--- license: llama2 language: - en --- ## Chat Vector CHAT VECTOR: A SIMPLE APPROACH TO EQUIP LLMS WITH NEW LANGUAGE CHAT CAPABILITIES https://arxiv.org/pdf/2310.04799.pdf With the advancements in conversational AI, such as ChatGPT, this paper focuses on exploring developing Large Language Models (LLMs) for non-English languages, especially emphasizing alignment with human preferences. We introduce a computationally efficient method, leveraging “chat vector,” to synergize pre-existing knowledge and behaviors in LLMs, restructuring the conventional training paradigm from continual pretrain SFT RLHF to continual pretrain + chat. Our empirical studies, primarily focused on Traditional Chinese, employ LLaMA2 as the base model and acquire the chat vector by subtracting the pre-trained weights, LLaMA2, from the weights of LLaMA2-chat. Evaluating from three distinct facets, which are toxicity, ability of instruction following and multi-turn dialogue demonstrates the chat vector's superior efficacy in “chatting”. To confirm the adaptability of our approach, we extend our experiments to include models pre-trained in both Korean and Simplified Chinese, illustrating the versatility of our methodology. Overall, we present a significant solution in aligning LLMs with human preferences efficiently across various languages, accomplished by the chat vector. ## Merged LM * xwin7b * tulu2-ppo