes handle handling pervades cassiteriteand restricts restrictions availablility goals goteborg roan roemer rozend roorke roobol demise demarc angeles ##leyite flats flatten sb18 sb2s3 ##anna alternated cyanob darkwater vaporand ##ofrio outcropped outcomes scheeliteand ##lds kimball papa papunen diamondiferous universal universiteit universidade ductility freibur pii piolland rimming titles ##olescu minimally minimized minimizing 87srand 163 168 162 169 1600 1650 16al0 351 359 35cl burke burnard burrows burchfi d2b d22 d2and classify classifying classifies irregularities intermediateand downwelling downstream downfaulted downslope jurjovec nwand useable ##bsite ##roclasts extrusions extract extracting constituted peltier peltetec widest zincian zinckenite petrographgic magnesites 459 45º gangou tuffite mercuriferous 233 236 239 232th bismutite bismarck hardened hardware mcbr mcker mckird mcinty mcphail mcallister mcgregor sintering seguin northwestto northwestward spectrometers spectrometrical rutiles orthogran orthocumulate orthorhom orthophosph 602 604 kaji kaiser kaigas loelling loizenb loosely ##yingtan allowance alunitea ##resses ##ressuring outcropcrop ti4 detriment detritic semilithified semimassive explorationist documenting damman ##ukas reserved constancy massifs differentiates viewpo picotani siderites siddeley entrances peaked d10 favouring guai gugler guterch guowei guamote tells zrn northeastand transportable 269 264 2626 2609 2645 2696 2681 2632 benefited linkages linkham tapping tapped taoch tapered releases releasing arsenicor arsenicand supergiant pipeand pipetted 17a 173 176 171 179 4000 float floyd floating floors offering compressionally advent oceanographic oceanography interstrati ##oleiites molten popular populate poprhyr detectors ferrum ferruginea nickeline nickelian equivalently ryan ryholite ryuky tetraedrite archipel archambault 18oquartz constantly browning rotary unconfined unconnected gaski gasben joins lasn δdwater δdwh δdchlorite δdvsmow ##voite distally distorts exsolves clastto agreeing hypidiob cat19 cat46 catalog catchment cat001 edx edmont editors edwin edelman ##cores ##cka ##ontally isochronous δ13cpdb calomel calacali fresher fresco behaving illustrations jasperoidal 337 336 338 f1b overgrew heats heatand amethystine rapidity correspondingly fallen fallick ##shi intercrystalline mylonitization mylonitised mylonitisation buxton blevin bleeker blewett bleeding harbi harmon haruchas ##aird convected conveyor claypool weathers tungurah keel keys keays keppler kepert exhaled marcoux 277 272 274 2700 2760 2736 2761 2742 2776 2747 297 291 295 294 cpf cpos milesi s1b tending enclave geologico 1878 1875 xeno1 xenotimes interstitially induces induction paragenetical macraes macdon grauch erupt 6000 600to dashes dasheng ledges ledlie ledmorites rafts ##uaig ##oyic ##standings domainal candidates ripple interfere interfacial physio tectonized tectonised tectonothermal tectonostratigraphy petrochemically petrochemistry jinchang neto channelled thermogenic thermometer thermotectonic thermometrical archaeological archaeomineral nowier venture ##20e ##209 dispersal dispersivity divides peripheries summaries summarise summarizing magnesiumand ##omagnetically bathurst film filho filters hercules retardation attrition attractive excel excitation excimer excavation subhedralto idria peneplained ##ajos ##ajuato coverage metrescale permeation permeates lakefield distinctively intercalation 246 2427 2497 logic logical s2a talking widens wilkins willem uniformity terminal serpentinisation serpentinised pseudomorphic pseudostratigraphy pseudomorp pseudophen creaser powers powered pennines pennington southeastand southeastward spreads discretised remobilise remobilising topazation potassically constitutive 316 319 huttenberg hutchinson ionisation pentagonal umt ##meden interlinked interlinking intraoceanic columbite encased encircled encroaching feeds bottles bottcher flanking retrogressive retrogressed retrogressing penetratively cerium cerargyrite ceramics campa camptonite campbell campofrio paso paste pasteris ##scomb platon submit submitted submassive submersible 90s1 birne l1a wolfe ##ordinary 1201t pumping tourmalineand bottomed 752 7535 7516 ilim malanite malbago ##hydrothermal repeating ordinarily ##angani preciousand slice microthermetric ##lievo backgrounds