MTEngine: MTengine: Marian #one of Marian, OpenNMT, Moses, GoogleTranslate, DeepL, Lucy startMTEngine: True startCommand: "./marian-server-GPU -m model.bin -v vocab-es.yml vocab-en.yml -p 8200 --n-best --alignment hard --normalize 1 --quiet &" IP: localhost port: 8200 min_len_factor: 0.5 MTUOCServer: port: 8000 type: MTUOC #one of MTUOC, Moses, ModernMT, OpenNMT, NMTWizard verbosity_level: 3 checkistranslatable: True restore_tags: True fix_xml: True URLs: True code_URLs: "@URL@" EMAILs: True code_EMAILs: "@EMAIL@" replaceNUMs: True splitNUMs: False min_chars_segment: 2 translation_selection_strategy: First log_file: log.log ONMT_url_root: "/translator" SRX_file: segment.srx Preprocess: sl_lang: es tl_lang: en tokenize_SL: False sl_tokenizer: #one of the MTUOC-tokenizers or state Moses if you use Moses tokenizers tl_tokenizer: #one of the MTUOC-tokenizers or state Moses if you use Moses tokenizers segment_input: True SRXfile: segmentSC.srx SRXlang: Spanish replaceNUMs: False code_NUMs: "@NUM@" splitNUMs: False #Truecasing tcmodel: #or None if not used truecase: upper #one of None, all, upper ###SentencePiece### sentencepiece: True sp_model_SL: spmodel.model sp_model_TL: spmodel.model sp_splitter: "▁" #BPE BPE: False #True or False: if sentencepiece is set to True, sentencepiece will be used bpecodes: codes_file bpe_joiner: "@@" bos_annotate: True bos_symbol: #None or (or other) eos_annotate: True eos_symbol: #hmtl entities unescape_html_input: True escape_html_input: False unescape_html_output: True escape_html_output: False change_input_files: None change_output_files: None change_translation_files: None GoogleTranslate: sllang: en tllang: es glossary: None #state None if no glossary is used, otherwise the name of the glossary project_id: XXxxXXXXX location: us-central1 jsonfile: XXxxXXXXX.json DeepL: API_key: XXxxXXXXX sllang: EN tllang: ES #tag_handling: html #one of html, xml formality: default #one of default, less, more split_sentences: "off" #one of "off", "on", "nonewlines" glossary: None Lucy: url: http://XXX.XXX.XXX:8080/AutoTranslateRS/V1.3/mtrans/exec/ TRANSLATION_DIRECTION: SPANISH-CATALAN MARK_UNKNOWNS: 0 MARK_ALTERNATIVES: 0 MARK_COMPOUNDS: 0 CHARSET: UTF