import numpy as np import scipy.linalg as linalg from visualization import Animation from visualization import AnimationStructure from visualization.Quaternions import Quaternions class BasicInverseKinematics: """ Basic Inverse Kinematics Solver This is an extremely simple full body IK solver. It works given the following conditions: * All joint targets must be specified * All joint targets must be in reach * All joint targets must not differ extremely from the starting pose * No bone length constraints can be violated * The root translation and rotation are set to good initial values It works under the observation that if the _directions_ the joints are pointing toward match the _directions_ of the vectors between the target joints then the pose should match that of the target pose. Therefore it iterates over joints rotating each joint such that the vectors between it and it's children match that of the target positions. Parameters ---------- animation : Animation animation input positions : (F, J, 3) ndarray target positions for each frame F and each joint J iterations : int Optional number of iterations. If the above conditions are met 1 iteration should be enough, therefore the default is 1 silent : bool Optional if to suppress output defaults to False """ def __init__(self, animation, positions, iterations=1, silent=True): self.animation = animation self.positions = positions self.iterations = iterations self.silent = silent def __call__(self): children = AnimationStructure.children_list(self.animation.parents) for i in range(self.iterations): for j in AnimationStructure.joints(self.animation.parents): c = np.array(children[j]) if len(c) == 0: continue anim_transforms = Animation.transforms_global(self.animation) anim_positions = anim_transforms[:, :, :3, 3] anim_rotations = Quaternions.from_transforms(anim_transforms) jdirs = anim_positions[:, c] - anim_positions[:, np.newaxis, j] ddirs = self.positions[:, c] - anim_positions[:, np.newaxis, j] jsums = np.sqrt(np.sum(jdirs ** 2.0, axis=-1)) + 1e-10 dsums = np.sqrt(np.sum(ddirs ** 2.0, axis=-1)) + 1e-10 jdirs = jdirs / jsums[:, :, np.newaxis] ddirs = ddirs / dsums[:, :, np.newaxis] angles = np.arccos(np.sum(jdirs * ddirs, axis=2).clip(-1, 1)) axises = np.cross(jdirs, ddirs) axises = -anim_rotations[:, j, np.newaxis] * axises rotations = Quaternions.from_angle_axis(angles, axises) if rotations.shape[1] == 1: averages = rotations[:, 0] else: averages = Quaternions.exp(rotations.log().mean(axis=-2)) self.animation.rotations[:, j] = self.animation.rotations[:, j] * averages if not self.silent: anim_positions = Animation.positions_global(self.animation) error = np.mean(np.sum((anim_positions - self.positions) ** 2.0, axis=-1) ** 0.5) print('[BasicInverseKinematics] Iteration %i Error: %f' % (i + 1, error)) return self.animation class JacobianInverseKinematics: """ Jacobian Based Full Body IK Solver This is a full body IK solver which uses the dampened least squares inverse jacobian method. It should remain fairly stable and effective even for joint positions which are out of reach and it can also take any number of targets to treat as end effectors. Parameters ---------- animation : Animation animation to solve inverse problem on targets : {int : (F, 3) ndarray} Dictionary of target positions for each frame F, mapping joint index to a target position references : (F, 3) Optional list of J joint position references for which the result should bias toward iterations : int Optional number of iterations to compute. More iterations results in better accuracy but takes longer to compute. Default is 10. recalculate : bool Optional if to recalcuate jacobian each iteration. Gives better accuracy