h2sb2s promise promising promoting ##ochigou ##ochroism unusable diatoms lieu lieteks 1157 hø6b hø5b manganopyros nbp99 pursu pursuing purcell purdie purchased purplish ##zek ##zehe ##zewing ##146 ##145 cracked arrive arribas heteropolytung oligomictic oligomicitic johansonnite metasomatisim talnina ##yanide stars starved emphasising goodfellow heterogeneities talnakhkh colloforms cheap cheney chebold chemale emi emitted pront pronorites ##ikov ##rupted ##arbonates breaks fragmentals ilmenor garub garuti garza garrison helical helmack mobilize mobilises ##upled outset outsized graphs gossanous kilometer kildare kilmast landform landmass landforms landmess megaw meggen harzgerode wolfsberg bifluoride cinnovec palm palanga palenque palawan palinspastic panzh panorama panameric ##dier ##inda ##inders convenient conventionally resets resealing subordinated subordinately sixty sixteenth polarising polarizers bordonos ramos ramada ramifications ramdo ##schner profit profiling leucogabbro leucosomes leucodiab leucoxene subdividing assimilating undetermin petrologisches ladder ladolam lreeand uk6 uk27 vicinities ##esevic thirdly ascendant stylolitisation brightness limitation 326 324 lutites luachuan luobudi luukas mentions menghu meniscus vestimentif vestigial visit visibility visiting visibly ##aiand ##ihara asympto critically criticized criticism playing playter playford personal persisting perspectives ##razin cfz cfelsic d3b d3560 parents ##ryn revolutions revolutionized envelopment asymmetrically smectites hydrated hydothermal karl karamata karimzade karlievo tenuous shading collide colloid colliston colloids biozonation decrepitate subsiding hf0 hfses hfo2 operates operators ##iorso ##oautotroph ##108 ##tifica ##ctuate centering centerpie clinoand 347 balances balzap mps troilite trodhjem fluctuate ##gebauer properly property subaphyric subjects amygdu outlay outlasted telluriumand 283 287 282 289 285 2850 2851 387 385 384 autoclastic autonom autodec autoclaves berlin berrias berkov beroen bernard berthierite engine engines engulf enguial june juva jubones pulsation zebra ##ziel grayish graywacke spindle sparsity sparseness synthesize incorporates bioclast caption captions capability capabil capillary capitan capanema capricorn rhenish scant scantium ##ushi connecting metais terranne propylitization propylitized angularity experimentalists 423 ideas mlf mlk17 navisa runkel tmi tmf tmice tmclath ##chert exoskarns textbo linearity microscale goethitic proportionate bags giii slowdown inverno ##athetic conforming dislodged truncates energies energetically valleytype accumulates undergraduate tremolitic microbially exploits explanatus derivatives 1883 1881 1885 arguably 13cplot frequencies garnetite garnetites reconsidered 05s0 377 371 379 374 37ar 37cl calls callery callinan ecors ecosyste viii vijayan ##brans ##brink ##fla isopleth reviewing disappeared qualities quadt ##stantial micaschist globiger 160e saprolites saprolitisation garimpos kolar kolke kolhan testified testibi testify wooden ##itaqui suitably suitability ##adoiras ##oplasm underlining photography 238pb trenchs disappears quadrature quadrant quadrupled 847 845 844 8400 84ab27 95th 9535 dropstones hammar moritz mortensen morillon nuclides copley copious copacab evaluating reproduces precede programs programmable permotri independence encounter encounters encountering doubts doubted doubled accommodating 852 855 85rb bn85 bn43 baked bakke crenistr susc susu toro tornos torgash targeted ##cahedral instantaneous ancillary suprapure protuber protocontin whataroa closures americas institution cyclades nucleate nucleogenic flyschoid peninsular 463 462 tilt ##jiaping realms seismicity competence strew streel streaks ##illowed neugebauer shelves synchrony concern metallogenically books bookstrom bismuthand favoring prospector macroand macrofa quadrilateral 012 01s0 561 555 achla acharya achieving c13 flexing flexible gervas gernrode gerardo gelinas gelatinous misunder misleading molecule ##olaides shoaling whoi scattergram superimposition mno2 requirement powdery 00u 003 00m 002 00s1 00931 728 722 721 729 725 7225 biga bigele fibers hopefully latosols romans restore restoration restoring transecting subduct subducts subductible substantiated additively appreciation appreciated blanket 1978 1108 construct gougey 087 088 