[PAD] [UNK] [CLS] [SEP] [MASK] & ' ( ) , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 _ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z µ · º æ ø þ ı ƒ ɛ ʹ α β γ δ ε ζ η θ κ λ μ ν ξ π ρ σ τ φ ψ ω ϕ о с – ’ ##n ##e ##q ##u ##i ##v ##o ##c ##a ##l ##s ##t ##y ##p ##r ##d ##g ##m ##1 ##f ##x ##0 ##5 ##w ##h ##b ##2 ##j ##k ##z ##8 ##3 ##4 ##9 ##7 ##6 ##δ ##ρ ##ϕ ##η ##μ ##ø ##β ##α ##ω ##π ##ı ##θ ##о ##æ ##ε ##µ ##γ ##λ ##κ ##σ ##ν ##ʹ ##ζ ##ƒ th ##on ##er ##ti the ##es ##en ##in ##ed ##al ##it ##nd ##at of in ##tion ##re and ##ar ##or ##ro ##as ##ic ##ent ##le ##an ##mp ##el ##st ##ol to ##ing ##ation ##si ##ith ##ur con ##ag ##ac co with ##ite ##et is ##id ##is ##ig ##ul re ##ure ##im ##ow ##ly for ##ec ##il ##oc ex ##th ##rom ##ain ##us ##ati ##ve from st as comp al at ##op are that ##res ##ts ##yst cr mel ##os an ##ter ##ot ##ce ##ere ##ff be ##lu ##uc di by ##ib ##ng ##ents ##igh ##ated ##ab ##em mo ##iz wh te cont ##am ##ir on or ##per ##um ##ate pro ##sition ##ted ##qu gr ##om ##ou ##ich ##ase ##erat ##di ##tic su pres ##og ##ant ph temp ##osition temperat ##iv de mag ##sion ma ##ting ##ine sh composition inc ##ystal high ##ity crystal tr ##ver ch ##ations ##ues ##ge ##ap melt ##se exper low diff res pl ##ock ##amp experim ##te magm col ##eral this ##ene ##rox bas cl ##ures ##00 ##action were par ha min fig ##ely ele samp figure ##erm ##yrox temperature ##2o colle was ##age press ##tr rock sp us ##ally ##les inter ##duc ##ater ##agues colleagues have ol grain ##able ##ment ##ence ##io li mineral ##mph ab which ##con ##ri ##pp ##opyrox ##ole we per ##ges ##tions ac dis fe qu cal ##ph ##ass ##ers ##un bet ##ay ##ch amph rel ##ircon zircon ##ut mod ##ess ##een un ##aly ##str fr ##log ##ds amphib en not ##ari ##ween between form ##fic ##opyroxene ##cent ##ites ##ust ev vol oliv pressure ##ize show met basal sub ##tite analy ob mant these crystall mantle ##ary flu ##rou ##ace ##pa ##ocl compositions se isot ##ad plag ##ell h2o ind plagi isotop ##ved ##oclase ##ange olivine ne ##ong ##ical rep dat dep stu ##all plagioclase samples ##hy ##ther syst system inclu ##ates ##ect ##der size differ ##end sil incre ass data ar app me ##and mg experiments ##ous experiment ##av im concent concentr up equ can calc crust ##tial amphibole gpa so dur ##art than str melts all ##so ##gh gl ##ak using cor ##ization sol pre fluid ful sim hy also ca resul magma consi fraction ##ree vari ##tiv ##ments val ##usion ##ution temperatures ##orm pr ##act within silic ##arn during ##artz condi ##ases ##ility ##bl quartz model full ##ound lower ##ose ox ##atur ##ach rocks clin it ##ser water ad ##atic ##ized conditions element ##uch content zon sm ##ies int garn 10 ##oth ##dy ##ost reaction ##ide garnet tw sug ##tin sugges exp phase ##sti melting obser but rich ##uld ##cur det has ##ign ##ast range ##tive calcul rati grains glass clinopyroxene ##ue hyd ##ative car ##low dec may ##hed ##tain ##itic ##ight ge ##ilib ##ore been ##ating imp lar higher ##ct ##ist ##ble image ##yp orth where diffusion typ ##up therm tran more ##ific sample ##quid there inclusion two sign crystallization simil ##olite liquid gen ##her ##cess equilib mic er indic similar wt most ##anic over coe experimental ##ack ##ial oc ##form und their contents eff sour ##orph how ##ome ##ido concentrations trace po perido ##de ##est reg ##ient both magmas 20 ##ne si le ##iel ##ens ##ort ##row occur contain gran minerals bul sc ##ile values ##ding ##ill our ##ces compar bulk ##tern run ##bon other under study table ##asing ree phen ##logop ##ses phlogop different meas carbon sl into ##ever however basalts elements ##eter rec such tim phlogopite ##ryst ##8o ##xt ##ined ##aph mi observed crystals present used ##gen ##ance consist decre produc bound ec hydro eclog ra ##ros results those only volc ##rium isotope δ1 ##ard ag inclusions some studi small calculated orthopyroxene ##rite ##oun sec δ18o ##ular rhy he am ##vely lik repres bec ##ber no host ##ism source dom ##ip ##ties ##ond ref char ##ffic ##ability solid ##round com ##ould ##ear ##aterial material ##50 process ##enti spec equilibrium ##ied isotopic esti ##sol estim acc red resp analyses der signific ##gr peridotite large ##och mon ##led determ ##fore 11 comple 12 ##uct ##kal ##ron micro deriv ##par inf ##rysts ##px ##ang ext ##ious volum assem pat ##ral maj ratios ##ield pb sur erup na set ##olog satur ##ep ##rich ##use contr ##rough major py enrich significant ##ough ##ins corre bear evol prim ##sive ##ration conduc through parti ##ion ##emical bearing they plu la ##olith ##ton metam ##gite derived ear ##ves subduc sul arc crustal fractionation based formation consistent fol co2 ##atively alkal ##osed ##dition rem ##ected text oce rim prov metamorph ve assembl each grow ##und 100 ##ages mafic addition well ##osph one coeffic ##ides ##abb ##ry pressures increasing bel gabb lav thus loc magmatic ##oz ##ho along ##out lith ##ction ##vel intr ##ines ##own prop reid ##ame ##tical cu des reidite ##acter ##han mar ti studies character mix star do ##its represent follow sr ##ause ##ded compon gre because ##pm ##hedral mat ##ub ##ual cool trans sy ##anite ##tively ##face ##atite ##io2 40 pol general ##ctr due fo partition disc therefore 19 lim ##li ##ale struct electr its natur xen geoch pluton ##ove ##ured formed volume prev region ini phases silicate starting ver ##ced ##fied ##ory basaltic ##tivity natural upper line fel abund near ##pre ##red cur pyrox ##etro stability ##ov increase eu ##gac ##iven eclogite time above ##ement oceanic nor ##orted likely main ##sible while ##itu partial oxy relatively consider zone expl ##cted contin field ##oic constr relations ##ail ##orn relative clos effect phenoc would concentration ##pl boundary same lavas oxygen basalt systems ratio type complex fur ##ors ##eters ##az partic processes rhyolite af respec cooling ##ains ##ination comm ##ick deg shown xenolith cap transition hydrous given if measured ##ozoic interpre out ##lation ##enite evid growth aver graph age mol ##sis deple pos ##formation amoun alb magn 15 could lay ser ##uff ms ##omp ##sed after ##esite ##orite ##ental determined ##edi ##umul sio2 volcanic 13 obtain graphite lithosph ##onic presence abs common ##rol ##oci orig analysis previous constrain ##ression ##ients order prof ##apor pattern id dissol mes monaz monazite ##ensity coefficients ages three ##ertain pred il ##zed ##erite shows suggest requ ##sequ reported less ##orp control chl compared average fer ##ural unc pyrite alter depth will recor emp then silicic very compositional subduction origin ##oles fin ##ia zr ##idual when ##unction ##edim radi below gabbro chemical import gener ##ogen ##netite domin respectively bio fact ##eric xenoliths ##ob ##tit ##ench ##isting ##rix zircons ##blend alkali limit ##ornblend pot matrix 14 metho ##roup pe ##strib associ ##cr ##ling function group hornblend ##ross contrast mixing petro vapor ##pt ##ric ##ade effec volcan closure albite blu back ##lac ##ward new dem hf man ##tal stage free stand found ppm ##pb ##ately ##reg displ metamorphic shock depend ##hyd initial biotite ##clu ##ends ##therm ##ays fluids evidence ##if ##rated ##ram density ic ru ##ometer phenocrysts uncertain ap dac ##tig supp ##ogene refle saturated 200 amphiboles appear whereas ##ences ##ature measure slight enriched num ##lic caps obtained ##ential ##though although mgo mec sou ##one dire magnetite ##vestig vers quench metas variations evolution fir investig ##oss poin versus nb ##ically const param value phengite sulf 40ar hornblende 18 ##formed ##inel result variation depleted first ##onite ##tile solidus au cpx lat norm ##ards beh ##ably related peak ##anges distrib ##iqu map spinel coex mechan cent rate ##nam ##od ##cop diam assum larg ##crib materials ##ian ##he ##ish plot zoning syn ##ior ##ody ##lite ##ork part indicate ##eous def increases thermal section early assemblage much opx ##ke thick fract important sing associated ky ##velop component 39 bar mass ##ities ##atures core ##2o3 simp slab discus further single cm ##sm ##onstr ##ently diag analyzed strong electron demonstr develop ##app predic constant ##resp ##ise appro ##namic ul ##orb mean produced surface vein ##itive solub describ slightly ##eng total ##imum calib veins following loss situ ##til exh suggests primitive felds 30 ##ten ##hip carbonate reduc patterns ##ither ##ison flow ##adi ##etry ##istic whole glasses scale generally feldspar cumul dol µm ##pen ##medi ##ether corresp decrease ##thern layer solubility bl lher exce ##chist ##aries saturation relationship lherz lam ##ots occurs conductivity mm ##ished orient close comparison primary mechanism sedim ##roduc ##sitive ##emi boundaries max dr mul ##ained any systematic simul variable runs 39ar 50 clu inv ##orine ##side crystallis neg megac observ spectr km oxid many el har ig os diffu even depos fractional enrichment possible ##orpor chlorite diagram mid incorpor expected exten rutile lamell ##stry second rhyol 199 behav ta ##yc rims ##emistry tect estimated ##ology sulph pyroxene br distin sever case end ##astic prec clust either here k2o propor av kn nd exch beam eclogites like las long ##rous including accor structure normal ##assi performed rare intrusion ##tites parameters lherzolite ##ving hydrotherm surround apatite several ba fac hom pow rates ##used assi poly euhedral ni ##roxim about indiv approxim assemblages ##ogeneous cle mn note silica decreasing ##sr ##bur moun differenti significantly ##ogenic ##lites intersti oxide influ synth ##val ##ush stable contains lithospheric approach laser ##cl ##ae ##fe examp should ##ake exchange thin ##ince identi individual aff ##ie ##isc ##ired spect ##aphic evolved buff das ##uce ##lo ##greg ##iles al2o3 ##assic ##elling geochemical ##mediate ##ath ##ection trac components series volcano metasom dolom tectonic interstitial bre ##enes conclu minor amount direct multi megacrysts units separ upw distribution ##odynamic late san ##atism oxides alteration potential effects measurements ##atible zones characteristic larger according fu ##sic ##br domains particular standard ##lying contam interface volati coexisting preser trend models liquids partitioning ##ength requi display ##be recent interaction subsequ strain err poor comb does profiles described buffer dolomite lit ##zbur extr allow suggested granul products harzbur ep ##ann ##ances deep change use ##ive ##ather ##orth ##ased ##veal plan grained features correlation marg linear interpret reveal deformation metal times ##ological lamellae ##ple state ##ibu cores fugac 16 ##ty analytical liquidus studied correl conducted proposed eas hist iron kim ##ule ##ox andes dev showing granite decreases metamorphism down es non sel ##erred appar suggesting typical eruption point harzburgite lines mpa slow ##ilation diop super intermediate indicates ##neous igneous sanid kimber ##ually sele isotopes ##stit peridotites pu ##eschist ##roscop continental blueschist number kyanite sch ##ima shall across path earth textures provide interpreted distinct hydrothermal assim lov ##land ##ina trends changes lead least erupted characterized north considered continu emplac south sulfide ultr correspon diopside shallow tak coup reactions fo2 icp capsule differentiation morb nuc μm ##ogr quan calder detail indicating felsic example 17 25 work ##o2 ##esis ##alent ##atter conf ##izing highly activ containing estimates amounts sanidine go kb vary ##tir andesite reach four record method nucle around del coun ##ided anhyd gradi ablation pri rap ##ra see law prior lo ##cy incomp unit crystallized impact ##grade ##ique rapid fit ore ##osity level textural dissolution exhib contamination dy por term var ##duce ##most ##erg ##rop olivines difference presented break ii ##hn ##acl ##ote activity fluorine images types ##ount dissolved ilm limited clear caldera ##our ##gres ##bs area introduc ro rather ##ness ##pro ##10 thermometer ##ields coefficient dominant cumulate invol fugacity smec thermodynamic plutonic radiogenic maximum hal sum ##oid ##bly reac crack estimate ##anging local greater degree simple assimilation post ter ##ero anorth sill hosted abundant modi srp deposit selected fil light nacl ##yl ##30 ##enced conv interval calcite solution curve various ##probe ke ##au consequ step ##sions cao orthopyrox sources ##entially setting 1000 magnesite commonly profile dacite trachy smectite pic ##vo ##rogen plate underst sections ##itude petrolog negative facies hel pa visc wide yield few sequ decomp occurred heating regions lithosphere methods observations behavior tet tuff year ##ik ##bility anom ##ument resol mesozoic uncertainty site ##are ##aneous contact had forming flux calculations aggreg controlled calibration sediment crystallisation known incompatible cen ##ix ##cc ##tim ##tice ##asts ##old rele univ energ differences positive reflect predicted cenozoic might ##mm ##fy mole progres highest reser adj recyc agre microprobe explain avail approximately bub ground ##over ##ules trapp arg occurr sett alkaline representative abundance reduced eastern 900 fine ftir mem since ##cu ##ked being chemistry collected encl 1200 remain curr degass uncertainties surrounding 60 800 porph ##12 ##rem phon magnitude porphy yb ##omin shap accur env equation again refer geochron diffusive ilmenite ##voir reservoir must ##odi ##aw ##ark ##osite produce ##ried ##otherm geological absence required plotted clusters activation band ##ium ##son though cond ##acite ##ult heav structural electrical northern factors discussion bro ion lab pale ##ored conver exist perio ##ellow caes typically smaller abundances illu bene cases den yellow ##hen inst elev fe3 ##fication include resulting hydration 110 initi investigated maps defined homogeneous spectrom upwelling volatile subsequent kimberlite heter ray you magmatism intru dominated spectra univers tit ##tire ##ised basin entire overall species previously influence continuous laws young ir omph ##down off ##iron microlites eruptive strongly kbar energy illustr cam mush sid ##gether ##stone together cann modeling depths polym breakdown recycled beneath cations nio ##rees ##ible ##ometers ##ometry experi subducted green diameter fractures omphacite role wid ##h2o ##ocene before ##izes china ##ipit throughout gabbros transp ##obar understand viscosity university lawsonite foc ret ##ful applic caused redox respon generation agreement degassing environ cannot doc dry eq tec yn ##oy ##lied ##mb ##80 ##alu spot ##struct extrem layers lattice thickness siderite ce lu ##fer ##alle residual evalu hydrated regim regression represents specific ##graphic 112 capsules block multiple granulite emplacement techn ax hp pure ranging ##iang ##set ##to ##tle ##ft without spati arch located followed altered orientation extensive margin available period 87 hot via ##ute ##grow often ##ans ##sively whether showed possi factor quenched error corresponding taken coupled ##allel fa lin nature open perm rid ##ales ##iltr ##ivalent ##sional lowest among infiltr transformation rhyolitic powder anhydrous decompression cross retro ##bles ##onal ##abil proper dehyd carbonates mixed rhyolites trapped 70 bal mis ##4pb ##read ##arse ##olites ##idote compr crat critic dist prob resid experimentally 204pb additional final developed ##pentin proportions identified dashed epidote introduction lack tor wall ##no ##14 ##ord top attr events arr serpentin generated southern proportion characteristics current did mig medi side ##ean ##taneous ##dle ##ern ##orient chal feo induc replac equilibration particle ferric secondary precipit cat cre ##ys ##ind ##irm ##umin suite ##verse event constrained mountain devi confirm 86 base fall position ##utions ##dol ##inc ##ophan parental indep ##fficient microstruct texture middle incorporation yellowstone elevated document critical independ epm fl jo length zn ##ads ##des ##aster ##anites ##ols atom ang cham modul applied overl appears interpretation selv aggregates broad epma hol hree log lree ##other ##ption ##wards ##bers ##20 ##zen ##atory ##aces another analysed added reflec assuming andesitic exhibit orthopyroxenite 35 90 fields ##ud ##ini ##inity ##statite ste ##ystall diffic liq modal ##solid lava mainly gabbroic dependence summ settling wed ƒo2 ##ave ##auc ##icular island almost forms ##ongi glauc zoned indicated mostly account inferred na2o sequence geochronology glaucophan 23 rb ##uter ##sc ##yrite ##ject toward toongi ##siv excess exsol classi increased strati accumul constraints recorded blue central diagrams requires history schem ed ##ner ##ex ##work parallel hand intern ##neis determine provided polar phenocryst original volcanism dacitic assumed demonstrated ##ibuted gradient archean properties wedge fre zhe ##equ ##etic ##ders ##jiang ##ict ##sidi space subhedral obsidi ocean provides ##orption apparent modified experienced ##solidus zhejiang mpt sv sen sites ##af ##75 ##ency ##ulation minimum mineralog 206 absent standards misorient 300 tio2 ##ier ##pec ##13 ##acted ##etric prot sufficient frag arag elemental scatter charge remains msh ferrous discussed sediments affected little reference condens transport aqu gal pop ranges squ ##lement ##ope anhedral ##ighted shif access signature microscop consists ##ospheric dependent synthes terr chalcop glaucophane 206pb outer pain stil test ##man ##56 ##ways ##90 conc composed grad ##tically fe2 unli mete extent polished nearly oxidation elastic diffusiv require literat still 500 700 fast mc ##ok ##pite ##hou ##acent atm white grade short tra ##aphy ##logr amphibolite duration heat extend despite pyroxenes points sulfides diamond except relationships directly lovf quanti filam retrograde selvage aqueous paine cell mer peral sn δd ##ump ##pr ##oric included assess mica fracture simulations cluster adjacent bubbles literature ah2o gneis hence ##eper ##ories gray enstatite ##arily substit need granites domain degrees sulphide particularly against torres protolith cyl oh orogen ##ract ##ena ##entical ##inder ##olated color clast carried geotherm implic partially ##lier identical ##brid spatial ##growth attributed medium chalcopyrite 24 gold ncc op oib sio ##ice towards ##imen mode ##aded hybrid underg metasedim normalized synthetic levels anorthite years heavy balance chamber difficult accessory 600 aic cc cyc nec ##lies ##wh ##king ##ecting exam ##omes made shar ##eralic parent perlite contained ##ochron volumes geochemistry curves combination key member probably ##uminous 22 75 dark fill gas ##pend ##rystall ##ka ##60 ##ission stabil ##irc fractions variability ##iston comparable ##ozero plutons explained latter demonstrate exception oxidized lovozero nucleation labor camg craton precipitation fragments meteoric 45 em kv piston ##ision ##vs ##ven ##ining ##orites ##uring coarse composite align altern ##ophy ##ama proced shear ##pping varies clinopyrox location martin mechanisms intrusions detailed regime necess vf δ56 ##ning ##ead ##uz ##ire ##vant ##cz ##get ##900 ##ason stages phot highl ##aps acqu entr carbonatite mixt complete pyroxenite numer coexist drill deposits quantit reached instead titanite independent synthesized far faster hq iar jap sizes vi ##ially ##inated ##ising deeper better ##ada reproduc equivalent prepar hyp respect molar supplement dasi ess understanding frequ japan circ dun ebs ##o3 ##ler ##ground ##ks them ##ineralic exc ##ress majority particles depletion background metasomati andesites terms initially documented δ56fe 400 80 tib ##tes extern exclu grt trini chrom ##api minim seem heated discre maintain furtherm auth largely development black taima tetra polymineralic internal merapi camgfe trinitite furthermore 01 bodi flo pcu sus ##na ##rodol ##eler cover reason areas plots older unzen subsolidus ##ector twins slope timing acceler ##ologies earlier mscz chlorine combined publ cracks trachyte picrodol resolution heterogeneous axis 87sr galena filament cylinder sharp clinopyroxenes ebsd tibet authors bodies picrodolerite 28 26 bin east five massi pt ries ##hi ##eland ##urn ##ets existing beg prograde chann ##ritic calculation calculate ##ification ##graph depending iceland ultrap consequence anomal 00 ast mw rand ##ctions ##me ##ention ##ley ##ects ##iver crystallogr ##try usually ach imag upward fully signatures production isotopically contribu subducting structures groups peaks correspond observation spectrum errors timesc good settings anomaly infiltration metasediment massif channel random eos nno vs wct ##uish ##len ##kely ##70 ##enting information ##stan always ##ressed ##otassic ##enetic interest crystalline sea equal sims inten granitic magnes ##srp country clearly environments possibly dehydration ##equilib sensitive ultrapotassic crystallographic best cation hots later ves ##ef ##cri ##pot ##onake inters disequilib noted crystallizing seam ##elled silicates recrystall amb contrib additionally represented predomin ##regular ##keonake systematically metasomatism upwards preserved pukeonake bands spectrometry focus dunite achie cct ji mq ram suc tend uh ##ma ##itoid too mobility debr chond ##tegr basement spon spread interior disper formul depends strength condition overlying granitoid scen 1100 province shocked calibrated exhum homogen conclusions plane margins espec gradients intrusive accumulation unlikely implications laboratory ##uzhou metasomatized published disequilibrium debris especially bi bse prom ##nary ##rens ##25 ##kes ##aced stor conte ##umines parts ##aves implies become marked radius center cumulates surrounded petrological mineralogy metasedimentary jiuzhou ga mus round ##eed ##uted ##obl ##sal ##faces ##ited ##ogn basis clays ##iour weight uni upon princ equilibrated product determination correction corrected belt locations finally incorporated behaviour sulphur occurrence irregular squar martinique