import pandas as pd import numpy as np from tqdm import tqdm from copy import copy from collections import Counter import torch from zipfile import ZipFile import pickle from io import BytesIO from .match_groups import MatchGroups class Embeddings(torch.nn.Module): """ Stores embeddings for a fixed array of strings and provides methods for clustering the strings to create MatchGroups objects according to different algorithms. """ def __init__(self,strings,V,score_model,weighting_function,counts,device='cpu'): super().__init__() self.strings = np.array(list(strings)) self.string_map = {s:i for i,s in enumerate(strings)} self.V = V self.counts = counts self.w = weighting_function(counts) self.score_model = score_model self.weighting_function = weighting_function self.device = device def __repr__(self): return f' threshold ("matches") batch_matched = (V[i_slice]@V[j_slice].T >= cos_threshold) \ * (g_i[:,None] != g_j[None,:]) for k,matched in enumerate(batch_matched): if matched.any(): # Get the group ids of the matched j's matched_groups = g_j[matched] # Identify all embeddings in these groups ids_to_group = torch.isin(group_ids,matched_groups) # Assign all matched embeddings to the same group group_ids[ids_to_group] = g_i[k].clone() return self._ids_to_group(group_ids) @torch.no_grad() def unite_similar(self, threshold=0.5, group_threshold=None, always_match=None, never_match=None, batch_size=64, progress_bar=True, always_never_conflicts='warn', return_united=False): """ Unite embedding strings according to predicted pairwise similarity. - "theshold" sets the minimimum match similarity required to unite two strings. - Note that strings with similarity threshold ("matches") batch_cos = V[i_slice]@V[j_slice].T # Search upper diagonal entries only # (note j_slice starting index is offset by one) batch_cos = torch.triu(batch_cos) bi,bj = torch.nonzero(batch_cos >= cos_threshold,as_tuple=True) if len(bi): # Convert batch index locations to global index locations i = bi + batch_start j = bj + batch_start + 1 cos = batch_cos[bi,bj] # Can skip strings that are already matched in the base grouping unmatched = group_ids[i] != group_ids[j] i = i[unmatched] j = j[unmatched] cos = cos[unmatched] if len(i): batch_matches = torch.hstack([i[:,None],j[:,None]]) matches.append('cpu').numpy()) cos_scores.append('cpu').numpy()) # Unite potential match pairs in priority order, while respecting # the group_threshold and never_match arguments united = [] if matches: matches = np.vstack(matches) cos_scores = np.hstack(cos_scores).T # Sort matches in descending order of score m_sort = cos_scores.argsort()[::-1] matches = matches[m_sort] if return_united: # Save cos scores for later return cos_scores_df = pd.DataFrame(matches,columns=['i','j']) cos_scores_df['cos'] = cos_scores[m_sort] # Set up tensors matches = torch.tensor(matches).to(self.device) # Set-up per-string tracking of never-match relationships if never_match is not None: never_match_map = {s:sep for sep in never_match for s in sep} if always_match is not None: # If always_match, we use group labels instead of the strings themselves never_match_array = np.array([never_match_map.get(always_match_labels[s],set()) for s in self.strings]) else: never_match_array = np.array([never_match_map.get(s,set()) for s in self.strings]) n_matches = matches.shape[0] with tqdm(total=n_matches,desc='Uniting matches', delay=1,disable=not progress_bar) as p_bar: while len(matches): # Select the current match pair and remove it from the queue match_pair = matches[0] matches = matches[1:] # Get the groups of the current match pair g = group_ids[match_pair] g0 = group_ids == g[0] g1 = group_ids == g[1] # Identify which strings should be united to_unite = g0 | g1 # Flag whether the new group will have three or more strings singletons = to_unite.sum() < 3 # Start by asuming that we can match this pair unite_ok = True # Check whether uniting this pair will unite any never_match strings/labels if never_match is not None: never_0 = never_match_array[match_pair[0]] never_1 = never_match_array[match_pair[1]] if never_0 and never_1 and (never_0 & never_1): # Here we make use of the fact that any pair of never_match strings/labels # will appear in both never_0 and never_1 if one string/label is in each group unite_ok = False # Check whether the uniting the pair will violate the group_threshold # (impossible if the strings are singletons) if unite_ok and group_threshold and not singletons: V0 = V[g0,:] V1 = V[g1,:] unite_ok = (V0@V1.T).min() >= separate_cos if unite_ok: # Unite groups group_ids[to_unite] = g[0] if never_match and (never_0 or never_1): # Propagate never_match information to the whole group never_match_array[to_unite.detach().cpu().numpy()] = never_0 | never_1 # If we are uniting more than two strings, we can eliminate # some redundant matches in the queue if not singletons: # Removed queued matches that are now in the same group matches = matches[group_ids[matches[:,0]] != group_ids[matches[:,1]]] if return_united: match_record = np.empty(4,dtype=int) match_record[:2] = match_pair.cpu().numpy().ravel() match_record[2] = self.counts[g0].sum().item() match_record[3] = self.counts[g1].sum().item() united.append(match_record) else: # Remove queued matches connecting these groups matches = matches[torch.isin(group_ids[matches[:,0]],g,invert=True) \ | torch.isin(group_ids[matches[:,1]],g,invert=True)] # Update progress bar p_bar.update(n_matches - matches.shape[0]) n_matches = matches.shape[0] predicted_grouping = self.ids_to_group(group_ids) if always_match is not None: predicted_grouping = predicted_grouping.unite(always_grouping) if return_united: united_df = pd.DataFrame(np.vstack(united),columns=['i','j','n_i','n_j']) united_df = pd.merge(united_df,cos_scores_df,how='inner',on=['i','j']) united_df['score'] = self.score_model( torch.tensor(united_df['cos'].values).to(self.device) ).cpu().numpy() united_df = united_df.drop('cos',axis=1) for c in ['i','j']: united_df[c] = [self.strings[i] for i in united_df[c]] if always_match is not None: united_df['always_match'] = [always_grouping[i] == always_grouping[j] for i,j in united_df[['i','j']].values] return predicted_grouping,united_df else: return predicted_grouping @torch.no_grad() def unite_nearest(self,target_strings,threshold=0,always_grouping=None,progress_bar=True,batch_size=64): """ Unite embedding strings with each string's most similar target string. - "always_grouping" will be used to inialize the group_ids before uniting new matches - "theshold" sets the minimimum match similarity required between a string and target string for the string to be matched. (i.e., setting theshold=0 will result in every embedding string to be matched its nearest target string, while setting threshold=0.9 will leave strings that have similarity<0.9 with their nearest target string unaffected) returns: MatchGroups object """ if always_grouping is not None: # self = self.embed(always_grouping) group_ids = self._group_to_ids(always_grouping) else: group_ids = torch.arange(len(self)).to(self.device) V = self.V cos_threshold = self.score_model.score_to_cos(threshold) seed_ids = torch.tensor([self.string_map[s] for s in target_strings]).to(self.device) V_seed = V[seed_ids] g_seed = group_ids[seed_ids] is_seed = torch.zeros(V.shape[0],dtype=torch.bool).to(self.device) is_seed[g_seed] = True for batch_start in tqdm(range(0,len(self),batch_size), delay=1,desc='Predicting matches',disable=not progress_bar): batch_slice = slice(batch_start,batch_start+batch_size) batch_cos = V[batch_slice]@V_seed.T max_cos,max_seed = torch.max(batch_cos,dim=1) # Get batch index locations where score > threshold batch_i = torch.nonzero(max_cos > cos_threshold) if len(batch_i): # Drop target strings from matches (otherwise numerical precision # issues can allow target strings to match to other strings) batch_i = batch_i[~is_seed[batch_slice][batch_i]] if len(batch_i): # Get indices of matched strings i = batch_i + batch_start # Assign matched strings to the target string's group group_ids[i] = g_seed[max_seed[batch_i]] return self._ids_to_group(group_ids) @torch.no_grad() def score_pairs(self,string_pairs,batch_size=64,progress_bar=True): string_pairs = np.array(string_pairs) scores = [] for batch_start in tqdm(range(0,string_pairs.shape[0],batch_size),desc='Scoring pairs',disable=not progress_bar): V0 = self[string_pairs[batch_start:batch_start+batch_size,0]].V V1 = self[string_pairs[batch_start:batch_start+batch_size,1]].V batch_cos = (V0*V1).sum(dim=1).ravel() batch_scores = self.score_model(batch_cos) scores.append(batch_scores.cpu().numpy()) return np.concatenate(scores) @torch.no_grad() def _batch_scores(self,group_ids,batch_start,batch_size, is_match=None, min_score=None,max_score=None, min_loss=None,max_loss=None): strings = self.strings V = self.V w = self.w # Create simple slice objects to avoid creating copies with advanced indexing i_slice = slice(batch_start,batch_start+batch_size) j_slice = slice(batch_start+1,None) X = V[i_slice]@V[j_slice].T Y = (group_ids[i_slice,None] == group_ids[None,j_slice]).float() if w is not None: W = w[i_slice,None]*w[None,j_slice] else: W = None scores = self.score_model(X) loss = self.score_model.loss(X,Y,weights=W) # Search upper diagonal entries only # (note j_slice starting index is offset by one) scores = torch.triu(scores) # Filter by match type if is_match is not None: if is_match: scores *= Y else: scores *= (1 - Y) # Filter by min score if min_score is not None: scores *= (scores >= min_score) # Filter by max score if max_score is not None: scores *= (scores <= max_score) # Filter by min loss if min_loss is not None: scores *= (loss >= min_loss) # Filter by max loss if max_loss is not None: scores *= (loss <= max_loss) # Collect scored pairs i,j = torch.nonzero(scores,as_tuple=True) pairs = np.hstack([ strings[i.cpu().numpy() + batch_start][:,None], strings[j.cpu().numpy() + (batch_start + 1)][:,None] ]) pair_groups = np.hstack([ strings[group_ids[i + batch_start].cpu().numpy()][:,None], strings[group_ids[j + (batch_start + 1)].cpu().numpy()][:,None] ]) pair_scores = scores[i,j].cpu().numpy() pair_losses = loss[i,j].cpu().numpy() return pairs,pair_groups,pair_scores,pair_losses def iter_scores(self,grouping=None,batch_size=64,progress_bar=True,**kwargs): if grouping is not None: self = self.embed(grouping) group_ids = self._group_to_ids(grouping) else: group_ids = torch.arange(len(self)).to(self.device) for batch_start in tqdm(range(0,len(self),batch_size),desc='Scoring pairs',disable=not progress_bar): pairs,pair_groups,scores,losses = self._batch_scored_pairs(self,group_ids,batch_start,batch_size,**kwargs) for (s0,s1),(g0,g1),score,loss in zip(pairs,pair_groups,scores,losses): yield { 'string0':s0, 'string1':s1, 'group0':g0, 'group1':g1, 'score':score, 'loss':loss, } def load_embeddings(f): """ Load embeddings from custom zipped archive format """ with ZipFile(f,'r') as zip: score_model = pickle.loads('score_model.pkl')) weighting_function = pickle.loads('weighting_function.pkl')) strings_df = pd.read_csv('strings.csv'),na_filter=False) V = np.load('V.npy')) return Embeddings( strings=strings_df['string'].values, counts=torch.tensor(strings_df['count'].values), score_model=score_model, weighting_function=weighting_function, V=torch.tensor(V) )