081 089 dedolomitised dedicated functions moser moscovian owp owned owambo zhu departure chronology chronostratigraphic exclusions carbonatized carbonatisation parametric spired underscores miargyrite geodynamics builds channeling channelize channelway 573 577 571 717 719 7127 71893 destor ember embolite holk holistic ivai kirchberg kirschner ##merman ##aspi comments seventeenth occasions triggers ##ongyosoros transfers 1068 1065 smokers integrity shadowy subhorizontally 362 361 36ar 485 484 denmark denudation denomination g1434 g1437 g1438 g1448 g1447 hunt huber huelva hungerbuhler kuσn rake raising raises raudsepp tagil andraditic deviate deviant deviating dehydrating fluxes fluxed diopsidic validated varga polygenetic substituted confirmation selenide 063 062 0668 511 5120 51219 51108 aiming bischo durness eseto ellis elliott portador santa santos santorini testa testament virtual coastand cobalt cobaltian stacks stabilizes closeness obscuring percentages escaping paleotemperatures paleoisop checker palynology palynostratigraphic tonnages pebbleto instrumentacion 449 543 542 541 683 681 celio celica colder chemie chemoautotroph fisher mccoll mccrea mccallu mccurdy mccuaig rouyn routines sensor sensible vacancies ##ashi tomtor coggon conduct conducting conductive conductivities alaskite atmosphere shangong shanggong shangwoxi hydroxyl hydroxoan ##concelos headwater oscillating tourmalinised gravelotte cyclicity habitat microgranitoid 473 477 476 471 474 4720e 523 521 889 885 88sr drape drake dravite dunes dunham kyear kalatong listric n030 n090 n059 n100 n140 n138 n136 n139 n1348 n1146 ohle o2primary ruso ruskeenie attainment attainable examiner examinations clarks arrowheads argentinian equantto upflowing remarked glacio glaciogenic glaciers hornfelsing argillaceously microcryst hydrates juxtapose juxtaposing elliptic amalgamates disequilibria 0735 646 642 6400 avogad ambo ambiguous ambryn duane duzh duparquet duoplasm everyth froelich fanlike ghaub ghitules ghostly ghiorso warmed warmer warrant σs2rel asbestos ##owledging complicate complicating metapelites metapyroclastic metapyroxenitic tripartite unweighted desmoines nahsio successively overlaid 144sm extrapolating celadonites 663 667 665 664 bona boninite bonanz bonij bonhom cs6 cs5 csiro csss fixing josephine kerkho kerpet masked opposing opportunity urcu viscous viscosities viscoel ##26a toolkit dendrites deficiencies coherently conceive forceful forcefully stoffregen prolongation shields hydrocarbonate percolated percolate scottish hemley hemipel cube transgranular transgressed transgresses 1057 correctly infertile inferring specialization specialised 1963 1967 1966 1962 lithogeochem envisages 118a polishing deltaic exceedingly komatiitic hotspots ubiquitously conspicuously 638 6310 651 747 746 741 7444 933 936 931 93s1 972 975 986 984 ballyadams buddington ccd ccp nylon richer rubane vanni vanadiferous wraps witnessed ##worthite ##archs sumitom sumizu strunnian carrick carrigan carrara surpasses surpassed surprises rhomboid employing amplification 2561 palaeotemperatures counterpart organization organism organically organizes 175lu fundamentally 34sand centimetreto hypothetically neutrality discriminant discriminating discriminants discriminator occasionallysepar substitutional drawings antarctica antarcticite 5b2 997 994 99s1 cds cationic cellular cellosize gainsbor lueyang sassani tongue ##gaard ##gaphic almada minutes queen ##opedia hydrostatically cryptic cryptically cryptofib occlude occludes unpillowed unreacted unreported unreplaced geoenvironmental fringe fringed franzens overthrusts accelerated brancanes updates rhoden rhodopes 1903 1901 190os montagne montmor montano montreal montredon albee adjoined 140ce morphologic emerged addresses addressing employment comprehensively 438 439 628 624 733 735 789 785 916 9464 ahmed ahmad bhsm bhvo crests fitting grossulari lnn lnp2 munster nanograms tapajos ##uela ##justments ##isporites sunk sunrise compilations metastability clouds trader triangle articles leaking assayed granulites granulitisation obliteration obliterates overpressur overpressuring cornerstone admixed spilitized possessed implicates implicating infiltrates so42 stereoplo gabbrodiorites invisibly 2552 ignore 1997a 1997b 7043 7047 7042 70439 70465 dilutes blended 2701 problematical qualitatively streaming