hypoth asthen dou iz ide ten west ##ger ##15 ##ball ##estern ins integr ##order isolated colli weighted feature glob adv signal recogn 1350 newly orientations bright affect ##iew spectroscop ##loy varying rapidly phonolite induced angle substitution raman princip dimen opp ##iation insi ##eless constit ##ety isochron ##ises recon ##terozoic suites mapping lie weak disting modelling replen ara solutions variety 103 moreover hydrogen noble refract month infer pyr lesser ferro backsc parameter separated correlated ultrama relevant molec extreme distance flat misorientation external hotspot ambient spectroscopy backscatter ultramafic 55 bu est fav ionic ju nar pay vel ##way ##erate theore ##aled ##rove ##ational ##abl ##irs proble phl ##contin act fron substan crystallize ##ado never resulted exposed richter granular employ 187 assume systematics crystallised 1991 1995 precision mount extrap shape younger microstructures stratigraphic mixture chondrite squares establ narrow problem 05 000 36 850 950 body cas nomin pur yet zero ##tage ##gas ##mer ##ulated ##tered div clay voltage includes assump overgrowth becomes locally symm symb 188 kyanites barometer identify subsequently allows planes reflects visible supplementary floor uhp storage uniform richterite 32 65 jur ts uv ##ah ##ha ##7pb ##enia inher ##icted ##ants cons cop sph mineralization modelled thermobar genesis 207pb six height grown respective displays support ##ogeneity means layered sulphate recently reacted remaining ridge modulus classification microscope tetrahed binary spontaneous jurassic 03 33 73 air bat net pile rob river sak tar tam ##mas ##mass ##alc real ##cept mob ##dierite ##antly having spots ##less moderate until imm cordierite detected detection imply conduction limits importance effective augite exceed leading corresponds groundmass phonolites exsolution seamount contribution rounded molecular 188os bath fix hc last mh pac sem ##tely ##3o ##enites ##els conn ##ocrysts ##resh ##ibility ##izon what make place figures relation seg repe equations quartzite thermoc solidification lithologies ##veld investigate centers metasomatic conclusion downward dynamic room picrite sedimentary enclaves widely response technique serpentinization aragonite condensation necessary izu payenia copper pacific 06 21 cut cree gs m2 pse yields ##cmas ##alsi ##ola cruc compositionally restr plus qual ##ches cause thermometers scales ##graphy assembly transitions absorption suppor appearance cmas demonstrates emplaced shallower involving progressive extremely perme 86sr overlap ##prin ##pendicular essentially symbols pseud 84 kine mt ow oper western ##iable ##ood ##lan ##lig ##raction ##dic ##wise inp ##orizon ##ancy ##acy compatible ##osh orders ##omic she shir reset pargas perpendicular calcic effic completely ##anged ##ologic considering potentially oriented simulation self dominantly convecting porphyry offset responsible atmospheric anomalies vesic refractory fixed dating lt morph pen ques sal wel δ30 ##eg ##ln ##tch ##ferred ##by ##65 ##onoun instr ##isation compare ##osen anne teph plastic sampled sampling silver pronoun garnets expon observe leads ##kaline naalsi follows closely petrographic measurement direction neglig separate portion tethy thought focused evaluate migration broadly schematic replenish batholith ##3o8 creek δ30si pronounced 02 37 95 je mill tonal xr ##ius ##po ##kced ##onds ##esting ##estim ##arc ##rograph ##sities ##imin diorite tri chem ##gest ##dson ##arya neobl datas correns prefer waters orthoclase eruptions gabbron 1300 effectively ##iques simultaneous volcanoes correlate gokced anhydrite consequently paper progressively porphyro paleo conversion spectrometer environment atomic polarized procedure sakarya naalsi3o8 jeol gokcedere 150 34 aim bot dri hab ming nit rif sin ##ned ##vas ##of ##hib ##73 ##eshi ##alp ##alog ##any rever ##ective asc ##oping crin analog ##ibeshi charn colour ##ria ##pped perc enc sodic twin indicative regard comparing underlying representing plume remo mark transm elong ign revealed iii helens yielded bubble shaped width obsidians diffusivity hqa theoretical employed target shiribeshi negligible corrensite charnock nm pole vred ##iting ##vious ##ai ##line ##rate ##da ##gm ##gou ##hf ##atus ##agr chosen play spher old obvious plagiogr ##avel modeled ##aturated equilibria unders sci sets remov grey vertical furn records empir dacites reduction reducing volatiles details entirely techniques obsidian traject peralkaline undergo restricted kinetic tethyan porphyrobl habit crinanite 29 bond ka pul rough seen wr ##num ##tz ##pri ##rho ##ged inver ##olation ##acial ##atinum ascent ##ucted prox phys platinum diss disorder ##strati enough seism caus intensity similarly overprin granophy produces producing pyrop ##pms ##ovite explan outc icpms appropri ##orbed oxidizing conclude apparatus portions involved help pairs occurring members accurate accuracy titan application blocks arrhen terran optical filled photomic numerous prepared imaging ##efort predominantly achieved pyrrho network segment removed vredefort photomicrograph pyrrhotite dome gain kk nan wides zro ##east ##ified ##cence ##ring ##hima inner ##rec ##orl ##acts isotherm react ##ocity ##ights ##ighter ##erately deformed diffraction resist clasts haoping moderately frame segreg indeed report expan occ recover match regional ##pread evident bars flows facil useful metals histories cats atoms population timescales double recognized thermocou triassic arrhenius widespread haopinggou aeg ble eif gd grove pec pass sat wet ##nant ##sting inverse ##ars ##arized ##oli ##sist ##igger static alread anc ##irine ##ometric ph2 colum closed interstrati percent perlites consisting 120 ##osphere propose dodson transect albitic ilg supported extension preserve extracted correlations illustrated fault replaced moduli gneiss context ideal insigh distinguish velocity front divided symmetry efficient nitrogen pyrope appropriate facilit eifel already 31 38 bush cs certain horizon just oth tre tab tem ##vation ##ctic ##ture ##rup ##jected thir ##aling ##sid ##ulations ##theless stri alt resear plas list pervas unique notably preferred add expos ##ips charges 1150 primarily alkalis descri prevent fertile lath partly simpli predict hydrothermally interactions allowing granules load argon enclosed accurately possibility deviation summary diffusivities colorado acquired quantitative excell accelerating collision nevertheless 187os tamf repeated mingling seismic aegirine interstratified bushveld others 250 47 93 brow fire kcmas kola pin rise sand van view ##uous ##vi ##ax ##fu ##ky ##40 ##oll ##urb ##imal forst ##vement ##opro tempor shosh diffus cold interesting ens fractionated discr 198 1500 controlling 1450 fracturing ##tening extensional brack longer buffered interpretations exhibits half petrology reservoirs heavier retain replacement populations stabilize begin mq900 spreading constitu 103ln robust undersaturated removal empirical photomicrographs research plasma fireball 18o aut bish date emph gib gases hu mac now pd δ65 ##va ##aho ##tec ##wc ##haps theory ##ital ##iled ##thalp ##atis alone beads ##ables ##eman true plg perhaps unre enthalp smis glassy leuc ##berg surfaces intra intragr great considerable idaho generate 1400 quenching driven powders approaches separates preservation counting trachytes argue faul array confirmed join shift peraluminous seems hypothesis global reconstr nominally permeability dataset furnace physical ancient column altot ##oproterozoic bishop emphas δ65cu 650 away eocene hbl led pore pack pix sw tes wat way ##nk ##cut ##11 ##hu ##enc ##ario ##ana ##ington ##urally exact who ##omorph placed able abys evapor subsid ##ending immedi concentrated durations largest diffusional grew outl ##heating avoid ##ograph localities convection ##odiorite heterogeneity specifically crosscut deviations steep rbb aragu scattered alternative frequency discrep exhumation backscattered tephra replenishment outcrop isothermal excellent abyssal subsidence immediately 27 43 bay dmm giv give lumines rio wang worl ##istrib ##ctive ##covite ##ao ##ptions ##ga ##mann ##jection ##koy ##inds ##arge expa ##ainha ##oming presum ph4 deb track acid actin active ##cherm relict ##ades sof solv 1050 implying redistrib remained growing design 193 ##lie explo molten potassi displac ##ishing draw incorporate power examples accordingly extraction planar reacting adjust applicable regimes ridges residue scheme sufficiently examined alignment muscovite asthenospheric established assumption tscherm immisc transmission explanation expansion blebs third simplified forsterite araguainha world expand potassium 48 52 67 bo cros day emb gb mas pi right sti vess xi ##o4 ##core ##xe ##ware thole ##let ##iding sto stag stress ##ceed diver once ##dix trivalent trigger unus former nev expect pools left speciation ##solute consistently remark transform outside absorb find reflected 2000 investigation investigations oshima apparently paths ##ography introduced sills resolved ##times ##1200 linked extended orogenic undergone cycles entrained discrete contributions recrystallization dispersive scenario integrated sphere thermobarometer resetting rift elongate hqa1200 roughly framework ensure softening tholei 41 dil fna fresh gu ham jade lake lighter o2 oph qz tav ysrp ##cill ##lı ##san ##tom ##mic ##kn ##ki ##zation ##ening ##endix ##roc ##anc ##ura rech ##imanite stre ash crater ##cep ones ##ape resorption resorbed basanite haw absolute modern ##ariant subcontin index appendix fractionations decay decreased sometimes cooled complexes ordering petrography directions mechanical centre describe oscill rarely bare ##anning blueschists couple loaded fitting porosity sillimanite release marginal link microstructural 238 quantify drillcore icelandic randomly success granitoids substantial simultaneously plagiogranite porphyroblasts granophyre pervasive brown tschermak jadeite tavsan tavsanlı 54 56 68 750 fits kil mree mort take εnd ##vil ##co3 ##aight ##den ##hr ##tially inhib coesite ##itectic ##eca ##ushed states stored att diorites ##ichi resem resour colored ##aternary peritectic quaternary ##erson strained straight expression geologic ##ielding ##ortun correct evolving belong limb controls apfu define simply slabs spectral lamellar assig poorly kimberlites ternary film argu paleoproterozoic intruded cameca comprises inductively numerical supports input pargasite morphology question exponential solvus redistribution stoichi absorbance subcontinental 2σ 44 59 550 85 bc bri dig dram dried eth h2 hno kly ln yielding ##evs ##ily ##osi ##sely ##ta ##west ##ker ##titic ##inite ##alite ##ordi ##isite ##isot ##rometer statis proceed ##omm ##omag chall changing span feol unkn enter ##arios subtr next applying ##ously soft corro ##uchevs ##curs geophy similarity overestim eclogitic agate ##gram microlite propag ##ovalent considerably ##ifer distributed diamonds ##adily feldspars distinctive know mounted synthesis slower halogen intervals steps ##timately porphyritic powdered catho snake protoliths examine alternatively reproduced scenarios buoy realistic connected vesicles instrument chemically trajectory listed temporal shoshon ##omorphic piec recharge 238u dramatic hno3 klyuchevs unknown software klyuchevskoy 09 69 88 hsm lst md m3 oct sb sole schist sector wave ##co ##sd ##gg ##genetic ##hang ##bole ##tization ##inations ##elitic ##olitic coher coord isobar rees ##imod atte melted ##osing probe making plain class sparse mineralic perf ##aceous seven sobole prism geometry ##genesis refin significance monovalent uppermost capac finding generations petrogenesis drag influx preserves epis reveals southeast localized released exists dense return applications comprise snow gneisses needed ##where aligned chromian minimize mwc ##entioned intense formula promin problems mobil crucible quality welded bottom charnockite laths watson actinolite stagnant stretch oscillatory mortar ##imodal attemp sobolev 08 2a 3a 46 4he 57 82 91 bud dated drop ero fay fct fund jx lost lined rot war wind ##nes ##ev ##can ##litic ##sh ##go ##ju ##zon ##onsist ##ened ##ator ##ores ##asting ##ank cour coinc readily ##imer ##atites atten crushed bey ##abric ##ematite contacts ##amb shaded inconsist parag lies ##ries acicular reliable unzon analyz crystallinity datab arrow argen variables ##tivities zonation detector micas poik measuring miocene became monit arcs providing xenocrysts association numbers distributions ##key discuss 1600 ##oxy device petrologic aggregate existence axes spatially hotter cratonic positions ##dolumines islands edge terrain ##while emission procedures highlighted hqb reproducibility contribute dimensional opposite extrapolation 735 owing operating annealed neoblasts preferentially gabbronorites drive percol recovered 103lnβ ophi hawai ##iferous cathodolumines octa prismatic prominent fundam jxa window unzoned 49 63 bind bimodal cf dt days fb fore fabric gul genetic kac l14 mor mach nam nak nist pum ub vac ze ##imp ##ipped ##stic ##rations ##gs ##went ##8pb ##itted ##ats ##arding ##asal ##elf ##eline ##aged start moving grav trench chec feti quad enhan metap apprec upli equipped glacial precurs valid ##ached expressed coeval 208pb underwent ##xtap agree volumetric contrasts conductivities ##rystic itself constraining mesh radio defoc meanwhile else precise knapp approximate differentiated influenced epoxy easily morbs activities ##ropic roof modification held sequences occurrences denot illustrate opening reflecting gradual ##pended suspended reasonable succes mushy asthenosphere juxtap inherited batch xrd pulse segregation insight enthalpy faults luminescent ##ordia hsmis coherent stretching poikil bindeman kacp 07 1b 42 99 amp bed cer csrp ded eng land od rou s6 zhang ##isition ##ooth ##ael ##long ##sical ##taceous ##ndy ##ared ##roduce ##asion ##lev ##anular ##elting exer compens compression compiled alum antil onto program grid plau basic basanites spring quite indisting silicon ##achim smooth geology geodynamic micron regarding granodiorite amorph referred accomp determining 1250 patch remob remelting polishing noritic explore empa blundy predicts 30si megacryst extensively 1998 separation displayed allowed delam loop orthopyroxenes ##ixian trapping settled mushes ##fully ##grown resident cretaceous joachim holland summarized exsolved square shifts quantified acquisition timescale ##uishable mobile pseudos kinetics causes titanomag terrane thermocouple ##oliq horizontal treat discrepancy argued geophysical episod budget fayalite course beyond ubiqu elsewhere poikilitic alumina antilles indistinguishable remobil titanomagnetite 04 4a asi bent camp dot dam done eight gh germ her idi ml m1 m4 mil mos pil pock ren ring rig tong util xl ##iant ##vz ##radi ##his ##hom ##32 ##ered instit inset ##orting ##ings coo coast ##etr ##eth iss rev reverse stated aliv attain cr2o3 ##iber orange prolong ##ogram ##ived shiant trinity choic clm elect interfaces weather unp metast ##atest ##ectors mgco3 mgoliq immediate alloy care lowering ##achment adding hosts ##ondo solidified accoun ##ledge determinations metamorphosed belts characterize closer radii 144 apart constants normative ##heated ##iorso barro meaning layering crystallising bah approximation linearly metaluminous fugacities histogram superheating continued takes reactive convention understood shapes densities continuously evaluated residues fallout independently john classified sv10 microscopy cratons magnesio signals principal favor substantially consum tetrahedron regardless ignim descriptions bracket gibb intragrain capacity inconsistent cathodoluminescence fundamental defocused landau ghiorso pillow metastable 4b 58 780 aer aust d2 dend fis gm hole hwc my sk ses siv sized tan wol ##nos ##uit ##uent ##uts ##iors ##oh ##ca ##lated ##ps ##ging ##fm ##ba ##bre ##600 thor ##onian ##inities ##mpor ##elt ##eled ##olds isles ##idence ##ections alumin distr diverse ##ichael sun makes diffuse wash intergr abbre ##rier ##rihis fe2o3 ##ayed ##utes indian neither depart mega coron hyper ##tine imped transi sourced ##netic scanning carbonated 125 extends contrasting plumb belie lithology pyroxenites consideration constructed ##icked origins potassic petrogenetic predictions powell mno identification tectonics concluded trending combining 176 reactiv filter availability denote luth regressions permit dehydrated comprised comprising serpentine created accumulated ##1314 concern unlike mc1314 sio4 highlight ##critical insen weakly months actual casc overgrowths batches sheet sciences resistance address ##viations diffusing interestingly discrimin beginning evaporation outlined crosscutting gives presumably unusual resources knowledge pieces hqb900 patchy pockets prolonged conventional sivrihis abbreviations sivrihisar 290 350 66 78 79 97 elu egm fut fail gang hend hous hcl kg les moss mentioned native ple r3 raster rinds tends vib εhf ##iro ##cnk ##aic ##take ##yb ##yric ##dom ##gonal ##mem ##16 ##fi ##for ##ford ##horn ##23 ##inces ##itable ##iction ##analy ##anced tom ##sitively ##urhorn concept coh ##isu reo2 staf compilation atr ##osites anvil ##uction diav ##aben project proterozoic ##omer chron differs resin interl intergrowth liang wehr disapp modes unf metab sealed ##ended preex varied adop detect decou thermo positively 2010 phenom complement infr enrichments texturally provinces assemblies bellev discord nord explored continent transitional molyb ordered originally finite limitations ruape ##licate importantly ##apped ##apping driv accord polygonal clean approached brecc superp supercritical southward reaching nuclear loose fitted involves sumisu anorthosite anorthosites convective ##auer ##mmcnk currently illustrates polymer migm create misoriented shifted concordia ccsd highlights preparation essential chromite imaged intensive magnesian exhumed homogenous contempor dimensions buil juan assumptions qualit penins encoun dissoci occup occasion striking reconstructed pixel hamm resemble isobaric refinement snowball database 735b uplift plausible dotted germany weathering johnson austurhorn plumbing insensitive future henderson stafmmcnk diavik disappear preexisting bellevue ruapehu stafmmcnkpo 1a 3d 6a 690 81 9a 98 aper adi born cup dred daf fec fib fang gp gross hart hill kd lon mit nine oik ppt sø tin tent tce tens vast vectors ##eting ##s2 ##sri ##yn ##gn ##gor ##ms ##wich ##wide ##ham ##hile ##ken thresh ##ones ##ators inside ##orter ##icl ##ices ##icit ##lem ##anov ##stable ##sile ##ager ##etot ##ustite aspec atlan melange ##osomes anat anisot ##ements moves movement onset shorter coll ##2o5 interf intergrown distil discontin called ##une ##unctions ##cheng unm unstable ##arities evans ##oclases plagioclases increment apply uptake canada variance adequ thermometry thermochron 2014 tims rhyod heise reduce monz foliation matzen curv eu3 explicit manif 2008 investigating diameters ulst ultimately invariant influences displaying devonian supersolidus schm pathways taking decomposition fluxes labeled paleozoic illustrating evaluation walls 86sri falls angles edges polaron sv12 mineralogical gradually clustering orogeny necessarily photograph excimer minimal insp 36ar supporting annealing tabs sandwich constituents greatly debate drawn adjusted worldwide solely percolating fbh denotes treatment institute coastal 144nd dendritic myr impedance infrared dissociation adiab bornite fangcheng tiny tcea aspects 3c 5a 51 5b 72 89 box dest ever fm gual hap hund kj kon ld lan nick pan pits s2 ske tur tail worth wavel xu ##uy ##cpx ##sity ##ying ##gent ##gites ##gression ##michael ##bag ##bell ##bauer ##onti ##ering ##alerite ##iter ##ara ##lear co3 ##ett isop ##ula ##ili ##ilbag ##uss stell crush ##oses ##ume ##dium shut incoming trun basins park intercept interiors weigh perli perple disag unradi ##ellite reproduce depression ##avage upvs sodium preced valle valley lowered clino cargo carmichael ##istocene pods ##illa underpl carboniferous notice accomm completed 126 microanaly infinite increasingly greatest transfer foil limiting electronic eu2 explains 130 unclear radiation ##crystall backarc ##licity 180 defects cm3 demonstrating exha mmol km3 endmem granulites esc noneth slowly superimp distinctly assimil counter halilbag anorthosi progress converted youngest polymorph transported residence stratigraphy edenite concave traver extending cycle excluded exclusively maintained susp begins upwardly intersection recrystallized collisional favour nominal purp sphalerite tetrahedrite dynamics cutting inputs oldest proximal dissem disordered causing terranes networks zro2 facilitated ##rupt designed displacement immiscibility vessels diversity tholeiitic brief buoyant attention octahedral pumice precursor ubiquit campbell district leslie mossbauer pleistocene ##domains contemporaneous peninsula grossular søager gualda hundred wavelength stellate trunc unradiogenic accommod ##crystalline nonetheless halilbagı anorthositic 1σ 512 61 64 74 790 94 bon bor bur burn cum fusion foz hz kam kok mir ns ok qtz tro talc tvz vic µgg ##eve ##ude ##uished ##iph ##oured ##tak ##ples ##rust ##gl ##fl ##fold ##06 ##zberg ##ested ##enge ##inate ##eder ##ality ##itr ##lec ##olfi tot tool ##sio4 ##active ##aco3 cotec ##etav ##ulate ##iling ##atibility complic computed ann anion dikes move whose ##uments ##que ##oud ##tics suitable trip travel ##verine chile chill chip changed chips ##apag haematite pressur lile ability abrupt wee pert ##chetav relate uncon formulation meta crystallizes seaw ##ady concentric ##aki fractionating carry geobar similarities indication peridotitic ##enschist scan scans underestim undertak recalc somewh noting accre ##ologically remove greenschist curved evidenced fining