--- license: cc-by-nc-4.0 language: - en tags: - not-for-all-audiences ---


Trained with Alpaca prompt formatting, some like ChatML

### Description Named after a charming daughter of Echo and Pan in Greek myth, Iambe-RP-ALT failed training on the v2 dataset at 0.6 epochs. Therefore, I don't feel comfortable considering this a full new generation. Iambe is intended to have the best realistically possible understanding of instructions, anatomy and scene state for a 20b merge, while remaining passionate and humanoid in "voice". ### Update Methodology Take a look at [the dataset v2 Iambe and I created together](https://huggingface.co/datasets/athirdpath/DPO_Pairs-Roleplay-Alpaca-NSFW-v2) for more info. The cDPO training was done directly on Iambe-Storyteller-20b, and I The notebook used is also available in the dataset's repo.

Assistant Example @ q5_k_m

NSFW Writing Example @ q5_k_m

Silly but Impressive RP Example @ q5_k_m