--- language: ["ru"] tags: - russian - simplification license: mit widget: - text: "Парк культуры и отдыха Северный находится в Северном микрорайоне Краснофлотского района Хабаровска." inference: parameters: num_beams: 3 no_repeat_ngram_size: 5 max_length: 500 encoder_no_repeat_ngram_size: 5 do_sample: False --- This is the David Dale's paraphraser model (https://huggingface.co/cointegrated/rut5-base-paraphraser) finetuned on the RuAdapt literature subcorpus (https://github.com/Digital-Pushkin-Lab/RuAdapt) and RuSimpleSentEval dev set (https://github.com/dialogue-evaluation/RuSimpleSentEval) for simplification. SARI score on the RuSimpleSentEval public test set: 35.623. The example sentence is from the RuSimpleSentEval public test set.