generating associations rule behind defini diagnos developing describing calibrations 1999 tecton bru polyb polycrystalline affects correlates putir 178 involvement kelem enclosing ##awa ions instance initiation initiated ##ferous evaluating ridolfi infiltrating eventually confirms chambers steady mcd entrap mixtures coexistence quantity quantitatively frequently circulation 001 tendency principles insign distinguished hcn crucial questions salinity million neoblastic gabbronorite drift ascending overprint thermocouples tabular exposure crossed massive nevada ##rock ##ancies attached assigned stoichiometry erosion arrows hawaii gulch metapelitic successive bedrock cerro microns amorphous pseudosection herzberg wolverine transient reactivation tomography interlay accordance occasionally aperture feco3 anatol interfacial curvature haplogr nickel skele superimposed burnham cumm fozo kokchetav troct vicinity seawater somewhat diagnostic putirka kelemen insignific 2c 3b 53 62 7a 71 7b akey cim dick eds fsc gap gond hard iles kep lun med n2 oreg past qfm rul ranged sig tt turn vent verm ##iably ##canic ##ctively ##late ##ymm ##rating ##mens ##xic ##water ##wana ##hole ##hance ##bo ##zett ##85 ##int ##aland ##atub injection ##arity ##oring ##icts ##leigh ##anied ##olarized ##olcanic coars isoch ##idt ##idate ##idge ##iguous ##ocrystic ##ths asymm aliqu cr3 criter bead ##uca orman projected presents share triang ##aple haf ##ermost collect perlitic accep ##ched ##chell unheated ##stral enhance subdi subpar subset subdomains sept neph arf mexic equant preclu detachment thermally 2012 2015 ##enson otherwise carbonatites consisted estimating derive 1273 py3 desired marbles marsh characterization srm cooler geochem ##azi averaged molality 131 132 ##ocities constraint chlor pegm ##lacial manner 2002 2003 2006 evolutionary austral normally simplicity situated simulated 1994 homogeneity clemens thinning ##brites ##roscopic northward southwest works deline counts exhibiting termin stepwise orthopyroxenites remainder degassed convergent existed rayleigh offers periodic distances deviate angular overlapping hollow difficul condensates outermost grades needs geothermal filling coexists supplemental circles covering acceleration channelized hypothes tensile opportun velocities 187re extrapolated ##merian pseudo pargasitic tonalite tonalitic reversal analogous targeted charnockites spherical sato satellite description pinatub discrim tested ##ingtonite acidic immiscible xiong triggered nevado guilla ##denum statistically corroded shoshonitic dramatically classical micaschist juxtaposed accompanied episodes choice electro unpolarized barroisite ignimbrites aerodynamic tanz department house molybdenum polymerization tentatively threshold atlantic anisotropic every fmq konzett crushing disseminated ubiquitous triple perturb undertaken recalculated entrapment haplogranite skeletal cummingtonite insignificant akeyazi cimmerian gondwana lunar oregon accepted subparallel pinatubo guillaume 2d 220 6b 77 76 8a apl d1 dab dav dna fission hour kel kaw lwc mot nas none om rt r2 s4 sorting tu tm tay wood zhou ##nay ##eas ##ele ##utr ##iak ##aj ##lor ##sess ##sho ##shan ##gan ##gur ##fract ##bic ##zul thous ##inn ##inic ##inous ##edded ##ita ##leths ##anol ##olo ##acting coated ##ettch ##isson ##istine forces aluminous ##opes antec ##otal dival why projection ##omelt ##ogens magnetic mapped shim incong ch4 chern rest plates plays spand spik ##riers perform ##chat friction subtle ##allic differential arb ##ands allanite ##aker fulgur ca2 variably pristine ##acher advant detr carl decades orthog whereby thereby pod pool leg recip consistency δ18 come special mont derivative voluminous setup ##epolo contrary ##insic proven ##hood intrac marks tiepolo symp generalized 197 structurally electric prevail complexity afric possess serves dissolve recording originate dominate 143 2005 2007 lateral ##cribed defines prediction ulmer situation incorporates approaching traces contaminated volatil superior ultrah ##ographic reaches fourier nucleogenic halogens deposited keep consequences tetr tuffs energies agrees explaining retained dehydrogen migrate mountains overlain svz ##1332 galapag requirement quantities filaments snaps ##prising geothermometer optically drilling circum tetrahedral suspen reasons tibetan achieve dispersed formulas bias doubly idea tension integration fronts establish purity consump exceeds penet saline xrf colours marker trajectories insights csv exposures macroscopic packed pixels ##encies exactly explosion boettch embayed vessel remarkably dilution fna3 ##rocal ethanol challenge perfect findings mobilization analyze gravit checked quadrup enhanced compensation mosaic ##etrical thorough unfortun adopted detectable complementary superposition mitchell oikocrysts schmidt destabil isopleths preceding mirr fsc1332 kept ruled marshall 132xe australia opportunity dabie taylor divalent incongr cherniak spandler reciprocal ultrahigh galapagos boettcher 2θ 3he 6c 92 96 border bonds dro fes fing fried fetot ho hrees ia kinds mari pel pem picked rhe sx sides tub trem ur vis vector wil xe yr ##ey ##ition ##isible ##vite ##vable ##cel ##cale ##aff ##lvs ##sel ##rant ##gist ##hanic ##bour ##24 ##29 ##97 ##erge ##tiferous ##enstatite ##itt ##itz ##arg ##orous ##anes took ##ithm cone ##acitic ##ige reju ##ilities ##than stok compatibility ##ophile ##restr ##ossible ##tering ##oto ##uced online protr grah ##omet ##ival chines places ##enetically speed interc liu ##rian persist feixian quist unhyd energe subject submic seif nept ##avalent hyg fractionate prac suggestive carb geos improve impossible indicators regular 2013 aggl domes processing microfract surve py6 pyro ##inson laacher marble characterised syng continue capt interpreting msw zrsio4 newton freez displaced appeared mechanic behrens cumulus lherzolites invisible negatively 1997 tai normalised multip northeast northwest 179 177 workers confidence nuclei count root roots involve locality kev trachytic resolve recycling conduit periods experience thicknesses lining permian probability lacks proportional selvages reflections exhibited summit classify internally condensed terrains elasticity atmosphere optim laborat em1 covered reasonably channels magnesium principle reconc extrapol identifying immob permeable sheets morphologies tonalites sintered ascend played spheroid scienti undergoing inversion proxy titanium diffuses constituent autom embedded stisho remarkable successfully straightfor proceeds shoshonites coordinated warm monitor 103lnβsi namely zealand appreciable radioactive deduced enggist bentonite renzul tonglvs meaningful consumed coronas believed vibration intergrowths metabasal encountered dafs discontinuous adiabatic lanthan perlitization disaggreg endmember purpose truncated cotectic medard criteria collector nepheline mexico geochemically discrimination ##eastern arbitr detrital symplec 143nd suspension consumption gravitational incongruent friedman rejuven stokes ##restrial graham chinese unhydrated seifu neptune stishovite straightforward renzulli tonglvshan 8b 83 8900 9b ads a14 bell baker cand caco3 d3 hv happ hirs himal hva iv ip iter kin kang lrees llan loli liber oig opa px put pip p2o5 pige ri rising vill wustite xs xh2o zst ##uk ##uting ##usive ##ij ##iency ##iomorphic ##off ##oting ##osities ##aue ##sen ##yon ##yer ##pd ##rin ##d3 ##gate ##mn ##mg ##med ##xos ##59 ##well ##het ##bu ##kins ##3h ##45 ##93 ##onia ##ense ##eness ##altered injected ##rex ##arce ##arch ##orre ##asite ##ano ##elo ##siogenic congr ##etveld ##ider ##ident ##idiomorphic ##igocene ##uly reheating reuss force ##ilite ##usp compres algor ##opp ##resses ank ##ematic wholes ##umental ##atex ##ouda supr mah shrin trail ##aplate spl spac spaces spaced spider usgs oligocene ##rial accept fei relating unaltered amphibolites ##fications ##ustrial metallic subord fluor ##ading industrial neigh reprec dates ##therford ##aving calcium so2 strict siliceous smear 10a richer ##astonite calculating geologically implement ##istries signs indicator sihet learn scarce phlogopites differently slave raim agents 1280 microph ##parts surprising py4 pyrex corrections evolve sulu alkalic remnant lithophile intraplate syenite discover ##liers electrum vertically ##ova norway continues ##pling capable outliers serve ##rolite originated biotites hornblendite ##ify rutherford reflection pointed sulfur synch maxim maxima simulate negle km2 behaves cleavage affecting tracer separately contamin 160 nonline selbu scho goal nucleate incomple porous halite terrestrial pair fluxed wider retri axial infiltrated toro replacing lengths holtz liq1 liq2 summar ##exp assessed gneissic ##imensional metasediments stabilization entrain hypidiomorphic themsel externally exclude heterogeneously intersected mq600 homogenize promote markedly centered ##oblastic advection exceeding instrumental plastically chemistries percolation regarded inverted matched passing treated prevented repeatedly ##ollastonite researchers outlines giving debated crosses kilaue belongs challeng perfit ##canelo argentiferous ophiolite machine nakada delamination delaminated remobilization idiomorphic rigid issues review bah8 bracketed fissiogenic washington intergrain cascades discriminate decoupling driving qualitative hammouda thermochronometers manifest ##cpx3h weighed counterparts traverses kamchat okay anatolia sigma spikes carlson africa quadrupole unfortunately drople mariana rheological tremolite visual submicrometer survey mswd immobile scientific hirsch himalay ipf llancanelo loliondo rietveld wholesale reprecipit sihetun themselves kilauea kamchatka 2b 375 4c 450 bt bad brough da dre eul fused fs2 hm jd junctions kush khib ler lac los lange lcc mut nond pal pest pelitic qag roles siber sisson tight ucc void wal wyl yixian γos ##nick ##ez ##emp ##etical ##uation ##vity ##oon ##ci ##limin ##scur ##yhe ##r0 ##dnick ##gens ##gital ##mar ##fs ##wood ##hol ##basal ##jo ##kin ##35 ##95 ##62 thorn ##tized ##estion ##alder ##itance ##atov inser inhom ##arbon ##oritic ##ash ##ashi ##icite ##enth ##anitic ##anium ##sta ##stotal ##sitic concur ##acrust isogr ##isely ##igur rein reyn ##ectic ##ilst ##ocular ##atitic compaction compound alm alvi cru antic ##oted ##erequ ##ffer ##uck ##ucite dipping ##abor motion moore whilst ##irly ##umilite proto ##omit ##ogany ph2o phill phyric phili defic mahood chao lowermost colors collo coloured baseline minute ##ermann life abstotal quick calif ##charn ##utary ##essel unless unamb unaff enable notable obj obscur crystallinities indire neo repul deposition differed differing arsen upv equival stronti prelimin prerequ 104 107 twice suggestion deton hydrox carrier imposed ortho erron si2o scail scaling comparatively studying slopes no2 estimation monot derivation erupt naxos contrad py2 lithological intrinsic starts mathe transects syenites limest naturally considerations construction outp averages sericite ##ompass 136 ferry originating finely ##lingen petrograph rudnick apex supply suppression ##ogeneities thicker barrier ulven calibrate reduces blank exceptions comparisons multic elimin hara osumilite sulphides precisely likewise normalisation ##ief buffers brey buffering ##anned deeply 16o supers kimberlitic blueschistand coupling fo2s confined configur gover deliver dykes termed plateau viscosities ##ikov instances heterogeneities residuals faak fairly ##onald ##abilities topology serpentinized logar fragment concomit gradational traverse clustered cylind geothermobar implication cco darker ##rystalline viable frequencies 4000 excluding accelerated intensities focuses dispersion homogenized globally advanced opposed theoretically actually consens tetrahedra tamura own owyhe botcharn sink encompass transmitted inversely overprinted overprinting percentage facilitate viewed gibbs enthalpies reconstruc ##encing explosive unusually hammer successful belonging digital subtraction corrosion dragged returned attempt rotation ophiolites gravity appreciably volumetrically springs damage issue histograms pillows session sessions ##ohler concerning eluc phenomena discordant breccia dredged ##iclase adequately rhyodacitic monzodiorite explicitly photographs inspection panel turkey underplating polymorphs hundreds ##ipher weeks definition polybasite interlayered vermic coarsening isochore subdiv pegmatite thousands advantage provenance prevailing dehydrogenation uranium protracted microfractures mechanically 177hf laboratories rejuvenation hvb pigeonite mahogany subordinate fluorination strictly raimondo school challenging reprecipitation brought euler kushiro khibina nondimensional pestle qaggital wyllie thornber ##acrustal reynolds phillips philipp chaotic californ unambiguous unaffected obscured indirect strontium preliminary erroneous scaillet mathez owyhee botcharnikov qaggitalik 1c 1h 760 975 aph b3 bab bore bold bending c4 cate cited dd eut esm fro fum fada fuca gt get gros hval hematite ih ib ice ko kom lati lying men mine national o10 pas pet qix r1 roll s8 sap til turb vit vig vant wn wa ways wollastonite ye yang zaf δe ##nants ##ew ##uable ##ufficient ##iite ##volcanic ##coc ##loc ##lab ##lock ##sing ##site ##sjo ##tude ##yd ##pect ##pyd ##dt ##dmann ##mor ##175 ##fact ##facts ##western ##horizon ##bite ##bul ##jall ##44 thom ##onough ##eren ##tition ##tible ##tified ##enada ##ino ##iton ##itation ##atti intimately ##rehen ##arite ##lex ##ani ##anch ##eli ##elite ##oling ##olper ##olcan conant conform costa ##ida ##idal ##isper ##igan ##ulph rece ##imes ##imate ##imity ##imens forward ##ilent exemp ##ussi stac stem stau stolper ascribed compressed comprehen al3 ##osome ant dihedral dike moved ##amine ##amoto ##iring ord progression grenada grimes ##omura ##oux ##dialy sup sust suture suev phyl shield shik crystalized chen chain chains ##gevity lowers ##teen minima collectively spite spans spanning usa uses interm interacted mineralized ablated acts disloc quetic modest unable unch enables submar subvolcanic subhorizon isotropic induce neutr ##ongeren depicted arm arises ims concentrate equally canyon crusts strains stratov ##akes solute valence valuable prb quartzites 101 106 1030 ##tina ##tinely expense butte impur ##ists equilibrate ershan erdmann overc leach leaving granodi ##illonite underco phengites slip slices rae raw raised agilent heater americ specks specimens estimations 1230 infin ##angular surv contributed majorite py1 conducting metamict earlies fold remnants rimmed grows ##hots descent started dots matric poles discern xenon xenocrystic version ##ovich eudialy capture chlorites radial dominates backf 2004 1800 firstly distributary spinels centres plotting kyr barometers barometry develops ##respective totals mm2 invo observable ell elm 1993 brucite distinction ends normalto approximated identif ##losi tectonically plank slowest schw northeastern calderas 170 175 nucleated loi termination halsjo postd modifications trachyand viscous resolvable univariant settle 8000 phonolitic geochronological geochronometers ##awara banded condamine denser irrespective eqs balanced disturb attribu arrays chalcoc precipitate catal microstructure holder holocene schemes sv13 concord ##oku shortly tradition quantification assessment needles geotherms 240 oibs cyclic 22ne exceptional entrapped maintains suscep covers binocular began anomalously massifs intersects predominant insufficient recognize dimension replenished arai inference caso4 uniformly inherent inheritance thermocalc offsets exponent preferential sintering twinning elongated obviously proximity granophyric helps nanoc reactant resistant efficiently strike addressed bracketing 103lnα pdbs leucogr intragraben faulting emphasize emphasized discrepancies displacive expands ##ancing inhibit digestion entering subtracted overestimate propagation unknowns 695 dragging argentina monitored vacancy check validity deduce routinely attained accounts favorable washout intergranular ganguly phenomen discordance nordlingen cleaned fibrous longevity collap distilled distillation ldg 126175 exhaust burial chilled accretion bruker mcdonough ttg aliquots difficulty micaschists electrodes tanzawa motomura tmt orthogonal montmor volatility keeping snapshots perfectly wilson hygrometer geosci agglomer pyrocl captured opaque algorithm supracrustal trails split acceptable smearing nonlinear incomplete entrainment droplets himalayan mutually cruise repulse prerequisite limestone consensus california aphyric borehole eutectic grospyd hvalnes latitude qixia vantongeren ##olcano ##isperse staurolite comprehensive phyllosi shikoku quetico submarine stratovolcano undercooling earliest matrices eudialyte halsjoberg chalcocite montmorillonite 230 270 320 4e 610 612 640 7c 720 9d 970 925 az aid ber boy du ds dop fen fh2o functions ger gun hr his hess hermann ij jus kr kα kle lived mu mts mang misc mys ncmas ps pm pit pent pich port r0 ros rope semi stir saw ska tir tang testing uum vu vir wu win wav yit yosh zha δh θc ##ny ##eformed ##ui ##uits ##view ##ck ##aard ##lastic ##litude ##sa ##sch ##test ##picked ##ras ##rally ##ratic ##gar ##gup ##glacial ##matic ##wal ##with ##wack ##worth ##h2 ##21 ##22 ##zi ##68 ##66 ##onent ##ert ##tis ##tibility ##eno ##enum ##inner ##alistic ##itten ##aric ##orts ##orical ##ashima ##ictization ##strom ##sters tow tools ##sitivity ##sio2 ##urable conser conju ##agent ##aging ##agall ##agonal coiling ##etch ##isov rect reagent ##ocal ##romag sty strom stack stresses comprom alber cr1 melan ##lusters ##izu tefl ##umenting ##quilib graben ##omax ##erates ##tices sut phosph shad shats meltwater reside parcel ##2o6 ##lest interact periclase acting feot caled ##una modally uniqu ##dsley enl enab meters subjected fluct ##oclinic ##adic neill arti ##anded ##avant corund solve caf caal caution ##tives price ##aturation italy 105 10b carriers impro implied thermometric undeformed effort 2011 ##neath si4 ##ternary underneath reeand reequilib measurable bounded heights refine refers comes processed specimen monomer monoclinic 127 patches saturate contraction conduct plum metamictization 100mn cubic tie matches transferred foot 1973 verify nearby constrains closest evidently depletions ##omponent requiring finer 140 147 manually nbs resultant ##namically assumes fractured cma stronger solubilities describes lherzolitic simulating lamella secondarily niomax ##burg thinned dasgup preserving revealing easy historical downwards sanidines selection ultra couples going look ##ergaard breaks halo cracking stepanov fewer seques argues arguments encloses references refertil geochronologic banding conduits converge conversely eleven elevation spectrometers illustration documenting ##ferrite 1120 technology periodically lindsley retrogression lacking media median cataple creates creating confirming overlaps holm steeper steele 235 edx handpicked svms sense microscopic substituting geothermometers mediumto sio3 hybridisation cycling 225 stabilizing ##venile acquire drilled preparations frequent circle anomalous ##leyite vesicular contributes mq0 sponge homogenization promoted ##saline irregularly constitute ferroan parameterized juvenile employing ##ahashi thermobarometers thermobarometry robinson segments repetition 847 operated vesiculated penetr welding ##point datasets rifting reversely ascends ignored spherul plagiogranites science wrapped ##tze explanations distinguishable certainly ##axial shoshonite 1989 1986 auto macinn ##vaal unrelated unrealistic leucosomes leucosome swe tests evaporated outcrops luminescence presumed powerful expanded masonic tholeiite linkam resource stoichiometric propagating buoyancy attempts 8200 rotated coincidence coincident hawaiian octahed morgan radioisot amplitude odp asian mild milarite utilized alloys careful carefully magnesioferrite hypersaline believe addressing 2908 2907 failed chronology wehrlite drives brecci build qualitatively hills longest adequate microanalysis exhaus assimilated contemporaneously accommodated bonin borisov totally complicated annular terminal holloway pseudoternary kelley zhouba finger practical freezing automatic arbitrarily symplectite candidate congruent learning microphot synchron neglected hirschmann siberian ##basalt inhomogeneous ##enthal concurr quickly equivalents detonation monotonic multicomponent governed reconstructive philippine fumagall ibm yangtze impurities american attribute catalina nanoclusters geosciences pyroclastic grospydites klein mtss mysen pichavant rosenthal skaergaard tirone uumz wavenum yitong yoshino zhao θcpp conjugate alberta teflon shadow meltwaters corundum dasgupta catapleiite macinnis fumagalli 010 210 360 5c 5d 520 670 625 830 820 930 aur afore bes bir ball bigger benson ced cast cip cpo dor dain dust dub dcu dict dimer dwell esrp fole foun gem gior gbs gau gave golds genetically hall hiro hopp ich junction jud jump jones kt kh kur kog kust kars kessel lp lec lose lens lang laki mx mim mun morl nw nat nic nim nanded ong oven pc ptr ponti ry ramp ross rod rises rarity ss sit sle slu stit satis tb ton tell ud vl vap wan yer zen zamb σfe ##nar ##nom ##nari ##norm ##nium ##eved ##uum ##ubl ##usis ##iow ##ike ##vin ##oing ##ods ##cing ##aved ##aoud ##lst ##su ##ya ##pal ##pled ##pvs ##pitation ##ren ##rum ##rical ##ranular ##dp ##dano ##donald ##gitic ##gger ##mul ##mentioned ##fr ##fit ##fgr ##fier ##fjall ##xp ##58 ##wave ##brite ##27 ##2th ##kar ##ktites ##88 ##37 ##98 ##onnay ##erra ##tiary ##enic ##itri ##ardi ##arstrom ##oroc ##orne ##oradi ##rover ##aska ##asovite ##ics ##enty ##lets ##ela ##elts ##elites ##ster ##sten ##static ##sial ##ithmic ##aga ##agin coded ##idually ##idonnay ##isp ##isch ##igranular rear rework fornari ##ocryst ##ocratic ##rometers stere competing