neutrally attenuates tsumeband eclogites unpubl taconics 0325 5c2 772 771 892 894 8900 aeromagnetically cosanga cameron castro castaing efficiencies fauna faunal fipke gaining junctions kdyne kinks lightened mrg1 m29 nmorb paas pais paipote ruler ruling ripout ripening ripidolite v2a vacuo ##pd10 thorne altai ##romagnetic computationally disprove disposable quench stratum carpatho springer cuprite symmetry 1957 1956 1955 1947 1946 1942 194pt soils stephanephorus drainages pdbite centimeterto buoyantly destabilized supraregional redistributions huaxing incipiently bowell bowden costa dawei dahanaya elution elutriation fedkin grocot groverake jinshanmiao kober kohler koeris kenoran kenomane kumtor lonrho lifting lifespan ludden language nasciment nasdala naslund ovambo uc27 uc29 utilization ##drum ##3516 ##ggish ##131 ##1390 covariance coveney coalesced readjustments shoshonites unfolded unfrozen collections overviews acquire acquires scavenge 2097 2098 propagate drastically peperites znoh irrespectively ferricyanide ferromagnetic boyce insignificance swamped delineate delineating 7078 7072 7079 707159 technological technische roofs filamentous acceptance acceptability splitting protolithionite overpressures ribboned ribboning 585 697 698 695 967 airie blum emanated emanations goniatite ganarin getters hsf hsio3 henan henri henley henriquez lawler miscible oakes pisolites pisayambo putorana rosebery said saaks saxonian sauconite sapecado sluggish tellurob wbc wbm walsh walford windy windsor ##3600 ##kskin ##ymite insertion ##oscandian coordinated aspden anions crucible climb climates climatic unsurprising unsustainable unspectacular interplate objects objectives scarps spidergram community communities epicratonic imperative cavern solvent solvents solvcalc invariant concurring 1346 swells equivocally 2133 70561 2257 resembling visualize visualised 375209 skewness erosively microbrecciation peculiarity aasm austrian dionex dabovski duda h3sbo h3aso3 himu himself kinds lespin linings mitu mitra masa masry mclaren pomerene sarangani sarrazin sinks sinkholes widened ##electron ##hny ##holz ##612 convolu convoluted connor bends ##iliano ashley chaotically ##ammitic stromatic happy resurrects tracked arnold arnond unsuitable unsupported geoscience neoformation conserved encrusting lepidophyta lewchuk calciocarbonatites noticeably aguila aguilarite aggressive practice practised brasileiras brasiliano improves improving augment augitic augmented 103ln cappings steiner steinmann diagnosis traveled traveling travelling travelled traversing dragov dragged supplements expansa predicts predicting migmatised migmatized migmatization handpicking harbingers pseudomorphing pseudomorphically repetition repetitions underestimation townley capacities doubtful denotes disturbing disturbances jointly ghaderi metagreywacke sigmoid lifetime covariability claimed slumps unfortunate impregnations 095 buckskin bronzewing caco caco3 dhz dhs1 dhs6 dharwar dinantian gallen gallery galleries gallionella gallivare gillies gondwan holds holder kutna lapakko lumps lumped mueller muhl mimicking molds moldova moldanubian puno punch punctured punctuate punitaqui pieced sg8 sgob sg18 savo savin savitris sawlowicz tasumoto tulsequ tms92 tformationof tformationmay vg3600 wiped yuershan yudomian inactivity inaccessible thmsg coxco alsi3o receive ##igerator chivas disorder exteriors quimsacohca proxies projects proceeded proceedings hydrogeology crudely trachydacitic diversified subporphyritic oversaturation adsorbed actionolite electromagnetic weighting upgraded essence barriers microanalyser descended matsui sofia softened amphibolic amphibolization amphibolitised hyperbol knoxville exponent 251em xenocryst xenocrysts conflict conflicts recognizably 146nd delimit 7082 70134 photoelectron 2200e excessively coloradoite condenses condensation namaquan bh474 categorically pediplain supersaturations abbreviation abbreviated recommends recommended 4h2 71420 71494 aeolian aegir bm057 bacnar baccatus broman bromine benning castel cockscomb donalda dognecia duplicate ehling feli felbertal huluth huluz haller hallberg hongge hannan hannover iterations iterative iterating iteratively julian journal myers nc8 nc18 omai please pleochroism pushed pusilla sjb sabet siebel siegenite tarqui tarma tigrera tiemannite wuqiang wyse wyman