--- license: mit language: - en pipeline_tag: fill-mask library_name: transformers widget: - text: "This morning, the CEO was ." example_title: "Example 1" - text: "Yesterday, all the students were in the park." example_title: "Example 2" - text: "All the children seemed ." example_title: "Example 3" - text: "I opened the door and found a behind it." example_title: "Example 4" - text: "We went to see the movie." example_title: "Example 5" --- # roberta-poetry-life-crpo This model is based on the [RoBERTa base model](https://huggingface.co/roberta-base) (125M parameters) fine-tuned for 20 epochs on a poetry dataset of 14 MB. This dataset was extracted from the [Gutenberg Poetry Corpus](https://github.com/aparrish/gutenberg-poetry-corpus) using an automatic classifier for poems in relation with the topic of **life and death**. The model replaces a masked word, indicated by the `` tag, with a word associated with **life and death**, while preserving fluency. Caution: the topic (here, **life and death**) only biases the choice of words with respect to the base model, but do not expect to find only words strongly associated to this topic. This model was trained by [Teo Ferrari](https://www.linkedin.com/in/teo-ferrari-0a4009176/) as part of his Bachelor thesis at [HEIG-VD](https://gaps.heig-vd.ch/public/diplome/rapports.php?id=6763), supervised by [Andrei Popescu-Belis](http://iict-space.heig-vd.ch/apu/). The model is described in "[GPoeT: a Language Model Trained for Rhyme Generation on Synthetic Data](https://aclanthology.org/2023.latechclfl-1.2/)" and is used in the [CR-PO](https://github.com/heig-iict-ida/crpo) system for [interactive poem generation](https://aclanthology.org/2022.lrec-1.377), along with several other models for specific topics or emotions.