alaska cr2 cryp beij beatti diaple ##emy ##izer controver ##amorph org ##ateg ##ques sud ##anta ##ively deform maz shand shaw shmul highand triton chr chur ##aped ##apvaal diffract resone restitic plat clim clari cloud parab hau sput spall spark spars spike interp interfer abr ab23 abnorm ##ppled ##ppler pers peripher acad feeder ##phase ##ersu ##uno ##chite relies relax ##strained ##logenic ##ariro metres fluores ##paitic ##oclimate seed seal seaf ##aday arte arima arising ##andine equigranular soon strateg ##aka adam adher ##uchi smith smow twenty decline georoc impreg ##quidus overview 2016 ##neusis sierra scre scarc ##illat compares carbonatitic decrepitation ago agent ague agpaitic hex becoming nokes ##ipated refined speculate ##graded ##ochemical mono 12c 122 128 1260 conductive foli lithium tians stars 190 1960 ##liquidus preventing complexities ##azil capabilities mollo ##uffle ##umulus 133 fertil hornblendes ##lacially hfse suppressed 2001 2009 au80 norman behaved synneusis defect thickened masses cm2 ##tillo flowing drain muller invari invading harr midto 1992 brine brazil precamb herein knoll exchanges facility assist polynom individually noteworth mounts interstitially ##loor traced extrusion extract extraneous extrusive granulitic metallogenic 168 devoid devitri continuum southwestern 1700 confining lofgr dyke pores ##ropy breaking ##gressive ##gressed tertiary ##ylon keppler consequent paired paillat resolving aggregation progresses progressed adjaoud envis broken ionization paleoclimate intruding niob niool retention infiltrates retrograded distant attrib serpentinite serpentinites migrating replaces precipitated falling flank 232th stratigraph international ##neiss polarization freund sensitivity ##afj misorientations transportation synthesize 7000 assessing substitutions ohmic orogenesis hybridization examination shearing coexisted faraday chromat maintaining magnesiow intersections focussed uht promoting gaidonnay hypothetical ##1500 integral globules advances pyrites pyrarg favored establishing castillo purified symmetric symmetrical ts1500 connecting cutoff efficiency vesicle tephras exponentially δ30sim aims reversion hqa600 porphyroblastic kaapvaal kaersu pulses distinguishing facilitates strip pervasively exposing loading autoradi huge macdonald unreacted package watts ##hua steeply 1932 stiff stippled dilute ##kiy quantifying brownish εndi inhibits inhibited attachment expressions assigning films statistical subtracting overestimation propagated piece 09sa coordination refinements influxes mobilized attempted drops attenuation paragenetic analyzer vacancies vacuum metapelites route exerc exert pseudosections remobilized idioblastic tongariro ##ingshan attainment choices accounted magnesioh ignimbrite sketch aluminium r33 vibrations decoupled migmatite hammarstrom disappears disappearance hartley incremental favourable anions pressurized geobarometry underestimated accreted brugger troctolite troctolites dickenson triangular hafnium chloride aplites davis hours omitted ##naya antecrysts fulgurite fulgurites δ18omelt intracrystalline laterally mirrored intercumulus persists energetic taihua 1791 vibrational metabasaltic lanthanide disaggregated iterative kinematic liberation village ##pd20 neighbour contaminant leroux losses ##aldera inserted reinfor almandine colloform objective orthoenstatite 136xe eliminate logarithmic concomitant cylindrical elucidate categor frozen saponite turbul vigorous received supra sustained subhorizontal leaching granodioritic backflow ellip identifiable schwartz trachyandesite concordant leucogranites exhausted agglomeration hvalnesfjall doped pentavalent portny virt winchite style shatskiy caledonia fluctu improved reequilibration plumes fingerprin microphotograph auriferous aforementioned cedar cipw dubbo foley fountain giordano hirose hopping karsli lpet lenses morlidge nandedkar ongoing pontides stitched vlasovite vapour yerington zambardi beijing beattie diaplectic controversial shmulovich resonetics spallation academy fluorescence seafloor impregn scarcity tianshan au80pd20 precambrian knolls polynomial noteworthy lofgren stratigraphically magnesiowustite gaidonnayite pyrargyrite 09sa06 portnyagin 2f 275 3ds 675 7e 725 8c 880 980 920 960 a2 aure agen a15 ben big bow bom bari bire ci cp ck cart centi cnk dp d0 dinner ey eg ek edi eject egg fy fish gi gard gained hin hier hinder ik iod iki ja jen ken kop kay lot lues lob lda lights mp muse mcc mrees muffle mylon nh oro ogas pun ppb rl rg roc rho rays rhen rational r06 russi s1 savage tas till va wo worn wise witt yt yfe zur zind ##ns ##nh ##nst ##nite ##nected ##note ##eit ##uir ##uity ##uble ##uang ##isions ##vance ##oil ##ode ##colith ##aol ##aus ##la ##lary ##sw ##ski ##tly ##ysic ##pots ##rites ##rad ##din ##disperse ##gre ##mith ##met ##muir ##19 ##fies ##fring ##wa ##hat ##hite ##bar ##bay ##26 ##jd ##junction ##kvas ##kohler ##ze ##zu ##zhou ##41 ##63 ##ınar ##onor ##oning ##erc ##eror ##erozoic ##enable ##inar ##inclu ##ito ##itne ##ata inn inac anders ##arer ##arser ##ora ##orously ##orhom ##asic ##icting ##icao ##entrum ##ania ##anerozoic ##stol ##stand ##olic ##olinite ##inge ##sives ##silite ##sibly ##sibility ##uras cones conce conjunction cov coarser ish ##idy ##idson ##iss ##ull ##iminated ##ilips exec extin aspect comput computer alge ##oph ##opic areal crimp anch beak beard ##lume ##ucl dip diab diele whitne ##amm ##irn ##uma proj proton grays ##ichel ##antaneous physic phanerozoic philips ##ivers magne shen shed shri shuk incorre trø tris trap tricl chose chief lowand ##eney cla clarity hay pressed pressing ##tron ##trian spor intercon ##iobite ab2 ##ript ##olet weights acet actively ##ayu ##chill relicts zirconium uns unex frances formations ##ficial ##itesimal subal subround subto analytic analyse analytically analysing mantled crystallise ##pare neogene nebul nekvas replicate reports plagioclaseand silenc ark mg0 upd soak string pref prepare oxford ##achnaya adak ##iest introduce intended 1010 ##cura decarbon geoz impover orthorhom thermof micros micrometer erlan ernst ##deo 2020 leave leeman buloch scores scanned sld recoil hydrostatic raz raising ##ounts hey hearn amenable ##berger ##ipınar solids ##507 speculated redep monomin 111 118 1170 ##roniobite microte microinclu eruptives ##ought evolves ##ions desc marine marking characterisation mixes matter transgressive ##ctric fo90 1980 prevalent eclogiteand norite ##itudin commenced outline averaging albeit 1550 served volcanics 135 1385 absorp emperor ##ornblende functional manning shockwave ##ifs appearing ##licates fired behave peaked ##namical defining barriers situations ##tened ##adium cumulative laminar eliminated oscura evenly secondly 1996 brighter longitudin normalization polydisperse ##burt thinner affinity affinities tracers dolomitic ##enesis multipl potentials ##braic harzburgites planet selved superprobe superliquidus select pump continuity worked workman goes fourteen methodology delayed ##hns ilmeno introduces roan rodeo smectites thermodynamics ##oidal localised postulated modify modifier ##ylova ##augh 1000ln plateaus petrologically decompressed ##ixing ##time releasing relevance enclave envision ##odified broke brock ionisation labelled paleocene convert instantaneous intrude intrudes intrusives experiencing greenland greenstone applicability responses drying purely marginally hotpot hottest linking links 703 probable ##oriented ##orientation induces flatter overlies broader holness ##sivity stratified chalcophile meteorite 5000 fastest geothermometry hybridized 7500 stabilizes exceptionally emf ##vsky clinopyroxenite farther reproduces reproducible circular 801 minimization 015 262 aster contributing hotspots seamounts recrystallised predominance focusing chondritic formulations formulae gao advoc constitutes ferrosilite tsaol inherently spontaneously exceeded 06b pseudomorph 840 operate ##lane sheep welder replenishing ##arctic sinks analogues encased twinned ignore ignition greywack furnaces empirically bonded kaolinite written physically nanos reactants segregated segregations recovery passage percentages ##rupted predictable browne pink humph huang hudson pdfs emphasizing packing bayburt boh xiayu diverge tholeiites ##cepts assign 59a bristol ethz ##osilicate overestimates erosional paragonite databases forearc guli l140 machines nakaj zeolites quadrant enhances denoted ample exerts compressional grids accompany episodic ubiquity asia damkohler mlst ringwood rigorous revised accounting thorium aluminum aluminosilicate 176lu 176hf cascade eluted gangue rastered wehrlites nordbay superplume migmatites building encounter occupied 8100 cups cupola dredge unmixing unmodified incrementally thermochronometer rhyodacite adiabat panels clinoenstatite noticeable traversed suspect briefly buried abruptly week unconstrained carrying definitions polybaric 1783 1784 hardly asymmetric aliquot triangles precludes 127329 chlori delineate difficulties tanzania aplite davidson nasafj performing pooled intracaldera 1974 penetration penetrate thoroughly pelites tube ##eyerite ##anese speeds intercal synglacial optimized reconcile reconciled extrapolations spheroidal adsorption adsorbed pipe pipes xs0 zsts compressive ankerite shrinks spacing spacers implemented retrieve summarize badh dreyer jdfr laccolith palae voids isograd ##aborate output petrographical supersaturation configuration geothermobarometry subdivision tilt wafer thomas ##elierite exemplary antarctic suevite intermitt neutral infinitesimal invoked postdate traditional susceptibility phenomenon stratovolcanoes azores boyd manganese conserv rectangular stromeyerite melanosomes sutton enabling caf2 footnote sequester refertilization 235u sweeney breccias concurrently besides dusty goldsmith kustelite lechat langmuir mx80 natroniobite nicolet ptrh sleeve udachnaya wanless organic mazama shandong churchill diffractometer clarify sputtered sparks sparsely interference abnormally strategy hexagonal niobium δ30simelt kaersutite virtually fluctuations impregnated 3ds1 birefring ckd ekati edific ejecta hierarch ikipınar jahns jenkins kopylova lueshite museum orogens ogasawara punct worner yttrian zurich zindler ##standing conceicao algebraic beakers dielectric whitney grayscale shrimp shukuno incorrect triclinic interconnected unexpl subrounded nekvasil silencio decarbonation geozentrum orthorhombic bulochka monomineralic microinclusions brockman tsaolingshan nakajima nordbayern nasafjell lechatelierite 1t 2e 2log 280 380 480 460 5o2 540 680 7d 710 730 910 auca bn bund bern baco3 cav came cinder c59 dm dal dar dim damp dens dual dalp dany dai ea etch fed fal fate fash gar got gisp hb hk hil hamp hack hann hope hok iez jg jm jar jac k4 kar kot kab kell kram kra kare kern kress klet koh kohler lib lamp liles lagr lending latest llst mα mart meng miron mud mention nested nutr ov ovo pap passi qin rh ran rins rub rie rind rhom s0 sav sial saf sought tc tl tip trough tips ut uph vp vg vents vene vio vial wy wis wot wend waf wsu xm xia xs2 xmg xsio2 ys yao µl δn δq ϕsed ##night ##nigan ##uv ##uti ##uing ##uth ##uated ##uate ##uently ##iros ##itites ##isitic ##otic ##ohy ##oided ##oju ##cting ##cumul ##carbon ##lm ##lized ##lating ##law ##sk ##tub ##tail ##yan ##pi ##pic ##pent ##path ##press ##ru ##rac ##rates ##rants ##ravel ##du ##dw ##dre ##det ##denite ##gam ##gence ##gore ##min ##ming ##mow ##mec ##100 ##193 ##fon ##fted ##fine ##03 ##0exp ##55 ##wr ##wan ##weg ##hes ##hot ##hver ##bes ##bach ##bron ##boring ##bidge ##bilities ##2si ##jing ##ku ##kuz ##kinite ##zer ##zie ##zero ##zlaw ##3cpx3h ##47 ##91 ##94 ##96 ##9507 tho2 ##err ##erlock ##titite ##esape ##enitic ##ensitic ##iness ##inding ##eden ##alt ##algam ##itely ##ittle ##itani iner inade ##rel ##reys andean anderson ##artic ##artine ##oria ##roites ##rotherm ##asted ##lection ##lebr ##legre ##mport ##elve ##elbron ##ste ##stances ##stones ##olly ##olati ##olved tod tod3 tohver ##ationn ##sip ##si2o6 ##uric conch ##agger ##acular cole ##itect ##etts isol ##idio ##identi ##idium ##idgm ##ulative read reeder ##imeter fort forced ##ece ##eck ##econd ##econor ##illex ##octa excur exotic ##thorne ##ushe ##usetts ##atiites ##veat stab stock stace stopp alph alice alco ##opyrite ##opartic cren crist anatex answ ##otaxial ##ffin ##fform diatex ##ngsten moist ##amura ##ira ##umi grating grinding ##oue ##diff suited suffer deerite mad mahu ##ineering shau shades shuang sherlock incl incip incub trig traps cho chev chesape ##ample basanitic clastic classic hauy mines collection waste waspal ##truction spent spir spess interven interacting interglacial interdiff ##ppard perimeter acted disp disorientation dissip feed call reliably unres unexp unoriented unravel unidenti ##strong ent enig enorm entered ##aria ##ariate evac subs subg subgr subidio object mantles fluence seelbron ##elluric reporting depressed ##hym ##ectonic asser arise aranov mehe up193 allophan glac ##akage cored soluble caveat ##tiveness ##bland ##blastic ##achew ##achusetts adela sma 1060 ##ostatic twelve hasting ##igneous hydrating carpent decl maymec impar ##upo thermody micrometers indices overgrown overnight overpress ##acks effusive ##deleyite 205 sieve leakage scav sc11 sclm running ree3 slur recomm phlogopiteand ##8o22 bounds hydrocarbon raf raise aged healed amm amalgam ##ondritic refraction speculation speculative 115 1180 129 1210 1270 12ky 1245 microct microves infill inflection ##angian eruptible naand majorand py5 folded textured ##hoogen lithic lithologic lithostatic intras destruction marsch characterizing dokuz representation gregar mats matlab matru matachew transpar transformed discordia 1959 ##lia xenomorphic verhoogen lineations europ eurotherm oxygens exploring furman respects commun outlier outstanding graphs magnification magnetot 154 msd volcaniclastic 13e 1360 absorbed iddp dissolves mesosomes predate ferromag uncover finnigan ##iax ##erically ##obalite ##titude limitation 146 1410 hornblendites vaporized demand demarc hfses manual stands standing metamorphics dependency supplied suppress numerically investigates au75 audet lattices ##ishes massachusetts simpler electrons calibrant ##adian bloch mm3 mullite mulca invaded oxidising harker incorporating tao taupo brune branch brittle bridgm distinctively severely hereaf avoided exchanged surrounds bau baffin faces ##fe0 ##iscan spectacular tracing dolomites concluding ##sics standardization standardized deepest 165 devolati es35 nonzero slowed diopsi pathway takashima confocal nucleus delim priori dynamical variscan rods roex roeder reacts ##30f picritic helium helka hellebr paul sequential reserves argument enclose currents surroundings phonon heaviest converting illum denoting instability initiate irradi transpression ##structure architect 870 875 permo balancing critically distal distor tops topotaxial arranged migrated precipitates creation cream eventual flakes ##dese holds logk ##201 3550 3513 steel steinge ##solidated exsolve exsolving accumulating edin polarity sveconor senkoy mineralogically 3000 protoc condensate accessories syntheses grading requirements fastlane mcken cells colorless hybridised examining parenthes 2240 filler fillings ##kaido stabilized stabilities alternating coexistent dunites excel metasomatiz chromites flood coverage public sharply 267 008 007 mw9507 equals intensively vesuv intersect seams ambiguous formulated biased unimport westward advective advancing principally reconstruct weakened 1035 refractories inferences ferrobasalt flattening flattened buob favors payun ##continent narrower problematic purification division clayton symbol 65cu conspic bathym ##alcic mhz connection 21ne kinetically operates salt salinities instruments replenishments 021 millim triocta environmental aimed mingled reversed ascended analogy analogue markers hqa0 nmnh removing undergoes porphyroblast 29si inversions nanjing nanopartic expansivity matching doublet gd1 gd23 passed ##arsga simplify pinched ##visions temporally brackets constituting autocl leucocratic reconstruction emphasis tescan 1938 1937 adjustment adjustments embay xiuy triggering expectation remarks transforms transformations diluted guo ophitic craters hawthorne tschermakite kilgore resembl resembles arguably stoichiomet 442 enters geophysics overestimated ##ggish returns warmer warren ##nesian ##astingsite paragneiss argentite hqb0 498 fabrics l1429 nakamura pumices zeolite enhancing uplifted juxtaposition juxtaposing ceram engineering odps roux geodynamics amorphization asimow damaged hercy render utilizing unpubl barroisitic fisher ##baum departure corona hyperfine reactivated filters filtering mc1314r0 discriminating gangdese housed rasters wehrmann adopt molybdenite cleaning occupy disappeared oikocryst discontinuity manifested inspected sandwiched kjarsga parkinson perlitized underplate endmembers escape escaped purposes truncation accommodate 945 bonding boron kamen okamoto complicates pressurised unconform metaigneous geobarometer underestimates tectonites interlayer asymmetry asymmetrical hafc subdivisions 131xe pegmatites delineated periodicity hypotheses hypothesized perturbed perturbation perturbations kelvin kawamoto nasi tungsten antecrystic shimizu shimoju tetravalent tetraborate snapshot destabilization fsc1332r0 fingers sx100 ##bourne ##itzer carbide synglacially multiplier optimal extrapolating automated metabasalts dafsn dafsk lanthanides arbitrary happened xs6 spidergram neighboring implementation surprisingly discovery discovered maximizing retrieved baddeleyite walter walker compounds deficient arsenopyrite hydroxyl contradict configurations delivering encompasses vermiculated subdivided unambiguously c470 c473 ihpvs komahashi komatiites menlo passive s82 ##ulphur dislocation dislocations unchanged armstrong overcome discernible loihi disturbed collapse collapsed accretionary phyllosilicate phyllosilicates gertis justified miscible stirring sawyer tangeman wuhan stacked compromised uniqueness artifacts 147sm cma201 spherulite octahedrally radioisotopic 2907e exhaustive automatically synchronous wavenumber shadows birch daini judging kuritani nimonic rytub rossman rodman sluggish reworked ##amorphic platform abraded perspec periphery artefacts adhering fertilized assisted devitrified chromatography stiffness exercise neighbouring categorized turbulence fingerprint microphotographs aureole agency bomb cartoon centimet gardner iodp mylonitic nh4 rgb rhenium russia innermost inaccur covari crimped anchor diabase magnetitite trisulphur chiefly claim hayden sporadic acetone nebulizer arkose updated stringers impoverished erlangen heywood hearne redeposition absorptivity planetary envisioned pseudomorphs greywacke humphreys intercalated conservative dalou dalpe danyushe fashion hildre hannover hokkaido iezzi jg4 jarbidge jacques kotuy keller kramers karelia kernel lamproites lagrangian martensitic mironov savillex safely utah uphill violet wyoming wotzlaw wafers xiao δnno δqfm ##pathic ##wegian inadequ conchoidal stabbland stacey stopped alcohol cristobalite anatexis ##fformationn moisture mahuida incipient chevkinite chesapeake hauyne waspaloy spessartine intervening unexpected unidentified subidioblastic aranovich meheut allophane adelaide carpenter maymecha thermodynamically overpressure marschall gregarious matachewan magnetotelluric ferromagnesian audetat mulcahy bruneau bridgmanite hereafter es355 hellebrand steingeita sveconorwegian mckenzie parentheses vesuvius unimportant conspicuous trioctahedral nanoparticles xiuyan stoichiometries kjarsgaard shimojuku gertisser rytuba danyushevsky hildreth 075 013 1f 2g 2nd 2se 2ph 3e 3f 310 4h 530 573 6d 6f 614 712 740 9f ae aiz aum aog aware akin awa bp bj bol biv bry bcr bann bour cn cic cul cres cass cad cement c60 cusp cyan dc duc dup dcpx daugh et econ euras ft fan fos face files gj gel gase gene gaps gets girn hen hor hop hos hum holes hump huck iw ite jol job kl k2 kir kap kand kiel kaz kcl kind kats kfs lc lm l0 len lop lock lak lach lled lends lnk mβ mall mack murn michael michel nu nf name napp nuna oil ores otr oval option p5 ped pam pir pant pion pier qre qem rag rib rom rely rad rose rules rsc ruck ranch sa sd sg sf s3 s7 sro sas sens sorted sake santa tf tz tal tant tap ttr tighter tats um ust uo2 ubs vo vh vin vag viz vox wit wor wies wads wire wessel x2 xfe xanes yo yax zou zart zeng zaj ɛhf αt αto δρ ϕs ##nation ##nnes ##ei ##eving ##eva ##eering ##ug ##uh ##usively ##ufact ##iy ##iti ##itite ##iocene ##iffer ##ifformationn ##vf ##vos ##vating ##oho ##cand ##cores ##cats ##aer ##aver ##aoy ##lain ##lot ##lich ##lna ##lidal ##ss ##sin ##sonite ##slie ##sps ##spect ##tro ##tan ##tam ##tures ##tally ##tled ##taz ##tanov ##p2 ##pinel ##peed ##rystal ##dam ##gd ##gos ##mite ##monic ##mise ##fa ##fri ##fo2 ##xi ##02 ##51 ##5si ##wu ##wes ##wth ##wcz ##hl ##hj ##hman ##hstan ##hematic ##buff ##bia ##bric ##brian ##beck ##200 ##2sio4 ##kel ##kop ##kola ##83 ##89 ##36 ##48 ##74 ##67 ##6d3 ##øy ##π6d3 thrust ##ons ##ony ##onot ##ondi ##ontite ##onium ##onucl ##erf ##erical ##eritic ##eria ##erto ##tier ##tith ##tify ##esi ##encl ##enocrysts ##enki ##inis ##inates ##integr ##als ##alence ##alers ##allest ##itre ##itting ##itally ##itates ##ato ##atation ##atable ##atonic ##atoric ine inwards ingrowth inev inert ##reement ##reads ##arget ##arged ##araka ##orf ##orate ##oriness ##roy ##ropping ##rogate ##rotron ##asi ##asis ##asaka ##ictive ##ician ##ented ##entation ##entally ##lee ##leuc ##leifs ##ane ##anar ##anhyd ##anian ##anches ##anvil ##mped ##elin ##elted ##olin ##olas ##olvating toasted ##ingly ##sims ##uri ##urface conical contig concurs consolidated ##agi ##aghan ##agnetite ##aguchi ##acz ##acies ##activity coating