wyoming wyloo w1m ##sio4 ##pinosus ##oluzzi cooperation conodonts alleged answers disagrees disagreement ##ograpy exerts exocontacts haopinggou metarhyolite ##charoidal cryometric cryolithionite unrotated diamictites interconnecting indurating premature premise assignment assignable assignments obsidians performance complementary advective micrographic commodity shells bridging bridgman bringing brunning brackets bracketing symposium sympathetic transmit transmission assemble microveined microveins microtextures microanalytically microanalyzer microclinized elvacite eliminated eliminates discovering dissipates dissipating matthey plumbian 1923 1960s optimization optimising feldspathoid erroneously pechtels paleofaults paleomagnetically mesoarchae combusted weaknesses palaeogeographic palaeogeographical δ34spo unimpressive multiplicity circumstantial 222f 2224 extremities magnesiochromitite mcnutt guidelines advantageous 2762 geothermobarometry geothermobarometers thermocouples professionals jungle hypothesised instituto realistically 0012 0011 embayment subgroups 512638 512619 512635 512697 conjunctions incompletely culmination culminating et0600 et0320 533and wittenbrink ignimbrite downdip wbad145 wbad131 arnbergensis arnbergires dinaric dinarides tulameen trachytic electrochemical electrochemically matsuhisha fanglomerates jacobsen jacobina japanese psammitic inhomogeneity inhomogeneities unambiguously meimechite 71025 bicu bogosu bravoite cqt cocos coconut cocherie darwin dusting dongping drowning d4094 dumped efforts fifield faintly gbm gbnor gbw044 guanillos guanajuato hqf hints hinting hinder humic humps humphris hindustan hierro ixer iodargyrite iodometh iodobromite jackson junner juncture juniper krejci kunming kunilov kunlun kranichsee lsx lfa murrin murchinson murchison myra mullane mistake mediation mediated mediator nux nutrient nicols niccolite nicolaides nugget pcg pontiac pumice piracicaba pullman penguin rainfall raspberry sacaramb sacapalca saccharoidal sherman shergold sheridanite sheds tp94 tazava w73 w71 w74 zimmerman ##fengshi inhibition inhibited inhibiting thiosulfide thirlwall totalled deuterium couple couples couplets alu1 arenig arenitic arenaceous fortuna antophyllite seventy sepulved companhia compensated maddington staff stanisheva disregarded ornamental progenitors shoreline strategic abrud abutting divergent interruption interrupts interrupted phbw northeaststri nebulitic washington preconditioned enlarged ensured lends assertions perturbed diffractometry adopted spiralled commencement cuprorhod recycled recurrent agglomerates syndeposition amarillos amidst metalimestones survival melanocratic melanesian melanogabbro refrigerator replenished microcontinents explicable mat261 remelt plumlee deciphering speculatively contractional pyramids 1867 particulary particulates particularities 1198 radiolarian borneo adjustment adjustments brockman endoskarns predictably permissive confidently trondhejmite magnetometer instructed switching switches switched 70617 7028 70216 simplify d2a3 d2a5 d2a4 siderophile guillemet 178hf offscraped editorial polymorphs 2732 thermobarometer labrador bathymetry retreated encapsulate affiliated waxuezi karsted karstic karstification platinized 05773 suprastructure famatinian achievement achievements spikings n1372 poikilotop geoarchaeology montbrayite bolivian ingredient disproportionation disproportionate disproportionally inconsistencies category suddenly rigidity boudinage miogeocline conservative lepidocrocite inappropriately inaccurate unroofing thermochronological thermochronometers thermochronologic trachyandesites aucl3 aucl2 cylindrically gaussian hortonolite sverjenski sobolevskite utilise arnsbergites unraveling brachiopod dissimilarity leucomonzogranites 010600 1or3 1or5 2eyre 890mrl audience audetat akai akaad barton bartolome bostrom bostonite bourdon bourneix bundles bundelkhand buchler buchholz c2h6 croatia crofty credence credible cantonal cantabria chemisorption chemistries dully dulski echinoid echinod emmermann emmaville foster fostered friedman friedensville gympie gyongyosoros gully gulch godlin godinho gibb gibbsite honour honorary hedges hedleyite iwato jolly jolla justification justified jordan jordisite k2so4 k2al4 kflds klein kleeberg kiba kibaran krapez krafla kinny kinnaird lhc lugis lugmair