import sys import os import pandas as pd import pyarrow as pa import argparse import glob #import requests_async as requests import asyncio import aiohttp from typing import IO import aiofiles import re from colorama import Fore, Style from PIL import Image import io # can tweak these you feel like it, but shouldn't be needed unsafe_threshhold = 0.1 # higher values is more likely to be nsfw and will be skipped aesthetic_threshhold = 5 # higher is more aesthetic, note laion2B-aesthetic already >7? http_timeout = 10 # dont touch downloaded_count = 0 current_parquet_file_downloaded_count = 0 logger_sp = None def get_base_prefix_compat(): """Get base/real prefix, or sys.prefix if there is none.""" return getattr(sys, "base_prefix", None) or getattr(sys, "real_prefix", None) or sys.prefix def in_virtualenv(): return get_base_prefix_compat() != sys.prefix def get_parser(**parser_kwargs): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(**parser_kwargs) do_not_download = True parser.add_argument( "--laion_dir", type=str, nargs="?", const=True, default="./laion", help="directory with laion parquet files, default is ./laion", ) parser.add_argument( "--search_text", type=str, const=True, nargs="?", default=None, help="csv of words with AND logic, ex \"photo,man,dog\"", ), parser.add_argument( "--out_dir", type=str, nargs="?", const=True, default="./output", help="directory to download files to, defaults is ./output", ), parser.add_argument( "--log_dir", type=str, nargs="?", const=True, default=None, help="directory for logs, if ommitted will not log, logs may be large!", ), parser.add_argument( "--column", type=str, nargs="?", const=True, default="TEXT", help="column to search for matches, defaults is 'TEXT', but you could use 'URL' if you wanted", ), parser.add_argument( "--limit", type=int, nargs="?", const=True, default=100, help="max number of matching images to download, warning: may be slightly imprecise due to concurrency and http errors, defaults is 100", ), parser.add_argument( "--min_hw", type=int, nargs="?", const=True, default=512, help="min height AND width of image to download, default is 512", ), parser.add_argument( "--force", type=bool, nargs="?", const=True, default=False, help="forces a full download of all images, even if no search is provided, USE CAUTION!", ), parser.add_argument( "--parquet_skip", type=int, nargs="?", const=True, default=0, help="skips the first n parquet files on disk, useful to resume", ), parser.add_argument( "--verbose", type=bool, nargs="?", const=True, default=False, help="additional logging of URL and TEXT prefiltering", ), parser.add_argument( "--test", action='store_const', const=do_not_download, default=not(do_not_download), help="skips downloading, for checking filters, use with --verbose", ) return parser def cleanup_text(file_name: str): # TODO: can be improved file_name = re.sub("", "", file_name) file_name = re.sub("", "", file_name) file_name = re.sub("", "", file_name) file_name = file_name.replace('

', '').replace("

", "") file_name = file_name.replace('', '').replace("", "") file_name = file_name.replace('', '').replace("", "") file_name = re.sub(r'[^\x00-\x7F]+', '', file_name) # remove non-ascii file_name = file_name.replace(' & ', ' and ').replace(' &', ' and').replace('& ', 'and ') \ .replace(" + ", " and ").replace(" +", " and").replace("+ ", "and ") file_name = file_name.replace('\t', ' ').replace('\n', ' ').replace('\r', ' ') file_name = file_name.replace('\"t"', ' ') file_name = file_name.replace(" ♥ ","love").replace("♥ ","love ").replace(" ♥"," love") \ .replace("♥"," love ") # remove bad chars file_name = file_name.replace('\"', '').replace('?', '') \ .replace('<', '').replace('>', '').replace('/', '').replace('*', '') \ .replace('!', '').replace('#', '').replace('$', '').replace('%', '') \ .replace('^', '').replace('(', '').replace(')', '') # replace with space file_name = file_name.replace(':',' ').replace('|',' ').replace('@', '') \ .replace("/", " ").replace("\\'", "\'").replace("\\", " ").replace('\\', ' ') \ .replace('_', ' ').replace("=", " ") # replace foreign chars file_name = file_name.replace('é', 'e').replace('è', 'e').replace('ê', 'e') \ .replace('ë', 'e').replace('à', 'a').replace('â', 'a').replace('ä', 'a') \ .replace('ç', 'c').replace('ù', 'u').replace('û', 'u').replace('ü', 'u') \ .replace('ô', 'o').replace('ö', 'o').replace('ï', 'i').replace('î', 'i') \ .replace('í', 'i').replace('ì', 'i').replace('ñ', 'n').replace('ß', 'ss') \ .replace('á', 'a').replace('ã', 'a').replace('å', 'a').replace('æ', 'ae') \ .replace('œ', 'oe').replace('ø', 'o').replace('ð', 'd').replace('þ', 'th') \ .replace('ý', 'y').replace('ÿ', 'y').replace('ž', 'z').replace('ž', 'z') \ .replace('š', 's').replace('đ', 'd').replace('ď', 'd').replace('č', 'c') \ .replace('ć', 'c').replace('ř', 'r').replace('ŕ', 'r').replace('ľ', 'l') \ .replace('ĺ', 'l').replace('ť', 't').replace('ň', 'n').replace('ņ', 'n') \ .replace('ď', 'd').replace('Ď', 'D').replace('Ť', 'T').replace('Ň', 'N') _MAX_LENGTH = 240 if (len(file_name) > _MAX_LENGTH): file_name = file_name[:_MAX_LENGTH] return file_name async def call_http(image_url: str, session: aiohttp.ClientSession): #print(f"calling http and save to: {out_file_name}") global downloaded_count global http_timeout global current_parquet_file_downloaded_count try: res = await session.request(method="GET", url=image_url, timeout=http_timeout) if (res.status == 200): return await else: print(f"{Fore.YELLOW}Failed to download image, HTTP response code: {res.status} for {Fore.LIGHTWHITE_EX}{image_url}{Style.RESET_ALL}") downloaded_count -= 1 except Exception as e: print(f"{Fore.YELLOW} *** Error downloading image: {Fore.LIGHTWHITE_EX}{image_url}{Fore.YELLOW}, ex: {str(e)}{Style.RESET_ALL}") downloaded_count -= 1 pass return None async def save_img(buffer: io.BytesIO, full_outpath: str): try: async with, "wb") as f: await f.write(buffer.getbuffer()) except Exception as e: print(f"{Fore.RED} *** Unable to write to disk: {Fore.LIGHTWHITE_EX}{full_outpath}{Style.RESET_ALL}") print(f"{Fore.RED} *** ex: {Fore.LIGHTWHITE_EX}{str(e)}{Style.RESET_ALL}") pass def get_outpath_filename(data: any, full_outpath_noext: str, clean_text: str): ext = "jpg" full_outpath = None buffer = None try: buffer = io.BytesIO(data) image = ext = image.format.lower() if (ext == "jpeg"): ext = "jpg" full_outpath = f"{full_outpath_noext}.{ext}" except Exception as e: print(f"{Fore.YELLOW} *** Possible corrupt image for text: {Fore.LIGHTWHITE_EX}{clean_text}{Style.RESET_ALL}") print(f"{Fore.YELLOW} *** ex: {Fore.LIGHTWHITE_EX}{str(e)}{Style.RESET_ALL}") pass return full_outpath, buffer async def download_image(image_url: str, clean_text: str, full_outpath_noext: IO, session: aiohttp.ClientSession): http_content = await call_http(image_url=image_url, session=session) buffer = None if (http_content is not None): full_outpath, buffer = get_outpath_filename(data=http_content, full_outpath_noext=full_outpath_noext, clean_text=clean_text) if buffer is not None: global downloaded_count downloaded_count += 1 await save_img(buffer, full_outpath) async def download_set_dict(opt, matches_dict: dict): async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: global downloaded_count current_parquet_file_downloaded_count = 0 tasks = [] for row in matches_dict: if downloaded_count < opt.limit: current_parquet_file_downloaded_count += 1 pre_text=row["TEXT"] image_url=row["URL"] clean_text = cleanup_text(pre_text) full_outpath_noext = os.path.join(opt.out_dir, clean_text) if (opt.verbose): print(f"{Fore.LIGHTGREEN_EX}***** Verbose log: ***** {Style.RESET_ALL}") print(f"{Fore.LIGHTGREEN_EX} url: {image_url}{Style.RESET_ALL}") print(f"{Fore.LIGHTGREEN_EX} text: {pre_text}{Style.RESET_ALL}") print(f"{Fore.LIGHTGREEN_EX} captn: {clean_text}{Style.RESET_ALL}") if any(glob.glob(full_outpath_noext + ".