copl cowork coiled cogenetic ##eto ##ethy ##etani ishi ##idus ##iday ##idates ##idating ##idental ##idleifs ##iso ##isen ##isel ##isher ##issol ##issible ##issions ##isks ##igt ##iguing ##uli ##uls ##ulic ##ulus ##ulder ##ulian reil rejection reheated ##imann ##owater fork ##iler ##ilway exter exagger ##thmic ##usting ##atives stat stan stall stone stern stalder asu ascrib compet compact alps ##reski ##tson ##tserr ##osol anov an60 antith ##terland ##terok ##ota ##otectonic ##otethy beer beau ##luv ##ucity die dile ##iba ##ibles ##ighting ##abara ##emed motiv wholly tektites contour contoured ##ams ##amme ##amelts ##irable onion ort or75 organ prove proved proute prohib prospect ##quartz gras gravel ##omerates ##ouin ##ticed ##antum ##ives ##ivocal deion dealers deemed maitre sho inch trial trond tried tridy ##verage chu chap cheral ##geting ##apa ##aphed diffused reson restite plac pliocene ##tein colon basically clou parents haase hauri mind minna minnes temperatureand wasser washed wasyl spin spreads user interpl interested interphase interrupted intercepts olv ##mented ##ioleuc mineralizing ab24 ##coni ##consin weaver pertain dispar disintegr feg fe0 feas quar quanta quasi quantum caltec ##pherical ##asson ##assed ##cher ##chenite ##chondritic ##chbaum relief ##utable module modreski ##essulph unqu unity unav unequ uniax ##strate frisch fridleifs envelop notation meter metav subj subcr subregular subarc subangular subglacial subdu substructure subchondritic substrate analyte obli plagioleuc ##ellerite indones indentation ##vedsonite depicts depicting ##endices appendices meet imbric concentrates concentrically cancel canadian crustally ##sover gln gloss ##akhstan soles solar solving premise simg caand cawth ##ormal silicified addi smallest garnwith 108 109 1070 1040 1016 sugawara expose expedi richet ##cury hasterok glassed hydra carib carlo carley cargos decipher geo geom geometric impl impac imperf ##istan ##ypov therein generates erased ertan overlo undiffer effusion effusively po4 poitr poya regards 201 202 20ne sique lee leaves legs leached leuth ##ensky score script scss ##illed ##illouin comparative comparably ##bons underlies underlain slate slice presently ##genbach raises railway rhythmic healing heimann amt amster becker ##bergite solidi coming ##entiated specified redlich monte monogene monod montserr 11b 116 1130 completion 1220 1240 1235 microc microch micropro derives ##angement ##angzhou extents naoh saturating ##epke ##oughs primocrysts primocrystic ##rational plugs lah lafl reminis assembled 1005 1002 locus locate locating intriguing cuts desolvating desirable greys greece mathematic cools syrac 40k polish 19f 195 1950 1975 ##liable ##lified ##liao structured plutonism prevalence verification ##cedony curtin ##ovician oxybar explor continents construct ##plots commerc ##icking capability posit albites 1530 1520 1575 134 1380 1375 1356 obtaining profound dissolving mesoproterozoic predated predates requisite controller uncomm uncorre finero radiometric radionucl chemicals dominating pexp pelee bluff demands manufact foundation ##ifying supplying soufri nband 1812 auer latent latypov norms diamondi sectional sectioning barometric simpl simplest diagonal developments predictive ulvos ##enged ##engai feldspathic 3011 flowed orientated drastic clues crystallises neglec megacrystic observing elabor harmonic diffusively midpoint 1990 behaviors taur tectonite bring brines branches brillouin precisions kncmas lasted lasaga longonot normalize polyphase niij niida approximates mn2 ##srand ##burgh differentiate differentiates differentiating spectrograph trachyd multianvil separating fuj fuel poorer extra extrinsic epr correlating slows superheated supercontinent selective scharer schifformationn ##landt southeastern ultras takahashi ##ographed 256 confusion fourth fourfold incompatibility dynamically ##erged introducing halter halves reactivity tera lightly lightest ##yla conven keel 1000lna petrologists paucity fluxing adjusting ##arko northernmost labram converts 1101 initio initiates homogeneously irre irving offer camer cambrian polymet greenish documents dryness ceases ceased luhr luoning archive 8768 correspondingly liner opened permits permitted permissible amongst decompressional crossing retrogressed properly property 704 706 7088 baltic baldw missile wallace topography attracted arrangement migrates mediated chalcedony deviatoric 860 865 ##incke joined log10 355 354 35cl 3525 stef glaucophanite glaucophanites 2350 ##scan excesses exsolutions stratification edenitic polars freely sv03 scattering scatterplots populated shifting graduate stillwater fastto mcin mercury ##prp needle implicit 241 6000 cycl shared 2200 gask 4500 emslie emissions aligns alternate martinez necessitates photographed highlighting farver circled circulate exclusion exclusive chromitite minimally minimise seemingly blacktail 282 28si fivefold ##etsky 005 002 004 0097 correspondence goodness eosfit cationic interstices intersample predominately succeed ##maier strengths exhumational homogenously storlidal gaetani squared ideally tensions tenner advent constitution isochrons weaker refractoriness molecule 3600 3625 caso cashman purple 3200 thermobarometric 033 331 335 robin sakuy connect 218 crucibles mtz sheppard shirasaka ltd tethys 023 37ar milling millhol xrct chemographic bottaz nitric sinking ##nedah ##ofels revert colourless encour widths spheres plagiogranitic 298 pulur seismically overprints apparatuses helpful nanometers isotherms resistors segregate blee passes columbia distinguishes facilitating cscl seismicity sands sandstones vanadium vanishes temporarily 1985 1988 1983 1987 retaining hua macro unretro unreliable intragranular jointing columnar packages swar swelling sweden teschenite evaporate ##ographical steepening tracking actinide designated explosions displacements drawing expanding 5200 boiling crossover stagnation guide guangzhou ashwal indexing kilomet inhibition correctly 5941 digested digitally h2s h2om statistic knowing 8800 schistose coordinate coordinates isobars episode eroded ##shtanov coincide paragenesis analyzing dimensionality fundamentally windows 63cu machaoy nams names namur trenches precursory precursors validated radioactivity successions successively 995 england compensate plausibly moser mosser renormal rigorously utility insets electrop electromag favoring consumes consuming aerosol skin skarn tanks ##noscand ##caes districts coronae concerned hqb900t fails ##16o conceptual cohes chronometry chronologic metabasic polymerized migmati migmatitic built occupies strikingly 987 ##ynski ##kenburg thresholds atlantis anisotropy collided unmelted monzonite schmincke destroy turning isoplot disagreement clinoand noticeably microanalytical microanalyzer foils 130ba assimilant favours boroughs cotectics traveled uncontam tectono mcdonald sigm ttarget vermicular ##watersrand ##board coarsely enhancement arfvedsonite preclude precluding 127310 srmvf hollowed hypothesize 7700 kawai kawano mottled tuohy tuyla thousand shimabara frictional advantages legend volatilization dehydrogenated circumstances destabilize destabilizes mirrors fes2 pellets tubes tubing ##argement energetics geospeed agglomerates freeze taiwan multiply multiplying spheroids candidates happen liberated ##pd25 congruently compressibility shrinking microphenocrysts synchrotron neglect manifestation visualize da0 drew lerchbaum isograds anticlock anticipated deficiency colloidal lifetime arsenian orthoand petrographically supersaturated logarithm concomitantly cylinders geothermobarometers elucidating vermiculation eulerian indirectly 1h16o getting koepke menengai petrel s81 thomson conformity stemming antao ordovician suevitic unchanging ims12 heaters infinitely survive survived invoke disturbance traditionally susceptible aids ds62 fenn fennoscand gunnedah miscibility psamm pmelts stirred ##wald tower compromise ##izuka phosphate uniquely enlargement 12730 penetrating spherulites radioisotopes mildly 2907a exhaustion synchronously monotonically wavenumbers dictated gemstone halliday ichiy jumps kharaka kogiso kogarko mimic satisfy cryptic crypto sudo sudden parabolic interpolated foliated foliations drainage invariably harris harrison envisaged attributes attributable striped autoradiograph autoradiography magnesiohornblende magnesiohastingsite reinforced ellipses barium cpfu eye eggler giulian hinterland kenya rhod woods wittmann andersen ishizuka execution extinction computation projects physicochemical trønnes subalkaline soaked adakites thermofisher microtektites longitudinal multiplied selvedges bohlen l1405 accompanying ringwoodite chloritized badh15 intermittently birefringence edifice hierarchical unexplored 2804 bernini c592 densely etched false garita hkf jmc krawcz mengel nutrients papale rinsed rubidium riebeck rhomb wisconsin wendlandt ys13 inertial ##stein today coleman excursion alphamelts crenulated answer diatexite inclined spiral entropy enigmatic enormous seelbronn scavenged sc1191 slurries recommended ammonia amalgamation 129xe 12ky2 infilling intraslab transparent europium 1543cpx3h uncovered demarcated au75pd25 transpressional edinburgh metasomatizing bathymetry millimeters embayments hercynite rendering unpublished kamenetsky unconformably fsc1332r01 perspective inadequate 2phl aizawa aumuh aogashima bivariate bannock bourd cicconi cemented c608 cuspate ductile duplicate daughter economic eurasian fossi gaseous geneva girnis henry hopper hosting jolis kapoho kazakhstan katsura lengenbach lakshtanov lachlan lledo murnaghan nappe otrøy pirard pantellerite pioneering qreaction qemscan ragged ribbons rscm sasaki tzm tatsumi ustc voigt vincent voxel witwatersrand words wiesmaier wadsleyite wesselton xfe3 yoder yaxley zartman zajacz ϕsusp ##5si8o22 ##hjem inevitable ##anhydrite contiguous coplanar coworkers ishii ##issolved reilly exterior ascribe anovitz antithetical prouteau deionized trondhjem tridymite chapman cheralite minnesota wasserburg wasylenki interplay pertaining caltech ##essulphide uniaxial fridleifsson metavolcanic subcratonic subdued oblique plagioleucitites indonesia cawthorn expedition hydraulic undifferentiated poitrasson siqueiros leuthold amsterdam monogenetic monodisperse montserrat microprobes laflamme reminiscent greyscale mathematical syracuse commercial 1520cpx3h uncommon soufriere diamondiferous ulvospinel 3011b drastically kncmash niijima baldwin sakuyama millhollen bottazzi unretrogressed kilometre machaoying electromagnetic uncontaminated geospeedometry lerchbaumer anticlockwise psammitic ichiyama giuliani krawczynski riebeckite aumuhle 0ρ 014 025 1d 1ʹ 1ch 1to 2m 2k 2al 2h2o 214 260 215 2ca 3h 3β 3and 3sm 3fe 330 3to 325 3h2 3sio2 3quartz 4d 4g 4f 4π 4si 410 490 465 473 440 4h2 5e 514 560 7g 770 890 825 9c 990 a1 ak a3 aes aen aus aad aided bh ban bis brom bence bend bach buch bill babb boz bick bisc boud bisch bifs cd cx c0 cα cλ cel cac cab city crow ccl cacl cps c58 doz dfe dh2o drove dimin ee eick eales eev eichel fc fs f2 fem fam fence flog fand fick flex flegre fictive fessulphide gv gy g2 g3 gro gop gut gak gore gently gsc gsid gigan hat him hain horn hold i0 ith iab i00 iolite jr jer jam jorn jsm jaw jiang joll jaff kw kal kat kor kan king kus kely kds kgh kise kbr kik kui ly lh lα lor lag lid luc lant lend lapp lloy lapping lyon lakes lidy mal mur mio mct mism m50 mord nn nk nz nol nac nap nne nancy nerc null nions omp ost oasis pw pδ pon pamp pater pall pear posed peters push piles pdol p11 papag panned poue pitzer qm rr rol rum rog rene rapp rained rcc rosen rarer rpi s5 sis sant sver sse sri song sack sky t0 t2 tel trom tio tds tall tree torm tied tund tick tank tiss uw uot u14 v0 von vand vest wi w3 wen wds wpm wake wfy wales xz xor xil yv yam yog yard yund y2o3 yili zh zan zinc þu ƒh2 αand δv δp δg δ2 εv λ0 πah σ0exp ##nb ##non ##nan ##nel ##niz ##nton ##e0 ##eal ##eism ##eties ##ehn ##eelite ##qz ##uer ##uan ##uded ##uky ##ience ##isive ##isional ##itization ##itiveness ##iwu ##iams ##vd ##var ##vere ##vard ##vian ##vised ##oe ##o6 ##ositive ##oked ##ostruct ##oining ##oire ##c2 ##come ##coun ##cai ##cator ##aq ##ait ##aoning ##lon ##lace ##lates ##lization ##lides ##lorite ##lished ##sit ##sus ##scribed ##tl ##t9 ##tor ##typ ##tler ##tna ##tario ##tfon ##tug ##yk ##yth ##ymer ##yring ##ygd ##pv ##pg ##pres ##p2o ##pass ##pari ##pisson ##rt ##rb ##r2 ##rent ##rag ##ray ##r06 ##ractive ##dd ##db ##dal ##dish ##gers ##gary ##gner ##genetically ##gster ##mir ##more ##mond ##matite ##mospheric ##18 ##130 ##fx ##fur ##fus ##fem ##found ##fort ##fels ##xon ##01 ##we ##wed ##wall ##wh2o ##wered ##hin ##how ##here ##hra ##hauer ##hornblende ##bil ##bog ##bio ##bial ##body ##bby ##bai ##bax ##borne ##balt ##2b ##28 ##213 ##2sps ##2p2o ##je ##jon ##jos ##jav ##jections ##janes ##jensky ##kr ##kα ##kat ##kro ##kol ##kur ##ktite ##kstan ##kla ##zy ##zr ##zz ##zio ##zins ##zian ##zinc ##zirc ##zky ##zca ##zolin ##84 ##86 ##3p ##38 ##34 ##3si ##3cl ##3prp ##46 ##475 ##911 ##7c ##71 ##79 ##61 ##69 ##ϕsed ##øsd ##ƒo2 thomp ##onet ##onites ##onous ##erti ##erts ##erges ##erup ##erbil ##tison ##tifies ##esf ##ests ##esitic ##enk ##enan ##enue ##enberg ##enaga ##ennan ##inal ##inter ##ineral ##inian ##edt ##edent ##edinn ##alth ##alus ##al2o ##alitic ##alism ##alian ##itat ##itor ##itter ##itte ##itch ##itaxial ##ndt ##ndel ##ndur ##aton ##atch ##atmospheric inges inform inward inland in10 inlet inoue inboard injections ##rea ##ret ##reated ##reous andalus ##aru ##aram ##arcon ##aracter ##arric ##arches ##orr ##orus ##orial ##orfer ##orova ##ro2 ##roph ##rotom ##asies ##icity ##ictions ##icacies ##iccator ##enta ##entzian ##leted ##leber ##letz ##leaving ##anu ##anne ##anks ##anaki ##antified ##anagi ##anofels ##anzolin ##mptly ##eluch ##elia ##elof ##elberg ##stac ##olded ##olvable ##olymer touch topl toky ##ingled ##sio ##si0 ##sio3 ##ithfully ##ithms ##urer ##urian ##urprising conject concepts ##ags ##agmatic ##acor ##acly ##actic ##acites cos cox coil coding cosm coales cogn cobalt ##eted ##etre ##etong ##etyp isle isoc ##idx ##idation ##idite ##idity ##idellite ##idelberg ##isin ##isited ##isaki ##ischat ##igatti ##igmatite ##ulze reun rewr reyk ##iment ##iman ##imetric ##imaru ##owski ##lys ##lyte forest ##ectite ##ectivity ##ecnk ##ilm ##ilations ##ocrystalline exit ##thon ##thrust ##usher ##uscri ##usanne ##atibly stp storm store stoch stout stays stably strec stotal ask aspherical compelling compilations al2 alam alther alme altitude alfa alluv alarcon atβ atyp attes ##oper ##opole ##oplastic ##tsch crd crude crusher melson melvil melbourne ##oscop ##osyn ##osurface anhed an75 an62 ##terber ##otes ##oten ##otry ##otland ##ffered befus beidellite ##luor dia dixon ##ibly ##ibniz ##ngat ##abo ##aba ##ablation ##emens ##emontite moment moo2 moord moacy moana ##izonal whis whate whene ##ami ##amg onuma ontario ori ##perby ##periclase ##umed proves promptly ##quare grit grant ##oma ##icho ##erator sunk suffered prescribed ##oge ##ogether ##ogok phi phlegre tempting ##iving ##ivine ##iveluch dead dealing deuts deering magenta ##tinga ##inear shtr shell shast shales shah shiveluch incident try trd trib trav tract tribu trying ##vert ##verized ##vertical ##versus chad chance chard chiqu chew chinner ##apas ##apted ##apace ##apolite ##apsed ##aporite ##apto ##see ##sey resides resided ##ockwise colima baso4 basements bastna clots climate clockwise parad parana hauff hauls minus elem ##trdp rocky spe speng spanned spray usp ##lesse interand intermedi interleaving liaoning ab1 ablating ##rie weill perce perov periph ##geson acces acute acme ackn disk dismem feand feather feomelt quoted ##phite ##assen ##unsti ##unately ##unier bettison ##ayi ##aya ##ayos reli relates relics ##utter ##utoy unans unimodal unev untest unbuff fram france franc franzolin frischat notes notations formalism evaporite pressureand metz metre metatex subrou subreg subaer subtyp subatmospheric subvertical obl obsc oblate oberti obstac mantleand fluorite seated seyl sealing seifer search severe seaton searches ##adep ##adonite ##addle ##adiman ##ellar h2obul h2osims india nez neon neoproterozoic nepal ##ongshan replic republ replace datum depolymer stubby ##allon ##alled ##hyolite ##theron ##dered ##endorf silurian increments art arizon aridus appeal meeting mewith meisel meunier mgs mgt mgco concentrating up213 equates soda sokol thanks strange strath ##soft ##ght ##ghton globar glomer ##aking ##akov corner solved solutes preand prelev preablation fluidal simon caomelt considers variant variants varieties vale ##ormick prt lowerto ##atured ##achi italian adverse adrian adcumul adhere adapted elementally elementary zonations smyth garne 10c 102 1020 1075 1029 ##oster ##ostat ##tines suggestions expel exported expelled richest richmond ##current detecting detached detectors hashin calculates calculator carbs carapace deciph decisive geographic gehl geolas imping imposition impose impacts ##isturb imagej wherein whereup ##upets thermochemical thermoplastic moreira ##ifications liquidi era erzinc indications overgrow overwh ocellar undeg undisturb efforts regia magmasat 203 2050 2090 sip siand sieved sieving siletz siemens lew leake leka leverage leibniz containers granoblastic bultfon scik scope scaled sc59 scoria scotland scapolite ##illin ours phengitic carbonic carbonation carbonaceous slates slivers recast timber ##8osi mitig ##genbergite productivity bounding eclogitization ##arded agard agcl somewhere somehow orthopyroxeneand seconds hept hekla heidelberg amq amygd amelia likeli ##bert ##bered novel nova noticed ##ipovich ##ipapa refining refractive charged comment accr redissolved reddish respond ##gra ##granular ##grs2 ##ochrom ##ochem ##ochemistry monochrom 121 124 microcr microcl micrographic microdomains microencl microbial microsoft microgranular deriving derivatives inflation infinity inflating infolded ##angle ##angotry extant patag pb2p2o surficial surrogate surpass erupting eruptibility naal naip na2si nazca saturates majoritic python ##insically correcting bears primordi primitiveness conducive partitions plug laur laeter lauras laiwu lausanne arctic arculus folding folia alkalies remote remix provisional vega 100ca belkin loci locock alongside lithologically intricacies intrinsically cu3cl cuillin desiccator ##hani ##hannes ti4 tietong characterise representations srand sredinn gregra mat25 ##ubanite coolest transected translation translates syros generality generalised partitioned discl discs discarded 192 1900 1970 1911 limbs xenoblastic prevents regionally verified vernon lineation feld nearest curvil ##ovolcanic eugster ##itudes closes ##pl1 complexly ##azawa particip participated commences committe transitioning ifs outg outward growths graphic graphical moles deplete depletes albared magnitudes 15a 151 155 158 153 157 156 1580 15fe0 15enk serving 137 1325 13ecnk obtains absma profiling ilima altering alterations williams empty originates finland fineto zrsio radiant dominance ##obe ##obs 145 148 1415 1465 1473 peate peacor ##crt9 ##crasies grouped petrogenetically effectiveness volcans volcanos newfound demiro manuscri manangotry standpoint dependences dependencies ##ifies apophy numerator ##licting ##oney pointing nb2o5 parametric sulfate sulfates 181 183 1890 1819 188osi depletedand aug augites augitic distribute ##iqueria spineland ##odzins ##iano ##hey ##heat ##head ##ishima synt defin opxand thickest thickening singular kyush 390 barren discusses cmme ##smic ##smow diagenetic diagenesis predicting ulten ultim veinlet calibrants flowers µm2 blast blade blatter lambert mmc drc drained drøsd multitude anymore 50e clumped negro megacrystal elan elkins elapsed harl haraguchi harvard harsit igwes midand lamellas sulphite brass brun bridge brenan brigatti distinctions severs ending avach knipovich lasting lherzoliteand facts faceted polygenetic polyvin nisi0 approximations approximating mounting influencing ##ushima ##classi ##clasts ##aean ##fe2sio4 ##fe5si8o22 ##eneses minority characteristically ##brane contaminations ##bean combine extragr harzburgitic epitaxial epizonal ##anner planck linearity 1675 1666 1663 ##tyre correlative easier eskola superg selecting numbered schock schau schult scheelite schulze schiano earths northwestern ultradep nuclides μm2 ##ogranite 173 255 259 2500 2590 ##o23 conflicting activated activator nucleates delay delta delivers seek seeing loew incompatibly united impactor orebody portr terminated varga ##hnite ilmenites roume roelof rooster ##1024 plutonics sums ##oidable localization filtered ##ylamm convected variously ##ausible trachybasal trachybasalt picture picrites picabo ##voisin platelets helgeson paid fewr sequentially ##iki ##ikman sedimentation reflectance ##mma adjoining agreed memory memorial membrane ##cuts 601 geochronometer ##odiorites condit brook brovar ionov label paleotethy converging convergence benefit beneficial denver instantly instabilities installed elevates initiating heterad universally universitat entirety younging irrational cannat experiences experiential transporting retard retains responsive cease 1127 blocky archetyp archhani archaean 87rb possibilities faithfully fahey perman infiltrate crosscuts missed misclassi probing residing torngat torlesse torishima walled ##1400 topuz topographic induction inducing replacements catch catacl catacly crepisson deviates deviating confirmation 8600 8616 fallen falloon positioned flax joining johannes angel modulation broadening holistic logged logƒo2 357 3544 3566 stepping steadily summed wedges 234 237 ##script accumulate edong edax parallels parallelism ##neisses polarizer oceanographic svm ##afes aqua galgenbergite poppi concert graded fe2si2o6 literatures fastand