import gym from gym import spaces from gym.utils import seeding import numpy as np from enum import Enum import matplotlib.pyplot as plt class Actions(Enum): Sell = 0 Buy = 1 Do_nothing = 2 class TradingEnv(gym.Env): metadata = {'render.modes': ['human']} def __init__(self, df, window_size, frame_bound): assert df.ndim == 2 assert len(frame_bound) == 2 self.frame_bound = frame_bound self.seed() self.df = df self.window_size = window_size self.prices, self.signal_features = self._process_data() self.shape = (window_size, self.signal_features.shape[1]) # spaces self.action_space = spaces.Discrete(len(Actions)) self.observation_space = spaces.Box(low=-np.inf, high=np.inf, shape=self.shape, dtype=np.float64) # episode self._start_tick = self.window_size self._end_tick = len(self.prices) - 1 self._done = None self._current_tick = None self._last_trade_tick = None self._position = None self._position_history = None self._total_reward = None self._total_profit = None self._first_rendering = None self.history = None # fees self.trade_fee_bid_percent = 0.0005 # unit self.trade_fee_ask_percent = 0.0005 # unit def seed(self, seed=None): self.np_random, seed = seeding.np_random(seed) return [seed] def reset(self): self._done = False self._current_tick = self._start_tick self._last_trade_tick = self._current_tick - 1 self._position = 0 self._position_history = (self.window_size * [None]) # self._position_history = (self.window_size * [None]) + [self._position] self._total_reward = 0. self._total_profit = 0. self.history = {} return self._get_observation() def _calculate_reward(self, action): step_reward = 0 current_price = self.prices[self._current_tick] last_price = self.prices[self._current_tick - 1] price_diff = current_price - last_price # OPEN BUY - 1 if action == Actions.Buy.value and self._position == 0: self._position = 1 step_reward += price_diff self._last_trade_tick = self._current_tick - 1 self._position_history.append(1) elif action == Actions.Buy.value and self._position > 0: step_reward += 0 self._position_history.append(-1) # CLOSE SELL - 4 elif action == Actions.Buy.value and self._position < 0: self._position = 0 step_reward += -1 * (self.prices[self._current_tick -1] - self.prices[self._last_trade_tick]) self._total_profit += step_reward self._position_history.append(4) # OPEN SELL - 3 elif action == Actions.Sell.value and self._position == 0: self._position = -1 step_reward += -1 * price_diff self._last_trade_tick = self._current_tick - 1 self._position_history.append(3) # CLOSE BUY - 2 elif action == Actions.Sell.value and self._position > 0: self._position = 0 step_reward += self.prices[self._current_tick -1] - self.prices[self._last_trade_tick] self._total_profit += step_reward self._position_history.append(2) elif action == Actions.Sell.value and self._position < 0: step_reward += 0 self._position_history.append(-1) # DO NOTHING - 0 elif action == Actions.Do_nothing.value and self._position > 0: step_reward += price_diff self._position_history.append(0) elif action == Actions.Do_nothing.value and self._position < 0: step_reward += -1 * price_diff self._position_history.append(0) elif action == Actions.Do_nothing.value and self._position == 0: step_reward += -1 * abs(price_diff) self._position_history.append(0) return step_reward def step(self, action): self._done = False self._current_tick += 1 if self._current_tick == self._end_tick: self._done = True step_reward = self._calculate_reward(action) self._total_reward += step_reward observation = self._get_observation() info = dict( total_reward = self._total_reward, total_profit = self._total_profit, position = self._position ) self._update_history(info) return observation, step_reward, self._done, info def _get_observation(self): return self.signal_features[(self._current_tick-self.window_size+1):self._current_tick+1] def _update_history(self, info): if not self.history: self.history = {key: [] for key in info.keys()} for key, value in info.items(): self.history[key].append(value) def render(self, mode='human'): window_ticks = np.arange(len(self._position_history)) plt.plot(self.prices) open_buy = [] close_buy = [] open_sell = [] close_sell = [] do_nothing = [] for i, tick in enumerate(window_ticks): if self._position_history[i] is None: continue if self._position_history[i] == 1: open_buy.append(tick) elif self._position_history[i] == 2 : close_buy.append(tick) elif self._position_history[i] == 3 : open_sell.append(tick) elif self._position_history[i] == 4 : close_sell.append(tick) elif self._position_history[i] == 0 : do_nothing.append(tick) plt.plot(open_buy, self.prices[open_buy], 'go', marker="^") plt.plot(close_buy, self.prices[close_buy], 'go', marker="v") plt.plot(open_sell, self.prices[open_sell], 'ro', marker="v") plt.plot(close_sell, self.prices[close_sell], 'ro', marker="^") plt.plot(do_nothing, self.prices[do_nothing], 'yo') plt.suptitle( "Total Reward: %.6f" % self._total_reward + ' ~ ' + "Total Profit: %.6f" % self._total_profit ) def close(self): plt.close() def save_rendering(self, filepath): plt.savefig(filepath) def pause_rendering(self): def _process_data(self): prices = self.df.loc[:, 'Close'].to_numpy() prices[self.frame_bound[0] - self.window_size] # validate index (TODO: Improve validation) prices = prices[self.frame_bound[0]-self.window_size:self.frame_bound[1]] diff = np.insert(np.diff(prices), 0, 0) signal_features = np.column_stack((prices, diff)) return prices, signal_features def _update_profit(self, action): trade = False if ((action == Actions.Buy.value and self._position == Positions.Short) or (action == Actions.Sell.value and self._position == Positions.Long)): trade = True if trade or self._done: current_price = self.prices[self._current_tick] last_trade_price = self.prices[self._last_trade_tick] if self._position == Positions.Long: shares = (self._total_profit * (1 - self.trade_fee_ask_percent)) / last_trade_price self._total_profit = (shares * (1 - self.trade_fee_bid_percent)) * current_price def max_possible_profit(self): current_tick = self._start_tick last_trade_tick = current_tick - 1 profit = 1. while current_tick <= self._end_tick: position = None if self.prices[current_tick] < self.prices[current_tick - 1]: while (current_tick <= self._end_tick and self.prices[current_tick] < self.prices[current_tick - 1]): current_tick += 1 position = Positions.Short else: while (current_tick <= self._end_tick and self.prices[current_tick] >= self.prices[current_tick - 1]): current_tick += 1 position = Positions.Long if position == Positions.Long: current_price = self.prices[current_tick - 1] last_trade_price = self.prices[last_trade_tick] shares = profit / last_trade_price profit = shares * current_price last_trade_tick = current_tick - 1 return profit