from utils import download_url import argparse import numpy as np import PIL.Image import dnnlib import dnnlib.tflib as tflib import re import sys from io import BytesIO import IPython.display from math import ceil from PIL import Image, ImageDraw import os import pickle from utils import log_progress, imshow, create_image_grid, show_animation import imageio import glob import gdown class Rasm: def __init__(self, mode = 'calligraphy'): if mode == 'calligraphy': url = '' else: url = '' output = 'model.pkl' print('Downloading networks from "%s"...' %url), output, quiet=False) dnnlib.tflib.init_tf() with dnnlib.util.open_url(output) as fp: self._G, self._D, self.Gs = pickle.load(fp) self.noise_vars = [var for name, var in self.Gs.components.synthesis.vars.items() if name.startswith('noise')] # Generates a list of images, based on a list of latent vectors (Z), and a list (or a single constant) of truncation_psi's. def generate_images_in_w_space(self, dlatents, truncation_psi): Gs_kwargs = dnnlib.EasyDict() Gs_kwargs.output_transform = dict(func=tflib.convert_images_to_uint8, nchw_to_nhwc=True) Gs_kwargs.randomize_noise = False Gs_kwargs.truncation_psi = truncation_psi # dlatent_avg = self.Gs.get_var('dlatent_avg') # [component] imgs = [] for _, dlatent in log_progress(enumerate(dlatents), name = "Generating images"): #row_dlatents = (dlatent[np.newaxis] - dlatent_avg) * np.reshape(truncation_psi, [-1, 1, 1]) + dlatent_avg # dl = (dlatent-dlatent_avg)*truncation_psi + dlatent_avg row_images =, **Gs_kwargs) imgs.append(PIL.Image.fromarray(row_images[0], 'RGB')) return imgs def generate_images(self, zs, truncation_psi, class_idx = None): Gs_kwargs = dnnlib.EasyDict() Gs_kwargs.output_transform = dict(func=tflib.convert_images_to_uint8, nchw_to_nhwc=True) Gs_kwargs.randomize_noise = False if not isinstance(truncation_psi, list): truncation_psi = [truncation_psi] * len(zs) imgs = [] label = np.zeros([1] + self.Gs.input_shapes[1][1:]) if class_idx is not None: label[:, class_idx] = 1 else: label = None for z_idx, z in log_progress(enumerate(zs), size = len(zs), name = "Generating images"): Gs_kwargs.truncation_psi = truncation_psi[z_idx] noise_rnd = np.random.RandomState(1) # fix noise tflib.set_vars({var: noise_rnd.randn(*var.shape.as_list()) for var in self.noise_vars}) # [height, width] images =, label, **Gs_kwargs) # [minibatch, height, width, channel] imgs.append(PIL.Image.fromarray(images[0], 'RGB')) return imgs def generate_from_zs(self, zs, truncation_psi = 0.5): Gs_kwargs = dnnlib.EasyDict() Gs_kwargs.output_transform = dict(func=tflib.convert_images_to_uint8, nchw_to_nhwc=True) Gs_kwargs.randomize_noise = False if not isinstance(truncation_psi, list): truncation_psi = [truncation_psi] * len(zs) for z_idx, z in log_progress(enumerate(zs), size = len(zs), name = "Generating images"): Gs_kwargs.truncation_psi = truncation_psi[z_idx] noise_rnd = np.random.RandomState(1) # fix noise tflib.set_vars({var: noise_rnd.randn(*var.shape.as_list()) for var in self.noise_vars}) # [height, width] images =, None, **Gs_kwargs) # [minibatch, height, width, channel] img = PIL.Image.fromarray(images[0], 'RGB') imshow(img) def generate_random_zs(self, size): seeds = np.random.randint(2**32, size=size) zs = [] for _, seed in enumerate(seeds): rnd = np.random.RandomState(seed) z = rnd.randn(1, *self.Gs.input_shape[1:]) # [minibatch, component] zs.append(z) return zs def generate_zs_from_seeds(self, seeds): zs = [] for _, seed in enumerate(seeds): rnd = np.random.RandomState(seed) z = rnd.randn(1, *self.Gs.input_shape[1:]) # [minibatch, component] zs.append(z) return zs # Generates a list of images, based on a list of seed for latent vectors (Z), and a list (or a single constant) of truncation_psi's. def generate_images_from_seeds(self, seeds, truncation_psi): ima = self.generate_images(self.generate_zs_from_seeds(seeds), truncation_psi)[0] return ima, imshow(ima) def generate_randomly(self, truncation_psi = 0.5): ima, dis = self.generate_images_from_seeds(np.random.randint(4294967295, size=1), truncation_psi=truncation_psi) return ima, dis def generate_grid(self, truncation_psi = 0.7): seeds = np.random.randint((2**32 - 1), size=9) return create_image_grid(self.generate_images(self.generate_zs_from_seeds(seeds), truncation_psi), 0.7 , 3) def generate_animation(self, size = 9, steps = 10, trunc_psi = 0.5): seeds = list(np.random.randint((2**32) - 1, size=size)) seeds = seeds + [seeds[0]] zs = self.generate_zs_from_seeds(seeds) imgs = self.generate_images(self.interpolate(zs, steps = steps), trunc_psi) movie_name = 'animation.mp4' with imageio.get_writer(movie_name, mode='I') as writer: for image in log_progress(list(imgs), name = "Creating animation"): writer.append_data(np.array(image)) return show_animation(movie_name) def convertZtoW(self, latent, truncation_psi=0.7, truncation_cutoff=9): dlatent =, None) # [seed, layer, component] dlatent_avg = self.Gs.get_var('dlatent_avg') # [component] for i in range(truncation_cutoff): dlatent[0][i] = (dlatent[0][i]-dlatent_avg)*truncation_psi + dlatent_avg return dlatent def interpolate(self, zs, steps = 10): out = [] for i in range(len(zs)-1): for index in range(steps): fraction = index/float(steps) out.append(zs[i+1]*fraction + zs[i]*(1-fraction)) return out