mcle mcgary ##oka ##okull shortest quantifies merit graywack substitute substituted ohara colorimetric clastand geothermometric 247 2400 opal options ccim cyclicity necking sharing fills emog emerges aligning alignments δ56fem ##asonable photo photon photos ##apsules carbonatiteand drillhole farallon viability visibly reproducing dunitic ebsps excav excitation δ56fehornblende δ56febio excludes chrome chromium minimised 017 016 floors floods floatation accelerate 2845 264 2600 26mg binding eastward eastonite ultrapure 0037 mwd3 achterber imagined correspondent ##kelynite equaled intersecting recrystallizes recrystallisation achieving exhuming homogenizing biases promotes storing gaoping gaussi dougl izmir izanagi tenfold ##153 insitu globular advance advected recognised recognition brightness opposing weakening ferropericlase favoured narrowly narrowest casted purge divide dividing divariant uniformity 3268 655 tsvz tsushima ##haus copious sixfold 035 037 733 airborne sakuma tarim targeting taranaki realized immature connectivity repeat creep restriction cmask 841 846 84sr 84kr ##ractionated shea pargasites vesiculation morphological welcome directional negligibly schematically batholiths 022 026 37on 3700 milled ##po4 neoblast preference gabbronoritic porphyroclasts 340 345 348 3415 3411 3463 aiming bottinga rifted reverses percents percalcic encirc removes markl elongation targets spherules undersaturation underscores pull pulverized wrap wrapping ##tzmann dissected ##stratigraphic pyropes outcome outcropping appropriately helped isothermally reactor resistor expansive recovers usefulness peculi wetter ancaster 1206 gneissosity idealized 3100 38ar 3800 cspvs tabulated temora thirty thirteen altogether addresses excellently 931 pinilla pinhole sandstone sandsh views ##fuhra forsteritic diffusant coldest ensures 1982 autocrystic gibson hui unreasonable leucite joint jointly columns emphasise packings swir switzer switch avoiding steepens steepness 278 2700 432 presuming debatable tracks actinides solvated redistribute designating exploited displacing tschermack bode boulder boehn maskelynite piemontite divergent divergence expectations absorbances dilles freshest stream ashes indexed oscillation tschermaks 543 685 689 kilometer kilometers kilbourne inhibiting attended questioned 85co3 8530f bri5 ##osie statistics proceeded proceeding ##omagnetic ##omagmatic corrob propagate cathode buoyantly instrumentation 88sr hsmi sb1024 schists schistosity capacitor mobilize stretched 467 57co fayalitic rotations rotational warrant ##shore coincides coincidental beyer paragenetically parageneses monitors discussing percolate percolates percolative ophiolitic jxa85 dttrdp foremost l1420 l1425 l1411 l1416 l1421 l1434 morita machined nist97 quadrants ampli beds bedding bedard certified odds routine exerted compensated compensator basics basicity smoothly accomplished loops episodically budgets remobilisation campi campanian eightfold idiosyn tongbai institution revisited attaining barrovian magnesiokat consume aeromagnetic d2a dendrites fischer gmag skins wolkenburg ##cairn aluminian hyperb hyperion transiently discriminant 2908o 788 976 9744 elusive failing failure lesher rastering ##fiers ##analytical tomkins chronometer chronological unfav unfractionated metaborate nordlys southwardly contemporary builds peninsular occupancy occupying occasional apertures dafn feco mitutoy tentative tensor vastly collerson interfere rhyodacites monzodiorites manifests inspired 3cas lanson lanka turner ##iliar ##ussaq crushable shutting weighing weighting depressions underplated microanalyses electronics assimilate assimilating suspected disseminations ubiquitously accommodates 6100 bonadiman nsvz nsusp complications annite pressurisation geobarometers geobarometric underestimate tectonomet tectonomagmatic feco3l anatolian troctolitic 626 hardness ttn turned isochores criterion triangle hafsk subsets nephelin mexican precluded geochemists delineating terminates terminating terminology reversals discriminated electrode electrolyte kawate ##ajokull ##innon antecedent spiked ca2fe5si8o22 orthogneiss orthogneisses δ18or setups 1978 african tetrad tetragonal circumv circumscribed penetrated quadruplet mosaicism unfortunate mirroring bordered bordering conejos persistent energetically hygrometers practice practically improvement pyroph capturing mechanics 1792 classifying laboratoire adiabatically disaggregation disaggregate symplectites symplectitic rejuvenated happens ivrea iteratively kink opaques villages villarric ##archean ##orrelation algorithms ankara ankaram shrink maximized contaminating contaminants nonlinearity incompletely summarised summarizes reviewed manifestations ##cpx3h1 droplet visualized visualisation surveyed himalaya ipfz da2 palau siberia tightly ##holm insert inhomogeneity reinvestig alm62 anticorrelation deficit objects neoarchean depositional equivalence hydroxy hydroxides monotonous contradiction contradicts outpaces eliminating delivered fragmented reconstructions advantageous philippines categ froth ihpv kohn kooten mineoka petdb sapph tilted vitri vitale vitreous vigorously waipapa ##dtdt ##factory ##442 exemplified supcrt9 sustain intermingled subhorizontally neutron overcoming granodiorites backfilled identifies postdates trachyandesitic concordance caso4anhydrite leucogranofels phenomenological agglomerated splitter splitting 230th 270p berndt boynton justify muerto murotom pitcairn vug vugs ##schen ##enois town towns rectangle stromatic suturing phosphates phosphorus feotot enlarge enlarged enabled cafesi footwall 1479 haloes refertilized penetrative unrealistically sweep octahedra 2908a 2908b 2908j brecciated concurrent 2102 balls ballhaus castle dorogok dorendorf daines gauge gautheron ichiki khz mimicking munich munzirc nimis pcds ryuky ramped ramping sitkin slugs satisfactory tons ##lstedt ##981 rearr reworking stereonet stereoscop deformations deformable climatic climactic parabola haughton interpolation abrasion peripheries relaxation seeds artefact adhered screening screened fertility invariance devitrification envisage chromatographic symmetrically reinforces turbulent elliptical a154 benfon bowl bowen bariogenic eggins fyfe fy130 lobe lobate mp98 mpwa mccormick vaal woermann ##odep ##jd10 ##zuela ishimaru extinct computational ##ophorite projections trøndel unsuit unsurprising subaluminous microscale microsyring microtektite descend descending longitudinally multiplicity selvedge instantaneously 7500c asterisks advocated nanosem nanosecond pinkish assignment l1407 encounters chloritization palaeosurface palaeodep intermittent ptrh6 ptrh30 birefringent edifices hierarchal punctured puncturing unexplained bundles cavities cavosie camebax dm1 darcy darongshan damping fedorova hampers hackett k412 k411 kohistan kohlstedt mudstone ovr passively qinling qinzhou ranked tlse venezky venezuela xmapto ##utia ##cumulates ##minating fortuit fortunately stockholm madison shuangliao shuangcai incubation incubate triggers choose interdiffusion interdiffuse dissipation feeding unresolved unresolvable evacuation evacuated subsumed subgroup subglacially subgrain subgrains assertion up193fx glacier hastingsite declines imparts 205pb rafts rafael microvesic microvesicular community bauberger devolatilized devolatilization diopsides diopsidic delimits illumination illuminate irradiated architectures distortion distortions protocol protocols publication simplifying autoclastic resembled resemblance ceramic ceramics mc1314r07 spidergrams centimetre centimetres inaccurate covariation covariance conspicuously await boltzmann bryant cnacl culminating crest cadoux horiba humped huckleber jobin kirk l0911 lopolith locked mallik mackinnon pedro pierce roman said tfc tanton ttr0 ##kopje exaggerated statement stanford sterner compete beaufort dilemma motivation prohibit resonance placing clouded ab247 disparate disintegration feasible quarries unquantified unavoidable unequivocal envelope imbricated solartron additions caribbean geoanalytical geometrical implausible impactites imperfect overlooked microcapsules microchemistry lahkstan oxybarometers uncorrected radionuclides simplifications neglecting elaborated tauride bringing trachydacite ultrasonic convenience camera polymetallic mcintyre cycladic gaskets 282153 eosfit7c succeeded 0333p encouraging bleeken huaiqueria swarms renormalized electropositive cohesion migmatization tectonostratigraphic petrella ims1270 fennoscandia rhodonite 2804d jmc475 1543cpx3h1 bourdon fossilized 0ρπ6d3 1ʹʹ 1chlorite 2k442 2albite 3smectite 3251 aenigmatite bhvo bisquare bromine bachmann babbs boztug bickle biscuit boudins bischoff celadonite crowded cacl2 c584 dozens eickschen eevf eichelberger familiar flexible flegrei gyr g395 guttler gakkel gigantic hatched haines hornfels i015 iabs i006 jericho jornada jolla jaffey kwong katz korenaga kanazawa kusaba kelyphite kgh2o kiseeva kikuchi kuiper lorentzian laguna lucassen lantenois lappin lloyd malvoisin mismatch mordenite nnw nolan napperby ostwald pδv ponding pampean paterson palladium pearce pushing pdolpl1 papagayos pouebo rogaland renewed rosenhauer sverjensky skye tromen tormey tundra tissue vanderbil wires xzro2 xilong yvon yamato yogodzins yardley zheng zanon þufuhra ##eismic ##ostructural ##counting ##bogie thompson ingesting inlandsee andalusite toplis tokyo coalescence cognate isocubanite reunion rewritten reykjanes stormer stochastic alamos altherr almeev attests melville anhedrally moordkopje moacyr whatever whenever phlegrean deutsch shtrikman shasta shahar tribuzio chardon chiquito chewings bastnaesite paradox spengler perovsk peripheral accessibility acknow dismembered ##unstindur unanswered unevolved untestable unbuffered franck subroutines subregions subaerial subtype obscure obstacles seyler seifert h2obulk replicated republic depolymerized arizona strathbogie glomerocrysts prelevic adcumulate carbss deciphering gehlenite whereupon erzincan overwhel undegassed undisturbed siletzia bultfontein scikit sc598 heptylamm amygdales likelihood ##grs22sps microcracks microcline microenclaves pb2p2o7 na2si2o5 primordial laurasia foliae remixed cu3cl3 tietonggou sredinny mat253 1970s curvilinear committee albarede absmax ilimaussaq newfoundland demirozu manuscript apophyses kyushu ultimate drøsdal igwesa polyvinyl extragraben schauble schultz ultradepleted loewen roumejon roelofse brooker brovarone cataclysmic graywackes δ56femagnetite δ56febiotite achterbergh gaussian douglas peculiar switzerland boehnke jxa8530f nist976 idiosyncrasies magnesiokatophorite mitutoyo villarrica supcrt92 murotomisaki dorogokupets ryukyu stereonet9 stereoscope benfontain trøndelag microsyringe xmaptools huckleberry lahkstanov vanderbilt yogodzinski þufuhraunstindur heptylammonium 0n 0p 0h 020 0p2 1e 1g 1j 1k 1α 1al 1st 1and 1fe0 1kola 2n 2x 2ac 2op 2fe 2br 212 213 2900 2na 2ln 2sd 2mg 3l 3g 3σ 3wh 370 315 4i 4l 4x 4λ 4and 4ser 430 4h2o 475 456 470 4solute 4sio2 5f 5th 5and 510 575 513 590 5alsi 565 532 5o6 630 620 660 665 6co 623 7i 7f 7h 7j 713 756 715 7600 8d 8th 810 812 811 9μ 965 973 9co3 a0 ale aul ath aand aup aside aka akes auck ah2 ailer aqz aobs ahead bs bm b1 bx bic bing bag bac bure bim bil bam bou berm bun bav bak barn blow bct bould boch bacter bric bif bod berg bord bok bank buss b06 buck bought ct c1 cz csi cig cly cib cir cess cari cresp cath crop cna cgraph citing cements citz cbasalt cucl c83 cropping cidx dn dv df dx dj d4 dρ don dic ding dul dich dole dess dong dall dose dct d50 dang dsr dilation dau drem d80 dft doping doses dpd dmn duck donor dull eh ein eol eigh eph ech eart emm eby ejected ehr eiler fx fj f8 fly fain fus fri fell fso fost file fip fale fif fellow fwh fco fetch gn gc gat gor gan gig gly gil guc gab gam gate gph gad gpm gale gif gorb gather gud gks gels gordi gnos garch g44 g27 hn hs ht h3 hν hit hid hoc herm hut harn hartz home hens hond hoch hob hone hither hbr hra hind hosh hany hily hsd hint hdt hidal heden hagger hons hitting icon istan ixi jp jb jz jnd jas jet jig jil jun jav jose jaj july janu ku kc ks k1 k0 kes kro kol kib kerm keen kend kak kron kins koz kov kross kod kadi kie k10 koy kud kalsi klem kita koff kuang kerr keck kobe lr lf l3 lnd lle lil lts llu liz lum lap l00 lds lust lund loz lub lli lone lod lana losing lapped licl loses loma living mf m5 mz mω mζ miz mich mte m2o mess mary mist mond mors mise mcl miles merg macl m12 mason muted mosen malp mamb m58 merged matured nj nes nir nom nog nun nav nose nub natures nether nna nurn nca nylon oes oin oly och oso o20 oman oisot pn pv pp pg pes ping pis pere pase piv pine page pend pak pill pond pang pins pause pub puff porp peng pty pva piled pushed pomm p32 peth pca p62 pfa picking piment qi qd qian qfract qingshan rn rs rm r6 rω rer rar row rain rere righ rust rend rup rens rses rip r10 rice rln rda rgm rushed rank rivers risen risks rdd rutter sed sic sent sure sop sam som s00 say sight squid sne sort sided s10 sorption saves sited sah sao sectors saric soph szy saddle tn ty td tj tk tac tig tuc tdi tun tular telling trees tsolidus toll tape tapped tumi tanner uc uz u3 uint vt vb v2 v3 vas vet vid vog viv vall vise vik vsc vict vice vital v55 venue vsmow wd wg w5 wes wro wite wop want wad worm wish wisc wik ware wark w75 wuz wsrp w25 waves wones wager w97 wij w95 w26 w03 w74 wpg werts xc xp x1 xin xal xdi xser xue xtry xuzhou xdix xhr xfl xjd xalt xcats xcaes xesf y3 yes yas yan yag yus yak york yuk yilm yapas ypo4 zi z2 zal zab zam zong zack zie zno µs µg ºc ƒs2 αi αl α0 αfe2sio4 γh2o γfe2sio4 δt δr δm δfm δ26 λ1 λ2 λ3 λ4 μa μg ρd σd σf σ0 ψm ψf ##nol ##nus ##nich ##nall ##nand ##ntin ##nne ##nip ##nub ##naz ##nian ##nae ##niston ##nason ##ees ##eph ##eanic ##eability ##eves ##efer ##element ##eez ##etition ##eght ##uf ##ux ##uil ##uve ##uine ##uene ##uding ##uities ##uitive ##ustry ##uators ##ugar ##ught ##iq ##ii ##i2 ##iat ##iol ##isi ##ios ##iated ##iper ##iers ##ierite ##ititic ##iolitic ##itized ##iece ##ioge ##vy ##vated ##vdi ##vine ##vene ##vad ##vial ##vins ##vapor ##vably ##vrogen ##vinc ##vdic ##venson ##vjd ##vcats ##vanian ##vcaes ##vsmow ##oo ##o0 ##o8 ##oin ##otion ##oan ##oated ##oding ##oaded ##ooh ##ooph ##otime ##cs ##c5 ##cβ ##cer ##cal ##cat ##col ##cis ##cil ##cos ##cum ##com ##cou ##case ##cles ##cates ##cak ##corp ##care ##cked ##calu ##cans ##cier ##cman ##caled ##cels ##cending ##coming ##celed ##cili ##caldera ##calcic ##ceria ##cals ##corr ##cidx ##camg ##a2 ##a3 ##aing ##ais ##aos ##aper ##aqu ##aage ##aand ##aox ##ah2o ##aiton ##aira ##a01 ##lv ##lc ##ls ##lere ##lass ##lers ##lay ##light ##list ##lard ##lgr ##lick ##lob ##lini ##large ##litz ##larg ##linal ##liment ##sn ##sq ##sb ##s6 ##sures ##sites ##sue ##sack ##spl ##senite ##scr ##scop ##ske ##sness ##spro ##saw ##sler ##saturated ##sky ##syn ##swell ##s19 ##tt ##tw ##t2 ##tation ##tos ##tree ##tens ##town ##tale ##tured ##tner ##turn ##tax ##tdt ##toria ##tstones ##t8o22 ##treated ##yin ##yre ##yder ##yak ##yser ##yogenic ##ybrid ##yality ##yuk ##pon ##pop ##pos ##pir ##pine ##pyrox ##part ##produc ##rβ ##rα ##rar ##ran ##rsi ##ris ##ril ##ride ##right ##rpl ##rick ##r12 ##racted ##river ##rnes ##raped ##rives ##dρ ##dat ##dor ##dig ##dell ##due ##dding ##dorite ##dling ##dules ##dones ##dgl ##dbaum ##dorf ##dagi ##doin ##dcβ ##dlere ##gδ ##gus ##gati ##glu ##gong ##gates ##gler ##glig ##grometer ##gui ##gata ##garia ##guer ##mo ##mt ##mx ##mou ##may ##mang ##mins ##meters ##mian ##mological ##mland ##mium ##mised ##minated ##menting ##mitted ##midt ##magnetite ##merged ##mierite ##1jd10 ##fc ##f2 ##fz ##f8 ##fal ##far ##fel ##fol ##fter ##fers ##fad ##fell ##fest ##file ##fang ##fides ##five ##forth ##fmas ##foli ##fajokull ##fntin ##xr ##xm ##xen ##xter ##xites ##xion ##xian ##xesf ##xs6 ##08 ##07 ##013 ##0cpx ##5b ##57 ##512 ##5jd10 ##wart ##wick ##word ##wollastonite ##wvdic ##hs ##hg ##hag ##hig ##hem ##hene ##hall ##hard ##hty ##hma ##hjall ##hastingsite ##h84 ##hcili ##bi ##bed ##bir ##bable ##bold ##bbles ##bicular ##bongi ##bo3 ##bedded ##backs ##2d ##2ag ##230 ##2da ##2c5 ##2rα ##ji ##ja ##jk ##jes ##jal ##jies ##joy ##jaf ##jecting ##jcman ##ksi ##kow ##kum ##kers ##kled ##kho ##kov ##kinel ##kie ##kty ##ktor ##kaya ##z7 ##zar ##zel ##zers ##zircon ##zies ##zards ##zler ##81 ##87 ##8its ##810 ##3u ##3d ##31 ##3f ##39 ##3fe ##332 ##3600 ##3wh2o ##3a01 ##3wollastonite ##43 ##4al ##410 ##99 ##78 ##76 ##780 ##64 ##6and ##610 ##6cu ##685 ##6jd ##6al2o ##6o23 ##6cpx3h1 ##δpl ##ρ18 ##ηh ##ηd3 ##μm ##μδpl ##αdcβ ##оc ##æfi ##æfell ##εj ##µm tho thy thim thiba ##onents ##onduc ##onso ##ontin ##onitic ##onne ##onov ##onomic ##ongest ##onolitic ##onomet ##ontein ##erer ##eris ##erly ##erence ##erites ##eried ##erches ##ersid ##erophile ##erbite ##tia ##tian ##tiate ##tiges ##tians ##tio3 ##tish thelon ##ese ##esa ##eson ##esth ##esio ##essional ##eseismic ##enen ##enst ##enues ##enges ##entive ##enial ##ensive ##enna ##eniable ##enker ##enburg ##enogranite ##enfest ##in2 ##inan ##inem ##inting ##inopyroxene ##inav ##inating ##inome ##inental ##inately ##intil ##instit ##inked ##inarily ##inka ##inha ##insey ##eda ##edter ##edient ##edort ##edish ##edited ##al1 ##alk ##alid ##alum ##alate ##alization ##alooph ##itc ##itar ##iture ##itly ##itus ##itary ##itral ##itory ##itories ##iterate ##nder ##atum ##ateral ##attr ##atrix ##atological ##atau ##atrem ##atomic ##ateto ##attner inad inability insol ingr informed ingres inex inky inla inlay ##tioned ##re5 ##re3 ##reen ##reat ##ream ##requ ##rete ##rech ##re75 ##re25 ##re97 ##re95 ##re26 ##re74 ##reksi ##reinem andβ andrad ##arv ##aran ##arts ##arted ##arant ##arole ##arites ##artile ##arked ##arga ##arolitic ##ori ##oration ##oris ##orated ##orations ##orable ##orber ##orious ##orically ##orland ##orini ##orenc ##oridge ##organ ##orowski ##ortioned ##ro3 ##roit ##rots ##room ##rocess ##roism ##rokes ##roof ##roalp ##rogates ##asa ##asol ##asim ##asus ##asse ##asites ##asitic ##ashan ##asured ##asov ##asstone ##ica ##icated ##ictic ##icri ##iceous ##icator ##iconduc ##entgen ##entories ##leter ##lements ##lect ##lectic ##leached ##lekho ##anti ##antic ##anell ##anion ##antit ##anson ##anking ##aney ##anui ##anfang ##mps ##mpy ##mpus ##elon ##elor ##elle ##elly ##elds ##elton ##elines ##elhard ##sts ##station ##stec ##stated ##stage ##stance ##stream ##olations ##olves ##olically ##olke ##olten ##ollo ##olson ##olutions ##olivine ##oloration ##ollect tour toul topa tome toba to1400 tobi ##ingling ##ingonite ##ationally ##ationary ##sik ##sium ##sified ##sify ##sibilities ##silon ##sidered ##ithic ##itherm ##ithores ##ury ##urk ##uron ##urate ##urizing ##urning ##urui ##urcates conil conve conund congo conrad ##agic ##agabb ##agement ##agonite ##agma ##agnetic ##agawa ##aglacial ##acal ##acle ##acrysts ##actively ##acalcic co0 coal coat cost coom coog couch code copen coint cotson cokα cougar ##eton ##etes ##etum ##ette ##ethe ##etna ##etamorph isa isome isolation isometric isopro isovalent isenth isostructural ##idend ##iditic ##idimensional ##isy ##isable ##isites ##istin ##istivity ##isably ##issc ##isecond ##istians ##igible ##igman ##iguity ##ulite ##ulum ##ulsion ##ulates ##ulose ##ulating ##ularities ##ulfs ##ularia ##ulfur ##ulakov ##ulfides reim really reaw reinc reven reorder recept rejected reo4 reiter reading reoriented reorientation recurrent reheat rejecting reattr reorgan ##ime ##imm ##imated ##imiques ##imoto ##imhall ##owed ##owell ##owollastonite ##owtail ##owdered ##lytic ##lysis fortr forens ##ech ##ectively ##eco3 ##econds ##ectives ##economic ##ils ##iliation ##ilapa ##ocus ##ocate ##ocally ##ocore ##ocumul ##ocrystall ##occo ##ocorr ##oceanic exces exits exotherm exaf exiting exfoli ##thing ##thite ##thand ##thitic ##thest ##thard ##thetic ##romill ##romica ##ainian ##user ##usus ##ussed ##atibilities stz stop stay steen stach stating story status stayed stdgl stxm strokes stationary as3 aseismic aspir compos compose compli compute compex compacted company compered compuls competition compliment companion compatibilities als alr alsi aland alft aliph alooh alpine alh84 alonso atl atop atant atoll ##opot ##optic ##opod ##optil ##resent ##resting ##tsmou crab crum crud crank crash crisp crpg crhyolite cryogenic crmt credited crissc melanges melilite melzer melcher ##osa ##osal ##osure ##osper ##osely ##oshi ##osited ##osci ##osalt ##osinian ##oskie ##ository ##osulfides ##oseconds anu ance anast an50 antig anox an80 an15 analc an85 an24 an45 an68 an58 an55 an48 an74 an67 an28 an84 an38 an76 an64 ##tery ##terly ##termann ##terdell ##otti ##otation ##otated ##otom ##ottir ##otches ##otta ##otrac ##otonomet ##erexp ##ffler ##ffective beyc beaker beige bezy ##lux ##lucent ##ucting ##uctive ##ucible ##ucasus dio dive diap diand diach diaph diah dioritic dixi dijk dikty diatrem dianfang bytown byrnes byerly ##iberg ##ibei ##ibalization ##ngan ##nging ##ngata ##abian ##abasic ##emic ##emir ##emeral ##ember ##emian moz moho mouth mokop mohs ##izations ##izap ##izable ##izers tear teasing teeth tegner tehty contenti contended ##amats ##ametre ##amori ##irical onen onward onwards onshore or51 oruan or57 orbicular oræfi ##persed ##peranc ##pervised ##umes ##umontite proof proyer ##quakes ##quartile grind grune grams grutter gruene ##omb ##omon ##omte ##omers ##omosing ##ichon ##disi ##dionov ##tica ##ticle suit suffic suik suken presump presenting presnall ##ogad ##ogby ##ogiite ##ante ##antation templ temperate ##ositions ##ivi ##ivial ##ivability ##ivocally degr deuter deby deev deleter magl magic magix maghem magesio mae mady maule maier mauna maira mautia mauve mavrogen maeda ##tingen shan shore shard shang shards shann shorth shatter shire shielding shank shorting shading shuffle shaking shaox