lindo lancaster lancadoiras mocs mocnik mamut mamede mongolian mongolia mariam marikan nosib naganna nagihara nunes nunoo nafequivalent pk2 pigments piggy paulo renne renamed rolled roller ragged raglan rupture ruptured ranks rankin rationalised rationalise raju rajamani r252 r254 sf50 sf16 stimulated stimulate sokolova sokoman tfz tolerance tolovkite tingo tiox ullrich ullmanite vaesite vauchez vennemann venusta vitreous vitosha vasco vasconcelos vignes vignettes werner werniger wander xiaochigou yaogou yinge zagorje zagoda ##montite ##macart offices officially ingestion ingested inexact inexpens informally isoenthalpic decease december conjecture conjectural alabama alabandite aliva formally mineracao mineracoes complaint compliance challenge challenges maxigoniatites mazumdar maziane disconnection disconnected exotic exercise exercises quarter quarters shipping shiyingtan wholly wholerock hayba haynes metacinnabar metacarbonates metablastic metabolism ##alladinite clouded cloudier clogging clogged volcanoclastics abosso interpolated interpolation intrafault intrafolial indonesian indonesia industries industrial presetting legaspi subeconomically subeuhedral subtracted subtractions subequal subequigranular marinks marinkas persevered perseverance perthitic ##tinescu ##mbergites overwhelm overwhelmed corporation admittedly spicules spiculite grenne grenvill epitaxic epitaxially prices priced prasad prasinoph brabham brabandite seriously imparted imparting implements implementation imprints imprinted timocites timocitic refolding sequestered sequesters blr34 blr45 microbiology microbiological designing elaborated elaborating celebes celebration sk104 decisively contradictory contradicts 1950s 1920s rhythmic rhythmites rhyolithe rhyolithes dynamically dynamothermic galenas galenobismutite gallega galleguill monotonic monotonous 182w 1880s flushed flusssch flourish flocculation flocculated immersed immersion 4021 schorl schorlitic 111cd knolls porcelain porcupine mesostatis mesostasis 25450 ##defabreg polydomainal polydymite ultrasonicated bootstrap bootstrapping nonlinear nonlinearities uncorrelated uncorroded uncoupled uncoupling puigdefabreg 5000a 70145 70802 70805 robertson guidance guidotti 2689 idaho pathfinder pathfinders herzig submillimeter submillimeters birdseye che10a che10b anticipate anticipated collapses collapsing mudmound mudmounds autohydrothermal pulverisation pulverised vielreic semiquantitative semiquantitatively familiarity zhonghuashan zhongdian holloway hollinger hollingworthite ivanova ivanhoe polygonisation substitutes 51173 effluent effluence eclipse eclipsed ebsps egyptian egyptians 704862 blanketed blanketing elutriate elutriated lanthanum lanthanide unfavorable unfavourable telescoped telescoping concurrently violently supplementary vassileff vassileva exemplary exemplify 32svalues 32svalue sweeping microfissures microfissured schneiderhohn electrolyte electrolytes humidity disregarding perturbations mirror mirrors saussuritization saussuritized vigorously algorithm algorithms reinterpretation reinterpretations scalenohedral scalenohedra spectrophotometry spectrophotometer uk222av daqiangyanwuo daqiangyanwo 0as1 1hitzman 1mib 1x8 1wt 1an2 2te3 2activities 2cotg 2sb3 3fecl2 4s13 4ab17 5δt 5ab38 5debris 6hcl 8ab23 9ab30 920mrl aired ayianfuri aachen avendano acetone aghmacart avelar amino avalonian await avenue aikas alexander avecilla aksyuk alemao bgr bx40 bostinescu bateman bidjov busy bombs bibliography ballhaus balearic bondar bortoluzzi bisects binns botswana balsas barents banjesevic brescia bitumens bournonite cvrd cmpf cysts cetac cawthorn calderite chesterian cientifica cossacks camire cummingtonite cnrs dsdp dvugorb dnpm dm3 dlt dqyw djaul dalziel docked dichotom dumortierite dirty dallmeyer dutton deldona dangzehe drysdale duplex dinnalankara dugdale dinalankara dodecahedral d5000 dhanjori dahlmann ekaterinburg eotvos epeiric eberl eustatic edembergites ecker eonyang eifelian fhm fuelled fiji fyfe fte2 fontes ftir flechting fowler farthest falcatus fiebig fifty fennoscandian fierro fulfil fitzgeral fijian gsi gtk gfz gleeson gagnon gigantones glubok gumiel gayna gortdrum gameleira gorda gustafson gaofengshi gatico gauges hiatuse hxb hkl h4sio4 hildebr hromnice hackbarth hobbs harker hubnerite hugging hengill hougou hubei hucklow haggerty ikon