# import os # import pdfplumber # import re # import gradio as gr # from transformers import pipeline, AutoModelForQuestionAnswering, AutoTokenizer # from io import BytesIO # import torch # """ # Extract the text from a section of a PDF file between 'wanted_section' and 'next_section'. # Parameters: # - path (str): The file path to the PDF file. # - wanted_section (str): The section to start extracting text from. # - next_section (str): The section to stop extracting text at. # Returns: # - text (str): The extracted text from the specified section range. # """ # def get_section(path, wanted_section, next_section): # print(wanted_section) # # Open the PDF file # doc = pdfplumber.open(BytesIO(path)) # start_page = [] # end_page = [] # # Find the all the pages for the specified sections # for page in range(len(doc.pages)): # if len(doc.pages[page].search(wanted_section, return_chars=False, case=False)) > 0: # start_page.append(page) # if len(doc.pages[page].search(next_section, return_chars=False, case=False)) > 0: # end_page.append(page) # # Extract the text between the start and end page of the wanted section # text = [] # for page_num in range(max(start_page), max(end_page)+1): # page = doc.pages[page_num] # text.append(page.extract_text()) # text = " ".join(text) # final_text = text.replace("\n", " ") # return final_text # def extract_between(big_string, start_string, end_string): # # Use a non-greedy match for content between start_string and end_string # pattern = re.escape(start_string) + '(.*?)' + re.escape(end_string) # match = re.search(pattern, big_string, re.DOTALL) # if match: # # Return the content without the start and end strings # return match.group(1) # else: # # Return None if the pattern is not found # return None # def format_section1(section1_text): # result_section1_dict = {} # result_section1_dict['TOPIC'] = extract_between(section1_text, "Sektor", "EZ-Programm") # result_section1_dict['PROGRAM'] = extract_between(section1_text, "Sektor", "EZ-Programm") # result_section1_dict['PROJECT DESCRIPTION'] = extract_between(section1_text, "EZ-Programmziel", "Datum der letzten BE") # result_section1_dict['PROJECT NAME'] = extract_between(section1_text, "Modul", "Modulziel") # result_section1_dict['OBJECTIVE'] = extract_between(section1_text, "Modulziel", "Berichtszeitraum") # result_section1_dict['PROGRESS'] = extract_between(section1_text, "Zielerreichung des Moduls", "Massnahme im Zeitplan") # result_section1_dict['STATUS'] = extract_between(section1_text, "Massnahme im Zeitplan", "Risikoeinschätzung") # result_section1_dict['RECOMMENDATIONS'] = extract_between(section1_text, "Vorschläge zur Modulanpas-", "Voraussichtliche") # return result_section1_dict # def answer_questions(text,language="de"): # # Initialize the zero-shot classification pipeline # model_name = "deepset/gelectra-large-germanquad" # model = AutoModelForQuestionAnswering.from_pretrained(model_name) # tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_name) # # Initialize the QA pipeline # qa_pipeline = pipeline("question-answering", model=model, tokenizer=tokenizer) # questions = [ # "Welches ist das Titel des Moduls?", # "Welches ist das Sektor oder das Kernthema?", # "Welches ist das Land?", # "Zu welchem Program oder EZ-Programm gehort das Projekt?" # #"Welche Durchführungsorganisation aus den 4 Varianten 'giz', 'kfw', 'ptb' und 'bgr' implementiert das Projekt?" # # "In dem Dokument was steht bei Sektor?", # # "In dem Dokument was steht von 'EZ-Programm' bis 'EZ-Programmziel'?", # # "In dem Dokument was steht bei EZ-Programmziel?", # # "In dem Dokument in dem Abschnitt '1. Kurzbeschreibung' was steht bei Modul?", # # "In dem Dokument was steht bei Zielerreichung des Moduls?", # # "In dem Dokument in dem Abschnitt '1. Kurzbeschreibung' was steht bei Maßnahme im Zeitplan?", # # "In dem Dokument was steht bei Vorschläge zur Modulanpassung?", # # "In dem Dokument in dem Abschnitt 'Anlage 1: Wirkungsmatrix des Moduls' was steht unter Laufzeit als erstes Datum?", # # "In dem Dokument in dem Abschnitt 'Anlage 1: Wirkungsmatrix des Moduls' was steht unter Laufzeit als zweites Datum?" # ] # # Iterate over each question and get answers # answers_dict = {} # for question in questions: # result = qa_pipeline(question=question, context=text) # # print(f"Question: {question}") # # print(f"Answer: {result['answer']}\n") # answers_dict[question] = result['answer'] # return answers_dict # def process_pdf(path): # results_dict = {} # results_dict["1. Kurzbeschreibung"] = \ # get_section(path, "1. Kurzbeschreibung", "2. Einordnung des Moduls") # answers = answer_questions(results_dict["1. Kurzbeschreibung"]) # return answers # def get_first_page_text(file_data): # doc = pdfplumber.open(BytesIO(file_data)) # if len(doc.pages): # return doc.pages[0].extract_text() # if __name__ == "__main__": # # Define the Gradio interface # # iface = gr.Interface(fn=process_pdf, # # demo = gr.Interface(fn=process_pdf, # # inputs=gr.File(type="binary", label="Upload PDF"), # # outputs=gr.Textbox(label="Extracted Text"), # # title="PDF Text Extractor", # # description="Upload a PDF file to extract.") # # demo.launch() # demo = gr.Interface(fn=process_pdf, # inputs=gr.File(type="pdf"), # outputs="text, # title="PDF Text Extractor", # description="Upload a PDF file to extract.") # demo.launch() import gradio as gr import pdfplumber from transformers import pipeline from io import BytesIO import re # Initialize the question-answering pipeline with a specific pre-trained model qa_pipeline = pipeline("question-answering", model="deepset/gelectra-large-germanquad") def extract_text_from_pdf(file_obj): """Extracts text from a PDF file.""" text = [] with pdfplumber.open(file_obj) as pdf: for page in pdf.pages: page_text = page.extract_text() if page_text: # Make sure there's text on the page text.append(page_text) return " ".join(text) def answer_questions(context): """Generates answers to predefined questions based on the provided context.""" questions = [ "Welches ist das Titel des Moduls?", "Welches ist das Sektor oder das Kernthema?", "Welches ist das Land?", "Zu welchem Program oder EZ-Programm gehört das Projekt?" ] answers = {q: qa_pipeline(question=q, context=context)['answer'] for q in questions} return answers def process_pdf(file): """Process a PDF file to extract text and then use the text to answer questions.""" # Read the PDF file from Gradio's file input, which is a temporary file path with file as file_path: text = extract_text_from_pdf(BytesIO(file_path.read())) results = answer_questions(text) return "\n".join(f"{q}: {a}" for q, a in results.items()) # Define the Gradio interface iface = gr.Interface( fn=process_pdf, inputs=gr.inputs.File(type="pdf", label="Upload your PDF file"), outputs=gr.outputs.Textbox(label="Extracted Information and Answers"), title="PDF Text Extractor and Question Answerer", description="Upload a PDF file to extract text and answer predefined questions based on the content." ) if __name__ == "__main__": iface.launch()