shinka incap incited incogn incomm highversus crystaland crystalbon crystalizing tru train trust triel trade tr20 truly trash triax tricri trivial ##versible ##versely ch2 ch3 chin chan chun chart chist chances chert chisel chait cherts chaos chybrid chichon ##ationship ##uessler ##gean ##gearites ##apse ##apatite ##aptures meltk ##seen ##segr ##seki lowto lowenst resting resins restites resili rescaled resistivity resumes plated plio plains plinian ploskie ##ocks ##ocked ##ocking ##amphcili ##tey ##tex ##teps ##teenth ##texp colg colluv basu bases baselines cline clark cliq ##001 parson paralle paroxy parcels paraand parasitic haad hazards mined minas minch minicl minami minoan minsq eleph elected ##ermine ##ermanite ##ermitt ##ermeability ##2o8 collective ##tr2 ##tration ##triation ##trenen rocking spn spence spong spend spear spex spline spenc usage usual ussr interser interacts interrel interrogate interelement intervene intertw interbedded interatomic interquartile ##ducer ##aterrestrial colleaguess colleaguesng colleaguesne oli ol0 olall ##ioff ##ioka ##io3wollastonite lip liec lift liao lips lipari mineralised abstr abbr ab25 abras ab27 ##concil ##coninental ##rion ##rive ##ppo ##pplingen wef web weil wegner wealth weidend peru perch pertin perched perkin perug perkinel perthitic pertermann accent acton acry disch disad disreg disks disrupt disrupted feig feely fe2o feogr feo2 feoma featured feocorr queried quizap calk calling calama calvert ##phy ##phas ##phine ##phys ##pherson ##phoon ##phonolitic ##assing ##asshjall ##ersen ##ersed ##ersdorf ##units ##unashi beta ##aying ##ayun ##che ##cho ##chang ##chemical ##chased ##chstone ##chmidt relic relatable reloaded zirconia ##utor ##utaries modword modreksi ##essed unb unide unpar unob unnam unten unlo unno unme unequilib unorder unsh unhom unsu unstrained unwan un200 unifying unerup uninter untreated unroof unleached unantic unseen unphys ##stra ##strup french frank fringe fraugh amphiboli amphibolitic entit en75 enpo enjoy notwith notorious ##arium formally ##ficially evo evf volyn pressureor showcase metad metric metacher metagabb subequ submer subcritical subdom subbo subliquidus subtly substances subscript subcounting subcalcic subaqu subpop submerged subµm substance subeconomic subconinental subunits analytes oblong obnaz obersdorf manton crystallites fluvial sebly ##adle ##adation ##adite ##adec ##adth ##adically ##ademi ##adani ##adzu ##addling ##ello ##ellir h2o2 h2oand indoch induct indium indisp industry indistin indosinian isotopical nex neil neosome neotethy neocrystalline neovolcanic neocrystall neuser reply repose reprocess repowdered repository depress depiction depictions deprives departs stuart ##alling ##allowtail ##therly ##derance differencing ##endations ##endous silty silva siltstones assay arau armed arresting arabian article arrive applies appora apportioned meant meting meak meets meurer melekho ##andl ##and1 ##and2 ##andon ##andian ##andja ##andinav mg2 mgsi mgcc mg15 mg3si mgal2o mgsio3 ##ouse ##avan ##avut ##avors imush imna immer imaage imetum upgr upright equated equip equivocal equidimensional canil canary canaria canceled calcined calcare calcrete crustversus amphiboleand sod sox so15 sofu soret durham strick strings stranded strata straddle strongest straddling strandja allochemical allocate glnd glide glove glimp glasstone ##aku ##aken ##akhan ##akening ##akami ##akaya ##akatau ##akivi ##akademi coroll corrie cornub solomon preor preces prehnite pretoria prepon fluidand simons hyalooph caor cafe cauca caught cai2 caucasus fractionates ##reef variabil variabilities ##tivalent valles prices pragmatic silicification ##bling ##blocks quartzo quartzand quartzof modelers lowerand oxo oxalate ##aturate ##acht ##achondritic clinoptil ito ##served waterpro adk adds adand adks adobe admitted adularia adversely zonal smi sm1 sm2 smell ##iespo intact intens intention 10d 1012 1080 10to 1013 1090 1025 1015 1011 1024 1088 1094 10p2 ##ostasis tweez ##tination ##tinou ##tinolite ##tinson expects expensive expulsion phasepl ##uldak detroit haskel ##astroph glassing hydrate hydromica hydrion carat carter carrol carries carswell cardones decays decided decision deciding decisions decoding december decametre maybe ##hedron ##ighton geus geore geolog geody geik geoh geohy geotectonic geographical geyser geesth impure impart imported impacted imprec imposes implements impermeability ##istory ##istered orthpyrox orthocumul wherever diffusions typified typify thermostat thermochem thermosci transten thereof inclusionor twofold signifying signifies liquidand genuine genske equilibrating micromill erase eradic overly overton overbur overlie oversho overgre overste overthrust oversaturated overturn overstated ##ialithic undulate undissolved undeniable undulose undermine effused sourcing howlet traceable poise pobs poisson pohl pokro ##estment reground regressed regulated regulates registered ##iently 20d 209 2070 ##neglig sik si6al2o legen lepr leitz ##ielite ##ensable ##enska ##ensurate occured occurence container graniti granofels bulgaria scour sc13 scoon scanner scraped scfz scintil scandinav ##dingites ##dington ##dingsite ##illo ##illary ##illard ##illian ##cessible ##cesme comparability runka ##bonorites underor underto underline undertake underthrust undercounting reef ree2o3 ##logopite measures carbonor carbonand slit slop slant slides sliding slags recour recreated recaptures timms phlogopiteor ##aphically miaj mirolite miarolitic presentation producer productive ecpx eccles hydrolytic rajes ##rossed ##ardite ##ardment agder agnol agglu agakhan secor δ18ovsmow δ18ozircon heath hebr hebe helex heals health amc ama amoss ammann amended amagmatic amarga beck beccalu node noise nodules noisy ##isms ##ismann ##ipu ##ipedi ##iplan ##iplex refit refines refute charging ##fficiency solidify solidifying comments comings commented ##earch ##aterials ##entia ##entifc specular specious specifies speckled estimators accidental redef redux ##grs19 peridotiteand ##ocharacter ##ochroism monument monaster monocular monocrystalline monopole monosulfides monomers ##ledged determines 11a 11d 114 119 1175 1190 1160 1140 1185 1195 1166 1147 completen complementing 12μ 12na 1225 1295 12e0 1231 ##kalinity ##ronous microtherm micrograph microtom microcrystalline microcontinent microblocks derivations inflated infrequ ##angled pbse pbcorr surmised surrogates erupts na0 naor nao0 nails setpoint saturations ##epiece ##eplgr contra contracted contracts contrasted pyram pyrolite enriches enriching ##insky evolutions primocryst conductions plucked plunder plunging laar laas lazul laumontite ##olithic ##tonite ##vesse subductions arcor folds co2po remade remarked provost assembling 1008 1003 1007 1006 ##idescent ##ryts ##ryritic lithice lithotectonic lithosper ##velocity intraglacial propyl proponents cu2 culet cubes cudal cukα desulph desert mars marlarg marjal martian ti3 tiff tiand tipped characters characterizes characterizations stark doi doing representatives srs srb sr2 sr27 srf2 grega grego grevesse matsu mattson mattey mattinson ##ubets ##ualize translated transvaal transcurrent transcending transfers translucent transducer syenogranite 40d 401 402 4032 poli pollard pollux generalization foose fo80 foden fo85 fo93 fo89 fo79 foidite foiditic discount discarding discoloration 1910 1956 1965 1945 1968 1966 1955 1946 1961 lime limt ##lify ##litization electrone xenocryst xenotime geochimiques prevention silicateand verging verios vertex lineage felsite nearer ##pretation ##redict ##reducible curst currie pyroxenitic ##ovation ##ovsky timefr noran norte norites norfol mainten continually fieldwork constructing ##ailable ##ornes closures phenocrystic phenocryts ##plg ##pler ##place ##plgd ##orsky ##azeght ##azrsi afm afz afro afad afield respecting comma commence commodi commingling ##icki ##icks caption interpretive outmost outwith outboard evidences graphcl agee mold molal molds molasse ##sised depleting poses posits posited amounting 1570 1525 1515 1523 1585 1596 serp msp msds ##omputed ##ompetes afterwards sio2and sio2wr sio2quartz 13c 13a 138 139 1373 1340 1323 1345 graphiteor absy absx absz absmin abscis absmins absorber commonplace profiting professional patterned iddingsite mesa mesoper mesostasis ##ertained predating controllers fernand ferrar uncalc uncoll uncoated alters wills siliciclastic subductionand fink finds finest finished zrn zr4 radially radiating radiography radiochem radiotrac ##ogenous ##ogenized ##obioge ##titot potent pottery 14a 14d 142 1430 1480 1460 1470 1425 petit peking peeled pebbles associate grouping hornblendic petrol petrochemical vaporization ##ricants bluish backing newer newman newwave democratic hfn hfs hfo2 manned manji management foundering ##regularities displace depended dependance ##thermal ##ift ##ifilm ruhr apollo suppose supposed supplies suppresses suppositions reflexion 200t 200f 200to measureable slightest southerly directed versa quencher quenches quenchable evolutional investigators constancy paramagnetic sulfidation sulfosalt 184 189 186 1830 1814 1860 1840 18ca 1823 1893 1851 1836 18ηh resultui lathe latour normars peaking distributi ##iquantit centred centric century diamante ##heet ##heets ##ishaw ##ishita synto synkin synrad synmet synerup synoptic synapse ##eously defer defence defrag thermalor sectioned ##keley ##keisen ##keetna fractal 396 3943 barr bargar barostat massonne discussions cm20 ##smal electronprobe demonstration demonstrative demonstrably constantly ulrich veining veinlets totaling calibrating followings 301 302 303 309 3050 3010 3030 3080 3075 3070 3063 carbonateor reductions ##adia ##isticated scalebar dolan ##pensive blur blake blind bladed blenc blades blanc blanks blobs blattner blotches lamented mmto maximal maxwell drains drisc druit draper multivalent anything simulates simulator 502 508 503 5010 5097 clue cluzel clumps invites invade invisc invasion invalid inventories investment observatory kmash oxidant oxidize oxidization oxidise oxidizes elmer elats ellest elaborate eligible harley hardisi igor oslo oshig ##orporated middlere extensions rhyolitc tait ta2o5 tajcman tareen ##ycomb tectosi brc brussi brakes brachi brimhall brandon bricks endured enderbite endowed endemic precau hereina avenue avenues avogad knot ndand nd2o3 beamline beamspl longitude longwork normalor normalizing baxter faced facing facets polyhedral polysyn polyhedron polythermal niu nih nioliq nieva mnz mnand mnox mnco3 mntio3 ##burgite laserprobe ##clinopyroxene ##aea shoulders think thinly affiliation spectoris buffonite dash ##lof ##athin interstitials interstitialcy breα breached brett breadth conclusively multipoint multistage separable lateor sano sanitary fusible fuhr fuxian ##brans ##bekov ##beinsey erratic erratum combat combines littering litasov extracting extruded extraterrestrial epoch epsilon epitherm deepens deepening ##orthopyroxene ##vealing margules deformational metaland timesteps fugaciti 162 1610 1670 1673 16e0 easiest historic ironic kimura devil downhole downriver downstream espo espres espos esperanc nonneglig seligman superstructure supervised superheat superscript superlarge kimberly kimberley selectively selektor puk pudd puzz pudding ##roscopically blueschistto scherer schreinem schuessler schandl earthtime earthquakes ##lands northwes continua continuing continuation continuμm sulfideand ultrash ultracalcic ultrabasic ultrathin fo2and ##ogranular 17o 171 1773 253 25th 2580 2537 2598 2591 2578 working workstation ##o2fo2 confident conference activate goeth goethe methodologies delays delmar delaney counted county countered anhydride rapakivi ##ra3 ##rael ##raverage loo loads loyality loosely dyn dyspro porcel porosities portsmou varmland varfal breakage ##otempor ##ourable road rooney roentgen rodionov rodingites ##10prp halos halide halides sumino cracked localizing postcaldera terceria ##eroon anorthites anorthoclase modifies modifiers lightning lightening ##ylene ##yllite ##ylvanian convect convolutions convectively kea kemp keith ##augite consequentially orthopyroxne 1000co trachyphonolitic pictured picrpl picoseconds ##vo4 platelet helz hellev helba pads visco decomposed decomposes decompxr teton tuffaceous ##ika resolvably aggregated releases univariate universid recycle agreements explainable bubbly alkalineand easternmost fineand ##cuit 60na ##12γ ##1256 ##12332 ##12μδpl ##12and1 porphyries ybn ybpm referencing geochronologies ##awed ##arkot ##othermal ##sonian condense heavily ionized labs labels labview labrad paleogene paleowater paleoridge paleobioge converse converges converged densified yellowish ##hennaya elevate elevating fe3o4 1108 spectrometric upwellings volatileand heterogenous youda universal titration irt iris irms iridium irvine irscop iridescent irreducible irregularities omphacitic offered offering offshore offscr illustrator cameroon mushroom sidl siderophile cannibalization polymers polymictic breakdowns omphaciteand widens widening widened understandable lawsoniteand retards retracted retentive retreat returning responds responsiv dryer tecotonomet ##oyoshi extremes extremum ce3 luo luanch ludw lumped lujav lumpy ##ference ##alleled evaluates 1123 blocked technic technical technically technological hp32 hp41 ##tooth spatiotempor archived 87mn ##ansson fauna liners permil retrogressive ##abilistic dehydrations dehydrating 70v 7070 7095 7044 7027 7047 7089 7028 70512 70780 701256 balances balta missing misfit misinter distorted disthene probes probed probabilistic ##pentine lacked torfajokull ##148 ##ordur ##ordland topo topologies topics topographical attractively arrived arrival arriving serpentines serpentinised southernmost didn didier didcidx migel ##ernberg chalco feoi precipitations precipitating catolic catastroph creait creighton ##ysuz mountainous 867 8620 positioning documentation independence fla flushed flanks flags florenc flanking flotation fladle flavors flawed joel joins joides lengthand zns znse atomistic chamosite overlined broadened hollist logc logs logd logσ logical logically logging logfo2 ##wardship ##209 ##2047 reflective 351 352 353 3500 3570 3573 3540 3523 3597 3521 905 902 908 909 90al1 ##uda steam stepped stevenson stewart stewardship summing summation 236 2356 233u rbk ##scoe exsolves classifications edwards edged edgar ##works handled polarizing polarised polarisation polarizers freight freise freiling frezz freiberg mpt08 svenska sensible senbongi ##afesi ##afluor ##75hr ##75cpx3h1 mineralogies mineralogie 2065 misorientated misorientaiton ##1313 ##13and2 protective scatters condensing squaw terraces territories paint ##mania ##manowski gradation meteor meteorites elastically 500t mci mcar mcma mcint mcfar shorten shortens shorttle shortened shortcoming amphiboliteand merge merensky merwe mercier merlini peralkalinity snom snap snyder snæfell henceforth substitutes protolithic ohm ohand implicates implicating mediumand 245 243 244 goldor opens opals ##icek hybrids hybridise hybridising underground ccp ccd cycled examines shares sharper keyed 224 229 2280 752 757 gaspari ##60lv stabilised camgsi camgsi2o6 455 457 emi emg emit emitted emitting emerged emitter alternates procedural sheared vfz vfand ##vantages ##apsulated acquiring entries pyroxeniteand pyroxeniteto drillcores farmer farthest vienna reproduction molarity supplemented essence japanese circa exciting exciplex backgrounds backgroundand metasomatised metasomatization metasomatize 803 804 807 806 tiburon minimized minimizing minimizes minimising minimises discreet author tetraor 019 0115 01sb float ##naiss ##naeplgr reasoning publically sharpe sharpness 281 285 28w 288 2800 2850 2830 2880 2824 2835 2821 2871 265 263 2610 2660 2623 2662 2683 binaries massively ptotal begun channelling 006 0065 0024 002047 mwu mwl mwuss crystallographically corresponded channel5 channelizes vss vsusp ##stantinou vestiges ##efs interspersed disequilibria recrystallize ambiguity contributor predominate achieves achievement achievable jiurui mq14 mq27 sucked ##maxp disperse disperses dispersing formulate formulating strengthened conditioned homogenise homogenised homogenisation biological biosphere bioge promising promotion ##rensen ga3 gaft gahnite gaillard rounding ##oblasts princeton irregularity izbekov izrael insb insure insulation insulating integrity integrally integrating collisions featureless globe advect advise advisable recognisably recognizable 1350оc spectroscopic substitutional opposition constituted isochrones isochronous reconsidered reconnaiss liezers weaken weakens 1034 inferior inferring ferroaugite molecules flatten flatness flattens 557 5500 buick jugo actlab actuators frontal substantiate 1873 narrowed 052 0515 0005 00014 00037 000013 363 3630 3612 3685 3645 3641 3686 3646 casting casio cassegr purged pursue purchased divides divisions 1883 323 3290 3270 3216 3295 3219 651 653 654 659 657 tsuno ##ahti ##hai inherit inherits sphene tetrahedrally 034 039 036 332 333 3300 3360 3393 3326 3355 7325 airlock pilet robie roberson riverbed tamaki tamazeght realm realize realization realisation immense immersed groundmasses bath14 hc1 hc3 lastly mh25 seminal semiconduc semiquantit ##3o4 ##3o9 ##3o12 ##elsk ##elsberg connects connections connolly repeating 061 062 0612 06mg 211 217 2167 2161 gsb crucially restricting restrictive restrictions qualify cmasnh pseudoper pseudowollastonite pseudopot 8430 84titot operation operative efficacy vesiculate morphologically penns penniston salts salites salvad salmang salipu weld welche instructive anneal tephro tephrite tephritic tephrites plasticity silvercorp naalsi1 batholithic δ30siol δ30sipl 024 029 027 0211 373 374 376 952 95mo miller millenia millenial millisecond tonalities ##poise ##pointing chem2d datasheet corrensites preferable papers 1508 1505jd10 1506jd 3400 3450 3420 3483 3448 3471 3439 drier habits mingxi nitrate rifts ##ofocus ##735b ##alpic reverted reversing ascertained crinanitic analogously colouration percolated encapsulated ignoring charnockitic nmr vrededort ##da2da ##gm2 playa underscore removable greyish furniture 299 297 2930 2995 pulled roughness wright wraps invert proxies dissecting granophyres outcomes outcompetes icpmsdat helping titanate titania titanian titaniferous arrhenian segmented gaining nano nanometer nanometric naney nanomet nanostructural nanbo3 nanocharacter nanogranular nanofocus resisted resistances recovering barsanti facilities doublets bleb bleed gdn gd19 gdvo4 peccer ##arsson ancillary interstratification 120and contextualize ideality 31i 31p 311 319 3130 3194 3181 3869 csvz certainty horizontally treating treats tems strikes researches plasmas lister excellence 2507 47o 471 935 936 9336 93nb pinpointing vanish vanishing vancou ##axis forsterites ensured ensuing 1981 1984 robustly robustness researched dateable huerto huhma huinan huashan macpherson macroscopically nowicki pdf pd25 pdtdt unrepres unrevealing leucitites leucititic intraand intraoceanic faulted emphasised emphasizes emphasises packaged swiss swedish swallowtail swift testify testifies ##hungata whoi evaporating outlining ##ographies araguinha discrepant 274 277 2750 2730 2775 2767 431 434 439 4321 bayeris presumable tracked softened solvcal redistributing designation designations exploiting explosivity drawings powering adjusts adjustable thirdly expandable potassiumfile 481 485 487 4800 524 527 52cr 671 678 6700 boot daylight masked masking mascom masotta pippard stiffer ##o4anhydrite stoe stoffler staging diverted diverges diversify leftmost transforming 2000b 4169 diluting dilatation freshly guides guided guarant recharged recherches streak subcontinent oscillate barely fittings linkage 2386 238pb tschermakitic 544 5479 5600 kiln kilian morten mortars attach attest attacks corrector arguing questionable 445 4470 599 597 596 854 briefer british digits ethylene h2oto ##ositivity challis challenges feolivine subtractive overestimating propagates realistically 091 098 09vd 692 694 6950 883 octopole sectoral wavelet ##sdorfer ##sdottir ##hangshan ##hangelsk coherence coherency classes classed perforations prisms capacities capacitance snows snowbir prominently mobilities mobilise mobilisation bottoms attempting 088 087 08sio3 46p 468 57b 572 5700 57fe 826 9193 91zr budgeting buddington rotating rottier warran ##going court courtier coinciding attenuated ##abricated inconsistently inconsistency inconsistencies analyzers arrowed poikiolitic monitoring 103lnβmin ophiolithic hawaiites cathodoluminesce cathodoluminesence cathodoluminescent jxa98 491 496 49ti 631 637 6390 6360lv bimodality dtgs fb23 fb22 foreland foregoing fabricated gulf gulada morse morison morado morris morimoto morocco morishita machida named naked nakagawa nist610 pumiceous ubide vacant zeiss ##asaltic ##elineau startling checking quadratic quadril metapelite appreciated validation validating meshes defocuss defocussed succession batchelor poikiloblasts 076 07co3 07vd 1b2c5 423 4248 999 amplified dedicated engelhard engulfs odling exerting compensators programs smoothed smoothing micronizing amorphize amorphized patchiness acquisitions remobilised remobilises 044 046 04230 bentor bentonites bentonitic damages german herring idioto mlt milky mos2 pocket renishaw rigaku utilize utilization utilise utilised utilising ##hisa ##32fo2 institut ##ething revived revolves attains orangeites weathered unpub unpredict mgco3l alloying 1443 1447 meaningless conventionally favorably tetrahedrons austroalp d293 d296 d218 fisler fissures holey hole735b myers skora skelton skogby skialithic wolf wolff ##psar suny hypervelocity impede impeding transiting transience plumbotectonic permitting concerns mc1314r06 mc1314r12 insensitivity cascio cascadian cascadia