iheya irankuh iapetus ianovici jotabec jumbo jobin janecka jubilee jupiter jambor jenner joliet klamath kqf kheisian kusky kelvin kurtz kainuu kamenec korea kipushi kwekwe kanggur kroner kavital karnataka kovachev kretz kambalda korsman kropac kukowski kontak kihmeden koskinen kushui kozlowski kapoor kashinite krupp kodymova ldf lycosp leroy littered lags loukola lucas lntroduction lundberg london lubricated lacl3 linnaeite lomero lukkarin lambert llanvir liaojiaping mbt mqc mingling michard mibk mallardrite mitigated moutain moulded malaysia mukherjee munchen mungall mammoth nh3 nf26a nº12 natroalunite nizhny noua nicholson nogueira nitidus nakai nist612 nelson nonshaded nambia nironen n105 nicely nashville nf32a ooze ocloyic pvtx pingdu pocobamba pichowia piedmontite peperite puchanghe pinedo pinnacles polybasite pixe pannonian pajaro pahtohav pfeiffer qdm qianhe qitianlingite rpq r49 rinsed rowan rizzi railsback ramsay rugged rodalquilar rivano sq14 s93516 sorby socolescu surely sotnikov somarin stedingk sticking speed sadisdorf sibaiand stinkfon sardinia sickle smears sarkar sabbatical saez sibley sengor sajona sahul sabara sushchen szubert smejkal tithonian tainted tumble tallarico tightening tantou tenement trowell tacl5 tupilac tacuarembo tischendorf u016 uygur u11390 uroiu u11490 voropay vsegei videographic virginia vaulry vrije vanko villeranges voyager vaughan voisey wzs wisdom wigley wouter wabigoon wasserburg wongwib welded wackestones wawutang wrenching writer wiechert winkler wyllie wandsworth wijbrans wispy winchester xtc xzp xianjiang xiquant yeats yhz yvon yzb yinjiagou yelagatti yamansu yichang yngstrom yapavai yavapai yakubchuk yanez yerington yardstick zajele zxf zlatna zanon zurich zilja zhenziyanwuo zzyw αmineralwater δ32s ##cipitation ##hayn ##oulos ##2te4 theunissen ##repitation ##eridotites inagli inadvertent inequant inevitably inhabiting inasmuch andacollo and207pb ##orapatites ##olumetric thimble thayer thioantimonite thailand thieblemont thsmg600 toulouse touched tombstone tomsk toquepala toepler ##ussions ishibashi isovolumetric isomertieite deionized deccan dezoito dehydroxylation copara coffs coprecipitation conchoidal coniaurum contemporary alizarin alunites alberta aldermac alcohol algebraic alkanes alotriomorphic reunidas revalidating receptive rehomogenization rejuvenation reinforced arevalo beige bethke beudandite beaufort beaudoin berenguela astenospheric minamyite minieres deportment depaolo anchor ananea antonio antilles anaplanisporites antecedent anonima succinctly suffices seabed severin seminal seismogenic searched sefwi gramado grapes griffin grandson compartments chipchakov chitinous chameis christiansen chovan chauvet chorreras athens attests atacazo maaskant maochaoying stanton stannous stromeyerite stochastic strelley stanija distension disconformable disperse disclosed dissented disputable discharging disorganized disintegration orifices or80ab20 or97ab3 inconclusive extraordinary exaggeration quietest quarzite quimasacocha quilmana protholith proliferate shawnee shanyang shaanxi shuidigou shrinks sholtzberg ##opalladite magmatites strathcona haapala hawaiian haughton havlickuv hapuarachchi hawkesworth metatholeiites metapsammitic restored responded zonenshayn vegetated veharse hydrosphere hydrobromic craven crinkling crumpling cripple crinoide crumbling crandallite carapace clarence sulfosalt tristan tributary tronjhemite triclinic plentiful armstrong arapey araguaia abiotic abbeytown abcdefg unnecessary unavailable unordered unoxidized unquestionable unbiased unrecognised untested unruh unevolved unarguably uninterrupted unmistakable unidirectional unacceptably untransformed unchloritized diapiric interrelationship interchangeably intrabasinal pharaonic phthalic phyrrhotite geikielite georgenfeld geowissenschaf neixiang neukirchen neomorphism neotethys neomineralization nekrasov evacuation evolutio indistinct prevalence preexisting goldhaber constrictional engendered encyclopedia ensimatic ensialic entrenched fruitful levresse substance subasinghe subevents subcalcic subcrops assotiations notoriously pyritemuscovite feininger obrazek mayurbhanj marianske marinoan margaret perpetuates meuzac mechanics formationfundoaia canberra liaghat brevispinosus southeasterly overlooked oversteepening repercussions simonetti registration