*")): print(f"{Fore.YELLOW} already exists: {Fore.LIGHTWHITE_EX}{full_outpath_noext}{Fore.YELLOW}, skipping{Style.RESET_ALL}") return if not opt.test: tasks.append( download_image(image_url=image_url, clean_text=clean_text, full_outpath_noext=full_outpath_noext, session=session) ) else: current_parquet_file_downloaded_count += 1 downloaded_count += 1 if len(tasks) > 63: await asyncio.gather(*tasks) tasks = [] else: print(f"{Fore.YELLOW} Limit reached: {opt.limit}, exiting...{Style.RESET_ALL}") break if not opt.test & len(tasks) > 0: await asyncio.gather(*tasks) print(f"{Fore.LIGHTBLUE_EX} Downloaded chunk of {current_parquet_file_downloaded_count} images{Style.RESET_ALL}") def query_parquet(df: pd.DataFrame, opt): # TODO: efficiency, expression tree? matches = df matches = matches[(matches.HEIGHT > opt.min_hw) & (matches.WIDTH > opt.min_hw)] if 'punsafe' in matches.columns: matches = matches[(matches.punsafe > unsafe_threshhold)] if ('aesthetic' in matches): matches = matches[(matches.aesthetic > aesthetic_threshhold)] if opt.search_text: for word in opt.search_text.split(","): matches = matches[matches[opt.column].str.contains(word, case=False)] matches = matches[~matches["URL"].str.contains("", case=False)] # watermarks matches = matches[~matches["URL"].str.contains("", case=False)] # watermarks matches = matches[~matches["URL"].str.contains("", case=False)] # watermarks matches = matches[~matches["URL"].str.contains("", case=False)] # watermarks matches = matches[~matches["URL"].str.contains("", case=False)] # watermarks matches = matches[~matches["URL"].str.contains("", case=False)] # watermarks matches = matches[~matches["URL"].str.contains("", case=False)] # watermarks matches = matches[~matches["URL"].str.contains("", case=False)] # watermarks return matches async def download_laion_matches(opt): print(f"{Fore.LIGHTBLUE_EX} Searching for {opt.search_text} in column: {opt.column} in {opt.laion_dir}/*.parquet{Style.RESET_ALL}") for idx, file in enumerate(glob.iglob(os.path.join(opt.laion_dir, "*.parquet"))): if idx < opt.parquet_skip: print(f"{Fore.YELLOW} Skipping file {idx+1}/{opt.parquet_skip}: {file}{Style.RESET_ALL}") continue global downloaded_count if downloaded_count < opt.limit: print(f"{Fore.CYAN} reading file: {file}{Style.RESET_ALL}") df = pd.read_parquet(file, engine="auto") matches = query_parquet(df, opt) # print(f"{Fore.CYAN} matches in current parquet file:{ Style.RESET_ALL}") # print(matches) match_dict = matches.to_dict('records') # TODO: pandas problems later in script... needs revisiting await download_set_dict(opt, match_dict) else: print(f"{Fore.YELLOW}limit reached before reading next parquet file. idx: {idx}, filename: {file}{Style.RESET_ALL}") break def isWindows(): return sys.platform.startswith('win') def ensure_path_exists(path: str): if not os.path.exists(path): print(f"{Fore.LIGHTBLUE_EX}creating path: {path}{Style.RESET_ALL}") os.makedirs(path) if __name__ == '__main__': print(f"{Fore.CYAN}Launching...{Style.RESET_ALL}") inVenv = in_virtualenv() print(f"is running in venv: {inVenv}") #assert inVenv, "Error loading venv. Please run 'source everydream-venv/bin/activate', or in windows 'everydream-venv/bin/activate.bat'" parser = get_parser() opt = parser.parse_args() print(f"Test only mode: {opt.test}") if(opt.search_text is None and opt.force is False): print(f"{Fore.YELLOW}** No search terms provided, exiting...") print(f"** Use --force to bypass safety to dump entire DB{Style.RESET_ALL}") sys.exit(2) ensure_path_exists(opt.out_dir) if (opt.laion_dir[-1] != "/" or opt.laion_dir[-1] != "\\"): opt.laion_dir += "/" if (isWindows()): print("{Fore.CYAN}Windows detected, using asyncio.WindowsSelectorEventLoopPolicy{Style.RESET_ALL}") asyncio.set_event_loop_policy(asyncio.WindowsSelectorEventLoopPolicy()) else: print("{Fore.CYAN}Unix detected, using default asyncio event loop policy{Style.RESET_ALL}") import time s = time.perf_counter() result = elapsed = time.perf_counter() - s print(f"{Fore.CYAN} **** Job Complete ****") print(f" search_text: \"{opt.search_text}\", force: {opt.force}") print(f" Total downloaded {downloaded_count} images") print(f"{__file__} executed in {elapsed:0.2f} seconds.{Style.RESET_ALL}{Style.RESET_ALL}")