discriminative discriminatory 3507 791 795 792 97o elutriation failures kgpa mossa please pleochroism tomographies conceptually anvils interlabor interlinked interlocking wehrlitization unfilled metabasite adopting decouple complemented infracrustal transitionaland brecciation encountering dissociates occupation hammers 819 981 989 cuprite dredges dredging dafa dafan fibre fibers grossly ninefold sørensen tenth ##lemite ##anova ##etotal anatectic anataxis collar collars collared discontinuities unmineral unmolten unmetamorph thermochronologic 2014c monzo monzogranite curvatures curviplan schmolke decompositions polarons inspect sandwiches fbh15 51v 519 721 72685 89y 895 893 boxes fm37 haplob konrad konstantinou ldu ldth ldree ldhf ldnb ldzr nickle skew tursack tails tailored worthwhile ##eringer ##iterated co3f shutdown disagree precede preceded precedent 1264 1266 transferring 1305 1307 130xe radiationless superimposition assimilants counteract counterint counteracting counterpart counterpoise favouring accommodation accommodating 51288 51296 6400 6497 749 7440 949 bonnich burg mirwald mira3 ##fla totterdell totalling complicating annually annuli annulus annotated tripoli chilean chipilapa pressurization pressurizing unconsolidated unconvinc underestimation underestimations undertakes recalculate greenschistand tectonism tectonovolcanic tectonothermal mcdade mcdowell mcdermitt interlaying anatolid anatolide haplogranitic skeleton cummingonite insignificantly 2ci 2camg 535 533 624 6200 71148 fsc12332 hardest hardening kepuer medio medical ruling vermees ##bohedral ##inturk coarsened isochoric isochorically cr3d hafs collectable collectors 2012b 2015a 2015b srm981 1317 131ba 131xen chlorides chlorapatite 2003c 2003b australian delineation delineates hypothesise hypothesizes opportunities electrostatic everywhere perturbing 778 761 763 766 aplitic davies fissionogenic kelvins motoyoshi nasa nash nasdal omit omura omitting omnip rt2 rtln s4a s4b tuysuz tm07 woodhead ##innigan magnetics shimadzu restarted arbitral detritus carlin carlos δ18owater δ18ocore montel montdorite intracontin symplectic 1971 1972 1979 1977 1976 prevailed possesses possessed 1435 volatilize circumference suspensions establishes establishment consumptive gravitationally destabilized destabilizing mirror fsc1332r06 incongruently 6cafes 6cafesi 9212 92fe0 969 963wh2o dropped hoog hoover hofformationn hoefs marianell pelite peltier pelagic rheologically sxfive tremendous urtite urged visually wild wilkins willemite ##selaer ##bourgh ##2400 ##2460 ##argad protruded protruding speedometry persisted persistence submicron hygroscopic carbides improvements regularity microfracture microfracturing surveys pyrolysis syngenetic syngenetically captures mswds freezer taihang multipoles 1794 179hf rooted optimum optimised reconciling extrapolate extrapolates immobility scientists warmest metabasalt discontinuously lanthanum disaggregating 831 839 837 8900r bellto d3a hvasshjall happel iterated iterations kinked kinzler liberating putting putative putty putlitz pigeonites xh2ofl ##ukov ##ukcu ##mncak ##mg4al ##xos2b compressible compressibilities suprasol suprachondritic mahoney splits splatter subordinately fluoroph strictu learned raimond discoveries maximize maximise maximizes maximillian 1602 schoenberg goals retrieving summarizing challenged reviewer reviewers intergrainular okayama visualization visualise reprecipitated 375209 da0exp jd10 jdlc lacro3 mutual palmierite palagonite waldbaum ##empirical ##354 ##estionably inserts ##staedter isogrades reiners compounded alm58 cruises anticlinal lifetimes quicker objectives neoformation neoformed repulsion arsenal arsenic prerequisites 104t 1042 104rt detonated detonations hydroxide contradicting limestones outpace outputs 136xesf petrographiques multiclass multicollect eliminates ##iefontein supersaturate governing governs delivery fragmentation geothermobarometric consensually encompassed encompassing subtractions vermiculate vermiculite californian erroneously fumarole koulakov menzies paste pasco tilting turbidite turbidity vitron vitroph wait δe0 ##jallajokull ##itons conforms receiver receives exemplify stems ordinarily shielded intermitted modestly uncharacter neutrons army armenia armoring arm200 ims3f 106t2 impurity erdmannsdorfer overcame overcomes rawling america survival survivability discerned discerning discernable 2004a ellis ellam schwab postdating disturbing attributing catalcesme cyclically nanocrystalline 103lnαi 103lnαqz phenomenology geoscience pyroclasts grospydite hvalneskro aztec azmaxp berry bertsch berdig berkow berkeley duan dungan ds02 doppler feniti fh2ofl gersten gerais gerasim justifies krakatau krismann mugearites mangerite mangold pitchstone pentafluor portal semiempirical sawed sawtooth tango virgo winchell ##schoid ##waldt ##217 conserve conservation styles stacks stacking melanocratic melaneph shatsky ##2o6clinopyroxene caledonian fluctuation artifact artificial artificially caal2si improbable si4o8 reequilibrates conductance 147nd nbs30 nbs981 looks looking sequestered sequestration holmium 2252 acquirement 847k penetrant penetrants octahedron 2908f buildup boninites boninitic practicality microphotography pyroclastics 5co2 5cafes beside castro castaing dora dorland dict4 dictate dictates gemmological gauges gauged goldschmidt hallworth ichinome judge judged khitar kurz kuril kustner lecomte mimics munster nwt natland nicolson pcd pco2 pcalc sleeves satisfied tonstein teller telltale waning ##ischer stereological stereographic ##amorphism deformability mazer christians churakov diffractometry platy platreef climates climatological clarified parabolas hauhungata sputtering sparking sparseness interpolations interferences ab235 ab234 ab239 ab237 ab236 abnormal relaxes relaxed relaxing sooner strategic adams adamello smithsonian overviews screw screen hexavalent monoand 1960s 1338 133cs draining drainages invariable extrusions 1682 envisages niobate ##afjordur δ30simineral kaersutitic stripe exercised exercises neighbourhood reinforcing categorize categorizing ellipse virtual fluctuating fingerprints fingerprinting impregnation polynomials 2fo23 aureoles agentite benard benito benioff biggest bowden bombs ciamphcili cartwr centimeters d0cpx d0exp d0plgd eyjaf eyepiece fy1313 gi0 gardes hinting hinze hindered iodine kenyan kenorland kaygus kayzar lobs mylonitized rls rhenish rationalized russian s1c tasks tasmania ##nsusp ##swick ##barth innovation inaccessible covary executed executing anchored dipole diabasic protonation physics physicists magnetically sheds trisulfur claeson hayashi sporadically ab250 ab256 acetate unsaturated nebulized arkhangelsk updates soaks soaking stringy prefers prefluor prefabricated adakite adakitic impoverish thermofinnigan thermofischer microsaw erlank razor heyu redeposited 1189 118sn descended 1980s absorptivities pumping pumpelly 1000lnα 7034 70366 70389 7500a circularity 0157 advocate advocates advocating pseudomorphed greywackes nanoscale humphries bohor bohemian assignments thoriumand aliquotation intercalations xs02 xs0r0 xs0r2 xs0xs6 laccoliths palaeo antarctica conservatively sequesters ptrh10 punctuated incorrectly 1t0 1t02 1tc2 2logx 2logah2o 3805 7102460 710217 bundy bundle berner c594 dmdt dimers dimanov dampened densest daily etching falkum garlick gotze gottsch gotthard gottingen hkl hamper hampered hacker hackbarth karl karato karoo karakaya kab0 kab0exp krafla libo2 liberate liberates librational mengyin mentioning nutrient ovoid overexp passivation passivated rhon rhine rinsing rubbly rietica rhombohedral tc2 vgb vg3600 vg354 vialand wisps wende xmgo xmgm2 ##utian ##duo ##mingly ##2si3o12 inertia tod2 isolate isoline isolating isolines reader readers readings excursions stocks stockworks alpha crenulate answering diatexites madder triga trigonal choi choosing spirit dispute disputed disparities disposal dissipated dissipates feedbacks callao unraveling entangled enigma enormously subsurface subspherical asserted asserting up193he glaciation glaciers hastingsitic hastingsites declining declared imparted imparting 205tl scavenge sc1160 slurry recommendations hydrocarbons ammonium amalgamated 12ky13 infillings intrasample transparency europe communities communition iddp1 demarcate bauxites delimit delimited pauling irradiation irradiate architecture architectural edinbourgh metasomatizes 65cuvapor bathymetric millimetre autoclave autoclaves embayment hercynian mc1314r01 mc1314r02 unconformable fsc1332r04 contradictory perspectives bombardment cartoons inaccuracy inaccuracies claims claimed inadequacy 3fessulphide 6feco3 71238 71299 aegean awaits bjerg bolte bryne cnr culminated crescumulates cassel cassata cassette cadmium dcαdcβ faceting horst humidity humbold humayun huckel iwamori klimm k2co3 k2camg kirby kandemir l0810 loparite locking lnk0 mallman mackwell nuernberg pedersen pamir pamukcu pierced romano radically saal sdd sensu sensor sensing talus taltson talkeetna tantalum umz um32 umagma vague vagaries x275hr αt2 δρg ##eii ##catswvdic ##sps3prp ##buffer ##2000 ##2sio4olivine ##36a ##π6d3nsusp ##enclature inefficient ineffective inefficiency ##elinitic ##olinium coatings exaggerate statements stanley stalled competence beaudoin dilek motivated contours organization organized organisms prohibiting shoot shoots shoulder chung chuvil resonators placement clouds spreadsheets ab248 disparity disintegrate feasibility quarried unquestionably unavailable unequivocally enveloping subjacent subjecting subjects imbricate glnl gln1 gln2 additive 1087 1099 caribou geoinstit geomaterials implantation impactite imperfections overload effusions 202pb 202hg 116o microcomputed microchemical laharic 1954 oxybarometer exploration explorative exploratory 134xe profoundly uncorrelated radionuclide manufactured manufacturing manufacturer simplification neglects elaboration taurides trachydacitic fujii fujioka fujifilm ultrasound conveniently irreproduc irreversible irreconcil cameron polymetamorphic 708893 708827 708896 3552 stefan stefansson stefanova mcinnes implicitly cyclonic gasket 282507 0042 succeeding 0331 3353 encourage bleeker huaibei swarm 8800m renormalisation electropositivity ##caescat cohesive migmatized destroyed sigmoid sigmoidal sigmarsson 7700s 7700x da0rt petrelli ims1280 fennoscandian 127302 127303 127304 autoradiographs rhodope computationally 2804b bourdelle fossils ϕsuspϕsed ϕsuspgδ trondhjemite trondhjemites trondhjemitic kilometreto 2ca0 2ca3fe 3βda2da 3h2owater 3sio2caescat 4πnae 4πnaeplgr 4si2o8 4907 4h2omelt 4h2buffer akamats akermanite aus3 ausz7 banking banba buchl buchites billion billions c0f cabr2 ccl4 diminishing diminishes fco2fo2 fs02 femelt femtos flogρ groove groppo gsidl hime himu james jamstec jiangshan kalama kaliat kingdom lyubets lyra3 lhs lhasa lids murphy murakami m501jd10 nz3 naca2 nacazrsi pw1400 pw2400 peterson petersen qmatrix rrs rolled rolling sisdagi santana santorini songliao songduo telus teleseismic uwg u1437 u1436a vesta w3re97 w312μδpl ƒh2s δg8 εvh πah12γ ##nelly ##c2eas ##ragm ##furt ##weiler ##wh2o2 ##2b2 ##javellir ##kurt ##3si6o23 ##3prp12and1 ##ϕsedηd3 informally ##rette ##anuel touching conjecture conjectured costin coils cosmogenic cosmochemistry streck streckeisen alluvial alluvium atypical atypically momentum whisker whiskers orienting sunken shells tributary tributaries travelling travelled ##vertently chadwick chadacrysts ##apascals speik speaking intermediary intermediateto reliance reliability framing metatexite metatexites obliterate obliterated prtc prt0 garnetites garnetiferous impinged impingement overgrowing 203tl lewry lewisi mitigation mitigated accrues accrue responded monochromatic monochromator 1217 patagonian patagonia laurin laurentia disclose disclination feldstein feldpsar participation participants ifs88 outgassed outgassing outwardly 1553 1533cpx3h 181ta augment augmented syntaxial syntectonic definitive definitely singularly singularity harlov harlavan brunet brunswick avacha avachinsky supergene supergroup portrays portraying trachybasalts trachybasaltic labeling paleotethys paleotethyan heteradcumulates heteradcum archetypal archetypical permanent permanently misclassified misclassifications catching cataclastic cataclasites 8600mx flaxes angeles 2377 fe2si2o6orthopyroxene mclean mcleod opaline excavation excavated 0037t 0037tr2 mwd38 mwd39 advancements encircles encircled pullman temora2 sandshale sandshales swirl swirling switching corroborate corroborated dttrdptr amplifier amplifiers gmagl hyperbolic hyperbolically unfavorable unfavourable dafn15 3casio3wollastonite 3caso4anhydrite tectonometamorphic tectonometamorphism nephelinites nephelinitic δ18orim δ18orhyolite circumvent circumvented pyrophanite pyrophyllite ankaramite ankaramites shrinkage reinvestigation reinvestigate alm62grs22sps alm62grs19 category categories frothy sapphire sapphirine vitrified vitrification justifying townsend township cafesi2o6clinopyroxene rearranging rearranged fy1301 fy1308 unsuitable unsuitability unsurprisingly palaeodepth palaeodepths fortuitous fortuitously subgroups microvesicle microvesicles kirkland kirkham lopoliths encouragingly 0ρπ6d3u 0ρπ6d3hn paradoxical perovskite perovskites acknowledge acknowledged overwhelmed overwhelmingly ##grs22sps10prp absmaxcos 0p6cu 0hπ6d3nsusp 0p2va 1αh 1kola3d 2actinolite 2opx 2fe3o4 2brucite 2naxos2b 2mg2sio4olivine 3lp 3wh2o3 4lithores 4λκ 4serpentine 5f3 51326 5alsi2o6 aleutian aulbach atho aupd akaogiite akesayi auckland ah2omelt aileron bs94 bmus bx51 bicrystal bingen bacon bureau bimineralic bilenker bouguer berman bunsenite bavaria baked barnes blowing boulders bochum bacterial brice bifurcates bodnar bergakademi borders bokan bussweiler buckling czech csiro cigo clynne ciborowski circuit cessation carius crespo cathelineau cgraphite citzaf cucl2 dniol djplg donnelly dicats dingwell dulong dichotom dolek dessicator donghai d501 dangling dauphas dremel dpdt einstein eolian eighteenth ephemeral echelon eartc emmanuel ehrenfest fjordland flyschoid faint fushan friable fso32fo2 fosteritic fipy faleiros fifteen fellows fwhm gatan goranson ganseki gigapascals glycol gilg gucsik gabbonorites gamble gadolinium gpmr gorbatov gathered gudnason gkss gordian garching g441 h3po4 hitachi hidden hermes huttonite harnessed hartzburgite hensens honda hochstaedter hobden honeycomb hitherto hrafntin hinders hoshide hanyue hilyard hsdp2 hidalgo hedenbergite haggerty honshu iconic istanbul jz01 jndi jasco jigsaw jilin juniper java josephine jajarkot january kuandian kcell ksp kesler krogh kolbeinsey kibaran kermadec kendrick kakanui kronenberg kinship kovdor krossanes kodaira kadik kieffer koyaguchi kudo kalsi3o8 klemd koffiefontein kerrick lfse lluta lizardite lumic l003a01 ldsc luster lundstrom lozenge lubricants llif lodders mfcz m575cpx3h1 mζ1 mizunashi michigan mtef8 message mistaken mondal mclennan merging maclennan m127 mosenfel malpas mambo m586cpx3h1 nesjavellir nomenclature noguchi nunavut navrots nubble netherlands nurnberg oinuma olympus ochs oso3 oisotopic pn2 pgt peslier pingwu pisa perez pasek pivin pineau pendulum pakistan pangaea pubei puffed porpryritic pommier p3221 p6222 pimentel qiu qdq qfracture rn10 rm2000 rerun rarest rainier rereo2 righthand rustenburg renders ruprech rensselaer ripening sopky samarium something s00410 squid2 sneeringer sahinturk saricicek sophisticated szymanowski tnmncak typhoon tjornes tacitly tucker tunnel tularosa tollstrup tumiati uintjies vbc vasyuk vetere vidito vogelsberg vivo vallance vikesa vsc2ag victoria w5re95 westrenen wrote witec wopmay wadati wiscsims wikipedi w75re25 wuzhangshan w25re75 wavescans w97re3 wijbrans w95re5 w26re74 w74re26 xcao xinchang xal2o3 xdivdi xseries xdixcatswvdic xflash xjdvjd xcatsvcats xcaesvcaes yasuda yusuf yakutia yukon yilmaz yapaskurt zipplingen zaldue zabargad zamora zonguldak ziegler δfmq δ26mg ρdε σfetotal σ0texp ##nusker ##uille ##taxitic ##yakova ##rβ2rα ##dρεj ##gativity ##mianny ##faden ##fmascho ##0cpxexp ##hagen ##872 ##6and3 ##ρ18ϕsedηd3 thimble thibault inadvertently insoluble ingredient ingress inexpensive inlaid andradite ##eldspathic toulouse topaz convex conundrum coombs coogan copenhagen cotsonika isomeke isoprobe isenthalpic reimold reawakening reincorporated revenaugh reordering receptacle reiterating reattributed reorganization fortran forensic excessive exothermic exafs exfoliating stops steens stachel stdgl2b2 aspirating compositons compliance compulsory alftafjordur aliphatic alh84001 atantayi crabtree crumbling crudely crashes crispin crhyolitex crisscrossed ancey anastomosing antigorite anoxic analcime beycam bezymianny diapirs diachronous diaphragm diahot dijkstra diktytaxitic diatremes bytownite mokopane tehtyan contentious oruanui gruneisen gruenewaldt suffice suiko sukenaga presumptive degradation deuterated debye deleterious maghemite magesiohastingsite madyukov mavrogenes shoreline shanggong shannon shorthand shirey shankland shaoxing shinkai incapable incognita incommensurate crystalbond trieloff tr2025 tricritical chuniespo chistyakova chaiten ##ationships lowenstern resilience colluvium parsons paralleling paroxysmal haadf elephant spongy spencer intersertal interrelationships interelemental intertwine olalla liaohe abstract ab252 abrasives weidendorfer perchuk pertinent perugini perkinelmer accentuate acrylic discharge disadvantages disregard feogranites feomafic quizapu unideal unparalleled unobserved unnamed untenable unloading unnoticed unmeasured unequilibrated unordered unshocked unhomogenized unsupervised unwanted un2008its uneruptible uninterrupted unroofing unanticipated unphysical frankfurt fraught amphibolitized entity enjoys notwithstanding notoriously volynets metadata metrics metachert metagabbro subequant submersible subdomain subboiled subaqueously subpopulations obnazhennaya seblyarv indochina inductance indispensable indistinct neotethys neocrystallized reprocessed depressurizing araujo meakin melekhova mg3si2o5 mgal2o4 imnaha immersion upgrading equipments calcareous so157 sofugan strickfaden glimpse corollary cornubian precession preponderance hyaloophitic caucausus variabilty quartzofeldspathic clinoptilolite waterproof admittedly intensely intentionally tweezers phaseplot carroll decametreto georem geologists geodynamical geikielite geohistory geohygrometer geesthacht imprecise orthpyroxene orthocumulate thermochemically thermoscientifc transtension eradicate overtones overburden overshoot overgrew overstepped howlett poiseuille pokrovsky si6al2o22 legends granitiods sc1397 scintillation scandinavia runkaus undertook recourse miajdρεj rajesh agglutination agakhanovite hebrides hebei healthcare beccaluva redefined monastery completeness microthermometry micrographs microtomography infrequently pyramidal lazulite co2poor lithosperic propylitic desulphidation marlargue marjalahti sr277 gregoire matsuhisa electronegativity timeframe norfolk maintenance commodities graphclick 1523cpx3h abscissa absminsin2 mesoperthite fernandez uncalculated uncollimated radiochemists radiotracer 18ca0 latourrette normarski distributioon synkinematic synmetamorphic syneruptively defragmented 3010c blencoe blanckenburg driscoll druitt 50974 inviscid elatsite ellestadite oshigadani middleree tajcmanova tectosilicates brussilof brachiopod precautions hereinafter avogadro beamsplitter longworking polysynthetic polyhedrons fuhrman epithermal fugacitiy espoo espresso esposito esperanca nonnegligible puddling puzzle schreinemaker northwesterly ultrashort goethite ##raverage2 dysprosium porcelain portsmouth varfalvy roentgenite hellevang universidad labradorite paleowaters paleobiogeographical fe3o4magnetite youdao irscopeii offscraped responsiveness tecotonometamorphic luanchuan ludwig lujavrite spatiotemporal 87mn0 707047 704494 70278 70476 misinterpretation catolica catastrophic flagship florencite hollister frezzotti mcintosh mcfarlane snæfellsness gasparik 01sb872 282186 00241 biogeochemistry reconnaissance cassegrainian riverbeds semiconductor semiquantitative 06mg0 pseudoperpendicular pseudopotential pennsylvanian salvador salmangorsky 1506jd20 icpmsdatacal nanometres nanocharacterization peccerillo vanishingly vancouver unrepresented bayerisches guaranteed 09vd58 snowbird warranted 103lnβmineral jxa9800 morrissey quadrilateral defocussing 07vd0 1b2c5t8o22 engelhardt 042302 unpredictable austroalpine plumbotectonics mc1314r12a interlaboratory unmineralized unmetamorphosed curviplanar haplobasaltic counterintuitive 512889 6497wh2o2 bonnichsen unconvincing 2camgsi2o6 kepuerte vermeesch 131xenucl nasdala omnipresent arbitralily intracontinental 6cafesi2o6 marianelli wilkinsonite hvasshjalli ##mg4al3si6o23 suprasolidus fluorophlogopite alm58grs22sps10prp multicollector vitrophyre uncharacteristic arm200f hvalneskrokur azmaxpraverage2 berdiga berkowitz fenitisised gerstenberger gerasimovsky krismannsdottir pentafluoride melanephelinitic caal2sio6 ichinomegata khitarov christiansen hauhungatahi δ30siminerals benitoite ciamphciliq cartwright d0plgd0cpxexp eyjafjallajokull kaygusuz prefluorinating pumpellyite 1t02dtdt 1tc2dtdt gottschalk overexposure dcαdcβrβ2rα humboldt k2camg5si8o22 ##sps3prp13and2 geoinstitut irreproducibility irreconcilable da0rtc2eas ϕsuspϕsedu ϕsuspgδρ18ϕsedηd3 2ca3fe2si3o12 3sio2caescatscoe 4πnaeplgrt akamatsu femtosecond kaliatem lyubetskaya naca2mg4al3si6o23 nacazrsi3o9 w312μδplp lewisian heteradcumlate alm62grs22sps3prp12and1 alm62grs19sps3prp13and2 absmaxcos2 4lithoresearch bergakademie dichotomy fso32fo23 hrafntinnusker mosenfelder navrotsky ruprecht tnmncakfmascho uintjiesberg vasyukova vsc2agb wikipedia xdixcatswvdicats yusufeli zalduegui chuniespoort alm58grs22sps10prp6and3 dcαdcβrβ2rα2