but slower to compute. Defaults to True damping : float Optional damping constant. Higher damping increases stability but requires more iterations to converge. Defaults to 5.0 secondary : float Force, or bias toward secondary target. Defaults to 0.25 silent : bool Optional if to suppress output defaults to False """ def __init__(self, animation, targets, references=None, iterations=10, recalculate=True, damping=2.0, secondary=0.25, translate=False, silent=False, weights=None, weights_translate=None): self.animation = animation self.targets = targets self.references = references self.iterations = iterations self.recalculate = recalculate self.damping = damping self.secondary = secondary self.translate = translate self.silent = silent self.weights = weights self.weights_translate = weights_translate def cross(self, a, b): o = np.empty(b.shape) o[..., 0] = a[..., 1] * b[..., 2] - a[..., 2] * b[..., 1] o[..., 1] = a[..., 2] * b[..., 0] - a[..., 0] * b[..., 2] o[..., 2] = a[..., 0] * b[..., 1] - a[..., 1] * b[..., 0] return o def jacobian(self, x, fp, fr, ts, dsc, tdsc): """ Find parent rotations """ prs = fr[:, self.animation.parents] prs[:, 0] = """ Find global positions of target joints """ tps = fp[:, np.array(list(ts.keys()))] """ Get partial rotations """ qys = Quaternions.from_angle_axis(x[:, 1:prs.shape[1] * 3:3], np.array([[[0, 1, 0]]])) qzs = Quaternions.from_angle_axis(x[:, 2:prs.shape[1] * 3:3], np.array([[[0, 0, 1]]])) """ Find axis of rotations """ es = np.empty((len(x), fr.shape[1] * 3, 3)) es[:, 0::3] = ((prs * qzs) * qys) * np.array([[[1, 0, 0]]]) es[:, 1::3] = ((prs * qzs) * np.array([[[0, 1, 0]]])) es[:, 2::3] = ((prs * np.array([[[0, 0, 1]]]))) """ Construct Jacobian """ j = fp.repeat(3, axis=1) j = dsc[np.newaxis, :, :, np.newaxis] * (tps[:, np.newaxis, :] - j[:, :, np.newaxis]) j = self.cross(es[:, :, np.newaxis, :], j) j = np.swapaxes(j.reshape((len(x), fr.shape[1] * 3, len(ts) * 3)), 1, 2) if self.translate: es = np.empty((len(x), fr.shape[1] * 3, 3)) es[:, 0::3] = prs * np.array([[[1, 0, 0]]]) es[:, 1::3] = prs * np.array([[[0, 1, 0]]]) es[:, 2::3] = prs * np.array([[[0, 0, 1]]]) jt = tdsc[np.newaxis, :, :, np.newaxis] * es[:, :, np.newaxis, :].repeat(tps.shape[1], axis=2) jt = np.swapaxes(jt.reshape((len(x), fr.shape[1] * 3, len(ts) * 3)), 1, 2) j = np.concatenate([j, jt], axis=-1) return j # @profile(immediate=True) def __call__(self, descendants=None, gamma=1.0): self.descendants = descendants """ Calculate Masses """ if self.weights is None: self.weights = np.ones(self.animation.shape[1]) if self.weights_translate is None: self.weights_translate = np.ones(self.animation.shape[1]) """ Calculate Descendants """ if self.descendants is None: self.descendants = AnimationStructure.descendants_mask(self.animation.parents) self.tdescendants = np.eye(self.animation.shape[1]) + self.descendants self.first_descendants = self.descendants[:, np.array(list(self.targets.keys()))].repeat(3, axis=0).astype(int) self.first_tdescendants = self.tdescendants[:, np.array(list(self.targets.keys()))].repeat(3, axis=0).astype( int) """ Calculate End Effectors """ self.endeff = np.array(list(self.targets.values())) self.endeff = np.swapaxes(self.endeff, 0, 1) if not self.references is None: self.second_descendants = self.descendants.repeat(3, axis=0).astype(int) self.second_tdescendants = self.tdescendants.repeat(3, axis=0).astype(int) self.second_targets = dict([(i, self.references[:, i]) for i in range(self.references.shape[1])]) nf = len(self.animation) nj = self.animation.shape[1] if not self.silent: gp = Animation.positions_global(self.animation) gp = gp[:, np.array(list(self.targets.keys()))] error = np.mean(np.sqrt(np.sum((self.endeff - gp) ** 2.0, axis=2))) print('[JacobianInverseKinematics] Start | Error: %f' % error) for i in range(self.iterations): """ Get Global Rotations & Positions """ gt = Animation.transforms_global(self.animation) gp = gt[:, :, :, 3] gp = gp[:, :, :3] / gp[:, :, 3, np.newaxis] gr = Quaternions.from_transforms(gt) x = self.animation.rotations.euler().reshape(nf, -1) w = self.weights.repeat(3) if self.translate: x = np.hstack([x, self.animation.positions.reshape(nf, -1)]) w = np.hstack([w, self.weights_translate.repeat(3)]) """ Generate Jacobian """ if self.recalculate or i == 0: j = self.jacobian(x, gp, gr, self.targets, self.first_descendants, self.first_tdescendants) """ Update Variables """ l = self.damping * (1.0 / (w + 0.001)) d = (l * l) * np.eye(x.shape[1]) e = gamma * (self.endeff.reshape(nf, -1) - gp[:, np.array(list(self.targets.keys()))].reshape(nf, -1)) x += np.array(list(map(lambda jf, ef: linalg.lu_solve(linalg.lu_factor( + d),, j, e))) """ Generate Secondary Jacobian """ if self.references is not None: ns = np.array(list(map(lambda jf: np.eye(x.shape[1]) - linalg.solve( + d,, j))) if self.recalculate or i == 0: j2 = self.jacobian(x, gp, gr, self.second_targets, self.second_descendants, self.second_tdescendants) e2 = self.secondary * (self.references.reshape(nf, -1) - gp.reshape(nf, -1)) x += np.array(list(map(lambda nsf, j2f, e2f: + d),, ns, j2, e2))) """ Set Back Rotations / Translations """ self.animation.rotations = Quaternions.from_euler( x[:, :nj * 3].reshape((nf, nj, 3)), order='xyz', world=True) if self.translate: self.animation.positions = x[:, nj * 3:].reshape((nf, nj, 3)) """ Generate Error """ if not self.silent: gp = Animation.positions_global(self.animation) gp = gp[:, np.array(list(self.targets.keys()))] error = np.mean(np.sum((self.endeff - gp) ** 2.0, axis=2) ** 0.5) print('[JacobianInverseKinematics] Iteration %i | Error: %f' % (i + 1, error)) return self.animation class BasicJacobianIK: """ Same interface as BasicInverseKinematics but uses the Jacobian IK Solver Instead """ def __init__(self, animation, positions, iterations=10, silent=True, **kw): targets = dict([(i, positions[:, i]) for i in range(positions.shape[1])]) self.ik = JacobianInverseKinematics(animation, targets, iterations=iterations, silent=silent, **kw) def __call__(self, **kw): return self.ik(**kw) class ICP: def __init__(self, anim, rest, weights, mesh, goal, find_closest=True, damping=10, iterations=10, silent=True, translate=True, recalculate=True, weights_translate=None): self.animation = anim = rest self.vweights = weights self.mesh = mesh self.goal = goal self.find_closest = find_closest self.iterations = iterations self.silent = silent self.translate = translate self.damping = damping self.weights = None self.weights_translate = weights_translate self.recalculate = recalculate def cross(self, a, b): o = np.empty(b.shape) o[..., 0] = a[..., 1] * b[..., 2] - a[..., 2] * b[..., 1] o[..., 1] = a[..., 2] * b[..., 0] - a[..., 0] * b[..., 2] o[..., 2] = a[..., 0] * b[..., 1] - a[..., 1] * b[..., 0] return o def jacobian(self, x, fp, fr, goal, weights, des_r, des_t): """ Find parent rotations """ prs = fr[:, self.animation.parents] prs[:, 0] = """ Get partial rotations """ qys = Quaternions.from_angle_axis(x[:, 1:prs.shape[1] * 3:3], np.array([[[0, 1, 0]]])) qzs = Quaternions.from_angle_axis(x[:, 2:prs.shape[1] * 3:3], np.array([[[0, 0, 1]]])) """ Find axis of rotations """ es = np.empty((len(x), fr.shape[1] * 3, 3)) es[:, 0::3] = ((prs * qzs) * qys) * np.array([[[1, 0, 0]]]) es[:, 1::3] = ((prs * qzs) * np.array([[[0, 1, 0]]])) es[:, 2::3] = ((prs * np.array([[[0, 0, 1]]]))) """ Construct Jacobian """ j = fp.repeat(3, axis=1) j = des_r[np.newaxis, :, :, :, np.newaxis] * ( goal[:, np.newaxis, :, np.newaxis] - j[:, :, np.newaxis, np.newaxis]) j = np.sum(j * weights[np.newaxis, np.newaxis, :, :, np.newaxis], 3) j = self.cross(es[:, :, np.newaxis, :], j) j = np.swapaxes(j.reshape((len(x), fr.shape[1] * 3, goal.shape[1] * 3)), 1, 2) if self.translate: es = np.empty((len(x), fr.shape[1] * 3, 3)) es[:, 0::3] = prs * np.array([[[1, 0, 0]]]) es[:, 1::3] = prs * np.array([[[0, 1, 0]]]) es[:, 2::3] = prs * np.array([[[0, 0, 1]]]) jt = des_t[np.newaxis, :, :, :, np.newaxis] * es[:, :, np.newaxis, np.newaxis, :].repeat(goal.shape[1], axis=2) jt = np.sum(jt * weights[np.newaxis, np.newaxis, :, :, np.newaxis], 3) jt = np.swapaxes(jt.reshape((len(x), fr.shape[1] * 3, goal.shape[1] * 3)), 1, 2) j = np.concatenate([j, jt], axis=-1) return j # @profile(immediate=True) def __call__(self, descendants=None, maxjoints=4, gamma=1.0, transpose=False): """ Calculate Masses """ if self.weights is None: self.weights = np.ones(self.animation.shape[1]) if self.weights_translate is None: self.weights_translate = np.ones(self.animation.shape[1]) nf = len(self.animation) nj = self.animation.shape[1] nv = self.goal.shape[1] weightids = np.argsort(-self.vweights, axis=1)[:, :maxjoints] weightvls = np.array(list(map(lambda w, i: w[i], self.vweights, weightids))) weightvls = weightvls / weightvls.sum(axis=1)[..., np.newaxis] if descendants is None: self.descendants = AnimationStructure.descendants_mask(self.animation.parents) else: self.descendants = descendants des_r = np.eye(nj) + self.descendants des_r = des_r[:, weightids].repeat(3, axis=0) des_t = np.eye(nj) + self.descendants des_t = des_t[:, weightids].repeat(3, axis=0) if not self.silent: curr =,, self.vweights, self.mesh, maxjoints=maxjoints) error = np.mean(np.sqrt(np.sum((curr - self.goal) ** 2.0, axis=-1))) print('[ICP] Start | Error: %f' % error) for i in range(self.iterations): """ Get Global Rotations & Positions """ gt = Animation.transforms_global(self.animation) gp = gt[:, :, :, 3] gp = gp[:, :, :3] / gp[:, :, 3, np.newaxis] gr = Quaternions.from_transforms(gt) x = self.animation.rotations.euler().reshape(nf, -1) w = self.weights.repeat(3) if self.translate: x = np.hstack([x, self.animation.positions.reshape(nf, -1)]) w = np.hstack([w, self.weights_translate.repeat(3)]) """ Get Current State """ curr =,, self.vweights, self.mesh, maxjoints=maxjoints) """ Find Cloest Points """ if self.find_closest: mapping = np.argmin( (curr[:, :, np.newaxis] - self.goal[:, np.newaxis, :]) ** 2.0, axis=2) e = gamma * (np.array(list(map(lambda g, m: g[m], self.goal, mapping))) - curr).reshape(nf, -1) else: e = gamma * (self.goal - curr).reshape(nf, -1) """ Generate Jacobian """ if self.recalculate or i == 0: j = self.jacobian(x, gp, gr, self.goal, weightvls, des_r, des_t) """ Update Variables """ l = self.damping * (1.0 / (w + 1e-10)) d = (l * l) * np.eye(x.shape[1]) if transpose: x += np.array(list(map(lambda jf, ef:, j, e))) else: x += np.array(list(map(lambda jf, ef: linalg.lu_solve(linalg.lu_factor( + d),, j, e))) """ Set Back Rotations / Translations """ self.animation.rotations = Quaternions.from_euler( x[:, :nj * 3].reshape((nf, nj, 3)), order='xyz', world=True) if self.translate: self.animation.positions = x[:, nj * 3:].reshape((nf, nj, 3)) if not self.silent: curr =,, self.vweights, self.mesh) error = np.mean(np.sqrt(np.sum((curr - self.goal) ** 2.0, axis=-1))) print('[ICP] Iteration %i | Error: %f' % (i + 1, error)) import torch from torch import nn class InverseKinematics: def __init__(self, rotations: torch.Tensor, positions: torch.Tensor, offset, parents, constrains): self.rotations = rotations.cuda() self.rotations.requires_grad_(True) self.position = positions.cuda() self.position.requires_grad_(True) self.parents = parents self.offset = offset.cuda() self.constrains = constrains.cuda() # hyper-param to tune self.optimizer = torch.optim.AdamW([self.position, self.rotations], lr=5e-2, betas=(0.9, 0.999)) self.crit = nn.MSELoss() self.weights = torch.ones([1,22,1]).cuda() self.weights[:, [4, 8]] = 0.8 self.weights[:, [1, 5]] = 2. def step(self): self.optimizer.zero_grad() glb = self.forward(self.rotations, self.position, self.offset, order='', quater=True, world=True) # weighted joint position mse loss = self.crit(glb*self.weights, self.constrains*self.weights) # regularization term loss += 0.5 * self.crit(self.rotations[1:, [3, 7, 12, 16, 20]], self.rotations[:-1, [3, 7, 12, 16, 20]]) + 0.1 * self.crit(self.rotations[1:], self.rotations[:-1]) loss.backward() self.optimizer.step() self.glb = glb return loss.item() def tloss(self, time): return self.crit(self.glb[time, :], self.constrains[time, :]) def all_loss(self): res = [self.tloss(t).detach().numpy() for t in range(self.constrains.shape[0])] return np.array(res) ''' rotation should have shape batch_size * Joint_num * (3/4) * Time position should have shape batch_size * 3 * Time offset should have shape batch_size * Joint_num * 3 output have shape batch_size * Time * Joint_num * 3 ''' def forward(self, rotation: torch.Tensor, position: torch.Tensor, offset: torch.Tensor, order='xyz', quater=False, world=True): ''' if not quater and rotation.shape[-2] != 3: raise Exception('Unexpected shape of rotation') if quater and rotation.shape[-2] != 4: raise Exception('Unexpected shape of rotation') rotation = rotation.permute(0, 3, 1, 2) position = position.permute(0, 2, 1) ''' result = torch.empty(rotation.shape[:-1] + (3,), device=position.device) norm = torch.norm(rotation, dim=-1, keepdim=True) rotation = rotation / norm # if quater: transform = self.transform_from_quaternion(rotation) # else: # transform = self.transform_from_euler(rotation, order) offset = offset.reshape((-1, 1, offset.shape[-2], offset.shape[-1], 1)) result[..., 0, :] = position for i, pi in enumerate(self.parents): if pi == -1: assert i == 0 continue result[..., i, :] = torch.matmul(transform[..., pi, :, :], offset[..., i, :, :]).squeeze() transform[..., i, :, :] = torch.matmul(transform[..., pi, :, :].clone(), transform[..., i, :, :].clone()) if world: result[..., i, :] += result[..., pi, :] return result @staticmethod def transform_from_axis(euler, axis): transform = torch.empty(euler.shape[0:3] + (3, 3), device=euler.device) cos = torch.cos(euler) sin = torch.sin(euler) cord = ord(axis) - ord('x') transform[..., cord, :] = transform[..., :, cord] = 0 transform[..., cord, cord] = 1 if axis == 'x': transform[..., 1, 1] = transform[..., 2, 2] = cos transform[..., 1, 2] = -sin transform[..., 2, 1] = sin if axis == 'y': transform[..., 0, 0] = transform[..., 2, 2] = cos transform[..., 0, 2] = sin transform[..., 2, 0] = -sin if axis == 'z': transform[..., 0, 0] = transform[..., 1, 1] = cos transform[..., 0, 1] = -sin transform[..., 1, 0] = sin return transform @staticmethod def transform_from_quaternion(quater: torch.Tensor): qw = quater[..., 0] qx = quater[..., 1] qy = quater[..., 2] qz = quater[..., 3] x2 = qx + qx y2 = qy + qy z2 = qz + qz xx = qx * x2 yy = qy * y2 wx = qw * x2 xy = qx * y2 yz = qy * z2 wy = qw * y2 xz = qx * z2 zz = qz * z2 wz = qw * z2 m = torch.empty(quater.shape[:-1] + (3, 3), device=quater.device) m[..., 0, 0] = 1.0 - (yy + zz) m[..., 0, 1] = xy - wz m[..., 0, 2] = xz + wy m[..., 1, 0] = xy + wz m[..., 1, 1] = 1.0 - (xx + zz) m[..., 1, 2] = yz - wx m[..., 2, 0] = xz - wy m[..., 2, 1] = yz + wx m[..., 2, 2] = 1.0 - (xx + yy) return m