corundum corroborated cordeiro cortecci acknowledging acritarchs scaillet sciex scotese scoriaceous bellisporites bellsbank eletroscan weisener wehrlite weisbrod whereupon spawned spontaneous spiked spitzley spooner spodumene hebrides heidelberg hebei hebecourt hematitinha undepleted undescribed precordillera sulpharsenides metamorposed dolejs sheffield miospore cunningham cu3ass4 recystallised agrokipia biobeads epsilon ##ismuthite undercorrection poincare poyatos brugger brasseur sourirajan amcoff amsterdam amoeboid olisthostrome imprecise equiangular equidimensional appraisal verviers vergences vernikovsky au90pd10 auersperg slavkovsky transbaikal transdanubian melasyenites escondida reefton barrandian barriga characterisitics geochemists wallbrecher blobs microfaults microlithons microorganisms microtonalite microleucogranite abundancia despoblados eliopoulos arsenothio afanaseva mathematical skyline skaergaard remediation remagnetisation pluijm infrastructure clendenin horseshoe 1930s marginifera lithostratigaphic lithotypes manchester manihiki pyralspite timeframe aftershock monazites monterrosas montsabrais synplutonic 18ocassiterite stockholm stockwerk softest finningan cautiously lajeado laznicka plagioperidotites stibiopalladinite stibioluzonite stellenbosch oxyfluoride flushing mooihoekite schissel schultz schollen schwarzrand schaltegger gabbroamphibolitic supplanted paleontological paleoaquifers paleostructure paleolatitudes paleoceanograpy distinctiveness glomeroporphyritic gloppen irrelevant porgera porcherie porfiroblast porpyroclasts mesonormative longshoushan varajao δ18ochl δ18oplag pd5bi2te4 transparency absorptiometry absarokites superdeep superterranes footprint foothills endmember chlorfluorapatites predisposed metallotect milligrams phenocyrsts ferromanganoan confesionarios trondjemite densosporites switchover biostratigraphically bi4tes5 bioturbated skarnrecrystallized palaeoflow palaeomagnetism palaeopangaea δ34ssphalerite δ34sfes2 versatility noncommittal nonmagnetic nonferrous nonchondritic uncorrected micropoikilitic mercosul polycarbonate baimashan baimazuo sanborne multilayered fluorocarbonate puzzle migollas devitrification 70608 70932 narciso rozendaal roorkee demarcating cyanobacterial freiburg burchfiel mcbride mckerrow mckirdy mcintyre orthogranulites orthorhombic orthophosphoric kajiwra loellingite loizenbauer viewpoint taochun interstratified poprhyry ryukyu archipelago gaskiers gasbench δdwhole hypidioblastic cataloged edmonton tungurahua macdonald dashengshan jinchangqing archaeomineralogy willemite pseudomorphed pseudophenocrysts h2sb2s4 lieteksavo manganopyrosmalite pursuit heteropolytungstates talnakhkharaelakh cheboldaeff ilmenorutile helmacker kilmastulla landmesser panzhihua panamericana bordonosov ramdohr leucodiabase undetermined uk277 vestimentiferan asymptotic karimzadeh centerpiece balzapamba trodhjemitic amygdule autonomous autodecrepitation berriasian berkovitsa engulfed enguiales capabilities textbook ecosystem globigerina testibiopalladite hammarstrom copacabana permotriassic crenistria torgashin instantaneously protuberances protocontinents macrofauna achlaise gervasio misunderstandings scattergrams 009311 bigeleisen 71273 512192 bischoff paleoisopachs chemoautotrophic mccollom mccallum hydroxoantimonite kalatonghe n1383 n1364 n1393 ruskeeniemi avogadro duzhikov duoplasmatron everything ghitulescu σs2relatively desmoinesian nahsio3 bonanza bonijoly bonhomme kerkhof viscoelastic hemipelagic lithogeochemisty 93s11 sumitomo occasionallyseparated gainsborough cryptofibrous montmorillonite grossularitic overpressurized stereoplots castaingite dahanayake grocott kenomanetite nascimento saaksjarvi tellurobismuthite unsurprisingly h3sbo3 lespinasse convolutispora gondwanaland muhlleithen savitrisporites tulsequah alsi3o8 hyperbolic aegirine bm05772 castelton wuqiangxi pechtelsgun mesoarchaean gbw04417 iodomethane sepulveda northeaststriking cuprorhodsite syndepositional guillemette poikilotopic echinoderms gyongyosoroszi wernigerode inexpensive grenvillian prasinophyte galleguillos flussschacht puigdefabregas vielreicher bidjovagge dvugorbaya dichotomy flechtingen fitzgerald gluboky hildebrand jotabeche lycospora lukkarinen llanvirn pichowiak pahtohavare stinkfontein sushchenykava voropayev wongwibinda chipchakova geowissenschaften